The Krystar Awakening Transcript

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

Phoenix, April 6-8, 2007 - Disk 1 Hello everybody! (Applause) What a lively group. This sounds like fun! Let me catch my breath. It‟s been one of those three week periods where everything has been a bit crazy transmissionwise. If any of you noticed, there was never a title put out for this workshop. That‟s because they didn‟t tell me what it was supposed to be about until yesterday, when they were starting to give me information. It‟s a security clearance workshop because of things you‟ll understand by the end of this particular workshop. If there are new people in the audience and if this is your first workshop - I would say welcome. If you don‟t know who I am, I‟m Ashayana Deane, and that‟s Az, my husband. We are Speakers 1 and 2. Mac is Speaker 3. We are here to teach the science of ascension, which gets more and more complicated the more we learn, actually. However, this is a mixed group, from what I have been tipped off, a small number of new people, with a larger number of people who have been around and know a lot of the information. If you are new, and you get a little bit lost, please don‟t just abandon ship and feel bad. There are people that can help you catch up on the information and point you in the direction of the things you don‟t understand yet, that might have got you lost, because I am going to try to, as usual, hit an average mean as far as the frequency in the room, and bring the information through in a way that the majority can understand it, to whatever level they are able. So, I can‟t just aim for the newbies and take you through „this is a kathara grid.‟ That‟s what the modules are for. We are in the middle of something that is very very extraordinary, in terms of the drama that has been unfolding progressively on this planet since the year 2000, and really since way before that. The latest block of the drama has been from 2000, when the SAC in this round started. We have gone through a lot - particularly people who have worked with us and been with us from the beginning when we first introduced the work that we are teaching, the Melchizedek Cloister work. We started out with general ascension teachings, and they were actually the best you will find. We don‟t just teach you about this fluff-headed thing called ascension - and like, you say three hail Marys and praise Archangel Michael and you go, which a lot of ascension teachings do, and they are misleading and they are false. We came back as a team. The Indigos came back as a team, as a planetary team. Indigos come in all shapes and sizes from all different countries, all different colors, all different creeds. We came back as an incarnational force, even if we didn‟t remember who we were before we were born here. We came back to bring back the true teachings, once again. They are the Freedom Teachings. And these teachings... if things on this planet, since the year 2000, had gone in a peaceful way... if there weren‟t, say, a resistance to Kristic teachings - and I‟m not saying Christian teachings, because the Christian teachings are just as distorted as any of the other religions on this planet at this point. All of them have a piece of the Kristic teachings. If you think of the word „mystic‟ and you think of the word „Krist‟ put together, you get „Kristic.‟ So, if anybody asks what we are, we say we‟re „Kristics‟ with a „K.‟ K-R-I-S-T-I-C. The Kristic teachings are really the most beautiful teachings in terms of understanding a person‟s relationship to God-Source - your immediate and living relationship to God-Source but also to your planet, to your galaxy, to your universe, to the cosmos. These teachings do not separate science and spirituality. They show you the two live together, and where creation has always embodied both of them - consciousness and energy. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

The teachings, because of the drama on the planet, had to go progressively in a more sophisticated way that technically will lose a lot of people just coming in. We started pretty simple with the 15 dimensional matrix and where your soul was, your avatar, your oversoul, all of those things. Then we very quickly had to go into templar mechanics, which were understanding the stargates on the planet, which are the passage ways out of here. If you want to ascend, you need to be able to use stargates. If you want to be able to use stargates, your DNA has to be capable of doing certain things that organically it would naturally be able to do. We have had to progressively, because this drama has progressed in a not particularly pleasant way on this planet, that we have had to reveal progressively more of what you would refer to collectively as the anti-Kristic force. The anti-Kristic force is a very very old force. It is not as old as the first creation force of the Kristic teachings. However, it has been a problem for a very long time with a very long history attached to it. It is not one face of an anti-Christ that is a person. Just like there is not one face of the true Krist or the true Christ. There are many faces. Just like Jeshua, once upon a time, was one of those faces. There are many faces that have represented collectively the truth of the Krist. What we‟re in the middle of right now, and why we were having to progressively give more and more sophisticated information pertaining to not only your own personal relationship with God, and how to achieve your own ascension. It was essential to bring in the understanding of what ascension really is, in terms of the technicals of stargates and planets, so we could understand what is happening on this planet. What is happening on this planet is not natural and it is not organic. This planet is going into fall. We‟ve talked about this before. We‟ve explained what fall is in relationship to natural Kristic mechanics. We‟ve explained a bit about what a natural Kristic planet would do, and where its north would be, and a few things like that. And how it would have a relationship to its own solar plane, and how this planet does not have that. We‟ve explained - and not willingly. I have not wanted to be the person having to be the face on revealing the information about the Beast black hole technology that was released in Atlantis here. I have not enjoyed this process. It‟s been extremely painful, actually, because if I can‟t teach something that feels good, I don‟t want to teach anything. However, if we did not understand the information that we brought through about what took place in Atlantis, pertaining to the creation of using natural Kristic energies and twisting them in a way that creates anti-Kristic technologies, that create black hole technologies, that cause the fall of planetary systems or galaxies... we have had to release this information, and show how it stands next to the Kristic information. We‟ve shown how the „Fib of No Chi‟ spiral looks, compared to the natural Kristic Spiral. We‟ve shown the secrets of Metatron, which is a big movement in the new age movement, and how that has been actually tricking people into using their natural own body systems, their merkaba fields and their own light body systems, to assist in activating the anti-Kristic black hole mechanics on this planet. It has been a long struggle for the last six years, trying to bring these teachings out. I give a lot of you credit for being there with us, because a lot of you have gone with us all over the place, as we were running around trying to protect grids before the other side could get a hold of them, and then they would come in and take them out from under us. It has not been fun. We‟ve been all over, from Egypt to Peru and all sorts of weird little places, little tiny places like Andorra in between, and we‟ve made progress, or there would be nothing left to talk about at this point. We would be going into a black hole harnessed fall, into what is called the Wesedrak matrix. That is not occurring, which is a good thing. What is occurring is interesting. There has been an event in this progression of what is happening with this Earth, with our galaxy, and with this particular universal Veca system. We have been tracking this for the last two or three years intensively, as far as what are the options left for ascension, what can be done, what do we teach now as far as when the next level of the negativity in the drama popped up... okay... what do we do with that? There is still a way out. The Krist will eventually prevail. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

There has been something that occurred on March 25, 2007. I used to ask a question to the Beloveds. I would say... it used to be, „where did this mess start and where does it end?‟ Well, I got tomes of history to explain where this started, taking it all the way back to the fall of the Bourgha matrix, which is in our parallel Eckasha, 450 billion years ago. That‟s where the V-V game and all this warring and craziness started. But my question of, where does it end? had never been answered. We got an answer to that question. By Sunday you will understand a bit more about what that statement means. It was hard for me when they gave me this information this week, because it was like, „I‟m not going to tell anybody about this. I‟m not talking about this stuff anymore. It‟s just too... you know, where‟s that light at the end of the tunnel that you promised?‟ There is a light at the end of tunnel. It‟s coming sooner than we thought, actually. There are certain lights at the end of tunnels that weren‟t supposed to activate on this planet until 2047, when the place called Urtha was going into Starfire, and this planet was going to be hosted. It was still going to fall, but it would not be fallen and eaten by another black hole matrix. That‟s not happening that way anymore. Something has occurred that put our system into a new status. And it‟s not because of something that happened on the planet. It‟s because of something that happened on the Sun, or in the Sun, more precisely. It was not something that happened by accident either. So, by the end of these two days together, I have a job of ... and it‟s interesting, getting some of you to a point where you understand certain things about what is called the Ra-sha-LAe body. Now, not just people have Ra-sha-LAe bodies, but everything has a Ra-sha-LAe body. Planets, the Sun, solar systems. We‟ve used the term before. We‟ve taught little bits about the Ra-sha-LAe body. But there is something extremely important that we need to understand about its structure, about its context within the domains of creation. We‟ve talked a bit about TakEyon cycles, and key generation cycles. How the first light seed, the Tauren, produces the light body, and it grows from there. There are stages in between there that have to do with what is called the Ra-shallah bodies. There are several layers of Ra-sha-LAe bodies - Ra-sha-LAe, Ra-shaLEa, Ra-shallah and the Ra-sha. There‟s a set of other ones that have to do with the Reishas. These are all words that are completely foreign to most people down here. They used to be words that we knew by heart, before we came to Earth and had our memory banks blanked out. We need to understand a bit about the structure of these bodies. They have to do with the geleziac templates that form the matter planes that we‟re living within. For some people that have been in the Tribes classes - we just finished 12 Tribes one set #3 class. Every one of these 12 Tribes classes, where there are 24 people, and they were pre-registered people who felt interested in it when we put it out. We didn‟t even explain a lot about 12 Tribes classes and what they were, because all we knew is they were Ra sha-LAe body training of some sort. Each class teaches us something more about what that means. We‟ve learned a huge amount of information in the first three classes. Some of this stuff... I was like, wow, that‟s so cool! Some really really neat things. If you were in the firs t, second or third of the classes, particularly the second or third, because that‟s when we started being able to do journeys, you will be familiar with some of the material. In the first one, we were just getting the „bones‟ of the material. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

These classes, even though they are small, and they are more private, they weren‟t meant to hold information away from the big groups. They weren‟t meant to have this inner circle of people who knew all this other stuff, and then people on the outside were only getting the watered down thing. What the Beloveds have always said is what we learn after a set of 12 Tribes classes, like a group of them, the pertinent parts will be introduced to the greater audiences. So what we‟re going to get are some of the information that was contained in the 12 Tribes classes, the first three. The 12 Tribes classes are interesting. We‟re finding out what they are about. There was a call put out in frequency, within those words, within that structure, when they asked us to create the opportunity for the 12 Tribes smaller classes. The groups called the Aquafereion, which have to do with the Aquious matrix, who has been a host for this system for a very very long time... these are the people that reside on Urtha and in other places. They are full Kristics. They put out a call to certain soul groups of people. There was a certain signature in it, that if you had what we call Aquari coding in your DNA template, as an Indigo, or as an Angelic Human, you would get the nudge to... „maybe I should be in one of those 12 Tribes classes.‟ And you would respond to it. Even though there was no detail given. And that‟s how the people ended up in the 12 Tribes classes. Then, the people who said they wanted to go, their names were literally put into a computer lottery system, where they were picked that way. So any influence was directly from the Beloveds. We didn‟t pick who goes in what class. We didn‟t move people around. We just said, put it in the lottery and the Beloveds can move it from there. What we‟re finding out that these classes are about - they have two elements to them. One has to do with something called the Sa'dhi SA'ta journey, and another thing has to do with what is called a Cloud Walkers Master Elemental Command Stand. They have been opening something called the rings. We‟ll learn about the rings and what they are, because of what has been taking place in the small 12 Tribes classes, as each of us in the classes are learning what this is about as we go along. It is the work that these groups of people have done that make available a particular ty pe of journeying to a very special place called the Adashi Temples of Urtha for the masses. We don‟t have to do an elemental stand in the larger groups. We would need an auditorium a lot bigger than this to do that for this many people. Because of the work that was done, even in just the first three of the 12 Tribes classes, something called the Shield of Aquafereion is being activated on this planet, within the Indigo Shield. The Shield of Aquafereion has to do with the Indigo Shield itself, which means all the people that have Indigo coding in their DNA templates in their bodies are helping to hold a host collectively for this planet, because this planet has been damaged to the degree that it cannot activate its Ra-sha-LAe body. In the face of a Starfire event, that is what this system is going through, if the planet couldn‟t hold Ra-sha-LAe activation, it would do space dust return very quickly. We wouldn‟t be here 50 years from now to talk about it, any of us. The host was set a very long time ago with groups of people who are descendants of people who came from Urtha, that were called the Aquafereion races. They were part Earth human, part Cloister, and part of the Aquari lines, or the Aurora lines, beings who live on Urtha, who came from a different matrix completely, in order to salvage this one, because they came knowing that a fall was eminent in this system. They came a long long time ago. We‟ll cover a little bit of the history. We‟ve covered a lot of the history in the 12 Tribes classes. This is history that started 450 billion years ago with the fall of our parallel Eckasha matrix, and how they ended up in the progressive material over the years. All the things that we have learned about in the first layers of history, where the Beast machine in Atlantis, like 9558 BC, that‟s recent. This is all the back to before the First Seeding. Why did Tara fall? Why did Gaia fall? Why did these things happen way back in our history, before the Earth was even down in Density 1. And they all go back to that point of origin, and the matrix is called the Bourgha matrix. We get into who they were and what happened, and how a Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

great experiment they were conducting got out of control and led to the Victim-Victimizer game that has been a plague for three different matrices since that period. This is the end of the game at this point. Something has occurred that for a long time the Beloveds and Kristics of all sorts have been trying to prevent from occurring in relation to our Sun. It‟s not something that we have to be miserable about... it might appear to cloud the events that just took place, but there is a silver lining to that cloud, a Kristic lining to that cloud as well. It means certain things about more rapid activation of the Indigo Shield to hold the host for this planet. It has to do with activation of something called the Aqualene Sun. To understand Aqualene Sun - what in the world is that? - it has to do with something within your own bodies, your Rasha-LAe light body structures, but also within the planetary Ra-sha-LAe bodies. We are going to get to the point where the Indigo Shield, because it can activate collectively the Aqualene Sun within its collective Ra-sha-LAe body, as well as that of the individual‟s, that can trigger an event that is very positive for Earth, even though the Sun is having a problem. Something very special can happen for Earth that has not been possible since 15,400 BC, when certain events took place that stopped a process that is a part of the natural breathing process of this planet. And that is called Prana Exchange. This planet has not been capable of Prana Exchange since 15,400 BC, because of an event called the Fall of Ruta. To understand what these words mean, we need to understand Ra-sha-LAe body anatomy. We will find out what Ruta 15, Urta 14, and Shala 13 are. They are core gates. Where are these core gates and what they have to do with the process called Prana Exchange. What this has to do with the process of being able to activate the Ra-sha-LAe body, what the Ra-sha-LAe body is, and what it allows a living system to do. All of these things are part of what is called the Krist Star Eternal Life Cycle. We have the Starborn Cycle by which creation was set in motion. But what keeps it in motion is the Krist Star Cycle. It is through this process of learning about the Ra-sha-LAe body, and then moving into the levels of the Ra-sha-LAe body - there is one Ra-sha-LAe, but then there‟s a Ra-shaLEa, and a Ra-shallah, and a Rasha, and then there‟s the Rishis. There is a lot here to understand. We will make it as simple as possible. I know we‟ve all had anatomy to the point where our heads are spinning. If you‟ve been with us for a while, „oh, no, more anatomy!‟ There are balls and bones all over the place, „til you can‟t figure ou t what goes where. At least you can remember you have some chakras and an auric fields and all these other balls and bones. Right? This is going to take us into what are called the Dark Matter Geleziac Templates, that all of those outer parts of our light body structures form on. These are the core templates upon which things in the outer domains manifest. When we work with the technologies that we‟re working with now, they are Hub technologies, which means the Inner Domain technologies. They‟re not usually even released out in the Outer Domains as information, because they are not needed. But in a system that is going into fall, in a particular way this system is, we need this knowledge, so we understand what we‟re doing. So we understand when we start to journey, where exactly are we going? Because there is going to be a journey that we need to do. Some of you have done it, if you were in the second or third Tribes class. If you have done it already, you will already have your advisor person and your greeter that you met on your first journey. If you haven‟t journeyed yet, you will get to go and you will meet someone who is of the Aquafereion race, who lives on Urtha, and they will work with you directly, and they will work with you a personal advisor. You will also meet someone called a Bhendi trainer. The Bhendi races are a certain other group that are there directly, Aurora Hub crossover groups. They are not part human. The Aquafereion are part them and part human. You will meet an Aquafereion being that will... it‟s like having an Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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angel on your shoulder, really. You can talk with them about anything. You can go to these temples once you have access, at any time. There‟s a process of going to the Temples of Adashi that are on Urtha. You‟ll see where they are, and if you didn‟t understand Ra-sha-LAe body anatomy, particularly on the planetary level, you wouldn‟t understand where they are in relation to where we are. They are much closer than anybody thinks. Just look up. Yes, there‟s many interesting things happening in Earth‟s atmosphere, at different angular rotation of particle spins that science doesn‟t know about ... some science does, actually. They just don‟t tell us about it. We‟ll learn where the Adashi Temples are. We‟ll learn by the end of tomorrow night... we will do the first Access Key Journey, so everyone can get there. The Access Key Journey wasn‟t something people could do until the 12 Tribes classes, the ones that came before this workshop. They opened the Access to do this, through the stands that they have been doing. Because they were the ones that responded to the call that had a particular Aquari signature to it, which means they had in their DNA templates the descendants to the Aquafereion codes... it were those codes that allowed them the access to open what they call the Rings of the Shield of Aquafereion. That allows us to open certain frequency bands, or planes within the atmosphere of the Earth, some of them down inside the Earth from the core going up to the surface, and others going up from the surface and out to the magnetosphere. There are certain planes that can be opened. When you are able to pass through those planes, you are able to access the physical body of Urtha. We will explain how there can be a physical body of another planet, a star or whatever, around this one. We‟ll explain bits of that, or how that works. Earth has long been a hosting planet. It was hosted into a larger star during the Amenti Rescue Mission when it was first started. So, we‟ll touch on that a little bit, so you‟ll have context, so the rational mind can understand a little bit. When we start to journey, where are we going? Yes, it is a real place. It is a physical place. That‟s what is fascinating. It‟s not just a mental state. But to get there, first we have to learn to be what are called Gliders. And that‟s where we learn to project in our Ra-sha-LAe. The next phase, that hasn‟t started yet, not even with the 12 Tribes classes, are called Sliders. Sliding can‟t occur until something happens on the planet. This has to do with the Peru trip. We‟ll talk a little about that, probably on Sunday. So, right now, we‟re in Glider training mode. We are learning to project and get access into the Adashi Temples, where we can meet our personal greeter, who will become an advisor - and if you don‟t like the person you meet, you can ask for another one. They don‟t take it personally. These are the ones that you can just moan and groan to, if you just need somebody to listen. And they are very sweet and kind, and that kind of thing. They will also, in this journey, the first Access Key Journey, once you get there, they will take you to meet a Bhendi trainer. The trainers are the Aurora race ones. They actually are out of the Aquious matrix, with the parallel adjacent Eckasha, who has been hosting this matrix so it didn‟t fall, ever since the fall of the Bourgha matrix 450 billion years ago. These guys are very very old Kristics. They are here for technicals. They‟re here to help you with technicals things that have to do with understanding your larger contracts, understanding the technicals. Like, your job, whatever your job was that you came here to do in relation to the collective of people that are working the Krist. They will teach you technical things about stargates and about what you need to do with your body. Technical healing things. The Aquafereion people are there to basically help... it‟s kind of like we‟re crawling through the gates going, „help, our planet is falling. Can I have a Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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nervous breakdown yet?‟ You can just kind of cry on their shoulders and then pull yourself together, and they‟ll say, „you feel better now?‟ And they will take you... they will work with your individual issues. If you have a grief issue, or if you have an anger issue, or if you have any issue at all that you‟re trying to fix, or trying to make feel better in yourself, you can talk to these guys, and you will be assigned one. They take their commitment to us. They are, from their perspective, looking at a host wave coming in from a planet that is falling, and a whole bunch of people are going to be evac‟d to their planet. They are making the arrangements - where do you put them, first of all? The radiation level in the atmosphere on Urtha would fry us all instantly in our current biologies. There has to be an intermediary zone, where we can evolve fast, and adapt to the level of Kristic radiation that is in that reality field. There is where something called the Aurora zone comes in. It is an in-between place. The in-between place has to do with what we referred to as the Gyrodome technologies. Once we have basic Ra-shaLAe body structure and that straightened out, and then we see how that applies to the planet, and how that applies to the planet within the star called Urtha, then we can start exploring what all of these things mean. In the meantime, there‟s a whole bunch of new information. This information has all been coming through since right before FOL, January 2007. There‟s not even time to synthesize the graphs properly. Most things I am dealing with look like this - hieroglyphic things. It‟s just a mess. However, some of the graphs that we‟ve been using and building through the 12 Tribes classes, they are enough to give the visual reference to hold the math on the visuals, so you can get an understanding. By the end of this, we‟ll find out, on Sunday - it will be Sunday that we talk about the thing about the Sun - also on Sunday, the light at the end of the tunnel, as well as the dark cloud at the end of the tunnel, will come together. And hopefully the light comes first, because I always like to tell the solution before we look at the problem, because then the problem doesn‟t look so bad. They want me to... alright, alright... they want me to say this tonight. Yeah, alright. (Laughs) They‟re saying, just so they know the significance of what is taking place now. Up until the 25 th of March, there were certain options available for Earth, such as hosted Lonestar fall, where it could possibly fall into a Krist Fall matrix situation, where you couldn‟t ascend out of it, but it was still reformatted as a Kristic structure that would eventually go back spacedust return, but it would have like three billion years left before having to worry about that. That was where we left off. That was changed as of march 25, 2007. It has changed in a way that we‟ll talk about. But the significance of the work that we are doing - and there will be not only the Access Key Journey that will be run on Saturday night, but on Sunday there is going to be a very big exciting thing for the Indigo Shield first, that later will allow something to happen in Peru. If the Aquari weren‟t with us at this point, and if something called the Field of the Aqualene Sun weren‟t being activated in our fields, because of what happened on the 25th of March, within 50 years on this planet, everything would have been fried. The Sun is going through a transition, and that transition has to do with gamma ray bursts. The cycles haven‟t happened yet. Because of the fields that the Indigo Shield here has the capacity to anchor with the help of the ones from Urtha and the Aquious matrix, it can be shielded, where instead of everything being fried within 50 years, there is a period of evolution that is still possible, where things can evolve out of this system. It‟s not just Earth at this point. It‟s the solar system that is affected by the Sun. The Sun has been compromised by the same black hole technologies that we‟ve talked about on Earth, but most of our focus has been trying to prevent activation of those technologies during this Stellar Activation Cycle. We have not been successful in preventing the other side from activating them. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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What has occurred with the Sun put a rush on the whole journey. If the Aqualene Sun field wasn‟t going to be activated early, that would actually been 2047 before Beloveds even worried about activating this field in the Ra-sha-LAe bodies of the Indigos, and also of Earth to the degree that it could hold. If that wouldn‟t happen, the radiation build-up starting with the first pulse that is due sometime in the Spring, and I wouldn‟t doubt if it is around Hetharo of 2008 (May), the first burst would start, and that means solar flare activity at first. But it means, also, something that would be so strong that it would very rapidly make the ozone layer disappear, and it would cause mass destruction on this planet. There would be no life left in 50 years, is what they said. There are things being done to prevent that. We can‟t prevent what has happened already in the core of the Sun. But we can prevent - we can‟t... we can help - we can anchor the prevention for a transmutation screen. Imagine the Sun and imagine if it were going to release bursts of things that were toxic, radiation levels that were toxic to the life on this planet. There is a type of buffer field called the Aqualene Sun. It has to do with Ra-sha-LAe body activation. It can be activated to create a transmutation screen. The radiation will still come to Earth, but much of it will be transmuted off as it passes though this screen. As long as that screen is there, we‟ll have many generations left here. The planet is still falling, but we will still have evolutionary time. Will we have three billion years? No. We‟ll talk about how long is left. It‟s not so much about what‟s happened to Earth. It‟s about what‟s going on with the Sun. We‟ll talk about that part on Sunday. Your generation and your grandchildren and all those, they‟ll be fine, as far as the radiation levels on the planet. The Beloveds would like you to understand that the energy work you are participating in at this point is so significant, that it is making the difference. If we weren‟t here as a collective Indigo Shield of Indigos and humans, that are able to anchor the Aquarian frequencies that come off the Shield of Aquafereion, they would not be able to anchor the Aqualene Sun. If they weren‟t able to do that, there would be no screen to transmute the greatest degree of those bursts that are coming to be coming off the Sun. They have said too that our scientists will notice an even greater increase in solar flare activity by early next year sometime. They will start to see signs of what they were saying is true. But we can at least smile when we see them coming through, because we know they are being transmuted to a degree, where we are not going to be fried. Science will probably get a bit worried when they see strange things happening with the solar emissions. At least we can know that there is a protection field that is part of this. There is also a happy thing at the end of this - at least for some. The fact that we can hold/anchor into the Earth this field that will allow the transmutation frequencies from the Sun, to buffer it to some level, but the Beloveds are holding it on that (the Sun) level. We would anchor it here... They‟re saying we‟ll anchor them both because we‟re actually keyed to the Sun. The Indigo Shields are actually keyed to the Sun as well as to the Earth. So, we are actually helping to hold the solar transmutation field. That will allow for beings of all kinds - be they rising, falling or anywhere in between - on this planet, and any of the kingdoms - plant, animal, humanoid - it will give them a buffer, so these emissions wouldn‟t effect us or them as they otherwise would. But for the people who are actually Krist code... if you are fully metatronicked this won‟t apply to you. But if you still are able to run any of the Krystal Spiral, any of the frequencies we worked with, even on asking for an Adashi Host situation - because when you get to the Adashi Temples, if you are worried that you got metatronicked and you are not sure, you can always say, „you guys can figure it out. Scan me and see if I need something.‟ There is a receiver that you can be given. It‟s not something that gets implanted in you. It‟s something that they will give you to hold and you can do what you want with it. You can anchor it in your field, you can put it in a drawer at home, whatever. It will be an etheric crystal that will allow you, if you‟re worried about metatronic stuff, to be able to receive and transmute that Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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even if you have metatronic codes. It means you will be able to still run the frequencies of the Aqualene Sun on the Krystal River currents, which are the triple Krystal Spiral currents coming from the natural Kristic frequencies. There is an ability even if a person is an incarnate of one of the fallen races. Some people are on the planet. They don‟t usually show up at our workshops. Even those people, that would actually get fried by these frequencies, because their codes... they won‟t be able to transmute hardly any of the gamma ray bursts coming off the Sun. They would have a hard time even transmuting the frequencies coming off the transmutation field of the Aqualene Sun. So, it would expedite the disintegration of the body template for people like that. Because we‟re here and we can access Adashi Temples and ask the Beloveds to assist, as individuals, if you are worried about that, you can ask for one of the receivers that will allow you to anchor Aqualene Sun, and for your body pattern to be able to hold it. The more of us that do that, the more that will be grounded here, so it will buffer the other people who never do a technique from us, like the metatronic crew out there, but it will assist them and will slow the process of having negative effects from both the solar emissions and the emissions that will come from the Aqualene Sun. Both are radiation frequencies that are coming in. The one is radiation that is here to help us by transmuting the other radiation that would just wipe all of us out on this planet. [0:37:14] The Aqualene Sun frequencies have a special gift. For those who can run Krist, they give a huge burst of cellular template regeneration. So, we have an ability to use these frequencies. They haven‟t said how yet. It‟s just a matter of getting them here first. Once the Aqualene Sun fields are activated on this planet, we will have the ability to work with certain technologies that very quickly assist in healing what they‟re calling the cellular template. They said for some people, it will mean being able to heal certain things that have been bothering them biologically. Not everybody will be able to instantly cure themselves of whatever. It will give you a boost. It will give us all a boost that can really assist in not only transmuting things that are the symptoms of the genetic mutation that everything on this planet carries, but for some people they will actually be able to transmute the entire mutation. Which means, they will not only be able to be gliders and then sliders, where they can slide through into the intermediary Aurora zone between Earth and Urtha, but some of them will be able to be full Spanners, which means they will be able to walk through. That will be really really neat. You can‟t walk through onto Urtha with the current biology the mutation holds. The template is so small and twisted with these mutations, it wouldn‟t be able to process the natural Kristic frequencies that are the natural light field of surface level Urtha. [0:39:35] There are a lot of gifts, actually. There‟s more to it than this. What we‟re here to do this weekend is a continuation of what we started in the 12 Tribes third class. We anchored something called the AnshatAsa Passage. I will explain more of what it is when I have the maps up. This is a frequency beam that comes directly from what is called the Aquious matrix, which is where the Aquari exist, in the parallel adjacent Eckasha to ours. They are the ones that have been holding the Krystal River Host with our matrix and the WesalA matrix, which is what the Wesa matrix was before its vecas fell. The AnshatAsa Passage is from the Hub level of that matrix. We‟ve talked before about the inner Hub domains and the middle Edon domains and the outer Radon domains. We are in the outer domains in our system here. We have, in our system, something called the HaatUr Hubs. The Hub domains are where the HaatUr races are. They work with us and there is also a Hub for every Eckasha matrix. It will have its Hub domain and its middle domain. The Hub level, the inner level, of the Aquious matrix are involved at this point. They have opened a link between their Hub, our Hub, and their outer ones to our outer ones. They are creating a literal open flow host. This is key - it was key to getting us through Urtha going into Starfire. Earth can‟t Starfire, but Urtha is going to. Which means it is going to POP off and disappear and leave Earth hanging there. And if Earth doesn‟t have something to support it, it is going to tumble into black hole fall into one of the other black holes. That was already solved, because the AnshatAsa Passage was going to be anchored in 2047. Actually, we were going to anchor it in Peru, and it was going to Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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be dormant until 2047. Then we were going to open it, which would allow for this full host. It would allow for the activation of the Aqualene Sun fields in the Ra-sha-LAe body levels of the people on this planet that can hold those frequencies, which are the Indigos and the angelic humans with Aquafereion codes, but also within the Urtha system. It allows for the creation of the Aurora Zone. [0:41:18] The Aurora Zone ... when we talked about the Gyrodome technology before, it is a technology that allows for a host domain to be created, that looks like this one, sort of, and looks like Urtha, sort of. It‟s kind of a blend of the two places. There will be times when, for example, you can be driving on a road, and all of a sudden, in seconds, you just went like 10 exits. How did I do that? You passed through a little bit of these zones. There‟s also other zones that can do that are not good ones. But the Aurora Zone, once it is activated, and that has to do with first anchoring the An-sha-tA-sa Passage, then opening the An-sha-tA-sa Passage, and then taking that opening to Peru and creating, for the first time since 15400 BC, Prana Exchange with the core gates of this planet. [0:42:08] This is the process we‟re involved. What this particular group is going to be given the technologies for, is first of all, you will be able to go on the journey that is called the Access Key journey, and again, if you‟re new here and it makes you nervous, you don‟t have to participate in anything. It‟s never mandatory. If you‟ve done this journey before, from being in one of the Tribes classes, there will be a certain point for each of you, that, follow the journey just like you did the firs t time... there will be a certain point where your advisor kind of taps you on the shoulder and nudges you and says, „hello, come over this way. I want to show you something else.‟ They will take you individually to things that have to do directly with you personally, into a place called the library. You‟ll get to the Adashi Temple, but then you will be taken, if you‟ve already been here once, you will be taken - escorted, not taken - to the library. Not abducted to the library (laughs). If you don‟t want to go, just say you don‟t want to go. You just sit there in the greeting room, the first place you end up when you take these journeys. For the people who have been there once already, your advisor, if you would like to go, will give you an individual nudge at one point as you‟re listening ... this has to be the tape... it has to be the first time the journey was run, because it carries the carrier wave that carries the Access Keys. That‟s why everybody has to use that one (recording of journey) that we recorded. There will be opportunities for the other people. If you haven‟t done the journey before, it‟s important to follow the journey and follow it through. You‟re picking up a whole set of frequencies in your Ra-sha-LAe body, that actually opens tracks that are already in your Ra-sha-LAe bodies. You already have them. But the process of moving through these journeys - this isn‟t just a nice little sight-seeing tour. It‟s the mathematical pattern, the encryption, that literally is a bridge zone between your encryption of biology and Ra-sha-LAe now, here, and the place you want to go, which is an Adashi Temple. So, these journeys - when they say turn left... turn left, don‟t turn right. Every one of these things has to do with the maps. The maps, which we call the vertical Starfire maps, that start at Earth‟s core and go way up through the atmosphere, and show you where Urtha is, and show you where various different levels of planes are, including the subterranean temples, the cloud cities - there are all sorts of things happening up there. Some people get glimpses every once in a while of the cloud cities. Where you are looking at the clouds and thinking, it looks really strange. You could have sworn you saw like buildings, or it looked like a city from a distance. They see them in China frequently, from what I‟ve heard, in the last couple of years, and the government just tries to call them mirages. Yes, they‟re all hallucinating. They are not really there. They‟re just reflections! Why did that city not look like the other one? If that‟s a reflection, why didn‟t it look like the one it was supposed to be reflecting? Right? „I know that the Empire State Building was not in that cloud, but it is here, so that can‟t be a reflection.‟ [0:45:27] Anyway... there are weird phenomena taking place on the planet already that are being given really lame labels to try to explain them away. There are things called cloud cities. They have a specific place in terms of planes that exist within our atmosphere, that have to do with the structure of the planetary Ra-sha-LAe body. So, we‟ll learn about that and we‟ll Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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learn about the vertical maps. It‟s getting to the point where you understand the vertical maps enough to see how that works... when you do your glide projection, when you learn to be a glider, you will know where you are going, because you are not just going to some hypothetical place in your mind. You‟re going to a very specific location up in the atmosphere, and then turning in a certain way. That‟s why the turns are important. If it says right, go right. We don‟t want to lose you left some place. You might fall into a hibernation zones. There are zones up there that are not nice too, that have to do with a distortion in the planetary Ra-sha-LAe body that has taken place progressively through the use of the Beast machine and also the Threshold technologies. The Threshold technologies and the Beast machine, as we refer them, are the anti-Kristic black hole technologies. But they are not the same technology. They are two different technologies that were linked together. One came from a time rip technology that is very different than the more organized time warps and the... what are those things called?... the rips are the unstable ones... that‟s the one I am looking for - wormhole technology. Wormhole technologies go with the metatronic type of technologies. And, yes, they are anti-Kristic, but they are much more stable. There is another type of technology that was developed a different group, and they were actually developed first. They are built on time rips, which are like making rips instead of holes, and the rips are much more unstable. From that, the Threshold technologies came and there was a certain point in the history of our matrix and the Borgha matrix that fell, that those two technologies were linked together to create a megabeast basically, and what we‟re dealing with on the planet right now is the fact that the megabeast has been activated and that is why the end game is here as far as …a long time ago 450 billion years ago, and that‟s way before the Fall of Tara happened, where the earth plane and the solar system here was created. [0:47:55] That point in time was where the Krystal River cooperative was formed with the Aquious matrix at the lead. The Aquious matrix was close enough to the Borgha matrix that just fell, and to the two matrices they were attacking, but far enough away that they couldn‟t get attacked, so they could hold a host. And they could have ended it then, but if they did both… everything in our matrix that had already been pierced- our Ecka had been pierced by their time rip technology, it would have taken out all the life field out at that point in ours as well. It would have put us all in quarantine and we would have all gone back as space dust with the Borgha matrix, so there was a decision a long long time ago 450 BYA to do a very long host, first of all to be given a chance for this Ecka to heal. There were different life fields here, there were Guardians that tried to assist in this process. All of the fall situations that occurred from the Fall of Lyra 250 BYA in this matrix, all of those convolutions came from the problem started with the victim/victimizer game that was started in the parallel eckasha ecka Borgha matrix that fell. We are at the end game now because now is the point in time where they‟re calling it the Last Stand of Aurora, and this is where the Aurora races come in again and put up a protection field. This was the last thing they could have done. They couldn‟t have done this a long time ago. What the protection field does- its already begun, its not something we do, we don‟t have any guilt attached to this one. On March 15 2007, there was a Stand Down order issued by the Krystal River Councils, which are the three different eckashas running the Krist, that warned the Borgha to stop, they were going to do one more thing. They had one more line of attack to get a hold of the Templar here because they were trying to attack Earth to get a hold of Urtha, in order to get a hold of the Sun to get a hold of Sala so they can take the whole matrix in their black hole system for quantum food. When you‟re in a black hole system you need to feed it, or eventually it goes to space dust return. So, they have been trying for a long time to ingest or assimilate this matrix. They had one more trick up their sleeve, as far as the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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technologies they‟ve been using. It‟s called the Borgha time rip triangulation. They were warned not to use it, because if they used it, if they did what the Beloveds saw they were aiming to do as far as what they were going to throw into this system, they (the Beloveds) had no choice but to put up the buffer screens early. Those buffer screens would be activated with the Gyrodome early, activating the full Aurora fields early, and opening the AnshatAsa Passage in order to anchor the Aqualene Sun, so this matrix didn‟t get dragged right in. They were warned to stand down - stop it already. We don‟t want to do this, because if we do this, if the Beloveds do this to protect this system, which they have every right to do, and if they didn‟t love us they wouldn‟t bother. But because they care and there‟s people here who have worked so hard for so many incarnations to try to save this matrix, as part of the Krystal River team, they are not going to just abandon us now. Plus, the Earth body itself made a decision. It does not want to be assimilated. It would choose space dust return before it would allow itself to be used and abused, and turned into a place where horrible things, more horrible things, could happen to other life forms. And that‟s what its destiny would be if it were assimilated into the Borgha matrix. They told them to stand down. If they had done a stand down when they were asked on March 15, the Sun wouldn‟t be having the problem it is having right now, and they wouldn‟t be having the problem they‟re having right now. When they activated the first layers of the Aqualene Sun, for protection here, to stop the Borgha from doing the last big thing, which would have caused the same thing that happened in the Sun to happen in the planetary core, and we would have all been stuck here. Nothing would have gotten out. If they had listened, they wouldn‟t be in the process of having what they threw, and once they throw it, it can‟t release. It has to circulate. Now it hits a buffer field, and it bends back, and it goes right back to its source. They have one wave of coming out of frequencies, and another wave going back. They have a particle/anti-particle wave collision taking place in their matrix. They are finding out what fast space dust means. They set it in motion. It wasn‟t because the Aqualene Sun was done here. That had to be done here or we would have all been dragged into there. Excuse me, what are you supposed to say? “Okay, you can go eat that nice Kristic matrix too, or, that‟s okay, you can take out those people that are trying to do the right thing, just because you‟re being really really bad and you have a bad attitude, and you were asked to stand down and asked not to throw that frequency. Why? because we didn‟t want to have to put up the buffer screen. But we will, because we have a commitment to those Kristics that we will put up the buffer screen. And if your frequencies hit the buffer screen, it‟s going to come back and hit you in the face.” And they told them this. Basically... well, I don‟t know what words they used in their language, but it was the equivalent of the middle finger. (Laughter) So, at the moment, from what I hear, the Borgha matrix people are trying to find what matrix they can hop into, because theirs isn‟t going to be there for very long. They are aiming for this one, but they are having problems with that, because what they threw caused certain conditions to occur on the Sun that we will talk about, having to do with the gamma bursts that are coming that are going to be transmuted enough so we can all still live and breathe here. The drama escalated one more time, as of the 15th of March. There was a round of really wacky - there was a period between the 15th of March, right through our 12 Tribes 3 class, going up to about the 23 rd of March, when the energy that was flying in the astral was awful. I don‟t know if any of you experienced it... (confirmation from audience)... but it was just like, I wanted to jump out of my own body. I couldn‟t stand the frequencies running. There was a bit of a play that was made on the people that are known as the Golden Dragon groups on the planet. The Golden Dragons are ones who are of the Aquafereion descent. They are Indigos of the Aquafereion descent, who carry the antidote to Dragon codes, but the gold ones are particularly keyed to one of the core gates called Urta. They went after Urta and tried to activate it on full reversal, which would have allowed them to take over the bodies on the entire planet of everything that had Gold Dragon coding. They made a big play for the Golds. They went for Urta first because Urta had been compromised a long time ago, but it was dormant. The Gold Dragons are the key to bringing Urta back, as far as getting it functional again. They were aiming for first the Golds, and then the ones that are connected to Ruta, which are the Purple Dragons. They carry the core codes ... these are the core gates of the planet. They link our planet to Urtha. Both of those, Urta and Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Ruta, had been compromised at different periods in our not too distant history, that we‟ll touch on a little bit, so you‟ll s ee what happened and when. The only one of the three core gates that hadn‟t been fully compromised was Shala 13. The core levels of that, the inner seven layers of that gate, out of the 15 layers that a gate would have (12 + 3), had remained under the Urtha Aquafereion and Bhendi Aurora races control and protection. That is why we come here. Shala 13 links directly into what‟s called ShAlon 7, which is kind of like its cover name, but this area is connected to the Arc 7 gate in Mesa, but it‟s not just located at Mesa. It‟s much larger, the area. It encompasses this particular area of Phoenix, a little bit of Scottsdale, a little bit of Mesa, a little bit of Tempe, all of that. We come here because it is the one set of safe grids that have been on the planet, and it is through this place, that was called the womb of Aquari, because this is where the Aquari races, the Aquafereion races that were part Aquari and part Angelic Human and Angelic Human Cloister, that were brought from here to Urtha in order to create a race strain that could be the full guardians... when the human race had become so compromised by the raids after Atlantis, there was a bioregenesis attempt made, and that attempt has worked because we are still here, and we wouldn‟t have heard the call and the 12 Tribes never would have showed up, and we‟d all be not in a very pleasant place. This was known as the Womb of Aquari. It was where Shala 13 was, and it was through the Shala 13 gate that they could still bring anybody between Earth and Urtha and into the Aurora Zones. From this place, we are able to activate the Indigo Shield on the Aquari codes, that will allow us to run the protection fields of the Aqualene Sun. Then, we will be able to take that to planetary SG 5, which is Peru, but it is more than just that. There‟s a direct connection. They haven‟t revealed what it is yet. Why the Gyrodome gets activated in Peru, Macchu Picchu. I‟m not sure why. But it‟s directly connected to Shala 13 as well. So, from what we are doing here, the people who are going to Peru with us will be able to finish that there. That will allow the Slider Zones to open. So, as we learn to begin the process of doing the glides to the Adashi Temples, which are the projections using Ra-sha-LAe body but your physical body is fully still here. Once the Slide Zones open, certain things happen in the planetary Ra-sha-LAe body, because they will happen first in the Indigo collective Ra-sha-LAe body. That will allow the planetary Ra-sha-LAe body to follow suit, so it can have a host - the Indigos are hosting the Ra-sha-LAe body activation of the planet at this point. Once the Slider Zones are open, and certain fields come together, it creates an area that is physical - a 3D place, just like this is a 3D place, just like Urtha is a 3D place - a 3D in between place, where you can literally be driving down the road, here, in this area, this 3D Earth, and pass through one of the - I don‟t even know what they call them. They‟re not exactly gates. They are more like valves that circulate on occasion, because the Gyrodome spins. You can drive through and end up there in a completely different place that is a safe zone, where you would find different people, and some people from here, some people not from here. We will meet our greeting committees that will explain to us what‟s the next level in ascending off a planet that is in this state. So, we‟ll be able to begin training as Gliders, and then upscale that to Sliders. We will start having Slide experiences. Slide in slide out slide in slide out. Some of them will first appear as like time distortions, or missing time, or deja vu - wait a minute, wasn‟t I here before? No, they just put you back a little bit before where they picked you up from. It‟s the next stage. The stage after that, once the Slider fields are open, which are called the Aurora fields, then there will be the ability to work... the personal work that people who participate in these... you will be doing with your own personal ones, and it will be ones that know you from Urtha. Everybody here has family there. That family will work with you to help you understand your position here. And they will help you understand what you need to do and how you can use the AS technologies to heal the DNA to the point where you can... some of us will make it and some of us won‟t make it as Spanners, who can actually walk through these zones, and turn up on the surface of Urtha, and have a life there, and walk back through. Once you get that far, you can‟t just leave everybody sitting here. If they help you to get that far, they would expect you to be part of teams that would come back and assist others in gliding or sliding, or whatever their highest potential of Kristic evolution is. There‟s also going to be a period of time where Indigos and descendants of Indigos here will be holding the host for this planet to get as much of the life field evolved out of it and off of it before Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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certain things happen in the solar system. There‟s commissions that some Indigos will accept. Some already have. It will be things they will talk to you about. Larger things. Bigger things. But this isn‟t a short term thing. This isn‟t like, „Oh shucks, we don‟t get out of here by 2014 with an early Starfire, do we? No.‟ Because when it started to come through, that was a potentiality before the drama got worse and worse. That looked really appealing, actually. Great, Starfire. You get to the point where, „well, if Earth can‟t make Starfire, that‟s too bad, and it‟s a shame we can‟t do anything about it, but let‟s go while we can. Get us out of here. Please.‟ No. We‟re not getting out that fast. It would probably feel really bad if we did, and then found that like the planet exploded when it didn‟t have to, because all the Indigos ran. You‟d feel really bad if you got up there and then you‟d probably do something really dumb like enter another fall system to try to make yourself feel better, and get it right that time. No. (Audience - Nooooooooooooooooooooo) No, this is the last time, I think, for all of us. So, we have a very interesting weekend unfolding. I have some of the diagrams that we‟ve been using progressively. They are not done. They‟re scratchy but they are enough to get the points across. They want me to use them in a different order than I do in the 12 Tribes classes. So, you can understand Ra-sha-LAe body. There‟s a few that I think they are going to throw at me when I get back up there tonight, that I can start doing and realize that it takes three weeks to do that level of detail, and say, „alright, what is the quick version?‟ We will get enough of the information together in a sequence, where, by the end of this, you should be able to understand enough about what Ra-sha-LAe body is, in terms of the dark matter templates that control the templates of matter, and what that has to do with keys, and cycling, and breathing of matter forms, and planets and yourself. They say the highlight of the techniques that we will do during this workshop, the journey is one, but the highlight will be on Sunday evening, and it has to do with the Indigo Shield for the first time since it‟s been on the planet, since 15,400 BC. The Indigo Shield will engage its first Prana Exchange. This is really significant. To understand why it is significant, it might help to understand what the heck is a Prana Exchange. It has to do with core breathing. It has to do with something that has not been possible here on this planet since 15,400 BC, when the core gate called Ruta went into reversal, with a lot of help from not-our-friends. Yeah. The Indigo Shield, because of its link to the Aquafereion races, and because the Indigo Shield has members of it that are Aquafereion descent, they have part of the codes in their DNA template that go with the core Prana Seed of Urtha. Not Earth, but Urtha. So, Indigos - if Urtha begins its Prana Exchange cycle, which it is beginning, the Indigo Shield is capable next of engaging Prana Exchange through Urtha. It is a hosted Prana Exchange. Then, once that happens, once we get to Peru, with people who are actively Prana Exchanging in their cores, we can do the same - give a hosted Prana Exchange capacity to Earth. Which means Earth can temporarily breathe again. It‟s kind of like putting Earth on a respirator. It was made possible because of the AnshatAsa Passage coming from the Aquious Matrix Hub. That host coming through the Hubs will allow, if the Indigo Shield here can get its Prana Exchange going - and you‟ll see what that is by the time we get to the exercise to do it - we can get the core gates of Earth to do that temporarily, to allow for a host, but it will be connected to our Hub through the AnshatAsa Hub, in order to allow it to breathe, which means cycle, which means that Earth will be able to temporarily, while we‟re here, activate its own Ra-sha-LAe body. Because we are hosting it, because Urtha is hosting us. That will get us at least through the 2047-2051 period of Urtha‟s Starfire, but it will take us beyond that too. So, this is the beginning of something very very big. I thank all of you for being here with us, and for keeping up the pace with us, because this work has not been easy for any of us. It would have been much easier to teach about angels coming to get you after you leave your body, and leave it at that. Sometimes... never mind. Sometimes you get what you pay for. Most people that follow this work are into it and keep wanting to know the next upgrade, and what‟s the next level. I don‟t like to use the word „follow,‟ because none of Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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us are followers here. We‟re all leaders trying to remember the way home. The people who have stayed with the work, and the upgrades and the information have put a lot of energy and a lot of time and a lot of money into having the information, so they could do the activations with their own bodies, and that‟s a lot of commitment. It takes a lot more, I guess, than just going some place and having somebody pat you on the head, and say, “there, you are ordained, and the angels will take you now, so you don‟t have to worry about anything. Go back to your life. If you do sins, just confess them on Sundays and you‟re okay.” You get what you pay for in that regard. These are the real teachings. I know that. We know that, or we wouldn‟t be able to teach them. We wouldn‟t be able to stand as the three Speakers, as the faces that are put on this time around, the translation of the teachings, if we didn‟t know they were true. So, if it seems a little difficult, if sometimes the technicals are enough to make you fall asleep three seconds after you start looking at them, that‟s okay. A lot of people have that experience at first. Sometimes for years. (Laughter) If you‟re new, and you‟re not used to the frequencies running, you may find yourself falling asleep, like you‟re going into a coma. It means your DNA is on frequency saturation. But that‟s okay. You can let yourself drift. You can let yourself even go to sleep. We‟ve had snoring workshops before, where most of the people were asleep. You can hear them on the tape. (laughter) Your consciousness transfers into the astral level, into the astral field. It actually goes... it‟s more than the astral. It goes into a Ra-sha-LAe state. You‟ll pick up the information there. So, it‟s like you‟re listening from a higher level, because your body kind of said, “no, can‟t take any more frequency,” so you jump out of body in order to get the rest, and you‟ll bring it back in when you wake up. But it will take a while for it to sequence into knowledge or memory, but you will still have the frequency of the knowledge with you, so if you feel like you need to fall asleep during the workshop, we don‟t take it personally. We‟re used to it. Az said just be gentle with the base tones. (Laughter) A snoring symphony. It‟s really funny, actually. They find it very sweet. I guess I can appreciate it, maybe more than anybody, what that means. As the information is revealing higher and higher frequencies, now coming from three different matrices on the Krystal River line, and now we‟re coming with the Hub line from the Aquious matrix being added to that. These frequencies are massive. My little template, and I have a lot of extra bits from the template to hold the Blue Flame position. The Flameholders have those in order to anchor the larger currents for the group. I am fried. It took me six months to process the HaatUr line, where it didn‟t make me ill to run it. Where I had to sit and I could take down a half a paragraph and then crash. And I would be in a ball, rolled up in a blanket under the table. I learned to keep a blanket and a pillow under the table, and my notebook. It took me about six months before it was real easy, and the HaatUr line came real easy. That was from the Hubs here. They just put us on line, right before Christmas actually, with the Krystal River , the Trimatrix. There‟s three Eckasha matrices‟ Krystal Spiral. That was quite an upgrade. Fortunately, they weren‟t talking to me in that way. They were still stepping down through ones from Urtha that I was used to communicating with. So I could deal with that, now, that they‟ve got the other line coming in as well, where they‟ve amped the frequency with the Hub from the Aquious matrix, it‟s the up and down deal again. This is why things look like this. I‟ll get like three sentences down, and I feel like I‟m going to explode. The heat from the wave is so hot. I just have to lie the body down and go out, and process it out there, and then step it down and bring it back through, wake up, try to do another block. So, people who fall asleep in workshops, I understand what it means to have to go out of body to deal with the frequency of the information. It is endearing. It‟s like realizing we‟re capable of so much more. It‟s just our bodies sometimes limit us. But if we‟re patient with them, that stretches. So, what might have put you to sleep like 10 minutes through a technique, when you first started, you might get 20 minutes through the technique in three months. By the end of the year, you might be able to stay awake through the whole technique! And then, by the year after that, it‟s simple. Yeah, you can do it in your sleep and you‟re doing shorthand on it. It‟s showing you that your template is expanding. Your consciousness is expanding. Your ability to hold frequency is expanding. So, for anybody that needs to fall asleep while we go through things, don‟t worry about it. If you think you might, just hopefully you can nudge your neighbor and say, “if I fall asleep, don‟t let me fall off my chair please.” Keep an eye on the snoring neighbors, just so they don‟t fall off their chairs. To Az: What time are we doing what tomorrow? There‟s a whole bunch of stuff scheduled before I‟m doing my thing. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

Mac is going to announce changes in what has already been talked about that I don‟t know about. The things that were scheduled before we were going to come on, that, I guess, is being pushed forward a bit, because we needed more time, as far as our time on. Az is going to come in and run what‟s called the pre-activation sequence. There is a sequence of techniques that need to be done once before a person can go on any of the journeys. It activates certain things in your Ra-sha-LAe body and in your DNA template that allows your body to let your mind go there. It frees your Ra-sha-LAe body so you can do Ra-sha-LAe projection. That will be done between like 2:00 and 2:45. Before 3:00. From 3:00 to 6:00, I‟m coming in. Then we start with technicals. That‟s graphs and that stuff, and that‟s where we will deal with Ra-sha-LAe body and understanding that basic structure. Then we‟ll do the dinner break. We‟ll be back here at 8:00. Then from 8:00 to 10:00, two more hours of technicals, and we‟ll get into planetary Ra-sha-LAe at that point, because before you do this journey, you need to understand the vertical maps, and all those things before that, you need to understand to understand the vertical maps. Then, between 10:00 and 11:45, we will run the journey. That journey is long. It‟s like an hour and 45 minutes long. It is a journey. These aren‟t little meditation things - take a trip to the temple across the street. (Laughter) This is just the Access Key Journey. This particular one is important, because in listening to it from the original transmission, there is a wave that is in there that they ran through the first time it was given, which was during the 12 Tribes 2 class. It was the first time that could open. It carries the opening frequencies. There is going to be a whole series of journeys, going through the Adashi Temples, where you can do all sorts of neat stuff. Every 12 Tribes class will be getting a journey. We had 1 and 2. They are not releasing 2 yet. I don‟t know why. I think they are going to shift them a bit for the bigger groups, because the 12 Tribes journeys have been keyed toward opening those gates/rings. Once they are open in the smaller 12 Tribes classes, then it is just a matter of getting yourself through them, so you‟re not doing heavy duty planetary work at the time that you‟re trying to go through. So, I‟m not sure if from journey 2 all the way up through 12 - because by the end of the 12th 12 Tribes class, we will have 12 journeys. I think they are going to put them in easy access form, where they will be more fun and enjoyable for everybody, but still hold all the important things that were done in the live ones. These are coming through live in the 12 Tribes classes. That means, I show up, and it goes, and I never know how long it is going to be. The first one, they said, is important, for everybody to be able to carry that carrier wave that was released when the first opening of what‟s called Ring 1 occurred. So, that will be done at the end of tomorrow night. You can come back from the journey... we‟ll let you go to bed - so it‟s not going to be one of those where you‟re up until seven in the morning. So tomorrow looks pretty good. We‟re trying to work with this. Can‟t we have normal workshops? “We‟re trying.” Yeah, we‟re trying too. Anybody that‟s new, we don‟t mean to have that happen with workshops. But all of the information that comes through is live. We are working with the Beloveds on when certain activations have to take place, as far as what is happening in the planetary grids, and in the Urtha grids. So, we have wacky hours sometimes. Tomorrow I am hoping that we have whatever Mac is going to tell you about before the fact, as far as the change in schedule from what you know about that I don‟t know about, and then the 3:00 until 6:00, and then 6:00 to 8:00 dinner, and then 8:00 til 10:00 more technicals, and 10:00 til 12:00, the journey. So, that looks like the schedule for tomorrow, so at 12:00 you can finish your journey, go back to your room, or whatever you do, and you can go back to the Temple. Once you meet your greeter, who is also your advisor, you can then when you go to sleep... every time I go to sleep now, every time I go down to Sadhi, I instantly go off in there - „alright, I‟m back. Ouch, frequency hurts. What do I do?‟ And they are actually taking me to different rooms that are in the Adashi 7 Temple, to help heal the frequency, where I feel better and my body feels better here, because they took me there. So, it‟s like once you get through, once you‟ve got your access, a whole new world opens up, and this is just the beginning of it. So, that‟s tomorrow‟s schedule. I‟ll hand this over to Mac now, so she can let you know about whatever it is that‟s happening earlier. A number of different things? What are they, modules? I don‟t know what‟s going on. You will see Az at 2:00, you‟ll see me at 3:00, and you‟ll see Mac before that. [2:15:06] Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

Hello everybody, thank you for your patience. Once again we were getting some new graphs in for the end of the sequence so they had to be done before..because they were supposed to be given before the break. So, that‟s why we are a little bit late. At the end of the sequence you will see quite a bit about understanding the structure of the Ra -shaLAe body. There‟s a few reasons why it is so important to understand the structure of the Ra-sha bodies, as we call them, because there‟s not just a Ra-sha-LAe body. There‟s a Ra-shalE body, a Ra-shala body and a Ra-shaA body, as well as a Rishalae, a RishalE body, and a Rishala body. So, the reason it‟s so important to understand at least the basic structure of these, is because it‟s not just parts of your own anatomy or parts of cosmic anatomy, but they are also the key to understanding the vertical Starfire maps, as far as when you look down, if you could see at Earth‟s core what‟s really down there, and if you look up into the atmosphere, what‟s really up there. Before dinner, we will get through to the point where you understand the basic structure and function of the Ra -sha bodies, and also how they pertain to the Starborn sequence, which was how first creation was set in motion from the first partiki. We‟re not going to spend a lot of time on that, but I‟m going to show you how it links, how key generation cycles that end up with the formation of the seed atom. Something else happens after a seed atom forms, that‟s where we get into understanding not just the Starborn first creation cycles, but what‟s called the Krist Star Eternal Creation Cycles. We will move through a few sets of information, some of which you‟ve seen, probably not in this order. If you‟ve been in any of the 12 Tribes classes, you‟ll see some of this, but the new graphs that are at the end, that actually help to bring the pieces together, are the key to understanding where from the first partiki and all of that goes, to get to the point where you have the Ra-sha bodies. When we come back from dinner, we will go through the sequence of graphs that were given, and they‟re still scratchy, but they are clear enough to get the gist, that we were given in the 12 Tribes classes, that show the Ra-sha bodies of the planet, in relation to the levels of the atmosphere or levels of the Earth down below our feet, down to the core. It is through that we‟ll begin to understand where are the hidden doorways. Where are the etheric doorways, where are the physical doorways, where are doorways in the clouds, where are doorways in the mantle. There are all sorts of things we understand, once we understand Ra-sha-LAe and then apply it to planetary and solar Ra-sha-LAe. So, we‟re starting out with the structure of Ra-sha-LAe. And it‟s all built on the kathara grid, which is the precisely proportioned kathara grid template. We won‟t go over all of this right now. This has been shown in a lot of different workshops. It simply reminds you that it all starts with the core encryption, or the Krist encryption of the kathara grid template, the 12 points, and the specific relationships between them, where you have a square here, and the squares link up here at one point, and the squares link down here at another point, and gives you precise geometrical relationships, which are the mathematical formulas upon which all the expansion takes place from the first partiki onward. So, it‟s all built on this - the kathara grid.

