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English Pages [86] Year 2002/09
Page 1 of 86 Allentown, PA September, 2002 Disk 1 and 2 Well, I'm going to start with saying welcome, even though there are still a few people registering at the back table. I'm going to start by saying welcome, thank you for coming. I'm not sure how many people have been with us for a while and how many people might be new to the work. So that's going to be one of the first questions I probably ask when we get going, because it helps me to have an orientation to where I need to start in presentation of the material. Because those of you who've been with us for a while know there's usually a huge amount of material covered in these very short workshops. And if you're coming in without a lot knowledge about the work, it can be rather startling, to say the least. So I'd like to try to give people an opportunity to catch up so they can understand, because there's vocabulary involved with our work that if you haven't followed the work you're not going to know what it means. So it'll sound like we're talking, you know, in a foreign language to you. Hmmm, tonight it's really interesting because we figured… we're actually on our way now to moving to England and this was going to be kind of our last workshop in the United States, saying goodbye, you know, to the people who have been with us for a while. And we were expecting about 40 people --and we got over a hundred. It's like, Hello! So this workshop, it's very interesting. We just finished a workshop in Phoenix, AZ that was quite powerful and profound. It was presentation of what's called the Dance for Life and Dance for Love Program, with a supplemental section on shadow body healing and related issues. It is the most consolidated presentation of the information in those programs that has been done so far and it is kind of like, if you're going to look at them all as potential takes for a movie, that's the final take. So at this point, we won't be giving those programs live anymore because now they are available on video and audio in a way that anybody anywhere can learn them if they want to in the best form possible. Right now, our planet is in a very unique position and we're headed for some very interesting circumstances on our planet. Because of that planetary drama that we're all connected to because we're all on the planet, there isn't a lot of time for moving through kindergarten through tenth grade, let's say, over and over and over again. So we catch it on film so anybody that wants to learn about the work and catch up can. But we need to keep bringing the next level of information in because there is progressive dispensations of information that are being given to us by a group called the Eieyani of what's called the Guardian Alliance. Now, I'm not going to go into explaining who these people are to people who are new. The information is published in a whole bunch of different forms--from the Voyagers series books to the Kathara Healing Program has a little of it. It's in writing if you want to know who the Eieyani are; if you want to know who the Guardian Alliance is; if you want to know who the three Emerald Covenant speakers are; it you want to know what CDT plates are. All of these things that are words that'll be foreign to new people--you can find reference to them in published materials. It would take me literally another two days in a workshop just to get you caught up that far, and none of us have that amount of time. I will go as far as saying , as if you don't know me, I am Ashayana Deane and this is Michael Deane. We call him Azurtanya as well. We use our spiritual names because there is a vibrational resonance in frequency with calling yourself by who you know yourself to be. And for anyone who doesn't know us, we choose to use our spiritual names that correspond to what is called the personal Kristos level of identity. So people know us as Ash and Az--Ashayana and Azurtanya, or vice versa. So, this weekend is going to be interesting because, again, it's not going to be a repeat of any information that has been given before. We thought we'd get away easy, perhaps and just be able to bring the Dance for Love and Dance for Life program over to the East Coast, right? Nah, no such luck. What we're doing is bringing the supplemental information that was given for the recent, in July, Bermuda trip and the Phoenix workshop--the supplemental part of the Phoenix workshop. We are starting there, so people that went to the Phoenix workshop, they will actually get the next level from the information released here and it's a really interesting place to start. If you've not been a part of our work at all, you might want to ask your soul who important were you in some other life
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Page 2 of 86 that you ended up showing up at this point, right smack in the middle of the college-level program. Because you were guided to be here, if you're here. That may not mean that you might like what we say. It may not mean that the information will resonate with you. But for some reason, you are guided to be here; nobody comes to a workshop with this information that isn't guided to be here for some reason or another. I would like to ask the question, is there anybody here that's not familiar with our work? And don't feel embarrassed. It just helps me to know how many people; I need to try to move the information in a slower way so they can catch up faster. OK? One courageous person raised their hand. I have a feeling there's more, though (laughs) that don't want to identified. OK, I won't do that to you then, thank you for being courageous. So at least I know there's one person who is a spokesperson for the group who is just coming in to the work. And I will move as slowly as I possibly can while as quickly as we need to move. There is, again, a huge amount of information to cover in this workshop. If you have been at the Phoenix workshop or --if the tapes aren't available for that yet so you wouldn't have had it on video. If you have been on the Bermuda trip, where at the beginning, information that we're going to cover here was revealed, you'll have a head start. Some of the information will be things you've already heard. What we're going to get into are some exciting things that have to do with human potential; ancient human potential. We will also cover reasons why that human potential has not been expressed on this planet since 25,500 BC and why it is extremely important within the next 10 years--particularly within the next two years--that we begin to reclaim that potential for ourselves. In this workshop--and this is just an orientation tonight; we'll move into it slow and easy. We'll talk about some things tonight that are related to what we'll learn. But the learning is going to take place in a crash course in a two-day period. You're going to be given--I don't know if you've been given it already, you have, OK. . . I see some people have? Anyway, does everybody have this? These books? All right, no? Are there any more of them? OK, whoever doesn't have one of the books, would you guys back there help me pick them up please? Now, beware, if you take these back to your room tonight and read them, and you're not familiar with the work yet, you'll probably think we're nuts. This is a supplemental chart pack, basically, which is a consolidation of information and related graphs that we haven't had time to put in full book form. It would probably be about 400 to 600 pages, just what's in that material there, if it were put in a book form where all the words that I'm going to say out of my mouth in the next 48 hours or so would be put on pages in writing. So the books are supplement to the information that you get verbally during the workshop. There is a lot of information, especially if you haven't been familiar with the work. I will ask one more question. Or why should I bother, since nobody's going to raise their hand. I will simply say in response to the question I'm not going to ask: anybody that's new to the work and doesn't know at least the information we've taught about chakras--the chakra system? We will give you spot instruction really quick on, "OK this one's located here. If you want to know what it is, what is a chakra, that's in the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Program. It is extremely defined; it is not one of those light, love and clueless air headed manuals you get that have like 20 pages in them. It's a 200 and some page manual. So, we will be using chakras in all of the technologies of mind and spirit that we use in these programs and it's important to know basically where some of them are located, so you can direct energy there when you're being guided to, within the steps of the technologies that we use. In the program, as those of you who have been with us know, we use technologies of light and sound. They are scalar wave technologies. There is a massive block of science knowledge behind the technologies we use. It is not just using pretty pillars of light or certain tones of sound to make pictures in our minds. We are directly affecting what is called our DNA template, which is the blueprint of light and sound waves that our chemical DNA forms upon. This is a science. This is an ancient science that belonged to all of humanity once upon a time. This knowledge was common knowledge to everyone once upon a time. It was our heritage and it was our gift from the Being or Source that we choose to call God, some of us here. Some choose to call it simply Source. It doesn't matter what you call that original source of creation. If we recognize there is an original source of creation that all of us have emerged out of and we're always connected directly to, it doesn't matter what you call it. What does matter, however, is how close you will allow yourself to become to that presence and that wisdom and that knowing that is often put under the word called God. We all are walking manifestations of the face of God and have forgotten who we are. If we can realize
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Page 3 of 86 we have spirit--want to call it Spirit? God's too big a word? Call it Spirit within you--the thing that makes you think, where your consciousness comes from--this is yours. It belongs to you. It came with you and it is the part of you that is God. Now it doesn't mean you're limited to your ego-mind. There are lots more to it than that. And we've taught that. We've taught the Tangible Structure of the Soul. And we mean "tangible" as far as physics. There is a physics reality to everything, including the structure of the soul, including the structure of manifestation itself. So for the new people, I would like you to understand that we're going to have to leapfrog over a lot of information first because there's some very pertinent and important information that needs to be revealed through the course of this workshop. If there's a lot of blanks that need to be filled in as far as what do we teach about God; what do we teach about, you know, personal spirituality? Are we part of a religious dogma? The answer to that last question is no. In fact, we're anti-dogma because dogma stops a person from having a direct relationship with Source. But all of that information is in different versions of published form. . . there's a very nice piece on "who and what is God; what are angels; what are archangels, all that. That's covered in the Masters Stewardship Templar Initiative Course book, which is another course book that we've published. So, many of the questions that new people might have are already answered. They're already in print. And that's why I'm going to have to ask you to take some responsibility for yourself. If I'm losing you a little bit here and there, if you're suspicious or worried about what I might be teaching about spirituality or what Az might be teaching about spirituality or what Mac, speaker three, might be teaching about spirituality, you have a resource to look through but it is your responsibility to do that. It isn't my responsibility to save you or to walk you by the hand and take you to a library and hand you a book and make you sit down for 20 minutes a day and read it. All right? This is the responsibility each of us needs to take. If we want to become informed, we take responsibility for learning, and it's as simple as that. Right now we're in a remarkable, remarkable period of time, because all of the ancient mysteries and all of the ancient secrets are coming to a head in our present generation. This is a surprise to us, perhaps, but it's no surprise to anybody else out there in the universe. We've been the only ones who forgot about what's really going on. What's really going on has to do with many, many things. It has to do with what's called the planetary templar, which is the planetary stargate system, or the ascension passage system. It is a technical physics structure that is very spiritual as well, because there is not any true separation between real science and real spirit. They are both manifestations of the God-source. Now, we have taught in many workshops at this point, various blocks of information about the science of the templar. And this doesn't mean we're Knights Templar because the Knights Templar were actually the ones who tried to take over and take control--anti-Kristos control--of the planetary templar. So we are not Knights Templar at all. We teach the original, ancient, founders race teachings on the templar sciences. Our race--the human race and the indigo race--were given the privilege of having this knowledge and being the carriers of this knowledge because we were appointed and created for a very specific purpose. We were created as the free-will, love-based guardians of this 15dimensional universal time matrix. We were the race that was to ensure the safety of the templar. The templar stargate system, on a universal level and on a cosmic level, is literally the core framework that allows for the manifest expression of three-dimensional, space-time, holographic illusions that we call three-dimensional life, where we actually experience ourselves not just as floating consciousness but actually in a body, that's in a hologram where space, time, matter, all of those things, seem to be real. The templar is very sacred. The cosmic templar is. The cosmic templar holds within itself what is called the universal templar that's a little smaller. And that holds galactic templars, many of them, which are smaller. They hold planetary templars. And within planetary templars there are the internal templar systems, or internal stargate systems, of every living being on those planetary systems. We teach of the external templar, which is the planetary, galactic, universal and cosmic levels. But we also teach of the internal templar, which is the part of the stargate system that you're actually made of. This is where we start to understand our direct and always present connection to the planet, to the galaxy, to the universe, to the cosmos and directly to God. There's a lot of directions these teachings could go. And if we were not in a period of time that the actions we take now have very important consequences, if we were in a period of time where we had a little more time to kick back
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Page 4 of 86 and, you know, read some books here, check out spirituality there, do it slow and easy, we would not be taking this course of teaching. The teachings now wouldn't have been released until after 2012. But at this point, in order for us to get safely to 2012, the teachings of the templar, the secrets of the templar and the history that goes with it, and the secrets of your inner templar need to be revealed so we can understand the drama that's about to unfold on this planet that we're beginning to watch on TV, that we're beginning to see manifesting through the political arenas. That's just the outside. That's confusing when you look at the political realities that are taking place right now. It's confusing to wonder what are the politicians doing? Who is behind the scenes there? It seems like somebody is trying to create war. There's a whole reason for this that we'll talk more about probably on Sunday. We've talked about it in some of the other workshops. But behind the dramas we're watching manifest that are going to get more intense and more severe, there is a whole reality of frequency and interdimensional physics and spiritual reality that is taking place. And when we begin to understand what is really taking place, we start to see it is all about the templar. There is a templar conquest going on right now on our planet. But it isn't just on our planet. It's in our galactic system and in our 15-dimensional universe. Fortunately, we're not the only 15-dimensional universe in existence. So it's just localized, if you want to look at it that way. Now, tomorrow we'll begin with some of the fun part of re-exploring ancient human heritage, of something called the Eternal Flame Body. The Eternal Flame Body is a part of your internal templar that, when it is brought back to life and woken up, because it's been sleeping for a very long time, it gives you back the original human capacity to move at will through stargates. It also gives you back the ability to protect yourself from environmental frequencies that could otherwise have dire effects on your body. But also not just your body but your consciousness even after it leaves the body. We're going to have a crash course in black hole systems. And this is where we're going to understand a little bit about where the Montauk Project of 1983, where the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943--where these things fit in. Where they fit directly in with the 9/11 event, and what all this has to do with ancient Atlantis, and why we need to wake up fast. And in waking up fast, we can reclaim the ability to regenerate the flame bodies in our bio-fields that will give us protection not just on a personal level, but it will allow us to begin to become part of a larger field of protection that has been generated for this planet and for this universal system. It's going to be interesting to move the group of people that's here (coughs)--excuse me, I'm just getting over a cold-into a space where we make complete sense to you during this workshop. Because there's a whole bunch of different levels of familiarity with what we've been teaching. Now for anybody that knows our teaching, they do know one thing we're known for: detail. You know, some people say the devil's in the details; we say God is in the details. Because if you don't know the details, you can't tell whether somebody's saying something that's actually true or not. The details show you how things fit and they show you why they're important. So we do spend time in most of the teachings on details. Right now, we're going to give you a crash course in the most important details of how pieces of things fit together, so you can begin to understand a drama that we're preparing to serve as a healing force within. And as we serve as a healing force for the planet, we also will give ourselves healing protection. Because what is moving into our manifest hologram we are going to need to be able to hold a field of protection for. I'm not just talking about our politicians getting us in trouble that's going to lead probably to a World War III drama. I'm talking about something bigger. Some of you might have heard of the planet Nibiru. Some of you might have heard, particularly in the Bible, of a thing called Wormwood. Now, these two things are intimately connected to something else that was reported in the Bible as the Beast. We have been teaching for the last few months the mechanics of what the Beast really is, what it stands for. And it is an anti-Kristos technology, it is an evil technology that is used by beings that are emerging into our system, and they have been for literally millions of years from a black hole system, which is a fallen system that cannot support eternal life frequencies anymore. It is a dying system that is trying to feed on our system. The Beast is an amazing feat of genius, twisted in on itself. Now, we'll talk some about the beast when we begin to understand anatomy, our own personal anatomy, because there is a piece of each of our anatomies on this planet. And this is true for the fact that we exist on the planet because we're picking it up from the planet's anatomy just by coming in here and incarnating here. A piece of each of us, called the shadow; the shadow body is connected to the Beast. And when we get through exploring what this
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Page 5 of 86 Beastly technology is. . .they keep giving me pieces of detail, of how all these little pieces fit together. And it's just amazing. What this machine is, it is an interdimensional, crystalline-technology-based, templar control machine that has many, many different pieces and parts to it, that’s very much connected with what they were doing in the Montauk project and in the Philadelphia experiment and all of those things. But it also has everything to do with what they were doing in Atlantis, that ancient place that we don't think is real anymore. It was real, all right, and so was the housecleaning that came afterwards to make sure we had no records of it. So by the time this time period came we wouldn't know, we wouldn't remember, because then we wouldn't be able to prevent some of the things that certain fallen races have in mind. Many of those fallen races wore human faces. That's one of the first things that's very difficult to realize because most human beings and indigo children are very loving inside of themselves. They feel genuine love and compassion for each other and for the planet and for animals and all those kind of things. But there are other human beings that wear human faces but do not have human souls. And they do not have the capacity to experience what we would call the emotions of love or compassion or connection. They have brilliance of mind but coldness of heart. We call them ones of the black heart. Now, the black heart is also kind of a metaphor for certain parts of the Beast technology that have to do with implants. These aren't just little implants that might be floating around in your auric field. They're not just implants that might be stuck in your DNA, messing up the way the chemicals communicate with each other. These are implants on an interdimensional, universal, galactic level, which means that implants are placed in the cores of stars. They are placed in the cores of suns to create certain unnatural effects of electromagnetic energy interaction that were created for a purpose, a purpose that is culminating in our time frame. Our time frame is precious, it's special, because for 250 billion years, calculated in earth time, guardian races throughout this universe have waited for this time period to come. There is a healing experiment that we'll talk a little bit about when we touch the history that began 250 billion years ago when a black hole system was inadvertently created in this time matrix. Disk 2 But the original place, where all the sacred teachings came from, were the original Founders' Race teachings. They're the teachings of the Emerald Covenants that were recorded on the Cloister Dora Teura plates, which are holographic disks—recorder disks—that were manufactured in the Sirius star system and brought to earth in 246,000 BC. There were translations on paper, sort of—the papyrus type paper—made of these digital texts. The physical books that were written texts were called the Maharata texts. The ascension teachings that we teach, which are Star Gate teachings, which are "healing your DNA and activating your Flame Body" teachings. They are drawn directly from the translations, contemporary translations, of the CDT plates and the Maharata texts. There's a lot more—and this is why the detail is there. You should see trying to translate this stuff; it's all encrypted digitally. It's an amazing process, you know. Az and I are going through it and just the frequency as it comes through your body— there's so much contained within every little bit of it—it's absolutely exhausting to hold the frequency that that knowledge rides on sometimes. We have a lot to learn together, for those of you who have the courage. And a lot of you do because there's a lot of familiar faces that keep coming back and I'm very glad. I'm glad to know that you found enough of your ancient self in there that whatever little piece you grabbed onto that when you came to your first workshop, said "well I'm kind of lost on some stuff but, you know, that piece, OK, I can work with that. That's the first step: if you find a piece of anything that's said that you feel you can work with. I wish for the new people that we could start you with Tangible Structure of the Soul: "Learn about Your Spiritual Body 101," because it's very, very helpful to understand that. But right now, we need to release information because we have a May 27, 2003 deadline to get certain things accomplished. If the people who are new to this program would like to find out the missing pieces that will help ease you into the stuff we're going to talk about in this workshop. . . . It's like you started in college but you forgot to go to kindergarten through high school? So there's a reason, though. You got guided here by some part of your self, your soul, your oversoul, your avatar self. Which means, even though it might be confusing on a conscious level right now, you have the capacity in your DNA, in your
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Page 6 of 86 mind, in your body, to hold an understanding of the knowledge, even if at first it's a little challenging. We suggest getting the other programs. One of the best things you can do for a quick course is, once they're available—they're coming out very soon—the tapes that were made for the Phoenix workshop. It was a wonderful balance of combining the spiritual "get it" stuff with the technical science stuff with the "OK, this is the drama were in" stuff. So it's a good place to start. We'll let you know when they come out. They're really good for anybody who wants them. Tentatively, possibly the third week of October they'll be ready. They're a good crash course for anybody that hasn't taken the Dance for programs and wants to. As far as the ones we have available, of tapes and workshops, that's the most consolidated version of them. So we would suggest them. In the meantime, we have two days to spend together. And in those two days, we're going to do some, if you're new to the work, some wacky, wonderful things with your mind, running energy consciously in your body. We will do the Flame Body activations. There are a series of seven, very major activations. Now an activation is something that you use your mind to do. Nobody's doing something to you. Nobody's going to zap you. It's not another Flaming Blue Sword initiation, thank you. This is something you will run yourself, using the frequencies that are organic to your body. You will have the choice—you don't have to, we don't force you to do these things and nobody's going to zap you if you don't want to get zapped. But you will be able to run the frequencies through the step-by-step meditations. These are active meditations, meant to activate very specific portions of your own personal, scalar template under the D-12, Base 12 Kristos imprint. It's awakening your Inner Kristos. But this is the fast track. This is like the real fast train? The train that goes so fast you don't see it? We started in the beginning with running the technique called the Maharic Seal. That was the beginning of bringing D-12 frequency sub-harmonics back into the body. People on this planet couldn't do this since 208,216 BC, because the planet couldn't run D-12 sub-harmonics. They're the Kristos frequencies because the word Kristos refers to the D-12 pre-matter Divine Blue Print Template of this Universal Matrix that we're all connected to. Finally, with the gift of the D-12 frequencies being able to run through the Planetary Templar that was given to us on January 1, 2000, we were given back the technologies that go with them, of how to begin healing our bodies using that frequency. We were put on the "moderate pace" track of "getting yourself in body and getting your DNA activated and getting your Flame Body activated"—the moderate pace track. As the drama has progressed here and things have gotten more serious, as far as needing to have certain levels of protection and awareness in your body by certain times because of certain things that other forces are doing on the planet, we have progressively given a series of more and more intense activations. The activations are sequential. They are activations of frequency, which turn on some of the dormant scalar waves—those little standing columnar waves that your core template is made out of? It's turning them on progressively, but in the right sequence, which means you're not going to get frequencies that come in that are supposed to come in second but come in first and they blow your template apart. These are activations of kundalini energy in the body, between the cranial-sacral seals that control the main vertical currents of frequency that run up and down the body. But beyond kundalini— kundalini is 9-dimensional activation; it's called activation of the Antahkarana. But if you're going to be a Kristos being, you need more than nine dimensions of frequency; you need 12. That current is called the Maharata current. They each have different names and the name is the audible translation of their vibrational signature. So we are activating not just kundalini but the Maharata frequencies above it—the D-12 Kristos Liquid Light Hydroplasmic Prematter Template Frequencies of You. We each have one, the planet has one, the galaxy and so forth. You're bringing that part of you—it's not just a frequency, it's also a consciousness—you're awakening it in your body. With the Flame Body activations, which require running D-12 frequency as a minimum—you cannot activate what is called the Amoraea Flame Body in the body or in the field without first activating the D-12 frequency sub-harmonics all the way down in your dimensional parts. The D-12 frequency, the Maharata Ray, as they call it, is the pale silver, liquid light carrier wave that the higher frequencies can run on. When we activate the Amoraea Flame Body, we're activating what are called the Primal Light Fields, as well. They're called the Kee-Ra-ShA currents, and the Primal Sound Fields currents beyond them are called the Khundaray currents. So literally, kundalini is kindergarten. That's getting activated too, because you're activating not just this but all the frequencies above it. Now these are literally
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Page 7 of 86 frequencies that will expand in your body. First they will expand in your DNA template—the scalar wave program in your personal shield that controls how your DNA chemicals are going to manifest. This means as you begin to activate, you are going to begin to make first subtle changes in your DNA. There's some wild and wacky things that begin to happen sometimes with this. First it's usually you think you're going through menopause, male or female. And you can be like 10 years old or you can be 100, and you're still going through it. Because there's heat flashes, or cold flashes, and you don't need to run to your doctor for hormone therapy quite yet. See, everybody's activating DNA on the planet right now, but most people are activating it with the Metatronic distortions in their templates. So they're getting all sorts of wacky symptoms. And the pharmaceutical companies are creating lovely alternatives so we can block the fact of those symptoms from our minds. There are a lot of misdiagnoses of things going on because doctors don't know about core templates or how they behave or DNA activations. Isn't that convenient? Our science has been guided here by guess who? So if we begin to realize that when we do activations, we're activating DNA template, which activates kundalini in the body. There's all sorts of neat things that happen. My skull cracked. I have a crack that runs literally down the front of my head that looks like a vein from the side but it isn't. It's actually a crack. There are sometimes bumps that'll form on the head. A couple of weeks later they'll go away. The head is stretching. Bones are doing things that doctors tell you they can't, that scientists tell you they can't. Sometimes your foot size will change. It might shrink and then grow again. All sorts of weird, wacky things. Your weight might go up and down and up and down. Sometimes there are certain DNA activations that are absolutely wonderful—and boy am I due for one—where the frequencies that run are like The Energy Diet because, literally, you'll find yourself in a week's time losing all this weight. And it's like you've been fighting with the opposite activations—they're actually making you put on weight— and you get the Energy Diet and you go, "oh, yeah, if I could bottle that, I'd be rich." You know, that kind of thing. There's all sorts of changes—this is not fairy tale stuff. It's real. That's what kind of makes it exciting but it can also be scary, because you're sitting there on your couch watching TV and, all of a sudden you feel like you've just gotten a fever of 110 out of nowhere. Voom! Heat in the body. Other times it'll be sleep, where no matter what you do, no matter what time of day it is, all of a sudden you know you've just got to fall asleep or you're going to fall down. It's like somebody pulled the plug on your energy system. That's because your consciousness is actually transferring. It's riding DNA strand template 4 into D-4. You're going astral to pick up more information on something important. And literally your soul level of identity is saying, "sorry, I know you need to do that right now and your boss probably won't be happy. But this is more important right now. Gotta go." The real fun one—and we're still doing this one—is the "gee, 3:00 a.m.; I have more energy now than I do all day," where you're like manic at 3:00 a.m. for some reason. Now, you can run to the doctor and say, "I really have insomnia; I'm having a terrible time; I haven't slept . . . ." Now it's really hard, if you have a 9 to 5 job or a 9 to 10 job, where you depend heavily on that eight hours sleep at night. Because there are different cycles of frequency that enter the body during the day and during the evening. The reflected lunar light—the solar light that's reflected to become moonlight—has different qualities and frequencies than does the direct sunlight in the daytime. So the body, once it gets on, it's "oh yeah, we're activating, right?" And you're doing it under the Divine Blueprint, which is the right sequence in the shields will activate? That means your own soul, oversoul and avatar level of self are actually guiding the process. There will be times when you need lunar frequency. There will be times when you need solar frequency. And it may not coincide with your regular, 9 to 5 or 9 to 10 schedule. Now, I've had the manic runs lately at night. I seem to be up at like 3:00 a.m. and cough for an hour and a half, because I've been clearing a cold. The cold itself—and I know this, I know we've picked it up—it's like some kind of weird flu thing that responds to a, finally we broke down and took some kind of penicillin for it, because it was so bad. But I recognized that it was a clearing, and it still is. It's a clearing between the fourth chakra, the fifth chakra and the sixth chakra, which has to do with fourth, fifth and sixth DNA strand activation and clearing. So there's all sorts of weird symptoms you can get. Now I happened to go through a clearing cycle at 3:00 am, for some bizarre reason. I wake up and cough. But I don't worry about it because I realize what it is. It's getting better, and so is Az's.
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Page 8 of 86 You may find yourself getting a cold or getting a this ailment or a that ailment. When you get sick, we've been taught to, "oh that's terrible, I'm sick, sickness is a bad thing." When you tell yourself that, you'll really get yourself worked up and tied in a knot. What sickness is, is the body trying to rebalance itself to health. It's saying, "ooh, there's something in there that's unnatural to my template that I need to clear." So when you get a manifest sickness, the body is taking an opportunity to clear something out that's not good for it. Now, if the body doesn't have the frequency support it needs, that can be. . . you know, people die from illnesses all the time on this planet. If they had their full D-12 frequencies running, that wouldn't happen. It would just transmute it. We're bringing back our ability to transmute illness as we activate DNA, but it takes a while to generate that much D-12 frequency in the body before you can like go and immediately cure your own cancer or anything like that. If we have diseases in the body, the body is trying to heal itself. Some people heal themselves—and their souls know this—by having an illness that is so severe, they know they'll drop the body. But they cleared it from the template. So they know that the next body form that they move into, incarnate into, will be one at a much higher frequency level without the distortions, which means they might be able to ascend out of Density 1—dimensions 1, 2 and 3 systems—and into the next level up. And get out of the gross matter density systems down here. So there's a whole set of ideas that go along with understanding the big stuff like star gates and black holes that have to do with simple growth in the way we phrase things or frame things to ourselves. We can look at something on the outside and identify it as a calamity, or we can identify what its purpose is truly in eternal life evolution. It's only when we're afraid that we're actually, truly, deep down, not eternal after all that we get attached, overly attached, to the outside dramas —because we're afraid we don't have anything else. When we're sitting in our heads these days—since 25,500 BC—trying to figure out who we are, where we came from, because we don't remember any of the other parts of ourselves, it seems like this here is the only thing that's real. But when we begin—and the first stage, really, is when your astral consciousness starts to kick in and you start to realize, "omigosh, I was floating above my body—I saw it down there but I was wide awake—and I could like zip through walls and windows. And I went and spied on somebody; it was really cool. You know, I found I could do these things." Your consciousness has the ability—it is a multidimensional consciousness. The fact that the gene code has not been functioning properly because the templates have been blocked by the implants, some of which are the Metatronic implants, that is what keeps us imprisoned. We have the ability and the power, if we know our anatomy and we understand how to use our 3-D minds to run frequency, we can clear those blockages in our template and get more and more, progressively, of our higher dimensional consciousness—our Soul, our Oversoul, our Avatar, our Rishi and our ascended master self and consciousness—into our bodies, progressively healing our bodies as we go. And each one of us that does that heals a part of the planetary grids and a part of the human grids. Every species of animal, plant, bug, rock, person, being has what's called a Tribal Shield Template. If you look at a template, scalar shield, as the template that holds the program for what matter form is going to manifest, everyone that is of the same species has certain codes, certain mathematical programs in their shields that are common and some of them are different. That's where you get individuality within a species. Now, every one of us that becomes more healed, that brings in more higher consciousness, that begins to activate our Flame Bodies, begins to affect the Tribal Shield, because our personal shields are literally ensconced within the larger Tribal Shield. And that is ensconced within the larger Planetary Shield, which is part of the Solar Shield that all of the planets in our solar system are part of, which are part of the Galactic Shield. . . and up and up and up, all the way. So every time each ones of us counts what we do with ourselves and our frequency. As we heal ourselves, we help to heal each other, we help to heal the planet and the other life forms on the planet. So, I'm wondering where we're going to move and what. . . it's almost like we move through a labyrinth of data when we do these workshops, where first we're here and then we move over here. It's like making a weaving, like a beautiful Indian rug, where you have to put the right colors next to each other, and you have to align them mathematically the right way to get the right patterns to come out by these little strings being woven together. And every audience requires a different Indian rug, because each one of you has a unique signature, energy signature, shield signature of consciousness, which means each person will understand the information in a different way, or be unable to understand it if it's put in a certain way. So we're going to, together, through the period of the next two days, try to co-create a group work of art. Az and I will be part of that but we're not the weavers. We're only two of the weavers. All of the weavers are in this room. Because it requires each one of us to speak, to learn, to
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Page 9 of 86 understand, to share, to be sensitive, to try to feel—if you can't understand the words, try to feel the frequency beneath them. Together we can create a beautiful Indian rug—or maybe it's an Eieyani rug—that will hold together the information that will be given in a way that can become personally useful to you. And each one of us, when we go home, will take a little piece of that rug—almost like a holographic replica, because the big rug will stay. But we'll take a little piece of it; it's our piece of the rug, of the weaving of information, that's big enough for us right now. And your piece will be different than your neighbors'. But there's a piece for each of you here that you're guided here to bring home. And we will do our best, in the process of this workshop, to do our role in helping to weave those beautiful rugs. I would like you to know that we care very much about all of you, regardless of what walk of like you're from. I don't care of you've been Metatronic, I don't care if you've been doing Flaming Blue Sword for the last 40 years and I've just terrified you to death. I didn't mean to terrify you. There is hope: Flame Body Activation. There isn't judgment toward the races that have chosen a path of the fallen ways. There is, however, consequence for them. They're loved by the Founders, they're loved by Source. There's no damnation. They're the ones that created the angry, wrathful gods that put people in fire and brimstone and stuff. Any nice god doesn't do that. That's just having a temper tantrum when you have a lot of power to push around. There is huge love in the teachings we carry. I don't want the love to be missed because of the technical data that's needed to be given. But if I have to be accused, as I sometimes am by people who are used to being patted on the head and their egos perked up by all that sweet light and love talk. If I have to get them angry with me by saying, "well, the love is here and I will do my best to communicate that to you. Feel the frequency and, if you can't, you should ask yourself why." Because it's huge, the love that we carry and the people that we work with carry. But what's more important right now? Patting peoples' egos to make them feel safe so they can have more security blankets to hold onto and to put over their eyes and hide behind? Or love them enough to tell them the way it is and give them the technologies that aren't that hard, that they can begin to heal themselves and help themselves and, if nothing else, protect themselves from what's coming. That’s where the love is. We're willing to be unpopular in the New Age movement. Oh boy, are we. It's like we almost created our own, you know, because they couldn't stand us. There are so many infiltrate people in the New Age movement that are running groups and zapping people in the workshops, that it is amazing. (Answer to unheard question along the lines of "can you name some of these groups?") Um, I've already dropped a few hints. I've made hints like the Clarion Call. You can look that up. There are hints like "anything attached to the being called Thoth," look that up. See, I could give a list but (a) I won't do it on camera if I ever do it. Or in print. Why? Well, do we need to be taken down right now and put in jail for slander? We're not stupid. We have no gripe with the people who are the mouthpieces for the fallen ones. It's the fallen ones' agenda we have a gripe with. We don't have a need to point fingers at the individuals but we will at times name some of the movements. It's attached to the Thoth material, it's attached to anything that identifies with what's called the Alpha Omega Melchizedek order. All right? I won't name names of individuals who are involved because that's not important. This is true (to Az after whispered exchange): Az is just pointing out that we teach people to listen on the inside instead of turning to experts on the outside to find the answers. Now if we know some things about who's who—and we know a lot about who's who; believe me, I wanted to run when I found out. Well, there's an ability you can cultivate inside of yourself, and it starts with a simple question. The ability to decide and identify for yourself whether a system is serving a true Kristos empowerment agenda or whether it's using Kristos lip service to give you an agenda that's going to take you down into a black hole but they're not about to tell you that. There's one key element: where do they ask you or tell you to put your power? Are they telling you to call upon the name of Archangel this or Archangel that? Are they telling you to say the 500 sacred names of God and everybody else? Are they telling you to kiss the feet of this guru or that guru? Or to put a picture of this or that guru on the door of your refrigerator, so they can beam frequency and protection to you all the time? Are they telling you to channel this being and that being? All of this stuff is telling you to put your power elsewhere. The true Kristos teachings tell you that you have, right within you, your inner Kristos. This is what the being that was called Jesus—actually his name was Jeshua—he had come with his group of Indigo Grail Line children to bring that knowledge of the inner Kristos back.
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Page 10 of 86 So anything that's teaching you, even stuff that's teaching you to worship a symbol of a dead Christ on a cross, is teaching you to put your power outside of yourself to worship somebody else. This is staying to yourself, "I have no direct connection to God." It is telling you to con yourself into thinking somebody else has your knowledge, your truth and your ability to be safe, and that you have no personal connection to God. So if you can know these little tricks of the trade that are underneath and woven in between their pretty words, where are they asking you to put your power? Are they telling you the mechanics and the anatomy of your interdimensional body so you can remember how to get yourself back into body so you can embody your God connection? Or are they telling you God is out there somewhere else, away from you, and you've got to kiss somebody's toes, knees or nose in order to get up there to see him again? Where are you putting your power, is the answer, the big answer to the question of who's who out there. And also, answering that way keeps us out of jail, because we can't afford to be sued. And the truth of it is the naming name thing—at times I will share in intimate circles of friends what we know. After a while it becomes very obvious. You develop after a while—particularly the Flame Body Activations—you will just be able to sense the frequency. And you will be able to tell by holding a book—you won't even have to open it—what the energy signature is, whether it's coming from up or down. So naming names becomes a moot point. It's just helpful in the beginning, before people realize they have the sensitivity in themselves to develop that ability. There are some big tricksters out there. Basically, we suggest don't follow any movements‚ including ours. We don't want followers; we're here to share. Gurus have followers. Priests maybe have followers. We don't look for followers. We look for people just like ourselves who are avatars in bodies just dying to figure out how to wake back up, so we can get the rest of us in body to figure out what we're here for and to figure out what to do about it. You are all avatars. We all have that part of ourselves, Kristos avatars. Even the fallen ones originally started as Kristos avatars. And they still have a part of themselves that never fell. Whether they'll ever connect to that part of themselves again is their choice, because their Kristos avatar will not force that choice on them. But each one of you are no less than us and we're no more than you. But we're all pretty great. We need to remember. This is why there's one being I want you to follow. And that's the truth of the wholeness of you. And that will be a different being for each one of you, but it will share a common community that's called the Universal Kristos. And beyond that we have the levels where we're part of the Rishi collectives—the Breneau Rishi. We all have parts of ourselves there. So as we move through some very challenging. . . some of it's going to be funny. You know what I've noticed that's really strange? The people who are working like the other agendas, let's say, they get really upset with me for revealing the history. Oh boy, did that upset them. Some of the Flaming Blue Sword people got really upset when we started revealing the history from the Records. They didn't want that revealed because it shows who they are and what they're up to. They'll throw all sorts of accusations: "oh, they're just fear-based teachings; where's the love" — this kind of stuff. The love is right here in the frequency. But for us, supposedly just teaching scary, fear-based stuff, we've had more people laughing their way out of our workshops, being hit with some of the heaviest, biggest, most scientific, most broad, spiritual information they've ever, ever encountered, and they're joking and laughing and feeling good when they leave. We must be doing something right. Because we're teaching you how big the drama is, but we're teaching you that you're even bigger. And you're part of a Kristos and you're part of a cosmos that's bigger, that has the ability to move through things where fallen angels fear to tread. We don't have to be afraid, and we will never teach you to be afraid. And do you know why we won't teach you to be afraid? You can only give what you really have inside. We are fearless. We are fearless because we got it; we know; we feel the reality of the living Kristos inside. And it doesn't matter. . . Kristos isn't a word that just belonged to Christians. They borrowed it. We'll get into that a little bit probably tomorrow. But there is a joy and a freedom and a trust that comes when more and more of you, your true self, awakens inside of you—your Kristos self. It's funny, you get to a point where you get to just like throw all the books on your bookshelf out, because you know you'll never look at them again. Because the information comes from inside. It's a lot easier to move that way too. Books are really heavy to carry around. The books are useful to get you through, where you realize you got it inside. There may come a time, if things get weird and wacky in the next few years, the next year. We've got to move quickly and it's going to be very difficult to take anything with us. If that happens and we know we have it inside already, it's like, "where did I put that file? I know that book's in there somewhere in my cellular memory," in your
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Page 11 of 86 template. You do have it. You might not have immediately, every time you demand it, the answer to something. But if you realize it's in there, if you can ask the question, it implies you already have the answer. That's a little trick most people don't realize, that if you can come up with a question, it implies you already have the other side—the other half—of that energy signature which is the answer. The question came up so you could give the answer back to yourself. Now you might find it reflected to you out here, where you actually project it into the hologram and somebody else comes up and answers the question for you. But when you start to realize the dynamic that's happening and say, "well, why don't I just like directly manifest it? OK, get into that space; I know I know the answer; I will let it come now." There are a lot of tricks in using your own psyche that you can learn to make your process easier and more joyful. But the one most important thing is to remember right now you have, inside of you, everything you need. You have an inner Kristos, you have your direct connection to Source. You don't need any dogma, any book, any priest, anybody, any hailing this or hailing that thing you can't see either, or any channel to do it for you. You have it. You just need a little bit of reminding about where your parts are so you can remember how to use them. That's all we're teaching you. We're just giving you back a gift that we were given by the Eieyani. The reason we do what we do, Az and I and now Mac, who is Speaker 3, Mary Anne Calloway back there. Yes, I have to do that, it's part of official protocol. We speak because we were given a gift. And we struggled to wake up too: "I'm a what? What's an Eieyani? How do you spell that? What was that word, Melchizewhat? I was a Melchizewhat for a while because I couldn't remember how to spell the rest of it. Now, we'll get into Melchizedeks. There's Melchizedeks, the Holy Order of the Yunasai, the Melchizedek Cloister. It's actually—again, a name is a tonal resonance signature, the verbal translation of a tonal vibration. Melchizedek is not a being, not some flaming blue guy that flies through the sky and calls himself Captain Melchizedek, because they've got those too and they're not the real thing. Jeez! They make pretty pictures, though, to hang on your wall. The word Melchizedek is an ancient signature that has to do with the primal coding of the Sound and Light Fields that this particular 15-dimensional time matrix was formed on. So it's simply like a family name way up on the Ascended Masters levels of all of the levels of all of the consciousness in this time matrix. We all came through the different levels—we call it Stair-Step Creation. To get into manifestation, you have to project yourself as consciousness. Let's say a burst of consciousness has to go down in frequency leaving a piece of itself every step of the way. That's how you get these different levels of identity. Now to get down here implies that you have all those other steps up there. The people in this time matrix came out of the collective that was called the Melchizedek Collective. The Melchizedek Cloister—the word "cloister" got put on it to make a distinction when some of those that had fallen from that collective went and took the teachings and twisted them. The black hole guys, they were originally part of our matrix. They took, literally, the signature and the teachings and twisted them to use for a false creation. The whole story of Lucifer and all of that kind of stuff, you know, challenging God, wanting to make his own universe. Well, that's really a very kindergarten-level version of a large, interdimensional drama that took place between massive groups of Founders Races—ones who were trying to help others that had fallen and fallen ones who couldn't recognize their connection to Source anymore, who tried to take over the local universe in order to be their own creator gods. That's how they ended up in a black hole matrix and they're still trying to do it. So if you don't like the word Melchizedek, you don't have to either. Eventually, someday you'll realize, oh yeah, it's a family name. You don't have to Be Melchizedek or identify with it. But the best thing to do is, with the word, be aware there is a distinction. There are two families. The Holy Order of the Yunasai, Sacred House of One, which are the ones that retained the original teachings of the Law of One, which we are all connected, which are the teachings of a Free Will, Love Based system that is not in polarity conflict and drama—the ones that teach freely ascension teachings and don’t hide them and twist them so they can manipulate people with them. That is the Order of the Yunasai. It means "The Point of All Union." That's what that word means. It's an ancient Anuhazi, which is an Elohei-Elohim word, not a fallen Elohim word. That means "The Point of All Union." It is another way of expressing Source, or Creator, or God, or whatever you want to call that central point of consciousness and eternal life and intelligence that all of us are manifestations of. The Melchizedek Cloister is the Holy Order of the Yunasai and we represent those teachings. They're called the Teachings of the Emerald Covenant. There are various other Melchizedeks running around on the planet right now. Most of them affiliate with what's called the Alpha- Omega order. This has to do with Alpha and
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Page 12 of 86 Omega Centauri, the planetary systems that have fallen planetary shields that are directly opened to the black hole systems. So there are Melchizedeks coming up from the black hole systems and embodying here and teaching false ascension teachings. So it's good to know the distinction between those names. Boy, was that one of the things that made them mad. We actually published it. We actually let them know, because people had to know because they were being tricked. And worst of all, they were being tricked in the names of the people who were actually trying to help them, which is like a slap in the face. There's a drama going on that we have the ability, right now, to make peace with, to move through, and to be very, very aware as we go through. There's going to be things, and things are happening very fast at this point. They're going to happen even more quickly if certain things take place—as opposed to others—on the 27th of May. This is revealed tonight, in fact. I knew something big was coming for this workshop, as far as the revelational something. I could feel it but I couldn't access it because it was on security clearance. By the end of this workshop we will talk about all sorts of things: black holes, healing the shadow body, activating the Amoraea Flame Body, and activating the planetary Amoraea Arcs. This has to do with the event of the BeaST activation and the Flaming Blue Sword fire sword initiation that's coming on May 27, 2003. Because there are certain events that can create a protection field here that need to orchestrated on May 27, 2003. It's going to be a calling that's put out to all indigos and humans on the planet that will listen. Now I don't know what the exercises are yet that they're going to ask us to use. But there is a process of helping to anchor the Planetary Amoraea Flame Body, not just the Arcs. And we were told—and this was like, "oh boy, they're serious, they've never, ever said this before"— they said, "well, we're kind of like on evac alert. What they said was that, because of the events that you will know what they are—because it's like technical stuff that I still have to get off the computer. Literally, they gave them to me in the last, like, two days. If certain things go well on May 27 with anchoring the countering frequencies that will create protection from the Blue Sword activation, then there will be one course of events that will take place. And we will be progressively prepared for those. Those will be much more stable and peaceful than the other course of events. We were told that if the events are not successful of anchoring the frequencies and the Flame Bodies, which requires people with Flame Bodies activated to be able to activate those frequencies, we will be on three-month evac alert. That doesn't mean in three months they'll evac. That means for three months they will evac, because at the end of three months there's going to be a problem. They've never, ever, ever said that or given that specific information before. Hmm? (inaudible question being asked). All right. If the Guardians' plans are successful on May 27, 2003—and that happens to be when we’ve all been called. Like a whole bunch of us have been called to go to Paxos, Greece. We're doing a major workshop there and we're going to be taught a lot of this, and we're spending like all night out on this really cool, uninhabited island in the ocean and stuff. Yeah, that night. We're going to be asked to help anchor frequencies that will create for everybody, even the ones that have chosen the path of fallen, a much more peaceful and easy time. If that isn't successful. . . see there's a problem. The fallen ones and their lovely BeaST mechanism, well, they almost outsmarted themselves. You know how you can let a BeaST out of a cage and then go, omigod, what did I do? Well, they kind of have done that. Because there are certain things happening with the BeaST frequencies now that they thought they would be able to do one thing. That had to do with taking over one of the Inner Earth temples to stop the frequencies that are called the Amoraea Arc Frequencies, that are going to come down and protect whatever part of the grids can be protected. They thought they could stop that. Because they can't stop that, that goes on autopilot too, which is the protection frequencies that come in. They're going to implode their own black hole if they don't get help—from guess who? They always end up, even in trying to destroy us, getting themselves boxed in corners that's going to hurt them but also people on the other side. And they always ask for help and Guardian Races always try to help, you know, heal whatever. So we are being asked to participate in a huge healing mission. If that healing mission fails and we are unable anchor certain frequencies on the planet, it's going to bring a little problem up through a lock in our system. It's what's called a Galactic Lock.
