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English Pages [44] Year 2000/02
Beyond the Veils—Feb. 12, 2000—New York City
Beyond the Veils: Embracing the Eternal Self Introductory Remarks [D1 C1 00:00] A‘sha Okay, I think we're getting ready to start here. Thank you all for coming back. Gee, I'm starting to feel like you're family. It wasn't too long ago that we saw you. You know what's so nice is, ninety-nine percent of the time, every time I do a workshop up here, it's always the same people. It's really remarkable to me that it's always the same people that keep coming back. I'd like to thank you for that. Today I wanted to do something a little bit different. Usually, you come in here and it's like the mad dash of textbook crash course, you know all sorts of things thrown at you till you're on information saturation point. And it's more like a college lecture than something you can relax and enjoy. Today I would like to run it a little different. We still have our overheads and that kind of thing, but today—in fact when I was coming up to do the Kathara Healing workshop, we decided to throw this in as something that could be more experiential, and more personal. Where I would share a little bit about my personal experience, rather than the downloads of knowledge that I keep getting. I would be able to share with you on an emotional body level, some of the things I've experienced, because they relate directly to your experience as a being here. I've had a rather unique life experience this time around, and the only significance in that, is that it illustrates what every one of you are capable of experiencing, and it demonstrates that what we are taught in our world as far as the nature of reality and the nature of ourselves, is very much erroneous. I was very fortunate in the life path that I had this time around, because I was able to reclaim my Eternal Self. I'm very fortunate to have my incarnational memory open, and to understand that that's a simultaneous phenomena of parts of myself in different space-time vectors doing their thing. These abilities aren't unique to me; they're a part of you, that you all have, that's dormant. And you've been around enough in the workshops to know that. What I would like most to do, and there's two things, two techniques primarily—we're going to throw some other ones in there too, today; it's going to be mostly experiential. But there's two things that I would like to try to help you discover in yourself. Because if you can begin to get the feeling of them, if you can begin to get the sense of the reality that these exercises can lead you to, it will cover a million words—what you could learn through a million words or more. Every one of us has dormant in our bodies the memory of the fetal integration process, when our consciousness in this life entered the frequency wave spectra that would become our manifest body here. That memory is available, if you know where to look for it. One of the exercises we're going to do today is to go to the body area where that original memory of integration is stored, and we're going to try to stimulate that memory into activation. Because if you can start to even feel the emotional qualities associated with the fetal integration process, you will start to feel very intensely the eternal reality of your self. It will not be a belief anymore that you came from elsewhere, here. It will be a certainty and an absolute knowing. Once you realize, and fully feel it emotionally, that we came from elsewhere, that our consciousness is not at all dependent upon its connection to a body pattern, you begin to expand into the real eternal nature of your being. A lot of us come to spiritual seeking-type paradigms to try to get us back to that knowing. We're coming to help ourselves remember, because somewhere in there that memory is driving us forward. Because if we can remember it, believe me, it makes a huge amount of difference. Because all of a sudden Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 1 of 44
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you don't perceive yourself any more as a little self that's defined by the contours of society, or what your parents told you or what your socioeconomic status is—all of a sudden those things become completely and totally irrelevant. And you start to feel, not only see, the big picture. In a lot of the workshops that I do—I'm going to sit down here, so I can have more of a conversation with you, rather than an "I'm the teacher, you're the student." I hope you can all see me if I do that. Do you mind if I do that? It's a little more casual, and I would like to talk with you, one-on-one with you, because you are equals with me. I don't need to stand up above you and talk to you over a microphone—I need the microphone so you can hear me. But we're all in this together. We are all eternal beings. And I've been fortunate to have direct experience of what that means. We've worked on, in the other workshops, integrating the mental body. Getting the rational perspective and the science that would show us, and our mental, rational facilities, how much spirituality made sense. And we've done a good job of that. We've combined physics with spirituality more than just about anybody else out here. There's another level of integration that needs to take place, and that's the integration of the emotional body. The mind can know what it knows, but unless the emotional body feels what it knows, it's not going to make much difference to you. You're still going to be operating on the old pattern. When we came into fetal integration here, we came into a situation of vibrational-oscillation rates that were very different than what we were used to, when we were fully more aware of ourselves before we came into the gene code. When we came in, much of our Self—our concept of Self, our understanding and our awareness of Self—was blocked out, but that part still exists. If we can learn to bring that part of us back into our consciousness right now, we will transcend what it means to be the name that we carry here. We will find many names that we have been. And we will know that we are all of those things, and none, for we are more than any of the names we've ever worn in any of our lifetimes. There's an eternal nature to the Self that's beyond the description of words. And in this workshop I would like to introduce technique—not technique you even have to remember. It's more so I would like to take you on journeys with me, and I'm going to have a little help from my inter-dimensional friends in this one. Because this is a very intimate group for me, this is a group of people who know me—you've seen me enough times, you know the paradigm I represent—I feel very comfortable with you. You also know my stance on channeling, because I've talked about it in other workshops. We do not endorse it at all unless you are something called a Sealed Channel, a Melchizedek Sealed Channel, because it can be very, very dangerous to you otherwise. Now I am a Melchizedek Sealed Channel, and there is a portion of my being that's from the higher levels. Her name is Azara, and once in a while she comes through with meditations, and if you hear a little accent in my voice, you'll know she's present and helping out. She has asked me to allow her an opportunity to speak with you today. Now we don't usually do this in public; we're not going to get billed as a public channel, that kind of thing, because we don't want people out there getting the wrong idea. But you already know enough about channeling and how it can be harmful unless your fields are sealed. So with you I can share that level of my own higher identity, because she's part of myself on the Avatar level, she's a part of my collective. So it's family. She's not going to come in right away, but she's going to lead us through some very interesting exercises and experiential journeys, that she hasn't told me about some of them. I know we're going to do the fetal integration exploration. I also know we're going to do something that's kind of neat, which is explore the near-death experience, and we're going to go on one, because your body Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 2 of 44
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doesn't have to be dead to have a near-death experience. (Murmurs from audience: "I always said that.") You always said that. Well, you were right. We're in a culture that—it's so funny; this group of people is wonderful because you are so advanced compared to your average person running around out there with a Ph.D., that it isn't funny. You may not have Ph.D.'s, or maybe you do, but your ability to comprehend and follow the things that we have been talking about progressively and building and building, is just so far advanced compared to what the world out there is functioning on. You are the first wave of teachers that will be able to go out there and even if you don't say a word, you will transmit a frequency of consciousness—just in the fact that you exist in a space—that holds a much higher understanding. You are the first wave that's going to be able to reclaim your Eternal Selves. And whether you end up in this lifetime aiming for a transition into the next levels through the usual process of the death experience, or through ascension—it will depend on where your DNA is at and how fast codings can activate, and your own higher levels of identity will take the course that most suits you. It's not always necessary to go through all the trouble of transmuting a body pattern. Sometimes it's easier to just drop it when you're done, and some people will do that. There are skills involved however; if you know how to do that well, it's not hard to make your transition. And whether you‘re transmuting your cellular structure for ascension, or whether you‘re going to die the body and move your consciousness elsewhere, if you understand the process, it‘s much easier than trying to fumble your way through it. We‘re in a culture right now that has some really, really—I hate to use the word, but really stupid beliefs about death. First of all, most people are terrified of it, as if it‘s something unnatural, yet they know it‘s natural because it happens to everybody. Most people don‘t know it doesn‘t have to happen, and the ones that are taking Kathara Healing are starting to get to know that. And hopefully, we‘ll be able to not even have to do the death experience this time. But if we do, if we can learn to re-perceive it as something that‘s not frightening—we already know on a conscious, mental level; we‘ve talked about it enough in these workshops: we‘re going on. We know we‘re not just going to ―Okay the body‘s gone, so are we.‖ Is there anybody in this room that still feels that they‘re going to be gone? Alright, I didn‘t think so. (Laughs) This is—I‘m glad because that means the teachings are working. You all know that you‘re going to go some place after the experience of transitioning. But we haven‘t talked much about what that experience is, and it‘s very much connected to the fetal integration process. Because really what both processes are, are moving your consciousness from one space into another, vibrationally-speaking. It‘s a continuity of the Eternal Self. But while we‘re here, we get so caught up in a societal system that teaches us that we are finite. You know, science that is telling us ―Well consciousness is the byproduct of the body,‖ and that they‘re chemical interactions with the body parts. They are so far from understanding; they don‘t want to understand, because it would make them change their paradigm. And the things that they are teaching right now, teaching to our children as they go through school, teaching and building their societies upon—all of that would have to change, if they acknowledge the truth. This is a group of people who are going to have exposure to the truth, and you‘re going to be able to find some parts of it in yourself. When you realize that you can initiate a near-death experience; you can initiate a spiritual epiphany; you can initiate angelic contact, those kind of things—it doesn‘t become a big deal anymore. If you watch the news or some of the shows they have on T.V. these days, they make a real big deal about ―Wow, Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 3 of 44
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somebody was saved by an angel‖—like ―Wow, angels might exist.‖ When we start to reclaim our multidimensional self, it‘s going to be like ―Yeah, no big deal,‖ you know, like ―Well hopefully they were a good angel,‖ because we also know that angels aren‘t necessarily balanced individuals; it depends on where they‘re coming from. When we explore the eternal aspects of our being, it's a sensed experience, and I'm hoping with the exercises that we go through that we can begin to get a sense of that eternal nature, and bring it in to the room with us. And what I'm hoping too—I was given some information about the particular group of people who keep coming back here. There's a reason: we've done this before. And there's some others that'll come in, they float in and out, that are sometimes part of the group—they've done this before with us. This particular group of people knows each other on the higher levels. We have come in before as a team of information bringers, as systems-busters, as educational consultants. We are part of the Melchizedek Cloister families, and there are various families of consciousness within that larger family. But this particular group, I have been told, are all affiliated with the Speakers of the Eternal Flames. They are either the Gold Flames, the Violet Flames or the Blue Flames. In my books, in the Voyagers book—in Amenti, especially— we spoke about the Flame Holders and Flame Keepers, and the Flame Groups. They're Soul Groups that reincarnate particularly in ascension cycles, or Stellar Activation Cycles, to assist in the process of the star gates opening and of the consciousness raising. So what I have been told recently—they didn't tell me that until last night, actually—that the collective here that's been following from New York City happens to all be representatives of one of those three color Flame Groups. And the Flame Groups simply represent the frequencies that you would be grounding primarily, here. So it's a family group, and because of that, that is why Azara had wanted to speak to you today before we leave, because she is also a member of the Eternal Flame Groups and she tends to, in all the incarnations, come in and remind them who they are. And she gives a transmission of energy that assists in the awakening process. It's a frequency that would move through my bio-field and into yours, and if you don't want it you simply say "Mm, I'm not ready for a transmission" and you just put up a little white light field around you, and you won't get any of it. But, there'll be a transmission from Azara—this is some of the things she's going to be doing in Egypt, by the way—she's going to be transmitting frequency that will progressively help you to awaken your cellular memory. We'll start with the fetal integration process, and I'd also like to have a time—that we don't have a time to do this most often—where we can discuss what we experienced during the journeys or the meditations. This group is so big that we usually don't get time to sit around and chat about "Well gee, I felt this and what does that mean," that kind of thing. And I would rather this time, than have it be me talking at you, I would rather—(phone rings in audience)—am I interrupting?—(Laughter)—I would rather be able to have us discuss with each other what we're experiencing and what it might mean. There's probably enough time, if we do this right and I don‘t spend a lot of time, you know, transparency-ing you to death and that kind of thing [chuckles], where we can start to get to know each other. And in getting to know each other a little bit, you're going to find a little more of yourself. There are relationships that exist between the people in this room, even if you haven't known each other in this lifetime. Each of you have a piece of a memory that goes with the last Stellar Activations Cycle. And each of you has a memory imprint that has served as the core from that cycle, onward, over which all of your karmic pattern has manifested. We all have a point of entry into this Harmonic Universe, to begin with. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 4 of 44
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In that point of entry, the experiences we have will set the holographic template for the rest of our experiences within that Harmonic. I am told that every one of us here were connected to the original point in time that was known as the Temple Wars. The Temple Wars took place 210,216 years ago and a little bit before, when there were some major problems with the Cloister Races on the planet. The Root Races weren't here yet, so the people that are incarnations of the people from those times are the incarnations of the Cloister Race beings. The Cloister Race beings, as some of us—as some of you probably remember, are those who had the DNA imprint of whatever Root Race strand they came in with, but also with strands seven through twelve in dormant form, so they could activate it. Being a Cloister Race Incarnate means you will have a much longer incarnational memory, and the memories you do have, you will be involved with much larger projects than a person who isn't a reincarnation of a Cloister individual. I am told that this is an incarnation of a soul group of Cloister Humans—actually Cloister Human-Oraphim. Oraphim were Sirian—partially Sirian—and partially Turaneusiam Human. They were the purest strains of both: they were Sirian-Anuhazi, which were the original Lyran-Sirian liquid-light race of Avatars that progressively came into the densities, and they crossed with the Turaneusiam-Human imprint in order to be able to take on the densities through the Human form. It is a very special type of gene code and type of consciousness; it's a very special family to be a part of, because there was a lot of privilege and also a lot of responsibility that went along with it. Right now, the Oraphim on the planet are very small in number compared to the rest of the people on the planet, but the power of Oraphim together, and using their energies in a focused way, is much more powerful than huge groups of other people that do not have Oraphim coding. Being a part of the soul group that they have said you are a part of, and I believe them, because I feel a resonance with all of you that I feel like family—it will mean that you can start to find not only your Eternal Self, but when you find your Eternal Self, you will find your Stellar Selves, and you will also find a Divine Contract, a contract that you had with much Higher Powers. A contract you had with Source to be a part of a family of consciousness that would keep the Codes of Ascension alive within various systems. It's a very special feeling when you start to find that within yourself, when you start to know that rather than hear it from someone, when you start to realize you have a very special and unique relationship to Creator. It's a level of freedom because most of us here that have that consciousness just dying to get out from our subconscious and our higher levels, feel a real sense of tension and compaction being here. We're being pushed on, we're not allowed to express what we know and what we feel; there's something blocking us and you know there's more and you can't find it. When you start to find these parts of your memories, it will start to allow those parts of yourselves to come into expression here, because now is the time to do it. There were times on the planet when the Cloister Races had to be in hiding, because they would be destroyed if they were identified. When dark forces and their race manifestations came in here and took over the Amenti star gates, there was a lot of problems, because they wanted to infiltrate the bodies of the Cloister Races, because they wanted their coding that went with the planetary grids. So being a Cloister was like sticking out like a sore thumb and being very valuable real estate. There's a fear imprint that we carry very deep down because of that. Most humans of any kind carry a fear imprint, the primal fear from way back, because it's been a very rough journey down here, even if you're not an Oraphim. But the fear imprint of knowing you were a part of a collective that had a tremendous amount of knowledge that was meant to free people who other people were trying to enslave, and you were going in behind the lines, Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 5 of 44
