Sliders 3 Transcript

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Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

St. Kitts SLIDERS-3 Workshop: “The Wind Beneath Your Wings”Engaging the Spirit for Slide. Introductory Atomic-Etheric, Rasha & Spirit Body Training November 12-22, 2008 St. Christopher‟s, British Virgin Islands

Orientation [Kitts Track 2 A‘sha ….in beautiful St Kitts. I hope so far you‘ve enjoyed your arrival and a bit of leisure time. I hope you‘re enjoying too, the beautiful climate here. I found it quite amazing…they say its like this all the time like the seasons don‘t vary too much. This is what they told us, I don‘t know what you learned. We weren‘t here for the whole lecture that you just listened to from the guide. But it‘s a very special place for many reasons, and why we have come here is because it is also known in the ancient ancient records as the home of a very special Star Gate called the Adjugate 13 Gate, which is the Adjugate Gate to Shala-13 Core Gate. And that is the reason we were directed here by the Beloveds quite a while ago actually. We were here twice just to check it out and find out about the place. In this particular workshop...I‘m getting a bit of feedback on this, am I standing where I shouldn‘t or something? Excuse me. Anyway, I‘ll get up here. In this particular workshop which is the Sliders 3 Workshop, we‘re not just going to be doing personal work with spiritual development, but we‘re also going to be here for let‘s say global peace service as well, as we work with this particular gate. The crust level of it will be opening while…during our stay here, and our presence as a collective on the island will assist in that process. It‘s something that would occur anyway, and actually was starting to occur. That‘s why there‘s been a little bit of…right before, I think November 2nd there was an earthquake off the coast of Kitts and then there was…not a heavy one, it was like 4.8 or something, but enough to notice. (chuckling) And the hurricane had come past here not too long ago as well. The fact that our presence is here while we‘re doing the spiritual work that we are doing, it will assist in the grids stabilizing more so it calms down some of the things that are associated with when Core Gates open, because the Core Gate is opening the crust level. Now the Core Gate has been open here before on the mantel level, but when you get from the mantel level of the Earth up to the crust, that is actually when it can be more volatile when an opening occurs. A gate opening occurs on the crust level. So our presence here and the spiritual world service work that we‘ll be participating in will assist in us helping the region stay more stable than it would otherwise. It‘s also a very exciting time because there are certain events that have taken place through the other two Sliders Workshops actually. There have been great advances in the Krystic Mission on the planet as far as the Earth‘s Templar goes, and this particular event—the last night that we are here—we will be participating in a meditation that I believe…it‘s meditation, but meditation can also be quite active. And I think we‘re going to have to use the headsets for it so we don‘t wake everybody else up at midnight or beyond. But in this particular event there is…it is a large celebration. It has something to do with what we‘ve talked about in the last two Sliders Workshops called the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan, and this has to do with certain groups who had joined the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

UIR in 2000 and stood against the Krystic races and began this…literally underground battle for control over the Earth‘s Templar. Numbers of those have come back in, because they realize they are not going to win that, and they are actually going to lose. The Green side—we call them the Green Dragon side—have entered treaties with the Krystics, so once again we are coming full circle. What was supposed to occur in 2000 before the Treaty of Altair was broken, we were supposed to stand together with the Krystics and those of the Green Dragon lineage and be able to hold the grids. And it was supposed to usher in a new period of peace and community and cooperation on this planet. That did not occur because the Green Dragons pulled out of the Treaty of Altair and decided to stand against us as well as against the Red Dragons. They‘ve at least learned a lesson as far as they weren‘t going to overpower the Red Dragon teams on their own, so they did come back in to the Treaty of Altair. There were certain tests…not Altair, but the Treaty of Al-ben-yhan which is…it‘s a kind of a new version of the Treaty of Altair, but there‘s also more involved. We‘ll be talking more about that when we get into more of the planetary mechanics that will be featured in some of the lectures. But there was a proof that was given. I was going to save this till the end but I‘m getting nudged to do it now. Anybody that‘s from America knows that for the past God knows how long we‘ve been watching the battle between the Democrats and the Republicans, as far as who would be our next President. We were not allowed to say anything before. We had been given hints as far as who was representing what teams, as far as Green Dragons, Red Dragon, Krystics etc, and we were not allowed to influence at all, people‘s decisions in regard to that. So they wouldn‘t allow us to speak about the politics that was happening all around us. In this particular set of lectures…not all of them, but we will be able to address that, and we‘ll be able to talk about what was that that we just watched in America? Because it was quite crazy! I mean like Mr McCain and Ms Palin were just zinging all the time. Like just dirty nasty campaign as if they couldn‘t figure out what they wanted to talk about, and the only thing they could figure out what to talk about was to try to make the other guy look bad. Fortunately the other man…I don‘t know how many of you actually watched or paid attention--- I don‘t know how many voted Republican or Democrat depending on what you felt the policies were---but in things like this, especially big ones that are very very heated like this particular election was, where there‘s a lot of animosity actually building, there‘s more to that than what meets the eye. It‘s not just about the 3D political levels. There is something happening with the larger contracts that we talk about multi-dimensionally. And we were…in fact both Az and I, when we were sitting there, we were watching the elections, watching it go …and they even called it early! I mean it was such a landslide that by…before 9:00pm Arizona time it was already known---they hadn‘t even counted the Western part of the country yet--that Mr Obama would be our next President. Both of us were choked up. I mean tears came to our eyes because he is a very special man in many many ways, but he is also endorsed by the Krystics and the Beloveds because he is part of that. (wild cheering and clapping from audience.) Yes!! We SO wanted to have an Obama party! (chuckling) We really really wanted to have an Obama party. And it‘s nothing against people who voted the other way. When you‘re looking at the 3D politics it‘s hard really to tell what you‘re dealing with. We couldn‘t influence people by saying ―Hey! One‘s a bad guy, one‘s a good guy‖. It‘s not about that. Mr McCain is a good man in his own right. He‘s doing his best with what he can. But everybody is guided by certain influences, and most of the time they don‘t know what influences they are. That particular campaign that did not win were the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

representatives for the White and Red Dragon side that we have talked about. And it was very very fortunate that they didn‘t get in this time regardless of how nice a man Mr McCain might have been. And nothing against---you don‘t blame the vessels---it‘s not about that. It‘s actually…I almost sound like Michelle Obama here, but for the first time…I‘ve always loved America. I used to cry when I heard the song ‘I‘m proud to be an American ‗cause at least I know I‘m free‘. That song. But there were so many things that in my generation just watching--- it became not a democracy but a hypocrisy----because the things that were in the Constitution, they were not being lived. One of the things that I actually had to be very careful not to become a bigot myself about, was the bigotry that was still allowed to run our country there. Particularly in the South—nothing against people who live in the South—but what is this already! Get over people‘s melatonin level in the skin will you? I mean there really…the racial issues in America have been horrendous. And that really hasn‘t changed. ‗It‟s not legal anymore‟. But! It was still like a glass wall between people, and in certain parts of our country it‘s extreme. It‘s much more where there‘s still a lot of white bigotry toward black people, or toward Asian people. I mean it‘s just ridiculous. That is not what a democracy is about, that is a hypocrisy. What has happened since the year 2000 has been really frightening. Because the Beloveds had said all along, that election was fixed. Mr Bush did not win. I‘m sure he thinks he does. I think that he thinks he did. He probably doesn‘t know, but what the Beloveds refer to that as a coup of occupation. And we didn‘t even know it. I mean most say ‗oh well we didn‘t win or the other guy didn‘t win‘. Whatever! But there was an uprising starting there. That uprising was an out-picturing of what was occurring with the breaking of the Treaty of Altair when the UIR---the United Intruder Resistance---formed and began standing against the Kryst. That was an out-picturing of that, and that began the cycle of the hidden wars. And we were actually living under occupation there with Mr Bush as a figurehead, but he wasn‘t running it. He was just a figurehead. Bless him. He‘ll always be remembered probably as the most hated president at this point. I almost feel bad for the guy. You know he did do the best he knew how through his guidance, whatever that might be. But this time there was not even room to mess with it because there was such a point spread in the election. You couldn‘t ‘Oh do a re-count there‖ and make a few disappear. That kind of thing. It was just so huge. I forget what the numbers were, but it was like Electoral Votes were 160 something for McCain (comment from audience). Yeah, 338 was it for…anyway, anyway. It was 330 something for Mr Obama and 160 something for McCain. And that was just…America DID speak. It really did! And I am proud to be an American for the first time, because for the first time since I can see…I‘ve always been proud to be part of the idea of America. But the America I saw around me, with the bigotry and a lot of other things that are just not Constitutional…it was not fulfilling what the Constitution had been set to do in the first place. This is almost getting a karma back, as far as you try to throw a coup against people who believe they‘re free, and they find out about it and they get a chance to change that, they will!! And the American people just did. This man that‘s going to be our next President---he might not do everything right---he will do his best, but if you watched him and how he handled himself during the other mud-slinging mess that the other two…I mean I‘m sorry, they just embarrassed themselves. They really did. They just showed their level as far as they‘d dig anything up off the bottom. They‘d even invent it if they had to just to get people talking about it negative, about Mr Obama. And 99% of the time he wouldn‘t even dignify it with a response. He would just say ―Well, we‘re going to do this‖. And he held himself in grace. He was thoughtful, he was kind, he was reasonable. Whoa! Is it going to be nice to see someone like that in the White House for a change? Oh Man! The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 283

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And not just…what was beautiful when by the next day they were like showing London and showing Kenya and various places on the planet. Everybody was like ―YES!!!‖. That means that Americans were getting a really really hated reputation in the last eight years in the global community because of the policies that our not quite elected, soon to be ex-president was putting forth. We were getting judged by the power-base that was leading us. Now it is showing that people actually in the global community didn‘t hate Americans really. And I think they were just as happy to see that maybe now, American people could be decent people, because they always…I think the global community pretty much thought American‘s were ok until it seemed like we kept voting this guy in. And he‘s just going on like ―let‘s go and conquer the universe‖ starting with Iraq, and then we‘ll do Iran, and just like a list of ―who are we going to take over next?‖ This is an amazing time for us, and it‘s great that it happened right before Kitts. And what is the most beautiful thing for me---is one of those things that hurt me the deepest---was watching how people of color were treated too often in America. I mean I could have become bigots against the white people who were doing it, honestly. I had to really go introspective and not become as bad as what I hated. I could hate the action, but don‘t hate the person. And there was a big lesson for me in that, and I handled that when I was quite younger. But it is not only an honor to have a gracious, intelligent, thoughtful man coming into the White House. It is wonderful that he just so happens to be a man of color too, which is perfect! In fact, he‘s part black and part white. How more perfect could you get as far as unifying the field. He has a little bit of everybody in him—well most everybody. I don‘t know how much Republican he might have in him (chuckling with audience) and it‘s nothing against the Republicans. One of the things…I mean there are certain bases, people go Democratic or Republican depending on policies. Usually has to do with how money‘s used, how economics are handled, different approaches to things. What‘s scary, and I‘ve watched this build. I‘m not a great historian as far as American history and politics and things, but the Republican platform to me just…and I tried to tune out politics all the time, I‘ve never paid attention to it. Only voted twice in my entire life and that was for Bill Clinton and Mr Obama. But when I look at the recent history of it what used to be two political sides---bipartisan sides---with…they had one thing in common which was both supposedly were trying to fulfill the Constitution. Something very freaky is happening with the Republican Party. It is becoming the Bible party. It is becoming the party that is completely…we‘re supposed to have separation of Church and State—in our Constitution—that‘s a right! That is one of the things America was built on. It is being eaten away by what the Republican Party is allowing itself to turn into, because it‘s going into like the witch-hunt mode, where if you happen to not be a Christian or use the Bible you‘re bad, you‘re evil…that kind of thing. It‘s getting very very imbalanced with that. And it‘s nice to see now that we‘ll probably…Mr Obama is a Christian, and like many of us we are Krystics which is the original Christians before you had the Bible books, you had the books from which some of the Bible stuff was taken. We are Krystics. Like Mystics with a ―k‖ or ―y‖. So to see any one faction of a religion…we wouldn‘t like it if somebody took over the country and said ―Hey, we‘re Buddhist now and you have to be a Buddhist‖, or ―we‘re going to make policies that are more uncomfortable for you‘. ‘You‘re not going to have the same rights that you normally would under a balanced regime‖. We‘ve been progressively living under that in America. So this time America is coming back to…it was a big landslide, and it‘s coming back to now, more of a centre line balance. And I do believe Mr Obama will do his best to bring us in there. The Beloveds are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

absolutely thrilled because the fact that Mr Obama did win that election. Now they‘re going to have to try to keep him alive because there‘s a lot of crazy things that could happen. Triple the budget for the security force that protects him and his family seriously! But with him coming into the White House, this was…the Beloveds knew it was an option because it had been one of the conditions..,the first of the absolute conditions. Because the Green Dragons have broken the contracts---The Treaty of Altair---before, and now they want to come back in and make another treaty, great! And then they leave whenever it‘s not convenient for them. They had to do certain things. I don‘t know what the other ones are, but the first one was to mobilize their Greens in order to make sure that man got in office. And that was…they delivered. So this is good. That was the first step fulfillment of the manifest…what you‘re seeing manifest of the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan. So I wanted to share…I was going to save that for last, but I don‘t know why I just wanted to bring that out now, probably because there‘s still such a sense of joy. We‘re coming back to a potential vibration of unity that was supposed to start in the year 2000 when we began this work. It was supposed to start with the Treaty of Altair and coming together in the name of the Kryst…the Greens and the Krystics. Blue Dragons and all of that. Coming together, not allowing the Beast Machine to be activated etc etc. 17:42 And even though there‘s been a mess that happened in between that period, it is coming back round now. That is why they‘re actually sending us back to the GrU-al area. They‘re moving us back to Florida where we started, and this is all connected to what the Gridwork is that we‘re doing here and elsewhere. The Gridwork that this workshop---this set---is going to be about, is about opening the Adjugate 13 Gate---Shala 13 Core Gate---the crust level. That is a key gate in holding together a network that has to do with what is called the Shield of AdorA, or the Shield of Solomon. This has to do with the safe-zone maps that by the end of this we will see what they are. They‘re showing me pieces of it, but they haven‘t put them all together yet. But we will have them. So it‘s also a reclaiming of the GrU‘-al which is the natural planetary Star Gate 2. The Krystics will reclaim control of that network. That will give the Krystics the ability to…we won‘t get full control, we‘ll get a third control of the quantum of energy that runs in it which is fine. That‘s enough to do it, to do the rest, but it will allow for the Hub Gate systems—the entire 12 Hub Gate systems—to come into one-third full power, and that will allow for more things to also activate. Which means ultimately places from which on this planet that will become slide-able places, where maybe the whole place someday won‘t be able to slide but you will be able to open a Slide Chamber into many many more places on the planet---which means the opportunity for biological Ascension through slide to Median Earth first---will become available across the planet, not just in a few small localities. That‘s really important because it‘s really hard, especially if it‘s like one of those calls ‗uh oh, we‘ve gotta go now‘. Will everybody board a plane to like where? Phoenix? (chuckling) So this is really big. It‘s a huge reunion and a celebration that we were hoping could have started in 2000. And it would have gone much higher by now if we hadn‘t had to spend the last eight years in this tug-of-war, because it was a grid tug-of-war between the Krystics and the ones that were trying to use the Black Hole Technologies to basically harness this planet and kidnap it…if you want to put it simply. In the lectures this time I will talk about some things in detail and other things in less detail. It is an away trip which means we‘re in a foreign country, and we always just try to keep things simple because people that live here---they‘re always welcome to sit in if they want to---like staff and that kind of stuff…and we wouldn‘t want to lose them or frighten them, we want them to know what we‘re doing. So it is gauged in that way as far as…also there are a couple of new groups that are with us, new groups of people coming in. I know there‘s a group from Norway and some people from The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 283

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Belgium and I don‘t know where else, but people who haven‘t been to workshops yet. So they are with us. This will be their first workshop and I hope they enjoy it, and I hope all you guys who come with us alot also enjoy it. I‘m going to show a few diagrams which I usually don‘t do in an orientation. Usually I just kinda talk for a while and then we‘re done, and then we do the diagrams during the larger blocks. But I‘m going to show a few diagrams on this just to help orient people a little bit as far as...if you‘ve been with us a long time you‘ll know what it is, if not it‘s just touching base on key things. I‘ll start with anatomy that we‘re going to be using as far as what we are doing in these Sliders Workshops…is we are working with what is called the Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic Body. It‘s a part of our Light Body/Spirit Body/whole body structures, and we are going to be activating certain parts of that anatomy that we have been in Sliders 1, Sliders 2, and now in Sliders 3. And we‘ll just show that orientation of what that is really quickly, and then I‘ll just show you the maps a little bit so the things that I talked about as far as where we are here on St Kitts, where Shala-13, Adjugate-13 Gate is, and I‘ll give you an idea…this is the one that‘s referred to as the Sentinel. And there are actually two other Sentinels. One of them we know of, and they‘ve identified Gate 7 which is the Phoenix/Mesa area gate. The Shalon-7. That is one of the Sentinels, and they just identified another one that we didn‘t know. It‘s actually the Adjugate to number 7 which would be number 1. Which means it‘s in Adaire, Ireland. So we‘re going to be going to Ireland toward the end of 2009 to bring that one into circulation. So it‘s really neat. And I‘ll show you a little bit of the maps so you just kind of see where things go. There‘s something that we‘re very excited about with all of this…with the maps and things. I‘ll give you an idea of where this thing called The Watchtower is. Now the Watchtower has to do with a very ancient slide-city location. And it is one where literally at different times in the more ancient history—Ah-VE-yas I believe it was called—is a slide-city that is actually one that can actually down-step dimensionally and temporarily manifest. People can go into it and up-step back to Median Earth. It‘s between here and Median Earth. And when we get to talking more about that, we‘ll look again at what is Median Earth compared to Net Earth compared to the different layers of the plains of Earth? But this particular location is where they‘re sending us to live. We actually had to sell our houses and use that money to be able to move to where this is. And it is…there‘s a whole radius around it, like this whole area. I think it‘s 144 miles isn‘t it? Something like that? (asking A‘zha.) Well it was like half of 144 going from…like a radius would be? So it‘s a 144 mile circle. But anyway, it is in Florida, and it‘s really neat because it looks a lot like this as far as the tropical and that kind of stuff in the environment. And it‘s going to become another place, where at Shalon in Arizona is still going to be a main active gate, and the gate in Adaire is actually going to become a main active gate. And that has to do with an island I can never pronounce, that we‘re supposed to be going to in Ireland. Skellig Michael? Yes! There‘s an island called Skellig Michael on the West coast of Ireland that is connected into these? So we have three Sentinels and one Watchtower, and the Watchtower is the big main slide-city connection that literally…talk about mirages. Well it would literally down-step and manifest. Now I don‘t know if it‘s going to these days. It would be a little weird because it would probably hit Fort Myers (chuckling) if it did, because this is right by Fort Myers. It‘s not up in Sarasota. It‘s not far from Sarasota. Sarasota is where the GrU‘-al connection was, but this is even more important. This will be kinda known as…what did you call it? (to Az) The air-traffic control tower? (chuckling) Yeah! It will be the main gate that links directly into Median Earth. It will be powered by this gate that we‘re helping to open while we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 283

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are here, and it will be a permanent opening of the Slide Chambers between Net Earth and Median Earth within this network. And this a victory we‘ve been working really really hard to finally achieve and we had to almost do it by the back door, where the drama kept getting worse and worse and worse, but finally we will be able to do what we were setting out to do. We were setting out to do it originally where we had full…not just a third of the quantum control over it, but where we would be able to have the whole thing under Kryst control. That won‘t happen, but that‘s ok. There‘s enough of it…we can get a third of the existing quantum that will be under the Kryst control. So it‘s going to open up…it‘s going to change a lot of things too as far as people. I mean right now we have an amazing thing happening in America with Mr Obama coming in to the White House. What this does for the potentiality of healing the wounds between people of black skin and white skin is huge. I am so so glad that it has worked out that way. That has been perfect. It‘s also a way for America to maybe heal wounds with the rest of the globe that was thinking we‘re all like Mr Bush and just like knee jerk cowboys that fight first and then ask questions later. We‘re not all like that. (chuckling) So it is a huge moment of victory that we‘re moving into now, and we can talk more about that part later. Anyway, will you just put that first one up there honey please. Thank you. I‘m just reminding us of when we talk about the Spirit Body and all of the parts of our anatomy that we‘ve been spending 10 years learning about actually. So much anatomy I‘m surprised we don‘t all have doctorates by now in subtle body anatomy. We probably do somewhere else, they just don‘t have those diplomas here. This is just showing us the basics. If this is your body, this is the basic structures of…when we‘re dealing with certain shapes. When we start to look at the Aah-JhA Body structures, if we can remember that we‘ve got…the larger is called the Luma-EtUr-na part of our bodies. This is actually here, and this whole thing here? That would go out around there with these flows. This is our Spirit Body structure of the Elum-Eiradhona. And we all have this. We are…manifestation or materialization exists inside of it, and there are other structures inside of here that we‘ve been learning about that are part of the Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body that we‘ve been learning about in Sliders1 and Sliders 2, and as a continuation of that learning that we‘ll be doing in this set of lectures…next one please. 27:35 Now the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body structure has to do with the NaVA-ho flows and the Astura flows. These are natural core flows of energy that are supposed to circulate within the body, and through certain procedures that have to do with what are called the TE‘a-Wha‘s…the TE‘a-Wha‘ plains that are a part of the structure of the Aah-JhA Body. It‘s actually through these flows…these flows progressively become literally turned into the atoms of which our matter is formed. When our bodies are working properly we are actually self generating atom machines. We make the atoms that compose the body and they‘re supposed to be living light atoms. And our bodies have been as we know—we‘ve been talking about it forever now—have been mutated through the gene code for many, many many eons at this point, and what we‘ve been progressively doing is---before we started Sliders we were giving Tribes classes---we started turning back on these core flows, and then from there it builds. We‘re building into now being able to turn on the power flows that actually begin the creation—the natural creation process—of how our bodies begin to manufacture…our fields begin to manufacture the atoms that actually become our bodies. We‘re turning on piece by piece our eternal life potential again. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 283

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Next one please. Now that structure that you saw---each of those lines on the other one---each of those things, they were 12 points. Those 12 flows that you saw on the diagram just before are referred to as the Allurean Chambers. The Allurean Chambers on this diagram are here, the dotted line ones. These are where the Base 12 Families of Atoms come from. Like our elements. So you‘d have like line 1 is associated with…let me find them. There‘s line 12. 11. Ok line 1. A1 means Allurean Chamber 1. That would be the Hydrogen Chamber. That would be the Hydrogen Family. Line 2 would be Helium. Line 3 would be Lithium. So literally following the atomic numbers of the charts, each one of these lines---these chambers---is associated with a Family of Elements that together eventually build up to form the matter that we‘re made out of. This diagram here is referred to as the Mix-Master because it‘s not just as simple as having 12 Allurean Chamber lines that make 12 elements, but they each actually make sets of 12. There‘s 144 naturally occurring elements that science hasn‘t found all of them yet because not all of them manifest here, or materialize here because of the distortions in the planetary grids. But when you have… when you‘re looking at this, this sphere that would be the Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body---so these are occurring within the Hydro-Acoustic Body---and you not only have one, but you have one for D1---your D1 aspect---your Etheric aspect. One for D2, the Telluric, and that‘s what‘s giving you the Physical Body here. You‘d have the D3 one that corresponds with the Atmic matter that would be considered the Mental Body structure. And then you have an outer region that connects into the Density 2 level body. So what we have here are literally the sets of Allurean Chambers. They run all the way through, but they‘re not all at the same rotation. So it might be Chamber Number 12 on the outermost one on the…this is considered the Density 1 level. Come down here, it‘s still on the D3 level, it‘s still Chamber 1. Come down here onto the D2 level, all of a sudden this one‘s Chamber 2. So you get mixing now of elements and families. So it‘s called the Mix-Master. Then you come down, and what was 2 on D2 is now---what is it here---let‘s see (Ash talking to herself) Yeah! A6. So it‘s line 6 here. So there are combinations of elements that form, and it is through this process that literally our bodies are manufacturing on each different level of our atomic structure. Next one please. 31:54 This connects into what we have been learning about in the last 2 Sliders Workshops. Now it‘s still a bit messy (chuckling) but, if we‘re looking for Allurean…now you see we have the A numbers which are the Allurean Chamber numbers? In between each of them you have the FC numbers which are Fire Chamber numbers. So you‘ve got Allurean Chambers that are the Elemental Command Chambers basically, and then the Fire Chambers where other things happen. And there‘s a whole process of circulation that occurs with energy coming out from inside of you from the centre—and the planets work this way too, and so do natural suns and that kind of thing---where the energy would come out an Allurean Chamber, hit here and then split. And part of it will go this way, and part of it will go this way into the Fire Chambers next to it. And then you‘d have this Allurean Chamber doing the same thing. So the Fire Chambers would get a mix of the two Allurean Chambers next to it, so it is part of the Mix-Master machine. There are specific flows that occur that are called the Penta-g‘el Flows, and they‘re not…if you think of a regular shape of a Pentagram, they don‘t look like Pentagrams. These have long tops on them and that‘s important. The Pentagram is a perversion. It is a blocked off version of these flows that actually the bodies have been running on the Metatronic Code. The Penta-g‘el flows actually have very long peaks that connect. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 283

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If this one is for the Density 1 part of the body, this is called the TE‘a-Wha level flows…actually no, these are the JhaDha flows. These are the TE‘a-Wha flows. These flows are supposed to connect up into the Density 2 level. This one here, that would be the D3 TE‘a-Wha flows---are supposed to connect D3 into the Density level---they‘re supposed to connect into the level above. What we have been doing is progressively turning these back on. We turned on this. The TE‘a-Wha Windows---what are called Windows, and then they become doors when they open fully--- and the Penta-g‘el flows. We did that in Sliders 1. In Sliders 2 we did most of this one, we got the Window part open and the D2 level which is called the GrU‘-al levels. And what we‘re going to do in this set of workshops, are turn on the D1 and the Rasha levels, and that is where we get the direct core Dark Matter part of our own anatomy turned back on. So we were finishing the cycle of opening the Windows and Doors that literally, once the main set are opened, all of them open, and it begins turning on the natural atomic generator that you are. And this structure generates what is called ShaLAea Light which are…if you think of a light unit, there are two types basically of light formation. And they can form waves, but when you take it to particle—not even particle—tiny tiny micro micro form, you would have one called ShaLAea that is the naturally occurring…has a phase-set. It has one on top and two little radiation balls on the bottom, and the other kind is a perversion of that---is in the Vesica Pisces shape---where you have two inter-locking radiation balls that cannot phase, it cannot reproduce its own quantum. Where the ShaLAea Living Light can phase and spark and continues producing its quantum. So what these flows…all the Penta-g‘el flows and all of the what are called the Pentagonal Windows and the flows associated with the Hydro-Acoustic Body---the Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body---these together once they‘re turned on, begin the production of the eternal light (life? – can‘t quite hear it) atoms in the body. To do this there is something called the Pa-ta-Um Eir-A. The Pa-ta-Um Eir-A. ―Pa-ta‖ refers to a specific type of eternal light that after an atom goes through first it‘s transfiguration---where it gets re-spiritualized---it actually disappears momentarily and then pops back on as an eternal life Pa-ta-Ur unit. It‘s a specific type of radiation---atomic radiation--that gives eternal life atoms. Now in a full transfiguration process the entire body eventually goes through that. But to begin the process in the physical---the D2 Physical Telluric Body---there is something that needs to be anchored into the body. We each have left, and I didn‘t know this, they‘re just starting to teach me this, is that in order to incarnate here, not necessarily in this life but literally when our Heroic Self level of…say you have a set of 12 incarnations and there is one Primary Self in the centre of that, one consciousness. That one consciousness holds this little ShaLAea Light unit that‘s composed of three Pa-ta-Ur atoms. And in coming into incarnation---into the Net Earth field---we left those in the Median Earth field where they would still be alive. During this workshop period—when I say workshop I‘m referring to the whole span of lectures and the whole trip period—we‘re going to be bringing in…reclaiming those three atoms of our own Eternal Self that we have left over in the Median Earth field, and that will…then there‘s another thing we have to do with them once they‘re in, and they open certain things called the Kara-nA‘dial Platform in the body. We‘ll talk more about that when we get heavier into the anatomy parts. But what it will do at the end of it…it has to do with what is called the light quotient in the body. The light quotient will depend on whether your body is Ascension-able or not. The light quotient is not just about light, but it is about what type of radiation your atoms are made of. Are they made of what is called the ShaLAea living radiation or are they made of the Shona, which is the distorted Vesica Pisces type. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 283

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Right now most of our bodies are composed of atoms that are made of Shona. And we still have part of that. That is called the GharE. That‘s a part of our Spirit Body that‘s actually anchored in every one of our atoms and that GharE has been trapped. As we‘ve progressively opened these different layers of the Hydro-Acoustic Body, we are healing and bringing back into the safety of our conscious direction and the Kryst, those parts of our atomic structure. This is why in this workshop we‘re going to be featuring things that look like exercises on the outside---physical exercises---they‘re called the Ah-RA‟-yas. There‘s a reason for them because now that we‘ve got these things open, and once the Pa-Ta-Urs are anchored in our bodies, the process of exercise used to before, actually help generate more Shona fields. Yeah! It‘ll make you stronger and the whole bit, but a part of you…most people want to resist it. The GharE wanted to resist exercise because it was circulating more, and making the Metatronic stuff work faster in the body. When we open these things we give the GharE the support it needs. We still have to retrain it because it still goes ―yuck! I don‘t want to exercise!‖ At least mine does anyway. (chuckling) Maybe yours doesn‘t, but mine does. But we can now use these Ah-RA-yas, and there‘s like 48 different moves altogether and they‘re for different parts of the body. You have a set for the upper, a set for the middle, and a set for the lower, and they are targeted exercise. It took me two years to research these before I knew why they wanted me to do it. But we researched them and I used it the first time, and I was amazed because like whoa! 40 pounds disappeared in three months and I was healthy and I was strong, and I had muscles and everything. And then we had to start buying the houses they were asking us to get for the gates, and didn‘t do anything for two years and 20 pounds later and all that, you know! So it‘s not just about how much fat or skinnyness your body‘s about, it‘s about what type of energy and how much energy you are running. It‘s not…I keep asking them ‗what is that exactly‘? And they said ―that one‘s a long story‖. Because some people have a problem keeping it on, and other people have a problem getting it off. And I‘m one of those people that---it doesn‘t matter, I don‘t care, I think everybody looks beautiful---I have this like fat-o-phobia on myself. I can‘t stand the feel of it and I don‘t know what that‘s about. You know there are some people that have plenty of fat and they‘re happy and they feel good, and God I just wish I could be like that. I don‘t know what my problem is. Some people would have a natural larger shape. It is not unnatural to have certain levels of fat. It‘s not that you have to go get skinny to be able to Ascend and that kind of stuff. And some people are too too thin where they could use a little bit more on them, like to be healthy. What our programs when we go into the fitness are about, and we‘re going to talk about diet too as far as…not diet to lose weight or diet to gain weight, but healthy consumption that will help you in your process. If what you want to do is get your body physically through a gate---through an Ascension gate---there are certain things that will help, and certain things that won‘t. And chocolate cake isn‟t on the high list of helpers. (laughter and groans from audience). I know, I know! But that doesn‘t mean you can‘t have it sometimes. It‘s about balance. It‘s about finding a balance. And we were guided to something called…it‘s a movement now I guess, I‘d never heard of it, but they had given us a list in the last workshop---and it‘s going to be published in the chart-pack that goes with it---as far as some basic dietary suggestions that are helpful.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 283

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And one of the things, it‘s like…eat six small meals a day instead of 3 big ones. I was like ―Oh…ok!‖ Never heard of that before. Then we‘re going on a plane to go to the Florida house I think it was, yeah, to finish the deal on the Florida house we just had to buy and work through the deal, and I always go and look for a magazine to read on the airplane. So I‘m looking at the magazines and I‘m really bored with most of them because we‘re on airplanes so much at this point I just don‘t want to buy any. And I saw this one I‘ve never seen before, and it was called Oxygen. The magazine was called Oxygen. And it looked like a fitness magazine of some sort so I picked it up. I look at Shape and all the other ones. I‘ve looked at them to the point where I‘m bored, don‘t want to look at them, don‘t want to read them anymore. Picked it up, opened it, and it almost jumped off the page at me. There‘s this little block of information that said ‘and eat six small meals a day instead of three big ones‘ (chuckling) And then I read down and there was more of what the Beloveds had said—were listed there, not all of it, and they didn‘t talk about the every third day, try to do more liquids and that kind of stuff---but it was right there. I‘m getting nudged from the Beloveds like ―buy it…just buy it.‖ ‗But I‘m sick of looking at skinny bodies‘---because you have the skinny bodies in their bathing suits you know, they‘re doing modelling and all that---they said ‗buy it and read it. ‗Don‘t look at the pictures read it‘! So I did. And there were some very very good tips. I realize that this magazine—as far as the articles and stuff—they‘re very well done as far as if you want to learn more about nutrition and building strength in your body. They actually plug into I think, that competitive muscle iron woman circuit stuff. So they know about not just getting skinny and pretty, but how to build muscle, how to become healthier and strong in the body. It had some good things. Not all of it we‘d be interested in like their supplements and stuff, that‘s not what we‘re interested in. 43:22 But the reason they had me get it was because I‘d already got the food guidelines they had given us, and I‘m saying ‗OK great! Where do we start‘? I don‘t cook anyway, (chuckling) but now it‘s even harder. We‘ve got to figure out what to eat! And there‘s a woman in…I think she‘s an editor of the magazine, but she‘s also written several books. Her name is Tosca Reno. I believe R-E-N-O is the last name. And she had advertised her new book in the magazine, and the new book was…her concept was called Eat Clean. And it‘s the Eat Clean Cookbook. Yes! It gave recipes. So if you want to learn how to work with that I would suggest looking into her information. You don‘t have to go gung-ho and have rippled abs and all that kind of stuff, if that‘s your thing that‘s cool, but you don‘t have to go there. But the food, it‘s considered clean, and clean means certain things. She describes it better than I can in the book, but it is a concept that the Beloveds endorse. And it‘s the first one really. There‘s all sorts of weird ways to eat. There‘s macrobiotics, there‘s all sorts of different things out there. But this is the first one they‘ve said that anybody can use those guidelines and it will help. And you don‘t even have to use them to a T or you don‘t Ascend! But if you want help with working with the diet they have recommended that book. I was going to bring it but we didn‘t have enough room left with the weight on the plane, so I didn‘t bring the cookbook to show you, but if you can find it on the internet---Tosca (TO-S-C-A) Reno (R-E-N-O)---and if you look her up---do a search on her or whatever---you can find the information. So all of that, the diet and the exercise…we‘re doing the Ah-RA‘-yas, and this is going to be real funny because we could hardly do a chart-pack. Like in the last two workshops we were able to get halfway decent size chart-packs for everybody. This one…to ship them would have been too much as far as the weight and everything, plus the customs charges you have to pay to have stuff shipped in that‘s not in your luggage, and it would have weighed too much to put in the luggage. And I don‘t know if you‘ve checked the business office prices here per page? But we can‘t afford to do a really large chart-pack. But we will have what are called summary sheets on the Ah-RA‘-yas, which are all those exercises. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 283

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We‘ve got the summary sheets. They don‘t have all the words on them because that would have taken probably about 60 pages to get all of the ―here, lay on your back, do this, do that‖ right? You‘re going to hear that. You will get that in the morning sessions because we will be doing morning sessions on the beach I think starting Saturday. I have to look at the program, our new programs. But these are for a purpose. The Ah-RA‘-yas are considered…how did they word it? I have the actual definition here somewhere. I think I‘ll just read it the way they gave it because yes, they are physical exercises, but they‘re chosen because they do certain things. And what they do is…no, that‘s the wrong one. Ah-RA‘-yas do…I‘ll tell you in a minute. Ok. They define an Ah-RA‘ya as a dynamic repetitive action of expansion and contraction that builds quantum within the Axi-A-tonal and Meridian Lines and within the Penta-g‘el flows of the Aah-JhA Body. So when we‘re doing these exercises it‘s not just about ―Oh I‘m going to firm up my muscles and make them stronger‖. First of all, if we don‘t work the muscles to some degree…you don‘t have to get muscle-bound but you have to get them stronger because when you do these exercises they will assist the Axi-A-tonal lines and the Meridian lines to be able to handle more energy. When we open the things that we‘re going to be opening down here in the centre—when we open the Ra-sha doors and stuff to engage the entire set of flows, and then that will start engaging the whole thing—the body needs to be able to hold that. The Axi-A-tonal and Meridian lines need to be able to process that extra quantum. When we work with the exercises, the Ah-RA‘ya‘s will assist the lines themselves to grow, to stretch and change and heal and be able to run more frequency in them. So it‘ll allow the Physical Body matter the ability to do that. Instead of like ―Argh I can‘t handle anymore energy my body‘s crashing!!!‘. Because basically the core flows will shut down and get less if your body can‘t hold it. They‘re not going to overwhelm your body and kill it. So if you can build your muscles just strong enough to expand that a bit you will get more of the natural flows of energy in. So it‘s a point where paying a bit of attention to diet and some basic exercise is worthwhile if especially you‘re planning to try to get your body to where it can do a biological slide. 47:55 Now there‘s another way out of here to Median Earth, and that is Bardoah. That‘s the old-fashioned way that nobody ever does right down here because they got rid of the teachings. But that is where the body does reach its point of expenditure of its Seed Atom, and it would go into what would be a natural directed Bardoah cycle---which means death of the body---and as long as it‘s cremated so you can take the rest of your quantum with you, you can re-birth it into the Median Earth thing too. So there‘s two ways basically to get to Ascension from here. Some of us have this thing---just because it would be so nice to prove that it still can be done even with the mutation---to be able to get the Physical Body through the Slide Gates. We‘re still aiming for that. Yeah! Sometimes a little too over zealously because right before this trip they had me start those things. ―Oh by the way you‘re teaching that in St Kitts.‖ ―What! You didn‘t give me three months to get my body back together again!‖ So on the 10th, no the 6th of October, I started the program again and I tend to be like kinda gung-ho. Head-over-heels, urg, oops (chuckles) I started jogging! I have a mild knee problem I‘ve had for ages and well, it didn‘t like the jogging. I didn‘t build the muscles up enough around it first doing gentle stuff, and it went out, and I didn‘t know if I was going to be able to walk when we got to this workshop. It was like ―Oh my God! What did I do?‖ For about a week and a half I couldn‘t bend it or lift it and that kind of stuff. Hence I decided not to try the volcano climb. We decided we would go on the boat one. We‘ll talk about that too, because before we leave tonight we have to do something in preparation for that. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 283

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When you get into the physical fitness…even if you decide ‗Ok. Well it looks like the easy way to cross over is the oldfashioned way anyway. Do it Bardoah. Don‘t have to exercise‘ (everyone enjoying a good laugh) ‗I can eat my chocolate cake‘. Yeah! (chuckling) You can do that. But we still need to build some greater level of light quotient in the body to have a Bardoah go well. So even if you‘re planning to die a body eventually like you normally would---but get it out instead of leaving it here---you still need to expand the Axi-A-tonal Lines a bit, and the Meridian lines so you can handle more of those flows so you can bring the light quotient up…the ShaLAea Light quotient up in the body. And that means you can still have your chocolate cake and things, but at least still work with the exercises and some of the more clean eating things. And clean eating tends to focus on…especially while you‘re working out, like building muscle to give your body protein to keep the metabolism up, so it doesn‘t have to start and stop and start and stop. It‘s basically about every three hours you have a little bit of something to eat, preferably with a little bit of protein in it. It doesn‘t have to be meat protein, it can be…I‘m discovering protein bars which are kind of interesting. It‘s like ‗yes it‘s chocolate‘! ‗It‘s only 190 calories.‘ (chuckling) ‗Yes I can eat that and it tastes good.‖ So there‘s a reason. Even if you‘re planning to just do it the easy way and say ―whatever… just as long as my body goes it goes, and as long as I know what to do with it at the end I don‘t have to worry. I don‘t have to kill myself and become a marathon runner just to be able to slide‘. But you still do need to work with it a bit, to bring it up to hold the higher light quotient that you want, and you might be surprised that even when you‘re just doing a little bit, it actually makes shifts in your body that you feel more comfortable and you‘ll be healthier, and those kind of things. Now there‘s a lot more to talk about, about those. But these are literally the Ah-RA‘ya‘s, what we would call exercises down here. They do build quantum right in the Axi-A-tonal and Meridian lines themselves. They start to spark more, and the spark more allows the lines to expand, and that allows for more of the core flows to circulate through. So it‘s all connected. You will get a chart-pack of summary sheets that show the ―start‖ and the ―action‖ position, because there are 12 for the top part, 12 for the middle part, 12 for the lower part, and then 12 that are overall that are called the Loga-yanas. They involve the Loga‘s that you‘ve seen before, but there‘s something else called the Yanas that have to do with other postures that actually build strength, balance and stability, that are added to those. 51:59 So all in all you end up with 48 different postures. I‘ve never learned them all by memory even when I was doing…there was a point when I was doing them every day. That was a bit crazy. That‘s when I went down to 110 pounds on a 5‘5‖ frame. That was a bit too skinny. Wasn‘t because I had a food disorder because ―Oh she has an eating disorder‖ No! I‘m eating fine, but the problem is I‘m exercising like a psycho. (laughter) You don‘t have to do it every day. In fact they have it broken down into a nice program where it is manageable. And if you want to amp it a little bit more you can add…instead of doing it like, a little bit four days a week, you do it six days a week but you don‘t do every bit of it six days a week. You do a little bit here, a little bit there, and you break it up. And it‘s kind of like a life-style change in the sense that you choose to make this a part of not ―Oh, because it‘s better for my body in general‖, but ―Hey, this is about Ascension! My body is about Ascension.‖ So it‘s not just to get fit or get more healthy, or look better in your jeans or whatever…that kind of stuff. It‘s seriously about whether or not you want to take the body through the gate, or if you want to let it finish its natural cycle. You still need to boost its ability to hold energy a bit and that‘s what the exercises will do. And the chart-packs you will get with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 283

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those…I really wish they‘d let me know three months before I had to teach this, because I would have done my psycho thing for three months to get back into my skinny jeans so I didn‘t look, well, very bottom heavy in the photos. So we have the copyright on them. Az and I had to do all the positions, the photos with our own bodies. (laughter) And just…well you can‘t…we could have hired a model. You don‘t need to for him, he‘s nice and lean. He just stays that way all the time (chuckling) Me? Well I shrink and expand and shrink and expand. I‘m on semi-expansion at the moment so please pardon the… yeah, but it‘s me! We could have hired somebody but that would have been vain. It‘s like ‗Hey! I am what I am, and here I am‘. Sometimes I‘m pudgy, sometimes I‘m not. I‘m not real pudgy right now, but I‘m not my skinny self either. So there they are, and you have lots of little ―us‘s‖ in different positions. (chuckling & commenting with Az – us‘s…meezez…yeah!) So that will be something you get to take home with you because those who want to use the things…and we will go through them. We‘ll not only teach them---the first half hour of each of the hour long sessions on the beach---we‘ll take one area, like say the top ones for example, and we‘ll go through each one to make sure everybody can find the posture. We‘ll have a few helpers to run around and say ‗OK you do that‘ if some of them are a bit difficult. And then we‘ll run them through together. Where we will do them in sequence after we get ―Ok I know how to do that one, I know how to do that one, I know how to do that one.‖ Now we‘ll run them together like you would a session. At the end of it all we‘re going to run all four of them back to back just once. Because what will help is your body-consciousness…it will help your cellular memory to remember the movements and the flow, and to do it within the shield BPR which will help you to take if from that will actually pick up the acceleration of the BPR with it. So it‘s going to be interesting, and there‘s an area on the beach that they‘re going to allow us to use. It‘s only between 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning. I could have made it earlier but I figured that would have been torture for all of us, so we kept it 9:00 to 10:00 in the mornings and that will start I believe, on Saturday. But one of the things that I wasn‘t planning to have to talk about tonight, but because it went crazy...I mean they sent me a schedule. We‘re supposed to have…the volcano hike is on this day and I had all the schedule planned on that, and then we find out ―Oh the cruise ships are coming in on that day‖ and they‘re also going to have other people going up, and it was going to be a fiasco. So we had to pick the day before or the day after. Well we picked the day before, but that meant there was supposed to be a workshop or a lecture before we did what we‘re doing tomorrow. There was also in there that they told us ―Oh and by the way there‘s a limit of 60.‖ Because we were just going to… everybody go up. We had no idea how hard it was either. Nobody ever said it was like ‗you really want to think twice about doing this volcano thingy‘ if you‘re not used to hiking and things. So the Beloveds said ―that‘s alright, we‘ll work with the program‖. But there was going to be the first event which was Calling of the Ra-sha-Pa-ta-Ur. Now that‘s on a planetary level. And then there was going to be a technique that we were going to do up there that was the personal level of that. What we are going to do now is, we‘re actually going to have the ―Aqua‖ and the ―LaVa‖ teams, where there‘s…the ones that are going on the boat tour instead of going up. Each of us are going to bring up…we‘re going to do something tonight that will allow us just by breathing and not freaking out the guides by doing anything weird…chanting. We don‘t have to do any of the spectacle stuff right? Just be normal and breathe. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 283

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But we‘ll be bringing the code anchorings up. We‘ll get those tonight and the people—God bless you—who are doing the climb, you will be able to take them up there. And we‘re going to be taking them into the water. So we‘re going to be coding the LaVas and the Waters. The Flows. This is on a planetary level. Then the next day when we have Lecture 1 that‘s where we‘ll put the group technique in, when we‘re all together to do it. So even though it‘s a little bit different on your itineraries, we will be doing it that way so nobody‘s missing anything. And basically there‘s going to be three teams because I think there‘s two boats, about 60 people each, and then the 60--and I think they pushed it a little to let a few more on because it was supposed to be cut off at 60---for the climb. So we‘re going to be working in the field, all of us tomorrow that are participating with us, and before we leave we have to do the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan optical pineal induction. And for the first time---thanks to Sue Climpson from UK---we‘ve got the color version. It‘s absolutely gorgeous! (audience appreciation) She did a wonderful job, Sue. (clapping) I‘ll put that up. (Ash speaking to herself - Let me find that. Where is she? I‘m getting there. I may have to take the plastic thingy off there, let me see. Will it show through there? No I‘m going to take this off) Now the colors on the printer are not like the amazing colors in the prints that she will make… that she makes at her studio. But our color printer does what it does. This is as close as we can get for now, but it gives you the idea. But the colors are much more amazing. Like the blues and stuff? Just much more amazing. And when you see this in its full color…actually I think. I don‘t know if we have it here tonight, but oh here you go. This gives you a better idea of the radiance of it. Wait a minute! (audience member comments) Yeah! And I think for FOL we‘re actually going to have those big ones for people who want the big ones. They‘re going to be amazing. And what this is, this is literally the Mix-Master. Each one of those colors…this has to do with D1, D2, D3 and the Density Level, each of the Allurean Chambers and their alignments. So this literally is the Atomic Chart. And when you use it it is setting those flows and stimulating those flows, especially in color. So where you see, say the pinky color like here? That would be D1. Like red, orange, yellow, green, blue…except they‘re like pastelly colors. So all of it , it‘s very mathematical. There are precise alignments, and I had to do like a paintby-number where I took the black and white one, and put like, where all the little 1‘s for red went. Where the color for pink went, and where all the little 2‘s for orange, and bless her Sue did them all and got them in, and it‘s just an amazing code. So we‘re going to do the optical pineal induction of that. And I think…then, there‘s one more thing we need to do once we do that, and I think we‘re going to leave it up on the board while we do it. Thank you. We‘re going to do a part of what‘s called the Wave Run from Slide 2. This is where we had—for people who weren‘t there—we had this big event there where we linked in with a World Peace Meditation thing, that Deepak Chopra and a few other people, like big name people out there were mobilizing millions of people to do. And they invited ―any and all‖ to come. So we did! And we joined with using what we called a Wave Run sequence of songs. We‘re going to use part of those. But the linking songs for these are really really cool. I don‘t know…some of you may have heard them because of the persons in the group who have done them, but it‘s not been released yet. But the BPRs in the songs that will be used…there‘s three that will be used in the beginning before the Suchi Waters sets come in. Suchi Waters was the lady who---bless her---she‘s in the group sometimes. Sometimes she comes, sometimes she doesn‘t. But she allowed us to use some of the most amazing songs that held the BPRs, and some of them were actually given to her by the Beloveds—like inspired by the Beloveds—that she wrote. So we‘re going to do the Suchi Waters part and the House of La part as it‘s called, of the Wave Run. But before it, we‘re going to set the acceleration of the BPR with this amazing set of our Psonns done a la Derek Pendleton style. And I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 283

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don‘t know who‘s heard these or not, but they‘re pretty awesome as far as we‘ve got the BE-TU psonn. (Ash sings) ―BETU e-Te-Ta et-A…‖ There‘s a place for slow and soft, and there‘s a place for kickin‟ booty (laughter), and these psonns are really cool. So we will begin the wave flow—after you do simple optical pineal induction with this code—and once you get this, and the coding on the acceleration of those first three psonns BPR, when you go to these places that you will go to tomorrow, just take a moment or two, individually or as a group, whichever you prefer. If you can even do it in little groups like three. Three over there, three over here, it gets a little more powerful and just (inhales and exhales in a sigh)…just breathe. And smile at your guides, pretend you‘re talking. Just breathe…whatever! You are giving the gift. There will be a back-flow given. Not necessarily at the same time. The Beloveds would also like you to know that the first of…oh what did they call them? Mindfulness Exercises will be in progress tomorrow, and they‟re going to meet you. You‘re going to meet a group of greeters from Median Earth, and it‘s going to be up to being able to expand a bit out to feel. Because they‘re not going to pop in and say ―Hi, excuse me guide…thank you for taking these people up here…I am from a different world‖ right? (laughter) That would be a little awkward. (laughter from audience) Not yet anyway! But to become aware of when they start to join you both on the boats and on the hike. So there will be groups of them that are coming in and anyone who wants one to just hang around, like if you feel one‘s there…I can just see people going ―Do you feel that? Do think they‘re here?‖ It‘s going to be one of those, and it‘s a mindfulness experience. Start to pay attention to what you do of course, and then forget about that, but then remember, kind of scan around ‘anything happening yet‘? Those kinds of things. To begin to sensitize yourself to actually seeing when stuff is actually happening, but we‘re just missing it because we‘re not expanding our perceptual field enough. So they are going to join us tomorrow. And for those who would like, they‘ll stick with you for the trip. Like one of them, if you want a buddy. And it might even…if you have audio already turned on, might say ―Hi, I‘m so-and-so.‖ ‗Talk to me‘. You are under protection during this period with this ok? So you‘re not going to get something that tries to…if you have something with you…if anything tells you anything that sounds crazy, don‘t do it! OK! Simply put. If it‘s mean, nasty, or sounds crazy it‘s not the right line that you‘re listening to, and just leave it at that. You have the protection of the group shield and the Beloveds with us in the group shield during the duration of the trip. So you can have a little more confidence that even if there‘s stuff that messes with you sometimes and you know it‘s there---because every once in a while you get some really weird guidance that doesn‘t feel like you and it doesn‘t feel right---if that‘s happening, know you have that, but also know that there‘ll be another one coming in and it‘ll make itself distinctly known in some way. But this is like…you don‘t have to have a buddy that hangs out with you, but if you want one they‘re willing to do that while we‘re here. They‘re going to do that again at the Sarasota workshop too I‘ve heard. What they would like to do is start getting us to develop more of our ability to have direct interaction personally where it doesn‘t have to go through a workshop, doesn‘t have to go through us. Where you really start…and these are…we have our Bhendis. A lot of us have been working with the Bhendi Trainers and things from Urtha, but these are from Median Earth. This is the first step where when you slide out of here, that‘s the first step you go before you can get to Shala, before you can get to Aq‘UA‘elle, before you can get to Urtha. So these are the local immediate greeting crews. And they would like to establish the relationships before we learn how to slide and pop up on their doorstep (chuckling) basically. So that is something we‘ll do tomorrow to. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 283

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We‘ll start with…Az will run the optical pineal induction on this, and then Noel is going to run the Wave Run. The Wave Run is a bit long. I had a feeling that things might run longer. We‘ll show up at the right time, but it might not be just two hours here for an hour here on the schedules. But the Wave Run is a bit long. We would ask that you stay with it and just let the BPRs flow. If you know the songs, if you have them…if you were at the last workshop or something and know them, or have your pages…we couldn‘t afford---because of the shipping and all of that---to do a whole other set of the songs. These are all in the chart-pack that will be coming out with the product for Slide 2 class. So all of the words for all of these songs---Suchi songs---are in that. I just want to say one more thing. I want to thank Derek for this amazing rendition, high power rendition of some of our Azurite Psonns. So we‘ll go right into that. But just check this out and if you want to go ―Oh cool!‖ when you hear these first three, that‘s ok. They‘re very different versions of the psonns than we‘ve ever heard and I‘ve been using them actually to exercise to, for my cardio routine. (chuckling) Yeah! Yeah! And then we will be using them in this Wave Run again on the end night when we do the big thingy on the beach. And there‘s a part of the thingy on the beach that‘s going to be really fun. It has to do with what‘s called the Ah-LE‘i-yas. Now Ah-LE‘i-yas are kind of like Ah-RA‘-yas, but of momentum where they actually build spin speed and circulation speed in the fields. And they‘re going to have us use light sticks on strings! (audience responds) I‘ve never done this before, and there are 12 different moves, so this is going to be fun to try to work that out. We had to…we brought the light sticks. So we have one set of 2 light sticks for everybody and we can‘t open the packages yet though, because if you take them out the package it starts to make them go off, and they‘re only like the 12 hour ones or whatever. So it‘s going to be interesting. We‘ll get to that toward the end. But hopefully nobody will kill each other with flying light sticks. (much chuckling) But we will be using to the beat the first three songs from Derek‘s stuff will be used. I think they‘re going to play it at least twice while we‘re doing the light sticks. So just try to imagine this to the beats that you‘ll hear soon. 1:07:52 OK I‘ll pass this over to Az for now so he can run the short optical pineal induction of the Allur-E‘-ah Ra-sha-tan. Az: Hello from me and welcome everybody! Lovely to see you all again. (audience claps) Having a walk on part gets me to talk to you sometimes. (chuckling from audience) Hello. It‘s my cameo. Now since I know that there is a combination of people who were at Virginia Beach, people who weren‘t but are more familiar with the work, and new people, I‘ll just begin by introducing the Allur-E‘-ah Ra-sha-tan, or otherwise known as the Feel Good Code for short, with a few notes that were published during Virginia Beach. The Allur-E‘-ah Ra-sha-tan Feel Good Code is the calling code for Protoplasm pre-substance Hydrolase. The presubstance Hydro-Acoustic Compound Element that is organic living pre-water, which speaks to the HydroLE Endoplasma Atomic Hydrolase that is the organic Atomic Living Water, which is the Atomic Hydro-Acoustic Compound Element water matter base of which our 144 organic living elements are composed. Now if you please, just take a couple of relaxed breaths first while I describe the steps again for those people who are not familiar with this. The breathing component involves us taking what we call a 3 step inhale. And you will be using the words ―Ra-sha Eir-a Krystar Now‖. So you go: Ra-sha Eir-a Krystar Now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 283

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Ra-sha Eir-a Krystar Now. Ra-sha Eir-a Krystar Now. And at that point a tiny top-up, and you‘d hold briefly and then exhale forcefully pushing your Krystar Vehicle out all around you. (audience participating during Az‘s description) And we would do that 3 times over. I do love your eagerness to get started. (audience chuckles) So we‘re going to do what I‘ve just described. For those who‘ve never heard this described before, I wonder if the eagerness to Ascend will continue through the exercises? (much audience laughter) So then, if you would please activate your Krystar Vehicle now using the 3 step inhale procedure. Ra-sha Eir-a Krystar Now three times over. Now please focus your eyes on the centre of the Allur-E‘-ah Ra-sha-tan Code up on the screen for a few moments, just breathing normally and gently. And whilst you begin to engage with the code and it with you, I‘ll describe how we will do this induction. You will when I ask you to please, inhale slowly and deeply using the inhale breath to first draw towards your forehead two images of the code, one relating to each eye. And then before the two codes reach your forehead cross your eyes briefly to bring the two codes together into a one code image, using the remainder of this single inhale breath to draw the one code image through your forehead and chakra six---the third eye---and into your Pineal Gland at the centre region of your brain. You will then hold this single breath at the top of the inhale, and condense the Allur-E‘-ah Ra-sha-tan Code into a minute speck of aqua light in the pineal centre. When you‘ve done that, you‘ll exhale gently using the breath to push the speck of aqua light downward from your pineal gland through your Central Vertical Column and into Median Earth Core. At that point returning to normal breathing and you will have completed the optical pineal induction of the code. And then we‘ll finish with the initiating tones of the code itself. So inhale slowly and deeply using the breath to draw two images, one corresponding to each eye. Before the two codes reach your forehead cross your eyes briefly to bring the two codes together into one image. Use the remainder of the inhale to draw the one code into chakra six at the third eye and into your pineal. Hold the breath at the top. Condense the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code into a minute speck of aqua light at the pineal centre. Now exhale gently using the breath to push the speck of aqua light downward from your pineal, through your Central Vertical into Median Earth core, and return to normal breathing. And then if you can all repeat three times out loud, the first line of two: Um Ma Ta Um And then three times: TE wa Na HA VU sa ta Excellent. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 283

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Ash: Just before we do the Wave Run, I just want to point out because I won‘t be speaking with you after because it takes a while to do the Wave Run. So we‘re just gonna…I think we‘re going to be here, but it doesn‘t matter if we‘re here or not. If you‘ve done the Wave Run before—from Slide 2—you wouldn‘t have to stay for the whole thing. But for the first three that weren‘t part of that Wave-Run, you would be asked to stay for. If you haven‘t done the Wave Run before, you would be asked to stay to pick up the whole sequence because all of the tones in the songs as well as the words are very encoded and encrypted. And it is part of what you will be able to breathe in tomorrow when you go to the sites where you are. And if you have the full set of tones you will get the backflow that is the beginning of what your Technique 1 will be about. About the Pa-ta Um-Eir-A light point. There are actually three light atoms that we will bring back into our bodies. It begins with having this Wave Run to open the link with the planetary grids, so that‘s why you would be asked if you haven‘t done the Wave Run before, please stay for the whole thing. If you have done it before just stay for the first three because you haven‘t gotten that acceleration sequence. It‘s actually BPR---Base Pulse Rhythm---acceleration sequence in the beginning. And what I‘d also like to say since we will stay for the first three---but we‘re not going to stay for the whole thing because we‘ve obviously done the Wave Run before too---when you go tomorrow just remember, we are all on mission together here. We‘re so glad that you‘re all here to be with us. We hope you have a wonderful time. Please be safe ok. You guys that are doing the he-man job of climbing up the volcano—bless you—nobody was obliged to do that. You didn‘t have to do that right. Nobody said ―Somebody‘s got to go up the volcano‖. No. I‘m glad you guys decided you wanted to go. (chuckling) God bless you! Thank you for doing that. And for those who will be on the boats, I don‘t know who‘s going to be on what boats, but we‘ll be on one of them. We are going to do the catamaran tour. They‘re going to take us somewhere. We don‘t even know where yet, but the Beloveds are smiling. They said ‗Don‘t worry about this. We‘ve got the LaVa flows covered and now we‘ll have the Water flows covered‘‘. So we‘ve got Team Aqua and Team LaVa (chuckling) going up tomorrow. And just remember that the Beloveds are going to pop up somewhere tomorrow. Not like pop-ups on your computer, but you will feel something. If you become aware like ―Hello‖…‘Buy this‘…No! (laughing). It‘s like the computer ones. And we will do our best to keep on schedule for the rest of the schedule, at least starting times of workshops. Can‘t promise on ending times really as far as the lectures, but you will have your daytimes free. As far as tomorrow, let‘s get through tomorrow and then we can talk more about other things, but I hope you enjoy your trip, and that it is safe, and I hope you have a wonderful time through the whole time that you are here with us. It‘s an honor to have you here, and let‘s have a good time and have a great opening the Ascension gates over here. (clapping)

Slide 2 Technique Introduction [Kitts Track 4A SLD 2 Technique Introduction] A‘sha …going, we‘ve been doing very physical stuff so far. We did the boats and the Lava Crew did the mountain and the whole bit. Now it‘s going inside, so these are a lot of mental focus techniques, spirit focused techniques where you‘re The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 283

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going up and out and doing stuff in your body fields and those kind of things. But, by the end of this I optimistically put it between 12 and 3. I‘m not exactly sure how long they actually run so it might be a little longer than that but, by the end of that everybody will be caught up as far as shield activations so we‘ll be able to proceed with the Slide 3 techniques that will start this evening with the lecture this evening. I just wanted to be, to come down especially to say hello Lava Team, those of you who went and did the climb. We haven‘t seen you since. Thank you for doing that. (Applause). Yea, yea, we were with the Aqua Team and, yeah, Team Aqua, Team Lava, yeah. (Applause). At some point I‘d like to have time to chat with Lava Team to see if there was any, well, in that mindfulness exercise, because I know you had company but does anyone know you had company kind of thing. And tonight I‘ll talk about a little thing; a very bizarre thing that happened with just a few of us last night and it was just my 2 daughters and Nicole. A very strange thing happened. I‘ll talk about it later, but we definitely met beings and if you see little gold balls following you around at any point, they‘re about 4 inches in diameter. It‘s not just you, you‘re not imagining it so I‘ll just give you that little clue but, little gold ball beings. They are beings. They look like little fuzzy energy gold balls though. Their orb is gold. It looks gold and they were just the beginning so I would like at some point, I‘m not sure we‘re going to schedule it but to be able to get a conference between Team Aqua and Team Lava to see, to share some experiences and that kind of stuff. So, I‘d like to, maybe this evening, leave some time for that if anybody wants to share some experiences from either team, what the event was. The event was successful as far as what we achieved. We did do our code drops and we‘ll talk more about that too tonight about what that means in relation to why that is the calling of the Rasha Pa Ta Or and what that means and then we‘ll be doing the engaging our own Rasha Pa Ta Or in the technique that will be done tonight. From what I hear they haven‘t showed me the technique yet but they said we‘ll be going, it‘s a journey, we‘ll be going to the cathedral, as they put it, so this ought to be interesting. So, a little bit of highlights of what‘s going to come in this evening‘s program. So, I just wanted to say hi and I‘m glad everybody got back safely from Team Lava and from Team Aqua and I will hand over the productions here to Az and Noel and I will see you later when it‘s time for, I‘ll just call it the chicken house technique. So, yep, and thank you all for being here. I promised, this is just for the girls. Nothing against the guys unless the guys like dresses, but, I did promise a very nice little lady on the beach, her name is Laverne, for you girls that I would wear her dresses so you could see the type of things she sells. It‘s the only one on the beach that sells them, and she only has a few, honestly, that‘s why I didn‘t really say anything before. I think she maybe had 8-10 of them left and they‘re all different colors and that kind of stuff. If anybody likes this style dress, here, I‘ll show it to you, they‘re really cool. You can tie them in a knot between your legs like I did on the boat. The belts don‘t come with them. They‘re separate and she doesn‘t have those, another guy on the beach does, but, I love these so much I got, I think, what did I get? We were here twice before last year and I got like 5 of them each trip so I‘m doing a collection. I just promised her that I would let you see them girls in case you‘re interested and to refer down because I asked her. She didn‘t have them this year and I said, well, where are those nice dresses, you know, the long ones that are long and comfy. She said, oh, I remember you, you bought all of them last time and she said, well, I just don‘t bring them here because the resort people want the ones with the little palm trees that say St. Kitts on them and that kind of stuff instead. And, I said, well, please bring them because I think there‘s some people in our groups that might like them. So, she actually did, she rounded some up from wherever her supplier is and she brought them. Last time I saw them there was somewhere between 8 and 10 and she has a few shirts as well. They have the embroidery and some of the sequins and stuff. So, I did promised Laverne that I would let you girls know that she was down there. She‘s not down there this morning because the cruise ships are in and they all tend to go over where the cruise ships are because that‘s where their business comes from, but I believe she‘s going to be here, where‘d mom go, I heard, around here someplace because Zhan know when she‘s coming. OK, she‘ll probably be here tomorrow and just ask for Laverne, like when you see, because there‘s several of the people roaming around, usually with aloe vera, and trying _???__ for rubs, but, there‘s a few of them that do sell things and ask for Laverne if you‘re The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 283

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interested in doing that but, again, I don‘t know how many she‘d got left but I promised her I‘d do that before I left. Um, $30. She‘s charging $30.00 Yea, they‘re really good, I mean, you get something with all this embroidery and stuff in one of the stores and you‘re going to pay $80 bucks for it, you know? But, they‘re like $30.00 and they are hand embroidered from what I understand so, well, that‘s what they say anyways so, I just thought I‘d share that. Now, back to business. Yep. Bye. Az: Bye. I don‘t have sponsors. (laughter) As we leave our commercial break with Noel‘s help. Noel, are you ready to go? All right everyone, oh, good day by the way, good day to those who haven‘t wished me well. Right, we‘re going to do I think about 4 of the techniques that this was Virginia Beach pack but we refer to these, this first four as Sliders 1 techniques, actually, which are the TE‘a Wa Materialization Seed, Opening the Pentagonal TE‘a Wa Window and then we move into Activating the Grail Window. About that point when we‘ve finished the madness section called The Voice comes up, so we‘re going to let you recover from the serious stuff for about half an hour so you can get into silly mood so that when you come back and start giggling and then shaking and making strange noises, you‘ll be in the mood. Pardon me? Pardon, I can‘t hear you _________. (Can you turn the volume up?) Az: Well, anyway, right now, we‘re just going to do the Sliders 1 techniques which are about 4, then we‘re going to stop, all right. And then, for a half an hour you can go out and think silly so that when you come back and do The Voice technique you‘ll be in the mood to embarrass yourselves beautifully. So, Noel, when you‘re ready we‘ll go straight to that and we will run straight through these things and when we come to the end, that‘s the end and we will break for about half an hour. I will see if I can then prize Ash away from Laverne on the beach because the introduction to this was performed by Azara at Virginia Beach so neither of us can really remember what the heck the introduction, the instructions were so Ash will come back and retrieve as much of that as she can and we‘ll just hang around and interfere with you and make sure you get into it. And then we‘ll return to the more serious spacey side of things and they really are excellent and powerful techniques for those who haven‘t done them, so, we‘ll run through the Sliders 2 set, so, by the time we‘re done we‘re completely up to speed and ready for Slide 3 stuff. OK Noel, take it away. Thank you very much.

Lecture 1 [Kitts Track 10] A‘sha I hope you enjoyed your techniques-intensive catch-up day. All right, for this evening we have the first lecture, which is “Spirituality and Physicality: Winning the Internal War of Attrition”. We‘ve talked about the GharE‟ and the Gharoche for a while, and about the literal war of energy that takes place in the body and in the atoms themselves, with it. We‘re going to cover various things this evening related to that. We‘re going to start with a bit of the anatomy pertaining to it, and then, there are two graphs, two new graphs that they gave me. That‘s why I was a little bit late tonight. That‘s because there was two new graphs that they kind of threw at me when I got back after the techniques, Technique-2. And, they were a bit complex, and they‘re not done, but they‘re done enough to show what needs to be shown, because we‘re going to explore two new aspects of the anatomy, of the Hydro-Acoustic Body that we‘ve briefly touched on. The names: one is the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur, and the other is the Pa-Ta Um-Eir‟-A. Both of these are a set of three Eternal-Life Atoms that are supposed to be an integral part of the anatomy of a body, a materialized body. But, because of the mutation, like other things that we‘ve been working at in our last two Sliders Classes, these were not materialized or manifest within the body during the Fetal Integration process when they should have been, because the Fetal Integration process is interrupted the way the mutation works in, in the genetic code in this particular time-frame and for the last many hundreds of thousands of years, actually. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 283

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So, we are going to find out a bit more about what they are. And, in so doing, in order to do that, we have to look at a little bit of the things that we‘ll touch on deeper in some of the other lectures that have to do with Probable-Selves and with your Incarnate-Selves and how this fits in with the basic anatomy structure of your Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body and its Aah-JhA‟ Body and all the parts of anatomy we‘ve been talking about on an individual basis, because we begin to see where our clusters of selves exist within this structure. And, from this, we can begin to tell where the--first of all-where the GrU‟-al State is. Now, we‘ve activated the GrU‘-al State, opened the GrU‟-al Doors and been able to begin entering into the GrU‘-al State, or the Grail State. The next state that we will move into is what is called the State of Um-shaddhi, and that is the ―Place Between the Veils of Time‖, as the song says. And, that place, we wouldn‘t really be able to understand where in the anatomy these places exist if we didn‘t have this, the graph that‘s coming, because it really kind of shows the relationship to it. And, it, we will understand a bit more about the activations, not just the one that we‘re going to do at the end of this evening, because, yes, there‘s one more technique. It‘s a journey, actually. And, there, once we understand the one diagram that shows most of what, this evening is going to be about, it---we‘ll be able to see what parts of the anatomy are opening and what it‘s actually doing with us. We had a little prelude last night on the beach. I remember a couple workshops back, starting to say---people were saying, when am I going to slide? Or, are we going to be able to slide soon, slide soon? People are getting ready. We‘re biologically--some of us are actually getting to the point where we can. But, they‘re not sliding anybody yet because the main gates aren‘t open, and all-of-that-thing. But, we, they‘ve been telling me for a while, and I‘ve been telling you and, other people in other workshops that when the slide stuff happens, it‘s not as if they‘re going to slide our whole Shield, because if we just, like, disappeared from here and, there was people watching or all of a sudden the room went vacant, and, I don‘t know how time works, but how long were we gone? That would not work well. Anything that was that demonstrative, where a large group of people disappeared, even if they re-appeared, guaranteed, governments would get involved, and we would become lab rats. We would disappear, and it wouldn‘t be a slide. We would disappear into government laboratories, trying to find out how we had a power that was a threat to national security, because that‘s what that kind of power would be considered by any of the governments on this planet. So, they have said for a while that, as slide-ability in the biology becomes more and more real, it will be done with individuals or small, very small groups of people, where you begin to have encounters with that kind of thing. So, that‘s the kind of thing that we‘ll probably be looking forward to all along, unless we have an official disclosure event happen from some of the other guys. And, at that point, we may actually get to do a mass slide, and not return. But, as it is now, we had an experience last night that we were not expecting, me and my two daughters and Nicole, our friend. We were doing something completely different. My daughter‘s back was hurting, and, she kind of called me up to see if I could, do something energetically. We worked on that a bit, and, all of a sudden, we… it started with a visitation of what I‘d call little, fuzzy, golden balls. They looked like little fuzzy gold-ish yellow balls of energy, and you could feel beings in them. And, I was saying, ―what are they, some kind of the fairy folk or something‖. I‘ve met liitle fuzzy balls of various types before, and they are beings. These things were very, very conscious, very aware. And, they started popping up out of the soil, and only where there was soil, they weren‘t coming out of the concrete on the ground, just out of the soil, and, in between plants and that kind of stuff. First, it was just around where we were sitting outside. Then, we‘re looking--and it was dark already, it was quite late at night. Jeez, it---well, we came back after it all by 3AM, so it was somewhere probably around 1 or 2 in the morning when it started. So, and I‘m looking around, and the three of us are sensing them. My daughters were hearing the chirpy, chatter-y sound that they make when they‘re talking to each other, because they actually do, chatter amongst themselves, and it‘s like a different pitch, so, unless you slow it down, it sounds like; ‖ditdiditditdit…‖ like, lots of them talking with each other. Very aware of us, and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 283

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we‘re kind of going; this is interesting, and going, yeah, I see the fuzzy balls, what are the fuzzy balls about? You know, are they good, bad or awful? And, I felt that they were good, then Ma‘a came in and--kind of just hanging there watching. Then, I felt some other Guardian-type folk come in. Then, I also felt some other very strange things that weren‘t Guardian at all come in. So, I was, like, ok, we‘re having one of those evenings. I didn‘t think anything special of it, except the gold balls, more and more of them kept rising up out of the ground, and, if you looked in the distance, you could see this, like, gold, almost like glow on the ground, and it was spreading from the area where they started, out in every direction that there was dirt. Like, wherever there was dirt, you‘d see across that pathway; it would start over there. And, it would start over there, and I was going: ―What is this? This is really strange.‖ And, then, a bunch of them that were closer to us kind of rolled over onto the pavement, onto the sidewalk part, and were almost, like, bouncing, like you could feel the agitation. They were pushing us, and we got direct cognition; ―Come on. Come on. We need to show you, we need to show you!‖ Show us what? And, we‘re, like, looking at each other, like, uh oh. Is this a set up or is this a good thing to do? So, at, like, somewhere after one in the morning, the four of us decided to follow the probably gold balls that nobody else could see (Laughter) and, we followed them down to the beach. And, from where our room is, we have to go all the way up to where the stairs are, then back all the way down. They wanted us down by the rocky side of the beach, where there‘s not, too much activity. But, that‘s also where there‘s a sea wall, some rocks, and, when the tide‘s coming in, very little beach space, right? So, we went down there, and this whole series of events unfolded there, part of it in 3D perception, part of it in a different state of perception that I‗m not even familiar with, because it was so awake, but it wasn‘t completely etheric effect. It was part, part physical, where you could see stuff with your physical eyes and part, part etheric. But, the most--I won‘t go heavily into it right now, but--because there was all sorts of things that involved ships that were coming in and falling in a black hole and a city thing that rose up out of a certain part of the ocean over by the mountains and all sorts of really wild stuff. But, the wildest thing, because it was the most 3D and extremely very, very physical effect was that---we were chattering about the other stuff that we were seeing and little balls are all around. At this point we‘re knee-deep in them, right? And, seriously, they‘re piling on top of each other, and they‘re just hanging out with us. But, they felt good and protective. And, I don‘t know which one of us looked up first and kind of went, the Moon‘s up there. What is the Moon doing? Oh, my goodness, right? At first, like, you rub your eyes and, all right, wait a minute…yeah, it is! The four of us saw it very clearly and it lasted for, maybe, fifteen minutes, at least, right. The Moon was moving rapidly, like you would see it in one of those time-elapsed photographs where it was, say, over here, and it was going: EEEEEEOWWWM and then: BOING, and it would be back here again: EEEEEOWWWMMM BOING! And, we‘re going: ―What is that?‖ And, then, Zon my daughter, Zon pointed and she says: ―Orion‘s moving, too!‖ The whole Star Set is moving at that speed. So, it was like a speed-up of something, and, you know, realize well maybe the Earth Grids are speeding up to make it, look like that. We didn‘t know what was going on. And, it lasted for about fifteen minutes. We‘d ignore it, like, pretend it‘s not there, and it will go away, right? Nope, still there, then, meanwhile, we got engaged with some other, more intense things that‘ll take me three hours to talk about that were more having to do with Incarnational bleed-throughs and also time bleed-throughs. What we learned today about what was that very strange evening, with all sorts of things but, especially, that Moon effect. What was that? The Beloveds said that was the beginning of a little step in the State of Um-shaddhi, where the four of us actually were shifted into that together. And, from there, indeed, the acceleration looks like it‘s going--it gives time, I mean, the time effects in BPR seriously change what you see, and it creates a place between the veils of time, where you actually still The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 283

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see one set, but you also start to see other times and places that are direct coordinates with that exact location. And, one of the things that fascinated me was; I know they‘ve talked about the Slide-City that we‘re, that they‘re going to be opening the gates to. That Slide-City isn‘t here. It‘s where the Watchtower is. The Watchtower is in Florida. So, I was not expecting to see a city effect here. You know, we‘re going to journey to it, to over there, from here, from the gates that are over here. And, it was just…it came up by the one mountain. I don‘t know which mountain it is, but if you‘re on the far end--I guess the south end of the beach, because there‘s north beach, and I think it must be south beach the other way. North is where we‘re going to have the exercises and things in the morning. So, it‘s the other end of that, but, whatever mountains you can see over there. The last one, it first started to look like it disappeared, like part of it disappeared. First, it seemed to get all foggy, and then it got, like, black. Then, it got, like, gone, where it was just--we were looking at it and, ―Do you see it? No, it‘s not there, is it? No, not right now, it isn‘t‖. And then, like half of it would be back, and, then, the whole thing would be back, then it all would be gone again. And, then, it started--the water started to look dark around it, just over in that area. And, we‘re kind of like looking at that; ―What is that about?‖ Then, we started getting this where we saw galleon ships, you know, the old galleon sailing ship things. And, we got this really weird effect. I felt it very, very pronounced. I felt myself as two people at once. And, one was a self that had lived here before in a different time and watched the galleons come. And, I don‘t know, I was a lighter---I wasn‘t a blackskinned person. I was kind-of-like tan-skinned person, some kind of native, but I don‘t think it was a Carib Indian. I don‘t know what it was, but Spree was having, like, during the first couple of days here, she was having little bleed-throughs of having lived here before, as well. But, what I was getting was: The two selves were right there together at the same time. My physical eyes were seeing what the physical eyes of that one was, and, then it would fade out, and it would be back, and I‘d see the ghost image of it, and watching the galleons come and having this real innocence, like not knowing what they are, never saw those before. Not knowing if they were good or bad. Not having fear because they---we didn‘t know there were people coming to invade and that kind of thing. And, that was just the beginning. Then there was a thing happening over the other side, with the city, then the two--it‘s like the two time-lines blended. And, I‘m still trying to find out if this was a past city during the Atlantean Periods that was actually there, or if it is--and I think it‘s more this--if it is one of the Sentinels. There are, I believe, four Sentinels and one Watchtower, and these would all be Slide Cities. So, they didn‘t tell me about the fact that there were Slide Cities attached to the Sentinels. I thought the Sentinel Points were just gates, like this one, like the Kitts Gate. And, so, this was the beginning. And, they said it was just a hint at what it starts to look like when you start to bring the frequencies in that allow you to enter the Um-shaddhi State. It is a place between the veils of time, where the times start to blend, and you can start to experience things simultaneously. And, when we see the one graph that I had to work on before we came that shows the relationships with you and your Probable-Selves and, then, your Incarnational-Selves. There‘s going to be a lot of people‘s eyes looking out at various different things as we integrate our consciousness. And, that was the first effect, there were four of us; we aren‘t looking for it. It happened. And they also said: By the way, they don‘t know how many people, either on the Aqua Team or on the Lava Team realized that there was contact made, but it was. And, some people may realize that it occurred, and some may not. And, it‘s still there. And, so, I don‘t know. We didn‘t talk much about it on the Aqua Team. We didn‘t do much; we just dropped our codes like we were supposed to in the water, and had a nice day on the boats and stuff. But, there were a few encounters with various different things. I know my daughter Spree, maybe because she loves swimming everywhere, went in the water and did snorkeling off the boats, and she ran into, she came back, and she said: ―Mom, I saw a Mer-person‖ Like Mermaid, Merman, Merwhatever, but it was a Mer-person. And she said: ―And, it saw me, and it got scared, and, like, disappeared really fast.‖ That was, just first, these bleed-throughs that are starting to occur between different layers of self and different layers of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 283

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planes that are actually occurring here. So, in little ways, there has been direct contact made. And, I think they‘re trying to work it where it‘s going to be subtle, with individuals, more than, like, a big: ―Hi, we‘re here!‖ kind of thing. So, I have a feeling there was more direct: ―Ah ha! There‘s something, somebody around‖ on the volcano. I don‘t know why, but I think it was more pronounced there. I‘m not sure; I haven‘t talked to anybody, about the volcano trip yet. But, this is just the beginning of the experiential part of what we‘re working with. I can imagine, that was only one self that I blended with, standing on that beach watching the galleons come in. There was another self that was seeing the city, and I think that has to do with the---they‘re referring to them as our Buddha Selves, our Bud Selves. And, we‘ll talk about that when that diagram comes, after I get through the anatomy. So, there‘s levels of Buddha, and we‘re becoming our own Buddha‘s, basically, our own Buds. The Bud-Selves have to do with those states in the center, where you can perceive a whole set of 12, be they 12 Probabilities or 12 Incarnations, and it goes up, more than that, too. They‘re the two layers we‘re dealing with right now. So, it was very interesting in that regard, completely unexpected. If you—it‘s kind of funny. I have a feeling because of what they showed us with the city thing that started to come up, it looked like just, literally, like that silly show Stargate Atlantis, as if it just rose up out of the water, right? You‘d only see the silhouettes of it, and it appeared to be crystal because it didn‘t look like metal or stone or anything. It looked like it was made of something translucent, and it felt like crystal. I couldn‘t see much detail because it was so far away, and it was, dark out, but you could see the outline of it. And, I have a feeling that that is connected with not a past self, that we had had. But, it was more like the self of us, the part of us that is connected to Median Earth already, like our present, simultaneous self that is connected with Median Earth. Or, it would be a little bit of our future self in that regard, where, the self we become once we can slide. So, I have a feeling it‘s connected there. I also get a feeling that people in little groups or just like one or two are going to get a nudge here and there, at a weird hour at night, to go out on the beach and just be, right? If you do get that, it is being inspired. They will inspire some people, not everybody. Some people might get an urge that they need to go, you know, somewhere, say, back to the volcano, God forbid, or something like that (Laughter). But, if you get an urge, and you need to go somewhere, on the island or somewhere out here, especially the beach, though, there‘s something quite magical about it. Quite late at night, though, it‘s, like, after it‘s not loud out here anymore, after everybody‘s basically gone to sleep. I would suggest not going all by yourself because I don‘t know how safe it is, you know, prowling around on the beaches. I don‘t know if there‘s other people or how well it‘s patrolled as far as safety goes, like that. One thing I would say, too, if you do get that nudge to do that and to go there, be it just a few of you or a bunch of you, if anything tries to give you the urge to--ok, now we‘re here. You may feel a communion with the water. You may hear the water start communicating with you and really feel it, especially those who are very, very connected to, you know, to Water-Flow Elementals. Under no circumstance, please don‘t go in and go swimming, all right, at night like that. You might take your chances--you‘ve got to be crazy--but who knows what‘s out there? There‘s not just good stuff out there. The water likes us here, but some of the things that live in it don‘t. And, there are some really strange shapes of very---I don‘t even know what they‘re called yet, we haven‘t been given a name, of things that were on the attack prowl yesterday on the boat trip. They hit Spree a bit and were…―the ―don‘t push your luck people‖. Anyway, they did come out of the water. They‘re some form--well, they appear etheric to us, but they have stingers on their tails, and they like to, like whack you in the charkas and hang on, yeah, and stay, right? So, if you‘re going to do the beach thing, it can be joyful and happy. Just keep your Shields up and don‘t do something crazy. You know, if it says, like swim a mile out there, you‘ll be perfectly safe. If you have to go in, go in up to your knees and then come back out, you know what I mean? Some people might like to swim at night, and I won‘t say you don‘t have the right to do that, you do. But, please be careful with that. And, don‘t think you‘re being told to. If something‘s trying to communicate with you and telling you, you have to go out and swim, that is a breach of protocol, so it‘s not The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 283

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something from the Guardian team that is doing that, all right? But, if you, on your own, feel like you want to do it, that‘s not our business. Just please be careful--again--ok? Now, what I‘m going to get into now are just a bit going into, a reminder on the pieces of anatomy we talked about, because they fit right into the new graph that is coming. Is it here yet? Are they here yet? Nobody brought them up, did they? I‘m going to need it soon. Can they hurry up by any chance? (Az speaks) No, just go up and stand there and breathe on her until she hurries up. How long does it take to run five mylars? An hour? All right, seriously, the two with pictures on them, if you could please help with that ( Az and Mel speaking off-mic). The ones with the pictures I need the most. [19:52] (Graph) Ok, just a friendly reminder, especially for people who might not have seen some of these early ones. This is just the Krystar Capsule inside of it‘s---inside the Flame Vehicle. Just to remind us all that all of the anatomy that we are learning about has to do with activation of this. And, so this is, like, the simple form of the Krystar Crystal Capsule, that when we‘re doing the (inhales sharply): ―Rasha-Eira-Krystar‖ NOW! (Exhales sharply), right, that‘s what we‘re actually expanding out in the Field around us. Eventually, we will get the Flame activations, the full Flame activations around. And, the inside ones, as well, and that‘s where you get your thrust, like your jet propulsion. And that‘s when-when you get full activation of this is---will be full activation of some of the other anatomy you will see. And, it means you will be able to do things, like levitate and those kinds of things, because they are natural conditions of the Krystar State. And, we are all naturally supposed to be, our biology‘s are supposed to be of the, Krystar Biology. So, this is what we are getting back; we are getting back the ability to activate this and all of the many things that go with it. Next one, please. [20:45] (Graph) All right, this, I brought up the other night just to remind you of when we talk---we‘ve talked forever about Light Bodies and Spirit Bodies and all sorts of anatomy. And, this is a real easy way to just conceptualize really quickly; you‘ve got these spheres around you, all right? Let‘s start there. And, you‘ve got the Chambers…(To Az: Oh, there is one up. Ok, there we go… Thank you) so, just simply re-pointing out, ―re-pointing out‖? There--if this were your Physical Body here. You don‘t have to worry about these. This gets into the Gha-Fa‟ anatomy and all that stuff, that were things we needed to know for certain activations that we were doing; and it‘s good to know where those places are. We covered that in some of the Tribes Classes and those kinds of things. But, what‘s most important is to realize we‘ve got these spheres-within-spheres. Our Light Body and our Aah-JhA‟ Hydro-Acoustic Body are, would be lined up on the center-line. And, these are all large Chakra Vortices. As we activate all of these flows in the larger Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, these Chakras progressively all come into activation and feed the smaller ones. And, of course, there is layer upon layer of Merkabas that go with this. Eventually, if you look at the Krystar Vehicle that we just looked at a minute ago, it is actually two of the Eckasha Merkabas put together, a big one on top and a big one on bottom. And, they form the Krystal Capsule. So, all of that anatomy, that we‘ve studied for ages, is all connected to the same anatomy. So, basically, around you, you have this, these sphere sets, sphere sets. You also have these Chambers, all right? I‘m not going to get into all the names of them and all that kind of stuff. You have a Vertical Chamber; you have a Horizontal one going front-back, and you also have another one going this way, sideways. It‘s…they call it the Six Directions, as opposed to the Four Directions. And, they‘re, all of these Chambers carry specific flows from the Spirit Body, from the Light Body. And, it‘s supposed to be a natural part of the circulatory system of the body. This Chamber back here is part of the KaLE Hara Chamber Set, and it‘s referred to as the Bhardoah Chamber. This is where, if you do transition out of a body and leave a body, you know, leave a body here, you actually float out there and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 283

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go back, into what‘s called the first levels of Folds, into the Gha-Fa‘ and into the Folds that you‘ll see in the new graph, of where that Chamber will take you. The activations that we‘re getting ready to do now will allow---it‘s not just a Chamber for transitioning through the death process, it is also a Chamber that, when fully opened, opens front and back; opens future and past, the past you came out of, the future you‘re aiming for. And, it opens the side ones and the top, the vertical ones, as well. And, when you have all of those open, you have the ability to leap and to slide, to time leap and to slide, biologically. So, we‘re actually---the activations we‘re doing, even though they‘re in the body here and in some of the layers where you have the TE‟a-Wha Fields and the GrU‟-al Fields and the Jhan-das Fields and all of that stuff of the Aah-JhA‟ Body, they‘re also connected directly to how wide these Chambers will be. When they first start, they are very, very small and hardly even opened. As you bring more frequency in, they progressively get larger and larger, until eventually, they‘re literally your walk-throughs, except you don‘t have to really step through them. They kind of come in and close, and you pop off and disappear, and reappear someplace else and then open yourself back up again, fold yourself out, right? So, it‘s like an in-fold, inhale, pop off, disappear and (Breathes out) expand back out, and there‘s your physicality again in a new location. So, that is, it comes down to that simple, is what Slide is supposed to be. The hard part is getting everything turned back on and clearing out the mutation. Ok, next one, please…just to remind you that this sphere here, the size of that. And look how, like, your body is really small in here, right? And, that‘s just your Physical Body. And, this would be a large sphere around you. They haven‘t given exactly how high up this would be, as far as, you know, your average- height person. But, that large sphere is this, in relation to the size of your Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body. So, that‘s even more huge; it‘s really, really large. [25:05] (Graph) Now, this is part of an even more expanded anatomy, in which you find your God-Self Level and, also, your Incarnations, your simultaneous Incarnations that are you, but manifesting through different fetal patterns in different space-time locations. All right, so we‘re going to look at some of how that all fits together. Because, as we‘re turning on the flows, what we‘re doing is opening those conduits, or those vectors, between, first, you and your Probable-Selves, so you can become your God-Self at the center. And, once you get to that state, the next one is opening the conduits to the first twelve of your Incarnations, and that allows you to enter another state. So, they‘re the first two things that we are going to be accomplishing with the activations that take place during this trip. All right, next one, please… [25:48] (Graph) That is just to remind you of what the flows look like in the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body. And, remember, in there is where you have the Aah-JhA‘ Body and all of that. And, these are the Core Flows and the Astura Flows. You have the Core NaVA-HO Flows, and they‘re the LaVa Flows, or the ―Love‖ Flows. And, these are the Astura Flows, and they both carry Spirit Body energy. And, then, you have the structures of the Light Body that we‘ve been studying for ages, and the Crystal Body; all form within this larger structure. Next one, please… [26:22] (Graph) Now, when we look at this structure of the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, also notice that each one of these Petals is actually a flow going through the center of a sphere, all right? So, there is actually, each one…there are twelve spheres, twelve main spheres on the Elum-Eiradhona Body. We‘ve talked about before in the workshops that on one…this would be called a Vector Line, say12, straight line down to 6. If 12 and 6--if you‘re on 12, if you were in, say, a reality field that was of this horizon, Event Horizon 12, your Adjugate Horizon would be Event Horizon 6. So, you‘d have one vector that holds two Event-Horizons and their Adjugates to each other.