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Page 13 of 86 Now there are gates and there are locks. Locks kind of work like gates but they hop between dimensional bands, through what are called the void spaces. There's going to be a little visitor that pops up between our asteroid belt and Jupiter. It's the thing that was called Wormwood in the Bible, and some of you that have followed the work already know what that body is. It's a Nibiruan battle star that's connected in a direct orbit with the planet Nibiru. It is a planet that was forced into an artificial orbit—that's why it's not our 12th planet in our system anymore like it used to be. And it goes on an orbit that dips in between what was called the Phantom Matrix Black Hole and then comes back up for a cycle in ours. When Nibiru the planet goes out, Wormwood, its counterbalance, comes in. That's how they keep the thing in its retarded orbit. Well, Wormwood was originally created by Phantom Matrix races. The Phantom Matrix races were the ones that fell directly from this system. They weren't part of the larger black hole that had to do with another system as well. The Wesedaks and the Phantom black holes are two different ones. The Phantom races thought it would be really cool to pull in part of the grids over here, so they created the setup of Wormwood and Nibiru. And that setup was then taken over by the Wesedaks because, boy could that be useful. When the BeaST activates and the Flaming Blue Sword currents come in and begin to enter our Universal and Galactic grids, it literally creates a pulsing current of D13 reverse that grabs hold of Wormwood's orbit and pulls it where it wants it to go instead of in its natural cycle that it would come in. It's intended to pull it up through the Lock that exists between Jupiter and the asteroid belt. Pulls it up there; it looks like it pops up behind the sun here. And then there's a particular orbit that Nibiru and Wormwood would do when it was in its natural/unnatural(?) orbit? It's original unnatural orbit? That didn't cause pole shift here, didn't cause harm here. Well, when that was taken over by the Wesedaks—and they haven't tried this out yet. This was the Grand Hurrah, this final conflict drama, when they were going to see how well it would work. They would use the Blue Sword currents to expedite the movement of Wormwood, pull it out of its orbit with Nibiru. Nibiru goes crashing, but not here Nibiru is right now cycling through what's called the Phantom Matrix Black Hole System, so it will fall out of orbit there. But Wormwood will be grabbed by the Blue Sword currents. It will be brought up on those currents into a totally different angle as it enters our system, and it is intended to be pushed, first to come up behind the sun, come around, cut between Earth and the sun, and then do a second pass around this way. Do you have any idea, just on a regular physics level, of how magnetic forces affect each other? This thing's about three times the size of Earth. Can you imagine what that would do here? Now, it was the tool that was intended to be used by the Wesedaks to create this fall. And interestingly, the reason it's always been a hotbed on Earth—a hotbed of this activity, why Earth is always getting picked on—Earth is Universal Star Gate 3. It hold at its core Universal Star Gate 3—not just Galactic Star Gate 3, which position it also holds. Out of 12 Universal Star Gates, Earth is one. It's number 3, or Third Dimensional Gate. And the Fourth Dimensional Gate is our Sun. They both hold the bottom position in what's called the Cosmic Templar, or Kathara Grid. And if you can take those two down, it creates a chain reaction all the way up. That's why all the activity's focused here. So it's a big game at this point and there's something we're being asked to do to help counteract the frequencies of the Blue Sword that are going to be coming in. You know what's really weird? I won't, again, name names but there's a certain person who's teaching a certain "Ascended Master's" teachings, that are planning for the Fourth Battle of Armageddon to begin in May—because that's when they're going to be out anchoring the Flaming Blue Sword. So we're being asked to bring in the counterbalance to that. And it's kind of funny because, at this point, the Blue Sword is coming in, and it's either going to come in balanced or it's going to come in out of balance. The other side that used to consider themselves our adversaries because they were working a black hole agenda instead of an ascension agenda, aren't even fighting with us anymore. There's something that we'll talk about probably—it'll float its way in but probably technically on Sunday. It has to do with a new occurrence that took place on August 1 of 2002. And it was called the Truce of Loving Mercy. It's not a peace treaty. These guys don’t want peace and they certainly don't want anybody getting in the middle of their intended Final Conflict drama with each other. They're going to do their World War III stuff if they can help it, if they don't blow everything up in the process before the fact. But the Truce was almost like a cease fire agreement, because they got themselves into a predicament where, now that they've activated the BeaST and it's going to set all of this in motion and it's going to bring Wormwood flying up through.
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And Wormwood's meant to do something—not just with this system out of its orbit. It's meant to create something called a Solar Red Pulse. Now that's a natural occurrence under certain circumstances but, when you have damaged planetary and galactic grids and a red pulse runs, it literally reduces to space dust everything in its path. It vaporizes things; it shatters the template. We'll talk a little bit about red pulse because the nasty little BeaST machine and its Wormwood apparatus was intended to create, to build a solar red pulse. It's a pulse that builds inside the solar core, which would be inside Universal Star Gate 4, our Sun. And it then leaps through the shields into the planetary core, into our planetary shields. When the shields are working naturally on a Base-12 system, which means every dimensional frequency has 12 sub-frequency bands in it—that's a Base-12. A Base-8 would be only 8 sub-frequency bands. So in a Base-12 system, as long as our planetary grids are working and Star Gates are functioning on a Base-12, there's no problem. The red pulse is a Dimension 1 Base-12 pulse that's supposed to work in a way that, when the grids are working normally, there's an acceleration that takes place at certain ends of time cycles and beginnings of others on a planetary level, where the Sun actually communicates this frequency to the templates of the planet—the core shields of the planet. And it gives it just enough spark to jump into frequency to where it can go into a state of natural, what's called merkaba. That allows the planet, as a planetary body, to hold its integrity, its physical integrity, turn into light and jump into another time pulsation so it can enter its next natural time cycle. Red Pulse, when it's functioning normally, is a natural part of what's called an Ascension Planetary System, which means the planet can evolve up through the densities just like a. . .it can go through star gates. The planet can eventually go through star gates itself just like a body can evolve to do that. Now, when you're dealing with a system that has damaged grids and it has part Metatronically coded and reversed grids, which means part of its merkaba is spinning in reverse already, and a red pulse comes through, that's when vaporization happens. The Red Pulse comes through the D-12 subharmonics—the sub-frequency bands are too much for the smaller, Base-8 templates to hold. So it shatters the whole template. When you shatter a template being, the matter manifestation, you literally vaporize the matter manifestation. The whole BeaST apparatus—and this is information I didn't know about until literally I was getting it down just before we came here tonight. The Red Pulse, creating a controlled Red Pulse was part of the purpose of the apparatus of the BeaST. Because through that controlled Red Pulse, they could shatter the planetary template and, shattering it, they could hold it in an electrostatic field—which is that NET field I talked about—and drag it in the NET field—so it didn't just shatter and go all over—drag the pieces into the black hole system, and then reassemble them by bonding them to other structures that are running on the Base-8 reverse coded, or the Metatronic Wesedak system. It's an ingenious plan. I mean, talk about mad physicists running around wild. Wow, these aren't just mad geneticists, these are mad physicists. These guys move planets. So, the fallen ones in their messings here and in their hurry to make sure the Guardian groups didn't get enough healing work done in the grids—because, see we were running around running D-12 frequency into the planetary grids to heal them. And whenever we did that to a grid, neither side, in their little war, could take them anymore. They were healing them and putting them under protection. That got them upset because if we did that to enough of the planetary grids, eventually it would flip over the whole thing, through critical mass. So they wouldn't even be able to activate the BeaST. They couldn't do anything. So they activated it. Instead of waiting til 2011, they began the first activation cycle on March 23, 2002. And they put in the second set of activation codes, which seals the deal, on July 24. Now we're in the middle of a drama that we still have a job to do—whether we're awake or not, whether we think we're an Indigo, a Human or an Illuminati, doesn’t even matter. We've got body and that body has the ability to run frequency to whatever degree—and that degree you're not going to find out right away—that has to do with you and your soul and your oversoul. But we all have, and even Illuminati races came from a Kristos template. We all have the ability to work with these frequencies to whatever greater or lesser degree. And right now we have the ability to make the difference between whether or not we can get all of us out of this predicament. Because if Wormwood comes up through the Gates to the Lock and into our system and creates that Red Pulse, there will be a period. . . and it will start to come up through the Locks when the Fire Sword Initiation happens. That Fire Sword Initiation is phase locked in to the Universal Grids right now for May 27, 2003 at 11:11 p.m.
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Now, wherever you are on the planet, it will be 11:11 p.m. when it hits your area, all right? There's a whole way of keeping time that has to do with grid resonance and vibrational compatibilities as opposed to external time. That is the point in time when Wormwood is intended to be dragged up through the Lock system and into our system. The people who are teaching Clarion Call and a few other Masters Trainings from the black hole system know that they're planning to bring Wormwood in. They know it's planning to come in. They're actually doing workshops and things around it. Well, now a bunch of them are running for cover because what they didn't plan on was that there's a certain amount of our planetary shields that phase-locked into a particular frequency where they're stuck. They're partially Metatronic coded and they're partially Divine Blue Print coded. There's not enough Divine Blue Print for them to clear the Metatronic, and there's not enough Metatronic for them to get rid of or reverse the Divine Blue Print. They're doing this and their stuck. And what that's doing is creating a situation where they can't go up and they can't go down, which leaves a hole in the NET. So when the Flaming Blue Sword comes in through the Wesedak matrix, when the Red Pulse that it's intended to release through the tool of Wormwood comes in, that Red Pulse is going to hit the part of the grids that can handle it—those grids that still have Divine Blue Print which is Base-12. And it's going to run right through into the Metatronic side and it's going to shatter the unnatural electrostatic field they have around it. It's going to go right down the black hole. And it's going to shatter their template. The bloomin' idiots hung themselves. I mean jeez! Now we don't want to see anybody get hurt. Guardians never do. Unfortunately, if that happens, there's also going to be a backlash that will come over into the protection fields that are called the Trion Meajhe Field and the Bridge Zone that our grids are being linked into for support. Our grids will be OK because the frequencies of the Trion Meajhe field are stronger. However, what it will do to biological life forms that don't have 100% activation of 12strand DNA is another story. If the Red Pulse gets released, it's going to cause real problems for both sides. If we're unable to anchor a sufficient amount of what is called the Universal Amoraea Flame Body on May 27—on that evening, we're starting at 11:11 and we're supposed to go til 12:12 a.m. If we can anchor it in that period, it will do several things. First of all, it will help the Guardians. It will do the anchoring that's necessary here so Earth can do its part in shifting the angle that the Blue Sword comes in on, into our Universe. That will completely change everything because, when that angle shifts, it will actually send it through a Gate connection where it goes right down. And as the Wormwood thing is coming up through the Lock it will hit it—with a reduced current, but enough to break the asteroid into many little pieces, which means it no longer has the strength, first of all, to create, to generate Red Pulse by passing by the Sun. Another thing is it will lose that twisted orbit that it was intended to go in. Now we may get some pieces coming through, but that is what they've told me tonight is the day that they're planning to blow up Wormwood before it gets into our system. And it's right when it's passing through the Locks that it needs to get it. That way it won't have fallout all over our system. If this works and we can anchor with it—what we're doing is anchoring a protection field on the planet, the Amoraea body's protection field on the planetary level. If we can do that, there's going to be the beginning of what's called a separation of the planetary radial body. That's the only way either side is going to survive. It means the ones that are falling are falling. The part of the grids that are going to fall? You can't bring them back at this point. But we're not going to fight over them. I mean, why fight over them; they got them. You can't change that; they got their way. But at least if we help them now to stop Wormwood from coming in, because their little Beast got a little out of hand and they don't know what to do with themselves anymore because they don't want to implode. If we can help the Guardian races run the frequencies of the Amoraea protection fields, it will create a condition that, between 2003 and 2012, there will be a progressive but slow and gentle separation between the fields of the parts of the grids that have been Metatronicked and are going to go down into Blackholeville, which means they're going to disappear from our visual hologram. Now you know that's going to take some kind of something happening on the surface, all right? It might be a big volcano in one place. It might be a tidal wave in another. There's going to be some earth changes, the severity of which I think we will know more of by Greece. It's probably going to get a little hairy out there, the closer we get to 2012—even best case scenario at this point.
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Page 16 of 86 Now before, when we originally started these teachings, we were teaching Plan A: how to heal the grids fast enough so none of this would go down—so we wouldn't have to teach any of this stuff. We wouldn't have to tell right now about the history and how horrible it is and the Big Drama, because it would get fixed. Right now we're in a situation where we can make a difference—and it's a big difference. If, for some reason. . . even if lots of us participate, there's still no guarantee that it's going to work perfectly, even if the other side helps. Because there's a little part of the other side that are like kamikaze pilots who would rather die than make any agreements at all. And one of the things we made them agree to—some of them that made the agreements, the Truce, was that they wouldn't do a second wave of body-snatch walk-ins. Because they're going after indigos, they still have humans and indigos in them. And some of them wouldn't do that. They'd rather just take their chances. This shows "not too smart." Maybe brilliant but you can be really stupid and brilliant at the same time. So, there's still some counterforce happening, where indigos are getting messed with and humans are being hassled. But it's not as severe as it had been because of the Truce of Loving Mercy, which gives an easy out from both paths of evolution. An easier out which, by cooperating even between a group that has chosen for eons to call the Guardian Races their chosen, selected enemy—only their second favorite, though. Their first favorite enemy were the other side of their own conflict drama that they're fighting. If we can, at this point, realize the grids are already divided. They phase-locked on March 23, 2002, with the beginning activation of the beast. What's going up is going to go up and what's going down is going to go down. That can't be fixed at this point. But there's a part of the grids that are in the 31-51% Divine Blue Print left range, that are the ones that are stuck. They're the ones that will get vaporized if something isn't done. The frequencies that we would bring through, that would allow for the shifting in the angle of the Blue Sword currents coming in that would take care of the Wormwood problem over there in the Lock side so it doesn't mess with our system, are the same frequencies that are needed to create a very gentle and natural separation in the templates in the grids that will allow those grids—the ones that can go up to go up and the ones that can go down to go down. And progressively what is going to be created here are two radial bodies. Picture a bubble around a reality field. Picture a planet that has a bubble around it, that you don't see the bubble skin? You just see the atmosphere and it kind of hangs in space there. Well, we have a planetary radial body that's separating into two. One has been fully metatronicked, as we call it. It has the Base-8 reverse coding to the degree that there is less than 31% of the Divine Blue Print template, which means it cannot be brought back. It's monadically reversed. That part will fall. We've lost part of the earth grids before that way. Once, 5.5 million years ago during a period called the Electric Wars, that was a mess too. It vaporized everything. But at this point, we don't have to go through another Electric Wars scenario. So it's almost like a friendly enemies cooperation. We never called them enemies. And they call anything enemy that doesn't support their agenda, no matter how wacky it is. But at this point, it will behoove the others from the fallen matrix to assist us in anchoring these. They will anchor and they will try to stabilize their Blue Sword as it comes in. But they are actually. . . because they're the ones that petitioned for the truce. . . because they can't fix the Wormwood problem. It's on autopilot now and they don't have strong enough frequency to change it. Only the Amoraea arcs that are run from the Inner Ecka Universes have—we'll talk about that tomorrow—have the ability to change that and to literally shift the angle of all this BeaSTly mess into something that's not as harmful. So we're in a very unique position. If it goes well, which in our world failure is not an option. I mean really, why give yourself the option? We will succeed. The Guardians will succeed, which means the separation. You have races of beings that have been stuck together for 250 billion years and they're really sick of looking at each other at this point. We're sick of the people being nasty and doing all sorts of horrible things to planets and galaxies and each other, and they're really sick of us goody two-shoes trying to tell them how "it really works better if you do it this way." Each race gets what it has wanted for a very long time, which is the full freedom to express the truth of its vision. Their vision is very different from ours and their vision leads to a finite implosion in a finite black hole system. But they have about two billion years, if they don't blow themselves up now, of evolution in that system—quarantined from everything else but they can play Master Gods of the Universe. And then they already prepared themselves with the "ashes to ashes
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Page 17 of 86 and dust to dust" program. They know they're going back to space dust someday. So they have their choice. We can't make their choices for them but we can all work together, at this point, peacefully. We've always tried to work with them, even here when this information—when we decided to release it—I was saying, you know, I don't want to tell these guys this because they're really going to hate my guts. I don't want to reveal them. I don't like to name names. Why? Do I want to hurt people, am I angry with people because they're having a different agenda than me? No, they have a right to a different idea—even on the Founders Level. There are Founders Races that had an idea and that idea got them really messed up and they still want to follow it. And they have a right to do that even though it's not a very smart thing to do. Because God and the Universe are fair. There is a balancing that will always happen. And it's not some God comes down and zaps you, "you were bad so we're going to blow up your black hole." It's simply action and consequence. We will all eventually meet the consequence of our chosen actions. We were given the gift of free will. If we choose actions that work in harmony with Source, with the Universe, with good intention toward everyone, with the remembrance of the love that we are all one being—and there's a level of reality where we always will be one being. If we work with that principle in mind, the consequence of our action will be peaceful and joyful. If we work with principles of hatred and anger and blame and justification for destroying something else, or elitism, arrogance, anti-Kristos behaviors—the beings give themselves an excuse to act poorly and abuse the Laws of Nature. That's just the Laws of Nature. We'll get the consequence. And that's what's happening here. So nobody's rendering any judgment of physics on themselves. That was their choice. But at least the way of the path of the Amoraea Arcs that we're moving into now gives both sides an ability to have more evolution. We have the ability to move into what's called the Bridge Zone space, which is a continuum cycle—a time pulsation rhythm that gives us actually a time cycle bridge between where we are at this time and where we should be at this time, if our grids were working naturally. It gives us about two thousand years in safe space until our planet can re-evolve back into its natural pattern. It will go into what's called Density 2, the next level. It will ascend. That's our safe zone. Their safe zone is they have two billion years or so worth of evolution, unless they do something else stupid and blow themselves up somehow, you know, by doing internal stuff, to fight with each other. Because that's what they’re going to do. You have creator gods on the Draconian side and creator gods on the Annunaki side. We call them Wesedaks and Wesedraks because they're both Wesedaks but some of them have Omicron-Draconian coding, which is a base dragon-moth coding that's kind of mixed with reptile. And the others have the Annunaki which is part cetacean dolphin-people and part aquatic ape. So they can play Masters of the Universe and they can throw fireballs at each other for the next two billion years if that's what makes them happy. There are people on this planet that will be in each of those different radial bodies of the planet when they separate. And I keep asking, "what's this going to look like?" Because if we're going to disappear out of each other's hologram—large amounts of people disappear out of each other's hologram—that's got to have a symbolic translation in the hologram as far as action. And I think we're going to be learning more about that. But this has to do with the beginning of the time of tribulation that was mentioned in the Bible. There are sicknesses that are going to come to some groups. There are earth changes that are going to come to others. But we're going to see a shifting of consciousness. There's probably a lot more to this. I think there's going to be some very strange time effects. Like, "wait a minute; I lost two days; where'd they go?" You know, this kind of stuff happening the closer we get to 2012. That's if we get to 2012. The object of the game here is to get to 2012, all right? We'll have two separate reality fields progressively moving apart but gently, because of the frequencies that will allow for the gentle separation instead of the Red Pulse implosion. And 2012 will be when the final—and that was always the date— when the final Divine Blue Print was going to be reset and the black hole would be closed. They will go their way and we will go our way. What this is going to look like, I can't tell you what it's going to look like in 2012. But I have a feeling by then, if we make it through this period of May 27 and that goes well, we'll have several stages of learning and having
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Page 18 of 86 experiences that probably get progressively more strange, to realize what it's going to look like when that happens. And we will be progressively activating our Flame Bodies and bringing more of our Avatar consciousness in. So it'll make a whole lot more sense to us once we're fully embodied as an Avatar than trying to run around as a threedimensional person trying to figure out how to get your Avatar Self back. We will have what we need and we wouldn't be given a cross bigger than what we could bear. And that's very true. Hmm, I said more in the introduction than I'd planned. Amazing, it came fast too. Well anyway, I kind of teased you a little bit about some of the stuff we're going to talk about this weekend. It's almost like I gave the end of the workshop at the beginning. We will fill in details, lots of them, in the next two days. We will start, however, tomorrow, with the good stuff, the exciting stuff, the ancient heritage that's ours right now. The Flame Body, activating the Flame Body—this is the personal stuff, the stuff that gets you through. The stuff that, if you can't remember anything else, remember how to do this. We will have seven exercises that will be given tomorrow. Not all at once; they will be broken up. There will be like a morning session, the afternoon session and the evening session, and they'll be broken up through that period. It's very important to get these activations now. They are one of those that you can use again later. The exercises, you can use them again later but you don't have to. It will amplify what you've got. But as long as you get them once, you can go on to what is called Technique 8 after four to six weeks. Now Technique 8 we can't run here because you need to have the frequencies that you will get from 1 through 7 building in your shields and activating in your DNA template for four to six weeks before it'll even activate. You can run Technique 8 but it's not going to do anything for you. It won't activate because it would overload your system. And you'd get your Flame Body all right; your whole body would go into Flame Body. And your own template won't allow that to happen. When you're working with the Kristos frequencies, you can't overload, you can't have a real bad kundalini crash because your Avatar level will shut down the portions of your template that are running too much frequency until your body gets back into balance. So we're going to explore the Flame Body tomorrow and how to activate it. Part of those teachings will involve understanding the Shadow Body. To understand the Shadow Body, you really need to understand the Astral Body and the Radial Body. So we're going to understand those parts of the anatomy and then we'll be able to understand how to activate the Flame Body. We'll do the activations. We'll talk more on Sunday about the big stuff, once we get the solution. This is why it surprises me that it came out this way. But I feel I am getting little nudge to kind of like reveal the new stuff that would have been at the end, at the beginning. But there's a reason. You don't have to be afraid. And that's the stuff you'll learn tomorrow, about you have this wonderful Flame Body to walk around with that will create massive protection. And if it goes to a point where things don't go particularly well on the mass level on May 27, that Flame Body will allow you to be evaced through a Gate. Most things on the planet, if they can't hold D12 frequency at least momentarily—12-strand activation—can't go through an Inner Earth gate, because the template would explode. That means most biological life forms are stuck here if anything goes wrong. With the Flame Body activations, that changes. And the more of us that activate our Flame Bodies, the more that will spread through the tribal shield and offer the same opportunity of frequency to people we'll never meet that have the ability to hold that frequency. We will help it to activate for them too, and for the planet. So we'll learn how to do that tomorrow. Now, tonight, there's a set of activations that are actually precursors to being able to use any of the Flame Body technologies. Many of you have probably had them already, which are the Emerald and Amethyst Awakening masters kundalini activations. All right. People who haven't had them, you do need to run them. What we did in Phoenix was they actually had the whole group run through them again, even if they'd had it, because it amplifies the fields and the shields enough to where the new, higher frequency technologies that you'll be given—Flame Body techniques 1 through 7—it like sets the ground for it. Now we're not going to do that here. I'm just getting the guidance we don't need to do that for people who have done them before. You can if you want to but you don't need to. But we need to set a time aside, and I think it needs to be tomorrow morning. Everybody's just too tired tonight. I can just feel it, the frequency, we over saturated a bit. Tomorrow morning, for people who want to participate with us and want to go through the meditation session that will begin the first level of your shield activations, that will begin
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Page 19 of 86 the first level DNA template activations under the D-12 Kristos imprint, where you're running D-12 subharmonics, we'll arrange for. . . Speaker #3, Mary Anne Calloway, will be running it. OK and again, anybody that wants the amplification of the activation that's had it before, you can do it again. It's a pretty long meditation but, thank God, it's one of those that you really only like have to do once. You can do it again for amplification if you want to. All right. So the people who want to do that tomorrow, you can meet Mac down here at 9:30. Mac is Mary Anne Calloway. She's Speaker #3, Emerald Covenant Speaker #3, and she will be running the Emerald and Amethyst Awakening preparatory exercises. And then we will start at 10:30 with the program. And we'll go a slower. I won't be just throwing heavy information at you. We'll take some time, we'll have graphs, we'll have charts—you know, my infamous graphs and charts. Az is going to talk to you a little bit about ordinations—the Melchizedek ordinations 1 and 2. He's going to tell you some information on that. People that are newcomers to this, just so you know, an ordination is not any vow you're taking to us. In fact, I will let somebody else do that speech because I'm really tired of giving that speech. Ordination is not being zapped into a cult, all right? It's our assistance with your Avatar shoots a bit of frequency down through our field, because we're already activated, and grounds a spark of your avatar's energy and we transmit it back to you to help activate your shield faster. That is a Melchizedek Cloister ordination. At Level 3 ordination, you take a promise or a vow to your own Kristos Self, not to any mumbo-jumbo name in the sky, not to us, not to Azurite Press or Azurite Temple or the Eieyani or anything. It's a promise you make between you and yourself. And I want the new people to know this, because it's not like we collect little priests and run them around on strings. It's not like that, but it is just simply a service that those of us who have received those ordinations from the Eieyani that allowed us to carry the frequencies to do this and to translate the information on the plates. We were asked to offer that service to the other beings and their avatars who might want to have the same. It's a way to expedite the activation of your template on a Base-12 imprint. Now if you go with an Alpha-Omega order Melchizedek, you will be getting a very different type of ordination—just so you know. If you happen to have the misfortune of unknowingly being a part of that type of thing at any time, this type of frequency where you're running Base-12, your own Divine Blue Print, will clear that. So you're not permanently zapped or anything. But those kinds of ordinations run by the ones who are working the Metatronic code are specifically to activate progressively more amounts of the Blue Sword currents in your body. Ours does the opposite. In fact, we don't give you currents. What they're actually doing is giving you currents from their own bodies that are running from the Black Hole Matrix. What we do is simply receive a spark of D-12 frequency from your own Kristos—not somebody else's, not some unnamed Kristos in the sky, but your particular Avatar level of consciousness consciously sends a spark. And if you're not ready for it, the Avatar will say no, not now. Then we'll say, "sorry, why don't you go meditate and talk to your Avatar because it doesn't want me to do it. " I've had that happen only once or twice. But I just want you to know the difference and know what, when we say ordinations, what it's about. It means yes, you become, if you want to become a Melchizidek Cloister Minister. There are Ministers, RaB'nai, and Regents, which is Level 3 which is really what everybody tends to aim for. It's the path of full 12-strand activation, of full Avatar integration. That's completely between you and your Avatar selves. We're just here to be in service of anybody that wants that, and there is no commitment to us whatsoever or strings attached—including strings you can't see. Now, as far as officials on anybody that's interested on ordinations that hasn't had them, I'm going to hand this over to Az please. Az: All this is about is a thoughtfulness, that's all. Simply that there needs to be a little time—12 to 24 hours between Level 1 and 2 and Level 3 which will be given on Sunday. So all this is to say Mac, would you and some of the Regents perform Level 1 and 2 in the morning before you do Emerald? Before the class begins at 10:30, so you'll have to reschedule it slightly. So if it's the same people doing Emerald as ordination, then you can just run through it, right? So 9:00 please. And that means that Level 3 can happen for everyone that wants it on Sunday,
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Page 20 of 86 even the new ones. That's all. So, 9:00, that's what the lady says. So it's good night from me and good night from she. Was Disk 3 done? Disk 4 Now, many of you have already seen this a hundred billion times before, but I will go over it quickly for the people who are new. This is called a Kathara Grid. Ka-tha-ra, means light, sound, one. All right. That's what those sound tones mean. And when you put it together, it says Kathara. Originally, before the whole race line got hijacked, the Cathary of France were teaching the remnants of Kathara teachings that had been left by Jeshua and his crew in the biblical times. Now, what this is, has also been known as the Tree of Life in some traditions. In most traditions, you will not see it with twelve spheres on it. That's because they are not working with the Divine Blueprint. Usually, you will see it with this one missing, which is the monadic one, and this one missing. That's a very frequent way you will see it. There will be ten spheres, instead of twelve. Some of them work with eleven. That would be these, but not twelve. When you see belief systems that are using this, calling it a Tree of Life or whatever you want to call it, and they have less than twelve spheres, it is a black hole teaching system. Or a teaching system that started out good and has been corrupted by the Black Hole teaching systems. All right. That is usually the case. Usually they didn't have very good teaching systems of their own. They hijacked ours. And they'd, you know, take our teachings, and take our books. In fact, they used to raid our temples and take our temples. And use our name and teach garbage under the name of you know, under the name of God basically. But this is a Kathara Grid. This is really the map of shields, of all shields. It is the first twelve points of vibration of expression in any shield. Now we have the trinity, the first forces that were created, the ManA, EirA and the ManU. Now, these forces form what is called a “Kathara Grid.” They break into a set of twelve vibrations. In terms of dimensionality, there are actually two Kathara Grids as we'll see in a minute. Two interwoven Kathara Grids form the primal light and sound fields, one forms the primal light and sound fields and one forms the dimensional fields. This particular Kathara Grid, with one through twelve on it, that is showing you twelve dimensions. This holds the twelvedimensional program. That means everyone of these centers corresponds to one dimension. The flash line sequence that belongs to that dimension, its mathematical program, is held in that one vibrational point. These are called “Kathara Centers.” We don't call them Sephiroth. We call them Kathara Centers. Every template has one of these; actually two of them, one for the primal light and sound fields up above and one D12 and down. The, uhm, all right, wait a minute, hold on, incoming. All right, all right, yeah, I know it. Sorry. I use to get really nervous when they'd do that. Ma'a is with me all the time. He is one of the Eieyani speakers. He just kind of hangs our over my shoulder and just, kind of like, taps me on the head once in awhile. Isn't that something? So I used to feel funny about doing that. Pardon me, I do talk to people that nobody else sees at the moment. (tickled..) You see him sometimes though. Anyway, the Kathara Grid template, there's a lot more on this in the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System manual for people who want to explore it. There is a lot more detail than what I can give you verbally here on these structures if you want more of the science on them. But what a Kathara Grid is, is the first twelve points of vibration in the formation of any template from the cosmic level all the way down to the personal level. That means everything has a Kathara Grid. The Kathara Grid holds the mathematical program. The first one, I don't have it on this diagram, but there is another one that looks like this that would hold another twelve points that represent the primal sound fields and then Dimension 13, 14, and 15 of the primal light fields. That would be connected to this one right there. So, the primal light field, D13, would actually be connected at the same point as D12 and that would be a Kathara Grid that would go up this way. Now, this is the one for twelve dimensions. It holds the mathematical program for each of those areas of the shield. So the one, the Kathara Grid that would be on top here for what we call the primal Kathara Grid would hold the mathematical programs of the energy the partiki move on for the primal sound and primal light fields. This one holds the mathematical programs for twelve dimensions. Kathara Center 12 holds all of the programs in all of the other ones and its own. Kathara Center 11 holds its own plus everything below it, etc. So, each one of these centers represents one full dimensional program on the cosmic and universal level. So, we have an embodied one of these too that we will find out about later and that literally, on the personal Kathara
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Page 21 of 86 Grid, it’s a personal part of the shield that are the first anchoring parts that your consciousness takes on in order to anchor itself into a manifest form. Now, we are going to take Kathara Grids in a little different direction right now First, I am going to show how it fits into the 15-dimensional matrix, right? Now this is just one 15-dimensional time matrix again. All right. We have the Kathara Grid. This is the universal Kathara Grid for 12 dimensions that takes you up to the universal pre-matter Kristos Template. Here would be where the light and sound that primal Kathara Grid is. You have dimensions 13, 14 and 15. You can ignore those numbers there. There is an easier way to number that. You can have 13, 14, and 15 and then these three; one, two, three. That would be the triadic level of the primal sound fields; one, two, three levels of the polaric level and, one, two, three, the Eckatic level. So, each of the primal sound fields has three levels to each level. All right. That's where you get the twelve Kathara Centers on the primal Kathara Grid. These centers are the centers in the body through which the primal currents, like Dimension-1 current, would run into the shield from through the Dimension-1 Kathara center. All right. These are actually the feeding centers that, even in your own body, your own Kathara that's in your body in your shield. Your shield receives the primal life force currents first through the Kathara Grid. The currents that go with each dimension come into the shield through the Kathara Center point that has the corresponding number. Now, there is going to be something interesting. You see how this is stacked up here? You have here is the 12 dimensions of our 15-dimensional time matrix. Here is Dimension-13, 14 and 15 primal sound fields. What's interesting is when we begin to understand a little bit about these. And, on a universal level, we will also understand that these little points of vibration where energy can come in and out in our bodies into our shields, are also on the universal level, on a planetary level and on a galactic level, star gates, where energy can come in and out. All right. So, these twelve, when you take into a universal level, you are talking about one universal time matrix, 15-dimensional time matrix. These also represent the map of the Star Gates. Each one of those would represent a location in the universal shield. And, we do have the maps where we have been given the names of where they are and the ones on the planet as well. So, the Kathara Grid is the template where the shield manifests on. It's the first twelve vibrational points, first twelve doorways or windows or gates of energy that move in and out of the template. On the body level, there is things that build up from there and on a planetary level, we have all sorts of systems that take the energy from there and into the next level. We have merkaba fields. We have axiatonal lines. We have chakras and all sorts of things. But, the energy first comes in through the Kathara Grid into the body, into the shield. And that goes for the cosmic level as well. The Star Gates are the natural structure by which God and Source, and the ManU, ManA and EirA continually send current or parts of themselves in to feed as energy, to give energy to, the perpetual life system and circulate other parts out. This is the circulation of the cosmic matrix. And everything in existence takes on this form to get into manifestation. So, at the core of every template, in its original template, it took on the whole pattern of vibration and scalar waves, that were built on the Kathara Grid. Okay. So, everything has to take on this pattern. Everybody's core template is built on this. The cosmic template is built on that. The universal is built on that. When we look at it in terms of Star Gates, it gets interesting because we learn that we are down here. That means that we can get into the other spaces. Right? We could get out of our density and like, into the next density by getting through these Star Gates into 4, 5 and 6, Dimension-4, 5 and 6 Star Gate. We could go to 7, 8 and 9 through these set of Star Gates. What is interesting too, is how they connect and this is what we are going to get into, I believe, next. Is that where I went with that? I think it is, isn't it? It's close. Let me see? Wait. All right. Yeah. You can pull it up a little bit here. Now, oh yeah, I want to explain one more thing on this. Here is what we were just looking at, but in the small form. All right. The big graph that was up there a minute ago, where it has the two Kathara Grids, these are the Star Gates, right? Over here, it lists the locations, the main locations, of these Star Gates when we look up in the sky. And up here, I would like to show this one first, Honey. I want to show you the connection between, all right, you have one Kathara Grid and the primal Kathara Grid; the dimensional Kathara Grid and the primal Kathara Grid; here's where shields come in. All right. Each 3-dimensional set, remember that would be a harmonic universe, has a shield. If you were really going to draw this, it would like a big bull's eye, with this little small one, then another bigger one around it, a bigger one around it, until you got all the way out to this one, around the outside. But, if we begin to understand how Kathara Grids and shields go together; a
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Page 22 of 86 shield is a full mathematically arranged scalar wave template. Now, our whole Maharic Shield would be our D12 level shield, which would include all of the mathematical programmings of all of these. The shields; each shield is built on a set of three-dimensional programs, the core Kathara Grid programs for that density level. So, this shield here, which is call the Telluric shield, corresponds to Density-1 and that means in your body, but also on the planet and also in the galaxy, etc. Okay. These little things in here that are called "signets", which is another word for the Star Gates. They are really the doorways the energy moves back and forth through. They are the core of the shields and the center ones, all the way up in each shield, the center ones correspond with the middle pillar. These actually control and direct what the other two will do. So this middle pillar, even though it's not the first in creation and is not the most powerful current, this is the pillar that runs the primary forces of the ManA energy. It actually directs the function of the other two pillars unless you override with these higher systems with frequencies which is what we are going to learn to do with Flame Body activation. All right. So, if you look at the Kathara Grid too, another way to understand it in terms of the ManA, ManU and EirA, this is the primary current of ManA, this is the primary current of EirA and this is the primary current of ManU, coming down this side. This one is actually the first one that was formed. If this had been the first one that was formed, it would have been a static universe and there would not be the experience or experiential quality we call movement. But, anyway, these shields, therefore, that connect with the four densities, right, density one, density two, density three, density four, four shields. Each shield has its dimensional number that is at its core and corresponds with the Kathara center. And up here we have what are called the four primal Eieyanic shields. They call these the Eieyanic shields. The word Eieyanic comes from the work Eieyani. The word Eieyani is the name of a race, but it also is a word that comes from the word, "Yanis.” The word Yanis is also a word that means, the ascended master level, except that they don't use that because it's kind of like, you know, "Oh, hi, I am an ascended master, kind of stuff. There's too many people pulling that gig. You know? And it's the real level of what the fakes are trying to say they have. So, the word, "Eieyani", is at the core of the word "Eieyanic" and the word, "Yanis", is at the core of that. And the word, "Yanis" really means, "of the Yunasi", which is the point of all union. All right. So, these are the ancient words that went with, you know, with the ancient teachings. Okay. We have the Eckatic shield, the polaric shield, the triadic shield and the Rishic shield. All right now, when we think of shields, remember how we were turning on different parts of our shield to get our DNA to work again to bring those frequencies and those levels of consciousness back in our bodies? Well, this is what we are turning on. We are turning on the primal life force currents because we are opening the doorways in the shields that allow for those frequencies, from all over here, to come through these gates and activate the shield and come back into our bodies. Now, we all have these core templates. The shield itself, if you looked at it, it would like look like a beautiful disc of standing points of light and sound that made pictures. They are all geometrical shapes and they literally look like mandalas. I don't know if you are familiar with the word mandala. But they are a form of art work that used symbolism and they are usually done in a circle where all sorts of just beautiful self-expression of the self is like put into it and everybody would have a different mandala. Where your shields are your true mandalas because you have; everybody will have these primary programs running just to get in here. Even like plants have these. Animals have these. Then there would be species differentiation’s where you would have different mathematical programs that would make a rabbit as opposed to a human or a plant as opposed to an animal. Then you would have, even within that, more differentiation of mathematical, geometrical programming that would, even though it's all built on a core template, it would give more differentiation, where we get our individuation of form and identity, the self that we call "self.” And this happens all the way down. So, we, like, our soul self. We are not all the same soul. We have individuation on our soul level just as we do here; same with the over soul, same with the avatar, same with the Rishi level. Even our ascended masters’ level have different distinct identities. So we don't lose our identity as we expand into becoming at one with God. The whole process isn't about climbing the ladder so much. It's about expanding back to hold the rest of yourself. It's like you have to come into this little body and then grow it out so it can hold the rest of you to get yourself all in. And once you do and you can hold even this much consciousness in your body, 12 dimensions of consciousness, you are in what is called, "Christ consciousness.” Anything below that is not Christ consciousness because it is not holding the full consciousness of the Kristos. So, Christ consciousness that everybody in the new age movement likes to aim for but they don't know what it is, that's what it is. It's being able to hold the consciousness of 12 dimensions of, literally, your pre-matter template consciousness, your avatar level identity in body. There is also the higher levels that embody. That go with