[D1 C10 2:17:49] Kathara Grid

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Next one please.

[D1 C10 2:18:18] Stairway to Heaven of the Eukatharista Body

I‟m going to go fast with some of these things that have been handled in other workshops. So, for new people - that‟s not too many new people, so if you get a little bit lost, just realize you will see some of this in the other modules and in some of the previous workshops. This is just to remind you that the kathara grid forms - you have embedded and interlocked kathara grids that form a structure of what‟s called the Stairway to Heaven. If we are down here in our little Density 1 system, we have our 12 stargates, our universal stargates.

[D1 C10 2:18:45] Our Veca

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

We are down here in this little Density 1 system. The process of ascending, going upward, when you can ascend through radial body ascension alone, the long way home, where you have to ascend all the way up from Density 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and to the center point, which is called the Ecka point. From there, from the Ecka realms, you have a chance to decide whether you want to keep going upward on the outer domains, or whether you want to go inward into the middle Edon domains, or the inner Hub domains, or the Adons, or all the way back to Source. The first 12 dimensions of our 15 dimensional time matrix - we‟re down here in Density 1 with D1, 2 and 3 - if we weren‟t having the problems in our Ecka/Veca system - this whole Ecka/Veca system is actually falling into black hole status at this point. So, our Veca quadrant is falling. Our Veca quadrant - the parallel one has actually already fallen - and the Ecka core is falling. This is part of a larger structure called the Eckasha level. The Eckasha level of the structures are what at this point... the Eckashas can‟t fall. Only the Eckas and Vecas within them can fall into black hole status. They go home to Source too, but as spacedust, or partiki units, and on an „in-current‟ or an inhale of Source, that has to do with the currents that come out and in. They will go back as undifferentiated units of he consciousness of God. We are drawing strength from the Eckasha levels, at this point, of the cosmic matrix. Here, we have our four Vecas - this is the PCM Veca. The PCM Veca is falling. We‟re down here in Density 1. Density 1 system has the ability, because it plugs into something else called the Ethos templates, that we‟ll see a little bit of later, has the ability to enter something that is called Starfire. So, here, we have USG-3, which is Urtha, with Earth hosting in the center of it. Here we have USG-4, which is Sala, and our Sun, Sol, is hosting through it, but not completely centered on it. It is half and half in. That‟s why Sol has been vulnerable. In order to have the host system, once the fall from Tara occurred, the host system that was put into Density 1, to create our solar system here, in order to reorganize the fragments of what was the solar system up here, or actually the Star Tara, they were seeded through the E-Umbi lock down into Density 1, and put into the Density 1 shield here. The Sun, that we call Sol, was linked. It had to be in the middle between the E-Umbi and USG-4, so it‟s partially connected to 4 and partially connected to the E-Umbi. These spin - if you look at a Veca system - the Vecas spin. The whole set, the kathara grids, spins on its center axis. So 3 revolves around and usually 4, which is Sala, and 3 kind of chase each other, but they never catch each other. So, you don‟t have 3 Urtha revolving around 4 Sala. In order to get the system that we have, where you have 3 Urtha, with Earth inside of it, revolving around a Sun that is connected to 4, that Sun was here and stationary... so Earth and the two planets going closer to the Sun revolve in the solar plane and they pull the outer planets in the solar plane around Sol, here, that is linked and held in place by Sala 4 here. So, this is the situation that we have been in since the Amenti Rescue Mission that began 550 million years ago when the fall from Tara occurred. We‟re down here, still, and we‟re in a system now that straight vertical outer domain ascension can no longer take place within. Normally you would go this way, up and to the Ecka, and from the Ecka you could go inward, if you wanted to, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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into the Middle Domains of the Edons, or further in towards Source. There is a way to go in from Density 1, when a universal set of gates are falling. What we‟re going to learn about the Ra-sha bodies is how indeed to do that. I just wanted to remind you how the kathara grid forms the maps. These are called the Ecka maps of the God world gates. These were the maps of the Outer Domains. They were the maps of the outside level. Inside each of these kathara grids, there is another smaller one that would go on a diagonal, running from the nine down to the four. There would be another kathara grid that fits in there. That was referred to as the Hub. It is also referred to as the Ra-sha Hub. It‟s this part, in here that you don‟t see on these maps, that we are going to be working with, as far as activating the templates. It is those particular Hubs that are what are called Par-TE-Kei dark matter templates. Science calls them “dark matter” here because they can tell there is an influence of something organizational that moves things that can be seen in the Outer Domains. They don‟t know what the Par-TE-Kei templates are yet, but they do know that there is something called dark matter or dark energy that allows for organization and movement and effects to occur where they can be seen, but they can‟t tell what is making the effects. So, when we refer to the Par-TE-Kei templates, we are referring to the things that science refers to as the influence that‟s known as dark matter, that creates things and makes things move and happen in the Outer Domains. They are actually not made of dark matter at all. They are very light, when you are perceiving them from a certain angular rotation of particle spin. But the term dark matter is what science is referring to as that organizational something-or-other that makes things out here do certain things, but they don‟t know what the something-or-other is. Our Beloveds know what those things are, and they are called the Par-TE-Kei templates. We are going to understand by the time we‟re done, with this series before dinner, how, from the Ecka maps of the Outer Domains... these Ecka maps are important, because these are how we find locations of things up there in the cosmos. If we want to find out where our parallel Eckasha is, where we had their Ecka/Veca system fall in the Borgha matrix, it helps to have a map to be able to say in relation to where you are, and your system is, where the heck are they? If you want to know where the Aquious matrix is, the matrix of the Kristed ones, who have never fallen and nothing in their matrix has fallen directly in their matrix, so they are literally the support line. They are going to be the respirator syste m for our planet pretty soon. They have for 450 billion years, at this point, provided a host line to this system so it didn‟t fall into the Borgha matrix. These maps are the beginning of understanding where those locations are, at least in relation to our system. If our system is down here - with our 12 primary universal stargates, and we had Urtha at USG-3... this is Theta Orion (USG1), this was Epsilon Eridanus (2), this was Urtha (3), this was Sala (4), this was Tara, or Alycone, so when we look up in the Pleiades, the thing that is now the remnant called Alcyone was this particular star. This was Sirius B - it still is, but it‟s partially compromised. Most of these are falling at this point, on their own. Seven was Arcturus. Eight was Orion/Mintaka. Nine was Andromeda. Ten was Vega and Lyra. Eleven was Chiliac or Aveyon in Lyra. Twelve was Aramatena, or the Lyra Double Double, what science calls Double Double here. These are all specific gates, stars, that even on our star charts that science has, they are identifiable in terms of their existence. There are many other gates. All of these kathara centers on these kathara grids, when they are looked at in terms of the maps, they represent stargates. What‟s interesting about each of these stargates - and I just learned this recently - is that each of these stars is actually a central Sun, and would have, under normal conditions, a little solar system around it, so each of those would be small solar systems and some of those would form galaxies. Here we have Andromeda 9. Technically, when scientists look in the sky anymore, it‟s not even in our Milky Way galaxy. It‟s in a completely different galaxy all its own. That‟s because of things that happened a long time ago and somewhere in the history lines, where it was split, and there was something that the Aquious matrix did in order to assist, when part of the 9 system was falling. Andromeda was once part of our universal system, or more likely we were a part of Andromeda. And we had fallen from there. But there is still a part of Andromeda, and that‟s the part that we see as the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Andromeda Galaxy. There‟s something called the Aquinos, I believe, nurseries, where there was a bioregenesis host system in the salvaged part of this system, and literally kept it in quarantine, to allow for the evolution of certain races that would have fallen at that point. We talked about in the Voyagers books about the Sphere of Amenti, and how it would descend down into Earth; it was stored in the Andromeda Galaxy. When we look at the Andromeda Galaxy now, the part that is separate from us, or that we are separate from, still holds the nurseries and still has Kristic potential. That is going to become a key location in relation to the host coming from the Aquious matrix, because they will anchor their host from their Eckasha system far far away, down through the Andromeda 9 and then through Sirius B which can still hold it. Sirius B, Andromeda and Earth have what‟s called the Gyrodome technologies that were set in at the beginning of the Amenti Host 550 million years ago, in the event that this fall occurred. There was something that could be done to assist the life fields out of here. They are being activated. The Gyrodomes on Sirius B and on Urtha and Earth are going to be activated, and they are already activated in the Andromeda system. In the next one - I want to go through this real quick because this is going to get back into Ra-sha-LAe body structure. What we‟re going to find is how this structure emerged out of that first partiki in the Starborn sequence. There is a sequence of things that took place in creation, that perpetually take place once the first one did take place, that end up in the creation of the Ecka maps of the God world gates, which is the outer cosmic creation. There are levels in the middle and the inner creation that took place, and all of these have to do with the word Ra-sha, or the word Ra-sha-LAe, or RashalE, or Ra-shala. All those bodies. So, we‟ll see where they fit. If we can just remember, really quickly, in the Ecka maps, we have four Veca quadrants, one Ecka core system. They exist within a larger structure that‟s called an Eckasha system. The Eckasha has larger stargates. These are off the charts as far as what we can see right now, as far as what science can find up there. These are so far out there, there is nothing that can photograph them, as far as these larger gates that go with the Eckasha level. Then there‟s a larger structure that this is part of, where you have four Eckashas, each with their Ecka/Veca system inside. You have four Eckashas, and this is called the EckashaA. Here we have four EckashaA that form the external body of Source.

[D1 C11 2:31:12] The Eckasha Aah – External Body of Source.

It is called the EckashaAah, and collectively, when you see it with its parallel, it would be the Eukatharista body of the Outer Domains. If you took the EckashaAah body, and made another set of points this way, there‟s another matrix that runs through it, that is the AdorA side. When we talk about our Parallel Ecka - there is a Parallel Ecka, a parallel level - it is literally... if you could look at the shields in which our spheres are built as a plate, they would be the underside of the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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plate, except actually we’re the underside of the plate and they are the overside of the plate. They have higher frequency. But their spheres, that form the domains that their realities take place in, run through ours, they‟re just at a different base pulse rhythm, or vibrational pulsation rhythm, and at a different angular rotation of particle spin. The EckashaAah Krist body, the level of the Stairway to Heaven, holds the four EckashaA, and each of the four Eckashas and each of the Veca/Ecka sets within them. So we‟re way down here in one of these little tiny things you can‟t even see on this diagram. This map gives you the key to understanding where the other matrices are that we‟re involved with. It‟s important - who are these people? Where exactly are they? We can at least understand in relation to us down here, in one of these, and we‟ll see which one it is in a minute, we can see where their matrices are in relation to ours. So, we understand where the currents of energy that are coming in are actually coming from. Next one please. That‟s just a bigger look at the EckashaAah body, the cosmic body. They showed us this as the big cosmic body, the body of Source, before they made a delineation between - oh yeah, there‟s also a middle level, an inner level and a core level! Right? That also have all these interwoven kathara grids. We call the kathara grids the bones, and the spheres... where you see a kathara grid it implies sets of spheres around it, or spherical electromagnetic energy domains. We call them the bones, the kathara grid structures, and the balls, which are the spheres. This is just showing you a close-up again. These were in the Kathara 2/3 manual, where we showed the beginnings of the bones and the balls. Next one please.

[D1 C11 2:34:04] Beast machine Black Hole Technologies

A long time ago, we showed how the Beast machine black hole technologies were being used to compromise the natural structure of our system. This is where we began to find out where, in relation to ourselves, where this particular matrix called the Wese matrix was. Where there was a Wesedrak and a Wesedak fallen veca in them. And there were black hole wormholes sliced through from theirs into our system over here. This is the beginning of understanding where these blackhole system were in relation to our own system. If this is the EckashaAah level, and this would be the Eckasha level, and this would be our Eckasha here, and this down here would be our little Veca system. So, we‟re that little thingy down there. Over here is where we have, which in its natural form was called the WeselA matrix, which is a natural Kristic matrix, but it had, in one of its Eckashas it had its two Veca systems blown out. The PKA part of it, or the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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antiparticle part, formed what was called the Wesedrak black hole system, and the PCM part is the part that formed that Wesedak black hole system. These weren‟t the start of our problems. Their problems were created from the same place our problems were created, even further before. We‟re not going to cover the history right now. I‟ll probably go into the history a bit more on Sunday when we get into the rest of things that have to do with who are who and that kind of thing. Where did they do what? So, right now, I want to stick with helping us understand where the currents are coming from that we‟re working with. Then we will go into understanding the Ra-sha bodies, so we can see where all the natural bodies were formed, and what it means to activate the Ra-sha bodies. What we‟re in the process of doing is activating the Ra-sha bodies, so a condition called Prana Exchange can once again occur, first within the Indigo Shield, and then after Peru, within the Earth Shield temporarily on a host. The Indigo Shield will act like an intermediary respirator for planet Earth. The large respirator let‟s say the respirator generator - will be the Aquious Matrix, that allows us, through Urtha, to have enough frequency in order to do that. So, we have our system here, and the WeselA - with the Wesedrak and Wesedak fallen black hole systems. Next one please.

[D1 C11 2:36:35]

This - to make it a little bit more clear - we‟re looking at the same thing, just at a different rotation. If we look at these, here‟s our EckashaAah, here‟s our four EckashaAs, and inside of those you have four Eckashas. Our PCM universal EckashaA Spectra 3, Eckasha Corridor 4 - so there are actually coordinates that go with each of these - we‟re over here. This would be our Eckasha level. This would be our EckashaA. This would be our Eckasha here. And we have a parallel Eckasha that would be here. The parallel Eckasha has its own Ecka/Veca system, just like we have our own Ecka/Veca system. It‟s in the parallel Eckasha that the entire Ecka/Veca system fell. This occurred 950 billion years ago after an experiment that I believe was started in 980 billion years ago and progressively went bad. We‟ll talk a little bit about that history on Sunday. This is the location of what is called the Boranthasala, or Borgha system. They were called the Boranthasala races, and they were a Kristic race at the Ecka level. They weren‟t just a density level down in a Veca system. They were at the Ecka level. So, they were big guys with lots of consciousness and intelligence. There were certain things that happened down in their Veca system, where three density levels went into fall, and they were devastated. They didn‟t understand how such things could be allowed by the Krist code. How such seemingly to them Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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merciless things could be allowed. So, they decided there was something wrong with the Krist code, and that they would fix it, so they orchestrated an experiment to try to find a way to make sure falls never happen again. Basically, the Krist code allows for the eternal life creation, and it allows for action and consequence. If you throw enough of a certain kind of action that twists the natural laws of energy, you will get that back, and eventually that will lead to a fall. Everybody goes home. It‟s not that anybody gets stuck, because you go home in pieces but you still go home to Source. So, nothing is ever lost. And that‟s why Source doesn‟t look at it as being merciless that falls can happen. What is Source supposed to do, let something that gets out of control in the matrix, in its own living body... are we supposed to just let those things ran rampant and kill everything around them and take out Source too? The concept of that doesn‟t even make sense to Source. It‟s beyond anything that‟s rational in the mind of Source, which is very rational. So, the Boranthasala races of the Ecka tried an experiment, whereby they incarnated themselves into supposedly a quarantine experiment where they would ... (interrupted by some noise from outside). I won‟t even ponder what that is. Anyway, they began an experiment where they incarnated themselves into three groups into Density 3 and 4, to run this quarantine experiment. One group would play Victim, one group would play Victimizer, and there would be a control group that would watch competition, because they got it to the point where they understood falls happen because of competition from energy. They wanted to find out what that meant. They created an experiment that was quite fair. One group would incarnate - and this was all themselves. They would incarnate into this. They weren‟t inflicting on anyone else but themselves. They created what was called the biveca code, or the vesica pisces code for artificial life. They built their templates for this experiment on that code, and this is where the start of that came from. Way later out of that came the Beast technologies and the Threshold technologies. What they found was there was supposed to be four cycles of six, where victim and victimizer would reverse where you would have Victim/Victimizer, Victimizer/Victim, Victim/Victimizer, Victimizer/Victim, and by the end of those cycles, they hoped to understand the whole thing and have a better way to deal with the whole issue of fall, and a better way to improve upon the Krist code, which was really a bad idea from the beginning, but some people got to try. And they did. They had their control group that did have the natural Kristic triveca code, or the three light cells instead of the two, but by the third round, the third six cycle, it got so bad that between the warring and fighting and craziness that happened from the consciousness built on the biveca code, with no third way to know how to harmonize the polarities within themselves, that they broke out of the quarantine. The ones who were playing the Victimizers at that point were called the Bourghamasala alAma. That group destroyed the other group completely. And then they went after the founder groups. And they destroyed them as well. And they progressively took down their matrix, and it became known as the Borgha matrix. It‟s like... sometimes good intentions don‟t have the outcome they might think they have. The problem way back then, between 480-450 billion years ago, when this was occurring over here, was they had managed to splice into the Ecka core, because they raided their own Ecka, they took down their Ecka, not just the Veca system. They had spliced from their Ecka into their Parallel Ecka, which was our Ecka, over here. So, if anyone had tried to re-quarantine them, or put them back in quarantine so they couldn‟t cause anymore harm, it would have dragged this Ecka/Veca system in as well. So, all the life fields here... this was seeded with life fields 950 billion years ago, so there‟s a lot of life fields here... they all would have been taken into black hole fall with the destiny of spacedust return. Because that was considered unfair by some of the Kristic races, they decided on - and this was not just races from the Vecas, but races from the Eckasha layers themselves, with the permission and support of the EckashaAah races all the way up the chain as far as the larger consciousness fields, and also going down, and we‟ll talk about that later, as far as the inner and the middle Hubs and cores. What was decided was, there was something called the Trimatrix Tri-River Cooperative, is what it was first called. There was a cooperative of Kristic races from this place here. See, they are in a different EckashaA actually. Our EckashaA is Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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here where the fall happened. Their EckashaA is here. They have one Eckasha here and one Eckasha here. These black holes weren‟t there. This was called the WeselA matrix and this was called the Aquious matrix. The WeselA matrix was considered in our adjacent Eckasha. This would be the parallel of theirs - their parallel Eckasha. So, this is considered the parallel adjacent Eckasha. This is where the Aquari are coming from. This is where the Aqious races are coming from. This is where the host line is coming from. They were close enough but far enough away to the Borgha matrix to be able to assist, but assist without getting taken down themselves, without that technology compromising them. So, they have various ways of running frequency to us here. One of them was through the WeselA matrix who their Kristic Councils also assisted in this. There were Aquari from here, different race lines, that incarnated into this matrix and into our matrix in order to hold frequency and to assist with this very very long term evolutionary project, that would hopefully be able to evolve our races enough where we could block the Ecka wormhole link - a time rip, it‟s not even a wormhole; it‟s a time rip link - to the Borgha matrix, which would put the Borgha back into a temporary quarantine state. Then these guys could just send in the frequencies that would have their own frequencies create a quarantine around, so they could live happily ever after until they went to spacedust, instead of trying to take everything around them. What they‟ve been trying to do, their one prime objective, is assimilation. To assimilate everything. It‟s irrational, but to them it‟s completely rational. They have no emotional bodies left. They don‟t feel in terms of compassion or any of those things. It‟s a very clinical assimilation. There‟s a character that I think was in Star Wars, Next Generation, called the Borg. Yeah. That character set were based on race family memory of these guys. You‟d be amazed at how some of these pop up in sci-fi. Ones that we called the Thetans, which are another group that sided with the Borgha and are just as nasty, they popped up in one of them. What were they called? Remember those? The Wraith. That‟s the ones, the Wraith. So, it‟s funny to see how these guys pop up. These are the beings that we‟re dealing with. You gotta love them, because they were once part of the Krist, and once part, always part. However, they don‟t feel the same. There is no reason why one has to let yourself or your matrix be devoured by them just because they think it‟s a good idea. So, the Krist host that is being offered, and has been - I think they actually started the Krystal River Trimatrix Cooperative before it even completely fell, and then they solidified it once the fall did occur. They have been, for 450 billion years, supporting this system, and this system, in whatever way they could. Because the WeselA ended up with one of their race groups falling, and the Wesedraks, I believe, happened first. What was interesting was one of the Aquari line races that incarnated from over here, the Aquious matrix, they had seeded Aquari line races here and Aquari line races here - one of their groups actually fell also, and they became what were called the E-quari. Instead of with an “A” it‟s spelled with an “E.” They went after various ones from our matrix, that had to do with the metatronic Beast machine people. So, everybody was fighting with everybody at this point. So, because of the Borgha fall, we ended up with the Wesedrak and Wesedak fall over here, and we ended up with now our Veca and Ecka falling. Cause our Ecka is also falling. So, basically, after 450 billion years of attempting to save it... this did do this matrix in. However, it did not do it in in a way that it was eat it, or assimilate its frequency or its consciousness. And that‟s what the hosts are about. The Earth itself in this system decided it did not want to go black hole assimilation fall. What these guys had planned was to first drag this through into the Wesedrak black hole, and make that really big, and then what they were really hoping to do was drag it over and take out the Aquari, and then take them all back in. That would get them a lot of food for a lot of quantum time. If you have a black hole fall, which means you can‟t generate spark current any more on your own, you will get to a point in your entire universal system that you will get what‟s called a bardoah point, where you have no more quantum left in your seed atom, where there‟s hardly anything left in the seed atom, so it can‟t sustain the spin and the pulsing of the light body structure of the system. At that point, what are called the core gates, close. The core gates exists between the seed atom and the more outer structures - not fully outer structures - the more outer Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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structures as we‟ll see a little later. When that happens, it enters bardoah, and at a certain point of bardoah, after bardoah comes nova. Nova is when - just like science sees stars that nova on occasion out there - they explode. First it‟s actually an implosion and then an explosion. So, ones who end up falling into black holes, because they were messing with energy in ways that was not Kristic, misusing the natural flow of energy as it exists in the eternal life matrix, they do find themselves going nova at some point, which means they go back to partiki units and spacedust. Because the living body of the Kristos and the living body of Source expands and contracts, and when it contracts it creates currents that go back as backflow to Source, and then it expands back out again, and breathes backflow return currents. So, whatever black hole forms out here in the outer matrix, and then goes back to spacedust, it gives the inhale back into Source, so its consciousness field goes back home anyway. There‟s a point... there‟s a lot of races that actually fear that concept of being annihilated. But, it isn‟t being annihilated. You can‟t be annihilated. You will use your race memory imprint if the whole race goes, but Source never forgets. You‟re always a part of Source, because of the natural ebb and flow of the frequencies that come from the outer domains through the middle domains to the inner domains, through the core and back into Source. So, it is a living matrix that, whether you go back as spacedust, or whether you go home with your Risha bodies, it‟s all a matter of preference really. There is an advantage to going home whole, because you can remember the process and then you can consciously choose what you‟d like to be the next time you get exhaled out on a wave of consciousness. You never get exhaled out alone. You always come out as a massive collective of consciousness. You are a gestalt consciousness that has to make itself smaller as it comes into the Outer Domains, in order to fit into manifest creation. So, we‟re all connected to Source at all times through the living body of the Krist, through the living body of Source. When distortions of energy occur to lead to black hole falls, there‟s also distortions in consciousness, just like here, we sit on this planet and we have forgotten completely where we came from, what our incarnational history is, what our simultaneous time memory is... because really history is what is happening in other space time locations right now. We have forgotten so much. Our consciousness has become distorted, because our gene codes became distorted, because the electromagnetic fields on the planet became distorted. So, there‟s a distortion of consciousness that comes with conditions of black hole fall. We‟re still fortunate enough that we‟re able to bring through enough information to start waking ourselves up with, so we can remember we are part of the eternal creation. There are those - we call them the World Management Team, and also the Universal Management Team, who have been playing anti-Kristic games with energy, who are intending to just simply use us as quantum. Spacedust or not, they don‟t really care. Quantum is quantum. Energy is energy. And if it would help their black hole systems to live longer, that‟s all that matters to them. We don‟t look at it that way. Ascension is still significant to those that bring us these teachings, and it is still significant to a lot of people. So, I just wanted to let you know where everybody is located in relation to each other. When we run certain frequencies, and when we activate something called the AnshatAsa Passage, this is from this matrix, from the Aquious Matrix. As we go into what‟s called the Hub level of the Aquious Matrix, they are called the AnshatAsa Hub. From their Hub, they will anchor through into ... now this is the Eckasha part. It‟s not just the Ecka/Veca level. It‟s the Eckasha level of their system that is doing this, and it will have backup from the EckashaA level if necessary. They are anchoring from the center of their Eckasha into the center of our Eckasha down here a beam of frequency that‟s called the AnshatAsa Passage. It will come up through our Hubs first, and our Hubs are called the HaaTUR Hubs. Then it will come up to be available to our systems, including Earth, from that position. Now, not all... once it gets into our Veca system, the only places that are capable of running this at this point are the Andromeda system at 9, the Sirius B system at 6, and the Urtha system at 3. Sala was capable of running that also, until the 25 th of March when something occurred. Sala can run it but it can‟t plug it into Sol, which is our Sun that we see, that our planets are evolving around. Sol is no longer able to run that. Urtha is the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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last chance for this to be anchored. It was meant to be the main anchoring rod anyway, but it was supposed to triangulate over into Sol, in order to support Sol with this system too. But the core gates in Sol have closed, and compacted, and that means that Sol has entered bardoah, and that means our Sun has entered bardoah. That was something they have been trying to hold off, because if your Sun goes bardoah, it doesn‟t matter really how happy your planets are in that particular solar plane, because when it novas, everything is going to fry. Bardoah is a thing that occurs - and we‟ll see where it occurs once we get into Ra-sha-LAe body a little bit... it has to do with the prana seed but when bardoah occurs, with compaction of the core gates, it begins a process of separation between the Par-TE-Kei templates and the Outer Domain. And even in a small level - like a person‟s body in a bardoah, where say a natural death occurs, where if it‟s not an eternal life system or it can‟t rejuvenate itself, a natural bardoah would occur where the Par-TE-Kei template separates from the seed atom and the partiki template that is behind it. That would begin a process that, after a period of time, would end up in particular types of radiation waves going out from what used to be the prana seed that compacted, and they would become like a gamma wave spectra. Eventually they would cause first implosion of the prana seed, and then explosion, which would be ... from the outside it would be a nova, just like they see with stars. Natural bardoah in bodies would actually do that. There was a time, an inbetween time, like after we lost the ability to just get ourselves out of here by turning into light and popping up elsewhere, when we didn‟t have to bardoah, but we knew how to bardoah. (End of Disk 1)

Phoenix, April 6-8, 2007 - Disk 2 (D2 C1 0:00:01) You didn‟t have to worry about undertakers. You didn‟t have to worry about even putting your beloveds on pyres for birds to pick them to death or to burn them, because the body would hit that natural point. If bardoah was set in place, there was a particular way the consciousness could get out and separate itself from the body template, and then the body template would simply do this thing inside of the prana seed, and it would build frequency and start radiating itself until it vaporized itself. They wonder why there‟s not a lot of bodies left from a lot of the Kristic races that were on this planet. They are not going to find them in holes. They are not going to find them mummified. In fact, most of the people that ever did that with themselves were people who had interest in preserving the DNA for other purposes that usually were not Kristic. Burying was never a Kristic practice. Mummification was never a Kristic practice. We‟ve been tricked into thinking these things were alright. Why? Because every time we lie a body in the ground, there‟s a chance a DNA seed will be left, which can be used and harvested by somebody who might have an interest in playing games with the human gene code. So, we‟ve been tricked in a lot of ways to... at least cremation here, because we can‟t spontaneously make ourselves vaporize once we pull ourselves out of the body, at least not yet. At least in cremation, it allows the DNA template to clear and transmute and go back into space dust where it leaves a bit of ashes behind. So, at least at that point, you take all of you with you, wherever the next level is that you went to. So, there is an advantage to cremation over any of the other things if the body is going to die. It‟s all personal. We don‟t judge anybody on what they choose to do with that. If you have a particular religion that has an issue with that, it‟s up to you to decide what you feel right with. Nobody judges you. The Beloveds don‟t judge you. Anyway, back to this. These little tangents, sorry. We‟re not planning, by the way, to have to bardoah. But there will be a point where we get to bardoah training. Some people will be able to make it out, actually physically, and be able to be Spanners, who can walk through the gates, and Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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walk through the middle Aurora Zones and up to Urtha. There are others who will be able to be Sliders, and be able to slide into the Aurora fields biologically. And then there are some people who aren‟t going to be able to, because of whatever is in the gene code, or because of the time frame. You might have the gene code, but it didn‟t start activating 'til too late. By the time you need to do this, in order to not be here anymore, your body wouldn‟t get there in time. So, there is going to be bardoah training also. There are going to be a lot of people on the planet that are going to bardoah between now and 2047. There‟s going to be all sorts of strange things that happen because of the changes in the Sun. There‟s going to be viruses and bacteria that weren‟t awake for many many eons. They are going to start coming back to life. Some people they won‟t bother. Other people will not have an immunity to them. There are going to be people having more issues with radiation from the Sun. People running Krist frequency will progressively build more immunity to that, where it will be something that will charge your cells and assist you, but there will be others who progressively find their body being radiated and developing cancers from it. So, it‟s going to be very strange on this planet, as these things progress. They are already there. You can already see evidence of some of this. But it‟s going to get bigger. They have said that we are entering the period that biblically was known as the plagues. I don‟t know how bad they are going to be, when they are going to be. I do know that the first modulated gamma burst from the Sun, which might turn out, as far as what science can see, will be a strange flux of some sort in the solar flaring cycle. Remember, we are putting a buffer... the Beloveds are putting a buffer around this so we don‟t get radiated, where all of us have too much radiation to deal with. The first pulse comes through somewhere in the Spring of 2008. About once a year there will be a major pulse released, and then some other strange stuff. So, I don‟t know what the Sun‟s going to look like, but they‟re warning us now. For people who are running Krystal Spiral, people who particular do the techniques that will give you access to the frequencies of the Aqualene Sun, which have to do with the frequencies of the host that are running from this matrix...

[D2 C1 0:04:53] (graph detail)

I want to explain to you a little about the Aqualene Sun, because that will progressively assist the body to not only have an immunity to some of those things that the solar spectra is going to kick up, but it will actually help you to use some of the solar spectra that is coming in, for health to actually recharge yourselves. So, it‟s a gift. What‟s happening with the Sun is actually going to be a gift for those running Krist, but it‟s not going to be for those not running Krist. It‟s not me ant to do that. Nobody‟s doing it to punish them or anything, except when it starts to get really strange, they‟ll probably going to think that God is punishing them or whatever. It‟s not about that. It‟s energy consequence to energy action that is taking place. It‟s not the Creator of any sort who‟s judging them as bad. There are things we can do once we get to the point where we develop an immunity and also an ability to use that energy to assist us, we can help create a field in the planetary shield that will assist other people and animals and plants Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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and things from the direct effects of the solar radiation change. It‟s kind of funny for me to have to speak out about this. A year from now, I don‟t know if science is going to see anything. I don‟t know if it‟s going to be perceivable. I do know that they said within 50 years - we‟d have one big burst a year - within 50 years there would be nothing but smoke left on the surface of this planet. So, we‟re not going to see that happen because of what the matrix here is doing. What the Aquious Matrix is doing, and the first step in doing this is anchoring the AnshatAsa Passage from their Hubs, which we did early in the 12 Tribes 1, class 3, which was the March class, the last one. We just did that, because we got wind that the Borgha were going to try one more big nasty thing, and that they had to do it then, instead of waiting, because we would waited to do that until when we go to Peru in May, and then we would have waited to activate it until 2047, when this particular Aqualene Sun host of Ra-sha-LAe body was needed, when Urtha Starfire‟d, to give Earth something to hold it up and keep it in orbit, basically, in the solar plane, when Urtha disappeared into the middle dimensions. So, it was intended to come, but it‟s happened that they have had to activate it early. Now, we‟ve anchored it. The next stage is activating the AnshatAsa Passage, which is part of what we are going to be doing tomorrow evening. So, the 12 Tribes 1, Class 3 anchored it, and so it was available for everyone, and this group, for those who would like to participate, will be given the activations to literally activate its frequencies, which means it will open the passage where it‟s passable, which means there will be some interesting ability to not just go to the Adashi Temples in visitations, but particular for those people who are Aquari incarnates, who your home matrix, the first place you came out in individuation... it might not have been over here. You might have been a consciousness from the Aquari Matrix - they just call it the Aquari Matrix for short - because many of them came into incarnation from there into here in order to serve this host. So, for some people, they going home to the Aquari Matrix, which you can do through projecting through the AnshatAsa Passage, is going to be a real healing as far as the emotional body particularly. I‟m one of those, and Az is one too, but he got a really strong connection with the Ha'ah-TUrs too. As do I but not as strong as his with Ha'ah-TUrs. There‟s a thing - when you find a space that you realize that you are connecting with. Something that is home, a home you forgot, and a name you couldn‟t even remember. But when you feel it, you just melt. A part of you just goes, “mama.” I had little “mamas” with every level of Council that we went, from when we were speaking with the Elohei, then going up to the Eieyani, then going over to the crossover ones which are the Ad-Don-DrAea', and over to the AdonA, and then down to the Ha'ah-TUrs, and now, over to the Aquari. When the Aquari information started coming through, which was just before FOL 07, I melted. So, there will be some people who have that feeling about that word or that name, who feel like they‟re not just Indigos, but they are Aquari line Indigos. You will be able to use the connections, in frequencies that will activate in your Ra-sha-LAe body, to send messages home, and you‟ll get messages back. (D2 C1 0:09:32) It will help give you a secure line, it will take a bit of time for any of us to get a secure lines as far as communication, then take it all with a grain of salt. Even after you do your journey and you find out who your greeter advisor person is going to be, and you meet your Bhendi trainer, put it all in file 13 what ever they say. Assume that yes its probably them but don‟t ever think that any of us down here with all the mess that‟s in the electromagnetic field on this planet are immune to having something try to tap that line between where they are trying to talk to you and where you are because something can ride your line and say: “oh Hi I‟m your Aquafereion advisor, come and do this, you know, come and lead 20 people off a cliff.” No. This would not be your advisor. It might tell you glorious things about yourself, and if they‟re true great, but if they‟re not, that wouldn‟t be the advisor that would tell you something like that, it would be someone trying to masquerade as one. So even once you start contact you still have to do it with wisdom, with responsibility, don‟t just trust it immediately just because it said that. You can let yourself trust a bit, if the frequencies you are working with are quite strong, and they will, this is why the access journey is so important, that will get you up there with the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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group for the first time. So it will at least give you the signature in your own RashaLAe body of the direct line. And they will do their best once that line is open to keep it as protected as possible, but you have to use it too. I go every night, where you glide up the tube. If you use it frequently it will strengthen the amount of frequencies that are coming through on the AnshaTAsa passage and also from the first thing that was opened that was called the Krystal River. When we do the Rei-ha-VA'-ah UN-Krys-ta'-LO, the Krystal River currents, what they are the krystal spiral currents from the 3 Eckashas, from our Eckasha, from the still Kristiac part of the WesalA, and from the Aquious matrix. If you blend the Krystal spiral currents of their 3 matrices together, you have braided there a very strong krystal spiral current, that is the rider wave that the other currents have to come in on. So first we started with that which was activated in the FOL period 07 in January. The next thing that was activated was the Arc of Aquari, I believe we did that during 12 Tribes 1, I think, yeah. That was from the outer domains braided into the Krystal River spiral, was an outer domain current, and instead of it looking like the pale silvery white color of the Krystal River, its actually a pale aqua color, a pale aqua greeny color. So if you were doing your Maharic Seal and your Maharic seal came up turquoise, why? That‟s when that came on line, Arc of Aquari came in from the outer domains. Now there's one more set of frequencies, well actually 2 more being added to that. Not only do we have the outer domains from the Aquious matrix coming in on the Krystal River, you also have the Hub currents from the AnshaTAsa passage coming in, and the Hub currents from the Ha'ah-TUr. Now the Ha'ah-TUr currents are quite deep almost purply blue, like cornflower blue when you see them and their frequency when you close your eyes. These again are a greeny tint, like a greeny aqua blue but a bit deeper than the outer ones and they have a silver tint and Heliotalics running with them. So now you‟ve got this current coming in that you have the 3 parts of the braid of the Krystal River, you have the outer domain pale domain aqua currents of the outer domains of the Aquari which is the Arc of Aquari, and then you have the bluey color that will be coming in from the Hub the AnshaTAsa, and the Ha'ah-TUr Hub coming in. Those combined, when you add these 2, the Hub from here and the Hub from here to the Krystal River and the ray of Aquari, altogether there not just called Krystal River, they're called the Aqualene transmission. Aqualene transmission refers to that very large powerful blended ray that is just now being able to be activated because it requires not only anchoring of the AnshaTAsa passage but full opening of it, and that is what the grid work is going to be tomorrow, the techniques we participate in tomorrow will be partly about that, and that is what gives us enough frequency to engage first Prana exchange since 15,400BC. I just wanted you to understand the difference of them. When we get into RashaLAe body a little bit, there‟s going to be a point where we talk about, more of it will be tomorrow but a little bit today, we‟ll talk about RashaLAe levels and activating RashaLAe. There‟s a particular set of frequencies that have to do with the blending of that, of the Aqualene transmission and when you not only run the currents of RashaLAe that pertain to just your matrix, those with Aquari codes, those people who have the Aquari line lineage with them, and most of them are the ones who are coming to the workshops at this point because that call is going out, you will be able to activate something, and first it will come from the Aquari coded ones, but once they do it because they also have human codes; anybody with angelic human codes will also be able to activate through the Aquari line Indigo Shield. And what that is its called the Aqualene Sun, and its called the Aqualene Sun because it‟s the Aqualene transmission frequencies coming through and activating the radial body on the tri matrix. It will give some people at some point the ability to, once we get done with earth and those kinds of things where we want to go all the way home, it can give the ability to go all the way home but it also will give you the protection field needed, it will give you a personal screen just like the sun is going to get one of these to protect, to transmute gamma rays that are going to be releasing from its core, because we are not going into bardoah. It will give us in our radial bodies and in our RashaLAe bodies it will give us that same transmutation screen so we‟ll be able to transmute more of the stuff coming in from the sun, that gets through the Aqualene sun that‟s going to be around the sun. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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What I've brought this for today, is we‟ve been using this in all the 12 tribes, they‟ve activated this. They said they can activate glass just like they can activate crystal because it has a sand base, so they‟ve been using this, I don‟t know how well you can see it here. What we are going to do is we are going to pass it around tomorrow so you can look at it for a minute and hold it for a second, they are going to activate it to transmit I don‟t know what yet, and people who would like to receive that will be able hold it for a second and inhale and get it whatever it is. They have been using this, this holds the colors, this was a gift to Az and I from Mac, and she just got nudged to get that for us and it was before we had any of this information, so it was like all of a sudden, that is what that is for, and they have been doing things with it, it‟s a coded crystal even though its made of quite amazing glass. You‟ll be able to see it closer when you pass it around either tonight or tomorrow, and its not pass it around and stare at it for half an hour because we‟d be here for a year, alright? (laughter) It gives you the idea of something…it activates in the body that is called the Aqualene fire water flame and that is what will allow for the RashaLAe body to activate as Aqualene sun, where you can actually control the activation of it. There was something that they gave in the 12 tribes 3 class I believe, and it was doing journey 2, and I know we‟re not doing journey 2 in this journey. We‟re supposed to do the access journey to get you up to Adashi but there‟s a little thing in journey 2 that had to do with the second floor of Adashi that they gave us crystals in our palms, once you were up there in the journey, and once you had them all you had to do was squeeze the right hand, and you could just rub the right palm chakra in the right hand a little bit, and it would activate the fire water flame inside which would activate the Aqualene sun field around the outside. I knew they didn‟t want to do journey 2 here there‟s not enough time to do both of the full journeys because there's something else to do which will be just as fun I‟m sure but they are going to ensure that you do get your crystals, so you still have that palm activation. If you were ever kidnapped and your hands were tied behind your back and you really needed protection just send a ray of energy from your brain down to your palm and it will do the same, but its actually a little bit stronger, until it builds up in the body where they body gets stronger if you do the palm rub, so we are going to do that tomorrow, where it has to do with passing that around, so they are going to load it somehow and anybody that wants to get those codes will be able to get them in the palm and they just sit there in the chakra, palm chakra seed seal. Sometimes there‟ll be amazing aqua blue crystals, little tiny crystals coming out if you are doing healing, all of a sudden it‟ll kick in on its own, it‟s like it knows what to do so you don‟t have to think about how do I use Aqualene Sun here? And it‟s the strongest protection field and transmutation field that can come and its from the Aqualene transmission which is all of those blended rays on the Krystal River currents so its an upgrade of the Krystal River currents basically. So I just wanted you to understand all those parts where everybody was, what currents are coming from, we use certain terms like Krystal River which means one thing- 3 Eckasha currents blended together; when we use Arc of Aquari which was the outer domain currents that came in the Krystal River; and then we have the Aqualene Transmission which is that plus the Hubs from the AnshaTAsa and the Ha'ah-TUr hubs blended. So you basically get a still beautiful mostly sparkly Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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white Heliotalic with pale aqua green colors in there, also a deeper more blue aqua and that‟s the ones with the Ha'ahTUrs line. So these are the frequencies we are working with at this point. There are huge, and we‟re…I‟m very grateful that the Aquari are, they rescued us because honestly the Indigo Shield wasn‟t doing too good as far as ah, we did our best, and once they combined the Beast technologies with the Bourgha time rip technologies we were about done for at that point, and the Bourgha were quite confident that we would be but what they weren't anticipating was there‟d be enough of us standing to be able to…they knew the Aquari matrix had the Aquious matrix had this plan, but they didn‟t think there would be enough of us standing on earth to be able to anchor it on earth and we have. They might have grabbed the sun Sol but we‟ve got earth so far. The idea is to hold that host here, we‟re holding earth basically, the Indigo Shield hosting earth. The Urtha Aquafereion and the Bhendi Aurora races which are the descendant of the Aquious races are hosting us, and then the Aquious matrix is hosting them, so this is a big 3 way host basically. Somewhere in there the WesalAs are getting hosted too whatever parts of their matrix is not falling, they‟re also being put under Aqualene Sun protection which they haven‟t told me much about them. We have to get ourselves straight over in our matrix first before we worry too much about them. We wont be doing Wesadrak black hole fall or Bourgha black hole fall, this planet wont be and this Veca wont be because we‟ve got earth and Urtha, we‟ve got Sirius B and we‟ve got Andromeda to be able to activate Aqualene Sun, and that gives a protection field that will at least hold harness on the other parts of this falling veca, so some of this veca will fall Sovereign and other parts that are Kristiac wont fall at all. Meanwhile we‟ve got a big Evac wave coming and its all pointing downward towards earth. Earth is the one place that fully anchors in 3d the AnshaTAsa passage and it will hold…after Starfire 2017-2051, after that point there will be one passage left out, and it will spiral up out from Earth and Urtha, (some of us will be visiting home at that point) spiral up from Earth in its Aqualene sun into Sirius B to its core but not fully on its surface because it only has partial gyrodome activation because everybody pretty much evac‟d from there. And with Andromeda it will go up into the nurseries which are in the Andromeda galaxy basically outside this system, so we‟re the one planet left in this particular Ecka-Veca system that‟s in this galaxy that is going to be able to hold this passage open, and the passage anchors in through Shala 13 which is the core 13 gate. You have core 13, 14 and 15 gates. 13 being the strong one, strongest one and that one is what we‟re sitting on in the Phoenix area, so that plugs into ShAlon 7 and those kind of things so we‟ll talk about those later. At least you‟ll have a better idea of the words we are talking about, what transmissions are what, what Aqualene Suns are and at least that will give you visual of the colors that are involved. There is a flame that once we go through the activations, you‟ve already started them the activations you did with us, it begins the process of activating that in the area of the seed atom which is the area of the Prana seed, so that is the beginning of the Aqualene sun activation. Next one please, I believe we go into Rasha bodies.

D2 0:23:48] (graph)

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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This is to remind you of where creation started with the first partiki, Im not going through the whole Starborn cycle I just wanted to remind you that its exists because to understand RashaLAe, it helps to understand where it came from where the RashaLAe bodies came from. So we start with the first partiki, second partiki, formed the triad, from the triad it went through all these things and it birthed the tauren light seed. We introduced these from Tenerife workshop so if anybody wants to know Im not going there (laughter). By the end of that there was one partiki, two partiki moving through each other to form the triad. One of them sparking, partiki sparking together forms sparks, it formed that which is called the tauren living light seed. The only reason we are going back to tauren is there‟s something very important about understanding the structure of the Rasha body, it has to do with not only understanding, right you have the tauren, you have the 3 outer sparks and then you have what's called the PartikE. These are partiki sparks, this is a PartikE spark, which is a different spelling to ParTEKei. PartikE is the first photo generator cell, that photo generator cell has a particular structure in the center of the tauren and that structure becomes extremely important as we go up out of the Starborn cycle and into the Krist star cycle. So I wanted to remind you that we start with partiki 1, we got to formation of the tauren and its core photo generator cell. That‟s the tauren when it‟s in its expanded or relaxed phase. When it squeezes together in contraction like this it makes sparks so it generates sparks and those sparks are quantum of energy so this is the process whereby the tauren begins to generate spark pulse currents that allow for quantum building which allow for the expansion of light body structure from the single little tauren light seed all the way out through to what becomes eventually the Eukatharaista body, but before that it becomes the RaSha bodies that we‟re going to be activating. So this is to remind you of the tauren and when it squeezes tight it pulses and once it squeezes it makes sparks and when it releases again it lets the sparks go and when it does that 12 times, it begins making what are called harmonic keys. This is where we got into the harmonic key cycles, they‟re important too when we see the structure of the RaSha bodies. Next one please.

D2 0:24:18] (Tauren)

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This is to remind you, stuff from Tenerife again, back in the tauren in its expanded phase, these little layers here, we learned about the geleziac layers that are in the tauren and each have a different type of ether gels, different types of gelatinous radiation structures that are inside the tauren. It‟s the process of partiki units phasing through the PartikE Tauren that create the sparks that allow for quantum generation, and these structures will become important when we see the structure of the parTEKei template and the parTEKei bodies. Right now we are looking at is a very tiny thing inside of a very tiny thing that is the first light seed of the tauren. Later these will become much bigger structures. We have 9 inner layers and then 10 through 15 of the outer layers. I‟m not going to go into the names of these, all this stuff of the ovum of living light, I believe is covered in Tenerife and probably somewhere after that we covered it there too, so this is to remind you of these structures, where these structures first appeared in creation. This is the first creation process. Next one please.

[D2 0:27:58] The Egg of Eternal Life PartikE Photo-generator of the Tauren Living-Light Seed – Ec-Ka-Sha God Seed

If we look at that without all the tauren around it, looking just at the geleziac layers now inside the PartikE, we have one at the center, and they all have different names. One through 9 are considered the inner layers, and then 10 through 15…which aren‟t even shown here, 13, 14, 15 out here, are the outer layers of 1 is called the Nada, 2 is called the A-DaMa', 3 is called the Jha-Fa', 4 is called the Tao, 5 is called the E'-Da, 6 is called the Jha-Da', 7 is called the Ta, 8 is called the Ma, 9 is called the Ka, 10 is called the Rha, 11 is called the Sha, 12 is called the Lha. Now we come to 13, 14 and 15, the Kha, the Tha, and Ra. And they would be the 15 layers inside the PartikE. After this point I believe it expands out inside the tauren inside, where you had the inner layers inside itself and then it extends outward. These are when you are talking about in relation to the tauren…oh by the way too I wanted to point out down here. In this Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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particular one its showing kathara grids and actually how these are placed. These aren‟t randomly drawn circles, these hold a mathematically proportion of these particular spheres, they‟re not just flat things these are spheres of energy, and the proportions to each other are built completely on a spinning expanding kithara grid template. So you have the smallest one at this axis, then you have the next one…we‟ve explained these before, this is how the crystal spiral is formed. So they are very precise to the mathematics of the kathara grid and its spiraling, where it would go, I think the first axis is here, its so small I cant see. So you would go zero point then 1, and then 2 and then 3, and then 4, it gives you axes, 5, 6, 7. It gives you basically…then back to zero again, it gives you the 8 axes of spin. These literally create the proportions, if you draw a circle around each one of those kathara grids, it gives you from the top to the bottom of it, it gives you the proportion of the corresponding geleziac layer in the PartikE. The same thing applies when you get up into the PartikE body which is large versions of this and this is why we‟re showing you this to remind you where these came from and what they do because the PartikE bodies are much larger and they do a similar…the PartikE at the center of the tauren which is the small one, this is the key generating factory. Next one please.

