A Century of Pulitzer Prize Global Press Coverage 1917-2017: The International Reporting awards from First World War to Cyberwar (Pulitzer Prize Panorama) 364391640X, 9783643916402

This volume reconstructs the jury decisions during the annual selection processes leading to the Pulitzer Prize winners

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A Century of Pulitzer Prize Global Press Coverage 1917-2017: The International Reporting awards from First World War to Cyberwar (Pulitzer Prize Panorama)
 364391640X, 9783643916402

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Heinz-Dietrich Fischer

A Century of Pulitzer Prize Global Press Coverage 1917 – 2017 The International Reporting awards from First World War to Cyberwar

Pulitzer Prize Panorama No. 38


Heinz-Dietrich Fischer

A Century of Pulitzer Prize Global Press Coverage 1917 – 2017

Pulitzer Prize Panorama edited by

Prof. Dr. Heinz-Dietrich Fischer (Bochum)

Volume 38


Heinz-Dietrich Fischer

A Century of Pulitzer Prize Global Press Coverage 1917 – 2017 The International Reporting awards from First World War to Cyberwar


Front cover design by Al Lichtenberg, New York. Back cover picture by The Pulitzer Prize Board, Columbia University, New York.

Gefördert durch Mittel der


This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. ISBN 978-3-643-91640-2 (pb) ISBN 978-3-643-96640-7 (PDF) A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.



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Preface Foreign correspondence has a long tradition in press history. Already the Germanlanguage Relation from Strasbourg of 1609, the world’s first newspaper, intended to publish news from France, Italy, England, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Turkey and other countries. In 1780 the Zürcher Zeitung, forerunner of today’s Neue Zürcher Zeitung, published a notice that it had made arrangements „with the best French, English, Italian, Dutch and German newspapers to receive and publish“ foreign news. The London Times, founded in 1785, had the advantage to publish news from all parts of the British Empire and was one of the first newspapers to send war correspondents to cover particular conflicts. In the United States it was James Gordon Bennett of the New York Herald who since 1857/58 exploited the steamship as a source of a fast trans-Atlantic communications of foreign news. Since that time, also news agencies came up like the French Havas, the British Reuters, the German WTB and the American Associated Press, forming a global news pact in 1870 that controlled the flow of foreign news worldwide. When the cartel ended in 1914 at the start of the First World War, it was the time that preparations were on the way for the establishment of the Pulitzer Prizes. When the Pulitzer awards began in 1917, one of the central journalism prize categories was called „Reporting“, defined as „for the best example of a reporter’s work during the year; the test being strict accuracy, terseness, the accomplishment of some public good, commanding public attention and respect.“ The „Reporting“ category originally embraced all fields - local, national and international. In 1929, a separate category called „Correspondence“ was set up which gave recognition to Washington and Foreign correspondence. In 1942, another new category was established, entitled „Telegraphic Reporting (International)“, and since 1948 until today the prize-group named „International Reporting“ invites foreign-related applications. „The important thing about the international awards, regardless of the category designation given them,“ John R. Herbert once stated, „is that they have presented us with an extremely valuable legacy of global coverage. In the prize-winning material we have one of the finest collections anywhere in the world of the record that day to day moved us into this unpredictable and unstable atomic era. Most of the entries for the international category have been significant, valuable accounts of the international drama and the task of the judges over the years has not been an easy one. Entries for international awards come mostly from the East coast and the concentration of entries from New York and Washington.“ So quite a number of „International Reporting“ Pulitzer Prizes went to the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Associated Press. The book at hand contains details about the annual laureates and samples of their award-winning works over the span of a Century. The materials could be exploited in the Pulitzer Prize Collection at the Rare Book and Manuscript department of Columbia University’s Main Library in New York City. In addition, thanks to the Pulitzer Prize Administrators Majorie Miller and Edward M. Kliment,


it was made possible to analyse the confidential annual jury reports of the evaluating committees. The prize-winning articles are reprinted with reference to the „Doctrine of Fair Use“ as embodied in the United States Copyright Act. According to this doctrine, excerpts of copyrighted works in the context of a compendium or a work of reference may be reprinted when it does not encompass a substantial portion of the copyrighted work. Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany January 4, 2023

H.-D. Fischer


Contents Preface ..............................................................................................................


