InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials) [1 ed.] 0081027257, 9780081027257

InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar discusses the materials, physics, and design considerations of avalan

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InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials) [1 ed.]
 0081027257, 9780081027257

Table of contents :
InGaAs Avalanche
Photodiodes for
Ranging and Lidar
1 - Types of avalanche photodiode
1.1 - APD function
1.1.1 - APD junctions - p–n junction formation - p–i–n junction under strong reverse bias - The separate absorption-charge-multiplication structure
1.1.2 - Geiger-mode operation - Breakdown probability - Single-photon detection efficiency and dark count rate - Spatial distribution of photocarrier generation - Spatial distribution of dark carrier generation - Internal collection efficiency - PDE - DCR Afterpulsing and crosstalk Extraction of afterpulse probability from free-run DCR data Blinding by afterpulsing Crosstalk Geiger-mode APD photoreceivers Semiconductor photomultipliers Statistics of afterpulsing and crosstalk Dark current, photocurrent, and responsivity
1.1.3 - Linear-mode operation - Spatial distribution of avalanche gain - Quantum efficiency - Average gain, responsivity, and dark current - Gain sensitivity to field strength and gain saturation - Multiplication noise - Temporal response - Linear-mode APD photoreceivers
1.2 - APD structure
1.3 - APD material systems and waveband coverage
1.3.1 - Si, Ge, and Ge/Si APDs
1.3.2 - GaAs/AlGaAs APDs
1.3.3 - GaAs/AlInP, 4H-SiC, and GaN APDs
1.3.4 - InP/InGaAs/InAlAs APDs
1.3.5 - InAs, GaSb/InAs, InP/AlAsSb, InP/AlGaAsSb, and GaSb/AlInAsSb APDs
1.3.6 - CdZnTe/HgCdTe APDs
1.4 - APD design considerations
1.4.1 - Sparse versus continuous signals
1.4.2 - Free-space versus fiberoptic signals
2 - Avalanche photodiode figures of merit
2.1 - Preliminaries
2.1.1 - Statistics of photon number and electron count - Discrete probability distributions - Distribution of a random variable conditioned on another random variable - Distribution of the sum of two independent random variables - Complementary cumulative distribution function - Population mean, variance, and standard error of the mean—signal and noise - Binomial distribution - Poisson distribution - Exponential distribution - McIntyre distribution - Cascaded shifted Bernoulli distribution - Central limit theorem and Gaussian distribution - Burgess variance theorem - Attenuation of an optical signal - Avalanche multiplication and the excess noise factor
2.1.2 - Statistics of optical power and current - Instantaneous optical power - Instantaneous current - Stochastic impulse response - Current noise - Band-limited current noise - Wiener–Khintchine and Milatz theorems
2.1.3 - Power conventions
2.2 - Performance of Geiger APDs
2.2.1 - Optical power measurement
2.2.2 - Pulse detection
2.3 - Performance of linear APDs and photoreceivers
2.3.1 - Simplifying assumptions - Primary carrier generation separate from multiplication - Linear response model - APD response - TIA response
2.3.2 - Optical power and photon number measurement - Noise-equivalent power and noise-equivalent input - Dark noise of an APD - Dark noise of an APD photoreceiver - NEP and NEI of an APD - NEP and NEI of an APD photoreceiver - Signal-to-noise ratio - Signal of an APD photoreceiver - Total noise of an APD photoreceiver - SNR of an APD photoreceiver
2.3.3 - Pulse detection - Photoreceiver output distribution - False alarm rate - Pulse detection probability - Receiver conversion gain and pulse sensitivity - Bit error rate
2.4 - Red herrings
2.4.1 - Excess noise of a Geiger APD
2.4.2 - Johnson–Nyquist noise and R0A
3 - APD photoreceivers for range-finding and lidar
3.1 - Radiometry and effective range
3.2 - Range error of linear-mode photoreceivers
3.2.1 - Photoreceiver temporal response - Photoreceiver bandwidth and pulse distortion - Analytic model of photoreceiver bandwidth - Numerical model of photoreceiver temporal response
3.2.2 - Timing error model
3.2.3 - Random range errors
3.2.4 - Systematic range errors - Range walk - Refractive index error
4 - Linear-mode InGaAs APD design and manufacture
4.1 - Linear-mode InGaAs APD design
4.1.1 - Models - Optical TMM - Monte Carlo implementation of DSMT
4.1.2 - APD speed - Dependence on absorber thickness - Dependence on ionization rate ratio
4.1.3 - Low-noise multiplier design - Thin multipliers - Heterostructure multipliers Superlattice staircase multipliers Superlattice digital alloy multipliers Simple heterostructure multipliers
4.2 - InGaAs APD manufacture
4.2.1 - Yield and failure
A.1 - Crystal structure
A.2 Reciprocal lattice
A.3 - Diffraction and Brillouin zones
A.4 - Electronic band structure
A.4.1 - Bloch functions and crystal momentum
A.4.2 - Bloch function properties
A.4.3 - Empty lattice approximation
A.4.4 - Qualitative features of real band structures
A.4.5 - Band gaps
A.4.6 - Pseudopotential models of band structure
A.4.7 - Tight binding models of band structure
A.4.8 - k·p models of band structure
A.5 - Electron motion in electric fields
A.5.1 - Holes
A.5.2 - Inertial effective mass
A.5.2.1 - Heavy and light hole dispersion relations
A.5.2.2 - Electron and split-off hole dispersion relations
A.6 - Band occupancy
A.6.1 - Density of states and density of states effective mass
A.6.2 - Carrier concentration and doping
A.7 - Generation and recombination
A.7.1 - Optical Generation and Recombination
A.7.2 - Impact ionization
A.7.3 - SRH generation and recombination
A.7.4 - Tunneling
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Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials

InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar Andrew S. Huntington Voxtel Inc, Beaverton, Oregon, USA

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To hedge wizards everywhere


This book was written to serve both the research and user communities—to provide scientists embarking on avalanche photodiode (APD) research with a rigorous treatment of the fundamentals while also offering engineers practical information on APD characteristics and application. The overarching objective was to help readers build physical intuition about APDs and APD photoreceivers by giving clear explanations of “why” rather than simply stating “what.” Unfortunately, there is inherent tension between the level of theoretical detail useful to those with an academic or research objective and the brevity most useful to those seeking a quick engineering reference. Rare is the individual who will read this book from cover to cover. Many sections of the book are structured as derivations in order to provide the clearest exposition of why a particular result is so, and what assumptions the result embodies. Those seeking quick answers will be better served by skipping to the “textbook” result at the end of such a section. Those readers without a background in semiconductor physics who also wish to understand details of APD function are encouraged to read the Appendix first. A background in quantum mechanics is assumed—or at least a willingness to accept the validity of standard quantum-mechanical results—but otherwise, the Appendix is a self-contained primer that covers the background needed to understand contemporary APD research. Chapter 1 explains how APDs work and how their device characteristics relate to their structure, concluding with a brief survey of different kinds of APD. Chapter 2 is a detailed mathematical treatment of APD and photoreceiver sensitivity, teaching the statistical tools used to quantify noise and the methods by which various figures of merit are calculated from device parameters. Chapter 3 relates the effective range and range error of lidar systems built using APDs to photoreceiver circuit characteristics like bandwidth and the sensitivity metrics developed in Chapter 2. Finally, Chapter 4 provides details of models useful for InGaAs APD design and discusses InGaAs APD design principles and aspects of their manufacture.


I would like to thank my colleagues at Voxtel who contributed to this book. Adam Lee, Smitha Mothe, and Charles Myers of Voxtel’s CMOS design group provided helpful discussion of APD photoreceiver circuits and numerous circuit simulations. Measurements taken by my coworkers Madison Compton, Austin McGlone, and Justin Antolin contributed to some figures, as did a simulation of laser prebleaching provided by Mike Munroe. Benjamin Petrak helped review the manuscript. This book would not have been possible without the support of George Williams, who— over the span of 16 years—created the opportunity for me to research and understand its content. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the APD research community at large, whom I hope will find this book a fair and accurate representation of the field. Omissions are unintended, and the errors are my own.

Types of avalanche photodiode


Avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are semiconductor detectors that convert photons to electrons and then multiply the electrons, resulting in an amplified photocurrent signal. APDs are useful for sensing weak optical signals, boosting the amplified output above circuit noise in analog photoreceivers or generating output strong enough to directly trigger transition of digital logic in photon-counting receivers. APDs are categorized by their intended mode of operation and the optical waveband to which they are responsive—a function of the semiconductor alloys from which they are fabricated. Within a given category, APDs may be further differentiated by their method of manufacture, and structural optimization for a given application. This chapter sketches the landscape of APD technology, beginning with an overview of APD function and structure. Figures of merit used to quantify APD performance are introduced and several types of APD of contemporary interest are described. Subsequent chapters focus specifically on linear-mode InGaAs APDs, examining their design, performance, and application to range-finding and lidar in greater detail.

1.1  APD function Selected topics in semiconductor physics are presented in the Appendix for readers seeking background on the physical concepts and processes mentioned in this section. APDs are a type of photodiode. When operated under reverse bias, a region forms inside a photodiode in which the macroscopic electric field is strong and the material is depleted of mobile charge carriers. Because carrier velocity saturates in strong electric fields, reverse current through this depletion region is primarily governed by the number of charge carriers available to transport current rather than by the applied voltage that drives their motion. Under optical illumination, photovoltaic absorption increases the supply of mobile carriers by promoting electrons out of valence band states in which they cannot transport current into conduction band states in which they can (Fig. 1.1). The vacated valence band states behave as positive charge carriers called holes which also transport current. The charge carriers generated by optical absorption are collectively called photocarriers, and the portion of the current they transport is termed photocurrent. Reverse-biased photodiodes can be used to sense light because the generation rate of photocarriers—and therefore the photocurrent—is proportional to incident optical power. Heat can also promote electrons across the energy gap between valence and conduction bands, and in strong electric fields, quantum tunneling of electrons out of the valence band and into the conduction band generates additional carriers. These

InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.1  A reverse-biased photodiode.

processes operate continuously, resulting in current that flows through a reversebiased diode even when there is no light to generate photocarriers. This dark current is always present in a photodiode, including when an optical signal is generating photocurrent, and is a source of noise that introduces error in optical power measurements. APDs are photodiodes that internally multiply charge carriers via impact ionization, increasing the photocurrent that flows in response to a given incident optical power level. Carriers generated by impact ionization can themselves initiate further impact ionization, leading to branching chains of ionization events likened to an avalanche. The process is diagrammed in Fig. 1.2, where electrons and holes are depicted drifting in opposite directions in an applied electric field. The avalanche gain process also amplifies unwanted dark current and the shot noise already present on the diode’s current prior to multiplication. In many APDs, statistical fluctuation of the avalanche gain adds excess noise to the multiplied current. In general, the avalanche gain process amplifies an APD’s noise current by a factor at least as large as the gain applied to its signal photocurrent. Consequently, when considered as an isolated component, APDs are always less sensitive than an equivalent photodiode without any avalanche gain. However, photodiodes are never used as isolated components—they are always part of a photoreceiver circuit that has other noise sources. APDs are useful when downstream sources of noise in a photoreceiver—such as amplifier circuit noise—are stronger than the noise from the APD. Measures of APD sensitivity are largely meaningless outside the context of specific photoreceiver circuits because an APD’s contribution to the sensitivity of a photoreceiver depends fundamentally on the magnitude of a receiver circuit’s amplifier noise. Together with the APD’s excess noise characteristics, the amplifier noise determines the maximum avalanche gain at which it is fruitful to operate a linear-mode APD. The sensitivity

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.2  Avalanche multiplication by impact ionization.

advantage to be gained by using a particular APD depends on the amplifier with which it is paired, and cannot be determined from the APD’s characteristics alone. Relevant sensitivity calculations are presented in Chapter 2. Geiger-mode operation of an APD is a special case in which extremely high nonlinear gain is exploited to achieve sensitivity to single-photon signals. The gain of the most APDs increases asymptotically as a critical reverse bias called the APD’s breakdown voltage is approached from below. In breakdown, the APD junction rapidly becomes conductive in response to a signal of any size, such that strong current pulses can develop from as few as one photon. Geiger-mode operation of an APD entails momentarily biasing the APD above breakdown (called overbias) until a signal is detected, immediately reducing the applied bias to avoid damage to the APD junction (called quench), and then holding the inert APD in quench while mid-band-gap defect states that were populated by carriers from the current in the junction during breakdown release their trapped carriers. A Geiger-mode APD’s overbias is restored after enough time has passed that there is little chance a carrier released by a trap will trigger another breakdown event (called afterpulsing). In Geiger mode, an APD’s response to optical signals is determined by its bias circuit rather than the strength of the optical signal, so the number of photons arriving in a given signal pulse cannot be measured. Since Geiger APDs are sensitive to single photoelectrons, they are also sensitive to single electrons generated by various dark current mechanisms. Depending on the band gap and purity of the semiconductor alloys from which a Geiger APD is fabricated, cooled operation and small junction area may be necessary to limit the rate of spurious dark counts. Consequently, Geiger APDs are typically used to sense sparse pulses of one or a handful of photons each, in applications where the optical


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

background is low, and for which limited duty cycle, cooling to reduce dark current generation, and small detector area can be tolerated.

1.1.1  APD junctions The region of mutual influence where two dissimilar materials come into physical contact, with transfer of carriers across the interface, is called a junction. Schottky junctions are metal–semiconductor junctions; heterojunctions are junctions between dissimilar semiconductor alloys, such as InP/In0.53Ga0.47As; p–n junctions are junctions between semiconductor regions which have been doped to generate majority carrier populations of opposite polarity. Much more can be said and calculated about junctions than will be introduced here, because APD junctions—particularly those of epitaxially grown APDs, including most InGaAs APDs—comprise an especially simple case. Rather than providing a survey of different types of junction and how to calculate their relevant properties under a variety of conditions, this account focuses narrowly on p–i–n junctions under strong reverse bias, and the particular embodiment relevant to InGaAs APD design and operation.  p–n junction formation Electron populations in thermodynamic equilibrium distribute themselves among the available states according to the Fermi–Dirac distribution, which depends on the local chemical potential of the electrons. The chemical potential is the Gibbs free energy per particle, which in semiconductor physics is known as the Fermi level (EF). As explained in greater detail in the Appendix, the position of the Fermi level in the band gap of a piece of semiconductor is determined by the equilibrium electron and hole concentrations, being nearer the conduction band in material with a high concentration of electrons and nearer the valence band in material with a high concentration of holes. The unifying principle of all types of junction is that if an electron in a region of a material with one value of the Fermi level can access a region in which the Fermi level is lower, its movement into the region of lower Fermi level will both reduce the Gibbs free energy of the material as a whole and decrease the difference in Fermi level between the two regions. Since the equilibrium configuration of a system at constant temperature and pressure minimizes Gibbs free energy, the equilibrium configuration of a junction is that in which the Fermi level is constant throughout the material. Formation of a p–n junction is sketched in Fig. 1.3 using band edge diagrams that plot the macroscopic spatial variation of the energy of the electron states which transport current in a semiconductor. The conduction band edge, marked EC, is the lowest energy at which states exist through which electrons can transport current, if occupied. The valence band edge, marked EV, is the highest energy at which there are filled electron states that can transport current in the form of holes, if vacated. The Fermi level is also marked on the diagram, but it should be remembered that whereas EC and EV are energies, EF is a thermodynamic potential in which a measure of the system’s entropy is subtracted from its energy. The gradients of EC or EV describe

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.3  Formation of a p–n junction.

macroscopic forces—chiefly the Coulomb force—which act on individual mobile electrons or holes and change their energy. In addition to those real forces, the gradient of EF encompasses pseudo forces due to the statistics of the electron population as a whole—chiefly the diffusion force. As such, the gradient of EF determines how carrier populations as a whole move to reach equilibrium, whereas gradients of EC or EV represent only those real forces acting on the carriers. In perfectly pure semiconductor material, referred to as intrinsic, there are no electron states in the energy range between the band edges, termed the semiconductor’s band gap. At absolute zero, the electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor fill all of the valence band states but none of the conduction band states, and the material is nonconductive because there are no mobile electrons in the conduction band and no mobile holes in the valence band. When heated to a nonzero absolute temperature, thermal energy excites a fraction of the electron population across the band gap, rendering an intrinsic semiconductor modestly conductive. This process generates mobile electrons and holes in equal number. However, semiconductor technology is based on separately manipulating the concentrations of electrons and holes over many orders of magnitude at a fixed temperature. This is accomplished by doping. Any type of defect in a semiconductor crystal’s structure can create localized electronic states within its band gap. When a defect state is very close to EC or EV in energy, ambient thermal energy at room temperature (about 25.7 meV) is sufficient to


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

transfer electrons between the defect state and the nearby band edge. Doping refers to growing or processing semiconductor crystals in such a way that readily ionized defects add substantially to either the population of mobile electrons (n-type doping) by donating electrons to the conduction band, or to the population of mobile holes (p-type doping) by accepting electrons from the valence band. Doped material in which the equilibrium carrier concentration has been altered from its intrinsic value is termed extrinsic. Doping is most commonly accomplished by introduction of chemical impurities into a semiconductor, but in some materials, doping is accomplished by generating structural defects such as lattice site vacancies. Although dopants are said to ionize when they donate or accept electrons, doped material is electrically neutral on a macroscopic scale because the charge carriers released by doping stay in the material. The fixed charge of the ionized dopants is immersed in balancing charge of the opposite polarity carried by the mobile electrons or holes released by the dopants. Band edge diagrams for isolated p- and n-type samples of a generic semiconductor are sketched in the top panel of Fig. 1.3. In the p-type sample, acceptors have removed some of the electrons from the valence band, increasing the likelihood of finding vacant electron states there. Consequently, the Fermi level on the p-side (EF,p) has shifted closer to the valence band edge. Similarly, in the n-type material, donors have added to the electron population of the conduction band, increasing the likelihood of finding occupied states there, and shifting the Fermi level on the n-side (EF,n) upward. When the two samples are placed in intimate contact and allowed to equilibrate, a p–n junction forms. A p–n junction in thermodynamic equilibrium is sketched in the lower half of Fig. 1.3. Some distance from the interface, the band edges of the n-type half of the junction have shifted down in energy such that the Fermi level, which retains its position relative to the band edges, now aligns across both sides of the junction. Physically, the shift in band edge energy is caused by a macroscopic electric field that develops between the two halves of the junction. The energy of an electron changes when it displaces with or against the force applied by an electric field, so the energies of the electron states at the band edges change with displacement in the field of the junction. The term “macroscopic electric field” is used above because the physical model described here treats the mobile charge carriers and fixed dopant ions as occupying a homogeneous polarizable dielectric medium, the bulk properties of which subsume the complicated microscopic electromagnetic interactions between the individual nuclei and core electrons of the atoms composing the semiconductor crystal. For simplicity, the word “macroscopic” is dropped in the following discussion. The p–n junction’s built-in electric field is a consequence of net carrier transfer across the interface by diffusion. Although semiconducting material is electrically neutral in isolation, net transfer of carriers across the interface leaves the fixed charge of ionized donors and acceptors behind, as sketched in the lower panel of Fig. 1.3. The volume containing the fixed charge is referred to as the junction’s space charge region, or its depletion region. Often the word junction itself is used synonymously, as when speaking of the junction width or junction capacitance, etc. Electrons diffuse from n to p, and holes diffuse from p to n, because that increases the entropy of the system as a whole: there are more possible system configurations

Types of avalanche photodiode


in which a given carrier type is uniformly distributed throughout the joined material than configurations in which they are concentrated on one side or the other. The more carriers are transferred across the interface by diffusion, the more fixed charge is left behind, the greater the charge separation across the interface, and the stronger the Coulomb force opposing further net diffusion. The associated potential barrier in the conduction band (V0) which prevents further net diffusion of electrons out of the n-side and into the p-side is marked in the lower panel of Fig. 1.3. Since transfer of electrons out of the valence band is equivalent to inward transfer of holes, the same potential barrier in the valence band acts to prevent diffusion of holes out of the p-side and into the n-side. Dynamic equilibrium is reached when the diffusion current driven by the concentration gradient is balanced by an equal and opposite drift current driven by the electric field in the depletion region. The size of the built-in potential barrier is equal to the initial difference in Fermi level between the two halves of the junction (EFn−EFp). The built-in barrier height of a p-n homojunction can be estimated using Eqs. (A.92) and (A.93) from the Appendix, which relate Fermi levels to equilibrium carrier concentrations. For an anode and cathode that are nondegenerately doped, respectively with ionized acceptor and donor concentrations of NA− and ND+ in units of m−3, the built-in potential of a homojunction is approximately:  N− ⋅ N+  V0 = EFn − EFp = kB T ln  A 2 D  [V], (1.1)  ni  where kB = 8.617333262145 × 10−5 eV·K−1 is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature in K, and ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration in units of m−3. The intrinsic carrier concentration varies with temperature and material, and is discussed in greater detail in the Appendix. For InGaAs at 300 K, ni = 1.21 × 1012 cm−3. If NA− = ND+ = 1018 cm−3 then V0 in InGaAs is about 0.7 V at 300 K. Ideal electrical contacts are also marked in Fig. 1.3 as crosshatched rectangles, the tops of which align to the Fermi level in the junction. Each crosshatched rectangle notionally represents an extremely high concentration of mobile electrons inside a metallic conductor. The top of the crosshatched region marks the highest energy at which the electron states in the metal are occupied, which—if measured relative to the energy of an isolated electron that has been removed to the vacuum—is called the metal’s work function. The conductor is such a plentiful source of mobile electrons that the Fermi level in the semiconductor must align with the conductor’s work function, adopting whatever potential the electrical contact is at. In the case of the idealized contacts sketched in Fig. 1.3, the work function of the metal happens to align perfectly with the Fermi level in the junction, such that separate Schottky junctions do not form at the metal/semiconductor interfaces. This abstraction simplifies discussion of applying bias to the p–n junction, as one can imagine the Fermi level in the semiconductor being pinned to the work function of the local metal contact and adopting the contact’s potential without having to worry about the characteristics of additional Schottky junctions in series with the p–n junction. This simplification serves


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

the present discussion, but it should be remembered that real APDs have junctions between metal contacts and semiconductor crystal. Normally contacts can be formed in a way that approximates a low-value resistor, rather than a rectifying diode. In most cases, such “Ohmic” contacts have minimal influence on the electrical behavior of an APD. However, contact resistance can play a significant role in device heating and failure under high-current conditions. Applying a positive potential (+VA) to the cathode of a diode, with its anode held at ground, lowers the energies of the electron states on the cathode side of the junction. This condition, termed reverse bias, increases the separation in energy between electron states on either side of the junction and adds to the potential drop across the junction: (1.2) VJ = V0 + VA [V]. APDs are generally operated under strong reverse bias, meaning that VA >>V0 and VJ≈VA.  p–i–n junction under strong reverse bias Many APDs, including InGaAs APDs, are built using some variation of a p–i–n junction. As the name suggests, a p–i–n junction is a p–n junction in which a layer of intrinsic material has been inserted between the p-type anode and n-type cathode. The intrinsic layer is easily depleted of carriers, providing designers with a way to build junctions of fixed depletion width inside which an electric field of uniform strength can be easily adjusted by adjusting the applied voltage. In practice, many p–i–n photodiodes and APDs also incorporate heterojunctions between dissimilar semiconductors. However, this complication is incidental to the present discussion and will not be addressed here. The p–i–n junction is useful for designing photodiodes to sense rapidly modulated optical signals, and has specific advantages for APDs. Depending on signal wavelength and material selection, an optical path length on the order of a micron through the light-sensitive region of a photodiode is required for efficient response. The absorption path need not be along the axis of the junction, but it often is in photodiodes designed to function over a broad waveband, for ease of optical coupling, or as pixels in a multielement array. Photocarriers generated inside the depletion region of a diode immediately contribute to its photocurrent, whereas those generated outside the depletion region must first diffuse there—a process that takes nanoseconds per micron traversed. Any lag between a change in the generation rate of photocarriers and the corresponding change in photocurrent limits the high-frequency response of a photodiode, so photodiode designs in which the depletion region is wide enough to fully encompass the volume of material in which light is absorbed are better able to keep pace with rapidly modulated optical signals. A photoreceiver circuit’s bandwidth may also be limited by resistance-capacitance-type (RC-type) low-pass filtering that depends on the photodiode capacitance, in which case the lower capacitance per unit area associated with a wider depletion region can help. Depending on circuit design, lower photodiode capacitance also lowers amplifier noise. However, the trades are not

Types of avalanche photodiode


all in one direction. The time it takes photocarriers to transit a photodiode’s junction ultimately limits its speed, and wider junctions take longer to cross. Larger depleted volumes also generate more dark current, increasing shot noise. The p–i–n structure allows photodiode designers to optimize device characteristics within this trade space. In addition to the above trades common to all photodiodes, there are reasons specific to APDs why the ability to optimize depletion region width is helpful. Wider multiplying junctions can be operated at a given avalanche gain with weaker internal electric fields, which minimizes generation of unwanted dark current from tunneling. Also, the multiplication gain of an APD with a wider junction is easier to control through changes to the applied voltage because the internal electric field strength goes as the applied voltage divided by the junction width, resulting in smaller incremental changes for voltage steps of a given size. A countervailing trade is that among APD multipliers manufactured from the same material, excess multiplication noise at a given operating gain usually tends to decrease with the width of the multiplying junction. However, this trend does not hold for certain materials like AlAsSb, for which multiplication is significantly noisier in the stronger electric fields necessitated by a thin junction. The reason a p–i–n structure can be used to make junctions of a fixed width, inside which the electric field strength is uniform, can be understood through the differential form of Gauss’s law. Treating the depletion region of a semiconductor junction as a linear, homogeneous, isotropic dielectric, the steady-state divergence of the electric field is proportional to the density of space charge:

ρ ∇ ⋅ FE = space [V ⋅ m −2 ], (1.3) εr ⋅ ε 0 where ∇ ⋅ FE is the divergence of the electric field FE, ρspace is the density of space charge (i.e., that of ionized dopants and mobile carriers averaged over volume) in C·m−3, εr is the relative dielectric constant of the semiconductor (e.g., εr = 12.88 in InGaAs), and ε0 = 8.8541878128 × 10-12 F·m−1 is the vacuum permittivity. InGaAs APDs are formed from flat layers, and measure tens to hundreds of microns across in the plane parallel to their anode and cathode, but are only a handful of microns thick along the axis normal to that plane. Other epitaxially grown APDs have similar aspect ratios. APD junctions with these proportions can be approximated as infinite in extent parallel to the anode/cathode plane, reducing the electrostatic problem to one dimension. This is equivalent to the parallel plate approximation often applied to capacitors. The one-dimensional form of Eq. (1.3), with x being the displacement along the anode–cathode axis, is:

ρ d (1.4) FEx = space [V ⋅ m −2 ], εr ⋅ ε 0 dx where FEx is the strength of the component of the electric field pointing from anode to cathode, in units of V·m−1. Eq. (1.4) says that in regions where the space charge density is constant, the slope of the electric field strength is also constant, and proportional to ρspace. In a layer of


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

intrinsic semiconductor that is devoid of mobile charge carriers, ρspace is zero, so the electric field strength does not vary with position. This is why the field strength is essentially uniform across a depleted intrinsic layer in a p–i–n junction. In reality, however, perfectly pure and defect-free semiconductor materials cannot be manufactured, and there is always some amount of background doping present. The abbreviation uid for “unintentionally doped” is sometimes used in place of the i for “intrinsic” as a reminder of this fact. The concentration and polarity of background doping varies with material and method of preparation. InGaAs grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition or molecular beam epitaxy is usually weakly n-type, with a background concentration in the 1014–1015 cm−3 range. In comparison, intentional doping is usually performed in the 1017–1019 cm−3 range. Although the electrical activity of different dopants depends on factors like temperature and the presence of compensating contaminants, in the following discussion, complete ionization of the dopants is assumed. Also, in order to simplify the discussion, mobile charge is neglected. With these approximations, the space charge density in a given part of the depletion region is equal to the product of the local dopant density and the elementary charge (q = 1.60217662 × 10−19 C), with a negative sign for ionized acceptors in p-doped regions and a positive sign for ionized donors in n-doped regions. Electric fields cannot be sustained inside perfect conductors because the mobile charges in a conductor rearrange under the influence of an applied field to cancel it out. For the same reason, only very weak electric fields can exist in undepleted regions of highly doped (and therefore conductive) semiconductor. This principle can be combined with Eq. (1.4) to find the electric field strength (FEx) as a function of position down the axis of a junction (hereafter the electric field profile), in terms of the voltage drop across the junction (VJ) and the space charge profile. The band edge diagram of a p–i–n junction under reverse bias is sketched in Fig. 1.4. In Fig. 1.5, sketches of the relative field strength and space charge density along the axis of a reverse-biased p–i–n junction are aligned to a sketch of the corresponding physical structure, with the extent of the depletion region shaded. These sketches depict the electric field and space charge due to the fixed charge of ionized dopant atoms only; in a real p–i–n junction there are features near layer interfaces due to transfer of mobile charge across those interfaces. Respective uniform doping concentrations of 1017 cm−3 p-type, 1016 cm−3 n-type, and 2 × 1017 cm−3 n-type in the anode, intrinsic layer, and cathode are depicted in Fig. 1.5. A homojunction in which εr is the same in all layers was assumed. A higher-than-usual uid concentration was selected for the figure so that the associated slope in FEx would be perceptible at the scale of the illustration. Values of FEX are depicted as negative because the electric field points from cathode to anode, whereas the x-coordinate axis was defined to increase from anode to cathode. Fig. 1.5 was constructed in accordance with Eq. (1.4), such that the slope of the field in each section of the depletion region is proportional to the space charge density. With the field slope determined by doping and the width of the intrinsic layer (wi) fixed by design, the requirement that the field be negligible at both ends of the depletion region constrains how far into the anode (wp) and cathode (wn) the depletion region extends. Twice the slope due to twice the doping density results in half the

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.4  Band edge diagram of a p–i–n junction under reverse bias.

Figure 1.5  Depletion of a p–i–n junction.

depletion distance into the cathode compared to the anode (minus a small difference due to the small slope in the weakly n-type uid section). Fig. 1.5 illustrates the relative geometric relationships based on the ratios of ρspace but does not provide a scale. The depletion depth into anode and cathode (wp and wn)


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

for a particular intrinsic layer width (wi) and voltage drop across the junction (VJ) can be found algebraically from the requirement that the field strength be negligible on both sides of the depletion region, using the definition of the electric potential. The field strength changes by the following increments over the three sections of the depletion region: ∆ FEx , p = w p

−q ⋅ N A− εp

+ q ⋅ N uid ∆ FEx ,i = wi [V ⋅ m −1 ], (1.5) εi q ⋅ N D+ ∆ FEx ,n = wn εn + where N A− , N uid , and N D+ are respectively the densities of negative-charged acceptor and positive-charged donor ions in the p, i, and n sections of the depletion region, in units of m−3, and εp, εi, and εn are respectively the static dielectric constants in the p, i, and n sections of the depletion region, in units of F·m−1. In order that the field strength be essentially zero on both ends of the depletion region, it must be the case that:

∆ FEx , p + ∆ FEx ,i + ∆ FEx ,n = 0. (1.6) Eq. (1.6) can be solved for wn in terms of the other unknown, wp:  N+ ε  N− (1.7) wn = n+  A w p − uid wi  [m]. ND  ε p εi  The second equation required to solve for wp comes from the definition of electric potential. The potential difference across the depletion region (VJ) is equal to the line integral of the field along a path from anode to cathode, which in one dimension is: + wd 1 q ⋅ N A− q ⋅ N A− 1 2 q ⋅ N uid 1 q ⋅ N D+ VJ = − ∫ dx FEx = w 2p + wi ⋅ w p − wi + wn2 [V]. (1.8) 0 εp εp εi εn 2 2 2

When Eq. (1.7) is used to replace wn in Eq. (1.8), the quadratic formula yields a solution for wp: wp =



ε i N ⋅ ε n + N D+ ⋅ ε p − A


   + +  N uid ⋅ wi ⋅ ε n − N D ⋅ wi ⋅ ε i + 




+ N D+ ⋅ N A− ⋅ ε i N D+ ⋅ q ⋅ wi2 ⋅ ε i − N uid ⋅ q ⋅ wi2 ⋅ ε n + 2 VJ ⋅ ε i ⋅ ε n +   2 +2 + +2 N D ⋅ ε p ⋅ ε i N uid ⋅ q ⋅ wi + 2 VJ ⋅ ε i − N uid ⋅ q ⋅ wi2 ⋅ ε p ⋅ ε n   [m]. N A− ⋅ q 



Types of avalanche photodiode


Table 1.1  Depletion widths calculated for an InGaAs p–i–n homojunction under reverse bias. VJ (V)

wp (nm)

wn (nm)

wd = wp + wi + wn (µm)

wd / wd (VJ = 5 V) (%)

5 10 20 30 40 50

1.34 2.05 3.47 4.89 6.31 7.73

0.03 0.32 0.89 1.46 2.02 2.59

2.50137 2.50237 2.50436 2.50635 2.50833 2.51032

100 100.04 100.12 100.20 100.28 100.36

Eq. (1.9) was derived from a simplified model that neglects the space charge due to mobile charges, and should not be used for design purposes. Moreover, within the context of that model, it is only valid over a voltage range in which the intrinsic layer is fully depleted, for which Eq. (1.7) gives positive values for wn. For smaller values of VJ and larger values of wi and Nuid+, the depletion region does not reach into the cathode layer, and the problem reduces to the case of a p–n junction in which the weakly n-type “intrinsic” layer plays the role of the cathode. However, the purpose of this section is not to derive a general analytic model for p–i–n junctions. Numerical device simulators that model more of the relevant physics are used for practical device design. Rather, the present objective is to demonstrate why the depletion width of a p–i–n structure is relatively insensitive to reverse bias once the intrinsic layer depletes, and to compute some representative numbers. In Table 1.1, depletion widths are calculated over a range of VJ for an InGaAs p–i–n homojunction with a 2.5-µm-thick intrinsic layer and doping levels of NA− = 2 × 1018 cm−3, Nuid+ = 1015 cm−3, and ND+ = 5 × 1018 cm−3. InGaAs APDs typically operate under reverse biases of tens of volts, whereas the intrinsic layer of this structure fully depletes at about VJ = 4.4 V (i.e., wn is positive for VJ > 4.4 V). The last column of Table 1.1 shows that once the intrinsic layer of a p–i–n junction depletes through, the depletion region width grows very slowly as a function of reverse bias. When mobile charge is accounted for in a proper simulation of the problem, it turns out that the calculated values of wp and wn are too small by about a factor of two. Nonetheless, Fig. 1.5 is a good intuitive picture to keep in mind when thinking of the depletion behavior of p–i–n junctions.  The separate absorption-charge-multiplication structure InGaAs APDs belong to a class in which a narrower-band gap semiconductor (InGaAs) is used to absorb light, but the impact ionization responsible for the APD’s gain occurs in a separate multiplication layer made from a wider-gap semiconductor (InAlAs or InP). This design choice is usually motivated by the need to absorb longer-wavelength light efficiently while obtaining avalanche gain with a minimum of excess multiplication noise and dark current. In some material systems, the best light-absorption material (typically the alloy with the narrowest band gap) does not have the best avalanche and tunneling properties, so separate layers are used. Often the layer composition is chosen such that the absorber is opaque to the intended optical signal but the other


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.6  Electron- and hole-avalanche SACM layer configurations, with electric field profiles sketched under strong reverse bias.

layers are transparent. For instance, InGaAs absorbs wavelengths shorter than 1.7 µm whereas InP is transparent to wavelengths longer than about 1 µm, and InGaAs/InP APDs are commonly used to sense light in the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) waveband between 1 and 1.7 µm. When a narrower-gap absorber is combined with a wider-gap multiplier, it is necessary to adjust the electric field strength inside the junction so that it is strong enough to drive impact ionization in the multiplier without being strong enough to drive tunneling in the absorber. This is accomplished by the separate absorption-chargemultiplication (SACM) structures illustrated in Fig. 1.6. The corresponding electric field profiles under strong reverse bias are sketched next to the structures. For a given multiplier material, one carrier type usually ionizes more readily than the other, so two different layer orderings are sketched. Electrons drift against the direction of the electric field (from anode to cathode in a reverse-biased diode), so for multiplier materials in which electrons are preferentially avalanched, the absorber is located on the anode side of the multiplier; for hole-avalanche devices, the absorber is on the cathode side of the multiplier. In either case, a lightly doped layer called the “space charge layer” (usually shortened to charge layer and sometimes also called the field control layer) is inserted between absorber and multiplier to adjust the relative field strength in the two intrinsic regions. In the electron-avalanche configuration of the SACM structure, the charge layer is p-type; in the hole-avalanche version the charge layer is n-type. An electron-avalanche SACM structure under progressive reverse bias is sketched in Fig. 1.7. At zero bias (left panel), junctions form in three places. There are two minor p/i (or, more accurately, p/uid) junctions at either end of the absorber, where holes from the p-type anode and charge layer have diffused into the intrinsic absorber, creating a balancing electric field that points out of the absorber. These minor junctions are actually also heterojunctions, since the absorber is usually made from a

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.7  Progressive depletion of an electron-avalanche SACM structure.

different semiconductor than the layers on either side, but this detail is incidental to the point at hand. As the accompanying field profile indicates, the field in the minor junction between absorber and charge layer pushes electrons at the interface back toward the absorber, preventing photocarriers generated in the absorber from diffusing into the p–i–n junction formed between the charge layer and cathode. Consequently, at low reverse bias a SACM structure can absorb light and generate photocarriers, but the photocarriers cannot carry photocurrent because they cannot reach the depletion region of the main junction. As reverse bias is applied, the voltage drops across the multiplier, increasing the electric field strength there. Since the charge layer is more lightly doped than the cathode, most of the growth of the depletion region is into the charge layer. Depletion of the charge layer completes at an applied bias called the “punch-through voltage” (VPT), the condition sketched in the center panel of Fig. 1.7. The value of VPT is of critical importance to SACM APD function because the APD is blind at applied voltages lower than VPT, and because VPT determines the eventual offset in electric field strength between multiplier and absorber during APD operation (∆FEx). Once the depletion region punches through the charge layer, the p-type material supplying holes to the minor junction between absorber and charge layer is depleted, and the associated potential energy barrier preventing diffusion of electrons from the absorber into the multiplier is removed. Following punch-through, the depletion region expands rapidly across the uid absorber, dramatically widening the junction. Accordingly, at punch-through, a SACM APD abruptly becomes sensitive to light, its capacitance drops due to the rapidly widening junction, and the rate at which the electric field strengthens with increasing reverse bias drops for the same reason (Fig. 1.8). The value of the punch-through voltage determines the size of the eventual offset in electric field strength between absorber and multiplier (∆FEx) because following


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.8  Capacitance–voltage (C–V) and current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of a SACM APD.

punch-through (Fig. 1.7, right panel), the fully depleted SACM structure acts like a single p–i–n junction with two concatenated intrinsic regions. Above VPT, each increment of the applied voltage drops across both absorber and multiplier, increasing the electric field strength in both sections by the same amount. Neglecting the width of the charge layer, the field strength in the multiplier at VPT is roughly FEx≈VPT/wm, where wm is the multiplication layer width in meters. Accordingly, during APD operation at higher reverse bias: V (1.10) ∆FEx ≈ PT V ⋅ m −1  , wm  wc , wm where wc is the charge layer width in meters. Eq. (1.10) is only applicable if the multiplier is much wider than the charge layer, since the depletion region steadily widens through the charge layer as voltage is applied. It is easy to calculate a better estimate of ∆FEx for any SACM APD design—either analytically or by simulation—but the point here is simply that the punch-through voltage sets ∆FEx, and ∆FEx is important because the absorber and multiplier can each generate mobile carriers at a very high rate if the electric field in either is strong enough. The size of the offset ∆FEx determines whether a SACM APD breaks down by the avalanche process in its multiplier, as intended, or by a tunneling process in its absorber. Impact ionization and tunneling are two different processes by which a strong electric field inside a semiconductor can generate mobile carriers (Fig. 1.9). They are discussed in greater detail in the Appendix. In impact ionization, a charge carrier

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.9  Band edge diagrams showing impact ionization (top) and tunneling (bottom).

accelerated by a strong electric field collides with an immobile electron in a valence band state, knocking the electron into the conduction band and leaving a hole behind in the valence band (Fig. 1.9, top). After the ionizing collision, the initiating carrier remains mobile, and the newly mobile electron and hole generated by the collision add to the carrier populations transporting current. The impact ionization probability per unit distance traversed by a carrier increases exponentially as a function of the local electric field strength, so as reverse bias increases, the average number of ionizing collisions per unit distance also increases, and the APD’s average photocurrent gain goes up. Because both positively charged holes and negatively charged electrons carry current in an APD, and these carrier polarities drift in opposite directions inside an APD junction, positive feedback is possible for the subset of APDs in which both carrier polarities can impact-ionize. At the critical reverse bias called the APD’s breakdown voltage (Fig. 1.8), a condition is reached in which some of the possible impact-ionization chains never terminate. Once one of these infinite chains starts, it rapidly branches and increases the mobile carrier population until the APD junction becomes conductive. This is the avalanche breakdown condition mentioned earlier in connection to Geiger mode operation. Avalanche breakdown can only occur if both carrier polarities are able to initiate impact ionization, which is the case in most—but not all—semiconductors. In tunneling, a strong electric field causes an occupied state in which electrons are immobile to align in energy with nearby vacant conduction band states, permitting quantum mechanical tunneling through the potential energy barrier separating the two. The immobile electron state may either be in the valence band (Fig. 1.9,


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

bottom-left) or a localized mid-gap trap state that is populated by thermal excitation from the valence band (Fig. 1.9, bottom-right). As the band edge diagrams sketched in the bottom panel of Fig. 1.9 suggest, the spatial separation between the immobile state and the conduction band depends on the strength of the electric field (the slope of the band edges) and the size of the energy gap between the two states at a given location. The band-to-band tunneling rate at a given electric field strength is exponentially higher in narrower-gap semiconductors due to the shorter, narrower barrier that must be penetrated. Tunneling rates in a given semiconductor are also higher when the trap concentration is high, because the traps act as “stepping stones” across the band gap which break the dark current generation process into two sequential steps with reduced barrier height. The phenomena described above—punch-through, tunneling, and avalanche breakdown—can all be identified in the current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of SACM APDs. The light (solid) and dark (dashed) I–V characteristics of a SACM APD with an InGaAs absorber and InAlAs multiplier are plotted in Fig. 1.10. Since dark current flows regardless of whether an APD is illuminated or not, photocurrent cannot be directly measured. Instead, “light current” refers to the current measured under illumination, which is the sum of dark current and photocurrent. Punch-through is clearly observable at about VPT = 12.75 V where the light current rises suddenly by an order of magnitude. The dark current also rises a little at VPT because the intrinsic carrier concentration in the InGaAs absorber is higher than in the InAlAs multiplier due to the narrower band gap of the absorber. The generation rate of dark current by the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) mechanism described in the Appendix is consequently

Figure 1.10  Room-temperature I–V characteristics of a 75-µm-diameter InGaAs/InAlAs SACM APD with a 525-Å-thick charge layer.