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behind what they call enemy lines, and bringing that freedom to them—you were setting yourself up for real persecution. And we have imprints of trying to run from that and trying to deal with that fear. So one of the things that they're going to do in the exercises today, I'm not sure what point she's going to stick it in there, but Azara's going to come through and she's going to do a releasing of fear thing. If there's—when we do these exercises, the idea here is to get in touch with the emotional body, because the emotional body is what we have had to block and turn off so we didn't feel these things. We're not going to get our memories back until we allow the emotional imprint of the memory to come back, too. So when you start working with the energies here, you may find tears, you may find fear coming up, you may find a release coming up. Behind it you'll find joy. I will tell you, if you start to feel a rumbling and you start to feel your chakras in here kind of going "Ooh God no, I'm losing control,"—you know—"I've got to keep that down, I'm not going to act that way, I'm above that," you know that kind of thing—notice that, because that has been your defense mechanism. And it was needed before, but if you want to get your Eternal Self back now, you need to let that energy come out. And we need to establish a trust between us here, in this room. There's quite a few people here, it's a big group. It's not a little, you know, ten people sitting around, deciding they're going to be friends. No, it's probably more like 60, maybe 70 people sitting around, deciding that we're going to be friends. And whatever goes down in this room, let us care enough about each other to leave it here, and to respect it as sacred. If you see the person sitting next to you crying, don't you dare look at them with an attitude of like "Humph, well I'm not that moved," because somewhere in there you should be. And if you can't be moved, and you can't feel…they're actually ahead of the game. We need to look at each other in this room, because of the sacred trust of the information we've progressively shared as we move along, as a sort of rag-tag family from the universe that's coming together to help each other heal, so we can do what we came to do here, which was to help the planet and its people to heal. When we begin to release the fear imprint, this is going to be something later taught in more detail in Kathara Healing level two or three—they haven‘t told me—but it‘s about flipping over the miasmic imprint from the Kathara level. It‘s a technique I‘ve been waiting and waiting for them to give me because I wanted to use it. But they told me that you have to reach a certain level of oscillation in your body before you can do it or you‘re really going to just wipe yourself out, and your hologram goes crazy and you purge all over the place. And you make yourself sick, and your—you know, you lose your job, your wife, your house— those kind of things. So they don‘t let you have these techniques until you reach a level where the grids, your holographic grid is already stable enough so you‘re not going to blow up your life, to re-put it back together again. Progressively coming to the workshops has allowed us to step up, slowly step up our frequency, so even people who are relatively new to this—you wouldn‘t be here if you didn‘t have a consciousness that resonated to the morph field of this group. We transmit whether we know it or not, and this group serves as an entity, whether we acknowledge that or not. And it transmits frequency, and there are some people who will have the receivers, and some people who won‘t have the receivers to pick up that frequency. The people who do not have the receivers for this frequency will not show up in this room, ever. The fact that you all show up in this room means you have a similar set of what‘s called ―Apparthi‖. That was a new word they introduced in the Kathara Healing stuff that I‘ve been getting since the last workshop. The Apparthi are frequency receivers that are within the second level of the Kathara Grid, within the Crystal Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 6 of 44
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Seals level. They draw in frequency and they modulate frequency. And they‘re responsible actually for us seeing certain frequencies and not others, which allows us to see space between objects, rather than a solid Unified Field that‘s really there. By modulating frequency and blocking out some—right here (gestures to the air) there‘s frequency that our Apparthi are blocking out, so we perceive nothing there—it gives us the illusion of space within the hologram. Now, we‘ll get into more of that when we get into the—some of this is going to be sent to you in the supplements for the Kathara Level-1. The important thing to know about the Apparthi right now is that it has brought us—they have brought us together. If we didn‘t have those same type of receivers in our morphogenetic structure, we wouldn‘t be sitting in the room. And that goes for any group of people: imagine what‘s happening at, like a—you know, a Mets game or something, you know? There‘s a lot of people with a lot of receptors that are pulling in the exact same frequency. This group is pulling in a higher frequency. We need to be able to unwind a little with each other, and allow each other the space to do whatever the healing is that‘s necessary. If we can generate in ourselves through the exercises that will be given, and through the frequency transmissions that Azara will send through today—if you can feel, allow it to happen. Don‘t be embarrassed because you‘re in a group, a ―public‖ group. Let‘s for a little while not look at this as ―public.‖ Let‘s look at this as a re-gathering of some very, very old friends and family that are here to help each other heal. If you can‘t feel an emotional response to the transmissions, there‘s a blockage, because these transmissions that will be given by Azara are meant to release the emotional body seals. So if you find you cannot respond with emotion, there‘s something that needs to be worked on, that‘s all. But realize the appropriate response to the frequencies that will be transmitted, is feeling. So those of you who feel and need to let that out, feel free and safe to do so. This is part of the healing. We‘re going to do something called ―flipping over the miasmic grid‖ somewhere during this session. I don‘t know the sequence yet; it‘ll be revealed as we move along. It is kind of live, you know, ―live from above‖. We‘re going to take the Kathara Grid that we‘ve learned about in the body, and we‘re going to find the miasmic imprint, which looks like a dark version of the same thing. It‘s structured the same way, with the twelve centers. We‘re going to find it in the body and we‘re going to separate it from the main Kathara Grid in the body, and we‘re going to reverse its polarity. This is a technique I don‘t even know yet, so it‘s going to come through live, and you‘ll probably hear it before me because a lot of times—I usually will not do trance channel, simply because it stresses the body out and it‘s really not necessary. But once in a while, some of the other parts of my Avatar collective like to communicate with people here. And with Azara, our coding is very similar, so she doesn‘t do a lot of damage. She‘s going to come through and walk you through this, so you will probably be able to tell me how it‘s done when I get back, because this time you will be able to see me do a trance thing. And that‘s because I don‘t consider this a group—a ―public‖ group anymore. I consider this a group of family and friends reuniting. So, I think we‘ll start. I have some Mylars here, some transparencies that I can use, but most of this stuff is stuff you‘re already familiar with as far as words go.
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Beyond the Veils—Feb. 12, 2000—New York City
What Are the Veils? [D1 C3 0:30:58] We‘ll cover a little bit of it before we get into the technique…a little bit of the idea of what about this stuff about the ―veils‖—we call this workshop ―Beyond the Veils,‖ you know, why. Okay. So I‘ll get into ―what are the veils.‖ The veils: it‘s used to describe the boundaries of perception that separate us from our eternal nature. Now this stuff here, this is in the little chart packs—little cheap chart packs. They‘re not very big and they‘re probably—I think they‘re like six dollars, so if you want them, they‘re there. You will get this information—it is a reminder of what you already know. But, it can be a helpful reminder. If we realize that most of society is lost within the distraction of our outside circumstances, and we have lost our power because of this—we have created a world of sickness because of this—we will begin to value ourselves as people questing to re-incorporate the Eternal Self. We‘re going to be people that other people are going to have a hard time understanding, if we really reveal who we are and what we know. You start talking to people about the fetal integration process and unless they‘re ready to know about that, they‘re going to think you‘re absolutely off your rocker. That‘s okay, let them. In the chart packs we‘ll get into a basic run-down of the distorted nature of our beliefs, what we‘ve taught— been taught about ourselves, what we‘ve been taught about the world. How many people here, when you were growing up, were told about—more about your limitations, than about your potentials? (―Yes‖ from audience). Yeah, 99 percent of us were: ―You can‘t, you can‘t, you can‘t, you can‘t, you can‘t‖; and ―You‘re not good enough for this, and not good enough for that‖; ―Maybe you should settle for this because you‘ll never do that…‖ And that was the good parents! That was the ones that were actually kind enough to not like, you know, beat us up and like really, you know, crucify us with words and those kind of things— because some parents just weren‘t any more mature than to do those kind of things. We have been totally programmed into self-loathing. So when somebody says, ―You are an Eternal Self and you‘re a Blessed Being, a manifestation of the God-Force and Source‖—you kind of go, ―Hmm, yeah, boy I‘d like to feel that way‖. Because there‘s a part of us that does feel that way, but the body pattern doesn‘t feel that way. The body feels very different because it‘s holding the old tapes. It‘s holding the old words that mom and dad and society told us; those old programs have to change if we‘re going to be able to fully embrace the power and the knowing of our Eternal Selves. So in the chart pack, we can keep kind of flipping through these—can we flip through these more? Thanks. I want to get to the basic subjects that are listed on the, on the flyer, and then we‘re going to go into exercise one. Just find the next topical one, the one that has the name at the top (talks to person assisting with Mylars) instead of going through the whole text, which we don‘t need to do.
[D1 C3 0:34:18] The Nature of the Veils The nature of the ―veils‖ that I‘m talking about—there are two primary causal agents for the fact that we come in here and become clueless, when once we were eternal consciousness. One is the gene code, and we‘ve been talking about that a lot in the other workshops, and we‘re using Kathara Healing to begin undoing that. But the other part are the beliefs that we‘ve been taught, and this is the big one: the beliefs about Self that turn our attention away from looking for our eternal nature. Even at the level of spirituality that we‘re embracing right now, which is a very high level with the information we‘re dealing with, how many of us just can‘t get to the fact that you‘d like to do the exercises more often, because this, this, this, and this, and this has to get done first? (agreement from audience). Yeah, I have that problem too. It‘s like, I Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 8 of 44
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would love to spend six months working with these guys, but you keep giving me more information to do more work! There comes a time when you realize the inside is more important than the outside. And even when it comes to spirituality, you need to take the focus away from the outside. If you want to begin experiencing the multi-dimensional reality fields of your Eternal Self, you need to spend a little time focused elsewhere. We‘re taught to phase-lock the focus here, and even when we start to un-phase-lock ourselves to get the gene code moving. We‘re still so trained to look out this way, we don‘t feel like we‘re quite, Awake, Aware, Alive, if we‘re not looking out of the body. We need to go beyond the beliefs that have taught us constant distraction. There is constant distraction here in the form of pressures to make enough money to put a roof over our head. A lot of us, I know me included, would like to be able to make enough money, where I could go hide away from the rest of the world that I am not comfortable with. It would be great to create a space, a Sanctuary. And this is what we‘re planning to do at some point. This is where, the Sanctuary is for all of you to come. But you can get yourself so caught up in the need to get yourself away from the vibrations you don‘t like, that you work hard. You don‘t have time left, to take yourself out of the vibrations you don‘t like. So, you therefore, stay within them. When we‘re working with our Spirituality, we need to talk with ourselves. We can create that little Mentor over our shoulder, and say, Okay…do I need to focus outside or inside right now? Is it more important to do this? Okay, maybe I‘ll lose a little bit of money on this one. Maybe I‘ll lose my house. Okay, my roof is still there, so my body has a place to live while I go out of body—those kinds of things. You need to really realize, where you‘ve been set-up for distraction, and begin to take steps to un-distract yourself, and to begin looking at your priorities and say, what is most important to me? We all need shelter, sure. Foreign bodies are very vulnerable to the outside environment right now. At least until we learn how to modulate our fields, and completely control our DNA, we will be vulnerable to the outside environment. (37:22) But there needs to come a time, when you can say, ‖it‘s important to me to spend a half hour, or two hours today, completely undisturbed, to work with my Eternal Self. Excuse me, I have an appointment.‖ You need to start honoring the part of yourself that you‘re trying to integrate, as if it were somebody separate. If somebody came over and they said, ―well you had an appointment with me‖ and you didn‘t show up, you‘d feel kind of bad. Your higher portions of identity should be treated with the same respect. We‘re so used to putting ourselves as second. We‘re here to serve our children first, our society first, our family first, our parents, our wives, our husbands. This is totally backwards. Because, if you put everybody else first, and you last, which is the old martyrdom trip that was put here specifically for the result it created, you are disempowering yourself, because you never have time to replenish, or to get your power back. You are power-less, and therefore, all those people you‘re trying to help so much, you‘re not going to have enough power to help even yourself. If you put you first, because, not only is everybody else a blessed manifestation of Source, but so are you. You neglect you, you are neglecting God. It‘s as bad as neglecting your child. This society likes to say, ―the children are the hope of our future‖. Yes, they‘re part of it. We are the hope of our future. Okay? Not just the children. We are children of our own consciousness that we need to raise and we need to nurture Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 9 of 44
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because we have not been nurtured. It‘s time to say to understand, we count too. And yes, the children are important and other things are important. But so is my time spent with my Eternal Self. If you can give yourself the luxury of that time, you will have huge rewards. You are allowed. There‘s not a big bad God up there in the sky who‘s going to punish you for spending time with you. We were taught these things. A lot of the beliefs we were taught through religions from the past have been really distorted by various forces, particularly the hands of men, who wanted to control other people. We are taught to rely on external authority and what it says—its interpretations and what it tells us to do. We‘re taught that to go inward is a scary thing—must be big bad stuff in there. And you can‘t trust yourself. You have to trust the outside authority. We need to reverse this programming, if we are going to reclaim our power. And we can do it simply by realizing we have the power of choice, in every moment. In every moment! Because we‘re in a polarized system, there will be a higher frequency pattern and a lower frequency pattern. If you look at this room, right now, in this moment point as a still snapshot in the hologram. It is an energy signature—that‘s all—with a bunch of conscious energy signatures sitting in it. There‘s two versions, because we‘re in polarity. There is the part that oscillates faster and its counterpart, that oscillates slower. If you take a minute and just try to move your energy outward, kind of in a field, through the room, you‘ll be able to feel a little bit of that. You‘ll start to feel a drop down this way and then a little upscale movement in the vibration this way—or in the frequency. Even if you can‘t feel it yet, it‘s still there. Which means, at every moment point, you have a choice between which two frequencies you will run. Will you run the higher, slower vibrating, faster oscillating pattern of the hologram? Or will you run the lower? If we could develop the ability that at any moment realize this—just any moment point. You could be walking down the street, doing nothing, thinking nothing, Stop yourself and go, ―Okay, right this moment there‘s two choices.‖ What might they be? It‘s right there. You‘d start to be able to see them. And if you repeatedly learn to identify them, you‘ll repeatedly begin to say, ―Well, I‘m going to take the higher level one here. I‘m going to take the one that leads to my faster evolution.‖ Or, at least if you do take the other one— the one that takes you down—you will feel it. You will feel the drop a little bit, and the energy, like ―Ooh, I knew it could have gone a little better than this. Well, missed that one.‖ You‘ll become Self-Aware and you‘ll become Self-Directive. These are some of the things that we need to learn to do with our minds. We are learning to run energy in our bodies. We‘re learning to correct our DNA. We‘re learning the greater frame work. But nothing is going to help us, if we don‘t learn some basic thought pattern control in directing our minds, because they are our creative tool. We can sit for a moment, and we‘re going to take you into an exercise now. Boy, are those lights hot. I‘m getting blasted with that light there. Is there any way to tone the lights down just a little because they‘re really bright. We‘re going to start going into experiential as soon as they get the lights out of my face. Thank you! That helped a lot. Okay. And I do believe you‘re going to get your first introduction to Azara, so, it‘s not some big dramatic, you know, head goes back and strange sounds come out and like bang, there‘s an entity there. We are much more subtle than that. We just kind of ―shift‖, and all of a sudden I Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 10 of 44
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have an accent. And, all of a sudden, when I come back, I won‘t know what I talked about—until I talk to her later. Audience: Can you tell us where Azara is from? A‘sha: Yeah, Azara is coming from, she comes through the 12th Dimensional frequency, but she is a part of my Rishi collective in Harmonic 5—D15, 14, and 13. So, she‘s just part of my collective. We all have a Rishi collective. You can learn to, once you get your fields sealed where you don‘t have to worry about anything else messing with you, you can channel your own family from the higher levels. Family‘s okay, because you already have the coding within the DNA and within the body pattern where it‘s not going to harm you to move part of your own gestalt awareness into yourself. But, the parts—there are levels that we haven‘t gotten into, the structure of things as far as how the Rishi creates levels of Avatars and they create levels of Over-Souls and then every Over-Soul create 12 Souls and every Soul creates 12 Incarnates. It‘s a big family we‘re dealing with here, and not all of us have the same pathway as far as—who is who‘s incarnation. With Azara, she is more like a cousin than a sister would be, incarnationally speaking. She is not of my direct Soul Matrix—it‘s several levels up before we have the connection. But she‘s still part of my soul family or my greater soul family. So Azara‘s a neat perspective, because the last time she was in manifestation was a very long time ago, as far as her moment points and memories where she left manifestation from. She became an Ascended Master and just stayed up there. I came back down, but she decided to stay. And she communicates with various others. I‘ve actually ran into about 9 or 10 different people from different parts of the country who are like ―You‘re in contact with Azara? I have heard her of her too‖. They‘ve heard of her because she does communicate with other people. And some of the people in my New Jersey group, the little group that was the first classes, have started to channel her. They‘ve got their sealing on their channel, so they‘re safe. And she started communicating with them. She‘s a live one, she‘s very lively, and usually once she introduces herself that means that if you would like to chat, she will work with that with you. You don‘t have to worry about her harming your fields. You‘ve already been taught something, at least those of you who were at the Kathara Healing Workshop. You were taught how to create a 12th Dimensional Seal on your fields. Okay? If you have any doubt at all—when you‘re in a room, with somebody who is channeling—whether you can trust that or not. It‘s nothing personal. The person who‘s channeling, shouldn‘t take it personally. But if you feel the need to make sure you‘re safe—activate your Maharic Shield and run your Pillar. Therefore, if it‘s not a higher thing, it‘s not going to be able to do anything to your field, so you‘re safe. See, we taught you ahead of time, before we exposed you to anything, how to make sure you were safe, so you could feel out your own comfort. I‘m not saying, ―come follow me, you have to be…‖ you know, Azara‗s Okay, but you don‘t have to like her…etc. It doesn‘t really matter. You are safe. You have the technique already to make sure that there‘s nothing here that is going to harm you. Usually when she comes through, there‘s something special she wants to deliver—a Transmission. And usually words are behind it. So, we‘re going to have a…this is kind of weird, because she‘s put me on the Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 11 of 44
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spot with this because I‘ve told her I do not want to do public channeling. And she keeps saying, ―well this isn‘t public anymore.‖ So, I‘m going to take it on that, and take it on Faith.
