Sliders 2 Transcript

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Sliders-2 Workshop Reclaiming the Vessel—Preparing the BODY for Slide Introductory Telluric Body Training Virginia Beach, VA – September 19-22, 2008

Friday Night Orientation [Audio Track 1] A‘sha Hello everybody! And welcome to Virginia Beach Sliders Two Workshop! Thank you for being with us for this very interesting subject matter that we have been given for this workshop, we‘re, Az and I and Mac are excited about it too. I think for a long time we‘ve wanted to get things that would affect the physical body more directly and help to prepare the physical body for the changes of ascension and transfiguration, atomic transfiguration and those kind of things. And we‘re finally being given techniques that go directly into and work with the physical atomic structure itself and some very fascinating things about the Body Consciousness. The Workshop this time is very, very Techniques heavy, just so you know. They started giving me the Techniques a week ago or so. They are still giving me the Techniques, the written ones, the typeset ones, so we had to change the timings of things around a little bit on the schedule we had posted, the original itinerary. And, we‘re still having the same subject matter, but because of the length of some of the techniques, we‘ll all be in a coma if we tried to run them back-to-back and all together. Some of them are literally 50 steps long, yeah, but they‘re not techniques you always have to do that long, they‘re techniques that, once you go through the group activation with them, then there are certain parts of them, like mini-techniques within the big techniques, that you can use at different times, when you go home, to amplify certain aspects of moving your consciousness into the Body Consciousness to get more, to deepen the experience of connecting with your Body Consciousness, which will deepen your ability to directly influence what your body does. So, you‘re also going to have a Chart Pack, with all of these in it and the explanation of the short program before we leave (clapping in audience) finally, all right (laughing). But, we‘re still going to, when I leave here tonight, I‘m going to go back up and back onto, what is it, technique 3D step 48, right yeah, and there‘s 3E as well, which will take you past that. That‘s only one of them, we have numerous ones that were already done, some of the more complex ones were given first, but this one that we‘re working on right now is really exciting, it takes you through a wonderful journey into the body, and there are pieces of this technique that you will be able to use when you go home, to really get yourself out there and in there to shift state. To shift from the Beta brain wave patterns of the conscious 3D focus and through into the Alpha and eventually it will take you into something called the Theta trance state, usually the Theta brainwave pattern is associated with the sleep state. There is a place, when you develop certain things within the body, that you can, actually, consciously shift from the Beta state of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 159

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consciousness, through Alpha and down into Theta, while staying awake. And that gives you access to a whole different set of planes of experience, and planes through which, you can interact with your reality here and have more empowerment in doing that. So, it‘s an exciting program, in the fact that there are a lot of techniques. Some of the techniques are really going to be fun, where we, fortunately, we have the big room out there too. So, when it comes down to things we have to do laying down on the floor, we don‘t have to move a million chairs and then put them back again. So, we‘ll be doing some of the techniques out there, and we‘re going to be making a lot of noise this time, because this is focusing a lot on toning, and how toning works with the body, and there‘s some fun…, one of the techniques, called, I believe it‘s ‗I AM THE VOICE‘, they call it ‗I am the Voice‘ it‘s going to be a lot of fun. It‘s where we begin to hear the Voice of our Body Consciousness by doing certain things with sound. And then we take it further, after that. But you will see some of these techniques are fun, they‘re more fun than some of the other ones that we‘ve kind of suffered through, just to get the activations. There‘s a few—suffer through, just until the activations ones, where there‘s just a lot of technical things that you‘re doing in your body in getting them to open as far as certain energy fields. There are technically, only four of the PSI Techniques, PSI development techniques that are also bio-field activation techniques. These are the ones that are running into the double digit numbers, some of them going up into the fifties. And then, there‘s going to be the Aqua tone ones, that are at the end of the program, on Sunday, and there will be pieces from both of those, taken together, to form the short program, which is basically Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, and what you do every six months, right, just to maintain the activation levels, and build them, as they build in the planetary grids, so, your own Bio-Field activations will keep up with the activations, that are taking place on the hosted part of the planetary grids. So, this, for me, I‘m just like, finally, because I was ready to just disappear the body and try to talk to people astrally at this point. Because it‘s been very hard to bring the information in, the body feels like it gets in the way, where it can‘t open the cellular structure fast enough or long enough to hold the level of frequency that‘s coming in now, on the line that gives us this information from the Beloveds. And, it was really getting to be a problem with me, it was like we were having a power struggle with me. You know, ‗I hate this Body, I hate being in this Body‘, nothing personal Body, I really don‘t hate you, but I hate this experience, right. Because we feel trapped, trapped in the body, where it‘s like it‘s standing in the way of where I know I can go and need to go. The Techniques, they began giving me little pieces of them, to help shift some of that. It was almost like a congestion in the Body, where you just can‘t bring any more flow of frequency until it assimilates the rest. And there are certain things in the Body, that, unless they‘re activated, the body will not be able to go past a certain point. Its atomic structure won‘t be able to stretch enough to hold the next level of frequencies. And it‘s not just somebody that‘s taking in a line from the Beloveds that will experience that, it‘s everyone‘s body, as they move through toward transfiguration. There will be a cap point, unless, where your selves just cant transfigure any further or transmute any further into light until you open certain other things that have to do with, what‘s called the Grail or the GrU‘-al within the Body. So the Techniques, they started giving me little pieces of them. And in those little pieces, it would release another little bit, so I could hold the line, and the line would run smooth again for a few days and then bring the next set of Techniques through. Then the next set of Graphs, because some of the Graphs were coming with the Techniques, and that kind of thing. Then I‘d hit a congestion point again, where it was just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 159

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wiping me out, where I‘d just get really tired and as soon as I would start, I‘d feel like I had to go to sleep, feel like my blood sugar crashed, and there‘s nothing, I tried to eat something just to perk it up, didn‘t help, so, they‘d give me another piece of one of the Techniques. Now, they‘ve given me enough of the Techniques, where I can see where those little pieces of shifts, that they did just really quick with me, to get me through to where I could do the next piece of the work were actually stages in much larger Technique sets, that have to do with much larger activations, that are very specific in the Body, and through bringing the whole Techniques down, the Techniques themselves, will actually teach you things, like in them you‘ll learn about something called the Kara-nA‟dis Seal, or spot, in your body. We have a Kara-nA‘dis Seal, didn‘t know that before, thought we knew tons of anatomy, but we didn‘t know about that one. This place becomes very key in working with connecting directly with your Body Consciousness and being able to shift out of just the 3D head state and into the expanded state of atomic and cellular and elemental cognition, that the Body Consciousness part of yourself actually has as its normal focus. So, the Techniques have taught me many things that I needed to be able to talk about, that I didn‘t know about before just by running them, just by having them. It takes forever to put these down, step one, step two hundred, we don‘t have any two hundred step ones, but, if you add them all up, there‘s definitely over two hundred steps. These activations will help in a number of ways, but what the main focus of this is, is to, first of all prepare the Body, in ways that can be complex and confusing, that we‘re better off, just, whatever, show us how to do that and give us the gist of what it‘s for, instead of explaining a million different things about the Body and all of that, because I know, it‘s very difficult, especially in short workshop periods, where so much time has to be spent explaining certain things, that we never get to focus the intensity of our energy, or our consciousness in on the Techniques, which are the most important, as far as creating the activations in the Body. So this one will be Technique-heavy, we‘ll still have some of the graph stuff, so you understand what certain parts are, and those kind of things, before we get to that, get to the Techniques. But the most important thing is the experiential element, because it‘s through the experience of the Body Consciousness that you directly engage the Body Consciousness of the Atomic structure and the Cellular structure of the Body, and that‘s what this one is about, preparing the Body for Slide. And there are a number of steps to doing that. What will be good, is that, once we get through the activations from this workshop, and then get the short program to take home with you, using the short program, will instantly trigger your activation of all the Techniques that you‘ve done before, so you won‘t have to use any other ones, except those, unless you want to. You know, if you have a particular set of favourite ones, you should be able to work with those anyway. But, it saves a lot of time this way, because it needs to become manageable. We have so many Techniques and so many things that you need to do to support the Body and your Consciousness in this ascension process, that it‘s like, it‘s almost like you feel you have to quit your full-time job and go sit in a cave someplace and just focus on doing it because it takes up all your time. And, before you can do the techniques like that, you have to read through all the stuff and try to figure out what is connected to what, what was that thingy called again and where was it located in my Body.

[09:47] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

It‘s been very difficult, and I‘ve been asking for a long time for the practical program. ‗Please, I‘m stepping down and give us the Practical Program‘. Because this is the long run, this is the triple PhDs level that they‘ve been giving us, the high Indigo level. And that‘s great, they can teach us the rest of all that once we get there, what we really need is to know most of the information, we need to practically apply it, so we can get there. Which means get our bodies out into slide, or if some people Bardoah out instead to get your Consciousness out where, then you can go to their workshops on Median Earth, where we can all sit in the audience and go ‗Oh My God, we thought that was hard down there!‘ Right? So, anyway, I am excited about this. The program is interesting; it has evolved, even since we came here. And interesting, there‘s an interesting part, I will look at the interesting part first, and then go back over, and basically talk a little bit about some of the things that will be covered in these. Down here, you will notice a schedule change from the one that was first put out, that‘s why this is the amended itinerary. We‘ve got down here about 10:40 to 12am, is when we were starting the PSI interaction session and, if the Techniques were normal size, we would have been able to get the four of them done in this time-block - No Way - not when you have forty-step Techniques and you don‘t want to start forty-step Techniques at 10:40pm, because we‘ll be there til breakfast, so, we‘ll probably be all asleep on the floor. So, we did change this to (aside to A'zah: next page please) so we have one there, it‘s called Activating the Grail window - Parts One and Two - and each of them have twenty-some steps to them. Then, when we get into Sunday, we put the next piece of them - Two and Three end up here. There‘s other stuff that happens first, then we have Two and Three – they‘re still the PSI Interactive ones, between 3 and 5pm, we will be doing those. And then the last one, the Fourth one of the PSI Interactive is down here, which will be between 8 and 9pm. They‘re spaced out this way because, because they are such long Techniques, if you try to run these backto-back, you‘d end up with everybody snoring on the floor, like we did once in the Phoenix workshop, where we had to run all of the ones from, what was it, the Dance For programs, where we had to run all of them back-to-back, and it‘s just exhausting for everybody and that makes it not a lot of fun. Because you might want to stay awake to the end of a Technique, but if you‘re so exhausted, just because you start out tired, and then you go through this very long inner journey. When you‘re bringing those frequencies in, the frequencies themselves make you tired, so we broke them up, into the, they‘re still in the same sequence of activations, which is necessary for the whole set to work. But, they are spaced, so there are other things in between. You‘re getting up and moving around, you‘re having different type of experiences, seeing the technicals, that kind of stuff. So, they‘re all there, but they‘re changed from the original one they had. Then down here, these Aqua-Tone ones, they will be shorter Techniques, they promised me. They will be shorter Techniques; I haven‘t even seen these yet, so I will be getting these down in transmission, as we‘re working through the rest of the schedule. What‘s really interesting, and which I go ‗Oh God‘, knowing that I have to get these down, and the other things I have to get finished, including some graphs. This is where they‘re going to start Day Two, at the time-frame, 10am, for me, that‘s like horrible (laughing), because, we‘re leaving at midnight, right, I have to work from midnight until the next time we meet again for the Workshop to get the next pieces done. And, I‘ve got a lot of stuff done, but I don‘t have any of these in yet, and these have to go in your Chart Packs as well, so, I‘m looking at that saying ‗Oh great, got to be there for 10am‘. That was not originally, anything that any of us knew about until we got here, and when we got here, I‘ll read to you the thing. I didn‘t bring it with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

me for this, but I will read it to you when we get to this section. There is an event that is going to be the first time we‘ve ever done this actually, we usually do the opposite. It was brought to our attention - a couple of things, first of all, I knew there was something up, but I didn‘t know where it fit. When this lecture…we now have five little lectures in there, instead of four, right, and the session three lecture changed to „Psonns of the Change and the Six Directions‟. So I went ‗OK, what‘s that about?‘ and they were saying it‘s about Sound, Language, Music, the Body, the Voice, which we‘ll talk about in a minute, LTR Power Grids, that‘s Linguistic Template Reprogramming Power Grids, the Gifts of the Grail, the Power of Song, the Six Directions and the Treaty of Al-ben‟-yahn, which came through during the August workshop period. There was a Treaty made, a host Treaty made with the Beloveds groups and some of the ones, the Green Dragon groups, they have come in because they know they‘re losing to the Red Dragons, and that‘s going to create a very not nice fate for them. They came in asking for assistance, they‘re already in Fall-Mode, they can‘t go into full Ascension-Mode, the Green Dragon crew, these are the ones who broke the Treaty of Altair, back in 2000 and set this whole big nightmare in motion for us. But, they can do a Krist Host Fall, Sovereign Fall, and they will be hosted in keeping a Krist Fall Matrix, which we‘ve talked about in other workshops. So, this is a new Treaty that came in on the Big Picture Drama and, I didn‘t think we were going to talk much about that, except maybe down here, when we talk about the bigger picture drama, but no, they put this up here. We‘re going to talk a bit about it here, because it has to do with something that is happening and, you see here, this says ‗Global Healing Event Number One‘ - the Hour of Requiem, Calling of the Six Directions and the Host of Al-ben‟-yahn. It‘s International Day of Peace, Fall Equinox. Now I didn‘t even know it was the International Day of Peace, Fall Equinox, right? That‘s in the 3D world out there. I never go on the Internet; I never have time to pay attention. But Jared and Willa brought it to our attention yesterday, when we got here, about this, another little Grid thingy that people were doing. I‘ll read that to you when we get into this section – but basically, it‘s yes, another large big Event that has, supposedly, millions of people participating and some big names , like Deepak Chopra and people like that, that are actually running it. And it says, like, ‗For who?‘ ‗To Any and All‘ who would like to join them in their meditation. Well this time, we‘re going to, because we‘re invited (laughing in audience). Usually, we just do our thing and the other people working with the Metatronic grids do their thing. And we don‘t spend a lot of time doing the counter-thing; we just do our thing and stay out of it. But this was an invitation for everybody, and part of the crew that‘s running this, we call them, they‘re simply referred to as, sponsored and orchestrated by ‗those who call the Four Directions‘, we‘re calling the Six Directions, right? What‘s the difference? When you think of the natural chambers in your Body or in the Earth, you have up, down, left, right, and normally, front and back. So you have North, South, East, West, and then you have Future and Past. The Six Directions have that, the natural set of two chambers running. When you call the Four Directions, it is calling on the Planetary Grids that are plugged into the ones, where they actually have split the Rod, shut down one part of the Rod, split the other one and raised part of it vertically to create an artificial Staff, which brings through the Metatronic thing. So, the Six Directions are the natural ones, where you‘re calling Future and Past in, as well as North, South, East and West. So, there‘s a difference between Groups who are working with Technologies that call Four Directions and those working with Technologies calling Six Directions. And most people are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 159

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thinking that they‘re doing, calling the directions, there‘s only Four. They don‘t realise there‘s a difference between that. So there are a lot of good people that will be participating, and there are good people, bad people; I don‘t like to make it that clean, that cut and dry. Because, even the FAs, they‘re not bad people, they‘re just using some very bad ideas to work with and they have some intentions that could be better. They‘re still loved by Source, they‘re still a part of the Eternal Family of the Krist, but, when they work with these Four Direction Technologies, they‘re actually activating the Metatronic Structures in the Body. Now this is a huge gathering. It‘s going to start, I believe it started at 12pm/noon in New York City, so it‘s on Eastern Standard Time, with a minute of silence, and then they‘re going into a series of tonings. Supposedly, millions of people all over the World are going to participate in this. And since they invited, we‘re going to participate too. And what it‘s going to do, is bring the Gift of this code—the Allur-E‘ah Rasha-tan Code, that was introduced in the Slide One Workshop, which is major elemental command code, Kristic Elemental Command Code. And we‘ll talk more about what that code is. We‘re going to bring that as an available frequency to the whole system and we‘re being invited to do this actually, by a bunch of the Green Dragons that are participating in this particular event. So the Event is not just being hosted by ones who have a sinister agenda in calling the Four Directions. It‘s also being hosted and sponsored by ones that are calling the Four Directions because they don‘t realise there‘s any more directions to call. So they still have an intention of wanting ascension and wanting to go upward. So this is, literally, where we link in on the D2 physical level. We make the host frequencies available to the Green Dragons and some of the Red Dragon ones that are coming in on the Al-ben‘-yahn Host. So, it is a Gift. It is also the point in time, notice the word, this is our word, this wasn‘t part of what they said they were doing, the Hour of Requiem. Now Requiem is traditionally known as a Mass for the Dead - a Mass or Prayer to assist the Dead to get over to Heaven. There have been many, many, people stuck in, what are called Review Loops here. Which is, yes, this is for like Eons, going back, that are literally stuck in these inbetween unnatural plane structures in the Planetary fields, because of the distortions in the Planetary fields. They‘re caught in Review Loops where, they die the Body, but they still feel like they‘re in a Body and they still think they‘re alive and there‘s these whole holograms of many, many people and civilisations that actually have passed on from their physical bodies and are, their Consciousness is stuck in these Review Loops. When we do this particular set of things with, in cooperation with, not standing against, but in cooperation with the other Event that is taking place with the other Groups on the planet, it will actually open the GrU'-al windows to a degree, not here yet, not on Earth level yet, but in these planes, that will allow them to get out and get out of the trap zones. So, it is definitely a Requiem, a Mass to assist the dead Safe Passage into Heaven. So, it will get those out, as well as getting the living ones that are coming in on the host to get the availability to catch the frequencies of the host, so they don‘t get dragged down with the other set of tones the same Groups will be running, that have to do with the Red and White Dragon pulling it into Black Hole Fall. So, it‘s a big Event, we didn‘t know it was going to happen. It came in pieces. One of the neat things about it is, that, I didn‘t know about the Event at all, till we got here, but, up here, they had me doing some things and I didn‘t know where they fit, but they said ‗you‘ll be talking about the Power of Psonns and LTR Grids, and how songs, certain songs can be used‘. Not just Psonns with Anuhazi words, but certain songs in general can be used to assist in your Ascension Process, because The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 159

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they affect, directly, your D2 Body. And, there‘s been some wonderful songs done by people in the Group, some of them have been doing versions of our Psonns, that we have written in Anuhazi, others have been using those and splicing them in with their own lovely lyrics, like Kaiwa and Taylor have done a lovely job with that. There‘s the Australian Group have done a lovely job with the Psonns from Morocco, there‘s the Irish Group, there‘s so many people, there‘s so many of you out there that have done lovely things with the music already that we are very, very grateful for and appreciative. And I want to say that before we get into this because I don‘t want you to think that what I‘m going to explain next is because there was any favouritism, there‘s no favouritism, you‘re all doing a wonderful job. Right, no failure at all, you‘re all doing a wonderful job. But, this one CD was brought to our attention, it was brought to Az and my attention from Willa and Jared, and they know this person. This person is someone who has come to Workshops occasionally, ever since our Florida days, back in 2000ish period, and I don‘t know the lady personally and neither does Az, well I think you know her a little bit, you‘ve seen her. I didn‘t even know what she looked like, but here this little rough CD came, and I put the songs on and my hairs stood up, and this particular one came, they just stood up all over and Jesheua started talking to me immediately. Now he‘d been talking with me, I… Jesheua was my brother, right, Jesheua 12, well it‘s no big deal. I am not a Jesus child, no way! In fact, he‘s not either! So everybody that thinks they‘re Jesus Child(s), he‘s not talking to anybody, it‘s not him. But, I have a relationship with a lot of the people that I‘ve known before, that aren‘t in incarnation, or full incarnation state here. So it was not anything new to have him come and say, ‗Hi there sis, how‘re you doing?‘ or whatever, but he said ‗I want you to listen to these, pay attention, these are important‘ and I said ‗OK, who is this person?‘ because I didn‘t even recognise the name, so I listened to the whole bunch of one. And that was several months ago, maybe even, like, in the last year, that I became aware of the songs. And then there was nothing else said about them and I hadn‘t heard from Jesh for a while. Then, I started getting a nudge to put that particular CD in, when I wanted to hold line for an extended period of time. Very rarely can I listen to any music whatsoever when I‘m on direct line with the Beloveds, getting Technical Type, but for some reason, those songs, like, soothed my Body, where it got it out of the way, distracted my body, made it happy and the line would just run and run. So they really helped and I noticed they were really helping, so I was like, ‗that‘s weird, that‘s neat‘. I also noticed the same thing with the first CD put out by Taylor and Kaiwa. That one, Hear the Sacred Call, that one, certain parts of that also do the same thing to me. I can listen to those two CDs while online. And they‘re the only ones I‘ve been able to listen to so far. So, usually it‘s just silence, me and the Beloveds, but there was something special about it, didn‘t know really what that was, or who this lady was, was too busy to try to find out and ask because it wasn‘t really sent to us as a CD for, like, here can we put it on the Product List, it wasn‘t sent that way, it was actually something Willa and Jared shared with us because they were friends with this lady and she had shared it with them. And they thought it was really neat and they were right! So, this was like months ago, aware of it and using it sometimes when I‘m online with the Beloveds, didn‘t know what this was about. Then, all of a sudden, two days before we were getting ready to come here, while I‘m in the middle of heavy Techniques, and all this stuff, they said ‗All right, this next thing, this Technique, you‘ve got to stop doing that one right now, like the heavy technical one and put that CD on, and now I want you to pull all the lyrics‘, I said ‗Pull all the lyrics?‘ Right, literally, listen, stop, listen, stop it, right, that‘s how we used to do it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 159

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when we were teaching ourselves, like ages ago, learning how to play guitar, we‘d want to learn to play a song on the radio. You make a tape and listen to it for a bit, stop it, find the chords, get the lyrics, that kind of thing. So I went through the whole set of them, because I don‘t know the lady, don‘t know who she is, but I knew the beloveds wanted me to pull the lyrics down, first of all so I could see them clearly. I got most of the lyrics correct, there was a few that I couldn‘t tell because you know when stuff is sung, it‘s a little bit hard to tell sometimes, what exactly was that word, or whatever. But most of it I got pretty good, five of them, I think there‘s five, yeah? Five of them. And they told me what order to use them in, that they were actually a LTR Grid and I was like ‗Whoa, does the lady know that?‘ And they said ‘Not at all!‘ Right? So, there was a process that the Morocco Psonns came through for me a long, long time ago. When, before my Walk-in/Walk-out where Katie was given the Psonns that became the Morocco Psonns, with, some of the lyrics were a little bit changed to more personalised ones, just for her. But, all of the melodies and all of that, now they were key melodies and word sentiments that were being carried by, they were used in Morocco because they activated certain things in the grids and in the bodies. Katie didn‘t know that that‘s what they did. When she was writing them, she just knew somebody was helping her, she could feel this Presence of Spirit with her, when she wrote them. She didn‘t know that these particular ones, were from J12 and I didn‘t know either until they just explained this process to me. There was some kind of old agreement we had, those who were directly descendant of the J12 family; we have certain type of the Jesheua Codes in our DNA. It allows for activation of certain things that once we activated, it will allow the activations to spread through the planetary Grids. Well, this person, and she probably, she‘s not here, because she wasn‘t planning to come to this particular Workshop, bless her. We did get in contact with her enough, well Willa and Jared did, we said ‗The Beloveds would like to use your songs as LTR Grids during this Workshop, is that OK?‘ and she said ‗Sure‘, so she was very gracious and has given us permission to use them, which means, we can take the lyrics, and she even sent a copy of the lyrics of those songs, so I can fill in the ones where I didn‘t get the words and all that stuff. They‘re absolutely beautiful and the other songs that the others have been doing in this Group, they‘re also beautiful. But these were particular and only being singled out because they carry, they were given, and she doesn‘t know this, the inspiration, the Spirit that worked with her and one of them also worked with her father because, one of them, her father had written the lyrics to. These were directly through Jesheua, and it was because this person was the other half-sister of Jesheua. I didn‘t even know that he had one, it was a different, Jesheua, when I was my Miriam self, I was a half-sister of Jesheua and we had the same mother. Well there was another half-sister born, two years later than me, I believe, that was from the father‘s side, so she‘s not my half-sister, or my whole-sister, but this person was the other female half-sister of J12 and that‘s why this person had this, like say, protective field with her that allowed her to bring this music through. She‘s going to be amazed when she...we‘re going to send her a copy of this Workshop because her work is going to feature in a very important part of this. It‘s going to be used during this Event and during the linking-in with the large grids, with the big Tonal Healing thing that the Callers of the Four Directions are doing. So, the reason why this set of music will be brought in this way is because it has these particular codes because of those Family Lines, so it‘s not that it‘s better than anybody else‘s, but it‘s an important tool, because of this. So we had to kind of fast track the whole thing, like we don‘t have it on the Product Tables yet. You know, she‘d like it on the Product List. We asked her if she‘d like it and she said yeah. But it all just happened literally two days before we were going to go. And so, we will have the lyrics for you. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 159

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We‘re going to need, in this block of time up here, before this, we‘re going to need Practicum, this is where we learn them all, because we‘re going to need to sing them in here, right, and tone them, with certain tones are also going to be used. So, there‘s going to be the toning and the singing and it‘s meant to be a very powerful Event. So, you‘ll get to see the words and lyrics, you‘ll have lyrics sheets, and we‘d asked if we could do that and she said yes, so that was a real Gift that we didn‘t know was coming, that is going to be in this Workshop as well. And they‘re really beautiful songs, they‘re also songs, later, when you go home, the reason why you have to have a Package with them, isn‘t just so you can sing them enough while you‘re here to participate in the Event. But, they can be used as a walking, like Meditation Prayer. You can just use them, singly or together in sequence to do all sorts of stuff, when you want quick activations in the body, that kind of thing. And, they are healing in ways that I don‘t even understand yet, but I do know I was able to hold line very clearly while they were playing. So, that was a new little surprise, that was a surprise for all of us on the Program, it‘s going to be a surprise for the lady too. Some of you may know her, her name is Suchi Waters, and, yeah, you know Suchi? (Applause and laughing in audience) Yeah, some here know Suchi, I believe she lives in Hawaii, she‘s also an extremely talented artist, so, on the handout that we will give, that has her lyrics on it, and it also has her website. She‘s got a website for art and for her music and that stuff so you can check out what else she has to offer. But this was like finding an old friend. I saw a picture of her once and asked Willa. ‗Who‘s this lady who did the CD?‘ Way back before I knew the significance of the CD. She said ‗Oh yeah, that‘s Suchi, she has a website, so you can go see what she looks like‘. And, I remembered her, but not from that lifetime. I remembered her from other lifetimes and it was like, hmmm, OK, whatever…Cool! Lovely music. Don‘t know you that well, it was one of those, like, yeah, recognise you a bit, don‘t recognise you really well, but the Music, I don‘t know why, it was almost like somebody kept a veil, so I couldn‘t see too much as far as where, how we knew each other, like in different lifetimes I knew we knew each other. But didn‘t remember the Miriam Period, where she was directly connected with Jesheua as well. They said it was for her protection, actually, to not have that brought out at that time, but at this time she is now safe. It has something to do with the Albeyon host thing, not for her, but to help, she was protecting someone that was stuck in the middle of that, now they‘re going to be OK, so now she can be known a little bit as who she is. She may say ‗I was what?‘ Right, when she sees this, bless her. ‗I was whose halfsister?‘ Right? We actually only found that part out like this evening, right before we came down, because they wanted me to talk about the fact that we were going to bring Suchi's music in as part of it. There‘s a particular set of five songs that they refer to, just like Katie used to write songs, some of them were inspired in this way. And J helped her, others were just her songs, and they were nice too, but they weren‘t the activation songs. So, we‘re doing, they picked these particular five songs because they are the activation songs, that there was a connection, there was a direct connection with Jesheua and he gave the music and/or lyrics on or worked with her on them. So, surprised Suchi? I hope you‘re not mad that we talked about this in public, but I wanted them to understand and I didn‘t have a chance to call you before we had to go on. Love you! Anyway, if that‘s a problem, we can edit this part out off the DVDs, just let me know.

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All right, so anyway, we‘ve got a big program ahead of us. Lots of Techniques, some magical songs coming in. we‘re also going to use a song here, but not in the same way, because, first of all, we don‘t know the person who wrote it, we don‘t know them personally or anything, they‘re not part of our Groups. But, there is another song that was given in the same way, let‘s just say, by a person who lives in Ireland and, what was his name?(aside to Az) Brendan, yeah, Brendan Graham, and he wrote a song that won the Eurovision 1996 for Ireland and it was called ‗The Voice‘ and it is a magical song. There‘s a version of it that‘s done by the Celtic Women group, that group, that is quite magical, the song is magical, the song was very inspired, let‘s put it that way. We have no idea how to get in touch with that person, so it‘s not something that we can run on the DVDs or anything, but it‘s something that people, off workshop time, in private time, they can listen to it if they‘d like to and we‘d suggest buying the CDs—not from us. We‘re not selling them, we don‘t have them. But it‘s just because it‘s one of those big like, these are, this is a song that‘s part of a ―big band‖ stuff, record industry and all of that contract stuff. So, we haven‘t even began looking into how we would begin to have a right to play that in workshop, where it could be on a DVD and that kind of stuff, that has to do with, however many times it‘s played, there‘s Royalty issues and all of that, so we‘d have to get all that worked out. And we didn‘t know we were going to need that one either. We knew it was special, but we didn‘t know we were going to need it either. So, we‘re just going to put you in touch with that song. And anyone that happens to know it, because I know there‘s, I know some of the people like the Celtic Women stuff and they heard the Voice song from it. If you want to sing that at a certain point, that‘s fine too, but we have to abide by the copyrights and all that thing until we get permissions for that. But, off DVD, where it‘s just hanging out together and not workshop time, I don‘t think there‘s any harm in people that want to hear the music to, potentially buy the CD from somebody. You can go find it on the internet and buy it from them because we don‘t sell it. I don‘t think there‘s any harm in that copyright-wise, so, we‘ll be doing that too and it‘s a very good song to sing during this period as well, which we‘ll do. And there are, the words to that are available also, so they‘re not that hard to find. I‘m putting it that way; we will talk more about that when we get to that time. Anyway, that‘s the musical part of what we‘re going to be doing. (Aside to Az) Go back to number one, the first page please. The Musical Interlude, and that was completely not, we had no idea, this is going to be a whole other set of Events that I won‘t even… these were ours to begin with, we have, down at the bottom, Global Event Healing Number Two - Dawn of the New Horizons this we‘ll talk about more, when we get more of the technicals on it, but it is, we‘re going to go, after we do this set of the final set of Techniques, they have to do with the Aqua-Tone part of the program and that‘s after we go through all these massive activations of opening our own GrU'-al doors - not just the windows but the doors in our bodies. Then we are going to go out on the Beach for Dawn, for those who want to participate, you don‘t have to, it‘s not mandatory, any of it is not mandatory. You don‘t ever have to do a technique because we said so, if you don‘t want to, don‘t do it. But we‘re going to go down on the beach at Dawn and open the, I believe it‘s the GrU'-al window part on the Median Earth level and it has to do with certain things we‘re going to do on the beach. This is the beginning of several stages, one is going to be done in St. Kitts, another‘s going to be done, I believe, at FOL, another one is going to be done, a big one is going to be done on the beach in Sarasota, Florida in Easter, during Easter weekend, where we‘re going back to the GrU'-al. Sarasota The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 159

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Florida was always what was where we started, it was Earth‘s Planetary Stargate Two, the centre two, the GrU‘-al. So, this is going to culminate there. So, the same activations we‘re going to go through with our body through this workshop, where we‘re preparing our physical body for the Slide potential and all of that, that will be done for the planet during the Sarasota one, so that‘s going to be a big one. We‘ll know more about the technicals on this as we get toward the end of the program, because I need to learn more about them. I‘m, right now, when I‘m up there, I‘m stuck in Technique Mode, we‘re on step 48 of Technique Three, yeah, we‘re at step 48, which is part of 3D, now this is a really neat one, so you‘re going to like these. They take you very, very deep in some areas and, as far as the technicals I haven‘t even looked at yet, ‗What diagrams do I need to have right now, ready to put up on mylar?‘ I‘m still trying to get through the Techniques, so you have them to take home with you. So, what we‘re going to talk about when we get into these parts, early parts of the Workshop. And this is where, we‘ll do our best at keeping the times at something that resembles the schedule. I don‘t know how else we‘re going to fit everything in if we don‘t, because this is a really jammed schedule. I had no idea they were going to put so many long techniques in the middle of it. Well not in the middle of it, it was almost like they were sticking technicals here and there between the long Techniques, and it‘s like a weekend of Techniques, but the Techniques are what is the most important part of the work. It‘s what makes the changes in your BioFields, it‘s what gives you the next activation level and brings you up to where your body can begin to participate more actively and fully with the Transfiguration and Ascension process, the Slide process. So, up here, we‘ll start with talking about the physical body, environmental mutation, we know about that already, but, and the saving grace and the Holy Grail GrU‘-al control. Here we‘ll start to talk a little bit about the technicals about what is the GrU'-al exactly? I know it had to do with my Kathara Centre Two, but what‘s the rest of it. We‘ll start learning a bit about that, in this one, in this particular lecture area. We‘ll talk about the planes of creation, the Time Windows and the Holy Grail doorways. This is where we start finding out about the windows and the doorways, because we actually have, on the dimensional levels, we have the D3 TE‘a-Wha Fields that we talked about in Slide One, these have to do with the Materialisation Fields, where literally, your imprint goes out from thought, it goes into these Fields in your own Bio-Field, right? And it turns into atomic structure there, where we‘re literally manifesting, when our bodies are working properly, we manufacture our own atoms that become the manifest hologram of our thought forms around us, right? But this doesn‘t just happen with TE‘a-Wha Windows on D3, on D2, we have the GrU‘-al windows, which are actually the GrU‘-al control, even though the D3 will set the pattern for the outer part of the D2 Level, because what‘s above will set the pattern for what‘s below, there‘s, what‘s inside will set the pattern for both above and below. And that is what the GrU‘-al Windows and Doors have to do with, and that is what‘s, they‘re the ones connected to the D2 Telluric physical body and they are the ones we‘re going to be going into and opening in this particular Workshop. We‘ll also be opening these at the same time, they‘re called the Jhandas Windows, they‘re the D1 level ones, and we‘re going to start the activations of what are called the Jha‘Das, all right, the Jha‘Da Windows go with the Jha‘Da Planes. The Jha‘Da Planes have to do with the Density 1 Field, where we go up to D1, D2, D3 and then up to the Density level of your Kathara Grid or Bio-Field. Then you would go into Density 2 level, where you‘d have the etheric level of D4, right, the beginning level of the next set of densities, so that would be D4. So this is actually, the Jha‘Da Planes connect the D3 Body with the etheric, the density 2 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 159

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level etheric body, the D4 Body, so they are considered Astral Windows. And these are the ones, that when you start activating these sets of windows and doors in the body, it allows you to be able to pull part of what‘s called your GharE‘, or your, literally, embodied in the atoms part of your Spirit, literally out for first Bilocation, full atomic bi-location. We‘ve been doing partial Atomic Bi-location, where we‘re taking little bits of the D2 structure with us, but it‘s mostly using the D3 Atmic Body. This will bring the Slide, first the Bilocation and then the Trans-location ability into the physical D2 Atoms of the body. So, we‘re going to be opening all of these windows and doors and this is a Process. So, we have at least some diagrams, where I can point to things - none of these diagrams are going to be finished, but enough where I can show you, all right, you‘re here and this is here and this is there. That‘s where this Window is, that‘s where this one is, so you have an idea, in relation to your own Bio-fields, where these things are that are activating and opening, so you have a feel for what we‘re doing, so it‘s not just abstract. So we will have some graphs and stuff in this period. This workshop here, or session, is meant to get us oriented to what these structures of our natural, they‘re part of the - what‘s called the Aah‘-JhA Body, the Aah‘-JhA HydroAcoustic Body in the Density 1 level. We also have a level for Density 2, 3, 4 and 5, that, I believe each set of three Workshops, that end with an FOL, deal with one level. We‘re dealing with our Density 1 Bodies now. The next set, after we get finished with this workshop, then we‘ll work on the Soul Body level, which is the Density 2 level. All it takes is one Density level to actually get you out. Now you may get other parts of yourself still stuck in time, but they‘re not, they‘re different incarnationally, they would be different than you in your physical body right now here. They‘re still parts of you, so we‘ll deal with those parts later. First, if we can get the Density 1 Level of our body out, that‘s our D1, 2, 3 level self, the Density 1, that has always been the control, where if you can get that out, you can actually find a way to get the rest out, if you can get it out like, taking it, doing the same thing we‘re doing here, but on the next level up, which would give you the next level of Consciousness Comprehension with it. You can do that, or if you get the Density body through and it‘s the only one you can get through, you can still pull the rest out, even though, they would Bardoah out but you would still be able to get the rest of yourself out of a Matrix, so you wouldn‘t be tethered to reincarnating in that Matrix again. So, we‘re actually at the most important set now. There‘s going to be most importance as we go along and go into the higher levels too, but, right now, we are going to learn how - in this Workshop - we are going to learn to merge with our I AM BODY Consciousness. There‘s a part of our self that is actually fully aware, just like we are - just like we are or aren‘t! It‘s probably fully aware, about as much as we are, of it‘s own Domain, and probably not hugely aware of remembering us, any more than we remember that part of ourselves, because there‘s been a polarisation in the Fields, that has kept the natural flow of energy, and thus, the natural communication between the I AM EGO D3 mind and the I AM BODY D2 mind and the I AM ELEMENT D1 mind, that has kept those levels of mind apart. Those levels of mind, the I AM bands, they‘re called, have to do with certain sets of subfrequency bands in each of the 3 Dimensions. So you have, on the D1 level, you have the I AM ELEMENT Consciousness. They always happen, these bands of frequency, always happen between the first subfrequency band and the 3.5 level, so up to the third – between the third and fourth subfrequency bands in each dimension, that has 12 subfrequency bands, it would be the 3.5 level and down that holds that level of Conscious Awareness. So, we‘re going to progressively open up each set of those, on the D2 level, the I AM BODY Consciousness, which is the cellular atomic body Consciousness, where the D1 one is the Elemental, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 159

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which gets into subatomic particle Consciousness of your own self. And this is parts of you that are manifest as those things, then you have your D3 atmic level, which is your D3 Conscious mind that you know, that looks down on and sees the D2 body as solid, that‘s your I AM EGO, which is also directly associated with your I AM Epigenetic Overlay, which, if it controls your Epigenetic Overlay, that signals how your genes are going to work on the D2 level. And then there is the I AM GOD SELF level, right, this is your level of God Self, your Density 1 level of God Self Consciousness, that is like the big level of being in this open space that is beyond space and time, that just understands all of it, it‘s an amazing state of Consciousness. We began opening our D3 level, our mental body level to the Density level or I AM GOD SELF level in the Slide One Workshop. In order to do the Techniques that are in the Slide Two Workshop, there has to be a quick run-through of the 22 Step Technique, that was used in Slide One, because the activations in the field from the Slide One Course have to be done before you can do the set of activations that are in Slide Two Set, so we‘re going to do those early on, that‘s where we have the preparatory Techniques, where we‘re going to run through just these - the most important one is this one and this one I believe. So, I still have to get… We have most of this done already from the last Workshop, but most of it was done live, which means I have to go back through the transcripts. Thank God somebody did the transcripts - and go OK, step one was what and step two was what and because I talk a lot between them, when I‘m running them live. So, we will get through these so we can begin the process of the Techniques that will directly open your own body to the Slidability Process. Down in here, we have, we‘ll talk more about the inorganic polarities of the physical body and the Voice and the Grail. Now, there‘s inorganic polarities of the physical body, we‘ve been talking about this on all the different levels, from Light Body etc. for ages now. But, they come into two – there‘s literally a split in the natural Light Body fields that splits the dimensional Aah‘-JhA Body levels and it creates the duality of the energy flows and of the Consciousness, so it gives you, like the Angel on your Shoulder/Devil on the other Shoulder that kind of effect with your Consciousness but it also applies to your atoms as well. There‘s a natural part of our own Spiritual Body Consciousness that comes in and literally tethers to and binds to form the atomic structure, it‘s called the GharE‘. The GharE‘ is a natural configuration of the portion of our Spirit Body that literally comes in and binds with some of the Mana from the Light Body, to form literally form the atoms. So, the GharE‘ is the part of our Spirit directly bound to our atoms, our D2 atoms, our D1 atoms and our D3 atoms, but the GharE‘ is a natural thing. When you have the Light Body Structure and part of the dimensional Aah‘-JhA Body Structures brought into polarity, where it should be one sphere and it‘s actually broken into two and put into a Vesica Pisces Phaselock, that creates another Force out of the atoms, where, not only is part of it still your GharE‘, that‘s your own natural Spirit bound in, but the part of the GharE‘ gets hijacked, and it becomes something called the Gharoche‘, where it actually, because it‘s polarities get reversed, it‘s bonded to other things from the Planetary Elemental Field, that do not belong in the Body whatsoever and this creates a form of matter that is called ManE, which is reversed matter, it is, it‘s polarities are different, it bonds differently to other substances, it‘s a perversion of the natural structure of atoms, which should be the GharE‘ part, the Spirit part would bond with the Mana, so you‘d be made of GharE‘ and Mana, instead, a part of our Bodies are made of Gharoche‘, which is the reversed GharE‘ and ManE, which is the reversed matter that has other stuff stuck on to what would normally be your Mana. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 159

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This is what kills our bodies, it‘s also what hijacks our Spirits. So, we‘re going to talk more about how that polarity works in the Body. We‘re going to talk about the Voice and why that song ‗The Voice‘ was so important too, was, I‘m sure the man who wrote it had his own version or idea of what The Voice is, and I‘m sure it was very Spiritually Inspired, and, I haven‘t talked to him, but I‘d imagine, just because it‘s such a Spiritually Inspired sounding song. But, when we‘re talking about the Voice, we‘re talking about, literally, the Eternal Consciousness that is alive and in the cells. We‘re talking about the Voice of the GharE‘, we‘re talking about learning to be able to hear the Voice of your own embedded, embodied Spirit and, how once you can enter the Space, which is called the Grail Space or the GrU‘-al Space, of where you can communicate in direct cognition, directly with that Voice. First you‘ll learn to hear the Voice, then you will learn to be at one with it, which means you become the Voice. Once you get to that point, you can work, which means your D3 mind and your Body Consciousness can work to reclaim the parts of your own natural GharE‘ that have been taken into reversal and to set free the parts of the Gharoche‘ that never belonged in your pattern, in the first place. And that is a thing that needs to occur, before the physical body will ever be capable of Sliding. We need to reclaim our GharE‘ and turn the… release the parts of the ManE matter that don‘t belong there, that go off as basically dust, and probably skin cells and things too, I‘d imagine, that don‘t belong there and then bring back our own Mana, we reclaim our own Mana. And once we get those Fields put back together, which is what these Techniques do, then we can go on to the next levels of things, which, in the next Workshop, I believe, we will integrate the Rasha level, we‘ve talked about our Rasha Bodies, our dark matter Bodies, where we will put that online as well with the rest. And, that will make us, I guess, fully Slidable. When are we going to be able to start going ‗Who‘ho, blink off‘ Love it! Even to begin just saying, ‗Hi, you know I‘m in two places?‘ I‘m not sure when we‘re going to start experientially having this, but I think this particular Workshop is very significant in it, because, at least as far as the Bilocation part goes, with the activations done, the Grail activations I‘ll call them collectively, in this Workshop, you will be able to pull a portion of your, or not pull it but like ‗Come on, want to go, let‘s go for a Bilocation with your GharE‘ and move from the space as your GharE‘ Consciousness and literally, move part of yourself out and project it to someplace else you might like to go, like say to go visit Median Earth or something. So, we‘re going to get, it will deepen the experience of the Mental Projections that we‘ve done, when we were taking part of the Mental Body Atomic Structure. We‘ll start to begin to be able to take the physical body atomic structure, at least part of it, and the process of releasing the Gharoche‘ part and the ManE is not something that just happens once, all right? Because, every time you breathe, your Body makes more of both, because the planet makes more of both. So, you‘ll fix the thing in your Field and it will hold, but the planet is still sending in a part of the reversal. So the reversal will go back in again, but, what these Techniques will do, is get you where you will learn, your Body will be taught how to transmute it again so it transmutes it back. So it begins the Process, which will be a Perpetual Process of your Body, allowing the mutation to come in, and then turning it back around and reclaiming. And that is why they‘re going to give us, like the Daily, BiWeekly, Monthly whatever, where we have little bits of things that we can do, where you don‘t have to do all these long Techniques all the time or anything. But it will give the Body that support, to progressively build up, it‘s basically building up the ability to transmute that particular reversal, as it runs in the Body, you fix it, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 159

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it‘ll unfix, you fix it again, it‘ll unfix. So, it will get, eventually it will go on Autopilot if we use them. But that, eventually is probably not going to be before 2012. So it‘s putting us on, basically where the Body will move into its self-healing application with that. Yes, the Fields will still split it again because of the effect of the Planetary Fields because they are split. But then, our bodies will have the ability to pull themselves back together again and transmute off that level. But, right now, the bodies are running at a deficit with that. We have all these years that our bodies have been growing and building up the reversed level. So there‘s a lot of‘ the reversed matter to clear out before you just worry about going on maintenance, ―Hi, I‘m all Light now,‖ that kind of thing. So, it‘s a healing Process. It is a progressive Healing Process. So, it is worth it, whether you are planning to Slide out or whether you are planning to Bardoah out, because the higher in frequency and the more Light Quotient, you can build natural Light Quotient. You can build in your body, whichever way, will determine where you can go and at the end of the Workshop, they gave me this one bizarre chart, ‗I can‘t believe you‘re going into this right now, we‘re doing Techniques.‘ And they gave me this chart on - I can‘t remember what they called it, but it literally broke down the understanding the Light Quotient of the Body how much of what‘s called Sha‘LA‘a, which is called the Living Light Units, based on the three Tri-Veca Configuration versus how much Shona Light you have. There is a ratio of balance there, and depending on what that ratio is will depend on where you can go in your next destination, be it through Slide or be it through the Bardoah Process. So, there‘s a Chart that we‘ll look at that helps us to understand a bit about that. They‘re going to develop that more. I don‘t have that with me right now, but that‘s for the end of the Workshop. But all this, it‘s going to be brought into a Practical Focus and finally we‘re going to be able to go home, with, not only with having excellent Activations that took place in our Bodies, and that will hold, but they will continue on and they will step up with the Planetary Grids, with just a little bit of support from you, of doing certain things once in a while to keep that Activation going. So, you don‘t have to go, trying to figure out ‘What set of Techniques do I use now, or how many hours does that take a week?‘ that kind of thing. It‘s not a long Program, it‘s the long-term Maintenance Program, which means you get to have a Life somewhere in there in-between too, right (laughing), because these Techniques can take so long and there‘re so many of them, sometimes it‘s like, either you have to give up the Techniques or give up having a normal Life—answering the phone, going to work, eating. And we don‘t recommend ever doing that. So, I really hope that you will find this an amazing Workshop. I‘m hoping we hold out to get all these Techniques just to get them down, because you‘ll be seeing both of us - both myself and Az running different ones. Az will run some of them, I will be running some of them and so you‘ll see, you‘ll be seeing both of us. I‘m not just going to be holed up all the time, up there getting Charts and stuff. So, sometimes we‘ll both be here sometimes one or the other of us will be here, but you‘ll always be very much here with the Beloveds, because the Beloveds are definitely here with us. How long have I babbled on now? (to Az) Oh I have? That‘s good, because when I get on a roll, I‘m talking really fast too and I apologise for that, but there‘s quite a heat roll wearing through and I tend to go faster and faster and faster when the energy‘s really strong. I always want to make sure that I at least talked for as long as I was supposed to, because if it‘s published, we do try to keep to a Schedule, if you expect an hour, you‘re going to get an hour or ten or whatever at least of what was published. And, when I get on a roll, it‘s like jejejejeje all the way through and then, all of a sudden, it‘s like ha(sigh) I don‘t have anything The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 159

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more to say, right(laughing), there‘s nothing more to talk about, like the wave came and everything had to be talked about and it‘s like I‘ve hit that point and I always hope that that point is at least on, or a little bit after the point that I said I was going to talk until. So, I don‘t really have anything more to say, you will get, you‘re going to get these handed out - oh you already got it OK, so you‘ve got a copy of this, so it‘s got you knowing what the Schedule is, you can read through a bit more about the Subject Matter that we‘re going to talk about and the next time we will meet will be, thankfully, tomorrow for me, starts at 2 right, instead of 10 in the morning like the other one. I have a very busy night, I have to somehow get past number four on this set and into the four of them that go with Sunday‘s, but, we‘ll get there. So, we will see you at 2 o‘clock tomorrow and we‘ll do the session one lecture ‗Planes of Creation, Time Windows and the Holy Grail Doorways.‘ I hope you enjoy being here, thank you for being here! ArAya‘Yana: Just to remind everybody, we‘ll have Orientation at 11:11 and Ordinations at 12:12 and on Sunday we will have Ordinations at 9:30am, we look forward to welcoming everyone to support the Shield and the Krystal River Circle following that, thank you! A‘sha: Night everybody, have a good night, see you tomorrow!