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We also got into that, where you have your Mana Body, or your materializing body on one side, on one vector; if you‘re going into Vector 12, say, you would have your Spirit Body aspects, your EirA Body on the other side. And, the process of coming back together and becoming whole and giving yourself back the ability to do things like slide and ascend is, literally, pulling the Spirit Body, which is on the Adjugate side and the Mana Body--that‘s your materialized body here-into the center. And, that brings the whole field back together, and that takes you up to the next level. So, if we just remember that there are spheres on each one of these. And, when you see the one with just the spheres, just know that they have all of these flows of energy moving through them. Next one, please… [27:59] (Graph) Ok, so this is what it looks like, so you can see how the spheres actually overlap within each other. And, at the center, there is one, and each of the twin pairs--because they are considered Adjugate Twins--like the 12 and the 6; or the 3 and the 9, all right, they are supposed to naturally, at certain points of frequency accretion, pull together into the center. And, whatever the materialized body is made out of, will re-expand back, into Eternal-Life Atoms, which are, depending on which level you are dealing with, called the Pa-Ta-Ur Atoms, where they‘re a different type of energy that is no longer finite. The atoms themselves phase and generate their own quantum, so they never die. So, they form cells, then that never die, and that kind of thing. So, it is the process of, well, the first level of the process has, in the traditional Christian teachings come down as called the “Rapture”. And, it‘s actually the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur, and the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur is what happens when, on the first level, when you go through Atomic Transfiguration and, literally, the you and your Spirit Body on the other side pull together into the center and become that whole self. Now, this happens on various levels. We have the levels of ourselves in relation to our Probable-Selves; then, our self in relation to our Incarnational-Selves. So, there are levels to this process of Transfiguration, and of going into the Rapture, which is the first level: The Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur. The second level has to do with the Pa-Ta Um Eir‟-A, and we are going to actually be calling the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur tonight. And, that calling is a very specific something. It‘s actually bringing the atoms back into your body because your body wasn‘t born with it. And, it should have been, as far as the natural atoms, you know, the three. There‘s only three. There‘s supposed to be three little Pa-ta-Ur Atoms that are the Eternal Spark. They‘re supposed to come in during the Fetal Integration process that we‘ve talked about in the other Sliders Workshops. And, because of the mutation, they do not. So, they are also missing--we talked about the Water Seed being missing in the birth of a body here because of the mutations that occur during the Fetal Integration Process. We‘ve re-established that with the techniques and brought in the Water Seed in the catch-up techniques that we did, today from Sliders-2. We‘ve done those. Now, it‘s time to bring in the next set, and---because, once they are brought in, once you get not only---there‘s actually six little Eternal Atoms that get brought in at two different stages. First, the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur ones, that---and there‘s three of those. And, then, during some of the other techniques that we will be doing on the trip, we will bring in the other set. And, then there is a point where they merge. And, when they are merged, they form a-certain-something called the Inner Aqualline Sun, for short, that allows certain planes of existence to open within the bio-field structures. And, that‘s where you---this is---through this is where you start to get to be able to step into---sometimes without even knowing you did--the Stage of Um-shaddhi, where you start to see strange things like the Moon going back and forth and back and forth, and other strange things. But, that was just the beginning, like they gave us a little preview of what it starts to look like when you start to get these activations. I haven‘t done the technique yet. In fact, they just gave it to me, and it‘s a journey technique, that you have to go pick up something. And, we‘re going to be doing that at the end, of this evening. And, they haven‘t taken me through it enough, but I get a sub-activation, usually a little bit before, and don‘t know anything about it. Like little surprises like last night, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 283

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and then I‘ll get just a real quick run-through, and the sub-activations heighten when they give it to me in writing, right, when they write it down. These techniques aren‘t going to be ones that---they‘re going to be, like, one-offs, where, once you do ‗em, you don‘t have to do ‗em again. And, that‘s one of the reasons why they didn‘t---they‘re not typing them out. It took me like a week to get the techniques for Sliders-2 down. There‘s, like, 70 pages of them. And, just to, just to get those in written form. They wanted those in written form so people could have those in the chart packs so they could take them, because there‘s pieces of those---or sometimes all of those---that you can use over and over again for different applications. But, these are very just activations oriented. They are meant to get certain things in the biology activated, and, once that‘s done, then there are other things to do. So, we‘re not going to get the written format of the techniques this time. They‘ll be run live, but they‘ll also be available with this package, you know, as the verbal, live ones. Ok, so, we‘re going to be dealing with the structure of the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body and its relationship to the AahJhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body. And, we‘ll start to see a little bit more, soon, about what those relationships look like. Ash to Az: ―Now, you know, we could put that on top of that. Try to line them up. They‘re not exactly sized perfectly to each other‖. Remember when we talked about the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the layers of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, right, and each---you had each one of these lines, the dotted lines, represented one of the Allurean Chambers. Ash to Az: ―Now these should actually line up with the center of the balls, right, if you put that where that center-line is, yeah. I didn‘t make them to go together; I just happened to see that they would look good to try to do it this way. Ok, yeah, yeah, like that. Ok‖. So, where the balls are, right, see the balls? That‘s where you‘d have the Allurean Chamber Lines running. And, in between them, are where you have the Fire Chambers running. And, remember, there are pulses of energy that come out from the center and go out the Allurean Chambers. And, this is when you breathe; this is supposed to happen every time you breathe. You actually send out---it‘s actually, you send out what‘s called Hydros, and it carries what‘s called Prana, the Prana Joules. And, they go out on a 12-Spark, out the Allurean Chambers, and they hit the boundaries on each level. They hit the d-1 the d-2 the d-3 and the Density Level energy boundaries of the Capsules. And, that‘s where they split and they, the currents--that are one coming out each line-- split into four, I believe. It might be six, but they only talked about four. Some of them come down the center, and some go into each of the Axi-A-tonals next door. And, they do it all at the same time. So, you get the Axi-A-tonals carrying the frequency of two of the Allureans. The Allureans are where the atoms of the Elements are made. And, in the center line, when that one from---on each of these lines, when one pulse comes out and does its split thing, part of it goes down the Fire Chambers. But, the other part comes down the center, and that‘s what creates the Penta-g‟el Flows. And, every time that these cross over, it makes two flows coming down this way. I think it probably---yup, ok, I just got this; they answered my question---was there four or six flows? There are five. Right: one, two--will go that way--three, four and a center one. So, there are three. It breaks into three in the center-line. One comes down this way; one comes down that way; one comes down the center, and it comes down here, hits here; bounces back up, all right? This one comes down here but hits here and refracts. They call these Refracted Code Particle Currents. And because, they are literally…these are coded, elementally encoded pulses of energy that then split. And, then, they come back down; they start to ricochet and refract. And, it‘s from the ricochet and refract that this one gets sent back over this way, this one gets sent this way, and they start to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 283

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cross over. And, every place they cross over, they actually spark, and it forms the base---what they call---what do they call it? Endoplasmic Hydro-Matter. It‘s…this is where the units that form atoms---that already encrypted with what Element they are supposed to form, occur. And, so, in one of these, in one pulse that comes out, does its split thing, does its Pentagonal Flow--or Penta-g‘el Flow--and that creates a cloud of little sparks, little Geleziac Radiation Sparks, that are the beginning of what come together to form the quarks to form the atoms. And, they‘re already encrypted, holding what Element they are supposed to form, what Element they are supposed to be. The same thing happens--that would be on the Density Level. And this is just Density-1, Density-1 Level. Then, you‘d have the d-3 Level, the d-2 level and the d-1 level. And, there‘s also the Rasha Dark Matter Template level. So, literally, be it a planet, a sun or a person, we are supposed to be our own atomic generators and literally generate the actual atoms of which our bodies are made, and our elements and our molecules are made, our cells are made of. This process has been hijacked and perverted, as we‘ve talked about in the other workshops, through using--the use of the Metatronic Science, that creates divisions where you get that shorter, pentagon shape, where it‘s much shorter on top because its top flows do not reach up into the next level like they‘re supposed to. So, they‘re all cut off, which means the d-1‘s cut off from d-2; d-2 is from d-3; d-3 is from d-4. And, that‘s where we get this very compartmentalized consciousness, where we don‘t know our own I Am Body Consciousness. We can‘t remember or know ourselves as that without doing things to get into that state. And, our 3D Consciousness here, our Ego Consciousness is the d-3 level. We don‘t know our higher level of consciousness or even our immediate one. And then, as we turn on these flows, it turns those things back on progressively so we are able to reach the states, not just biologically reach the states, but perceptually and experientially begin to, to literally expand our consciousness to embody those larger states of cognition. Now, each one of these levels of the Aah-JhA‘ Body has a---what‘s called an, I Am Band. And, each one, say, we‘ve always talked about, say, Dimension-1. One Dimension has twelve Sub-Frequency Bands, right? So, in d-1, you have from 0 to 3.5, and particularly focused in the 3.5 Sub-Frequency Band of d-1, you have the I Am Element Consciousness, which is actually like the, not just atoms, but going Core Elemental Field Consciousness. That‘s even more micro than if, than your cells or your atoms would be. When you go into here, d-2, the Telluric Level, the Telluric Level at the 3.5 Sub-Frequency Band holds the I Am Body Consciousness. That is the portion of yourself that you connect with through the, through entering the GrU‟-al State. That is the part that is you, that and your GhaRE‘, that are in, literally, making up the cells of the Physical Body. Now, the conscious awareness that we know here, that is our Ego Self. We‘re referring to Epi-genetic Overlay mainly, as far as our consciousness self that is connected to our Epi-genetic Overlay and our d-3 Mental Body. And, that has the I Am Ego Band of awareness. And, that is where we are perceiving from right now, when we‘re in our usual Beta Brain Wave state of consciousness. Then, up here, in the Density Level, there is the I Am God-Self Consciousness Band that is at the 3.5 Level, into the Density Bands. The 3.5 Level in the Density Bands corresponds with, actually, Density 2 even though it‘s part of the Density 1 Body. It‘s the overlap into the Density 2 level of, say, d-4. So, this is where you start to get Astral perception and Astral Consciousness. Every one of these layers on every one of these Allurean Chambers is supposed to be making atoms, literally changing your consciousness into the Physical Atomic Structure that you walk around in. We went into detail on that; it‘s called the Translation Process of how consciousness literally goes through the stages of Plasms and up to, up through different, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 283

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like, Ectoplasm and Hydroplasm, into the Plasmas, into what becomes actual matter. So, I won‘t cover that again in this one, but it‘s in, I believe we started that in Slide-1. And, I think we covered a bit more of it in Slide-2 Workshop. So, it‘s an amazing process that this structure of--that we don‘t see--that is around us, we exist as a result of, it‘s really an amazing body. And, when we can start to see how this connects to the rest of ourselves that we‘ve talked about for a long time: Our Soul Level, our Over-Soul, our Avatar Level, our Rishi Level and our Ma-Sha-Yah Levels of being and consciousness. And that all has to do with understanding the base structure of the 12 main Allurean Lines of the ElumEiradhona Spirit Body structure, because it‘s seeing how those fit, the small ones within the bigger ones, and then those within the bigger ones than that, where you start to get to see what needs to open to get consciousness to be able to move where. And, that‘s what the diagram that we worked on today, they were trying to show me with that. Next one, please… [40:59] (Graph) Ash to Az: Not that one yet, nope…I don‘t need that one, actually. I talked about that yesterday. Where is the new one? Ok, um, I, Yeah…I think I‘ll put those there, and then go into the mess. What did they do to them? How about the other one first, please, honey, the other one, please? The other one first, please…the other new one with the picture, yeah. What did they do to those? They look good up here. Yeah, and this was, you know, a couple of things that I was: ―Oh, did I leave that at home‖? Like my compass for drawing circles, for one, so we improvised from that, not having that with us. And, then, we realized we didn‘t have a big eraser, which was important on the next one, all right? But, I managed to get them through enough to show—Ay, all right… Everywhere you see the Allur-E‟ah Ra-Sha-tan Code, you know that you are looking at that whole structure of the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, with all of its Vector Lines and its Allurean Chambers and all the things we talked about, which implies each level, every time you see one, each level also has that breakdown of the d-1, the d-2, the d-3 and the Density Level Bands that hold those planes: The TE‘a-Wha Planes and the GrU‘-al Planes and the Jhan-das Planes on d-1 and Jha-Dha Planes on d-4. So, it implies all of that that‘s on there, too. What this is showing you here… Ash to Az: can I go now, yeah? Ok…they‘re saying it‘s out of focus. It‘s not too bad from here. I don‘t know if it gets any better. Yeah, part of it‘s the crinkles. See these funny little white guys here? They‘re Buddha‘s, just so you know, right, and I‘ll explain why they‘re Buddha‘s. All right, now: We‘ve talked about our Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body and the AahJhA‘ Body inside of it, and all of that. And, we‘ve already got to the point where we can picture our self: ―Ok, my body‘s here; I have this big old sphere around me with all of these twelve sets or these twelve balls, or spheres, within it‖, right? That would be right here. Right now, we are all a Probable-Self, all right, because we haven‘t---because we were born without the Ra-sha-pa-taUr Atoms. We are not the full, whole self yet of one Incarnation. We are actually one of the Probable-Selves. You could take forever to try to figure out what number of Probable-Self you are, to know who your Adjugate is, to know how---It‘s a part of you, but it‘s frequencies of your own codes that you need to bring in and activate in order to get to the next level of activation. Fortunately, there‘s a faster way than trying to figure out for ten centuries: ―What number am I in this Incarnation. What Probable-Self am I?‖ The first challenge is, getting you as a Probable-Self into being---if you‘re a Probable-Self, you would be one of these bodies‘ versions of your body, from the same parents, right, but one of these twelve. I only showed one, because it would have been too many circles-within-circles. But, every one of those little petals, again, has a circle, right? Every one of those circles would be your immediate twelve Probable-Selves, born from this body. All right, they literally do exist. There are physical Planes that they exist in, and they know themselves as physical just like you do. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 283

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Now, everybody has an encryption, all right? You have a part of the whole encryption that is your whole Incarnate-Self, and so does each one of the Probable-Selves. So, the first challenge is---and, usually, how it works, as your body accretes, you actually pull them in. You might start low, like say number 1, right? When you finish accreting the frequencies of Probable-Self 1, you would naturally pass into Probable-Self 2. When it‘s the way it‘s supposed to work in the body, is that, by age 33, you‘ve integrated all of them. And, you‘ve got, actually---no, by age 12! Ok, thank you--that‘s right, ―33‖ is---you get all the other ones up from there, right, Incarnations. So, they‘re saying by age 12 you should have integrated all of the Probable-Selves. But, because of the mutation, nobody‘s integrating. They‘re all separate from each other and stuck. So, and they‘re kind-of-like, we‘re all kind-of-like---if you could… We all feel physical to ourselves. Our other Probable-Selves do, too. But, we‘re actually all thought forms. That is one of the perceptions that become more real when you start getting your consciousness moved into the center states, to the larger states of consciousness where you really understand that everything that is matter is consciousness and is really thought-form creation. So, you realize this physicality you have is a thought form. And, your other ones are, your other Probable-Selves are like that, too. When we do the activations that we‘re doing, that I‘ll explain from this chart in a little bit, the objective is---since all our Probable-Selves, including us, are stuck in, out here, we‘re not doing the natural accretion process of bringing in the next set of frequencies; bringing in the next set of frequencies, where those thoughtform selves blend. And, the self expands and grows and knows more and has a bit more interests about this or that. All the ProbableSelves are united by a common core purpose for what the Incarnation was chosen. But, each one will have little pieces of that purpose. Little things; maybe one is interested in art, maybe one‘s interested in music, maybe one‘s interested in math, that kind of thing. Where they‘ll have different interest sets that all represent a piece of things that you as a Whole Self chose to come in and experience in order to finish your Heroic-Self Mission. Now, we‘ve used the term ―Heroic-Self‖ before. The Heroic-Self is what would be the Heroic God-Self, all right? When we talked about the God-Self, I Am God-Self level of awareness in your Aah-JhA‘ Body, that would represent this, center one, right? So, this, right here, is just your one Incarnate Self with its twelve Probable-Selves, and the self---and, the first part of this game--it‘s almost like Monopoly, trying to get home, all right, would be to become this self, where you have integrated the encryption of every one of the other Probability-Vectors, turned those flows on in your own body structure, and, once that has been done, your body structure builds itself to the point of its full Incarnate capacity, as far as---and, then, you are a full Incarnate Self, a Heroic-Self, all right, and that is your God-Self. So, you become you GodSelf first. The state of consciousness associated with the God-Self is the full integration of the GrU‘-al State, all right? That connects, that‘s the one we‘ve already gone into with the Opening of the Grail Door and all of that. So, and that‘s the one that goes into integrating the I Am Body Consciousness and those things. There‘s one step below that, where you have to also integrate the I Am Rasha aspect of that. But, that is going to come with the activations we‘re doing in this workshop series. So, this state would be the GrU‘-al State. This would represent you and your twelve Probable-Selves. But, that, right now, you are stuck in one of those out here. This is where you are. And, what we‘re all doing, what the Shield is doing, is actually shifting into the reality bands where everybody activates, so we will start interfacing with people, people outside in our holograms, too. We will start to find more people that are actually shifting into center. We‘ll be the carriers of that Host here that enable other people to have the frequencies available to do it. There are going to be parts of the AquaTone technologies where you can directly transmit the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur potential to someone, if they come for a Kathara session or something like that or Aqua-Tone session. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 283

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But, for now, the challenge is getting it turned back on in our own selves. What happens when the process by which these probabilities---their encryption starts to download into your body, which means, first of all, something from here has to come to you, to open a Chamber between where you are and that whole self that you are becoming. Then, the flows of energy, or frequency, can come through, into your Physical Body to begin expanding the encryption that is within the atomic structure. And, one by one, we would start with number…well, usually, you‘d start with number 1 and then number 2, number 3. There is a fast way to get the encryptions into the body when you use these little three dots at the center, they of the God-Self Body, of the Heroic-Self, they are the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur: The 3 little Eternal-Life Atoms that should have had a reflection, or residual replica, in each of the Probable Bodies. But, the bodies, all the probabilities were born without that because of the mutation in the fetal integration process. So, the first process is getting those little---three little atoms back into where they belong, in the bodies of the ProbableSelves. And, all you have to do is do it within one. That carries, actually, the encryption of all of them. And, what it does is it fires what‘s called the Control Set of Resolute Twins, all right? Now, if you look at any set of, of clock of 12, I only showed these here. But, you have, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; all the way up to 12. If you are, say, number ―4‖, your Adjugate would be ―10‖. And, then, going completely the other way, right, and making a cross, you would have your other Adjugate Twin Set that goes with you guys, it‘s called a Resolute Twin, would be 1 and 7. So, you‘d be 4-10, 1 and 7, would be a Resolute Twin Set. There‘d be another one with the 5-11, 2 and 8, right; that would be another one. And, then there is a Control one, that‘s 12-6, 3 and 9. When we bring these into the body, it fires the 12-6, 3 and 9, which fires all the others. I mean, it activates all the other ones. So, by doing the Control Resolute Twin, activating the Control Resolute Twin, which can only be done with the Rasha-pa-ta-Ur Atoms, once that is accomplished, it opens all of those, all the Vector Lines, all of the 12 Event-Horizons of your Probable-Selves, to begin allowing that encryption to come on, into the body. What that also does is begin to open and expand your Chambers that we talked about. It starts making them wider because more frequency is coming in. It also goes right into the Axi-A-tonal Lines and the Meridian Lines of your body. So, this is why they are giving us the Ah-RA‟-yas to…we really need to expand this and strengthen the muscles in the body so they don‘t blow out when these frequencies come in because, if the Axi-A-tonal Lines get overloaded, they will shut down. But, you will get those, you can get those, like, ―Kundalini Backs‖, where all of a sudden you feel like your back is going to explode, especially your tailbone area, that kind of stuff, where it can really overwhelm the bones and the muscles if the body isn‘t strengthened a bit. So, this is why they are bringing the physical fitness programs in, in specific ways that facilitate each level, each level of the body, basically, where the top, the middle and the lower, and the whole thing. So, when we do the Ah-RA‘-yas on the beach, they‘re each, they‘re meant to expand the Axi-A-tonal Lines and the Meridian Lines, which allows them to begin sparking more, where they begin to make---certain types of exercises, the Ah-RA‘-yas, are about expansion and contraction, and what that does is not only build the muscle on the outside, but it also builds quantum through sparking, where the energy is expanding and contracting, expanding and contracting inside of the Axi-A-tonal and Meridian Lines. So, and, the more energy that is generated in them, the wider they get, the larger they get and the more energy they can hold; which means the more energy they will flow and circulate with the Spirit Body Energies coming in directly from, from the other Vector Lines. So, this is why there is a time in Ascension where, if, you know, real Ascension, that you do need to work somewhat with the body. You don‘t have to, like, turn into a body-builder and all of that kind of stuff. But, working with and supporting the body will make the process more enjoyable for you. It will also get you there faster, as far as, you know---eventually, whether or not you‘re choosing to; ―I‘m gonna Slide out, and I‘m determined to take this body out with me.‖ Right, not just like, you do the usual, old-fashioned way and die it but Bhardoah it properly and then The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 283

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cremate it and take the energy with you. That‘s the easy way, honestly. You don‘t have to work so hard on getting the body stronger. But, it doesn‘t mean…you don‘t have to be, like, a body-builder to get to Slide through a gate. You just have to get to a certain level, and that level is different for everybody. It depends on what‘s in your gene code, it depends on how much energy you still have in your Seed Atom, it depends on a lot of things. But it‘s worth doing. It‘s worth putting a bit of effort into it. Some people want to go gung ho on it, and say, ―Hey, yes‖, you know, ―I‘m going to do this, and I‘m gonna jump through. I‘m gonna bounce right through a gate someday with this body.‖ And, others say, ―You know, whether the body makes it through or not, I don‘t care.‖ But, if you don‘t care, that‘s fine. But, just realize that the higher you can get it while you‘re still in it---that means there‘s much less work to do once you do cross over. Your Bhardoah will go easier; you‘ll be able to Incarnate into a form much more quickly, the type of form you choose. And, you‘ll be able to get the rest of your body out quicker, through the cremation. The cremation will release the body, but, to get that energy reintegrated into your system once you get on the other side, it will take longer if there is more of it to have to do it that way. So, it helps either way, whether you‘re planning to take it, or whether you‘re planning the, kind of like, the old-fashioned road of Bhardoah-ing out. It is worth doing something, you know, some token effort at least, with the Physical Body. So, what we‘re doing first is integrating our Probable-Selves that are stuck out here, and we being one of them, and literally turning ourselves into, no longer a Probable-Self, but we are becoming the Heroic God-Self, the one at the center of the--of this Incarnation, right? So, you are, you become the one, full Density-1 Incarnate. After that, you see this one Incarnate is one of what would be Twelve Incarnates, right? Those Twelve Incarnates, collectively, are your-when you put them all together, their Bud, or Buddha, in the middle is the, your full Density-2 Soul-Identity, right. Your full, personal, immediate Soul-Identity has twelve Incarnations in it, twelve immediate Incarnations, all right? This Incarnation, your God-Self here, is one of those. So, when you get to be God-Self, your God-Self, kind of like ―hi, I‘m the ruler of the Twelve Probable-Selves, I am the embodiment of the twelve Probable-Selves‖. Then, you find that these, each of these Incarnates, their God-Self level is one of the Twelve Incarnates. And, they also have their own set of Probable-Selves, all right? So, the next phase is getting this next center self. This center self is called the ―Transcendent- Self”, all right? It is the full Soul-Identity Consciousness, and it carries the coding that goes with your Density-2 Level Body, which means, this one is your Density-1 Level Body; that‘s 3-Dimensional. This one gives you full, 6-Dimensional, consciousness, and that 6-Dimensional flows coming into the body. So, the next process is bringing this one in. And, the way to do that is; once we get the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur, Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur into the Event-Horizon Body of a Probable-Self, the next thing is, we bring an imprint of the Pa-Ta Um-Eir‟-A, which is this one, this little set of three dots in, also, they go in different places. The first one, the Density-1 Level one, comes in around the AzurA Level, and the other one comes in, into the E-Umbi area, all right? And, then, there‘s a certain point where they are both pulled together and that‟s where you actually---they pull together, into the Kara-nA‟dis Seal that we‘ve been using in the projections, the Karanadial Platform. And, that opens up the Um-shaddhi Planes, where we begin to be able to have weird experiences like I described last night. And, that‘s just the beginning. But, it‘s that type of thing, where, literally, you--but not only you. I mean, it can happen with small groups; it can happen with large groups, actually, if it‘s the right…if it‘s appropriate that, you know, that‘s allowed to be done, because they won‘t always allow that to be done. You know, like, if a hundred people get together and they say,― I‘m gonna do this, I‘m gonna do this‖, that doesn‘t mean you‘re invited to slide through yet, right?

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It‘s still, like, we gotta make our connections with people there. We are going into somebody else‘s world when we get to do this, right? There are other people, you know, Krystics, who are living in these worlds who are Guardians and protectors of these worlds. The first appropriate thing is, before you raid somebody‘s house, is at least knock on the door and get to meet everybody, and wait for an invitation. They are inviting us; that‘s why they are teaching us. But, we will be doing it, it will be, like, small, little experiences first, and they will get bigger as each individual is ready for it. You‘ll probably find yourself with individuals here and there, maybe only one little experience that you happen to have a little time weirdness. Usually, it will involve time weirdness or something like the Moon thing. I‘ve never seen anything like that. That just-wow; whoah, what‘s it doing? It went back. Oh, it‘s doing it again. You know, it was just so distinct, and it was so physical. It was physically observable. The four of us did. And, I was thinking I wanna run back and get a camera, like, the phone cameras, where you can try to video it. Except it wouldn‘t have mattered anyway, because people just say you moved the camera, you know what I mean? And, I was afraid it would break it. If we, if any of us disengaged, and, went to do something different, it would shift it and do something, and take us back where we weren‘t seeing any more. So, this is the beginning of understanding what we are doing, what slide is really about. We‘re starting to get the, the more pronounced experiential aspects of it. And, what that, they said what the experience like I had--you know--with my daughters last night was the beginning of this. Now, they haven‘t fully anchored these into my body yet, either. We‘re just getting sub-harmonic activation. But, the Beloveds brought the activation through just enough so we could see a little bit, the State called Um-shaddhi, which is corresponding with this, where you know yourself as twelve different Incarnations, consciously know yourself as twelve different Incarnations that live in different space-time coordinates simultaneously, all right? So, first, we‘re working on trying to get to know ourselves as the self we are in twelve different versions of this reality, right? And that is--we‘ve got the doors open, we‘ve started the process of the GrU‘-al State. And, the GrU‘-al State will, the more you play with that technique--it‘s actually one of the things that‘s recommended to do on the Daily Grail List, as far as playing with it, I think once or twice a week they have you try to go into the Grail State a bit more, because, the more you use it, the deeper it will become and the more expanded that awareness will become; and, the more you will merge this consciousness with the Body Consciousness, to really---and, it will start teaching you all sorts of things; direct cognition, you just, it‘s a really neat state. As we‘re working on that, we‘re simultaneously now going to be working on the Um-shaddhi State. And, that‘s where we get to actually take not just our minds and our emotions, but where our Physical Bodies start to walk into very interesting experiences sometimes. So, we‘ll be turning more of this on, more of the Grail State on and start to bring in the Umshaddhi State in, during this workshop. I think we may be going--they haven‘t told me yet about this, but this goes up to the next level, so, if this is your Full Incarnate-Self, right, with all its twelve little selves. This would be your Soul, all right, with you as your Soul Consciousness at the center and the twelve different Incarnations. You are one of those. This one, your God-Self, here, is one of those Incarnations. And, eventually, all of those, the same thing happens, the encryption from all of those turns back on in that body, and it expands that body into becoming this body. It goes up the next level; this one would be your Over-Soul Level, all right? And, your Over-soul would have twelve immediate Souls. Then, you would have the next one; that would be your Avatar, your Density-4 Avatar Level. And, that would have twelve Over-Souls. And, then, you go further: You have your Rishi Level, your Density-5 Rishi Level. And, that would have twelve Avatars. And, then, you have your Ma-Sha-Yah Level, finally, which is your whole, final self that can do the whole Cosmic Fold thing and come back as full, in all of these, you can manifest in every one of them simultaneously with a full Eternal-Life Body, right? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 283

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So, it‘s a bit of a process, as far as what is turning on. We are beginning this process, but I have a feeling, the way they‘re going to---I‘m not sure, but I think the way they‘re going to work it is; you get these two, which is the grounding base, anchored. I think there is a way to do something through here, through the Density-3 Level, and either trip the Density-6 or the Density-5 Level and work it down, so you don‘t have to spend all the time, piece-by-piece, working up. I‘m not sure whether they‘re going to start that in this workshop or if the next one, which would be FOL; if they‘re going to bring that piece in there. I don‘t know, probably, I think. But, I have a feeling they‘re gonna get us through these two and then, either one or two more workshops, possibly one, they‘ll do it from the top down, and just: Bang, in the middle, so it will activate the whole set of them faster. What it means as far as your Axi-A-tonal Lines and your Meridian Lines and your Chakras and all of that you, more local, immediate stuff, is, literally, the Encryption Codings that go with each of those other Time-Vectors and Self-Vectors start turning on, in the Axi-A-tonals. So, it will start bringing in characteristics of those other lives, other selves, as well. First will be your other selves, then it will be the other, I mean, your other Probable-Selves, and, then, it will be the others. But, you‘re doing it from the center, which means you‘re aligning your, your immediate self with, Probable-Self, with the God-Self Center. That one will be the most perfected form possible of the entire, of the entire Incarnation. So, if there‘s Karmic messes in all of these, too, this will clear those progressively, so you‘re not getting stuck having to out-picture and walk through the Karma of every one of your twelve Probable-Selves before you get on to your other Incarnations, God Knows who they were, you know what I mean? Because it could get really, like, who was I? God, I don‘t know, but I don‘t. I‘m afraid to think, you know, what if I did some thing bad? Is it going to, like, crash, crash me here? We‘re not taking the other beings into our body. They will exist in their time-frame. They will still have the ability to do the same thing, actually. But, in our probability, we have a right. Every probability has a right, to experiences its freedom of choice and its free-will choice. So, because of that, what we do is: We will pick up, from the God-Self first, the encryption of the others. We take the encryption and get a replica of the encryption. So, the other persons, they still stay where they are and do what they do. They can do the same thing and get our encryption when it‘s time for them to ascend. So, there is a freedom among the Probable-Selves and among the Incarnate-Selves, where, if one goes down, that doesn‘t mean the rest have to. You can get in certain types of trouble, where you get whole groups of them stuck simultaneously, but that usually means all of them are cut off and remain cut off from the center one in their cluster. So, we‘re bringing the encryption of the rest of our selves in, not absorbing their bodies, all right? So, they will have their bodies and their vectors just like, or their Event-Horizons, just like we do. So, I just wanted to make that clear because you could: ―Are they all coming in to me?‖ But, it means you will have a link with those other people, and those other times that are versions of you or versions of your Incarnates. You will have, you will actually be able to experience some of that Um-shaddhi stuff like we had, where I felt two of me standing in my body together, and, that one didn‘t come into my body; and I didn‘t go into it‘s. The veil between the times just disappeared, and the Codings co-harmonated, where they just resonated together, and we could see both. And, I‘m sure that one was wondering what that was, as far as: ―Wait a minute‖, where did the boat go‖, or, ―The boat‘s there, but it‘s not there.‖ I mean, what I was seeing---what was really weird was, he was seeing it in the day-time, and I was seeing it at night. And, I bet that self that was me, that I do believe it was a male, was probably seeing just like I was, where that blend---but probably having no idea---well, I don‘t know. He might have been more aware than I am, in that more primitive state. You know, they call it primitive. It might be more advanced, as far as that. But, we will be able to move our consciousness in and out of those other Space-Time Vectors where those other parts of self are. You can even start helping each other, actually. You can communicate. Like, if you feel a self you can start to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 283

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get a real feel for it, sometimes, even with just Probable-Selves, you become like the big sister or brother, to your self, your own big brother, right, not ―Big Brother‖ watching you out there. But, saying, you know, that self is struggling: ―Gee, I remember a time when that could have happened to me, but it didn‘t. I made other choices, and it worked out better. I see this self that‘s really struggling‖, you can kind-of-like send--you don‘t even have to try talking to them unless they‘re looking for, people talking in their heads, kind of thing. Like, you can channel yourself, basically. It is allowed, but it‘s easier to just send direct cognition, and you end up being a guiding force toward, say, your younger selves. If you were, say, a probable-self on Horizon-6, the ones before you wouldn‘t have quite as much frequency as you. The one on 12 would have, like, twice as much frequency as you. You could look to that future Probable-Self as #12, of knowing more about how---knowing more of what the whole God-Self is holding and kind of use it as a future self to direct you a little bit. Because some times it‘s easier to just go ahead just a little bit instead of just trying to go straight into the God-Self place. We‘re trying to teach everybody to go into the God-Self place as the place to go, but, worst-case scenario, if you just don‘t have enough Axi-A-tonal Lines open to make the process easy for the cognition to stay conscious, then sometimes they will back it up. Say, if you‘re this number, they‘ll put it one or two ahead, and they‘ll actually bring the God-Source information through that encryption, and it feels like a future self talking to you, a future self of yourself, right? You can also do the same backward to selves that would appear to have less frequency. And, they‘re, like, younger but not necessarily younger in body. I don‘t know the relationships, how the body thing works, as far as age goes with these. I don‘t…it‘s not just as simple that your #1 is younger than your #6; it has to do with frequency-wise. But, it begins to open up an inter-self communication first. And, then, eventually, you will be able to cognate and stay in this state, where, instead of having to go and do, like, a seventy-page technique set to get into the Grail State, you will simply be in the Grail State, where you will walk with full awareness of your Body Consciousness as you and also your 3D Consciousness as you and your God-Self as you. And, it‘s a very different state. We‘re going to play a little bit with expanding the Grail State when we do the other hike, the easier hike. It‘s somewhere at the end of that we‘re gonna all get together, and we‘re gonna do a meditation that has to do with that. And, we‘re going to expand into what that means and feel a little bit about what it feels like to feel the immediate environment around you and to tune into it in a way that is usually very difficult for the d-3 Mental Body to do alone. But, now that the Mental Body is moving into union with the Body-Mind, the Body-Mind can--which is also where the E-Motion comes from. It is an associative process that can bring a richness of experience and direct cognition; so, not just emotion, but direct cognition that can be then translated into logical, linear language and concepts and knowledge. So, it‘s a---we‘re gonna begin an expansion in that---I forget which technique number it is, but it‘s going to be on the other hike, the smaller one; that we will play with that. And, what we‘re doing first is trying to get this consciousness state as the, as your waking focus, like your continually waking focus. We‘re just working on that with the touching on the Grail State. But, at the same time, which will expedite us getting into that state, we are also going to be turning on this state, bringing these frequencies in from the center of the Soul, of your Soul, and bringing it directly on-line with your ProbableSelf and your God-Self and your Incarnate-Self. And, the Soul knows itself simultaneously as twelve different people, literally different Incarnates that can be separated by many, many eons in what we call linear time. So, then, that kind of consciousness comes on. We‘re going to be working from this Soul-Self, and that Soul-Self is the Transcendent Level of Self, where this is the Heroic Level of Self. When we get up to the other one--I think they named them all--we have the Density-3 Level that goes with the Over-Soul: That is your Transmutational-Self. Now, transmutation is where you can translate atomic structure into Mana Light. And, then, from there, there‘s Transfiguration, and that has to do with the next level, the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 283

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Density-4 Avatar- Level Self. That‘s, they call it the Transfigurational-Self, all right? And, that, again, you‘re going in sets of twelve all the way up. And, what we‘re doing is turning them all on in one body, starting with the Probable-Self Body and progressively expanding it up its natural chain of relationships in the vectors, all the way up until the fullness of itself, at which time, it can do the Ma-Sha-Yah Fold. So, that is the process that we‘re involved in. And, these are the two: Those little dots, those little three dots are those three, those two sets of three, little Eternal-Life Pa-ta-Ur Atoms: This one that goes with the Density-1 is the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur. And, that has to do with---we‘ll do the first part of this tonight---the first part of this exercise, technique. It brings these into the body, but, then, there‘s another thing that has to be done. I think we have to open the Rasha Door, and that goes with the techniques that, tomorrow or the next day, and, then bring this in. They only gave me this, the technique for this, but it‘s a journey. And, we actually have to go pick something up. We have to actually go pick up a little, Yellow Orb, like the little, Yellow Orbs that were running around, and we were knee-deep in them last night. When I met those, I felt like they were Elementals. They felt like they were definitely individual, sentient conscious beings, all right? And, you could almost feel like there was, like, a little fairy in there or something inside the Orb, but you couldn‘t see it, all right? Now, they‘re telling me that these, right, would be, this would be the yellow Orb, the golden Orb-or, it‘s actually yellow-that corresponds with d-1, d-2, d-3: red, orange, yellow, right, as the d-3 level. The sphere around the body, when you get into that, each one of these states, has a specific color, the color of the top dimensional frequency associated with that. This would actually be yellow with a bit of green tint because it‘s d-3 yellow, going into a little bit of d-4 green, right? This one is the d-6/7, indigo with a tint of violet to it. So, this, the violet Orbs would be the ones from this level. So, who were we seeing, is what I‘m asking. They haven‘t answered that for me yet. But, what those---and there were like, it looked like there were millions of them. I‘m not sure whether they‘re from here, whether they came to visit from Median. So, there‘s still many, many more things to that. But, when they told us in this technique that we‘re going to be doing, we actually need to go on a specific journey to pick up what we left behind of ourselves. It‘s actually stuck. This part of it is stuck in the Net Earth, in a certain area of the Net Earth Crystal Beds. We‘re on Net Earth right now, right? We‘ve talked about Blended Earth and that part of it is Net Earth, part of it is Caduceus Earth. And, the Caduceus part is definitely the Red/White Dragons; are trying to take that over completely. Net Earth still can make a link to Median Earth, and Median Earth was the original, what‘s left of the original, Amenti Earth, the original, Krystic Earth. So, anyway, the little Orb people are definitely somebody, and I‘m wondering why they looked little. Are they as big as we are? Are they bigger than we are? They just appear to be that when they are in that state, in connection with where we are; I don‘t know the answers to those yet. But, it‘s not just little Orb people over here mean, one thing, and here we‘re going to go finding this yellow, yellow-with-a-tint-of-green Orb that belongs to us: it‘s a piece of us that we left behind, that we‘re now going to bring home. I wonder if we get our--they haven‘t told me yet, either--if we get, around ourselves, and from some levels, we look like those little Orb people, as well. I‘m not sure yet. I wouldn‘t doubt if, maybe, from up here, that‘s what we look like. And, I‘m wondering, ok, who are they, if we‘re here and we saw--or somewhere here--and we saw them look like that. So, I don‘t have those answers, but there are connections all the way through that. So, I just wanted to let you know that part, to share that with you. It‘s one of those I‘m going; ― Hmm, what‘s that about?‖ ( Az speaking) Right, right…Yeah, I have, right. The beings from Urtha would seem smaller here but much bigger there, proportionately, and we would seem much smaller there, right, yeah. Yeah, that always confused me, that stuff. It‘s like, the big--the small thing: You go into the Edons, and who‘s what size, right? I mean, sometimes some of the big guys come and visit and they are in the tiniest Orb forms, but not always. It doesn‘t mean that you have, like, a smaller or less The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 283

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intelligent Orb because it‘s bigger. That doesn‘t necessarily mean that, right? So, it‘s just the size-proportion thing, it‘s just like time, how time stretches. It looks like it‘s a, normal set, fixed set of rules, but, depending on from what angle it‘s being perceived at, in what set of planes, through what biology will depend on what it looks like. And, that goes with size and time and all of that kind of thing. And, I suppose how fast the Moon moves or doesn‘t, too, right? So, I think, I hope this gets the concept across that this tube you‘re seeing here is, literally, the Front Chamber, actually, that you would see running through. And, you also--all of these would have the--you know, each self would have its Six Points, its Six Directions, its Six Chambers. This is showing the line-up. This would be--the one that comes out behind you is referred to as the Bhardoah Chamber. And, this would represent the Bhardoah Chamber of the Probable-Self, connecting directly into the God-Self, and that opening would connect directly into the Incarnate-Self and the center of the Incarnate-Self, or the Soul Self. So, it opens the whole chamber here. And, there‘s another part of it that opens to here that they‘re going to talk more about. And, I don‘t know what that means yet, but it‘s taking it up to the Over-Soul Level. I don‘t know if they‘re opening this tonight. You know, by the end-not tonight but by the end of this trip, or, if we‘re just getting us up to here. So, we‘ll find out more as we go. But, this was all new, I mean, they literally threw this at me today. They gave me the words for the workshop description, and I‘m going: ―Great, we‘re going to do that! What is that?‖ Right, I don‘t even know what it is, right? They‘ll give me the dialogue for it, and I don‘t know either, so, if you read things and go: ―Hmm, that‘s interesting. Oh, ok, it‘s something about that, right, well, I‘m there too with the workshop descriptions, right? They don‘t give me anything more, either, until---well, this time they made it so, you could have a nice time during the day and enjoy it. I would have time to prepare new workshop material, or new lecture material during the daytime before the lecture. So, they‘ve tried to balance it out, instead of making it crazy like it gets sometimes, where we‘re all up until all sorts of bizarre hours and stuff. So, this is the big one. It took a while to do this one, and also to understand what it means. But, this is enough, I think, to convey the idea of what we are working on doing through this workshop. ―Workshop‖ refers to the whole set of lectures, ok, so it‘s like a big workshop with the six different lectures in it, plus the activities and the techniques and that kind of stuff. When I say workshop, I don‘t mean just tonight. You know, the evenings are a lecture. It‘s the whole thing I‘m talking about. So, through the whole thing, we are going to be doing this and probably more. So, this is the beginning of understanding that. Um, next one, please… [1:17:33] (Graph) ( Az Speaking) (Ash to Az: No, it isn‘t, though. I think it is. I think what I said was right. I‘ll look at it later. I‘ll correct it if it isn‘t, but that‘s what it always was listed as. We‘ll see) Anyway, what will also occur… (Ash to Az : Actually, there‘s one more that shows before that, that has the same squiggleys. Let‘s see that. I‘ll go through those later. That…. right there, yup, that one) I‘ll remind you of this one. We started these activations, the activations that we did and the techniques that you did catch-up on this time, but from Sliders-2. If we remember from Kathara, the Kathara Manual, we had this strange configuration: See the dotted lines that are going down here? This was how the flows of the Primal Life-Force Currents from the Light Body came into the body before because there was Monadic Reversal on the Kathara Center 8 level. So, literally--and, that was for the whole Amenti Seeding-3, actually. It was born with that configuration because the Planetary Grids had that configuration at the time. It was part of the mutation. So, instead of the Flames---there was a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 283

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reversal: You‘d have the Blue coming down here because you have the Blue, Eckatic Blue Flame: you have the Triadic Violet Flame, and, down the center, you have the Polaric Gold Flame, right? Well, you‘d have, over here, which is the right side, yes. I have to put myself on them to remember right and left. All right, so, this is the right side. You‘d have the Blue coming down into 9, and, then, it would go to 6, and, then, it would cross over, down here, to 5 and 4 and go this way. There was a missing loop, and that meant that the polarities were out of balance between the upper portions of the body and the middle portions and the lower portions of the body. What we just began, with the Slide-2 Techniques was: It turned this back on, finally, that there is enough strength, enough has been healed in the bodies now and in the Light Body structure-Spirit Body structure connection that we were able to turn this back on. So, now, the flow actually goes like this: And, that‘s the Blue flow, goes like this, and the Violet flow goes like this. The one in the center, the Gold, still stays running down the center. But, this rebalances the organic polarities in the body. This is also why people tend to get a little bit of the dyslexia issue happening, if they‘re starting to reverse-mutate because the mutation is trying to hold you in one, that has to do with how the currents are running in your head and in your brain and in your eyes and all of that. And, it‘s trying to go back to the natural way because there‘s enough people on the planet at this point that are reverse-mutating that, if you have any little bit in there, it‘s starting to try to spark you, because there‘s people like us that are working it consciously on the planet. Even if you never heard of it; you‘ve got a bit in there of Krystic, it will start to respond to the fact the planet is holding, even if it‘s small by comparison to everybody else, a bit of our Shield‘s frequency. So, that‘s why the dyslexia‘s coming in. It‘s actually a sign that the mutation is trying to reverse, and, the body is trying to reverse the mutation, as opposed to a negative disease. It‘s not pleasant. It‘s very frustrating in fact. I‘ve been getting more and more dyslexic the more activation‘s we do with it. But, I can also learn to pull it back. It‘s, like, you just have to kind of redirect it. I think that will change at some point, once it straightens out. But, it may be--and once we‘re not dyslexic, we‘ll see a completely different world. And, maybe we‘ll have to cross our eyes or our brain and go back to being dyslexic to come back down here, in order to see this solid again, and maybe that‘s what slide will be a little bit about. So, I‘m saying maybe because I don‘t know. I‘m wondering myself what all that process is going to look like. But, we‘re turning--we‘ve turned these flows back on--the first level in the Density Level. And, now, with this, the techniques that we will do here, it will not only be on the Density Levels, it will be on the d-1, d-2, d-3, all the way through the whole Density1 System and the Density-2 set will be turned on, which means: d-4, d-5 and d-6 will also be turned on. And, that will give currents… (To Az: Could you put the other one back up, honey, please? That one, please…) That is going to create…it was…I‘d have to do it really huge to get the Kathara Grids, embedded Kathara Grids to fit on this. But, this one--this big one you can only see parts of--that would be the flows of the Density-1 Level one. Then, you‘d have the d-3 level ones coming down. Oh, wait, no, d-3 level ones coming down. There would be these. So, they‘re, like, going through and around the body, as well. Then you have the d-2 ones coming down, through the body, and the d-1 level ones. Once they turn on, progressively, then the set of 4, 5, and 6 would progressively begin to turn on. So, you get these amazing spiraling currents, actually, in your fields, and they form the---they open the large Vertical Chamber. They keep that chamber open and spinning at a certain…they go faster and faster. At a certain point, if you were going to slide, and the whole body activated, they would go faster and faster until you sparked into light, blinked off and, then, expanded back out wherever you were holding the intention to slide to. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 283

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So, these are going to activate. By the time you leave this workshop set, you will have these activated in the field. And, when they activate, what they do is they start running the entire Axi-A-tonal Line runs. So, we will be progressively, from these two center areas, this is where the Pa-Ta Um-Eir‟-A Center Flame will first anchor. It actually replicates at a certain point. This is where the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur Center Flame anchors. It stays there, but it replicates. And, then, the two of them come together at the Karanadial Seal area and open the Um-shaddhi Planes, where you can get into those spaces between the veils of time. So, it‘s a beginning process of, literally---every workshop we do is getting one step biologically closer to slide, and this was the most real, like, 3D, real weird stuff that I‘ve seen so far, that was definitely guided and definitely orchestrated by the Beloveds to show us, to begin to show us. So, we will have this, these structures brought back to life in our bodies, and we will be beginning to run, literally, the coding of, first, our other Probable-Selves, and then, progressively, our first twelve Incarnations, all right? And, once you get to the next level, which, I don‘t know…I don‘t think we are going to do in this workshop. But, when you go to the Density-3 Level, then you‘ve got 144 Incarnations full coming on-line. Then, it would be 1728, and, then, it would be 20,736, going all the way up to the Rishi Level as you‘re turning bits on. All right, so, and they literally run through the Axi-A-tonal Lines, which means that coding begins to circulate in the body. And, when it‘s circulating in the body, it means it starts flowing through the Allurean Chambers; flowing through the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures, flowing through the Pentagonal Flows, which means it starts to become turned into Elemental Atomic Product that starts to become, to build the body that the cells and the atoms that make the cells that your body is made of, and, not just the cells, but also the chemicals and all of that--all of the things that your body is made out of. So, you‘re beginning to bring on-line, literally, physically, the GharE‘ Levels of yourself that correspond to those other Vectors, as well. That‘s yours, they‘re still yours. It‘s part of your identity. But, you‘re strengthening the GharE‘ at this point, where it will fight the potion of the body that‘s already been formed before these activations, through the mutation, is made up of Shona Light Fields. Shona Light Fields are those that are phase-locked, into the Vesica Pisces mutation, where they can‘t phase; they can‘t regenerate. Most of the Physical Body, the cells that we have right now, are made of Shona Fields because it‘s not been a long time since we were just starting to turn on the ability to manufacture atoms that are made of Sha-LA‟-ea Light, which is the Living Light. So, we‘re going to begin with these activations, begin the process of those other Vectors coming in to add support and strength, not just energetically, but atomically, as well, where it will help us shift from whatever Light Quotient we have. And, a Light Quotient is how much Sha-LA‘-ea you have compared to how much Shona Field distortion. And, it---there are certain levels we will look at in other workshops, as far as what various gene codes on the planet carry, as far as some base gene codes that are here. So, some people start out with, a bit luckier than others as far as that. And, I‘m not talking about racial gene codes; I‘m talking about Angelic Humans compared to Leviathan Races that came out of the Annunaki attempts at bio-regenesis. That‘s the Cave Man Lines, all right? They--yeah, that they tell us we‘re all descended from which we‘re not, and we‘ve talked about that. So, we‘ll look more at what the Light Quotient versus the Shona Quotient is. The activations--they have said that, regardless of where a person is, if they have got this far with the techniques, and they do the techniques here, you will be brought up to a 60% Light Quotient, all right? That‘s not quite enough to slide full yet, but it is enough to get you out of the pull of the Omega Code activations that have been done here, where your body will not be pulled back into those, all right? So, it‘s really big, especially if a person is coming in on---there are some gene codes, the Leviathan race lines---and, everybody looks like humans now, right, the ―Human Being‖, which is the mask, right? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 283

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There are some people who really have only, like, 25% Light, normal Light Quotient left in the bodies. And, that would be, like, 75% Gharoche, saturation, Shona saturation. Even for a person coming in like that, these activations will take them to the 60%, through the Host (Applause) yes, so, for a lot of people, this is very, very big, yeah. Yeah, and that also means that people here---most people who come to these workshops don‘t have that severe of a Light Quotient problem to begin with. But, it means that people who leave here have the ability---you can‘t give a gift that you don‘t have, but, if you have that gift yourself, you can share it. So, it means, in your, if you‘re doing healing work, or, even sometimes just having your Field around, you can actually transmit the option to pick up that Host Line. There‘s going to be techniques that they give us directly, too, for Kathara sessions or Aqua-Tone sessions that deal with this directly, so you can actually pass on that 60% link to someone who wants it. But, it can‘t be forced on anyone, of course. So, it‘s exciting for a lot of people, especially people that have been plagued with the Leviathan Race issues, in their DNA and that kind of stuff. It will really, really help that. It will clear the Epi-genetic Overlay and the Underlay. There‘s another piece of anatomy we‘re not going to learn about tonight that has to do with an amazing thing that looks like a fishnet body stocking made of aqua, all right, complete body stocking. It‘s a very special set of networks that cannot turn on until the Axi-A-tonal and Meridian Lines are all running the natural Codings, and I‘m not sure of how many Vectors, but, probably, probably the Soul-Level ones because that‘s how high we‘re going tonight. We‘ll be able to turn it on. And, what happens is: This cross-current starts to occur between the Axi-A-tonal and Meridian Lines, where you get--you have the vertical lines there; you will start to get the actual diagonal ones coming, crossing between them. And, it forms this net. I felt little bits of it form, and then it kind of flashes off because I don‘t have the activations holding yet. But, it‘s like this protective suit that actually runs through the muscles and the skin, and you can feel it. It‘s really neat. We will be turning that on once we get these activations to the point where all of this is turned on. That will be one of the stages in the later techniques that we will do. And, this is very, very protective. You can--there‘s a lot that you can do with this. I think there‘s probably healing things you can do with it as well, but they haven‘t talked about that yet. So, there‘s a lot of exciting things coming. I‘m probably---am I over-time already? ( Az speaks) Oh, that‘s not bad. That‘s good. That‘s good, good. Ok, what I also want to show you before we get off anatomy and on to something interesting that has to do with the technique we have to do. Let me see the next one, here, the---that one, yeah, the Mister, Mister Al-ben‘-yhan, Albion. Right now, this is what the flows in our fields look like, right? Well, actually, we undid this in the last workshop, but this is what we‘re getting rid of. This is known as the Caduceus and, this image, actually; there‘s a--what is it--a carving or something ancient, from ancient times in England, hon, from Al-ben‟-yhan, or Albion, they call it there. They call it the Wounded Giant of Albion. There‘s, literally, a carving that, of this in one of those, like, rock carvings, I think it is, in a field someplace in England that was from some, more ancient---I don‘t know how ancient, but some, possibly ancient---time. And, they call--they refer to it as the Wounded Giant of Albion. And, what‘s really funny is “Albion” is spelled different, but we‘ve been working the Treaty of Al-ben‟-yhan, which is spelled differently, but it was right when we found out about the Treaty, somebody sent us this picture about a person who was doing a hike in, like, this big Ley-Line walk thing all built around this over in England, right? So, somebody was actually doing a hike. We didn‘t even know about this, but I was so grateful because it would have taken me ages to get that diagram drawn. It showed the diagram. These are the energy flows of the Caduceus mess. This is what our fields, instead of having those lovely flows, all around us, and the Axi-A-tonals Lines being their natural selves and all the things that should be there, this is the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 283

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structure. We have this nasty, artificial electromagnetic field that literally runs---forms this capsule around us, completely around us, that we are harnessed. We have it on each of the dimensional levels, and it controls the, it controls the function of our Penta-g‟el Flows, which means it controls the manufacture of the atomic structure in our bodies. So, we get some of it that manufactures the normal way, but half of it is actually manufacturing in reverse-spin. And, that is what allows the natural portion of our own energies that are the GharE‘ to be turned around into Gharoche and then in other things from the environment around, embedding into them, to actually form an artificial type of matter. And that, right now, is what our bodies---the majority of them are made up of. But, we have progressively been working to clear it. This goes away, this whole structure here and this. This is the nasty thing, the really twisted Caduceus thing, which twists all the lines here. This was---we‘re supposed to have six Axi-A-tonal Lines on each side, which means we‘re supposed to have six fingers and six toes, as well. The reason we don‘t is because 11 and 12 were taken and twisted around the Central Vertical Column, right, to feed a twisted form of Chakra manipulation, to actually pull the Chakras together in unnatural ways. And, it is used to feed this self-harness field. All of this gets dismantled with these activations. It clears this out of our systems, out of our Chakras. And, it allows for the natural Axi-A-tonal Line Structure to begin coming back on. In Sliders-2 we did the first re-coding using the finger and toe charts, actually, to put the natural Allur-E‘ah Codes, AllurE‟ah Ra-Sha-tan Codings into each of the lines, to give them a jump-start so it would happen faster. So, this is some of the things we are getting rid of. There is more to that. Excuse me… To Az: Could you give me the next one, please, honey…no, there was one with mucky stuff on it. One that goes with the Al-ben‘-yhan set…yeah, that one, yeah Thank you. [1:33:58] (Graph) Where we should have the regular shape of our Radial Body and our Hydro-Acoustic Body, we‘ve got this polarized mess, and we have these. Some of the Penta-g‘-el Flows flow naturally, some of them flow upside down. And, this is what‘s creating the mess of the Shona Fields right in the body, in the atomic structure. These too will also be cleared by the time we finish this whole set of activations. We‘ve done part of it with Slide-2 techniques: did this. Now, we‘re getting right into the Core levels, where we‘ll actually be able to release the Vesica Pisces Harness in the, the Hydro-Acoustic Body, the Aah-JhA‘ Body. And, that will begin to allow for not just the one set, because we‘ve been using the one, the one set of Windows and Doors that go vertically over our heads. Once we get this untangled, we will--and do these activations that we‘re doing---we will be able to turn on all of them. And, that‘s where you get all of the Vector-Codes coming in from all of, first, your Probable-Selves and then your first Twelve Incarnates, so you can embody those two levels of your personal Buddha, your own Buddha. And, the one is the Grail State, the consciousness of your God-Self. And, the second one is the Um-Shaddhi State of your full Soul-Self, and on the Density-2 Levels. So, that‘s what we‘re working on. These are on their process of going out. Next one, please. To Az: Is which one? Yeah, I‘m done with that one. You can get that off. I want to see what it is. Yeah, we can put that on for a minute. [1:35:32] (Graph) And, this is just showing the Axi-A-tonal Lines. We---I don‘t have their numbers yet. I have them for the fingers and toes and for the head, but I don‘t have them for, all the twists, because there are still twists that happen in them. So, we‘ll be getting these charts, too, but it‘s in the Axi-A-tonal Lines, and it‘s through them---this will be turned into a diagram whatever workshop it is that we go into that technique that allows that to turn on. This will be turned into the diagram where you see the cross-hatching network that forms the Eternal-Life kind-of-like wet suit, aqua suit. And, they‘re going to tell us more about that. They haven‘t said a lot about what that does, but I know it‘s very special. And, it feels really The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 283

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cool. I felt mine flash on just really briefly. Like, maybe they, activated stuff in my system just long enough, so I‘d know what it felt like so I could talk about it a little bit. But, it is just an amazing feeling. It‘s almost like you feel like you‘re invincible inside the suit. It‘s, like, really cool. So, any way, these diagrams would be turned into those. And, one more thing I want to talk about before we go into technique and before we do the technique, the technique probably won‘t be very long. It‘s a Journey, but, before I do the technique, I do want to take just a five-minute comfort break. But, I‘m not quite done with the mylars. I want to go into this next set to show you a little bit about what we‘re gonna do in the technique. The technique involves Journeying, and there are a couple places it helps us to know about, ok? [1:37:08] (Graph) Ok, for instance, yes, we are somewhere over here. This map didn‘t come out too clear. Somewhere is Monkey Hill. I want to find Monkey Hill. See, I could see it when you look up close on that you can see it, but I can‘t see it here. To Az: I don‘t know, this is really--four? I don‘t know. Monkey Hill is over in here somewhere. I think…right up in here? Ok, ok, ok. There‘s a place called Monkey Hill, and, right by that, up in this area---and, we‘re over here somewhere, aren‘t we, by the 12? Ok, we‘re over here right now, and its right up by here, the Monkey Hill place. That is where the Crust access to the Shala-13, Adjugate-13 Gate is. That, we are going to be activating that Crust Level in some of the other exercises and events that we do as we progress here. But, we‘re going to be using this site to be able to access another place, in order to go to a place that is called the--they refer to it as Net Earth‘s, or this Earth‘s Ah-VE‟-yas Temple, or not Temple, Cathedral. They‘re calling it a cathedral. They‘re making a distinction between a temple and a cathedral. Now, this is an underground structure that connects into--it used to, in the very ancient days, link to the same thing that‘s on Median Earth. So, there is one of these Ah-VE‘-yas Cathedrals, also physically manifest, on the Median Earth. And they use---these two sites used to link. Now, there‘s a site that we‘re going to go through here and then project in, through the Shala-13, Adjugate-13 Gate because Adjugate-13; which means it connects to Shala-13 Core Gate but through the AdorA side. So, we get to actually go into AdorA spin, and, from there, we will be able to access this other place on the Net Earth side that is deep under. It‘s in the Mantle levels. It is deep under a place that, for some reason, we were given information on this, progressively, for a while, every once in a while, the Crystal Temple Bases, in the early photos from 2000 that Leila Hutchins had given us from when she had actually gone down when they discovered these temples in Chihuahua, Mexico. Now, we‘re finding out, not only are they linked into the Nibiruan Crystal Temple set up, the ones they found, but, beneath those, the Nibiruan Crystal Temple set up, which were used to take over the Templar. What they were, how they were grown was, they were spliced into natural, other natural occurring ones that belong with Earth‘s Grids. So, below the Chihuahua, Mexico set of Crystal Temples, there is a part left of what was our Kara-nA‘dis Temple, because these are cathedrals, the Kara-nA‘dis Cathedrals. These are places directly connected with the abilities of slide, and they are actually places that--the one here used to be able to slide to Median, and the one in Median could slide down. The one in Median can still slide down. I don‘t know if this one can slide up. But, there is, deep under that cavern, in the Mantle Level of the planet in Chihuahua Mexico, there is one of the old Crystal Cathedrals that connect to the Kara-nA‟dis Platforms, which are, which allow for the slide through the Um-Shaddhi. That is the place where we, where those three atoms we have left our first--I don‘t know if they‘re both. They haven‘t said if they‘re both there yet, but, where we have left our--the Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur, 3 little atoms. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 283

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Anybody that‘s incarnate here has them there. That is where they--it‘s almost like they got stuck passing through. So, we are going to collect them from there, and there will be one there that belongs to you, and your God-Self Level. So, we will collect that from there, and then we will come back. We will be journeying. I don‘t know if we will be using those temples again. But, they‘re not the ones that---I didn‘t even know they were going here, but they kept telling me: ― Ah, bring those other pictures.‖ So, we‘re gonna go from here, right, from this little place called Monkey Hill, and I have three photos that link us to that place, because it‘s a place that some people almost bought in the group on behalf of the fact that it is a Gate Site. But, they don‘t have to anymore if they don‘t want to, to secure it, because of the Grail Doors and us getting the GrU‘-al back under Kryst control, it doesn‘t have to be. It doesn‘t matter what they sit on the surface of it. Once we open that gate on the Crust Level, there‘s nothing the other side can do. There‘s nothing the Omega Code people can do to take it over and reverse it. So, it will stay open through what‘s called the Watchtower. Now, the Watchtower is somewhere else, and we‘ll be going to that at a different time in one of the, in another journey. The Watchtower is a thing in Florida that they sent us to sit on, all right? We‘re going back to Florida again. It‘s not in the same place as the GrU‘-al. So, we‘ll look at the other stuff, as we get more into what‘s the Watchtower stuff about. But, this gate is considered what‘s called a Sentinel, and the gate is like maybe a bit small, but there‘s actually a whole Shield that runs around. And, they haven‘t shown me the circle here, how large that Shield is around here, around the Sentinel. But, around that Sentinel Gate, it means that whole area has the potential for some type of slide movement. And, there, like I said, we saw over here somewhere; I think we were looking that way. Yeah, we were looking south. We‘d be looking that way from here. So, this is probably those mountains--areas I was talking about, if we‘re out on the beach here, somewhere down in through here, is where we were seeing the Slide-City effect, and that kind of stuff. And, this is where we were seeing the boats coming over the ocean and all of that. But, we‘ll go from here. It‘s a relatively short journey. We‘ll go over, into the caverns, and we have photos to link you there, too. So, you see where you‘re going and where you‘re projecting to. Even though we‘re going to go through the Chihuahua Caverns, there‘s enough activations in the field, they cannot harm you. You cannot be harmed by passing, projecting through them. Before, other times, we didn‘t want people to project into them because they were part of the Nibiruan BeaST Interface System. But, at this point, a good portion of them, I think about two-thirds capacity of, at least that one, has been turned over to the Krystics by the Green Dragons who are controlling it, in the Treaty of Alben‟-yhan. So, now, we can use those, if we need to, for projection and access and, in this case, they are having us use them because they are, literally, on top of one of our organic Cathedrals, one of the Karanadial Cathedrals where we have our Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur Atoms stored. So, we need to reclaim those atoms, so we need to go. And, I‘ll show you what that looks like. First, I‘ll show you the linking photo to this site, by Monkey Hill. Now, this is a very interesting set of photos, especially when you think of Orbs. [1:44:20] (Photograph) When we got out---it‘s a little bit blurry but the---I have the photos upstairs, too. I can pass those around so you can see. There‘s a truck over here, right? We pulled up with the realtor, actually, to look at this house that they had guided us--that it was up in this area, and there happened to be a house, a big house, that was for sale up there. We got out of the car, and the first thing was, like, it felt like the Earth went like this underneath my feet. It was like, Whoah, rubber knees and stuff, whoah, that was neat. You know, that usually means something big is there, as far as that. And, they said: ―That was your Code download. ― And, my codes just, as soon as I hit and stood on it, on the site, it just downloaded, my Access Codes, actually. And, it was supposed to do that. It‘s only when certain Guardians step on it that have codes to, like, the Adjugate-13 Gate. That was always considered the Salvage Gate. If things went really bad, they---the island itself used to, this one used to be known as Salvage Island because it was one of the last holdouts where there were The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 283

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people holed up, and we were teaching them how to get their biology up enough where they could be evacuated out when certain catastrophes and stuff happened here. So, this used to be known as Salvage Island a long time ago. But, when we got out, we kind of recuperated from that and went: ―Whoa that was weird.‖ It feels good, though. Wow, love the place, really pretty. It‘s not by the ocean either; it‘s like in, toward the mountains, toward that Monkey Hill place. We took some pictures; we took a million pictures of the place, just like the house and the real estate, just for---not thinking inter-dimensionally. We were just thinking, ok, it‘s the Gate Site, and if there‘s a possibility of somebody purchasing this, we had pictures so they could see what they were looking at. These came out in three of the pictures. This one is hard to see in this. I‘ll let you see them in the…yeah, I‘ll leave them, probably, somewhere like on the table or something, so if you want to look at the actual photos that are a little clearer. But, there are three distinct Orbs. There was one here that was over by this broken Banyan tree that was on the property. This other one, which was actually…this photo goes this way, the ground is here and I couldn‘t fit it on otherwise, all right. So, this is the top, yeah, right? This one, with stripes yet, and, they had this weird Ray stuff coming off of them. And, the big one they want us to use is this one. It looks like a Dream Catcher, actually. You know how Dream Catchers---you have the big circle, and then you have the fringes hanging down and the fringes along the side. It actually looks like a living, Dream Catcher. And, that is the area where the ground literally moved when I first got out of the car and stepped on it. And, we didn‘t know we had these. We didn‘t see the Orbs with our physical eyes at all. We just took pictures of them, and I think these were taken possibly with one of those little tourist cameras, the disposables. So, it wasn‘t anything fancy, but they showed up. And, I said, ―well, gee, well maybe it was just reflections‖, and the Beloveds said, ―Yeah, right, believe what you‘d like‖. I said ―well, if they‘re not, tell me.‖ They said, ―You‘ll find out later‖, and they never told me. But, now they‘re telling me that we need to project through there, the center of the Dream Catcher one. That was when the direct activation was occurring. And the Orb, which appears as a rainbow color more; you can see more of rainbow, and you can see it, coming off this way and stuff, this way, too, in the photograph itself. And, on the one chart that was showing you had the Gold Orbs, and you had the blue-y, purple ones going up to the next level. Then you had---I forget what the colors next were. But, when you got to the 15, or, what would be the Rishi Level, the Density-5 Level, that‘s where you had the Rainbow Orbs. So, I do believe this was assistance in activating the Gate, where some being, some one of the Guardians at, a Rishi Level actually came in and activated it through me, like, through, just to run my codes down. And, then, we all went up. Az and I were there at that time, and then Mac came to see it, too, and some other people, too, that were meant to be there to drop codes. So, it‘s---the Crust Level is not fully activated, but the Mantle was activated during that period, like that was the last phase, actually, I think, of the activation of the Mantle Level of the Gate. What we‘re gonna do, not tonight, but what we‘re going to do while we‘re here is we‘re going to activate, fully, the Crust Level as well, and that will just create this huge pillar effect and big kind-of-like Krystar around the whole area. So, it won‘t matter who lives on it, actually. You know, they can‘t--nobody can harm it at that point. And, that gate will link into things we‘ll look at more; the Watchtowers and things. It‘s one of the Sentinels, and there are four Sentinels. I thought there were three. I had a feeling there were four, but then they only named three. But, I had a feeling there were four, and they said there are four Sentinels. So, we‘ll look at that in the lectures to come. But, for tonight, what we‘re going to do in the projection is: We‘re going to go through here, from where we are here; then we‘re going to go through here. Then, we‘re going to go directly into Shala-13, Adjugate-13, which is beneath here, down right from here into Earth Core, and in Net Earth Core, we‘re then going to flip over, into the Adjugate-13 Gate, which means on the AdorA side of the 13 Gate. So we can bypass the Earth Core here and flip it; literally project over, through The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 283

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AdorA side through Gate-13, Core Gate-13 and then pop back up in this next location they want me to show you pictures of. To Az; ―Um, let me see the first. Is it pink and gold with a blue halo around the edge? I can‘t remember. Its very rainbow-y colored though, like these. They‘re all rainbow-y colors. Yeah, I‘ll bring them down, though, so they can see. You know, it‘s a little bit clearer in the photos themselves. Uh, no, I want to show…no, not yet. Yeah, I guess I could, all right. I‘ll put that one up quick, but I want to get to the packs. All right, yeah, for a minute; I just want to show them‖… [1:50:07] (Photograph) The place we‘re going to project to, is right over in this area in Chihuahua, Mexico. So, we‘re going to go from---where are we, St. Kitts, where is St. Kitts? We‘re over in this area, the St. Kitts area. We‘re going to project over to---where‘s Chihuahua---right around here somewhere, Chihuahua, Mexico. So, that‘s right over in here somewhere. We‘re basically doing a Gulf-jump across the Gulf of Mexico, but through the Core, right, on the AdorA side. So, that‘s where we‘re going to end up. What this looks like is really funny, with this Chihuahua place. To Az: ―Yeah, I want to use hers first and then show, finally, eight years later…‖ Now, we were shown these, see these Crystals, the size of these? These are massive Selenite Crystals that a lady who knew these people, the scientists that had discovered these and went down and studied them. She was actually invited down when they first discovered them. She gave us these in 2000---and when the discovery was starting to be made known. And, there‘s a bunch of them. To Az: ―You can just whip through those really quick, if you would.‖ [1:51:13] ( Photograph) Yeah, just to get an idea, for those who haven‘t seen these of what these things look like in proportion to a person-size. You know, there‘s this huge, just amazing---these are huge, like skyscraper, skyscraper-type crystals. Next one, please, honey… [1:51:31] (Photograph) So these are---this is the place we‘re projecting through. This is actually a physical place with physical people that go and visit it. It‘s not open to public or anything yet. These are massive; they‘re actually gorgeous. Let‘ see, now, that was in 2000, where Leila brought us those pictures. Now, look at this. [1:51:58] (Photograph) Eight years later: November 2008, National Geographic: Cavern of Crystal Giants. Eight years later, all right? Yeah, now we have some more pictures! Look at the size of the people compared to this, right? So, if, as we‘re projecting, these will give you a feel for, and will also help you pick up some of the frequency of where, literally, where we are going. And, it‘s, I think 120 degrees down there or something. It‘s really, really hot, yeah, but just look at them, I mean, it‘s awesome. I would love to go down there physically. I don‘t care if I need to wear a cold suit, you know? This, yeah and this shows--this is stuff from the National Geographic, this is---see, there‘s a little man over there? This is the size of the vein that they found, and there are others of these on the planet in various other places, the Beloveds have said. So, this was just one that happens to have been found. And, there‘s a place in here someplace. They haven‘t showed me where. Are you going to show me, on this? I‘m just wondering if they‘re going to show me. But, there is a place that---they call it the Red Spot. It‘s a heat point that links down, into---it‘s actually where these were spliced in from Nibiruan Crystal Seeds from, literally, the Planet Nibiru, into what‘s deeper down in the Mantle. There is a vein that links a spot in here someplace. Is that where…right up in here The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 283

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somewhere. They said there‘s a spot right up in here somewhere, right? They said there‘s actually about a dozen spots, but the main one is about here, like, the largest one. And, that links directly into what used to be a natural deep-mantle crystal cluster, and it‘s in that deep-mantle one that the Kara-nA‟dis Seal for the Net Earth Cathedral actually was. And, that is where our---those Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur Atoms collect and get stuck when you try to go in from Median Earth to come into incarnation into these realms, in Net Earth, they get stuck there. They can‘t, because they can‘t integrate into the Fetal Bodies. So, we‘re going to, literally, go in through here, and then, go downward. I think we go downward. I‘m trying to remember the steps; I have them written down. So, I‘ll, actually read them and run them from there. But, we go into here first, and I think we use here to go and access them and go down from there. And, then, I think we come back up and, when we‘re leaving, after we‘ve got our packages. So, we‘re, literally, going to project through, down right around in this area somewhere. What‘s most important is; when we‘re projecting, just remember some of what it looks like, and imagine the feel of those. And this time it is those we‘re aiming for, because they will give us the direct connection and the fastest frequency connection down, into the Cathedral, the Kara-nA‘dis Cathedral in Net Earth, where we can get our Ra-sha-pa-ta-Urs. And, I think…was there one more thing I wanted to talk about? Oh, maybe I‘ll talk about that after, yeah. Yeah, this is enough. It will get you through. We‘ll do a short break then do the technique, and then, we‘ll talk just a little bit more about tomorrow morning and the beginning of the Ah-RA‘-yas and a little bit of the stuff on, the dietary suggestions and the exercise and those kind of things. But, most of that, as far as dietary suggestions and things were already published in the Sliders-2 Handbook as far as the Beloveds‘ ones. And, then, they did---the Beloveds have endorsed the Tosca Reno‟s, Clean Eating approach to food. And, you can get her cookbook and that kind of stuff if you‘re interested in exploring that more. It‘s not just a cookbook, she also has a couple other books that explain the concept, not just give food recipes. But, there‘s one that‘s just for the recipes if you want that. So, we‘ll talk a little more about that after we‘re done with the journey. But, just like, give it what ten? Can we do ten? 10:15? 11:15? All right, why don‘t we do a fifteen, so it‘s not a dive-for-the-bathroom-type thing. So, we‘ll be back at 11:30, and we‘ll run it at 11:30. I had a feeling we‘d go late tonight, but that‘s all right. But, we‘re not going to go too late. [1:56:15]

Rasha Pa Ta Ur Activation [Kitts Track 11] Missing

Lecture 2 [Kitts Track 13] A‘sha …not having to juggle back the schedule a little bit. It was interesting- I took a nap earlier today because during the day I‘m going, ―Like, ok, what are we teaching exactly tonight?‖ And they said, ―We‘ll tell you later.‖ I said, ―Ok.‖ So I took a nap, woke up at 7, we‘re supposed to be here at 9. I said, ―Ok, can I have it now, please?‖ And they said, ―In a little while.‖ Well, then about a half hour later the file opened. It‘s like a file download. Well it was, it turns out to be like a 24 -step technique, but a whole bunch of other stuff that had to be understood; that I had to understand. There is a big activation The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 283

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set coming through tonight, so I‘ll read to you first what they told me, how they explained it to me. And then I‘ll try to show on a few diagrams what that might look like, what it‘s about, so we can all understand it a little bit better. Then the first part is Technique 2, Opening the RaSha Window, but it‘s a lot more than that. There‘s 3 different parts to it and one of them, the first part, will be done in here because it requires mylars. And the 2 nd two parts will be done on the beach, which ought to be fun. We were actually going to do it, we wanted to do it in the big room over, you know, where we were before where we could lay down because we have to go into what is called Shadra Shield. That‘s where we lay down in certain configurations with our heads pointing toward each other like in little groups of 12 I think, or 15…Az has them worked out. But, they said they already have it made up because it‘s rented for tomorrow or whatever so they wouldn‘t let us use the big room. Then we asked if we could use the ―out‖ area, like where the food goes, and they said no because there‘s always people running back and forth trying to fix the big room and get the rest of that ready. So there‘s only one place left that was big enough to do that and that is the beach. And I have a feeling it‘s probably a good thing anyway. So for the two other parts of the techniques we‘re going to go to, you know, out to the beach to do a large Shadra Shield. This is…it‘s another Journey-type thing but it‘s a bit longer and this is one, I knew they were going to do it at some point, but I thought it was going to be later you know, toward the end of the program, but we‘re actually going to do the Journey, the Projection Journey to the Median Earth Watch Tower, the Ah-ve-yas Cathedral. So we‘re actually going there, but we‘re doing a bunch of other things too. So, first I‘ll read to you what they gave to me. And we don‘t have any computer stuff set up so it‘s all longhand scratch stuff. But, first they said, ok, they said: ―Completion of Grail Event 1, calling of the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur.‖ Now remember, we started that off when we went and did the Lava and the Aqua Teams, when we all went on our day excursions and all we did then was simply ―drop code‖, which means you know, drop the AllurEah Ra-Sha-Tan codes in you know, in various places and then we didn‘t hear anything about it but it went well. And it‘s like, ―Ok‖, right (Laughs), ―Stay tuned for that‖. Well, tuned was, what that was doing, is once we dropped the codes they said they actually replicate. And the codes are living energy beings, they‘re living elemental consciousness, and the ones in the water and the ones that were dropped up in through the volcano to go into the Lava Flows, they went through the period between day 3 and day 5, which was today, of amplification and replification. Replification? (Laughs) I‘m sorry, I‘m tired and I‘ve been writing for several hours now. And, they reached critical mass of quantum. And at that point, let‘s see how they explained this. They said: ―Causing the ShaLa AdorA Adjugate 13 Kitts Gate‖ – the one we‘re at here on this island – ―to spark‖. ―And it sent a spark into the ShaLa 13 Core Gate‖, which is at Caral in Peru. Now, the ShaLa 13 on the AtorA Side is in Caral, Peru and it connects into the Phoenix Gate, which is the Spanner Gate 7. So there is this whole network. But in short, finally, the codes that you all dropped, they reached critical mass and it created the spark at Caral in ShaLa 13 Core Gate. And that sent a spark up into the Net Earth Karanadial Temple Cathedral that we visited with the first technique. It‘s the one that‘s below the Chihuahua, Mexico Crystal Temples. And when that happened, what that caused was:

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―Net Earth‘s Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or‖ – which is the Density 1 three atoms, the original atoms, it released from the Net Earth Karanadial Cathedral, the one we had visited. So, just the same process that we went through, where we retrieved our Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or three atoms from that Cathedral, well the one that goes with Net Earth just released. So, and this sets in motion a whole bunch of things. So, in fact, it‘s just starting to release today where we‘re going to be invited to be a large part of the things that take place after this point. So, we‘re not only going to get personal activations but we‘re participating in the highest level of grid work that‘s been done so far. And I will read to you what that is first, and then try to explain it on some of the mylars. Ok, so: ―The Net Earth Karanadial Cathedral has released the Net Earth‘s Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or three atoms into ShaLa 13 Core Gate in Caral‖. So that‘s where it‘s sitting, I believe, right now, in Caral. So that little, let‘s just call it the Bud all right, where you have the 3 little atoms in there, the Density 1 level, which is the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or birthed Bud for Net Earth is presently in ShaLa 13 Core Gate at Caral, Peru. Now, what else is happening today and in part of this process is, they said: ―The Karanadial Density 3 Watch Tower Cathedral of AshaLA 3‖… Now remember, we have Net Earth, then we have Median Earth, then we have AshaLA, then we have ShaLa, then we have AquAelle, then we have Urtha, right, going all the way up the Gate chains, up into M31 Andromeda Galaxy where Urtha is. So ShaLa is the next step, I mean AshaLA is the next step up. So I thought we were just dealing with Median Earth activations during this but we‘re not, we‘re dealing with also AshaLA activations. So, ―The Karanadial Density 3 Watch Tower Cathedral of AshaLA 3 will release a Density 3 spark burst called „The Spark of AshaLA‟ into the Median Earth AvEyas Watch Tower Cathedral opening the Transcendental Um-Shaddhi Passage between AshaLA 3, Density 3, and Median Earth‖. So that is going to be the activation, part of the activation that‘s coming through tonight, all right. Now, then they‘re going to…and this is just telling you about the grid activations. Then, we‘ll go into talking about the techniques we‘re going to be a part of, which is a really cool Journey. Then they said: ―After receiving our personal activations‖ – that Slide Technique 2 that has 3 parts, after we do all that, let‘s see…in, we‘re going to receive those. In fact, in the Density 2 Median earth Karanadial AvEyas Watch Tower Cathedral, so the Cathedral Slide City AvEyas of Median earth, we are actually going there to do the activations, to receive the activations that we‘re doing. And, I didn‘t think we were going to be able to do that until the end of trip. I thought we had to, you know, build up the activations to get there, but we‘re going there tonight. And we will, once we get our activations done there, then we are going to ride Shadra shield, carrying what is called the „Shield of Aveyas Activator Plate Disk‟ down from Median earth watch tower, directly into the Net Earth AvEyas Shield, where the Net Earth Watch Tower point is here, where it anchors. And, this will, this is the anchoring platform for the Density 2 AvEyas cathedral slide city. And this is the place that‘s in Florida, all right. So, we‘re actually going to go up there, do activations up there, then work with 2 groups. We‘re going to meet 2 groups of Beings there. And actually, we‘ve already met little bits of them…at least I have and the few people that were out on the beach with me, one of my daughters and N///// (*left name out intentionally). We had run into them but didn‘t know who they are or what they are. I talked about the Orbs and the little yellow/gold ones, well we found out who they are. And, we also found out who the ones we didn‘t see, that come in Indigo, larger Indigo and indigo/purple type orbs. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 283

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There are 2 guardian groups. The one group that come in the little yellow orbs are actually the Guard, the temple or the cathedral Guard, which means the Guardians that work at the cathedral of Median earth. And the other ones, the ones in the Indigo/Violet Orbs are the ones from actually, from AshaLA. We‘re going to meet both of those. And they‘re very interesting races, all right. So I‘ll talk a little bit more about them in a minute, but we‘re going to come down, we‘re going to work with these guys. After we get our activations we‘re actually going to be the ground team, where we bring the Disk Activator down into the Shield of Aveyas, the anchoring point here that will allow the Slide Chambers to open the Transcendental Passages between Earth and Median Earth and AshaLA. So we‘re actually opening the 3 levels. And, it‘s a really, really neat process because they gave me a really quick run through. It‘s like a video where they say, ‗now you‘re here, now you‘re here, now you‘re here‘ and I have to take notes really quick just to know when we start running it live cause it‘ll be a live wave run, which means they give me a little bit of coordinates and I read those and then it gets embellished as we go and they add more on the live wave as we go. So we are actually going to be the ones to bring in the Activator Disk for that Shield. Now, the Shield of Aveyas here, that is the Watch Tower Shield, that is the key to everything. That is what will empower the entire Templar System to be able to keep the Kitts Gate open continually. It will allow for the Shield of Solomon activation that they‘re going to give us the maps like toward the end on exactly what else is activating. But, so we are going to do that and that‘s going to be done tonight. We‘re actually bringing the Activator Disk in tonight. Let‘s see…all right: ―This will initiate the activation of the Net Earth Watch Tower Safe Zone Central Control‖ – and that‘s the one that‘s on Pine Island in Florida – ―and open the transcendental passage between Median earth and Net earth and then between Median earth and AshaLA as well‖. Now, what that has to do with tomorrow is this: once these things are done tonight, tomorrow we‘re doing that smaller hike thing, and it has a low road and a high road and the low road is easy to walk. That‘s the one we‘re taking (Laughs), and at the end of that, once we do that, we‘re going to begin doing code drops at the end or somewhere. I don‘t know if it‘s the end or beginning, I‘m not sure where they‘re going to place it. It depends on what the lay of the land is up there and who‘s scheduled what, but we‘re going to do the 3rd Technique up there. And the 3rd Technique involves expansion of the consciousness but it will also involve this, ok: ―Day 6- Monday, November 17th on the hike – this is Grail Event 2, Awakening the Sentinel. Now, we will next activate sentinels 1 and 2‖…and it‘s actually, it‘s 2 sentinels and they‘re like 1a and 1b. One‘s not more important than the other they‘re both equally important – ―of the Net earth watch tower AvEyas shield. So these are the sentinels we‘re beginning to activate. They said there are 4 sentinels. They‘ve only identified 3 so far. So, the first 2 of them, the 1 of them is the one connecting the Spanner 7 set over in Mesa/Scottsdale/Phoenix, that whole area over there and then there‘s the other one that is here, that is the Kitts network. So we‘ll be activating Sentinels 1 and 2 or 1a and 1b of the Net earth watch tower AvEyas shield in Technique 3. ―We will Journey to ShaLa 13 Caral, Peru to pick up the Net Earth‘s Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or atoms‖ – and the atoms are in a yellow/green Orb. They‘re just…they look like they‘re in a yellow/green orb. ―Then, we will draw that orb, the Net earth‘s‖…we‘re literally taking the Net earth‘s atoms up from Caral up to Shalon 7, Spanner 7, the Mesa/Phoenix/Scottsdale complex which will activate the Sentinel Shield, which is the surface safe zone shield there, and that‘s considered Shield 1a. And then from Phoenix grids we will continue the Journey and draw the Orb from the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 283

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Phoenix Sentinel Shield to the Kitts sentinel surface safe zone shield here, which will activate the crust level of both of those sentinels. So, we‘ll activate the crust level of the ShaLa-AdorA Adjugate 13 gate here and it will also activate the full crust level of the complex over in Phoenix. And that‘s like the next stage that is needed for the big grid work that has like several workshops attached to it and like it runs through this year. Now, and this comes into the next thing that all of this plugs into, is on Day 10, which is Friday, the 21 st then kind of like going through into the morning of the 22 nd, because that‘s when we do the night thing on the beach, the originally scheduled one. All right, and that is when we do what‘s called the Ah-LEi-yas Shield. That‘s when we‘re going to be using the glow sticks and things. There, we will draw the Net Earth Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or Orb from Kitts, cause this is where it‘s gonna land, where it‘s going to be stored here from tomorrow until Day 10, then we‘re going to take it from here and draw it up into the Net earth watch tower. That‘s up into the Florida grid space, which will, it will open the Median earth grail door and it will bring the 2 sentinels and the watch tower on-line with the Um-Shaddhi transcendental passage. So that‘s a lot. I thought they were going to have to wait for some of this. I‘m going to show you some of the, just a couple of the diagrams to remind you visually of what some of those things look like. When we talk about the transcendental passage, where is that, what is that, that kind of thing so you just have a little bit better idea of what this means. And, it applies to our own biologies because we will be having our passages opened as well, but it also applies to the Planetary Level, going from Earth, to Median Earth, to AshaLA, etc. There are 3 parts to the technique so it‘s like side-technique 2. And the whole technique itself is called Opening the RaSha Door, and then parts 1, 2 and 3. Part 1 is Activating the Personal Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or atoms. Now, we‘ve got them in there but this part is activating them in the AzurA right, and then opening the personal RaSha window. Then part 2, this is where the Journey starts and this is where we will go out on the beach for this part. Part 2 is Receiving the Pa-Ta-Um-EirA, which are the Density 2 Level of the 3 eternal life atoms. And they will come into our E-Umbi and this is done in the Median Earth Ah-VE-yas Cathedral Catacombs. We have to go…these are like catacombs underneath the cathedral. So, I‘ve not been there yet. They‘ve kind of, I did a really quick flash-through when they were running the video so I could see, we‘re going where? Oh, ok, all right (Laughs), and then they were off to somewhere else. And this is where, when we go to Median earth, is where we will meet who are called the Aquafar‘E. The little ones who are running around in the Orbs that look small here are actually the Aquafar‘E races there. They‘re part human and part Aquafereion. They‘re the ones that we‘re invited to, the people who are going to bhardoah out here that didn‘t want to keep you know, this body and try to take it through, they were offered incarnation if they wanted to incarnate directly into one of the Aquafar‘E body. Now down here they look like little fairies. Some of them do have wings. Not all of them do, but when you see them there they‘re like anywhere from 6 to 10 feet tall. So it‘s the process of them visiting here and you know they look smaller when they come in. But when we meet them there they‘ll buzz around small but then when they, you know, like come out of Orb they will be like larger than we are. We will be doing these Journeys as ―mini-me‘s‖ because we need to take the mini-me body with us to receive the activations there more directly. We need our body parts because we have to have,, when we do the Part 2 we will be getting the Pa-Ta-Or…Pa-Ta-Um-EirA in the E-Umbi. And then when we do Part 3, this is where we go from the Median Earth Cathedral, we‘ll be going up one step even further. And to do this you have to pass through those Um-Shaddhi spaces, through the Transcendental Passages that link these places between the Veils of Time, as they say in the Psonn.