Frequency Modulation Exercise [D1 C4 0:46:37] We‘re going to begin with a simple exercise of beginning to feel the polarity of the frequency within the hologram of the room that we‘re in. Where there are those two levels, the one that vibrates slower and oscillates faster that would be the higher frequency and then the one that is the lower frequency. There are two distinct wave patterns that make up this holographic moment that we are experiencing. So we‘re going to take you for a moment into a focus of attention, usually we take you into your head, this time we‘re going to take you some place else away from yourself for a moment. We‘re going to take you, if you can visualize, the center of the ceiling at the center of the room. Imagine there‘s a point there, you don‘t have to look at it, you can if you want to. Imagine there‘s a point there, that‘s going to be a collection point for everybody‘s consciousness to kind of hang out in, and we‘re not blending consciousness here so you don‘t have to worry about anybody‘s boundaries invading anybody else‘s. We‘re just going to hang out there for a little bit, like consciousness cells that are retaining their own integrity but sitting next to each other. If we move our attention out of our body spaces for a while, we can begin to get a feel for what it‘s like to perceive without so much of the cloaking of the gene code and then we begin to feel the subtleties that can arise through this process. If we focus our attention on that center of the ceiling in the middle of the room, and then each one of us at our own rate, visualize ourselves as a little cell of consciousness, it could be a spark of light but it‘s like a little cell with it‘s boundaries around it, and you‘re going to very slowly move from the ceiling point, nice and easily with the breath. As you breathe down, exhale, slowly, down to the floor. Spend a few minutes simply breathing without even hearing me talk, you‘re going to simply put your consciousness up in the little cell, up in the center of the ceiling and then exhale it slowly down to the floor. While you do this, I want you to focus on the sensations of vibrational change from the top of the room to the bottom of the room. There will be a distinct shifting and progressive down-scaling of vibration. That‘s how we get up versus down. That‘s how the illusion translates. So try that for a moment. Breathe gently and then exhale. Send a spark of consciousness down, slowly down, maybe a third of the way through, down a little further toward the floor. Now a little further. Sense the frequency spectrum as it‘s manifesting within the unified field of energy that you‘re now moving your consciousness through. Once you get a little feel for even a little bit of shifting between your focus at the top of the room and your focus at the bottom. And put your focus of attention down on the bottom on the floor. And this time use the inhale breath to slow the inhale. Put your focus of attention in its little consciousness cell upward toward the ceiling, and this time you‘re going to scan from the bottom, up. You‘re going to feel the modulation in the frequencies as you move from the bottom, up to the top. If you‘re able to recall the sensation of the downward, going from the ceiling down, compared to the movement going from the ground up to the ceiling, you will notice there are two frequency spectras taking place. And what you‘ll also notice is the top part of the first one is the same as the bottom part of the other one.
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There are crossovers in the frequencies that are called ‗Frequency Sub-harmonics.‘ And it‘s through the sub-harmonics that we‘re going to be able to make a distinction between which part of the hologram we‘re going to manifest, be it the one that takes us into higher frequency or the one that‘s a lower spiral that takes us into lower frequency. Now, simply being aware of the fact that you‘re dealing with spectra, wave spectra in the room, in the unified field, will give you an advantage of being able to identify that wave spectra. This time I want you to move your consciousness to a point in the middle of the wall in the back of the room. Picture everybody‘s little points of consciousness going flying back to the wall into the center point, making a little dot on the wall. But we‘re still separate, we‘re not merging consciousness. Now use your inhale and draw it back to you. Draw your spark of consciousness back to you slowly on a horizontal plane, from the back of the room to the front of the room, slowly again trying to detect the range of the frequency spectra that‘s there. On the horizontal plane you should notice an oscillation that seems to run through the whole spectrum, it‘s like a bridge frequency that‘s the most dominant of all. It will be the first and most pronounced thing in frequency you will begin to feel as you do such a scan. When you find that frequency modulation zone, that‘s the space you need to put your consciousness in to differentiate between the higher and lower frequency fields. So using this concept we‘re going to bring our attention back into our heads and we‘re going to hold in mind the image of a little wave line drawn in energy that represents the Frequency Modulation Zone, the point from which you can perceive both polarities without being caught in either of them. You can envision this in any way that comes natural, it can be envisioned as a horizontal zigzag line, it can be envisioned as a channel, something thicker, like a…or a ribbon of energy. Let it come to you whatever it should look like for you, but know it‘s a frequency modulation zone that if you can learn to run this through your pineal gland, in the center of your head, you will be able to differentiate between the energy signatures that represent the higher and lower portion of the hologram. So hold your image in mind. Hold the image of your frequency modulation zone in mind, right on the inside of your forehead and then gently use the breath to bring it back into the pineal gland. Once it enters the pineal gland, position a small dot of white light that represents your consciousness in the center. Try to feel its reality there as if it‘s surrounded by the encasement of this wave pattern that is the frequency modulation zone. Now, from the position from within the pineal gland you‘re going to use your little spark of white light attention as a projector, just like a movie projector would work and you‘re going to use the inside of your forehead as the screen onto which you‘re going to project an image. The image is going to be in response to a request that you‘re going to give your Eternal Self, and that request is going to be, ‗Allow me to see now the polarities, allow me to see now the polarities as they exist in this moment‘. Once you give that command either by intention through direct cognition or by using the words, gently breathe and exhale out the little spark of light as if it were a beam coming from a projector of a movie camera and see it going upon the screen that has been black but now it‘s turning into color and light on the inside of your forehead. Notice there is a split right in the middle of the image that‘s forming, where there‘s a top half and a bottom half, horizontal plane. On the top half will register a higher frequency pattern and on the bottom half a lower frequency pattern. With any moment point you can take the image of the now as it‘s held within the morphogenetic form which Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 13 of 44
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is the energy that it is about right now, inhale the energy into your body and project it out onto the screen and get an automatic response of two polarities forming. It‘ll take a little while to get inner vision on it. First it will be a sensed feeling of frequency breaking. The sensed feeling of the frequencies splitting is all you need to be able to begin sensing in any moment point, which is the higher path and which is the lower path, implied by the fact that you are in polarity. Simply by splitting the frequencies you‘ll be able to identify the upwards spiral and downwards spiral consciousness. Your path of evolution, and your path of de-evolution in any moment point. The more you play with this little exercise, the more you will be able to project it later in other exercises, project it along lines of future development as far as setting goals and priorities and what‘s right for you, and what‘s not right for you. You will be able to use techniques like this as a part of your interior guidance system, a way to have your higher parts communicate with your parts down here to begin opening the doorways.
Fetal Integration Bio-Regenesis Technique [D1 C4 0:57:17] Now that we‘ve begun frequency modulation a bit and studying a little bit about the different feelings, the different sensations that are created by the different frequencies, we‘re going to go on a little journey and it‘s a very special journey. This is just the first journey, because before we leave today we‘re going to go back even further than this one, but in this one we‘re going to go into a point of entry, our fetal integration process. This is a very precious, sacred, and moving memory for most people and it is also a very painful memory for most people because many people when they went into fetal integration had individuals in the higher dimensional fields whom they are very connected to and loved very much and they had to leave behind temporarily when they came into integration here. They had more of a connection there with your higher dimensional family of consciousness. So you may, when we go into the memory cells where fetal integration is stored, you may find a sense of relief but also a sense of tremendous sadness that you as an incarnating infant consciousness, your consciousness was big, but your body was just small, began to feel the loss of yourself and what that self was connected to because you knew you couldn‘t fit all of you into that body right away and you knew that you would begin to feel distant and distant and distant, ‗til the voices and the whispers of those you held most dear couldn‘t be heard for a while. You will also remember, and we will take you through several stages of the development of the fetus, and everyone of you will have had a little bit different process. Some of you may have come in very, very close to conception within about thirty three days because you cannot come in, you come into the astral field, but not into the physical field until about at least about thirty three days before the fetal pattern vibrates fast enough, or actually vibrates slow enough and oscillates fast enough for you to put your higher moving consciousness into it without blowing it apart. But you will each have come in at a different time and a different stage under a different set of circumstances. Some of those will have been joyful circumstances of the unification of an energy field that was created by two parents who loved each other dearly and felt great joy in each other‘s presence, for in the cells that will become your fetal pattern will be captured the essence of your parents coupling. And if it was a coupling of joy you will feel an imprint of joy as your consciousness began to integrate with it and if it Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 14 of 44
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was an imprint of sorrow or indifference or coldness you will also feel that and usually your own resistance to that as an incoming Soul. So it will be different for everybody when we go into this process. Some people might feel like crying or whatever you need to do, even screaming if you need to scream, go for it, might as well, we‘re all family. They do primal therapy and people release all that stuff so whatever you need to do. If you start to feel the reality of this fetal process which you should, once the memory‘s triggered in the eight cells, the first eight cells of creation at the base of your spine, is where that memory is stored. It‘s stored within the Kundalini spirals that are dormant until you begin activating them. We‘re beginning to activate them now. We‘re beginning to activate them with the DNA work we‘re doing and with the information we‘re taking in that triggers the activation in the DNA. So we‘re going to go on a journey into the base eight cells and we‘re going to find our point of entry but first we need to know that we‘re safe to do this, because here‘s where you‘ll find your primal scream for this incarnation. You will find the part of you that reacted simply to the changes from going from consciousness to heavier consciousness that is a biology. Most people don‘t carry, in this time anyway, do not carry a really joyful fetal integration experience. It‘s a level of pain and that‘s why we‘re getting to it, ‗cause if you want to heal and you want to find your eternal connection you need to clear out the pain and work past it and transform it into something else, which you can. So we‘re going to go on a journey now. We‘re going to begin simply by focusing our attention on our pineal gland and we‘re going to get into some emotional spaces in this one that we don‘t usually do in our more technical type of exercises. Focus your attention in the middle of your head, the pineal gland. And just start to relax the focus for a little bit. We‘re going to try to slow your focus down now. I want you to really relax this time. I‘m not going to rush through this at all. Begin with your feet. As you‘re putting your consciousness in the pineal, call to mind an image of your feet and imagine them having a white light run through them and all of a sudden they become more and more ghost like until they disappear. Feel the sensation of your feet not being there. Now call to mind in the middle of your pineal the image of your legs and again, imagine white light running through them and they get less and less dense. You can feel the lightness coming through them. You can feel the particles spreading out, you can feel them becoming more electric, and suddenly they fade, like a mist that dissipates, and your legs aren‘t there anymore either. Feel the reality of having no legs there and it being no problem, for you are just consciousness. We‘ll work up now to the torso. Imagine the white light moving through the entire torso of the body from the neck all the way down to where the legs are gone. Let it become less and less dense, more and more electrical, lighter and lighter. Feel the lightness in your body until everything begins to dissipate like a mist, except for one dot of red energy that seems to remain down in the region of the tailbone. Allow that dot to remain there for now but be aware that it exists. We will now allow our arms to disappear completely. Feel the reality of white light moving through the fingertips, through the hands, feel it moving between the spaces between the cells, feel the light moving through making things oscillate faster, making things grow less dense. Slow the breathing as you do this. Begin to feel the whole body metabolic rate begin to slow down. It is going into a different cycle; it‘s going Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 15 of 44
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into a cycle of soul perception which will allow you to see things that aren‘t available to the 3 dimensional conscious mind, nice slow breath, feel the invisibility of the body parts you‘ve made vanish. You still have your head remaining and it‘s time to let that go too. Imagine light coming from all directions from the outside into your head, into the skin, into the skull and into the brain. Feel it moving, moving between cells spreading them apart, making them less dense. Lighter and lighter, let yourself feel a little light-headed if you need, that‘s fine, you‘ll come back. Take a sigh of relief, right now you don‘t have a body pattern to deal with. Right now you are pure consciousness. And from this state you are now prepared to view, to take an aerial view on the process by which you entered your current manifestation, for every one of us has a process and a purpose for doing so. You are consciousness now and the only thing in your reality field and your hologram right now is the red dot that you allowed to remain when you made the rest of your body disappear. Focus your attention for a moment and breathe gently and slow. Focus your attention within the red dot and in there imagine the image of a 3 dimensional Merkaba star, the six pointed star of David, but in 3 dimensional form which gives it two extra points that pull out to give it dimensionality so it‘s truly an eight pointed star. When it‘s flat you don‘t see the two hidden points that would be at the center. Imagine the 3 dimensional Merkaba star in the red dot that‘s connected to the base of your spine. Imagine it begin to spin, let it spin slowly in rhythm with your slow breath, slowness is the key here, for through slowness of focus, and slowing the breath you will be able to begin communicating with the portions of yourself that compose your body consciousness, you‘ll begin to move into alpha brain wave pattern and even deeper if you like. This is the place where you communicate with your body, and though your body is invisible now, what remains is its original imprinting form, the first eight cells that form around the original Merkaba that you came into manifestation on, in the fetal integration process. Now, let the image of the Merkaba star disappear and see just the red dot, with eight points moving around at will, in whatever organization they choose. And you‘re going to use your consciousness now to harness these, and to bring them into a central point in the center of the red dot. You‘re going to bring them into the center so you can begin to create a focus for reading them. Within that center point of the red star lives the secrets of how you got here and if you can remember how you got here, you‘ll remember why. Move your attention into the center dot and let it become a color, it will tell you what color it wants to be and this will tell you what frequency you need to use, the color is frequency. Whatever color appears is the color of the consolidated eight points that made the dot in the center of the red dot. Whatever color that center dot becomes that is your key frequency for accessing your fetal integration memory. Once you receive your key color, your key frequency, you can call to image again within your space that is now just mind the image of the body, and you‘re going to remember how it feels like sitting on the chair because now we need to use the frequency that we were given, the color capstone frequency to open up the Kundalini spiral just enough to allow us to see and feel whatever the experience was about. So, we‘ll position the small dot, the color that we were given within the center dot in the last part of the meditation, take that frequency and place it directly at the place where the last vertebrae hooks onto the tail bone. And in that space we‘ll begin to make a band, use the dot of color as the fixed point and then from that dot of color stretch a line or cord of light, the same color, around and around and around that area at Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 16 of 44
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the base of the spine until you build up a nice ring of frequency that‘s at least a quarter of an inch thick, what looks like a fuzzy ring of light around the base of the spine. Now, you‘re going to begin moving backward from where you are right now in the room. You‘re going to simply move backward by counting by tens, but starting with fifty or sixty depending on how old you are. Start with the nearest number that ends with zero to your actual physical age. We‘ll count backwards. I‘ll start with eighty just incase there‘s anybody here that‘s made it that far. Start with eighty, and breathe and take another step back to seventy and breathe, to sixty breathe slowly, to fifty, I won‘t rush this, to forty, to thirty, to twenty. Stop there for one moment and see if you can call to mind any feeling, image or memory from the age of twenty years. It doesn‘t matter what memory, just see if you can find yourself in your timeline there. Once you‘ve located a memory imprint, then we can go backward again to age ten. Try to feel within your body the living image of the child you were at ten years old. Remember the length of his or her hair, remember if he was short or tall, fat or thin. Take yourself back to the age of ten momentarily and if that child was a sad child send him love now, send her love now and let her know she will be ok. There‘s no judgment here at all. To access your fetal integration imprint you must call on the assistance of the inner child, for the inner child is closest to remembering. Find yourself around the age of ten, try to take it back a step further and this time to the age of five. Try to remember your first experience perhaps in a pre-school or kindergarten class, any little memory of experience will begin to run the line of energy that takes you into that memory imprint. Maybe imagine yourself holding a pencil and trying to learn to write, or being scared walking into the classroom for the first time. Embrace that five year old child of yourself. Reassure it a bit if it feels insecure. Now, you‘re going to move back a little bit further. We‘re going to move back to a period between sixteen and eighteen months old, which is an interesting period in development of babies, for some of them are beginning the walking phase and some aren‘t. Some feel the get-up and go, some prefer the crawl phase, some just like to sit there and hang out. And you were one of those once and somewhere in your cellular memory right now lives a full imprint of a memory moment that is alive in it‘s own space-time right now when you were and are right now that baby. Try to feel yourself either lying or sitting in a baby form. Try to remember the feeling of a diaper or something beneath your bottom. Try to feel how your hands didn‘t quite seem to be connected to you, they seemed to be something from the outside environment, that you found fascinating because you could make it stay before you to study. Try to feel the reality now of the baby body that a part of you right now in this moment is stationed within and always will be. When we were very, very small and the light spoke to us in direct cognition. Try to take yourself back to a time when you were very small, could be sixteen months, could be less than that, take yourself back to a year. Try to imagine and remember the part of you that felt light coming from outdoors or because you were taken outdoors, your first memory of being touched by light from the sun. Somewhere it‘s in there. For a moment you can move your consciousness gently through your whole body pattern just to see if you can get a stop point, where it kind of hangs up in one part of your body, ‗cause that‘s probably where the memory of the light registered. So scan for a moment, running your consciousness, just a little spiral running down through your whole body, across the arms, through them horizontally, cross the arms down, Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 17 of 44