Types of avalanche photodiode


higher in the absorber, increasing the APD’s dark current once the absorber depletes. The increment between light current and dark current is the photocurrent at a given bias. Starting at about 40 V, the dark current rises as an exponential function of the applied reverse bias. The light current, which includes the dark current, follows suit once the dark current reaches the same magnitude as the photocurrent. Exponential growth of dark current with applied reverse bias is a telltale sign of tunneling. The depletion width of this particular APD is about 2.15 µm, so the critical field in the InGaAs absorber at which tunneling starts to be significant can be estimated from the voltage difference between the knee of the exponential rise in the dark current and VPT: (40 V −13 V)/2.15 µm≈125 kV/cm. The APD of Fig. 1.10 was grown with a 525-Å-thick charge layer with a p-type doping concentration near 1018 cm−3. In order to increase ∆FEx the same structure was grown with a 750-Å charge layer and the same doping concentration. In the I–V characteristics from the second structure plotted in Fig. 1.11, punch-through has increased to about VPT = 21 V and tunneling is no longer observed. Instead, the vertical asymptote characteristic of avalanche breakdown is seen at about VB = 37.5 V. The electric field strength in the absorber at breakdown is estimated to be about (37.5 V – 21 V)/2.15 µm≈75 kV/cm, which is safely lower than the onset of tunnel leakage identified from the data in Fig. 1.10. Figs. 1.10 and 1.11 demonstrate the interplay between the charge layer specification and I–V characteristics of a SACM APD. Higher doping or a thicker charge layer result in punch-through at a higher reverse bias, and a lower breakdown voltage. VPT and VB move in opposite directions when the charge layer specification changes because the electric field in the multiplier grows faster with applied voltage prior to

Figure 1.11  Room-temperature I–V characteristics of a 200-µm-diameter InGaAs/ InAlAs SACM APD with a 750-Å-thick charge layer.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

punch-through. When punch-through occurs at a higher voltage, the electric field in the multiplier is necessarily stronger for any voltage above VPT, and therefore reaches the critical breakdown strength at a lower applied voltage. The figures also demonstrate how an appropriately specified charge layer prevents unwanted tunnel leakage in the absorber of a SACM APD. However, too much charge layer doping can cause the field in the multiplier to reach its breakdown value at a reverse bias below the APD’s punch-through voltage. When this occurs, the light and dark I–V characteristics look very similar because carriers from the InGaAs absorber never reach the multiplier. Breakdown voltages are also quite low if the depletion region never punches through the charge layer, because the growth rate of the field in the multiplier stays high all the way through breakdown.

1.1.2  Geiger-mode operation This section provides a basic introduction to Geiger-mode operation of APDs. Starting with analysis of the junction breakdown probability, models of single photon detection efficiency (PDE), dark count rate (DCR), and afterpulsing are developed. Geigermode APD photoreceivers and semiconductor photomultipliers (SPM) made from Geiger-mode APD pixels are then briefly discussed.  Breakdown probability The breakdown problem can be written mathematically in terms of a continuous spatial coordinate,1 but it is simpler to solve on a discretized grid for compatibility with numerical simulations of the electric field profile. An example simulation of the electric field profile of an APD with a 1-µm-thick InP multiplier and a 1.5-µm-thick InGaAs absorber, operated at 40 V reverse bias, is plotted in Fig. 1.12 above a sketch of its layer structure. An n-type background doping level of 1015 cm−3 was assumed for both uid layers, and the anode and cathode were assumed doped to a concentration of 5 × 1018 cm−3; the 50-nm-thick n-type charge layer was modeled with an average donor concentration of 5 × 1017 cm−3. A grid spacing of 1 nm was used within 50 nm of each layer interface to resolve the short-range changes in electric field strength and concentrations of dopant ions and mobile charge carriers; 10 nm spacing was used in the regions where these quantities vary more gradually. The electron and hole impact ionization rate coefficients, αii and βii, were calculated from the electric field profile using Eq. (A.144) and parameters in Table A9 of the Appendix, and are also plotted in Fig. 1.12. The carrier ionization rate coefficients are probability densities which express the likelihood of a given carrier type impactionizing after passing through an infinitesimal displacement, dx. In a discretized problem, αii and βii are taken to be constant over the width of each grid element, which corresponds to a uniform probability of impact-ionizing anywhere within the element. Impact ionization is a discrete event, and can in principle occur multiple times within a grid element of sufficient width, if the ionization coefficient is large enough. For electrons and holes passing through the element indexed by j, of width wj in meters, the mean number of ionizations caused by the two carrier types are:

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.12  Simulated electric field profile and impact ionization rates for a Geiger APD under 40 V reverse bias.

ne , j = α ii , j ⋅ w j , (1.11) nh , j = βii , j ⋅ w j where αii,j and βii,j are respectively the electron and hole ionization coefficients in element j, in units of m−1. For the avalanche breakdown calculation, it is necessary to know the probability that a carrier can traverse grid element j without ionizing. This probability is provided by a special case of the Poisson distribution that is equivalent to the exponential distribution (as discussed in Chapter 2). The Poisson distribution gives the probability of n events occurring within a given interval, assuming that the events are independent of each other and are characterized by a uniform rate of occurrence within the interval: n

n P(n) = exp (− n ) . (1.12) n! The case in which no ionizations occur is n = 0, for which Eq. (1.12) simplifies to P(0) = exp(−  ). Using the symbols Pnie,j and Pnih,j for the probability an electron or hole will not ionize as it passes through element j, they are:

( (

) )

Pnie , j = exp − ne , j = exp (−α ii , j ⋅ w j ) . (1.13) Pnih , j = exp − nh , j = exp (−βii , j ⋅ w j )


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

The respective probabilities an electron or hole will ionize at least once traversing element j are given by the complement of Eq. (1.13): Pie , j = 1 − Pnie , j . (1.14) Pih , j = 1 − Pnih , j Often the exponential functions in Eq. (1.13) are dispensed with because the Taylor series for the exponential function shows that in the limit of small  , exp(−  ) approaches 1−   . If the APD is discretized on a sufficiently fine grid such that and are very small in every element, the products αii,j·wj and βii,j·wj can be substituted for Pie,j and Pih,j, and their complements used for Pnie,j and Pnih,j. This is consistent with the definitions of the ionization coefficients αii and βii as probability densities, since as wj becomes infinitesimal, Pie,j→αii·dx and Pih,j→βii·dx. With these preliminaries, the breakdown probability of any APD can be calculated at any applied bias using an electric field simulation like that in Fig. 1.12. The breakdown probability of an APD is defined as the likelihood that a carrier of a given type starting at a particular location in the APD’s junction will initiate an infinite chain of impact ionization events before it leaves the junction. As such, an APD actually has two breakdown probabilities—one for electrons (Pbe,j) and one for holes (Pbh,j)—and they are functions of location in the junction. Since there are infinitely many different impact ionization chains that branch indefinitely which could cause breakdown, the breakdown probability for a carrier type is easier to find as the complement of the probability that breakdown does not occur (Pnbe,j for electrons and Pnbh,j for holes), which are: Pbe , j = 1 − Pnbe , j (1.15) . Pbh , j = 1 − Pnbh , j In order that a carrier injected in element j does not cause breakdown, either it must be able to pass through the junction without ever ionizing, or if it does ionize, all of its progeny must eventually leave the junction without causing breakdown. This requirement can be expressed by a set of coupled equations: 2 Pnbe , j = Pse ( j, jcathode ) + ∑ P ( j, k ) ⋅ Pie ,k ⋅ Pnbe ,k ⋅ Pnbh ,k k =de , j se , (1.16) dh , j 2 Pnbh , j = Psh ( j, janode ) + ∑ Psh ( j, k ) ⋅ Pih ,k ⋅ Pnbe,k ⋅ Pnbh ,k jcathode

k = janode

where Pse (l1 , l2 ) = ∏ P l =de ,l1 nie ,l . (1.17) d h ,l1 Psh (l1 , l2 ) = ∏ Pnih ,l l2 −1

l =l2 +1

are respectively the probabilities an electron or hole injected in element l1 travels through all the elements up to element l2 without ionizing along the way. Eq. (1.17) is

Types of avalanche photodiode


the compound probability that the carrier does not ionize in any of the elements along the path. The first term in Eq. (1.16) is the probability that the carrier injected at element j makes it to either the cathode or anode, as appropriate, without ionizing. The summation is the probability that if the carrier impact-ionizes somewhere between its points of origin and departure from the junction, then none of the carriers emerging from that event lead to breakdown. Each term in the summation of Eq. (1.16) gives the probability that the carrier injected at j makes it to a particular element (k) between j and its point of departure from the junction without ionizing and then ionizes in k, but that none of the resulting carriers injected at k cause breakdown. As sketched in Fig. 1.2, three carriers emerge from an ionizing collision: the initiating carrier plus the members of the newly generated electron–hole pair (EHP). That is why the version of Eq. (1.16) for electrons has Pnbe,k raised to the second power and the version for holes has Pnbh,k squared. Since a term for the initiating carrier is included, the summation in Eq. (1.16) represents cases in which a carrier impact-ionizes multiple times on its path out of the junction, even though there is only one term in the summation per element. The limits of the summations and products in Eqs. (1.16) and (1.17) include indexes de,j and dh,j which represent carrier dead space. Impact ionization and dead space are described in greater detail in the Appendix, but the essential idea is that carriers cannot initiate impact ionization unless they carry sufficient kinetic energy. If an electron uses up its accumulated kinetic energy in element j by initiating impact ionization, it may not carry sufficient energy to impact-ionize in element j + 1. The indexes de,j and dh,j identify the closest element in a carrier’s direction of travel in which it will become active, given the electric field profile and grid spacing, assuming it is created with zero accumulated kinetic energy in element j. The dead space indexes can be defined mathematically as: de , j = min( kd > j) : Eth ,e ( kd ) ≤ ∑ w ⋅ FEx k k = j+1 k , (1.18) j −1 d h , j = max( kd < j) : Eth ,h ( kd ) ≤ ∑ wk ⋅ FEx k kd

k = kd

where Eth,e(j) and Eth,h(j) are respectively the electron and hole impact ionization threshold energies in units of eV, in element j, which depend on the material from which element j is made. Values of Eth,e and Eth,h are in Table A9 of the Appendix. It is simplest to implement Eq. (1.18) in a computer program as a WHILE loop that steps through the elements away from j, keeping track of the accumulated kinetic energy, and returning either the index of the element in which the accumulated energy first exceeds the local ionization threshold, or—if the carrier never becomes active– the index of the element in which it leaves the junction. Example pseudocode for finding de,j and dh,j is provided in Table 1.2. The dead space model embodied by Eq. (1.18) is a simplified representation of the non-local nature of impact ionization. With minimal additional complexity, it allows application of Eq. (1.12) despite the fact that impact ionization events are not truly independent from each other. However, in reality, hot carrier populations accelerated by a strong electric field are distributed in energy and momentum, and continuously


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Table 1.2  Pseudocode for finding dead space indexes. de, j

dh, j

LET k = j; LET accumulation = 0 WHILE k  1 at VPT. If it is unknown how much of the photocurrent measured at punch-through is primary versus the result of avalanche multiplication, measurements of QE and excess noise factor cannot be calibrated with rigor. In such case, unity-gain QE can be accurately measured by preparing an otherwise identical photodiode test structure without charge layer doping, so that the absorber fully depletes at a bias for which there is no avalanche multiplication. The most accurate excess noise measurements are made by preparing p-i-n test structures which have a particular multiplier design but no charge layer or absorber. Short-wavelength light is used to generate primary photocurrent in a thick, heavily doped contact layer, such that there is negligible change in internal collection efficiency with bias, allowing accurate measurement of the unity-gain photocurrent and noise. For present purposes, it can be assumed that the photocurrent measured just past punch-through is close to the unity-gain photocurrent. Gain characteristics extracted from the empirical I–V data previously plotted in Figs. 1.8 and 1.11 are shown in Fig. 1.29. The curves drawn through the data points are fits to a two-parameter empirical model: M=

V nA n

 V B 1 −   VB 



Figure 1.29  Empirical fits to the gain characteristics of the APDs of Figs. 1.8 and 1.11.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

where nA and nB are fit parameters. The gain characteristic of the APD from Fig. 1.11 that breaks down at VB = 37.257 V is fit by nA = −0.099 and nB = 0.69631; the APD from Fig. 1.8 that breaks down at VB = 50.235 V is fit by nA = −0.03078 and nB = 0.67313. Both APDs are structurally similar, differing mainly in terms of the precise charge layer doping concentration and width, so the fit parameters do not have a simple physical relationship to the APD’s structure. However, the asymptotic nature of Eq. (1.94) as V→VB is quite physically consequential. The voltage step size of the I–V measurements used to collect the data plotted in Fig. 1.29 was 250 mV for the APD with Vb≈37.25 V and 200 mV for the APD with Vb≈50.25 V. The junctions of both APDs are about 2.15 µm wide when fully depleted, so each voltage step above VPT changed the electric field strength inside these APDs by about 1 kV cm−1, compared to a peak electric field strength in the hundreds of kV cm−1. The gain characteristics of Fig. 1.29 show that as an APD’s multiplier approaches its breakdown condition, very small changes of the internal electric field strength cause the APD’s avalanche gain to change by large multiples. The sensitivity of an APD’s gain to its internal electric field strength makes it susceptible to gain saturation at higher optical power levels. Partial compensation of the fixed space charge of ionized dopant atoms by the mobile charge transporting current through an APD causes the internal electric field of an APD operated at a fixed reverse bias to sag under strong illumination. This phenomenon can be modeled using the same device simulation tools used to obtain an APD’s electric field profile, in conjunction with a field-dependent avalanche gain simulation such as that used to produce Fig. 1.23. Empirical measurements illustrating gain saturation are shown in Fig. 1.30, where the responsivity of a particular InGaAs APD at 1550 nm was measured as a function of optical signal power, for different reverse biases. At 1550 nm, the unity-gain responsivity of an APD with a QE of 80% is about 1 A W−1, so the responsivity values in Fig. 1.30 are approximately equal to the APD’s gain. In this example, the APD’s gain at 70.35 V falls off rapidly with optical power, from about M = 80 with 1 nW of optical power to M = 60 at 10 nW. In contrast, at 67.5 V, the APD’s responsivity is more-orless constant over five decades of signal power, from 1 nW up to 10 µW, because its gain curve is much less steep near M = 10.

Figure 1.30  Gain saturation of responsivity at 1.55 µm.

Types of avalanche photodiode


Obviously, gain saturation affects APD performance in applications with high optical signal levels, and influences optical overload behavior. More subtly, gain saturation can also confound measurements of basic performance parameters like multiplication noise and gain itself. Any measurement based on finding the photocurrent as the difference between light and dark currents, as in Eq. (1.93), assumes that the APD’s dark current is the same in both measurements. However, if the light current measurement is made under intense illumination, gain saturation may result in the dark current component of the illuminated measurement experiencing a lower multiplication factor than it does when measured by itself under dark conditions. If gain saturation is significant, subtracting a dark current measurement from a light current measurement will underestimate the photocurrent because more dark current will be subtracted than is actually present. This is especially true for noise measurements, due to the strong dependence of multiplication noise on gain. Noise measurements are easier to make when the noise power is higher, so it is tempting to use very strong optical illumination in excess noise measurements on APDs. However, in such experiments, it is advisable to subtract noise measurements made at two nonzero optical power levels rather than one light and one dark measurement—and to confirm the gain characteristics measured at both optical power levels coincide over the range for which noise data is collected. A final point about the form of Eq. (1.94) is that the reverse bias needed to achieve a particular gain varies in proportion to VB, due to the ratio V/VB in the denominator. Detailed treatment of scattering processes is outside the scope of this book, but as noted above, hot carriers can lose their accumulated kinetic energy to phonon scattering as well as to impact ionization. The phonon population is lower at lower temperature, which reduces the phonon scattering rate, favoring impact ionization. Accordingly, the electron and hole impact ionization rates at a given applied field strength increase with cooling. Since the breakdown calculation of Eqs. (1.11)–(1.17) ultimately depends on the rate coefficients, cooling results in the critical values of αii and βii being reached with a weaker electric field inside the multiplier, and therefore at a lower applied reverse bias. The variation of VB with temperature is approximately linear—on the order of 10 mV·K−1 for most InGaAs APDs.  Multiplication noise Much of Chapter 2 is devoted to the mathematical treatment of multiplication noise in linear-mode APDs. Here the linear-mode InGaAs/InAlAs APD of Fig. 1.23 is used to provide a conceptual introduction. In the most general sense, multiplication noise is the statistical distribution of an APD’s avalanche gain over an ensemble of identically prepared experiments. Commonly, the noise of an APD is quantified by the root-mean-square (RMS) magnitude of the random fluctuations of its current or the standard deviation of the number of electrons output in response to optical pulses of a given strength. Based on these measures of total noise, the noise attributable to the multiplication process itself is expressed as an excess noise factor—the square of the ratio between the total noise and the noise that would be found if avalanche multiplication were a deterministic


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.31  Monte-Carlo-simulated avalanche gain characteristic for the linear-mode InGaAs APD of Fig. 1.23.

process. However, unlike the commonly encountered case of a normally distributed (“Gaussian”) random variable, knowledge of an APD’s mean and standard deviation gain is not enough to calculate its full gain distribution. The false alarm rate of an APD-based lidar or range-finding receiver depends on the details of the APD’s multiplication noise distribution many standard deviations away from its mean gain, so in many cases the full distribution must be computed for false alarm calculations. The mean avalanche gain of the example linear-mode APD from Fig. 1.23, which has a 0.5-µm-wide InAlAs multiplier, was calculated as a function of reverse bias using the Monte Carlo model described above. Fig. 1.31 compares the simulated gain characteristic to an empirical gain characteristic extracted from the I–V data of an APD with a 0.35-µm-wide multiplier—the example previously shown in Fig. 1.11. The solid curves in Fig. 1.31 are fits to Eq. (1.94). Each simulated point in Fig. 1.31 represents 100,000 Monte Carlo trials, which means that it is unlikely more than one ionization chain with a frequency of occurrence less than about 10−5 was sampled by each simulation. Exceptionally long yet statistically unlikely ionization chains play an increasingly important role in the gain of an APD as breakdown is approached, so in Fig. 1.31, simulation of a limited number of Monte Carlo trials results in a shallower-than-realistic gain characteristic near breakdown. In general, Monte Carlo simulation is an effective way to calculate the gain and noise characteristics of linear-mode APDs in the bias regime where they are usually operated, but the methods of Eqs. (1.11)–(1.18) are a better way to find the breakdown voltage. The simulated gain distributions corresponding to M = 5.1 at 30 V and M = 133.3 at 36.3 V are plotted in Fig. 1.32. The scatter of the simulated probabilities increases with gain because many occurrences of a particular gain must be sampled in a Monte Carlo simulation in order to accurately calculate its probability, and as noted above, 100,000 trials are insufficient to observe multiple instances of any given event that occurs with a frequency on the order of 10−5 or less. Moreover, since the distribution’s probability mass is spread over many distinct values of gain which must each be sampled multiple times, impractically many Monte Carlo trials must be simulated to find accurate probabilities for infrequent higher-gain outcomes. Fortunately, there is

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.32  Monte-Carlo-simulated and analytic gain distributions for the linear-mode InGaAs APD of Fig. 1.23.

a much more computationally efficient means of accurately calculating the gain distribution of an APD. The curves drawn through the simulated points in Fig. 1.32 were calculated using the APD output distribution derived by McIntyre17:  n  n⋅k a ⋅ Γ +1 a+ n −a 1 + k ( M − 1)  1−k  (1 − k )( M − 1)  1 − k  PMcIntyre (n) = × × ,      n ⋅k   M M n ⋅ (n − a)! ⋅ Γ  + 1 + a  1 − k (1.95) where a is the count of primary EHPs (a = 1 when calculating the gain distribution per ∞ primary EHP), Γ( z ) = ∫ 0 dt exp (−t ) t z−1 , Re ( z ) > 0 is the Euler gamma function, n is the discrete random variable for the APD’s output electron count (equal to the APD’s m2 1− 2 M + M is the effective ratio between gain random variable, m, for a = 1), k = 2 ( M − 1) the impact ionization rate coefficients of the slower- and faster-ionizing carrier types, m 2 is the mean value of the square of the gain random variable, and M = m is the mean value of the gain random variable. Eq. (1.95) is based on a local model of impact ionization, whereas the Monte Carlo simulations take carrier dead space into account. Fortunately, m and m 2 can be found accurately from a tractable number of Monte Carlo trials, and when the values of M and k extracted from a Monte Carlo simulation are used in Eq. (1.95), the analytic and simulated distributions match. This is the sense in which k is an “effective” ionization coefficient ratio. In McIntyre’s original work, k was literally the ratio of impact ionization rates between the slower- and faster-ionizing carrier types. In the Monte Carlo simulations of Fig. 1.32, the literal ionization rate ratio in the multiplier is around k≈0.3 but the effective values of k extracted from the simulation are in the vicinity of k≈0.2. Accordingly, Monte Carlo simulations that account for carrier dead space can be used to find values of M and k for a particular APD design, and Eq. (1.95)


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Table 1.5  Statistics of APD gain distributions simulated in Fig. 1.31. Reverse bias (V)


Standard deviation


Highest-gain chain simulated

30 31 32 33 34 35 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 36 36.1 36.2 36.3

5.1 7.3 10.7 15.4 23.3 37.1 44.5 47.0 50.4 55.7 60.6 66.8 74.9 83.6 95.3 108.4 133.3

6.0 10.2 17.7 30.2 60.4 110.6 148.9 158.1 176.8 205.6 234.0 271.2 314.4 374.9 457.4 576.7 763.3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

225 544 764 1403 4369 12,998 5964 5341 8209 8069 10,423 13,251 12,116 16,274 20,434 42,225 38,037

can then be used to compute the APD’s gain distribution beyond the range over which Monte Carlo simulation is practical. A key feature of Fig. 1.32 is that a given average gain comprises a large number of low-gain impact ionization chains and a small number of very high-gain chains. Unlike a normally distributed random variable, the mode of the McIntyre distribution (the most likely gain) is always a lot smaller than the mean. Physically, this means that in many cases primary electrons and holes transit the entire multiplication layer without ever ionizing, resulting in a gain of one. When ionization does occur, additional ionizations are rare. However, very infrequently, extremely long chains of ionization events occur, and they are so long that they make a significant contribution to the average gain despite their rarity. As Fig. 1.32 shows, when the mean gain of an APD increases, it is largely through increased frequency of still-rare high-gain chains, rather than a shift of the gain distribution’s most-likely gain to a higher value. Table 1.5 gives statistical measures of the simulation cases plotted in Fig. 1.31 which illustrate this point. All values in Table 1.5 pertain to a particular 100,000-trial Monte Carlo simulation, and therefore represent a sample rather than the population. The highest-gain chain observed in 100,000 trials is not the absolute highest-gain outcome possible, but serves to illustrate the role of statistical outliers in composing an APD’s mean gain. Table 1.5 illustrates another way in which the gain distribution of an APD differs from the familiar normal distribution. The standard deviation of a normal distribution expresses the tendency of a Gaussian random variable to fluctuate above or below its mean value, with equal probability. Very commonly, the standard deviation (σ) is used to quantify error or uncertainty about some mean value (µ) with notation like µ±σ.

Types of avalanche photodiode


However, for an APD, the± notation is not justified because the McIntyre distribution is not symmetric around its mean. Considering the values in Table 1.5, the standard deviation of the gain exceeds the mean value in every case, and gains less than unity are physically impossible. For an APD, the spread in gain represented by the standard deviation is mainly across values of gain larger than the mean gain. Multiplication noise calculations will be taken up in detail in Chapter 2, but to develop an intuitive sense for what it means that two APDs differ in noise, it is helpful to compare two different pulse height distributions produced by APDs operating at the same average gain, but characterized by different values of k. An example comparing k = 0 and k = 0.4 for APDs operating at an average gain of M = 20 is graphed in Fig. 1.33. In this case, the distributions plotted are for the number of output electrons, assuming that a 10-electron pulse of primary photocurrent is multiplied (i.e., a = 10). The pulse height distribution involving fewer extremely high-gain chains (k = 0) corresponds to a lower-noise APD because the probability mass is spread across a narrower range of output counts. The practical upshot of using a lower-noise APD in a range-finding or lidar photoreceiver is increased sensitivity. The primary photocurrent pulses from signal returns contain many more electrons than carry the primary dark current of an APD, so it is possible to reject false alarms by setting a detection threshold that is close to the average pulse height of multiplied signal photocurrent yet high enough to exclude almost all of the multiplied dark current pulses. If a lower-noise APD is used, the lower incidence of extremely high-gain avalanche chains reduces the frequency of occurrence of those rare multiplied dark current pulses that exceed a given detection threshold, allowing a specified false alarm rate to be achieved at a lower threshold. Setting a lower detection threshold increases the proportion of signal return pulses that exceed it, improving signal detection probability. Further, since the average gain of a low-noise APD comprises fewer extremely high-gain chains, the rate of occurrence of moderate-gain chains must be commensurately higher. Consequently, even if a lower detection threshold is not set, a larger proportion of the signal photocurrent pulses from a low-noise APD will be of detectible amplitude. This can be visualized in Fig. 1.33 by imagining a detection threshold set at the average output level of 200

Figure 1.33  Comparison of k = 0 and k = 0.4 APD output pulse height distributions, for a mean avalanche gain of M = 20 and 10 primary photoelectrons.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

electrons. Both APDs operate at the same average gain and respond to a signal of the same strength, but 45.5% of the multiplied signal pulses exceed a 200-electron detection threshold in the case of the k = 0 APD and only 34.4% of the pulses from the k = 0.4 APD are detectible.  Temporal response The temporal response of APD photoreceivers is discussed at length in Chapter 3. Here, the fundamental impulse response of linear-mode APDs is introduced through the same series of Monte Carlo simulations used to illustrate multiplication noise in the previous section. The impulse response is then related to a model transfer function parameterized by a bandwidth. The impulse response of an APD is the signal-normalized current waveform it outputs when stimulated by an instantaneous flash of light (a delta-function input). The current waveform output by an APD in response to any input optical waveform is the convolution of its impulse response with the input waveform: P (t ) = [ p ph (t ) * hAPD (t ′)] (t ) = I

∞ −∞

dt ′p ph (t − t ′)hAPD (t ′)[ A],


where pph(t) is the optical waveform in units of photons per second, and hAPD(t′) is the APD’s impulse response function in units of amps per photon. A Gaussian-shaped laser pulse of photon number Nph and full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) τFWHM in seconds is an example optical waveform relevant to lidar and range-finding, as many lasers transmit pulses of approximately this shape: −t2

2 ln(16) N ph p ph (t ) = 16 τ FWHM [photons ⋅ s−1 ]. π τ FWHM


In the laboratory, picosecond-scale optical pulses from a mode-locked laser approximate “instantaneous” stimulation, and can be used to measure an APD’s average impulse response. From the standpoint of theory, APD impulse response functions can be found from simulation of the time-varying electron and hole counts inside the APD junction, using the Shockley–Ramo theorem.7,8 Previously introduced in Eq. (1.42), the Shockey–Ramo theorem can also be written: q I (t ) = ∑ve,i (t ) + vh, j (t )[A], w d i, j (1.98) where q = 1.60217662 × 10−19 C is the elementary charge, wd is the depletion region width in meters, the sum is over all electrons (indexed by i) and holes (indexed by j) in the junction at time t, and ve,i(t) and vh,j(t) are the instantaneous velocities of individual electrons and holes, in m·s−1.

Types of avalanche photodiode


To use Eq. (1.98), a Monte Carlo model could be written to track the group velocities of individual carriers through consecutive scattering events during their passage through the junction, precisely modeling their time-varying velocities. However, the simpler Monte Carlo model used in this book makes the approximation that all carriers of a given type travel at the average saturation drift velocity of their type. In this approximation, an average impulse response can be computed as: q  vse N e (t ) + vsh N h (t )  [A], I (t ) = w d


where vse and vsh are the average electron and hole saturation drift velocities in m·s−1, and N e (t ) and N h (t ) are the instantaneous electron and hole counts in the depletion region, averaged over the trials of the Monte Carlo model. Each trial of the Monte Carlo model used to simulate Figs. 1.31 and 1.32 starts with generation of one primary EHP, so the current waveform found from Eq. (1.98) is the APD’s average response per primary EHP; to find the average response per photon one simply multiplies by the unity-gain QE: q  −1 hAPD (t ) = QE vse N e (t ) + vsh N h (t ) [A ⋅ ph ]. w d


The average impulse response of an APD as measured empirically using multiphoton pulses or calculated for a large number of Monte Carlo trials using Eq. (1.100) is the main focus of this section. However, it is important to note that the impulse response of an APD to individual photons is stochastic, just like an APD’s gain. Whereas the impulse response of an APD averaged over a large number of trials has a regular envelope of fixed profile, its response to pulses containing a handful of photons can be quite irregular, and varies from pulse to pulse. Three example average impulse responses to identically prepared 12-EHP signal pulses are graphed in Fig. 1.34. The

Figure 1.34  Simulated impulse responses to three different 12-EHP signal pulses.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.35  Impulse response functions simulated for a linear-mode APD with 0.5 µm InAlAs multiplier and 1.5 µm InGaAs absorber.

high-frequency structure on the waveforms results from individual secondary EHPs being generated by impact ionization, and individual electrons and holes drifting out of the junction. The APD’s stochastic gain is also evident in Fig. 1.34, where the different current waveforms vary in height and duration. The simulations are for the APD of Fig. 1.23 when operated at 36.3 V reverse bias, which results in an average gain of about M = 133.3 over a large number of trials. However, over each of the 12-trial simulations shown in Fig. 1.34, the mean gain varied from about M = 10 for the weakest impulse to about M = 100 for the strongest. The stochastic nature of APDs’ impulse response functions can be important when designing an APD photoreceiver to sense very weak optical pulses, because the receiver’s amplifier chain must respond to the frequency components present in each individual signal pulse, and not simply the spectrum of the envelope defined by an average over a large number of pulses. Impulse response functions corresponding to M = 5.1, M = 23.3 (the same operating point as Fig. 1.23), and M = 133.3 are graphed in Fig. 1.35, computed from 100,000trial Monte Carlo simulations. Saturation drift velocities of vse = 1.6 × 106 cm·s−1 and vsh = 0.6 × 106 cm·s−1 were assumed. These values are approximately an order of magnitude lower than the highest values reported for high-purity InGaAs, and should be regarded as illustrative rather than representative. The separate electron and hole current waveforms that sum to give the total current through the junction are shown in Fig. 1.36 for the M = 23.3 case. The electron current pulse is shorter in duration and of smaller magnitude than the hole current due to the SACM layer structure of the APD and the difference in saturation drift velocity between the two carrier types. Since the APD’s 0.5-µm-wide InAlAs multiplier is adjacent to the APD’s cathode, secondary electrons generated in the multiplier have a short distance to travel to exit the junction. This prevents a large electron count from accumulating, since secondary electrons exit the junction very soon after they are generated by impact ionization. In contrast, secondary holes generated in the multiplier must first cross the APD’s 1.5-µm-wide InGaAs absorber before exiting the junction at the APD’s anode. The longer path traversed by holes combined with their slower saturation drift velocity causes much larger hole counts to accumulate in the junction, leading to higher currents.

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.36  Simulated electron and hole current components of the impulse response of a linear-mode InGaAs APD operating at M = 23.3.

Figure 1.37  Empirical impulse response of a linear-mode InGaAs/InAlAs APD operating at different average gains.

The structure on the leading edge of the electron current waveform in Fig. 1.36 is caused by the initial synchronization of primary photoelectron generation in the Monte Carlo model. Traveling at the electron saturation drift velocity assumed by the model (1.6 × 106 cm·s−1), primary photoelectrons generated across the 1.5-µm-wide InGaAs absorber arrive at the multiplier within about 94 ps of each other. Approximately 15% of the primary electrons pass through the multiplier without ever ionizing, resulting in the first dip in the electron current waveform. Synchronized generation and subsequent exit from the depletion region of an additional group of secondary electrons can also be discerned in Fig. 1.36, but branching of impact ionization chains and the distribution of impact ionization across the width of the multiplier soon desynchronizes the timing of electron generation and exit from the junction. In fact, the structure on the electron current waveform seen in Fig. 1.36 is exaggerated by the approximation that all carriers of a given type travel at precisely the same saturation drift velocity. Since only the total current through an APD can be measured in the lab, this phenomenon is not usually observed in empirical data. Empirical impulse response measurements from an InGaAs APD with a 1-µm-wide InAlAs-based multiplier and 1.5-µm-wide InGaAs absorber are graphed in Fig. 1.37.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Measuring the impulse response of an APD as an isolated component presents some technical challenges, and the waveforms graphed in Fig. 1.37 exhibit ringing due to signal line reflections. However, the envelope modulated by the ringing has the same form as the simulated impulse response functions of Fig. 1.35. The most important aspect of an APD’s impulse response—apparent in Fig. 1.35 and the empirical data of Fig. 1.37—is that an APD’s response duration extends when it operates at higher mean avalanche gain. The physical cause of the relationship is that longer ionization chains take longer to complete. Each link in an ionization chain requires the initiating carrier to drift through its dead space, picking up sufficient kinetic energy to ionize. Although ionization chains branch and not every link occurs sequentially, traversing dead space takes time, so longer chains play out over longer periods of time. Further, in order that longer chains fit inside the limited width of an APD’s multiplier, they must comprise links initiated by both electron and hole ionization. Impact ionization of electrons drifting toward the cathode create holes that drift toward the anode, and those holes must themselves impact-ionize to produce additional electrons, etc., in order that longer ionization chains develop within a finite multiplier width. The ping-pong of electron- and hole-initiated ionizations which sustain longer chains can be thought of as a survival problem, in that failure to return any given “volley” terminates the chain. Consequently, the tail of an APD’s impulse response exhibits an exponential decay caused by the corresponding decay of the number of surviving ionization chains. The exponentially decaying tail of an APD’s impulse response resembles the impulse response of a system with an idealized single-pole transfer function. If an APD’s rise time is neglected, its impulse response can be approximated as: hAPD−sp (t ) = 2 π QE ⋅ M ⋅ q ⋅ BW exp(−2 π BW ⋅ t ) u(t )[A], (1.101) where u(t) is the unit step function, having a value of zero for negative values of t and unity for all others, and BW is the cutoff frequency in Hz at which the magnitude of the APD’s avalanche gain drops to 0.51/2≈0.707 of its maximum value (corresponding to a 3 dB drop in electrical power gain, which goes as current squared). The photons-to-photocurrent transfer function which corresponds to the approximate impulse response function of Eq. (1.101) is: QE ⋅ M ⋅ q [A ⋅ Hz −1 ⋅ photons−1 ], f i +1 BW (1.102) H APD−sp ( f ) =

where f is the frequency of an optical signal component in Hz. The exponentially decaying portions of the impulse response functions from the Monte Carlo simulations of Table 1.5 were fit to the exponential term in Eq. (1.101) to extract bandwidths, which are plotted versus mean gain in Fig. 1.38. For this particular InGaAs APD design, the extracted bandwidth drops with avalanche gain as 12.9 GHz/M. The quantity 12.9 GHz is the APD’s gain-bandwidth product (GBP): a figure of merit used to summarize the APD’s temporal response.

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.38  Bandwidth-gain characteristic from Monte Carlo simulation of a linearmode InGaAs APD with 0.5-µm InAlAs multiplier and 1.5-µm InGaAs absorber.

Figure 1.39  Photocurrent pulse generated from a 0.5-ns FWHM optical pulse of 100 photons, as calculated using the simulated impulse response of a linear-mode InGaAs/ InAlAs APD operating at M = 23.3, and the single-pole approximation of that response.

Neglecting the rise time of an APD’s impulse response in order to approximate it with a single-pole transfer function is not especially accurate. Eq. (1.101) significantly overestimates an APD’s early response because projection of the exponentially decaying tail of the APD’s true impulse response to times before its peak results in large values of hAPD-sp near t = 0, whereas the actual impulse response (hAPD) is zero at t = 0. However, because the tails of the two impulse responses decay at the same rate, the shape of the current pulse calculated using hAPD-sp is similar to that calculated from hAPD. Fig. 1.39 compares photocurrent pulses calculated using the convolution of Eq. (1.96), starting with a 0.5-ns-FWHM Gaussian signal pulse containing 100 photons. The solid curve is the undistorted signal pulse, pph(t) from Eq. (1.97), multiplied by QE·M·q to scale it to current. The Monte-Carlo-simulated impulse response of an APD operating at M = 23.3 (Fig. 1.35) was used to calculate the photocurrent pulse labeled “Monte Carlo,” and the gain and bandwidth extracted from the Monte Carlo simulation were used in the single-pole impulse response of Eq. (1.101) to calculate the pulse labeled “Single-Pole. Although the single-pole approximation overestimates the APD’s response by a factor of about two in this case, the two current pulses can be


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.40  Block diagram of an example linear-mode APD photoreceiver circuit.

made to coincide fairly closely simply by multiplying hAPD-sp by a proportional correction factor. However, it is preferable to calculate photocurrent pulse shapes based on empirical measurements of an APD’s impulse response, or its full responsivity-versusfrequency characteristic, rather than using the bandwidth extracted from the roll-off of its high-frequency response combined with DC measurements of QE and gain.  Linear-mode APD photoreceivers An example photoreceiver circuit for a linear-mode APD is shown in Fig. 1.40. The first stage of the signal chain is a transimpedance amplifier (TIA), implemented by connecting the output of an operational amplifier to its inverting input, through a feedback impedance (diagrammed as a resistor); the opamp’s noninverting input is taken to be connected to ground. As the APD’s current deposits charge on the opamp’s inverting input, the potential at that node shifts from virtual ground, and the growing potential difference between the opamp’s inputs causes its output potential to change in response. The opamp’s output adopts the potential required to restore its inverting input to ground, and the size of the voltage swing at the TIA’s output is proportional to the magnitude of the input current. Two types of output from the receiver circuit are diagrammed in Fig. 1.40. The analog voltage waveform from the TIA may be output through a buffer amplifier, for subsequent digitization and other processing. The voltage waveform may also be used to trigger a decision circuit—depicted in Fig. 1.40 as a threshold comparator. Digital pulses emitted by the decision circuit can be timed or counted. Linear-mode APD photoreceiver circuits are discussed further in Chapter 3.

1.2  APD structure The active area of an APD is the area from which it can collect and multiply primary photocarriers, which is mainly determined by the overlap between its doped regions. For instance, most SACM APD junctions are formed between parallel anode

Types of avalanche photodiode


and cathode layers, with a charge layer in between. In an electron-avalanche SACM APD (Fig. 1.6), photocarriers are collected from an absorption layer between anode and charge layer, and are multiplied between charge layer and cathode. If the anode is patterned to cover a smaller area than the charge layer and cathode, then photocarriers generated more than a diffusion length outside its footprint will not be collected, and the anode area will define the APD’s active area. Conversely, if the area of the charge layer is smaller than that of the anode, and photocarriers generated outside the footprint of the charge layer can bypass the high-field region of the multiplier between charge layer and cathode, then the APD’s active area is defined by the area of its charge layer. However, there are also APD structures such as the “loophole” design in which primary photocarriers generated over a wide footprint are channeled through a high-field multiplication region of small cross-sectional area.18 As long as collection efficiency of primary carriers into the multiplication region is high, it is the area over which light absorption occurs rather than the area of the multiplying junction that defines an APD’s active area. Two major categories of APD structure are defined by how the active layer is patterned. In a planar APD, doping is selectively patterned so that a diode junction only forms in the patterned area. This may be accomplished by masked ion implantation, ion milling, or diffusion, etc. In a mesa APD, doping is initially uniform across the semiconductor wafer, but doped material is physically removed around the patterned active areas. Mesas may be etched using wet chemistry or a reactive ion “dry” etch. APD structures are further differentiated with respect to optical and electrical interconnect. As introduced in the section on absorption efficiency, APDs may either be front- or back-illuminated. In a front-illuminated structure, the optical signal is incident from the side of the substrate on which the APD layers are formed; in a back-illuminated structure the optical signal is incident through the substrate. Edge-illuminated structures in which the optical signal is coupled into a waveguide formed in the plane of the semiconductor wafer are a third style. Electrical interconnect to an APD varies depending on the method of optical coupling. Ring contacts that circle the APD active area are normally employed on the light-entry side of an APD structure to admit the optical signal. Ring contacts are generally too narrow to directly wire- or bump-bond, so often the ring contact is connected to a larger contact pad located away from the APD’s active area. In a back-illuminated APD array, a single ring contact outside the footprint of the array is often used to make contact to a doped layer shared in common by all pixels of the array (a common cathode or common anode, which may connect to a doped substrate). When a front-illuminated APD is formed on a conductive substrate, it is also common to make one of the electrical contacts through the substrate. Backilluminated structures are often designed so that the contact pads on top can be directly bonded. Two representative APD structures are sketched in cross section in Figs. 1.41 and 1.42. Fig. 1.41 is a front-illuminated, planar, hole-avalanche SACM APD. Fig. 1.42 depicts a back-illuminated, mesa, electron-avalanche SACM APD. Aspects of APD structure affecting performance are discussed further in Chapter 4.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 1.41  Front-illuminated, planar, hole-avalanche SACM APD structure.

Figure 1.42  Back-illuminated, mesa, electron-avalanche SACM APD structure.

Types of avalanche photodiode


1.3  APD material systems and waveband coverage Fig. 1.43 is a plot of band gap versus crystal lattice constant for some of the semiconductor alloys used to manufacture APDs. The line segments in Fig. 1.43 represent alloys formed by blending the materials at either endpoint. The approximate optical cutoff wavelength corresponding to a given band gap is marked on the right-hand axis. APDs responsive at wavelengths longer than about 2 µm are typically cooled when operated, but for consistency, the values plotted in Fig. 1.43 are all calculated at 300 K. Although the first APDs were formed as homojunctions in the elemental semiconductors Si and Ge, most recent work has been on APDs manufactured from two or more alloys, because this permits greater design flexibility matching material to function. Commonly, a narrow-band gap material needed to absorb light in a particular waveband is combined with a wider-band gap alloy of more favorable avalanche gain properties. Techniques such as epitaxial lateral overgrowth19, epitaxial growth over buffer layers,20,21 and wafer-bonding22–24 have been developed to permit integration of semiconductors of dissimilar lattice. However, lattice-matching remains a good guide for identifying material systems from which it is easier to manufacture highperformance APDs. If alloys share a common lattice system, such as cubic, then vertical alignment in a diagram like Fig. 1.43 indicates that lattice-matching between them is possible.

Figure 1.43  Band gaps and lattice constants of cubic semiconductor alloy systems used for APD manufacture.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Lattice-matching simplifies manufacture of high-performance APDs because it minimizes the density of dislocations and morphological defects in the device’s junction. More generally, minimizing the density of mid-band-gap states associated with defects of all varieties is a goal of APD design and manufacture, as this improves sensitivity by lowering dark current. Although APDs might be implemented in almost any semiconductor material system as a research project, only alloys available as high-purity single-crystal wafers—or which can be grown as high-purity single-crystal films on commercially available substrates—easily lend themselves to APD manufacture. Thus, APD material selection is usually driven by the available substrates. Table 1.6 and Fig. 1.44 summarize some semiconductor substrates available in 2019 that are relevant to APD manufacture. With the exception of CdZnTe, only diameters and orientations advertised as standard products are listed. Unlike most other semiconductor materials, large-area CdZnTe substrates—and the HgCdTe device technology they support—are not widely available, being proprietary to the handful of large defense contractors that have developed the technology. The notation “SI” in the column for doping type refers to material that has been rendered semiinsulating. Most of the alloys plotted in Fig. 1.44 are members of the cubic crystal system, forming in either a diamond cubic (Si and Ge) or zincblende structure; these substrates were marked by squares in Fig. 1.43. However, GaN and 4H-SiC form in the hexagonal crystal system, and the lattice constants plotted for these alloys do not have the same geometric meaning as the lattice constants plotted for the other alloys. The hexagonal crystal system uses a right rhombic prism as its unit cell, and the lattice constants plotted for GaN and 4H-SiC give the edge length of the base rhombus of that unit cell rather than of the cubic unit cell pertaining to the other alloys.