Saturday Afternoon Technique Sequence See Sliders 2 Handbook for Technique Instructions. 1. Optical-Pineal Induction of the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code 2. Creating the TE‘a-Wha Materialization Seed. 3. Opening the Pentagonal TE‘a-Wha Window & Consciousness Materialization

Saturday Lecture – Part One [Audio Track 02 Sat Lecture 1 0:00:00] A‘sha [D1 C5 0:59:33] Hello everybody and thank you for your patience in the time shift. The reason we backed it up for this particular day was when I do schedules, usually I just allot about two to three hours for the subject material because I never know what's going to come through. Because this one was so technique intensive—I'm literally still getting the written forms of the techniques. We have the ones for today, but the ones for tomorrow—so there's really only, this one was only about an hour's worth of presentation. So it was better to put the energy into getting the techniques for tomorrow all typed up and ready, because if they are not typed up and ready, I can run them just live off the top of my head—because they come through on a wave that I don't remember afterward either—but when we do it that way, you won't be able to take them home with you. And the idea is to let you take them home with you, so you can use parts of them—once in a while all of the long one—so you have the Daily Grail Program, that would make it simple for you to use the technologies that will help prepare the body for slide once you leave the workshop. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 159

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So, it was better to just use that time. We could have come in, I could have spoken for an hour, and then said, ―Well, this is all the information we have for this particular block,‖ and go away for a while and then come back. That would have been kind of silly. So, as far as the program goes, I'm sure we're going to get enough hours in between now and Monday morning when we leave, seeing all the techniques that have to be done tomorrow as well. I wanted to put one of the other sets of techniques from tomorrow into the slot for this afternoon, earlier this afternoon, but I couldn't do it because they are all in a sequence. You have to have the thing in the bottom of page one done, before you can do the other ones that are techniques on the other page. So, I couldn't juggle the program around. So, that's why we backed it up to this point. So, it doesn't really mean we're off schedule. It just means that this particular lecture was covering material that wouldn't take three hours to cover. It's basically what we're going to cover in this one is the object of this particular lecture session is to get us to the point where we understand what the Planes of Creation are, the Time Windows and the Holy Grail Doorways. So, we are going to cover some graphs. Some of them we saw in the last workshop. We are going to cover new material on them and some of the catch-up material, just to, let's say, get the orientation of what are the Planes of Creation. Where are we in relation to those? What does that have to do with TE‟a-Wha Fields, whatever they are, because if you weren't at Slide 1 (workshop) you might not know what a TE‘a-Wha Field is. So, we're going to cover some of that material and then bring it to the point where one of the graphs that we had from before, but they showed me on it, where these windows and doorways are. And this is the information that we need before we go into the technique blocks. We need to have a conceptual understanding of what part of our fields involve. What do they do? In the techniques right after we do this session, we will go into the preparatory techniques, because they need to be done and set in the field for a while before you can go into the new level of techniques. So, that will be, again, somewhere between 5:45 and 6:30, that Az will run the preparatory technique set. So, my job, in the middle of this, before this, is to start speaking about the Planes of Creation, and the Time Windows and Doors, and I will do that. Once, after dinner, we will come back, and we are going to stick to the program as it is. If there's any time left, just in case it doesn't take until midnight to run the first…I think it might, it might even go over. But, if there's time left in this PSI-Interactive Session for Technique One, at the end of the evening, what we'll try to do—and we're going to try to get the paper copies to you by this time, if we can, if it works out, if we can get them run, so we can start a little bit early on the song sets for tomorrow, so you get familiarity with the songs, with Suchi's songs. And so you know the words and have the words, so you can play with them when you go to sleep, or when you go home tonight, or back to your room, you will at least have the information. So, we are going to try to squeeze that in at the end. It doesn't mean we won't have the full session in the morning. We're going to—the best case scenario is if we had a half hour extra here tonight, we could probably do the, take a half hour out of that and get everybody here at 10:30 instead of 10:00. Every half hour counts in my world when we're on workshop. So, we'll see how that works out. But we are going to try to get you the song sheets, and do at least a once-through run on listening to the CD, over the—whatever they do, the intercom or whatever, so you can hear these songs that are going to be used in tomorrow's joining with the global healing event celebration, the Requiem. And tomorrow we have one of the most fully loaded programs I've ever seen, because we have the really, really long The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 159

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technique runs on that day. Some of them Az will do, some of them I will do. And when we go home tonight, I have to get the last four of the Hydro-Acoustic ones done, because they didn't even give those to me yet. So, if I look tired now, I am going to look even worse tomorrow, so just ignore it. (laughs) So, as far as speaking about the Planes of Creation, the Time Windows, and the Holy Grail Doorways, this has to do with simply understanding both, on the planetary level and about our own fields, because, again, the planetary level—the planet's Spiritual, Mental, Emotional Body structure, Light Body structure, is the same on a larger level as our own. So, it means the planet has TE‟a-Wha Fields and GrU‟-al Fields and the Jhan-das Field and the Jha-Dha‟s Field and all of that. We're talking about these particular words that we're studying now as part of the Aah‟-JhA Body anatomy. They correspond just to the Density-1 level. So, you also... we know we have five Density levels going up, so we also have these much larger fields that later we'll probably learn to activate. Right now, all of the work that we've done before, literally all of it, through all of the programs we've done, were required to create the level of bio-field activations in ourselves and in a critical amount of people within the Aquafereion Shield, before these particular techniques could be run. And these are the ones that we've really been waiting for, because they will open what is called first the GrU‟-al Window, or the Grail Window, and then the Grail Door. And the Grail Door corresponds to more than just the D2 level. It is actually the opening of—first you have to open the D3 level, what's called the TE‘a-Wha Window. And that is what we did in Slide 1 workshop. That is what will happen. If you weren‘t in that workshop it will be done again in the preparatory techniques. So, we had the D3 level open. That was the first level that had to be open, because on the surface levels, that controls D2 and D1 coming down. But in D2 level, which is the GrU‘-al Door, or the Grail Door, that actually has a way that you can go through and into the Core program, where you actually get to see and read the Hydro-Acoustic Program as Symbol and Light. And we had to have three open to even get to the point where we could open two, and we are going to open the second window, the Grail Window, and it's a whole set of steps to do this. There's the technical techniques that open the Grail Window. Then, it enables us to go into this fascinating state called the Grail State. This is one of the longest techniques there is. It is like a journey and a heavy technique combined together, so you get certain spots where you can stop a little bit, but not like go run away and take a break for a half hour. So, it's going to be a long run one. I've not touched these states since I've been in body until they started running the transmission for the technique down, and the steps would do a sub-harmonic activation in my field, as I was taking it down. And the states are really, really neat. I can't even describe them. But there's a particular state that starts to open in your consciousness. It's your God Self State when you open the D3 Window, which is kind of like up here. It's like a field that actually opens, and you can kind of feel a space open around your head as if— that's the space that when you.... If you have like a near-death experience, or if you have a full Bardoah experience, that is where you go, and it gives you a perspective of being able to see your entire life—like beyond time, where you're not stuck in time any more. It's very— (sighs), big open type space where you have a lot of cognition, direct cognition of all sorts of things. It's easy to understand things from that space. That comes with the D3 level and we began that opening. We opened that space in the last workshop. So, we'll get that again, this one, which amplifies it every time you use that technique. It brings more of that God-Self Consciousness in. But now we're going to go into the Body Consciousness. And if there's anything I had a hard time with in this life, and so did the walk-out, my walk-out. She hated the body. She wanted to get out of it. She felt like she was trapped in it. And I used to think, oh, it can't be that bad. Yeah, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 159

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right! Boy, when I got all the way in, it's been a progressive battle of the body ever since. And I feel bad for the body a bit. Like, I don't mean to hate you, but I hate being in you—that kind of thing. This takes you into a place where we can blend... or we have to step down our D3 consciousness, and bring it down into the realm, or the domain of where the Body Consciousness lives. And the Body Consciousness is made of various types of energy that are literally our own consciousness. When we come into Fetal Integration, we move ourselves into D1, 2, 3 and the Density level of atomic structure. So the part of our Spirit Body, called the GharE‟ that is bonded right into the atomic structure and the subatomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the cells, etc. So, there is this whole level of ourselves that because of the mutation in our bodies right now, we can't even tune into. And it doesn't tune into us very well either. That's why the body has a life of its own and a death of its own. And it says it will do what it wants no matter what you want it to do and that kind of thing. And you have to get control of it. It's almost like you have to force your will on it, exercise it to death to keep it in shape and all of that. And that's a real nuisance. I got to the point where, if I have to exercise— because ever since I had to amp my flame they had me on this cycle of exercising. I never introduced it to you guys because they never said you needed to. If we could spare these people this—it was taking 20 hours a week in the gym. Plus having a life and trying to do all the other stuff. I might have gone down to 110 lbs.—which I've never been before, this body was never that scrawny—as it went in a certain period of time when we were doing that. It's just like, ‗I can't live like this.‘ People can't live having to do this just to control the body. And what we should learn with these techniques—and the techniques are like the teachers themselves almost. There's only so much that can be said about the states. Where the learning comes and the shifts come for you is when you can get into these States. And then you learn all sorts of stuff by feeling around in this new State of your own self, where you're learning to feel your D2 Spirit Level of Consciousness. And through it, you will—if you learn to go into that space, which is one of the big techniques. It's not going to be the last technique. It's actually a State that's needed to finish the last techniques. But, it's going to be one of the longest. And it's one that's meant to be savored. To go in, and move in and slow down, and really stretch out, and get to the point where—forget how long it's taking, that kind of thing. And get into—first, there's this amazing little space. It is a little space that appears huge when you get into it. It's called the Kara-nA‟dis Seal. But when you get inside of it as your mini-me, it's amazing. You can do all sorts of neat things there. We're going to go into that, and then after there, we go into a blend with the GharE‘, literally the Atomic GharE‘. We learn to blend our consciousness with it. The place of the Kara-nA‘dis Seal is referred to as the Changing Room, because it's where we change our state—and the literal form that we are using to carry our consciousness—into the same state as the GharE‘. So, we go back into where we lose the body image completely. We lose track of the body image, and start moving as consciousness. And this is the state that you actually are in before you come into a body, before you get ensnared into the atomic structure, and tethered to the baby body. So, we are going to go back to that very Primal State of Pure Consciousness, and from there we can move into this really neat space that is called the GrU‟-al Space. It's a very specific space in your field, but to get into it, you can't just push out here. There's a whole set of things you have to do to get into the access point, and that point is called the Kara-nA‟dis Point. So, the one Technique 3, and that one is going to be run tomorrow, because we don't want to run that at 10 at night when everybody is tired, because it will get you so low into the alpha rhythms and take you lower and lower, that if you are tired, you're gone. You won't remember once you got to a certain point. You'll just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 159

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completely be gone and be snoring. It will take you—well, it will make you sleepy to begin with, because you are shifting brain wave patterns. You are going to be shifting them down into the alpha state, deeper and deeper, moving actually toward theta. To stay awake in the sleep state is an interesting concept. It can be done, but it takes practice. So, I'm excited about sharing with you that Technique 3 particularly, in the Grail Sequence, because it—I wouldn't say I've made peace yet with my physical body, but I found the place where I can. I haven't finished the technique yet either, but I found that place, the state that I have not been able to touch while in body, and it's a place where you—it's like a forgiveness space, where you forgive your body for everything you feel like it's doing to you, and you start to understand a bit more about what it is. And actually that even in its mutated condition, there is a beauty to the consciousness there. Once you get to be able to move in and out of that state, where you can go into the GrU‘-al State without having to go through like 50-60 steps—because once you get that set and practice once in a while the long run, you'll be able to get in there faster and faster, to the point where eventually you can pop in and spread out into that state, which is what all of these techniques are meant to do…give you the long run until it gets set in the field. Then it will be on auto-pilot real fast at will, with the intention. But when you get into the State, it's the most healing space that I have ever found, and I find something quite fascinating, that the little bit—because I haven't run it. It's only run in a sub-harmonic through me enough where I can take it down on the computer, to get the technique, so I haven't fully run it. But even just that gave me enough of touching the space where I realized that I could communicate with my atoms. I realized that they were—I actually experienced them as alive, and very, very conscious. I realized there were vast amounts of knowledge that the body itself stores, and all sorts of—I mean, you can ask when you get in that state, ask your GharE‘, your D2 level GharE‘ Spirit, if it will help you to read your Incarnational Record. It has direct access to it, those kind of things. You can read your Body Space. We are going to be taught how to do that actually tomorrow toward the end, where we learn how to use the Hydro-Acoustic technologies to go into that state, work with linking with the Body Consciousness, to do scans from the inside out, so we can find areas in the body that need the most help, and begin to use certain direct energy techniques from that state. So, it's literally going to teach us how to move the consciousness out of its kind of embedded focus in 3D linear Beta thought-wave patterns, and into a state that is much more natural. This is just the beginning of learning to be able to have almost like an emotional spiritual love affair with the Earth itself, because even though the Earth is in a rather dire state as far as its fields and things right now, it is still a living, not quite breathing, consciousness. Its atoms still breathe but its whole system of breathing does not work properly anymore. It's on a respirator called the Host and the AnshaTAsa Passage. But it is still a living conscious entity. When we learn to go into the GrU‘-al State with our selves, and you have to get pretty good at it first yourself, then you can expand that into that same level of the Earth, and that's where you can hear Earth speak most loudly. And the speaking that takes place is—you can get a translation of what the Earth is saying, but it loses something in the translation. This is direct cognition experience, where you just go into this state. When you get in those states, it's like, 'I don't want to do any more techniques. I just want to stay here. I don't care what happens to my body.' But you can't go there. It's tempting though. It's tempting to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 159

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say, 'I just like it here so much, as far as being in body, let's just stay. Hi Body, you stay there. I am going to stay here, just not wake up again, go into that place.' But you're not asleep. You're more awake actually than you are here. This is a place where you will develop micro-vision, which is the ability to see inside atoms. And once you have the Space turned on, you don't have to take a technique to run yourself all the way down there to get there, where you can start reading atoms and things. You'll actually be able to project your consciousness and move it into atomic structure. You wouldn't even need a microscope. You could go in and actually look at a body. You could find diseases and viruses and those kinds of things, and combat them right there at their own level, or help heal something without combating. If it's a virus, it doesn't belong there. You can find out why it's there, why it's visiting and how to help it go home. it's not you. And those kinds of things. So, this is the beginning of opening what has almost been the Pandora's Box of torture, which are our bodies, the can't-live-with-them-can't-live-without-them kind of relationship that we've had.

[audio: 17:45:71, DVD-1 C6 1:15:40]

So, I will begin speaking about this, by speaking about the Planes of Creation in general. This is an old diagram that we've looked at before that showed us the proportions of when we talked about the 15 Geleziac layers of the Rasha Body structure, that later out-picture into the Light Body structures, that gives us the 15 dimensional layers of our auric field. Within that whole field, you look at, say, the planet's field is this, it gives you the proportional measurements. Actually, if this is this size that implies this would be this size. Each of the layers would be a certain size. This is the key to the Vertical Maps that we have learned where the planes of Earth are, because we are on Earth, and it will help to know when we're projecting and when we're moving and when we're opening certain fields in our own bodies. These fields correspond with those same exact bands in the Planetary Body. So it helps you to understand a bit more of your context when we talk about TE‘a-Wha Fields and all of this, where that context is in relation to the planet that we're living within its bubble. Because it's a bubble. It looks like we're walking around on it. We're only walking around on the solid part. That happens - where are we? - this one is a little confusing because it is actually The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 159

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showing the rotation grids where you can't see the embedding levels. That is actually the top of it, when you take it into the Vertical Maps. So, put the next one up, honey, the Vertical Maps.

[audio: 19:09:06, DVD-1, 1:17:00]

That just shows the proportions that are formed by the spiraling of the Kathara Grid that literally creates how big the layers will be between each other. When you bring it into where you can see the top of the Kathara Grid, this would be the Density level Kathara Grid. This would be the D3 level. Inside of that here would be the D2 level. And then the smaller one, the D1 level. And it implies that there are four levels of embedded spheres within spheres, each with 15 Geleziac layers in the Rasha pattern, and 15-dimensional structure on the outside pattern. If you notice, these go up to the 12 th layer. So, you have 13, 14 and 15. Each layer would be blending into the next layer up. But this shows you the proportionals. This is how we derive the Vertical Maps. Once you have the correct proportions of one set of the 15, then you just shrink them down into the proper proportions between them, where the Kathara Grids fit this way, so you end up with four sets of 15 on the Rasha Body, but also on the fields that are the planetary fields. These are also how your own fields are structured. So, your D2 body would be in—there's a Kathara Grid in here. I didn't put it on here, I just indicated/hinted where it would be. I didn't make it so you couldn‘t see anything else. But that would be the Domain of where your Physical Body is manifesting. You'd have your Mental Body in the D3 level, and you‘d have your Density level Body, where your “I Am God” Consciousness Space is, and your full Density-1 Aah-JhA‘ Body, your Hydro-Acoustic Body would be in this realm. Actually from here into here. So, when we start looking at TE‘a-Wha Fields and Jha-Dha Fields and GrU‘-al Fields, and finding out where they fit within this plane structure, it helps to remember what the plane structure is to begin with. And we are like little planets unto ourselves. These are the Vertical Maps of the planets. They are called Vertical Maps because if you just take a cross-section of this, put a dot on each place where one of those spheres crosses through the staff line going up, right? You can take it and draw a straight line over, and it will show you the stack of the planes, and that's how we got the Vertical Maps. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 159

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Next one please.

[DVD-1, C6 1:19:15]

This is showing the Vertical Maps of Earth. These are still rough, I haven't had time to do them because they take ages to get the proportions right. But it's showing you, in relation to that, if this is the Density level… I didn't show the Kathara Grids on this one, but on each one of these Kathara Grids—and this goes for your fields as well as for the planetary fields. Where you see this crossbar, which would be the Raja Shield, that implies that this one, these bands—you have the bands and spans between the geleziac layers and between the light layers, the Light Body layers. This would be 9.5, alright. And 9.5 is always the crust, right. Or the skin. So, the crust—this is the crust of the D3 grid that you would see, and that is where the D3 mental planes would be. Actually, that's where—there are distorted portions of the D3 ones, but that's where people end up in those Review Loops, where they don't realize they lost their physical body, and they are stuck in what looks like another hologram, just like the hologram they were in but a little bit different, and they don't remember that they actually passed over. Down here is where you would have in relation to the D3 Mental planes... you have what would be the D2 level of the Crust, and that's what we're walking on here. So, going up this way is what would be Earth's atmosphere, and going down this way is what's underneath our feet going down through the Crust and into the Core and all of that. This whole structure of the Vertical Maps, I wanted to remind you of, because when we see the corresponding diagrams that go with the TE‘a-Wha Fields, the Materialization Fields. When I refer to all of them, they are the Materialization Fields, because that's where atoms actually materialize. They correspond to these. I won't show you all of these stuck to all of those because you won't be able to tell what lines are where, and it makes it too confusing. So, if we can remember that these... this Rasha Body structure of the planet is actually smaller. You have a small version of this on the Rasha level. And it manifests outward as the basic set of planes, which you have the four Dimensional Sets, basically. You have one, two, three dimensions then the big Density level one, of the interwoven 15 plane sets. And then we have certain parts of each of those will hold the Materialization Fields. So, I just wanted you to have these in mind when we go into looking at the diagrams that talk about the Materialization Fields, and I'll The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 159

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show them in a circle. They show them in a way where they apply to your body, but they also apply to the planet. We'll get on to that in a minute. Next one please.

[audio: 24:00:46, DVD-1, 1:22:00]

So, I just wanted to remind you of the Vertical Maps and how they look. Oh... the Vertical Maps... they are simple this way. We just take the main set of planes, where you have the D1 level, D2 level, D3 level, right? These are the main Dimensional Planes. And this shows each of the 15 geleziac layers of the Rasha Body, but also of their Light Body plane stack, and when you bring them all together, you end up with this, where you can identify very specific fields of various different things. We'll look more at those fields and what's up with them when we talk about the bigger planetary stuff tomorrow. But I just wanted to remind everybody about how these maps came to be, what they are formed from. But it gives you a stack, as far as knowing what's in the Core, where are we in relation to all this as far as what we're walking around on here on the surface, and also, when you go up to the top, where Urtha is in relation to it. Somewhere in these maps you would also have Median Earth and AshalA 3, which we talked about before. When you leave our Net Earth space, somewhere up in here, before you got to the Adashi Temples up on Urtha, which is in M31 interface, you would actually have the Median Earth, which is the Ascension Earth, and that's the first place we're going to slide to. So, these maps come in very handy for various things. One is to understand how your own body fields work, because you have a Vertical Map yourself. You have these same structures within your body, and we are working with the D2 level of them, which would be the one over here. We're working with this level. Now, we opened up the TE‘a-Wha Windows, and at some point, if I ever have time it's not going to be in this workshop, but I would be able to plug in TE‘a-Wha Windows and things. You'd see, the TE‘a-Wha Windows would be here. The GrU‘-al Windows would be somewhere on this set of vertical going-up lines, and we would be able to plot them all, as far as the planetary ones, and even as far as our own body ones. But what we're going to focus on in this weekend's workshop is more so the personal ones, because it is the personal ones we need to be able to move into a State of Oneness with, before we will be able to access the larger planetary fields, and those kind of things. Next one please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 159

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[Graph] [audio: 26:11:07, DVD-1, 1:24:12]

This is just reminding you of... I believe Noel did this from my messy maps. He actually did the clean Vertical Map. These have been out, I believe. Aren't they published somewhere? These were given out somewhere, weren't they? A while back? Were they? Yeah, I thought they were. So, these are just showing a clean version of the Vertical Maps. It actually shows the different interfaces of planes. You can tell where that is in relation to where we are, by where the Van Allen Belts are. I'd have to get my glasses to do that. This is just beyond the outer Van Allen Belt. So, you can tell how far up in the atmosphere. Here's the Van Allen Gap, which means the outer Van Allens up this way, and the lower Van Allens this way. Down here... where are we? In the D2 field, we've got the ozone layer. So, that's where our ozone layer is. This is where our surface Earth is. This is where the big crystal mantles are actually. They have smaller versions of the Adashi Temples in our own... you moved it. Right? Earth going up! (laughing). This is where we'd have the subterranean—there's literally subterranean bands where you have cities, underground cities, but they are under... because they're in different plane structures, you can't see them from here. You have Etheric cities going down to here. We have our Aquifers. You also have Aquifers going up. So there are certain points, when we go into projections, we go through certain levels of Earth's atmosphere, with certain things activated in our fields that have different Angular Rotation of Particle Spin, and we would actually come up in water somewhere else, and that somewhere else would be Median Earth, for example. That would be the first stop going up. So, there are different layers of matter applied to each of these. D1 is an etheric matter base. D2 is a Telluric Matter base. D3 is Atomic Matter base. And the density level is what's called a Ketheric Matter base. Each of those has a different proportion of how much is made of Spirit energy and how much is made of Manifestation energy. Or how much is made of EirA and how much is made of ManA, or Mana energy. And it gives a different type of matter quality. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 159

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So, all of these things, we've covered these before. If we can remember these in connection to the things we will learn about the TE‘a-Wha Fields, and the Aah-JhA‘ Body structure, it will be helpful. Because to make the link mentally, you just see the Aah-JhA‘ body diagrams. They kind of float around. Like, oh, okay... you got these big star-shaped things up there somewhere. Oh, okay. If we bring them into this context, it will help to understand, so you kind of look up in the sky, and say, 'hmmm... up there in the ozone there's that band.' We will be able to see where those bands of consciousness we're speaking about, and bands where under normal circumstances atoms would be literally manufactured through the living body system. We'll get an idea of where they are. Next one please.

[Graph] [29:13:25, DVD-1, 1:27:24]

This is just showing the mess of the Vertical Maps on Earth. This is a really messy one. But it shows where the Net bands are. These are the control bands that are literally running disharmonic frequency as a frequency fence net that controls our D1 and D2, and our D3 levels of our DNA. It controls the D2 DNA. It controls the DNA template on the D1 level, and it controls what is called the Epigenetic Overlay on the D3 level. Each of those levels of the Net corresponds to one of the three levels of consciousness that we were talking about. The D3 of what we call the Epigenetic Overlay Band, or the EGO band, corresponds to the three-dimensional focus of attention that is our, what we know as our ―waking state‖ of consciousness. So, literally there is a Net field that controls that. There is a Net field that controls the D2 Telluric level, which means our Physical Body. And then there is one that controls the Etheric Template underneath. So, as we're working with the technologies that we are getting now, we are actually going to be able to start freeing the Physical Body, not just the Mental Body, from the structures that the Nets actually hold in to the body. We'll look at those structures this evening, when we do this evening's session. This is just to show... to get everyone familiar with the format of the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures and the Materialization Planes within the context of the things that we already know. So, we're going to look at the good stuff, not the bad The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 159

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stuff, in this part. Then we will do the technique set that is the pre-technique set. And then when we come back after dinner, we will go into looking at the messes that are caused in the body. Now, in the Slide 1 workshop, we worked to release something called the Caduceus within the body, which we will look at more this evening. That was on the D3 level, because we opened the D3 window. But, we couldn't take the Caduceus structure fully out of the D2 body yet. That will come with this workshop. That is literally a life-saver in many of our cases, because you will see what it is--it's a very nasty structure that is controlled by the Nets. And it's the Nets on the planet that are creating the Nets in our body. But the fact that we have the Nets in our body, it makes our bodies create unnatural atomic structures, and we release them into the atmosphere, which helps it contaminate Earth and feed the reversals in the Nets. So, we're actually being used as atom generators, as twisted atom generators, when we're supposed to be able to generate our own atoms. It's not as if, like God looks down and says, 'oh, there's a bunch of atoms floating around there. I think I'll put them together like clay and make a person.' No... we actually... we get a borrowed quantum from the two parents, alright? Their Light Bodies contribute... there's an egg and a sperm and they each have a piece of Light Body structure. They come together and they form what's called the Va-Bha‟-TE Sac. And from that... that is a donated quantum of energy. It's also a part we have to release from ourselves when we transition in Bardoah, or when we fully ascend. That part--and we bring our consciousness into and begin the process of expanding outward into the body at a certain point called Fetal Integration. We take over the physical growth process of the body. We are not in the body when it first forms. It's moving around. It has its own body consciousness that was part of the donated cell. But we don't come in until the 33rd through 56th day. It's the earliest time after conception that a new Spirit can come in to that body. So, all that's there is the bit of donated quantum of Light Body structure--not Spirit, Light body energy, Mana, that was donated by the parents. So, there's a whole lot of things, if we understand these, it makes it pretty easy what to vote for and that kind of thing. No, you're not killing a baby if you actually get an abortion, for example, if it's before the 33rd to 56th day period. Before that, you have a living body structure. It is composed of the consciousness field, and the energy field of the donated quantum from the parents, that will eventually... that part of the quantum will actually go back to the parents eventually, once the whole body grows up and ascends and transfigures its atoms and molecules into its own natural structure. It will give that back to the parents. It will be released as dust, Va-Bha‟-TE Dust, and it will go back to wherever the parents are, living or dead. It will go back as their quantum. Anyway… they are interrupting me. They want me to go into something else. We don‘t want to go into Fetal Integration too much here, because we did cover it in the first one. We had a very long dissertation on paper on it, so it‘s in the package from the first workshop. But it explains pretty much the Fetal Integration process. The point at which the new Spirit Consciousness, the new identity, comes into the baby body and then from that point continually expands itself out into the body to grow it. That‘s when it takes over cellular process. That‘s when the new Spirit takes over cellular process. Before that, if the child in the womb dies before that point of Fetal Integration, there is no other Spirit stuck in the mother‘s field at that point. But there would be one stuck in the mother‘s field, say if you had a late term abortion and those kind of things, and Fetal Integration happened to have happened, it adds to the karmic thing. That child will have to be born, either in this life or another, because it will stay with you. That spirit is tethered to you. And it will stay with you until it can be freed through having its own body to come into. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 159

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So there‘s a lot of political issues attached to learning about the structures of how the natural body structures do work. But we‘re not going to do Fetal Integration much here. What I wanted to get back to is getting to understand--remember, the planes that we have, the planes of existence that we have here, have a specific structure, specific functions, specific types of atomic energy, and so do our bodies, and that‘s a micro version. Next one please.

[audio: 35:17:71, DVD-1, 1:33:27 ]

When we were studying, way back, the Rasha Body structures of the Dark Matter Template, we learned about the basic states of matter that were created, starting in the Rasha Body and its processes started forming the basic geleziac radiation sparks that come together to form the different types of matter, where you have five primary types. You have what‘s called the Ethers… well, the Plasmos, Magnos, Hydros, Thermos and Electros. They are the Primary States. There‘s a whole process that these Primary States of Dark Matter energy turn into and become the atomic energy, the atomic structures, that are on the outside. They take on a Light Body component, which is different than your Dark Matter Body. That‘s the Light Body Mana Body. And they take on a bit of GharE‘, which is Spirit Body quantum. So, these were the basic states. I just wanted to remind you of those, that they existed. We‘ve covered them in other workshops more extensively. So, I‘m not going to read every thing on the diagrams. It takes forever that way and bores most people who have heard it ten times.

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[DVD-1, 1:34:35 ]

Those matter structures, those Five Primary States of Matter and the 15 States they create in the Dark Matter thing, they come out to be our Atomic Chart. But it‘s an interesting process by which they materialize. So, there‘s the difference between the manifesting. Manifesting is when energy first starts to come out and be available to become materialized. Materialization occurs through certain processes that have to do with the Aah-JhA‘ Body structure. And literally it is through the Aah-JhA‘ Body structure of the planet, of the Sun, of ourselves, that we manufacture our own atoms. And it is a part of our anatomy that science has no idea exists, because, right now to observe it, you can‘t tell, because right now our bodies manufacture perverted atoms. They actually bond to stuff from distorted atoms that are in the planetary fields, and bring them in, and form an unnatural form of matter called ManE. That is what—if we are going to heal our bodies, we have to release that, the ManE matter, and turn our matter back around to its natural state of Mana matter. So, in understanding that the atomic structure literally of the universe is created through huge structures like this. The cosmos has an Aah-JhA‘ Body. It has the same type of structures, and it‘s massive. Every little galaxy has the same thing. Every little universe has the same thing. Every little person has the same type of structure. We are all, when our bodies are working properly, we are all the generators of literally hydrogen, helium, the whole Atomic Chart. There are certain ones that are generated in certain dimensional bands, which means certain of---say Density 1 matter would be composed of primarily this type, these particular elements. It would have traces, sub-harmonics of all the other ones, but it would have a primary dominant set of atoms. So, there‘s a lot to understand when it comes to this. Our job here isn‘t to teach the masters physics classes. I would have to go and get a masters physics degree before I could translate this information into that language. But if we can understand the concept, if we are physicists it is very helpful, because if you can realize that, yes, these structures actually, the structures that physicists study and scientists study, these are actually being manufactured and created through the structures we‘re describing. As far as how that happens we will give you the basic idea of how that happens. I figure the scientists can go and figure out how every little thing translates down. Because the rest of us would like to just understand how to get The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 159

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empowered, co-creative control back with our body forms---how to be able to choose the destiny we want, in evolutionary terms. We want to ascend. How we can do that, to realize it not just some flippant little word that the religions dangle around and promise you they‘ll do. But they don‘t have any idea how to do it anymore, because all the books were lost. Those books taught these things. Anyway… Atomic Chart. We have our own version of the Atomic Chart, with 144 Natural Elements on it. Next one please.

[39:23:03, DVD-1, 1:37:37]

I‘m looking at these now so you can see where they fit, in the system of… yes… it goes right down to the atoms we‘re dealing with. Later we‘re going to look at how they plug into the Axiatonal Lines that run in the body and those kinds of things. This is the version--it‘s still rough… can I see the bottom, please, honey? This is the Allurean Table of Elements. It literally shows that each one of these would represent an Axiatonal Line, or what is called an Allurean Chamber Line. Now they are shown in a vertical linear format here, but these actually correspond --each one of these chambers would be one of the Allurean Chambers, or Allurean Atomic Creation Chambers, that in the our body and the planet‘s body, they stick out like rays, like a 12-pointed ray set. So, this is just showing if you take those rays and what‘s on each of them, you would start out with this. These are the Primary 12 Families, alright, and they go from hydrogen up to magnesium, right? Now, from those Families, this would be one Chamber Line. There‘s a whole set of children that emerge from it, and there‘s also a set of parents that created the whole line in the first place. We can start to see how this works when we look at the structure of the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body. Each one of these--and there‘s the thing that they just introduced in the last Slide 1 workshop, where you can tell all sorts of atomic conversions. Not just conversions on like one level, but there is--what is something on the D2 level will be something different on the D3 level. So, if you have hydrogen on the D2 level, it might be oxygen--it isn‘t, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 159

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but it might be oxygen on the D3 level. It might be something else on the Density level, something else on the D1 level. There‘s a way to tell if it‘s this in D2, it‘s that in D3, it‘s that in the Density level, it‘s that in D1, by understanding the structure of the Hydro-Acoustic Body and the three dimensions within it, and within the larger Density level body. But each of these will correspond to an Axiatonal Line in your body, the natural run of what atoms they should actually be running. What atomic energies they should actually be running. And there‘s a way to tell where you go, ‗ok, it‘s this family, and that‘s in D3.‘ And let‘s say, if you‘re looking for --if you know something in D3 is, say it‘s that element, whatever that element is, and you want to know what it is in D2, the first thing you have to do is say, ‗Ok, this element is out of Family Number 3… Family Line number 3, and it‘s number 1, 2, 3, the third child of Family 3. Alright? And then, you have the conversion that tells you, ‗Ok, if Family 3 in D3 is this, in D2 what is it?‘ because it shows how the family, the 12 Primary Families line up. So, you would find, ‗Ok, let‘s say--the numbers are wrong. I don‘t have them memorized. Say if it‘s 3 in D3, it‘s Family 5 in D2, which it isn‘t, but--then you go, ‗Ok, what is the D2 correspondent to that one?‘ You‘d go, Family 5, 1, 2, 3, third child, and you would find it. So, there‘s a way to actually make, literally atom by atom, the translations into understanding what each Dimensional Level of Atomic Structure is made out of. This gets really handy later when we start playing alchemists and want to learn what things should naturally bond together and …. I know the big one is how do you make gold? What do you do up here in D3 to make it transmute down as the element gold in D2? We‘re not going to learn how to make gold real fast, because actually the natural structure--there are certain things that you cannot put together atomically in a test tube, or in a laboratory. It‘s actually the Body, the Living Body, when it is functioning properly, that allows for those elements to form and for them to bond naturally to what they are supposed to bond to, to form the Eternal Life substances. One of the Eternal Life substances that we talked about for a while, is called Hydrolase, or Living Water. We‘re actually supposed to be able to manufacture that. Breatharian systems manufacture Hydrolase. It‘s actually what they breathe. Hydrolase is on D3 H 2O2He3, I believe. And we have the translation on one of the charts of what it is in D2 level, which are the atoms our scientists see. The fact is, right now, they don‘t bond naturally together. You can‘t make Hydrolase in the laboratory.

[Audio Track 02 Sat Lecture DVD1 C8 1: 44:04] What we‘re doing with the technologies is not just opening these fields and these Windows and Doors. We‘re turning back on, piece by piece, the body‘s ability to again make Hydrolase where it can naturally generate those things. Because the body must be able to do what is called Solar Symbiosis which is the process through which Hydrolase is made. It allows for the chemical changes in the body that allow for the atomic structure—the cellular structure---to transmute, turn to light, and then re-manifest itself somewhere else. Which is what Star Gate Passage, or Ascension is about. So the body must be able to generate at least a sub-harmonic level of Hydrolase for us to be able to Atomic Slide. We can get a little bit of the Bi-Location Slide happening without it, which we‘ve been doing with the D-3 level, but we need to turn on the D-2 flows, the Telluric physical body flows of Hydrolase production. And these…the techniques that we will use in this workshop will begin that process. It ought to be interesting to see. Kind of like what does Hydrolase feel like? (chuckling) And it‘s like, can you take it out and look at it under a microscope? I don‘t know. I don‘t know the answers to those questions yet, but I do know we are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 159

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beginning a physical process now of getting the body…waking up the body‘s organic, but at the moment twisted ability to make natural substances, eternal life substances like Hydrolase. And there are things we will be able to do to support the body in that progressive process. It‘s not going to be bang, zoom, did a technique and got my Hydrolase all running now and it‘s staying on forever and I‘m perfect. No. This is a healing process. This is a…this mutation has been building in our bodies for the entire seeding of this race, since the pre-Atlantean times in Seeding 3 which we are a part of. It‘s not going to get fixed overnight. But the fact that it can still be fixed is amazing. And this is what we have been moving forward to get to, where we could finally anchor the beginning of the fix into the physical body structure, and that‘s what we are doing. So I just wanted to remind you of the Atomic Charts. We will look at them more in relation to Axiatonal Lines and things later. Next one please.

[46:09] [D1 C8 1:45:33]

As we were learning in the last workshop, there is a process by which consciousness turns itself into atoms through these processes of the body and different part…there are different… our physical body has a key role to play in a part of this structure of how consciousness literally comes out into matter—out-steps into becoming atomic structure—and form conscious atomic structure right? And here, this particular state here, this set of them. These have to do with a set of steps that occur... and remember you have your Fetal Integration Point at one point. Once that Fetal Integration starts, this process of the body manufacturing elements begins. And the elements are not just thingies, the elements and the atoms that they will form. They are not just thingies. They are parts of your own consciousness because your body when you do Fetal Integration, it tethers your consciousness field that is held in the Aah-JhA‘ Body directly to the new fetal pattern and it begins spreading your consciousness out. And the way it begins spreading the consciousness out is it actually begins the process of what is called the Translation Sequence. This is where it translates---where The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 159

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consciousness translates---through these Pre-substance states. This set happens right in the physical body, and this is the part that has been blocked and twisted. We have something called the Translation Duct System in the body. There‘s a Duct for D-1, for D-2, for D-3 and for the Density level which connects into D-4 and Density 2 etc. The Duct that Hydrolase is produced in is located in the Fontanel area and it‘s a Ketheric Duct, which means you won‘t find it by digging around in somebody‘s skull, because it is made of Ketheric energy. It is a pattern that is there, but you will not be able to find it with a Telluric level microscope alright? That duct was never opened in our…when we went through Fetal Integration. And our…the natural flows that would actually start with Duct 1, Duct 1 is at the Thymus where the AzurA is. Duct 2 where it would go, where the consciousness would come in from there, and then it would step- down into Duct 2 at the end of the Coccyx Bone in the tailbone. Then it would go up to Duct 3 in the Spleen. Then it would go up to Duct 4 in the Fontanel. And then it would start the process of Hydrolase production and go through a very complicated set of things through the blood and the bone marrow and all this kind of thing that would end up in the body producing Celestallon. Which becomes Celestalline---that is the thing that we‘ve talked about for a while which is the Transient Element---that allows for the atomic structure to turn into light for Gate Passage. There‘s a whole process by which---if this system is functioning normally---it would go through these processes. Then after it gets freed from the physical body structure in a process that would actually bring the Hydrolase to the skin and it would separate into Hydros and Ectos. And the Ectos would become that White Powder Gold stuff they used to talk about in the Egyptian days that they used to…the Pharoahs used to like to, well, kill people who could go through Star Gates to get it off their skin, to try to make themselves be able to go through Star Gates (chuckling) right? It‘s part of natural Celestalline production. And the Hydros would begin…Hydros is the carrier of Prana. It would carry the Prana from the body, send the Prana out into the larger field and then a Mana stream would come out from the body and the Prana and Mana would meet. And then…these meeting place happens in the Hydro-Acoustic Body levels, and that is where something called the…if I can pronounce it right. I have to see the word written. Penta-g‟el. It‘s Pe-n-t-a-dash-g---with a little accent mark---‗-e-l. The Penta-g‟el Circulations. These are the…each of the dimensional levels of a very particular type of how energy and Prana and Mana mix together and bounce around each other, plus there‘s other energies involved with it from the outer fields of the body that through these processes, you actually end up with the formation of elements and matter that are already encrypted with an intention that tells them how to bond to form what. This is how thoughts actually manifest on the D3 level where we actually send…there are always pulses of consciousness moving through us. Normally they move all the way from our Spirit Body and out through, but right now because the bodies are mutated it‘s just like a regurgitation system. But whatever original quantum of ourselves and our consciousness began this process, and then that got hijacked by the baby body that didn‘t have its 4th Duct open, that we still have a circulation of that energy. And every time we breathe, and I think it actually happens several times for one breath, it‘s very fast. But there is a circulation of consciousness that goes…it takes whatever thought you have, brings it out, puts it through a version of the Penta-g‘el Circulations that forms matter, and that actually manifests in your holographic bubble around you. The matter hologram you see and walk through. And part of that matter hologram is the physical body that you‘re in. So it is also the process of direct thought manifestation. Right now we don‘t get to easily manifest what we want, because part of our energy gets hijacked into the opposite expression. So we…it‘s like running around in a circle. We never get to the middle and stop and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 159

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say ―Aah there. I was able to manifest that.‖ You have to work hard to manifest things the way you want to here, because of these twists in the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies. So as we work with opening the Windows and the Doorways, we are going to progressively get returned to us our manifestation abilities to...our literally direct manifestation ability. There‘s a lot of stuff in the New Age Movement that‘s been out for years that says ‗Oh yeah. Hold it in mind, visualize, and like…then let it go and it will come back‘. Well it does. But they never explained how. They didn‘t explain that it actually— that‘s probably because they didn‘t know---that it actually formed…that thought actually sets the imprint, your own fields generate the atoms that become the matter and fill out the pattern piece-by-piece on certain pulse rhythms, that form…as something comes into your experience as a manifest thing, and then eventually it moves out of your experience as the next pulse of manifestation comes through. So we‘re literally like walking forward and manifesting our hologram out in front of us. Atomically speaking. Not just as far as thought forms. Our thought forms become atomic structure which was fascinating. I never understood that. That is the process of Materialization which is different than just manifesting energy. It is materializing it into physical 3-dimensional substance. So these are the processes that are involved with the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies and the structures. I‘m not going to go through every one of these either because this was published in the chart pack from the Sliders-1 Workshop. And…I might put it in. I have to see if they want this put in this one too or not. I have to see. This one‘s going to be big enough as it is because it‘s all techniques. So we‘ll see. But it is available already in…as soon as that Sliders-1 package is available. But it‘s taking you through these states. There‘s a shorter chart that summarizes this without all the heavy detail in between. But these are the states from consciousness. It goes through the Pre-substance, 5 different states of Pre-substance right? Then it goes in to 6 steps of the Pre-substance Compound, which is Conscious Hydro-Ecoustic, which is different than Acoustic. Acoustic comes later in the…as consciousness comes into manifestation alright? This is Protoplasm. This is the interior living water. It‘s a Pre-substance living water. And these are where we start to see the different names of energies we‘ve been working with for a long time. You know we have Hydros and Ectos and those kind of things. These are actually where these energy structures form through this process. It goes from the Presubstance state into the 2 Pre-matter Vapors which is a vapor state alright? So it goes from Pre-substance Consciousness Plasms to Pre-substance Compound. So it‘s a compound. It actually starts big. It doesn‘t start small and then build up big. You have the consciousness comes in, goes through these state changes and then becomes a Compound Pre-substance. And from that Compound Pre-substance other things come out of it. That Compound Pre-substance is Pre-substance Hydrolase. That is the first Pre-substance Compound. And it is a compound as opposed to just…it‘s a compound element. Now usually they say elements are things that get together to form compounds. Here it is talking about literally, the first elements to form are like…here it‘s Pre-substance element, but when it gets up to the substance layer, it is a compound element, where it is composed of various things that when you break it down you would get…alright this is wrong by the way. It‘s not Ozone. It‘s Molecular Oxygen there. D-3 level would be O2He3. D-2 is H2N3 which means 2 Hydrogen and 3 Nitrogen right? But these are mixed together. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 159

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Usually an element would be say Hydrogen right, or Nitrogen. These are literally combined. They‘re compound. And that‘s something that doesn‘t manifest properly here on the planet because of the distortions in the planetary grids. Those compounds, those core compound substances do not manifest at this time. As we get our bodies back to being able to manifest them we will bring…our bodies will bring a supply of that compound---those Compound Hydrolase Pre-substance---but also the substance level of living water back to the planet, which will allow for some portions---at least a portion of the planet---to have access to those things that can help portions of the planet to heal. There will still be a portion of the planetary grids that will be able to Slide into a relationship with Median Earth when the final separation comes in… it‘s 220 years when the Host is done here. And that‘s when the full separation between the part of Earth that is falling and the part that is going into Ascension will occur. But we‘re literally going to become life forms on the Earth that bring that healing substance back to the planet. Once we bring it back into our own body structure, we will be able to bring some degree of it back to the planet. We will also be able to transmit it when we do healing facilitation sessions for others. And even without doing healing facilitation, you walk through the grocery store and you‘re going to be leaving it in the atmosphere every time you breathe, right? (chuckling) So it gives the other bodies a chance. If there‘s anything in them that can begin the process of holding a Kryst frequency whatsoever, it will start giving them little bits of that. So they‘re going to teach us how to first of all, get ourselves where we are much more healed than we are right now physically. But as we begin to be able to produce these compound elements again--Hydrolase---we will be able to share it. And it‘s going to… as we get to the later Slide Programs, they‘re going to progressively go into more…larger applications for ourselves personally to raise it to the next level, but also outreach, as far as how to move in to assisting the world around you. First like your friends and your family and your children and that kind of thing. But then maybe the piece of ground that your house is built on that, and then how to take it further. So this is a long process. That‘s why they gave us the…they gave us the itinerary, the base itinerary of what the workshops were going to be between now and 2012 literally, just so we‘d see the whole sequence. So it is a long program that we learn pieces of different things every time. But when we go from…so we just went from the Pre-substance Conscious Plasms to Pre-substance Compound to next, is Pre-matter. So you‘re coming closer to matter. You had Pre-substance first, then you have Pre-matter, then you have Pre-matter Metallics, right? Each of these by the way has a family name. There‘s going to be a time, and I don‘t know if it‘s this workshop or not, but they‘re going to have us use these family names and call them in certain applications of Elemental Command. When we work with for example, the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan Code. This by the way…that was a typo. That should be the Allur-E‟ah. And these are the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan. This is the set that we are working with when we work with that new code, the ―Feel Good Code.‖ So we‘re actually calling on this level, the Presubstance Hydrolase, and working…to work with it consciously with our fields. We should have this substance naturally occurring in our physical bodies, but we don‘t because of the mutation. But there are still bits of it left within the---hints of it left—kind of like as broken elemental compounds within the Earth Grids. But…Median Earth. This is natural. Median Earth can still breathe, and it still produces Hydrolase. So when we work with calling…using the code to bring in the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan, we‘re bringing in this particular level of Pre-substance Hydrolase, but not from Earth whose…it‘s distorted on Earth. The pieces of it are distorted. We‘re going through the Core of Earth, pushing down a little further into where Earth‘s Core Gates link into Median Earth‘s Core Gates. And we are literally drawing from the Core of Median The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 159

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Earth at this point instead of just Earth‘s Core. And that‘s like a life line to us. That is the only reason why our bodies can start this natural production of Hydrolase again, because it‘s plugging into a field that still does. And that place is Median, or Median Ascension Earth as it‘s called. It‘s in the same place our Earth is actually, at a different Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS). We‘ll look at a bit of more of where it is again and that kind of thing when we get into the bigger picture stuff tomorrow. But it is because that…so whenever you…you don‘t have to consciously say ―Ok. I got to plug into Median Earth.‖ Sometimes in some techniques they will have you directly drop a line down in. But even…just to do optical pineal induction of the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code, just to get that set naturally in your body. That will automatically drop the line in and give you a living connection to the other Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan elements that are a compound element that exists as a natural form in Median Earth. In Median Earth it‘s interesting. They have oceans that are the most amazing pale aqua blue color, and it‘s not because they are reflecting blue from the sky. They‘re that color. They‘re kind of like the color of swimming pool water, but naturally. Not because of the color of the paint on the bottom. It is the color that Hydrolase is in its elemental molecular form. And it creates water that is lighter. It feels like water, you can swim in it. But you can also breathe it. And they have…they would have an atmosphere on Median Earth as well that would be like an evaporated level of that. So you would have air and you would have water. But the water there is friendly water. It doesn‘t drown you. You could walk in and go see what‘s on the bottom of the ocean and check it out, and there are certain things that would live in there, like we have fish and those things that live underwater here. They would have their version of that. Hydrolase breathing. But they walk on the bottom of the ocean too. They can live there. There are cities underwater, and there are cities above the ground. So the place called Ascension Earth—Median Ascension Earth---is amazing, because it has elemental structures there that are organic and natural that we haven‘t seen here since the days that, well, once upon a time we were part of Median Earth. Median Earth is a part of the original Earth that did not get dragged into the NET‘s and into the Fall situation. So this is…the Median Earth place has Hydrolase, and Hydrolase is like the natural living substance that all other things are built on and organized through. And we‘re going to begin to bring more of that into our bodies. They tell us finally…I thought they were going to do this last time we were in Virginia Beach, but this time, at the end on Monday morning, we are going to finally get to do the journeys to what are called the Keivas. But we‘re going to go to the Median Earth Keivas. The Keivas are large healing pools filled with Hydrolase that we can project to and literally soak our projection body in, and it pulls stuff out. Like stuff that doesn‘t belong there which now we know is called the Gharoche‟. It pulls that out and…the distortions out, and it‘s very, very healing just to like hang out in meditation and soak in there, because your physical body can feel it too. And that‘s even with just the small projections when we were doing mental level projections. We‘re not going to do this projection until after we get all of these things opened in our D-2 level bodies. So chances are we may be able to really experience the mental and emotional aspects of it, the physical body aspects of it as well. Even if we‘re not plugging in to one of these journeys or something emotionally, like not feeling it as real and all as much as we might like to do sometimes—which happens a lot when it‘s just coming from the D-3 level---it is still bringing the frequencies into your body. So it is still working and healing. But with this one I am looking forward to it for you. I don‘t get to do it until later because when we…I can‘t run it and do it at the same time. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 159

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But I think this one could…you could really feel benefits with this one I think. Maybe immediately or maybe like once you get home. You‘ll start to feel wow! You‘ll also be able to go back there whenever you want to. It‘s opening a conduit that you will be able to project yourself there without doing much of anything except closing your eyes and going (inhales/exhales) and going… intending where you‘re going. So it‘s…I‘m looking forward to the technique level as I said, and the big one that will be going to the Keivas. It is one of the most healing things that I felt besides going into the GrU‟-al, or Grail State, that I‘ve ever experienced. The Grail State is going to be combined with going to the Keivas, so this ought to be interesting. I don‘t know what that‘s going to feel like yet. I haven‘t experienced it. But it‘s something to look forward to. So these are just the…we‘re coming closer to matter here. We‘ve got more Pre-matter. We‘ve got Core Atomic Matter. Alright, next one, please… I‘m just going to run through these really quick and then show the summary sheet.