[D2 C3 0:31:17] Takeyon Cycle Quantum Building 1 Replication

Not going to go into these heavily, we‟ve seen these in Tenerife, all of these were large diagrams with large words on them that explained what harmonic keys are, what the keys of E-no-ka and E with ka which means life force in a very simple way. This just showed you how the keys, the tauren in the center does its pulsing, and every pulse releases a burst of sparks and after 12 sparks you get a set of 144 sparks. The sparks form harmonic keys and the keys go through something called key resolution where they distribute their quantum and here is…the harmonic keys themselves you had an overtone key and a base tone key. The base tone key is made of units that are made of eira substance, and the overtone keys before they go into resolution are made of mana keys, now that‟s positive charge whereas the eira has a negative charge. When we get over here we get to something called key resolution that occurs where here is where we end up with prana being formed where there‟s a redistribution of quantum between…I‟m not going to go through what that is right now, its on the Tenerife tapes I think, a redistribution of the quantum of the two keys base tone and the over tone, where the larger over tone key which is the mana key breaks down and gives to the base tone key a quantum equal to that of the base tone. Now the base tones are a base of 11 2/3 negative charge and the mana key would be the 33 1/3 positive charge quantum base. It loses 11 2/3 positive quantum and gives it to the base tone, and that leaves 21 2/3 positive quantum, as is called the kasha key, and down here you have an 11 2/3 negative EirA key, which is the base tone key, and a new thing called - which eventually becomes the Alon - it‟s called the Jhala key. It becomes the Alon, which is the carrier of the joules, which have to do with the units of heat and work that science talks about here. So this is where joules are Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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formed. This is the beginning process of where these little tiny structures inside the Tauren begin the process of the formation of the things that come before matter, that will lead up to the formation of matter. So, we end up with the kasha key, and what‟s called a crystal key, that has the base tone key of 11 2/3 negative eira and what‟s called the overtone equilibrium key, because it‟s equal to the base tone, which is 11 2/3 positive, and is part of the mana, but that becomes prana. So that‟s when prana forms, by splitting of the ManA into mana and prana. So, we have prana, eira and mana at this point, where mana is 21 2/3 positive base. So, this is where we use the words mana, prana and eira. What we‟re talking about. And this is where prana starts. Prana starts with the first cycle of the keys, that started out as ManA and ManA broke down into two parts, not equal parts, but one has 21 2/3 base positive charge, and that‟s the mana, and the remainder of that, which is called the overtone equilibrium is the prana, or the prana key. Actually the prana key is something that is half of that. The prana is 11 2/3 positive frequency that used to be mana, but when it separated out and put into the base tone, it becomes prana. So prana becomes key to what‟s called the backflow return. There‟s something called Prana Exchange that we are going to talk about more tomorrow after we understand the structure here. We‟ll understand where the prana seed comes into being, and why it is important, and what it has to do with core gates, and what it has to do with bardoah or not. This is where prana starts. Prana, mana and eira. This is the key cycles of the Tauren, and through these key cycles quantum is built. It is built and stored in the form of harmonic keys, which are like little geleziac balls of radiation with various differences charge and quantum holding. The keys go under resolution, and that‟s where prana gets formed, and then the keys collect together and form what are called Takeyons, and then Takeyons form together and go through what is called a flashpoint. This is where they go through the first creation point. Remember, all of this came out of the first partiki, the first point, and from that, on that same point, is where you have the Tauren form with its PartikE in the center. So, everything is centered on that first creation point, where the first partiki was given from Source. And it is back through that first creation point that once a quantum is built up through key generation, through spark generation that become keys, and we get into what becomes keylons, and fire letter, and all that stuff... we don‟t have to deal with that right now. That was given in the Tenerife workshop and maybe Denver. And we talked about this more when we talked about sacred sex cause it has to do with that too. That center point is the first point where the first partiki was created. That‟s the center point that the whole light body structure actually evolves on and from. That‟s the flashpoint. When you get a certain quantum built, where the keys go under resolution, they store for a bit, they built up more through the continued sparking or pulsing of the tauren. They build up into Takeyons, and Takeyons unite and form a field, and when they reach a certain vibrational level, they spark open the center point at the first creation point inside of the PartikE, and the whole thing goes back in. All the quantum of the PartikE goes back in. I believe the Tauren goes back in, and it replicates. It creates the first backflow to Source. Source created the first gift, the first outflow of the first two partiki. They created the Tauren from their interactions together. Then, through the generation of the Tauren, with the PartikE in the center, this creates the first full backflow to Source, and it creates a x2 replica of the quantum that was sent back in. This is how the birthing cycle starts, as far as clusters of light cells that become what we call the Starborn cycle that lead up to later the creation of the Par-TE-Kei body that is the Ra-sha bodies. So, I wanted to show you this to remind you of this, how keys are formed, how sparks form, by the pulsing of the Tauren, through the geleziac layers in the PartikE center, and they are the process by which quantum is built up, where it is a self-generating quantum. Just by pulsing, and these things rubbing together, they are creating sparks that have qualities of what has been rubbed together, and they create their own quantum, and that quantum is given back as a gift to Source, and then Source doubles it and sends it back again. So, to understand the basic process of backflow to Source, and then you get what‟s called backflow return from Source. So, as long as that creation point is open, you have backflow and backflow return. You have an open circulation, the breathing rhythm of Source. Backflow, you have contraction of the light bodies. Outflow, you have expansion of them. It‟s Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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the natural waves of ascension, of return home. What we actually have is the - what do they call it? It‟s not descension. It‟s like disbursement, disbursement wave where you go into manifestation, into the different domains of the light body, into individuation of consciousness, and then the ascension cycles that come back this way, and are the backflow return flow back into Source. The outgoing cycles are called the Eckashi cycles, the expansion cycles. And then at a certain point of full expansion of quantum, where there is a turnaround that occurs, and then there are the Adashi cycles that come back. So, when we talk about the Adashi temples that we‟ve mentioned, we are talking about the particular structures on Urtha - and there are those in other places that have to do with the Ra-sha-LAe body structure - that activates the Ra-sha-LAe body in a way that it sets in motion those ascension currents, or those backflow currents back to Source. It‟s a process that we‟ll see at the end of Ra-sha-LAe body structure, where you will see why I keep saying Ra-sha bodies, and not just Ra-sha-LAe anymore, because there are several stages of them. But we‟ll see something called the Krist Star circulation. You have first creation, and then you have eternal creation. It is because of the process involved with the Krist Star that it is eternal creation where the first creation perpetually continues to recreate itself through expansion and contraction, through the breathing rhythm of Source. Next one please.

[D2 C3 0:40:28]

We don‟t need to go into quantum. I just said all that really fast. There‟s a couple of these I just put up the big ones on, that had to do with key resolution, so you‟d find out where prana came from, in case you didn‟t know where prana as an Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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energy came from. These are just the big versions of the ones you saw. They were introduced, I believe, in the Tenerife workshop. I think some more were introduced in Denver. Through those key generation cycles... we‟re going to be learning a lot more about all of this... there‟s a whole bunch of diagrams that there wasn‟t time to do yet, because... what you saw with that summary chart, with the five or six diagrams, takes you up to - we went through key resolution... it jumped over these to get you to the point of Takeyon flashpoint. These were diagrams that have several pieces to each of them, that go in between the key resolution, where the prana keys were formed, or what are called the Alons. Basically, in simple terms, these keys that have a base tone and overtone, that became base tones split overtone, split into overtone equilibrium or prana key and overtone differential, the difference between, which is the mana key, from this point here of key resolution... hold on a second. I‟m getting a line. Someone is talking to me. What are you trying to tell me, besides “hurry up”. I know that. (Laughter) Key resolution sets the ground for what becomes Alons, KAlons and ShAlons. We called them the ASK sets. Alons, KAlons and ShAlons have to do with consolidated or condensed keys that go through several processes, that become Alons, KAlons and ShAlons. But what were the prana keys that were the 11 2/3 positive overtone equilibrium key, they become Alons. The prana keys become Alons. So the Alons are the carriers of the prana. The base tone keys become ShAlons. The base tones are the carrier of the eira energy. The KAlons are the carriers of the mana, or the overtone differential. When those keys come together, something interesting happens. When those three units, and we‟ll see where they form later, where they form, when they come together, we go through all these stages of what keys do, and this is like little keys still in the PartikE of the Tauren. This is all happening in there. This whole process also happens in the larger body structures of the Par-TE-Kei templates, that are large versions of that little tiny center of the Tauren. This is why I started here. So, you would remember what the Tauren is, and what it does, where it‟s photo generator cells is, because what the Par-TE-Kei bodies become are like very large photo generator cells. They are the photo generator cells that produce the quantum that allow for the creation of the outer bodies of the Eukatharista. Anyway, we have the key flashpoint. That‟s the Takeyon point. This is just one Takeyon cycle. After several Takeyon cycles, after you get three Takeyon cycles, I believe... after three key harmonic key cycles you get what‟s called a key ordination, which is the process by which something called Mata Ors are formed. The Mata Ors become the carriers of the Jhala, or the Ala or the Alon. It‟s not Allah like the Muslim God. It‟s actually a J, but the J is silent. So, the Alons are actually Mata Or with a Jhala Or in it, and it forms an Alon, or a Jhalon, but the J is silent. So the Alons, KAlons and ShAlons. We call them the ASK crystal sets. There‟s a process by which after several numerous Takeyon cycles - 12 key cycles form a Takeyon cycle and one flashpoint. At that point you go from the Tauren to the next unit. This is where we get the Starborn cycle, where there are sets of Takeyon cycles. One Takeyon cycle is 12 harmonic key cycles. You have a series of six Takeyon cycles that form a full Starborn cycle. The 7th cycle is the ReushaTA cycle, and then the 8 th cycle is called the Flame cycle. These all add up to - and I‟ll show you in a minute - the creation of the seed atom. It gets interesting, because it doesn‟t just happen once. It happens for each of the domains. When we get to a certain point... we‟ll talk about it tomorrow. After the keys go through all this and they hit their flashpoints, after a whole ... this is like one Takeyon flashpoint... at the end of one set of 12 harmonic key cycles. After a whole set of six flashpoints, or six full Takeyon cycles, there are things that take place... keys become more objectified and begin to densify into matter, and there is a key point here that is called the manifestation of the keys. After they go through these series of things that we‟re just getting the information on how that works, the 14 th is called key distribution, and this is where they form ASK-O sets. The O‟s have to do with something - Alons, KAlons and ShAlons, and Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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something called Orons, that have to do with the outer field around the PartikE, but also the outer field around the ParTE-Kei templates, as we‟ll see. And then there‟s something called fertilization, conception and birth of the keys. This is when the KAlon comes down into it (the ShAlon) and the Alon goes up into it, and it fertilizes. It creates a whole set of things that has to do with firing the fire lines. We‟re going to learn more about what that has to do with the Prana Exchange. It‟s going to be something we‟re fully setting in motion... we‟ve set in motion the key generation cycles through the activations we‟ve down before, in our Taurens. But what we haven‟t done yet is activate the Par-TE-Kei body templates that are like huge bodies around us, not just little tiny seeds here. When you get them both activated, it really expedites the activation of the Ra-sha bodies. I just wanted you to see this. There is a whole list of things that would have many more diagrams with little key things on it, just to explain what happens inside of the PartikE. But inside of the PartikE of the Tauren, that is a good example of what happens in the larger Par-TE-Kei body template. Next one please.

[D2 C4 0:47:40] Spiral expansion of Kathara grids

That again is just to show you... the proportions of the circles or the spheres were created by the particular alignment of these little kathara grids. Each one of them would have the proportions to itself as that first one you saw... the specific proportions to it. The first one started on that, which was called the zero point axis. The next one ... they told me how to do the proportions this way. I‟m terrible with math. They said „draw a little kathara grid on that axis.‟ „Ok, got that.‟ Then they said, „look at where the nine point would be on the next one up. Let the nine and the 12 be together. So, you‟re going to make a bigger one, and that tip point would be the 12 of the one you just did. Let that be the nine point of the next one. And spin it clockwise.‟ „Huh?‟ Somehow it came out, where I got the gist of how to do it, where, again, that 12 point would be the nine point of this one. Then there‟s this one. That 12 point would be the nine point of this one.

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So, this is how they spiral out, and it creates, progressively, and it‟s a different proportion then you would have than if you just did one kathara grid here, and then another, drew a line here and put another one inside of it with the tips touching. There are two different types of expansion. One is the spiral expansion, and there are certain points in the ParTE-Kei template that you get a different kind of expansion, where there is a POP expansion. This is where you get the shapes of the embedded grids, where you would have a natural, say, this line would be the Rajhna line, where you‟d have the Reuzhetta there, and you‟d have this line would be the E-Umbi line. We were shown another type of embedded kathara grids, where you have the Rajhna and the E-Umbi points would be the top and bottom points of the next kathara grid inside. So, there are two types of expansion that take place in forming of the Par-TE-Kei body, and the first one is the spiraling. On the spiraling, it gives you the proportions of each of what become the cell clusters of the Starborn body, that eventually form the seed atom. Next one please.

[D2 C4 0:49:50] The Layers of the PartikE

So, those proportions are all built on this. Now, they‟re not perfect, because by the time you photocopy something three times, everything changes shape. It‟s not quite exactly the same as it was when we started. I don‟t do these on the computer. I do them by hand. Eventually, Az will do computer stuff with these, „cause he‟s real good with that. But I go blind when I stare into the computer screen, so I avoid it whenever possible. This shows you again the layers, the layers of the PartikE. The same diagram will eventually be used to show you the layers of the Par-TE-Kei template, that would be the large one around you. Again, they have the same names, where they have the Na-Da, the A-Da-Ma, the Jha-Fa, the Tao, the E'-Da, the Jha-Da', etc. But, it‟s also pointing out that you not only have these gel layers, but in between them, there are crystalline bands that form, crystallizations of the two fields that are bumping together. So, say, you have one, the Na-Da gel, and then two, the A-Da-Ma gel. When they rub through each other, they create a third substance. That substance they call the crystalline bands, or the orbitas of the Par-TE-Kei or the PartikE. So, there are 15 layers and also 15 bands. The bands that form in between them. The bands Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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simply... they are considered at the .5 scale. So, if you have one here, and two here, the band between the one layer and the two layer would be the 1.5 layer, and that would be band one. So, this is how we get the bands. These become important when we‟re understanding the bigger Ra-sha-LAe bodies. So, this is where it starts, still in the PartikE. In the PartikE, you end up with these... the At'-ma, the inner yolk, the Na-Da, the A-Da-Ma and the Jha-Fa. There‟s a double barrier that forms between each layer. And there‟s the four, five and six, which are the Tao, the E'-Da and the Jha-Da', then another barrier, then the seven, eight and the nine, really the Ta, the Ma and the Ka - they have larger names to them but we always use the short version of the Ta, the Ma and the Ka. Then, here you have the Ra, the Sha and the La. Again, another barrier between the set of three. So, you end up with, first of all, five sets of three gel layers. In between those run the bands between them. So, you have the A-Da-Ma Na-Da, the Jha-Fa A-Da-Ma, the Tao Jha-Fa, and then here you have the E'-Da Tao and the Jha-Da E'-Da. The Garden of Eden. The Ta Jha-Da. The Ma TA. The Ka Ma. This is where you have the Ka Ma Sutara stuff. The Ka Ma lines. Ka Ma Sutara. That‟s what they were trying to explain in those ancient books. Once upon a time they had more text. Now they seem to just have pictures. (Laughter) I wouldn‟t blame that on the Sanskrit teachings either. I‟d blame it on the new translations. These are the names of the bands that go between - the Ka Ma, the Ra Ka... here we have the Sha Ra, the La Sha, the Ka La, or the Ka LA light barrier here. Here you have the Da Ka, and the Rha Ta, and here... this should be an O, you have the Orieas. Out there, when you get past, you have layer 15 Rha, then there is a band that forms, a crystalline band at 15.5, and out here you have what is called the Oriea, dark light vibration field. It‟s different than the Arieas, where you have the Ariea Kum Narah, and that kind of stuff, where we were dealing with the sound tones of a different type that have to do with the outer domains. The Orieas are before the Arieas. They are down in the little PartikE level and also the Par-TE-Kei level. So, this would be a combination of the Ra and the Oriea, where you get Ora. The Ora light would be here. (D2 C4 0:54:11) So, this is just showing you that when you see these 15 layer templates, you‟re talking about - the first one you‟ve got layers, these would be the gel layers, then you have the crystalline bands that form in between from the rubbing together of the gel layers. Next one please. Wait. They also call these the density commands, each one of these ends up representing an elemental field of consciousness that become the elements, literally, the units of consciousness that form, or the radiation templates that form what we call elements on the atomic charts, or the Periodic Table of the Elements. This is where the elemental fields form, where you have the five basic elemental fields, and each one of them with three layers and three bands. We‟re not going to talk too much in this workshop about elemental force, because we‟re doing that in the 12 Tribes classes more. We‟re doing elemental commands stands and those kinds of things. All of that comes from here too, which comes from the 15 geleziac layers, and 15 crystalline bands. Next one please.

[D2 C4 0:55:32] The E-YU-Ka "Yoke" of Eternal Life Within the PartikE of the Tauren

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Here we talk about the elemental commands. What‟s interesting about this is once it goes into Par-TE-Kei replication on the bigger layer, you end up with one layer of those having these actually switched, cause I asked them if we had these wrong, because what you see here is each group of three is divided up into one of five elemental commands, where you have the core ethers, then they had the core solids, then they had liquids, and then they had gases and then vapors. This is how we run elemental commands because actually the first structure of templates that occur in the PartikE and also on the template level of the Par-TE-Kei body, but once we get to a Par-TE-Kei body, as opposed to its template, you actually find that... where you have one is still the ethers - the first set of three are still the ethers - the second set of three actually form what are called the flows, or the waters. So actually solid and liquid are reversed once you come into that. Why, I don‟t know. But they did point out that, no, we weren‟t wrong on these diagrams. That‟s how it‟s supposed to be. When we do elemental command stands, we still use this structure, because it is the core structure of the templates. But, once it‟s in the bodies, you‟ll see later, it forms... where you have the core will end up as the ethers, the next level of three bands out will be the flows, or the waters, that are called the Aquifers, or the liquid core, and then out from there, the seven, eight and nine layers, will be the solids, which are called the mantle. Past that you have what we call the atmosphere, which are the gases or the air. They are also called the wind command. Beyond that, you would have what are called the vapors, or the fire command. So, when we talk about elemental commands, they all come again from these layers of the PartikE inside of the Tauren, which is a microcosm of the macrocosmic size Par-TE-Kei template of the Ra-sha bodies. So, that was just to remind you those. Next one please.

[D2 C4 0:58:01] True Periodic Table of Elements (Still to be filled in.)

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This is just to show you that all those elemental commands things that go on the elemental charts eventually would be our own Periodic Table of the Elements, that actually shows you what‟s supposed to be there. There are supposed to be 144 elements. These aren‟t finished yet. We‟re just getting to do them. We have, as far as the elemental commands they are considered the smaller commands. We have the ethers, the Earth, the water, the air and the fire. Then the larger commands that are considered the master commands, that have to do with the core template flows, where the ethers become the cloud command, and it has to do with plasmas. The Earth becomes the KrystalA command, the Krystal command. The waters becomes the Aah-QuA'-el flows command. The air becomes the eternal wind song, the wind command. So, when we are doing the Krystal River stuff, and we‟re calling out to different commands, this is what we are calling on, the levels of our own being, actually, because we have a smaller version of this creation body that we‟re a part of. Up here we have what were the fire commands on the deeper core level are the flame commands. When we do elemental stands, there are things you do, configurations that you stand in, and to do different things to anchor specifically various specific geometrical formations, the different frequencies that run from each command. Elemental command is learning about being able to direct and work co-creatively with – „cause you don‟t boss them around. These are fields of consciousness that you are connected to, and they run through your body. You can learn to work with them. When you do - a person who has full elemental command would be able to move clouds and be able to change weather, and would be able to change conditions within their body or someone else‟s, would be able to stop the flows of blood if they saw it, or even if they didn‟t. Things like that. Elemental command has very practical purposes. But first you have to learn how to work with it and what it is. It is always co-creative. You are working with the larger fields of consciousness than your own/that you call yourself here in 3D. So, you‟re also working with parts of yourself that are that big. This is where the elemental command stuff fits in with the Par-TE-Kei templates, or the PartikE templates inside the Tauren that become the Par-TE-Kei templates. These words are driving me crazy. We‟ve had so many new words. Next one please.

[D2 C5 1:00:24] 15 States of matter Created by 5 Elemental Commands.

This is showing you how these commands, these 15 states of matter created by the five elemental commands - the ethers, the Earth, the water, the air, the water, which are the ether, the solids, the liquids, the gas and the vapors. These two combined are solid/liquid. These two combined are liquid/gas. These two combined are gas/vapor. Then these two combine and you got gas/gas/vapor. These two combine and you have solid/liquid/liquid. Each one of these states ... this is called the hydroplasm density, the density four state, the ectoplasmic density, density three state, that corresponds with D7, D8 and D9. (These would be the 10, 11, and 12). The endoplasmic density two state, 4, 5 and 6. And these would be the density one plasma states, D1, 2 and 3. There‟s lots of them down here. These have two combinations. These have three combinations. These have six combinations. These have 12. So, this is just the beginning of understanding how that plugs into our Periodic Table of Elements. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Next one please.

[D2 C5 1:01:35] (Takeyon Cycle)

Whoever thought spirituality and ascension would take us here? (Laughter) Somehow I‟m going to end up with some kind of interdimensional degree in astral physics or something without really having tried. This is just show you after one key cycle, one Takeyon cycle... this is where you have the formation of what‟s called the Reuzhetta and the seed atom. From the first triad that was on that line, the first partiki then the second partiki form the triad, and from there they form the Tauren. The triad is on this axis, the zero point axis. Next one is... remember it sparked enough to form the sparks that form the Tauren body. Remember, the center part of the Tauren body is the photo-generator cell of the PartikE. So, the Tauren is on axis one. Every time a thing goes through a flashpoint and is formed, and it does a 45 degree shift in axis rotation... it started over there. So here is the axis of the Tauren. That‟s considered the number one axis, axis one, the zero point axis over there. That would be the nine position on the kathara grid. Here is where we start that incremental size increase from the little tiny kathara grid in the center, where the triad shape would be... now the next one up would be the Tauren. The Tauren goes through a pulse cycle of 12 harmonic key cycles, a full Takeyon cycle, hits Takeyon flashpoint, pops into the creation point of Source, replicates, comes back out times two, and rotates 45 degrees and comes out on axis two as what‟s called the diad. The diad goes through a Takeyon cycle of 12 harmonic key cycles, pops in at its flashpoint, comes back out, again as a times two replica, which is the miad. This is showing you the clusters of light/radiation cells, as they build up from the first Tauren. We‟re not going to go through this every time. You get the idea. So, we have the miad, then the monad, or the manos, then the Amorae Hub cell on axis five. On axis six we have what‟s called the divine blueprint. You are actually counting numbers of partiki. This is still in the partiki area. You only have the one PartikE in the center that was generating all these. So, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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you have three partiki, six partiki (the three in the center and three). So, three and three are six partiki. Six and six are 12 partiki. This is where you get into seed atoms and things - not seed atoms, light seeds. The difference between the Metatronic ones - because the Metatronic ones turn out to be a 6-6-6 here, and there‟s a lot of places where the 6-6-6 shows up in the Metatronic stuff, that they don‟t tell you about. It‟s supposed to be 6-3-6. Three is the divine constant at the center of the Tauren. You have six partiki and six partiki - that forms the 12 partiki. So, you have 12 partiki of the miad. You have 24 partiki of the monad. You have 48 partiki of the Amorae cell. Here‟s where you start increases - they‟re not just times two anymore. These are times two, as far as replication when it went into Source and it popped out again. The replication is times two. Now you have 48 partiki. 48 times three. The times three replication starts here. It gives you the 144 partiki units of the divine blueprint. That goes in and does a times 12 replication, where you have 144 x 12 = 1728 partiki of what is called the Edon. That‟s the Edon 1728. Then there‟s one more, where you have 20,736 partiki of the Rashallah(?), and that‟s on axis 8. That‟s on axis 7. That‟s on axis 6, which would be down here. So, this shows you the formation of the cluster that become known as, all these put together - remember, they are all in the same place, on the same center, so they are all like little clusters within clusters within clusters. These all together form what is called the Rheuzhetta. Or the nine layers of the Rheuzhetta. And when that one pops in, and it goes through something that I‟m not even going to try to explain now that has to do with the seventh cycle, which isn‟t a Takeyon cycle - it‟s called a ReushaTA cycle, that has to do with picking up the keys from the AdorA side, and then a flame cycle that has to do with formation of a flame. We did this in, I believe, Tenerife, and probably one of the Sacred Sex workshops too. Anyway, it goes from there. The next expansion, after it does several things in cycle seven and eight, it comes back out at axis one, or nine, because it‟s the ninth thing it did, as what is called the seed atom. Inside the seed atom you have the Reuzhetta, which is this entire cluster. So that is the seed atom. It has 30 cells of the seed atom. These are the first Par-TE-Kei cells. So, we went from partiki units into the creation of the first Par-TE-Kei cells. They are bigger and they have more quantum than the smaller partiki. Next one please.

[D2 C5 1:07:08] The Reuzhetta Code

We may be running a little late tonight. I really really try. I really do. (Laughter) I won‟t even put out times anymore. I used to try to put out an itinerary. It just gets me in trouble.

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Anyway... here we are. Reuzhetta looks like, this being the outer cluster of the 20,736, going down inward through all of them. When you put them altogether it creates the Reuzhetta. These are clusters. You‟d actually see all the balls through each other. They are energy balls. They are spheres within spheres within spheres. It is a really beautiful cluster. And that is the Reuzhetta cluster, inside of the seed atom. This seed atom is called the Yunasai seed atom. It is the first of three seed atoms that form in something called the Krist Star cycle. Right now, this part of it is called the Starborn cycle. Up to this point, we saw all those little things be created with their Takeyon cycle, pop in, come out double, that kind of thing. That is called the Starborn cycle. So, there‟s a seed cycle before when the Tauren is created. Then you have the Starborn cycle. Now there‟s another cycle that comes after this. This is where you find out where your Ra-sha-LAe body comes from. Next one please. (see [D2 C5 1:10:51] below) What happens after Axis 9? After the seed atom is created, what happens next? I always knew that there was something that happened next, because everything comes in 12's and 15's and we have 9... why? What happened to the rest of them? Uh oh, we have the nine inner layers, yes... I vaguely remember that one. I knew something came, but for ages we couldn‟t get any of what it was. It just wasn‟t being released, actually. The next thing that happens... you have number one, you have the SEda cycle, where the Tauren is born. Number two, you have the Starborn cycle up to creation of the seed atom. Then, the seed atom phases. It‟s 30 little balls, just like the Tauren expanded and contracted, or contracted and expanded... when it contracts, it sparks. Its balls rub together and make sparks. Well, the same thing happens with the seed atom. It makes sparks. They didn‟t say how many, but I think it‟s a set of 12, just like it was with the Tauren. 12 contraction/expansion/contraction/expansion, each time making sparks in the center of the seed atom. And, I have a feeling it‟s at the 13 th...because there‟s something with Prana Exchange that has to do with 13. The 13th contraction and expansion pops open the center point, and the whole thing goes back into Source and replicates, right? Again. And it comes back out in a very interesting way. This is what starts what‟s called the Lifeborn cycle. So, we had the Star Seed cycle, the SEda cycle, where the Tauren was created - the light seed cycle. Then we had the Starborn cycle. Now we have the Lifeborn cycle. This is where, once it pops in, once the seed atom and everything pop in, then they call it the six cracks, the six pops and a little bang, which is the bing, the bong and the boom. (Laughter) This is before the Big Bang science talks about.

[D2 C5 1:10:51] Birth of the Par-TE-Kei

So, you have your seed atom, it goes in to Source, it replicates its quantum, gets ready to pop back out again with a bit more thrust this time... like winding up for a pitch... and it comes back out in the first six cracks. It goes (makes cracking noise six times) - six expansions. These are expansions that come this way, the embedded way, as opposed to the spiraling ones that are offset. This is where we have one, two, three, then four, five, six. It wouldn‟t have fit on here if I Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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tried to put it here. What it ends up giving you is one, two, three, four, five, six layers. (One is on the inside and the others expand out around it, so six is on the outside.) These become the first inner layers of the Par-TE-Kei template. Then, after you have the six cracks, the next thing are the six pops, or Pillars of Power. (D2 C5 1:10:5)] That contracts back in and pops back out again, but this pops out in a different way. It‟s still an expansion but it has different increments of expansion. They end up giving you the same proportions as you would from a PartikE template, and their 15 layers. It ends up giving you the same proportions but on a large scale. The six pops create, I think... they went from the center out - one, two, three, four, five.... six was on the outside. These go one, and then two comes inside of it, and then three, four, five, six. So the first pop actually ends up out here. These expand within it. So you got one, two, three, four, five, six, and at the center you have that. That has given you 12 layers. So you now have 12 layers. Then there‟s another thing that happens. Oh, at the center point here, there is a little thing called the Krystallah that forms, which is like a little unit that holds the Krist encryption. Next one please.

[D2 C5 1:10:51] (Birth of the Par-TE-Kei Body)

This is how your Par-TE-Kei body gets born, which is the core structure of your Ra-sha-LAe body. Next one is, after you have the six cracks that form the center, and the six pops that form the outer six layers, then you have the little bang, which is the bing, the bong and the boom. It goes... (makes sounds - bing, bong, boom). The whole bunch of them pull into Source, and then go (makes popping sounds) going back out. It‟s a bing, bang, boom. It‟s actually a bing, bong, boom. That gives you three more layers of this type of expansion, the point to line expansion, as opposed to the spiral proportions. That creates 13, 14 and 15 layers. So, what you have by the end of all this... Next one please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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[D2 C5 1:13:30] 15 Gel Layers and 15 Crystal Bands of the Par-TE-Kei Template

This is the Par-TE-Kei –(big E) - Par-TE-Kei template. The 15 gel layers and the 15 crystal bands of the Par-TE-Kei templates. These were the ones, one through six were the center ones, they were formed by the six cracks. The seven through 12 were formed by the six pops, or Pillars of Power expansions. The last three were formed by the little bang the bing, the bong and boom. That gives you the Par-TE-Kei template. They are spheres, but right now we‟re dealing with spheres that are called gel layers and crystal bands. These become interesting. What these become as the Par-TEKei template becomes the Par-TE-Kei body, because they change words. The shape stays the same but they change words. This is the Lifeborn cycle, Stage 1, the Par-TE-Kei template forms. Six cracks, six pops and a little bang. (D2 C5 1:14:18) Now here again you have an OrEa dark light and sound fields. You have the same words. The same from the Na-Da going all the way up to the Rha on the outside. The same words for the layers and for the bands. Nine layers going in, and these would be the ones going out. These are scribbled but they are the names of the bands. We have them written down here again too. We don‟t have to reread those for now. It‟s showing the same thing that we went over as far as the names. Those names have to do with the tonal resonance of the core vibration, the BPR, of each of those gel layers. That‟s where the names come from. They‟re not just pulled out of a hat. They have to do with the verbal translation you could make of those sound vibrations. Next one.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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[D2 C6 1:15:05] 15 Orbatas for the 15 States of Matter

That‟s just to show you that what you just saw is the same thing - when we looked at this before, in relation to the PartikE inside of the Tauren, it‟s the same structure and it creates the same elemental divisions, or elemental forces. You have the 15 orbatas.... crystal bands and 15 geleziac layers. Next one please.

[D2 C6 1:15:34] Stage 2 - The Par-TE-Kei Body

Here we go. Lifeborn cycle, which is number 3. Number 2 is the Starborn cycle. Now we‟re on stage 2. The Par-TE-Kei template was stage 1. The Par-TE-Kei body is stage 2. And this is created by the first Pillar of Power phase pulse. So, on the Par-TE-Kei template, it had those little spheres that form the cross that we call the Pillar of Power. That contracted. Those spheres sparked. And the inner part of it sparked. And in that sparking, it replicated some parts of itself, back out again, and reproduced this, which is in the same place and in the same space, but like a different layer added right on to the layer that was there. You have what‟s called the Par-TE-Kei body, and you have 15 gel sphere rings. These are called rings. So, when we‟re activating the rings, we‟re opening the rings, this is what we‟re relating to. The rings are the next level up translation of what were the layers in the template. So you go layers, rings, and you go, what used to be the crystalline bands become spans, which are crystal orbs, and they are of the Par-TE-Kei body. In the Par-TE-Kei template, the stage right before, you have geleziac layers, and crystalline bands. When we talk about Spanner gates, we‟re talking about activating these portions of the body fields. There are gates that actually run through this deep into the templates behind the outer matter manifestations. So, you have 15 rings and 15 spans. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Now, at the center here, you also have what is called - where it was the Krystallah, now you have the E-Ta-Ur core. So a little E-Ta-Ur radiation point forms in the center of the Krystallah. Again, you have the same names, but now they are called rings and spans... rings being things here and in between you have the spans, because they span one another. And there‟s actually something really intense that happens with them, where the layers from the one before it split half and half - there‟s a lot of technicals that go between that stage and this that we don‟t need to understand, as long as we understand that at this level we have rings and spans. They start moving - the type of geleziac radiation they‟re holding, starts to switch off, where half of this will go there and half of this will go to there, and it makes more and more types of geleziac radiation currents, basically, or fields that later become currents. (1:18:05) What we also have here is, at this stage, where the Par-TE-Kei body forms from the Par-TE-Kei template that was the stage before, which was the stage 1 of the Lifeborn cycle - this is stage 2. This is where we get Alons, ShAlons and KAlons, where they are a set of 12 primary crystals. These are crystal structures that form actual crystalline structures in the bands. Each of these lines here becomes - before we used to call them fire lines, just like you have in the PartikE fire lines. On the Par-TE-Kei template they are called fire lines, or key lines, but here they become fire chambers. What fires in the fire chambers are the Alon, KAlon and ShAlon sets, but there‟s also, out here, in this band you have the Oron shield, or the Oron unit sets. They have to do with the OrEa field out here, the dark light field, and the Ra field here, and the band that they form is the Ora band. So, you have Orons that form here. The KAlon, ShAlon and Alons names come from where they originally formed in the PartikE of the Tauren, where ... before they got to the bands that they‟re in, the KAlons formed on the band between the Ka and the La fields, the Ka La band. The ShAlons formed between the Sha and the La. The Alons did a whole bunch of things during key resolution to get that name. It had to do with the J being silent and the Jha Las and the JAlons and things. Anyway... in this point, this is where you go from having those being little tiny things that the keys are doing, to in the larger structure of the Par -TEKei body ... in terms of your personal anatomy, it would be around you and running through you, not just a little tiny thing inside of you. These become literal shields of crystalline things with 12 primary points that are aligned at the 12 primary fire lines. At the center now you also have an Eta-Or unit. Something happens with that Eta-Or unit in the next phase that allows for these three things to come together, where the Alon pulls up into the ShAlon, the KAlons pulls down into the ShAlon, and they fertilize, just like sperm and egg coming together. When they come together, all sorts of things having to do with opening up all of these fire chambers happen, and it begins the process of what‟s called Prana Exchange. Next one please.

[D2 C6 1:20:51] The Par-TE-Kei Body – 5 Elemental Flames & Prana Seed

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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I‟ll show you where you get the Prana seed first. Oh yeah, this is another layer before you get to Prana Exchange. Now, here‟s where the Prana Exchange happens. Now, we‟re still at the Lifeborn cycle, which is number 3, after the Starborn 2. At stage 3, this is still the Par-TE-Kei body, but this is the five elemental planes that form from those 15 rings and 15 spans. I am trying to get my spans and bands and layers and rings straight. I said that right this time. I‟ve been struggling with that in the 12 Tribes classes. It‟s getting clearer as we go. We have stage 3, Par-TE-Kei body, five elemental planes and the Prana seed. These are formed/created by the first ASKO conception pulse. So, the first point in time - there is something that triggers the Alons, ShAlons and KAlons to come together, and fire, open the fire tube, and everybody pulls into the center and sparks the center where the Eta -Or is, and it causes the Eta-Or to split. Everything pulls in for a second and comes back out, and it separates things out into five planes. They still have their layers running through them - no, they are not layers here, they are rings - they have their rings and their spans running through them. But at the center, here‟s the point where the five planes form, when those 15 sets break into sets of three. You end up with what was the Eta-Or at the center splitting, and leaving a hole in the center where it was. The hole is called an Eiron point. It splits into three ether units. One is called the Eira, one is called the Prana Ki, and one is called the Prana Chi. Now if you put these two Prana Ki and Prana Chi back together, you‟d end up with a Prana - in fact, that is what it sparks. It sparks Prana. And if you remember, Prana is a base 11 2/3 positive charge radiation unit. So, these aren‟t equally distributed, though. You have to take the 11 2/3 of positive, of Prana, divide it by three, take one of those out to be the Prana Chi, which would be the negative charge one, and the other two together would be the Prana Ki as far as quantum goes, and I don‟t have that in my head, and I don‟t have it written down, but it gives you the idea. If you put the two together, you get a full 11 2/3 Prana unit. When they come together and spark - just like partiki spark - they make Prana sparks. And those Prana sparks are backflow sparks. They go back to Source. They go back through the Eiron point. What‟s on the other side of the Eiron point, at this point, does anybody remember what‟s in there? What‟s in there next to the seed atom, on the next level? Well, you go through the Par-TE-Kei body, then you go through to the Par-TE-Kei template, then through that into the seed atom, and that of course goes all the way back to the Starborn cycle back to the Tauren. Well, the backflow goes from the Prana seed Eiron point, back in, and it creates something called Prana Exchange. Prana is exchanged for a Mana outflow. Mana outflow starts the flow of Prana in, Mana out, Prana in, Mana out. And that creates all sorts of neat things that happen on the key lines, that allows for these key lines and the Alon, KAlon and ShAlon sets to perpetually go through fertilization, conception and rebirthing their quantum to continually feed structures of the thing. This is what happens when we breathe or supposed to happen when we breathe, but doesn‟t anymore because we‟ve not been able to have phasing of the prana seed since 15400BC. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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And what has just happened on the Sun is these three of their prana seed, which are the core gates on the Sol level, have compacted into one. It means bardoah has started, because bardoah, be it for a person or a planet, when the prana seed completely closes, it closes the Eiron point, which separates the Par-TE-Kei bodies and the outer bodies and the prana seed, from the seed atom behind it. And at that point, the flows of current that were coming out of the seed atom, directly from Source, can no longer come. Those flows that come from the Rosetta, the nine layers of the Rosetta, are called the Antankarana flows, that form the 9-dimensional Antankarana current, and then you have the ones from, you know, the outer currents that come with that too. That flow stops, and the Antankarana line breaks when the prana seed phase locks and closes, and that is what has happened in the core of the Sun on March 25. So, what we are going to do is assist that to not happen on this planet, at least not yet. Because usually all the planets will follow suit with their Sun when that occurs. The next phase after that, after a number of years - we have about a 1000 years before the next phase of bardoah. We entered bardoah phase of fall of the Sun, and the next phase is Nova. But we‟ve got 1000 years before that phase sets in. They haven‟t said whether there‟s like…there could be 10,000 years from the start of Nova to where it actually goes boom. I don‟t know. But they said that we‟ve got basically 500-1000 years to be able to run host from this system for anything out. And at that point, they have to pull the An-sha-TA-sa Passage line out, because when it novas here, it would take out that system if that host line was still in. So, there is a limited period of time by which hosts can be taken from this system into, you know, back into the ascension creation systems, or even into other black hole falls, if they are already a fallen race or something that would prefer to go home to their home matrix. Say, if they are Wesedraks, and they want to go back to Wesedrak. There is only a certain period of time now that anything can come out. Because once the host line from the An-sha-TA-sa passage and the Aquious Matrix is pulled out, so they don‟t nova with the Sun, this becomes a closed quarantine system that is going space dust rapidly at that point. But we have at least 500-1000 years, depending on how it goes. So right here we are at the Par-TE-Kei body with the five elemental planes and the prana seed. We are still dealing with the 15 rings and the 15 spans or crystal orbs. So if you ever see anything on TV that has to do with people orbing... they pop into this light ball and just disappear and reappear in other places... There is one I saw with a little baby who actually did it. It was on “Charmed,” I think. One of those little shows. The baby just blew out this orb because someone was trying to hurt it. They call it orbing. There is a reality to orbing. Orbing has to do with activating the spans which ar e the crystal orbs that are these in the Ra-sha-LAe body. The next thing that will happen, that we will deal with after we come back from dinner, because I am already over the ten minutes I was supposed to keep you to, the next phase will be getting into the Ra-sha layers of this. And all these things are actually part of the Par-TE-Kei template, the Par-TE-Kei body, and what comes after it are part of the bodies we call the Ra-sha bodies. This whole thing happens four times, to give you the Ra-shaA, the Rashallah, the ReishaLEa and the Ra-sha-LAe bodies. So, we‟ll see that when we come back. And then we‟ll see how it plugs into the planet as well. (D2 C6 1:28:18) (Dinner break) 15 minutes late isn‟t too bad, seeing that they threw one more graph at me to make while we were up there. Its really funny trying to do graphs when you don‟t have a glue stick. We‟re using staples to put paste-ups on them, and then photocopying them, so that‟s always fun. I‟m actually pleased. I have the sequence together where finally, by the time that it‟s time to do the journey, you will know what the journey means. You‟ll also understand the connection between your Ra-sha bodies, and the Ra-sha-LAe body, all the way from the first creation sequence that we started with, up until the levels of the atmosphere and the levels Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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down below your feet in the Earth‟s crust, and the vertical maps. So, we will get that far, and that‟s when you‟ll be ready to go on a journey to the Adashi temples. Adashi temple 7. Seven is the only temple that‟s accessible at this point. All of the Adashi temples connect to the Arc Hub gates here, or the Arc gate sites. So, arc 7 connects to Adashi 7 temple. All of the other ones at this point cannot be activated on the Earth level because of the corruption of the Earth‟s grids, and something we‟ll talk about more tomorrow, but a little bit today, about hibernation zones. If we‟re successful in getting Arc 7 and Spanner 7 that connects to Adashi 7 fully opened, we will be able to run all of the other Arc Hub gates off of Arc 7 and Spanner 7. (Applause) So, even though their Spanners can‟t open, they can all be directed in to Spanner 7, so there is an out wherever people are on the planet. It‟s a lot easier to get to 12 different sites as opposed to one. Right? The thing is, once we learn how to glide - first of all, before we slide, we glide - and that‟s when we learn how to Ra-sha-LAe project to the temples, and the first access key journey will be tonight. Once we learn how to do that, it doesn‟t matter where you are on the planet. You will have already awake in your Ra-sha-LAe bodies the mathematical coding that is a coordinate coding that will bring you directly through Spanner 7 up to Adashi 7. It‟s kind of like having an automatic map, like a beam, that wherever you are, and you want it to find you, it can, but only if you want it to. I‟m going to get into the graph sequence, and I‟ll probably go on like 78 speed again where I‟m talking 500 miles an hour, it sounds like. That‟s alright. I only do that as you guys‟ frequency pick up too, so it‟s like you hear faster as I speak faster. I noticed that. (Laughter) I don‟t do that on purpose. That is when the transmission wave is coming through, as far as the data wave coming in live, that things I‟m just learning and looking at on paper, going „oh my God, what was that three pages back? And how does that go here?‟ It just comes out, because it‟s already sequenced in my Ra-sha-LAe body, so it just kind of falls out, and it just is a wave of information that we can all catch. That‟s why it picks up sometimes and goes really fast. Since there is not a huge amount of time to do the 30 graphs that are left in the sequence, and we want to be able to get to that hour and 45 minute journey tonight, so you‟re still somewhat awake. Sorry to fall asleep up there but you do need to get your body back to your hotel room at some point. The thing that I talked about, that we‟ll talk about more tomorrow, that involves this... it is an art glass piece that was made, I think someplace in Pennsylvania, because Mac bought it for us just as a gift. It was a perfect gift, because the Beloveds have been using it for all of the 12 Tribes things as the anchor point for - (To Az) what is it? For the flows? They anchored the water flows with that, right? Yeah. It‟s been used in every one of the activations that the 12 Tribes classes have been doing, as well as some interesting things we‟ve been doing at our house, that is keyed to ShAlon 7 and Shala 13. So, it‟s already very charged. I noticed some things happening after the 12 Tribes 3 class, after the third class, where at strange time flashes happened inside of it. Which I‟ve never seen before. It‟s not just oh the light caught that. There‟s a flash that came from inside of it and went out, not something that reflected and bounced. (To Az: Did you see it? Yeah, there was a distinct flash. I saw one come out when it was sitting on the table in the kitchen. I went, did I just see that? And they went: yes it did.) So, they have been charging this progressively with the frequencies that are associated with the - well now with the AnshatAsa Passage, and, of course, the Krystal River is what they started charging it with, and then they added to that the Arc of Aquari frequencies from the outer domains of the Aquious Matrix, and now it is also running the ... it‟s an anchoring point really for the full Aqualene transmission. It‟s funny because, they‟ve had us use this as a visual. You will be able to see it a little bit closer and see the movement of the heliothalic light inside of it. Even as a piece of art glass that was created with that in it. It‟s a very special piece. I‟d like to meet the artist some day. They have been having us use the image of this, but imagine it as a... they call it the fire water flame. Imagine that it is a flame of cool wet fire. And this has to do with the Aqualene Sun core flame that will activate within ... once we begin the first Prana Exchange, the first phase of the prana seed... it will activate within the part of your seed atom, the next level out from your seed atom where your prana seed is. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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So, it will begin that process. That means the process of allowing the Ra-sha-LAe body layers to activate with the three matrix currents, as opposed to just the smaller ones which would be just from this matrix. So, we‟re going to pass this around to save time. They‟ve said that because there‟s not time nor necessity to run the second journey for this workshop - what you need is the access key journey, which is the first one. We‟ve only done two journeys so far, with the three 12 Tribe classes. One tribe will activate. So journey one actually goes with the Tribe 1 class. But the Tribe 1 class activated the ring. The ring doesn‟t consummate until the next class. So, it‟s the next class that gets to use the journey that went with the activation of the one before. So, we‟re only on two levels of full opening now. We‟re awaiting the third class. In class four, they will have ring three opening so there will be another journey. There was an important part in the second journey that was to the second floor of Adashi 7 temple, and that was when we were given - I forget what they call them - the fire water crystal keys in our right palm. Little tiny tiny... they look like micro-crystals, kind of like this color. And these were the things that will give... if you just gently rub the chakra in the palm - and you don‟t have to take them if you don‟t want - but up in those journeys, if you wanted them, you just kind of hold out your hand to your advisor person and they will give you the transmissions. It‟s the beginning of the Aqualene transmission directly. After that point, you can activate this flame thing inside of your Eiron point, which is the center point of the prana seed. As the rings and orbs span open in the Indigo Shield, we will progressively be able to activate corresponding layers of the Ra-sha-LAe bodies with the Aqualene Sun, which is that transmutation buffer field that will allow the radiation that‟s going to coming from the Sun here to be transmuted and actually used for health purposes. So, what I am going to do is... they said... because we‟re not going to take the other hour and a half or so that it takes to do journey two... journey one is the important one as far as getting there. We are going to pass this around. We are going to do it while I‟m going through the graphs, because there are so many people, it would take forever if we did a separate thing for that. When it comes to you, just try to be careful not to break it, because it is fragile. Don‟t drop it o n anything hard. And just hold it for a second. They‟re saying hold it in your right hand. If you‟d like to receive the transmission of the Aqualene transmission crystals and fire water crystals - I forget what they called them in the Tribes class. If you‟d like to, just hold it in your right hand, and just simply inhale, and it will actually come up from the right hand into the center of your prana seed. And you will have it. And at that point... if you want to just look at it and don‟t want to receive that, or if you don‟t feel you‟re ready to receive that or you‟re scared of us or something like that, or you don‟t trust us fully that‟s all right. Just hold it in your left hand and it won‟t do anything. You can hold it in your left hand and just look at it if you‟d like to. If you want to hold it in a way that you will get the transmission, first put it in your right hand, and you do have to just mentally say, „yes, I would like it.‟ You won‟t be given the transmission... it won‟t come through them through the crystal, unless you want it. So you need to mentally ask, and just inhale once you ask, and you will get a bit of these little microcrystals. It‟s also a fascinating piece to look at. I think we‟ll start just over here, and just go this way, row to row, and just work toward the back, as we go through the graph sequences. Please don‟t hold it too long. You can look at it after you get your transmission, but try to ... so we can get through all these people. There are over 200 people here. In the meantime, I am going to pick off where we left off, so we can get through the point of understanding the Ra-shaLAe body. We just got through the Par-TE-Kei template and the Par-TE-Kei body and the prana seed formation, and next we‟ll go into the RaShas. We‟ll see where they fit in to this chain of creation. Here we go again. I‟m getting the heats already. Hold on a second. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

Alrighty. Let‟s start and see if I can remember what this is. We‟re still now, remember, the Starborn cycle was number two, after you had the Starseed cycle and the Starborn cycle. Now we‟re on number three the Lifeborn cycle. That‟s where you get into the Par-TE-Kei dark matter templates. This is stage three.

[D2 C7 1:39:55] The LifeBorn cycle Stage 3

We had stage one, stage two... now we‟re on stage three. That is the five elemental density planes of the Par-TE-Kei body. This becomes important... not only do we have the 15 gel rings and the 15 crystal orbs or spans of the Par -TE-Kei body. They also divide into five elemental density planes, which are like the templates for the densities in the outer domains, once things go into outer manifestation. So, you have the rings one, two and three in the center, which form the first density. Four, five and six, the second. Seven, eight and nine, the third. Ten, eleven and twelve, the fourth. Thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, the fifth. So each one of those is an elemental density plane of the Par-TE-Kei body. The way they work on the Par-TE-Kei body, is different than the Par-TE-Kei template, and the PartikE template, whereas in the Par-TE-Kei template and PartikE of the Tauren, you had first your ethers as the first density, and then you would have your solids and then your liquids, and then your gases and your vapors. Here, once it‟s in the Par-TE-Kei body form, you end up with density one being what‟s called the solid core, and it‟s actually frozen ethers. In density two, you have what‟s called the Aquifers or the liquid core. Third density, which would be seven, eight and nine, you have the mantle, which would be the solids, the three layers of the mantle. The Ta 7 layer, which would be the lower mantle. The middle mantle, which is Ma 8, and the Ka 9, upper mantle. Going into the next density, density four, you would have this is actually getting into the light fields - you‟d have the gases here, or the air. You would have here, in the fifth density, what is called the corona sphere. This would be the atmosphere and this would be the corona sphere. It is the fire layer of the elemental bands, and it corresponds to the vapors. So, we have frozen ethers at the center, the frozen core, and you have the flaming ethers, which are vapors, as the outer layer. If you think of this in terms, of say, a Sun, it‟s the same way (or a planet). The only thing missing on the planet right now is the corona sphere. If you think of the Sun, and when you see picture of the Sun that are in space books and that kind of stuff, and you see that burning layer of gases and things, that would be part of the corona sphere. Beneath that you would have the atmosphere layers, and beneath that you would have the solids of the solar body, and the three layers of the mantle, and then there would be a liquid core, and then there would be a solid inner core. This applies to the Earth as well. Except our corona sphere has been turned off because of the distortions in the planetary body. So, when we are looking at these in terms of, first of all, the creation sequence of going from the partiki levels into the PartikE levels... these are parts, actually. They are the inside parts of the Ra-sha bodies. They also correspond directly to what manifests physically in terms of planets, and including your own body. Tonight when we‟re done with all this and you‟re doing the journey, I will put all of this into the body structure, the physical body and its kathara grid, and see Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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where these fit. So, I‟m going to have a long night ahead of me. But, we do have them on the planetary level... so we‟re getting through just understanding the structure of the Par-TE-Kei dark matter templates, in order to understand Ra-shaLAe, Ra-shallah, Ra-shaLEa, all of those, the Ra-Shas, and it will also give us the understanding we need to understand what we‟re actually walking around in and on here. When you look at this layer here, it is between density three and density four. This is the outer mantle, the upper mantle. That‟s one of the rings that corresponds to the layers in the Par-TE-Kei template. Between each of the layers - this would be a ring layer, and this would be a ring layer, 10 Ra, in between them you have the Ra Ka. Which would be a band in the template, but it is an orb, or a span in the body level. It is on that level that you will actually have what‟s called th e crust, or a surface. So there is a surface crust that forms, and this has to do with the KAlons. Remember, we talked about the KAlons, Alons and ShAlons that formed when the Par-TE-Kei body formed. So, we have here KAlons, Alons and ShAlons. They correspond to... KAlons would actually be in the crust. They‟re formed out here, which would be out in the atmosphere, and then they descend, and store in this layer, and that layer, as far as the planetary body goes, would correspond to the crust layer of the planet. So, the plates that they talk about, the tectonic plates in the crust and the stuff that we build stuff on, and the stuff that is under the ocean as the ocean floor, that part of it would actually hold the KAlon shield. Below that, when we go down between the upper mantle and the middle mantle, there would be a band of crystalline structure that held the ShAlons. This would be the ShAlon layer. That‟s at the Ka Ma layer - the Ka and the Ma. Ka 9, Ma 8. The Ka Ma layer - 8.5. Then here we would have the Alons, and the Alons are the ones that hold the joules. There‟s a point - I don‟t know if we are going to get into this... they‟re giving me more sophisticated stuff on the formation of Alons, KAlons and ShAlons, and keys and all that, that isn‟t integrated yet, but, it appears that the Alons that are part of a Ma-ta-Ur, when they go from being keys in the PartikE template, back in the Tauren, when they come out into the Par-TE-Kei template and the ParTE-Kei bodies, they go from Ma-ta-Urs to Me-ta-Urs, so we ended up with metals holding the joules, here in this layer between the middle and the lower mantles. This has to do with the different things you can mine in the body of a planet or a star, with the joules, the gem stone crystal stones, with the metals that are present. So, there are layers of these that correspond with Alon, ShAlon and KAlon. When key fertilization occurs, part of the joules rise up into the ShAlons, and the KAlons drop down when fertilization occurs, and these lines, that aren‟t shown on this diagram, open. We‟re going to talk more about that tomorrow. I‟m just learning that stuff and I don‟t have the diagrams done yet. But they will show us what that has to do with Prana Exchange, and what it means to begin to get that going again. We can also look at these templates, as we‟re going through these templates, of the Par-TE-Kei template of the Ra-sha templates. Also realize, that yes, there are huge ones that the cosmos is structured on. There are also, every time you see a solar system, it will have a set. Every little object in the solar system will have a set. Every person has a set. But every atom in every person also has this structure. So, this is the structure of atoms as well, where a certain part of this, and I think I‟ll have some of that tomorrow, where it would be the nucleus, and the things like the protons and the neutrons that are in the nucleus of atoms, and then certain things out here would correspond to the electron rings. In fact - I know this for a fact - the eighth band or the eighth span orb corresponds to the eighth electron orbit around atoms here. So, there are actually these other things that you don‟t see electrons floating around in. So, it corresponds - when you‟re doing activations in the larger body structure of the Ra-sha, you‟re also doing them right down into the atom that you are composed of. And it‟s kind of funny, because the first time I realized something was going on directly with atoms, because after we did the first journey with the second class, and the first person I saw, that I kind of looked at after the workshop, and I kind of looked at him, and I saw Az, and he was all little pink dots. I didn‟t see his 3D shape. I saw his shape as if it were a Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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silhouette, and all the atoms, and they all had a little pink ring around them. We just got done going through what are called the pink sapphire caverns, that have to do with Ring 1. Right? Whoa! Look at that! Oh cool, I‟m doing it too. I didn‟t realize that it was happening in my own body. I‟m so used to heat flashes and all sorts of wacky stuff when I‟m running the line for workshops. But, it was noticeable without even looking for it. It was almost so 3D that my physical eyes almost caught it. It was that close. I wasn‟t even doing an astral scan to see anything. So, as we‟re activating the larger bodies and assisting the planet - we‟re holding a host right now for the planet, to hold this field in the planetary bodies. Eventually once we get through with Peru, which will allow this host to allow the Beloveds to anchor enough frequency, where they can kind of kick-start the Earth‟s Ra-sha-LAe body into somewhat kind of respirator activation, where we can at least hold the passages open, and allow for the first time this planet will be able to have done a Prana Exchange, which is core breathing, since 15400 BC when certain things happened that we will talk about tomorrow. So all of these things are connected to these little circle diagrams. More balls within balls. But these balls are directly in the sequence of the creation sequence. We‟re now at level three, which is the Lifeborn cycle and stage three, and that‟s when we get the five elemental density planes of the Par-TE-Kei body, and that‟s where you have the KAlon, Alon and ShAlon shields, of the ASK, the ASK shields, as we call them. Out here you would have the O, which is the Oron level of these. So each of the 12 fire lines would have one of those crystals. Then there are little bits of those crystals that run those particular orb spans. So, there are literally crystalline spheres around us that have 12 primary points, and those points actually circle - which I won‟t get into - the core shield. These are the things that actually form the shields we talk about in the outer bodies. That‟s even more complicated stuff that you don‟t need to know right now. Maybe by tomorrow. (Laughter) Next one.