Table 1.6  Commercial semiconductor substrates used for APD manufacture. APD alloy systems

Surface orientation

Doping types

Maximum diameter (mm)

Si Ge GaAs 4H-SiC InP

Si, Ge Ge AlGaAs, AlInP 4H-SiC InGaAs/InAlAs/ InP

(100) (100) (100) (0001) (100)

p, n, uid p, n, uid p, n, SI n, SI n, SI

300 (12”) 150 (6”) 150 (6”) 150 (6”) 150 (6”)


AlGaAsSb, AlInAsSb


p n

100 (4”) 100 (4”)

p, uid n, uid p n p, n, uid

76.2 (3”) 100 (4”) 50.5 (2”) 100 (4”) 76.2 (3”) 80 (square)


InSb GaN InAs CdZnTe

(111)A/B GaN InAs HgCdTe

(0001) (100) (211)B

Types of avalanche photodiode


Figure 1.44  Band gaps and lattice constants of semiconductor substrates used for APD manufacture.

A comprehensive overview of APD technology is beyond the scope of this book. Here, selected characteristics and research representative of APDs fabricated in different material systems are briefly reviewed. Interested readers should also consult the survey paper by Campbell et al.25

1.3.1  Si, Ge, and Ge/Si APDs Like other semiconductor devices, the first APDs to be demonstrated and subsequently commercialized were fabricated from silicon or germanium. Much of the early work on these APDs was performed in the 1960s and 1970s.26–29 Today, silicon APDs optimized for both linear- and Geiger-mode operation (the latter commonly referred to as SPADs—single-photon avalanche diodes) are commercially available from multiple suppliers, as are SiPMs. Silicon APDs of all varieties perform well in the visible, and in the near-infrared out to about 1 µm thanks to an ionization rate ratio that varies considerably with electric field strength, and the availability of extremely high-purity silicon due to the long history of investment in silicon manufacturing technology. The ionization coefficient parameters for silicon in Table A9 of the Appendix give k≈0.02 at 175 kV cm−1, which enables design of low-noise linear-mode APDs with wide multiplication regions. The gradual taper of electric field strength across a wide multiplier can be exploited


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

to suppress hole-initiated impact ionization, achieving effective values of k as low as k≈0.002.30 However, the value of k in silicon increases with field strength—for instance, reaching k≈0.29 at 500 kV cm−1—making SPADs with narrow multipliers practical. Consequently, the best-performing linear-mode silicon APDs are formed using specialized diffusion processes that create very wide multipliers, and which require reverse biases of several hundred volts to operate. On the other hand, narrowjunction silicon SPADs and SiPMs can be formed by ion implantation processes more easily integrated with CMOS technology, and operate at reverse biases on the order of 20 V. Early germanium APDs were developed for sensing in the SWIR.31,32 In recent decades, pure germanium APDs have been superseded by better-performing InGaAs devices for SWIR applications. However, much current research is directed at development of Ge/Si APDs that can be monolithically integrated with CMOS circuitry. A major objective of that work is to develop on-chip optical interconnects.33–35 SWIRsensitive Ge/Si APDs with GBPs as high as 340 GHz have been reported.21,36

1.3.2  GaAs/AlGaAs APDs The serendipitous vertical alignment of AlAs with GaAs in Fig. 1.43 provides a nearly lattice-matched compound semiconductor material system, AlxGa1-xAs, that spans a wide range of band gaps. Much of the pioneering research on semiconductor heterostructures was performed in the AlGaAs material system, and AlGaAs transistors, diode lasers, and photodiodes have all been commercialized. However, AlGaAs APDs are not widely produced because they respond in a waveband that overlaps with that covered by silicon, and there are few applications for which AlGaAs APDs are clearly superior to silicon APDs. Despite limited application, AlGaAs APDs played a significant role in the development of APD theory and technology. The ease with which multiplication layer width can be adjusted in an epitaxially grown APD made GaAs and AlGaAs APDs a natural platform for the investigation of dead space effects.37–44 The availability of epitaxially grown distributed Bragg reflectors in the GaAs/AlGaAs material system enabled development of resonant-cavity APDs. These advanced detectors exploit the standing wave in a resonant optical cavity to achieve high unity-gain QE with a very narrow absorber. The reduced transit time across a narrower junction shortens an APD’s impulse response, enabling operation with a higher GBP. A resonant-cavity APD reported by Nie et al. with a GBP of 130 GHz is representative of the technology 45.

1.3.3  GaAs/AlInP, 4H-SiC, and GaN APDs Blue and UV light detection is a niche application of APDs relevant to radiation detection using scintillators, underwater sensing and communication, and some military uses. The QE of most semiconductor detectors in the blue and UV region of the spectrum is low due to strong absorption of the optical signal near the light-entry surface, resulting in low internal collection efficiency. Because of the general maturity

Types of avalanche photodiode


of silicon-based semiconductor manufacturing technology and the ability of silicon to absorb blue and UV light, silicon detectors are the incumbent technology in this role. Typically, silicon detectors optimized for blue light detection employ light-entry surfaces that have been delta-doped or otherwise passivated to minimize surface recombination, and which have a doping design that promotes photocarrier collection from near the surface.46–48 However, APDs made from wider-band gap materials into which blue and UV signals penetrate further are being developed. Al0.52In0.48P has a band gap of 2.34 eV—in the green—and is lattice-matched to GaAs. Cheong et al. report an AlInP APD with minimal dark current at room temperature that operated with 38% unity-gain QE at 483 nm and which was capable of avalanche gains in excess of M = 100.49 Geiger-mode APDs for UV sensing have been developed from 4H-SiC, which has a band gap of 3.23 eV.50,51 4H-SiC APDs with very high unity-gain QE in the UV—53% at 290 nm52 and 85% at 274 nm 53—have been reported, capable of avalanche gains in excess of 106. Both linear- and Geiger-mode APDs fabricated from GaN and AlGaN have been reported with high QE in the UV.54–56 Huang et al. report a back-illuminated AlGaN APD with a peak QE of 58% at 281 nm, which was capable of operating at multiplication gains up to M = 3000.57 Pau et al. demonstrated a Geiger-mode GaN APD with 20% PDE in the 230–350 nm band.58

1.3.4  InP/InGaAs/InAlAs APDs In0.53Ga0.47As APDs with InP or In0.52Al0.48As multipliers are the topic of this book, and are primarily used to sense signals in the SWIR waveband from 1 to 1.7 µm. After silicon, they were the second major type of APD to be commercialized. Initially, InGaAs APDs were seen as promising detectors for long-haul fiberoptic telecommunication systems, owing to their sensitivity at the silica fiber dispersion and loss minima near 1310 and 1550 nm. However, as data modulation rates pushed into the GHz, it became difficult to engineer InGaAs APDs with sufficiently high GBP. Ultimately, photocurrent gain in APDs lost out to systems employing erbium-doped fiber amplifiers for optical gain, in front of fast unity-gain photodiodes. Today, InGaAs APDs find application in free-space optical communication networks, range-finding, and lidar, where the compact form of APDs and the ease with which free-space optical signals can be coupled into them are significant advantages. A further advantage of InGaAs APDs is that they are sensitive to “eye-safe” signals beyond 1.4 µm wavelength which are strongly absorbed by the cornea, and hence not focused onto the retina. This permits the use of orders of magnitude higher laser power without creating an ocular hazard. Geiger-mode InGaAs APD arrays have been developed for lidar imaging, and single-element InGaAs Geiger APDs are used for photon counting in some quantum information applications. PDE of 33% at 1550 nm and DCR of 5 kHz for 18-µmdiameter pixels operating at −20°C is representative of the state of the art.14 InGaAsP Geiger-mode arrays as large as 128×64 elements have been flown in airborne lidar systems.59


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Among the fastest linear-mode InGaAs APDs demonstrated is a waveguide APD with 320 GHz GBP reported by Kinsey et al.60 As with the resonant-cavity AlGaAs APD mentioned above, high speed is achieved through an optical structure that permits use of a thin absorber to minimize junction transit time. However, most InGaAs APDs are designed for optical coupling normal to the plane of the wafer, and have GBPs of a few tens of GHz. Interest in InGaAs APDs for telecommunications coincided with growing understanding of dead space effects in AlGaAs37,38,43 and Si61 APDs, which prompted investigation of dead-space-related methods to limit multiplication noise in InGaAs APDs. Bulk InP and InAlAs are respectively characterized by ionization coefficient ratios of k = 0.4 and k = 0.3. Repeating studies previously performed on GaAs APDs37, Lenox et al. demonstrated that effective k decreases steadily with InAlAs multiplication layer thickness.62 This phenomenon was also understood in terms of dead space, and was successfully modeled by both analytic recurrence techniques63,64 and Monte Carlo simulation.65 Heterostructure multipliers and electric field profiles engineered to suppress hole ionization were used to demonstrate excess noise factors below F = 2 at low avalanche gain,66 and effective k values as low as k = 0.04 up to M = 1000.67 In 2018, Zheng et al. reported that growth of InAlAs as a digital alloy rather than as a random alloy results in low-noise avalanche multiplication characterized by k   70% and DCR = 151 kHz.83 Small-format (4×4) HgCdTe APD arrays have been demonstrated in an airborne differential absorption lidar system.84


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

1.4  APD design considerations APDs are always used to sense weak optical signals, but particular applications motivate particular design choices. Some of the broad considerations informing APD design are summarized here.

1.4.1  Sparse versus continuous signals In optical communications or full-waveform lidar, modulation of the optical signal waveform is more-or-less continuous. The digital symbols of an optical communications link—binary “1”s and “0”s coded as different optical power levels—arrive in a continuous bit stream. Continuous volume backscatter from a laser pulse propagating through a medium like air or water, or continuous reflections of varying intensity from a laser pulse propagating through a complex extended target like the canopy of a forest, produce decaying waveforms punctuated by peaks which rise and fall according to the depth scale of reflective features in the scene. Applications like these require that the analog signal chain of a linear-mode APD photoreceiver settle rapidly enough to resolve consecutive symbols or features of interest. Geiger-mode APD photoreceivers are difficult to use in continuous-signal applications due to the comparatively long quench time between detection events necessary to avoid afterpulsing. However, the use of Geiger APDs is contemplated for low-datarate deep space optical communications over interplanetary distances, in which the symbols would arrive as a sparse stream of single photons. Geiger APDs can also accumulate full-waveform lidar data over multiple repeat measurements, so long as signal return levels from early in the range gate are weak enough to avoid blinding. When continuous signals are weak enough, as in low-light digital imaging, Geiger APDs can measure light intensity based on photon arrival rate. In contrast to optical communications and full-waveform lidar, discrete lidar systems time the arrival of sparse pulse returns. Depending on system design, time-offlight range-finders and discrete lidar sensors transmit nanosecond-scale laser pulses at pulse rates of a few Hz up to several hundred kHz. Although a photoreceiver for a multihit lidar system must have nanosecond-scale settling time to resolve returns from closely spaced target surfaces, much longer settling time can be tolerated in receivers for single-hit range-finding and lidar. In fact, as shown in Chapter 3, the optimal bandwidth of a photoreceiver designed for single-hit time-of-flight lidar is considerably lower than that required to match the rise time of a nanosecond-scale laser pulse. By the same token, laser pulse periods ranging from tens of microseconds to hundreds of milliseconds present few problems for a Geiger APD with a microsecond-scale quench time. Linear-mode APD photoreceiver bandwidth depends on circuit design, but can also be limited by the leakage of high-frequency signal components through the APD’s capacitance, and by the APD’s GBP. The GBP of a typical linear-mode InGaAs APD is usually sufficient to support full-waveform and multihit lidar, and bandwidthrelated design trades for those systems are mostly driven by other factors. However, GBP is one of the main limitations on APD performance in optical communication

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systems. Since GBP is of paramount importance for optical communications but not other applications, the two types of application favor different structures. APDs for range-finding and lidar can use comparatively thick light-absorption layers into which light can be easily coupled, and which support response over a broad spectral band. In contrast, APDs for optical communications often need to use thinner absorbers and rely upon waveguide or resonant cavity designs to minimize junction transit time in order to boost GBP. By their nature, waveguide and resonant-cavity detector structures are more challenging to manufacture, and are more difficult to couple into if used in an imaging focal plane array. However, these issues are of less concern for specialpurpose fiberoptic photoreceivers.

1.4.2  Free-space versus fiberoptic signals Lidar, time-resolved fluorescence measurements, and free-space optical communications all require coupling weak, freely propagating optical signals into a detector. Generally, signal energy in these applications is emitted or scattered into a wide solid angle, so a lens system is used to collect the signal across as wide an aperture as practical. It is commonly the case that the signal source’s location in the lens’s object space is subject to pointing error, or that the lens system needs to image point sources anywhere within its field-of-view (FOV) onto the detector. For instance, one type of scanned lidar system rasters a laser spot across the fixed FOV of a single-element photoreceiver to build up a 3D image of the scene. Focusing the signal collected by a wide aperture onto the detector’s active area results in converging rays incident across a fan of angles, and creates a geometry in which projected spot size, pointing error, and the lens’s FOV must be accommodated by broader detector active area. Similar considerations apply when coupling from free-space optics into a fiber-pigtailed photoreceiver. In that case, a wide-core multimode fiber with as large a numerical aperture as possible is easier to couple into from free space, but at the other end of the fiber, optics to image the fiber core onto the active area of a detector can accomplish limited demagnification, such that a larger detector active area is required for good coupling efficiency. In contrast, optical signals propagating in a single-mode fiber are confined within a small mode field diameter, and fixturing of fiber and detector results in a well-controlled optical geometry. As a general rule, then, APDs designed to receive freelypropagating optical signals need wider active areas than do APDs designed for fiber-optic communications, but suffer higher junction capacitance and dark current as a result.

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InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

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InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

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Types of avalanche photodiode


58. Pau, J. L.; McClintock, R.; Minder, K.; Bayram, C.; Kung, P.; Razeghi, M.; Muñoz, E.; Silversmith, D. Geiger-Mode Operation of Back-Illuminated GaN Avalanche Photodiodes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 91, 041104. 59. Aull, B. F.; Duerr, E. K.; Frechette, J. P.; McIntosh, K. A.; Schuette, D. R.; Younger, R. D. Large-Format Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiode Arrays and Readout Circuits. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 2018, 24, 3800510. 60. Kinsey, G. S.; Campbell, J. C.; Dentai, A. G. Waveguide Avalanche Photodiode Operating at 1.55 µm with a Gain-Bandwidth Product of 320 GHz. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 2001, 13, 842–844. 61. Tan, C. H.; Clark, J. C.; David, J. P. R.; Rees, G. J.; Plimmer, S. A.; Tozer, R. C.; Herbert, D. C.; Robbins, D. J.; Leong, W. Y.; Newey, J. Avalanche Noise Measurement in Thin Si p+-i-n+ Diodes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000, 76, 3926–3928. 62. Lenox, C.; Yuan, P.; Nie, H.; Baklenov, O.; Hansing, C.; Campbell, J. C.; Holmes, A. L., Jr.; Streetman, B. G. Thin Multiplication Region InAlAs Homojunction Avalanche Photodiodes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1998, 73, 783–784. 63. Saleh, M. A.; Hayat, M. M.; Sotirelis, P. P.; Holmes, A. L., Jr.; Campbell, J. C.; Saleh, B. E. A.; Teich, M. C. Impact-Ionization and Noise Characteristics of Thin III-V Avalanche Photodiodes. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 2001, 48, 2722–2731. 64. Goh, Y. L.; Marshall, A. R. J.; Massey, D. J.; Ng, J. S.; Tan, C. H.; Hopkinson, M.; David, J. P. R.; Jones, S. K.; Button, C. C.; Pinches, S. M. Excess Avalanche Noise in In0.53Al0. 48As. IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 2007, 43, 503–507. 65. Liew Tat Mun, S. C.; Tan, C. H.; Goh, Y. L.; Marshall, A. R. J.; David, J. P. R. Modeling of Avalanche Multiplication and Excess Noise Factor in In0.52Al0.48As Avalanche Photodiodes Using a Simple Monte Carlo Model. J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 104, 013114. 66. Wang, S.; Hurst, J. B.; Ma, F.; Sidhu, R.; Sun, X.; Zheng, X. G.; Holmes, A. L., Jr.; Huntington, A.; Coldren, L. A.; Campbell, J. C. Low-Noise Impact-Ionization-Engineered Avalanche Photodiodes Grown on InP Substrates. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 2002, 14, 1722–1724. 67. Williams, G. M.; Compton, M.; Ramirez, D. A.; Hayat, M. M.; Huntington, A. S. MultiGain-Stage InGaAs Avalanche Photodiode with Enhanced Gain and Reduced Excess Noise. IEEE J Electron Device Soc. 2013, 1, 54–65. 68. Zheng, J.; Yuan, Y.; Tan, Y.; Peng, Y.; Rockwell, A. K.; Bank, S. R.; Ghosh, A. W.; Campbell, J. C. Digital Alloy InAlAs Avalanche Photodiodes. J Lightwave Technol 2018, 36, 3580–3585. 69. Mallick, S.; Banerjee, K.; Ghosh, S.; Plis, E.; Rodriguez, J. B.; Krishna, S.; Grein, C. Ultralow Noise Midwave Infrared InAs-GaSb Strain Layer Superlattice Avalanche Photodiode. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 91, 241111. 70. Marshall, A. R. J.; Tan, C. H.; Steer, M. J.; David, J. P. R. Extremely Low Excess Noise in InAs Electron Avalanche Photodiodes. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 2009, 21, 866– 868. 71. Kinch, M. A. Infrared Detector Materials. SPIE Press: Bellingham, WA, 2007. 72. Xie, J.; Xie, S.; Tozer, R. C.; Tan, C. H. Excess Noise Characteristics of Thin AlAsSb APDs. IEEE Trans Electron Devices 2012, 59, 1475–1479. 73. Yi, X.; Xie, S.; Liang, B.; Lim, L. W.; Zhou, X.; Debnath, M. C.; Huffaker, D. L.; Tan, C. H.; David, J. P. R. Demonstration of Large Ionization Coefficient Ratio in AlAs0.56Sb0. 44 Lattice Matched to InP. Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 9107. doi: 10.1038/S41598-018-27507-w. 74. Zhou, X.; Pinel, L. L. G.; Dimler, S. J.; Zhang, S.; Ng, J. S.; Tan, C. H. Thin Al1-x GaxAs0.56Sb0. 44 Diodes with Low Excess Noise. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 2018, 24, 3800105.


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Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Some parameters that quantify APD performance were introduced in Chapter 1. In this chapter, those basic measures of APD function are related to higher-level performance metrics applicable to different types of optical signal. The chapter begins by introducing the statistical framework used to describe APD figures of merit, after which figures of merit for Geiger- and linear-mode APDs and APD photoreceivers are presented.

2.1 Preliminaries The performance of a sensor must be evaluated in the context of its application, so different figures of merit are used depending on which aspects of an application’s optical signal encodes the information to be received. For instance, consider a camera designed to take pictures interpretable by the human eye in terms of brightness. Since rod and cone cells in the human eye respond to photon arrival rate, the desired information is directly encoded in the optical power reaching the camera, which is proportional to the photon arrival rate (by the photon energy). It therefore makes sense to characterize the sensitivity of a passive-imaging camera in terms of optical power, for example, the lowest power it can discriminate from the zero-signal condition and the accuracy with which it can measure power, etc. A simple time-of-flight laser range-finder provides a contrasting example in which different figures of merit are appropriate. In this application, the information carried by a reflected laser pulse is the fact that a target exists at a range encoded by the pulse’s time-of-arrival. Although the reflected pulse can be described in terms of an optical power waveform—and although the shape and amplitude of that waveform affects the ability of the range-finder to perform its function—the information to be obtained is not the brightness of the pulse itself nor its shape. Rather than quantify the performance of a range-finding photoreceiver based on the fidelity with which it can measure optical power—a tangential issue—its ability to detect and time the arrival of pulse returns and its propensity to falsely report detection of targets when no returns are actually received, etc., are more germane. Optical signals may carry different types of information in different ways depending on the application, but since the only thing APDs can do with light is convert photons into mobile charge-carriers and conduct photocurrent as a result, transduction of the information in an optical signal by an APD photoreceiver always involves a measurement of photon number manifest as a photoelectron count, or a measurement of optical power manifest as a photocurrent. Even when information is encoded in the polarization or phase of an optical field, it is ultimately extracted by an APD through measurement of photon number or optical power. For example, in coherent sensing InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

applications, phase information is extracted from a signal by coherent mixing with a reference, thereby forming an interference pattern which an APD photoreceiver can measure as the variation over space and/or time of accumulated photon number or instantaneous optical power. Accordingly, figures of merit for APDs are constructed from the statistics of optical signals expressed in terms of photon number or optical power, and the statistics of APD response expressed in terms of electron count or current. The statistical treatment of APD performance concerns random variables that represent quantities like the number of photons in a signal pulse or the number of electrons that cross an APD’s junction within a specified observation period. These variables are random in the same sense that any given roll of a six-sided die cannot be predicted in advance, but one can still know that pairs of dice rolls are six times more likely to sum to 7 than to 12, etc. A complete specification of a random variable’s possible values and the corresponding probability of each is called the variable’s probability distribution. When the probability distribution of a random variable does not change over time, the variable is said to be stationary. When the statistics of an optical signal and the detector that senses the signal are both stationary, there is a comparatively simple relationship between the discrete statistics of photon number and electron count on one hand, and the frequency-domain noise of optical power and photocurrent on the other. This is helpful because the discrete statistics of optical signal and detector response can often be calculated from first principles, but optical power and photocurrent figure into much practical engineering. Two important types of signal with stationary statistics are steady-state illumination at constant average power, and pulsed illumination when the probability distribution of the photon number of the pulses does not change from pulse to pulse. A steady-state signal has the additional property that photon arrival events are statistically independent—the fact of any given photon’s arrival at the detector does not affect the probability any other photon in the signal will arrive at any particular time. Rather, the differential probability that a photon will arrive during a given instant is a constant value for a steady-state signal. These properties make calculations easy, which is partly why the commonly used figures of merit for APDs assume stationary and independent photon arrival statistics. However, APDs are normally used to sense optical waveforms that are modulated in time, which—by definition—are not stationary. Also, the pulses emitted by many types of laser fluctuate more in terms of photon number than would be the case if they were formed by consecutive samples of a steady-state signal containing the same average number of photons per sample. Fortunately, many signals of practical interest are “stationary enough” over some span, such that useful calculations can be made based on the model of a stationary signal. For example, if the instantaneous power of an optical waveform remains approximately constant for a period of time that is longer than an APD’s impulse response (e.g., at the peak of a rectangular pulse), that portion of the waveform is well modeled as steady-state illumination. Similarly, if the photons of an optical pulse arrive on a time scale shorter than that of an APD’s impulse response—or if the APD’s photocurrent is integrated by its photoreceiver circuit—then the nonstationary statistics of photon arrival during a pulse don’t matter, and the stationary statistics of photon number

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


over multiple identically prepared pulses is the relevant measure of signal fluctuation. Later, in the section on the Burgess variance theorem, it will be demonstrated that attenuation causes the photon number variance of optical pulses to approach that obtained by sampling a steady-state signal, even when the statistics at the source are quite different. The response of an APD is normally considered to have stationary statistics if its operating conditions are fixed, but this assumption must be applied with some care. Normal operation of a Geiger APD involves changing bias conditions as it cycles through active, quench, and reset states, and as shown in Chapter 1, afterpulsing causes dark count statistics to change with time elapsed since the most recent breakdown event. Stationary statistics can be assumed for Geiger APDs in the active state if the APD is operated with sufficient quench time to render afterpulsing negligible. Similarly, partial compensation of the fixed space charge of ionized dopant atoms by the mobile charge transporting current through a linear-mode APD can modulate the APD’s internal electric field strength, making avalanche gain dependent on signal strength, which is often a function of time. Stationary statistics can be assumed for linear APDs as long as signal levels are weak enough that such gain saturation is negligible. A review of the methods and probability distributions applied to calculate the discrete statistics of photon number and electron count is provided below. Then the timedependent statistics of optical power and instantaneous current are presented in terms of the stochastic impulse response function of an APD. The section concludes with development of the shot noise spectral intensity theorem that is used to approximate an APD’s noise under steady-state illumination at constant average power.

2.1.1  Statistics of photon number and electron count  Discrete probability distributions The operation of an APD photoreceiver can be broken into steps, each subject to chance. For instance, a number of photons incident upon an APD (nph) are converted into a number of collected primary electron–hole pairs (nEHP). These primary EHPs are then multiplied to result in some total yield of EHPs, with the net result that a number of electrons cross the APD junction (nAPD). If the APD is operated in linear mode, then it will be used with some variety of transimpedance amplifier (TIA) which converts the electrons from the APD into an output voltage signal. The amplifier’s circuit noise manifests as random fluctuation of its output voltage which adds to or subtracts from the voltage signal due to the charge from the APD. This is mathematically equivalent to there being a fluctuating charge at the amplifier’s input (nTIA) which adds to or subtracts from the charge from the APD. Although amplifier noise is a continuous variable, nTIA is almost always of sufficient magnitude that it is well approximated by an integer number of noise electrons. With this approximation, all of the relevant quantities—nph, nEHP, nAPD, and nTIA—are discrete random variables, each with an associated probability distribution. In this section, some general properties of discrete probability distributions are reviewed before specific distributions relevant to APD figures of merit are presented.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

The probability distribution of a particular random variable, n, is written symbolically as P(n). P(n) is a function that gives the likelihood different possible values of the random variable n will be realized in any given instance. By definition, if P(n) gives the probabilities of realizing all possible values that n can take, the sum of P(n) over every possible value of n must add up to unity. Otherwise, if the probabilities given by P(n) added up to less than unity, the missing probability would imply that in some circumstances n could be measured without obtaining one of the possible outcomes—a contradiction. Likewise, a sum greater than unity would imply it was more than 100% possible to measure n and obtain a possible outcome, which is nonsensical. If P(n) properly accounts for the probability of every possible outcome and sums to unity, it is said to be normalized: P(n ) = 1, ∑



where the notation ∑ means the sum over all possible values of n. n

Some of the steps of the signal detection process happen sequentially and others occur in parallel. For instance, absorption of photons to generate primary EHPs occurs before those primary carriers are multiplied by impact ionization, but an amplifier’s noise causes its output voltage to fluctuate simultaneously with modulation of the same voltage by current from an APD. Mathematical rules for combining the probabilities of sequential and parallel random processes are discussed below.  Distribution of a random variable conditioned on another random variable Suppose there are two sequential random processes labeled A and B, and the output of the first process—Process A—is a random variable (nA) that is an input for the second process. For instance, Process A could be primary EHP generation and Process B could be carrier multiplication; nA would then be the count of primary EHPs collected by the APD junction and nB would be the net number of electrons which cross the APD junction following multiplication of the primary EHPs. Obviously, more primary carriers going into the multiplication process increases the likelihood of more carriers coming out after multiplication, so in this case, the likelihood of different outcomes from Process B depends on nA. The notation PB(nB|nA) represents the probability distribution of random variable nB conditioned upon a particular value of the variable nA having been realized. When Process B is conditioned on Process A in this way, the distribution of outputs from Process B is: P(nB ) = ∑ PA ( nA ) ⋅ PB ( nB nA ), nA


where nA and nB are the random variables representing outputs from Processes A and B, PA(nA) is the probability distribution of nA, and P(nB|nA) is the probability distribution of nB given realization of a particular value of nA from Process A.

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Table 2.1  Example probability distribution PA(nA) of collected EHPs generated from exactly 5 incident photons, assuming QE = 80%. nA


0 1 2 3 4 5

0.00032 0.0064 0.0512 0.2048 0.4096 0.32768

Note that PA(nA) is normalized in this example, as the probability of all possible outcomes sums to 1.

Each term in the summation of Eq. (2.2) is the compound probability that a particular value of nA is realized from Process A and that nB is obtained from Process B given the realized value of nA. The summation adds up probabilities for all the possible ways to realize nB, considering all the values that nA can take. To give a concrete example, suppose that exactly five photons are incident upon an APD with a quantum efficiency (QE) = 80%, leading to just six possible outcomes for the number of collected EHPs: either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The probabilities of these outcomes can be calculated using the binomial distribution, which is discussed later in this section. The distribution of collected EHPs is summarized in Table 2.1 and is graphed in Fig. 2.1.

Figure 2.1  Example discrete distribution PA(nA) of collected EHPs generated from exactly 5 incident photons, assuming QE = 80%.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Table 2.2  Conditional probability distributions PB(nB|nA) of total output (nB) from a fictitious multiplier that has a 50% chance of multiplying each primary EHP once. nB







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0.50 0.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0.25 0.50 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0.125 0.375 0.375 0.125 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0.0625 0.2500 0.3750 0.2500 0.0625 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0.03125 0.15625 0.31250 0.31250 0.15625 0.03125

Each column of Table 2.2 is a different normalized distribution of nB that depends upon the value of nA.

Further suppose that the APD has a 50% probability of multiplying each primary EHP once. For instance, if there are nA = 3 primary EHPs, there is a 0.53 = 0.125 chance that none of the three will be multiplied, resulting in an output of nB = 3, which means PB(3|3) = 0.125. On the other hand, if nA = 2, one of the primary EHPs must be multiplied in order to get a total output of nB = 3; the chance of a specific primary EHP being multiplied and the other not is 0.25 but there are two ways in which this can happen, so PB(3|2) = 0.5. This model of multiplication is unrealistic, but its simplicity facilitates demonstration of how Eq. (2.2) is used. The conditional probabilities associated with this model are summarized in Table 2.2 and three of the conditional probability distributions—PB(nB|3), PB(nB|4), PB(nB|5)—are graphed in Fig. 2.2. Accounting for the distribution of nA from Table 2.1, the probability of measuring nB = 4 in this example, calculated using Eq. (2.2), is: P(4) = ∑ PA ( nA ) ⋅ PB ( 4 nA ) nA

= PA (0) ⋅ PB (4 0) + PA (1) ⋅ PB (4 1) + PA (2) ⋅ PB (4 2) + PA (3) ⋅ PB (4 3) + PA (4) ⋅ PB (4 4) + PA (5) ⋅ PB (4 5).

= 0.00032 ⋅ 0 + 0.0064 ⋅ 0 + 0.0512 ⋅ 0.25 + 0.2048 ⋅ 0.375 + 0.4096 ⋅ 0.0625 + 0.32768 ⋅ 0 = 0.1152


The distribution of nA, and the distribution of nB found from Eq. (2.2), are graphed in Fig. 2.3.  Distribution of the sum of two independent random variables When two statistically independent random processes operate in parallel, and their outputs are summed, the distribution of the random variable for the summed output is the convolution of the distributions for the two processes. Statistical independence

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Figure 2.2  Example conditional distributions of multiplied EHPs (nB) conditioned on the number of primary EHPs injected into the multiplier, nA.

Figure 2.3  Example distribution of primary EHPs, PA(nA), and the distribution of multiplied EHPs, P(nB), found by averaging PB(nB|nA) over nA.

means that knowing the outcome of one process does not change the odds associated with the other process, and vice-versa. This precludes either process being an input of the other, and also precludes correlation of the two processes due to some shared


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cause. Examples of independent random variables that get summed in APD-related calculations include the aforementioned sum of the charge signal from an APD and the input-referred charge noise of a TIA, and the sum of different components of an APD’s current (e.g., generation-recombination dark current, signal photocurrent, etc.). On the other hand, since breakdown of a Geiger APD pixel in a semiconductor photomultiplier (SPM) can cause both afterpulsing of the same pixel and optical crosstalk in other pixels, the total nonsignal counts of an SPM during a given sample period, comprising breakdown events triggered by primary dark current, afterpulsing, and optical crosstalk, is an example of a sum of random variables which are not statistically independent. If the random variable nZ is the sum of two independent random variables, nX and nY, respectively with distributions PX(nX) and PY(nY), the probability distribution of nZ is:

P ( nZ ) = [ PX ∗ PY ] ( nZ ) = ∑ PX ( nX ) ⋅ PY ( nZ − nX ), (2.4) nX where the operator * denotes convolution. Each term in the summation of Eq. (2.4) is the compound probability that a particular value of nX is realized from Process X and Process Y realizes the value of nY needed for nX and nY to sum to nZ. The summation gives the probability of all the ways nX and nY can sum to nZ. The convolution operation is commutative, associative, and distributive: PX ∗ PY = PY ∗ PX

PF ∗ ( PG ∗ PH ) = ( PF ∗ PG ) ∗ PH .


P F ∗ ( PG + PH ) = ( PF ∗ PG ) + ( PF ∗ PH ) This means that when the distribution of the sum of several independent random variables is calculated, pairs of distributions can be convolved separately, and then those convolutions convolved, etc., until a convolution is obtained to which each distribution has contributed once. For instance, if nG = nA + nB + nC + nD + nE + nF and all the random variables are independent of each other, then P(nG) can be formed in many different ways, including: P G = ( PA ∗ PB ) ∗ ( PC ∗ PD )  ∗ ( PE ∗ PF ) .


As an example, suppose that during a specified sample period, nX is the number of primary photoelectrons generated from a steady-state optical signal and nY is the number of primary dark current electrons, so that nZ = nX + nY is the total primary electron count during the sample period. The optical absorption and dark current generation processes operate independently, so if the distributions PX(nX) and PY(nY) over an ensemble of samples is known, PZ(nZ) can be calculated using Eq. (2.4). Simple (but unrealistic) distributions are tabulated in Table 2.3 to demonstrate a convolution calculation:

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Table 2.3  Independent distributions of nX and nY for demonstration of convolution. nX, nY



0 1 2 3 4 5

0.00032 0.0064 0.0512 0.2048 0.4096 0.32768

0.125 0.1875 0.375 0.1875 0.125 0

Figure 2.4  Example convolution of two discrete distributions.

Based on Table 2.3, the probability nX+nY = 6 is: P ( 6 ) = ∑ PX ( n X ) ⋅ PY ( 6 − n X ) nX

= PX (0) ⋅ PY (6) + PX (1) ⋅ PY (5) + PX (2) ⋅ PY (4) + PX (3) ⋅ PY (3) + PX (4) ⋅ PY (2) + PX (5) ⋅ PY (1) = 0.00032 ⋅ 0 + 0.0064 ⋅ 0 + 0.0512 ⋅ 0.125 + 0.2048 ⋅ 0.1875 + 0.4096 ⋅ 0.375 + 0.32768 ⋅ 0.1875 = 0.25984


To illustrate convolution, examples of the Poisson (PG) and sampled Gaussian (PH) distributions are graphed in Fig. 2.4, along with PG ∗ PH . The Poisson and sampled Gaussian distributions are described in detail later in this section. For distributions like PG and PH which are each roughly symmetric around their most likely value (the mode of each distribution), the mode of the convolution is near the sum of the modes of the two component distributions.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar  Complementary cumulative distribution function Suppose the random variable n represents a linear-mode APD photoreceiver’s measurements of photon number. The complete probability distribution of n, given a particular signal, well characterizes the receiver’s response to that type of signal, but is cumbersome to use for quick calculations or comparisons. Various figures of merit are built from statistical measures that summarize different aspects of P(n). One of these measures is the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) evaluated at a particular threshold value of n. In one common configuration, a photoreceiver reports detection of optical pulses when n exceeds a threshold value, nth. In this case, the detailed structure of P(n) above nth is not important—only the probability that n>nth, which gives the fraction of identically prepared signal pulses that will be detected. P(n>nth) is simply the sum of P(n) over all values of n greater than nth:

P(n > nth ) =

P (n )

n = nth +1 nth

= 1−


∑ P(n).

n =−∞

Since P(n) is normalized, P(n>nth) can also be written as the complement of the sum of P(n) for values of n≤nth, which is the second line of Eq. (2.8). The sum of P(n) over all values of n≤nth is called the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of n, evaluated at nth, so P(n>nth) is the CCDF of n, evaluated at nth.  Population mean, variance, and standard error of the mean—signal and noise When a linear-mode APD photoreceiver is used to measure the photon number of an optical signal, the information sought is often not the number of photons in a particular instance of the signal, but the average number of photons that would be measured if an ensemble of identically prepared signals could be observed—a quantity called the population mean or expected value of the photon count. This is because the photon emission and scattering processes which determine optical signal intensity are usually stochastic. It is possible to construct single-photon sources that are effectively deterministic,1 but usually when human agency or a natural phenomenon encodes information in the intensity of an optical signal, the population mean of the signal intensity is a direct representation of the information, whereas any given instance of the signal includes some random error. The issues involved can be appreciated by considering a simplified surface reflectivity measurement. The reflectivity of a surface (ρs) is often used in calculations as though it is a deterministic ratio of reflected-to-incident photons, but it is actually the probability that any given incident photon will be reflected. Setting aside the randomness of optical source and sensor, if a surface is repeatedly illuminated by optical pulses of fixed, nonrandom photon number (Nin), the number of photons reflected will be a random

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variable that fluctuates from pulse to pulse (nout), with a distribution P(nout|Nin) that is entirely determined by ρs and Nin. The distribution in question is the binomial distribution—described later in this section—but that detail is not important for the present discussion. Even were it possible to generate incident optical pulses of known photon number and then measure the photon number of the reflected pulses with perfect accuracy, the exact ratio of one reflected pulse’s photon number to that of the incident pulse would not fully characterize the reflectivity of the surface—it would only sample P(nout|Nin). A particular value of nout divided by Nin only pertains to a given measurement, and would be unlikely to equal ρs exactly. This limitation is not imposed by imperfect instrumentation, but by the nature of the quantity being measured—ρs is a constant that fully characterizes the surface’s reflective properties, but it generates an observable that is a random variable. Complete experimental characterization of a surface’s reflectivity distribution would in principle require observing an infinite number of samples. Equivalently, the law of large numbers says the average reflected photon count will approach its expected value or population mean, denoted nout , as the number of measurements approaches infinity. The expected value of nout gives ρs as ρs =  nout /Nin. Since the reflectivity distribution can be calculated for any value of Nin if ρs is known, the information sought by a reflectivity measurement—a complete characterization of the surface’s reflective properties—resides in the population mean, nout , and not in a particular instance of the random variable nout. Many other types of information encoded in optical signal intensity work the same way, such that when the word “signal” is used for a specific quantity, the population mean of the signal intensity is usually meant. If the random variable n represents an APD photoreceiver’s response to the photon number of an optical signal, with probability distribution P(n) that accounts for the randomness of the signal itself as well as the photoreceiver’s detection process, then the receiver’s “signal” response is the population mean of n: “ signal ” = n ≡ ∑ n ⋅ P (n). n


Eq. (2.9) is a weighted average formed as the sum of every possible value of n, weighted by the probability of that value being realized. It should be noted that n is a constant, so when n is encountered inside summations or integrals over n, it can be factored outside the sum or integral, despite “n” appearing in the symbol. Since expected values are formed as sums, they obey distributivity, commutativity, and associativity. For instance, by the distributive property, the expected value of the product of a random variable and a constant (C) is just the product of the constant and the expected value of the variable:

C ⋅ n = ∑ (C ⋅ n) ⋅ P (n) = C ∑ n ⋅ P (n) = C n . n




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By the distributive and associative properties, the expected value of the sum of a random variable and a constant is equal to the sum of the random variable’s expected value and the constant: n + C = ∑ ( n + C ) ⋅ P (n ) = ∑ n ⋅ P (n ) + ∑ C ⋅ P (n ) = n + C ∑ P (n ) = n + C . n n n n


The expected value of the sum of multiple random variables is the sum of their respective expected values, regardless of whether the variables are independent of each other. This can be proven using the joint probability distribution of two discrete random variables x and y, written P(x,y), which gives the probability that particular values of x and y will be realized simultaneously. Even without knowing whether x and y are independent, it must always be true that the probability of realizing particular values of x and y is the compound probability of realizing x and of also realizing y given that x was realized: P ( x, y ) = P ( x ) ⋅ P ( y x ) . = P( y) ⋅ P ( x y )


The second line of Eq. (2.12) follows because x and y are indistinguishable in this argument. With Eq. (2.12), the definition of a population mean can be used to show the expected value of the sum of two random variables is the sum of their expected values: x + y = ∑ ∑ ( x + y ) ⋅ P ( x , y ) = ∑ ∑ x ⋅ P ( x , y) + ∑ ∑ y ⋅ P ( x , y) x








= ∑ ∑ x ⋅ P ( y) ⋅ P ( x y ) + ∑ ∑ y ⋅ P ( x ) ⋅ P ( y x ) x


= ∑ x∑ P ( y) ⋅ P ( x y ) + ∑ y∑ P ( x ) ⋅ P ( y x ) x





= ∑ x ⋅ P ( x ) + ∑ y ⋅ P ( y) = x + y . x


Eq. (2.13) says that when a photoreceiver’s response to an optical signal is summed with other random variables like the noise of the TIA (nTIA) and the receiver’s responses to background light (nbg) or dark current (ndc), the population mean of the signal (nsignal) can be isolated by subtracting off any constant offset and the population means of the other confounding variables: ntotal = C + nsignal + nTIA + nbg + ndc ⇒ nsignal = ntotal − C − nTIA − nbg − ndc . (2.14) Eq. (2.14) is important because the output of a photoreceiver is always a quantity like ntotal that includes contributions from random variables that are not the signal to be measured. In principle, if it were possible to observe the population means of ntotal with and without the signal present, one could isolate nsignal by subtraction. In other

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words, the population means of random variables like nbg which add to nsignal are a type of removable systematic error, similar to a constant offset like C. Unfortunately, none of the population means in Eq. (2.14) can be obtained empirically in a finite number of measurements. Since an infinite ensemble of identically prepared signals cannot be observed in practice, quantifications of random error are needed. One way to define random error is as the difference between a particular measurement of the random variable n and the population mean which encodes the information in the optical signal:

ε n = n − n .


Since n is a discrete random variable, εn can only take values that differ from n by an integer, and the probability of making a measurement with error εn as defined in Eq. (2.15) is just P(n). One can use the distribution of n to find the probability εn lies within a certain range: n2

P ( n1 − n ≤ ε n ≤ n2 − n ) = ∑ P(n ), n = n1

n1 , n2 ∈ ; n1 ≤ n2 .


Eq. (2.16) just says that since Eq. (2.15) describes a one-to-one correspondence between values of n and an associated error, the probability of εn falling in the range it would take if n was in the range between n1 and n2 is simply the probability of n falling between n1 and n2. The probability the magnitude of εn is smaller than some maximum value (εmax) can be found from Eq. (2.16) as:  

n +ε max 

P ( ε n ≤ ε max ) = ∑ P(n), n =  n −ε max 


where the notation  x  means x rounded down to the nearest integer, and  x  means x rounded up to the nearest integer. Although it is quite useful to quantify the probability the magnitude of a measurement’s error is less than some value, as in Eq. (2.17), the most common practice is to quantify something akin to an “average error magnitude.” The population standard deviation of P(n), denoted σn, is used for this purpose when individual measurements are concerned. As will be shown below, σn is actually the “square root of the average of the square error” and not literally the “average error magnitude,” but it is highly useful due to the way the average square errors of uncorrelated random variables combine. The standard error of the mean (SEn) is an equivalent error measure that applies to averages of a finite number of samples. In the same way that “signal” often denotes a population mean, “noise” is often used when σn or SEn are meant. The “average of the square error” of a random variable is called its variance, so the population standard deviation of n is: “ noise ” = σ n ≡ var(n).