[1:04:30 DVD-1, C9 2:03:24]

Ash to Az: Yeah? We better go fast then. (chuckling) Ok… Alright. Then next step, 10. Coming from consciousness coming in to matter. We have the Thermal Ether Vapor Thermoplasms. Then we get the…that‘s considered Inner Matter right? So we went from Presubstance all the way up through to where Pre-matter…then we end up with Inner Matter. Then we have Middle Matter. And when you think of inner and middle and outer, think of the Domains. When we talked about the Domain Bodies. We had the Core, the Inner, the Middle and the Outer, and our reality field is taking place in the Outer Domains. So this is Thermoplasm. It‘s the type of matter that you would have in the Adons, in the Inner Levels. You‘d have the Middle Matter as its main base in the Edons. The Edons would be Crystallized Electrolyte The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 159

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Ectoplasms. So this is where Ectoplasm comes from. Its natural base is in the Middle Domains. You still have sub-harmonics of it out here in the Outer Domains, but as far as the primary stuff that the matter in those systems is made out of, these would be the primary things. We get here, the Outer Matter Compound Conscious Hydro-Acoustic Atomic Endoplasm. Our matter is made out of Endoplasm. And Endoplasm is living water light. It has the form where you had Thermoplasms that are vapors. You have Ectoplasms that are crystalline, electrified crystal basically. Here the matter base is literally living water Hydrolase. So it‘s considered water matter. And this is interesting because it‘s not just that there‘s water inside of our bodies and those kind of things, but the matter itself--the atoms itself---are formed from Endoplasm which is associated with Hydrolase with a liquid base. So we‘re considered the water matter level out here. And from there, the next is the 144 Outer Matter Elements. There‘d be 144 for each one of these going in, so they‘d each take their step from whatever their primary matter type was. They would each have their 144 element set with the base of that being the…like Thermoplasm up there, Ectoplasm here, and for us, Endoplasm. So this is showing us the stages from pure consciousness, going all the way through the Translation Sequence through the atomic body, and I mean it‘s our atomic body, our baby body. Or it can be through the atomic body of a Star-seed that creates stars or galaxies. So it‘s the same thing. It is the same process through which all Creation manifests, be it large or small. Stars are born the same way. And there is a donation---a seed---that is used, and you don‘t have like two stars colliding---like mommy and daddy---and making a spark. It doesn‘t work quite that way. You get into a place of Creation moving up higher where mommy and daddy are Androg. One body, one being, can actually create both, the pattern for both. And that‘s how stars and things are born where it‘s an Androg. And Source is the first Androg that brings together the energies that allow for setting in motion the Translation Sequence through which Thought, or…it‘s not even Thought yet, it‘s consciousness right, that moves through the Translation Sequence to become Feeling, then Emotion, then what‘s called Notion. Then Thought which is Thermoplasm. Then goes into Hydroplasm and all of that. So the Translation Sequence right through our body is literally also the process by which a consciousness pulse comes in up here---that we don‘t even know comes in---and it then moves down into the Coccyx. And there it translates into what would be called Emotion. And then that heats up as it moves up into the Spleen Duct, and it heats up to become what‘s called Notion, and then it heats up to a sparking point in the Spleen Duct area, and that creates what we call Thought. And where does thought go? It goes from the Spleen area up in to the Fontanel Duct---when it‘s working properly---and it does that by going up through certain areas of…well, through the Main Vertical Current in certain areas, into the brain. We talked about in the last workshop---a surprise that I had no idea---that had to do with a natural thing that we used to have, a natural organ we used to have in our bodies that actually translated--- that did that translation for us---from the Spleen, taking it up through the brain into the Duct 4. And there was a natural organ apparatus that we had, a nerve system. That has been perverted, and we have a perverted one actually living within us and it‘s called the Vagus Nerve. And it‘s actually through the Vagus Nerve that that whole process gets hijacked. That Vagus Nerve would not be there if our bodies had worked properly. And what we started the process of in the last workshop was saying ―Ok. Well it‘s in there and you can‘t exactly yank it out at this point.‖ But what you can do is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 159

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recalibrate it to do…it won‘t do it as well as the original apparatus that the Vagus Nerve actually killed, but it will be able to serve some of the same purpose and begin that process. So it‘s literally reclaiming the Vagus Nerve for a Krystic purpose, because it‘s actually a physical manifestation of the hijack of our bodies. It would not be in a natural body structure, and it controls a lot of things. So we talked about that a bit in the Slide 1 Workshop. So we actually have physical evidence. I remember feeling when they showed me. I had this horrible feeling like ―Oh my God!‖ It‘s like one of those horror movies where you‘ve got this thing growing inside you, you know what I mean? And you‘re ready for it to like pop out your back or pop out your belly, you know how they do that? It felt just like that. ―Oh my God! There’s a thingy connected to my spine and my brain! Oooh! Because it‘s really…it‘s physical. When you do autopsies people find Vagus Nerves in there. They exist. They think they‘re part of the normal human system and they‘re not. There used to be another apparatus that was actually our psychic nerve set that allowed for full-on Hydrolase Conversion and all that. So we‘ve got to kind of borrow back what shouldn‘t be there in the first place, and put it into good service and get it to where we can…I don‘t know what we‘ll do eventually. Eventually perhaps we will be able to reverse mutate it back into a facsimile of the structure that originally would have been inside of us, until we can get out of here and into higher healing spaces where they’ll know what to do with the Vagus Nerve. If a slider shows up and says ―Uh, still got that thing in there‘? ‗What do I do with that‘? Hopefully we can heal it. But I don‘t know because it‘s a completely different structure than the original structure that was there. So that‘s later healing after we get to the point where yes right now, we‘re going to commandeer it. Just like you commandeer a car, like the police can commandeer your car because they have to go chase a criminal? (chuckling) Well, we‘re going to kick out whatever consciousness doesn‘t belong in there, and say excuse me, you can leave willingly, or we‘re going to push you out, and we’re taking it back because it‘s inside of our body and it belongs to us. We did that on the D-3 level in the last workshop. We are going to anchor that down into the D-2 level in this workshop. So this ought to be really interesting (applause) Yeah…Next one please...

(1:11:26) [DVD-1, C9 2:10:32]

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

I‘d better hurry up. I‘m already over what I thought I was going to run. Maybe it will take three hours after all (chuckling) at the rate I‘m going. Ok. This is just to show you…you‘ve seen these before most of you. This is showing first of all, it‘s a set of 24 lines alright? The ones that are solid lines are the 12 Fire Chambers of the Light Body. They run the Mana based energies and you have this around you, and the planet has this around them. In between them are the 12 Allurean Chambers. They are the Base Element Manufacturing Chambers. What you‘re seeing here…and this one has been proportioned properly where I don‘t have it all marked clearly yet---much of it—but this is the D-3 level. Out here would be the parameter of your Aah-JhA‘ Body which would be your Density level body. Then you have the D-3 level, the D-2 level spheres, and I believe the D-1 level here. If you see that each one of these sets---if this is one level---these sets are broken into…D-3 starts here. Then you have…I mean D-3 ends here. This is where the Density body starts. This is starting to show you not only the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Chambers---Elemental Chambers--it‘s also showing you the basic sub-harmonic layers to each dimensional layer of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. So where D-3 ends---the D-3 body sphere ends---that‘s where the layers of the Aah-JhA‘ Body for the Density levels start. And you would have here, you‘d have sub-frequency band 1, sub-frequency band 2, subfrequency band 3, and here would be the 3.5 level. And then you‘d go into sub-frequency band 4, 5, 6. This would be the 6.5 level, and then 7, 8, 9 and 10, 11, 12 would be the outer band right? That applies to each one of these down here. This becomes important to help us understand where in our Aah-JhA‘ Body levels and in the planetary vertical staff levels of where these “I Am” Consciousness Fields are. The ―I Am‖ Consciousness Fields form as literally…you have Prana that goes out through the Allurean Chambers. It splits and sends Prana-Kei and Prana-Chi down 2 Fire Chambers next to it, and there‘s Mana that comes shooting out the Fire Chambers. And when the Prana and the Mana collide, they form sparks of literally, “I Am Awareness” Consciousness. And this whole…and it‘s in atomic form. It will become an atomic form. So these are the base consciousness layers where that awake consciousness comes from. Where it‘s not just consciousness aware of itself but, it becomes conscious in a new way, in the way that we know of like ‗Wow! Hi I‘m awake‘. Like the difference between a baby just floating around in the womb and not really being---no Fetal Integration yet--- going ‗Wow! I‘m here. I‘m awake‘. That ― I‘m here I‘m awake‖ moment---which is called the Eiron Point or the Eiron Point Moment---that occurs in the bands, in between these bands. The…I believe it occurs at the 3.5 band and then it circulates the energies through here. So on the Density level of the 3.5 band this would be the “I Am God-Self” Consciousness. You have that level in your own field. When you get to the D-3 level---there‘s the D-3 body---it goes from D-3 boundary--outside boundary---to D-2 right? So coming up here, back into D-3, this would be D-3, 3.5, 6.5. I don‘t have the 9.5‘s marked just because it makes it too confusing. They didn‘t talk about those much yet. But again D3.5 and this band here? This would be the D-3 I Am Awareness which is the Ego Awareness. That is actually where your consciousness is perceiving from right now in order to be able to perceive your D-2 body as physically solid. Which implies doesn‘t it, that if you can get yourself up here, you get to see your D-3 Mental Body as physically solid? So it‘s interesting. We haven‘t even gone into those things. I could just see some of the things where this could go, just by understanding the structures where it will probably go in the future.

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So this would be your D-2 level going from the outer level of the D-2 sphere of your Radial Body sphere, because these are actually the Radial Body spheres that are inside the Aah-JhA‘ Body alright? Here you have your D-1. So this would be D-2 3.5. In this band here, that is where your body consciousness is. Your “I Am Cellular Atomic” Awareness, the parts of you that manifest themselves as that. And that‘s the stuff that your body‘s made out of. That‘s the you that your bodies made of. What is your body made of? It‘s made of matter. But what is that matter made of? It‘s made of you alright? It is a part of you. Your consciousness that came in and literally went in to...part of it went into its natural form, part of it went into the reversed natural form that bonds to other stuff from the environment that doesn‘t belong there. So when we are working with these…when we do the techniques that are coming before dinner, we will do…it‘s opening these bands right here. The ones we are working on in this whole workshop will open this one, the…no I‘m sorry. It will…yeah, it opens this one. The ones before dinner open this I Am God-Self band. And they begin opening the D-3 I Am Ego band and linking the communication between those two levels of consciousness. What we are working on for this Slide-2 Workshop---its own techniques---we‘re going to open the D-2 band and the D-1 band and plug them into the D-3 band. So it‘s going to open the flows of consciousness between all of those levels. And that is something that has not been done in the present type of human form since the heavy mutations took place. Even before 9562BC, these layers were all…this has been all the way back till Seeding One, this mutation had actually started. So this is… we‘re involved in an amazing thing actually. This is the first time this has been done since the First Seeding on the planet to bring the natural body structure of the Angelic Human and Indigo back. If we didn‘t have an Indigo Imprint, an Angelic Human Imprint alone would not have been strong enough to turn back around the part of the matter that has been reversed. We would have succumbed to it, and the best thing you could teach a person in that state would be to how to get out of it properly with Bardoah when the time comes right, to get the body up as high as you could. But when it got tired and it was going to…it was going into Mana depletion, it would naturally start to die, and how to get yourself out of it and then take it with you. Take the energy with you once you get out. But we are actually still being taught how to take the body with us without it having to die. Sometimes it dying or…dying is just a transition really. It‘s a transitioning from one form to the other, and the mistake is when something dies that people leave the body behind. They left that part of their quantum there. And then it goes into molecules and atoms into the dirt, and they lost a quantum which means they‘re tethered to that same space-time and will have to reincarnate there again until they pick up their quantum. And if they bury their bodies every time they die, they lose progressively their quantum. The only natural way…if you can‘t naturally vaporize it as you take it out---which is how Breatherians if they want to leave a body do---if you can‘t do that, cremation is the way that will free the parent donated part that frees your tether, where you‘re not stuck to the same space-time environment anymore. And it will be able…then you will be able to bring the rest of your consciousness up out of the system that was in the body, and transmute the body out with you as a heat vapor form. When you do cremation it does that part for you. It transmutes it into a heat vapor form. The stuff that‘s left that is ash is the Va-Bha‘TE donation. So that is the only way that if you can‘t fully transmute or transfigure a body out on your own because your systems aren‘t fully up yet. Cremation is the way. And if people have been buried, yes it means they‘re stuck, and that‘s why there are big Host Missions happening up with the Beloveds, of getting all these people that did get stuck--- because their bodies got The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 159

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stuck---getting them out of their Review-loops. And that is one of the things with the Requiem thing that we‘re doing tomorrow. That will begin the process of opening those Hosts in to those fields, because you‘ve got billions of people in those fields at this point because this has been going on since Seeding One, and especially since the Atlantean part of Seeding Three. So there‘s a lot of people who need to get free. And there are ways that the Beloveds know of how to…well first of all they have to Host the missing quantum right? And they have to cut the connection between the body that‘s not even there anymore. It‘s turned into something else in the planet. They have to be able to replace that quantum and free them from that in order to get them up and out, where they can go on their next level of evolution. So it‘s a big mission we‘re a part of. It all comes down to the function of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and I think what I‘m going to do, I‘m going to go to the back one because there‘s more that I can talk about that I will do after dinner on this. But I want to make sure before dinner you have time to do the preparatory exercises because there needs to be a bit of time, and the one takes a little bit of time. (discussion with audience member) It’s out now? Is it that early, I mean that late already? Jeez I talked longer than I thought I would. Oh! Ok. Alright. Well then we can… so we can do it immediately after dinner then? Alright. So I can talk for ten more minutes and then we can just do it instead of trying… because you can‘t rush through it. They take a halfhour at least. (discussion) Yeah. Yeah. They take a half-hour. So we can get those. That‘s right when we come back from dinner? We will then do the techniques and then we will go into the other…the next level of the lecture. That will take some of the ones that I‘m not…it will take me another…I didn‘t realize it was going to take this long. I would have done it earlier if I had realized it was going to take this long. (chuckling) Alright. They‘re saying it‘s not going to take that long, it‘ll only take about an hour. But then I get on tangents and talk. I should know me.

[DVD-1, C10 2:20:24]

This we‘ll talk about more. (laughter) This we‘ll talk about more when we go into the evening session, but to help you understand. It’s a mess! These are a mess, and I have not had time to fix them but it‘s…what you just saw---the one you saw before---where it shows the different layers, the Density level, the D-3 level, the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

D-2 level. I don‘t know if I have all my little thingies written right here. Yeah. I have D-1, D-2. I can‘t even read my own… D-2 was here! Yeah! D-1 level is here. D-3 level is here, and the Density level is here. Just so you see. See these pentagonal shaped doors? Here‘s the D-3 band. And see the one that‘s kind of…it‘s in scribbly yellow? It‘s a pentagon shape right? The door around the inside flow. We‘ll talk about those flows later. But the flows are what create the atomic… literally the sparks that form…that stick together to form atoms. But these windows link… naturally link the state. Our bodies were born with these windows closed because the planet‘s windows are closed. There‘s actually one set of these on each of the Fire Lines. But there is a primary set that runs up on Fire Chamber 12, and that would be the one that runs up over your head. That is the one we‘ve been opening because if you trigger that one, it will on its own, trigger the opening of the smaller ones around it. So what this is showing you is if…I didn‘t have time to pull these apart and do them in sequence, and like say oh this is this, and then put the other bit on so it‘s all there together. This is how the graphs come in first by the way. They come in all…with everything all over them and I have to pull them apart and like white stuff out all over. But this is showing the D-3 one that we opened. That‘s the Window that we opened in Slide-1 Workshop. The yellow one. D-3 yellow. Here‘s the D-2 GrU‘-al one, the orange one that goes with our D-2 Body. And notice it goes…the flat part of it is---top and bottom---are in the particular band that it corresponds to. But the top part goes up into the I Am Band of the next one up alright? So when you open these Windows, this one for example, or this one for example, the D-3 one. When that window opens, opened up the I Am God-Self space into the D-3 Mental Body alright? This one, when we open this one, it will open the D-2. This is our D-2 level—it will open our D-3 full Ego space. And Ego doesn‘t necessarily mean bad. We call it the Ego band because it‘s associated with the Epigenetic Overlay. But it is also the 3D part of our consciousness that looks out on this world here, and on our body as solid. So it will open our Ego state into the body. We‘re also going to in this workshop, open this window---the D-1 Window---which opens our…this is our body consciousness, into the Etheric level. This creates an open flow all the way up D-1, 2 and 3. And we‘re going to---when we open this one---we are going to also be opening this big one. That‘s called the Jha-Dha Window. This is the Jha-Dha Window. And the Jha-Dha Window connects through the Density body and up in to Density-2 level body---our Soul level body---which it would be the D-4 band. So this is considered the Astral Window. So we are literally opening the whole chain. It starts with this one that was done in Slide-1, so we‘ll go through that again to bring it back into…like more active activation. If you did it before that‘s ok, you still need to do it again. And then we‘ll progressively open these sets. Now the flows inside of them are…each dimensional one is called a…what‘s that word again? Penta-g‟el Flow. And we‘ll show you after dinner how they actually…there‘s a certain thing that happens where energy comes in through the interactions between the Allurean Chambers and the Fire Chambers, and how it creates these particular flows where things bump into each other and make sparks---Geleziac Radiation Sparks---and it‘s those sparks that create the matter base that are encrypted with certain things that they already inherited from the Allurean Chambers, and literally come together to form matter. And those matter forms will build out, because we‘ll probably talk about at some point too, how when we breathe---if things were working normally---we would actually be breathing thought forms out into all of the Chambers. And they would become what they call TilE‘a plates on…not TllE‘a I‘m sorry, the TE‘a-Wha. The TE‘a-Wha level is this one, the D-3 level. It would actually set these little plates of encryption. And those encryptions The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 159

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then tell the atoms that form through these flows how to arrange themselves into what hologram. So it‘s a fascinating process. So just before we go to dinner I want to remind you of this one. The first one. The one that we‘re going to do first is the TE‟a-Wha Window. Then we have the GrU‟-al Window, the D-2. Then we have the D-1 Jhan-das Window. And then we have the big one, the Astral Window which is the Jha-Dha Window. And once all of those windows are open, then they…it is as if you took from here and opened it all the way down and made this big pillar, this big column of what would be…it will start as Density level Ketheric Hydrolase, that eventually it will become literally a living water system all the way around the body that stays open at all times. It‘s also—once these are all open—we begin to be able to first of all access all of these levels of consciousness, so we‘re going to be accessing the D-2 level and going into this space when we go into the GrU‘-al state with our GharE‘, with our D-2 GharE‘. But it‘s also the state---once these are open---we will be able to enter those states to peel a part of our GharRE out with us where we can start to atomic travel. And this is where we start to be able to do D-2 level bi-location first. And then as more of the atomic structure transmutes and transfigures into light holding structure, we will be able to eventually translocate which is to be able to literally Slide out of here. But you‘ve got to Slide back until the entire atomic structure transfigures, completely turns to light at which point the Va Bha‘-TE Cell releases, and then you are no longer tethered to the space-time location. So it‘s a whole process, but it‘s certainly worth going for. (chuckling) So we will be back after dinner and I hope you‘re enjoying it so far. (applause from audience) Have a good dinner. (Ash responding to question from Az) Yeah. When we come back at 8.30? Yeah. We‘ll come back at 8:30 and we will take it from there with the first set of techniques. And we may run a little late tonight if you haven‘t guessed, (audience response) but…I don‘t know. I don‘t know how long the last technique is going to take. It might go fast I‘m not sure. How many steps is it? Forty-five steps?

[D2 C1 0:00:23] [Note: PSI-Interactive Technique 1, Parts 1 and 2 appears here on DVD, but was done live following all three Saturday Lectures.]

Saturday Lecture 2 [Audio Track 3] A‘sha [D2 C2 1:07:23] Are we ready? Participant: We are ready! (Applause) A‘sha: Yay! Hello! Are the Mylars ready? (Giggles) Thank you darling. Here we go!

[DVD-2, C3 1:07:47]

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Now to pick up where we left off before dinner, alright, what I‘m going to do is I have quite a hefty package of Mylars here. I‘ll feel out which ones are the most important to get us to the point where we do the first big technique tonight. I don‘t want to take the—you know how I go on tangents that last forever. I don‘t want you to be so tired by the time we get done with this when you‘re going into that first big technique. So what I want to accomplish most with this set of Mylars, so if you see me flip through ones fast, that‘s just we‘ll touch base with those if they are important tomorrow in the rest of the program. But for now, I want to get you through to the point where there are certain things you understand about how the Aah-JhA‘ Body works, and how the flows work, and particularly when you hear words in the technique that will come that have to do with—I have to keep seeing it in my head before I can remember how to pronounce it: the Penta-g‟el Circulations. These have to do with the Dimensional Level of the star-shaped circulations. We‘re going to show you what those star-shaped circulations are about because these are actually the things through which the Geleziac Sparks of literally radiation are made, then come together. The Spark Clouds are made through them, and they come together and they actually form the Atoms and each one of the Fire Chambers, and also the Allurean Chambers create sets of them. So this is literally the atomic manufacturing machine. Our bodies have one; the Planetary Body has one; the Solar Body has one. And then there‘s exchanges of the Atoms each of us make that happen in the natural circulation of energies between person and Planet, between Planet and Sun, between Sun and Galaxy, etc, etc. So I want most to get you familiar with those things so when you go into the technique, you‘ll know what flows it‘s referring to, and what just has to go, ok whatever that is, right if it is activated, whatever it is you‘ll know a bit about it. And also we‘re going to introduce the information about the—what has happened to the bio-fields and how it creates something called the Gharoche‟ and the ManE that are types of matter that are not supposed to be there at all, and how those forms of matter trap a portion of our own natural GhaRE‟, the part of our Spirit that‘s embedded in and makes up the natural matter units. And we‘ll see what the Caduceus flow looks like and those kind of things because the…when we start the techniques that begin tonight with the Slide-2 level techniques, it is going to do what we did for the D3 level as far the Caduceus flows. It‘s going to release the D2 level of the Caduceus flows in the body. So we‘re going to look at those a little bit and also how they get there as far as with the Planet and how that‘s caused.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So I‘m just going to get on with flipping through the Mylars. Some of them you‘ll just see as this, this, this, and bye it‘s gone again. Don‘t worry about it. We don‘t have to read all this stuff on them. It‘s just up to touch base with that bit of information that pertains to the next, ok. So this one is just reminding us about this, that, that 2-sheeter Mylar that went through all the different stages by which consciousness progressively translates and then transfigures into the different types of matter, from Pre-Substance all the way to Pre-Matter, and then up to the 4 different types of matter. This is the simple run-down. It‘s the summary of that chart. So it starts out as Eternal Source Consciousness Field which is called E-ta-Ur Consciousness. Then it goes to the Plasms which are the 5 Pre-Substance Types. They are the ones that are formed in the Physical Atomic Body. So when the Physical Atomic Body is mutated, it literally mutates the entire structure of matter formation right from the Plasms all the way up through. Alright we have next Protoplasms which are the 1st Pre-Substance Compound Element Hydrolase. So this is Pre-Substance Hydrolase and that is a Compound Element, and it is formed in the Hydro-Ecoustic Body which is the…it‘s a part of the anatomy that is connected to the Hydro-Acoustic with an ‗A‘ Body. They haven‘t even showed us where exactly that is yet, the Ecoustic part but it‘s part of the stages that go through this. I have a feeling it‘s a part of us that is connected to the AdorA side or vice versa when we talk about the EtorA and the AdorA side. So anyway, as far as Ecoustic Body, that just came out with explaining the differences as far as Hydrolase up here and Hydrolase there. They come from different parts of the body structures that manufacture the Protoplasms. From there they go into the 2 Pre-Matter Substance Types that are formed in the Physical Atomic Body again. So these also form in the Physical Atomic Body which are the Vapors. So you‘re watching the flows. It‘s like it goes into the Physical Atomic Body, then it comes back out, goes somewhere else in the Hydro-Ecoustic Body, then it comes back into the Physical Body as it‘s stepping up into the manufacture of Matter as we know it. The next is the Metallic Electroplasms (Note: Sliders-1 Supplement states Metallic Electroplasma). These are actually the metals. They form like metals. There are 6 Pre-Matter Metallic Substance Types formed in the Rasha Dark-Matter Body. Next we have the Hydroplasma. That is 6 Core-Atomic-Matter Substance Types formed in the Core Light Body Eton. Then we have Thermoplasma which is—and we went from Plasms, these are Plasms, and they are actually like Thermoplasm, Hydroplasm with an ‗m‘ without the ‗a‘ on the end. These are different; these are the Plasmas. They have ‗a‘s on the ends, so that‘s a different state, right, coming up toward manufacture of the Atoms we know. Then we have 5 Inner-Atomic-Matter Substance Types formed in the Inner Light Body (the) Adon. 3 Middle Atomic Matter Cellestallon Substance Types from the Middle Light Body Edon, and they are the Ectoplasms. So we talk about Celestallon, out of which comes Celestalline and Celestallite. Celestalline The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

would have the negative charge; Cellestallite would have the positive charge. And Celestalline is connected to what they call it, Ectos that has to do with the white powder gold stuff that when you‘re doing natural Hydrolase Conversion in your body you end up with this. It‘s like a pale powdery substance on the skin, and then Hydros is released. That would be running on the Cellestalline. Yes, so the Celestalline goes with the Hydros, and Celestallite goes with the Ectos when Hydrolase splits and does its thing in what‘s called Solar Symbiosis which is the natural breathing form through the bodies of how the Prana Currents go out. And actually the Prana Currents go into the Allurean Lines in the Spirit Body. Then the Mana Currents come out in the Light Body, and then the Allurean Chambers split and create what are called Refracted Code Particles that bring the Prana in pieces back down into the Fire Chambers in the Light Body, and that‘s where they spark and set the Pentagonal Flows into making Geleziac Units that become Atom Clouds in the Light Body, and then they step down to the next level. It‘s made on the Density Level. They‘ll step down and make the Atoms that come in D3. The D3 Transduction it‘s called will form the Atoms in D2, and D2 will form the ones in D1. So it‘s a whole integrated process, and through that process we have—this process happens all the time. Every time we breathe, there is at least supposed to be one cycle of a burst of E-ta-Ur comes into Duct-1 and the whole process gets set in motion, and our bodies aren‘t working that way at the moment, and what we are working toward is getting them where they can again do this natural type of breatharian Eternal Life existence. Next one, please.

(3 07:54) [DVD-2, C4 1:15:30]

And I‘ll probably talk really fast for a bit. I hope I am not talking too fast to be understood.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

This is just to remind us again of the—these Lines are the Fire Chambers, and these are the Allurean Chambers. The Allurean Chambers are the ones that actually manufacture the base encryptions of energy for what become the Elements out in the Fire Chambers. And this is showing it in proportion with, you have your D1 sphere alright and your D2 sphere, D3 sphere, and your Density Level sphere, and each levels of those spheres has their own I AM Band, and that‘s where your consciousness is. I AM on Density Level you have the I AM God-Self. On the, let‘s see, D3 level you have the I AM Ego-Self. On the D2 Level, and this is the one we are going to move through in the exercises to techniques tomorrow. We‘re going to actually pull our consciousness from the D3 Band into the D2 Band so we can begin to remember ourselves, the part of ourselves that are our Atoms in our Physical Bodies so we can get into the I AM Body consciousness space. Down here you have the I AM Element which is the Sub-Atomic Particle cognition and that kind of thing. And we‘re going to open the flows between all of those systems in the techniques that are running in this workshop. And in the next workshop, Slide-3, there‘s one piece of the puzzle left, and that will be the Rasha Body level where you open up the Rasha Flows into this whole thing. When we open up…what will be opened through this process during this workshop will allow for Atomic Bilocation where you can actually pull portions of the GhaRE‘ can go out with you and go travelling, so when you go on journeys and that stuff you will actually be taking some of the D2 Atomic Structure with you, not just the D3 Mental Body Structure. And once the Rasha flows and whatever else they are connected to, that‘s material for the next workshop that I have no idea what it is except it has to do with the final piece of that, it will open the Rashas and that will allow the body to be able to open the flows for not just Bi-location but Trans-location where the entire Atomic Structure on Density-1 Level could do a Slide and go through a gate to Median Earth, so that will be the first stop anyway. So there‘s going to be a lot accomplished in this. They didn‘t just do ‗Oh we do the D2 one now,‘ and on to the next workshop the D1 one, and the next workshop the one up here. Now we‘re doing—we did one, the D3 Level last workshop. We‘ll be opening these, these and these in this workshop, so that‘s pretty intense, and it‘s all technique. That‘s why it‘s like getting all the things activated in the system; that‘s why they put such an emphasis on technique this time. Next one, please.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

(3 10:35) [DVD-2, C4 1:18:01]

This is showing you the messy graph that shows what our—if you see these little stars, these are actually what are called the—altogether they are called the Penta-gor‟ian Circulatory System. Individually when you take just 1 set of 12, because each one of these would have a star, there would be a star on every line, alright. And that star is actually a flow pattern of energy that occurs as the outflows of Prana are going, and how certain parts of those flows come in and actually bump into the Chambers next to them. And it creates these angles that actually form what looks sort of like a pentagram except it isn‘t a pentagram. A pentagram that‘s squashed down its proportions is different, and its top is cut off. It doesn‘t go into the layer above which means it creates closed circulation. It‘s the pentagram that actually creates its actual flow pattern of the messed up Atomic Structure, the Metatronic Atomic Structure. So these aren‘t pentagrams; they are pentagonals; they refer to them as pentagonals. And the flows themselves for one set of Dimensional Flows, not the whole system but one set of Dimensional Flows, they refer to them as the Penta-g‟el Circulation. So this when you have the technique that talks about ‗We‘ll activate the Penta-g‘el Circulation‘ of this or that, they are talking about these circulations. We‘ll look at them a little bit closer so you see what they do. They are not just stars that hang there. They are actually flow patterns of where Prana goes and interfaces with the Eiradonis energies to begin the creation of literal Sparks that become Clouds of Sparks that start sticking together to become literally the Atoms for each of the Dimensional Levels. So these are the Penta-g‘el Circulations, and around those Circulations are the Windows. So we have this is the D3 Window, the TE‘a-Wha Window that we opened in Slide-1. This one here is called the GrU‟-al Window, the D2 GrU‘-al Window, and part of it is in D3, and part of it is in D2, just like the D3 one. Part of it is D3; part of it is up in the Density Field, alright. Down here we‘ve got the D1 one which is called the Jhan-das Window. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

And this one, the large one, which is the one that spans your Density-1, your Density-1 Aah-JhA‘ Body going up into the Density-2 Level, it would be the D1 level of Density-2 which equals D-4. Alright, so that is the Astral Field, so it‘s an Etheric energy field. So this one, the Jha-Dha Window will open into the Astral Field. Once you get all of those opened, you have genuine what is supposed to be real Astral Body travel, not get part of your consciousness out and get it stuck in one of the Hibernation Zones, or one of those reverse flow spaces. Because when people are doing remote-viewing and they are learning how to get themselves out of body stuff, they don‘t have the natural Transfiguration Circulations turned on so they are actually going out on a pentagram pattern. Even if they don‘t play with pentagrams, it will get you out of body playing with pentagrams. But it will also get you completely out of body into one of the systems that are controlled by the Dark Hole Zones, and you‘re better off not getting out of body when you go out that way. So some of us have been trained with little bits of these where we would have hosted temporary Window openings to get like pulled out of our bodies by the Beloveds to be trained something and then sent back in. But that wasn‘t something that our bodies could do by themselves. They had to assist us from the higher levels to make those openings happen, and the body couldn‘t hold them or sustain them for very long so we couldn‘t have conscious control, full conscious control over doing it. We will progressively get the conscious control of being able to go out of body the right way where you actually aren‘t throwing yourself inadvertently into Black Hole territory or in Hibernation Zone type territory or reversal. And every time people get pulled out on that, a lot of people that have like the Zeta experiences and all of that, when they are dealing with the Zetas, they are pulling them out on the Pentagram Code. And every time that happens, it increases that type of Matter-Base in the body so it accelerates the death of the body by doing that type of projection. That‘s why we haven‘t taught that type of Astral Projection ever. Even though we know how it works, we‘re not about to teach it. All of this had to be fixed before you can do it the right way where it won‘t harm you; it will actually help you. And this workshop is the first one where you actually be able to open up these flows so we can begin real, full-on body projections, not just…I call them the ‗peel-out‘ because you sometimes hear a peeling between the Atoms, what ones are going to go out in projection, what ones are staying. It‘s a very strange feeling, kind of like ‗shieek krik krik krik krik‘, and it‘s like ‗Oh, it‘s weird!‘ right. But I felt that a couple of times ―the Peel-Out‖ as I‘d like to call it. So we‘ll be moving toward being able to do the Peel-Out. They are not going to teach us how to do the Peel-Out this time I don‘t think. But I don‘t know what the journey to the Keivas is going to look like either because we are taking part of the D2 body this time, not just mainly the D3 field, so it‘s going to be interesting. So these are the structures we are dealing with. I‘m sorry the diagrams are messy but at least they‘re there to point so I can show you the relationships. And if you see, if this is the D2 Level, your D2 Level, your Physical Body would be in here. So part of these flows are literally inside of the body; part of them are around the body, and part of—like this is funny too because you could put big stars in each of these as like the whole level flow. When we look at this we are actually looking at where your body would be. This is in relationship with the huge size of your own Spirit Body Structure, and Aah-JhA‘ Body Structure. We have other incarnations in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

all of that, like simultaneous incarnations. Each one of these would be a Vector that you‘re on, or a smaller time vector or time continuum. So you would say be here, your little body would be in there, your Physical Body. And then you would have other selves; some of these are Probable Selves. Some of them when it gets even bigger in the bigger structures of the EluminEir-adhona Spirit Body which is huge, so this, there‘s like patterns of this from the small one all the way up to the big ones. Right here in this diagram was actually showing the bigger ones of the entire flow of yourself as a whole Density-1 entity basically identity entity but in Density-1. We also have Density-2, Density-3, Density-4, and Density-5 Level of this stuff but all of your incarnations will be running around in one of these little Penta-g‘el Circulations would be one of your body selves. So it‘s, when we say that there . . . right now we‘re dealing with the Window that is up here at the D3 Level. What we‘re going to open tonight, at the end of tonight, is one that actually comes down right round your body. So it‘s literally like you‘re in it, like you‘re in the Window, and then it becomes a 3-Dimensional Window, which is still pentagonal shaped, right but it‘s not just flat, right. It‘s actually like a, what they call those? Pentagons, right, a pentagon, a natural pentagon-shaped crystal structure that opens in your whole field, within inside of your Krystar Vehicle, and it‘s part of the activation, the internal activations of the Krystar. Mm? (A‘sha confers with A‘zah.) Ok, a person standing inside of it, they place this one. This is the one that they said was the 48 inches above the head. The tip of that would be 48 inches above the head, so it would be like 4 feet above your head. It goes—I believe it goes all the way down. I haven‘t finished those diagrams yet; I‘m still working on them. But yeah in fact I‘ll have one for tomorrow which will show more precisely where your body fits into this but it comes down around you. I‘m just not sure. I think it stops somewhere up around in here when it‘s a Window but then like a rep somewhere around here. But once it opens, once the whole flows are open, they become Doors, and it actually opens the bottom to all of them all the way down into Median Earth Core, so they‘re like Doorways with pentagonal-shaped tops on them, so but we start with opening the Windows. And there‘s a point in—I don‘t think it‘s in tonight‘s technique but it might be I can‘t remember. There are so many words and numbers and techniques but in one of them, first I think you open the Window. Now that‘s what happens tonight. When we get to the point where we‘re opening the Door of this, we‘re not only are just opening the D2 GrU‘-al Door, what we‘re doing is creating the GrU‘-al but Grail Window, which actually combines. It pulls this Window down and merges it, like pulls the D3 one down and merges with the D2 one, and that makes the 2 of them go huge and get really big to where the top point of the pentagonal will be 144 inches or 12 feet above your head, and that‘s where it plugs into this level. It opens up into here, and there‘s another Doorway in here somewhere, I still have to get the diagrams done, that is called the—I believe the Jha-Dha Door, and that is the one that opens into the Astral Field. So it literally opens the entire line going all the way through the body through the Physical Atomic Structure as well. So I will try to have the diagrams, at least that one I‘m still working on it is getting the body proportions inside of this structure. But even if I didn‘t have that, it‘s enough to understand that if you‘re one of these little stars in this huge part of your own Spirit Body anatomy, you have your own little version of these too. You‘d have a little circle that would be your little bubble capsule that would have all this configuration with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

all the little flows in it. Your Probable Selves, and that kind of thing, would be in that. You‘d be the big whole one, and our selves here are, our incarnational selves are part of a much larger structure of our collective incarnational identity in Density-1, so it‘s kind of like that where you have the larger and then the smaller. Our Probable Selves would be inside of ours. If this was all of us, these little guys represent our Probable Selves, different like probable versions of our own body, with this particular body. So we‘ll try to get the one diagram that I‘ve been working on for 3 days intermittently with getting techniques to the point where I am cross-eyed but I have been getting them down. The techniques that I got this one, that is starting to show the up-close of this, a little bit better where the body is, so you can get an idea of where your Physical Body Structure fits in with it proportionately. Next one, please.

(3 20:53) [DVD-2, C4 1:28:30] Heats coming ooh! Take my coat off. Heats coming!

Ready, ok, this one is the same structure but it‘s not showing the little stars down here yet. It‘s just showing one of them that run on the Allurean Chambers. I don‘t know if you notice, I‘ll show you, I think it‘s in the next, I think the next diagram, I‘ll show it more clearly. But the big stars, the ones that go with the Density Level that are part of the Jha-Dha Level of the Density-1 Body, they are actually centered on the Allurean Chamber Lines. So it‘s on the Allurean Chamber Lines in the Density Level of the body that the Density or Ketheric matter units are formed, so that‘s where those circulations that are Penta-g‘el Circulations take place, and these feed the ones that happen here. Because on the D3 one you‘ll have a star here; they run on the Fire Chambers of the Light Body. So these are running in the Spirit Body; alright they are running on the Allurean Chambers which run the Spirit Body anatomy. And these are running the Light Body anatomy on the Fire Chambers, and these actually begin the process of feeding those, and then there are little circulations here that the D3 circulations here will feed the D2 one, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

the D2 will feed the D1 etc, so it‘s a whole circulation that happens. The Rasha does something here too I‘m sure with the big one and interfaces with all of them here. They haven‘t talked about that yet. When you look at one of these Penta-g‟el Circulations, what it has to do with is there would be a pulse of Prana that goes outward from your body. First it comes through your body as far as what when we talk about the Translation Sequence that starts with Duct-1 which is in the Thymus. That‘s sort of basically the Thymus where the AzurA is. There is a pulse of consciousness that comes out from the Rasha Body from the Dark-Matter Body, and it sends a pulse of consciousness into the Translation Sequence where it goes through the Plasm stages of the Duct System till it makes Hydrolase. Through the Hydrolase Conversion in the body process, the Hydrolase rises to the skin and part of it goes off as Hydros carrying what are called the Joules, and part of it goes off as Ectos, which carries the Mana. So there are flows of energy that are coming literally out of the body. And when they come out of the body, part of the flows that are the Hydros that appear to evaporate into the air, they actually go into the Allurean Chambers, so they do disappear from here. And they go into the…disappear from the Light Body and Matter Body Structure, and they go right into the Spirit Body Allurean Chambers all at the same time, not one at a time, so all the Chambers breathe at once, right. So you‘ve got the Hydros flows will come out the Allurean Chamber, and this happens to all of them simultaneously. When it gets to the outside of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, it bounces and splits, right, so you have Prana. The Prana Joules are being carried on the Hydros streams that get released through the Allurean Chambers. They hit the outer parameters of the body of the Hydro-Acoustic Body and split creating what are called Refracted Code Particles. And 1 Line will split into 2 ways: it‘ll make a Prana Chi, on a—was that clockwise or counter-clockwise? Let me see, wait a minute. That‘s counter-clockwise. It‘ll make Prana Chi, the negative charge one on a counter-clockwise spin and that will come down this Fire Chamber, and it will make Prana Kei on a clockwise spin coming down this one. And every one of these does it the same time, so the Fire Chambers are being fed by 2 different Allurean Chamber Lines, right, and that happens all the way through the system. When 1 flow from the Allurean Chamber comes through like from this one, it starts out and it goes into these larger Penta-g‘el Circulations, it splits the Prana Chi and the Prana Kei, and it then it actually show these, which Fire Chambers that‘s going in. It actually splits and it comes down. It actually forms those petal-shaped formations that you see in the flows of the EluminEir-adhona Spirit Body and stuff. But I showed it going straight over so you‘ve got—it was easier to see that the Prana which is one coming out of the Allurean Chamber, splits into 2 Prana: Prana Chi and Prana Kei, one with the positive, one with the negative charge, and they have a bit of different quantum. One is the Chi, carries 1 3 of the Prana Joule. And the Kei with the positive charge carries 2 3 of the Prana Joule. And then it comes down these Allurean Chambers, but part of it when it splits, it sparks here and it opens some of the flows, the core flows that if you put the NaVA-Ho flow patterns over this that are part of the EluminEir-adhona structure, the ones that look like a figure-8, it pulls in some of those flows from here where you start getting the Ethos and the Eiros energies. They form the first sets of these pentagonal flows. It actually goes all the way out to there, and begins sparks there, sends it back, splits those over here. But you start to get the Eiros and the Ethos flows coming in through here, and they split up here: one Line comes down the center; one comes this way and goes like this while the other one comes this way and goes like this. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 159

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The parts where those Lines cross through each other, the part where little Radiation Units are crossing through each other, they actually spark, and they make the Sparks that then collect in the center in a cloud that form Atoms. And they already have within them an intelligence that is set by whatever encryption is being held out here in the Hydro-Acoustic Body. That‘s where the Plates are made where you send your Desire out, and it gets little pentagonal-shape Plate around it on the ends of the Allurean Chambers. It will pick up the Orons where I don‘t have them all drawn on but they would all, each one of these would have an Oron at the end of it, so these are the parts of the anatomy that you‘ve already had a bit of exposure to with the last technique. But literally it is through this natural Penta-g‘el flow that Atoms, the stuff of Atoms are created, and the stuff are Geleziac Radiation Sparks that then congeal in a cloud and they form the literal Atoms and what directs how they form: which ones would become Hydrogen; which ones would become Helium; which ones would become whatever. That is directed. It has to do with first of all which Lines they‘re on because each one of these Allurean Chamber Lines corresponds with 1 of the 12 primary families where you had Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium etc going all the way up to 12. So Allurean Chamber Line-1 would be its—that is the family line of Hydrogen. And when we looked on those other charts that showed that you had the Lines going across the bottom where you had Hydrogen, Helium, etc going this way, and then there was a family of them going up that belonged to that family, that was actually the ones that were manufactured on the Line. So this plugs right into the natural Allurean Atomic Chart where there are 144 naturally occurring Atoms that are supposed to exist. So that whole imprint of how Atoms are formed, how these little Sparks that are Quark packages, they are like little Quark packages, how they come together to form the Atoms, and what type of Atoms they will form, is governed by the base encryptions that are held in these structures of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, the Spirit Body. And it is literally, they call this thing the Mix-Master, this whole structure because you have this happening on, not only on every one on this Density Level, it‘s on every one of the Allurean Chambers, right. But then when you get into the Dimensional Levels, you have it happening on every one of the Fire Chambers on that level, on the Light Body levels. So you‘ve got all of these different sets of 12 Penta-g‘el Circulations. All together they are considered the Penta-gor‟ian Circulatory System, and it is the circulatory system by which the manifestation energies go into materialization. It is the materialization circulation system. And what gets really interesting is you can tell some fascinating stuff by this. This is actually what gives you the tool to understand Atomic Step-Down. When you can take 1 level and label, ok that let‘s just say I think this is 12, alright this is Allurean Chamber 12. And offsets have to do with—we have Fire Chamber 12 up because that is what‘s up over your head. That‘s why we position the diagrams this way. And Fire Chamber 12 of the Light Body comes in between I believe 11 and, where are we? 10, between 10 and 11 Allurean Chamber? No, wait a minute. Anyway, I‘ll describe that on a different diagram; this isn‘t the one that shows that because I get convoluted with all the lines on it. Anyway, its position with the top up, what would be our top up, and it comes in at the 11.5 level where our Chamber 12 would be aligned with Allurean Chamber, if there was one, 11.5, so it‘s between what 11 and 12, right. So that‘s why it‘s aligned this way. What‘s interesting about this, you could then put ok the Allurean Chamber 1 is Helium, 2 is Hydrogen. That‘s where the base imprint for those Elements comes from and the whole family because there are 12 sub-frequency bands in each Dimensional Level, also in each of the Density level, which means you‘ll have one primary Element and it will have…but there will be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 159

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11 others, part of that family, one for each of the sub-frequency bands, and there would be the dominant Element of that Line. But it gets even more interesting because not only, if they were just all lined up perfectly straight where you have your Density Level, and then you have your D3 Level, and if this was Allurean Chamber 12, that means this is Allurean Chamber 12, and this one is 2. No, it doesn‘t go that way. They line up but not number to number. It‘s a Mix-Master where because of the different Angular Rotation of Particle Spin and the angles at which the spheres sit in relation to each other, remember a long time ago they taught us there is a 900 shift in Angular Rotation of Particle Spin between one Dimension and the next, so you have to shift them. So I had to build this out into a different diagram to find out where was what so you could see what‘s called the Step-Down Charts, which actually say, ‗Ok, if it‘s Hydrogen in D3, what is it in the Density Level? What is it in D2? What is it in D1?‘ because they are a different thing. So it‘s Hydrogen here, it steps up to be a different thing; it steps down to be a different thing which gets quite interesting, right. So this was the beginning of understanding those charts and these are the flows. And what this one shows is where it comes out, hits the Oron, splits and starts to bounce off the Chambers, the Fire Chambers. Instead of going past them, it doesn‘t go through them. The Fire Chambers block it and it make it send up into another angle, hits another Fire Chamber, get sent over this way. Meanwhile, this one had come down the same time, got bounced back upward so they cross through each other, and there‘s points where they cross through each other, they hit and spark, that Quarks are made, and those Quarks are already imbued with the intelligence of how to combine in what ways to form very specific Elements which also gives the imprint for very specific types of natural elemental bonding, what Elements or Atoms would be able to bond to others to form Compounds and Substances. That would be the normal way it works here. There‘s a perversion in the system that perverts part of that process. So, next one, please.

(3 32:56) [DVD-2, C5 1:40:30]

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

This shows a little bit more clearly without all of the other gobbledygook all over the place. Just showing the relationships between…you would have your little D1 Penta-g‘el Flow Circulations, your D2 Penta-g‘el Circulations, your D3 Penta-g‘el Circulations. And then over on the Allurean Chambers, these were all running the Fire Chamber, right. Then you would have the ones that feed them, which are the big ones that go with the Density Level or the Jha-Dha Level, so it‘s just showing you a little bit more clearly. And what‘s interesting is when a burst of Prana comes out, hits the Oron there and then splits and comes down in here, you have this happening all around so every Fire Chamber is getting fed by 2 different Allurean Chamber Lines. When you trace all this out, you can actually find the parents, the 2 parents which would be which 2 stars up here created the Flow-Set that came down in one of the Chambers, and this has to do with the Step-Down Charts as well, so I just wanted to show you this one. There‘s a lot more things that we‘re still learning about these bodies but each one of these would have a pentagon-shaped Window around it, right. And that pentagon-shaped Window is the window that opens when those flows turn on properly. And our Windows have been actually squashed down where instead of the tips reaching up into the next level, right, D3 reaching up into the Density Level, D2 reaching up into D3, they have been squashed down into the pentagram-shaped type flow which locks in, yeah you get 3-Dimensional but they don‘t talk to each other. There is hardly any flow movements in the atoms that are created through these are artificial atoms. They are not the ones that have, they have—the only Spirit Body they have is the part they‘ve taken as the energy comes through your body, or it was the Earth Body that started at the Earth level of the mutation where when the natural Translation Sequence from inside the body would happen, it got blocked inside the body, and it only had X amount of energy. We have something called the Zeion and our GhaRE‟ which are original quantums put in the Fetal Integration process, original quantums of energy that will not be depleted if this whole circulation system works properly because this system continually sparks more of itself and replenishes the quantum that we originally started with, same thing with the Planet. When those flows were blocked in the Planet, and thus in our bodies, or the biology of everything on the Planet, it literally made it so the only fuel to create matter out of became whatever part of the GhaRE‘ and the Zeion energies that were already in the body and got trapped in the Fetal Integration process, so literally the bodies feed off us. Yeah, the bodies are made of us; the bodies didn‘t do this to us on purpose. This was done on an environmental level that created the mutation in the bodies that it turned half of our bodies‘ energy against it. And we can‘t replicate the energy anymore so eventually our Zeion burns out, our Mana Seed burns out and we have nothing more to circulate. And that‘s when we go into Mana depletion that the body dies because it stops the spin of the Seed Atom. First it makes it spin really, really fast, expend the rest of its energy, and then it collapses, and that‘s when the body dies because it can‘t regenerate its own quantum anymore, same thing with Earth. That is what‘s occurring with our Sun at this point. It will take a longer time for the Sun‘s Body to die but it is going into that phase. It is going into Red Giant. It is going to do that. We‘re not going to be here by the time we see that. By the time it is happening, which is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 159

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good because we won‘t be seeing it; we would be fried when that starts to happen. But in our own bodies, we die because of the same process. When these Circulations get closed and cut off in these, instead of their tips, these are—see they don‘t look like pentagrams. Pentagrams have shorter tips proportionately and it brings their arms down further right because they‘re only using this space in here. It also changes the literal proportions of our Physical Bodies. It creates . . . there are larger flows that literally run in the big Windows around us, and it squashes those down. We‘re much shorter than we should be, and technically we should be about 12 feet tall. It limits the amount of energy that is here and it splits it into 2 currents to try to make a false version of the Spirit Body Current by putting part of the Mana Current on reverse. And that creates the mess that we have right now, and that‘s what they‘re teaching in the Metatronic schools, the Thothian schools, and all of that. They teach you how to spin your Merkaba this way and this kind of stuff. Yeah, why? To activate this stuff on the Metatronic Code. So there is a lot of deception that‘s happening in the New Age movement, and it‘s not…the people who are doing it, they actually don‘t know. They don‘t know the difference; nobody ever taught them the difference. That‘s why we fought so hard to bring it to where we could understand the difference because the other way is killing us, and it‘s killing the Planet. It‘s too late to fix the whole Planet but we still have the ability to bring these flows back on, and that‘s what we‘re going to do in the D2 bodies with this workshop. Next one, please.