[D2 C8 1:51:34] Ra-sha AmorA Body – 3 Dimensional Template – 60 Fields & 60 Shields 4 Sheaths

Here we go. Yes. This is some new stuff. This is called the Ra-sha AmorA body, three dimensional template. Sixty fields and sixty shields, 4 sheaths. After we had the Par-TE-Kei body and its five elemental planes, this thing is created by the first phase of the Par-TE-Kei body prana seed. So the first time the prana seed at the core of the one before goes (makes sound) and sparks and releases... sparks a prana unit and sends that as backflow, then there‟s a (makes sound) thing that happens again. Now, they said, this outer sphere - they call it the Ra-sha body, and they call it Ra-sha right now because it depends on which domain you‟re in whether it‟s a Rashallah, whether it‟s a RashaLEa or a RashaLAe. Sometimes when you get into the Adashi cycles, it‟s the Reishas. So, they just refer to these in the Ekashi cycles, which Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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are the outgoing cycles, as the Ra-sha body. This one is the same size and place as the Par-TE-Kei body and template. So what you saw on the diagram before, that 15 layer thing, this is here. Now, each one of these... this kathara grid here represents the EtorA level of this Ra-sha sphere. This here represents the AdorA level. Here is where you get EtorA and AdorA, put them together and you have AmorA. (Laughter) That‟s what they call them. The AmorA body has its male and female aspect - the EtorA and the AdorA. It‟s cute, isn‟t it? (Singing) “That‟s AmorA.” I keep thinking of “when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...” But they haven‟t named these this way to be funny. They are the actual names of them, and a lot of these things, in no matter what language they‟ve ever been taught in, they are pronounced the same way. So, whatever alphabet would give those sounds, would be the spelling of them. But they are pronounced this way. So AmorA... that‟s where the concept of AmorA as love, and I believe it‟s Italian... it has to do with the EtorA and the AdorA. The EtorA is the male aspect of the energy body, the Ra-sha body, and the AdorA is the female aspect. It has to do with the polarity. Positive charge, negative charge, counterclockwise spin, clockwise spin. So, they are both in the same sphere. One is spinning clockwise, which would be the EtorA, and the AdorA is spinning counterclockwise. They exist together. So, when we talk about the AdorA side of our creation, we‟re talking about, we‟re neighbors... they‟re in the same place as we are, but they are on opposite particle spin. That doesn‟t mean it‟s a negative particle spin in the sense of bad. It just means that they are actually... where we go clockwise, they go counterclockwise. And when our systems turn around and go counterclockwise, theirs go clockwise. So, we‟re just on counter spin with each other. (D2 C8 1:54:57) What this is... what this Ra-sha AmorA body, meaning EtorA and AdorA combined... we have the outer one, and that‟s the Ra-sha. But then you have three more - one, two and three. This is actually the first one. It says “this comes from the first phase cycle engaged by the prana seed at the core of the Par-TE-Kei body. It creates the Ra-sha AmorA body. It‟s a four pulse expansion.” So... contraction/expansion, contraction/expansion, contraction/expansion, contraction/expansion. “Pulse one create the Ra-sha 15 set AmorA density body.” So pulse one is the one outside. So the first pulse comes out and does that. These others come out inside of it. So this was the first pulse, and it creates the fourth body, which when you are looking at them and counting them out is the fourth body out. That was considered the density body, or the density template. These represent the three dimension al templates inside of it. This is the structure when you look at hova bodies in relation to radial bodies on the outer creation. This is where these templates are set. , this is beginning to understand what your Ra-sha body and your Ra-sha-LAe body on the outer is structured upon. If you remember, the Par-TE-Kei body is the same size as this. So all of those things with the Par-TE-Kei body, which were the primary 15 rings and 15 orbs, orb spans, which are the things between, they are running through here. And all of the things with the fire chambers and all that, they are running through here. But this is the next layer of it, the same size, but it has four, not just the one, but two, three and four, four 15 set templates. So that one 15 set template, that had the 15 orbs between and the 15 rings, each kathara grid here, one, two, three, four, has a set of 15. So, you have four sets of 15 on each side, AdorA and EtorA. So it gives you now - they call them fields. What were the rings become fields. And at this level there are 60 fields. Where there were 15 rings in the Par-TE-Kei body behind the layer before this... now you have 60 fields. Because it‟s the 15 times four. Same with the shields. The shields... what used to be the orb spans become the shields. So, we have 60 fields and 60 shields of the Ra-sha AmorA body three dimensional template. So, this is stage four of the life cycle. The life cycle is the creation of the Par-TE-Kei templates as differentiated from the partiki templates that go up to the seed atom. Then you have the Par-TE-Kei template, the Par-TE-Kei body, and the Rasha AmorA bodies. You have a structure of your Ra-sha bodies. They are all part of the Ra-sha bodies. And there‟s Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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something that happens after this. (It never ends). At the center here, you still have one Krystallah with one prana seed that has its Eiron point at the core, and it unites all of these bodies with all of the other layers, and that prana seed, an d its Eiron opening. That opening connects to the seed atom of the partiki level of creation. Pulse one creates the outer one, which is body number four when you count outward. Pulse two creates the D3 atmospheric mental body template. The D3 atmospheric template. Pulse three creates the D2 elemental Telluric emotional, which is what we perceive as physical when our consciousness is stationed in the third dimensional level. It creates that D2 template here. And then the pulse four creates the D1 etheric atomic template of the etheric atomic body. That would be here. So, these are literally the templates upon which the three dimensional structure of hova bodies manifest. Next one please.

[D2 C8 1:59:48] Ra-sha-AmorA Body Embedded D3 & D2 Templates Lifeborn Cycle Stage 4

This is just showing - there are four of these together. You have four kathara grids together. Each one of them have their 15 layers or shields... I‟m not sure how to word that. There are 60 shields and fields, but they basically have their 15 structure. I‟ll just use it that way. You have the 15 structure - rings and... I‟ll call them rings. I‟ll use the Par-TE-Kei body words. Rings and orbs or spans. If you just look at two of these together, where you have the D2 level one that corresponded to what we see as physical. Then you have the D3 one that would correspond to what we perceive as our mental body. That also implies that there would be a D1 level, etheric atomic set in here. And that there would be that bigger density level. Where we use our density kathara grid and those kind of things in some of the techniques we‟ve done. There would be another one where its cross-bar would be here and its points would go up there. This structure becomes important later, when we are looking at Earth in relation to Urtha. For now, we‟re still looking at Lifeborn Cycle Stage 4 this is the D2 and the D3 templates looked at close up, where you can start to see where you have the 15 structure of D2... that goes up to 12, then you have 13, 14 and 15. Then you have the 15 structure of the D3 grid. Each of them have the same names for their rings and spans, or the shields and fields that correspond to them. They are the same names, starting with the Na-Da at the center - the Na-Da, the A-Da-Ma, the Jha-Fa, etc. But what we find here is those fields and shields are interacting with each other, and they form all different sets of planes, and they form different spark pulse currents as they run through each other, where the energies from each of them, the type of Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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radiation from each of them, combined. So, when we are looking at these, or seeing just two of them together, it‟s even more complex trying to see who‟s on first, when you get the D1 grid put in there, and then the larger one. (D2 C9 2:02:02) But this becomes important later when we look at these in terms of things that become the vertical maps. First these start out as circular maps, where you can see from the core up to what layer of the atmosphere is what, and then you can see where - when you understand where the D2 one is, that corresponds to the physical planetary body that we perceive as physical Earth. The next level has to do with our atmosphere, which would correspond with the D3 mental body, so there are graphs that will show you this. This is where the structure comes from. It comes from the structure itself of the Par-TE-Kei bodies and the Ra-sha AmorA body, which is part of the Ra-sha body structure. So, you end up with these coordinates down here. This is just a real quick rundown to give you an example. D2 Sha 11 equals D3 Ka 9 equals density Ta 7. This shows you the different interfaces between them. The D1 is almost cut off over here, like the D2 Ra 10, if you bring it over here it‟s the D1 12, La 12 on D1. So, it shows you where the interfaces would be. When you get to the bigger - you don‟t see this grid on there and you don‟t see the density grid on there. But, what gets interesting is when... you remember the basic five elemental planes, where you have from the 1, 2 and 3 layers, the Na Da, the A-Da-Ma and the Jha-Fa... they represent the frozen solid core. The next 4, 5 and 6 layers, the Ta-OR, the E-Da and the Jha-Da, they are the Aquifers, the liquid core areas. Then you have the 7, 8 and 9, which are the lower, middle and upper layers of the mantle or the solids. Then you have the 10, 11 and 12, which are considered the three layers of the atmosphere. Then you have the 13, 14 and 15. Each of these would have that scale. 13, 14 and 15 represent the corona sphere. If you notice, each of them has a set of those. So, you have different interfaces happening between... if the square blocks here represent the 7, 8 and 9, which is the mantle... see, the mantle here, bring it over, you have the lower mantle here crossing through the upper mantle on the 2, so this is D2 upper mantle, the Earth we see as solid. That means the D3 lower mantle crosses through it. (D2 C9 2:04:42) If the D3 layers are the mental body planes, and the D2 are the Telluric planes, or the emotional body planes that we see as the solid planes, this implies some interesting things. There are structures that correspond - when we get into the planetary level - to each of these levels, or layers, such as when we are in the 4, 5, and 6 layers. These little funny rippley lines - they are the Aquifers. They are the flows. You have lavas and waters and liquid silica crystal actually running in these. There are correspondences. We can find out what is actually running both physical and etheric below our feet, but also above us in the clouds. This is where we start to understand... let‟s say if it was characteristic of the level 8 Ma layer, which is the middle mantle layer, to have something called temples. Now, some of them would be physical. The D2 level ones would be physical. The D1 level mantle ones would be etheric. The D3 ones would be of a different type of matter. They would be what we consider the mental ones, or the atmospheric ones. So, if you have temples here at 8, it means we have temples here at 8 too. These would be the subterranean, but what appear above us, cloud cities. But they are subterranean in relation to the D3 grid. This is where we start to understand, right back here in the templates, before we are talking about planets, we can begin to understand where the planetary body fits in with the structure of just even seeing two embedded... we‟re seeing the D2 and the D3 embedded layers of the Ra-sha AmorA body. This is why I wanted to take you through the structure of these, so you can see where these form from the point of the first partiki going through the keys and all that, and then being able to apply it directly to the maps. So, when you start to use the journeys that go directly with these maps, you will understand what these maps are about. You will understand how they apply to the direct structure of creation. You‟ll know what a Ra-sha-LAe body is, that kind of thing. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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On the next one, this was the Lifeborn cycle stage four, and that is a close-up of the D2 and D3 templates. Next one please.

[D2 C9 2:07:05] Eckasha-Aah Aah-Lah Body Eternal Krist Body – Level 4 Eukatharista

The Krystal Reisha-AmorA “7 Suns” Hub The Godborn cycle “Big Bang”

Next we‟re going to get back to this again. Remember this was the Eckasha-Aah of the Eukatharista body. Now we‟re building up to a formation of that. We are not quite there yet. Now, we‟ve moved from the Lifeborn cycle of three to what‟s called the Godborn cycle of four. Now, from the Par-TE-Kei template, that was where we had the six cracks, six pops and the little bang. From the Par-TE-Kei body all the way up through the Ra-sha AmorA body, we had what is called the middle bang. The things that phase and created those expansions. Now we‟ve got the next cycle, which is called the Godborn cycle. This is the Big Bang. This is the Big Bang that science talks about, or hints about. That there is a theory of a Big Bang of some sort, and there is all this stuff about dark energy before the Big Bang. What the Big Bang did as far as science is concerned is basically give a cosmic soup, but where that soup came from is... who knows... as far as the Big Bang theory goes. Well, before the Big Bang are all those things. You have the things before, you have all the way back to the first partiki, all the way up through the Ra-sha AmorA body, and the middle bang. Now the Big Bang occurs, and what happens with this is... and by the way, they call each of those four layers of the Ra-sha AmorA body sheathes. There‟s an “e” on the end of it that they‟ve been putting there, and I don‟t know why. It‟s not on this one. I don‟t know why. But they‟ve been spelling it with an “e” that gets me very nuts as far as spelling goes. They call it the four sheathes of the Ra-sha AmorA body. The next thing... the Ra-sha AmorA body, with its four sheathes, and all the stuff that‟s inside that... those sheathes, they each have that 15 structure. So they contract and expand, and they form what‟s called the Seven Suns of the Krist Star AmorA ReishaA body, the Godborn body. The four Ekashi bodies expanding clockwise, and three Adashi bodies returning counterclockwise, and the outer Eukatharista body. All of that comes as the Ra-sha AmorA four sheath body goes (making noise). They haven‟t said whether it pops, bangs, cracks, or just goes plop, (laughter) but what it creates is ... (something comes before this actually)... before, where you had the four layers, where you had the four kathara grids, one, two, three, four embedded ones, it does a replica of that in the same size and space, but it also sets in motion, because it sets these in motion to where they are spinning, it creates counter spin areas. So, you where you had four one, two, three and four, you have ones in between. Five, six and seven. They‟re considered the seven inner suns of the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Krystar AmorA ReishaA body, and this is what we‟ve been referring to as, very loosely, as the Ra-sha-LAe Hub body. Inside that ... this is the top of that... (I have this backwards. This should go over there). This would be 9 in the EtorA Eukatharista body. If you draw that line over, center this line up, bring that down, it would give you this shape over there, and that would be the 12 point in the outer Eukatharista Eckasha-Aah body for the EtorA. This one would be the same for the AdorA side. So this is where you go from the Ra-sha Hub bodies expanding out into birthing the outer creation of the Ecka maps of the God World Gates that start with the big one which is the Eckasha Aah level, inside of which you have all these small ones which will bring us down to our Veca and where we are here inside of our Eckasha. (D2 C9 2:11:41) So this is the process from the first partiki all the way up through, forming the Par-TE-Kei bodies and templates that are part of the Ra-sha bodies, and then the Ra-sha bodies being structures that form the manifest matter structures. The Big Bang occurs when it goes from the PartikE dark matter templates into the outer manifestation. It is those templates that cause the organization of things... why a cosmic soup that comes out as a big blast of spark pulse currents. Why it organizes itself into specifically structures atoms and molecules, and they accrete and form different things that eventually gel into stellar bodies and planets and solar systems and stars. It is no accident that that happens, and there is a design behind it. That‟s what science here doesn‟t know about yet or doesn‟t remember that there is, yes indeed, dark matter and stuff you don‟t see yet does exist. It isn‟t dark. And yes, it holds the templates that arranges galaxies, solar systems and universes. Also, it arranges what happens, and what‟s supposed to happen naturally within the cores of starts and planets, which allows them to breathe through to those invisible templates, so you have eternal life instead of finite life. Finite life systems will nova. As far as stars or anything like that. That is the natural end to a finite system... is nova. And nova does not happen unless bardoah happens first. And bardoah is the closing and compaction of the prana seed at the core of the Par-TE-Kei body. So, if you have your prana seed open and it‟s able to phase, it means you can take the life of the core life force currents that are produced all the way down into Source, and all the way back, can fully flow. It means you‟re capable of not just going in the expansion cycles, the expanding universe, but you get to the point where full expansion is reached, and you are then capable of turning around and getting larger and going into the cycles that go back, which are called the Adashi cycles. What science here doesn‟t recognize is, yes, the universe continues to expand and expand, they keep wondering what its going to do, „is it going to blow apart or explode or what?‟ It‟s expanding because they haven‟t seen it reach its end of expansion... yet... because when it reaches an end - there is a natural end to expansion, and that is not nova, unless it‟s a system that died. Nova will be the end for systems that have died. For systems that aren‟t, Starfire is the natural end. It‟s the turnaround point. Starfire is the turnaround point where certain layers of the Ra-sha bodies fully activate, and take you into the Reisha bodies, and that allows you to go back from the outer domains and then into the middle Edons, back into the Adon domains, and then from the Adon domains back into core domains. It‟s a perpetual eternal life cycle, expanding and contracting universes. That‟s something that science has lost touch with here. They don‟t realize there is contraction too, but it‟s not a contraction that makes everything crash into each other. It‟s fully organized and structured upon the Par-TE-Kei dark matter templates. Just like the expansion cycles are. Next one please.

[D2 C10 2:15:17] The Pillar of Power ParTEKEi Spark Current Generator or the 7 Suns Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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This is the one they threw at me when we went for a dinner break. I was hoping just to put the sequence after this together. They said no, you have to do this one. Oh no. We‟re still at the ... what did we call that last one? The last one was the Body of God. If you turned the one you just saw, where the point of the larger one, the Eukatharista grid was turned upright, so if this is the Eukatharista grid, right? What you are looking at is the Ra-sha bodies, would start here. That would be the top of its grid. So this would be the Ra-sha body sets, where those seven inner suns of the ReishaA AmorA level... inside of it is the Ra-sha levels... here, not being shown, would be those seven inner sun layers. Now, what you also have out here, is what are considered the seven outer suns. These are the EtorA Eukatharista Eckasha Aah body base shield seven outer suns. So, there would also be seven layers. This is, again, it appears to be another six pops, where you go pop pop pop pop pop pop, but they‟re not full pops, because the grids are not fully… see you have one, two, three... they‟re half steps... four, five, six. It‟s throu gh those six pops, and this forms what‟s called the Pillar of Power on the Eckasha Aah body. The Pillar of Power is also known as the Rod and the Staff. It is the power generator of the outer domains. And it is the spark pulse currents. Just like a long time ago when we were learning how to phase our Ethos pillar up ... I didn‟t have time to put the names in here. You end up with this would be the density grid. This would be the primal light grid. This would be the density, that would be the primal light. So, there would be your Veca structure. Your next one down here would be your Ethos, and the next one up here your Eiros. In between those two... so you have Eiros and Eiros, Ethos and Ethos on this level... in between those two, you have the Ka and the Tha. The Ka, the Tha, and the Tha and the Ka, I believe. This is stuff we learned in Kathara 2/3. Well where did they come from? And these little end ones... they have „oses‟ on the end too. We have electros and magnos and thermos and hydros, I believe are the other two of those. So, I have to get the names of these. But this is where it goes from being the inner Ra-sha bodies, which are when you are talking about outer domain layers, you‟re talking about Ra-sha-LAe. They are the anatomy of the Ra-sha-LAe body. They create the Pillar of Power that corresponds with the outer domains. The first part of the outer domains, which is the Eckasha Aah body of the Eukatharista. So, we would have the EtorA one going this way, and the AdorA side going this way. The phasing of these is the pulling into the core and sparking - as they go along they spark each of the layers with the seven layers here, the seven spheres here, and then there are seven more spheres inside there that correspond with the seven inner suns. So, you have seven and seven. Fourteen. Then there‟s one more layer that is called the ReishaA Son of God body. If this is the body of God, this is the body of the Son of God. And that is the final layer, where you see your layer 12 of the outer domain Eukatharista has its 13, 14 and 15 layers, and this gets into something that you‟ll see has to do with the Starfire point. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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So, this is how the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates were created from the first partiki coming all the way through, and boy have I been trying to get that sequence for about two years. It‟s been difficult. At least we‟ve got enough now to show what pieces are where and where they fit. Very soon we‟ll see how they fit in a sequence. Next one please.

[D2 C10 2:19:26] Illegible chicken scratch! Summary. (Laughter) Just so I remember what we just went through! Number one was the Lightborn cycle. The Tauren light seed is born at the end of it. That was partiki one and two, to the triad, axis 0/1, to the birth of the Tauren living light seed. Way back, we started that in Tenerife. Number two is the Starborn cycle. The PartikE seed atom and Reuzhetta are born. And that was the Tauren axis 1 to Tauren axis 1/9, because it comes back to one and it‟s on it‟s nine rotation. This is where we have those sets of Takeyon cycles. We have six Takeyon cycles and the 7 cycle is a ReushaTA cycle and the 8 cycle which brings you back to one is a flame cycle. That goes to the birth of the Rosetta and the seed atom. These represent the partiki anatomy of first creation. Then from there we go to three, the Lifeborn cycle, and this is the cycle of the birth of the Par-TE-Kei dark matter templates and bodies of the Ra-sha. So they are the Ra-sha cycles, that have to do with the birth of those templates that form later the outer domains. What you have here is stage one, the Par-TE-Kei template, 15 layers and 15 bands, and the first Pillar of Power, six cracks which gave you the center, six pops, that give you the first six of the Pillar of Power on the Par-TE-Kei template level, and the little bang, which is the bing, the bong and the boom, and that gives you the Krystallah core. Then the stage two was the first Pillar of Power pulses, where it contracts and expands again and creates the Par-TE-Kei body, which are 15 rings, gel spheres - the layers became rings, and 15 spans or crystal orbs, where the bands became spans or orbs. And, here is where you get the ASKO, or the Alon, ShAlon, KAlon and Oron crystal sets. And here you get the core E-ta-Or. So, you‟ve got the ASKO crystal power orbs. These are the power orbs that are the power generator orbs that are capable of making full spark generation allows the center point to open. It allows for Prana Exchange to occur. It‟s also where you get the core Et-a-Or. The core E-ta-Or is important because of what happens next. Stage three is where you get the first ASKO conception pulse. Now this is a whole new set of graphs. It shows you what happens when the KAlon drops to the ShAlon and the Alon rises into the ShAlon and they fertilize the ShAlon, and then all sorts of things happen that lead to conception, and it‟s very complicated, and it has to do with the fire lines, and what takes place within them, how it all ends up down the center, and sparks the center, and actually makes the E-ta-Or split, and that‟s where you get the prana seed. So, the Par-TE-Kei body and the five elemental density planes form at this level after the first phase conception pulse of the ASKO crystals, and this is where the core prana seed is formed, and the Eiron point hole that leads back to the seed atom, because what was the core E-ta-Or is split by the sparks that are generated and go back to the center from the ASKO crystal sets. Then the next point... remember the Eiron point is literally the doorway between the Par-TE-Kei dark matter template... so the Ra-sha bodies that are Par-TE-Kei bodies, and the more prime stuff that is the partiki bodies that goes up to the creation of the first seed atom. Stage 4 of the Lifeborn cycle was the Ra-sha AmorA four sheathe body, the three dimensional EtorA AdorA template. That was formed there. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

At a certain point, and I think it‟s here, the Godborn cycle - this is where you have the Big Bang and the birth of the crystal Reisha AmorA, the seven suns Hub, and the outer Eukatharista body. This is where I believe we get the seven sons and the sevens sons - the seven inner and the seven outer. I was just writing these really quick and I think I that other one before I got this. Yes, this was done before dinner, and they gave me that last one about the outer seven suns when you guys were at dinner. That didn‟t get put there yet. So, there‟s another set of seven suns of the outer ones. These are the inner ones of the Reisha AmorA. There should be seven here for the Ra-sha AmorA, and seven outer ones for the Reisha AmorA. That‟s how that goes. So, anyway, that‟s the Big Bang, and that is the birth of the Eukatharista body. That is when the first form of the Eukatharista outer body takes place. There is another one, Heaven help us. It is called the Kristborn cycle. This is the Silent Bang. The Eternal Bang. The Still point. The Bang that isn‟t a bang. The creation and completion of the four domains expansion Ekashi cycles. So after you get that whole thing there, happening four times, actually three times - you have the core set that leads up to the formation of the first seed atom which is the Yunesai, and then all this other stuff happens, and right here, I believe, when this occurs, the first two partiki of the next domain out are formed. Yeah. And of course they phase and form a Tauren light seed for the next domain out, and that goes through a Starborn cycle, and that forms its seed atom for the next domain out. Here‟s where we get the seed atom layers. We have the Yunesai seed atom that is the seed atom to the inner. You have the UmShaddEi which is the seed atom to the middle, and then you have the YonAsa which is the seed atom to the outer domains. So, this whole thing basically happens, once for the inner, once for the middle, and once for the outer domains. Once that is done, then there is something called the Kristborn cycle. After each of the domains goes through this creation thing, through its whole Ekashi cycle - and this is referred to as the Ekashi cycle. You have one cycle of these expansions going from the core through the inner. Then you have the middle ones. Then you have the outer ones. It‟s actually four cycles. This is considered the seed cycle, which brings you up to the seed atom. Then you have the inner, the middle and the outer domains. So, there‟s actually four cycles, four Ekashi cycles. Once they are done, there is something... that is when full expansion is reached, at the end of that fourth cycle, which happens to be called the KalEyuga. Yeah. We‟ll get to that in a minute. Yeah. Then something called the Krist Star ReishaA, Son of God body of the Krist is formed. And the Adashi return cycles of the Reisha bodies begin. So, this is where we see the context in which these bodies exist. Next one please.

[D2 C10 2:27:10] Expansion and Contraction Cycles

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

We start over here. Okay. Here we go. Down here. It says, “Starseed cycle, cycle 1.” That‟s the Ra-shaA body of the core domain. This is where we get up to the birth of the Yunasai. This is the Takeyon 6 cycle. Four six cycles. If you look at this as the zero axis, and this is the SEda cycle of the triad. Then you have the birth of the Tauren. You have Takeyon cycle 1, Takeyon cycle 2, Takeyon 3, Takeyon 4, Takeyon 5, Takeyon 6, which brings you to axis 7. Then you have 7 being the ReushaTA cycle, where there is a whole bunch of stuff that happens, that has to do with going in the other direction and picking up the keys that belong to the other side, as well as the ones that belong to this side that you acquired by going this way. And then there‟s what‟s called the flame cycle. It‟s at the end of the flame cycle that you have the final contraction into Source, then pop out replication that gives you the birth of the Yunasai inner seed atom. So, that gives you the seed atom for the inner domains. There is another six cycle here... which is like the six Takeyon cycles, a ReushaTA cycle and a flame cycle together. That is considered a full Takeyon round. The full Takeyon round is called an Eyugha. Now we talked about in Voyagers, first the Euiago cycles, which are smaller cycles, within the larger Eyugha cycles. So there are four Eyugha cycles. Each one of those Eyugha cycles corresponds to part of the first creation cycle. The Starseed cycle corresponds to Eyugha 1. Somewhere, I don‟t know if it‟s on this one or that one, I have the names of the Eyugha. This is the RaLA yuga, and that is the first one. That corresponds with the core domain. It gives birth to the Yunasai seed atom. From there, the seed atom cycles... and this is where you get all of those six cracks, six pops, bing, bong, boom, etc. etc. This body has its full set all the way to its outer domains. The final point, when that births its God body layer, it also gives birth to the first two partiki units that will form the seed atom of the next layer. This domain here is called the inner domain. This is where we have units that are called Adons. This is called a Starborn cycle. You have Starseed cycle, Starborn cycle... this is the cycle of the Ra-shallah, the inner domain Ra-sha body. So, you have the core domain Ra-sha body which is the Ra-shaA, the inner domain one is the Rashallah. Now, after that cycles with this whole thing going through its outer domains and its Ecka maps - they all have their Ecka levels - then there is birth of the middle seed atom, or actually the first two partiki that create the birth of the middle UmShaddEi seed atom for the middle domains, which are called the Edon domains. They are formed with Edon light cells. This is the third Eyugha. The second Eyugha, I don‟t know if I said the name. Oh, the second Eyugha is called the AlAyuga. The third Eyugha is called the ShalAyuga. Alon shields. ShAlon shields. KAlon shields. KalAyuga, fourth outer domain. Okay? This is where all these came from. This is what the Sanskrit teachings once upon a time tried to teach people about. So, you have the four Eyugha cycles, in the middle domains with the Edons, and that‟s where our going back to the garden is. Now, this gives birth to the first two partiki that become our Yon-A-sa outer domain seed atom, and from there that goes through its six cracks, six pops, etc., „til we have the outer Ecka maps that we‟ve been looking at. And that would be the outer domain Radon cell level is called the Starburst, or the fourth cycle. This is the Ra-sha-LAe body.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

So, it starts this way: Starseed, Starborn, Starflame, Starburst... Ra-shaA, Rashallah, RashaLEa, Ra-sha-LAe. Core, inner, middle, outer... what happens when you get to the end of this one? This is where you go into the fifth cycle. It is known as the Starfire cycle. The Starfire point. This is where the Eckashi cycles of expansion are done. And where the Ra-sha-LAe body of the outer domains turns into the ReishaLAe body, and enters what is called the Starfire body. This is called the Sunshine cycle of the ReishaA. So, you started out with the Ra-shaA way down at the core, and you end up with a ReishaA. It is this point that the Ra-sha-LAe body gets to ride in and activates the larger portions or fields around it, and it‟s also known as the Aqualene Sun. So, the Ra-sha-LAe body, once it‟s fully activated, can then fully activate the Aqualene Sun, or the ReishaA body, the body of the Son of God, or the body of the Krist Star, and move into the next cycle, which would be cycle five. So, it passes through Starfire, it goes into the Starfire cycle, which is the first Adashi cycle. The Eckashi cycles - there are four of them coming outward - are called the Eyugha. The ones going back to Source are called the Adashi cycles, or the EyAdas. So, there are three EyADa cycles going back to Source. Actually I think there are two EyADa and an EyADasomething-or-other, there‟s another name tacked at the end of that, so they technically consider it two EyADas and one whatever the EyADa-something-or-other at the end, which is the end cycle. And something interesting happens. This is why this is an internal cycle. Once you go into this state, which allows you to go back from the outer domains, back into the Edons - back into the Middle - and you have this body, which is called the ReishaLAe body... So, the Ra-sha-LAe goes into the ReishaA state, and then becomes the ReishaLAe body. This is where the Krist body expands as the manifest body contracts, back into getting smaller and smaller, as the Krist Star body expands and expands. And they get back to the first creation point. They get back to the seed, and when it goes back into, the whole thing goes back into the creation point, and when it pops back out, it does two things at once. One, the eternal Son of God body, or the Starfire body, the one you pick up here, the ReishaA... now this is the first creation cycle created it, but once it‟s there, once it goes back in once, it continually, whenever the cycle completes and everything goes back into Source, then it comes back out all the way again, and at the same time a new seed is set. So, a new set of Eyugha begins. And they always meet here again, and then this will ride back with them, and it always comes back out when it‟s reborn out, and they always pick up together again. So, it‟s a continual cycle of Ra-sha-LAe body activation. The Ra-sha bodies, then the Reisha bodies, and then back to Source. Then the Ra-sha bodies, then the Reisha bodies, and back to Source. It‟s supposed to be a perpetual motion eternal life system. And it actually is. There‟s only certain parts of it that aren‟t functioning that way. So, in simple terms, we finally found places for a lot of words that I‟ve been struggling to have places for. We have the Starseed cycle, Starborn cycle, Starflame cycle, Starburst cycle. At the end of the Starburst cycle, you have Starfire. At the end of the Starfire cycle five, then you have the Starlight cycle six, the Starshine cycle seven, and then you go back to Starseed cycle again. And it recycles. So, this is where we are. We are at the KalAyuga, the end of the KalAyuga. Because of the activations that have been taking place on this planet, pushed by the Beast machine activations and the Threshold. So, we have a choice of either becoming a system that gets stuck out here, where it‟s core gates, or its prana seed, closes and compacts, and then we will simply, at the next phase, get dragged back in as space dust, or we get to activate the Ra-sha bodies and go into this state in order to make the passage into the Adashi cycles. Going to the Adashi temples is the beginning of learning how to do this. So, we can begin to ride the real ascension spirals home. We‟ve been hearing an awful lot about ascension for an awful long time here, not just this lifetime, and a lot of it‟s been garbage. They were teaching garbage in Egypt 10,000 years ago. Not all of it. But some of it. These teachings have lived along side of all of the other teachings, that were from the Metatronics or the time rip peoples. Both of them had a Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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different way of how they distorted the natural laws, to make sure you could become part of their agenda. These are the original teachings. It was promised they‟d be brought back in the end times, and are being brought back. This is to show you where your Ra-sha-LAe body fits. Right there. And also your ReishaLAe, and there is something neat about this too. There are states of being, states of matter, states of consciousness. This is where we get these words. The SAta state refers to the outer domain state. The Sadhi state refers to the middle. The Yuma state refers to the inner. The Yuna SEda refers to the core state.

[D2 C11 2:37:35] The Rei-sha States

When you get up here into the Reisha states, the Adashi cycles, you have the Sadhi SA'ta state. The outer and the middle combined. Here you‟ve got the Sadhi Yuma state. The middle and the inner combined. Here you have the Yuma Yuna state, where it‟s the Yuma inner and the core state combined. So, when you hear about Sadhi SA'ta and these kinds of techniques, these are the states of consciousness and states of matter and states of the ReishaLAe that we are beginning to activate in our bodies. When we take the Access Key Journey to the Adashi temples, it is considered a Sadhi SA'ta journey, which means it‟s working with first the SA'ta, the outer, into the middle. So Sadhi SA'ta would be... it‟s a state that‟s activating these portions of your Ra-sha body structures. I think that‟s all on that one. Next one please. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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[D2 C11 2:38:40] Eternal 1st Creation Cycle and the Ra-sha – Rei-sha-A

If I can whip through that pack of 20... (laughter) This is just to show it to you a little bit again. Again, the Starseed cycle, the Starborn cycle, the Starflame cycle, Starburst cycle, which is the Ra-sha-A body, the Ra-sha-La body, the Ra-sha-LE body, the Ra-sha-LAe body. And then we go up into Starfire and the Rei-sha-LAe. Here we have the Krystar body and the Rei-sha-A state, which allows us to take the Krystar body back in, where we begin the Rei-sha-LAe and then the Reisha-LE, and then the Reishalla , and then back home again. When we go back home, some of us will pop back out again, and a whole other creation cycle, and our Krist Star will come out here and hold the template of everything from the cycle before. This is why nothing is ever forgotten. The imprint of it, whatever can make it through a Starfire, will be held eternally in the living body of Source. That‟s why nothing can become extinct because of that. Anything that can ride or have its imprint carrying on something that can ride into Krystar state, it will always be part of the living memory matrix of Source. That means it can be regenerated again at another time. So, there are things that can be done here, where certain places that go back as space dust, because they hit space dust return at the same time that there is a cycle, the natural cycle of Starfire taking place... if they can be remembered fondly for their highest level, the fact that someone remembered whoever they were, but as their Kristic self before they fell, that memory imprint will go back with the ones who can ride back, and it will be sent back in the cosmic Kristos, so they will always have a memory imprint of whoever they were at their best, so they will have the opportunity once they do go back as space dust, to pick up that template on the way back home, and reassemble themselves, so they can, by the time they get home, still be whole again. That‟s one of the little mercies that a lot of the space dust ones don‟t even realize exist. Yes, they will temporarily lose their templates, but as long as they can be fondly remembered as their highest imprint, as long as somebody can carry, or at least a collective can carry collectively the encryption of what their core encryption was in memory back with them, that will be reset in the Krist Star body, so on their way through when they come back through as space dust, they will be able to reassemble each of their little space dust pieces that will still bear the encryption that they once were. So, they will be able to ride the Rei-sha bodies home. This is one of the things where all the fighting that gets done... over the fall over not listening to God‟s will, bending the rules to the point where you break them, of natural energy mechanics... they‟re so silly. And of being afraid of going back as space dust? It‟s not the most pleasant thing to do. But there is... as long as someone can appreciate you, as long as someone still cares and still can love you, you can still have the chance to get yourself back together. So, when you go home to meet God, you can go home whole. A lot of them hate that fact, because they are ashamed of what they‟ve allowed themselves to become. They‟d actually rather not go home if anyone remembered them at all. So, they don‟t have to have any of their wholeness back. But they don‟t realize that if they had their wholeness back, they Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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wouldn‟t feel that way once they got through the Starfire transition. So, it‟s kind of like a Catch 22 for the falling races. There is mercy. There always has been. It‟s an eternal life program. But when you‟re stuck down here in the drama someplace, it can seem very very scary and you can make some really dumb decisions, to the point where you do go back as space dust. But, what we are going to do. What the Aquafereion races are doing, and they‟re asking those of us who are here... those who can remember, that‟s part of the reason why we‟ve been taught about the ones who fell. We‟ve been taught about what their names were. We‟ve been taught about where they came from. We‟ve been taught about what their problem was. Why they did what they did. So, we can remember them. There‟s going to be a point in time when we‟re asked to hold a memory of love for them, of recognizing no matter how bad and awful and terrible they got - and it‟s going to fun when we start to see some weird stuff happening outside of this planet - to remember that they might not love us and they‟ve become so despicable to themselves that they can‟t stand themselves, so they act really horribly and have no remorse, but once upon a time they came from the same place. If you can hold an idea, of no matter how hated the action might be coming from something or someone, once upon a time they were just as Kristic as you. If you can remember that little tiny bit of AmorA for them, you will bring a piece of the memory of what they are back with you. That will give them an opportunity to be cleansed themselves, to find themselves clean again, where nobody is losing anything by the time everybody gets back home. So, there will be a time when we‟re asked... and maybe it will be tomorrow, I don‟t know... we‟ll be asked to remember, and to hold that memory with love, and to let go of the hatred, or the hatred of the action or whatever, to let it go, and just carry the memory with absolute love with it. That also is healing for us, because we can get really really tied up and really sick of all the negative stuff. I‟m sick of teaching it. I don‟t want to know anymore about any fall races. I even have my hissy fits sometimes, I really do. They are very patient with me, because I don‟t have them at them, I just tell them in general, “can I have an Adashi temple to scream in please? Because I don‟t want to teach them about the fact that the solar gates just compacted.” I get in those spaces, and they help me find spaces where I can go and not hurt anything. They stabilize my energy fields. I have an emotional body here. I do care. You know? One of the last things I want to do is come out and tell anybody any more bad news. For the last six years, it‟s been getting worse and worse, and this is not really what I wanted to do here. I wanted to teach happy ascension teachings so everybody could be happy on their way back home. I wasn‟t planning to have to reveal the Beast and the time rip people, and the names of everybody and have just about everybody in the new age movement hate my guts, and make up stories about me, because I‟ve just about blown the teachings out of the water. I didn‟t do it, the Beloveds did it, but I‟m their mouth piece. So I have my issues sometimes. “ Can I quit now?” But they did said once, “once you start it, you can‟t turn back. If you want to publish that book that we gave you, no, you don‟t have to. You can say no now. But once you do, there is no turning back.” Boy, they were not kidding. I had no idea. But you know what, after all, there is a turning back. But it‟s a little further out than I ever imagined. (Laughter) But, I‟m very very happy, and I hope I‟ve been able to teach these. These are the most precious teachings in the universe. I am so honored to have them that no matter how frustrated I get with some of the other stuff that has to be revealed along the way, I adore these teachings, because I know they‟re the truth. I hope I can do them justice, and teach them enough where you can feel some of that. Where you can feel, “that is the way it was. Some part of me remembers that.” I don‟t know if I can teach it that well. I can teach it only to the degree that I know how with a lot of help.... (applause and whistling).

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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There‟s more information that goes with those cycles. I just wanted you to see where this was, and what it looks like when it first comes, but actually that‟s about the third recap until you get these straight. There‟s a lot more information to these cycles to be put in, but that was the start of the other ones you just saw that were coherent. Next one please.

[D2 C12 2:46:52] “Chicken-scratch” summary. (Audience member: Can we get a copy of that?) Yes, we‟ll get a copy of that. I need to put whatever stuff we put on them, the copyright stuff on them. Right now, I just have to make sure I don‟t have anything listed wrong. That‟s why I haven‟t released any of this stuff. It‟s just barely legible to put it up on the mylars. To put this out for publication for anyone... I mean, I may have a word wrong, and if I see them on the mylars, by the next workshop I will correct myself there. But if it goes out and it‟s published in that form, I don‟t want to put out material that‟s wrong. We don‟t have time to check it. That one is pretty easy enough, and we fought with that for two years to get that sequence down. We finally have it so we‟ll try. (To Az: Do you think they can get a copy of this before we leave?) We‟ll work on that. Summary. Okay. Back to this again. Just to remind you, before we go into ...

[D2 C12 2:47:55] The Par-TE-Kei Body 5 Elemental Planes

We just moved through Ra-sha-LAe body studies. Now we‟re going to go into planetary Ra-sha-LAe. If we can simply remember, whatever this was... this is the Par-TE-Kei body. I see so many of them... they fly by so fast. This is the ParTE-Kei body of the five elemental planes and the prana seed. That was the number three, Lifeborn cycle, stage three. I just wanted to remind you of this in terms of the Ra-sha-LAe body structure. Now, we‟re going to look at these structures in terms of a stellar body, such as a sun, or Earth. It used to be a stellar body. It used to have a corona sphere. That‟s when it could still breathe. It requires the generation of frequency in the fire chambers. It has to do with the prana seed. It has to do with the Alons, KAlons and ShAlons... that allows for the corona sphere to continue to fire itself. We still have a corona sphere on Sol. On our Sun. So, it has been doing some degree of Prana Exchange within its outer fields. What is going to happen with this at this point... because the three core gates, which are the three units of the prana seed in our planetary or stellar level, have compacted. There will be a certain amount of energy left within the system, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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where it can still expand and contract in the inner body, and it will still be able to keep its fire burning on the outside - it‟s corona sphere. But there‟s going to be other things happening, and we‟ll talk more about what‟s going to happen in the Sun... what they said is going to happen in the Sun. What I want to first show you is where these structure of Ra-sha-LAe body plug into stellar or planetary bodies, so you can start to understand what become the vertical maps. Next one please.

[D2 C12 2:50:20] D2 Ra-sha-LAe Par-TE-Kei body

If we remember the diagram we just saw of the Par-TE-Kei body, and remember this. Earth‟s D2 ... Ra-sha-LAe, cause we‟re dealing with the outer domains, so they‟re the Ra-sha bodies, but they‟re the Ra-sha-LAe out here. So Earth‟s D2 Ra-sha-LAe Par-TE-Kei body. This is interesting. If we are looking at this in terms of just the D2 grid. We‟re not showing the embedding yet. We‟re just showing one set of the 15 fields and shields, or shields would be spans and fields would be rings in the Par-TE-Kei body. So, we‟re looking at that same structure, but in terms of a planet. And just the D2 level. The D2 level we‟re looking at first, because that is the level that we actually see as solid... our buildings are standing on the crust of it and that kind of thing. Which means, our buildings are standing on the crust, and the crust is the Ra-Ka layer, that‟s between the Ka 9 and the Ra 10 layer. That‟s where the crust forms - the Ra-Ka, the rock. Right? That‟s the surface. I mean, some of the word tones are hilarious, when you see the connections to them. Like rock. Yes, it‟s rock, Ra-Ka. I don‟t have these shown on here yet, but I‟ll probably get into them tomorrow, where, I believe that‟s the KAlon layer, where you would have the KAlon crystals running through there, and you‟d have the ShAlon crystals running through the Ka-Ma layer. Then you‟d have the Alon crystals with their joules running through the Ma-Ta layer. And these layers here, the Ta, the Ma and the Ka - those three represent the lower, middle and upper mantles, where the solids that are down below our feet and down below the crust. If we are going downward, in, and this is the D2 solid level, the level we perceive as physical, the next we would have... we had 9, 8 and 7... and the 6, 5 and 4 layers, these would be the Aquifers. So, these would be the flows that have to do with the lava, liquid silica, and waters. So subterranean below the mantle layers, below the lower mantle, there would be waters. Now, some of these waters... there are characteristics, when we get into the planetary levels of these. Some places have doorways. Other places have ... well, there are biomes, let‟s say. In each of these plane sets. Because these- what are the five elemental density planes, they actually form planes of matter when we are out here. When we get them interfacing with each other, they have some very distinct planes of matter, where we find out where our elemental kingdoms live. Our little fairy people and all that kind of stuff. Where the etheric ones that look like ghosts are coming Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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from, that aren‟t ghosts but are actually normal things that are supposed to be there, and some things that are trapped. We‟ll find out some fascinating things. It starts with the D2 layer of the Par-TE-Kei body of the planet. We go down past the Aquifers, which are the 6, 5 and 4 layers, the liquid core area. Then you would have the solid core, the 3, 2 and 1 areas, which are frozen ethers. There‟s something that happens in the exchange between the Alons - an Alon is a joule - and the Ma-Ta-Urs. The joules have something to do - I think alchemy comes in here - when it loses its joule, the Ma-Ta-Ur turns to Me-Ta-El, metal, and sends fragments of itself down to the core to make Me-Ta-Els, so I do believe it‟s a metal solid core that is actually frozen ethers embedded with metals. These are things that science is theorizing about as far as what is down there in the ground. What gets really exciting is when we go upward, and here we find out about the surface crust. This is where we have our objects, that we can walk around and see. This field here, which would be the Ra 10 field of the D2 Par-TE-Kei template, this would be the inner atmosphere up to the thermosphere. So, in here, this is where airplanes fly, this is where weather is created. All of those things take place within this band. What gets really interesting is we have those weird little things called Van Allen Radiation Belts up there, somewhere, around our planet. They are not naturally supposed to be there. They are not part of the normal structure. We‟ll get into those in a little bit. The natural structure of the D2 levels would have... you would have your solid core, with its metals and its frozen ethers, and you would have your Aquifers, which are the 4, 5, and 6 layers, the Ta-O, the E-Da and the Jha-Da. „Came out of the deep.‟ Yes. Out of the deep and out of the water, and through the metal and up to the surface. This is basically how we were created actually, because there are planes that run down here. We have our fairy planes and our atomic etheric layers. If you take this and imagine that there‟s also a D1 grid inside this D2 grid, this is where you get another set of these. These correspond to the D1 etheric atomic, and that‟s where you get little people and all sorts of things that are actually running around down inside various layers of the mantle, at a little bit different angular rotation of particle spin and BPR (base pulse rhythm), because you have your lower elemental kingdoms there. And yes, there are fairies. And yes, there are sylphs with all sorts of funny names and many things that don‟t have names here, that exist in these biome domains. Biome domains are created when the density planes become matter planes. And different states of matter, and different types of beings reside in them. Just like we are one type of being that exists in the surface biome. So, there are other layers, including corona spheres that should be out in this layer in the corona spheres. When you look at a Sun, (science) is assuming that everything has carbon-based biology. In fact, most things don‟t have carbon-based biology. Most things have silica-based biology. And they are fully capable of, under normal circumstances, living in fields that look like they‟re on fire. But they don‟t feel fire, and they don‟t look like they‟re on fire when they are walking in them or through them. So, there are fields out there. They see stars and think life could never be there. Maybe not carbon-based life. But natural Kristic life is not carbon-based. Carbon-based is the mutation. And not all planets have it. But these do here, because this system has been highly mutated. (End of Disk 2)

Phoenix April 6-8, 2007 - Disk 3 So, what we are doing, basically, as we move back into becoming Kristic life forms, we are learning, at some point, to transform the carbons in our bodies back into silica, and back into crystal life forms, where eventually we become breatharians again. On Urtha, it is already like that. If we were to walk through a gate, even if they dragged us through in a little bubble, and they let that bubble go, we would die instantly because we‟re carbon-based right now. The Aurora field is an in-between zone that will combine the matter bases of both places, that will give those who can slide, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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biologically slide into these zones once they‟re activated and open, an opportunity to evolve further, to where they can fully transmute into the natural silica base so that they could go to natural kristic planets. So it‟s a medium zone the aurora zones, and it has something to do with aurora platforms, but we‟ll talk more about those tomorrow. This is the natural structure, each layer would have its core, its liquid aquifers, its mantle, its crust, its atmosphere and then its corona sphere. And when you start to embed those, you start to see something interesting. If this is the D2 level, and we‟re just looking at our D2 grid, now what we‟re not seeing yet... we‟re seeing where our inner atmosphere is, we‟re seeing where our thermosphere is, and from here you can start to get an idea where out in this area... now, we can tell where the Van Allen Belts are just by looking up in science books about how far from the core or from the surface, depending on the measuring, up they are. We can tell where these lines are in our atmosphere by understanding that the Van Allens have a specific how many miles up, and I still have to check how many miles up, but the Beloveds have shown us where the Van Allen Belts fit in relation to this structure. So, here you have Earth D2, and here you have the inner Van Allen Belt running. So if you want to know where the Sha and the La fields are on the D2 grid, they are running in the inner Van Allen Belt. There are something called the Nets, that are also running here. That has to do with an event we‟ll talk more about tomorrow, that happened in 9562 BC. There were certain parts, using the combined Threshold and Metatronic technologies, the Beast technologies. They were able to reverse parts of the Par-TE-Kei fields, and create what are called hibernation zones. If you take this light field, for example, and force half of it - because you run a frequency net like this - force half of it to go on reverse spin, it would actually disappear from the other half. If you were standing here on Earth, you wouldn‟t be able to see what was up here anymore, because it just went in an opposite particle rotation. It would create a zone that was like a mirror image of this, that would evolve right alongside of it, and those with reverse codes would have a good time living there. We have bands in our atmosphere where our Gods of Olympus exist, where our Oz exists. You‟ll never guess where Oz exists? In the Ozone layer! (Laughter) The stories have been fed to us all along, like right before our noses, but we are so clueless... “Oh that‟s right, that‟s about the Wizard of Oz.” Right. No, it‟s about the ozone hibernation zone. Think about holes in the Ozone layer. Oh dear, it looks like Oz has a hole. It looks like there is a hole in that hibernation zone, which means there‟s a hole in the frequency fence net that is holding the reversal in our grids. So, this are some interesting things that are going to happen. We‟re going to learn some interesting things about what we‟re just dealing with. Now, this is the simple one. These diagrams get much more interesting. This is just surface Earth, and what‟s down below the surface. This is our inner atmosphere. This out here is where the inner Van Allen Belt is, and out here, we should have our D2 corona sphere. It should be like fire, right? It isn‟t right now . It‟s turned off because it is netted and the frequencies are literally blocked. So, we don‟t have our corona sphere turned on. When we put this in relation to the next one of the Ra-sha bodies, which would be the D3 level - remember, they have D1, D2, D3 and then the density level forms the four sheaths of the Ra-sha AmorA body. So, this is just the D2 layer and sheath. The next one has to do with putting the two together, I think. Yes. Now, if you remember, we saw this in terms of the Ra-sha AmorA body, and the sheaths, and this was just showing the D2 and the D3 ones. Now, I made that one in the Ra-sha set for the specific purpose of the next one, that shows you them in terms of the Earth. Next one please.

[D3 C1 0:05:55] D2 and D3 RashaLAe Par-TE‟-KEi Body, Radiation Fields, “Nets” & Van Allen Belts Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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You have the D2 and the D3 grid. Remember, the D2 is the telluric emotional - the one we see as physical - body of the planet or the Ra-sha-la. This is where our surface crust was in the D2 one. Now, the crust always happens at the RhaKa level, between Ka 9 and Rha 10. The Rha-Ka level of the D3 mental body plane is here. Which means the surface of mental body Earth is here. If our physical D2 physical crust is here, and this is our inner atmosphere here, which would be our Rha 10, going upward into the D3 grid, which means going upward in our atmosphere, there is another level that‟s known as the mental plane. This is the surface of the D3 mental plane. This is where you actually do have a different type of matter and civilizations that are like ours. They are also part of them on reversed spin. There are also hibernation zones there. But, for now, this is the natural structure when we didn‟t have hibernation zones happenings from the reversals. We would literally have our surface, our buildings and all of our cities here, on D2 crust, and we‟d have the D3 Earth crust as well, and that would give us the mental planes. When we project mentally, we actually go there. We have a version of ourselves in these places. To be here implies you have a part there. Same thing if you put the D1 grid in here. We each have a piece of ourselves in the D1 lower and elemental kingdoms. These would be the mental planes up here, and these would be what we perceive as the physical planes, which are the D2 telluric emotional body planes. Down there would be the D1 etheric atomic planes. From here, they would seem like they were little tiny fairy people to us. From here, they would probably seem really large compared our size here. So, these would just be natural structures. What aren‟t natural structures are these things. These are the Van Allen Belts. And I showed you where the inner Van Allen Belt was in relation to... one this size was actually this one when we looked at it closer. This was the inner Van Allen Belt running here. Then there is what they call the Gap Zone between the Van Allens, and then there is the Van Allen Outer Belt here. Then out past there... now this would correspond to our outer atmosphere. This would actually be our middle atmosphere. Inside here is what the thermosphere would be. The top of the D2 Rha 10. And really everything, like our weather and everything happens down below that. The Ozone layer is about half way, I believe, in that. These are the structures that are actually going up and out. In here, where we should have our corona sphere that is turned off and instead we‟ve got this Net between. There are these Nets that run... they are being generated by the Threshold technologies combined with the Beast technologies on the planet, that create reversed frequency transmissions or broadcasts that have hit the Par-TE-Kei template and Par-TE-Kei body of Earth to the point where they have reversed the spin on parts... they literally cut some of the natural layers, or whatever they call them - rings - in half, and caused part of them to go in the opposite particle spin. These Nets effect our DNA directly. There is a Net that runs, I believe, in through here. These other ones. This one is the D1 Net. It actually corresponds to the D1 grid that you don‟t see here. But where it falls in relation to the surface that we know is halfway down the upper mantle, and halfway up into the atmosphere. It‟s border would be the Ozone layer. So, from the Ozone down to halfway down into the upper mantle is where there is a Net of frequencies running that does not belong there. It literally creates a separation of these fields, which would be our Rha 10 field, that would be our inner atmosphere. So, literally, from the Ozone and going upward, we have a reversed spin area, and I don‟t have the diagrams now where we have all of them listed, but we found where Shamballah is, we found where Olympus is, we found where all these things of mythology, where they are. These stories have been fed to us by certain ones who live here. Some of them have images of our bodies, but they are not human Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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souls in them. They are the ones who came through the time rips, and they‟ve taken on the images that they hijacked. They are connected to us from this. Like your evil twin up there. They‟re not exactly. And they are different. A while back, we talked about... before 2003 Hetharo when the Shadow side fell when Phantom Earth fell... these are different than when we talked about Phantom Earth, and when we talked about the Shadow attachments that went with that. They had to do with certain aspects of metatronic technology. But Phantom Earth fell with Parallel Earth in 2003 into the Wesedrak matrix. These are something much more close to home directly, where they are literally directly up in our atmosphere, and it‟s another layer of the corruption of the natural Ra-sha-LAe body structure of this planetary system. You don‟t have to worry right now too much about whatever might resemble our gene code that runs around up there, because we‟re running around down here trying to figure out how to get out of here. (Laughter) Sorry that was just a little side venting there. This D1 level Net is called the Derma-Net. That‟s the one that runs from about halfway up the upper mantle up through the Ozone layer. There is another Net layer that runs here from about halfway through the inner Van Allen Belt to about halfway into the Van Allen Gap. There is another Net. That‟s called the Intra-Net. That‟s the D2 Net. I-n-t-r-a. I‟m not picking on anybody‟s Nets here. (Laughter) There is a third Net that runs in the outer layer of the outer Van Allen Belt and up out of that a bit into the outer atmosphere toward the magnetosphere and that kind of stuff. These are specific miles up. You can track it by how far up the Van Allens are. They showed us where the Van Allens fit in the Ra-sha body structure of the planet. This is called the Epi-Net, our Epigenetic Overlay Net. The Ego-Net for short. That‟s the D3 mental body Net. These Nets each correspond to one of the sheathes. Remember we talked about there were the four sheathe levels. The D1 sheath, the D2 sheathe, the D3 sheathe and the density sheathe, that are part of the natural Ra-sha AmorA body. These sheathes also correspond to DNA. We have the D1 level, which is considered the inner sheathe, that is considered the DNA template. We have the D2 level, that is what is considered the DNA. That is the D2 sheathe. We have the D3 level, which is considered the epigenetic overlay, which science is just now finding is a layer of chemicals that exist on the DNA that actually control what genes turn off and what genes turn on. So it appears that the epigenetics have more to do with what the genes do than just the genes themselves. Now, each of these Nets control one aspect of those things. The D1 Net controls the DNA template. The D2 Net, which is the emotional body Net, controls chemically the biochemicals that are manufactured by the DNA, and run through the body and form the DNA itself, which regulates what is going to go on in your body chemically, hormonally, mentally... why? Because if you have polarizing frequencies coming in, you‟ll have a lot of polarizing chemicals, and you‟ll be very bipolar and be susceptible to becoming a time share, and things like that. Alright? These are done on purpose. This was done on purpose so body snatches would be easy, so we would be lost in space. The reason we‟re lost in space is because these Nets completely block our cellular memory. They block our etheric memory on the D1 level. They block our natural emotional body D2 level memory, and they block the D3 memory. This is the one, the D3 Net, that‟s running out here in the outer part of the Van Allen Belts and a little bit beyond it, that is the Epi-Net, or the Ego-Net, that controls the mental body or the epigenetic overlay. So, that is actually the control Net. Because of the epigenetic overlay instructions will tell the DNA below it what to do. So, these are the sheaths, and they are controlling the sheath bodies. If we want to project somewhere up there, out there, away from here, it helps to not fall into a hibernation zone, or get entangled in the Net. That‟s why we‟ve waited until we could teach this kind of Ra-sha-LAe body training before we ever teach people how to do astral projection directly. Great! Nothing like getting caught and entangled in the Net and get yourself falling down a black hole before anything else does. Because that is what happens to people when they start playing with pentagrams and making them spin, and yes you can bounce yourself out of body that way, but God knows where you are going to end up. Unless you do it the right way. They‟ve given us the right way to journey. The right way to journey is first of all knowing what you are journeying through. Because there are some nasty spaces out there that Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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you can accidentally trip into and just like move a little bit too far to the left instead of the right, and you will feel this current just suck you in, and grab you and take you, and you really have to fight to get yourself to a stable space...‟ help! Somebody that doesn‟t want to take me into a black hole! „ The techniques that we use are made specifically to hold the frequency encryptions and the mathematical directions that will lead you through safe zones that are called Aurora platforms. There are Aurora platforms that exist among this, that will help you hop, skip and jump through the hibernation zones so you don‟t get trapped in those areas when you first learn to glide. Then later, those areas will open up and blend into one field that will allow, those who can, to slide, which will be to physically be able to slide into the Aurora zones that are between here and Urtha. Now, I would like to show you where... we have the D2 Earth level, the D3 Earth levels... where is Urtha? Next one please.