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down. Somewhere in there that baby remembers when the light spoke. I find it down in my left hip when I look for that memory, but it will be in a different place for everyone. Once you find an area that the memory seems connected to, put your attention there and imagine you can go into micro vision and go deep, deep, deep into the cells and into their holographic program and the first thing you‘ll want to pick up is not a picture or an image or words, it is a feeling. And as soon as you move your consciousness into that area of the body where the first light memory is stored you should feel a little shudder, just kind of burst out of the body. You may need to work with this technique to have that happen, but it usually happens very quickly. If you can find the memory of the first touch of sunlight upon your baby body, there‘s a little jump, because that‘s what the baby body felt when the sun began to speak to it through the DNA. Other light spectra don‘t affect baby bodies like the solar spectra does. The solar spectra is perceived very much as a living presence, a reminder of the places that the baby consciousness used to be. Through the solar light spectra, babies communicate with the rest of themselves that haven‘t been able to integrate yet, and somewhere in everyone there is the imprint of that communication. After we feel a little zap of the spark releasing from first light memory, we‘re going to go to a very different place and this is going to be a place of velvet blue-black darkness. We‘re going to imagine again that we‘re at the base of the spine and that there‘s a little black hole there, right where the tailbone hooks onto the spine. A little black hole, that‘s the hole that we moved our consciousness through to get into the first eight cells. Focus on the black hole, and perceive it as if you‘re standing on this side looking at it, over there, as if it was a doorway you‘re contemplating walking through and all you see on the other side of the doorway is this blue-black velvet. At this point, you are getting ready to reverse the process your consciousness went through when it came into fetal integration. You‘re getting ready to move yourself through what‘s called a Diodic Point and out into the fourth dimensional fields. Now, we can astral project into the fourth dimensional fields but it is very different then doing it through the Diodic Point through which we entered fetal integration, for when we remove ourselves from all other patterns that this body had carried since that point we get back to who we were right before we came. We get back to the point before our creation this time and from that point we knew why we came, we knew who we were connected to. Everyone of us had a team of helpers to help us get in. So we‘re going to look at this doorway, little circular doorway that you can go through and into the blueblack velvet area behind and realize before we go through, we‘re crossing a threshold, a threshold that once it‘s crossed it will begin to change how you feel and how you think because you will begin to remember things. So make a decision if you really want to remember, and you really want the cellular memory to begin to activate, ‗cause by reversing the birthing process you will do just that. You will begin to set in motion the process of opening the cellular memory banks for this lifetime. So now, those of you who want to cross can and those who would rather stay and think about it a while, you may just hang out here and breathe gently. Imagine yourself as a spark of white light. Inhale and as you exhale push yourself through the boundary. Push yourself through the doorway of the Diodic Point through which you entered fetal integration. Just feel the reality of the frequency for a moment, for one of the first things you should be able to sense is a modulation area like we felt before in our room scan, and a set of faster moving and slower moving frequency bands. You are sensing the first polarity that you knew when coming into this body. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 18 of 44
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What we are going to do from here is we are going to travel upward through the etheric blue spiral. It‘s a blue spiral of fifth dimensional frequency combined with fourth, that combine with the third dimensional frequencies down at the base, and it comes in to connection with the seventh chakra, that allows the full consciousness to spiral downward from the higher dimensional fields into the body and into the Diodic Point so you can merge and phase-lock into the body consciousness. So what you‘ll perceive now as you pass through the door of the Diodic Point, look up in your minds eye and see what looks like a little tornado and you‘re at the base, the skinny point. And way up above, the mouth of it opens into a reality field that you can‘t see from here. Take your little spark of consciousness and begin moving it upward through the rings of the spiral, upward, and as you move upward feel the feeling of the frequency increasing, for you‘re moving your consciousness into a higher dimensional space. At the top of the spiral, notice that there is a plane that extends out on a horizontal level. Seems to go on endlessly, it‘s kind of like a blue-black translucent plane within a blue-black field of energy and you can see this spiral of energy now as more of a blue-ish, gray spiral that moves downward to the dimensions below. When you came into body, to get here from the fourth dimension you had to spiral down that spiral. Everywhere in everybody‘s integration imprint there‘s a little bit of a quickening around the heart chakra area that when you start to re-do what you did to get here and move yourself into that spiral you get a little scared like a freefall feeling. Like jumping off a cliff with a bungee rope. Imagine yourself standing on this plane of energy and looking down into this vortice that you know you have to jump in to. And also imagine yourself looking around at the other people who are standing here. They may look like people, or they may look like light forms or little dots of light, but they are the family and friends that you left behind to come on this journey into this incarnation. And before you leap down and go through this spiral, I want you to try to feel the reality of their presence for many of them are still with you. Imagine you know now that you‘re going on a journey and these are people that loved you very much and that you loved too, and some of them have agreed to meet you here and others you know you won‘t see for a time. Some of you will feel a sense of joy and excitement about your new endeavor. Others of you will feel a sense of sadness of separation but a knowing that it needed to be done. Try to allow the feelings, the feelings of the separation your original separation anxiety from your higher parts and your higher family. Try to feel this reality as your field begins to pull apart from their fields. Imagine yourself now as a spark of light slowly moving over to the center of the spiral that goes down, but not moving down yet just hanging there. Looking back at the edge of the platform and seeing the beings that you‘re leaving behind, standing around you. Try to feel the original emotional imprint that you came into this body pattern having for that point of departure, whatever you felt at that point of departure will have come with you as one of the first emotional imprints that had imprinted the fetal body and that will have built within the life pattern, in this life. If you felt abandoned, when you began to make your separation from your family of light, perhaps they insisted that you go because they knew it was best for you but you really didn‘t want to and they pushed you away on purpose. You may feel a sense of abandonment and if you did you will bring it with you and you will repeat the pattern here. So this is one of the places that need to be healed. If you felt a sense of terror knowing you were entering a level of consciousness that had to do with beings that were not as aware as the ones you were used to, particularly as Oraphim knowing you were coming into a reality field Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 19 of 44
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that people could be very harsh within and that people had forgotten to love each other within. It could have been a very terrifying first emotional reaction to the fetal integration process and if it is, you‘ll feel it around the back of the shoulders. You‘ll feel it around the sixth and seventh Kathara spheres, Kathara centers in the Kathara grid, around the heart chakra, in the back, in the will center, you‘ll begin to feel it resonating and making you jumpy, and you may want to scream because some people really want to scream, because they really don‘t like the terror that they know they are going to engage in when they get down here and find themselves separate again. (01:30) That is another part of the imprint we are going to heal. But first it must be acknowledged—the terror of separating from that which was most beautiful and loved to us—our eternal Selves and our eternal family. We‘re coming in. We‘re coming in and alone. We‘re going to think we‘re alone here. It‘s a frightening feeling. Allow the fear to be with you. Just for a moment, but enough to feel it for it needs to release from your core Emotional Body imprint. If you want to be free and reclaim your power and your eternal Self and your family, let it move through you. And if you feel it coming up, it will probably come up around the Heart Chakras and also down around the waist area and maybe in the back of the head. Wherever you feel it coming up, take your hand, your right hand and begin to just simply wipe it out of the field. Move it away from you and make it dissipate within the field. Push it away a bit. Wherever it is feeling the fear or the hurt or the sense of scared-ness of entering the Spiral, move it out into the field and know that your higher levels of selves will clear this field. The idea is to get it away from the body. You are beginning to break up core miasmic patterns, core patterns that were set at fetal integration. You may feel it tingle all the way down your arms. Clear the arms, just move it away from you and let this be a part of the burden released. That is the first part of the burden to release. There is another part that is even more traumatic, but when it heals, the light that comes, is even more joyful. And that is the part of the free fall, when you have finally entered the Spiral and you temporarily have lost complete control. You had agreed to come. Once the agreement was made and your consciousness gets phase-locked into the incoming current into the body, temporarily you feel a total stripping of your power and a total stripping of your will. You can‘t change your mind at this point. Many people react at this point with utter rebellion. They utterly refuse to be in the body anyway and they fight it, they fight it, they fight it. They will keep themselves disengaged if they possibly can, and hang out in the astral field rather than integrate into the physical body structure. They will make sure that the Body doesn‘t get them. People who have this experience coming into Fetal Integration, will try, most of their lifetime, to keep themselves separate from their bodies. Their bodies will seem very much like an entity unto themselves. They will feel they have very little control over what the body does inside itself, and they will also feel resentment toward the body. They will feel a hatred toward the body because they are perceiving the body as a captor. And in a way it definitely is with the gene codes malfunctioning. So there is an imprint in all of us that has a bit of rebellion against the body pattern. And when that is imprinted into the body pattern, it becomes a core pattern of self-loathing, of hating one‘s self because you are in body, and of hating the body because of the perceived limitations that it means as perceiving the body as what stands between you and your Eternal-Self—this horrible matter substance that you are becoming imprisoned within, a slave to. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 20 of 44
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So many, many people end up with self-destruct impulsing, coming from the core level of fetal integration because they‘re in a very big hurry to get home. And, they know that it is not proper as they grow-up, to destroy their body. And they‘re taught it‘s wrong. So they find other ways to slowly sabotage their body and make sure it dies as fast as it can because they want freedom. There is a fetal imprint in all of us that knows we lost freedom in coming into the body. And, if we‘re going to transmute the body to a higher level and take it to freedom with us, first we must forgive it and we must stop fighting it, and treating it like it is something that is our task master. We must realize the body is in pain too. For it is cut off from its higher parts. And part of that body you‘re going to react to is a part that was given to it by each of your parents and their family lines. You will inherit the portions of un-resolved conflict that your parents had within themselves. And it will feel awful. You will feel, as you begin to move your little dot of energy down into the spiral of fetal integration. Feel yourself moving downward and all of a sudden you hit a level that just runs through your shoulders and through your Astral body and you just want to run like heck anywhere. You‘re starting to pick up on that pattern of Mom & Dad and what brought them together which always implies its opposite. There are conflicts unresolved, there are issues un-resolved. You‘re hitting their karmic pattern, and you‘re knowing that now your consciousness is going to get entangled, not only within your own stuff, but you are going to take on part of the imprint of each of your parents. And it can feel like a very horrible feeling. It can burn in the 3rd Chakra area where you feel a complete feeling of your power being stripped from you because now the karmic pattern is taking over you and you are losing your purity. You feel like you‘re being robbed of your innocence and your purity. There‘s an anger there, but it can‘t be expressed. Many people wish that the process of fetal integration was Joyful. And once upon a time it was. We‘ll go to that time before we finish this clearing. But right now we need to clear these imprints out of the emotional body imprint. Move down a little bit more, use the white spark of light into the Spiral. You are getting very close now. You are getting very close now to the Diodic Point where you will enter the first 8 cells and where you will spiral through the 7th Chakra, all the way through into the body pattern. At this point, you‘ve hit your trauma phases: your anger, your resentment, your resistance, your disgust, your terror and your horrible, horrible sense of growing homesickness. You go to a space, just before you hit integration, of acceptance, where you release and you just let go. It is a point where your Eternal Self sends you a little burst of energy to help you get into the body. But also to let you know that you are, and will be, alright. Try to focus on your consciousness as a little spark, right at the tip, the little tiny tip of the spiral that brings you into the Diodic Point. And right there imagine yourself getting zapped with some energy. Make it whatever color spectra is comfortable. It‘s from your Eternal Self, reassuring you, giving you extra support and energy. You will be okay when you enter this process. Feel that self that had gotten all tied up in the emotion and in the fear. Feel it begin to relax in the knowing. Yes, it will be alright and it is sustained always. The Eternal Self will never, ever leave its side. When it‘s time to fully stretch out into the body, there will be a feeling more so of acceptance. A communication from the Eternal Self for some will be enough to restore your joy. ―Oh yeah, this could be neat. Yeah, I‘ve done this before. Okay, I‘m not going to get so upset about it.‖ These are the babies that come out bouncy. They come out with cheerfulness bouncing all over them. They smile a lot, they sleep Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 21 of 44
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well. They‘re just the little angels from heaven that are totally at peace with their being in a body. Others are still trying to recuperate from the emotional trauma of separation, and from the terror of what they are getting themselves into and they‘re a little more withdrawn about the whole process. And you‘ll fit into this. You‘ll be one or the other or the third kind. You may feel yourself a little withdrawn; you became the observer when you entered into the baby body. You decided you‘d observe this thing. But you weren‘t going to let it get you fully. You‘re not going to go into terror; you‘re not even going to go into resistance, but you‘re not going to quite fully let it get you. So you‘re going to stand back from the emotional body, and you‘re going to detach, and you will carry that imprint of fetal integration with you through your whole posture, through your whole life until you release it. And then there is the 3rd type of reaction, where even after you get the support message from your Eternal Self, you don‘t care. You still don‘t like the idea. Whatever agreement you got yourself into, you want out of. ―I‘m sorry I made it. I must have been crazy. I don‘t want to do this again. I should have known better.‖ But you‘re phase-locking into a body pattern. These are the babies that sometimes don‘t make it into delivery. These are the babies that sometimes have horrible, horrible deformities in the last 2 Trimesters of development because they are literally trying to pull themselves out of body while the body‘s trying to pull them in and it messes up the whole bio-field system. Some of them aren‘t so noticeable as physical defects. They instead become patterns of disharmonics within the subtle bodies systems. And most people carry that because most people come through with that aversion imprint in this time frame. So you‘ll find a part of yourself that came in and just said, ―Yuck, I won‘t play.‖ It decides to make a mask. ―Fine! If it has to be alive, I will give it a personality, but I refuse to associate with it. Other than that…it‘s not me.‖ When a stance like this is taken, there is a level of detachment that goes far beyond the observer, it goes into the ―refuser to feel-er‖. It goes into a type of consciousness orientation in the body that can create two types of things. It can create a life posture of not being able to connect with anything or anyone deeply because it just hurts too much so you just refuse to do it. And of course, the fact that you can‘t connect here only amplifies that original imprint of being so devastated and feeling so homesick for those you loved. So people like that can live in very quiet misery feeling their own lack of ability to connect. Some of them will even know that they did it, that down here things are scary or screwed-up. They are not as trustworthy as they are in the higher places, so how can you open yourself. These are the imprints that grow out of these fetal imprints—where we‘re afraid to connect with each other, afraid to connect with ourselves and our world. Others, who‘ve built up a lot of emotional energy behind this imprint, start to short circuit their own neurological structure. And it can go anywhere from chemical imbalances into pure psychosis—the people that can run around and do horrible things to other people and feel utterly no remorse. Some people are capable of that on their own. Others have help from astral field possession. But you don‘t need astral field possession to become an emotional monster who is not able to feel. What you need is a very, very deep terror at the birth imprint. And any good and lovingness and joy that you had felt, and any goodness that you had felt to those who you were connected to on the other side, becomes turned inside out and convoluted and perverted into something that comes out as hostility with no focus at all. Everybody carries some of these pains. So, when we look at mass murderers, psycho killers, rapists—all these people who do horrible things, perhaps we can look at them with a little more compassion, if we Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 22 of 44