(3 37:57) [DVD-2, C6 1:45:24]

If I keep talking this long, we‘re going to be here till 6.00 in the morning! Now, in the normal situation, remember that that flat diagram that you‘re seeing there are actually spheres within spheres, right. So you‘ve got these Penta-g‘el Flows running within each of the Dimensional Levels The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

of the spheres. Now, they talk to something. These are from, when we‘re doing the diagrams for the K2-3 manual, we talked about the TiL-E‘a Spheres. There is an interaction with when we for example, when we sent out our Desire Intention out into the Orons, the Orons actually feed back through those flows with the little Atoms. They actually feed back the encryption into the TiL-E‘a Spheres that set the Memory Matrix, so it literally creates a sphere, a Memory Matrix Sphere around us of how to bend the energies and how to manifest. It actually sets the grid as to how, not only the Atoms are already formed, but how they will bond together, and what types of Substances they will form, and what type of structures they will form. So when you‘re able to seed your TiL-E‘a Spheres directly, you can put pictures in there that come out in Atoms, right. Eventually, that‘s how it‘s supposed to work. Right now our TiL-E‘a Spheres are a mess because of the mutation and it literally distorts when the structures of the Atoms are made because the original ones are alright. Our outer Density Level flows, our Penta-g‘el Flows, they‘re actually functioning normally except they are not being fed anymore, so they have gone dormant; they‘ve stopped just because there is nothing. It‘s supposed to be a circulation: energy comes into them, they flow; energy goes back, the energy goes back and that makes more energy that gets sent out. Those flows have shut down so our outer, our Density Body isn‘t breathing but it is not distorted. What‘s distorted are the 3-Dimensional Light Body Structures inside of it, and that creates the pentagram-shaped cut-off versions of the Penta-gor‘ian Flows that create, literally hold the mutation in each level of the body and distort, hijack part of the body energy. The part of the body energy that get‘s hijacked, the Spirit Body the part of our Spirit that gets hijacked from being a GhaRE‘ which is the normal flow becomes the Gharoche‘, and it draws to it from the environment that the environment itself already has these distorted types of Atoms. It draws more of them into the body. It densifies the matter in a way it was never meant to be densified, and it basically progressively kills the body; every time we breathe, we take one breath closer to death through the way the systems are working right now. The mutation also hijacks the Mana Flow because it uses that twisted turned around reversed polarity GhaRE‘ that becomes the Gharoche‘, it uses that to drag the natural Mana Flows into reverse polarity, and to literally feed off our own Mana Seed. On a Planetary Level, that‘s what was happening in the core of the Planet. On a Solar Level that is what‘s happening to the point where it is shutting down at this point. The core Prana Seed of the Sun back, it was—when was it? March 25th of 2007 it shut and that‘s when we were put on notice that you know there‘s 222 years left for the Load-Out because it‘s going to be an evacuation situation eventually on this Planet, and it will be much more obvious later than it will be now. So the TiL-E‘a Spheres have to do with organizing the Atoms that are formed from the Penta-g‘el Flows. The TiL-E‘a Spheres actually organize it and store the encryption actually in Infra-Sound Structure that like the infra-sound that is ultra, ultra-low frequency sound in little vibrating points. So they store what it is Atoms that are supposed to do ‗Ok, what happens now? Oh, how should we come together? Right, what should we make? And what should we build?‘ That information gets stored in the TiL-E‘a Sphere levels of the Light Body Structure. Next one, please.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

(3 41:48) [DVD-2, C6 1:49:16]

This, I just want to show you because thankfully it has evolved since the last workshop. And this is why where there is one chart from the last workshop pack that we had to correct just the top and the bottom line. We had the translations for the D2 and the D3 alright but because it was so hard to see who‘s on first with this, this was the beginning of understanding the Mix-Master alright which was—remember we said how each, the D1, D2, D3, and Density Levels are each on a different axis, which means they‘re top would be at a different axis to each other. So you can‘t just have…you have your 12 flows, and number 1 is Allurean Chamber or whatever Fire Chamber would be Hydrogen. Then you‘d have number 2 is Helium. Yeah, that sequence goes all the way around but you don‘t have number 1s and number 2s lining up with each other. And this is where you get the step-down. I‘ll show you the clear version that is meant to show—this is the diagram I used last time because it‘s the fastest I could get it scribbled down anywhere. But you have your 3 levels, the D1, D2, D3 Levels of the Allurean Chamber Lines coming through, and each one of those has its orientation. 8 would be Oxygen, for example, right it goes with the proton number. And then they have their families of sub-harmonics, elements that would go with it. But here where you start to see ok, what lines up with what? Well, what ones line up with what first of all if it‘s the outer one, the large one, Density Level, they line up with D3, so they are the same thankfully. At least we have one set of them that yes, if it‘s an 8 there, it‘s an 8 there too. But when we get down into D3, D2, and D1, they‘re all different because not only—well the biggest reason is because D2 is at a 900 angular shift to D1 and D3. There‘s a 90 0 shift of Angular Rotation of Particle Spin between each so you have to have the D1 with its top or like say Chamber number 12 in 1 position, then you have to…and you have to know if turns clockwise or counter-clockwise to know which way to shift it, to know which way the numbers are supposed to go. This was a bit complex to put together, and it‘s worth putting it together because you get the step-down charts from it. Can you can put the next one on and look at it a little more civilized means. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 159

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(3 44:17) [DVD-2, C6 1:50:18]

That‘s a little more civilized to be able to see what lines up with what. And this is one of my life-or-death charts that can‘t live without it at this point because all sorts of other things that I‘m going to need to understand, I will have to refer back to this and go trace what goes where, what goes where. So if we have up here Allurean Chamber 11 and Allurean Chamber 12, right. This means we have what would be the Fire Chamber. Dimensional Light Body Fire Chamber 12 would be in between them at what would be 11.5. We need to know which way what spins in order to number it, so before we even get these on. So let me see, how do I explain this, now? I don‘t have numbers 11, 10, 12, 1. Alright, so if this Allurean Chamber 1, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, I believe I have this right,11,12. I think that‘s counter-clockwise spin. I thought these were on clockwise actually. Wait a minute. Anyway, I‘m just finishing these. I‘m still going ‗Did I do that right?‘ I do believe I have this part of it right because there was a reason why, I thought it went the other way before but this one actually spins this way. The spins of D2, I‘ll start with that because I know that one, and I am certain with those. Now because we are using spins at this point, not just of our personal level, whether we‘re male or female body, because when you get into the tinier levels of the flows, one would be one way; one would have a positive spin Monad at the center of the Seed Atom; one would have the negative spin, a counter-clockwise spin. With these, these go deeper into the core anatomy program that will correspond with the Planet‘s. So you would have to take the spins, it is like an androge spin that goes with the Planet itself. And our planet has, it normally has a female Monad which means the little thing that is its Rasha Seed would spin counterclockwise. That means that its D1 spins clockwise. Its D2 spins counter-clockwise. Its D3 spins clockwise. I think these are supposed to spin together though. I have to figure, I just have to double check this chart but you get the idea anyway.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So it would mean that for example if you had Fire Chamber, if . . . I‘m going to go for one over here, if you had Allurean Chamber number 1 and that is the Hydrogen family in the Density Level, this does align with the D3 Level on the Atmic level. So here‘s the Ketheric Hydrogen family, alright, this would bring you down into Atmic Hydrogen family is still 1. By the time you get down here into 3, it changes, let me see, do I have one? The D2 ends up A7. It actually ends up as A1 on…yeah D3 is A7. I have to check this again. But right, this is 1, yes 7 alright. You have 7 on 1. This one I think actually does, just because the spins end up where they do, does end up corresponding but they don‘t all correspond where you have A1-A1-A1 but once in a while you get one of those that does, and I think I picked the one that did. There might be another 1 or 2. Let me find one that shows more clearly the difference in them.

Alright, so if we have D1 here, we have Fire Chamber number 9, go out to D2, the number 9 would be whatever the 9th Element is. What‘s the 9th Element? Let me find the 9 where I have a word, ah, Fluorine, right. So if that‘s fluorine in D1 Etheric Matter, when you bring it up to D2, it‘s 6, Fire Chamber 6. That‘s Carbon, alright the Carbon family. If you bring it up to Atmic Level D3, that would be Lithium. And I think these run the same way. I have to double check my names on these but you get the idea. That‘s why it‘s called the Mix-Master because it is actually taking the different, the various Elements from each level where you have a Prana Flow comes up, splits, comes down here, comes down there. Then there‘s another one coming from this one at the same time. These are the Spark Points. They spark here, and then that sends flows down into the Allurean Chambers here. So it‘s like this Fire Chamber sends flows down into the Allurean Chambers here, I‘m sure there‘s zigzag flows. I‘ve seen them already but they haven‘t even showed me how to do it yet where it comes up this one, comes down there. Another one‘s coming down. 2 of those come down here. 1 goes down this way but 2 come this way, and then they bounce back up. There‘s a whole set of currents that happen within these flows. But it is literally how the Atomic Chart is formed, how the Atoms in the Atomic Chart are formed, how Quarks come together to form Elemental Atomic Substance, and the programs that govern how they will bond have to do with these natural structures. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 159

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And if the natural structures are blocked, you will get mutated atoms and we are made of mutated atoms because our Planet‘s atoms have been mutated. That doesn‗t mean we are stuck forever but it could mean we were stuck forever. Those who designed this nasty little program, that was their intention, but they‘re kind of getting stuck in their own matrix as well with it. So we‘re still offering, when we offer the thing that we‘re going to do tomorrow in the morning where we get the practice grounding, we‘re going to have the time to practice the songs tonight. I think we have the handouts right? Yeah, we‘ll do that tomorrow but we will give you the paper. We‘ll give them the paper tonight, the right to take home. It‘s already happened to them, good! Just double checking, I wasn‘t here for that part. So anyway, next one, please.

[Audio Track 3 49:47] What this will give you is an interesting way to analyze relationships between them, the step-down pattern. So it steps down from Density, this sits there. It steps down to what here, what here. You can put these all out on a chart that‘s not circular so you can analyze them and see them more easily. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 3 50:05] [Graph DVD-2, 1:56:45]

(A‘sha confers with A‘zah about coffee break arrangements.) It‘s there now? Ok, as long as we can make it like not a half hour or anything or we‘ll be here forever. A‘zah: Whatever you feel. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 159

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A‘sha: Ok, not yet, it won‘t get cold that fast right? Ok, he‘s letting me know that they have the coffee break set up out there. That‘s like how they were scheduled. I‘m going to keep going for a little bit. It‘ll hold for a little while. I‘m not going to take a half hour one, just 15 tops to do that and then get back to what we‘re doing.

[D2 C6 1:58:29]

This was the first roughs. They‘re not necessary right because this was based on the one where I couldn‘t quite read what the outer ones were. And I still want to double check my own one, my new one that I did, that‘s actually proportional and everything, just to make sure I‘ve got my lines, my numbers put in right and at the right spins. So what it will give you is you can make a chart that says, ‗D1, D2, D3,‘ right, ‗and Density Level‘. Let‘s say you‘re on Fire Chamber, I mean Allurean Chamber 1, Fire Chamber 1. It‘s 5 here on D1, it‘s 1 here which is Hydrogen on D2, and it‘s 8 there which is Oxygen on D3, right. So it gives you this step-up and step-down chart so you can know what is what is what. I know these were not correct. I was just getting them at the time but these were, if you take those big flows from the Density Level that combine, they would be the parents. They combine the first flow of that family, the base family, which is here these would combine to form the 8-family which is Oxygen family. And then that all steps down and that forms the D2 Hydrogen family. And we are talking about families and each one of these have the 12 sub-frequency bands. So it starts with Hydrogen, say 1 does, but then it‘ll go all the way up that Chamber, and that‘s where we get the other chart. Let me see, next one, please, honey.

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[Audio Track 3 52:00] [DVD-2, C6 1:58:20]

I don‘t know if I have that one here next. Right, I can‘t see that. Put it up there so I can see it. Yeah, thank you. This was showing it a little more clearly but also making it a little more complex because not only—notice here the break-out. You‘ve got AX, AX, AX, referring to Axiational Lines, right, which are the ones that correspond with the Allurean Chambers, right. And in between them you have M Lines, Meridian Lines, Fire Chamber Lines, right. So there‘s, I‘m just starting this chart. It is not finished. But these I believe are correct as far as numbers. You got your D1 Hydrogen. It is Oxygen on D2. It‘s Oxygen also I believe. No, there‘s something wrong with my numbers here. I‘m still learning these, ok. I‘m still trying to get my numbers right. But I think it can at least show you the basics of how this system works. There‘s also Tones that go with each one of these. We‘ll be eventually learning how once we get these charts straightened out, and know exactly what the whole step-down set is. We will be able to know the Tones too, and what Tones you use here to get what Tones up there to be literally calling through song and sound the Atoms together to assist in manifesting things or materializing things that we would like to manifest or materialize. So this is just the beginnings. Each one of these would represent 1 of those 12 Allurean Chambers, so would have a main family line. It would be a main family line on each level. It would have a main family line and they would be different on each of the levels, alright. And going all the way across and in between them you would have the Fire Chambers. And there is a way to lay out the numbers with these and they have to double check this where you can see directly not only what the Allurean Chamber step-up and step-down system is but also with the Meridian Lines that go with the Fire Chambers. The reason they‘re bringing this to us now isn‘t so much that we have to analyze ‗Oh, what‘s this with this on this level right now.‘ They want us to see where the whole system fits together, and where it fits together The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 159

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comes down to this, helps us to understand. It‘s not just Fire Chambers verses Allurean Chambers. We‘re dealing with our Axiational Lines and our Meridian Lines, the ones that run directly through our bodies. And one of the things we‘re going to do tomorrow later is with the Hydro-Acoustic sessions, the Aqua-Tone sessions is we‘re going to use a technique that begins to reset one by one each of the Lines as they‘re supposed to run starting with the Allurean Chamber Lines which will reset the Fire Chamber Lines as well. It will get the right programming back in what the natural sequence was supposed to be for them by using the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code. Literally we have these little finger charts that you pick them up on your fingers as energy and you need to know which toes to put them on. And then there‘s the extra 6 th one that we don‘t have that we‘re supposed to have. We‘re supposed to have 6 fingers and 6 toes; that‘s the natural imprint. We‘re supposed to be 12 feet tall. So we‘re going to learn how to use that chart to work directly with the Axiational Lines to recode them back to their natural structure, so when we open all of the Doorways and the Penta-gor‘ian Flows, it will also reset the original encryption that is held in our Density Body but has been dormant because it got turned off because of the mess of the flows on the Dimensional Levels. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 3 55:44] [DVD-2, 2:02:00]

This was the Atomic Chart that we looked at before each one of those Lines on this one. This is only showing the Axiatonal Lines which correspond with the Allurean Chamber Lines, alright. So in between each of those you would also have your, what would be considered the electrical or Light Body lines which are the Meridian Lines of the body. So this is just showing the basic 12 families. Each one of them has—this would be the family of Hydrogen from the Line-1. This would be Helium from Line-2. So all the numbers, I don‘t even have all the numbers The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 159

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put in this one yet. I‘ve just indicated that they go—you have 1, 2, 3, before you get to 12 over there. You start 13, 14, 15, all the way over, 25, all the way over. So it‘s going literally just run the numbers this way as far as these are the Atomic numbers. And that will give you, when you look at them vertically once you‘ve got all the numbers in that will give you the whole line-up of what these numbers are supposed to—what family the Element numbers are in. So you‘ll be able to tell like alright it‘s Hydrogen. Most people don‘t know that whatever Element-13 is, it is out of the Hydrogen family. There‘s relationships between all of these, and there‘s natural bondings between them and certain other ones and ones that are unnatural. Right now, we have unnaturally bonded elements. They form unnatural substances. They‘re just not organic. They‘re not Krystic. And it‘s not…we have a little bit of the right stuff left. And if we didn‘t have a little bit of it, we wouldn‘t be able to…we would be locked in completely, and there wouldn‘t be a choice anymore. But that little bit is not strong enough on its own. That‘s why the whole Host Mission is being brought in. That‘s why they are now allowing us opening the Median Earth Core Gate so we can begin to…. We need to get our flows turned back on but you can‘t do it on Earth, on NET Earth, because of the distortion. But through the Core Flows coming up through our systems individually, one at a time, and through the Host Shield, we‘ll have access to the support that will allow us to start purging mutation, clearing this out of our bodies to get the natural line-ups back in our Axiatonal Lines, to get the natural part of our Matter back, and to retrieve the part of our own GhaRE‘ that has been taken into reverse to create that artificial Gharoche‘-type of ManE matter that our Physical Body, most of it, is made of right now. That‘s the stuff that likes to like bloat out and feel really strange particularly if you have a strong EirA Current. If you have a strong female energy current doesn‘t necessarily mean that you‘re a female body. But if you have a strong EirA Current, it gets even worse. You just kind of find yourself expanding like the Mississippi River expands on flood time. ‗Now what is with me? Everything is puffing out; nothing fits.‘ I mean it can be really, really uncomfortable. Then there‘s the opposite; it gets a similar effect where you can get people that are quite electrical running a lot of ManA to begin with. And they actually go on hyper-ManA where some of them might even like no matter how much they eat, they stay like stick-thin, and that can get to be a real problem where they can‘t keep weight on. And both conditions can make you sick. And both of them tend to make you feel lousy in your body, right. If you have the too much ManA, you‘re like a bunny, always tend to be hyper, even ‗Have to go! Have to go!‘ like Hyper-A type personalities are extremely amplified ManA personalities. And that‘s your body; it is not just you. You might feel differently if your body wasn‘t producing all these whacky chemicals that are making you go and go and go and go. And the other is when you get the excessive EirA Currents being amplified by the mutation. You just kind of get…you just want to lay down somewhere like a whale, and just lay down (laughter) and say, ‗Leave me be. I‘ll just stay here and go float around, with my mind,‘ right, because it just feels so darn uncomfortable dragging it around! My body goes that way.‘ It doesn‘t get hyper-ni-ni-ni ni but yours definitely doesn‘t go that way. So sometimes it‘s gender but there are men and women that show both, show either condition. So it‘s not just a gender thing where the girls get plump and the guys get skinny because it can go the other way too. But all of this is because of the disproportionate relationships of literally quarks that form partially twisted atoms that take part of our own natural structure and create a false form matter with it that makes other The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 159

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stuff come in from the environment and stick to us. So that‘s the stuff we‘re going to clear by the endtechniques in the workshop tomorrow. We will be clearing out or beginning the process of teaching, amping our natural part of our GhaRE‘ in our body enough where we will be able to set in motion the natural healing system that will be progressive where it starts turning back first of all the stuff that keeps getting made every time you breathe. It will start, yes, it will still be made but it will interface it, take it and transmute it. But it also has a lot of work to do. Once we get the bodies working where they can start to transmute the Gharoche‘ and pull our own GhaRE‘ back out of it and release the parts that don‘t belong there from the environmental atoms. We have a lot of it still on us now that it‘s going to take a while for that to clear off while it‘s also transmuting the new stuff that gets made every time you breathe. But this is going to set in motion this process, so we‘re going to be able to reclaim our Mana stores because our twisted GhaRE‘ is actually being used to draw in the Mana Currents and twist them around to keep the artificial flows running in the body. So it‘s exciting in that regard, and I‘m really looking forward to it because I‘m ready to run away from my body at this point. It just gets so uncomfortable. Everything feels puffed out and swollen inside, and stuff like that. So some people aren‘t at that spot. Hopefully you don‘t have to go through that spot if you‘re not. But we would eventually, our bodies aren‘t supposed to do any of that stuff. They are supposed to be very, very stable, and much lighter than they are as far as just the Atomic Structure. They are supposed to be light and bouncy. One of the techniques that we will do tomorrow will take you into a space where you get to work with your mini-me body in a certain way that‘s well, what do they call it? Air-Olympic try-outs, where you get an idea of how the body is supposed to feel, your own body is supposed to feel. This is how our Physical Bodies are supposed to act, right. And we‘re beginning the process of getting them to be able to do that. I‘m really hoping before I‘m crawling around on my knees, I‘m just saying I‘m not too old. I don‘t care about walking through a gate. Just let me take it in vapor and get out of here, right. But it‘s beginning that process of that healing. Next one, please. Yeah and so these techniques, it‘s worth not babbling on forever, me babbling on forever, and talking about all sorts of things when the techniques are the most important.

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[Audio Track 3 1:02:21] [Graph DVD-2, C7 2:08:42]

This is just showing you more of the things we introduced more of this in the first Sliders workshop. It shows you how you can start to do the D3 to D2 transitions like the step-downs, so and also some of the things we‘ve worked on. We‘ve heard of Ectos. We‘ve heard of Mana. What is Mana? In D3 Mana is Tungsten. In D2 it‘s Gold, alright. This is why we end with white powder gold. It was called white power gold because it was actually the Ectos part of the—the part that carries the Mana out the Fire Chambers in the normal breathing thing. And so they‘re just beginning to show us this that I have to double check it to make sure it‘s all right but there‘s a lot of it. We get down here and we see, I think I have them down here, do I? Yes, we have Celestalline. Which one is Celestalline? Yeah, Celestalline D3, Celestalline D2, so we finally find out what is that stuff! It is a Compound Element, right, up in D3 it‘s O2He3W which is what? Tungsten, and H2, that means like 2 Hydrogen, whatever, yeah. Here, when you step it down, the Oxygen becomes Hydrogen in D2, so you got 2 Hydrogen, H 2. The Helium from D3 becomes Nitrogen in D2, so you got 2 Hydrogen, 3 Nitrogen. The ‗W‘ Tungsten in D3 steps down to Gold here. And the Hydrogen-step from D3 steps down to Oxygen here, and 2 of them, right. So you got H 2N3AuO2, and that is actually, and it is a transient Element, and it only forms at a certain point in the cycle and creates a wave that runs through the body that allows the body to actually turn to Light if you fully activate these things you do, like you don‘t just turn to Light all the time. Like you see it flash off but ‗I want to go there!‘ ‗Yeah, but not yet! Sorry, you‘re flashed off somewhere else right now!‘ No, there are things once the body is working normally, these systems of flow are working normally, you would be able to control the process at will. And you would do certain things or breathe a certain way to make certain things happen that would pop the Celestalline Wave that would allow for a big Hydrolase Conversion to take place that would allow your body to turn to Light, so you can molecularly disappear with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 159

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your Atoms and pop up where you‘re intended to go. And that is what we are supposed to be able to do! Quite a ways off from that. We also have Celestallite. Now Celestallite was the white powder gold-based stuff, H2N3Au, right: 2 Hydrogen, 3 Nitrogen, and a Gold, right. That‘s why it was referred to as white powder gold. And there was also blue powder gold that was tinted with something else that I‘m not sure what that was yet but they haven‘t given me that. These come out of an Element called Celestallon. That is the Compound Element that actually Celestallite and Celestalline come from, and that is the combination of these 2. If you put this and that together, that would be your Celestallon Compound Element. So these charts, this Mix-Master Step-Down Set, it has the potential for explaining all sorts of interrelationships of Atoms and things. And right now they wanted us just to understand how that works, so we could understand that when it comes to first of all its connection to our bodies through, not only through the Axiatonal Lines and the Meridian Lines, but the fact that these flows with their Penta-gor‘ian Circulatory System are actually manufacturing Atoms. We are manufacturing the Atoms, not only the Atoms that are making up our bodies, but we‘re manufacturing the Atoms that are making up a part of the hologram that we see, that we walk through. There‘s other Matter involved in that too obviously because we all share a hologram field, right. For us in this room we all see the same room. Wouldn‘t it be interesting if all of us were actually manifesting that room right through our fields? And that is really what it comes down to—we are, right! This room is an encryption. When you go up into the I AM God-Self space, it‘s actually the space that if you left your body completely and could look down on your life where you go for a natural review just to remember itself, none of the time stuff or matter stuff looks real in terms of physicality here. It is understood and cognated but it doesn‘t look the same. We can learn to go to that space. We are actually beginning the process of doing that. Anyway, they are telling me to hurry up. Ok, sorry, next one. I was not…I won‘t go on that tangent, not right now.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 159

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[Audio Track 3 1:06:50] [Graph DVD-2, C7 2:13:15]

Yeah, this is the chart that we‘re changing, alright. It‘s only these 2 lines that were wrong but I have to get my Mix-Master lines alright, my spins alright, and triple-check them to make sure I‘ve got what aligns with what. It was only these I had a problem with and . . . These I know were correct, the relationship between the D2 and the D3 as far as the 90 0 shift and which way what spun, so I have those right. And this just shows you when we talk about Living Water Hydrolase, what the Hydrolase is. What is dead water, that stuff out there, H2O, right? It doesn‘t mean you don‘t love the water. It means the water is missing stuff. It is missing 1 Hydrogen and 3 Nitrogen to be Living Water, which is the type of Water you‘ll see in oceans on Median Earth. This would be, what the Living Water would be in D2, ok. So it would have the numbers refer to what Element number it is. Its proton number right. So this would be 2 Oxygen, number 1 Hydrogen (O 2H in D3 from H2O in D2)2 Oxygen, 2 Hydrogen, and 3 Nitrogen would be the natural (in D3 inc. the missing HN 3). They would bond naturally and they do in Median Ascension Earth. But here they don‘t even bond. The scientists, the people that know about science I asked them what does that happen here? They said no, it won‘t. The Nitrogen won‘t bond in; that substance doesn‘t exist, right! Yeah, well we‘re bringing that Substance back into existence, and the only thing that can produce it are our bodies. And the only way they can produce it is through the connection to the Median Earth Core where we have the energy support to begin getting our bodies healed so we can begin producing it again. What it is missing HN 3 or 1 Hydrogen and 3 Nitrogen in D3, that‘s what is the difference between H2O and Living Water. So when we work with water we are actually learning to bring at least the D3 and Etheric D1 Levels of that imprint back into the water to give the water the potentiality. When we charge the water after we‘ve worked with techniques, we can actually charge that water. We can also ask it to co-create things with us and to assist us so there‘s many ways to use it. But we actually allow it, offer it the healing opportunity to connect into the frequencies of Median Earth. And this is the way we‘re going to be able to probably float on in some of the portions of the Planetary Grids here, the solid matter grids, into the Median Earth rotation because we will use parts of the water that can be healed. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 159

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We won‘t be able to heal all of the water everywhere on the Planet. But we bring the…once we get it activated in our bodies, we progressively bring those activations to the water to try to begin the process of helping to restore the water to its natural living form. And that allows those little bits of water, those little molecules of water that have picked up that signature, will start to talk their cellular communication, Atomic Communication. They‘ll start to talk to the molecules of water that are on Median Earth instead of listening to the dominant voice of the dead ones that are being used for purposes for…well, they are kind of like our Gharoche‘. Didn‘t mean to get twisted but has been, and because it has been, it is opened to being used for harmful things as well as for helpful things. Right now water tends to be poisoning us, and just as we are poisoning it. So it‘s kind of like psycho-like that that we are living with H2O. But we‘re learning to heal parts of the water, and then as we offer the healing to it, it will actually bring the healing back into us. We charge water. We did that in the first Slide workshop. And in charging it with the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code, it puts that coding potential of the natural flows back into it to allow that water that we have offered that Code to, to actually start the communication with Median Earth. And then if we drink that water or bathe in that water that continues to help our system have more of the Codes that turns on the natural flows. So we‘re learning to use water as a healing mechanism but also understanding it as a living consciousness where you don‘t force a will on water. A lot of people do: ‗I‘m going to program water, and I‘m going to make it different. I‘m going to…,‘ you know there‘s a lot of ‗charged‘ waters out there and that kind of stuff now. But there‘s a way of asking the water if it would like to do this with you instead of saying, ‗I‘m going to charge you with this intention or that intention.‘ You have to work with it, and we‘re going to learn when we go into that Grail space or the GrU‘-al space of learning to communicate in a direct communication type way by entering that space. And that is the space where you actually can start asking things if they would like to co-create with you Krystically, and water will always say yes to anything which is frightening, right! Yeah, right now because of the mutation, it will say yes to anything! It is extremely intelligent. It‘s actually an intelligent consciousness force. It will hold whatever intention or encryption is put in it. So the water that has a twisted encryption can be very easily used by all sorts of things that well, that it would not normally if were in a better—its more clear state of consciousness would not choose to participate in. Our waters are being held in a perversion actually by the moon and the tides. The function of the tides work like reverse osmosis which may make look clean but it actually reverses spins on the Etheric Level and the D3 Level, which keeps it locked into the mutation. So the pretty tides as they ebb and flow in the particular way that this Planet is orientated because of other things we‘ll see later, it‘s actually, that is what is keeping the water dead. And certain types of reverse osmosis processing might clean the water out but it also does the same thing; it just kills it more. So there‘s things that you think are good for you that well maybe they are partly good for you; maybe they are just really not good for you at all! When it comes to water, water right now has lost the ability to discriminate about, make clear conscious choices about what is good to be involved in and what is not. Therefore it becomes very easy to victimize by those who would want to use it for purposes that were harmful to others or to the Planet. And that is how it has been used on this Planet with large things constructed like the moon to make sure it worked in a certain way.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So we‘re in the middle of a very large drama, this isn‘t like little people in the Illuminati running around on Planet Earth doing it. No, no, this is much bigger than just earthly Illuminati levels. You know that‘s not even—I feel bad for some of them because they were taught to think that they were the highest, or at least almost the highest on the totem pole. They were never taught the scope of this drama. The scope is huge but the fact is so are we. All of us started out huge as part of the Living Cosmos. And at least if some of us can remember that, and begin to be part of the original hugeness that we are, we can at least, somebody can wake up enough to help this place as much as it can be helped, as well as getting ourselves unstuck from being in a place, alright. Can I see the next one, please? Because I think I can do the break point here before I go on to the next bit. I can‘t see these. Put it up, yeah, thank you.

[Audio Track 3 1:14:09] [Graph DVD-2, C8 2:20:39]

Yeah, I‘ll put that up there, and I‘ll leave it there and we‘ll come back to this after we do the 15 minute coffee break if that‘s alright. This is just showing the Axiatonal Lines as they should run in the body. This is what they have not looked like. That‘s why this looks different than the diagram you see in the Kathara-1 book because we showed what it was like, like what it is like at the moment kind of thing. But this is what it is supposed to be. There‘s still Lotus Points that I haven‘t put on here but there‘s not the constriction around the ankles, the knees, all sorts of points of constriction that are in the ones that is in the Kathara manual. That was showing how our bodies are now. Actually we‘ve done some work already. We‘ve actually cleared about 3 layers of the twists off and opened up the natural flows of the Lines. The big difference is you‘ve got 10 Lines running in the one in the book, in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 159

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the Kathara manual, that shows the 10 Lines run because 11 and 12 Axiatonal Lines were twisted around the center. This has to do with the Caduceus that we will see later. What we are doing now, we just did it in the last workshop on the D3 level is we‘re opening, getting the 11 and 12 Axiatonal Lines back from being—unraveling them from the knot they‘ve been tied in around our Central Vertical Column, to get them back into their natural flow and it opens all of the others up and resequences them back into their natural order because they are not in the right order. So they are actually creating in our bodies the GhaRE‘ Substance, and the GhaRE‘ then draws to it more of things from the outside that don‘t belong there. You can call them free radicals. Our bodies work like free radicals right now in the Planetary Body. So when we get the Axiatonals back in order on the D2 Level, that‘s when our D2 Level bodies will start to be able to begin producing the first glimmerings of Hydrolase in our D2 bodies, not just in our D3 bodies. And it is the next step in healing, in getting back our potentialities of Atomic freedom because our Atoms belong to us. They are part of our quantum. We can die and leave a body, and if we‘re lucky we will make sure we pull its quantum back out with us through cremation if you can‘t, you just kind of like zap it and turn it into vapor like we used to be able to do. Make sure somebody cremates it for you, and then the dust left is the Va-Bha-TE. So at least you‘ve got your whole quantum back. But right now we‘ve got part of our quantum highly tied up in and bound to atoms and elements from the Earth that are twisted, that don‘t belong there and we‘ve got to start clearing this up. And we will start doing that on a physical level as far as it won‘t be ‗Oh my God, purge time!‘ we‘re all going to feel like. I don‘t know if you ever did any of those detoxes that are from the health food store, but you definitely don‘t want to leave your house for the next 3 days because you need to be really close to a bathroom, right! That‘s like no! It‘s not going to be like (belching sound) kill-you-detox type thing. There will be detox periods. We‘ve already being going through them. Alright for years we have been going through them. The whole Shield has, here and there, little bits. But we will get a level of support on the biological level that we‘ve not had before, so I‘m excited about these techniques. And that‘s why we‘ll do a 15 minute coffee break-ish and then come back and I will barrel through the last bits to get you where you need to be because it is important. I want you to be awake enough to do the first of the activations and it is a 2-part. So, and I think there is 20, some steps each part. (Applause) Well, we‘ll get you going. A‘zah: Hey guys! Would you please be back in the room sitting down ready to go at 20 minutes to 12? It‘s 20 minutes from now! (End of Audio Track 3 1:17:46)

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Saturday Lecture 3 [Audio Track 4] A‘sha [D2 C9 2:25:36] Alrighty, here we go again! I‘m going to do it. Council is nudging me to do it, to call it when I see it. (A‘sha confers with A‘zah.) Either what? Really, cool! Ok, good! I‘m sorry I missed that. Shoot! Once everybody is seated, there was a little special announcement that Council would like me to make, addressing a certain situation that‘s taking place in the group. (Giggles) Yes, we have a few, an uninvited guest of not physical form. We do have a, what do you call a Metatronic Implant Posse roaming around. And so it‘s simple like hey, ok, the people of Sovereign Fall, they already have Metatronic grids first of all. They‘re not going to be able to undo that. The only reason the Al-ben-yhan Host Treaty that came in for them to have a Kryst Fall Matrix, they are not people who will be able to go on the Ascension path, alright. So there‘s going to be people from all sorts coming in. Some of them will be very devout to Metatron and those type of teachings. We know at least anybody that has believed us for the last 10 years that we‘ve been teaching this, we have shown at every stage where the spins are wrong, what they are doing to the bodies, all of that. People still want to believe in Metatron, that‘s fine. But what we won‘t tolerate in this workshop, and I want it to be known for those whoever they may be, there has been attempted implants on various people by the touchy on the shoulder thingy. Keep your hands to yourself if you expect to be in this workshop because we‘re not going to put up with it. You‘re welcome to be here and to learn. But if you cannot be respectful for the people you are learning around, you are invited to leave! Now, whoever you are, you know who you are. If you would like to do trance dance with Metatron, you go do that. But you don‘t implant our people while you are in our workshop. If you want to be in a Metatron workshop, go find one because this is not one! And I want you to all know that because there has been, there‘s at least one or two individuals who, unfortunately, are being moved in that way. And whoever you are, if you are here because you genuinely want to learn this and care, fine, you‘re welcome! But if you are here because you are actually devoted to one of the things that we‘ve already identified as Kryst Fall stuff, and all you‘re trying to do is implant people, and collect head count for Sovereign Fall? I think you‘re in the wrong place. So you make up your mind about that, but it needed to be addressed because believe me it is known, and the jig‘s up on that. Everybody just watch your fields at this point. Be loving to everybody. Don‘t worry about who it is or pointing fingers. That‘s not what it is about! What it is about is getting control of your own fields and stop inflicting your fields on other people! Whoever you are, be it an Azurite or a Metatronic, it doesn‘t matter.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 74 of 159

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So please, because there was several implant attempts on people and they were coming up and it actually hurt; they were feeling physically hurt and physically ill from it. And this type of stuff is just not going to be tolerated in our workshops. So let that be known to whoever is, like still going to Metatronic workshops too, and they think they are both great, or they like them better than us. That‘s fine! You can like Metatron better than us; we don‘t care! We care about you anyway but you will not—bad behavior as far as harming other people in our groups is not tolerated, and it will come to our attention. And if particular individuals are brought to our attention, it is kind of like a ‗3 strikes and you‗re out-one‘, we will ask you privately to please not be here, if you‘re going to be doing that. So we just ask everybody to be on proper spiritual behavior and be nice to each other, which means not trying to implant each other with anything. It‘s called spiritual respect. Now, back to our sponsored program! (Applause) Thank you. Didn‘t mean to be a bit intense there but it needed to be said. Yes, so for everybody else who doesn‘t want any Metatronic Implant Posse problems, just (exhale), keep your Krystar activated. You know what I mean like when you go out for a break (inhale and exhale), just amplify it a bit, that kind of thing, and take responsibility for your own fields. And then even if those attempts are made to you, it will not harm you; it will bounce off. And I feel bad for people who still get used in that way by the FA forces. You might have had 20 years studying with Fallen Angelics; calling themselves angels and guides that became your buddies that are teaching you how to do your Merkaba wrong, and they are teaching you how to implant people, and they are teaching you all sorts of stuff, well, if that‘s where you‘re at, why do you want to be in one of our workshops? If you want to learn, you‘re welcome. So I don‘t want to offend the people who might have been involved with that or who still are. All I‘m asking you is to be respectful when you are among our people as we would among yours. So anyway again, back to our sponsored show, shut up now! Alright, back to the Axiatonal Line Systems and the natural way they‘re supposed to flow, where you have actually 6 Lines on each side of the body. It‘s not just on each side; it actually goes around the body. They go around and not just flat in you, right, they run. I don‘t have the diagrams that show if you took a leg off and looked at it this way where you‘d have the Lines running down but it is a 3-Dimensional set-up as far as height with depth stuff. But we will be working with these on the D2 level in the end, tomorrow‘s stuff toward the end, when we do the Aqua-Tone Systems. Next one, please.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

[Audio Track 4 05:31] [Graph DVD-2, C9 2:30:10]

(Participants chuckle, then exclaim as Mylars go into disarray.) Don‘t kill my sequence! It will take me a half an hour! Participant: I‘ve got it! A‘sha: Are you sure? Participant: Yeah. A‘sha: Ok, yeah. Ok, now way back going back to Kathara-1 where we taught how the Axiatonal Line Systems, each one of the lines plugs into each one of the Layers, the 15-Dimensional Layers. They only have 12 shown here but there is actually the 13, 14, and 15 layers of our Auric Fields, and each of those plug into each of the 7 embodied Chakras and Morphogenetic Chakras that are down below the feet and up above the head. So it‘s a whole integrated system. When we start working with the Axiatonal Lines and bringing their natural flows back after we have done all this work on our Light Bodies, our Spiritual Bodies, and bringing back in the natural Penta-gor‟-ian Flows, when we do that—don‘t even—excuse me, when we do that it also begins the process of healing all of these systems. So we will work with the Axiatonals and the Chakras tomorrow in the evening. It‘s very interesting—‗didn’t like‘—excuse me, I‘ve got a conversation to have. ‗Didn‘t like that‘, I‘m sorry, it had to be done. You‘re implanting people in our workshop, alright. Yeah, I‘ve just got a push. Alright, it‘s coming in, right up over here. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Actually I could—if you want I could trace exactly which bodies it‘s coming out of. I would hate to do that to the poor people who might still be in there trying to fight and get you off but I suggest you back off! (A‘sha does a forceful exhale.) Big nasty cloud that was, yeah. Alrighty, yeah it was actually trying to push at me. And trying to do the---whack it out---so you get hit where you‘ll lose track of what you‘re saying and that kind of stuff, so if I have to do that on occasion. I got one in the early days before I knew how bad the drama was down here. I got whacked pretty hard in Manchester where I literally, I mean, I started---my whole body started shaking, I got hit so badly. And there was these things, they call them chompers, I don‘t know what they hit me with but they all---they were trying to chew holes in my entire Auric Field. And I had to literally stop the workshop, and go out in the parking lot. And then they came, our guys came in and talked to me. That‘s when they told us, they gave the order, ‗You have to go home now! Cancel the tour. Go, now!‘ That was when the Treaty of Altair had failed. So that, if I have to say, ‗Excuse me a minute, don’t!‘ and push back, just know what that‘s about because I‘m not going to let them do that to me again, right, because if I get hurt, it doesn‘t help your shield then. You‘re strong enough that if I got hurt, you would still be able to hold your own, alright, and Az would be able to hold his own. But it would—it helps to have the amplification that when my fields are in good shape and not having to do direct combat, kind of like Ninja in the sky stuff you end up with. You‘re doing like you have Rasha Ninjas flying around doing the thing like in the ‗Matrix‘ movies where they‘re like up and over, like yea! And I‘m really bored with the whole fight drama, so please just be nice or go home, whichever! I‘m not talking either to the 3-D people down here. If the ones who were misfortunate enough to have that kind of energy connecting to you through cords, you‘re still welcome to be here, and we still care about you. And if you want help from getting free from that, you‘re in the right place. If you just came to work with--if they‘re your buddies up there and you just came to try to take other people out, we will eventually just expose that. You really wouldn‘t want to have to deal with that on the 3D level. So if you don‘t want to be here, don‘t be, and Metatron, back off! Anyway, so all of the healings that we‘re working with achieving now will affect, from the Axiatonal Lines, go through all of the Outer Light Body Systems that we‘ve been learning about since Kathara-1 including the Kathara Center structures, which will put back the natural Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan coding into the Kathara Centers. We‘ll look at more tomorrow some of the good stuff that that will do, because it has to do with those primary flows that go through the Kathara grid. It‘ll actually turn back on the one that goes through the 8 th Kathara Center that has been off in the whole Amenti program. Since in the 3 rd Seeding we‘ve not had those flows opened because of the reversal on the Planetary Monad. We will be able to now turn those flows back on for the 1st time, because we‘re now not being fueled anymore by our connection to Earth‘s Core; we‘re being fueled by our connection to Median Ascension Earth‘s Core, and that has the natural pattern, so this is good. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Anyway, next one, I want to get through this quick enough so we can do this, because I don‘t like this bit that‘s happening.

[Audio Track 4 10:36] [Graph DVD-2, 2:35:00]

And I want to, while you are awake, while you still have energy and you‘re not too tired, I want to get you through that activation where Az reads this activation, because that will give you strength right there. Once that‘s done, there‘s not much that they‘re going to be able to do as far as implanting, because it will just bounce back out. In fact it might bounce back out with a twist and nail the person who actually did it, and I would hate for that to happen. So if anybody is implanting around here, you really don‘t want to do that in the frequencies that are going to be activated here because if you‘ve done something to someone, even if it‘s unknowingly, just keep your hands to yourself is what it comes down to, right. A lot of it is the touchy, right, especially the shouldertouch stuff, or one of those back pat type things, or even standing in line somewhere, just little---these kind of things, right. If we can all just be a little bit---kind of like when you‘re in kindergarten; everyone has to keep your hands to yourself for a while right, right, no hitting and biting, and that kind of stuff, well it‘s kind of like a grown-up version of that, where if we could just be aware right now that it is important, so nobody gets used to cause any harm. Obviously the Metatronic crew, are very upset about the fact that we are activating this on the D2 Level. Because one of the things that they did tell me, that I was going to talk about tomorrow, was that this will begin to bounce the possessions. They won‘t be able to tolerate being in the Physical Body because we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

are taking back the D2 Level of the Vagus Nerve, and that has been the thing they have used to actually come in and access the Physical Body from the inside to create the possessions. So a little resistance in this case, I suppose, would be expected, but while you‘re still awake I want to get you to where you get at least your D2 Window open, alright. And the more of the activations, (applause) kind of like before the ‗ship‘ hits the fan, (laughter) because I can feel it building with these guys. These guys just don‘t quit! It‘s like that commercial with Sigourney Weaver in it, where it is some kind of cable commercial. Anyway back to this. This again, these, for those who don‘t know, these figure-8 shaped things, each of these run the Allurean Chambers as do these. These are all part of the Core Flows. The figure-8 type ones are called the NaVA-Ho Core Flows. They actually run the core energies from the Domain Bodies going back from, like your Core Domain, to your Inner Domain, to your Middle Domain, to your Outer Domain outhere bodies, so you got those 12, and this is what the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan works specifically with certain ones. I think I have that. Is that the next one that is coming up? I don‘t know. I think I was—yah, I have to look through that. Anyway, this pattern and these flows are part of what the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan turns on, and also these. And these are all simply part of the Core Flows of—see this circle here, right—a circle that big would be on each of those Allurean Chamber Lines. They create what are called the Hara Bodies that run a whole Vector Line. A Vector Line is one full Line. This is where we get the Adjugate stuff that we‘ve talked about too, where there‘s Adjugate numbers. If you have a 12 there, its Adjugate is 6 and vice versa. These are all spheres of energy. And when you see all of these, I don‘t have the diagrams because I wasn‘t really planning to cover having to go into Spiritual Body anatomy again, but just to touch base for people who might not have seen it before, there‘s a sphere around every one of these. And that sphere, those spheres altogether represent what we call the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body structure. Within that structure forms the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Light Body structures that we are dealing with now. And we have one of these sets of Core Flows and Spirit Bodies on each of the Density Levels, and like smaller versions of them on each of the Dimensional Levels, and they‘re all part of a larger one. The whole Cosmos is actually structured like this, where on the Cosmic Level, you can tell what Vector we‘re in. For instance, we‘re in Vector 4. We‘re on Vector 4-10, and we‘re in the 4th Event Horizon. So we would be on, if this is 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, this would be ours here, where our Universe is taking place. Our Universe happens to be, by the way, M31, what they call the Andromeda Galaxy for those who don‘t know. And we are in the Milky Way Galaxy which actually fell and was pulled out of it by that Black Hole in its center which is called the Procyak Black Hole. So there is a whole huge Cosmic Level of this, and Universal, and Galactic, and Planetary, as well as our own personal version of it, and they‘re all reflections of each other, because it‘s not just our Planet that has messed up grids, it is the Galaxy as well. The Milky Way Galaxy has a Black Hole in its center. Science has already identified that. That Black Hole was not natural. It is not an organic structure. It is causing the fall of the Galaxy. There are 220 years left The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 159

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before this becomes a closed system; no Ascension will take place from it. And that is why we‘re doing the work that we are doing now to get the people‘s bodies who can bring back the healing into a place where they can help portions of the Planet to heal so they can shift out, while the rest shifts closed. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 4 15:48] Actually, I don‘t think I want to go into that pile. I‘m going to save those. I‘ll deal with more of the Vagus tomorrow, yeah. There is more to come on the Vagus. Let me see. There‘s a couple—this, I want to show them this stuff, yeah, yeah, and then we‘ll deal with the rest tomorrow. I just want to show them ok, we‘ve seen how some of the body structures are supposed to work. (A‘sha discussing sequence with Az) Ok, just figuring out which parts are most important for the activations so we‘ll do these next. Next one, please, top one. Thank you.