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The variance of n is an average formed by summing the squares of the errors of every possible value of n, weighted by their probabilities: var(n ) ≡ ε n2 = ∑ ε n2 ⋅ P(n ) = ∑ ( n − n n





⋅ P (n ) = ∑ n 2 − 2 n ⋅ n + n n


) ⋅ P (n )

= ∑ n 2 ⋅ P (n ) + ∑ n ⋅ P (n ) − ∑ 2 n ⋅ n ⋅ P (n ) n

= n

+ n






∑ P (n ) − 2 n ∑ n ⋅ P (n ) = n




(2.19) 2

+ n −2 n ⋅ n


2 = n − n . 2

In Eq. (2.19), n and n are constants, so can be factored out of the sums. Also, the normalization of P(n) according to Eq. (2.1) and the definition of mean from Eq. (2.9) have been applied. The variance of the sum of a random variable and a constant is the same as the variance of just the random variable: var(n + C ) =

( n + C )2

= n2 = n



= n 2 + 2 C ⋅ n + C 2 −  n + C  2 + 2 C n + C2 − n − 2 C n − C2

− n

− n+C




= var(n ).

Eq. (2.20) establishes that systematic errors like constant offsets do not contribute to random noise. (Also, obviously, the variance of a constant is zero, since the value of a constant in every measurement is the same as its average value across all measurements.) The distributive property can be used to show that the variance of the product of a constant and a random variable is the product of the constant squared and the variable’s variance: var(C ⋅ n ) = ∑ ( C ⋅ n − C ⋅ n n




= C 2 ∑ n2 − 2 n n + n n


⋅ P (n ) = ∑ C 2 n 2 − 2 C ⋅ n C ⋅ n + C ⋅ n n


) ⋅ P (n ) = C


var(n ),


) ⋅ P (n )


where C is a constant and the distributive property has been used to factor C out of the sums. Eq. (2.21) says that if a noisy quantity represented by n is multiplied by a deterministic (i.e., constant) gain C, the noise of the result (i.e., its standard deviation) is C·σn. In other words, noiseless gain processes amplify signal and noise equally. Later, in the section on the Burgess variance theorem, it is shown that when the gain factor is also noisy, the noise is amplified by more than the signal. One of the main reasons σn is preferred as a measure of noise is that the variance of the sum of multiple uncorrelated random variables is the sum of their individual

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variances. Two random variables x and y are uncorrelated if the expected value of their product is equal to the product of their expected values: x⋅y = x ⋅ y .


Lack of correlation is a weaker condition than statistical independence, in that statistically independent random variables are necessarily uncorrelated, but uncorrelated random variables are not necessarily statistically independent. The curious reader can verify that independent random variables are uncorrelated by noting that the joint distribution of two independent random variables is the product of their individual distributions, and then applying the definition of expected value in Eq. (2.9) to show that the expected value of their product is the product of their expected values, as in Eq. (2.22). The proposition that uncorrelated variables must also be statistically independent can be refuted by counterexample. As discussed above, quantities formed as the sum of independent random variables are commonly encountered in APD sensitivity calculations. The amplified output of an APD summed with the circuit noise of a TIA is one important example. Whereas the convolution of Eq. (2.4) must be computed to find the distribution of the sum of two independent random variables, the “noise” of the sum—being the square root of the variance of the sum—can immediately be calculated from the noise of each component because the variance of the sum of two uncorrelated random variables is the sum of their respective variances. This is called the Bienaymé formula: var( x + y ) = ( x + y )2 − x + y


= x 2 + 2 x ⋅ y + y2 − ( x + y 2

= x 2 + 2 x ⋅ y + y2 − x − 2 x ⋅ y − y



) (

= x 2 − x + y2 − y2 = var( x ) + var( y ).






The first and second lines of Eq. (2.23) make use of Eq. (2.13) and the third line applies Eq. (2.22). If the calculation is repeated for (x−y) instead of (x+y), it is found that the variance of the difference of two uncorrelated random variables is also the sum of their respective variances. Eq. (2.23) is a very helpful result because, provided the various noise processes are uncorrelated, one can find the total noise of an optical intensity measurement as: n total = C + nsignal + nTIA + nbg + ndc

2 2 2 ⇒ σ total = σ signal + σ TIA + σ bg + σ dc2 .


Of course, one does not generally want to know ntotal , or a particular instance of ntotal, except as a means of finding nsignal . Likewise, the noise associated with a measurement of ntotal is less germane than that associated with a measurement of nsignal.


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Suppose that in analogy to Eq. (2.14), nsignal is extracted from ntotal by subtracting measurements of ntotal with and without the signal present: n meas = nlight ,1 − ndark ,2 = ( nsignal ,1 + ndark ,1 ) − ndark ,2 ,


where nmeas is a random variable for the signal as found by subtracting the two measurements, ndark,i = nTIA,i + nbg,i + ndc,i is the value of ntotal found in measurement i, when no signal is present, and nlight,i = nsignal,i + nTIA,i + nbg,i + ndc,i is the value of ntotal found in measurement i, when a signal is present. As the indexing of ndark,i and nlight,i in Eq. (2.25) makes clear, the values of nTIA, nbg, and ndc realized in the light and dark measurements are distinct instances of random variables which fluctuate from measurement to measurement. In general, a set of Nsample independent measurements of a given random variable can with equal validity be regarded as Nsample realizations of the same random variable, or as one realization each of Nsample different, but identically distributed, random variables. In the case of an experiment in which a dark measurement is subtracted from a light measurement, it is helpful to think of ndark,1 and ndark,2 as two separate random variables which have identical distributions. The Bienaymé formula can then be applied to find the noise of the signal measurement extracted by subtraction: 2 2 σ meas = σ signal + 2 σ dark .


The Bienaymé formula can also be used to express the noise of an averaged measurement in terms of the noise of a single measurement. The standard error of the mean is the commonly used measure of the noise of an average of several measurements, equivalent to σn for an individual measurement. Suppose that Nsample measurements are made of random variable n in order to calculate the sample mean: 1 nsamp ≡ N sample

N sample

nj ,


j =1

where ni are individual measurements of n. As long as Nsample is finite, the sample average nsamp itself is a random variable that will fluctuate as measurement samples are repeatedly collected and averaged. In analogy to Eq. (2.15) for the error of a single measurement, the error of an average measurement is:

ε n = nsamp − n .


The standard error of the mean (SEn) is the square root of the variance of nsamp , or ε2 . n

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By Eq. (2.21), the variance of the sample average must be:  N sample  1 var nsamp = 2 var  ∑ n j  . N sample  j =1 




The terms in the summation of Eq. (2.29) are Nsample instances of the random variable n, and can also be treated as individual instances of Nsample random variables that share a common distribution, and therefore have the same variance, var(n). Provided that repeated measurements of n are uncorrelated, as is generally the case for the random variables in APD sensitivity calculations, Eq. (2.23) gives the variance of their sum as:  N sample  N sample var  ∑ n j  = ∑ var(n j ) = N sample ⋅ var(n ).  j =1  j =1


Accordingly, the standard error of the mean is:



SEn ≡ var nsamp =

1 N

2 sample

N sample ⋅ var(n ) =

σn . N sample


Eq. (2.31) shows that the noise of an averaged measurement drops as the reciprocal of the square root of the number of samples in the average. When using the population mean n for signal or the two common measures of noise, σn and SEn, it is important to keep in mind that these statistics provide incomplete information about the shapes of the distributions they characterize. Examples of the McIntyre and sampled Gaussian distributions are graphed in Fig. 2.5. Both distributions are described in detail later in this section. The McIntyre distribution applies to the output electron count of most linear-mode APDs and the sampled Gaussian distribution approximates the circuit noise of an amplifier, so these two distributions determine linear-mode APD photoreceiver sensitivity. In Fig. 2.5, both example distributions have the same population means and standard deviations: n = 200 and σn = 150. However, as can be seen, the probability mass of the Gaussian distribution is distributed symmetrically around the most probable value, which coincides with the population mean, whereas the probability mass of the McIntyre distribution is asymmetric around a most probable value that is smaller than the mean. Another important difference is that the probability mass of the Gaussian distribution extends to negative values of n, whereas the McIntyre-distributed values of n are all positive. In its standard form as the probability density function of a continuous random variable, the Gaussian distribution is ubiquitous—so ubiquitous that the difference in shape between the McIntyre and sampled Gaussian distributions often leads to mistakes interpreting what σn means for an APD photoreceiver. For example, it is very common to express experimental measurements in the form nsamp ± SEn′, where SEn′ is an estimate of SEn based on the sample standard deviation of n. The notation


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Figure 2.5  Example of two distributions of different shape with the same mean and standard deviation.

nsamp ± SEn′ expresses the idea that the error of the sample average is likely of magnitude similar to the standard error of the mean, and is as likely to be positive as negative. This only makes sense if one assumes that the probability distribution of n is symmetric around the population mean, but as is obvious from Fig. 2.5, the error of a measurement of a McIntyre-distributed random variable is more likely to be negative, due to the fact that most of the probability mass is at values of n smaller than the population mean. A related issue is that the probability the magnitude of an error is smaller than some value, given above in Eq. (2.17), depends on the functional form of P(n). It turns out that about 68.2% of the probability density of a Gaussian distribution (or the probability mass of a sampled Gaussian distribution) is within σn of its mean, which implies there is a 68.2% probability the error of any given measurement of n is of magnitude smaller than σn; around 95.4% of the probability mass is within 2σn, etc. Because Gaussian distributions are encountered so often, it is common to associate these probabilities of error magnitude with σn or SEn, forgetting that they are specific to the shape of the Gaussian distribution. The central limit theorem, discussed later in this section, ensures that when a large sample of independent measurements of some random variable is averaged, the distribution of the average over multiple samples approaches the Gaussian distribution, even if the random variable being measured has some other distribution. This means that the average gain of an APD found from summing the output electron count it generates in response to a certain number of primary carriers, and then dividing by the number of primaries, tends to approach a Gaussian distribution as the number of primary carriers increases, despite the fact the output electron count is McIntyre-distributed. Moreover, when a McIntyre distribution is convolved with a sampled Gaussian distribution to

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find the distribution of a photoreceiver’s response, the result more closely resembles a Gaussian distribution. However, there are two important circumstances in which the non-Gaussian nature of an APD’s output electron count distribution is important. First, when the photon number of an optical pulse is small, the central limit theorem doesn’t come into play, so the McIntyre distribution heavily influences the calculation of pulse detection probability based on Eq. (2.8). Second, the tail behavior of the McIntyre distribution often plays the dominant role determining how fast the false alarm rate (FAR) of a linear-mode APD photoreceiver drops with increasing detection threshold. In both cases, metrics based on the complete probability distribution P(n) are much more useful than metrics based on n , σn, or SEn alone. Having introduced the operations on discrete probability distributions necessary to construct output distributions for APD photoreceivers and related the concepts of signal and noise to population mean and standard deviation, the rest of this section reviews the discrete distributions useful for APD sensitivity calculations.  Binomial distribution Whether or not a collected EHP results from a photon striking an APD is a type of yes/ no stochastic event known as a Bernoulli trial. The probability a collected EHP results from any given photon is independent of what happens to any other photon, and is quantified by the APD’s unity-gain QE. The binomial distribution gives the probability that a given number of independent Bernoulli trials (n) out of some specified total (N) will result in success, if the probability of success for any given trial is P: N! N −n Pbinomial (n N ) = P n (1 − P ) , n ≤ N, n !( N − n )!


In the context of light absorption, N is the number of photons in a pulse, n is the random variable for the number of EHPs generated and collected, and P is the APD’s QE. The binomial distribution is a simple application of combinatorics and compound probability. The ratio in Eq. (2.32), known as the binomial coefficient, is an enumeration of the different ways in which n successful trials can be selected from a total of N −n N trials. The quantity P n (1 − P ) is the probability that n trials are successful and the remainder are not. The mean value of a binomial-distributed random variable is n = N ⋅ P and its variance is var(n) = N·P(1−P). Eq. (2.32) is applicable when the exact number of trials (i.e., the exact photon count of a signal pulse) is known, but since optical signals are stochastic, the distribution of signal strength must be addressed by most calculations. In the general case, the distribution of collected EHPs is found by averaging binomial distributions calculated for different signal levels, weighted by the probability of each signal level, as given by Eq. (2.2):



P(nEHP ) = ∑ Pbinomial nEHP n ph ⋅ P ( n ph ) , n ph



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where nPh is a discrete random variable for the photon count of the signal pulse, with normalized distribution P(nph).  Poisson distribution When the arrival times of individual photons in a signal are statistically independent— meaning that the knowledge a photon has arrived at the detector does not affect the probability that any other photon will or would not arrive at any other time—then the number of photons which arrive during a sample period of specified duration obeys the Poisson distribution. Steady-state monochromatic illumination at constant average power is the prototypical example of a Poisson-distributed optical signal, but as long as photon arrival events are independent of each other, more complicated optical waveforms can also be Poissonian. The Poisson distribution can be derived by considering independent Bernoulli trials that evaluate whether or not a particular type of event occurs within an infinitesimal interval at a particular time or location. In this sense, it is a continuous version of the binomial distribution, where the number of trials goes to infinity (being the number of infinitesimal intervals that span a given time or space) and the probability of success goes to zero (being the differential probability of an event occurring within an infinitesimal interval). The differential probability (dP) of an event occurring within an infinitesimal interval (dt or dx) is the product of the instantaneous average rate of the events (ρP) and the infinitesimal interval. For events occurring randomly in time, this is: dP = ρ P (t )[s −1 ]. dt


As Eq. (2.34) shows, ρP can be considered a type of probability density in that it is the derivative with respect to the relevant temporal or spatial coordinate of the probability that an event occurs. However, because multiple events can occur in any noninfinitesimal interval, ρP is not a normalized probability density of the sort used to describe the distribution of a single object: ρP can easily integrate to more than unity. Rather, the integral of ρP over some specified noninfinitesimal interval gives the expected number of events in that interval. For the time interval between t1 and t2, the expected number of events occurring at an instantaneous average rate ρP(t) is: n


t 1, t 2

= ∫ dt ρ P (t )[events]. t1


If ρP is constant over the interval, then n t1, t 2 = ρ P ( t 2 − t1 ). The Poisson distribution can be generated by calculating the probability that n+1 events occur in a specified interval from 0 to t. Let t′ denote a time between 0 and t. If P0,t′(n) is the probability that n events have occurred in the interval from 0 to t′ and Pt′,t(0) is the probability that no events occur in the interval after t′ up until t, then the

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differential probability that one more event occurs at t′, resulting in a total of n+1 events, is the compound probability: dP (n + 1) = P0, t′ (n) ⋅ ρ P (t ′) ⋅ dt ′⋅ Pt′, t ( 0 ) . t′


The probability of n+1 events occurring in the interval from 0 to t is found by integrating Eq. (2.36) over the interval: t

P 0, t (n + 1) = ∫0 dt ′ P0, t ′ (n ) ⋅ ρ P (t ′ ) ⋅ Pt ′, t ( 0 ). (2.37) The first step of the solution is to find the probability of zero events occurring in the interval from 0 to t, P0,t(0), from which an expression for Pt′,t(0) can also be obtained. Since dP = ρP(t)·dt is the differential probability of an event occurring within an infinitesimal increment dt, the differential probability no event occurs in a given infinitesimal interval is the complement of dP: dP (0) = 1 − dP = 1 − ρ P (t ) dt . (2.38) A differential equation for P(0) is obtained by writing the probability that no events occur in the interval from 0 to t+dt as the compound probability that no events occur up to t and that no event occurs in the infinitesimal interval after t: P0, t + dt ( 0 ) = P0, t (0) ⋅ dP (0) = P0, t (0) [1 − ρ P (t ) ⋅ dt ]

⇒ P0, t + dt ( 0 ) − P0, t (0) = − P0, t (0) ⋅ ρ P (t ) ⋅ dt ⇒ ⇒

P0, t + dt ( 0 ) − P0, t (0)

dP0, t (0) dt



= − P0, t (0) ⋅ ρ P (t )

= − ρ P (t ) ⋅ P0, t (0).

Eq. (2.39) is solved by an exponential decay:



P0, t (0) = exp  − ∫ dt ′ ρ P (t ′ )  = exp − n 0, t , (2.40)  0  t

where t is the interval over which no events occur, and Eq. (2.35) has been applied. Note that if ρP is a constant rate over the interval, P0,t(0) = exp(−ρP·t). Eq. (2.40) can also be applied to find Pt′,t(0) for use in Eq. (2.37). The probability no events occur in the span from 0 to t is equal to the compound probability that no events occur in the interval from 0 to t’ and no events occur in the interval from t′ to t, so: P0, t (0) P0, t (0) = P0, t ′ (0) ⋅ Pt ′, t (0) ⇒ Pt ′, t (0) = . P0, t ′ (0)



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

With this substitution, Eq. (2.37) can be used to generate P0,t(1) from P0,t(0): P0, t (1) = ∫ 0 dt ′ P0, t′ (0) ⋅ ρ P (t ′) ⋅ Pt′, t ( 0 ) = ∫ 0 dt ′ P0, t (0) ⋅ ρ P (t ′) = n t


0, t ⋅

exp (− n

0, t



In Eq. (2.42), the constant P0,t(0) found in Eq. (2.40) has been factored out of the integral and Eq. (2.35) has been applied. Using Eq. (2.42) for P0,t(1), P0,t(2) can be found:

∫ =∫

P0, t (2) =

t 0

dt ′ P0, t′ (1) ⋅ ρ P (t ′) ⋅ Pt′, t ( 0 )

{ {

} }

t′ dt ′  ∫ dt ′′ P0, t′ (0) ⋅ ρ P (t ′′) ⋅ ρ P (t ′) ⋅ Pt′, t ( 0 ) 0 t t′ = ∫ dt ′  ∫ dt ′′ ρ P (t ′′) ⋅ P0, t′ (0) ⋅ ρ P (t ′) ⋅ Pt′, t ( 0 ) . 0 0 t


= P0, t (0) ∫ dt ′ n 0 t


= exp − n

0, t



0, t′ ⋅ ρ P (t ′) 2


0, t


In the third line of Eq. (2.43) the P0,t′(0) term is moved out of the inner integral because it does not depend on t″, and in the fourth line Eq. (2.41) is used to bring the product of P0,t′(0′) and Pt′,t(0) outside the integral as P0,t(0). Since ρP(t′) is the derivative of n 0, t ′ with respect to t′, the remaining terms of the integrand have the form f(t′)m·df/dt′, where in this case m = 1. The last line of Eq. (2.43) comes from the following identity for the integral of f(t′)m·df/dt′, applicable when f(0) = 0:



dt ′ f (t ′ )m

df f (t )m +1 = . dt ′ m +1


Eq. (2.44) follows from the derivative of f(t′)m+1 with respect to t′, which can be found using the chain rule: d df f (t ′ )m +1 = ( m + 1) f (t ′ )m dt ′ dt ′

f (t ′ )m

df 1 d = f (t ′ )m +1 . dt ′ m + 1 dt ′


A third application of Eq. (2.37) can be used to find P3(0,t): t

P0, t (3) = ∫ dt ′ P0, t ′ (2) ⋅ ρ P (t ′ ) ⋅ Pt ′, t ( 0 )


0 t

t′ = ∫ dt ′  P0, t ′ (0) ∫ dt ′′ n  0 0





⋅ ρ P (t ′′ )  ⋅ ρ P (t ′ ) ⋅ Pt ′, t ( 0 ) 


= P0, t (0) ∫ dt ′  ∫ dt ′′ n 0, t ′′ ⋅ ρ P (t ′′ )  ⋅ ρ P (t ′ ) .  0  0 2 n 0, t ′ t = P0, t (0) ∫ dt ′ ⋅ ρ P (t ′ ) 0 2 3 n 0, t = exp − n 0, t 2⋅3 t


0, t ′′


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Suppressing the interval notation for brevity, Eqs. (2.40), (2.42), (2.43), and (2.46) give the probabilities of n = 0, 1, 2, and 3 on the interval from 0 to t as: PPoisson (0) = exp ( − n 1


n exp ( − n ) 1 2 n PPoisson (2) = exp ( − n ) . 2 ⋅1 3 n PPoisson (3) = exp ( − n ) 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅1 PPoisson (1) =


This sequence of results is suggestive of the general case, which could be obtained by induction in a formal proof: n

n PPoisson (n ) = exp ( − n ) . n!


In the context of an optical signal, n = nph is the random variable for the number of photons arriving during some time interval, and n = n ph is the expected number. The mean value of a Poisson-distributed random variable is, obviously, n . Less obviously, application of the definition of variance given by Eq. (2.19) to the Poisson distribution finds that var(n ) = n . In general, the average photon arrival rate can vary with time, as in an optical pulse. However, as long as photon arrival events are statistically independent, the Poisson distribution still applies. If an APD photoreceiver’s temporal response is such that it effectively integrates the photocurrent generated by a Poissonian signal pulse, then the expected number of photons in the pulse is all that matters. On the other hand, if a photoreceiver’s response keeps pace with the instantaneous photocurrent generated from an optical waveform, the variation of ρP(t) over time is important, and it may be necessary to break up calculations of signal statistics into time intervals on the order of the APD’s impulse response duration, because the APD’s instantaneous photocurrent is proportional to the instantaneous electron and hole counts in its junction. This is briefly addressed at the end of the section. When the instantaneous average rate of events is constant, integrals of the type shown in Eq. (2.35) can be dispensed with, and the expected number of events within an interval (∆t in seconds or ∆x in meters) can be written as the product of the rate and the interval: n = ρ P ⋅ ∆t . A uniform average rate does not mean that events occur with equal spacing in time or space, but that they are as likely to occur at one instant (or at one point in space) as at any other. For events in time occurring at a uniform average rate, the Poisson distribution can be written: PPoisson

n ρ P ⋅ ∆t ) ( (n ) = exp


( − ρ P ⋅ ∆t ) .


This is the form of the Poisson distribution applicable to steady-state monochromatic illumination at constant average power.


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Figure 2.6  Comparison of binomial distribution of EHPs generated from exactly 20 photons with QE = 80% to Poisson distribution of EHPs generated from a Poissonian signal of 20 photons average.

One important property of Poisson processes is that if a binomial distribution of collected EHPs is conditioned upon the number of photons that arrive in a Poissondistributed signal, the resulting yield of collected EHPs also obeys Poisson statistics. This is because absorption of any given photon and subsequent collection of the resulting EHP does not affect the probability governing the fate of any other photon that reaches the detector. Since photon arrival events in a Poisson-distributed signal are statistically independent and EHP generation and collection do not create statistical dependence, the generation and collection of EHPs also constitute independent events to which Poisson statistics apply. The instantaneous average EHP generation rate needed to calculate the Poisson distribution for collected EHPs is: −1 ρ EHP (t ) = QE ⋅ ρ ph (t ) [s ],


where ρph(t) is the instantaneous average photon arrival rate in photons s−1. Fig. 2.6 compares the binomial distribution of EHPs generated from exactly 20 photons by an APD with QE = 80% to the distribution of EHPs generated by the same APD if illuminated by a Poisson-distributed signal pulse of 20 photons average. The distribution of EHPs labeled “Poisson” in Fig. 2.6 was calculated with Eq. (2.48) using nEHP = n ph ⋅ QE = 16, but is identical to the weighted average over binomial distributions calculated using Eq. (2.33) and P(nph) = PPoisson(nph) with n ph = 20. Primary dark current EHPs are also generated in statistically independent events by processes such as the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) mechanism and tunneling, so they too are subject to Poisson statistics. However, it cannot be assumed that primary

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carrier generation is always Poisson-distributed. Many of the pulsed lasers used by lidar or range-finding sensors transmit pulses that vary in energy from shot to shot with a standard deviation that is several percent of the average pulse energy. At typical pulse energies, variance of this magnitude is vastly larger than would be the case if the photon number of each laser shot were Poisson-distributed around the laser’s average pulse energy. For instance, suppose a 1550-nm laser has an average pulse energy of 100 µJ, for which n ph ≈ 7.8 × 1014 . If the photon number of the laser pulses was Poisson-distributed around this average value, the variance over an ensemble of laser shots would be equal to the mean, so the standard deviation would be about σnph≈2.79×107 photons, or 0.0000036% of the average, rather than a few percent. As will be discussed below in the section on the Burgess variance theorem, attenuation of optical pulses can be treated as a survival process subject to binomial statistics, and this tends to make attenuated signals closer to Poissonian, even if the variance of the unattenuated signal is large.  Exponential distribution The Poisson distribution is used to calculate the probability a certain number of independent events occur during an interval during which any number of events could occur. The exponential distribution is closely related: it gives the probability density that the first event to occur after some reference point will occur some interval from the reference point. It can be viewed as the distribution of the continuous random variable for the interval between consecutive Poisson-distributed events. As such, the exponential distribution is not itself a discrete probability distribution. However, it is presented in this section because it is used to calculate the probability a discrete event happens during a particular interval, when at most one such event can occur. Several phenomena relevant to modeling and simulation of APDs are of this character. When a photon propagates through a light-absorbing medium or a hot electron travels through material in which it can impact-ionize, the differential probability of an absorption or impact ionization event occurring in a given infinitesimal interval depends on a local average rate, just like the instantaneous average rate ρP in Eq. (2.34) for Poisson-distributed events. The optical absorption coefficient αop and the impact ionization coefficients αii and βii are the relevant local rates, and are a type of spatial probability density in the same way that the instantaneous photon arrival rate is a type of temporal probability density. However, unlike the case of multiple photons arriving in a steady-state signal, an individual photon can only be absorbed once. An individual electron can initiate multiple impact ionization events, but must pick up sufficient kinetic energy between ionizations to become active again; an active electron or hole can only impact ionize once in an interval shorter than its dead space. Effectively, the probability density of these events is Poisson-like up until the first event occurs, at which point it abruptly becomes zero, but the time or location at which the first event occurs is itself a random variable. Under these circumstances, the exponential distribution can be used to find the probability an event occurs within a specified interval. Following the same logic as Eq. (2.36) but assuming an event can occur at most one time on the interval between 0 and x, the differential probability that a single event occurs at location x′ in the interval between 0 and x is equal to the probability


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that zero events occur during the interval from 0 to x′, and then an event occurs in the infinitesimal interval at x′. Unlike Eq. (2.36), it is not necessary to explicitly consider the probability that no further events occur between x′ and x, because that probability is unity if the sole possible event has already occurred at x′: dP x ′ (1) = P0, x ′ (0) ⋅ ρ P ( x ′ ) ⋅ dx ′,


where ρP(x) is the local average rate of events in m−1. The probability of zero events in the interval from 0 to x′ is just the spatial version of Eq. (2.40):


P 0, x ′ (0) = exp − n

0, x ′




where n x1, x 2 = ∫ dx ρ P ( x ). Note that if the local average rate of events is constant, x1 then n 0, x ′ = ρ P ⋅ x ′. Accordingly, the exponential distribution is: Pexponential ( x ′ ) =


dPx ′ (1) = P0, x ′ (0) ⋅ ρ P ( x ′ ) = exp − n dx ′

0, x ′

) ⋅ ρ (x ′). P


When ρR is a constant, the mean value of an exponentially distributed random variable is ρR−1 and its variance is ρR–2. The probability of one event occurring in the interval from 0 to x is the integral of Eq. (2.53) over the interval: x



P 0, x (1) = ∫0 dx ′ Pexponential ( x ′ ) = ∫0 dx ′ exp − n

0, x ′

) ⋅ ρ (x ′). P


When the local average rate of events is constant, P0,x(1) can be explicitly evaluated as: P (1) = 0, x

x 0

dx ′ exp (−ρ P ⋅ x ′) ρ P = 1 − exp (−ρ P ⋅ x ) .


Eq. (2.55) is the probability of a single event occurring in the interval from 0 to x, in such case that at most one event can occur. The result is different from the probability of a single event given by Poisson statistics, Eq. (2.42), which is based on the assumption any number of events could occur in the interval. Rather, it turns out that Eq. (2.55) corresponds to the complement of the P(0) case of Poisson statistics. Technically, the complement of P(0) calculated using Poisson statistics gives the probability that any number of events occur in the interval—not just one—but the two calculations happen to equate because every multievent outcome under Poisson statistics involves a first event occurring, and up until the first event occurs, the probability densities in the two cases are identical. Eq. (2.55) was used in Eq. (1.14) of Chapter 1 for the probability an active carrier will impact ionize traversing an element of a discretized numerical model of an APD junction.

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119  McIntyre distribution McIntyre derived the distribution of the total output electron count from an APD multiplier, given injection of a particular number of primary electrons from the anode side, in such case that the ionization coefficient ratio k = βii/αii is effectively constant throughout the junction.2 The same distribution function applies to total output hole count for hole injection from the cathode side of a multiplier if αii/βii is substituted for k. In Chapter 1 and the Appendix, primes are used on the symbols for local impact ionization rates to distinguish them from rates that account for carrier dead space. Here the primes are dropped for the sake of clarity. Single-carrier-type injection corresponds to the way separate absorption, charge, and multiplication (SACM)-structure APDs are normally used, and as noted in Chapter 1, although derived using a local model of impact ionization, McIntyre’s distribution reproduces numerically simulated distributions that take dead space into account if an effective value of k based on the mean and variance of the simulated gain distribution is used. However, the McIntyre distribution does not apply to APDs in which impact ionization events are strongly correlated, such as those manufactured from HgCdTe. The cascaded shifted Bernoulli distribution, covered next, is suggested as a model for the gain distribution of those APDs. Although more complex, McIntyre’s derivation is conceptually similar to the derivations of the Poisson and binomial distributions. As with Poisson statistics, the differential probability an electron or hole impact-ionizes in an infinitesimal interval depends on the local ionization rate, which is a probability density: dPie = α ii ( x ) [m −1 ]; dx

dPih = β ii ( x ) [m −1 ]. dx


Just as in Eqs. (2.40) and (2.52), the probability an electron or hole does not ionize while traversing a non-infinitesimal interval between x1 and x2 is given by: x2 Pnie ( x1 , x2 ) = exp  − ∫ dx α ii ( x )  ; x  1 

x2 Pnih ( x1 , x2 ) = exp  − ∫ dx β ii ( x )  . x  1 


These building blocks, and a combinatorial calculation of the number of ways in which a particular yield of ionization events can be obtained, are the basis of McIntyre’s derivation. If a certain number of primary electrons (a) are injected into the multiplier and a total of n electrons come out, then there must have been (n−a) total impact ionization events inside the multiplier. The ionizations must take place in some spatial order, so one can choose to label them in sequence, counting from the anode side of the multiplier. The coordinates of the (n−a) ionization events are x1, x2, …, xn−a with x1 closest to the anode and xn−a closest to the cathode. Then the probability of n output electrons given a input primary electrons can be written: wm wm wm dP ( x1 , x2 , ⋅⋅⋅, xn − a ) PMcIntyre ( n a ) = ∫ dx1 ∫ dx2 ⋅⋅⋅ ∫ dxn − a , xn−a−1 0 x1 dx1 dx2 ⋅⋅⋅ dxn − a



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where wm is the width of the APD’s multiplier in meters, and dP(x1, x2, ···, xn−a) is the differential probability that the (n−a) impact ionizations occur in infinitesimal intervals at the specified coordinates, and nowhere else. The limits of integration in the sequence of nested integrals in Eq. (2.58) reflect the spatial ordering of the ionization events, based on the chosen labeling convention. The first ionization can potentially occur anywhere within the multiplier, but by definition, the second ionization must occur closer to the cathode than the first, etc. This ordering does not represent causation. It is not the case that the ionization at x2 necessarily occurs later in time than the ionization at x1, nor is it necessarily the case that the ionization at x2 is caused by the secondary electron generated at x1. It could be the case that the ionization at x2 is initiated by a secondary hole generated by one of the ionization events closer to the cathode, or it could be initiated by one of the primary electrons, etc. The spatial ordering of the indexes is strictly a matter of book-keeping. Similar to Eq. (2.36) from the derivation of the Poisson distribution, or Eq. (2.51) from the derivation of the exponential distribution, the differential probability that the (n−a) impact ionization events occur at a particular set of specified coordinates can be constructed as a compound probability for the likelihood ionizations happen at those particular coordinates and nowhere else in the multiplier. For instance, in Eq. (2.51) the quantity ρP(x′)·dx′ is the differential probability of an event occurring at x′ and the term P0,x’(0) is the probability that no events occur in the interval up to x′. The equivalent expression for (n−a) different ionization events occurring at particular coordinates, and nowhere else, is: dP ( x1 , x 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, x n−a ) = ρ ( x1 , x 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, x n−a ) ⋅ dx1 ⋅ dx 2 ⋅⋅⋅ dx n−a ⋅ Pne ,


where ρ(x1, x2, ···, xn−a) is the probability density for (n–a) impact ionizations to occur at the specified coordinates, and Pne is the probability that impact ionizations do not occur at any coordinates other than those specified. Pne is the probability that none of the primary electrons nor any of the secondary electrons and holes cause impact ionization events as they pass through the multiplier, except in the specified infinitesimal intervals. Somewhat counterintuitively, the probability that any given carrier passes through the multiplier without causing ionizations outside a specific infinitesimal interval is the same as the probability it does not ionize anywhere at all. The reason is that the differential probability of a carrier ionizing in any given infinitesimal interval is vanishingly small; differential quantities like ρP·dx only become nonvanishing upon integration. This fact is actually inherent in earlier calculations like Eqs. (2.36) and (2.51), in which x′ is both a limit of integration for the probability that no events occur in a particular interval, and also the location at which the differential probability of an event occurring is evaluated. Consider a single electron passing through the multiplier. There are two circumstances in which it does not ionize outside the point x′: if it does not ionize at all, or if it only ionizes at x′ and nowhere else. The probability of the first outcome corresponds to Eq. (2.57) and the differential probability of the second outcome corresponds to

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Eq. (2.59) if written for a single ionization. Borrowing the notation of Eq. (2.59), Pne is the probability the electron does not ionize outside x′ and dP(x′) is the differential probability it only ionizes at x′ and nowhere else; Pnie is the probability the electron does not ionize at all. The total probability the electron does not ionize outside x′ is therefore: P ne = Pnie + dP( x ′ ).


Applying Eq. (2.59), the differential probability that the electron only ionizes at x′ is: dP( x ′) = α ii ( x ′) ⋅ dx ′⋅ Pne = α ii ( x ′) ⋅ dx ′⋅ [ Pnie + dP( x ′)]

α ( x ′) ⋅ dx ′⋅ Pnie = ii . 1 − α ii ( x ′) ⋅ dx ′


Equating the first and last lines of Eq. (2.61) gives: Pnie Pne = 1 − α ii ( x ′ ) dx ′

lim Pne = Pnie .

dx ′→ 0


Applying the same reasoning to the case of multiple ionizations, Pne in Eq. (2.59) can be written as the compound probability that neither the primary carriers nor any of the secondaries impact-ionize anywhere in the multiplier: a

wm Pne = exp  − ∫ dx α ii ( x )   0  x1 wm   ⋅ exp  − ∫0 dx βii ( x )  ⋅ exp  − ∫x dx α ii ( x )     1  x2 wm    ⋅ exp  − ∫0 dx βii ( x )  ⋅ exp − ∫x dx α ii ( x )  ⋅⋅⋅,  2  xn−a wm    ⋅ exp  − ∫0 dx βii ( x )  ⋅ exp  − ∫x dx α ii ( x )   n− a 


where a is the number of primary electrons injected on the anode side of the multiplier, wm is the width of the multiplier in meters, and αii(x) and βii(x) are respectively the electron and hole ionization rates at location x, in m−1. Each of the exponential terms in Eq. (2.63) is the probability a carrier of a particular type does not impact-ionize as it traverses a particular interval, as given by Eq. (2.57). The first line of Eq. (2.63) is the probability that none of the primary electrons impact-ionize as they pass through the multiplier, and each subsequent line is the probability that the members of the secondary EHP generated by one of the impact ionization events respectively make it to the anode and cathode without themselves ionizing.


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McIntyre calculated the probability density for impact ionizations to occur at the specified locations with an expression for the probability density that a certain number(s) of the impact ionizations were initiated by holes and the balance by electrons, multiplied by an enumeration of the ways in which n−a ionizations can occur if s of them are hole-initiated, and then summing that probability density over the possible values of s:

ρ ( x1 , x2 , ⋅⋅⋅, xn − a ) =

n − a −1

∑ c ( a, n, s ) ⋅ k s=0


⋅ α ii ( x1 ) ⋅ α ii ( x2 ) ⋅⋅⋅ α ii ( xn − a ),


where a is the number of primary electrons injected into the anode side of the multiplier, n is the total number of output electrons, s is the number of impact ionization events initiated by secondary holes, k is the hole-to-electron ionization rate ratio, such that βii = k·αii,αii(xi) is the local electron ionization rate at location xi, in units of m−1, and c(a, n, s) is the number of ways in which injection of a primary electrons can result in n total output electrons if s of the resulting impact ionization events are initiated by secondary holes. Since only primary electrons are injected, at least one of the impact ionization events must be electron-initiated. This is why the index of the summation over s in Eq. (2.64) runs from 0 to one fewer than the number of ionization events. Also, the assumption that k is constant throughout the multiplier avoids the necessity of specifying which of the ionization rates is a βii rather than an αii. This allows the product αii(x1)·αii(x2)···αii(xn−a) to be factored outside the summation in Eq. (2.64). The remaining s-dependent terms are: C (a, n, s ) ≡

n − a −1

∑ c ( a, n, s ) ⋅ k . s



McIntyre deduced the form of C(a, n, s) by calculating general expressions for C(a, n, s) applicable if k = 0 and k = 1, and then working out C(a, n, s) for the specific cases of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 impact ionizations for a general value of k. The pattern that fits all those cases is: C (a, n, s ) = a [ a + 1 + (n − a − 1)k ] ⋅ [ a + 2 + (n − a − 2)k ] ⋅⋅⋅ [ a + (n − a − 1) + (n − a − (n − a − 1))k ] =

n − a −1

∏ a [ a + j + (n − a − j ) k ] j =1

 n  Γ  1 − k  = ,  a + k (n − a )  a + k (n − a )] Γ [   (2.66) 1− k n− a

a (1 − k )

z −1 where Γ ( z ) = ∫0 dy exp ( − y ) y (with the real part of z positive) is the gamma function, which equals (z−1)! if z is a positive integer. The gamma function terms emerge from the factorial-like products.

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


When Eqs. (2.63)–(2.66) are substituted into Eqs. (2.58) and (2.59), the requirement that PMcIntyre(n|a) be normalized leads to an expression for the average output electron count: n =

a (1 − k ) = M ⋅ a, wm  exp − (1 − k ) ∫ dx α ii ( x )  − k 0  


where M is the average per-primary-electron gain of the APD. Eq. (2.67) relates M to the integral appearing in Eq. (2.63) for the expected number of ionizations caused by a primary electron that traverses the full width of the multiplier. wm When Eq. (2.66) is used for C(a, n, s) and Eq. (2.67) is used to write ∫ dx α ii ( x ) 0 in terms of M, the final form of the McIntyre distribution is obtained:  n  a ⋅ Γ +1 a+ n ⋅ k n−a 1 + k ( M − 1)  1−k  (1 − k )( M − 1)  1 − k  PMcIntyre (n a) = × × .   n ⋅k      M M n (n − a)! ⋅ Γ  + 1 + a 1 − k  (2.68) The variance of the output electron count is: 3 2 var( n ) = a  k ⋅ M + M ( 2 M − 1) (1 − k ) − M  .


When a = 1, the output electron count is also the per-primary-electron random gain (m), and: var( m ) = k ⋅ M 3 + M ( 2 M − 1) (1 − k ) − M 2 . (2.70) Eqs. (2.68)–(2.70) determine the multiplication noise behavior of linear-mode APDs in which impact ionization events are not strongly correlated. Some important trends characteristic of the McIntyre distribution are illustrated in Figs. 2.7 and 2.8, where sets of McIntyre distributions are graphed on both linear and semilogarithmic axes. The population mean of the output electron count is n = 200 in every curve in both figures. In Fig. 2.7, the number of primary electrons (a = 10) and the mean avalanche gain (M = 20) is the same for all three curves, which differ in terms of the ionization rate ratio (k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4). In Fig. 2.8, a constant ionization rate ratio of k = 0.2 is used, but the three curves correspond to different combinations of primary electron count and mean gain. The parameters plotted, σn, and the CCDF evaluated at n and 4 n are tabulated in Table 2.4. Fig. 2.7 shows that for fixed mean gain and primary electron count, the multiplication noise (σn) increases with k, in keeping with Eq. (2.69). Also, as is clearer in the semilogarithmic version of the graph, the way in which higher k increases noise is by extending the tail of the distribution. A noisier APD is one in which the most probable


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.7  Linear (left) and semi-logarithmic (right) graphs of McIntyre distributions with = 200 for a = 10 primary electrons and mean gain M = 20, with k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4.

Figure 2.8  Linear (left) and semilogarithmic (right) graphs of McIntyre distributions with = 200 and k = 0.2, for primary electron counts of a = 100 (solid), 10 (dashed), and 1 (dotted) respectively paired with average gains M = 2 (solid), 20 (dashed), and 200 (dotted).