[D3 C2 0:17:10] D2 Elemental Physical Earth, Geleziac Radiation Layers, Threshold „Beast‟ NET fields.

This is just showing you more on the Nets. There‟s these seals, by the way. These seals are called the seals on the Aquifers. Because of all the mess here, the Beloveds have had to seal the Aquifer levels to literally block, for Shala 13 particularly, because they‟ve already taken over the core gates, Urta 14 and Ruta 15 historically. Shala 13 was the only gate left that wasn‟t compromised and put on reverse. If they took that one and put it on reverse, they would have compacted the core three gates and shut off the Prana seed and initiated bardoah fully on the planet. That‟s not happened yet. And it had to do with the Aquafereion seals. They sealed each level - D1, D2, D3, and the density level of the Aquifers, the 4, 5, and 6 layers in the Par-TE-Kei bodies. They have opened those seals. We began opening the Aquifer seals, the core of all of them, all the way from here up to Urtha, in the 12 Tribes 1 class in January. So part of this opening the Aquifer seals, to allow the frequencies directly to come through, is opening the flows, the water, the silica, the lava flows between the natural body of Earth and the natural body of Urtha. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Next one please.

[D3 C2 0:18:59] Earth D2 Elemental and D3 Atmospheric Geleziac Radiation Layers 7 D3 Mental Rosetta Seals

We will get more into the really scribbly drawings like this tomorrow. This is just showing you where the Nets are run. The Derma-Net. The Intra-Net...( let‟s see if I need this one here. I don‟t think I do. This stuff I‟ll talk about tomorrow.) I want to get to where is Urtha. That‟s where we are going to journey to. I want to show you how the maps work before you journey. This is showing you the seals again. There is a lot of information on this that I don‟t need to do right now. This is the mental body plane. This is the surface of the mental body plane. This is the surface of Earth. We‟ll see more of these tomorrow. Next one. Yes, finally.

I was so excited when I saw how close it was! (Laughter) (A‟sha Like a kid looking up). „Hi!‟ This is the D3 mental plane. This is where we are now, on the D2 surface crust. This is the D3 grid. Remember, these are the embedded shaped grids. So, where the Rajhna and E-Umbi are on the larger grid, is where the smaller grid would be. Which means where the points of the grid are is the Rajhna and the E-Umbi of the next one up. So, you Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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would have a line coming across here for the density level one. The density level of Earth‟s Ra-sha AmorA body structure is at the same place as the D1 level, the little one inside, of Urtha. So, our density grid corresponds with Urtha‟s D1 level. Which means that Urtha‟s D2 level... to do this, you‟d have to have a huge wall to actually expand the whole thing out. What we can do is show the layers, by knowing how far what kathara grids would go up, and where, on a single one, where each of the layers form. The Rha Ka always ends up in its kathara grid on that level, running this way, between the E-Umbi and the Rajhna, the 9.5 and the 3.5, the 3.5 E-Umbi and the Rajhna. So, that‟s the Rha Ka layer there on the D3 grid. The next one - it won‟t be the D4 grid, because Urtha is still a D3 star. We‟re still in density one. This is a hosting planet. So it not only has its four layers. It will have the four layers of Urtha as well. So, you have the D1, D2 and D3 levels of Urtha before you ever get to Tara, which is D4, 5 and 6. So, we‟re still in density one. So, you have our D1, D2 and D2 templates. Then you would have our density templates, which equals Urtha D1 template. Then you‟d have the next one up from there, Urtha D2 template, and Urtha D3 template. Urtha‟s D2 template, just like our D2 template, is where the physical structure exists. It is where you would perceive it. If you get to Urtha, you‟d perceive it as physical. You would perceive it from the third layer, and you would perceive the second layer as physical, and the first layer would be the etheric atomic layer. It works that way on any of the three dimensional sets. So, what that means is, we have this direction connection. Here‟s our Van Allen Belts again that don‟t belong there. Here‟s our Nets that make sure we can‟t see stuff from up here, and here we get into all these correspondences that would show you... because Urtha‟s D1 grid would be here, the bigger one that you don‟t even see here yet. All of its layers - it has its 15 layers, or whatever you want to call them, the 15 structure - would go all the way down to the core. So our system is actually in the center of the star body called Urtha. We‟re inside the lowest mantle. We‟re actually... I believe our light field here, our Rha 10 field that is the light around the space around our objects on the surface of our planet, that corresponds with Urtha‟s D2 A-Da-Ma level. Remember, we have the first one is the Na-Da, the second one is the A-Da-Ma. So, our 10 is their D2 level 2. What it simply means is going up vertically from where we are on surface, we would go up and out, past the outer Van Allen Belt, past the Net that runs a bit outside of the outer Van Allen Belt, and here we would find Urtha D2 Ta field, which is the lower mantle on the D2 grid, which is the physical lower mantle. We‟d have the middle mantle at Urtha D2 8 Ma, and we have Urtha D2 Ka 9 upper mantle, and here you would have the Rha Ka crust. Here‟s where you would have surface, physical Urtha. On the Ma 8 layers, on all of them, what is characteristic of them... they are a biome field, where you have crystal temples. Earth has them too. But they are not Adashi temples. Once upon a time, they opened to the Adashi temples, but they were long ago hijacked and damaged since that point. Urtha has Adashi temples that are physical, beautiful, crystalline structures. I mean, they are massive. They are like going through crystal skyscrapers that are actually in the middle mantle. They are crystal skyscrapers way down under, further than they dig for oil, and that kind of stuff. What‟s interesting is in the last ten years there are even internet sites about it, where they found amazing huge selenite crystal caverns deep down. One is in Chihuahua Mexico. They found a bunch of them even on Earth. So, if those type of crystal beds, that exist within the planet‟s body... there are also larger ones, massive ones, that exist within the body of Urtha. Within them... they are inhabited by various different races, and they are also midway stations where people can come to escape places that are going under. Not just from here. They receive a lot of others from this fallen matrix actually. One of the purposes of their planet right now, and always was since the Amenti Mission was set - Urtha was always a place that would assist in... it was a midway station, where it would get whoever was coming in, in whatever dire straits they might be in, to the next best level of evolution and try to help them out of trouble on the Kristic path. So, it‟s still doing its thing, and thank God it‟s there. But it‟s a lot closer than I ever imagined. So, when we do our journeys, what we are going to do... there are some things that are characteristic of the Aquifers as well, where there are doorways in the Aquifers, and I believe it‟s on the six layers. So, wherever you have... I think... Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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they‟re not shown on here. They are on some of them. They are really convoluted looking maps right now, cause I‟m just getting this straightened out. In the Aquifers there are a set of doorways that are water caves. When you go to them, if you dive under and you go through this doorway, which is actually an underwater doorway, and you pop-up somewhere else. There are a series of doorways that you need to move through, both through D1, D2 and D3, in order to get to the doorways up here. There are maps. We call them vertical maps. Here we have circle maps. The vertical maps come off circle maps in a very interesting way. (To A'hza) How close are we to those? Not yet... (inaudible, talking to A'hza about which diagrams to show). We‟ll start with that one, because I think that‟s the one that the vertical maps come out of.

[D3 C2 0:27:40] (graph)

There‟s a lot of information on some of these. It shows where the Nets are. It shows where the hibernation zones are and the split fields are. This is where you are going to be traveling through to get up to here. These are referred to as Aurora zones. There are four Aurora zones that actually are bands. They are not just little spots. They are actually bands that run in specific areas, that are safe zones that help you leap from a natural zone through a hibernation zone so you can land in th e Auroras. Eventually those Auroras will open, when we activate the Gyrodome fully in Peru, they will merge, and they will form a sphere within the sphere, that will be on a natural Kristic rotation, and that will be the space that you can start sliding into. Before we can slide, before those platforms are open and the spheres are open to each other, what we need to do is glide, which is learn to project up, and start visiting up there and start finding out what it means to ascend. It starts with the Adashi currents that take you on the back currents back to Source, and the Adashi Temples, which are in this area. Somewhere up there, you have Urtha‟s surface, where they also have temples and beautiful things there too, but the radiation would be so strong, unless you‟re silica based, that carbon based life as we know it here wouldn‟t survive. So, we‟re going to have these zones open here, and create the fields, once the Gyrodome activates, that will create the Aurora slide zone, the Aurora field, that will allow parts of this to become visible, and parts of our Earth to remain visible. So, it will be like a blended field that is a host field, and it will be protected progressively by the activation of the Aqualene Sun frequencies from the Aqualene transmissions. So, we‟ll have the Aurora zone fields coming from the Aurora platforms once they fully activate. In the meantime, we have Aurora platforms that when we move through journeys, we move to the Aurora platforms. Sometimes in these journeys, we find ourselves going left, right or going straight. The instructions are important, because they are actually calibrated to these maps directly. I‟ll show you how to get a vertical map - it‟s pretty easy - out of a circular map. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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This is a spherical map... really it‟s a sphere, as if it were an orange and you cut it in half. You‟re looking at a cross of it, from it‟s core, or like an onion, or whatever. I like oranges better. They smell better. (Laughter) (To A'hza) This is where we have to stick them together in the corner, right? Remember how we did that? Ok, that lines up with... now bring this point down over here...

[D3 C3 0:30:52] ( . . . how to arrive at the Vertical Maps)

If you put a dot on that vertical line for every ring from the core going outward, and then take that dot and put it on the edge of a paper, and bring that over horizontally, first you will get the breakout of how far between each other those planes are, those layers are. Once you‟ve got this... this corresponded to each level, the bands actually. The Na-Da would be in here. The A-Da-Ma would be here. Now, if you did this for the D1, then the D2, then the D3 level, and then the density levels equals the D1 of Urtha level, you would get ... these are on the Urtha D2 level... you have Earth D1, Earth D2, Earth D3 which is the mental plane, D2 is the physical emotional plane, D1 the etheric atomic plane... D3 mental plane Earth. Density Earth, and then into D1 etheric atomic Urtha, D2 physical emotional body of Urtha. When you put those altogether, you get a vertical map. Now, we are here. This is where, if you trace this over, with the D2 grid, D2 surface. Trace that over these lines. That‟s right there. Each one of these places is a coordinate. Now, some of them have doorways. The doorways are appearing at the 6.5 layer, between the 6 Jha-Da and the 7 Ta. So, on the D2 layer, there would be D2 physical doorways. These are down in the mantle - between the mantle and the Aquifers. The lower mantle and the upper Aquifers. So, you have a set of physical doorways here. These correspond to the lower mantle of Earth going into the liquid core area. There are pathways, by the way, that you can take some doors and others sometimes you go to the core, sometimes you go up to a set of etheric doors. There are pathways through to get to the Aurora zones. Down here you have the etheric doorways. They would appear at the same level but on the D1, at the 6.5 layer. The 6.5 of each layer would have a set of doorways. 6.5 on the D3 grids... 6 is here... 6.5 would be here. If you follow this over, now the D3 grid would be the mental body, in relation to where we are there would be... right there, there would be a set of mental body doorways that appear etheric. They would be the cloud doorways. They would be the subterranean D3 mental plane doorways. They are still appearing below where we are on the surface. So, you can tell, once you put all of these together, where what doorways are in relation to where you are as far as standing on the crust. This is how we pulled the vertical maps. These were hard. They are just started as far as breaking them down. It gets so tiny down here, you go, what is that? So, I‟ll show you what we‟re doing with them in the next stage of what we‟re doing. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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What we have here, however, though its... on each one of these, the breakout of the geleziac layers... let‟s just call them layers and bands right now... you have the A-Da-Ma flame level. You have the Na-Da core crystal and the A-Da-Ma flame level. You have the Jha-Fa, which appears like a void layer. Between that would be the density one layer, or the inner solid core. Then you have the Aquifers, the 4, 5 and 6 layers. Then you have doors on the top of the Aquifers at 6.5. This applies to every one of those single dimensional scales. Then you have up here, on the Ma 8 levels, you have subterranean biomes. For us the subterranean biomes would be in the middle mantle. They are middle mantle biomes that appear in whatever layer of the middle mantle. Because each one of these has a middle mantle, has a core layer, has its Aquifers. But when you put them altogether, you get some interesting things and interesting places. Like here, it might be the middle mantle for the D1 level of Urtha, but for us, it‟s in our clouds, because our surface is here. It‟s way up in our clouds. Just like this... this one. We‟re actually here in the crust here. This is the mental body crust, and the mental body doorways... which doorways are these? You‟d have to trace them back. No, they are not ... these are the D1 Urtha doorways that end up in our mental body cloud cities surface level. See how this works? We‟ll go over it more tomorrow, to look at it more closely. But when you are doing journeys, you are doing a journey that is specifically calibrated to where you are, to be able to make the entry points through where they need to be made, to be able to hop, skip and jump up through what sets of doorways you need to get to, in order to get up here in the D2 Urtha level of the middle mantle, the Ma 8, which is where the Adashi temples are. So, your journey will take you through these. Certain turns are right, certain turns are left, and they will literally get you through the mathematical coordinates so you can maneuver through here without falling through any of the hibernation reverse zones. It‟s funny... I found myself in one of those trying to rescue my cat that died a while back. I found myself in a Sadhi state of some sort, and I was trying to rescue her, and I was caught in this really nasty current and it was like trying to push through a nasty wind that was so strong, it almost ripped apart, like ripped my atoms apart. And there were these little platforms I had to keep throwing myself over to the left. Where am I? But I knew I was going through something important. I had to find my cat, was what I found out at the end of it. Because I didn‟t even know. I just knew I had to go forward. It was important. Later I found out these were the Aurora platforms I was actually throwing myself on. I was actually cruising the currents that run between the Auroras and the hibernation zones because my cat had been pulled into one of the hibernation zones and I needed to get her out. I didn‟t know that on a conscious level, but that was where I ended up in one of my Sadhis. So, there‟s some very strange experiences you can have, particular with the hibernation zones. They are not pleasant. They look physical when you are going through them. It‟s like being in a physical space, even when your physical body is asleep. Just like when you start with Sadhi journeys. A lot of times you‟ll find you have to lie your body down, but you go out and you‟ll more awake and actually feel more alive once you get out of the physical body. They will only take you and help you to learn to do that if you promise you‟re not going to leave your physical body and refuse to come back to it. Just so you know. If they think you‟re just going to say, “no, I‟m not going back. I don‟t ever want to go back there...” Because it does feel good when you start getting out to the higher spaces of the Aurora fields and stuff. But the idea is to bring your body out, not to just cut the cord and leave it there. You will be worked with. You already are being worked with. All of us are on that level, as far as anybody on the ascension path. They are not going to let you pull your own plug. Because you are so close at this point. It would be really self-defeating... plus you might get stuck in a hibernation zone if you lost the quantum your bodies carry. Our bodies are important because they carry part of our quantum thrust. If you lose some of that life force, it may make the difference between having enough BPR, or speed, to get our merkabas up and fast enough that you can make the leaps you need to get to the place you want to go. So our bodies are actually... they‟ve been like a curse for a very long time on this planet, but they are also a great gift.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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When we get the Aqualene Sun frequencies back, we will begin to be able to heal them better than we ever have. I cant say we‟ll be able to heal them overnight, but we will be able to support them in ways that we haven‟t been able to do before. Our bodies will support us too. So, this is where we are going to begin our journeys. We have the higher elemental kingdoms that correspond with the D1 etheric atomic level of Urtha. We have the lower elemental kingdoms that correspond with the D1 etheric atomic level of Earth. This is where you have the little fairies and giants that come from here. They would both appear etheric-like, ghost-like, not quite fully solid. Then there are ones that are fully solid, biomes that are fully solid from D2 Urtha, biomes that are fully solid from D2 Earth, including subterraneans. Yes, we have physical subterraneans in our middle mantle. There are physical ones, what‟s really weird is when you go there, it actually looks like you are on the surface. There is a backlighting. It‟s as if there‟s a sun somewhere but you can‟t really see a sun. There‟s a radiant light field where there is day... I don‟t know if there is night. I don‟t know how they work there, but I passed through one, and I couldn‟t believe it was a subterranean biome, because it was like being on the surface with a light sky, except you couldn‟t see where the sun was, you couldn‟t pinpoint it. But it was like the sky would be in the daytime. So, they are fascinating places. Next one please. We‟re almost there (before everybody is too tired to go). (To A'hza)... if we took a vote. It is an option. Because it‟s already open. They‟re not the ones opening it. The thing is already open. Let‟s take a vote. Alright , anyway.

[D3 C3 0:41:13] (graph)

To look at it closer, that little scribbly thing that you saw running up on that other (diagram) is this. Now to see what in the world is going on down here, the next step is to take, say, this section... and I think it ends... this far. This up to the top of that comes up to here. All of this are the layers here, and I‟ve been beginning the insane process of trying to label ea ch one. Which set of doorways are these? Are they etheric. To show where the waters are, where the crusts are, where the Alon, ShAlon and KAlon crystal beds are? These guys here correspond to, I believe, the Na-Da crystal layers on D2 Earth. So there are physical structures that run through our mantle, crystal structures that are actually the D2 Na-Da level of Urtha. So, some of the crystal temples below our crust are actually the Na-Da one layer of the crystals that make up the core crystal of Urtha. This field here, this is the A-Da-Ma layer of D2 Urtha. It‟s out light field. Our surface crust is right here. The light field that is the space between our objects, that is the natural frequency here, is actually the D2 lev el of the A-Da-Ma layer in the Urtha core. Their core is huge compared to the size of our core, and compared to the size of our planet. They are so big that their simple layer 2 in their geleziac structure is where our Rha Ka layer is, that is the 9.5 layer. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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So, this is showing you a little closer. Eventually we‟re going to do clear ones on these. Some of these are so beautiful. Some of the places are absolutely gorgeous, and they are real places. These are the planes that exist. That‟s why we wanted to show you from first creation where the Ra-sha bodies are created, what they have to do with things, and how they manifest in literally something very very practical, the planet that we‟re living on. I think tomorrow I‟m going to have to bring the physical bodies into it, and for some of this in relation to where is our personal Ra-sha bodies, and see where they take me to there. They haven‟t shown me anything on that yet. So, you will be the first to know that bit. We had some of this information. There‟s a whole block of Ra-sha bodies that took you from the Par-TE-Kei template up through to understanding the formation of the Ra-sha bodies, that we haven‟t had for the 12 Tribes classes yet. They are literally just getting like a jump from one place to the next, and then there‟s the maps, and here‟s what we‟re doing. Okay. Oh boy. There‟s a lot of information that we needed but there wasn‟t time to give the graphs before the activations had to be done. So, what you‟ve got is the first round of showing the entire sequence of how this works. What I‟d like to do is... just a show of hands. It takes an hour and 45 minutes for this journey. Would you prefer to do it in the morning? Ok... that was kind of mixed. Im going to put it up to Council. (A'hza talking) OK yeah Im getting a nod from them as well. What is most important in doing these journeys, particularly when ... you‟re lucky that you‟re not the ones that have to... your systems won‟t be taxed because you are not activating. They are already open and activating. You will be riding the wave. However, being awake will be important on this one. Being fresh will be important on this one. (Applause) However, if I wasn‟t able to give you the graphs that build the sequences, you would get a lot less out of this journey you‟re taking, because you wouldn‟t really understand the significance of where you‟re going and why. Each one of the graphs you‟ve seen is like a code. Like we always say, the graphs are also mathematical codes, just like the pretty ones with the flames and things that you do optical pineal induction on. You get a whole bunch of mathematical sequencing now that will allow you to access the next level, that will allow you to journey. I‟ve run workshops till seven in the morning before, and people were falling off their seats because they are so tired. This is a journey I would honestly say I would rather have you do tomorrow. You‟ve already got your crystals. (Referring to crystal being circulated around the room) Just so everybody gets to do their own download of crystals. What you can do... we‟re going to do this tomorrow. We‟ll figure out what the best time to do it is. Uh, no. Sorry. I‟m getting 12:12. Yeah. That‟s what I just got. They‟re saying 12:12 daytime. We‟ll do it tomorrow in the daytime, at 12:12. It doesn‟t really need prep to it, this one does it? The whole thing, the induction and the journey takes an hour and 45 minutes. They would like to run it for 12:12 tomorrow. There‟s something with the coordinates. It probably has to do with whatever else is activating that we don‟t know about yet fully. I appreciate your patience. (Applause) I know you wanted the journey tonight. I‟m sorry, but it really is a better decision for everybody to do it fresh, plus something is coming in tomorrow at 12:12 that I don‟t know about yet. But, if you‟d like to begin, and you‟ve already done the thing with the crystal, before you go to sleep tonight, they‟re saying that those who want to begin contact with the Adashi group, you can do this like three times, squeeze the crystals in the hand, and kind of inhale while you do it (3x). Other times you can just massage them a little and it does it anyway. Then put out the intention that you would like to go to the Adashi temples. And there‟s somebody that‟s going to come and meet everybody that does that, and take you someplace. You can‟t get in there until you do a full access journey, which they are saying is better off being done tomorrow. There is no mistake that we ran late. Thank you (they always do that to me.) Oh well. We‟ll get a stronger burst upward as far as getting up there in the journey tomorrow. But tonight just Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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simply put out that you would like to visit the Adashi, they will be able to take you to one of the Aurora 1, 2 or 3 platforms, it depends on what you‟re own codes are. So there will be someone coming to see who‟s around that wants to go out into what is called a glide projection. This is before we slide we did the glides. So, there are already aware of us. They are already willing to work with however would like to. Again, it is the Aquafereion crew now, they are part Angelic Human and Human Cloister and part of the Aquari races, the Bhendi races. So, they are not the full strain Bhendis. They are the intermediary ones. They will be the people who will assist us and we will meet first when we go into full physical slide into the Aurora zones, after that‟s all activated, after the Peru trip. Anyway, I am not going to keep babbling at you tonight. Go vertical when you go to sleep. Try going vertical and just see what happens. Try feeling it out. But, before you do, do the little three times squeeze, and just imagine the image of that flame thing, the crystal that passed by you. Imagine that, and imagine yourself inside of it. That‟s actually the beginning. That will trigger an image that will trigger certain activations how to do a journey to, and because they are already open that will trigger the beginning activations in your own Ra-sha-LAe body layers of the Aqualene Sun, so you will have protection. So, even just aiming vertical within the Aqualene Sun field will keep you out of most trouble. You might see some interesting incarnational stuff. You could scare yourself with incarnational stuff, but if you have any bad experience with that, realize you didn‟t fall into a hibernation zone. You are only flashing past some of your own memory imprints, some of which might not be great; others might be. You can play with the crystals that you have in your hand tonight, and you can use the image of the glass crystal, the firewater flame as they call it, that we use, because that is the image that was used in journey 2. They used that image and took it further. So, that will plug you into the journey 2, even though you are not going through the words of journey 2. When it comes to tomorrow, we will do at 12:12 - I don‟t know what they have scheduled before that - for 12:12, we will run that journey that takes about an hour and 45 minutes, but at least you will be awake and fresh. They do suggest that you can eat lightly, but don‟t try to eat real heavy. You can eat - you don‟t have to be hungry. In fact, it‟s better off if you‟re not hungry, because you don‟t get lightheaded and want to pass out, but don‟t eat huge amounts. They are asking that - not that anybody should be worrying about it at that time of day - to have no alcohol in your system if you possibly can. We have no problem with alcohol, but certain activations are best off without that present, and this is one of those, and it‟s going to be 12:12 noon, so skip the cocktail at lunch. (Laughter) Can the champaign breakfast if you can because the activations will set better in your system if you don‟t have alcohol when you first do this journey. Sometimes alcohol can make you get really sick when you start bringing in the heats, and it‟s hot energy that‟s coming in, which it will be with this. You don‟t want to put it over the edge with making it hotter with the alcohol. Just a suggestion. (0:52:37) A'hza: Where is the crystal in the room right now? Its going real slow. Would you pass the crystal to Mac before leaving the room this evening, and what Mac will do is facilitate for those of you who haven‟t spent time with it yet, at 10a.m. tomorrow morning, the crystal will be here, for those of you have not yet actually done what you need to do with it. Ash: (Suggestion that they continue passing the crystal this evening). They could if somebody could make sure we get it back tonight in the room. I would like for them... there‟s not that many of them left. There‟s only like two rows in the back. If they could stay to finish getting the download of the crystals, then they could have the journey tonight too, if Mac is willing to do that (to stay). I‟m ready to fall over and I have graphs to do and I know we‟re both exhausted. Make sure you have your crystals in your hand tonight so you can play with the journey tonight and the Aurora platforms. Mac is going to stay, so when you are done with the crystal, just give it to her, so she can get it back to us. Okay? Because we are supposed to keep it in our space because its keyed to our house, alright? Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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(0:54:25) Sunday A.M.: Whatever time of day it is, thank you once again for your patience. For people who are new this happens on occasion, I‟ve been on live transmission since before dawn this morning. They wanted us to get to a certain point in understanding a new graph set, and one of things so you can take home with you the first rendition of a functional vertical map you can use as a projection when you are at home. Don‟t worry about me, Im a little bit tired, its been a very very long day embedded in graphology. There‟s also an activation coming through. I think it was one that wasn‟t exactly expected, ours was expected, but I have a feeling there is something else happening too just because of the feel of the energy that‟s moving around and through. So at the end of this, we are going to do a live technique that has to do with the first activation in the Indigo Shield, which means in the bodies of the Indigos that were present during that. If you happen to be Angelic Human or hosting, or whatever, and you‟re here anyway, you‟ll get that too. It‟s Prana Exchange. We‟ll explain toward the end what Prana Exchange is, and why it is significant. We‟ll also go through a little bit more of understanding the vertical maps and the relationship of Earth to the other planes. We briefly covered them yesterday, and we briefly covered the Net zones. We are going to look more closely at those, at what they do and where they are in the bodies, and what‟s going to happen to them in relation to the Aqualene Sun activations. When you put those pieces of knowledge together, we start to understand that when we do the Aqualene Sun activation, which the next part of it is initiating Prana Exchange within the Indigo Shield, we will begin to see some interesting things happening, and from what it looks like, it could be pretty interesting in the world out there, because the Aqualene Sun and the frequencies it comes in on, or the locations it comes in on in the Ra-sha-LAe body, and in the physical body, will actually begin to dissolve the Nets. (Applause) Before we cheer, though, what might that mean? The hibernation zones are on the other sides of those Nets. (Oooooooooooohhhh) Right. I‟m wondering - I have a feeling... they are with me now, and there is going to be a live wave tonight, so there will be things that kind of fall out of me, that I didn‟t know that either, but they are holding it ba ck for the dispensation to the group. We‟re going through some very interesting things. The last page that you will be getting with the little handouts - I am so glad that we were at least able to give you some kind of summary. Even the 12 Tribes people haven‟t been able to get those. It‟s the first time anybody has been able to get anything to read. (Applause) The last one you will get is precious. This took hours, because it is all analyzed in relation to what is where. So, it‟s accurate, so you can use the projection journey, actually imagine yourself going up - the things that you see there. You can have it enlarged or whatever. It is copyrighted material. It will eventually be copyrighted. That information gives you there‟s a whole new block of data that came through, and you will all start at the end and go back to the beginning of where I was planning to start my graph sequence. I did not understand at all about this. They never mentioned it before. The only thing they ever said was there were the three star systems in our universal Veca that is falling, that do have Gyrodome facilities, and that was Urtha and Earth, and Sirius B, and Andromeda. That‟s all they ever really mentioned, and that they would be the passageway that hooked into the AnshatAsa Passage over in the Aquious Hub, in order to sustain the ability of this planet, actually down here as part of the USG-3 set, in order to keep the core gates open, to be able to reinitiate temporarily, at least, on a respirator of the AnshatAsa Passage, the Prana Exchange within the planetary core. What the Indigo Shield, they are going to be the ones down here that anchor that ability to actually begin the Prana Exchange for Earth, because the Beloveds are on Urtha. That‟s the closest they are, which isn‟t too far away. They need a team on this side in order to do that. So, the mission that we‟re a part of is really huge. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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I didn‟t understand something until they made me go through all these things, like the sizes of the kathara grids... alright we know that we have D1, D2, D3 and then the density level of our 15 layer bodies. Then we go into the density one level of ours which connects to the D1 level of Urtha. That‟s when we start to understand how far up the different layers of the Urtha planes are. What happens when you go up to D2 or D3 Urtha, then density Urtha? Urtha‟s density grid connects to something too. Just like our grid, as a hosting planet into Urtha, connects to the D1 level of Urtha. Urtha isn‟t hosting, but the natural way these stargate work is Urtha‟s density grid connects into ... and I was going, “I bet I know. It‟s Tara! Right?” Or it used to be Tara, or whatever that thing that blew up a long time ago. They said, “no actually.” If you look at the position of the three on the kathara grid, what‟s right above it? Yeah. Sirius B. Which is even larger than the star known as Urtha. Which means something fascinating. When we find that the D1 core crystal of Urtha is actually running the crystal beds that run through I believe, the upper mantle - we‟ll look at that in a little bit - the same applies up there. Which means, the Adashi temples are actually the Sirius B - they connect directly into the Sirius B core crystal into density 2, into another Gyrodome planet, which means it has the ability to run the AnshatAsa Passage. So, this is the last ascension passage that is being opened, that you can get out of this system on any of the densities. But I was really thrilled to know about that. And I know there‟s a reason that I don‟t know yet; they wanted to bring the graphology to the point where I could see that so I could talk about it. There‟s something that‟s going to happen that has to do with Sirius B tonight, and they are not sure what it is, but I have a feeling it‟s something extra that was perhaps planned for Peru or maybe the next 12 Tribes class. Something is going on with the other side. They are throwing something, and I can feel it in the grids, and there‟s some kind know we find out when we‟re in the middle of it, kind of thing. So the other side doesn‟t know what we‟re doing to try to stop. There is something happening at the Sirius B temples. I think they are activating the crystal beds of Sirius B. Which means they are activating first the Gyrodome on Sirius B. And that‟s going to do something here, and I don‟t know what, but hopefully by the end of the evening we‟ll understand more about that. We know we‟re going to do the Prana Exchange, to begin that process in the indigo shield, and it will be a process that‟s functional enough by the time the Peru trip occurs, where we will be able to go and do, like literally host the planet and restart the gates. There‟s been something that‟s been going on historically recently. We‟ve been literally in battles, not just astral either. Weird stuff happening on 3D. For the Alon KAylon sites and that kind of thing. But in the period building up to the 25 th of March, when the solar gates did compact, there was some very strange things going on with the frequencies that the Bourgha matrix were throwing through their time rip triangulation. Part of what they were doing, is they were trying to activate, at full throttle, the Urtha gate, Urta 14, which is down some place off the coast of Brazil. They were trying to activate that full throttle on reverse. It would have taken down all the people with codes that connect to that, which would have been the Gold Dragon lines and the Gold Flame people and all that kind of stuff. They are telling me to do something with that information. Excuse me. I‟m on line. We‟ve been in the middle, for about a week before March 25 period. There has been a conquest for these gates. During two different periods in history, where Ruta 15 was reversed first, and that‟s over in the North Atlantic somewhere. And Urta was later reversed to the point where they were both reversed. These are the two smaller gates connected to the core Prana seed of the planet. There was something done in that week, moving up to, it happened actually during, as the Bourgha were trying to take over and activate the reversals on full throttle, when our Beloveds did the bounce-back thing that sent part of their frequencies back. We were able to turn some of that and do what was called a core reclamation on both of them - Urta and Ruta. So even though the outer part of their shields are still spinning in reverse and holding the hibernation zones, the cores were reclaimed, I believe on the 23 and 24 th of March. So, we now have the ability to begin the process of planetary Prana seed activation. While those gates were reversed, it phase-locked the Prana seed. It actually phaseCopyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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locked and opened, where it was like trying to bleed the seed atom, where it would like let energy hemorrhage out of the seed atom, but no backflow going back. They want us to know that there was a reclamation done on the cores of Ruta and Urta, a very short period ago. And this was clearing something that... let‟s see if I can remember the dates. I usually know them but when I‟m this tired it‟s a little bit hard. 9562 BC was when both of them fell under Bourgha control, but 15400 BC is when Ruta fell under the Anu control, and under a group that became known as the Sovereign Order of the Golden Serpent. Yeah. They are out and about these days too. They formed something else. I won‟t go there though. Yeah. They‟re affiliated with some ancient groups of Illuminati lines that have come up. One of them was called the Knights Parakleet. And they had to do with the group of Illuminati race lines that were raised from the Thothian Leviathan races. And another one called the Knights Saxony. They were the Saxion lines that had to do with the Samjase and the Plaedeians and the Beli-Kudeum. So, these guys are active right now as far as on the planet. They have a plan, and this is part of the interference... a typical response that we‟re having energetically is coming from the group that works with these guys. They have an agenda. They would love to work with our material, particularly gate maps and things, because what they wanted to create was sovereign fall of this system. They wanted the Bourgha to strike. Then they wanted to take over that technology and use it to eat the Wese matrix, and then be masters of the universe. There is a very large force of these guys in human form on the planet. They are like a secret version of the Freemason groups and stuff. Even the Freemasons don‟t deal with them directly. They are the Illuminati of the Illuminati of the Illuminati kind of thing. And they are up to something we may know about by the end of the night, and I think that‟s why they wanted me to just move in and touch on those things. When we talk about the things that have happened on this planet, historically, going back billions of years... this is very very current, the drama we‟re in. What we‟re going to see, and I was really excited about one thing with the new information that came through, I knew they were there someplace. I knew it had to do with the hibernation zones, but I didn‟t know where. Where did Atlantis and Lemuria go? I know they still exist. And we found it. We know where they are. We also have specific locations of where places like Olympus and the etheric Mount Shasta and Telos and Oz and several other ones, Shamballa. We have exactly where they are now, what hibernation zones they are connected to. The Illuminati races that I had mentioned, that have to do with the Sovereign Order of the Golden Serpent, which is referring to the metatronic spiral running through the Threshold apparatus, they have a direct affiliation with one of the controlling groups in the hibernation zones, that are called the Beli Mahatma groups. At a certain point, the Beli Mahatma actually were asking for the assistance from the Kristics, because the Bourgha were going to take them out, but they have since made deals with the Bourgha, especially now that the Bourgha are terrified and looking for somewhere to jump to, because the Bourgha are finding their matrix is going into nova. And because they are going into nova... they are not just going into bardoah, they are going into nova, because of what they threw, and it‟s coming back, and it‟s just doing particle antiparticle annihilation. So, the Bourgha are trying to jump, jump ship, get off the Titanic, and find a matrix they can jump into. There is something going on with this. I don‟t know why they want me to bring this up right now either. Probably come back to it later when we know something else. But they just wanted me to touch on this. We will be able to see where the Atlantis and Lemuria things are. I have a feeling... and there is always in the new age movement this wonderful mythology that Atlantis would rise again, and there would be new lands popping up in the ocean. I don‟t know if it is going there, but there is a reason those myths were created. What happens when you activate Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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the Aqualene Sun and it burns off the Net fields? What happens? I still don‟t know the answer to that. What happens when the Nets come down, especially if they come down quickly? And hibernation zones are all of a sudden on the same spin as we are? Those places are filled with very not nice people, who have not very nice agendas. Like the Zetas happen to be hanging out in the Atlantian Lemurian part. That‟s where they are coming in from. That‟s not where they started. That‟s where they are coming in from. They have their bases there and that kind of thing. These places, some of them are etheric, some are what‟s called atmic, which is atmic atomic, so it‟s a different level of atomic matter. Some of them are clearly physical, like we are, and the Atlantian ones are in that zone. They are physical manifestations. They are in a D2 hibernation zone. What we‟re looking toward at this point, I‟m not even sure. I keep wondering is this going to happen, is that going to happen? What does that mean in 3D? So, we‟ll have more of that by the end, but we‟ll start with the graphs.

[D3 C6 1:10:06] (graph)

One of the things that we didn‟t cover yesterday when we talked about the relationship between Earth and Urtha, we explained, but I didn‟t show this graph before... we explained how if this is Urtha‟s body - and these are not proportional, this is just an example - this would be Urtha‟s body, and Urtha‟s Ra-sha-LAe body as well, where you have the geleziac layers and bands and rings and spans and fields and shields... there you go. This is just showing you one circle inside another, meaning Urtha‟s sphere and Earth‟s sphere. In between the two of them is where the Aurora bands are. They are like a buffer field, that actually has allowed for... it has been holding Earth in position in its host. The Aurora field was a natural part of the Amenti Mission in the first place. But it‟s because of the Aurora field that Kristic technologies like the Gyrodome can be used. (D3 C6 1:11:11) If you notice here, if this was north on Urtha, which means that would align with the universal kathara grid and up there you‟d have kathara center six, Sirius B, USG-6 up there. So, this would be natural north for Urtha. Earth was aligned in Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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that way also when it was first placed in the host 550 million years ago after the Fall of Tara. Earth was an anchor planet actually. There used to be mythologies that everything revolved around the Earth, before whoever it was discovered that everything revolved around the Sun. In a certain way, everything did revolve around the Earth, because the Earth was the anchor planet. The Earth revolved around with Urtha and Sala - they both revolved around... the Sun that was held, our Sol was held in place, through a link to the Sala 4 gate, and through the E-Umbi, and this is why our Sun ended up in trouble, because when the E-Umbi time rip happened, coming in from the AdorA side... they just broke right into the host there and were able to access Earth, from the Sun. But Earth literally, with Urtha, rotates around, because when you see a kathara grid and the spheres, they rotate on their vertical axes, and so the kathara grids are spinning, and what that has to do with our solar planes, is where if Sala and Sol had this relationship - they had a different relationship - if they had this relationship, there would be no central Sun anybody was revolving around in the solar system. So Sala was actually put in where it links through a set of tunnels into the E-Umbi lock, in the middle of the kathara grid, and SG-4 that would be over here on the kathara grid, and SG-4 goes away from it sometimes, because the whole kathara grid is revolving, but it makes the appearance of our Earth and the two planets going toward Sol, and the ones coming out behind it, it makes it look like it made an artificial plane within the larger shield that is revolving around the E-Umbi, because both of them are revolving around the E-Umbi, and both Sala and Urtha are star, or central Suns, that each have a solar system. Which means, when we ever get up there, when we get up there physically to Urtha, it will be the center Sun. Which means around it, there will be other things revolving. Except they will be Kristic, and that means they will be breathing, and that means they will look like stars or Suns. But they will have life planes on them too. So, even though Earth and Urtha are in the same place technically, where Earth is literally inside the body of Urtha, once you get up here on the surface, you‟d have a whole different perspective on the solar system around you, on the stars around you, and you‟d find Urtha is indeed at the center of its solar plane. So, there are interesting experiences once we get to the point where we are out there. It will feel like you are on another planet completely. Because the whole star configuration wouldn‟t be what it looks like from here. I wanted to show you this, because what has happened with the progression of the Beast machine activations and the Threshold activations and the mess that has been here - it started way before we came this time around... the North axis is no longer here... Earth‟s north axis... well we know it has the 23.5 degree shift, and the other part of it is like 11.5 degree, or whatever it is, shift over there, and it creates the wobble and the elliptical plane that‟s not natural, that gives us our equinox and our seasons and all of that. They are not natural configurations that have to do with the tilt. We‟ll find some interesting things out too as we move on from here. It‟s not just that Earth is tilted here at 23.5 degrees to this axis. You‟ll see in a minute how badly Earth is actually tilted in relation to Urtha. Now what that would mean, if the Aurora fields weren‟t there and the Spanner gate capacity weren‟t there, it would mean the gates wouldn‟t align, that even though once upon a time where gates that were put in Earth that could connect into Urtha... they‟d be all misaligned because of the misalignment of the axes. The Aurora field actually counterbalances that, and what it does is, once it‟s activated with the Gyrodome activations, it begins to spin - the Aurora field spins - and it will align at certain times the gates. It has a set of gates that match Earth‟s and a set of gates that match Urtha‟s, and it will rotate, and as it is rotating it will align up. It will make like little doors that open, where it is hitting the right gate sets, so that it‟s almost like a combination lock in the Aurora field gates, where it will open and close the gates as it spins, but at least it will allow for an alignment to take place, because you can‟t have vertical alignments or straight alignments anymore. It will give you a little bend field where you can go... say if you want to get to a gate, from here to a gate that‟ s over there, and you want to go here where it should be, but all of a sudden you find that it‟s down here, and it doesn‟t cut through that way... this field would rotate, would take you down to here, and then, as it rotated back up here, you would be able to go into the gate there, so it would be like a relay station. It‟s not a midway station. There‟s something else called a midway station that they just informed me about in the graphs.

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The relationship between Urtha and Earth is not straightforward as it was when the Amenti Host was set in place, when all the gates lined up and that kind of thing. Spanner gates are interesting because what you find is - I don‟t have them drawn yet - there would be 12 Spanner gates connecting to the 12 Arc gates on Earth, and then there would be 12 Spanner gates connecting into the main gate sets of Urtha, through the Aurora field, and the Spanner gates through the Aurora field would look like a flower with 12 petals, because they make loops. They go up and they span, and make bridges, and then those bridges would connect into Adashi temples and take you to the corresponding natural planetary stargate. Next one please.

[D3 C7 1:17:36] The “Poison Apple” Magnetic Fields

A little closer look up at Earth. I‟m not going to go into this heavily but... if this is the kathara grid that‟s supposed to be around Earth‟s body and light body, it‟s supposed to be vertical, and it‟s not. This would be the Urtha alignment, and also the natural alignment for Sala, or for the solar plane, that would take you up into the density two gates and align us and that kind of thing, but what we have now is this instead - it‟s tilted. That‟s showing you again the 23.5 degree shift over this way, but it‟s more interesting even than this. This is what we talked about when we were exposing the metatronic mess that‟s being taught on this planet. You have the Poison Apple magnetic fields - because they‟re unnatural magnetic fields that create a tube torus lock-in, which is like an electromagnetic net, instead of, if you had normal fields - I don‟t have the graphs here but we have them from way back - where you‟d actually have the planetary Rod that runs through the sides of it... you have the Staff running down vertically, and the Rod would be horizontal. You‟d normally have fields coming up like this and going through the arc. It looks more like a butterfly configuration. That allows the top and bottom vortices and side vortices to be open so it can receive the natural transmissions from the solar plane, from the Sun itself, and so the sides catch the solar winds, and actually use them to generate. Right now, what is the situation and what we‟ve had for a very long time these Poison Apple shaped magnetic fields that artificially hold in - they are actually a part of a system that holds in the axis tilt. We‟ve got these, we call them trumpets. They are like big satellite dishes. They are vortices. They are not metal satellite dishes. They are literally spinning vortices of energy that are generated at the core and have distortions that were created from the Golden Serpent grid, which is the Beast machine metatronic stuff plugged into the Threshold time rip stuff, that allowed for full activation of the Fibonacci Spiral, with an upside down Tauren light seed and all that stuff that we talked about in Tenerife.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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So, we‟re sitting here in the middle of this mess. It also created the unnatural configuration of energy kind of turning in on itself perpetually, which is this shape, the yin yang symbol. It refers to this, that is literally the shape of energy flows when you have this metatronic and Threshold set-up. So Earth has been in trouble for a long time. This is getting toward the end of the story. This is just a close-up of that little tilted thing you saw inside the larger Urtha. Next one please.

[D3 C7 1:20:21] Urtha and Earth Field Maps

Now if we look a little more closely at the Ra-sha-LAe body structures, and if this is Urtha, this would represent Earth‟s relationship to it right now, except look at north. Urtha‟s north. What‟s up here at the 23.5 degree tilt? We‟re not just 23.5 degrees tilted. We‟re 180 and then 23.5 tilted. Basically, Australia faces north Urtha. Right? The South Pole area, minus 23.5 degree. (D3 C7 1:20:42)

What this is interesting, because when you look at things in regular books that show you things about the Van Allen Belts... now we know where the Van Allen Belts are in relation to the grids that we saw yesterday - and I will go back to those again - where, let‟s pretend the bigger one is not there, and as if this were straight, right? This is the Rod. The Van Allen Belts are coming off this way, from Earth, right? Because it‟s tipped upside down, it‟s kind of funny, because now Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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here you see these diagrams like science books that try to show you the Van Allen Belts, and actually they will show you them upside down. (D3 C7 1:21:56)

When you‟re looking at them in the book, they actually need to be tipped the other way to get actually what is taking place. Because our North is actually down in relation to what is naturally universal north in this matrix. So, I wanted to show you, first of all, when we‟re seeing the Van Allen Belts, when you see those little diagrams that you might see if you want to look more into them, or whatever, firstly, anything they tell you about you about it, you need to turn the whole thing upside down, where north is pointing down, and that will give you a more accurate representation of the relationship that we are working toward, which is understanding our relationship to Urtha. Now, if it weren‟t for the Aurora field, once it‟s activated into the Gyrodome that can make up the difference of those problems with rotation - because this would be shifting... it‟s angular rotation of particle spin would be very very effected by this. So the natural alignments that you would normally make, you wouldn‟t be able to make without the Aurora field. So the Aurora field actually will, once it‟s fully activated, will take up the balance of this, and they won‟t have to turn our planet back around, which would be quite cataclysmic, particularly where waters were concerned, not to mention volcanoes and all sorts of other things. That‟s not an option at this point to try to turn Earth back the right way around in order to open the gates. But the Aurora field, once it is activated as the Aurora zone, will allow for, even though we are upside down, it will make the difference in angular rotation of particle spin and BPR, the base pulse rhythm, so all we have to do is like, aim vertical basically. When we do stands in the 12 Tribes classes, when we do a large stand and spin, those kinds of things, the configurations that we‟re doing in 12 Tribes classes, we do have to align them to south, which is interesting, because usually people think of aligning to north. So, if you want to sleep with your head pointed south, at this point, with 23.5... I mean it gets nuts. It‟s enough to make you triply dyslexic. The more activated I become, the more I am able to go on journeys and see things, the more I am having trouble with the left-right thing. I am actually finding myself writing from ... whatever this is to whatever this is. This way, instead of this way. I get totally weirded out with right and left at this po int. So, if you find yourself going through periods of being dyslexic when you never were, it has to do with your body codes getting used to the natural frequencies. If you turn something upside down, it also reverses right and left, right? As we‟re bringing in the Urtha codes and more of those, our bodies are kind of going, „wait a minute. Who‟s on first? Which is right and which is left?” At least we know up from down, or at least we think we do biologically speaking. Some of the things, like conditions like dyslexia and dyspraxia and those left-right reversal things that are happening have to do with this, because the north and south are reversed, which means east and west are also reversed from natural order. And more of the frequencies of the natural order are coming in at this point, so it‟s going to get very strange on this planet. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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I just wanted you to know that if you try to... some people like to look up stuff and get more information on the Van Allen Belts and that kind of stuff, and if you are someone like that, that likes to do that, just know that when you look at their diagrams they are upside down, and you would put everything in perspective in relation to Urtha, and Urtha would still be the one at the top... that is north would still be up here. Next one please.