[Audio Track 4 16:55] [Graph DVD-2, 2:41:41]

Now when it comes to our bodies, we‘ve talked about how things are supposed to work, and how the flows are supposed to work. This is the structure here. It‘s called the Daisy of Death configuration. This is the structure of energy flows, perverted energy flows that are running in our TiL-E‘a Spheres. Remember that TiL-E‘a Sphere that connects in with the TE‘a-Wha Fields and such that holds the program that organizes the atoms into structures and substances and structures? This is the Daisy of Death. It‘s from one of the Metatronic teachings, and it actually compacts and squashes in the Kathara Grid, shuts off part of its natural Kathara structure, completely changes the proportions at which the Penta-gor‟-ian Systems interact with each other, the angles of interface, and it completely makes an unnatural kind of matter. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

[Audio Track 4 17:49] [Graph DVD-2, C9 2:42:44]

We still have a bit of our flows on the normal level going though. Now what this looks like inside, this is a diagram from the Kathara-1 book, right. The Kathara-1 book showed you had 5 Axiatonal Lines on each side, and 11 and 12 are wrapped around the middle. And they are also in a very strange numbering order, right. It has nothing to do with the normal if you have, like 6 in front and 3 over here. Its like, how did they get Axiatonals that did that? Well, it‘s through the mutation that they‘re done. This is the Caduceus, right. These are Line 11 and 12 wrapped around on the inside of our Main Vertical Current. These plug into the Vagus Nerve System that controls literally a lot of the body functions that interface between the D2 Level, the Telluric Body, and the Mental Body. It used to be a different organ that was natural, and now it is not. Now it runs these currents. These run all these nasty little spiraling currents all the way around the body. It‘s an artificial electromagnetic field that is running around the body. It creates this nasty loop; instead of the big (exhale) outgoing lines and back in, all of this natural breathing, it creates this regurgitation system, and it feeds off whatever quantum was trapped in the Fetal Integration process. And when that quantum is gone, the body dies. And this circulation here is completely unnatural. It‘s part of this. It creates a NET Field, an artificial electromagnetic NET Field right around your body. Now these diagrams are ones that the Metatronic people are actually teaching us how it is supposed to be, so make your choice guys! But personally I prefer breathing instead of stationary, right. Yeah anyway, these are some of the things that it does in the body and to the body. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 4 19:40] One before that, please. Now there‘s another one. Get that off please for a minute. (Giggles) Thank you. No, that goes this way. A‘zah: Excuse me! The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 81 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

[Audio Track 4 19:49] [Graph DVD-2, C10 2:45:00]

A‘sha: I guess without the words it doesn‘t matter which way you put it. Still working on this but yeah, keep going, yeah, no, yeah, yeah, here we go! Right, alright no, right there, right! Thank you. Ok, now what this is going to be eventually is, this would be our natural structure of our Density Level, and then our D3, our D2, and our D1. What we are seeing here is, this mutation creates a split into what‘s called a Vesica Pisces phase-locked split on the D1 Level, on the D2 Level, and on the D3 Level. So we literally have these two unnatural spheres of energy that create the circulation of the Yin-Yang symbol, which is actually regurgitation of the same energy. It‘s actually about 2 same-spin sets of circles. This, we are locked into this. And the top one actually had its Penta-g‟el Flows still in the natural configuration with top up. This one has, the top has been twisted down and they are on reverse current, and they are squashed into, where they don‘t interact with each other with the top points of the stars going into the next field above. They are phase-locked as if there is something sitting on their head and blocking that flow. And that‘s why we can‘t remember our D2 Level of consciousness, and it can‘t remember the D3 Level, so all the parts of ourselves forget what we are a part of, and we are kind of like, adrift in these spaces of consciousness, sandwiched into this molecular structure. What this creates is, this one down here that has the upside-down star, actually creates, takes part of the natural GharE‟ energy that would come in from our center and twists it in reverse to create the Gharoche‟. The Gharoche‘ is not just our reversed GharE‘. It‘s once you reverse it, it pulls in unnatural Atomic Structures from the Planetary Grids and embeds them into your body. So you‘ve got, God knows who‘s karma stuck in your body. Whatever is floating around in the atmosphere, in literally the substance that the Earth is made out of, because there‘s been so many people buried on this Planet and left their bodies in Va-Bha‘-TE state. There‘s all sorts of, like let‘s say Va-Bha‘-TE looking for a home, right, that should have been released, went back to its original parent donation self but never did. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So we‘re actually taking on karmic imprints of everything that has been here. Yeah, so a lot of the karma that you have in your body isn‘t even yours! And it‘s held in your body by the part of your own Spirit Identity that‘s connected directly into your atoms, that has been put onto reverse and draws in artificial, unnatural things that‘s connected; again to the Vagus Nerve System and the other things that it is connected to, that allow other things bigger, who do want to come into your body, direct access to the Physical Body. The funny thing is---I love this about the smoking thing. We don‘t endorse smoking by the way. It‘s kind of like, it has been a tool for me. I smoke like a chimney. Why? Because I need it to keep clear fields! There are other ways to do it the more we build up the energy. I‘m not saying go out and smoke, but it creates astral mucous in the Field, which works like the little tin hats do, alright, where it makes a barrier, that where they are hitting you with psychotronics, it doesn‘t make them work as much, and that‘s why the Metratonic troops hate smoking, right! Whole world campaign at this point to stop smoking, right, it‘s not about ‗Oh, it‘s bad for your health!‘ It‘s ‗Oh, it‘s bad for your mind control‘, alright. Yeah, it‘s not great for your health. It does tax the system; I‘m not saying go out and smoke but I am saying, ‗Please have a little tolerance for smokers because maybe they are trying to keep themselves in body, and that right now, that is helping them at the moment until they can operate to where it‘s a better thing. Because, that‘s another thing that they like to, ‗Oh, how can you smoke? My God is telling me I should do this,‘ and that kind of stuff. Well whatever, go ahead, I‘m sure if you‘re doing Metatron, they are going to tell you not to smoke because it depends on getting psychotroniced all the time! (Applause) If you want to get your bodies back, you don‘t have to go out and smoke cigarettes. They are good in an emergency, where you feel something is coming in at you and you want to try to block it. We teach the techniques, that once you get these down and get these flows open in your field, you don‘t have to go grab a cigarette to do it. I have not had the luxury of running through all these techniques before I got the techniques through, so I had to make do with what was available, and yes it helped. Eventually yes, I‘ll quit because it does. It is hard on the lungs; it is hard for the body but it kept me in body, and other things that didn‘t belong here, out. So people who like to make judgments about smokers, especially the Metatronic whine crew, I‗m so tired of listening to that. And the disrespect toward other people; ‗Oh, I‘m so much better; I don‘t smoke. Oh, I‘m a vegetarian too I‘m sure,‘ right. Oh yeah, forgot vegetables have faces too. Anyway, you don‘t need to— (applause) sorry about that. And believe me, I‘m not endorsing smoking. It‘s a miserable habit. You cough a lot, and that kind of stuff. So the techniques are better for you than the cigarettes. But at least you have them to work with, where when I started, I didn‘t. And now I never I had time to sit down and work with myself personally, because I‘m always doing mad dash to the workshop and getting the next level of the transmission down for the next workshop and stuff. One of these days I will be able to sit down, amp with the techniques enough where I can quit smoking too, which I‘d like to do because I‘ll get my singing voice back, right. (Applause) So anyway, this split field is what we are having a problem with. It‘s 3-Dimensional Levels of the split. Each one of them is surrounded by a TiL-E‘a Sphere that doesn‘t look like our natural Kathara Grid structure TiLThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

E‘a Sphere. It looks like that nasty Daisy of Death pattern TiL-E‘a Sphere, where you‘ve got these nasty, (asphyxiating sound) phase-locked flowers all over the place, which we call the Daisy of Death, right, because they can‘t breathe. They are phase-locked. They can‘t phase. Their arcs can‘t go up and down and move. And we‘ve taught all this stuff for ages now about the difference between the Krystic and the anti-Krystic programs. And the Metatronic program is an anti-Krystic program. And that doesn‘t mean ‗Oh we just believe in good and evil.‘ No, we all came from the same place, we did; we still do. However, some people would prefer to ascend to get back Home instead of go be ‗Masters of the Universe‘ until they explode their little Universe and they go back Home as space dust. Either way, we all are going to go Home eventually. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 4 26:18] [Graph DVD-2, 2:51:15]

Now, this is messy, because I don‘t have time to make any of these fancy right now. Someday it‘d make a great picture book, all of them, if we ever got them cleaned up. Anyway, it‘s just showing our poor little— you know what‘s really strange is this diagram has something to do with a configuration somewhere in the English grids? Remember there was something about this shape. It‘s actually a symbol that‘s in one of the English grids that had to do with Albion. A‘zah: Yeah, Michael-Mary Line. A‘sha: Yeah. A‘zah: Albion is the old name. A‘sha: Albion is the old name for England, right, in Britain? I didn‘t know that! We got this in for the last workshop. We didn‘t know about any of that. They were telling us about the treaty, the new treaty of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Thothians and some of those coming in that don‘t want to be eaten by the White-Dragon-Red-Dragon-Falltotally thing. They are going to fall but they don‘t want to go that far, right. Our guys had said that they spelt it Al-ben-yhan, right, like A-l dash b-e-n dash y-h-a-n, I believe was the spelling. And then comes this pamphlet thing, from somewhere, that I think Sue sent it to us because she‘d found it. That was before she knew about the Al-ben-yhan Treaty or anything, right. She sent it to us right before the workshop; ‗Oh by the way, look at there‘s this like, grid-walking thing, that they‘re happening, and they are going to go like, activate the grids associated with this, and they call it The Wounded Giant,‘ isn‘t that sweet, alright? ‘Wounded’ indeed’! This is what our fields look like. This is what Earth looks like, Earth‘s fields, while it doesn‘t have like hands and things, but you get the idea. But the names were fascinating to me. The fact that the Treaty of Al-ben‟-yhan is what it‘s called, and this is called The Wounded Giant of Albion, the old name for England that‘s plugged into the Michael-Mary Line Grids and stuff, and so it‘s just like ‗Oh, another one of those coincidences‘, just like we got the coincidence when we got here, when ‗Oh by the way, there‘s another piece of the program. Here, read that‘! And Jared and Willa had given us this thing about this ‗Moment of Silence‘ and then ‗Global Healing Meditation‘ that‘s going to be done inviting every one (giggle), so the Beloveds wanted that on the program. So it‘s another one of those. It‘s always a little surprise that we find out right when the workshop starts. So this is the mess we‘ve got. We‘ve got the part of our field that is still running the—it‘s still squashed. It‘s not plugging into the Dimensional Levels like it should. It‘s a pentagram on the top, and it‘s got an upsidedown pentagram on the bottom. You can almost look at it, like we are split between Drak and Annu FA coding, because the Annu green ones would be this one, and the Drak would be the upside-down one. If we remember any of the stuff that we‘ve learned from Paxos, and stuff, when we talked about the Blue Sword of Archangel Michael on the Annu side, and then the Spear of Destiny on the Drak side, this would plug in. This one, the upside-down red one, would plug into the Spear of Destiny red grids that go with the Red Dragon teams that are now in cahoots and being taken over actually by the Whites. And this part would go with the Green Dragon teams. Neither of them are natural parts of our configuration, but they are what our body is phased-locked into now. When they get you to spin your Merkabas, what they are actually trying to do, is to get to the point where you get the bottom one spinning and the top one spinning. And it creates, you create a same-spin spiral set, and they bring them together into one, through this, right through here, right where your AzurA lives. Right, bring them together, compact the whole system together, get it on a 55-spin. And that‘s at the point where the whole harness field activates, and it can be rolled and taken elsewhere. ‗Oh, that‘s the point where you can go through gates!‘ Yes, gates that lead down into the Procyak Matrix! And they don‘t teach you any of that. They never teach you there‘s a difference. Of course they wouldn‘t. They are teaching the negative stuff. They are teaching the stuff that‘s trying to hurt you and anybody with a brain, when you see the difference, is not going to choose to do that to themselves. Anyway, next one, please. That‘s it? Ooh, ok. So what‘s showing you these is accomplished, this has gotten across to you the structures in the field, that have been distorted, that create that portion of our own twisted Spirit Body energy connected to our Matter Body that is called the Gharoche‟. And that twists a part of our Mana into being ManE which is a solidified, much more heavy, solid Matter Substance. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 159

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So we are literally, it‘s not just our own Spirit Body that is involved in the GharE‘. The GharE‘ gives that open invitation for other Elements to come into the body. Some of them fragmented; others of them very, very conscious about what they are doing. This is how the body snatches are done, and all of that. So this is the beginning, what we started. We‘ve been working to clear this for 10 years now, layer, by layer, by layer. And finally we are at the core layers that will get these Doors open and get these Axiatonal Lines back on-line, which means the chakras will get back on-line, which means the Auric Field levels will get back on-line, which means we will have the power in our bodies to begin getting rid of that stuff that doesn‘t belong in there setting free the parts of, God knows whose karma we‘ve picked up out of the Planetary Grids, just from weird little atoms bonding to us that shouldn‘t be. And we will be able to get the strength of our own GharE‘ back because the idea is to clear the—to be able to separate the GharE‘, the natural GharE‘ that is right now being—it‘s actually being like the bond that‘s holding together all the artificial stuff, our twisted piece, the Gharoche‘, to bring it back around so it‘s GharE‘ again, so we don‘t lose that GharE‘ quantum. And then that will set free the other stuff that doesn‘t belong there that is attaching to it so it, so it frees the Gharoche‘ part, takes back the GharE‘ that the Gharoche‘ was using to make itself, and that will bring the Mana back around. So instead of every time we breathe our bodies are manufacturing artificial components that are actually draining the heck out of our Mana Seed, our Zeion, where we end up with hitting the point of depletion where you can‘t bring it back around, it will begin the process of stopping that process in the body. The process will be slow; it will still be, every time we breathe. Why? Because we‘re on a Planet that you can‘t fix the grids to that level in, so we will always be, not fighting the Planet, but having to counter-balance ourselves with that. Our fields will always go back into reversal, then we‘ve got to bring them back again here, right. But it doesn‘t mean you have to do techniques for the next 20 billion years, 5 times a day, and like just quit your day job and live in a cave. It doesn‘t mean we have to do that. These activations are the most powerful. Every time we have a workshop the next level of activations are brought in. These we have been waiting for, for a long time, because these are the ones that finally give us direct access into the Physical Body. So, enough said as far as the technicals, so you understand what we‘re doing. We‘re going to open, and in this one tonight, we‘re going to open the GrU‟-al Window, the Holy Grail Window. That Window in the exercises tomorrow, after a couple of other things we need to do to get into the GrU‘-al State before we can do the opening of the Door, but tomorrow we will open and I think it‘s the 4th one, yeah the 4th one of the PSI techniques is the opening of the Doorway. And that‘s when we blend the D2 Window, the D3 Window, and it opens up the whole chute. It opens up the smaller Window of the D1 and the big one, the Jha-Dha Window of the astral connection so we get the whole pillar opened. And this will allow us to then use certain types of Aqua-Tone healings that we‘ll go into after that. We may be running those live. I don‘t know if I have time to type those up yet for you. But you will get the program of how to use what parts, of what, of these techniques that we are learning to keep the activations sustained without having to drive yourself crazy doing technique always, and always, and always. So there‘s a lot to go through from here, this is the 1 st. We have the preliminary techniques to get that D3 Window opened. Now it is time to get the D2 GrU‘-al or Grail Window opened, and that just begins the process of finally ending up and getting the whole set of Doors opened. And from that point we will be able The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 159

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to do a biological, Bi-location Slide, and we will be working with the Beloveds. When we go to the Keivas, I have a feeling we‘re going to pick up a connection with them, where they can start working with you more personally, where you can start getting the secured line more; so if they guide you, if they give you certain codes for your body, where you know you‘ve got a secure enough line where you can trust those, that kind of thing. So a lot to come, and I‘m going to disappear and go back up to Step 48, I think, in Technique 3 that we need tomorrow, right. Yeah, and then there is Part B to Technique 4. And then there‘s of course the four Aqua-Tone ones that I have to get down before I see you again. So I won‘t have the luxury of staying and getting this activated for me tonight. I‘ve got it on sub-harmonic run which is good enough.

[End of Disk 2] But I will hand you over to our dear beloved Az, technique man, (applause) and hope you‘ve enjoyed the workshop so far! At least you get to lay down for this one, right so if you fall asleep you don‘t fall off your chair! Alright I will give this to you. See you in the morning, bye! (Applause)

PSI Interactive Technique 2 Instructions [Audio Track 4 35:38] A‘zah I‘ve changed the approach to the next section, with the view to sending you to bed earlier instead of later, because reviewing the two techniques to come, there is just one particular section of the long one where if I don‘t talk to you and act a little bit on up here, it will cause mayhem when you lie down in there. I assure you. Ok, so all I‘m going to do is, I‘m going to take the section of the technique that I recognize could because difficulty, not necessarily for everyone but for some people it might be confusing. I don‘t want you to get lost in the middle of a very important technique. So I‘m going to run through just a chunk of the 2nd technique we‘re going to do tonight. Make sure that you understand it, and that is the only part that I have an anxiety about needing to do that. So instead of doing a read–through of both of them completely, and spend an hour doing it, and then spending another hour out there with you lying down, that isn‘t absolutely necessary. I‘m going to concentrate on the part that I need to, so we‘re going to do that here first, alright. So I don‘t want you to rush off into the next room quite yet. (A‘sha confers with A‘zah.) I know, sorry I‘ve worked through anyway. I‘ve actually done that technique at home. A‘sha: I was trying to get the diagram to show this. A‘zah: It‘s ok. It‘s alright. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 159

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A‘sha: But it‘s still like stuck on the grid like this. A‘zah: The way it was written, it drove me mad to begin with. Ok, before I go there though, because of several people who have approached both of us, but me mostly, and they have been talking about the canvases, and it‘s become clear to me that I‘ve not communicated to Tammy, and perhaps Mac, in as clearly as I should have done. So just give me just 2 minutes, and I‘ll deal with that. An idea was brought to us from the Australian office from Georgi and Mattie, a guy, and they were introducing what you see on the floor, which in fact, it is a canvass reproduction of extremely high quality, right, in multiple colors, not just the standard full process colors either. But we communicated by email; we asked a lot of questions, and originally we began by thinking that the beginning of the Adashi, because Ash and I operate a separate art thing that isn‘t doing anything yet. But we were going to, actually, have a gallery in Phoenix. And we commissioned this work and rather than pull out at an embarrassing moment as far as the Australians were concerned. Because we were then becoming aware of our being re-commissioned and being moved into resuming control of the GrU‘-al business from a Florida location, arrangements for others to assume stewardship of ShAlon were all in the works. There were a lot of things going on. And rather than upset anybody‘s apple-cart, we just continued to allow these things to be produced, and not really focusing much on it but thinking that, well maybe it could be something that members of the group would appreciate. So what I am doing is clarifying, first of all, the things that are on display are not our personal property anymore. There is an intention that they may become exhibition pieces, alright, but we haven‘t got the facility where we are going to go anymore, so the idea of them being used in that way is just squashed, alright. We have stolen one from ourselves because Ash and I funded these personally anyway, because it was just the way it was. And we‘ve really brought them in now as samples that you can touch, feel, gaze at, and whatever else. They are really there to show you what is possible, what is interesting, like the Mahadra, for example, being a perfect thing to put under your mattress, absolutely wonderful. And we will be doing the very same thing ourselves. We will be ordering one for that very purpose. But the thing is this, that they‘re there to stimulate an indication of interest, but through pre-ordering, alright. Georgi very kindly has offered to transport them before every workshop so that there aren‗t any shipping costs, because these are unique in the production process, out of 20 years work and development by a particular person in Australia, ok. They‘re not— A‘sha: What time can we start? A‘zah: I‘m going to finish now. I want to clear it now. I just want to clear this now. I am finishing, alright. Right, two more words. The ones on the floor are available for sale, and they are there to stimulate preorders. That‘s the end of what I wanted to say, thank you. (A‘zah confers with A‘sha.) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 159

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A‘zah: one more. Why don‘t you do the same topic? A‘sha: Well I‘m staying only for the reason of, when you‘re trying to explain this, I don‘t have a diagram but I got a body, so we can just show the flows. Point. A‘zah: Just stand still a minute. A‘sha: Ok, wait, I‘ve got to let them see my feet though. A‘zah: Ok, ok. A‘sha: Let me explain one thing before you start. A‘zah: Look, first of all, if you add a foot to that, you‘ve got 4 feet, alright. A‘sha: Ok, right. A‘zah: That, the top of this stick is 4 feet above Ash‘s head ok, so you know where 4 feet is, first of all. A‘sha: I just want to explain one thing that I didn‘t explain yet. We also, as we have the smaller flows, the Penta-g‘el, yeah it‘s a ‗g‘ with an accent mark ‗e-l‘ at the end, the Penta-g‟el Flow. We also have a big one that runs the body, and there are actually more than one. We have one that goes with the D2 Window. We have one that goes with the D3 Window. The D2 Window one is supposed to be counter-clockwise. So when we start opening the flows, and we literally have to, and I believe—and I hate the dyslexic part on this—you‘d have to read this to me, right. But I think it comes from the top down here, yeah, yes. Is it on this one or the other one? Yeah it goes, if you imagine that you have the big Pentagonal Flow, and it‘s in a circle, right, and if you‘re going to push it to, on the right direction, you‘d use the left hand pushing it this way and that will get it, in relation to your body going in a counter-clockwise flow, right. A‘zah: It‘s in the front of your body. If you stand outside and look back at yourself, it‘s going counterclockwise. A‘sha: Yeah, right ok. A‘zah: Not counter-clockwise like a Merkaba spin. A‘sha: No, no, this a vertical— A‘zah: We‘re talking about this plane. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 159

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A‘sha: And you actually have what looks like a pentagonal— A‘zah: I‘m not talking about that one. A‘sha: Spinning, where its top starts to go down this way, right, and then comes down by your feet, and then comes back up this way, and there is a point where you use the breath. I believe, what do we do, we exhale down, and inhale up, where you end up going, exhale down as the point is spinning down and then inhale back up. I want to explain this because that was driving me nuts, yeah, yeah! And fortunately we don‘t have to do the other technique that has to do with opening the Door because then you have to get the one going in the other direction going. And there is a point where you get them both going in opposite directions and start to activate the fields. So I just wanted to be like the Vanna White character here, right. (Participants chuckle) You can point, once you read that, and just point; use me as the diagram I don‘t have, right. The diagram is going to look like a person, like this right, where you see where the flows go, and so— A‘zah: But I need that but you need to do the actions, right. A‘sha: Yes. A‘zah: I get denied so many opportunities to enjoy myself…instead (Participants chuckle). Now then, what you will hear, ok, and this is the bit that I wanted to make really clear. We just get into it, initially, exhale firmly, using the breath to push a pale Aqua Living Water Spark from the AzurA Water Seed upward to the top point of your 3-Dimensional Pentagonal Grail Window, and into your D3 TE‘a-Wha Window to free the organic counter-clockwise spin of the D2 Telluric Physical GrU‘-al Radial Body with its inherent D2 Penta-g‘el Circulation. Inhale, focusing your attention upon the top point of your 3-Dimensional Pentagonal Grail Window 48 feet above your head. Participants: 48 inches. A‘sha: Inches. A‘zah: 48 inches. A‘sha: 4 feet. A‘zah: Up there. (Participants chuckle) A‘sha: You‘ve got the Window coming down here this way. Then you have the Pentagonal Window inside of it. A‘zah: And while you‘re doing all of that, hold the breath at the top of the inhale now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 159

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Now this is where it gets a little tricky. Raise the left arm, fully extend it over your head, then exhale forcefully while using the left hand on extended arm, to push over the head toward the right in synchronization with the release of the exhale to manually set the D2 Telluric Physical GrU‘-al Radial Body and Penta-g‘el Circulation into organic counter-clockwise spin while keeping the D2 GrU‘-al 3-Dimensional Pentagonal Grail Window stationary. A‘sha: The Window stays still around you but the Pentagonal goes, umm? (Participant comments) A‘zah: No, we said— A‘sha: In relation to your own body that— A‘zah: That the thing that I would have said to you anyway whether you want to argue about whether this clockwise or counter-clockwise is correct, the way that you are moving this, is you‘re moving it from the left to the right. That is what you need to do. A‘sha: If you are a clock, your body is the clock. This is the face of the clock. This is 12. This is 3. This is 9. That is 6. You are moving it from 12, to 9, to 6, to 3. That is counter-clockwise, ok. If you‘re going to look at a clock, you would see it running backwards, right. That‘s counter-clockwise spin. Same way when we do the other one, if we want clockwise we would actually—oops, I‘m sorry, this is counter-clockwise when you do it this way because it would be coming down this way and back around. You are the clock. That‘s the difference, ok. When we want it the other way, you‘d use the right hand and push it to the left, right? To get the clockwise, so that‘s the difference there. It helps to think ‗I am the clock,‘ right? A‘sha: There‘s another part in here that you really should go over is, from right foot, to what foot, to who, to where? A‘zah: I know, I know, I know. So this goes on. So can we just get used to just a very simple shift in the way that we think about rotation. In this stage we‘re looking at ourselves as if we were a clock. We‘re outside of ourselves looking back at ourselves, and the direction is, as if we were looking at a clock on the wall, alright. That‘s all, nothing to get uncomfortable about. A‘sha: Same way we‘re looking at Kathara Grids. A‘zah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the thing is, when you‘re in there doing this, you‘re going to be rotating this: from your left, head, and down to the right, and down to the next point of focus which would be your right foot, ok. Now when the top point, which began 48 feet— The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 159

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A‘sha: No. (Participants chuckle) A‘zah: Glad you‘re paying attention. The point is up there, ok. So you get it going, and it comes around and you‘re feeling it, see/feeling it, and it comes to the right foot. Things happen when it gets there. Now when the top point of the slowly counter-clockwise rotating D2 Penta-g‘el Star reaches the position of the right foot, inhale quickly upward from below the feet using that breath to draw the top point of the bottom-facing D2 Penta-g‘el Star, and that just means bottom-facing means the point that was up there is now down here, ok, so the bottom-facing D2 Penta-g‘el Star rapidly upward. So you use the breath to (inhale) and what you‘re doing is continuing the rotation of it, right. A‘sha: Right, it starts spinning it faster. A‘zah: So, it‘s prescribing a huge circle around you and you‘re using the breath to move the Penta-g‘el, and to build the momentum of it. Later there‘ll be 12 breaths where we charge it, and increase the speed of it. As it passes the right foot, alright, we‘ll count that, and I‘ll come to it in a little bit. But that‘s essentially the bit I knew would be tricky, alright. And then we just repeat 3 more of these same breaths ok, exactly as we‘ve done just now, exhale down, right and inhale up, left. So you exhale, inhale and exhale, and you‘re pushing it down, and when it gets to the right foot you inhale and pull it up. Ok, so it comes back to its position. You repeat that breathing, exhale and inhale, and exhale and inhale, right. That is really all it is, but if I read it straight off the page—(A‘sha giggles) A‘sha: Well, I was hoping I‘d have time to get diagrams done, but there was no time to get the diagrams done and come down here…all this stuff, right, this and that, and this, the next hard part coming. A‘zah: Well, when we‘re all accustomed to thinking about what is clockwise and counter-clockwise mean, you know it sounds like trouble the minute we change— A‘sha: It‘s just like saying what is left and what is right, depending on if you‘re talking about you‘re looking at it or as you, right. You get that mirror reversal. Anyway, I just to want get that. I want to do the last part so I can get back up and finish my diagram. A‘zah: This is the part that we‘re both talking about now because we‘ve had the benefit of working with this for a few days. A‘sha: You did. A‘zha: I did. A‘sha: I haven‘t yet….

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A‘zah: This is the part that is called ‗Amplifying the Spin Speed‘ and it really is simple if you just stick to the principles that we‘re talking about; this one here. A‘sha: No, that‘s not the problem. A‘zah: You know about the ‗Power of 12‘ business? A‘sha: No, you can do it with that. A‘zah: It‘s after here, not but not before that. A‘sha: No, it isn‘t. It‘s when you‘re activating the Pentagonal Flows. The Pentagonal Flows I‘m sure— A‘zah: What‘s difficult about that? A‘sha: Uh, it could be helpful to see it demonstrated. A‘zah: Well, I didn‘t see anything difficult in it. A‘sha: This part. This part, just run them through, I would have had a diagram. That‘s where the diagram goes. A‘zah: Really? A‘sha: I haven‘t had a chance to do diagrams, right. A‘zah: Excuse us a minute. (Participants chuckle) A‘sha: Right. A‘zah: Ok, demonstration forthcoming. Then we can finish. A‘sha: You can go over that too, but this is the one that I wanted to be here to— A‘zah: You know, you told me about it before. Inhale upward. A‘sha: You don‘t have to read that part. A‘zah: Why? A‘sha: I want you to read just the flows. It starts, where it goes to from the top to what foot, then to what hand, then to the other hand, then to which foot, and then…. A‘zah: Yeah, it would be better, and this is the one where I said it would be better to have the hands up in this position too, because you‘re going to push it from straight across the body. You don‘t want your hands down here…. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 159

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A‘sha: Yeah, you can hold them here. A‘zah: It would be clearer, right? A‘sha: Basically, the flows you are activating are like this, but you don‘t have to stand like this, right. It will activate that level of the Pentagonal Flows. A‘zah: Even so, but if you like the direct feeling of physically being involved when you push from one palm to across the body to receive in the other, then if you want to have your hands up here you can. A‘sha: You don‘t push without the breath stuff and when it happens— A‘zah: Yes ma‘am! A‘sha: Yeah. (Participants chuckle) A‘zah: Next inhale this pale Aqua Living Water System Stream upward at a slant. What directions? A‘sha: The parts that only refer to—it starts at the top, right, goes to where next? Forget the breathing. Forget the colors, whatever. Just to get the flow and where the lines go. A‘zah: I started there: ‗Inhale upward‘; I began there. A‘sha: Yeah, but you don‘t need to talk about the inhales or anything. A‘zah: I don‘t? A‘sha: No. Start at the top, right. We‘re just trying to draw the diagram in 3D. A‘zah: Ok. A‘sha: There‘s a part where the inhale involves this, the exhale involves, do this, that. A‘zah: You mean the next step: this one? A‘sha: Just where you start to draw the line. A‘zah: Exhale a pale Aqua Living Water Stream down at this hand? A‘sha: Yeah. A‘zah: Ok, that‘s only 12 words afterwards. (Participants chuckle) A‘sha: Well, it‘s this section. What I‘m trying to get is just the picture, ok, where they see it starts there. It slants down to what foot? It slants up the other, that‘s all. I‘m sorry but I‘m getting pushed…. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 94 of 159

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A‘zah: Metatron, you only bite. Go on, son! (Participants laugh) Exhale a pale Aqua Living Water Stream downward at a slant from the D3 TE‘a-Wha Window 72 inches or 6 feet above and behind your head, through the top point of your 3-Dimensional Pentagonal Grail Window 48 inches or 4 feet directly above your head, to the small chakra in the ball of your right foot. A‘sha: So you actually bring it down at, from the D3 Window at a slant but to the right foot. What you‘re drawing is a Pentagonal Flow through your body, right. So it‘s coming down from behind. This one is coming down from a bit behind but at a slant to your right foot, right. Now, the next bit. A‘zah: It‘s slanting like this one? A‘sha: It‘s a pentagram. Try it. Not pentagram but pentagonal slant. It’s just a star. A‘zah: Ok. (Participants chuckle) A‘sha: But if this one goes counter-clockwise. It starts coming down from the top, let‘s put it easy, and goes to the right foot, right. And then from the right foot, it‘s going to come up to the left hand. From the left hand it will go over to the right hand. From the right hand it would go down to the left foot. And from the left foot it will go back up, yeah. So simply, that‘s what I was trying to get across, because I know that can be like, when you‘re here in the middle of it with breathing, and this in color, and that in color, and go ‗Oh my God, where am I?‘ right. You‘re simply drawing a star. And in this counter-clockwise one for the D2 Level, it will start over here from the point to the right foot, and left hand, then right hand, then left foot, then up. And when we do, tomorrow, the other level where you bring the 2 together, the D3 Level and the D2, you have one going in the opposite direction as well as its spin, so it gets like ‗Oh my God!‘ right. So this one, it‘s only one you have to deal with, and it‘s the one that goes counter-clockwise that is considered a counter-clockwise flow, but you are the star, is basically what it is. And that‘s the point I wanted to get clear because I know, because as they were telling me this I‘m going ‗What? Oh God, we need diagrams!‘ I need a scribble diagram just to try to get what they were saying. So we haven‘t had time to do the diagrams yet. I‘ll try to get them on before this has to go to print so you have these to take home, but if not remember what it is: you are the star, and for the left one, it starts just like the spin does. It goes—I mean for the counter-clockwise one it goes first down to the right, just like the spin of the thing. You push over to the right to make the counter-clockwise sweep of the spin, ok. I‘m going now! Have a very good one. (Applause) I love you. Thank you. A‘zah: I do appreciate your help with that. A‘sha: I‘m glad. (A‘zah chuckles)

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 159

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A‘zah: Anyway, so there you are. Now then, comfort break for 10, I mean 5—bids on 5, bids on 10? We need to let the boys get the camera set up and you need your radio stuff, your ear pieces and things, so you can hear in there. A‘sha: Is it possible, a break would be good. They want to get this moving before Metatron does. A‘zah: Yup, ok, it‘s chop chop! A‘sha: Once these are open— A‘zah: Look honey, I don‘t want to stay up half the night. Asha: I know, I know you don‘t. A‘zah: Right. A‘sha: Yeah. (End of Audio Track 4 0:54:48)

Saturday Night Technique Sequence [D3 C2 0:19:55] See Sliders 2 Handbook for technique sequence. Technique 1: Activating the Grail Window Part 1: Opening the Grail Window Part 2 A-F: Activating the Grail Window

Sunday Morning Global Healing Event 1 [D3 1:02:43] The Hour of Requiem – Calling of the 6 Directions & the Host of Al-ben’-yhan – International Day of Peace – Fall Equinox See Sliders 2 Handbook for Song order and lyrics.

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PSI-Interactive Technique 2 Introduction [AudioTrack 8, D3 C9 2:18:43] A‘sha Hello, hello everybody! Thank you for your flexibility on time. We literally had just got done with the last two pages of Technique 3. It runs 70 steps. That‘s a record. I think that‘s the longest technique we have ever, ever had and they‘re all to be run together, right? So, that‘s going to be a long one, but before we can do Technique 3, we need to do the one I‘ve been looking forward to because this one is so fun. They showed me what this is like and what it‘s supposed to do. This one we‘re going to end up having to go in there to do it and we‘re going to break up into groups of six. Like, you don‘t have to be too far away from the other group of six or whatever, but like smaller kind of study groups of six people with like two, three pairs of two so you each have a partner because certain parts of it you need to work with a partner. Now, this technique is, it‘s actually a therapy that is very, very useful in like therapeutic, even clinical senses if they would try it. Maybe it will go there someday. But, it has several purposes. The most important purpose, it‘s not even written on there, they told me about is, the technique we do after this, the real long one, is about getting into the GrU‘-al space and being able to merge with your GharE‘ and set the GharE‘ free, all right. To be able to do that, right now we have the Gharoche‘, the twisted part of our GharE‘. It actually forms a net, just like the frequency fence net, running through our bodies. This technique will fight sound with sound. Sound and motion with sound and motion, so, there‘s some very funny things that we‘re going to be doing that are meant to get the emotional energy moving up, meant to get the whole body involved, meant to get the whole structure and the GharE‘, to wake up the GharE‘ and give it a chance to start expressing it‘s voice through the body, because usually the Gharoche‘ keeps it silenced and this is the beginning of having, of being able to shake up the GharE‘ enough so we‘re able to do the next technique. And also, at the end of this we get a very important thing. It‘s called the GharE‟ Tone. There‘s a particular set of tones that will come as a result of doing this and that is the tone you need to be able to go into the next, to the long technique. The long technique is one of those lay down ones and, hopefully, people will stay awake. It‘s worth staying awake for. There are, oh, at the end of this I forgot something. Oh, do you have it down here? (A‘sha discussing off mic with Az) There‘s a thing we need at the end of this that I forgot to bring down. It‘s a cd. Az: I‘ve got my turn in a quarter of an hour. A‘sha: Bless him. That is a long technique, oh my god. Az: I thought about all you have to do with this. I just wiggle you see? A‘sha: Oh, OK. Az: In the spirit of the technique. A‘sha: Yes, in the spirit of the technique. This is, we almost got a little bit of this in a more controlled and mundane way this morning, this afternoon when we did the requiem but this is called Phase Toning. Now, there are specific phases of actions, sounds and motions that we do that do what I had explained. It brings The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 159

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the GharE‘ up progressively. It‘s meant to be felt. This is a let loose party. It‘s almost like the Azurite version of rave with nice tones and things like that, you know? And it‘s meant…it‘s extremely important. So many of us hold our bodies just very tight. We‘ve tried to tune them out as much as possible and go, whatever, you know, and just focus your mind and be that way. To get back in touch with the body is the first step in being able to get back into Elemental Command relationship with the body, so it is important. So, for people that go, ―oh I don‘t want to do that,‖ you get, that‘s the ego mind, right, with the influence of the Gharoche‘. The Gharoche‘ does not want you to do this because it will shake the Gharoche‘ loose from the GharE‘ to allow the GharE‘ to pull itself out. This is why, and I haven‘t ever studied any of the other toning type therapies, but when, there are different therapies out there that people have, that doctors have and stuff, that they do use toning therapy for certain types of conditions, from psychiatric conditions to, sometimes health, physical health conditions and they have certain theories, whatever they are. I don‘t know what their theories are of what they do and why they work but our guys know what they do and this is, they said the phase toning is more important than the other types of toning as far as, if you‘re not phase toning, you‘re not reaching the GharE‘. You can tone to death at the chakras and all that stuff and you can get a little bit of result but it‘s still bouncing off the Gharoche‘. These type of toning exercises is where you really let, it‘s almost like primal scream therapy. In fact, there was a screaming part but we‘re going to have to make it the silent scream because we‘ll have the police here if, at this hour of the night 150-200 people screaming their heads off at the hotel. So, we can do the silent scream part. The idea is to get the energy built up to reach that energy of your GharE‘ in your body so that the things that you see listed down at the bottom here, first like Moaning and Rocking. This is where we just start to get the GharE‘ to speak, just start to get it up. And you don‘t just go, (makes moaning sound) OK, I‘m done with that. I‘m going to number two. No, you have to sit with them and be with them a while and you do it with a partner. Doesn‘t matter if you know the person or not, it‘s just, where you do it (demonstrates moaning – then audience laughter). That‘s only the first one. Next one, we have Self-Language. This is where the body has its own language and everybody‘s is different. This one is absolutely hilarious. It‘s letting the emotional body speak. It‘s called Emo-GibberSpeak and Signing. Emo-Gibber speak would be like, and you‘d have two people doing it where they actually take turns speaking the same language. So, one will start and go (demonstrates Emo-Gibber speak) and the other goes (Emo-Gibber). Let the body move. Let it sound. Let it do funny stuff and let it laugh too. Laughter is healing because of this. It shakes up the GharE‘. So, we‘re going to have a little bit of (Emo-Gibber), doing that for a bit. Next, this one is going to be real fun but we have to tone it down just a little. The Directed-Scream and Flailing, (demonstrates – audience laughter) for a while. Not just ahh, did it once. No. Ahhhhh, this type of stuff. Getting the emotional energy which is part of your GharE‘ up and moving in the body and connecting with the 3D mind. This is the first, this is all very important, even though it looks funny and all that, it is funny. It‘s very healing and therapeutic. When they just ran me through, because I‘m saying, you do what? They‘re going, moan. Ugh. No, and they went ummm in my head. And I go, ugh-ah-ugh, right? Oh! So they walked me through each of these things and this is one with the sounds. We‘re not doing too much yet. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 159

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And we‘ve got Laughter and Bouncing. That‘s when we do the hahahahaha, ha, haha, ha, ha,ha, and it gets so stupid that eventually you do really start laughing and, of course, you‘re bouncing too. And you‘re doing this, it could be sitting on the floor but some of these will be sitting, some will be standing, I don‘t know if any of them will be lying down, but, we get into the laughter and bouncing thing. So, it‘s actually moving the energy in different ways. First, it‘s letting the pain level out with the moaning and rocking. It‘s a very therapeutic level. Then there‘s, under the pain there was a reason for it and your emotional body will tell you (Emo-Gibber). Oh, OK. You need to let it speak, all right? Then, the directed scream lets the rage that‘s under all that to come out. Then, then it becomes funny. Then it‘s like all that negative muck is released and you go into the, all right, all right. That‘s not too bad. Yeah. (snicker sound) Yeah. And usually there‘s something silly that happens that when you try to make yourself laugh you usually can‘t. But there‘s usually something that will happen or somebody will do something and it starts, and especially in a group if you hit just a little bit of spark in the group and a couple of people (making sounds) and everybody laughs for a while, hopefully it will move into that if we have enough synchronization with our own selves and with the whole group we may actually get a really good laugh therapy session out of it as well. Then, we go into Two Syllable Comfort Tones so all this brought, it got rid of the pain levels, let the body speak, let the primal scream stuff out and not just with sound, with movement that goes with it so it goes right through the body cells and all of that and you move as much as you can and that kind of thing. I mean, you don‘t have to like flail around and hurt yourself, something that extreme but then, you have two syllable comfort tone repetitions and rocking and swaying and bouncing. This is where you start taking it back down again. All right, you‘ve got the pain off, you‘ve got the frustrated energy out, you‘ve got the layers of the Gharoche‘ temporarily off you so now you can go back into almost like rocking yourself like you‘d rock a baby. The soothing stuff will come out and the body will know its tones. There are no tones that we say, here, you tone this or you tone that. Each one of your bodies will have it‘s own set and by working in pairs in like a little bit larger group, because sometimes you can decide to switch off if you want to, but in working in pairs you have another person that‘s actually listening to you and talking back to you in that language and you do the same for them. You take turns with it. It‘s much more healing and it helps amplify to help get more of it out of you. These are going to be part of the therapies once we get the official, like the full set of techniques that are going to end up actually being part of spa technology stuff. It‘s going to be stepped down in a way that they can be used. This would be like the beginning of a Hydro-Acoustic Session where you put them into the tubs after that, put people into the tubs after that to do the soaks and get the, there‘s certain things we would do with the, actually we‘re designing certain specialized tubs that, they‘re kind of like a version of a hot tub but they don‘t exactly work like a hot tub where actually the person, your facilitator actually gets in the water with you, in bathing suits of course, and the person lays down and they get the therapy actually done on them in the water and there‘s certain things that we‘re going to use like a sound with the water as well. So, this would be the part you do before that because they were showing us how to design, like, all right, what type of space do you need to give one of these healings? They said you basically need two rooms. You need a tub room and then you need a separate room with a mat in it. I said, a mat? They said you could put a massage table over in the corner too if you wanted to but you need a mat. I said, OK, we‘re doing something on the floor? Yeah. What? You‘ll see. This has something to do with what you do on the floor. You would actually encourage, a facilitator would be taught to encourage the person to bring this out. They‘d explain why and they would start bringing it out and as soon as they got some moans from them, the facilitator would start talking back to the other one, moaning, and in their same language, same The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 159

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tones. And that would change it and then it would, people who are willing to work that way for self healing would get a lot of benefit out of that so this is part of what is going to be the official technology but we‘ve never done it, never done it before at all. I‘ve done a little bit of it when they were showing me how to do what? We get down into the comfort tones. These would be two syllables where the other ones they can have whatever they want, they‘re just coming out. Then you start to control the wave because what you‘re doing is releasing a wave of energy. Part of the wave of energy, the first part that comes off will be the Gharoche‘ energy and then the part underneath it is where the GharE‘ starts to be able to come up and to relax and to speak. And then, once it does, you begin to move it into a calmer, more directed space, so, you give it the two syllable frame. So, a two syllable tone would be like, one syllable would be like ah, ah, ah, uh, duh, um, eh, doesn‘t matter what, that‘s one. But two would be like uh-ah, uh-ah-uh, no, that‘s three. Uh-ah, uh-ah, that kind. Or um-umm, it doesn‘t have to be ah‘s either. It could be om‘s, it could be grrs, it could be whatever. You can growl, I mean, whatever the body wants to do but it would be two of them instead of one tone. Then that goes, and that you do swaying, rocking and bouncing and that‘s pretty much sitting down so you‘re not like, you don‘t have to sway, rock and bounce all over and fall down type stuff. This is so you can, you sit down with this one and just kind of sway and rock and bounce a little bit on the floor, just sitting on the floor or on a chair just to release it and still keep the movement going because you‘re moving the Kundalini when you‘re doing that. You‘re keeping the Kundalini currents moving and that helps that wave come out. And then we would go into the Three and Four Syllable Communicative Tone Repetitions. So if you had the two syllables like ah-uh, ah-uh and you‘re like doing this you‘re going to sound like birds at that point, just like, sound like those birds in the tropical forest, aw-ahh, aw-ahh, aw-ahh, aw-ahh (audience laughter). Think about the tones that communicate with it. You can hear it in places like Florida and stuff. You hear these wild, neat sounds (makes bird sounds) and they‘re the same sounds, they repeat to each other the same tones so we‘re going to be kind of like doing bird talk there. We get into the three and four syllables you got, first you like do three, like aw-ah-uh, no, uh-ah-uh (continues on with these sounds) and it‘s not just one, it‘s not just one tone without inflection. You can use the same tone but give it the inflection, the emotional inflection. It opens up a whole new layer of communication between you and your body and between your conscious mind and your body conscious mind so that‘s why they‘re doing this, teaching us this. Then we get into these. If that weren‘t bad enough and wild and weird enough, we get into the Aahs and Shakes. Ahs and shakes are interesting, can you hold this for a minute please darling? Can you hold this for a minute, please? I can‘t do ahs and shakes with a mike. (Ash demonstrates ahs and shakes with audience laughter) The next one is Low Hums and Leg Drums. This is done sitting down. You can sit on the floor or on a chair and you say hummmm, and while you‘re doing hummmm, can you hold this please? Hummmm (Ash begins drumming on her legs) Let the rhythms come out. (Some parts inaudible) It‘s actually breaking up some of the convolutions of the GharE‘ energy that‘s in the body structure. You‘re actually using a form of thought. Then you move it further into Higher Hums and Body Drums. Az: As a matter of thoughtfulness we‘ve arranged not to put the camera on you when you do this, OK? (audience laughter) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 159

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A‘sha: Right. Right, we won‘t be filming. We‘ll just be doing the audios on it. Just for an example because we‘re eventually going to do a video with people that don‘t mind being facilitators that want to do a facilitation video or something, but we‘re not going to film you while you‘re doing this. I don‘t even like the fact that I‘m being filmed doing it but, hey, whatever. Everyone thinks I‘m weird anyway. The higher hums and body drums are next and that‘s where if you were going (makes humming sound) before, you jump it up a notch. You go (hums in higher tone) and you start doing the body thing and it hits certain spots. You start with down here and you kind of do a rolling, here, excuse me, whatever rhythm you want. You actually move the energy with the drumming on the body. Let your body set the rhythm. If you want it slow, let it be slow. Let your body teach you what rhythm it wants and it will change every time you do one these sessions, you‘ll get completely different tones. So you don‘t have to remember your GharE‘ tone. Every time you would do this exercise you would get a different set of tones because your body is a dynamic being. Its consciousness is dynamic. It changes from one moment to the next and therefore its tones change. Even the GharE‘ tone would sound different from one day to the next so you don‘t have to worry about remembering it and recording it because if I ever forget my GharE‘ tone, oh no. It will give you a new one every time you run the exercise and it comes from you, but the tone comes at the end, the big, the GharE‘ tone comes at the end. And, after we do the higher hums and body drums then there‘s Hyper-Breath and Bootie-Shakin‟. (audience laughter) And these would be more shallow, rapid breaths and shaking your bootie. (Ash demonstrates) And you‘d then stop for a little bit and then go…(Ash demonstrates again) again, or several rounds of it, that kind of thing. Then, the last one before we get into the stillness, we have the Hypo-Breath and Mime Stretch. That‘s where you put it all in slow motion where you do this slow, deep breathing and slow motion movements, that kind of thing. And remember you‘re doing this with a partner which really helps because you‘re cracking, if you laugh during this it‘s OK. It is all right. That‘s natural, that‘s part of the GharE‘ coming up and so it‘s not something that‘s bad. It‘s meant to be enjoyed. That joy is something that helps the GharE‘ come up. The GharE‘ is bringing the joy up. The GharE‘ brings the joy up. So, because we have a lot to cram in between now and dawn, we‘re going to get going with this one right after, by the end though, in the last one you find the stillness. This is when you just stop it all, go very quiet, breathe at a slow but natural rhythm and just listen inside and experience the silence and the stillness after all that motion and commotion. It puts you in an interesting state just a little bit, only like for 4 seconds they had me do each one so I knew what they were talking about and I felt completely different. I felt much better actually. By the end I was like, oh, oh thanks guys. Boy, that would be really cool to really do it and not just go OK, do it and then do what next, yeah. So, we‘re going to do this one because the next one that we will do, Az is going to run Technique 3, bless him. At this point I‘m so tired looking at Technique 3 I could scream. It‘s been three days of straight transmission on that one but it is a wonderful technique. It‘s an activations technique but it takes you on a lovely, wonderful, wonderful journey into your body consciousness and it literally takes you down and this is why it‘s so long. It takes you in stages and moves the consciousness down deeper and down deeper, moving you into the alpha type state where you can find and first hear the voice and then merge with the GharE‘ and reclaim your GharE‘ and then move your GharE‘ for the first time out, part of it not all of it, part The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 159

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of it out of the atomic structure and into the natural station of consciousness it was supposed to be in, in the first place which was in the opened Grail Door. The process of bringing the GharE‘ through into the Grail Windows areas that we already will have activated, that we have activated, will actually start the process of opening the full Grail Door set and we‘ll finish that in the 4th technique as far as opening the door, but we actually get the GharE‘ through with us. We blend our consciousness and we‘re blending it as our D3 and our D2 consciousness. They were always supposed to be able to travel and blend. It gives us a space, first of all it frees the GharE‘. The GharE‘ in our bodies, since feel integration, was locked because those windows and doors were closed so the GharE‘ could never move into its natural station of consciousness in the window areas around the body and this is going to free the GharE‘ to do that and you‘ll be with the GharE‘ when it happens and it also gets us into the space of being able to do what‘s called a Look Back View. Once you get into this space you can look back at the body and you won‘t just see the dot matrix stuff that we‘ve talked about that‘s on the AdorA side that‘s our, where you can see our infrasound template that holds us together here, where you can see it in light. We‘ve always had to flip over to the AdorA side to do that. This place, this GrU‘-al or Grail state is right in between the two so you can just look back at the body and it lights up and it, so you don‘t have to flip over and try to see the dot matrix or any of that. It is the direct core programming center of the Hydro-Acoustic Body, the Density 1 Hydro-Acoustic Body and it is from there that all of the other Aqua Tone techniques will be run in the future, getting into that space. Then, what you see the body looks like, first of all it looks like it‘s made of bright white light but it still has the shape of itself but it‘s all like geometric forms and all sorts of live, wild things moving all over it, dancing all over it and you can learn to interact directly. Take out forms that feel or look wrong that don‘t belong there. Colors that don‘t…move them and put something that does belong there back in. It‘s also the place where you can plant direct manifestation very, very easily without having to drop it up and drop it down and all that kind of stuff that we have to do at this time to use the materialization techniques. So, this is a whole new level that we‘re opening tonight. So, this is the first stage. Second stage is the long one that Az will run and then you‘ll get a break, like 15 minute break for bathroom or to wake up again after the real long one and then he‘ll go right back into the first part of the 4th technique. And the 4th technique is just finishing opening of the Grail Door, the full door. We started the opening actually with 3 but it doesn‘t talk about that much but it‘s the full opening and getting the flows going in the Grail Door in 4. There‘s a second part to 4. We won‘t have it type set but I‘m going to get how to, they‘re going to show me how to do it. They said it‘s not very long. I‘m open, but, once we get all those things done it shows us how to set the counter rotating fields in motion where we have the D2 and the D3 level, one spins one direction, one spins the other, and that‘s what begins to make us where we are able to begin, first of all, the bi-location type slide. And they‘re going to, I think they‘re going to teach us that part of it right before or as we‘re going into the Journey to the Keivas, so we‘re actually going to use those activated fields to go on that journey and that‘s going to be a first too. We‘ve never done one with the Pentagonal Flows and the doors and windows open before so this ought to be interesting. But, we‘ve got to start with waking up the GharE‘ and getting some of the Gharoche‘ off of us and that‘s going to be this so we‘ve got to move out there for this, and if you can, just kind of like with yourselves, move yourselves into groups of three people where you you‘ll pair off in twos in that group and then you can switch off sometimes if you want to. What? (A‘sha and Az discuss)

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

A‘sha: Alrighty, so, I hope you will enjoy this. I hope this becomes as fun as it could be. It will also wake us up enough to not go totally asleep by the time we get into the next technique.

Sunday Afternoon/Evening Technique Sequence See Sliders 2 Handbook for technique instructions.