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Page 23 of 86 the primal light and sound fields and that's what we are beginning the process of doing. When we first given these teachings, we were being given the Maharata level teachings which meant the D12 level teachings, how to get this stuff open and activated, how to get your avatar in body. At this point, we are being given the teachings that are how to get the rest of you in body. How to get as much of yourself as possible, as quickly as possible because the planet needs us and we need ourselves because of the things that are going to be happening in the mass drama. But, it's all very easy when we start to see how easy the pieces fit together. It isn't that difficult. We'll go into it later. This afternoon we'll do a quick run through on the biology and it will be quick because once you understand this stuff, the biology plugs in very easily. But, these also correspond with programs in the DNA strand. And so, we will talk about that too. But know, I want to show you something. We go back on the universal level with these, so this would be our twelve dimensions of universal shield. This would be the primal light and sound fields of our universal shield. Remember. That's just our universe. We make a distinction between the word cosmic and universal. Cosmic is the big thing that contains many universes and universes can contain many harmonic universes which are smaller, and they contain many galaxies. So, there is a breakdown in how we use those terminologies there. Over here, we are looking at the Kathara Grid, the 12-dimensional one for now, as the Star Gate map. And here, it has the names of where the primary gates are. Here, we have Star Gate one that is actually the Dimension-1 gate. It's built on the Dimension-1 frequencies. This would be one of the easiest ones to go through as far as a life form. You wouldn't need as much frequency as you would to go through here. Now, this connects with a place called Theta Orion. Theta is also called Trapezium. It's a cluster, a little cluster of stars and so the gate leg is not just at the center of the star. It's probably in between the cluster of four stars, but in Theta Orion. It is in Orion's sword. The next one here is in Epsilon which is in the Iridanis system. This one, now these are universal star gates, okay? They're not just little galactic ones or little planetary ones. Over here, universal star gate 3, earth. Universal star gate 4, our sun, which is called "Sol.” This is why this planet is always in trouble, because it has the anchoring rods of the two pillars. If you mess with these two, you can literally reverse the whole. Imagine if that was standing there, you could take it like this and flip it. This literally is what is going down with this black hole crew. They are trying to literally get a hold of these two to do something to these so that they can use the whole bottom thing to flip the whole grid, the whole universal shield down into their matrix. They're hungry. They know they have a limited life expectancy of their black hole itself which means it will implode on itself because it will. If it can't receive the inflow and outflow of currents and it can't receive D-12 inflow anymore, it begins to eat itself. It's like a cancer in itself. In fact, our cancers or diseases that are affiliated with cancer come from the reversals that we carry in the templates that are connected to the Metatronic coding in the black hole. So, anyway, on the star gate level, earth, our sun, a place called Alcyon in Pleiades, when we look up in the sky and our star maps down here, like human star maps, you'll see Alcyon. That's one of the stars and the Pleiades, that is, when we are looking at Alcyon, we are actually looking at Tara. That is the soul body of earth. All right. Gate 6 is in Sirius B. This is where a lot of our buddies come from right now. There is also a part of this particular gate that's fallen. In our time matrix, most of these gates and the planets and stars that go with them have had part of their shields pulled into at least what's called the Phantom Black Hole, which is a smaller one that you can get back out of if you get help. They are trying to pull them all in now through there. But, Sirius B, Arcturus, is Gate 7. Gate 8 is again back in Orion, but it's called Mintaka. There is a word here that says Gaia. This is just another gate connection, but our planet, Earth's equivalent, etheric matter Density-3 planet, Gaia, is actually the star, Polaris. When we look up in the sky at the North Star, actually, we are seeing Gaia from Density-1 and it looks like a star. But if we were in etheric matter density, it would be a planet we could walk on. It wouldn't be a fireball in the sky. So this is how perception changes as our consciousness changes. As we turn on more of our shields, we are bringing back our ability to change the matter density level of our body. We can move through gates and literally go from being solid matter to less dense matter and back again if we want to. So, there's a lot of things that change in our hologram when we begin to bring more of this back into body. To be able to go through gates, we need to activate our Base-12 program. We have to be able to at least run the frequencies. If we want to get up here, we have to be able to embody those frequencies. That's what it comes down to. We will talk later about the strands and how they correspond to gates and all that, the DNA strands and how they correspond to the shields. We are back up here at 7, 8 us Mintaka Orion. That's in Orion's Belt. Mirac Andromeda, Lyra Vega, Lyra, Avion, which I believe in our science charts, they call that Shielak. It's actual name is Avion and Aramatena which is Lyra
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Page 24 of 86 Double Double. The three gates here are the pre-matter gates, the dimension 12, 11 and 10 pre-matter gates, the Liquid Light Gates. They are called, "The Cradle of Lyra" because that is where all things in our time matrix have to come through in order to get into manifestation in the densities. So the Cradle of Lyra is; all things in this time matrix originated from the Lyran system. So everything is Lyran at its core because we all hold the programs in our DNA of the Cradle of Lyra where we came from. The Ecka maps of the God World Gates are very complex. Allentown 2002 Disc 4, Track 2 Star Gates. We talked about the Kathara Grid. We are getting into the sequence of graphs that you can follow along with some of it. All of the stuff you see up here won't be in your books. Some of it will be and some of it will be in tiny form even though it's big up there. You can start with page 4 in the books that you have. And you can follow along a little bit if you want to look a little bit closer at some of the detail or something else I go by up there that we are talking about. We already looked at the one on page 4. We had that up there already with the shields and Kathara Grids. And we are going to in a minute, go into the material on page 5, but before we get to page 5, I am going to just do a really brief quickie on Star Gates. What are they? This is basically shows a time portal and dimensional lock system which is the universal Star Gate system. It simply explains that there is a distinction between Star Gates and what are called time portals. Star Gates are also time portals but they have a distinction. They run vertically up and down the dimensional scale. If you want to go from one density level to another, you need to take a gate not just a portal. So they run on a vertical axis, where the portals run horizontal and diagonal. Stargates exist at the core of planets and stars. And there are set of them. This is just showing one Star Gate. There are actually sets of twelve. If a planet has its divine blueprint intact, there would be a set of twelve. It would be operational. Star Gates shut down because the Star Gates are literally points in the shields, in the planetary shields, if the shields are damaged, it damages the Star Gates; which means the planet can't run frequency. It can't bring in the natural proportions, amounts and types of those 15-ray currents that we were talking about, the primal currents. On our planet; there has been damage on this planet for a long time. We will talk a little bit more about the history tomorrow because I don't want to go into the history today because I want to get to the Flame Body Activations today. We have had three seedings of this race on this planet. And twice, it was destroyed by our buddies from the Black Hold Matrices because they are trying to get control of the Star Gates here so they can use it to infiltrate and get control of the 11.5 of the Star Gates in the universal scale. They are trying to use earth and the sun to get control of the rest of the universal Templar. Now it's called "The Templar", the Star Gate setup is called, "The Templar.” We have an Inner Templar which is our Kathara Grid and all the energy running systems. And the planet has a Templar, the galaxy has a Templar, the universe has a Templar. The word, "Templar", comes from template pillars. Now, the pillars get into something we'll talk about in a little bit when we get into the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates. There are something called, "The Twelve Reuche Pillars", which are, literally, the first anchoring rod massive scalar wave forms of pre-sound and pre-light that come from Source, from the ManU, ManA and EirA. There are steps to creation where creation is literally stepped down from the ManU, ManA and EirA forces, which exists as those spherical elliptical sphere, scalar standing waves. Within that, there are smaller and smaller constructs that get us down to where we are here. {Speaks with Ma'a...Some day you guys may have the privilege of meeting Ma'a. His name is really Ma'a HU-ah-TA and he is one of the Eieyani from inner earth and inner earth is in the Inner Ecka universal system now at the core of our planet. But he is one of the primary speakers or trainers that work with the speakers here and work with people here. If we get to the point where we are able to do gate crossings, he would be one of the first ones that we would meet. He is a lovely man.} Just so we know the basic structure of Star Gates. They do, if you look at just one of them, they are actually like a little bowtie, where you have a vortex of energy this way and a vortex of energy that way. One is spiraling energy this
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Page 25 of 86 way. One is spiraling energy that way. There is a little knot at the center that is called a crystal seal and that's actually a location in the shields. We have seals in our bodies that are actually locations in our shields that regulate the opening and closing of the vortices of energy. They regulate whether a frequency can come in or not. On a Star Gate level, in planetary shields and galactic shields and universal shields, the seals regulate the opening and the closing of the Star Gate. When the seal releases by being struck with certain vibration or frequency, these two little cones come together and they form what is called a, "Merkaba Field.” A Merkaba Field is two spiraling, counterrotating energy fields, of electromagnetic energy. One is electrical. One is magnetic. And what they form at the center is called a form constant, which is a radial body, a magnetic repulsion zone. It's a sphere of energy that forms at the center. Now, all of the radial bodies that we have talked about, how we have each density separated by a radial body. Remember when we were doing the 15-Dimensional matrix chart? It implies, that spherical form, implies that there is a merkaba field that is generating within itself that form. So this where the concept of merkaba comes in. Merkabas are not just something, I mean, I have seen teachings out there that are teaching that merkabas are just something ascended masters or high important guys from up there in the sky can use to travel around in. They don't explain anything about merkaba. Merkaba are natural phenomenon, merkaba fields. One would be called a merkaba spiral. You put them together as the two counter-rotating fields of electromagnetic energy, they are around every form in manifestation. They are called "merkaba fields.” To make that merkaba field a merkaba vehicle, requires activation of certain things and reaching a certain spin speed because these are spinning. The spirals of energy are spinning. We have one around our bodies and lots of little ones inside of our bodies and they spin. And merkabas and the shields are very connected. We will get into that when we talk about anatomy a little bit this afternoon. For now, if we can understand that Star Gates actually are planetary, and galactic, and universal level, merkaba fields that are kept separate. Which means there is no form constant in the middle. That would be a closed Star Gate. But, but by running certain frequency into it, that seal would release allowing that to move down and that one to move up forming a merkaba field which would form at its center a form constant, which is a doorway. It would be a doorway that you could walk through from this space-time location to another space-time location. And that's just literally how easy it is when they open and your body is working the right way. See, if your DNA isn't working the right way which means your shields are blocked. If your shields are blocked and you try to go through a Star Gate, if that Star Gate has a Base-12 code and you can't run Base-12 frequency, 12 sub-frequency bands in each dimension in your body, it would actually implode your template. It would kill you physically and it would fragment your consciousness into the unified field. That's why we have been trapped on this planet for so long. I mean, humans have been incarnating here for ages and ages now. And we haven't been able to use the Star Gate system at all since about...well, there were exceptions made with a little help from our friends on other planets and in other places... but the majority of humans were not able to use gate passage at all since the mutations occurred to the DNA which began heavily in 25,500 BC. Question from group: "So, When we die, where do we go...?" I knew that question was going to come. You know what? Hold that question and ask me again when we are talking about the astral body and shadow body because I will be able to answer it in that context more clearly without going off into that now and losing everybody completely. There is a where do we go and where are we supposed to go and there is a difference between the two. Because literally, since 25,500 BC, humans have had a very hard time getting out of Density 1. Normally, you would be able to go into other reality fields. Normally, you are not supposed to die in the first place. You are supposed to be able to take your body with you. But since we have been dying on this planet, particularly since 25, 500 BC, we have been being hijacked. This is where we get ghosts. Ghosts are not a natural phenomenon. They are part of the identity of the person that got stuck in the third dimensional band, which is the mental body region of Density 1. So, they are D3 parts of the personality. It implies there is another part of them stuck somewhere else. These are people whose...everybody who has been falling into this since 25,500 BC, the shadow body has been used. Like, at the natural time when the spirit would leave the template, actually; or the consciousness would leave the body with the template. And, it would go up in frequency and get split in frequency instead. So, half gets stuck here as a ghost; actually one-third gets stuck here as a ghost and two-thirds gets stuck in the shadow body which is like an astral body, but it is not a natural astral body. It goes into what is called the "Phantom Matrix Black Hole System.”
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Page 26 of 86 So the Phantom Matrix Black Hole System is not the same thing as the Wesedak Black Hole System. The Phantom Matrix Black Hole System is something that was originally part of our matrix. So it still has part of our matrix coding, even though it was reversed, so it can be healed. So you can pull back the pieces that have been lost. That's what we need to do with ourselves. Because it's not just dead people that have a part of themselves that are hijacked over into the Phantom Matrix, we do to, whether we are dead or live. So, we are helping not only dead people when we are working with these Shadow Body Healing Techniques. We are helping our living selves as well. I will get into that more, the death thing and where you are supposed to go. And even near death experience, I will probably touch on a little bit, too and what that is when we get into the anatomy a little more. That was rough around the question. So, that's the basically the operation of the Star Gates. Now, the portal. That would be a gate, a vertical gate. That would be a diagonal portal. That would be a horizontal portal. That's just showing you how...now these are how the gates would link up going up the densities. Dimension 1, 2 and 3, Density 1. These gates would link into the Density-2 gates, linking into the Density-3 gates and then into the Density-4 gates. And they, of course, link into the primal light and sound field gates. They also have gates. So that's basically the structure. This is the gate location chart. You do have one in here. It is not in sequence with what I am showing here but on page 7, you have a tiny version of this in there. Boy! Is it tiny. I was trying to get as much of the data consolidated as possible for this particular program because this is being pulled from all of the other programs we have taught over the last three years. These are the locations, again, of the Universal Star Gates. The main ones are the big words here. They also have links to other places. This one links to Gaia, but that's not the main gate. The main gates are these, the bigger ones. Now, here on this one it also lists the galactic level gates. Remember, I said that there was a Galactic Kathara Grid, one that would apply to, say, our solar system. There is a solar system one, galactic level ones. The galactic grid that connects our solar system into the universal gate system is actually in our solar system. So again, this is why this area has always been, historically, a hotbed of activity because we hold major gate chains. Now, here, universal gate one, would be the Orion, Theta Orion. But galactic Star Gate, this GSG, this GSG where it’s little letters in front, are the galactic level ones. Number one is Mercury. Number two, Venus. Number three, again, Galactic Star Gate 3, Earth. So Earth is both Galactic Star Gate 3 and Universal Star Gate 3. Which means, at the core of this planet, both of those gates are held. So it's a major gate connection. In our Sun is Universal Star Gate 4, but Galactic Star Gate 4 is Mars. Now, Universal Star Gate 5 is Alcyon Pleiades, which is Tara. Galactic Star Gate 5 is now the asteroid belt. It was a planet that was called Maldak, that was destroyed during the Seeding-2 history period of their wars. There were wars that took place between the Annunaki races and the Draconian races, the reptiles and humans. And, this is where parts of our asteroid belt came from. Not all of our asteroid belt is the remnants of that planet. There's other stuff in the asteroid belt too. The other part of this planet was used. The remaining part, after it was blown up, there was a large chunk of it that was used to create something. Something called, "Wormwood.” It was taken out of its orbit and it was used to create the thing we'll talk about tomorrow when we talk about the BeaST. But the gate is still there. It doesn't function. The planet around it exploded, but it is still a location in the galactic shield and that location still holds that gate even though the planetary body around it had been destroyed. Universal Gate 6 is Sirius B. Jupiter is Galactic Gate 6. Arcturus is Universal 7. Galactic 7 is Saturn. Orion Mintaka is Universal 8. Galactic 8 is Uranus. Andromeda is Universal 9. Galactic 9 is Neptune. Universal 10 is Lyra Vega and Galactic 10 is Pluto. Now, this gets interesting. We have Lyra Avion as Universal 11, Galactic Star Gate 11. It actually held 11 and 12. There was updated information after this. For awhile, the planet that's called "Niburu", when it was still in orbit, when its orbit was outside of Pluto, but it was the next planet out in our system. Originally, it had started out as the 12th planet in our system. But then, there was, this had been the 11th planet which I believe it's called, "Chiron", was destroyed, ripped in half, part of it's still floating around down by Uranus someplace. And the other half was used for something else. But Niburu was originally Galactic Star Gate 12 position. But when Chiron was destroyed, it actually served the position. There was a linking made. Like kind of an artificial splice that was made so both gates would still be operational between Gate 11 and 12, through Niburu and into the Sun, the solar gate. So there are some interesting things that have been done between Niburu, our Sun and Mars, too. There are some strings that actually wouldn't be part of the Templar, almost like band aid put on at different times when different things were destroyed. But it was
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Page 27 of 86 important to have the ability to use a gate because a lot of times the Black Hole guys would come in. They would raid the system and they would try to close down the gates that the Guardians would use so they keep Guardian races out so they could continue to take over a system. So, a lot of times Guardian races would do whatever repair job as quick as they could and just splice whatever in that they could make work, like running splices between different gates that normally wouldn't be there if a part of a gate was down, just so they could continue to come in here so they could continue to help and try to repair the divine blueprint. Because the whole big mission literally for the last 250 billion years in this universal time matrix, in this 15-dimensional time matrix, has been to reset the Divine Blueprint, which is the D12 Pre-matter Template for the universe, for this particular universal system. and humans were created as a part of team, of that Guardian Team, that was to assist the other Guardian races in doing this. So, anyway, these are the gate connections in our solar system and in the universal system. And here, are the corresponding ones on Earth. Ok, now, here is two things. One is called, "star gate signet sights.” Signet is a word that refers to a Star Gate. And there is something else called, "Templar Cue Sights.” Now Cue Sights are interesting. Cue Sights are something that were one of those splice jobs that were put into this planet to a place called, "the Inner Ecka system.” Which part of the Inner Ecka universal system is a planet that is the equivalent in the Ecka system of Earth. That's the place that's called Inner Earth. These particular locations on our planet hold what's called a " cue sight" which is an activation sight that can be used to activate the corresponding Star Gate. Normally, Star Gates would be able to run on their own, but the shields of this planet were damaged so badly that there is something called, "the Halls of Amenti Star Gate system", was put in, which is a linking system to link our gates into manual control by the Inner Ecka systems where the Guardian races that lived there, the Eieyani races, who are the Templar Masters there, and they are literally the Guardians of the Templar in this universe and several others where they would be able to regulate the opening and closing of our gates. Which means, instead of our gates just shutting down and never being able to receive frequency anymore, because it was that bad on this planet, there was so much damage done to the gates, it was becoming what is called, "a descending planet.” Which means that the shields can no longer receive infusions of primal live force currents, so it will use up the energy at its core and eventually it will implode. A descending planet will eventually implode and go into Black Hole status as an energy pattern. And our planet was headed in that direction at various different times. And Halls of Amenti Star Gates were created over a long period of time and this goes back to a history that's actually in Voyagers, Volume ll, that explains the fall from Tara, when this solar system itself wasn't originally here. It actually fell through implosion of the Pleaeidian system. And, so, there is a whole history that goes with this anyway. But these Cue Sights are important because a gate can't open here without the Cue Sight being activated first. So they have had us actually going around and dropping security codes to open up, there is a whole bunch of security codes, frequencies, specific mathematical frequencies, that were put in as security seals on these sights and on these sights in our planetary shields so that if humans or indigos were wiped out and not on the planet, the gates couldn't open so that they couldn't be used by the fallen races to take over the rest of the Templar. So, we have been asked to go around, and we have been for about two to three years now dropping security codes. Just running the frequencies through our bodies because they are in the Indigo and the Human DNA, the security seal release codes. They are preparing them to open. They are not fully open yet, any of them. But, you activate the cue sight and that allows for the activation of the corresponding gate site. Which allows for the running of the corresponding frequency. So D-12 frequency has to come through this gate system. They have activated just a tiny bit of this on January 1st of 2000. That's when we were able to get D-12 sub-harmonics back into our planetary Templar where we could use the D-12 Kristos frequencies again. So, these are the connections. It is interesting when you look at some of them. The Cue Sight is in Iraq. When I talked about Iraq yesterday and I said Gate 10 was there, it's Cue Sight 10 that's in Iraq, which is an activation sight for the gate that's in Iran. These guys are going to have an interesting time of it. There's several in England, several important areas in Europe, two of them are in England, Gate 11, which is the one that would connect through Galactic 11 and into Universal 11, is in The Vail of Pewsey, England. This is why we are being guided to move there, because there is some healing work I would say, on film, that needs to be done. So, this is the reason for our England move. But, we are going to France to do some work in November. We have been basically being guided to different ones of these sights in different order and the Guardians explain what needs to be done at a sight and this is
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Page 28 of 86 where, when we do our trips, and when we have our scheduled trips, we don't go just for fun to have workshops in weird places. We go because we are being asked to. Thank God we haven't had to go to Gate 10 or anything. We have gone to like, Cypress. We actually lived here for awhile, in Sarasota, Florida, where Star Gate 2 is. We are now moving out of Florida thank God, because the Grids in this area have been completely taken over by what are called, "the Nephelim," and they are Wesedak people. So at this point, that's not the greatest place in the world to live, and if you do live there, it's good to wear your Flame Body all the time. So, there's a whole conquest going on that involves these sights in these locations on this planet. It has always been about this. The thing is, now is the time they were waiting for us since Atlantis. The whole period of time of our history from Atlantis, which its records fell, let's say, in 9,558 BC, up to the present time. That whole history has been about getting certain groups located on certain lands because of the grids that were in them, knowing that the DNA interacts through the shields directly with the shields of the planet. So, there has been a takeover going on progressively. One group killing another....."No, you're not going to have these. We're going to code to our way." It was all in preparation for this time period now. Because they couldn't do anything with the gates until it entered its natural potential opening cycle which only happens once every 26, 556 years and that was due to occur between the year 2000AD and 2017AD. So, this has been planned for ages and we are just watching the amazing unfolding of this plan. Most people don't realize there was a plan behind it and they have no idea how long the history is on it. So, that's your gate connection chart. Question: ... 1, 2 and 3 that are below there? Okay. These are vortex sights. With these guys, the vortex and the gate are in the same place. But for the Density 1 ones, the ones that correspond with Density 1, the areas on Earth, there would be one primary vortex which is a chakra. All right. We didn't get into chakras on the body yet, but the planet has chakras that are called vortices and there would be twelve. There are seven primary vortices that run the frequencies of the gates, but the number 1, 2 and 3 are in different places than the gate itself where these are in the same area of the gate. So, it just has to do with frequency interface and there's a lot of complicated mechanics and mathematical stuff about why because when you look at this, you can't put this on the planet and gates line up according to that. That's the core template of the shield, but it doesn't look like a big Kathara Grid from the sky when you look down on earth. So there's interfaces but with these three, these would be in different places. If you took this to Tara in Density 2, these three would have vortices in different places, but the others would have them in the same place. So it's just another part of the mechanics that I haven't gone into much as far as that question of, why are the before the gates will. They begin the process of bringing the sub-harmonics of the frequency in. A lot of that stuff is explained in, I believe, Voyagers Volume ll. The first part of it where they explain some of the detail on morphogenetic waves and the operation of the planetary Templar in stellar activation cycles. And, it's worth reading if you want to know about stellar activation cycles because there's a lot of good. That's this book for anybody who doesn't know. This one. Voyagers Volume ll., Secrets of Amenti. That has a whole bunch of stuff in it, but it has a lot on stellar activation cycles. So, if you want more information on that kind of stuff, you can read that. And, we're progressively updating. The information you are getting now, as far as the history and the agendas that are going down, even with the last printing of the book, which was not that long ago, the agenda has already shifted again. You know, got more serious, than it was noted in the book. Anyway, so that's the gate system and the interfaces. What do we have next? Allentown, 2002 Disc 4, Track 3 Now, here is where we start to understand some interesting things. This is where we begin. Remember we have star gates. That's what they are. They run the primal life force currents. Remember the 15-Dimensional matrix with the two Kathara Grids? Well, actually, the Kathara Grid, the primal light Kathara Grid, light and sound one, that goes with our particular 15-Dimensional time matrix, isn't up here. It would actually go off at an angle this way. See this? That has to do with the angular rotation of particle spin that, literally, particles spin on. Their axis that they spin on. And, it has to do with the merkaba axis of the energy that's in each of those systems. So, there is a 90 degree shift in angular rotation of particle spin and merkaba axis between our primal light fields and sound fields and our dimensional system. Here is where we begin to see how, not just two that plug in, but one 15-dimensional matrix
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Page 29 of 86 plugs in to its parallel this way. Here is the one. Right? It has dimension 1 through 12, 13, 14 and 15 in primal sound fields. That's here. All right. Here, is another set of dimensions 1 through 12 in another primal light field. This is the parallel 15-dimensional time matrix. They are linked together at the center. This little area here forms another Kathara Grid, a small one. This is the Inner Ecka Universe. And, it goes all the way up which will show you the stairway to heaven. Now that's just the beginning, the stairway to heaven I talked about; here are 12 dimensions, right? And our primal light field, our 12 dimensions, our primal light field, parallel 12 dimensions, parallel primal light field...so that's two 15dimensional time matrices and the Inner Ecka system. That, if you look at how these gates are here, they form another Kathara Grid, like this. This forms what's called the “Eckasha.” This is one of the God Worlds. This is what they consider the God Worlds. The Inner Ecka God Worlds is considered the lowest God World, the first one you go through on your way back up. That expands out to another system called the "Eckasha system.” Another set of reality fields, inner world reality fields, that expands, this here, expands and becomes part of a bigger one. The pattern keeps building. This is the stairway to heaven when you finally get to the top. Now, we will talk about these a little bit. This is a consolidated look at the Ecka map of the God World gates. Remember, each one of these is a set of Star Gates. Okay? In a 15-dimensional matrix. Another thing I want to show you, in fact I'll show it to you piece by piece now. It's a little easier when you see it piece by piece. We'll start at the bottom. Yeah, it's a picture more than the words. I am not going to go into that stuff. Again, here is our twelve Star Gates. Right? And these are primal light and sound field Star Gates. Each of these, remember we have talked about radial bodies that form around each 3-dimensional system or each density level. There is 1. That's Density-1 radial body. Two, Density-2 radial body. Three, Density-3 radial body. And then, Density-4 radial body, the Kristos radial body. This here, see, it connects. It's at an different angle and it connects in with the primal light and sound fields. Now, there would be every time you see a Kathara Grid, it implies the structure of 1, 2, 3 radial bodies. Then, the 4th one. All right. This is where we get the concept of seven higher and seven lower heavens. The heavens are the lowest step of the stairway to heaven. Now we're down here, right in this area, in Density 1 of our 15-Dimensional time matrix, dimensions 1, 2 and 3, Density 1. So, we're in the bubble here. See that dark line? That forms a bubble. And, then there's another one that comes down on over that. Notice too, the bubbles are really Eckasha-shaped things or tear dropped shaped things. They're elliptical spheres with a little teardrop, as if someone is pulling the top of it. They emerge through what are called, "locks.” Now, we saw the Kathara Grid with the Kathara centers. Right? They are the Star Gates. There are other things between them that regulate the flow of frequency between the gates. These are called, "locks.” There are little tiny locks between each dimension and that means between each Star Gate. So, between Star Gate-1 and Star Gate-2, there would be a little lock there. And, between 2 and 3, there would be a little lock. But the big locks are the density locks. They are the ones that have to be released for something to pass from one density system into another density system. So if you want to go into the higher Star Gates, above 3, you would have to go through, and have the coding in your Template activated for the density lock that goes with it. So, there's, down here, and you see when you get into this, the locks are all on there too, all these little guys. That's why it looks so confusing where you go cross-eyed looking at it. So, we have down here the Zero Point Lock which is a lock that opens into the primal light fields when the other locks are open. So LZ is lock Zero Point. Lock-1, Density Lock-1, Density Lock-2, Density Lock-3, and then Density Lock4 is up in here. Again, up in here ends up in the Inner Ecka universal system and their Star Gate system. So, we have gates and locks. And, Keys, which are the specific mathematical patterns in our shields that when they turn on, the run the specific frequencies that create the correct vibrations that open the locks and the gates that allow us to pass. And, those Keys, fortunate for us, are expressed in two ways. We don't have to run around with a big key chain. The Keys are expressed as symbols, consolidated, compact, mathematical symbol codes. Like the Eckasha, and the Eckasha is one major one. So, these symbols, remember we were going to do a book and have just never had the time to do it, "Time Travelers Guide to Symbols and Their Uses.” Because the symbols are the mathematical programs that when you run them through your consciousness into the right parts of your body and your Template, it will activate the corresponding frequencies. Now, this becomes very handy. First, you have got to get yourself healed and you can use this to heal your Template because we are all running around with damaged
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Page 30 of 86 Template. We can heal our bodies, we can activate our Flame Bodies, which we will get into a little later. And, once we have that healing done, these are the symbols that we would call to mind or the tones that go with them. The symbol is the expression in light, visual. Right? Every symbol has a tone, a sound vibration that goes with it. Either using either/or, or both, a symbol or a tone that is the Key for one of the Locks or the Gates would literally be, you could hum yourself through a Star Gate. You don't have to have all sorts of fancy calculators to keep track of really wild mathematics for you. It's that simple. So the ancient sciences are as complex as you want them to be. Every one of these symbols can be translated numerically, but not with numbers here. It's a Base-12 system and literally, the math here isn't big enough to translate the mathematics of these. These are like mega-computer programs that make our computers look like tiny little calculators compared to. So, when we work with the symbol codes, what we are doing is working with the Keys to the Gates and to the Locks. The Locks become very important. The Locks, if you can open the Locks, they trigger the opening of the Gates. So, when we're working with building our own Flame Bodies and getting our Template activated as fast as possible, the fastest thing to work with are the Lock Codes. They will create more rapid Template activation and more rapid shield activation than using the Gate Codes themselves that are coded into the body. So, the Dance for Life and Love program uses what are called, "the Veca Codes.” They Veca Codes go with these systems here in this particular part of the Stairway to Heaven. We have the Seven High Heavens of one Universal Veca, and Seven Low Heavens of one Universal Veca. All right. This whole thing, these four Kathara Grids stuck together with the Inner Ecka one at the center is called a "Universal Veca system.” Okay. That has to do with vectors, time vectors. All right. It's the Universal Veca System. Now, the Seven Higher and Seven Lower Heavens work this way. Remember how you have got each, you got one, two, three. Then for each Kathara Grid, you would have those three bubbles. Right? One, two, three, four, five, six, and the seventh one is the one that's actually shared, that's interwoven between the primal light fields and 12Dimensional fields. These would be the Seven Lower Heavens here. Technically, this is parallel. This is parallel dimensions 1 through 12 and our dimensions 1 through 12. They are the Seven Lower Heavens. And the light fields that go with each one of those are the Seven Higher Heavens. So that's how that is broken down. Actually, I think it's written right. It just looks confusing because I also have things out here that has to do with other stuff, I think. So, we have the seven lower, because you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for each set of two of those grids. Right? Seven Lower and Seven Higher Heavens. The Higher Heavens are the light field ones. The lower ones are the dimensional ones for our time matrix and parallel. And at the center you have the Ecka Inner Universal system which another Star Gate system but it's a double Star Gate system where their primal light field, their primal Kathara Grid and their 12-dimensional Kathara Grid are in the same place. They are not separated from each other. They are not polarized from each other. So, it is from these areas right now that we are receiving assistance. These areas are connected directly up. This is the real path of the middle pillar. Up the whole Stairway to Heaven, all of those forms that as you will see, this is the smallest, we are down in the smallest little part of the universe. This set of Gates on the outside here forms another Kathara Grid that again plugs into another set. So, it builds. The Stairway to Heaven builds upward. Actually, how it was created was it builds downward. It started with the big one. And, then it worked inside of itself and all of these little things exist inside each other. So, we are down here in this particular Veca and in the Veca systems, each one of these is called a "Quadrant.” So we're in Veca Quadrant- 4, down here, and we're in Density-1 of Veca Quadrant-4. That's where our system is, like our planet and our sun and our galaxies when we look out there. We're in Veca Quadrant-4. Now this builds to form the next step in the Stairway to Heaven. Now if you wanted to get from here to any place out of here, I mean, to any place like Inner Earth, you would have to go up through all these Gates to get to these Gates. Here's the main Gate Connection. And this becomes important because this is where the frequencies are going to be running from primarily. See, where our, if you look at our numbers here, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, this big circle, is our 11 Gate. Right? And this here is our 12 Gate. But our 11 Gate, if you look at the little Kathara Grid that's the Inner Ecka Universal Gate system, our Universal Gate-11 is in the same place as the Inner Ecka Universal Gate-3. So the 3/11 connection and the 12/13 connection that you are seeing here, that's not a Gate in their world. That is actually the
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Page 31 of 86 center point of the Kathara Grid which is this point here. So this here, our 12, is centered in their Lock-6. All right? I mean, it's very complicated stuff when you get into analyzing these maps. It's like, where am I? But, what we want you to understand and what's most important to understand, you don't have to run out and try to figure out how to climb the stairway right now, knowing the stairway is there is what is most important first. Knowing that it exists is an accomplishment in this day and age. And then, realizing how working with your own shields is how you bring back the ability to participate in moving through that stairway consciously. We were all created to do that. It was our birthright. We were the Guardians of the stairway. We kind of fell down it's time to wake up. So, this first level, this is the Veca, Universal Veca. All right. With Seven Higher and Seven Lower Heavens. Every Universal Veca has Seven Higher and Seven Lower Heavens. Now, there is more than one Universal Veca. Question: Garbled. Ash: Technically, that's in the Dance For programs. And I am not giving the full Dance For programs here. You know, I told that we gave that in Phoenix and that was a good take, perfect take for it, so people that want that part of it, we didn't build this one as a Dance for Life Workshop. I am trying to give you the most important parts, but to give you that kind of detail, we are not going to get into the Shadow Body and Flame Body. So, that's why. He was asking if I am going to explain how the energy circulates through these systems. And, technically, I will just do it real quick. How primal life currents come in from literally, the original ManU, ManA and EirA fields of God force, how they come down the Stairway to Heaven. There is a very specific set of patterns, how they spiral down in through the universes and get down into our system. They come in through the Ecka in our system and then come out through our primal light fields and things. There is a pattern, a flow pattern, of how the energy circulates in and out. And, I am not going to get into that now. It's not that important to understand for what we're doing, but it is covered more in the Dance For programs. And that's what he was asking about. There is a thing I wanted to get to before lunch that I am going to give you a sneak peak on it. Okay. We will come back after lunch exactly where we are because I don't want to try to barrel on in five minutes through the rest of the Ecka maps because it will be just a blur that went by in a flash and you probably won't remember any of it and it is important just to see how the building happens because when we get to the top, that's when we start to find out a little bit more about God, the structure that God holds itself in order for creation to take place within it. So, we'll save that part of it for after lunch. But, there is one thing I did want to share with you that I found very exciting when they came to us and we finally have them on overheads. In the Kathara Grid, you know how it has those lines that connect all the little Kathara centers, well, they're crystal caverns in the Star Gate systems. They have found some of the early ones, like some of the more surface level ones recently in Chiuaua, Mexico. And a friend ours, who happened to just come to one work shop, then she got invited to go on this expedition that was like with scientists and stuff and she came back. And when she brought this material back, she said, "I don't know if you'll be interested in it.", right when we were giving the information on the Crystal Caverns and we were teaching it in a workshop, she brought it back. So finally, we have got them on milar. I just wanted to share them with you. She made these for us and it's showing her visiting these caverns. These are Selenite rods, Selenite crystal rods. Selenite crystal rods have been, for eons, the machinery of choice for running the Templar. They are natural, most of them, are natural, organic constructs that in the Inner Ecka Universe, for example; remember we talked about the 12 Cue Sights that connect to Earth. Well, those points on Earth connect directly, through frequency, to a set of what are called, "Crystal Pylon Temples", 12 Crystal Pylon Temples of the Inner Ecka Universal system that are on Inner Ecka Earth. Okay? They look like these. These are just little ones compared to the size and magnitude of the selenite crystals that are used to the Inner Ecka Temples. But these are the frequency transducers and they are on this planet too. Most of them are naturally occurring, but some of them are seeded here. This particular batch of them are actually seeded here. They were spliced in from the planet that was called, "Niburu.” And they are used, they are actually part of the BeaST apparatus. They are programmed to run reverse frequency. So, they are beautiful. But they are powerful as well. This was just a small setup that has to do with Cue Site-4 which is over in, I believe Aguas Calientes, Mexico. So, these were an interface. They don't
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Page 32 of 86 know that, of course. The scientists who have found these crystals and they are trying to figure out Oh, neat, where they are and how they are form and that kind of stuff. But, it was kind of interesting to see how the universe provided when we were just giving this workshop explaining about the Crystal Pylon Temples and the Crystal Caverns, that when we go through Star Gates, it's like, some of them you would actually go down. You would have to go down before you can go up. You would go down in to certain areas into the Earth and into caverns and caves and there would be certain areas that you would find that some of them are beautiful like this. Others just look like stone. But there are certain areas that if you carry the frequency activated in your body, you would see wavering, like stone would actually look like you could walk through it and you could. All right. These guys work that way too, but the scientists don't know how to run them yet. Question: You had mentioned one time that we actually couldn't see a lot of these temples, because of the frequency. What made it happen that this frequency went down so that we were able to actually see it? Ash: Yeah. That's a good point. I had mentioned in other workshops that right now there is a lot of these temples. There is 24 main bases and this is just a tiny base and there is lots of tiny ones all over the place. Well, why haven't we found them? Why can't we see them? Why haven't our scientists found them? And it actually has to do with their under frequency cloaking. This one, because they had to activate it, because this is Keyed to Cue Site 4 and it's Keyed to Giza, which is Star Gate 4, because they were running some nasty programs and they were trying to get Gate , that's connected to the Solar Gate 4. They were messing with the Solar Gate. They had to activate it fully and that made it so the cloaking shield had to come down. So they had to find an excuse, so, you know, so like, Uh-oh, it's going to get found. It had been found before by certain people. I mean, heck, there was a door on it when they found it this time, from what I heard. But there was like, somebody had, years ago, put some kind of a doorway on, like, the entrance part to it. So, somebody has been there before. But these are starting to show and will start to find more and more of them because they have to activate them. The ones that are using them for the Black Hole work need to activate them now. It's like now or never. So they are going to be finding more of them. But there is bunches of them that are also being healed by the Guardians. Because the crystals are alive. They are beings that are being abused. They are not being that are wanting to participate in the negative activities. So, there are major efforts being done by the Guardian races and we help to do our Flame Bodies, our Amorea Flame Bodies, which we will learn more about later, we will help to anchor the Amorea Flame frequencies which are the healing frequencies onto the planet. It will help heal all of the crystal bases on the planet and will go through even the ones that were imported from Niburu, like some of these were. Some of these crystals, they don't realize it yet, were actually put in at different times. Actually some of them are older than others and all of them are organic to Earth. Some of them were actually brought from Niburu and seeded in just like you can, what do you call it, grafting on plants. Where you can put one piece of one plant onto another and create something else. Well, that's what they do with crystals as well. Question: Garbled. Ash: Okay. That's an interesting point. As I was saying that Lela, that’s the girl in the pictures, was saying that the scientists can't figure out why they are so big when they are less than 50,000 years old. Right. The size they are, they should be much older than that. Some of them aren't, but they are that big. This has to do with the imported ones and things like that. So, I just thought it would be interesting to share those pictures with you because when are talking about Star Gates and all this Template stuff that you can't see before your eyes; it's like you can get it, but it doesn't quite anchor it. When I saw these pictures, I was like, Whoa, does that anchor it. That is the closest picture we have got of a Star Gate right now and I just wanted to share that with you before lunch. Question: You were saying before that we have to have all 12 strands of DNA activated including each the 12 subharmonics in order to get through the Star Gate. Well, if our templates are that corrected then, in order to do that, would that imply that we're immortal and that we're totally healthy.