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And we‘ll be going up to the Density 3 level AshaLA cathedral. And these are all watch tower cathedrals that all link together, in fact, which means they all can slide. Like literally, it‘s almost like, if the one, once it‘s fully activated, say the one in Florida if that were if that, that is a landing pad for a slide city, not only can one Slide down but a part of those grids would slide up. And literally, it would be like the planes separate where you wouldn‘t have a city crashing down on Fort Myers, for example, because there‘s already buildings and things there. So it‘s literally a downshift of the slide that‘s coming down and an up-shift of the grids that are going to meet it. And they become very magical places. That‘s where I think we just got the little, tiny beginnings when we saw the weird thing happening with the moon and you know the other night that we described. So eventually, all three of those would be able to slide together. The 3rd cathedral that is on AshaLA, AshaLA 3, is called the AquaLene Cathedral. It is completely under water. They live under water and we are going to go and journey there. And they are going to have us in Orb to get us there, so, we can‘t breathe that water yet, but by the end of the activation we will be able to. And I‘ll show you a bit more when we get talking on the . mylars about what is activating in the bodies. And once we get through with this, the, Part 3 is called Receiving the Pa-Ta-, wait a minute, (softly to herself) Rei Hi Ya, Rei Hi Ya, Rei Hi Ya (laughs). Pa-Ta-Rei-Hi-Ya, Pa-Ta-Rei-Hi-Ya, that is the Density 3 cluster of 3 eternal life atoms that goes with the Density 3 Level. And they go into the rajna in the pineal. And we will be doing that in the underwater cathedral on AshaLA. And we‘ll be doing that with a group, these are the ones that bop around in the indigo-violet orbs, and these are called the ZionA, Z-i-o-n- with a capital ‗A‘ on the end; ZionA. And what, who these are, are Aquafereion, no, Aquareion. Now, Aquafereions are half human, half Aquareion, right. And Aquareion are the ones directly from M31 Urtha, right, and from the M31 system. And they‘re part them but they‘re from the AdorA Side, so they‘re Aquareion AdonA. We‘ve talked about AdonA before and had different types of contact with them. These guys are…well, they call them the “Fish People‖ at certain stages, the “Mer People” at other stages and then just the “Water People” once they fully mature because these guys, they‘re self-replicating; they don‘t have to do the whole parent-gender thing to you know, get born into that type of incarnation. They have seeds of consciousness that they seed in the water, like down…actually, they bury them in the,. they start them in the sands in the bottom of the ocean floor there. And after it matures a bit and picks up the vibrations and the egg grows they kind of hatch and they first are like fish-shaped, sort of. They‘re kind of fish. The bodies look like fish and they‘re quite small. And then they grow as fish for a while and they have a choice to make, whether they want to stay in that form or whether they want to fully activate the hominid capacity that is in their gene code. And if they choose to do that, and there‘s a certain I think age range, whatever their „adolescence level‘ is, when they hit the adolescent changes, that‗s when they‘re, if they‘re choosing to go forward to become a full hominid, they go through the Mer-Stage, which means they start to…the human-ness or the human-type shape starts to come out on top and they have the fish bottom, right, with the, like Mermaids and that kind of things. So they go through a stage of that in their adolescence and then progressively the, you know, the fish part disappears and falls off or whatever, I don‘t know if they shed or molt or what, I didn‘t ask. But, the legs come out and like the fins go off and they‘ve got feet and that kind of things. And they also grow this really neat, like, it‘s like a gossamer cape thing, it‘s like a very thin membrane. But, when they swim, it‘s for speed in swimming, it kind of comes out and it looks like a cape behind them, kind of like you know how stingrays, they have that flap thing? But they‘re fully hominid beings and they look partially human. They‘re actually quite beautiful when you see them. They are very human looking, but just like…you can almost think you know like, ―What would a perfected human form be like‖, and like they‘re just quite amazing beings. I‘ve met these guys before, or not quite those. I‘ve met something called Zionites before. And they‘re a hybrid form of them, mixed with more Human genes. And these guys are a bit more refined than the Zionites because the human gene The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 283

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right now is one that‘s trying to evolve back into its original grandeur. So, we will be meeting these guys up in the Density 3 level on AshaLA and they will be assisting us in receiving our Pa-Ta-Rei-Hi-Ya Spark. It‘s called Spark of AshaLA, but it‘s the 3 little eternal atoms from there. And when that occurs we will have what is called the ―Opening of our Transcendental Passages‖. This has to do with part of the biology where I briefly mentioned on one of the diagrams where we have all these like large vortice sets that are around us, well they all activate and actually come in together and like, if you took an upside down triangle and a triangle right side up and pushed the points together like this, where it makes a diamond shape in the middle. It literally opens but it‘s not just one set of vortices, it‘s several sets. So I‘ll show you a little bit about those vortices, but that opens our own Transcendental Passages. That makes it where we can begin projecting and moving directly into those states of the Um-Shaddhi where we‘re moving into the Transcendental Self or the Soul Cognition Self. It also puts the base pulse rhythms of our, whatever probability body we are in right now, it puts it on direct-line first with our own God-Self center on density 1, and then with the transcendental self. So this will be, like we will be able to progressively bring those levels of consciousness and all the vectors of knowledge and the imprints from our other probable selves and our 12 incarnations, progressively on-line and into the axiatonal systems. So this is much further than I thought we were going to go in this workshop you know, this whole workshop. I thought we‘d have to do some of this maybe in FOL and then you know, a bit in the next one. So this was pretty exciting. And I wish they, it would have been nice if they told me a little bit earlier, but they were waiting to make sure that the thing was going to spark, and it did, as far as the critical mass was hit and yes it did spark, and yes we‘re good to go, right. So that‘s why they waited ‗til like 7:30 or something before they even started trying to explain this information to me. So the, we‘ll be running, like I said, the Part 1 in here of the technique. And that, there‘s one at the end of this technique, there‘s 2 photos that will be put up on the board that you just do an optical-pineal induction of them to pick up the precise radiation encryption coordinates. They are photos of a particular oak tree that is in our back yard right in like, cause we were guided to purchase a home in Florida, right in the center area of the watch tower shield before we ever, before they told us about the watch tower shield. They just said, ―You gotta go over there‖. And it was like, I mean only one house…Az found the location and it was like, ―Ok, what‘s available‖? There was only one house that was even anywhere near affordable. It was the first one we looked at and we just didn‘t even look at any other. (24.52) And it was really weird, this was before they started with explaining about the windows, you know, the pentagel flows and the pentagon shaped windows. And you know, before we always had that you know, ―Be careful of the pentagrams‖ because they‘re you know, they‘re messed up the way they are down here. We went to look at the house and was like, ―Oh my gosh, if we buy this we‘re going to have to take out all those windows‖ because literally in the architecture its got pentagon shaped like big, arched windows with the vaulted ceilings. I was thinking, ―Oh no, we‘re going to have to turn them into arches‖, you know what I mean (Laughs). And then it was like right after that, that we ended up with the Sliders 1 workshop I believe it was, where they explained all about the pentagonal windows and all of that kind of stuff. And it‘s just really, really strange, the uncanny things, and it all fell into place just like this. I mean, it came right before the mortgage collapse crisis craziness you know, where it was like very, very difficult for anybody to get another mortgage after that, and all of that. ShAlon was transferred in sale over to someone in the group that is very trusted by the Beloveds to hold that grid open. And we still have Alon up there and you know, it is on the market but you know, wherever that‘s gonna go. If Alon does sell to someone that can hold the grids they will keep the crust level open. If not, they will have to close the crust level but they‘ll keep the mantle level of it open. But this has been just really wild. So you will get to see the old oak tree. And it‘s a very, very old oak tree. I think it‘s over a hundred and I forget how much Az said, but it‘s like 120 years old or The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 283

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something like that. It‘s…it‘s an English oak. I believe it was brought over when you know, America, when they were settling you know, just settling the area and that kind of stuff. So, this is where they are going to have us actually bring the disk, the activator disk, down in through this tree and down under through the roots and that‘s going to start the activation. So you get to see the, a little bit of an area, where you get to see the bottom of the tree. The tree was so big you couldn‘t fit it in a normal photograph and still catch it, so it‘s like you see the trunk and you can imagine the size of the canopy on top of it. It‘s like really, really huge. And then there‘s another shot that is where we leave to come back when we‘re all done with the Journeys. We‘ll be coming back and it‘s actually, if you were walking on the property you would be coming from the back of the house area, where the tree is, and walking out the driveway to go out toward the front gate, right. So there‘s a particular image of that shot, of going out. And then when we get to the gate they want us to pop back into the bodies here. So it‘s interesting. We‘re literally going to the site, which means you‘ll also pick up the coding of the Watch Tower here, and that will assist with you know, more rapid activations and all of that. And then there are more techniques and activations coming up after tonight. So I thought, ―Geez, I thought this was like the ‗grand finale‘ of the program‖, so I can hardly wait to see what else we‘re gonna do. But this is why we are running late tonight, because at 7:30 I had no idea yet what we were supposed to teach. We knew the basic subject matter but what to teach about it, nobody told me yet. Well now I know. Most of it is action, as far as it‘s not a lot of mylars and that. It is you know major technique and it is a very important one. Now, let‘s see, I think I‘ll try to explain…do I want those first or…woah! I was trying to see which side (Az- ―well this is the end‖), yeah, that is the end, ok. Why don‘t we start from there? I‘m tempted…yeah, I think I‘m gonna put these on after I put the map ones on. Just keep those in order though. All right, this, this, yeah, this, yeah I‘ll deal with those after these. We can do this series first. (Quiet discussion between the A&A, working the process out)- Ok, I know I have it there I just, there‘s so many mylars up there I couldn‘t find it. New Graph Ok, this is just to remind you, this is when we are talking about the Procyak Matrix and the tilt of the Milky Way‘s grid in relation to what it was supposed to be part of, which is the M31 Andromeda galaxy. Just to remind you when we talk about earth…net earth, median earth, AshaLA, ShaLa and Urtha, this is why those alignments are there. All these gates, these are the twisted Milky Way gates pulled into the Procyak black hole arrangement. These are the natural gate alignments of the M31 System, that Andromeda system, that we are…our Milky Way has actually fallen out of. And down here, this is the one, this is why earth was always a place of combat, is because this was one of the fail safe‘s where it‘s literally a direct gate link between earth, which holds like gate 3 and goes right into, you have earth…earth as we know it which is Net Earth, then Median earth, which is the other part of the quantum of this exact same planet that didn‘t get pulled into partial reversed blend you know, through our history and the last 550 million years. Then there is around that, you have AshaLA, which was the original, the original star gate 3 in this system down here and earth was actually, the Amenti earth, was actually hosted into that star. So the Amenti earth itself, before it started doing its falling things to turn into Median earth and Net earth and Caduceus earth and Phantom earth, AshaLA is and was then, the original SG3 gate in what was this galaxy…not this galaxy, this solar system. That connects directly into a gate called ShaLa, which has to do with the AquA‘elle matrix that is the Eiradonis matrix that actually runs between the 2 sets of these.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

And then when you get to the full 3, gate 3, you‘re talking about Urtha. This is why we have the vertical maps too. The vertical maps and the Aurora field that we‘ve talked about you know for the last year or so, they actually connect into those planes. So there‘s a direct energetic relationship through the cores of these planets. And, so when I‘m talking about going from you know Net earth, we‘re gonna move to Median earth first, which is going back to the part of the original Amenti earth that didn‘t get pulled into partial fall. And from there we will go into the next step up which is AshaLA. It‘s AshaLA 3 and that was the original star that the Amenti earth was hosted into here. So these are the levels we‘re going to be dealing with in the projections that we go into tonight…next one, please. New Graph And this stuff was covered in the Amsterdam workshop, for anybody who hasn‘t seen the full explanation of all that. Now, this is to explain basically what I read there. Right over here somewhere is Caral, Peru, all right. And that‘s where, on the EtorA side, the ShaLa 13 core gate is. That is where, because the critical mass sparking, the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or of NET earth released from up here, which is where the Chiuaua crystal caverns are, sparked that gate. So when we start the work tomorrow, we are going to actually pick up and draw…we‘re going to go from where we are over here, right, at Kitts, we‘re going to project over here, pick up the NET earth‘s Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or atoms, take them up through those caverns again, up into the Phoenix grids, activate the Sentinel 1a and then we‘re going to take them back down to Kitts, activate sentinel 1b. And then on Day 10 we‘re going to move it from St. Kitts where it will stay until Day 10, which is the day you know, before we go. Then we‘re going to bring it up into here, which into here is where you have the watch tower that we‘re activating tonight. So that‘s just to give you the idea of what the movements are that we‘re going to be doing you know, through what the grid movements are through the rest of this thing. So, we are the Guardian Team down here, basically. There isn‘t another Guardian Team that‘s trained or capable of doing the end on this part, of NET earth, that is needed for these grid activations to occur. So it‘s quite an honor to be a part of the Beloveds, you know, templar stewardship team. So this is what we‘re going to be doing…next one, please. New Graph This is just showing the basic line connection between the Mesa Hub gate core, which is the core of the sentinel shield there in Phoenix, down into Caral, where ShaLa 13, on the EtorA side is, core gate. And this whole set will fully activate as one of the ―safe zone‖ areas as soon as we complete that work tomorrow. And then there is another set over here that, it‘s a different configuration, it‘s not a hub configuration, but it‘s right over in here down in that part of Florida. It‘s right off the coast of Fort Meyers. It‘s a place called Pine Island. And it‘s quite a small place, quite a rural place. It‘s not a fancy island with big, pretty, white beaches like a lot of them have cause it‘s an inside island where you have the barrier islands with the big, white beaches out past it. You have to take a boat to get to those. So it‘s more of an agricultural island that grows palm trees. They call it Pine Island and they jokingly say they should now call it Palm Island because all the pines that used to be there, there‘s not that many pines left because the place like, when it was settled, it was cleared and progressively plantations were put in of palm trees and those kind of things, and mango trees and all of that. So they jokingly say it should be called Palm Island, but it‘s still called Pine Island. And it‘s a little island. It‘s like 2 miles wide by 17 miles long and that‘s where our house is. Thank God actually…at least it‘s close enough, there is a bridge, you don‘t have to take a boat to get to that one, right, but it doesn‘t have all the pretty white sand beaches. There‘s little bits here and there and they‘re all privately owned and we don‘t have one, believe me, we‘re not in that price range at all. So, we‘ve got a decent deal on this house. The Beloveds wanted us in, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 283

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obviously. I mean even right down to the pentagon-shaped window structures and all of that. And now we know why. We didn‘t know why when it first started. So there‘s going to be another set here. I‘ll show you the diameter of the main core shield of…they call it the Shield of AhVEyas, which is the watch tower shield, that directly interfaces with a location on Median earth. That would be the core area that would be able to up-shift a bit to meet the down-shift of the one sliding in so you could literally merge the spaces, physically, where people and some of the buildings could go and shift together into the Um-Shaddhi space where those 2 spaces could blend. And that‘s how the slides actually begin, where they start to down-step the slide cities a bit to make them more easy to reach for people here, right. And eventually, when all of this is all over…what do we have left, 222 years still or something like that, of this whole Host Out Mission. At that point these will be the Primary Areas that will actually pull up when the final changes start to come here. These are areas that will become island areas in the Median earth body. And they will literally become…I have a feeling they can actually rise up there and like re-materialize there through the Um-Shaddhi States with buildings intact and that kind of stuff. So I don‘t think it‘s just like you know, major catastrophe and then eventually it kind of grows up out of the water again and up on Median earth. I do believe they literally shift up. And the slide cities have to do with that. They literally combine the frequencies with them and can take certain levels of grids up. So eventually the places like these will be places that won‘t be on this planet anymore, or at least a good portion of their land quantum will be shifted out. But that‘s not something we‘re gonna see any time soon. That‘s when the final Host is done, but I think there‘s still 222 years left, right, so next one, please. New Graph This is showing…here we are down here and it‘s actually trying to zero in on the Monkey Hill place, where the surface level of the ShaLa 13, Adjugate 13 gate, comes out up here. And so it‘s showing you where the Kitts gate comes through and connects in through Pine Island, up in through here. It‘s…yeah, and the grual is up here, that you know, organic planetary star gate 2. And this is what we are going to, we are reclaiming a portion of the grual, which is what controls the regular planetary star gates that fell quite a while ago under the FA control. So we will get part of all of those back on-line with the Kryst. Not all of their quantum, but a part of them. So this whole process is about being able to reclaim the grual. Which means we‘re going to be able to reclaim under the Kryst, a 1/3rd of the quantum of the planetary templar, which means it will all plug into the primary slide cities. And eventually they‘re going to show us where exactly the Shield of Solomon is cause that‘s where we‘ll have the strongest areas as far as fortified and slideable, right, and that kind of thing, and that‘s where we‘ll get the safe zone maps out of. But this just shows you the connection between Kitts and where we‘re projecting to tonight, you know, because that‘s where the house is…next one, please. New Graph And that is showing you the parameter of the watch tower shield, all right. So right in here…I think it‘s this dot. That‘s Cape Corral, right? It‘s there, I believe. See this little funny thing here? That‘s Pine Island, right, and it‘s the upper portion of it, not the lower. It‘s the northern, like from the middle, up you know, north, and that would be like the center of it. And there‘s about 144 miles this way, so it‘s like 1/2 of that you know, a radius is about 1/2 of that. And it encompasses those areas and a lot of it is still in the water. These were very active during certain phases of the Atlantian history in each of the deedings, where you know these cities were actually used. Particularly in seeding 1, they said these were used frequently in seeding 1 period for contact and for assisting in bio-regenesis and helping people do their ascension and that kind of thing. So this is right now, this The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 283

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is the main watch tower. This will become the safe zone control down here. It will actually even run the Kitts gate. That‘s why, now that we‘ve got this activated, we will get the grual back. That‘s somewhere…that‘s down in through here. It‘s not marked on this one. Yeah, the grual is out here and like Sarasota is right in through there some place. So we will get that back. But this will also, it‘s from these shields that the Beloveds will be able to directly run and keep open the crust level of the Kitts gate, the Adjugate 13 gate, which was called the mother of all of the gates cause that leads, this gate, the Adjugate 13 Gate, links directly through earth‘s core into our Adjugate vector. We are in, in our galaxy, we are in vector 4. We are on the horizon 4. Our adjugate would be AdorA 10, right. We‘re EtorA 4, it would be AdorA 10…so this gate actually draws power directly from the AdorA 10 you know, universal structure, which is…that‘s just a huge amount of power. And now this one, that will be the one put on-line to control the templar one, this actually plugs right in…there‘s a set of those cathedrals that go all the way up to Urtha, not just up to AshaLA, but there‘s a set of them that go all the way up. So that anchors it through that way, so you got the power base running from the Kitts gate, but the directional influence and where the entire templar can be controlled by the Beloveds, not by us, is from this area here. There‘s going to be another, the Sentinel Areas, they call them…we talked about the 2 Sentinels…the one, this is going to become a sentinel and the Phoenix area one is going to become a sentinel. I don‘t know what their radius is but they work in a similar way. They are like step-out, next level control. And then the Sentinels have Light Houses, what they call Light Houses, which are other control clusters that operate from them. They haven‘t identified those yet. I don‘t know if they are going to identify some of them in this workshop or what, but progressively the safe zone maps will be built on finding exactly where these sites are, because they will be the strongest and the safest places on the planet. And not all of them are here. I know they‘ve…they‘ve named 3 of the 4 sentinels. The other one is in Adair, Ireland. So there‘s another set that is going to come on-line over there and there‘s one more that they haven‘t mentioned yet and I don‘t really know where it is. We keep trying to guess. We keep getting, ―No, it‘s not that, no it‘s not that‖, but maybe we guessed it and they won‘t confirm or not you know. I think it might be one of those, yeah. So, I mean, I keep wondering, ―Is it Alon?‖ It might be. I don‘t know. But they won‘t let us know about the fourth, not watchtower, sentinel, yet. So, we‘re literally watching the templar…not just watching it but helping the templar to come back to life, you know. In the name of the Kryst we‘re actively participating in the host. So anyway, this is where we‘re going tonight…next we have a next one there? New Graph Ok, yeah, let‘s come to these. Now I‘ll just look at the biology a little bit. (to Az) Yeah, please. If we remember, this was used to demonstrate the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body that‘s inside of your radial body, around you, right. And we talked about the pentagel flows. And, around each of these there would be a pentagon-shape right, and that‘s where you get the windows, and then the windows open down into the next level below to become a door. So we have ―Opening the Windows and Doors‖. These were the TE-Wha‘s, these were the Jha-Dha‘s…these are the TE-Wha‘s in d-3. These were the Grual or grail doors in d-2. These are the Jhandas doors and windows on d-1, the etheric ones. And down in here, it would have just been messy to try to draw them, but there‘s also another set of them that goes with the RaSha Body, which means the dark matter template. And when you open those it begins the process of opening the entire door structure all the way up into density 2. And that is the process that we are involved with tonight.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

We will open the RaSha Window first, which means to get the pentagel flows turned on, but by the end of I‘m not sure which technique later, we‘re gonna be opening the RaSha Door too. Which means, bringing it all the way down and it will go into not just the RaSha body, but it will stretch into the core of the ElumEir-Adhona spirit body. And when that full thing happens it activates something, they haven‘t explained this part yet because it‘s not part of this technique yet, but it creates some kind of field around the outside of the radial body structure that allows the body, when it‘s fully activated to be able to do slide. So this is the final activation that we‘re doing in this one, that will turn on what is needed in the biology for a slide, a biological slide, not just a bi-location but a biological slide to occur. It doesn‘t mean that you‘ll immediately be able to slide because it takes time for the body to bring that into the atomic structure. And that‘s why they‘ve been giving us the Ah-RA-‘yas and the exercises and things to help that process along. But all of the activations and things will be turned on. And now it‘s just a matter of…and it‘ll be a different time for everybody, depending on what your gene code is doing and how much you know shona versus ShaLa you got in there as these turn on within the atomic structure and begin to literally create more atoms of ShaLa, of light, as opposed to the shona field ones. One of the things we will experience when we are in the Density 3 Level…what do they call it, the Aqualene Cathedral, we will have not only the one structure…we‘ve been dealing with like the A-12 or the 12 Structure, where you‘re dealing with the Windows that are opening up here and then down, coming straight down, which is the one line of them. Then, there is also ones on every one of these. And these correspond to those other…first the other vectors of your probable selves, and then on the next level, the vectors of the 12 incarnations that make up your immediate transcendental self; soul self, right. So once these are fully open, and we will get the…we are opening the RaSha Window…once that window is opened there is a point in the techniques up there, when we‘re out there, that will turn on all of these flows on every one of the Allurean Chambers. And there‘s 60 windows. It will open 60 windows. So yeah, pop! Woah! Yeah. And that is the beginning. Once those 60 windows are open you have got all the flows you know, turned on. So now it‘s just a matter of them getting in and through the body, where the body progressively gets where it can hold them. And the more it can hold them, the more they will be able to slide. Once the body gets to…I forget what percentage it is…in one of the later lectures we‘ll look at a chart that shows some of the percentages of, how much percentage of light quotient you need for slide, or for bhardoah, or for full span, which means going all the way up to Urtha, or what. It breaks it down into basic percentages of ShaLAa versus shona in the body. But this begins the process of opening all the flows that need to be opened, and now we just get the body where it progressively makes more ShaLAa. It brings the light quotient up to the point where we get you know, first the slide. We‘re already doing really good with bi-ocation slide. And the next would be to get where you can do little shifts or jaunts into the Um-Shaddhi state, which is the beginning part of the literal, biological slide. And again, you can‘t stay there once you finally do get over there, you can‘t stay there yet because we have to fully do Transfiguration here, or Bhardoah out and transfigure it up to stay on the other side. We can visit, we can translocate…that‘s the 2nd stage of slide, but to trans-migrate, which means, ―move permanently‖, we have to have the full MaShaYa of completion in the fields. But once you get to the point where you can even slide and just visit, it‘s a whole different universe for you as far as what personal life is like from that point forward. Because it will be a lot like being Dr. Who, you know (Laughs), really. If you‘ve never seen a Dr. Who show, oh, it‘s been around for years. But I won‘t go heavily into Dr. Who, but Dr. Who is basically a time slider, where he can slide between different…and in the old days he used to go into one of those red, English phone booths, right, and kind of his whole phone booth would pop through. Kind of like time travel machine effect, right, so it‘s kind of like being like that without the phone booth, without the time travel machine because you are the time travel machine. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

And progressively the Vectors, that go with your other Probable Selves and then your other 12 Incarnates would become progressively open to you, not just being able to go and visit Median Earth, but also to be able to explore those other Vectors and Space Time Locations. So, just imagine what it would be like to be like that, to be like Dr. Who, where you just get to phase in and say, ―Ok, I‘m going to stay here for you know, take a vacation over in like maybe 16AD and go see what it‘s like there for a little while‖ and then like pop back out. I mean there are beings who do this, by the way. We won‘t be the only Dr. Who‘s in the Universe. We‘ll find out that we‘re a part of a much larger community of Beings who are a bit advanced compared to what we are right now, that it‘s just literally a whole new structure. It‘s like walking into a Sci-Fi movie but it‘s not Sci-Fi it‘s a whole, different reality set. So that is what we are being trained to do and to become. It‘s quite fascinating. You know, I‘m really hoping we do get to the point where…this is why I‘d really rather Slide than Bhardoah. If I have to Bhardoah ok, but it would just be so cool to do the Dr. Who phase you know, just before you leave here permanently. But, we‘ll see. Anyway, that‘s a little bit of an idea of what we‘ll be doing. But, all of those 60 Windows will be open by the end of this evening. And then I‘m sure there‘s something they‘re going to do to open them all as Doors, I have a feeling, before the end of the entire workshop. So, that will be…by the time we come off the beach, that is what‘s been opened in your fields…next one, please. New Graph What that has to do with this diagram that we introduced in the last lecture, and remember that if this is us as 1 Probable Self right, and this is our God Self Consciousness, our Heroic Self, this is just One Incarnate all with the same body shape right, from the same parent seed. All right, this is over here, when we get into this bigger one, that 1 Incarnate is one of a set of 12 that all together make up your full Soul Identity, the center of which is your Transcendental Self or your Full Soul Self. And then up here, that one Soul right, Full Soul, is 1 of 12 that make up your Over Soul Self, right. So, this would be your Density 2 Full Level Cognition you know and Self, and this would be your Density 3 Level, your Over Soul Self. This tube running in between, right, actually this is what becomes a Transcendental Passage. When you activate the, when you activate the things that we are activating it will open first this little skinny tube that opens from here to here, right, that would be the Transcendental Passage between Median Earth and NET Earth. And then when we do the next level, which we‘re actually going to activate up here, where we get the, oh, what do they call it, the Pa-Ta-, Pa-Ta whatever Density 3. I can‘t remember the name yet. I read it though, a couple of times. Yeah, Pa-Ta….REi-Ha-Ya I think is what it is. Pa-Ta-REi-HI-Ya…that‘s it, yep. So, we‘ve got the Pa-Ta-REi-HI-Ya 3 little eternal life atoms here. We‘ve got the Pa-Ta-UmEirA 3 little eternal life Density 2 atoms here, and we‘ve got the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Or 3 little eternal life atoms here. And what we are progressively doing, when we get to the point where we go out and pick these up, the 3 little ones here…I don‘t even have them marked there yet cause I didn‘t think we were go‘n this far in you know, in this workshop. Once we have those, these will be stationed at the Rajhna in the forehead, in the Pineal. These will be stationed in the E-Umbi, and these will be stationed at the AzurA. And then there‘s a point in one of the techniques you know, closer to the end where we actually bring them altogether into the KaranA‘dis Seal. And that does something that they‘ll explain then in you know, in the entire field, that makes the Um-Shaddhi Planes available to us. And we‘re going to get more experience about ―what are they‖ and you know how to start playing with those. So that‘s what we‘re moving toward. But, for tonight, we will be opening first, this one in step 2 or Part 2. And then in Part 3 we‘ll be opening this one, and this is referred to as ―The Transcendental Passage‖. And we will also be assisting in the opening of this between Earth, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

um NET Earth, Median Earth and AshaLA. So, the activations we‘re participating in, we are then gifting them back to NET Earth by bringing them back down. And as we come back down from that Journey and activate the Shield, the Watch Tower Shield down here, it will actually open this tunnel between you know, that Chamber Set, the Transcendental Passage, between the NET Earth, the Median Earth and AshaLAe. And that‘s the next stage of reclaiming the Grual under the name of the Kryst and opening the ascension passages and getting the Safe Zones open and operational. So, that basically gives and you know, also remember these are the other Vectors, so these would be other, they‘re Event Horizons, right. Two of them together across from each other represents a Vector. So these would be your Probable Selves. These will all come on-line as far as the frequency encryption of them will come on-line with your body, with your DNA, through these activations. And, so will the 12 that go with your Soul, and they will progressively…and they‘re, the12 that go with your Soul, are not just your Probable Selves, they are Full Separate Incarnations with 12 different Parent Sets. So, you know, 12 different ―you‘s‖ in different space times, these will all come on-line in your body structure. They will be encoded in the DNA the epigenetic overlay, and in what is called the Unigenetic Underlay that we‘ll talk about in some of the, you know, later lectures. And again, it will be, everybody will get that back on-line as far as where you have the physical memory and those kind of things as your body can process you know, to bring it into atomic structure…next one, please. New Graph This is just to remind us what, of our Hydro-Acoustic Body and our Radial Body and its position within the larger structure of our ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body, all right. And in here I wanted you to see, see these little things here, these are vortices right. See that one that‘s coming right up off the head, like right up that way? There‘s a set of these vortices that literally run like this around us and they will activate and this one will pull down and the one there will pull up and it will create, if you put those 2 together, I didn‘t have time to draw on this, but if you put the down pointing triangle and the up pointing triangle together and push them together, it opens up a diamond shape in the middle of them. Each one of these sets will make those diamond shapes and that is the Transcendental Passage literally opening in and around the body. So, those vortice sets will activate and not just spin, but come together and open the diamond shape in the middle of them. And that will literally, the diamond shape becomes the more solidly manifest version of the Krystar Vehicle we have been working with you know. So that, I just wanted to show you, you know, those vortices as well. Do we have any others? That‘s it isin‘t it? Oh, can I show them the…we have to do that fancy, don‘t we? Yeah, ok. I was going to show you the pictures of where we‘re going to end up, the Pine Island pictures, but ok, well, we can do it at the end because they have to look at it at the end anyway. I was just going to give them a sneak preview but it‘s not on a Mylar, it‘s a computer hook up thingee that they‘ve got to project up there. (Az speaking low to Ash) Yeah, I know, I just wanted to give them a preview. Yeah, I love it there. It just has such a neat frequency, but…(Az speaking low to Ash) ok, all righty, we might as well do it. You‘re going to see it in a few minutes anyway cause the Part 1 doesn‘t take very long. And Part 1 (Az speaks low to Ash)…um, you need the other, you need (Lots of speaking low suggestions), that‘s the second one. All right, I guess we‘re gett‘n a preview. Cause before you have those on you need to have those 2 on, remember? The Allur-E‘ah Ra-Sha-Tan Full and the (Low response from Az), oh ok, cool. So we don‘t need to do that. All right, ok, so I‘ll give this to you now. All righty, Az is going to give you a briefing on the Shadra Shield Configuration that‘s going to be used on the beach. (Az speaking low to Ash) What? Ok, all right, and then we‘ll go into the first part, it‘s Technique 2 but we‘ll go into Part 1 and that‘s where, at the end of that, you will see the 2 pictures I was talking about. Now I‘ll be quiet now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

A‘zha-yana: Ok, it struck me that it would be much smoother, more joined up…what? (Participant speaks to Az quickly) It struck me it would be much smoother to approach things if we do the first part of the Techniques and then we go to the beach. So I‘m going to explain to you now the Shadra we‘re going to do, in other words, the lay down position that we‘re going to work with. It‘s pretty simple and the more that each of you regard yourself as ―helpers‖ in the process the more joyful it gets for me. And, the less you remember that, the more of a pain in the butt it gets, to be honest. Now, there are 4 good men and true that are going to assist me with this. What, the first thing that‘s going to happen is these 4 good men and true are gonna help to establish a 33 foot diameter, perimeter circle. So, just imagine this big, outer circle we‘re going to get set first. It‘ll be 33 feet diameter and we‘ll fix that. Now, what these 4 helpers will do is they will come out and choose randomly, 4 people, and they will put them just for the sake of argument, in 12, 6, 9 and 3 positions, all right. Which will then help them to fill in 2 positions next to each of them all the way around, so we get a basic circle set pretty decently. After these guys have helped to get that situation set…in other words there will be one person in each of 12 points around a clock face, ok. And that means that we each are gonna get a circle with some integrity and not the beginnings of a monkey‘s fist, if you understand what a monkey‘s fist look like. It‘s a sailor‘s knob, but it‘s all knobbly and horrible. Now, from that point I will begin to establish a structure inside. There are 3 circles inside. We‘ll be 2 people shy on the whole Shadra. We just don‘t have the bodies, but we‘ll have 178 which is 2 shy of 15 x 12, ok. I‘ll start working on the interior of this as the 4 helpers then begin to bring in 11 more people to form what will become a circle on the outside of each of these points, ok. So, the people standing here will be standing facing inwards. And if you imagine they fell flat on their backs that would represent 1 sphere or 1 spoke of this circle. So, the corresponding opposite of this person here would be ―6‖, and they‘ll be lying down head to head. What? (Ash has a question) A‘shayana: They are going to be… A‘zha-yana: Do you want to join in? A‘shayana: …lying down with their heads pointing toward each other? A‘zha-yana: Yes, that‘s what I just said. If this person fell down on their back their head would be in the middle and the corresponding person would be standing on the outsides of the circle. If they fell down on their back their head would be in the middle too. Don‘t worry about it, we know what we‘re doing (Laughs). So, really simply then, this is the way that we‘ve done other, more complex ones, by just using some simple steps in the geometry so that we create something that you could call, that contains integrity, ok. And I really care about that, that we get reasonably close to these Shadras having intrinsic integrity, because they do really facilitate more amping just by the structural quality of everything else we try to do. All righty? So, the 4 helpers will deal with all of these positions on the outside, one by one. So it would be helpful to them if you could cluster yourselves roughly 50ish here and 50ish there, 50ish there and 50ish there, so we‘re not all running around trying to pull people into the positions. If you can just park yourselves on the beach, this is the area we‘re working in, this is the area the beach will be here, ok. So, we want a group up that way by the volleyball court, one down this way, one here and one here. And then we just pull people in as we need them you know, it‘ll make it a lot easier for us.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

Now, the funny thing that I noticed when Ash put this up tonight was you understand typically what were the Cardinal Directions when we set any of these things up. And, like being worried about being late and just generally getting in my own face and I‘m going ―Yeah, that happens to each of us‖. And I‘m just kind of going like, ―Hmm mm‖. And Ash said, ―What? Oh yeah, I‘ve got it Kitts doesn‘t line up that way does it? Kitts goes North-West, South-East doesn‘t it?‖ And I go, ―That must be what it is‖. So I‘m going there and it‘s kind of like, ―Hmm mm‖. And when I paid proper attention to it, yeah (To Ash who asked if he was referring to Ma‘a with the Hmm mm‘s), and when I paid proper attention to it I realized that the alignment needed to be West North West, ok. This lies West-North-West (Laughs). It does. Yeah. (Low to Ash‘s comments) That is exactly the opposite for us in the Shadra, West-North-West. Kitts lies this way, like that. North is up that way and I have to set it up like that. And when you put that up (Talking to Ash) I just went, ―Oh no. Oh my God.‖ Anyways, that‘s it. So that‘s what we have to accomplish, ok? Let‘s do the first part. (Ash asks Az a low question) Yeah. (A&A speaking low to each other real quick about details) All right, I‘ll just run you through the outline of Sliders 3, /// Tech. 2 entitled ―Opening the RaSha Window‖, of which this part that I‘m going to do with you right now is Part 1. So, this is Part 1 of Slide Tech. 2, ―Opening the RaSha Window‖. And Part 1 is sub-titled or entitled, ―Activating the Personal Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur atoms at the AzurA‖ in parens, (Opening the RaSha Window). And, the things we have to do are as follows. We have to operate standard Sliders Prep, which is the 3 Krystar Breaths, rapid Optical-Pineal Induction of first of all, the Full Areia (sp?) and then the Core Allur-E‘ah. And then the further part of the Prep will be the side tech. for the 3 ///, which I‘ll talk you through the rapid inhale, palms out…yeah. (Ash speaking low). After we‘ve done that we‘ll do an inhale breath around the AzurA. We will then exhale forcefully pushing out Hydrolase Burst. We will breathe normally then followed by 6 breaths Optical-Pineal Induction of the mysterious Oak Tree that comes and goes (Laughs)…the mysterious Oak Tree that‘s been coming and going. When we‘ve done that we will go into breathing normally again and then we‘ll observe the leaving, the exit corridor of the Watch Tower site, and then fifthly and finally we‘ll inhale into the AzurA Water Seed, hold the breath, exhale gentle breath outward from the Water Seed Core into the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur Flame Set and feel a tiny popping sensation as the tiny Pentagonal Shape RaSha Window opens. Ta-dum-da-dum. And really that‘s all there is to it and then we can make our way down to the beach, confuse ourselves by wondering where Az has, where these 4 groups of 50 should be standing (Laughs). I‘ll try to find the monitors and hopefully we‘ll get the thing going fairly quickly so we‘re not up until 3:00 in the morning you know. Right then.

Technique 2: Activating the Personal Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur Atoms at the AzurA (Opening the RaSha Window) So, in your own time, please Beloveds, we will go about activating the personal Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur atoms at the AzurA and opening the RaSha Window by beginning with, in your own time, 3 ―RaSha Eira Krystar Now‖ breaths. (Participants do this now) Now we go to do the Optical-Pineal, let‘s see, thank you. You‘re just not used to doing that, are you? (Speaking to Ash). Ok, you know what to do, but focus your eyes on the center of the Allur-E‘ah Ra-Sha-Tan, inhale slowly and deeply using the inhale breath to first draw toward your forehead 2 images of the code, one from each eye. Before the images reach your forehead cross your eyes briefly to bring the 2 codes together in one code, using the remainder of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 63 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

inhale breath to draw the one code image through the forehead at chakra 6 into your Pineal, the center region of your brain. Hold the breath at the top inhale and condense the code into a minute speck of Aqua Light in the Pineal Center. And then when you‘re ready exhale gently, using the breath to push the speck of Aqua Light downward from your Pineal Gland, through your Central Vertical Column into Median Earth Core and then return to normal breathing. And now we‘ll repeat precisely the same process. So just spend a little time making a connection with the code. And then, when you‘re ready, begin the inhale slowly and deeply, 2 images coming into each eye separately, then cross your eyes, bring the common, single image into the Pineal, hold the breath at top, condense the code into a minute speck of Aqua Light in the Pineal, then exhale gently using the breath to push the Aqua Speck downward from your Pineal into Median Earth Core. Now just breathe easy, please. (Speaking low with Ash) While we‘re doing this, there‘s a step here that I‘d overlooked so next, inhale and hold at the AzurA. On the exhale, on the forceful exhale, push a 12-point Hydrolase Burst outward from your Water Seed into the 12 Allurean Chambers, causing the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur atoms in the Water Seed to ignite into the 3 Flame Points that remain where they are. (Bit of repeat) Exhale forcefully push 12-point Hydrolase out into the Allurean Chambers, causing the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur atoms to ignite into 3 Flame Points that remain where they are. And that‘s that. That‘s it. We‘ve done it correctly, all of that; it‘s all done. (Low speaking with Ash) I apologize. I really lost my track there. So, we‘ll just pop back up to…we‘ve just come…just imagine we just completed the optical-pineal induction of the full Allur-E‘ah, in the core, and we now need to do the rapid, Re-activation of the Density 1 Spins and Flows. So take 1 forceful inhale breath into the AzurA Water Seed, hold the breath at the top of the inhale to build charge while bringing your palms up in front of your chest in an open clap position. Exhale forcefully, and while clapping, give the mental power command, ―Jhan-TU‘ Et-eur‘ Deu-A‖. (All do it) Inhale, palms out, bring your fingers into the lotus touch position and this time make 3 taps in 4 sets, separately. So, tap your AzurA 3 times, set 1, stop. Step 2 is another 3; stop. Another 3 now: Step 3- stop and then the final 3. And now we will inhale into the AzurA and hold. We‘re going to repeat the forceful exhale pushing the 12-point hydrolase burst outward from your water seed into 12 Allurean chambers, and this time successfully causing the RaSha-Pa-Ta-Ur atoms in the water seed to ignite into 3 flame points. And now you can breathe normally. And if you now bring your attention to the Oak on the screen and do 6, any kind of Optical-Pineal Induction breaths now, any form of Optical-Pineal Induction that you‘re happy with, like a lot, are comfortable with…just do that. You don‘t have to do the cross-eyed business image in each eye this time. But do 6 breaths, yeah. (Ash mentions to do 6 inhale and exhale breaths off-mic) Now, whilst you‘re doing this, you‘re actually picking up the geographical coordinates encryption of the actual location of the Watch Tower. And that, believe it or not, really is an English Oak in the rear yard, as you would call it. We would call it the garden. And now do I go on to the exit passage now? Just breathe easy for a minute (Ash speaking with Az low). A‘shayana: In this one, just imagine that you are back in the back yard at the oak tree and you‘re walking around the corner of a house to the driveway and heading outward to where the main road is, to where our driveway comes off the main road. So, you‘re moving away from where the house is and back out toward the road, where the tree was in the back yard, behind the house, ok.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

A‘zha-yana: Now, the significance of this one is not to do with optical-pineal induction, it‘s for you to observe the leaving the exit passage way. And you need to remember this in some approximation, some approximated image, because you will need to use it at the end of this technique in Part 3. So you‘ll need to have a sense, a feeling of this I‘d think ―tree tunnel‖, ―light at the end of the tunnel‖…ha, ha, ha…ok. I mean, if I was looking at that, they are the kind of things I‘d notice and ///. So I‘d think about a tree tunnel and light at the end of it. Pardon? What? Of course you can (Az speaking to Ash). Ashayana: Ok, with this one, again we just have to just like kind of remember a bit of what it looks like because that‘s where it‘s going to be one of the last visuals we use when we come back from the entire activation set/ technique. We‘re actually going to…we‘re going to come down in through the oak tree with, company‘s coming with us, right, when we‘re bringing that activation disk in and planting it under the oak tree. And then we‘re going to pop back out and then we‘re going to come back down the driveway from back where the oak tree was, come down here…when we get to here, now this is the fence, the fence in the front yard of the house, here and here. And it actually has a gate that‘s not pulled over at the moment. But then there‘s the main road out there, right. Right when we get to that fence area, right, that‘s where we‘re actually going to pop, pop up out of there and literally back into our bodies here, all right. So, we‘re going to kind of cruise down the driveway and then pop back in here. So you know, they just wanted you to see that. And it‘s actually kind of neat, if you get back here and like sometimes, especially if you‘re a visual person, you may actually, because you‘ve seen the actual coordinates here, you actually might pick up more information like just from the ethers literally about it. If you end up seeing 2 driveways, like to paths, you‘re coming around you know, like coming around from out of the tree, it‘s because there is, actually. Up here it‘s one, but right here, right…it‘s just one driveway here, but it splits and there‘s another part of it like this that comes up on the other side of these trees and then comes back into the one coming back by the house. So, if you happen to get that and go, ―Wait a minute, what path am I supposed to follow?‖ They both lead to the same place so it really doesn‘t matter, but you can follow the one that, coming out, would be like in front of you on your right, which would be this one. And the idea is they‘re going to bring us out to here and there must be something there that is a ―pop point‖ or something because they‘re having us pop out from there and arrive directly back in to here. So that is why they wanted you to see this particular picture as well. Ok, I think I‘m done with that. A‘zha-yana: We‘re almost done entirely now. So, to complete this part 1 of slide tech. 2, inhale now into the AzurA Water Seed please, and hold. Then exhale a gentle breath outward from the water seed core into the Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur flame set in the water seed and feel a slight popping sensation, as the tiny pentagonal shape RaSha window opens around the seed atom and water seed and Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur flames. Your RaSha window is now open and your density 1 Ra-Sha-Pa-Ta-Ur atoms are now activated. And with that, we shall invite you all to the beach. See you shortly. And not to embarrass him, but thanks again to Noel for getting us out of a hole with these photographs, because they are very important and we couldn‘t get them out any which way. But Noel solved it. Thanks mate. Reinforce how important it is to have your headsets. And since you‘ll be lying with your heads close together, for those of you who don‘t have headsets, because I gather we‘re a bit shy of the total number, you will be able to hear what‘s going on just by listening in to other people‘s earpieces. 1:17:35 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 283

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[Track 13A Needs Official Title and Fact Checking] Technique [Kitts Track 13A] A‘sha OK, I‘m just waiting for everybody to get settled so they can hear me. OK, if there‘s anybody that can‘t hear me, or anybody next to you says they can‘t hear me, please let me know before I start. OK, who can‘t hear me still? We need a ―can‘t-hear-me‖ rescue team – honey? They‘re going to have to share a headset? We would ask that, if there‘s anybody that doesn‘t have a head-set…if you‘re next to someone who does, can you please…the one who does, just to share it. You can—you can hear it now? OK. Just want to get that settled before I start reading technique—before we get engaged. OK, so everybody OK now hearing me? Good, good, good. Just breathe gently for a few minutes and try to slow the breathing by about half…half-speed. And close your eyes and create an image of a mini-me, that looks just like you. And inhale and hold the image in your pineal, and then gently exhale it down into your Karanadis Seal—toward the bottom of the breast-bone. Now move your mini-me through the glass in the pink door, in your Karanadis Seal, to go inside, into your Kara…move yourself through the pink door—the glass in the pink door of the Karanadis Seal, and into the Karanadial Sphere and into the changing-room space. And this time we‘re going to keep the image of the mini-me with you (instead of changing into conscious water-cloud) so just stay as your mini-me…and as your mini-me, float over to the centre point where that lotus crystal hangs in the centre of your Karanadis sphere. Then inhale and hold (with your mini-me, as well as yourself here), and on the exhale…but use the exhale to send the mini-me down into the centre of the crystal lotus inside of the Karanadial sphere…and then push, continually, all the way down, through the lotus…all the way through the Central Vertical Column…down into the Net Earth core…into the Kitts Adjugate-13 core gate. OK, now that we‘re down in…we have our mini-me‘s down in the Adjugate-13 core gate…we‘re going to become aware of a group shield. So try to feel this, the Shadra configuration that we have here on the sand. Try to feel our mini-me‘s forming that same configuration down inside of the Adjugate-13 core gate. Try to sense that. Try to sense the two selves…the mini-me self in bilocation, and yourself here. Try to become aware of the two levels of self in awareness. And in a minute we‘re going to use breath to push our group shield—our shadra-shield—down in the Adjugate-13 core. In a minute we‘re going to do this. We‘re going to push the shield through a pale aqua membrane veil that is…that will appear…you actually won‘t see it yet, but as you begin to move it will actually appear over the shield, and it also makes a sphere going under the shield—down underneath the shield there. So we‘re going to push downward to go through it—as a group—and we‘re going to use an inhale breath and hold…we can do that now…inhale and hold. And then on the exhale we‘ll push downward with the mini-me shadra-shield…and go through the pale aqua membrane in gate 13 Adjugate…down. OK, and just breath normal now, and try to be aware of your mini-me. What we passed through was a veil, a membrane, between the EtOrA and the AdORA sides of gate 13, and we are now on the AdORA side—our mini-me‘s are on the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 283

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AdORA side of Adjugate-13 gate. And over here, try to be aware of the visuals that your mini-me would be experiencing. It‘s as if we move through a membrane and now we‘re in just a very like velvet-black space. It‘s like being in outer space, but you don‘t see any stars. So right now we won‘t see anything, in the place that we‘re in on the AdORA side. Now, try to sense the calm darkness around your mini-me body as it lays in the shield. And then try to sense that the group shield is going to start to be being drawn forward, and just feel it forward—wherever forward would be from the position you are in the shield. Just feel the forward movement of the shield down there. It‘s being pulled through the darkness gently. And then start feeling it accelerating, and rather quickly you‘ll start to accelerate, still moving forward. And it‘s going to accelerate really quick, and then hit—it‘s like a pop-space where it pops—it‘s going to do this in a second or two, as it picks up speed. And when it does this popping sensation it‘s actually going to do a hyper-leap, which is like a space-time leap, and it‘s going to start moving upward, vertically, really, really quickly. OK, it‘s starting to accelerate now. Alright…there‘s the pop, and now feel the vertical acceleration of the shield that your mini-me‘s laying on. At a certain point it‘s going to start slowing—the feeling of vertical ascension is going to slow until it comes to a stop. And where the shield stops is going to be in the Ah-VE-yas watchtower cathedral on the AdORA side. So we‘re now on the AdORA side of Median Earth in the Ah-VE-yas Watchtower Cathedral greeting room. From here it looks—to the mini-me—it will look like a ghost-image of a crystal cathedral, just hanging in black space, with black space all around it, so it would be kind of like…not fully solid image. We‘re going to be, in a minute, moving the shield again upward, and in acceleration, and we‘re going to be moving upward in a crystal chamber—like a hollow crystal chamber. So begin to feel the acceleration again—a vertical ascent of the shadra shield—with the mini-me‘s…vertical movement upward…into the crystal chamber. We‘re going to move more quickly, vertically upward in the crystal chamber. And now start to sense it start to slow again…the shield is slowing in its vertical ascension. And notice, with your mini-me eyes, that there‘s an indigo fog at the top of this crystal chamber, and as we approach the fog, where the shield is slowing to a stop…sense the stop in the fog, and sense the indigo fog all around your mini-me body and all around the shield. And try to sense a translation of that same energy all around your body on the shield here as well—in your physical body. In a moment the fog will clear in our mini-me shield and we will find that we are now in the Median Earth Ah-VE-yas Watchtower Cathedral (in what is called the ―Great Room‖, or the Reception Room). Now as the fog clears your mini-me will begin to see—and this time it‘s very physical-looking, it‘s not just a ghost image). It‘s a beautiful cathedral. It‘s much more elaborate than the one we visited in Net Earth. What you will first notice, if you look directly upward, is again a very, very high (many stories high) domed ceiling. The entire place looks like it‘s made of ice or glass. It‘s a form of quartz and celenite crystal. And if you bring your vision down, still laying down on your back as your mini-me, and kind of just turn your head from side to side as your mini-me and look around…and you‘ll see a number of arched doorways. And in between each of them there‘s a very largediameter very, very tall column, and it‘s all out of that same carved clear translucent crystal. The doorways don‘t have doors on them. They have what appears to be a veil, or a curtain…but it isn‘t. It is actually a force-field of different colors. Now with your mini-me body you can sit up in the shield there. Keep your bodies here laying down. But in the mini-me shield, just kind of sit up and sit in the positions that you‘re in so you can take a better look around. Try to notice some of the details, because there are other times that you can go back here on your own, and project into here. And you can go The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 283

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visit through some of the other doorways. Because we‘re going to have visitors come soon, through one of the doorways, to visit with us. But there are other times that you can go here on your own. So try to look around in your mini-me body and just notice a few things. Or sense them if you can‘t see yet with your mini-me that‘s OK. But try to sense proportions, or where the large pillars are—just get a feel for it, so it‘s easier to get back when you‘re doing it on your own. Now as we‘re sitting in our mini-me shield there, we will notice that there seems to be doorways also way up in the dome of the cathedral, far up the ceiling—like way up in the domed ceiling, several stories up that you can see it. You can‘t really see the doorways clearly, but all of a sudden it looks like there‘s this little flood of pale yellow, with a little bit of green tint, orbs that are cascading out of two or three of the doorways, way up in the dome. And now they‘re forming like a vortice—kind of like…think of like butterflies in orbs—they‘re forming like a vortice together, and they‘re spiraling downward to come and visit us. As they get closer down to the level of where our shield is, on the floor of the Great Room, you can start to hear what almost sounds like a little chatter between them, as they‘re talking to each other. So a little chatter chatter (she make a bee be be sound)…can‘t really hear the words yet. But they‘re chattering with each other. They‘re coming to visit us. This is the Greeting Committee. This is the resident guard of the Median Earth Ah-VE-yas Cathedral Complex. And when we meet them, soon, we‘ll find that they are AquafarE…the race called AquafarE. They are part human and part Aquafarion, and some of them do have wings, and some of them don‘t, and they look very hominid. When we see them when they visit down here on Net Earth, they look very tiny. When we see them up there, where they‘re first coming in they look tiny—their orbs are tiny—and they‘re coming down and they‘re settling in the air right above our heads, where we‘re sitting in the shield there. Have a look up with your mini-me eyes, and just see them. There‘s actually hundreds of them. A few of them will introduce themselves more directly. It would be very crowded if they all de-orbed and popped into their full form. Because anywhere from…what are they? Six foot looks likes the shortest…yes about six to ten feet tall, these guys are that we‘re meeting here, that are popping out of orb, and they‘re actually just hanging in the air. Got three with wings…I‘m seeing three with wings and a bunch more that don‘t have wings—they just float. Some of them now are sitting and floating in their full human size. And they‘re sitting and floating in the air above our heads in kinda like lotus position, or Indian style with their knees and feet crossed under them. Try to feel the energy of these beings. They know us very well. They‘ve been watching and helping in our training of shields down here for a very long time, and they‘re very fond of us. And there isn‘t anyone in the shield here that they don‘t know and haven‘t been aware of for a while. Some of them have a little bit more of a male or a female look, but most of them…they look like pretty boys, because they‘re both. They‘re androge…they‘re androgenous. They do have race-lines amongst them that aren‘t, but these are…all of the androge ones…theyr‘e a particular line of ministers that work as greeters and various other things, and they happen to be the ones that are of androge biology. The AquafarE are going to take us on a journey so we can get our first activations done, where we pick up our pa-ta-UmEir-A atoms. The ones that have revealed themselves in their hominid form are now going to go back into orb and we are going to float our shield with them—they‘re going to lead the way, and we‘re going to go through one of the doorways and they‘re going to take us down into a place called the Crystals Catacombs that are beneath the ground level of the Median Earth Cathedral. And in the Catacombs is where our, and many other beings, pa-ta-Um-Eir-A atoms The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 283

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have been stored when we incarnated down into the more convoluted fields down here. So we get to pick up our Density-2 soul-level (our transcendental level) of our three eternal atoms. So we can sit up because the shield‘s going to be moving slowly—we can sit up with our mini-me bodies. Still, you don‘t have to lay them back down to float the shield because the shield isn‘t going to go quickly. We‘re just going to float behind them. And just try to see what the mini-me is seeing…which is a fleet of hundreds of little yellow-with-a-green-tint orbs. They‘re moving kind of in a stream in front of us, and we are moving through one of the doorways, and we‘re following them—they‘re actually pulling us like a tractor-beam—bringing their shield, so we don‘t have to breathe it through. It‘s just going to come on a tractor-beam of them pulling it. And we‘re going to go through one of the arch doorways, and our shield is just passing that doorway. And it‘s going to bend over a bit to the left (to where my left is anyway), and make a turn and start going down a stairway. And it‘s a crystal stairway made out of the same translucent clear crystal that the whole temple‘s made out of—or the whole cathedral. And now we‘re coming down to the bottom of the stairway, and they‘re moving us through a hallway. And now we‘re coming out into a large circular space, but it has more of a flat ceiling…a lower flat ceiling…there‘s a little bit of dome to it, but it‘s pretty much flat…as if you were in a cave, but it‘s still smooth. All of this is very smooth carved type effect, as opposed to rough-hewn. And in certain areas around this round room, there seem to be a…built-in…some kind of storage areas…they look like shelves that are carved right into the crystal and they have force-fields over them, instead of like glass doors. They don‘t have glass doors—they have just force-field energy screens in front of them. One of the AquafarE is back into his full form again and sitting cross-legged, levitating over the shield where we‘re all still sitting in our mini-me form. And he‘s telepathing to us in direct cognition actually, so that we understand that our pa-taUm-Eir-A seeds (our personal ones) are in these libraries. These are the libraries of the stored soul-buds (if you want to call it that) of all the races that came/passed through there to come down here, and they‘re going to assist us in holding a certain frequency in our shield, that will enable us to call to ourselves the pa-ta-Um-Eir-A that belongs with us…to ourselves, to our own biology. So they‘re asking us to first, with our mini-me, create a…there‘s a silent tone…a certain feel of a tone again, or a vibration, that your mini-me wants to release and just let that tone emanate from the azur-A of your mini-me. And now there‘ll be one more tone that your physical body here will sense or feel, and just very briefly and quietly let that verbal tone come out here. It is the tone that will link you with your pa-ta-Um-Eir-A atom cluster. So try to feel the tone now. (Ash tones for a few moments.) Right. Now, while we‘re still sitting…sitting in the upright position in our mini-me shield, just sit and breathe gently and observe as these indigo-purple spheres of light…little tiny spheres of light…start to come out from behind the screens on the built-in shelves that are holding the library. Feel yours come toward you, and very gently it moves up towards you to your mini-me. It almost stops right in front of you, just so you can look it in the eye, even though it doesn‘t have eyes…sits right in front of your eyes for a moment. At that point you can invite it to come home. And if you don‘t want to you don‘t have to. You can put it back in storage if you wanted to, but if you want to collect it now, you can simply request that it go inot position, and it will move down gently, in front of your body, and then move into the E-Umbi, down below the navel where it will sit in the E-Umbi flame. You have received your Density-2 pa-ta-Um-Eir-A atoms! And now we‘re going to get ready to go into the Part 3, where the AquafarE are going to assist us in going one step higher, where we get to meet some other people from the Density3 A-sha-LA-3 Cathedral. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 283

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So while we‘re still down there in the Catacombs with the AquafarE in their yellow-green orbs (and the one that was in full form just went back into orb form as well)…now they‘re going to help us do another leap acceleration—a hyperleap—so we can pass through the transcendental passage level that goes between Median Earth and AshaLA. And first what they‘re going to do is start circling around the shield, as we‘re sitting up in it. They‘re going to do that circle around and create a vortice over our head thing first, and as they do this they start to emit…it‘s not quite a chirping sound…but they‘re communicating and as they start spinning the vortice faster and faster, it starts getting louder and louder and the chirping is faster too—whatever the sound is, it‘s not really chirping but it almost sounds like chirping. And they‘re asking us to…direct cognating to us…to lay down our bodies—our mini-me bodies on the shield again, because the shield is going to fly, and so we‘re all laying down our mini-me bodies, and they‘re creating a force-field for us above our heads. And in a moment the shield is going to feel the pop reverberate through it, as this huge yellow (with a green tint) orb surrounds the entire shield. So they‘re going to help us get in orb as a collective. And even though we‘re now inside of the yellow-green orb we can still look out and see…you can see a tint of the yellow-green orb around the shield, but you still have full visibility. We‘re still in the catacombs, but in a moment we‘re going to pop again into a hyper-leap, and first we‘re going to find ourselves…OK, that leaps going to come in a second…there we go…it just released through the mini-me shield. And now notice that what we can see with our minime eyes is no longer the catacombs, but now it seems like we‘re just surrounded in a sea of…it looks like dark-blue, deep-blue velvet, as we‘ve moved into the Um-Shaddei space that is between Density-2 Median Earth and Density-3 AshaLA. And now we‘re going to move into the part 3 of this technique. From this place in the Um-shaddei space we‘re going to, temporarily, say farewell to our AquafarE friends, and they‘re going to give us a final acceleration boost, to the shield…to the orb, and we‘re going to begin to feel the orb accelerating vertically, as if the entire shield is accelerating vertically. Try to feel that vertical acceleration reverberating through our shield here as well. And try to feel, as well, that the large yellow-green sphere that is around our mini-me shield, has also materialized around our shield here as well. Try to sense that…to feel us in orb right now, inside of the space…the orb is around the space where we lie in shield here. Try to sense the feeling of vertical rise in the mini-me shield…try to sense the same sense of vertical rising in our shield as well, as the orbs lift vertically upward. There‘s going to be a pop sensation in a moment, in the mini-me shield, as we go into another hyper-jump. And we‘ll feel a bit of that pop here too. And we‘ll feel a bit of a blend. They‘re saying we‘ll feel a bit of a blend where—when we complete this hyper-jump in the mini-me shield, our orb is going to pop up under water on the sea floor in the ocean Slide-City of Aqualene. This is where we will go to the Aqualene Cathedral. When that occurs with the mini-me shield, there‘s going to be a subtle but ―there‖ sense that suddenly we are actually— the air around us is actually a form of water. Try to sense that in both places when the pop occurs. So in a moment we‘re going to feel the hyper-jump pop, and we‘re going to pop our collective orb right into the underwater—into the water on the Density-3 AshaLA. One…two…right inhale now and hold…in a second we‘ll exhale when the pop comes. OK exhale now. And try to sense your mini-me in the collective orb, on the shield. Feel the sense of the water all around the orb. But it‘s like we‘re breathing air, but outside the orb is water, and it‘s water we can‘t breathe yet. So right now the orb is like our little underwater lung to breathe in. Now as we‘re in our mini-me shield, in the water, in the collective orb, you can sit up again in your mini-me form and look around—look outside the orb—see what you can see. Here, what I‘m seeing is, again, we are in another carved smooth *** crystal cathedral-effect building. And they all seem very similar, the Greeting Rooms—it‘s another Greeting Room. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 283

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But this one is an amazing like aqua-blue ice color, like you sometimes see in ice bergs. But it‘s not cold…in fact the water feels warm…the water‘s radiating warmth into the air-space inside of the orbs that we‘re in. In a moment we‘re going to meet the greeters and the local guard of the Asha-LA 3 cathedral, and these people are known as the ZionA. The ones that will come greet us first won‘t be the ones that are in fish form, and won‘t be the ones that are in mer form, so we won‘t have the mermaids and we won‘t have the fish…we‘ll have the adults that will be coming to greet us. And they look like very beautiful human-like beings—hominid beings, but they are more aquatic— they do have a bit of webbing in between their fingers and toes, and they have a cape—it‘s almost like a fin, but it extends out when they swim. It extends out around their shoulders as if they had…as if they had a shape of a stingray on their back—you know the shape of the stingrays with their wings—well they kinda come out like that. But they lay flat against their backs when they‘re not in swim. They‘re first going to come…we‘re going to see, as we sit up in our shield inside of the orb…we‘re going to see what‘ll look like bluish-purple orb-lights coming toward us, and they‘re a bit larger than the small orbs we saw with the AquafarE. They look like about the size of a car headlight…an average car headlight, you know, a round one here. And again there are hundreds of them coming outside of the sphere of our orb, and they‘re waiting. And in a moment, if we invite them in, a few of them will come in and speak with us and explain to us a little bit about what we need to do next. Because we‘re going to go, now, to receive our Density-3 level Eternal Life Atoms—the three little atoms, and they are the Pa-ta-rei-hA-ah. OK, so let‘s, as a collective here and in our mini-me‘s, send out just a thought vibration of ―your representatives are welcome. Come into shield.‖ And three of them will come in as orbs, and one of them will de-orb and stand in the middle of our shield there. Try to sense that one is also doing the same thing in our shield here—in the centre of this shield. So let‘s inhale and hold, and on the exhale send out the welcome vibration—the invitation. (Exhale) OK, alright. They‘re going to enter from the top of our orb—of our collective orb, so in our mini-me state, and here also, try to sense the orb around us here as well, and try to sense that in both places a simultaneous action of three of the above headlight-sized blue-purple orbs are coming down from the top of our orb, down in, and will hang in the middle space of our…not quite in the middle of the shield…like up above our shield, and will hang there, and one of them will pop into…will just kinda like pop and deorb and be in form. They can breate air or water, so they can breathe the air inside our orb, even though we can‘t yet breathe the water outside of it that they can breathe also. Right, they‘re coming down. Now, the one in the mini-me shield had already de-orbed. Try to see with your mini-me eyes, this being. E‘s very beautiful—it‘s an angroge being—it could be a pretty man, or a pretty femail—you can‘t really tell the difference of them. Notice that this one is wearing a very simple, rather short, above-the-knee white robe-type ―hologram‖. He says…he said ―hologram‖, because the understand that we have sensitivities sometimes to nudity and things, and they wanted to be proper, and respecting of our customs, because they tend to swim without clothes. Try to sense the presence now of that being here, because he‘s actually transmitting down from where he is in shield with us there…he‘s transmitting down a projection. Like we‘re projecting up there, he‘s projecting a part of himself down here and standing in our shield. This one has very interesting…not all of them have a hair effect like this…but this one doesn‘t have hair like we know it. Some of them do—they have a gossamer-type hair, but this one is one of the lines of them that have what look like…it looks like almost curlyish cornrow-type hair coming down the head, but it isn‘t…it‘s actually fins….they‘re little small The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 283

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ripples of fins going vertically down the head, covering the entire head (not the face of course). I‘m trying to help you get a visual on the being that‘s looking at us. They also have very almond-shaped eyes and there are various color ones. This one has eyes that are…they seem to be a violet color, on this one. Some of them have vertical pupils, like cat-eye pupils that run vertical when they‘re contracting. This one doesn‘t though. This one is one of the round-pupilled ones…different races have them. So what they are coming to do is they are going to take us to get our final set of our eternal-life atoms from the Density-3 level. Now, in order to travel to the place in this underwater cathedral where our pa-ta-Rei-HA-ah‘s are stored, we have to, first of all, amplify the orb that we‘re in, and instead of doing one large orb around us, we‘re going to do the Aqua….the ZionA that is in the centre of our shield is going to…looks like he‘s throwing up, with his right hand, up into the air, some little purply-blue balls…and they look like firework-sparks go up out of his hand, and they‘re going to come back down, and every one of us that wants one, when that spark hits our Krystar vehicles that are around us, (our personal ones) it will create an orb of that color around it…which is an upgrade…it‘s a Density-3 travel orb. So he just released the sparks there. Yeah, and our mini-me‘s are going into personal orb, where we each get our own little…kinda like aqua-lung swimming orb. And try to feel around you now, as they‘re downstepping that same field around you here…around your Krystar vehicle here…so you have an indigo-violet orb around you now. And as this occurs, the big dome orb around us that was our collective one—that was the yellow-green one—now disappears, and now we have our own swimming orbs. And what we‘re going to do is we‘re going to swim with them. Now there‘s no orb between us and the water that is around us. But we can still breathe…we don‘t have our large orb around us, we have a personal orb. But we can see through our personal orb as if it‘s not there. It looks purply-blue from the outside, but from the inside you can‘t really even tell that it‘s there, so we‘ve got clear view. And what we‘ll see, with our mini-me‘s first, is that there are several hundred of the ZionA greeters here, and numbers of them are now popping into full form. These guys are much taller. Actually, they look to be…gosh…compared to an average human, they range from 12-15 feet tall, alright. And they‘re very friendly, and they have extremely kind eyes. There is something that radiates just this absolute love—unconditional love, kindness, healing energy from their eyes. Try to sense, in your mini-me, the presence of them. And what they‘re asking us to do now, is to swim with them. And all we have to do is breathe, and our orbs will move through the water. We don‘t have to like paddle, right? And they will swim next to us…they don‘t paddle either…they just kind of move like a fish, interestingly, and it just propels them forward. And we‘re all going to move forward like a large school of fish together—we in our little purple orbs (or violetindigo/violet orbs) and they/bunches of them, in their orb form (because the orbs are a more compact way to travel). But a bunch of them are going to be in their hominid form—their hominid fish-person form. And we‘re going to swim…we‘re going to swim forward, and we‘re actually leaving the circular formation of our mini-me shield right now. And we‘re swimming forward through this beautiful water, and the water is…it is hydrlase…it is Density-3 level hydrolase. And soon we‘ll be able to breathe this too, once we receive the…our little atoms back. So we‘re swimming forward. We‘re going through a series of caverns. They look like constructed caverns—not you know, like natural ones—these are like…they look like beautiful archways—carved archways made of that blue crystal ice…that blue-ey aqua crystal ice-type stuff…which is a type of crystal…it‘s not ice. And we‘re moving through sets of these…swimming through with them. And they‘re going to take us to a place that…they refer to it as the Crystal Sphere. It is actually a huge crystalline sphere that sits on the bottom—all of this is taking place, literally, on the sea bed, on the sand. And there‘s there‘s a big sphere that just, just a little tiny bit of the bottom part of it is in the sand where you don‘t see that part of it. And it has a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 283

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large archway, and we‘re going to move into here, and this is a record storage facility. Again, it‘s part of the living library systems, where things like this…like our light seed…our pa-ta-Rei-hA-ah are stored…it‘s just a different type of structure than we saw on the Density-2 Median Earth level. So we‘re going to swim in here, and it‘s very, very huge, and it‘s just completely filled with water because it‘s all underwater, and it‘s filled with water. So we‘re all moving in…floating…like swimming in the water. This water you can float in much more easily than you do in regular water. So we‘re floating in our orbs, not standing on the sand…just floating, and they‘re going to assist us now in calling our Density-3 atoms to us. We‘ll need just a little bit of assistance of getting them through the orbs around us right now, but we can‘t take the orbs off of us until we get the seeds in…until we get our buds…let‘s call them our buds, in where they belong, so we can breathe the water. But we need help from the ZionA to bring in buds in, because they‘ll get stuck on the outside of our orb…so they‘re going to assist us with that. So again, try to feel the water around your personal orb, both there and here…try to feel that air that is water, and the sensation of it. And in your mini-me state, whatever…if you were sitting up, or if you‘re kinda floating, sitting upwards…lay down and float on your back in your orb. And again try to feel out that silent tone vibration that wants to release from your mini-me body. And inhale…and exhale…and push that silent tone out…and it moves through the water, and as it does the inside of this crystal sphere (this hollow crystal sphere that‘s filled with water that we‘re in)…you see there‘s little tiny purple lights…they look purple at first, and they‘re get indigo-blue color with them as they emerge. They‘re actually coming out of the crystal…the smooth crystal walls on the inside of the sphere. And as…they‘re actually lining now, the inside…the ones that have come out…are lining the inside waiting to go to the person…but there‘s one more very quiet but gentle, but a tone that the physical body here needs to sound, to bring them to us. So find your verbal tone and verbalize that, just one, two, or three times is fine. (Ash tones her tone.) And notice now, in your mini-me state, that your little…it‘s a very small little violet-indigo bud is coming and resting on the outside of your violet-indigo orb. And notice now, too, that around you, and around all of us, the ZionA are actually popping into their…they‘re de-orbing, because they need to use their hands to assist—as in bringing that—they‘re going to use their hand. So each one of us will actually have a personal attendant of a ZionA that will assist in us bringing our bud down in through the orb into where it can go to rest. And the place it goes to rest is in our Rajhna. This is the Rajhna-level one. So what they are going to do is they‘re going to put their hands, in the Kathara position actually—one over the other—on top of our orb—on top of the bud that is sitting on the orb. And they‘re going to gently push their hands down through, and ease it down through to our forehead. And they will touch our forehead for a moment or two while they are assisting our but—our Density-3 bud—to go into our Rajhna. When they do that touching there of the forehead of our mini-me…a few breaths later, you will also…that touch will also downstep to you here, so try to feel the touch upon the forehead—upon the third eye area, when your ZionA attendant assists you in receiving your Density-3 bud. So they‘re getting ready now. They‘re going to do them all at the same time, and they‘re getting ready to do it now with the mini-me‘s. So while they do it now, let‘s assist them. We‘ll inhale and hold, and on the exhale…that‘s when they‘ll push. We will exhale, and they will push their hands down, and then down to our forehead, bringing our bud in to our mini-me. So let‘s inhale…and exhale.

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Try to feel the touch of their hands on the forehead of the mini-me. Now let‘s inhale once more…and exhale, and try to feel the touch of the hands of the ZionA on your forehead here. Try to feel the presence of the rest of your attendant standing by you…standing right behind your head actually. They can stand…there‘s not much spaces between your heads here, but they can all stand in the same place in a bilocation projection like this, and simply reach their hands out…you know, each one reaching its hands out to the one of you it‘s attending. So try to feel them. They have anchored our Density-3 bud in our Rajhna now, and they would like us to try to experience them more fully. So they‘re saying, if we stick out whatever‘s our dominant hand—but your left hand or your right hand—use your dominant hand and just simply, as you‘re laying on your back, here physically, and with your mini-me, reach your hand just straight up (like pointing your hand up toward the sky) and your ZionA attendant will actually gently grasp your hand and hold hands with you up there for a moment…first in the mini-me…and then here…down here. Try to feel the touch. It‘s an amazing touch actually…the feel of their skin is sooo soft…it‘s not slimy like fish at all…it‘s very, very soft and smooth, and warm to the touch. Try to feel the love that radiates from it. Hold hands with them for a moment. If you can feel them…you can‘t quite fully hold hands because they have a little bit of webbing down low. But they have fingers like ours, but they also have very long fingers because they‘re very big beings, and of course they have six fingers. And there‘s a bit of webbing. But try to feel your little hand going…putting your fingers in between the big long fingers of them, as if you‘re a child holding the hand of a parent…or a smaller being holding the hand of a larger one. They‘re going to transmit something to you. It‘s a code. Everyone‘s will be different…they‘re not going to put it in you…they‘re just going to sit it on the surface like a two-dimensional image of your palm, and if you want to receive it…well inhale and hold, and on the exhale they‘ll give it to you…(inhale) and exhale. This is a code specifically for personal healing and advancement of your own activations and ascension levels. Um, you can put your hands down now, and of course it‘s going to sit there for a little bit, on your palm, as if it were drawn on there. When you go home with this…that code will stay there, but you can condense it with your own breath and pull it into the chakra in the palm it was transmitted to. They would have transmitted it to the hand which was up, which would be your dominant hand. And when you want to use it for certain things…you can use this code for various things. You can activate it and make it 3-dimensional, but the first thing you want to do is, when you get home, try to see if you can find it and see it. It‘ll have a circle around it and some of them will be very intricate. You can draw it…bring it out just be intending it…you don‘t have to breathe it out…onto the palm…and then pick up a pencil or a pen or something, and make a circle, and then try to see it. And let the hand work with you so you can start to draw it…a bit larger than it actually is on the palm, so you can see what the code looks like. And this will be a personal healing code that you can use with the Allur-E-ah Rashatan to assist you in just about anything. It‘s a personal request and healing code. So you can actually ask the code and the attendant to assist you with whatever it is. It can be used for any positive Krystic applications, from healing to materializing, to figuring things out, to gaining knowledge from the Halls of Records…those kind of things, alright? They‘d also like you to know it can be used to hail their presence…the presence of the attendee that attended you in this journey, anytime that you would like their assistance, or feel the need for extra protection. They are very willing…they‘re almost like guarding us at this point. Because we are doing, as far as the larger drama down here, we are the only team on planet that is doing shield-work at this level for the Krist that can hold the host. And there are forces here that really are not happy with the fact that we are holding the Krist host. So they will assist in protecting us directly. They will come in and speak with us and teach us…we can work together to learn how to hear each other and see each other and commune. And these will be the beings that will actually first, when we do our first slide, they will first meet us. They will The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 74 of 283

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come down from the Density-3 AshaLA Cathedrals into the Median Earth—Density-2 Median Earth Slide City Cathedral—and they will be our first ones that we meet. And we still have our Bhendis from the earlier journeys. But the Bhendis are all the way up on Urtha, which is in M-31 Andromeda. These guys are local meet-and-greet team, but also our immediate helpers, and they would help us get settled once we did learn to slide as well…get used to the new environment where we are…what you do once you‘re over there…that kind of stuff. So they‘re with us now. They‘ll hang out with you tonight if you‘d like. If you just want to go back and go to sleep you can. But remember you have that code, and you can use that code in your hand. In fact it‘ll stay active for a while, but if not, it‘ll condense itself and go back into the palm, but whenever you want it, just kinda squeeze your palm once and it‘ll pop back out like a 2-dimensional image on your palm, and you can take it from there. Once you have it activated where it‘s on the palm, you can ask, at any time, for your attendant who is literally attendants. They‘re there to make sure you get through safely. They‘re there to help you with the slides. So you can call them at any time, just by activating that, and they will check in telepathically…like direct cognition…like ―hello, you called‖. ―Do you need me to come in? Is there a question you have, is there something you need?‖ …that kind of thing. So they will offer that service to us. And now we‘re going to, now that we have received our buds—our Density-3 level buds—we‘re going to find that our violet-indigo orbs around us dissolve. They just kinda like go pop, and pop off, and we can breathe…our mini-me‘s can now breathe the hydrolas Density-3 water. So now we have received the Density-3 level of our buds, and we‘re going to begin our journey back. And now we are ready to go through a few other activations that will take place because we have received this final set of atoms. Now that we can breathe the hydrolase there, let‘s do 6 inhale and then exhale breaths of the hydrolase, just bringing it into our mini-me bodies, and running it all through. And at the end of the sixth exhale, inhale once more and hold, and now we‘re going to do a really strong exhale—a12-point exhale out the Allurean chambers—and as we do this sixty windows are going to open in our fields. So inhale and exhale—12-point. And you‘ll feel a little kinda like pop,pop,pop,pop,pop,pop,pop sensation as the sixty windows of the ah-jhA body (hydro-acoustic body) now open within our fields. And let‘s breath gently, and in a moment you‘ll feel a pop sensation, both in the mini-me body, and a little bit in the azurA area of this body, as our transcendental passage opens. And we‘ll feel this…we‘ll feel various effects…everybody‘s will be a little bit different…but there‘ll be some where you can feel the large vortices coming down and up to meet in the centre…or coming from side to side. But the most pronounced feeling will be almost like a (sucking sound) vacuum feeling that occurs from behind—from your Bhardoah chamber, as if there is an inhale breath from your transcendentlevel self. Like a (inhale sound) back-draught which just pulls, and you can just feel like energy pull back. With that pull-back feeling…that is when the BPR of your physical body here comes online directly with the BPR of your Density-1 heroic Godself, and also with your Density-2 transcendental full soul-self. So this is when the BPRs make their alignment. Just breathe gently now…and in a moment we‘re going to have a huge violet-indigo sphere pop on in our fields, but way, way out around our hydro-acoustic body, around our Density-1 level hydro-acoustic bodies. So it‘s quite far—you know it‘s not like real close to our physical bodies here. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 283

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And right after that little pop sensation…it‘ll be a little bit different time for each person…for that pop. There‘ll be a smaller pop that occurs right after, inside the body, right around the Karanadial Seal area, toward the base of the breastbone, and this will be popping on of a little orb—a little orb of the yellow-green energy. And now, with these activations complete it‘s going to be time to say—temporarily say ―goodbye‖ to our ZionA friends, and if you want them to stay with you and hang with you tonight then just say ―would you do that?‖, and they will.They won‘t go away, but if you don‘t want to do that they‘ll go back into their orb and go do whatever they do when we‘re not there. So we‘re going to say goodbye to them, and telepathically say goodbye, if you‘re going to go, and if not say ―hey, let‘s go have a nice night and just talk to me…meet me in dream-state…you know, take me from here and tell me what to do next.‖ They may take you on journeys if you ask them, and take you back to the cathedral—the Density-2 Median Earth Cathedral…they‘ll take you back to that one. First you have to get used to roaming around that one before you can roam too much around the water one on the D3 level. But if you‘d like to explore that cathedral tonight when you go to sleep with them, they will take you through there, and try to help you to remember the experience. Because they can take you through, but if your DNA can‘t hold the frequency yet, you won‘t have it in conscious memory. So they‘ll try to assist you in remembering at least pieces of your journeys until you can remember the whole thing. So I have a feeling most people aren‘t going to say goodbye to them. So we‘ll say, we won‘t say goodbye to them, we‘ll just say ―hey meet you later…let‘s do the cathedral…you know, the Median Earth Cathedral.‖ Now we‘re also going to have, even if these guys are coming with us, they will go into orb and they will just hang with us as the violet-purple orbs that are about the size of a car-light here…a headlight. But now we‘re going to meet again, our AquafarE friends—they‘re going to reappear as the little yellow-green orbs, and they‘re going to pop a group-orb shield around us—a yellow-green one—around the whole shield again, so we need to get ourselves back in to the…our minime bodies…back in to their shield shadra positions, because they‘re going to…the AquafarE are going to put us back into travel orb. OK, they just popped on the yellow-green orb, and they‘re going to pop us back in to take us down to the Median Earth Ah-VA-yas Cathedral Great Room again. The ZionA orbs will follow us. They won‘t be inside of our bubble…they‘ll follow us on the outside…you know the ones that were invited to come and hang with us tonight. So just breathe gently, and try to notice that we‘re now in…you‘ll see a little bit of that yellow-green color in a big orb around the whole shield…both here and in the mini-me state. And now inhale…and on the exhale we‘re going to feel a pop as we pop down into Median Earth level. Exhale…OK…there we go. Now, while we‘re here, this is where we get to participate in the big mission, as far as bringing in the activation plate-disk for the Net Earth‘s Watchtower Shield…the one in Florida. So while we are still in our mini-me state, lying in shield in the yellow-green orb, they‘re asking each of us to…I‘m going to say it first before we do the breathing…we‘re going to inhale and hold, and on the exhale, then we‘re going to project a stream of pale pink light our of our Karanadis seal of our minime body, and directly upward to the point that would be the top point of the collective sphere—right, the collective orb that we‘re inside of, and we‘re all going to meet…our pink lines of energy…we‘re going to meet at that top point, and great a ball…a little ball of pink light up there, and try to feel the same thing happening at the same time with our bodies here. So we‘ll project a line of pink energy from our Karanadis seal all the way up into the centre top of the shield—like up around where the orb would be—up the top of the orb up above us.

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And that is a place where they‘re going to place—where the AquafarE are going to place the activation disk. And they‘re going to place one level of it there, and one level of it here. And we‘re going to anchor it—we‘re going to travel back and anchor it at the Florida Watchtower location. So let us inhale and build charge, and send that inhale right down to the Karanadis seal. (Inhale) And now, from the exhale, push a pink line from the Karanadis seal, up over your head, up to the centre point of the collective orb. And just breathe gently then. Try to observe now, in the mini-me state, that again, there‘s the swarm (I like to call them the swarm—it‘s a happy swarm) of the AquafarE in their yellow orb states, where they‘re making that circle that then becomes a spiraling vortex again. So they‘re doing that up above our heads, and in the mini-me state, up in Median Earth, notice…try to feel that they‘re also doing the same thing here. They‘re actually creating a vortice over us right now. And try to hear the chatter just like tche,tche, tche…and it gets quicker and quicker, and in a second or two they said, the activation disk, which is a large silver disk, is going to pop into materialization…they‘re materializing it…that‘s what they‘re doing. And they‘re going to set it on top of the pink ball of energy that we made with our streamers attached to it up at the top of our orb. They said, if you start seeing them…you may start seeing them, or getting an impression that they are around too—they come and go and visit too—so if you see little…or get the impression that there‘s little yellowy-tinted orbs around, know who they are. And they will help and just watch over us too. So now that…alright, we‘ll see in a minute…there it goes…OK. The silver thing just popped…the disk…the plate just popped, and we‘ve got one sitting on top, and they‘re really…wow, they‘re big! I didn‘t think they were going to be this big from the description. They‘re literally almost the size of our shield here. OK, now we‘re going to be…they‘re going to show us and go with us. They‘re going to join us as we bring this down to the Net Earth Watchtower location at the Florida Oak Tree. And let‘s see how we‘re going to do this. And as we do this, it will open the transcendental passage between Net Earth, Median Earth, and AshaLA in Density-3. Let‘s see…OK, now bring your attention to yourself in your mini-me state, still in the Median Earth Cathedral, and in shield there. And then also call to mind the little yellow orb that formed around your Karanadis seal, and in a minute we‘re going to pop out the yellow-green orb that‘s around the Karanadis seal, and pop it out completely around our body to put ourselves, literally, in orb. So we‘re going to inhale…hold for a moment…and on the exhale, use the exhale to pop out the little yellow-green orb from our Karanadis to around our bodies. Notice as we do that with our mini-me‘s it also pops out around our bodies here. So we now have our orb activated…our Density-2 level orb. OK…now in a minute we‘re going to inhale and hold again, and when we do it we‘re going to call to mind the image of the Oak tree at the Net Earth Watchtower…the Oak tree in the Florida house back yard in Pine Island. OK, let‘s inhale and hold…and call to mind the image of the Oak tree…now exhale forcefully, using the exhale to push downward on the shield that‘s underneath you. Just push downward, then breathe normally. And as you breathe normally the group shield—the whole shield of the mini-me—begins to spin downward…and as it spins downward it‘s opening the transcendental passage between Median Earth…between the Median Earth Ah-VA-yas Cathedral Slide City Watchtower, and Net Earth Watchtower—Ah-VE-yas shield at the Pine Island house area. It‘s not just the house area thought—it‘s the whole 144-mile span that the house is almost right on the centre of. Now it‘s in the mini-me state still that the AquafarE, in their yellow-green orb state, are forming another great spiraling vortice…buzzing around…they‘re swarming…let‘s just call it swarming. And they‘re riding the shield with us, so as we‘re spinning…moving downward now, toward that Oak tree, they‘re creating a vortice around us. And we have our orbs on The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 283

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too…our yellow-green orbs. And as we‘re moving down we‘re carring the activation disk on top of the shield…it‘s still attached to the shield. Now feel in our mini-me state…feel that we‘re coming into Net Earth‘s atmosphere as if from outer space. And we‘re coming in directly over the Watchtower. And as we start to come in to the atmosphere, we‘re still bringing the activation disk with us. But we actually begin to break the configuration of shield now, and we start spiraling our little orb-selves around with the AquafarE spiral…so we‘re becoming part of the big vortice…we‘re swarming with them now. And we‘re swarming, forming a cone with its small point down…aiming for that Oak tree. And the Oak tree (oh neat!) is sending up a vortice with its mouth (its large part upward) to receive us…and its skinny point down into the ground into the roots…and we‘re actually going to swarm into…try to get the visual of it…this is so neat! We‘re swarming…look like a bunch of fairy-balls swarming into the tree, and it‘s at night there…it‘s like an image like this at night, and we‘re swarming into the tree. Try to feel the sensation on your mini-me body, of leaves, as we pass by the leaves and branches, as we‘re moving down through the leaves and branches. And we‘re tightening the swarm now…tightening the swarm vortice, and we‘re spiraling down into the tree trunk. So we‘re moving from the branches, down into the trunk. And as we do this, the large silver activation disk actually folds up—almost like origami—and it comes with us and we‘re actually dragging it down, and the AquafarE are with us too. We‘re all swarming together, and we‘re going downward now, past where the roots hit the ground…and we‘re going down further, and bringing that disk underneath the roots of this tree…and down to about the mid-crust level. And when it hits the right spot…which it just did…it pops and unfolds again, and becomes its large silver self again—stationed in that place. Now we‘re going to do our return shortly. The disk is in place, and it begins the activation of the Watchtower shield. There will be, throughout the rest of the night…you might get like heat flashes on occasion, or little bursts of jittery energy. They‘ll just be for a couple of minutes and then they‘ll go away, but they may happen every like two hours or…depending on how connected you are to that particular shield. If you‘re really, really connected to it you‘ll probably get lots of heat flashes tonight, because it‘s going to initiate its activation cycle. And then we‘ll pick this up tomorrow with the activations we will be doing on the hike journey that we‘re going together. So let‘s get us home. We‘re going to come, as swarm, in swarm, back up, out of the ground, up through the Oak tree, up out through the branches again. And from this point we‘re going to say, temporarily, goodbye to our friends, the AquafarE. Our friends, the ZionA, that we invited to come with us, will come with us in orb…they‘ll follow us. And now we get to go, individually, as our individual little yellow—we‘re in the yellow orb state right now—we‘re going to call to mind the exit photo, with the driveway and the trees and the white fence up at the end. And just picture it—like Az has said— like light at the end of the tunnel of trees. We‘re going to orb ourselves up to that white fence area…stop there for a moment…kinda all line up right by the fence area at the mouth of the driveway. And we‘ll inhale together…hold for a moment…and then exhale and pop ourselves right back into our Karanadis right into body. (exhale.) There we go. And now, in a moment you‘re going to have a little…it‘s almost like a ―twitter-feeling‖. If it had a sound it would be a twitter, but it‘s more of a little fibrillation feeling. It‘s going to come somewhere around the back of the head. And that when, if we invited our ZionA attendant to come with us, it will come with us in orb…and you may start seeing a purple dot…kinda when you‘re…especially if you‘re getting ready to go to sleep and stuff…you may see a purple dot just start to…not even…it doesn‘t look round at first…it looks just kinda like a purple blob of very intense ultra-violet energy…may start to come on the in…like in your pineal in your inner vision, at your sixth chakra. And this is the beginning of certain openings that will allow for communication with the ZionA and many of the other guardian groups. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 283

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That‘s one of the little signs you can look for, is the purple blob effect happening on occasion when you close your eyes, or when you‘re getting ready to go to sleep and that kind of thing. So we‘d like to thank you for this wonderful journey that we have done so far…that was powerful activations that we have ever done. Thank you for a lovely shadra shield…and have fun with your friends tonight. I hope you have good communication happen rapidly with them. Anything else I need to remind them of? Oops, 12:45 departure tomorrow from the lobby for the hike. And you have a wonderful evening. I hope you‘ve enjoyed this. We‘ve enjoyed your company very much. Expect balls to follow you (laughing). They‘re collected on the beach again…the little guys…these are the AquafarE, the little yellow-green ones. Here we go again…yeah…I don‘t know if you‘ll get them on camera yet, but eventually you will. They said eventually they‘ll bring in the frequency and you‘ll up yours enough where you‘ll get them on camera. OK. Night night!