[D4 C1 0:00:00] 1. Technique 2 ―I Am THE VOICE‖ Phase Toning

[D4 C6 1:10:29] 2. Technique 3 ―Entering the Grail (GrU‘-al) State‖

[D5 C1 0:04:34] 3. Technique 4 ―Opening the Grail Door‖

Sunday Night/ Monday Morning Lecture [Audio Track 15] A‘sha [D5 C4 0:39:41] …on your toes, on the tops of your toes. Whether we‘ll be sitting down or kind of sprawled on the floor, but I think sitting down will be all right for most people. And if it‘s not, if you have a problem with bending over that far or something, you can well, you can actually sit on the floor here if that works better for you or we‘ll find some alternative if there‘s somebody that has any problems like that. But, I‘m just amazed and thrilled actually because when I went up, not only did the Technique 4, part 2…thankfully they‘re running that one live. It‘s not a very long technique, but it‘s getting the fields spinning, right, and that activates the whole Penta-gor‟-ian Circulatory System. So you get the fields spinning in counter-rotation and that is what begins to make you be able to fly, at least into the Bi-location state now. And later that will be, once the spin speeds pick up and the RaSha Level is activated, that will be what allows the body to go into a Translocation state, getting the fields spinning in counter-rotation, a natural counter-rotation. So, we…I figured, ―Oh God, I have to get that one down.‖ Then I have no idea what the four Techniques are for, right, the Aqua-Tone system thing. I know what the titles are. I don‘t know what they are, right. I‘m going, ―Oh my God, we‘ll be here ‗til next Tuesday, not this one, next one.‖ And then, of course, there was the Daily Grail Program that needed all those techniques done, right, so you could say which ones went where and what you do how often. So I kind of went up going, ―Oh boy, here we go.‖ (Laughs.) And like we have a dawn appointment at the beach. We don‘t have to be exactly at dawn but as close to it as possible. So I was saying, ―I don‘t know how this is going to happen.‖ It took three days to get Technique 3 in, right (chuckles), alone, and I was amazed; it happened. They gave the summary of the techniques, for the four Techniques. We‘re going to go through how to use them here, so if want to take notes or something you can do that. But, these are the two sheets we weren‘t The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 159

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able to get printed because they shut, the office is shut. But, they will be emailed to you or snail mailed to you if you need them. But you will get the set of the four Techniques. We‘ll go over them here and do them once here as a Practicum so we know how to do them. And (loud noise)…we‘re about to get run over by an air conditioner it sounded like (chuckles). Anyway, and because I was given those and enough to where I know how to run them, so we can run them together, and then you will get the sheet that just reminds you of the steps to do, right. And, because you practiced them you should be able to do that without having 500 pages of explaining every step and that way. So we‘ve got that. And because that‘s given, we were able to get also the Daily Grail Program. And it‘s a one-sheeter that gives you the Daily, the—I think Bi-weekly, Monthly and Bi-monthly—what parts of which ones to use, right. So, it like came together really fast. Not fast, well, it took a number of hours, but it actually came together before dawn where we didn‘t owe you half a chart pack or anything like that. So I was really, really pleased with all that, quite excited actually, because I didn‘t think it was even possible when I left, with the amount of time that was left. And, I also got what we‘re supposed to do for the Journey and also when we go outside. So, the way we‘re going to work the schedule is we will talk about the things that…kind of like a consolidated lecture period that we‘ll use the Mylars and stuff and explain the stuff that is most important, pertaining to the Aqua-Tone System and those kind of things, to finish that part up. And by then, by the time we get through the Practicum, it will probably be becoming dawn all right…well, the Practicum and the Journey. We have to, about a half hour before, well a half hour before dawn…we probably have a half hour before dawn at this point. Let‘s say if we aim for dawn out there, we do…they would prefer, but it‘s not mandatory—ok, that‘s new, they just told me that—it‘s not mandatory that we do the Journey before we do the beach thing. We can run one into the other on either end. So, ok, because the Journey might take…they can do a short run where the activation isn‘t as strong and squash it into 15 minutes probably. It‘s going to be a live wave run Journey. But, it would be, they‘re saying, it would be just as well with them and it would probably more experientially meaningful to you guys if we actually went and did the beach thing with them at dawn, and then came in with that activation that will actually amp our fields. And come back and then do that Journey. All right, they just changed the schedule that I thought we were going to do, because I thought we had to do that first—but they‘re just saying no, we actually don‘t. But, what we do want to do is get through at least some of the four techniques of the Aqua-Tone System. And that has to do with just pointing out some things on the Mylars and just like remembering what‘s what and showing what‘s going to happen, and then we‘ll get to the Mylars that are on the Aqua-Tone System. So we will start working with that. What time is it honey, please? Ten after five, ok, and sunrise is about 6:30, right? (Az‘ offers feedback.) Ok, all right…all right, we should be able to cover, we should be able to get done with the Aqua-Tone System part and then go out. And then we‘ll come back in and do the rest and cover the other material that has to do with the bigger picture drama and that kind of thing. And, what has to do with the four—this is the first of Four Primary Stewardship Celebrations, is what they‘re calling it. And this one, what do they call it? I can‘t even remember. Oh, Dawn of the New Horizons, that‘s one of four major celebrations. So, and it‘s ―celebrations‖ because it‘s about opening the windows and then the doors on the Planetary Level between Median Earth and Net Earth, where we are. So, we‘ll look at that too and see a bit about The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 104 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

what it‘s about. And if we‘re lucky we‘ll even have time to see this little thing they showed me about the imprints that are carried by the people on the planet. We call everybody ―humans‖, but there‘s a lot of different types of ―humans‖. You have Indigos, you have like Angelic Humans, you have—going down the spectrum into the genetic mutation levels—you have a lot of Leviathans and then you have kind of pure strain, beyond Leviathans, at the bottom, who are the ones who are in here who birthed in through several generations to try to, well, take over the planet. So we‘ve got the whole spectrum from the highest, the ones that have the highest Kryst Codes, to the ones that have the…don‘t have any, and what this has to do with the Light Quotient. They actually gave percentages of what portion of your body is made of natural, organic Sha-LA-a light units and which is made of the reversed ShOna light units. So it just gives a small idea. It‘s stuff that we‘re not really going to do anything with at this time, but it‘s interesting to know. And at some point in the future they may bring that chart back in and explain more about it, and maybe how we can tell (chuckles), right, because they didn‘t…there‘s no way to tell right now without them saying, ―Oh, this is this overlay and that‘s that and that‘s that.‖ Without them explaining to you I wouldn‘t know how to, you can‘t figure it out by the information they gave us, but it‘s a start. So, if we have time we‘ll talk about that too. But, I‘d like to get moving on the Mylars I think, honey, so we can get to the Practicum part.

[Graph DVD-5, C4 0:47:40]

All right, this is to remind us (chuckles) of what is the, what should be our Til‘E-a Spheres. And they‘re the Til‟E-a Spheres that interact with the TE‟a-Wha Fields and the GrU‟-al Fields and the Jhan-das Fields and the Jha-Dha Fields. And, when the Til‘E-a Fields…the Til‘E-a Spheres have distorted programs in them, they distort the matter base, the way matter forms, and they form the ManE and the Gharoche‟. So, this is what one of the problems right now that we still have in our fields…we have one on D-1, one on D-2, one on D-3 levels, but not one on the Density Level. It‘s only the dimensional bodies that have that perversion…to some degree—there‘s a partial one, they‘re saying, on the Density Level, because the corruption in the fields goes actually all the way up, to like D-11.5. But, they‘re not fully corrupted like the dimensional level ones are. Next one, please, honey. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

[Graph DVD-5, 0:48:50]

Ok, now that mess in relation to this mess, where we have the two split fields…and this is like you‘d have the D-3 split one, the D-2 and the D-1 split Bi-Veca Fields with the split Pentagon Flows…these are the perverted Pentagon Flows. If—I didn‘t have time to do it—but if you took the center point which is the AzurA, and drew the same size circle right here—it‘d come to the half-way points of those two circles— that‘s where the D-2 one of those nasty looking Til‘E-a Spheres is hanging. And, it‘s actually a NET…it‘s a control NET that‘s literally around our body. There‘s another one inside our body and a bigger one up around in our Mental Body Fields. And inside of this you‘ve got the Caduceus Flows and all these really nasty circulations of energy. We‘re literally bound in like a magnetic NET suit that all of these energies receive the larger broadcast, the mind control broadcasts and the body control broadcasts of the NET Levels in the Planetary Atmosphere. And those receive them from the Black Hole Systems that are actually the ones who have invaded here and are controlling these grids. So, we have quite a mess in our fields. The activations we have been doing…and it creates this, literally, literal containment field of regurgitating circulation that‘s being drained off our own GharE‘ and off our own Zeion Mana quantum that is in our Seed Atom in our AzurA. So, the activations that we have done so far, opening the doors, not just the windows, but opening the doors is…finally we have got to the point where that could be done because that is how we release the Caduceus. What the final stage of this, when we activate the counter-rotation of the natural spheres, all right, where you have the D-2…you have your D-2 window aspect, you have a Grail Window now, right, the big one around you. But, one part of it is running the D-2 frequencies and that would be a counter-clockwise spin one, and the other one is running the D-3 frequencies. You also have a smaller one that would be clockwise with the D-3 one, which is the D-1; it‘s the D-1 and 3 that go clockwise and D-2 would go counter-clockwise. When we‘ve spun, we‘ve spun the fields, right, individually, with the D-3 one and the D-2 one, but what we haven‘t done is spin the doorways yet, right. When you get the doorways spinning—not just the spheres within them with the Pentagonal Flows and stuff—but when you get the doorways themselves spinning, that‘s when the Fields start to fly. So, we‘re going to be…they‘re going to take us live through that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 159

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technique. It was going to be as we go in…I think they might do this one on the beach, ok, that‘s why we need the headsets. Yeah, they said they‘ll do this one on the beach and then we‘ll do our thing on the beach with the bigger event and then we will come in and do the Journey from there once the Fields are spinning. So that is the final activation, and once that happens, it opens…it clears all of this out; the Caduceus on the D-2 level and the D-1 level will snap and let go. And, we will get our natural Axiatonal Lines back, our (audience claps), yeah, finally, running in the D-2 body. And there‘s a way to maintain that, so the Daily Grail Program actually shows you what techniques to use where and how often, to keep these activations because there‘s always the planetary drag trying to drag your fields back into the split and in the other direction. Hmm, I‘m just wondering something…if we‘re not going to do that till out there, and that‘s when the thingy is let go…I‘m asking them a question. Is it better…okay, right. Okay, they‘re saying…all right, let‘s see if the times work out…if they do, they‘re saying that the last of the four techniques in the AquaTone Practicum is where you actually reset, manually reset the Axiatonal Line structures and the Chakra Structures using a particular technique. And if our Axiatonal Lines on the D-2 Level—the 11 and 12 that are stuck in the Caduceus twist—if they aren‘t loose yet, then it would just be like a dry run where it wouldn‘t really be fixing it. So, we‘ll…let me get this straight. Please remind me of what I said because once I get going I may lose this. We need to have done the thing we‘re going to do on the beach, which is counter-rotating the fields and getting that whole thing in activation; that‘s what pops those lines back into their natural positions. And then when we come in, we would first do, before we did the Keiva Journey, we would do the last of the Practicum ones where we‘d finally—and it‘s not long, they‘re very quick actually. Thank God that the AquaTone ones are not long processes—they‘re quite quick and easy—it was getting the activations to be able to do them that took so long. So we‘ll do that last technique when we come in, once we have the Caduceus on the D-2 Level let go and we‘ve got our natural Axiatonal Line structures back to work with. Because without that you can‘t reset all of the twelve of them, because you still have the 11 and 12 stuck in the Caduceus inside you. All right, so that makes sense. So please help me remember what I just said, ok honey (laughs), yeah. Alrighty, so…argh…uh oh, I‘ve impaled myself (chuckles; something occurred). That‘s a new one, thank you. All right, so by the time we get done with everything these fields will, they will actually come down temporarily, but because of the drag field on the planet it will start to try to form again. And that‘s why the Daily Grail Programs will stop that from occurring. It will keep the activations up with the activations that are happening on the Omega Code, that are increasing the strength of all of these frequencies. So it will give our body a quantum balance, where if they amp it this far, ours will naturally amp as far as the transmutation ability to keep it off us—that kind of thing. And as long as we‘re on the planet we‘re going to have this issue, so it‘s like, ―Okay.‖ But eventually we‘ll get our fields strong enough and amped enough where the activations will hold and they‘ll be stronger than what the drag field is. So, we won‘t always have to do these same techniques—I don‘t know what, Slide number what will get the point where we don‘t have to do these, but we‘ll have another set of higher level ones. And, they should get easier and easier. This is getting easier. These were long techniques but they were a lot more fun than a lot them, I thought anyway. And they felt good, like the body was involved, the Emotional Body was more involved. And we should see a progression of that. I can‘t always promise they‘ll The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

be fun ones, but that we progressively move toward things that feel more enjoyable and not just give us the activations we need…so anyway, next one please.

[Graph DVD-5, 0:56:11]

Here comes the heat. That‘s just a closer look at it and this causes the unnatural compactions in all of the joints. This is where you get a lot of joint pain, especially in the knees and things because you also have the Kathara Centers trying to activate there and they‘re not being able to activate because of all of these fields. So, what we‘re going to see though is these congestion points are going to release and the numbering is going to change. I don‘t have the charts done yet that show the numbers, but they did show me—well they gave me information on the one healing chart that we‘re supposed to use…it‘s a plate chart where you pick them up on your fingers, the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan Codes. You pick them up on your fingers and your palms and you do things with them. They‘ve showed me what toes and what fingers you put which ones on. And that, when I have a chance to go analyze that, that will show me what numbers are actually going where. I just haven‘t had a chance to do that yet. So, this is going to be fixed. It‘s also going to fix the distortions, the corresponding distortions in the chakras. In there, there‘s even a little—in the Daily, I think it‘s on the Daily Grail Program—I‘m not sure which one, but one of the 2 new sheets, they actually put how, and if you‘re going to do a Client Session, they have a…they‘re all in small print a lot of it, but if you‘re going to do a Client Session, you do this step and you do this with it, right, and that kind of thing. We even got what you do with food and consumables, as far as how to use, once our bodies are activated and cleared of this, how to clear the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ out of food items and then recharge them, recharge their atoms with Hydrolase or Living Water from your own fields, right. And then, when you consume them you‘re actually supporting the production of Hydrolase and the advancement of your own atomic structure. Because right now, we eat and we eat stuff that is laden with, first of all, a GharE‘—whatever‘s left of it that‘s stuck—because it didn‘t get out. When you eat meat or even vegetables or any of that, you‘ve got a stuck GharE‘, even if it wasn‘t reversed. Then you‘ve got the Gharoche‘ that is also stuck with it. So you, it‘s…food is pretty gross actually, when you realize what it is. And, that helps to hold the mutation in our body. It gives us more atoms and atom stuff made of those things. So, there‘s a really quick, and it‘s a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 159

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quick and easy technique and there‘s even a stealth way to do it if you‘re out to dinner with friends or whatever (Ash makes audible breathing sounds). ―What are you doing?‖ (Laughter.) There‘s a way to do it. It‘s good if you‘re at home to do it the little bit longer version, because it does give it a stronger charge. And the more you do it at home that way, the stronger it will make your body‘s ability to do it the other way when you want to be discrete. And you actually use the Kara-nA‟dis center and project…you do the same thing, but directly through the Kara-nA‘dis center, but you clear it off before you bring it back in for the recharge. So, we‘ll talk about that and go through those techniques. But it will, this is something on the D-2 Level we will not go home with at this point. This will be gone in your fields when we leave, all right. (Audience claps.) It will try to come back…thank the Beloveds. I am so glad because I was really having the body issues, like I can‘t take this much longer. It doesn‘t mean we won‘t have our aches and pains and it doesn‘t mean that it‘s not going to try to go back again, because it will. The planetary fields will try to drag the whole thing back into activation. But, if we do work with a simple program, and it is simple, it‘s not like a million steps of things that are going to take five hours a day or anything. If we work with that it will support this staying off us and the natural configurations of our doorways staying open and working, so it‘s really good. And what‘s really nice about this—this is the first time…I always felt bad because of the issues of nobody really knows what‘s in their fields in a group and all that kind of stuff, we‘ve never been able to do the warm-fuzzy thing, where--―Oh, group huggies,‖ all that kind of stuff. Where touching was ―oh,‖ you‘re almost afraid to touch each other because you never know what somebody might have. You don‘t know them, you don‘t really know, and there‘s been enough people running around trying to implant people and all that kind of stuff, either consciously or unconsciously. So it‘s been a very hands-off type of thing, and that‘s sad because it blocks the flow of natural affection. And what they told me…when we leave this time, not until all the activations are done, but when we leave this time we never have to worry about that part again—not with people out there or each other—because it will bounce and blow off implants. Actually, it will blow them off quite rapidly if they were done on…all right, they‘re saying if they were done on purpose, consciouslyon-purpose by the consciousness that was in the body, it‘ll actually come back, spin back and hit them…it‘ll just bounce it off, right. But, if it‘s someone who‘s being used inadvertently it won‘t do that, our fields will just transmute it. So, at this point you will be un-implantable by that kind of stuff. (Audience claps.) Yeah. So in other words, you‘re free to give each other warm, fuzzy hugs when you‘re leaving and that kind of stuff, and not worry about anybody contaminating you or anything like that, or worry about contaminating somebody else. I know there‘s people that realize they had some company with them and it was scary and they didn‘t know what it was and they felt like, felt badly because—and I‘ve met a number of people throughout the years that felt this way—that they felt that they were hurting other people just by sitting next to them and that kind of stuff. And they felt terrible about themselves because they didn‘t want to do that, but they felt that something in their fields was doing it, all right. That will not happen anymore; your fields will not be able to be used that way. You may still have a bit of your own stuff in there that will progressively be being bounced. The possessions will be being bounced at this point, because through these we will get control again of the vagus nerve, which means no new ones can access. And the ones that are in there, they‘ll be given the opportunity to do the Requiem and ―bye-bye‖, go out if you don‘t belong here. And if they don‘t, they will be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 159

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discharged progressively with the Gharoche‘, as our body purges that out and sends it, sends anything that was not part of our natural GharE‘…it will separate our GharE‘ from it and send what wasn‘t ours back out, and that includes anybody that came in and tried to body-snatch you, right. It doesn‘t include natural walk-in, walk-out situations like every Indigo has to go through just to get into a body, all right. That has…we actually get two sets of the GharE‘ and the Zeion, so we have a shared Seed Atom, but we each have a set. So when the walk-out goes, what they need to do is they take out the piece of their Va-Bha-TE that was connected to the rest of their energy, and—here we go again (air conditioner noise)—and then ours activates. And it usually, it‘s like…well I know when me and Katie did the walkin/walk-out, we were in body together for awhile, but we knew the whole process. I knew what it was, I explained it to her; she was very relieved because she just wanted to throw the body off a cliff because she was so sick of being messed with, with the Zetas and that kind of stuff. She was terrorized down here. So, we had a very nice, like, sisterly agreement, kind of like being twins sort of—well more like an older sister and a younger sister. But I didn‘t realize this before, but when they started to talk about it I was saying, ―Gee, what about the Bhardoah and stuff—do they have to come all the way back in? Don‘t they have to come back in? Doesn‘t that mean I have to go out, for the Transfiguration?‖ And they explained, ―No. Indigos have the two sets.‖ What our walk-outs will do is come back in and cycle through and then take the rest of their Va-Bha-TE out, and then it will all be ours. So they will also take their cellular memory imprint. The memories—it used to be crazy because I‘d have open reincarnational memory—―Was that Katie‘s or was that mine? Was it hers or was it mine?‖ Right, trying to figure out which sets of movies went with who. So we‘re going to begin…I don‘t think that full thing happens tonight, does it? Why did they get me talking about that? (Pauses.) Oh! Okay, this is going to initiate the pass-on-through stage where, if we, whatever parts of ourselves— because we‘re always related to the walk-ins…Indigos, it‘s a birth contract with a part of yourself that‘s like a younger-level incarnation and it accelerates its evolution in the Kryst when it walks out, and it gives us a chance to get into the body because our frequencies are too big. Indigos‘ frequency is too big to do fetal integration in the womb; and by the time the body popped out and you waited ‗til it was like eleven, twelve years old to try, it‘d be dead, because the body won‘t self-sustain that long. But, they‘re going to come back in through. And I don‘t know if they‘re going to, like, hang for a bit—if it takes awhile—or if they‘re just going to come back through, pick up the piece of their Va-Bha-TE, which means the parent imprint that had the parent karma with them, right, and take that out. And they‘re going to go out the window that we‘re going to be opening out there, the Median Earth Window. So, they‘re getting out to Median Earth before us, all right. Yeah, so there‘s a lot happening tonight (chuckles), and a lot of it I‘m just finding out about. The next one please.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 159

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[Graph DVD-5, C5 1:05:43]

So it wasn‘t just the Al-ben‟-yhan people that we were doing the Requiem for, it‘s also letting the final Bhardoah and freedom happen for our walk-outs, who are still tethered to us and to the body. But now we can separate the two GharE ‗/ Zeion sets and get just our own. This ought to be really interesting. I hope I‘ll still be able to play a guitar a little bit, though. (Laughs.) Katie learned how to do that, I didn‘t. Okay, anyway, when we do our thing we‘re going to be—what we did today where we called the Six Directions, I just wanted to remind you, was you have the one, two, three, four, and then there‘s the one that runs this way, so you have five, six directions. That‘s the difference between Four Directions; on the Four Directions ones—the ones who are running the Metatronic stuff—you have a piece of…you actually have a split Rod. One of them is completely blocked—the natural Rod is completely blocked—so it gives you only two directions this way and it has a tilted, split piece of the Staff that actually holds that Metatronic alignment of the 23.5 or whatever it is—four, three, something—of the tilt of the North Pole, it holds that in. That is going to change after tonight. We are going to get the integrity of our Chambers back, so we will get our Six Directions back and opened, as of the activations that we finished through this workshop. And we did part of that when we did Slide-1. This will be the D-2 Level that affects the Physical Body. So I can‘t imagine what it‘s going to feel like. I do know something strange though already, that even though I haven‘t had the luxury of like laying down and participating directly in the techniques…we‘ll do that off the recordings—we‘ll do that together when we‘re alone at home—but, I was amazed at what I had to do, what I had to get done, how not-exhausted-yet I feel. Usually I am like totally tripping over my words at this point, I‘m so exhausted, I look strung out, and I just feel like—my knees hurt, everything hurts. I feel energized right now—I feel a little bit sleepy—but I think that has something to do with what it‘s going to be like. Hopefully we will feel that new surge of energy in the Physical Body and start to feel better, physically. And I really think…well, if what my energy level is right now is any indication, it‘s a really good one. So I hope that you go forth from here and start really feeling better physically, because now your body will start supporting you instead of trying to pull you back the other way.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Ok, so we will get our natural Six Directions back open. That means not only north, south, east and west, it means future and past. So it will open the Flows, our natural Flows, fully, on the D-2 level. Next one, please.

[Graph DVD-5, 1:08:18]

How am I doing on time? 5:35, okay. This is just to remind you, the messy diagram (chuckles) is to remind you what we‘ve opened, all right. We‘ve opened all these now, not just the windows, but the doors. We‘ve got the one that‘s the Astral-to-our-Density-1-level one, which is the Jha-Dha Door. We‘ve got the D-3 level of the TE‘a-Wha Door. We‘ve got the D-2 level of the GrU‘-al Door and we‘ve got the D-1 level of the Jhandas Door. The only one left, as I‘ve said before, is the one that we are going to be opening in the St. Kitts workshop in November, which is the Rasha Door. And that makes the difference between just being able to do Bi-location atomically, or being able to do full Trans-location, which would be a full Slide. But you still have to come back until you fully Transfigure, but at least you‘d be…can you imagine, if we got a bunch of us being able to pop back and forth through? (Pause.) It would be fascinating to, like, write a book, or twenty of them, or a hundred of them, right, and saturate them out there and say, ―Look, we‘re doing it!‖ It would be even better to be able to demonstrate (laughs), right. But if it got to that point, then they‘d start coming after us. They would come after us and try to lock us up and probably try to do horrible things with our DNA to get it, right, to be able to do that. So, we‘ll see where that goes. Eventually it will go there, but I‘m not sure…that would blow the cover off this; right now they just consider us ―wackies‖. And we‘re harmless wackies because we‘re not trying to motivate anybody politically—or anything like that—to do anything. And we pay our taxes and we‘re not doing any illegal stuff, and we don‘t endorse that kind of stuff. So we‘re watched all the time. They probably have a dossier on us about yea thick, right (laughs), since 2000, but we‘re not doing anything. We‘re like anti-terrorists, and that kind of stuff. We do peace meditations and dance funny and stuff.

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But, if we start disappearing and reappearing (laughs) they‘re going to get a little nervous about that, right. They would consider it a breach to national security—―Uh oh, here comes Guantanamo!‖—except, they would have to put us in very specialized things like very large lead places, or something, to block the frequencies. But even those, if we were in full Transfiguration ability, you could pop right out of those, too. But, we won‘t be given enough ability that we become…that we blow the cover of the Shield and become something that we become hunted again, because that has happened in other lifetimes. It will be probably quiet and selective, probably individually at first. And then maybe small groups of individuals would be brought to very private locations where they could enjoy—asked to go to private locations where eventually they might actually, as a small group, experience something together of a Slide. And it has a trust thing…if you‘re going to go blab it to everybody, you‘re going to blow the cover of the whole Shield. So it‘ll be a trust factor with that, too. You may be able to do it, but if you‘re not mature enough to handle the responsibility that means, and you‘re going to endanger yourself or any of the other people in the Shield by getting yourself exposed in a big way—where you prove it, float into a workshop or something… At one of ours, you could, but at somebody else‘s, just to go, ―Hi, told you they knew what they were talking about!‖ (Laughter.) I know where I‘d love to go…just float in with the Shield. Maybe right before we leave, where they can‘t hunt us. But anyway… We are opening…we‘ve opened all of these doors, now the only thing left is to get the doorways, the individual doorways will actually spin. It makes like a whole spinning Pillar of the Hydrolase Light, the Living Light, in our fields. And, we have some of them, as I said, will go clockwise, some will go counter-clockwise, and that creates a momentum and it creates a generation of the Celestallon energy—of the sparking that happens when the spheres counter-rotate. It creates actually a trail of sparks around each of those spheres that is a store of Celestallon. So we will be beginning the process of building Celestallon in the field, that is key to Hydrolase production and Hydrolase—what do they call it—Conversion, in the body. So, it‘s the beginning of being able to do Bilocate—like atomic Bi-location on the D-2 level and D-1, as well as the D-3 level. So, there‘s a lot going on in this workshop (chuckles)…next one, please.

[Graph DVD-5, 1:13:00]

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

What you will also leave with, for the first time…this is from the Kathara-1 manual. And before, these flows, the Primal Life Force Current flows, went this way because the Monadic Gates were corrupted, because Earth‘s Monad was reversed. We are now plugged in to the core of Median Earth, which is the remainder of the Amenti Earth—the piece of Amenti Earth that didn‘t get reversed. So, we can now—and these activations will—turn back on the natural flow of the currents, where it will now activate the Monadic set of currents, instead of the currents having to come down—you‘re body‘s like this—having to come down with Blue going here, and then crossing over through 5, and then Blue would end up over on 4 and down this way. It created, having to do that, that was like an override that the Beloveds did just to get us in here. Just to get our body where we could get into bodies at all, they had to sidestep that and create a form, the form of people on the planet right now actually, is where the flows went this way. And what that does, when you take out that extra turn, it reverses the flows in 3 and 4 down here as well. So now it‘s going to come down, Blue will go 9, it will cross through 8, go over to 7, come back over through 5. So, we‘ll end up with Blue, the Blue Currents running on this side. So you‘ll have Blue and Blue. So you‘ll go Blue, Violet, Blue; and this‘ll go Violet, Blue, Violet. And that is the natural structure of…and you‘ll still have Gold running the center, but the Gold will also be much wider because it was being constricted and energy siphoned off it—off the Main Central Vertical Current—from the mutation. So we will go home with our Primal Life Force Currents, running in the Kathara Grids in our bodies, in this structure for the first time. This is the first time in Seeding-3 that this has been fixed. This was a Seeding-3 imprint we all came through with because it was the only way to sidestep what was happening with the planet and with the Solar Monad, because the Solar Monad was going into problems at that point—when Seeding-3 started—too. So, this is another goodie…next one, please.

[Graph DVD-5, C6 1:15:20]

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Ah yes. When we get into…I‘ll show you in a minute the beginning of one of the techniques that, there‘s a chart that‘s in your…it‘s a plate chart, where you have the finger plates to pick up and the palm plates, and now we know how to use them. And what they will do is they will be used on the toes in order to bring back these flows, like quickly, to reset them. And as soon as you put them on the fingers it‘ll bring them back, which means you‘re going to have like an extra thumb over here that you don‘t see, because you‘re not going to grow it back instantly, but you will have the six flows on each side running, instead of five on each side and two tangled up the middle in the Caduceus. So we are going to get these flows back. This will actually shift and make larger the natural chakra flows, because they are also split in…their frequencies are actually running…I don‘t have the diagrams to show it at the moment, but instead of like the 1st chakra‘s supposed to run D-1 frequency, I think it runs half of D-1 and half of D-2; D-2 runs half of D-2 frequency, half of D-3. They‘re unnatural messes of energy that are actually feeding the systems that are part of the Metatronic system. And they will go back to their normal orientation because of it, and we will help that process. One of the things that we will do, this is one of the—I don‘t think it‘s, it‘s not daily; it‘s weekly, or bi-weekly, or monthly or something—that you use the technique just to re-fortify the natural imprints in them. And the techniques are easy, which is nice. It‘s not like, ―All right, page 6, what do I do with that now?‖ No, they‘re pretty easy…all right, next one please.

[Graph DVD-5, 1:17:16]

All right, this is the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan, Aqua-Tone, Axiatonal Line and Chakra Healing chart. All right, these are called Plates. This is the Palm Plate. It can be used on either. It‘s used with both hands; you kind of do one and then pick up the other. These are for the fingers and there will be codes in the middle of these at some point, but the Beloveds marked them off this way, by where the white is, is what ones are turned on. Also, where the circle is—it goes up to seven. So, if you look at these closely, this little, there‘s one of…there will be one on each one that has a circle showing behind it, like a little sunrise. Number one‘s is over there, number twelve‘s is the one that‘s up here. Why? Because the circle is on number twelve…that means it will activate, it‘s activating the twelve set of coding.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So, even without having all the encryption symbols in the center yet, it just shows…like a whole light area around there. It means all of the twelve are turned on there. Here, it goes up to eleven, so all of the eleven are turned on but twelve isn‘t, right. Here, it‘s up to ten are turned on, but eleven and twelve aren‘t. So they‘re individual. That circle ends up showing you which one is, in that circle, using…in the code…will designate which set of frequencies it runs, which Axiatonal set it goes with. So they‘re important. And there are certain fingers that you pick them up on. Ok, and we‘ll go back over how to do this more, once we…this will be after we come back from the beach. But, it says 1-6 on the left hand and left foot; 7-12 on the right hand and right foot; and the palm you pick up on both. And in the other thing you‘ll see, the palm ones you use just on the embodied chakras, right, and these you use from fingers—and as soon as you put them on your fingers it runs the natural codings up the Axiatonal Lines. And, it‘ll also turn on the 6 th Axiatonal Line, but it‘ll end out here in your Etheric Thumb because we‘re supposed to have an extra thumb-type appendage on the other side of our hands, and same thing with the toes. But then we take those activated fingers and we use a certain technique to breathe them, to breathe that healing activation and the codes right into the toe chakras. There‘s little chakras at the tips of your toes and that‘s where the Axiatonal Lines come out. And so we run it down there and that runs upward and the ones through our fingers run inward, and it just starts to recalibrate the entire system. And what speeds it up is doing it over the chakras as well, so it gets the flows going of—the Merkabic Chakra Flows begin bringing the right codes into the system. And it‘s a very simple healing system, it‘s very simple practices, but it‘s extremely powerful so I‘m really looking forward to this too. I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time…next one, please.

[Graph DVD-5, 1:20:32]

Now, this is going to be the Practicum Session. I will come back to this and do specifically…and this is when we start going through them, where I‘ll read. Now I just want you to see there is a set of them, which is the personal prep, which is the Grail State Quick Entry. This is how to pop into that Grail State fast, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

right. Then you have Setting and Sensitizing the Allurean Color Register. That‘s quite simple, actually…that‘s what those color charts are for. And the colors aren‘t perfect but they‘re close enough. The colors were much nicer, the ones that Az put on, because we had to do them by hand because we just didn‘t have time to get involved with somebody who knows how to use Illustrator, or whatever. So we did them by hand, but the photocopier, the color photocopier where we had to get them copied here, it just didn‘t like orange, right. The other ones held pretty good, but the orange came out pumpkin and so, just imagine a bit brighter, think oranges right, or orange popsicles (Chuckles) when you use that. But, there‘s a very fast technique that we use in the sequence of these that involves that chart ok. Then we‘ve got the Hydro-Acoustic Adjugate Tone Self Scan. That‘s not that difficult. And see these little instructions under here? Once we talk about it once and work through it, that‘s enough for me to remember what it means, ok, ―do this‖. And, if I can get that to you and then you‘ll get one of these sheets through the email or through snail mail, because it should be in your chart pack but we just got it printed, you‘ll be able to remember, ―Oh yeah, that is kind of like doing this, that was kind of like doing that‖. I don‘t know if we‘re going to get the long versions of these and honestly I‘m praying we‘re not. I hope we have enough memory cells to be able, that they‘re simple enough techniques, because even simple techniques take way too many words. And the words take an awful long time to get them down into ―step 1, step 60, step 70‖, that kind of thing. So, hopefully we‘ll be able to get a good feel of how these things work before we leave. And, it‘s a system…you don‘t use all these every day. You use some of them every day you use some of them on the other parts of the Daily Grail Program. It‘s not just a ―daily grail‖…it goes up to monthly and bi-monthly as well. This was…I was really afraid of what this technique might be. I was saying, ―Oh God, not another 70 steps‖. It isn‘t…it‘s really quite easy, and we‘ll read these when we come back to this graph. This one turned out much easier and I was terrified that it might not be. I was really thinking it was going to be close to the one, technique 3 we did. Then we have the Axiatonal Line-Chakra Restoration. All of these are very fast processes; they‘re very quick. And there‘s even little notes in…I think it‘s on this one, yeah, where how to do which part but in a Client Session. How you do it, basically you‘d start with a Kathara 1 Session, you would run a Kathara 1 Session and before you close it you would add the…‖you‖ as the person who is running it would have to do this stuff with yourself, but you would do a scan on, not a self-scan, but a client-scan using the same technique. And then you would do the release of the Gharoche‘ and freeing up the GharE‘, and you would do the Axiatonal Line thing. And so it makes a very powerful session for the client, but not excruciatingly so, and thank God you don‘t have to take them through Technique 3, right. It‘s a wonderful technique…I mean it really is; it‘s my favorite one that we‘ve ever, ever done. I want to go in there and hide. I want to go back into my little, fuzzy cocoon and just stay there for a vacation for a month, but (Laughs) I can‘t do that right now. But, it‘s nice to know that space is there and it‘s with us. But anyway, we‘ve got down here a very simple technique. It‘s part of this one because it utilizes the same type of things that you‘re doing with your hands and the codes and the plates. And you don‘t always have to use the plates. Eventually, if you do the plate stuff enough it will hold in your system where, if you‘re doing the other stuff that is keeping your fields activated, you won‘t have to, except for maybe once in a great while, use the plates anymore, because you‘ll actually blow the codes open on your fingers and that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 117 of 159

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kind of stuff. You‘ll still give yourself the treatments, but you wouldn‘t have to pick them off the thing every time, but that‘ll take…they didn‘t say how long but it will take a while of working with this stuff. So we‘ve got Daily Food, Water and Consumables Clearing and Charging. And it‘s very simple and that‘s also the one that has a ―stealth option‖ right (Laughs), so you don‘t have to look weird when you go out to dinner…next one please. I will come back to this and we‘ll read them all and we will practice them. We‘ll at least give them a one-through so you can understand. You might want to, if you have paper and pen, scribble down some notes on it if there‘s things that, ―Oh ok, I need to remember that or something like that.‖

[Graph DVD-5, 1:25:28]

Now this is the Aqua-Tone Daily Grail Program, ok. This is the daily set, this is the bi-weekly, which means you only have to do it…they‘re recommending you do these once every 2 weeks. And they don‘t all have to be in a ―row‖. You can do them, just so you get them once every 2 weeks to keep the fields activated and to keep the things flowing in the speeds they‘re supposed to, to keep the momentum of transmutation up against the planetary drag. All right, you have ―monthly‘s‖ here. There‘s a little bit more on the monthly‘s and you can break them up. Ok, say it‘s September so all right I did this one on September 1st, or maybe I‘ll do that one on September 10th or…so you break it up so you‘re not having, ―Gotta take 2 days off work because I‘ve gotta do my fullday block of techniques.‖ It won‘t work that way. You have a lot of flexibility. You don‘t have to use them in the order they‘re in, they‘re just listed by the number, just to keep them like 1, 2, 3a and 4. And there are only certain parts of them…we‘re using parts of certain techniques, right.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So we‘ve got the prep-technique up there for example, then we have like techniques 1 and 2 and 3a and 4. This has to do with, and I‘ll go back over this when I read the whole thing…I‘ll take it down from there. But, there‘s pieces of techniques that you do also, like somewhere here, where is it…you know Technique 3? Where is Technique 3? I have it up here somewhere I think. Yeah, Technique 3…don‘t get scared, it‘s only the one, and it‘s only once every 2 weeks, and it‘s best if you record the portions of the techniques that you will need, not the whole techniques, but record them in your own voice, in a tape recorder and then use those as your tapes, right. We‘ll have the CDs that go out with all the techniques done in Shield because the people who weren‘t here, in order to get these activations, will need those to get the activations first in the Shield while they were coming through on the Planetary Grids as heavy as they are doing in this workshop. But, once it comes down to this you just pick the certain techniques. I didn‘t, one other thing I didn‘t have time to do yet was try to pull a table of contents page count, right, so…but there‘s not that many pages and the techniques are in order. The only one that had 2 pages that had to get stuck in because it wasn‘t ready when we did the big print run was Technique 3, was the last 2 pages of that. But it‘s pretty easy to find the techniques. They‘re well labeled and things like that, so it just shows you which parts to use and when. And it may look like a lot of techniques but when you break it up to where it‘s going it really isn‘t…just kind of like do a calendar. Say, ―Ok, I‘ll do it here, I‘ll do that there‖ and let it be. The daily ones are not hard. It‘s the, the Prep is the Grail State Quick Entry and we have…these correspond with the information that you have I think. Actually no, this one, they actually put it right here I think, is Releasing the Gharoche‟ – Restoring the ManA – Reclaiming the GharE‟. And that was the next technique. I‘m trying to see what we did here. We did it so fast. I‘m trying to remember how it works too. All right, the daily maintenance, all right. All right, here‘s how to enter it quickly is what it‘s saying. All right, so this is entering it quickly you use the technique, the Prep Technique, which is when you‘re activating your Krystar Vehicle. You know (Ash breathes in and out), ―RaSha Eira Krystar Now‖ thing. And you‘d use Technique 3b and Technique 4c and they‘re fast ones. They‘re like at the end of certain ones. And you have releasing the Gharoche‘, reclaiming the ManE, restoring the GharE‘, and B, the Daily Maintenance. That goes back over to the techniques we‘ll talk about when we go back to reading the Hydro-Acoustic ones, all right. So these would be the ones you haven‘t seen yet because they‘re for the Hydro-Acoustic set. And these, they‘re all Hydro-Acoustic, but these are more PSI, which means you had to really get out there and use your intuitive senses and stuff. These, the only ones you have to do with 4 are Technique 4-end. All right, the end of Technique 4 is rapid re-activation of the Density 1 spins and flows. So it‘s a 3-step quickie, it‘s that one where I believe it‘s the one where you go (Ash breathes in out and then in quick), all right, and you clap in the middle of it in front of your AzurA and then it pops open the window and activates the flows, that kind of thing. So, these are quick ones. They‘ve added this as an additional, that if you can a salt and baking soda and charged water bath or foot soak if you don‘t have a bathtub. You can just get like a little bucket of water and do it. It pulls the toxins out of the body; it helps detoxify faster. So it helps the Gharoche‘ to pull out more quickly. And you‘d be amazed, even people who use those foot patches, and for some reason I‘ve always thought the idea was cool to, ―Oh, I wanna do that‖. They‘ve always told me, ―No‖ and I don‘t know why. You know the detox patches with the herbs in them that they have for sale all over the place. I thought it was a good idea but The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 159

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the Beloveds said, ―Don‘t go there‖, right. And maybe now we‘ll be able to when our flows are going the right directions because before it had something to do with the flows not going in the right directions, through the legs and that kind of stuff. So I left that alone. But, you don‘t really need those when you just do like, they said to use about a 2 to 1 ratio, a 2 to 1 ratio between the baking soda. Baking soda you‘d have 2 parts and salt you‘d have 1 part. And with the charged water…it will tell you down on the other page where we have how to charge beverages and things like water and that kind of stuff. Using our hands you just charge some water, stick a small bottle of it into a bath tub of water. You don‘t have to…if you want to make it really strong you can blast the whole tub of water, but you can get just as easy an effect by charging a little bottle of water and throwing some of it into your bathtub and stirring it up. That is enough to bring the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan coding back to the water. So, real simple stuff, not jogging around forever or anything. There is a part that I didn‘t get a chance to write down that has to do with the part I was going to talk about, was as far as the exercise stuff goes, ―eahh‖, right. They do recommend that 4 days a week you spend 2 hours, and not all together, they don‘t have to be 2 hours together. It can be 4 half hours, it can be 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour at night, whatever works for your schedule. But, 1 hour that would involve cardiovascular stuff. It can be jogging, power walking, I mean whatever. And that stuff actually amplifies us and actually keeps the momentum of the field spins up where they need to be. And then separately, they would like us to do light weight training, not big, heavy weight stuff. But, small weights, because it will strengthen the Axiatonal Lines and pull the coding that we just set, the healing coding, into the Meridian Lines of the body so it will accelerate the process. So, it‘s not a lot of work, believe me I know. I was doing 2 hours a day 6 days, often 7 days a week. Then I moved my cardio up to let‘s see, I moved it up to 2 blocks of like 45 minutes plus about an hour and a 1/2 of weight training and I was doing it every day. And it just added up to like almost a full time job, besides having a job, and it was too much. I was kind of amped but, but didn‘t have a life (Laughs). So it‘s not a lot and it‘s kind of funny because it does fit in with what doctors recommend here, as far as a healthy amount of exercise. And it will strengthen your systems very, very much. It doesn‘t have to be hard exercise. It doesn‘t have to be like, kill yourself running real fast on a treadmill for an hour or anything. Modulate it, learn a bit more about exercise with like circuit training or something like that, but something that keeps your cardio rate elevated a bit for, you can do a 1/2 hour a block and then just do another 1/2 hour a block another time during the day. Just walk up and down the stairs a few times or something like that for 20 minutes—10 minutes here, 10 minutes there…it gets a bit boring though, stairs do (Laughs). I remember doing those, up and down, up and down. So, the exercise is important at this point, to bring first, the most important really is the cardio vascular stuff because that is what will keep the momentum of the spins going. That, plus the few techniques that you do on occasion to amplify that again, and that, if they start to slow down then the Planetary Drag is going to get a hold of your field again and it‘ll be dragging you right back into the split of the systems. Then, I don‘t know what you‘d have to do if that happens. Hm, I wouldn‘t doubt if…you still have your windows open though. There‘s probably something you‘d have to do to drag it out again. You might have to go through the whole technique run again or something, I don‘t know, they didn‘t say. But, they said not to worry about it but just focus on trying to do…if you miss one of the maintenance things or whatever, you‘re not going to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 159

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get eaten alive by the Planetary Fields or anything like that (Chuckles). You‘ll be all right, but it will slow down a lot of the healing. It would take like complete, ―Neah, never gonna do it again‖ to get your fields to split again like that while this is running because you do have one thing. It‘s actually a guarantee that one way or another…they can‘t guarantee anybody we‘ll be able to fully transfigure out of here. Even if we all Bhardoah-ed out, it guarantees one thing, and this was I think from the last Sliders Workshop. That, once we started the full anchoring into the Median Earth Core we will get out of there. We‘ve got the ascension. We are plugged into the Host and we‘ll be safe one way or the other, with or without the body. And, that means we‘ll be able to transfigure the body back as well, even if somebody well-meaning buried it instead, we will still be able to pull that energy back. The Beloveds will help us from that level to do it. But we still have the option, we‘re still doing really well moving forward with the potential that there are still people who may be able to physically Slide out, and that‘s what we‘re aiming for. All right, so, we‘ll look at more. This is, you will get a copy of this so you can decide. You can go look them up and say, ―which one is that and which one is that‖. I‘m not going to take hours to go digging that up myself because you have those. So you can look up those, what they are, in your chart packs. And it tells you what parts to do and how often they suggest doing it. The daily ones are the most important. They said they are the most important ones, would be the dailies combined with the exercise. As far as diet…I don‘t have the exercise/ diet chart, there wasn‘t time to do it but I was going to talk about it anyway. They suggest that every 3rd day let it be a ―liquid food‖ day. And, to use the clearing of the consumables on all of it, literally on…and it doesn‘t…once you get used to the technique it‘s not difficult. Especially once you start like blasting it right through from that little spot, the Kara-nA‟dis Seal, so it‘s quick and easy. It‘s a quick and easy technique and we‘ll go over that technique in a little bit. So, it‘s really quite easy. If you miss some of these it would be good to, if it was 6 months go by and you didn‘t get to any one of these it would be helpful to probably go to like the bi-monthly one because they tend to be the stronger ones, they get stronger like they kick the field more as they go down this chart a bit stronger, a bit more to them, that kind of thing. So it would go up into here if you miss like 6 months or something. But, as long as you do these it will keep a base-minimum spin, it keeps up with the Host energies that are coming in, because the Host energies are now coming into the Planet because these windows and doors are going to open on the Planet. So, it‘s not a lot and you‘ll probably end up feeling a lot better before too long, like physically. Even the exercise itself would help, but before, did you ever have that body aversion to exercise thing? And I was thinking, ―Oh, it must be that Gharoche‘ thing‖ and they said, ―Uh uh, it‘s the GharE‘.‖ And I said, ―Well why would the GharE‘ resist exercise? It‘s good for you.‖ And they said, ―Is it?‖ They said, ―Normally it would be.‖ What exercise does is speed up the circulation of the energies in the body and what it was doing was speeding up how fast the Gharoche‘ could eat the GharE‘. So the GharE‘ was giving the resistance to, ―I don‘t want to exercise, I want to be a couch potato. No, I don‘t want to go to the gym,‖ right. This feeling The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 121 of 159

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was self-preservation coming from the GharE‘. And I thought it would be the opposite, ―Oh, it‘s trying to kill me. It doesn‘t want me to do stuff that‘s good for me‖ (Laughs). There‘s also, a lot of addictions come from both places. Some of them the GharE‘ is trying to find ways to chemically protect itself or block that or to at least block its pain, right. So sometimes you get drug and alcohol addictions and that kind of stuff coming from a GharE‘ that is in a great deal of pain, because it‘s getting to a point of critical consumption. And then sometimes you have the opposite, where…it usually goes, alcohol tends to be one of the things that the GharE‘ is using to protect itself and numb itself and try to make itself poisonous enough where certain things won‘t come in. Because, there‘s another part where the GharE‟ is aware when a body snatch is trying to happen. It‘s aware when something is trying to push in. And people that are having that problem and not realizing it will very often find themselves turning to alcohol and nicotine (Chuckles) to keep the body at a poisonous level enough that it will keep the other thing from coming in and taking up residence and speeding up the whole process of the GharE‘ getting eaten alive. So, there‘s a lot behind the resistances to things that we have and the attractions to things that are sometimes not good for us that we have. These things will begin to balance out once…we just rescued the GharE‘, all right. We just got it and got it into a safe place where now it can start working with us and those things will start shifting in ourselves. We may still not like exercise. I‘m not looking forward to going back to four days a week, honestly, right. I think I‘d rather house clean (Laughs), but if it needs to be done it needs to be done, so yes, I will do it. But I‘ll be very glad because I can visit my closet again and might find something that fits, as far as I‘m concerned (Laughs), but…that‘s why I‘m back in my Andora skirt, it‘s the only thing that fits me right now. But, so there‘s a lot of things that I found fascinating with this. I had no idea that the resistance to exercise was actually the GharE‘, the good part, right. Because I always thought oh, ―exercise is good for you‖ and the fact that smoking and…some people will drink and that kind of stuff. Where, we drink a bit, not horribly, but we do drink. It is the GharE‘ wanting to make enough poison to keep things from trying to come in that will ensure its destruction. So it‘s really self-preservation coming from the GharE‘, a lot of that. Other drug addictions they said, have to do with trying to get chemicals into the body that actually support the Gharoche‘. So they‘re coming for the Gharoche‘, where you get like…which ones? All right, like what? Meth-amphetamines? Things that…certain drugs that actually speed up the body metabolisms like what would be Barbituates and stuff like that do that, speed type stuff, anything that accelerates those processes. Why? Because it makes, just like exercise, it makes things go faster so it can eat more of the GharE‘ and make more and turn it back around and make Gharoche‘ matter out of it. So, there‘s also things like acid and those kind of things are also being motivated by the Gharoche‘. And usually, they‘re saying, usually those have a bigger sinister motive behind them where it‘s not just the embodied Gharoche‘, but you‘ve got something that really, really wants to get into that body and take it as their own. So, they try to open the neuro-networks to impulse through the Gharoche‘, the desire to take those substances to get those enlightened experiences. Why? To get you spaced out half out of your head where you‘re off watching colors and stuff and something else is sneaking in right, and blending right in through your Vagus Nerve and into your Gharoche‘.