[D3 C7 1:25:32] Earth‟s D2 RashaLAe Par-TE-Kei Body

Here we go, back to the diagrams we started looking at yesterday, and that have to do with Earth‟s D2 Ra-sha-LAe ParTE-Kei body, and the 15 ring fields that come from the Par-TE-Kei template rings, that come from the gel layers, and the 15 shields that come from the orbs or spans, which come from the crystal bands. So, we are just looking at that again. This one is just showing one set. So that is the D2 Earth grid. Now these come in sets of four, remember. D1, D2, D3 and a density level. That has to do with the Ra-sha AmorA body that had the four sheathes, so the four sheathes form the four dimensional bands in a set. So, this is just looking at the D2 level, and we‟re looking at that because that‟s the one we see as solid here. I just wanted to remind you first that we do have... these are broken down into the first three layers form what is called the solid core, and it‟s actually frozen ethers, and it also has meta-els in there from the key processes. So, it‟s frozen metal and ethers. That‟s the solid core where there are fields 1, 2 and 3. Fields 4, 5, 6 - these, we refer to as the Aquifers, because in the Par-TE-Kei body they are fluids, liquids. There‟s actually, I think, the four is a band of silica gel actually, liquid silica. Then there are lava layers and also underground water, as far as underground ocean-type water. These would refer to the flows. So, when we talk about the Aquifers, we‟re talking about this particular part. What science refers to that theoretical place as is the liquid core, which they assume is there because it has to do with the metal solid spinning through the liquid that creates the electromagnetic fields on this planet, is how science tends to look at it, I think. When you come out from there, you‟re dealing with three levels of the mantle, with the lower mantle, which would be the Ta 7, the middle mantle, which would be the Ma 8, and the upper mantle, which would be the Ka 9 layer. Then the next layer out, or the next - let‟s not call them layers. Let‟s call them what they are. They are the fields. The next field out would be the Ra 10 field. And in between those two, you‟d have the 9.5 span or shield, and that would be the Ra Ka, because you have Ka and Ra, and you read them going this way - Ra Ka. So that would be the rock. And that forms our crust. So this is where we are now. Just to remember these as we kind of went through them fast yesterday. These become important, at least having a grasp on the fact that there are these divisions in the planetary body and in the atmosphere, as we go up from there, because this is where we start to understand where the Nets are running, and what they are affecting, but where they are running. And more importantly, we start to understand where Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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the Aurora zones are. Right now, the Gyrodome isn‟t activated yet. It means the Aurora zone isn‟t fully opened yet. It means there are four platforms, that are like spheres, that you can access different layers of the safe zones, the Aurora safe zones, but it is not a fully activated field yet that you can slide into 3D biologically. That‟s what will happen after the Peru trip, with the activations there are done. It will start something called Prana Exchange on the planetary level that will allow those Aurora platforms to come together to form the Aurora field or the Aurora zone. When we‟re looking at these layers, it helps just to remember that there are the 1, 2, 3 layers - I‟m just going to call them layers at this point. There‟s shields and fields. The 1, 2, 3 layers, the solid core. Then you have the liquid core, 4, 5, 6, the Aquifers. Then you have the 7, 8 and 9 which are the mantle layers. Then you have the 10, 11 and 12, the Ra 10 field. These begin in our atmosphere. The Ra 10 field... the top of the Ra 10 field, which would be here, it would be the band between 10 and 11, which is the 10.5 band, which is the Sha Ra band. That corresponds to our thermosphere in the atmosphere. So, when you look up in science books - I haven‟t had time to plug this into science books yet, and look up how many miles up whatever is. But at this point, you can actually put miles on these maps. All you have to do is cross reference it with a couple of science books, because a lot of them say different things about how far what is up and where. But you can find out how far down things go into the Earth and how far up they go, when you know certain key things, and one of them is this band right here. That would be at the top of the Ra 10 field, on the D2 grid is the thermosphere. That means everything down here - this is where all weather occurs. This is the Ozone layer, right around here, about halfway through. And we‟ll find out some interesting things about the Ozone layer too. I‟m wondering what all these activations that the Sun is going to go through, what they‟re going to do to the Ozone layer, because the Ozone layer and the Van Allen Belts are actually formed from the Nets. So, I wonder if there‟s probably a plan of controlled Net release. Because if you just shut the things off and block the things that were holding the Nets up at this point, it would probably be a mess. It would probably wipe out the Ozone layer very very quickly, and without the Ozone layer, at this point, we‟d all get poisoned from what is coming off the Sun, before the Aqualene Sun field is activated to buffer it. So, I imagine there‟s going to be some kind of controlled release of the Nets. I think. If not, they‟re preparing us for that three day evac that they‟ve talked about on occasion, but I don‟t think they are. So, we don‟t have to worry too much about that right now. I think they would tell us. But maybe they wouldn‟t, because you‟d tell like a hundred other people, and they would tell a hundred other people... (laughter), then there would be way too many people to get anybody out anywhere. So, I don‟t know how they would run that. I don‟t feel it is coming though right now. This layer here is literally what we walk around in. It‟s the light field that we see as part of what, on the outside... if these are the Ra-sha bodies, the Ra-sha-LAe body, these are the inside ones, not going back into the inner domains or anything, but just the inside of the outer ones, and outside of that would be the ray spectra of the four outer body - and we‟ll see that in a little bit too - that was manifested from these. So, this actually creates, this area creates the trion field that we talked about before, we have the trion light field, and then inside of that the Meajhe field, and outside of that the Reion field. So, these correspond to that. This area corresponds to the trion field. When we come out from here, we go from the Ra 10 field... then we have the Sha 11 field, the La 12 field, and then coming out further, we have the 13, 14 and 15 fields, which are the Ka Tha Ra fields. When we go into the various things that culminate in the Aqualene Sun activation of the Ra-sha-LAe body, it means turning on these bands here - 12, 13, 14 and 15 - in the four layers, the D1, D2, D3 layers and the density layer of the bodies. This is what is going to happen with the planet too, once the Indigo Shield can hold a host for that. That will create the buffer field around the planet, as well as coming from Sala 4 to protect and transmute the frequencies that are going to be coming off the Sun because of it going to its bardoah stage with compaction of its core gates. So, right now, we‟re just looking at the easy one. These diagrams are very very complex. We tried really really hard to have the last page you got be two pages, but the master was fine, but the copies were so bad you couldn‟t read any of Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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the layers anyway, so it would have been just frustrating. So, we are going to wait until we get proper copies made of them before we release them. But they showed them in relation to not only the Earth‟s body, and of course it showed the D2 one inside of that. Right now we‟re looking at D2 but imagine that shrinking down and then this size one would be the D3. That‟s what we‟re looking at the next pages we‟ll look at. So, when you see the little grid in here, it started out as the first diagram you saw big. You shrink that down and put it inside the D3 grid, and then you‟ll be looking at the D3 grid and the same set-up. But there‟s different layers of the atmosphere that form from that. (D3 1:34:33) We have here - we got up to the D2 surface Earth, and the Ra 10 light field. As we come out here, we‟ve got Earth D2 inner Van Allen Belt is right out in this area. Then the Gap Zone would be out here. When we look at the bigger map that has this shrunk down into the center, and it expands outward further, and we see the D3 level of the Ra-sha-LAe body, that‟s when we can start to see where the two Van Allen Belts are, where the gap between them is, and all of that. Our thermosphere looks like it‟s way down in here, once we get into those larger maps. So, this one I wanted to show you so you could remember that at the core there is a solid core that has three fields/rings/layers to it. They call it a solid inner core, then the liquid outer core Aquifers. Then the mantle layers. Then the inner atmosphere, and then the various layers of the atmosphere going out from there. 13, 14 and 15 constitute what‟s called the corona sphere. They are what, under normal circumstances, would give a fire layer to a natural star or planet, and when you see things like suns that are burning, you‟re seeing a part of their D2 level of their corona sphere. Our D2 corona sphere was shut off because of the tilt and because of the mess that the Nets are creating in the fields. It literally is blocked so it can‟t turn on. One of the things that is going to be happening, and I don‟t know how fast, but with the activations that are taking place now because of what‟s happening on the Sun... it‟s like, at this point it‟s not something we‟re doing. It‟s going to happen whether we assist the Earth in dealing with this process or not. These frequencies are going to be let go. But progressively that layer of the D2 Earth is going to be turned back on, once the Indigo Host is fully activated enough to get to hold it. Before that, we‟d have to have it turned on in the Indigo Shield, and then we would be able to host that and stimulate that in Earth‟s environment. Now, they‟re not going to just go ... here you go, guys... light up the corona sphere here... and where is that in relation to the Van Allen Belts? It‟s right in between them probably. I believe it falls somewhere in between them. I‟d have to look on the bigger one. But, t hat would not be really great, as far as most of the life forms on this planet here right now. Because it would create radiation that would just vaporize everybody. That‟s not the intention of the Beloveds to vaporize everybody. They have extreme measures, I‟m sure, to make sure that these things can be turned on, but in a way that is stabilized. I think that is part of the job of the Indigo Shield itself holds, that‟s what they mean by the Indigo Host. That because our fields ... (Tape change--end of 5B)

...can run it and can hold these frequencies, they can turn on certain levels of it within the earth but perhaps over a long period of time or something where it doesn‟t create dire circumstances for the life forms here, but in the meantime it creates the buffer field on the planet that it needs to make it through a Starfire and also what it needs to make it through the frequencies that are going to be emitting from Sol now that its going to go into Gamma phase. So this is the beginning of understanding the maps and I just wanted to go over those with you, we touched on these yesterday. So just remember corona sphere, atmosphere, mantel, aquifers/liquid core, and solid core. Its as simple as that, 5 layers each with three rings/layers. There‟s so many words at this point that it gets a bit nuts trying to talk about it quickly especially when ones tired. Next one please.

[D3 C8 1:38:44] (graph) Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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We‟re still looking at just the D2 one. This is before we go into the expanded atmosphere, we find out what a Van Allen Gap is and Van Allen #2 and all of that. We‟re just going to look at first the presence of the Net. These have been actually been corrected more so I probably will go into this more than the one I spent part of the day doing, but I ju st wanted to show you these ones we were given for 12 Tribes class. It might have been the first one, and we got through the diagrams this far. When we are talking about vertical maps, it‟s like this. What you‟re looking at here - this is from a science book but it has extra stuff put on it. The science book showed Earth as a sphere cut in half - it showed this little highlighted “v” here and that highlighted “v” is here, like a cross-section taken out of the sphere, to show you vertically the different layers. This is what science books show, where there is the inner solid core, the outer liquid core, the mantle, and they call it, the upper mantle. The difference is we have these divided into upper, middle and lower mantles, but it‟s the same space, and then the crust. These, that you find in science books, correspond to these diagrams. These diagrams were done first before we found any of those references, which I thought was really funny. When I found these, I was going, „Oh neat, look at that. It looks almost like what we just drew!‟ And they said, “mm hmm. Take a copy of that so you can show the sphere.” It would have taken me much longer to draw that. This gives you the understanding of what the vertical maps are about. It‟s about going up and down from the center of Earth, all the way up and all the way down. The vertical maps... I imagine there‟s ones would probably go down all the way too, but we‟re working on these at the moment, because the Aurora field, even though we‟re going up, which would technically be south. The Aurora fields will spin us around and get us to be able to go through into the Earth and on the proper axis. If we had to calculate what they were to get through a gate, I don‟t think we‟d have any people getting through the other side. „Oh no, we‟re off by three decimal points!‟ You know what I mean? (Laughter) It‟s so mathematical. It‟s heavy navigational coordinates when you‟re working with the stargates. It makes flying planes and sailing ships look easy. This is just showing the D2 again. This is our surface Earth with our houses and things on it. This is just to show you there are a set of seals. There are actually two more here, but the ones are immediately on the D2 level are the seven seals and another set of seven seals. These are the seals on the Aquifers. Because through this, through our D2 Rasha-LAe body of Earth... if you remember in the core we are united with Urtha, which means we‟re inside of U‟s body. It‟s as if this were Urtha and we‟re here. So, there are all these layers/fields - all those 15 structures that pertain to U‟s body as well, and they run through ours, so that their D1,2,3 level runs through our levels, and it‟s just bigger. You‟ll see where they fit in with each as we start to show the embedding maps. That‟s how we can tell we‟re out in the atmosphere, in relation to the Van Allen Belts as a reference point, where certain parts of Urtha exist, where the D2 physical Earth is in relation to it. Where the Adashi Temples are, which are physical temples. There are other etheric temples both on Earth or in Earth, and in Urtha, but because they are coming through on the D2 level, with is telluric atomic - we have the etheric atomic in D1, telluric atomic coming through in D2, and we have atmic atomic coming through in D3. The different types of matter base. It‟s the telluric one that we see as solid, when we‟re in a three dimensional system. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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So, there are layers that are just as physical, and they actually seem more physical as everything is bigger there. We‟re a small body inside of a larger one, and things are larger and more expanded when you get up into the Urtha realms. These seals are actually on Aquifers. Between Earth‟s Aquifers and the Aquifers of Urtha, there are channel that link, that are literally different steps to different types of matter, that link the water flows, and a long time ago in different stages, there were seals put in by the Beloveds of Urtha, by the Aquafereion races, and by the Bhendi Aurora races, once the hibernation zones had happened, to prevent Urtha from being raided by the creeps that created the hibernation zones. Im sorry. I can love creeps too. Seriously, I don‟t hold a grudge against these guys. At this point, why should anybody bother. It‟s not about getting off this planet. It‟s about getting out of this planet. We‟re sealed in this little bubble down here. It‟s like a prison bubble. We‟re in the process of being sprung from our cell, actually. During the 12 Tribes class - and that was funny, because we didn‟t know about any of this stuff. I didn‟t know what the 12 Tribes classes were supposed to be about. Just like a lot of the workshops, I show up and find out too. That‟s how they‟ve been working lately, when it‟s on security clearance. So, what we did in the first 12 Tribes class was an elemental master command stand which is called the Cloud Walker Stand, that opened these seals, the core of each of these seals, going all the way up. It opened the full one down here, and then the D1 level - not the D1, it‟s layer one in each of them, going all the way up. So, they began to open the flows through the Aquifers. They come right down into the core gates, and the one core gate that still functions is Shala 13, and that‟s the one in Phoenix. That‟s why we‟ve always been called to this area. It‟s actually part of Phoenix, part of Scottsdale, a bit of Tempe, more northern Tempe and southern Scottsdale. It goes up to North Scottsdale too. It‟s large. The access point to it is probably small when you get down into Earth core. It‟s probably a tiny point. It comes out in a cone. They haven‟t told me the parameter yet in this area where it is, but we‟re in a key spot, and we were asked to purchase a house in a key spot, that fortunately was southern Scottsdale, not northern because we wouldn‟t have been able to. The prices are not as expensive here. Some of the Beloveds have guided us and had people come to workshops, and my beloved Az is a very good manager, and we‟ve had enough to be able to put something on the table for the mortgage company and say, „we‟re very nice people and we pay our bills. See we actually have a long history of paying our bills‟ We actually got a mortgage. So, I was amazed. We didn‟t do this because we wanted to own our own house. If we had sat down and said, „we want to buy a house,‟ it wouldn‟t have been in Colorado where we bought it or in Arizona where we bought it. It wasn‟t about what we wanted. It was about what needed to be secured fast. That‟s what this was about. It‟s a good thing it‟s not recognized, because the price would really be high on it if they realized the two places were sitting on sacred sites. If the hotel people realized this hotel was also sitting on a sacred site, it would be very inaccessible to most people probably, as far as price-wise at least. What‟s nice about the Net is it keeps everybody dumb about other things too which works to our advantage sometimes (laughter). So, we have secured what‟s called the Alon-7 and ShAlon-7 sites. We knew they were important and we knew they were connected to Spanner 7 and Arc 7 and that connects to the Adashi-7 Temple, but how they are connected to whatever, I had no idea. By the end of this evening, we‟ll see where they are connected... directly to the An-Sha-TA-Sa Passage, and we‟ll find out how Peru fits into this too. This is some of the new material, right before... the final graph I had to finish. That final handout actually shows you where those places fit in the larger picture. It has to do with Sirius B as well, and the Adashi Temples that are there thanks to the Gyrodome. But, we‟re back here on the Earth, and we have the beginnings of the Aquifer seals opening.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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The AS activations... they are going to start opening the D12, 13, 14 and 15 layers of the Ra-sha-LAe bodies, and also the bands. And there is a particular sequence to this that we are going to do in Peru, because that was coming through on this tablet, and the other was coming through on this tablet... it was one of those days where I had to use two or three tablets, because I get two or three lines all at the same time, of data flow, and you have catch them as they come, because they come a piece here, a piece here, a piece here. Interesting what I look like, probably a dish rag. It‟s a bit draining. This is still the D2 level of the Earth. The seals are on the way of being opened once the cores are opened, and the work that we are doing with the Tribes classes as we‟re activating rings, is progressively triggering the activation of the seals. The seals correspond with the spans, actually. They end up in between the rings. So, they would be span seals. So, we‟re activating spans and bands, it progressively activates those. There‟s a whole set of sequences of things that have to do with what activates what, as far as if you want to activate, say, these levels in here, what‟s the fastest way to do it? There‟s a whole set of things of what triggers what in relation to the 15 spans and the 15 rings. We only have part of those charts done. That‟s another level of detail - having to know every quantum that every little tiny thing had, and what spark it made and all of that stuff. Some of the work, when it comes through, is just brutal in the detail level, where there‟s never even time to get the graphs done, because to explain three steps, that took four seconds, or like a millisecond, it takes 25 graphs to explain everything with the quantum things and all that. These are another thing like that. Trying to trace all of this - how they interact with each other, and what each band is composed of, as far as what type of energy. All that‟s there. It‟s all technicals. And I figured, at this point, they can keep those books up there, and we can go there to the Adashi Temples and read them! (Laughter) Right now, the main thing is, well, I‟d like to say getting out of here, but it doesn‟t look like that‟s the immediate thing on the Beloveds‟ minds. Because if we get out of here, so does the Indigo Host Shield, that is what‟s going to allow for the Earth to have a respirator Prana Exchange cycle, that will allow for the AnshatAsa Passage to open, and give the place between 500 and 1000 years where there is still a path of ascension out for other life forms, and not just human life forms, but all sorts of others. Ones in some of the other kingdoms as well. Some of the ones who are in the atmic levels, the cloud civilizations that are considered the mental body. They are really there. They are a different type of matter. They are atmic matter. What we‟re seeing is telluric matter. There‟s a lot more people here and light fields here than most people realize, cause we don‟t see them with the apparatus we usually use for perceiving. That may be changing soon. The first part was opening the aquifers. They also began to show the Nets. But I had to really go through the embedded grids that show the D2 and D3 one together to find the exact placement. These were roughs and I still haven‟t realized any of these. But at least I realized an accurate vertical map that you have on that last page you got. It shows you where precisely the bands are. The analysis on these when you have all of these embedded together is enough to make you cross-eyed, especially when they‟re all hand done and not with nice straight computer lines. It‟s been a bit of a project. (D3 C9 1:51:49) I won‟t talk about the Nets yet. When you see these scratchy lines on the diagrams here, they are referring to those, but there‟s more Nets than this. This one is accurate, I know that. This is the Ka 9 layer of the D2 Earth, and that means it‟s the upper mantle, and there‟s the crust. This is the Ra 10 field, which is the light field and the thermosphere. The first band – the Derma-NET, it‟s actually the D1 etheric atomic NET. It‟s anchored in the Earth crust, as far as the center point where its crystal implants are, that allow for that Net to form. They‟re right in the Earth‟s crust. It‟s literally beneath our feet all the time. And it generates a field that goes about half way up to the ozone layer. It forms the ozone layer up there. Down here into the upper mantle it goes down part of the way. It creates like a scalar wave tube. These are scalar wave technologies. They are meant to cause harm, and they do a very good job of it. This was the Net called the DermaNet, that affects the etheric atomic level, which means when we talk about DNA template - there‟s a distinction between Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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the DNA template, the DNA, and the DNA overlay. When we talk about DNA template, we are referring to the D1 sheath, which is the D1 etheric atomic layer. So, the D1 Net, the etheric atomic Net, is the one that harnesses and changes natural coding in the DNA template. When we get into the D2 Net, that is called the Intra-Net. The D2 Net corresponds to the chemical DNA that science is looking at. We call it the Bio-Net, because it is the stuff you‟re seeing biologically. It‟s also the emotional Net, because it harnesses what we experience as the emotional body, the emotions within our body, which all come through on the D2 telluric level. That is the telluric Net, the Intra-Net. That‟s in a certain place that we‟ll see. There‟s the D3 Net, the Ego-Net, the Epigenetic overlay Net. It corresponds to what we call DNA overlays. When we talked about overlays all these years, what we were talking about is the epigenetic chemical overlay that science is now talking about being the thing that actually controls the chemical DNA. There‟s a whole big excitement in the scientific communities about looking into the fact that the epigenetics might be more important than even genetics. Understanding genetics doesn‟t end with the human genome project. It doesn‟t even begin there. We‟ve been talking about these things all along. We used the word „overlay‟ when referring to that part of the sheath. That would be the D3 sheath. It has to do with the atmic matter levels. There‟s a D3 Net that corresponds to certain levels in our atmosphere, that is controlling the mental body, and is controlling the epigenetic overlay. It actually gives us our egos, part of the epigenetic overlay Net and harness. This is where we get all sorts of weird things fed to us, as far as programs you don‟t get to actually watch. You just kind of live them, having your emotional buttons pushed from the mental body level, where somebody will think for you if you give them a chance to, that kind of thing. There are mass programs put out through these Net fields, to move large groups of people in one way or another. There are also small ones, particularly where Indigos are concerned. Indigos are the one big nuisance to the fallen angelics on the planet, because we keep bugging them, we keep doing stuff to undo what they did. We keep talking about what they did, which makes other people nervous, and they might start listening. So, there are times when the dramas in the D4 level and in the hibernation zones, which are much closer than D4, when they start heating up, when they start to do something bad and we‟re doing energetic work Kristicly that‟s getting in their way – well, they‟ll come after you too personally because we‟re all wired into the Net at this point. As we work with these AS technologies, we are beginning to dissolve the Net first within our bodies. This is good, because it will assist us first in making biological changes. I don‟t know which levels of the body it will go through first, but before this planet has to worry about its Nets coming down, and who know what that might look like, first it will just be in the IS. And I have a feeling that means we‟re going to start at some point doing the carbon to silica transmutation. At some point it would mean that. I don‟t know when. I don‟t know what that will look like or feel like. What happens when your carbon atoms spontaneously turn into silica inside your body? Is this quick? Is it slow? Is it painful? Is it like pulling a band-aid off? I don‟t know the answers to these questions! If we get that far, when we get to find out, I don‟t care what it feels like, because it means you can go with your body too. The Indigo Shield will be... I won‟t say a cosmic guinea pig, because it‟s not a guinea pig situation. They already know what these processes are. They‟ve been around for billions of years, they are the Kristic processes. They are the processes of the beginning of the Ra-sha-LAe body activations. They are normal activations under normal circumstances. We are not in normal circumstances on this planet. But our bodies are still capable of doing these. With all of the activations that we‟ve already participated in with the Beloveds... I don‟t know what they do...whether there is something built in to the Kristic technologies, that you can‟t overload yourself. You can decide to do all sorts of breathing stuff and do techniques and glue yourself to CD‟s and really overdose on it, and you‟ll just overdose your body Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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to the point where it shuts down for a while in the DNA, until the body can synthesize it. So, they have a natural built in protection. You don‟t have to worry about spontaneously combusting because you activated your Aqualene Sun and your corona sphere too fast. We won‟t have those kinds of activations. That‟s really good because there are some people that play with the Kundalini activations out there and you can have some really rough things happen where you end up like having nervous breakdowns and in a mental hospital temporarily because you just snapped. If you don‟t know what you‟re doing when you‟re working with Kundalini energies, which are the first nine dimensional currents, of the 15 dimensional currents, the outside currents that run through our systems. You can have some really bad physical experiences. They don‟t come with this type of work, with the Kristic work, because it is self-regulating. When you‟re running anything on the D12 ray, it will automatically modulate. If there is too much incoming, it will shut down the frequency, and wait until your body can hold it, and the same will apply with the Aqualene Sun frequencies. From what I‟ve seen in my experience, the only time our bodies have a bit of a problem is when we have all sorts of wacky pulses running in the grids from various different parts, coming from the Threshold machine or time rips, or whoever is throwing chaotic frequencies. I‟ve felt those running through the grids on occasion, and it‟s like this wave of vibration will come up through your body spontaneously, and it can even make your teeth chatter. Oh my God, what is that? There were a few times when they were activating the Spear of Destiny grids way back in 2003, I believe, when the Wesedraks starting activating them to counteract the Blue Fire Sword ones from the Anunnaki - those were really nasty ones, the ones coming from Wesedrak. They were the strangest I‟d ever felt. They literally, a couple of times they came through, where it felt like my bones and my teeth were chattering, like they could literally rattle me apart. It was that strong. Those kinds of activations, when you get that type of stuff, it usually indicates not so much that you‟re on overload of working with Kristic frequencies, but that you‟re picking up something else that‟s running through the grids or through one of the Nets, and it‟s affecting you biologically. As we work with the Aqualene Sun it will progressively help our bodies to transmute that stuff when it comes in. It will escalate our transmutation ability. We have the D1 Net running through the crust beneath our feet. I‟ll put the next one on and I‟ll go into the ones that have more layers/rings, whatever they are.

[D3 C10 2:00:41] The Rasha-AmorA Body

This is just reminding you that now we have the D3 one. It‟s the same size as the D2 one that you were looking at, but we shrunk the D3 and put it with its Ra-sha-LAe body and its 15 structure here. Then we have the D3 one with its Rasha-LAe body and its 15 structure. This goes up to 12, and we have 13, 14 and 15. The 15 layer of the D3 Ra-sha-LAe body is out here. This begins to show you the overlaps, where just between D2 and D3, where you have overlaps in the geleziac layers/fields/shields, where you start to have correspondences, like this down here. I‟m going to do a big chart on this eventually. There wasn‟t any time to write or type this out. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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This is just the beginning of doing this. You have the D3 Ma 8 level equals the D2 Ra 10 equals the D1 12. So, there‟s a whole set of correspondences. These, of course, go with the D3. Ka 9 equals density Ta 7. Density level was equivalent to Urtha D1. So, then you can do the next one - Urtha D2, Urtha D3, Urtha Density equals Sirius B D1, Sirius B D2 physical layer. So, there‟s a whole way to take this over, where you can find - if you‟re looking at this layer, it‟s this, but it‟s also whatever it corresponds to going across. You have that running through it too. And this is where you find out where the physical planes are in relation to your physical plane. I‟m looking forward to doing this. I‟m really excited now. It just came through, right before. I was right on the last graph of the Sirius B connection because I‟ve always had an affection for the Maharaji and all those guys that came from there. A'hza: We‟ll be able to sing our way home. Oh yeah... I got little pieces of that too, by the way, but it wasn‟t meant to be done yet. But, there‟s a fascinating thing. I think I‟m supposed to talk about this when we get to it later, when we‟re talking about the Prana Exchange, and we talk about the 15 Oriea, with an “o” and not an “a” tones, that correspond to the 15 bands and spans. There will be songs that go with that. I‟ll get into that when we get into that process. I‟m sorry to keep you up late, by the way. I don‟t mean to do that, but it‟s keeping me up late too, so... I do apologize. I do understand, believe me, I do, but hopefully you‟ll feel that the information that you‟re receiving is worth it, as well as the activations that we‟re going to get at the end of this tonight. (Applause) Eventually we‟ll have a chart that shows all of those things, and then we can find... remember that any one of these 15 scales can be broken down into - 1, 2 and 3 will be the solid core; 4, 5 and 6 will be the liquid outer core; 7, 8 and 9 levels would be the mantle; 10, 11 and 12 will be the atmosphere; 13, 14 and 15 will be the corona sphere. So, you can see where all the things - where the mantles are in relation to Aquifers, in relation to each of the different places. So, it‟s literally a map to the planes of light fields that exist here.

[D3 C10 2:04:51] Earth‟s Embedded D2 and D3 RashaLAe Par-TE‟-KEi Body

This is showing the D3 set and the D2 set. I don‟t have the doubles here, as far as the double sets of 15, because it would be really convoluted. So, I just left the D3 set on, where these rings go with the D3 grid. It‟s showing, from the D2 grid, where the surface of D2 Earth is. This is where we start to be able to understand where things are in relation to each other. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Here, the Ra Ka level - Ka 9 and Ra 10 - 9.5 is the Ra Ka level. The Ra Ka level will always be the crust. You‟re on the D3 grid here, so you have Ra Ka crust. That‟s the surface. That‟s where the trees and things are growing out of it. That‟s where you have the Ra light field that is the inner atmosphere. Down here, what is on the D3 grid, the Ma Ta layer, where you have Ta 7 and Ma 8 - so this would be the 7.5 layer - it‟s 7.5 Ma Ta on the D3 grid, but it is the Ra Ka layer of the D2 grid. And that‟s why you got the D2 Earth, the physical that we‟re seeing there. So, there‟s this whole interrelationship, and I just wanted to show you... the words change. There‟s going to be a time when we can start to sing the grids. Once you see ... we‟ll have the alignments perfect to get those tones to do that. There will be whole songs to sing to activate certain parts of the grids, or to communicate with certain type of elemental force that exist within those grids, even naturally. There will be ways at some point where we can use those tones to have conversations with the fairies, that have to do with the etheric atomic D1 levels. You have the little fairies and you have the big fairies that have to do with U‟s D1 levels. So, there‟s a higher, larger elemental kingdom, the visible etheric atomic ones. They actually can be visible under certain circumstances. You have them down in Earth, and you also have them up in Urtha, which means flying around in our atmosphere. I have the feeling some of those things they call rods... they are getting pictures of interesting strange things flying through the air, in the UFO movement, and they don‟t know what they are, but they appear to be alive. They fly through the air. And they‟re sort of reminiscent of things you might see deep under the ocean, those strange creatures that swim. Well, these guys swim through the air. What do you want to bet they‟re swimming through the Aquifers? It‟s not air to them. It just looks like air to us. We‟re starting to see evidence of an interface of these different planes already. There‟s so much that can be gained from understanding these maps and getting them down finally, where we have all of the relationships going all the way across where we know what equals what equals what. So, when we start having phenomena that we‟re experiencing, we can have an idea of where the phenomena is coming from, so it won‟t be such a mystery anymore. We‟ve got rods. What are rods? I don‟t know but they‟re flying through the air. They‟ve left video cameras, like high speed bits for long periods of time, to be able to catch these things, like angle it to the sunlight just the right way to get to actually be able to see them, but they‟re getting some pretty interesting photographs of them. They‟re just one type of thing like that. There are also ones that exist. There‟s things that... I‟d lov e to find out what they are. I‟m not sure what they are, but I‟ve seen them for years, to the point where I talk to them. They are quite friendly, actually. I don‟t know if you ever saw the Star Trek First Generation movies - the one show about the Trebbles. They are little fuzzy cooing things that didn‟t have faces. They are just like balls of living fur that coo, and replicated and replicated and replicated. They‟re very sweet. There‟s something in the energy kingdom that hangs around right here at the surface. You can see them sometimes. I can almost see them in 3D sometimes. They look Trebble-like, but they‟re made of energy. They‟re not telluric like this energy. They‟re more etheric. They must be etheric atomic. They scramble around and they squeak. If you happen to move too fast and one goes by you, you‟ll actually hear the inside, like whooom, that kind of thing. They‟re very sweet. And I think they are part of the Earth etheric atomic. Either that or they‟re probably etheric atomic from up there. I don‟t know. While they look about this big here, maybe they are microbes up there! (Laughter) Scary thought when you think of dust mites! Did you ever see pictures of dust mites or flies or any of those little tiny things that are so nice that they are tiny so yo u really can‟t see the detail? Cause, if you did, they‟d be like monsters who were invading the planet! I don‟t think they have what we call bug in Kristic zones, actually. (Applause) We may have them in the Aurora zones, because it takes part of this imprint and still carbon based, but I have a feeling that fully Kristic zones are fully silica based. They don‟t have any carbon based things. I think what we call bugs, particularly the kind that bite and do nasty things like bites you, liquefies you and pulls it out, like spiders do - there‟s a whole bunch of things that bugs do, that if they were bigger, we‟d really have an issue with co-sharing the planet with them (laughter). Because we‟re the bigger Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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ones, we can just suffer with our bugs here and there and moan about it, but not be terrified and like bringing out the atomic weapons. I hope we don‟t have any of those coming out of the hibernation zones. I mean, what does live in a hibernation zone? That‟s a very good question. They tend to be the upper fields, while we‟re squashed into the lower ones. Which probably means whatever is there is bigger. Not as big as the ones from Urtha, but bigger than we are. Oh dear. I‟ve seen the flying shadow mosquito things, that try to help with body snatchers. I‟ve seen those. I had to fight those off when we were trying to help our kitty do bardoah. There‟s some strange things. If you start experiencing strange things, know it is because of what is taking place on the Sun. There is an early activation happening that is going to progressively help the Nets come down, and it‟s starting with the Indigo Shield. So, we get to go nuts first. (Laughter) We‟re going to be the ones who see this stuff, cause we‟re activating first. Our Nets will be coming down first. We also will get more aware, because the more the Nets come down in our own fields, in our own biologies, the more we‟ll have a stronger and clearer line with the Beloveds, so you can start meeting your family from up there. It‟s just a whole other level. Imagine if you got to go up there, and all of a sudden your body went, boink, and it came with you, and you found yourself fully standing there. I mean, it would just be awesome. I‟d be speechless. Sometimes, for some people, that‟s how it will be. We‟re about to enter an amazing journey. They wouldn‟t be giving us maps this detailed if they weren‟t planning on bringing us through. And they wouldn‟t be doing it 500 years early either. (Applause) Back to the maps. These are the circular maps, I like to call them. The maps of the Ra-sha-LAe bodies. This shows you the Earth D2 crust. This would be the D3 crust, which means the atmic atomic crust. This is the telluric atomic crust and this is the atmic atomic crust. That‟s usually associated with D3, which is associated with the mental body levels. It appears like thought forms to us when our consciousness is actually stationed in this area in order to see this (D2) area as solid. When you‟re in a 3D system, a 3D hologram program, the natural structure is the four density levels, the D3, the D2 and the D1 level, and those breakdowns of matter. You will have a telluric set that will be perceived as solid, while part of the consciousness is stationed here. So, we have part of our consciousness in this layer. Right now this layer has actually been polarized, so we have a lower mental body and a higher mental body. This is where higher does not always necessarily mean better. The higher mental body is actually in a hibernation zone. So, we have part of our consciousness fields stuck there. This will be healing. These hibernation zones... the part of ourselves that are stuck in them... which means the part of our consciousness that we‟re not able... like thought forms of ourselves that actually other things can try to run around in. This is why you can‟t always trust... if somebody comes to you, say, in a dream state... and I‟ve had people, especially in the beginning, before I put out the warning on it, say, “Oh, you came to me in a dream last night.” And I said, “No, I didn‟t.” Sometimes I do. Sometimes I visit. But sometimes I leave it in a way where it‟s known. I won‟t come like, looking like me, because a lot of things can use your image. If you can hold an image, which you think is a safe image to hold of somebody you want to contact, if you have that as a special thing that you think is just sitting in your mind, the part of your mind that‟s plugged in to these Nets, they can use your image. They can use your mother, father, grandmother, whoever passed on. They can use all sorts of images. If you use astral projection, they can send anybody‟s face visiting you... This is why it‟s been so hard for people to get clear lines to communicate. This is why channels get all jumbled up into what kind of communications they have. Most of them are being very good channels for the hibernation zones or related affiliated races. We‟re going to be able to, progressively with the Aqualene Sun activations, begin the process of depolarizing that part of our consciousness, and transmuting it. What you don‟t want to do is just depolarize it and let it come in. It‟s depolarizing and transmuting any part of the reversed energy that isn‟t your own, and putting your own back on its right spin. So, in Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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terms of our personal Ra-sha-LAe, that is what they are going to be doing. If we release the Nets progressively on a base pulse rhythm that works with your own individual body base pulse rhythm... so it will be a different speed, for everybody within a parameter, by 2012 they‟ll want us to be at a certain level of this altogether, because there are other things happening in 2012. There are escalations. But in the meantime, we are going to begin the process of reclaiming our mental body layers, which are our atmic atomic layers, and the fields that go here. Now, these are in... this field in relation to surface Earth, D2, these would be kind of like replica mental body planes, but there‟s much more up there than just what we see here. They seem much bigger. They are in a larger span, as far as the size of the sphere that they are taking place within. It‟s quite a big larger than the sphere that these are taking place within. So, they are much broader fields of experience and perception and projection in those areas. If you look at, where that mental body plane is in relation to our Earth? We know where Earth‟s crust is, but how far up is that? We can tell because the Beloveds showed us where in the Ra-sha-LAe maps, where the Van Allen Belts exist. And science already knows approximately how many miles up the Van Allen Belts are. So, they are a very good marker for determining where these layers, that go out from here, which means you can also determine where, eventually, Urtha is, going out from there. So, the inner Van Allen Belt - I had various conflicting ones on how many miles. It will take me a while to research how many miles on all of these. We have the inner Van Allen belt. So this would be the innermost point of the inner belt, and this would be the outermost point of the outer belt. Then there‟s a gap zone between them, and every once in a while something funny happens in there. I heard that someplace, that there‟s activity there, that something comes from somewhere, but it‟s not coming from that. It has to do with certain fields they‟re activating. I have a feeling there‟s going to be more activity taking place in here, in between the Van Allen belts, which they call the Gap Zone. The outer Van Allen Belt is here, and it spans these layers. This is considered the outer atmosphere. It‟s part of the D3 Ra-sha-LAe body of Earth, but it‟s considered Earth‟s D3 outer atmosphere. It still manifests itself as portions of our atmosphere. What we see right now is in this part of it - you have the outer Van Allen. This is where, in the outer Van Allen area, that the D3 level Epi-Net or the Ego Epi-Net runs, the one controlling the epigenetic overlays in our bodies. Over here, we have where I believe the D2 Net runs. The D1 one runs right through the Earth‟s crust. From these you can determine where the Nets are, where the control fields are. When you determine where the Nets are, you start to see where the hibernation zones are. They are literally places that are put on opposite rotational spin to what is natural. Angular Rotation of Particle Spin is reversed to the point where they become invisible to us and we become invisible to them, except they know we‟re here, because the ones who live in those zones created that condition by creating the Nets. So, they are the controllers - the invisible world management team actually. They have their ground crew, the Illuminati races that run various agendas here. They have been here for quite a while. The hibernation zones were created in 9562 BC. Before that, there were two zones that had started to be created. This is where we had the Atlantean and Lemurian Holocausts. There were something called time warp zones created then, and that was before the hibernation zones were created. So, we‟ll see a little bit of where that fits into these maps.

[D3 C11 2:19:46] D3 Earth “Mental Plane Body” Outer Atmosphere, Geleziac Radiation Layers, Threshold Beast Net Fields.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

Before I release any of these for publication, I want to make sure I have my bands right or my layers right. These were all done quickly, because it was a crash course for one of the Tribes classes. There wasn‟t any time to go back and double check myself. That‟s why I am not letting these guys loose. The ones that I just finished today are the accurate ones. They may differ a little bit from here but it‟s the same idea. You have D2 surface Earth here, which is the Ra-Ka layer of the D2 Ra-sha-LAe body. You have the D3 Ra-Ka layer, which is the mental body surface. Of course, there would be mental planes going all the way down into the core, just like there are physical planes going all the way down into the core. It‟s not showing the D1 layer here. It would make it too convoluted and you couldn‟t read it. Going upward we end up where - if you keep drawing kathara grids, where they are lined up in a way where the top point would be in the Rajhna lock of the next larger one up, and the bottom point would be in the E-Umbi lock on the next one up. You can get the size of the next kathara grid expansion, so you can see where your 15 layers would go. At some point I‟d love to put a bunch of them together, all the way up to Sirius B, but you‟d need an awfully big piece of paper and definitely a computer to have the circles really really clear, where you‟re using fine lines and you could really see between them. I just can‟t do it by hand. It gets too sketchy, especially when you photocopy it on the portable we‟ve got. Anyway, this will give you the idea of how the maps form and the fact that there are all these layers/rings/fields. Once you analyze all those things - and these things were analyzed to get that. I didn‟t draw them because I would need a huge paper in order to keep going. But I was able to - once they gave me the conversion charts, where you see D3 this equals D2 that equals density level that equals. We didn‟t finish the whole chart yet, but we got enough where we could find the layers of where Urtha D2 mantle is. This is where we‟re aiming. The mantle layers, which are the Ma 8 layers... the middle mantles of any of the grids, the D1, D2, D3, the density level, all of those have the characteristic of having what are called middle mantle biomes. The Urtha D2 level biomes are the Adashi Temples that we are projecting to. They are physical. When we get to the point where we can shift into the Urtha zone, we will experience them as physical. Right now, we‟re beginning to experience them as gliders. The next will be as sliders. There will be a link to those once the Aurora field is fully activated. There will be a link to them where we can begin to experience the Aurora zone ... almost like the basement. It would be like a basement version of these temples coming down into the Aurora field, where our biologies can reach them, where it is still a combination of carbon and silica-base, so we don‟t fry going through a gate that‟s only for silica-based beings. There‟s going to be an Aurora Zone. I‟ll show you where that activates in a little bit. That will give us a link, where you have more and more physical type experiences in the Adashi Temples, but also the people we are beginning to meet right now in these journeys in the Adashi Temples. These aren‟t imaginary friends. These are real beings up there. There‟s a big difference. These are people that work in service all of time. Not because they have to. It‟s what they love. They love the Krist. They love creation. Just like people have different jobs down here, because they really like to do that, the ones that have been working as the greeters and advisors in the Adashi Temples are very well trained in what they do, and they adopted that training not because they needed to earn money, but because they really love doing it. They have such a love for races that is so unconditional. It doesn‟t matter what you did in 20 other lifetimes, no matter Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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how bad you were, if you were really sincere in wanting to hold a Krist contract, they would do the best they could for you, to assist you to your next highest level of evolution of the Krist, without judging you, without saying, “oh, isn‟t that terrible.” You don‟t have to be embarrassed or that kind of stuff with these guys. They do it because they love it. You are meeting people right now. You are meeting them in a different state, a different state of perception. These people, once the Aurora Zone is activated, will be able to come into the Aurora Zones, just like we will as our bodies activate a bit more with the Aqualene Sun and will be able to go into the slide zones. We will be able to at some point physically meet, which will be really really neat. That will be the first level of encounter, where we go from being gliders, where we are just visiting in projection, to being sliders, where we get to go and visit them in those spaces, and we wont be leaving the planet. Earth is here and Urtha‟s there. We‟re still on the same planet, but it will be otherworldly when we do that. We‟ll feel otherworldly. It will be as if you slid into a whole different place that feels a whole lot nicer. There will be healing technologies that they bring to us there, and some of us will be able to bring back on this side. At some point, I wouldn‟t doubt if whatever‟s going up on this side slides into that zone, and then the rest just kind of slides out of our perception. I‟m not sure how it‟s going to work, the slide zones and being able to slide is the first phase that they will teach us after we learn to glide. We have to learn to glide because we‟re picking up the different activations in our Rasha-LAe bodies by doing these journeys, that will allow us to begin the biological transmutation that will allow enough of the carbon to be transmuted, and enough change that‟s happening in the DNA that we can actually do a bioslide. So, it‟s exciting what we‟re moving into. Six years ago... alright, I had no clue about what I was going to be teaching. I‟m very grateful for it, because it‟s really exciting. I have met other people physically in this life. The person who was the walk-out of this body - I‟m a walk-in, for those people who don‟t know. I explained that for ages and ages... a natural Indigo walkin, which was not a snatch-in (laughter), it was a full soul agreement. We couldn‟t get in fast enough and she wasn‟t happy but she stayed, and then said, “that‟s it. You take it now or I‟m gone.” I won‟t go there. What‟s nice though is once the doors are open, it‟s funny, because I‟m never alone now.

[D3 C11 2:26:55] D3 Earth “Mental Plane/Body”, Outer Atmosphere, Geleziac Radiation Layer and Threshold Beast Net Field

There‟s a feeling of just always having a buddy or a group of buddies with you. And it‟s really neat. I‟m used to this as far as the Beloveds have been with me for a long time. That‟s how their words got here, that‟s how the books get here. But sometimes it‟s very formal, and at different times, it would feel so far away, and the line would be very hard to hold because of what was happening in the grids. This is funny. This is like having a buddy with you. It has something to do with, I think, a place called our mentor space. As you‟ll see, toward the end of these diagrams, there was something really funny that they showed me about the Ra-sha-LAe body, and I thought, “Oh... that‟s the mentor space.” This has Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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something to do with the buddy feeling. There is, I think, a part of ourselves that are directly connected to the Adashis as well, particularly, the people of the Aquafereion, Indigo descent and human descent. I do believe we might just have incarnations there as well, and maybe that‟s how we got down here. I think there‟s a lot of us that didn‟t birth in other ways. We birthed in through Urtha. That means we would have a self back there, because we wouldn‟t be able to bring all of that consciousness into a carbon-based biology down here. Once you begin playing with the journeys... you went on one journey. That‟s just the beginning. That was an access key journey that was meant to get the codes open in your Ra-sha-LAe so you would have access. You can go back. You can take an image of when you first arrived in there, and try to remember what it felt like. Try to go back even if it was just fuzzy and not quite there. What did they say? You can go back until you get a stronger imprint of it. You can take it from there. I go there all the time and just sit. I go back to this huge space with a lovely light coming up through the floor. I keep going to the D2 one for some reason, and that has like a pale peachy silver light coming up through the selenite crystal floor. I always go particularly when I feel really grouchy or when things are really getting to me. I‟ll just go there and just kind of (sigh). I remember one point I was there for a while... and it‟s more real every time you go. I mean really feel that you‟re there. You can even get where you can feel frequencies that you start to pick up there in your Ra-sha-LAe body. You can feel it moving into your physical body from there. And it is very healing. I‟ve been taken a couple of times there, after having my own temper tantrums - to my myself, not to anybody - sometimes with the transmissions, it makes me feel really sick. I get really tired of not feeling well, where I have to do a Sadhi like every half paragraph, so I have little things that I have my issues with. I‟ve gone up there, and just sat, and I always seem to end up in a robe thing. It reminds me of just a bath robe thing. I don‟t know what that is, because I don‟t do it on purpose. It happens in the transition. I don‟t know why. They‟ll leave you alone if you want to be alone. They said those places in the Adashi temples are used by all sorts of beings as a sanctuary. Like some people would use a church, or a mosque, or whatever their religion. They would go there and simply just be, to feel closer to the presence of God Source. There‟s something the way the fields work there, they said that even if you had a million people in this space, that looks very large, but for a million people it would appear to be very crowded... it‟s not that large when you‟re looking at it visually. There‟s something in the frequency where you actually go in and you have some kind of your own hologram protection, where you don‟t see the other people, and they don‟t see you. You can actually move through each other and walk through each other, so it‟s never overcrowded. I don‟t know how they do that yet. I‟m not sure how that works, but that is one of the characteristics of the Adashi Temples. So, right now, you‟ve only gone on one journey. It means you can go any time you want to. It means you can go... the best thing you can do is look for your advisor, because sometimes, once in a while: “ nobody came”. And it‟s not that they didn‟t come... it‟s that something was blocking the connection that you were trying to make, because they all do show up. You can ask for your advisor person to come. And they are not advisors that tell you what to do. They‟re there if you have any questions. If you need some help with something. They might help you solve some things. They can take you to healing chambers. They taken me to various ones. They actually made my body feel better where I could hold the line better, because I was getting nauseous from it, and I had hot flashes, cold flashes, nauseous, cramping and the whole bit. Sometimes when the line comes through - we‟re doing three Eckasha levels now plus two Hubs - I don‟t think my little body was made for that actually. Not quite that much amping. So, they‟ve taken me places. They will take you places too. But you have to take the initiative. They‟re not going to come like roaring down the tunnel and say, “Yo, when are you coming? Dinner‟s ready!” (Laughter) If you want to go, you need to take the initiative, and you need to know you‟re welcome, and simply remember the strongest image you had going up there. Start there and project up from it. Just think about going into this temple space. There was a clear description of what the reading room looks like. Don‟t worry about what the road map was. You‟ve already done it once. You‟ve got the mathematical coding. That‟s why they wanted you to run the wave, and they wanted it from the first time it was run. That‟s why it had to be a CD. I couldn‟t even do it live again from a transcript. It had to be run on the CD from the moment in time that those things opened. So, you all can go.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Anyway, back to technicals. They wanted to let you know that you can take the initiative and realize you have just gotten your wings as a glider, so you really can go out and go up there and communicate with the people who are there, and yes they are really people.

[D3 C12 2:33:32] (graph)

Here‟s where it starts to get a little hairy. This is one of the ones (graphs) you didn‟t get. These do not photocopy where you can read anything on them. They‟re brutal. These all have to be redone, but at least they were enough where I could pull the information from them, where I could see, look at them with micro vision, and count how many circles and what it says, like with a magnifying class. What this is showing... this is showing a lot of information in one place. Again, it‟s showing where the Adashi Temples are, in the Ma 8 D2 Urtha middle mantle layer. It‟s also beginning to show where the doors are. There are certain places where you have etheric doors, certain places where you have atmic doors, which are corresponding to the D3 levels, and there are certain places where you have actual physical doorways that go through certain layers. From these messy looking things that the vertical maps were pulled, they were pretty messy looking too when we first started with them. These also show the different bands... and I won‟t try to explain on this... I made a simpler one of these, to show specifically where the bands are. I‟ve done it vertical so you can see exactly where the Net bands are running. All of those vertical ones were like taking out a pie section from here, or a slice, where you could see going up what each level was about. So, you could see which level the Nets are coming in on. Which level the Aurora Zones are coming in on. You can see there are these little platforms that show, and I can‟t even read the writing on this one. I want to show you where they started. They start messy and they become more civilized from there. There are four Aurora platforms that run in and around the seals - we talked about the seven seals and there are actually two more going out into the Urtha domains. There are four Aurora platforms. I won‟t show them to you on this one. I just wanted to show you where these start. I will get the cleaner ones where they are easier to see, so you can see what that is actually trying to show you. This was really clean on the paper but not on the copy. We have a small copier machine that we have in the room, that we make copies on, and it really kills type, for example. You just can‟t read it.

[D3 C12 2:36:37] The Rasha-AmorA Body

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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What we‟re looking at again is the D3 grid here, and this would be the D3 13, 14 and 15 layers. That‟s where you start to see... this is the D3 13, 14 and 15 layers, but it‟s also Urtha D2 physical surface Ra 10. This is the Ra 10 field, so the crust is here. This is Urtha‟s crust in relation to down here, which would be the D2 Ra Ka crust layer. So, we‟re down here. In between those two surfaces, we have the mental body surface as well. Now normally, this down here would be this entire thing. This would be the Ra Ka D3 atmic atomic level, which would be the surface of the mental body level. And this would be its Ra field. That means that tree would be this big. So, if you were back over here, this would have a tree on it, the mental body plane with the tree, which means that‟s where the surface is. It would be a tall tree that would be larger shaped. This field has been split by one of the Nets. So instead of having one tree that filled up that space to indicate that that was the surface, the full space between objects on the surface of the D3 mental plane, which is the atmic... it‟s actually the physical plane of atmic matter. It is split now, so we‟ve got up here, this reverse spin zone that is called a hibernation zone. The hibernation zones were created by creating the Nets, which form, literally, tubular or spherical broadcast... if you see the axiatonal lines running down a sphere, they actually run the ley lines and the grid lines or the area they are connected to. This particular net is the D2 net, which is the Intra-Net. This is the one that is blocking the mental body and splitting what would be the mental plane. So, we‟ve got part of the higher mental plane, which is actually a reversed spin hibernation zone, and we have the lower mental plane, that is what‟s left of what would be the natural mental plane. It‟s through the natural mental plane that the Beloveds got stepped down their communications from Urtha to earth to be able to reach us. Now, here, we have something called A3. The A‟s refer to Aurora Platforms, which are spheres. They are spherical layers of proper-spin Kristic coded energy from Urtha, that allow for safe zones. If you start to project, you can jump the zones, so you can get up to the Adashi Temples without getting snared in some of the reverse spin hibernation zones. The reverse spin hibernation zones, when you start to project, if you astral project out into them long enough, you‟ll actually fully reverse the part of your body that‟s projecting, and when it comes back in, it will progressively reverse your DNA template codes. One of the things that happens with hibernation zones a lot, and not just the mental one - that‟s the D3 level of the hibernation zone created by the D2 Net. But there‟s another level, a D2 level, that is a physical hibernation zones. People experience from here... if you‟re stuck down here, you‟ll experience the encounters, as if they are astral or if they are a dream state. But there‟s a lot of population on this planet that have inadvertently adopted hibernation zone lovers, where they have experiences when they go to sleep at night, or when they are just hanging out doing meditation. They will have certain ones approach them and might appear as Adonis or they might appear as wonderful majestic figures and that say “ I‟ll take you as my beloved wife.” They have what they think are astral relationships with these people. They are not astral relationships. Not that they would be any better under these circumstances. They are interacting with people from the hibernation zones. What you pick up in the part of your consciousness and the part of your body that you sent into those encounters goes right into your physical body, right into Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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your physical DNA. Just like if you repeatedly, let‟s say, engage in activities here with someone who is fully reversecoded, and they have a much stronger template than yours is, then you can actually have your template turned over by that. (D3 C12 2:41:22) These are guys who are in the outer bands, the higher fields, which means they have subharmonics that are higher than the ones which your DNA is functioning on right now. It‟s quite popular in the New Age movement. There‟s one woman who goes around and speaks about how it is so much more fun to sleep with reptilians. She has workshops on it. Nothing against reptiles but she‟s talking, like, dinosaurs standing upright. (Laughter) I was at UFO conference where I was a speaker, and she was one of the other speakers. „I can‟t believe this person. Better you than me!‟ (Laughter) When they‟re dealing with these types of encounters, they are dealing with hibernation zone life and visitors. Not everything in the hibernation zones can come here either. A lot of it is visitors from elsewhere, from other Fallen Angelic systems. The hibernation zones are quite well structured. The whole thing can be found on the maps of the D2 and the D3 level. When we look here, we look at what‟s called Derma-Net 1. That is the D1 Net, which means it is made out of the D1 frequencies of the etheric atomic frequencies. It‟s crystal implant system is implanted right in our Ra Ka level, which is between our upper mantle Ka and our Ra light field on D2. What its presence does, by creating a band of artificial scalar frequency bouncing up and down and spiraling there, is it separates this plane here. This is our natural light field, our Ra 10. It splits the D2 Ra 10 - that‟s the D1 Net. It splits the D2 Ra 10. It creates a hibernation zone above it, and it creates a hibernation zone below it. If this is Earth‟s crust, this implies that the Net is running about halfway down our outer mantle, and below that there is a hibernation zone. So, there is one below our feet. There is one also... now this manifests itself... you see the boundary here, where the Derma-Net stops and the hibernation begins, that would be the ozone layer. Normally, this would be our thermosphere here, and we would have our stratosphere here and our inner atmosphere. But where our ozone layer is where that Net frequency stops, and it creates the reversal of this part up above the ozone layer, up to right before the inner Van Allen Radiation Belt. So, this is how you can tell up there, by looking where the Van Allen Belts are, in relation to where the Nets are, and the hibernation zones. You can tell the mileage on these things. We just haven‟t had time to plug it in. So, we‟ve got a D1 Derma-Net. Our D2 light field is split but it creates what they are calling the D1 hibernation zone upper and D1 hibernation zone lower. Which means, it‟s in our D2 light field, but it‟s made of etheric atomic D1 matter base. So, these guys would appear like ghosties. This is where a lot of people if they don‟t know how to bardoah properly get trapped, where their spirits get trapped. There are ways... there are a lot of what we call Wayshowers that are out there. Incidentally, a lot of the Wayshowers on the planet know they are. That used to be a job Katie used to do. She‟d have to call in to her boss and say, „I can‟t work today. I‟m not going to tell you why.‟ She would sit some place, and she would project out, and she would have certain ones she had to take through certain ways. She knew how to get them out into the light, to the proper light. So there‟s a lot of people like that. It‟s part of Ra-sha-LAe body training. You may find that some of you have Wayshower contracts. If you are going to be a guide of people physically going out, you might get training first in how you get the ones who are dropping their body, where you learn how to get them where you need to, and how to get them through to the Temples, or to where they can next go, because not everybody can make it to an Adashi Temple. There‟s lots of jobs out there that we‟re going to learn about. Like Wayshowers. That teach you how to get past the hibernation zones so you don‟t get stuck there, whether you‟re going with the body or through a natural bardoah experience. They will teach us how to bardoah.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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So, we have the D1 Net which splits the D2 light field, which means things are much smaller here than they normally would be. Things would grow larger here. We would have more of the light spectra here if part of it wasn‟t reversed and made invisible. What‟s invisible in there will be the etheric atomic level of these guys, even though it running through the D2 light field. Over here, up here, we have the D2 Net. That‟s the Intra-Net. That‟s the one whose presence... this is where the Net runs... it splits what would be the D3 Ra light field, or the mental body plane. This part of it, it‟s netted, it‟s still on its natural spin, but it‟s cut in half and it‟s still harnessed by the Net. Then it has this upper part of itself here. That is the D2, which means telluric, which means physical level. This is the upper hibernation zone. That would be physical. Below this Net there is another D2 lower hibernation zone, which would also be physical. So, you are talking about two physical planes that are up there in the atmosphere. People live in them. If we try to find where these might be - again, find the Van Allen Belts. We have the inner Van Allen Belt running here. Here is where we‟re looking for the hibernation zones. The upper D2 hibernation zone is in the gap between Van Allen 1 and Van Allen 2, over here. So, it‟s actually running the gap. We don‟t see it here, because it is on opposite particle spin. At least so far. If we look down here, on the bottom of the D2 Net, and see the lower D2 field, this is running actually through, a little bit past the center of the inner Van Allen Belt. So you can literally know where these places are up there. I have a feeling we‟re going to have some interesting experiences with people from these places as this drama progresses. So, that‟s the D2 Net and that is one that controls our telluric bodies, which means our chemical DNA. It control, literally, the function of chemical DNA and the body itself, and the body is what gives us the experience of emotion. So, it‟s the emotional body Net. It‟s considered the Bio-Emo Net. There‟s the other Net, the big one, up here. This is the D3 Ego-Epi-Net, or Epigenetic Overlay Net. This is the one that controls the outer sheath of the DNA, that actually tells the DNA below it what to do. This D3 Net runs in relation to where its centered on... where does that center fall? It falls right in the center of the Van Allen Belt. The Epi-Net actually creates the Van Allen Outer Belt. It goes up, all the way out... the Van Allen Belt still comes to out here. So, it goes part of the way; if you go to the middle of the Van Allen Belt and out still a bit more, and that‟s where the Net is running. The top part of it comes down from its center line, and it runs here. So the whole thing is running in the outer Van Allen Belt. Right below it, you‟ve got this band here. This one is called the D3 lower mental, which means it‟s made of atmic matter. So, we have atmic atomic matter here. These all have names. They have been playing games with us for a very long time, which you‟ll see with the names. Here we go, and look at this, look on top of that Net, this layer here. This is the D3 upper Net. That is past the middle of the Van Allen Belt, then out toward the end of the Van Allen Outer Belt, and then into it a little bit. So that gives you where that is located. People live in all of these zones. What‟s really funny is we found out who and what is in there. These are safe zones. You have Aurora 4, Aurora 3, Aurora 2 and Aurora 1. There will be a time, with the activation of the Gyrodome, where those Aurora fields blend, and they form a sphere that runs through the spheres, that will be the Aurora slide zone, that will allow for Kristic passage. It will allow things that have biology that still has carbon-base in them to still come and interact with and heal much faster, also heal what‟s needed to be healed in the biology, in order to be able to either make it through ascension to elsewhere, or ride Starfire, and decide they are going to come back on the planet and help for the next 500 to 1000 years, depending on what they want to do. They will also become a habitation zone. The Aurora Zone is going to become the next place where the Kristic races live. Before we can make it to Urtha, we need to be able to live in the Aurora Zone. The Aurora Zone will still be here during and after Starfire, 2047-2051. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Because of the Aurora Zone, this Earth body won‟t fall apart during that period. The biggest thing that is affecting this system at this point - everything was going well with the host, actually. The host from the AnshatAsa Passage, all of that was ready for the 2047-2051 Starfire, when Urtha actually blinks off. So, what‟s going to be left when Urtha temporarily blinks off is going to be the Aurora Zone, which has part of the imprint and template of Urtha, and part of its land configurations, and part of those of Earth. There will be a version of the Adashi Temples there, blended into the larger ones. Urtha will come back after it is finished with its Starfire. In the meantime, the Aurora Zone, which is part of the Gyrodome plan (because the Gyrodome is the Aurora 4 field being activated, to allow for this Kristic zone to be created on this planet), that Kristic zone will have a link to the evac of the A Passage, and it will sustain. It could have sustained for another three billion years on the amount of spin that was still left in the seed atom, as far as quantum that was left between Earth and the Sun. But that has changed because of the compaction of the solar gates. Earth has not had its gates compacted yet. But they are being, literally, pried open at this point, and held open by the AnshatAsa Passage, because they would normally follow the Sun. If the gates compacted on the Sun, it would only be a very short period of time, within a couple of years, they said, that the planetary gates would do the same. So, we would be stuck in the same position. Once that happens, that is bardoah of a stellar body. That‟s when the prana seed compacts and separates from the seed atom behind it. At that point, you can‟t open it back up again, and there is no ability to connect to backflow anymore, or the Antahkarana cord that comes out, as outflow. The Sun has gone into this particular phase. It has put this solar system, as we know our solar system, it is now a bardoah system because the Sun‟s gates have been compacted. They said, in this case, because it is not a natural bardoah, because it was forced by what the Bourgha did with their triangulation pulse. They forced those gates closed. They were trying to force them here on Earth as well, to harness everybody here. Because of that we have just 500 to 1000 years left to hold the AnshatAsa Passage before it goes into nova cycle. It wouldn‟t normally nova that quickly, but because of the damage that was done, and the way it was done, because it was a forced thing, it was done with scalar technology of huge magnitude, that there‟s a short period of time compared to three billion years left, to get the life fields out of here. At this point, you need to get the life fields out of here or they are going to go space dust return. Because when a Sun novas, that is space dust return. Anything near that Sun, in its solar system, will also be fragmented, into asteroids probably at that point, which is partial space dust return, until something else makes them smaller, and eventually they do go back as space dust. We are in a new condition on this planet. Now we are fully in a bardoah system, but we still have the respirator. The respirator is the An-sha-TA-sa Passage that links this matrix through Urtha, up into the Aquious Matrix of the parallel adjacent Eckasha, which is a fully Kristic hosting matrix. It needs to host there, because Urtha alone couldn‟t do it because Urtha is going to Starfire. Which means Urtha is going to blink off and go into its full Adashi cycle. Some of us will be able to go to Urtha and do that. We will be able to enter Adashi and go back to the Edons, in the Reisha-LAe, I think is the next level of that activation. Some of us will go and work there until Urtha Starfires. Some of us will visit Urtha once it comes back, because there will be teams left to hold the Aurora field here. But it won‟t be something that somebody forces you to do. The only people who will be left are the ones who want that job. In Kristic worlds, you only do what you love. You don‟t do stuff because you have to. Sometimes you do really hard things, but because it‟s worth it, because of something that‟s connected to the love of it. It‟s not that anybody is going to force you and say, “No, you cant‟ come home.” It will be very personal for everyone. The An-sha-TA-sa Passage is the respirator at this point. When Urtha blows off and goes through its natural Adashi cycles, it‟s not going to be there to hold the Aurora field anymore. That‟s why the Indigos are going to be needed, some Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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of them, to hold the Ra-sha-LAe activation on Earth, to hold the Aurora Zone. The Aurora Zone will create a three dimensional reality system that is based on Kristic - it has the base pulse rhythm and the coding of a Kristic matrix. That can still hold onto the An-sha-TA-sa Passage. But that will have to let go once the Sun enters its nova system. The gamma ray burst from that would travel right up the An-sha-TA-sa Passage, and it would take out the Hub of the other matrix, and they just won‟t let that happen. You can host to a point, but you‟re not going to try to host through a nov a. It just doesn‟t make sense. It would blow the matrix up. So, they have, to the point where certain conditions take place in the core of the Sun, that would signal to them that it is entering its nova stage of its bardoah, at that point, and they said it would be between 500 and 1000 years from now, that point would come a lot sooner than science is thinking about our Sun, which would go nova eventually. It‟s a lot sooner than science has ever imagined. One of the first things that happens is the core starts to heat, and that‟s even before the core gates close. That‟s why we‟re getting global warming. I mean, seriously, the core has been heating here, because these gates have been getting closer and closer to compaction. Earth‟s gates haven‟t compacted. They would have as of the 25th (of March). They would have followed the Sun. They haven‟t because we already had the Arc of Aquari anchored, and we already had the An-sha-TA-sa Passage anchored, which was anchored during the 12 Tribes 3 class, which was the March class. (End of Disk 3)