[Track 13B Needs Fact Checking] PSI Technique 3A [KittsTrack 13B 0:00:21] A‘sha A‘zah: You‘re on mam? A‘sha: It‘s on…, hello! Participants: Hello! A‘sha: You can hear me, good, ok. Good evening everyone, and thank you for joining us here. You know just one thing. This was left like kind of free-for-allput-your-bodies-where-you-want-to instead of a Shadra where it is organized and all that. The only issue I have is that when you do full circle around us speaking in the center, somebody always has our back to them right where you don‘t get the main transmission coming up this way; you don‘t get the facial gestures that might go with the explanation. So it might be worth taking 5 minutes of making this into a like a half-moon crescent effect instead of having you guys banking in the back here because you will hear me but you won‘t, the transmissions will be going out frontwards from where our bodies are and you guys are in the back of that right. So it is worth moving your chairs even if you come in 1 layer closer you can do that; you can bring a layer in closer. But it will work better because that way I don‘t have to keep rotating every how often right to keep the transmission going around the whole circle. It is much easier because I can do about this far but when it comes to what‘s behind me, it doesn‘t get the main transmission of the frequency that goes out. And the frequency is what carries a lot of the knowledge between the words, so it will take a few minutes for that, yeah. A‘zah: If it doesn‘t show up you can move back. A‘sha: Um yeah, that will be a good idea. That will be a good idea. I won‘t have to turn much around too…. Yeah let me leave it, ok…. You‘re going to turn yours on until you hear that? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 283

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A‘zah: What? A‘sha: You are going to turn yours on too, yeah? A‘zah: It‘s already turned on. A‘sha: Oh you did, ok, cool. I see that. Thank you…. Next, just wherever, under, under is good. Yeah, under is good…. I just heard a…I hope it‘s not long. Participant: Oh, the longer the better! I am a cannibal that eats meat. A‘sha: I know…. Yeah, yeah this is better. So we are all in basically the transmission range. This is good. It doesn‘t matter if you are like 2 inches in front of our knees or if you are a million feet back. But if you are behind us, it is a little difficult for the transmissions to reach you directly, so it is worth just a little bit re-jigging of the organization. Alright, now I‘ve got my notes. This is what I was doing since we last saw each other at the hike. I call the hike that we went on today well we took the low road. I don‘t know what those on the high roads are but we call the low road hike ‗Journey to the Middle Shed‘ (chuckle). Why? I don‘t know either. But we were supposed to well if certain conditions were available in the grids up there, we, the Beloveds had scheduled the next technique for being done up there, and the event is going to take place today. When we got up there, it was quite obvious that the grids were not going to support the Krystic activations that we were going to do up there, so we did do our—if you breathed while you walk which most people do (chuckle), the fact that you already have the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan encrypted into your being, just the process of breathing we drop trails as we walked, and that is important. But as far as the techniques that we are going to go into, the next technique that we are supposed to do is 3A, PSI Technique 3A. If the grids were conducive up there, we would have done that there but they actually weren‘t. And by the time that the low road crew got back, it became very obvious; even though we could have lay down on the grass to do it, it was just not the right space. Part of the reason for this, and the Beloveds made the call on it, they just said, ‗You‘re not going to do it here,‘ right because in the technique that we are going into, this is at the end of it, it is about grid work. But the majority of it is about shifting state, alright about expanding our state through the GrU‘-al State, and expanding past the, what you could call limitations that we‘ve adopted through societies we have been raised in of the logical linear mind framework. So they just gave me this over the last hour as far as the technique itself, and it requires a bit of opening of your personal field to the potentialities of your own Transcendental Self. The grids up there were not secure enough to do that so we are not going to take you through this technique in grids that well as far as their Shona verses ShaLAea Krystic Light Quotient they were not winning the battle so that‘s why we re-scheduled it for this evening. I was really hoping that we have this evening free since we have to be here at 9 o‘clock in the morning to do the upper Ah-RA‘-yas but it didn‘t work out that way. So the technique is not hugely long but I found even as they were giving me the written part of it, it‘s a bit strangely challenging to the 3D mind. I found it strangely challenging to the 3D mind either the same time I could feel the part of me that linked with my Grail State understanding completely what they were doing with how they were moving ‗Here go do this now and focus your attention on this now,‘ right, and this is a personal one. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 283

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The 1st part of it isn‘t about worrying about grid activations. Once we get through that part and start to touch what it means to be in the Transcendental State, and that is the state of the Density-2 Core Soul Level of yourself which includes your 12 Incarnates as well as you as 1 of these Incarnate Souls with 1 of its 12 Probable-Selves. When you start to get into that state, it takes you a little bit out of the usual 3D focus range once you are in there, they will run us through a quite rapid grid thing that we have to do as far as going over to Caral and then bringing the Ra-sha-Pa-Ta-Ur of Net-Earth up to the Phoenix grids which is Sentinel-1A, and then bringing it from there over to the Kitts grids here, the Adjugate-13 Gate which will be Sentinal-1B. That is going to really fast and easy. The strange part of this, the longer part of this is going to be about the personal part about moving through and I will say in advance that please pardon me as I read this stuff and go ‗Yeah ok, you told me to do that and we are going where?‘ I also know it is probably going to be a high level one because when I call my Azara level of self from Urtha level at M31, it was coming through by dinner, right, and just hanging out there was our Azara here. That means something big is happening as far as frequency. So I will read what they have given me to read, and if I go into that slightly Transylvanian type accent, know that the Azara level of myself is coming through because it always comes out with a weird accent when that happens for those of you who might not have been to workshops before. No I am not channeling except for my own self but my own self at a higher level, and from that level it does come out with an accent. But it‘s still me; I am still conscious but I am me in an expanded state. That‘s where if you are coming in front of me. I couldn‘t even see her face honestly. I can see her whole field but I don‘t even see her body or your face. So when I am in that state, just know for those who have not known me in workshops before in that regard. There are a couple of just like 3D bits that we need to get out of the way. The 1 st one was just letting you know why we changed where the technique was going to be run and where Event-2 which is Awakening the Sentinel which is going to happen tonight here why it was changed from the location that we had originally hoped could be done from. It doesn‘t really matter because last night with the activations that took place here, they are very, very successful, and we have set a very secure shield here. So this area that we are sitting in is already very secure compared to any place else we could go on the island so it is a better location for these techniques. When it comes to just the 3D stuff, the next issue was to just everybody just get comfortable, right. I mean how do we move into this technique that takes you God knows where but it takes you into the Transcendental State a bit in your logical mind? I found, just so you know when we get into this technique I found my logical mind going ‗Huh? What? What, wait,‘ and then the other part of me going ‗Shhh…, just be quiet logical mind! Just listen, let it flow. Don‘t interrupt their words. Just write it down as they have given it,‘ and I am supposed to read it, certain parts of it exactly as they gave it. And if your logical mind goes, ‗Huh? Am I lost now?‘ Just shut it up right. Just say, ‗Ok, we‘ll talk about that later.‘ Just try to keep up with whatever they just said to do. I found little touches of a state that I have known when I‘ve gone into Sadhis. But as far as knowing it while I am in the body, I haven‘t. I have to actually disengage from the body to get into the state where some of the things they talk about in this technique are just direct cognition and you know it; it‘s easy, right. I had to go into Sadhi state where put the body down and you actually shift the consciousness out of the body into a waking dream state in order to understand those expanded cognition so they are trying to anchor those level(s) of cognitions here. If your conscious mind is going, ‗Oh-oh, I‘m lost. What was it? I can‘t remember what was said last. I don‘t know where we are,‘ just ‗Shhh…!‘ The 1st thing you do is go ‗Shhh…!‘ to all the thoughts. Stop linear language in your head, right. You say, ‗Ok, and I‘ll make a space, ha, ha, ha. Good, just let the rest of me in direct cognition come through.‘

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So don‘t worry. You‘ve got to suspend worry if you find yourself ‗I don‘t know what she just said,‘ right. You just go! Just go ‗Ok, let that be ok‘. Put that up here that thought, and try to move any of your own chat because we all have chatter in our heads, thought form chatter usually in our home language, whatever our native language is. And it‘s funny, native language has to do with if you say were raised with Spanish as your native language, and then you learn English as your 2nd, you‘ll have chatter in Spanish that comes from the child imprint right, that kind of thing, and not just Spanish but whatever. If you‘re bilingual you will have more chatter on your original language imprint than on the one that learned to translate into say English or whatever your 2nd language is. There is a point of mindfulness, and we will talk about mindfulness at the end of this technique. That has to do with clearing space right, just getting yourself out of your own way, getting the parts of yourself that are connected to the Gharoche‘ out of your way where you can start to experience direct cognition, and from that translate the direct cognition into the language you are most comfortable with. This will cut down the chatter and it will also help to tell the difference between what we‘ve for a long time called the Red Line and the Green Line, the Green Line say being the Emerald Line or the Line of the Kryst. And the other line of data flow coming in being the line of the compromised stuff be it Red, White, Green, whatever, stuff that is twisted, coming from twisted parts of your incarnations or Probable-Selves that is connecting you to the Gharoche‘ that is leading you basically into Metatronic technology. So in all of this, if you learn to say, ‗Ok, if I got a little lost there, let that be ok.‘ Push it over there, go ‗And what was I just saying?‘ and listen to the next step, right. You‘ll pick it up. But maybe it will I mean I remember having to dip between those 2 states just in taking down the words that were given and say ‗Ok, now do this, and now do that.‘ And I‗m going alright, this part of me is going ‗Wait a minute. I am lost. Technically analyze that please!‘ And the other part of me is going ‗Shhh…shhh, reach up here,‘ right. Feel it, let it ride on the wave of what those words are even if your little mind down here is going ‗I don‘t have technical analysis of that. I need to find that; exactly how do you spell that?‘ whatever, right you need to ‗shhh‘, calm that part down. So I mean I found this just taking down the script. That would be interesting to see I mean I took it down once, right. I haven‘t re-read it to myself. I haven‘t edited it or anything. So if you find me going ‗Ok, we do—hold on a second,‘ and I read it and go ‗Can we do what?‘ I say, ‗What?‘ alright that‘s part of the process. There is a process where you learn to trust. You learn to trust the higher parts of your existence here, and sometimes that means just saying, ‗Ok, I‘m not going to go drama queen or king on this, whatever it is. I just go (inhale-exhale) this is perfect too! Alright, don‘t get that. Let that go! Let‘s focus on what is happening and see what I do get.‘ That may be necessary. Maybe it won‘t be. But as I read this to you, just because of what I had to go through in getting it down, I am hoping it goes much smoother as I read it to you, and it may. But it was a bit of a challenge of leaping states where it just took me very quickly where I had to shift state from certain logical BPRs to the next level of logical BPRs. And then go off logical BPRs into spaces of ‗Now know yourself as this. Now be here you are this,‘ and I go ‗Yeah right, oh geez I remember that from Sadhi state. My little cells can‘t remember that from Sadhi state.‘ The other part of me is going ‗Shhh…, just let it be, right! Move to the next step,‘ so that‘s kind of where it is going. They are trying to help us learn to blend the different planes at which our consciousness is spread out, and sometimes that‘s a challenge for the logical mind, and the more rigidly focused you are here. And if you have a Virgo imprint for example, or 2 like mine, where detail is your Indigo thing, you are really good at detail and analyzing everything and that kind of stuff, that is a blessing, and it can also be the greatest curse. Because when you have that type of focus, you are like a laser beam, right. Wherever you are pointed is like a laser beam, perfect and clear. But that also means when it comes to needing to not be a laser beam but be a diffused light field, it can become very difficult to go from the tight little focus to the (inhale-exhale) big expansion where direct cognition happens. So just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 283

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be with yourself with this like I had to be with myself as they were bringing in this through and saying, ‗Oh God I got to go teach this, yeah!‘ A‘zah: Does that mean they are not going to get it the 1 st time but the 2nd time only? A‘sha: Um, I don‘t think so. A‘zah: It‘s ok if you don‘t think so. A‘sha: He was asking if ‗Does it mean if you‘re not going to get it the 1 st time around but the 2nd they might?‘ For some people that might be how it goes. But I think it is different than that honestly. There are some techniques that are like that. You just go through it and go ‗Whatever that was!‘ and then the tech when you run it again, you get a little bit more ‗Oh ok, right, right, alright, I am in a groove. I didn‘t fall asleep. I think I got that.‘ This is a little different. This is like being challenged to understand 2 sets of datum simultaneously where there is a part that there are words that say, ‗Now know yourself as this,‘ right. And your logical mind is going ‗Huh? Loved to alright but don‘t.‘ But the other part is there and it already, there is a part of you that already does know yourself as this. And what the wording the way they put this was meant to try to bring those 2 parts together: your D3 EGO focus of perception and the expanded perceptions that have to do with your GrU‘-al Self that has to do with your body consciousness but also with the expanded body consciousness into your say Density-2 body levels and beyond that, so we‘ll see how it goes for you. It will be interesting to get we are going to have 1 of these lectures. We are going to have time where we can pass the mike around, and people that want to ask questions or talk about things will have time for sharing, and this is 1 of those things that we would be very grateful for feedback on, you know. ‗What do you think of this one?‘ Because sometimes they will give me a technique and I go and read it and do it and frequency comes through in a wave and it works, and I kind of go ‗Woh! How does that work?‘ This might be 1 of those it would be great to have feedback on it even if you‘ve got the right little notes. Now speaking of notes, I do hope that the message got around that you bring like a pen and something to write briefly on because at the end of this they are beginning the field work in Mindfulness Exercises. So there will be 2 PSI runs for those who are willing to participate that are given at the end of this, and these are just the beginning. There are 6 altogether, and they will be given in sets of 2. They involve putting your focus of attention in a certain way. When you have your free time during the day, and also remember you have your helper, your attendant is with you if you request that one to be with you of the ZionA. They will assist you in these experiments, and they are experiments in expanding your own consciousness. There comes a time when a being has to take responsibility for their own growth where you outgrow teachers. That doesn‘t mean teachers can‘t help you; they can share what they know but there comes a time when you need to learn to become your own teacher. The Beloveds will assist you all in learning to become your own teacher. And 1 of the 1st and most important things is to become mindful. Mindful has to do with becoming consciously aware of and consciously able to direct in the way you wish certain energies that are yours that you are literally letting run on an unconscious level, and are really just not aware of as you walk through your days. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 283

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So the Mindfulness Exercises that are being given to you we will explain to you what they are. You can take down the notes of this one is called that. That means they go do this and that, right, and then write about what the experience was like at the end of the day. It is going to require journaling as well. Now I‘ll tell you 1 thing: we will not be where we are in teaching the level of technicalities that we have if we didn‘t at a very young age be guided to journaling. Personal journaling is not stuff that everybody else reads. This is for you and your contact with Spirit right. If we had not listened to the advice to do journaling, we would have never opened the conduits enough to get the data clear. Alright, journaling, personal journaling, which just means sometimes just ranting and raving on paper to yourself, right, and waiting for the other part of yourself to kick in or the guidance from the Beloveds where it says, ‗Umm, didn‘t really look at that that way right,‘ alright. This workshop is asking you guys to take some responsibility. We are actually asking you just like your teacher if you‘re going grade school, primary school, they are asking you to do assignments, and you‘ve got homework and you bring it in and they check it. Well, you‘ve got homework but you are not to bring it to us. We are not going to check your homework. Who are we to judge what you wrote; this is for you. You become your own teachers and your own students at the same time with the journaling where when you are in student mode, and that‘s when, whenever anything is bothering you, realize you‘re not in teacher mode, ok. You are not in Guardian mode; you are in small self mode. And the Guardian mode of you that is always with you is there somewhere. So if you let the self that you are experiencing right now get itself out. Talk about the stuff that is on paper. Talk to someone who cares, talk to God-Source, right. Say ‗This is bothering me. I am really frustrated with this,‘ write it down however you want. When I write by the way, just because I know we are in 3D and I know crazy stuff happens here like people breaking into people‘s houses and steal stuff, and the world that we are in as teachers of this kind of information, do not think that I put anything highly personal for any of us in literal terms in journaling. You can use your own shorthand, use symbol-speak, use different names for people you are talking about if you need to discuss them. Protect yourself before the fact because there always is the chance in the drama that we are in down here that someone that is being moved by the hostile forces would try to invade that space and grab your journals. So you use the journaling and express your feelings but use code language where you need to where you know what it means but it would seem benign and nobody can do anything. If you‘ve done stuff say horrible in the past and if you feel guilty, the best thing to do is journal it, get it out. Say ‗God I know I did this. I was bad when I was 15, or I was bad when I was 12, or I was bad when I was 28 or 90, or whatever.‘ Get that out, and say to release the guilt out of your body but also do it in a way that if anybody ever found that and took it to court, you could not be prosecuted for whatever it is you did. Because at this point, whatever it is, any of us have done in past incarnations or anything like that, the courts down here with the level of infiltration of the FAs into people‘s bodies, there is a higher level of courts that if we have to stand before them, we‘ll stand before those. But I don‘t think I am going to let a bunch of FAs that happen to wear judge robes and stuff go after me. So I am very careful when I journal. I make sure that I use code language whenever anything. Or even if it‘s like a person, let‘s say a child that you had that becomes an adult, you are writing about the experience, trying to process some of the troubles you had. But if you put it so literal if that child found it, they would misinterpret what you meant and be harmed by it right or harm themselves with it. There‘s ways you and you won‘t be able to find them where you know you where can use the code language, where you make it benign where anybody found this, if the Sun or the Star or any of those stupid tabloids found it and wanted to make up smuck about you, well you know what? There will be nothing there that they could do. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 283

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There will be some interesting stuff, the stuff you needed to talk to yourself about and needed to get out of your body form so you can look at it objectively so you can let it go and heal it. You can do that but without incriminating yourself in case anybody finds those journals. So when we are suggesting and we are going to ask you to take the responsibility for the next few days that is enough for this trip to do the journaling at the end of these—each day we will have 2 of the Mindfulness Exercises to just write up a little synopsis or a little summary of ‗Ok, that did nothing for me. I have no experience,‘ whatever, or ‗Wow, I saw this insight or this weird thing happened. Don‘t know what it means,‘ right. Make little journal notes to yourself. What‘s funny is if you journal and you keep them for several years, you‘ll be amazed at what gets recorded there that you forget really fast. You might have an encounter where you are walking on a path and an ET manifests right before you in physical form, and you go ‗Oh my God! I just had like a direct experience,‘ right. You home into a little about it, you might find you don‘t remember it by the time you are done putting down the pen. This is how some of this works, so using journaling to catch whatever expansions of reality fields that you might actually encounter before you forget them, before they shut off again in the DNA becomes very, very valuable. I remember looking back through journals, and before I finished my walk-in, Katie my walk-out kept journals. We had piles and piles of notebooks from the time she was 12 she started journaling. We had songs, poems, I mean all sorts of stuff from everywhere. But there was a point where we could go back in the journals and find verification of things that we thought took place but couldn‘t remember the full event. She had full like 20-page dissertations of the event because she wrote it right after it occurred. And soon after some things, particularly multi-dimensional experience, soon after it occurs, often it shuts off in the conscious memory. Catch it while it is there and keep the journal for a year or 2, and don‘t look back on it right away. But there will be certain times where you get nudged to go back and leaf through that journal, see where you were because you will grow from that point. And when you look back on those things that you were concerned, things you were working through, you may find you had encounters that you actually recorded that you forgot, right, those kind of things. Keep your journals for 5 years. Start them here if haven‘t started them already, alright. At this point you are going to be working with if you want to the people that we met in the exercise last night, in the Shadra last night, the ZionA, and they are very committed to working with us directly one on one. We have our Bhendis but if we are too tired down here to get ourselves all the way up like how do you do breathe what to get up to the Adashi Temples, these guys will hang out right with us. They will be in Bi-lo projection, right. They have their physical forms in their reality field that they are a part of, and these guys are from the Density-3 level of the AshaLA Cathedrals. But they will literally send a part of themselves into dedicated Bi-location to assist you in getting to your highest form. They won‘t tell you that you have to do that. They will never ever be a dictator to you. They are meant to be in attendant. Imagine if say you got a job of taking care of people who had a really bad accident and they were in a hospital, and they had a really bad accident and they had amnesia. They used to be in a coma and then nobody ever knew if they would ever wake up or if they just die but they did wake up but they‘ve got a bit of amnesia. They can‘t remember much of their family. They look at their spouse let‘s say and they say, ‗Oh I married you‘ because they have no memory left. If you were the attendant to a person like that realizing once they get stronger, their memory will come back. They will heal; they will get better. Your job would be if you got a job in that hospital to simply help them, to support them in what way you could, to be kind and gentle with them. But to assist them in regaining their memory, not because ‗I have a memory and you don‘t remember it anymore,‘ it‘s not about that at all. It‘s about ‗Gosh, these are people just like us that were wounded,‘ and they can heal and get better. This is how our attendants look at us. They are attendants just like as if we got that job in the hospital. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 283

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We are the ones down here that are fortunate enough to have amnesia. Why is it fortunate? Because we could still be in a coma like most of the bloody Planet, right! (Chuckle) So when we use the word ‗attendants‘ that is, it‘s like round the clock. They are there on call as if you were a person in this special unit of the hospital trying to recover from something you know a tragedy that happened to you biologically that wiped out your memory. But they know that you are strong; you are not in a coma anymore. You are getting stronger; you are getting better, and you‘ll get it all back, right. They are just there to help that process be easier, to answer questions sometimes when you‘ve got questions, to help you in healing at times when the body is hurting, when the mind is hurting, when the emotions are hurting. You can turn to them with that but they will never force their will on you because they have chosen to take on the role of being you could call it servants but it‘s not ‗servant‘ in a subservient way. They don‘t look at themselves as lower than us or anything. And if we ever put ego on them and just say ‗Oh, you are our servant,‘ like, ‗You are our slave,‘ good luck with that because you will find the attendants not bringing you meds on a regular basis or your breakfast, right. You treat them with respect and they will treat you with respect; if you don‘t treat them with respect, they‘ll just ignore you until you treat them with respect. They will never treat you with disrespect but they will not dignify with a response when you don‘t treat them with respect, which means don‘t demand. And if you need something, say, remember the word ‗Please, would you help me with this?‘ right instead of ‗Damn it, give me that!‘ right. They don‘t respond to ‗Damn it, give me that!‘ alright. They will respond to ‗Hi friend, I‘m having a real confused, frustrated spot right now and I am ready to blow. Please just help me get some composure and regain my composure with myself.‘ They will assist you in that way but they will not dignify our venting down here with a response to the venting. They will still love us. They won‘t go away or hate us or anything. But they will wait till we are done having temper tantrums before they try to engage talking with us. You‘ll be amazed how many times you have temper tantrums with your own self by the way. When you start to do the Mindfulness Exercises, you start to become aware of mind chatter that is going on that you are actually talking to yourself all the time, right. This part of yourself might think ‗I‘m not thinking about nothing,‘ But if you go back here, oh, oh the brain is very, very actively engaged in talking with itself, and sometimes it‘s fighting with itself. We will learn to create a space, clear space in there where we can just stop the chatter and ask the space where we will hear, sense, and perceive our helpers the best where they can actually, they‘ve got enough room to come in and send us information if we are asking. You can go ‗I need an answer now! Not yet, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,‘ you say ‗no, no, no, no, no‘ so many times and building up such an energy field that when Source is trying to answer you, Source‘s frequency coming in doesn‘t have any room to come in because you are clouding your own frequency space with so much regurgitated thought forms. So we are going to learn Mindfulness to move the thought forms away a little bit. There will be 6 Mindfulness Exercises that will be given. 2 of them will be given tonight. You just write them down and go play with that tomorrow and then make a journal entry about it. At the end we will have a time where anybody wants to share, there is no obligation to, but if anybody wants to share any insights they had from any of the experiences on the workshop, we will give a bit of time for that. And I am determined to do that because we usually don‘t have time for that in workshops and that frustrates me to death! There is not even time for questions usually like ‗What was that you said about that?‘ whatever. People forgot it. That‘s why the Kathara Team never tried to help people to understand ‗What was that about?‘ So we are going to leave time for the Mindfulness and for the experiences. Last night we had orbs galore. I mean there are pictures, people, lots of people got pictures of the orbs. And it just so happened to be that the whole thing was about we were doing orbs and we are going into orbs ourselves! And we were The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 283

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doing orb swarms and what did we get pictures of? What did many people get pictures of? Orb swarms, alright! So we had experiences already in this journey together. And there was the Lava Team that went up and had experiences that the Aqua Team didn‘t get to have, and vice versa because we were split up in the teams. I really want to have the time where we can at least share, anybody who wants to talk. We‘ll past the mike. Just share what you had here. I would love to be able to turn this into like the girls scout camp effect or boys scout camp effect where we all sit around in the campfire and talk about you know the special meaningful things that you never get to talk about at home because your family really doesn‘t care about those, right! And you have this like bond of all the kids that went to the camp because you have this great camp experience where you finally got to feel you a bit out from under the veils that your families try to put on you because everybody‘s families have expectations of who they are supposed to be. I would love to be able to give that that space, and if we can we will in this one we will allot time even if I have to cut something else short on technicals. Technicals will always come with this work, just know. But it‘s alright, right. It will be coming now to a point where we are either ascended or Bhardoahed, whatever. So I‘m looking that you know, technicals have their purpose and they are important. That is why people like you guys and the people who have been coming to the workshops come. If we just say ‗Here, go workshop that!‘ Yeah, you people are too smart for that. You had to be able to see why things are rational. But there comes a time where you got to balance rational and practical, and we are trying to move into that time now. So anyway, speaking of rational and time, I am going to because we have a 9 o‘clock appointment for those who will come for the upper body Ah-RA‘-yas in the morning at 9:00, it would be great if we don‘t have to leave here at dawn. So I will go through—I will go when we go into the direct breathing and other things, so we can turn those off because the meditations work better without everybody having glaring lights over their head(s). But there is 1 more technical silly stupid thing but it is not silly stupid to the people involved. This is just like 1 of the side notes that before we go into major program issues. I did mention the other night. This is more for the girls than the guys. I did mention the other night that I made a promise to a lady named Laverne about because I love her dresses so much that she had brought that I would just share the fact that they existed for any of the gals here that might be interested in them. Well, this whole interesting drama has emerged around the fact that I have done that. And we almost got tribal warfare on the beach between 2 ladies: 1 named Laverne and 1 named Marsha. Both of them I met the 2 times we were here before I bought dresses from both of them. They were both very nice people. Now Laverne happened to be here this time. Marsha hadn‘t been here before like she—they go out other places to sell their wares. There is an issue that has arisen and I need to talk about this because it needs to be sorted out by whoever is involved. I don‘t know who is involved. But to avoid tribal warfare on the beach because we somehow served as a catalyst for that by accident, they both have very nice dresses. They would not have if I hadn‘t mentioned that our group was coming, and we mentioned this back last year when we knew we were coming this year, didn‘t know how many people would be here with us. But because I like the dresses, I thought some of the ladies in the group might like them too and the prices are great here compared to buying them in the States. So I mentioned to both of them that you know there is a group coming in and they may be interested in some of the dresses. They don‘t sell these particular dresses very often on the beach because the average tourist coming through here like the other kind of weird stuff that says like ‗St. Kitts‘ right, the kind of cheapy stuff that you can get anywhere with a logo put on it, for some reason that seems to be what sells here when people like us aren‘t here. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 283

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So I asked them if they would you know just ‗If you got that stuff, bring it because I think some of our people might enjoy it,‘ right. I had asked both of them. The only person when I had spoke to you about ‗Hey, see this dress,‘ I promised Laverne that I‘d talk about it. Laverne was the only one that had showed up. Since we had been here I hadn‘t seen Marsha, didn‘t know where she was, or if she is still coming back to the beach. Well, some kind of confusion has taken place with this where the cruise ships came in the 1 day, I think it was the day after I had talked about that. It seems like quite a large number of the ladies in the group were indeed interested in the dresses, and they went looking for Laverne. Laverne was not here 1 st; she was still out with the cruise ships. But Marsha was here, and she had heard that we wanted dresses, so she had brought a few with her of the same type, right. So Marsha was there and because there was no Laverne, some people I don‘t know who they are in the group, they said, ‗Ok, we‘ll talk with Marsha and that‘s fine, right, and we‘ll buy some dresses off her.‘ They were talking to her about ‗Do you have any of the Aqua color ones?‘ So the blue ones she said no ‗But I can get them,‘ right, and she actually put her own money up to go order them. They are coming in tomorrow, and she is going to be here with them, right. There are people in our group that you know out of a good nature said, ‗Well, you know, can‘t find Laverne but you know here‘s the dresses, and there‘s this lady and she says she can get them in our colors that we want,‘ and that kind of stuff. And she did go out and purchased them to be able to bring them, and her shipment is coming in so she can bring them in tomorrow. But meanwhile Laverne shows up that afternoon, right, and that‘s cool. Laverne is cool too, right. Laverne shows up with the dresses she promised to bring thinking that there might be people interested in buying them, and Laverne is having a really good day, ok. Because whoever the group in the group was interested in these, I think like her Krystmases all came at once. Laverne‘s a hit because they went all over to Laverne‘s place but so did the people that had already said to Marsha, right. That Marsha said, ‗Yah, I‘ll get you a blue one. I‘ll be here in 2 days,‘ so whatever. So people just evacuated from Marsha‘s and because Ash said, ‗Go to Laverne,‘ right? Everybody kind of abandoned Marsha once Laverne showed up. And I don‘t know who the people are in the group but some people in the group had requested to having blue ones and that kind of stuff and Marsha actually went out of the way and put her money up to go order them. And they are coming in tomorrow but meanwhile she saw the same people come over and start buying dresses over at Laverne‘s. And I guess some of the group said, ‗Well, you know, it was suggested that we buy them from Laverne.‘ Um, I didn‘t mean to be in the middle or create this tribal warfare between these 2 ladies. This is how they make their living here. I‘m just going to ask and I told Marsha that I would, if there are any people that spoke with Marsha 1 st on that day about dresses and said something about blue ones, if you had said anything about you know ‗Could you get me 1 of those?‘ Please honor that alright because at this point she has actually put her money up because some of our group people did say they wanted to purchase that particular color and she is going to go get those colors for you. She already did. But meanwhile Laverne shows up with them and some you know like right there in your face. But if you made a commitment to the other lady, please honor both of them. They are both good people. At this point they are ready to punch each other‘s faces. It‘s that bad. Seriously, I mean they are like not even 20 yards apart, right, where there are little stores and grounding each other, and both of them going ‗Blondie, Blondie!‘ They call me Blondie, (chuckle) right. Marsha‘s dragging me this way ‗Blondie, Blondie, remember me?‘ ‗I do remember you, yes but if I had seen you the same day I would have said Laverne and Marsha, right? But I didn‘t think Marsha was here anymore.‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 283

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So please, I just, I promised both of them that I would explain this story a little more, and if there are any of you that gave Marsha the idea that you would buy dresses from her if she had a certain color or something, she has gone out and tried to honor that wish, and then found/saw you, saw some of you, I don‘t know who you are that were involved in this drifting over to Laverne‘s. Laverne‘s kind of going ‗Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, she mentioned my name not yours!‘ which is not really wholly Krystic either, right. And the other one is saying, ‗I‘m her mother, right, so buy from me!‘ And she‘s not her mother; Marsha is not Laverne‘s mother. I mean they are getting into this warfare thing that somehow had to do with me even mentioning the fact that these lovely dresses are available. So please help us work this out in the name of the Kryst. I did promise I would mention that because it is just it‘s not cool if there are people who said to Marsha that since Laverne is not there, that ‗Can you get me some blue ones,‘ or something like that. If she went and put her money up to go get them expecting you as a customer to buy them, please do. Alright, I don‘t care if you went and said, ‗Oh, she got one already over there,‘ honor the agreements is all I am asking because it‘s not fair to this poor lady either. And they were both very nice people. At this point we seem to be the catalyst for them to go ‗Urrr!‘ dragging at each other and it would be good if we could all harmonize this. So this was the girls‘ story. This was about because I don‘t imagine many of the guys will talk of this, alright. But if I had known Marsha was there, I would have just said Laverne and Marsha carry these dresses you know. And they go out and get them special for us because they thought we might be interested. There is no obligation to buy them but I did think some of you might have been interested in it. So I told both of them that so I just want to clarify that. Now back to business. That was a 3D business but it is literally creating a major issue between these 2 families that their living is selling clothing on the beach or going down by where the boats come in and that kind of stuff. So I needed to try to fix that. Somehow I ended up in the middle of it without meaning to, and I think so did some of our gals here. Alright, now ok that was note for the gals and dresses, right. I have my list of things I have to cover before we go back. And now we are onto the Technique 3A which is ‗Transcendental Being and the Eternal Now‘. At the end of that we‘ll go into a very simple thing that is really not long at all which is the grid work part that is bringing in the Ra-sha-Pa-Ta-Ur of Net-Earth from its resting place right now at Caral up to Phoenix to activate the Sentinel grids in Phoenix, then over to Kitts here to activate the Sentinel of the Kitts gates. And then we‘ll leave that here, let‘s say package here until the last night when we‘ll actually bring it up to the Watchtower to set the whole thing into full activation. But this one, this Technique 3, I hope it‘s easier on the 2 nd round than it was on bringing it through the 1 st time around.

[Audio Track 13B 0:44:51] Technique 3A: Preparation There is a prep bit to it, and the prep bit is what was in Sliders-2 was called the Grail State Quick Entry. Now this is different than the quickie where you amplify the field spins and the flows right. This one is a bit different and it was published on the Aqua-Tone Practicum session sheet from Sliders-2: And it‘s just simply where it becomes still/ quiet. You activate your Krystar Capsule which is ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar‘ NOW, thrust your Krystar now right, you do that. And then you intend yourself into the Grail State by using Inhale Breath to contract your conscious awareness into your Changing Room Cloud Cocoon. Now remember the Changing Room Cloud Cocoon we went into when we did the catch-up techniques where you go (inhale) into the Karanadial Seal, in, all the way into it, and into the cocoon of clouds The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 283

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that you made around you there where you just immediately go (inhale) and inhale yourself into that Cloud Cocoon space, right into your Changing Room Cloud Cocoon at the Karanadis. And then you exhale from there and as you exhale, the exhale breath is used to expand out your Orb, you as an Orb of Aqua Water in/ within the Cloud Cocoon, so you (exhale) become a Cloud of Aqua Water within an Orb of Aqua Water, within that Cloud Cocoon. And then once you have yourself as Orb of Aqua Water, you inhale, tap your physical AzurA 3 times with the right hand Lotus Fingers, and then exhale yourself as Conscious Water Flows right into the Grail Door around your body. So you are literally shifting state from what is stuck in your head, you are bringing it down into the Karanadial Platforms and then expanding it out to here. And that‘s remember the space that for those of you in Slider-2 we learned to actually move around we can look back at our physical body self from that space, right. So this is the quick version. You do these things, you can get yourself right into that space, right into Grail State, and that is the 1st place they want us to go before we engage the rest of it. There are how many steps? 16, urr…yeah great, no 19, 19 steps to this one, and it is really not too bad. The hardest part about it really is/ are almost like the jumps in state of consciousness that the words are asking you to do. Your logical mind kind of goes ‗Huh?‘ and the other part is going ‗Shhh, just do it!‘ right. So I will start reading these, and if I trip over my lips on occasion it‘s just because my mouth, 2 reasons: 1) I‘m still going ‗Shhh…‘ till my logical mind going ‗What did I just say?‘ right, but it should go smoothly. But I think we can do the prep part with the lights on, and then, and whoever is working lights, anybody on lights tonight love? (Posing to A‘zah a question) Is Haldun on lights tonight? Wherever Haldun might be, Haldun, are you here? Exalt, hey! …. No, in about a minute, Noel is that right? Staff are availing their ear. Cool. Alright, so we‘ll do the Grail State Quick Entry with the lights on. Then we will go into me and flashlight, please can we have the lights on…. Flashlight, thank you, right, yup, tool is ready. Ok, and then we‘ll go into the technique (inhaleexhale).

[Audio Track 13B 0:49:01] Technique 3A Technique 3A ok, so for Grail State Quick Entry, (inhale-exhale) become still and quiet. Activate your Krystar Crystal Capsule, which means the ‗(inhale) Rasha-(inhale) Eira-(inhale) Krystar‘ (exhale) now 3 times. (inhale-inhale-inhale-exhale, inhale-inhale-inhale-exhale) And now intend yourself into the Grail Sate by using an inhale, and Inhale and contract your consciousness from your head down into your Changing Room in your Karanadis Seal. And into that space that was your Cloud Cocoon you are surrounded by a cozy cocoon of clouds within the Karanadial Seal. And now Exhale in that cocoon and expand the part of your consciousness out as an Orb of Aqua Water within the Cocoon Cloud. So you just taken a part of your conscious awareness from your D3 focus and literally move it down there to where it can begin to go into other states of focus simultaneously. And now once you are inside your Karanadis Cloud Cocoon as you being the Aqua Orb, Water Orb, Inhale and use your right hand and tap your AzurA 3 times with the Lotus Fingers.

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And then Exhale, and use the exhale to push yourself as Conscious Water from the Karanadial Seal Cocoon space out into the Pentagonal Window of the Grail Door around you, the pentagonal shape of the Grail Door around you, and try to feel the sensation of a part of your awareness still fully right here in your body but the other part is actually in this configuration in your field. Try to feel the sense that you have a part of your conscious awareness in both places. The more you do that little quick technique by the way, the more it becomes instant, and the more of yourself you actually start getting the dual perception where you can perceive from both levels, so that was the beginning part. Now if we could do lights whoever is doing lights, again here we go. And we‘ll go into the Technique 3A, and I will find the flashlight. There we go. Ok, so if you have little pauses in between here, just please pardon me. I‘m trying to decipher hieroglyphics alright that I scribbled. Ok, then…I‘m just reading this whole. Ok, the 1st part is once you get yourself in that dual state, it‘s a bi-focus state where you have a part of yourself focused as the Orb of Conscious Living Aqua Water that is expanded out to a Aqua Water Cloud in the Grail Door. Try to feel that focus and also be simultaneously aware of yourself as the Physical Body EGO Awareness, so the part of you is here. Try to feel both of them at both focuses as clearly as possible. Ok, next it says Inhale and Hold, and then Exhale a 12-Point Breath from the Water Seed at your AzurA out through your 12 Allurean Chambers. So (exhale…) And now breathe normally and focus attention on the Aura or Orb Field around your Physical Body which means your Aah-JhA‘ Body. Try to focus attention and using the part of you that is in the Grail State to feel the Orb that is around you that always is around you, which is your Aah-JhA‘ Body and your Radial Body. Try to feel the reality of that presence of this sphere around your Physical Body. As you become aware, focus your attention on trying to become aware of that sphere that is around you. Try to tune into this very interesting sense of the breathing of the 60 Aah-JhA‘ Body Allurean Windows that are around you. Now last night the activations we did actually opened those 60 Allurean Windows that were on each of the Allurean Chamber Vectors for each of the D1, D2, D3, and Density-1 levels. I had a strange experience today while we were hiking where all of a sudden I became aware of it felt like people, little people breathing around me but the little people were part of me. They were actually those Windows opening, and you could actually feel a (inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale) inhale-exhale as the energies beginning to circulate through them. So they are asking us to try to become aware of the sensation of that. It‘s a bit out in the field because our fields are quite large around their bodies. But it is literally as if I felt them about, they are about 6 yards out from like 1 of my shoulders. On 1 side it went about 6 yards out to 1 side, and it‘ll be 6 yards out to the other. It is what I felt where that breathing started. So for everybody I think it will be a little bit different depending on the size of your actual sphere around you. But the point is try to become aware of the fact that these Windows have opened and they actually feel like little breathing people but they are just parts of your own field that are coming finally back into being able to breathe because they were closed before. Try to feel that little breathing of those 60 different Windows all the way around you in your Orb. Now as you try to feel and sense out those 60 Windows, try to also get the direct cognition sense of what they are actually doing because what they are doing is beginning to circulate the coding, the encryption of your other ProbableSelves. Your God-Self and your other 11 Incarnates of your Transcendental Self they are beginning the circulate the radiation encryption of the other parts of you, your disowned, unknown parts of self back into your Physical Body The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 283

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System. So try to sense the feel of that. Try to feel the sense of those other parts of you. And if you asked them if you talk to them right now just like saying, ‗Let we talk to you,‘ they would understand you as 1 of those hypothetical selves that might exist. You can feel them, and those other parts of yourself can feel you. Try to do that. If you can‘t that‘s alright. Later that will come. Now they are asking us to now shift your focus of attention to you as the Orb of Conscious Aqua Water in the Grail Door around your body. So now you are shifting from that focus of trying to be aware of the Windows to back into the focus of you as the Aqua Water Cloud in the Grail Door. So it‘s almost like perceiving yourself now as that pentagonal shape right hanging around your body. (A‘sha replying to A‘zah‘s comments) What? …. No the Grail Door will be ok. Az just asks if the Grail Door is around the 60 Doors, actually the 60 Windows. Actually, no, the 60 Windows right now until the Grail Door expands larger, the 60 Windows are actually in a sphere way outside of that. So inside, coming in toward yourself, that‘s where you would find your Grail Door parameters. Alright, and outside of that you would have the larger 60-Window effect happening, to clarify. …. Excuse me a bit. …. Ok, now when we were perceiving from this Grail Door State, this is considered the Grail State perspective. Alright, that‘s when we/ Orb say, ‗Enter the Grail State.‘ That is what we refer to as the Grail State. We haven‘t learned a lot of things you can do from there, there are many you can. But when you put your awareness in that pentagonal shaped Door around the body that is being like entering yourself into the Grail State perspective. Now from this state, from a part of your consciousness that‘s there, they are asking you to sense the tactile feeling of the skin of your Physical Body that is making contact with the surface upon which it is sitting. Now this was going to be sand because I thought you all going to be laying down on sand but you are on chairs. So instead of experiencing the sand we are going to shift our consciousness from the Grail State and expand that Grail State awareness like a Cloud of Aqua Water, roll it down to where the skin of say your back or your bottom whatever is directly touching the thing that is supporting your weight, be it the chair or the sand beneath you. Try to bring your consciousness to that place where you can feel the skin of the Physical Body and the feeling of the thing underneath it, and if that‘s a chair which I think everybody is on a chair, and breathe while you do this. One of the things that can help with this is if you inhale with the intention of where you want to put the consciousness, and then when you exhale you put the consciousness into that place. So if we are trying to get into the skin and really tune into the skin of our back and our bottom and our legs as it touches the chair that we are laying on, you would Inhale, Hold the intention and then Exhale yourself like a wave of liquid water down through the skin of your backside as if you were right underneath the skin of your own body beginning to sense the reality of the energy of the fabric of the chair that is supporting the skin from the outside. The state where you are looking to expand into from here is where if you can get a feeling 1st of your skin of literally putting a part of your consciousness into ‗I AM Skin, I am my skin on that particular backside of myself.‘ And then Inhale again and breathe Exhale, and as you Exhale, expand the consciousness through the skin to the outside of the body, and into the little fibers that make up the fabric that is the chair that is holding you up. Try to feel ‗I am the fibers. I am the fibers of the chair.‘ For some people it will take a few practices to do to actually get the consciousness to shift out of a rigid Beta Wave focus but you can do it. And you can get to the point where you not only can enter into the ‗I am the skin on my back‘ and actually feel the part of you that is and cognate its perceptions but then move past the skin of your own body into the rest The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 92 of 283

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of, get this, what is actually yourself too. It is not only our bodies, our physical body forms that are direct manifestations of portions of our own spiritual consciousness but it is also the hologram within which we walk around. So we move from ‗I am the skin on my back‘ to (inhale-exhale) I am the fibers of the fabric of the chair underneath my back and body.‘ Try to feel the sensation of being the fibers. What I find really helpful is the CSI show on TV where they do all those micro shots, where they show you what‘s been seen under a microscope. Imagine you go into the fibers of the chair beneath you. Imagine you are seeing from inside of the fibers in micro vision. Those visuals help to get into that state, and it is not a state where ‗I am visiting Chair.‘ It is a state where you start to recognize ‗I am me. I am God-Self. I am my hologram.‘ And the things you perceive outside of yourself are symbolic images that yourself is sending to yourself to help it remember itself better. This gets very heavy when you really look at your realities so we start simple with getting to know the skin on your back, and then getting to know the fibers of the chair beneath you. Try to feel the sensation of ‗I am the chair.‘ Try to spread out as Aqua Water into ‗I‘m not just the little bit of chair underneath that body and bum there, oh I am the chair that is wrapped around the plastic, spread out to the plastic molecules. I am the plastic that is holding up the fabric of the chair.‘ Move yourself down through the plastic and touch the sand. This is where we start where we are going to start actually. Try to move yourself ‗I am. I am the little grains of sand that were long ago parts of big rocks and mountains that held much knowledge.‘ Know the sand beneath you as yourself as you move your consciousness down and out. You are holding your body consciousness but you are expanding your GrU‘-al State to include more of the hologram that is you because it will take you beyond the little identity of ‗I am whatever my name is, and my social security number is this, and I have this color hair and those color eyes‘ to ‗Yes I am that. I am this but I am also this, and also this.‘ This is the beginning of what it means to enter the Transcendent State where you begin to own your own hologram and realize that you and your atoms that your field is creating and making are actually creating the hologram around you. That means some part of each of us has manifested every joyous Angelic person that ever passed through our hologram and also has manifested ourselves whatever symbolically horrible petty tyrant person that has crossed our reality and attempted to victimize us. There is a whole level of owning your hologram that if you expect to be able to move beyond the confines of being locked in a physical body we eventually must own the fact that we do even though it‘s so consciously manifest this hologram right through our own fields. And that means the victims and well as the saviors, they‘re all reflecting a part of our own aparthi organization within our system our own pageants. It helps you to understand a little bit and this is where you go beyond hatred if somebody‘s victimized you or hurt you or acted really badly to you. If you can understand that they are symbol in your life for some part of you that is actually victimizing and messing with yourself. That doesn‘t mean that you are not a symbol for them too. We are all symbols to each other. The teacher and the student, the parent and the child, the Messiah and the devil, they are all projections of our own consciousness. When we begin to move our own consciousness from the state of ‗I am me; I am in this body; I am Eternal; ok I am getting to know my atoms‘ to realizing the atoms you also need to get to know are the ones that are in the chair underneath your bottom. The ones in the sand underneath the chair, the ones in the air around you, the ones that are helping to co-create every manifestation we can perceive together that we call the reality field of this Planet, this gets very deep, and you don‘t get this state all of a sudden, just like ‗bang‘, ok, heard that, got that. This is a state that we grow toward. It begins with little exercises like moving the consciousness down through your own body to where it is making contact because that is direct and physical. If you really put your consciousness toward it, you can feel the pressure of where your body is laying against or sitting against whatever is supporting it in 3D, and then The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 283

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push into what is supporting it and realize part of the molecules that make that up are yours too. Part of you is in there in that chair and moving down what‘s holding the chair up. Part of you is what‘s holding the chair up. Maybe it is linoleum if you are sitting in the kitchen. Maybe it is sand if you are on the beach. Go down deeper than the sand. Beneath the sand you have levels of crust. Beneath the crust you have levels of mantle of the Planet. It means a part of every one of us is also a part of the planetary consciousness. We begin to expand ourselves. We start with down because down is actually a little bit easier. The next stage is to begin to move the consciousness upward where let‘s bring ourselves back to feeling our Aqua Water Self consciousness at the point where our skin of our backside or whatever side of you is touching the chair moves from the chair back into the skin part where you are aware of the skin and aware of the pressure between chair and skin. Now move that awareness upward through the body, actually passing through all your organs, your bones, all those things moving upward like a mist through the whole body, and come out the skin on the other side of your body the top part that is facing upward. Still stay right at the skin level; don‘t past the barrier of your body skin yet. Try to feel yourself as conscious liquid water cloud as a layer right under the skin on the top-facing part of your body but the whole thing from head to toe. From there, try to 1st try to sense the much lighter pressure of the air and the atmosphere as it presses down on the body‘s skin from the outside. Try to feel from the inside that pressure pushing down on you. And now Inhale, Hold, and Exhale and when you say ‗Exhale‘ push yourself right up through the skin barrier and into that pressure that is the air in the atmosphere around you. Try to float above yourself for a bit as if you were a cloud of Aquaconscious air spreading out right over the entire length of your body and width your body and just hanging there. Try to feel your body from that perspective. It will help sometimes to slow the breathing, getting more toward the Alpha brainwave pattern to be able to feel these. If you can‘t quite feel yourself yet as an Aqua Water Cloud hanging right over your body and actually sensing your body below yourself, you need to spend a little time trying to get to that state because we are going to raise it higher soon. Once you can feel that sensation of ‗Ok, I‘m a cloud and I am actually right above my body just few inches up but I can sense my body below me,‘ that‘s the time to Inhale and Hold. And when we Exhale, we will push that cloud of self vertically all the way up to where the clouds are in the atmosphere. Try to put the consciousness, don‘t lose track of yourself that part of you. Try to feel it just in the same way; you are spread out still right over your body but now it is as if you are way up high in an airplane and then your body is way down there around the little chair in the beach. Try to sense the way down there that feeling of distance between where your consciousness is now and where your body and that part of your consciousness is. And you can get a sense of that. And you do an Inhale again, Hold, and on the Exhale we are going to expand out horizontally from up there into the clouds and become one with the clouds. Exhale…. Now use the eyes of the Physical Body to help with this. Look upward with your eyes open. See the clouds; notice their motion of drift. And then close your eyes and sense the part of you that you just sent out to drift with them. Try to sense the 2 perspectives simultaneously. In the sentry of expansions, what we are beginning to do is begin to become familiar with the parameters of our AahJhA‘ Body in our fields with our self as Orb. We went down, down to the mantle. We went up. We went out horizontally around us a little bit. There is a perspective of the Transcendental State where you can walk around in your body and still at the same time hold full cognition of this immense sphere of consciousness that you are that is around you that can The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 94 of 283

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perceive as if you had eyes at every angle. You can perceive past and future in this state. You can perceive multiple Probable-Selves and multiple space-time Incarnates, existences. This is the beginning of knowing yourself as an Orb, and at the center of the Orb, there happens to be a body focus. There are many body focuses that we have but beyond those there is the Eternal Orb of Self of awareness. When we begin to move our consciousness out of its stuckness within this one little body vessel, we begin the get the parameters, the feel of the freedom that is really ours, the freedom to move, not just with the clouds or down through the sands, it is also a freedom to move between the veils of time and space. The 1st thing is knowing that the possibility is real. The 2nd is beginning to expand the consciousness to where it can begin to move itself out of the rigid focus of the 3D mind-set that we‘ve been locked into chemically here. Now if we can just try for a few minutes do some gentle breathing. Try to experience yourself as Orb, not just the part that is up in the clouds, not just the part you sent down into the chair fibers and into the plastic and into the sand and into the mantle. Try to feel the up and the down and the middle of your conscious self in body all at the same time. Try to sense the boundaries of your present-time field parameters. And once you can get the up and down, you will get the same distance if you turn that up and down vertical line horizontal; you will get the same distance because it forms a spherical orb around you. So as high up and as low down as you can go to find out where the top of your sphere or Orb-Self is and where the bottom is. You just take that amount of sensed distance, flip it horizontally, and it will show you where the parameters of your field are right now on the horizontal plane. When you start to be able to move into the Transcendental State of your Orb-Self, you will also learn many things that sometimes it‘s really not effective to just perceive from the level of the 2 eyes that look out through the little body that we have here that we call ourselves. The body is important. Yes, we are part of ourselves there. But not only is the GharE‘ our body-self is put up our atoms here but we also have part of our atoms in the Etheric and the Atmic state that aren‘t perceived physically. And that is what this Orb-Self is composed of. So as we are reclaiming our vessel, part of that vessel is the Physical Body structure. The other part is the Physical Body structure of the Atmic and the Etheric levels that just so happen not to appear solid from this particular level of focus. Just take a few minutes to try to feel the size of you, to find the parameters of your body of yourself of your identity. It used to be you looked in the mirror and said ‗I am this.‘ Yes you are ‗this‘ when you look in the mirror. But now know the rest of ‗I am this‘ too, the rest of this self. It is the beginning of understanding what it means to walk as a Transcendental Self. Ok, there, I went way ahead, so I have to go find what number we pick up on. As you begin to expand your definition of self of your ‗I AM‘ to include ―I am the ‗me‘ I know. I am the atoms of which my body, my Physical Body is. But I also am the air around me. I am also the ground beneath my feet. I am also the clouds above my head,‖ there is an expansion of consciousness-leap and concept of self that comes as you move through these states. The next is, if you are all this: ‗I am the fibers of the chair. I am this. I am the plastic of the chair. I am the sand. I am the clouds,‘ when you get here and begin to realize the environment of your hologram, ‗I AM this‘, not that over there but this The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 283

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right over here, everything you perceive around you, each one of you has a piece of it that you are literally creating, bringing in dial-a-graphic form so everyone of us here has the right to say ‗I am this I am.‘ Hear the ocean. This is in your hologram. I am this I am. Sense the clouds and the stars above your head. Tell yourself: ‗I am this too, I am.‘ Sense behind you this big conglomerate hotel with interesting configurations and very parochial tour 3D space-time location characteristics and know ‗I am this too. I am a shared hologram that you and any 1 other person experiences together.‘ They are part of your atoms that are you. They are actually building the entire structure of that shared hologram. It also means that you can move your consciousness into any part of that hologram to understand it better. And you never move anything the way you want it unless you do it with cooperation. You want something to cooperate with you, 1st you have to love it, and that means enter a state of vibrational harmonization with it. Some things you are better off getting yourself real strong 1 st before you try to do that because some things actually don‘t have the ability to hold that vibrational harmonization state. They can make a link but they don‘t have the ability to love. So yes, there are things in the Universe and the world that try to hurt you. Just consider that an illness on their part. Hatred is an illness for example. Even a Kryst being hating the anti-Christ, it is the Kryst being that is ill in that phase. We need to learn to move beyond the petty if we expect to become Transcendental and Eternal. It doesn‘t mean you let people walk on you; it means you don‘t blame the vessel. It means you reach higher to understand the bigger implications of the game, the game called existence in materialization. Now we are going to move back into a few more I am what‘s: ‗I am this. I am this. I am this,‘ not that over there. That means it‘s separate from you. You are this right here, right now. If you want to understand something, even if it‘s something that appears horrible and evil, you can move your consciousness toward it. It is a part of your hologram. There is a part of you that is helping it manifest. And believe me in my space where we are teaching about this, and we are teaching about the difference between the Krystic teachings and the Metatron and all of that, do I have to own that part of me? Hell yeah! What part of me is manifest at the back of this drama is still reality in my world. The implications are very large when you start to own your hologram. Start to own it in a fun way 1 st; look for the good stuff, alright. ‗I am the ocean. I am this.‘ It doesn‘t mean that you are the whole ocean. That means that you are a part of it, and your molecules are helping to make it be here. The same goes to all the good in your life and all the not-so-good at the moment in your life. Alright, let‘s see where we learn next. The lesson in that little lecture of expansion of your consciousness is that your conscious ‗I am energy‘ literally materializes the immediate external hologram that is around you. And when we can begin to embrace that idea, begin to sense the part of our fields through which that happens, alright, we begin to reclaim these parts of our own identity that are expressed in the elemental and environmental form. Parts of our own identity, our own energy that eventually we must recall Home and reorganize back into the Krystic imprint where we are trying to move are actually creating portions of the environment we perceive and experience around us. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 283

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We are manufacturing our hologram. We don‘t do it alone. Every being on the Planet is manufacturing a hologram, and we have certain patterns in common and that‘s why we see common forms like the same hotel or the same mountain or the same Planet. But it doesn‘t change the fact that we are literally, each one of us, contributing atoms to manifest that hologram. That also means if your hologram isn‘t where you want it, if it‘s not pleasant, if you own the fact that you are creating this, you‘re also owning the fact that you can change it because if you are actually somehow without meaning to making the unpleasant stuff happen, well you also can then once you learn that you are make the unpleasant turn back into pleasant. As long as we think reality happens to us from the outside, we will remain powerless on the inside. But if we can grasp the fact that we are manifesting our reality and materializing it through yes distorted forms, and it‘s the distorted forms that we are not fully conscious of controlling in our bodies that are creating us as making holograms we don‘t want to walk in. But if we can own the shyte, yeah we can own the power to change the shyte into freedom. But if you don‘t own the shyte as your own, and you keep blaming it on the source outside of you, it doesn‘t matter if that source outside of you is a definite force in your hologram and yes it helped you to create it. Yes there are things that do play the victim role or victimizer role, and we play the victims sometimes. But it doesn‘t change the fact that even you have been victimized, even this Planet has been victimized in this victim-victimizer game, we still have, and the Planet still has the ability to say ‗I own this all. I somehow created this for myself as a learning drama, and since I created it, I had the power to create this mess, I also have the power to dis-create it and create something better.‘ And this is why whenever you start to put blame outside, it doesn‘t mean you blame yourself and beat up on yourself. It means you recognize it: ―Geez, we have all these facilities of Creation that are actually running on auto-pilot right now on a twisted program that we need to get a handle on where we can consciously direct the energies of our own self. And once we can do that, we can progressively create more of the hologram experience that we are walking that looks like what we want to see. But every time we disown a part of it, I mean I could be really like ticked off from now to eternity at the Metatronic crew, but you know I‘m not; I love them. I see even them a part of the whole Cosmos. They came from the same place to Krystic stead. They chose a different path of learning. Honestly their path is harder. They might get little victories by playing with ideas where they take power away from certain fields that allow them to take power away. But ultimately they learn what it means to go back as space dust. The Kryst beings that were here, we have suffered many, many types of histories for ages now where people stood for the Kryst and been tortured, maimed, harmed, killed, etc. by the ones representing the force of the anti-Kryst. But if we can get to a space where we realize that both sides chose the roles, the victims on some level, and it‘s usually the Transcendental level, choose to experience the roles they have to learn certain things about how the game works, it doesn‘t mean torture‘s torture, it hurts. Wherever you are, if you are playing victim, be it emotional, physical, whatever, it is painful. One of the hardest things to do is if you have been victimized, to own the fact that you are co-creating that reality, be it on a personal level one-on-one relationships, be it on relation to a person living under a certain government regime, be it a person living on a Planet that‘s been controlled for over 75 years by extra- terrestrials while they still pretend that they don‘t exist, you know there‘s lots of levels of ‗I am victim.‘ But if you can own the fact that you create the ‗I am victim too,‘ and stop blaming the ones that are helping you to do that by actually playing the role of your victimizer, right, 1 st of all you set yourselves both free. You set the victimizer free that ‗You are no longer controlling my power. I am owning the fact that I am victimizing myself, and you happen to be the symbolic image that I seem to have created to do that for me!‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 283

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There is a whole level, you won‘t get it overnight, but it is a progressive growth where you start to own your hologram, and start to pull out of it a little where you realize that ‗Heck, I am manufacturing this! Oh my God, they are my thought forms! And then walking them, and feeling terrorized and totally disempowered and you know ticked off and pissed off and all sorts of other stuff down there!‘ But when you can pull in that Transcendental State, you realize you are manufacturing the whole game, the drama of your life, and that applies to us en mass as well. That is why they are trying to take us, to begin to show us what it means to be a Guardian Being. The level of consciousness that is held by a true Krystic Guardian is fully aware of all of these things. They are fully aware of their field. They know themselves actually as Orb, as Cloud, as a consciousness that can move itself anywhere to anytime to understand anything. They know themselves as that One with the Universal Unified Field. That is where we are being trained to go. We‘ve got quite a ways to go from there but we are doing well because we can at least listen to this kind of thing and say ‗I am what? I am the chair now,‘ right. Alright, ‗I am the cloud. I am the chair and the cloud simultaneously, oh yeah, where‘s my body in the middle?‘ There are a lot of states of focuses of attention that exist simultaneously. It‘s as if we are only watching a half of a, not even a half, like maybe a billionth of a whole TV channel and thinking we are seeing the whole picture. The billionth will be the little piece that we see when we look out our eyes in 3D. That‘s why we go up; we go down; we expand, find our Orb-Self. That‘s the beginning of feeling the parameters of who you are. It means yes, you can go project up in the clouds. Once you get good at it, you can actually co-create with the clouds and make shapes, and then shift your focus back here and look at the shapes you created. If you live in a desert and everything is dying because it hasn‘t rained in ages, you can go up in the clouds, be a cloud, be with the cloud and make rain happen. This is Elemental Command. You don‘t get Elemental Command by being stuck between your 2 eyes in your head as your EGO focus. You need to expand the EGO focus to include the other focuses that are with you all the time. And that‘s what we do to the techniques that we are just beginning to move into as far as learning how to shift state. Ultimately it comes down to, no matter how much help we are given by the Beloveds, it is our responsibility to shift state, take responsibility for it. And this is where little things like what we just learned is how to do is go up and go down and feel the parameter of your Orb. These things, you can do these anytime; you can do these anywhere. Remind yourself: are you a 3-dimensional finite being or are you a multi-dimensional Eternal Being? Are you a Transcendent Being or a mortal being? If you want to move beyond the parameters of being a mortal, a finite mortal, you need to make the right choice as far as to how you define yourself. And if you are Eternal, you need to remember to turn on the rest of your perceptions that are with you. They are there. There are many blocks for some of us where we punish ourselves and say, ‗I remember, some part of me remembers I was bad. Way back in Atlantis I made some bad choices and people got hurt and I don‘t trust myself anymore. So I‘m going to shut down all my facilities. I am going to shut off my inner vision. I am going to shut down my inner hearing. I am not going to allow myself to have those gifts anymore because I feel that I was not worthy of them in a different lifetime.‘ There are a number of people this applies to. And if you have problems with being able to perceive, like see things, hear things, the things that we talk about, the good things, the inter-dimensional things, if you feel like blank slate, not getting often right, never do, that has to do with selfpunishment. There is a level where you have to say ‗I forgive myself. I don‘t care what it is I might have done before. I don‘t care how bad, how awful, how stupid, how horrendous I might have been in another space-time focus,‘ but you don‘t actually remember enough right now, right? Say whatever it was, ‗I return to innocence now.‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 283

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God-Source grants you the freedom and the forgiveness but you have to grant yourself that, and in granting it grant back the gift. These perceptions are normal for you to have. You should normally be able to perceive all of that whole sphere from any angle in that sphere. We should not be locked into 1 little time vector and 1 little body that happens to die out from under us. It‘s time to stop punishing ourselves from whatever the rest of ourselves got ourselves into and we felt guilty for it. There is 1 thing that is always present. If a person, a being or a society finds itself being victimized, you will not have victimization unless you have guilt on the part of the victim. If the victim feels, even if they are wrong, even they actually didn‘t do anything, they just blamed themselves for it, if there is a guilt imprint that will draw to you situations where you become the victim as you keep kicking yourself symbolically for what you feel you did wrong. And that is why a clean slate where you say, ‗I will love me as Orb, right here, right now, regardless of what happened. I will allow myself to have my gifts and my perceptions back. God-Source wants me to have them back. Why am I not allowing myself to receive that gift?‘ This is how you start to get out of your own way. Forgiveness is the 1st part. And if you can‘t forgive yourself for God knows what you might or might not have done because you can‘t remember, why in the world would you judge your neighbor or someone next to you? This is where you learn to transcend the judgment issues, and learn to carry love regardless if someone is loving you, or something is treating you kindly where you can love an angel and a devil criminal horrible being all the same time recognizing the same Source we came from. There are levels of learning here that are not easy and they are very different than the usual stuff we keep our brains focused on while walking through our days. A day at the office, you know the gossiping, backbiting over the water cooler and that kind of stuff that happens, where are you in this? Are you a part of the problem? Are you a part of the solution? You are going to be a part of the problem if you don‘t forgive yourself and don‘t remember you are an Orb. If we can remember we‘re Orbs 1st, and these little manifest bodies in the middle of the Orbs 2nd, we start to walk in this world in a very different way. There is a difference between walking in this world as one that is enslaved by this world or walking in this world as a Guardian. And what our job is, is to just remind people of how to walk in this world as a Guardian as we remind ourselves as well! We deal with these same issues. We are not floating on clouds. We are dealing with the same issues too. We are almost done with this technique. (A‘sha addressing A‘zah) I‘m sorry what? What did you say? You said something. They‘ll be walking dead in the morning, right? Alright, (chuckles) you know we could push it from 10:00 to 11:00 but then it gets a little bit hot by 11:00…. You did…. Yeah, yeah oh, alright anyway, let‘s move through here. Yeah, we are not doing too bad. Just let me do a quick scan here. At this point of trying to wrap our small 3D Mental Body ideas around the much larger 6-dimensional concept of transcendental perception and awareness, it can help to at this moment of transcendental recognition where we‘re beginning to recognize there is a state past this that we are actually aspiring to turn back on in our own self, to say out loud to ourselves, not to yell, just say it quietly to ourselves ‗I now reclaim all aspects of my disowned self in the name of the Eternal Kryst,‘ which means ‗Once I got messed up, yeah I reclaim them too but only with the Kryst as the buffer, thank you! Right I was a psycho in some life somewhere. I‘m not going to take that on right now, you know. I will bring that in in the name of the Kryst and let the Kryst part of myself handle how that should be dealt with.‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 283

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But it is the reclaiming of the disowned self, the disowned power, reclaiming the power that we project out into the hologram, and then we end up thinking the hologram is doing something to us. We may not be consciously creating a lot of it but it doesn‘t change the fact that we are creating it. So if we can say to ourselves simply, ‗I now reclaim, yup, I now reclaim (participants repeat) alright, all aspects of my disowned self (participants repeat) in the name of the Eternal Kryst (participants repeat). And now breathe gently, (inhale-exhale) and release all the ideas that we‘re talked about, and the intention that we just put forth of ‗I reclaim my disowned self.‘ Feel right now the wind. Try to shut everything else off: thoughts, words. Just feel the presence of the wind against your skin, gentle breeze, and then Inhale, Hold for a moment, and all those thoughts, ideas, intentions, all those boundaries of self that we define ourselves of before, Exhale now into the wind and let the wind carry it away. Try to feel the presence now within you, the presence of a divinely empty vessel. It‘s almost like an empty spot clears inside of you, not a vacuum but just room for more of you to come in. The empty vessel spot comes. It doesn‘t mean you disown your identity. It means you disentangle yourself from over-attachment to any one identity, any one name, any one face, body, shape, Incarnation. This is what it means to become your own Buddha, your own Bud, where you realize ‗I am this. I am this. I am this. I am all this. And even if I were none of that, I am still this,‘ the one perceiving it. There is a freedom in that state. It‘s where you begin to learn to be in the world and of the world but not fully of the world. You can participate in it, be actively engaged in it, be passionate, emotional, feel it, don‘t have to pretend you feel nothing until you disengage your own emotions, but at the same time of just walking it like a normal person but you can carry this state. It is almost a state of wonder, of innocent child-like wonder of you walking around in this amazing hologram that some part of you is somehow creating. It‘s all you. And you are part of their hologram too, the people you see in your hologram; it is a co-creation. It is the beginning of learning to transcend a singular identity of self for knowing yourself as a multiple identity self. The more of yourself that you bring in as you go into Ascension, the more you realize you are a plural. Heck you got 1728 Incarnations in the local Universe. Imagine knowing yourself as the center one of all of those. It‘s like ‗Ah, this one I am a guy, and that one I am a girl, and that one I am a buffalo. That one I am a fish, and I am a Sirian Blue.‘ Imagine being the person that is you eternally that shows each 1 of those forms, each 1 of those dramas. Now if you get stuck saying ‗I‘m just the buffalo or I‘m just the Sirian Blue or I‘m just that,‘ that‘s when you start feeling cut off from Source, from yourself, from your power. That center point, 1st the God-Self and the rest of your ProbableSelves, and then you transcend itself. It takes you to a position of calm, power, the Bud power. That‘s where the Buddha teachings came out of as far as that peaceful. But they lost a bit where they lost identity in the process of the translation of those teachings. It is not about losing identity. It is about having identity, all of them, and not getting over-attached to any of them because when you know yourself as your highest Eternal-Self, you will find that you are all of those things but none of those things, not 1 name of any of those things, and even if you strung every name of every one of those things together, you‘ll still not come up with the full label or definition of ‗I AM this I AM‘ because there is a part that will always be beyond label, linear labels and definition. If you can begin to sense this part of yourself, you will begin to know what freedom is about. And you will begin to find the grace of movement, of mindfulness as you go about your days here, aware in both focuses. When we get into the little exercise that you just have to jot something down on, it‘s the mindfulness. They are exercises you are going to be asked to do sometime tomorrow for yourselves that later we‘ll talk about if you want to share that. These mindfulness techniques are about helping you to remember to shift into these other states of awareness that are with you. Because when we forget, and our gene code does a really good job of helping us do that, is when we get stuck, and we get stuck in the outer self, and we can‘t find the inner self and remember who we are. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 283

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Each one of us is blessed and beautiful in our Bud-Self, in our Buddha form. We have a Buddha form on Density-1: our God-Self, a Buddha form on Density-2 as the Transcendent Self. They go all the way up the densities. We wanted to let you know about these and we are transmitting, I don‘t know if you feel it, the auric. We are transmitting actually the frequencies of the state because certain parts of these states no words can touch because they are all feeling and direct cognition. We are transmitting the frequencies of those direct cognitions. Try to bring them with you when you go to sleep tonight, take them with you. Find your 1st level Buddha, your 1st Buddha-Self. You don‘t need a Buddha outside of yourself. You don‘t need a guru. On occasion we need to play teachers for each other to help ourselves remind ourselves of what we forgotten but you are your own Buddha. You are your own God-Self, and you are a part of a God-Source that is Eternal and amazing, and no idea down here in the densities can ever eradicate that truth. We have a thing left to do, and the thing left to do is quick. Those of you who would like to put on your big Buddha panties as they say (chuckle), try to sense that Buddha level of yourself. Even if it is Buddha level 1, that‘s cool, your God-Self, yes! Ok, this is 1 me. I look in the mirror, I see that. There are at least, there are 11 other versions of that face that came from that fetus running around that I‘m not consciously aware of but now at least I know they are there, right. That will begin like ‗Ok, I am me, how do you define me?‘ Right, since you are the one that are learning the Ascension teachings, you are probably the only one that is fully learning them to this level, which means you are serving for that whole group of 11 others as the one that will bring them all into Buddha-1 state. So if you can respect yourself as a Guardian, (inhale) try to feel yourself. Straighten your spine a little be it laying down or laying backward this chair, bring the shoulders back a little and let the main vertical current run straight. Say to yourself out loud: ‗I am a Buddha, hell! (Chuckle) I am a Buddha! Oh, cool! I AM a Buddha. I am a Bud-Self. I am the Bud-Self of my collective.‘ This is what a Buddha is. Try to feel. Think of the image of Buddhas, and all the amazing, beautiful, graceful, quiet, wise things they stand for in the teachings that have been left here. Try to imagine yourself sitting in that like Buddhist-Buddha position, and imagine yourself in the Buddha robes whatever color you want. They don‘t have to be like orange monk stuff, right. You can wear the little funny hats if you want. You can dress your Buddha any way you want. Buddhas usually hold mudras. They hold their fingers in certain configurations, and very rarely do they actually tell you what that‘s about, and often they don‘t know themselves! (Chuckle) Well, at least we know 1 configuration and what it means for now, and that is the Lotus Touch Fingers. Let‘s say if you are a Buddha that holds the Lotus Touch Fingers out as this, as an offering of peace and freedom to self and all, an Eternal Message of Source. Try to hold yourself in this posture just for a few moments while we do this very quick journey for those who want to own their Buddha-Selves now. And as the Buddha-Selves we will travel quickly in mental projection to Caral, Peru. We will go to Caral, Peru, and we will pick up the Ra-sha-Pa-Ta-Ur of Net-Earth. And it will be a little yellow-gold Orb-Seed. We are collectively and we are going to do this the fast way. We are Buddhas. With these Lotus Fingers pointed upward, 1 st make an arc between them. See an arc of rainbow go right above your head from 1 set of fingers to the one on the other side. Now extend your arms upward all the way up over your head. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 283

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Inhale, and on the forceful Exhale push that arc all the way up till they all meet in the center. (Forceful Exhale….) We can now bring our arms and hands down and now rest them peacefully on our Buddha legs. And you see that we created above us an amazing shape. It looks like many, many figure-8s put together. And if you put many figure-8s together particularly 12 of them, you end up with the configuration of the Elum-Eir‘-Adhona. We are simply going to use the breath to send that over to Caral. We will bring the breath up to the Phoenix grids to activate Sentinel-1A. Then we will bring it home over to here to activate Sentinal-1B. And then really quickly after that, if we can turn on the lights, do a real quick stretch as far as what are those Mindfulness Exercises that are bringing us to do for tomorrow as Buddhas. We will leave here; every one of you will leave here, this workshop as a Buddha. Know this, respect it. Respect yourself as a Buddha. How would a Buddha walk? What if you got beamed up in a beautiful spaceship or a beautiful Creation Vehicle Merkaba that came and took you to another Planet in a beautiful temple, and said, ‗You are Beloved now. You have learned enough. You are granted Buddha-ship (chuckle).‘ Do you really need that? I mean seriously, right, you have Buddha-ship. It has always been with you. It is the idea of remembering it and bringing that back in. The levels of activation you now have are what once upon a time the word ‗Buddha‘ meant down here. A Buddha was one who had these levels of activation turned on in the field. So you are Buddhist now, and as Buddhists we will together go and do this very simple, we will simply send the Spirit Body of Buddha that we have created as a grid worker to serve the Kryst. So just Inhale, and on the Exhale we will send it over to Caral, Peru, and push (exhale)! Since that Elum-Eir‘-Adhona Spirit Body that we have created together as a Guardian that Buddhists created together, Ascension life form with a mission, that mission is to carry from Caral. Let us Inhale now because it is there. On the Exhale we will move with it and bring it to the Phoenix grids. Exhale now…. Feel Sentinel-1A coming on-line. Try to sense this rejoicing in the grids over in the Phoenix area. Let us Inhale again, and on the exhale we will pull it from the Phoenix area right over to the Kitts Gates Adjugate-13, and Exhale now…. The delivery is well done and successful. From a Buddha State, even Buddha Level-1, which is the Density-1 Level God-Self Level, from there things are not as hard as they appear to be when one does not remember that they are a Buddha. Buddhas know they have the ability to create with their thoughts and with their energy. They learn to refine, and they put quite a bit of time in learning to refine how to use their energy both in body, in mind, and those kind of things. But once you are and accept your Buddha State, your own very own Buddha State, you have a power to make things in your life start to work easier. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 283

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Or if you have adversity coming your way, kind of go ‗Um, what‘s a Buddha do?‘ ‗Oh, going to Ham‘s den. I think more going to freak out. I am sick of it. I always want to be out of my body. I want to get out of here!‘ No, Buddhists don‘t do that, no! Frustrated Buddha-wannabes do that, I know; hey I have been there (chuckles)! No problem! Can I go save some frustrated Buddha-wannabe, right? But I also thankfully confine my state of ‗Buddha I am this‘ right. The ‗Buddha I am this‘ State that we all have the ability to reach within ourselves will look at adversity and go ‗Ummm, there is a lesson here. There is. I am this I am. I am teaching myself a lesson,‘ and go (inhale) ‗And let this be‘ (exhale). You might not know the lesson right now, that‘s ok. Buddhas are cool with that, ok, but they know somewhere the answer, the understanding of that lesson is. And as long as they are ok with that lesson and move through it with dignity, and grace, and knowing their divine commitment to Eternal-Life Source to the things Buddha stands for, they know they will be ok in the face of adversity. And the more you do not interact with and start throwing energy back at the drama that is throwing energy at you, the more the drama will lose its energy to throw energy back at you, right! The more at peace you can become with the things you like least in your life which is what Buddhists do, they give up everything by the way. We are not asking you to do that. Keep your houses, your cars, your clothes, have your fun little thingies, right. But literally, the old-fashioned Buddha training where you would go through and give up everything, seriously. You had a bowl to eat out of. If you are lucky there was a spoony thing to go with it or chopsticks or something. You had a robe, a robe. And if you were very lucky, say living in Tibet in Himalayas where it is freezing in the winter, you might have a blanket, right. They would go out and sit in the middle of freezing cold for weeks on end and not let themselves die, right? There are states in the Buddha State that you can reach that you can transcend pain. You can walk on fire and not get burned. You can do all of these things but it begins with it. If you can‘t recognize you have ‗I am Buddha. I am this in me,‘ you will not manifest yourself, materialize yourself as that. You have to realize that it is there 1 st. If you can go just use that posture right, even if you are like in the middle of stuff and you don‘t want people to think you are weird right? You don‘t have to do it physically but there is a grace in this posture. It‘s simply do the cross legs if you can. If you can‘t just sit whatever way you can. But Inhale, and bring the arms up in the Lotus position. (Exhale) It is the prime mudra of Krystic Buddha, the Lotus Fingers. Just try to feel the peace in the position. Whenever you start to get upset, freaked out, bugged, ticked off, whatever, in reality because you will, and the more you want to be Buddha don‘t be surprised that the quicker your lessons come up, ok. This means yeah, it doesn‘t mean that you have to be like flattened by your karma. No, it means that you may get things. If there is something that you repeatedly lose it over, that really just like pushes your buttons and you just lose your temper, lose your composure, you cry or yell or do something stupid that you really kind of say, ‗Why should I do that? Before I was quite Buddha-like wasn‘t I?‘ where you lose control of your energy, that will be the thing that will keep coming back up until you learn to go Buddha on it. When you go (Inhale) ‗Ah-ha, that one again,‘ smile! (Inhale) ‗I am peaceful Buddha. This time I will not let my energy go that way toward it. I will simply (Inhale) bring my energy in and make my rainbow arc go over my head, and just observe what might that be. And refuse to react to it right now while I don‘t know.‘

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 283

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When you stop the energy of you re-energizing the drama that‘s trying to drag you into drama, right, where you are bouncing energy off yourself really off your hologram, it will begin to give you control over your hologram and you‘ll be amazed your hologram will start to meet you. But the more you fight with the thing out there, the more you actually energize it to come back at you. The more you have a fear, say of financial collapse ha-ha all that stuff that is happening in America right, all that stuff, the more you have that fear, the more you are energizing it, throwing it out and it will come back at you and amplify it. And that amplifies your fear, and then you throw more out each time of the amplification process. So in the Buddha States that we are aiming to reclaim in ourselves, there is a piece where almost I mean sometimes the drama because it is a mass level drama and gets just really crazy trying to ‗Who‘s on 1 st,‘ who knows at this point! If you just learn to step back and go Buddha on it a bit, say, ‗Alright, yes I could say that if I were attached, I don‘t really like this. But I am choosing not to be attached. I will observe that if I were attached, I don‘t really like this. However, I am attached but also not attached. I observe this as a lesson. I will learn from this and grow, and then it will go away and turn into something that feels better.‘ There is a whole state of mind attached with the activations that we are doing.

[Audio Track 13B 2:02:26] PSI Technique 3A: Post-technique We‘ll talk more about the Buddha-ness and those things. There is something the Beloveds would like you to begin for those who are willing to take a bit of personal responsibility for working with mindfulness because as long as there is energy we are out of control of in our own self in our own field, there is going to parts of your hologram you will always be out of control of, and will feel like they are controlling you, those parts are controlling you. (A‘sha addressing A‘zah) Do what? It‘s 2:00 am, ok. We will survive this. This hay is not done, I‘m happy. This hay is not done, I‘m happy, alright. Sometimes hours get strange. That‘s another one: attachment to time, right; boy we had lessons in that in the last 10 years of the workshops. Ok I just want to find the 1 sheet that I can give you the titles of these things on, and that‘s this one I think. Ok, there will be 6 of these exercises in mindfulness altogether by the end of the trip but there are 2 for now, everybody alright over there? Yeah you can put the lights on if you want to whoever is doing lights out there whoever did lights before so everybody can see to write down. Coming, I see a vertical body. I see a vertical Buddha (chuckles). I see this really funny, the Beloveds, oui. The Beloveds just came in. They are sending in a transmission of something but they just sometimes they will use something like a cloak or a lesson from here, from what we do. You know how on football games or soccer ball games that you‘ll hear sometimes from the stands where they go ‗Woo, woo, woo, woo,‘ right? The Beloveds just went ‗Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha,‘ alright they are doing it like a chant like they doing it on football games, right. Yeah, it doesn‘t mean we all have to go out like go find the Buddhist teachings and become devout Buddhists and wear orange robes, and all that kind of stuff. No, that‗s not required. They are going back to the original meaning of what these teachings were. But they like us to know that they are with us. I don‘t know if the lights are with us but the Beloveds are with us. Yay, there we go! I can‘t wait to take this off my head. Actually it hurts ‗ouch!‘ (Chuckles) ‗Ow!‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 104 of 283

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Ok, now the 2 exercises in mindfulness are, oops! The 1 st one is called the Treasure Hunt. You don‘t have to write down everything I say, just little key words like the name of that one is Treasure Hunt, right. I‘ll give you a little bit of verbiage on it. You don‘t have to write all that down. 1 st of all remember that our ZionA helpers are working with us with this, alright so they are helping. They will help manifest in the hologram the things that are associated with these with these mindfulness teachings. The Treasure Hunt has to do with becoming aware and spending the day as you go through your day searching for and looking for what are called waking dream messages. To start this, and eventually it becomes a language, a code language that you use all the time. To start it, start with identifying it in yourself and writing it down in journals an issue that you would like some insight or clarity on. It can be about anything, just something in your life that you are trying to work out or figure out or make/feel better space that you are trying to heal in your life. Come up with a question or a focus ‗I would like please some insight on this subject,‘ and write that down in your notebook, in your journal. Now start keeping a journal as of this exercise if you haven‘t before. And then once you have your target for the day, keep in mind ‗I‘m looking for info on this. And the Beloveds are going to give me a message in this. I‘m going to manifest for myself as a Buddha messages that tell me little pieces of what I need to know.‘ They will sometimes just cut right through a million words and dissertations and mind loops. It may be that your car pulls up at the red light to somebody in front of you. You know they are in the red light too. And then their license plate says something funny. You kind of go, ‗Does that mean anything?‘ but it has a feel to it, right? It may be a truck pulls up beside you or passes you by like ‗Mayflower Moving,‘ right or something, and it has a message in it that has to do with the focus that you are looking for information on. It may be somebody talking to somebody next to you, not even to you, and you just hear a part of the conversation that just answered something, right. Look for the waking dream messages. They are always around us. Sometimes they get stronger than others where they get so blatant so in-your-face you go, ‗Geez alright, I get it, I get it.‘ You can also get it like I don‘t know about here but at home on the radio in your car we always get them in threes, especially if we are traumatized. The Beloveds would actually shift the radio and they would come in sets of 3 songs, some we might have known, we might know, some we didn‘t know, never heard before. But the words would have to do with either trying to calm us or give us some message. The Beloveds actually started to speak to us through things like that when we were convoluting our own heads so much that they couldn‘t talk to us directly. The waking dream language is very important when we begin the work with the multi-dimensional aspects of ourselves and with the Beloveds because sometimes we get into these mind loops with the NET, and we really can‘t—you‘re just like you are looping around. Then you just feel trapped in your head and not realize you are actually creating half the trap where you can get waking dream messages that actually come in your hologram and showing you something. So the Beloveds guarantee that everyone will have a minimum of 3, a maximum of 12 waking dream messages tomorrow. This exercise is meant to be done tomorrow during your day, right. Some will be smaller. Some will be more obvious. Try to find them. They will actually, they are saying actually give everybody 12 but some may be out range to the point where just be happy if you find 3, alright. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 283

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So there will be 12 created for everyone, and this they are helping you to do this. Your ZionA helper, they are actually hanging with people that kind of in the Mentor Space, just hanging there. And they will assist you in doing this because we can learn how to use this language, the waking dream language where there is other times when the Beloveds need to talk to us and we are not hearing. Say if there is an emergency grid-something happening, they will actually start, they will use the waking dream language to arrange things so we can see so we start paying attention. Or at least get the right message of ‗Do that!‘ you know meaning we don‘t get the details. So the waking dream is the 1 st thing. It is a treasure hunt. Go find the treasures of the waking dream. (A‘sha addressing A‘zah) Yeah…yeah, ok, Az is pointing out and he‘s right that detached observation of the waking dream is also important. We‘re just (making) detached observation of it. Once you notice it, you don‘t go gung ho off the deep end with ‗Ahhh! I got my message!‘ all this much and then read all sorts of stuff into it, right? Say ‗Ok, yes this is a message,‘ don‘t necessarily assume you can decode, decode everything it means, right then. Realize it‘s important and it has a feel to it; you know it‘s there. Don‘t over-analyze it. Don‘t draw conclusions, full-on complete conclusions from it yet. Detached observation of it: ok, you just got more information about the target you are looking for insight on but don‘t jump to conclusions before and assume all sorts of stuff about it. Wait till you get more to back it up, and there is layers that you will get of this type of waking dream communication that progressively give(s) you more information that fills out the picture of the answer that you were looking for in a certain area. Yeah, so you don‘t just immediately jump to conclusions ‗Ah, there‘s my answer! It means that I have to go do this.‘ No, it means you are getting some datum added to the area that you were looking for insight on. Let that datum collect not just from 1 waking dream but from numbers of them. And eventually you will be able to tell the feel what ones to take fully seriously, what ones to take and realize that they are symbolic. Some will be literal. Some will be symbolic. There is a level of Buddha-Self that needs to learn to tell the difference between the 2, right. Like if you see like a picture all of a sudden of a funny little picture in the sand and it looks like a man jumping off a cliff. That does not mean it is a waking dream that ‗I am supposed to go kill myself!‘ for example, right. It could be a waking dream ‗Hmmm, isn‘t that interesting?‘ You could interpret that like ‗Hmmm, yeah it looks like that. It must mean that a part of me is really sick of something,‘ right, and you just feel like ‗Forget it!‘ right. A‘zah: People might dump decisions sometimes. A‘sha: Yeah, or people might dump decisions sometimes, right. You can interpret waking dreams in numerous ways, and very often they will have more than 1 meaning to you, right. There will be layers of meaning. There‘ll be the 1 st obvious one that got your attention in the 1 st place. Then there will be other nuances underneath it that it might be a month later and you go ‗Ah-ha! That‘s about that too, isn‘t it?‘ Yeah, so it opens up a whole new type of associative language that you can work with your higher levels of consciousness your Buddha level Self and those things to begin getting outside of that mind-NET that is the linear language lock that we tend to be in. So that is the 1st one. The 2nd one, oh his one is fun too! There‘s of course since they are all done on 1 day, you will be doing this during the same time that you were keeping eye open for waking dreams. This one, what they call it, oh you know the song, here we go with the song. You know the song (sings) ‗Walk like an Egyptian, neh….‘ yup that one! So ‗Walk like a Guardian‘, right? It starts with ‗Walk‘. Then we get into ‗Think‘, ‗Speak‘, ‗Talk‘, it goes later in the other techniques that we are going to be learning with this. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 283

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This one is called ‗Walk like a Guardian‘. It‘s about conscious movement, becoming consciously aware of our body moving, what it‘s doing at any given time. Now the easiest way to start becoming aware of what that means is start to notice your posture. What is your posture doing? Are your shoulders slouched? I am talking about physical posture right now. (A‘sha addressing A‘zah) No, I am talking about bodies right now, body movement, yeah, yeah. No, no, they are later. They are later. They are part of the other, yeah. This is learning to deal with just the physical body, right, and getting your brain consciousness, it‘s retraining the brain to remember it has a body and it is a body, right. And getting the body to interact directly also with the brain because what we usually do is we go around in our lives and our bodies are kind of like on auto-pilot. They do anything. You sit down, and you have a certain way of sit-down. You don‘t even think about how you sit down, right. There are certain ways. Do you ever notice how you walk? Everybody has a different walk, right. What are your body-pieces doing when you are walking? Do you ever think about it? Not really, it works, it goes, right. Did you ever notice your feet when you walk? Did they go out like this? Did they go in like that? Does 1 go out, 1 go in? What do they do? When you pick up a cup or a haversack, what did your hand just do? It goes so fast we miss it, right. So for 1 day, take 3 hours out of that day, back to back, and preferably part of them in public. Now it is easy to lock yourself up in your bathroom, or whatever, and just like right oh it‘s a whole new experience when you are distracted by the usual 3D stuff that you have to deal with on a regular basis. Become aware of every time you pick up an object and just know ‗I picked up an object.‘ It helps to slow the motion down where you catch the fact that you just did! Because some of go you just do stuff you know you get dressed in the morning, stuff your coffee down yourself up to a time. For me by the time I wake up, I‘ve already had like a little bowl of instant oatmeal. I am dressed. I have paper workshop pooled over there. It‘s like ‗Am I awake now?‘ Oh yeah, and it‘s like all this just happened on auto-pilot, didn‘t even think about it. There is a point of mindfulness where you start to become much more aware and thus in control of what your body and your being is doing at any given moment so you can choose better. You can make better choices as far as some of them are fine, and hey I have no problem. Hey it‘s dressed and they don‘t matter or any stuff, great! But the time I still remember where my eyes are going ‗I think I‘m poured into my body now, yeah I am awake, yeah, hey great!‘ Auto-pilot is great for having to function in 3D time schedules and stuff but there is a point where if you can become aware. Did you ever see an infant when it lays on its back, and I mean babies will study their hands, and they‘ll move their hands in front of them, and then like go ‗Hah?‘ talk on themselves, right? The thing is fascinated about the movement and this thing that they‘ve got that‘s called the body. As we get used to it, and learn to just run it, we tend to forget that whole level. And if we are out of touch with the body consciousness, we are not going to realize for instance that if you want to have your full energy turned on, having a straight but not rigid spine is very helpful to that fact. Most people slouch, alright, unless you are a person who has worked out a lot and like you have already got the—if you work out by the way, it tends to bring the shoulders back. If you do the upper body stuff where you do a bit of weights, it actually brings the, it opens up the shoulder and the chest area because it tightens the back muscles a bit, and that shifts the whole posture. It The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 283

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makes it much easier to hold the Central Vertical Column vertical instead of bumped, right. Most people have a bit of hunch, you know, we slouch, especially if you are tired. It‘s like…forget the body, whatever. I am glad you are still walking, right, still awake at all. Try to become aware of and it is easy to start with posture honestly. What is my posture doing right now? You don‘t have to ‗Oh you do this…start to be…rigid and…free to move, no. It‘s more like ‗I am Buddha,‘ (exhale). Relaxed but straighten the shoulders back a little. Try to think of holding as straight as you can, the Central Vertical Column that way. Try to think of moving with grace, right. Imagine that let‘s say you were on a Universal TV, right, a hidden TV camera that watched every movement and filmed every movement, and there was a test on who could move most gracefully, and you are in 1 of those stupid kind of shows and somebody‘s watching. How would you move? How would you move if you knew you were being watched here right, which is very different than if you think ‗Hey, I‘m off duty, great! I just sprawl all over and be whatever,‘ right. It‘s not that you are being watched. It is not about being afraid of being watched. It‘s about learning to move consciously in a way like there is a way right now I could just kind of like plop myself up off the chair ‗blaeh, can‘t open this. Hey you know bye guys!‘ you know that kind of stuff and I do that a lot lately. Then there‘s other ways where if I were saying putting on my High Council big girl panties, big Buddha panties, I would probably in certain company especially when you get into ambassadorships up there and stuff where certain ones watch body language and they actually use it on site to judge how you actually holding your energy. It may not be true. I mean that is just as bad as not holding your energy well as one who judged it because they think just because you are slouching right now doesn‘t mean you are a Buddha, right. ‗Just excuse me, I am tired at the moment,‘ right, or whatever. But there is a way of walking like a Guardian of holding yourself as a Guardian, and that would be say if you are getting up, you simply use a bit more grace. Be aware of the spine and the Vertical Column. Be aware of the energy. There would be a way of moving gently instead of moving aggressively or sloppily right. Become aware of movement. If I wanted to say become aware of movement to you, I can do this right now, or I could say ‗Watch the difference in the gesture.‘ I could simply say like I usually do ‗Become aware of movement,‘ or I could go ‗Watch the elbow. Watch the hand gesture. Become aware of movement and the power it holds to carry energy. Feel the difference in a simple gesture of hand or mind or body and may work together.‘ I am learning too, alright. I mean hey I‘ve managed to survive 10 years of these workshops, right, crawling on the stage after being up way too long doing transmissions than teaching. I am lucky my eye lids are open. Forget worrying about my posture you know what I mean, or worrying what I‘m wearing! But there is a point where you are getting control of your life space. If you can get in control of simple little things, you‘d be amazed of the big things that shift outside of you. If you can know yourselves now as ‗I am a Buddha; I carry myself with the grace and respect of a Buddha.‘ Notice 1 thing about most Buddhas, they usually have well 2 things, and we are not going to have the other thing. But they usually have pretty decent posture, and that posture of grace and how they hold themselves, and the other thing is pot bellies! The pot bellies are optional (chuckles). I am not going there. I don‘t want a pot belly. But that has to do with perhaps not the Buddha models that come out in the statues perhaps. There is a bit of underdevelopment in the Axiatonals in that central area that control(s) those central chakras, which would imply there‘s probably a bit of grounding issues too. And The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 283

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that‘s probably why I think a lot of them are celibate, or most of them or all of them were celibate, right. So the Buddha models that we have out there, they were meant to remind us of a state of the Bud State that we come from. But every movement, if you can spend a little time tomorrow, spend 3 hours where you actually keep reminding yourself to remember, to be aware of it because that‘s what it comes to. You get caught up in your day and you forget that you are trying to remember to do this, right. These are also exercises that once you leave here, all 6 of them, you can play these with yourself at home to help develop the state and get more aware of it. But the simple difference in how energy happens and how you move your body becomes more and more important the more power you hold in your body. If you can begin to make a simple little gesture like ‗Hey I usually do it this way,‘ you know, or you do it this way. You learn also with the voice, the voices in others, like another appendage that comes off of you. There is a way to learn and I am just learning this. They are teaching me how to move, how to move with the grace. There is a flow like you see in tai chi, people who practice tai chi really well where the whole body just seems to work together really well; the flow is graceful. There is a person, well Mr. Obama who is our President-elect in the States, I meant he is probably not conscious about being Buddha-like or anything like that but he holds himself with a grace even under fire. He doesn‘t yell and scream and throw you know nasty ideas of people. Even when they are attacking him he can get passionate but there is a grace in how he holds his field. He is a good example of a sleeping Buddha! He‘s being a Buddha even though he is not thinking about it, right; he holds his field in grace. Now hopefully that holds through the Presidency, alright! But we can do this. So if you tomorrow do the 2 things: do the Treasure Hunt where you look for those 12 and be happy if you only find 3, but if you find 12, great, of the waking dreams. And the other is the ‗Walk like a Guardian…,‘ right, yeah, conscious movement, become aware of your movements. And sometimes it helps to like just slow them down a little bit and say, ‗What did I just do?‘ Sometimes you‘ll actually forget: ‗What did I just do? I know I just did something but I can‘t remember. I did it so fast!‘ Sometimes your body, and sometimes your GharE‘, sometimes just your Gharoche‘ you actually do stuff. This becomes very important where addictions come in by the way. Where if you want to get control over the addiction issues in your body, 1st just get control of ‗What are my others do? What are my feet doing when I am walking? Where is my posture?‘ become aware there. Then you can become aware ‗What am I picking up to put in my face right now? Maybe I should think and not do that right now.‘ You start to develop control. We are coming from a place as far as addictions go, we do not buy into the 12-step programs that say it is a disease and you have no control. Now 12-step programs can scare you sober, yes they can, right. They can scare you off drugs. Hey and that‘s better than totally wiping yourself out on but they give you the 1 of the most destructive things you could ever tell yourself: ‗I am powerless over this‘ repeated over and over. ‗Hi, my name is so-and-so. I am powerless over X, Y, Z.‘ Great! What are you creating? Shit! I know a lot of people that had addiction problems in my life-time, and they went into those 12-step programs and what they became was scary, hypocrites actually. Also everybody else was an addict too, right! ‗Oh, oh you don‘t drink. Oh you are dry drunk. Why? Oh because you just reacted that way.‘ I mean it‘s the projection stuff that happens in these programs. We don‘t buy into any of that. You/We do have control over our energies.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 283

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Now sometimes we act out of control. If your gene code has a susceptibility to act certain ways under influences of alcohol or drugs, well we do have the ability to say ‗I will choose to say no to that.‘ But the point is we are being taught not to take responsibility for it, and just say ‗Oh, it‘s not my fault! It‘s somebody else‘s fault. That person made me upset so I went and did that/ this. This made me mad,‘ or ‗My parents did that,‘ or ‗I was abused as a child,‘ or whatever! We all got issues. We need to teach ourselves to get over it and say ‗If I am a Buddha, what does a Buddha do this with this?‘ Do you think a Buddha goes to a 12-step program seriously? ‗I am powerless over…,‘ urr no, no! ‗I choose to not be powerless over anything. I choose to be kind and loving toward everything. I choose to be mindful.‘ There is 1 thing that Buddhism will teach you is to be mindful of what the heck you are doing with your energy, right. This is the 1 thing that makes the difference between do we act empowered and are we getting control of our hologram, or is it still running us over? If we can‘t be mindful, it is going to run us over because we are not controlling our own energy that is actually manufacturing it. So those 2 little mindfulness exercises are the beginning ones, there are more, and I think they get more fun as we go. They are also made to help you develop a conscious rapport with the ZionA helper that is with you because if you want them to they will hang out with you and go home with you, and they will work with you directly because what they will be eventually once you get to Slide or even if you Bhardoah out, they will be the ones you 1 st meet. The ones that you met last night will be the ones that are taking—they are being that attendant as if you were the amnesiac person that they really care about, and they want you to be ok so you can get out of the ‗hospital‘ called Earth and get back into freedom and functional, right, so this is the 1 contact. You still have your Bhendis if you have been working with Bhendis but these are your immediate close ones. They will assist you with whatever, and they will actually ride in projection with you. You can tell them to go away if you don‘t like them but if you want them there they are there. So this will help these Mindful Exercises will help begin you guys being able to start if you can‘t hear them or see them yet, to begin to feel them. They will start with touch if the hearing and vision is not turned on yet and you are blocking yourself because you have not forgiven yourself for stuff from the past etc where you are like turning all your inner senses off, or there is a fear where you are turning all your inner senses off. They will start with touch, a gentle touch on the face, on the hand, on the head. They will pet you but never in your privates, just notice. If you get anything going ‗Oh hi, I am your helper,‘ (sinister chuckle) like just like a molester, no, no, no, no; no that is not your helper, ok. Know that is something else trying to pretend that it is your helper, say, ‗Excuse me, ah-ah, not going there, and just get off me!‘ We have to learn to have attitude back to stuff that tries to mess with you. If you go, ‗Oh don‘t, don‘t!‘ oh what do you think? They are going to say ‗Oh great they won‘t. I am going to be nice now.‘ If it is not a nice being, it is not going to be nice going ‗Ha-ha sucker, this one is easy!‘ right. You have to say, ‗Excuse me get off me! Go away! I don‘t want to talk to you, and I won‘t!‘ You need to learn to stand up for yourself in the Astral Field when you get stuff coming at you but also gently but firmly with grace in the 3D field. If people are messing with you doesn‘t mean you go ‗Ha, get off me!‘ right…. ‗Ah mm…no I‘m being victimized, yeah, yeah.‘ Ok, I do Buddha inside myself: ‗I don‘t like the way you are speaking to me, and I am not going to stand and just listen to this. Perhaps we‘ll talk it another time.‘ Assertiveness, we need to become assertive in dealing with stuff out here, and when it comes with aggressive stuff coming at you in the Astral, you just kind of learn to say, ‗Oh just get off!‘ And sometimes in the physical you have to say that with certain types of people too: ―Oh just get off! Go away! Go deal with yourself and leave me alone for a while,‘ if people are really in your face.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

All these things have to do with mindfulness, and all of the mindfulness training has to do with getting control of your energy so you can have that wish of having your materialization and manifestation abilities/ gifts returned to you. The fact is you still have them; they are a bit twisted because of the gene code. But the gifts weren‘t taken away; they are just working in a way you don‘t want them to. So the mindfulness training if/when you do these exercises, at the end of your day tomorrow before we come in the workshop, we won‘t talk about them in this, in the lecture tomorrow night. We won‘t talk about them then. But if you would just write down a little summary for yourself about ‗Ok, I did this one and this one during this day and what I get out of it, what it feel like to me, did I notice anything, what were my 3 or 12 waking dreams,‘ that kind of stuff. Write down your insights for yourself so you remember, and sometime at the end of the like the last night we‘ll probably will give an opportunity for anybody that wants to share just some of those little bits of insights. We‘ll give it a chance for that because we can learn a lot from each other, you know not just with my face here talking at you all the time where we can just learn it, begin sharing. That‘s what I really like to do I have always wanted to do in workshops. So it is late I know. I think it was better that we came here. The energy was really not right up there to run this because there was an expansion of self here. You didn‘t really want to expand in the grids up at that place where we did the hike. We dropped codes just by breathing. That was enough, so we thought that was needed. Sorry if I kept you up a bit late. I will…I‘m still tempted to push it between 10:00 and 11:00 but by 11:00 it starts to get warm but we went till 12:00 the last time, right. And it didn‘t get started again hot as far as the exercises but this 10:00 to 11:00s are better than 9:00 to 10:00 seeing you this late. (Participants discuss) I was afraid of that. That always happens whenever I give an opinion, oh! Sounds like ‗He‘ll miss you, 4:00 to 5:00.‘ I don‘t think so. Well honestly what will work better for me is 10:00 to 11:00 right because I got to recuperate in order to get back to do those. 10:00 to 11:00? Ok, I really don‘t like to inflict decisions on people. I try to do the democratic process. Well, it is kind of like democracy where you end up tied up in bureaucracy for quite a while trying to get everybody happy! Alright, I think it is honestly if I have to do anything since I‘m the one that is doing the, I will be doing the upper Ah-RA‘yas tomorrow morning, I would appreciate the extra hours sleep. So if it‘s not a horrible inconvenience to those who would prefer it 9:00 to 10:00, I would really prefer to be able to do it from 10:00 to 11:00, so can we agree on 10:00 to 11:00 for the upper Ah-RA‘-yas, please? Thank you. Participant: Thank you! A‘sha: Yup, thank you for being here and for being flexible! (Applause) Hoo-da! Hoo-da! (Chuckle) Hoo-da! Night-night! (End of Audio Track 13B 2:33:42)

Lecture 3 [Kitts Track 15] A‘sha Ash: …literally got off of and that‘s since the schedule being bumped back a bit. I‘m not sure how long tonight‘s session is going to run. I know now, I finally know what is supposed to be accomplished during it. If it runs over the two-hour period, OK. If it runs under it, we‘re already about three hours over program time anyway, so you won‘t be getting gypped. But there is a technique that needs to be done tonight that of course is the next step to the ones that will be done before we leave in the next few days. This transmission that came through was so difficult that they took me out The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 111 of 283

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for 2 ½ hours. I laid down about 6 and was just gone and it was so intense, the different things, all sorts of different state things they were showing me experientially, and then diagrams flying all over the place, and here we‘re very limited in how we can make diagrams. We can‘t do the usual paste-up stuff. We don‘t have our printer here. We don‘t even have, like the—to be able to type set and pull our own copy to make paste-ups from. So they had me do one diagram. We already had the base diagram for it. The information contained in it—I‘m really hoping, I‘m still trying to wrap my brain around all of it because it was extremely technical. But they needed to show us enough of the technicals corresponding to certain functions of our Aah-JhA Bodies so we would know where certain things were located, so we had a context to understand them in, because those things have to do with the technique that we‘re doing tonight. They have to do with the UmShaddEi States, those place, spaces between the Veils of Time and getting ourselves there, and they have to do with something called the Ah-yas Force and the Ah-VE-yas Point. We have an Ah-VE-yas Point in our body which is—or several of them, but there is one main one that controls the rest. And the Ah-VE-yas word, if you remember when we said that word before, it was the name of the Cathedral for the Slide City, the Watchtower, so we have an internal watchtower as well. Pardon my voice. The salt air, salt in the air has been really making havoc with my voice. We were outside quite a bit today, so I sound like a frog. But the technicals that I will try my best to get us through because I don‘t even have a list—I have everything scribbled on a mylar with various colored markers so it is a very messy mylar to say the least. But it is enough, I believe, to get across the concepts that are needed to understand what it is we‘re working with here. This is literally the next step in Elemental Command that we‘ve been working with, since the Tribes classes actually. It also holds the secret, the beginning of understanding who/what are those orbs we keep seeing and getting pictures of. So, we will cover the information that was given as far as the lecture is called ―Your Transcendental Self : Redefining Yourself as a Multidimensional Being‖, and that has to do with several things. One has to do with primary and secondary reality focus. Right now we have a focus of reality we consider our hard bed reality, the one we see as solid, the one we know as the real one. We are going to be opening spaces that open a secondary reality focus that is the UmShaddEi Space and that is the reality focus of the Transcendental Self or the Density-2 Full Soul Self. There‘s going to be a point in time as we learn to slide that we have to flip that orientation around, where as long as our primary focus is here, so will be our bodies, but when we learn to—and progressively, this is just the beginning of opening the platforms of perception, the planes of perception that take us into the UmShaddEi State—eventually we will spend more and more time there, and work with our consciousness there, and work more and more from that state to create effects out here in this state. And as we progress with that, we will progressively bring in the frequencies into the body that allow the body to also slide into that space, which has to do with those strange little reality field distortions, like the moon doing odd things like moving too quickly than it normally would. That‘s just the beginning, a hint of what it is. What is neat about the UmShaddEi spaces, these are platforms of perception And I‘ve actually has some experience with some of them, never knowing what they were, and the closest I could come was, let‘s call it astral, but it really is more than the astral states. And, there are planes between what we would call the D-4, Density 2, D-4 astral state and where we are here. There are actually platforms in between them. These are literally places you can go and meet people—you can meet with your ZionA—but you can actually use these, and eventually we will learn to be more, to know ourselves, to redefine ourselves as multidimensional beings, a Transcendental Being. What a Transcendental Being does is go there to make things happen down here, go into those states to create. And the fallout from there becomes the atomic creation here. These are also the places where you can meet loved ones that have passed over to other sides and try to find out where they are and those kind of things if you want to. They are the places that you can go into telepathic rapport with anything in the Density 1 and the Density 2 fields, and also with the Guardian levels going through the Edon Middle Domain states. So, these are working platforms that, as we become, as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 112 of 283