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So there‘s a lot of motivations that—people who do drug and alcohol treatment and stuff, they have no idea what the bigger picture is here. And psychiatry, for all the good it‘s done…yes, a question mark…um, I‘m sure there‘s a lot of very caring people out there in that industry, but if they don‘t understand these things about the body and the consciousness, how much are they going to be able to help? They‘re going to go put you on another substance to get you off that one. They‘re not addressing, as long as their belief system is as small as it is they will not be able to understand what people are going through. They can give them every label in the book. They can call them a ―this syndrome‖ or ―that syndrome‖ or put them on ―this drug‖ or ―that drug‖, but if they‘re possessed it‘s not going to change the fact. You‘re just going to drug them to the point where the possession comes in easier. So there‘s a lot of things that if Psychiatry and Psychology could open up their minds and realize religion did know something. Maybe they twisted it too, but there is a place where all of those understandings come together, and they are the Freedom Teachings. There‘s nobody that shows the way all of these pieces fit like these did. So if we can understand ourselves a little better perhaps we can also understand a little bit better, the people that do have addiction problems. Sex addiction, food addiction, all of those things are being motivated by one or the other. Usually the sex addiction stuff is coming from the Gharoche‘ and whoever‘s moving it and wanting to spread or grab codes, because sexuality is a very good way to, if you have unprotected fields, somebody with an unprotected field…that‘s been used for, since ancient times to actually get to body snatch someone else and to get the codes off of high-coded individuals that have Gate Codes. So, you have the sex addictions that come from the Gharoche‘ most of the time. Sometimes the emotional addictions, where like the terror ―can‘t live without you,‖ ―gonna fall apart‖, ―have to be with ‗whoever‘, just ―somebody‖, right, that tends to be coming from the GharE‘ because it‘s terrified, because it‘s being eaten alive and it just never feels safe and it feels scared all the time. So there‘s a lot of these things that are labeled one way and given a reason in here, and yes there will be chemical changes in the bodies that go with these so, yes, science is partially right as far as the imbalances in the brain and all that. Yes, the chemicals are imbalanced, but why are they imbalanced? That‘s what they don‘t understand and that‘s what‘s coming from all this. So our chemicals are going to be coming back to a bit more normal and eventually we‘ll be able to produce D-2 Telluric Hydrolase, which ought to be really interesting. Especially if somebody finds it, puts it under a microscope and goes, ―Argh, how do they do that? They‘re emitting something weird,‖ right (Laughs). I mean, what‘s it going to look like when our Hydros starts flying out in the atmosphere away from us and our Mana starts going out and the circulations start coming back. These are going to be Atomic Formations that our, that come in and out of our fields, probably ionized I would imagine, where they‘re ions. But it ought to be interesting. We‘re going to become very different creatures than most people called ―human‖ here. And it‘s probably about that time, when it comes to get really noticeable, that we‘ll kind of be sliding out and making home somewhere else in a nicer place (Chuckles), but anyway. So I‘ll go back over the technique things in a minute. Let‘s see if I have anything more at the end there. I think I do, please, thank you.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

[Graph DVD-5, 1:45:32]

All right, on the bigger picture bit, Activations of the Planetary Grail. These two things already took place. They were the preliminary activations. What we‘re doing, we‘re activating the Planetary Grail Windows and Doors, progressively, and this is the progression of them. They‘re all, these four, we‘re doing the first one at dawn this morning. We are opening the Median Earth Grail Window, all right. After that we‘d have to open the Median Earth Grail Door, all right. So we know first you do the windows, just like first we did the TE‘-Wha Windows in Slide 1, then you can open the door. These are the Median Earth side. The next bit are the NET Earth Grail Window and that one is FOL. Then we have the real big one and this is where the NET Earth Grail Door opens, so that‘s our Earth‘s Grail Door. What we just did with ourselves is going to open and I think we have a 1/3 Host strength which means we will, the Kryst will have a 1/3 rd control over the grids again. And that means there will be parts of the Planetary Grids that will make it through into Median Earth Slide (Clapping). Been a long time getting to that one, finally. And this one is going to be really fun because it‘s the Drums of Aquafereion, Reclamation of the NET Earth GrU‟-al. We started in the GrU-‘al. It‘s the first place they sent us to, is the Planetary Star Gate 2 is the GrU‘-al, just like it‘s the 2nd Kathara Center. And that is the GrU‘-al Kathara Center for Density 1. And it was quite a hostile environment, not the…the place is gorgeous, but the well, there was a lot of Arch Angel Michael people and all this kind of stuff and Thothian ones that were definitely not liking us at all. And it was not exactly friendly at the time. It‘s nice to know…and we just kind of left, we lost control of the grids there, we didn‘t have large groups or anything there and they did, and they were doing big drum circles pounding the codes into the grids, pounding metatronic codes into the grids. The drummers probably had no idea what was happening through them. They didn‘t know any of this stuff. Well you know what? We‘re going to do a drum circle. We‘re even taking drumming lessons (Claps and Whistles), yeah. So anybody that likes to drum and has a drum, anybody that likes to drum and has feet, anybody that likes to sing…because we‘re not just going to drum, what‘s drumming without song? What‘s song without dance? We have to get a permit for a drum circle but obviously they let those happen there, because they had them every week. They still have them every week I think, on Sundays, yes. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 124 of 159

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So we‘re going to go down and whoever comes to that workshop…we‘re hoping we can get a permit for like 300 just to cover anybody, just in case they come, but we might only be able to get it for like 100 or 144. If something like that happens uh…it is a public beach. Anybody that wants to drift by, right (Chuckles), just don‘t do it like 100 at a time (Laughs), that kind of thing. Where, we would try to work around that while staying legal, that kind of thing. But people always drift by the drum circles, the ones that have permits that go and do their Sunday thing, so we just happen to get kind of big. A lot of public today…there‘s a bunch of people in from a workshop over there and they like the beach and they thought the drums were cool. Whatever. But, we‘re hoping…it‘s the first like major calling of the Shaman Workshop where it is, we are taking…not ―taking it back‖, but we are reclaiming a 1/3 rd power of the GrU‘-al Gates. And that means we will get control of a 1/3rd power of each of the regular Planetary Star Gates that went under with the Metatronic thing way back in like 2003 or whatever. So this is really, really big. And I‘m just really thrilled. And that‘s when we do open the Door, so everything that we‘ve just had done in our fields now and worked with, that activation will be happening on this Earth, this level of Earth. And the other ones, the Median Earth ones are open already, which means once this door opens these doors will already be open, it means the doors between Median Earth and this Physical Earth will be opened fully for the first time. So, it‘s exciting and they‘re all important (Clapping). I can hardly wait to see what we‘re going to know by here. I mean this workshop was like ―Woah, quantum leap‖ or I mean, I just learned so much in the last week and then while we were here I learned about all of this. I didn‘t know this stuff a week and a 1/2 ago or during Slide 1. So I can hardly imagine what we might know by here. I‘m excited about it…next one, please. Is there anymore? I‘m going to leave those. (Az shares a thought, quietly) Yeah, I‘ll leave those for later, yeah, when we do the other thing. What‘s more important is to get into reading, oh, reading the techniques so they can start practicing the techniques before we go outside. It‘s still dark out so…(Az shares quietly). Yeah, it does, all right, what time is it now? Quarter after 6? Ok, doesn‘t look like it‘s anywhere near coming up in 15 minutes, no. Ok, well you know what, you know what I‘d like to do? I would like to take just a 5 minute break and get a drink of water. I tried to get a drink of water before and bless us, a lady was up getting some, tipping it to get some out, and she saw me and she gave me the little bit she got out to me. Thank you. You don‘t have to do that, but thank you. Yeah, I would just like to take a 5 minute ―shift my gears break‖ so I can go over this, just read it up close and so I know more about what I‘m talking about when I explain these techniques to you so when we go through them, because I just learned them too. So you know, 5‘s, 10‘s tops. And the fact is we can be here ‗til 8 in the morning so we can go out, come back, so it‘s not like we‘re going to miss any of the stuff we‘re supposed to do.

Dawn of the New Horizons: Opening of the Median Earth Grail Window [Audio Track 16 Monday Beach Activation] A‘sha [D5 C9 1:52:00] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 125 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

A‘sha: Can people hear me? Participants: Yes A‘sha: Yea! (laughs). Participant: No ear phone. A‘sha: You don‘t have an ear phone? Participant: No. I can just listen to you. A‘sha: Oh. OK. Well, stand close then. Closer, so you can hear. Is there anybody else that doesn‘t have ear phones that we know? Everybody have ear phones? Participant: I cannot hear what they say. A‘sha: OK. Can somebody pass this on that anybody back there somewhere that I can‘t see that doesn‘t have ear phones that they can come up and stand closer so they can hear? Participant: Thank you. She has extra. A‘sha: OK, there‘s an extra set there? OK. And they‘re not going to stand in back of me. That was a set up. I saw it too, inadvertently. OK. All righty. Now, this doesn‘t have to take a long time, but what we are here to do is to do the Dawn of the New Horizons which is going to be the opening of the Median Earth Grail Window. That would be the equivalent of the first part of what we did with ourselves, with our own bodies here. Not the doorway yet, and it is the Median Earth side. So, they‘re going to run this live. I don‘t know what it looks like yet but what they would like us to do is stand in a line, just one person deep. It makes a big long line running down, so anybody that doesn‘t have a head set needs to stand close enough where they can, hopefully hear. So, we‘re going to go down just a little further, not to get wet. OK. And we‘re going to stand in a straight, single file line. All right. This is about good. I just want to kind of straighten the line out and spread out. We need to spread mostly down to the left because we‘re at the end of the property here, so if we could spread out to the left, my left, that way. If we could spread out that way. Az: Straight. Straight line. Straight line guys. A‘sha: Yea, I just don‘t want to get in trouble at the other level of the beach. OK. All righty. A…and pick it up and put it in your pocket. Thank you. A‘sha: OK. Oh, OK. All righty. So, are we in a straight line yet? OK. It needs to be straight and single file especially. Az: Just move right then. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 126 of 159

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A‘sha: Move right? I can‘t. It‘s just stuck over here. (laughing) Participant: You guys need to move down. A‘sha: Yea, it will, but you can move down if you need to, and they‘re right there too. (Discussion about head sets) A‘sha: All righty, so, we‘re looking pretty straight, pretty line-like. OK. Now, they would like everybody to activate your Krystar Vehicles with the Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW. (everyone does so) Feel the presence of your opened grail windows and door, your big grail door around you. That‘s the one with the 12 feet up is its apex. And remember, it‘s three dimensional, so it‘s like being inside of a pentagon, not just a flat door. They‘re going to have us first counter spin the fields so the part of the doorway that goes with the D2 frequencies is going to begin, the doorway itself, not just the circle within it, but the whole doorway and what‘s in it, is going to start spinning counter-clockwise and that is where it will go toward your right first, and then down and back up on the left, and your D3 level is going to go clockwise. Now, we‘re not going to have to worry about these spins because they‘re going to show us something that will activate them instantly and when they do activate instantly, they will turn on the full load. They‘ll open, say there‘s a membrane between each levels of the doors, it will open that and bring down the pure shaft of frequencies all the way from the Jha-Da doorway all the way down through to the point where the Rasha doorway that we didn‘t open yet starts. So it‘s like a big beam of Hydrolase light, living water actually, and light around it that is going to come right down through, around the bodies, through the doorways and open the entire structure. And they want you to know that this turns on all of those flows and plugs them in together. It‘s called the Penta-gor‟ian Circulatory System. This will activate the full Penta-gor‘ian Circulatory System and this will begin…this is the point at which the biological atoms of the physical body will become capable of the first level of Slide which is Atomic Bi-location. And that‘s the first part. So we‘re going to first activate those fields. We don‘t have to worry about the spins. It‘s just nice to know what way they‘re going to remember that the D2 is CCW and the D3 is CW and the D1 is also CW. They‘ve explained also that the Density level one, the really large sphere and doorway, that actually has two components of it. One part goes CCW and in the same space the other part of it goes CW, and that has to do with the spin of the Axiatonal lines go CCW and the Meridian lines or the Fire Chamber lines of that level go CW, so they just wanted us to understand that too. It helps to understand in the mental body what changes are actually happening in your field because it helps you actually anchor the activation that you‘re trying to pull in. So, they‘re asking us now to, let me see. Excuse me, I‘m going to cough. Sorry. OK. Now, let‘s see. All right, they‘re saying, put the fingers on your right hand in the lotus positions. They‘re saying, inhale into the AzurA, into the water seed and hold. Place the lotus fingers of the right hand actually on your third eye, the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 127 of 159

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6th chakra, right at your forehead and exhale and tap three times simultaneously at the forehead. And breathe normally for a moment. Now, we‘re going to inhale again and hold. And on this one we are going to tap three times with the right hand lotus fingers at the E-Umbi layer, down below the belly button. Exhale. And we‘re going to do one more. Inhale and hold. And this time at the Kara-nA‟dis Seal right toward the bottom of the breast bone, and exhale and tap three times. OK, now, we‘re going to take one large inhale and hold. We‘re not going to do it yet. We‘re going to take one large inhale and hold, and we‘re going to send a 12 point spark bursts of the water, the living water from our Water Seed, out the 12 Allurean Chambers. So, we‘re going to send the water out our Allurean Chambers on the exhale. We‘re going to take an inhale, hold and then push out with the exhale, sending the 12 spark bursts, one spark in each of the Allurean Chambers. Just inhale. Hold to build charge and push out the 12 spark bursts. When those sparks hit the Orons at the end of the Allurean Chambers, you‘ll feel a little ripple that runs through and if you can see, there‘s beautiful golden-silver sparkle of light forms as an orb around your entire field. Actually it‘s four levels of it, one for D1, 2, 3 and around the Density one. Next, they want us to remember that in our AzurA we also have the Zeion Mana Seed and we‘re going to send a 12 spark burst of mana out the fire chamber lines of the light body. So, an inhale, hold, and exhale golden light, 12 spark bursts of golden light. There‘s going to be a moment where you can sense almost like real fire works going off in your fields at each of the levels where the mana flows intersect with the Allurean Chamber flows coming back. When you feel that little ripple or kind of bang, bang, bang, bang effect, we‘re going to breathe in and draw the energy right back into the Water Seed and hold. Inhale it back in and hold it there for a minute, then gently just drop the, exhale but don‘t move any energy, just exhale. Now we‘re going to save that energy there for a minute. Try to feel the sensations in your outer field. There should be a sensation of heat moving in toward the body. If there isn‘t, eventually when you do these techniques, it will come. Now what they would like us to do together is to imagine that there is a very large pentagonal window right out directly in to…I‘ll describe this for those down there. It‘s to…if you‘re down on the left side of the line it‘s toward the right side of the line. If you‘re in the right side of the line, it‘s actually not all the way to the end of the right line but somewhere between where I‘m standing and there, so if you just aim for a spot … All right, yea, there‘s a, see, right out there, it‘s, thank you guys, there. Thank you boat. But, it is right out where that flash was where there was a boat a second ago. Yea. Where did it go? Anyway, aim toward the horizon and it will go there. Az: There it is. A‘sha: Where did it go? I can‘t see it now. Participant: There it is. Az: There it is. Straight ahead of you.

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Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

A‘sha: OK. Let‘s aim for that area if you can see the light. If you can‘t see the light flashing, just aim forward out to the horizon line and it will join in with the others. And what they‘re going to have us do is kind of similar to how you clean and charge food which we didn‘t get to yet. I‘ll say it first before we do it. We‘re going to inhale all together and hold and on the exhale we‘re going to push a thick line of the liquid water, the living water flows out from the Water Seed and on the front of that line there‘s going to be a large, three dimensional Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan Code, a living Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan ball, all right. And we‘re all going to send, there‘s that light again, we‘re all going to send it out directly straight out toward where that light is, so if you‘re on the ends kind of angle it toward this direction. So, we‘re going to inhale and hold it and then push out with the exhale. It‘s a line of the waters with a water ball on the end that is a 3 dimensional Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code. And when we do that it is going to spark open the Median Earth, they‘re going to activate from the other side and they‘re going to, the two sets of sparks from the Beloveds on Median Earth, they‘re going, they‘re meeting us here, they‘re doing this here in a location that corresponds to this one and they‘re going to send a spark back and the sparks are going to meet and it‘s going to open the, I think it‘s the TE‘a-Wha Window, is it this time there? I‘d have to go look at my chart again. It‘s going to open the, no, it‘s the GrU‟-al Window. OK. All right, thank you guys. It‘s going to open the GrU‘-al Window and not the door, just the window, but that is the beginning of the Four Event Cycle that will culminate in our Earth having a third of its quantum opened to, just like we have had our fields open to, which creates, that‘s why we will have the safe zone maps more available once this occurs, once we get to, once we get into St. Kitts we‘re going to start looking at those. But now, let us do the inhale and hold. And when we exhale it‘s going to be a really forceful push and push the three dimensional Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan on the cord, directly out, and exhale now. OK. And they would like us to then tone the Um Ma Na‘hA-Vu-Sa-ta 12 times. I need a count keeper. It‘s Um Ma Na‘hA-Vu-Sa-ta. Na‘hA. It‘s Na‘hA-Vu-Sa… Participants: TE‘ Wha Na‘hA-Vu-Sa-ta. A‘sha: Oh right. All right. OK, right. The TE‘ Wha was, wait a minute. No, they‘re say…no, TE‘ Wha, no, no, no. TE‘ Wha was for D3. This is the D2. They‘re saying Um Ma. Um Ma, OK, Um Ma Na‘hA-Vu-Sata. All right. It just changed because we‘re on the D2 one. Yea, same tune. OK, so, it‘s Um Ma Na‘hAVuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Pick it up. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hAVuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. And two slow ones. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Um Ma Na‘hA-VuSa-ta. Ashalum-Ta-Eckasha DUr. Ashalum-Ta-Eckasha DUr. Ashalum-Ta-Eckasha DUr.

[D5 C9 2:08:57] Yes. Now, they would like us, before we go in, to call to mind that we had our eleven and twelve Axiatonal lines have been twisted like a knot, like a Caduceus knot, that caduceus form around our Central Vertical Current. We‘re now going to finish this whole activation with clearing that twist. They‘re going to actually kind of like, there‘s going to be a pop inside after we do a certain thing that‘s going to be kind of like just a little feel of a pop, an energy pop, and it can be in any point in your body. It doesn‘t matter which point the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 129 of 159

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pop happens, but then they‘ll all just go like really fast, like two snakes unwinding really fast and they‘ll just go back into the natural order within your system and within your body. And that will fully open the window chambers because now all 12 of the lines can fully run in the body. And, when that happens there‘s going to, OK, there‘s going to be a spark, not a spark we‘ll see but a spark that will come from the window, the GrU‘-al Window of Median Earth that they just opened. They‘re going to send us a transmission through that window to actually open the flows between the window and that will add an extra amp of protection to the whole shield and to everyone in it that, and they said that‘s why there will be enough shield strength even this early on after an activation to be able to, you just won‘t be able to get implanted any more. If somebody tries it, it will stick for a second and then it will burn off, or, if they did it on purpose, it will come back and hit them and then they can deal with their own stuff if they have to. So, this is the most protection we‘ve ever been able to generate in our own fields to date. So, what they want us to do now to let those snakes loose and set them free so we can have our Axiatonal lines back is, inhale and hold. On the exhale we‘re going to shoot a big spark of the living waters out the top of our heads and all the way up to the point 12 feet above our heads, the apex of our grail door, and, exhale upward. And now we‘re going to, in a minute, we‘re going to inhale as if we‘re inhaling from up there where we just sent the spark, and then bring that spark down to our AzurA. OK, so let‘s inhale upward, grab the spark, exhale it gently down to the AzurA, OK, but don‘t fully exhale, just part way. And now we‘re going to push exhale the rest down, all the way down into Median Earth core. There will be a set of tones that release. You may or may not hear them but they will come up through your feet. You might feel it as vibration or warmth or coolness or might not feel it, but once that, those sets of tones release, then there‘s going to be kind of, it‘s like an arc of fireworks that‘s going to come out the window and each one, there‘ll be a spark for each one of us standing here if you want. If you don‘t want it you just say no, I don‘t want it but whatever. If you don‘t want it , you don‘t want it. You don‘t have to receive any of the activations, you never do but, OK. They‘re saying give it a minute, it‘s still setting. All right, they‘re saying, they‘re getting ready to set off the spark burst and it will be aqua. The aqua color sparks or Hydrolase sparks, living water sparks and that is going to give a huge amplification to the whole shield but also to each one of you. So, as far as field protection now, this is the bounce point, by the way. Anybody that‘s got possession in there, I‘m talking to the possessions, not to the person who owns the body, but anybody that‘s got anybody in there that shouldn‘t be, now is your last call because if you don‘t leave now, you‘re going to get purged out with the Gharoche‘, so, we‘ll give a moment of requiem before we receive the spark. We‘ll, in a minute, we‘ll inhale and just push outward and forward and anything that wants to leave that doesn‘t want to get purged out with, that doesn‘t belong here, that doesn‘t want to get purged out with the Gharoche‘, this is their last call. Otherwise they will get embedded in the, they will be stuck in the atoms and they will have only one way out and they will be purged out with the Gharoche‘. So, this is the final part of the mass of requiem, the mass for the dead and the mass for getting the dead safely to heaven or to their host or if they want to go to the black hole that they came out of, if that‘s where they want to go, they can go where they want but out of here. Get out of our bodies is non-negotiable. So, we‘re going to inhale into the AzurA. Hold for a minute. Let them collect themselves into the inhale bubble you‘re creating in there. There‘s literally a bubble sheathe that they can go into to safely get out, and, in a second we‘re going to exhale and push it just forward and upward.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 130 of 159

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And…now. Give them three gentle inhale-exhale breaths to help them get the rest out if they‘re still half stuck. Bye bye. All right, so now, before they decide to turn around and try to bail back in, because some will do that, there‘s a screen that just went up so they can‘t do that. The Beloveds just did that. Now, get ready to receive the amplification spark, and it‘s going to look just like an aqua fireworks display coming out of that area but you won‘t be, you might be able to see it with inner vision. And there‘s enough sparks for each one of us, just coming out your nose. By the way, if there‘s any bits that got stuck that did want to get out, if you find like a bout of, well, they can get out in all sorts of ways like sneezes or coughs. It won‘t last a long time but it might be a temporary bit of purge if one has actually tried to leave and didn‘t get out fast enough or something, so, or even the other unmentionable things that happen when you sometimes eat foreign food. Those kind of things. Little ones though. It won‘t be massive. Az: It won‘t be like lettuce stuck on your teeth? A‘sha: No, no. (laughter) All right. They‘re getting ready to send now so lets inhale and wait until the sparks come and they will stop, OK, they will stop actually in front of us like just stop, waiting. So, it‘s inhale and wait until they come. All right, there. They‘ve released them. They‘re on their way. OK, they‘re incoming. Try to see this. They‘re really close now. They‘re just about to the waters edge. Now they‘re coming, right, and they‘re going to stop right in front of you but not on you. Now, exhale underneath them, don‘t touch, just underneath. And now just inhale them back in, right into the AzurA, and now exhale and push them out all through the Allurean Chambers and the Fire Chambers. Oh geez, that almost knocked me over. All righty then. Well the outside part is over and we‘ve got lots more to learn when we go inside. We‘ll probably go a little later than eight. We‘ll do our best, it‘s probably 8 o‘clock now with my luck. Thank you for participating in this. This is the first. This is the Dawn of the New Horizons. Thank you all for being with us. We‘re going to take, if anybody wants to have like a ciggie before you go back in, I‘m going to, so, just to stabilize a little bit in the activation. My knees actually locked on that one with the frequency coming in. So, we can turn the headsets off now and meet all back there in about 10 minutes. Thank You.

Introduction to Aqua Tone Technique [Audio Track 17 Aqua Tone Tech Intro] A‘sha [D5 C10 2:18:18] All right. What I‘m going to do is move through the Aqua-Tone™ practicum session. When you get your sheets, these are the ones, this and the other page of the Daily Grail Program that shows you where the schedule of techniques and how to work with that. They‘ll, like we said, come by either email or snail mail if you don‘t have email. We will run through the techniques on here and so like being live here so you will be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 131 of 159

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able to, when you read this, this is like a summary sheet that gives you the basic points of what to do, you‘ll have done it once so when you read the words, I‘ll read the words to you and I‘ll show you what that means and we‘ll try it together. So, we‘ll go through all of them like that and they‘re quite fast. I was so grateful after spending almost two weeks on trying to get all that other stuff through because it‘s not just like, here, type it, not to mention I don‘t type, three fingers or whatever. But, they have to show it to me first. They have to move me through it and then bring it back and then I get part of the words and it‘s a process that takes way too long. It‘s difficult. So I was really relieved that these are short and easy. They did promise us there would be an easy program, something you can take home and do easily. So these are not difficult and not horribly time consuming either. The first one is called the Personal Prep and it‘s the Grail State Quick Entry. That‘s how we get into that Grail State where you‘re in the GrU‘-al consciousness state where literally you end up transferring your consciousness into your Grail Door and perceiving from that state. So, that‘s why you had to go through 70 steps to get to before. There‘s a quick way to do that once you‘ve done the long version once. Now, as far as the long version, by the way, if there‘s any places where you felt that you lost connection and you want to go back, you have the long version and you can scan through and find that part and just put that part in your own voice on a tape and play that part again for yourself. If you feel you lost the sequence and didn‘t get in there good enough. Or, if you want to amplify the heck out of, begin to really push your consciousness into that state you can do the whole thing again. Any of these techniques that were Guardian given, you can do any part of them any time you wanted, but there is a sequence we‘ll see later about doing them as far as like what is recommended, at least that, you know what I mean? But as far as getting your consciousness into the Grail State quickly, once you‘ve done the whole thing once it‘s two points. You have A and B. A is the first thing you do. It says, ―Become still and quiet‖…and when you become still and quiet usually if you say you slow your breathing by half, just slow your body rhythms down a bit and all that, then Activate your Krystar Crystal Capsule which is simple. Rasha-EiraKrystar NOW where you do the Rasha-Eira-Krystar on an inhale, NOW (exhale). Right, that? And then first, hold the intention that you are going to go into that Grail State which means also trying to remember where you were when you were in there. What you felt like when you were in the water because you are going to go back into being that state where you become water. I AM the VOICE. I AM the WATERS. So, try to remember what you experienced when you went through that. If you want to make that stronger just go back and put that part of the technique on a tape for yourself to bring you back to, oh yea, that‘s where it was. So, the more you work with that technique or even pieces of it, the more you will be able to quickly shift more of yourself, more of your awareness into that space. When we‘re doing it for working with the healing we‘re going to have part of our self stationed here, not laying out and zoning out and going as far away as possible but we‘re actually going to bi-locate the consciousness where you‘re still awake and aware here and functioning in the physical body while being able to pull your consciousness into that state. And we pull it into state by going back through, on a quick level, of the way we got in there in the first place. The access point is the Kara-nA‟dis Seal. So, intend yourself to go in which means try to recall that space you were in. That‘s what you‘re aiming for. And then use an inhale breath to contract your conscious awareness, right, up here, inhale breath to contract your consciousness awareness into your Changing Room Cloud Cocoon.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 132 of 159

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Now remember the Changing Room Cloud Cocoon space, right? See it literally and that‘s in here, it‘s in the Kara-nA‘dis so you just kind of go (inhale) and pull a big piece of your consciousness right down in and go, and put it into there and then, let me see what else happens. And then, all right, inhale into the seal then exhale the breath to expand out your orb of aqua water. It takes you right to your being an orb of aqua water inside of the, within the Cloud Cocoon. All right, so you put yourself as the aqua water orb in the cloud cocoon. That‘s one breath. And then B, the next one is, once inside the Kara-nA‘dis Cloud Cocoon as your aqua water orb, then you inhale, use your physical hands to tap your AzurA three times with the lotus fingers, right. Right hand lotus fingers tap the AzurA three times while you‘re still inhaling and then you exhale yourself as conscious water into the Grail Door right around you. All right. So, we‘ll practice that in a little bit, in a minute, and once you do that, once you exhale your consciousness out there, you literally just transfer a part of your conscious awareness, your D3 awareness through that medium back out into the field around you. From there we‘ll find out later you can actually do the ―turn around and look‖ thing where you can perceive from there the back of the body and a part of you will be seeing the body as if it‘s made of bright white light with all these weird things happening in it like all sorts of pretty things. Most of them look pretty. Some of them don‘t but the good things look pretty like nice colors, and eventually we will be working with the sound as well but they wanted us to see the light patterns of the core program in the body and it‘s from that state that once we learn how to get into the scans and things it‘s actually from that state that you work with that that they call it down here, the, they call it the ‗look back view scan.‘ That‘s the looking back at it view where you get to see the body in that white state with all the symbols and everything moving through it. And that‘s where they‘re going to teach us a way to use a certain technique to, once you‘ve got that vision on, that‘s why we had to get into the GrU‘-all state or into the grail state before you could use this level of scan. It‘s very, very easy how to scan. You don‘t have to go analyzing stuff or picking through…is that a good one, is that a bad one? It‘s very simple. So, once we get into this state, that‘s why it‘s worth working with techniques by the way, like pieces of techniques that help you to make that experience of getting into that state stronger because the stronger you can make it, and when you‘re working with this personally it‘s a lot easier because you don‘t have all the distraction of people around you and all of that kind of thing. So, it‘s worth trying to develop the, making that feeling as real as possible by using parts of technique 3 whatever part of you feel you need strengthening in. So once we get into, once we‘re back out, we spread ourselves back out, part of ourselves back out into the Grail Door area, and that‘s the big one around your body, then you simply give yourself the mental command ―I AM the WATERS. I AM the VOICE.‖ And that is like, it‘s activating a bond between your D3 consciousness and your living GharE‘, the part of the GharE‘ that you freed into that space that was supposed to be, there was supposed to be GharE‘ energy in that space and we were all born with that door closed because those were not opened. So the GharE‘ was actually displaced. It was displaced and forced down into the twisted physical structures. So, we‘re going to try this technique now. Probably easier to just try them as we move through them instead of talking them all through and then forgetting by the time we get to the bottom one, what the first one was.

[D6 C1 0:00:00] So, the first one, become still and quiet. That means slow your breathing by about half the speed. And activate your Krystar Crystal Capsule. Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW. Now in time you can actually even do it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 133 of 159

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in one breath. At this point with these activations. If you feel you want to amp it more you can do more breaths to do it but you can actually just, with one…I can‘t say it and inhale at the same time. (inhales while saying Rasha-Eira-Krystar ) NOW, right? That kind of thing. One will do it if it‘s a big one and you really pull on the energy, up, while you‘re doing it and push it out. So whatever you feel is necessary but you have a lot of field support now that you don‘t have to do a lot of reps unless it‘s a big like grid work thing or something. All right so, we‘ve done Krystar Capsule activation. The next thing is you intend yourself into the Grail State which means just try to lean back into the space you were in to remember the feeling of what it felt like. The feeling is what‘s most important, more than any visuals or anything. So when you got out there in meditation just whatever it felt like to be out there. Try to recall what that meant so intend that, yes, that‘s where I‘m going again. So when you see the instruction intend yourself into the Grail State, just bring it to mind in as alive a way as you can and as the instructions to where you‘re going back to. So, next, you would, now I‘ll talk it first and then we‘ll do it. They said next you would use an inhale breath to contract your conscious awareness from where it is here, right, in your head area at the moment, to contract your conscious awareness into the Changing Room Cloud Cocoon at the Kara-nA‘dis Seal and that is that little spot that‘s right above the tail end of the breast bone, and what you‘re going to do is contract your consciousness here. And then pull it in, you can do it on one breath but I just did it in two separate pieces on the inhale. Contract it in and then expand it. Exhale it out, and the consciousness that you just pulled in and put in there expands out as an orb of aqua water that is in that Cloud Cocoon. So it helps here to recall as strong as possible that feeling of being in that Cloud Cocoon State. But now you‘re in that state as the aqua water orb. All right. And now you go on to step B which is once you‘re inside the Kara-nA‘dis Cloud Cocoon as your water, your aqua water orb, from that space, now you‘ve already bi-located your consciousness, right? You‘ve got part of you still up here and then you‘ve got the part of you that‘s as the aqua water orb in the cocoon, so you just bi-located your consciousness. Try to feel the part of you that just went there. You remember being there when all of your consciousness went for the ride. Try to remember that feeling and try to feel that part of you there. Try to feel yourself in two places, your consciousness in two places. Not your body, just your consciousness. So, once you feel yourself inside, that part of yourself you put inside, into the cocoon as the orb then you‘re going to inhale and with your lotus fingers of the right hand tap your AzurA three times. And then exhale that part of yourself down there out into the door space around the Grail Door. And try to feel it I actually felt motion on that where I didn‘t feel it in here so much yet, in this spot but I was getting the visuals of the cocoon quite clearly so some part of me was sending the signals that ok, yeah, we were there. And then when we just did that part, the (exhale) I felt this wave come off me back actually as it came out through the back side and I didn‘t, that wasn‘t in the, maybe it‘s just something my field does, I don‘t know, but that might be characteristic…they‘re saying that is characteristic that the flow would be that you would actually spread out from the back side of this seal, watch it come out and feel like a wave spread into your Grail Door from your back and that is your consciousness going out. You might not feel that right away but eventually it would build to where you could actually feel that. Where you inhale part of yourselves down here and push it in then exhale it back out and feel the wave of it go out and expand. And then you would be holding that expanded state of consciousness as well as holding this one and this is, this has to do with the atomic bi-location on the D2 level. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 134 of 159

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You couldn‘t do that unless these doors were open. You couldn‘t do it at just the D3 activation level. So the steps were very quite simple. Now once we‘ve got ourselves exhaled as conscious water we just kind of blend, we were an orb of conscious water when we were in here. When we blew out we let ourselves free from the orb shape and just spread out with the living waters that already filled that at all times, that already filled the doorway at all times. And once we‘re there as water, we just give ourselves the mental command, ―I AM the WATERS. I AM the VOICE.‖ And just relax and just kind of feel yourself a bit. And that‘s all it takes, what took 70 steps before, right. And now it will be done this way and the more you really put yourself into that state, like I said working with the technique 3, pieces of it, whatever, here and there just strengthen this part, strengthen that part, the more this will feel more and more very, very real and you will get much more of your consciousness in this space and be very aware of it and that‘s when you start getting like this double perspective where… I remember things used to activate and I didn‘t know what they were because I didn‘t have all these activations either. Nobody did. But I used to get this thing where I‘d be walking somewhere thinking about really nothing and all of a sudden I could see the tops of buildings. Like something fired up here in my fields. This was before these kind of activations so there‘s levels that were available to us to some degree before. It didn‘t feel linked to me though, I just felt like I had eyes up here that could see the top of buildings like skyscraper-height buildings. What was that? That had to do with our Rishi awakenings and those kind of things. But this is like that but much stronger because it is anchoring on the D2 level as well but you will be able to perceive not only from a set of eyes that pop up, you don‘t get eyes, right? You‘re water, you‘re living water. You‘ll actually be able to perceive 360, right? Because if you were made of eyes, every bit of the pre-substance that you are in that state is receptive and it has full sensory range. It has all the five senses plus a lot more so it‘s a much bigger feeling than just eyes on the top of your head kind of feeling where you can see up high. You can go high, you can go low, you can even throw balls at yourself from there to go find something out somewhere or there‘s all sorts of things we will learn to do. The more we learn to go into that state. It is an amazing state. This is just the beginning. So that is the easy one. That will be necessary I think for a lot of techniques to come to very quickly get your self into that state. So, that one‘s worth, it‘s short, it‘s fast, it‘s worth getting used to doing and can do it regular. It‘s also on the A list and do it just once a day. Now, let‘s see. Oh, and they do mention this. For a client run a Kathara 1 session before we go into, they‘re talking about not just this as far as you activate your, you go into your Grail State if you‘re going to do a client session for someone, they‘re saying this in relation to what‘s coming next which are, that was the prep technique, these are the four primary techniques that were listed on the Aqua-Tone thing. And there, I think I‘m going to read that one last. It refers to a client session as opposed to doing a personal self scan. I have to teach you the self scan first.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 135 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Setting and Sensitizing the Allurean Color Register [Audio Track 18 Mon 1] A‘sha [D6 C1 0:09:07] And this is where and number 1 is quite fast, it‘s Setting and Sensitizing the Allurean Color Register. Now, it‘s very simple to do but the reason for it is interesting. A. – there are two parts of it, A. is Optical Pineal Induction which we have been doing with all sorts of things for ages where you just kind of look at it and inhale and like inhaling (A‘sha inhales) bring it in, the whole image of it and like into two and then cross your eyes to make it into one and bring it into your Pineal and just (A‘sha exhales) exhale and it‘s set. Now what this Color Register gives you, it particularly helps people that might have a harder time seeing colors or things inside, it will help develop the inner psychic vision. It‘s giving you actually a register of filters where you have a choice, kind of like if you know anything of computer programs where you click on that color or click on the color for different applications right. So it‘s actually setting the register in your field and in your mind. So when the next thing you‘ll do is sensitizing it where you actually learn to make a, it‘s almost like a test scan where you find out which filter to use. And instead of having to go like try to remember…once you absorb these enough you‘ll be able to call the color up and see it. So you won‘t have to keep going back to the paper to say oh ghee I was supposed to use, things coming in like red so I‘m supposed to use that color. What color is that again? You know to look at it... So these will help when, it‘s like the whole register goes in as one image like a code and these are the colors that go with the Dimensional Spans and with the Rasha Body Scans, they‘re all the same D-1 red, D2 orange, D-3 yellow etc. all the way up the scale. We are going to get better charts than these but these were the best we could get with the color printing we had available and the color pencils. Az did these with color pencils and the orange was much nicer on its original but the photocopier, the color photocopier killed it, it made it look like pumpkin and it isn‘t pumpkin it is more of a brighter orange like a tangerine orange. So you can keep that in mind and color adjust it once you absorb it in there, make that a little bit more orange. But this is to use with the next things to come. Next thing on the same technique to come is the colored scan. This is where you sensitize. ‗B‘ is where you Sensitize the Register and you actually take a quick scan of your hand just to find out what color you should be using at that time for your scan that you are going to take into this perspective, ok, because it will change from day to day and from client to client it would also change. So you literally just do, I‘ll show you, you do a hand scan and you get a sense…now that you have the register set, one of those colors will come up as the dominant color, alright. You might not even see it at first because it takes a while especially if you don‘t have a very strong inner vision,, to get that color set where you can actually see it but you‘ll still pick up the vibration. And try to sense it, and try to just get a feel like of direct cognition if you can‘t see it yet, if you‘re looking at your hand and you can‘t see any one of those colors on the chart is not showing right, as the main color. Then just try to do direct cognition where I think it‘s a… and it probably is alright. So if you can‘t see it yet you just kind of go, OK… I think it‘s this. Thinking it‘s this is good enough. Eventually if you work with this you will see the colors and you will be able to put them on something. Or actually to look at something and one of them will flash on right, for you, where you say, ah it flashed on red. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 136 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Now if it flashes on red for example, if you scan your hand or a client‘s hand and you get this like dark red color over, as the dominant color of your hand. That isn‘t the color you‘ll use for your filter, you use the Adjugate color which is the one that‘s opposite on the natural Allurean Color Wheel. That‘s why you have in…I forget what page it‘s on toward the back but there is the Allurean Color Wheel. I forget what the technical is but it is the Natural Color Wheel. It means that you are using the opposite color but not the opposite color as they use it here where they say orange and blue and that kind of stuff. That‘s not based on the 12. They omitted a whole bunch of colors that go with the higher level of strands. So when we see the full Color Register—we didn‘t have time to make those in color. We were just filling out the registers in color that had to be… but from that if it‘s red, say if it is red or red is number 1, so you look at number 1 and you trace that line directly through the centre to the opposite number on the opposite side, its Adjugate, right. You find 7, the red that you saw on the end, it‘s actually the Filter Color you would use would be violet, number 7. If it were number 2 it‘s orange, it would end up as number 8 as its Adjugate which is the gold right. So that‘s how you would use that. Whatever color flashed after you set the Register and you got the Register, the Register is meant to flash a color that you could see and it gives you an indication of what color filter you‘re going to need and then you find that filter. First you find your color then you find its Adjugate for the Filter Color. So that is the Filter Color that you‘re going to do something with. And the more you get used to actually looking at these colors and feeling their resonance, it will make it much easier to project them in where you have to once you get there. So…

Hydro-Acoustic Adjugate-Tone Self-Scan [Audio Track 19 Mon 2] A‘sha [D6 C2 0:15:15] If you were using like the red-violet combination where the filter, where the hand was red but the filter will be violet right, we would take that in to what‘s called the Look Back View Field. And the Look Back View Field is where your consciousness, the part of it that‘s here that‘s in the Grail State can look back and there will be a part of you that can see as if we‘re seeing from back here kind of like all from back here looking at your body, your body looks like it is Bright White Light, 3-dimensional Bright White Light Being right. But it has all sorts of swirls and squiggles and colors running through it but they‘re all dancing. They‘re all moving, they‘re geometric shapes and all of that kind of thing. And there‘s other things that we are learning that you can see in there too but this is where the filters come in. It‘ll enable you to see what the things that don‘t belong in there are so you can get them out of there, right. So the next thing we‘ll do is remember what, try to do this try to – I don‘t think there is any specific thing on inhaling and exhaling… let me see, no. They said you can, but you don‘t have to. You can if you want to before, once you got your Register set because again you inhale the Register an object on Pineal Induction. Look at it and you (inhales) cross your eyes, double them, bring it out on one current and then exhale into your head.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 137 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

With the Hand Scan they said you can also if you want to (inhales) inhale and hold and then (exhales) exhale an image of the chart of all the colors down and then just let one flash. You can also do that to strengthen it if you feel you need to. And you just look at the back, it doesn‘t matter if you are at the back or front actually. There should be a color that flashes even if it‘s briefly at first. And once you got that color then you go to…eventually you‘ll have them memorized where you know if it‘s red that its Adjugate is 7, etc. That you just go look at your chart, find its Adjugate. Know that‘s the color that you‘re going to be using with when you go to the next stage. So that‘s really fast. I mean this stuff once you get used to it, it goes really fast. The next one is Releasing the Gharoche‟-Restoring the Mana-Reclaiming the GharE‟ and… now remember you have that part of you that‘s already in Gru‘-al State and now you know a filter calling alright. So did you try it on the hands? Did you actually try it yourselves, you did? We‘ll try it one more time on the hands so, try with the breath this time where you hold in mind the thing that you put in on Optical Pineal Induction which is the Register, that Color Set and (inhales) inhale and on the exhale we are going to project an image of that whole Color Set, that paper with the colors on it (exhale) breath down on your hand. And they say/said look away for a minute and look back and you should get a sense of one flashing even if you don‘t see it. And they‘ll be flashing in your inner vision usually… and if you don‘t just, then go for the verbal translation because you picked up the encryption but you need to just work on getting it translated if you don‘t see it. And you say, OK I think it‘s a… and you get either a color or a number or one of those that will tell you which number or color on that chart it is. You should be able to get one that way. And if worst case scenario for now just guess because the guess will probably be right. So until you get where you can see the colors stronger, trust the guess, right because you did pick up the encryption. It‘s just a matter of your 3D mind trusting itself enough to interpret that. OK, so now if we have our color that we think was there or that we‘ve seen then look at your color chart and find its opposite OK, straight line opposite they call it vector lines. Take the color or the number and go right across the center on the vector line and look at what number chamber you‘re on there, and the color and the number would go with that. And that is its Adjugate and that is the color of the filter you would use. Participant: You add or subtract 6? Is that what you‘re… A‘sha: No… You do what? Participant: You add or subtract 6 to get the Adjugate… A‘sha: I don‘t know I‘m not doing the math. We‘re not even going into playing with the math OK. Participant: You just gave the example of… A‘sha: I‘m sure there is a way to do it with the math. We‘re trying to teach it this way where it‘s not hard. Imagine a clock and draw a line through just to get to the other without having to calculate. There is a way to calculate. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 138 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

Participant: I didn‘t realize we had the chart. A‘sha: Yeah, yeah it‘s in there… Participant: … page 36… A‘sha: … I haven‘t gotten that far with the numbers… (to Az) well you can explain that. You know that will take them off of what they need to learn now… Yeah we‘re going to keep it where, at some point we‘ll talk about the mathematical aspects. Participant: Oh no, I just didn‘t see… A‘sha: Yeah OK it‘s there, so now see you can trace it right across. It‘s much easier to just do it that way where it is… Participant: It is… [A‘sha] … I like to avoid numbers wherever possible. OK so we got that sorted. OK that‘s understood.