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Page 33 of 86 Ash: If we get our templates cleared to that point, we would be. Right now, nobody has got their templates cleared to that point. Nobody has got 12-strand activation on this planet. Everybody has got a Shadow Body that they need to clear before that can happen. The reason they are giving us the Amorea Flame technologies at this point, this fast, now, is it's the fastest way to get everything cleared because there is nobody that could survive direct passage through one of the gates right now. This is where spaceships come in. All right. If it ever get to the point where evacs do take place and you have bunches of people who might be able to sustain, see, there is a burst of energy that's needed, you don't have to hold full 12-strand activation on the other side. What you need it for is to get through. You need 4.25-strand activation to be able to sustain in the Inner Ecka system in Inner Earth. So, if you could activate the system just long enough to get you through, you don't have to be able to hold it. And that's what we're aiming for now. You gotta start there. For everybody. But, there will be some people that they're close...just they're close, but they just can't quite activate all of it enough where it would destroy the template. It would kill them to go through the gate. Some of those people, if it get really bad, and they do evac, they will use mechanical space ship technologies, which are actually a form of advanced merkaba. They will use it as a buffer field to get people through the gate, if necessary. But they are teaching us to not rely on external technologies whenever possible. We don't need a space ship if you have got a merkaba that works. Right? So, an answer to that question. Anyway, I think we probably better go for lunch so we can get back and I hope you have a good lunch.
Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5 All righty. I hope ya'll had a good lunch. Okay....now, we're going to pick up where we left off. And where we left off was on the stairway to heaven...and the bottom step (soft chuckle) of the stairway to heaven. I just put this here to remind where we just came from. Remember? We are down here. This is our Veca quadrant that we are in our 12 universal stargates and earth is down here is density one. this is dimension one, two and three. This is our primal light field, this is the parallel fifteen dimensional time matrix. That's where you would have parallel earth, down in their density one. This is their primal light field and that is called the seven higher and seven lower heavens of the universal Veca. Okay. Now we go from there to the next step up. The universal Veca forms what is called an Eckasha corridor. This is another larger Kathara grid that forms from the gate connections, the four primary gate connections that are the ends of the other ones. The veca is inside of the Eckasha. right. Now this called an Eckasha corridor. There are….this will connect again to another set...to another configuration like this. So you will have four of these with these inside of them. Now remember, this is a set of two 15 dimensional time matrices with the inner Ecka universe structure at the core. Now in the Eckasha when these come together and I will show you the next one up. You have four Eckasha corridors. They will come together and each will have the two parallel 15 dimensional time matrices and the Ecka system within them. (can we go to the next one please?) I am not going to cover these extensively, like all this stuff, we cover that in Dance For programs. What I want you to get familiar with is how these gates connect and to actually see the stairway, the gate passage. This is how you got here in the first place. You had to come down through this whole gate system to get down into this one. So that implies you have a part of yourself, your whole identity as a God being in each of those stations of reality, in each of those reality systems. And each of them that's built on the Kathara will have its own 15 dimensional structure and it own experience within 12 dimensions of that structure of space, time and matter density. Once you get beyond the D12 level in any of those levels, you are beyond the perception of linear time and space as we know it. So each of those levels has a dimensional structure which means it has a hologram. It has a 3 dimensional hologram that you can walk around in. Alright. Now. Here we are in what is called the Eckasha A. This is the next up, each one of these in that cross configuration inside is an Eckasha corridor and inside of each of the Eckasha corridors are the veca universes. Um,
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Page 34 of 86 let's see if we have ours marked on here? I don't think I do. We are...I can never remember the numbers of which we are. We are number....I'm not going to try to find this. There is another map that has it where it shows ...in fact, the stairway one. We'll come back to that at the end of this and I will show you where we are up the chain. Like where our universe is located in relation to the rest but I don't have that on everyone of these maps. Anyway. Each one of these four Kathara grids here is an Eckasha corridor and four of them together form the configuration of the Eckasha A. That's the next higher God world. There is one more step up to the final, the first creation level which is the first one you passed through on the way down. Alright. And notice, they each form, whenever one of these cross configurations of gates forms, they form the Inner Ecka system as well. Now the Inner Ecka System is actually what forms first and these spiral out from it so the process of coming back in is spiraling back through the gate system and back into the core which will take you up to the next level. And then you spiral through that set of four gate system and back up through its center to the next level. And literally, this is the path of ascension. It is the path of ascending in frequency. Your frequency progressively raises and your being expands until you activate all of your entire shield configuration, your Maharic Shield, which holds your 12 dimensional levels of stuff. That gets you out of matter in one system and then you go completely into antimatter or light form, thermalplasm. And then you go from there into the next level up of matter in the next God world level until you get all the way up to the top. Now, once you get to the point where you have 12 strands activated, you have a lot more consciousness available to you. There are options of evolution that you have a lot of choice as to; you don't just have to, because you went down, you don't have to go back up the same path you came. There is all sorts of things to explore in the hologram. The cosmic hologram is awesome. It's just massive and huge. And the amazing thing is that it is all taking place in the same space. Because actually. it's all just a point in the consciousness of God. But the illusions of space, time and matter are characteristic of the way consciousness is being bent in to look at itself where it appears as if it is separate. So it can see itself in pieces so it can see externalization. So, there is a point where we come to realize and embody the cognition of it. It is not something you can put Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5 into words easily of knowing that space and time and all of those things aren't really real, where you are completely beyond any of those orientations. Once you start to get into Christ consciousness, you begin to get a feel for that. Once you get into Christ consciousness in the Veca Worlds, you get a little feel for it. When you get into Christ consciousness on the Eckasha or the Ecka, then the Eckasha or the Eckasha A Worlds, you get even more of a feel for it. There are levels of consciousness that are just awesome; that we can't even fathom really down here. Particularly, when we don't even have our own level of consciousness or our own 12 dimensions of consciousness embodied. But, creation is massive in content and this is part of the joy of it, of realizing you know, we are sitting here on this little planet in this little system, not knowing what we are connected to or what that means. Our scientists are sending things up in space hoping, you know, they can find something some day that has life on it like our planet. They have no idea! This whole system is teaming with life. The whole system is composed of life in the first place. Every atom is conscious. It's conscious of itself and it's conscious of its relationship to the things around it. Now it won't have the same, your atoms don't think in the same way you do. But it is because of your atoms' consciousness and their perception of self, their perception of self and knowing themselves as an aspect of God, or a face that God wears. Altogether, their group identity holds the support that you gives you the ability to know yourself as a singular identity. So, its an amazing orchestra of sound and light that we are all part of. We can never, ever, ever, ever...be separate from God and that is one of the most joyful aspects of these teachings. When we begin to understand the Divine science that it is all built upon, we start to... there is a part of us...I could feel the shift when Ma showed me the Ecka maps. I am just starting to get it. WOW! You just really can't be away from God. I am a living piece of this thing called God. And that's when I start to look at the definitions of God that other people have put on it... other men or women have decided they are going to define God in terms of their own psyche as opposed to letting God reveal
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Page 35 of 86 itself and its truth through them. And they force that belief, those belief systems and those definitions on generations upon generations of other people. What if they were erroneous? That's what we are dealing with here. We've had teachings....these teachings have been around for ages. They were they Founders Teachings. The first time that they were committed to a form for record was 950 billion years ago when this time matrix, this particular matrix, was formed. That's a long time. That's why these are called the Founders Race Teachings. They are the original Emerald Covenant Teachings. The Emerald Covenant was the original creation agreement that was formed between three groups of beings from the higher Ecka Worlds that they would come in and create this universe. They are the three Founders races. So, some of that information is in the books that you have there. We talk about the Breneau races and Kristos Founders races. Those guys came from these higher worlds and they seeded progressively, just like source created within itself. The first level of creation with the ManU, ManA and the EirA, and within the ManU, ManA and the EirA, those three God forces created within themselves more structures, the Kristos and the Kristalla, as we will see soon. And creation continually goes within itself. And it's kind of like being wrapped in a big bubble of eternal love. And when you start to realize that there is no outside to that bubble, there is nobody that's been evicted. Even the ones in the black hole. They are still within that bosom of God. However, their experience of that is limited because they have lost their connection, and their memory, and their understanding. But they are still loved. And when they go through the final consequence of their actions, which eventually will be, in their universe, will be implosion in their universe. They will go back to space dust, but what that means, is they will go back to units, undifferentiated units of consciousness. They won't have a template anymore as far as an organized scalar template, but they will go back. They are units of consciousness. That energy can't be created or destroyed. It just changes form. They will change form and they will go back to units of consciousness, partiki, partika and particum, little scalar waves. They go back into the original shields that they have fallen from in the first place. The only difference between the path of ascension and the path of implosion is that the ones who ascend get to remember, and then get to remember the whole process, and then take the memory of the whole experience with them all the way up through, and they hold the knowledge of how to come in and out, so they become masters of the matrix. Which means, when you get to that point you realize you can create anything you want and experience anything you want anywhere. You find the need less and less and less. Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5 You know, been there done that, had that, made one of those, experienced that. You find the one thing that becomes the motivation is the love and the desire to help those who are stuck. So, the desire to serve becomes your one most fulfilling objective. It is the one thing you want to create. It's a gift you give to yourself because you want to express and you have already expressed so much that there is no thing particularly you want to create. You have had every type of experience you can imagine. You want to give that freedom and when you see others and are aware that there is others in systems like ours or fallen systems that forgot, that don't know they are free, that don't know they are eternal, the only thing left to do that feels really good, that's all exciting, that makes it all worthwhile is to go back in the matrix, and say, "Hey, this is how it works. Look, you can get out." so other people can experience the same type of joy, because it is absolute joy when you embody that feeling. Right now, even with the teachings that we have available, even with the mutations that this planet carries and everything on it, just knowing the fact that we are part of this and we have this as a potential, can bring a feeling. It's like a wave of joy that you can almost feel ripple through your whole body. You start to expand. Even though we can't close our eyes and imagine a picture of something that pops out in 3D instantly, there are levels of reality like that and in these spaces, this is where we have to learn to control our minds, our 3D minds down here. Because when we get up here, out thoughts immediately will pop out of our heads. Be very careful what you think. You
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Page 36 of 86 spend a lot of time purposely not thinking anything because you will be manifesting stuff left, right and sideways. So we learn as we get all our spiritual lessons that have to do with stillness of mind, centering of focus, just beingness, (which means, I am just experiencing rather than focusing or trying to do anything.) Alright. Because every thought you think becomes an action or an item when you get into these places. And that can be, you know, if you're having a bad day and you are kind of growling around (gr-rr-rr), you can create all sorts of nasty little thought forms running around. You actually give them life because we do and the more we go up in these systems, the more that these frequencies are activated in our bodies and our consciousness, the more we realize we are indeed created in the image of God. And God creates by thinking. The intention of the thought makes it real, brings it into reality. God thought up this whole structure of how that would come to be but we do the same thing. Every time we think a thought, we release a pattern. We release a template, a scalar wave template, a manifestation, a blueprint for manifestation somewhere. Now most of the time it's not directly in our range of perception. Somebody is seeing it somewhere. It's really interesting to think that, well, if you're going to see something as solid...this is one of the base rules of perception of how it works here...is you will see it solid what is exactly one full dimensional spectrum below your station of consciousness. So, if your mind or your awareness if focused in dimension three, you will see dimension two as the solid hologram. So, we are throwing off thought forms all the time and those thought forms might not be able to be immediately perceivable by us. We have to learn how to move into our range of perception which is a little tricky with the mechanics of manifesting directly. But, other beings and other things are experiencing our thought forms all the time. The earth is experiencing every thought form that we have. We actually create little thought beings, weird shapes, things that look like shadow forms, things that look like light forms, that go running around in the woods...all sorts of things. I mean, we are actually creating these, that we throwing them off into the atmosphere and don't realize it. A lot of those things that people are starting to be able take pictures of, little fairy folk and things like that that popping up on films here and there, when people are like, out in the woods taking pictures; some of these are not direct throw-offs from us. But others are literally thought form races that were created by either us consciously once upon a time or are being thrown off from us now through our shadow bodies and, through you know, through our conscious thought forms. So we are living Creators. We just forgot. And that's scary because if you take the power of God and you take a small part of that and put it in a little package, but then the package forgets that it has that power, but the power still runs, it can be a very dangerous thing. That's what we are doing now. We are manifesting without realizing we are manifesting so we seem to have no control over what's being manifested around us. As we get up into these spaces, we learn more and more how to direct our thoughts. And here, this is school, alright, this is earth school right now. Here is where we need to learn how to hone our mind and our mental focus. There is a lot of teachings our there now that are telling you, "Oh, that's just mental body Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5 Track One stuff. You don't need the detail. We are above that. We are doing spiritual stuff." You are not going to get any of that spiritual stuff into that body down here unless you have your mind open and understanding to process those frequencies. So the mind and mental training is just as important as anything else in getting your spirit into your body, and your consciousness into your body. So if your run across belief systems that's another little trick that you can tell, that you can remember, you know that where they ask you to put your power thing. Well, that's one way to tell if it's really trying to get you into your spiritual empowerment or lie to you and get you someplace else. Another way to define that is...wait a minute, sorry. He's doing it again, alright, alright...this is happening more and more these days. I just got redirected. He is telling me to hurry up or we're never going to get to what we need to. That's Ma'a. Yeah, you know, I wish you would just manifest already and let 'em see ya and tell me directly. It really bugs me because I'll be like…right, you know, on a line of thought and it's like somebody tapping you on the shoulder and you jump and you go, "Huh? Oh, where was
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Page 37 of 86 I?" You know one of those kind of things except I usually can't find the where was I. That's how I know it's an interruption because it's like, it zaps the pattern right out of my head. Where usually, I can redirect and I can find myself if I just lose myself. But when I am having help getting lost, and get redirected, I can't find the tail end of that last thought, so we'll go back to this. Alright. Ya happy now? (Laughter from all.) Alright, yeah. See I do go on tangents sometimes. (laughter from all) If you haven't noticed, but they all say something. You know, anyway, alright, we're back here. This is the Eckasha A. Now we had the veca worlds, right, the veca worlds, which are somewhere down in here. Okay. We have the Eckasha worlds which are these guys, these bigger ones. These are the Vecas, these little guys. These are the Eckasha corridors and this is the Eckasha A. Now, of course, this plugs into something else; and one more step up on the ladder or the stairway to heaven gets us to the top. Now is the beginning of understanding the top. Alright, this is called the Eckasha A'ah. Alright now, these words again, are the ancient words that are the translations of the primary audible tonal vibrations of the energy involved so that they are the actual vibrational identities, the sounds that can be audibly translated of the vibrational identities of those energy forms. Alright, we have..here we go again, alright, down in here, yeah, okay, I'll take it from the top down. These guys here are the Eckasha A corridors. These guys here, here we go again...alright, are the Eckasha A, and I believe they are spectra, yeah, spectra. They are called spectra. So that is one Eckasha A spectra inside of the Eckasha A spectra. Then you have your four Eckasha corridors and inside each of the Eckasha corridors you have your four Vecas, the four quadrants, veca quadrants . So, that is basically the gate connection that gets you to the top and all the way up through you have these center points that all connect. All of these center points connect together. The gate systems connect together and they form what's called the path, the real path of the middle pillar which is literally the reality system, the inner; they call them inner because they are like the yolk out of which the formation around it extends, like the yolk inside of an egg. So, when we get to the top, here's what we start to understand, something called the Kristos and the Kristalla. "This thing here which is the first, there are two first Kathara grids. You know how everything is based on those two Kathara grids. One the primal which has the light and sound field imprint and one, the dimensionalized one. Well, the imprint, the first set of twelve and twelve vibrations that individuated within the ManU, ManA and EirA force are called the Kristos Grid and the Kristalla Grid. Now they are living formations of consciousness, fixed points of vibration that our identity energy that is eternal that will hold that form eternally because it agreed to do that. This Kathara Grid that forms the Eckasha A on the outside is called the Kristos with a "K", K-r-i-s-t-o-s. This small one inside is called the Kristalla. They are the first. These templates of living scalar wave consciousness that are manifestations of the ManA and EirA force. This Kristalla is a manifestation of the ManA force with the divine masculine God force. I mean the Kristos, sorry. And the Kristalla, on the inside, is a manifestation of the EirA divine feminine God force. They set the first template, the first mathematical template is set at the top, it is one of the first things of creation and from that, all of these other things come into manifestation within them. So within the Kristos is the Kristalla and we'll show you in a minute, there is um, there is more to what's at the top. (Can we go to the next one please?) Okay. (Actually, actually, let me put the other...there should be the one...there is one more I want to put before this. Is this the one? Yeah, where it takes you through the stages. Then I'll put that one after that. That's good.
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Page 38 of 86 Allentown, 9/2002 Disc 5, Track 2 All right. Here again is the Kristos Grid and here's the Kristalla Grid. All right. We are going to ignore the circles for a moment, but the circles I want you to see are the big ones, around the outside here. That will take us up to here. There's a sequence of this is how the creation perpetually moves itself into creation and then back out again forming this whole entire structure within itself. Okay. The Yu Na Si, which the point of all union. All right. This is the point where these three eternal God forces, eternal manifestations of God, which is, first, the ManU within. That is the void space and it is composed of a certain type of scalar wave form. Within the ManU or within the void, God spoke the Word, and the Word was the vibration of the first sound, pre-sound vibration, the EirA. And from that combination, emerged the ManA field around it. So this, the word Yunasai, refers to that. That original space, actually, if you want to (space in time illusions, I know). Uh, The original place space thought that God individuated within itself. It had a thought that it wanted to create individuation and externalization and that thought formed these fields. And these fields in tangible terms can be viewed as massive, elliptical spheres of standing waves of consciousness and from those standing waves, a whole process comes into play. Then through this process, the divine mechanics or the divine design that allows for the manifest hologram is created. So, everything is actually taking place within these. God would be everywhere, but this is like a point in the mind of God, if you want to look at it that way. And within that all of this and all of what was inside of that (remember how we had all of those stair steps going down), all of that is contained within the Yunasai. So this why, you know, that when we said yesterday, we said that cloister holy order of the Yunasai, this is what is refers to, all the way up to the top. (you know)The other guys that don't make that distinction are teaching a different set of twisted teachings and sometimes they are more cooperative with us, but other times, they were trying to take everything into a black hole. But the order of the Yunasai is referring to this and this is the original three forces. Literally, like say, pools of consciousness or big sphere of consciousness that God created within his own mind, its own mind. And first we had the ManU, which is the void, and within the void, you had the next sound, pre-sound space and between the two, emerged the light space. These are before light though. These are pre-light and pre-sound. But it is from those three patterns, the still point, and the EirA and ManA. That light, and sound later emerged when you get into the dimensional structure. Now, from that is the first step of creation, and it is perpetual. Actually, they stay, they are just, like, there. They kind of like, always were because again, time isn't time when you get up there, time is just an illusion in the hologram. These spaces of consciousness are eternal. They always exist, always did exist. There was no beginning and end point. But that is the structure they hold eternally. And within that structure, the next step of creation perpetually holds itself in manifestation and that is the simultaneous creation of the 24 points of vibration and there has been teachings that have twisted in the 24 elders before the throne and that of stuff. Except they changed what it meant because that was put into what were called the Annunaki teachings which are black hole teachings. But, originally, all of those twisted teachings were taking pieces of the divine physics that belong to everybody. That is the Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 creation physics that always is always has been. Whether you believe it or not, its still there and still what your body and the universe is running on. So, anyway, we have the Kristalla 12 point grid which is the expression of the EirA. And we have the Kristos, which is the expression of the ManA. And they exist within the ManU field and they create themselves. See, we have the ManU field, the ManA field, and the EirA field. And within the EirA field, the Kristalla is formed and within the ManA field, the Kristos is formed, and it connects all the way through into the ManU field. That is the first formation of what is called the Kathara Grid or that 12 point. This is the base 12 system. It has the mathematics imbued within and at this point, I couldn't tell you, like at this level, what the mathematics look like. But it is the mathematics of the base 12 and the 12 with the 12 in polarity that allow for the inflow, the perpetual inflow
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Page 39 of 86 and outflow of consciousness and energy. It is what creates an eternal life system as opposed to a finite life system. It allows an open, perpetual circulation of consciousness and energy into and out of manifestation. So when we get to, uh, after the two, the Kristalla and Kristos are created within the Yunasai or the ManU, ManA and EirA field, the next step is what's called the ReucheA God seed core. Now this is interesting. The mathematics are contained. Remember the Eckasha symbol, in the Eckasha symbol, which we will put up again. That's the one on the front of your books I think. Yeah. Right in front of those books, there is the ReucheA. Okay now, what the Reuche is, is actually a setting; after these grids are set, within these grids, the forces of the ManU, ManA and EirA combined to create a set of what are called 12 pillars. The first pillars or standing scalar wave pillars of energy that are the anchoring rods all the way down through. It's through the ReucheA that the Eckas form, that the Ecka inner yokes form that allow for the formation of the things that extend out from the Eckas. So the ReucheA pillars form this way. You have one point that is polarized in the two and then that polarizes and that polarizes, making four, the four points. And then each of those polarize to form within the Kristos and Kristalla. This configuration of twelve anchoring pillars and that collectively, is called the ReucheA. Now the ReucheA, the reason they have given us this much information is because when we get to tomorrow, talking about the Amorea Arc Project and what needs to be done to help this planet and to help ourselves now. The problem is so severe in this particular universal veca that the gates all the way up to here need to be open and these pillars need to be brought all the way down through, like at their full strength, as strong as they can be run in the lower Vecas. That is not always done. Usually, they will come through and they will bring energy through, like in bursts, like in billion year cycles. I don't know what the time cycle is on it. But they need to be brought in, the frequencies of them and hold our Veca from falling into the black hole system at this point. So, this is why we had to get the crash course and the Ecka maps of the God-world gates. Because if they started talking about well you gotta bring these pillars in from somewhere up there, out there, through there, it wouldn't have made a lot of sense. That is why they have given us this early. These teachings weren't due for awhile. Like there would have been a lot Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 of steps before we got here but it became very important that we understood the basic creation mechanics and creation geography. Because this is what this is, this is the beginning of a geography course in the cosmos. And, uh, NASA should use these maps. They would get further. (you know...) But what's nice, too, is this is the place that we are moving into. Now it doesn't look like this when we get there. I mean, just like, we're living right now within a shield that has a Kristos, Kristalla and Kathara grid and all that. And we don't see it. You know, We're not standing, Oh, I'm on number one yet, like a big hopscotch game. I mean, you know. It's like an amazing reality field here. This is the beginning of dimensional structure, but dimensionality works different at this level. You are beyond manifestation at this point. You are in pure consciousness at this point. Like, there's not bodies here. To get bodies, you have to spiral down to the next level. Where this is setting the foundation to what becomes dimensions. But this where the original. uh, merkaba fields first formed as well. The merkaba fields have to do with. (Oops...it's up on the ceiling now…tickled..Okay.) These ReucheA pillars, imagine like big straight pillars of invisible light and sound. Okay. They each have, um, these four pillars, because of the center point, which is called the ManU window, begin to, it's an open space that leads right back into this field, the ManU field, the still point field. So the still point field there, this energy, comes up through here and creates what's called the Amorea Flame. That's the eternal flame of life. And it comes up and that's the center of the center of the Kathara Grid. Now, if you notice, the Kristos Kathara grid is here between 6 and 7 Kathara centers, 6 and 7. On any Kathara Grid, that space between, on the middle line, is the center point of the whole Kathara Grid. It's also the center point of the Kristalla. So it's literally the center of the center of the center. In that point, the ManU field pulls up through the ManA field and the EirA field and comes up as an Eternal Flame. And, it's called the Emerald Flame because it carries the, (if you were going to translate these, because these are before light because they don't have color technically) but their resonance, if you were to turn them into light, the ManA field is gold and the EirA field is like pale, silvery blue and the ManU field is a like deep azurite blue, actually. When you combine those, it gives the effect of a blue-green emerald, deep emerald flame. So, it's the Emerald Flame of Eternal Life. This is what the Emerald Covenant is about the Emerald Order of the Melchizedek Cloister. They are the speakers of the Eternal Flame. And within that flame, lots of other little flames or
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Page 40 of 86 standing wave columns form. But that is the perpetual feed where the consciousness fields here that are stationary and eternal come, circulate, flow into the whole structure, all the way down through the stairway, and come back up and pass back through into the center. So this is our direct connection with source. When we begin the process of activating the Amorea Flame Body, it means bringing back into awakeness, not only our D12 divine pre-matter blueprint. It means opening this point in our own embodied Kathara Grids to bring into our fields literally the frequencies of God, the closest expression that you can bring into the lower densities. So, these are very sacred teachings and if we didn't need them for emergency crisis intervention, we would have been, probably we would have taken a good twelve years before they would have released some of this stuff. Because these, I mean, people used to work really, really hard for a very many years to build up to Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 the point where they would be allowed to have that part of the knowledge, because the more knowledge you get. There used to be a thing where there was time enough to take twelve years for each step of knowledge and you'd integrate it and you would make it yours. When you hear knowledge, it's one thing, but making it your own is another. Where you can remember it and you know it because you become it and you live it. There used to be time in the old ascension schools where students who were trying to wake up again and remember who they were given twelveyear blocks of time to integrate each level. We don't have that time now because of the crisis intervention issues. And really, the crisis (or Christ?) period was an attempt to begin that. So by the time we go to this period, we would all be awake and know exactly what to do and how to run the Templar. But, because of the interference that's been here, that has progressively invaded out history. In our recorded history, every time the books are written, they were literally destroyed and whatever could be used by the other side was taken and misused. We were told stories. This information was crucial to any group of beings who were appointed to being the guardians of a planet when the stargates were going to open, particularly if there was a chance of that planet falling into a black hole, with a lot of help from its not-to-friendly neighbors. We were supposed to be awake by now. We were supposed to have lots of time. Our generations before us should have taught us all this so we would have known it by now. But it didn't work out that way even though it was tried. But we have the ability to wake up quick. That's what these workshops are about. That's why I get bombed with a lot of information all at once. I go what?...what was the first thing we talked about? What? I don't even remember. No, though, when we are discussing these things, you are getting the frequencies even if you're not yet getting the full understanding on a logical level. Trust your shield and trust the other parts of your identity. They are absorbing and they are holding it for you. This information is actually encoded into your bodies. I am just here to remind you. Az is just here to remind you. Mac is just here to remind you. Just like the Eieyani are just here to remind us. Right? It is just a matter of reminding you what knowledge you carry right in your own cells because all of this information is stored in your cells. When we work with these graphs, you can look at pictures, even the stairway to heaven, where they are all on one page; you can use that for a meditation tool. It is a mathematical program. It will begin to awaken the knowledge. So these graphs, there is a lot more to them than just pictures to show you things on the d3 level. You can meditate on them and they will start to help you to speak to yourself. They will wake up parts of you that know this and a lot more that goes with it. So, they are worth using. You know? And, you might want to blow them up. The ones that are in this particular book are like, microscopic. I had to fit them all on one page. That wasn't easy to do. When we first made the Ecka God World maps, we started with a Kathara Grid about this big. And then it grew, and it grew, and it grew. And I had to keep taping paper together, and it was growing all over the table. Finally, it was this big thing I had to roll up because it was so huge just to get to the point where we could bring it from the tiny one Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2
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up to this one. And then we reduced them on down so we could put them on 8.5 by 11 paper. So, anyway, this, this particular level, the Eckasha-A-ah level is the first level of manifestation level, the first level of expressed creation let's say, or manifest expression. The power that you can feel, the power of God that you can feel through...just imagine yourself projecting there. Imagine you're going up the stairway to heaven and imagine that you are sitting there with twelve ReucheA pillars around you and you can feel the presence of the pillars and you know that they are a form that God is taking right now. You are sitting in a reality that will be different for everyone if we each visualize this, we would each have different pictures, but we would have the constant of knowing that we would have the Kristos and the Kristalla grids. We have the EirA, ManA and ManU fields with us. You know that we are in them and we have these twelve pillars of conscious living God energy and all of it's god. And in that realization, there is a feeling, a wave of knowing that can come through you that you are a part of that picture too. You are a shape that God is taking just like the pillars are. So, its, there is a personal relationship that each of us has with God, and with the ManU, and with the ManA and EirA. Some of us run more of ManA. Some of us run more of the EirA. Some of us run more of the ManU. Okay? There are different balances of these energies in each of our bodies. Some are more inclined to the feminine. Some are more inclined to the masculine. Some are more inclined to the androgynous. These are manifestations of what your ray content is. How much more of which type of God energy you are running. But they all have god energy. And they are all equally valuable and equally powerful and equally good. So, what happens with the Reuche pillars? This is where the pillars manifest within the Kristos and Kristalla vibrational grids. Aum....This one is in the Dance For program. I believe. It's the top one. Let me see what's on the top of the stairway there. How far do we...the stairway to heaven one, let me see now. It was back a little bit. All right. Yeah. We went up this far but we didn't give this much detail. I believe is what is on the diagrams that you have, the stairway to heaven one. This information in these big graphs is part of the Dance for Life and Dance for Love programs. So they are in the...yeah...yeah, it is on there, yeah, stick it right there, that would be this one. Yep. Yeah. That's the Kristos. That's the Kristalla, inside of it. And that's the ManU, the ManA and EirA fields. umhm. That's the top. There is more detail that we give. The whole thing is actually considered the Yunasai, the point of all union. Which is, the Yunasai starts as those three circles within circles, the ManU, ManA and EirA. And everything else exists within them, so, all of it is the Yunasi, what we refer to as the Yunasi. Yeah. We'll put this one back on for a minute because I because I want to explain what happens with the Reuche pillars. Now, I'd mentioned how, here in the center is where the ManU come through the ManA field and the EirA field, and comes up and forms the Amorea Flame, the Emerald Flame of Eternal Life. That's the combination of the frequencies of those three that come up but it's a base ManU flame which means it's primarily a ManU frequency, a still point flame. It's a still, eternal flame. It's not a moving flame that moves from once place to another. It is just like a....if it were made Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 out of concrete, it would be one big flame pillar, like a sculpture that just stands there, but it's not made out of concrete. It's made out of living conscious energy of source. And it is the combination of the three. So, it is ManU, ManA and EirA altogether which means it holds the divine trinity within it as well. It is not just the masculine, or just the feminine or, you know, or it's ManU because ManU, if you put ManA and EirA together, it turns into the ManU field. Just like, if you polarize ManU, it becomes the ManA and the EirA. So when those twelve Reuche pillars (they're up on the ceiling again), when they form, they form in these positions within the Kristos and Kristalla grid. They are in the Kristos grid. They will run through the Kristalla too. But the Kristalla is actually at the center with the flame. Okay? The small Kristalla grid is at the center with the Amorea flame and then from that, the twelve Reuche pillars emerge. And the pillars, because of the interaction of the frequencies or the consciousness of each of the pillars and the flame at the centers, they all begin to bend toward the center flame. So, instead of just standing as standing pillars, they begin to arc like arcs of electricity, and they begin to arc and those arcs begin to form cycles. All right. This is where movement becomes a phenomenon. Or the experience of the movements of consciousness
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Page 42 of 86 becomes the phenomenon. Here consciousness is still all sitting still and just kind of vibrating in place. Movement of consciousness from one space to another starts to come into being as these pillars arc in to interact with the Amorea Flame at the center. And they form these cycles of moving energy. These cycles of moving energy are what begin the formation of merkaba fields, the first merkaba fields. And it is the first merkaba fields that allow for the formation of the form constants which are replicas of the spherical wave forms where you get those capsules around things. You have the merkaba field like the one around the star gate when we were looking at how stargates are formed where you have the two little triangles of the merkaba field come together and at the center there is a circle, the form constant, which is a bubble of energy. So, literally, through the interaction of the pillars with the flame, they arc and bend and begin to send pulses of consciousness. And this is like the beginning of electromagnetic force as well that comes through in here. So, this is the level where the first merkaba fields, the first everything, foundations of the template for the entire hologram is set. And that template progressively replicates itself downward and steps down in smaller versions and smaller versions of itself to get us down to this level. So, anyway, what's the next one? And, we get into these more heavy in the Dance For programs too by the way. (Do I need to do this one? It is really just a shorter version of what we just went over...that one. All righty. Oh, okay, here we go. Coming down, let's start with the bottom. Yeah.) Coming down to earth again. Now, coming back down the stairway to heaven. All right. From the Eckasha-A-ah to the Eckasha A to the Eckasha to the veca worlds, down here, we're back into the Veca system. And here's the Ecka, well, the Ecka Inner system and then the Veca system. We are down here again in density one of, this is our 12 dimensional template. Now this little guy over here. Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 Here's another set of gates. This is showing you the galactic interface. All right. These are our universal gates. All right. These are the galactic gate interfaces. What that looks like in terms of our local universe or our solar system; this is our solar system here. You know, science shows that okay, we have our sun and we have our planets lined up in order. But they don't show you the structure that they are actually moving on, the shields that are involved, the shields that hold the planets in orbit literally around the sun. This Kathara Grid here, this little galactic one, is this one in this diagram. Our universal gate system here, our first twelve gates of the universal system are these here. Now if you will look here, we talked about the three eleven connection where Universal Gate 3 in the Inner Ecka Worlds is the same place as our Universal Gate 11. That connection is up here. Now, see there's the Inner Ecka Universe. Now if we look at this, this like a cross-section of a bubble, of Eckasha shaped, teardrop shaped bubble, which represents the standing spherical scalar wave within which, capsule, within which our entire universe exists. Our universe has a radial body around it just like each of the density levels do. So, we are in a big Eckasha capsule. It has, and you can look in your diagram, and we get into this more in the Dance For programs as well, you can see the different levels of the Primal Light Fields, Density 1. This is Density 1. You have like Density 2, 3, 4 and we get into the Primal Light Fields and we have the Primal Sound Fields, then the radial body, the universal radial body, which has a layer of EirA, ManA and ManU around it. And that's what creates the void space. The radial body capsule that separates each of the universes or density levels from the other. So this is actually a cross-section of what's taking place around our solar system plane. The gates interface this way and the gate names, the universal gate names, are on there and are also the gate names that were here. So this that shows, you know like one is in Orion, two is in Epsoneradonis (sp?), three is earth, four is the sun, five, you know, is Alcyon, etc. That's showing how they plug into the galactic plane here. Now on this you do see two "4's.” This is the density 3 or density 1 version that we call our sun. Universal Stargate 4, what our scientists are just starting to figure out and they don't quite know what it means yet is that we are actually a binary star system. There is another what they call a dark sun because they have seen the effects of it. It's as if there is another sun and this is from the underground science stuff that's coming out from physicists and things. You don't hear a whole lot about it and it won't be in textbooks in school for sure for awhile. But there is a twin sun to our sun. Our sun is called "Sol", S-o-l. And the twin sun is called "Rabizoid.” It's Tara's
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Page 43 of 86 sun. It's Alcyon's actual sun, but you can't see it from this density because it's in the next density. But they are linked directly together. They share Universal Stargate 4. So that's why you see the two 4's. All right. And here, that's Universal Stargate Three, Universal Stargate Four and then Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve. Now right here in the center of the Ecka universe, right between their 6th and 7th universal gates, that's the center point again. That's where the Amorea Flame anchors into their system, from way up above. In the same configuration that we saw before, the twelve Reuche pillars, they also anchor through each Kathara Grid all the way down in the same configuration. So, the Kathara Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 Grid itself is literally the map to understanding the underlying structure of all creation and of manifestation, and demanifestation. Now, this at least starts to give us an idea of what all this means in terms of what we already know is there from what science is teaching and from what the hubble thing has taken pictures of in outer space. It shows our gate alignments and we've gone through those before when we listed the galactic gates going out. It shows a void space, which is the density one void. This is where science can send stuff way out into outer space. And it can go way out past the seeming perceivable boundaries of… our solar system can go way, way, way out into space, but it is going to boomerang back unless it goes into a gate or a lock. So, it may look like you can send things out like into the Sirius system and the whole bit. You can in this density but you are not going to get up into the full expression of those systems until you cross the void space, which is the radial body space in between each one, each one of the density levels. So, there is literally a harmonic universe radial body or density level radial body here. There is another here, another one here, another one here, another one here. We have all those little ones inside the universal radial body. The radial bodies are literally like the skin that surrounds the three dimensional inner bodies which are called a Hova body. Now a three dimensional spherical, elliptical sphere body like what your auric field is called a Hova body. Around the Hova body is the radial body skin. The radial body is also sometimes referred to sometimes as the Trion Meajhe field that has to do with the names of the particles that the energy is composed of, what kind of particles. Just like we have protons, and neutrons and those kind of things. When we get into the biology, we'll go into a little of understanding that each of these type of currents of the fifteen rays that we talk about, each of those interdimensional currents, actually, have a particle or a type of particle that is the carrier of that force and it starts with protons, neutrons and electrons down here. They have their density 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. expressions and they have different names. The Trion Meajhe refers to the density 4 expression. So, we have literally, a radial body has the EirA field which is the Meajhe field. That would be the sound, base sound field, which would be magnetic. We have the ManA field that would be the base electrical or light field and that's called the Trion field because of the units it's composed of. And then we have the ManU field which is the void field which is actually the magnetic repulsion zone that keeps it away because each density level has one of these around it, so they actually push each other away to get from one density to another. What you are doing is actually opening the radial body or transmuting your radial body so you can move through it into the next expansion level up. So the physics of this is fascinating and we are just learning the physics of it. You don't need to understand the physics of things. It helps to understand it does plus into the physics of things so you understand it's real and not just, you know, off the cuff, somebody's fluffy weird ideas about reality. But, if we can just understand that we have the universe is encapsulated by this radial body and it has different levels of density manifestation within it. This is the same configuration in our own bodies, in our own beings. Because we're microcosmic reflections of the macrocosm. And the anatomy of the cosmos or the universe also applies to our own bodies. Now with this, it just helps to know that these little flat maps that we are looking at with Kathara grids showing the stairway to heaven taken back to their easiest point, which is the Kathara Grid which are stargates as we Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 talked about. And this is how they plug into our system. All right. Universal, galactic gates and the inner Ecka Gates. If we ever need to or are invited to come into the Inner Ecka Universe, the first stop would be inner earth because that would be the easiest connection to this planet. We taken up through this whole gate chain. And some of us
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Page 44 of 86 would actually be able to ride the Amorea Flame up through gate 12. That's what we are being trained for with activating the flame bodies. Others that couldn't fully activate a flame body would be taken through the 3-11 gate connection and they would go literally in. This 3-11 gate connections exists...their gate 3 is in the same place as our universal gate 11 which is Lyra Avion, which our scientists call that Shielak, I think is how it is pronounced. S-h-i-e-la-k, how I believe it is on the star charts. So, we would literally be going from earth through the gate chain up into the Lyra star system, which means that we would pass through the Pleiades with gate 5. We would pass through Cyrus with gate 6. We would pass through Arcturus with Gate 7. We would pass through Orion with Gate 8. We would pass through Andromeda with Gate 9. We would pass through Vega with Gate 10, and we would pass through gate 11 or gate 12 into the Lyra system. Now not everybody will go through the whole set of gates. There are several gate options depending on the frequency that you can carry in your template depending on your shields and what they can do. The easy evac route is the 3-11 connection, going up from universal gate 3 that's in earth's core, going up the 3, 6, 9 and over to 11 connection. There is a path that's called the path of Amorea which is the path of the flame body that is the 3, 6, 9, 12 connection. Each of these gates up here, there is a universal level of them in the Ecka universe and there is also planetary levels of them. The people that we are talking to right now are from earth in this system, or it's counterpart in this system. It's called a different planetary name. I can never pronounce it. It's a combination between the word Aramatena and Amenti. They just recently gave it to us so I just call it the earth that's up there. Let's refer to it as inner earth. Inner Ecka Earth. So we will be aiming for the planet in the Ecka system that is inner earth, the counterpart there to earth here, to earth Terra Gaia Aramatena here. And that place has a set of planetary gates as well. Each of those houses one crystal pylon temple that I talked about. Like those big crystals that we saw the picture of, except they're massive compared to the size of those little guys that were in the picture here. Those are very sacred temples and they are temples that are guarded by the Eieyani priests. And, guarded, but also run by. They are the ones run and operate the Templar. They are the ones who if there is any problems, they know how to run the energy. They know how to put codes in. They don't need like computers. They are like computers. You know. They literally, just, they communicate directly with these crystals, the consciousness of these crystals is. and through that communication, they relay the mathematical information that is needed and they do it in pictures and in sounds. So, the temples, the crystal pylon temples exist on the equivalent of earth in the inner Ecka system and the first place we would see coming through if we were coming through the 3-11 gate connection would be their gate 3 inner earth temple. And that's called the Temple of Agartha, and some people have heard of that word before. Agartha is a name that has been used referring, you know, "Oh, inner earth is Agartha.” No, inner earth is Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 not Agartha. Agartha is one location, one geographical location on the Inner Ecka planet equivalent to earth. There is another temple and it is the temple we are aiming for, you know, if we need to evac, the ones activating flame body, will go in through here. They would literally come up through the Amorea Flame. We would go out through our gate 12 which is Aramatena Lyra Double Double and come up literally through the Amorea Flame. That is called the Temple of Khem-a-lo-ha-tea. Now, the words, Khemalohatea got twisted up in our language down here in our translations of history, as Camelot. So the whole Camelot story and all of that, I mean, we have given workshops on this stuff before, where we explained the King Arthur drama, how that was connected to the Christ drama, how that was all connected to this and how the Knights of the Round Table were doing Rainbow Round Tables. The Round Table was the configuration that was used when we do Merkaba in groups with very specific mathematical relationships between the bodies in order to run the Templar. So the Temple of Khem a lo ha tea is where we would be aiming to come up. We would come up through their lock as opposed as to coming up through a gate. We would go through our gate 12, Universal Gate 12, and come up through their central lock where the Amorea Flame is. Now that is a very specialized path, the path of Amorea. That is the path of the Masters. Any of the fallen black hole guys can’t touch that at all because they will fry if they get anywhere near D12 frequency. Now they have been trying very hard to break through here. They have been trying to attack the Inner Earth System for ages and they have made some success. They have recently tried in fact. In the end of July they tried another attack. They are trying to get control of Gate 3 of the Inner Ecka, because if they do, they can block; if they destroy it, they can block our ability to
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Page 45 of 86 run the Amorea Flame down in to bring in the Reuche Pillars to give the support to this system so it can’t fall. But they lost in their attack. I mean, it’s kind of funny. Attack implies somebody is fighting you back but the Eieyani don’t need to. They just simply hold their ground and hold their fields and hold the field to the temple they’re in. and because those fields are so strong as along as the Eieyani are doing their jobs, they don't have to fight anybody. They don't have to raise a hand to anybody in defense because nothing can harm them. And as long as they know that and they remember that that's what they're there to do, it's kind of futile to attempt to attack them. But the guys from the black hole figure it's still worth a try. And they did. By doing this though is what created the interesting drama that we'll talk about more tomorrow that has to do with the Truce of Loving Mercy. Where, because they tried to attach that they assumed they could get a hold of it, and they weren't able to, their little beast is now going to bite them and they need our...yeah, (group tickled)...so they need our help and boy, they're not happy about it at all. So it's not a friendly truce. It's not, "Oh, Okay we'll be friends now. We'll kiss and make up." No, it's like, "We hate your guts," You know? "Why don't you just go away. But we would love to destroy you, but will you please help us out of the this little problem." (group laughter) "Yeah, then we'll destroy you." Right? This is a mentality we're dealing with. I mean, they're genius level. You'd think they'd be able to figure some other things out. But without an emotional body or the ability to plug into D12, to the Kristos consciousness, it's harder than you think. You can be brilliant, but you can't feel. And if you can't feel, there's huge amounts of things you just can't Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 2 comprehend because most of existence, particularly the higher you go isn't about thinking. It's about direct cognition, feeling, and knowing it and becoming it. So, anyway, this is our gate system and as it appears in our universe, and, (Yep) all of these things is how they link together with this. There's something else on top there. Oh yeah, the little thing of Inner Earth. I think, yeah. Here's another little thing that just helps you to understand the relationship. This is not important, but it helps you to understand the relationship between our Kathara Grid, right, in our Universal Gate System. This is the parallel one. Now this isn't the angles that they are interfacing at. You know the angles were down here, right, like the actual map of them, but this is showing the frequency ranges. So it shows you the frequencies are actually a bit offset where the parallel Dimension 1 is, it's actually, if this is the Dimension 1 spectrum, look at this, halfway into Dimension 1 and halfway into Dimension 2 spectrum of Inner Earth. Come over there and it's halfway, um, wait a minute, let me try that again. I am not going to get into this right now, but this is basically showing...the purpose of this graph is to show you the gate systems that run through each one, our Universal, the Parallel Universal and the Inner Ecka one. There is a frequency offset between each one of them. It also get into angular rotation of particle spin, um, the angles upon which particles rotate which is had to do with the angle that your Merkaba Field is going to rotate in order to go through gates. And it also has to do with, literally, the access that you're atoms and electrons and things spin on. So this is detail again. It's detail that there is even more on this kind of stuff in the Master's Planetary Stewardship Initiative course book. So if you want more on this kind of stuff, you can research that material. But, it's just there to show that this is another way to look at the frequency offset, but here's the actual mapping. And here's how it looks in relation to the solar system plane as we know it. And here's how it looks on the maps. So basically, these are the maps that show us how we got down here in the first place which also shows us how we can get back. And, let's see, what's next? I want to get to anatomy. Oh yeah. This is a closer up one. It's a little easier to see. And again, it's just showing our universal gate system going up, the Ecka system, you can't see all of them. It's like, it goes off the page, but you see their number, their gate 1, 2. This would be their gate 3, and their gate 4 would be over here. And that interfaces with the 11 gate in the parallel, our parallel system because our parallel system will be over there. We're down here. That's the parallel dimensional system. That's our light field and the parallel light field will be up this way on this diagram. And this is our galactic interface. Okay? Okay, next please.