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we move from being a 3-dimensional being into a multidimensional being, we will learn more and more to project our consciousness into these planes. The first step of getting into those planes is opening those planes into the physical body structure so the frequencies of those bands, those UmShaddEi bands, begin to run in the circuitry and in the axitonal meridian lines, etc, because only then do they actually become accessible to us, where we can actually move our consciousness there. At a certain point, and this will take a lot of practice, this is just the beginning of opening the states and getting there and trying to make your first meeting there—but with the one that you already met, your ZionA, and I don‘t know how many of you have got names already from them. Some of you will have and some of you might not have the—you can get the direct cognition or sense or feeling but you might not seen them yet and you might not hear them yet. Working with the planes that we‘re going to open within ourselves and within our Aah-JhA Bodies we will be able to be strengthening that connection. We‘ll also talk a little bit about what it means to walk in this world as a multi-dimensional or trans-dimensional being, where the old reality concepts just don‘t work anymore. You just don‘t look at yourself that way anymore. When you start to realize you can get your consciousness into these spaces—and it‘s literally stepping between time, where time is just known as just a silly little playground that we enjoy when we are focusing in our bodies. So, it takes us into this eternal state. When you begin to recognize that as who you really are as opposed to this little self, that was told its name was this and grew up with these experiences and was told, basically, you go to school, then you work, then you pay taxes, then you die, then you‘re gone—shifting completely out of that erroneous mind net, because that is a mind net. It is a mind control system that this whole system down here has been built on. So there are certain things we will look at in there and then there are two, after we do the activation here. The activation they said, I hope, is not too long. There will be a little bit of a break after I try to explain the one mylar to beat all mylars. Then we will take a little bit of a break so I can go get the last tail end of my little quick ‗do this first, do this second,‘ as far as the activation itself goes. But they said that the activation won‘t take that long. It‘s not a journey going up there, out there, everywhere. We have to get something activated in the body and then we will do our first little step-up journey into the UmShaddEi space to try to more fully strengthen our connection with our ZionA attendant— because they are literally an attendant which means they are not just a Greeter or a Meeter or a Bhendi Trainer. They are one who will attend you. They will stay with you as long as you want them there, and work with you through the entire process to whatever the point is when you leave this system. Be it through Bhardoah or be it through direct slide, they will stay with you and help you to get yourself through safely, and help educate you, and also help comfort you. And they‘re very, very sweet. At the end of it, I do believe there is the warm, fuzzy hug thing. But hugs are not meant to be taken into sexual areas, so just know this, because everybody still has bits of Gharoche hanging out with them and the Gharoche can bring in other things that try to mess with you. So there will be no what would be considered sexual contact. You might get a kiss on the forehead out of just—like you would kiss a child or perhaps your mother or father if they were older. It‘s not necessarily that they look at us as children but there‘s a comforting vibe about these guys and gals, and I‘ve not seen any of them yet that aren‘t fully androg. They seem to be androg-eunuch, where sexuality isn‘t really a thing they understand, actually. They love very deeply and purely, but there‘s no resonance with understanding what body parts and the way we think of sex is. So they‘re very innocent in that regard. And when we recoil because we‘re afraid that if somebody touches us, they‘re going to try to touch parts or something, they‘re not quite sure what to do with that. And they kind of go up to their own advisors to ask, ‗What was that? Oops, didn‘t mean to scare them. What did I do? What did I do wrong?‖ So, they‘re learning as well, of how to deal with us and being down here in a mind control matrix that we‘ve been raised in for so long. We‘ve got a lot of hang-ups, we really do, that we don‘t even realize. And the Krystic beings that are purely Krystic and living in a purely Krystic frame can really find that confusing, because it doesn‘t make sense rationally as far as some of our behavior patterns, our The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 113 of 283

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response patterns. But, they have higher-ups that they go to, higher guidance that they will go to, to say that ―This reaction happened when I tried to say this or do this with the person I am attending, trying to take care of, and I don‘t understand what it is. Please help me understand this so I can help them better.‘ So that‘s how they approach it. So, as far as anything tries to make any what appear to be sexual advances toward you, know that is something trying to come in on your line to mess with you and just literally say, ‗Get off and go away, don‘t think so.‘ And you can just really throw attitude at those. You don‘t have to curse at it or anything but if it‘s pushing you, you can— I mean, hey, if It‘s cursing at you energetically you can throw it back and say, ‗Agh-ah, you‘re not going to do that. ‘ And then really push past it and push higher, like a spark of energy real high and reach for your ZionA or any other higher Guardian. You can reach right up to Urtha if you want to for your Bhendi Trainer and then work back down to your ZionA. So, we‘re beginning to be asked to take responsibility for our GharE vs. Gharoche lines, our green vs. our red lines, our clear lines vs. our twisted lines. You can‘t always run to somebody else to say, ‗Is this the good one or is this not the good one.‖ And it‘s really hard to tell when you‘re learning this and I know that. We survived this far, and if it wasn‘t for the Beloveds working with us directly, we never would have. Just being able to tell the difference of what is coming in that is truthful of the Kryst and what isn‘t, is very difficult because of our mixed body patterns, because of the Gharoche, because that gives a rider line right into our DNA. So, you don‘t have to be afraid of that. Part of beginning to walk like a Guardian, be like a Guardian is not being afraid of those things, and realizing you do have, on some level, the capacity to shift that, clear that, heal that and now we have the support we need. And we‘re opening the contact with the support we need—that as far as friends in higher places that can help watch our backs while we‘re down here in a system that has that problem, because on Median Earth that problem is gone. They just don‘t have that there, because it is a fully secured Krystic society. There are societies in the galaxies going all the way up to Density 4 that have fallen aspects, where you can still get twisted line and stuff like that. But they also have in that structure—there are certain areas or locations that are secured Krystic systems where that isn‘t a problem and where we are being taught to slide to, Median Earth first, is one of those systems that the other line just doesn‘t happen there, it can‘t penetrate. So, we have something to look forward to the more we bring in the frequencies of Median Earth and the parts of our own consciousness that are actually still associated with there, because we will get safer and safer from that green line /red line effect down here. So, I think I will probably put the graph up. I‘ll start with the easy graph that we‘ve seen before, just to give context of when you see the other graph, where in this one it fits, what we are looking at. Now, if you remember this one where we had our Incarnate Self, our full incarnate which is our Heroic God Self with our 12 Probable Selves. And we were one of those 12 that have now opened the doors so we can— we‘ve opened these chambers so we can bring in the BPR into our bodies and into our Probable Self Bodies to directly align with our Heroic God Self. And we‘ve opened these that allow the Soul Self, that has our 12 different Incarnates, the Whole Being of Self, I AM Soul, the Transcendent Self, we‘ve opened this as well. And we‘ve opened these passages as well, where we get the Density 3 level of our Core Density-3 level Self coming through. So, we have already done this. Now, what we‘re going to do, what you‘re going to see, and I‘m going to do my best to not trip over my lips explaining is, it corresponds to the Aah-JhA Body or Hydro-Acoustic Body, dealing with right now the Density-1 level of it. We‘re dealing with this area here, our Probable Self level moving into this level so, when we see our sphere, we‘re actually seeing this sphere right now. And that sphere eventually is going to pull into the center where it‘s all One. And that‘s when we become fully our God Self, where we have online in our axitonal lines, DNA and in our atoms all of the frequency encryptions coming from the 12 th Probable Self. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 114 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

So we start with the first part, which is our own Probable Body and that would have its own set of twelve little Event Horizons for its own self. They‘re not full probabilities, because we are One Probability. They‘re Potentialities. So if you have 12 Probabilities, each one of those Probabilities has 12 Potentialities. I didn‘t show the other twelve for that. So, we‘re going to bring in all of those 12 Potentialities into our bodies first and that will bring us into alignment with, being in alignment with this area which is our Heroic Self. And that‘s when we have to get the 12 Potentialities, 144 Potentialities all together, of each of the Probable Selves together. So, we are dealing with this body when we‘re dealing with that part of our Aah-JhA Body and the Density-1 levels. And I will take it from there and put the nightmare graph up. You‘ve seen this before without all the scribbles all over it, and even the words that go with some of this stuff I‘ve never even heard before. They had to get us through what this is and I‘m going to try to say, ‗OK, where was start?‘ The base diagram is that we‘ve seen before was the Density-1 Aah-JhA Body structure, where you had the Penta-g‘el Flows on each of the Allurean Chamber Lines and in between the Allurean Chamber lines you had the Fire Chamber Lines, and this was the Density-1 level, the ones that are colored bluish. The ones that were colored yellow from here to here were the D-3 level, then the D-2 level were orange and the D-1 level were red. And then in here is the Rasha level of these. And we‘ve talked about the sixty windows, where you end up with sixty windows open when you look at each one of these Penta-g‘el Flows. When they fully activate and open, it becomes a pentagon-shaped window and then later the bottom of the window expands down into the layer below and that window becomes a door. So we‘ve opened the 60, we have the doors on the central one open, so these two doors opened. And that means this door that lines up directly, our Light Body would be in here. Our D-3 Kathara Grid would fit here, and our D-3 Mental Body right around there would be Kathara Center 11, where the pineal of that part of our self would be. And then here would be the D-2 level of our—where our physical body structure manifests of our Kathara Grid and right around there would be that 11 Kathara point where it‘s our physical pineal gland. I don‘t have the other diagrams where you show the embedded levels of the Kathara Grids in the bodies but they would all fit into this. Now, all of the windows, the windows would correspond to the 12 windows that go around here— the 12 here, the 12 here, the 12 here, and the 12 in the Rasha. So we‘ve got the windows open, we‘ve got the chambers that link into the Heroic Self and then link into the full Incarnate Heroic Self and that linking into the full Transcendental Self, or the full Soul Self of twelve incarnates. So, the next stage we have to open what are called the Karanadial Complex and the Karanadial Planes, which open the UmShaddEi. And it was important to understand, I‘ll show you those first, then I‘ll get into all of the what are the little circles and blobs everywhere. So first of all, when we look at this Aah-JhA Body structure, the Density-1 Aah-JhA Body structure, there‘s these things that run, and they have to do with what these are. This circle here is something very important. Where you see one of those, you would see them running on every one of the dotted lines which were the Allurean Lines so you would have one of these thingys on every one of those on each level. And they run from the 3.5 sub-frequency band in the one above, all the way down to the zero line of the level below. You have that configuration all the way down so you have— that one is this one here where it starts, the sphere starts at 3.5 sub-frequency band in the Density-1 level spectrum. Then that goes all the way down to the zero point, the start point of the D-3 level and that‘s the Mental Body level. Now D-1 for this one starts at the—this one that corresponds with D-3, starts at D-3 3.5 and expands all the way down to the starting point of D-2. This one starts at the, the D-2 one, starts at the starting point, starts at the 3.5 sub-frequency band of D-2, moves all the way down to the starting point of D-1. And then the one corresponding with Rasha, that corresponds with Rasha to D-1 is at the, starts at the 3.5 level of D-1 Etheric and goes all the way down to the core of the Rasha Body. Now, there‘s another one also and this line up is on every one of those 12 Allurean Chamber Lines. When you go up here, there is another one that would expand—I didn‘t have enough room over there, but this starts at The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 115 of 283

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the bottom of the Density level, the Density-1 level blue area. So it actually starts there and then it goes up to the 3.5 level of the next one. And the next one up is D-4, Density-2, D-4, so that actually expands past the Density-1 HydroAcoustic Body and into the Density-2 Hydro-Acoustic Body. And that is where you start to get, that would be the astral band up there. So if you notice in between each of these, there are these overlap points where they‘re in between and they fall right within that I AM band that we‘ve talked about, that each one of the D-1, D-2, D-3 and the Density level, they have an I AM whatever, I AM Self band. So here you have the I Am God Self band that corresponds with the—that‘s in the Density-1 level and that, again, would correspond with the consciousness, the focus of consciousness in your Heroic Self, the part of you that has your full twelve Probable Selves pulled together. You have your I AM Ego band, and that‘s where you perceive from right now. And you‘re actually looking down at the rest of your energy here and that‘s where you see your physical body. You‘re actually stationed a dimensional band above, and you see what‘s below it as solid, outer manifestation. Here is the I AM Body consciousness band, the I AM Body. This is where we tap into—see, the GharE is not just on the D-2 level. We‘ve been talking with the D-2 level at the I AM body level, but actually there‘s GharE on each of these levels. So this is the I AM Body consciousness level and then down here, this little one, this little band that runs in D-1, is the I AM Element level and that goes into the Etheric Elemental consciousness level. And there‘s another one down in there somewhere that‘s the I AM Rasha level, which is the Dark Matter level. So, these spaces, these are the Karanadial Platforms that are the spaces in between these, are the Veils between the bands of time and space orientation. These are the UmShaddEi Platforms. There is one for each level. There‘s four here, and then there‘s another one that corresponds to up here that links in with the Density-2 level that would take you up into the next set of these, which would actually be big, expanding around that. They would expand into the Transcendental Self, the center of the Density-2 I AM Soul Self. So, you actually have five. You‘ve got the 1,2,3,4, and there would be another overlap one that‘s off the charts already that corresponded with the D-2 Transcendental I AM, the Transcendental I AM Soul Self. And this one, that is the one that links between. So the large one, that is the space, the height of entering the full UmShaddEi space would be reaching that 5th one up there. Right now all of these places, spaces, bands of planes are actually turned off in the physical body where you actually have to leave the physical body to move through them and into them. You can do it in a projection, and you often do it when you go to sleep, and if you don‘t get caught up in the Net of D-2— I mean the D-3 Net where there‘s all sorts of distortion here, so you never even get fully into an UmShaddEi space on any of the levels. There are control points in these spaces and I‘ll look back at this one, this spot right here on each one of these. So it would be this spot right there on that one, it‘s in the 4 th UmShaddEi space, or the top of it actually. If you‘re moving outward that would be the top of it. These are called the Ah-VE-yas Points. So each one of the lines has an Ah-VE-yas Point. There would be one here at the top of that sphere. There would be one here at the top of there. There would be one here at the top of there, here at the top of there, and there would also be one at the top of the large sphere that goes up into the Ttranscendental Self. These Ah-VE-yas Points are controlled by ones that are in the Rasha level, connect into the Rasha level. And they interface directly with a certain area in the physical body, and that‘s the part that we‘re going to activate and we‘ll talk more about that in a little while. Now, lets see, where do I want to take it from? There‘s a million things to explain here, just so you know. The Ah-VE-yas Points are not just a singular one. Every one, as every one of these Allurean Chamber Lines has this set of them. There are actually ones all the way around, these Ah-VE-yas Points all the way around, but the ones that control those are the ones that deal with—now we have been activating windows and doors that are, that go right up above our head. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 283

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That‘s a control set and that control set has to do with these, this line up here where, if we put our Kathara Grid in, the top of the D-3 Kathara Grid would be here, top of the Density Kathara Grid would be there, so we‘re lining up. This would be this, which is the Fire Chamber 12 lines up with the top of the Kathara grid. On each side of that you‘ve got an Allurean Chamber Line running, and these Ah-VE-yas points are in the Allurean chambers, so there are two points. And this is where a while back they had us do this thing, where we went up and grabbed some balls. And they didn‘t explain too much about it, but we did one of these—can you hold this for a second, Honey?— where, actually right about here, and they had us grab balls and do things with energy we pulled from them. (laughter). They have to do with the ones, I believe—if it was our D-2 physical body, they probably have to do with the ones that correspond here and here, I think. All right, so I‘m just, I‘m just learning exactly which ones they are. And I actually have that figured out somewhere that I‘ll have to read later, but when you come down into the body, there‘s another set of two that go with the D-2, I believe, that are in the lungs. They actually sit in the lungs, like a smaller set that are in the lungs and then the Rasha one, because Rasha Bodies— if your Kathara Grid, top of your Kathara Grid is running this way, its 45 degrees over is the top of the Kathara Grid of the Rasha Body, because it‘s at a 45-degree shift. So they end up actually right in here, and what‘s referred to as the Spiritual Heart, all right. So, there are two of them there. It‘s the Spiritual Heart, that is like directly across from the manifest heart that, we are going to be opening. That is the Rasha control for the whole set of them so it opens the whole set of controls. Once those whole set of Ah-VE-yas Point controls—and that‘s considered THE Ah-VE-yas Point, and it‘s still a little set of two of them. They haven‘t told me what to do with them yet to get the set going, but that‘s what we‘re going to do tonight. That will open all of these, and that will create the opening of all of these, so the ones that correspond on each of the Allurean Chamber Lines will also fire open. What that means is the UmShaddEi spaces will come on line, so these spaces between the Veils of Time will now become available, because the locks have been removed from their doors basically. And they will open these whole bands, the whole I AM God Space band, the whole I AM Ego Space band, the whole I AM Body Consciousness band and the whole I AM Elemental band, and the whole I AM Transcendent Self band that goes up around in the next Density level up. So it‘s a really big activation. What comes through, and they said it‘s not long, so I‘m really hoping that it turns out to be not long because we have— we‘re doing like 9 in the morning on the beach doing the ab sets. They‘re one of the hardest ones, the middle and the lower are quite challenging, some of them, so I don‘t want everybody to be up until 5 and then expected to be there at 9 to do those. You need sleep tonight and so do we. So, anyway, this showed us enough, that part of this showed us enough of what we‘re going to be activating in the system and why. It‘s to open those planes fully where we can begin to bring the frequencies of those planes literally online in the atoms of our bodies. But there‘s a lot more to this as you can probably guess by the diagram. ―Where do I start this part, Beloveds?‖ I‘m asking vertically. So this, by the way, all of these Ah-VE-yas Points and the UmShaddEi Planes and between them, they‘re all considered the Karanadial Complex and the UmShaddEi platforms are the Karanadial Platforms. So when you see those words in the descriptions and stuff that we gave that‘s what they were talking about. They gave the descriptions, ‗Oh, we‘re going to do this and open the Karanadial complex.‖ Oh, I thought we had a Karanadial Seal, that‘s the only thing I knew about it. So, they tell me what it is, but I don‘t —I had no explanation what is that. Now we‘re starting to find out what are they, what is the Complex. The Complex is that whole series of Ah-VE-yas Points and the plane structures of the UmShaddEi Planes that run in between them, and that would be the Karanadial Complex and it‘s platforms. So, we‘re beginning to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 117 of 283

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fill in what the words mean that were the workshop description in the workshop itinerary and everything. It‘s like, OK, whatever that is. Sure, sounds good. I take it down— I mean too, you guys probably read it and go um, sounds good. That‘s how I read it too. I go, um, sounds good. I don‘t know what it is either. So, they have been giving this in like security clearance waves, as far as I start getting it. I‘d like to be able to get it right after we leave the morning exercise session, but they‘re not running it that way. This one didn‘t come in—well, I ended up going to sleep at 6 o‘clock and was out. They had me completely out and running all over the place, seeing millions of diagrams go by really, really fast and just pulling pieces and trying to remember pieces of it to bring back. I think I slept for 2 ½ hours in that awake/sleep state, and then they started with this and I‘m kind of going—I could feel all this stuff and I‘m looking at a million files in my head and going, ‗I‘m supposed to be there at what time?‘ I‘m not going to be there until next year with all this because it was really complex and I‘m going, ‗I don‘t get it. I don‘t get it. I get that but I don‘t get this. What?‘ So they finally said, get out this diagram and get out your pens—I had the markers and it was a bit frustrating because the markers weren‘t writing right on the mylars and that stuff, but we got through it to this point. This has an awful lot to do with understanding the next stage of how—we‘ve already talked about how the, how our fields and our Aah-JhA Body actually form the atoms, the Element atoms that then combine to form the matter base that our whole body is made of, not just our matter here but the elements that the chemicals in our body are made out of, everything in our body is made of. And it‘s not just our bodies that make these. The planetary Aah-JhA Body does the same thing, makes larger ones on a planetary level. The Solar Body does the same thing, so any living body would naturally manufacture its own atomic structure and bring the frequencies, bring consciousness in to, first the translation sequence within the body and then expand it into the Aah-JhA Body—our around the body by which the consciousness progressively goes through the different states of pre-matter and all that, to where it finally goes through the Penta-g‘el flows by which it makes gelezic sparks, what are called hydrogelezic sparks, that become the basis for matter. Now there‘s a whole—for the manifest atoms, there is a whole process involved here. When we breathe, if our bodies were working normally, when we breathe certain things of this would be taking place every time we breathe. Same thing with a planet or a star. Celestial bodies are supposed to breathe too, expand and contract as the energy moves. And when you contract, it would be inhale and then the expand would be the exhale, just like when we inhale and exhale. Now, certain things would normally, naturally happen, organically happen in the Hydro-Acoustic Body structure, as consciousness actually comes up through the body. And remember, our bodies here start with the donated cell, the VaBha‘-TE cell that is a combination of energy imprint from the mother and the father. Now, planets and stars, it works a little bit differently. They don‘t have the donated cell in the same way. It‘s donated a little bit differently, but there will be a thing that is like a little atom cluster that is the point where new stars are born from. So they have their own starborn, star-birthing process, just like we have our birthing process. And first we literally grow our Spirit Body around that anchoring item, whatever it is— if it‘s the parent egg, fertilized egg from the parents here or the whatever they call it, fertilized starseed from whatever, probably. I don‘t know how they do it on the Celestial level honestly. But from that point, then we grow our Spirit Body. And then we grow, start growing our Light Body. And then we do a Fetal Integration Process and that‘s when we get embedded and anchored into the structure. And that‘s the point where the quantum of our personal Spirit Body energy called the GharE starts to— it anchors into the Va-Bha‘-TE cell, the donated cell, and begins taking over the accretion or the expansion process. At that point the physical body is yours and you‘re still in the womb. From that point there is a breathing process that‘s supposed to happen as your Spirit Body progressively filters consciousness, pure consciousness into the structures, the structure of the Va-Bha‘-TE cell and the Hydro-Acoustic Body, and starts expanding it outward. And that‘s where the cells start to grow as well, and the baby body continues The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 118 of 283

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growing. At that point the GharE begins to become phase-locked into the atomic structure because, at that point, all these structures are supposed to turn on and when—it‘s actually the baby body takes its first actual, real breath, it‘s own independent I-am-a-new-person breath, and it‘s still inside the womb. It‘s a breath that is an inhale. And when we inhale what‘s naturally supposed to happen is we actually do Prana in. So we inhale and it actually shoots from the center, from our AzurA area out every one of the Allurean Chamber Lines. The inhale makes Prana go outward. It goes through the body from the Spirit Body, translates through the translation sequence of pre-matter states into beginning matter states, and goes out the Allurean Chamber Lines. So, a 12-point Prana burst—remember, Prana is a type of energy that was originally part of Mana, and when you take a certain portion of Mana away from the Mana, away from the Mana, it becomes what is called the Prana. It has to do with quantums of energy, how much quantum, what the charge is, that kind of thing. So, we start breathing in the womb before the lungs are cleared for air breathing. We actually start this field breathing and it‘s through the field breathing that we are supposed to be able to begin the process of making our own atoms, that become the cells that continually expand and grow the baby body and the fields out further. So when you inhale, it actually sends a 12 -point Prana burst out on each one of the Allurean Chamber Lines. And with the Prana, there is a bit of the Gharoche energy from the little—there‘s a little donation of Gharoche that is centered in the AzurA and in the Water Seed, and a bit of that goes out with the Prana. The Prana rides out, this has to do with—in Sliders 2 I believe, we talked about the Hydrolase Conversion process that occurs in the body and Hydrolase is the, it is the organic compound element from which the other elements actually later manifest. And the body is supposed to produce it. We‘ve talked about that in the other two workshops, the other two Sliders workshops. It‘s at that point of inhale that you get the 12-point Prana burst and the Prana rides on what is called Hydros. Now, the Hydrolase that we‘ve talked about breaks down at this point into two things: one is called Hydros and one is called Ectos. And the Hydros is a type of pre-substance that runs— actually it‘s pre-matter, not pre-substance—that runs, that carries the Prana. And the Prana, as we learned way back in Tribes class, is what carries the joule, or the Ja-a-rel, the Prana joules, and this is where we talk about joules of heat. When they talk about, in science here, the joules that—I forget how many joules make up a calorie or whatever, but these are the units of stored heat. It is the joules that—science here uses the word joule, j-o-u-l-e, to calculate, I believe, a release of heat, a thermal release that occurs. And it can be measured by how much it raises the temperature of water, I believe, is how they calculate it. But they will burn a substance or a food to find out its calorie content, for example, and it will be measured in joules. And joules build up to form what calories are and that kind of thing. And not just calories with bodies, there‘s a couple of different scales. There‘s scales that are used to measure thermal type stuff that I don‘t understand at all, that has to do with heavy science things like chemical reactions and all of that kind of thing. But it also applies to the bodies and it also applies to—this is connected to the fact that we eat food because we need how many calories a day in order to sustain cellular process, right? So this is all connected to that. So the Prana burst that goes out, it goes out on a stream of Hydros and the Hydros carries the Prana, and the Prana carries the joule. And the joule is a specific type of radiation unit that we—and we talked about where that was manufactured back in the Tribes classes. We explained where the joules came from as far as Harmonic Key Conversions and all of that. That was part of that block of material. So, it goes out on the inhale. When you inhale it actually sends the Prana out, when it goes out the Allurean Chamber Lines, and all at the same time, it happens on all of them at the same time. It‘s not that one fires and then the other, they all go at the same time. When the Prana Hydros stream comes out here, it hits the edges. And it actually does a little bit of it on each level, on the D-1 level, when it hits the boundary between the D-1 Hydro-Acoustic Body and the D-2. So The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 283

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there‘s these—what I‘ll show you happens up here, actually happens at each of those points, creating the different flow spectrums that come down from each dimensional level. But the big one that‘s way out in the field that goes into the Density level comes out the Allurean Chamber Line and then hits this boundary of the Aah-JhA Body, the Density AahJhA Body barrier, and then it splits. The Prana splits into what is called Prana-ki and Prana-chi. Prana-ki has a positive charge, Prana-chi has a negative charge. And Prana-ki has, if you take the quantum of a Prana unit—and I‘m not going to get into the quantums and stuff, has to do with Mana, Mana, etc.—but if you take the quantum of one Prana unit, about 2/3rds of that goes into the Prana-chi and the positive ki on the positive charge and 1/3 rd goes on the Prana-ki. So, this happens on all of those. This is the beginning of where light units form and light units and hydro gel units form and they end up becoming literal element atoms, atoms of elements, the elements we know on our periodic table. Now, this is all consciousness, so when we‘re looking at the creation of element atoms we‘re actually looking at the creation of beings. These are alive. An element is different than an elemental. An elemental is different than an elementE, but they‘re all very related. And they all have to do with not only are they, yes, they are living light structures and also, not just light but—light is a very big term for a broad spectrum of things but they are literal, conscious portions. If you‘re the atoms that become your body that you have made in your field, if your fields are working normally, they are literally portions of your consciousness of you incarnate as that atom. So, you might have, for every atom of, say, hydrogen, you have in your body, that is a part of you. And the planet‘s body works in the same way, in the same processes. Through expansion and contraction, the planet is supposed to breathe, manufacture its own living atoms, and they are the things that become the stuff you see as solid matter, but they are much more than just thingys. They seriously are sentient, conscious beings that actually make choices. They have free will too, and within a certain parameter of cooperation on that level. So when we‘re dealing with these atoms and things, it is much more than just dealing with physics and moving light around in our fields, or that. We are literally interacting with different portions of either our own personal consciousness or the planet‘s consciousness; or, in relation to higher planes of the planet, we are dealing with the consciousness element field of, say, Median Earth. So, we are going to look at some of this to understand this process It‘s a fascinating process and I‘m going to try to explain it better, so we know the difference between an element, an elemental, and elementE and those kind of things. And there‘s going to be—probably not in this lecture but as you move forward in the lectures, there‘s going to be one that shows us a bit more, I think, of what has happened to this natural process. Because what we‘re going to show you here is how what are called ShaLAa Light Units are formed and how, in the center of ShaLAa Light Units, that is where the literal endoplasmic matter that our elements are made of form. So there is this process I‘m going to show you has been mutated, where because each of the natural Penta-g‘el Flows— they‘re supposed to reach from one level up into the next level—have been truncated. It‘s called truncated, it means cut off, part of it cut off so they are the squashed down little pentagram shapes, and that doesn‘t allow the natural exchange of energies here. And it doesn‘t allow the natural formation of what this is, and this, what that is, and there, of course, there would be one on each of the Allurean Chamber Lines. That thing there is called one Element Atom Being, and there would be one for each of the primary families. There‘s twelve primary families, element families, and each of them would have twelve smaller ones—like a line, a set of children within that family line and they correspond directly to the codings in the axitonal lines as well. So, this little unit down here doesn‘t form automatically, which is that one. There‘s a set of things that occur from the point that inhale Prana/release to where its parts are formed first. You end up with, first, I think— where‘s number one?

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 283

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I think that‘s number one, isn‘t that, Honey? Can you lift that a little bit please? Can you pull that up a little bit? Yea, just a little bit. Thank you. Yea, this one, first what are called Shala Backflow Units form. Then you have what are called KAlor Units form and the KAlor Units are what are called Elementals. That‘s where you get Elementals and each one of them has twelve ElementE in them and these are all little beings, conscious, sentient beings that literally form first the living light structures and then portions of them form literally the atoms, the Element Atoms. The Element Atom, this would be the part of it, that little black dot there, would be the part of it you see manifest. Its existence would imply this whole structure is also with it, that you don‘t see in the level that you‘re seeing, the manifest part, I mean materialized part, And back here, these parts, this is the joule, and connected to the joule is the GharE. So every atom has this structure around it, or it‘s supposed to. That structure has been damaged because of the damage to the planetary grids and all of that, and we‘ll talk about the damaged part a little bit later. First I want to try to take you through how this structure forms, and how these beings form, and, when we get down to the end of it, when you say, ‗what are we seeing when we see those orbs, those pictures, we‘ve got pictures of and stuff now?‘ We are seeing the parts of these, and this is the part we‘re seeing, this part that‘s that line in red. That part is this thing here that is called the Ah-VE-yas Elemental. We are seeing the elementals and they are direct consciousness. They are aware of us, but the ones we are seeing are not the ones that our bodies are generating right now. We are seeing the ones that correspond to the planet, but we‘re not seeing the ones that correspond to Earth. We have been calling in the Elementals from Median Earth, so when we get those pictures of the orbs, we are seeing this portion of the elements, the Elemental part of the Median Earth planetary level ones. Now, there‘s a purpose for bringing them in and we‘re going to have, I think—probably the last night we‘re going to have part of that big event, that thingy that we‘re doing that has several layers to it, # 3. We‘re going to do a consciousness calling in the orbs, calling of the orbs, and I do believe it‘s going to give us the ability from that point forward to do that. So you can probably have fun having somebody take pictures of you. It works best on a dark background, like outside at night or something. But I think they‘re going to give us—whatever technique we use in that last set of events is going to give us the ability to use a short version of that technique to call them in, and that‘s when you get the orbs swarming around you. Now, the larger ones, we‘re seeing various things. They‘re not just the Elementals but we are actually seeing beings. Like the yellow-green orbs that we were seeing, they were the Aquafari, how they look when they come here, so that‘s a direct visitation. And when we saw the purply-blue or purply-indigo orbs, the violet-indigo orbs, they would correspond with the ZionA, and that was direct visitation. But just like those are beings, the ZionA and the Aquaferi, so are the Elementals. So these are beings and they will co-create with you. Now they haven‘t told me what to do with that. I know I‘ll learn more about this as we go, but this is how they actually form. The planet forms them, the stars form them and our bodies are supposed to form them. The ones we are calling in are the ones structured organically like this, the Kristic ones. There are also, collectively they are referred to as the Elemental Force of Ah-yas, Ah-yas, the Ah-yas Force: Ah-dash y-a-s, the Ah-yas Force. There are several types of Ah-yas Force. We have that part that is the red one. I‘ll explain the parts to it a little better. The red one with the green at the center and the purple at the center of that, and that‘s the one that actually carries the joule in the GharE. That one is the Elemental level of it, and that‘s called the Ah-VE-yas Force, that‘s the Elemental. There are smaller ones inside of it that are called ElementE. There‘s 12 little dots inside everyone of these Elementals that is a ElementE. Now that, the Ah-VE-yas Elemental is a Hydro Aqua Gel. They call it an Aqua Gel Particulate Elemental Being and it‘s made up of 12 ElementE of these. And at the center of it, you have what is called a KAlor and a KAlor is a specific thing. Now, when it‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 121 of 283

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mutated you end up with, at the center, is a calor and that‘s where we get Calorenes and those type of things we‘ve talked about and are associated with a perversion of this Elemental Force. So on a planetary level the planet should have its natural Ah-yas Force and it would include the Ah-VE-yas, it would include the Ah-VA-yas. Now, the Ah-VA-yas are the Shala, not ShaLAa yet, the Shala Units. These are Thermo-gel Light Beings so we‘ve got the—or thermo-gel beings, so we‘ve got the Hydro-gel Beings, Elementals, and we‘ve got the Thermo-gel Elemental Beings and these two would be Thermo-gel here and that would be the Hydro-gel that holds them together. They form through this whole process of the breathing of the Ah-JhA Body, they come into being. So, we would have the, these are called the Ah-VA-yas, which is Ah-dash-VA, big A-dash-yas, and they are the Thermogel Beings, Elemental Beings. The Ah-VE-yas which is the Ah-dash-VE, big E-dash-yas Elemental Beings, and we also have the, where is this, one more somewhere, I think, I have scribbled someplace. There is one more, I forget what it is. I‘ll get back to that one anyway. There is one more here. Let me explain a little bit about how these form first of all. OK, could you bring this down a little bit, honey, please? Ah-VE-yas, Ah-VA-yas, OK, now, hehehe, OK, now. Let‘s see, this is the part I was going, I hope I can articulate this. I get it mentally but to get it to run linear is a bit, when you‘re just learning it is a bit challenging. So, we have the inhale, the Prana on the hydros carrying the joule and the GharE goes out through the levels of the Hydro-Acoustic body following the Allurean Chambers. When it hits the boundaries of—between each of the dimensional levels—and when it hits the big one out here that we‘re looking at, which is the boundary between Density-1 Hydro-Acoustic Body, Ah-JhA Body and the Density-2 one, hits that, it actually splits, all right? So when it impacts and then splits, it becomes what are called refracted code particles and it splits into what I think are 5 currents actually, here, unless there‘s a double here. I‘m still not absolutely certain on how many of these there are, but I know what some of them are. This one on the outside, now these form those petal flows, you know, the shape of the petals when we see the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan. So it‘s the Prana ones that form the outer petal shapes and you have Prana-ki and Prana-chi, that‘s the positive charge one and that‘s the negative charge one. Coming in here you have Ethos, Eiros, and Logos. These are the ones that form, that come down to actually begin forming the little, the ElementE, what become the ElementE. They‘re Hydro-Gel sparks. These come down and they start refracting again, coming up. And they start crossing through each other, and every point they cross through each other, and there‘s 12 primary points where they cross through and fire which means spark and make gelezic sparks. So they make a set of 12 gelezic sparks, Hydrogelezic sparks up in here that later become the ElementE of the whatever it‘s called, the Elemental. These split and they come down the Fire Chambers and these form the, I think they‘re called Eiradhani first before they‘re called ElementE. But the Eiradhani are formed from those, and the Eiros, those Eiradonis currents, they actually come together and spark so they begin the formation of the Eiradonis Body, as well as the Matter Body that we know as the Physical Matter Body. But first, through this process of these sparking points, where the sparking points, you get these little Hydrogelezic sparks form, and they form a spark cloud and they keep doing it. They don‘t just go through the thing once, you actually have it—it continues for quite a while until the quantum that was in that projection from the Allurean Chamber Line is actually spent. So they keep doing it, so they make many sets of 12 of those sparks. So, it forms a cloud of Hydrogelezic sparks around each of the Allurean Chamber Lines and later that cloud becomes attached to other things, as we‘ll see. So that‘s what‘s happening with the interior flows, it creates an Eiradonic cloud, an Eiradonis cloud around each one of these and that happens on each one of the levels as well. These are the pre-atomic, pre-atom clouds. They‘re prequarks actually. They‘re pre-quark spark clouds and later they become, they form the quarks that then come together to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 122 of 283

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form atoms. And they each specifically carry the encryption, the core radiation encryption of the line that they were born from, because there‘s a different encryption that goes with each of the Allurean Chamber Lines. And that‘s how you get where it knows from right within itself—hydrogen knows how to become hydrogen, helium knows how to become helium. It‘s encrypted right in it, so the organizational intelligence is living and alive right in each of the atoms and the pre-quarks that they are made out of, so you get pre-quarks being formed up here and their Hydrogelezic sparks. Now, what‘s happening on the outer ones—and these all split at once. Remember you get your RCPs come split in the center, and then you get these currents coming down, the Prana currents splitting over here. The RCP currents are formed I believe by the hydros part of that exhale or inhale breath that spread out through the Allurean Chamber Lines so the hydros part I believe creates the Ethos and the Eiros and the Logos and then the Prana part splits to create the Prana-chi and the Prana-ki. Now, if you notice the, when it splits, when the Prana part splits a part of it goes down each of the fire chamber lines and the fire chambers correspond to the light body structure where the Ah-JhA body corresponds to the Spirit Body structure. So, it passes the Prana, it passes from the spirit body structure into the light body structure into, part of it goes, part of it from one line of the Allurean Chamber Lines, part of the Prana goes in each of the two fire chambers on either side of it and the same happens with the next Allurean Chamber, not line, but it happens all at the same time. So, again, you get, in each of the Fire Chambers you get a combination of two of the Prana. You get a Prana-chi and a Prana-ki coming into each one of these Fire Chambers from the two neighboring Allurean Chambers so, that begins the process. Now—excuse me, I really like this dress but I think I need to put straps on it, shoulder straps. OK, now, we got this far where we see the Prana-chi and Prana-ki are coming into a Fire Chamber now, all right. Now, Prana-chi has a negative charge, Prana-ki has a positive charge so they would bond all right and then actually reform a Prana unit but at the same time, all of this occurred with an inhale because an inhale sent the Prana originally out through the Allurean Chambers and then it did the refracted code particles splitting, but, the exhale does something else. As this stuff is starting to happen here, the exhale sends a burst of Mana energy, which is a positive charge energy from the Zion part of our Seed Atom out through the Fire Chambers. So you have a positive charge Mana coming out where there‘s a 12-point burst coming outward in the Fire Chambers, as you have the positive charge Prana—because Prana is a base positive charge—and when we put them back together they form a full unit with a…. I don‘t know how they exactly explain it, but you have a full Prana unit because you had Prana-chi and Prana-ki, ki and chi coming back together, and it still retains a base positive charge because it was born of Mana, and Mana is a base positive charge. So, all of a sudden you‘ve got a positive charge Prana coming here and a positive charge Mana coming there. There is a latent little bit of a negative charge, enough where they can pull it together, but then they actually collide and shift. Instead of going vertically they shift this way, so you have one spark coming this way, one spark coming that way—let‘s look at it that way—and they kind of go (makes noise.) Because they‘re the same, they don‘t go and hug, they go (makes noise) because they have, they‘re repelling, same-charge problem, and that sends them—they came in like this and they go boink and shift angle like this, 90 degrees. They shift 90 degrees where they start going out this way. So, they hit and they spark and they form—let me do this slowly so I don‘t lose myself—this is what was difficult to describe. So, on the Fire Chambers you have, first, a repelling action happening that causes the energy, that Mana and the Prana, to partially bond. It actually sparks and replicates its quantum times two, so you have the original two coming together. You have a replica spark, one part of it gets sent that way to the Allurean chamber over there. The other part gets sent this way to the Allurean Chamber over here, so it goes from the Light Body back into the Spirit Body there, and then it interfaces with the currents that are circulating through here that are connected to the Hydro-Gel clouds, spark cloud.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 123 of 283

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And these three, these bits here, the spark clouds, wait, let me see for a minute. They‘re going to give me a piece of the words here to tell you this that I don‘t actually have yet. All right. Yeah. All right, so these repel each other, send energy this way. They hit this point first, before this is fully formed, they hit this point in the Penta-g‘el Flows of the Allurean Chambers and then that sends a spark set back. And that spark set is the— this is where you end up with the three little spark units that together form one of there. You have a positive ki spark, you have a negative chi spark, and you have a positive Mana spark. and that forms the Shala Light Unit. So the Shala Light Unit that comes as backflow from these guys sending sparks back out after this one repelled and sent sparks in, and each of the Fire Chambers you end up with the formation of a Shala Light Unit. Now, the Shala Light Units, let‘s see if I can go to the next step of how the larger ones form. There‘s several steps to this and it‘s quite complex so if I trip over myself please excuse me. Now, on the Allurean Chamber Lines you have these Penta-g‘el Flows that form the Hydrogelezic sparks, so I‘m going to take this down here where you can see a little bit more clearly because here is where the Kaylor forms. It forms at the bottom point of these. The Kaylor forms as the Shala Units send a replica, they phase and they send replica frequencies into that point at the bottom of the Penta-g‘el flow on an Allurean Chamber and you end up getting two of those replica Shala sparks from the Fire Chamber. It sends it, one over to this Fire Chamber which sends one to that Allurean Chamber line and then the one over here would send one up to that line. So, you end up with, instead of a replica of just where you have three little units, three little sub units forming a Shala unit, you‘ve got three little units, replicas, here and you‘ve got three coming from, they come from this one and then you‘ve got three coming from this one and at the center you have that joule, the Prana joule and the GharE that would, is formed, had carried with these, because when the Prana originally split into Prana-ki, Prana-chi and into those center Penta-g‘el Flows, the joule and the GharE actually stay here, stay in the Penta-g‘el line and anchor down here. So this is where the Shala unit replicas go from the fire lines replica into the Allurean Chamber and collect around the waiting joule and GharE and come together through the charges. Now the charges they have, I think I have them somewhere here, you have, the orange ones are the Prana-ki, the positive charge, the purply or magenta color ones here are the Mana which has a positive charge and the blue ones here are the Prana-chi which has a negative charge. So, joules have a positive charge so the two units, one from each of the fire lines, the two chi units bond, that have a negative charge, bond to the positive joule and then they bring a bond to the two positives that each of those carry, the ki and the Mana. So, they bond together in that configuration forms that is called a Kaylor and the Kaylor is the core of the Elemental that forms, the Elemental that forms around it which would be this, I just didn‘t draw the whole thing, but that red area. So, it‘s the interaction between these that are actually forming the Elemental consciousness. Now, we haven‘t got to atoms yet. So, we have, that is how the center point forms as far as this green area. Now, once the Kaylor forms it actually draws down this Hydrogelezic cloud of sets of 12 Hydro-gel sparks, draws it down from the center into bond around it. So now you have 12 ElementE, which were the Eiradhoni become the ElementE, and it forms one Elemental Unit, Elemental. Now, later the Elemental Unit bonds with something else to form one living Element Atom, but right here when we just have the red guy with the green center. And the center of the Elemental is the natural joule and around that is the GharE, natural GharE, a unit of GharE. So this structure now forms on each of those lines and—then let me see if I can remember how they interact because there‘s an interaction that occurs between the Shala Units that are in the Fire Chambers—that are on the Fire Chambers—and this Elemental that has just formed here that holds the joule, and the GharE consciousness, and the Kaylor and, lets see, somewhere I may have written that down. Let‘s see. Can I see this part here please honey? All right, that‘s the other part. That was saying how Kaylors were formed. Let me see, I‘m trying to remember how these guys get together with this because basically you‘ve got, oh right, OK, thank you. That was vertical, thank you. Once The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 124 of 283

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this forms the Shala units that are at the Fire Chamber, in the Fire Chambers down step to the level below, so they down step to the level below, that one and that one, and there, as they down step they actually draw down the Elemental to this level here and form a ShaLAa Living Light Unit. Remember we‘ve talked about those, the phase sets that are the living light that can phase and they do indeed phase. So you have the Elemental with its 12 ElementE, and you have two Shala Units, they have the three little units in them. That is a full Elemental Atom, Element Atom and that phases and forms what is the, let me see what the word is, I have it on paper, that‘s right. They form what is called the—remember we had the Ah-VE-yas and the Ah-VA-yas were the names for the Elemental Ah-VE-yas and the Ah-VA-yas, the Shalas are the Ah-VA-yas and the, this one is the Ah-VEyas. They phase and they form what is called the Ah-Tu-mas, the atom mass at the center. Now, at the center of each of these, there would be that dot and that happens at a very specific level. If you look at these, and remember we have the breakdown of the sub-frequency bands of each dimensional band, you have this, where the joule is stored, is actually at the 12.5 level. This one would be the joule for D-3, I think, is at the 12.5 level of D-3, where D-3 stops and the Density level starts. But the Elemental would go all the way up to the 3.5 level, so we would have the I AM God consciousness, it would be made of the Eye of God consciousness. If you come down here, this would be the 9.5 level of D-3. This would be the 6.5 level of D-3 and that is where the, I believe, yea, that is where the Ah-Tu-mas forms. That is where the literal atoms of Endoplasm Gel form and that is what our atoms are made out of. Then, if you brought that down further, you‘re at the 3.5 level here, something else happens here and they—we didn‘t get that far, but it‘s still a part, this goes all the way down, this whole Element Being goes all the way down to the zero point of D-3, so this would be a D-3 Element Being. There‘s another point of something that forms here at the 3.5 level, and I believe that‘s the one that connects in with each of the Ah-VA-yas Seals that we are going to open to open the planes that we talked about, the Karanadial Planes. Let me see something here. Let‘s see where that goes there, goes here, right, yes, so one of the Karanadial Seals is there, and the top seals, and one is there, so, literally, this is the birthing of Element Atoms that are conscious, living beings. What happens in the mutation is, because these flows are blocked and the Penta-g‘el Flows are cut off and truncated, you end up with two Shala Units being forced together. And they grab a piece, they rip this in half actually. They rip the Elemental, the actual Elemental in half, and they rip the joule in half, and they rip the GharE in half, and they take that half and roll it into the center and phase lock it and form an unnatural Elemental structure. The unnatural Element structure is that we have the Ah-yas, or the Ah-yas Forces are the natural element structures. The Ah-LO-sa-taNE are the twisted ones that are built on a Bi-Veca rather than a Tri-Veca configuration that come together to form the Shona Field, so the dead light fields, and they are living, sort of, too. They are consciousness too. They are twisted, distorted Elementals and Element consciousness. They can be healed if they can— something can help bring back the part that was cut off and bring it back into relationship to the center of this and it can actually be used. If this part can be brought back into the same reality field—that‘s a dimensional band—and find its missing other half, it can bond, this part will bond to the other half and pull it back up into this configuration. And actually, that will turn these back around, break the Vesica Pisces link. So some of the Elements on this planet, the Elementals and the Elements on this planet, can be healed. Not all of them because of the quantum issues with how much we have in Net Earth, how much we have in Median Earth and etc. And the way that that healing occurs is bringing in the natural Element Atoms and, first, the Elementals on the planetary level of Median Earth. If we bring in the Elementals, and that‘s the orbs we‘ve been seeing, that part, it brings in the rest of this quantum into the Net Earth field. And that will allow some of the atoms here to find, to be pulled out of the phase-lock and back into the natural configuration where they can be brought back into phase capacity, where they can spark and rejoin the Living Light fields.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 125 of 283

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We‘re going to be doing this with part of the grids. The first part of the grids we‘re going to be doing it with, this healing is coming to ourselves as we open these things and get this back online. When the orbs are coming to us, the Elementals, the Ah-VE-yas, they are the Ah-VE-yas Elementals from Median Earth, we are actually calling them in. And they will assist us in healing more rapidly, because right now our bodies are actually made up of little tiny ones compared to the size of the elements and atoms that the planet makes. Our body has a smaller quantum version of them, but we are still made up of heavy Shona fields. We have some light quotient in us which means some ShaLAa Elemental quotient, but we also have a lot of the Shona twisted Elemental quotient. So as we open all of these platforms and doors and things, we will be bringing into our bodies the Host, and this is where we‘ll be seeing more and more lights come, more of the orbs come. They are the Median Earth planetary level of the Elementals that will come to help pull our own Elementals back into natural configuration and then out of Shona field phase-lock bond. So it will be an expedited healing process that, once it‘s ignited in the body, it will continue on its own. But you will also find you can communicate directly with these conscious beings that are the Elementals from Median Earth. They are Krystic Elementals, and you can ask them to come in and help you heal. I had an experience with this once, a couple of times actually, when I was in overshadow and the walk-out, Katie, was in the body. And there were a couple of times, when she was a child especially, where she just felt—she just hated it here, as a child, she just felt…. I mean, she wasn‘t from a bad family or anything, wasn‘t beaten or any of that stuff, but she just felt homesick so horribly she just hated being on Earth and was aware that she was homesick and knew what that was. And she would curl up in a ball and just cry sometimes and just want to go home, because she really, really missed family from elsewhere. And they would come sometimes as fuzzy orbs and actually just cover her whole body and she could feel them. You could feel them right on you and they would help her heal stuff if like—you know, anything was physically wrong they would help with healing that way too. But they would come and they would take, they would heal the pain, the emotional pain and now I‘m starting to understand how that worked. They were doing some version of this process of pulling out, pulling back the Elemental forces in her body and bringing them back into their natural Elemental alignment which would balance out the chemicals in the body and the metabolic rates in the body. So this is how we‘re going to progressively get a handle on our body chemicals, our brain chemicals and our atoms and all of that. So, it‘s a huge process. I‘m surprised I got that far without tripping over my lips more than I have, because this is just the beginning of how all this happens. There‘s specific quantums with everything and I don‘t think I‘m ever going to have to translate that. What‘s important at this point is getting across what the basic thing is that has to do with what has to be done next, and then that will do what for us. As long as we can understand those things, we can continue to move forward. So I hope that that‘s been enough to explain, by the way, and with this, as we progressively up our Light quotient— because as this gets set in motion in our bodies we will. And we call in the orbs and we‘re doing the first calling in, I think, in the last night. That‘s when we‘re doing a group calling in and the orbs again are the Elementals, the living Elementals of Median Earth that will be our host, that are going to actually come and surround our bodies and move through them and the local atmosphere that‘s around our bodies. And they will begin to pull some of the Shona fields back into the natural Shala, ShaLAa Light configurations to free our own Elementals. And that will free our GharE too, so it can go back into its natural structure and function within the body. And it will free the joules. It will reunite the missing half of the joules. Now, right now our joules get stuck as calories. I don‘t know what this has to do with fat and stuff yet, but it has something to do with it because we have our joules stuck in our body where we have to do cardio. What does it do? It doesn‘t change your fat into muscle. What it does is it changes the fat cells into energy that the body, the cells can use, the body can use for cellular process, and that makes the fat go away. And then the muscle builds through another The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 126 of 283

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process, so it‘s not just presto change-o and you exercise, you loose fat because it turns to muscle. They‘re two different types of cells so—or tissue, two different types of structure. This is going to change progressively, not probably overnight. But it is going to change the way our bodies relate to joules, because we‘re going to get the other missing part of our joules back, the quantum. And I think that‘s the part that allows it to, the joules that are getting stuck in our bodies, to actually get freed to go in as working, living energy so they can go in through the natural, move with the natural processes of Hydrolase Conversion in the body. And it will change, I believe, the metabolic orientation, where we will start to burn more efficiently. Like, you know the bodies, some bodies burn too much where they can‘t hold weight, some bodies will store too much, or it‘s real hard to lose it. I know that one. So, this is all connected to that and it‘s all connected to stuff we talk about in—I forget which one it is, it‘s one of the other lectures coming up, where we talk about Light quotients specifically. And one of the things that we were told from the beginning that, in this workshop all the activations that were taking place here, that, even for people who came in with a heavy Leviathan imprint in their DNA, this would bring everyone up to a 60% light quotient and I believe that‘s the beginning of slide ability. It‘s at least the beginning of being able to get to Median Earth either through Bardoah or through slide but there‘s a whole chart that we‘ll look at in one of the other lectures that breaks down how the Light Quotient is actually figured and what different epigenetic overlays and genetic codes, what basic structure of ShaLAa light vs. Shona light do they carry so we‘ll be able to look at that and then just know, even though it would be almost impossible without having direct communication with somebody who can analyze how much Shona vs. how much ShaLAa you have. There are formulas to calculate how to know what exactly your Light Quotient is and when you say Light Quotient we‘re really referring to the quotient of ShaLAa because that‘s the quotient we‘re trying to build and we‘re trying to get rid of the Shona portion. So we‘re going to be learning how to change the Shona back into ShaLAa, so we‘re reclaiming it not just getting rid of it. It‘s a whole fascinating process. So there‘s more to talk about with this. But what we need to do this evening is to get these opened, these Karanadial Platforms opened and to do our first projection through them. Now to do that I‘m going to have to call a break, because I have to go scribble on a—I brought a piece of paper and a pen down because they‘re going to give me the quick step procedure to use. They said it‘s not a long procedure, but they wanted you to understand what it was about and once we get these open, that‘s where we get to start this process of calling in the orbs, calling in the Elementals from Median Earth to begin helping us with our healing process. Once this gets set in motion within our bodies and in our fields, we‘ll also have a residual effect on the other things that we walk through, walk by, walk amongst, because we will begin generating the natural ShaLAa Elements. And those Elements will have enough strength to help some of the Shona fields get broken apart and restored to their natural ShaLAa configuration in things we walk by, walk through, walk among. So, we will become like little healing machines as we walk through. Our bodies, our fields will act that way for other things around us too. And there‘s going to be applications of how to use that in Kathara Healing and those kind of things and Hydro-Acoustic Technologies, the AquaTone Technologies. I don‘t know if they‘ll get to those this time, but this is really amazing stuff. I mean we‘re literally being given an understanding progressively for the last 10 years of how matter is formed from consciousness, and how to reclaim the natural orientation of what that‘s supposed to be in the body. So, I think I‘m going to call a break for like, I‘m going to ask for 15 on this one. I should be able to get it in on that—and it‘s 5:02? Five after two? OK, so if we‘re back in 20 after two? OK, and I really hope this is not a long one. Yeah, we‘ll come back here. Yeah, it‘s a sitting one. We don‘t have to go through the whole, you know, they‘re going to be long when they lay us down, that‘s what I usually say. OK

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[Kitts Track 16] A‘sha Ash: We on? Doesn‘t sound on. Are we on? Yes, we‘re on now. Sorry about the cold. We‘re trying to get them to get the air conditioner turned off. Geeze, burr. I‘m just putting this on for a minute and I‘m going to read the steps that I was just given and point to things because I think that will help as far as because we‘re going to have to breathe a certain way and that kind of thing. So, I‘ll read the steps. Fortunately there‘s only 9 steps. That‘s not too bad. Yea, it‘s a quick one and as soon as we get done with running the technique then I‘ll just give you a really quick, the two mindfulness exercises that are for tomorrow, and then we‘ll be able to go, because you‘ve got to get some sleep, and I‘m going to change, I‘m going to put the time up an hour again for meet at 10 instead of 9 for the exercises because it‘s so, because we‘re staying up so late if that‘s all right. Alrighty now, OK so the first thing they‘re going to have us do is we‘re going to do an inhale, and remember an inhale will push out the Allurean chamber lines. A 12 point burst the inhale will go (inhale), and as you‘re doing it push a 12 point burst of prana out the Allurean chamber lines, hold the inhale and then exhale and that will send the mana out the fire chamber lines. Then, in the next step we‘re going to, we don‘t have to do it yet I‘m just trying to show you what we‘re going to do so you see where what goes, where what lines we‘re using and doing what with. Next we‘re going to do another inhale and hold, then exhale from the open Rasha window. Now, remember, we opened the Rasha window that is around the water seed and the seed atom at the Azura, so we‘re going to inhale, hold and exhale from the open Rasha window and at that moment the Beloveds are going to send, I think they‘re coming up from below the feet, but, they‘re going to send in 2 silver blue Median Earth elemental Ah-VE-Yas. These are the elemental, that‘s these guys, that part right there. They‘re going to send 2 of these in, the ones that correspond to our own Pa Ta Um Eri(?), The ones that correspond to our own Pa Ta Um erA(?), the ones that we already anchored, the light seed things, the light atoms. They‘re going to send 2 of those from Median Earth but they‘ll come through the core gate, the Adjugate 13 gate, and they‘ll come up below the feet and they‘ll come up on a prana pulse. So, we‘re going to be, it‘s going to come up through our feet but we‘re going to inhale and hold and then, when we say like ―Now‖, when they let me know it‘s released, then we‘ll exhale from that window, from the Rasha window here and we‘ll push these elementals, these Median Earth Elementals from the Rasha window over into … imagine you have another heart, it‘s a reflection of your physical heart but it‘s on the other side, on the right side, so, just literally inhale, hold and exhale and just push energy over and it will send that prana burst with the 2 Elementals, the 2 Elemental Ah-VE-Yas over into that. This will enter … what will be happening in the body then, is the entry point for, we‘re going to be opening these two lines which means the Ah-VE-Yas seals that … remember, they‘re all the way around on the tops of each of these things that block off actually the UmShaddEi planes. So, we‘re going to open these seals but on each level and it will start down here with the Rasha ones, and the Rasha ones will be the ones, as soon as we get those 2 elemental Ah-VE-Yas in here that were brought up from the transmission, then they will ride the natural line structures. They will shift the 45 degrees and go into these 2 Allurean chambers that are on either side of your central vertical column which goes corresponding with the central vertical column. It‘s corresponding with fire chamber 12. So it will start that process and then, once we get them into the heart, then we‘re going to inhale and use the inhale to draw the Ah-VE-Yas, I‘m just going to call them the Ah-VE-Yas elementals, the 2 Ah-VE-Yas elementals up into the Allurean chambers, and the chambers are 11 and 12. 11 I think is over here and 12 is over here on either side of fire chamber 12. So, we‘re just going to use the inhale to draw the Ah-VE-Yas elementals up into those chambers and first they‘ll go (A‘sha inhales) into the lungs, because there‘s one of those seals in each of the lungs, and then we‘ll raise the arms and grab the … and put the hands in those 2 points that are like these and that‘s just directing them where they‘ll still follow the lines out, and that‘s all on the inhale, so it will go to the lungs, the arms up over the head thing and up, and just imagine it going up all the way to the Allurean lines, all the way up to the top of … remember last night we felt out where the top of our bubble was? Remember our Aah-JhA body? We‘ll, try to sense where that was because it will go all the way out to there as far as these 2 Ah-VE-Yas Elemental atoms, or part atoms. They‘re not full atoms yet, they‘re Elements and Elementals. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. 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The Elements are the bigger ones. That is the element, this part of the Element-al atom that we‘re going to be moving through the chambers, alright? So, we‘re going to take it all the way up to the ends of our bubble and that‘s all on the inhale so it‘s really just a quick one where you go (inhale) lungs, (inhale) arms, _???_ out there and then you exhale and then inhale forcefully, and as we inhale forcefully and inhale (inhale) forcefully into the Rasha window and then sense, just kind of hold the inhale and sense a set of 5 pops. Those 5 pops in, some of them are in your body, some of them are in your field, correspond to the first set of the 5 seals that are on each of these. So, you would have one there, one there, one, two, three, four and the bigger one out there at the end that goes up into the Density 2 level that you can‘t see here. It goes up into D4 into the astral level and up into the transcendent space. So, basically, it‘s going to open this line of spheres but on these two lines first and then there‘s going to be just like a fireworks effect where little millions of like popcorn, kind of just get the sound of popcorn popping. Once those first 5 go they‘ll actually open all of them on each of the levels all the way around which means they‘re opening the Karanadial platforms of the UmShaddEi so it will open each of these bands and once we get that open then we‘re going to ride our central vertical column. We‘re actually going to do a bilocate and use a mini-me image and we‘re going to ride, put ourselves quickly into the Karanadis from the Karanadis Seal space, you know, the changing room space into this sphere where we‘re floating around in that cloud space, and then you‘re going to inhale (inhale) and hold it and then push up the mini-me up the central vertical column and right up fire chamber 12. So, you‘re going to literally push your mini-me all the way up fire chamber 12 and all the way past the boundary and try to sense where that boundary is of your Ah-JhA body and up a little bit further and you‘re going to come to this plane space. That is the Transcendent level of the UmShaddEi Plane and there we‘re going to, you‘re going to meet your ZionA again and try to envision yourself up there as your mini-me, and you‘re going to see your ZionA. Even if you can‘t see them clearly, even if it just looks like a fuzzy like pillar or cloud being type thing, if you can‘t see it‘s features clearly that‘s fine, but, once we get up there it‘s the first point you‘re going to actually meet them, have a meeting in this state. This is the transcendent UmShaddEi state and this is a plane you can use for all sorts of things. As we go along we‘ll be learning more about that, not just in this workshop but in others too, but, that‘s the big one. That‘s where you have transcended the density one focus and got a part of yourself fully into the transcendent level focus and here, when we meet our ZionA attendants, they‘re going to transmit to us, if you want it. Again, you don‘t have to participate in any of this if you don‘t want to. They‘re going to do this hand thing first where you‘re going to see your mini-me standing like this and your attendant standing in front of you doing the same thing where you‘re touching palms together and you can do it physically here. Try to put your physical palms up like this as if E was in … I‘m saying E like he or she, whichever it is because it‘s androg so I just kind of say E because they both end with the E sound and it‘s not a he and it‘s not a she, it‘s an E. So when I say … and E is standing in front of you. You can put your hands up physically to feel the sensation of his palms on, his/her palms on yours - makes language a little strange actually that androg twist. So, you‘re like this and your E will send you a wave of - it‘s like a starter wave of ShaLAa, which are the three, this shape, the ShaLAa element, Element Ah-VE-Yas so E‘s going to send a wave of these like literally the elements, not just the Elemental part but literally an element wave where it will transmit them directly into your mini-me‘s palms and it will make like a wave that will - once you bring it back into the body - will jump start the turning back the Shona fields, starting to turn back the Shona Fields so they‘ll reassemble into natural, the natural ShaLAa configurations in your body. And then E‘s going to do one more thing if you‘ll allow, E‘s going to and on your mini-me way up there; remember you‘re going to be sitting way up over the top of your boundary of your density one bubble in this plane and these planes look like, they look like kind of blue velvet, dark blue velvet and things kind of look like ghost images, including your mini-me. As soon as you make your transition into there, even if your mini-me was being visualized just like you are now, it will go into almost like a ghost image where it‘s translucent and your ZionA will look translucent there and it‘s just like you‘re hanging in space but you can see almost like a translucent milky color whitish plane that you stand on and it‘s like you‘re suspended in space standing on this plane and that‘s where you‘ll meet with them. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 129 of 283

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And the last thing E will do is E will touch your 2 eyes and your third eye spot on your forehead, E will touch your throat, E will touch your ears and E will touch the back of your head here to reach the hypothalamus actually, and, again, it‘s another one of E is transmitting an element wave to - the Median Earth element wave - to start rapid clearing of the Shona harnesses that are on our perceptions because literally our 3D perceptions have been phase locked here. Some of us have holes enough in them where we can see stuff inside, we can hear stuff but most, a lot of people cannot even get past any of those boundaries so this is the beginning of clearing those perceptual blockages off of ourselves so, if you allow him to do the transmissions that will open those spaces it begins the process of, again, in the eyes, in the atoms that make up the eyes and the atoms that make up the ears and the atoms that make up these body parts once you bring your mini-me back it will start that - taking those ones that are twisted into the Shona configuration - it will bring them back in with their hosted Elemental, that will bring back and help it find its natural piece so it can reform itself to it‘s organic state. So, it will begin to make changes in our physical apparatus of our eyes and things where we will be able to begin to see more multidimensionally, be able to hear more, be able to … I not sure if it‘s to speak more but I have a feeling there might be, at some point, especially people that have singing voices that have a decent range, I think there‘s going to be new tone abilities coming out, like maybe dual tones or double tones or something. I don‘t know what that‘s going to sound like but E‘s just given me that. So, if we just get through … this is what E‘s going to do and then we‘re just going to inhale and exhale ourselves back down and pop ourselves back into our bodies and we‘ve got that activation. But, you can go back tonight if you want to. If you remember you can go any time after this point once these are open and just inhale and blow your mini-me way up and sit up and find that plane and if you can‘t find it where you feel it real yet, just imagine it there, visualize it there. Imagine just everything looks like a ghost image hanging on this really pretty blue-black background. Alighty, sometimes you‘ll have other people come in. This is where you can also reach passed-on relatives and those kind of things or a Guardian representative of them because if your relative is tied up in their own issues with reviewing and stuff you don‘t want to bother them – it can actually upset their process. So you might have a Guardian come and tell you that they‘re OK and what they‘re doing over here but give it 6 months or whatever. So, it‘s a place where you can begin to make contact with the entire universal unified field on the density one level so it is a place of access for all sorts of things. It is the UmshaddEi space and it is even bigger level of the Grual State is the UmShaddEi State that we will enter into for the first time. So, let‘s go and get this done. Just start out with a couple of the Rasha Eira Krystar pop breaths. Three of those will do. Popcorn. ( laughter) Cool! OK. It‘s really like when you listen to the microwave popcorn when it‘s starting. (laughter). Inhale and as we‘re inhaling push a 12 spark of prana out our Allurean chamber lines. No, on the inhale. Let‘s try that again. (laughter) The mana went flying on that one. Remember when we inhale we actually are pushing prana out into the spirit body. Now hold that and now exhale and as you‘re exhaling out the fire chambers the mana comes. Now, just breathe normally for just a couple of seconds and we‘re waiting for the transmission of the two silver blue Median Earth Elemental Ah-VE-Yas and the prana pulse that the Beloveds are going to send from the ShaLa Adjugate 13 Gate Core up to us. These belong to us. They bear the encryption of our Pa Ta Um ErA(?) . They‘ll let me know when this happens, when they feel, when they let me know the release is in the shield. They want us to inhale really quickly from the bottom of our feet up and right into the Rasha window, the open Rasha window that surrounds our water seed. All right, it released down below. It‘s not up to the feet level yet but 1, 2 and, OK, right now, inhale and pull up from the bottom of the feet right into the Rasha window. Hold for a moment. Try to feel, it‘s almost like a little fibrillation when the two Elemental or Ah-VE-Yas come up in and when you feel that little fibrillation then push over to where the spiritual heart is on the right. Just breathe normally for a few breaths. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 130 of 283

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OK, and one inhale, when we inhale we‘re going to draw those two elementals up from the spiritual heart where they are right now up into the Allurean chamber lines that would be 11 and 12 on either side of our central vertical column and we‘re going to draw them up first just from the heart into the lungs, and then you do the arm thing where you bring them up this way. So there‘s just a main point where you go, ―ah, let me see‖. Where you inhale and just go, and bring it all the way up, yea. Oh, they went. Try to feel it too. There‘s a bit of a … you can put your arms down now as soon as it passes that point you can just let your arms go and it‘s gone all the way out to the end of your density one Ah-JhA body and just breathe normal for a bit. Try to sense, there‘s almost like a tingling sensation around this part of your body, around your arms you might get it. I‘m getting it on the arms. You can put your arms down guys now. And breathe normal for a little bit. OK, now is where we‘re going to do the 5 pops that then lead to popcorn. OK, where the pops all around all of those seals. This is where we‘re going to release all the of the Karanadial Seals on the UmShaddEi platforms or the Karanadial Platforms of the UmShaddEi fields. This is where we‘re going to open those fields where they are now planes that are accessible to our projections and, eventually, to our physical bodies as well. We‘re going to do this, first, let‘s inhale and hold. Now from the open Rasha window around your water seed at the Azura, exhale forcefully, just push. And then just breathe normally and wait for the sensation of the 5 little pops and you‘ll feel the 5 pops first on those two Allurean chambers that go up over your head along side of your vertical column, and then you‘ll just get this like popcorn effect all the way around all of the seals will go, and you can just breathe normally as that occurs. You may or may not feel it but you might be able to sense at least the pops. Now, now is the fun part. Now we get to take our first bi-lo trip up to sit on top of our density one Aah-JhA body which means we‘re going to take the trip up into the Transcendent State, the center of the soul state - near your whole soul state - which is the UmShaddEi space that links density one and density two, and that is going to be, it is in the astral field but it is at the Edonic level of the astral field which means it‘s middle domain, actually, when we get into the domains and stuff like that. So it‘s actually in the Edonic state which is a step deeper than the astral level itself is. So, now we‘re going to inhale, create a vision of your mini-me inside of your Karanadis Seal, and then we‘re going to exhale it up vertically as if you‘re pushing it right from the Karanadis Seal up through your vertical current and way up to sit on top of your bubble. Try to switch your awareness, part of it into your mini-me bi-lo and see if you can see or sense through it‘s eyes the deep blue velvet space with a simple translucent kind of milky whitish color platform that it is standing on. Try to sense that and try to visualize that. It will help if you can bring the visuals in. And now your ZionA attendant is going to come up. Keep your mini-me standing there and your ZionA is going to walk up to you. E‘s quite a bit taller than you. They‘re quite a bit taller than we are. They‘re different heights though so you can‘t just say they are all like 6 foot or all 12 foot. They‘re, they float around in between those. You might have a short one, you might have a tall one. Might even have a taller one they said than 12, but, imagine your mini-me being you as you are in size right now and imagine that your ZionA will be proportionately that much taller than you in the image. OK, they‘re coming up now and they seem to be approaching as - just like a fuzzy oval shaped cloud. They‘re not orbing, it‘s just like a cloud and as they get closer you can see the form of a hominid, a hominid shape like a human form type shape. I mean, it still has so much light coming out of it like literally out of the skin and it‘s a bit hard to see the features but try to sense the presence of that being in front of you up there, but also try to sense it in front of you here as well because they‘re going to project down here and hang before us in the air. Now imagine that your mini-me is putting it‘s hands out in that palms out position, palms facing front. Yep, and you can do it with the physical body as well. Try to sense the feeling of a fuzziness or the presence of the hands of your ZionA The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 131 of 283

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as E puts his palms on yours that way. E‘s standing in front of you, both your mini-me and yourself and just try to feel the sensation of the palms touching. E is going to transmit now to you an elemental wave from, an element wave to assist the kick start, the Shona clearing process. Try to feel that. You‘re going to inhale if you want, and hold. And when you exhale, E will transmit. Exhale now. Try to sense the feel of that transmission going through your palms, through your arms, up your arms to your water seed and into your Rasha window. Try to feel it like, it‘s almost like a cascade of mini orbs floating through your body, all through your body. And now you can put your hands down in both places and if you want the activation to have to begin clearing the blockages on the multidimensional perceptual facilities, E will give that transmission now and you just need … you don‘t have to breathe anything different. You just breathe normal and E‘s first going to put his two hands … E‘s going to touch with the Lotus Touch fingers, E‘s going to touch your eyelids at the same time, one hand on each eyelid. Try to feel the touch on your eyelids here and E will gently tap three times. Then E will put both hands in Lotus Touch position at your third eye on the forehead and E will tap there three times. E will now put the two hands, the two Lotus Touch fingers together at the throat and tap three times. E will than bring one hand up to each ear and with the Lotus Touch position and tap the ears three times. And finally E will touch …, reach around with both hands around the back to the back of your head using both hands, and E will tap three times at the place where your head hooks on to your neck and that will go into the hypothalamus. And now E will activate all of these by putting - E‘s still in front of you, right - by putting one palm on each shoulder where your rod comes out, your horizontal rod, and E‘s going to make one transmission breath that goes ( blowing sound) and E‘s going to transmit right in through the rod and that will spark activation of the whole complex and that will begin the whole process of transmuting the Shona fields that block the sensory perceptions so we can begin to turn on, progressively, the inner sight, the inner hearing, the inner speech, and the other functions of brain that go with that, the inner tactile senses, inner vibrational touch and those. OK, we‘re going to bring ourselves back down into our body now, our mini-selves and as we bring them back in it will spark the activation of the same things in the physical body structure. So, let‘s inhale up and grab our mini-me then exhale our mini-me down and push it right out to your whole self here and there you are. And your ZionA will stay with you and they tend to be hanging in the mentor space over your right shoulder, that little area over there that‘s connected with the Rasha. They tend to hang over there. But also, they will come to you if you would like assistance with some body healing or something like that tonight. They‘re saying just simply ask them and they will come and they will bring the orbs from Median Earth, and the orbs from Median Earth are those Ah-VE-Yas which are the elementals that are part of the larger structure of an element atom, so it‘s an element atom up there but the elemental part of it actually can travel back and fourth and they will bring the little orbs, the ones the will cover you or go into the area that‘s hurting and try to help it and fix it, so you can ask them to help. These are the guys who helped us fix our knee a long time ago when Katie had actually … she needed surgery on her knee because she ripped a tendon or ligament or whatever and she couldn‘t put her leg down. It was like stuck up in a bent position and she was going to get surgery and they actually, one of them came into the room, it was a Zionite which are very closely connected to these guys and he did this sound light thing and brought in the orbs. But we didn‘t know who the orgs were but now we‘re learning who the orbs are and they are the elementals of Median Earth, the Krystic elementals of Median Earth that are working directly with us. There‘s a lot of things that travel in orbs. There‘s a particular kind of these and these are the ones that we‘re actually getting photographs of, but, some other people … depending on what frequency you‘re bringing in will depend on whether your pictures have good orbs or not good orbs, so, some of the orbs will have the vesica pisces inside instead of the ShaLAa three light units inside. If they‘re of that other force, planetary elemental force that is the ??A-LU-satani force, and that is the twisted force of the earth levels that should be ShaLAa but they are not, they are twisted by the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 132 of 283

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caduceus mechanisms. So, anyway, they‘ll come and visit you tonight if you want. I‘ll just have you take down the quick notes on these two exercises and then we can go to bed. The Mindfulness Field Work number three is called ―Think Like a Guardian‖. First we ―Walk Like a Guardian‖, then we‘ve got Think Like a Guardian. This is where you take whatever awarenesses you‘ve got from the last one where you learned to start to focus on conscious movement where you became conscious of moving. That was exercise one I think. You keep that awareness, start taking a little bit more of that awareness into correcting consciousness movement. Not just, OK, I‘m observing, I‘m doing that. Well, let‘s change that if it‘s not great. You can feel if there‘s a better way to move or move with more grace or whatever. Keep that there. You have to expand on that state that you started with the first exercise and then, this is where the mindfulness of your mind comes in and you need to start watching or paying attention to what your brain is doing. Where is it chattering to itself? Where are you getting mind loops of things like thoughts just floating around, going around in circles. Start listening intently into what your chatter speak is in your head. Because we all have chatter speak in our head. And, when you start to hear things, and the best place to do it is say, oh, I‘m going to go do or go see something, like, say I want to, I‘m going to look at the astral field of that person. Then you‘ll find a part of your chatter speak that comes up and says, oh, but I don‘t have my astral vision on, I can‘t. Right there you‘ve got to say, oh, yes I can. You have to change when you find the negatives that are coming from the Shona fields, the Shona harnesses that are on your perceptual fields, you‘ve got to consciously contradict them and say, but you‘ve got to catch them before you can contradict them. If it says, oh, I can‘t do that or, Oh, I‘m afraid of that, that‘s going to work out terrible. When you find those loops, now, you are a creator. Who‘s creating this mess in your head? This is coming from the Gharoche so you‘ve got to start talking back to the Gharoche. You‘ve got to find where it‘s trying to talk to you and direct your brain chemicals through language and words, because it‘s using language and words too, and really … and to do this, you need to slow your mind down a bit - to start to pay attention. What is my head doing right now? You‘d be walking down the street, and this part of your brain is thinking about this and this thing, and you just kind of float around. You‘re somewhere in there paying attention to what you‘re doing but you have all these parts of your brain compartmentalizing, where they‘re all pointing at different things and they‘re creating things without your consciousness attention or direction. So, this is becoming mindful of your mind where you start to … what does a Guardian do? Does it allow itself to get, ―oh, I can‘t do that‖. Well, a Guardian knows that it is a creator. It learns to choose it‘s language patterns both internally and externally. Start with the internals, right? Because that‘s how you start to get control of the energy of the Gharoche has been trying to control and trying to control you through. So, that part of the exercise will be about literally thinking, ―nope, have I checked my mind recently‖? Kind of like you check your watch to find the time, well, check your mind to find what it‘s doing because it will be doing things. Or, if you find yourself drifting, go, ―whoa, where did I go‖? You know, like, wait a minute, because sometimes you‘ll be focused on something like a lecture or something, or, sometimes you‘ll be trying to read something and you‘re reading but you‘re finding yourself glazing. A part of you is glazing - it‘s going off doing something. It went off with the fairies. Where did it go? Try to find where that is. It‘s about - this exercise is about becoming aware of what your mind energies are doing, your consciousness mind energies, where they are going. And then, when you start to become aware of, ―hmm, oh, what am I doing over there in that part of my head‖? And you‘re going to get a feel for what part of your head - what is happening in. The idea is to bring it back and to especially pay attention to the speak part. When you start hearing yourself saying to yourself words that are negative in any kind that criticize yourself, that are unkind to yourself, that are telling you that you can‘t, you are limited, they are telling you all the things you might have heard a million times from other people that raised you or in your life. You‘ll just hear them in general from the Gharoche even if the people were very nice around you … that you really need to find where those speaks are happening, where Gharoche speak is happening and confront it and say, ―ah no, that is not true‖, and contradict it with the opposite of the negative it‘s telling you. If it‘s saying, ―oh, you‘re big, fat , and ugly‖. Say, ―excuse me, no, I am beautiful and I am made out of ShaLAa light, but thanks for your observation anyway‖, you know what I mean? You need to take issue with the thoughts that are in your head that are telling you the negative things, the limiting The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 133 of 283

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things, the things that say, ―oh my god, the economy is falling, I‘m going to go bankrupt, I‘m going to be living in a garbage can someplace. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!‖ right? Those type too. They are Gharoche thought forms where a Guardian would say, ―yes, this world is manifesting a major problem in their hologram because everybody is letting the Gharoche control their minds. I am choosing not to let the Gharoche control my mind. I will work directly with the beloveds and I know I will always be taken care of. I will always have enough. I will always be safe. I live in a safe and loving universe. I live on a safe and loving planet. I will be OK‖. And then if negative things happen, say, ―oh my god, I did lose that or I did lose that or my house got foreclosed‖ and whatever. Say, ―OK‖. Now, does a Guardian say, ―oh my god, see, none of it‘s true. See, I lost my house anyway‖. No, a Guardian says, ―hmm, there is a lesson in that. I‘m teaching myself something and even if I can‘t identify what that is right now I know that if one thing went, something even bigger, better and higher that fulfills me more can come‖. So, a negative that could be perceived as a horrible negative … there is a positive element that it just made room for something similar but potentially better. Unless you get stuck in that negative where you‘ll make it something potentially worse. This is how Guardians run their minds. They don‘t let their minds run them. They take conscious responsibility for the words, the ideas, the thoughts, also for their emotions. When you have emotions building up you can just treat them as energy and bring them up and blow them out to transmute. Get the energy off you when your emotions are getting jittery and all that. So, that particular exercise is, learn to Think Like a Guardian, is getting a hold of your brain and seriously saying, ―OK, no, your going to do this‖. These thoughts are going this way. Take back the energy the Gharoche is trying to steal and turn into a manifestation you don‘t want to see. And, we‘re getting lots of tests in the world because the world is really going Gharoche-mania right now with the economy and all that. And, they‘re going to do the same thing when they get into the war between the red-whites and the green dragons. That‘s pending but that will probably occur. It will go from Iraq to, hopefully they‘ll come home. It will be a bit better since Obama‘s around. We‘ll talk more about that in the last workshop actually, but, anyway, this is literally saying the Gharoche is not going to control my thought patterns any more. I am going to pay attention to my thought patterns and I am going to take them back from the Gharoche. And you contradict it every time it tells you a negative. You say ―no‖, and you think of what would a Guardian say. Oh, I am one, OK, so I am a Guardian and I‘m going to say, ―no, I‘m going to create this. I know I‘m protected. I know I‘m in a loving universe. I know I am safe on a loving planet‖. The planet is loving, the systems on it right now are not great, but this planet itself is loving. You can create a safe space, and, remember, it‘s your atoms, it‘s your consciousness that is being turned into your atoms so if you program those atoms with, I am not in a safe place or I am going to go bankrupt or I‘m going to do this or whatever, that, you are creating that manifestation literally atomically in your hologram. So, this is where you really have to start paying attention, not, yea, I get some mind control over ourselves. If we don‘t control our minds somebody else will be glad to, especially your Gharoche. This is where it gets serious where you really do need to spend time with your brain, with your mind, observing yourself. This is where the personal responsibility part comes in. Nobody can hand this stuff to you. This is the work that you‘ve got to do to get a handle on your energy and once you get used to it, it gets easier and then you start playing with yourself. Its like, ―Hi Gharoche, how are you doing today? Oh, you have nothing to say do you right now‖? You can go into to, but first you‘ll start with finding it and telling it ―no, that is not what my energy is going to do‖ and this is actually the reality. And you actually put your thought over it. So, it‘s part of you now. It‘s trying to control you but you just say ―no‖, and you push, because you have enough energy now, that‘s coming in with the frequencies you got activated, to push your thought form over the thought form that‘s trying to create. And, it might come back, it will push back and it will get … that other one, the negative one will come back. Then you push more the positive one. The more you put the positive one on, it will eventually transmute it and make the other one go away and demanifest the program that you don‘t want to see and start manifesting the program you would like to see.

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So, that‘s one, that‘s number three as far as Think Like a Guardian, and number four is similar but a little bit more challenging, especially since both of these ideally aren‘t just done in the privacy of your own room or house. Because everything‘s much more challenging when you‘re around people or going out taking a walk, but you‘re in public, you‘re having other stimuli from the environment. Because everybody doesn‘t live in a cave. If you want to keep your mindfulness you have to just develop it in the midst of all the external stimuli that‘s going to be trying to drag you away from being mindfulness. So, take a part of it, play with it a little bit at first alone but then go outside of your room, walk around amongst people where you have sun, you have breeze, you have chatter, you have of people‘s fields. You have all this other stimuli around you and still keep that same focus. So, find it in private and take it in public, so you can strengthen your ability to hold it enough. Or you‘re going to have to go live in a cave somewhere like many monks have done just to keep, ―I can keep my focus just as long as nothing distracts me‖. How much mindfulness is that? That‘s a beginning. And yes, you can find a certain state but it makes it extremely difficult to deal with the state that everybody else has to deal with and that‘s not what Guardians do. They go out and they hold state among the best. So that‘s why we‘re saying do it outside. And, here‘s the other part to do outside which is even more challenging. Because the one part that‘s going to be challenging - first I‘ll tell you what it is. It is called Clearing Space. This is three hours, they don‘t have to be all at once. And they can be broken up into hours, just so that it totals about three hours worth of Silence of Mouth and Mind. Yes, some of it inside. It‘s easy not to talk to anybody when there‘s nobody there to talk to. But when you‘re out milling around or hanging out with someone. You can do buddy systems with this if you want, just like little packs of you go around and just do stuff together, but you will not use the speak. It will be silence right? And the other thing is to learn to clear space in the head. Now you‘re not going to look for your GharE or Gharoche voice, you‘re going to … every time any thought that has language attached come up, you‘re going to go (inhale-exhale) and blow an aqua cloud through it and push it right out of your head. What we‘re making space for, is the perception of direct cognition where the other senses will start to turn on faster if you start to use them, right? As long as the mouth is speaking and the mind is generating things for the mouth to speak that dominates most of our perception and our creation here. If we want to start making space where we can start hearing and experiencing our ZionA attendant more so we can start learning the things that they would love to be able to teach us, we need to clear a space to do that. So, literally you would try to play with the space first where, OK, monitor yourself for 12 minutes … and see how often … and say OK, I‘m going to clear my mind. First of all I am going to clear my mind is a sentence. It‘s language. There is an intention behind it. Go,(inhale-exhale). You know that intention means I‘m going to clear my mind but you‘re not letting the words go into your mind. You‘re going to make your mind temporarily empty where you can feel what‘s under all the language patterns and try to play with finding anything. And watch how many times a thought will come that has words and sometimes it will have pictures. If you‘re getting good at batting words, it‘s almost like batting them out of your head with tennis rackets. No, no, no, no, no. And you don‘t go no, no, because no is a word. You just go….and (inhale-exhale) . And sometimes they will start coming in really fast. Then you just go (inhale-exhale), blow them out. Forget the tennis rackets; you can‘t hit them that fast when they‘re doing that. But, you get in that space where you can tell a little bit of clarity of mind, where there‘s not the chatter. Not your chatter or the Gharoche chatter. Then you go into … it‘s very easy I guess I said to not speak if there‘s nobody directly there to speak to that you‘re used to. But this is where you … it would be good if you actually joined up, even just in twos or in threes or in 20s, whatever is happy for you. But where you‘re going to be with each other and go out in the environment but not speak. It‘s going to be weird for people that, if like - if we all know this is good because if we see somebody and you say, ―hi‖ and they don‘t go, ―hi‖ back, you know it‘s nothing personal. You can use other speak if somebody‘s interact, wants to speak with you. Use sign language, whatever you want, or try direct cognition if you‘re doing it in groups. If you want to communicate you can communicate in little bits. But you keep the mouth out of it and as many words out of your head as possible. Try to send direct cognition. You can use facial gestures or directional gestures like, ―let‘s walk over there‖. Just play with this and start to, it gives you, it‘s a total shift of perception and you literally don‘t speak which means you might want to get supplies like if you‘re going to do lunch or whatever, have things ready so you can‘t, you go to sit down at a table and kind of go….‖what‘s your problem?‖ That kind of thing. So, these two exercises, and again, at the end of doing them, write down what your experience or what you thought of, or your assessment. Not just assessment but it‘s kind of like notes The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 135 of 283

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to myself about what this was about. And that would be, you can do that tomorrow and that would be, then there‘s two more that would be on the day after that you would have for our mindfulness exercises. So, tomorrow morning I do believe we‘ll … I‘m going to do … I ‗m going to do … I was going to say start at 10:30 but it gets awful hot by 11:30. It‘s starting to get really uncomfortable so I guess I‘m going to try 10 and I‘m going to drag myself out of there and so is Az and so if you‘ll meet us out there we will do the middle Ah-RA‘-yas and we will only do on these though. We‘re going to do just 6 reps of each on these instead of full 12, because some of them are quite strenuous. Az: We‘re going to start non-verbal activity at 10 o‘clock? Ash: No, we‘re not going to start non-verbal activity at 10 o‘clock because I can‘t teach the Ah-RA‘-yas. I can‘t teach the Ah-RA‘-yas without speaking. Az says something? Ash: Yes, anyway, thank you for being here and sorry to keep you up late but, going onward. Applause.

Lecture 4A: Day-8 Wednesday November 19 2008 [Audio Track 18] A‘sha I haven‘t slept yet. I got 2 hours sleep last night. I was up until like 7:30, and went to bed long enough till about 9:30. So I could then get up at 10:00 to do the Ah-RA‘-yas on the beach and the whole bit, and then we had the Monkeys‘ Circle. And then I was going to go back and go to sleep but that didn‘t work because they started to give me transmission. So I‘ve been doing the transmission since then. I will do my best to coherently describe to you what they have just described to me as far as what this evening is about. Let‘s just say this evening might — you know how we had in the original thing sessions might run late (chuckles). This is going to be one that probably will, and because of that, you know that morning Ah-RA‘-yas session that we‘re supposed to have for the lower body parts and the adaptors, we‘re going to do those from 4:30 till 6:30 pm on the beach (applause). Yeah me too, yes, thank you! Maybe I‘ll get some sleep because there is a series of Mylar diagrams to go through to try to put into a coherent sequence the things we‘ve been working on but also where they are taking that. We learned some things last night, some quite complicated things, I mean at least for me they were complicated. And trying to explain them was even more difficult about how the Elemental Forces, the natural Elemental Forces of the Ahyas‟ form and what all that means, and its connection to the orbs, and its connection to our anatomy, and what we‘re trying to reverse-mutate in ourselves and all that. Well we‘ve got more on that, that explains that a little bit more clearly. It also explains a bit more about the mutation and what it does actually to the atoms, so we look a bit at the different types of light: the ShaLAea verses the ShOna light. And they want us to understand these things because by the end of the evening/ morning, whatever it is at this point, we do have our Aqua-Tone Technique-5 practicum on the beach. Now interestingly, the handouts that you have are for certain—and we don‘t have photographs for those. I just had to make stick-figure drawings to try to get this across as far as what the movements are. The movements, this was a practicum for the big event that will be on the final night/ morning, and half of us are leaving early the next day. I don‘t like these schedules either but sometimes I work out that way. But we will be doing, or seeing the context within which those The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 136 of 283

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movements fit into the program and why they are there. There is a point where we are going to go out on the beach and we will probably do a run-through practice just with our arms. We‘re not going to try to do strings and light sticks tonight. And I was hoping actually to do a practicum in the room. If we had that other room across where it‘s bigger we would have been able to. But if you are having strings with light sticks on the end of them, you do not want to have 180 people in a room this size attempting to do that right because people are going to get hurt! You can really damage your own self with light sticks with nobody else near you! So we‘ll hopefully understand if I can—I understand what they‘ve explained to me. Being able to step that down into linear language is another story. I‘ll do my best to help you guys understand where the Ah-RA‟-yas and also the Ah-LE‟i-yas, which are those on the handout you‘ve got fit in and what they are about. So we have a bit of a quick practice, standing up just trying to do the arm movements. There will be a practice before the actual event but you will have strings. Everybody gets 2 strings and 2 light sticks. I tried just to use the strings and I almost damaged myself with just the strings—you know my God, how do you do this stuff? I am not a raver. I have never been to a rave dance; they are the ones that are good at the light sticks and stuff. There‘s a reason why the Beloveds are using the light sticks. It has to do with projection of energy and actually creating acceleration momentum in the greater field in the Aah-JhA‘ Body. So we‘ll work with that when we get out on the beach. The more fun thing, at least as far as what I saw they want to do is —what I‘m looking forward to is not the point where we‘re trying to practice these arm movements —that will come before when we lay down again in Shadra. And we‘re going to do a Shadra shield tonight that ends up in what are they referring to it as ‗Orb Fest‘. They called it Orb Fest and Orb Bath. It has to do with healing. It has to do with beginning a rapid acceleration of the transmutation of the ShOna atoms and cells that are in your body back into their ShaLAea component. To understand that better there are a sequence of diagrams where we talk about all of this and a bit of the technicals that show what that‘s about. But when get out there, we are actually going to go on a projection journey, not just to the Umshaddhi space that we were in in the last one, which had to do with the Density-1 levels, we‘re actually going all the way to the Density-2 center which is the I-AM-the-Transcendental-Soul-Self space. And we need to lay down for those before we use the technique to go up and sit on top of our Aah-JhA‘ Body right, and that‘s a vertical line. That takes you to one place in the Umshaddhi fields. But to go into the greater Umshaddhi between the veils of time fields, you need to lay down horizontally and you go through the Bhardoah Chamber backward right, and project out, and there‘s 2 filters you go through, and then you stand up and you are at a completely different but much, much higher level space. From that space, we are going to be this is the beginning of our training in learning to do something called Calling the Orbs. And we need to remember what little bit we learned about last night about what are these orbs. They have to do with the literal Elemental Beings that exist on Median-Earth. And we have the ability, once we activate certain things in our body, to bring them through. And when they come through, they have the ability to re-assemble or to actually pull out the good part of our own natural atomic structure and reassemble it to the pieces that it was actually broken off from it and free it from the ShOna bond. And we‘re going to begin that process tonight with the Shadra on the beach. And I‘m really looking forward to this because they give me a little kind of like just brief run-through, and it‘s one of those moments where you have the very loving, perfectly Krystic little orb balls all over and running through your entire body. There is such a feeling of healing in that space. I‘ve had little moments of that in my lifetime where that happened. I didn‘t know what it meant or what it was about. I‘m starting to understand that now. It was literally the fields from the Ascension Earth, the MedianEarth, the Elementals coming in and helping to transmute off the ShOna fields in the atomic structure so you feel better after it. So I know the intimacy, the little intimacies I felt with that, which is just a kind of like ‗oh…huh…thank-you-healingtype‘ sense, so I‘m hoping that you guys will be able to experience some of that tonight when we do our first Calling of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 137 of 283

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Orbs. They are going to teach us how to call in the Orbs in co-creation with us, and the orbs are the Elementals from the Median-Earth level. And they have the power because Median Earth is still in a Krystic imprint to actually override the ShOna bonds that our atomic structure is presently bonded in. So it will begin the process of transmutation of our own atomic structure back to its organic pieces. We‘ll actually pick up the pieces that we have lost of our Joules, and of the certain things called KAlors that because of Metatronic mutation, our natural ShaLAea Light structure should have formed around our atoms and formed atoms in the center. It was actually ripped apart, so we only have a portion of it and it‘s convoluted into a Gharoche‘ bond where our GharE‘ is held hostage. And parts of our own quantum are actually in fragmented form just floating around in certain planes or bands within a dimensional structure of Earth. When these Orbs come through, when we call them through and ask them to co-create with us, they will actually come through and reassemble the original structures of what our atoms should have been. And it won‘t all happen at once like bang, zoom, you‘re perfect now, but it will begin the waves. They call them the Cascader Orbs that will progressively circulate, and when we get done with it, there is a really neat thing and they showed me. They actually have me in the laying down part and we actually invite the Orbs to come. Once we‘re done with that part, and we get back into the physical body, we actually stand up and dance with the Orbs. And that‘s when, I don‘t know if it will work tonight if we‘ll get a lot of pictures or not or whatever, but that‘s when you are actually bringing them through and they are spiraling around you. And you are actually literally dancing with them to help them gain momentum . And then they go off into the world here to do the same thing that they were able to do in your body structure which is to begin transmuting the ShOna fields back into ShaLAea fields. And there is going to be a point where we all get —not particularly this workshop but eventually where we will be—well we‘ve been training in Elemental Command; this is what it means, it‘s working in co-creation with these consciousness that are in the form of Krystic atomic structure and elemental consciousness. And it‘s amazing I mean dancing with the Orbs where they—actually you can feel them, sense them around you, and eventually be able to see them. But you might actually be able to get photographs when we do that. This is just like a practice run but it is actually we‘re full-on doing it. But it‘s a set of things we need to open in our fields, and the ability we need to have to fulfill the big event that is on the last night that we‘re here where we use the light sticks to actually do momentum where the Orbs actually stick to them. And it helps the Orbs to accelerate the flows not only in our own fields but in the gate fields. We are on a gate site at St. Kitts and using the light sticks will give the Orbs extension just beyond our own physical body capacities where they can stretch their momentum and their capacity to raise and accelerate the frequencies of the gate site itself. And there is a lot more about the last night that I still don‘t know. I‘m exhausted enough with the stuff that they gave me for tonight, so what I would like to do is…we‘re still sticking to program. It‘s always nice how they gave me words: ‗Here is the title of that workshop, and here is about this.‘ Great, sounds simple enough! I can handle that but I don‘t know it‘s about, oh Lord! Then when the transmission comes through especially when you‘ll have a day to bring it through, and it is very, very complex, and that was one of these. Actually yesterday was like that too. Well at least we got to the conclusion we needed to do the activations that were coming through. This one we‘re still sticking on program where we are on I believe Day-8, Wednesday November 19, well it used to be anyway (chuckles) right. I think we go between dawn and dusk or something instead of like after 12:00 it‘s the next day— forget that! It‘s like after 6:00 am, it‘s the next day. So as long as you make it before dawn, it still applies to the day before; our schedules tend to work that way. But we will still do the lecture which is titled ‗Your Heroic Self: Embodying your Primary Probability for Slide‘ and that has to do with looking into what is really meant by the concept of Light Quotient, and what that has to do with the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 138 of 283

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ShaLAea versus ShOna light that we found, and what that has to do with healing wave. At the end of this we will begin to bring in that will assist us in upgrading the Light Quotient. They‘ve also told me something that as I was reading through the description of the workshop they gave me in the first place that said that we would hit a 50% increase. We‘d all be brought up to 50% where we had at least 50% ShOna and ShaLAea where you didn‘t have less than that. They actually said because of the grid work that was done and the level of frequency involved in it, it was successful enough that we will get the 60% in this thing instead of just the 50%, so people will have the 60% instead of just 50, yeah (applause). And that means, that means in FOL when we did the next level that was going to be where the 60% level of ShaLAea came in. That will go up to 70% at that point, yeah (applause). And there are a set of diagrams, not diagrams but lists of things that explain certain things. I have a Mylar and I will try to explain them. They are very, very complex, actually. They look simple but boy there‘s a lot of complexity to them! But it shows you basically the parameters of what does it mean to have 50% or 25% good light verses 75% bad light. What does this mean, right? Like what does it mean to my capabilities? What is my evolutionary potential if I am in that form? There is a whole set of lists they actually gave it to us about 2 months ago but we weren‘t supposed to release it yet. And it‘s great when they don‘t want me to release something— I just don‘t understand it enough to talk about it anyway right. I‘ve got that graph—don‘t know how to even explain it. Well now they are showing where it fits. It was given for this workshop set, and it has to do with things like Epi-genetic Overlays and your Core DNA Pattern that you inherited say from your parent forms. And if you‘re a walk-in you got an extra set. You don‘t just have your birth imprint and your Epigenetic Overlay imprint; you‘ve got a walk-in imprint to deal with, and they all have different potentialities as a far as there‘s about 10, I think it was 10 or 12 different types of base gene codes that happen here on this Planet. Some of them are the highest that hold the highest codes. Some of them are the lowest on the other end of the list; they have the lowest Light Quotient. And we all have balances in between that; you may have the highest level on your DNA gene code but you may have taken on overlays of the lowest level. So there‘s actually formulas, mathematical formulas to try to calculate if you came in with this birth imprint, and then you had a walk-in imprint that was that, and then you have an overlay that is this, to actually add and subtract; the difference is to find the actual Light Quotient. What‘s nice is we don‘t have to do that right now; I am hoping we never have to. I mean I saw the formulas, the beginnings of the formulas just so we could understand where the Speakers stood in relation to all of this, and well it‘s good. Yes, we are still definitely Slide-able, thank you. But the calculations were not simple to do. And it requires that somebody can analyze your body structure, atomic structure enough to actually tell you what your Epi-genetic Overlay is, what your Base DNA Program is, and what your Walk-in Imprint is, and that‘s where you need direct vertical communication with the Beloveds because they could teach us to do those readings but there‘s not enough Speakers here to do those readings. Maybe someday they will teach us all how to get a ball-park parameter on that. But right now what is nice is we can understand a little bit of about where these fit in our relationship to the ability to ascend, to actually really ascend, and what we are dealing with in our body structures. And because we know that we are going to get brought up to the 60% ShaLAea Quotient that means minimum of 60% ShaLAea and 40% of ShOna field, that‘s a big leap for some people that started out with a 25% ShaLAea, right it‘s a big increase. For other people, if they were already past that point of having more ShaLAea, they will actually get still a 10% increase over whatever it was. So we don‘t have to sit here and try to figure out ‗What am I from day to day on my ShOna versus ShaLAea Light Quotient.‘ We know we will all leave here with 60%, and that is enough for certain things; it‘s enough I believe for Slide.