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realize that they have a horrendous birth imprint in there that‘s really torturing them, and so they torture other people. It can develop compassion in us. For, if we can develop compassion towards others with this, we will start to develop compassion for ourselves. If you look back through your life as you‘re sitting there as a spark of light just ready to… the final drop into full fetal integration, and you‘re getting a chance to review what‘s going to be and who you are going to become and what you‘re gonna do. Like you know now, what you‘ve done. I want you to look at yourself with total and utter forgiveness, in total and utter compassion. Because, whatever it is you‘ve done, came out of places that were far beyond here. You can‘t place the blame on them here. Whatever you did here was a manifestation of the original imprints you brought in. Some of them will be from here, from this birth imprint. Others will be from incarnational imprinting, which we will deal with at another time. We‘re going to finish the little Journey, back into the body now, into the fetal body. We are going to see ourselves as a little spark of light hanging at the end of that spiral of energy. And the black hole is now beneath us. And we‘re going to drop ourselves into the Diodic Point. See a nice, slow free-fall like everything is going in slow motion as your consciousness enters, in a state of acceptance. When it moves through the Diodic Point, all of a sudden there is a burst of energy felt all around your consciousness and many colors flash very quickly. Nothing makes sense, it‘s a blur for a moment. And then the sensation of pulling starts to pull from the top of your little spark of light. And it‘s pulling you up and stretching you out as if you were made of taffy. You‘re beginning to feel the consciousness spreading into the cellular core and into the molecules into the infant fetal pattern. And there is a feel to this, as you impress each cell with your new consciousness and your new pattern. And you will begin to know the pieces of your parents that will now become pieces of you, the ―get acquainted time,‖ in the fetal integration process. If there have been Karmic issues with your parents that are carried in their fields and in yours, you will find other points of blockage here. But they can be cleared with karmic release exercises. At this time we‘re just releasing from the fetal integration for this lifetime. As we stretch out into the baby body, we‘re going to go into a nurturing phase because no matter how lousy our parents might have been or how great they might have been, or how scared we were when we came in, there‘s one thing that‘s consistent. At least for a time, we were surrounded by total nurturing, even if our parents weren‘t nurturing people. The Universe sends through a mother‘s body, currents of energy that come up from the Earth, where the portion of the Earth joins with the mother. Even if she is not capable of sending the right vibrations to the child, the Earth is. That vibration is carried within the Amniotic fluid and with the fluid surrounding the baby body. So for a moment, try to imagine yourself as a tiny fetal pattern or a bigger baby pattern within the sac. Feel the safety of the sac around you. It‘s like a sac of silver Energy and it has a cool fluid. The fluid feels just a little cool compared to what you feel inside. It‘s really very warm. But you are very hot. Feel the safety of the Amniotic fluid and the Amniotic bag around you. That is your little world for right now and that is your place where you can gain some stability when you move into the Fetal Integration process. This is a place for fetal healing. Try now to separate the vibrations and the feeling between the Earth Mother vibration coming up through the Telluric realm into the amniotic fluid right through the components of the molecular structure surrounding you. That would be the higher frequency vibration surrounding you and nurturing you with love. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 23 of 44
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And then become aware of the other vibration that is of a bit lower frequency. That‘s the part of your mother pattern that is not assimilated yet—your Mother Shadow. And that is the part that feels uncomfortable. And it is usually the shadow that we most remember and carry with us as we move through into birthing. What we‘re going to do this time is reprogram for a moment the fetal memory where we‘re going to start to feel instead…forget Mom the biology…let‘s go to Mom the Earth. Try now to hold two focuses, one of yourself in the amniotic sac and the other of the Earth Core. Now bring the two together where you picture the amniotic sac and the baby body within it moving to the Core of the Earth and being surrounded by silver light. Feel the Earth Mother as your womb, for this will help you to transcend any issues or harms that have come through the relationship with your birth mother, here. The Mother of all of us is the Earth Mother, and that is a loving mother. Just breathe in as the little tiny baby body and try to feel what stage you‘re at right now ‗cause this will give you a clue as to when you got fixated with some of the pain patterns. If you‘re picturing yourself little, tiny and small, it was very early. If you‘re picturing yourself as a whole grown baby with fingernails and eyelids and everything, then you were close, very close to the time when you were going to come out. It will be different for everybody. By getting a visual or an impression of the size of the baby body, it will give you a very strong clue as the age of the fetus in which you integrated. It will give you your fetal integration timeframe. Some people do not integrate until after the baby body has passed out of the mother‘s womb. There are literally babies born without Souls integrated. They have about 36 hours before the vibration of the tissue of the baby drops so they can‘t integrate anymore. They hang out in the astral field. The Souls hang-out in the astral field making a decision about whether or not they are going to do it. You may have been one of those. If you can find how you came in, start to get in touch with it. You‘ll know possibly by the process of elimination. Well, did I come in later? My first impression was like blurry bright lights in the hospital. Do I first remember the feeling, the rhythm of a heart beat? Do I remember hanging out in there a long time? You have these memories and it‘s time to reclaim them. And now that they‘ve been stimulated and stirred up within your Auric fields and within your Kundalini Spirals, you will start as you move through your days, to get bits and bits and more of this memory coming through, but only when it‘s right. It‘s not going to happen to you in the middle of work where you end up in a crying mess on the floor. Your Soul and your higher parts and your Eternal Self will regulate it for you. But what needs to be cleared here, your Eternal Self will help in showing to you begin clearing, and it will help to show you how you can help clear it. You‘ve made a tremendous leap simply by releasing this imprint right now. Right now, each of you are carrying within your fields, the original spark of entry. And in each of your fields, in the 4th Dimensional level, you can see an imprint, an overlay of the time-frame—the time vector when you did indeed integrate. It is with you now and it is active in the field. You can pull memory from this whenever you can command yourself to do so. If you haven‘t allowed yourself to remember too much in this room it‘s because you‘re still resisting connecting. You‘re still resisting feeling, particularly in a group of people. You‘ll want to go home and do it there. Ask for the release there where you‘ll feel more safe. And when you ask for the release of the core trauma of Fetal Integration, remember to place yourself inside the amniotic sac inside the true Mother of the Earth Core who is totally non-judgmental and filled with unconditional love. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 24 of 44
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(01:53:56) You will heal by allowing that energy to run through you. You will not heal by holding on to the trapped pain and terror. And you can also, now that you‘ve opened these channels, ask your higher parts to allow you to know who that family was that you left you standing on the edge when you jumped into the Spiral to take you in. Ask them to let you know who they are and if there is a name that you can use of any one of them that‘s willing to communicate with you still now. There will be one for everyone. We‘re going to lighten it up now. There‘s been a lot of emotional energy popping out in the room here. I can feel it up here on the stage. We‘re going to do a slight transmission of energy which, if you can visualize it, it will help you feel it. It‘s going to be a transmitted through my field, through the Heart Chakra and through all the lower chakras as well. It‘s going to be like a Crystalline Rain that comes through the whole room from the top, down. It‘s a frequency of Silver White Light from the D11 and D12 light. It‘s going to come down and it‘s going to start to wash away all this stuff you‘ve just released, except for your Access Points so you can go back and retrieve what you need to next. Any of the gook in your Auric field now, that you‘ve released from that miasmic imprint of the fetal integration process. I want you to breathe slow. Inhale and exhale several slow, deep breaths, very conscious breaths, now (exhaling) exhale. Push on the exhale. You‘re getting rid of energy you don‘t want now. Yes, let it go and as you push it out, see that Silver White Crystalline Rain type energy coming down through your field and feel it calming, calming all that part of you, that little part of you of the baby body that had hurt. Imagine the baby going into a peaceful sleep now. Imagine yourself sleeping at the age of 5, a peaceful child at the age of 5, totally happy for it is in a dream where the Angels are embracing it, where the higher portions of identity are there and talking. Now imagine yourself asleep at the age of 10. The age of 10 and again you were dreaming. And now the higher portions of self and the family you left behind are talking with you again in the dream state. Imagine yourself as a little child. See yourself on the outside smiling in your sleep because you are making contact, contact that has always been there but that you forgot. Now bring yourself back to the age of 20. You‘re more mature now. The perceptions have changed a bit and at the age of 20 begin to feel with you the presence of your self as an Over-Self, your own Over-Self that‘s you—the rest of you that‘s going to embody. And that Over-Self remembers the family and the family is very accessible there. From now on you walk through life knowing from the age of 20, you walk through life knowing you have a double right with you. It‘s not your anti-particle double. This is a part of you that is meant to lead you home, to lead you through, and to lead you up into the next level of evolution. Now, I want you to come back. Count up kind of quickly from 20 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 60 and stop wherever you are to 70 to 80. Bring yourself back to now and try to get a feel of what you feel like now compared to what you felt like before you started this long journey. And we‘ll take a little bit of a break so we can get back oriented into our now space. And then we‘re going to spend sometime talking about what we experienced. Thank You.
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Post Meditation Discussion [D2 C1 00:00] A‘sha …down into the fetal integration process. Is there anybody that would like to say anything, or are we all going to be ―mum‘s the word‖? Oh good, there‘s a few. Good, okay, one, two, three… Audience Member: Before you share, can I just ask another question [inaudible]. If you‘re blocked in such a way that, in terms of doing the visualizations, in terms of seeing the dots, in terms of every way, just by being here, will that still get activated at some point in time? A‘sha: Yes, yes, just because you can‘t see them yet, which means there‘s certain blockages and, yeah. Those things will come. You‘re getting frequency right now, and you‘re getting images that, by me creating and saying ―Okay see this, see this, see this‖—that is actually a scalar wave pattern. Okay, it sounds like words here and it sounds like the description of images. You are still getting the scalar wave pattern in your field. It will begin making adjustments in your field by, kind of like osmosis: you‘re in the space; you are going to be affected by the field. Yeah, and this will progressively help you to work through the blockages that are making it so you can’t do inner visual and that kind of stuff. You know, it‘s a process; some people can‘t do great inner visualization, you know. They‘re trying—they know they‘re trying to create it, but they just don‘t see anything. And that‘s very characteristic of the early, even early fourth strand activation. Usually, you don‘t get real clear inner visuals until you go into sixth strand activation, so you don‘t have to worry about it if you don‘t see real crisp, clear, you know, inner visuals when you‘re doing visualization or something. You just need to know they‘re there because you‘re intending them to be. And, they are there; they‘re just not within your perceptual range of inner vision yet, okay. So you‘ll be alright with it. You‘re still getting the benefit of it. Okay, now. Ow, I think my knee‘s back in…oh, okay. Audience Member: You know, when you were taking us through the process, at…couple of points I was already there before you got there, because there were real problems with me…why I‘m here and stuff and things and I know that you‘re not just saying I don‘t want to be here. And several people in the past, most of them who don‘t even know me or aren‘t into any of this kind of work, have actually said to me ―You‘re not from here.‖ A‘sha: Uh-huh. Okay, so you were getting the instructions ahead, before I'd say them you were getting them ahead. I've had several people, even in the Kathara Healing workshop, say the same thing to me: "I was getting that/doing that before you said that." You know? Which is good, because I'm getting this stuff through a frequency transmission and then it downloads through me and becomes speech; some people already have their receptors open enough where they're picking up the frequency and getting the translations before I say them. So if you happen to be seeming like you're running ahead of me and like, "Wait a minute," you know, "Déjà vu; I just heard that in my own head" or "I just saw that happen," you're just picking up on the transmission that's being given, the frequency transmission. And it's very possible as far as "not being from here"…honestly, none of us are from here (laughter). (Inaudible interjection from audience member). Some people are less from here than others, though (laughter). When it comes to Oraphim Emerald Order, for example, they tend to be from Harmonic-4, okay. They tend to not incarnate. In fact they only incarnate on rescue missions, usually. That's how most of the Oraphim got stuck here 210,000 years ago: it was a rescue mission went very, very wrong, and we got stuck in the Densities and have been tripping over ourselves, trying to put ourselves back together ever Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 26 of 44
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since. So there are some people that have a distinct feeling of not being from here, and it's usually people that have affiliations where most of their experience of manifestation is in higher dimensional fields, where you don't have a lot of orientation to the Earth frequencies; you're not used to being in the Densities. So it makes you feel like really strange in the Densities, like you just really don't quite belong here; you belong some place else. Audience Member: Because it was difficult for me to go back. I can distinctly, even now…and it's always been a thing I cannot remember. I can remember parts growing up and certain points are distinctive, but anything beyond that, before that, I really cannot recall any moments within my consciousness. I only know things that were told to me when I was a baby. A'sha: Okay, that's interesting. That's something I didn't talk about, which is a possibility: when you get to the point where you can go back in your memory to a certain point and all of a sudden it stops, like "I wasn't here before then?" There's a distinct possibility you weren't. And that gets into things like soul braiding and walking in. There are some people who, because they're a higher consciousness coming in, will have a difficult time coming into the fetal pattern that was chosen because the fetal pattern doesn't have a high enough oscillation rate. So they will get usually a part of their own Soul or Over-Soul Matrix to come in, do a very short half-incarnation, get the body to a certain point of vibration, and then they will come in and their memory will pick up usually, unless they've been in overshadow the whole time—then the memory would pick up at the point where you came in to the body. So it's a possibility, with that type of "not being able to go back" to that point, that somebody else did fetal integration and you came in at that point, you know. To be able to find that out you're best to work with your Mentor that we created in the—you were there, right? (audience member confirms) Okay, so, to find your own inner guidance, to find out if a walk-in has taken place or a soul-braid, but if you do find a point where, "Gee, I can remember to age two but boy, it's just blank slate after that, nothing," it's very possible you just weren't here before that point. And that's what, like you know, modern medicine people hear this and psychiatry and they think I'm absolutely off the wall, but they don't remember their fetal integration process, because if they did it would make perfect sense, you know. And hopefully at some point we can, you know I would like to get this out into the psychiatric community before they become a menace to us. Not to us—we're going to know better—but to those poor people out there who are going to go into DNA activations and start getting their fourth-dimensional perceptions and start remembering their incarnational stuff. They're going to go running to shrinks because they're going to think they're going crazy, and they're going to end up putting them on drugs. And they're going to tell them they are crazy, when really what's happening is the psychiatric paradigm is not large enough to deal with what's happening with human evolution. So hopefully we can be a part of healing in that. If we teach and let others know that there are alternatives to running to a doctor for drugs, and don't be so scared if you start to see things and if you start to hear inner voices. It doesn't mean you're crazy necessarily. We need to spread this word. Okay I have another question over here. Well it can, but it usually doesn't. Audience Member: Just a piece to share with you on that: there's a physician, a psychiatrist by the name of Dr. [inaudible], who has been through the whole Kundalini experience and he has identified psychosis or transcendence, and he has written a wonderful book on helping other physicians to really understand whether people are really having a psychotic experience or a transcendent experience. And the one thing he‘s very strong with is to be careful with medication because you can actually, if it is a transcendent experience, really create harm to that person‘s spiritual evolution. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 27 of 44