Table 2.4  Parameters of the McIntyre distributions graphed in Figs. 2.7 and 2.8. A





CCDF (4)

10 10 10 100 10 1

20 20 20 2 20 200

0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2

61.64 135.06 180.78 15.49 135.06 1274.30

0.455 0.380 0.344 0.470 0.380 0.104

2.093×10−9 4.317×10−3 1.560×10−2 3.331×10−16 4.317×10−3 4.221×10−2

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


output count is smaller but outlying events of extremely high output count occur more frequently. This is reflected in the CCDFs tabulated in Table 2.4, which can be related to the performance of an APD in a thresholded pulse-detection circuit. Typically, if a decision circuit like a threshold comparator is used to validate signal pulses while avoiding false alarms triggered by dark current, the detection threshold will be set at or below the mean electron count due to signal photocurrent, but far above the mean electron count due to dark current. In this context, the tendency of a low-k McIntyre distribution to have a larger CCDF at its mean is desirable, as is having a smaller CCDF at output levels far in excess of the mean. The a=1 curve in Fig. 2.8 shows that the even when the average gain is large, most primary electrons are not multiplied at all. Instead, a given average gain comprises many instances in which the gain experienced by a particular primary electron is lower than the average, and a small number of instances in which the per-electron gain is vastly greater than the average. As the number of primary electrons increases and the average gain drops, the distribution becomes more symmetric around the most probable value, which approaches the mean value.  Cascaded shifted Bernoulli distribution In certain semiconductors such as HgCdTe, only electrons impact-ionize, and at cryogenic temperature, active electrons are very likely to impact ionize before they have a chance to lose their accumulated kinetic energy to phonon scattering. These characteristics result in nearly deterministic avalanche gain, to which the McIntyre distribution does not apply. Nearly the same gain statistics apply to a type of APD first suggested by Chin et al. and then Capasso, in which single-carrier-type impact ionization is localized in a finite number of multiplying stages associated with heterostructure interfaces.3,3aAlthough so-called staircase APDs are difficult to realize in most heterojunction material systems due to unfavorable band alignment in the satellite valleys populated by hot electrons,4 Ren et al. recently reported operation of a staircase APD implemented in the AlInAsSb/GaSb material system.5 However, the following discussion is phrased in terms of the more mature HgCdTe APD technology. A simplified model of electron avalanche in HgCdTe due to Beck and Kinch,6 and validated by the Monte Carlo simulations of Ma et al.,7 is diagrammed in Fig. 2.9. Electrons drift from left to right, picking up the impact ionization threshold energy by displacing the distance marked as dead space in an applied electric field. Once active, electrons impact-ionize within a short distance that is shaded gray. Then, since the accumulated kinetic energy has been used up generating new electron–hole pairs, the electrons emerging from the impact ionization events traverse another dead space increment before becoming active and ionizing again. (For the sake of legibility, the secondary holes produced by the ionizations have not been sketched in Fig. 2.9.) Not every electron will ionize immediately upon becoming active, so the distance over which ionizations occur widens in successive generations. However, the multiplication of electrons remains highly regular over multiple generations, soon reaching large output counts. A key difference between the nearly deterministic process sketched in Fig. 2.9 and the random avalanche process in a conventional APD is that in most APD materials,


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.9  Diagram of nearly deterministic electron avalanche in HgCdTe.

phonon scattering between impact ionization events desynchronizes the dead spaces of individual carriers. One carrier may ionize soon after becoming active, but another may displace through most of its dead space only to lose its kinetic energy in a collision with a phonon at the last moment, after which it must displace through an additional dead space increment before finally becoming active. In terms of the model sketched in Fig. 2.9, phonon scattering between ionizations in a conventional APD multiplier causes the shaded regions to widen and interpenetrate. Because the probability density for impact ionization is not spatially localized, but is spread throughout the multiplier and dependent only on the local ionization rates, Eq. (2.64) from the derivation of the McIntyre distribution applies to conventional APDs. This model is corroborated by the observation that short-wavelength infrared HgCdTe APDs obey k=0 McIntyre statistics when operated at room temperature. The higher phonon scattering rate at room temperature destroys the close correlation between ionization events that is characteristic of electron avalanche in HgCdTe at cryogenic temperature. The nearly deterministic avalanche multiplication process with minimal phonon scattering sketched in Fig. 2.9 closely resembles electron multiplication in a photomultiplier tube (PMT). A PMT is a high-voltage vacuum tube device in which ballistic electrons are accelerated in an electric field, causing them to collide with a sequence of targets called dynodes. Impact of a high-energy primary electron with a dynode causes the dynode to emit multiple secondary electrons, which are then accelerated through the vacuum to collide with the next dynode in the sequence. The dead space intervals in Fig. 2.9 are analogous to the gaps between dynodes in a PMT. The output electron count distribution of a PMT can be computed by finding the output electron count distribution from a single dynode (for which a Polya distribution may be used),8 and then cascading that distribution over multiple generations. However, a nearly deterministic APD differs from a PMT in two particulars. First, a primary electron accelerating between dynodes in a PMT can pick up kinetic energy equal to multiples of a dynode’s work function, but a carrier in an APD only picks up one unit of the impact ionization energy when it displaces through its dead space. That means multiple secondary electrons can be emitted per primary electron at a dynode in a PMT, but in an APD, at most 2 electrons can emerge per impact ionization event. A second difference is that

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


if an electron in a PMT were to strike a dynode without generating any secondaries, it would not continue on down the tube to potentially ionize at later dynodes. In a nearly deterministic APD, if a hot electron suffers a (rare) phonon scattering event and loses some of its kinetic energy, it may not ionize where the other electrons in its generation do, but it can still pick up kinetic energy from the field and ionize elsewhere. Van Vliet and Rucker analyzed the statistics of electron-only avalanche in a multiplier equivalent to that sketched in Fig. 2.9, in which impact ionization can only occur at Nds sequential locations, which will hereafter be referred to as “stages.”9,10 For a multiplier of homogeneous properties, if de is the electron dead space length and wm is the width of the multiplier, then Nds is the number of times an electron could pick up sufficient energy to impact-ionize while transiting the multiplier: w  N ds =  m  .  de 


In the general case, the local electric field strength and impact ionization threshold energy might vary with location in the multiplier, so that de would be a function of location. Nonetheless, starting from the anode side of the multiplier and working toward the cathode side, Nds would still be defined by the number of concatenated electron dead spaces which can fit within wm. Increasing the electric field strength in the multiplier reduces the distance through which an electron must displace to pick up the ionization threshold energy (i.e., reduces the size of de), and so increases Nds in steps. In this model, impact ionization of a given electron entering stage j is treated as a Bernoulli trial characterized by probability pj. If the avalanche process were deterministic, pj would be equal to unity, and the per-primary-electron gain of the multiplier would be a constant rather than a random variable: M = 2 Nds . To the extent that the avalanche process is nearly deterministic, pj is less than one, and the gain-per-primaryelectron (m) is a random variable. Should an electron fail to ionize in stage j (due, presumably, to phonon scattering), the model accounts for the possibility the electron in question ionizes in downstream stages. However, physically, were an electron to miss ionizing with its cohort in stage j due to a scattering event somewhere between the prior stage and j, the location of its next ionization opportunity (its stage j+1) would be no further than de from the scattering event—a location that is closer to stage j than stage j+1 for the other members of its cohort. The model does not address how the spatial location of scattering might interact with a multiplier width that is not an integer multiple of de, but is otherwise a good representation of nearly deterministic avalanche. Van Vliet and Rucker applied the method of probability generating functions to analyze the output electron count distribution of a nearly deterministic multiplier.9,10 The probability generating function associated with random variable n is defined as the expectation value of a dummy variable (x) raised to the power n: Gn ( x ) ≡ x n = ∑ x n ⋅ P(n ). n



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

The probability distribution of n can be recovered from its probability generating function by differentiation: 1 ∂n P (n ) = G(x) n! ∂ x n




Although the potentially higher-order derivatives in Eq. (2.73) appear cumbersome, the calculation is quite tractable numerically using software such as Mathematica. One reason probability generating functions are useful is that they can be cascaded. Suppose nin,j is a random variable for the input electron count at multiplier stage j and mj is a random variable for the output electron count per input electron in that stage. The resulting output electron count of stage j is the sum: nout , j =

nin , j

∑ m j ,v ,


v =1

where the different terms mj,v indexed by v in the sum represent separate realizations of random variable mj. If Gin,j(x) and Gm,j(x) are respectively the probability generating functions for nin,j and mj, the generating function of nout,j is Gin,j(x) with x = Gm,j(x): G out , j ( x ) = Gin , j  (2.75) Gm , j ( x )  . Since the output of stage j is the input for stage j+1, the generating function for the last stage in the multiplier can be found by nesting the generating functions of mj:

( ( (

Gout , Nds ( x ) = Gin,1 Gm,1 Gm,2 Gm,⋅⋅⋅ Gm, Nds ( x ) 

))) .


For impact ionization, m can be either 1 (no ionization) or 2 (ionization), which is one plus a discrete random variable that is the outcome of a single Bernoulli trial. In other words, P(mj) is a shifted Bernoulli distribution: m j = 1 + bj , (2.77) where



P (b j = 1) = p j ; P(b j = 0) = 1 − p j , (2.78) and pj is the per-primary-electron impact ionization probability in stage j. Applying Eq. (2.72) for the definition of a probability generating function, the generating function for mj is: Gm , j ( x ) ≡ x


=∑x mj


⋅ P ( m j ) = p j ⋅ x 2 + (1 − p j ) ⋅ x.


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


The primary carrier count distribution giving rise to Gin,1 could be anything. If the input is Poisson-distributed, with mean count a , then the probability generating function of the input is: G (2.80) in ,1 ( x ) = GPoisson ( x ) = exp   a ( x − 1)  . If the primary carrier count is set to one electron with certainty (which then makes the output carrier count of the total multiplier its per-primary-electron gain), the input probability generating function is: G (2.81) in,1 ( x ) = Ga =1 ( x ) = x. The mean gain of a nearly deterministic APD characterized by uniform multiplication properties (all pj equal to a fixed value, pii), is9: M = (1 + pii ) ds , (2.82) N

and its variance is: −1 −1 1 − pii var( m ) = M ( M − 1) = ( 2 − M Nds ) M 1− Nds ( M − 1). 1 + pii


The associated excess noise factor—a quantity discussed in the section on the Burgess variance theorem—is3,11: 1 − pii  1 − pii −N F = 1+ 1 − (1 + pii ) ds  = 1 +   + 1 p 1 + pii ii

1   1 − M  .


As the probability of electron ionization approaches unity, so does the excess noise factor. Example per-primary-electron gain distributions computed using Eqs. (2.73)– (2.81) for pii = 0.9, 0.95, and 0.98 with Nds = 8 are plotted in Fig. 2.10. Multiple peaks in the output count distributions can be seen, and they become sharper as pii approaches one. The peaks originate as outcomes in which an electron fails to ionize in one of the early stages of the multiplier, in the context of a cascaded gain process that is not very random. If pii was exactly 1, every outcome would be n = 256. If pii≈1, the most likely outcome is very nearly 256. For instance, the mode of the distribution for pii = 0.98 occurs at n = 250. Since downstream stages multiply the electrons produced by upstream stages, the failure of an electron to ionize in the first stage cuts the maximum possible output count in half; if both possible electrons come out of the first stage, the failure of one of them to ionize in the second stage cuts the maximum possible gain by a quarter, etc. When p≈1, most electrons entering a given stage ionize, so the rare occurrence of an electron failing to ionize in the first stage produces a peak near 50% of the value of the most likely outcome. Just such a peak can be


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.10  Cascaded shifted Bernoulli distributions modeling the per-primary-electron avalanche gain distribution of a nearly deterministic APD.

seen at n = 126 in the pii = 0.98 distribution in Fig. 2.10. Similarly, there is a peak at n = 188 in the pii = 0.98 distribution which corresponds to the case in which one of the two electrons entering stage 2 fails to ionize. When ionization is more random (pii is larger), these peaks wash out due to there being multiple ionization chains which all lead to similar output counts. The values of mean gain and excess noise factor corresponding to the distributions graphed in Fig. 2.10 are tabulated in Table 2.5. Mean gain varies in the three cases but is close to M = 200, making these distributions comparable to the a = 1, M = 200 case of the McIntyre distribution plotted in Fig. 2.8. As might be expected of a nearly noiseless multiplier, both low-gain events and extremely high-gain events are seen to occur much less frequently in a nearly deterministic APD than in a conventional APD.  Central limit theorem and Gaussian distribution Suppose, as in the earlier discussion of the standard error of the mean, Nsample independent measurements are made of some random variable n that obeys some unspecified Table 2.5  Mean gain and excess noise factor associated with the distributions plotted in Fig. 2.10. pii



0.90 0.95 0.98

169.84 209.06 236.22

1.05 1.03 1.01

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


probability distribution P(n). The central limit theorem states that the distribution of the average of n, nsamp , approaches a Gaussian (or “normal”) distribution in the limit of an infinite number of samples. However, the best way to understand the Gaussian distribution is to turn that statement on its head, and say that the Gaussian distribution is defined as the limiting distribution of averaged independent measurements, which is approached as the sample size goes to infinity. Therefore, to derive the Gaussian distribution, one needs to find the limiting behavior of a distribution of such an average. To do this, the method of characteristic functions is helpful. The characteristic function ϕω (t ) of a continuous random variable w is the expected value of exp(i·w·t), which is like an inverse Fourier transform in which the probability density function of w, ρ(w), is the Fourier transform of the characteristic function:

ϕω (t ) = ∫ dω exp(i ω t ) ⋅ ρ (ω ), (2.85) ω where the notation ∫ dω means the integration is performed over all values of w. ω

Note that although the symbols w and t were used in Eq. (2.85) to emphasize the similarity between the definition of a characteristic function and an inverse Fourier transform, Eq. (2.85) does not provide information about the frequency-dependence of the random process associated with w. Rather, Eq. (2.85) shows that ϕω and ρ(w) are dual, so that analysis of ϕω allows one to draw conclusions about ρ(w). If one has a characteristic function ϕω (t ), the probability density function of w can be obtained as: 1 ρ (ω ) = dt ϕω (t ) exp(−i ω t ). π ∫t 2


Like Eq. (2.1) for the probability distribution of a discrete random variable, the probability density function of a continuous random variable is normalized:

∫ dω ρ (ω ) = 1.



Likewise, the expected value of a continuous random variable is a population mean defined in a way analogous to Eq. (2.9):

ω ≡ ∫ dω [ω ⋅ ρ (ω )].



The definition of variance in terms of expected values given in Eq. (2.19) for discrete random variables applies to continuous random variables as well. In general, the algebraic properties of expected values and variances discussed earlier for discrete random variables hold for continuous random variables. Suppose the random variable w is formed as the sum of Nsample independent random variables w1, w2, etc. The characteristic function of w is then the product of the characteristic functions for each of the component random variables:


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

ϕω (t ) =





ω N sample



dω N sample exp i ω 1 + ω 2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + ω N sample t  ρ (ω 1 , ω 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, ω N sample )  

N  sample  dω N sample  ∏  exp(i ω j t ) ⋅ ρ (ω j )   ω N sample  j =1  1 2 (t ), = ϕω1 (t ) ⋅ϕω 2 (t ) ⋅⋅⋅ϕω N


∫ dω ω∫ dω


∫ dω ω∫ dω ω 1





where in the second line, the independence of the random variables wj has been used to write their joint distribution as the product of their individual distributions. If the random variables are identically distributed, as would be the case if they represented independent measurements of a single random variable, then their characteristic functions are identical, and the characteristic function of the variable representing their sum is: N

sample ϕ (2.90) , ω (t ) = ϕ x (t )

where x(t) is the characteristic function of the random variable for which repeated measurements are summed in w. Suppose the random variable x is the error of random variable n, divided by Nsample: n− n εn x= = , N N sample sample


such that the sum of xj over Nsample measurements is related to the sample average of n by:


N sample

j =1

xj =

1 N sample

N sample

∑( j =1

 1 nj − n =   N sample


N sample

∑ j =1

 n j  − n = nsamp − n = ε n . (2.92) 

Eq. (2.92) says the sum of Nsample independent measurements of x is the random variable for the error of the sample average, introduced earlier in Eq. (2.28) in connection to the standard error of the mean. Eq. (2.90) says the characteristic function for the sum of Nsample identically distributed independent random variables (or independent measurements of the same random variable) is the characteristic function of one such measurement raised to the power Nsample. Accordingly, in order to find the distribution of the error of the sample average, one raises the characteristic function of one measurement to the power Nsample and applies the transformation from characteristic function to probability distribution given by Eq. (2.86). The Gaussian distribution results from using a series expansion for the characteristic function of x in the limit as Nsample goes to infinity. By Eq. (2.85), the characteristic function of x is:  ( i ⋅ x ⋅ t )2 + ⋅⋅⋅ ρ ( x ), ϕ x (t ) = ∫ dx exp(i ⋅ x ⋅ t ) ρ ( x ) = ∫ dx 1 + i ⋅ x ⋅ t +    2 x x where the sum in the brackets is the Maclaurin series for exp(i·x·t).


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Since ρ(x) is a normalized probability density function, the integral of ρ(x) over all x is equal to one, making the integral of the first term in the series unity. The integral of the second term in the series is the product of the constant i and a variable that is not being integrated (t) and the expected value of x, which is zero because: x = n − n = n − n = 0. (2.94) The third term in the series integrates to:

∫ x

2 i ⋅ x ⋅t) t2 ( dx ρ (x) = −



x2 .


The characteristic function of x can therefore be written: t2 2 t2  n − n  ϕ x (t ) = 1 − x + ⋅⋅⋅ = 1 − 2 2  N sample  2 t2 = 1− n − n ) + ⋅⋅⋅ ( 2 2 N sample

= 1−


+ ⋅⋅⋅ (2.96)

 t2  t2 + var( n ) o var(n ) , N sample → ∞, 2 2  2 N sample  2 N sample 

 t2  where the notation o  var(n ) , N sample → ∞ means the subsequent terms in 2  2 N sample  t2 the series go to zero with increasing Nsample faster than var(n ). 2 In the same limit, the characteristic function of w is: 2 N sample   t2  t2 var(n )  ϕω (t ) = ϕ x (t ) ⋅ N sample = 1 − + n o var( ) 2 2   2 N sample    2 N sample n var( )   = exp  − t 2  , N sample → ∞, N 2 sample  

N sample

, N sample → ∞ (2.97)

where the limit definition of the exponential function has been applied: y z .  exp(z ) = lim  1 +  y→∞  y It remains to apply Eq. (2.86) to recover the probability density function of w in the limit of infinite Nsample: lim

N sample →∞

ρ (ω ) = =

1 1  var(n ) 2  dt ϕω (t ) exp(−i ω t ) = dt exp  − t  exp(−i ω t ) 2 π ∫t 2 π ∫t  2 N sample   N sample 2  ω . exp  − 2 π var(n )  2 var(n )  N sample



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

The occurrence of Nsample in Eq. (2.98) appears problematic, considering the equation applies to the limit in which Nsample goes to infinity, but the apparent issue is resolved by the fact that var(n) is related to var(w) by Nsample:  1 N sample   N sample  1 var(ω ) = var  var  ∑ n j − n  nj − n  = 2 ∑  N sample j =1  N sample  j =1  1 var(n ) , = 2 N sample var(n ) = N sample N sample






where Eq. (2.21) for the variance of the product of a constant and a random variable was applied in the first line, and Eqs. (2.20) and (2.30) for the variance of the sum of a constant and a random variable and the variance of the sum of identically distributed random variables were applied in the second line. Substitution of var(n) = Nsample·var(w) from Eq. (2.99) into Eq. (2.98) yields the final form of the Gaussian distribution:  ω2  1 exp  − N sample →∞ 2 π var(ω )  2 var(ω )  2   nsamp − n 1 . = exp  −  2 var(n − n )  2 π var nsamp − n samp

PGaussian (ω ) =


ρ (ω ) =





2 π var nsamp







)  ( ) 

 n − n samp exp  −  2 var nsamp


As derived, the Gaussian or “normal” distribution is a probability density function for a continuous random variable. However, if a discrete random variable is used instead—effectively sampling the Gaussian distribution at integer values of the random variable—the resulting “sampled Gaussian” probability mass function is also normalized: PGaussian (n ) =

 ( n − n )2  1  ; n ∈ ; exp  − 2 π var(n )  2 var(n ) 



(n ) = 1. (2.101)


Although amplifier circuit noise is a continuous random variable, its representation as a discrete random variable that obeys a sampled Gaussian distribution is usually acceptably accurate for purposes of calculation. The primary motivation for doing so is ease of convolution with discrete distributions like the McIntyre distribution.  Burgess variance theorem The Burgess variance theorem12,13 is used to calculate the variance of the number of photons which survive attenuation between a source and a detector (nph), when both

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


the initial number of source photons (ns) and the number of photons arriving at the detector per transmitted photon (b) are independent random variables. Since at most one photon may arrive per transmitted photon, b is a binary random variable equal to either 0 or 1. The theorem is also used to calculate the variance of the output electron count of an avalanche gain process (n), when both the primary electron count (a) and the output electron count per primary electron (the per-primary-electron gain factor, m) are independent random variables. In the following general discussion, the discrete variables r, s, and t will respectively be used for the input, output, and per-input gain variables. The result can be framed in terms of optical attenuation by making the substitutions {r, s, t}→{ns, nph, b}; the result can be framed in terms of avalanche multiplication by the substitutions {r, s, t}→{a, n, m}. At the outset, it is important to be clear that the output count s is not the product of the input count r and the per-input gain t: s ≠ r ⋅ t, (2.102) because that would correspond to a random number of input particles all experiencing the same random-but-identical gain t, as opposed to each of the r particles individually experiencing random gains (t1, t2, etc.). The output count is formed as the sum of different instances of the random variable t over r input counts: r

s r = ∑tj, j =1


where the notation s|r is used to emphasize that s depends on the value of r. In order to find the variance of s it is necessary to calculate the expected values of s and s2. The starting point is to find the expected values of s and s2 for a particular realization of r. With r fixed, the expected value of s just depends on the distribution of t. Since Eq. (2.13) showed that the expected value of a sum of random variables is equal to the sum of their expected values, and since all instances of t share the same distribution, it follows that: r

s r = ∑ P (t ) ⋅ s r = ∑ P (t )∑ t j = t

j =1






j =1

= ∑ tj = r ⋅ t . j =1


Similarly, because the different instances of t are independent, and according to Eq. (2.23) the variance of the sum of independent random variables is the sum of their variances, the variance of s for a given realization of r is: r  r  var ( s r ) = var  ∑ t j  = ∑ var(t j ) = r ⋅ var(t ).  j =1  j =1


The expected value of s2 for a given realization of r is therefore: 2 s r = var ( s r ) + s r


= r ⋅ var(t ) + r 2 ⋅ t


2 = r  var(t ) + r t  .



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

With s r and s 2 r , the variance of s can be calculated. The expected value of s is:

s = ∑ P (r ) s r = ∑ P (r ) ⋅ r ⋅ t = t r

∑ P (r ) ⋅ r =


r ⋅ t .



Eq. (2.107) is a formal statement of the intuitive fact that the average output count is equal to the average input count times the average per-input gain. The expected value of s2 is: 2 s 2 = ∑ P ( r ) s 2 r = ∑ P ( r ) ⋅ r  var(t ) + r t  r


= var(t )∑ P(r ) ⋅ r + t r


∑ P (r ) ⋅ r



= r var(t ) + r 2 t .



Combining Eqs. (2.107) and (2.108) results in the Burgess variance theorem: var( s ) = s 2 − s


= r var(t ) + r 2 t


− r



= t var(r ) + r var(t ).



(2.109)  Attenuation of an optical signal In the case of optical attenuation, the Burgess variance theorem can be written: 2

2 var( n ph ) = b var(ns ) + ns var(b )[photons ],


where nph is the photon count at a detector, ns is the photon count at the source, and b is the number of photons arriving at the detector per photon emitted by the source. The population mean of b is the optical power transmission coefficient along the path between source and detector, b = Top, and is also the transmission probability of any given photon. Since photon transmission is a yes/no type event, b is generated by a single-trial binomial distribution, which is called a Bernoulli distribution. The variance of b is:



var( b ) = Top 1 − Top .


Written in terms of the optical power transmission coefficient, the Burgess variance theorem for attenuation is: 2 var( n ph ) = Top var(ns ) + ns Top (1 − Top ) .


Eq. (2.112) can be used to find the variance of a noisy laser after substantial attenuation, based on the average photon number at the source, ns , its variance at the source,

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


var(ns), and the optical power transmission coefficient. It is interesting to examine the limit of extreme attenuation, in which Top→0:




lim var(n ph ) = ns Top + o ns Top = n ph + o n ph

T op → 0



In the limit of very strong attenuation (very small Top), the variance of the photon count at the detector approaches the mean photon count at the detector, because the Top2 terms in Eq. (2.112) go to zero faster than the ns Top term—a product equal to the average photon count at the detector, n ph . The variance of a Poisson-distributed random variable is equal to its population mean, so Eq. (2.113) says that regardless of how noisy an optical source is, its noise will approach that of a Poissonian source in the limit of strong attenuation.  Avalanche multiplication and the excess noise factor In the case of avalanche multiplication by an APD, the Burgess variance theorem is written: 2

var( n ) = m var(a ) + a var( m ), (2.114) where n is the output electron count, a is the primary electron count, and m is the perprimary-electron avalanche gain. The mean per-primary-electron gain is also the APD’s mean gain, m = M , and the variance of m for a conventional APD was given in Eq. (2.70), in the section on the McIntyre distribution: 3 2 var( m ) = k ⋅ M + M ( 2 M − 1) (1 − k ) − M ,


where k is the effective impact ionization rate ratio between the slower- and fasterionizing carrier types. For a non-Poisson-distributed source of primary electrons, Eqs. (2.114) and (2.115) can be used as presented. However, it is very common to use a form of the Burgess variance theorem that assumes the primary electrons are Poisson-distributed. When that is the case, var(a ) = a , and Eq. (2.114) becomes:



var(n ) = M 2 a + a var( m ) = a M 2 + m 2 − M 2 = a m 2

= a M ⋅ F, 2


where for APDs with nondeterministic gain, the excess noise factor F is found from Eq. (2.115): m2

var(m) + M 2 k ⋅ M 3 + M ( 2 M − 1)(1 − k ) − M 2 + M 2 = M2 M2 M2 2   M −1   1 = k ⋅ M +  2 −  (1 − k ) = M 1 − (1 − k )   .  M    M F≡




InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

The reason for casting the Burgess variance theorem in the form var(n ) = a M 2 ⋅ F is that if the avalanche gain was a constant rather than a random variable, Eq. (2.21) would apply, and var(n ) = M 2 var(a ) = a M 2 . Thus, for Poisson-distributed input, the true variance of the APD’s output count is F times larger than would be the case if the APD’s gain was deterministic. By the same token, APDs with nearly deterministic gain are characterized by F≈1, as noted in the section on the cascaded shifted Bernoulli distribution. Example excess noise factor curves calculated using Eq. (2.117) for conventional APDs characterized by k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4 are plotted in Fig. 2.11. When k = 0, the excess noise factor approaches F = 2 in the limit of high gain; for nonzero k, F adopts a linear trend with gain in the high-gain limit, of slope equal to k. In fact, Eq. (2.117)—derived using a local model of impact ionization—does not properly reproduce the low-gain excess noise behavior of APDs in which carrier dead space is a significant fraction of the multiplication layer width. A linear trend of F with gain is generally observed in such APDs at higher gain, and Monte Carlo simulations which account for dead space effects are well fit at higher gain by the McIntyre distribution if an effective value of k is used as a fit parameter. However, near M = 1, excess noise factors lower than the k = 0 curve of Fig. 2.11 are often measured in APDs that have been engineered to operate with low multiplication noise. An example is plotted in Fig. 2.12, which compares empirical measurements of the excess noise factor of an InGaAs “single-carrier-multiplication” (SCM) APD to curves calculated using Eq. (2.117). The SCM APD design attempts to achieve electron-only multiplication through structuring of the electric field strength and impact ionization threshold energy inside the APD junction.

Figure 2.11  Excess noise factor versus gain calculated using the local ionization model for APDs characterized by k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4.

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Figure 2.12  Excess noise factor versus gain for an impact ionization-engineered InGaAs APD showing lower values of F near M = 1 than can be fit by Eq. (2.117).

When using excess noise factors in APD calculations it is well to remember that Eq. (2.116) assumes a Poisson-distributed input. Dark current and most steady-state background photocurrent can generally be assumed to be Poissonian, but as remarked earlier, that is not true of most pulsed lasers. If, after attenuation along the path from source to detector, the variance of the photon count at the detector is significantly larger than its mean, Eq. (2.116) will produce incorrect results. In such case, Eqs. (2.114) and (2.115) should be used instead.

2.1.2  Statistics of optical power and current The statistical methods and discrete probability distributions introduced in the preceding section can be applied to APD sensitivity calculations when optical signals arrive as discrete pulses, or when a continuous signal is integrated over a set sample period. In both cases, an APD converts a certain number of photons into a particular output electron count. However, APDs are often used to sense instantaneous optical power, developing an instantaneous photocurrent in response. This section addresses how to relate the statistics of optical power and current to the statistics of photon number and electron count.  Instantaneous optical power Instantaneous optical power is the temporal probability density of photon arrival scaled by the photon energy. Writing ρph(t) for the probability density of photon


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

arrival, which is just relabeling ρP(t) in Eq. (2.34) for the specific case of photon arrival events, instantaneous optical power is: h⋅c Pop (t ) = ρ ph (t )[W], λ


where h = 6.62607004 × 10–34 J·s is the Planck constant, c = 2.99792458×108 m·s−1 is the speed of light in vacuum, λ is the optical wavelength (in vacuum) in m, and ρph(t)·dt is the differential probability of photon arrival in the infinitesimal time interval dt. Similar to the previous example of surface reflectivity (another physical quantity that is actually a probability), the instantaneous optical power characteristic of a particular signal cannot be measured with perfect accuracy in a finite number of observations. However, using Eq. (2.35), it too can be related to a population mean: d ρ ph (t ) = n ph dt where n ph

t0 ,t

⇒ Pop (t ) =

h⋅c d n ph λ dt

t0 ,t




t0 ,t

= ∫ dt ′ ρ ph (t ′ ) is the expected photon count within the interval from t0 t0

to t, over an ensemble of identically prepared optical signal waveforms. The temporal probability density of primary EHP generation by an optical signal is:

λ RespAPD (λ ) ρ ph − EHP (t ) = QE ⋅ ρ ph (t ) = QE Pop (t ) = Pop (t )[s −1 ], h⋅c q⋅M


where QE is the unity-gain QE of the APD, RespAPD(λ) is the APD’s responsivity in units of A·W−1, defined in Eq. (1.89) of Chapter 1, q = 1.60217662 × 10–19 C is the elementary charge, and M is the APD’s mean avalanche gain. Eq. (2.120) is the form of the optical power waveform needed to calculate photocurrent statistics. For continuous-wave (CW) optical background or primary dark current generated in the APD’s absorber, the equivalent temporal probability density of primary EHP generation is:

ρ DC =

I bg + I dark q⋅M

[s −1 ],


where Ibg and Idark are respectively the multiplied background photocurrent and dark current of the APD.  Instantaneous current Instantaneous current is a less abstract concept than instantaneous optical power. Although charge is also transported in incremental units (electrons and holes rather than photons), measurement of instantaneous current does not require observation of “charge carrier arrival” events. A photon in an optical pulse approaching a detector

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does not influence the detector until it is absorbed, but a carrier moving outside a conductor influences charges in the conductor through its electric field. For a carrier moving in the vicinity of a conductor, such as an electron or hole moving in a diode junction near a contact region, the Shockley–Ramo theorem states that the instantaneous current induced in the conductor is14–16: I (t ) = −Q ⋅ v (t ) ⋅ Fw [A],


where Q is the charge of the carrier in C, v(t) is the carrier’s instantaneous velocity vector of magnitude in m·s−1, and Fw is a “weighting” electric field of magnitude in m−1 found by setting the conductor to unit potential and solving for the electrostatic field, assuming all other conductive bodies are at zero potential, and that there are no charges present. The weighting field of an epitaxially grown diode is well approximated by a onedimensional junction model if the lateral extent of the junction is much greater than the separation of anode and cathode layers (the depletion width wd in meters). Since weighting fields are calculated with no charges present, the parallel plate approximation gives a weighting field of uniform strength, but the orientation of the weighting field depends on the contact for which the induced current calculation is made. If the coordinate x measures displacement along the anode-to-cathode axis, then the velocity of an electron drifting from anode to cathode is positive in the +x-direction. Also, the junction’s physical electric field has a negative magnitude in the +x direction (refer to Fig. 1.1 of Chapter 1), resulting in a higher potential at the cathode than at the anode. However, the weighting field used in the Shockley–Ramo theorem ignores both the ionized donors and acceptors in the contact regions, and any applied potentials aside from the weighting potentials. The weighting field has the same sign as the physical field when the current induced at the cathode is calculated, but when the current at the anode is calculated, assigning unit potential to the anode and zero potential to the cathode results in a weighting field of opposite orientation. The magnitudes in the +x direction of the weighting fields for calculating currents at the cathode (Fwc) and anode (Fwa) of a one-dimensional diode junction are: Vcathode 1 =− [m −1 ] wd wd 1 V [m −1 ]. Fwa = anode = wd wd Fwc = −


The instantaneous currents at cathode and anode due to a single electron moving from anode to cathode are then: v (t )  1  I ce (t ) = − ( − q ) ⋅ ve (t ) ⋅  −  = − q e [A] wd  wd  v (t )  1  I ae (t ) = − ( − q ) ⋅ ve (t ) ⋅   = q e [A], wd  wd  where ve(t) is the magnitude of the electron’s instantaneous velocity in m·s−1.



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Switching the signs of the charge and velocity gives the same quantities for a hole drifting from cathode to anode: v (t )  1  I ch (t ) = − ( q ) ⋅ [ − vh (t )] ⋅  −  = − q h [A] wd  wd  v (t )  1  I ah (t ) = − ( q ) ⋅ [ − vh (t )] ⋅   = q h [A], wd  wd 


where vh(t) is the magnitude of the hole’s instantaneous velocity in m·s−1. As continuity requires, Eqs. (2.124) and (2.125) respectively describe the same amount of current flowing out of the cathode as flows into the anode, whether carried by electrons or holes. The current through the junction can therefore be evaluated at either contact, and as previously stated in Eq. (1.98) of Chapter 1, the total instantaneous current into the anode is the sum over the carrier populations of electron and hole currents: q I (t ) = wd

∑  v


i, j

(t ) + vh , j (t )  [A],


where i and j respectively index the electrons and holes in the junction. Although the current transported by a fixed number of carriers in the junction fluctuates from moment to moment due to changes in carrier velocity as they continually accelerate in the applied electric field and randomly scatter, the biggest changes in I(t) occur when the number of carriers in the junction changes. Carrier injection, extraction, generation, or recombination discontinuously changes the number of terms in the summation of Eq. (2.126), resulting in stepwise jumps in the instantaneous current. Accordingly, Eq. (2.126) can be recast in terms of instantaneous carrier counts and average velocities: q q  N e (t ) ⋅ ve (t ) + N h (t ) ⋅ vh (t )  ≈ I (t ) = [ N e (t ) ⋅ vse + N h (t ) ⋅ vsh ][A], wd wd


where Ne(t) and Nh(t) are the instantaneous electron and hole counts in the junction, ve (t ) and vh (t ) are the magnitudes of the instantaneous electron and hole velocities in m·s−1, averaged over the carriers present in the junction, and vse and vsh are the electron and hole saturation drift velocities in m·s−1. Note that whereas the McIntyre distribution concerns total accumulated electron counts, Ne(t) and Nh(t) are not cumulative values; they do not include electrons or holes that have already passed out of the junction by time t. Eq. (2.127) links the statistics of current to the statistics of electron and hole count. In principle, for a given waveform in the primary EHP generation rate—meaning an optical signal described by ρph-EHP(t) or a fixed rate like ρDC—the resulting distribution of I(t) is computable from the distributions of Ne(t), Nh(t), ve (t ), and vh (t ). Due to the magnitude of typical fluctuations, the random variables ve (t ) and vh (t ) can often

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be approximated as the constants vse and vsh, which simplifies the problem to just the two time-dependent random variables Ne(t) and Nh(t). However, the discrete statistics of photon number and electron count covered in the preceding section are time-independent. The McIntyre distribution applies to the total electron count output by an avalanche multiplication process that is complete, but does not say how many electrons and holes are in an APD junction at a given time during avalanche, nor how ionization chains initiated by photons arriving at different times overlap. The time-dependent distribution of an APD’s current depends on the APD’s stochastic impulse response, which can be related to Ne(t) and Nh(t).  Stochastic impulse response The impulse response function of an APD, hAPD(t′), was introduced in Eq. (1.96) of Chapter 1 as the photocurrent waveform at time t′, following reception of a single photon at time t′ = 0. Eq. (1.96), reproduced here, says the impulse response function can be used to compute an output photocurrent waveform, pI(t), from an input optical waveform, pph(t): ∞

pI (t ) =  p ph (t ) ∗ hAPD (t ′ )  (t ) = ∫ dt ′ p ph (t − t ′ ) ⋅ hAPD (t ′ )[A]. (2.128) −∞ The integral in Eq. (2.128) is the version of convolution applicable to functions of continuous variables, equivalent to the summation in Eq. (2.4) for functions of discrete variables. In both equations, convolution expresses a type of synchronization. The terms summed in Eq. (2.4) each express the compound probability that independent random variables nX and nY take values that are “synchronized” in the sense that they add up to a particular value, nZ. The sum over nX accounts for every way in which that can happen, and is therefore the total probability of obtaining nZ. Similarly, the integrand of Eq. (2.128) pairs each point in the signal waveform with a synchronized point in the APD’s impulse response, such that the time of signal reception (t−t′) and the time after reception at which the APD’s response is sampled (t′) add up to the time t, giving the portion of the photocurrent at time t due to the portion of the signal arriving t′ earlier. Integration then gives the total photocurrent at t. When first presented in Chapter 1, the interpretation of the optical waveform pph(t)— described as the “optical waveform in photons per second”—was not addressed. However, as discussed above, this quantity is in fact the temporal probability density for photon arrival, ρph(t). As such, the integrand of Eq. (2.128) is more precisely understood as the differential probability of photon arrival during an infinitesimal interval, multiplied by the corresponding response of the APD at time t. That makes pI(t) a type of weighted average, and not the random variable I(t). The integral of pph(t) = ρph(t) over a time span gives the expected number of photons arriving within that span, and if the population mean impulse response hAPD (t ) is used instead of hAPD(t) in Eq. (2.128), the convolution gives the expected value of the current waveform I (t ) . If a particular instance of hAPD(t) is used, then the convolution is the expected value of I(t) given that particular impulse response.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

In order to calculate the random variable I(t) with a convolution like Eq. (2.128), the probability density for photon arrival, pph(t), must be replaced by the corresponding random variable. However, because impact ionization statistics are calculated with respect to primary EHPs rather than absorbed photons, it is convenient at this juncture to represent I(t) as the convolution of a random variable for primary EHP generation and the APD’s impulse response to primary EHPs: I (t ) = [ bEHP (t ) ∗ hAPD − EHP (t ′ )] (t ) = ∫−∞ dt ′ bEHP (t − t ′ ) ⋅ hAPD − EHP (t ′ )[A]. ∞


The random variable for primary EHP generation is a sum of Dirac delta functions representing discrete EHP generation events occurring at specific times: nEHP

bEHP (t ) = ∑ δ ( t − tl ), (2.130) l =1 where nEHP is the random variable for the number of EHPs generated by the signal, and tl are random variables for the EHP generation times. In the following discussion, the optical signal is assumed to be of finite duration, contained within the time span between ts and tf, so that nEHP is finite. Later, the statistics of an endless stationary signal will be treated. Applying Eq. (2.127), the stochastic impulse response of an APD can be written: q hAPD − EHP (t ′ ) ≈ [ N e1 (t ′) ⋅ vse + N h1 (t ′) ⋅ vsh ][A·EHP −1 ], wd (2.131) where the random variables Ne1(t′) and Nh1(t′) are the electron and hole counts in the junction at time t′ resulting from generation of a single primary EHP at t′=0. Since the Dirac delta function integrates to unity where its argument is zero, and is zero elsewhere, substitution of Eq. (2.130) into Eq. (2.129) converts the integral to a sum: q wd q = wd

I (t ) =


dt ′


∑ δ (t − t ′ − t )[ N l

l =1


∑ [N l =1



(t ′ ) ⋅ vse + N h1 (t ′ ) ⋅ vsh ][A]


(t − t l ) ⋅ vse + N h1 (t − t l ) ⋅ vsh ].

Comparing Eq. (2.132) to Eq. (2.127), the instantaneous electron and hole counts in the junction at time t are: N e (t ) =




(t − tl )

l =1

N h (t ) =


∑N l =1


(t − tl ).


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Eq. (2.133) is perhaps intuitively obvious: the electron and hole counts in the junction at a particular time are respectively the sums of contributions from impulse responses started by all the primary EHPs that were previously generated, and each contribution to a total count is a random variable that depends on how long ago a given primary EHP was generated. However, the development of Eq. (2.133) from Eq. (2.128) has pedagogic value, as it clearly shows the connection between the optical signal waveform prior to time t and the instantaneous carrier counts in the junction at t. Based on Eq. (2.133), the probability distribution of Ne(t) must depend on the distributions of nEHP, tl, and Ne1(t′). The following arguments apply equally to Nh(t) and the distribution of Nh1(t). The distribution of nEHP over a span for which ρph(t) is known was addressed in the section on discrete statistics. If the photon arrival events are statistically independent, then: n

PPoisson (nEHP ) =

nEHP EHP exp ( − nEHP ) , nEHP !



where nEHP = ∫ dt ρ ph − EHP (t ), ts


and ρph−EHP(t) = QE·ρph(t), as in Eq. (2.120). Given a particular realized value of nEHP, an equation for the probability of Ne(t) can be written that resembles in form Eq. (2.58) from the section on the McIntyre distribution:



dP t1 , t 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, t nEHP tf tf tf P ( N e (t ) nEHP ) = ∫ dt1 ∫ dt 2 ⋅⋅⋅ ∫ dt nEHP P  N e (t ) t1 , t 2 ,..., t nEHP . ts tnEHP −1 t1 dt1 dt 2 ⋅⋅⋅ dt nEHP (2.136) Whereas the nested integrals of Eq. (2.58) account for the spatial ordering of a set number of impact ionization events in the multiplier of an APD, the nested integrals in Eq. (2.136) account for the temporal ordering of primary EHP generation events during the time interval spanned by signal reception. The differential probability that primary EHPs are generated during infinitesimal intervals at the specified times (and not at any other times) is constructed in the same way as Eq. (2.59) for the differential probability of ionizations occurring in infinitesimal intervals at the specified locations (and nowhere else):


) (


dP t1 , t 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, t nEHP = ρ t1 , t 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, t nEHP ⋅ dt1 ⋅ dt 2 ⋅⋅⋅ dt nEHP ⋅ Png .


where ρ(t1, t2, …, tnEHP) is the probability density for primary EHP generation at the specified times, and Png is the probability that primary EHPs are not generated at any times other than those specified. The probability density of primary EHP generation at a set of specified times is very simple compared to Eq. (2.64) from the McIntyre distribution because unlike impact


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

ionization, generation of an EHP by photon absorption does not create additional photons that may generate further EHPs. If the photon arrival events are statistically independent, the joint probability density is just the product of the probability densities for the individual EHP generation events, which come directly from Eq. (2.120):



ρ t1 , t 2 , ⋅⋅⋅, t nEHP = ρ ph − EHP (t1 ) ⋅ ρ ph − EHP (t 2 ) ⋅⋅⋅ ρ ph − EHP (t nEHP ).