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Allentown, 9/2002 Disc 5, Track 3 And, this brings it home just a little further. Put all the little pieces together. Where again, that's the one we just looked at with all our universal gates and our galactic gates, etc. And that is showing the gate locations again. Here is showing, on earth, the gates and the cue sites and, I believe, yes; the gates are the circles and x's are the cue sites. And remember, the cue sites are the interface system, so literally our star gates could be run from the Inner Ecka system of inner earth. So the planet that is the inner earth's equivalent in the Inner Ecka Universe is the planet that is used to control our Templar here until it's fixed so it doesn't blow the planet up because there were times when this planet almost completely imploded because of misuse or damage to the Templar. So, we have the cue sites and the gate sites. And then, where they are located. This is what is looks like technically. Now, this changes all the time. This is one of those little, from like, little star map book, where they do the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. And they show you where all the constellations are and all that stuff. And of course, it always changes with the times of year, and that kind of thing. This is like freeze-framing one period of time. But showing you in which constellations you would find them. Now, it doesn't make a Kathara Grid shape. All right? Now it would be interesting...we don't have the time right now, but to build a model, a 3-dimensional model of an Eckasha teardrop shape and try to make the star maps out of that knowing the positionings. It could be really interesting to take one of these and turn it into an Eckasha shape, so you can actually see the curve, the universal curve, and how it fits into the thing. But, this basically gives you the location. If you're a person (I am not one of these because my distance vision is terrible) but people that like to do the star gazing and they know and they can look up and name the constellations and things, you can, by knowing where these gates are in relation to these constellations, whatever time of year it is, if you can find the constellation, you can identify where the gate is. This might get interesting as we move along because we might be seeing some activity of some sort here and there with the Amorea Arc Project and also the Flaming Blue Sword from Hell coming through. I don't think we are going to see flaming blue swords from hell, you know, flashing through the sky, coming down our gate system. But, I get a feeling, between now and 2012, I think there is going to be some interesting activity in the sky, other than Wormwood coming in, and that kind of thing that we may want to watch. So this was put in there just to kind of anchor it all. So, you see where we went all the way up to the top, you know, to the Stairway to Heaven, and then bring it all back down, and that brings us right back down to Earth. They are all linked together. And it's all part of one huge cosmic system, and we are all part of them. So, that gets us through context. The next part is where our bodies fit it really. Oh yeah, I guess I'll do that one now. Okay, yeah, I'll do this now. I was tempted to do that later, but I guess I will. Yeah. We'll do that now. Okay. And since we found out where all that stuff is, where the heck are these black hole things? All right. Now, here is our Universal Veca Map. Right? This is our 12-dimensional system, our primal light field. This is our parallel, 15-dimensional, the 12-dimensional and 15-dimensional parallel system, and their primal light fields. Now, this is the axis that our system runs on. Right? This is the axis that the parallel system is running on. See these little X's that come through here? These are the axis interfaces of the wormhole systems. The original wormhole system was called Phantom Matrix and Phantom Matrix had fallen from our system, from our 15-dimensional system. It had fallen from up in this area and it was allowed to remain open. And that's the one that the Founders Races decided that they would allow to remain open to see Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 3 if they could heal as much of it as possible. There were healing experiments done. One of which involved what was called a host matrix. A host matrix is where, let's say you have one group of beings or a race that fell and you want to try to help it, which is called bioregenesis, regenerating the biotemplates so that consciousness can get back in body and not be twisted anymore, so that you can heal the race. Well, there is another matrix, that, over here, this is us down here. Okay? Here we are back into the Eckasha-A-ah. That's the top one. This shows, first of all, where we are. All right. That's our little Veca System down in there. This is our Eckasha A and that's our, yeah, that's our
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Page 47 of 86 Eckasha, that's our Eckasha-A and this is the Eckasha-A-Ah.. Over here, in a different Eckasha A quadrant completely. There was another matrix, another set of 15-dimensional systems that their races decided they would try to help and they offered to take some of the one that had fallen from the phantom black hole here over to bioregenerate them in their matrix. It was allowed. And when that occurred, they were warned not to do certain things or it wouldn't work, it wouldn't heal. It would potentially damage their race and make something bad happen there and they didn't listen and they decided to try it anyway. And this where the Wesedaks became involved. This over here is the Wesedak black hole system. They took beings. These weren't fallen to begin with. They took beings from our fallen matrix to try to heal them and they hosted them in to their galactic template, which means they had to put some of our coding, our mathematical coding, from our matrix, into their matrix, in order to have something that was alive in this matrix to be able to be alive in that matrix. They hosted them in and they tried several types of hybridization experiments with their own races trying to regenerate the fallen ones. But what happen instead, is it backfired and it degenerated theirs. And it turned them into progressively more warring type beings until they imploded part of their own system, and it created their black hole. What they did from that point on, was they began to take the coding, partially from our matrix, partially from theirs, and they began to force the templates together. They began to plug into Phantom Matrix by using the mathematical codings that they got from here in the first place to have this race come over. They began to use those to create an artificial bond to literally take part of this template that was fallen, part of the partially fallen template from Phantom, and create a new template, a new creation. They were trying to create, literally, a new cosmic structure. They were going to create their own cosmic shield. They were going to be masters of the universe. And that mathematical program was called the Metatronic Bond. All right. It's a Base 8 reverse Metatronic system and they are aiming to make it a Base 11.5 reverse system. We will get into Metatron a little bit more tomorrow, where that name comes from? Because once upon a time it was an entity that was working with the healing experiments and it was part of the races that fell in our time matrix that were out of that family of consciousness. And several experiments were done to try to bind the Metatron Collective of consciousness. I believe it was in the triadic level of the primal sound fields. And when it lost part of its own consciousness to the fall in our matrix, it sent more portions of itself in to try to help and to try to assist them. It also sent portions of itself over here to try to assist the ones that were being bioregenerated and it got so many parts of itself down into manifestation in the fallen systems that the entity itself fell. And it was the entity collective called Metatron that decided to create the Beast and to create this entire apparatus by which that collective could become the new god, the external god. This is a very old ancient drama that took place, I believe after; it's in the writings somewhere. I think it Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 3 was about 150 billion years ago when the Metatron entity fell and the beginnings of the Beast were set in motion. So, as far as geography goes, looking at our maps, this is how the Phantom Matrix here, this one, let me see which one is which? I always get confused looking at these. All right. This axis coming through here, now they would have a star gate system. They would have a Kathara Grid too. It's a twisted one. It's like, distorted, but Phantom Matrix Kathara Grid had a different angle. It normally was part of ours, but when it fell, it went into this angle interfacing with ours through that central lock which is where the Amorea comes up. The Wesedak Matrix interfaces this way. And what they are trying to do is take this axis and this axis and pull them all in to the Wesedak axis. Which means, pull the three Kathara Grids together, which would rip us out of our primal lights fields and down into their black hold system. I mean, it's an ingenious diabolical plan, but it's just the mechanics of it...the more they revealed of the mechanics, I said, "Oh my God." I am glad the good guys like us. You know? Because you can look at the scope of some this and I don't even know a science fiction writer who could come up with stuff this good. And, you look, and Oh my God, and we're these little people here and maybe we're these big Avatars that have forgotten we're still sleeping down here. And we're supposed to fix this? (group laughter) I can't even do calculus. You know? We have a lot of friends in high places that are holding the knowledge for us until we can get the knowledge back into our body. We have what we need and we are being given what we need to remember the most important things. Which comes down to, what are our bodies, what are our flame bodies, how do they plug into all of this? How do our bodies or beings plug into this massive universal structure?
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Page 48 of 86 Now, before we go off the black hole subject, just because we are still on geography, all right? All right. We're in over here. This is our little Veca space. This is our coordinates within the Eckasha-A-ah cosmic map. This is the Wesedak black hole system, right in there. And they are interfacing at these angles with us and with parallel. See, this is not just a problem of our 12 dimensions. They are also doing it in parallel. which means, if they were successful, they would not just take down our system. They would take down its parallel as well. They would take the whole Veca. And if they took the Veca, it would take the core as well. That's what they're after. They're after the power that would be held within the core Inner Ecka Universe. So, they are trying to take these two down which would make the whole things collapse in on itself and it would pull the whole thing down. Now it's a crazy plan because nobody's going to get away with that. I mean the matrix itself was built to be perpetual life. Which means, if something is getting really out of whack in itself, it's going to heal it. It will run energy in order to clear it. And that is what they have set up for themselves. They are going to clear themselves. They are going to clear their own virus out of the system if they're not careful. (group laughter) Except, because of the path though, because of the truce they decided to enter, The Truce of Love and Mercy, at least they will get about two billion years more of experiential evolution instead of instantaneous zap. Because they were headed for space dust with what they did with the Beast. And the fact that they couldn't take over the Inner Earth Temple that they needed to block the Amorea Arcs that are going to come in. That's part of the automatic autopilot system. All right. If this matrix gives them too much danger, these gates open automatically. It's not that they are making them open. Now, if something goes wrong, the Eieyani have the ability to modulate them and to close them if something goes wrong. But they are not making the decision to open Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 3 them. This stuff's coming down from up high. All right, the consciousness of Source itself is making that decision. But it was built into the matrix to do that anyway. This is our 12-dimensional system, our primal light field. This is our parallel, 15-dimensional, the 12-dimensional and 15-dimensional parallel system, and their primal light fields. Now, this is the axis that our system runs on. Right? This is the axis that the parallel system is running on. See these little X's that come through here? These are the axis interfaces of the wormhole systems. The original wormhole system was called Phantom Matrix and Phantom Matrix had fallen from our system, from our 15-dimensional system. It had fallen from up in this area and it was allowed to remain open. And that's the one that the Founders Races decided that they would allow to remain open to see if they could heal as much of it as possible. There were healing experiments done. One of which involved what was called a host matrix. A host matrix is where, let's say you have one group of beings or a race that fell and you want to try to help it, which is called bioregenesis, regenerating the biotemplates so that consciousness can get back in body and not be twisted anymore, so that you can heal the race. Well, there is another matrix, that, over here, this is us down here. Okay? Here we are back into the Eckasha-A-ah. That's the top one. This shows, first of all, where we are. All right. That's our little Veca System down in there. This is our Eckasha A and that's our, yeah, that's our Eckasha, that's our Eckasha-A-ah and this is the Eckasha-A-ah. Over here, in a different Eckasha A quadrant completely. There was another matrix, another set of 15-dimensional systems that their races decided they would try to help and they offered to take some of the one that had fallen from the phantom black hole here over to bioregenerate them in their matrix. It was allowed. And when that occurred, they were warned not to do certain things or it wouldn't work, it wouldn't heal. It would potentially damage their race and make something bad happen there and they didn't listen and they decided to try it anyway. And this where the Wesedaks became involved. This over here is the Wesedak black hole system. They took beings. These weren't fallen to begin with. They took beings from our fallen matrix to try to heal them and they hosted them in to their galactic template, which means they had to put some of our coding, our mathematical coding, from our matrix, into their matrix, in order to have something that was alive in this matrix to be able to be alive in that matrix. They hosted them in and they tried several types of hybridization experiments with their own races trying to regenerate the fallen ones. But what happen instead, is it backfired and it degenerated theirs. And it turned them into progressively more warring type beings until they imploded part of their own system, and it created their black hole. What they did from that point on, was they began to take the coding, partially from our matrix, partially from theirs, and they began to force the templates together.
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Page 49 of 86 They began to plug into Phantom Matrix by using the mathematical codings that they got from here in the first place to have this race come over. They began to use those to create an artificial bond to literally take part of this template that was fallen, part of the partially fallen template from Phantom, and create a new template, a new creation. They were trying to create, literally, a new cosmic structure. They were going to create their own cosmic shield. They were going to be masters of the universe. And that mathematical program was called the Metatronic Bond. All right. It's a Base 8 reverse Metatronic system and they are aiming to make it a Base 11.5 reverse system. We will get into Metatron a little bit more tomorrow, where that name comes from? Because once upon a time it was an entity that was working with the healing experiments and it was part of the races that fell Allentown, 9/2002, Disc 5, Track 3 in our time matrix that were out of that family of consciousness. And several experiments were done to try to bind the Metatron Collective of consciousness. I believe it was in the triadic level of the primal sound fields. And when it lost part of its own consciousness to the fall in our matrix, it sent more portions of itself in to try to help and to try to assist them. It also sent portions of itself over here to try to assist the ones that were being bioregenerated and it got so many parts of itself down into manifestation in the fallen systems that the entity itself fell. And it was the entity collective called Metatron that decided to create the Beast and to create this entire apparatus by which that collective could become the new god, the external god. This is a very old ancient drama that took place, I believe after; it's in the writings somewhere. I think it was about 150 billion years ago when the Metatron entity fell and the beginnings of the Beast were set in motion. So, as far as geography goes, looking at our maps, this is how the Phantom Matrix here, this one, let me see which one is which? I always get confused looking at these. All right. This axis coming through here, now they would have a star gate system. They would have a Kathara Grid too. It's a twisted one. It's like, distorted, but Phantom Matrix Kathara Grid had a different angle. It normally was part of ours, but when it fell, it went into this angle interfacing with ours through that central lock which is where the Amorea comes up. The Wesedak Matrix interfaces this way. And what they are trying to do is take this axis and this axis and pull them all in to the Wesedak axis. Which means, pull the three Kathara Grids together, which would rip us out of our primal lights fields and down into their black hold system. I mean, it's an ingenious diabolical plan, but it's just the mechanics of it...the more they revealed of the mechanics, I said, "Oh my God." I am glad the good guys like us. You know? Because you can look at the scope of some this and I don't even know a science fiction writer who could come up with stuff this good. And, you look, and Oh my God, and we're these little people here and maybe we're these big Avatars that have forgotten we're still sleeping down here. And we're supposed to fix this? (group laughter) I can't even do calculus. You know? We have a lot of friends in high places that are holding the knowledge for us until we can get the knowledge back into our body. We have what we need and we are being given what we need to remember the most important things. Which comes down to, what are our bodies, what are our flame bodies, how do they plug into all of this? How do our bodies or beings plug into this massive universal structure? Now, before we go off the black hole subject, just because we are still on geography, all right? All right. We're in over here. This is our little Veca space. This is our coordinates within the Eckasha-A-ah cosmic map. This is the Wesedak black hole system, right in there. And they are interfacing at these angles with us and with parallel. See, this is not just a problem of our 12 dimensions. They are also doing it in parallel. which means, if they were successful, they would not just take down our system. They would take down its parallel as well. They would take the whole Veca. And if they took the Veca, it would take the core as well. That's what they're after. They're after Disc 7 Allentown, 2002 Disc 7, Track 1 There is something called the "Heroic Probability.” See the way the Unified Field in the Creation Matrix itself, the Cosmic Matrix was created, is that all probabilities can be explored. We have been for a very long time, our Race, has been on a path of exploring certain types of things that have had a lot of conflict drama involved in them. But, in
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Page 50 of 86 each place where something went wrong or against Divine Blueprint, there is an equivalent space in space time that it went right. And there is a whole range of places in between where it went not quite as bad or not quite as right. Now, there is a Heroic Probability, which is the fulfillment, the full expression, of the Divine Blueprint. What we are doing collectively across time, all of our Selves and all of the Guardian Selves that are in the Ecka Worlds, that are helping us, we are moving, literally, the consciousness that has been kind of stuck in this Polarity Experiment for a very long time. We are moving the whole Collective back into the place where it didn't go wrong in the first place. But, we will go there and experience that place eventually. That's not going to be the immediate stop on this train. You know, your going to have to first get out. But, once that is achieved, we will even change that because we will bring back the knowledge. It will be as though we are sitting and having a dream in our room. And then, we woke up from the dream and the dream had taken us for seemingly 250 billion years through this incredible drama that had great sorrows and great victories and a final healing at the end. And we wake up from that dream in our safe, perfect space where we realize it was a dream. That's what the whole Race and every animal form, every plant form, all the consciousness here is moving toward that. We are moving back into the Heroic Probability which is the full expression where the Divine Blueprint fully expressed itself without having distortions in it, but we come back with the knowledge of its opposite as well. So, I won't go any further on that because I get so out there I get out there. I can feel the top of my head, my Crown Chakra going "ee-eee-eee", like Oh, here we go. All right. We can get out of this one now I think. All right, that's the Auric Field Levels. Again, Kathara Healing has this. You can look at the little print on it and this is why this wasn't advertised as a Dance For Life Work Shop or a Kathara Healing Work Shop because I knew I was going to have to hop, skip and jump through a bunch of those things without going into the detail to get you to the most important stuff, which is the most advanced level that isn't contained within any of those, but those other programs contain the detail that will make more sense of what we are doing here. Now this, is the next Level up where we are dealing with Axiatonal lines. All right. Somebody had asked about Axiatonal Lines before. Now, for a moment, imagine that these little black dots that are all over here aren't there. They're not supposed to be. These are the Main Vertical Energy Run Lines in body. Building up from the Axiatonals, these circulate energy from the Chakras and from the Template through the entire body system. They are the Primary Control Grid Lines and the Planetary Level, the planet also has Axiatonal Lines and they are the vertical lines. They are lines that run vertically and they are the main energy distribution lines. Then you have smaller ones on a Planetary Level called Ley Lines that go horizontally and even smaller ones that go diagonally that create literally a Grid of running energy through the Planetary Body or our Personal Body. In the Personal Body, we have the Axiatonal Lines which are our Main Verticals and they each run the Currents. Like they are very specific. Each one of them carries one of the 12-Dimensional Currents and feed each organ system. They are the part of our Body Form that before we have manifest particles, it is feeding the energy in that will become those manifest particles. So every organ system, everything in your body, has Axiatonal Lines running through it. They allow it to manifest into physical form. The Axiatonal Lines. There are several people out there that I know that I know that are doing Axiatonal Line work but they usually don't understand where they fit with the Chakras or anything else. So, the Chakras feed energy into the Axiatonals and vice verse. They are an Energy Circulation System that works together with the rest from the Template up. These are the Little Chakras. They are supposed to be there. They are the Palm Chakras, little ones, little ones in the elbows and the shoulders. These are the Main Chakra Centers, the embodied ones. The other ones are up a little above the head and below the feet. There's Chakras here, little Chakras all over here. These little white holes are natural Chakras. Now these other things you see in here, this is one set, and we're not even talking Metatron yet. This is a series of Implants that were put in by certain of the Annunaki Races. They are in the Planetary Grids on Axiatonal Line 7, which means they manifest through our Shields into our bodies on Axiatonal Line 7. They are called the "Jehovian
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Page 51 of 86 Seals.” They are also called the "Death Seals" because they were intended to kill the physical body to allow it to be dragged. It was one of the Black Hole Matrix things, but this wasn't the Wesedak Plan. This was the Phantom Matrix Plan. Remember there were two Black Hole Systems. The Phantom Matrix System was trying to drag our system in so they would have enough power by absorbing our System to block the other Wesedak System. So, basically you had the Phantom Matrix Beings trying to pull us in as well as the Wesedaks trying to pull both sides in. So we have these Seals that used to be the thing we were trying to clear. Now, it's like, forget it, we've got even more problems. Seriously, it like, which Implant do you start with. This one can do the most damage the fastest. That's what we're on now. When they Activated the BeaST, they brought us another whole set of implants into Activation and they are even more severe than what these can do. If we can clear those, these will clear naturally. On this diagram, it shows where the Jehovian Seals are manifesting in the body. It also shows, see all those little black dots? These don't belong there. These right now are all the Axiatonal Lines that are actually being blocked by these implants and Shield distortions. So we are literally, we are hardly getting any of the natural Currents running into our body. Our bodies are hardly manifesting. They are much smaller than they are supposed to be. Human bodies are supposed to anywhere from 7-12 feet tall. The head shape is different. The brain is much smaller. All of these things, because all of this is blocked, this was called the "Real Crucifixion.” All right. The Crucifixion story was created around, it was almost like a sick joke that was created around the reality of what was done in the Planetary Grids knowing it would cause the mutations in the DNA and Shields in the bodies of people. It is called the "Crucifixions" because it blocked here and this is where the Crucifixion story actually came from. Nails in the hands, it was the Chakras that were blocked by these things. The Hand Chakras couldn't do their transmitting like they used to where we used to be able to wave a hand and manifest something or make it disappear or heal something immediately. That was shut off. Down here the same thing was done in the feet. See these little black dots that are blocking all the Axiatonals. Those blocks on the Axiatonals block the energy from coming through the Axiatonals into the Chakras. It does the same thing with these. There is a bunch of Seals here, Jehovian Seals here that block some of the currents that are supposed to be coming down here. Over here in the Spleen, we have got the area of the stab wound. And here is the Crown of Thorns, where it literally, there is a whole series. Everyone of these is blacked out if you traced it up is like a Crown of Thorns of blockages that has literally stunted the growth of the brain. It's changed the shape of the head and this is totally messed up the Hormonal Relationships in the body. The Hormonal Relationships are key to Ascension and Star Gate Passage because certain hormones and chemical substances are supposed to be released by the DNA into the body to prepare the body for a natural internal fission and fusion of the nucleus of atoms. There is a particle anti-particle fission and fusion that takes place; well, first a fusion and then fission where it separates again that is supposed to take place. And its not one that would explode the body. If it's happening normally and the right chemical carriers are working in the body, you and your Antiparticle Double that's in the Parallel Universe, all right, actually merge into one being. You have the same body form. You have a little bit different version of it. One might have dyed his hair purple and you might have green hair. You know. But you still have the same Template and the same birth body form. We have doubles. These are called "dopplegangers" in the old days. So, we not only have Souls and 1728 Selves, we also have doubles and so do our 1728 Selves. Actually, wait a minute, no. It doesn't work that way. It's halved. Half of those 1728 selves, I think, are doubles. I have to get to the other diagram to remember that one. Anyway, this is really the truth behind what the Crucifixion story was about. The Inner Christ was crucified. And what's really interesting, I find it one of the most remarkable things when we reveal this part of the history, the people who get the most mad about it, are Christians because I would think that they would be happy. The person, who was Jeshua, who is the person whose name is Jesus Christ in the Bible, wasn't crucified. He didn't die on the cross. This was the Crucifixion. That whole story was woven around it. He Ascended because he had the 12-Strand capacity. And he came to bring that back to the Races here. He also left children behind, a Grail Line, that would keep that gene code alive here. And, it's really sad that people who are very stuck in Biblical dogma really are attached to needing their Savior to having been crucified on a cross. Oh, they love their savior so much. Well, if you love him so
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Page 52 of 86 much, why would you choose to believe that he was nailed to a cross and died in agony instead of believing the truth of the fact that he actually Ascended to show you how to do it. It's really, really strange, how people actually get angry. "How dare you say that Christ wasn't crucified." But we were. Yeah, good one. That's right. Comment from group: "He was supposed to have saved us and they don't want to believe...." Ash: See, the concept of Christ saving us, the Krist, the Christos, the Inner Christ, this is what Jesus taught. You have this in you. "Know thyself and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." That was one of the things that were said in those times, and it was very true. And these were the teachings that they were bringing through in their language in their day. They were translating the same CDT Plates in Maharata Text that we are now. So, I really, really wish that the people who are sp. who the Christ story means so much to them, that they could really realize what it was about. Because it's so much more of a celebration than the story they are being taught, what's left in the Bible. They gutted the Bible. They turned it into a control dogma that's been used to manipulate people and have them hand their power over to Popes and all sorts of other politically motivated establishments ever since. The Bible was created to do that. They took the Sacred Text, edited out the good stuff, they kept parts of the history, twisted other parts to cover up things, like the virgin birth. Yeah. That had to do with making sure things like ET Grail Lines and stuff didn't get into the history. And the fact that there are Beings that live in other places that come and visit here sometimes. And, yes, sometimes, they leave gene codes. And by the way, humans are part of that gene code. The history was taken out of the biblical books. And not just the Bible. They raided, literally, since the time of Atlantis, all of the Ancient Teachings which are scattered among the cultures, the original 12 -Tribes, the Human Tribes that were the Guardians of this planet. They each had a piece of the CDT-Plate knowledge. There were 12CDT Plates. Each Tribe got to be the Custodians of the knowledge held within one of them. The spiritual knowledge and the science knowledge in each one of those Plates, and each was a different Level. Tribe-1 had Plate-1 and that had the first level, the easier level of information, then 2 and 3, all the way up to Plate-12 that held the big stuff. Tribe-12 who had the gene code to go with the big stuff Frequency. They were the keepers and teachers of those things. All of the Holy Books that have remained in fragmented, mutated, totally ripped apart form, on the planet at this point, originally came out of the CDT-Plates. They were the original Holy Teachings and there were 12-Sacred Religions and they weren't control dogmas. But, after the Atlantean Period, after 9,558 BC, there were progressively, each culture, each Tribe was raided, not just to take its books. They took the books, they twisted the histories and then they took out the empowerment teachings of the Inner Christos and they also raided the Gene Lines and the Grail Lines and literally, forced women to bear children, raping women and forcing them to bear children to combine Leviathan, or Illuminati Lines that had not human souls in them with the pure strains. Codes. This planet has been raped and its peoples have been raped and it is very said, but I really wish, I don't want to go too far on a tangent, but I just....I was telling AZ, I don't know if I should bring up the Crucifixion thing in this one, but I decided, you know, might as well. It has to do with Axiatonals and I want people to know, especially the new people, since there are new people. I used to think, "We'll ease the new people into that stuff, you know, gently." Because that can be a big one because there have been so many people that so attached to having to have the Bible be exactly. God came down with a big pen and wrote it all by himself. This book has been passed on for years and years and years now. It has been twisted, changed, and translated into all sorts of languages. You can buy five different Bibles from five different publishing houses and they say different stuff even now. You know. So, originally, the intention was pure and I wish the people who are into the Bible, or into the Koran, or into their Buddhist traditions, whatever it is, it doesn't matter because they all have tiny bits of truth left and a whole bunch of garbage put in and if you are attached to the whole book as if the book were the only thing. You are forgetting that the living Spirit of God is there everywhere and within you, and those dogmas are stopping people from finding it. That's why, at this point, I'll talk out about it and I would like for the new people to know that and to know the love that it takes to do that. I love the Bible so much that I got very angry when I started to really see in this life, when I started to wake up and see what they did. I remember picking it up at one point, even as a child, and some part of me knew that I was part of the Biblical Period because most of us have incarnations in that period as well. And, I was involved,
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Page 53 of 86 as Az was, with the CDT-Plate Translations during that period too. We knew the person called "Jeshua", and I remember as a child having pieces of these memories you know, remembering what it looked like but not my roll and stuff. And I remember picking up a Bible and looking for something and I leafed through it and something caught my eye and I can't remember what it was, but these energy moved up through me and I said, "That's not what it said! That's not what it meant!" And I whipped it across the room. And I am, "Ooh, scared myself." And was wondering, "What the heck was that?" I could imagine why some part of me reacted so strongly to it. It made sense later. Because you know, partial things of truth were taken and they were woven into a way that actually did the opposite of what they were supposed to do. A statement that was said to give people power was said and then something else woven with it to make that power go to the outside again where there was just such a feeling of violation that , literally, my Soul came up and said "That's not what we translated. That's not what it meant!" And the harm that those mistranslation have caused people. They keep calling themselves "sinners" and lowly pathetic things. They worship dead people on crosses because they don't know anymore that the Living Christ lives within them and that's what Jesus taught them in the first place. Yet they give a lot of lip service to lovin' Jesus, but they don't know even what that means and that's really sad. So, we kind of burst that bubble and a lot of people get mad at us for it. Now this little diagram shows you basic structure of the DNA Template. Now, as we know science tells us we have 2-DNA Strands. Actually, science is not seeing 2-DNA Strands. It is seeing 2-Heli. Now, the 12-Strand DNA pattern, you wouldn't see 12-Strands. You would always see an Electrical Heli and a Magnetic Heli where it would look like the Double Helix, but the Levels, the layers of chemical coating, the Nucleotide Base Pairs that form, that make up the steps on the DNA Ladders, they progressively, as you activate one DNA Strand, that would have a set of chemicals. The next DNA-Strand has another set, so the chemicals become more complex and they keep building and building within the same Double Helix Strand. So, we are going to be changing our DNA. It's going to take a bit of time before it shows in a way that science could stick your DNA under a microscope and see the changes. Some of them are already starting to happen though and that could be really dangerous if science really had more time to really figure out what we are doing with all this "spiritual running energy stuff" because they realized we're actually changing DNA and then they realized that we are on to something, and most of those things are controlled by Illuminati; and they don't want people to know they have the power to heal themselves. Well, if they could heal themselves, then the pharmaceutical industries would go right down the tubes, wouldn't they? Imagine what would fall apart if people became empowered and nobody could control them from the outside anymore. That's the one thing that terrifies governments from all over this planet because our power means we can't be exploited anymore. Our energy can't be taken and we can't be forced to do jobs we don't want to do anymore. When we find our spiritual calling, we tend to, no matter what the consequences are. That is more powerful than any material thing or material threat. And that is the biggest threat and always has been. This is why the Church of Rome went nuts. The Church of Rome was set up by the Roman Empire. They were on a territorial conquest attempting to take over the world on behalf of the Draconian on a Draconian Agenda. Now when they set up the Church, they set it up as a political front. All right. They had their government stuff going on, but they knew that they could control masses and masses of people by using a belief system that had pieces of truths that they already knew, they created what became the Canonized Bible by taking pieces of those truths. This was during the Council of Nicea, 325 AD. They put together this compilation of stolen records that were stolen from some of the Grail Lines that had been holding parts of the records to create something that would unify under the name of the Roman Empire masses of people so that they would not resist them when they went in to do more land conquests. Now, there has been rebellions since that. That's why we have Protestants and Catholics. That's the whole thing. We basically have the Omnicron Draconian running the original Catholic Agenda and that really got the Illuminati Races connected to the Annunaki Races very upset, so they did the Protestant Movement. This Polarity has been going on all the way through. We can take it into the Founding of America, take it into our Civil War where you had the Annunaki Yankees up north and you had the Drakonian Rebels down south. This whole split has been not about our war. It hasn't been about conflicts between humans but it has been being played out between humans because there are Illuminati Forces on the planet who are being unknowingly guided to serve the agendas for Fallen Ones from the Black Hole Matrix. So, at this point, we can just at least, get a grip on a scope of what it's doing. Look at
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Page 54 of 86 the history. There is a whole different way to look at the history that's right before us so they are telling us it's true. Oh, it's true, but they are hiding a lot of parts of it. This whole conquest, even what we are going into right now, it really has never been a fight against the Guardian Races. It has been two races of beings who have fallen who are fighting with each other and we keep getting in both of their way so they try to get us out of the way so they can go back at each other and that's just what's happening again on the planet. But it's been all through our history, one race after another. We'll give a history. We'll maybe talk about some of it tomorrow. But, in the Voyagers, Volume II, Second Edition book, some of that history is summarized. Where you see the progressive, since Atlantis, something called the "Atlantean Conspiracy", the progression and the dates of the invasions of different Race Groups and how they literally took over the different 12-Tribes of the human populations and turned them into mixed tribes and then gave those Tribes their names. So, anyway, Let's get back on DNA. This is a DNA Template. I want to show you something really quick here. Remember we talked about the Shields. Right? Remember, the Telluric Shield? That's the one that has Dimension-1, 2 and 3 Frequencies that goes to Chakras-1, 2 and 3, and Kathara Centers-1, 2 and 3. You have Strands 1, 2 and 3. All right. These are considered the Incarnate Strands, Density-1 Strands. They run the Frequencies and the chemicals that manifest from these Templates, run the Frequencies of Density-1. Okay. Strands 4, 5 and 6 run the Density-2 Frequencies of Dimensions 4, 5 and 6. They are the ones that are connected to the Doradic Shield, the Soul Strands. All right. We have Strands 7, 8 and 9. These are connected to the Density-3 Body, the Teuric Shield, the Oversoul Identity. So, when you get these Strands Activated, when you get 4, 5 and 6 Activated, you have Soul integrated. That means you have brought the consciousness of your Soul fully into body. When you get 7, 8 and 9 Activated, you have brought your Oversoul consciousness fully into body and when you get 10, 11 and 12 Activated, you have brought your Avatar consciousness fully into embodiment, which is what humans were designed to do. In the Kathara Healing System, we get into a little bit about the age progression. When the human body was working the natural way, there was a series of ages by which those transitions were supposed to happen and they literally get stopped when we enter between age 11 and 12. Now, there is something called a "Death Hormone" that gets released into the body because of the Template Distortions that literally shuts down Activation of any of these, so it blocks Soul Integration and those frequencies try to come in and they build up, and they begin to, Because they can't, the receivers are blocked in their Shields, they start to crush the Shields. The higher Frequency comes in but their receivers won't open to hold it so it's actually creating molecular compaction in the Shield which creates hormonal anomalies in the body that create progressive digression and falling apart of the body system itself. That's why we die and that will change eventually once we get fully 12-Strand Activated and can hold a Full Strand Activation. 24-07 Question is garbled. Ash: We do. We were sent here with an Agenda. We didn't arrive too late. We knew it would probably come to something like this before we even got into the game. Our agenda, our Original Creation Agenda, why we decided to be created at humans in the first place was because there was a need for a Guardian Race. There was a need for a race of Guardians and Healers that would come in and reset the Divine Blueprint in this particular Universal System and that meant a long stint in time. It meant dealing with a lot of garbage and we knew that and it meant taking on the mutation so we could possibly figure out how to heal it in them by healing it in ourselves. So, we didn't accidentally trip into this. It was a conscious choice by a group of Avatars who felt that they could make a difference and because they had already mastered the Matrix. They could already manifest in their own worlds that they wanted. They saw the worlds that were in pain and they wanted to help that so that's why we are in the drama the way we are in it right now. It isn't by accident and we are not being victimized. We allowed ourselves to experience the roll of victimization and to take on the sickness so we could heal it in ourselves so we could hopefully, then, heal it for the others. And we are not doing too bad. It could have gone better. There is a Heroic Probability where it worked out much better. But then there is this team of us that decided to go into the probability where it didn't work out well at all so we could come back eventually into the Heroic Probability and bring the knowledge of what that meant. We have another part of ourselves that never got involved in the fall in the first place. And there will be a reunion at some point but we will
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Page 55 of 86 be the Christos Founders Races at that point. That's when we'll return. You see we each have our reincarnations but also up in the densities. That means the Christos Founders Races are us at that level. All right. The human consciousness and the Indigo consciousness. So. I mean there is others out there too that are Christos Founders Races but this means that...there are three Christos Founders Races primarily in this time, in this particular time Matrix, you have the Elohi-Elohim, the Seraphi-Seraphim and Braharama races and the Elohi-Elohim are what are called the "Keepers of the Blue Flame" which are the Emerald Order. We call them the "Emerald Order.” That's the Amorea Flame guys. And you have the Seraphi-Seraphim which are Keepers of the Gold Flame. They are keyed to D-14 Frequency and you have the Keepers of the Violet Flame, the Braharama that are keyed to the D-15 Frequencies. But D-13 Frequencies which are Keepers of the Blue Flame, the Elohi-Elohim Emerald Order people, that was the first Primal Light Field that the other two came out of so that is the one with the largest Coding. So anyway, that's something of our family up there. And this is how we are connected to that family up there, through our DNA Template. It's interesting. In your books I think I put a little bit on the Christos Founders Races and some of the forms that they take. There is some just like for your information stuff put in that particular book that you have got and it's reprinted and published in a couple of other places. The forms that they have are very different. They don't all look human. The Christos Founders Races were things like large hominid cats. The Elohi-Elohim were the cat people. Some called them the "Leonines" and they had other forms that became more Hominid and more Hominid as they went. The Seraphi created the bird forms and some of the Reptilian forms. All right. The Braharama created cetaceans forms and several other. I believe the Pegasi as well. Yeah, they did the Pegasi form which horses and things like that came out of them. So, there is these animal forms we see running around on our planet, they are connected to us too and we are connected to them because originally the Christos Founders Races that we each have in manifestation of ourselves up there as one somewhere didn't have....the human form wasn't the first form created in this Matrix. It was a form that was created by combining the Coding of all three of those in order to create a form that could hold the Frequencies of the entire Matrix and also who would have the DNA that could heal anything living in this Time Matrix. So Humans and Indigoes are the living libraries. We are the libraries of DNA of everything that has ever existed in this Matrix. That's why we are very valuable because you can access anything through the human gene code if you understand the Templates. So anyway, this is the diagram that explains the 12-Strand, the basic, of the 12-strand DNA Template. Now, these things, each Strand has what are called 12-Base Codes and 12-Acceleration Codes. The Base Code are like Base Magnetic, EirA Codes. The Acceleration that corresponds with your Anti-particle Double are the Base ManA Codes. There is something called "Fire Letters.” All right, now Fire Letters. That is a word that's used to describe specific groupings of Scalar Wave Keylons. Remember, we talked about the Keylons, the crystallized groups of Scalar Waves that form very specific mathematical coding. The Fire Letters are the specific groups of mathematical codings and like, a fish would have different ones but a human that gives them the species differentiation. The human DNA Template was created with each Strand having 12-Fireletters that represent 1-Fire Letter sequence. So you have 12Fireletters in one Strand times 12-Strands equals 144-Fireletters. All right. Vector Codes are smaller aspects that we are not going to get heavily into, smaller aspects within the Fire Letters, smaller Codes within. Like if you are going to analyze a Fire Letter Keylon Code, you would go down to smaller units which will be called the "Vector Codes" and there are 144-Vector Codes in each of the Strands and times 12. That's where you get 1728. Each of those Vector Codes is connected and holds the program for one your selves in time. So as we begin to Activate DNA, we begin to Activate the Fire Letters and the Vector Codes within them which turns on the memory. But the memory is actually the open link between time, between that time period and who you are there and who you are here. It appears as memory because it is in a different space time location. Which means the body you have there has a different angular rotation of Particle Spin. So you are invisible to each other and so are your worlds. But you are connected directly through your DNA. So your incarnational memory comes back as your DNA Activates, in pieces, and not always as fast as you want it to either. This is what is called the "Tribal Shield" that I have spoke about. This is the basic mathematical, geometrical arrangement of the Tribal Shield part of our Shield Templates. It is also the geometrical configuration that when we are running the Templar manually. Now, in the ancient days, humans knew how to do this, and Indigoes, and we would do what are called the "Round Tables" where beings, people, would stand in this particular formation. Bodies. You would have a body