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A‘sha: Yes, yes I‘m glad there‘s a book out there that some doctor has finally got a Kundalini activation and gone into transcendence, and come back to tell the other doctors that, you know, it isn‘t crazy after all, ―I‘m a doctor; you have to listen to me,‖ you know, ―believe me.‖ I‘m glad that exists out there. Okay. [Inaudible comment from audience member]. Okay, that‘s good, so there are other people that are being guided to bring this knowledge into the medical professions as far as there is a difference between transcendence and psychosis; there is a difference between hearing the inner chatter of your fragmented personalities that are down there in your subconscious, which we all have pieces of, and hearing the guidance of your Higher Self. And there‘s a difference between those two things and hearing something you don‘t want to hear that‘s trying to infiltrate your astral field to pretend it‘s your director, because it wants your body. So there‘s a lot of things that psychology hasn‘t learned, but we‘re learning so we‘ll be better at being able to identify it. Is there another question, I think I remember—yeah, okay. Audience Member: Yeah, in relation to her question, maybe you can help me with this. I find that in doing these exercises, a lot of times I have a challenge seeing these things or I guess I‘m in my head, and I‘m trying—I‘m like, working—I‘m saying ―Well now, what does this look like? Am I seeing it right?‖ You know it‘s like I‘m doing a right brain exercise but I‘m in my left brain when I‘m trying to do it. And, you know, I‘m trying to analyze, and I‘m thinking—I‘m saying ―Is this right?‖ And ―When she said ‗See eight of them‘—is this what they look like? Am I seeing it right? Is it supposed to stand up this way or does it go down that way?‖ And I‘m doing all of this and trying to, you know, to visualize it or see whatever it is. A‘sha: I understand exactly what you‘re saying and I bet there‘s a lot of people who do that—who catch themselves doing that: the mind‘s going ―Yeah, but okay, is this right?‖ And by that time you missed three steps and you‘re like ―Where am I? Wait a minute! Okay, come back.‖ You summed it up well, of being in the wrong brain space; we‘re trying to, you know, work with the intuitive stuff here. With that, that‘s a propensity to kind of over-analyze things, which is usually somebody that really wants to make sure they‘re right before they commit to anything. It usually is part of their, you know, structure, where they‘re going to get this—it‘s a cogitation thing. You know who‘s wonderful at that is my husband Phil. He‘s very, very good at absolutely making sure every angle of something is covered round and round and round and round, and it gets to the point where, ―Yeah, but you could have been on Step C by now, but you‘re too worried about getting ‗A‘ absolutely perfect.‖ Trust is the healing element to this, where you learn to say, ―Ah, seems like this. Let‘s run with it.‖ You learn to trust. If you‘re imaging a star for instance, don‘t ask ―Is that the right star?‖ so much as saying ―I trust because I see it that my Higher Self is showing me the right way to do this for me.‖ You need to surrender the trust factor. And you also can do a little trick where instead of seeing images and hearing words, try to switch into a level of perception called ―cellular telepathy,‖ where you just begin to read feeling-vibration. You can literally shift into feeling the transmissions of energy that are coming out beneath the words here. Forget the words; it doesn‘t matter if you remember a darn thing I said. If you can begin to feel the frequency of the energy that‘s just coming off the front of the stage here and from the people around you with this, you will pull in and your system will do this stuff even if it‘s bypassing your logical conscious mind. It will still create the same effects, and it will help you to get back to the point where you don‘t get in your mind‘s way as much. So sometimes switching into a different perceptual mode will help break that kind of habitual pattern of over-processing in one perceptual mode. Simply switch to, ―Remember this is all energy,‖ and if you could Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 28 of 44
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totally tune me out, sing a song to yourself in your head; distract your mind. Get it off what I‘m saying, but try to open up the energy centers here (A‘sha‘s hand motions around her solar plexus) and lean the energy here, toward the stage just to start feeling some frequency moving. You‘ll be expanding your field out enough to pick up the frequencies and they will affect you anyway, and you‘ll get yourself out of your head space for a little while. And that can help, that can help that problem of over — you know, ―Am I doing this right? Am I doing this right?‖ You need to learn to trust yourself. That‘s what it comes down to for all of us. If we‘re going to be forerunners of this incredible paradigm that most people have never, ever heard of here except maybe 200,000 years ago and they don‘t remember, we need to realize there‘s part of our Self that already knows how it works; there‘s part of our Self that knows what the right thing to do is in any moment. And we need to start learning to say ―Well, maybe I don‘t get it right now. I surrender; I will give it to that part of myself that already knows, my Eternal Self, my Master Inside. And my Master is nobody but me.‖ You can have groups and you can have people that will help you, you can have teachers. You can have lots of support systems, but the most important thing is to never, ever give your power to anybody but your own Self on each level, and your own Self in connection directly to Source. There‘s no outside authority, or even Inner Plane authority, no matter how grand they may be or how great holograms they can create with wild wings and take you on journeys and stuff —both sides can do that. You know, learn to respect your own majesty and realize that you have an Ascended Master. Right now, in this moment, there‘s a level of you that‘s an Ascended Master, the part that never even left the frequency bands that are part of the Ascended Mastery levels. Time is simultaneous. Your original point of full expansion into Source before you individuated is just as real right now as your little individuated point here. You need to trust that level, and it will guide you through all this stuff. This will help you to open to it. Okay, another question. Audience Member: The experience—I mean, if you, kind of like—I‘ve been waiting so long I can‘t remember it. A‘sha: That‘s another thing that happens. Audience Member: There‘s a part where, um, we‘re traveling or going down or up [inaudible], my person felt like I was encased in something, like stiff, and I really wanted to be free. And I really wanted to change my mind and I really didn‘t want to do this. And it was very dark. But that feeling was concentrated in my abdomen, and so I kind of heard like this is where all your digestion problems are from, breathing, respiratory issues…like, ―Oh, this is where it all started, that you kind of decided you didn‘t want to do this anymore and you took it in right in the digestion.‖ And that‘s where I felt it, so when you said ―Push away the energy‖—well, what was I pushing away? A‘sha: You were pushing away the—when we dig up these imprints from in those eight cells, we‘re firing miasms, which are those little build-ups of anti-particles that are stuck in our particle fields. We‘re breaking them up and making them release their holographic pattern which kind of comes out in a gucky, yucky energy that doesn‘t necessarily have pictures, dates and times on it; it just kind of hangs in the field. When we‘re clearing and pushing the energy out, we‘re taking that guck that we just released from the stuff where you‘re getting information already on what you felt there and where it was—there‘s guck behind that, that was stuck in your, you know, in crystallized form, you released the crystals. You‘re pushing that energy out into your outer layers of the auric field where your higher levels of Self can transmute them for you. So you‘re getting them away from your immediate astral-level body and your physical-level body so they don‘t make you sick, so they don‘t make you feel yucky, that kind of thing. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 29 of 44
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Audience Member: And at the same time, like I really wanted to make a lot of noise, okay, and there‘s a lot of people here. A‘sha: Someday we‘ll have a retreat center where we can have like a silent room where we can all go — yeah… Audience Member: We need to do, like real heavy-release breathing. But, you know there were people. Other people heard, but that was mild and quiet. That was tame, controlled breathing, that was not what needed to— A‘sha: Right, but what‘s wonderful…do you see how your system knew what needed to take place to finish that healing? It knew it needed to maybe scream and breathe hard and, and do all sorts of wild stuff. Your systems—all of your systems will know how to do this, and I knew everybody was going to say ―Okay, yeah, we‘ll release our emotional bodies, but of course we always have to be polite and you know we‘re in a lot of people…‖ Yeah, right, you know? We actually did very good with letting the emotional body go to a degree, but that is a very natural and very healthy response because usually when you start to get into releasing the fetal imprint, you may literally bounce off walls. If you really let it go, it may come out in movement. You know how people like to do ―free dance‖ and that kind of stuff because it redistributes energy in the system? You may find pounding pillows or throwing things against walls or, you know, bopping those Styrofoam things around—just flailing, just like an infant would, to clear itself and to rebalance itself. You may find those as natural responses to releasing the fetal imprint. And when you flow with them they will turn into something else, you know? If you feel like crying and you cry for a while, that may turn into anger; that may turn into physical desire to physically do stuff—push at something, you know, attack something, you know, rip that pillow apart, that kind of thing. All of these impulses are coming out of releasing the fetal imprint. Someday, if we could ever afford it, I‘m hoping, and what the Guardians want, is to have a retreat center where part of what we can do is deep emotional release work; where we can use the breathing patterns. There‘s certain different patterns of panting and those kind of things that will help release certain levels of the miasmic imprint; where there‘s a place to scream where nobody‘s going to hear you if you need it except somebody working with you where it‘s okay. So it‘s very natural to have that and it‘s good that you noticed that in yourself. Did anybody else notice you wanted to do stuff like that but you just kind of, ―Well, not here,‖ you know? Okay, two or three, okay, a couple people noticed that…yeah. Audience Member: But there was something else that, um, that took place that I thought was important. It was, umm…oh, this is the question: processing. Processing, like, I know with the New Age movement now you don‘t want to process, from what I understand. I mean, you want — because there‘s — from what I understand we‘ve processed so much, we‘ve, you know, many of us have had so many incarnations it‘s like ―Okay!‖ We‘ve processed, we‘ve processed, now we know we‘re stuck with stuff, now let‘s get on with whatever it is we‘re supposed to be doing besides processing. So there‘s a resistance to the processing part that I needed to understand and get clear about. That was one part; the other part was that when you have family or family lineages that you know have trauma in it, and somebody‘s taking you through the trauma, whatever, through the meditation, whatever, you know you‘re going to get to this because you already know, whatever. A‘sha: Right, you already know it‘s there. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 30 of 44
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Audience Member: If you read a book or whatever, every, you know, you already know that particular line has a whole lot of issues. And so when you get to that issue, the anger or whatever you‘re feeling, it seems like you never release it. I mean how many of these have you done? So, how many more do you have to do to release it, is the point. You already know that you‘ve been there, you did this, you felt this. Supposedly the last workshop you went to, they said you released it, and you know, it‘s like… A‘sha: Well, we release stuff; there is stuff upon stuff upon stuff stuck in our fields, okay. This is why they‘re getting, the Guardians are getting into ―reversing the miasmic core,‖ which is going back to the core point where it first occurred and reversing the polarity on the whole onion, going to the seed and turning it inside out. Because you can spend the next 500 years processing your karma from the last 200,000, trying to figure out what it is, up-level it, look at it, process the issue. That‘s why we‘re being taught to deal with the karmic imprint as the miasmic imprint, which is its real manifestation in wave form. Forget what the holographic content is. We‘re learning to process it as energy and clear it out. And it comes down to a simple processing where, if we can recognize that we have our Kathara Grid in the body, we have our Hova Body scalar grid structures, part of those will have blockages in them that are clusters of miasmic crystals. It comes down to a simple process of clearing out the layers of the crystal clusters and getting them out of the Hova Bodies and the Kathara Grid: simple. We don‘t have to rehash it over, and over, and over again. But sometimes we need to trip the emotional body enough to allow the miasm to release, okay. When we go in to feeling the feelings we know we don‘t want to feel because we know they‘re already there, if those feelings are still there, we haven‘t released it. There‘s a miasm behind them. So, by allowing those feelings to process and come up, you can trigger the rest of the miasmic pattern to open into wave form into your field; you could really work yourself into a tizzy if you try to follow the emotions step-by-step. But if you then take it and work with it as energy to clear it out and move it from the field, you‘re doing an energy change to yourself right there. You are processing, but you‘re processing in a way where you don‘t have to analyze the heck out of everything you‘re processing. You don‘t have to look at that issue anymore. You just have to release the imprint of the energy and move that energy away from you; time for the next thing. And you also got to realize we are in a process here, in an ascension cycle, Star Gate cycle that, this is where it all comes to a head. It‘s been 200,000 years since this happened, so we have a tremendous amount of mess in our morphogenetic field. That‘s why these type of healing techniques will work much better than trying to go through past life therapy, you know. Audience Member: I also felt like I wasn‘t just doing mine; I felt like I was doing a whole lot of other people‘s. A‘sha: Did you really? Interesting. Audience Member: Yes I did, and I was like ―Okay, there‘s too many people.‖ A‘sha: You, you were experiencing, you were experiencing… Audience Member: That it wasn‘t just mine that was being worked through; I was doing it for others. Right, almost like the scream that I wanted to do was my scream, yes, but then it was all the screams of the people who didn‘t want to scream. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 31 of 44
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A‘sha: That‘s right, all the screams of the people who wouldn‘t let it out were trying to come into you…right, right. Audience Member: I was like ―Oh, no, you‘re not going to do this to me today. I‘m not going to be the one standing here screaming for everybody. A‘sha: That is very common. Audience Member: So all of that in that moment that you—that‘s that only moment, like you can‘t, I can‘t describe that high that happens to me, because… A‘sha: I know what you‘re talking about with that, okay, with the symbiotic relationship to the other fields in the room. Some people have a very natural inclination to play Hoover vacuum cleaner (laughter). And I know because I‘m one of them; my field walks through a room and it absorbs everything in sight, and cleans it up and throws it back out, nice and clean and shiny. And, believe me. That can be hard to process. When we start to go into higher frequency and higher identity integration, one of the things we do need to learn is to shut down our fields when it‘s time to do that. You know, where we get to say, ―No, I‘m not going to pull that in right now. I don‘t need to play vacuum cleaner right now.‖ But I think what you were feeling, I think what you were feeling was you must hold your fields naturally in a state of vacuum, where you probably have a, a soul contract to do that, to, you know, do some mild cleaning as you pass through reality fields. We all have the capacity to do it, but some people have it turned on more than others. So you don‘t have to be afraid of that, but you need to be—ask yourself: ―What do I do with my fields when I‘m just around other people? Do I block them down this way (A‘sha motions with her arms) or do I just kind of hang there and seem to move through them like some part of me just moves through them?‖ And, ―When I go into a crowd, do I feel really tired afterward? Do I get like, really drained for no reason, or if somebody‘s upset like, three lines over, and I walk out of a building,‖ and you know, ―seeing that didn‘t affect me—half an hour later, I‘m really upset, and I can‘t figure out why.‖ You just absorbed the pattern, right? We can learn to modulate our fields. One of the things I do—and I learned this as a survival skill in walking through the streets of New York, trying to get here, especially around Christmas when there were like, you know, shoulder-to-shoulder deep traffic jams on foot—I put down my Merkaba. I put down a spiral of energy, very, very thick, just energy, letting it move; anything that was of a higher vibration was welcome to come through, but anything unstable was not permitted to move through my field. I put my spiral of energy coming down this way, with the tip there (A‘sha points above her head), you know, and going into the ground; then I put in the Earth‘s core the reverse one coming up this way (she motions upwards), and I literally put myself inside of the image of the Star Tetrahedron, or the Merkaba Star. And I had—I‘ve had some amazing results; I have haven‘t tried it in parking spaces yet, but I have put the field down and had really weird stuff happen like people part to let me walk through. And they didn‘t even see me! They just happened to move; it was like, ―Gee, did we do that?‖ It also protects my field from absorbing all of their emotional bodies. We used to have a terrible time in childhood with this body because it‘s very, very sensitive: put it in, like a grade school setting, and it was processing all the emotional body nonsense of all the kids in the room. And by half-way through the day, totally burned out, just needed to sleep. You know, so we can learn to protect ourselves and our children. Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 32 of 44
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We have children, or know people with children, and they seem to go into, like, a lot of rebel stuff, where if they‘re having issues with school, sometimes the issues with school are actually over-saturation of energy fields. And if those children could be taught simply to put themselves inside of a Merkaba Star—you can call it what you want to, but tell them it‘s to, you know, strengthen their energies and make them stronger, and kind of like make a story up about it. Put some characters in it and make it a spaceship from some place; I don‘t care. You know, get it across to them: they can put something in their energy field, as a thought-idea, that will block out the sponge effect that many of us are developing. Okay, now I‘m not going to have time, I don‘t think, to take any more questions because if this clock is right it‘s like 3:37, and I gather we have the room till four. I very much want to take you through the rest of the exercises, if you‘re ready to go, you know. That last one was pretty long, and this one we‘re going to have a little help in doing: Azara is going to make her debut during this exercise. What I‘m told is going to happen is we‘re going to go back to the point, the Diodic Point that we went through as the doorway in the last one, where we went through and began to access fetal integration memory. We‘re going to go back to that point, and we‘re going to travel backward through a timeline, and we‘re going to see many, many images flash before us so fast that they make no sense. We‘re going to go back to the core of the karmic imprint, the first time we entered this Harmonic. And it will be different for a lot of us, but if—since they‘ve identified us as being all Oraphim, it will be around the same time frame, which is about 200,000 years ago—210,216 years ago. What was special about the Oraphim—when they entered, originally, unlike most beings that enter here, they did not birth in. They down stepped their vibration from harmonic 4 liquid light Avatars, progressively down in, through the densities, and came down through the portals as fully grown adults. They manifested themselves. So somewhere in the imprint, if anybody‘s going to make it off planet into ascension this time, without dropping the body it will be those that have the original imprint of doing that process which would be the Oraphim. They have an advantage in that sense. It will be faster to activate the DNA codes more quickly, because they have an original imprint because they didn‘t birth in. They down stepped in. So you can reverse the process and go back up. So there is a very strong potential that the death as an experience some of us may choose to do without this time, and we will choose other ways of transferring ourselves to higher dimensional fields. It will all depend on your own self and your relationship with your higher parts. OK. Now, we‘re going to go back in to the Diodic Point where fetal integration began. And at this point Azara‘s going to introduce herself, and I hope you enjoy this little journey with Azara. Ok. Give us a moment.