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So we will look at the diagrams there. That‘s probably going to take up most of the time talking about this. I know there‘s a wave coming through to explain things that I don‘t even understand about those. It‘s a 3-page chart that just lists different categories of things. We get into words like ‗Biode‘, ‗Symbiode‘, ‗Probiode‘, ‗Mobiode‘, infiltrations on the original gene lines that created the Leviathan races here, and those kind of things, it‘ll show a bit of that too. When we get past that part where we understand that there is really a large context of what this Light Quotient stuff means; it‘s right there in the DNA. It has to with evolution of species on any Planet but ours as well. We‘ll go into a little bit of understanding the anatomy in relation to how our anatomy creates what type of light, and then how so by the time we get to the Shadra shield we will be able to have a better understanding of what it means to bring in the Orbs as far as what they do when they come in because they still have their original Krystic integrity. And they can actually pull together the parts of our atoms that were fragmented and of our ShaLAea Light that was turned into ShOna; they can actually pull it back. So it is a big healing that is beginning but a lot of it is very complex. And I was watching while they were jumping over — all of a sudden like 20 files opened, and each file let‘s say was a book, a very large book with many pages, right. And they just pulled like pages from here, pages from here, pages from here to create a wave of cognition where we can understand the activations that are taking place now within ourselves and also within the planetary grids. There is so much detail in every one of those books that I‘m amazed they could even pull a wave of linear cognition out of it but they have. And that‘s what the chart pack, the little set of charts that I have here are, so I‘ll do my best to explain those to you. Before I go into that, there‘s one thing that I would like to mention that I didn‘t know about until I came down. I had a little conversation with Dar before we came in, Darlene, and she was mentioning how some people are finding they are getting sick from the foods in the restaurant. And it seems particularly focused around foods that have diary involved like heavy creams or milks or that kind of stuff, stuff like tiramisus, stuff like broccoli soup that has cream base, right? And the first conclusion someone might jump to is there is something wrong with the hotel food. I‘m not saying that there isn‟t; however, I would like to share with you something. There are certain times in my life when especially when we were going through the accelerations where I was walking in and Katie was walking out, where we got extreme lactose intolerance. Now lactose we were cool with when we were born. It was actually cow‘s milk that saved the baby body‘s life. Our great-grandmother gave us cow‘s milk cut with water because every formula was making us just throw up constantly. We were 7-month preemie, and we were sent home to die by the doctor; they couldn‘t keep anything down. And our great-grandma figured out just to use cow‘s milk cut with water, and that worked, an ounce every hour, right. So I didn‘t have direct lactose intolerance in my life but as we went through certain levels of activations, there were certain times where the stuff was activating in the field, where even if I could drink milk, or have something with cream in it, or fats as well, fats or oils, where sometimes I‘m fine—other times I will get so violently ill, I mean just you know you have the intestinal thing, you have the throw up thing. So just it might be if people are having an issue if it‘s focused around stuff that has a cream base or oil base or dairy base, it might not be because there is something wrong with the food in the hotel. It might be because you are activating to a level where right now you are going through a food sensitivity period. And it‘s not just about this hotel but it‘s about when you go back home. Thinking about that you may find that, and you are running off to the doctor‘s ‗Why all of a sudden I am sick all the time?‘ It may be diet. We are activating things in our bodies in order to ascend. There are certain food and beverage substances that just do not set well. They are too low frequency or have certain characteristics that do not set well with the higher The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 140 of 283

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frequencies we are bringing in. So sometimes it‘s really about not that you are sick but that you are actually putting things into your body that are not compatible with the frequencies you are running at the time, so just try switching the diet. And consider when you get that purge, it is a purge. You put something in, that something in that something, and sometimes it‘s bacterial contamination, like food poisoning that your body is saying, ‗No way! Get that out!‘ right. Purges can be looked at in a positive way even though they are highly unpleasant when you go through them. They don‘t always take out the substance that initiated the purge but they will often take out other stuff, other toxic stuff that was in there too. So I just want to mention that with the people it might not be just the hotel food. It might be something larger. Yeah, honey? (Comments from A‘zah) Yeah we did. Yeah we did actually. Az is pointing out that, and I hadn‘t even remembered this, about a month before we came on for this workshop, we went for a period of like over 2 weeks where we both had that whole thing as if we‘d eaten something that did not settle well, the food poisoning effect, the purge effect where if it didn‘t want to throw up, it wanted to come out really fast at the other side. And the liquid, like just the liquid, all of a sudden everything is liquid inside the body, right…. Yeah, just like that you don‘t like plan to go out of the house for very long or anything and stay really close to the bathroom just in case because you never know when it is going to happen. If you go through periods like that, that is not necessarily that you ate anything that was contaminated, but maybe your parameter, your body‘s parameter of what contamination means has changed periodically. It might go back to what it was. It just might be a phase that because you had certain activations happening in the DNA that created food sensitivities at that time but it might go back to normal. Or you might find after a certain point, stuff you used to be able to eat, certain types of things, you‘ll find like this item or that item all of a sudden ‗Every time I eat it I feel yucky, either I bloat up and I feel that I‘m going to explode, or everything turns to liquid inside of me, or I feel like I‘m going to throw up.‘ If you start getting those effects, try to isolate what food items you had. It doesn‘t mean that they are contaminated. It might mean that your body is raising to a frequency level where the frequency level of that item is no longer compatible, and sometimes your body will just re-adjust and you‘ll be fine with it. But other times it‘s got to get rid of that food; you know it just doesn‘t settle well anymore. It might be a beverage as well. So I just wanted to point that out that the effects of maybe it was the broccoli soup, or maybe it was the tiramisu, but maybe it was your DNA activations interacting with those things that had a cream base. Lactose intolerance is something that tends to, like dyslexia, increase on certain activation levels where you find periods and memory lapse as far as walking into a room going ‗What the heck did I come in here for, ha?‘ right. ‗Where did my brain go?‘ So you actually go back to where you were, it‘s like can I remember from here, maybe pick up the thought form that you forgot you left behind. There are certain little symptoms of activation periods where you can go through the food sensitivities where your body is not, you know it‘s just doing really weird stuff with that, or you can go through the ‗Do I have Alzheimer‘s moments?‘ where you know seriously ‗When was your oldest daughter born?‘ And you go (pause) ‗Oldest daughter, name?‘ you get her face right there, love her to bits, ‗Name?‘ Forget ‗Born when?‘ right, something like ‗What‘s your birthday?‘ ‗Ah (pause)‘, mm, like ‗What‘s your social security number?‘ Oh boy, that‘s when you like pull out the little thing in your purse, roll up your sleeve and di di di di di, right there, got it, right, tattoo it somewhere! Yeah, these effects have to do with the activation cycles, and because activations of DNA and the Epi-genetic Overlay and the Under-genetic Overlay (Unigenetic Underlay?) they go in cycles where they‘ll activate in peak for a while and then come back down and go dormant for a bit,. We picked up a bit of acceleration. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 141 of 283

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You might get like these moments of whoa clarity, all sorts of interesting things coming in. You‘re starting to get better contact than you had. You‘re starting to understand, and of a sudden bang, it‘s gone the next day! ‗Well I thought I understood something. Where did it go?‘ It spiked in the DNA; you did anchor it right? But the body can‘t fully hold it yet, so it turns back off temporarily, and then you‘ll get little cycles of ‗Oh yeah, there‘s that burst of ah-ha, that felt great, I understand that,‘ and it goes away again, and eventually you‘ll hold that level. But as that‘s happening and the more we get into the activations, the more physical it might become as far as ‗Whoops, this is not a milk week!‘ right, or it is like ‗This not an alcohol week.‘ Because sometimes people that can drink alcohol and it doesn‘t make them sick or anything, can have just an ounce or whatever they‘re used to drinking a bottle of, and they will get violently ill from it depending on the activation level that is cycling in the body. And the Beloveds worked with us. Katie went through a horrible period with this when the walk-in walk-out was happening, and the Beloveds told her, and she was like ‗Ok, yeah I hear you,‘ and she could hear them directly and would take down dictation from them. And they would say, ‗When you feel these certain symptoms,‘ right, ‗whatever they were, you start to get like the light-headedness effect‘ because she‘d start to get light-headedness and she‘d go into almost wanting to pass out, not wanting to, but the body wanting to pass out mode, the blood sugar would drop; she was like hypoglycemic and that kind of stuff, and it would only spike at certain times, that was like red flag number one. It means the cycle was coming, alright. They tried to point out to her: ―If you look at it, they run in about 3-day cycles. When you hit that first thing where you get that first ‗Oh-oh, I‘m getting that spacey feeling when my blood sugar is not handling it right at the moment,‘ instead of continuing doing what you usually do, and eating what you usually eat. . . ‖ For her at the time they suggested doing a 3day liquid fast because she was accelerating the gene code so high to get me in and her out that she literally couldn‘t tolerate solid foods for the period when the spikes were happening. And she get violet wave infusions coming in, where it felt like your bones were in labor as the violet waves that come through the bone molecules and atoms and stuff, and she could see them coming through. And she went through a really hard time with that. And because she was a stubborn person, and so am I, stubbornness can be good though. It means you are tenacious, right but well I mean I was, yeah I know I am still stubborn. (Laughter) But they‘d tell her ‗Here,‘ yeah, they said, ‗When you have that, you know when you first start noticing that effect, where you start getting the dizzy spells because you would get dizzy spells from the blood sugar drop on that kind of thing,‘ they said, ‗Let that be where you realize that‘s the beginning of a cycle that lasts about 3 days.‘ It only happened maybe once every 2 or 3 months at first but it was almost every second week by the time we were making the full exchange. In that period they told her, they said, ‗Look, if you just do these things like dietary-wise, you won‘t go through the excessive trauma,‘ because she would go through trauma. Her spleen would go crazy and she would actually turn grey from what the spleen was doing. She would lose all color in her face. Have to curl up in a ball and just like literally project herself out of body because the pain in her spleen was so bad, and spleen is associated with all of the vagus nerve stuff that we talked about, in other Sliders‘ workshop that we didn‘t know that then. And they told her ‗Just do this,‘ right. But she was stubborn; she said, ‗Eah, I wouldn‘t do it, I won‘t!‘ So she did, and she got sick every time, and finally she got so sick that one time she said, ‗Alright, alright, alright, I‘ll try what you suggested. If you help me survive this one, I will promise you the next one I will be good, and I will do what you ask me to do.‘ And sure enough, they helped her survive, and they had to actually do a direct intervention where they came in, they pulled toxins out of her body and that kind of stuff. Next time she actually did take suggestions of just really reducing the amount of solid foods but still giving nutrition to the body in like liquid or purée form, and avoiding certain types of substances. And for her it was like lactose and wheat The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 142 of 283

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gluten actually during those periods; she got sensitive to wheat gluten as well, so anything with wheat in it she couldn‘t eat or process but she noticed it worked. So anyway, I want to point out that when you go through these things, not just because there‘s a few people that are having some that have had cream-base something in the hotel, maybe there is something wrong with the hotel food. But it also might be you‘re getting sensitive. I want to point out in general because it is good for everybody to realize that as you up your Light Quotient, there are certain things that don‘t have a high enough Light Quotient that before you were used to being able to consume but now if you start to consume them, they will let you know that the Light Quotient isn‘t high enough for your higher Light Body to actually tolerate comfortably, so you need to pay attention to dietary issues in that regard. One person might be fine with that but somebody else might have an issue with that, if it is lactose or if it is gluten, if it is whatever. So you need to try to isolate whatever item might have made you sick, or made you feel nasty. And sick can come in many forms. It can come into all of a sudden everything in your internal tract just liquefied itself and you‘re glued to a bathroom for 3 days, or it can come in nothing will liquefy itself or do anything and it just keeps expanding this way as this huge gas bubble that just wants to explode, right, where it won‘t move up or down: ‗Just let me burp, please!‘ you know what I mean? I mean seriously, you may have these effects as the body is going into higher light changes. And so it was kind of nice whoever the people were that brought to attention to Darlene that there are some issues with the food. I am glad you did because it allowed for this discussion to happen because I wouldn‘t have actually put it in here but since we are talking about how to work with the body and its higher Light, moving to higher Light Quotient that is a significant factor so it‘s really very individual. And my last thing to say on that is if you get effects be it the ‗Woof I‘m going to explode!‘ or ‗Oh my God, I‘m turning to liquid!‘ right, any of those digestive issues, try to isolate what you had within the last 24 hours, and try to isolate when any kind of funny feeling started in relation to what you had in the last 24 hours to identify what it might be that you are sensitive to, and just temporarily cut it out. Doesn‘t mean you forever have to cut it out; you may stop cycling and you‘ll be fine with it. But you need to learn to start to paying attention to what you are consuming because your body will let you know if it has a different Light Quotient that is compatible or not with your own in ways that might not be convenient or comfortable. So if you just kind of sense it out, you can sense foods actually when you eat something. Within about 20 minutes of putting something in your body if not sooner, you can actually tell if that felt good or not, if that felt right or not, alright. But most people are just so used to ignoring that stuff they don‘t pay any attention to it. One of the greatest ways to do it is the first thing you take a bite or a drink of something, that first impression ‗Is this great?‘ If you go ‗Urgh, it‘s adequate,‘ don‘t finish it. Don‘t finish it. If it didn‘t feel right at the first bite, it probably isn‘t meant to be there. And you can numb yourself and pretend that you didn‘t like it in the first bite: ‗Let‘s try the second one, whatever, I‘m hungry. I‘ll pile it in,‘ you know that kind of thing. If you let the first bite or 2, if it really isn‘t something you are going ‗Yeah, I love this!‘ If you don‘t love it, don‘t eat it, alright. And then try to find the things you might love right then, and create a whole new grocery list for yourself. Like ‗Gee, what I really like right now is that, err, it might be this! I think there are things that might taste good, might feel good right at that moment, and you actually start a new grocery list for yourself. As far as the type of things that your GharE‘ is letting you know, they will actually help support the body and would taste good right now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 143 of 283

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So it‘s like becoming mindful again right in a micro way where you just took a bite of something: does that work really or does it not, right? Instead of being ‗No, I‘m gonna — it just sits in front of me, I‘ll eat it!‘ And get rid of the old programs that people are starving in Africa or China or are on the moon and because of that the pile of food on your plate you must eat it because it is terrible to waste it because those people are starving! Well, you know what? No matter how much food you eat, it is not going to change the fact that those people are starving! Know that it‘s not good to waste food, so therefore do not put on your plate more than is actually appropriate for you to eat, right. We have a lot of like old grandmas and great-grandmas that say, ‗Eat! Eat! Eat! Pile it on!‘ You go ‗Yeah, ok I‘m used to this,‘ right. And then like the family has a line for the bathroom for the next 3 hours after big family dinners and stuff. ‗I Ate! I Ate! I Ate!‘ There is a whole new relationship when you develop with food in relation to that. And it is as well as timing of food. We‘re taught 3 meals a day is the way it‘s supposed to be, on what Planet? Because here, somebody taught us that. Bbut you know what? That‘s not normal on most Krystic Planets at all! You know it‘s little bits of food, and some of them once you get breatharian, ‗Food?‘ you go ‗Food? Ur, you mean I breathe,‘ right, ‗We don‘t eat.‘ We‘re in a nice space. We‘re actually learning to eat consciously and to consume consciously because we are moving into Ascension. But we still have that lovely cozy little space before we become breatharians, where we can really enjoy food; we can really enjoy certain things that actually just aren‘t a part of when you get to be full Krystic life-form kind of person. There are certain things that go away. The need to eat food to actually kill something else and suck its energy in order to sustain your cellular process is no longer necessary because that‘s what eating is, honestly! (A & A confer.) Yes, but we call it nourishing ourselves but we actually kill things to take their energy force away from them? We will outgrow that. But while we are in this space if we do release the GharE‘ from the food that we eat, we are doing a service to that being. We didn‘t kill the being. It‘s another thing to like go massacre your own thing; you kill it in order to eat it. Some people find that more organic and natural. It‘s almost like there‘s 2 sets of Councils on the Kryst with that:  Some can go ‗Ok there can be an understanding between predator and prey,‘ right.  But there also can be an understanding that there doesn‘t have to be a predator, and predator and prey relationships usually don‘t acknowledge that. Where if it‘s already dead, somebody else already killed it, you didn‘t wish it dead, and if nobody ever made meat again on the Planet for example, there was no meat like deer meat, so are cows and chickens and things that we eat. If they were no longer there because everybody decided anything with a face or a root was not going to be killed anymore, right, we‘d be left with gathering things that threw stuff for us to eat to nourish us freely like nuts, fruits. There are many, many plants that you don‘t have to kill the root and kill the plant in order to be able to enjoy the top part of it. That is not a violation. The places we are moving into, there are no carnivores, just so you know. So it‘s like we need meat right now to help keep the grounding vibe, and we‘ve taught that for a while. And if we release the GharE, we are doing it a service here. But we will eventually evolve past that where we will not be eating meat, and I mean our bodies won‘t tolerate it! That‘s the issue where certain things won‘t be tolerated anymore in the bodies, not that somebody is saying, ‗You can‘t eat meat anymore,‘ it‘s like ‗Oh, go ahead and try and do and see what happens!‘ You have a certain Light Quotient, and you eat a steak, you‘re going to really, really regret that for probably a week, alright, because the Light Quotient in the steak that used to be a cow that had a certain Light Quotient is not up to the level that your body is at, and your body will purge it like a toxin, alright. So we are moving into this that won‘t happen heavily yet, so enjoy your steaks while you can. I mean the GharE‘ — you know enjoy things like alcohol, like heavy The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 144 of 283

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sugars, like chocolate cake, those kind of things because eventually the bodies will literally feel ill from eating them once they hit a certain Light Quotient. So I‘m glad the issue of food came up because it wasn‘t something Ma‘a was going to talk about in the first place. Yes? Participant: When we clear the food and charge it with Hydrolase, does that raise the Light Quotient at all? A‘sha: Yeah it does. Yeah it does. And in fact that‘s why we actually taught everybody how to do that in Sliders-2. It does. First of all it releases the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ that was in the being that became the meat. And then when you re-charge it with the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code that brings in the potentiality for the elemental atomic light structures, Krystic light structures to come back into it, so we‘re actually re-fortifying the energy structure of the thing we‘re eating when we do that. So therefore when we eat it, it will be much more tolerated by our body moving into ShaLAea Light level because it is already filled with ShaLAea. Right, so yes, if you‘re having food sensitivities, if you amp up the charge on pulling out the GharE‘ and the Gharoche‘ that was in there freeing that, and then charging it with the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan Code, that will charge it with more ShaLAea Light, and it will allow it to actually become living even though it is already a dead piece of substance and its spirit and consciousness is already most of it gone elsewhere. You can actually re-charge and re-fortify the object that is what‘s left of that body form so it can still provide nourishment. It can still give the proteins and amino acids and things that the object does but it will still carry a life-force that was actually missing before you did that, a living life-force. So charging the food can help a lot with those kind of things. Ok, now just so we don‘t end up at like dawn, please no, out on the beach, I need to get through these Mylar sequences and try to explain what they‘ve explained to me. It probably will come out simple and you‘ll say, ‗Oh, that‘s not too hard to understand.‘ I‘ll be like ‗Good, thank you Azara, that wave really worked well,‘ because when you see it in pieces where the sequence is of, it‘s very hard to understand some of the technicals. They‘ve given me a sequence. I hope I can do it justice, and where we leave when we go out to the beach we have an understanding of ‗Hey cool, we‘re here to do this, and this is going to be fun!‘ But we understand the technical bits that we‘re moving through now as well. Now I‘ve got a list of things that they want me to do. I got my little list of things we‘ll talk about. Ok, I‘ll talk about that one. Ok and I did mention that at the end of all this list of things we‘re going to have Orb Fest on the beach, and it‘s like taking an Orb bath in the elementals of Median-Earth which starts the whole healing process that you will understand a little bit better once we get through my list. (A‘zha informs A‘sha about the onset of inclement weather.) You might have a bath in more than one way. It‘s raining—ohhh no! Oh there‘s plenty of time for it to stop though, right. But that implies wet sand, doesn‘t it? Let‘s hope the wind does dry quite quickly! Oh, it‘s a wet whole backside with chilly wind that‘s cold achy ‗ouch!‘ for people who are cold-sensitive like me and a lot of other people. We‘ll see what it‘s like then, anyway. We do need to run the technique. If it‘s really bad out there by the time we get out there, yeah we‘ll have to reschedule it because we won‘t have you lay down there and get poured on and freeze to death while you are trying to concentrate. In fact we‘ll probably be electrocuted with the head sets on! (Laughter) Just thought about that, yeah, electricity and water probably not a great thing to mix. Well we‘ll see what it is anyway.

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The sequence of datum that will come through on the graphs has to do with doing this activity, and wherever the Universe puts this activity we were planning to put it at the end of tonight, if the weather does not allow that, we will schedule it before the next set of techniques and activities which are taking place tomorrow evening, and that kind of thing. So it‘ll happen if it doesn‘t happen tonight, it will happen sometime during the day. The other thing with day-time on the beach is the beach tends to be used by a lot of people during the day so we try to not invade that space, that kind of thing. So let‘s just surrender that to the Universe and see where it goes. Great, raining again! Ok, now I am going to keep this in hand. What they wanted me to start with was a simple reading that has to do with we are talking in this workshop that is about ‗Embodying your Primary Probability for Slide‘, and that has to do with all those technicals of ‗What is my probability? Where is my Probable Self? I AM a Probable Self. Where is my God-Self? etc.‘ We‘ve shown diagrams to begin understanding that process. But I‘d like to read a little bit from the description, the workshop description. There is a little excerpt that they would like us to focus in on. And I‘m just going to sit down here to read that because between my dyslexia and tired eyes on top of it, it‘s like you watch words jump across the page in an amazing form. They are kind of like dolphins, right, where they are switching stuff! So reading from text is a bit difficult for me honestly. I‘m much better at just doing the seeing this way and seeing off here and stuff but I‘ll read this to you because they asked me to, and let‘s see what page they wanted to start on…. It‘s this one, the last page. That‘s right, alright there we go! Ok, this one, right. Alright, it‘s not a hugely long excerpt but…. I‘m picking up on what was I believe page 2 on the workshop description, and it just start(s) with Through Bilocate Projection to the Median-Ascension Earth Ah-VE‟yas Watchtower, which we have already done by the way, right we have done a projection there, the personal Aah-JhA‘ Body Ah-VE‟-yas Point within the KaranAdial Seal opens, Now, we have opened Ah-VE‘-yas Points that were in the Spiritual Heart, right, and going up, the ones that were in the lungs, the ones which are up here. But there is one central control one that is located in the KaranAdial Seal, and it‘s right where that Krystal Lotus configuration is that we‘ve been finding in the center of the Changing Room KaranAdial Seal Orb, alright so it‘s located there. So they said that the Bilocate Projection when you go to the Watchtower the personal (Aah-JhA‘ Body) Ah-VE‟-yas Point within the KaranAdial Seal opens, so we‘re beginning to open that particular Seal, allowing for the ―Probability-Vector Coding‖ of the personal ―Transcendental-Self” which goes up to that Soul level Self with your 12 incarnations, right and Elum-Eir‟-Adhona Spirit Body to progressively come ―On-line‖ with the UGU, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 146 of 283

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UGU is the Uni-genetic Underlay. This is a…from the degree I can understand so far, it is that fish-net stocking effect stuff that I‘ve told you runs, that I‘ve mentioned, runs between where the Axiatonals and Meridians start to blend on the diagonal, and they create this whole diagonal web-work through the entire body. It‘s a web-work of cellular communication that runs the frequencies of the Umshaddhi spaces which are Edonic frequencies that allows you to plug in directly and go on-line with the Universal Morphogenetic Field, the Unified Field. And when the body can turn this on, it allows for progressive natural healing of the ShOna portions of our atomic structure, turning them back into the ShaLAea. So they wanted me to read this because it applies to what we‘re going to be understanding and doing in this lecture. And if we‘re lucky and the rain cools out and we can do it tonight, we will be finishing this level of the activations during the Shadra shield that we will do. So we will…I love these; they are like a paragraph that is a sentence. This is where the Beloveds do it their way, right. Ok, so anyway, we will be putting on-line the ―Transcendental-Self” and the frequencies of the Elum-Eir‟-Adhona Spirit Body and these will come into the Axiatonal and Meridian Lines, and they will allow for the opening of that UGU, the Uni-genetic Underlay, which is that Eternal Web that is actually like a web of cellular communication between all of the atoms, the cores of all the atoms that make up your entire body, not just the atoms that make up the cells that are your physical cells but the atoms that make up the chemicals that run through your body as well, and those kind of things. So it is literally a living aqua-water as far as Hydrolase; it is a Hydrolase infusion into the entire atomic structure. So we‘re beginning the process by Day-10 which is the day we finish the big hurrah whatever that‘s going to be. That is when that fully activates. What we‘re being asked to do tonight or tomorrow, whichever the schedule puts to that because of the weather, it will initiate the activation of the UGU, the Uni-genetic Underlay, and also the activation of the, what do they call it, the Inner Sun of Aquareion that is a certain energy center connected to the UGU that activates when certain things within the KaranAdial Seal are activated. So these are very big level activations that are taking place and they were described in the description of the workshop. Now let‘s see, so Once the ―Probability-Vector Coding‖ And the ―Probability Vector Coding‖ is simply if you have your set of 12 Probable Selves, with your God Self in the middle, every one of those 12 Probable Selves has a set of encryptions, radiation encryptions that are the coding for that Self. That Self and the Self directly across from it on its Adjugate Self, say if you‘re on 4, its Adjugate is 10, and if you‘re on 1, its Adjugate is 7, the 2 of them together represent a set of codings, so you have a Probability Vector Coding. If it is a Vector, if it is a Probability Horizon Coding, it would be only 1 like number 4, or number 6, or number whatever of your Probable Selves. But the Vector (Probability) Coding is the Probable Self plus its Adjugate Self. Alright, so Once the ―Probability-Vector Coding‖ of the personal ―Transcendental-Self‟, that means your Soul Level Self, and Elum-Eir‟-Adhona Spirit Body engage within the Physical Body structures, the ―single-probability‖ Physical Body that you have right here The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 147 of 283

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is enabled to progressively accrete into its biophysical pattern right into the body the 12 Event Horizons, 6-Probability-Vectors, corresponding to the ―present self‖ and the ―11 other Probable Selves‖ that collectively represent one‘s own immediate personal full Incarnate Identity, the Density-1 Transcendental Self. We‘ve also in this workshop initiated or engaged the Density-2 Transcendent Self and the Density-3 Transcendent Self, so they didn‘t go into that in the description in the workshop. We‘ve actually taken it to the 3rd level when we went to the Density-3 level with the Pa-Ta REi‟-hai-ya. Pa-Ta REi‘-hai-ya, we brought that level in, alright so this is getting into where we get into what we‘re really going to talk about which is Living Light Quotient, right…. Ok, Accretion of the personal Probability-Vector Codes occurs in 3 stages, with the 4 Event Horizons of 1 Density-level Probable-Self Resolute-Twin-Set integrating during each of the 3 stages. Now, we‘ll look at that. I have a diagram to make that a little more clear of what is a Probable-Self Resolute-Twin-Set, right? If you can‘t visualize what that might look like, yeah I do have a diagram to point that out. And I will go through that diagram. We‘ll talk about when we move through diagrams. As each stage of Probability-Vector Code integration progresses, the personal physical-atomic body reciprocally expands its potential embodied ―Living-Light Quotient‖. Now, we‘ve already talked about Living-Light Quotient means the ShaLAea Quotient as far as ShaLAea atoms versus ShOna atoms. It‘s the living atoms that have the ability to generate their own perpetual spark-charge, or those that are phase-locked and cannot spark-charge and they just have to suck energy off something else in order to sustain atomic process, and that is what ShOna atoms do. Alright, so then they go on the next paragraph The embodied ―Living-Light-Quotient‖ represents the portion of the atomic structure that has fulfilled Krystic Transmutation/ “Re-Enlightenment” to become Mana-light; And in parens they have here embodied atoms that have fulfilled the Transmutation/“Re-enlightenment‖ process, ―remain as they appear to be in 3-D view‖, so they are still there. They still look the same under a microscope, right. But they contain an ―invisible” stored quantum of Mana-light around their nucleus, which enables the atoms to later engage Transfiguration and “Re-spiritualization” which is the bringing in of the Spirit Body energies to become permanent Eternal-Life Pa-Ta-UR atoms of ―Sha-LA-ea Eternal-Living-Light. This enables the Physical-atomic Body to become an organic ―Superconductor‖ capable of Krystic Slide, Span The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 148 of 283

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and Star-Gate Ascension. So all these things are directly connected to the things we‘re aiming for which is Ascension, right. Now The ―Living-Light Quotient” of the Physical Body determines what evolutionary paths remain available to the embodied incarnate identity; a minimum of 50% ShaLAea Light Quotient, the equivalent of an embodied Gha-far’, is needed for Slide-1 Bi-location to access the MedianEarth Ascension Path Alright, and for that particular area Median-Earth Ascension Path it goes from if it‘s plus 50, plus means ShaLAea. If it is a minus, the minus would be if you see some of these on the graphs that are coming, the minus would be the ShOna field. So a +50 to +75 ShaLAea Quotient is needed for the Median-Earth Path. Now, we‘re going to be up to the 60% Quotient when we get here. So in order to do full Slide, we have to go further than that, right. And there are others that are much far beyond that will take you down into black hole de-evolution instead. The activations occurring within this Sliders-3 Workshop will bring the participating attendees with less than 50% embodied Light Quotient to the ―minimum And at first it was 50% but because of the success of the activations that have taken place so far, they have increased that to 60% from leaving this workshop. Everyone will have a minimum of 60% ShaLAea Light Quotient, and the 50% is the minimum ―Light-Quotient‖ required to biologically anchor the potentialities of Median-Earth SlideAscension, Slide-2 Translocation. So we‘re not just talking about Bilocation, but we‘re talking about the ability to actually bring the atomic structure through where you‘ve been projecting your Mind and your Bilocate Self to. So 50% is the absolute minimum to just even get through one of the lowest level gates into Median. We‘re going to have 60 by the time we leave. But to get into the full higher bands where—well that there are different levels of Median-Earth just like there are different levels of this Earth. To get fully in comfortably, a 60% is really, really actually required. They are not saying that you can‘t slide through, squeak through on a 50% but there are a lot of healing things that have to occur. You have to really bring it up to between 60 and 75% to be able to walk around freely and comfortably in the environment there just because what the environment is made of, the type of atoms the environment is made of. So when we talk about all these things about Light Quotients and those kind of things, it really comes down to the type of atoms your body is made out of. And when we begin to understand that some of the things we‘ve been taught about how atoms are actually forming, how when our fields are acting normally and the planetary field is acting normally, it‘s actually the fields that are creating the atoms. They don‘t just ‗poof‘ come from somewhere because something exploded at some place and then decided to accrete themselves together to form things in the Universe like the Big Bang Theory tends to put forth, but there is actually a reason behind it and it‘s an intentional Creation, a conscious creation of consciousness being translated into atomic structure. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 149 of 283

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So we will look at more of the genetic issues that have to do with this, not in depth but just enough so you see the parameters that the Beloveds look at in order to help people like us here to get to the point where we can reverse-mutate a genetic mutation in order to get ourselves back to what is the normal state for our Krystic beings to be in. Alright, so let‘s see...I‘m now going to scan this quick to see if there is anything more important than that paragraph…. Ah, ok Those who successfully anchor the “minimum 50(%), now 60%, or higher atomic Light-Quotient‖ during the Sliders-3 Workshop period will actually achieve a ―Bio-energetic Time-leap”, an opening of the personal ―Time Passages of the Spirit Body‖, and these are those Vector Codes that we were referring to, where you actually start getting the downloads right into your Axiatonal Lines and Meridians of your other Probable Selves first and until you fulfill the whole imprint of your GodSelf, and then you‘ll get the downloads of the imprints from your Transcendental Self, your Soul Self as well, and so progressively you will go on expansion from this point on. But before the Axiatonals were only running their localized probability system but at this point you will be beginning the return to the Fold, as they say, where the rest of your higher consciousness parts are integrating directly into the biological form, alright…. So this has successfully anchored the “minimum 50(%), now 60%, or higher atomic Light-Quotient‖ during the Sliders-3 Workshop period will actually achieve that ―Bio-energetic Time-leap”, an opening of the personal ―Time Passages of the Spirit Body‖, during which the Vector-Coding of 2 of the 3 ―Density-1 Probable-Self Resolute-Twin Sets” will biologically ―come On-Line‖ within the Physical-Atomic Body. And then During the January 09 FOL period, the embodied Light Quotient will then raise to a minimum of now it will be 70% as the Vector-Coding of the final 3rd Density-1 Probable-Self Resolute-Twin Set and the full-incarnate Transcendent Self automatically “comes On-Line” with the Physical-Atomic Body. So you will actually, once the activations here are completed, when the FOL workshop takes place, there will be certain shield activations that take place with the people who come tonight but everyone that was here will automatically get those shield activations as well. They‘ll just transmit right through the grids so you‘ll jump to 70% Light at that point, and this is good. This is really good. (Applause) So they wanted you to understand that part. Now we‘ll try to see a bit of what that looks like in order to understand a bit more about what the Orbs are and why Calling of the Orbs is such a gift to be able to participate in again because we used to be known by some especially FA groups as Orb Masters. And the funny thing was we never felt like we were masters; it is a master who picks up paint and expresses with that paint something that both the paint and the master wanted to create. That‘s not being a master to it; it‘s being a co-creative friend, right, Friends of Orbs was really what we used to be in the past. And those Orbs are literally connected to where you have an Orb which is the Ah-VE‘-yas portion of, what was it, Ah‘-yas Element form, yeah where you have the Ah-VE‘-yas part, that‘s the Orb part that sometimes you can see. You will also The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 150 of 283

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have an Atom of an Element somewhere be it bonded to other things or whatever it is still in there. So you‘re literally going right to the core consciousness of which matter itself is formed when we are dealing with these. I‘m going to put something that requires a picture up on here now. I think we‘ll start with the first Mylar. Oh God, I don‘t even want to know what time it is we‘re starting with the first Mylar. Could you please…. You‘re not going to tell me. I don‘t want to know what time it is right now. I need to get through these. I‘ll try to do it quickly actually but still keeping the coherent flow.

[Audio Track 18 1:01:17] (Graph) Alright this is just to remind us, don‘t go away, quick because we‘ve going to flip fast. They‘ll flip fast until I get to the 3 that will probably take forever. This is just to remind us of the structure of the Elum-Eir‘-Adhona Spirit Body with its 12 Event Horizons and 6 Vectors, and that‘s only on the EtorA side but we‘re not going to get into that right now. Let‘s deal with the 12 Horizons here, and our 12 Probable Selves here. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 18 1:01:53] (Graph) Told you it was going to go quick! (Chuckles) Until I get to a few of them, it‘ll take forever. Hope you don‘t mind me sitting down. I‘m really tired at this point. Alright, this is just to remind you of when you take away all the important flows and things that you saw on the diagram before, this is still the Elum-Eir‘-Adhona Spirit Body, and it is showing the different like on each one of the Allurean Chambers, there is a sphere that represents the—if we are looking at this in terms of the Self that you are in relation to the other Probable Selves, you would be one of these spheres that would be your larger body around your Aah-JhA‘ Body around you, and you would have a body in one of these. And you would have 12 other Probable Selves, and in the center you would have what would be your Density-1 level of God-Self, your Heroic God-Self. And that is the Core Self, your Bud Self, your Budaah Self out of which all the other probable versions that chose to highlight something different, like say one wanted to be an artist, or one wanted to be a mathematician, and one wanted to do, be an astronaut, right? Where they all pursued like different paths but they all have a common something, and the common something was actually what the Bud-Self held as its intention, and it took 12 different versions of itself to go explore what that idea of what it wanted to do was here that is you, right. You have a ‗you‘ in that, and that‘s just the beginning, that‘s just you from this fetal pattern, right. Before you decided to enter that little fetal pattern, you actually entered 12 of them all at the same time, and that was from Density-2. So you have 12 ones like this that are connected at the center of those. In the Density-2 level you have your Transcendent Soul Self, and that‘s the level we are trying to get you into now as far as where you can go to those platforms of consciousness and those planes of consciousness, so you can begin to kind of shake off the illusion right because we‘re all down on a Maya here, the illusion. Here we get so kind of entrapped by the trimmings of space-time reality that you forget who you were before you got into space-time reality. We‘re learning to go back not just to the God-Self level but at this point to the Transcendent-Self level of the Soul and its 12 incarnations, and that‘s just the beginning of going back to the one above that which is the Oversoul Self level that has 12 full Souls, right, so you have all these parts of your consciousness. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 151 of 283

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You started out as a huge Spark of Consciousness from Source. And in order to get into dimensionality where you could experience space-time illusion, you needed to break your quantum down. And it is a very specific pattern through which of the Eternal-Life Kryst that the breakdown occurs where you‘re going in specific patterns. Ok, we‘ve got 12 here, and then they have each of those have 12, and each of those have 12. So what the process of Ascension is, is just reassembling your original quantum where you are bringing back in those pieces of self. And what‘s fascinating is many of those pieces of self, you‘re a Probable-Self here that has 12 different versions or 11 other different versions of what your fetal pattern was this time. And that fetal pattern would be connected to your GodSelf but that‘s just one little bit.  You have 12 fetal patterns when you get to the Soul level.  And then you have 12 Souls when you get to the Oversoul level.  And you have 12 Oversouls when you get to the Avatar level.  And you have 12 Avatars when you get to the Rishi level, right. You got a lot of Self out there, right, and it‘s connected to you. I wanted to show you the structure of this again. We‘ve seen it before in Tribes and other stuff. But just when we talk about Resolute-Twin pairs that they were talking about there.  A Resolute-Twin-Set is 2 sets of Adjugates, alright.  So if you take say example, and we‘re as far as the Universal Vector that our Milky Way is in and our Urtha‘s in, is Event Horizon 4, which is on the 4 directly across 10-Vector.  Its Resolute Vector is 900, right, and that brings you to the {1, 7} Vector.  So you have 1 set that is the {1, 7} {4, 10}; that is a Resolute-Twin-Set. It‘s 2 sets of Adjugate-Twins put together, right.  Now, if those codes activate, it opens certain frequencies within the body, right? It allows for them to pull into the center. Now, in order to get not just to the center of your God-Self in Density-1, but to get to the center of your Soul-Self in Density-2, you not only have to enter to open 1 set of Resolute-Twin Vectors but you need to open all 3 sets of them:  So the next set would be if you‘re on the {4, 10}, your Resolute-Set would be the {1, 7}, so that‘s your Resolute-TwinSet.  Then there is the other Resolute-Twin-Set that goes with that set of 12 Probable-Selves, and it would be the {11, 5} {2, 8} Set, and that would activate.  And then the big one, the final one, it‘s actually the control one, if you activate this first if you could, it would actually trigger activation of the other 2; it‘s {12, 6} {3 and 9} one.  So there are 3 sets of Resolute-Twins.  In this case we are talking about Probable-Selves in the Density-1 Self, so you‘ve got these sets that will activate first; these are going to happen during the Kitts workshop: the {1, 7} {4, 10} Resolute-Twin-Set and the {2, 8} {5, 11} Resolute-Twin-Set.  Then during the FOL period the {12, 6} {3 and 9} Resolute-Twin-Set will fire automatically, and that takes you into being able to bring in the frequencies of the next level up, which is the Soul Level Self where you got the full frequencies running in the Axiatonal Lines, the full frequencies of your 12 Probable Selves, so that brings you into the full frequencies of your God-Self at the center running in the Axiatonal Lines that will occur by FOL, alright. That will occur automatically like during the activations that happen in FOL, it will get 23 of it done here before you leave. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 152 of 283

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 And when once that happens, then you go into doing the same process with the Soul Level of Self where you have 12 different individual incarnates with 12 different fetal patterns but at the center of that is you as a Soul who chose to come into incarnation, and you will start to become aware there of your 12 simultaneous base-time incarnations.  Alright and this process goes all the way up until you have integrated all of your 1728 Selves, and then integrated if you go up to the Rishi Level, your 20,736 Selves, right.  And you get to a point where it‘s all funny, honestly, where there is when you get into these Umshaddhi spaces and you really start to perceive as a God-Self, and then as a Soul-Self, a full Transcendental Self. It all starts to be funny when you look at yourselves, or any one of yourselves where you kind of go ‗Oh my God, I felt like I‘m not stuck, am I? I forgot I‘m not stuck. I forgot I‘m Eternal! When I was focused down in there and just in that body alone, I was traumatized by my environment; I felt powerless and the whole bit.‘ It gets you to a place where you start to kind of look at yourself as if you were dead already, right? Where do you go when you die? You go into these spaces. You get out of the little Vector that you‘re in or the Horizon that you‘re in and you go back into the center if death precedes the way it‘s supposed to where consciousness goes, and you kind of look back and review and go ‗Oh, that wasn‘t so bad. It would have been a lot easier if I remembered this part of me,‘ right. It becomes difficult down here because we forget because our gene code turns off these parts of ourselves. So I just wanted you to understand when they are talking about that kind of like heavy language theory in the reading they wanted to come back to in dealing with Light Quotient. We build the Light Quotient, the ShaLAea Light Quotient in the body as we turn back on in the physical body structure the radiation encryption signatures of the other Probable-Selves that are part of our identity here as a single incarnate, and then the same thing happens when we do with the same as our Soul. And our body changes as we do this as we get more Light Quotient in the body and more awareness and consciousness in the body. We start to become where we realize it‘s a fascinating place where we get these little flashes at first. We just realize ‗Wow! This is all true, and I am really me right now. And I just feel like this little self that I am sometimes; it just forgets.‘ And there is a place and it‘s so peaceful when you get into these center spaces. You are not afraid of the economy collapsing for example. You are not afraid of even torture of the physical body because you know in that state you can completely control all of the hologram if you handle it correctly, right. It is a place of knowing, of absolute knowing, and absolute peace. It doesn‘t come immediately though. When you‘re down here and this is the part of your consciousness that‘s stuck in the Probable-Self, and there is the rest of you here, you‘re trying to get that rest of you in. And what you‘re really doing is pulling the Probable-Self back into the center. And to pull anyone one of those balls that are on 1 of these Horizon Lines into the center, you need to pull its Adjugate in and the Adjugate-Twin-Set in. If you pull that Adjugate-Twin-Set in, it will make the Adjugate-Set come in. So what actually activates first are the 1 and the 7, right, and that pulls in the coding of the 1 and the 7 Probable-Selves. And that will pull in your 4 and your 10-Self. And if you are the body that is on the 4-Line, which we are down here, alright, and there are individual differences as far as that but as far as base coding because of the Planet‘s coding, we do have a base it‘s a 4-coding, 4-Horizon. We will trigger the Adjugate coming in so this ball and that ball can pull back into the center and we trigger by activating 1 and 7 first. So there is these processes of the Adjugate-Twin-Sets activating in the body structures that is allowing for the building of the Light Quotient in the body, and I just wanted to show you that, how that fit in with what does it mean to build the Light-Quotient. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 153 of 283

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[Audio Track 18 1:12:41] The Gene Code of Each Human on Earth page 1 A‘zah: You‘re going onto the ‗War of Attrition Genetics‘ now, don‘t you know? A‘sha: I know. This is the scary part. This is the part if I can wrap my brain and lips around this simultaneously, I‘ll be really, really happy…. I‘m amazed I‘m still awake. A‘zha: Ah yes, so am I. Some body at the back was asking me how might I actually do it. I don‘t know. A‘sha: The wave…. A‘zah: Here you go! Now there are 3 sheets of this that take it from 100% ShaLAea Light Quotient down to no % ShaLAea Light Quotient. ‗The Gene Code of Each Human on Earth‘ as we call ourselves Humans on Earth fits into 1 of the following 10 categories. The categories represent the GharE‘-ShaLAea to Gharoche‘-ShOna ratio inherent to the gene code, and thus the evolutionary potentials of the particular biology. So our biology, we are born with certain potentialities.  It‘s not just as straight and simple as there are certain ones that have this percentage of light, let‘s say, it‘s what percentage the birth imprint you had from your parents had, and then they would have to be combined with what your imprint as an incoming Fetal Integration Being was.  Then there is the Epi-genetic Overlay issue which sometimes I mean for learning purposes we take on different overlays that may be different than our birth imprint.  And then if you‘re Indigo, which implies a walk-in, you also have your walk-in imprint.  And they all will have a different Light Quotient as far as the potentialities in that particular strain of chemical forms that make up the DNA. There are formulas that you calculate that subtract this, add this, subtract that…to find out what your potentiality is. And then there‘s other things you have to do with that to find out what might you be now. It‘s much easier to just work with it vertically. But why they wanted to show us this is so we begin to understand the mass drama as well as ourselves what is happening on this Planet. There are people running around on this Planet lots and lots of them calling themselves human. Everybody thinks they are just human. There are many forms of what you call the human mask, and many of them aren‘t Human at all. We‘ve told the stories in Voyagers before about the Leviathan races that emerged from when in the Atlantean periods. The Beloveds did try to do bio-regenesis or help to restore the Ascension Codes of some of the races that were going into Monadic Reversal where they would have become fallen. And some of them decided to take some of that gene code that was given from the Beloveds and from the Angelic Humans and turn it into raider races. So there is a whole set of raider races that have arose on this Planet, and the sad thing is the people who are the identity that says, ‗Hi, I‘m me,‘ down here, they don‘t know. The ones who control, it‘s as if you have say your ProbableSelf and you have your God-Self, right. But what if your God Self is fallen? It can happen. Even your Avatar can fall, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 154 of 283

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right. The Probable-Self still has the power to pull out of it; it actually holds the power if it can do it to pull all of the others out. And that‘s where the Pa-Ta-Ur atoms come in, alright. So with the races that are on this Planet, we‘re all like mutts as they say, a mix-match of all sorts of stuff at this point, everything combined with everything else. We all have different levels of codes. The people who come to these workshops tend to have a very high level of Indigo coding, which implies it‘s a gift honestly compared to other things that you can be born with, I‘m very grateful that me and my family were born with enough codes to do what we were doing because the less codes you have of light, the less ShaLAea codes, the harder it is to understand this information, the harder it is to anchor it, the harder it is to even conceive of it. So to try to get yourself out of it becomes less and less of a potentiality just because it‘s harder to anchor the frequencies if you don‘t have enough ShaLAea Light Quotient in there within the body structure to bring it into the physical body form. Now, with this, this is showing you some interesting things:  If you‘ve got 100% ShaLAea Light, right, this is a being who is known as (A)dhani, right, (A)-d-h-a-n-i. These are the Aurora Spanners.  Now, they‘re not just here; they‘re also all sorts of the other ones that we call the Beloveds fit into those categories, where they have gone through the Ma-Sha-Yah Transfigurations.  They are made out of Pa-Ta-Ur Eternal-Light atoms. So that would be 100% of ShaLAea to 0% of ShOna fields. They have no ShOna fields. They have none of the reversed light twisted stuff. Now what can they do?  Now it says Indigo 1 and 2 and Aquarie Indigo walk-ins can transfigure to become Aquareion Aurora Kryst genes with HUB-span capabilities.  So this is a literal Spanner; it‘s not just Slide. It means you can Slide, not only Slide up to Median-Earth and AshaLA but you could Span all the way up to Urtha and you can also Span the Aurora Gate Systems which go through the HUBs, which go from the Outer Radons to the Middle Edons to the Inner Adons to the Core levels of Domains, so that is the highest.  That is what the highest of beings that—they are Adashi Masters that hold that level of Light. We‘re all aspiring to that but before we get there when we‘re born into systems like this, we take on ShOna fields just to get in here, transmute it, because we can help others that are in this space. I mean this whole shield that the people that come to these workshops we‘ve been working for 10 years now with the grids, and have done a lot. We have stopped this place from going into full Fall; there are still Ascension Gates open. That‘s pretty darn good under the circumstances, right? So even though we‘re not up to being perfected yet, and what is perfect? It doesn‘t mean you stop there and don‘t grow; it just means you don‘t have any of the twisted stuff in you anymore. So there‘s whole other areas of cognition that are so pure, I mean just pure levels of amazing consciousness. You can‘t really even hold that, the idea of what they could feel like in a body that still has ShOna fields in it. So in the meantime we are down here some place, now we‘re not on this page yet.  Now the birth imprint of an Aquarie Indigo, a pure Aquarie Indigo imprint, this is the Ma-Sha-Yah Spanner imprint, so the Aurora Spanners are even higher as far as full Light of the Aurora Spanners.  The Ma-Sha-Yah Spanners, I‘m not sure which ones they can do, I don‘t know if they can go all the way through to the Core, or to the Adon level, or the Edon level, I think they can go to the Edons but they didn‘t get that specific.  But they have an 80% ShaLAea Light to a 20% ShOna Light Field and Indigo-1-Aquarie, Indigo-1-walk-in imprint. So if you are an Indigo-1 that has an Aquarie-Indigo walk-in imprint, that is the range of what Light your birth imprint holds, so these are showing the birth imprints, alright. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 155 of 283

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Now, let‘s see, they can, let‘s see Aquareion, Aquafereion, Kryst genes with major—alright, this is kind of like describing a little bit of what they are:  Aquareion and Aquafereion: Aquareion were the ones from Andromeda, and Aquafereion are the ones from Andromeda combined with Angelic Humans from here.  So it‘s that Kryst genes with major dominant Aquareion and minor Aquafereion coding. So these are much this form is much more of an Aquareion-Andromeda-Urtha biological gene code form.  They can Slide-2, ascend to M31 Urtha, and Slide-2 is the Translocate. Where Bilocate is Slide-1 but Translocate where you take all of your atoms with you and disappear from here that is Slide-2. So they can disappear from here and go and ascend to M31 Urtha-3 which is in the Andromeda Galaxy with the assistance of the Aquareion Host.  Or they can Span-ascend to AshaLA-3 with Aquareion Host.  Or they can Span-ascend to Median-Earth with Aquafereion Host.  Or they can Bhardoah out I mean have all these options as far as how you want to leave here and go on to your next place where you want to be. They have all these options:  They can Bhardoah out as they choose to AshaLA-3 Aquafereion Ascension.  They can Bhardoah out to Median-Earth Aquaferie Ascension. So they can if they choose to Bhardoah out, they can directly reincarnate into any of those particular forms in those places.  Or they can Bhardoah out to Sovereign Fall Cad Earth. There are some who will choose to just because they want to help, and they are not afraid of Fall, and they don‘t care if they Fall; they will Fall in the name of the Kryst in order to assist those to understand how to hold a Kryst Fall. ‗Alright, you fell, you must step up enough. You‘re not going to be able to do direct Ascension back. Somebody has got to be down there to teach you!‘ Somebody‘s got to help them hold what they do have and make peace with space dust return. So there are some beings that are very high coded that will choose those type of jobs because they are not afraid whatsoever of space dust return because they understand ‗We all go Home one way or the other,‘ and they learn to make peace with whatever that is, so they can go into difficult systems like Sovereign Fall Cad Earth that is going to come out of this drama, and assist, and just try to assist the beings there to hold their Kryst Fall Host so they can have a better time of it. And when it comes time for that system to do its black hole implosion, the people will be ready and not afraid of it, where they‘ll be saying, ‗You know it‘s ok, hey, I don‗t care how I go Home. I‘m going home to God! That‘s what is important,‘ right. So there are some who will choose that, even that path but they don‘t have to, right.  I will say they are holders of Earth‘s Aquafereion Host Shield. They will Span Earth‘s Aquafereion Shield to MedianEarth Ascension in 2230 AD. Most of these guys are not going to choose, even though they could, the Sovereign Fall. No, what they are here to do is actually to hold Earth‘s Aquafereion Shield, and that means there‘s a bunch of you guys that are in this category, a bunch of us are in this category. Our job is to Span, not only help people out, but to Span Earth‘s Aquafereion Shield, the entire Shield to MedianEarth during the end of this Ascension, during the end of this Load-Out. That means these guys will be the ones, or The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 156 of 283

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us guys depending on if we are part of these guys as guys, where your Light Quotient is, they will be the ones that will be assisting not only in bringing people out and teaching them how to Slide, but they will be taught how to Slide pieces of land out to become land configurations on Median-Earth, so they will be the high grid keepers.  These guys and these guys will be the high grid keepers. And these guys will probably be the ones that stay down here as opposed to ‗I Slid, I‘m staying here!‘ right, not even going back right where I just slid from! These guys will probably be the local Cosmic Doctor Who‘s where they slide back and forth into various time-space locations that have to do with this Load-Out to assist. So this is what I‘m happy with this. I‘m happy with aspiring to this.  You can Bhardoah out at any point by the way, and some choose to because it‘s just easier and faster sometimes too. You can shut down the body, shut down the chakras, move yourself out of the body, and then transmute it.  These guys will be able to transmute the body without even having to cremate it. They would simply shut the chakras down, pull out into the field, and then send particular frequencies down and vaporize it and pull the vapor in and there would be nothing left except the little bit of Va-Bou‘-Di or Va-Bha-TE from the Va-Bha-TE Cell that was the donated cell. Alright, that‘s the way to go! Honestly, I would be just as happy to be able do that as I would to be able to like jump through a portal and pop out as a physical body on the other side because that is just as cool; it‘s just as freeing. And cool is just like ‗Yes, these freedoms do exist; they have always been real.‘ This place is just being robbed of the knowledge and the memory of how that works, and that‘s really sad. That‘s why people like us are still here saying, ‗Excuse me, somebody still remembers, and here is how you do it!‘ Anyway, next page, please.

[Audio Track 18 1:26:05] The Gene Code of Each Human on Earth page 2 So we‘re going down in Light Quotient now, right. But we‘re not too bad in this. If we get 60% by the time we leave here this is pretty good in climbing toward all of this, right.  Next you got the Indigo-1 birth imprint, the Aquarie Human.  It‘s the natural Translocation Sliders where they too can do Slide-2, which is Translocation, not just Bilocation.  They are the Indigo-1 birth imprint and the Indigo-2 Indigo-walk-in imprint. So if you were Indigo-2 but then had a walk-in, you would have this birth imprint, or the natural Indigo-1 birth imprint, which is High Council Indigo we tend to refer to it as would have that imprint.  They would start out with 78% of ShaLAea Light Quotient to 22% of the ShOna Light Quotient. Now we start to get in here, you see a G-O there right; here you see a G1, and the G‘s the 1.5. Then we go G2. The G refers to Generation. The Generation refers to when infiltration of those lines began with the Leviathan forces of particularly the Red and White Dragon sets but then also later the Green Dragon sets.  So that was Generation-Zero, that the Aquarie-1 Indigo-1 imprint does not have the infiltration codes of some of the fallen races in them yet.  And they can do all these things: the Translocation Sliders they can Slide, do Translocation to AshaLA-3.  They can Span or ascend to Median-Earth.  They can Bhardoah out any of those places.  These are the keepers of the Earth‘s Aquafereion Host Shield and will Slide-2 which is Translocate or Bhardoahascend with Earth‘s Aquafereion Shield to Median-Earth Ascension between the present and 2230 AD when the end of the Host is, so a lot of us fit into that core category or we‘re moving there anyway. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 157 of 283

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 Now down here, the Indigo-2 Aquarie Human, they still have the ability for Translocation Slide.  They have a 75 instead of a 78% of ShaLAea Light Quotient and 25% of the ShOna Light Quotient.  These guys they were the Generation-1 where this was where infiltration occurred, where this is where body-snatch started. Where you had a being with this coding and then body-snatch attempts where one of the Fallen Angelic groups actually attached onto the ShOna field and began to progressively try to get into and take over the body. So there are people that are Indigo-2s that don‘t have that problem but this is where the vulnerability to this problem started coming into the gene line.  And so this first level of infiltration which is actually the easiest to get rid of is that it wasn‘t born in; it was born free and born pure but it had 25% of the ShOna Light Field which gave it a vulnerability.  And then something, not every one of them has this but this is where the Biodes come in for those who do have the problem, where the attachment to the DNA occurred for a progressive trying to body-snatch and having an FA get into the body.  This starts to show a pattern that has been happening here since the early Atlantean times of how the Krystic races here have been raided and progressively to make generations to where there would finally be a takeover race that had full saturation where they would take all of our codes, take all the gate codes because the Krystic races carry in their DNA the codes to the Star Gates to take over the territory by taking over the Guardians who controlled it. And they started with and there are dates but I don‘t have the dates on here but they started quite a long time ago, and at this point we are coming into fruition of their highest levels. This is why the end-times dramas are sometimes represented as they are in like bibles and things because there has been a race of what is the anti-Christ, the anti-Kryst that has been progressively raised in order to be the soldiers of the anti-Kryst in order to take over these grids on behalf of the Procyak matrix, and bring it into black hole fall with the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.  So the Indigo-2s on Earth started with the genetic susceptibility to having that attachment happen. This is where you get the polarization bit where you‘ve got a really nice person of really high caliber in there. Then you got this other thing that tries to push them out sometimes and they have like a war inside but they have a good chance of getting that off them. But if you take a Biode, if you take 2 Biodes, 2 people who are actually, if you take 2 Biodes, it means you have 2 bodies but you got 4 people in there. You got 2 that are on the Light side but 2 that are on the dark side. If they make a baby, guess what happens? It amplifies:  You next get what‘s called the Mobiode which would be combining 2 of those, you get a Mobiode, and that‘s Generation-1.5.  It‘s reduced the natural gene structure of 75% ShaLAea Light to 60% ShaLAea Light.  Now, this is where 60% that‘s we‘re raising all of us to that level, alright. That doesn‘t mean we are Mobiodes because a lot of us aren‘t Biodes to begin with; we didn‘t have that problem. Not everybody that‘s an Indigo-2 has the problem but they just have the genetic susceptibility.

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When you combine 2 Biodes you get a Mobiode Generation-1.5. The Light Quotient starts to go down; the ShaLAea Light Quotient starts to go down. This starts to show who on Planet might be those type of people, alright Angelic Humans:  includes World Management Team that we‘ve talked about, controls behind the scenes,  the foot soldier cast of Earth Illuminati groups, so they are the Illuminati foot soldier levels because they have the highest Light, right.  The ones that are working from Fall matrix, the higher your Light, the more of a threat you are to their agendas, so the lower you are on their ranking systems.  So anyway, this shows the things that they can do like when you have if that‘s what you have. Now right now, regardless of where we started, we are getting the upgrade to be able to have minimum of 60% ShaLAea, so worst case scenario we‘re equal to this. Most of us are beyond this anyway but at least we‘ve got that. And for people who are from here and below, that is a life-saver. That is a Host that will make the difference of if they can ever see Ascension again, and that‘s why it‘s seriously a huge gift.  Now one of these guys can, even if they are Mobiode, can upgrade to an Indigo-2 level to the 75% Median-Earth Slide-Ascension-2 with an Aquafereion Host or they can Bhardoah out to Median-Earth as far as Ascension with its Aquafereion Host. You see all of us, even the highest levels from down here, we need the Host because the grids are so damaged bad down here, nobody else, none of us were going to get fully out of here. So it‘s all with the Host of the frequencies that are coming in from the M31 Galaxy. If it wasn‘t for that, none of us will be getting out of here.  So they have these potentialities but without the Host right—oh here they can also Bhardoah out to Sovereign Fall Cad Earth of they want to with the Al-ben‘-yhan Host, so that‘s where the Al-ben‘-yhan Host is taking the people, right. The Al-ben‘-yhan Host if it wasn‘t for that, all of those beings because of the choices they made because they broke the Treaty of Altair, we couldn‘t hold them as Host anymore, they lost the frequency length would have actually gone and fallen down with rest of them that are going into full black hole Procyak Fall. So the Al-ben‘-yhan Host comes in here where from the Angelic Humans, and even anything below can pick that up. And if you can‘t get high enough to get to Median-Earth, at least you can get to the Sovereign Fall Earth which is going to be a Kryst Fall matrix that the Budhara have agreed to be the overseers of their hosting it. If the Budhara wouldn‘t host it, it would go complete Procyak White Dragon Fall, so that the Al-ben‘-yhan Host comes in for these guys.  Now we get to Indigo-3, these are the ones that actually tried to take on. They are like Indigo-2s or higher. They tried to take on a co-share with one of the Leviathan or the fallen ones who tried to help them re-generate but then they turned on them, and they tried to snatch their body right out from under them. So there were quick upgrades given from Indigo-3s to Indigo-2s to get them out of being dragged down.  They had a 50-50 percentage, and that‘s pretty rough; you never know which one‘s going to win that war of attrition. And it‘s really like a war of one starving the other, one trying to pull the energy from the other. So it‘s an internal fight that happens, and the more it depends—your fight is less if—on either side your fight is less, right. The 50-50 is one of the worst alright because you got 2 equal sides pulling at each other constantly fighting, so if your Light Quotient goes up, it gets easier and easier to stay on the Ascension Path, and you find more and more peace, right. But if your Light Quotient goes down, and your FA side is succeeding in eating the good part of you and consuming it, you find more and more peace going down as well, right? But on the FA side where you are going you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 159 of 283

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are walking yourself right into a black hole but you feel peaceful and confident and arrogant and all that kind of stuff because you are in control. And you don‘t have that pull; you are the one holding the power. So both sides feel that peace which is really frightening, alright, yeah!  These include World Management Team; again they are the ones behind all the big banking systems and all of that kind of stuff that are actually pulling the strings here. And they are very, very, very deeply for at least 75 to 80 years now involved in treaties with the Zetas that are working at this point a Red-White agenda, a full Fall agenda.  Then you have the lower management and officer cast of the Earth Illuminati groups. When you have Earth Illuminati groups you‘re talking about everything from like well I hate to say like Bilderberg Commission to the Knights Templar to what are those guys called? Freemasons (chuckles) to all sorts of lodges with mooses and funny hats and stuff, you know Knights of this, Knights of that, Knights of Malton, Knights of Columbus, Knights of whatever, alright these are the ranks. And you can find their temples and places all over the place. There‘s usually a Knights of somebody in most people‘s towns in America you know! These guys are part, and a lot of the people involved on the surface level don‘t realize at all what it is to be one of those, right! ‗Well, it sounded good, alright I‘ll join, right, you know go to our weekly meetings, wear funny hats and like do our secret metaphysical stuff,‘ right. There‘s a lot of them who do that. But only like when you get to 33 rd degree or more do you find anything at all, and then usually not much anyway! But that‘s where when we get into the Illuminati groups. That‘s what we were talking about. There‘s a lot of people with human faces that are very, very embedded in these systems.  Alright now these have the ability, both of these have the ability for Bilocation Slide. They can do the Bilocation, so they would be capable of working with the techniques of Bilocation and actually getting themselves up and out, where they might be able to pick up an upgrade to get up to the 75-25 percentage, where these guys could get up to this percentage and then try to upgrade to there, so they do still have Bilocation potentialities. But without the Aquafereion Host, they would have biological death and Bourghea White Dragon Procyak Fall, period, that‘s it! That is the potentiality of the gene code. People don‘t realize how serious this epidemic is on this Planet, they really don‘t. And even you explain it, like you‘re going to see this on CNN? No, don‘t think so, alright! (Chuckles) But it is what the reality of what we are living here. And when you start watching people lob bombs at each other which I‘m pretty sure it‘s going to be happening sometime while we are still here where that World War 3 drama gets triggered, it‘s all about this. It‘s these different groups under the human mask that are fighting for control of the grids. And now as usual the Kryst are in the middle of the fight again. We‘re not fighting; we‘re standing. We tend to not fight; we stand. But right now we are holding the Kryst grids. We will do that. Would I fight to the death if I had to if someone came up and was going to like wipe out the whole Indigo Shield so they couldn‘t hold the thing anymore, would I fight? Damn right I would, you know! Would I pick up a gun if somebody had a gun in my face? I‘ll probably pick it up but I don‘t know if I‘ll shoot it honestly; I‘ve not been confronted with that. But would I stand for it the things I believe in here even though it‘s in the middle of a huge polarity drama interrupting in our face, I would. But I would first try to go Budaah on it; pull back into the Umshaddhi space and just watch the drama, and try to figure out ‗Alright, I‘m this little character down there with a bunch of other characters down there, what is the best thing I could do to assist the beings of the Kryst in the drama?‘ you know and that I would try to look at it that way. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 160 of 283

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But I would still fight if I had to; I would fight to protect my children if someone was trying to kill them or my spouse. So it‘s not like the old ‗turn the other cheek and turn the other cheek‘ and how many cheeks do you have? You have 2 on your face and 2 on your bum and after that I think I‘m done turning (laughter) seriously, right! So we are watching these gene lines come into fruition:  We started out with the Biode infiltration level in the gene code.  That, you put 2 of them together you get a Mobiode.  Put 2 of those together you get a Symbyote, which is a full Generation-2. Alright now, next page, please.

[Audio Track 18 1:41:04] The Gene Code of Each Human on Earth page 3 There is a whole other page of these:  These guys are part of the Sovereign Kryst Fall Host Path, right, as far as forget Median-Earth at this point, right; be happy with the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan at this point.  This is where Indigo-3s that didn‘t make the up-swing where they had their 50-50 split again but if the negative side gets control on this, they‘re full Symbyote, right, they have the 50-50 split.  But this includes people in the World Management Team and the lower management Earth Illuminati groups.  They can Bhardoah out to Sovereign Fall Cad Earth with an Al-ben‘-yhan Host.  Or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth Gha-far‘ Ascension with an Aquafereion Host.  They can upgrade to the other side of the 50 but it will be a struggle, and it will be an internal fight because you have another part of what appears to be your own consciousness trying to take you in a different direction. It‘s like having good cop, bad cop both inside your own body, or angel on one shoulder, devil on the other.  That is one of the hardest imprints to actually deal with is the 5-50 split. So the Indigo-3s that took this on, they actually took it on to try to assist the fallen ones that were down these categories. They took some of them on and lowered their own Light Quotient, and that‘s why they are highly protected at this point.  If they haven‘t been taken, they‘ve been actually given upgrade to Indigo-2 as the minimum in order to not allow the other thing to take them because they actually got in that 50-50 position in order to try to stop the proliferation of this invading gene line here. They weren‘t able to stop it but they still have helped some get up into the next level up. So they are highly protected but they do have a heck of fight in their own head in their own energy fields between GharE‘ and Gharoche‘.  They are Bhardoah Hosters to pick up these, either of these Hosts. They can take their body to a certain point but at a certain point it, the body‘s Seed Atom will run out of charge. It will reach Mana depletion so they will need to Bhardoah out and incarnate into that next level up, so they won‘t be able to take the atomic structure with them. So this one really kind of brings home at least it did for me when they showed me this that you know ‗Excuse me, you can go to whatever church you want, but it‘s not going to change the fact that your gene code and your ability to achieve The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 161 of 283

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spiritual fulfillment how you might define it and Ascension are completely intimately intertwined.‘ And you may have to if you don‘t have the greatest gene code this time around, there are paths you can take to build it. But there are some people that have made choices and got themselves to the point where they‘re born into situations where they get completely taken over. Usually it starts up at the that first Generation where maybe your first Generation of infiltration when you had 75% Light still left, made some bad choices, and you got yourself possessed say back in Atlantis or something. And then from there, your next incarnations carried that forward and built you from a whatever the first one was a Biode into a Mobiode into a Probiode, so it‘s like your incarnations could evolve this way too if that original attachment is made. What is nice is the fact that the Beloveds, and it wouldn‟t be if you guys haven‘t been coming for the last 10 years, not all of you here have been coming for 10 years but the people who have come with this work, we have managed to keep this Host open, so the Beloveds could give this gift of frequency to all of us. But for the people who were down in these stages, they still have the potential even if it means that the body is going to tire out before you get to the full level of Light you need in order to take it, walk it through, you can still get your consciousness out of here and back into an Ascension Path, an Eternal-Life Ascension Path, right so they are still able to do that.  They can still do, they can go Median-Earth right into Gha-far‘ Ascension through Bhardoah, and that means they are still, they are out of—they don‘t have to go to Sovereign Fall, and they wouldn‘t have to go here.  But without either of those Hosts, they would have biological death like everybody else normally does, right. I mean normal is death in this world, and that is not normal but everybody here thinks it‘s normal. And they would when they die they would be brought into the Bourghea White Dragon Procyak Fall with the rest.  The next are the Leviathan-2s which have 25% ShaLAea and 75% ShOna.  They are called Probiodes; they are the 3rd Generation. Notice as the Generations get/ move further the ShOna field, the ShOna light increases progressively.  These can Bhardoah out to Sovereign Fall Cad Earth with the Al-ben‘-yhan Host but that‘s it.  Without the Host they go White Dragon Bourghea Fall.  There are people that fit into this category. They don‘t tend to come to our workshops though.  They are Green and Red Drag(on), what we refer to as the Green and Red Dragon gene code groups, right.  They include the World Management Team, middle and upper management Earth Illuminati groups. So here‘s where you are working up in the ranks of the Illuminati. As the Light Quotient, the Krystic Light Quotient goes down in the gene code, their standing in relation to their organizations goes up. So when you have the head honchos, you are dealing more so with these guys. They are not quite the heads yet but you‘re getting up into upper management now.  So they can still Bhardoah. That means that there is no way they are going to take their body. Because of the amount of ShOna Light Field, they are not going to be able to take it, translate that all back. But even these guys, it stops here though.  These guys would still be able to get the 60% increase by working with this stuff.  When we get down here, that changes a bit, they are saying. Wait a minute. Right, so again without doing the…they can go, and they can be like Masters of the Universe over on Sovereign Fall Earth. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 162 of 283

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 But they still have to deal with the Al-ben‘-yhan Host which means they have to deal with the Budhara not the Bourghea Budhara but the Kryst Fall Budhara, which means they will have to be nice. They will have to re-learn how you act, and how you control things, and how you control yourself because you‘re not going to be Masters of the Universe taking over Planets anymore, and that‘s one of the things the Budhara are going to teach them. They are going to teach them, re-train them in what it means to be Krystic and re-use/ use their resources they have available properly.  There is going to be a huge green movement on Kryst-Fall Earth where in fact that‘s where you are getting a lot of the green movement as far as you know like green-everything, you know wind power, solar power, your none-of-thegas power, all that stuff. That is all the stuff that is actually about what‘s where the future of this Earth is going into that Fall. And it‘s how to use your resources wisely once they become finite, alright. We are going into a place where resources are not finite, as far as where Median-Earth, the resources are not finite. It‘s a Kryst system that still operates with the ability to generate its own quantum and resource. So that‘s where you‘re seeing this whole environmental movement happening. This is coming from the ones who are involved in the Al-ben‘-yhan Host that are you know planning to—well when you are in a Kryst Fall Host, you realize you now have finite quantum to deal with. And you can wipe it all out fast and go into black hole implosion faster, or if you use it well and learn to co-operate with other groups that are similar, you can actually bring quantum in and postpone the collapse of your black hole system indefinitely. But you have to follow certain rules of energy management that are Krystic, and if you don‘t, well it just all implodes on you. So that‘s the lessons the people going in that direction are going to learn but most of them don‘t come to these workshops either, alright. So we tend to be the ones that are holding the shield for the rest of it to be able to get out now.  Ok when we get down to here, these are the Bourghea White Dragon Procyak Fall Path.  They have 75% to 100% ShOna Quotient.  They are orchestrating Bourghea White Dragon Procyak Fall; they have no interest in Host. These are the ones who are actually orchestrating all of the Fall here.  They are running the BeaST. They are taking over the grids.  They are doing the Galactic thing, you know the Procyak thing that we‘ve talked about in other workshops, and they are taking out the Milky Way, and they are taking Earth out with it doing their best. So they have no interest in the Host even if they could get one.  They are called Leviathan-1s. It includes primary elite executive members of the World Management Team, Earth Illuminati groups, and Procyak Galactic Management Team lower rank foot soldiers. This means lower rank ETs, so you‘re getting into ET world here, right, as far as they‘re not even on Planet but they would be considered ETS. And you know they just will not—they will engage the Procyak Galactic Fall, and they just have no interest in the Kryst Host. They are having fun being the avengers of the anti-Christ, alright.  Then you have the Abadon which are the ones, they have literally zero ShaLAea Quotient left; they have 100%. These are the ones, these are called the Meziodes. See we had the Probiode there. These are Probyotes too. The next one is the Meziode is when you combine the you know like 2 Biodes, produce the next one to those, produce the next one to those, produce the next one to those, produce the next one. So there is a huge interest in who marries who, and who spawns with who as far as these race lines being developed. That‘s why religions were created the way they were in order to control the breeding practices of different people to make sure that it was controlled by some priest from somewhere, right. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 163 of 283

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Most of the religions here are based on secret doctrines of various kinds that have been there from since periods of the Atlantean times or right after that were about all of these races. Unfortunately the Christian religion is one of those as well. The bible was not one of the Krystic books at all. They stole portions of the Krystic book to invent the bible. They invented the bible as a control dogma. Those who did it had to do with the Council of Nicea in Rome in 326 AD where they put it together as how to control all these pagans. They just took over their land and they wanted to keep them from rioting. How to make them more happy? Make a story. And they got elders together and they shared records and put together a conglomerate and said God made it, right. Well, but at least they kept some of the original stuff in there. They at least kept Jesheua and the concept of Ascension; this was good. But they have done the same with all the other books. But the Abadon are the ones that they are the prime orchestrators of the forced Fall. They are the lead executive members of the ET Procyak Galactic Management Team and the special ops ET-hybrid assassin units of the Earth Illuminati groups which are there. I mean they live on Earth with us too, yeah. There again no interest in hosting. So this is what Light Quotient has to do with where you can go in your evolutionary options. The fact that we‘re being given a gift of a host that brings us up to a minimum of 60% if we happen to be lower, that‘s really good. Chances are if you come to these workshops regularly, if you are the type of person who felt the interested to do that, you‘d probably have more than 60% to begin with alright, just because you wouldn‘t have resonated so much with it to keep coming back, right. So it‘s kind of funny. I mean I can see the groups. I won‗t say who tends to go to which type workshops but I can even use this information and just by encryption feel I could think about like the Daisy of Death paradigm. I can tell exactly which groups are going to those workshops, right. I could think about like the Keys of E-No-Ka those and find exactly which groups are going in there. We‘re all part of this but the people on this Planet are all part of this too. There is nobody here that isn‘t part of one of these groups. But the interesting thing is these are the birth imprints right. That‘s what‘s in the borrowed quantum of the fetal body first, and then you put your quantum of consciousness into it. But then we also have the Epi-genetic Overlay that may be different.  So you may have like say this imprint on the Epi-genetic Overlay but you may have a high like Indigo-2 as your birth imprint. Which means you have to take the high one right of all this light but subtract that much from it right, and it‘ll bring you down to show you what you‘re actually functioning on. And it gets really strange.  And then you add walk-ins to that when you get into the Indigo lines with the walk-ins you have a 3rd imprint to calculate into the formula which is — ok, what type of Indigo am I? So it gets quite mathematical enough to read and something go ‗Oh God, fix this please!‘ And fortunately the Beloveds are helping us do that without having to calculate all of the stuff! So the exercises are the things the activations we have been progressively being lead through are all ultimately to build the Light Quotient, the ShaLAea Light Quotient in the body. And to not just you don‘t want to throw away the Gharoche‘ because part of that‘s you, and you need that quotient back, so it‘s about being able to heal the atoms that our bodies are made of right now. Until the recent activations, our bodies have still been producing ShOna light atoms because the Windows and Doors in the Hydro-Acoustic Body were not turned on. So it‘s only since the Sliders workshops we actually have the frequencies to begin changing those back into ShaLAea units. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 164 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

I don‘t know what time again I don‘t know if we‘re going to be doing this when we leave here or we‘re going to, if the weather is not going to let us and we‘ll do it tomorrow as one of the first things we do at whatever time you know it works out that we can. But the Shadra shield that we‘re going to do to begin bringing in the Orbs is not just to stop us being eaten alive by our own gene code, but it‘s actually to take back the gene code and progressively when we bring those elemental Orbs in from Media-Earth that hold the full Kryst imprint. They will assemble on the way in. They will pick up the pieces of our own atoms that were lost because when atoms go ShOna when the light process is distorted in the body, there are the ShaLAea units potions of them get ripped off, and they just become fragments and lay in certain fields of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. It will actually assemble those back together and give the power behind it enough to bring out of the Vesica Pisces phase-lock the atomic structure, and it will actually change the polarities in the atoms themselves. I do think that it‘s supposed to be a negative charge on the inside and a positive charge on the outside of an atom. And right now we have electrons on the outside rings of the atom and the electrons have a negative charge. And we have protons on the inside of atoms and protons have a positive charge. I don‘t think the protons and electrons reverse themselves; I think the charge on them changes when we begin to get whole again. So there are some definite atomic structure changes that will be happening as we progress with this. Next one, please. Good we got out the hard part….

[Audio Track 18 1:56:46] (Graph) Oh yeah, this one. Oi ok, yeah this is the recent scribbly one of the day. This is just to try to show a bit of the difference between what a natural light unit is, and we talked about it before. You know there is another graph, and I need to use this about 3 different times but let‘s put this on first please and then put it back where it is so I don‗t lose it out of that sequence.

[Audio Track 18 1:57:10] (Graph) Yeah, we‘ll put this on first. Before we get to that one I‘ll just remind us quickly of this messy one. Remember that one, right, where through this all is our Hydro-Acoustic Body with all our Allurean Chambers and our Fire Chambers. And I discussed yesterday how these Living-Light units form through the Pentagonal Flows and the whole bit, and how we end up with these here, right, and a whole band of among every one of the Allurean Lines, one of these forms. Can you lift this one here just a little bit? You have these guys and this is called 1 Element Atom, and it‘s actually Living Consciousness. It is Living Consciousness because this is all from the process by which through the body and through the field that consciousness translates itself into literal atomic matter. So this is the natural structure of an Element Atom. It can be whatever element, whatever coding it‘s carrying, whichever Allurean Chamber and so on but it is that is the natural structure, the Tri-Veca structure. When we talk about the Ah-VE‘yas Orbs, we‘re talking about this part of the structure and it has inside of it 12 little dots that are called ElementE‟, and it has a KAlor at the center and it has a Prana Joule at the center there, and the GharE‘ is connected in there in the center part with the Prana Joule. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 165 of 283

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So that is a natural configuration. It‘s got 2 of these guys right here, and there‘s a whole process by it. What sparked where? What went up, made refracted co-particles, came down, sparked here, made that set of spark sets that‘s Kei, that‘s Chi, that‘s this, and they all form bigger units of Hydro-geleziac and Thermal-geleziac radiation units but they‘re conscious radiation units. If you trace them back to their source, their source is pure God-Source consciousness, so they are sentient and aware and intelligent. These are the things right here—that is what they make when they phase because those 2 little whatever they call ShaLa units phase and they form that. And that is what would be a natural atom, alright. That‘s what it is called the Ah-TUm‟as, right. So that would be the Ah-TUm‘as; that‘s the Ah-VE‘-yas, and these are called the Ah-VA‟-yas. And the whole thing together is referred to as the Ah‟-yas, so A-h, y-a-s, an Ah‘-yas. So the Ah‘-yas Force is the force of the Elements that actually, the actual materialized Elements, the consciousness force of the materialized Elements. Now because of the mutations in this Galaxy in this Solar System on this Planet, there is also a different force that is not an organic force. And that is the force of when you take these and make something happen to them that is not natural and you form the Vesica Pisces mess, instead of having a Tri-Veca you end up with a Bi-Veca with just 2 and you create a ShOna light unit, that force that is the counter-force to this is called the Ah-LU‟-sa Ta„-nE‟ Force. And this is where the words actually ‗Lucifer‘ and ‗Satan‘ came out of even before. I mean the Luciferians usually refer to the Lulcus races that have to do with the Thothian lines that were brought from Nibiru down here to try to bio-regenerate. But where they got their names and the Satain/ Satan line came out of the Marduke-Satain line of the ETs that came down here in the Atlantean periods and did hybrids here. But if you take where those names came from back to where it was, it was back from the original records that had to do with the force of a(a)h, just like this is Ah‘-yas right? You have the Ah-LU‘-sa Ta‘-nE‘, and the Ah-LU‘-sa Ta‘-nE‘ was the reversed order force, the force of the anti-Christ, alright, so even the words have still remained as far as the ‗Lucifer‘ and the ‗Satan‘ and all of that stuff. So I just wanted to remind you of that‘s where these come from. And then we‘ll look at now the units that are formed from the others so we can begin to understand that ok, we‘re made of both of these kind of units. We still have some ShaLAea units in us, and what we are doing is trying to get more and more of those back, and to transmute and heal the ones that have been distorted into the ShOna units. So next we look at the ShOna units and what they look like in comparison. Ok, could you please put that one back here so I don‘t lose it out of that sequence? Thank you. [Audio Track 18 2:01:36] (Graph) So that‘s the normal one, right. A normal what?  That whole thing equals 1 Element Atom. It‘s a ShaLAea Light Cell, and it‘s called an Ah‟-yas being.  Now these are consciousness; these are conscious and sentient and intelligent, so they are beings; they are not just thingies that matter is made out of, right. And that‘s the normal one.  Alright it has its 3, you know its 3-configuration, and I don‘t have to analyze all of this but I guess I described some of it last night.  But this is the Ah-TUm‟as which is the Element Atom materialized Endoplasma with a water matter unit. So everywhere you see an atom that is what it is supposed to be made of.  It has a specific set of charges of its energy:  It has the negative charge GharE‘ at the center,  and the positive charge Joule, right at—Prana Joule around it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 166 of 283

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That should be the natural construction of the materialized Atoms that science can look at under microscopes. And wherever you see materialized Atom, it implies all this other stuff is around it; you just don‘t see it in these particular frequency bands. That is a Living-Light unit.  This is called a KAlor, this whole cluster. I have to stand up for this. This is called a KAlor here.  The KAlor holds the GharE‘ which is part of the Spirit Body energy, and it holds the Prana Joule.  And these guys are the 2 ShaLa units, right, and they are called together, they are called the Ah-VA‟-yas Thermogel Particulate beings, so these are beings too. When we see Orbs, it‘s this one that we‘re seeing, and it implies that these 2 are on the next level up.  So when we are seeing the Orbs that we‘ve been interacting with, we‘re actually seeing the larger Planetary Level ones where we see this orb and these parts are actually—and the Atom itself is literally visible on Median-Earth. Because we‘re beginning to bring in the Median-Earth Elemental Field because that is going to host the Elemental Field here directly. We come down here and look at the mess. It says ‗Mutated Light Matter‘:  Alright, it forms in the Fire Chambers only. Now remember looking at that thing, we had the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Chambers and there was an interaction between pulses of energy going out the Allurean Chambers, then hitting the edges of the sphere around it and splitting and then going down the Fire Chambers, alright. And then energy coming up the Fire Chambers, and they both hit the Fire Chambers and they make these units that form these.  These actually have blocked out the Allurean Chamber Lines, and what they do is they hijack energy from, they drain energy from the Prana Joules from the Rasha Body and from the GharE‘ and from the Mana quantum.  Now where do these come from? Well for instance in the baby body, when you start the Fetal Integration process, one of the first sets of things that has to be done is you do set a quantum of GharE‘ and Mana in the form of a Zeion in the Seed Atom of the borrowed fetal pattern, right. We talked about I think in Slide-1 and I think it was where you get the whole thing on Fetal Integration and what it means to—a consciousness comes into a new baby body form and that kind of stuff.  So it actually drains that quantum that you as a new incoming being has set in to be in Fetal Integration. Fetal Integration gets interrupted in this life so on a personal level we get attached before the baby body is even born. And what happens with the attachment is these form in the Fire Chambers because it sucks energy out of the original quantum of Spirit GharE‘ and Mana which is the Zeion that we put in as we started Fetal Integration, and then it starts doing things,alright.  So they form—I haven‘t drawn the whole thing. I will have to actually draw another Aah-JhA‘ Body structure just like the one you saw that is all messy right now but it has that has the 24 Chambers, the 12 Fire Chambers and 12 of Spirit Body Chambers. It wouldn‘t have the 12 Allurean Chambers, and it would only have 10 of the Fire Chambers because 2 of them, 11 and 12 of the Fire Chamber Lines were actually wrapped around the center core. That‘s what forms that nasty Caduceus thing. That‘s why our Axiatonal Lines 11 and 12 were wrapped around our center core, and that‘s why we only have 5 fingers and toes instead of the normal 6 for a Krystic being, alright. We‘re supposed to have 12 lines and 6, what would be 6 on each side as far as appendages and stuff. So it goes right down to the light unit level and that is what is surrounding that science doesn‘t see yet surrounding atoms. Right now our percentage of our atoms are made of this stuff. They look like this instead of that. This is called— actually they‘re more like this actually: The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 167 of 283

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 This is a Calorene. It‘s called 1 Calorene. These are killer reversed light particles.  You could call these like the ultimate free radicals of the Universe, right. You know how free radicals do nasty stuff in your system. Well these are free radicals.  What they do first is they form just by energy convoluting in on itself in the Fire Chambers because the passages to the Spirit Body Chambers, the Allurean Chambers are blocked. So it takes energy off what used to be an original natural structure that was Living-Light and it starts feeding on it. It feeds on it to make a whole set around the 10 Fire Chambers of these units.  And these units called Calorenes, they have reversed polarity of their center. And this is called ManE. It‘s reversed polarity Mana energy. And so you have 2 ManE units and they form in the center of these.  You get the reversed GharE‘ currents. The GharE‘ is usually Spirit Body currents that should have a negative charge. So you‘ve got a positive charge GharE‘ which bonds with what are called KAlors. These are captured ElementE‘.  In a natural unit like this, these little guys around here there should be 12 ElementE‘ in the Ah-VA‘-yas portion of an Element. So this is the ElementE‘; this is the Elemental, and this is the Element. These things feed on these, rip them apart, and part of the ElementE‘ just go fragmenting and free, and they get picked up by the next one of these and they bond to the reverse GharE‘ and they form the center core of the reversed light unit called the Calorene.  The Calorene goes on later to form the ShOna light field. And let‘s see if there is anything more important than we talked about here.  So at the center of the Calorene you have what is called a KAlor.  And the KAlor is a cluster of 6 captured ElementE‘ bonded into a reversed GharE‘. Now GharE‘ was somebody, part of somebody‘s Spirit at some point. That somebody had to do with whoever made the original organic Atom and Light Cell that was eaten and fed on because what these units do is Calorenes attach to, they seek out and attach; they are like little, little heat-seeking missiles.  They seek out and attach to natural Elements, and they bond to the Atom. And they draw the Atom into and they bond to it and they actually break it off, its quantum off, from the part of itself that‘s up higher in the dimension above, and that is the part that is the Ah-VA‘-yas part.  They suck out the Joule, 12 of the Joule, 12 of the KAlor quantum, put it at the center and they form these which are called ShOna light fields, where they are actually a Bi-Veca light field that is feeding on the quantum of the part of the thing, of the Living Cell that it stole, and they will stay together as long as there is quantum left to feed.  And when there is not quantum left to feed, then they actually like they have the 12 life, they can then leave, die and croak because there is nothing left to feed on. But when they croak they re-assemble again and come back into their configuration of Calorene and go seek out another Living-Light Cell. It‘s a really horrible, horrible technology that was created, yeah. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 18 2:10:32] (Graph) So this is like those parts of your body you really don‘t want to talk to. You know we say like ‗Watch out for the voice of the GharE‘,‘ in your head because it talks to you too, part of our cells are made of these. In fact, quite a lot of them right now are made of these. The activations we are doing now are making it so: first of all we bring more of the natural ones into being; we are starting to manufacture our own ShaLAea Light units again, our own atoms again. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 168 of 283

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Now, we are going to be able to bring in the ones from the Median-Earth Krystic level which will allow some of the ones that are already stuck in that state to actually find their missing parts and have a support Host that will allow them to be pulled back into their natural structure. So it‘s not just clearing the ShOna ones out, it‘s actually pulling back the quantum of us that belongs to us that they were stuck to. With the ShOna ones, the ShOna fields, those Calorenes actually attach to things that are in the environment outside. They pick up those fragments of ElementE‘, so you are getting pieces of God knows who and what that are embedding right into your own cells. You‘re picking up karma as far as radiation imprint from other space-time location lives because they are all fragmented in the planetary field. A natural Living-Light unit does not bond into itself anything that itself didn‘t manufacture. It has an exchange with the environment around it but it‘s a constant flow, no embedding. But what the ShOna fields do is embed these trapped, they harness and trap the fragments ElementE‘, and so you have these weird elemental forces literally embedded in your body. And that form…. (End of Audio Track 18 2:12:27)

[Kitts Track 19 Lecture 4C [Kitts Track 20] A‘sha D2 would actually start here. That would be the zero point for D4. And then it would go up to D4, 3.5 subharmonic, right? So, this is where you are making a transition into the next level of densities up. The Um Shaddai states, remember, occur in these bands right here, where you have the overlaps of these, that have to do with those element atom cells and the light body structure around them. So, we have these smaller ones that go with density 1 – there‘s 1 there, 2, 3, 4, and then there, there‘s a bigger one that extends out where this, this light cell interfaces with the ones from the density 2 level. To see where we are, as far as understanding where we‘re going to be projecting to in this one, it‘s a little bit different place than we‘ve projected before. We‘ve gone up vertically, and kinda sat on top of our orb, right? Of our density 1 orb, and when we went into the Um Shaddai planes that we viewed so far, and that‘s going up vertically. It‘s a different thing when you go horizontally. So, there‘s… sometimes it‘s fine to go and use vertical, but sometimes you need to lie down, lie the body down in order to reach the planes that you‘re actually trying to interface with. So, if we can understand that this particular one – there‘s the density 1 AjA body, and then start to see that context, and though it has all these littlier Um Shaddai planes in between, right, that we have opened… we‘ve already opened the seals on those, and we‘ve already opened the seal on the larger one too, that expands up into density 2, D4… if we look at that and see what on the next diagram, you start to get context of where exactly are we going when we do the projection that we‘re going to do… Next one please. Is this the one I think it is. Oh yeah. Yes. They‘re all getting scribbled on with colored markers at this point. (talking to Az). (We don‘t need that really… ok). The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 169 of 283

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Where was that other big one we just saw in relation to this larger structure, because this larger structure has to do with… here was your probable self that you are, right? And there would be spheres for each of the other probable selves of your 12, and that would be your God Self level, density 1. The density 1 sphere, that whole sphere that you saw there, would be here, right? The D1, 2, 3 levels would be here, and this would take you up into the TeWa fields of that larger diagram. Now these highlighted areas around here - and I‘ll try to explain this to myself as well - these have to do with the Um Shaddai field that is at the density 1… the one that was labeled number 4, alright, in that other diagram, that was a fourth one out from the center, the Um Shaddai overlap field, and that occurs in the personal I Am God Self space, which is from the 0… the 0.2 subfrequency band 3.5 in the density 1 level body. So, you get D1, D2, D3 and then the density 1 level body… that‘s where that area is located. So, what we did before is… we‘re here right now… and we‘re moving… we‘re trying to move our probable self by accreting all of the signatures of the ones around it into that center heroic self first… what we did when we went vertical was we were actually sitting up here, right? So, that would be the top of our orb, when we went in the vertical direction. Now, this, as we described before, this whole chamber here that opens between all these levels going back to the density… we‘re only showing to the density 3 level, but there‘s also density 4 and density 5 and that kind of stuff. This is the Transcendental Passage. When we were standing up vertically… see that‘s supposed to be a little vertical guy standing. That‘s your vertical column going up, and that‘s where we projected out vertically. Now, if you lie down, you‘re actually lying into the Transcendental Passage, and from there, you can access not only this Um Shaddai plane set, which is the number 4 one, but you can go past that into this one here, which corresponds with the transcendent self, that is the soul self. So, what we‘re going to be doing is moving … you know, we‘re vertical, we‘re going to lie down in shadra, and then we‘re going to project this way. We‘ll pass through a veil here that is the boundary of this Um Shaddai plane, and we‘ll pass into this Um Shaddai plane, and we‘ll continue on into this state of where our second Buddha level is, which is our transcendent full soul self that has all the records and energy signatures of our 12 incarnates, not just our one self with its 12 probable selves. So, we‘re going to be moving into that area, and possibly even up to here. they haven‘t talked to me about that yet. That might be something that comes on the last night, and they‘ll let me know in that lecture, if that‘s going to happen. So, instead of just going vertically, where we get to – yes - entering the Um Shaddai space, we‘re going to go to the larger Um Shaddai planes that correspond with density 2, and working upward. And it‘s from there that we‘re actually going to open something in our own field called the AvEus, the core AvEus point, which is located in the Karanadis Seal, and inside of it, it‘s where that lotus is, that little crystal lotus that we‘ve been interacting with in some of the meditations, and when we open that inside it allows for the calling of the orbs of bringing down the elemental fields from the density 2 level of Median Earth, down into the density 1 level of this Earth. That‘s where we‘re going to engage a fun process of what they are calling ‗orb-fest.‘ We‘re going to assist them.. we‘re going to make the invitation, and they are going to come, those elemental forces are going to come, and they are the host forces that will expedite the processes of being retranslated back into its natural ShalAa state. But then they go out past us, and beyond us, into the atmosphere, to continue interacting with the other elemental life forms here. So, we‘re going to be doing that in the … that‘s what we would have been doing on the beach tonight. so, we‘d be going up to here when we project. And when you get up here, you go horizontally, like send your mini-me up here horizontally, and then you stand up, stand it up, right? And it‘s there that we‘re actually going to meet and interact with directly our ZionA attendant person, and together we will be able to generate enough frequency to hold the passages open… like to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 170 of 283

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hold them fully open so you can get what they call an orb cascade, which is like a big wave of many many elemental orbs as they come in. When they come in, they are attached… they will still remain attached to the atoms that are materialized on the Median Earth level, but the … what is it called… the AvAus part of them will be what we perceive as the orbs. So we are perceiving a part of it, but it‘s actually a part of the light body structure of what are actually Kristic atoms up on the Median Earth level. They also wanted to use this diagram to show that on the larger levels, if we‘re right here in our probable self version of biology, this sphere corresponds actually to the blended Earth probability. So, we‘ve got the Caduceus side that is going into fall right here. If this is Phantom Earth you have the Caduceus part of blended Earth that is tied into that, and you have this part of blended Earth that is tied into Median Earth. So, we have these … this is a Caduceus part, and this is actually the Net Earth that is still connected in to the Median Earth. This is Median Earth space where it exists in relation to this, and this would be AshalA, and then going up past that, when you get … this within the larger one, you would find Shala 3, and also Urtha 3 in M31. so, this is showing the relationships to what frequencies we‘re turning on, but which areas correspond to which of these planes of Earth and Median Earth and Net Earth and all of that we‘re working with. So, they wanted you to see that. Next one please. Actually, you need to put it with these words, or backwards… yeah… the other way. See these are backwards. The green ones are backwards and the black ones are forward. They did it on purpose, actually. Now, this way is still in the same direction as the other diagrams that you just saw, even though the diagram is originally drawn from the opposite way if it was on a different vector or horizon line. What this shows you is, if you were looking at, our probable self set… you know where we had that one probable self body that was connected into the heroic self body, etc. etc., and it was facing out that way, so that‘s why I flipped the diagram. The words in black aren‘t important. It‘s just the little notes that I made in green that are important. It‘s showing you, when you look at this configuration… if this is your probable self body, this out here, which is the same one as this one here, is that field… that Um Shaddai field that is around your God Self, and that‘s where we had projected to as … when we went in. We actually projected… no, actually we didn‘t. I just realized something. If this represents the probable self that we projected up to the probable self, so the probable self would actually be out here on one of these. So, this one is actually showing that once you project into the God Self space, and if you lie the body down and project into the God Self space, you‘d be lying here, and that would be the vertical projection, but going back this way would be what takes you into the next level of the Um Shaddai bands that we‘re going into when we do the projection. So, this is just kind of combining this graph with the other to show you how the pieces fit together, so when we do the projection, you realize where we‘re going. We lie down, and we‘re literally going to send the mini-me back into… itself, it‘s Hub self, its buddhas, its buds. I think that‘s all on that one. Next one please. Oh, this was funny. We know we have axiatonal lines and meridian lines… but these guys … this is what is called the unigenetic underlay, or the Web of Eternal Life. It is living hydrose. It‘s like a webbing, a cellular webbing, that actually is supposed to naturally, organically run through every cell. It is the cellular communication, like the cellular chat line, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 171 of 283

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where continual communication between the atoms and the cells always takes place, and the consciousness and the knowledge rides on ShalaA light units that come from the field, and they come from the higher levels of the field, from the God Self, and from the transcendent self, and even up above that, and they‘re supposed to run. Just like you need to have towers to receive internet and stuff, and they have to have like certain grids that will receive the electrical energy coming in. Same thing with the body. All of these have been turned off for eons in our body now. They form when the axiatonal and meridian lines meet a certain level of critical mass holding and production, spark production. And that‘s where the ArAs come in. they help the axiatonals and meridians to actually produce quantum. As the axiatonal and meridians produce quantum and grow, they will finally hit a sparking point where all of these cross lines – they actually open up first between the axiatonal and meridian lines on the diagonal, and it creates literally like a skin webbing all the way through your body. It starts with the skin and then moves its way in to all the organs and the whole bit and it literally runs the ShalAa light currents through everything, which means it allows the whole body, several things – one is much greater protection from the shona influences. Two, it gives it a progressive ability to transmute shona back into ShalAa, using the host energies coming in from the elementals from Median Earth. What this will do is it actually puts us on line with the elemental kingdom from Median Earth, so we will be able to run both, and if we want to stay down here, we can run both. If we want to just go up there, we‘d actually be taught eventually how to turn down the currents that have to do with the shona here. If we just blew out all of the shona right now from our bodies, we‘d be gone from here. You need to have shona in your body to see here, physically, right? So, if want to learn the process of sliding, it will be modulating the shona to ShalAa levels, and if you want to do, see Median Earth, we‘ll have to get to the point where we can hold a certain level of ShalAa energy, and we would do certain things they would teach us eventually of running the ShalAa currents, and the light quotient percentage in here in this netting, right? And, if we ran it high, it would go up, and we would pop out of here, and go translocate in a slide to Median Earth, and if we want to come back down, we would change it back around, reverse portions of the atoms in our body, bring them back down into a Shona relationships that allows us to still see this plane. This is the beginning of literally… it‘s like our travel suit. It‘s kind of like a combination of an underwater diver‘s suit and a space suit. Because, it‘s actually the quantum suit. This will be… these will be the lines in the body that will open up, that will allow the modulation, conscious modulation of the shona to ShalAa relationship, in order to instruct and direct the literal atomic structure, as far as how the hydrolase waves come in, the celesteline wave comes in, so you can progressively begin… slide passage. It will also assist in bringing in… it‘s very helpful even if you‘re not in a slide, because it brings in progressively more of the information. It will begin to run all of the coding of all of those other probable selves first in through there, until you hit the God Self level of your own self, and whatever quantum that will be, then you‘ll start bringing on line your other incarnations, and it‘s literally bringing in the encryptions right back into the cells and the atoms, so they can get back their organic Kristic encryption. It helps to transmute the body much quicker. There‘s also more to it. I can feel it there… but they haven‘t given it to me yet, so we‘ll be talking more about it. There‘s also something in the center of it that is like the core feed actually for this whole system of the unigenetic overlay. This is referred to as the Inner Sun of Aquareon, and it‘s the first planetary level Median Earth eternal atom. So, there‘s actually an atom on the planetary level, like a literally… a piece of Median Earth atomic structure comes in and into our Karanadis seal, and it activates a whole set of things, and it actually pulls our Ptah‘s – you have three of them stationed in different areas – pulls them all together. And it opens something, and I have a feeling it‘s a set of webs like this all the way through the AjA body. So, there‘s more that they are going to teach us about this. This begins its initiation – whatever it has to do to initiate activation – with the next technique that we will do, where we begin the things that we‘ve talked about as far as taking a journey back, lying down, back to the second level of the Um Shaddai state.