Introduction The Pulitzer Prizes for International Reporting in the first Phase of their Development .............................


The International Reporting Prizes 1917 - 2017 1917

Award - Germany in the Third Year of the War by Herbert B. Swope, New York World ...............................................


1918 - 1928 Awards - American Domestic Topics Only A Decade without Foreign-Related Prizes ..........................................


1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937

Award - Geneva Peace Talks at League of Nations by Paul S. Mowrer, Chicago Daily News ............................................


Award - The Young Plan Negotiations at Paris by Leland Stowe, New York Herald-Tribune ......................................


Award - The Economic System of the Soviet Union by Hubert R. Knickerbocker, New York Evening-Post .......................


Award - Policy of the Juvenile Soviet Union by Walter Duranty, New York Times ....................................................


Award - Extremists in Germany Fight for Power by Edgar A. Mowrer, Chicago Daily News .........................................


Award - The National Socialist State in Germany by Frederick T. Birchall, New York Times ...........................................


Award - America’s Fear of an War in East Asia by Arthur Krock, New York Times .......................................................


Award - The Eve of the Italian-Ethiopian War by Wilfred C. Barber, Chicago Daily Tribune.....................................


Award - Italy under the Fascist Mussolini Government by Anne O. McCormick, New York Times .........................................



1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949

Award - U.S. President Roosevelt’s Future Look by Arthur Krock, New York Times .....................................................


Award - Hitler’s Sudetenland Campaign and Europe by Louis P. Lochner, Associated Press ................................................


Award - Early Stages of the Second World War by Otto D. Tolischus, New York Times ................................................


Award - Situation of France after the Nazi Occupation by Percy J. Philip et al., New York Times ...........................................


Award - Political Climate in East-Asian Countries by Carlos P. Romulo, Philippines Herald ...........................................


Award - Areas of the Pacific War Theatre Operations by Hanson W. Baldwin, New York Times ............................................


Award - Anti-German Partisan Groups in Yugoslavia by Daniel de Luce, Associated Press ..................................................


Award - The Allies’ Landings at France’s Beaches by Mark S. Watson, Baltimore Evening Sun .......................................


Award - Final Phase of America’s Fight on Japan by Homer W. Bigart, New York Herald-Tribune .................................


Award - Post-War Conditions of the Soviet Union by J. Brooks Atkinson, New York Times ..............................................


Award - The Soviet Union’s Cultural Implication by Paul W. Ward, Baltimore Sun .........................................................


Award - India’s Complicated Way to Sovereignity by Price Day, Baltimore Evening Sun .................................................



Award - Structure of the Soviet Union’s Rule by Edmund W. Stevens, Christian Science Monitor ........................... 103


Award - America’s Fight against Communism in Korea by Marguerite Higgins, New York Herald-Tribune ............................. 107


Award - Stages of the Korean War and Peace Plans by John M. Hightower, Associated Press ............................................ 111



Award - Facets of Canada’s Post-War Economic Boom by Austin C. Wehrwein. Milwaukee Journal ...................................... 115


Award - The Korean Front and the Soldiers’ Task by Jim G. Lucas, Scripps-Howard Newspapers .................................. 119


Award - The Post-Stalin Phase in the Soviet Union by Harrison E. Salisbury, New York Times .......................................... 123


Award - Changes in the Soviet Union’s Leadership by J. Kingsbury Smith, International News Service ........................... 127


Award - Civil War in Hungary and the Russian Troops by Russell Jones, United Press ........................................................... 131


Award - Josip Tito’s Brand of Communism in Yugoslavia by Elie Abel, New York Times ............................................................ 135


Award - The Brutal System in Cuba and the Exiles by J. Martin/P. Santora, New York Daily News ................................... 139