Meditation: Entering the Harmonic [D2 C3 0:29:33] Azara Azara: Thank you for coming this evening. I would like to introduce myself to this group of people. My name is Azara, and I know you well. It is interesting to speak in front of a group this large, because usually we reserve it for very close, intimate friends, like our friends in New Jersey, in a smaller group. I want you to know that this may be a strange experience for you, but that you have heard my voice before because of who you are, and because of the soul family you are connected to. Every one of you has heard Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 33 of 44
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my voice and has an imprint of it within your cellular code. This is why I wanted to speak to you this afternoon. I was surprising our ―information conduit‖ shall we call her. I surprised her with this, and she was very uncomfortable because she doesn‘t particularly like to serve as channel capacity because we don‘t really need to do this. However, it is interesting at times, to be able to speak with you directly because once upon a time I did speak with you directly. But the place was not here. The place was on Tara. The place was in Harmonic 2 and you knew me as a woman with deep-brown skin and large green eyes. You knew me as a woman named Azara. And I was your teacher and instructor before you came here on a mission of attempting to rescue the Amenti portals. So, somewhere within each of you here, there is an ancient memory of a family. And there are some of you missing, but they‘ll come eventually. Somewhere in you, you have a memory of my face and a memory of a personal relationship with me, because at the time I was able to, as I was in a second harmonic density body, I was able to interact with you on a physical level. It has been many, many thousands of years since I have joined into the physical experience. But I follow you through time. You, and the others like you, that carry the wisdom of ascension as you moved through the Cathars of France, as you move through the Jesheua period 2,000 years ago, as you move through Akhenaton‘s period, and the early Phaeronic reigns, as you move from the Cloister races of 200,000 years ago when you lost your temples to the Nephilim. I have watched over this—me and others like me—I‘m a Gestalt consciousness. I‘m a spokesperson for a collective, a collective that all of you know. So when you hear me, I hope a portion of you can understand that it is an old friend speaking. I‘m going to take you on a bit of a journey now. It is going to be a journey back into your own incarnational matrix, your own incarnational hologram. And through this experience you should be able to begin releasing the hologram and its hold on you. We‘re going to take you to the core. And as Oraphim—and I will tell you that there is not one person in the room at this time who was not originally part of the Oraphim pattern. Some of you, since that time, have been, let us say, altered, or enhanced by other visiting groups that changed the original coding and made you something different than what you were, which is OK. But you were all originally Oraphim, and the Oraphim got here one way, and one way only. They were Sliders. They slid in just like on your TV program. And because of this they came in at the same time-frame. They came in within—in your time calculations—about 6 weeks of each other in various teams. So there will be affiliations between groups of you, where you feel a resonance with certain groups of people in the group, smaller groups within the group, because you came in, in groups. And when you came in, you‘ll experience something that no Oraphim should ever have to experience. It is bad enough to lose one‘s Temples, and it is bad enough to lose control of the star gates; but what is very bad indeed is to lose control of one self when one is a liquid light Avatar and get yourself lost and trapped within densities for over 200,000 years. This has been a blow to all of you that you carry at the core of your Karmic entry point. You will have cycles of Karma that you entered from before, and then went back and back-and-forth. But your original point of coming down from Harmonic 4, that has a trauma imprint that has been repeating itself over and over and Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 34 of 44
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over. This is how the classic drama of the race Karma, of the forces of Dark and Light connecting, and doing their Armageddon Scenarios. This started back then. And it‘s been holographically recreating itself through race experience, and through your experience and being part of this race. You can learn to free yourself from this situation. You can learn by reversing the core of the miasmic grid. And that‘s what we will take you into at this time. Can someone please turn the light out there? Please, it‘s much too bright. (0:34:58) Alright now, let us go back for a moment to a visualization we used in the last exercise—a visualization in which you pictured a circular doorway with a blue-black light on the other side that represented the Diodic doorway that you can pass through to access the memory of the fetal integration experience. We‘re going to go back through this doorway, but this time we‘re not going to go upward through the vertical spiral that takes us into the fetal integration. Instead, we‘re going to go directly through, into the blue-black light, on a straight vector, or straight line projection of consciousness. Let us see our self, for a moment, as a small speck of white light, passing again through the doorway. Breathe slow and gentle. With each exhale move a bit more forward through the doorway and out into the blue-black light. Now, before you imagine, and if you don‘t see it that is OK, imagine that it is there. Imagine a spiral of energy that is multi-colored rainbow energy that is spiraling in front of you, and you are going to enter it. You‘re going to know, as you pass through it, this is the spiral of all the incarnations that you have lived up to this point that have got you to this point. And they began with a Seed Core—a Core crystal at the end of that spiral that started the whole operation in motion. Because you are the group of Oraphim that are known and appreciated much in the higher dimensional fields, you will share, in this room, a common point of entry, original point of entry. So let us move now, as a spark of white light, down through the rainbow spiral, through the rainbow tunnel. See us moving toward another spark of light that appears way at the distance of the tunnel. It is getting larger and larger as we move closer and closer, till we see that it looks like a large sun at the end of the rainbow tunnel. This light, at the end of the rainbow tunnel symbolizes the information that is stored on the original imprint— the original core entry point into the Harmonic 1 when you came in as Avatars. When you came in on the rescue mission that failed, there was a sense that the Oraphim, and only the Oraphim carried, of a deep frustration and a deep personal blame. Oraphim were always hard on themselves because they were perfectionistic in certain ways. They expected high performance from themselves, and when they didn‘t, they took it very hard and taught themselves hard lessons. So when you sit, as a consciousness, in your rainbow tunnel, and perceive this light at the end, know there is a part of yourself, all wrapped up in there, that has been a bit too hard on itself through these many, many incarnations. And it is time for that self to leave its station, to allow itself to evolve, to stop paying for what it felt it did wrong. One of the things that will help you to heal most, as the beings that you are, is to remove the Oraphim guilt complex. It carries through for 200,000 years and amplifies the heck out of Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 35 of 44
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everything you do. Every time you mess up you have to give yourself 3 lessons instead of 1 to make sure you don‘t ever do it again, which builds a tremendously thick miasmic pattern. So we‘re going to move into this spark of light now. We‘re going to take our spark of light and move into the larger light at the end of the rainbow tunnel. And when we get in there, imagine that a scene opens up. It is a scene with a pale-blue sky, and what appears to be a desert around it. There‘s a large pyramid rising up, but it is not a pyramid like the Egypt pyramids. (00:39:59) It is a pyramid of steps, like the step pyramids they climb up. It is not those flat-sided ones. It is also flattopped because we used to have craft land there. This was the place where it began. And if you would expand the image, or imagine it's there. If you can't see it just imagine it's there. Beyond the image of the pyramid you will see complexes of walls and smaller pyramid structures all connected together. It was a large, large pyramid complex that was the housing for the Cloister Races of the time. The time was 210,216 years ago, approximately—about 220 (thousand years ago) that we started to come in—but this is a time where we got fixated, and if we are going to heal, we need to release the fixation. Each one of us had a role to play in these times, and it doesn't matter any more what the role was, because what happened in the end, were the Guardian Races needed to come in and destroy the temple complexes because they had fallen under the hands of the Nephilim and they could control the star gates with them. So we had been offered choices. We could have chosen to leave and be evacuated, or we could have chosen to stay with our partners that we came in with, who had been taken over by the Nephilim. Many, many of us had lost partners; many, many of us chose to stay in the densities until we could retrieve them. So we saw the destruction of the temples, and the destruction of our bodies at the time, as we entered the cycles of reincarnation that we were not really intended to do. As we sit with our consciousness within the middle of this Sun at the end of the Rainbow Tunnel, there's one imprint that has repeatedly caused a problem up to this day, and that I call the imprint of Final Impact. There was a wide sweep of destruction of the temples in those days: aerial attacks with phaser-type technology far advanced than what you know now. They were literally blown up and vaporized, and anything in them was also. The people who chose to stay—the Oraphim who chose to stay—spent a number of days waiting, knowing the strikes were going to come. It was a final parting party, because you knew that you would never quite be the same again after this experience and after entering the incarnations. It was a journey, and it would not be an easy one. Some of you cried, but eventually right at the end, in the last hours, a silence and a peace came upon the group. They understood that eventually it would be righted; eventually things would be set the way they were intended, and there was no more reaction to it. Right after the peace came, so did the star ships. And when the star ships came, the consciousness of the Oraphim—many of them—were vaporized. They were fragmented, their morphogenetic fields fragmented. Some of them ended up having to evolve through animal imprints, just to get up enough consciousness together, to be able to enter any type of human imprint. Others managed to escape with some of their morphogenetic imprint intact. But there is a terror pattern that has stayed with them, a terror pattern that is the feeling of coming unglued at the seams as you were conscious and fully aware, while your morphogenetic fields literally blew apart. You could feel yourself coming unglued, losing total control of your consciousness, losing total control of Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 36 of 44
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your focus. It was a terror of completely becoming obliterated, because you could no longer hold the focus of your attention. This has come through with the Oraphim as a core imprint that messes up the Kathara grid. It messes up the way the Kathara centers work in the body. It's a miasmic imprint. It created a fear of expansion, a need to be rigid within the developing consciousness as the Oraphim put themselves back together. Overly rigid, overly perfect, overly-absolutely sure you get everything right, all the time. There's an imprint where you will never, ever be satisfied with yourself, because of that. No matter how good you do, it's never quite good enough. You can't accept compliments particularly well, or somebody else always did it better. It's a competitive thing, a self-competitive thing. It's a fear of expansion, and of letting go, because you felt yourself letting go, not willingly. You felt yourselves being thrust apart, your molecules, your consciousness, your morph field being scattered from one end of Harmonic-1 to the other, worrying if you would ever, ever assemble your parts again. So we are going to go into, just for a moment, the center of the image of the temple, the step temple. Just imagine it there if you can‘t see it. But imagine yourself as a consciousness, a spark of light, moving in to the center of the temple. And imagine yourself for a moment, in the final moments, knowing you, an Avatar, were about to fragment your pieces. Let the feeling of that move a little, because there‘s a part of you that has a panic response and you may feel it up in the fourth and fifth chakra areas. (Exhales) If you get that little flutter in those areas, simply breathe and let it go, and again move it out of your field and into the outer levels to let the higher levels take care of it for you. Within this core imprint, there is an amplification of pain, because Oraphim were all connected to each other. They were empathic and totally attuned to each other‘s fields, so when one was in pain the others felt it also. It allowed for very spontaneous healing, and very effective healing and also very strong community, but when it came to fragmentation it amplified the experience of being totally violated and ripped apart, for every one of them. So this is the experience. This is the first that must be let go. There is a way to do this by going back one step further, before the temples blew, going back a bit further in time to when we first came in. We came in too late. If that could be corrected, we can reverse the imprint in our hologram as far as what has taken place. Now, this is very important because in reversing our hologram as if it never took place, putting in a different series of events into our morphogenetic holographic template, we are recoding the past, literally. We are calling to the fore a different probability which will be in line with a different probable future, and it will release the karmic mess that‘s between here and there, between the past and the present. It will realign your vector of consciousness to a higher level of evolution from this point forth, the point where you changed it. You can change the past. If it is all a hologram, it is just a series of pictures that aren‘t even pictures. They‘re energy signatures. You can shift your focus and orientation to them. We will take you into the experience of recoding the hologram, which is not hard to do. It comes down to remembering the separation between that lower spiral and the higher spiral—the frequencies that feel higher and those that feel lower in any little moment-point. We fell into the lower spiral 200,000 years ago.
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We were not the only ones. Because of it, because what we did in combination with other people and what they did, the whole planet itself opened on a ten-code pulse, which means the star gates did not open properly and the people and the consciousness here henceforth have become trapped. They have been trapped out of their Silicate Matrix 12-strand DNA coding. We‘ve been held prisoner here for 200,000 years—prisoners, psychological prisoners. If we reverse in our personal imprint the original trauma-drama, we will also piece-by-piece, each one of us that were there, begin to do this, begin to reverse it in the Oraphim race experiential line, which will reach critical mass and then affect the Human race experiential line. Piece-by-piece, by restoring the proper way it should have gone through each of our personal incarnational core histories, we can bring the Earth grid back into ―as if that never happened.‖ Which means we can clear the race and the planetary karma, so this planet can begin to do what it was supposed to do 200,000 years ago, which was go into a full ascension cycle and into matter transmutation, and begin to enter its orbit within the fourth dimensional frequencies. That was blocked all those years ago, and we were blocked with it. It‘s our chance to heal now, and as we work to heal ourselves, we will be helping the planetary grid to heal as well. (Coughs) Excuse me. Now, we will take our spark of light that is in the center of the temple, and we will imagine before us that there is a very tall image of a Kathara Grid. Now for those of you who weren‘t at the course, that do not know what the Kathara Grid looks like, it is the image of a Tree of Life from the Kabbalah, if you know what that is. If not, you don‘t need to imagine it as clearly. You can simply imagine a pillar of energy that has twelve points on it. That‘s all you need to imagine there. Now imagine that this Kathara Grid or pillar of energy is very, very dark in color. It‘s made out of black particles, and the black particles are shaped like cubes—shiny black cubes. This is what the karmic miasmic imprint looks like when you peel it away from the morphogenetic field. There is a way to reverse the imprint of this by simply… (interruption in background)…excuse me? There is a way of reversing the karmic miasmic imprint, by combining the miasmic Kathara Grid with its anti-particle double. It creates fusion, and fission and replication on the next highest octave. It reverses the spin of the particles that we call the karmic miasmic pattern. It changes it within the body. This is a multilevel process, but we will begin with the first core karma, the karma of the Temple Wars. And we will see ourselves within the temple, for this gives us the locational coordinate, that symbol. See ourselves within the temple. See before us the dark pillar, or the dark Kathara Grid. Know that this represents the lower frequency spiral, and that it implies the existence of a higher frequency spiral. What we are going to do is switch vectors, from the lower to the higher. We are going to do this by imagining now a pillar of light, bright white, a little bit of silver tint to it. Or imagining, if you‘re doing the Kathara Grid, imagining a Kathara Grid made of beautiful white light with silver tints to it. Want you to breathe for a moment, and get a little bit of focus on the breath. Then you are going to inhale and simultaneously, as if one is stationed in each eye—one pillar, light and dark, doesn‘t matter which side—you‘re going to breathe them together in the center with the inhale. And you‘re going to hold the breath for a moment, even a little bit longer than you might normally, but don‘t suffocate yourself, until you feel a shudder, because there should be a shudder when those two images lock, because they‘re particle/anti-particle composites, scalar waves of the opposite universes. There should be a shudder in the body that indicates a phase-locking of frequency.