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All of that is preparing us for the things that will occur on the final evening, which will be the activation of this, and the entire aqua suit – we call it aqua suit for short. This is huge. There‘s more to come. I‘m glad that… it sounds like most of you agree that it would be good to do this tomorrow night when we‘ll be awake and not wet. Cause the wet was… first it was like a bummer from the universe. But it‘s not. I think it was probably a gift, because half of us would probably be asleep before we got halfway where we‘re supposed to journey to, cause it‘s so late. I appreciate you guys hanging out with us when it‘s so late. We don‘t mean to do this to you. The Beloveds don‘t mean to do it to me either. I hope you‘ve enjoyed this lecture. I‘ve tried to bring everything together. Have a good morning sleep. So, again, the Arayas for tomorrow will be at 4:30 to 6:00 on the beach. Then there will be time for eating and stuff. I will do my best to stick to the 9:00 start for the lecture, and from 9-11 and then we will go from 11 out on to the beach for an hour to finish this technique that we would have done tonight. Let‘s hope it doesn‘t rain tomorrow night. Ok, so it will be a dry beach to lie on, which would be more comfortable. So that should work out well and everybody should get at least a little sleep somewhere. (Responding to someone in the audience) – Oh yes, mindfulness… tiredness. Let me find my mindfulness. Don‘t put those away. Thank you. I‘ll be right there with the mindfulness exercise. I have it written down here somewhere. Alrighty. We‘ve got one more mindfulness technique, if anybody‘s awake tomorrow in the daytime. This one is called – we have two more but the one is actually – we‘ll talk about that on the last night – but it‘s number five for tomorrow. And we‘ve had other things like a guardian, like, you know, walk like a guardian, etc. Think like a guardian. This one is be like a guardian. Be like a guardian. Be as a guardian. Now… what this has to do with are several things. One of the first things is about becoming sensitive to others, other things, other beings, other energy in your environment, that it is your hologram. Becoming sensitive to others as self. If you recognize yourself as that whole orb, and you recognize your little body in the middle of it, and realize everything within that orb is actually a part of what you are too. There‘s a whole shift in perception, where you get out of the little mind state, the little me, the little identity, and start to realize yourself as the larger being in a collective. Now once you can… there‘s a certain couple of steps you take here to help you develop some of these sensitivities. So, one of the things is helping you to become more sensitive to yourself as your hologram, and the elements in your hologram. The next thing … it‘s also transcending the small self… to try to help you transcend the small self… to become aware, literally, of not just aware here, but aware I am this, not just I am this, but I am this also. Now, there‘s little tricks to doing that. One, it‘s like… the first part is … you put your mind on thinking expanding your self, the you that you and I __________ is, I am orb… you felt the parameters of your orb before when we did the other techniques. Try to really (breathes) breathe yourself out into the wholeness of that sphere, and try to move the consciousness out of the little focus between the eyes, and then the brain in the body itself. That would be… you do that first, and I am orb, I am this sphere. What is in this sphere, I am this as well. People, building, bugs, birds, you know, the whole bit. There‘s a whole ___… if you really just start saying… you look at a sphere around you, and whatever‘s in that sphere, I am this too. And first you bring I am this over here, and that‘s over there. No… YOU are HERE, and for some reason, this is inside of you, so therefore it is a part of you right now. So, you are this, even though there‘s other this‘s involved with it, this is you. If I did that right now, I would look out and I would say, ‗Well, jeez, at least the first half of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 173 of 283

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rose that … that‘s me too. You‘re me too.‘ And each one of you can do the same thing, and I would be part of you in your hologram. There‘s a level of transcending the singular identity of self, the rigid focus on the singular identity that‘s focused in the body. It‘s the beginning of taking you into literally the transcended state of consciousness where I am soul. You eventually will have to know yourself as I am these 12 incarnates flipping around in the universe in different space-time locations, and being able to go through a space where you can move your consciousness in and out of any of them. You have a right to. They are you. It‘s a whole different level. So, it starts with simple little things of sensitizing to I am not just this anymore, but I am this too. Alright? You can go off and touch the bird that flew overhead, and feel it as part of your consciousness. You can go down into the ground, wherever your sphere goes to, your orb, and feel all that lives in there. I mean, it‘s amazing. It‘s also a really good way to douse if you need to find water. Where you just expand your orb out really big, and focus on the downward part, and just feel where I am water, right? And people that get sensitized at that can be really really good at that. Now, after you do that, you just expand the size of you to I am orb, and everything that I see in the expansion of my orb. Next, (breathes) expand out I am orb. There‘s going to be a sense, and the Beloveds are going to help with this. The ZionA will help with this. There will be a feeling somewhere in your orb of a direction that you need to go, that there is someone that needs something, that you can give, and what you‘re going to be asked to give are three instances with total strangers not in the group of random acts of invisible kindness, where the stranger doesn‘t have to know you did it. There will be three people for each one waiting in your hologram somewhere in this I am this. You need to feel out just any kind of direction, like, ok, do I walk down there, do I go over there, where do I go to find these three people who supposedly need something from me. This is about being like a guardian. What do guardians do? One of the things is they are very very attuned at all times actually, to harmlessness, and not just being harmless to other life forms, all life everywhere, but being helpful as well. So, there will be three individuals that will be in your hologram, and the Beloveds will help align that. There will be just a feeling, a little like pull in one direction, another when you (breathes) expand your orb self out as far as you can, and then just breathe quietly, and try to feel for the little pull or fibrillation that says, ‗Ok, I am supposed to walk over there,‘ and you walk over there with your orb. You begin to feel like really really large, like you almost want to roll. But feel out where‘s it‘s directing you. And eventually, the more you do this, you‘ll start to really really feel and then you‘ll realize you‘ll start to see from 360 degrees all around your orb and also to other things. But, to this one, the object is to find … there will be three people that are strangers to you, that are not part of the group, that will not have any idea what you might be doing. But there is a random act of kindness that you can do without them seeing. Then you need to sense out where those right three people are, to employ that random act of kindness. It can be any kind of random act of kindness. You know, it doesn‘t have to be expensive. You don‘t have to give somebody money or anything like that. But something, first of all you sensitize to yourself as orb, where now you‘re not just literally you, but you are this, you are part of this collective creation. And then you begin to feel I‘m sensitized to that collective creation, and your field will give you just a little hint, a little vibration… actually it‘s a strong vibration but it might seem little to you until you get used to being in that state, so you gotta feel it out, and if you‘re going, ‗I can‘t feel any vibration. I don‘t know what direction to go,‘ close your eyes and pick one. That will work too. There will be three people during the course of the entire day. There will be three people who are in need of receiving the random act of kindness that you would have to give. The idea with most random acts of kindness is not to get caught, where they just think the universe did it. Or somebody did something nice and you kind of go, ‗Wow, that is really cool. See, the universe gifted me.‘ Right? And sometimes we are the spokespersons or the delivery vehicles for the universal Krist to deliver these types of gifts. Start with random acts of kindness, three strangers, where they don‘t know you did it, but you know you did it. And try first sensing in what direction you go find whom they might be. Alright? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 174 of 283

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There‘s a lot you can learn with these types of things, but this one was very very special to the Beloveds. They‘ve actually set up… they‘re just saying… of the three people that will be the ones you actually feel guided to… first you‘ll just get a sense of direction – should I go forward, backward, over that way, or whatever? I‘m just going to go for a walk. And hopefully I‘ll bump into these three people. And say you‘re walking into a crowd all of a sudden, all three of them could be right there. But you have to start to sensitize. There will be a feeling. You will be drawn one way or another – a little bit toward maybe that one… ____ maybe, ok that one. Right? And you will get a feeling… part of this is to learn to trust these feelings that you get, and to learn to go with the direct cognition that the rest of your… your Buddha self will actually give you. Your Buddha level of identity perceives them that way. It doesn‘t have to put a flag on somebody with a name tag that says ―I am one of the three persons that you‘re supposed to do a random act of kindness for.‖ So, play with this one. There will be three, but one of them will actually be a guardian in disguise. And that one will catch you. And just do something to let it know that it caught you, be it a smile or let you know somehow. So, there will actually be one … a regular person, but they will have a guardian visitor with them that will know … that will actually catch you with what you‘re doing, and that‘s good. So, three strangers – one of them will have guardian presence with them. It might not have it all the time, but it will have it during this period when your hologram intersects with theirs. There will be some kind of cognition. I just see like… I can see like somebody going, ‗Hi…‘ and the other person going like, ‗Whatever.‘ Cause they don‘t remember that part of themselves either. But when their guardian level comes through. Because sometimes… you know the old saying, ‗through the mouths of babes?‘ Sometimes the most prolific amazing things just fall out of the mouths of like little children. They can really be bratty little children. They are not perfect little angels all the time. But every once in a while they hit this state of consciousness. And it‘s the most prolific, amazing, Buddha type of thing you‘ll ever hear. Kids can do this. Adults can do this too. So, they are saying, there‘s going to be that kind of presence with one of those people for each of you. And see if you can sense them. See what you can do with this exercise. And they are really hoping that with this exercise, this is just the beginning of playing with them for you, because if you work with these, you will develop, you will take responsibility and really start developing your ability to reach these higher states of consciousness, and that‘s a gift no one can give to you. The Beloveds can‘t hand that to you on a silver platter. But if you work with techniques like these, they will create an opening in their conscious awareness for your mind to expand into getting it. Because there‘s a state where you can look down and you realize we all have this communication level through a net that looks like that web suit, but it‘s the universal unified field net, like that, and it‘s a good net, the original Kristic netting, the webbing. We all chose to create the little people that were are down here. So, there‘s a whole level of consciousness we can tune into, of why we decided to do the things we do down here, where those decisions are actually being made. And they are part of the transcendent states of consciousness that we‘re aiming to embody here. Because it changes the game completely. Once you get that, you really just, from here make a conscious choice of orchestrating the drama in your life, because there are levels where we are all orchestrating the drama in our lives, both individually and collectively. And when you get to that level, you have conscious control over what role you are going to play in the drama. So, we‘re aiming to go into those states. You don‘t have to be out of body in order to hit those states. The idea of bringing your Buddha selves is bringing that state right down here, where you can hold that right with your regular small me, but I‘m big me too. That kind of thing. The difference between being phase locked into three dimensional identity, or having a three dimensional identity and having your eternal identity walking right there with you, and knowing there‘s no difference between one and the other. You are this. You are this. I am this. I am this. So, that‘s the other one, where you just … the random acts of kindness for three people popping up. (Az speaking, inaudible) They can do ____. Nobody said they can‘t do ____. (Az speaking) Az is making a good point that if you look at how many people are here, about 180, and every one of you is going to get three people, that‘s going to be an awful lot of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 175 of 283

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people you‘re going to have to run into somewhere. But they don‘t have to be… they can be the same people. You can overlap, right? Where even if you just had like a small group of people, they‘re just going to feel like all the Christmases came at once, right?

Lecture 4D [Track 21 Needs Fact checking] [Kitts Track 21] A‘sha Just let it, just feel yourself… if you feel like you need to go on a hike or a trip or take a cab or a ____ or whatever, like maybe your people are there, do that. Like, nobody said you have to find them on the beach like shells. (laughter) Whatever. And you‘ll also find in this that sometimes when you look the hardest is when you find the least. Yeah. So, you realize you wanna do this and you‘re going to do this and realize they will be there. So, really, it‘s not looking for them, I gotta find them. No. it‘s more like I gotta sensitize myself to when they are there. Right? Where you start just being a bit more aware of everybody around you, and that kind of thing. There are times when we can take these states into being more aware of every thing around us, like the molecules that make up the drapes, like the tree outside. You can expand your field very very far and when you get good at doing it, you can actually put your eyes there. Talk about remote viewing. You can blow yourself up really really big into a really big sphere, and you don‘t need an astronaut suit to go visit the moon. You can seriously move the consciouness into full cognition like you have here. These are some of the potentials of when you working with these states. So, we start small. We start where we are. But, three people, and don‘t worry about them overlapping. (Az speaking, inaudible) here, you go tell them that part. Good idea. Az: You know, there‘s lots of little tricks and ways of shifting consciounessnes in a situation like this, which we don‘t discuss really much, but I know we both have discovered them. I‘ll just make a suggestion. You don‘t have to go into your head about the business of identifying feeling, knowing or understanding. What you need to do, in my opinion, is to create a different approach to tomorrow. Right? And what you‘re going to do is you‘re going to create a great day for yourself, and you‘re going to pump up the love juice just by doing that, right? And you‘re going to set yourself in an entirely different… mmm… posture, let‘s say, right? But gearing it around yourself and the abundance of love that you carry. And if you just set out to have a mini journey tomorrow, that is just there to recognize who you are, and developing bigness of who you are, and the ability of influence, things, circumstances, beings and what-not, and just ___ your ___ like that, and then set out on your journey. And I‘m telling you this, if you do that, you will see much more clearly and much more quickly. In the moment. Thank you. Alrighty, now we can all go to sleep. Thanks for being here and staying awake, and we will see you tomorrow for those who are doing the ____ set at 4:30. Okay? Nighty night.

Lecture 5: Time Passages and their Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur Awakening, Day-9 Thursday November 20 [Audio Track 24] A‘sha A‘z: Only under certain circumstances. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 176 of 283

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A‘sh: Only when I‘m exhausted darling, and I‘ve been exhausted for the last 3 days. Good evening! Participants: Good evening! A‘sh: It‘s not too bad. We‘ve an hour and 45 minutes of time. This is good. I‘ve been in transmission all day with the information pertaining to the Safe Zone Maps and that kind of stuff, so we‘re going to be covering some of the things we‘ve talked about in relation to the Light Body quotient stuff, but going more into the larger planetary scale of it to understand better where all the things we‘re learning on the personal level where they fit into the grid drama that is taking place on the planet. It will culminate in the introduction of the first level of the Safe Zone Maps. They will evolve between today and tomorrow where they‘ll be a little bit more specific. But with the Safe Zone Maps, first of all we‘ll find out what the heck is a Safe Zone anyway on a planet that is basically Falling. Good luck with that! There are Safe Zones however. We‘ll find out what they are. We‘ll also see where the primary locations, the power spots of the Safe Zones are, and the parameter. It‘s like a power parameter that the Shield of Soloman is holding, so we‘ll go through that bit. And basically we‘re going to stick to a ‗stay-on message‘ I think it‘s what they use in political terms. We will stay on message where this is Day 9, Thursday November 20th, and this is the lecture 5 – Time Passages and their Ra-sha-pa-Ta-Ur Awakening. What we‘ve been moving through is the Ra-sha-pa-Ta-Ur Awakening and a lot more than that. We‘ve come a long way in the last two lectures of understanding a bit more about what the Transcendental Passage is, what that has to do with our Probable-Selves and with our 12 Soul- Selves that…and with us at the center that are our Heroic and then our Transcendental-Selves. And the planet also has these levels of its Light Body/Matter Body structure. So we‘ll look a little bit more at that in the planetary level tonight so we can begin to understand what the grid work is that we‘re really involved with, and that will lead to understanding a bit more about ‗What are the Safe Zone Maps‘? The Safe Zone Maps become important in understanding where…when you get to the point where you realize you are a part of an Ascension crew which is a high level grid stewardship crew. I mean we‘re the only shield down here that has been entrusted with this information and has been working with it, so we are all Guardians. Why do I have that echo echo? Should I do anything different? Anybody back there on technical‘s? (chuckling) Am I alright now? Yeah, yeah, yeah? Ok. So anyway, we‘re going to see the larger—here it goes again—perspective of what we are involved in as we work with our own…developing our own Ascension potential so we can first Slide, and then later Span and get the heck out of here once it‘s time in 222 years where there are no Ascension potentials out of this matrix. We‘re not going to be here when that occurs, but there will be teams that stay for Sovereign Fall. Not our teams. They‘ll primarily be Budhara and Green Dragon teams. I am getting that feedback again. Anything I can do about that Noel? Do what? What? Do what? Noel: Bring the volume down. A‘sh: Bring the volume down? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 177 of 283

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Participant: You‘re fine. We trust you. A‘sh: Oh, you‘re going to bring the volume down! (laughter) Good, because I‘m saying I‘d be glad to but I have no idea what to do with this. (audience having a good laugh) At least I know how to talk into it. (chuckling) Thank you. I‘m like an electronics retard when it comes to down here….yeah that‘s what I‘m wondering. Will it help if I do anything with the microphone? Do I need it up further? .... Ok up further, great! Participant: Just microphone karma. A‘sh: Keeping up at my chin. Microphone karma, right! (Chuckles) At the end of the technical session of mylars and things that get into the planetary grids and stuff, we will end this evening with doing what we were going to do last evening, where we will go out onto the beach and do what I‘m considering Aqua-Tone Technique 5A which is actually a Shadra Shield. That is the beginning part before we get into using the Ah-LE‟i-ya‟s of Momentum. First you‘ve got to generate the things that you do momentum with, and that happens to be the Orbs. So we‘re going to go out and begin the Orb Fest with a little Orb Bath experience, and remember the Orbs are the…what are called the Ah-VE‘-ya part of the element…of the conscious element atoms of the Median-Earth level. The Median- Ascension Earth level. They are that 1 little top ball…when you think of a whole element it has its Elemental which is the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s. They are the parts that actually shift down into our reality spectrum in order to work with us in healing the Shona fields within our bodies so we can reach higher. The first 3 pages when I go into the mylars, I will read them. They are hand scratched because we‘re not even typesetting at this point here, but it will give us a better idea of what the process is that is called Slide. It has to do with the first question…if we‘re going to talk about Safe Zone Maps, question A – ‗What is a Safe Zone‘? So we started there. And the Beloveds gave a…basically it was at least only a 1 page explanation of what that is, and then there were a couple of other questions that came after that. So I‘ll actually use those handwritten things as mylars, and I‘ll be able to go from there and probably my Azara level will come through with a wave and fills in more words that aren‘t on the mylars. They will help us understand a little bit about…we‘ve talked about Slide in relation to our own personal selves, about getting our light quotient up in the body. But what is this about when we talk about it on the planetary level? We‘re doing all these planetary grid things of opening the Grail Doors of the Median-Earth level and then the level down here, NET-Earth level. What does all this mean and what will it culminate in? The explanations they gave under the heading of ‗What is a Safe Zone‘? They help us understand the entire process that this is about. The process applies to a person or a plot of land, or an area of land that has the ability to Slide and what the Slide actually is about. And when we get to the exercise technique thing that we‘re going to do on the beach---hopefully if I can carry the wave well enough to bring comprehension to all of us on it---we‘ll have a better idea of where we are actually projecting to, how that fits into the entire scheme of what becomes quite an amazing thing. We are being entrusted with a most sacred job down here. The Azurite Shield---which is anybody who cares to be a part of these teachings and this work---we‘re being entrusted with the Guardians that are literally making the difference between whether any Ascension is possible from this planet from this point forth or not. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 178 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

If things had gone a different way---and we would have known actually---a little sign would have been the outcome of the election in the States. If the other team had won we would have been taking a different course of action because it would have meant the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan didn‘t hold. And it would have meant that we were simply going to mobilize the Indigo forces and the Krystic forces as quickly as possible to pull the Shield out before it got really bad, and before it became hunted and those kind of things. The fact that the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan did hold. The fact that Mr Obama is going to be our next President is quite---in the States---is quite fascinating. It doesn‘t mean that there won‘t be a World War 3 between the Reds and the Greens, but it does mean that there are many many that are going to help us in the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan, and we‘re going to help them. They won‘t be going where we‘re going most of them. They will go to Sovereign Fall but under the Kryst, under the Budhara in Kryst Host Matrix. But we‘ll work together in the meantime. It means we‘ll be staying longer. It means we‘ll have a bit more freedom while we stay. So the fact that we‘re being entrusted with the opening of a set of grids here that nobody even knows exists besides us, that‘s quite…just amazing as far as the Watchtowers and the Sentinels. These things have been entrusted to us. This knowledge hasn‘t been on the planet since before Atlantis fell as far as where the locations were of these places. We‘ve been teaching about them publicly and letting you know, and you‘ve been helping us, and we‘ve been helping the Beloveds to activate these sites. From the time period from now on until the time that we do Slide out of here and go to Median-Earth, these grids are under our entrustment. It‘s amazing! I just look at it and go ‗God, I hope I can live up to whatever my role is supposed to be in this because it is huge!‘ Hopefully in describing some of the things…in showing you some of the things that have to do with ‗what does this mean on the planetary level‘? It will help for you to understand the hugeness of the entrustment that is being given to all of us in holding these grids, and what it can mean if we do well. There are places on this planet…not whole…the whole planet can‘t do it, but there are places that can actually shift up and become part of the land mass of Median-Earth which would be just as physical there as we know ourselves here. And it‘s not just the people. The land masses, and that includes some of the plants and animals and things that live on them. Some of the houses and structures that are on them. You could actually be a part of helping a whole community say, to shift up into Median-Earth Ascension, because we have 222 years left of the Load-Out, and this is the Load-Out. Once that time period comes, and a lot of us won‘t be here to see it, a lot of us will choose to shift over before that happens. But this is huge in terms of you and Galactic history. When a Galaxy is closing down, where its Ascension Passages are closing down that means every system in that Galaxy is also going into Black Hole Fall space and it‘ll get home eventually in space dust return. It‘s a different set of teachings. A different set of books are written for systems that cannot Ascend anymore. But we are on the other side of that veil. We are actually moving into the ones that we are getting the full Ascension Teachings. Understand how it works. Eventually we‘ll have jobs over there. What we‘ve learned here will be kind of like going to school. Like first Primary School, Secondary School, and then College. We‘ll come in with some kind of Degree in terms of what we know. Just the fact that we know ‗What was the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan?‘ Or ‗What is a Star Gate?‘ Or any of this stuff. The fact that we know this…do you know how few people on this planet even cognate these things exist? Maybe the writers of like Star Gate Atlantis and stuff have a little clue, but they think it‘s fiction. We are living the fiction. And it isn‘t fiction. And it is just fascinating, so I wanted to point that out. As we go into this it will help us understand the technical‘s a little bit better, and taking it from ourselves into the larger planetary scale, and then tomorrow when we do the final wrap-up…if I do my job well I will be able to bring together the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 179 of 283

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personal parts of ‗why are we doing these exercises again?‘ (chuckling) And ‗how often are we supposed to do them?‘ We‘ll get that stuff all wrapped up and where that fits in relation to the Light Body quotient as far as how much light, ShaLAea Light quotient do you have in your body? Why is it important to pay attention to that? And then bring that into the larger spectrum of what the planet is going through now, and what your role is as walking as a conscious Transcendent Being on this planet, realizing you are part of a major Inter-Galactic Host that is taking place that most people on this planet have amnesia to the point where they will never remember unless they get out. And if they get out eventually they will remember and be able to look back on it. So it‘s an amazing shift of identity for the personal self where there‘s such a responsibility. It‘s almost like geeze! These big shoes just happened to be put on you and you kind of go ‗Gee, (chuckling) I hope I can walk in them!‘ Where it‘s one thing to walk as your little 3-dimensional self down here and play with the idea of you came from somewhere else, and that ‗I think I was alive before I was born‘.. ‗I think I‘ll be alive after I was born‘, but not really remembering any of it. Another thing to actively step into those shoes and walk this place as a Guardian, who was aware of the larger things that are affecting it here not expecting the feedback from the other people to reaffirm your reality. There‘s a place where you have to come to know that this is real. And regardless of whether your‘e mother, father, sister, brother, anybody else in your family, your spouse approves or agrees with you, it doesn‘t matter! You learn to honor your own understanding of it, and it puts you in a really different space. This whole workshop period of this 10 day intensive from (chuckles) my perspective, has been about trying to help us realize what that shift is about. Not just doing the activations that will create it on the biological level, but about expanding the mind and the perception of identity of self-definition, because you can identify with the small self, ‗my mum or dad named me this, and I was born at this date, and that‘s when my body came to be, and when my body ceases to be I‘m gone‘‘ Or you can start to remember and consciously choose to identify with the part of yourself that is still with you, always has been. The fact that you guys are here shows that you want to do that. So I hope that our work can help you in doing that. It‘s not something we can do for you, but you can do it for yourselves. And we are in no greater position than you, and you are in no lesser position than us as we work with this, of trying to struggle to become consciously functional Guardians down in this place. So it‘s very nice when we get together and we just have this time and space when we work together as a family from elsewhere regardless of race, religion, where we came from. Down here all that doesn‘t matter. We come together because we remember something. We remember a place that is beyond here. We remember a set of ethics that are beyond those that run this system, and we remember a longing to go back into the place where joy is the natural state of being. Where people are kind, where there aren‘t all these crazy, corrupted things happening down here like you have in the governments, in the politics and the way it‘s here. All of us share that in common.

[Audio Track 24 0:15:36] (Safe Zone Maps Question A: What is a Safe Zone?) So if we put up the first mylar, this is a reading one. We‘ll go into understanding a little bit about Safe Zones and ‗What is a Safe Zone? What does that have to do with the Planet? What does that have to do with the process, the process of Slide?‘ So I think I would like to start with the first one honey please. (Ash & Az speaking with each other) Ash: hmm? Az: (unable to pick up) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 180 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

Ash: Eyes out of the way? Yes, eyes out of the way (chuckles). Yeah. Too often I‘m like talking to you and it‘s like I stand in front it by accident because I‘m not paying attention. Since the main focus when I looked at the description that the Beloveds had given as far as what this lecture is supposed to be about, one of the main important things that I know you guys want to know about…I could sense you wanted to know about the Safe Zone Maps because we‘ve been talking about them for a while. Believe me I‘d like to know too! So my first question was ―Ok. You guys are going to give us the beginnings of the Safe Zone Maps in this lecture. Can you answer a question for me first‘? ‗What is a Safe Zone? How do you define a Safe Zone?‟ ‗Before you worry about where they are, it would be nice to understand what they are.‖ And that‘s where the next 3 pages of very brief…I mean you could probably go a chapter on each question, but in a nutshell they answered the question this way, and there‘s a lot of information in the answer they gave. Can I have the pointer please honey so I can follow. So I don‘t lose it. You know, go cross-eyed when I‘m trying to read. Oop! Yeah! Thank you. What is a Safe Zone? Now if we talk about Safe Zones they are thingies, places that exist on the planet that you‘d be better off being than others as the Earth goes into the cycle of changes. But what is a Safe Zone? And here‘s how they answered this. They said, ‗First of all a Safe Zone is a Slide Zone. A place whose local grids contain an Ah-VE’-ya’s Uni-genetic Underlay Edonic Shield.‘ Now remember we talked about that interesting Web of Hydrolase that turns on between the Axiatonal and Meridian lines and runs on a diagonal all the way through the body, the personal body? Well a Safe Zone is a place that the local shield, and there will be a parameter…how many miles from its epicenter in one direction or the other, what the diameter of that shield will be. But that shield will contain the Coding for the Uni-genetic Underlay on the Edonic level. Not all portions of the planetary grids have that Shield Coding, and these Codings were set a long time ago. They haven‘t given me a lot of history on when, but it has to do with the original Fall of Tara when the Amenti Host was set 550 million years ago. So there were certain grids that were plugged into the Uni-genetic Underlay system that would allow for… well evacuation when necessary, and activation of certain things that would make those places safer than others if the planet was not able to get the rest of its grid healed. Where it could go into its own organic state of having these Underlays. The Underlays---the Uni-genetic Underlays---are a natural part of a Krystic structure. But when you have a Hosting planet like Earth was when it came into being Earth---550 million years when they put it in as Amenti-Earth---it already had grid damage. Where you have grid damage you have the Uni-genetic Underlay turned off where it just can‘t access through the grids. The Coding is not there in the grids. So the Safe Zones…if you look at the whole planetary surface to start with, there are some places that have…and they‘re circular in form. They‘re like a circular Shield that has a diameter of Uni-genetic Underlays, a Shield. And that Shield is called an Ah-VE‟-ya‟s Shield. The Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield does certain things. Now the Ah-VE‟-ya‟s Uni-genetic Underlay Edonic Shield allows for the ShaLAea atomic quotient to separate from the Shona atomic base. Now that means in an area…if you have an area of grids that happens to have one of these Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields underneath it, what the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield can do is when it activates, it allows for the dynamics of atomic separation The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 181 of 283

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between the organic ShaLAea atomic structure and the inorganic Shona structure, where the ShaLAea organic structure can actually shift angular rotation of particle spin away from the part that is not. Now…for there are certain levels where Bi-location can occur at a certain point, if a grid or a person has x amount of light they can shift a part of their ShaLAea particles into the states that are able to go up into projection. But there‘s a certain level of light quotient in a body or in a matter area, in an area say…if you have let‘s say Miami for example, just pulling it out of a hat. Let‘s say if Miami was an area---they haven‘t said it is---but if it was, everything there is made of matter just like we are made of matter and every place you go here has atoms. Now atoms have…there is always this War of Attrition where some areas have more atoms that are natural ShaLAea constructs and some have more Shona. The portions of the ShaLAea atoms in a particular structure have the ability--when the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields activate---to actually shift angular rotation of particle spin and move into alignment with the Transcendental Passage in order to go into the Um-shaddhi states in a process that allows them to actually go up into the next level. The parts of the same matter objects that are made of Shona will not make that shift. Now if there is a stronger Shona amount than there is of ShaLAea, you‘ll not get a full atomic Slide where the physical form actually moves. So the processes that we‘ll read here come down to percentages of how much ShaLAea Light percentage you have… will tell you…not just you, but the building you‘re in or the grids you‘re standing on, that kind of thing. There are places on the planet just like there are persons that have different light levels. If you want to be able to make a full Translocation Slide which is all the atoms go even if they‘re not all fully ShaLAea yet, there has to be a percentage. 75% ShaLAea is required for a full Slide to Translocation. That means where you did it as a person, you would actually disappear atomically from here and end up in the other spaces on the next level up. Where if you had less than that you could still participate in the processes involved with the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields, but 50 to 60% ShaLAea quotient. Remember we will have 60% when we leave here. That is what is the minimum for a Bi-location Slide , which means the part of you that is made of ShaLAea atoms will make the shift, but there will still be a part of you…there is still a significant amount of Shona that is anchoring you here and holding you here, so you will find your consciousness split---your conscious awareness split---into two spaces, and try to keep track of both of them as far as simultaneous memories where you‘re actually moving through simultaneous reality fields at the same time, which can be quite confusing. And‘s nice…it‘s better than being stuck here completely. It‘s better than not being able to get out of your own head and your own body at all, but Slide 1 is almost like a tantalizing taste of what is possible afterward where yes, if you can Bi-locate that‘s a good start. But to be able to Translocate where you actually can move the entire atomic structure and pop up seriously someplace else and realize you just did it fully conscious, and realize that the people…that if there had been people around you when you did it back where you came from, they would see you disappear at that moment. The same thing can happen with pieces of land or water. Pieces of the Earth‘s Crust, pieces of the Earth‘s Mantle are capable of doing that too depending on their quotient potentials---their light quotient potentials---but it is a minimum for something to disappear from here and even temporarily visit up in Median-Earth, would require 75% ShaLAea quotient. For something to make that shift and permanently stay in Transmigration where they Span and they just don‘t come back and they pull all their quantum out of here, that would require 80% of ShaLAea Light quotient, and that is the equivalent of a Ma-Sha-Yah Fold. So there are the Ma-Sha-Yah Folds that we‘ve talked about. There are planetary grids that fit into this category as well. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 182 of 283

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When you think of the planet and if you like say drew little circles on a map and some of those circles had these Ah-VE‘ya‘s Shields, if you could get the light quotient of those grids up to the 75% level they could actually beam out temporarily. Seriously just Slide out and go into a Transcendent state. Ought to be interesting to see what happens down here when something Slides out that way. They haven‘t answered that one for me yet. I mean, is there no grids left, or does the Va-Bha‘-TE get left where there is still the structure of what appeared to be there before but only in the Va-BhaTE, the donated quantum form? I think that is how it works. But they‘re explaining to us the process that not only persons go through, but so do areas of land mass. The reason they are explaining this to us now is because the process that we are involved in is not just getting ourselves and our own booty out of here into safe Ascension, but those who actually get to that level are being asked to help certain parts of the planetary grids to get out too. We are the Keepers of the Ascension potential of portions of the Earth‘s body, not just our own bodies, and that‘s why they are teaching us how this works. That‘s why they are showing us where Gates are and how they work and all this kind of thing. So as the question evolved…could we move that down just a bit more please? Back to where we started. So the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Uni-genetic Underlay Edonic Shield allows for ShaLAea atomic quotient to separate from the Shona atomic base. Then the ShaLAea atoms shift angular rotation of particle spin 90 0. They actually shift from a vertical alignment to whatever the reality system is here, into a horizontal alignment so they are able to go back through the Transcendental Passage of the Bardoah Chamber and move into the Um-shaddhi spaces. The Planes between the different dimensional reality fields and the different Density reality fields. So it‘s literally the part of your body, or the part of a planetary grid‘s body that is made of ShaLAea Light. When the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields activate, they will actually go through a set of energy infusions that will then allow them to come out of the phase-lock of angular rotation of particle spin, because right now our ShaLAea and our Shona light levels are holding the same angular rotation of particle spin. But it will allow the ShaLAea parts to shift out of that, to shift 900 so they can do a horizontal run back through the Transcendental Passage in order to go into the next stage which is kind of fascinating too. As we get through these 3 pages, it‘s actually revealing the process that occurs when Ok! You get the shift in angular rotation of particle spin of your ShaLAea parts, then what happens? So as we read through this I will embellish the words, but this is how they helped me to understand---just with these 3 little pages---the basic processes of persons--but also portions of our planet---are involved in. So (they?) separate from the Shona atomic base, then the ShaLAea atoms as a collective holding the form still that they‘re in shift 900 to a horizontal and enter the Transcendental Passage and the Um-shaddhi Edonic Planes for Slide Passage into the matter fields of the next level up. Now this happens on each level. We‘re going from right now…we‘re moving from a Probable-Earth or Probable-Self into our God-Self level. When you look at that structure in terms of the planet, the NET-Earth is a Probable-Earth. There is the original Amenti-Earth which would be the God-Self level of the Amenti-Earth, and that is Median-Earth. Median-Earth holds that full capacity. It‘s got 1 of its quantum because it‘s actually been broken down into… 13 of it went into Blend-Earth and 13 went into Phantom 3 Fall. But the Median-Earth still holds the original encryption of the entire…it‘s the 1 st Bud level of the Amenti-Earth that was seeded in. When we go up from there we go into the AshaLA level in the Density 2. So just like we showed these levels in terms of our Personal-Selves and our Probable-Selves trying to get to the GodSelf level, and then that being a whole incarnate, and then that being just 1 of 12 incarnates going into the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 183 of 283

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Transcendent-Self, the whole Soul level, these levels apply to a planet and a Solar System as well. And a Galaxy. We are dealing with it now on a personal level but also trying to understand the planetary level of it. So we go into the Transcendental Passage in the Um-shaddhi Edonic Planes for Slide Passage into the matter fields in the next level up. From where we are right now the next level up is Median-Earth, which just means we are going from a probable reality system into the Heroic-God Self probability system, like the whole self---the whole incarnate of Earth space----is taking place in that space. So, we‗re moving from the Probability-Self of 1 of 12 into the center point on the first Density-1 level. And there‘s all sorts of Seals and Passages involved with that, things that have to turn on in the body and in the Axiatonal lines and Meridian lines etc, to enable the body to do this. Now once the Density-1 matter structures composed of ShaLAea atoms…so it‘s only your ShaLAea atoms that are capable of going through this, and same with any grid space that has a Shield under it that‘s capable of activating. Only the ShaLAea parts will make that shift. But once the Density-1 matter structures composed of ShaLAea atoms enter the Um-shaddhi state, the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals---remember they were those little orbs from the next level up---the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals of the next level up shift their angular rotation of particle spin downward. So we shifted ours upward to be able to make it…we actually shifted horizontally to make that upward journey into the next level up. They actually shift theirs downward where they are making a 900 shift, and point downward so they can move into the Um-shaddhi band as well with us in order to merge with the ShaLAea atoms of our Ascending ShaLAea matter. So the Elementals from Density-2…if you wanted to look at it for a Density…right now we‘re looking at not quite Density1/ Density-2 yet because Median-Earth is still Density-1. We‘re in Density-1 here too. We are a fragment of the full Heroic-God Self of Amenti-Earth. That is what Median-Earth is, but it still is Density-1 imprint. So the next level up for us…we‘re moving from a Density-1 probability level into the Density-1 full Heroic-Self of Earth level which is the MedianEarth level. So the Elementals from Median-Earth actually shift their axis downward to put that…how they have that Tri-Veca configuration. They actually tip upside down and put their Orb part---the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s part of the whole set downward in order to link with our ShaLAea atoms that had gone upward, and this allows for the following things to happen. Ok! So they go into the downward position in the Um-shaddhi Band and that‘s where we start to see Orbs---the Elemental Orbs--and they merge with the ShaLAea atoms of the Ascending ShaLAea matter form. So the Elementals of the next level up merge with the atoms that have made it into ShaLAea shift in order to shift these atoms that are halfway there, all the up into the next matter state where they are filled out in full atomic form. So the Um-shaddhi Bands are like places where the next level up comes down to meet you if you can get up halfway to meet the next level up. And you bond there, and then the Orbs…as we have come to call them. The Elemental Orbs. Once they bond with our atoms here, they will shift back to their normal orientation and bring ours---our atoms---with that shift back into the natural configuration of angular rotation of particle spin for that next level up. So there‘s this literal process of the Orbs, and not all Orbs are just the Elementals. You have larger Orbs and Orbs with different configurations that are actually definite beings. Like we have the Aquafereion and we‘ve had the ZionA come in in Orb structures that aren‘t the little ones. The little ones that look like Orb snow, these are the ones that…they are the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals coming down. Actually shifting down. It means they have two parts of themselves up still in the Median-Earth, and they shift one part of themselves down so we can interact with them and see them. That is what we are going to be calling in and having our first…there is the thing called the Orb Bath.

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When you are dealing with these elementals from Median-Earth, when they come in…I‘ve described a little bit of this before in I think last night‘s lecture, that when they come in, they have the ability to accrete the portions of our own atomic units and the light field around them that has been fragmented due to the mutations here, bring them back in and host our atoms being pulled back into the natural configuration, getting their missing part of their joule back, getting the missing part of their energy structure back, which will pull them out of the bond of the Shona field. So when the Elementals come all the way down to here, we start to shift up into the Um-shaddhi spaces to meet them, and they start to shift down. And when we meet in that place they are actually helping to transmute out the Shona fields and free the part of our fields that the GharE‘ and our atoms…that were stuck in Shona bonds. So this is the beginning. But when we go into full on…when you get into a certain level of light quotient and you get fully into the Um-shaddhi states, they are the places between the veils of time where what‘s above shifts down halfway, and what‘s below makes it halfway into a shift, a meeting place. And from that place, what is above can bring you through into atomic materialization in the next level up, and that is what a Slide is about. That is how it occurs. It involves specific processes in the body that have to do with Celestalline Waves and have to do with the Uni-genetic Underlay in the body. But the same process that we go through, areas of planetary grids can go through too. And this is eventually…once we get to understand this---at least be able to wrap our brains around how this works with our personal selves---the Beloveds would like us to realize that there are areas on the planet that still have the ability to do this. And they would appreciate it very much that once we became personally able to do it, if we would accept a Grid Commission to take care of those Grids and get them through. Because if you‘ve got the ability, if you‘ve grown yourself to have the ability of being able to make these shifts, you have an amazing gift to bring to this planet. You can actually go to Grids that have a potentiality of the light quotient necessary and help to amplify them, so you can actually float an island through. It might actually be a part of a Grid land-locked in the middle of a country, but it ends up as an island when it gets over to the other side because it was the only space or Grids in that particular area that held enough light quotient. Where you put your bodies as we go through these activations, your bodies become beacons that amplify the light field in the immediate Grids around you, so you become a healer just in the presence of being and breathing and walking. And there are certain areas that have potential already to make it through into a Hosted Slide, that there‘s going to be a point, and we‘ll probably talk about it more tomorrow where we‘re going to be asked to…when it comes to making home, where do we feel we belong? Where do we want to be? There are certain areas that still have potential. They are going to suggest that those who have the ability… that if you have potential to make it through Slide, it‘s a good idea to go to areas that still have a potential to make it through Slide because if you don‘t, you‘re just going to end up in a relatively energetically hostile environment that is really not interested in anything you care about as far as ideas or anything like that, and you‘re not going to be able to do anything with the Grids there. Some people will go into places like that to pull out individuals…to get certain individuals out to a safer space. But there are what would be considered Safe Zones that are still on the Slide Zone Map. Areas that can still have the potential of getting up to the 75% light quotient level where they can actually make an atomic Slide once the full transitions occur. The full transitions aren‘t going to occur for another 222 years. When they do, they‘re probably going to be before they even happen. There‘s going to be Grid tearing that happens anyway. There are going to be Earth Changes here. If we‘re lucky we can hold them off past 2012 and further into the future, but eventually they will occur just because the Omega Code has activated. We‘ll talk a little bit about that when we get onto the planetary maps and what the Omega Code is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 185 of 283

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doing and what the Shield of Soloman is doing to at least hold that, and hold the Ascension potential here for the next 222 years. After that, we won‘t be able to stay here. We won‘t be able to hold the Grids anymore, and they will go wherever it is the Green Dragons in association with the Budhara teams in Kryst Fall…whatever they choose to do and hold. But they will still have the battle that they got themselves into with the Red and White Dragons. But that‘s a battle we won‘t be a part of anymore. There‘s other things, there are many many species not just from this planet that are moving through Median-Earth because Median-Earth has that connection just like Earth did. There are healing sanctuaries in literally the Galactic spectra because we hold that connection from Earth-3 to Median-Earth number Star Gate-3, to AshaLA number Star Gate-3, to ShaLa number Star Gate-3, to going into Urtha number Star Gate-3 all the way up to Andromeda. So there are healing stations. These are healing planets. We‘ve done this before with the fires on Tara and that kind of stuff. But there are a lot of jobs that…it‘s like it‘s not great to take a job that…especially if a big Fall is involved where you‘re going to end up in a Black Hole system being a very very good teacher when there are so many good teachers needed even on the Ascent levels. So those who are going to Fall can do it well if they can. If there‘s people that don‘t have the ability to actually make it into a Slide Ascension and the highest level they can go is to a Sovereign Kryst Fall, that‘s good. That‘s much better than going down Procyak Black Hole systems. They will have a certain set of teachings and books. But what we will teach is how to go through the Median-Earth process and then out from there, because it‘s not just about us here on this planet. It‘s about everything from the Milky Way Galaxy system that has…still has Ascension potential left that it will need Guardians and people to help it just like the Beloveds are helping us evolve into getting our light quotient up and healing ourselves so we can reclaim that Ascension. There are magnitudes of beings coming from the Milky Way system because these grid closures in 222 years from now are not just on a planetary level. It is just literally, the Milky Way Galaxy is becoming a finite system unto itself. It will lose its connections to M31. That was the Galaxy it fell out of. So this is a huge mission and there‘s going to be a lot of like notes on the board in the employment agency when you get to Median-Earth (chuckling) as far as your specialties. So let‘s get back into this and see…this gets a little bit complicated, but in the complexity it helps us to understand some of the things we‘re doing with our personal body activations. So once the matter structures composed of ShaLAea atoms enter the Um-shaddhi state, the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals of the next level up shift their angular rotation of particle spin downward into the Um-shaddhi Band and merge with the ShaLAea atoms of the Ascending ShaLAea matter form. Then the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals shift their angular rotation of particle spin back to their home focus bringing the ShaLAea form with them. So in other words, we get to that halfway point, the Orbs come down and meet us, they shift by shifting theirs down to meet us. Then they shift their elemental angular rotation of particle spin back, and as they shift back we end up with atomic manifestation and materialization in the next level up. So it‘s a pass-through zone. It‘s a natural pass-through function actually of the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures of both persons, but also planets and Solar Systems. Let‘s see. So when we shift back up, they shift back up to their home focus and they bring our form---the ShaLAea form--with them. When all have shifted to the new angular rotation of particle spin of the next level up the Ascended ShaLAea form---the one that came from below---materializes as made of the next Density up. ShaLAea Ah-TU‘-mas atoms. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 186 of 283

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So you shift into the natural atom structure of up there, and when you get to a certain point---if you have the 80%---you can actually at that point vaporize anything left behind that was Shona and take it with you, and you can actually cut the cord and not be tethered to the one below. But we‘re aiming for these, and these right now. When we leave we‘ll have this potential, and we‘ll be trying to build next to the 75% light potential in order to be able to at least Translocate where you still have a portion of your Shona fields that you have to transmute down here that still anchor you down here, but this is where the Dr Who man comes in at this point. This is where you can actually space-time shift temporarily, but have to come back to your home focus until you get more of the light quotient built to reach 80%. So this is what we‘re working on. But this is also what portions of the planetary Grids are working on, and there are areas that we‘re going to be asked to protect that still have that potential. And even if they just end up with one house on an island that was like the Lot that you have sat on, that ends up as an island up in Median-Earth. That is an accomplishment, and that means you got a portion of the Earth‘s consciousness itself out into a Hosted Ascension. So we‘re going to be asked to hold that Ascension here for that potential for the planet. It‘s a really big jump! It‘s like I‘m still trying to wrap my brain around how to get my own sorry butt out of here right! (chuckling) Seriously!!! It‘s like God! Time is always making me nuts down here! I‘m always late no matter what I try to do‘. Things like that, just stupid little personal stuff. And they were saying ‗Oh by the way, would you mind Sliding through that county‘? (Chuckles) ‗I‘m lucky if I can get me through!‘ you know what I mean? But they are confident that we will get through. There will be percentages of us that do indeed get through, and if we have the absolute joy of reaching that potential ourselves, it‘s a no brainer to go back and try to help a portion of this Earth that a lot of us…most of us do love. Just because the systems of the Earth have become corrupt does not mean the Earth is corrupt. The Earth allowed herself to be victimized actually, to push it right to the limit as far as anything...if it could Bio-regenerate here, she would give it the opportunity. She knew she would Fall doing it, but she also counted on a good portion of herself getting back out through the Guardian teams. We are one of them, and as far as I know we are the only large one on the planet because I have not seen anybody else that isn‘t working…like any large groups. You know the public groups that are teaching stuff? They‘re all teaching Metatronics. I would love to find a group 10 times our size, 12 times our size here that were teaching the Krystic Grid work and the Krystic Metaphysics, but I haven‘t found them yet. We might have to shift to Um-shaddhi state to find them. But we are small. Our little group down here is actually very very small, not only compared to the Metatronic crews on the planet, but also compared to the huge Krystic Guardian crews that are working from Median- Earth. They look at us like an endangered species down here. We are. (chuckles) We are seriously! Now this was just page 1 which started with asking the question ‗What is a Safe Zone anyway‘? So if we go back to answering that question we got a lot of information as far as how processes work, but the basic answer to the question was…can we shift it down to the top please? ‗A Safe Zone is a Slide Zone. A place whose local grids contain an Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Uni-genetic Underlay Edonic Shield‘. Good definition! Next one please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 187 of 283

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[Audio Track 24 0:45:38] (Safe Zone Maps Question B: How does the A-VE‘-yas Underlay Edonic Shield create the Slide?) This is how I work with the Beloveds sometimes, just like wha wha wha wha wha wha wha. And I go….. ‗OK!!!!!‘ Question 1 takes like 3 days just to come up with an intelligent question after they gave a dissertation with all new words and concepts in it. Second question was ‗ok got that‘. That‘s what a Safe Zone is. ‗How does the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Unigenetic Underlay Edonic Shield create the Slide? What is the dynamic of this‘? ‗I mean you gave us a little idea of we had to shift our ShaLAea parts into 90 0 angular rotation of particle spin shift so we could align with the Transcendental Passage, which is that one on a personal level that comes out in back of you. So it‘s like laying down horizontal. We have to do that. And then we go through and we get met up by the Orbs from above, and we all shift together and materialize up in the next level. Great! That‘s like a really not heavily technical explanation. Is there any more we need to understand about this?‘ was where that question came from. ‗How does it exactly create Slide?‖ This is the answer we got. ‗The Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield when activated turns on the Trans-Vector Pa-Ta Codes‟. Now remember the Pa-Ta-Urs that we‘ve been integrating in the Density-1, Density-2, and Density-3? Those little sets of 3 Eternal Life atoms that we have been progressively reclaiming that belong to ourselves? So when the shield activates it turns on the Trans-Vector which means there are more than 1 Vector. Now a Vector is 2 Event Horizons like if you‘re looking at the Elum-Eir‘-Adhona Spirit Body. If you‘re on Vector 4---that means on Horizon 4---the other part of that Horizon is the 10 Horizon, and together 4/10 is a Vector. Now that‘s 1 Vector. So this is Trans-Vector. That means being able to go more than just to the Adjugate across, but actually move Vectors. So if you were on like the 1/7 Vector Line you could move say to the 3/9 Vector Line. It‘s literally bringing in the Codes into the body, or into the Grid area that is going to shift, of the other probabilities that allow for it to shift space-time location into a more preferred center probability, and that‘s just the probability level. Then we get into…once you become your Heroic-Self by integrating the Vectors of the Probable-Selves, then the next step is integrating the Vectors of the 12 different Soul aspects of yourself. Now if we have I incarnation that from 1 fetal pattern, and that has 12 of the Probable-Selves. If you look at that in terms of a planet you have say, Amenti-Earth has its whole self in the center, and then there‘s 12 probable versions of that. When we get back to the God-Self of Earth we get Amenti-Earth. But then, when you take that into the same concept of Ok, if we become our personal 1 Incarnate---our full Incarnate--that is just 1 of 12 Incarnates, that if we assemble all of those we have the consciousness of our Self as a Soul, a full Transcendenta-Self Soul that has 12 different space-time locations. When you put that on the planetary level, 12 different space-time locations of a planet implies 12 different identities---planetary identities---just like you have 1 fetal pattern as 1 Incarnate. When you get into the Soul level, that fetal pattern is only 1 of 12. So the Earth‘s imprint at that point would be only 1 of 12 of its other Incarnate-Selves, each one would be a different planet or star. And when you put all of those together at the center, you would have a Central Sun that would be the HUB on the Density-2 level. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 188 of 283

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So this is how it works. The same process of our 12 Probable-Selves, and when you bring them altogether you get your 1st Density-1 Buddha-Self, your Bud-Self in the center. The same applies to planets. And then when you take that 1 fully Incarnate Bud-Self, it is 1 of 12 of the fully Incarnate ones just like that, but each of you have a different Fetal Pattern or Core Seed. But when you put them altogether you get the Bud-Self out of which they came. Planets work the same way. Stars work the same way. So we go back to this. It gets a bit complicated but it also explains some of the things, at least sort of, that were in the workshop description as far as KaranAdial Convergence and all of this stuff. (chuckles) I mean they come through the dictation right, and ‗How do you spell that?‘ and I write it down and it‘s like ‗Great! We got a workshop description‘. ‗What does it mean‘? I have no clue. When I show up for the workshop, no, I don‘t know until we go through the more tight transmissions that explain ‗What is that anyway?‘ They are the ones that choose it. Once in a while I get to ask questions like ‗Can we just stop it there and just please help me orient like what is a Safe Zone? (laughs) And this one was ‗How does this process work as far as the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields creating Slide?‘ So they went into this. The Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield when activated turns on the Trans-Vector Pa-Ta Codes of the Buddha‘s or the Bud levels, the Density-1 God-Self and the Density-2 Transcendent Bud-Centers--- those center cells---within the Axiatonal and Meridian, Axiom and Ley-lines Now Axiatonal and Meridian lines apply to your bodies---our individual bodies---but when we get to the planetary level they‘re called Axiom and Leylines. So we have the Axiom and Leylines on the planetary level. So these Codes, these Trans-Vector Codes that have the Codes of the various other probables---the other probable versions of that Self, those other 11 probabilities---they get coded in and they start turning on in the Axiom and Leylines of the system, or on a personal level in the Axiatonal and Meridian lines of the physical body, so once they start to turn on in the region contained within the Shield parameter. So the Shields have a specific diameter---a specific size---and it‘s only within those areas will the planetary Axiom and Leylines carry the Trans-Vector Codes. The Trans-vector Codes allow for bringing those Vectors together to go back into the center which allows for Slide, and a Slide occurs. We‘re going from the Outer Domains of the Radon Fields that we‘re all in here, and literally Sliding through into the Middle Domains of the Edons. They are Edonic matter and they are Edonic Slide Zones which means you take a step through into the Middle Domains, and then come back out through them into the next level up of the Radon Domains. So you can have to like go to the Middle to get back to the Outer, is a quick way through. It‘s much faster than the longer process of accretion when you just take the Radon structure up. And it‘s actually a huge privilege to be able to use the Edonic pass-through‘s. It‘s a Guardian entrustment to be able to do that. So anyway, we got the Trans-Vector Codes turned on in the Axiom lines of the region contained within the Shield parameter. When the Trans-Vector Bud Codes reach critical mass activation…once they start to activate, then they‘ll build and build and build as far as transmitting the frequencies in the Axiom and Leylines. When they reach critical mass activation within the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield and Axiom and Leylines, the Density level Pa-Ta atoms converge. Remember we have the Pa-Ta atoms. We have the…let me see if I can remember my Pa-Tas. We have the Ra-sha-paTa-Ur, 3 little Atoms on the Density-1 level, and they are the ones that are actually in our Azur-A area. Then we have the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 189 of 283

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Pa-Ta Um-Eir‟-A that go with Density-2 that were in our E-Umbi area, and then we have the Pa-Ta REi‟-hai-ya Density3 ones that are in our Pineal area. Now the planet body has the equivalence of those 3 Locks---the 3 Shield Locks---the E-Umbi, the Azur-A and the Rajhna. What happens when the Density Pa-Ta atoms converge within the KaranAdial Seal Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Point? Now remember when we go into our KaranAdial Space, we go into our Seal, and we go into the Changing Room Orb Space in there…not Orb but Sphere? And we find that Lotus, that Krystal Lotus at the center? This is what they‘re talking about. That is the KaranAdial Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Point, and that is the Control Point for all of the other Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points like the Spiritual Heart and the others that we activated last night I believe. When the critical mass activation of these Codes reaches in the Axiatonal and Meridian lines---and this is where exercises come in on the physical body by the way, it helps to do that faster---then the Density Pa-Ta atoms converge, which means they come together. They move from where they are and come together into the KaranAdial Seal Lotus Point---that Lotus in the center of that---and this…when they do that, it‘s activating the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Point as the Inner Sun of Aquareion. The First Living Atom of the Density above. So when those 3 Pa-Ta atoms come together, converge in your KaranAdial Seal---and the same for the planet when it happens with a planet---that creates an activation where the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Point opens and blooms---the Lotus blooms--to become what‘s called the Inner Sun of Aquareion which is the First Living Atom of literally an atom that is of the frequency bands of the next level up. And that starts a sequence of activations within the body that allow the body, or the particular area of the planetary Grids that are in one of those Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields, to begin making the shifts that will allow it to go into Um-shaddhi and then shift up to the next level. This process by the way is called KaranAdial Convergence. So in the description…what‘s that description when we talked about KaranAdial Convergence? In the KaranAdial point, the 3 Pa-Ta atoms levels converge and they form the Inner Sun of Aquareion. That First Living Atom of whatever the Density is above. The same happens if you were in Density-2 on Median-Earth. You‘d go through the same process moving up to AshaLA in the next level up, and from AshaLA you do the same process to move to ShaLa, and then from ShaLa you do the same process to move to Urtha. So these are natural structures that go all the way up. We‘ll be doing this. We will fulfill our KaranAdial Convergence in the…I think we started in the lecture, at the end of the lecture, and then when we go into the beach thing that we are doing tomorrow night, that‘s where all this stuff fires and activates, so in our personal level that these are the activations that are going down. When we think about these in terms of a planetary level, we talk about Ok. Density-2 Pa-Ta atoms converge within the KaranAdial Seal. On a planetary level where is the KaranAdial Seal? If it were just a normal planet that wasn‘t split into several reality fields it would be much easier to locate one spot. What we have here, we‘ve identified two, and the NETEarth has actually two because it was split when there was something called the crust offset that has to do with the Caduceus Network. We‘ve already visited one in the first projection meditation thing that we did when we went into the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Cathedral, the NET-Earth Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Cathedral that was beneath the Chihuahua Mexico Crystal Caverns. So that was one KaranAdial Point. That one is the Point where NET-Earth and Caduceus-Earth link. There is another one where NET-Earth and Median-Earth link, and that one is the Pine Island location. So that is the Watchtower, what they are referring to as the Watchtower. So when they‘re talking about the KaranAdial Seal locations and where these things…that is where certain…on a planetary level Pa-Ta atoms are actually going to converge in there and turn into this great star burst of energy the First The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 190 of 283

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Living Atom of the Density above. And this causes some things to happen. It causes the 60 Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points---those outer Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points---which we had like one in the Spiritual Heart. In the lungs we had a set of them going all the way up to where we had our hands up here. Well on a planetary level they are there too, but that one…it‘s in a KaranAdial Point and turns into the Sun of Aquareion that actually activates the whole 60 of them. There are 60 Points that correspond to the Penta-g‘el Windows, and what it does is activate those Windows to become Doors, to become Penta-g‘el Doors within the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield. Now they said note here. The Inner Sun of Aquareion atom transmits a Hydrolase Burst to the 60 Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points/Penta-g‘el Windows in the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield. This Burst is called The Call. They made that note because later, in I think the next page, they talk about the The Call in very simple terms because that is actually a Burst of Hydrolase, that once the Inner Sun of Aquareion fires within the KaranAdial Seal and it transmits a Call or frequency, a Hydrolase Burst transmission to all of the Penta-g‘el Windows or the 60 Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points to open them…and activate them as Doors. And this allows the next step to take place, and again it‘s personal or planetary---works the same on both---but this would be for our Slide moving into Median-Earth. It would be the Florida location that is the Watchtower that holds the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield that allows for NET-Earth to shift upward into Median-Earth. The one that is beneath the Mexico Crystal Caverns serves the same purpose. It is a Watchtower that will allow portions of the NET-Earth to shift down into full Caduceus alignment, and that has to do with the path of the Al-ben‘-yhan Host that has to do with the path of Sovereign Kryst Fall, but it is a Fall path. So the site that would be our Sacred Site would be the one in Florida in the matrix connected to that. Not the one particularly connected in with the grids under Chihuahua. There will be times when we are asked to assist with those Grids in order to help the Green Dragon crews and the Budhara to do what they need to do with that, because our guys, our Krystics did agree to assist them to hold their Kryst Fall agenda, and they are also assisting us to move forward with ours. They turned Grids over to us in order to allow us to do this, so we are obliged to help them as well with their evolution to the highest level they can go which is…it is a Fall, but it‘s better than a full anti-Krystic Fall. Back to this. Once you have those Windows open---the Penta-g‘el Windows open---then when the Inner Sun of Aquareion---that Lotus thing---activates in the KaranAdial Seal and the 60 Penta-g‘el Windows activate in the Ah-VE‘ya‘s Shield via The Call---Hydrolase Burst---the Uni-genetic Underlay Eternal Edonic Web activates within the ShaLAea atomic structure of the matter contained within the Shield. So on a personal level this means that‘s the Point where once that Inner Sun of Aquareion fires within your KaranAdis, that‘s when that blue water suit turns on, and it‘s like literally the living communication network between all of your atoms and all of your cells that links them directly into the Um-shaddhi Edonic places that allows for the running of the Celestalline Wave, that allows for angular rotation of particle spin shift, that allows for Slide or like shift into the Slide progression. The planetary areas have that too. It would be defined by the amount where you would get that Web turning on…would be only within the parameter of where that Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield actually was. And where that Shield isn‘t, the planet would not be able to turn on those more intricate cross-hatch between Meridian and Axiatonal line diagonals that constitute the Web of Eternal Life that they consider…which is the Edonic Web. And it‘s Edonic because that is where the Edon level---the Middle Domain---currents start to move through the body, and they are the ones that will rapid fire the body‘s ability to atomically move and shift into Ascension. So when all this happens, 60 Penta-g‘el Windows activate in the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield. The Uni-genetic Underlay Web activates within the ShaLAea atomic structure of the matter contained within the Shield parameter, and for you it means your body. But for…it could be a city as far as the planetary Grids if it had a large Shield. It could be just a house if it had The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 191 of 283

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a house and land it sat on if it‘s just a small Shield, so the Shield parameters. And they give us an idea later, as far as the Shield parameters on those. The Edonic Radiation Spectra…when this occurs, when the ShaLAea atomic structure starts to receive the infusion of the Eternal Edonic Web frequencies, it means that the Edonic Radiation Spectra of the Um-shaddhi Planes of the Density above activate within the Um-shaddhi Planes and the Uni-genetic Underlay of the Density below, opening the Transcendental Trans-density Passage through the Edon Middle Domains. So it‘s literally being able to jump from like Density-1 to Density-2 by bopping through into the Middle Edon Domains, and then popping back out into the Radon Domains where we are here. The Outer Domains. And our first pop-through, it‘ll be popping through the Edonic level to make this shift from a Probable- System of Earth in Density-1 to the natural full system, or the God-Self System of Earth in Density-1 which is Median-Earth. So that is our first thing. And we‘ll be doing it through Translocating through the Um-shaddhi Bands between NET-Earth and MedianEarth. And this is a bit complicated. Some of this stuff I just kind of shake my head and go ‗Oh here we go again. Help me!‘ But it usually…by talking about it and with the Wave that comes through while I‘m trying to describe it and read it to you, it gives us the basic…just of yeah Ok, you can feel how those basic things work. And what‘s most important about detail is only that there is enough of it there to…when you‘re asked to do certain things in a projection or whenever you have an idea in the field for what it is about and what you‘re doing it for, why you‘re bothering to do this or that or the other thing. We see where it fits within the larger structure of the dynamics that it‘s a part of. (Ash talking to herself) Let me see…the Radonic Radiation Spectra….opening the Transcendental Passage…..yes I‘m just a little bit slow, I‘m picking up my spot. There we go! Now, activation of the Uni-genetic Underlay---and that is that like aqua-colored living water diagonal grid, the Web Grid--within the atomic form be it your body or a house or the land under a house. What this does, it sparks activation of the Aqualene Sun Fire Orbs within the Um-shaddhi Bands of the Density above and below, which means now the Aqualene Sun Fire Orbs…you have first of all when you talked about the Inner Sun of Aquareion that would be in here in the Umshaddhi. Then we end up with the UGU, the Uni-genetic Underlay that would be literally running through the body atoms. Then in the Auric Field, on the levels of the Auric Field that correspond to the Um-shaddhi Layers, that‘s where you get those Aqua-Sun Starbursts. We‘ve talked about those before in the Tribes classes in relation to the planetary Aurora Host and that kind of thing. So these would turn on next, and they cause other changes to occur alright, and this happens planetary-wise and it would be just literally an Orb that would form around the size of the diameter of the Shield. If we were on the planet, like in the Grid levels? For you as a person it would be your Orb around you. But if you have like say a Shield that‘s 10 miles across in a particular Grid area, it would be a sphere would form around that, and within that sphere those layers would activate but, the part of the Earth Grids around it would not have those things activating in it. So there‘d be localized Orbs that would form over areas. Some of them would be larger; some of them would be smaller. And on a personal level it would be your own Orb Field, and it would literally turn on the different layers of the Aqualene or the Aqua-Fire Orbs, and that starts another process…this is all part…it‘s like step-by-step certain things happen with bodies in the system to get to the point when you can Slide. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 192 of 283

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So when the Aqua-Fire Orbs activate in the Auric Field, the ShaLAea atoms of the matter form in the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield. Now in the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield in the planetary Grid or ShaLAea atoms in your body itself, they initiate a‘s not percent it‘s a 900 That shouldn‘t be percent. That‘s 900 shift in angular rotation of particle spin to a horizontal alignment with the Transcendental Passage/ Bardoah Chamber. So we have that Transcendental Passage. You know how we have that Chamber that runs…part of it goes to the front and it runs right through us this way, and the other part goes to the back. And it‘s actually through the back that‘s called the Bardoah Chamber part of it that we are actually hooked into the next level up, and that‘s where we came from before we came out here. So the planet has that alignment too, and it‘s really whacky to see it to try to find where that is, but we actually have where that comes in because you have to analyze the twists of the Rod and stuff. We‘ll see that on the planetary level in a little bit. But when they are talking about this, what it‘s basically saying is once the Fire Orbs activate---after these things make them activate---in the Auric Field, the ShaLAea atoms in the body form---or in that shield parameter area in the grids--they initiate the 900 shift. So if their little atoms have their top up, or their top pointing upward which they‘re supposed to do actually, they‘ll align with whatever the polarity of the system is, so they‘ll go top up to point to North. What they‘ll do is shift 900 and line up with the passage. It‘s just like when you shift your whole body and lay down and line up with the passage when you do a Shadra Shield in order to take that chamber, the Transcendental Passage through the Bardoah Chamber Transcendental Passage out to the next level up. So literally, the atoms will start that shift of their angular rotation of particle spin, and that‘s after the Aqua Fire Orbs do their activation in the Auric Field. So they‘ll shift, they go into the 900 shift in angular rotation of particle spin to horizontal alignment with the Transcendental Passage and Bardoah Chambers. Then as that is occurring that is how the separation from the Shona atoms occurs. So as the ShaLAea atoms are making that shift in angular rotation of particle spin the Shona atoms are still staying aligned with the fields down here. So the ShaLAea part can shift. This is why you need to get your light quotient up enough, where there is enough of you that is made of ShaLAea where you can shift in order to be able to take the up-step into the Um-shaddhi spaces. Then that‘s when the atoms start to separate, the Shona and the ShaLAea separate. And the ShaLAea enter the Umshaddhi Plane, and this one happens when we start…it‘s actually the Astral number 4 as far as where those Um-shaddhi Bands are, and we‘re going to look at the diagram that is driving me crazy, but it shows you a little bit more about where the Um-shaddhi Bands are to meet and merge with the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals of the next level up for translation into next Density matter atoms. So it‘s in those planes. It‘s actually in the number 4 Astral level of the Um-shaddhi Bands that we shift up in our ShaLAea level, and the Elementals from the level above us shift down, and we merge there, and we get translated on the shift back up into the molecular structure characteristic of the next Density up. So it‘s an interesting process and it takes place in the Um-shaddhi Bands. Next one please. Soon we‘ll get onto pictures.

[Audio Track 24 1:10:45] (How do Safe Zones/ Slide Zones relate to each other?) This is my next question after all that. And it was kind of like ‗Ok, get the gist. Please don‘t go into any more heavy technical‘s on that exact process because I‘m ready to like just go to sleep and scream actually‘. But…because if you think of it, I had…well since this morning to…and I woke up about 9 o‘clock after going to sleep about 5:00, and the transmission all day to get in various bits on the diagrams as well until we got to this, then we had to do the exercise thing, then I had to come back. So if I want to scream it‘s only because it‘s all coming in in this little tiny block of time The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 193 of 283

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squashed between two events, and I‘m supposed to have it all done so I can explain it to you in that time. So I get a little bit frustrated and just exhausted with this sometimes. So then we go into like Ok, let‘s just get to the point, and I asked next was ‘How do Safe Zones/ Slide Zones relate to each other?‘ because I‘ve already talked to us about we‘ve got Watchtowers, we‘ve got Sentinels, we‘ve got Lighthouses, whatever they are! We know we‘ve got HUB Gates, and we‘ve got Gates coming out of our ears down here from all those lists of Gates they‘ve been giving us for the last 10 years. (chuckling) So it‘s like ‗Ok. How do these‘…if we‘re trying to think about this process I can wrap my brain around it on a personal…on my body level for… let‘s say. And I‘m trying to do that on a level of ‗Ok. How does this work with the planet?‘ since the whole planet body isn‘t coming, it‘s only portions of it. I got that ‗Ok it‘s only portions of the shield that have that‘, and they would do an Orb around them and be able to make the Slide. But my biggest question was ‗What are the differences between the different labels on these areas that do have Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shields, and how do they interact with each other‘? So we understand a little bit more about the significance of Watchtowers and Sentinels and what Lighthouses and stuff? And here‘s what they said. ‗The Watchtower is the KaranAdial Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield‘. That‘s what the Watchtower is. ‗And its location controls activation of the other sites from the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Cathedral correspondent level on the next Density up‘. Now what this translates into as far as what we‘re dealing with here. This location---the Watchtower KaranAdial AhVE‘-ya‘s Shield, the one that goes with the part of NET-Earth that‘s going to Median-Earth? That is the Florida location. So that actually controls activation of all the other sites meaning the Sentinels and the Lighthouses and the Gates that are connected to them, but not from our house. Not from where we‘re going to live. We‘re just anchoring and holding frequency for the Cathedral above. But from the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Cathedral corresponding on the next level in the Density up, that would be the Median-Earth Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Cathedral that we went to visit. So that directly has a beam that comes down, it‘s a Slide City. And when it Slides, that is the city that comes down, and the area where this house area is in Pine Island is what Slides up to meet it. So that is the direct anchoring point, and that is the Watchtower. It‘s the KaranAdis location. Just like we have a KaranAdis location in our body where that Seal is? That is the one that corresponds on NET-Earth going to MedianEarth. So that is the Control Center, but who lives on it this end doesn‘t control it, we‘re just helpers. But it is run by the frequencies that are taking place in the Cathedral, the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Cathedral on Median-Earth and the Guardian groups that work there. And that would be the AquafaeriE and a number of others including the ZionA, but they are actually a Density level up from that. They‘ve come down to work with us from Density-3, the ZionA have. So it‘s like Ok. You got Watchtowers central control, kind of like air-traffic control as far as the rest of this system. Then they said. ‗When activated, the Watchtower transmits The Call. And The Call is the Hydrolase Burst to the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points from the Aqua-Sun in the KaranAdial Seal. So after the KaranAdial Seal activates there is that Burst---that they refer to as The Call---that transmits the Hydrolase Burst that initiates the rest of the waking up of the Shield so it can go into those…the shifting out of the Shona bonds and going up into Um-shaddhi state. So when activated ‗the Watchtower transmits The Call to the Sentinel Shields, and the Sentinel Shields then transmit The Call to the Lighthouses‘, and these are Harmonic Convergence Points that we‘ve talked about before in a different context. ‗And the Lighthouses then transmit to the Arc-HUB Gate clusters, and all Shona separate‘, which means start that shift where the ShaLAea units start to shift to horizontal 90 0 shifting out of alignment with the Shona parts of themselves. They all…‘Shona separate and go in shift and they start to shift altogether‘…so it means all of these, once The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 194 of 283

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The Call is put forth, it spreads through the network, and then all of them start to shift together. So the ShaLAea parts of the atoms and their structure begin the 90 0 shift. They shift together and they enter the Transcendental Passage as ShaLAea Light atomic structures together. So they actually come together in that space. The image I keep getting is like literally floating cities like if you were standing here and not shifting, it would be as if a ghost city rose up and disappeared, and they would be from all these different locations and they will come together at a certain point and form a whole…like city Shield. And then that would merge with the Elementals from above, and actually shift up and go into atomic materialization on the next level up. So that‘s what the visuals that I have been seeing trying to understand myself, what the Slide would look like especially when it…I can understand a person Sliding. But when it comes to pieces of land Sliding, I‘m still going ‗Wow! What might that look like?‘ So these were the image I was getting a bit. So the Sentinels transmit The Call…‘It‘s a step-down transmission out and all the way to the Arc-HUB Gates‘---the Cluster Gates---‗and then that‘s where they separate from the Shona‘s and they shift into the Transcendental Passage and into the Um-shaddhi state together. Then they said in-perense here…actually I‘ll read this first . ‗Call Number 1‘. Remember The Call is that Hydrolase Burst that gets sent out by the Watchtower. The KaranAdial Seal…once certain things happen that activate that Inner Sun of Aquareion inside. ‗Call Number 1 on the planetary level is the Cad-NET Call‘. That‘s the one that has to do with the Cathedral in…under the Chihuahua Mexico Grids that connects Cad-Earth to---which is the Fall-Earth that‘s Sovereign Fall Earth that‘s part of our Blend---to NET-Earth. That one goes out tonight. So that gets activated through the technique that we‘re doing on the beach in order to allow the next one to happen which is the 2nd Call. That is where the NET-Earth to Median-Earth KaranAdial Seal thing activates and all of that, and that is happening tomorrow morning…well tomorrow evening really. It‘s tomorrow evening going into Monday morning when we go out onto the beach at midnight and do the big event, and that sets in motion all of these things that happen after The Call goes out. ‗Number 3 Call on the planetary level. This is The Call between Median-Earth and AshaLA‘. So you get up to the next level. That is actually going to go…and that is when the Median-Earth to AshaLA Windows open. That‘s going to be Easter in the Sarasota event that we‘re having here, and that‘s also when the NET-Earth Grail Door opens and we get reclamation of the GrU‘al. When we get reclamation of the GrU‘al Point on Earth…that‘s the control Star Gate for down here, the natural occurring Star Gate that the Krystics lost control of back in 2000. When we get that under control… here we‘ve had the step-down where it went from the Watchtowers to the Sentinels to the Lighthouses to the HUB Gate clusters---the 12 of those--which are connected in with the Spanner Gates. That would now put on-line with these the regular planetary Star Gates, the ones that we lost back in 2000. So we would get a portion of those back under Krystic control, and that would also allow the Trinity Gates that we‘ve talked about whenever it was, in 2003 or 4, also to open. And they are the lowest level Gates. They are a base-3 Gate. So even just 3-strand activation can get you through into a safe area as far as Slide goes. Not all the way up to Median, but it allows for the potential with these 3 Calls and what it sets in motion in the Grids. It is seriously…the Krystics are getting back about 13 control over the planetary Grids, so it would mean there will be a lot more spots on Earth that will be Safe Zones compared to what would have happened otherwise. So it‘s really good news. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 195 of 283

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Now once The Call has gone out. After The Call: a) the 60 Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Points/ Penta-g‘el Windows in each Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Shield activate as Penta-g‘el Doors. So the Windows actually open to become Doors which means they anchor down into the level below their own level, through which the… b) Edonic Um-shaddhi Planes Radiation Spectra from the next Density, enter into the Uni-genetic Underlay of the Density that‘s activating via the Axiom and Leylines. Now on a planetary level - Axiom and Leylines. On a personal level - Axiatonal and Meridian lines. This is why we need to strengthen our Axiatonal and Meridian lines so they can handle these infusions of energy when we are going through the process of actually Sliding. Now 3. And when this occurs…when these frequencies come into the Uni-genetic Underlay and your aqua suit flashes on right, let‘s just put it simply. When your aqua suit flashes on between the Axiatonal lines, then the Transcendental Passage opens on a personal body. That would be the one that runs behind you, that when you go horizontal and you‘d actually be able to go up and out into the next level. On the planetary level it means the same. The Transcendental Passage on the planet would open, and they‘ve showed us where that is on the maps that we‘ve had, and I‘ll show you those in a little bit. Once that happens, the Uni-genetic Underlay Web activation…once that interior body-suit…and on the planetary level since it‘s not the whole planet activating the Uni-genetic Underlay, it‘s only that little Shield area of the diameter of that Shield. It actually activates in the Orb space around that Shield. If you have the Shield like a dish and you drew a circle or a sphere around the dish it would activate there. Like a little area where it would have its own little aqua spacesuit to travel in just like our bodies would get that too. And it would also move through all the atoms in everything within that sphere. So say if you had a house and some trees and a car sitting out there, whatever had enough ShaLAea Light to make that shift to meet these activations, it would actually get this aqua blue grid turning on inside of them. I could see it like a graph, like if I could do computer graphics you could really just show it, (makes crackling sound) it‘s like electricity. You would hear it, electricity turning on. This is where the atomic structure becomes a Super Conductor, and it can run the electrical frequencies from the next level up. So, on a planetary level you‘ll see little bubbles of areas that actually had this capacity. And some of the matter forms within them would have the capacity to, but others wouldn‘t. So it‘s like you might have got your car but you didn‘t get the old tire in the backyard. The old tire couldn‘t light up blue, but your car did! (chuckling) I mean those kind of things. That‘s how it would actually look if you are going to see it standing from the outside watching in. So let‘s see…ok. (Ash muttering….. let me find my place. Ok!) The UGU---the Uni-genetic Underlay---Web activation sparks---number 4---the Aqua-Fire Orbs…remember the ones up in the Auric Field? Aqua Fire Orbs in the Um-shaddhi Bands and then… 5) and the ShaLAea atoms start their Shona separation and 90 0 horizontal shift as they receive the Hydros…sorry, Celestalline Wave. This is where the Celestalline Wave starts to move through the body and it moves through that Unigenetic Underlay. This is like the cellular and atomic communication network. Right now…like how you see in some commercials where they show you the networks of like say the Internet towers and stuff like that, where they light up with the phone towers, where they light up and show you like little blue lines that connect all of them? Well this is what happens between all of your atoms and cells. And this Wave of Hydrolase then moves through them, and this is where the particles literally shift into the atoms and particles of which your body and your consciousness are made…will shift The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 196 of 283

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out of Shona alignment and into the Um-shaddhi state. So that‘s where the Celestalline Wave fits. And that happens... Cellestalline Wave releases once those Aqua Fire Orbs release. So there‘s a whole…eventually when I have time I‘ll try to take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, whatever, how many steps it is, this is what happens next. Because they‘re doing it more in text context and I‘d like to just limit it to 3 words on each. Number 1 - 3 words. Number 2 - 3 words to get the sequence down. But that kind of analysis of this type of data takes a while, and sometimes I never get to it, but at least it‘s in the writing so you can understand it and analyze it if you wanted to. Whatever ShaLAea atom structures shift 90 0 into the Transcendental Passage…so whatever‘s of ShaLAea will shift into Transcendental Passage and merge with the…now we‘re talking about on the planetary level here, they‘ll merge with…this starts first with the Watchtower. So the Watchtower---that‘s the Watchtower word there--the Watchtower ShaLAea atom structure. So the Watchtower starts to shift first, the Grids on the Watchtower shift 90 0 into Transcendental Passage and then they merge. They all start this Wave together. It goes from the Watchtower out through the Sentinels out through the Lighthouses and out through the HUB Gate grids and all of that. And they all get kind of like the blast of The Call together, but it starts with the Watchtower. And then the Watchtower starts to shift first, and then it would be the Sentinels, and then the Lighthouses, and then the HUB Gate areas. But then they would all shift and they would merge with each other in the…once they get into the Umshaddhi Band, the D4 Astral Umshaddhi Band of the Transcendental Passage. So it would almost be like a new land configuration forming, because if you take all these different spots of little pieces of land that are right now in our Grid but they all come together and they form a piece of land, that would look different because you have all these little pieces of different areas put together. So that could be interesting too. They haven‘t told me too much more about it, but I do know they come together and they would then take on materialized form as they shift up as the Orbs come down and they make the Elemental connection, and they shift up into the next Density level. It‘s like all those places would be a part of the new Slide City that it became…even though a part might be in Phoenix, a part might be St. Kitts, or a part might be at the North Pole or the South Pole. All these little pieces of land mass would come together and the things on them, and look very very different. I mean they might be a continent if there were enough of them, or they might just pop up as small island nations if there‘s not a lot that make it through. So this is the process that will happen here. Once the ShaLAea structures up-shift…when we refer to the ShaLAea structures up-shifting that means once the ShaLAea units do their 900 shift away from the Shona and shift up into the Umshaddhi Bands. So the up-shift is the one from the down…lower level is shifting up, doing the 90 0 shift. Shifting up into the Um-shaddhi level. So once they shift into the Um-shaddhi level in the Um-shaddhi Planes, the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s Elementals of the Density1…and for our place we‘re moving from NET-Earth which is a probability, into still Density-1 Median-Earth which is the Heroic level of that. So their particles will down-shift as we up-shift. The Elementals will meet, and those Elementals will go back into their natural orientation after they pick up the bond with our ShaLAea atoms, and we will shift and materialize once we make it through. So it‘s almost like going through that blue-velvet space that‘s almost like ghost image, everything‘s a ghost image, and then it gets the Elementals on it that shifted up further into full atomic materialization again on the next level. And this is the process of how to get Grids through or how to get your own body through from NET-Earth into Median-Earth. It‘s an amazing process. You know I find it quite complicated, not so exhausting sometimes. But this information helps us to understand the technical‘s of the processes we‘re engaging.

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We are going to do the KaranAdial Convergence in the techniques we will do tomorrow evening, so we are beginning the process of activating our own inner Watchtower, and that would begin to put out The Call through our own areas of the body that correspond to the Sentinels and to the Lighthouses and those kind of things. And I‘m not sure where our inner Lighthouses are in our bodies, but I do know that our Watchtower is that KaranAdial Seal, and that becomes…that is what activates to become the Inner Sun of Aquareion, like an aqua ball of fire that actually fuels the Uni-genetic Underlay that moves through and opens the cellular communication atomic communication lines in the body for the Hydrolase Wave to move through…when we get to the point where we have enough of a ShaLAea Light quotient. Because until then, we can Bi-locate and it should get more real as we do it, as you bring in more frequency, but once we hit a 75% ShaLAea Light base, then we become able to actually atomically shift even it‘s only for a temporary visit up into the Slide Zones so we can actually begin interacting with Median-Earth, and this is the process by which Ascension occurs. So let‘s see if any of this is important…. I‘m going to show you, I think it‘s probably next, a graph. It‘s not the next one, it‘s the one after that. Yeah! I‘ll show them the next one. Wait, wait, wait…just put this one first just so I can point out where the next graph has to do with this very very multi-level graph that we‘ve been looking at.