Award - Poland’s Government and the Warsaw Pact by Abraham M. Rosenthal, New York Times ....................................... 143


Award - A Period of Unrest and Coup in the Congo by Lynn L. Heinzerling, Associated Press .......................................... 147


Award - Kremlin-Chief Chrushchev’s View of the World by Walter Lippmann, New York Herald-Tribune ................................ 151


Award - The Cuba Crisis and its Global Significance by Harold V. Hendrix, Miami News .................................................... 155


Award - Early Stages of International Quarrels in Vietnam by David Halberstam, New York Times ............................................... 159


Award - East European Countries turn toward West by Joseph A. Livingston, Philadelphia Bulletin .................................. 163


Award - Untypical Occurrences in the Vietnam War by Peter Arnett, Associated Press ....................................................... 167


Award - Students’ Protests for Change in Indonesia by R. John Hughes, Christian Science Monitor .................................. 171



Award - The Israel-Arab Six Day War and its Causes by Alfred Friendly, Washington Post .................................................. 175


Award - Questions in the Fourth Year of Vietnam War by William K. Tuohy, Los Angeles Times ........................................... 179


Award - The My Lai Massacre as an American War Crime by Seymore M. Hersh, Dispatch News Service ................................... 183


Award - South African Apartheid System’s Injustice by Jimmie L. Hoagland, Washington Post .......................................... 187


Award - East Pakistan’s Fight to become Bangladesh by Peter R. Kann, Wall Street Journal ................................................ 191


Award - President Nixon’s unexpected China Visit by Max Frankel, New York Times ........................................................ 195


Award - Special Mentality traits of Russian People by Hedrick L. Smith, New York Times ................................................ 199


Award - Hunger as the Main Problem in North Africa by O. Carter/W. Mullen, Chicago Tribune .......................................... 203


Award - Communists succeed in Takeover of Cambodia by Sidney H. Schanberg, New York Times .......................................... 207


Award - The political Conflicts in Northern Ireland by George F. Will, Washington Post ................................................... 211


Award - Indochinese Boat People flee to Thailand by Henry Kamm, New York Times ...................................................... 215


Award - Egypt’s Capital as a Center of Crisis by Richard B. Cramer, Philadelphia Inquirer ..................................... 219


Award - The Khmer Rouge Terror System in Cambodia by Joel Brinkley, Lousville Courier Journal ....................................... 223


Award - Facets of the brutal El Salvador Civil War by Shirley Christian, Miami Herald .................................................... 227


Award - Workers’ Resistance and Poland’s Martial Law by John Darnton, New York Times ...................................................... 231


1983a Award - Fights after Israel’s Invasion of the Lebanon by Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times ........................................... 235 1983b Award - Yasser Arafat and his Troops leave Beirut by Loren Jenkins, Washington Post .................................................... 239 1984

Award - Jordan’s King and the Middle East Crisis by Karen E. House, Wall Street Journal .............................................. 243


Award - Death of Starvation in Desperate Ethiopia by D. Bell/O. Muhammad, New York Newsday .................................. 247


Award - Big Money Smuggling out of the Philippines by Pete Carey et al., San Jose Mercury News ..................................... 251


Award - South Africa’s Drift into Political Disorder by Michael Parks, Los Angeles Times ................................................. 255


Award - Israel’s Living Conditions and the Arabs by Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times ........................................... 259

1989a Award - Israel turns Forty and looks to the Future by Glenn C. Frankel, Washington Post ............................................... 263 1989b Award - Mikhail Gorbachev’s Reform Ambitions in Russia by Bill Keller, New York Times ........................................................... 267 1990

Award - Protesters-Appeal for more Democracy in China by N. D. Kristof/S. WuDunn, New York Times ................................... 271

1991a Award - Phases of Reunification of divided Germany by Serge Schmeman, New York Times ................................................ 275 1991b Award - Iraqi Invasion of the Kuwait Gulf Emirate by Caryle M. Murphy, Washington Post ............................................. 279 1992