Following the same argument detailed for impact ionization in Eq. (2.60)–(2.62), the probability that primary EHPs are not generated at times outside the specified infinitesimal intervals is the same as the probability that no primary EHPs are generated at all. Again, the calculation is greatly simplified by the fact that EHP generation by photon absorption does not produce additional photons. tf Png = exp  − ∫ dt ρ ph − EHP (t )  = exp ( − nEHP ) .    ts


Lastly, the probability of the impulse responses adding up to a particular value of Ne at time t must be calculated for the specified primary EHP generation times. Since each impulse is an independent event, the terms Ne1(t−tl) summed in Eq. (2.133) are independent random variables, and the probability of them adding up to Ne(t) is given by the convolution of their respective distributions:



P  N e (t ) t1 , t 2 ,..., t nEHP  = P [ N e1 (t − t1 )] ∗ P [ N e1 (t − t 2 )] ∗ ... ∗ P  N e1 (t − t nEHP )  [ N e (t )] , (2.140) where P[Ne1(t′)] is the probability distribution of the electron count at time t′ following generation of a single primary EHP at t′ = 0. Every part of the calculation is now mathematically defined, except the distribution of Ne1(t′). Unfortunately, no closed-form expression for P[Ne1(t′)] is known. Instead, the impulse response statistics of an APD can be simulated by the Monte Carlo method, as has been done in this book, or by numerically solving recurrence relations, as shown by Hayat et al.17,18 Such numerical techniques are unwieldy for quick design calculations, but some representative results are presented below to give the reader a sense of what the stochastic impulse response function of an APD, and its distribution at a given moment in time, look like. Considerably simpler approximations useful for hand calculations, and building physical intuition, are presented in the next section. Stochastic electron and hole impulse response functions from three individual Monte Carlo trials are plotted in Fig. 2.13 for the InGaAs/InAlAs APD shown in Fig. 1.23 of Chapter 1. Impact ionization occurs in a 0.5-µm-thick InAlAs multiplier that is adjacent to the APD’s cathode; the anode is located about 1.5 µm from the edge of the multiplier, on the other side of the InGaAs absorber. The simulation corresponds to operation at a mean gain of M = 23.2 and assumes vse and vsh are respectively 1.6×106 and 0.6×106 cm·s−1. The saturation drift velocities chosen for the example simulation should not be taken to be characteristic of these materials;

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Figure 2.13  Example stochastic electron and hole impulse response functions simulated for an InGaAs/InAlAs APD at M = 23.2 using a Monte Carlo model.

they are approximately an order of magnitude lower than values published for highpurity InGaAs. The depletion width of the simulated APD is 2.19 µm, so the junction transit time is about 137 ps for electrons and 365 ps for holes. However, secondary electrons generated by impact ionization in the multiplier originate very close to the cathode and take less than 32 ps to exit the junction. In contrast, holes generated in the multiplier take at least 250 ps to exit the junction. This results in a larger instantaneous population of holes than electrons, since secondary electrons exit the junction almost immediately after being generated. The top panel of Fig. 2.13 is an example of the most common outcome: an avalanche gain of one. The simulation accounts for the spatial distribution of optical absorption, and in this case, the instantaneous electron count in the junction drops to zero sooner than the instantaneous hole count because the primary EHP was generated near the side of the APD’s absorber that is closest to the cathode. The middle panel of Fig. 2.13 depicts an outcome with a gain closer to the average, in which the instantaneous electron count in the junction twice goes to zero and then revives. Similar pulsing of the instantaneous electron count can be seen in the high-gain case plotted in the bottom panel. The pulsing results from an existing population of electrons drifting out of


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.14  Mean and standard deviation impulse response functions for an InGaAs/ InAlAs APD at M = 23.2 from a 100,000-trial Monte Carlo simulation.

the junction followed by generation of new secondary electrons in impact ionization events triggered by the holes still inside the multiplier. The instantaneous hole count does not pulse in a similar way because secondary holes generated in the multiplier take much longer to exit the junction than secondary electrons. Fig. 2.13 also demonstrates the correlation between higher stochastic gain and longer impulse response duration. The sample mean and standard deviation of the instantaneous electron and hole counts, calculated from 100,000 simulated impulse responses, are plotted in Fig. 2.14. One notable feature of the stochastic impulse response of an APD is that the noise of the response (its standard deviation) does not drop as rapidly as the signal (its mean value) following the peak of the average response. This is consistent with the nature of the McIntyre distribution, in that the very high-gain impact ionization chains which persist long enough to contribute to the tail of the impulse response occur infrequently. The average count in the tail of the impulse response comprises many instances of low (or zero) count and a few instances of very high count, resulting in a large standard deviation. Another feature of note in Fig. 2.14 is that although the stochastic impulse responses resulting from generation of a single primary EHP integrate to total counts that obey the a = 1 McIntyre distribution, that does not mean the instantaneous carrier counts at the peak of the mean impulse response follow the same statistics. In the case simulated, the peak value of the sample mean of the instantaneous hole count (the dominant

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Figure 2.15  Instantaneous hole count distributions at selected times in the impulse response of an InGaAs/InAlAs APD at M = 23.2, from a 100,000-trial Monte Carlo simulation.

component of the peak current) occurs at t′ = 345 ps and is about N p1 ≈ 14 holes. The sample standard deviation of Np1 at the same point in time is about 22.7 holes. It would be tempting to guess that the noise on Np1 has the same relationship to N p1 as the standard deviation of the APD’s gain has to its mean value. However, naïve application of Eq. (2.70) for the variance of the per-primary-carrier random gain of an APD, using M = 14 and the effective value of k extracted from the Monte Carlo simulation (k = 0.235), results in σNp1≈27.3 rather than 22.7. In other words, just as the average instantaneous hole count at the peak of the impulse response is smaller than the average total hole count (N p1 ≈ 14 vs. M = 23.2), the peak instantaneous hole count is also less noisy than the total hole count. Again, both observations result from the fact that significant portions of an APD’s total gain and noise are associated with the tail of its stochastic impulse response. The distributions of Np1 at t′ = 345, 135, and 535 ps (the peak of the mean impulse response and the half-maxima on the leading and trailing edges) are graphed in Fig. 2.15. In the case simulated, the most likely instantaneous hole count at t′ = 345 and 535 ps is zero because the most likely per-primary-EHP gain is unity (i.e., no multiplication), and the primary holes all exit the junction earlier than these times. For the same reason, the most likely instantaneous hole count at t′ = 135 ps is 1; most of the primary holes have not had time to exit the junction that early in the impulse response. The examples graphed bear out the general observation that the count distributions are noisier (broader) later in the impulse response, for the reasons stated above.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Before moving on to practical calculation of current noise it may be helpful to summarize the complex physical picture described in this section. Primary EHPs are generated at random times, distributed according to an optical power waveform ρph-EHP(t) or some constant average generation rate ρDC. Each primary EHP initiates a stochastic impulse response resulting in a random number of electrons and holes in the junction at a future time t (Fig. 2.13), with distributions that depend upon the time between EHP generation and t (Fig. 2.15). The total instantaneous electron and hole counts at t resulting from all prior EHP generation events then determine the instantaneous current at t. In principle, numerically computed distributions of Ne1(t) and Nh1(t) could be fit with analytic functions and used in Eq. (2.140) to calculate the distribution of I(t) using Eq. (2.136), but it is procedurally simpler to directly simulate the distribution of I(t) by distributing the timing of primary EHP generation events in the Monte Carlo simulation according to ρph-EHP(t). Fortunately, such involved calculations are seldom necessary in practice.  Current noise Eq. (2.136) is complex because it is applicable to fluctuations on the time scale of an APD’s impulse response. When the rate of primary EHP generation is steady over a time scale much longer than an APD’s impulse response, the variance of the current through an APD has a simple relationship to the variance of the APD’s output electron count. The current noise of an APD is the population standard deviation of its current, σI, and is categorized as a type of shot noise. When the primary EHP generation rate is a function of time, σI(t) is the standard deviation of the instantaneous current at the specified time, calculated for an ensemble of identically prepared current waveforms. In principle, σI(t) could be found from the distributions of the total electron and hole counts in the junction at time t, P[Ne(t)] and P[Nh(t)], using the methods described in the preceding section. However, when the primary EHP generation rate is a fixed time-independent value (ρDC), P[Ne], and P[Nh] are also time-independent, and I(t) is a stationary random variable. Regardless of the complexity of the APD’s stochastic impulse response, the distributions of Ne1 and Nh1 a given time t′ after an impulse occurs do not depend on when that impulse response started. Since the probability of primary EHP generation is uniform in time, the distributions P[Ne1(t′)] and P[Nh1(t′)] for every value of t′ are evenly weighted in the computation of P[Ne(t)] and P[Nh(t)], resulting in the same values of P[Ne] and P[Nh] for any t chosen. When the distribution of I(t) is stationary, repeated measurement of a particular instance of the current waveform at different times samples the same distribution as measuring multiple instances of identically prepared current waveforms at a specific time. The average of I(t) over all time—and of functions of I(t) such as I2(t)—are therefore the same as their ensemble averages at a given time, and the random variable I(t) is said to be “ergodic:”

1 T →∞ T

I (t ) = lim



dt I (t )[A],


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


and 1 and I 2 (t ) = lim T →∞ T



dt I 2 (t )[A 2 ],


where T is the time interval in seconds over which the averages are computed. The current noise, σI, can be expressed in terms of integrals like those above. Suppose that a new random variable I0(t) is defined by subtracting the ensemble average of the current from the waveform: I 0 (t ) = I (t ) − I (t ) [A]. (2.143) The new variable I0(t) is just the current waveform with a constant offset that makes its mean value zero. By Eq. (2.20), the variance of I0(t) is the same as the variance of I(t), so: “current noise ” = σ I ≡ var( I ) = var( I 0 ) =


I 02 (t ) = lim

T →∞

1 T

T 0


I 02 (t ) − I 0 (t ) [A]

dt I 02 (t ).


Eqs. (2.141)–(2.144) relate the definition of standard deviation in terms of ensemble averages to the way in which the concept of current noise is normally used—as a measure of the characteristic size of fluctuations in a steady-state current over time. When an APD is used in a photoreceiver circuit it is often necessary to calculate the contribution of its current noise to the total noise at the output of the photoreceiver’s amplifier. This requires passing a frequency-domain representation of the APD’s noise through the receiver circuit’s transfer function. The APD’s current noise power spectrum, SI APD(f), serves this purpose. The following development of SI APD follows that in Noise in Solid State Devices and Circuits by Van Der Ziel,19 which may be consulted for further mathematical detail. Suppose the offset current waveform I0(t) is represented on the time interval t = 0 to t = T as a Fourier series: ∞  2π j  I 0 (t ) = ∑ a j exp  i t [A],  T  (2.145) j =−∞

where the Fourier coefficients aj are: 1 T  2π j  a j = ∫ dt I 0 (t ) exp  −i t  [A]. 0  T T  (2.146) The terms in the series expansion of I0(t) indexed by positive and negative j can be combined into a single harmonic component of the current indexed by a positive j:  2π j   2π j  I 0, j (t ) = a− j exp  −i t  + a j exp  i t [A].    T  T



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

When j is negative, the argument of the exponential in Eq. (2.146) is positive, so the Fourier coefficients for negative values of j are the complex conjugates of the coefficients for the corresponding positive values of j: a-j = aj*. This allows the variance of a particular harmonic component of I0(t) to be written:

( )

1 T dt I 0,2 j (t ) T ∫0 1 T  2π j     2π j  = lim ∫ dt  a−2 j exp  −2 i t  + a 2j exp  2 i t  + 2 a j a*j [A 2 ]. T →∞ T 0     T T   (2.148)

var I 0, j = lim

T →∞

The complex exponential terms in Eq. (2.148) oscillate over the interval of integration and consequently go to zero in the limit, leaving:

( )

1 T var I 0, j = lim ∫ dt 2 a j a*j = 2 a j a*j [A 2 ]. T →∞ T 0 (2.149) The current noise spectral intensity (also called the current noise power density by some authors) is defined as: * 2 −1 S (2.150) I APD ( f ) ≡ lim T ⋅ 2 a j a j [A ·Hz ]. T →∞

The properties of SI APD(f) will be elaborated below, but informally, the meaning of this definition can be thought of as follows. In the limit T→∞, the frequencies indexed by f = j/T in Eqs. (2.145)–(2.148) become continuous and the frequency step 1/T becomes the differential frequency df. That means the factor of T in Eq. (2.150) is like 1/df. If the variance of the harmonic component I0,j(t) is thought of as the differential variance of I0(t) within an infinitesimal frequency interval at f, then Eq. (2.150) describes SI APD(f) as the derivative with respect to frequency of the variance of I0(t).  Band-limited current noise Before addressing the formal relationship between SI APD(f) and the statistics of electron count, it may be helpful to consider the following simpler argument, which arrives at the same result but with less rigor. Suppose that the TIA of a photoreceiver circuit is band-limited such that there are no components in its output waveform of frequency higher than f = BW in Hz. The Whittaker–Nyquist–Kotelnikov–Shannon sampling theorem says the output waveform can be completely described by a sequence of values with the period20: 1 ∆t = [s]. 2 BW


The receiver’s band-limited output waveform comprises contributions from both the APD’s amplified current and the TIA’s noise. The band-limited contribution from

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


the APD can be referred to the input of the TIA and represented by a random variable, Ibl. As will be explained in Chapter 3, Ibl is effectively a rolling average of the instantaneous current into the amplifier’s input node. Considering the average current during any specific interval of duration ∆t, some of the stochastic impulse responses contributing to the average may start before the interval and some may start during the interval and complete afterwards. However, if ∆t is long compared to the APD’s impulse response duration, almost all of the impulse responses contributing to Ibl will occur entirely during the interval. In that case, the simpler discrete statistics of total electron count can be applied without reference to the APD’s stochastic impulse response, and the random variable for the band-limited current can be written: q I bl = n[A], ∆ t


where q = 1.60217662×10–19 C is the elementary charge, and n is the random variable for the count of electrons that cross the APD’s junction in time intervals of duration ∆t. The noise on the band-limited current is the standard deviation of Ibl, which can be found by applying Eq. (2.21): 2

σI bl

 q =   var(n ) [A].  ∆t 


If the primary EHPs are generated by a Poisson process, then Eq. (2.116) for the variance of n can be applied:  q σI =   bl  ∆t 


a M 2 ⋅ F[A],


where a is the average primary EHP count during ∆t, M is the average avalanche gain of the APD, and F is the APD’s excess noise factor, given in Eq. (2.117) for APDs with nondeterministic gain. The average primary EHP count during ∆t can be expressed as an average primary current:

I pbl =

q a [A]. ∆t


Substituting 1/∆t = 2·BW and Eq. (2.155) into Eq. (2.154) gives the commonly used expression for the in-band current noise of an APD:

σ I = 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I p bl ⋅ BW = SI APD ⋅ BW [A], bl



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

where S = 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I p bl [A 2 ·Hz −1 ]. I APD


Eqs. (2.156) and (2.157) describe the noise of the band-limited current waveform as having a white spectrum, of spectral intensity SI APD. The standard procedure for deriving these relationships is outlined next.  Wiener–Khintchine and Milatz theorems

The Wiener–Khintchine theorem19,21,22 provides an identity for SI the autocorrelation of the (real-valued) current waveform: ∞

S I APD ( f ) = 2 ∫ dτ RII (τ ) ⋅ exp ( −i 2 π f ⋅ τ ) [A 2 ·Hz −1 ], −∞


in terms of


where τ is a time lag in seconds, and RII(τ) is the autocorrelation of I0(t) at lag τ, in units of A2. The autocorrelation of the current waveform is defined as: RII (τ ) ≡ I 0 (t ) ⋅ I 0 (t + τ ) [A 2 ], (2.159) and is symmetric with respect to τ: RII (τ ) = RII (−τ ). (2.160) The autocorrelation RII(τ) can be interpreted by thinking of I0(t) and I0(t+τ) as a pair of random variables, and then considering how the ensemble average of their product behaves for different values of the lag, τ. First of all, suppose τ = 0. Then I0(t) and I0(t+τ) are perfectly correlated because they are the same random variable, and: RII (0) = I 02 (t ) = var( I )[A 2 ]. (2.161) When |τ|>0, measurements of I0(t) separated by a lag less than the APD’s maximum impulse response duration (τAPD) could be correlated to some extent due to the same impulse responses contributing to both current measurements. However, if |τ|>τAPD, none of the impulse responses contributing to the measurement at t are still present during the measurement at t+τ. If primary EHP generation events are uncorrelated, as is the case for steady-state illumination at constant average power, or primary EHP generation by various dark current mechanisms, then I0(t) and I0(t+τ) are uncorrelated random variables when |τ|>τAPD. The definition of uncorrelated random variables given by Eq. (2.22) says that the expected value of the product of two uncorrelated random variables is the product of their respective expected values. Since the

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


offset current I0(t) was constructed in Eq. (2.143) to have an expected value of zero, it follows that: RII ( τ > τ APD ) = 0.


The value of the autocorrelation function between τ = 0 and τ = τAPD can be calculated from SI APD(f) because Eq. (2.158) describes ½ SI APD(f) as the Fourier transform of RII(τ). Accordingly, the inverse transform gives: 1 ∞ df SI APD ( f ) ⋅ exp ( i ⋅ 2 π f ⋅ τ )[A 2 ] 2 ∫−∞ ∞ = ∫ df SI APD ( f ) ⋅ cos ( 2 π f ⋅ τ ) .

RII (τ ) =



In the second line of Eq. (2.163) the Euler formula was used to write the complex exponential as cos(2πf·τ)+i sin(2πf·τ). Then, since cosine is an even function and sine is an odd function, the sine term vanishes in the integral over all frequencies and the cosine term can be written as twice the integral over positive frequencies only. Recalling that RII(τ) is var(I) for τ = 0, the earlier identification of SI APD(f) as the derivative with respect to frequency of the variance of the current is confirmed: ∞

var( I ) = RII (0) = ∫0 df SI APD ( f ).


It remains to find an expression for SI APD(f) in terms of electron count statistics. The APD’s impulse response duration can be used to bound Eq. (2.158) for SI APD(f). Since the integrand is zero when |τ|>τAPD, the APD’s impulse response duration places an upper bound on the lag for which the autocorrelation contributes to SI APD(f). With τ −1 bounded by τAPD, if f  ( 2 π τ APD ) , then the exponential factor in the integrand will approach unity. Accordingly, in the low-frequency limit: ∞


lim S ( f ) = 2 ∫ dτ RII (τ ) = 4 ∫ −∞ 0 f →0 I APD

dτ RII (τ )[A 2 ·Hz −1 ].


Although represented symbolically as f→0, the low-frequency limit of Eq. (2.165) could apply to some fairly high frequencies in practice. If an APD’s maximum impulse response duration is τAPD≈1 ns, neglecting the exponential in Eq. (2.158) is a rather good approximation up to frequencies in the tens of MHz or so. Since SI APD(f) −1 does not depend strongly on f when f  ( 2 π τ APD ) , it has a “white” spectrum at low frequencies. Finally, the Milatz theorem—which is closely related to the Wiener–Khintchine theorem—provides the desired relationship between SI APD and electron count statistics.19,23,24 Applied to a current waveform, the Milatz theorem requires that I0(t) be a stationary random variable with zero mean, and that its low-frequency spectrum be


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

white—all of which I0(t) satisfies. If ∆I is the time-average offset current over some interval ∆t, the Milatz theorem says: lim S ( f ) = lim 2 ∆ t ⋅ var ( ∆ I ) [A 2 ·Hz −1 ]. ∆ t →∞ f →0 I APD


To use Eq. (2.166), the time-average offset current over ∆t must be expressed in terms of the corresponding offset electron count transported by the offset current waveform in that time span. Similar to how I0(t) was defined in Eq. (2.143) by subtracting the mean current from the current waveform, the offset electron count during a time span ∆t is: n 0 = n − n .


The random variable for the time-average offset current can then be written: 1 ∆I = ∆t



dt I 0 (t ) =

q n0 [A]. ∆t


Since q, ∆t, and n are constants, Eqs. (2.21) and (2.20) can be applied to write the variance of ∆I as: q2 q2 var ( ∆ I ) = 2 var(n0 ) = 2 var(n )[A 2 ]. ∆t ∆t


The distribution of the electron count over a time span much longer than the APD’s impulse response duration (as would be the case in the limit ∆t→∞ stipulated by the Milatz theorem) is just the APD’s output electron count distribution. Using Eq. (2.116) for var(n), which assumes the primary EHP generation rate is Poissonian, gives: q2 lim SI APD ( f ) = lim 2 ∆ t ⋅ 2 a M 2 ⋅ F = 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I p [A 2 ·Hz −1 ], f →0 τ →∞ ∆t


where a is the average primary EHP count generated during ∆t, M is the APD’s mean avalanche gain, F is the APD’s excess noise factor, given in Eq. (2.117) for APDs with nondeterministic gain, and I p is the average primary current during ∆t. The result for the low-frequency limit of SI APD(f) given by Eq. (2.170) matches Eq. (2.157), which was found based on the sampling theorem argument. Similarly, Eq. (2.156) for the in-band current noise is obtained if the integral of SI(f) over all frequency, from Eq. (2.164), is approximated by a rectangular area: ∞


2 var( I ) = ∫0 df SI APD ( f ) ≈ ∫0 df SI APD = SI APD ⋅ BW [A ],


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


where for brevity, the symbol SI APD is written for the current noise spectral intensity in the low-frequency limit. The corresponding approximation of the in-band current noise is:

σ I ≈ 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I p ⋅ BW = SI APD ⋅ BW [A].


Approximating the integral for var(I) as SI APD·BW is justified because SI APD(f) is nearly constant at low frequencies, and although it rolls off with increasing frequency, its roll-off continues above BW rather than going abruptly to zero. The overestimate of SI APD(f) at higher frequencies roughly balances the under-estimate of var(I) caused by stopping the integration at f = BW. An important point to keep in mind when making noise calculations by hand, based on simple equations, is that these models embody several approximations and so do not warrant excessive numerical rigor.

2.1.3  Power conventions The distinction between the electrical power dissipated in an impedance and the optical power carried by light is a potential source of confusion when interpreting figures of merit for APDs and APD photoreceivers. The current output by a linear-mode APD is proportional to optical power, as is the voltage output by a linear-mode APD photoreceiver’s analog signal chain. Since the information carried by an optical signal is encoded in its power, it is natural to think of current or voltage signals as being proportional to the physically relevant power in optical sensing calculations. However, by convention, many power-related quantities in electrical engineering are defined in terms of the power dissipated by a current or voltage in an impedance, which goes as I2 or V2. Attenuations or gains expressed in decibels (dB) refer to power ratios, so when a value in dB is encountered, it is important to understand whether it is referenced to an optical or electrical power. The conversion of a power ratio to dB is 10log(P1/P2), whereas logarithmic voltage ratios are often reported as 20log(V1/V2), even when the voltages are proportional to a physically relevant optical power. For instance, if an optical attenuator is set to −3 dB it will cut the transmitted optical power in half, but the “3 dB bandwidth” of an amplifier with a single-pole transfer function is the frequency at which its voltage gain has dropped to 0.51/2≈0.707 of its maximum value. Similarly, if the bandwidth of an APD is defined by fitting the tail of its average impulse response to the impulse response of a single-pole filter, the APD’s bandwidth is the frequency at which its current gain has dropped to about 0.707 of its low-frequency value, rather than half. Another potential point of confusion is the definition of a power signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this book, the SNR will always refer to optical power. However, the reader should be alert that some authors define SNR in terms of electrical power dissipation, which is the square of the optical SNR.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

2.2  Performance of Geiger APDs The performance of a Geiger-mode APD photoreceiver is largely determined by the component-level characteristics of the APD from which it is assembled—parameters like single photon detection efficiency (PDE) and dark count rate (DCR) that were introduced in Chapter 1. Assuming able implementation, the circuitry that times or counts breakdown events and manages the quench and reset cycle of the APD’s bias does not materially affect its PDE. DCR and minimum quench time may be affected at the margin, in that faster quenching to limit the number of hot electrons that transit the junction during breakdown will reduce afterpulse probability, but for the most part, the important characteristics of a Geiger photoreceiver derive from those of its detector. This section presents equations for calculating Geiger APD performance in two roles: measurement of optical power at low photon fluxes, and pulse detection. Due to the lack of a simple model, the timing performance of Geiger APDs is not addressed here. In general, timing error (“jitter”) is quantified by the standard deviation of the time at which breakdown events become detectible relative to a fixed time of photon arrival. Timing jitter depends on the distance traveled by the initiating carrier prior to its first impact ionization, and on the subsequent avalanche buildup time. The spatial distribution of photon absorption probability calculated in Chapter 1, Pabs, accounts for much of the variation in drift time prior to avalanche initiation. The avalanche buildup itself is a stochastic impulse response like that described above for linear-mode APDs, except that the ionization chain does not terminate. Empirically, jitter on the order of some hundreds of ps is representative of InGaAs Geiger APD technology. 25,26


Optical power measurement

A Geiger APD photoreceiver can be used to measure the photon arrival rate of a sparse stream of single photons, which amounts to a low-flux optical power measurement. As the photon arrival rate increases, the count rate (CR) registered by a Geiger APD saturates, due to its quench time. The total number of times a Geiger APD fires within a particular sample period comprises primary photo-counts, primary dark counts, and afterpulses. If the APD were continuously active, the mean count for a particular sample period would be:

C0 =

1 1 − PAP




+ N PCp ,


where PAP is the afterpulse probability, and 〈NDCp〉 and 〈NPCp〉 are the mean primary dark and photo-counts during the sample period. The average number of primary dark counts that a continuously active APD would emit during a sample period tsamp in seconds is: N DCp = t samp ⋅ DCRp , where DCRp is the APD’s primary DCR in Hz.


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Under steady-state monochromatic illumination at constant average power, the average number of primary photo-counts a continuously active APD would emit is:

N PCp = t samp ⋅ PDE

Pop E ph



where tsamp is the sample period in seconds, PDE is the APD’s single photon detection efficiency, Pop is the optical power in Watts, and Eph is the photon energy in Joules. If the APD were continuously active, Eqs. (2.173)–(2.175) would establish a linear relationship between the optical power and the average CR: C 1 CR0 = 0 = t − PAP 1 samp

 Pop  PDE  DCRp + PDE E  = DCR0 + E 1 − P Pop [Hz], (2.176)  ph  ph ( AP )

E ph and Pop = (1 − PAP ) ( CR0 − DCR0 ) [W], PDE


where DCR0 is the DCR of a continuously active APD, including afterpulses. However, the APD can only break down if it is active, so the measured CR is lower than CR0. If an APD operated with a quench time tQ is observed to break down C times during a sample period, then its active time during the sample period is: t (2.178) A = t samp − C ⋅ tQ [s]. The empirically measured CR is C/tsamp, which can be related to CR0 because the observed number of counts is C = tA·CR0:  tQ  C t ⋅ CR0 t samp − C ⋅ tQ CR = = A = CR0 =  1 − C CR0 = 1 − CR ⋅ tQ CR0 [Hz]. t samp t samp t samp   t samp (2.179) The same relationship applies to the empirically measured DCR:





DCR = 1 − DCR ⋅ tQ DCR0 [Hz]. (2.180) Substituting the empirically measured CR and DCR from Eqs. (2.179) and (2.180) into Eqs. (2.176) and (2.177) gives the relationship between the average measured CR and the optical power: −1

1   CR =  + tQ  [Hz], DCR PDE + Pop    1 − DCR ⋅ tQ E ph (1 − PAP )  and

Pop =

E ph PDE

CR DCR  − [W]. 1 − ⋅ 1 − ⋅ tQ  CR t DCR  Q

(1 − PAP ) 




InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.16  Average count rate versus optical signal power for a Geiger APD with PDE = 20%, DCR = 5 kHz, PAP = 1%, and tQ = 1 µs.

An example calculation of the average CR as a function of increasing optical power is graphed in Fig. 2.16 for a Geiger APD with PDE = 20%, DCR = 5 kHz, PAP = 1%, and tQ = 1 µs. The wavelength is 1550 nm. If the APD was continuously active, it would have a CR of about 161 kHz under 0.1 pW at 1550 nm, which is close to the 140 kHz predicted by Eq. (2.181). However, as the optical power increases, the CR saturates due to the APD’s reduced duty cycle. Eq. (2.182) gives the average power of the steady-state optical signal if CR and DCR are ensemble averages. In practice, sample averages CR and DCR will be measured over some finite sample time, in which case the standard error of the power measurement can be estimated using the error propagation formula for uncorrelated measurements:






 ∂ Pop   ∂ Pop  2 2 ≈  + SECR SE DCR   ∂ DCR   ∂ CR   ∂ Pop  CR  ∂ Pop  DCR ≈  +  ∂ CR  t samp  ∂ DCR  t samp


1 t samp

 ∂ Pop   ∂ CR 





 ∂ Pop  CR +  DCR  ∂ DCR 

Eq. (2.183) treats the counts as Poisson-distributed, such that the count variances are equal to their respective means. The standard error of the optical power measurement

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


is found to be inversely related to the square root of the time span over which count data is collected, as would be expected given that the sample size of counts increases linearly with tsamp. If different sample periods are used to measure CR and DCR, different values of tsamp apply to the middle line of Eq. (2.183).

2.2.2  Pulse detection The pulse detection probability of a Geiger APD (PDG) depends on the probability that the APD is active when the signal arrives (PAG) and that its junction breaks down in response (PBG): PDG = PAG ⋅ PBG . (2.184) Suppose an APD is operated with a quench time tQ in seconds, such that the APD will not be active at time t if a breakdown event occurs any time up to tQ prior. Assuming tQ is long enough that afterpulsing can be neglected, an APD’s breakdown events are independent and therefore obey the Poisson and exponential distributions while the APD is active. The probability a free-running Geiger APD photoreceiver is active at time t is therefore the probability no breakdown events occur in the span tQ prior to t, as given by Eq. (2.40) or Eq. (2.52): t PAG (t ) = exp  − ∫ dt ′ FCR(t ′ )  = exp  − N FC   t −tQ 


, 


where FCR(t′) is the time-dependent false CR of the APD in Hz, and N FC t is the Q expected number of false counts during the time interval tQ prior to t, assuming an active APD. Technically, a Geiger APD can only fire once during a time interval of duration tQ, because once it fires and enters its quench state, the probability density for further false counts goes to zero until tQ has elapsed and its overbias is restored. However, as explained in the section on the exponential distribution, the “expected number” of false counts used to calculate PAG is not literally the number that would be observed in the lab, taking account of the APD’s quenching behavior. Rather, N FC t reflects the Q false count probability density of the APD if it remains active over the entire interval, which is needed to calculate the probability of zero false counts occurring. A time-dependent false CR is used in Eq. (2.185) because in a lidar system, photocounts from light scattered by obscurants in front of a target sum with photocounts from the optical background and with the APD’s dark counts: FCR(t ′ ) = DCR + BCR + OCR(t ′ )[Hz], (2.186) where DCR is the APD’s dark count rate in Hz, BCR is the background count rate in Hz, and OCR(t′) is the obscurant count rate in Hz. DCR was treated at length in Chapter 1, and is here assumed to be time-independent, which will be the case if tQ is long enough that afterpulsing is negligible. BCR is


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

also assumed to be time-independent, corresponding to steady background illumination. If a narrow laser line filter is part of the photoreceiver’s optics, the BCR is: Pbg BCR = PDE [Hz], E ph


where PDE is the APD’s photon detection efficiency at the laser wavelength, Pbg is the background optical power at the laser wavelength that reaches the APD’s active area, in W, and Eph is the laser photon energy in J. The OCR is formally represented as a function of t′ in Eq. (2.186) because the density of scattering obscurants in front of a target may be a function of range. For instance, a target might be located under the branches of a tree or behind the wire basket of a shopping cart, while also being embedded in a light-scattering aerosol like fog or smoke. The rate of photons returned by obscurants would therefore vary as a laser pulse approaches a target. However, that level of detail must be addressed by radiometric modeling of a specific scenario, which would give the expected number of obscurant counts directly, without having to compute an OCR. In general, a radiometric model would be used to calculate the average number of scattered photons reaching the Geiger APD per laser pulse, from all obscurants in the path of the laser beam and within the APD’s instantaneous field of view (IFOV), over a range interval in front of the target of: c ⋅ tQ rQ = [m], 2 ng


dnr dλ is the group index of the medium through which the laser pulse propagates, nr is the medium’s refractive index, and λ is the vacuum wavelength of the optical signal in m. In air, ng ≈ 1 and rQ ≈ 150 m for tQ = 1 µs. From this, the average number of false counts needed to calculate PAG using Eq. (2.185) can be found: where c = 2.99792458×108 m·s−1 is the speed of light in vacuum, ng = nr − λ



= tQ ( DCR + BCR ) + PDE N ob ,


where N ob is the expected number of obscurant-scattered photons received. Usually, PAG is only a significant factor when the optical background or scattering from obscurants are strong. For example, in the absence of obscurant scattering or background light, PAG ≈ 0.995 for a Geiger APD with a 5 kHz DCR and tQ = 1 µs. Also, Geiger APDs are often gated rather than operated in free-run mode. If the timing of an anticipated signal pulse is well known, such as in a synchronous optical communications system or a range-gated lidar sensor, then a Geiger APD may be held in quench until the window of time in which the signal is expected to arrive. In that case, the shorter active time prior to the signal’s arrival should be substituted for tQ in Eqs. (2.185)–(2.189).

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


If the photon number of a signal pulse is known to be exactly Nph, then the probability a Geiger APD will break down in response to at least one of the photons in the pulse is: ph P . (2.190) BG 1 ( N ph ) = 1 − (1 − PDE )


Eq. (2.190) is the complement of the probability that none of the Nph photons result in breakdown, found from the binomial distribution, Eq. (2.32). It is more often the case that only the average number of photons in the pulse is known, from which an expected number of breakdown events can be calculated: N BD = PDE N ph . (2.191) Again, as with the calculation of PAG, N BD is calculated assuming an APD that remains active. If identically prepared pulses obey the Poisson distribution, then: P BG 2 = 1 − exp ( − N BD ) . (2.192) Whereas PBG1 is the probability a specific pulse of known photon number will result in breakdown, PBG2 assumes a Poisson-distributed pulse of unknown photon number, for which the average photon count over an ensemble of identically prepared pulses is known. PBG2 is the complement of the probability of zero breakdown events given by Poisson statistics. If the distribution of photon number across signal pulses is known, but is not Poissonian, then the breakdown probability can be written:

( )

( )

PBG 3 = ∑ P N ph ⋅ PBG1 N ph , N ph (2.193) where P(Nph) is the probability a given pulse contains Nph photons.

2.3  Performance of linear APDs and photoreceivers Linear-mode APDs multiply the shot noise that already exists on a signal by at least as much as the multiplication factor acting on the signal itself, so when the optical power sensitivity of an APD is calculated as a function of gain, the best sensitivity is found to be achieved at M = 1. Then why use an APD at all? Because APDs are never used as stand-alone sensors—they are always part of a photoreceiver circuit that includes other noise-generating components. Since a linear APD does not amplify the noise of downstream circuit components, its avalanche gain is useful in the context of a photoreceiver as a whole, even if it appears useless when making calculations for the APD


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

as an isolated component. Although sensitivity figures of merit are often quoted for APDs as isolated components, they provide limited information. For instance, it can be demonstrated that two APDs operating with identical power sensitivity may nonetheless perform quite differently in a range-finding photoreceiver. Common figures of merit for linear-mode APDs, and their limitations, will be described in this chapter. However, the emphasis will be on how to calculate and interpret meaningful sensitivity figures of merit for APD photoreceivers. Amplitude measurement and pulse detection will be addressed. The timing performance of linear-mode APD photoreceivers is covered in Chapter 3.

2.3.1  Simplifying assumptions  Primary carrier generation separate from multiplication The sensitivity calculations presented in this section treat the APD’s current as if all the primary carriers multiplied by the APD experience the same gain distribution. As discussed in Chapter 1, this simplifying assumption is a good approximation for the most common use case of an APD of the SACM structure. The light-absorption layer of a SACM APD is typically of narrower band gap than the other layers, so most of the APD’s primary dark current is generated there. If the APD is illuminated at a wavelength that is too long to be absorbed by any other layer, then all of the APD’s primary photocurrent will also be generated in the absorber. The physical separation of the absorber from the APD’s multiplier ensures that only primary carriers of a single type (all electrons or all holes, depending on layer sequence) will be injected into the multiplier, and all will have the same path length through the multiplier. This is the case to which the McIntyre distribution and associated equations for noise apply. If a substantial portion of the APD’s primary current is generated inside its multiplier, the equations in this section will not provide accurate results. Cases in which this might arise include illumination at a wavelength that is absorbed by the multiplier, and when tunneling in the multiplier generates a significant fraction of the primary dark current. Also, as discussed in Chapter 1, if the current flowing near the perimeter of an APD experiences a different gain distribution than the current flowing through the area of the device, separate calculations must be performed for the two current components. However, even if the optical signal is at a wavelength the multiplier can absorb, it is often the case that the power in the signal is absorbed in other layers before it reaches the multiplier. Likewise, a properly designed and manufactured APD should not suffer significant tunneling in its multiplier, nor a significant gain disparity between perimeter and area. Lastly, the following calculations treat the generation rate of primary dark current as fixed, so that the multiplied dark current (Idark) is always the product of a fixed primary dark current (Idp) and the avalanche gain (M): I dark = I dp ⋅ M [A]. (2.194) This is usually a good approximation, but it may be observed that Idp has some bias dependence across the APD’s operating conditions, due to changes in depleted

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


volume and tunneling in the narrow-gap absorber. If Idp is measured as a function of gain and fit to a polynomial in M, the resulting function Idp(M) can be substituted in place of the constant Idp for improved accuracy.  Linear response model Numerical simulation using a tool like Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) is required to accurately calculate the time- and frequencydomain behavior of linear-mode APD photoreceiver circuits. An equivalent circuit model of an APD that can be used in SPICE simulations is presented in Chapter 3. Once a receiver circuit’s noise and its response to a particular photocurrent pulse shape have been simulated, further performance estimates can be hand-calculated using parameters that distill the photoreceiver’s transfer function into simple linear relationships. A model APD photoreceiver is diagramed in Fig. 2.17 and the key linear relationships are summarized in Fig. 2.18. In Fig. 2.18, quantities on the left of a box are multiplied by the parameter in the box to obtain the quantities on the right; dividing by the parameter in the box transforms quantities on the right to their counterparts on the left.

Figure 2.17  Block diagram of a typical linear-mode APD photoreceiver.

Figure 2.18  Linear relationships between quantities in the photoreceiver model.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

In Fig. 2.17, the arrow for nin is drawn pointing into the TIA to emphasize the direction of causation, but positive current flowing into the TIA input actually withdraws electrons. This detail—and the direction of the voltage swing at the amplifier output—are unimportant to this model. The direction of arrows in Fig. 2.18 also indicate causation, in the sense that input-referred forms of the TIA’s noise such as σI TIA and σn TIA are only notional. Physically, the myriad internal components of a TIA generate noise which contribute to the TIA’s output voltage noise (σV TIA). If σV TIA is divided by the TIA’s transimpedance or conversion gain, an equivalent measure of current or charge noise at the TIA’s input results.  APD response If an optical signal is superimposed on steady-state background illumination, the light incident on an APD can be treated as a total optical signal power (Pop), or it may be convenient to treat as the photon number of a signal pulse (Nph) plus the optical background power (Pbg). Whether one works in units of optical power or photons generally depends on the nature of the signal, because one or the other representation is usually simpler. Often in range-finding or lidar it is simplest to make calculations for the total number of photons in a pulse, but in communications or waveform-sensing applications it may be more natural to work in terms of a modulated power. An APD’s responsivity transforms the optical power of signal and background light into photocurrent, which sums with the APD’s dark current to give the APD’s total current: I sig = ∑ RespAPD (λi ) ⋅ Psig (λi )[A], i


I bg = ∑ RespAPD (λi ) ⋅ Pbg (λi )[A], i


I photo = I sig + I bg [A],


and I in = I photo + I dark [A],


where RespAPD(λi) is the APD’s average responsivity in wavelength bin λi, in A·W−1, Psig(λi) and Pbg(λi) are the signal and background optical powers in wavelength bin λi, in W, Isig and Ibg are the signal and background photocurrents in A, and Idark is the dark current in A. The signal and background optical powers in Eqs. (2.195) and (2.196) are represented as binned spectra to match the form of the empirically measured data that would be used in a calculation. For instance, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) G-173 reference Air Mass 1.5 Spectrum27 might be used for the solar background at ground level in a radiometric model, ultimately leading to Pbg(λi) based on a particular set of assumptions about sensor optics and target scene. However, the optical signal in a range-finding and lidar system is typically monochromatic,

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


and most such sensors are equipped with a narrow line filter to limit optical background, in which case the signal and background photocurrents are: I sig = RespAPD (λ ) ⋅ Psig [A], (2.199) and I bg = RespAPD (λ ) ⋅ Pbg [A]. (2.200) RespAPD is actually the low-frequency limit of the APD’s power-to-current transfer function, which can be approximated by a single-pole roll-off at high frequency. Eqs. (2.195) and (2.199) are strictly correct for steady-state illumination at constant average power, and are approximately correct when most of the power in an optical pulse is at frequencies lower than the APD’s bandwidth. When making calculations based on the photon number in a signal pulse (Nph), the APD’s QE and gain (M) transform Nph into a signal electron count (nsig). The background photocurrent sums with the APD’s dark current to give a total direct current (IDC). The effect of IDC at the output of the TIA must be determined by numerical simulation because the TIA’s circuit noise usually varies with IDC, and the output voltage noise due to the noise on IDC depends on the TIA’s transfer function. These effects cannot be hand-calculated, but once a circuit simulation has been performed, they can be represented by converting IDC to an equivalent electron count (nDC) using an effective integration time (tDC in seconds). The total electron count withdrawn from the TIA’s input is the sum of nsig and nDC: n (2.201) sig = N ph ⋅ QE ⋅ M , I DC = I bg + I dark [A], (2.202) I nDC = DC t DC , q


and nin = nsig + nDC , (2.204) where q = 1.60217662×10–19 C is the elementary charge. As will be seen below, the effective DC current integration time of a TIA depends on its conversion gain, and therefore depends on the signal pulse shape.  TIA response The time- and frequency-domain behavior of TIAs is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3. Here those aspects needed to apply the linear response model in sensitivity calculations are outlined. When a current waveform deposits charge on the input node of a TIA, the potential at the TIA’s input shifts from virtual ground, and the output voltage of the TIA deflects from its zero-signal level as its operational amplifier attempts to discharge the input node through the TIA’s feedback path. The deflection of the potential at the


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

TIA’s input node is the driving force that determines the magnitude of the response at the TIA’s output. If a TIA is fast compared to the time scale of modulations on an input current waveform, its output voltage will track the instantaneous current. However, if the TIA is slow, charge will integrate at its input, and power in out-of-band signal components will be referred to lower frequency at its output. In the time domain, the output voltage of a slow TIA will continue to rise for some time after the instantaneous current at its input has already fallen, and the output voltage will not settle immediately once it stops rising. If the signal waveform is continuously modulated, power in out-of-band signal components will be lost. For instance, in an optical communication system, the response of a photoreceiver to a continuous stream of “1” and “0” symbols blurs together if the receiver lacks sufficient bandwidth to keep pace with signal modulation, causing its eye diagram to close. In contrast, the signal in most range-finding and lidar applications takes the form of a sparse stream of isolated pulses. Given sufficient settling time between consecutive pulses, the out-of-band power in short signal pulses can contribute to the receiver’s response, albeit with a lag. Consequently, a slow TIA’s response to an isolated current pulse is almost always stronger than would be estimated from the fraction of the pulse’s power that is in-band. In the linear response model, a TIA’s transimpedance (ΩTIA) and conversion gain (GTIA) transform input current (Iin) and charge (nin) to output voltage (Vout), which may either be sampled to measure signal amplitude or sent to a decision circuit for pulse detection. When most of the power of an input waveform is in frequency components inside the bandwidth of a TIA, a single value of ΩTIA is applicable to both signal and noise, as depicted in Fig. 2.18. In this case, the output voltage waveform reproduces the shape of the input current waveform with little distortion, and the peak of an output voltage pulse has the same linear relationship to the peak of the corresponding input current pulse as the in-band voltage noise has to the in-band current noise. However, it is commonly the case in laser range-finding and lidar that much of a short signal pulse’s power is out-of-band. When an optical signal arrives as a sparse stream of isolated pulses, separate values of ΩTIA apply to signal and noise. This untidy situation is one reason why it is best to work in terms of photon number, electron count, and GTIA when making sensitivity calculations for signals that arrive as a sparse stream of isolated pulses. The parameters ΩTIA, GTIA, and tDC must be found by circuit simulation for a particular photocurrent pulse shape, which depends on the optical pulse shape and the APD’s impulse response function. When an optical pulse lasts significantly longer than the APD’s impulse response duration (i.e., if most of the pulse’s energy is in frequency components inside the APD’s bandwidth), the photocurrent pulse has essentially the same shape as the optical pulse, and the convolution can be dispensed with. GTIA is found from simulation of the maximum deflection of Vout in response to pulse reception: ∆Vout GTIA = [V/e-], ∆ nin


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


where ∆Vout is the maximum deflection of Vout in response to signal reception, in V, and ∆nin = nsig is the signal electron count. It is possible to define ΩTIA in an analogous way that is specific to a particular signal pulse shape: ∆Vout ΩTIA = [Ω ], ∆ I in


where ∆Iin is the peak of the signal photocurrent pulse in A, relative to the average steady-state value of IDC. When a single value for a TIA’s transimpedance is quoted, it normally refers to the average transimpedance across the TIA’s bandwidth, which is applicable to the linear relationships between in-band current and voltage noise shown in Fig. 2.18. This definition of ΩTIA is consistent with Eq. (2.206) as long as most of the signal pulse’s power is in-band. However, if much of a signal pulse’s power is out-of-band, the value of ΩTIA found from Eq. (2.206) will be different from the average in-band transimpedance. The same circuit simulation can be used to find values of ΩTIA applicable to both signal pulse height and in-band noise, but there is less potential for error if calculations for pulsed signals are made in terms of photon number and conversion gain. One can think of ΩTIA as the TIA’s feedback resistance and GTIA as the reciprocal of its feedback capacitance, as sketched in Fig. 2.17. However, the block diagram representation of a TIA in the figure is a simplification. Most TIAs designed for photoreceivers employ multiple amplifier and filtering stages, and have additional circuitry to manage damage protection and overload recovery, etc.—complications not represented in the figure. As used in the linear response model, ΩTIA and GTIA represent the net response of the TIA’s analog signal chain between its input and a relevant downstream measurement point, such as the input of a comparator or an analog output, and do not necessarily correspond to individual feedback elements. Values of ΩTIA and GTIA are generally pulse shape-specific because pulses with different frequency spectra will be filtered differently by a given TIA’s transfer function—especially if a significant portion of the signal power is out-of-band. Consequently, sensitivity metrics quoted for a given laser pulse width should not be assumed to hold for other pulse widths. Eq. (2.151) and the accompanying argument suggest the effective DC current integration time, tDC, should correspond to 1/2BW. However, that result is predicated on the condition that the signal pulse contains no frequency components higher than BW, which is seldom the case in laser range-finding or lidar. Instead, the effective integration time tDC is found from circuit simulations in which the APD’s DC current flows but there is no signal (nsig = 0). A simulation of the circuit with the APD’s noise source turned off gives σV TIA, and a simulation with the APD’s noise turned on gives σVout for the nsig = 0 case. Since the APD’s noise is uncorrelated with the TIA’s noise, the voltage noise due to the APD’s DC current can be found using the Bienaymé formula, Eq. (2.23): 2 σ V DC = σ Vout − σ V2 TIA [V], n sig = 0.