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You‘ve now got the fields bonded; the miasmic field is now bonded to its higher level. The higher level is stronger; it‘s composed of higher frequency. It will be able to override the miasmic pattern. And now, because the core of the miasmic pattern is located deep within the second chakra, down here in the abdomen, below the navel, the core of the second chakra…you will find this image of the little dark Kathara Grid, and you will now see that image, just like in your temple, phase-locking into its opposite of light. And you will begin to feel a vibration of silver energy running through your system, starting down at the second chakra. Begin to feel the vibration, because there will be a jittery little vibration as particle and anti-particle wave spectra encounter each other. There will be a transmutation occurring. Breathe gently, and focus the attention still in the second chakra, the Telluric Kingdom, the D-2, dimension 2 level. That is the core of the core karmic program, where it is locked in and where it‘s been messed up. It‘s called the Palaidian Seal. This is going to be reversed as of this point, but this reversal will come very, very step-by-step, and modulated by your higher parts so as to not cause harm to you in your life, and not to have your karmic pattern blow up in your face. Right now you have brought the two Kathara Grids together and phase-locked them, and they will progressively begin a vibration of silver energy that runs through them until they literally dissolve themselves, and there is no more visualization left in that second chakra; it will evaporate itself. That little dark Kathara Grid in there, in the second chakra, is the Palaidian Seal, and when the Palaidian Seal is released from you, you will begin to be able to function normally. You will begin to feel like you just woke up here, like you just arrived. You will begin to go back in time, except what was back there will be now, where once again you are assigned on a mission—a mission to rescue the Amenti portals, and nothing has happened yet; you were just sent in. You may have birthing experiences of the body this time, but do you really, or are they just part of past hologram you are disassociating with now? When you release the Palaidian Seal, you are allowing your Avatar Self to become embodied, to whatever degree you will need the energies and whatever degree the contracts have been already pre-arranged. As you begin to work with this release of Palaidian Seal, simply image-imagine the Kathara Grids or the pillars of light, the dark and the light coming together in the center of the second chakra. Work with this and let the energy-vibration run through you, because you are transmuting particle and antiparticle when that little itchy vibration spreads out from the second chakra, and it‘ll go out into the cells; you are transmuting wave forms as you go. You are getting rid of the Palaidian Seal, and level-upon-level-uponlevel of 200,000 years of karmic imprint that has built up on it. It is a simple technique, but it is very powerful. If you work with it, you will find levels of freedom, just in your feeling and your emotional body, that you have not found in a very long time. And when you feel you are done with the second chakra, move it up to the third and work with that for a while. It may be a few weeks each one. And then after the fourth, run it through all of the chakras, but particularly four, three, two, the base chakra. One through four are the ones primarily affected by the Palaidian Seal. When this releases, which we‘ll do it in stages, you will find freedom. And you will find a gift of information waiting for you that lets you know what your mission now has to do with your mission way back then, because they are the same missions. You‘re on the same contract. Whatever it was you were working on back there that got messed up, this is the time to catch the higher spiral. And though it all seems like it took 200,000 years to get this far, in truth Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 39 of 44
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all time happens at once; it is just a space between the pieces of your consciousness, that is all. So, as you work with this you are reclaiming your Eternal Selves, and you have very special Eternal Selves to reclaim. I hope you will work with this technique. If you do, it will have a few fringe benefits as well: it will begin the process of activating the sixth and fifth DNA strands more rapidly than they normally would, but not so much that it will harm you. You may start to feel energy running through the soles of your feet, they‘re the hot feet sometimes; or through your palms, which if you‘re working with the Kathara Healing, it‘s a very good thing. You may start getting some energy surges here and there in the chakras, but it will be nothing harmful to you, and your Over-Selves will balance it for you. The release of the Palaidian Seal has been a long, long time coming. Once you become free you‘ll start to understand more of what that means and the history that‘s attached to it, and you will start to be able to assist others in releasing theirs. And each person that releases the Palaidian Seal from their own personal time vector of incarnational projection will release a part of the Earth‘s seal and distortion on the planetary grids, which will put us in line with a different time vector for a future that does not involve extraterrestrial manipulation, any of this negative stuff. We can shift ourselves out of harm‘s way by shifting the time vectors, and that‘s what we‘re doing. It was very interesting to share with you all; the energy is very strong in this room now. You‘ve learned enough if you can remember a bit of the techniques. (Recording goes blank for a moment) …(inaudible) gets any of this or not, your body will respond and you will find yourself progressively and more actively on your path of higher identity integration, of ascension. Or if at least, if you‘re choosing this time to leave a body behind, to dying well and going through fully conscious in the process, for it is not that hard. We are getting very late now; I‘m surprised no one has been pounding on doors like they usually do here. I will thank you for listening, and we will return you to Anna very soon. I would just like to send one more moment of silence to you, in which there will be a frequency for anyone who would like to receive it. If anyone doesn‘t, just say simply ―No‖ to yourself and you will not receive. I‘m going to send a transmission through the heart chakra that will assist you in sequencing the incarnational memory levels, so when you get them to come up they will be less in pieces. Instead of like, photographs from many lives thrown in a pile together, you‘ll start to get piles of photos that went with each trip, so it will be easier to sequence them. It will only take me a moment, and it is a quiet thing. We could use tones but we do not want to stress the voice too much, as she has got a bit of cold. (Pause for transmission) And that should do. You may feel the effect of that more, probably by about eight o‘clock tonight. You may begin to feel heat, or funny energies stabilizing in your field because it was an astral transmission; takes a little bit of time to work itself into the 3-D body. And I will say ―Good afternoon,‖ and if you hear this funny little accent of mine, or if you happen to start getting images in your dreams that have this funny little accent attached to them, why don‘t you just ask if it‘s Azara, because it is one of my specialties. To those who would like to speak with me, I try to deny no one, and I can put my consciousness in many places, at many times, all at the same time. So if you would like to open communications, I have served as the first one for many, to get them over to where they can hear their own higher parts. If you would like assistance and Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 40 of 44
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guidance, you may call on me in the dream state, and you may call on me in meditation. And you are already all sealed in your channeling processes, so this group is safe. You‘ve done enough energy work, particularly with the Maharic Sealing that was done, that right now you could sit next to probably about fifty other people who were not sealed, and because of the resonance in your field from working with the Maharic Shield, you would flip them over into sealing just by contact, without saying a word. So, if you would like to hear me, you are safe to hear me. Simply begin the process of going inward and asking, and eventually you will. We‘ve had very good luck with the New Jersey group; they are hearing us well and are taking down, ah, small half hour transmissions of information; which is nothing like seventeenhour blocks like we get here. But, for any of you that would like that guidance and support, there are numerous ones of us, but I am very good at modulating frequency so I can tend to reach more people than some of the others of the Guardian Alliance. And I will see. I see the door opening and closing, yes. I will return you to Anna now, and thank you all, and see you perhaps in the dream state tonight if you should request my company. Thank you.
Closing Remarks and Question and Answer [D2 C5 1:06:09] A‘sha Hi. I‘m back. Okay, I missed that. I missed that and I‘m going to find it out on the tape, okay. Yes? Audience Member: Yeah, you said the Oraphim came in 200,000 years ago, right? What about those of us who came in to this Earth realm only 75,000 years ago: are we Oraphim also? A‘sha: You may have entered—if you‘re in this room, from what they have said, you can trace your cycles back to 200,000 years ago in the Oraphim Race. You wouldn‘t have been responding to the call of this information if you hadn‘t; you may have taken breaks between your cycles, and re-entered 75,000 years ago, or taken breaks and re-entered on another cycle. But we‘re going back to the core cycle, when you first got involved with the Harmonic-1 frequency bands. And from what I was told that everybody here had that same entry point, that‘s what drew us together here in this reality, at this time. Okay. Audience Member: How do the Sirians fit into this? A‘sha: The Sirians? Well, the Sirians—the Sirius star system is associated with the sixth dimensional frequency bands, okay. Now, there are higher levels; there was originally something called the Lyran-Sirian imprint, which was—we have something called the Cradle of Lyra—part of our Stair-Step Creation coming down from waveform into pre-matter liquid light substance, where we had our original pattern, which were the Lyrans. Now there were certain Lyrans that were the founding race, that were the common race that all of the races came out of, okay, the first coding that began the densities. Some of them went to the Sirian star systems, down-scaled their vibration into D-6, and they became something called the Anuhazi. The Anuhazi were the founder race of the D-6 Sirians, but they were also, if you upscale them a few vibrational levels, they were the original Lyran Founders‘ Race, so they‘re called the Lyran-Sirian Founders‘ Race. The Sirian imprint is in everything within this Time Matrix. It is part of the founding building blocks of the morphogenetic codes that the Kathara Grids build on. So we are all connected, and every being in the Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 41 of 44
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universe—in this universe, anyway, in our 5 Harmonics—is connected to the Sirian imprint, the original Lyran-Sirian imprint. The Oraphim happen to be that imprint, combined only with the original imprint for the Turaneusiam-Human Race, which makes it a very pure version of that coding that was able to carry the Capstone Codes that go into the Ascended Masters‘ levels; they could bring them down into the gene codes. It‘s called a Double Diamond Sun Matrix, or a Green Diamond, because there‘s also some emerald strands thrown in there. So it‘s a little more than your average twelve strand DNA matrix. So that‘s where the Sirians fit in: they‘re part of everybody and we all have a level of consciousness that corresponds to it. Does that help answer that question? Yeah, it‘s a big story because I would have to get into Stair-Step Creation, and I don‘t have time to do that. I did that in another workshop, but I don‘t have time to do it in this one. So, in fact I don‘t think I have time to do a whole lot more. Okay…yes? Audience Member: How do you spell ―Oraphim‖? How do you spell it? A‘sha: O-r-a-p-h-i-m. Yeah, okay, is there any other questions? No? Did you all enjoy those experiences? Audience: Yeah! (Round of applause) A‘sha: Good, thanks. How about Azara, did you like talking to Azara? She makes me real nervous when she does that, because I‘ll have to watch the video tape to find out what she did. Audience Member: How can we get those videos? A‘sha: We‘re going to have to ask him right there, because he‘s making them. I probably have to wait until he gets them done, then he—I don‘t know if they have to be reformatted, and then get them to me, and then we usually have somewhere in Florida that reproduces them for us, so then we can sell them. So it‘s a little bit of a process, you know, we don‘t have them available right here because we have to have them dubbed and that kind of thing. But within the next couple weeks they‘ll be ready. Audience Member: Oh, good. A‘sha: Sure, and if anybody wants, we can send you out, like you know, the new the product list that‘ll have those on; if you want to order them, you can. Okay, I‘m going to try over here. I already answered one of yours right now. Okay. (Inaudible question from audience member) Ah, that would again be another one. I think I‘ve touched on this before. The Palaidian Seal was something that came out of an agreement between the Sirians and the Palaidians about 150,000 years ago, when the mess from 200,000 years ago was getting so bad that they tried to fix it by breaking down the way the Kathara Grid worked. And it created a literal doughnut in time, where it amplified the heck out of the karmic pattern, instead of helping to clear it like it was intended to do. So that‘s where the Palaidian Seal came from: it was an amplification of the mess that started 200,000 years ago. Okay, if I go too much further into it, we‘ll be into another – another workshop. Yes? Audience Member: I have question in regard to Azara said she would come to us in our dreams, in terms of the kind of question that she would answer, and I‘m wondering: would she get into just plain old 3-D Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 42 of 44
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issues, because I could use some help on manifesting something and if she would help me, I would like her to do it. A‘sha: I‘ll tell you something about Azara, you know what she did for the one lady down in New Jersey— she was great—she gave her a technique for manifesting stuff, and they started to play with the technique, her and her friends, and the one guy applied it to getting lottery numbers. And he had two sets of numbers, one at the top of the page, one at the bottom. And he had focused on getting the lottery numbers; he didn‘t focus on getting the money from the lottery numbers. (Laughter). Okay. He used the technique that Azara gave, and he used it I heard for about a month, you know just putting energy into it, doing a meditation on it a couple, you know, about two hours a day and then leaving it go … He got the numbers! But he had two sets written on the paper and he pulled the wrong one when he went to buy the ticket, and when he came back and heard the numbers, it – ―God they sound familiar…‖ And he looked and it was the other set of numbers. And she pointed out that in manifesting, you must be very, very specific. (Laughter). Yeah, because you will probably get what you ask for, so hone it well. Okay, she will work with you on very simple issues: everything from helping you through relationships that are having karmic stuff happen in them, to—if you are ready—to begin learning to be a data translator. And believe me; be careful what you ask for. I mean you can always say ―no‖, and I can always say ―no‖, but once you get hooked on getting information with the speed of light and incredible detail and accuracy, it‘s very hard to give it up, you know, because you feel clueless once you do. She will help you to develop the abilities to do that. Azara has wanted for a number of years to write a series of books called The Teachings of Azara, but we haven‘t had time because we‘re too busy with our other contracts. So, they wouldn‘t be channeled books, they would be given the same way the Voyagers books are. You would have telepathic communication at times; more often, you would end up with symbol code translation like e-mail. It would be put into symbol codes and put into your auric field, and then later you would open it up and it would be a bunch of information. And after a while you‘d start to sense that it had the Azara feeling behind it, that kind of thing. So, she won‘t do channel because she doesn‘t want to—she doesn‘t endorse it too much. Once in a while for special occasions we‘ll do it, but it‘s much better to do e-mail. She will work with you in that capacity if really want to, and if it‘s good for you and part of your soul plan to do so. Okay, but she will help in whatever way she can. And she‘s really beyond a she; she‘s using her presenting image as the last self that she was before she ascended, which was a female Turaneusiam from Tara, who was an ascension teacher. She is a gestalt of consciousness that is beyond gender and male and female. It is a collective of consciousness that‘s part of the Ra Confederacy and the Melchizedek Cloister. So you‘re dealing with an entity, a large entity that has many facets. And it will communicate with you with a part of its own facets that most resonate to you. So you may find some other ones coming through saying, ―Azara sent me.‖ Okay, it will be other portions of the same identity saying, you know, ―I‘m better at this, this is my specialization and you want to develop this, so they, you know, Azara sent me in.‖ And there will be a feel and they will make sure you‘re protected. They‘re not going to let something come in and say ―I‘m Azara‖ when ―I‘m not.‖ They‘re not going to let anything mess with you that way, plus you‘re already running current to the point where that would be very unlikely if it would take anyway. So that…does that answer your question as far as what Azara gets into? Okay. She‘s fun. She went skiing with us, believe it or not. (Laughter) Copyright © 2000 A‘sha-yana & A‘za-yana Deane, Ekr‘s MCEO Page 43 of 44
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I‘ve got to tell you this just really, really, really fast. When she went skiing—we didn‘t know how to ski at all, body did not know how to ski, and we‘re up on top of an expert slope accidentally, and thinking of definitely walking down the side, just ―We‘re gonna walk it.‖ ―Oh no-no-no,‖ comes through and it‘s the only time she ever really merged into full body, did this huge series of very, very fast mathematical calculations that went everywhere from angles of projection, and you know the whole bit—total mathematical calculation of scoping out the slope, adjusting the body the right way… Kind of, you know, we‘re sitting in the body going ―Oh boy, she‘s better at this than we are,‖ and we had a run down the slope without getting harmed. And after that, we didn‘t turn into an expert skier – she did three runs with us, running the body. She set a pattern where at least we can function. We can be taken to a ski slope and not embarrass ourselves to death. So Azara can do amazing things. She also grabbed the steering wheel when I was about to have an accident with three kids in the car once. So, she‘s a nice buddy to have around. Okay. Hi. We‘re coming. Yeah, John‘s back there and he would like his room back, so I guess it‘s time to leave. Thank you all for coming, I hope you enjoyed this. This was very spontaneous for me. (End of recording)
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