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Page 56 of 86 for each of those areas and they would stand in those very particular configurations in relation to each other and they would use Merkaba Science, which involved using the body to create amplified Merkaba Spin to amplify the amount of currents they were able to bring in, always under Maharic Seal, and bring in the higher currents, and together, they would tone the tones of the Shields and they would progressively bring in more and more of the Divine Blueprint Frequencies into the planet. This was the method by which humans and Indigoes were to heal the planet. Because again, the DNA Template and the Shields, when it's opened to run the Frequencies of D-12, the Divine Blueprint, it can connect with the Universal Divine Blueprint Frequencies. So we would run Round Tables and we would run them and Star Gates would open. If the Gate was damages and it couldn’t hold the Frequency, the Gate Opening where it would blow the Gate, we would actually run the rounds and we would create almost like a temporary Gate of Frequency that could anchor that. The people on the planet were actually the conduits that would allow for the Gates to open and there is a whole Templar Science built on how to run the rounds. We were starting to do that until it went into Plan B then we need to do other stuff now at this point. We were starting to heal the planet by running the rounds and they were funny. The biggest one we had was how many? Az responds, "70ish.” That was the Calgary one, wasn't it? Yeah. The biggest one we had was in Calgary where we had 70 something people standing up doing Merkaba Spin which we will learn in the Dance For Life thing. It's called "Salutation", but we were doing it in the round formation, doing the tones and building sound waves, standing Pillars of Sound. That's what it's about. And it's fun. It's a fun technology. It's kind of awkward when you watch people here do it. When you watch the Eieyani do it, it's like a choreographed, amazingly choreographed. Totally everybody is in sync with each other with every movement but nobody is tipping over. You know, that kind of stuff. Because they know how to build. They build Sound Columns this way. They heal planets this way. So, this was the stuff in the Round Table stories too, you know about King Arthur and the Legend of the Round Table. Anyway. This is the Tribal Shield Template. It basically shows you where the Selves of yours are positioned in time within the Planetary Shield in the Planetary Time cycles. If 216-Selves, and this is also called by the way the "Cycle of the Rounds" where it's the placement of your bodies, of your 1728-Selves, within a Planetary Round or one Planetary Time Cycle, within a large Planetary Time Cycle. There is actually four cycles, Cycle of the Rounds, and we have 216-Selves in Round-1, which were the Pleidia Earth type Cloister Races that were from 798,000 BC to 208,216 BC. So you have an incarnate. The fact that you are here implies you have a Self in that Race Line in that time period. In Round-2, 216-Selves in what are called the "Cloister Races" in 73,000 BC. These actually extend into the future so some of them are in the future of this planet. You have Round-3 which is this one and were the Earth Type Cloister Races, 208,100 BC to 75,000 BC and then you have 216 Selves in Round-4 which are Root Race Rounds, 71,000 BC and into the future. This is on one side and you have that, let me do the totals on this. This totals it up. So you have each of the 12-Planetary Time Cycles in one Planetary-12 Cycle of the Rounds. So there are 12 of these positions and then there is that center one. Each of the 12-Planetary Time Cycles in one Planetary-12 Cycle of the Cycle of the Rounds has 72-Time Vectors. Twelve Strand Angelic Humans have one Self in each of the 72-Vectors of the Particle Universe Planetary-12 Cycle and 72-Selves in the corresponding AntiParticle Planetary 12-Cycle. Seventy-two Selves times 12-Planetary Time Cycles equals 864-Selves per One Planetary 12-Cycle plus 864 Selves Parallel Universe Planetary 12-Cycles. That's where you get your 1728-Selves in your own personal Tribal Shield. So we have all these selves in these different Race Lines that were on planet at those different times. There are some of us that are running around 7-12 feet tall and we actually have incarnations that are there. They will help us just like we will help them. We are helping them in the future and they are helping us from the past. But the past is just alive. It is just as alive as we are and so is the future right now. So, anyway. How am I ever going to get through all this stuff? Oh, I heard a groan. That's probably one of the people that have been around awhile. Like, oh no, not the atom. This is an atom. You know, the things your body is made out of. Right? An atom. This chart basically shows you and I am not going to get extensively into it. We cover it more in the Dance For Program, but it's to show you all these 15-Rays of Primal Light Force Currents that are coming through your Shields, how very personal they really are and how very tangible they really are. Literally, this is one Atom and these would be, each one of these is the Dimensional Frequency that wouldn't be manifesting in
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Page 57 of 86 the Atom if they were all turned on. Here is again, the Rays that we talked about, the 15-Rays, the Density-1, the Density-2, Density-3, Density-4. When you read them across this way, these are the Carriers of the EirA. These are the Carriers of the ManA. And these are the Carriers of the ManU energies. Now again, we have Ray-1. It's a D-1 Frequency. That's the Chi. Right? Protons are the Carriers of that. Now we have Protons in Cell Structure and in Atomic Structure. All right. Ray-2, the Kee, electrons. We have those electrons orbit the nucleus of the cell where the protons are inside of it. We have also Ray-3, D-3, the Ray Frequencies are neutrons and they are inside of the Atomic Core or Nucleus of Atoms. So, literally, we are seeing when science looks at Protons, Neutrons and Electrons, what they are seeing are the Carriers of these three Rays. What they are not seeing are the Rays that are shut off which means there would be more things in every Atom that science looks at under a microscope if these Frequencies were turned back on in the body. All of these things are actually blocked out. And this is when we get into how much of what was blocked out. So there is a little bit of that and a little bit of that. But these have different names again. When we go up to the Density-2 ones, the Prana, the Units are Meions but they are Density-2 Protons. Right? So, if you read it over here, the top level, the 1-4-7-10 ones, are the Carriers of the EirA Frequency and they're all Protons at different Density Levels. So, really we are dealing with Protons, Electrons and Neutrons as the Primary Carriers of these Ray Currents into the body and science here hasn't a clue about the 15-Rays and all that stuff yet. But, there would be a difference if you tried to look at a Meion under a microscope compared to a Proton. First of all you wouldn't see it here, but you could see its effects. Science is already starting to find things that they know something must be there. They don't see the matter but they can see the influence of its presence on other matter bodies within Cells and things. So all of these Currents have been primarily shut off. Now, some of them are partially on. Let's see, Frequencies fully blocked are ones D-9 through D-12, which means D-9-11-and 12. These are completely blocked from manifesting in the Atomic Structure. Frequencies that are half blocked with half of Active Currents mathematically reversed, D-1 through 8. So D-1 through 8-Currents. They are half turned off which basically gives you like a D-4 equivalent Current, but it's not a straight D-4 Current. This is literally an Atomic mutation that everything that's made of Atoms on this planet carries, not just humans. These are the Planetary Shields that are carrying it. But, this has D-1 through 8 are reversed. They are half blocked and half of them are carrying reversed mathematics. This is where the Phantom Matrix Black Hole people and the Wesedak Matrix Black Hole people can plug into our bodies. It is literally through the Atomic Structure. Those problems in the Atomic Structure are what are manifesting because of the Reversals and the Implants in the Shields. So it's the Shield distortions and the Kathara Grid distortions that are manifesting their way up through the System, through the Chakras, through the Axiatonals, literally right into the Atoms that matter is composed of here. When we begin to heal, we begin to reverse that process. So there is going to be some interesting changes happening on this planet the more it heals. Atoms are going to do things that science doesn't know they can do. The DNA is going to do things science doesn't know it can do. But there is probably going to be a lot distraction in the meantime where we are probably not going to hear about that anytime soon on the news because they are going to be too busy throwing bombs at each other. At least if certain people have their way. Anyway, so this diagram, again, this one I think is just in the Dance For books. I don't think we put that in. Did we put that in the other book? I am trying to remember which ones we put that in and which ones we put in that because that's a supplement so you probably won't get a lot of this stuff that's in Dance For in that because this is really a supplement to it. But again, more intensive stuff on this is in the Dance For Program. But at least it shows you the connection to all these things, your Shields, your DNA and all that, right down into your Atoms, the Atoms that you are made out of. Now, at the center of every Atom there is supposed to be something called the Neutron Window. The Neutron Window is what Activates and allows the Amorea Flame to come up into the Atomic Structure to begin blending those currents so the body can literally turn itself back into light and back. Now, the Neutron Window in the hydrogen atom has been mutated out where it actually isn't in there which means, Hydrogen, H2O, Hydrogen; Hydrogen is a big part of our body. It is also the bond that holds the DNA Ladder Chains together. So this mutation had blocked the ability to open the Neutron Window that isn't manifesting right now in the hydrogen atom so the DNA couldn't Activate to create the chemical changes in the body that were needed to blend all of these Currents together so the body could turn into light. But, that will begin to change too.
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It ought to be really interesting to see is how long it will take before science begins to find the first "It's a hydrogen atom, but it can't be because it has Neutrons in it." All right. There is going to be changes, literally, on the Atomic Structure, that are going to take place on this planet. But I don't know how fast they are going to be apparent compared to how fast other crisis stuff is going to get in the way where science doesn't have time to bother looking at things like that. So, anyway, I just wanted to show you this. There is more on this information in the Dance For Life Programs.
Allentown 2002 Disc 7, Track 2 All right. Merkaba! All right. This is going to be the quickest course in Merkaba that we have ever had. Because right now, Dance For, again, gets into Merkaba because we are teaching you how to do some external, like getting your external spin going to get the internal Merkabas working in the right direction and stuff. With the Flame Body Activations, it is actually more important to do those first. Then, if you want to use the Dance For Programs as a Supplement to make things happen faster, and to, basically what they're saying is that if you just want to be able to Ascend whenever your natural time to depart the planet through death is, just do Flame Body Activations because that will get you out safe. But if you want to actually be able to take your physical body, do both programs. That's what they're suggesting. And there is no promises anybody is going to get through a Gate. I mean, this could all go really wrong, but it's not going to. Failure is not an option. But, anyway, Merkaba Fields, basically, what I want you to see on here is that to understand a Merkaba Field, they are around any matter object. You have a set of counter rotating spirals of electromagnetic energy and you have one coming down from the top and one going up from the bottom. Right now, the other Merkaba teachings on this planet have been teaching you to run your Merkaba in reverse. They have been teaching you to, they call this one the top one. They call that the female. It's supposed to spin counter clockwise. That is not true. That is the Electrical Merkaba that is supposed to run ManA Energy into the body and down. It spirals energy, you know, clockwise, down into the body. This one is the actual female one that spirals counter clockwise, in a counter clockwise rotation, the EirA Energy up and not just into the body, up through the body and out into the Universe. Actually this comes down and feeds it through into the planet, and this spirals up and out, through you into the Universe. And literally, its a Circulatory System by which the energy, the Primal Life Force Currents, get moved into your Template and into the rest of the things that are built on your Template and your Shields. So its kind of like the pump of the Circulatory System that allows the Primal Life Force Currents to flow through your Fields and all of that. The Connection between the Shields, here, if you can see that this Shield, that the actual shape of the Merkaba has to do with the Shield Activation Levels. When you Activate fully the Telluric Shield, it creates, it comes out here like this and it actually, the Shields spin and the Merkaba spin. They spin together. The Shield Spin creates the Merkaba Spin. It creates the movement of the Merkaba. So, each of these Shields spin and they generate and they keep the Circulation System of the Merkaba Field going. Now, there is a lot to Merkaba. If we could, look at this here too. This funny little kind of lop sided diagram over here shows the Shields. This shows the Maharic Shield down here if you were looking at it without your body, here's the Merkaba, all right, how it works in there and the Maharic Shield would be here running the D-10-11-12 Frequency. This would be your Telluric Shield running D-1-2-3 Frequency. This would be the Doradic Shield running the D-4-5-6 Frequency. And this would be the Teuric Shield, the D-7-8-9 Frequency. Now, this thing here, this Shield here, which is usually dormant until you get Maharic Shield Activated. And the process of usual evolution is you start with the Density-1 Shield that Activates through a process of moving through a life as you are drawing in Frequency with the breath and then exhaling it back out. It would be a very slow
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Page 59 of 86 Evolutionary Path first Activating this one, then this one and then this one. Then, eventually this one would Activate. What we are doing is manually Activating and we are allowed to do that. God gave us that system to use in case we needed to. We are manually Activating this one which triggers Activation of all of these which triggers Activation and Building of the Frequencies that form the Merkaba Field around and within the body. There is lots of little Merkaba Fields literally all the way through the whole body system. It's called the "Diodic Grid.” And that's something we get into in Kathara Healing a little bit. They didn't give us too much on that, but it's like, if you could look at even the DNA forms, when the DNA chemicals begin to talk to each other the way they are supposed to, when the Hydrogen bonds between the Ladder Chains act like they are supposed to, they actually form. The chemicals come together and they form many Merkabas within the DNA itself. So they literally from the inside out, the body turns itself into Light so it can go through Gates. This is the Rishiac Shield, the Rishiac Shield that goes with Density 5, Dimensions- 13, 14 and 15. That would be the Shield that would activate when you begin running the Kee-Ra-Shay Primal Light Currents. All right. There is another Shield that we will see in a little bit. Now this is what we call the "Baby Merkaba.” It's capable of going in two directions. It's a Bi-vector Merkaba. It can go horizontally. And it can go Vertically, but it can't shift this way. Now if you remember the Ecka Maps, we have our Star Gates here, the Parallel Star Gates there. That's Horizontal right? This is Vertical. We have our Primal Light Fields here. We have their Parallel Primal Light Fields here. but in this Center that comes through from the connection of those Four Kathara Grids, we have that little Inner Ecka Kathara Grid Gate set. It's on this. It runs on a Diagonal compared to the rest. This Merkaba can't take you in there. You need one that's called the "Tri-Veca Merkaba" or an Eckasha Merkaba that has the ability to do three Axis Angles, not just two. And that's what we are building when we do full 12-Strand D-12 and higher Activation Levels. Okay. All right. This is what the 12-Point 12-Plane Inner Earth Merkaba Vehicle. This is the Masters, the Ascended Masters real ones Merkaba Vehicle. It's not just a little star tetrahedron shape, which would be the two pyramid shapes going together. This is actually built on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-Points, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-Points. That's 12-Points and it has 12-Planes, six on top and six coming up on the bottom. It's like a big umbrella. The bottom one is smaller as it's supposed to be because the proportions that are actually supposed to be with the Merkaba Fields has to do with how much ManA and how much EirA Energy where the ManA, EirA Energy Balances are. With the Reverse Merkaba Teachings that are out there are totally changing the balance of ManA and EirA as it runs through the system. And that's actually made the matter on this planet about 2/3rds more dense than it's supposed to be. We are actually much more dense, physically dense, than we are supposed to be and it's killing us. We are compacting. So when we begin to work with the Eckasha Merkaba, we are getting the spins back and the proportion. The shapes have to do with what the proportions are supposed to be. When you first begin building it, you start with the little one that we saw on the other page that didn't have the big umbrella shape. And there is a ratio between the top and the bottom spin that is supposed to 11 and 2/3rds EirA Energy coming up from the bottom for every 33 and l/3 Units of Electrical Energy or ManA Energy coming down from the top. You take that ratio all the way up. The ratio stays consistent as you're building the Merkaba up the Densities. That would be the natural Density-1 and Density-2. Thirty-three and one third would be natural for the Density-2, the top part, the Electrical ManA, part of the regular Merkaba Field and the 11 and 2/3rds would be the natural part for the bottom in Density-1. Those ratios have to do with, literally, the ratios between Protons and Electrons because remember, they are the Carriers of these Forces. So when you change the Spin and the Spin Direction and the Spin Ratios to each other of a Merkaba, you are changing the relationships between them at the Atomic Core. You are changing the relationships between the Primal Life Force Currents and between Protons, Neutrons and Electrons within the body itself, within the matter itself. As we build the Frequencies in our Shields, Activate our Shields, our DNA, to build, this is the Merkaba Field that's going to be building around the body and within the body. That will progressively begin the restoration of the natural 11 and 2/3rds EirA to 33 and 1/3rd ManA energy coming in. So this is what will be the result of the work that we are doing. So, it's like, you can use Techniques to do Merkaba that will help to Activate the Shields, Activate the DNA, clear the Chakras, get yourself in body. Or you can do a Technique that help to get yourself in body that will automatically do all of the other stuff too. They all are intertwined. So, when we work Flame Body Activations, what we are doing is all of this. We are building the Merkaba at the same time. We are Activating the Shields, Activating the DNA, la-te-
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Page 60 of 86 da-te-da-te-da. The whole thing is all interconnected, which is nice. That means you don't have to do it all piece by piece. All right. Now. When this Merkaba is fully Activated, when we get his fully Activated, there is our Rishiac Shield. Remember the Rishiac Shield, the D-13, 14, and 15 Shield. Here is our Maharic Shield, our Telluric Shield, our Doradic Shield and our Teuric Shield. There is this other one. This is our Eieyanic Shield that corresponds to the Inner Ecka Core. That comes into Activation and that's what allows, not just a Vertical. You can not just move Vertically with that Merkaba. You can not just move Horizontally, but you can also move actually in any direction on a diagonal. This one can actually go like this. (whooshing sounds) So it can actually go in any direction on a diagonal. So, this is the Merkaba that we are building. So, the processes that we go through are progressively building this. And what this does is create in the Field the Flame Body. It creates around the body. See this thing around the body. And if you look at this shape with the Maharic Shield, right, and this window that's called the "ManU Window", that opens up, that allows our bodies to move through space time into other Vectors. All right. But what does this shape look like? Yeah, the Ancient Egyptian Ankh shape, yeah. So, that has to do with the Fields that form as a result of Activating that Merkaba Field and all that, the Capsules, what the Body Capsules do, what the Auric Field does. I am going to go right into Radial Body. Right now, this is what our Radial Bodies are supposed to look like. Now, this is before that Merkaba is Activated in them, all right. This would just be as they were as we are still separated in Density. We have in here the Hova Body Levels of our Auric Field. They were the Levels of the Auric Field that we saw. This would be the first three, the Etheric Body and the Emotional Elemental Body, and the Mental Body Levels. Then there is thing around the outside. That is the Radial Body that we have been talking about. It's like the skin. It's the Capsule that separates this Density from the next Density Level. Now, there is a lot of information that is in the books that you can read on this. All right? We give you a lot of information. This is where your books pick up when we get into understanding the basic Radial Body Capsule. Now, the Radial Body has a basic structure. This is where we have the Meajhe Field which are Meion Units that are D-10 Protons, EirA Carriers. All right. That would be the Sound Field. We have the Trion Field, which are the Trion Units that are the ManA Carriers which are the D-11 Electrons or the Density-4 Electrons. That would around the next Level out. And then we have what's called the "Reion Field.” The Reion Field is the ManU Carrier Frequencies. That's what creates the final outer skin, the Void Skin on the Bubble. If you were going to go through it, it's actually like you are passing through a Void, but it's actually the skin of your own Radial Bubble and the Reions are the Density-4 Neutrons. All right. So, you are dealing with a Proton, Electron, Neutron Field here. But, a Density-4 Field where they are called "Meions" which creates the Meajhe Field. Trions creates the Trion Field and Reions which creates the Reion Field. Together they represent the Radial Body. Now, there is this other are of energy right inside. It's actually quite thin, but I wanted it to show up on the diagram. It's an area of energy that's polarized that exists between the Mental Body Level, the D-3 Mental Body Level, and the Inner Layer, the Meajhe Layer, or the Sound Layer of the Radial Body. Now it's polarized D-7 and D-5 Frequency. It's called the "Eiros.” When this becomes depolarized, it allows for a whole bunch of neat things to happen. First of all, it creates what's called the "Silver Sanctum Flame Body", the first Level of Activating your Flame Body. It allows the cords, now look at here, there's cords here. This is Astral Body. All right. What an Astral Body is, is see this little cord right here, there is a little area there that connects to a cord of energy that's usually closed by a Seal. This is the cord that you actually came into Fetal Integration through but you come in through the top and anchor down in here. The Cord of Energy closes after birth. At least the way the mutation works right now. Now, when we begin to go into Fourth Strand Activation, the Seals start to open. There are other Seals that I will show you in a minute that are more pertinent. These are the Density Seals. This Seal, when this Seal begins to open, this Cord begins to open and it allows the consciousness to move into the D-4 Frequency Bands. Not quite up into D-4 yet. It goes into the higher D-3 Frequency Bands where it can cross through the Radial Body Void Space. It's the beginning of activating the Full Flame Body that we'll see in a minute.
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The Astral Body itself is an imprint of the Template of the body that is made out of the Frequencies picked up in the Trion Meajhe Field so it's a Radial Body imprint like, picture a stamp pad. You have your body here, like that's the stamper and you make an imprint of it. But it an Electromagnetic Imprint so it takes on the characteristics of the physical body that you are carrying and that is what the consciousness can transfer from the Template here moving into the D-4 Frequencies with the Imprint and get to walk around and see other things as solid. All right? Now remember, what we see as solid what is exactly one dimension below our consciousness. If our consciousness is stationed D-3, what we are seeing as solid is the D-2 Elemental Plane. That's what most of us have been seeing down here as the Hologram. When you get up to here and you Activate Strand-4, it moves your consciousness into the Fourth Dimensional Frequency Bands. That allows you to see not the Astral Plane yet because the Astral Plane is D-4. Okay? When you first get Strand-4 Activated, the first thing your Astral Body is going to see isn't the Astral Plane at all. It's going to see D-3, the Mental Plane. When you get up into further Activations, there is other Seals that will release that we'll get into. Actually I could do it here, I think. Yeah, yeah. Now you can grow your Astral Body, which means you extend the Imprint into D-5 with Activation of DNA Strand Template-5 and the Shields of course respond to it. You will open up more of the Cord that allows you to shift the consciousness to make a 5th-Dimensional Imprint. So you are getting the Radial Body Imprint from here and from the Radial Body in Density-2 to make a 5th-Dimensional Imprint and that would allow you to see the D-4 Astral Plane as solid. Now, when you get all the way up to where you D-6 Strand Activated, if the Templates are working the right way, you would be able to see, you would be able to take the whole Density-1 Template up with you. Or you could just project and you would see the Density-2 Elemental Plane as solid. That's when you would have the full physical experience of Density-2. So, the Astral Body is this little part of ourselves that begins to form with Activation of DNA Strand Template-4 and 5. You can see the Astral Plane and walk around in the Astral Plane when Strand-5 Activates. But, most people when they are projecting, they don't know the difference with that. There is a lot of stories, "Oh, we're astral projecting." Most people that think they are astral projecting are actually Mental Plane projecting because they can't tell the difference yet. They don't know the anatomy and they don't realize the Strand connections and things like that. When you get 6-Strands Activated, the Strands have this thing we didn't get into with the Strand Template and we don't really have to. It's called DNA Strand Template Braiding where there are Fire Codes in-between each Strand that when the Strands Activate to a certain Level, when a set of three Strands Activate, the Fire Codes in-between them Activate. And they are Fire Codes that are in the Shields as well and they allow for chemical Braiding of the DNA Strands where they produce new chemicals, a chemical called Celestine. And it's a transient chemical that only appears in the process of transmutation and it has a very short, I think they call it half life or whatever. It disappears very quickly. That would happen in the DNA once you got 3-Strands and 3-Strands Activated, which means you would have the ability to go 2-Densities. You could take your body. Your body would have the ability to move through 2-Densities. Now, as you go up the Strand, you have 9-Strands Activated, you have the ability to move 3Densities, you know, to literally, physically, go 3-Densities. If you have 12-Strands, you can go 4-Densities which means you can go to Density-4 Pre-Matter Liquid Light, which means you are going to completely go out of matter if you want to. And, you know, further up with Indigoes. If you are not born with an Indigo Template down here, that doesn't matters. It doesn't mean you are stuck. It means you would get yourself to, like the D-12 Level, and then you have another part of your Shield there, but it wasn't a part that you manifested in the Lower Shield because you decided you didn't want to do that. I mean if we come in with only 12-Strands, as opposed to having 48-Strands or something. The 48-Stranders or the old timers that came in and said, "Oh God, we still gotta clean up the mess down here, don't we?" They are totally on Service contracts which means they don't, they have Free Will but they gave their Free Will back and said, "Let my will by thy will" and "Let my work be thy work" and "Let thy work be good." So anyway, back to this again.
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Page 62 of 86 This is the beginning of understanding Flame Bodies because what's going to happen when we Activate certain things and begin the release of Seals, the first thing we are going to release is this which is going to release this. It is going to begin opening this Cord again, so it's going to begin giving you the ability, and it won't happen overnight, but it will begin giving you the ability to project. Do Mental body first, projection, and it will feel like Astral Projection. Or it feels the same way. But you will start to learn after awhile when you start to get out there, you will start to feel different qualities of energy and you'll start to be able to sense which Dimensional Frequency Bands you are actually moving through when you are doing it but that takes awhile. First, you have to get out there. All right. What this will also do is depolarize this Zone here, the Eiros, and allow it to turn into pale silver Christos Liquid Light, D-7, 7 plus 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. It turns into D-12 Frequency. What it does is give you a Capsule. It's an Eckasha shaped Capsule that connects up to the next Seal of Liquid Light surrounding the body in the Field and that's the first step in the Flame Body. And that would be your Density-1 Capsule. There is another stage where your Density-2 Capsule would form and then you would finally form a Capsule around them that would allow the two to open. When we get into Amorea Flame Activation, that's what we are doing. We are first going to depolarize the Eiros Level of our Density-1 bodies to create what is called the "Silver Sanctum" which is around us like the Holy Sanctum Sacred Place and it is a very strong protection Field. It's like an amplified Maharic Seal and once that is built, you can run the Frequencies that will build the Amorea Body which is these three Levels of the Radial Body depolarized and they turn into the Emerald Flame of Amorea. Remember we talked about that being that Center Point Flame way up at the top of the Stairway. Well, this is how to turn ourselves into walking Amorea Flames, walking Faces of the Eternal Flame. And our bodies stay, but progressively as you move through this, right now we are doing it on emergency, you know, for emergency reasons, for protections and also to help the planet. But when you get to play with this after awhile, there is all sorts of wonderful things you can learn to do once those Frequencies are Activated. But they don't get Activated overnight. It's a building process and if you don't work with the Technique, you know, if you don't, like, keep energizing your Shields to hold the Activation, they will shut down again because the Planetary Grids are messed up. They are not going to hold the Activation for you. So fortunately, the Techniques that we have to get through, they are a bit long and we have today and tomorrow to get through all of them. But once you are through them, when you go to the next Technique, Technique-8, that is in your books, after 4-6 weeks of letting those Activations hold, if you do the real simple maintenance thing, it's a lot easier than even Maharic Seal. It will hold the Flame Body Activations which will hold up a Maharic Seal. It will keep the Maharic Seal alive so you don't have to run it anymore. So, they are really, really powerful Activations. I will show you what happens. Now, this, this is the Silver Sanctum one? Right? Yeah, the Flame of Eiros and the Silver Sanctum. So when that Eiros field that was here in this body down here, now the is the Density-2 one, right. We are on Density-1 body, that Eiros depolarized and becomes a Pale Silver Bubble of Liquid Light, your first Eckasha Bubble. But you still have the polarized Levels out here, right. But, it keeps the Maharic Seal Activated. It opens this Doorway. It opens the Seal that was there. And the Seal that's actually there. It's called the "Dimensional Lock Seal-3" and it's a Strand-4 Activation when you are doing it in the DNA Template. Once that Seal releases, the Eiros depolarizes, you get your Silver Sanctum Bubble and this Cord opens. It's called the "E-Umbi Cord.” That's one of those ancient words again. And it's right above the navel. And it's a little Flame that actually Activates in the Shield, right there, in the Telluric Shield. And there is an exercise that we'll do to Activate this first and then the next stage; oh, and it also, by the way, when this happens, you get a protective capsule around the Astral Body. It would give it an imprint of the Eiros Flame Body. This is called the Eiros Flame Body or Silver Sanctum. So, you get a little Silver Sanctum also surrounding the astral, the imprint that would be the Traveling Body. But still, you would only be going to see the Mental Plane as solid until you would only be going to see the Mental Plane as solid until you went to Strand-5 Activation. Now, let me show you on the other one, the Amorea Flame. This is what we are aiming for for now, and actually, now, notice, and remember, there is the two separate, the two bodies are separate, right. There was that big Field of the Radial Body around each one of them. With this Activation there is a depolarization that takes place in the
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Page 63 of 86 Density-1 Level of the Radial Body where it becomes the Emerald Amorea Flame, by where the ManU, the ManA and the EirA Levels of the Trion Meajhe Reion Field all mix together and blend to reform the original Amorea Flame, and that forms around. You have your Silver Sanctum Eiros Flame around and this is what your Auric Field is turning into. All of those, like, polarized Levels that you were feeling going like this, they will progressively start to not be there because the Auric Levels are blending. It will also start the Chakras opening into each other which starts the process of the opening of the Central Vertical Current which opens the Cranio-Sacral Seals and all of those little Seals that are in the Main Vertical Current. Yeah! These are very powerful. I mean, usually, you would like, work at, you know, "First we'll work on these Seals, then these Seals." You know, the slow way. This is not the slow way. This is the "Get that body down there fast!" way. Right. "Get the Flame around the bodies!" So, when they were giving this, I knew something was up. It was like, "ooh." You know, for them to give this Level now. Gosh, it's even hard for us to keep up with it. You know. It's serious business, what's happening on the planet. They wouldn't be revealing this level of knowledge now if it wasn't. So, anyway. Now, there is still polarization after this Level of Activation. There is still polarization on the Density-2 Levels, but the Density-1 Body has the Emerald Flame around it and the Silver Eiros Flame within it and has these two cords open which means it's able to go into D-5 at this point. So, you can see the Astral Plane. It also is the beginning process, well actually, 2/3rds of the way of being able to fully merge the physical bodies as well. What it does right now for us most importantly, and by the way you are also building the Merkaba as you go along because it is filling out the Frequencies and picking up the speed of Spin in the Merkaba. The reason we are being given it now primarily is first for protection. Secondarily, if it goes poorly where there is a need for rapid evacuation, this Body is needed to get through to the Inner Ecka Gates, so we are being given that. Now, if enough of us Activate, it will help many, many other people on the planet who will never see this work. If they have the Frequency potential in their Templates, they will also spontaneously Activate them. And we will also become walking Portals where we transmit that Frequency like a Buffer Field around us into the other things and trigger its Activation in anything that can hold it, including Planetary Grids, which means we can help to hold the Planetary Grids up by anchoring these Frequencies into the Planetary Grids. Question: "How many of us will go?" Ash: They didn't give us a number, they have always said that, particularly with Indigoes, because they, I mean, you know, there is Indigoes running around out there with 48-Strands in their Template. It's a tiny, tiny group of Indigoes, or Indigoes and humans mixed can counteract huge, huge populations of like, Illuminati Races and the Frequencies they are running. Because they can't run any of these higher Currents, so they have to have lots and lots and lots of bodies to try to, you know, keep up with Running the Currents they even need to keep on the planet to do the mess that they are doing. So, the numbers don't matter right now. And they won't give them to me. I kind of ask the same questions. It's like, Never mind, just do it. You know what I mean? Just do it! Don't worry about who else is doing it. If you want to do this, you know, be a part of this, do it and Trust. Trust that there will be enough. All right. I could take that two ways, like, "Oh, God, it's that bad." You know. But I won't. I won't go there. All right. At least we know that if we get these bodies Activated within ourselves, we will do several things. One is, if evac is necessary, we could be on that list. All right. We may get the chance to do that with the physical body. It will also help to clear something else that's called the "Shadow" and this is what I wanted to get to for you to understand, is the Shadow Body. I think that's coming up. Yeah. All right, yeah. We'll start there with the Shadow Body. Yeah Okay, now. We are going to start with the Implants, the Four Black Hearts of Metatron Implants. These are the Implants of the BeaST. These are the signs of the BeaST in the body. They manifest in the Main Vertical Current here. They manifest in the Kathara Grid at these points. This is called the "666-Seed Atom.” Yep. It has to do with that Star Gate-6, Star Gate-6, Star Gate-6 connection where the horizontal cross bar of the Blue Sword comes
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Page 64 of 86 through. If they have their way, that Blue Sword comes through here and goes right through the body and completely reverses the whole Shield Template. That's the plan that they have on their side. All right, now. This is the area also, notice where that is, it's between the 6th and 7th Point. This point here is the place in the body where the Amorea Flame would Activate in the Base of the Thymus. So, when we Activate, when we do these Flame Body Activations, we are clearing this area. We are neutralizing, beginning the process of neutralizing these Implants. All right. There is a process of neutralizing Implants because the Implants aren't the only problem. The Implants allow the problem to become our problem and I will show you what the are in a minute. Now, just to give you a quick view of, which do I want to see, I wanted to show them in the DNA. Okay. Let's look at this for a minute as the DNA Template. This is where those Black Heart Implants would manifest in the DNA and these would be where the Jehovian Seals that we talked about before of the Inner Crucifixion taking place. The 666Seal would be here between Strands-6 and 7. Now, this is looking at the DNA Template a little upside down. Strand-12 is right here. It's also to show that this is also your Shield, that diagram for DNA Strand Template. This diagram actually is a diagram of a portion of your Shield, your Maharic Shield. See, how the 12 is up here. Now, I have it flipped just to show something. That same diagram with the 12 down here, if you are standing, you are looking at Strand-6, Strand-12 behind you, right. This one in front of you. Over to your left, you have the Strand-3 programming. Over the right, the Strand-9 programming. This is part of how they teach you how to do Merkaba Spin, how you know, "Where am I, counter clockwise or clockwise?" Yep. But this shows you also that your DNA Template, it literally is a part of your Shield and it's part of the Maharic Shield that Activates below your feet when you do the Maharic Seal and all of those Activations and it's showing you the orientation of where in your Shield the Implants are and where they are is what is something called the "Shadow Body.” And there is Four Levels of Shadow Body. These Implants are on 4-Density Levels. They are Density-1, 2, 3, and 4. We have got them in Strand-5, in Strand-8, in Strand-11 and in Strand-2. This is the one you don't have to worry about right now because that's the last one, the last Black Heart of Metatron that, once that's fully Activated in the Grids and that what the BeaST starts, that's what sets these in motion. It sets the whole sword process in motion. That's the last one. The others have been partially Activated for a number of years at different times. I think it started in 25,500 when they started Activating this stuff. But this is why they are giving us this one that's in Strand-2 that corresponds to our Emotional Elemental Body. All right. It will come right through the Elements in our body, the water in our body, the atoms in our body, the Blue Sword Currents. The Flame Body Activations we are being given will protect us from that happening and there is a series of steps to them that if you run the steps, and the ones 1 through 7, you only need to do them once. And you can do them if you want to do any one of them after that you can within the 4-6 week period that you need to wait just amplify if you want to, but after that, you can do Technique 8 and that has to do with something called the "Visitors.” We have a Shadow Body and I will show you what that is in a second. And there is something else called "Shadow Dancers.” Dancers. (End of /Disc-7) Transcribed by: Amanda Williams
Disk 8 Allentown 2002 Disc 8, Track 1 and 2
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Page 65 of 86 All right this is our Shadow Body, how it is manifesting. You know how our Radial Body is supposed to look. Right? Well, here's the Electrostatic Fields, the unnatural ones. We are actually carrying these with us in our Auric Fields and they are actually in the Atoms. If you look at your Atoms, like an Atom has a little Auric Field, the Atoms are even carrying these. So, this is an internal and an outside of your body phenomena. This is called the "NET", the Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction Field. What this does is create a mess. These Implants, and they have already been partially Activated, except for the lower one. It has not been fully Activated. That natural Current, that natural conduit, the E-Umbi Cord, that would come up here and the other Cord that would come up, that's called the "AzurA Cord", that would come up here that allows for the consciousness to move out and take the Imprint of the Radial Body with it to create an Astral Body, what is does is split the Current. It lodges half of it over in the 3rd-Dimensional Mental Body Plane and takes the other half and puts it in complete reversal. That part, when you go to sleep at night, that part of you goes on a journey over into Phantom Matrix. Now where they have these, dust and everything has one of these Shadow Bodies, everything that has a molecular body on the planet or an atomic body has one of these. But its literally the part of yourself that always seems to have an opposite impulse that makes it so hard like, "I am going to be good. I am not going to eat that chocolate cake. Yes you are. No I'm not. Yes I am." It's the part of you that literally will take your intention and twist it and try to manifest the opposite. It's going on autopilot. The Shadow Body has been using 2/3rds, it has 2/3rds of our energy right now because the planet is under 2/3rds Merkaba Reversal. That means we have got l/3rd of ourselves left. That's why for eons now, humanity hasn't been able to even conquer it's own Shadow. It hasn't even been able to know what a Shadow was because the Shadow has been bigger than the consciousness that's focused this way into the Divine Blueprint Template. The Flame Bodies, building the Flame Bodies and doing these Activations will give us enough Frequency power to heal this because you don't want to cut it off because you are going to lose 2/3rds of our Template if you do. It needs to be healed and brought back around which in itself isn't too hard to do except for one little problem called "Shadow Dancers.” Also notice this is all the way up. There is 4-Densities. This only shows two, that Shadow is 4-Densities. We have a Gaian Shadow in Density-3. Actually, we have an Aramatena, a Lyran Shadow in Density-4 from D-11 down but it's not all the way up. It's not full D-12. We have the Density-3 Gaian shadow, Density-2 Taran Shadow and the Density-1 Earth Shadow. And we have to heal all of that because all of it is holding the Metatronic Implants that will receive the Frequencies of the Flaming Blue Sword. So, the problem isn't so much the Shadow. It's what the Shadow is connected to and this is where we find out about little, let's see what do they call people who, not party crashers, but one's who jump on the band wagon and try to get a free ride. Here is our Radial Bodies and our Shadow bodies. The Shadow Bodies that are manifesting in that Electrostatic Field, false Radial Body, they carry that false Radial Body Imprint with them into Phantom when we go to sleep. And they're connected directly to something over here in the Wesedak Black Hole System through feeding tubes of energy, literal feeding tubes of energy that work through the Implants and they have been working for a long time. These guys suck energy off through our Shadow Bodies. The Shadow Body has the Reverse Coding that allows them to plug in with their Reversed Frequencies. What they can also do is push their consciousness through those Cords and this is already going on. But the ancient stories about possession, well, this is possession. This is how it occurs. This is big possession because if a Shadow Dancer, we call those the Dancers, this is the Shadow. They are the Shadow Dancers because they are dancing with the Shadow and they don't belong here. The Shadow belongs to you. That was a part of your Template that was taken and twisted and turned into something it was not meant to be but these were never a part of your Template. These are from another Matrix completely. They forced a bond through the Metatronic Bond and the Metatronic Implants into your Shadow Body. So, what needs to be done for healing is disconnect the Cords to the Dancer and then bring and heal the Shadow Body and bring back your energy so that's what the Flame Body Activations and the Shadow Healing Technologies that go with them will do. It will begin that process. But literally we all are connected to those things right now.