Award - Gulf War entitled Operation Desert Storm by Patrick J. Sloyan, New York Newsday ............................................ 283

1993a Award - Cases of Aggression towards Bosnian Civilians by Roy W. Gutman, New York Newsday ............................................. 287 1993b Award - Aspects of the Civil War in Ex-Yugoslavia by John F. Burns, New York Times ...................................................... 291



Award - Violence against Women in various World Areas by Anne Reifenberg et al., Dallas Morning News ............................... 295


Award - Chaos and Killing in the Rwanda Civil War by Mark Fritz, Associated Press ......................................................... 299


Award - Bosnia as the largest European War Tragedy by David Rohde, Christian Science Monitor ...................................... 303


Award - Terror of the Taliban Force in Afghanistan by John F. Burn, New York Times .....................................................,. 307


Award - Heavy Drug Trafficking from Mexico to America by Samuel Dillon et al., New York Times ............................................ 311


Award - Russia’s Economic Crisis and Hopes to Overcome by Andrew T. Higgins et al., Wall Street Journal ................................ 315


Award - The Aids Virus Plague in African Countries by Mark Schoofs, New York Village Voice .......................................... 319

2001a Award - China’s Subpression of the Falun Gong Religion by Jan Johnson, Wall Street Journal ................................................... 323 2001b Award - Political Strife and Disease Epidemics in Sudan by Paul Salopek, Chicago Tribune ...................................................... 327 2002

Award - Coverage of daily Life in War-Torn Afghanistan by Barry Bearak, New York Times ....................................................... 331


Award - Conditions in Mexico’s Criminal Justice System by Kevin Sullivan/Mary Jordan, Washington Post ............................. 335


Award - Some Aspects of the Soul of the Iraq War by Anthony Shadid, Washington Post ................................................. 339

2005a Award - Russia’s Struggle to make Democracy Work by Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times ................................................... 343 2005b Award - Rwanda a Decade after Rape and Genocidal Slaughter by Dele Olojede, New York Newsday .................................................. 347 2006

Award - Ambitious Stories on Ragged Justice in China by Joseph Kahn/Jim Yardley, New York Times .................................... 351



Award - China’s Capitalism on Conditions of Inequalty by Mei Fong et al., Wall Street Journal ............................................... 355


Award - Operation of Privat Security Contractors in Iraq by Steve Fainaru, Washington Post ..................................................... 359


Award - Challenges at the Pakistan Border to Afghanistan by Dexter Filkins et al., New York Times ............................................ 363


Award - Iraq as the United States Departs and its Future by Anthony Shadid, Washington Post ................................................. 367


Award - Heavy Abuse of the legal System in Russia by C. Levy/E. Barry, New York Times ................................................. 371


Award - Famine and Conflicts in Somalia and Sudan by Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times ............................................... 375


Award - Exposure of Corruption at the Chinese Government by David Barboza, New York Times .................................................... 379


Award - The Violent Persecution of the Rohingya in Myanmar by Jason Szep/Andrew R. C. Marshall, Reuters ................................. 383


Award - The Ebola Virus Epidemic in West Africa by Helene Cooper et al., New York Times ........................................... 387


Award - The Suppression of Afghan Women by the Taliban by Alissa J. Rubin, New York Times .................................................... 391


Award - How Russia recruited Elite Hackers for Cyberwar by Andrew E. Kramer et al., New York Times ..................................... 395 Bibliography

Unpublished Materials .................................................................................... 404 Published Materials ......................................................................................... 404


In Memory of

William Howard Russell (1820 - 1907) Prototype of a Foreign Correspondent for ‘The Times’ of London

He is considered to have been one of the first modern war correspondents. He spent 22 months covering the Crimean War, including the Siege of Sevastopol and the Charge of the Light Brigade. He later covered events during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the American Civil War, the Austro-Prussian War, and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71.




Joseph Pulitzer (1847 - 1911)








Sample of a Pulitzer Prize Certificate for International Reporting


The International Reporting Prizes 1917 - 2017


First Pulitzer Prize Certificate from 1917 for works published in 1916