[Audio Track 24 1:29:47] (Graph) Where we talked about where the Umshaddhi Bands were, this is the Density-1 Aah-JhA‘ Body where… your body would be in here. You have D-1, D-2, D-3 level, and then the Density level. You could fit your Kathara Grids in there and all of that. But here we have those Um-shaddhi layers---those Bands in between---and they run from the zero… actually they run in between one set and the others. So this one will be the lower Bands that runs from 3, this would be the 3.5 point in D-2 to the zero-point in D-2. So they‘re connecting in between these spaces. And there are these spheres that have to do with these light structures. The Ah-yas‘ Light Structures are formed, and they are what form the atoms at their centers. Up here the Ah-ya‘s has in it the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s. This is the Orb part that we see that actually down-shifts into the Um-shaddhi field or whatever Band it is, because there are smaller ones of these that form on each dimensional level. So they actually turn around, down-shift to come pick us up, and then turn back around and up-shift to bring us back into materialization on the next level up. But what I want you to see are…this line. Remind you of this line that showed you how these light structures from the smaller ones all the way up to the bigger ones. Connect and in between where they connect, these form the Um-shaddhi Bands. The Um-shaddhi Bands form in what are called the I AM Bands where the I AM Ego, I AM Body Consciousness, I AM Elemental Consciousness. Here is the I AM God-Self Band, and this is quite complicated when you plug it into the other diagrams that show Ok, this is just your Density-1 Probable-Self Body, and that‘s connected to the other 12 or 11 Probable-Selves which are all connected to the center, the God-Self at the center. When you take these spheres up, these are what we‘re starting to count here. The Umshaddhi Bands. Because specific ones are important. Specific ones are referred to as Grail Doors, because when they open they allow for the passage, the Transcendental Passage that would run this way as they opened to the next level up, they allow for the levels to blend. So the next diagram is a very rough…well I didn‘t have a compass. I left my compass at home to draw circles, and this was done really quick as an aside thing. Let‘s see the other one. I need the other one. Actually I‘ll show this one first. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 198 of 283

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[Audio Track 24 1:32:18] What we‘re showing again is these areas here. Here is your Probable-Self thing. So there‘s a set of those little spheres and their little Um-shaddhi Planes in between them, and this is the Density-1 level, your full Incarnate level. Now that will correspond to…on Earth‘s thing, we‘re here in NET-Earth. This would be Amenti-Earth, the full Earth encryption, and that is actually the Median-Earth, what we call Median-Earth. Median-Earth will be in these Bands, and then the rest of this would actually hold the rest of the original Amenti encryption, and we‘re just like a Probable-Earth down here that is losing its Grids. But the original encryption is Eternal. So it applies to ourselves as well. Down here you would actually have the Caduceus-Earth that is shifting down and becoming a finite…like a free radical unit that will become phase-bound into itself, and its connection to these will become cut off once the Host is no longer there. And there would be another ball at the end of this that would represent the Phantom-Earth levels that Caduceus is being pulled into. So we‘re here. And then this is the Transcendental Passage that progressively opens between the various levels of our personal bodies or the planetary line-up. So you‘d have Median-Earth here. You would have at the center here--equivalent to our Soul-Level Self---you would have the 12 Incarnates, and this one would be AshaLA---the star AshaLA3---it was called AshaLA-3. And then working up you‘d finally get to where you‘re at Urtha in M31, so it‘s on the planetary level. So these are the things we are dealing with when we are going into these projections. I‘ll show you a little bit more about the Bands in between so when we use certain terms you will understand what we‘re referring to. Both of these graphs were on before. Applies directly to here. You can look at that graph as just showing you these structures here, and then those have to plug into the bigger structure which would be this---the center GodSelf---and then that plugs into the larger structure---the full Incarnate-- that connects into the full Soul-Self that has 12 full Incarnates in it. So there‘s this whole level of Seals and Umshaddhi Planes that occur in between these areas to open this Transcendental Passage. And certain ones that…the ones that connect from 1 Density to the next are the key Passages, because if you open those they will open all the smaller ones above and below them and that‘s what we‘re getting ready to do with some of the techniques. The techniques we‘re using tonight will actually open the barrier fully. We‘ve gone up here. We‘ve projected up here before in our Probable-Orb, our Probable-Self Orb. Next we‘re going to go in this one…tonight we‘re going to project up here and open this Transition Point here, right through the God-Self. When we do the things tomorrow we are going to be going up here and opening these Seals and transition. So I‘ll show you a little bit more closely what they look like. Next one please. I think this is the new one.

[Audio Track 24 1:35:27] (Az commenting to Ash. Unable to pick it up) Yeah! It‘s a bit messy. Remember we‘re up here dealing with those. Here‘s the little Probable-Self. This would be the God-Self level and this would be the full Incarnate, and that connects into the larger thing that that‘s just 1 Incarnate of 12 in the full Density-2 level Soul-Self. So this is trying to show you the relationship. If you look at them…eventually I‘ll have this one fully analyzed. If you start here at the Rasha level, the Rasha level. That would be the center of that larger diagram. That would be the Rasha Center, you know the Rasha Center. And the Rasha Center actually interfaces directly with what is called the Elum-Eir‘-Adhona Spirit Body at the center of that which is the DhaLA-LUma Door. So the Rasha Body connects directly The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 199 of 283

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into the Spirit Body with that, and then here we have what would be the Rasha Body structure. So just look at the circles first. That would be the Rasha Body structure. Next you would have the D-1 structure and this would be like the D-1 Band. This would be the Rasha Band and this is like 6.5 in the D-1 Band. This would be zero in the D-1 Band and this would be halfway through which is 6.5. This would be 12.5. This is how these all run. So you can get an idea of where these overlap zones are between them going all the way up from the Rasha to D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, and then you go 7, 8, 9, up into the Density-3 level. So what we‘re doing here is looking at…these Bands here that form where these overlaps are. These are the God-Self Bands like this is the first one, is like the I AM God-Self when you‘re going in the first level here, then…actually in the first level here. When we move from that you go into the next level up here where you‘d have that same correspondent around the D-6 level and that‘s your Transcendent-Self, that I AM Soul-Self. The whole Soul-Self. There are all these little Bands too. And they‘re all Um-shaddhi Planes. They are all those pass-through Planes where one set of dimensions overlaps another. But ones that have where not only do the dimensions overlap each other, but where you have one Density overlapping each other. They are called Grail Door Domains. Umshaddhi Domains. This one happens…it‘s the Astral Um-shaddhi, the Density-1 God-Self Band. Actually interfaces with the Density-2 levels of D-5. So you have like the 5 Orb. Actually 4 sorry. 4 is here, and 3 is here. D-3 and D-4. Between D-3 and D-4 there is this Grail Zone. That is the length between Density-1 and Density-2, so this would the second thing we‘re going to activate. First if we bring this all back there is the same equivalent down here when you say…if you look at this as being the GodSelf level here, you have the little Probability-Self level first that has its own little 4 set of Orbs going like this, and that would be interfacing here. So the Rasha Seal is actually what would open the equivalent of that but down here first, to allow these frequencies to start merging with these frequencies. These frequencies correspond to this part. When you get through those, when you activate this one, that‘s when you‘re activating the connection between this and the Density-2 level where you start going into the Density-2 structures of the Transcendental Self. What we‘re going to be doing tonight is we‘ll open this level that will bring in the…it will trigger the opening of the ones above it and below it, so it will allow the beginning merger of the Probable-Self Body and Grids that we‘re working with into the Heroic-Self on Density-1. And then the activities tomorrow will activate this one and this one which means it will start this being able to…the Density-1 level Heroic-Self---God-Self---becoming into merger with the Transcendent-Self of the full Soul-Self, and it will also start the frequencies of the Soul-Self coming into merger with the Oversoul-Self. Basically at a personal level what we are doing is we are Hosting out our entire matrix. Our entire personal matrix where…we don‘t have to, but because this Galactic system is falling and we are the ones that have actually activated on the Ma-Sha-Yah imprint, we are actually bringing in the codes and the frequencies of all of the other Incarnates of our Self that we have in the matrix in order to get our self---the rest of our self-- back home and out of here. And even if we have Selves out there that made bad choices---even if they are on a higher level than us--- we will have the ability to bring their Coding back where we still have their original encryption, so that‘s part of ours too that belongs to us, that we can still…if they choose to fall, we don‘t have to do that. So even if it‘s lower---the being is lower than say its Avatar whatever, it‘s Avatar falls---that doesn‘t mean the Incarnate level or the Soul levels have to. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 200 of 283

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So we‘re actually being entrusted with bringing in the Codes from all of these. These have to do with the Vector Codes where each of them has those petals---those 12 different petals---so you bring in 12 different Probable-Selves first, and that gives you your full Coding as a God-Self in Density-1. Then…that‘s 1 petal out of 12 on the Soul level. So then you go into Soul level and bring in the other 12 on line, and that‘s how it works all the way up the thing. So I just wanted you to see a little bit more closer…there‘s tons of analysis to this, of what we‘re actually working on. So this one is the one we‘re going to project to tomorrow. We‘re actually going to project into this space in the exercise tonight when we go out on the beach. So instead of going vertically in our little Probability Bubble, or Orb that we have become familiar with…and you know when you felt out the size of your Orb? This was the one you‘re feeling. That‘s quite small compared to the others, so you‘re going to be expanding your Orb size as we move through these activations. So we‘re now going to go onto a horizontal line which is the Transcendental Passage into first opening these, and that would be opening this set here, and that will move us into the God-Self frequency so our Orb will expand tonight. And then tomorrow we will be doing a technique that opens this one that takes us into this space where we go into the I AM Transcendent Self. I AM Soul. Transcendent…you‘re transcending a singular identity where you‘re starting to recognize yourself as a multiple identity focus, and that doesn‘t mean a split personality. That means a being who is consciously aware of being simultaneously manifest in 12 different space-time locations in 12 different fetal body growth forms. And it‘s a whole different level of consciousness. It is a Transcendent level of consciousness. It‘s Buddha Level 2. So this is what we‘re engaging. Tonight we‘re activating this Umshaddhi Band, and when we go, we‘re going to go sit somewhere and meet our ZionA Attendant person, and we are going to do some things and that‘s when we are going to call the Orbs in from. The Orbs we‘re calling in are the ones that correspond to our God-Self level tonight. So when we see…when we perceive in the meditation the Orbs, the Orbs we‘ll see, there will be 2 kinds. There will be the little ones that…they tend to appear a silvery blue-grey color like almost milky white when you see them against black. They are the ones, they‘re the Elemental ones that are the Ah-VE‘-ya‘s ones that are here to actually interact with us atomically, and will co-create with us. Then you‘ll sometimes see other Orbs that have different characteristics. They‘re larger, they have color, you can see something inside of them. They are usually beings in Orb that are consciously working with the others and directing them. There will be a time…sometime when we can actually call in the Orbs---these are the Elementals---and they will work with us and we can co-create things together. We‘re going to learn to dance with the Orbs and those kind of things. That‘s what the light sticks are about when we do the light stick thing tomorrow night on the beach, heaven help us! I just tried to play with the strings without the light sticks on them and went ‗Oh my God! I‘m gonna kill myself with these‘, as far as just getting control of this. But we don‘t have to do it perfect by the way, tomorrow night. It‘s just meant to just get the feel for it. But it‘s actually as if you were using them to stir the Orbs, and to get that…and they‘ll move us. They will stick on the ends of them and they‘ll…‘they're going to explain more about that tomorrow night. But we will play with the light sticks tomorrow night. This is the first part of that technique…is what we‘re going to do this evening, is going into the state here----the Umshaddhi State here---that connects the Probable-Self directly into the God-Self because before we went vertical, we went this way. So we got into that Um-shaddhi space but we didn‘t pass this barrier yet where it goes directly into the God-Self space. So we‘re opening that Seal tonight in the technique that we do. And then we‘re going to do…those who want to, we are going to do the Orb Bath where they just come in and link with our…they literally just…atoms from our God-Self, and they‘re personal. They‘re from your God-Self space. They will link The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 201 of 283

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with your atoms here to pull them out of Shona bond and bring them---layers of them, it happens in layers---bring them back into the natural ShaLAea structure so they become ShaLAea Light instead of tied up in Shona fields, and progressively releasing your GharE‘ from that harness as it goes. So that‘s what we‘re doing tonight. Tomorrow night that‗s what we are doing and that one as well, and we‘ll know more about tomorrow tomorrow. But tonight I‘m trying to get through this. I still have a bunch of mylars that I want to get through but I think I‘m going…before I do them, I‘ll finish this set. But before I go onto the planetary set I‘m going to take a 5 minute break. Or make it 10 just because when everybody gets up it takes more than 5 minutes for everybody to get back down again.

[Audio Track 24 1:45:31] (Graph) This is just reminding you of where those structures fit as far as this would be your…if you are looking at this as your Probable-Self Body---just your 1 Probable-Self---this would be the Core Identity of your Probable-Self. Your Core Probability. And these would be your potentialities of that Probable-Self. Then you can look at that same diagram as this being your full Incarnate identity. And that full Incarnate identity at its center would have its God-Self, and these would be the 12 Probable-Selves around it. You could look at the same diagram as this being your full Soul-Self. Each one of these being one full Incarnate identity. And altogether 12 of them make your Transcendent Density-2, I AM Soul-Self Identity. So it goes all the way up the process, and inside of that structure you got this, where you‘ve got your chambers…. (Ash & Az go into discussion here – unable to pick up Az:….. Ash: Yeah, as far as the direction I used before. I have it backwards just so it…yeah!) I did do it backwards just so it was facing the same direction, so we‘re facing this way because the other diagrams were actually having the self face out so you saw where the Bardoah Chamber, the Transcendental Passage was behind you, so this is just being consistent with that. If you are facing that way, the Transcendental Passage is the one behind you, and when we lay down horizontally, we actually are shifting the angular rotation of particle spin so we can project or Bi-locate up through the Transcendental Passage to get to those Seal levels to open those Um-shaddhi levels. So it‘s quite technical what we‘re doing, but it‘s also quite relaxing when you start just doing the techniques themselves. Tonight it was like…the whole time we‘ve been together the technical‘s weren‘t too hard. We‘re getting nailed with them at the end just so you know. So if you‘re a bit tired I am sorry. I am a bit tired trying to teach them too, but this is where we are getting the technical‘s. There‘s a bunch of them on the Earth level as well that have to do with understanding the Rods and understanding what‘s taking place on the planet.

[Audio Track 24 1:47:34](Graph) This is just to remind us of when we get the Aqualene…the Inner Sun of Aquareion turned on in the Umshaddhi…not the Umshaddhi, the KaranAdis Space. That‘s when it activates the Uni-genetic Underlay, and it is literally like our aqua blue Hydrolase space-suit. And these are the connections…it starts with…in the Axiatonal-Meridian lines. It would start with the Um-shaddhi Coding of the next level up of your Probable-Self Coding and all of that coming into the Axiatonal lines, and when that hits critical mass, then the connections between the Axiatonals start happening. The diagonals start happening and it literally forms a mesh all the way through your atoms, a living communication network of Hydrolase between all of your atoms. And it is through that network that when the other activations occur that finally release the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 202 of 283

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Celestalline Wave that allows for the full shift to the ShaLAea Light units to a 90 0 shift in angular rotation of particle spin to go into Um-shaddhi, it‘s through these lines that the Celestalline Wave actually moves in order to shift all of the atoms of the body. So I don‘t think there‘s any more in this series. Next is going into planetary stuff so I would like to take just 10 to 15 tops for that because there‘s…it‘s quite technical, the stuff on the planet. (Participant trips and falls.) Oh God! Are you ok? Oh dear! Participant: I‘m fine. A‘sh: Is there something there that people are tripping on? ….(Az chats with Ash) I know …. that‘s what I was afraid of, gosh! Is there something there to trip over? Is there a wire? There‘s no wires or anything. Oh she tripped over you! Oh dear! Az: your‘e supposed to lift your feet up. Alright 10-15 and we‘ll be back, and we‘ll talk about the planet then and look a bit at the Safe Zone Maps and what that stuff‘s about. So we‘ll be back! Ooh this stuff was hard! (End of Audio Track 24 1:49:32)

Lecture 5: Time Passages and their Ra-sha-pa-ta-Ur Awakening, Day-9 Thursday November 20 [Audio Track 25 0:00:08] A‘sha Alrighty, believe me I wish we are already out there doing the next step, but we‘ve learned a bit already about what is a Safe Zone, the next phase will be about ‗Where are the Safe Zones?‘ And I‘m going to blow really quickly through the first series of graphs to get up to a set that involve maps and things like that just to—it‘s almost like building a sentence to get to the point. So I‘m going to go through these real quickly and then we‘ll get to the maps that we introduced them in one of the Tribes classes that show the issues with the planetary rod and chamber and what has happened over since the 550 million years ago when Tara did fall and this Amenti Rescue Mission was set in motion. So once we look at those we can start to understand where the Shield of Solomon is, and we can start to see where the Lighthouses are, and the Sentinels, and of course the Watchtower we know is in that Pine Island region of Florida. So we can start to see where what is and start to get an idea of where the primary safe spots are. But there is going to be a lot more in with that as we progressively bring these grids into activation, the Safe Zone Maps will change and there will get more Safe Zones will emerge on them. Now a Safe Zone just so you know, we‘ve described, and the Beloveds have described for us what they do, what they are capable of. They are a shield area. They have a Shield of Ah-VE‘-yas that has the ability to activate the Uni-genetic Underlay in order to go into the Umshaddhi Edonic State for the transmutation up into the next density levels. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 203 of 283

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We‘ve got that far, but there is a lot more actually to understand about what these sites are and what they do, and if we can at least get the basics of understanding the situation the planet is actually in. We‘ve covered this before, we‘ve had. Especially for people who have not seen the string of work, that‘s why this first set of diagrams will lead up to those maps where we can look at the Safe Zone areas and where they fit and what that has to do with the horizontal rod and the front-back horizontal chamber of the planet. One of the most important things in those maps… we‘ll be seeing where we‘ve talked about the Transcendental Passage and where it is in relation to our bodies is when we lay ourselves down horizontally. Then our heads are aligned with it. We actually line up with this, the part of the KaLA Chamber that goes out the backside, and it‘s actually the past. That‘s where you have the 6 directions where you have up and down, left and right, future and past, the past we came out of because that is actually when we are going into the God-Self state and beyond, we are going back to the HUB or the Bud that we originally came out of, so it is a movement through the past. And just like our bodies have the Bhardoah Chamber and around the Bhardoah Chamber opens the Transcendental Passage that we go through for Slide, the planet has one too. And we‘ll see on the maps where that opens, and then begin to see where the Safe Zone primary areas are and that kind of thing. As far as the Safe Zone Maps, I‘m still working on one that will take this primary information, and there‘ll probably be a little bit more given, or at least it will be put more neatly on the one I‘m still working on that I will get done for tomorrow, so you can have a copy of it before you go. So you will get a copy of the latest level of the Safe Zone Map that we have available before you leave so you have an idea. (Applause) Ok, this one, and this is the fast run-through. I‘m going to do this quickly. I‘m not going to read the little words all over the pages.

[Audio Track 25 0:04:12](Graph) This is just to remind us of when we started. I know Amsterdam workshop we covered this stuff intensively. We showed where in the cosmic—these are the bones that implies there is the Cosmic Elum-Eir‘-Adhona Spirit Body with all the little ones in between. We got cosmic levels, and you‘ve got universal levels, and you‘ve got galactic levels and you got density levels inside of those. We are down here in this position in the cosmic one. I‘m not even going to get into trying to read the tiny print anymore because I am tired too, and I want to have enough umph left to do the technique tonight. But we are down here in this system. This is what our system looks like. You‘ll see the next graphs look like this, and I just want to point out something on those. But we are over in… where‘s that arrow? I believe over here; that is us, right there. Now when you look at the next one, alright this is just the cosmic level. It‘s just giving you an idea of where when we talk about the black hole systems there are ones over in this matrix that are the Wesas, and there is the Bourgha one that is our—I think this one is ours. Actually this is ours here; that‘s the arrow. There it is! And this one is as I believe the Bourgha Matrix that was the first fallen one. So we‘ve covered all of this before just explaining where this problem on Earth came from because it‘s not just an Earth problem. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 204 of 283

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[Audio Track 25 0:05:27](Graph) This is just to show… this is an enlargement of that little tiny one that was showing where we were on the cosmos. We are looking at our galactic level now. This Kathara Grid represents the structure of the one on the vertical of the M31 Andromeda Galaxy. That was originally our natural Particum Universe that our galaxy was a part of, our universal Kathara Grid. And the Milky Way Galaxy through using these black hole technologies by groups that became called the Procyaks, is actually been pulled out of tilt and off center with the Andromeda Galaxy, and that calculates into light years away. I think it is what 2.5 million light years or something like that between these two galaxies. We are in the Milky Way. It is on this tilt. The one thing that still connects us to Home is in the Milky Way the Star Gate Number 3, the Kathara Center 3, this has always been a connection point that… its always been this kind of the last call if this was going to fall and we couldn‘t pull it back into alignment. That was the place where you could still get back Home where the Ascension Passages could still be opened.  In this Star Gate 3 set, you have on this level Urtha-3 which is in M31; it is in Andromeda.  Then you have the interfaces of the AquA‘elle Matrix and what‘s called Sha-La-3.  Then you have another layer of it that is AshaLA. AshaLA-3 was the original star before Earth was hosted into this system 550 million years ago with the fall of Tara. AshaLA-3 was the star that held that position, and still does in the Milky Way, connects the Milky Way into M31, into the Andromeda Galaxy. It said AshaLA is where… AshaLA was the Host Star for Amenti-Earth. And Amenti-Earth then went through several stages of damage to the grids that ended up splitting its quantum into 3 different areas:  13 stayed in the natural alignment with AshaLA and the Ascension Passages of M31, and that part is called MedianEarth, and that is Ascension-Earth that we talk about.  13 of the quantum ended up in what was called Blend-Earth:  12 of that which would be 16 of the quantum is NET-Earth,  and the other 16 of that quantum of Blend-Earth is Caduceus-Earth.  And then another

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of the entire quantum of Amenti-Earth went into Phantom-Earth Fall.

Alright, so we are literally still in a Blended Matrix, a Blended Earth, and right now the falls are pulling; they are going to be separated. It‘s just not on this planet though; this entire structure is going to be cut loose and these gates are going to close on the Earth level and that in 222 years. So whatever can get out now in the next 222 years from this Milky Way Galaxy, will still be able to do Ascension Passage. What cannot get out is going to have 2 options: 1) is Sovereign Kryst Fall under the directorate of the Budhara who are a Sovereign Kryst Fall Matrix; they will host the Greens mainly in their Sovereign Fall, and if they don‘t, 2) the Procyaks which are the ones that control the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, they will be taking over the entire set. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 205 of 283

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We are going to get out of here. Because the Greens agreed and did the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan, we have more time left here to share with the Greens. We will help them to get their Sovereign Fall security. They turn grids over to us so the Procyaks and the Red and White Dragons didn‘t get them from them because they were going to and we will help the Greens to the degree that we can. The Budhara are actually going to be the ones that are going to be the ones that stay with the Green Dragon folk when they go into Sovereign Fall. And our job is to get as many people that are still Ascension possible and able out through into Median-Earth. And then we‘ll move, those who can, there‘ll be an evolution for a bit on Median-Earth until the codes are up and then we can go up to AshaLA. And eventually we can go all the way Home to the Andromeda System, to M31 and Urtha. So this is the larger drama that we are all part of. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:09:41](Graph) This is just showing the mess of the Procyak System and how it‘s compromised the grids. I‘m not even going to analyze that.  But again this is the Andromeda one on the vertical.  This is Milky Way on the tilt with its off-center.  And that is the black hole at the center of the Milky Galaxy.  These are all different stars that are actually connected in with the Procyak Matrix.  This Matrix is connected into the black hole systems over in the Wesa Matrix that I briefly pointed out in that larger Kathara Grid when I said, ―we are this little guy down here and there are some black holes over there.‖ It is a huge drama; we‘re in the middle of it, and nobody knows. That‘s what so amazing! Nobody has a clue. Science does know oh, we have a black hole! We appear to have a black hole at the center of our galaxy! It must be a natural thing! Uh, no, it isn‘t! But it is there; yes it is. So this is the larger drama. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:10:31](Graph) We‘ve gone through many teachings that taught about  how solar systems are supposed to be structured,  how Merkabas have a planet,  and the Kathara Grids are supposed to be around a natural occurring planet.  We see the natural flows of the Yan-YUn flows when the electromagnetics of a planet are normal.  We‘ve seen the natural Lotus configurations of phase-arcs that allow for the living breathing systems.  We are no longer in a solar system like this; we are in a solar system that is falling just like our galaxy so that which can get out at the moment...  And Earth is like the hot spot to be because of its connection through the Median-Earth through AshaLA through ShaLa through into M31, because it is one of the few that have a direct, it is the only one that has a direct HUB-link, directly through. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 206 of 283

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 So we don‘t have this structure anymore in this system, and this system won‘t have this structure. But the places we are going to do have the natural structure of living solar systems and living planetary systems. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:11:31](Graph) This one is showing this is what it‘s supposed to be with the nice arcs between all this. If you have a central sun and all the planets orbiting around it, there‘s supposed to be natural energy flows that happen between them, living breathing happy system. We don‘t have that; we have this mess where literally our planets, our sun and our planets are, they have these connections where the black hole matrices interface directly through. I‘m not going to explain all this heavily; I have done it in the past workshops. But it makes a mess out of the planets. Their axes are all at different ones. Science even tells us that in a normal system the north axis should be pointing up on all of the planets in a solar system. And the sun‘s axis would be pointing up as well, and there is a natural flow of energy between those aligned staffs. You know the staff is the one that runs vertically through a planetary body or through your own self. When you look at the planets, some of them spin on their side, some of them spin at an angle, some of them spin upside-down. Earth is at a 23.429 or something degree angle off center of the natural alignment of our sun; it is a mess. This system is a mess, but it is just characteristic of a fall system. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:12:52](Graph) So it‘s kind of like well, if we can remember that we are Guardians that came here to help in the Load-Out, it‘s not so bad. If we just feel like we are little victims that sat on this planet and all of a sudden we see ‗Oh my God, and who did what to this!‘ You can get scared, but we are Guardian people. We have come; all of you if you are here listening to any of this, you‘ve come on a contract that you made before you came to serve as part of the Load-Out Team which is the Evacuation Team for this system, and also to help the systems that can still survive in Krystic Black Hole Fall where they‘re given quantum of energy that will keep them from the space dust implosion. But they won‘t be able to get the full Ascension Codes back to go Home intact; they would have to go space dust if they wanted to get all the way Home to God. We‘ve come to assist in this process, and it‘s a choice we‘ve all made at some level, so it‘s not something that is inflicted on us. We chose to enter a fall system in order to help, and that must be because somewhere in who we are in our larger identity, we have the training in order to do that. So, it is more of a matter of remembering who we are and the knowledge we carry and how to help in this drama. So it‘s not a drama to be frightened of; it‘s just a rather challenging work experience that we‘ve chosen. (Laughter) This is showing a bit up closer as far as the mess in relation to the Urtha alignment where our Earth is and its tilt. It‘s actually upside-down. This is showing where the Van Allen Radiation Belts in our atmosphere are actually holding us into the unnatural axis tilt. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 207 of 283

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And this is all product of what is called the BeaST machine, the Blank Slate Technology that is the Metatronic technology that is black hole technology. That‘s what was used to make Atlantis and Lumeria disappear off our global map which was done by something called sinkholes and we‘ll see a little bit about what they are about in a little while. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:14:43](Graph) This is just showing the mess that our planet‘s grids are in as far as this Poison Apple magnetic fields. They are completely unnatural magnetic fields. These things that look like trumpets actually are vortices that pull in the frequencies from the black hole systems to progressively corrupt our Templar. So this is what has got us to this point where the planet is in peril, yeah. CNN is doing this thing on ‗Planet in Peril‘; they have no idea, oh man! ‗Galaxy in Peril‘ perhaps! But for most people what good it is going to do to know this stuff anyway? So we run round and all like max out our credit cards because the sky is falling? No, you know, so whatever. Those who are supposed to know this level come to workshops where it is shown, and it is a particular caliber of Guardian Being that gets guidance to participate with knowing this type of stuff and walking around with it consciously. But this is more of the mess, and we‘ve analyzed every part of this in other workshops so I‘m not going to do that. I‘m just reminding you of the sequence of things from the larger picture coming down to where we are. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:15:59](Graph) Then we keep going ok. We know what Safe Zones are but where are they on a planet that is in a solar system that is in a galaxy that looks like that? This is just reminding us of the different planes. If we have Earth and its body in the different planes going down into the core, and different planes coming out, they are actually plane Interfaces directly to Urtha and to Sha-La and to AshaLA and to Median-Earth literally in our atmosphere, in the bands of our atmosphere. We‘ve covered this. We call them the Vertical Maps. The Vertical Maps come off the Spherical Maps. If you take a cross-section from here to here, mark the dots on each one up, you actually get a vertical stack of where what planes interface, and that‘s where we pulled the Vertical Maps from. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:16:43](Graph) These are the Vertical Maps as far as our atmosphere, just our local atmosphere, and it shows the different plane Interfaces where there is actually what are called Aurora Platforms that connect directly into M31 at different layers in the atmosphere. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 208 of 283

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And I‘m just recapping the things that have led up to where we‘re going now, what we are going to learn about the planet now, and about what it means to be preparing to Slide. So all of these things… we have a huge amount of data on the entire story, not to mention the history, I haven‘t even touched it and I‘m not going to now, who we have been telling the history for 10 years, and it‘s huge. The history is huge: how this happened, who did what, who‘s where. It all comes down to that chart that we looked at: the Light Body Quotients and the different gene lines, the basic 10 different gene types that are on the planet now; all that history culminates in that. And what that culminates in is a person‘s ability: how much Sha-LA-a Light do you hold which comes down to ‗Can you go through an Ascension Passage or not?‘ So it‘s all connected, all this information for 10 years we‘ve been given more and more and more. And it comes back down to where we are now, where we are learning directly how to open the Slide Gates so we can move into the next level where we can Slide into Median-Earth, but also carry the Host. We are the Standard Bearers of the Host to the Kryst on this planet, and there is not another team; we‘re almost like a SWAT team at this point…. Swat the FAs when they try to mess with us ‗Get off me!‘ right, like mosquitoes, so anyway, next one. This is also showing where the Caduceus mess in our star gates on this planet are. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:18:25](Graph) That‘s just showing a Caduceus mess as I said and a star gate on our planet. So we talked all about this, how they actually generate unnatural electricity and that‘s all the electricity that we have to keep like digging stuff up out of the ground to burn in order to make it, that kind of thing. The whole system is run corrupt at this point. It is being run on antiChristiac technologies, it has been since Atlantis. That‘s not getting any better. And at least the Green Movement, the Green Movement is funny. It is indeed green; it is definitely Green Dragon Movement because they are hoping to get their Sovereign Fall Kryst Fall, and they know they are going to have limited resources, and they have to start using resources more wisely, and that is part of the Kryst Fall teachings. Ok, you don‘t have the full life connections anymore; if you want this system to last, you better start taking care of stuff and respecting it. So that whole environmental movement is coming from the Green Dragon crews and some of the others that are planning to do the Sovereign Fall with them, so it is a good thing actually; the Green Movement is absolutely essential. The Red Dragon and White Dragon crews are the ones who don‘t go to the environmental conferences and they‘ll kill all the trees if they need to, or dig up all the oil, and they are really thinking like short-sighted, just take as much as you can now and don‘t worry about the effects it causes. You can really see those two things represented in the politics in the United States just between the Republicans and the Democrats. It‘s getting so ridiculously obvious between those two groups it‘s almost funny. Um, it‘s sad actually but it is almost funny. Anyway, next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:19:54](Graph) A‘zha: Feed furiously. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 209 of 283

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A‘sha: Feed furiously? Yeah, that‘s kind of like the thing of the White and Red Dragons, like the motto ‗Feed Furiously‘ on everything! Yeah you can put that any direction really. It looks pretty much the same, no matter what you do with it. (Chuckles) It is the beginning of understanding Safe Zones and the Shield of Solomon, and such things has to do with this pattern. This pattern won‘t make sense just by looking at it but it will once you see the context. This actually has to do with the KaLA Chamber which is the KaLA Chamber in the front, and the Bhardoah Chamber in the back. And again the Bhardoah Chamber is where the Transcendental Passage opens in a body or in the planetary body, and also with the other horizontal rod, so it‘s the rod and the chamber. And when we are looking at maps, a map is… you have a globe but if you had to flatten that globe out so you can look at it flat to see on a map, if that globe had… say if I was a sphere, and I had one chamber coming this way through me... front- back and another this way, and if you flattened that out, you‘ll see the 4 points where the front and the back and the two sides. You would see East and West and you‘d see front and back, as well as the one going vertical up and down but that would be like North Pole, South Pole effect. So these are actually going to be… these go on the maps where you can actually see where the rods and chambers are:  Where is the front opening of the KaLA Chamber in the front?  Where is the back opening of the Bhardoah Chamber of the planet on the back? Because that is where the Transcendental Passage will open.  Where is real East and where is real West as far as the Rod runs? And these things have a lot to do with the condition of the planet and what can be done, and what can‘t be done here now, because there is a long history. Ever since the Amenti Rescue Mission was started 550 million years ago, there have been about 5 points of major extinctions on this planet that our history tells us and our science books tell us. Every one of those corresponds with a period when there is warfare taking place here over control of the Templar through the Rod and, well the Rod and the Staff, but mainly the Rod.  The rod has been split; what should be just one single set of chambers: one going this way, one going this way on the horizontal, and then of course the vertical, it has actually been split and portions of them put on different angles. So you have more than one set of the 4 horizontals; you have several sets of them, and this creates a problem as far as grids.  So we‘ll look at how the basic, just having 4 of them that‘s just the front and back, and the East and West. We‘ll see that where it fits on the map, and it is very specific as far as where they actually are.  And then you‘ll see the ones that have been shifted, and where they create openings into the fall systems into the Caduceus network. When we see those things:  first of all we can understand what sinkholes are a little bit.  second of all we can understand a little bit more about what the Omega Kill Code agenda is about, what it is meant to do to this planet; we‘re supposed to be the 6 th extinction. We had about 5 before and starting 550 million years ago this started, and this was supposed to be the last one as far as the FA groups go; this was their final kill. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 210 of 283

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 And where our groups fit in in this because while we are on planet we are holding the Host and because of the Shield of Solomon which we will see in a little bit, we‘re actually preventing the Omega Kill Code from fully activating in the grids. We‘re actually holding more frequency in to stop it from ripping the grids apart and the planet apart so we can hold it back together. That can be done for 222 years until the Milky Way Host closes. Then we have got to have everything out of here that can get out of here. So we are in a massive drama that gets very personal when you bring it down to the rods and the chambers here. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:23:47](Graph) I‘ll go through a couple of these quickly too until I get to the main ones. This is a map that in here, these aren‘t fully adjusted from Mercator yet so you can just ignore the longitude, the whatever they are, the horizontals going across. I always get longitude and latitude twisted. But these are literally coordinate maps where you can plot stuff. This map doesn‘t show the continents yet. It shows the plates, alright so these are the plates of the crust of the Earth, and it‘s showing where plates are moving apart from each other or moving toward each other; that‘s what the little arrows are: are they drifting away or toward each other? But these are the basic configuration of the plates underneath the continents. On here some of them would be above water where you would see the continents. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:24:31](Graph) Now again just ignore the scale on the other side; it‘s not fully adjusted from Mercator yet. That has to do with how you adjust for on the sphere thing which gives you more accurate longitude-latitude stuff. This is showing where on the Plate Map…all the little dotted lines are where those plates are. This is showing where the continents are: there is America; over here is Ireland and England, and Spain I think that is, Italy. You‘ve got Africa; you‘ve got South America, and Canada, all of that. And then you‘ve got over here China and Japan, Philippines, all that stuff; you got Australia down here somewhere—I‘m starting to feel like, I‘m starting to feel like Miss Impale-them! (?)(Chuckles) I didn‘t know Africa was a country. I‘m being nice. So this is showing actually the Mississippi Line. There is actually a beginning of… what do they call those? It‘s sort of like a fault; it‘s reminiscent of the ridge in Mid-Atlantic, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It‘s like a mini version of that; it‘s round the Mississippi Line…. What is it called? Participant says, ―New Madrid Fault.‖ New Madrid? Is that what they call this one? Yeah. So it‘s kind of funny. If America ever does split, you can pretty much guess where one of them is going to be. Down here is where are now, down in Kitts, down in this area. And the place we‘re going here in Florida is right down in this area of Florida; somewhere over here and on the other maps I actually have it.  You have the ShAlon grids which is one of these Sentinels.  You have another Sentinel over here in Ireland, and we are going to look at these things in relation to these maps. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 211 of 283

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[Audio Track 25 0:26:22](Graph) The plates become important when it comes to the Lighthouses actually, knowing where the plate divisions are. This is just showing how this is literally a map that is not just like a hypothetical, it‘s actually done with longitude-latitude; this is not fully adjusted for Mercator but from where you can track longitude-latitude lines, so it is a practical map, not just like a hypothetical one. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:26:47](Graph) Alrighty, now this is showing again the one with the continents and the plates, the dotted lines are the plates. These little dots here are called Harmonic Convergence Points. The Harmonic Convergence Points are where three or more plates touch each other. Alright, there are certain things harmonically that occur in the grids at places like that where three or more of the plates touch, and you can—  There are certain forces who are actually using the twisted Metatronic grids to progressively create what would end up in destruction of this planet through activating them. When they did the Harmonic Convergence with the Metatronic crew and I think what year was that? ‘87 or whatever, they were playing on certain of these to get them to act certain ways following the Metatronic grid stuff.  The Guardian groups also have ways to work with those. In fact those are the points where what are called the Lighthouses exist. They are power points on the grids. We can use them to hold the grids together just as much as the others can use it to try to rip them apart. And that‘s part of what the mission is going to be here for the next 222 years is to try to help avert the excessive Earth changes that could happen as far as quakes and all of that stuff that could happen as the Omega Code did… the others release in the grids continues to progress. We are actually going to just try to hold the grids together while the Omega Code tries to rip them apart. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:28:18](Graph) We‘ll look at those again in a minute. Now, this one, this one is showing you the 13 Median-Earth and 16 NET-Earth link. I had mentioned before, that the front-back and side-to-side rods of the planet, now if you think of that, if you look at it up in this corner, that shows it a little bit better. If you‘ve got a sphere, if you have a sphere, there is a front to the sphere. There is a back to the sphere. There is a left and right, or East and West to the sphere as well as a top and a bottom. Now we‘ve taught for ages that yes, there is a front of the sphere, and that has to do with the Shield Clocks. If you had a Shield Clock like a plate inside here, where you have the 6 position that is in the front, just like when you learn to spin your Merkabas you‘re standing on…  Pretend you‘re standing on a clock with 6 in front and 12 in the back, 3 over here on the left, and 9 over here on the right. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 212 of 283

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So that gives you an orientation of how the actual structures are when you are dealing with Light Body structures and everything. It applies to planets as well.  There is a natural structure where the front should be, and that should be the zero-line. It should be where the Greenwich zero-line is. It isn‟t. This should be the rear. In order to find where any of the actual configurations are on this planet, we had to go back and understand these things a bit first because the planet is actually, it has a crust off-set to the mantle that was done actually, I think 65 million years ago. That was when the dinosaurs got wiped out because a big asteroid hit down somewhere in here, right around there in the Yucatán Peninsula is where they attribute the last extinction to. That was not accidental; the dinosaurs were just kind of in the way from what the FAs were trying to do. And what they were trying to do was create a literal off-set; they were shifting the rods and chambers again to try to pull the gates into the Metatronic configuration, and they split, they did a final split on the rods. And now what we have here is a normal configuration, not showing the split yet or the off-set. When you are looking at this… the front of the sphere, right, that would be here. So that… and it‘s actually 158 East, 158 0 East, that line is actually the front; that should be zero when you are doing like the zero going around to 180, so you can do your longitude-latitude stuff.  This is the Equator. This is the natural place where both part of NET-Earth, the part that we are on, and Median-Earth that is front; that is where their front chamber comes out of the planetary body; that is still there and intact.  13 of the quantum of the whole Amenti-Earth is with the Median-Earth part of it.  And 16 which is if you broke Amenti Earth into three pieces:  1 Median-Earth that stayed Ascension,  1 that got Blended:  12 of that went to Caduceus, 

of it became NET, that‘s where we are; we are the 16 ; it‘s half of the 13 , right, that was the Blend-Earth.  And then there is another 13 that is fully fallen and it‘s called the Phantom Matrix; it is fully aligned with the black holes. 1 2

Now, when we are dealing with this, right now we are fortunate because these rods, and well the rod is the one that goes left-right, and the chamber, NET-Earth where we are, they still align with Median-Earth. What the Omega Code is meant to do is to completely change that permanently, so they are actually trying to use our rod to take Median-Earth out too, because they want the quantum. They are trying to pull it into a black hole, because black holes are kind of funny. Once you make one and your system is in one, you will find it is going to implode on itself and turn you to space dust, if you don‘t keep feeding it. So you try to find ways and technologies to draw energy from other sources to keep feeding it even if it means harnessing and killing other galaxies, which is what they are using the black hole technology to do. So this is our front, and that implies, right that‘s our front. If you are coming around across the front of the globe, you would run into a side first, so the one right next to it wouldn‘t be the back; it would be one of the sides. So if you are coming around this way, this would be the, if this was your front, and you are standing like that, this would be this side, and that would be the East. So that‘s the natural East Rod. It just so happens to be at 112 0 West. So we got the East Rod and the West, then we come back over here, still coming around this way, hit East. Now we have the rear one; that‘s the rear chamber. That‘s the chamber that the Transcendental Passage and the Bhardoah The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 213 of 283

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Passage that connects us to our past; to our actual rest of our Light Body, Soul Body structure, and the planet as well is here, and that one is at 220 West. And right around that, this back Rod that‘s where that rear chamber comes out. It also has a front chamber that is the KaLA Chamber that moves towards the future, but I didn‘t put that on because what we are looking here for this discussion is where the Transcendental Passage opens. So if you were looking at this from behind, you were looking at… like looking at the back of the planet head on, that would be where the rear of the chamber would be, the Bhardoah Chamber, and this would be the Transcendental Passage that opens around it. So this area, and the areas that it comes in, these will actually be on the surface of the Earth. And then this would go into the Earth up to the center point, up to the center point there. But that would be the end of the rear passage, and from this point forth, it would be the front passage. So this stuff, there is the whole tube that goes into the Earth‘s body into the sphere that runs here. These could be like dotted lines that are inside the grids. But this opening here is actually where the Transcendental Passage opens in the planetary grids. This, so we have the front chamber, the East Rod, the rear chamber, and over here, I didn‘t highlight that one yet, but over here we‘ve got the West Rod… just so happens to be at 680 East. So the East and West, this is where the dyslexia is coming in. The more we are trying to come on-line with the natural orientation it‘s like the brain doesn‘t know which set of signals to follow literally; we‘ll get past that eventually. Alright, but the transition is a bit challenging because you‘re literally running two sets of frequencies. These are the natural places: this should be the zero-line; this should be the 180-line; this should be 90 and this should be 90. This should be 90 West; that should be 90 East. But what you have here instead is the Caduceus alignment. The Caduceus alignment has to do with when the rods were split. They were split in several stages during each of the last extinctions that started like 500 some million years ago right after the 550 million years ago Amenti Project started here. But there‘s been a split of the rods where they were literally, the last one was where the crust was actually shifted upward using the rods by forcing the rods into a split frequency-wise. And this is heavy-duty black hole scalar technology where you blast enough energy at something and you can make it split or you can make it move. It is on a large scale; this is on a planetary scale but that must be a small beans compared to what they did to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. But they actually had split the rods and chambers and shifted them up onto this line which is the Tropic of Cancer line; it is 23.4390 North of where they should be. And so there is another set of these that is running up here that are actually running and plugged into what are called the Caduceus Grids. So you have a portion of NET-Earth, 16 quantum of the entire Amenti-Earth is in the NET Field here, and it‘s aligned with the Median-Earth Field. That‘s the only reason we still have the ability to open any of the Ascension Passages here. There is another portion of Blended-Earth, NET-Earth is part of Blended-Earth because it is blended to the Caduceus part that has the rods offsets and it‘s actually at this point the dominating force on the planet. I mean even all of or our mathematics and the little C60 carbon atom that they run the atomic clock on from the Greenwich Meridian Line, all of that is all plugged in; our entire societies are being run by the Metatronic people. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 214 of 283

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At this point the Green ones who actually started this technology ages and ages ago had it hijacked by the Red-White Dragon crews and are going to lose their grids. That‘s why they are turning over many of them to the Guardians at this point finally, because they are going to be eaten alive and they are going to lose their Sovereign Fall potential. They won‘t even get the Earth; they are going to be dragged into the Wesadrak Matrix Black Hole System through the Procyak Black Hole at the center of our galaxy; of Milky Way Galaxy. So all of a sudden they‘re becoming cooperative which is really nice, finally. I‘ll show you what they have done with the natural structure. These are still here, but you have 13 of the full Amenti quantum that belongs to Median-Earth and 16 of that quantum also that belongs to NET-Earth. The Caduceus set are trying to pull the NET-Earth ones in. Then you have another set that I don‘t even have the diagrams done that correspond with the parts that fell progressively another part of the rods that were split early that formed the Phantom Earth systems. And there is another set of these, but the most important ones to deal with right now are the ones that we are working with as far as the Ascension and also the ones in the crust offset. Where are literally mantle, if you had a gate that should be on the crust… should be in the same place as it is on the mantle, if you shift the crust over the mantle, you misalign gates, so you can align the crust with other things, and that‘s what was done. There is literally an offset between the crust and the mantle. But these still come out in the locations where they are showing, and these are locations you know, longitude and latitude, very specific spots. They still come out and they are still holding the natural mantle positions and these are still coming out on the surface there. But there is another set that are holding the offset, and we‘ll look at those next I think, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:39:12](Graph) The green ones, I made them green for Green Dragons, and blue for Blue Dragons that aren‘t even dragons; they work with the Krystic teams. If you look at this, we have the normal grid with the mantle, and it is front and rear, and East and West, and it is vertical. Then you have this one. It‘s actually shifted up where they literally rolled the crust upward out of alignment, and what that did was split part of the energy off of the rods and chambers, and brought it up to here, and that‘s where you get the Tropic of Cancer Line. And they also not just shifted it up, but also shifted it over. This is the front of the planet. They not only shifted up, but they shifted the front to an artificial front where they actually…turned it all the way 158 0 really back to here where they made the zero-line. That is the Greenwich Line. That‘s where there is the whole atomic clock and all that stuff, and all of our navigational stuff is built on this longitude-latitude system and all the electromagnetic grids and everything is built on this system. And this system is built on the Caduceus Rods, what are known as the Caduceus Rods, which is the split in the crust offset. They were meant to do something. They were meant to eat the other ones. They were meant to pull in, if these were activated in a certain way… see rods and chambers spin, and if they were activated on reverse spin, they were meant to drag first the NET-Earth that‘s where we are up and over, and then use the power of the two of those to go after Median-Earth. They are actually trying to take out the whole Amenti thing in this agenda when they created progressively... this has taken millions of years for them to get to this point, for the FA groups to get to this point of doing this. We have been invaded for a long time. We have been invaded because of that relationship we have to M31; the Andromeda Galaxy, because this planet could actually made the difference because the gates went right through. We could have had if it worked, we could have pulled the entire Milky Way back into alignment with the Andromeda Galaxy The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 215 of 283

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where it could have gone back in. And at this point that is not going to happen. Some of it can be pulled back in on that Host, but it is going to go into fall. The whole mission was much bigger than just the smaller Amenti mission. It was a much larger one of trying to get the Milky Way back into M31 where it fell from. This is just showing the blue ones are ours. And we still have, we are still holding NET-Earth, still is holding in alignment with the Median-Earth ones which are run the Equator Line, they run on the Equator. And then the Caduceus ones run on the Tropic of Cancer Line up here, and they are meant to be activated and to spin and to drag these up and over into it, which would pull the mantle into alignment in reverse spin in order to take the grids out and literally pull Median-Earth down into fall. That‘s not going to be allowed to happen and Median-Earth will still remain, and we are going to be able to move portions of our grids here into Median-Earth in order to get them out of the Caduceus Fall. The ones that go Caduceus Fall this point as long as the Greens who have entered the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan behave and act nicely to the Budhara who are already fallen but they are a Kryst fallen matrix, they use Kryst principles to run their fall matrix, they are in charge; they are holding the Host at this point for the Green Dragons. And if the Green Dragons don‘t listen to them, they‘ll say ‗Fine!‘ and they will cut the energy ties and then the rest will fall into Red and White Dragon hands and the Greens will be even more unhappy. So that‘s the drama we‘re not going to have to watch a lot of, but we are going to see some of a lot of still on the planet…. probably a war between the Red-White team and the Green team, and if we possibly can we‘ll stay out of that as much as possible. So it‘s about the rods, it‘s about a lot more, but right now we are dealing with the issues of the rods and they‘re activating. When the Omega Code was activated by the Red-White Dragon teams in I believe it was January of 2008, that just set these in motion, but under the Red-White Dragons‘ control, not the Green Dragons‘ control. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:43:42](Graph) What it is meant to do is …it‘s meant to split… here‘s ours down here. It‘s meant to split ours first, pull NET-Earth up and shift it over that way, pull the NET-Earth part up. It would be simultaneous; you don‘t pull one piece at a time; it just shifts up. So they would pull NET-Earth out of alignment with Median-Earth, and put it in this configuration with the Caduceus vortices, and then get these two spinning. What it creates in between when those rods and chambers would overlap… is creates what are called sinkholes. When these rods spin, it creates vortex set that would pull the rod of Median-Earth into, to make Median-Earth be dragged into the fall. And what it also does is it begins to pull land masses in. It begins to pull pieces of the crust into the sinkholes, literally. So when you make big changes like this, there are changes that happen to the surface of the planet and they are often abrupt, and that kind of thing. If you look at the extinction periods that have taken place in the past, the scientists believe that we started off somewhere down in here where everything was like down there. It started off as like Panodia (?) and Gondwana Land (?) and all that stuff. And, over millions of years continents drifted up and did this and that, and in the middle of there, there were five different extinctions for some reason or another. I mean this is the history that you find in the history books, the science books here that go back. There is always Earth changes that do occur when they start moving the rods, we are going to have Earth changes. It‘s just a matter of time. We would be having them more severely already, if it weren‘t for the fact that the Beloveds have been successful in getting what‘s called the Shield of Solomon activated. The Shield of Solomon is meant to stop this The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 216 of 283

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procedure. Because, what the Red Dragons want to do, is once they get this rolled up and they‘ve got the quantum and got control of the rod and the chamber of Median-Earth, they then want to split them this way, and this way, which means split the Staff and you would have a set: took this and split half of it this way, half of it that way, then move them in opposite spin that will literally rip the planet apart on the Equator. It would literally pull the crust apart at the Equator. They are attempting to simply harness it to drag it as quantum into a black hole; they don‘t really care what condition it ends up in anymore. They used to care; they were trying to get the life fields in and harness it and do it in a more gentle fall, but because there was enough resistance here between the Greens fighting with them and the Krystics saying, ‗No, you‘re not going to do that,‘ they just decided ‗Forget it!‘ When they activated the Omega Code, it‘s called the Omega Kill Code, it was for the purpose of ‗Fine! You want the last extinction? You‘ve got it!‘ Right, that attitude. And we are standing against this stuff. It‘s big, it really is! Fortunately it‘s not been—you know nobody is chasing us, hunting us down yet. I‘m very glad about that: I am talking about me and Az especially, because we are the ones talking about it a lot. But they figured we sound crazy so nobody listens anyway, so that‘s probably why we are still living, breathing, and walking! But this is what we‘re in the middle of and in here, it‘s like when you have this happening, where in the world is a Safe Zone? Not here, right? There still are those Safe Zone places which are Slide Zones that do have the ability to separate the Sha-LA-a part of their light and the Shona, and be able to shift, go 90 0 shift into, remember that chamber? So it would literally be the particles of a certain piece of land, say a piece of land here, its particles are aligned with its magnetic North, it could literally do the shift and go into that chamber to go into the Umshaddhi State and go up into the next level to step up into the Median-Earth space. So there‘s still a lot of hope and potential here and especially now that the Greens have handed over the Green grids to the Krystics basically because they were losing them. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:47:36](Graph) (A & A confer) Yes, it‘s close to the Chihuahua location, yeah. I‘m not going to get into analyzing all of these. I mean they are already analyzed. I‘ve got all the little numbers and stuff. Yeah, yeah, I noticed. I just don‘t want to go into that heaviness detail. We talked more about that I think in the Amsterdam one. I did cover a lot of that. Now this is back to the plates. Remember the Plate Maps? Which were the things running underneath the continents and that kind of stuff and the oceans. This is showing you there is exactly…we‘ve got 26 points, two of them actually though overlap, so they‘re considered just you lose two in the count so you end up with 24 of these. These are the Harmonic Convergence Points where three or more plates touch each other, and these are what are known as the Lighthouses. At these locations in the crust of the planet in the plates, there are those Lighthouse Ah-VE‟-yas Shields, and they are the ones that take instruction from the larger ones that are in the Sentinel Shields. And the Sentinels take their instructions or The Call from the Watchtower to set that in motion. So the areas connected to these when you put this, when you look on the other maps that show where you could see the continents and the plates with the little dots, I don‘t have the big dots around them… I mean big circles around them, but it will show you these areas are Safe Zones. Of primary Safe Zones you have 3 that are very closely related:  One would be the Watchtower area, the parameter of that shield.  There are 4, it depends on what happens in relation to one of them if it will stay on-line or not, Sentinels:  This is one of them, the Kitts Gates and that is doing good; that will stay on-line. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 217 of 283

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 The ShAlon Gate which is Spanner-7 Gate in the Phoenix area; that is another Sentinel.  There is one in Adaire, it‘s Arc-HUB-Gate-1—I believe it is in Adaire Ireland; that is a Sentinel.  And they finally confirmed today, they wouldn‘t let us know where the other one was. They said there‘s 4 but we‘ll see if it stays on-line. It is the Alon property that plugs into the Aurora-4 Platform in Urtha, so it is Alon, and we‘ll see where that goes. Right now there is somebody potentially interested in buying it on the open market. If there is somebody that can hold it, the Beloveds will know that….in the Kryst, they will keep the crust open; if not, they will have to close the crust level of it, but they will still keep the mantle level of it open, so we‘ll see where that goes.  So there are the 4 Sentinels, the 1 Watchtower, and you‘ve got the 24 Lighthouses around it. They are the primary structure right now of the Safe Zones, but there is a little bit more to it than that. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:50:31](Graph) This is showing…  There are those little dots again… so they are the Lighthouses.  Here, you‘ve got Alon up in Colorado. You‘ve got ShAlon in Arizona. And over here somewhere you‘ve got the one in Ireland, Adaire. And down here you‘ve got Kitts. They are the 4 Sentinels.  Here is where you‘ve got the Watchtower.  And here is what you‘ve got; it‘s called the Shield of Solomon, and there‘s numerous other configurations with this. These primary gates and shields are the power for the Shield of Solomon. It is a Safe Zone that is meant to link, notice it‘s…I always get my notes out; these are a mess. This is the rear; this is the front of the chambers; it‘s actually holding the chambers, so they can‘t be split and dragged into the Caduceus set. So this Shield of Solomon will for 220 years, keep the Omega Code as the Omega Code brings more energy in from the black holes to try to rip the crust apart by moving the rods again, this will just amplify and meet it as far as frequency where if they are pushing the crust apart, we‘ll be holding it together for the 220-year period to stave off the Earth changes as much as possible, until the point where the Host is done in the Milky Way Galaxy. So in this region as well as those spots, you have the basic strongest level of the Safe Zones. That doesn‘t mean they are going to be safe in politics, or what might be happening in the country there whatever, or that they are going to be safe. I mean there is no guarantee we‘re not getting hurricanes in Pine Island, you know what I mean? I mean the Gulf gets them all the time! Whatever, we‘ll deal with it. It doesn‘t mean Earth changes won‘t happen. What it means is Earth changes are not; it is a Safe Zone because it is a Slide Zone, because it has the Ah-VE‘-yas Shield that allows it to separate the Sha-LA-a and the Shona, and to shift where you can go into that hyper-dimensional state is what it really is, going into the Umshaddhi State, to be able to make the shift up into Median-Earth. So they are the Evacuation Stations on the planet as well where these shields are. They are places where if it went bad fast, and the Shield of Solomon wasn‘t holding, those places would be the primary places where you could get out from fast. And the first one would be that actually all the blue ones would connect into the four orangey-green ones, and they would connect in through here, so it will basically all lift out from the Watchtower area. The Watchtower would carry all of them out into that shift. So these are the Evacuation Stations. This is one of them; Kitts is one and it is one of the Sentinels.

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And this area over here is interesting because this is where on the surface, if you are looking at the back of the Earth as a sphere, it is right in this area that you will see the rear Rod, and that‘s where you‘re seeing the Transcendental Chamber opening, so we‘ve got part of Africa in there, and we‘ve got a little tip of whatever is over there in South America, and a lot of ocean. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of mainland. You got a little bit of Ireland in there, but it‘s in this area that the Transcendental Passage actually opens on the surface of the Earth, and the rest of this goes into the crust. But anywhere from here to here, you would still be able to access down into it from these locations. These would be the prime locations to do it from. But once these are brought on-line, once the Lighthouses are fully activated, which is after the Sentinels are fully activated, then they connect into the HUB-Gates. The Arc-HUB-Gates which means not only will these spots be Safe Zones but—next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:54:34](Graph) …but so would all of these. It‘s hard to see but we had these out for a while. This is all the—you can‘t really see them; some of them are really, really dark in this printer because our printer wipes out things like this when we try to print them. This is the map, the HUB-Gate Map, the Arc-HUB-Gate Map that we put out a couple of years ago. This shows literally all 12 Arc-HUB-Gates, and each one of those I mean they are very, very large, and they have 12 different areas within them. So these are all… will connect into those. If we get that much of the Templar working which we‘re doing a good job of so far, then these will come on-line. And then once these come on-line, that‘s when the GrU‘al will come on-line. The event time for that is for Easter, the Easter Sarasota Workshop is when those activations that are going to be taking place. The Arc-HUB-Gates also connect into the Spanner Gates, so the Spanners like actually feed those, so they will come on-line. Then we would actually get the GrU‘al back, the Planetary GrU‘al or the Planetary Grail, and that‘s the Planetary Star Gate 2; we get that back, we can link a piece of, not the whole gates, but about 13 of the quantum of, it is 13 or 16 ? I can‘t remember actually because they kept flipping back and forth on that. But we‘ll get part of the quantum of even the planetary Star Gates back that we lost back in 2000 when the Treaty of Altair was broken. And if we can get those back, we can put the Trinity Gates on-line which are the ones you only need a 3-strand activation level to actually pass, which means a much lower Light Quotient than you would have to for the other Gates. So, it‘s like we‘re back in business as far as getting the Templar activated and it didn‘t look like it was going to go that way for a very long time. It‘s not as happy, happy, joy, joy; as it would have been if the treaties weren‘t broken in the first place in 2000 by the Green Dragon crew and that kind of thing. But this is a lot better than could-have-been, because at this point we could be having our Equator cracked, if we hadn‘t had a certain amount of the grids activated enough to hold off the Omega Code activations. The Omega will… by the way… I‘ve said it before, once it is activated, you can‘t stop it. If you try to stop it, it‘ll actually explode the planet! So it just progressively tries to rip it apart. The only thing you can do is to counteract it and try to hold the planet together with a reciprocal force, and that‘s what the Shield of Solomon does. So this is good what we were doing. We are getting a piece of all the gates back on-line through this Host that has to do with the larger structures of the Watchtower and all of that kind of thing. Next one, please.

[Audio Track 25 0:57:09](Graph) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 219 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

This is the one I‘m working on now. I‘m just starting to put on, it‘s much clearer. Wilbur did this for us where he‘s got the perfected Mercator alignments, and that kind of stuff. And…and it went away…. I just want that one. I‘m not going to leave it up that long. I put stuff on there. No, it isn‘t. Not that one. The base diagram for it is. I‘ve added stuff. Yes, thank you. Right, thanks love. I‘ve added these so far so we see where the natural, where the rear and the front, and the rear and front, and the West and East rods are. I always get dyslexic with the rods unless I have the numbers on. I actually put the thingys on but I can‘t read them because my pen was dying. This is the one I am going to be working on, because it‘s really nice this one that Wilbur had done for us, where the programming is it shows like the states and stuff, where in the countries and like the different countries within the continents so you can get a little bit more close. Now there is an aspect that we are just getting on the Safe Zones as well too. We have the parameters of where the Shield of Solomon was, and we‘ll show that stuff on this by the time that you get a print-out of this. There is another way to read some interesting maps in a new way. Where if you can realize what just happened in America, for example with the election we talked about the first night when we were on the orientation, was that the fact that Mr. Obama is going to be our next President. He was the candidate endorsed on the Kryst side as far as this, the whole planetary drama; he‘s much more, not just about America, it‘s about actually what‘s happening on the planet. The ones who voted for the other side were being moved to vote on the Red-White Dragon side. Of course the people who vote that don‘t know. They are looking at policies; they are not seeing the wackiness behind the scenes, even the candidates themselves don‘t know about the things behind the scenes like that. There is something that is called the Political Maps. I had them in order. Yeah, let me put the first one I have up. Please, put that first.

[Audio Track 25 0:59:28](Graph) I‘ll show you something. You can go from the basics of the larger maps that we will give you, to these maps that you can get right off the Internet. This is just state by state. Now, we don‘t have them yet for across the planet but you can do the same thing. And I think at some point the Beloveds probably will as far as which countries, for example, would be on the Red side or which would be on the Blue side. And it‘s kind of funny; it‘s like Blue-Green because the Blues are assisting the Greens, but the Blues tend to be the Blue Dragon crews that are working with the Beloveds that are the Krystics. Now these are the states. These are the breakdowns for McCain and Obama. If you‘re going to live somewhere, and you‘re wondering who controls, what the dominant control of those grids are, maps like this can be very, very helpful. In America it is very easy at this point to tell, because it‘s split right down the middle of the two parties where they are so polarized, and you have little independent people running in their own bit, but usually they don‘t get very far. It‘s been bipolar forever America has, and it still is. It is getting to a point where you can find ok, within the parameter of where the larger more important Safe Zones are, where might, how can I fine-tune that a little bit? Well if you see like say if most of it was in… even all of America was in the Safe Zone which I don‘t think it all falls in, you would find the areas that were in the Shield of Solomon space. And The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 220 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

then you go look for the blues at this point, instead of the red ones, because it doesn‘t mean that everybody in that place is working for the other side, but it means the influence. If it is influencing people in large masses when they go to vote for something like that, there is an influence of that collective consciousness in that area. And that would mean when you can look at the Political Maps, it simply is showing you that there are certain areas that have a dominance of consciousness in that area and that shows you who is controlling the grids that help move people to do things that people think are choosing to do on their own. So it‘s kind of funny, we‘re here right now. Fortunately, this is just a state to state one. I like these even better. They came from the same source. It is somewhere on the Internet. Az probably knows because he found them. Can I see this one? A‘zah: I think it‘s the New York Times. A‘sha: New York Times? A‘zah: I pulled them before the election was over because…. A‘sha: Right, this was before it was over. A‘zah: … They weren‘t finished yet. North Carolina was doing its Democrat whereas Missouri was doing Republican from time to time. A‘sha: So then you can break it down county to county. A‘zah: Now basically the intensity of color…bear in mind now…so the more red it is the more Republican it is. And the darker the grey-blue, the stronger the Democrat is, right? A‘sha: Yup, right. So this is just giving you an idea. I never realized America was so red-grid. Yup, fortunately I think that little piece of blue comes down far enough toward Phoenix area. I mean it is scary when you see it: ‗Oh my God!‘ Yeah, and we only have this for America because we are not following any other political things. To do it with trying to figure out what the rest of the world is doing, I am hoping the Beloveds will just give me … if I have a red and a blue crayon, then I can color on the countries and when they show me which country is like just areas, even if they just give me areas that shows the dominance even if it‘s not backed up by polls that show elections or anything, I think they will probably do that but they will use the same system as was used here to, seriously, show the statistics on an election, (can‘t make out she says) next one. A‘zah: This is the morphogenetic one.

[Audio Track 25 2:03:15](Graph) A‘sha: I love this one actually. The bubbles— A‘zha: The bigger the circle, the stronger the commitment. A‘sha: Ok, this is the bubble map. It shows the bigger the circle, the stronger the commitment to whatever the party is. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 221 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

And look where Pine Island is! (Chuckles) We are this like little bubble right in this little cluster of red bubbles but there‘s a lot of blues here too. There is a lot of blues over here in California, but that doesn‘t mean California is necessarily a Safe Zone, because I‘ll have to see where it actually falls in relation to the Shield of Solomon because, it also has that really nasty fault that is progressively the Cascadia faults up here and San Andrea down here. It is all wired in; it was meant to go when the Omega Code starts activating the equatorial rip, and it is not really a Safe Zone to live in California anymore. But it is getting pretty obvious; I mean if it‘s not burning, it is mud sliding; if it‘s not mud sliding, it‘s quaking. Nice coast but it is going to be like Atlantis pretty soon; it‘s going to be an underwater theme park, and it‘s not going to happen probably next year or even in 2012, and it‘ll probably be more of the same kind of chaos that is just always there. It‘s scary. I would think it would be scary to invest in real estate there, because it‘s just like how do you even afford insurance on it at this point? So there are a lot of blue affiliation there which means ones—and it doesn‘t mean that they are Krystic but they assisted in getting Obama elected. And Obama was the candidate that is standing against the Red-White Dragon crews on the planet. And he is standing, he‘s got as I said before Budhara in him, and he‘s got Indigo in him, and he is a very good man to handle the drama, especially the bigger one that is going on right now. But this again shows you just the affiliations in areas. I believe that‘s Hawaii. This one you can probably paint all red; that‘s Alaska. (Chuckle) Impale-them (?) Land! So anyway, this is just giving you an idea of how you can fine-tune the Safe Zone Maps. We will be using some kind of color version like that on the larger one as we move through that. The one we‘ll do for you tomorrow so you have some idea will show the rods and stuff. It will show the primary sites and it will show the Shield of Solomon Zone so you know what zone that is in. There will be, and then again there are the HUB areas too. So if I have time, I‘ll put them in. If not, I know we have them on the product list; they have the whole set of them where you can see the HUB Maps that are just the whole one where you can hardly see them because some of them are almost on top of each other. And then we have them broken down one by one where you can go right into longitude and latitude of every one of the 12 areas in the HUB zones including the center one. So there are ways to start to decide where it might be better, the best place to be. The best places are on the places where the Ah-VE‘-yas Shield are there directly which would be like the Watchtowers, the Sentinels area, and any of the 24 what are they called Lighthouses areas; they would be the strongest. And next would be the things that fall in that parameter of the Shield of Solomon, so we‘ll have that map for you at least tomorrow. And if you want the HUB ones, you can get those; they are already published in nice clean form. I think we‘re done with them. (A & A confer) Yeah, I‘ll leave that one for tomorrow. Oh good, we made it to the paper work at the end! Now all of this, these maps and the stuff we learned about the bodies and the Slide Zones, and the whole bit, I hope this brings it into a bit of focus, greater focus for everybody. When it comes back to the things that we are doing like exercises and all of those things, they have directly to do with the ability to bring more of the Sha-LA-a Quotient into your body, so you become able to do this Slide thing through the Umshaddhi spaces, and we‘ll talk more about that in tomorrow‘s lecture and other things too, and we‘ll try to bring those elements back together a little more clearly. At least this and last night‘s kind of gave me some technicals to see how all this fills out.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 222 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

What we are going to do tonight is… we are going to do the activation that we were going to do last night that it rained and it was too late to do. And this one… I‘m calling it Aqua-Tone Technique 5A and it has to do with at the end of it… this is after we go to the first level which is that Seal or that level in the Umshaddhi State between the probable level and your own Heroic-Self both in Density-1; we are going to be going to that platform. It‘s a lay-down; that means you‘re going back into that platform instead of just vertically sitting up on top of your probability bubble. You are going back into the next level, to the God-Self level, and that‘s where we‘ll begin to bring in the God-Self… the orbs which are the elementals that progressively will help heal our atoms here, help bring them back into the natural Sha-LA-a structure, so we are going to do that. And then we are going to have—well, we‘ll see how it works and how tired we are. I would like to just do without the light sticks because you can‘t use them—we can‘t break them so we‘re going to hand them out when we actually need to use them, but we can do the motions. The motions are about moving the balls, the orbs. Right, so we are going to go out, bring them in, and then as they are in and actually around us, use these motions to gain momentum and to help them actually pick up charge to make our fields spin faster so more can come in. We are bringing in an Elemental Host because these are elementals from the Median-Earth levels that will progressively not only assist us in re-assembling our Sha-LA-a Light units and pulling out of the Shona, but it will assist the local environment to do that as well, and it is the beginning of learning how to do Calling of the Orbs, which is when you are literally calling in the elementals and working to direct Elemental Command. So we will be doing that tonight, and then there is more to do tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to do I think what did I say at 4:00? Yeah, at 4 o‘clock we are going to do again the—we have a session of the Ah-RA‘-yas kind of like a little bit of every one of them for a power-amp that is important, just because it will help the bodies power-amp for the grid work that is going to be done tomorrow night, and I would appreciate if you would come to that one. And that‘s instead of doing it in the morning, we are going to do it at 4:00 pm. And that‘s probably going to last like maybe an hour to 5:00, 5:30 tops. And then we have the I think the 6 o‘clock it‘s scheduled on the schedule… the farewell dinner and stuff, and right after that we go into the last lecture series, and right after that we go into this event that we are going to create with the Beloveds on the beach, and right after that we got to go pack, especially anybody that has to leave in the morning. We are going out on the beach for midnight. I don‘t know who is leaving on early flights and how that‘s going to work for you. We are right down to just about the end now. There is one more lecture and a little bit more techniques, and then it‘s time to go home again. So while we are still awake and while I‘m still functioning, why don‘t we go out and we‘ll go out to the beach. Oh wait, wait, wait, Az wants to say something to you. A‘zah: You can do that part but don‘t go yet. Don‘t go yet. (Applause) Ok, I just want to know something. We are going to set the Shadra tonight just as we did a couple of nights ago. I just want a show of hands …how many people are really confident they can remember exactly whereabouts they were? Pretty much everybody? Cool, alright then, that‘s going to save us a lot of time, that‘s why I wanted to ask you.    

Now then, what you will have to wait for though is to get the 33-foot diameter circle figured out again, that‘s all! And remember there were 12 people who came out and 4 occupied the cardinal. And then the other 8 came in so that we could prescribe the circle, if you can just be patient while we get that part set.  And then we can put the circles of 12 in position all the way around the edge of the master circle. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 223 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

Alrighty, so the same 4 guys: Taylor, Currie, Fraz, and David will actually just supervise and help you with spatial stuff and shape. If you just wait long enough for us to get the main circle set up, then we can fill the rest in kind of quickly. It will save us half an hour and you can go to bed a little earlier. (End of Audio Track 25 1:12:12)

[Sliders-3 St. Kitts - Audio Track 25A – Ra sha Pa ta ur Awakening WS330351] PSI-Interactive Technique-2 Opening the Personal Rasha Window (& Prep. Grail Event-2 Awakening the Sentinel) [ 0:00:45] Preparing for technique on beach. A‘hza: There you go, you‘re on. Ash‘a: Yeah. This one hurts. That one‘s tight. Ok. I‘m now on. Can everybody hear me? Alrighty good! Now this one isn‘t as long as the other one so we won‘t be here for too long. But hopefully it will be fun. We‘ll be accomplishing several things during this Sha-Dra. One of them is opening the Ah-VE-yas Point within the KaranAdial Seal---that Lotus Point---we‘ll be opening that in preparation for tomorrow‘s final activations. We‘ll also, in doing so, we‘ll be initiating the activation of the Uni-genetic Underlay (UGU) that we‘ve talked about in the workshop. We‘ll be initiating that not activating it yet, just initiating it getting it ready for activation tomorrow. And the most fun part of what we‘ll be doing is we‘ll be meeting again our ZionA Attendant, and we‘re going to do a co-creation with our ZionA Attendant when we get into the particular Um-shaddhi d-4 spot. And we‘re going to invite the Elementals, and I thought it was just from the GodSelf level, we‘re actually opening both Seals tonight. So we‘re going through the God-Self level and through that, into the next level up into the Transcendent-Self level. So we‘re actually going to be inviting the Elementals in---the Elemental of Ah-VE-yas---in from Median Earth, and they‘re going to come in as many many Orbs, and we‘re going to take that into what the Beloveds have referred to as first Orb Fest, and then we‘ll take that into...what did they call the other thing? Yeah, the Orb Fest, and then we will have an Orb Bath. But we will actually bring them all the way through into the physical here, and feel them begin working with transmuting the first layer of Shona Light off of us so we can bring back the Sha-LA‘a to a certain quantum of our atoms tonight. And we‘ll be doing this again... but a different...there‘ll be more to it when we do the large activation tomorrow evening. At a certain point when we‘re done here, we‘re...we can feel...we‘re going to try to feel the presence of the Orb Beings that we have brought in, the Elemental Beings we have brought into co-create with. Tomorrow night when we do this, we will actually be using the part B of the technique which are the Ah-LEi-yas---the 12 Ah-LEi-yas---so we can practise those actually tomorrow during the 4 o‘clock session with the Ah-RA‘-yas instead of trying to practise them after tonight with it being dark and all of that, and everybody being tired. So we‘ll just...when we are done with the lay-down part of this at the end of this, we‘ll just stand up and try to feel the Orb Beings around us, and if some people want to try to take pictures at that point they can, I don‘t know if we‘ll get Orbs on pictures tonight or not. The objective is to try to feel them once we bring them in and feel their presence, and so hopefully it will be an interesting experience, but even if we‗re too tired to appreciate that much, at least we can...we will have the activations in our fields ready for the final activations of the KaranAdial Complex that will occur tomorrow. [0:04:25] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 224 of 283

Sliders-3 November 12-22, 2008 St.Kitts, British Virgin Islands

And we‘ll start with...just simply do just 3 rounds of the Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW and amplify the Krystar Vehicle. Now we‘re going to be utilizing the Transcendental Passage that runs with the Bhardoah Chamber that if we‘re standing up comes out our back and goes out backwards behind us, but when we lay our bodies down, the Chamber actually stays where it is, so we actually align our head with it. We align our body with it horizontally so we can ride through it as a tube, so we‘re going to do that when we begin this process. We are going to use a Bi-location Mini-Me version, so just breathe easy and make a version of a Mini-Me in your Pineal, and then inhale (inhales) and use the next exhale to push the Mini-Me down into your KaranAdial Seal Changing Room. (exhales) Just breathe normally for a minute, and now in the Changing Room float your Mini-Me over to the Crystal Lotus in the centre point of the KaranAdial Sphere. And now lay the Mini-Me on its back over the Crystal Lotus, and then inhale in your physical and in your Mini-Me body, (inhales) and hold the inhale. Now on the exhale push the Mini-Me---the laying down Mini-Me---horizontally back through the Transcendental Passage. That means out the top of your head, of your physical head. (exhales) Ok, and just breathe normally for a moment. Focus your attention on your Mini-Me as if it‘s drifting above your head while you‘re in the laying down position as it‘s moving further away from your head. It lying on its back as well. And you‘re going to come to a point of a bit of resistance a little bit up past your head, and this is the first Umshaddhi Veil. And we‘re going to move the Mini-Me through the Veil in a moment. So try to sense with the Mini-Me a bit of resistance to the forward...where it‘s moving with its head moving forward down the Transcendental Passage that is running now...your head is‘s running off the top of your head because you moved down into alignment with it. So, try to feel the resistance that your Mini-Me will feel on the top of its head just for a moment. And when you feel that, just inhale and hold for a moment, (inhales) and then use the exhale to just push your Mini-Me body gently through it (exhales), and keep it floating. Just floating through the Transcendental Passage. Floating through the God-Self level now, and it‘s actually going to flow from the God-Self level of Density-1 through another resistance place, that you‘ll actually feel a little bit more of resistance, of its movement. And when you feel that resistance we‘re going to inhale again and hold. (inhales) And then push through with the exhale. That second layer. (exhales) And that moves you now from the Density-1 God-Self space into the Density-2 Transcendental I AM Soul-Self space at the centre of your Soul Collective Self. Now in this space that we‘ve just moved into, we‘re in the Umshaddhi number 4 space that is between the Densities levels, and in this space now imagine standing your Mini-Me up so it‘s in a standing position. And remember the Umshaddhi spaces look like a dark velvet blue background with a plane that‘s kinda like translucent milky white that you‘re standing on. And just as if you‘re hanging in space but your feet are on this milky white plane. And everything including your Mini-Me looks like it‘s a ghost image in the Umshaddhi places. Try to be aware of your Mini-Me standing up now in its ghost image phase. And sense a presence coming, and the presence will be your ZionA Attendant. Try to feel the presence of your ZionA Attendant standing in front of your standing Mini-me. And also try to sense the presence of your ZionA actually hanging over your body, if you were standing up but your body here is laying down. So imagine that he‘s laying where you‘re still looking eye to eye, as if... he is not on laying on you, but like in the air above you. Levitating over you so you can do the same hand connection on the physical that you would do with the standing up ones in your Mini-Me version in the Umshaddhi. So try to feel the presence, and you can just feel there‘s a light form, you don‘t have to see it as a whole body, you can just feel it as a Guardian Orb form just hanging over your physical body.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 225 of 283

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Now in the Mini-Me space the ZionA is going to go into that hand position that we‘ve used before where you‘re touching palms. So feel your MiniMe put its palms up and the ZionA put his palms on your palms there. And try to feel that the...on your physical body self, you can put your physical palms up. You don‘t have to put your arms all the way up, just put rest your elbows bent, but put your palms up. And there‘ll be a touch, but it won‘t be physical hands because on this level they‘re just coming in at Orb state, but it‘ll be a soft kind of fuzziness. Try to feel the connection on your hands here and in the Mini-Me hands. Alright, in a moment your ZionA is going to give you a Code transfer of the Density-3 Codes that actually correspond to the Density-3 Vectors. This will amp the Coding in your field and your activation levels, that will enable you to keep the Umshaddhi Platforms open all the way through from where you are, and down below. And this is where we prepare for Orb Fest. Now imagine that you are done with receiving the transmission from your ZionA, and you‘re now going to lay down your Mini-Me. Lay it down on its back again. And notice that your ZionA will lay next to you as well, as you‘re both going to begin the Calling of the Orbs. The calling of the Elementals of Median Earth to come and co-create with you. Now there is an Invitational Command that is given to call the Orbs, and it would be good to say it out loud here as well as having your Mini-Me say it. And I‘ll repeat what this is. And as you say it, know the intention that you are commanding. You are saying ‘Come‘. ‘Come here‘. ‘Come to me‘. ‘Come create with me‘ to the Elemental force---of the Kryst Elemental force of Median Earth---which is opening the doorways right through your own body to bring in those Elements, so they can begin the healing of not only the ShaLAa Light units in your body, but also spreading through the atmosphere to begin healing on this planet as well. So the Command, the Invitational Command is: it‘s, Ah ShA‘a NE-Ra Otsha Sa And we say it three times… Ah ShA‘a NE-Ra Otsha Sa And one more… Ah ShA‘a NE-Ra Otsha Sa And just the Intention. The desire to have them come. And as you‘re laying there in the Umshaddhi Space, imagine now you can see the beginnings as if right up above where you are laying----your Mini-Me is laying on its back with your ZionA next to you---imagine you start to see just a couple of little sparkles of light, and they‘re very tiny at first, coming down from the air from somewhere above you. And all you have is the blue-black background of space---the Umshaddhi space---and the platform you‘re laying on. And all of a sudden there‘s those little twinkles are coming down. You can see them against the blueness of the background. And as they get closer to you notice that they get a little bit larger, and they‘re about the size of...a little bit bigger than a golf ball. And most of them will be that size. If you see larger ones come, know that they are specific Guardian ones, they‘re not just Elementals. But if you‘re just seeing the small ones, these are living beings---they‘re living Elemental beings---but these are the ones that will help co-create with you directly as far as literally doing Orb Fest and doing the healing of your body. Where the others are more like in a supervisory position, and they will assist you too if you ask. You may see some of the yellow-green Orb ones that are the AquaFarE. Or you may see some more of the ZionA, or you may see some of the others of Guardian nature. The Elemental ones, they are of Guardian nature too. They‘re Kryst Elementals. So now just lay calmly in this space with your...just watching the Orbs come. And as they‘re coming downward notice that there‘s many many more of them coming now, and all of a sudden it‘s like they‘re ...what was like ten or twenty, is now a hundred and really quickly a thousand. And it seems like the whole area is filling up with these amazing little Orbs, and they have like a kind of silvery blue-grey color to them. They‘re almost transparent. These are the Elementals. And feel them now nestling coming to rest all over your Mini-Me body. Try to feel the sensation of them all over your Mini-Me body. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 226 of 283

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And there‘s like a warm, sometimes cool sensation, sometimes warm. But try to feel them. And feel them as they just move gently and kind of buzz together over your body like a swarm of very loving Orbs of energy. Try to feel the relaxation in your body. Feel the healing that is being given and become aware that they‘re actually pulling out from your Mini-Me body what looks like dark black stringy tar type stuff. And they‘re just like vacuuming it out and transmuting it inside themselves and it‘s gone. They‘re pulling out the Shona component. And feel, almost as if like waves of this tar are being pulled off of you by the Elemental Orbs. Feel them actually move down through your skin and into your body and do the same thing. They‘re pulling the tar out of your body, out of your organs, out of your bones. Try to sense the healing of this. Try to feel them up around your neck and your head area of your Mini-Me body. Almost as if they‘re nuzzling your neck, and just like little cuddles just cuddling you and bringing love and healing. With your Mini-Me hand reach your hand up and just feel them, they don‘t mind if you touch them and caress them, and they‘ll kind of swarm around your hand and gently tickle it. They‘ll do this with the light sticks too when we do this tomorrow. Observe even through them there‘s more and more of them coming down. There‘s still many, many coming down. And in your Mini-Me body look over to the side where your ZionA should be laying, and notice that your ZionA is also covered in Orbs. And they move with like a silken movement collectively together like a wave, a healing particle wave. Try to feel their intelligence and consciousness. It is pure and loving, but it‘s also very, very intelligent. Try to enjoy that for a moment, and we‘re going to bring our Mini-Me‘s back with us here. As we do that it will open the Crystal Lotus in the KaranAdial Seal, and that soon as that occurs there‘ll be a burst of Aqua Living Water energy that comes from the Lotus Point in the KaranAdial Seal, it‘s called the Ah-VE-yas Point. And that will start...initiate the activation of your Uni-genetic-Overlay. (should this not be Underlay?) So this will all occur as soon as we bring the Mini-Me body back in. When the Mini-Me body comes back in, all of these Elemental Orbs will come with it. So as your Mini-Me body is gonna come back into your body, the Orbs? They‘ll come in with it. They actually swarm around your Physical Body. And when they come down here, imagine they‘re a little bit bigger than they were there. They‘re a little bit bigger than a tennis ball size. And some of them you will find, are actually the ones...that are the AquaFarE, that are actually guiding them---the Elemental ones---to specific areas, because the AquaFarE are aware of your Records---in the Halls of Records---and they know things about your karmic history, and what body issues you might have, and that kind of stuff in this life. So they‘ll actually assist in the Elementals helping them to see ―Oh go here, and that needs some healing‖, and they‘ll work with that. So in a minute we‘re going to inhale and hold. (inhales) Ok. And on the exhale, send your Mini-Me back down---back through the Transcendental Chamber---back through the top of your head while you‘re laying down. (exhales) And when the Mini-Me arrives feel a pop inside your KaranAdial Seal. And notice a big aqua-blue, kinda starburst, just emerges from there and disappears. Now become aware of the point around the top of your head because that‘s‘s almost like your Mini-Me went in, the Orbs stopped there and collected around up at that area, up over your heads. And if you would like them to come... so they cascade over your body here, so you can do a bit of an Orb Bath. A healing Orb Bath. Just simply inhale upward. (inhales) Sense the swarm of them that is there, and at the exhale just mentally ask them to come with you and come down, you‘re welcoming them. And now exhale. (exhales) And bring the infusion of the Orbs. Try to feel them. Try to feel the gently fluffiness, like little tickles against your skin. Especially where there‘s bare skin on your hands and your face and things. Try to feel them. And there is at this point literally millions of them. And they are just gently moving, and they move together and kind of oscillate and vibrate. And as they do, they‘re pulling again more of that dark tar like substance up and out of your body and transmuting it as soon as they pull it out. Try to feel the sensation of the lightness coming to yourselves and your atoms as more of this tar stuff is being pulled out of you. Try to feel it from your feet moving upward. Ankles and into your calves and your knees. Feel the tickle of the Orbs, the Elemental Orbs. Feel it coming up your thighs, and all the way up your torso. And up into your shoulders and your back. Half through up your whole body.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 227 of 283

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Now they‘re going to do a swarm, which is when they spiral and create a vortice. So they‘re going to make like a rolling tube of Orbs rolling around your body. And part of them will be going clockwise, and the other part counter-clockwise. They‘re actually accelerating and clearing the Pillars and the Main Vertical Current. And just try to relax and enjoy, and really focus on sensing the touch of them. In a few moments we‘ll be finished, and what they‘re asking us to do is: when we stand up from here when we‘re done, that if you would like they‘ll be glad to come with you. When we stand up they won‘t be doing the swarm pillar around you. They‘ll just hang out in your field with you, like you‘re walking in a cloud of balls. Like literally they‘re all over, the Orbs are all over. And try to, when you do stand up. Try to like stand up and just feel them. Stretch your hands out and try to feel the fuzzies in the air as they‘re there, and move with them and imagine you‘re dancing with them a little bit, like do a little bit of movement. Once you stand up you can feel that better. There will be times when you can dance with the Orbs and they will dance with you, and eventually you would actually be able to get photographs of that occurring. This is the beginning of working to heal ourselves with the Elemental Consciousness of Median Earth---the Krystic Median Earth---where we will ultimately end up at the end of our journey of work down here on NET Earth. So at this point just, (inhales) inhale for a moment and hold. And on the exhale we‘re going to project a Cloud of pale-aqua light all the way through our whole Orb down here, to give the little Orbs a field to hang out in. So now exhale. (exhales) It amplifies the field enough where they have an anchoring space to stay. Once we leave tonight, they will hang with you and they‘ll mind their business if you don‘t want them buzzing around you for healing. But if you would like, you can ask them to come back in into that intimate space of where you can feel them touching your skin and healing. And it‘s just an amazing feeling. Lean into that feeling to begin working with them. They‘re very intelligent, very conscious, and the most loving presence you can imagine. And it can be extremely healing to work with them. If there‘s anything hurting in your body, ask them telepathically to go there and they will, and see them. See them swarm gently in an area where you‘ve asked them to go. So you can begin a relationship with them directly once you leave from here, and we‘ll work with them more tomorrow as well in the grand finale Sha-Dra we will do. And that is all that is required for these activations tonight. And when we stand up now, we can stand up and come out of our Sha-Dra. Stand up and feel them stand up with you. They‘re in a cloud around you. You‘re actually walking around in a cloud of Orbs. And maybe you can get pictures of them. I‘m not sure if the frequency‘s right tonight or not, or how...actually how that works, except I know they are there. Try to feel them with you. And when we stand, try to feel them with your arms. Stretch out your arms to feel them around you. And they‘ll buzz around your hand if you stick your hand up. They‘ll come like little birds and just like hang on your hand and stuff like that. See if you can feel them hanging on your hands when you stick your hands up. And they won‘t just like stick. They‘ll hang, and they‘ll run up and down your fingers and like they move---they like to move---they‘re very movement oriented. Even when they‘re sitting still they kind of vibrate. You can play with them too. You can do like circles with your hands and they‘ll actually make the circles and swarm circles and expand the circles. They‘ll play with you in other words. (chuckling) Oh this is neat! (interacting with Az) Yeah, you get little tingles in your palms. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, cool! (Az commenting) Yeah. Very cool! So they‘re with you, and these will...when we do the work tomorrow night we‘ll bring in more of them, and then they the end of everything they will actually all go into the Grids to assist with the planetary level of the work. And then you can just call some more in by going up into that same space, and simply...and hanging out with your ZionA to bring more of them in.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 228 of 283

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And they‘re limitless in number. And the more you bring in here, the more of the light base, the Shona Light base here can be touched and transmuted. This is especially good at home when you in your home. You can really help your house Grids and the space you‘re living in to heal by bringing more and more Orbs in.

You can actually fill your bathtub with them. Invite them to come and like fill the bathtub and the water, so you‘re actually getting much more healing. Amplified healing of the Shona Fields. You can have them fill your entire room if you want, because you can breathe them and stuff like that. So just imagine them. And they will after a while start coming in a little bit larger where like they‘ll be a size of a small orange maybe. A little bit bigger than the golf ball size. It would be more like a small orange size. And that means your strength is getting stronger. When they start getting bigger, it means you have actually...having the power to send more energy, and they‘ll meet it with an equal quantum. So when they come in bigger, it will mean that you‘re actually giving more quantum for them to ride in on a wave, and that will come with time. So, thank you for joining us this evening, and I think we can go off with our Orbs and have a good night‘s sleep, and tomorrow at 4pm (Az commenting) yes, yes, and bless us everyone, and the Orbs. And thank you ZionA people and everyone for helping on the vertical up there. And they just said this is just the beginning. In a very loving way. But this is just the beginning. So, have a good night‘s sleep, and I‘m seriously looking forward to that myself. So we will see you tomorrow and pick up from there… (applause) (exchange with participant]… oh cool what is it? That‘s us. Look at this. Look at this! An Orb right between our heads in this photo. A big one too! (further comments by participant & Ash/Az)

Lecture 6A [Kitts Track 27] A‘sha Good evening everybody. (Audience clapping) This is our final evening together and then it‘s the mad dash out the door. And God bless those who have the 6 am flight. I mean, we‘re lucky, we have the later one where bags have to be out by noon. If you could see what our room looked like right now you‘d be frightened. There‘s mylars and papers strewn across the entire suite. It‘s a suite because we have to have the workspace, as well as the sleep and function space. So I‘ve got about ten hours before the bags are packed and out the door by noon. I hope you guys aren‘t in that state of temporary disarray, but this is something we‘ve become used to in workshops of certain types. Usually the workshops that go into that space are ones where there‘s a lot of security clearance and there is a major grid work going down. We are definitely in one of those. But it‘s been really nice—I hope you agree— that with the way the scheduling has gone, it‘s been much more peaceful for most people. I wouldn‘t say Az and I are included in that, but as far as you guys, the schedule was much more tolerable than those all-nighters, like for three days in a row, where you never get to do anything except feel like a zombie, right. So the Beloveds try to work with us in that regard. I‘ve got to speak with you about, hmmm, this many mylars, (audience gasp), right. And you know how long it can take for me to get through one mylar (laugh). They won‘t all be that bad. By the time we get through those, which is the closing lecture, we will then get to this, which is the part that frightens me. Honestly it frightens me. This is how stuff comes through for us. If we‘re lucky we remember a stapler so we you can put pieces together. This has to do with what The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 229 of 283

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we are going to do once we go to the beach. Once we go to the beach, after these pages, this is what our programs looks like from our perspective. See this? The red bit are the bits I‘ve got to do, the blue bits are the bits Az has got to do, as far as moving through where peoples bodies need to be, what levels of consciousness we‘re moving them through, what activations are going down. We‘ve got a very, very big grid activation happening, and I am honored to be a part of it as part of the Guardian team of the Krystics. And I‘m honored to be amongst you, who for whatever reason chose to come to this workshop, chose to be here to join this with it. We are going to do something that we have been trying to do for centuries, and it is called Lighting the Lamps of the Ah-VE-yas Cathedral Complex. This is not just one spot. It is a complex that in the Atlantian periods, it was taken out from under us and used to create quite horrific outcomes in the Metatronic and antiKrystic stance. What we are going to do tonight after we get through all these graphs and understand the things— and we will stay on message as far as the things that in the workshop descriptions were promised for, what the closing workshop would be, or the lecture would be. We will get through that, but the part that I‘m going. ‗Oh my God, I need like, four brains to deal with this,‘ is the part that I showed you with all the blue and the red and green parts. We‘ve got new Elemental Command Words. And there is a technique that is part of the # 6 of the Mindfulness Field Work. That is homework. That is not something you have to do here. It‘s something you‘re being challenged to do when you go home. But there is a technique that you can use in order to do it. It has to do with being able to shift up quickly into what they call the UM-6 Level and that is in direct— I‘ll show you on the graphs a little bit more when we get into the graph bit. But UM-6—UmShaddhi, is what UmShaddhi‘s Level 6 corresponds to, Dimension 6, and going into that 2nd I AM BUDDHA, or BUD Level, in the center of the Soul Complex, not just the center of the Incarnate Complex. And there is a quick technique that you can use, and you may need to write it down because they just gave it to me, so I didn‘t have it in the handouts. In the handouts, I was at least happy that we did fulfill one thing—we do have the first level of the Safe Zone Maps. We‘d talked in the last lecture about what Safe Zones are. And it comes down to the fact that there are places that do have an Ah-VA-Ya Shield, that has the ability to engage Slide. Slide in a planet that is falling equals evacuation, all right? So we‘ll show you the maps that they‘ve given us so far. It will give us an idea of where to cluster. Cluster has to do with where you‘re going, ―Ok, I know I‘m part of this Krist Host Mission, but where do I belong, you know, where should I put my body, where should I ‗make home?‘‖ Because they‘ve told us for the last two years that it‘s about time to start moving in to ‗make home‘, and the idea probably appeals to all of us. But there‘s this, like, random part of, ―Where do I do that? Where is home for me?‖ Because most of us our home is not here. Our Home is not here, our Home is in the Kristic spaces and other planets, or Median Earth, or AhShaLA, or Urtha . So making home is an interesting concept for those who are far away from Home and trying to figure out what do you do with yourself while you‘re here, until you can go back to where Home is. So these will help us, the map will help us to begin to understand the areas that are safer and more viable than others, even if home now is still a temporary place space like a rental or whatever, like that. Because the maps of safe zones, which are slide zones, are gong to e