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Page 66 of 86 If you looked at those things in their true form, because they will show up and sometimes they will even manifest here not by body snatchings, but like, literally beam in, temporary ones, like "Hello-o, I am an Ascended Master from another place." or something. They do a lot of that. They like to show off and try to make you believe that they are important. But, all right. All right, wait a minute. What? I lost my train of thought again. Wha-at? I know. They just told me to get on with it. Okay. They want to get to the Activations. All right. All right. I know. All right. We are going to get help with these Activations because there is some new people and stuff. The new people who want to participate with them, there is a group of Eieyani that are going to send Frequencies into the Planetary Shields under where we are, under this building and it will help to amplify. So, people that might not be able to hold the Frequency yet. It will give you the boost if you want it. It's there and it's like benign. It doesn't belong to the Eieyani. The Eieyani are not connected to your Fields or anything. They're simply going to amplify the Grids. But they have this timed so they're telling me to shut up and talk faster basically. (much laughter) All right. All right. All right. Anyway, that is our problem. This has been our nemesis of humanity for the last 25,500 years. And we are finally being given back the technologies where we can heal ourselves and get that polarized part of ourselves that always seems to fight with us back in line so we can start getting ourselves together and healed and safe. Allentown 2002 Disc 8, Track 2 AZ speaks: Okay. We are going to work through the first four of the Shadow Body Healing Techniques. Before we do that, home study this evening, page 58 of your books and preferably all the way through to page 63. But please read not less than page 58 if you would, please. Thank you. All right. Now. Some people we know will not have worked with the Eckasha or the Eckasha Quick Seal Activation as far as any length of time. And for those people who haven't and don't even understand what I am talking about, what I want you to do to simplify it is to take a look at the Eckasha image on the cover of your books. If you need to, refer to the Eckasha and during Technique-1, what we want you to do is to visualize the Teardrop shape of the Eckasha, that's the outer rim, with a Six-pointed Star at it's center. Now, regardless of what I say to everyone else about what they are visualizing, when I talk about visualizing the Full Eckasha, I want the people who are not familiar with this to see the outside shape with a six-pointed star in the middle where the thing that looks a bit like a wagon wheel in the middle. So see a six-pointed star where that wagon wheel is. Don't worry about any other symbols inside, just the external shape with a six-pointed star in the middle. Does everyone understand that? Okay. Good. Okay. So, each time I will read you the introduction that goes with the Technique as far as purpose is concerned, each of the Techniques has specific instruction on preparation associated with it. The sequence of using these Techniques is absolutely critical and we can't emphasize that sufficiently. You will find in the back of your books that you have been given, I think it's the second to last page, that there is a single page that outlines the sequences and the timing of working with the Techniques. And again I stress, it's critical that you follow those instructions, absolutely critical. Transcribed by Amanda Williams (Note that the remaining Tracks on Disc 8 are Techniques)
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Page 67 of 86 Disk 9 Allentown 2002 Disc 9, Track 1, 2, 6 and 7. Tracks 3, 4, and 5 are Techniques. Az speaks: Good Morning Everybody. Group: Morning. Az: You must love each other a lot. You never get enough social time. Do you? To begin at the beginning, apologies, but congratulations from Ashayana and myself to the newlyweds. I hope the wedding went well. Did you all come? (yeah) Excellent. With similar things in mind and because our classes always finish n a bit of flurry and usually later than we'd like and one of our little buttons is that you go and we go. And we don't see each other for a long time in between and this time it's going to be quite awhile before we see you again. It occurs to us both to make a note to say thank you to all of you, and to the rest of the Family who are not here today, for the love and the support and the encouragement that you have shared with us over the last two or three years. It's kind of odious to say "Hey Family", and then start talking abut individuals, but I hope you'll agree that there are certain people, particularly like Mac, who has done a huge amount to hold the progression of the distribution of the Teachings together, and has proved to be quite a Sage although I am aware not everybody in the egroup thinks that. (group laughter) Well, that's tough on them. Isn't that right? Other people, Joshua and Leia have done a tremendous job in the Azurite office, particularly through the last three or four months, and frankly, without them, I would have disappeared up one of the various orifices in my body. And Ashayana, I know is able to concentrate on a number of important developments during the same time. So, hats off to those two guys who've grown tremendously in that time. (much applause) There are a number of others I would like to mention by name but if I started doing that, I would all of you by name. You just get the message we are very grateful to you. You spend a lot of time expressing your gratitude to us and one way streets are kind of boring. You know. We have a tremendous affection for all of you and if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be doing this. (much applause) Now then, keep your hands still please. It's embarrassing. (laughter) You know, you are not supposed to have these nervous reactions. Anyway. Right. What's going on? This morning the Beloved is currently taking down some really fascinating additional information. Nothing else, just information, (laughter) which fits into the stuff that, when I say we, I could be meaning anything, but we is usually Ma'a, Ashayana and myself. Disc 9, Track 2 Az speaks: We took a particular thing to a Level that we knew wasn't complete and wanted to finish it by May next year and I am referring now to the thing we call the "Withness Quiz.” They have given us a little bit of extra stuff just to help it to dovetail with some of the other material, and that has meant that there is a different sequence in the way that the transpirings will come up during the day so we have jiggled the day's schedule around so I get to do some of the stuff that I would have done later so she gets the time to finish off this morning. So, what we are going to do in the next hour, 60-90 minutes, are two things. We are going to work on Techniques-5 and 6 first. And when we have done that, we are going to have a little bit of fun and I hope you can get that it is supposed to be fun. We are going to do the "Withness Quiz.” I won't say much about it. I will say something about it now. But, we will go back to the Introduction we would have used and then we will deal with the Analysis and then we will provide some commentary on it and then we will move into the rest of the program. So, we are hoping that it all hangs together in a way that you find it provides the understanding we would like it to. Hmm.
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Page 68 of 86 The Withness Quiz has got a long history. When I was moving through recovering from a beginning, my last Dark Night of the Soul, which by the way happens during the day most of the time (laughter) and goes on for a long time, I discovered that part of what I am supposed to represent had an interesting button associated with it which we all tend to say is truth, but truth i terms of the expression of the Angelic Mind. The reason for the Withness Quiz's being here has as much to do with demonstrating how we are each navigating our path towards the that I call, "Angelic Mind" or "Withness" as opposed to not. Now, in the early days of presuming to teach anybody anything in England and I know now that most of that work was a framework provided by the Guardians but I wasn't terribly aware that that's where it was coming from. I had a kind of reaction to people who gathered. And, I am not knocking English. It's common to everybody. I would find people that would show up to what I would refer to as a "Spiritual Coffee Morning" where it's an opportunity to get like-minded people together, and tell each other how just simply wonderful you are, how much progress you have made, how many DNA you have activated this weekend, how much you paid to pick up your light buddy a couple of weeks ago (laughter) and all that kind of thing. And then everybody would go away again and you would find people bad mouthing each other just like, "pmoof.” I mean a little bit similar to people who go to church on a Sunday morning, they bruise their knees, they pray like hell and they get out on the front lawn and they start bitching at everybody else. Right? Now, this is kind of serious. This is really serious because the reason why it's so serious is this in the current context, and I wish Ashayana was here just to correct me if I go too far but Ma'a will anyway, which is this. It's one thing to have the best Techniques on the planet to Activate but I am telling you something. If you don't make a commitment to Shifting towards the consciousness that we call "Angelic Mind" and pull the product of the Techniques, you can spend from now 'til mmm, doomsday, I am sorry to say, doing Techniques. They will provide benefit but the benefit that we know that you are looking for is maximized by looking at ways in which you can make the Shift. Okay. Because what you are affectively doing is you are actually locking on to what we call a "Future Self.” Right? And you are pulling yourself and the Future Self together which is the first Level of expansion and expression. And the reason why that's important is because if all of you graduate and all of you want to, you will find yourself working for real in a place that we call "Collective Conscious" and in Collective Conscious everything is known, seen, felt by everybody else simultaneously. So, it's a big responsibility to go to the place you want to go to and really the truth is that none of us are quite ready yet. And one of the reasons is that we still represent something of a virus on the cosmic internet. All right? So, we have got to get our Norton's out or our McAfee's out and purge the stuff. Now. The reason for the Quiz is for the first and only time that given my longtime background in Behavioral Psychology and contact with some people, particularly a lovely lady who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona who first showed me her own development of certain Jungian influence. I mean Carl Jung was a psychologist who was stimulated in a spiritual way in investigating spiritual aspects of the Soul as opposed to clinical people like Freud and others who just had their ideas about how it all happened. I did some personal work in England which subsequently Ma'a showed me where that should be going in a spiritual context, and we have taken the best of all of the classical analytical material and moved into a 15-Dimensional setting so that we are able to look at things we call "Personas" that are sometimes referred to as "Power Nodes" and the product of that will be your own, today, your very own, take it home with ya’, your own picture of your affiliation with your Capstone Nodes and what that means in terms of your origin. You will know before you are done this morning, not quite this morning maybe, but this afternoon, you will know which of the Founding Families you are associated with. You will know which of the three Primal Life Force Currents to work with to balance your Primal Life Force Currents. You will know which Tones, you will know which colors you are sensitive to. So what we are going to do is to put you through a Quiz situation which will provide you with a Tool. And that Tool leads to what I call the "Best Technique of All" and that is the one you create for yourself and then you come into your power. Right. You start to have a new relationship with the material. Because then you are starting to actually create a weave, so to speak, of a very sensitive combination of things that work just for you whereas you know we have to present things in general ways. It will help you to look at things differently in a very personal way. All right. But there is a bit of a
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Page 69 of 86 lecture about Angelic Mind that will come later. (light giggles) All right now. If the good scouts at the back will begin to distribute the Quizzes, if you can get 3 or 4 of you doing it so we don't spend so much time with that. While we are doing that, it occurs to me to make another comment, which is for time reasons and also for personal reasons, I don't feel very comfortable talking to other people about analysis of their personal condition. What the Quiz will do, it's first Level is it will reveal the presence of Shadow and Shadow Sight influences. These are the Shadow Personas, and although in the handouts that you are getting, there is more than adequate and a brief description of these Personas and since it is very personal, and we respect the fact that it is, I won't spend any amount of time talking about the specifics of each of the Personas in relation to anybody in the room. That's not right. But, what I will do is I will talk about the Personas as groups as they relate to the ManU, ManA and EirA. Okay? And how they are indicative of a progression that each one of us is making. So, when I talk about in general terms, I will illustrate that. I will show you how what it looks like to have a set of scores, which you will finish up with. Please don't read those notes yet. I will show you what it means to have a set of scores which are indicative of the fact that someone is still playing in the Victim-Victimizer Game, which is the Base Level of supposed spiritual experience and then I will show you an illustration of what it looks like when you begin to integrate Soul really and how your own response to the questions is demonstrating and that's where you're at. And I will show you another example that shows your Oversoul Integration and what the scores look like. And I will show you a fourth and final example that shows you what Avatar Integrations looking like as a result of the scores that are being reflected in the 3-Spheres, each of which correspond to each of the Density Levels. And then we will come out right at the end where you are looking at ManU, ManA, EirA total which is what we will really be using to go to work on the Capstone Nodes which is really where we want your focus to go. Then your personal consideration/deliberation, you will take those scores and look at them privately and identify aspects and consider your own behavior, consider the points at which you have programs running basically that run so fast that intersecting them is really difficult. But it will provide you with support and reinforcement and some awareness of what is actually running through your Fields. All right? I suppose I should also add, I am beginning to do some of the preamble that I would have done if we had done this differently. I guess the context for this, the one that I like using, is to say to really simplify it and say, look, all the stuff, all the inputs you have been this weekend and other times actually have with them certain concepts of descriptions technically. You know. Shields, DNA Strands, Hova Bodies, Radial Bodies. All right? What I want to say to you about what this Quiz is doing is combining something that hasn't been mentioned actually. In Kathara, we talk about Apparthi. They are referred to as perceptual filters. But something that Ma'a was showing me yesterday afternoon is that he gave me a number before Bermuda which came out 27,236 and this was in an Angelic Human that has go 1728 other Selves in other places. This is a strange number and I couldn't at the time figure it out so I just accepted it at face value because yes it was and I should confirm the numbers. Right? Yesterday afternoon he was pointing out to me that how this number is constructed is if you imagine a ladder, 12rungs on a ladder, corresponds to each of the 12-Principal Dimensions. Inside of each of those, so Dimension-1 has 1728 Aparthi, Dimension-2 has 1728, 3 has 1728 and of course, it's obvious because at every Dimension Level, there is a plug for each of the 1728 aspect of yourself all the was through to 12. The balance we figure comes from 2500 Aparthi, which correspond to D-13, 14 and 15. All right? Strange number and we don't know why it’s there but that's the way it is. Now, when we talk about what the Quiz is showing up, what the Quiz is showing up is where exactly the Aparthi are receiving Reverse Frequency. So if you think about the 4-Shields, right, the 4-Shields, each one corresponds to 3-Dimensional Levels. Inside of there, you have 3 x 1728 Aparthi and they are all little like little radio transceivers and they are attuned to Reverse Frequency. All right? And it's those in the Shields that are pulling the Frequencies from Phantom and Wesedak side into your experiential Frame of Reference.
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Page 70 of 86 In other words, that is how the whole business flows into the hologram that you create for yourself. All right? That's how it works. That's how it comes in there. And that, really, if you want to look it and you play with the idea, you have got 1728 this way and 12 this way and what have got in the Matrix containing over 20,000 little receptors to Frequency and that's what we call "Programs", the same thing. Your personal Matrix experience, well, all right. Enough of that. Technique-5 is where we will go next. If you will, get your notes. By the way, will anybody be troubled by lack of a pen or a pencil in the next hour? Three. We will rustle up three. That won't be a problem. Oh, and one other things that has just sprung to mind to. Since we presented this work in Bermuda, a number of people, particularly people associated with medical and psychiatric professions, have called since they have found the Quiz so penetrating and useful and it is far better than any astrological study, they have asked for permission to use the Quiz in a professional capacity and I am just making a public statement now that provided that the credit is given to the origin, anybody is free to work with the Quiz wherever they want to without coming back to the office to ask. Okay. Are we all ready? Comfortable? Good. Track 3 – Technique 5, Born Free, Live Free, Shadow Healing Preparation Track 4 - Technique 5 Continued. Track 5 – Technique 6, Shadow Shielding, Shadow Healing Step 1 Track 6 Az speaks: For the people who were in Bermuda and have done this before it is well worth doing this again at this point because we are about two months beyond the time that you did it last. You may find that your test scores indicate that you have gone backwards, quote-unquote. (laughter) And what that is indicative of is that your actually having worked with the Techniques, which I presume you've done, you’re actually allowing parts of the Shadow Body to move through your Fields, in the process of transportation and it's not inconceivable that some of the reads or the impulses you get or the answers to the questions, are a little different from last time and will show up as lower scores and I am pointing that out in order that you don't be concerned about it. It's not as if you put yourself through a whole period of personal development just to find that you are not getting anywhere because, in fact, I would interpret that as the fact that you are getting somewhere just as much as a higher score would. Now, before you do this, I want to stress the high scores. You know you know how to score and this is not a high scores game. What we are looking for are balances at any level, and ultimately the balances between the ManU, ManA and the EirA. All right? So, high scores, per se, is not a good thing. Ultimately when you had integrated more of your consciousness, your Avatar Consciousness, we could talk in that way because we would expect you to be so wise and aware of all potentials embodied within a question that you would in that sense know what the right answer was. Okay? So, it's not about that. Now, an important part of doing this. Don't read any of it please. The front page says, "Don't turn over yet." This has been said repeatedly and we'll say it again in different ways. Yesterday, some 2/3rds of most Angelic Humans are being run by Shadow right now, you know. So let's own the fact. What does that mean? Two-thirds of me, all right. It means at least one of my ears doesn't belong to me right now, and a decent proportion of my one remaining ear, right, is also being regulated, baffled, right, has filters. What is a perceptual filter, a sensory filter? It means I don't see straight. I don't hear right and I don't even communicate what I am trying to communicate. That's what it means and that's how we understand in 3D language what the hologram is about. So we can all just own that. It's a good starting place because if you can do that and you can like yourself in that condition, and that's a real key move to like yourself, right where you are now and get rid of all that right/wrong rubbish and all that other kind of judgment replay. You'd begin to set yourself free and it's the first step in assuming Angelic Mind because what it's doing is
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Page 71 of 86 reflecting the confidence and the knowledge that you are connected to Source. You really are part of the Oneness, but you understand what it means. All right. You begin to understand. So, you are going to have ten minutes to answer 100 questions. Why? Why? Why? Well, what is it? What is this thing that has any of you...Terry! Behave or you'll have to sit in the back. I'll make you sit in the corner. (laughter) What is it? What is the thing that has you in a situation where a pulse of....is there something you want to show to the group? Where a pulse of consciousness that we shall call "Angelic", right. Comes into a situation that provides you with an awareness of what the, excuse me, I am saying that wrong. But what the appropriate response in a given situation is you’re aware of its being there and yet you find yourself choosing not to behave that way. What's that called? If it isn't Shadows, I don't know what is, right. But it will run you. It will override the Angelic Impulse. We all have to find strategies that at least create the timing which we can choose differently. So we all live our lives going, "Oh God, Oh....Oh God.” As events come into our lives making us react and that's classic Victim/Victimizer game stuff. Okay? Ten minutes. Begin. Disc 9, Track 7 Az speaking: So, just to guild the lily a little bit and to ad a few more comments because no other preamble or introduction will be given, or other comments. When we had more time during Bermuda, we had a lot more fun talking about some of the aspects or this issues that this quiz is really about on a non-technical level. The things that we were talking about were just simply acknowledging that we all know that, pretty much, most of the teachings that exist in the metaphysical environment help us to acknowledge that when we come into a body, we come in and inherit 50% of our parent's karma, our mother and our father. We have our own stuff. We have birth trauma. We have more field problems with attempted infiltration from the time that we are in the womb or for the early years after most of realize Indigos, to some degree, have that kind of issue in their lives, but they don't remember it. We come into a body, and how do we indicate that we need to be fed? Or we need to be cuddled, or we need this or that or the other? But we start to use or demonstrate some form of strategy, which means we cry to be fed and we cry and don't get fed, so we get confused. And the very minute that we begin to enter this environment, and we begin to utilize strategies to get what we think we need as we express our limitation, lack, vulnerability and other forms of fear, we trigger the Law of Karma so we come in and we start creating some additional layers of rubbish that we have to address. So they tend to say we come into life, we spend the first 20-years learning about games. We spend the second 20-years discovering that we are playing games and we spend the last 20-years trying to undo the effects of the games. And that's common to all of us. In order to deal with this, in the early days and interestingly whilst Ashayana and I were still, as it were, strangers on a 3D-Level to each other, we were both introduced by the guardians by what is now the Mentor Technique published in the Kathara Manual. Both of us were show and talked to in terms of how we actually create, a means by which the impulse of Angelic Mind is brought in to the here and now. And the key thing that her shared experiences with me, and the ones that I remember for myself contain in them is simply creating what we call, "Time", an opportunity to consider the impulses that are coming from the Shadow and to insist that you have Time to consider the impulses that are moving through your Fields in order that you can choose differently and you really have to set up, you don't have to but in the sense that I am suggesting, it would be very helpful if you can actually create that condition. Make a promise to yourself that you will create a condition, no thing, no anything denies you the right to choose differently and if that means that you have to say to somebody, "Excuse me, but I have got something on my mind." Or, "I need to go check something." Or, "I need to go the bathroom." Any little device that takes you out of the pressure of the situation that is being presented to you to move yourself into a different space, a quiet space, where you can reflect. Just allowing time would actually allow a stabilization of the Angelic Mind impulse, and if sometimes you can carry that through sleep state into the following day, you will find that you will wake up and you will perceive a situation
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Page 72 of 86 quite different than the way it appeared at the time which would have pulled a knee jerk reaction out of you, which is a typical victimizer game kind of behavioral pressure. All right. That's one area. So, what I am recommending, is those of you that haven't studied Kathara and even those of you that have that don't take the Mentor Technique seriously, please do, because I guarantee to you that you will find it very helpful to incorporate that into your daily consciousness into the habits, the new habits that you are forming to support yourself. The second thing that I just wanted to mention, is that the very first transmission I ever received and we had a lot of fun in Bermuda as I was talking about the background to this is that by virtue of a number of very strange circumstances, I found myself sort of jumped into agreeing to host a work shop and I had no idea really, the first one, what I was going to talk about and I was pressured into thinking of a title and agreeing to a date and various other things like it and coupled together the best information I could for this first class and at about 4:45 AM on the morning of the work shop, unlike me, I was made to be awake and I was very aware of energy. And went to my desk in the study and sat down with a pen and paper and I am going "Yeah, what? What do you want? What do you want?" Anyway, 2 and 1/2 hours later, I had actually taken a transmission that was much more development of this principal and this principal is the all embracing principal of everything that we have been talking about as it comes to our own relationship with everything. The Keystone is that all energy is conscious and all consciousness is energy and that all energy is potential and I am talking about us, not an abstract theory. This is us. This is how it is. And potential is energy expressed as conscious thought. It takes the form of light and sound when you are speaking of it from the standpoint of Source. But the same principals, the same rules apply to us. We are vehicles or expressions of elements of Source and the mechanics, the technicalities about how all of it works and how we work in relation to it is the same. When we talk, for example, about Bridge Zone which sounds like an external and sometimes abstract phenomena, very difficult to get your head around some of these things, how many people realize that the Bridge Zone that we speak of in the external sense is actually occurring inside too. We are our own Bridge Zone. When Ashayana spoke yesterday about the Principals of Creation, she spoke about the ManU, the Void, and she spoke about how the ManU itself as a form of energy conscious expression first created the EirA and out of the EirA came the ManA, right. When we talk about making a transition from the, kind of scrambled, bunch of programs that we know ourselves to be now, I am talking to you about an Act of Creation in which we use the very principals of the quiz here in terms of ManA, ManU and EirA and I am saying to you, think of yourself as a Void. Think of yourself as that Spark, the original Spark. That's where you are now, right. You can create within yourself the EirA and the ManA. And that means we are talking the language of Apparthi once more. We are talking about the little receptors that are pulling without your conscious supervision Reverse Current. Reverse Current is what produces the conflict that we experience in what we call our lives and ourselves. And all that we are saying to you is by becoming more aware of the fact that you are living, breathing Fields as aspects of Source. That way all you have to do is to become more aware of that and draw more of it, draw more of what we call "Energy" or "Frequency", and we often forget that we are talking about drawing consciousness. We are drawing raw potential to feed/fuel the choices, feed/fuel our living experience, feed and provide a means to change the contents of our hologram, which in turn means the fuel, the gas we need in our tanks to affect Bridge Zone transition working from the inside out is provided just in the same way as Source provides the very same thing when it set up the Matrices, when it set up all the forms of experiential reality. And in that way, I would say to you, how can you forget? How can you distinguish? How can you feel differently? From Source itself. The principals are all the same. The mechanics are all the same. They exist inside of you as much as they exist outside of you. If you can remember that more often each day, you'll find that your consciousness, the attenuation within your living experience, will be increasingly towards drawing Primal Life Force Currents so that then, you will move through the issues of your manifest reality now into a state where you recognize that the quality of energy that you recognize that you are consciously drawing as the fuel for your living manifest experience will enable you to change things very naturally and very effortlessly and so then, the issues of choice, the
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Page 73 of 86 Frequency of components in your Fields, the potential you are using as thought will provide a provide a natural fact in terms of the manifest experiences and the objects that you create in your reality. So that when we get to the analysis of the quiz, which we will do a little later, after the break, we will actually be bringing up your own product, your own statement of where you are, what your current level of relationship with, each of the Primal Life Force Currents, each of the 3-Primary Currents, the extent to which your Fields are holding this much or not this much and the simple awareness that that will give you a feedback into the simple, you might call it formula or expression but it fits back into this. It fits into everything that we have been talking to you about and it will give you an awareness and a focus on your direct relationship from a here and now standpoint. It shouldn't be any more a theory, an abstract notion, an external thing that you feel a little separate from because some of the material is challenging intellectually. It should I hope, we hope, form a new kind of bridge in your understanding in which all of it seems real, that it isn't any longer something that is happening over there. You don't know when it's going to happen, how it's going to happen, how good or how bad it's going to be, but it should bring, fully and finally, the idea that you are a vehicle floating around in space and time that can choose to draw more of the raw potential, the influences that we call "Primal Life Force Currents" into it in order that you can simply and organically re-express as conscious thought and action. Okay. And so, before I let you go on break, let me just term this. "Withness" is a word that Ma’a says to use to demonstrate, oh sorry, to indicate your internal Bridge Zone the extent to which you are consciously striving to maintain an association with a state of Angelic Mind, the extent to which you are with that or not. That's what Withness is. And to strive for it provides the conscious attitudinal embodiment providing a platform to maximize the effects of the Techniques that we have been teaching over the last 24-months. To do this will embed sensory perceptual and behavioral aspects of connection with the realities of Collective Consciousness. For the people that came on the Contact Course heard me say that let's pretend that I am, I don't have to pretend that I am an Eieyani, but pretend that I have manifest from Inner Earth, all right? And we are doing an interview, and we are doing an interview in terms of the extent to which you are ready to come and join the Eieyani of Inner Earth, knowing that the product, energetic product of your presence instantaneously affects everything, do you want to come and live in society that understands what unconditional love really is, rather than the unconditional love that people pay lip service to, through their ignorance, not because they are necessarily being manipulative or in any way, untoward, simply that it's difficult to conceive of the condition and these things are all designed to try and develop your awareness and appreciate to what it takes to assume your place with communities that operate on that basis. I mentioned during Bermuda on a sight in which the Aborigines tend to tell us, the Westerners, why we are not telepathic anymore, just one aspect of what it means to within Collective Consciousness. And the Aborigines say that the Westerners are no longer telepathic, which is only part of the story, is that they lie all the time. Now imagine that we are together, all of us now in this place, and I am not, I do not understand love sufficiently to be open to you, so that you can take everything in my Fields that you need, permission is implicit because we are so unified, we are so aware of ourselves and aspects of Source, there is no need to be fearful. Of the Detailed Techniques we spoke of in Bermuda, one of them I spent some time talking about was the issue of love and fear. And the open heart teachings of the "other" spiritual paradigms, actually encourage prevarication, they encourage you to develop, and there is a pun here, "the gray area", of experience because you are not supposed to judge anything. Off camera, I would use a long word for that. No. No. The way you do this is you practice Detached Attachment, which means you are able to distinguish between love and fear and the properties of them and you don't allow anything in the middle. You look at any situation involving any other person, thing or being and you say, "What is actually happening here?" "What is occurring here?" "Is what's occurring here based somewhere on fear?" "Is it in me?" "Is it in them?" "Are we sharing it?" "And how do I, given my commitment to Angelic Mind, how do I change that?" It doesn't mean to say I have to say anything or do anything about your action. I express my Sovereignty by saying, "I choose not to associate with actions of that kind. They are not appropriate with Frequency
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Page 74 of 86 Resonance that matches the way I feel I am right now." You may find you have some of your own stuff to resolve but what you don't do is you don't allow yourself to play with degrees of love or degrees of fear. It's one or the other. Cut it out. If you want to make progress, start looking at everything that's going on, and your reaction to the world-at-large, in those terms, black and white, and if you want to learn about yourself and if you want to see how these programs run or what they have do and if you want to see how other people pull energy and suck stuff off of you as well, you will see it this way. You don't have to judge them. We don't preach judgment. But what we do, is we preach your Freedom to Choose how to support the development and restoration of as much Primal Life Force Current as you feel as you can and if people engage your time and attention in games and those games inherently suck, and I mean, I don't mean it in the American fashion, I mean, "Sthwoooup." That is what they're there for. Right? You, in respect to yourself, choose to remove yourself from an environment that contains that phenomenon. Now, look, when you start to get this together in your lives, you will find there are a lot of stuff in your environment in your hologram that doesn't want to be moved. All manner of fallout can occur as other people, for example begin to respond, to react awkwardly, if not with resentment and rejection, to your attempts to pull more Primal Life Force Current into your Shields which means that your Frequency Resonance rises and they can feel uncomfortable and not know why. It's not different to going to a dinner party or whatnot and you find some people gravitate towards each other because of their resonance and other people can't stand being near another one because of the dissonance. It's still about energy. It's still the same. All right. What else do we get out of this thing? Encourage development of our mentality, connection to Source, healing, rescue of dependent life form. I don't know whether I will actually talk more about this today. We have been debating whether we will have time. But the Arc Project itself ranges from the anchoring of the Reuche Scepter Pillars, which is the major expression of our evolvement, and everything from the Planetary through the Universal Level, but from the standpoint of 3D-Perception, the Arc Project also includes the preparation and the development of our own personal Fields in order that we can be walking portals for other dependent life forms. All right. People have curious ideas about what Service Contract is. Personally I would say that developing your Fields in order that you can be a walking portal for other dependent life forms, hosting other life forms out when the time comes is the most gracious, the most reverent and inspired Service Contract anybody can choose to carry. It is really the most important one that concerns us in a more direct and personal way. But the Arc Project, when we talk about it, does actually range from the Universally and the Cosmic significant level all the way to what appears to be that which just concerns us in the here and now. And the ambition that I would love all of you to feel is a real burning desire to build your Fields so that you can become the most magnificent Healers this Planet has ever seen because that's why most of you are here. But, it seems like a long way away from where you are sitting right now to the very idea that you can just go, "Wzwt", and stuff disappears for you, but believe me, some of you are going to see that happen and it won't be very long before you do either. All right. Yeah, I am realizing potential now. That's probably it. I've skipped little bits. All right. I don't really want to spend time. There is tons and tons to do this afternoon. So, I have really squashed all of this up. Lots and lots of words squashed into a small space that feels like a small shoe. We will stop now and reconvene.....what time is lunch today? Someone answers: 12:30. Az: Is there any light lever that could be early? Someone: Yeah. Az: Yeah. Why don't we try and pull that forward to as soon after one as you can manage? Do the lunch break then. Finish off your Quiz totaling and get your pen and paperwork ready. And what should be say, we'll resume at 2:15, Mac. It's 25 after 12. Well I am trying to get them to pull lunch as soon after one as you can. It will take you a little while to finish your paperwork. (group chatter)
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Page 75 of 86 Let's try on the assumption they can put lunch on a little early. they were early yesterday. Let's assume that we will reconvene at 2:15. (group chatter) Well, what we're going to do is to bring Ash on for 20 minutes and she won't like doing that. (Sh...Sh, more group chatter) So what should we do? (2 o'clock) You will be ready at quarter til 2? All right. Two O'clock probably works best. Two o'clock then. Okay. Question: Do you want to explain this about (garbled) AZ: Yeah, if I need to anyway. If you continue through the paper you have, following your Quiz it shows you how to bring to a totaling the way have answered the questions as you have used a number to indicate the answer. If you read instructions, you will see you need to bring those answers as numbers together in strings and add them up at the end. The instructions tell you what to do with the numbers once you have made the total. You are going to put them in circles lower down the page. You are going to take totals into the triangles and you take over other totals into the heart shaped one on the page that follows it. Okay. The instructions tell you what to do. It is not complicated. End Disc 9. Transcribed by Amanda Williams
Disk 10 Allentown 2002 Disc 10 Transcribed by: Amanda Williams Hey everybody. I know its a time of celebration but Ma'a would like to say something for the occasion of this Ordination. Ma'a would simply like to greet all of you of course. But also to say that one day there will be a history books that's written, a very sacred history book of ancient times. People in future generations will read that book and they will hear a story about a little town called "Bethlehem.” (laughter and applause.) And in that little town of Bethlehem, the Christ child was reborn. (laughter and applause) Ash sings "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" and the group joins in. (Ash cheers and group laughter and applause) That was from Ma'a. (more laughter and someone mentions a dance) I didn't know "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem had a dance. I suppose you are supposed to spin when you sing it, right. All right. Anyway. Let me get back in body here for a second. Oy. That was a pretty strong one. Okay. Okay. (Ash and Az speaking for a moment together.) All right. What we are going to do now is Az is going to give....is everybody back, like that wasn't at the....okay, the seats look pretty full. All right. Track 2. Az is going to give the first level of the interpretations on the test you took this morning. And there is a reason why you took the test. After he does that, we are going to go through, very quickly, a piece of new material on what are called the "Nodes" and the "Nodus" and your Shields and find out why that test was important because there is an
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Page 76 of 86 element of something you are going to find out about your Shields through that test that we are going to use to amplify the effect of Technique-7 when we get to that. So, he's going to go through the first levels of analysis of what that test means, and through that test, you should have been able to find out what Frequencies you are running most strongly now, either EirA, ManA or ManU and that key piece of knowledge can tell you a lot of things. So, I am going to let Az do the interpretations so you can begin to understand. By the end of this you should be able to know what Flame Group you are a part of, the blue, the violet or the gold, as far as who you are working with right now and whose frequencies you are running. Having that knowledge will allow you to amplify Technique 7 and everything you do from there forth. So, this is why we introduced the test here. We didn't even know we were going to do this, but they asked, you know, Ma'a had asked us to do this. So, I am going to hand this over to Az, and I am going to go out there and get back in body for a second, because I don't know, when you get to the level where you are doing Ordinations like these, it's like your eye end up out here and you can't focus here to read anything or to see anything. It just takes a few minutes for the Fields to contract back in. So, I need to go get in body. He handles Electricals much better than I do and when I get hit with the Electricals on the back wall, it just kind of bounces me right up and out of body. I am here, but I am also here so, I am going to hand this over to you. We are going to do this part first and then we'll go right into the program where you can understand what finding this information out is about in relation to becoming able to, manually and consciously, work with your Maharic Shield and with your Shield Coding. Okay? So, for you. Az Speaks: In ten minutes, responding to a short conversation between Az and Ash. Now, just to take you through this level very quickly, you will all by now I hope have managed to do your totaling and entered the scores into the various circles, triangles and over the page the heart shaped things which were used before we discovered how the heart shaped symbol is created, so it will be changed to an Eckasha on future lists. Good suggestion. All right. Now, I've got 10-minutes so bear with me. Now then, when we are looking at this level here, we are looking at a classical model used in psychology and psychiatry, all right. I said this morning that it isn't our business to spend time engaging in lectures that patronize your own relationship with aspects of your own Shadow. That's your business. But your notes provide you with brief explanations of the Shadow characteristics because that's what these spheres are about. They are about the Shadow influences running through your Apparthi as I was explaining before lunch, all right. The point that gets significant is that when I tell you that the structure of what has been used in this particular piece of self research is that each of these represents an expression of EirA, ManA and ManU. Do you remember that I explained to you that there are 1728 elements of Apparthi in each of the 12-Dimensional Levels, right? Well, this is what your Apparthi is doing in D-1. Seventeen hundred and twenty-eight little receptors that are receiving a combination of what I refer to as the Angelic Influence, the Angelic thrust as compared for that that's running from the Shadow. Now the energetic kind of characteristic of this so 1- 3-7 and 10 are EirA and their orientation. Two, 5, 8 and 11 are ManA in their orientation. EirA pulls, ManA pushes magnetic/electrical. I also pointed out to you that in the structure of creation, the Void exists, creates EirA, expresses ManA and returns to ManU. So you will find always that 3-6-9-12, which are ManU. They are the product of the interaction between the EirA component and the ManA component of what you call yourself and what you are seeing through your scores, is the balance or imbalance, if you like, between the Angelic Consciousness and the Shadow and Shadow Dancer parts of consciousness. That's what these are doing. And the interplay between those will determine what each of the ManU expressions are. The ManU is not in this sense able to override as a product of these two. But there is a point that comes when you look at the totals where the ManU become much more significant because it's seeking balance between EirA and ManA. Indeed all of these are, but the point of greatest significance is when you look at the summary totals. Now when you bring these totals down to here as I suggested this morning, each of these corresponds to a stage in development between the simplest, most uncomplicated childlike incarnate being that becomes exposed to the games played out due to the programs running through the Grids on the Planet and as you begin to awaken you will make decisions, you will make choices, you will form associations with people. You will follow certain life paths, or career paths, that will bring to you the lessons that you need to derive the strength to embody more of the Angelic Mind and as you do that