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Division of σV DC by the TIA’s conversion gain results in an equivalent charge noise at the TIA’s input:

σ V DC σ n DC = [ e− ]. GTIA The effective integration time can be found from σn Eq. (2.116):

(2.208) DC

by equating var(nDC) to

q ⋅ σ V2 DC I σ n2 DC = var(nDC ) = DC t DC ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F ⇒ t DC = 2 [s], q⋅M GTIA ⋅ M ⋅ F I DC


where q = 1.60217662×10–19 C is the elementary charge, I DC = I bg + I dark is the aver2   M − 1  age DC current in A, M is the APD’s mean avalanche gain, F = M 1 − (1 − k )    M    is the APD’s excess noise factor, if its gain is not deterministic, and k is the APD’s effective ionization rate ratio.

2.3.2  Optical power and photon number measurement  Noise-equivalent power and noise-equivalent input Noise-equivalent power (NEP) and noise-equivalent input (NEI) are ways to express the dark noise of an APD or APD photoreceiver in terms of a notional signal level that would produce a response of the same magnitude. NEI as used in this book should not be confused with “noise-equivalent irradiance”—a figure of merit for imagers which shares the same acronym.  Dark noise of an APD

The total in-band dark noise of an APD is σI dark—the standard deviation of its dark current, calculable using Eq. (2.172):

σ I dark ≈ 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I dp ⋅ BW [A],


where q = 1.60217662×10–19 C is the elementary charge, M is the APD’s mean ava2   M − 1  lanche gain, F = M 1 − (1 − k )  is the APD’s excess noise factor, if its gain   M    is not deterministic, k is the APD’s effective ionization rate ratio, I dp is the primary dark current of the APD in A, and BW is the bandwidth in Hz over which the current noise is to be calculated. The APD’s dark noise spectral density in the low-frequency limit, as found from Eq. (2.170), is: SI dark = 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I dp [A/Hz1/2 ], f  ( 2 π τ APD ) , −1

where τAPD is the APD’s maximum impulse response duration.


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Rough calculations treat an APD’s current noise spectral intensity as equal to its low-frequency limit up through f = BW, and zero for f > BW. In units of electrons, the dark noise of an APD is given by Eq. (2.116):

σ n dark =

adark M 2 ⋅ F =

I dp q

t DC ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F . [e−]

(2.212)  Dark noise of an APD photoreceiver A TIA’s output voltage noise can be referred to its input by dividing by either ΩTIA or GTIA:

σ V TIA σ I TIA = [A], ΩTIA






σ V TIA and σ n TIA = [ e− ], GTIA



[A/Hz1/2 ],



where σI TIA is a notional current noise in A at the TIA’s input that would result in the observed output voltage noise, σV TIA is the in-band circuit noise of the TIA at its output, in V, ΩTIA is the TIA’s average transimpedance across its bandwidth, in Ω, SI TIA is a notional current noise spectral density at the TIA’s input in A/Hz1/2 that would result in σV TIA, assuming the circuit noise spectrum is white and confined to σ V2 TIA a bandwidth BW, SV TIA = is the TIA’s output voltage noise spectral density BW 1/2 in V/Hz , calculated assuming the circuit noise spectrum is white and confined to a bandwidth BW, and BW is the bandwidth of the TIA in Hz. A detailed analysis of amplifier circuit noise is beyond the scope of this book, but it should be noted that Eq. (2.214) assigns all of the amplifier’s in-band voltage noise to the bandwidth BW, and assumes it is spectrally white, thereby matching the form of SI APD. This is justified for the most part because Johnson–Nyquist (J–N) noise is spectrally white, and most amplifiers applicable to APD photoreceivers are designed to have a cut-on frequency high enough to limit the impact of 1/f noise. On the other hand, there are many sources of J–N noise in an amplifier circuit, of differing intensity, and related to the TIA’s output by different transfer functions, depending on the noise source’s location in the circuit. The reader should keep in mind that neither the gain nor noise spectrum of a TIA must be white, and Eq. (2.214) is a rough approximation useful for making sensitivity estimates by hand.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Since APD and TIA noise processes are uncorrelated, they obey the Bienaymé formula, which gives the dark noise of a photoreceiver as:

σ = σ I2 dark + σ I2TIA [A], I RX dark


SI RX dark = SI dark + SI TIA [A/Hz1/2 ],


and σ n RX dark = σ n2 dark + σ n2 TIA [e−],


where σI RX dark is the in-band current noise of the photoreceiver under dark conditions, in A, SI RX dark is the current noise spectral density of the photoreceiver under dark conditions in A/Hz1/2, and σn RX dark is the charge noise of the photoreceiver under dark conditions, in units of electrons.  NEP and NEI of an APD

An APD’s responsivity, from Eq. (1.89) of Chapter 1, can be used to express σI dark or SI dark as in-band and spectral density NEPs: I q⋅λ RespAPD ( λ ) = photo = QE ⋅ M [A·W −1 ], P h ⋅ c λ ( ) op


where QE is the APD’s unity-gain QE at wavelength λ, h = 6.62607004×10−34 J·s is the Planck constant, c = 2.99792458×108 m·s−1 is the speed of light in vacuum,and λ is the vacuum wavelength of the optical signal in m. For λ in units of µm, Eq. (2.219) works out to RespAPD(λ)=0.8065544 QE·M·λ [A·W−1]. The in-band NEP of an APD is: 2 q ⋅ F ⋅ BW I dp σ I dark NEPAPD (λ ) = ≈ [W], RespAPD (λ ) 0.8065544 QE ⋅ λ


where λ is in µm. The NEP spectral density of an APD is: 2 q ⋅ F I dp SI APD ( f ) NEPAPD − f (λ ) = ≈ [W/Hz1/2 ]. RespAPD (λ ) 0.8065544 QE ⋅ λ


NEI is seldom quoted for an APD as a stand-alone component because no particular effective DC current integration time, tDC, is implied. However, assuming an integration time tDC, the NEI of an APD is:

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


I dp

t M2 ⋅F q DC = QE ( λ ) ⋅ M

σ n dark

NEI APD (λ ) = ≈ QE ( λ ) ⋅ M

I dp

t ⋅F q DC [photons]. (2.222) QE ( λ )

As shown in Fig. 2.11, an APD’s excess noise factor increases monotonically with gain, ensuring that the lowest input-referred noise (minimum NEP or NEI) occurs at minimum gain, M = 1. For example, suppose an InGaAs APD characterized by k = 0.2 has an 80% QE at 1550 nm and operates at a gain of M = 10 with average multiplied dark current of Idark = 10 nA. Its average primary dark current is therefore 1 nA and its excess noise factor is F = 3.52. The resulting NEP spectral density is about 33.6 fA/Hz1/2 and its total in-band NEP is about 1.06 nW. If operated at M = 1, its NEP spectral density would be 17.9 fA/Hz1/2 and the in-band NEP 0.57 nW.  NEP and NEI of an APD photoreceiver Dividing the in-band or spectral density noise current of an APD photoreceiver by the APD’s responsivity results in the corresponding NEPs:

σ I RX dark NEPRX (λ ) = ≈ RespAPD (λ )


NEPRX − f (λ ) =

SI RX dark RespAPD (λ )

2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I dp BW + σ I2TIA 0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I dp + SI TIA

0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ


[W/Hz1/2 ],



where BW is the photoreceiver bandwidth, which is a function of both APD and TIA characteristics, as explained in Chapter 3. The NEI of a photoreceiver is: I dp

σ n RX dark NEI RX (λ ) = ≈ QE (λ ) ⋅ M


t DC ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F + σ n2 TIA QE ( λ ) ⋅ M



Since there are no factors of M multiplying the TIA noise terms in Eqs. (2.223)– (2.225), operation of the APD at higher gain attenuates the input-referred noise of the TIA. On the other hand, if k>0, the APD’s excess noise factor increases with gain, so as the noise of the TIA (referred to the APD’s input) decreases, the noise of the APD increases. These countervailing trends result in there being an optimal gain that minimizes NEP and NEI when k>0. NEP curves for receivers described by the parameters in Table 2.6 and k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4 are graphed in Fig. 2.19.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Table 2.6  APD photoreceiver parameters for NEP plots in Fig. 2.19. Parameter

Value 5 nA

I dp

200 MHz 80% 1.55 µm 10 nA


Figure 2.19  NEP versus avalanche gain for three otherwise-identical photoreceivers with k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4.

The optimal gain operating point of an APD, from the standpoint of minimum NEP, can be found by finding the point of zero slope on Eq. (2.223): 2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F I dp BW + σ I2TIA

d dM

0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ

K1 ( k − 1)

⇒ M optimal =





3 K 2 + K −  3 K1  k 3 ( k − 1) 2 2

where K1 = 3 2 BW I dp , and K 2 =



3 BW I dp k ⋅ σ I TIA q


3 K 2 + K 22 −  3 K1  k 3 ( k − 1)

3 K1 ⋅ k (2.226)

). 2


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Eq. (2.226) also gives the optimal gain to minimize the NEP spectral density, with the substitutions BW→1 and σI TIA→ SI TIA. Making the replacements BW→tDC and σI TIA→21/2q·σn TIA results in the equivalent optimization condition for NEI. The larger the value of k, the faster the excess noise factor increases with avalanche gain, and the lower the optimal gain operating point. When k=0, the excess noise factor of a nondeterministic APD asymptotically approaches F=2 in the limit of high gain, and an optimal gain does not exist. Higher primary dark current (for instance, of a larger APD or when operating at higher temperature) increases the noise of the APD relative to that of the TIA, favoring operation at lower avalanche gain. Conversely, TIAs with higher input noise spectral density favor APD operation at higher avalanche gain. Parameters of several commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) TIA integrated circuits (ICs) are compared in Table 2.7, and are plotted in Fig. 2.20 to demonstrate the general correlation of higher bandwidth with higher input noise spectral density28–35: Simulated values of the effective DC current integration time, conversion gain, and input noise of a particular TIA IC in a 31-MHz photoreceiver are tabulated in Table 2.8 for Gaussian-shaped input photocurrent pulses of varying width. The NEI of a photoreceiver assembled from the TIA and an InGaAs APD characterized by QE = 80%, k = 0.2, and I dp = 0.2 nA is graphed versus gain in Fig. 2.21. The best (lowest) calculated NEI, which occurs at an optimal gain of M = 32.7, as well as empirical sensitivity measurements are also tabulated in Table 2.8. The sensitivity metric used in Table 2.8 is the average number of photons per laser pulse, at 1550 nm, which results in a 50% probability of detection (PDL) when the photoreceiver operates with a FAR of 60 Hz. PDL and FAR are explained later in this section, but here it should be noted that sensitivity trends in the same direction with respect to laser pulse width, whether assessed by a measure of dark noise (NEI) or of optical signal detection probability (PDL) at a given FAR. The example TIA’s GTIA falls with increasing photocurrent pulse width (tpulse) whereas the other TIA parameters—tDC and σn TIA—as well as the optimal NEI of the photoreceiver, rise. The GTIA values in Table 2.8 fall almost linearly with pulse width, when tpulse>1 ns. Both σn TIA and NEI rise linearly in the same regime, since they Table 2.7  Characteristics of a representative sample of COTs TIA ICs. SI TIA Make






Maxim Maxim Analog Devices Analog Devices Semtech Semtech Texas Instruments Texas Instruments

MAX 365828 MAX 327729 AD801530 LTC656031 NT24L5032 GN706833 ONET2591TA34 ONET8551T35

580 MHz 2.1 GHz 240 MHz 220 MHz 1 GHz 11.6 GHz 1.8 GHz 9 GHz

18.3 3.3 20 74 26 3.25 2.6 kΩ 10 kΩ

45 nA 275 nA 46 nA 67 nA 92 nA 1 µA 280 nA 0.9 µA

2.1 6.0 3.0 4.5 2.9 10 6.6 9.5


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.20  Input noise spectral density and bandwidth of representative COTS TIA ICs.

Table 2.8  Simulated characteristics of a 31-MHz TIA and calculated NEI and empirical sensitivity of an associated APD photoreceiver. Empirical Sensitivity Signal Optimal − − FWHM (ns) tDC (ns) GTIA (µV/e ) σn TIA (e ) NEI (PDL = 50% at FAR = 60 Hz) 0.5 1 2 4 8 15 20

6.3 6.4 6.7 8.2 13.7 30.4 —

15.6 15.5 15.1 13.7 10.6 7.1 —

166.5 167.6 172.1 189.6 245.1 365.4 —

11.8 11.9 12.2 13.5 17.5 26.0 —

— — 234 243 277 — 419

have reciprocal relationships to GTIA. Eq. (2.209) shows that the effective DC current integration time goes as the reciprocal of GTIA2, so tDC grows as the square of tpulse. Decreasing response with increasing photocurrent pulse width may be counterintuitive if thought of in terms of the ability of the TIA’s output to track the input signal waveform, as its bandwidth is low, and the shorter pulses have a lot of energy in out-of-band frequency components. However, since the TIA is too slow to discharge its input node on the time scale in which short pulses deliver charge, its response to shorter pulses in stronger. Also, as noted above, even though the TIA’s output cannot rise and fall in synch with the input current, the output can continue to rise after the input current pulse is over.

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Figure 2.21  NEI versus avalanche gain for different signal pulse widths, corresponding to the simulated TIA IC characteristics of Table 2.8.

A final point to note about this example is that NEP could be used to refer a photoreceiver’s dark noise to a particular pulsed signal power, but the resulting pulse-shapedependent NEP is rather cumbersome to use. NEI is a much more natural metric for measuring a photoreceiver’s sensitivity to pulsed signals. The problem is that NEP conflates the physical variation of a photoreceiver’s performance with the purely mathematical relationship between optical power and pulse width, when photon number is fixed. One may associate a power with a pulse based either on its peak power, or its average power over some measure of the pulse duration. The peak power of a Gaussian pulse is: Ppeak =

N ph ln(16) N ph h c = 0.186614 [nW], π τ FWHM λ τ FWHM ⋅ λ


where Nph is the photon number, τFWHM is the FWHM in ns, and λ is the vacuum wavelength in µm. Simply dividing the pulse energy by the FWHM gives a result that is 6% lower, so this estimate is also commonly used. Consider the NEP of the photoreceiver of Table 2.8 for 0.5- and 1-ns signal pulses. The receiver’s NEI is nearly identical for the two pulse widths: 11.8 and 11.9 photons. If these signal levels are converted to equivalent pulse-shape-specific NEPs using Eq. (2.227), the results are 2.84  nW for the 0.5-ns pulse and 1.43  nW for the 1-ns pulse. Almost all of the apparent difference in NEP is due to spreading out the same


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

number of photons across a wider pulse, rather than the variation of the photoreceiver’s response with pulse shape. Moreover, if one habitually thinks of NEP in terms of a CW signal, the lower NEP erroneously implies better sensitivity. Usually, laser pulse strength is quantified by energy (photon number) rather than power, and NEI is the easier sensitivity metric to use.  Signal-to-noise ratio The SNR of an optical measurement can be defined in terms of power or photon number, where the “signal” part of the ratio is the mean measurement and the “noise” is its standard deviation, over an ensemble of identically prepared experiments. Since optical power and photon number are linearly related to current and electron count, power and photon number SNRs can be calculated from current and electron count ratios.  Signal of an APD photoreceiver The signal current (Isig) and electron count (nsig) were given by Eqs. (2.195), (2.199), and (2.201). For a monochromatic signal: I sig = 0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ ⋅ Psig [A], and nsig = N ph ⋅ QE ⋅ M [ e− ],

(2.228) (2.229)

where QE is the APD’s unity-gain QE at wavelength λ, M is the APD’s mean avalanche gain, λ is the wavelength of the optical signal, in µm, Psig is the mean optical signal powers, in watts, and N ph is the mean photon number of the optical signal.  Total noise of an APD photoreceiver The total in-band current noise of an APD photoreceiver is found from Eq. (2.172) and the Bienaymé formula: 2 σ (2.230) I total = 2 q ⋅ M ⋅ F ⋅ I total BW + σ I TIA [A], 2   M − 1  where q = 1.60217662×10−19 C is the elementary charge, F = M 1 − (1 − k )   M    is the APD’s excess noise factor, if its gain is not deterministic, k is the APD’s eff­ective ionization rate ratio, I total = I sig + I bg + I dark in A, I bg = 0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ ⋅ Pbg is the mean background photocurrent in A, assuming a monochromatic optical background, Pbg is the mean optical background power, in watts, I dark = I dp ⋅ M is the APD’s mean dark current in A, I dp is the APD’s mean primary dark current in A, BW is the photoreceiver’s bandwidth in Hz, and σI TIA is the TIA’s input-referred noise in A. The total electron count noise of an APD photoreceiver is given by Eq. (2.116) and the Bienaymé formula:

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit




σ n total = nsig + nbg + ndark ⋅ M ⋅ F + σ n2 TIA [ e− ], (2.231) I dark t DC is q q the mean dark electron count, and σn TIA is the TIA’s input-referred noise in electrons. I bg

where nbg =

t DC is the mean background electron count, ndark =  SNR of an APD photoreceiver For a monochromatic signal and background, the optical power SNR of an APD photoreceiver is: SNRP =

I sig

σ I total

0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ ⋅ Psig



2 q ⋅ M 2 ⋅ F  0.8065544 QE ⋅ λ ⋅ Psig + Pbg 


I dp  BW + σ I2TIA  (2.232)

Some authors define an electrical power SNR rather than an optical power SNR. Since the output voltage of a TIA in a linear-mode APD photoreceiver is proportional to the incident optical power, and the electrical power dissipated in an impedance goes as V2, the electrical power SNR is the square of Eq. (2.232). The photon number SNR of an APD photoreceiver is: SNRN




σ n total


N ph ⋅ QE ⋅ M



t DC   2 2  N ph ⋅ QE + q 0.8065544 QE ⋅ λ ⋅ Pbg + I dp  ⋅ M ⋅ F + σ n TIA   (2.233)

Example SNR curves calculated for a photoreceiver assembled from the 31-MHz TIA IC of Table 2.8 and an InGaAs APD characterized by QE = 80% and I dp = 0.2 nA are graphed versus gain in Fig. 2.22. The calculation is made for Poisson-distributed signal pulses averaging 100 photons per pulse at λ = 1.55 µm, of 4-ns FWHM, with a monochromatic background power of 5 nW. Curves are plotted for k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4 to show the dependence on multiplication noise. Similar to the example NEP curves of Fig. 2.19, higher values of k result in lower optimal gain and worse overall sensitivity (lower SNR). In this example, the primary photocurrent generated by the optical background is much larger than the primary dark current of the APD (5 vs. 0.2 nA). Situations in which this might occur include interferometric measurements that use a strong optical local oscillator, in optical communication systems where the power level of the “0” symbol is substantial, or when a sensor with a wide field-of-view regards a brightly lit scene. Since background photocurrent affects the sensitivity of a photoreceiver in exactly the same way as dark current, no advantage is gained by minimizing an APD’s dark current beyond the point that it is dominated by the background photocurrent characteristic of a particular application. Unlike NEP and NEI, SNR includes noise associated with the signal. In the limit of a strong signal, the noise on the signal photocurrent dominates the noise on the other


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.22  SNR versus avalanche gain for APD photoreceivers assembled from the TIA IC of Table 2.8 and APDs characterized by k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4, responding to 100-photon signal pulses of 4 ns FWHM.

current components, as well as the TIA’s noise, resulting in an SNR that increase as the square root of the ratio between signal and excess noise factor. Strong signals, like high dark current or high background photocurrent, favor APD operation at lower avalanche gain. Similar to Eq. (2.226) for NEP and NEI, the gain that optimizes SNR for a given set of parameters can be found by setting the derivative with respect to M of Eqs. (2.232) or (2.233) to zero and solving for Moptimal. The gain that maximizes SNRP is:


d dM

 q⋅λ 2 q ⋅ M ⋅ F ⋅ QE  h⋅c 2

q⋅λ M Psig h⋅c




+ Pbg + I dp 3

⇒ M optimal =


 2  BW + σ I TIA


2 BW ( k − 1) q ⋅ K 3 3


3 BW 2 ⋅ k ⋅ q 2 K 32 ⋅ K 4 + 3 BW 4 ⋅ k 3 ⋅ q 4 ⋅ K 34 ( k −1 ⋅ K 42 − 4 BW 2 ( k − 1)3 q 2 ⋅ K 32 )


3 BW 2 ⋅ k ⋅ q 2 ⋅ K 32 ⋅ K 4 + 3 BW 4 ⋅ k 3 ⋅ q 4 ⋅ K 34 ( k −1 ⋅ K 42 − 4 BW 2 ( k − 1)3 q 2 ⋅ K 32 ) 3

18 BW ⋅ k ⋅ q ⋅ K 3



where K 3 = q ⋅ QE ⋅ λ Psig + Pbg

)+ h⋅c

I dp and K 4 = 3 3 h ⋅ c ⋅ k ⋅ σ I2TIA .

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


The optimal gain for SNRNph is: N ph ⋅ QE ⋅ M d dM  t DC  q⋅λ Pbg + I dp QE  N ph ⋅ QE +  q h⋅c 

 2  ⋅ M ⋅ F + σ n2 TIA 




⇒ M optimal =

3 3 k ( k − 1) K 52 +  3 k ⋅ K 52 ⋅ K 6 + 3 −k 3 ⋅ K 54 ( k − 1)3 K 52 − k −1 ⋅ K 62    1

2 3

3 3 k ⋅ K 5  3 k ⋅ K 52 ⋅ K 6 + 3 k 3 ⋅ K 54 −( k − 1)3 K 52 + k −1 ⋅ K 62   





where K 5 = h ⋅ c q N ph ⋅ QE + I dp ⋅ t DC + q ⋅ QE ⋅ t DC ⋅ λ Pbg , and K = 3 3 h ⋅ c ⋅ k ⋅ q ⋅σ 2 . 6


As with NEP and NEI, there is no optimal gain when k = 0 because the excess noise factor of a nondeterministic k = 0 APD approaches F = 2 in the limit of high gain.

2.3.3  Pulse detection Pulse detection with a linear-mode APD photoreceiver requires discriminating between states with and without a signal. The most common method of pulse discrimination is based on threshold exceedance, which is sketched in Fig. 2.23. Electron count distributions at the input of a receiver’s TIA are graphed for the two states. The curve labeled Pdark(n) is the count distribution when no signal is present, and that

Figure 2.23  Pulse discrimination by threshold exceedance.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

labeled Psignal(n) is the count distribution upon reception of a signal pulse. Instances in which either distribution exceed a detection threshold, labeled nth, result in detection events. Assuming an active receiver, the probability of detection in dark or signal states is given by the area under the corresponding curve, above the threshold, which is that distribution’s CCDF evaluated at nth. This statistical model represents the operation of an ideal comparator. The instances in which the signal distribution is detected are classified as true positives, and the probability of obtaining a true positive upon arrival of a signal pulse is also called the photoreceiver’s pulse detection probability (PDL). The instances in which the dark distribution exceeds the threshold, resulting in detection events absent a signal, are classified as false positives or “false alarms”. However, whereas signal pulse arrival is a discrete event, the circumstances which could lead to a false alarm persist in the absence of a signal. It will be shown below that a temporal probability density of false alarms, expressed as a FAR, can be calculated and used to find the probability of a given number of false alarms occurring during any specified interval of time.  Photoreceiver output distribution Although represented in Fig. 2.23 as an electron count distribution at the TIA input, the physical quantity detected by a receiver is the voltage at the input of its decision circuit. As mentioned above, a real TIA may comprise multiple amplifier and filter stages, and its conversion gain should be calculated as the net conversion gain between the TIA’s input and the comparator input. The linear relationship between the electron count at the TIA’s input and the voltage at the comparator input allows one to apply the discrete probability distributions developed at the beginning of this chapter to calculate the photoreceiver’s output distribution. The same conversion gain also scales between the physical threshold voltage supplied to the receiver’s comparator and the notional value of nth used to compute the CCDF. The APD’s output electron count (nAPD) sums with the TIA’s input-referred noise (nTIA) at the TIA input to give the total input electron count (nin): n (2.236) in = n APD + nTIA . Since nAPD and nTIA are statistically independent random variables, Eq. (2.4) gives the distribution of nin as the convolution of the distributions for nAPD and nTIA: P ( nin ) = [ PAPD ∗ PTIA ] ( nin ) = ∑ PAPD ( nAPD ) ⋅ PTIA ( nin − nAPD ). nAPD


The output distribution of a non-deterministic APD is a weighted average of McIntyre distributions over the primary EHP count (a). In the most general case, when the distribution of the primary EHP count is not Poissonian: PAPD (nAPD ) = ∑ P(a ) ⋅ PMcIntyre ( nAPD a ), a


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


where P(a) is the distribution of primary EHPs, and PMcIntyre(nAPD|a) is given by Eq. (2.68). Since primary EHPs of dark current and background photocurrent are generated as independent events, they obey Poisson statistics. If the distribution of signal photon number over an ensemble of identically prepared signal pulses also obeys Poisson statistics, then P(a)=PPoisson(a), as given by Eq. (2.48). For monochromatic signal and background, the expected value of the primary EHP count needed to calculate PPoisson(a) is:

a = N ph ⋅ QE +



t DC 0.8065544 QE ⋅ λ ⋅ Pbg + I dp , q


where N ph is the mean signal photon count (if present; N ph = 0 for the dark case), QE is the APD’s unity-gain QE at wavelength λ, tDC is the effective DC current integration time, in s, given by Eq. (2.209), q = 1.60217662×10–19 C is the elementary charge, λ is the vacuum wavelength of the optical signal, in µm, Pbg is the mean optical background power in W, and I dp is the APD’s mean primary dark current in A. The TIA’s voltage noise is a continuous random variable, but is adequately approximated by a discrete random variable that obeys the sampled Gaussian distribution of Eq. (2.101), with:

σ V2 TIA var(nTIA ) = σ n2 TIA = 2 , GTIA


where σn TIA is the input-referred noise of the TIA in units of electrons, σV TIA is the output voltage noise of the TIA, and GTIA is the TIA’s conversion gain in volts per electron. As a matter of circuit design, the mean voltage at the input of a photoreceiver’s comparator may have a nonzero offset from ground, absent any current from the APD. However, a mean of nTIA = 0 can be used in Eq. (2.101) when calculating PGaussian(nTIA) if in subsequent calculations the amplified output of the APD (∆Vout) and the detection threshold used to discriminate pulses (Vth) are both measured relative to that mean offset voltage. Examples of Pdark(n) and Psignal(n) are plotted in Fig. 2.24 for a photoreceiver assembled from the 31-MHz TIA IC of Table 2.8 and an InGaAs APD characterized by k = 0.2, QE = 80% and I dp = 0.2 nA, operating at a mean gain of M = 10. Signal pulses averaging 40 photons each, of 4 ns FWHM, were assumed. The solid curves were calculated using the McIntyre distribution in Eqs. (2.237) and (2.238). The dashed curves are Gaussian distributions parameterized by: nin = a M ,


and var(nin) given by Eq. (2.231): 2 2 var( nin ) = a M ⋅ F + σ n TIA .

The corresponding statistics are tabulated in Table 2.9:



InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.24  Dark and signal photoreceiver output distributions corresponding to Table 2.9.

Table 2.9  Mean and standard deviation input electron count corresponding to dark and signal distributions of Fig. 2.24. Pdark(n) (e−)

Psignal(n) (e−)

n in



σ n in



Fig. 2.24 shows that for these receiver and signal parameters, the version of P(nin) calculated using the Gaussian approximation coincides closely with the true distribution near nin , but diverges a few standard deviations away from the mean. Generally speaking, correspondence is better when the number of primary EHPs is large, the mean avalanche gain is small, and k is small. These trends can be seen in Fig. 2.25 and 2.26, which are calculated for the same amplifier noise as Fig. 2.24 (σn TIA = 189.6 e−). Fig. 2.25 compares P(nin) to its Gaussian approximation for k = 0.2 and three combinations of a and M that result in nin = 200. Fig. 2.26 makes the comparison for a = 10 and M = 20, with k = 0, 0.2, and 0.4. The Gaussian approximation of an APD photoreceiver’s output distribution greatly simplifies calculations, but Figs. 2.25 and 2.26 indicate the circumstances in which it should not be used. The Gaussian approximation is inaccurate in the photon-counting

Figure 2.25  Photoreceiver output distributions for a k = 0.2 APD and different combinations of mean primary EHP count and M resulting in an average output count of 200 e−.

Figure 2.26  Photoreceiver output distributions for different values of k and M = 20.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

regime, when a ~ 1 and M  1, and when applied to FAR or bit error rate (BER) calculations involving APDs with k>0.  False alarm rate The standard mathematical treatment of FAR was published by Rice in 1944/45, for waveforms with Gaussian-distributed noise.36 Rice’s method of analysis can be adapted to account for the McIntyre-distributed noise of an APD by using Eqs. (2.237) and (2.238), with N ph = 0, in place of the Gaussian approximation of Pdark(n). Rice’s treatment of FAR was framed in terms of a noisy current waveform, I(t), and its slope, dI/dt = I′(t). The same approach is taken here, followed by a changeof-variables to obtain equivalent expressions in terms of electron count. As before, I(t) and I′(t) are taken to have linear relationships to the amplitude and slope of the voltage waveform into a photoreceiver’s decision circuit. The symbol Ith will be used for the current level corresponding to the detection threshold of the decision circuit, equivalent to nth in Fig. 2.23. A comparator fires once when the waveform at its input rises through its detection threshold, and resets when the waveform dips below the threshold. Detection events therefore correspond to the circumstance that I = Ith and I′>0. The probability densities for the current and its slope are: dP dP ρP (I ) = [A −1 ]; ρ P ( I ′ ) = [A −1 ⋅ s]. dI dI ′


If the random variables for the instantaneous current and its slope are statistically independent, their joint probability density is:

ρ P ( I , I ′ ) = ρ P ( I ) ⋅ ρ P ( I ′ )[A-2 ·s], (2.244) and the temporal probability density of false alarms is: ∞ d FAR = P ( I = I th , I ′ > 0 ) = ∫ dI ′ I ′ ρ P ( I th , I ′ ) [Hz]. 0 dt


The integral over all positive values of slope evaluates the probability that the current waveform is rising when it passes through the detection threshold. Rice’s calculation of FAR assumed that the amplitude and slope of the current waveform are independent Gaussian random variables, for which ρP(I,I′) is the product of two Gaussian distributions:

ρ (2.246) P ( I , I ′ ) = PGaussian ( I ) ⋅ PGaussian ( I ′ ), so that

ρ P ( I th , I ′ ) =

 1  [ I − I ]2 [ I ′ − I ′ ]2   −2 1 + exp  −  th  A ·s]. var( I ′ )   2 π var( I ) var( I ′ )  2  var( I ) (2.247)

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Noting that I ′ = 0 because I would otherwise diverge, substitution of Eq. (2.247) into Eq. (2.245) gives: FARGaussian =

 1 [ I th − I ]2  ∞  I ′2  1 dI I − exp  − exp ′ ′   2 var( I ′ )  ∫ 2 π var( I ) var( I ′ )    2 var( I )  0

 1 [ I th − I ]2  1 var( I ′ ) exp  − =  [Hz]. 2 π var( I ) (2.248)  2 var( I )  From Eq. (2.164): var ( I ) =

∞ 0

df SI RX FA ( f ) ≈ SI RX FA ⋅ BW [A 2 ],



where SI RX FA = 2 q ⋅ M ⋅ F ⋅ I bg + I dark + SI TIA [A 2 Hz −1 ],

(2.249) (2.250)

and q = 1.60217662×10–19 C is the elementary charge, M is the APD’s mean avalanche 2   M − 1  gain, F = M 1 − (1 − k )  is the APD’s excess noise factor, if its gain is not deter M    ministic, k is the APD’s effective ionization rate ratio, I bg = 0.8065544 QE ⋅ M ⋅ λ ⋅ Pbg is the mean background photocurrent in A, assuming a monochromatic optical background, λ is the vacuum wavelength of the background light, in µm, Pbg is the mean optical background power, in watts, I dark = I dp ⋅ M is the APD’s mean dark current in A, I dp is the APD’s mean primary dark current in A, and SI TIA is the TIA’s inputreferred noise current spectral intensity in A2·Hz−1. It can be shown from the Wiener–Khintchine theorem and the definition of SI in Eqs. (2.147)–(2.150) that the variance of the slope of the current waveform is: ∞ 4π2 ∂2 var ( I ′ ) = − 2 RII (τ ) = 4 π 2 ∫ f 2 SI RX FA ( f ) df ≈ BW 3 SI RX FA [A 2 ⋅ Hz 2 ]. (2.251) 0 τ 3 ∂

With these identities for var(I) and var(I′), Eq. (2.248) can be rewritten as:


1 = 2π

4π2 BW 3 ⋅ SI RX FA  1 [ I th − I ]2  BW  1 [ I th − I ]2  3 exp  − exp  − =   [Hz]. SI RX FA ⋅ BW 3  2 var( I )   2 var( I ) 

(2.252) Eq. (2.252) is the standard result for FAR if the noise is Gaussian, which applies to photoreceivers operated without avalanche gain. As Fig. 2.26 shows, Eq. (2.252) can also be a good approximation for photoreceivers assembled from low-noise APDs characterized by k ≈ 0. To calculate FAR for APD photoreceivers characterize by k>0, the joint probability distribution of Eq. (2.247) must be modified by expressing


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

the distribution of the current in terms of Pdark(n). To do this, Eq. (2.203) is used to express the current in terms of nin: q I= nin [A], t DC


where tDC is the photoreceiver’s effective DC current integration time in s, and nin = nAPD + nTIA is the total electron count at the TIA’s input. Since false alarms occur in the absence of a signal, nAPD in this calculation comprises background photocurrent and dark current only. The distribution of the current amplitude is: d t t  ρP (I ) = nin ( I ) P [ nin ( I )] = DC P  nin = DC dI q  q

 I  [A −1 ]. 


Substitution of Eq. (2.254) into Eq. (2.246) results in:  t DC I ′2  ρ P ( I th , I ′ ) = ⋅ Pdark ( nth ) [ A −2 ⋅ s ] , exp  −  2 var( I ′ )  q 2 π var( I ′ ) t where nth = DC I th . q



Multiplication of Eq. (2.255) by 1 = 2 π var( I )/ 2 π var( I ) casts the equation into a form in which the identities of Eqs. (2.249) and (2.251) can be applied, resulting in: ∞

FAR = ∫ dI ′ I ′ ρ P ( I th , I ′ ) 0


t DC q 2 π var( I ′ )


∞  I ′2  Pdark ( nth ) ∫ dI ′ I ′ exp  − 0  2 var( I ′ )  2 π var( I )

var( I ′ ) Pdark ( nth ) var( I )

var( I ) t = DC q⋅ 2π

2 π var( I )


2π t BW DC σ I RX FA ⋅ Pdark ( nth ) [Hz], 3 q

where σ I RX FA = var( I ) = SI RX FA ⋅ BW . Referring to Eq. (2.253), the current noise σI RX FA can also be expressed as a charge noise: 2

 q  var ( I ) =  var nRX FA  t DC 



⇒ σ I RX FA =

q t DC

σ n RX FA ,


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit

where σ n RX FA =

nDC =

t DC q


nDC M ⋅ F + σ n2 TIA ,



+ I dark ,


(2.259) (2.260)

and σn TIA is the TIA’s input-referred noise in electrons. Accordingly, the FAR of an APD photoreceiver can also be written: FAR =

2π BW σ n RX FA ⋅ Pdark ( nth ) [Hz]. 3


Empirical FAR measurements on a photoreceiver assembled from a k=0.2 InGaAs APD and a TIA similar to that described in Table 2.8 are graphed versus detection threshold in Fig. 2.27. Variation of the detection threshold sweeps out the profile of Pdark(n), in which the tail characteristic of the McIntyre distribution can be recognized in the M = 14 data, similar to the k = 0.2 curve in Fig. 2.26. Eq. (2.261) shows that FAR is proportional to BW and to the noise of the receiver in the zero-signal state. The proportionality to BW is the reason Eqs. (2.237) and (2.261) must be used for FAR calculations when k>0, rather than the Gaussian approximation. Typically, range-finding and lidar receivers are operated with FAR on the order of 100 Hz or lower, whereas BW is on the order of tens or hundreds of MHz. To extinguish the FAR from tens of MHz to tens of Hz it is necessary to set nth far in the

Figure 2.27  Empirical FAR measurements of a photoreceiver assembled from a k = 0.2 InGaAs APD and a TIA IC similar to that described in Table 2.8.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

tail of Pdark(n), where the divergence between the true distribution and its Gaussian approximation is more pronounced.  Pulse detection probability The pulse detection probability of a linear-mode APD photoreceiver (PDL) is the compound probability that it is both active when a signal pulse arrives (PAL) and that its response to the signal pulse exceeds the detection threshold (PEL): PDL = PAL ⋅ PEL . (2.262) Similar to Eq. (2.185) for a Geiger-mode photoreceiver, PAL can be found from the FAR using Poisson or exponential statistics and a settling time, tsettle, characteristic of the analog signal chain into the receiver’s comparator: PAL = exp [ − FAR ⋅ t settle ] .


For small signals, tsettle is on the order BW−1 because the waveform into a photoreceiver’s comparator need only recover below its detection threshold to rearm the comparator, rather than settling completely. Since tsettle is on the order of ∼1–10 ns in most photoreceivers designed for range-finding or lidar, and such photoreceivers are usually operated with FAR on the order of 100 Hz or lower, PAL≈1 in most use cases. False alarms are not the only reason a linear-mode photoreceiver might not be active when a signal pulse arrives. PAL is also zero if the receiver is still recovering from an earlier signal return when a new return arrives. Very strong signal returns that saturate a photoreceiver’s analog signal chain can extend settling time to ∼µs, and in multihit lidar, tsettle limits a sensor’s ability to resolve objects that are closely spaced in range. In some lidar scenarios, there are multiple target objects within an individual sensor element’s IFOV, located at different ranges. For example, a sensor might regard a pedestrian in a crosswalk, partially obscured behind the hood of an intervening car, in front of a street lamp, etc. A multihit lidar sensor attempts to detect multiple returns per transmitted laser pulse, potentially locating objects at multiple ranges within its IFOV in a single laser shot. This mode of operation can be more efficient than transmitting multiple sequential laser pulses to find the same objects one at a time. In multihit lidar, tsettle determines the sensor’s ability to resolve objects that are closely spaced in range, which is termed its pulse-pair resolution. The three-order difference between tsettle and tQ is one of the main differentiators between linear- and Geiger-mode APD technology, better suiting linear-mode receivers to multihit lidar, penetration of obscurants, and high-rate optical communications. The probability a linear-mode APD photoreceiver’s response to a signal pulse exceeds its detection threshold is the CCDF of Psignal(n) evaluated at nth: nth

PEL = 1 − ∑ Psignal (n ). n =−∞


Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


In the photon-counting regime, when a ~ 1 and M  1, it is necessary to use Eq. (2.237) rather than the Gaussian approximation to compute PEL. However, in most cases, PEL is not sensitive to the tail of the photoreceiver’s output distribution. Whereas under typical operating conditions the FAR of a photoreceiver comprises events of extremely low probability (∼10−6), differences in PEL smaller than a tenth of a percent are usually regarded as immaterial. The Gaussian approximation of Psignal(n) can usually be used to calculate PEL, in which case the CCDF is:  n − nin  1 PEL = erfc  th , 2  2 σ n in 


2 x dt exp −t 2 is the complementary error function, nth is the π ∫0 input charge level equivalent to the comparator’s detection threshold, nin = nDC + nsig is the mean input charge in the signal condition, nDC is the average input electron count due to DC current sources, given by Eq. (2.260), nsig = QE ⋅ M N ph is the average input electron count per signal pulse, QE is the unity-gain QE of the APD, M is the APD’s mean avalanche gain, N ph is the mean signal photon count per pulse, and σn in is the total charge noise in the signal condition, given by Eq. (2.231).