Phoenix April 6-8, 2007 - Disk 4 [D4 C1 0:01:00] (graph)

They told us we weren‟t going to do this in the 12 Tribes class. This was supposed to be done in Peru and then activated in 2047, but we needed to do it now, so it ended up in the 12 Tribes 3 class. Now I see why. If that Passage hadn‟t been activated, we wouldn‟t be able to activate it now because our core gates would have compacted along with the Sun‟s. So, we‟re in good shape comparatively. But it is a bit sobering to realize we‟ve changed status. We‟re not just in a falling solar system anymore. Now we‟re in a bardoahing solar system. There is a difference. Bardoah means the prana seed is separating from the seed atom, and the core gates have closed, and there is only one way home at that point, and that is spacedust return that happens at the end of a nova cycle. But nova isn‟t going to happen for a while, you don‟t have to worry for 500 to 1000 years, that‟s the estimate they have, the way things are looking in the grids at this point. So, fortunately we have Aurora Zones. Unfortunately we have the hibernation zones because of the Nets. If we look down here, let‟s look at the hibernation zones. These are hilarious. The names. I mean, it‟s like the whole New Age Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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movement came out of these zones. I swear. D1 hibernation zones. They are the etheric atomic. They would look kind of like ghosty and not quite physical, like we see physical here. The upper ones - that‟s the one that has it‟s part of the ozone layer - we‟ve got Oz. Like the Wizard of Oz story. This is what they were all about. The guy channeled the stuff, probably not consciously knowing he was channeling, but the idea was given to him. He was narrating some of the things that happened and have to do with the ozone hibernation zone, and there‟s also the etheric Shasta here, that connects them to Mt. Shasta. That‟s kind of funny, because if we look at it - I don‟t know if I have it on this way - it‟s on the Ra Sha or the Sha La line. I forget which, but on the other thing it shows it. The Shasta came out of the actual band that it‟s running on, as far as the name. Some of these things - somebody up there has a sense of humor. They have been playing with us for a long time. The lower D1 hibernation zone, subterranean Agartha, false Inner Earth, in other words. It‟s not Inner Earth, but they call it that. Well, sort of, its in earth, right? Where‟s the hibernation one in D1? I think that‟s this one here. Yeah, I guess you could call it Inner Earth, sort of. It‟s not what Inner Earth is. They created their own version. That‟s D1 lower, that is Agartha. The D1 upper, that‟s where you have Oz and Shasta and a few other things. These are just some of the names of the places that come from there. Just about every culture has stories that are connected to one or more of these zones. If you went to some of the oriental cultures, they would have stories. If you went to some of the Sanskrit cultures, they would have stories. All of the stories and mythologies plug in to what has actually been going on in these zones. Sometimes they told us their history, to us down here, but we thought it was fiction. Hmmm. We have D2 hibernation zones. These are the physical ones. They are made of telluric matter. They are telluric atomic, which means they are physical like we are. They are just at a different angular rotation of particle spin, and at a different base pulse rhythm, frequency-wise. Upper - we have Olympus, physical, in the upper D2, here. That‟s where? That is in the gap space between our Van Allen Belts. You have lower - here we go. These were created first. They did a time warp thing that actually was able to take part of the planetary base here, put it on reverse spin, and suck it out of here, and spit it up there. That was the start. This started 50,000 BC, I believe, is when Lemuria went under - literally under and up. Atlantis went in - it‟s been ages since I looked at those... they‟re in the Voyagers books. The Holocaust periods. During the Holocaust periods, this is when these places that used to exist physically on this Earth were flipped in to the lower D2 hibernation zone. They are physical. They still exist. This is where a lot of the Zetas hang out, as well as sorts of other beings. Atlantis and Lemuria are still alive. I wouldn‟t say well. But they are alive in these spaces. This would be the lower D2- in the hibernation zone outer half of the inner Van Allen Belt. These places are physical. This is just mindblowing. When they starting giving me this, I said, „are you serious? They‟re really up there? Oh my goodness! I‟m going to have to teach this, aren‟t I?‟ “mmmm” “ I was afraid you‟d say that.” It‟s also exciting, because it starts to put a lot of pieces together. You start to see where things actually fit. Where this stuff is coming from. Where most of the New Age movement has been channeled from. D3 hibernation zones. These are physical but they are atmic physical. A different type of matter. It is not as dense as telluric matter is. Nor is etheric as dense as telluric matter. We‟re the densest ones here. D3 hibernation zones - we have a place called Telos, a place that lots of people in the New Age movement get taken if they are really good, and they are really special, and if they do things like kiss Archangel Michael and a few other things, they will be taken to Telos and a few other sacred places. Yeah, good luck to you. Nothing personal, but I think I‟ll take a different tour! It‟s so bizarre, but it‟s so true. The sophistication of this material. I couldn‟t invent this if I tried. If I were a genius with a five billion IQ, I couldn‟t have come up with this story! (Laughter) I‟ve been feeling like Chicken Little for a long time now. „The sky is falling! The sky is falling!‟ but you know maybe it is! (laughter)

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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We go to the lower D3 hibernation zone. When we first came out with these, I wasn‟t sure who existed in which band. So, the Twelve Tribes one class got a little handout. I think it is Shamballa down here. I‟m not sure. We knew they were in there someplace, but we didn‟t know which ones were in which bands, exactly. That‟s why we didn‟t want to publish any of this stuff until we were more certain on exactly who‟s on first, second or third. Lower Shamballa, they call it Eden. Lots of people like to go there too. These are mental atmospheric cloud cities. When you get taken there, you feel like you‟re made of a less dense state of matter. There are certain Aurora platforms that are like that too. When you start to blend telluric with atmic, or telluric with etheric, you start to feel less dense, and actually more buoyant, and feel more alive actually. However, the hibernation zones are made of the same type of combinations of atomic energies, but they are on reverse spin. There‟s some very beautiful places in these places. They pride themselves in how lovely they keep their lands - some of them, particularly the Shamballese. They are not real Shamballah people. They are not the people you read about in the Voyagers books, which talked about the Cloister races, the mixed Cloisters and things where the Shamballease were involved. These are not them, but they like the name. They have little bits of genetic ascendancy connected to them, probably from bioregenesis that was attempted on their behalf, and they decided it was more fun to fall and spin on reverse hibernation zones. So Shamballah/False Eden is one of the things that comes out of there. There are whole lists - and I can‟t wait to get some of them - that go with who‟s up there. Just so we know who we are dealing with. Because a lot of things that are being attributed, like, say, in the UFO movement, that are being attributed to coming from off planet, may not be coming from a planet at all. They may be coming directly from these hibernation zones. Literally, down step like the Zetas, they shift their matter lines. They know how to do that, and they can physically manifest here, and then vaporize right before your eyes. I‟ve seen them do that. They used to abduct Katie. They used to come after her. We had to protect her. The one that raised this body - her name is Katie. We had to protect her all the time from the Zetas. They would appear out of nowhere and they would do this thing with your field where you couldn‟t move biologically. You couldn‟t scream. You would (Ash screaming silently) but you couldn‟t make any sound come out. And they could just take you and beam you up. They would just blink you off and you‟d end up some place else on a slab having a medical experience done to you. They were doing these things. I got to a point, once I was in body... they were coming after one of our children - Katie had children, and they are kind of like, our children together in that term. They were part of the deal. So they are my children too. They were coming after one of my girls. I caught them. I literally watched the thing. They didn‟t know I was pretending I was asleep and there‟s a way that you can calm your brain wave pattern, where you actually read that you‟re asleep, and then watch. Tha t‟s how you deal with some of the ones that try to attack in the astral when you‟re sleeping. You have to calm to a certain state. It works in putting babies to sleep too, by the way. If you want to get a baby to go to sleep, it helps to lie down with them, and pull yourself right into that sleep state, and keep yourself awake underneath it, and then ever so gently slide away. It was kind of like that. But with the Zetas, I‟d literally watch them do that thing where they would have tried to freeze frame me, if they realized that. They were doing stuff with the bionet where they literally interrupt your motor abilities, where you can‟t move. They didn‟t know they needed to do that, because they thought I was asleep. I could see it out of the corner of my eye. I saw them go toward my daughter‟s bedroom. There‟s a real funny way you can move your muscles too, where it doesn‟t read... they can pick up if you‟re in a beta state consciousness, where, if there‟s any chance you can come at them or anything, they neutralize you before that. Well I found my way under that net where I bounced off the bed and dove into the room, and said, „Get away from my daughter!‟ It was scared to death. It started vibrating very fast and got lighter and lighter. It was fully physical when I saw it. When it saw me seeing it, realizing it missed one, like it realized it didn‟t neutralize me, it was terrified. It demanifested. It started oscillating and you could start to see its molecules moving until it got thinner and thinner like a ghost, and it went „Pillar of Power ‟ and Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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disappeared. This is how they do that. They have a way of shifting their molecules between the hibernation zones and our zone here. I guess from their perspective, we‟re a hibernation zone. We‟re just hibernating from each other. When we start to go through the Aurora Platforms or the Slide Zones, we will change what our atoms are doing too by the frequencies we are running, but we‟ll go to nice places, as opposed to reverse spin places connected to black holes. We have these guys that are the hibernation zones, with a whole bunch of other names that will fit into D1, D2 or D3 levels. We also have the Aurora zones, the Aurora platforms actually. They will be zones when they are fully activated together through the Aqualene Sun. When they are activated through the Aqualene Sun, these Aurora zones will open up as a full field that will create a 3D Earth system, that‟s part Earth and part Urtha. It will allow for 500 to 1000 years of ascension through the hosted ascension of the AnshatAsa Passage. It‟s the only place it can go at this point. What is going to happen with the hibernation zones, I‟m not sure. They haven‟t said, except for the fact that the Nets are going to come down, because of the activations of the planetary Ra-sha-LAe. At first we‟re having Indigo Shield activations. That will not take down the planetary Nets. What will start the planetary Nets coming down, is once the planet can do Prana Exchange again, once it can breathe, even on a respirator. We‟re supposed to assist in the process of anchoring that so the planet can. At that point, the planet‟s Ra-sha-LAe body will be able to trigger activation, as long as we can hold the respirator line in. The respirator line would be the ANSHATASA PASSAGE . So, we have the Indigo Shield activated - it will clear its Nets and that kind of stuff. It will be a healing for us. That will allow Earth to, at a slower rate, clear its Nets. So, I don‟t think we‟ll get crash, bang, they‟re all down, and here comes all sorts of things falling out of the sky. What will this look like? I don‟t know! I can‟t imagine what it would look like if the Nets just came down all of a sudden, and everybody spun back into the same place. Where would this plane physically be in relation to the other physical planes? The D2 ones, like where Olympus, Atlantis and Lemuria are? I think all of a sudden we‟d find ourselves in Atlantis. Maybe we‟d be lower ground and that would be higher ground. Maybe we would be flooded. Maybe we would be under the water when that wall came down. I don‟t know. They will let us know more about these things. I‟m sharing my own wonder at this with you. Cause, I‟m just learning too. Oh boy, what a story this one is. I can‟t even imagine what it might look like, but I‟m sure whatever the peaceful way to do it is, and the way that causes us the least harm and has the most stability, the Beloveds will ensure takes place with our help, because at this point, we‟re the ground team. I appreciate you guys still listening to us, and still coming, because it‟s much bigger than I think any of us ever realized. I‟m stuck a little bit like a deer in the headlights. It‟s getting real close here. They wouldn‟t be teaching this stuff unless something big was soon. And I don‟t know what big or what soon, but I do know they said that Spring of 2008 will be when the first gamma pulse - they call them ring pulses, probably because they have to do with the rings of the Ra-sha-LAe body. The first ring pulse is released from the Sun in Spring of 2008. We‟ll already have the Aqualene Sun transmutation field up around that. So, whether or not we will see anything, I don‟t know, but I get a feeling we might. I don‟t think it will be huge, but it might be something strange starting with the sun. And it would be an abnormal solar cycle period, or something like that. We know it will be in the beginning of 2008. We‟re not going to be fried at the beginning of 2008. That is when the pulsing begins. And progressively, every year there will be a gamma burst, and it‟s like a multidimensional gamma burst. I don‟t know what spectrum it fits into on the science spectrum that they‟re looking at here. Eventually, it‟s going to effect satellites and those kinds of things. They will keep us abreast of what to do next. They‟re preparing us now. What we are doing now, what we will be going to do at this end of this, is the beginning of the activations coming in to the Indigo Shield and in our bodies, of the Aqualene Sun. So, by the time that burst is released, even if some of it still gets through, the transmutation field of the Aqualene Sun that will be around Sala at that point.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Even if it still gets through, we‟ll still be able to hold on the planet at least the transmutation screen. Let‟s say, kind of like fortifying the ozone layer, on this side of it, instead of from the hibernation zone area, where we will be able to help buffer, not only for ourselves but for the planet, by holding it in the group shield. We‟ll be able to create a local transmutation screen of the Aqualene Sun, that will take those gamma bursts and transmute them, which just means neutralize them, absorb them, and turn them into things that are no longer harmful forms of radiation. I don‟t know what it is going to look like, as usual. I‟ve been saying that for six years now. I get answers to certain things, but the big thing is - when we get out of here, what is it going to look like, when we finally have such a shift, that there is no doubt about it, that was not just mental and emotional? No... the body definitely is not where it used to be. That‟s what I wonder. What is that point going to look like? But we have these points to get through first. We‟ve got Aurora zones. The A1 Aurora zones - it‟s actually a combination of D1 and D2, as we‟ll see on one of the other graphs. They call it the A1, referring to it primarily as a D1 etheric, but it‟s etheric atomic. So, it means it‟s etheric mixed with telluric. So, you get less dense than here, but not as super less dense as etheric matter would be. So, it would be a stage between etheric matter and telluric matter. The A1 platform is at D3, 6.5, which is D2, Ka Ma 8.5, which is the D2 ShAlon shield between the upper and middle mantles of earth. So, A1 would be here. And here‟s our surface Earth. So, this is between the upper and the middle mantles of Earth. That is where D2 ShAlon shield is. And we talked about the Alon, ShAlon and KAlon crystal sets and the Orons. We‟ll find that all of these correspond to one or another ShAlon, Alon or KAlon field. Which means they connect to the Prana Exchange process, that has to do with phasing of the lines, as they say. So, A1 is here. We have our Earth surface here. This is where the hibernation zone, the D1 lower is. And it‟s underneath that. These are the platforms that we project to when we use the maps, with certain right turns, left turns, ups, downs, those kinds of things. They are getting us into these zones. Each turn we make is a mathematical coordinate in terms of the Ra-sha-LAe bodies. That has to do with here too. Just like you make a 3D image on a computer, by using a complete math formula, and then telling the computer to do whatever it does to make that math look like the picture. Or you can take pixilation, that kind of thing. It has to do with this. We are going on journeys that are very real journeys. That‟s what it looks like. Just like when you walk to the store here, it‟s a very real journey. That whole thing is actually an experience of pixilation and projection, just like when you‟re watching images on a television, but it‟s even more intense now with computer images. We‟re living in a hologram. We‟ve said that for a long time. We have the D2 one. And this one is telluric. D2 Aurora platform is telluric, which means it is solid like this one. It corresponds to D3 8.5, which is the D3 ShAlon shield, which equals D2 Sha Ra 10.5. So that place is where? That place is here. Here is the ozone layer. This would have been our natural D2 Ra field. So, it‟s the top of our natural D2 Ra field. It‟s on top of the D1 upper hibernation zone, and before you get into the inner Van Allen Belt I believe, that would be right where the thermosphere is. So, this is actually located in what science calls the thermosphere in our atmosphere. That‟s the Aurora 2. Aurora 3 is D3 10.5, which is the same thing as Urtha D1 ShAlon shield 8.5. It‟s also the same place as the D2 Ka La 12.5, and that place is here. It‟s between the end of the inner Van Allen Belt and the Gap Zone. It‟s not all the way fully into the Gap Zone; it‟s just right in between those areas. Then we have Aurora 4, which is the D3 12.5, or D2 14.5. Location is way out here. This is toward the outer end of the outer Van Allen Belt, and then up a bit from there. That corresponds with here, which is the 7.5 I believe. I have it all worked out on the other chart. This comes in right under the central point of that A4 zone, or the Aurora 4 zone, which Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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would be where the Urtha D2 Adashi Temples start. They would be at 8. This would be 7, so this would be 7.5, I believe. So, it‟s showing where is that in relation to this. These temples are just outside of the outside of the outer Van Allen Belt. The magnetosphere is outside our planet, surrounding our planet, that lovely magnetosphere that we work with and sometimes we would have to do things at night to get transmissions in at night because of the magneto tail, that actually reached further up - there is more of a line that they can reach from Urtha to send frequency down through the magneto tail, so we would end up having to do transmissions at night a lot. We still do. The magneto tail of the magnetosphere of Earth, it‟s phasing away from the Sun, and where that is the night side. The planet is rotating, but whatever side it is night means the magneto tail of that side ... you‟re facing away from the Sun. You‟re facing away from the Sun, fine. If you go up into the Ra-sha-LAe bodies, it means there‟s a tail that‟s sticking out further into the Urtha Ra-sha-LAe body. So, it makes it easier for certain transmissions to be run at night, because they can follow that tail, instead of trying to come through the solar side, where the solar wind is blowing that frequency this way, and it‟s blowing it away from the night side, the dark side, at the tail. So, they use the magneto tail, and that‟s why, unfortunately, we do have to stay up late sometimes, just to get the proper information or frequency in. So, we have Aurora 1, 2, 3 and 4. We have the Van Allens here and here, and we have the gap between the Van Allens there, so we have got a map to our local skies. They look for life on other planets, what about other life on this planet! This here talks about the Nets a little bit. This is the one of the ones that I wanted to give you a copy of, but these were so bad that you couldn‟t read anything, and it was not worth getting 20 of them made, if you were not able to read them. So, at some point we‟ll have them out where they‟re much better, but it does show you the maps. We did give you the one that is the vertical on it, so you do the breakouts of them in a way that came out clear enough and is readable. We were talking about the Nets, the D1 Derma-Net, which is the one that runs here, this little tube-shaped thing. That would run that whole band here. Remember, the Nets are what split the light field and cause the hibernation zones above and below. The D1 Derma-Net is the etheric atomic inner sheath DNA template block. It‟s in the D2 Ra Ka 9.5 equals D1 Sha La 11.5 equals the physical crust of our Earth, our D2 crust. It splits the D2 Ra 10 and D2 Ka and forms the D1 hibernation zones and Ozone layer. We are just getting where the cores are and that kind of stuff so I can get the alignments right. I‟m not going to read the tiny print. It‟s not that important. If anybody is wondering where the ozone is, it‟s in the upper stratosphere area, so that‟s caused by the ozone layer, the ozone layer is an unnatural layer, that creates a biosphere that‟s actually conducive to carbon-based life with reversed templates. That was not done by accident. That was done when they were trying to harness these fields as well. The Leviathan races, as they interbred more with more Fallen Angelic things and lost more of their Krist coding, where the environment here, on a Kristic planet, would become toxic to them. There is going to be a point where something like that does occur. I will talk about a little bit of the history they are just giving me about something that was called the First Stand of Aurora. It had to do with the period of time, when something horrible was happening on this planet. It was before Seeding One of the Angelic Humans on Earth. There was a period where something so horrible was happening that the Aurora races just briefly opened the core gates, and what it did was create a condition where the artificial environment that had been beamed in here, and was being run here, by Threshold mechanics that already had been put here by some group called the Thetans, that were working with the Bourgha - they (Aurora races) actually opened the core gates just long enough for it to transmute the artificial biomes. What that did was made the environment toxic for them, and they left. They didn‟t die. They left, because they couldn‟t stay, because the natural Kristic frequencies were allowed to run again. The natural radial body structure, and part of the corona sphere was coming back again. The Earth was healing. We‟re now moving into something - I‟m not sure what that one is going to look like, but they said there were many middle stands, but we are now in the Last Stand of Aurora. That is what this mission particularly is. The First Stand was 75 million years ago. That was when the Thetans left this planet, because they had taken it over when it was supposed to Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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be an Amenti host planet, and they set up civilizations and their „corporation‟ as they liked to call it, and were running the place into the ground. They were using the time rip technology from the Bourgha. They were being buddies with the Bourgha at the time, and they had anchored something from parallel Earth. They already went into parallel Earth. They wiped out Angelic Human Seeding one from parallel Earth. That‟s why there‟s such a huge gap - parallel Earth was seeded 250 million years ago. Earth Angelic Humans weren‟t seeded until 25 million years ago. That‟s an awful big span between seedings. This was why. Because the Angelic Humans from parallel Earth, the first seeding, were wiped out by the Thetans and the Bourgha who came in. They plugged in the time rip technology from the Bourgha matrix and the Wesedrak matrix. They created something called the Micca Complex, which is a Threshold towers complex, that ran energy directly from the Bourgha matrix through the time rip technology, and allowed them to force in reverse the core gates of parallel Earth, and to continually drain energy off its seed atom. So they had free energy. They had all sorts of free energy technologies that they could use as they were killing the planet basically. They broke through again. When they broke through again, they blew the gap off the E-Umbi time rip, and they got back into, from parallel Earth, into this Earth system. It was an easy link. This Earth system was already a hosting system. It had some damage to its grids already from things that happened in the Fall. But it was hosting. They came in here, used the technologies they had, and they created something, like a companion to the Micca Complex. It was called the Micca Complex, which had to do with the substance, mica, and microchips, and those kinds of things, that kind of technology. And they created its counterpart here. The idea was to link them together. And that place was called the Mecca Complex. I feel bad for a lot of people who don‟t realize what has been done to the grids that were sacred to them. The Mecca Complex plugs into the Micca Complex. Parallel Earth fell in 2003 into the Wesedrak Matrix. So now that matrix is being controlled by the same people that 75 million years ago the Beloveds from Urtha had to open the gates to make them leave, because they were going to take out Urtha through the Mecca/Micca Complex, and then go after Sala, because they were trying to get the entire system, even way back then. The way the First Stand of Aurora worked was they simply opened the gates... see, they always say Kristic races don‟t fight, they just stand. They can fight if they have to, but they prefer not to. But when you stand and simply hold frequency, that is your right to hold, and it is Kristic frequency, and you‟re not using nasty technologies that cause harm to anybody, and if somebody who is doing something they shouldn‟t be doing with the natural energies, and get hurt because of what they are doing, that is not your fault, and you are considered blameless, and that is how the Krist beings look at it. So, they opened the core gates, because they had to stop the Mecca/Micca Complex, because it was going to take out Urtha. What it did was not kill anybody. But it would have if they tried to stay, and they knew it. So what they did was pack up and leave. They weren‟t able to take the one over - it damaged it somewhat but it didn‟t change what happened over on parallel. It only fixed it over here temporarily. It allowed them to put a cap on the Mecca Complex 75 million years ago. This is way before any of the Islamic teachings were here. This word and this place that is still that place - that place is where that set of technologies were put in 75 million years ago. They were capped from them but once they were put in and they couldn‟t be taken back out, because if they were taken out, the planet would explode. It would have nova‟d. So, there were some fights over it. The other guys running their negative agendas, trying to get them open and get them back. These were the Threshold grids. It was a big hurrah in the Atlantean periods when they finally got to plug them into the Metatronic grids, and make the Golden Serpent, which was putting the two technologies together and making a technology that had black hole capacity and time rip capacity and wormhole capacity, which was bigger than both of them combined.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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75 million years ago we had the First Stand of Aurora, where they opened the core gates, and the core gates weren‟t fully compromised yet. They were partly compromised. We are in the same situation now. We have two core gates that were fully compromised in two different periods in history, but by 9562 BC, both the Urta and Ruta, which are the 14 and 15 gates were completely reversed, but they were not activated, where they would start beaming frequency, because it would have taken the rest of the grids here and completely put them in reverse order, and it would have dragged all of us into the hibernation zones, as opposed to letting down the Nets. Great. That doesn‟t sound like much fun. So, what is happening at this point is similar to what happened in the First Stand of Aurora. In the first stand of Aurora there was a core reclamation done on the cores of the two gates, which are always the (weakest?) ones. They never go with the strongest one. 13 is actually the strongest one. The next would be 14 and the weakest is 15. They usually go for 15 first when they are trying to take one of them out. That‟s what they did with Ruta. They took Ruta 15 first, and that was 15,400 BC in the last round. At the First Stand of Aurora, 75 million years ago, what the Kristic races did, what the Aquari races did, was they opened the core gates here. First they opened Shala 13, that hadn‟t been corrupted yet, same as the situation here, and then they used that to...well they gave them a warning. They gave them a „stand-down‟ order, just like they did this time on March 15, 2007. They did that 75 million years ago as well. They did the same thing then. They just basically told the Kristic races to stick it. They tried to activate the Micca/Mecca Complex fully. That‟s what they were trying to do again this time, except this time parallel Earth is already down in Wesedrak fall. It fell in 2003 during the Hetharo period. The parallel Earth is in the Wesedrak black hole. They tried to do that in order to pull this whole system down into that black hole, including Urtha, not just Earth. So, they were given the stand-down order, and they told us to forget it again. The Beloveds warned them, well fine - we‟re going to do it again. We‟re going to open the core gates. We will do a reclamation. They didn‟t think at this point - because there‟s so much damage to this planet - they did not think those core gates would be able to undergo a core reclamation, which means their one, two, three levels are first reclaimed and put back on the proper spin. Then the next would be the four, five, six levels, the liquid cores. The solid cores have been reclaimed as of, I think it was the 23 rd and 24th, right before the solar gates finally compacted. They couldn‟t save the solar ones, but they saved the ones here. So, we‟re doing the Last Stand of the Auroras, just like 75 million years ago. I wouldn‟t doubt something interesting is going to happen. Those who have come here, even under human masks - there are a lot of people running around in the homosapien sapiens mutation form. That is a mask for all sorts of beings to live in. Some of them will find they are Kristic beings, and will bring the Homosapien Sapiens home safely back to their original Angelic Human glory. Others will find that frequencies that are going to be on this planet from the Aqualene Sun, even if we didn‟t anchor it, they‟re coming. They‟re coming whether we do anything or not. If we help anchor it, it will be stable, and we will not see all sorts of crazy things, not as much as we would if we didn‟t anchor this. But there are some races that are here, and the hibernation zone races, many of which are not from these places at all, will begin to have the same experience the Thetans had 75 million years ago. That is they will find if they don‟t leave, the environment will become toxic to them, and they will leave, and they have an opportunity to do that. They can go to Wesedrak matrix. They can go to any one of the holes they‟ve already made while they‟re still there. There are plenty of places they can go. Some of them, if they ever wanted to, they could probably do a host bioregenesis, but most of them don‟t want one. That‟s the problem. It‟s always been the problem. You can‟t fix something that doesn‟t want to be fixed. I think we finally learned that. (talking to Az) What‟s that last one in the V/V Game before you get flattened? The fixer, right! We talked enough about these (Nets). I want to get to the last few. I know you guys are tired and I am too. It‟s a little scary, because when I‟m tired, I just go on and on. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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[D4 C3 0:37:51] Vertical Maps

This is just to remind you about when we did the vertical maps, they started like this where you have a circular map over here, with all the little lines going up that represented where those circles hit the center line, and then we took those lines vertically over, pulled it out to the D1, D2, D3, and density level, which is also Urtha D1... then we put them altogether and you can get the vertical maps of everything between here and surface Urtha. These were the first ones. I have to work on these a lot more. They are very very detailed. But we have a simplified version that shows you the things you need to know most. Next one please.

[D4 C3 0:38:37] (graph)

(Conversation with Az about the graphs and which way to display them) I saw something, I saw it go three dimensional when you did it. Something is to that. I don‟t know what it is. We‟ll put it in File 13 so we can get more information on it. Here is from Earth‟s core, all the way up to surface Urtha up here. So, we took this, and just blew it up this part. This goes to here. So, this part here is this. You can see some of the detail. We‟ve got crystal beds here. These crystal beds, that if you find us... we are here, this is surface Earth here, this is our Ra Ka crust. This is our middle mantle, and I believe middle and upper mantle crystal, our crystal beds, huge selenite crystals. What we find that they are the D2 level of the Na-Da 1 layer crystals. The core crystal of Urtha is actually physical crystal, the D2 level is in our upper mantle. We saw pictures of these on the internet. They‟re starting to find them. These are the ones closest to the surface. They go down. There are sorts of biomes that happen on the subterranean levels. It‟s broken out better on the handout that you got. I‟ll show you in just a minute. But that‟s what these crystals are. What becomes fascinating is you find the same Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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thing occurring when you get to D2 physical Urtha, and you find Urtha‟s D2 crust, and you go and look in the upper and middle mantles of Urtha, and you find Adashi Temples. You also find the crystal layer from the next set up, which is the Sirius B crystal sets. D2 Sirius B are running through Urtha‟s level on this. So this is Urtha‟s surface crust. Those crystals in the same position up there would be from Sirius B. So, they are the Sirian Adashi Temples, connected to the Sirius B gates - which is nice. That‟s the ones that the Jeshua lines all came out of, the real Jeshua 12 lines. The Maji, the Maharaji, all the Kristic races came down through the AmorA Passage. Even now, they are the ones that lead up to Andromeda. They connect up to Andromeda and the Andromeda Galaxy, which is how to get out of this matrix. It‟s a fast way to get out of this matrix if it was going to fall. All the things from Voyagers, when we first published it, with the Sphere of Amenti and all that, has to do with that. Next one please.

[D4 C3 0:42:03] (graph)

Let‟s get on with it so we can do this activation. That‟s what everybody is suffering to stay awake for - bless them. Some are - some aren‟t. I don‟t mean to do that to people, but I don‟t control the timing of these. I‟ve tried. This is what I wanted you to be able to have, and the Beloveds wanted you to be able to have to take home with you, because, to remember everything that you were told, the most important thing is what‟s up where on that map. It‟s going to be a while before we have an official published version of it, and we needed to understand where things were, and also where they fit with certain things. Here you‟ll find the vertical map with the most important things on it. In between these little squares you‟ll find the Aurora Platforms. The squares over to this side, to the left side, these represent what‟s in those zones, those Aurora 4 Zones. These are ocean cities on the top one. Some of them are under water. Some of them are a bit above water. But this are mostly fully under water because they run through the D2 level Aquifers of Urtha. So, it appears to be under water when you go there. These, in the Aurora 2 Platform, that is in the thermosphere - where Earth science tells us in the thermosphere - these are physical. They are D2 cloud cities. And these are the good cloud cities. There are a whole bunch of cloud cities that have to go with these hibernation zones, that you do not want to stumble into. That‟s where Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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you have like Cupids with arrows that aren‟t filled with love, sitting on clouds just floating around just waiting... I‟m kidding about that part. But there are cloud cities. The Cupid part I made up. This is where we have the hibernation zones. So, you can see on this, a lot clearer... I don‟t have every one of the markings. I made only the ones that are most important. Because if I tried to put everything on, like with those other maps, you‟d end up where you can‟t even read what the little letters are. At some point, I‟ll do like micro type setting. But for now, this is the most functional version of this map that is out there, and it‟s pretty accurate. There‟s probably a few things I‟ll still have to tweak, but it‟s accurate enough to hold what it needs to hold, which is to show you the projection journey. (To Az: I keep getting that they‟ll have us put those graphs that way (horizontal).) I don‟t know what this is about. You can use these at home... you can even color them if you want to. That‟s water and that‟s Earth. That‟s pretty crystals. (Laughing) to give you a little bit more, if you are going to use them as a visual journey. They are a visual meditation journey. Imagine what they are like. You‟ve got a rough sketch of the lay of the land. Right? Take it from there, and see what you can find. There‟s something that they are going to do tonight that it will make it so you can safely do that without tripping into these zones. If you notice, the lovely crystal beds here have the hibernation zones through – these guys – you don’t want to visit those right now. That‟s the D1 lower hibernation zone. I‟m not going to read all of these bits to you because I‟ve actually explained it to you on the circular maps already – where those zones were. But what you‟re seeing is the horizontal translation of the circles. It‟s the vertical map – and you‟re seeing those bands – like where they would come out. (D4 C4 0:45:38) This would be the band/sphere that is called the Net field. And this is the above and below of the Net field, of the hibernation zones. That‟s the D1 Net. There‟s the D2 Net, see its like a choppy looking tube with spikes on it. There‟s the D2 choppy looking tube with spikes on it. It tells you where that is within the Van Allen gap... D2 Intranet ... tells you it‟s the chemical DNA band, and then down below it is a hibernation zone, that‟s the D2 hibernation zone, lower. It‟s a telluric atomic physical. It‟s in the inner Van Allen proton field. This is where Atlantis and Lemurian time warps - which means where the Lumantis... new place! Lumantis and Amuria (Laughter) I don‟t know why I find that funny, ,maybe they‟ve blended them into one, I don‟t know! (laughter) Anyway, this is where Atlantis and Lemuria actually are physically. They are telluric atomic, so these are physical, just like this is physical. Now, where are they in relation to where we are? Let‟s find out. These are Aurora zones. Here we are down here, this is our crust, right here. This is where the D1 Net is running, creating the D1 upper hibernation zone, etheric, and the D1 lower hibernation zone down below in our beautiful crystal beds. There are those crystals that they are finding - they are seeing the tops of right now, the top layers of them. If they were able to dig down into the lower part of the upper mantle - I don‟t know how many feet we‟re talking about here either, like miles, let‟s say, how many miles down. Eventually we‟ll know how many miles down to where those things are, but, it‟s below the crust, we know that, and we know that on the internet we can find stuff about, at least about Chuhuahua, Mexico, where they found selenite crystal caverns. They are one example of many many others like that, that are part of these crystal beds that are actually the D2 level Ma Ta core crystals of Urtha, because the core crystal is that big. Our mantle is actually made of part of the core crystal. You can read it for yourself, and you can just see... if understand that these are just... you can take this and bend it into a circle, every one of these lines. It‟s just pulling them up straight so you can see what is running through that. So, this is where you get your verticals. So, you can see Aquifers, and you can see Aquifer doors. An interesting thing happened... I‟m so tired I‟m tripping over my lips... at the 6.5 level in any of the dimensions, at 6.5, which is between the Jha-Da 6 layer and the Ta 7 layer... Jha-Da 6 is the highest, the top layer of the Aquifers, and the Ta 7 is the lowest layer of the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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mantle. So, between the mantle and the liquid core you will always find a set of gates at 6.5. This is the D1 8.5 ShAlon shield actually, but there is a set of gates in that layer. No matter which level of the kathara grid you‟re looking at. Now, the ones we‟re looking at here, that fall here in relation to our physical crust here - right, this is our physical crust here, this is our ozone layer and this is where we are. There are physical caverns that are in stone in the Ta 7 lower mantle layer, that are doorways that go down through the waters. They go down through into the cores, where the prana seed is, and inside the prana seed - remember the prana seed is inside of the Nada 1 core crystal. The prana seed has at its core the Eiron point, which is a doorway. The Eiron point in the center of a planet is the doorway between the outer prana seed and the seed atom of the planet, but they are also doorways to jump. There are doorways to slide or glide or span. These are doorways that when we go down to the core to Urtha, we‟re going into and accessing these doorways. The full doorways have been jammed for a long time, because the prana seed of Earth has not been able to phase because of the reversal of Urta and Ruta. The cores of those have been turned back around now so it can phase, which means the Eiron point can open. It also means the Eiron point can open inside our atoms. Our atoms can now start experiencing Prana Exchange. I don‟t have to go through every little detail here, I could spend three hours on this graph alone, explaining all sorts of things. There‟s enough where you can read it... what the lines say over in relation to that area. Eventually there will be the circular ones that go with it so you can find these coordinates right on the circular maps and that kind of thing. It‟s all totally plugged into that. But meanwhile it gives you a decent idea of what you‟re going through when you go up vertically. It also showed you something, and they wanted us to see this here. In relation to that... this is from Earth core all the way up to Urtha D2 surface, physical Urtha, and physical Earth, and the core where they are united. These are the Aurora zones that come off here. So, you see the little arrow going in at the A1... this is Aurora zone 1, Aurora zone 2- the cloud cities, Aurora zone 3- the ocean cities, the underwater cities, and the Aurora platform 4. This one‟s fascinating. Let‟s see if I can describe this to myself even. This one partially has a hibernation zone, H Zone 3 upper running through it. I forget what that zone‟s called. (referring to something else). The D3 hibernation zone upper runs through here, but only partially. They have a set of frequencies that runs through also on the Adashi spin that allows for a passage to be created, so there‟s a passageway through this hibernation zone, and there‟s a passageway through that Net, when they open it from the top, when they open the seals and allow it to open. They call this area up in here - if you keep going with the vertical maps, you go through the water... you know, you‟re going to go up this way... you‟re going to skip the hibernation zones. This would be here. You would go down from Earth, let‟s say down to the core, because I think you have to go through the core to access and come back up to one, and then you‟d be able to do the platforms this way, to do the ascent. So, these all connect to there. You‟d go from the surface of Earth down to the core, over to here, which are the Aurora 1 platforms, and here you will see... that‟s physical etheric, that‟s telluric etheric, so it‟s a little bit less dense than here. You‟d go through these, and some of these are underground biomes. Some of them are... these are the places and I‟ve see them so many times, I could never figure out exactly where they were. They used to have some of them on Ecka Inner Earth, but these were different, and they look like lagoons, like an ocean with a lagoon, and like mountains coming up. Something like you might see in Hawaii, that kind of effect. I don‟t know if they are connected to Hawaii. They haven‟t said that yet or not, but this particular one, these connect to... They‟ll show you what they connect to, the main access sites. We‟ll get to that later. But first, on your vertical journey, you‟re going to go from Earth down into the core, through the prana gate. Once you can phase, you‟ll be able to get through the Eiron point on the Urtha level. Then you‟ll go up through these areas. I always end up popping up, going in through these set of things and popping up through swimming underwater gates, like through these underwater, and ending up in a lagoon, in a really nice place, and they have all sorts of meetings there Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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and all sorts of things. There‟s like surface level of that too, even though it appears to be underground. These things are fantastic the way the type of places that manifest in these spaces. The next place you would go to - and I‟m not sure what set of doors you‟d take, but they‟d let you know from there - you go up this way... eventually these will all be linked together, once the Aqualene Sun fields fully activate. These are the cloud cities, but they would appear to be in the air. There would be physical cities in the clouds. This is where you get the Cloud Walker stands. There were times when my beloved was known as the Great Golden Cloud Walker because many of the Twelve Feathers tribes from the old days, the ones that were on bioregenesis and things like that, the angelic humans on bioregenesis used to see, him and others like him, take people and walk up into the air, and up into the clouds and disappear. They became known as the Cloud Walkers. So, these are the places that you want to walk to the clouds to, and the places you don‟t want to walk to the clouds to have to do with somewhere over here, you‟ll find it. One of these guys - the Oz and Shasta. These also have cloud zones and they are not good ones. You don‟t have to worry about those as long as you take the path going this way. And this is what the technique you did today will give you the mathematical coordinates for this access, it will direct your Ra-sha-LAe through this sequence. As you activate more and more Ra-sha-LAe, you‟ll be able to go higher and higher. You start there, you go into the cloud cities next. After that, you would actually go through another set of gates, and you end up in underwater cities, and this is where you can breathe water and air. If you‟re a person who can‟t yet breathe water and air, they have protective zones, that you can come up in whatever is the kind of air for the planet you‟re on. These guys help all sorts of beings from all different places, not just from Earth. They‟ve been hosting things from our system, coming down from our system, for quite a while now, and for many many eons before that. Now you have the underwater cities. The movie “The Abyss” is the closest thing to hinting at this in fiction that I‟ve ever seen. I found most of it pretty boring, until the guy got lost down in this big Abyss/crack, down in the ocean floor. They were in a submarine, and they all thought he was going to die and be gone and the whole bit. At the end of it, it was worth suffering through the rest of it. If you don‟t like submarines, it gets a bit boring watching the drama. But there were the most amazing creatures that came, and they were the closest thing that I‟ve seen that resemble a particular line of the Aurora races. They remind me of the ones that are referred to as the Blue Dragons, which aren‟t dragons at all. They are aqua birds. They are underwater birds. Except they don‟t have feathers. They have cape-like wings. The things that they designed as the friendly loving ET‟s from down under in that movie were the closest thing to these, to the actual biologies of the Aurora blues, or the Bhendi blues, as I call them, that I‟ve seen. Actually the Bhendi blues are more human looking. They have more hominid shape than the ones you see in the movie, but it‟s worth renting the video just to see the experience of them. And they took them into these places where even though they breathed water and lived in water, they had places where they can pull the water out and air-lock it, so if someone came down... and everyone in the sub thought that the guy was dead, that he was going to die and the whole bit, and he didn‟t. They saved him. And then they brought them up. They came up with this massive ship up to the surface, up to the top of the ocean, to say hi to everyone. That ending, the last 25 minutes of the movie, makes it worth the whole thing, just to see that, because I am hoping some day that big purple submarine does indeed come up. (Laughter) Forget the yellow one, because it was a purple submarine that they used as the ship to come up from the Abyss, and to visit up on surface and let everybody know friendly company was there, and had been there longer than we had I think as far as earth people. Anyway, the closest thing to those was that movie, that I have seen, and it didn‟t give you a lot of landscape. They just gave you the basic concept and a look at what the races might be like and that was very very touching I thought. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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(D4 C4 0:59:12) So, we go up here, and the next place... you end up in a place called... as you‟re going up here, this is a bypass station. This is where you start getting interfaces, first of all, to get to the Adashi temple passages. There are also interfaces here where you can go into Sirius B because these crystals here, that are in the upper mantle of Urtha D2... that‟s the Ka 9 level of Urtha D2, and there‟s Urtha D2 surface. These crystals are the D2 level of the Sirius B USG-6 in density 2 NaDa level 1 core. The D2 level 1 in the geleziac templates. So, this is the Sirius B connection. This is the connection of moving out of the system, but in a secured zone. All of these plug into this, which is the AnshatAsa Passage line that comes down. It goes over through from the Hubs... actually it comes through the Hubs here, and it meets with the Krystal River arc that‟s coming over from the outer domains of the Aquious Matrix, and it actually is like a loop, so it circles through the Hubs, comes back up, and then the outer one comes this way, and it literally makes a circulation of energy. But all of these things plug into this. Once you get up to Urtha, the next place you would ascend up to would be through Sirius B and then you‟d go through the Andromeda galaxy, and literally find yourself out in that other galaxy, that we‟re not part of anymore. That is the original Andromeda galaxy that we were a part of before certain things fell. You would find yourself out there in the Kristic domains in the area called the Aquinos area. They used to call them the nurseries. They seeded a race of Aquafereion there, actually, a long time ago. Then from there, you could go to whichever matrix you wanted, as far as your home matrices. The people who were from Aquari could cross all the way over, back to the parallel adjacent Eckasha and go back to the Aquari matrices, their home matrices. But from there, there‟s all sorts of different things you could do, but that is the one ascension path out of this. It‟s the AmorA Passage, again, the 3, 6 and 9 gates out of this matrix. Now they‟re showing us where it plugs in, literally, compared to where our feet are standing. They wanted you to have this so you could play with this safely. We will do the exercise soon. I just wanted to show you one more thing about these. You have... what connects into these... these are direct sites that plug into these particular platforms. This is the Aurora 1 platform. ShAlon 7 plugs into Aurora 1. That‟s in Phoenix. ShAlon 7 is the site that... all of these plug into Shala 13, the core gate 13. So it starts with Shala 13 way down at the core, and the next thing you have this ShAlon 7 site, which is the site that we just were asked to get in the lower Scottsdale area. Then coming up this way, we‟re just showing where the KAlon and ShAlon shields and stuff are, that‟s the D2 ShAlon shield at 8.5. It connects into this. And so does the D2 Alon shield, at 7.5. So you have the D2 Alons and ShAlons there. There is a thing called fertilization of the keys and „lons‟ of the Ra-sha-LAe body, where the Alon pulls up and the KAlon drops down into the ShAlon. From that point certain things happen that allow for the beginning of Prana Exchange and other things, even better, after that. They haven‟t told me what the better after that is, but we got that far. So, these are why these sites are important. They are directly connected to the Ra-sha-LAe body levels that will phase the keys and the „lons‟, I guess we‟ll call them, because we have Alons, KAlons and ShAlons, and they are not the same as the smaller key cycles that are in the partiki cycles that are inside the PartikE. So ShAlon 7 is here. It connects into A1, and that is physical etheric, which means it plugs into this domain that is telluric mixed with etheric, so it‟s a little bit les s dense than here, but not as see-through or ghost-like as etheric matter would be. Then, going up from there, you run through the D2 KAlon shield, then coming up here, the A2 connection - look at this Machu Picchu, Peru. This is why we‟re going to Peru. This plugs into the physical D2 cloud cities that are in the thermosphere. They plug into them actually through the mountains. They‟re actually in the mountains, you go inside the mountains, down then up. That‟s why we kept getting contact there. There would be certain ones... we even had orbs and things like that on occasion, that they were friendly and they were definitely of a high caliber orb. Like balls that talk. The first Yanas, the Wachayanas approached us there the first time we were in Peru. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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(D4 C5 1:04:28) We‟re looking forward to visiting there. But now we know why Picchu is important. It‟s not just because it‟s planetary stargate number five. What‟s important about it is it‟s connected directly into the Aurora 2 platform, and that‟s why it‟s been a place where ... I‟ve always had a very deep feeling for Picchu when we‟ve been up there, and I could go back a million times, and now I know why, because of the connection that‟s there. You can feel it in the mountains. You can feel it in some of the presences that exist in those spaces. So, that‟s why we‟re going there for Hetharo in May. We are going to open these gates and activate these. There‟s something this does that I don‟t even know yet, that‟s important to getting all these to blend into the Aurora sphere or Zone. The next one up is the KAlon shield of D3. shield 8.5.