Releasing the Gharoche‟-Restoring the Mana-Reclaiming the GharE‟ [Audio Track 20 Mon 3] A‘sha [D6 C2 0:20:41] Now this is the one that has a few basic steps to it but it is not difficult. Releasing the Gharoche‘-Restoring the Mana and then Reclaiming the GharE‘. It has 2 steps, A. and B. And I‘ll read them first. First A. it says, ―Project a ―Ball‖ or a ―Wave Field‖ of the Adjugate Color‖ – alright that‘s the filter – ―to the Disharmonic‘s primary color around each Disharmonic.‖ Now a ―Disharmonic‖ is something that doesn‘t belong in there. When you‘re doing, you‘re looking back right, you‘re seeing your pretty White Body with the Light Body with all its pretty colors and things that look like they should be there and stuff and there is something in there that you‘re not seeing. The way to bring it up is actually by projecting the Color Filter. So first of all you project the – actually I went down too far, we‘re still on the, I skipped a line so we‘re not on the Releasing the Gharoche‘ yet, we‘re on the Hydro-Acoustic Adjugate-Tone Self-Scan. So first we get the Color Register set, we got our. Now we‘re going to do the Look Back View Scan, where we‘re looking back and viewing alright. From where we are back here we project the Adjugate Color Filter – whatever that Filter Color was right, the opposite of what you saw on your hand. You project that color into the Look Back View Field. And the Look Back View Field is actually where your body is but as perceived from that perspective. So you just project it towards your body right. So you just kind of from this perspective, envision yourself projecting – or don‘t even envision yourself, just feel yourself projecting a fold just like a wave form of that color in all over the body.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 139 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

First try to see it white like where you can see it where it‘s white light body as if you‘re back here some place. You can also stand here and do it because you remember your Grail Window is 3-dimensional it‘s – not Window but Door, it‘s 3-dimensional, it‘s not just a flat one. So you can actually move your consciousness anywhere and get a 360 scan. But first find your body in Light, try to get a sense of it, you might see it if your vision is turned well. If not try to get a sense of a part of you here like try to move it around you just to get a feel. You might actually… Alright they‘re saying you‘ll probably find a spot that you get the feeling of it most easily, where you can see it most clearly and start with that as your spot that you would actually perceive from, you don‘t always have to perceive from back here. Because you can actually go like one of those x-ray machines or whatever, that go all the way around and just try to feel a spot that you can feel your body as a white light structure that looks like it but kind of like a washing white light and with flickering colors and shapes and stuff all moving through it and over it. Try to find that spot OK. And when you find that spot from the part of you that is looking at you – you are looking at yourself. Part of your self is now looking at yourself as if it is across from you or next to you on the side or whatever. From where that part of your consciousness is in Grail State, project a flood, kind of like a flood wave of that Adjugate color and it will create a temporary filter through the entire body. Now the purpose this filter has is… next says B. Scan for ―Disharmonics‖. A Disharmonic is interesting. Now, it‘s inorganic symbols, colors, shapes and geometries or blobs or anything other strange shapes, worms and you can find living stuff. I mean there‘s all sorts of weird stuff like astral worms sometimes you‘ll find elemental worms, not just worms, bugs, all sorts of weird stuff pops up when you start looking inside the body, as well as images of bacteria‘s and stuff like that. Instead of having to go after all of that stuff, when you project that filter on, what it will do is the…whatever the disharmonics are, they‘ll show up. The filter will bring them out and they will show up first of all. And they will show up in the color of their dominant frequency. So you might see something weird and nasty looking that pops up through the filter. You wouldn‘t be able to see it just with the white light body there but when you put the Color Filter, the Adjugate Color Filter over, it actually brings them up where you can now perceive them from the part of you that‘s doing the scan from here or up here or wherever you are. And they will register a color that is their dominant frequency. And to go and to get them out, you actually go to that opposite color again, you get the Adjugate of the Disharmonics. So when you see the word Disharmonics here, these are thingys alright. It‘s the word they use to describe the icky bits that don‘t belong in there, that you‘re going to learn how to clean off. So they light up when you put the Color Filter, when you project the Color Filter in and they will show you their primary frequency color. The filter will allow that to show. And once that shows, you go again back to the Adjugate Color Chart – not the colored one, not the code chart but the one that shows the wheel, the Color Wheel and again you find the opposite of the thingy‘s color and then you do something with that. That‘s the color you‘re going to use to get rid of it. And here, when we go into here this is how you get rid of it, when we go into step-3. So this is, what we are finding are aspects of the Gharoche‘ energy that are connected with the Gharoche‘ the reversed part and when you bring the bits that don‘t belong in there back, it will actually allow the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 140 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

GharE‘ the turn back around. And you can reclaim your quantum of GharE‘ but it will release the stuff that was stuck to it that didn‘t belong there. And the stuff that was stuck and didn‘t belong there, it comes up in cycles and it‘s in your field. And when you start to scan you will be able to pull that off. Eventually the scans will go really, really fast. You will be, right when you‘ll go to sleep at night and you‘re already in your bed and you go, oh yeah and you go (demonstrating with 2x short strong inhale/exhale) got you, gone alright and you can learn, it can go really, really fast. And so it takes a little bit of time to learn it where, ―what am I supposed to do next?‖ Eventually you‘ll have, there‘s only 12 colors. And if you imagine the clock, the diagram that you have there, pretty soon you‘ll be able to trace it in your mind‘s eye and know which is the Adjugate Color so you don‘t have to keep going back to the thing. I‘ve been doing stuff like this but I didn‘t know it was a full on technique for quite a while actually but I didn‘t know. They taught me about six months ago, about the using the Adjugate Color if you see something in somebody‘s field because I can read fields. I never really try to do my own, I‘m almost afraid of what‘s tracking me because there‘s usually something that doesn‘t like me because of the stuff that I teach about Metatron and…so, anyway. And we will go to the next one which we… So what we did is, at this point we should be able to, we can try this. I have a feeling particularly if you‘re tired it may be better to work a bit – like take, when you get this at home, work a bit first to develop that feeling of when you‘re in that GrU‘-al/Grail State alright. So you can get a strong anchor on that piece of yourself that you are going to send back there and then work your way through these techniques. So when you get to the point where we are now, where we project, we can try but, you would just like inhale from here both right, you‘re going to do a bi-location inhale (A‘sha inhales) both of you, and you‘re going to, your body is going to exhale forward and so is that part of you. So you are going to cut across, exhale (strong long exhale). They said you don‘t always have to do it this way but sometimes it amplifies the effects and we are trying to do that so hopefully you can see more of the scan. And you can do it again to amplify more if you want to… (inhale/exhale). Now… as yourself here imagine you see the wave of that Adjugate Filter Color coming from you that was exhaled by the part of you that is in the Grail State. So just try to feel it because it will help bring in the frequency a bit more so it‘s more real from both perspectives. So first try to see it from your eyes, it‘s like that Color Filter Wave coming. It comes like right through you, over you and it‘s through everything... It doesn‘t hurt you, it goes away when the scan is done. But then try to flip your awareness more fully into the Grail State where you‘re looking back at yourself from whatever angle you‘re at. We did that one from the front but if you want to position yourself in that spot that you find might be the most comfortable spot, where you felt the most, yeah I feel myself there in that Grail State looking from a different perspective. You can move yourself fully to that spot and from there just try to see now. Try to close your eyes here and imagine your vision transfers to whatever that spot is. So you can then look back at yourself through that Color Filter that you projected and try to see if you can find any little thingy at all. And by the way the stronger your projection, your fields get with this, the more you will be able to see. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 141 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So at first you might see a little thingy here, you only see the ones that have really intense energy to them but more subtle stuff, the more your vision turns on and the more you get yourself in the Grail State, the more you‘ll actually see the deeper things that might be smaller or whatever. So now just look for, just try to find the Disharmonic through that Color Filter. You see the body but now it‘s not white any more it has got that Color Filter over it and through it. See if anything lights up, any color at all even it‘s like black and mucky. It will usually have a primary color, it might be like a mucky red or mucky looking. And they usually they‘re a bit mucky looking but there should be a color signature and sometimes a shape usually. It might be a symbol, it might be a bug, it might be something like that. But try to scan. And if you can‘t find it at that angle try moving your scan, right, moving the part of your consciousness to the part of your consciousness that is over here and see if you can see it from that angle. And if you can‘t from that angle, try it 360 to find a place where you might be able to see it. Sometimes even if you have found your favorite spot where you can see it from there and you get used to that and you‘re always doing it like that. Sometimes you‘ll find that doesn‘t work for some people if you are doing particularly…with yourself it will usually work the same spot but you also miss stuff. So it‘s always good to once you get there, you scan from one area at least to the four corners, the ones that are horizontal 1, 2, 3, 4. But it would be even better to do the 6 where you go up because you can move your consciousness. All of that is your consciousness field right now where you spread out into those Living Hydrolase Waters that are in the Grail Doorway. And you‘re temporarily at-one-with them. You are the Water ―I AM the Water‖. So it‘s all around you, so you can actually take any perspective. Eventually we will learn to go right into the body and look at it from the inside, look at the organs and all those kind of things. But for now it‘s about being able to keep, to help the body purge off the the twisted GharE‘ which is the Gharoche‘ in order to progressively reclaim our GharE‘ and our Mana. Because the GharE‘ is being used to twist the Mana back and to feed off of our Zeion where our Mana Seed is and that‘s why the bodies die…one of the reasons, but they go through Mana depletion because of that. So get used to trying to, when you read these steps just realize what you‘re View Field, your Look-Back Field—that whole area is your Look-Back Field and you can move it and you can turn where you say OK I‘m going to look from this perspective, alright that‘s not working I‘m going to look form here. Alright that‘s not working… and it‘s not just 6 directions. Imagine it is like a sphere inside of the Door. It‘s actually, it can be moved in different shapes, it doesn‘t even have to be a sphere. And you can move the shape of the Door it is, just keep it in the Door for now they‘re saying but you can move it 360 anywhere you want. So try to find the place that feels right for you to scan from. They say if at first…they‘re just letting me know. They‘re saying, what we just did with the back and forth exhale right, when we were projecting, when we were going to have our part over here, project the field filter on right, they said try to do that part from the front perspective because there is the amplification factor. If you‘re still stuck in your head here, right, your main consciousness field that is stuck here and some part of it may be where you couldn‘t feel out there where (inhale) you both inhale and (exhale) you both exhale and across where you do the… you (inhale) both inhale – yourself there and this self and (exhale) you both exhale across. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 142 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

They said that‘s the best way to do it first while you‘re building the strength to do that, you don‘t always have to do that. But then you see…the one here sees the color coming toward them and going through the body right and then you switch. You try to switch the vision off here and on in the eyes there. And then you start moving it wherever. But that‘s the easiest way to get the amplification that is that exchange, the exhale exchange that when you‘re exhaling the Filter and you‘re exhaling the Filter at you, that this you here can see it coming and that‘s done through the exhale exchange. That is something that they didn‘t mention here and that they didn‘t mention before, it came through live. OK let‘s see, now… if you have found something right, if you got to the point where you can actually see or at least feel…that first it may be the see-feel thing if you‘re not getting any colors. But the thing is you won‘t be seeing colors in your head, this head, you‘ll be seeing them out here or sensing them out here. These eyes won‘t see them but somehow you will know a color. And somewhere you would actually see it. It‘s an eerie feeling actually. I‘m just learning how to do this too but I had it flash on and I was actually seeing from here and it was like I was seeing…these eyes were not seeing, I was seeing from that perspective. And I could actually see me here and that was, it is a very strange feeling when it starts to get very real, when you‘re getting lot of your consciousness out there. And the more you do it the more of yourself you‘ll actually get in through so it can expand out and the more you will build up the ability where you can literally bi-locate yourself in the two spaces. It‘s a very odd feeling where you‘re looking back at yourself. So there is…practice. These are things you need to practice at home if you want to develop a skill in them. They‘re not magic wands sending waves. At least we got quite a few magic wands, that was not a bad weekend workshop with all the activations we got done. It‘s amazing. We just got our bodies back! Now we‘ll go on and see… oh the one more part. Once you find the Disharmonics through the scan then the step 3 part is Releasing the Gharoche‘, that‘s the twisted part, and Releasing the Disharmonics which restores the Mana. So it‘s Restoring the Mana and Reclaiming the GharE‘ because once you pull those things out, the things that light up are not so much the GharE‘ part, of the twisted GharE‘ part of your Gharoche‘, it‘s the other stuff that doesn‘t belong there. So when you pull that out and get rid of that once we‘re back, then you get your natural GharE‘ back, it turns it back around and it becomes natural GharE‘ again. So you‘re not losing your quantum in other words. And the way this is done it says, ―Project a ―Ball‖ or a ―Wave Field‖‖ like just flood of that of the color right. So ―Project a ―Ball‖ or a ―Wave Field‖ of the Adjugate Color to the Disharmonic‘s primary color.‖ Remember how they said that once you get your scan going that you‘re seeing from here and you‘ve got your body covered with the color of the 1st Adjugate Filter that you used from the opposite on your hand. Whatever color of the thingy that lights up in that scan, you use the Adjugate, opposite of it to get rid of it, alright. So let‘s see, so you would project a ball. If it‘s a small thing you‘re seeing you‘d use a ball—an object, a bug or a little symbol that doesn‘t look right, or it shows it‘s not right—you would like use a proportionately sized ball of the Adjugate Color that you project out. But if it‘s more like layers of fields or nasty flickering bands of color and stuff and it‘s big, you would just project the whole wave field of that color just like we did with the filter. And you project it around each Disharmonic or full body in the View Field, the whole thing if it‘s a big mess right. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 143 of 159

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Then…and when you project you just kind of (inhale/exhale)… but you‘re doing it from there right. The Consciousness that‘s here you‘re going (inhale/exhale) and projects with either the Ball or the Wave Field outwards. The next line says, ―Exhale and Inhale ―Water-Breaths‖ into the View Field‖ OK. This means you take an inhale (inhales) and (exhale, inhale/exhale) but you‘re breathing from the Water Seed because that…you have water there so this part of you is actually activating its Water Seed and that part of you is Water. It is the Living Water Substance and as you breathe (inhale/exhale) every time you exhale it‘s throwing more of the Waters into the View Screen area towards your body, from there towards your body. And it is energizing the Transmutation Filter Color you just put in—that you get rid of, the Disharmonic Adjugate Color, so it‘s energizing that. And you simply breathe the Water Breaths into as you… (inhale/exhale). Every time you‘re breathing, that part of you is breathing too and it‘s breathing that. And it‘s sending, it‘s energizing the View Field until the Disharmonic and its Adjugate Harness—that‘s what you put on that Adjugate Color to the Disharmonic thing, alright that is its Harness. So you‘ve harnessed it. And you just keep… just breathing until the Disharmonic and its Harness just literally transmute and disappear and they‘re gone and they‘re not shown on the scan anymore. So it‘s that simple. You put in the Filter, it shows the thing that needs to go, you put in the opposite color within that (that) needs to go, and just (inhale/exhale) breath gently for different…it just depends on the size of the thing of how many breaths you need to use, and it will disappear. You‘ve harnessed it with its Adjugate Color. And when it disappears, the stuff that doesn‘t belong there disappears because the only part that shows on these, the Disharmonics, are things that don‘t belong in your body in the first place. The GharE‘ does belong in your body. Just because it was twisted around and reversed doesn‘t mean it didn‘t belong there. You need that, it‘s your quantum. So we‘ll free that and it frees the Mana that was bound into the structure and it gets rid of and transmutes the other thing, it takes it out. Kind of like when you cremate the Va-Bha-TE goes to dust, it takes it elsewhere and that goes back to PartikI dust. So it‘s a very simple process. It takes a little bit of time to learn it. But once you got it down and you just got the steps that you‘ll look fast, once you‘re used to doing this. It‘s just like when you‘re learning anything, it takes a bit of time but it has a lot of potential being very fast in an effective way. It‘s also one of the things that they want you to do – I forget which version, we‘ll look at the other sheet that deals with the dailies and stuff. Because that‘s one of the things that they‘d like you to learn to do on a daily basis, at least clean some of it off. There is a way to do it a bit shorter where you don‘t have to go into the Color Filters bit. You just use one part of it and I think it‘s for Daily Maintenance, it is the next part. It says: B. ―For Daily Maintenance you scan the View Field body image but without any filter.‖ You don‘t have to go through the…pull the register in, doing the hand thing, or anything like that. So you just scan the View Field body image without any filter and notice there is that look like or feel like, you can sense that. But once your vision starts to turn on you should be able to see them as well, they look like dark screen netting areas, as if there is like a screen over a certain area of the body when you‘re perceiving it from here. And sometimes like a screen running through it in weird planes or like crumpled up screen and stuff. It looks like netting. Kind of like fish net stockings but like with small little holes as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 144 of 159

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opposed to large ones or screening like you would have on the screen house or on the screen porch kind of thing. And you‘ll see areas of it and sometimes in weird angles and things like that. So if you see those areas, this is what the other things look like, you don‘t get as clear a read without the Color Filter but you can see when something is there that doesn‘t belong there right. So it simply says, without any filter scan and notice the screen areas and when you notice the screen area you flood the nets or the screens with the Light, you just do the Water Breathing into it right. And just breathe the water stuff into it, that harnesses it until it disappears alright. So you can make that stuff disappear also but you can‘t get into the deepest – it‘s not as deep a level of a scan as when you use the filters, but it‘s still enough for keeping stuff off you on a daily basis and helping the body transmute the stuff that it‘s trying to, trying to release the Gharoche‘ from itself. And that‘s really quick. That‘s like, ―I‘m going to sleep. I‘m tired. (inhale/exhale) Anybody here, any great nasty screens because I‘m tired but I can still do this.‖ (inhale/exhale) And just breathe and realize when you breathe here you‘re breathing there too. And breathe the…when you‘re dealing with just the Liquid Light itself you‘re dealing with that Aqua Color, the Pale Aqua Color. So you can just imagine the Pale Aqua Color going into wherever the area was. You can also try to feel that simultaneously in your body, like where the area is that you saw on the scan. Try to…when you‘re breathing to remove the nets, to dissolve the nets, try to feel the sensation in the body area, the physical body area as well. And once you get good at those…you‘re turning on those sensitivities that used to be yours a long time ago but that you got turned off because of the mutation. So it takes a while for them to kick in and fully sensitize just like babies eyes, they don‘t immediately come out seeing clearly. It takes them a while for their eyes to get adjusted where they can see shapes clearly and that kind of thing. So it kind of works like that. They said it‘s pretty quick though like if you actually do the techniques. You use the Color Register, you can really surprise yourself at how quickly you can get this to work well for you. Let‘s see, so that‘s really all you have to do there, you (inhale/exhale) put the Water Breaths…they call them Water Breaths where you‘re just Breathing Water into it. When you exhale it gives that cross exhale again. The other one is bringing the Waters toward your body right, the other part of you is bringing it toward the body here. OK now let‘s see, it says then if you want to you can also mentally pull the screens out in a Water Harness like you breath Water into—you‘re over here, you‘re breathing the Water into the nets and then you can actually harness one, you just kind of like grab it with the breath and yank it out and then you just kind of like throw it up into the Field of Hydrolase that you are right now, that you are at-one-with right now and it will dissolve it. So you can just pull them out to you, you don‘t have to breathe to death until it finally dissolves there. Breath a few times into it, (inhale/exhale, inhale/exhale, …) and throw the Water on it and then it will loosen it enough to where you can just…and you‘re Mind and Emotion and Spirit here when you are in this state right. So you don‘t have to have a hand to reach or to grab, you don‘t need one. You just use the Mind and Intention and just imagine it‘s loosened and you‘re going in to pulling it out. Just pull it out away from the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 145 of 159

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body and kind of like upward and toward the apex of the Grail Door and it will just dissolve before it gets anywhere near the apex or the Door. So they‘re really simple procedures once you get used to the few steps that are involved. OK, and that‘s all you have to do with that. You bathe them with Water, the nets with Water and then use…intend and pull them out and send them up and they go, they transmute.

Aqua-Tone™ Axiatonal Line-Chakra Restoration [Audio Track 21 Mon 4] A‘sha [D6 C4 0:47:17] Now the one more that‘s interesting, this one…it is actually two more but this is actually, this is the food one where it says ―The Daily Food, Water & Consumables Clearing & Charging‖ thing. That is actually part C. And you don‘t always have to do this it‘s like an option C out of the number 4 technique which is the AquaTone™ Axiatonal Line-Chakra Restoration. The reason they put it there, the food one, is because it uses the same procedure, just about, that is used in the other parts of the Chakra and Axiatonal Restoration as far as how you energize the hands and how you move the energy and the same concept. So they put it as C there but you don‘t have to do them all together you know what I mean. Now what this one says is A. you pick-up the Allurean Finger and Palm Plates from the Allurean Aqua-Tone™ Plate Chart. So you find that chart that has all the little tiny Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Codes and the one big one on it. And the little ones are for your fingers. And there is a little kind of pie shaped clock there with numbers, a little drawing and I wrote out from there. That‘s showing you where the division is between left and right and I wrote out what, where you put… And I just wrote that numbers 1 through 6 go on the left hand OK. So they would be where your left hand will pick up the fingers, your left fingers will pick those. And you only have 5 fingers but that‘s alright because that one, just imagine you have another thumb coming out the other side of your hand where normally you would. And what you do to pick them up, so you would pick them up, you can do one at the time. At some point we may try to do a chart where they‘re like this right, a real simple one where you got the two hands and you‘ve got them in the right positions where you just stick your hands on, that kind of thing. But you would put the fingers on the right ones, I‘m using the wrong ones, I‘m supposed to use the left hand on 1 through 6, right. You can do them all actually on like that. And then imagine that you have that thumb coming out the other side of your hand and so actually you can get the fingers on. And I believe this is the symbol 1… Participant: Does it matter what order?

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A‘sha: They said it does eventually but when you first, with this application it doesn‘t but there will be a time when it does. So yeah eventually it will but for general just getting the things to run it doesn‘t matter right now. Participant: So we can cut and paste this in…? A‘sha: They said the way is simple, wait a minute, in fact they said that it‘s actually simple. It wouldn‘t hurt anything to put the fingers anywhere you wanted to for this application but eventually there is. They‘re just showing me something that they, there is where the fingers need to go and it‘s where the Axiatonal Lines go, that‘s what this is for right? OK, they‘re showing me something… I just saw something that, I knew it was going there but we didn‘t get there before. Thank you… (A‘sha getting live transmission). It‘s giving me the actual Axiatonal Lines and that is why I couldn‘t figure it out because all the twists and turns and things before. OK that helps, yeah alright. Now to answer that question since…they said, we might as well. Ok, right I found my left foot. Ok, I‘ve got the toes, right, what the toes are and the fingers go in the same way. OK that‘s my foot and if my hand is just like my foot and that‘s my left hand. Yes! OK. I‘m almost there. I‘ll be able to give you exactly which ones. There we go, alrighty. On the left hand, the finger numbers would be, and it would go to the number corresponding, you would put that finger on that number plate. The thumb, the actual physical thumb is 6. Yeah they‘re saying that on the left hand. And the left thumb is 6, the left pointer finger is 5, the left middle finger is 4, the left ring finger is 3, the left pinky is 2 and the left invisible thumb is 1. And the left foot toes that you would put those on have the same one. Then on the right hand, the right thumb is 7, pointer finger 8, middle finger 9, right ring finger 10, right pinky finger 11 and invisible right thumb 12. Same thing with the numbering on the right toes. So basically if you look at your foot and you look at your hand they have the same numbers. So it would be one of these when we do the exercise to bring these. Once you pick them up here you just literally bring them down to their corresponding and touch the toes, touch the tips of the toes where you have…and when you do this it‘s best to do it like with bare feet or socks where you can actually feel your toes. Because there‘s little tiny vortices on the tops of the toes and that‘s what we‘re aiming for. For the little random one, that‘s like the other toe that‘s not there yet. You can just let that, let your invisible thumb and it‘ll work itself up on the etheric level right, so let them have their relationship. So good question, I knew we had to go there but I didn‘t, they said it wasn‘t needed for this exercise. It will make it stronger though, when we actually have them fully on exactly where they‘re supposed to be. It will amplify it they said it will activate the core parts of the two center parts which is something they haven‘t talked about yet. So OK, so good we got that sorted. Now back to this. Let‘s see what do we do next? OK let‘s see. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 147 of 159

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Participant: Ash, are the Meridian Lines on the same corresponding numbers? A‘sha: Yes, yes and I‘ve been looking for that to finish that chart for ages and I just got it. That‘s the information I needed to know how they divided and where they‘d be running. Now that would apply to the ones in the feet OK but there is—and probably to the ones in the arms right because they would run, I think, unless they have a twist some place because you know how they flip some places. To get the rest of them going all the way up you may have to see where the shields are, see where those, now that we have the Monadic Flows opening especially to see where they twist because they will flip sides and we‘d have to track all of that. But this will give the basic run, what is put in the feet. It will straighten the Lines and they will push through whatever their natural spin is as they‘re going up. So you wouldn‘t have to do every part but you can do the stronger one once we know all those other things. So it was a good question but yes the Lines are, they correspond to the Axiatonal Lines running up and eventually if you do them through the feet they‘ll follow the right track of where that is supposed to be, so even before you know all that you can still do a decent run with these. Now the way to pick them up is quite simple by the way. You put your fingers over the correct number. Now we know which ones they are, that go with the correct number of the finger plates. And you would inhale into the AzurA (strong inhale) then exhale down your arm cords—it says arm cords because it was referring to when you do them on both sides, we‘re doing it at one side right now. (strong inhale) So inhale into the AzurA and then exhale (exhale) down into the arm cord of the hand that you‘re right now picking up with. Then you would inhale (strong inhale) up to the AzurA. We just picked those up, the imprint of those up and keep them on your fingers. Then you would do that with both hands. Actually before you worry about doing the other hand, once you get them on your fingers there‘s a quick way to just make them activate. So you get them up (strong inhale) and you have them on your fingers and it says, then exhale down into them (exhale) and they pop activate and they become balls at the ends of your fingers. I felt that, it‘s like a tingling sensation I got and I didn‘t even put them on the right ones. And these instructions are right there, so when you have this written thing you will be able to see what it is, alright. So then you do the same thing to the other hand where you inhale in the AzurA, exhale down the arm, it goes into the fingers and plates. And then inhale up to the AzurA, that picks up the plates on the fingers and then exhale down again to pop and activate them into balls. You would do the same thing with the palms. You put the palm over the palm, the palm sized one and do the same thing where you (inhale) start… you inhale up to the AzurA, you exhale it down the arm cord (exhale), you inhale up to the AzurA and you pick up the plate on the palm and then exhale down and pop back into/toward the plate and they‘ll make a ball. And then you get both hands going like that. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 148 of 159

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We‘ve done all this stuff before where we‘ve amplified them and stuff. They‘re not saying to do this here where we‘re working directly within the Axiatonal Lines. They‘re saying leave them in their localized positions and then step B that‘s not written here but they are telling me right now. You just leave them in the localized positions, you pop back to activate them and you leave them where they are and you got palm and fingers on each hand right. And they said, use the Water Breaths which again you (inhale) inhale and just (exhale) exhale and every time you exhale you‘re sending energy down through, into them. Use the Water Breaths to transmit the finger plates into the appropriate toe chakras, alright. So you reach down with your left hand, put big toe to thumb and then all the fingers just like that and try to point them up top a little bit because – right toward the tip of the toe that those little vortices are and you just do the same thing (inhale)… inhale, hold and (exhale)… push down the arm and transfer the codes right into. If you want to get a double or triple dose you can do that (inhale/exhale, inhale/exhale, …). 12 would be best they say (continues inhale/exhale, inhale/exhale, …). You don‘t have to finish it now if you only want to do the 3 to see and to get the hang of it and you want to do it at home but then you‘re going to wait a couple of days before you – if we‘re doing snail mail it will be a couple of days before we can get it to you, the chart pack. So you might as well do the 12 while you‘re here. My foot‘s getting warm. And that‘s through a sneaker. You do the same thing with the other foot… Participant: You can‘t do 12 at the same time? A‘sha: You can if you want to, yeah I would just doing them slowly step by step. You can do both feet at the same time but it will cut in half the strength of each of your currents, right. So at first you‘re better off doing one foot at the time. When you‘re doing clients you should always do the one foot at a time if you‘re doing a full run technique on them because that gives them the strongest current. You can also do the, like we do in Kathara-1 where you do one hand on each foot type thing. It depends on the application but for like a first client session when somebody never had it done you‘re best doing one foot at a time. Now we don‘t have the whole like how to run a client session. You have bits of it like here you put that, you do this if it‘s a client. (question not audible) A‘sha: Same way we did with the first ones with the toe, they‘re both etheric, they‘ll take care of each other. When you put your hands on, the five fingers and five toes line up that extra one on each, they will line up too. You just don‘t see them because they‘re not physical and materialized but they‘re still lining up too. And they will come in actually to the body as well. So you will have your 1 and your 12 lines back in, in the legs and all of that. They just don‘t have that extra little appendage, the toe and finger in them that go with them, OK. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 149 of 159

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Now let‘s see, what else do we do. Alright now… alright we got the feet part, now we‘re going to move on to the chakra part. Now we‘re going to transmit the palm plates, right, the big ones in our palms. Remember they‘re balls at this point, you popped them out 3-dimensional. And what they want us to do is we do the left hand over the back of the right hand like we do in the Kathara stuff and simply do the same thing with the palm over each of the embodied chakras starting with 1. So you don‘t have to like put your leg between, right between you kind of like aim it down alright. And the left palm over the right so you‘re actually blowing the two spheres in so they‘ll co-combine in there and amplify. But you would like…I would kind of like well if I weren‘t in skirt and stuff and didn‘t have stuff on my lap I would probably spread my legs enough and put my hands like here and throw it into the base chakra for number 1 right. But you do it for just each of, first each of the embodied chakras right, 1 through 7 and… It‘s not written here, you don‘t have to do the 12th chakra and the 14th. They will go automatically once you get the core 7. So you don‘t have to worry about how many, how far below the feet was that. It will take care of that. And what you‘re doing is sending that program into the Crystal Seals, the Seed Crystal Seals that are in the chakras and that will bring them up into the Star Crystal Seals that are between the chakras. So it‘s literally bringing the natural imprint back in through the whole, what we call more Outer Light Body structure which is stuff that‘s closer to the materialization. So, and that‘s all you would have to do with that. Again it‘s the Water Breaths, just the (inhale/exhale) and you‘re transmitting while you‘re exhaling. And you‘re holding and building energy itself and then transmute the exhale and you got your Waters turned on. But you do need to go into that state alright to be able to do the Water Breathing properly. Now the Daily Food stuff, this is C of the same Technique-4. Daily Food, Water & Consumables Clearing & Charging and this applies to all of the above. You don‘t need to treat a steak differently than water or a beer or vegetables alright, across the board. Now there is a long version, it‘s not long-long but it‘s the more intense version that actually is a stronger clearing for use at home and that kind of stuff. And that is where you would use the finger and palm plates where you‘ve got the finger things picked up again. So you‘ve got your five fingers and your two palms loaded. So you transmit the palm and finger plates, which means (inhale/exhale) right, from both hands into the item on the…No, they do this first, wait a minute. Let me see something. Either, I might have a typo in this that we‘ll fix before we send. Sometimes they do something one way and it‘s actually supposed to be the way that looks like a misprint. Ok, this is not a misprint. This is the reversing that usually we (inhale) inhale and (exhale) push with the exhale right. They‘re having us transmit the, because it‘s something we do right after this, they‘re having us transmit on the inhale so we‘re actually, you kind of surround or touch the item and (strong inhale) and almost move your fingertips into it, right, but you transmit putting the balls of stuff in on the inhale and then on the exhale you‘re going to pull all the plates back out with your hands right (exhale) and you‘re going to pull the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ out right. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 150 of 159

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So it‘s the (strong short inhale/exhale)… pull it out. And it says then inhale and exhale from the Water Seed right and at that point…it doesn‘t mention it here but once you pull the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ out they kind of, part of them start to demanifest and the rest, it‘s kind of like dust you see just go up in the air and literally it disappeared. They‘re stuck on the balls basically. They‘re stuck on the fingers and the palm balls and they just purge, the codes clear them completely. So you pull (strong short inhale/exhale) and pull the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ out because you don‘t want to leave the GharE‘ in there either. The GharE‘ is trapped, it‘s the thing that‘s dead, it needs the GharE‘ back, ok, so you clean it completely. But now it‘s empty and it‘s like seriously dead food, there is nothing left in it right so you want to recharge it once you pull them out and they disintegrate really fast. Then there is another step. That‘s the clearing and then there is the charging, right. And on the charging one, let‘s see… then on the charging one you inhale and exhale from the Water Seed into the item. So that‘s where, when you‘re inhaling and exhaling, that‘s where you would (inhale) do the usual inhale and transmit exhale (exhale). Transmit (exhale) you‘re putting energy in (inhale/exhale) where the other way it was (demonstrating the different types of inhale/exhale) pulling energy out, right so that was the difference there. But if it was a thing of water, if it was a steak you just literally get your fingers into it. You don‘t have to physically touch it either, you can just do it like right over it. Now if you want to do it inconspicuously…if you work with it this way for a while you get a stronger charge, clearing, you get a stronger clearing and a stronger recharge when you do it the longer way. But you can also do it ―stealth‖ as they say where first you exhale a 12-point ―Water Burst‖ from the Water Seed so that means you go (strong inhale) and then (exhale) and you exhale it into the 12 Allurean Chambers. Then you (strong inhale) Inhale the 12-point Back-Flow-Return Flows from the 12 Fire Chambers. And then you run the same clear & charge procedure as above, right clear and charge but without hands. Instead you are transmitting the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code directly from that little spot of the Kara-nA‘dis Seal. I‘m getting tired that‘s when my lips go too slow, from the KaranA‘dis Seal. And in the clearing phase, you would first, so you would let‘s see… Alright in the clearing phase when you‘re pulling stuff out, you would do the same movement as above where…except it‘s the ball that‘s doing it now, you‘re actually projecting the code out of here into the stuff and inhale. Ok, so you go (inhale) and then (exhale) pull it out. But don‘t pull it back all the way in to yourself until it…in fact I don‘t know if it would be good to do any extra breath but you want to get the stuff off at first before you pull back in. Let‘s see…Ok, I knew there was another piece there. Once you do the inhale (inhale) and then exhale (exhale), remember your hands are not doing that, the ball is, you‘re just moving it. Then you (short exhale) you don‘t have to do it hard either, give it an exhale to push the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ upward right like out of the ball to clean the ball, so then it‘s freed. And then you can inhale it back into you and next you would do the Charging Phase which was, you‘d simply exhale it (exhale) into the object or the food. And then you just simply do some breaths to add charge to that and then you can just, every time you exhale, it charges it.

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And so it‘s that simple, so you‘re using the ball to move back and forth when you don‘t want to have to do all the hand stuff and those kind of things. The more you work with the hand charts the more, the stronger this will become as far as that becoming just as strong eventually as the hands. So it really all is building the frequency, the skill and the frequency. It will come. It just takes practice like anything else before you‘re good at it. You‘re not strongest at it overnight, at least most of us aren‘t. So it‘s worth practicing. It will be easier once you can look at these and trace your steps but at least… (exchange with Az). OK this should be on the Files to Go by Friday Az says and for those who don‘t have access to internet just (exchange with Az) OK so Tammy, so you let Tammy know your address, where to send it. So if you haven‘t already, so we will send it to you.

Aqua-Tone™ Daily Grail Program [Audio Track 22 Mon Daily Grail Program] [D6 C6 1:16:39] Now the one more thing I would like to cover and I don‘t know if you are getting as tired as I am but I‘m getting awfully tired. Ok, what time is it? Almost 9, ok. I wanted to just go over because you don‘t have it to see it yet and you don‘t have to write all this stuff down you are getting this, you know what I mean? It‘s coming to you so you‘ll have this sheet but it‘s The AquaTone Daily-Grail Program and it just outlines on the daily level. You‘ve got Aqua-Tone Practicum Session from, when you see it, it says Aqua-Tone Practicum Session it means that those techniques that are right under there are from the Aqua-Tone part and there are some that are from the PSI-Interactive Session like for the dailies and there are some for the others. So you got bits of both mixed here. Some of the PSI ones and some of the Aqua-Tones mixed together. So for daily you‘ve got the Prep Technique which was that one that we did from the Aqua-Tone summary sheet. The Prep Technique was the Quick Grail Sate Entry. It‘s actually called Grail State Quick Entry, so that is the Prep Technique. So we do that. Then you would do number 3 from the Aqua Tone which is Releasing the Gharoche‘-Restoring the ManaReclaiming the GharE‘, the B one. Alright so you have 3B. And that would be on this paper, 3B—for Daily Maintenance Practice. Right the one that is listed for Daily Maintenance. Then on the next one is 4 on this paper again, your Aqua-Tone paper 4C, which is the Daily Food, Water & Consumables Clearing & Charging. In other words clear and charge your food whenever possible, and your beverages. It‘s for any of that stuff. And then they add to that for the dailies if you can, an additional saltbaking soda bath with charged bath water or even a foot soak would help a lot to pull the toxins out of the body. The proportions of salt to baking soda are two parts baking soda, one part salt and in…depending on, if you feel really lousy…I remember once I put a whole box, a big box of baking soda in the bathtub, in a full bathtub and not quite half that much salt because I was afraid that my skin would fall off. But I was amazed with, I got in the bath and a comfortable heat temperature and immediately I felt like it was pulling the stuff The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 152 of 159

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out, the hurt out of my body and I was fine when I got out of the tub. I was so bad I thought I was going to end in the hospital. I don‘t know what was wrong with me. So it really, really can help. Even if just doing it with the feet if you don‘t have a bathtub or something you can still do it with a bucket of water or a pan of water with the feet. And with the charged water amount you would just take a couple of capfuls for a whole…like if you charge a bottle of water with the charge you would just take a couple of capfuls of the little white caps on the little water bottles thrown into a regular bathtub to actually communicate with that whole bathtub and spread the code to the whole bathtub. That‘s how powerful these codes are, and water talks to water. You don‘t have to huff and puff and fill the whole bathtub with them but you can if you want to. If you need a really strong dose you can treat the water in the bathtub as you would the water bottle and just do the same process of the food thing, food-beverage thing, you would charge the water the same way. So you could make a stronger charge if you wanted to but you can have a perfectly normal level of maintenance by just using a bottle charged with water and a cap full of that here and there for that, so it‘s that strong. You can also do the same thing for cooking, if you‘re cooking vegetables or any of that kind of stuff in water where or using water in cooking. You can do the same. Charge the water and it will assist in clearing stuff out of the food before it even gets to the point where you‘re doing your final ―saying grace‖ over it thing. Participant: You can still use the same technique to charging water we learned in the last workshop? A‘sha: Actually you would now just use the easier one. This one is actually easier. You can do that if you want to but now we‘ve all the fingers going too. So just use the one, I would recommend using the longer…I call it longer but it‘s really not that long…the longer version of the Daily Food, Water & Consumables Clearing & Charging. Where you do use the finger plates and the palm plates. Participant: It takes longer to do it when you just can use one code. A‘sha: Yeah it does but, this is stronger because it‘s using all the other ones. What will be stronger actually now than using the hands that way that we did then…you can use it that way but you‘ll get a stronger charge if you don‘t want to take all the time to do the finger codes and stuff, it is learning to do the one from the Kara-nA‘dis Point where you put the ball out and that kind of thing right. When you‘re doing water you can still clear it as well. We‘ve been just transmitting into it. You use the same procedure as with your bathtubs, first pulling out the GharE‘, we‘re just pulling out the stuff that doesn‘t belong in that water code anyway that‘s in water. So you can do water in bathtubs the same way and you‘ll get cleaner water. I mean, seriously, I don‘t know what it will look like on the 3D level. If it‘s contaminated water, it is going to be contaminated water I imagine at least for now because we‘re not transmitting enough new molecules or new, literally, atoms of energy. Eventually we would be able to affect that and we would be able to transmute and physical stuff and go away out of the water like right before our eyes. But we‘re not quite at that level yet. We‘re just starting to get these activations into the physical body. But eventually those are the abilities we would have. You could do amazing things for cleaning up the Planet. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 153 of 159

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Participant: I know you worked very hard to get all this in writing but what you just presented, will this be also put in a file that you would present to us? A‘sha: Yeah, both of these… Participant: I mean the two pages and what you said about all what you just said A‘sha: If you think I‘m going to put all that I said in this lecture in writing you got to be kidding. That‘s what the DVD‘s are for. The DVD‘s are for stuff like this. We‘ve got one more technique to run before we go and I need to be able to do that before I fall asleep during it because that‘s not going to help anybody. Participant: I just wondered what part you‘d be sharing. A‘sha: It will be on the DVD‘s if you want to… Participant: I‘ve recorded that. A‘sha: Alright so you got it on recording, you‘ve got the, I read to you the things that were on the paper right. I‘m not going to go through what you do Bi-Weekly, what to do… because you‘re going to get these and you can go see and look up in the chart packs what it is. But I did read to you and we did do all of the techniques that were on the four technique ones, just so you know. So you have everything you need. If you need all the filler conversation, listen to the DVD or the recording… Participant: I just wanted to know if it was an option. A‘sha: No, we don‘t have transcripts from it. Maybe some day we will but I‘m not going to try to reiterate whatever all that that I just said because part of it was coming in live so I would have to get a transcript just to be able to reiterate what I said in writing. But we don‘t have time for that because we have the next one coming up and still tons of stuff. We‘re not done with it as far as graphs and stuff. But I‘d like to get finished from here for the next so… I think there is enough there where people can listen to the instructions, the extra instructions. But even if you didn‘t have that you ran through it once. You can basically get the gist because the steps are listed out clearly enough on the one chart even though they‘re quick. So I hope that‘s good enough for everybody. The fact that we got a 40 page chart pack out this time, I‘m amazed (audience applauding and cheering). Participant: Thank you very much. We‘re going to do the final technique…

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Journey to the Keivas [Audio Track 23 Mon] A‘sha [D6 C7 1:25:12] We‘re going to do the final Technique now because I don‘t know about you guys but we are starting to like, energy or not we‘re crashing, we‘re very, very tired and this one is the Journey to the Keivas and we‘re going to do it now. We already did the part of…it‘s going to be a Penta-gor‟ian Projection Slide BiLocation. This is not going to be a long one. If I go on the long one you‘re not going to find me, I‘m going to be snoring in the chair. But they want us to go up there and… alright cool. They‘re going to have us go to, these Keivas before either. These are the Keivas of Median Earth which are the ones that are closer than the ones at the Adashi Temples on Urtha. So they‘re going to bring us up there and we‘re going to leave a part of our self there in Bi-Location to soak, right. Because the Keivas, the living waters in the Keivas actually just cool and transmute, pull stuff out and it comes out like purple blobs and then they transmute. If you can look at them they‘re like solid and put them back into the liquid waters and then they go all mushy again. But it just pulls stuff out and transmutes. So they‘re going to take us up into what they call the Keivas, the Healing Tubs of Median Earth. And there is something else they‘re going to do there but I‘m not sure what it is like, and it is healing. They said it is going to be a fast Journey. The idea is to get you up there and… OK they‘re saying let‘s say it is going to be a vacation… until November. A part of you gets to go and hang out. So they‘re going to bring part of us up there and just literally, they‘re not going to close that meditation. They‘re going to leave that part of us there the idea is to get us there. They will bring this group back from that in when we do the Kitts workshop where they‘ll do another set of things but that‘s when automatically, we won‘t have to sit there and go, ―I have to find myself up there somewhere.‖ It will naturally come back in. But in the time period that you will stay up there—this is all coming live now—in the time period that you‘re staying up there you‘ll first of all be able to purge a whole bunch of things off the part of yourself. The fact that a part of yourself can go means it‘s pretty decently encouraged anyway. It‘s the part that can move in and out as far as atomic goes. But it will bring back to you when it comes back in, a time leap actually, a hyper-charged time leap kind of thing because it will be raised to a frequency that is much higher, that would be considered the future to your own body, right. Like what your body would be quite a ways down the road. So when they come back in when we‘re doing whatever work we‘re going to be doing in the Kitts workshop in November, that is when you will get your bi-lo self back in with that time leap charge. So it means it will transmute this stuff but now that it‘s back in a place that there is a bunch of stuff to transmute it‘ll make that transmutation of the Gharoche‘ go faster in the body and it will help you keep your field spins up and that kind of thing. In the meantime the exercise will assist in keeping those field spins up, an hour of cardio a day. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 155 of 159

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If you can‘t do it with the weights it‘s OK, you may get a little stiff in the limbs, though, as the Axiatonals are trying to adjust and doing that weight training will actually help, it will help to make it more comfortable as they‘re adjusting. But for now until your bi-lo‘s come back, using the cardio to…and it doesn‘t have to be two hours straight doing cardio, it can be 15 minutes here, 5 minutes there. But if you can get an hour in of cardio a day that will keep the fields amped enough so you don‘t get that drag effect happening. And then you won‘t… oh goodie! Oh really, you can reduce it down to three days a week? Once we get the bi-lo‘s back in. And they‘re going to do this in cycles. Do you mean eventually we don‘t have to exercise? Oh my gosh that‘d be so _____ I really hate exercise, I really do. Anyway maybe that‘s just my Gharoche‘ speaking but I‘m one with my GharE‘ so ok yes we do, anyway. I‘m getting tired. So we‘re just going to bring you up to, and this is a new space so it‘s different, it‘s probably similar to the ones to Urtha but it‘s a different place. We haven‘t seen fast yet. No we‘ve seen long Journeys, we‘ve seen medium Journeys. We have seen somewhat short Journeys. But you haven‘t seen ―Blast‖ Journeys is what they just said. ―Blast‖ Journeys, they‘re showing me images. I just saw like, and they said like 70 Elevator down, pop the Elevator up for the whole group. Oh geez this is the training for when they do ―Fly Shield out‖ like the, once you can finally go. This is how it actually does. It‘s like this big tubular beam that comes down out of nowhere, like through the sky down out of nowhere, goes around, it says it would be as wide as the parameter of the size‘s Shield that it is going to bring up. It goes down, triggers the activation of the Celestalline Wave in the body, everybody turns to Light and it goes phuff… pop… (demonstrates with phuff/pop sounds) and you‘re in the other place. So they‘re going to do one of those and they just want us to know what to expect when we get out of the other side of the pop. So there are not going to be 20 steps to get us just up there. We don‘t have to do the long way like we used to have to do in the Tribes workshops. But they want us to realize where we‘re going. We‘re going to the Keivas and we will first… Ok we‘ll actually find ourselves, when we pop up and re-materialize, we‘ll actually be in water. In a body of water kind of like, not an ocean, it‘s more like a large greeting pool. It‘s a very protected area and we will literally pop up in the water but the water is the living water. So it‘s actually water we can breathe as well. And it is not one of the bathing ones, the bathing ones are smaller. They‘ll take us from…it almost looks like a, I don‘t know why but it reminds me of volcanic islands where there seems to be a big, like a mountain thing here with a bit of a waterfall and down at the base of it there is like this lagoon type thing based in that waterfall. But it‘s still surrounded by rock and it‘s not open to an ocean. But there is an ocean right over there, like a beach area and an ocean. But this is not part of the beach it is almost as if the water is coming from, it‘s coming from the waterfall as opposed to coming from the ocean. And then there is a section and all around, alright on both sides of that taller thing where the waterfall is where there are these little, they‘re stone these are a particular stone, these are white stone, some kind of white stone. It‘s natural white stone too, these are natural occurring. It‘s probably Selenite-based something. And they‘re just small sitting tubs that you could fit maybe four, like hot-tubs that you could fit The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 156 of 159

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about four people in. And we‘re going to pop up in that spot that isn‘t a tub that is like the little lagoon spot where the waterfalls are coming down. And then we just kind of swim over to the shore and once you pop up there, we‘ll meet Greeters. We‘ll meet different Greeters and stuff and then we‘ll have different experiences. We‘ll first be taken to the tubs. So we‘re going to go to the tubs but we‘ve already, we have run one where we got some experience with how the tubs work. You get into the water to whatever level and it really starts to leach out of yourselves the toxins and the things that don‘t belong there. And now we know what is leached now is the Gharoche‘. So we are going to go there but we don‘t have to go all the way through the steps. Just know we‘re going to pop up as if we‘re popping up in a lagoon. It doesn‘t matter if you have your clothes on or if you don‘t, they will feel a little wet but not as wet as wet is here. It‘s not cold wet dripping stuff, your skirt‘s falling down around your knees because it‘s so heavy and it‘s wet, right. It‘s a lighter water and it evaporates very quickly. So if you‘re doing clothes, if you don‘t want to do clothes you don‘t have to. Nobody up there cares, right, that kind of thing. They don‘t…they tend to not run around naked when they‘re Greeting and stuff like that. I don‘t know what they do in their private time but they do tend to just wear simple robes, comfortable white robes. And not to be fancy or anything either just because they‘re comfortable and the fancy ones are like say for special occasions, if they are colored and embroidered and stuff. So if, we will get up there, we‘ll be floating and we‘ll pop up kind of like…if you hold one of those fish things… what do they call them … These little things they used to have, I don‘t know if they still do, they‘re a little circle with a red bottom… yeah the little floats they would put on like fishermen‘s hooks or something and if you hold them down under the water and then let it go, they‘ll go... pop (pop-sound). We‘re kind of doing one of those where we are literally going to pop in, in the water and we‘ll be underwater and we‘ll go pop (makes pop-sound) and back up. So this tube is going to come down and it‘s just really, really just ready to receive the activations. That‘s all they are going to need us to do. And know where we are going. And know that a part of us will be in bi-lo until November. If you don‘t want to go you don‘t have to but just say, ―no thank you‖ and the Shield will not, the Elevator will not take your part of the Shield up because everybody has the right to go where they want. You won‘t miss the quantum of energy because it will be equal to the quantum that you‘ll receive back of your GharE‘ that you got in these Activations because we started to free the GharE‘ already. We got our GharE‘ and our Mana back. So that gave us a quantum that we didn‘t have before so it was tied up that we can now let a part of ourselves go without depleting the quantum here. So it will be equal to whatever we got in, that part can go into bi-lo to help accelerate the process when it comes back in November. Alright they‘re saying, just realize what is going to occur and it‘s going to be fast. It‘s called the ―POP-UP‖ literally… oh Gosh I just got a picture of Pop-Ups on the internet… pop (demonstrates with pop sound) you know those stupid things go up on the screen, they‘re really annoying. I wonder if we‘re annoying to them. No, they love us. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 157 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So just breathe gently and just…you can relax but you don‘t have to reduce your breathing speed… there is going to be a little bit of a faint Aah-JhA‘ Body which is the big Density one, a little inner rumble. You might be able to hear it. It might actually make your eardrums vibrate just a little bit or might not. If it doesn‘t it doesn‘t mean you missed it but it might, some people might get that and don‘t let it worry you. They are going to let us know when it comes down. When the big tube pops down and when it does, when I say ―go‖ we‘re going to inhale and hold… when we inhale and hold that‘s when we‘ll get a dose of the Celestalline Wave stuff, the part of us that can hold it. In a couple of seconds it‘s going to _____. It‘s coming in slowly… good. They held its speed they said just so we could perhaps get a feel for it coming. It‘s half way down the room now and it‘s coming. When it hits the floor level, when it hits our Shield that‘s when we‘ll inhale up… we‘re almost there…And inhale up… (strong long inhale) and hold… they said feel a Wave of Celestalline a good light but from the Density level, Etheric-Ketheric level. Feel it kind of run from your tailbone up your spine and about the back of your head, a little ripple of Wave. Now when we all exhale together it‘s going to blink up, it‘s going to pop up, it‘s going, that part of ourselves are going, right there, it‘s going to bang-pop (pop-sound) gone OK. So let‘s exhale NOW (strong exhale). Try to track the part of yourself, the bi-lo part that went up. Right about now they‘re still going blu, blu, blu where you can breath this stuff… they are still underwater but they‘re floating upward really quickly and there is, alright there is at least half the room bobbing heads at this point coming up in the pool in the lagoon by the falls. Try to see if you can see through the eyes of your bi-lo. Try to see the falls of the water and the other heads and how funny…a bunch of us are giggling up there actually. Oh neat that was cool! That kind of thing. Az is floating around and some people are choosing to stay in the pool but it‘s getting awful crowded because it‘s not a really big pool this one. It‘s not like massive where it can hold 600 people or anything. So it‘s getting a little crowded when you can‘t stretch out and swim in the pool right now because there is too many of us up there and we‘re up above the water now. So, alright we‘ve got Greeters coming in. Who are you guys? We‘ll find out later… Ok. It was Ma‘a, so I trust you. Ma‘a is there, there is a bunch, there is actually a whole committee waiting there. They must have an interesting job on their end greeting us when we come through. I wonder if we look less dense to them or if we look fully solid to them or what. I don‘t know. But we‘re up there. See if you can smell anything. There is a lovely smell in the air up there. I‘m getting a whiff of it down here from my bi-lo. I can‘t place it, it‘s not a flower… it‘s the tree, I just got it‘s a tree. It smells like sa… I‘m getting a sandalwood-y type smell actually (exchange with Az)… yeah but it has that undertone of a sandalwood kind of… warm, earthy. It smells like bark, a sandalwood bark. Anyway there is an interesting…we‘re getting completely two different set impressions on it so it could be all or any of them. But there is a scent involved. And that scent will… oh ok, that scent will be a communication tool for it‘s the easiest communication tool to use since you‘re getting communication. When your bi-lo has information for you or has a download of energy for you or something where it would like to pull some more of you up so you can visit for a while and then come back, it will make that particular scent happen. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 158 of 159

Sliders 2: September 19-22, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA

So try to smell the scent. So try to find it if you can. And if you get instead like a…some people ‗s very linear logical minds, they won‘t…that will block the more sensitive sensory ones like nose and ears and stuff like that. Just, if you‘re one of those very linear type persons, just let your brain tell you. You might get like ―sandalwood‖ or it will be a pleasant scent. There is a scent that will be pleasant to you and that will be used as the cue/clue. So you might get the words on it, just your brain says, ―oh it‘s this.‖ And then the other part of your brain is probably going, ―oh I don‘t believe what my brain is… that means yes whatever, no whatever.‖ If you‘re guessing, whatever... If you get one that way fine. But if you can smell it, even better because either that word or the smell ideally will be what your bi-lo uses to communicate with you and it means when you get a chance, not immediately but when you get a chance, when you sit down and just be in that quiet still space, you can use one of the techniques if you want to, but you don‘t have to, and just try to … hear me, feel me… that‘s what your bi-lo will be saying. So it will try to open a line of communication directly with you. So there is a part of you going to Median Earth for a month. And this part is staying here. Az: Hear the smell. A‘sha: Hear the smell, yes it is, smell is a form of hearing. Az: Absolutely. A‘sha: Yeah, we won‘t get into that right now though. It‘s quite complex. So try to remember the smell either by word or by scent ideally, or in both is fine. I do believe… are we… anything else we have to do? I‘m just getting ―no‖ but Ma‘a says ―hi‖ and he‘s standing there, he‘s waving to everybody. Hi, hi, thank you! Alrighty, oh yes we must ask, please will people remember to remove their trash and to make sure their pillows and stuff and blankies get back to their hotel rooms so we don‘t get trouble. We‘re getting a lot of trouble when like things go missing … (loud applause and cheering)… A million thank you‘s for all the musician people and for Suchi and the House of La and for Taylor and Kaiwa and Noël and Rose for all their help in doing this. I‘m too tired to even remember almost my own name. So I just want to thank everybody that made this wonderful, and you guys made this wonderful. Az: And the biggest name here is ―All of You‖! A‘sha: Can we play the ―Freedom‖ song on the way out? Yeah, yeah, one more time! (to Az) Oh what about the transmitters, we turn them in to Darlene at the back. I‘m going to stay, it would be nice to like hear the…

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 159 of 159