( )

where erfc( x ) = 1 −  Receiver conversion gain and pulse sensitivity Since the Gaussian distribution is symmetric around its mean, PEL = 50% when nin = nth . This fact is used to empirically measure the product of QE, M, and GTIA that relates an input signal level in photons to the resulting voltage level at the comparator’s input:



∆Vout = GTIA nDC + nsig = VDC + GRX N ph [V], (2.266) where GTIA is the TIA’s conversion gain in volts per electron, nDC is the average input electron count due to DC current sources, given by Eq. (2.260), nsig = QE ⋅ M N ph is the average input electron count per signal pulse, QE is the unity-gain QE of the APD, M is the APD’s mean avalanche gain, N ph is the mean signal photon count per pulse, VDC is the average offset voltage due to the DC current, in volts, and GRX = QE ⋅ M ⋅ GTIA is the receiver’s conversion gain in volts per photon. In a typical measurement, PAL ≈ 1 so that PDL ≈ PEL. Laser pulses of known average photon number are delivered to a photoreceiver and its threshold voltage is adjusted until 50% of transmitted pulses are detected. If the experiment is repeated at a few different signal levels, the linear fit through Vth as a function of N ph gives GRX in volts per photon. Often, nDC  nsig and VDC ≈ 0 so that GRX can be found from measurements at a single signal level. Once GRX is known for a given APD bias and signal pulse shape it can be used to calculate the average signal level at which PDL ≈ PEL = 50% (written Nph50) for any


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 2.28  Empirical optimization of avalanche gain to achieve best sensitivity at a FAR of 60 Hz.

chosen threshold voltage. Nph50 is a measure of pulse sensitivity that can be used to optimize the gain operating point of a linear-mode APD photoreceiver, as has been done in Fig. 2.28. At each reverse bias the detection threshold is adjusted to achieve a FAR of 60 Hz, and the corresponding value of Nph50 is noted. The optimal gain minimizes Nph50, similar to the optimizations of NEP and NEI shown in Fig. 2.19 and 2.21. Receiver pulse sensitivity can also be quantified in terms of the mean signal level required to achieve PDL = 90%, 95%, 99%, etc. at a given FAR. A FAR must be specified along with the pulse sensitivity in photons because for a given value of N ph and a fixed APD gain operating point, every value of the detection threshold determines unique values of FAR and PDL. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.29, which compares parametric plots of Nph95 and FAR computed by varying nth, based on the Pdark(n) distributions of Fig. 2.26, with tsettle = 32 ns. Other parameters used to calculate FAR and Nph95 are tabulated in Table 2.10. Fig. 2.29 is similar in concept to a receiver operating characteristic, which is a plot of the probability of detection (PDL) versus the probability of false alarm (PFA). In order to calculate PDL a signal level must be specified, and calculation of PFA requires that a relevant time period (tFA), such as a range gate, be specified. PFA is the complement of Eq. (2.263) where tFA has been substituted for tsettle.  Bit error rate The BER of a digital optical communications link is defined in terms of overlapping distributions such as those graphed in Fig. 2.23, where Pdark(n) corresponds to the “0” symbol and Psignal(n) represents the “1” symbol.37 Usually the symbols are coded by

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


Figure 2.29  Nph95 versus FAR for the photoreceivers of Table 2.10. Table 2.10  Photoreceiver parameters used to compute FAR and Nph95 in Fig. 2.29. Parameter


k = 0.2

k = 0.4

n DC (e−) M F σn TIA (e−) σn RX FA (e−) BW (MHz) QE (%)

200 20 1.95 189.6 209.2 31 80

200 20 5.56 189.6 241.2 31 80

200 20 9.17 189.6 269.5 31 80

modulating a CW laser, so rather than the “0” symbol truly being a dark condition, its power (Pop 0) is related to the power of the “1” symbol (Pop 1) by: −


10 P , (2.267) op 0 = Pop 1 10

where ER is an extinction ratio in dB. Extinction ratios in the 15–20 dB range are typical of lithium niobate electro-optic modulators of the Mach–Zehnder interferometer type. In communications applications, optical signal power is normally specified on a logarithmic scale relative to 1 mW (dBm), whereas the equations in this book are written in standard units of power (watts). To convert between the two: PWatts = 1mW ⋅ 10

PdBm 10




InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Since the signal levels used in communication systems are measured in units of power rather than photon number, BER is normally analyzed in units of current rather than electron count. This approach works as long as the distribution of the voltage into the photoreceiver’s decision circuit can be approximated as Gaussian and the various simplifying assumption outlined earlier in this section apply. A telecommunications photoreceiver must have sufficient bandwidth to settle between symbols, so unlike range-finding or lidar, most of the signal power is in-band, justifying use of the linear response model. The treatment of current noise is more problematic, since Eq. (2.230) for the current noise is only a good approximation if the symbols last longer than the APD’s maximum impulse response duration. The alternative is to make calculations based on the APD’s stochastic impulse response function, which greatly increases mathematical complexity. As will be seen below, a photoreceiver’s output distribution need not be explicitly calculated if it is assumed to be Gaussian, in which case it is sufficient to calculate the average and standard deviation current for the two symbol values. However, because BER—like FAR—is sensitive to the tail of the photoreceiver’s output distribution, calculations that account for the APD’s McIntyre-distributed output, as in the electron count distribution of Eq. (2.237), give more accurate results. The Shockley–Ramo theorem, Eq. (2.127), allows a rough correspondence to be drawn between electron count and instantaneous current random variables if the junction transit time of the carrier type that takes longest to cross the junction is used to replace tDC in the equations of this section. A bit error occurs when a “0” is sent but the receiver registers a “1,” or when a “1” is sent but the receiver registers a “0.” These outcomes correspond to the shaded false positive and negative areas in Fig. 2.23, with probabilities represented by P(1|0) and P(0|1). P(1|0) is the CCDF of the “0” distribution and P(0|1) is the CDF of the “1” distribution, both evaluated at the decision threshold, nth (or Ith if the problem is expressed in terms of current distributions rather than electron count distributions). The frequency with which “0 and “1” bits occur within a binary sequence must be known to calculate the BER since this determines the weighting of both the error rate and average optical power. If R1 is the rate of occurrence for transmission of “1” and (1−R1) is the rate of occurrence of “0,”’ the BER is: BER = R1 ⋅ P ( 0 1) + (1 − R1 ) P (1 0 ) .


It is common to specify the sensitivity of an optical communications receiver in terms of the average optical signal power required to achieve a benchmark BER (e.g., 10−12) given a benchmark binary sequence (e.g., PRBS23, a pseudorandom 223−1 bit binary sequence). The average power is: Pop = R1 ⋅ Pop 1 + (1 − R1 ) Pop 1 10

ER 10



Often, binary sequences for which R1=0.5 are used, in which case if ER is on the high side (e.g., >15 dB), Pop ≈ 0.5 Pop 1.

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


When the detector is a photodiode without avalanche gain, the output distribution of the photoreceiver is Gaussian, and Eq. (2.265) and its complement apply to P(1|0) and P(0|1). Assuming R1 = 0.5 and Gaussian output distributions, it can be shown that the optimal decision threshold is very close to37: nth


n1 σ n0 + n0 σ n1

σ n0 + σ n1



where n0 and n1 are the random variables for the total electron count at the TIA’s input node when receiving a “0” or “1” symbol. In the case of a photoreceiver with Gaussian-distributed output, if the decision threshold is set as in Eq. (2.271), the BER is37: BER =

 n1 − n0 1 erfc  2  2 σ n0 + σ n1



 . 


If the difference in current noise between Pop1 and Pop0 can be neglected, allowing the approximation σ n ≈ σ n , and if the modulator’s extinction ratio (ER) is large, 0 1 then Eq. (2.272) simplifies to an expression involving the receiver’s SNR, as defined in Eqs. (2.232) and (2.233) 38: 1  SNR  BER ≈ erfc  .  2 2  2


Eq. (2.273) is often used for quick back-of-the-envelope estimates because of its simplicity. BER = 10−9 corresponds to SNR ≈ 12; BER = 10−12 corresponds to SNR ≈ 14. Since Eq. (2.273) is predicated on the dominance of n1 in Eq. (2.272), the sensitivity at a given BER is found by solving for the optical power, Pop1, which results in the specified SNR. Eq. (2.270) is then used to find the corresponding average signal power, which is the sensitivity at that BER. Unfortunately, there are several reasons why Eq. (2.273) is not accurate for APDbased photoreceivers when k>0. First, as discussed previously in the context of FAR, the distribution of the APD’s output is not Gaussian, and divergence of the distribution’s tail from the Gaussian approximation several standard deviations away from its mean can significantly impact P(1|0). Also, the skewness of the APD’s output distribution means that Eq. (2.271) for the optimal decision threshold is less accurate for APD-based photoreceivers than for p–i–n photoreceivers. Further, neglecting the difference in current noise in order to equate σ n0 ≈ σ n1 to simplify the form of Eq. (2.273) is a bad approximation. In practice, the extra signal shot noise when a “1” is being received affects both the optimal decision threshold and the bit error probabilities. A more accurate calculation of BER based on the proper distributions requires directly calculating P(1|0) and P(0|1) as, respectively, the CCDF of the “0” distribution


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

and the CDF of the “1” distribution. For a given optical power level coding a “1” (Pop1) and a given ER, BER depends on the APD’s gain operating point (M) and effective ionization rate ratio (k), as well as the threshold of the decision circuit (nth). To find the BER sensitivity, Pdark(n) and Psignal(n) must be calculated numerically for a fixed value of Pop1, across a range of M values. For each value of M, BER can be calculated as a function of nth. The M value giving the lowest BER is the optimal gain setting for that value of Pop1. In this way, a plot of optimal BER versus average optical signal power can be built up by stepping through values of Pop1, using Eq. (2.270) to convert Pop1 to average power; the average power for which a particular BER is achieved is the receiver’s sensitivity at that BER.

2.4  Red herrings This short section clarifies two potential points of confusion regarding noise in APDs.

2.4.1  Excess noise of a Geiger APD A charge gain can be defined for a Geiger-mode APD photoreceiver based on the total number of electrons transported across its junction in a breakdown event. Since a single primary EHP is responsible for each breakdown event, gain factors may be on the order of a million, depending on the receiver’s quenching circuit. Avalanche breakdown will not terminate unless quenched, so it is the receiver’s quench circuit which ultimately determines the Geiger APD’s charge gain. The quenching action of most receivers is quite regular, so if the mean and variance of the gain factor is measured over many repeated experiments, Eq. (2.117) usually results in an excess noise factor very close to unity. However, whereas the excess noise factor of a linearmode APD is a measure of its sensitivity to signals of varying amplitude, the excess noise factor of a Geiger APD reflects the reproducibility of what is essentially a digital level. Individual Geiger APDs register the presence or absence of a signal by either breaking down or not, and the difference between an APD’s breakdown and quiescent states is so vast that event-to-event variations of the breakdown current are largely immaterial.

2.4.2  Johnson–Nyquist noise and R0A J–N noise from the thermal motion of electrons in a conductor is the dominant source of noise in most circuits, and is also the basis for the R0A figure of merit used to compare imaging photodiode arrays, so many engineers expect J–N noise to play a role in APD sensitivity. Also, some textbooks depict a load resistor bridging the terminals of an APD and provide noise formulas that include the J–N noise of the load resistor. However, APDs that are biased for operation do not have any significant J–N noise, and are invariably used with TIAs rather than load resistors. The key issue is that the mechanism responsible for J–N noise requires a conductor in thermodynamic equilibrium. Imaging photodiode arrays are commonly operated

Avalanche photodiode figures of merit


near zero bias, and when the applied bias is smaller than ∼kBT (roughly 26 mV at room temperature), the junction is sufficiently close to equilibrium for J–N noise to be relevant. Indeed, the parameter R0 used to calculate J–N noise for imaging figures of merit like specific detectivity is the differential resistance of a photodiode junction at zero bias. However, when an APD is reverse-biased at several tens of volts, the junction is very far from equilibrium, and J–N noise does not play a role. If there is a substantial resistance in series with an APD junction, the series resistance may have its own J–N noise, which will modulate the bias across the APD. In an APD photoreceiver, J–N voltage fluctuations across a resistance in series with the APD can inject charge into the TIA’s input, through the capacitance of the APD, creating an additional charge noise component.

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InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

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APD photoreceivers for range-finding and lidar


This chapter addresses two aspects of APD photoreceiver performance specific to time-of-flight (TOF) range-finding and lidar: effective range and range error. A simple radiometric model is used to derive an equation for the effective range inside which average signal return strength will exceed a specified number of photons. The result can be combined with the pulse detection probability calculations of Chapter 2 to find the effective range of APD-based range-finding and lidar systems. The breakdown current pulses of a Geiger-mode APD are easy to time accurately due to their strength and event-to-event uniformity. As such, the range error of Geigermode APD photoreceivers can be adequately modeled in terms of a single value of timing jitter that is typically some hundreds of picoseconds.1,2 In contrast, the range error of linear-mode APD photoreceivers varies with signal return strength and details of the photoreceiver circuit design. The range error of linear-mode TOF APD photoreceivers is analyzed in the second part of this chapter.

3.1  Radiometry and effective range The real-world target objects detected by range-finders and lidar sensors usually have curved or faceted surfaces, and are embedded in scenes cluttered with other objects and surfaces. The reflectivity of a real target object often varies over its surface and exhibits angle-dependent phenomena such as specular highlights. Real objects often have complex shapes that include irregular gaps. However, because these factors change from scene to scene and target to target, and vary with the aspect from which any given scene is regarded, detailed modeling of target complexity is not warranted when analyzing the general performance of a sensor. Instead, models of idealized scenarios are useful for analyzing physical dependencies, and sensor performance is empirically benchmarked against simple standardized targets. The geometry of a simplified TOF range measurement is diagrammed in Fig. 3.1. A laser pulse transmitted by the sensor propagates to a target at range Rtgt in meters, and in the process is attenuated by atmospheric scattering and absorption characterized by atmospheric attenuation coefficient αatm in m−1. The full-angle beam divergence of the laser, φlaser in radians, determines the diameter of the laser spot in the plane normal to the beam. The target surface of area Atgt in m2 is inclined relative to the axis of the beam by the angle of incidence, θi in radians. The portion of the laser pulse intercepted by the target may be scattered back toward the sensor. In the approximation of perfectly diffuse scattering, the target surface’s diffuse reflectivity ρtgt gives the fraction of incident photons which are scattered. Only those photons scattered into the sensor’s receive aperture from the portion of the illuminated target area within a given detector InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 3.1  Geometry of time-of-flight range measurement.

element’s instantaneous field-of-view (IFOV), after atmospheric attenuation along the return path to the sensor, contribute to the signal in that element. The solid angle subtended by the receive aperture depends on the aperture diameter, Dsensor in meters, and the target range; the area on the illuminated target that is viewed by a detector element depends on range and the element’s angular IFOV, θIFOV in radians. Sensors based on single-element detectors typically match the detector element’s angular IFOV, θIFOV, to the laser divergence, φlaser. The optics which determine the detector IFOV are adjusted so that, accounting for achievable alignment tolerances, the laser spot will always be fully visible by the detector, but the angular view of the scene surrounding the target is limited so as to minimize collection of optical background. In most range-finding systems of this configuration, both laser spot and detector IFOV are directed at a single measurement point, whereas in scanned lidar systems, they are rastered over a wider field-of-regard (FOR) to build up a 3D image. In this configuration, a target of fixed size will be underfilled by the laser spot at close range and overfilled at long range. When a target is underfilled, 100% of the laser spot overlaps the target, whereas in the case of an overfilled target, a portion of the laser energy passes the target without being scattered. Unlike the single-element detector configuration just described, the detector IFOV diagrammed in Fig. 3.1 is smaller than the laser beam divergence. This configuration is more typical of a multielement detector in which the pixels of a focal plane array (FPA) simultaneously image pulse returns reflected by different regions on a target illuminated by the same laser spot. In this ‘flash lidar’ configuration, it is the angular field-of-view (FOV) of the entire FPA rather than the IFOV of an individual pixel which is matched to the laser divergence. As a target of fixed size recedes from a sensor of this configuration, progressively fewer pixels span the target. However, the share of the laser spot viewed by those remaining pixels with IFOVs completely spanned by the target remains constant due to the fixed relationship between θIFOV and φlaser. This is analogous to the underfilled case of a single-element detector viewing a target at close range. As with a single-element detector, once the angular size of the target becomes smaller than a pixel IFOV, the last pixel viewing the target views a smaller fraction of the laser spot due to overfilling of the target.

APD photoreceivers for range-finding and lidar


The multielement flash lidar configuration freezes target dynamics because every pixel responds to the same transmitted laser flash, rather than to different flashes transmitted sequentially, as in a scanned system. Formation of an image at the focal plane simplifies data processing, and coverage of a wider FOV with a single multielement sensor can simplify or eliminate the need for optomechanical scanning. However, by its nature, flash lidar requires much higher laser pulse energy than scanned single-element lidar, due to the division of the available signal among multiple detector pixels. Several variations using multielement detectors are possible. A laser spot may be scanned across the fixed FOV of a large-format FPA, illuminating a smaller number of pixel IFOVs per laser shot. This configuration avoids the complexity of scanning the detector FOV while keeping laser pulse energies reasonable. Another alternative is to step both laser spot and the FOV of a small-format FPA across a wider FOR. For example, a fan-beam laser might illuminate the FOV of a large-format linear detector array. If the FOV is wide enough to span the scene along the axis of the array, then only scanning in the cross-axis direction is necessary. Another variation is to step the FOV of a smaller-format FPA across a wider FOR, compositing a small number of flash images to assemble a view of the wider scene. This step-stare configuration may be optomechanically easier to implement than continuous scanning if the number of steps required is small. Among all these multielement configurations, after accounting for division of the laser pulse energy among multiple pixel IFOVs, signal scaling with range can still be classified as equivalent either to the under- or overfilled cases of the single-element detector, for those pixels viewing the target. In the radiometric model below, signal return strength from a target of fixed size is calculated as a function of range. The functional dependence of signal on range is characterized by a near regime in which the target intercepts and scatters the entirety of the laser spot, and a far regime in which a portion of the laser energy passes the target without being scattered. For a transmitted laser pulse energy Etx in Joules, the fluence in the far field of a Gaussian beam is:  2r2  2 Etx −2 (3.1) F = exp spot  − r 2  [J ⋅ m ], 2 π rspot  spot  where r is the radial distance from the beam’s axis in meters, and rspot is the radial distance at which the electric field amplitude falls to 1/e of its value at the axis, given in the far field by:

φ rspot = laser Rtgt [m], (3.2) 2 where φlaser is the full-angle beam divergence of the laser in radians, and Rtgt is the target range in meters. In Eq. (3.2), the chord length 2 rspot is approximated as the arc length φlaser·Rtgt. This approximation, applicable to small angles, is used throughout this section.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

For a Gaussian beam, the fraction of the total laser pulse energy contained within the spot diameter defined by φlaser is (1−e−2)≈0.865, and the fluence varies radially. When ranging a real-world target of complex shape, the variation of fluence across the projected laser spot affects the strength of the return signal based on the spot’s overlap with the target surface, and the variation of reflectivity and angle of incidence across the illuminated portion of the target. However, since only area, average diffuse reflectivity, and a single angle of incidence are specified for the target in the simplified radiometric model of Fig. 3.1, the pulse energy can be treated as entirely contained within the spot diameter, and the fluence treated as uniform across the spot. At the level of detail of the simplified model, the distribution of fluence across the target is subsumed into the average diffuse reflectivity, ρtgt. In practice, factors associated with varying angles of incidence across the target surface could just as easily be lumped into ρtgt too, but θi is retained as a parameter in the model of Fig. 3.1 so that the associated physics can be discussed. The model’s treatment of angle of incidence is primarily valuable for understanding how θi affects signal return strength from a surface that is underfilled by the laser spot. However, its treatment of an overfilled target’s cross section within the laser beam is not very realistic for large values of θi, as it describes a planar surface that could potentially present zero cross section to the beam. In fact, as one surface of a real three-dimensional target body rotates out of the beam, other target surfaces will rotate in. With these approximations, the fluence into the target surface is modeled as: 4 Etx −2 Ftgt ≈ (3.3) 2 exp(−α atm ⋅ Rtgt ) cos(θ i ) [J ⋅ m ], π φlaser ⋅ Rtgt



where αatm is the atmospheric attenuation coefficient in m−1. In Eq. (3.3) the first term is simply the transmitted energy divided by the area of the laser spot in the plane normal to the beam axis. The exponential factor accounts for atmospheric attenuation, and the cosine factor gives the vector component of the fluence along the beam axis that is directed into the target surface. The atmospheric attenuation coefficient αatm represents several independent scattering and absorption processes, and varies with local conditions such as rain, humidity, and the density and size distribution of aerosols, as well as with optical wavelength. Across the short-wavelength infrared waveband over which InGaAs sensors are responsive, from about 950–1750 nm, water vapor increases attenuation at molecular absorption lines clustered around 936–964, 1113–1159, 1266, and 1317–1476 nm; absorption is strongest in the band from 1355 to 1420 nm. Range-finding and lidar sensors generally operate at wavelengths which avoid these molecular absorption lines, in which case Mie scattering from aerosols—or scattering from raindrops, if present—dominate. The wavelength-dependent atmospheric attenuation coefficient due to aerosols can be modeled as3: − Satm

3.91  λ  (3.4) α aerosol = [m −1 ],   Vatm  550 nm 

APD photoreceivers for range-finding and lidar


Table 3.1  Visibility, aerosol size parameter, and attenuation at 1550 nm. IVC designation

Visibility (Vatm)


αaerosol (km−1)

Dense fog Thick fog Moderate fog Light fog Thin fog Haze Light haze

0–50 m 50–200 m 200–500 m 500–1000 m 1–2 km 2–4 km 4–10 km

∞–78.2 78.2–19.6 19.6–7.8 7.8–2.3 2.3–1.0 1.0–0.35 0.35–0.10

Clear Very clear Exceptionally clear

10–20 km 20–50 km >50 km

0 0 0 Vatm/km – 0.5 0.16 Vatm/km + 0.34 0.16 Vatm/km + 0.34 0.16 Vatm/km + 0.34, Vatm≤6 km 1.3, Vatm>6 km 1.3 1.3 1.6

0.10–0.05 0.05–0.02 Rco, then the effective range of an overfilled target, Reff OF, must be calculated using Eq. (3.24) or Eq. (3.25). The range at which the average signal return is Nsignal = 500 photons, for the scenario of Table 3.3, is plotted in Fig. 3.4 as a function of the atmospheric attenuation coefficient, αatm. When attenuation is strong, the effective range is short, and Eq. (3.22) for

Figure 3.4  Effective range versus atmospheric attenuation coefficient.

APD photoreceivers for range-finding and lidar


the underfilled case gives the solution; when attenuation is weak, the effective range extends beyond the crossover point, and Eq. (3.24) for an overfilled target applies. In Fig. 3.4, curves for Reff UF and Reff OF are continued as dashed lines into regimes where they are inapplicable, in order to better illustrate the crossover point, which occurs in this scenario for an attenuation coefficient of αatm=2.98 km−1. When the equation for an overfilled target is misapplied to the domain αatm>2.98 km−1, a spuriously large effective range is obtained because a fluence calculated from a laser spot size that is smaller than the target is multiplied by the target area. Similarly, when the equation for an underfilled target is misapplied to the domain αatm0 °C)

Value over ice (T≤0 °C)

β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 β7

7.2×10−4 3.2×10−8 Pa−1 5.9×10−12 Pa−1 °C−2 611.21 Pa 18.678 234.5 °C 257.14 °C

2.2×10−4 3.83×10−8 Pa−1 6.4×10−12 Pa−1 °C−2 611.15 Pa 23.036 333.7 °C 279.82 °C

Figure 3.30  Change in refractive index of air with temperature and relative humidity, at a fixed pressure of 1 atmosphere, relative to nr air at 20 °C and 10% humidity.

dex as a function of atmospheric pressure at a fixed humidity of 10%, spanning a range of pressure that roughly corresponds to elevations between sea level and 14,000 ft. It should be remembered that cooler air temperature generally accompanies higher elevation, but Fig. 3.31 shows that refractive index is likely to vary by several tens of

APD photoreceivers for range-finding and lidar


Figure 3.31  Change in refractive index of air with temperature and air pressure, at a fixed humidity of 10%, relative to nr air at 20 °C and 1 atmosphere.

ppm with terrestrial elevation—and significantly more over the range of temperature and altitude relevant to aircraft.

References 1. M.A. Itzler, M. Entwistle, X. Jiang, M. Owens, K. Slomkowski, and S. Rangwala, GeigerMode APD Single-Photon Cameras for 3D Laser Radar Imaging. In 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2014. DOI:10.1109/AERO.2014.6836476. 2. Aull, B. F.; Duerr, E. K.; Frechette, J. P.; McIntosh, K. A.; Schuette, D. R.; Younger, R. D. Large-Format Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiode Arrays and Readout Circuits. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 2018, 24, 3800510. 3. Kim, I. I.; McArthur, B.; Korevaar, E. J. Comparison of Laser Beam Propagation at 785 nm and 1550 nm in Fog And Haze For Optical Wireless Communications. Proc. SPIE 2001, 4214doi: 10.1117/12.417512. 4. Olsen, R. L.; Rogers, D. V.; Hodge, D. B. The aRb Relation in the Calculation of Rain Attenuation. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 1978, AP-26, 318–329. 5. Sabatini, R.; Richardson, M. A. Airborne Laser Systems Testing and Analysis. In Flight Test Techniques Series: RTO AGARDograph 300. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD): Neuilly sur Seine, France, 2010; Vol. 300. 6. Burr-Brown Corporation. Noise Analysis of FET Transimpedance Amplifiers; Burr-Brown Corporation: Tucson, AZ, 1994. 7. Birch, K. P.; Downs, M. J. Correction to the Updated Edlén Equation for the Refractive Index of Air. Metrologia 1994, 31, 315–316. 8. Buck, A. L. New Equations for Computing Vapor Pressure and Enhancement Factor. J. Appl. Meteorol. 1981, 20, 1527–1532. 9. Buck Research Instruments, LLC. Model CR-1A Hygrometer with Autofill Operating Manual; Buck Research Instruments, LLC: Boulder, CO, 2010.

Linear-mode InGaAs APD design and manufacture


InGaAs photodetectors are used in fiber-optic communications to take advantage of the dispersion and loss minima of silica fibers near 1310 and 1550 nm. Linear-mode InGaAs APDs were originally developed to improve telecom receiver sensitivity, but avalanche gain increases an APD’s impulse response duration relative to that of a gainless p–i–n photodiode of the same junction width. As data transmission rates increased over the decades, optical amplification in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers enabled faster links than those relying on photocurrent amplification in APDs. Despite this, InGaAs APDs continue to be used for communications—particularly in applications where the size, weight, power consumption, and cost of fiber amplifiers are prohibitive, or the optical signal is freely propagating and challenging to couple into a fiber. In recent years, active sensing at “eye-safe” wavelengths longer than 1.4 µm has emerged as another major application of linear-mode InGaAs APDs. Optical signals beyond about 1.4 µm are strongly absorbed in the cornea and lens of the eye, so the incident energy is absorbed across a broad area on the front surface of the eye, rather than being focused onto a small spot on the retina. Lasers that emit at λ >1.4 µm can transmit orders of magnitude higher optical power without creating an ocular hazard, compared to visible or near infrared lasers with emission lines shorter than 1.4 µm. Universal goals of APD design include high quantum efficiency (QE) and responsivity (RespAPD), low dark current (Idark) and excess noise factor (F), and short impulse response duration (τAPD). QE depends on APD structure in a straightforward way, as presented in Chapter 1: ensure that most of the optical signal is absorbed, and that it is absorbed in the APD’s depletion region, and QE will be high. If QE is high, then operating the APD are high mean avalanche gain (M) results in high responsivity. Similarly, Chapter 1 shows that dark current will be low if the APD junction’s area is small, the Shockley–Read–Hall generation rate is low in the depleted volume (principally a question of material purity and surface passivation), and if the APD’s charge layer is sized appropriately to avoid tunneling in the APD’s absorber. However, as seen in Chapters 1 and 2, τAPD and F both increase with M, and there are tradeoffs between speed, gain, and absorber thickness which affect QE, responsivity and the ease of optical coupling. Linear-mode InGaAs APD design primarily concerns minimizing the ionization rate ratio (k) to make F a weaker function of M, and matching the tradeoff between speed and optical characteristics to a particular application. Beyond this, manufacturability and reliability are APD design goals. This chapter revisits the relationships between linear-mode APD structure, QE, and τAPD that were introduced in Chapter 1, providing further detail on the optical and impact ionization models used for APD design calculations. Examples are used to illustrate the tradeoff between speed and absorber thickness, and basic principles of InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

low-noise multiplier design are presented. Manufacture of linear-mode InGaAs APDs is also discussed.

4.1  Linear-mode InGaAs APD design 4.1.1 Models Semiconductor devices are normally simulated using software that numerically solves the coupled electromagnetic, current continuity, and transport equations governing charges in a semiconductor. Modern simulation programs integrate sophisticated quantum mechanical, optical, and thermal models with the underlying electrical model and support timedependent multiphysics simulations of complex three-dimensional device structures. Atlas published by Silvaco, Sentaurus Device from Synopsys, APSYS from Crosslight, and DEVICE from Lumerical are among the software packages commercially available to semiconductor device designers. When investment in an expensive software license is not a good option, the freeware program SimWindows by David W. Winston provides a flexible and user-friendly alternative capable of one-dimensional simulations. Standard device simulators compute averages—average current, average impulse response, etc.—so investigation of impact ionization statistics requires supplementary tools. The one-dimensional simulations presented in this book were performed in two steps. First, a standard device simulator was used to compute the electric field profile inside the APD structure under a given reverse bias. The second, nonstandard simulation was performed in Wolfram Mathematica, but can be implemented in any programming language. Carrier dead spaces and local impact ionization rates were calculated from the electric field profile, and the transfer matrix method (TMM) was used to compute the distribution of electron–hole pair (EHP) generation inside the APD caused by absorption of an optical signal. The spatial distribution of primary EHPs was then used to seed a Monte Carlo model of the motion of individual carriers through the APD junction, including generation of new carriers by impact ionization. Gain and impulse response statistics were then computed directly from large samples of Monte Carlo trials. The optical and impact ionization models are described below.  Optical TMM The TMM is widely used to solve one-dimensional wave equations with solutions that are piecewise complex exponential. Applications include modeling optical fields in dielectric stacks comprising sequential layers with homogeneous complex refractive indexes,1,2 and quantum states in step potentials.3 For an optical TMM calculation, a dielectric stack is discretized into layers, each characterized by a homogeneous complex refractive index. If the layer indexed by j has real and imaginary refractive indexes nr,j and kr,j the complex refractive index of layer j is: n j = nr , j + i ⋅ k r , j . (4.1)

Linear-mode InGaAs APD design and manufacture


The imaginary refractive index kr is related to the optical absorption coefficient by:

λ ⋅ α op kr = , (4.2) 4π where λ is the vacuum wavelength of the optical signal in meters, and αop is the optical absorption coefficient in m−1. In a one-dimensional model, optical field reflection and transmission coefficients at an interface in a dielectric stack can be calculated from the step in the complex refractive index using the Fresnel equations for the case of normal incidence. For an optical wave propagating from layer j to layer j + 1, the field reflection and transmission coefficients are: n j − n j +1 rj → j +1 = , (4.3) n j + n j +1 and 2 nj t j → j +1 = . (4.4) n j + n j +1 At a given displacement x along the axis of the dielectric stack, the complex electric field amplitude associated with the optical wave, Fo, is the sum of forward- and backward-propagating components, Fo+(x) and Fo−(x), which can be represented by a column vector:  F + (x)  o   V·m −1  , Fo ( x ) = Fo+ ( x ) + Fo− ( x ) ⇒ Fo ( x ) ≡  − (4.5)  Fo ( x )   where Fo+(x) and Fo−(x) are in units of V·m−1. Note that in Eq. (4.5) and subsequent equations, the vector Fo(x) is written in the basis of forward- and backward-propagating electric fields, rather than in a basis of orthogonal directions in space. This is potentially confusing because the electric field polarization of an optical wave is usually important for calculations, so it is common to assume that a vector representing an optical field gives its polarization. However, the electric field’s polarization does not factor into one-dimensional calculations (for instance, reflection and transmission at normal incidence), and only the square magnitude of the optical field, |Fo|2, is used in Eqs. (A.114) and (A.115) of the Appendix and in Eq. (1.22) of Chapter 1. Although the light wave is assumed to have a polarization, it is not explicitly represented by Fo(x), and the square magnitude of the electric field at coordinate x is: 2


Fo ( x ) = Fo+ ( x ) + Fo− ( x ) V2 ·m −2  . (4.6) Matrixes can be used to represent how Fo(x) changes as x advances across one of the optically homogeneous layers of the dielectric stack (the propagation matrix


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Figure 4.1  Coordinate system within layer j of a multilayer dielectric stack.

PTMM) or crosses an interface between layers (the interface matrix ITMM). If dj and wj respectively represent the displacement of layer j’s far edge from the origin and the width of that layer (Fig. 4.1), then when x is located within layer j, the value of Fo(x) is: Fo ( x ) = PTMM ( x ) ⋅ Fo (d −j ) [V·m −1 ], (4.7) where



  0 exp  −i ⋅ β op, j d j − x   , PTMM ( x ) ≡  (4.8)    0 exp i ⋅ β op, j d j − x    



and the complex wavenumber βop,j is: 2π β op, j = n j  m −1  . (4.9) λ In Eqs. (4.7) and (4.8) the minus sign superscript on the coordinate dj – as in Fo+(dj–) and Fo–(dj–)—indicates that the field amplitudes are evaluated on the j side of the interface between layers j and j + 1. For the special case in which a wave propagates all the way across layer j, the quantity (dj−x) is replaced by wj in the exponential functions of Eq. (4.8), and the symbol PTMM,j is used for brevity. At the interface between layers j and j + 1, Fo(x) changes discontinuously due to partial reflection if nj≠nj+1. Writing dj− when the interface between layers j and j + 1 is approached from the j side, and dj+ when it is approached from the j + 1 side, the field components on either side of the interface are related by: Fo (d −j ) = I TMM, j ⋅ Fo (d +j )  V·m −1  , (4.10)

Linear-mode InGaAs APD design and manufacture


Figure 4.2  A complete multilayer dielectric stack.

where rj → j +1  1  1  . I TMM, j ≡ (4.11) 1  t j → j +1  rj → j +1 The electric field components at either end of a complex dielectric stack are related by an overall transfer matrix that is assembled by sequential multiplication of PTMM and ITMM matrixes corresponding to the intervening layers. The media in which either end of a dielectric stack terminates are treated as semiinfinite layers, represented by ITMM matrixes for the interfaces between stack and media. For a stack discretized into N layers, let j = 0 index the special layer representing the medium in which the leading edge of the stack terminates, and j = N + 1 index the special layer in which the trailing edge of the stack terminates (Fig. 4.2). The transfer matrix relating the field components just inside the media on either side of the stack is: Fo (0 − ) = TTMM ⋅ Fo ( xw+ ) [V·m −1 ], (4.12) where N



TTMM ≡ I TMM,0 ⋅ ∏ PTMM, j ⋅ I TMM, j . (4.13) j =1

In Eq. (4.13) the product operator Π represents sequential matrix multiplication. The average optical power per unit area at any point in the dielectric stack is given by the magnitude of the Poynting vector: 1 1 2 (4.14) S( x ) = Fo ( x ) × H*o ( x ) = n( x ) ⋅ c ⋅ ε 0 Fo ( x ) [W·m −2 ], 2 2 where Ho(x) is the magnetic component of the optical field at coordinate x, of magnitude in A·m–1, n(x) is the complex refractive index at coordinate x, c = 2.99792458 × 108 m·s−1 is the speed of light in vacuum, and ε0 = 8.8541878128 × 10–12 F·m−1 is the vacuum permittivity.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Eq. (4.14) can be used to find the power associated with the forward- and backward-propagating optical field components in a dielectric stack, from which optical power reflection and transmission coefficients can be computed. If the optical signal is incident from the left with field amplitude Fo+(0–) and there is no optical power incident from the right side of the stack, the reflected field is Fo–(0–), and the optical power reflection coefficient from the left side of the stack is: 1 − − − 2 2 2 S − (0 − ) 2 n(0 ) ⋅ c ⋅ ε 0 Fo (0 ) Fo− (0 − ) Fo− (0 − ) (4.15) = = , Rop = + − = 2 Fo+ (0 − ) S (0 ) 1 n(0 − ) ⋅ c ⋅ ε F + (0 − ) 2 Fo+ (0 − ) 0 o 2 where the minus and plus superscripts on |S–(x)| and |S+(x)| respectively indicate that the Poynting vector magnitude is calculated for only one of the field components present at x. Similarly, absent any signal incident from the right, the optical power transmission coefficient from the left side of the stack is: 1 + + + 2 2 S + ( xw+ ) 2 n( xw ) ⋅ c ⋅ ε 0 Fo ( xw ) n( xw+ ) Fo+ ( xw+ ) (4.16) = ⋅ . Top = + − = − + − S (0 ) 1 n(0 − ) ⋅ c ⋅ ε F + (0 − ) 2 n(0 ) Fo (0 ) 0 o 2 To calculate Rop and Top it is helpful to write out Eq. (4.12) in long form: Fo+ (0 − ) = T11 ⋅ Fo+ ( xw+ ) + T12 ⋅ Fo− ( xw+ ) [V·m −1 ], (4.17) and Fo− (0 − ) = T21 ⋅ F0+ ( xw+ ) + T22 ⋅ Fo− ( xw+ ) [V·m −1 ], (4.18) where  T11 T12  TTMM =  (4.19) .  T21 T22  Since Fo–(xw+) = 0 when there is no signal incident from the right, the optical power reflection and transmission coefficients from the left side of the stack is: 2



F − (0 − ) T ⋅ F + (x+ ) T Rop = o+ − = 21 o+ w+ = 21 , (4.20) Fo (0 ) T11 ⋅ Fo ( xw ) T11

Linear-mode InGaAs APD design and manufacture


Figure 4.3  Partition of a transfer matrix into left and right sides.

and 2



n( xw+ ) Fo+ ( xw+ ) n( xw+ ) Fo+ ( xw+ ) n( xw+ ) 1 (4.21) Top = ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅ . n(0 − ) T11 n(0 − ) Fo+ (0 − ) n(0 − ) Fo+ (0 − ) The electric field at an arbitrary location within a dielectric stack is calculated from transfer matrixes defined to the left and right (TL and TR) of that location (Fig. 4.3). Expressions for the field components at x = 0, x, and xw are calculated from TL and TR using Eq. (4.12), treating the plane at x as the trailing edge of the left-hand stack and the leading edge of the right-hand stack: Fo (0 − ) = TL ⋅ Fo ( x ) [V·m −1 ], (4.22) and Fo ( x ) = TR ⋅ Fo ( xw+ ) [V·m -1 ]. (4.23) If the dielectric stack is a detector illuminated from the left, one can set Fo–(xw+) = 0 and use Eq. (4.23) to write the forward-propagating field amplitude at x: Fo+ ( x ) = TR11 ⋅ Fo+ ( xw+ ) [V·m −1 ]. (4.24) The transfer matrix for the complete stack, TTMM = TL·TR, relates the incident field amplitude to Fo+(xw+): Fo+ (0 − ) = T11 ⋅ Fo+ ( xw+ ) [V·m −1 ]. (4.25) Using Eq. (4.25) to replace Fo+(xw+) in Eq. (4.24) gives: T (4.26) Fo+ ( x ) = R11 Fo+ (0 − ) [V·m −1 ]. T11


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

The backward-propagating field component at x is: T Fo− ( x ) = TR 21 ⋅ Fo+ ( xw+ ) = R 21 Fo+ ( x ) [V·m −1 ]. (4.27) TR11 A computer program that generates TTMM and TR for any choice of x in an arbitrary detector structure can be used in conjunction with Eqs. (4.5), (4.6), (4.26), and (4.27) to find Fo(x) inside the detector. The spatial pattern of photocarrier generation can then be found using Eqs. (1.22)–(1.24) from Chapter 1.  Monte Carlo implementation of DSMT Impact ionization models vary in complexity depending upon the level of detail with which they treat the dynamics of individual carriers. Full-band Monte Carlo models are the most complex, attempting to embody the physics of hot carrier transport with maximal fidelity.4–9 They track the energies and momenta of individual carriers and account for scattering between states throughout the semiconductor’s electronic and vibrational band structures. Scattering rates are often computed from first principles, like the transition rate equations in the Appendix. However, for all their rigor, such calculations are computationally expensive and are sensitive to band structure details which are not known with great empirical precision for some semiconductors. Monte Carlo simulation of hot carrier transport can be simplified in a variety of ways.10–12 For instance, some models restrict calculations to electronic states in the vicinity of the valence band maximum and a handful of conduction band valleys where the density of states is high and analytic dispersion relations can be used. The use of analytic transition rate models is also common. At the other end of the spectrum of complexity, standard device simulators generally incorporate a term for impact ionization in their carrier generation rate model which is proportional to the product of the local electron and hole current densities and ionization rate coefficients:13



1 Gii = α ii J n + β ii J p [m −3 ·s −1 ], (4.28) q where q = 1.60217662 × 10-19 C is the elementary charge, αii and βii are local electron and hole impact ionization coefficients in units of m−1, found from Eq. (A.144) and Table A9 of the Appendix, and Jn and Jp are local electron and hole current densities of magnitude in A·m−2. Eq. (4.28) enables device simulators to calculate average currents in an APD, but not current statistics (noise). On the other hand, Monte Carlo simulation of hot carrier transport—even when simplified by analytic approximations—is more involved than convenient for practical device design calculations. The dead space multiplication theory (DSMT) of Saleh et al.14–16 provides a physical model that represents the nonlocal nature of impact ionization with minimal complexity, albeit without the physical precision of a full-band Monte Carlo model. The DSMT is described more fully in the Appendix, but the basic idea is that electrons and holes which initially carry no accumulated kinetic energy must travel through

Linear-mode InGaAs APD design and manufacture


a minimum displacement in an electric field – their respective dead spaces— before they become active and are able to trigger impact ionization. One therefore needs to consider the prior history of a carrier to determine whether it presently carries enough kinetic energy to ionize. The simplifying assumption is made that all carriers emerging from an impact ionization event (the primary carrier and both secondaries) have zero accumulated kinetic energy, and between ionization events, carriers accumulate kinetic energy without interruption as they displace in the applied electric field. These simplifications are not physically accurate, but they represent enough of the physics to align well with empirical measurements after calibration. Rather than attempting to model momentum- and energy-dependent scattering rates, or to track the changing energy and momentum of individual carriers as they scatter between ionization events, all carrier–phonon and carrier–carrier interactions are lumped into two empirically calibrated averages. Effective ionization threshold energies are defined as the average energy accumulated by carriers of a given type prior to impact ionization, and average ionization rates for active carriers are used to express the spatial probability density that a carrier of a given type will impact-ionize within an infinitesimal displacement along its path of travel. A third average parameter—the energy relaxation length—was added to the DSMT in recent years to account for the loss of accumulated kinetic energy by an active carrier traveling through a weak-field region of a device.17 The energy relaxation length in bulk GaAs is about 50 nm,18 and is assumed to be on the same order in related compound semiconductors like InP, InGaAs, and InAlAs. In the simplified framework of the DSMT, an active carrier’s dead space resets if it travels more than the relaxation length through a region in which the electric field is weak – i.e. a region in which that carrier type’s impact ionization rate is negligible as calculated using Eq. (A.144) and the parameters in Table A.9 of the Appendix. The DSMT was originally framed in terms of recurrence relations involving probability density functions which were solved numerically. However, the same physical premises can be embodied in a Monte Carlo model, which is the approach taken by this book. The overall simulation procedure is as follows: 1. Obtain the electric field profile (FA,j) inside an APD at a given reverse bias using a standard device simulator. 2. Calculate impact ionization probability (Pie,j and Pih,j) and dead space (de,j and dh,j) profiles using Eqs. (1.14) and (1.18) from Chapter 1 along with Eq. (A.144) and Table A.9 from the Appendix, based on the electric field profile. 3. Calculate the profile of primary EHP generation (Pabs,j·ηi,j) using the TMM and Eqs. (1.24) and (1.33) from Chapter 1. 4. Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of impact ionization based on the dead space and impact ionization probability profiles, using the primary EHP generation profile as the spatial distribution of initiating EHPs. 5. Compute gain and impulse response statistics from the Monte Carlo trials and use Eq. (2.117) for the excess noise factor.

Pseudocode for calculating dead space profiles was previously given in Table 1.2 of Chapter 1, and application of the TMM is explained above. Use of the referenced equations is explained in their respective chapters. Pseudocode for a recursive function that implements the physical assumptions of the DSMT in the Monte Carlo simulation of Step #4 is presented in Table 4.1.


InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Ranging and Lidar

Table 4.1  Pseudocode for the function EHP(i,j,tin) which simulates impact ionization following EHP injection in element j at time tin for Monte Carlo trial i. Pseudocode


rde++; rdh ++;

rde and rdh track the recursive depth of the function and are used to index stored data about particular electrons and holes; they are incremented each time the function is called te tracks the travel time of an electron during an instance of the function; j is the element in which the EHP was injected and de,j—given by the electron dead space profile—is either the element in which an electron injected at j first becomes active or is the edge of the cathode if j is too close to the cathode for the electron to become active before it leaves the junction; te is initialized as the travel time between j and de,j if it drifts at the electron saturation drift velocity (vse) k tracks where the electron is in the discretized APD structure and is initialized at de,j; jcath is the element at which an electron leaves the APD junction, so this loop propagates an electron through the structure until it leaves the junction FA,k is the applied field strength in element k (from the field profile) and FC is the field strength below which carrier energy relaxation is possible wwf is the cumulative distance traveled in a weak-field region and jwf is the element in which the weak-field region starts

LET te=(xde,j−xj)/vse

FOR k=de,j; k