D3 9.5 KAlon shield. It‟s also where Urtha D1 etheric is, and also ShAlon

See this is why these aren‟t published yet. We‟re just giving you something that you can at least use, so pardon the rough form. This is KAlon 7 - Virginia Beach. This is the site that plugs into the A3 platform. And there‟s somewhere else too, they said. That is the disclosed site, as they said. There is another site. And I wouldn‟t doubt that each one of those has another one that‟s not disclosed yet. That‟s the KAlon 7 site. (D4 C5 1:06:18) Then the Alon 7 site... that‟s the place we were asked to secure up in the Rockies in Colorado. We just refer to it as Alon 7 or Sage Hill, because it is a hill full of sage with a house on it. Not a tree standing there, just sage. This plugs into here, and here is the same place that on here would be this. It‟s called the Adashi A4 passage. When you get up into the Adashi platforms, there are first these areas that... first Urtha D2 gates, so you‟re coming up in the 6.5 gates, you‟re coming up through the D2 Aquifers, and into what would be the Ta 7 field of D2 Urtha. From there, you go up into these areas that are the Winterlands. I found myself in those once, trying to help my cat. This is one of the places where I could actually roll myself over and get out of this really nasty stream of frequency that was trying to rip me apart, which I‟m sure had to do with this place over here. I found myself in there, and I kept throwing myself over here to get away from this stream. I guess they‟ve been training me to pull people out of getting caught in these zones if you do. And there are platforms. That was before I ever knew about these platforms. I had experiences in Sadhi where I‟d find myself inside these nasty currents that were so bad, they could really rip you apart. They were coming at you like being in a really nasty wind. I knew I had to go forward in them to get something, I was on a retrieval for something. They were teaching me how to run through these and still get out. I found myself throwing myself out to the left. And I don‟t know why but it was always to the left, but I was throwing myself out for some reason to the left as far as the experience goes, and that was getting me into these zones. The one I remember most clearly was up here. They call it the Winterlands, frozen fields, because they look like frozen mountains, and I ended up way down here some place, looking up at these peaks. They reminded me of Colorado a little bit, but they had a lot more snow than I‟ve eve seen there. It‟s just like beautiful blue sky, and it looked sunny. I didn‟t see a sun, but it looked sunny, a sunny blue sky, and beautiful mountains, but snow everywhere as far as the eye could see. I remember my cat came running down. This is a cat that had passed over and transitioned a while back. She had come running down to let me know something. She was letting me know something about these zones. But what I had Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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done was ride up here in order to get there, then I kind of dove over into these safe zones to get out of the current over there. So, this zone here... because there is the D3 upper hibernation zone here, and this is one of the control zones. It‟s one of the ones that controls magnetosphere. The magnetosphere of the planet runs in the same place as the crust of Urtha. So, literally, our magnetosphere is where, where satellites go out through... that is the band that is the surface of Urtha actually exist within. These would be the Adashi temples. This is the Adashi passage that comes from the A4 platform. When you come into the A4 platform, you would come up through the Aquifer gates, they are the D2 Aquifers of Urtha, and then you would come up into these... they are like underground frozen caverns, kind of like igloos. But you know, when I was up there, I didn‟t feel cold. It looked cold and snowy, but I didn‟t feel any temperature. I wasn‟t warm or cold. I felt alive. It was strange, but they were very pleasant places to be. They correspond with passing through the Winterland fields. These have to do with frozen fields that allow them to block out portions of the hibernation zone, where they could still keep a passage open up to the Adashi temples. Then when you go up from there, you go up through the mountains, and it‟s in the mountains here that correspond with this layer over here, that would run into this little gateway to the Adashi temples. Every Adashi temple has one, but we‟ve been using Adashi‟s the only one that‟s functional because of what it connects to down here. These were the mountains I saw and the sky area that I saw from that perspective. Then when you get into here, you‟re again in the middle mantle of Urtha, and these are all crystal. They are made of beautiful selenite and probably other types of crystal as well. What we‟re finding is that crystal is actually the level 1 of the D2 physical core crystal of Sirius B, and that‟s what these temples are made of. So, when we go there, we‟re actually going to the place of intersection between density 1, where Earth and Urtha are, and density 2, where a secure passage through Sirius B exists. So, the more we go, the more fascinating it gets. (D4 C5 1:11:39) Over here, I just want to show you a bit more... I‟ve got to run this journey live too, which means it‟s really hard when they come through that way, when I don‟t know what the words are going to be. They just come. So I empathize with the overtired, I am too but it‟s worth it, guys. If we can get ourselves up here, even once and take a picture, we‟d be so happy when we got back, even happier if we didn‟t have to come back, right? (laughter) So, here is the AnshatAsa Passage Host that will run through here. These zones right now are separated by various fields, but they do give you a good hopscotch jump where you can get through up to the Adashi temples, without getting caught in the hibernation zones. If you ever find yourself where you feel like you‟re being caught in this really nasty current that‟s trying to rip you apart, you probably are in the hibernation zones, but you won‟t go there without someone actually... you‟re on a tether. It means you are being trained as a Wayshower. That is one classic thing of Wayshower training, finding yourself in those zones. Because there are people that have been snatched into those zones that don‟t want to be there that are Kristic races, that have been waiting to be rescued, and now is the time when they will be rescued. So, some people will have commissions as Wayshowers. And if you have training in other lifetimes of this, they will be the ones to wake up to that first. So, if you find yourself in what feels like, “Oh, I am one of those, right? Uh-oh, a Wayshower?” And look for the one who is watching your back because you‟ll have.. you know how when you teach people to swim sometimes you keep a harness on the kids? you will have a harness and they will pull you back over on the platforms, but you are being trained for reconnaissance, where you can go in and get out any hosters that need help getting out, and that kind of thing. Not everybody will have that, but if you ever do, don‟t get scared and be afraid to Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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journey. Realize you won‟t fall into those spaces on your own. Once you‟ve got that access key journey, that means you have got somebody that will watch out for you, and they won‟t let you fall into those zones. But if you find yourself in the zones, it means you‟re in the zones because you are being trained to work them, and to move back and forth and assist others who need that kind of help. I just thought Id tell you that. Now, what is going to happen here... see these little funny bands that have spiky little - they‟re actually supposed to be sunrays? These are the areas that correspond, again with the maps, these would all correspond with the areas that every one of these lines could be marked with exactly what set of D whatevers, with whatever gel levels they‟re on... they are all coordinates on those maps. So these are too. What they correspond to are the layers where the D1, D2 and D3 layers of the Aqualene Sun frequencies are going to be activating in the planetary body, but first they are going to be activating in your Ra-sha-LAe bodies, and in the Indigo Shield Body, and from there we can do a slow activation so it doesn‟t just blow the doors off the nets and make everything come crashing down really wildly. The Indigo Shield will stop that from happening. (D4 C5 1:14:51) If we can hold enough to hold the AnshatAsa Passage open, while Earth can progressively and more gently move into the opening of these corona spheres. They are the corona sphere layers and they will become Aqua Suns, where they will have the frequencies of the Aqualene transmission running through them. So they will not just have the power of one Eckasha, which would be one Krystal Spiral stream. They will have the power of three of those, which would be the Krystal River stream, the three Eckashas. But then they will have the Arc of Aquari, the outer domain one, and they will also have the AnshatAsa Passage ray which is another greeny turquoise colored one. And we will also have the Ha'ahTUr Hub color, which is more purply blue mixed in with that. So, all of these frequencies are going to blend together and they will be activating in the Ra-sha-LAe bodies of the Indigos, and it will be healing for us. It will give us a huge ability to do what can be done with the gene codes that we have here, as far as healing much faster than anything else. I can‟t guarantee we‟ll all turn into wonderful silica crystal beings in like 24 hours or anything, then run through the gates. (Laughter) No. Those frequencies will activate in here. (D4 C6 1:16:16) So our auric fields will begin to carry these and eventually the planet will be able to hold more and more of those frequencies. It will also give those in the hibernation zones, and those in other places who are not, let‟s say... have any interest in running Kristic agendas. It will give them some time to decide where they would like to go, before it turns on completely, because, when those frequencies of Aqualene Sun came on completely, it is what happened in the first stand of Aquari, when the core gates were opened to allow Ra-sha-LAe body activation of the planet. This time, it is a lot stronger than then, because they weren‟t running the full host because this is the end game at this point. They didn‟t have to open the AnshatAsa Passage that time fully. So this time that is open, so the frequencies are even stronger. So, there will be a period of time - I don‟t know how long – since we all have somewhere between 500 and 1000 years before the nova thing happens on the Sun, they will allow a time for those whose biologies can‟t tolerate that, to make other arrangements for themselves and their kind. Now, whether they want to do that, who knows. Usually these guys who work the anti-Kristic agendas are very sore losers, and they will fight to the end even if it‟s stupid. We‟ll see. No matter how many walls they run into, no matter how many lost soldiers they just let fall and get wiped out, they‟ll just keep sending more. It‟s like they‟re convinced they are going to win and... I have a mantra I use sometimes, „that failure is not an option‟. But I guess you can take that too far. The anti-Kristic ones seem to take that to an extreme that its not a useful thing anymore, because sometimes you can not fail by changing your direction, and they tend to not. So, we‟ll see what they are going to do here. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

In the meantime, the activation we‟re going to have tonight has to do with activating the prana seed. I don‟t know what it is yet. It‟s going to come through live. I have no clue, myself. But I think we‟re going to use something horizontally, why I don‟t know.

[D4 C6 1:18:30] The RaSha-AmorA Body (showing position of Ra-sha-LA Body)

Oh yeah... I would like to show you now a little more personally where your Ra-sha-LAe body is. Remember, the Rasha-LAe body... here‟s the ones we‟re looking at, that go this way. That is the D3 level of the Ra-sha-LAe body. This one is the D2 level of the Ra-sha-LAe body. If you remember, we talked about the Ra-sha-LAe body in relation to the Eukatharista body, which is the outside bodies, and the 12 point in the Ra-sha-LAe kathara grid would be the 9 point in the outside Eukatharista body. So, that 12 point becomes the 9 point of the next one out. This is doing those proportions that have to do with the spin proportions that create the Krystal Spiral, as opposed to the ones that are embedded and go „boing, boing, boing‟. This would be the 12 kathara center on the D3 Ra-sha-LAe body grid, and that would be the 9 kathara center on the D3 Eukatharista body grid. Now, the Eukatharista body grid is what we‟ve been using, as we‟ve been studying our chakras and all those kinds of things that are a part of the Eukatharista bodies. So, what it means is, this would be the kathara grids we have been studying, in their relationship to the Ra-sha-LAes. This is the D3 Ra-shaLAe. The D3 Eukatharista is a bit bigger. That‟s where its 12 becomes the 9 of that one. So, this is the D3 level of the Eukatharista body. We already have and know where the body fits inside of that kathara grid structure. Same with the D2 one. I think it‟s hilarious, this little guy here... I had to make them smile at each other I really did (laughter)... this is one I tried to get this point clear, but no matter what we did with the machine you couldn‟t read this because they are just all filled in. This one is pretty bad, but we wanted you to be able to take this one home. This shows the D2 Ra-sha-LAe body grid that we‟ve been looking at. This is the D3 and the D2 ones we‟ve been looking at on the planetary level, with all its fields and shields. So, that‟s the D2 Ra-sha-LAe. Now, you take the D2 and make its 12 the 9 point of a spin expansion. This gives you your D2, which happens to fit perfectly inside the D3 one, like it should. These two - the outer domain ones have the... where the top and the bottom align with the E-Umbi and the Rajhna. They have the embedded expansion. Just like these have the embedded expansion together, but in relation to each other, they have the spin expansion ratio. So, what it gives you is the situation where you have... if you‟re looking at this, your Ra-sha-LAe body vertically, like we have been looking at it on these diagrams, it implies that over here is where your physical body is. So, if you want to look at this another way...(can you turn that so that the feet are down please?) .. there is the kathara grid for your D2 physical body. Just like we‟ve been looking at it. You‟ve got your E-Umbi, you‟ve got your Rajhna area - it‟s a little stretched out actually. He grew, the machine made him grew, he wasn‟t that long in the face, but anyway, trying to hold the proportions on a portable printer... it‟s not a printer, it‟s a portable copier. It doesn‟t work too good, but you get the idea. These are supposed to be perfectly proportioned kathara grids. This is your D2 grid. This would be your D3 body, or where your mental body self would be. This one up here would be your D2 level of your Ra-sha-LAe body, your D2 Ra-sha-LAe. So, if you look at where that is, it‟s over here, over your right Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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shoulder. The mentor space! They have been having us work with that layer of ourselves all along, which I think is hilarious. That‟s why we have a little mentor on our shoulder. We‟re not going to grow one there. (Laughter) (D4 C6 1:23:15) All of those same things that we talk about - where the Nets come in. Up here, you have the D3 Net. Now these things are all manifesting. These were the templates... well, they‟re the bodies of the Ra-sha-LAe body, but what they create is the projection that becomes the bodies that are made of the 15 dimensional outer domain light spectra and that stuff. So, there are levels of our Earth... these levels of our Earth translate into these levels of our Earth on the outer domains. So, we‟re actually seeing these, but they are the same structure as these. They wanted you to see the relationship with the 45 degree shift. If your axis is here, on your physical self, that would imply that counterclockwise, over here, over your right shoulder, would be where the top axis of your Ra-sha-LAe body is. I don‟t know why they want us to know that, but probably it has something to do with something that we‟re going to do I wouldn‟t doubt. So, anyway, same applies to the Earth, but you can still see where the Nets run. When you expand these out and treat these layers, just as if they were the layers in the smaller... because these are proportionally a bit smaller than the ones that correspond with the D3 one. The D3 one here I smaller than the D3 one here, for example. But if you just take the same layers, and put the 15 layer structure here, you have 15 manifest layers also that go with the 15 ones from the Ra sha-LAe body. And what you find is you got your D3 Net coming in here, which means you have hibernation zones above and below. You have your D2 one, I believe, here...No D3 was up here. The D2 one is here. The D1 Net is here. So, it is showing where they even come through the physical bodies ourselves, so that‟s why our pineal is being blocked. It also shows something, over here in the corner, as far as the body axes. When we‟re dealing with the Tauren and the seed atom and the light seed, we‟ve always dealt with the Tauren on a vertical axis, with one ball on top and two on the bottom, right? That‟s because in the partiki template, that goes all the way to the seed atom, from the Tauren to the seed atom, that is on, say, vertical axis. When you get to the Par-TE-Kei templates of the Ra-sha-LAe bodies, they are on this axis, which means the prana seed is one this axis, right? Then when you get back to the outer domain bodies, or the outer level bodies of the Eukatharista, they are back on a vertical axis. So, we have the vertical at the first level, and then it goes into the Par-TE-Kei templates as the 45 degree counterclockwise shift, and then back to the vertical. This is what happens (said horizontal instead of vertical) when I‟m tired and I‟ve been working since dawn on these, and then trying to teach them without sleeping. So, if I get a little tongue-tied, I do apologize. They just wanted you to understand that you do have that little mentor on your shoulder that we learned about a long time ago. It had to do even then with beginning of Ra-sha-LAe body activation, when we were using the Maharic Seal and that kind of stuff, to begin the process of finding that part of ourselves. So, if it got this bad on the planet, there would be somebody capable of waking up fast enough to do what needed to be done, to create the best possible outcome for the most possible beings in the situation that this planet and solar system is in. And you guys keep showing up, and I‟m really glad you do. (D4 C6 1:27:01) What this is also showing is where the Aqualene Sun rays are going to activate in the Ra-sha-LAe body structures, and how they will manifest out into the Eukatharista body structures. In both the Eukatharista body and the Ra-sha-LAe bodies, they will come in on the 12, 13, 14 and15 layers, which would be the natural corona sphere layers. And it‟s interesting, because you‟ll get the Ra-sha-la ones and the Ra-sha-LAe ones coming in with gaps between them, and then when the ones from the Eukatharista grids come in, they fill in those gaps, so you end up with full rays coming in. At some point, we‟ll look like pretty big translucent aqua opalescent kind of suns in our auric fields. You‟ll know us by our suns. Maybe not by our names but you‟ll know us by our suns. We‟re the aqua ones, right? Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

So, this is the process we‟re involved in. The process has to do with something called Prana Exchange. (Dialogue with Az)

[D4 C6 1:28:31] The Krystar Body

We talked about the Krystar cycle and activating the ReishaA Krystar vehicle with the Ra-sha-LAe body activation to be able to go through Starfire. This is the Krystar capsule, the crystal capsule. There will be certain journeys that . . . eventually we‟ll have them, where they are available to the public... that will involve understanding yourself to be in one of these capsules when you go for your journey. These are the Krystar crystal capsules around you. You‟ll have this lovely flame around you and then you‟ll have this gorgeous aqua sunburst coming around you. You can ride up and down with those. You can teleport and levitate and that kind of stuff once they‟re fully activated. So, it‟s the Krystar crystal capsule that this is, and these are the core, the inner and the middle flame. There are several layers that go beyond that when you get into Aqualene Sun, but they wanted me to remind everyone about the Krystar crystal capsule. We showed that in Tenerife? I can‟t remember where that came through. Anyway, back to the activation begins, of activating Krystar and activating the prana seed. It has to do with Prana Exchange.

[D4 C6 1:29:46] The Par-tE-Kei Body – 15 Gel Rings and 15 Spans

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

The easiest way to describe Prana Exchange to you - without going through about 40 diagrams, „cause I don‟t have them yet - is going back to this, the Par-TE-Kei body... I think I need to sit down for this. My knees are starting to give out. Hold on a second. The easiest way I can explain Prana Exchange... remember, we were looking at the Ra-sha-LAe body, but on the vertical, the Par-TE-Kei body that forms the Ra-sha-LAe body on the vertical, but actually that‟s the thing that‟s tilted at this axis, as far as your body goes, where your outside body goes this way, and your Ra-sha-LAe body is tilted 45 degrees over your left, no right shoulder. What is my word problem, my gosh? I have never had so many times in one workshop... so many times that my brain said one thing and the opposite flipped out of my mouth. This is why sometimes with the translations, I am triply careful... forget about typesetting; I‟m not worried about that. What I make sure is before I have anything down, I‟ve got my lefts and my rights. Because when I‟m speaking it verbally, why did I just say left when I meant right? That kind of thing, so, just so you know, I am very careful. I do check myself several times with anything like that, particularly if there are directions that need to be done. I hate when they make me do live ones when my mouth is doing that. They said, „don‟t worry about it.‟ The reason I‟m having that problem is because of the incoming... there are incomings they are giving me for the flow for the journey, and I am getting more and more of the Urtha frequencies coming in, so it‟s making me trip over my own lips. Let‟s try Prana Exchange. Without having a million graphs, I‟ll try to explain this process. First, we‟re at the Par-TE-Kei body, and you have the layers of the Ra-sha-LAe body on top of that. At the Par-TE-Kei body layer, you have at the center you will have your prana seed. The prana seed looks just like the Tauren. It has one ball on top and two down below. Now, of course it looks like it‟s tilted on its side when you are looking at it in relation to your outside body, but let‟s just look at our inside bodies on the vertical right now, to understand Prana Exchange. With Prana Exchange, there‟s a prana seed at the center. There is a little thing called the Eiron point, which is an opening, an aperture that opens and closes between the Par-TE-Kei templates and everything that‟s built out from there. And everything that was before them, from the seed atom all the way down to the Tauren. This goes for each layer of the body, each layer of the body has this from the Ra-sha-LAe body on the outside, the Ra-sha-LE on the middle, the Ra-sha-la on the inner, and the Ra-sha-A on the core as the first cycle of it. So we are talking about just one layer of this- the outer domain Ra-sha-LAe body has at its center a prana seed that looks in the same configuration as the Tauren did in the first creation cycles. Now what the prana seed does... it‟s called a prana seed because it‟s made of – one of the reasons its called a prana seed is…I don‟t have one here to show you actually in this diagram, but if you could just imagine one ball on top and then smaller in a phase set, just like you have the Partiki in the phase set. It has one Eiron and two half pranas.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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They are not really half; their quantum is like two thirds, one third, but they are a Prana Ki and a Prana Chi. When the Prana Ki and Prana Chi phase together, or come together and spark, they form a prana spark. When that prana spark occurs, it‟s just like when you go back to first creation, all the way back down to the Partiki phasing - the triad that phases that creates the Tauren, that kind of thing. When the prana seed phases, it makes its prana spark, it sparks open the Eiron point doorway, that would be at the center that leads back to the seed atom. When that occurs… now something happens first before it sparks, but on the first phase a spark of prana gets sent back, it opens the aperture, and when the prana spark is sent back the exchange happens, when the prana is exchanged. Prana is the backflow to Source. It releases a flow of mana energy. Prana is the stuff that has a base 11 2/3 positive charged energy that came from the ManA. Well Mana gets sent back which is the 21 2/3 charged energy. This sets in motion - there‟s an exchange where a prana spark goes in and it allows a mana flow to come back out. It‟s a process by which prana sparks occur. That process has to do with these tubes. These are fire chambers. When we talked about the PartikE, the little one inside of the Tauren, they were called fire lines, or key lines. That‟s where the keys, when the Tauren pulsed, it made sparks, and the sparks aligned along the 12 fire lines. Well, these are key lines. These are the Par-TE-Kei body‟s version of key lines. But they are actually chambers, or tubes. (D4 C7 1:35:44) These tubes form around the layers, that what used to be in the small PartikE the Alon, KAlon and ShAlon sets, that were a phase that the keys go through, as far as going into storage. These are on a larger scale. They are on the ParTE-Kei body, and they are born out as a set of shields with the Par-TE-Kei body, where you have the Alon shield which holds the joules, which are specific quantums of energy. I believe the joule is the prana carrier. The joule is embedded in Ma-Ta-Or, and it creates what are called Alons. They are actually Jalons, but the J is silent, so you end up with Alon. So, you have Alons. The next one out are the ShAlons. They are the base tones. They are EirA holders. They are crystals of stored Eira energy. That‟s 11 2/3 negative base. There is a whole shield of them. Small bits of them, and then the big main ones. These are considered the fire crystals, the Aurora fire crystals that we‟ve talked about. These are the Aurora fire crystals versions that are on the Par-TE-Kei body level. These are the KAlons. The KAlons actually form up here in the Ka-La band. Then they come down for storage and store in the Ra-Ka band. So, these are actually running through our crust. We already have that Ra- Ka layer at 9.5, that would have the KAlon shield in it. What happens with Alons, KAlons and ShAlons, and these other things out here that are called Orons? They are called Orons because you have the Ra field, 15, here, and here you have the Oriea dark light field that is out here. At 15.5, there is a boundary – the band - that is the Or from here and the Ra band. So, Orons that are Or Ra Ons that correspond with here. They are crystals too, and they have a specific role in relationship with Alons, KAlons and ShAlons. Alons, KAlons and ShAlons have a specific role with each other. If we think in terms of how the Tauren used to pulse, where it would contract and expand. Every time it would contract it would make a set of 12 sparks. That‟s how it built quantum and built charge, so it could expand and get larger. (D4 C7 1:38:17) With this, with the Par-TE-Kei body, which is much bigger than the Tauren was - we‟re talking about the larger body now, and its fire tubes or fire chambers, and its sets of Alon, KAlon and ShAlon crystals. Well, this contracts and expands too. The Par-TE-Kei body contracts, and when it contracts it doesn‟t fully pull in to the center, but it contracts its - whatever they call that layer - spans and rings in, where spans and rings rub through each other and spark. And each one of those spark lines will create a set of sparks that has specific characteristics of the type of gels that were combined when they squeezed, like, if you have ring whatever that goes into band whatever, and that bumps into band whatever. You would Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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get characteristics of the encryption of each of those layers. So, if you have one contraction - on the contraction it would be like the inhale . . . . spark, and exhale. On the expansion that would follow it, and it starts with the first ring . . . . the first ring in there on the first contraction, (Asha inhales) it makes 12 sparks in that first ring. So you get Na-Da sparks. And at the first exhale, those 12 sparks that were created will go and they will fill or load the span that it is around it. So Span 1 will load. After 12 contractions, or inhale/exhale breaths, each one of the bands, where the sparks were made in the ring or the layer level, they expand out into the corresponding bands. So, by the time you get done with 12 breaths, you will have the 12 sparks formed, and they would go into the band 12. (D4 C7 1:40:12) At that point, something interesting happens. Each of these rings is loaded with spark quantum at this point. At that point, there is almost like a really quick snap, like a really quick spasm. That‟s a good word. Spasm will work. So, because there is so much quantum build-up in the Par-TE-Kei body and it‟s holding so much quantum at this point, where it‟s going to quantum saturation, it does a spasm, kind of like our backs are doing right now (laughs) and have been for the last hour. When it spasms, it pulls the center bits and the loaded rings closer into the center, and it makes the big spark, and that spark triggers the Prana Exchange to happen. So, Prana Exchange gets its spark to make it happen because of the expansion and contraction of the Par-TE-Kei body, that builds charge and builds charge, until it does a little spasm that allows for a spark to form by the inner A-Da-Ma, I believe probably is what sparks... so the A-DaMa ends up sparking the prana seed at the center, which opens the Eiron point, sends a prana unit through, and as backflow to Source, and then the backflow return of mana comes back out. Now, something fascinating happens when mana comes back out. It‟s something called - here we go... there‟s about five graphs that go with this but I don‟t have them down. It‟s called, in key terms - keys do this too, way back in the PartikE, but Alons, ShAlons and KAlons do it as well in the Par-TE-Kei body. It‟s called Lon fertilization. On the key level it would be called Key fertilization. Lon fertilization - Alon, ShAlon, KAlon, right? In fertilization, when the mana backflow return is released, after the seed atom receives its prana spark, and releases its mana spark, there‟s stuff that happens where it creates that mana spark because it does all sorts of things - pulses and spins and makes more sparks itself so the seed atom kicks mana back out when it gets hit with prana, but we don‟t have to go there. Just know that the prana goes in from sparking out here and makes a prana spark that goes back in, and it triggers the release from the seed atom of a mana spark. The mana spark comes back out the Eiron point, and breaks into 12 smaller mana sparks, and one of each of those 12 sparks mana being an electrical positive charge - one of each of those comes into one of the fire chambers, and at the same time they all go out on the fire line, and because the mana is a positive charged energy, they are drawn to the negative charge of the EirA which is the ShAlon. (D4 C7 1:43:18) So you have 12 mana sparks coming out and they all go into the center of the ShAlon, and they spark the ShAlon. Sparking of the outer part of the ShAlon, because you have the positive spark coming out, the positive to negative, that causes a spark there... now that releases something called a ManU spark. So something happens, you have a ManU spark - you have Mana and EirA come together and they form a ManU spark. That ManU spark starts to go back down that way, while these... the formation of the ManU spark actually causes the center, or the core of the ShAlon, to magnetize, and it draws up the Alon and draws down the KAlon, so the KAlon and the Alon meet at the ShAlon and become one. Then they release a huge ManU spark, and that goes back down as a backflow return again. This gets interesting. So, each one of these, at the same time, they all fertilize, where let‟s say if you looked at them as an egg and two sperms? I don‟t know. If that would be the egg, one of these would represent the sperm, or let‟s say one Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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would represent the sperm and one would represent the spirit coming together. Because it is the same process that is involved with conception, but they haven‟t given me those records yet to explain yet. (D4 C8 1:44:55) So, what we have are the Alons and KAlons coming into the ShAlon, releasing a big ManU spark, and those 12 ManU sparks - 12 sparks happening at the same time - going back to the center, the 12 ManUs sparking the Eiron core, sparking another prana phase, another prana spark is made, so the ManU rides in on the prana spark, into the seed atom, and at that point, with all of that ManU going inward, there is a spark and a set of chain reactions that happens between the seed atom and all the way back to the Tauren, at the first creation point, that releases an Eck spark, a positive charge Eck spark, which is stronger. (D4 C8 1:45:44) So the Eck comes back as the backflow return from the ManU spark. At this point, you have all of these keys have come together, so the Eck spark goes out, and this is happening in each of these chambers or lines, all at the same time. As the Eck spark goes out, it activates each of the layers/rings . (Ash first calls these bands, but then corrects it to layers.) The Eck spark is keyed to the rings, so every ring that it crosses, it brings that ring into activation. So the Eck spark triggers the layers. It‟s a positive charge so I guess they must have some kind of hidden negative base charge, because they trigger with the Eck, so we‟re talking about the layers, or the rings. It triggers the rings to activate all the way up. The Eck spark goes all the way out, it goes past these, these become something and they‟re sitting there, probably something similar to Takeyons in the key generation cycle. They haven‟t told me about that part yet. So far we have them fertilized there and a big ManU spark, and we have an Eck spark coming from the ManU backflow. It‟s sending a backflow return of Eck. It comes out and triggers each one of the rings, until it gets out to this layer, then it triggers the Oron unit - another crystal that‟s at the 15.5 band. It triggers that, and an Eck spark goes out into the OrEa field, or OrEa shield. When it hits the OrEa (Oriea?) shield - remember you have 12 little Eck sparks hitting the OrEa shield at the same time - they create a vibration in that dark light sound field, and that vibration sends a vibration back down through the tube that was open. When that Eck spark comes out, it actually spirals out, and it opens a tube, an outward going tube, through the fire chamber. That‟s why the line becomes a fire chamber. So, it‟s literally a spinning, spiraling chamber of energy. When the Eck sparks hit the OrEa field, they create a vibration. That vibration goes flying back out the tubes, creating a counter rotation which creates an electromagnetic wave that runs down each of the fire chambers, and once the OrEa - you wouldn‟t say it sparks exactly... you could say OrEa sparks. It sparks the bands, but it‟s actually a vibration that is released. They are called the OrEa tones. As the OrEa vibration moves back down the fire line, it causes sparks to happen in the spans or the band layers between. So, there is a tone that would sound for each of these. There is a set of tones for each of these layers. At this point, you have all of the rings activated, and on the return all of the layers activated. (D4 C8 1:48:57) The Eck spark does something in the center. They haven‟t told me what it is yet. But when all these rings and layers are activated together, the boundaries between them break up. They dissolve. So, it all becomes one field. And as that becomes one field, the Orons descend, and they merge with the ShAlons, ALons and KAlons that are still at the ShAlon shield layer, and they all pull into the center with the returning Eck sparks, and the entire field, because all of the bands and layers were released, so it is just one field at this point. (Makes sound of sucking in and then „shooing‟ breath out) and goes back into Source, and then it can come back out again and go (makes sound or gesture). So, there is a flashing on and off that is supposed to happen with molecules and atoms and things in the outer domains, that has to do with the flashing on and off of the Par-TE-Kei body or the dark matter templates, and we don‟t flash on Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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and off like we‟re supposed to, because we don‟t do Prana Exchange on the outer because we can‟t do Prana Exchange on the PartikE body levels because this planet has not been able to at all since 15400 BC. So, when we begin to re-instill the ability to breathe, where we have the outer bodies being able to breath as well... we started in Tenerife with activating the Tauren light seed. That‟s the first part for the first creation cycle, if you remember. The first partiki, the second partiki, and they form the Triad, and that phases, and it makes sparks, and that forms the Tauren. And after nine different things that happen that builds the Ruzhetta cluster, then you have the first seed atom forming. That‟s way deep down in our creation. Yes, we started even on the outer domain level with the Tauren. We started the process of trying to heal our Tauren. We got the Indigo Shield Tauren activated in the right way, but it takes a while for that cycle to complete itself fully. We got far enough in the cycle where at this point we are able to activate the prana seed with the support of the AnshatAsa Host coming in. What it means is, in our Par-TE-Kei bodies that are part of our Ra-sha-LAe bodies, the ones that are over at this angle, and have our larger bodies of the Eukatharista around us... what it means is we will be able to spark the core prana seed. The prana seed is in the same place as your seed atom, they‟re linked through that little doorway called the Eiron point. It means you also have a prana seed that goes with your inner domain body, or your middle domain body that would be connected to your UmShaddEi seed atom, as we‟ve talked about. This time we are working with the first one we need to work with, which is the one that‟s directly related to the outer Ra-sha-LAe body. And that one is the prana seed. That would be at the AzurA point. It would be closer to the density level of your body than the Tauren light seed would be. So, you have the Tauren light seed way back in the less densities, then you would have the various layers of your Ra-sha bodies... I‟ll take it just from the Ra-sha-LAe. You would have a Tauren even for the Ra-sha-LAe level, cause each level does get a Tauren but even at the level, that level is the partiki level, the change from partiki to Par-TEKei occurs once you go into the formation of the Par-TE-Kei template, and the Par-TE-Kei template is what the Par-TEKei body and the Ra-sha-LAe body manifest on. They are what the outer Eukatharista light bodies and your physical bodies you know here manifest on. We are dealing with a little bit bigger sized seed that‟s still in the three ball configuration, just like the Tauren would be, the Tauren light seed. But its top ball would have an axis coming in over your shoulder from your mentor space area, because of that alignment that I showed you before. With the prana seed being triggered - I don‟t know how they are going to trigger this... oh, yes I do (listening to Beloveds) OK something about the 13th breath. Okay. Right. If each breath, each inhale is a contraction of the Ra-shaLAe, and each exhale is an expansion. After 12, you have all 12 of the spans charged with sparks. At that 13th one, the 13th contraction, where there‟s so much there that you get that little (makes sound like gasp or inhale), probably at the top of the inhale, that allows for the prana phase. That‟s what allows the 13th, 14th and 15th core gates - because this is what the prana seed is on a planetary level; in your own self it is a D13, 14 and 15 point of radiation of those frequencies that are held in there. They will phase together. 13 forms the top one, then 14 and 15 form the lower two on the bottom, and I‟m not sure which is on which side. But they will phase, and they will spark and make a prana spark. That will open the Eiron point. That I believe has not been done as far as a backflow through the Eiron point... it‟s not been done for a long time. I think on this planet, what they said has been happening, is because the reversals of the 15 and 14 gates, which are the smaller one that are supposed to phase, it actually held the Eiron point open to where they were sucking energy off the seed atom of the planet, by forcing the Eiron point to stay open, but never having anything flowing back to it. So, we‟re going to open the Eiron point the right way. We‟re going to spark it with prana. And that‟s going to start the mana flow coming back. So, we will begin the mana flow coming back out through our Ra-sha-LAe bodies and into our outer bodies as well. There is a window or configuration like this that has to do with every atom in our bodies and it has Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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to do with the electron rings. I know that the band 8, which I believe –if layer 8 is here... I believe this is band 8. That corresponds to the 8th electron orbit around atoms here that science has identified. They would all correspond to the ones going toward the nucleus, somewhere in there corresponds to the nucleus. We‟ll have those diagrams eventually. What we‟re doing by initiating Prana Exchange is allowing for the prana spark to be formed, building the charge first, allowing the prana spark to be formed, and doing something specifically that will allow the prana spark to go back through the way it‟s supposed as a backflow to Source frequency, which will allow on the exhale the mana to come out. And when the mana comes out in its little 12 burst, from the Eiron point at the center, it will begin the process... it will go and it will... they call it the quickening. It will quicken the ShAlons, and that will cause the Alons and the KAlons to come together and the fertilization process will begin. The fertilization process is the process by which 12 ManU sparks simultaneously will form at the fertilization point, and the ManU sparks (12) will go back as backflow again, and then a full Eck spark will be released, which is the first sound of one hand clapping. We have exactly what the Eck spark is in relation to the first creation, and how the first partiki was born. So, it is like, let‟s say, the first always spoken/unspoken word of Source. It‟s also the sound of one hand clapping (makes sound) that makes the Eck sound. Its also the sound of partiki phasing. The Eck sparks will come back out, and the Eck sparks will trigger the activation of the rings, so it‟s going to begin the first process of activating our Ra-sha-LAe bodies, where we‟re going to initiate Prana Exchange in our bodies, where prana is exchanged for mana, and then mana makes ManU, and ManU is exchanged for Eck, and Eck activates the rings, and then Eck triggers the vibration of the OrEas (Orieas?) and that activates the spans, and I‟m wondering what level this is going out first, as I don‟t think we‟re going to disappear tonight. (Laughter) One of these times I may be surprised where we all get to go somewhere and go, Cool. I think they would have given some heads up warning on that one. We‟re going to begin this process. We have not been able to engage this process. Even the Indigo Shield hasn‟t been able to because the Indigo Shield is keyed to Urtha and Sala. It‟s also partially keyed to the Sun, which they are cutting those connections, they‟re shutting them down now so our gates don‟t compact in the center of us as well. So we are beginning this process, they haven‟t told me anything yet about what level of the Ra-sha-LAe this corresponds to - I mean is it the whole Ra-sha-LAe? How many cycles of this does it take before you get to pop through the middle point? They did say it‟s not just 12 breaths, but 13. There‟s 12 rounds of 12 + 1 breath to do a full cycle, and that‟s as far as they‟ve told me anything about this. I believe we‟re into the first ... the first four cycles, they‟re telling me now. We‟re going to do the first four cycles of 12. That would be 48 + 4 basically, because you‟ll have that 13th breath at the end of each one. This has to do with cycles of how many it takes to activate which... they were telling me earlier that there are certain seals. And this was stuff that I put in “file 13” for Peru at this point, and maybe 12 Tribes 4, I don‟t know. But they were saying which bands specifically had to be brought into activation, and it would be brought into activation tonight, in order to create in the fields the level of Aqualene Sun activation that would be needed to ... deal with whatever the Sun was going to let loose. (Listening to Beloveds and asking question of Beloveds) I thought that wasn‟t coming until 2008? Oh, great. I‟m letting you hear the conversation basically. Oh boy. Okay. There‟s something that we need the four layers activated and the four bands activated for by the end of this week, so they are starting this now. This is another thing we were supposed to do in Peru, but they‟re activating the rings faster. Okay. I don‟t know if they are going to do a journey at the end of this or not, but we are going to do the breathing bit. The purpose of this... this is the first full on level of... we‟re not just doing like one little ring at a time. You can activate the rings, but to open the Eiron point requires a certain level of charge, is what they are saying. We are going to finally build that charge to open the Eiron point. We‟ve triggered the activation in the 12 Tribes classes. They triggered the activation in the Indigo Shield, and we‟re beginning the process in the Earth shield of the rings one, two and three. So far, one and two are open, but they have been triggered by the host frequencies that are being brought from the Aquious Matrix, which means the Krystal River is hosting them, but the Eiron point has not been opened. There has not been a prana spark that has happened yet. So, the next stage in Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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all of this is, now that we have enough quantum it‟s activated its first two rings that allow enough frequency to be built. It will allow, actually, enough magnetism to occur for a contraction to actually take place, so you have the spark cycle start. So, they had to do those activations in Tribes 1 and 2 and opening rings 1 and 2, before there would be enough interplay between the Na-Da and the A-Da-Ma to actually create a magnetism that would allow for contraction to occur. So, we are going to go into the breathing, and they will probably take it some place from there, but they are not going to take you on a four hour journey at this hour. They‟re telling me a lot. They‟re doing it in like the direct cognition stuff. It‟s like listening to a record on 78 when you try to slow it down. It‟s really interesting. We‟ll get through this and it‟s not that hard or that long to do this one. But they are hoping we can appreciate what it means for ourselves and for this planet to be able to have the Eiron point open again finally. The Eiron point of the seed atom. (D4 C9 2:02:06) And I'm just sitting here going well I don‟t know whether I fully appreciate it either, but it sounds great! But I don‟t understand how bad it was that it wasn‟t (open). You know what I mean? So, they are trying to say there is a lot we don‟t know and if we did know, we probably would be really really excited about what is happening with this. At this hour of the morning, I don‟t think anything is going to excite us. (Laughter) Except maybe going to sleep and drifting off and going back up to the Adashi temples again. But please understand that it is hugely significant what is taking place here. There will be more. There will be the next level probably 12 Tribes 4 class, we‟ll get that bit. Then there will be Peru, where we will have enough of the Host activated in our shields, that we can transfer that and do this for Earth, and then it will be held open by the respirator of the AnshatAsa Passage. So, we will be opening the Eiron point in Peru of Earth itself. And we‟re doing that tonight within the Indigo Shield. It‟s the first time it‟s been able to be done at all on this Earth since 15,400 BC, when certain things occurred that will come out eventually, the history. The history is so long now it‟s just like a book unto itself. And that‟s only a list of bulleted names as far as the events without any description. (D4 C9 2:04:24) So, we‟re going to get on with this. They‟re going to run this live. It is basically a set of inhales and exhales. (A‟sha and A‟za discuss technique first) [D4 C9 2:09:01] (photo)

Az: What I recall from what I‟ve been told is we‟re going to do four rounds of 13 breaths, 6 in, 6 out, and the 13th breathe inhale. We‟re breathing from the AzurA, or the prana seed. That white spot there you see? (on the screen showing crystal), that the 12 exhales x 4. The exhales are going to be directed to that one spot in the middle of the crystal. OK?

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Ash: Yeah. The inhale will be contracting, and imagine your Ra-sha-LAe body contracting. The exhales, imagine it expanding, and it‟s making sparks whenever it contracts, and when you exhale you‟re sending the sparks back out right to that center point. There will be 12 rounds of that, and then the 13th one, and that is the spark one. You‟re charging all of the rings on each of the 12 inhales, and then finally at the 13th contraction, there‟s an inhale. It creates a spark, enough to phase the prana seed. So, that will be the first time that the Urta and the Ruta of the prana seed come together and spark with the Shala. That will create the first prana spark. So, when we‟re exhaling, anyway, they want us to point the exhale at that spot. That white spot. They‟ve been doing something with this crystal ever since it was given to us a gift by Mac, and we don‟t even know what artist made it. Somebody made this beautiful thing. Some glass artist that I‟m sure we are going to have to track down because we have to find out about copyrights and photographs and things like that because we are going to use this. They want us to exhale into there, and this will begin the process of, first of all the first set of 12 will charge the rings and the bands. The sparks are made in the rings and then they charge the bands on the exhales. On the 13th inhale, that would be the point when all of the bands have been charged, and at that point, the 13th inhale, is the first point when the Eiron point will actually open. That‟s when the first prana spark will be made with the Ruta and the Urta and the Shala, and it will be brought back into Source. So the first backflow return to the seed atom will happen then. Then on the 13th exhale, that will be the first time you have the mana exchange, where the prana went in, and it was exchanged for mana. That‟s why it‟s called Prana Exchange. So you have the prana going in on the 13th inhale, and then the first mana flow coming out on the 13th exhale. That will be the first round of 12 breaths, and there will be four that we will do this time. So, altogether it will be like 48 + 4, the 13th one on the end of each set of 12. They will build this up to the point... right now the shield couldn‟t hold it, and there‟s not enough frequencies coming in the AnshatAsa Passage to do all 12 sets. There would be technically 13 breaths done 12 times, to charge the full thing. And they are going to build us up to that to the point where it can be done for the period of time when we‟re in Peru. Whether or not you are with us in Peru, you will be able to join us with those activations then. That‟s when we get our full opening of our own Eiron point, and something interesting probably happens at that point, because that‟s when everything pulls in and comes back out, and what that looks like I don‟t know yet. But that‟s when we also give the gift to the Earth itself and set the Indigo Host here. So, this is the first four out of what will be 12 cycles - if you want to look at them as cycles, breath cycles. There are 12 breaths plus one, the 13th one, in a cycle. So, we‟re doing the first four tonight. They are going to have us do something else after we do that, with this, and I don‟t know what it is, but for now they want us to direct the exhales, which after the first cycle will be exhaled with mana energy. Every time you exhale, and from this point on, when you breathe, whenever you inhale, you will do Prana Exchange. Your inhale will go all the way back through the planet, the prana seed, and you will get prana going in and mana flow coming out. So, you are beginning to renew the mana flows in your body and your atoms and in your cells. This is just the beginning. This is why they said that this will progressively give us powers to really help ourselves heal faster than we‟ve been able to do. So, we‟re opening the core mana flows by initiating the Prana Exchange. We are learning this too. We‟re learning this with you. We‟re all learning it together. Az was just saying to remind everyone, including myself, that when we‟re doing those inhales with prana, the prana inhales, to remember to try to feel that you‟re contracting the Ra-sha-LAe body, and that would be in relation to your physical body. That would be your little mentor head sticking up over your right shoulder, coming in this way. Just imagine a sphere about here, running through you, that is contracting and expanding and building sparks. Contracting sparking (inhales), charging bands (exhales). I do believe as we get into - the first one will probably be pretty slow, and I think for each round we‟ll try to keep consistent. Don‟t change them once you start one. But they will quicken them, so by the time we get to the fourth set, it will be pretty fast. What that is prana going in and mana coming out. We‟ll really get the juices flowing as far as the Prana Exchange. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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Az: Inhale... hold... contraction, exhale, expand. Inhale, hold... exhale. In... hold... hold... out... in (etc x 12). 13th breath now... in... hold... hold and build charge now...take a little more breath now and fill it up... and out. Breathe easy for a moment. Just relax. Incorporate in your awareness that you‟re inhaling prana and exhale mana on all the breaths from now on, and maintain your awareness of the contraction and expansion if you can. Second round, a little quicker than before. In... hold... out (x12). In... hold... and build charge... hold... hold... just a little more breath into the lungs, little more, little more... and out. Breathe easily for a few moments. Third round now. Quicker. (x12) And in for the 13th and hold... pull your breath up a little bit if you can, a little bit more, little bit more... out. Breathe easily. Final round now. This will be quite quick. (x12) In and hold, build charge, build charge, for the final 13th breath. Top up the lungs a little bit, a little bit more, hold, hold, build charge, build charge, build charge, and let it go. (D4 C10 2:24:34) Asha: Breathe gently. Try to move your energy around by your AzurA. See if you can feel an opening, almost like a little hole, where you can hear air easing back and forth gently, like a little hole in a balloon. Try to feel the presence of the opened Eiron point. Move your attention out through your body a little bit from the AzurA. Try to get in touch with your atoms. See if you can feel these little tiny tiny „wind holes„ in the center of the nucleus of your atoms. Those Eiron points within the atoms are opening too. Those correspond with the atoms that are corresponding to the first four rings and bands will respond to this set of breaths. (D4 C10 2:26:02) Every time you inhale now, you will inhale prana back from your own Ra-sha-LAe body, back to your seed atom. Every time you exhale, there will be a small stream of mana that releases forward from the seed atom. There will come a time before too long on this planet when we of the Indigo Shield will be able to bring together the Alons, ShAlons and the KAlons that correspond to bands that are out further than four. They will correspond to specific breath cycles. We would take you through those tonight, except they would not be able to do anything yet, because there are certain things that must be activated within the 12 Tribes Shield classes that we do and the stands that we do, the Elemental Command stands. By the time of the Peru trip, Hetharo May 2007, we will be prepared to finish not only the fertilization process, but we will fully charge the 12 bands and we will engage the conception of the Keys or and conception of the Lons. It will begin a rhythm of flashing on and off of the Ra-sha-LAe body and the outer body, it will be so fast and so slow at the same time that you will not disappear before your own eyes, and you won‟t be disappearing yet before other people. It is the beginning of being able to charge, through your own seed atom, being able to build charge in the seed atom. There will be journeys that are possible once the prana breath is a natural force within your body. The prana breath will bring the healing frequencies of prana through the body. (D4 C10 2:28:14) Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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The body has its certain level of stored prana, but when the prana seed cannot phase, they cannot restore those, so they become depleted. Because prana is the key to opening the Eiron point as a backflow, when the body becomes prana depleted, it becomes mana depleted, because you do not get a mana outflow from the seed atom unless you give first the Prana Exchange. So, we have opened up potentialities now of renewing our mana force within our bodies. The positive electrical charge energy that is one primary life force current that has magical properties, one might say, when it builds in certain quantums. Mana is key to initiating the Lon cyclings that allow for continuous spark generation within the Ra-sha bodies and within the outer domain bodies that are connected to the Ra-sha bodies within the Eukatharista body. This is the beginning phase of activating the Krist Star crystal capsule and Krist Star vehicle that allows passage through Starfire. It also allows for the activation of the Aqualene Sun frequencies within the bands and layers - first the bands, then the layers of the Ra-sha-LAe body, which will have corresponding natural activations. Once they are activated in the Ra-sha-LAe body they will then naturally trigger the activations within the Eukatharista bodies corresponding layers and bands. With the breaths we have just done, the four cycles of the 12 plus 1, these will begin the activations of the Aqualene Sun within the band layers of one through four. That is first level that is possible to activate at this time on this planet. (D4 C11 2:30:26) We‟re waiting here because there‟s going to be a response that the Ra-sha-LAe bodies - each of you in the collective Ra-sha-LAe body of the Indigo Shield - it will have a response to the opening of the Eiron point and return of Prana Exchange. This response will be - and we‟ll let you know when it‟s coming in, because there‟s a certain quick breath thing to do when this happens. At the AzurA, when this response from the Ra-sha-LAe, and from the seed atom behind it, comes, it will bring a burst into... just like we have talked about the Um flame at the first creation point door... it will bring a similar type of flame. We call it the fire water flame that will sit at the Eiron point. It is the anchoring flame for activation of all the Ra-sha-LAe bands. But it is a flame that would look like this in color, but it will be living. It is a living flame. The living flame of the Aquifers. Every matrix has Aquifers. Every Ra-sha-LAe body has Aquifers. You don‟t have to be an Aquari or from the Aquari matrix to have Aquifers. So, this is a flame that is not just belonging to the Aquious matrix people. It is a living flame. The colors are very similar to what is seen in this very special object. If you can imagine that this flame will be emerging within your AzurA very soon, when a particular tone strikes in response to the prana that you sent back to the seed atom. There will be a very specific tone there. You may or may not hear the tone. This little flame will go “poof” and pop right through the Eiron point, which is equivalent to the first creation point that is the first creation point of the Par-TE-Kei templates, and behind it is the seed atom, behind it the Rosetta. The Rosetta is the manufacturer of the Antakarana currents, the nine dimensional currents that come through with the higher frequency currents that form the core dimensional structure of the outer domains. When the Eiron point is not opened, or the prana seed is not phasing, the Antakarana can‟t regenerate itself, so it just has whatever quantum was left the last time a phase occurred and bodies get depleted, and they eventually go into bardoah, because the Antankarana separates, because it gets so weak. What you are doing now is beginning the process of rebuilding the strength of the Antankarana, so you will be strengthening your life line and your life current which goes all the way back to Source. (D4 C11 2:33:40) When this little flame pops and comes into the AzurA, it will first pop its little head out as if it were birthing with the little tiny point coming out first, and then it will flip upward, and it will sit nice and proud like that in your AzurA, and it will sit Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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not at the angle of the Ra-sha-LAe. It will sit at the angle of the AzurA, which is the vertical. So you have this little flame in there from this point forth. The crystals that you received the other night that are still in your hands. Once this flame pops, you will able to use those crystals to stimulate any time you like not only a bit of the frequencies from the crystal in beginning the Aqualene transmission in your fields, but you will be able to, with three pulses, or if you can‟t reach your hand, three mental zaps to that chakra, it will trigger the flame here to replicate itself and it will grow really really large and come around you, as if you were sitting in this part here, as if your body is in here and this is all around you, and you are surrounded by the sacred fire water, and you are surrounded by the eternal breathing of Source, and you can‟t be harmed. If you have a feeling of protection, if you have a feeling you want to focus on healing, you can use this technique as far as once this pops... and it‟s getting ready to pop. That‟s why we had to wait for late, because we couldn‟t have done it earlier, because these are keyed to Urtha grid activations as well, and if the Urtha grids are phasing at a certain rate, and we do something before, we won‟t catch the wave. So, a lot of times we are catching waves when we do strange hour workshops. It‟s not fun for you and it is less fun here. We work all day doing graphs and things waiting for that wave as well. (D4 C11 2:35:41) If we can remember these things that very soon, it‟s coming within... within a minute or two actually. It is already quickening. We‟ll let you know when it hits the center of the shield and then everybody else can pick it up. What it is going to do is, the pop is going to happen first in the center of the Indigo Shield, and then it will trigger little pop pop pop pops all at their own rate, depending on your BPR. It will be different for everyone, but it will be all close together. By the time you leave tonight, you will all have your little flames popped. At that point, you can really use the little crystals in your palms, where you can just... inhale, squeeze and replicate, and have your flame capsule, that will be part of your Krist Star crystal capsule so that is the beginning of this. Okay, we have incoming where we will insert the tone. It has a tone. We‟d like to ask everyone to ... I‟ll let you know when... on cue, there‟s a very quick inhale... cause what we‟re going to do is when the thing pops in the center of the shield, we are going to inhale, and bring little sparks off that flame when it pops in the shield. Inhale now... hold... squeeze your right palm three times. You can get a bit more juice if you want by squeezing in many sets of three. Exhale and release. Push that fire water flame around your body, it‟s replica. Try to feel the presence of this beautiful living fire water flame around your body. Imagine you can feel its cool, like a membrane, around in your field. And it goes up further than your hand can reach but you can feel it, It radiates. You‟ve got your own crystal temple with you now. Whenever you want to feel like you are visiting the AdashE temples, this is your own little portable version. You can take these also and ride them to the Adashi. You can simply ride with these. Imagine yourself sitting comfortably and gently inside the womb of Aquari. Sit in the womb of Aquari and ride, and feel yourself going vertically where the fire water crystal will know where to interface with the Aurora fields. It will know how to get you to where you go. You‟ve already programmed your Ra-sha-LAe bodies of the path through the Aurora fields to the platforms. And now, all you need to do is think vertical, go vertical, and aim for Adashi 7, because that‟s the one that is open. You can go anytime, first as a glider. That‟s where you get your wings. And once you get good at gliding, and the Earth gets ready for that activation, you will begin to get training as Sliders, and that is the next step into the Aurora zone.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

We‟d like to thank you for staying up with us. Sometimes it is worth it. (Laughter) We hope you feel that this was worth it this time. You‟ve participated in something absolutely huge, that words are so small that they can‟t convey... even bouncing up and down and jumping around and going hoo hoo hoo... even those kinds of sound expressions are too small. So, in your own way I hope you take with you the gifts from the universe and cosmos and the gifts from the Beloveds and the Aquafereion and the Aquari and the AnshaTAsa and all the Kristic beings who still love us enough to help us remember how to get to the best level of evolution we can from where we are, which is Kristic evolution still. I hope you have a good time journeying from now, because you have the ability. You‟ve got the access keys now. You‟ve made it through. You got the path. What you do with it is up to you. Be creative. Have a good time. If you‟re bored at your lunch hour... (laughter) go sit in your car and say, „ha ha, I‟m doing Adashi right now, leave me alone.‟ Just bring up the flame , itchy palm there, and start going with it. You can imagine that once you have this form activated around you ... you have a little one here and then you have a replica larger... whenever you want to do Adashi, to go up to the temples, simply create a replica, intend a replica of the big one, with a little tiny one in the center but you don‟t have to worry about that, so you replicate both of them, but you take the replica and you just slide it up, and with an image of your body, dressed exactly as you sit. If you‟re lying down, you‟ll actually find it stands up. If your body is lying down, you can do this, kind of bring it out as if you‟re coming up this way, as if at the top of your head, but it‟s bigger than your body, so it‟s not just at the top of the head. If you‟re lying down, you still need to bring it up as if you were vertical. Bring it up vertically to yourself. If you ‟re horizontal, you go horizontal with it, and it will right itself and put itself in its own direction. So, it will be like it will stand you up, your Ra-sha-LAe body once you get out. It‟s the beginning of being a glider/slider. We have the slide vehicle developing now, which is the Aqualene Sun, and this is the closest image we‟ve seen here at all that comes close to what the Aqualene Sun looks like, and what your fields look like, it‟s radiant. It‟s not just a stationery solid object. It‟s more like a crystal membrane that radiates. That‟s as close as we can get as far as the visual image here. You can ask to see it yourself. You know the basics of what it looks like, so you‟ll know it‟s like that one and not its neighbor. But as k to see it as clearly as possible, because when you see, you‟ll start to know it, because it is living flame. It is part of your original family of consciousness that came from before. It came through into Ra-sha-LAe state, or the Eukatharista state. I would just like to thank you for being with us through this activation. Thank you for contributing your Prana Exchange to the mission. Because it is a mission at this point of the Indigo Shield hosting what‟s the remnant of this planet at this time. We really appreciate, we of the Kristic Councils from very many places. You notice that - for those who don‟t know me - when a funny accent comes with this body, it‟s not that the one who lives here isn‟t there. It‟s that her higher level, Azara, and Azara is one of the Bhendi trainers from Urtha. And she didn‟t know that either. For a very long time she was getting the hint that that must be where Azara was from. It is part of the person who is known as Ashayana here. But it lives there on Urtha. There are many faces who I recognize from where my spaces are. I can‟t come here too often, because it strains this body, and that‟s why Ashayana is here. And there are many of us, like the person sitting next to me... we do know you there too. (To Az) (laughter) Anyway, we will not tax any of our bodies any further, and we will say thank you for being with us. Happy Easter for your time here. We hope you have a safe journey home. We are sorry for keeping you up late, but this is how it has to go sometimes. We do need to work with the frequencies in the way that they work best with the grids between Urtha and Earth. Thank you for your patience and for you still coming and being with us. And for new people, welcome. I hope we didn‟t scare you away and I hope you enjoyed being here. Hope to see you all soon.

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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2007 April 6-8, Phoenix, "The Krystar Awakening and Starfire Maps and Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun"

I think we are done. Are you done? OK. That is the beginning of an activation. Just remember, there will be two more. There will be another set of four, and then another set of four in Peru, and that Peru point, wherever you are on the planet... you don‟t have to be in Peru to participate. We will give a meditation that will be put out on the internet for you, so if you want to link with us, you will be able to, so you‟ll get the activation immediately as it comes in from there. Thank you, Happy Easter and goodnight. (End Disk 4)

Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series

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