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Page 77 of 86 you will find that that will be reflected in the scores as you begin Soul Integration Oversoul Integration and Avatar Integration ultimately. All right. Taking what I have just been talking to you about. At the 3-D Level, here is an illustration of someone who is still pretty much asleep, and the kind of typical score levels you would see is where there is a very low, a spew downwards in the Avatar influence, even though the Oversoul and the Soul Levels are expressing quite strongly, the response that this Level is still low. So what you are seeing in a situation like this is that there is a strong connection at the Soul and Oversoul Level but it's not yet being fully received by the Incarnate Identity. And that, therefore, suppresses the Avatar Influence. Okay. The Avatar Influence can only express as these become integrated and what we are saying when we talk about that is that as we begin to utilize Techniques that Reverse the Polarity in Apparthi in our Shields, it isn't possible. A thing I was driving at before we broke, and that is the extent to which in this realm of conscious awareness that you have you have choices in which you can make a difference just by the way that you deal with the everyday effects of the programming running in your own Fields and through the Grids. If you create time for yourself to choose differently, remembering who you are, and what you are and what it is you are trying to achieve, you will reinforce all the Technique work by extending your Techniques to a daily ritual almost in which that your Angelic Presence is the Identity that you are preferring to bring into manifestation now, and as you do that you will really accelerate the effect of the Techniques and the effect of that will then be seen. I wish I had someone to move these around for me. Maybe, when I get promoted. (Laughter.) Better be careful. So, taking what I am saying absolutely true at face value, what you then begin to see, as the Physical Incarnate Presence begins to get it. Then you see the score would have risen from something in the 50's to high 50's and you will start to see the expression occurring where the degree of self-awareness that's being held in the 3-D conscious moment will cause this score to rise and you will see that the scores will also be rising at the Avatar and Oversoul Level too because of the response that's being reflected in the Shields at this Level. All right. The fact that this is low would be misleading to think that there is something wrong here. There is nothing wrong at all, because what's going on here is that there is an interaction occurring at the Soul and 3-D Incarnate Level which is pulling energy through and momentarily, this could be seen as the Dark Night of the Soul effect really where the inner conflict is occurring before one stabilized the effects of the transition. And if we go on now to the stage that follows, when this Dark Night of the Soul business which doesn't happen once, but sometimes repeatedly for awhile, you then see that the scoring at the Soul Level will peak and you will notice that some of the scores at the back end of here again, because of the energetic shifts all the way down through to Dimension Levels of Self and Identity that will get concentrated in this area which is a natural process of consolidation. So, if you are looking at a picture like that, don't think, "Oh dear, my connection with my Avatar Self isn't very bright, not very good." It simply is that the process always involves the fact that you could Accrete Levels of Frequency only by degrees. It will occur in waves or cycles. There is a limit as to actually what the Fields can actually absorb and so it just reflects that the energy is bulging in here as it's coming into the Field has been drawn and stabilized and that would express always for a day of inactivation, the Apparthi Reversal and all the rest of it. And then, you start to see for the first time, that the Level we are amusingly, Ma'a said on probation, that we little Avatars are actually on probation because we still are and that's a good sobering way of looking at it. But at this point you will notice that not only have the scores risen above the Levels seen in all the other Levels, but now we are starting to see a flattening. In other words, the Frequency flowing into all of the Shields at all of the Levels and all the little Apparthi are beginning to respond to the work that you are doing. Right. You are starting to pull more Primal Life Force Currents through. You see that this is reflecting the fact that the Shields of the entity or Vehicle have now become accustomed to holding Frequency. So that the scores are risen and the difference between them going across is flattening out. All right. So if you refer to your pages that look, where you have your scores in here, as I explained, the totals for the EirA come out of the answer groups for Dimensions-1-4-7 and 10, the ManA from 2-5-8 and 11 and the ManU from 3-6-9 and 12. And the scores in here are those which show you the current amount of Primal Life Force Current that you
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Page 78 of 86 are presently able to pull into your Shields directly as a result of any blockages or Field interference that exist in the Shields. Now, this is more about what are we going to do about it. Okay. So, if you have, if the EirA heart shape is the highest score, it's indicating a number of things. The object I should say is to work to bring the EirA and the ManA scores into balance as far as possible and that of course, will then reflect through the ManA score. (muffled question from the group) What are we asking? Yes, you should have that in your packs. (more muffled group expression) Yeah. Yeah. If you copy across onto your pages the things that have been written onto the mylar which is stuff that happened this morning. Right. The person whose presently scoring highest in the EirA heart shape is directly associated with the Braharama Founders Race Line, the three Founders Families, the Race Lines. The person scoring highest in EirA is out of the Braharama Family with an association with the Violet Flame and sensitive to dark sapphire and pale pink as a Frequency expressed as color. (from group: That would be their Capstone Ray) Okay. What I should say is to tell you these are what we refer to as your Capstone Rays. These are the principal Capstone Nodes. All right. These are the Capstones because they are related to the Point of Origin at the Rishic Level. You know, it gives you the connection in terms of the Founders Family Race Line, and it shows what Frequency Expression out of the Primal Life Force Currents you are most sensitive to and which you can use as a point of strength by drawing more of it into your Fields. All right. The people who have their highest score in ManA are from the Seraphi-Seraphim Founders Race Line. They are associated with the Gold Flame and they are particularly sensitive to a combination of dark silver and pale yellow. And then, finally, those who have the highest ManU score are associated with the Elohi-Elohim Family, associated with the Blue Flame and are sensitive to pale silver and pale turquoise. Now there are some detail things in your notes, which will provide specific illustrations of how each of the types in either of these categories, now there is at least one person, I a just now getting this, and this one person who has an equal score between ManU and ManA, in a case where either the EirA or the ManA is of an equal score, give or take 1-point, with ManU, then you would actually take the ManU as the Founders Race Line Family that you are associated with and you would utilize the elements of information provided here under the ManU category. If you ever move to work with, the corresponding equal one, whether it's ManU or EirA that's an option, you could exercise. You wouldn't do any harm. But if you wanted to know which one to choose, it would be the ManU always. Okay. I am over my 10-minutes so I'll just point out that the specific tone to which an EirA dominant person is sensitive is Ta A ShA. And you would utilize the breathing form if you wish, but you would do it in combination with creating your own, your own Family Line, your own Founders Race Line Psonn. This is the one it will connect you to. The strength is inherent to the entire Race Line that you are associated with and from. And by using this particular Psonn and utilizing the Color Tones as Frequency, you can actually pull more of that Frequency into your Fields which has the effect of healing in the Fields, very specific, very attuned to you and your Race Line. Your Tribal Shield is sensitive to it entirely. Okay. And you will actually perform Frequency Balancing at the Level of Primal Life Force Currents by working with those things and incorporating the Breathing Technique, which is listed under this section. All right. So, in the same way, a person who was predominantly associated with ManA, okay, they would use Hara Ra as the Sound Tone. H-a-r-a R-a, Hara Ra. (group question, muffled) Yes. But, the tones I am pointing out and the names of the Families and the Colors are not in your book because they were brought this morning. All right. So you would make a note in your books of these things. So the things that are not in your book are the specific Tone associated with EirA, which is Ta A ShA,. and the Color Frequencies dark sapphire, pale pink associated with the Braharama and the Violet Flame; and the EirA, the Tone is Hara Ra, and the Color Frequency is dark silver combined with pale yellow. The Family Line is Seraphi-Seraphim and that is the Gold Flame Family. And finally, the ManU is Ma A Kee, Ma A Kee, (Kee, K-e-e). The Color Frequency sensitivity is pale silver combined with pale turquoise. The Founders Family Line is the Elohi-Elohim and it has the Blue Flame. In each of these notes, very brief notes, because we declare that it's not complete yet and there is a whole bunch of things to do with Tangents that correspond to the Node, which is much more detailed. All right, just in terms of your
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Page 79 of 86 own development and kind of evidence that I know that you will look for contact, the EirA is much more associated with Sound. If you are EirA dominant, look towards developing your inner hearing. (group expression) Yeah. Ash is just saying balance it with the individual. The ManA is much more keyed to visual stimulus, so working with symbols, codes, Veca Codes and such like, and also developing inner sight are the areas of strength that the ManA dominant Family Line are associated with. And the ManU, typically, since ManU is a product of both EirA and ManA, tends to produce a rather more difficult one, which is called "Direct Cognition.” Absolute knowing, just instantaneous awareness of information so you don't get initially, any corresponding information coming either from the inner hearing or the inner sight. You just simply know and that's a little challenge to one's spiritual development in maturity in terms of confidence that you can feel. And that's suggestive of some other interesting personal observations that I will leave you to make on your own. Hmm. But, it's a fun one to play with. If you happen to be that one, it's a little bit more difficult. Okay. Now, I am well over my 10. I am into 20-minutes and we have got a lot to do, so if you will just let me leave it at that, there will be more I hope in May when we start to move into more detail on the Tangents and some of the related material.. Ash: And there will be. Okay. Thank you. Group Applause. Track 3 Ash Speaks: I was actually going to comment on that before you put it away. (Laughter) The only thing that I wanted to add or to just add a little bit of detail to, is one of last things that Az was talking about, as far as the visual/dominant and audio/dominant, and direct cognition dominant. Now, if you are a person who is, your Capstone is an EirA Frequency right now, if it's an EirA Frequency, that means you will actually be, probably, more drawn to using the Tones as opposed to playing with the Symbols. But what it's saying is that you need to use both, but you need to put more Symbol work in to counter balance it. All right. You need to bring more ManA in if you are running just EirA. The opposite goes for the ManA. If you are running ManA, that means you would have a propensity to, your, let's say, learning style, or learning modality, would be oriented toward light, toward visual, toward symbols. All right. You would be more visual than hearing. And, it's good to counter balance that with using more Tones, even it seems more natural to you to use more Symbol work. So, there is a balancing, you can balance, if you know you’re one dominant, you can do things that bring up the one that's not dominant. All right. Now, if you are a ManU, that's pretty much, that represents a balance level actually, the people that have the dominant ManU. But, you can still have either of those out of balance with each other, which we haven't gotten into that level of analysis. If you are ManU, it's good to work with both and just kind of like, switch off and on, with a little bit more Symbol dominant work or Tone dominant work. Now, I think there is one more thing I wanted to comment on and now, what was it? I know it was something. Oh, yeah, on page 32, in your books, that chart is the Key to understanding what your Capstones are first of all and where those Tones come from, if you haven't figured this out yet. There's a double chart and I don't have it on the mylars right now, but it's the double chart that shows the two Kathara Grids with all the Color Rays and all the Sound Tones that go with each one of them. The Capstones represent, the Kristos Capstones are your D-10-11 and 12 Frequencies. So you would have one of those dominant and that would imply which Rishic Capstone would be the dominant one, either 13-14 or 15. All right. The Rishic Capstones are what is your dominant Primal Light Field Frequency that you are running right now and the Kristos Capstone is what part of the Kristos Divine Blueprint are you primarily running right now. Now, what you will find with this test, is these things will change. If you took this test in like, even a week from now, you might find a change in the score, so these are considered Mutable Capstones.
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Page 80 of 86 Now, the Family Affiliations that go with them means that at this time, you are working primarily with that Family of consciousness. It doesn't necessarily mean that you are directly out of that Family of consciousness. Some people, every one of us have some parts of ourselves stationed in each of those Primary Founders Race Lines. You know, we have one in the Blue Flame group, one in the Violet Flame group and one in the Gold Flame group. If, when we find that these change, it means you are working with one particular group at this time. Now, each group, there is going to be a point in time when we get a level of analysis on this that everyone one of the Rays, as we call them, you know, the Rays have a whole set of lessons that go with them. And they also imply a whole set of Karma that goes with them. So there is a whole level of analysis that comes out of this. Later, where you can actually find your Core Template, which would be not just the mutable one, the one you are running right now, that might change a week from now or two years from now where if you were working with Violet Flamers right now, you are learning certain lessons, you are picking up certain Frequencies, but when that changes, it means you might be working with Gold Flamers. To find out if I am a Keeper of the Gold Flame, Blue Flame or Violet Flame, that would come by finding the constant, which has to do with the Betcha Hova Scans that they are going to be teaching in either France, they are going to introduce it either in France or in May in Paxos. where we will get to be able to see the Center Coding in the Center of the DNA Template and that would reveal the Core Dominant programs. Some people, now if you are a Blue Flame, you can run all of the Flames, because D-13 was the original Light Field, and out of that came the Pale Yellow Light Field and the Violet Light Field or the Pink Magenta Light Field. So Blue Flamers actually have the Coding for all of them in the Templates actively in the body which means that they can run them in this lifetime. If you are a person who has at the Core Center Template the Gold, you would be able to run the Gold and the Violet, but you wouldn't be able to run the blue but you are still connected to the blue. You could run sub-harmonics of it but you couldn't anchor the Flame things, so there's a lot more we can learn with this. So the Family Affiliation that you will find now that you have, these are the Fields of consciousness that a part of you resides within that you are actively bringing that part of you and all of the lessons down the Dimensional scale that go with it. So, I just want you to know that it doesn't mean, it's like not sealed in stone, like, okay, I am a Braharama. Right now I am expressing as a Braharama, but I actually might be an Elohi-Elohim. You know, that might be my Core Family group. So, I just wanted you to understand the distinction between those. All right, they were explaining that to me. And you know we are going to taught how to find that Core Family group, but it is just as important to know what you are working with right now and who you are working with right now. Okay. Track 4 Now this gets fun. We start to find out what the heck are these Capstones about anyway. What does this have to do with my DNA and my Shield and my Flame Body. Here is where we begin to find this information out. Now this is a graph that's not in your books. I am going to begin pulling some things in the Dance For Program, that you know, weren't part of the supplement, just to explain something to you. You don't really need to work with this directly. I want you to understand where the Veca Codes and Ecka Codes come in that we have talked about in the Dance For Program. They are specific mathematical Symbols with corresponding Tones that Activate very specific Coding in the Shields. Now, to understand what that Coding is, they are called the "Void Codes", all right, and they are the Codes that actually open up the Radial Body so the Levels of the Radial Body can blend together and you know, you can fully Activate the whole Flame Body. When we use Veca and Ecka Code in the Dance For Programs, like for instance, Ecka Code #3, the Eckasha, the one we have been working with even in this program. All right. That's #3. Number-3 Ecka Code corresponds to this Lock. Now, if we remember, think about this first in Universal terms, remember this shape, when we were doing the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, all right. That's the Veca System. All right, let's say that this is the Veca System, here's our Universal Star Gates, the Primal Star Gates of our Light Field, there's the Parallel and there's the Parallel Light Field. Now, each of these Codes correspond to the
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Page 81 of 86 Locks that exist, the Density Locks, these diamond shaped ones, not the little square inside, but the diamond shaped one, all right. These are the Density Locks that hold the Levels of the Radial Body separate from each other in the process of Ascension, or going through a Star Gate. Literally all those Locks release. And if this was a body, and if you're looking at it on a smaller level as your Body Grids literally, your Radial Bodies would all fold up together and you'd turn into light and then be able to unfold on the other side and pop up on the other side. So, if we work with Veca Codes, what we are working now are the Flame Body Activations. Working with Veca Codes will amplify that process, but you don't have to work with Veca Codes, you know. You don't have to get the Dance For Programs if you don't want to get them. But, however, I am suggesting that if you do want the challenge of actually getting the physical body through a Gate, not just to whenever your natural time comes, you know you're safe when you're leaving your body, you know to go on to your next life. If you want to physically go, you need to work with the Vecas as well to get the Acceleration that they would give you. Now this gets interesting because this is technically one of the maps to the, you know, the Veca Maps, you can see each of these, we look at #1. Number One isn't shown on here. It's listed. It's one of the Center Locks, the Locks that aren't shown on the Center because it would convolute the drawing so you really couldn’t see anything. These Locks listed here, okay, the Code, Code #1, Code #6, Code #11, Code #12, they unlock the, and that goes for either side, either the Vecas or the Eckas, they unlock the Center Locks. So there is a series of four Locks that are in there as well. We have been working with, we're up to here in the Dance For Programs, they have given us up to this Level of Coding, and what that means is if you look on this chart, I'll start with two because two you will see where it is on the chart. It's not at the Center. That would release this Seal that corresponds to, now if you can, see, it's harder to see on this one, I will try four, you know why, because four, it's easier to show the Line connections. We'll try four, the Bi-Veca Code, and on the next Level up, it would be the Eckasha-A-ah code, and I'll show you what that means too, the difference between these two, in a minute. But #4 here, if you follow these lines straight out, it would unlock these Density Lock and that Density Lock up there, the Parallel Primal Light Field, Primal Light Field. So, literally, if you trace the lines through on this diagram, it shows you that these Seals that correspond to these Symbol Codes are unlocked, they unlock the Locks that pertain to them. Now that is on a Universal Level. That is not just on your Body Level, but it is also on your Body Level, and that's where it gets kind of fun. Now, I will show you another thing about Eckas and Vecas which is this. I am not going to get heavily into this. We cover some of this lightly in the Dance For Program right now, just so you see where these Codes apply. Now, let's say this is twelve of our Star Gates in our Universal Veca, let's say these are the 12-Major Star Gates in the Universal Ecka. Okay, the Ecka Inner Worlds, these would be the next Level up, the Eckasha, these would be the Eckasha-A and they would be the Eckasha-A-ah Gates. Okay. That's the Stairway to Heaven just kind of strung out real flat and just kind of showing the 12-Gates. Now when we use Veca Codes, we are opening those Locks between these two, between the Veca Systems and the Ecka World or the Inner Worlds. When we use the Ecka Codes, we are opening the Lock Systems that go between these two. So when we are using the Eckasha Code, for example, that is not just opening between the Inner Ecka and our Veca Universe, it's opening all the way up to the Eckasha Level. So you are actually connecting with a part of yourself that's manifest in that God World which would also have a part's manifest in the God World as well as you down here. So, it just shows you where these Codes fit. They are like the things that unlock the doors between the sets of, the different Stairway Levels in the Stairway to Heaven. Now, I am not going to get into this stuff heavily. We haven't even covered it a whole lot in the Dance For Program yet, has to do with what Strand Activation Level is required and that sustains Strand Activation Level. You need to be able to do a D-12 Burst to be able to get through in the first place, but then you can down scale if you can hold D-12 Frequency. You don't have to live in some of those other places. I will cover it briefly. For this world which is our Veca System, now it's Base-12, Our Star Gates are Base-12. That means there are 12-Dimensions. There are 12Sub-Frequency Bands in each one. Okay. It's called "Times One Accretion.” All right, this, you are going to see in a minute, each Level of manifestation going up the Stairway to Heaven, has a Base-12 but it's a multiple of Base-12.
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Page 82 of 86 You know, the ones that are different are the Inner ones that are like Base-12.5 and I will show you what that means in a second. Now for a regular Base-12 System, it corresponds with DNA Strands-1 through-12. The biological minimum to live in one of these systems is actually 3-Strands. All right, so things that live in our worlds down here are at least 3-Strands. Now, when you get over to here, it's a Base-12, that's Base12.5. There is 12-Dimensions, but each one has 12.5-Sub-Frequency Bands in each, which means there is more Frequency in each of their Dimensions than there is in ours down here. That's the Inner Ecka World. What that means is, to live there, biologically, you would need to live just in the Density-1, you would need a minimum of 4.5-Strand Activation Level. Now, the Bridge Zone Project that we are going to talk about later has to do with creating a Frequency Modulation Zone between two where being with a 4.24, which is, now 4.5-Strand Activation means all of four and half of Strand-5 would have to be Activated. It would reduce that to a 4.25, which is only a quarter of Strand-5 has to be Activated which isn't, there is a big difference even though it seems to be small. That's a lot of difference as far as Frequency and how fast you can Activate DNA. It means though to be taken if (God forbid), if there would ever need to be an evacuation or something, and you needed to go through into the Ecka Inner Earth Temples, you would need to be able to Activate the Flame Body enough to do a D-12 Burst which is what we are training our bodies to do now with the Flame Activations and then the DNA Template would calm down on the other side but it would have to be able to sustain at a 4.25-Level to enter the Bridge Zone spaces and to go all the way into the Inner Ecka Systems, it would have to be a 4.5-Strand Activation Level. This progressively goes up. When you go into the Eckasha Worlds, you need a minimum of 6-Strands Activated to be in the Density-1 System. When you go up to the next Level, the Eckasha-A, you would need a minimum of 9-Strands Activated, for like, it to be in sustained Activation, to be able to be in their Density-1 System. All right. And when you get up to the Eckasha-Aah you would need a minimum of 12-Strands Activated at all times to be in their Density-1 System, so it just shows you, it gives you an idea of how this progression up the Stairway to Heaven works and you know, getting through the Gates and so, progressive process of what they call, "Accretion" or bring Frequency in, pulling Frequency into your Template and progressively Activating the Template. So, I just wanted you to see a little bit of that and how the Veca and Ecka Codes, there is also something called "Scepter Codes" that they haven't given us them yet, but there will be 12 of those. And then there are Templar Reuche Codes that are the ones that unlock the last level up into the first Level of Creation. We won't be working with these for awhile probably, maybe, the Scepters. They are going to start giving us some because we are assisting in the process of anchoring the 12-Reuche Pillars from here so some of us will be working with the Scepter Codes and probably one or two of those to bring enough frequency to anchor the Pillars through. But, right now, most of us just need to work with these. So if you are doing the Veca Programs of the Dance For Programs, we are working directly with these Codes to make these Seals open more rapidly. Even if you are not working with the Veca Programs, the Flame Body Activations that we have been doing in this Workshop will progressively work to open these. They will assist in opening them, but it won't be as quickly as if you work with these Codes directly. But, you know it's still good. So, it is like you don't have to work the Dance For Programs. It really depends on whether you are in a hurry to get your body to go through a Gate, or whether you just kind of want to take it easy in life, and make sure you are safe and, you know, make sure that when your natural time ever comes that when your body goes its natural way, you can go your natural way and not get hung up in the Shadow mess or anything like that. It's really a very personal decision. Our Souls usually make that decision on that Level of consciousness where they decide when it's time to be in a body and when it's time to not be in a body. It's not a decision that's meant to be made. Like, we are not supposed to go out and say, "Oh, I want to be dead now, you know, get rid of my body, so I am going to throw it off a building." That doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work, we are saying this thing suicide is not a good choice because you're, first of all, if your Soul and your Oversoul and your Avatar has agreed with you that it is time to drop the body, you wouldn't have to kill it. Okay? It would naturally shut down. It would either get a disease or have an accident or something like that that was planned from the higher levels. Or you might just go to sleep and people say, "Oh, died in her sleep. I don't know what from." But, you left. So, suicide is just the ego trying to run the show of the Avatar. So, we don't endorse that.
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But, if you want to get the body through we do recommend using the Dance For Programs or literally using the momentum your body can generate externally to reset, continually reset, the natural spin on the Merkaba Fields on the outside because that will reset the ones on the inside and it will also release these Codes faster. Now, when we are working with the Flame Body Activations I am getting into, the race that we are running, Oh, I want to show you one more thing. I think we'll have the time. Now, here's that same thing. Remember, forget the body is there for a minute, remember this is that Veca Map again, right? The 12- Star Gates with the Parallel, with our Light Fields and the Parallel Light Fields and the Parallel Universe 12-Star Gates? We are going to take that down to the Microcosmic Level right into our own bodies and the same thing applies. The Seals that were on that other map are the Seals between our different Radial Body Levels. We have a Parallel Self on Parallel Earth. We have our physical body here, the Dimensional Selves, right? Now, we also have our Light Field and they have their Parallel Light Field. All these circles are the different angles that the Capsules. those Radial Body Capsules, are actually positioned at, but in order to be able to go through a Gate, a Base-12 Gate, you would have to fully release all the Seals, at least for a moment so that whole thing would wind up into one little Ball of Light inside a Merkaba Field and then would unwind on the other side and it would again have its Parallel Double except when you go into the Inner Ecka Worlds, you and your Double are actually the same person. You are in the same body. The two bodies, the Particle and Antiparticle, actually come together and form a Stasis that gives them more permanent, and a more stronger body form than what we have here. But these on a physical personal level, this is what we are giving the Veca and Ecka Codes are opening for you, is those Seals that would release all those little circles that are going all over these little Radial Bodies here. And, remember the Seven Higher and Lower Heaven things, that whenever you see a Kathara Grid, you have three bubbles there, and then one here and then three here and that shares that one, so that's seven. So, there is fourteen, technically, there would be 14-Radial Bodies that would be blended together into one, the Fifteenth, which is the one that you can go through with. All right. Now, this has to do with your Shields, because all of this, including the Veca Codes, and something called the Nodes, are in the Structure of your Maharic Shield, that thing that we activate below our feet. That whole, is like a Mandala, like I have said before, with all sorts of different configurations of Frequency that are lined up in different geometrical forms and that kind of thing. So, I will show you where these guys sit in a minute, into your Shield and also where the Nodes are and I will start to talk about what the Nodes are briefly. So you will get an idea of the living energy that we are playing with. All right, I will do this really quick. All right. Now, in your Shields, there is the pattern for this that is actually stored in your Shield, the mathematical program we talked about for the Tribal Shield, that's your 1728 simultaneous selves, all right, the are all encoded in your Maharic Shield. They correspond with your DNA Template that we talked about before. Now there's something we call "Nodes, Tangents, Logi and Atme.” And this little bit down here that I just scribbled on there, I will talk about when we get there in a minute. The Maharic Shield holds, remember our Kathara Grid that holds the Core Programs for our DNA. It holds the Kathara Grid Programs, the DNA Programs, the Tribal Shield Programs, in the form of Nodes, Tangents, Logi and Atmi, and Lock Codes within the Shield. Now, what are these things? They are a form of the consciousness of the Rays. Now, if you remember when we were up at the top of the Stairway to Heaven, all of this is created, not by somebody over here that's conscious making energy out of something else and creating Structure. It's the Consciousness itself that serves as the energy of which the Structure is created. That means, all of the Structures we are working with and all of the energy we are working with is fully alive and conscious and represents a part of the Consciousness of God. That means it has its own ability to interact with other energy. It has its ability in its own way. Think. When we are running a Frequency in our bodies, we are running an identity in our bodies. Now, it is a part of our own identity because we have parts of own Identity all the way up that Stairway that we have left behind. The Nodus is the name that is used to represent the Consciousness Field of a full dimensional Frequency Band or a full Ray. So the consciousness of the Rays are called the "Nodus.” The body form that Consciousness takes which is a Scalar Standing Wave Form is called a "Node", so a Node is the
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Page 84 of 86 Body Form, the Wave Form that the Nodus Consciousness, which is the living God Consciousness of that particular dimensionalized Ray of the 15-Rays, is taking. So, you have Nodes. Now, you have something called "Tangents.” These represent the Consciousness of the Sub-Frequency Bands within each Dimensional Band. Remember. We have 1-Dimensional Band that has 12-Sub-Frequency Bands in it. That means one Nodus Consciousness has 12-Tangus Consciousness within it. So this is living Structure we are talking about. When we are talking about the Fire Letters, we are talking about living Structures of energy and identity that have lots of information to share with you once you realize you can communicate with them. Your Shield is you as an Avatar but it holds vast amounts of knowledge, Conscious living knowledge. It's the living memory matrix of what you are. It's not the memory of something that happened before and now it's just dead memory like a picture. It literally holds the consciousness and the information of that entire Ray. Now, the Rays; 1-Dimensional Band equals 1-Ray and that equals 1-Nodus Consciousness and within the 1-Nodus consciousness or 1-Ray, there is 12-Frequency Bands. So, there would be 12-Tangents in 1-Nodus. It's a way of further understanding when we talk about a Dimension, it's also a person. All right. In the Universal Unified Field, each Dimension, the whole spectrum of it equals the Nodus Consciousness. Not just the part that's in you, but the part that literally forms that Dimension in the Universal Matrix. So, the same with the Sub-Frequency Bands. So these are like Universal Consciousness that we are working with and that we are composed of. We are literally made of these pieces of consciousness that interact with each other. We go, 1-Node is the body form, the wave form that the Nodus Consciousness holds, the Nodus Consciousness in the consciousness of the Frequency Band or Ray. It is also the consciousness of 1-Fire Letter Sequence or a group of 12-Fire Letters or the Consciousness of 1-DNA Strand, which equals 12-Chromosome Blueprints. The Blue Prints, literally, the chemicals that our DNA is made out of, they are alive. These are the Carriers of the Consciousness of Nodus and Tangus. Now, when we get to Tangents, one Tangent is the Body Form , or the little Wave Form inside of the bigger Wave Form of the Node that is the Tangus Consciousness or the Consciousness of the Unified Field of 1-Sub-Frequency Band equals 1-Fire Letter so 1-Tangent is 1-Fire Letter. One Tangus Consciousness is the Living Reality of 1-Fire Letter and there are 12-Fire Letters within each Node. So this is where the terms of Fire Letters and all those things, and Scalar Wave Patterns and those little things in your Shield. Those little things in your shield, the Scalar Waves that we are lighting up, what we are doing is turning on the Consciousness of the Rays progressively in our Shields, and it helps to understand this because when we are working with these energies, if we think of them in terms of you know, just kind of like energy to play with, we're missing a whole ability to have a relationship. What it comes down to is everything, everything before your eyes and everything you can't see yet is Living, Alive Consciousness and a Direct Expression of God. If you want to touch God, reach out your hand. Feel the Air. Try it. Think of it in a new way. What is this air? This is a form of the Consciousness of God. Now, take this same hand. Put it here. This thing you know as your face. You are touching part of the Consciousness of God. It's that close. It's that real and it's that here. The Nodus Consciousness is the Consciousness of each Ray with this little Tangus Consciousness in it and they break down even further. The next break down would be the Logi Level and the next break down would be the Acme Level where you are getting into the Consciousness that makes up the parts of atoms and things. But it is all Living Consciousness Field. The next time you feel scared or upset about something or overwhelmed by something, remember, reach out your hand and touch God and then take your hand back and lean into that space and let yourself be embraced by God. Feel the air around you hold you and realize that air is Conscious. It is the Consciousness of God around you. You can never, ever be separate from it. Even in a vacuum, the vacuum space it still God. God doesn't require oxygen to be. Everything is the consciousness of these Wave Forms that everything is manifest on. It's very hard to be frightened of anything if you get that. If you really get that simple little thing, Where is God? Do I have to go look inside me? Do I look down my shirt? Can I find him in there somewhere? No, you can reach here. You can touch here. It is here around you and if you can let your Mental Body remember that
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Page 85 of 86 when you are in times of stress or anything, you can immediately calm yourself down as if God literally came and put arms around you and said, "You are safe. You are a child of my bosom. You cannot be separate from me." If you can learn to feel the sensation of that little exercise and realize you are touching the Consciousness of the Nodes, the Nodus Consciousness, the Tangus consciousness, the Logus, the Atmus and that's what you're made of to and that's what your Shields are made of. So, when we work with the Symbols, we are speaking the language, the God Languages, the language that Nodus understands. When we speak a Symbol, by running a Symbol Code down into our bodies into our Shields, it is the language, the Nodus can understand what we call English or Spanish or whatever our outside languages are. But they are true and whole languages of the inner languages, the languages of vibrations, and when we begin to speak the languages of the Gods, the pieces of God that are all around us and that make us up, we begin to have a direct and immediate relationship with God and that opens up in different ways for everyone. But I didn't want, with all the technical things we have learned in this work shop, I didn't want you to go away without the understanding that every bit of this technical stuff is about the emotional, touchy-feely, cuddly God stuff that spirituality is about too. All of that is here and it's in it. And if you can hold that, to realize those two parts, the technical aspects of how the things work, but the loving consciousness, the wisdom that is around you and with you and inside of you always. We are going to be taking eventually (and I don't know which workshop), I think maybe the Greece one, where they are going to teach us how and I didn't know where the exercises fit that they used to help me wake up a long time ago, but there were some fascinating Meditations that were done by Calling on the Entity of the Flame. Now when you find out what your Capstone Node is, what Frequencies you are primarily working with, that is what Consciousness you are primarily working with right now. They taught me to actually bring the Frequency in. And I would feel the Flame around me, and they had trained me this way, and call upon the Entity of the Flame and ask it whatever it is you would like to know and it will reveal to you its knowledge. Now, sometimes, you will hear it in hearing. Sometimes, you will get a visual. Most often, you will get Direct Cognition. It's like a Frequency you can just feel move through you. If there is an answer, you can do something. You can actually visualize yourself within an Eckasha shaped Flame of your Capstone Color. All right, now if you do your test now and you find that you are a Blue Flame ManU, you go into the Blue Flame. If you find that you are running more ManA, you go into the Pale Yellow Flame. If you find that you are running more EirA, you go into the Pale Violet Flame, or it's actually Pale Pink, Magenta. You may find two weeks or two months from now, if you retest just to see what happens, you might find your affiliation is different so then you would go into that. But you literally visualize yourself in the space after you run, like, well, once you are on Tech-8, you just like run the quick version, it's like, kind of the thing higher than the Maharic Seal. For now you would run like the Eckasha Quick Seal and go into the visualization of seeing yourself sitting inside the Flame. Feel that air around you. Touch, try to touch, you don't have to put your hand out but you can touch the Flame around you and then realize that it's a Living Being that is a part of you. It is what you look like on that particular Density Level when that Density Level visits this Density Level. You are surrounded by yourself now, in it's highest space that it is running, like the Frequencies are running at this point. Ask it questions. Sometimes you won't get any answer. Sometimes, what needs to be done first is a strong connection being made. So, you literally just go in and breathe the Color of the Flame and feel is spread through you and realize that's a part of you are reclaiming and when you do that, your Shields lighten up all over the place. You are bringing more and more of that Frequency in. I remember going into Meditations where I would just find myself, you know. I would start where I would be aware of myself sitting, like on the chair, and go into the Flame space, and for maybe, two or three weeks, I would be aware of both parts and sometimes, things are distracting you and you are trying to calm your mind down. "Stick that in the file cabinet. Leave me alone. I am trying to concentrate. I am in a Flame." You know, that kind of stuff where you are having the mind chatter and stuff. But, after a while, the mind chatter stopped. And then I found I got really still and I would be sitting, and I would still be aware of the Self on the chair and the Self in the Flame, but huge amounts of time would go by and it would seem like I was just there for 5-minutes and I would look and it was like 3-hours later. And I thought, "Oh my God, I have been in this Absolute Still Point." It was like being in hyperspace, the most peaceful place, and I would be so energized when I got back out.
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And then I found as I continued with these type of Meditations that I got into the Flame and completely forgot about myself in the Body and there were a couple of times I really wondered if the Body was actually still there. If I would have had a video camera going in the room, was it even still there? Because there were a few times where I felt this little shift that I recognized from other places that was like, "Oh yeah, coming back into Manifestation, almost like, (making a droning sound), okay, back in." These are the beginnings of being able to get out. First you get your mind out, then you get your Emotional Body out, your D-2 Body, then you get your Physical Body out. So, understanding your Capstone Node is important so you can run the Frequencies of the Flame. And, talk to them. These are your friends. These are yourself up there. Call upon the Entity of the Flame. And that's how it was worded to me. So, I usually go, I was always working with the Blue Flame, and it said, "Call upon the Entity of the Blue Flame." And I said, "I call upon the Entity of the Blue Flame.", not realizing it was even myself at that point. You know, I wasn't awake enough to have all the Technicals down. I thought it was like, okay, I felt like family. I knew it wasn't something, I was already real sensitive to things that said that they were one thing but acted another way. It was a very peaceful Flame and felt very benign. So even when I didn't know what it meant and didn't realize it was a part of my own Consciousness, my own, like a Rishi Level, it was still the most peaceful feeling and it was, Call upon the Entity of whatever Color Flame it is, you know. And, that's a little exercise. We won't have time to do it here but you can do it at home. It's real simple. It's not like you have to do Step-1, Step-2. It's not one of these real technical ones. You know, just get your Shields up. If you are doing Eckasha Quick Seal, do Eckasha Quick Seal, visualize the Flame. Slow the breathing and visualize the Flame. And try to get yourself first to feel the Flame around your Body. And then try to really just focus, a visual in your mind as if you are sitting in it here and get to the point here, where if you work with it, you actually lose track of this Body and feel like you are completely in there and just all sorts of stuff comes. Sometimes people come and visit you in the Flame and like, sometimes, scenarios will be shown to you in the Flame to help work out conflicts with people here or issues. Or sometimes books will appear mysteriously hanging in the air in the visualization and you will be able to read them while you are in the Flame. And, yeah, and you can come back and solve problems here, or write books, or draw pictures. I mean it's really cool what you can do once you get into this space and it's a really simple exercise. Just remember, get into the Flame, what was my Capstone. Ah, that's the color. Okay. It is really simple. That's one of the reasons why they wanted you to take the test so you could identify at least what your Flame Affiliation is right now, the Mutable Flame Affiliation. Later, these are going to be intensified when we get to Core you know, what our Core Program is, where you find out which Flame Family we are bearing the most Codes of which would be, once we turn on our whole Shield, that would be the Primary Frequency that's running. But for now, this is a lot to work with and it's fun.
Allentown September 2002 USA Wrap Up The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane