Comprehensive dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations of institutions and organizations / Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen: Volume 5 MS - Pcz 9783110957969, 9783598241550

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English Pages 362 [364] Year 2001

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Comprehensive dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations of institutions and organizations / Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen: Volume 5 MS - Pcz
 9783110957969, 9783598241550

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P - Pcz

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Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations Compiled by Michael Peschke

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke

Vol 5 / Band 5

Ms - Pcz

K · G-Säur München 2001

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Peschke, Michael: Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations = Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen / bearb. von Michael Peschke. - München : Säur ISBN3-598-24150-X Bd. S.Ms-Pcz. -2001 ISBN 3-598-24155-0

Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier/ Printed on acid-free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G. Säur Verlag GmbH, München 2001 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Datenerfassung und Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, data preparation and automatic data processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck / Printed by Strauss Offsetdruck, Mörlenbach Binden / Bound by Buchbinderei Schaumann, Darmstadt No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher ISBN 3-598-24150-X (Set)

Contents / Inhalt



Vorwort VIII


Volume 5 / Band 5

Ms - Pcz



The trend towards ever increasing globalization has resulted in radical changes at all levels which have affected political, social, and technological developments equally. New organizations are being created world-wide, whereas others have become obsolete and disappeared from view. With the rise of new institutions, new communication forms and organizational structures are being developed. In this context it is primarily the Internet which has contributed to these changes and increased the speed of exchanging information. International networks and so-called user groups are providing more and more information for both experts and laypersons, resulting in a virtual flood of information. The computer world especially tends to use abbreviations and is continually coining new "information hieroglyphics" as a way of speeding up communication. The „ Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations", which is presently being compiled, is a comprehensive reference work containing 14 volumes. It records the abbreviations with their complete forms and in a second listing the entry is reversed. With over 720,000 abbreviations the planned edition will document in full the present development. A wide range of subjects and areas have been drawn upon to create the data bank. Everyday expressions and similar forms are included as well as official forms. Old abbreviations that are still valid are also listed. Information from a wide variety of sources has been collated, for example: web sites, statutes, journals of organizations, year-books, printed material of every kind published by international and national institutions, organizations, societies, companies, associations, public institutions and facilities, etc.

The spelling of abbreviations are varied sometimes with, sometimes without a full stop. As far as possible they have been standardized. Further information on the entry form is listed below: 1.

1. 1. 1.2.

2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.



The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. A, se, c, ä, ö, ü are arranged lexically. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - ( ) [ ] " ° & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Styles of type are used as follows: boldface for the abbreviation italics for the language code plain for the remaining text Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation or meaning protruding to the left), the meanings or abbreviation are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. Each abbreviation meaning is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. VII

3.3. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). 3.4. Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that

can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling

Evaluated Subject Areas Agencies Associations Authorities Banks Boards Bureaus Clubs Colleges Committees Communities Companies Confederation Congregations Congresses Corporations Establishments Exhibitions Fairs Federations

Firms Foundations Guilds Institutes Institutions Lodges Military Organization Networks News Agencies Offices Orders Organizations Political Parties Projects Schools Societies Trusts Unions Universities


Language Codes A a al b c ch d e eo es F f g H h i id ir in is j

Afrikaans Danish Albanian Bulgarian Czech Chinese German English Esperanto Estonian Finnish French Greek Hungarian Hebrew Italian Indian Irish Indonesian Icelandic Japanese

Berlin, June 2001


ko kr 1 le li ma N n P P ph R r ru S s se sk U z

Korean Croatian Latin Latvian Lithanian Malayan Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Philippine Russian Swedish Romanian Slowenian Spanish Serbian Slovakian Ukrainian Turkish

Michael Peschke


Die mit Riesenschritten fortschreitende Globalisierung zieht auf allen Ebenen radikale Veränderungen nach sich. Dies wirkt sich auf politische, gesellschaftliche wie auch technologische Entwicklungen gleichermaßen aus. Weltweit entstehen neue Organisationen und wiederum andere werden obsolet und verschwinden von der Bildfläche. Mit der Entstehung neuer Institutionen entstehen auch neue Kommunikationsformen und Organisationsstrukturen. Am allermeisten hat in diesem Zusammenhang das Internet zur Veränderung der Erscheinungsformen beigetragen und den Informationsaustausch schneller gemacht. Internationale Netzwerke und sogenannte User-Gruppen bereichern die internationale Fachwelt mit immer neuen Erkenntnissen und einer wahren Informationsflut. Gerade die Computerwelt neigt dazu, sich in Abkürzungen und permanent neu entstehenden "InformationsHieroglyfen" möglichst kurz zu fassen. Das jetzt entstehende "Große Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen", ist mit 14 Bände sehr ausführlich angelegt. Es verzeichnet in zwei Sortierungen jeweils die Abkürzung mit Ihrer Entsprechung sowie die umgedrehte sogenannte "reversed edition". Mit über 720.000 Abkürzungen trägt die geplante Ausgabe der rasanten Entwicklung Rechnung. So werden aus den unterschiedlichsten Lebens- und Fachbereichen weltweit Informationen ausgewertet und in einer Abkürzungsdatenbank aufgenommen und ausgewertet. Alltagssprachliche und sonst gebräuchliche Formen finden ebenso Berücksichtigung wie offizielle Versionen. Ältere Abkürzungen, die nach wie vor ihre Gültigkeit haben, werden ebenfalls aufgenommen. Dabei wurden Informationen aus vielfältigsten Quellen berücksichtigt, wie z.B.: Webseiten, Statuten, Verbands-

zeitschriften, Jahrbücher, Publikationen aller Art von internationalen und nationalen Institutionen und Organisationen, Vereinigungen, Firmen, Verbände, öffentlichen Einrichtungen u.v.a. Die Schreibweisen von Abbreviaturen sind vielfältig - mit und ohne Punkt. Sie wurden soweit als möglich vereinheitlicht, und weitere technische Hinweise entnehmen Sie den nachfolgenden Spezifizierungen: 1.


l .2.

2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.

3.1. 3.2.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, se, 5, ä, ö, ü werden lexikalisch eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] ' ° & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. Römische Zahlen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: halbfett für die Abkürzung kursiv für das Sprachkürzel Grundschrift für den übrigen Text Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung oder Bedeutung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen oder Abkürzungen a) nach der Sprache, b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung oder Bedeutung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem Sprachkürzel verweist auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. IX

Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.


Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden Klammern (). 3.4. Eckige Klammern [] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammern mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein


Ausgewertete Sachgebiete Ämter Agenturen Anstalten Ausschüsse Ausstellungen Banken

Behörden Bünde Büros Firmen Föderationen Gemeinschaften Genossenschaften Gesellschaften Hochschulen Institute Institutionen Klubs Körperschaften Konferenzen

Kongregationen Kongresse Logen Luftverkehrsunternehmen Messen Militärische Dienststellen, Verbände und Einheiten Nachrichtenagenturen Netzwerke Orden Organisationen Parteien Projekte Schulen Stiftungen Tagungen Unionen Universitäten Verbände Vereine Vereinigungen usw.

A a al b c ch d e eo es F f g H

h i id ir in is j

afrikaans dänisch albanisch bulgarisch tschechisch chinesisch deutsch englisch Esperanto estnisch finnisch französisch griechisch ungarisch hebräisch italienisch indisch irisch indonesisch isländisch japanisch

Berlin, Juni 2001

ko kr 1 le li ma N n P P ph R r ru S s se sk U z

koreanisch kroatisch lateinisch lettisch litauisch malaiisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesisch philippinisch russisch schwedisch rumänisch slowenisch spanisch serbisch slowakisch ukrainisch türkisch

Michael Peschke

Ms - Pcz


Ms-Mz MS c: Ministerstvo Spoju - d: Medizinsoziologie - d: Mittelschule - d: Motorschiff - d: Munchener Sezession - d: Muttersprache. Zeitschrift des deutschen Sprachvereins - e: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Department of the Navy - e: Machine Screw - e: Magnetic Susceptibility - e: Main Sequence - e: Main Station - e: Maintenance State - e: Male Servant - e: Man System - e: Management Services - e: Management Staff - e: Management Standards - e: Management Systems - e: Mandala Society - e: Manuscript - e: Manuscript Society - e: Margin of Safety - e: Marine Surveyor - e: Marketing Society - e: Marquandia Society - e: Massachusetts State College - e: Master of Science - e: Master of Surgery - e: Master Sergeant - e: Material Specification - e: Materials Science - e: McCrory Corporation - e: Measurement Systems Inc. - e: Medical Services - e: Medical Staff - e: Melville Society - e: Member State - e: Memory System - e: Memphis State College - e: Men of the Stones - e: Mencken Society - e: Mensa Society - e: Message Store - e: Metallographie Society - e: Metallurgical Society - e: Metals Society - e: Meteoritical Society - e: Meteorological Society - e: Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science - e: Microsecond - e: Microsoft Corp. - e: Middle South Utilities, Inc. - e: Military Science - e: Military Secretary - e: Military Service Act - e: Military Specifications - e: Military Staff - e: Military Standard[s] - e: Military Status Committee

- e: Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co., Inc. - e: Millisecond - e: Mine-watching Service - e: Minesweeping Squadron - e: Ministry of Shipping - e: Ministry of Supply - e: Mint State - e: Misrair, SAE - e: Mission Sisters of the Holy Ghost - e: Mission Specialist - e: Mission Station - e: Mission Support - e: Missionaries of La Salette - e: Missionary Society - e: Mississippi - e: Mobile Station - e: Mobilization Station - e: Mode Statement - e: Montane Spruce Zone - e: Mortimer Springs Ltd. - e: Movement for Survival - e: Multilateral Staff - e: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - e: Multiple Statement - e: Mythopoeic Society - e: Office of Management Services - e: United Arab Airlines -/· Maltre de Stage -/· Maltres Specialistes -/· Musee Sociale - i: Monopol! di Stato - P: Ministerstwo Skarbu - P: Ministerstwo Skupu - P: Ministerstwo Sprawiedeliwosci - r: Malmö Stadsbibliotek - r: Maskinyrkesskolan - se: Ministarstvo Saobracaja - se: Muzejsko Drustvo za Slovenijo - sk: Matica Slovenskä ms e: Machine, State of Ms s: Madrid, Biblioteca del Conservatorio ms. d: maschinenschriftlich Ms. e: Manuscript M.S. e: Master of Science - e: Master of Surgery M&S e: Materials and Services M3S e: MAJCOM Manpower Management System - e: Marine Corps Standard Supply System MSA d: Militärisches Sicherheitsamt - e: Magazine Shippers Association - e: Maintenance Support Activities - e: Major Statistical Areas - e: Major Support Area

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: Major System[s] Acquisition [project] - e: Malaysia-Singapore Airlines - e: Malta Standardisation Authority - e: Management Science America, Inc. - e: Management Science Associates, Inc. - e: Management Sciences of America - e: Management Service Architecture - e: Management System - e: Management System Audit[s] - e: Manchester Society of Architects - e: Marigold Society of America - e: Marine Safety Agency - e: Mariological Society of America - e: Maritime Safety Agency - e: Maritime Safety Authority - e: Market Science Associates, Inc. - e: Marlowe Society of America - e: Maryland State Archives - e: Masonic Service Association of the United States - e: Massachusetts School of Art - e: Master of Agriculture - e: Master of Science and Arts - e: Master of Science in Accountancy - e: Master of Science in Agriculture - e: Master of Scientific Agriculture - e: Material Service Area - e: Media Studies Association - e: Medical Services Administration - e: Medical Statistics Agency - e: Member of the Society of Apothecaries - e: Member of the Society of Architects - e: Member of the Society of Arts - e: Mercury Singapore Airline - e: Mesa Petroleum Company - e: Metaphysical Society of America - e: Metro Survey Area - e: Metropolitan Serving Area - e: Metropolitan Statistical Area[s] - e: Microcomputer Software Association - e: Microscopy Society of America - e: Middelburg Steel and Alloys [Proprietary] Ltd. - e: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools - e: Military Subsistence Agency - e: Milton Society of America - e: Mine Safety Appliances Co. Ltd. - e: Mineralogical Society of America - e: Minimum Safe Altitude - e: Minnesota Software Association - e: Mission Services Association - e: Missionary Sisters of the Assumption - e: Mobile Subscriber Access - e: Morale Support Activities - e: Most Severely Affected countries - e: Motor Schools' Association of Great Britain - e: Multilateral Steel Agreement - e: Museum Store Association - e: Muslim Students' Association [of the US and Canada]

MSA. - e: Mutual Security Agency - e: Mutual Society of Arts - e: Mycological Society of America -/· Mouvement Socialiste Africain -/· Mouvement Souverainete Association -/· Mutualite Sociale Agricole - i: Movimento di Studi per 1'Architettura - r: Mellan-Sveriges Arkitektförening

MSAIME e; Member of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers

MSA. /· Memoires de la Societe Nationale des Antiquaires de France

MsäKs d: Mitteilungen aus den sächsischen Kunstsammlungen

M.S.A. e: Member of the Society of Architects

MSAM e: Master of Science in Applied Mechanics

MS&A e: Management Systems & Administration

MSAN e: Multiport Ship Agencies Network

MSAA e: Master Safeguards and Security Agreement - e: Mower Specialists Association of Australia MSAAB e: Military Services Ammunition Allocation Board MSAB e: Massenet Society, American Branch MSAC e: Maternity Services Advisory Committee - e: Mount Saint Agnes College - e: Murray State Agricultural College MS/Accy e: Master of Science in Accountancy

MSAInstMM e; Member of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy MSAIT e: Member of the South African Institute of Translators

- e: Maritime Services Board - e: Maritime Subsidy Board - e: Material Support Branch - e: Medical Sciences Bulletin - e: Medicine and Surgery Bureau - e: Mesabi Trust - e: Metropolitan Society for the Blind - e: Military Security Board - e: Mission Status Board - e: Montadale Sheep Breeders Association - e: Most Significant Bit - e: Multnomah School of the Bible - e: Municipal Securities Board - e: Museum of Southwestern Biology -/· Le Mouvement Syndicale Beige Ms B e: Master of Bacteriology

MSAO. /· Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de l'Ouest MSAP e: Military Security Assistance Program - e: Minislotted Alternating Priorities MSAPS e: Member of the South African Pharmaceutical Society MSAR e: Manpower Standards Application Routine - e: Master Safety Analysis Report - e: Mine Safety Appliances Research Corporation

MSBA e: Maine School Boards Association - e: Master of Science in Business Administration - e: Military School Band Association - e: Minnesota School Boards Association - e: Missouri School Boards Association - e: Montana School Boards Association MSEC e: Master of Science in Building Construction MSBE e: Member of the Belgian Society of Engineers - e: Molten Salt Breeder Experiment

MSARC e: Marine Systems Acquisition Review Council

MSBL e; Member of the School Board, London

MSA/CHE e: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Higher Education

MS Arch e: Master of Science in Architecture

MSBLS-GS e: MSBLS Ground Station

MSAS e: Manpower Standards Application System - e: Marine Sciences Affairs Staff - e: McGregor, Swire Air Services

MSBN e: Multiservice Broadband Network

MSAC[NS] e: Maritime Services Advisory Committee [Navigational Safety]

MSASocCE e: Member of the South African Society of Civil Engineers

MSBr d: Motorisierte Schützenbrigade

MSAD e: Microgravity Science and Applications Division MSA/E e: European Office of the Mutual Security Agency MSAE e: Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering - e: Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers MSAEP e: Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Protection -/· Association Scientifique Mediterraneenne de Protection de I'Environnement - 5: Asociacion Cientifica del Mediterräneo para la Proteccion del Medio Ambiente MSAF e: Multimedia Services Affiliate Forum

MSBS /· Mer-Sol Balistique Strategique MSAT e: Marine Services Association of Texas - e: Missile Systems Analyst Technician - e: Mobile Satellite - e: Mobile Telecommunications Satellite MSATA e: Motorcycle, Scooter and Allied Trades Association MSAUS e: Masonic Service Association of the United States MSAUSC e: Muslim Students' Association of the United States and Canada MSAutE e: Member of the Society of Automobile Engineers

MS [Ag] e: Master of Science in Agriculture MSAG e: MEECN Senior Advisory Group MS [Ag E] e: Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering MS Agr e: Master of Science in Agriculture MS Agr Eng e: Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering MSAICE e: Member of the South African Institution of Civil Engineers MSAIEE e; Member of the South African Institution of Electrical Engineers

MSBO e: Michigan School Business Officials - e: Mooring and Salvage Office[r]

MS Aut E e: Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers MSAV e: Microsoft Anti Virus MSAVP c: Moravsko-Slezskä Akademie Ved Pfirodnich MSAW e: Minimum Safe Altitude Warning MSB d: Arbeitskreis Media-Service-Bau - d: Marxistischer Studentenbund [Spartakus] - d: Mitteldeutscher Sängerbund - d: Motorisiertes Schützenbataillon - e: Marine Safety Board - e: Maritime Safety Board


· Säur, München

MSB Spartakus d: Marxistischer Studentenbund Spartakus MSBSS n: Middelbare Scholieren-Bond voor Sociale Studie MSBTA e: Mortgage Subsidy Bond Tax Act MS Bus e: Master of Science in Business MSC d: Modellsportclub - d: Motorsportclub - e: Madras Staff Corps - e: Maine Sardine Council - e: Maintenance Support Center - e: Major Subordinate Command[er] - e: Management Service Center - e: Management Studies Centre - e: Management Systems Council - e: Mankato State College - e: Manned Spacecraft Center - e: Manned Spaceflight Center - e: Manpower Services Commission - e: Map Society of California - e: Maple Syrup Council - e: Mapping Science Committee - e: Marie Sklodowska Curie Fund - e: Marine Safety Committee - e: Marine Safety Council - e: Marine Science Center - e: Marine Science[s] Council - e: Maritime Safety Committee - e: Maritime Service Committee

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen


e: Marketing Services Conference e: Maryland State College e: Master of Science e: Master Specialties Company e: Material Status Committee e: Material Support Concept e: Materials Science Center e: Materials Service Center e: Materiel Status Committee e: Materiel Support Center e: Matrix Systems Corporation e: Media Service Center e: Medical Service Commission e: Medical Service Corps e: Medical Specialist Corps e: Medical Staff Corps e: Mediterranean Society of Chemotherapy e: Mediterranean Sports Conference e: Mediterranean Sub-Commission e: Melbourne Steamship Company e: Memphis Service Center e: Message Switching Center e: Meteorological Satellite Center e: Meteorological Service of Canada e: Meteorological Synthesising Centre e: Metropolitan State College e: Michigan State College e: Micronesia Support Committee e: Microwave Semiconductor Corporation e: Midwestern Simulation Council e: Military Sealift Command e: Military Service Committee e: Military Staff Committee e: Military Status Committee e: Military Studies Center e: Missile and Space Council e: Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus of Hiltrup - e: Mississippi Central Railroad Company - e: Mississippi Southern College - e: Mississippi State College - e: Mobile Satellite Communication - e: Mobile Services Centre - e: Mobile[-service[s]] Switching Center (or Centre) - e: Mobile Servicing Center - e: Monolithic Systems Corporation - e: Montana State College - e: Moorhead State College - e: Morgan State College - e: Mountain Safety Council - e: Murray State College - e: Museum Support Center - e: Muslim Supreme Council - e: United Nations Military Staff Committee -/· Mouvement Solidarite Cambodge - /; Missionarii Sanctii Caroli [Borromei] - /: Missionarii Sanctissimi Cordis Jesu

MSc[Ag] e: Master of Science [Agriculture] MSc[AgricE] e: Master of Science [Agricultural Economics] MSc[AgricEc] e: Master of Science [Agricultural Economics] MSCAJC e; Martin Steinberg Center of the American Jewish Congress

MSCL e: Master Ships Configuration List - e: Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory MSc[Med] e: Master of Science [Medical] MSc[Nutr] e: Master of Science in Nutrition MSCNY e; Marine Society of the City of New York - e: Medical Society of the County of New York

MSc[Appl] e: Master of Science [Applied] MSCo e: Murmansk Shipping Company MSC-BC e: Mobile Switching Center-Base Center

MS Com e: Master of Science in Commerce

MSc[Biotech] e: Master of Science [Biotechnology]

MS Cons e: Master of Science in Conservation

MSc[BuildServ] e: Master of Science [Building Services]

MScOptom e: Master of Science in Optometry

MSCC e: Manchester Ship Canal Company - e: Manned Spaceflight Control Center - e: Manned Systems Control Center - e: Missile Site Control Center - e: Morgan Sports Car Club

MSCOTSG e: Medical Service Corps, Office of the Surgeon General

MScChemTech e: Master of Science in Chemical Technology MScD e: Master of Dental Science

MSCoy e: Melbourne Steamship Company MSCP e: Mass Storage Control Protocol - e: Massachusetts Society of Clinical Psychologists - e: Master of Science in Community Planning - e: Meteorological and Climate Services Project

MSCD e: Military Support to Civil Defense MSCE e: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - e: Master of Science in Civil Engineering

MSCPD e: Monmouth Signal Corps Procurement District MScPhm e: Master of Science in Pharmacy

MS [Cer E] e: Master of Science in Ceramic Engineering

MSCRB e: Margaret Sanger Clinical Research Bureau

MS Chem e: Master of Science in Chemistry

MSCS e: Management Scheduling and Control System - e: Management Scheduling Control System - e: Manned Spaceflight Control Squadron - e: Master of Science in Computer Science - e: Merchant Ship Control Service - e: Multi Service Communications System

MSchG d: Mieterschutzgesetz MSc[HomeScience] e: Master of Science [Home Science] MschrKrim d: Monatsschrift für JSriminologie und Strafrechtsreform

MScSt e: Master of Scientific Studies

MSCI e: Mission Scientist - e: Morgan Stanley Capital Index

MSCT e; Member of the Society of Cardiological Technicians

MSCIC e: Maryland State Colleges Information Center

MSC [UN] e: Military Staff Committee of the United Nations

M.Sc. e: Master of Science

MSCID e: Mobile Switching Center Identification

MSCW e: Mississippi State College for Women

MSC c: Mikrobiologickä Spolecnost Ceskoslovenskä

MSC-IMIS e: Military Sealift Command Integrated Management Information System

MSCA e: Military Support for Civil Authorities - e: Military Support to Civil Authority - e: Missile Site Construction Agency - e: Moore School of Automatic Computers - e: Mount Saint Agnes College - e: Multi-Site Cooperative Agreement - e: Multi-State Cooperative Agreement - e: Murray State Agricultural College

MSCIN e: Mobile Switching Center Identification Number

MSD c: Masaryküv Studentsky Domov - d: Mobile Soziale Dienste - d: Motorisierte Schützendivision - e: Doctor of Medical Science - e: Maintenance System Division - e: Malawi Department of Surveys - e: Management Services Department - e: Management Support Division - e: Management Systems Designers - e: Management Systems Division - e: Marine Sanitation Device - e: Mass Storage Device - e: Master of Science in Dentistry - e: Master of Scientific Didactics - e: Materials Science Division - e: Mauritius Survey Department - e: Medium Screen Display - e: Merck, Sharp & Dohme Ltd. - e: Microsystems Department

MScA e: Master of Applied Science -/· Maltre es Sciences Appliquees MSc [Acoustics] e: Master of Science [Acoustics]

MSC[IndDes] e: Master of Science [Industrial Design] MSCIS e: Model Spinal Cord Injury Systems MSCIT e: Medium Speed Communications Interface Terminal MSCJA-AJC e: Martin Steinberg Center for Jewish Artists-American Jewish Congress MSC Journal e: Motor Supply Company Journal

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MsD - e: Microsystems Development - e: Movement for Socialism and Democracy - e: Movement of Social-Democrats - e: Munitions Systems Division - n: Marine-Stoomvaartdienst - p: Movimento Social Democrata - r: Motororganisationernas Samarbetsdelegation MsD e; Doctor of Metaphysics MSDA e: Maryland State Dental Association - e: Material Safety Data Sheets MSDB e: Mission Schedule Data Base MSDC e: Manual Slave Direction Center - e: Mass Spectrometry Data Centre - e: Microwave Spectra Data Center - e: Molten Salts Data Center M.S.Dent. e: Master of Science in Dentistry M.S.[Dent] e: Master of Surgery [Dental Surgery]

MSE e: Malaysia Shipyard and Engineering - e: Malaysia Shipyard & Engineering - e: Massachusetts Studies in English - e: Massey-Ferguson Limited - e: Master of Sanitary Engineering - e: Master of Science in Education - e: Master of Science in Engineering - e: Material Safety Experiments - e: Medical Support Equipment - e: Medium Scale Enterprises - e: Member of the Society of Engineers - e: Midwest Stock Exchange - e: Milwaukee School of Engineering - e: Mission Staff Engineer - e: Mississippi Export Railroad Company - e: Mobile Subscriber Equipment - e: Modernization Support Environment - e: Montreal Stock Exchange - e: Mountain States Energy - 5: Movimiento Social Espanol MSEA e: Massachusetts State Engineers' Association - e: Medical Society Executives Association M Se A e: Master in Secretarial Arts

M.S. Derm, e: Master of Science in Dermatology MS Des e: Master of Science in Design

MSEB e: Maharashtra State Electricity Board M.S.E.B. e: Marine Society for the Equipment of Boys

MSDF e: Maritime Self Defence Force MSDG e: Multiple Sensor Display Group MSDH e: Mississippi State Department of Health MS Di e: Master of Scientific Didactics M[&]SDI e: Mayonnaise and Salad Dressings Institute MSDN e: Macintosh Software Distribution Network - e: Microbial Strain Data Network - e: Microsoft Developer[s] Network - e: Multi-Service Data Network -/· Reseau international de donnees sur les souches microbiennes MSDN International e: Microbial Strain Data Network MSDO e: Management Systems Development Office - e: Mapping Support District Office

MSEC e: Maintenance Support Equipment Center - e: Master of Science in the Economic Aspects of Chemistry MSED e: Micro and Small Enterprise Development - e: Ministry of State for Economic Development - e: Mobile Source Enforcement Division - e: Mobile Subscriber Equipment Division MS Ed e: Master of Sanitary Education - e: Master of Science in Education MSEDB e: Mapping Sciences Education Data Base MSEE e: Major Source Enforcement Effort - e: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

M.S.Ent. e: Master of Science in Entomology MSEP e: Maintenance Standardization Evaluation Program - e: Mercury Scientific Evaluation Panel M Serv Soc e: Master of Social Service -/· Maltre en Service Social MSES e: Minnesota Surveyors' and Engineers' Society M Se Sc e: Master of Secretarial Science M.S.E.S.S. e: Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies M Se St e: Master of Secretarial Studies MSET e: Maintenance Supportability Evaluation Team MSEUE /· Mouvement Socialiste pour les Etats-Unis d'Europe MSF e: Manned Space Flight - e: Manufacturing, Science and Finance - e: Master of Science in Forestry - e: Mine Sweeping Flotilla - e: Minesweeping Flotilla - e: Mission Support Facility - e: Mobile Striking Force - e: Motorcycle Safety Foundation - e: Multi-Switching Forum - e: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation - e: Multiple Shops Federation - e: Munitions Storage Facility -/· Medecin[s] Sans Frontieres - /: Congregatio Missionariorum a Sancta Familia - r: Metodistkyrkans Sängarförbund - 5: Medicos Sin Fronteras M.S.F. e: Metal and Steel Factory -/· Medecins Sans Frontieres M.S.&F.A. e: Military Sanitation and First Aid M.S.F.-A.-B. r: Max Sieverts Fabriks - Aktie bolag MSF-B /· Medecins Sans Frontieres Belgium

MSE [Elec] e: Master of Science in Engineering-Electrical MSEC e: Missile Systems Evaluation Group

MSFC e: Marshall Space Flight Center - e: Medical Students For Choice - e: Mutual Society of the French Community

MSDP e: Maintenance Systems Development Program

MSEIS e: Microgravity Systems Engineering Information System

MSFDC e: Microsoft + First Data Corporation

MSDR e: Multiplexed Streaming Data Request

MSEL e: Master of Science and English Literature - e: Master Scenario Events List - e: Materials Science and Engineering Library

MSFEB e: Manned Space Flight Experiments Board

MS Elect E e: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

MSFH e: Manned Space Flight Headquarters

MSDS e: Manpower Standards Development System - e: Marconi Space [and] Defence (or Defense) Systems - e: Materials] Safety Data Sheet[s] - e: Message Standards Development Subcommittee - e: Message Switching Data Service - e: Microsoft Developer Support

MSEM e: Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics

MSF-H /· Medecins Sans Frontieres Netherlands MSFIS e: Microsoft Fax Information Service

MSEN e: Multiple Sclerosis Education Network

MSDs e: Mass-particle Size Distributions MSDSR e: Material Safety Data System Replacement

MSF-F /· Medecins Sans Frontieres France

MS Eng e: Master of Sanitary Engineering - e: Master of Science in Engineering

MSFLS e: Microwave Scanning Beam Land Station MSFM e: Master of Science in Forest Management

MSEO e: Marine Services Engineering Office[r]


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M.S. in Agr E.

M&SFM e: Maintenance and Supply Facility Manager

MSGV d: Mitteilungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde

MSFN e: Manned Space Flight Networks]

MSH c: Ministerstvo Stavebnich Hmot - e: MAC Standard Header - e: Management Sciences for Health Inc. - e: Master of Staghounds - e: Music Society for the Handicapped -/· Maison des Sciences de 1'Homme

MSFNOC e: Manned Space Flight Network Operations Center MS For e: Master of Science in Forestry MSFS e: Maintenance Shop Floor System - e: Manned Space Flight Subcommittee -/· Missionaires de Saint Francois de Sales d'Annecy - /; Missionarii Sancti Francisci Salesii de Annecy

MSH. /· Messager des Sciences Historiques M.S.H. e: Master of Science in Horticulture - e: Master of Science in Hygiene - e: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart M/Sh e: Ministry of Shipping

M.S.F.S. e: Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales MSF-S /· Medecins Sans Frontieres Spain MSFSG e: Manned Space Flight Support Group MSFW e: Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers MSG d: Marine-Schiffstechnik PlanungsGesellschaft mbH - d: Motiv-Sammler-Gilde - d: Motorsportgemeinschaft - d: Münchner Sportpark Gesellschaft mbH - d: Motorisierte Schützengruppe - e: Madison Square Garden Corp. - e: Maintenance Steering Group - e: Management Steering Group - e: Marine Systems Group - e: Mechanical Subsystem Group - e: Message - e: METEOSAT Second Generation - e: Microcomputer Support Group - e: Missile Systems Group - e: Mission Support Group [s] - e: Missouri State Guard - e: Mycoses Study Group

MSHA e: Master of Science in Hospital Administration - e: Mine Safety and Health Administration - e: Mine Safety and Health Agency MSHAA e: Morocco Spotted Horse Association of America M.S.H.C. e: Military Service Hardship Committee MSHD d: Mobiler Sozialer Hilfsdienst MSHE e: Master of Science in Home Economics - e: Master of Science in Hydraulic Engineering M.S.H.EC. e: Master of Science in Home Economics MSHFA e: Multiservice Health Facility Association

- e: Marketing Science Institute - e: Marketing Systems, Incorporated - e: Master of Science in Insurance - e: Maximum Strategy, Incorporated - e: Maxwell Scientific International Inc. - e: Medical Seminars International - e: Medium Scale Integration - e: Member of the Sanitary Institute - e: Member of the Surveyors' Institution - e: Meritorious Service Increase - e: Micro-Star International - e: Microwave Services International, Inc. - e: Motor Specialties Industries - e: Multi-Source Integration - e: Multicomm[unications] Sciences International, Inc. - e: Museum of Science and Industry - e: Museum Services Institute - e: Second Independence Movement - H: Magyar Szabvänyügyi Intezet - i; Movimento Sociale Italiano M.S.I, e: Maine Sugar Industries - e: Member of the Chartered Surveyors' Institution - e: Missions to Seamen Institute MSIA e: Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia - e: Master of Science in Industrial Administration - e: Member of the Society of Industrial Artists [and Designers] - i; Movimento Sociale Italiano Autonomo Msia e: Malaysia MSIB e: Master of Science in International Business - e: Mountain States Inspection Bureau

MSHG n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Agenten in Metaalwaren, Sanitaire, Huishoudelijke en Aanverwante Artikelen en Galanterieen

MSIC e: Missile And Space Intelligence Center

MSGB e: Manorial Society of Great Britain

MSHI e: Mitsubishi Singapore Heavy Industries

MSI-DN i: Movimento Sociale ItalianoDestra Nazionale

M.S.G.B. e: Muslim Society in Great Britain

MSHJ e: Medical Staff Hospital Joint venture

MSIE e: Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

MSGC e: Military Services Grants Committee

Mshl e: Marshal

MSGCEN e: Message Center

M.S.Hort, e: Master of Science in Horticulture

M.S.G.E. e: Master of Science in Geological Engineering

MSH&Ph Ed e: Master of Science in Health and Physical Education

MSGID e: Message Identifier Set MSGM e: Master of Science in Government Management M.S.G.Mgt. e: Master of Science in Game Management MSGO e: Mediterranean Secret General Orders MSGp e: Mobile Support Group MSGR e: Mobile Support Group Msgr /· Monseigneur - i: Monsignor MSGT e; Master Sergeant M[/]Sgt. e: Master Sergeant

MSHR e: Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary MSHS e: Maryland State Horticultural Society - e: Minnesota State Horticultural Society - e: Missouri State Horticultural Society

MSID e: Mobile Station Identity

MSIGM e: Macintosh Special Interest Group of Mensa M.S.I.L.H. ra: Ministerul Silviculturii, Industrie! Lemnuluigi Hirfiei MSIN e: Mobile Subscriber Identification Number MS in AE e: Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering MS in Aero E e: Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering

M.S.Hyg. e: Master of Science in Hygiene

MS in Ag e: Master of Science in Agriculture

MSI d: Markt Service Institut AG - d: Multimedia Service International GmbH - e: Maine Sugar Industries - e: Maintenance Standard Instructions - e: Management System Indicator - e: Manufacturer Specific Information - e: Marie Slopes International - e: Marine Safety International - e: Marine Science Institute - e: Marine Specialty Incorporated - e: Maritime Safety Information

MS in Ag E e: Master of Science in Agricultural Education

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

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MS in Ag E[c] e: Master of Science in Agricultural Economics MS in Agr e: Master of Science in Agriculture M.S. in Agr E. e: Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering

MS in Agr Ed

MS in Agr Ed e: Master of Science in Agricultural Education

MS in GE e: Master of Science in General Engineering

MSinPhar[m] e; Master of Science in Pharmacy

MS in AN e: Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering

MS in Gp Engr e: Master of Science in Geophysical Engineering

MS in Ph E e: Master of Science in Physical Education

M.S. in Arch, e: Master of Science in Architecture

MS in GSM e: Master of Science in General Science and Mathematics

MS in Phy e: Master of Science in Physics

M.S. in Arch.E. e: Master of Science in Architectural Engineering

MS in H[ome] E[c] e: Master of Science in Home Economics

MS in Aud&Sp e: Master of Science in Audiology and Speech

MS in HR e: Master of Science in Human Relations

MS in BA e: Master of Science in Business Administration

MS in ID e: Master of Science in Industrial Design

MS in Bl Sc e: Master of Science in Biological Sciences

MS in IE e: Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

MS in C e: Master of Science in Commerce

MS in IM e: Master of Science in Industrial Management

MS in PRE e: Master in/of Science in Petroleum Refining Engineering MS in PSM e: Master of Science in Public School Music MS in Py Sc e: Master of Science in Poultry Science MS in Rad e: Master of Science in Radiology

MS in C&BA e: Master of Science in Commercial and Business Administration MS in CE e: Master of Science in Civil Engineering

MS in Ind Ed e: Master of Science in Industrial Education

MS in Cer T[ech] e: Master of Science in Ceramic Technology MS in Ch e: Master of Science in Chemistry MS in Ch E[ng] e: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

MS in LS e: Master of Science in Library Science MS in ME e: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering MS in Mech e: Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics MS in Med e: Master of Science in Medicine MS in Met e: Master of Science in Metallurgy

MS in Con e: Master of Science in Conservation

MS in Ret e: Master of Science in Retailing MS in SE e: Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering MS in Sp e: Master of Science in Speech

M.S. in J[ourn]. e: Master of Science in Journalism

MS in Cer e: Master of Science in Ceramics MS in Cer E e: Master of Science in Ceramic Engineering

MS in Rec e: Master of Science in Recreation

MS in Met E e: Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering

MS in SS e: Master of Science in Sanitary Science - e: Master of Science in Social Service MS in SW e: Master of Science in Social Work MS in Text Chem e: Master of Science in Textile Chemistry MS in Text Eng e: Master of Science in Textile Engineering MS in Text Mfg e: Master of Science in Textile Manufacturing MS in T&I e: Master of Science in Trade and Industrial Education

MS in CRP e: Master of Science in City and Regional Planning

MS in Mus e: Master of Science in Music

MS Ind E e: Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

MS in Mus Ed e: Master of Science in Music Education

M.S. in D. e: Master of Science in Dentistry

MS in N e: Master of Science in Nursing

MS in Trans E e: Master of Science in Transportation Engineering

MS in Derm e: Master of Science in Dermatology

MSinN[r]E[d] e; Master of Science in Nursing Education

MSINZ e: Member of the Surveyors' Institute of New Zealand

MS in Dt e: Master of Science in Dietetics

MS in NT e: Master of Science in Nuclear Technology

MSIP e: Multi-Stage Improvement Program - e: Multinational Staged Improvement Program[me]

MS in E e: Master of Science in Education - e: Master of Science in Engineering

MS in Nucl E e: Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering

MS in Ed e: Master of Science in Education

MS in Trans e: Master of Science in Transportation

MSIRI e: Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute

M.S. in Nurs. e: Master of Science in Nursing MS in EE e: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

MS in PA e: Master of Science in Public Administration

MSIS e: Map Separates Information System - e: Marine Safety Information System - e: Model State Information System - e: Multi-State Information System

MS in EM e: Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics - e: Master of Science in Engineering of Mines

MS in PE e: Master of Science in Physical Education

MS in E Mgt e: Master of Science in Engineering Management

MS in P Ed e: Master of Science in Physical Education

MSISDN e: Mobile Station ISDN Number

MS in EP e: Master of Science in Engineering Physics

MS in Pet E e: Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering

MSISL e: Moore School Information Systems Laboratory

MS in ES e: Master of Science in Engineering Science[s]

MS in PH e: Master of Science in Public Health

MSIT e: Member of the Society of Instrument Technology

MSISD e: Marketing and Services Information Systems Division

MS in For e: Master of Science in Forestry


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MSN MSIUS e: Military Service Institution of the United States

MSLC e: Maternity Services Liaison Committee - e: Missile Sites Labor Commission

MSJ e: Master of Science in Journalism - e: Meteorological Society of Japan

MSLCOMD e: Missile Command

M.S.J. r: Malmo-Simrishamns Järnväg

MS Lett e: Master of Sacred Letters

MSJAMA e: Medical Student JAMA

MSLF e: Mountain States Legal Foundation

MSK c: Masarykova Studentska Kolej - c: Ministerstvo Skolstvi a Kultury - c: Mistni Spravni Komise - d: Kommission für Mittelschulfragen der EDK - d: Mildred-Scheel-Kreis der Deutschen ICrebshilfe e.V. - d: Militärsportkurs - d: Motorisierte Schützenkompanie - e: Mission Support Kit - H: Magyar Statisztikai Közlemenyek - r: Malmö Sportklubb - r: Motala Stroms Kraft AB

MSLFM e: Massenet Society and Lovers of French Music MSLG e: Maintenance Support Logistics Group MSLIR e: Master of Science in Labor and Industrial Relations MSLOUG e: Medium-Sized Libraries/OCLC [Online Computer Library Center] Users Group

MSk r: Mellersta Skäne, tidning

MSLP e: Mean Sea Level Pressure - e: Medium Speed Line Printer

M.S.K. d: Initiative Selbsthilfegruppen Multipler Sklerose Kranker e.V.

MSLP. /· Memoires de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris

MSKC e: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

MSLPT c: Moravsky Soubor Lidovych Pisni aTancu

MSKCC e: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. - e: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

MSLR e: Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway

MSL e: Magnetic Surfaces Laboratory - e: Maintenance Supply Liaison - e: Malacological Society of London - e: Management Selection Limited - e: Management System[s] Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: Map Specification Library - e: Marine Science[s] Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: Marine Systems Laboratory - e: Master of Sacred Literature - e: Master of Science in Language - e: Master of Science in Linguistics - e: Materials and Structures Laboratory - e: Materials Science Laboratory - e: Mean Sea Level - e: Measurement Standards Laboratory - e: Measurement System Laboratory - e: Mechanical System[s] Laboratory - e: Meteorological Satellite Laboratory - e: Microgravity Science Laboratory - e: Microsoft Software Library - e: Microwave Landing System - e: Mirrored Server Link - e: Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory - e: Mulla Sadra Library - e: Munitions Supply Laboratories -/· Mouvement des Sociaux-Liberaux - P: Muzeum Sl^skie MSL. /· Memoires de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris M.S.L. e: Medical Society of London M&SL e: Minneapolis & Saint Louis Railway Company MSL-1 e: Material Science Laboratory MSL-91 e: Multistrategy Learning workshop 1991

MS[&]LR e: Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co.

M.S.M. e: Master of Science in Music -/· Mouvement Solidaire Moluba MSMA e: Mail Systems Management Association - e: Maine School Management Association - e: Major Symphony Managers Association - e: Master Sign-Makers' Association - e: Medical-Surgical Manufacturers Association - e: Member of the Sales Managers' Association - e: Meteorological Services to Marine Activities - e: Metropolitan Symphony Managers Association - e: Minnesota State Medical Association - e: Mississippi State Medical Association - e: Missouri State Medical Association M.S.M.A. e: Member of the Sales Managers' Association of Southern Africa MSMC e: Marie Slopes Memorial Centre - e: Member of the Spectacle Makers Company - e: Military Subsistence Market Center - e: Mountain Sinai Medical Center MSMDA e: Mutual Sewing Machine Dealers Association MSME e: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering MS Mech E e: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering MS Med e: Master of Medical Science

M.S.L.R. e: Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. MSLS e; Maine Society of Land Surveyors - e: Master of Science in Law and Society - e: Master of Science in Library Science M.S.L.S. e: Master of Science in Library Science - e: Mistress of Science in Library Science MSLSc e: Master of Science in Library Science MSM d: Marineschule Murwik - e: Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway - e: Malagasy Socialist Movement - e: Manhattan School of Music - e: Manufacturing Standards Manual - e: Master of Medical Science - e: Master of Sacred Music - e: Master of Scheduling Manager - e: Master of Science in Management - e: Master of Science in Music - e: Mauritian (or Mauritius) Socialist Movement - e: Medical Sourcing Model - e: MEECN System Model - e: Millimeter and Submillimeter Conference - e: Mission Services Manager - e: Mission Support Model - e: Missouri School of Mines - e: Mohutu Social Movement - e: Moluba Solidarity Movement - e: Montana School of Mines - e: Mystic Seaport Museum -/· Mouvement Solidaire Moluba -/· Mouvement Social Mohutu - P: Mifdzyzakiadowa Spoidzielnia Mieszkanowa - P: Miodziezowa Spoidzielnia Mieszkaniowa - s: Movimiento Salvadorena de Mujeres

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MS Met E e: Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering MSMG e: Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God MS Mgt E e: Master of Science in Management Engineering MSMH e: Massachusetts Society for Mental Hygiene MSMM e: Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy MSMR e: Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway - e: Missouri School of Mines Reactor MSMS e: Marine Safety Management System - e: Max Steiner Memorial Society - e: Meteorological Systems Management Section - e: Michael Saunders Management Services Ltd. - e: Michigan State Medical Society MS/MS e: Material Science and Manufacturing in Space - e: Material Science/Manufacturing in Space MSMU e: Moscow State Mining University M.S.MUS. e: Master of Science in Music M.S. Mus. Ed. e: Master of Science in Music Education MSN e: Dane County Regional-Truax Field - e: Master of Science in Nursing - e: Merchant Shipping Notice

M.S.N. - e: Microsoft Network - e: Microsoft Support Network - e: Mission - e: Multiple Subscriber Number -/· [Groupe] Materiaux et Structures Navals

MS2O e: Multi-Supplier/Multi-Site Operations MSOA e: Mines Surface Officials Association - e: Missouri State Orthopaedic Association - e: Monthly Statement of Account

M.S.N. e: Monthly Science News MSNA e: Maine State Nurses Association MSNAF[r.] /· Memoires de la Societe Nationale des Antiquaires de France

MSOB e: Manned Spacecraft Operations Building - e: Master of Science in Organizational Behavior MSOC e: Maritime Sector Operations Center

MSNB e: Machine Screw Nut Bureau MSoc e: Master of Sociology M.S.N.E[d]. e: Master of Science in Nursing Education MSNF e: Multiple Systems Networking Facility MSNH. /· Memoires de la Societe Neophilologique ä Helsingfors MS&NI e: Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad

MSOCC e: Multi-Satellite Operational (or Operations) Control Center M Soc CE [France] e: Member of the Society of Civil Engineers [France] M Soc E e; Member of the Society of Engineers M.Soc.Sci. e: Master of Social Science - e: Mistress of Social Science M Soc Sc [SW] e: Master of Social Science in Social Welfare MSocSt[ud] e: Master of Social Studies

MSnph. /· Memoires de la Societe neophilologique ä Helsingfors M.S.Nucl.Eng. e: Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering M.S.Nurs. e: Master of Science in Nursing

M.Soc.[S.W.] e: Master of Social Science [Social Welfare] MSocWk e: Master of Social Work MSOD e: Maintenance Support Office Department

MSNY e; Mattachine Society of New York MSOE e: Milwaukee School of Engineering MSO e: Main Signal Office - e: Maintenance Support Office - e: Major Sponsoring Organization - e: Management Science Office - e: Management Service Organization - e: Management Systems Office - e: Mandatory Scramble Order - e: Manila Symphony Orchestra - e: Manufacturers Statement of Ownership - e: Marine Safety Office[r] - e: Marketing Service Office - e: Master of Science of Oratory - e: Master Specification Officer - e: Materiel Status Office - e: Melbourne Symphony Orchestra - e: Member of the Society of Osteopaths - e: Memphis Symphony Orchestra - e: Metarie Site Office - e: Military Satellite Communications Systems Office - e: Military Satellite Organization - e: MILSATCOM Systems Office - e: Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra - e: Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra - e: Mixed Service Organization - e: Mobile Switching Office - e: Montreal Symphony Orchestra - e: Morale Support Office[r] - e: Mutual Security Office -/· Mouvement Socialiste Occitan

MS of AIMMPE e: Metallurgical Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers MSOGS e: Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generating System MSOINST e: Maintenance Support Office Instructions MSOL e: Manned Scientific Orbital Laboratory M.S. Ophthal e: Master of Ophthalmological Surgery MS Orn Hort e: Master of Science in Ornamental Horticulture MSORP e: Michael Scott Oral Records Project M.S.Ortho e: Master of Orthopedic Surgery MSOS c: Meziministersky Sbor Obrany Statu - d: Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen MSOSAfr. d: Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen. Afrikanische Studien

M So e: Master of Sociology M So Sc e: Master of Social Science MSO c: Ministerstvo Skolstvi a Narodni Osvety

MSOT e: Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists - H: Magyar Sportorvosi Tanäcs MSP c: Ministerstvo Sociälni Pece - c: Ministerstvo Spotfebniho Prumyslu - c: Ministerstvo Stavebniho Prumyslu - d: Medien- und Sexualpädagogik - e: Maintenance Support Plan - e: Management Service Provider - e: Management Support Project - e: Manpower Support Plan - e: Marine Security Program - e: Marketing and Sales Productivity - e: Mass Storage Processor - e: Materials and Structures Program - e: Maximum Security Prison - e: Mechanical Site Preparation - e: Microsoft Paint - e: Mission Support Plan -i: Movimento Sviluppo e Pace - z: Milli Selamet Partisi M Sp e: Master of Speech

MSNJ e; Medical Society of New Jersey MSNK sk: Matica Slovenskä, Närodnä Kniznica

MSOSWas. d: Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen. Westasiatische Studien

M So Se e: Master of Social Service

MSP. r: Moderna Sprak M.S.P. e: Master of Science in Pharmacy - e: Mistress of Science in Pharmacy -/· Ministere de la Sante Publique -/· Mouvement Socialiste pour la Paix MSPA e: Maine Sardine Packers Association - e: Massachusetts State Pharmaceutical Association - e: Mauritius Sugar Producers Association - e: Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association - e: Migrant & Seasonal Worker Protection Act - e: Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association MSPAS s: Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social MSPB e: Merit System[s] Protection Board MSPC e: Medical Specialist Corps MSPD d: [Mehrheits-JSozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands MSPE e: Massachusetts Society of Professional Engineers - e: Master of Science in Physical Education - e: Missouri Society of Professional Engineers M.S.P.E. e: McGill School of Physical Education - e: Missouri Society of Professional Engineers M.S. Pet. Eng. e: Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering MSPF e: Maritime Special Purpose Force MSPGA e: Melbourne School of Printing and Graphic[al] Arts MSPH e: Master of Science in Poultry Husbandry - e: Master of Science in Public Health M.S.Phar[m]. e: Master of Science in Pharmacy

M So W e: Master of Social Work



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MSSCC MSPHE e: Master of Science in Public Health Engineering

- e: Medical and Surgical Relief Committee - e: Molecular Sciences Research Center

MSPH Ed e: Master of Science in Public Health Education

M.S.R.C. e: Medical Students' Representative Council -/· Membre Societe Royale du Canada

MSPI e: M&T Software Partner International MSPJU /· Union des journalistes socialistes et progressistes de la Mediterranee

MSRD e: Marine Services Research Division - e: Mobile Service and Repair Detachment - e: Mobile Service & Repair Depot

MSPO e: Mercury Support Planning Office - e: Mission System Project Office

M.S.R.D. e: Merchant Ship Repairs Department

MSPP /· Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population

MSRDPS e: Missile Site Radar Data Processing System

MSPR e: Model State Packaging Regulation

MSRE e: Molten Salt Reactor Experiment

MSPRB e: Meteorological Satellite Program Review Board

M.S. Rec. e: Master of Science in Recreation M.S.Ret. e: Master of Science in Retailing

MSPS e: Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors - e: Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors - e: Mobilization Stationing and Planning System - e: Modular Space Power Station M.Sp.S. d: Marinesportschule M.Sp.S. /: Missionarii a Spiritus Sancto MSpThy e: Master of Speech Therapy MSPU e: Massachusetts State Prostitutes Union MSR d: KUstenminensucher - d: Maschinen-, Stahl- und Rohrleitungsbau GmbH - d: Mess-, Steuer- und Regelungssysteme - d: Minensuch- und Räumschiff - d: Motorisiertes Schützenregiment - e: Malaya Signal Regiment - e: Management Summary Report - e: Marine Scientific Research - e: Material Status Report - e: Medical Software Reviews - e: Micro Support Resource Corp. - e: Minimal Spatial Representation - e: Mixed Signals Regiment - e: Monthly Status Reports - e: Movement for Salvation and Reconstruction - 5: Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario MS [R] e: Master of Science in Research M.S.R. e: Member of the Society of Radiographers -/· Mouvement Social Revolutionnaire [sous 1'Occupation] -/· Mutuelle des Syndicate reunis MSRA e: Middle States Regatta Association - e: Midwest Ski Representatives Association - e: Multiple Shoe Retailers' Association

MSRF e: Microwave Space Research Facility MSRG e: Member of the Society of Remedial Gymnasts - e: Moated Site[s] Research Group M.S.R.G. e: Medieval Settlement Research Group - e: Member of the Society for Remedial Gymnasts MSRGSN e: Mountain States Regional Genetic Services Network MSRI e: Malaysian Sociological Research Institute - e: Metal Stamping Research Institute M-SRI e: Stanford Resource Institute MSRL e: Marine Sciences Research Laboratory - e: Mobile Secondary Reference Laboratory - e: Molecular Sciences Research Center MSRLS e: Michigan Society of Registered Land Surveyors MSRN e: Mobile Station Roaming Number MSRP e: Management Sciences Research Project - e: Missile, Space and Range Pioneers MSRPS e: State Retirement & Pension System MSR [R] e: Member of the Society of Radiographers [Radiography]

MSRC e: Marine Sciences Research Center - e: Materiel Studies Review Committee

M.S.S. e: Manchester Statistical Society - e: Member of the Statistical Society - r: Mälarens Segelsällskap MSSA e: Maine School Superintendents Association - e: Maintenance Supply Services Agency - e: Master Safeguards and Security Agreement - e: Military Subsistence Supply Agency - e: Missionary Servants of St. Anthony MSSanE e: Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering

MSRs e: Marketing Service Representatives MSSAtl e: Military Sealift Service Atlantic MSR [T] e; Member of the Society of Radiographers [Radiotherapy] MSRT e: Mobile Subscriber Radio Telephone Terminal

M.S. Rad. e: Master of Science in Radiology MSRB e: Managerial Selection Review Board - e: Margaret Sanger Research Bureau - e: Mississippi State Rating Bureau - e: Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board

- e: Management Systems Staff - e: Manager, Systems Services - e: Manchester Statistical Society - e: Manned Space Station - e: Manufacturers Standardization Society [of the Valve and Fittings Industry] - e: Manufacturing Standardization Society - e: Manuscripts - e: Marine Safety Services - e: Maritime Support Service - e: Mary Stuart Society of America - e: Maryland Society of Surveyors - e: Master of Sanitary Science - e: Master of Social Science - e: Master of Social Service - e: Master of Social Studies - e: Mastergroup Surveillance System - e: Medical Service School - e: Medical Social Services - e: Medical Superintendents Society - e: Medical Supply Section - e: Medical Support Services - e: MEECN System Simulator - e: Member of the Statistical Society - e: Men's Social Services - e: Message Support Subsystem - e: Meter Stamp Society - e: Metropolitan Security Service - e: Military Security Service - e: Ministry of Social Security - e: Ministry of State Security - e: Mission Corporation - e: Mission Specialist Station - e: Mission Support System - e: Mobile Satellite Service - e: Mobile Satellite Systems - e: Mobility Support Squadron - e: Mobilization Stations - e: Moored Surveillance System - e: Motor Surveillance Service - e: Movement Shorthand Society - e: MSS [Master Sound System] Recording Co. Ltd. - e: Multiple Satellite System - e: Multiple Sclerosis Society - e: Muslim Students Society -/· Maltre en Service Social - i: Museo Storico degli Spaghetti - /: Missionarii Sancti Spiritus

MSS c: Ministerstvo Statnich Statku - d: Medizin- u Sportsoziologie - d: Motor-Schutzstaffel - d: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft - e: Maintenance Services South - e: Maintenance Support Schedule - e: MAN Switching System - e: Management Support Staff - e: Management Support System

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MSSC e: MAJCOM Spare Support List - e: Maritime Satellite Switching Centre - e: Metropolitan School Study Council - e: Military Standards and Specification Committee - e: Missionary Society of St. Columbian MS Sc e: Master of Sanitary Science - e: Master of Social Science MSSCC e: Military Space Surveillance Control Center

MSSCS MSSCS e: Manned Space Station Communications System MSSD e: Model Secondary School for the Deaf

M.S.S.S. e: Master of Science in Social Service - e: Mistress of Science in Social Service M.S.Ss.T. /: Missionarii Servi Sanctissimae Trinitatis

M&SSD e: Missile & Space System Division Mss Dent Soc J e: Massachusetts Dental Society. Journal MSSE e: Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering M.S.S.E[ng]. e: Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering

MSST e: Master of Science in Science Teaching - e: Ministry of State for Science and Technology M.S. StEng. e: Master of Science in Structural Engineering MSSTM e: Military Space Systems Technology Model

MSSF e: Multi Service Switching Forum MSSG d: Minen-Such-Schlag-Gruppe - e: MAU Service Support Group - e: Message - e: Stanford Medical Student Survival Guide MSSGB e: Motion Study Society of Great Britain MSSH e: Massachusetts Society for Social Hygiene MSS&H e: Master of Science in Speech and Hearing

MSSTS e: McMurdo Sound Sediment and Tectonic Studies

MSSInd e: Military Sealift Service Indian MSSIs e: Maritime Mobile Service Identities MSSJ e: Missionary Servants of St. Joseph MSSL e: Mullard Space Science Laboratory MSSM e: Master of Science in Systems Management

MSTD e; Member of the Society of Typographic Designers MST&E e: Multiservice Test & Evaluation MS [T Ed] e: Master of Science in Teacher Education MSTEL e; Member of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, London M St E [ng] e: Master of Structural Engineering MSTG e: Mass Storage Task Group - e: Material Safety Task Group

MSSU e: Meteorology on Stamps Study Unit MStG d: Militärstrafgesetz MSSVD e: Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases MSSVFI e: Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry MSSW e: Master of Science in Social Work - e: Mission Support Software MSSz H: Magyar Si Szövetseg

MSSIG e: Manchester Statistical Society Industrial Group

- e: Manufacturing Systems and Technology Center - e: Maryland State Teachers College - e: Massachusetts State Teachers College

MST c: Ministerstvo Strojirenstvi - e: Association of Maximum Service Telec asters - e: Master of Sacred Theology - e: Master of Science in Taxation - e: Master of Science in Teaching - e: Materials Science and Technology [Division] - e: Mercantile Stores Co., Inc. - e: Microwave Satellite Technologies, Inc. - e: Ministry of Environment and Science - e: Mission Support Team - e: Mountain Standard Time

MSTGS e: Marine Sciences and Technologies Grants Scheme M ST J e: Ordinary Member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem M.St.Kdo. d: Marinestationskommando M&St L e: Minneapolis and Saint Louis Railway Co. MSTLAB e: Materials and Science Toxicology Laboratory MSTM e: Military Standard Transportation and Movement - 5: Movimiento de Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo MSTMC e: Materials and Structures Technology Management Center MstP d: Militarstrafprozess

MSSMS e: Munition Section Strategic Missile Squadron

Mst d: Meldesammelstelle

M&StP e: Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway

MSSNY e: Medical Society of the State of New York

MSt d: Musterstatut - e: Master of Statistics

MStpKdo d: Marinestutzpunktkommando

MSSP e: International Association of Marble, Slate and Stone Polishers, Rubbers and Sawyers, Tile and Marble Setters' Helpers and Marble Mosaic and Terrazzo Workers' Helpers - e: Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania - sk: Muzeälna Slovenskä Spolocnosti

M.St. d: Motorsturm

MSTP&SSM e: Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co.

MS [T] e: Master of Science in Teaching MSTA e: Manufacturers Surgical Trade Association - e: Maryland State Teachers Association - e: Michigan State Teachers Association - e: Missouri State Teachers Association

MSSPac e: Military Sealift Service Pacific MSSR e: Medical Society for the Study of Radiesthesia - e: Mobility Support Services Resource/Study Group - e: Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic MSSRC e: Mediterranean Social Sciences Research Council MSSS e: Maintenance Supply Services System - e: Master of Science in Social Science - e: Missile Service Support System -/· Ministere de la Sante et des Services Sociaux


M.St.P.&S.S.M.Ry. e: Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. MSTR e: Massena Terminal Railroad Co. Mstr e: Master M.St.R. d: Marine-Stammregiment

MSTAB e: Manufacturing Systems Technical Advisory Board MSTAT e: Marine Safety Training and Assistance Team M.Stat. e: Master of Statistics - e: Mistress of Statistics M.Stat-Jber.Stuttg. d: Medizinischstatistischer Jahresbericht über die Stadt Stuttgart MSTC e: Management Systems Training Council - e: Manned Spacecraft Test Center


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M.S.Trans. e: Master of Science in Transportation M.S.Trans.E. e: Master of Science in Transportation Engineering Mstr Mech e: Master Mechanic MSTS e: Military Sea Transportation] Service MSTSELM e: Military Sea Transportation Service, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean MSTSFE e: Military Sea Transport Service, Far East

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MTA MSTSO e: Military Sea Transportation Service Office MSTSOV e: Military Sea Transportation Service Office Vietnam

MSV c: Mistni Skolni Vybor

MSYT e: Managed Stand Yield Tables

M.S.V. d: Moslemische StudentenVereinigung

M Sy Th e: Master of Systematic Theology

M.-S.-V. d: Mannerschwimmverein MSTSPACOM e: Mediterranean Military Sea Transportation Service Space Assignment Committee MSTU e: Military Sea Transport Union MStV d: Marinestandortverwaltung MSU d: Marburger Studenten-Union - d: Münchener Studenten-Union - e: Management Support Unit - e: Medical Support Unit - e: Memphis State University - e: Message Switching Unit - e: Meteorology on Stamps Study Unit - e: Michigan State University [of Agriculture and Applied Science] - e: Ministerial Services Unit - e: Mississippi State University - e: Montana State University - e: Morgan State University - e: Moscow State University - e: Murray State University -/· Universite d'Etat de Moscou - s: Universidad Estatal de Moscu M.S.U. /· Mouvement Syndicale Unifie MSUC e: Middle South Utilities Company

MSVC e: Mount St. Vincent College MSVD e: Message Status Visual Display - e: Missile and Space-Vehicle Department MSVDP e: Message Status Visual Display Panel

MSzI H: Magyar Szabvänyügyi Intezet

MSVO e: Missile and Space Vehicle Office

MSZMP H: Magyar Szocialista Munkäspärt

MSvRA. r: Meddelanden frän Svenska RiksArchivet

MSZOSz H: Mezögazdasägi Szakemberek Orszägos Szövetsege

MSVU c: Ministerstvo Skolstvi Ved a Umeni

MSzP H: Magyarorszägi Szocialista Part

MSW d: Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung - d: Mitteldeutsche Sprengstoffwerke GmbH - e: Machine Status Word - e: Mammal Species of the World - e: Master of Social Welfare - e: Master of Social Work - e: Master's in Social Work - e: Medical Social Worker - P: Ministerstwo Spraw Wewn^trznych - P: Ministerstwo Szkolnictwa Wyzszego

MSzSz H: Mozgo Szakorvosi Szolgälat

MSUCP e: Michigan State University Cyclotron Project

M.S.Wales I.E. e: Member of South Wales Institute of Engineers

M.S.U.D. /· Mouvement pour un Syndicalisme Uni et Democratique

MSWEG e: Mild Steel Wire Export Group

MSULond e; Medical Schools of the University of London

MSWG e: Manpower Systems Work Group - e: Materials Science Working Group - e: Message Standards Working Group - e: Military Strategy Working Group - e: Mobile Services Working Group MSWiA P: Ministerstwo Spraw Wewn^trznych i Administracji MSWIE e: Member of the South Wales Institute of Engineers MSWIN P: Ministerstwo Szkoi Wyzszych i Nauki

M.Supp. e: Ministry of Supply M. Surg[ery] e: Master of Surgery

MSWJR e: Midland & South Western Junction Railway Co.

M.Surv. e: Master of Surveying

MSWL e: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

M.Surv.Sc. e: Master of Surveying Science

MSWojsk P: Ministerstwo Spraw Wojskowych

MSUS /· Mouvement Socialiste d'Union Senegalaise MSUSM e: Medical Society of the United States and Mexico MSV c: Ministerstvo Stavebnictvi - d: Mannerschwimmverein - d: Marxistischer Studentenverband - d: Mechanische Seidenweberei Viersen AG - d: Medizinische Statistik der VESKA - e: Medical Society of Victoria - e: Medical Society of Virginia - e: Mississippi & Skuna Valley Railroad Co.

MSzDSz H: Magyarorszägi Szloväkok Demokratikus Szövetsege MSZH H: Magyar Szabvänyügyi Hivatal

M.S.W, d: Marineschule Wesermünde

M.S.U.L. e; Medical Schools of the University of London

MSZDP H: Magyar Szocialdemokrata Part

MSVM d: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Versicherungsmathematiker

MSUCLE e: Missouri State University Continuing Legal Education

MSUL e: Medical School of the University of London - e: Memphis State University Library - e: Michigan State University Library - e: Mississippi State University Library - e: Montana State University Library

MSZ c: Ministerstwo pro Sjednoceni Zakonu - d: Medizintechnisches Servicezentrum - d: Motorisierter Schützenzug - P: Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych

MSWV d: Ministerium für Stadtentwicklung, Wohnen und Verkehr des Landes Brandenburg MSWWF d: Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung MSX e: Mid-Course Space Experiment - e: Seaboard Oil Company [Delaware] 3-M System e: Standard Navy Maintenance Material Management System

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MT c: Matice Technickä - c: Ministerstvo Techniky - d: Ländercode für Malta - d: medizinisch-technisch - e: Management Threshold - e: Mannesmann Tally - e: Manufacturing Technology - e: Marxism Today. London - e: Master of Teaching - e: Master Timer - e: Mean Time - e: Measurement Technology - e: Mechanical Technician - e: Mechanical Transport - e: Medical Technologist - e: Military Task - e: Military Transport - e: Ministry of Transport - e: Mission Time - e: Mission Trajectory - e: Mobile Transporter - e: Moluccas Time - e: Montana - e: Mortgage Trust of America - e: Mountain Time - eo: Internacia Asocio Monda Turismo - H: Magyar Televizio - r: Manufakturisternas Tidskrift - R: Morskoy Tralshchik - 5: Magistratura de Trabajo M&T d: Markt & Technik - e: Maintenance and Transportation M/T e; Ministry of Transport - e: Motor Transport or Military Transport MTA d: Militärtechnische Akademie - e: MAC [Military Airlift Command] Transportation Authorization - e: Mackenzie Tribbeck Associates Ltd. - e: Maine Teachers Association - e: Major Technical Area - e: Major Trading Area[s] - e: Manpower Training Association - e: Maritime Training Association - e: Mark Twain Association - e: Market Technicians Association - e: Mass Transit Administration - e: Massachusetts Teachers Association - e: Master Tilers Association - e: Material Transfer Agreement - e: Media Technology Associates Ltd.


M.T.A. - e: Melamine Tableware Association - e: Message Transfer Agent - e: Metropolitan Transit Authority - e: Metropolitan Transportation Authority - e: Mica Trade Association, Ltd. - e: Michigan Tuberculosis Association - e: Mid-West Truckers Association Inc. - e: Military Testing Association - e: Military Training Area - e: Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey - e: Miniature Truck Association - e: Mississippi Teachers Association - e: Motor Trade Association - e: Motorhome Travelers Association - e: Multiple Terminal Access - e: Municipal Treasurers Association of the United States and Canada - e: Music Teachers' National Association - e: Music Trades Association - e: Musical Theatres Association - e: Rand McNally Major Trading Areas - r: Motala Tekniska Aftonskola

MTASCP e: Medical Technologist of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists

M.T.A. e: Master Tanners' Association - e: Motor Traders' Association - e: Music Teachers' Association -/· Bureau des Methodes et Techniques d'Action - H: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia

M.T.B.A. e: Master Tailors' Benevolent Association

MTAA e: Mopar Trans-Am Association - e: Motor Trades Association of Australia MTAB e: Military Technical Acceptance Board MTAC e: Machine Technology Access Center - e: Mailers Technical Advisory Committee - e: Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation - e: MEECN Technical Advisory Committee MTACC e: Marine Tactical Command and Control System - e: Modular Tactical Air Control Centre MTACCS e: Marine Corps Tactical C2 [Command and Control] System

MTAT e: Mean-Turn-Around-Time - ma: Maktab Tunis Angkatan Tentera MTB d: Münchner Trend-Börse für Internationale Schuh- und Lederwaren - e: Main Terminal Board - e: Major Trading Bank - e: Malaysian Tin Bureau - e: Maori Trust Board - e: Materials Testing Branch - e: Materials Transportation Bureau - e: Medium Tank Battalion - e: Michigan Seamless Tube Company - e: Miyagi Television Broadcasting - e: Motor Tariff Bureau M.T.B, e: Motor Transportation Board MTBA e: Machine Tool Builders' Association

MTBB e: Mean Time Between Breakdowns MTBC e: Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation MTBCF e: Mean Time Between Critical Failure MTBCMA e: Mean Time Between Corrective Maintenance Actions

- e: Manhattan Theater Club - e: Manufacturing Technology Centre of New Brunswick - e: Marine Technology Center - e: Maritime Transport Committee - e: Master of Textile Chemistry - e: Material Testing Center - e: Materiel Testing Command - e: Mechanical Training Centre - e: Mechanical Transport Corps - e: Medical Training Center - e: Meteorological Training Center - e: Metropolitan Technology Center - e: Metropolitan Transportation Commission - e: Metropolitan Transportation Committee - e: Micrographic Technology Corporation - e: Midwestern Telecommunication Conference - e: Military Training Cadets - e: Military Transportation Committee - e: Missile Test Center - e: Missile Threat Conference - e: Mission and Traffic Control - e: Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals, Inc. - e: Monitor Test Console - e: Monsanto Company - e: Montreal Trust Company - e: Morse Telegraph Club - e: Motor Transport Corps - e: Mountain Training Center - e: Mystic Terminal Company -/· Mouvement Traditionaliste Congolais - 5: Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones M.T.C. e: Master of Textile Chemistry - e: Mechanized Transport Corps - e: Ministry of Trade and Customs - e: Music Teacher's Certificate

MTBD e: Mean-Time-Between-Devices MTBDT n: Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst MTBF e: Mean Time Before Failure - e: Mean Time Between Failure[s] MTBFEC e: Motor Truck, Bus, and Fire Engine Club

MTCA e: Military Training Camp Association - e: Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation - e: Model Toxic Control Act MTCAS e: Marine Corps Tactical Command and control System MTCAUS e: Military Training Camps Association of the United States

MTBJ e: Mean Time Between Jams MTCB e: Metropolitan Taxicab Board

MTAE z: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitutu

MtBl BAA d: Mitteilungsblatt des Bundesausgleichsamts

MTAF e: Mediterranean Tactical Air Force MTBM e: Mean Time Between Maintenance MTAG e: Manufacturing Technical Advisory Group - e: Manufacturing Technology Advisory Group MTAI e: Member of the Institute of Travel Agents - e: Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory - e: Model Technical Agricultural Institute MTAK H: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Könyvtära MTAL e: Military Technology and Arms Limitation Programme

MTBO e: Mean Time Between Outage MTBOMF e: Mean Time Between Operational Mission Failures MTBP d: Mittelständisches TechnologieB eratungs-Programm

MTCE /· Mouvement des Travailleurs Chretiens pour Europe

MTBR e: Mean Time Between Removal

MTCF e: Multilateral Technical Cooperation Fund

MTBRON e: Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron

MT Ch e: Master of Textile Chemistry

MTBS e: Mean Time Between Service

MTCH e: Mining Technology Clearing House

Mt.All. e: Mount Allison University

MTBSP e: Mobilization Troop Basic Stationing Plan

MTAMR e: Metropolitan Toronto Association for the Mentaly Retarded

MTBSTC e: Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron's Training Center

MTAMTO H: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Müszaki Tudomänyok Osztälya

MTC e: Magnetic Tape Controller - e: Make Today Count [organization] - e: Malayan Tobacco Company - e: Maneuver Training Command


MTCC e: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto - e: Military Air Transport Service - e: Modular Tactical Communication^] Center (or Centre) - e: Modular Tactical Control Center - e: Movement and Traffic Control Center


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MTCIP e: Manual Technical Control Improvement Program MTCL e: Mechanical Translation and Computational Linguistics - e: Metropolitan Toronto Central Library MT-CLIM e: Mountain Climate Model

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MTK MTCN e: Management Task Control Number MTCO e: Macon Terminal Company MT Coy e: Mechanical Transport Company - e: Motor Transport Company MTCP e: Master of Town and Country Planning - e: Minister of Town and Country Planning - e: Ministry of Town and Country Planning

MTEC e: Missile Technology Export Control Group - e: Motorola Training and Education Center MTech e: Master in/of Technology MTED e: Market and Trade Economics Division M.Tel.E[ng]. e: Mistress of Telecommunications Engineering

MTCR e: Missile Technology Control Regime

MTEM e: Magnetosphere-Thermosphere Explorer Mission

MTD d: Militärtopographischer Dienst - e: Manufacturing Technology Development - e: Manufacturing Technology Division - e: Maritime Trades Department - e: Master of Textile Design - e: Master Tracking Data - e: Material Test Directorate - e: Metal Trades Department - e: Midwife Teacher's Diploma - e: Military Training Department - e: Military Training Directorate - e: Mobile Training Detachment - e: Movement of Democratic Laborites

MT Eng e: Master of Textile Engineering

M.T.D. e: Master of Transportation Design

M.Text, e: Master of Textiles - e: Mistress of Textiles

MTH d: Militärtechnische Hefte - e: Magnetic Tape Holder - e: Massachusetts Institute of Technology - e: Master of Trinity House - e: Mount Hood Railroad - H: Munkaerötartalekok Hivatala M Th e: Master of Theology M.T.H. e: Master of Trinity House MTHB d: Mittel-Thurgau-B ahn - e: Mark Twain Home Board MThPast /· Maltre en Theologie Pastorale

MTDA e: Mean Time Data Availability - e: Modified Table of Distribution and Allowances MTDB e: Metropolitan Transit Development Board MTDD e: Master Time Division Demultiplexer MTDDIS e: Mesoscale Transport Diffusion and Deposition Model for Industrial Sources MTDE e: Maintenance Technique Development Establishment

MTER e: Multitest Evaluation Report Mter J SAMPE Quart e: Materials Journal. SAMPE [Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering] Quarterly MTE/STE e: Maintenance Test Equipment/Specified Test Equipment MTESz H: Muszaki es Termeszettudomänyi Egyesületek Szövetsege

MTF e: Medical Treatment Facility - e: Men's Tie Foundation - e: Message Test Formatting - e: Message Text Formats - e: Metal Trades Federation - e: Microsoft Tape Format - e: Mississippi Test Facility - e: Model Test Facility - e: Modernization Task Force - e: Multiracial Training Facility - r: Mälarens Turisttrafikforening MTFCA e: Model „T" Ford Club of America

MTHS d: Marktforschunggemeinschaft an der [Technischen Hochschule] Stuttgart MTI d: Manövriertechnisches Institut GmbH - d: Mischtechnik Industrieanlagen GmbH - e: Maintenance Team Inspection - e: Manitoba Technical Institute - e: Manpower Training Institute - e: Manufacturing Technologies, Incorporated - e: Marketing and Training Institute - e: Material Technology International - e: Materials Technology Institute - e: Mechanical Technology, Incorporated - e: Metal Treating Institute - e: Military Training Instructor - e: MIPS Technologies, Incorporated - e: Mitsubishi Trading Co., Ltd. - e: Mobile Training Institute - e: Modern Telecommunications, Incorporated - e: Morton Thiokol, Incorporated - e: Motorola Teleprograms Incorporated - e: Moving Target Indicator -/· Marche Textile International -/· Ministere des Telecommunications et de Information -/· Mouvement de la Tendance Islamique - H: Magyar Tävirati Iroda MTIA e: Metal Trades Industry Association [of Australia]

MTFCI e: Model „T" Ford Club International MT Des e: Master of Textile Design MTFF e: Man Tended Free Flyer

M.T.I.A. /· Mission Technique et Industrielle d'Armement

MTDF e: Maritime Tactical Development Forum

MTFK d: Minen-Torpedo-Fliegerkräfte

MTDiL P: Ministerstwo Transportu Drogowego i Lotniczego

MTFL e: Man-Tended Free-Flying Laboratory

MTIB e: Malaysian Timber Industry Board

MTDM e: Master Time Division Multiplexer

MTFP94 e: Manufacturing Technology Fellowship Programme 1994

MTIC p: Ministerio do Trabalho Industria e Comericio

MTFP95 e: Manufacturing Technology Fellowship Programme 1995

MTiGM P: Ministerstwo Transportu i Gospodarki Morskiej

MTFP96 e: Manufacturing Technology Fellowship Programme 1996

MTEV e: Ministry of Trade and Industry Northern Region

MTFP e: Marema Tlou Freedom Party

MTIRA e: Machine-Tool Industry Research Association

MTDS e: Marine Tactical Data System - e: Metallurgical and Thermochemical Data Service - e: Morocco Trade and Development Services MTE e: Maintenance Training Equipment - e: Master of Textile Engineering - e: Mastergroup Translating Equipment - e: Measurement and Test Equipment - e: Mechanical Training Establishment - e: Medical Training Establishment - e: Member of the Telegraph Engineers - H: Mezögazdasägi es Elelmiszeripari Tudomänyos Egyesiilet M.T.E. H: Minisztertanäcs Elnöke MT&E e: Materials Testing and Evaluation MTEA e: Metal Trades Employers' Association

MTFR e: Minnesota Transfer Railway Company

MTIAC e: Manufacturing Technology Information Analysis Center

MTIS e: Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales

MTFS e: Medical Treatment Facility System MTG d: Mannheimer Transport-Gesellschaft - d: Marinetechnik Planungsgesellschaft mbH - d: Münchener Telefon-Gesellschaft mbH - d: Münchener Tierärztliche Gesellschaft - e: Main Traffic Group - e: Media Task Group MTGZ d: Mendener Technologie- und Gewerbezentrum

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MTIW e: Ministry of Trade and Industry Western Region M.T.J. r: Malmö-Trelleborgs Järnväg MTK d: Medizinal-Tarif-Kommission - d: Medizinaltarifkommission - F: Maataloustuottajain Keskusliitto - P: Mi^dzynarodowe Targi Ksi^zki


MTKI MTKI H: Munkavedelmi Tudomänyos Kutato Intezet

MTMR e: Military Traffic Management Regulation

MTL e: Manufacturing and Technology Laboratory - e: Material - e: Materials Division - e: Materials Technology Laboratory - e: Measurement Technology Limited - e: Modern Terminals Limited - e: Motivation and Training Laboratory - e: Motor Traders Limited - F: Mainostoimistojen Liitto

MTMS e: Manchester Transport Museum Society - e: Military Traffic Management Service

Mtl e: Montreal MTLCCS e: Mediterranean Tactical Logistic Command and Control System M.T.L.D. /· Mouvement pour le Triomphe des Libertes Democratiques MTLU e: Montserrat Trades and Labour Union MTM d: Montage Theater München - e: Marathon Manufacturing Co. - e: Methods Time Measurement - e: Methods Time Measurement Association for Standards and Research - e: Mission Table Management - e: Multiple Terminal Manager MTMA e: Methods-Time Measurement Association - e: Military Traffic Management Agency - e: Modern Teaching Methods Association

-/· Ministere des Travaux Publics -/· Musee des Travaux Publics - P: Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie M.T.P. e: Mistress of Town Planning - e: Mobile Transportation Police -/· Musee des Travaux Publics

MTMTS e: Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service

MTPA e: Master Textile Printers Association

MTMW P: Mi^dzynarodowe Towarzystwo Muzyki Wspoiczesnej

MTPC e: Metal Tube Packaging Council of North America

MTN d: Sektion MTN [Militärisches Transport- und Nachrichtenwesen], Hochschule für Verkehrswesen „Friedrich List" - e: Main Telecommunications Network - e: Mizlou Television Network - e: Multilateral Trade Negotiations - e: Multinational Trade Negotiations

MTPCNA e: Metal Tube Packaging Council of North America

MTNA e: Music Teachers' National Association

MTPI e: Member of the Town Planning Institute

MTNWR e: Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge


MTO c: Mezinarodni Transitni Okruh - e: Man-Technology-Organization - e: Medical Transportation Officer - e: Mediterranian Theatre of Operations - e: Message to Observer - e: Military Ticket Office - e: Military Transport Officer - e: Mississippi Test Operations - e: Multilateral Trade Organization -/· Mouvement Togolais pour la Democratic - n: Middelbaar Technisch Onderwijs - r: Människa-Teknik-Organisation

MTPE e: Mission To Planet Earth [program] MTPH /· Medecin du Travail du Personnel Hospitaller

e: Mount Palomar Observatory

MTPPI e: Medical Technology and Practice Patterns Institute MTPTT /· Ministere des Travaux Publics, Transports et Tourisme MTPUG e: Pascal/MT Users Group

MTOB e: Manned Test Operations Board

MTR e: Marine Transportation-Related - e: Material Test Report - e: Materials Testing Reactor - e: Maximum Report Time - e: Membrane Technology [and] Research, Inc. - e: Minimum Technological Requirement - e: Missile Tracking Radar - e: MITRE Technical Report - e: Montour Railroad Co. - e: MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce GmbH - i; Ministem dei Trasporti - P: Malopolskie Towarzystwo Rolnicze

MTOC e: Microtubule Organizing Center - e: Mitotic Organizing Center - e: Monitoring Transport of Ocean Currents

MTRB e: Maritime Transportation Research Board - e: Motor Truck Rate Bureau MTRC e: Mass Transit Railway Corporation

MTMC[-]EA e: Military Traffic Management Command Eastern Area

MTOE e: Modification Table of Organization and Equipment - e: Modified Table of Organization and Equipment

Mt McK NP e: Mount McKinley National Park

MTOGW e; Maximum Take-Off Gross Weight

M.T.R.D. e: Mechanical Transport Reserve Depot - e: Ministry of Transportation Roads Division

MTMCTEA e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engineering Agency

MTOUSA e: Mediterranean Theater of Operations, United States Army

MT Rep Coy e: Mechanical Transport Repair Company

MTOW e; Maximum Take-Off Weight

Mt. Res. Dev. e: Mountain Research and Development

MTMASR e: MTM Association for Standards and Research

M.T.O. e: Master Tailors' Organization MTMA-UK e: Methods-Time Measurement Association-United Kingdom MTMB e: Military Traffic Management Bulletin MTMC e: Military Traffic Management Command - e: Military Transportation Management Command - e: Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity

MTMCTTC e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Command, Europe MTMC-TTCE e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Command Europe MTMCTTU e: Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Unit MTMCWA e: Military Traffic Management Command Western Area MTM/D e: Million Ton-Miles-Per-Day


MT&O n: [Bureau] Mobiliteit Training & Opleiding

MTP c: Ministerstvo Tezkeho Prumyslu - d: Meßtechnische Prüfstelle - e: Mail Transfer Protocol - e: Maintenance Test Pilot - e: Manufacturing Technical Procedure - e: Marema Tlou Party - e: Master of Town and Country Planning - e: Master Test Plan - e: Materiel Transfer Plan - e: Medium-Term Plan - e: Mission Test Plan - e: Mission Training Plans - e: MITRE Technical Paper - e: Montana Power Co. - e: Movement for Tolerance and Progress - e: Multi-Megawatt Terrestrial Power Plant


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M Tr Co e: Motor Truck Company

Mt Rev e: Most Reverend MTRF e: Mark Twain Research Foundation M Trk Co e: Motor Truck Company MtRNP e: Mount Rainier National Park M.T.R.P. e: Master of Town and Regional Planning - e: Mistress of Town and Regional Planning MTS c: Ministerstvo Tezkeho Strojirenstvi - d: Maschinen-Traktoren-Station - e: Machine Tractor Station

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

MUA - e: Malayan Tourist Services - e: Management Tracking System - e: Manager, Technical Support - e: Manpower Training Services - e: Marine Tactical System - e: Marine Technical Society - e: Marine Technology Society - e: Maritime Tactical School - e: Mark Twain Society - e: Marketing and Transportation Situation - e: Marketing Technical Services - e: Material Tracking Standard - e: Member of the Technical Staff - e: Message Telecommunications Service - e: Message Telephone Services - e: Message Telephone System - e: Message Transfer Service[s] - e: Message Transfer System - e: Metropolitan Transportation System - e: Michigan [University] Time-Sharing - e: Middlebare Technical School - e: Military Traffic Service - e: Millbank Technical Services - e: Missile Training Squadron - e: Mobile Telecommunications Services - e: Mobile Telephone Service - e: Money Transfer Service - e: Montgomery Street Income Securities - e: Monthly Treasury Statement - e: Multichannel Television Sound - e: Multimedia Teleschool - e: Musculoskeletal Tumor Society - n: Middelbare Technische School - P: Mifdzynarodowy Trybunai Sprawiedliwosci

MTSz H: Magyar Turista Szövetseg MTT e: Maintenance Training Team

MTWC e: Morgan Three-Wheeler Club MT&T e: Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Co. MTT e: Master of Textile Technology - e: Metropolitan Edison Co. - e: Metropolitan Transport Trust - e: Military Training Team - e: Ministerial Trade Talks - e: Mobile Training Team - e: Mobile Training Teams - e: Mother Tongue Teaching - e: Multiple Target Tracking - e: Municipal Tramways Trust - H: Magyar Tärsadalomtudomänyi Tärsulat - H: Magyar Tudomänyos Tanäcs MTTA e: Machine Tool[s] Trade[s] Association - e: Multi-Tenant Telecommunications Association - e: Municipal Tramways and Transport Association MTTAGB e: Machine Tool Trades Association of Great Britain

MTSAT e: Multi-Functional Transport Satellite

MTTEA e: Marine Towing and Transportation Employers Association

MTTI H: Müszaki Tudomänyos Täjekoztato Intezetben MTTP e: Materials Testing and Technology Program

MTSC e: Middle Tennessee State College

MTTR e: Mean Time To Repair - e: Mean Time To Restore

MT Sch e: Motor Transport School

MTTY e: Maintenance Module Teletype

MTsD e: All Union Scientific Institute on Hydrometeorological Information-World Data Center, State Committee on Hydrometeorology

MTU d: Motoren- und Turbinen-Union GmbH - e: Maintenance Training Unit - e: Maximum Transmission Unit - e: Michigan Technical University - e: Michigan Technological University - e: Michigan Training Unit - e: Mobile Training Unit - e: Mobile Treatment Unit - R: Mostoykladchik Tankoviy Ustroystvo

MTSH H: Magyar Testnevelesi es Sporthivatal MTSK r: Malmöteknologernas Stockholmsklubb MTSL e: Monitoring and Technical Support Laboratory MTSO e: Mobile Telephone Switching Office MTS/RTS d: Maschinen-TraktorenStation/Reparatur-Technische Station M.T.S.S. /· Ministere du Travail et de la Securite Sociale MTST H: Magyar Testnevelesi es Sport Tanäcs

MTWIU e: Marine Transport Workers' Industrial Union MtWO e: Mount Wilson Observatory MTWP e: Maritime Tactical Working Party M-T WP e: Medium-Term Work Programme MTWS e: Marine Air Ground Task Force Tactical Warfare Simulation -T.W.T.Co. e: Mechanical Transport Water Tank Company MTX e: Military Traffic Expediting Service - e: Motor Transport MTZ d: Medizinisch-Technisches Zentrum MTZS e: Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Society MTZV d: Münchner Trabrenn- und Zuchtverein

M.T.T.B. e: Made-up Textiles Trade Board

MTTF e: Mean Time To Failure M.T.S. e: Member of the Television Society - e: Merchant Taylors' School - e: Merchant Transport Service - e: Missions to Seamen

- e: Marinette, Tomahawk & Western Railroad Co.

MTUC e: Macau Trade Union Council - e: Malayan Trade Union Conference - e: Malayan Trades Union Congress - e: Mauritius Trades Union Congress MTUF e: Mauritius Trades Union Federation MTV d: Männerturnverein - e: Master of Television - e: Monitoring of Tropical Vegetation - e: MTV Networks Inc. - e: Music Television

MU a: Metodistkirkens Ungdomsforbund - c: Masarykova Universita - d: Ländercode für Mauritius - d: Maxhütte, Unterwellenborn - d: Medizinische Universität - d: Montan-Union, Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl - e: Mac Gill University - e: Mac Master University - e: Macquarie University - e: Maintenance Unit - e: Management Unit - e: Marquette University - e: Marshall University - e: Massey University - e: Master Unit - e: McGill University - e: Media Union - e: Melbourne University - e: Mercer University - e: Mercy University - e: Mercyhurst University - e: Meredith University - e: Merrimack University - e: Mesa University - e: Messiah University - e: Methodist University - e: Miami University - e: Midwestern University - e: Milliken University - e: Monash University - e: Mothers' Union - e: Murdoch University - e: Musicians' Union - r: Moralisk Upprustining - s: Milicia Universitaria - se: Muzicka Akademija M&U e: Middletown and Unionville Railroad M.U. e: Motor Union

M.Tv. e; Master of Television Mt.St.Vin. e: Mount Saint Vincent College MTSU e: Malayan Technical Services Union - e: Middle Tennessee State University M.T.S.W.D. e: Methodist Temperance and Social Welfare Department

MU c: Mykologicky Ustav MTVA d: Mitteilungen des staatlichen Technischen Versuchsamtes MTW d: Mathias-Thesen-Werft - d: Militärtransportwesen

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MUA e: Machinery Users' Association - e: Mail User Agent - e: Malayan Union Association - e: Manned Undersea Activity - e: Maritime Union of Australia


M.U.A. - e: Material Utilization Agreement - e: Materials] Usage Agreement - e: Ministry of State for Urban Affairs - e: Monotype Users' Association - e: Musicians Union of Australia M.U.A. e: Malay Union Alliance MUAC e: Metropolitan Universities Admissions Center MÜAG d: Mittelschwäbische Überlandzentrale AG MUAG Rundschau d: Margarine Union A.G. Rundschau M.U.A.J. /· Mouvement Uni des Auberges de la Jeunesse

MUCSAV c: Matematicky Ustav pfi CSAV M-UCSD e: University of California at San Diego MUCUSA e: Missionary Union of the Clergy in the United States of America MUCV e: Monash University MUD d: Mitfahrer-Union Deutschlands - e: Manpower Utilization Department - e: Mouvement Union Democratique - e: Multi-User Dungeon - e: Multi[ple]-User Dialogues] - e: Multi[ple]-User Dimension - i; Movimento Unitario Democratico - p: Movimento Unitario Democratico M.U.D. p: Movimento Unidade Democrätica

- e: MUMPS [Massachusetts General Hospital Multi-programming System] Users Group - P: Mi^dzynarodowa Unia Geograficzna MUGD e: MUMPS [Massachusetts General Hospital Multi-programming System] Users Group Deutschland MUGOLIS e: Manchester User Group for On-Line Information Systems MuHo d: Musikhochschule MUI e: Maritime Union of India -/· Mouvement d'Unification Islamique MUIG e: Minicomputer Users Interest Group M.U.I.O.O.F. e: Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows

MÜAKI H: Muanyagipari Kutato Intezet MUD AB d: Meeresumweltdatenbank MUA Message e: MOG [Maintenance Oriented Group] Unblocking Acknowledgement Message MUB e: Mueller Brass Company -/· Mouvement de 1'Unite Basonge - P: Miejski Urz^d Bezpieczenstwa - r: Monopolutredningsbyran

MUD AR p: Movimento de Unidade Democrätica Angolana para a Reconstrugao MUDE e: Women in Development - s: Mujeres en Desarollo MUDEBV s: Mujeres Unidas para el Desarollo de Baja Verapaz

Muba d: Schweizer Mustermesse in Basel MÜ-Ba d: Münchner Bank, Verwaltungs- und Vermittlungs-GmbH MUBEF /· Mouvement des universitaires beiges d'expression frangaise MUBIS d: Multimediales Büroinformationssystem MUBJ d: Mykologische Untersuchungen und Berichte, Jena MUBP P: Miejski Urz^d Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego MUC e: Magee University College - e: Manchester University Computer - e: Mount Union College -/· Mouvement d'Union Camerounaise M.U.C. e: Missionary Union of the Clergy MUCC e: Michigan United Conservation Clubs

MUDPAC e: Melbourne University DualPackage Analog[ue] Computer MUD PIE e: Museum and University Data Processing Information Exchange

MüJ d: Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst MUJCSA e: Mining Unions' Joint Committee of South Africa MUJE e: Mechanics' Unions' Joint Executives MUK d: Gesellschaft für Markt- und Kühlhallen - d: Mobiles Umweltschutzkommando MUKO d: Mukoviszidose [eine Erbkrankheit; Mukoviszidose-Hilfe e.V.]

MUDS e: Man-hour Use Data System

MüKo d: Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch

MUDTA e: Multiuse Data Terminal Assembly

Müko d: Münchner KommissionsBuchhhandlung

MUE i: Movimento per 1'Unita Europea

MUL e: Master Urgency List - e: Mobile-Moored Undersea Laboratory - e: Movement for the Unity of the Left

MuES e: Music Educators Journal MUEV d: Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Verkehr MUeW d: Monopolübertragungsweg MUF e: Malta Union of Farmers - e: Manchester University Five - e: Maximum Usable Frequency

Mill d: MUller[ei] MULE e: Modular Universal Laser Equipment MULO n: Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs MULPOC e: Multinational Programming and Operational Center (or Centre)

MUFACE 5: Mututalidad de Funcionarios Administracion Civil del Estado

MULR e: Melbourne University Law Review

MUFCVE e: Murdoch University Foundation for Continuing Veterinary Education

MULS e: Minnesota [University] Union List of Serials

MÜFINANZ d: Münchener Gesellschaft für Finanzierungsbetreuung mbH

MULSP e: Missouri Union List of Serial Publications MULTA e: Multiple-Use Land Alliance

MUCK e: Multi User Chat Kingdom

MUFLNG /· Mouvement pour l'Unification des Forces de Liberation Nationale de la Guadeloupe

MUCL /· Mycotheque de l'Universite Catholique de Louvain

MUFM /· Mouvement Universel pour une Federation Mondiale

MUCM e: Medical University College of Medicine -/· Mouvement Universel pour une Confederation Mondiale

MUFON e: Midwest Unidentified Flying Object Network - e: Mutual UFO [Unidentified Flying Object] Network

MUCO e: Material Utilization Control Office

MUG d: Marine-UnterwasserregelanlagenPlanungsgese 11 schaft - d: Ministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit

MUCEU e: Makarere University College Employees Union MUCG e: Management-Union Consultative Group MUCIA e: Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc.

MUCOM e: US Army Munitions Command



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MULTAM e: Multiple Target Assessment Model MULTEWS e: Multiple Target Electronic Warfare System MULTICON e: Multi-Level Shop-Floor Control MULTICS e: Multiplexed] Information and Computing Service

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

MuSIC MULTIMAN e: Quality Management in Distributed Multisite Manufacturing MULTIMED e: Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model

Mun.F. d: Munitionsfabrik

MURR e: Missouri University Research Reactor

MUNGE /· Mouvement pour la Union Nationale de la Guinee Equatorial - 5: Movimiento de Union Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial

MURS /· Mouvement Universel de la Responsabilite Scientifique

Multimedia d: Fachmesse für Technische Lehrmittel und Werksunterricht

MUNI e: Municipality

MULTOS e: Multimedia Filing System

MUNIREP e: Air Munitions Report

MUS d: Marineunteroffizierschule - e: Manned Underwater Station - e: Municipal Utilities System - P: Miejski Urz^d Statystyczny

MULTOTS e: Multiple Unit Link Test and Operational Training System

MUniv e: Master of the University

MuS d: Medizin und Sport

MUNL e: Maharashi University of Natural Law

Mus e: Museum

mum d: Mensch und Management, Institut für Organisationsentwicklung MUM e: Methodology of Unmanned Manufacturing Mü.M. ff.-MunkaügyiMiniszter[ium], Budapest

MUNR d: Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Raumordnung MUNSS e: Munition Storage Site - e: Munition[s] Support Squadron

MUSA e: Medical University of Southern Africa - e: Mutual Security Agency - p: Movimento de Unidade Socialista de Angola Mus AD e: Doctor of Musical Arts

MUNSTOR e: Munitions Storage Facilities MUMC e: McMaster University Medical Center MUMLIB e: Multimedia Technology in Libraries

Mus.akad. r: Kunklig Musikaliska akademien MUO e: Municipal University of Omaha - e: Mutual of Omaha

MUSARC e: Major U.S. Army Reserve Command

MUOS r: Marinens Underofficersskola Mus Art RI e; Museum of Art, Rhode Island

MUMM e: Management Unit of the Mathematical Model [of the North Sea and Scheldt Estuary] MUMMS e: Marine Corps Unified Material (or Materiel) Management System MUMP e: Marshall-University of Michigan Probe MUMPS e: Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi-Programming System MÜ.M.W. d: Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift MUN e: Memorial University of Newfoundland - e: Mine Workers Union of Namibia - e: Model United Nations - e: Munsingwear, Inc. - s: Movimiento de Unificacion Nacional mun d: Munition Muna d: Munitionsanstalt MUNAF p: Movimento de Unidade Nacional Antifacista

MUP e: Manchester University Press - e: Manufacturing-Use Product - e: Master of Urban Planning - e: Melbourne University Press - e: Multi-User/Multi-Project -/· Mouvement de 1'Unite Populaire

Munch.Mus. d: Münchener Museum MUND d: Material- und Nachrichtendienst der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Lehrerverbände MUNDI e: Multiplexed Network for Distributive and Interactive Services MUNDO e: National University Movement for Overseas Development MunDp d: Munitionsdepot MUNEX e: Munitions Allocation and Expenditure Tracking System

MUSBA /· Musee des Beaux-Arts - i : Museo delle Belle Arti

MUP State e: Master Update State

Mus Bac e: Bachelor of Music

MUR e: Management Update and Retrieval [System] - e: Murphy Oil Corporation -/· Mouvements Unifie de la Resistance

MusB[ac] /; Musicae Baccalaureus

MURA e: Midwestern Universities Research Association MURB d: Minister fur Umwelt, Raumordnung und Bauwesen

Mus.Belge /· Le Musee Beige MUSC e: Medical University of South Carolina - e: Memphis Union Station Company MuSchG d: Mutterschutzgesetz MuSchV d: Mutterschutzverordnung

Murba in: Partai Murba MURC e: Murrumbidgee Users Rehabilitation Committee MURDER e: Murray basin Disposal by Evaporation Resource M.U.R.F. /· Mouvement Unifie de la Renaissance Francaise

Mun.Anst. d: Munitionsanstalt Mun Bd e: Munitions Board

MUSAT e: Moisture Utilization in Semi-Arid Tropics

MUSCLE e: Multi-Station Clinical Examination Mus D[oc] e: Doctor of Music - /: Musicae Doctor MUSE e: Medical Use of Simulation Electronics Mus Ed B e: Bachelor of Music Education

MURFAAM e; Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures

Mus Ed D e: Doctor of Music Education

MURFAAMCE e: Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures in Central Europe

Mus Ed M e; Master of Music Education

MURIM e: Multi-Dimensional Reconstruction and Imaging in Medicine

Musee, Neuchätel /· Musee Neuchätelois. Recueil d'histoire nationale et d'archeologie

MURL d: Ministerium] für Umwelt, Raumordnung und Landwirtschaft - e: Major Urban Resource Library

Mus.Helv. /: Museum Helveticum

MURP e; Master of Urban and Regional Planning Murphy e: Murphy Oil Corp.

Mus.Ed.M. e: Master of Music Education

MUSIC e: Maryland University Sectored Isochronous Cyclotron - e: McGill University System for Interactive Computing - e: Military, University-union, Science, Industrial Complex MuSIC e: Multi-System Integrated Control

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


MUSICAM MUSICAM e: Masking Universal Subband Integrated

M.U.V.S. d: Marine-Unteroffiziervorschule

MVAPCA e: Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act

MuW d: Markenschutz und Wettbewerb MusiMus N: Musikkhistorisk Museum MUW e: Municipal University of Wichita MUSIP e: Multisensor Image Processor MUSJB. /· Melanges de I'Universite SaintJoseph Beyrouth MUSL e: Marconi Underwater Systems Ltd. MUSLO e: Marocco United States Liaison Office Mus M[as] e: Master of Music

Müwog d: Münchener Wohnungsfürsorge GmbH MUWS d: Marineunterwasserwaffenschule - e: Manned Underwater Station

MUSRP e: McGill University Savanna Research Project MUST e: Manpower Utilization System and Techniques - e: Maximum Utilization of Skills and Training - e: Mobile Underwater Surveillance Teams MustV d: Musterungsverordnung MUSYK e: Integrated Multi-Level Control System for One-of-a-Kind Production MUSz H: Magyar Uszo Szövetseg - H: Magyar Uttörök Szövetsege MUT e; Malta Union of Teachers - e: Society for Human Settlements - H: Magyar Urbanisztikai Tarsasag - n: Muziektherapie MUTACI /· Mutuelle des Autochtones de la Cöte d'Ivoire

MUZ e: Mineworkers Union of Zambia - n: Maatschappij ter Uitvoering der Zuiderzeewerken MV c: Ministerstvo Vnitra - d: Deutsche Marketing-Vereinigung e.V. - d: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - d: Militärverlag - d: Militärversicherung - d: Mitgliederversammlung - d: Motorenverband - d: Müllverbrennung - d: Münchener Verein Krankenversicherungsanstalt - d: Musikverein - d: Verband der Mühlenbau-Anstalten - e: McFaddin Ventures, Inc. - e: Mentor Exploration & Development Co. Ltd. - e: Metropolitan Vickers - e: Midland Valley Railroad Company - e: Military Vigilance - i: Maria Vergine - r: Metro-Verken AB, Strängnäs Mv. d: Materialverwaltung [Reichskriegsministerium] M.V. d: Militärverwaltung - /: Medicus Veterinarius

MUTOA e: Multi-User Telecommunications Outlet Assemblies

MVA d: Mainzer Verlagsanstalt - d: Müllverbrennungsanlage - e: Machine Vision Association - e: Machinists Vise Association - e: Manufacturing Value Added - e: Minnova, Inc. - e: Mississippi Valley Airways, Inc. - e: Mississippi Valley Association - e: Mississippi Valley Authority - e: Missouri Valley Authority - e: Modern Volunteer Army - e: Music Video Association

MuUrlG d: Gesetz zur Einfuhrung eines Mutterschaftsurlaubs

M.V.A. d: Marine-Verpflegungsamt - d: Marineverwaltungsamt

MUV d: Mainschiffahrts-UnternehmerVerband - d: Monatsschrift für Unfallheilkunde und Versicherungsmedizin - d: Montanunion-Vertrag

MVAA d: Mitteilungen aus dem Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus

MuV d: Montanunionsvertrag

MVAG. d: Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft

MUTCD e: Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices MUTE e: Multiplied Unit For Transmission Elimination MUTES e: Multiple Threat Emitter System

MVA/SME e: Machine Vision Association of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers MVASt d: Mitteilungen des Vereins der Ärzte in Steiermark

MUY e: Murray Corporation of America

Mus.Nat.Hist. e: Museum of Natural History Mus Northern Ariz e: Museum of Northern Arizona

MVAS e: Mahoning Valley Academy of Sciences - e: Milwaukee Vocational & Adult School

MVB d: Mainzer Volksbank - d: Metallverarbeitung Brotterode - d: Milchverband Bern - e: Mississippi Valley Motor Freight Bureau - e: Multimedia Viewer Book MVBA 5: Mercado de Valores de Buenos Aires MVBL e: Mississippi Valley Bärge Line MVC d: Micro-Bit-Virus-Centrum - e: Micro Ventures Ltd. - e: Mississippi Vocational College - e: Missouri Valley Conference - e: Motor Volunteer Corps M Vc e: Metropolitan Vickers M.V.C. e: Member of Victorian Cross MVCC e: Military Vehicle Collectors Club - e: Mount Vernon Community College MVChG d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Chemnitzer Geschichte MVCP e: Management Visibility and Control of Provisioning MVCS e: MPS Voice Communication System MVCSHD e: Mississippi Valley Conference of State Highway Departments MVD e: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - R: Ministerstvo Vnutrennich Del MVDA e: Motor Vehicle Dismantlers' Association MVDM. d: Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Musikkritiker MVDM e: Multiple Virtual Dos Machines

M.V.A.C. i: Milizia Volontaria Anticommunista

M.U.V. d: Münchener Unitas-Verband MUV c: Mlynäfsky Ustav Vyzkumny

MVAG d: Mitteilungen der VorderasiatischÄgyptischen Gesellschaft

MUVK d: Militärische Unfallverhütungskommission

MVAI e: Mississippi Valley Airways, Incorporated

MUVS d: Merkblatt für Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen im Strassenbau - e: Murdoch University Veterinary School

MVAL e: Mississippi Valley Gas Co.

MVDP e: Malaria Vaccine Development Program MVDPA d: Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Patentanwälte MVDS e: Multipoint Video Distribution Service MVdVVk d: Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Vereine für Volkskunde MVE e: Maple Valley Explorations Ltd. - e: Metropolitan Vickers Electrical - e: Murray Valley Encephalitis M. V.E. e: Master of Vocational Education


MV Ed e: Master of Vocational Education MVAP e: Modern Volunteer Army Program

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M.V.S. MVEE e: Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment

MVICSA e: Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act

MVEL e: Motor Vehicle Emission[s] Laboratory

MVIF e: Multi-Vendor Interacting Forum

MVenW n: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat MVEOL n: Mededeelingen en Verhandelingen Ex Oriente Lux M.Vet.Med. e: Master of Veterinary Medicine - e: Mistress of Veterinary Medicine M.Vet.Sc[i]. e: Master of Veterinary Science MVF d: Ministerium für Verarbeitungsmaschinen und Fahrzeugbau - e: MilesValue Foundation - e: MuniVest Fund, Inc. - r: Mekaniska Verkmastareförbundet MVFM d: Mitteilungen des Vereins zur Förderung der Moorkultur MVG d: Mannheimer Verkehrs-AG - d: Medienverlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. - d: Militärversorgungsgericht - e: Minven Gold Corp. - n: Militaire Verdediging van het Grondgebied

MVII e: Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory MVIJC e: Motor Vehicle Industry Joint Council MVI/M e: Motor Vehicle Inspection/ Maintenance

- n: Mededeelingen. Vereniging Naamkunde te Leuven en Commissie Naamkunde te Amsterdam MVNLA n: Mededeelingen. Vereniging Naamkunde te Leuven en Commissie Naamkunde te Amsterdam MVNO e: Mobile Virtual Network Operator MVNP e: Mesa Verde National Park - e: Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge MVNT e: Movement

M.V.LR. d: Militärverwaltung in Rumänien MVISIP e: Murray Valley Irrigation and Salinity Investigation Program

MVNWR e: Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge MVO c: Ministerstvo Vnitrniho Obchodu

M.V.J. r: Mora-Vänerns Järnväg MVJC e: Mount Vernon Junior College MVK c: Ministerstvo Vykupu - d: Magnetbahn-Versuchsanlage Kassel - d: Malerinnenverein, Karlsruhe - d: Milchverwertungsgenossenschaft Köln - d: Minenversuchskommission

M.V.O. e: Member of the Royal Victorian Order MVO e: Member of the [Royal] Victorian Order - e: Military Vehicles Operation - e: MMC Video One Canada Ltd. MvO n: Ministerie van Oorlog

MVKAU d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Kunst und Altertum

MvO/HHD n: Ministerie van Oorlog/ Huishoudelijke Dienst

MVKV n: Marinevliegkamp Valkenburg MVGA e: Manitoba Vegetable Growers Association - e: Monochrome Video Graphics Array MVGB d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für die Geschichte Berlins MVGSN d: Mitteilungen des Vereins zur Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg MVGUL d: Mitteilungen des Vereins der Geographen an der Universität Leipzig MV GW d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für die Geschichte der Stadt Wien

MVL e: Man-Vehicle Laboratory - e: Manville Corp. - e: Mylan Ventures Ltd. M.V.L. N: Mekaniske Verksteders Landsforening MVLA e: Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union MVLDC e: Murray Valley League for Development and Conservation MVLübG d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Lübeckische Geschichte

MVH e: Mohave Gold, Inc. M.V.H. e: Mount Vernon Hospital MVHA e: Mississippi Valley Historical Association MV Hamb G d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte MVHG d: Mitteilungen des Vereins der Freunde des Humanistischen Gymnasiums - d: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte

MVM d: Massenvernichtungsmittel - d: MVM-Schutzanlage - e: Mariner Venus-Mercury Project - e: Master of Veterinary Medicine - e: Motor Vehicle Mechanic

MVP c: Ministerstvo Vefejnyck Praci - d: Max-von-Pettenkofer-Institut - d: Militärische Verkehrspolizei - e: Marginal Value Products - e: Minimum Viable Population - e: MVP Capital Corp. MVPA e: Military Vehicle Preservation Association MVPBA e: Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association MVP-Berichte d: Berichte des Max-vonPettenkofer-Instituts MVPCB e: Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board [California] MVR e: Maneuver - e: Microvascular Research - e: Mondavi Resources Ltd. - e: Motor Vehicle Research, Inc.

MvM n: Ministerie van Marine M.V.M. e: Massachusetts Volunteer Militia - e: Motor Vehicle Mechanic of City & Guilds

MVRA e: Metropolitan Visiting and Relief Association MVRG e: Medieval Village Research Group

MVMA e: Motor Vehicle[s] Manufacturers Association [of the United States]

MVHS e: Mergenthaler Vocational High School

MVMC e: Motor Vehicle Maintenance Conference

MVI e: Macrotrends Ventures, Inc. - e: Malaria Vaccine Initiative - e: Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - e: Mean Value Index - e: Mediovisual Incorporated - e: Merchant Vessel Inspection - e: Metal Ventilator Institute - n: Maandblad der Vereniging van Inspecteurs van Financien

MVMFB e: Mississippi Valley Motor Freight Bureau

MVIC e: Machine Vision International Corporation

MVN d: Materialverbrauchsnorm - e: Magna Ventures Ltd.

MVMS e: Mississippi Valley Medical Society MVM-Schutz d: Schutz vor Massenvernichtungsmittel mvmt e: movement

MVRP d: Mongolische volksrevolutionäre Partei MVRS e: Marine Vapor Recovery System - e: Mystic Valley Railway Society MVS c: Ministerstvo Vseobecneho Strojirenstvi - d: Marineversorgungsschule - e: Master of Veterinary Science - e: Mennonite Voluntary Service - e: Millersville State College, Millersville - e: Mobile Video Services Ltd. - e: Movie Star, Inc. - e: Multiple Virtual System - R: Ministerstvo Vooruzhennyk Sil M.V.S. /· Medaille des Vieux Serviteurs

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

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MVS MVS c: Ministerstvo Vysokych Skol MVSA e: Motor Vehicle Safety Association MV Sc e: Master of Veterinary Science MVSMA e: Mechanical Vibrating Screen Manufacturers Association MVSN i: Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale MVst c: Ministerstvo Vystavby MVSt d: Motorisierter Versorgungsstützpunkt - e: Master of Veterinary Studies MVST e: Multivest Corp. MVSU e: Mississippi Valley State University MVSz H: Magyar Vivo Szövetseg MVT e: Mission Verification Test - e: Motor Vehicle Technician - e: Mount Vernon Terminal - e: Movement - e: Multinational Volunteer Teams M.V.T. e: Motor Vehicle Technician of City & Guilds

- e: Man Week - e: Matthews & Wright Group - e: Matthews Wrightson Holdings Ltd. - e: Mid-Wales Industrial Development Association - e: Middle Way. Buddhist Society - e: Ministry of Works - e: Missile Warning - e: Mobile Workshop - e: Montgomery Watson Co. - P: Marynarka Wojenna M.W. e: Minnesota, Dakota and Western Railway Co. MWA e: American Antiquarian Society - e: Married Women's Association - e: Mayflower Warehousemen's Association - e: Media Women's Association - e: Metal Window Association - e: Midwest Aviation, Inc. - e: Minimum Warning Attack - e: Modern Woodmen of America - e: Movers' & Warehousemen's Association of America, Inc. - e: Mystery Writers Association - e: Mystery Writers of America MWa d: Marinewaffenamt [Oberkommando der Marine]

MWASA e: Media Workers Association of South Africa MWAV e: Microwave Laboratories, Inc. MWayR e: Raytheon Co., Wayland MWB d: Motorenwerk Bremerhaven GmbH - e: Master Work Book - e: Metropolitan Water Board - e: Middlewest Motor Freight Bureau - e: Minister of Works and Buildings - e: Ministry of Works and Buildings - e: Multilayer Wiring Board M.W.B. d: Marine-Waffenbetrieb - e: Metropolitan Water Board MWBA e: Bristol Aerospace Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWBC e: Technical Library, Boeing of Canada Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba M&WBE e: Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise MWBE e: Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises MWBP e: Missile Warning Bypass

M.W.A. e: Married Women's Association MV&THS e: Manhattan Vocational and Technical High School

M[&]WAA e: Movers' and Warehousemen's Association of America

MVTI e: Mohawk Valley Technical Institute M.Vt.J. r: Matfors-Vattjoms Järnväg

M.W.A.B. d: Marine-Waffen- und Ausrüstungsbetrieb

MVTS e: Motor Vehicle Tampering Survey

MWAC e: Midwest Archeological Center

MVTU R: Moskovskoe Vyssee Techniceskoe Ucilisce im. Baumana

MWAF e: Alcoholism Foundation of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MVTVS c: Mistni Vybor pro Telesnou Vychovu a Sport

MWAI e: Mystery Writers of America, Incorporated

MVU d: Mannesmann-Veba-Umwelttechnik - d: Messe-Veranstaltungsgesellschaft der Unterhaltungs- und Kommunikationselektronik mbH

MWalA e: American Jewish Historical Society, Waltham

MVUS e: Merchant Vessels of the United States

MWalAF e: African Studies Association, Brandeis University, Waltham MWalB e: Brandeis University, Waltham

MVV d: Mannheimer Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH - d: Milchversorgungsverband - d: Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH - n: Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf

MWalG e: General Telephone & Electronics Laboratories, Inc., Waltham Research Center Library

MVVS c: Modeläfske Vyzkumne a Vyvojove Stfedisko

MWALw d: Mobile Werbeausstellung der Luftwaffe

MVW d: Massenvernichtungswaffe[n]

MWAP e: Minimum Warning Attack Plan

MVYSz H: Magyar Vitorläs Yacht Szövetseg

MWARC e: Maritime World Administrative Radio Conference

MWalMT e: Mobil Tyco Solar Energy Corp., Waltham

MWC e: Clark University, Worcester - e: Mary Washington College - e: Maxwell Communication Corp. - e: Mennonite World Conference - e: Mental Welfare Commission - e: Miltonvale Wesleyan College - e: Minister of War Communications - e: Ministry of War Communications - e: Missile Warning Center - e: Motorola Western Center - e: Music and Record Library, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Winnipeg, Manitoba MWCA e: Monterey Wine Country Association MWCAAAE e: Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohi story MWCC e: Mineral Water Company of Canada MWCE e; Controlled Environments Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWCG e: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments MWCH e: Monchik-Weber Corporation

MVZ c: Ministerstvo Vyzivy - d: Meßwertverarbeitungszentrale - d: Metzgermeisterverein der Stadt Zürich - e: Museum of Vertebrate Zoology MVZn d: Meßwertverarbeitungszentralen MW d: Ländercode für Malawi - d: Mannesmannröhren-Werke AG - d: Ministerium für Wirtschaft - d: Motorenwerk


MWARN e: Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWARS e: MACOM Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System MWAS e: Arthritis Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba


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MWCI e: Canertech, Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWCL e: Worcester County Law Library Association, Worcester, MA MWCOG e: Metropolitan Washington Council of Government MWCR e: Georgetown/Owen Roberts International MWCS e: Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland - e: Midwest Cable & Satellite, Inc.

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

M-WPS MWCT e: Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MWG d: Mannesmann Werbegesellschaft - d: Montanwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft - d: Münchener Wahlgemeinschaft - e: Maintenance Analyzer Working Group - e: Management Working Group - e: Meteorological Working Group - e: Missile-Warning Group - e: Model Work Group - e: Model Working Group - P: Mifdzynarodowa Wspoipraca Geofizyczna

M.W.L. /· Mouvement de la Wallonnie Libre

MWGCP e; Most Worthy Grand Chief Patriarch

MWLG e: Midwest Women's Legal Group

M.W.D. e: Military Works Development MWDCA e: Midwest Decoy Collectors Association

MWGM e: Most Worshipful Grand Master - e: Most Worthy Grand Master

M.W.D.D. e: Miscellaneous Weapons Development Department

MWGP e: Midwest Grain Products, Inc.

MWCU e: Credit Union Central of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWD d: Mehrwertdienst - d: Motorwagendienst - e: Measurement While Drilling - e: Ministry of Works and Development - n: Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening

M.W.L.A. e: Midlands Women's Lacrosse Association MWLCC e: Lutheran Council in Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWLDA e: Maine Wholesale Lobster Dealers Association

MWLP e: Meadowview Wild Life Preserve

MWDGP e: Manly Warringah Division of General Practice - e: Mid West Division of General Practice

MWGW e: Great West Life Assurance Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWGzZ P: Ministerstwo Wspoipracy Gospodarczej z Zagranic^

MWDI e: Master Water Data Index

MWLS e: Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWM d: Mode-Woche-Munchen GmbH - d: Motorenwerke Mannheim AG - e: Medical Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWMCA e: Michigan Women for Medical Control of Abortion

MWHG e: Marine Wing Headquarters Group MWDO e: Minewarfare Tactical Development Group MWDR e: Mid-Western Development Region MWDS e: Missile Warning and Display System

MWHi e: Worcester Historical Society MWhN e: United States National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole MWHQ e: Mobile War Headquarters

MWE d: Gesellschaft der Ärzte für manuelle Wirbelsäulen- und Extremitäten-Therapie e.V. - e: Midwest Energy Co. M.Weld.I. e: Member of the Welding Institute MWenhHi e: Wenham Historical Society and Museum, Wenham MWES e; Member of the Women's Engineering Society MWestonGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Boston Branch, Weston

MWHS e: Martha Washington High School MWI e: Master Weavers Institute - e: Ministry of War Information - e: Ministry of Water and Irrigation - e: Missionary Women International - e: Motor-Ways Inc.

MWMF e: Mixed Waste Management Facility MWMFB e: Middlewest Motor Freight Bureau MWMRC e: Manitoba Research Council, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWMT d: Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Technologie des Landes Brandenburg MWMU e: University of Massachusetts, Medical Center, Worcester MWN e: Medical World News

M.W.I, e: Member of the Institute of Welfare Officers MWIA e: Manitoba Wholesale Implement Association - e: Medical Women's International Association

m.w.N. d: mit weiteren Nachweisen M.W.N. e: Madras Weekly Notes MWNM e: Muir Woods National Monument

MWISP e: Mt. Washington Winter Icing and Storms Project

MWO d: Mannesmann-Wohnungsgesell schaft - d: Meteorologische Weltorganisation - e: Marshallese Women's Organization - e: Midwest Oil Corporation - e: Millimeter Wave Observatory - e: Missile Warning Office - e: Modification Work Order - e: Mount Wilson Observatory - e: Mt. Washington Observatory - s: Oficina de Vigilancia Meteorologica

MWIU e: Maritime Workers' Industrial Union

MWOA e: Mizrachi Women's Organization of America

M.W.F. e: Medical Women's Federation

MWJC e: Marjorie Webster Junior College

MWFA e: Make-a-Wish Foundation of America

MWJHS e: Jewish Historical Society of Western Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MWFK d: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg

MWK d: Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst - e: Mohawk Rubber Co.

MWP e: Malta Workers Party - e: Management and Working Plan - e: Manufacturer's Wholesale Price - e: Medieval Warm Period - e: Meteorologist's Weather Processor - e: Ministry of Works and Planning - e: Most Worthy Patriarch - P: Muzeum Wojska Polskiego

MWFP e: Winnipeg Free Press Co. Ltd., Manitoba

MWL e: Law Society of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba - e: Malawi Women's League - e: Muslim World League - e: Mutual Welfare League

MWeT e: Westfield State College MWeyAA e: Abigail Adams Historical Society, Weymouth MWF d: Ministerium] für Wissenschaft und Forschung - e: Make-a Wish Foundation - e: Marine General Workers' Federation - e: Marine Workers Federation - e: Medical Women's Federation - e: Military Works Force

MWFS e: Maritime Warfare School

MWIDE e: IDE Engineering Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWIF e: Mobile Wireless Internet Forum MWIS e: National Network of Minority Women in Science

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

MWPA e: Married Women's Property Act MWPR e: Monthly Work Package Report M-WPS e: Minnesota-Wisconsin Price Series


MWQCG MWQCG e: Media and Information Services, Quadraplegic Communiations Group, Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba

MWT d: Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technik - e: Master of Wood Technology

MWR e: Morale, Welfare, and Recreation - e: Morton Wildlife Refuge - e: Muncie and Western Railroad Co.

M.W.T. e: Ministry of War Transportation

MWRC e: Mount Washington Railway Company

MWTC e: Ministry of War Time Communications

MWRiOP P: Ministerstwo Wyznan Religijnych i Oowiecenia Publicznego

MWTCO e: Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company

MWRMQAS e: Medical War Reserve Materiel Quality Assurance Subsystem

MWTR e: Monthly Wholesale Trade Report

- e: Middlesex Regiment -/· Bailment Materiaux MXC e: MATEC Corp. - e: Maxon Computer Systems, Inc. - e: University of Cincinnati, Medical Center

MWTA e: Medical Waste Tracking Act MxChGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Colonia Juarez Branch, Chihuahua, Mexico MXD e: Mixed Use Development MXF e: Mexico Fund, Inc. MXIC e: MX Information Center MWTS e: Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey

MWROP P: Ministerstwo Wyznan Religijnych i Oswiecenia Publicznego

MXIM e: Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. MWTTY e: Missile Warning Teletypewriter MXLU e: Malcolm X Liberation University

MWroxV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, West Roxbury MWRRC e: Montana Water Resources Research Center MWRS e: Mullewa Research Station MWS d: Meßapparatewerk Schlotheim - e: Management Workstation - e: Manas Wildlife Sanctuary - e: Member of the Wernerian Society - e: Mine Workers Society - e: Missile Warning Squadron - e: Missile Warning System - e: Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph - e: Mudamalai Wildlife Sanctuary

MWTU e: Marble Workers' Trade Union MXM e: MAXXAM, Inc. MWU e: Maccabi World Union - e: Mercer University, Southern School of Pharmacy - e: Mine Workers Union - e: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWUAF e: Architecture and Fine Arts Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MxMGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Mexico City Branch MxMI i; Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico MX-NM e: Matrix-National Module MXP e: MaxPharma, Inc.

MWUD e: Dental Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MXR e: Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc.

MWUG e: Department of Geography, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MXS e: Max Minerals, Inc. - e: Maxus Energy Corp.

MWUGG e: United Grain Growers, Winnipeg, Manitoba

MXSP e: Maintenance Support Plan

MW's e: Ministry of Works M.W.S. e: Military Works Service - e: Montana, Wyoming and Southern Railroad Co. MWSAC e: Medical Workforce Standing Advisory Committee MWSAG e: Medical Workforce Standing Advisory Group MWSC d: Mittelwellen-Specialclub - e: Midwestern Simulation Council - e: Mine Warfare Support Centre - e: Mine Warfare Systems Centre - e: Missile Warning Systems Conference - e: Society for Manitobans with Disabilities, Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWSCS e: Midwestern Signal Corps School MWSG e: Marine Wing Support Group

MXTR e: Maxtor Corp. MWUM e: Map and Atlas Collection, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba MWUML e: Underwood McLellan Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba MWUSA e: Minute Women of the United States of America

MWSPC e: Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, Manitoba

MWW e: Mark' s Work Wearhouse Ltd. - e: Worcester State College MWTCO e: Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company

MXWL e: Maxwell Laboratories, Inc.

MXXM e: MAXAXAM Corp. MXXX e: Mars Stores, Inc. MY d: Ländercode für Malaysia - e: Man Year[s] - e: Marley Co. - e: Million Years - e: Model Year e: Million Years Ago

M&WWA e: Movers' and Warehousemen's Association of America

mya e; millions of years ago

MWWII e: Mothers of World War II

MYBP e; Million Years Before Present

MWWP e: Mine Warfare Working Party

MYC d: Motor-Yacht-Club von Deutschland - d: Münchener Yacht-Club - e: Malartic Hygrade Gold Mines Ltd. - e: Manchester Yacht Club - e: Middletown Yacht Club - e: Milwaukee Yacht Club - e: Minnetonka Yacht Club - e: Mobile Yacht Club

MWSS e: Manitoba Regional Library, Secretary of State Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba - e: Marine Wing Support Squadron

MWWV e: Movement of Working Women and Volunteers

MwSt d: Mehrwertsteuer

MX d: Ländercode für Mexico - e: Mail Exchange[r] - e: Measurex Corp. - e: Mexican L & P Co. Ltd.

MWSTP e: MLLW Stabilization Treatment Program

MXVRC e: Middlesex Volunteer Rifle Corps

MXX e: International Murex Technologies MWV d: Gesellschaft für Marketing, Werbung und Verkaufsförderung mbH - d: Milchwirtschaftsverband - d: Mineralölwirtschaftsverband e.V. - e: Motor Tariff Bureau of West Virginia

MWSH e: Worcester State Hospital MWSOC e: Missile Warning and Space Operations Center

MxU i; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

MWZ e: Manischewitz Company

MYCC e: Malta Youth Consultative Council MYCI e: Mirrer Yeshiva Central Institute



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

MZY MYCO e: Mycogen Corporation

Myst e: Mystery

MZiGW P: Ministerstwo Zeglugi i Gospodarki Wodnej

Mycol. Helv. /: Mycologia Helvetica

MYSTIC STAR e: Presidential Support AirGround Communications System

MZiHZ P: Ministerstwo Zeglugi i Handlu Zagranicznego

M-Y.C.v.D. d: Motor-Yacht-Club von Deutschland

MYT e: Mytec Technology, Inc.

MYD e: Methodist Youth Department

MYW e: McLeod, Young, Weir & Co. Ltd.

MYDP e: Multi-Year Development Plan[s]

MYWP e: Multi-Year Work Plan

MYE e: Mary Ellen Resources Ltd. - e: Myers Industries, Inc.

MYFR e: Mayfair Super Markets, Inc.

MZ c: Ministerstvo Zemedelstvi - d: Militärtelefonzentrale - d: Möbelzentrum des Handwerks - d: Motorradwerke Zschopau - e: Management Zone - e: Museum of Zoology -e.-R.H. Mazy & Co., Inc. - P: Ministerstwo Zdrowia

MYG e: Maytag Company - e: Maytag Corp.

M.Z. d: Chef des Stabes der Marineleitung, Zentralgruppe [Reichswehrministerium]

MZM P: Maiopolski Zwi^zek Miodziezy - p: Missäo Zoologica de Mogambique, Junta de Investigagöes do Ultramar

MYGF e: Freeport/International, Grand Island

M&Z e: Mombasa and Zanzibar

MZN e: Maruzen Co. Ltd.

M2 c: Ministerstvo Zeleznic

MZNP e: Mountain Zebra National Park

MZ P: Ministerstwo Z^cznooci - P: Ministerstwo Zeglugi

MZO c: Ministerstvo Zahranicniho Obchodu - P: Miejskie Zakiady Oczyszczania - P: Ministerstwo Ziem Odzyskanych

MYERIN e: Myers Industries, Inc. MYF e: Methodist Youth Fellowship

MYI e: Magical Youths International - e: Metallic Yarns Institute M.Y.J. r: Malmö-Ystads Järnväg Mykol Zentbl d: Mykologisches Zentralblatt

MZA c: Moravsky Zemsky Archiv - d: Mehrzweckanlage - d: Meteorologische Zentralanstalt

MYL e: Mylan Laboratories, Inc.

MZiOS P: Ministerstwo Zdrowia i Opieki Spolecznej MZIVH c: Ministerstvo Zemedelstvi Lesniho a Vodniho Hospodarstvi MZK P: Miejski Zakiady Komunikacyjne MZLU e: Mizlou Communications Co., Inc. MZLVH c: Ministerstvo Zemedelstvi, Lesniho a Vodniho Hospodäfstvi

MZP e: Marwell Zoological Park MZPUK P: Miejski Zarziid Przedsiebiorstw i Urz^dzen Komunalnych

M.Za. d: Marinezeugamt MYLX e; Mylex Corp. M.Z.A. i; Madrid-Zaragoza-Alicante MYM e: Marley Mines Ltd. - e: Mony Mortgage Investors - e: MONY Real Estate Investors - e: Muslim Youth Movement MYMS e: Mothers of Young Mongoloids

MZPW P: Mazowieckie Zakiady Przemyshi Wdnianego

M.Za [A] d: Marineartilleriezeugamt MZRKF e: Mackenzie Energy Corp. M.Za.[Sp[r]] d: Marinesperrzeugamt MZB d: Molkerei-Zentrale Bayern - P: Mazowieckie Zjednoczenie Budownictwa

MZS d: Molkerei-Zentrale Süd - d: Molkereizentrale Südwest GmbH - P: Miedzynarodowy Zwi^zek Spoldzielczy

MYN e: Mayan Energy, Inc. MYO e: Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co.

MZBM P: Miejski Zarzijd Budynkow Mieszkalnych

MZ Sc e: Master of Zoological Science MZSG d: Management Zentrum St. Gallen

MYOB e: Mind Your Own Business Myonj-Ji Univ J Nat Sei e: Myonj-Ji University. Journal of Natural Science

MZBMG P: Mikoiowskie Zekiady Budowy Maszyn Gorniczych

MZSH e: Missionary Zelatrices of the Sacred Heart

M.Z-Dv. d: Marine-ZentraldruckschriftenVerwaltung

MZST d: Mathilde-Zimmer-Stiftung e.V.

MZFR d: Mehrzweckforschungsreaktor

MZSZ H: Magyar Zenemüveszek Szövetsege

MZFW e: Maximum Zero Fuel Weight

MZU c: Moravske Zemske Ustfedi Obci

MZG P: Mazowieckie Zakiady Gastronomiczne

MZUiM P: Miejski Zarz^d Ulic i Mostow

MYOT e: Mya-Tech Corp. MYP e: Multi-Year Procurement MYPP e: Multi[ple]-Year Program Plan MYP Platnm e: Minerals Yearbook. Preprint. Platinum-Group Metals MYP State e: Minerals Yearbook. Preprint. Area Reports. Individual States MYR e: [The] Myers [L. E.] Co. Group MYRAA e: Model Yacht Racing Association of America

MZGebSt d: Gebilhrnisstelle der Zentralgruppe der Marineleitung [Reichswehrministerium] MZGK P: Miejskie Zjednoczenie Gospodarki Komunalnej MZH d: Molkerei-Zentrale Hessen eG - P: Miejski Zarz^d Handlu

Mys. e: University of Mysore

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

MZUSP p: Museo de Zoologia de Universidade de Säo Paulo MZV c: Ministerstvo Zahranicnich Veci - d: Mineralöl-Zentral-Verband e.V. - d: Moderner Zeitschriften-Vertrieb GmbH - d: MUllbeseitigungszweckverband MZvD d: Magischer Zirkel von Deutschland MZY e: Mazzei Flying Service, Inc.

© K · G · Säur, Munich



N N d: Frei-republikanische und nationale Fraktion - d: Nationale Aktion/Vigilants - d: Nationalrat - d: Republikanische und nationale Fraktion - d: Schweizer Demokraten - e: Department of the Navy - e: INCO Ltd. - e:International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd. - e: Insitute of Physical and Chemical Research - e: National Academician - e: National League - e: Nationalist] - e: Nationalist Party - e: New York Stock Exchange - e: Nippon - e: Normality - e: North[ern] - e: Northgate Exploration Ltd. - e: Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Division - e: Nuclear Technology and Engineering Division - e: Nursing Service - e: Rockwell International Corp. - e: Stauffer Chemical Co. - N: Norske Veritas - s: Norte n e: national N.I d: Nachrichtenabteilung l NA a: Nordisk Amatorteaterrad - d: Bundesbahn-Neubauamt - d: Nachrichten-Aufklärung - d: Nachrichtenabteilung - d: nächste Aufgabe - d: Nationale Aktion - d: Nationale Aktion für Volk und Heimat - d: Nationale Aktion gegen die Überfremdung - d: Norddeutsche Affinerie AG - d: Normenausschuß - d: Normenausschuss des DIN - e: NAFEC [National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center] - e: Napoleonic Association - e: Narcotics Anonymous - e: National Academician - e: National Academy - e: National Acme - e: National Acme Thread - e: National Airlines, Inc. - e: National Airport - e: National Alliance - e: National Ambucs - e: National Archives - e: National Army - e: National Assembly - e: National Assistance - e: National Association - e: National Atlas - e: National Bank of Canada

- e: Naval Academy - e: Naval Architects] - e: Naval Assistant - e: Naval Attache - e: Naval Auxiliary - e: Naval Aviator - e: Navigation Act - e: Navion Aircraft Co. - e: Net Assessment Organization - e: Neurotics Anonymous - e: New Agenda - e: New Alternative Party - e: New Associations - e: Newsletter Association - e: Next Action - e: Next Assembly - e: Niro Atomizer Ltd. - e: Nitrobenzene Association - e: Non-Australian - e: Nonattainment - e: North America[n] - e: North Atlantic [Industries] - e: Northern Air Corporation - e: Northrup Aircraft - e: Nozzle Assembly - e: Nurse Anesthetist - e: Nurse's Aid - e: Nursing Auxiliary - e: Office of Noise Abatement - e: Organon, Inc. -/· Narcotiques Anonymes - n: Nederlands Atoomforum - N: Norges Aptekerforening - N: Norsk Avholdsforbund - r: Nerikes Allehanda Na d: Nachrichten na e: no answer - e: not applicable - e: not available NA. d: Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft fur ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde - ru: Nuova Antologia N.A. d: Nachrichtenabteilung - d: Nachrichtenaufklärung - d: Nebelabteilung - e: Narcotics Anonymous - e: National Academy - e: National Airlines - e: National Archives - e: National Army - e: National Assembly - e: Naval Academy - e: Neurotics Anonymous - e: Neutrality Act -/· Navigation Aerienne -/· Normalisation de Automobile - N: Norges Apotekerforening - N: Norsk Avholdsforbund

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N&A e: Nautical & Aviation Publishing Co. N/A e: Not Applicable N4A e: National Association of Academic Advisors for Athletics - e: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging NAA d: Normenausschuss Armaturen im DIN [Deutsches Institut fur Normung] e.V. - d: Nürnberger Akademie für Absatzwirtschaft - e: Nanny Academy of America - e: National Academy of Arbitrators - e: National Academy of Astrology - e: National Academy on Aging - e: National Aeronautic Association of the USA - e: National Aeronautic[al] Association - e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration - e: National Aerosol Association - e: National Aftermarket Audit Co. - e: National Aggregates Association - e: National Airports Authority - e: National Alumni Association - e: National Apartment Association - e: National Aphasia Association - e: National Apple Association - e: National Arborist Association - e: National Archery Association [of the United States] - e: National Artillery Association - e: National Ash Association - e: National Assistance Act - e: National Association of Accountants - e: National Association of Auctioneers, House Agents, Rating Surveyors and Valuers - e: National Auctioneers Association - e: National Automobile Association - e: National Aviation Authority - e: Natural Areas Association - e: Naval Airship Association - e: Naval Association of Australia - e: Naval Attache for Air - e: Neckwear Association of America - e: Network Analysis Area - e: New Art Association - e: Newsletter Association of America - e: Newspaper Association of America - e: Nonattainment Area - e: North American Aviation, Inc. - e: North Atlantic Assembly - e: Northeast Atlantic Airlines, Inc. - e: Northern Attack Area - e: Norway-Am eric a Association - e: Numismatic Association of Australia - e: Nurses Auxiliaries Association - i: Nord Africa Aviazione - n: Nederlandse Aardappel-Associatie - R: Narody Azii i Afriki. Moskva


N.A.A. N.A.A. e: National Assistance Act - e: Naval Aid Auxiliary - e: Never Again Association - e: Northern Architectural Association NAAA e: National Agricultural Aviation Association - e: National Alarm Association of America - e: National Alliance of Athletic Associations - e: National Association of American Academicians - e: National Association of Arab-Americans - e: National Auto Auction Association - e: Nordic Association of Advertising Agencies NAAAA e: National Association for the Advancement of Aardvarks in America - e: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging NAAACC e: National Association of Antique Automobile Clubs of Canada NAAACPA e: National Association of Asian American Certified Public Accountants NAAAID e: National Association of Americans of Asian Indian Descent NAAAP e: National Association of AsianAmerican Professionals - e: North American Association of Alcoholism Programs NAAAS e: National Association for Applied Arts and Sciences - e: National Association of Air Ambulance Services NAAASE e: National Association for Applied Arts, Science and Education NAAASL e: National Association of African American Students of Law NAAB e: National Architectural Accrediting Board - e: National Archival Appraisal Board - e: National Association of Animal Breeders - e: National Association of Artificial Breeders NAABA e: National Association for the Advancement of the Black Aged NAABAVE e: National Association for the Advancement of Black Americans in Vocational Education NAABC e: National Association of American Business Clubs NAABCV e: National Association of American Balloon Corps Veterans NAABI e: National Association of Alcoholic Beverage Importers NAABO e: National Association of Approved Basketball Officials NAA Bui e: National Association of Accountants. Bulletin NAA Bulletin e: National Association of Accountants Bulletin NAAC e: National Adoption Assistance Center

- e: National Aeroballistics Advisory Committee - e: National Agricultural Advisory Commission - e: National Agricultural Commission - e: National Association for Ambulatory Care - e: National Association of Agricultural Contractors - e: National Association of Avon Collectors - e: Navy Aeroballistics Advisory Committee - e: Nippon Amazon Aluminium Company - e: North American Adoption Congress - e: North American Aviation Company NAACC e: National Association for/of American Composers and Conductors - e: National Association of Angling and Casting Clubs NAACCR e: North American Association of Central Cancer Registries NAACD e: North American Aviation Columbus Division NAACIE e: National Association of Agricultural, Commercial, and Industrial Employees NAACLS e: National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences NAACO e: National Association of American Community Organizations - e: North American Arms Corporation of Canada

NAADC e: National Association of Art and Design Companies - e: North American Air Defense Command NAADD e: National Association on Alcohol, Drugs & Disability NAädG d: Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde NAADM e: North American Defense Modernization NAADS e: New Army Authorization Document System NAAE e: National Association of Aeronautical Examiners - e: National Association of Afro-American Educators - e: National Association of Agricultural (or Agriculture) Employees - e: National Association of Alternative Educators - e: Nordic Association for Adult Education - e: North American Academy of Ecumenists NAAEC e: North American Agreement for/on Environmental Cooperation NAAF e: National Alopecia Areata Foundation - e: Naval Auxiliary Air Facility - e: North African Air Force - e: Northwest Africa Air Forces N.A.A.F. e: Netherlands Army Air Force

NAACOG e: National Association of the American College of Obstretricians and Gynecologists - e: Nurses Association of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (or Gynecology) NAACP e: National Association for the Advancement of Colo[u]red People NAACS e: National Association for Accredited Commercial Schools - e: National Association of Accredited Cosmetology Schools - e: National Association of Aircraft and Communications Suppliers NAACSS e: National Association for the Accreditation of Colleges and Secondary Schools NAACSW e: North American Association of Christians in Social Work N.A.A.C.T. e: National Association of Assessors and Collectors of Taxes NAACT e: National Association of Assessors and Collectors of Taxes NAAD e: National Association of Aluminum Distributors - e: North American Association for the Diaconate NAADA e: National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors NAADAA e: National Antique and Art Dealers Association of America

NAAFA e: National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance - e: National Association to Aid Fat Americans NAAFETEE e: North American Association for Exports to Eastern Europe NAAFI e: Navy, Army, and Air Force Institute[s] NAAFW e: National Association of Air Forces Women NAAG e: National Association of Attorneys General - e: NATO Army Advisory Group - e: NATO Army Armament[s] Group - e: Nordic Association of Applied Geophysics - e: North African Adjutant General - e: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways [Program] NAAGA e: North African Adjutant General, Analysis and Control Division NAAGC e: National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies - e: North African Adjutant General, Casualty Branch NAAG-DPG e: North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways Detailed Planning Group NAAGE e: North African Adjutant General, Personnel Division NAAGG e: North African Adjutant General, Executive Division NAAGO e: North African Adjutant General, Operations Division

NAADAC e: National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NAASFEP NAAGP e: North African Adjutant General, Postal Division

NAAMIC e: National Association of Automotive Mutual Insurance Companies

NAAPPA e: North American Association for the Protection of Predatory Animals

NAAGS e: North African Adjutant General, Statistical Division

NAAMM e: National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers - e: North American Academy of Manipulative Medicine

NAAPPB e: National Association of Amusement Parks, Pools and Beaches

NAAMSA e: National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa

NAAQS e: National Ambient Air Quality Standard[s] [Program]

NAAN e: National Advertising Agency Network

NAAR e: National Alliance for Autism Research - e: National Association of Advertising Representatives

NAAHE e: National Association for the Advancement of Humane Education NAAHP e: National Association of Advisers (or Advisors) for the Health Professions NAAHSC e: North American Association of Hunter Safety Coordinators NAAI e: National Alliance of Arts and Industry - e: National Association of Accountants in Insolvencies

N.A.A.N. e: National Association of Assistant Nurses NAANACM e: National Association for the Advancement of Native American Composers and Musicians

N.A.A.I. e: North American Aviation, Inc. NAA-ICIF e: North American Association of the ICIF [International Cooperative Insurance Federation] NAAIDC e: National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Disease Council NAAIS e: National Aircraft Accident Investigation School - e: North American Association of Inventory Services NAAJ e: National Association of Agricultural Journalists NAAJHHA e: North American Association of Jewish Homes and Housing for the Aging NAAJS e: National Academy for Adult Jewish Studies NAAK n: Nieuw Amsterdamsch Administratie Kantoor NAAL e: National Alliance for Animal Legislation - e: North American Academy of Liturgy - e: North American Aerodynamic [s] Laboratory NAALA e: North American Aviation Los Angeles NAALBWV e: National Association for the Advancement of Leboyer's Birth Without Violence NAALC e: National Afro-American Labor Council NAAM e: National Association of Anvil Makers - e: National Association of Architectural Metal Manutacturers - e: National Association of Automobile Manufacturers - e: North American Aliyah Movement NAAMA e: National Agricultural Advertising and Marketing Association NAAMACC e: National Association for the Accreditation of Martial Arts Colleges and Curriculum NA'AMAT e: World Movement Pioneer Women

NAANBW e: National Amalgamated Association of Nut and Bolt Workers NAAND e: North American Association for the Diaconate NAANGHT e: National Association of Air National Guard Health Technicians NAAO e: National Association of Amateur Oarsmen - e: National Association of Artists' Organizations - e: National Association of Assessing Officers - e: Navy Area Audit Office - e: North Africa Area Office - e: North America Aircraft Operations NAAOJ e: National Association for the Advancement of Orthodox Judaism NAAOP e: National Association for the Advancement of Older People NAAP e: National Association for [the] Accreditation in Psychoanalysis - e: National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis - e: National Association of Activity Professionals - e: National Association of Advertising Publishers - e: National Association of Apnea Professionals - e: National Association of Activity Professionals - e: Netherlands Antarctic Programme 19942000 - e: Newport Army Ammunition Plant

NAAQ e: National Ambient Air Quality

NAARD e: North American Aviation Rocketdyne Division NAARI e: National Aero- and Astronautical Research Institute NAARMC e: National Association of Auto Racing Memorabilia Collectors NAARPR e: National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression NAARS e: National Accounting Automated Research System - e: National Association of Radio Reading Services - e: National Automated Accounting Research System NAAS e: National Academy of American Scholars - e: National Agricultural (or Agriculture) Advisory Service - e: National Air Audit System - e: National Anorexic Aid Society - e: National Apprentice Assistance Scheme - e: National Association of Academies of Science - e: National Association of Art Services - e: National Aviation Assistance - e: Naval Area Audit Service - e: Naval Auxiliary Air Station - e: Navy Aircraft Accounting System - e: Newsletter. Association for Asian Studies - e: NORAD Attack Alert System - e: Nordic Association for American Studies - e: North American Apiotherapy Society - e: North American Automated Systems Co. - n: Nederlandse Arisen Acupuncluur Slichling - r: Nordiska Sällskapel for Amerikasludier N.A.A.S. e: North Allanlic Air Service NAAS Advis Pap e: National Agricultural Advisory Service. Advisory Papers

NAAPABAC e: National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis and the American Boards for Accreditation and Certification

NAASC e: North American Aviation Science Center - e: Norlhwesl African Air Service Command

NAAPAE e: National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education

NAASD e: North American Aviation Space Division

NAAPH e: National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions

NAASER e: National Association of American School Employees and Retirees

NAAPHE e: National Association for the Advancement of Private Higher Education

NAASERLDC e: National Association of American School Employees and Retirees Legal Defense Counsel

NAAPI e: National Association of Accountants for the Public Interest NAAPM e: National Association for the Advancement of Perry Mason

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAASFEP e: National Association of Adminislralors of Slate and Federal Education Programs


NAA S&ID NAA S&ID e: North American Aviation Space and Information Division

NAAWFS e: Naval Air All Weather Flight Squadron

NABACO e: National Association for Bank Audit, Control, and Operation

NAASL e: North American Academy of the Spanish Language

NAAWP e: National Association for the Advancement of White People

NABADA e: National Barrel and Drum Association

NAASLANT e: Navy Auxiliary Air Stations, Atlantic

NAAWS e: North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents

NABAE e: National Association of Black Adult Educators

NAASMWB e: National Amalgamated Association of Sheet Metal Worker and Blaziers

NAAWT e: National Action Against War Toys

NABAG d: Nationale Briefmarkenausstellung St. Gallen

NAAWU e: National Automobile and Allied Workers Union

NABALALC 5: Nomenclatura Arancelaria de Asociacion Latino-Americana de Libre Comercio

NAASPAC e: Navy Auxiliary Air Stations, Pacific NAASPL e: North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries NAAS Prog Rep e: NAAS [National Agricultural Advisory Service] Quarterly Review NAASR e: National Association for American Studies and Research - e: North American Association for the Study of Jean-Jacques Rousseau NAASRA e: National Association of Australian State Road Authorities NAASS e: North American Association of Summer Sessions NAATA e: National Asian American Telecommunications Association NAATC e: Naval Air Advanced Training Command NAATI e: National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters NAATP e: National Association of Alcoholism Treatment Programs NAATPWB e: National Amalgamated Association of Tin Plate Workers and Blaziers NAATS e: National Association of Air Traffic Specialists - e: National Association of Auto Trim Shops NAATTFO e: National Association of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Field Officers NAAUC e: National Association of Australian University Colleges NAAUS e: National Archery Association of the United States NAAUTC e: National Amateur Athletic Union Taekwondo Committee NAAUTUUSA e: National AAU Taekwondo Union of the United States of America NAAV e: National Alliance Against Violence - e: National Association of Atomic Veterans - e: North American Association of Ventriloquists - n: Nederlandse Arisen Acupunctuur Vereniging NAAW e: National Association of Accordion Wholesalers - e: National Association of Amateur Winemakers


NAAWUL e: National Agricultural (or Agriculture) and Allied Workers Union of Liberia Na AwZ d: Nachrichtenauswertezentrale NAB a: Nordisk Annonce Bureau - d: Neckermann-Anlage-Beratung, Gesellschaft zur Vermittlung von JSapitalanlagen mbH - e: Nabisco, Inc. - e: National Aborigine Conference - e: National Accreditation Board - e: National Acoustics Board - e: National Advisory Body - e: National Aircraft Beacon - e: National Alliance of Business[men] - e: National Apex Body - e: National Assistance Board - e: National Associated Businessmen - e: National Association of Bank Servicers - e: National Association of Bioengineers - e: National Association of Boards of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators - e: National Association of Bookmakers - e: National Association of Broadcasters - e: National Association of Broadcasting - e: National Association of Businessmen - e: National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan - e: National Biscuit Co. - e: National Business Systems Inc. - e: Naval Advanced Base - e: Naval Air Base - e: Naval Amphibious Base - e: Navigation-Avoidance System - e: Navy Air Base - e: Neighbourhoods against Burglary - e: New American Bible - e: News Agency of Burma - e: Newspaper Advertising Bureau - e: North American Biologicals, Inc. - e: North Atlantic Base - /: Nomenclatura Arancelaria de Bruselas - p: Navegagao Aerea Brasileira N.A.B. e: National Assistance Bill - p: Navegacäo Aerea Brasileira NABA d: Nationale Briefmarkenausstellung - e: National Alliance of Black American[s] - e: National Association of Black Accountants - e: National Association of Breweriana Advertising - e: North American Ballet Association - e: North American Benefit Association - e: North American Broadcasters Association - e: North American Butterfly Association NABAC e: National Association for Bank Audit Control and Operation - e: National Association of Bank Auditors and Comptrollers - 5: Nuevo Astillero Bahia de Cadiz


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NABARD e: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development NABAS e: National Association of Balloon Artists and Suppliers NABATRA e: Naval Air Basic Training Center NABau d: Normenausschuß Bauwesen NABB d: Nachlizentiatsstudium in Berufsund Laufbahnberatung - e: National Association for Better Broadcasting - e: National Association of Barber Boards - e: National Association of Business Brokers NABBA e: National Amateur Body Building Association - e: North American Brass Band Association NABBC e: National Association of Brass Band Conductors NABBEA e: National Association of Boards of Barbers Examiners of America NABBS e: National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses NABC e: National Association of Basketball Coaches of the United States - e: National Association of Boys' Clubs - e: North American Blueberry Council - e: North American Broadcasting Corporation N.A.B.C. e: National Association of Bingo Clubs - e: National Association of Boys' Clubs NABCA e: National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association - e: National Association for Bank Cost Analysis - e: National Association for Bank Cost and Management Accounting - e: National Association of Black Catholic Administrators NABS2CC e: National Association of Bicentennial $2 Cancellation Collectors NABCE e: National Association of Black Consulting Engineers NABC J e: National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice NABCM e: National Association of Baby Carriage Manufacturers - e: National Association of Brattice Cloth Manufacturers

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NABSC NABCO e: National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations - e: National Association of Black County Officials - e: Nippon Air Brake Company Ltd.

NABG e: National Association of Blacks within Government

NABN e: EMSL-RTP National Atmospheric Background Network

NABGG e: National Association for/of Black Geologists and Geophysicists

NABO e; National Alliance of Black Organizations - e: North Atlantic Biocultural Organization

NABD d: Normenausschuß Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Association of Bank Directors - e: National Association of Brick Distributors - e: Naval Advanced Base Department - e: Naval Advanced Base Depot - e: North American Band Directors

NABHP e: National Association of Black Hospitality Professionals

NABDC e: National Association of Blueprint and Diazo[type] Coalers

NABIC e: National Alcoholic Beverages Industries Council

NABDCC e: North American Band Directors Coordinating Committee

NABIM e: National Association of Band Instrument Manufacturers

NABE e: National Association for/of Bilingual Education - e: National Association for Business Education - e: National Association of Bar Executives - e: National Association of Bilingual Educators - e: National Association of Biological Engineering - e: National Association of Boards of Education - e: National Association of Book Editors - e: National Association of Business Economics (or Economists) - e: North Atlantic Bloom Experiment

NABIPB e: National Association of Blacks in Public Broadcasting

N.A.B.E. e: National Association for Business Education NABEA e: North American Bicycle Exhibitor Association

NABL e: National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories - e: National Association of Bond Lawyers - e: National Association of Builders' Labourers

NABECOHA n: Nationale Belgische Confederatie van de Handel

NABLT e: National Association of Business Law Teachers

NABECOV n: Nationaal Belgisch Comite ter Verdediging [van de christelijke beschaving]

NABM e: National Association of Bedding Manufacturers - e: National Association of Biscuit Manufacturers - e: National Association of Black Manufacturers - e: National Association of Blouse Manufacturers - e: National Association of Boat Manufacturers - e: National Association of Boating Magazines - e: National Association of Book Manufacturers - e: National Association of British Manufacturers - e: National Association of Building Manufacturers -/· Nomenclature des Actes de Biologie Medicale

NABECOWO n: Nationaal Belgisch Comite van de Wetenschappelijke Organisatie NABEL d: Nationales Beobachtungsnetz für Luftfremdstoffe -/· National d'Observation des Polluants Atmospheriques NABEO e: National Association of Black Elected Officials NABER e: National Association of Business and Educational] Radio NABESS e: National Association of Business Education State Supervisors NABET e: National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians - e: National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians NABEWD e: North American Board for EastWest Dialogue NABF e: National Alliance of Black Feminists - e: National Amateur Baseball Federation - e: North American Baptist Fellowship - e: North American Boxing Federation - N: Norsk Antikvarbokhandlerforening

NABI e: National Association of Beverage Importers - e: National Association of Biblical Instructors Nabi d: Nationalbibliographie

NABIS e: National Association of Business and Industrial Saleswomen - e: National Biological Survey - e: Northern Alberta Brain Injury Society NABISCO e: National Biscuit Company NABJ e: National Association of Black Journalists NAB-JOBS e: National Alliance of BusinessJob Opportunities in the Business Sector

N.A.B.M. e: National Association of Biscuit Manufacturers NABMA e: National Association of British Market Authorities NABMCC e: National Association of Black and Minority Chambers of Commerce NABMO e: NATO BULLPUP Management Office NABMP e: National Association of Black Media Producers

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Nabo r: Nacka-Stockholm Bostadsaktiebolag NABOB e: National Association of BlackOwned Broadcasters NABOM e: National Association of Building Owners and Managers NABORS e: Nabors Industries, Inc. NABP e: National Association of Black Professors - e: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy - e: National Association of Book Publishers NABPAC e: National Association of Business Political Action Committees NABPARS e: Navy Automatic Broadcasting, Processing, and Routing System NABPLEX e: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Licensure Examination NABPO e: NATO BULLPUP Production Organization NAB PR e: National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion NABR e: National Association for BioMedical Research - e: National Association of Baby Sitter Registries - e: National Association of Basketball Referees - e: Natural Bridges National Monument NABRC e: North Australian Beef Research Council NAB REP e: National Association of Black Real Estate Professionals Nabrico e: Nashville Bridge Company NABRT e: National Association for Better Radio and Television NABRTI e: National Association of BarRelated Title Insurers NABS e: National Advertising Benevolent Society - e: National Alliance of Blind Students - e: National Association of Bank Servicers - e: National Association of Barber Schools - e: National Association of Black Students - e: National Association of Business Services - e: National Association of Buying Services - e: NATO Air Base SATCOM - e: North American Benthological Society - e: North American Blue-Bird Society - n: Nederlandse Amateur Bloemschik Studieclub N.A.B.S. e: National Advertising Benevolent Society NABSC e: National Association of Building Service Contractors


NABSCAN NABSCAN e: National Advertised Brands Scanning Reports

NABWMT e: National Association of Black and White Men Together

NABSE e: National Alliance of Black School Educators

NABWS e: National Amalgamated Brass Workers' Society

NABSP e: National Association of Blue Shield Plans

NAC d: Neuer deutscher Automobilclub - d: Niederlausitzer Automobil-Club - d: Niederrheinischer Automobilclub - d: Norddeutscher Automobil-Club - e: CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse - e: InaCom Corp. - e: Naples Alcofuel Club - e: NASA Advisory Council - e: National Abortion Campaign - e: National Academy of Conciliators (or Consiliators) - e: National Access Center - e: National Accreditation Council [for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Handicapped] - e: National Achievement Clubs - e: National Action Committee - e: National Addiction Centre - e: National Administrative Council - e: National Adoption Center - e: National Advertising Campaign - e: National Advisory Committee - e: National Advisory Council - e: National Advisory Council on Education of Disadvantaged Children - e: National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems - e: National Aero Club - e: National Aerobic Championship - e: National Aeronautical Corporation - e: National Aeronautics Council - e: National African Congress of Nyasaland - e: National Agency Check[s] - e: National Agricultural Center (or Centre) - e: National Agriculture Centre - e: National AIDS Clearinghouse - e: National Air Carrier Association - e: National Air Communications - e: National Air Council - e: National Airways Corporation - e: National Alts Club - e: National Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund - e: National Americanism Commission - e: National Amusements Council - e: National Anglers Council - e: National Archives Council - e: National Archives of Canada - e: National Arts Centre - e: National Arts Club - e: National Asbestos Council - e: National Association of Cemeteries - e: National Association of Chiropodists - e: National Association of Choirs - e: National Association of Composers - e: National Association of Concessionaires - e: National Association of Coopers - e: National Association of Coroners - e: National Association of Counties - e: National Association of Cytologists - e: National Asthma Center - e: National Audiovisual Center - e: National Aviation Club - e: National Aviation Corporation - e: National Can Corporation - e: Native Appeal Courts - e: Natural Area Council - e: Naval Academy - e: Naval Air Center - e: Naval Air Command - e: Naval Aircraftman - e: Naval Avionics Center - e: NCAR Administrators Committee - e: Neighbourhood Advice Council

NABSS e: National Association of Barber Styling Schools NABST e: National Advisory Board on Science and Technology NABSW e: National Association of Black Social Workers NABT e: National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees - e: National Association of Biology Teachers - e: National Association of Blind Teachers N.Abt. d: Nachrichtenabteilung NABTA e: National Association of Business Travel Agents NABTC e: National Associated Building Trades Council - e: Naval Air Base Training Command - e: North American Brain Tumor Coalition NABTE e: National Association for Business Teacher Education NABTE Rev e: NABTE [National Association for Business Teacher Educalion] Review NABTS e: National Alliance Building Trades Society - e: North American Broadcast Teletex Specification NABTTI e: National Association of Business Teacher Training Institutions NABU d: Naturschutzbund - e: Naval Advanced Base Unit - n: Vereniging van Nederlandse Aannemers met Belangen in het Buitland Nabu d: Naturschutzbund Deutschland NABUCA e: Nation Building Contributions of the Army NABUCE e: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commission Engineers NABUG e: National Association of Broadcast Unions and Guilds NABV e: National Association for Black Veterans NABVICU e: National Association of Blind and Visually Impaired Computer Users NABW e; National Association of Bank Women N.A.B.W. e: National Association of Blind Workers NABWA e: National Association of Black Women Attorneys NABWE e: National Association of B lack Women Entrepreneurs



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- e: Neo-American Church - e: Network Access Center[s] - e: Network Access Component - e: Network Administration Center - e: Network Advisory Committee [to Library of Congress and Council on Library Resources] - e: Network Analysis Corporation - e: Network Applications Consortium - e: Nevada Administrative Code - e: New American Cinema - e: New Zealand National Airways Corporation - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Automated (or Automatic) Control - e: Noise Advisory Council - e: Nordic Academic Council - e: Nordic Actors' Council - e: Nordic Association for Campanology - e: North American Collectos - e: North Atlantic Council - e: Northeast Air Command - e: Northern Air Cargo, Inc. - e: Northern Area Command - e: Norwegian-American Council - e: Norwegian American Cruises - e: Nuclear Assurance Corporation - e: Nyasaland African Congress - n: Nederlandse Akkerbouw Centrale N.A.C. e: National Administrative Council - e: National Advising Commission - e: National Agricultural Centre - e: National Airways Corporation - e: National Americanization Committee - e: National Archives Council - e: National Association of Coopers - e: National Atlas Committee - e: Native Anglican Church NAC A e: National Academy of Code Administration - e: National Academy of Code Administrators - e: National Acoustical Contractors Association - e: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics - e: National Advisory Committee for/on National Aeronautics - e: National Advisory Committee on Accreditation - e: National Advisory Council for Aeronautics - e: National Advisory Council on Aging - e: National Agricultural Chemical[s] Association - e: National Agricultural Chemists Association - e: National Air Carrier Association - e: National Air Charters Association - e: National Animal Control Association - e: National Armored Car Association - e: National Association for Campus Activities - e: National Association for Clean Air - e: National Association for Court Administration - e: National Association of Cantpus Activities - e: National Association of Catastrophe Adjusters - e: National Association of Cellular Agents - e: National Association of Chemists' Assistants - e: National Association of Children of Alcoholics - e: National Association of Christians in the Arts - e: National Association of Cost Accountants - e: National Association of County Administrators - e: National Association of Cuban Architects [in Exile] - e: National Athletic and Cycling Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NACCSM - e: National Autosound Challenge Association - e: Netherlands-America Community Association - e: New Australian Cultural Association - e: North American Center on Adoption - e: North American College of Acupuncture - e: North American Corriente Association - e: North American Currach Association

NACAT e: National Association of College Automotive Teachers

NACAA e: National Assembly of Community Arts Agencies - e: National Association of Community Action Agencies - e: National Association of Computer-Assisted Analysis - e: National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators - e: National Association of Country Agricultural Agents - e: National Association of County Agricultural Agents

NACAWM-USA e: National Association of Cuban Women and Men of the United States

NACAB e: National Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Handicapped - e: National Agricultural Center (or Centre) Advisory Board - e: National Association of Citizens' Advice Bureaux

NACA-TR e: NACA [National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics]-Test Reactor NACAW n: Nationaal Comite voor Actie en Waakzaamheid

NACAW-USA e: National Association of Cuban-American Women of the USA NACB e: National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry - e: National Accreditation Certification Body - e: National Association of Convention Bureaus

N.A.C.C.B.M. e: National Association of Copper Cylinder and Boiler Makers

N.A.C.B.-P.P.O. e: National Association of Coke and By-Product Plant Owners

NACAL e: Navy Air Cooperation and Liaison Committee NACAM e: National Association of Corn and Agricultural Merchants NACAP e: National Association of Claims Assistance Professionals - e: National Association of Co-Op Advertising Professionals NACAR e: National Advisory Committee on Aeronautical Research NACA Reports e: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Reports NACAS e: National Advisory Committee on Agricultural Services - e: National Association of College Auxiliary Services - e: North African Antiaircraft Section NACASBVH e: National Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Handicapped

NACCAS e: National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences

NACBFAA e: National Association of Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America

NACAC e: National Ad Hoc Committee Against Censorship - e: National Association of Catholic Alumni Clubs - e: National Association of College Admission[s] Counselors - e: North American Council on Adoptable Children

NACAF e: Northwest African Coastal Air Force

NACCAM e: National Coordinating Committee for/on Aviation Meteorology [Federal Coordinating Group]

NACCB e: National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies - e: National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses

NACBO e: National Association of Cosmetic Boutique Owners

NACAE e: National Advisory Council for Art Education - e: National Advisory Council on Adult Education

NACCALJ e: National Association of Claimants' Compensation Attorneys. Law Journal

NACBA e: National Association of Church Business Administration - e: National Association of Church Business Administrators

NACA Bulletin e: National Association of Cost Accountants Bulletin

NACADA e: National Academic Advising Association

- e: National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators - e: National Association of County Civil Attorneys - e: National Association of County 4-H Club Agents - e: North American Council of Chemical Associations

NACBRC e: National Association of Certified Bach Remedy Counselors NACBS e: National Affiliation of Concerned Business Students - e: National Association and Council of Business Schools - e: North American Conference on British Studies

NACCC e: National Association of Citizens Crime Commissions - e: National Association of Congregational Christian Churches NACCCA e: National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni NACCCAN e: National Centre for Christian Communities and Networks NACCD e: National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders NACCDD e: National Association of County Community Development Directors

NACBT e: National Association of CognitiveBehavioral Therapists

NACCE e: National Advisory Council on Continuing Education

NACC e: NASA ADP Consolidation Complex - e: National Aboriginal Consultative Committee - e: National Advisory Cancer Council - e: National Agency Check Center - e: National Air Communications Council - e: National Air Conservation Commission - e: National Alliance of Czech Catholics - e: National Anti-Counterfeiting Committee - e: National Association for Core Curriculum - e: National Association of Catholic Chaplains - e: National Association of Childbearing Centers - e: National Association of Collegiate Commissioners - e: National Association of Counsel for Children - e: National Automatic Control[s] Conference - e: National Automobile Chamber of Commerce - e: Naval Academy Computer Center - e: North Atlantic Cooperation Council - e: North Atlantic Council for Cooperation - e: Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce

NACCES e: National Advisory Committee on the Commonwealth Employment Service

NACCA e: National Association for Creative Children and Adults - e: National Association of Claimants' Counsel of America

NACCSM e: National Advisory Com. on Control Surveys and Mapping

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NACCG e: National Association of Crankshaft and Cylinder Grinders NACCHO e: National Association of County and City Health Officials NACCIMA e: Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture NACCIRN e: North American Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking NACCM e: National Association for Child Care Management NACCME e: National Advisory and Coordinating Committee on Multicultural Education N.A.C.C.S. e: National Association of Cemetery and Crematorium Superintendents


NACCT NACCT e: Nebraska Association of Community College Trustees - e: North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology NACCW e: National Advisory Centre on Careers for Women NACD e: National Academy for Child Development - e: National Alliance of Cleaning Distributors - e: National Association for Cave Diving - e: National Association for Community Development - e: National Association of Chemical Distributors - e: National Association of Computer Dealers - e: National Association of Conservation Districts - e: National Association of Container Distributors - e: National Association of Corporate Directors - e: National Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts N.A.C.D. e: National Association for Civil Defence - e: National Association of Colliery Deputies NACDA e: National Archive for/of Computerized Data on Aging - e: National Arts and Cultural Development Act - e: National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics NACDAC e: National Association for City Drug and Alcohol Coordination NACDAP e: National Advisory Council for Drug Abuse Prevention NACDC e: National Association of Career Development Consultants NACDD e: National Advisory Council on Services and Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled NACDE e: National Association for Child Development and Education NACDEPS e: North Atlantic Treaty Council Deputies NACDFB e: National Association of Canada Dry Franchise Bottlers NACDFLM e: National Association of Catholic Diocesan Family Life Ministers

NACDRAO e: National Association of College Deans, Registrars and Admission[s] Officers NACDS e: National Association of Chain Drug Stores - e: North American Clinical Dermatologic (or Dermatology) Society NACE d: Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft - e: National Advisory Committee for Electronics - e: National Association for Career Education - e: National Association for Curriculum Enrichment and Extension - e: National Association of Catering Executives - e: National Association of Childbirth Education - e: National Association of Corrosion Engineers], Inc. - e: National Association of County Engineers - e: National Autobody Congress and Exposition [Precision Planning and Sales, Inc. - e: National Autobody Congress and Exposition [Precision Planning and Sales, Inc.] - e: Nations Association of Catering Executives - e: Neutral Atmospheric Composition Experiment - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Automated Control Executive - e: NMCSSC [National Military Command System Support Center] Automated Control Executive - e: North American Commission on the Environment - e: North American Cycle Exhibitor Association -/· Nomenclature des Activites des Industries etablies dans les Communautes Europeennes

NACEIC e: National Advisory Council for Education, Industry and Commerce - e: National Advisory Council on Education for Industry and Commerce NACEL e: Navy Air Crew Equipment Laboratory - e: North Atlantic Cultural Exchange League NACEMO n: Nationaal Centrum voor Metaalonderzoek NACEO e: National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity NACEPD e: National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development NACEPRS e: National Advisory Committee on Electronic Product Radiation Standards NACEPT e: National Advisory Committee for/on Environmental Policy and Technology - e: National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology NACERI e: National Advisory Council for Educational Research and Improvement NACES e: National Advisory Committee on Extension Services - e: National Association of Credential Evaluation Services - e: Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat NACESTID e: National Centre of Scientific and Technological Information and Documentation NACETA e: National Association of County Employment and Training Administrators

N.A.C.E. e: National Assembly of the Church of England

NACF e: National Agricultural Cooperative Federation - e: National Art Collections Fund - e: National Association of Church Furnishers

NACEBE e: National Association of Classroom Educators in Business Education

N.A.C.F. e: National Art-Collections Fund - e: National Association of Church Furnishers

NACEC e: National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education - e: National Association of Charitable Estate Counselors - e: North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation

NACFA e: North American Clun Forest Association

NACECE e: National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education

NACFE e: National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners NACFFA e: National Advisory Committee for the Flammable Fabrics Act NACFI e: North American Council on Fishery Investigations

NACDI e: National Association of the Coat and Dress Industry

NACED e: National Advisory Committee on the Education of the Deaf - e: National Advisory Council on the Employment of the Disabled

NACDL e: National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

NACEDC e: National Advisory Council on Education of Disadvantaged Children

NACFLM e: National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers

NACDLF e: National Association of Community Development Loan Funds

NAC/EDP e: National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development

NACFR e: National Association of Casual Furniture Retailers

NACDPA e: National Association of County Data Processing Administrators

NACE[E] e: National Association of Corrosion Engineers [Europe]

NACFT e: National Academy of Counselors and Family Therapists

NAC/DPC e: North Atlantic Council/Defense Planning Committee

NACEEO e: National Advisory Council on Equality of Educational Opportunity

NACG e: National Association of County Governments - e: North African Commanding General

NACDR e: National Association of College (or Collegiate) Deans and Registrars

NACEHC e: National Accreditation Council for Environmental Health Curricula



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NACFL e: National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor

NACGC e: National Association of College (or Collegiate) Gymnastics Coaches [Men]

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NACMA - e: National Association of Colored Girls Clubs NACGG e: North American Commercial Gladiolus Growers NACGM e: National Association of Chewing Gum Manufacturers NACGN e: National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses NACGP e: National Association of Commisioning General Practitioners NACGT e: National Association of Careers and Guidance Teachers NACH e: National Academy of Clinicians and Holistic Health - e: National Advisory Council for the Handicapped - e: National Association for the Craniofacially Handicapped - e: National Association of Clergy Hypnotherapists - e: National Association of Coal Haulers NACHA e: National Automated Clearing House Association NACHC e: National Advisory Committee on Handicapped Children - e: National Association of Community Health Centers NACHEPO e: National Advisory Commission on Higher Education for Police Officers NACHES e: Association of Jewish Family, Children's Agency Professionals - e: National Association of Jewish Family, Children's, and Health Services NACHFA e: National Association of County Health Facility Administrators NACHGR e: National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research

Nachr Verein Schweizer Bibl d: Nachrichten. Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare NACHSA e: National Association of County Human Services Administrators

NACJP e: National Association of Criminal Justice Planners

NACHVRO e: National Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating, and Refrigeration Officials

NACK e: National Advisory Committee on Kangaroos - e: Negative Acknowledgment

NachwG d: Gesetz über den Nachweis der für ein Arbeitsverhältnis geltenden wesentlichen Bedingungen [Nachweisgesetz]

NACL e: National Advisory Commission on Libraries - e: National Association for Community Leadership - e: National Association of Clinical Laboratories - e: Nippon Aviatronics Corporation Limited - e: Nippon Aviotronics Company Limited

NachwV d: Verordnung über Verwertungsund Beseitigungsnachweise [Nachweisverordnung] NACI e: National Advisory Council on Innovation - e: National Agency Check and Inquiry - e: National Agency Check and Written Inquiries - e: National Association for the Cottage Industry NACIA e: National Association of Crop Insurance Agents NACIAD e: National Council on Integrated Area Development N.A.C.I.C. e: National Association of Clerks to Insurance Committees NACIC e: National Counterintelligence Center NACIDA e: National Cottage Industries Development Authority NACIE e: National Advisory Council on Indian Education NACIFO e: National Association of Church and Institutional Financing Organizations NACILA e: National Council of Indian Library Associations

NACHM e: National Advisory Committee on Health Manpower

NACIME e: North American Committee for IME [Institut Medical Evangelique]

NACHO e: National Association of County Health Officials

NACIMFP e: National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems

NACHP e: North African Chaplain's Section nachr d: Nachrichtenwesen

NACIO e: National Association of County Information Officers - e: Naval Air Combat Information Office[r] NACIPP e: Navy Assessment and Control of Installation Pollutants Program

Nachr.A[bt]. d: Nachrichtenabteilung Nachr.D. d: Nachrichtendienst Nachr.Dokum. d: Nachrichten für Dokumentation NACHRI e: National Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions NACHRK e: North American Coalition for Human Rights in Korea

NACJ e: National Association of Costume Jewelers

Nachsch.D[st]. d: Nachschubdienst

NachlGer. d: Nachlaßgericht

NACHOP e: National Association of Children's Home Playground Manufacturers

NACISO e: NATO Communications and Information Systems Organization

NACIS e: National Credit Information Service - e: Naval Air Combat Information School - e: Navy Air Control Identification System - e: North American Cartographic Information Society NACISA e: NATO Communications and Information System[s] Agency NACISC e: NATO Communications and Information Systems Committee

NACLA e: National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation - e: North American Congress on Latin America NACLEO e: National Association of Coin Laundry Equipment Operators NACLHO e: National Assembly of Chief Livestock Health Officials NACLIS e: National Advisory Council for Library and Information Services - e: National Commission on Libraries and Information Science NACLM e: North African Claims Section NACLO e: National Association of Canoe Liveries and Outfitters - e: National Association of Community Leadership Organizations NACLP e: North American Conference on Logic Programming NACLS e: National Association of Commission Lumber Salesmen NACLSO e: National Assembly of Chief Livestock Sanitary Officials NACM e: National Association for Court Management - e: National Association of Chain Manufacturers - e: National Association of Charcoal Manufacturers - e: National Association of Cider Makers - e: National Association of Clinic Managers - e: National Association of Colliery Managers - e: National Association of Concert Managers - e: National Association of Cotton Manufacturers - e: National Association of Credit Management - e: National Association of Credit Managers - e: Network Authentication Control Module - e: North American Common Market N.A.C.M. e: National Association of Colliery Managers - e: National Association of Credit Men NACMA e: National Armored Cable Manufacturers Association

Nachr.Tr. d: Nachrichtentruppe

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NACMB NACMB e: National Association of Certified Mortgage Bankers

NACODS e: National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers

NACMC e: National Association for Church Management Consultants - e: National Association of Christian Marriage Counselors

NACOEH e: National Advisory Council on Occupational and Environmental Health

NACMCF e: National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods NACME e: National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering NACMEMS e: National Association of Continuing Medical Education Meetings and Seminars NACMO e: National Association of Competitive Mounted Orienteering NACNCO e: National Association of Career Noncommissioned Officers NACNE e: National Advisory Council on Nutrition Education NACNEMS e: North American Cooperative Network of Enhanced Measurement Sites NAC News e: National Agricultural Chemicals [Association] News NAC News Pestic Rev e: NAC [National Agriculture Chemicals Association] News and Pesticide Review NACNS e: National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists NACO e: National Advisory Committee on Oceanography - e: National Agricultural Company - e: National Agricultural Credit Office - e: National Arts Centre Orchestra - e: National Association of Charterboat Operators - e: National Association of Condominium Owners - e: National Association of Consumer Organizations - e: National Association of Cooperative Officials - e: National Association of Counties - e: National Association of Country Officials - e: National Commodore - e: National Coordinated Cataloging Operations NAC&O e: Cape and Orange Free State Native Appeal Court, Selected Decisions NACOA e: National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere - e: National Association for Children of Alcoholics NACOBEB n: Nationaal Comite van de Belgische Expertboekhouders NACOBROUW n: Nationaal Comite voor Brouwgerst NACOBWEB n: Nationale Confederatie van de Burgerlijke Weerstanders van Belgie NACOC e: National Arts Centre Orchestra of Canada

NACOGGEB n: Nationale Confederatie der Groeperingen der Geteisterden van Belgie NACOI e: National Association of Canadians of Origins in India NACOL e: National Advisory Commission on Libraries NACOLADS e: National Council on Libraries, Archives and Documentation Services NACOM e: National Alert Communications - e: National Communication[s] [System] - e: Northern Area Command NACOM System e: National Communications System NACOPRW e: National Conference of/on Puerto Rican Women

NACPA e: National Association of Church Personnel Administrators - e: National Association of County and Prosecuting Attorneys NACPAC e: NCR [National Cash Register] Applied COBOL [Common Business Oriented Language] - e: North American Chronic Pain Association of Canada NACPC e: North American Christian Peace Conference NACPCC e: National Advisory Committee for Pig Carcass Competitions NACPD e: National Association of County Planning Directors

NACOR e: National Advisory Committee on Radiation

NACPDCG e: National Association of Catholic Publishers and Dealers in Church Goods

NaCOR e: National Center on Occupational Readjustment

NACPME e: National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Education

NACORCDM e: National Advisory Council on Rural Civil and Defense Mobilization

NACPO e: National Association of County Planning Officials

NACORE e: National Association of Corporate Real Estate Executives

NACPR e: National Association of Corporate and Professional Recruiters

NACORF e: National Association of Counties Research Foundation

NACPRO e: National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials

NACoRF e: National Association of Counties Research Fund

NACPU e: National Amalgamated Coal Porters' Union

NACOS e: National Communications Schedule - e: NATO Courier Service - e: North African Chief of Staff

NACPUISCW e: National Amalgamated Coal Porters' Union of Inland and Seaborne Coal Workers

NACOSA e: National AIDS Co-ordinating Committee of South Africa

NACPWD e: National Association of Creamery Proprietors and Wholesale Dairymen

NACOSH e: National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health - e: National Advisory Committee on Scouting for the Handicapped

NACR e: National Advisory Committee on Radiation - e: National Association of Chemical Recyclers

NACOST e: National Advisory Council on Science and Technology

NACRC e: National Association of Community Relations Councils - e: National Association of County Recorders and Clerks

NACOTU e; National Congress of Trade Unions NACOV n: Nationale Confederatie der Oudersvernigingen NACOVO n: Nationaal Comite van Voederbouw NACOVOR n: Nationaal Comite van de Volksraadpleging NACOWA n: Nationaal Comite van Waakzaamheid NACP e: National Academy of Cable Programming


- e: National AIDS Control Program - e: National Association of Chiefs of Police - e: National Association of Coloured People - e: National Association of County Planners - e: National Association of Creamery Proprietors - e: NORAD/CONAD Airborne Command Post


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NACRCD e: National Advisory Council on Rural Civil Defense NACREL e: National Chemical Research Laboratory NACRF e: National Association of Counties Research Foundation NACRMR e: National Advisory Committee on Rhesus Monkey Requirements NACRO e: National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NACW NACRS e: North African Censorship Section NACRT e: National Association of Canadian Race Tracks

NACSI e: National COMSEC [Communications Security] Information - e: National COMSEC [Communications Security] Instruction

NACS e: National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors - e: National Association for Check Safekeeping - e: National Association for Chicano Studies - e: National Association of Accredited Cosmetology Schools - e: National Association of Carpet Specialists - e: National Association of Christian Schools - e: National Association of Christian Singles - e: National Association of Civic Secretaries - e: National Association of College Stores - e: National Association of Computer Stores - e: National Association of Concession Services - e: National Association of Convenience Stores - e: National Association of Cosmetology Schools - e: National Association of County Surveyors - e: Natural Areas of Canadian Significance - e: Netware Asynchronous Communication Server - e: North American Catalysis Society - e: North American Communications Corp. - e: Northern Area Communications System - e: Northwest Academic Computing Consortium

NACSIC e: National Association of Cold Storage Insulation Contractors

NACSA e: National Advisory Committee on Safety in Agriculture - e: National Association for Corporate Speaker Activities - e: National Association of Casualty and Surety Agents - e: North American Computer Service Association

NACSW e: National Action Committee on the Status of Women - e: North American Association of Christians in Social Work

NACSAA e: National Advisory Council for South Asian Affairs NACSAP e: National Alliance Concerned with School-Age Parents NACSARS e: National Association of Companion Sitter Agencies and Referral Services NACSB e: Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board NACSC e: National Association of Cold Storage Contractors NACSCAOM e: National Accreditation Commission for Schools and Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine NACSCS e: National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services NACSDA e: National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Directors of Agriculture NACSDC e: North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics NACSE e: National Association of Casualty and Surety Executives - e: National Association of Civil Service Employees NACSEM e: National Communications Security Emanation Memorandum

NACSIM e: National COMSEC [Communications Security] Information Memorandum NACSIS e: National Academic Center for Science Information Systems - e: National Center for Science Information Service - e: National Center for Science Information Systems [of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture] NACSM e: National Advisory Committee on Surveys and Mapping - e: National Association of Catalog Showroom Merchandisers - e: National Communications Security Information Memoranda NACSPMR e: National Association of Coordinators of State Programs for the Mentally Retarded NACST e: National Association of Catholic School Teachers

NACT e: NASA Activities - e: National Alliance of Cardiovascular Technologists - e: National Association of Careers Teachers - e: National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees - e: National Association of Clinical Tutors - e: National Association of Consumers and Travelers - e: National Association of Corporate Treasurers - e: National Association of Craftsman Tailors - e: National Association of Cycle Traders - e: National Automatic Controller for Testing N.A.C.T. e: National Association of Careers Teachers - e: National Association of Craftsman Tailors NACTA e: National Association of College[s and] Teachers of Agriculture NACTAC e: Navy Antenna Computer Tracking and Command NACTA J Natl Assoc Coll Teach Agric e: NACTA Journal. National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture NACTEFL e: National Advisory Council on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language NACTEP e: National Association of County Training and Employment Professionals NACTFO e: National Association of County Treasurers and Finance Officers NACTP e: National Association of Computerized Tax Processors

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: National Association of Computerized Tax Professors NACTS e: Nellis Air Combat Training System NACTST e: National Advisory Council on the Training and Supply of Teachers NACTU e: National Affiliation of Carpet Trade Unions - e: National Council of Trade Unions - e: Night Attack Combat Training Unit N.A.C.T.U. e: National Affiliation of Carpet Trade Unions NACU e: National Association of Colleges and Universities NACUA e: National Association of College and University Administrators - e: National Association of College and University Attorneys NACUBO e: National Association of College and University Business Office Associations - e: National Association of College and University Business Officers NACUC e: National Association of College and University Chaplains and Directors of Religious Life NACUCDRL e: National Association of College and University Chaplains and Directors of Religious Life NACUFS e: National Association of College and University Food Services NACUP e: National Association of Credit Union Presidents NACUSA e: National Association of Composers, USA NACUSIP e: National Congress of Unions in the Sugar Industry of the Philippines NACUSS e: National Association of College and University Summer Sessions NACUTCD e: National Advisory Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices NACUTSO e: National Association of College and University Traffic and Security Officers NACV e: National Association of Collegiate Veterans - e: National Association of Concerned Veterans NACVCB e: National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards NACVE e: National Advisory Council on Vocational Education NA-CVR e: National Association for Crime Victims Rights NACW e: National Advisory Commission on Women - e: National Advisory Committee on Women - e: National Association of College Women - e: National Association of Commissions for Women


NACWC NACWC e: National Association of Colored Women's Clubs

NADAA e: National Association of Dance and Affiliated Artists

NACWD e: National Association of County Welfare Directors

NADABB e: National Alzheimer's Disease Autopsy and Brain Bank

NACWEP e: National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs

NADAC e: National Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign - e: National Damage Assessment Center - e: National Defense Advisory Committee - e: Naval ASW [Antisubmarine Warfare] Data Center - e: Pacific Command, North Vietnam Air Defense Analysis and Coordinating Group

NACWPI e: NACWPI [National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors] Journal - e: National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors - e: National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instruments NACWRR e: National Advisory Committee on Water Resources Research NACWS e: North African Chemical Warfare Section NACX e: Northern Air Cargo, Inc. Naczpol P: Naczelny Polski Komitet Wojskowy NAD d: NEAT-Aufsichtsdelegation - d: Normenausschuß Stahldraht und Stahldrahterzeugnisse - e: Nansen Arctic Drilling Project - e: National Academy of Design - e: National Advertising Division [of the Council of Better Business Bureaus] - e: National Alliance for Democracy - e: National Armament[s] Director - e: National Association of the Deaf - e: Naval Air Defence - e: Naval Air Department - e: Naval Air Depot - e: Naval Air Development Center - e: Naval Air Division - e: Naval Ammunition Depot - e: Naval Armament Depot - e: Navel Aviation Depot - e: Night Air Defence - e: Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research - e: North American Datum - e: North Atlantic Division [engineers] - r: Nordiska Namden for Alkohol- och Drogforskning N.A.D. d: Neben-Artilleriedepot - e: Naval Air Department NAD 27 e: North American Datum of 1927 NAD 83 e; North American Datum of 1983 NADA e: National Acupuncture Detoxification Association - e: National Art Dealers Association - e: National Association for Disabled Athletes - e: National Association of Dealers in Antiques - e: National Association of Dental Assistants - e: National Association of Drama Advisers - e: National Association of Drug Addiction - e: National Automobile Dealers Association - e: National Automotive Dealers Association - e: National Defense Aircraft - e: National Democratic Alliance - e: Native Affairs Department Annual N.A.D.A. e: National Anglo-Danish Association - e: National Association of Dealers in Antiques


NADACS e: National Air Defence & Airspace Control System NADAF e: National Association of Decorative Architectural Finishes - e: New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s NADAG e: National Association of Diocesan Altar Guilds of the Protestant Episcopal Church NAD ALT n: Nationale Dienst voor Afzet van Land- en Tuinbouwprodukten NADA Magazine e: National Automobile Dealers Association Magazine N[-]ADAMS e: National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System NADAP e: National Association of/on Drug Abuse Problems NAD API e: National Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program Inventory NADASO e: National Association of Design and Art Service Organizations - e: National Association of Drug and Allied Sales Organizations NADB e: National Aerometric Data Bank - e: National Air Data Branch - e: National Archaeological Database - e: National Arch[a]eological Database - e: National Atmospheric Data Bank - e: National Atmospheric Databank - e: National Audience Data Bank - e: Network Accessible Data Base

- e: Northern Agricultural Development Corporation - e: Nothern Alberta Development Council - e: Nuclear Affairs Defence Council NADCA e: National Animal Damage Control Association - e: North American Die Casting Association - e: North American Draft Cross Association NADC-AC e: Naval Air Development CenterAerospace Crew Equipment Department NADC-AE e: Naval Air Development CenterAero-Electronic Technology Department NADC-AI e: Naval Air Development CenterAeronautical Instruments Laboratory NADC-AM e: Naval Air Development Center-Aero-Mechanics Department NADCAP e: National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Procedures - e: National Association of Directors of Community Action Programs NADC-AP e: Naval Air Development CenterAeronautical Photographic Experimental Laboratory NADC-AR e: Naval Air Development CenterAviation Armament Laboratory NADC-ASW e: Naval Air Development Center-Antisubmarine Warfare Laboratory NADC-AW e: Naval Air Development Center-Air Warfare Research Department NADC [-] AWG e: Naval Air Development Center-Acoustical Working Group NADC-CS e: Naval Air Development CenterCrew Systems Department NADC-ED e: Naval Air Development CenterEngineering Development Laboratory NADC-EL e: Naval Air Development CenterAeronautical Electronic and Electrical Laboratory NADC-LS e: Naval Air Development CenterLife Sciences and Bio-Equipment Group

NADBANK e: North American Development Bank

NADC-Ma e: Naval Air Development CenterAviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory

NADBR e: National Association for the Deaf, Blind and Rubella

NADC-ML e: Naval Air Development Center-Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory

NADC e: National Advisory Drug Committee - e: National Animal Disease Center (or Centre) - e: National Antarctic Data Centre - e: National Anti-Drug Coalition - e: National Anti-Dumping Committee - e: National Anti-Dumping Council - e: National Arctic and Antarctic Data Centres - e: National Arts and Disability Center - e: National Association of Demolition Contractors - e: National Association of Dredging Contractors - e: NATO Air Defence (or Defense) Committee - e: NATO Defense College - e: Naval Air Development Center - e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Concord - e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane


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NADC-MR e: Naval Air Development Center-Aerospace Medical Research Department NADCO e: National Association of Development Companies NAD-CO e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Concord NA&D C&O e: Selection of Cases Decided in the Native Appeal and Divorce Court, Cape, and Orange Free State NADCON e: North American Datum Conversion

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NADPB NAD-CR e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane NADCRC e: National Advisory Dental & Craniofacial Research Council NADC Review e: National Association of Dyers and Cleaners Review

NADEM e: National Association of Dairy Equipment Manufacturers

NADIN e: National Airspace Data Interchange Network

NADEO e: National Association of Diocesan Ecumenical Officers

NADIP e: Navy Display Improvement Program

NADEP e: National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals

NADIS d: Nachrichtendienstliches Informationssystem - e: National Aerometric Data Information System - e: NATO Defense Information System

NADCs e: National Antarctic Data Centres NADC-SD e: Naval Air Development CenterSystems Analysis and Engineering Department NADC-ST e: Naval Air Development CenterAero Structures Department NADC-SY e: Naval Air Development CenterSystems Project Department NADC-WR e: Naval Air Development Center-Air Warfare Research Department NADD e: National Association of Diemakers and Diecutters - e: National Association of Disco Disc Jockeys - e: National Association of Distributors and Dealers of Structural Clay Products NADDC e: National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils NADDM e: National Association of Daytime Dress Manufacturers NADDO e: NATO Design and Development Objective NADDRG e: North American Deep Drawing Research Group NADDS e: National Antarctic and Arctic Data Directory System NADE e: National Association for Design Education - e: National Association for Developmental Education - e: National Association of Disability Examiners - e: National Association of Document Examiners - n: Nationale Dienst voor de Emigratie N.A.D.E. e: National Association of Dental Examiners NADEC e: National Association of Development Education Centres - e: National Atlas Development Centre - e: Navy Decision Center - e: Navy Development Center NADECO e: National Democratic Coalition - e: National Development Company - e: Nigerian Aluminium Development Company Nadecol e: NATO Defence College NADEE e: National Association of Divisional Executives for Education NADEEC e: NATO Air Defense Electronic Environment Committee

NADEPA e: National Democratic Party [of Tanzania] NADES e: National Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers NADET e: National Association of Distributive Education Teachers NADEVCEN e: Naval Air Development Center NADEX e: National Defense Electronics and Aerospace Exposition - e: NATO Data Exchange

NADLCC e: National Association of Defense Lawyers in Criminal Cases NADL J e: NADL [National Association of Dental Laboratories] Journal

NADF e: National Addison's Disease Foundation - e: National Adrenal Diseases Foundation - e: National Alzheimer's Disease Foundation - e: National Arbor Day Foundation

NADM e: National Association of Discount Merchants - e: National Association of Doll Manufacturers - e: Naval Administration

N.A.D.F. e: National Association of Dental Faculties

NADMC e: Naval Air Development and Material Center

NADFA e: North American Deer Farmers Association

NADMR e: National Association of Diversified Manufacturers Representatives - e: National Association of Drug Manufacturers Representatives

NADFAS e: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies - e: National Association of Design and Fine Art Societies NADFD e: National Association of Decorative Fabric Distributors

NADMW e: National Association of Direct Mail Writers

NADFPM e: National Association of Domestic and Farm Pump Manufacturers

NADO e: National Association of Development Organizations - e: Navy Accounts Disbursing Office - e: New Airport Development Office - e: New Airport Development Organization

NADFS e: National Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers

NADOA e: National Association of Division Order Analysts

NADGE e: NATO Air Defence (or Defense) Ground Environment [Organization]

NADOI e: National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors

NADGECO e: NADGE Corporation - e: NATO Air Defence Ground Environment Consortium - e: NATO Air Defense Ground Environment Corporation

NADONA/LTC e: National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care

NADGEMO e: NADGE Management Organization - e: NATO Air Defence Ground Environment Management Office NADH e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Hawaii NADHCI e: North American District Heating and Cooling Institute NADI d: Normenausschuß der Deutschen Industrie - e: National Association of Display Industries - e: National Association of Drama Therapy - e: National Disengagement Intention - e: Naval Ammunition Depot, Indiana

NADEFCOL e: NATO Defence College NaDefCol e: NATO Defense College

NADL e: National Animal Disease Laboratory - e: National Association of Democratic Lawyers - e: National Association of Dental Laboratories - e: Navy Authorized Data List

NADOP e: North American Defense Operational Plan NADOW e: National Association for Training the Disabled in Office Work NADP e: National Acid Deposition Program - e: National Association of Dental Plans - e: National Association of Desktop Publishers - e: National Association of Doctors in Practice - e: National Atmospheric Deposition Program - e: NAVAIR [Naval Air Systems Command] Advanced Development Plan NADPAS e: National Association of Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies NADPB e: North Atlantic Defense Production Board

NADIE e: National Association for Drama in Education

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NADP/NTN NADP/NTN e: National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network NADPSC e: National ADP Service Center N.A.D.R. e: National Assembly for Democratic Rights NADR e: National Assembly for Democratic Rights NADRC e: National Advisory Dental Research Council NADREP e: National Armament Director Representative NADREPS e: National Armaments Directors Representatives NADS e: National Armament[s] Directors - e: National Association Diaper Services - e: National Association for Down's Syndrome - e: National Association of Diaper Services - e: NATO Air Defense System - e: Naval Air Development Station - e: Newsletter. American Dialect Society - e: North American Data Systems - e: North American Dostoevsky Society - e: North Atlantic Defense System NADSA e: National Association of Dramatic and Speech Arts NADSC e: National Association of Direct Selling Companies NADSP e: National Association of Dental Service Plans NADSTM e: National Association of Doll and Stuffed Toy Manufacturers NADT e: National Association for Drama Therapy NADTP e: National Association of Desktop Publishers NADU e: Naval Air Development Unit - e: Naval Aircraft Delivery Unit - N: Norsk Amatordanseunion NADUC e: Nimbus/Ats Data Utilization Center NADUG e: National Data Manager Users' Group - e: North American Data Manager Users' Group NADUS e: National Association of Doctors in the United States NADUSM e: National Association of Deputy United States Marshals

e: National Academy of Education - e: National Academy of Engineering - e: National Administrative Expenses - e: National Adoption Exchange - e: National Aeronautical Establishment - e: National Association of Education - e: National Association of Evangelicals - e: Navy Acquisition Executive - e: North American Environmental, Inc. - e: Nursery Association Executives - r: Nordisk Angels Export NAEA e: National Aerospace Education Association - e: National Art Education Association - e: National Artists Equity Association - e: National Association of Enrolled Agents - e: National Association of Estate Agents - e: National Association of Extension 4-H Agents - e: Newspaper Advertising Executives Association NAE-ASEB e: National Academy of Engineering Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board NAEB e: National Association of Educational Broadcasters - e: National Association of Educational Buyers - e: Naval Aviation Evaluation Board - e: North African Economic Board - e: North American EDIFACT Board NAEB J[ournal] e: National Association of Educational Broadcasters Journal NAEBM d: Normenausschuß Eisen-, Blechund Metallwaren im DIN [Deutsches Institut fur Normung] e.V. - e: National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers NAEC e: National Aboriginal Education Committee - e: National Activity Education Organization - e: National Advisory Eye Council - e: National Aero Club - e: National Aeronautical Establishment of Canada - e: National Aerospace Education Council - e: National Agricultural Engineering Corporation - e: National Association Executives Club - e: National Association for Educational Computing - e: National Association of Electric Companies - e: National Association of Elevator Contractors - e: National Association of Engineering Companies - e: National Association of Exhibition Contractors - e: National Atomic Energy Commission - e: National Aviation Education Council - e: Naval Air Engineering Center - e: Northern Agricultural Energy Center - e: Novell Authorized Education Center

NADWAGNS e: National Association of Deans of Women and Advisers (or Advisors) for/to Girls in Negro Schools

NAECA e: National Appliance Energy Conservation Act

NADWARN e: National Disaster Warning System - e: Natural Disaster Warning System

NAECOE e: National Academy of Engineering Committee on Ocean Engineering

NADWAS e: North American Dr. Who Appreciation Society

NAECON e: National Aerospace and Electronics Conference - e: National Aerospace and Electronics Convention



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NAED e: National Academy of Education - e: National Association of Electrical Distributors NAEDA e: National American Eskimo Dog Association - e: North American Equipment Dealers Association NAEDS e: National Association of Educational Data Systems - e: National Association of Engravers and Die Stampers NAEE e: National Association for Environmental Education - e: North American Association for/of Environmental Education NAEEO e: National Association for Equal Educational Opportunities NAEF e: Naval Air Engineering Facility - e: North American Environmental Fund NAEFA e: North American Economics and Finance Association NAEFTA e: National Association of Enrolled Federal Tax Accountants NAEG e: Nevada Applied Ecology Group NAEGA e: North American Export Grain Association NAEGIS e: NATO Airborne Early Warning And Ground Control Integration Segment NAEH e: National Alliance to End Homelessness NAE4-HA e: National Association of Extension 4-H Agents NAEHCA e: National Association of Employers on Health Care Action - e: National Association of Employers on Health Care Alternatives NAEHE e: National Association of Extension Home Economists NAEHMO e: National Association of Employers on Health Maintenance Organizations NAEIC e: Nevada Applied Ecology Information Center NAEIR e: National Association for the Exchange of Industrial Resources N.A.E.J. r: Nattraby-Alnaryd-Elmeboda Järnväg NAEKM e: National Association of Electronic Keyboard Manufacturers NAEL e: Naval Air Engineering Laboratory NAELA e: National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys NAELC e: National Architect-Engineer Liaison Commission NAELSI e: Naval Air Electronics Shipboard Installation

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NAFAG NAEM e: National Association of Exhibit Managers - e: National Association of Exposition Managers NAEMB e: National Academy of Engineering Marine Board NAEMC e: National Association of Export Management Companies

NAERG e: North American Emergency Response Guidebook NAERI e: National Agricultural Economic Research Inventory N.A.E.R.S.S.A. e: National Association for Employment of Regular Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen

NAEN e: National Association of Educational Negotiators

NAES e: National Association for Ethnic Studies - e: National Association of Ecumenical Staff - e: National Association of Educational Secretaries - e: National Association of Episcopal Schools - e: National Association of Executive Secretaries - e: National Association of Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies - e: Native American Educational Service - e: Naval Air Experimental Station - e: Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station - e: North African Army Exchange Service - e: North American Electronic Systems

NAENA e: Nursery Association Executives of North America

N.A.E.S. r: Naturhistorisk-AntropologiskEtnografiska Sällskapet i Moskva

NAEMSE e: National Association of EMS [Emergency Medical Service] Educators NAEMSP e: National Association of EMS [Emergency Medical Service] Physicians NAEMSPA e: National EMS [Emergency Medical Service] Pilots Association NAEMT e: National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

-NEPP e: National Academy of Engineering Navy Environmental Protection Program Study Group

NAESA e: National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities - e: North American Economic Studies Association

NAENG e: North African Engineer Section NAEO e: National Activity Education Organization - e: National Association of Extradition Officials NAEOM e: National Association of Electronic Organ Manufacturers NAEOP e: National Association of Educational Office Personnel NAEP e: National Assessment of Educational Program - e: National Assessment of Educational Progress - e: National Association of Educational Programs - e: National Association of Educational Progress - e: National Association of Environmental Professionals NAEPC e: National Association of Estate Planning Councils

NAESC e: National Association of Energy Service Companies - e: Native American Educational Services College NAESCO e: National Association of Energy Service Companies NAESP e: National Association of Elementary School Principals NAEST e: National Archive for/of Electrical Science and Technology NAESU e: Naval Air Engineering Service Unit - e: Naval Aviation Electronics Service Unit NAET e: National Association of Educational Technicians NAETV e: National Association for Educational Television NAEW e: NATO Airborne Early Warning [and Control Force]

NAEPIRS e: National Assessment of Educational Progress Information Retrieval System

NAEWF e: NATO Airborne Early Warning Force

NAEPP e: National Asthma Education and Prevention Program

NAEWTF e: NATO Aircrew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility

NAEPS e: National Academy of Economics and Political Science

NAEYC e: National Association for the Education of Young Children

NAER e: National Association for Emergency Response - e: National Association of Executive Recruiters - e: North American Electronic Research [Corp.]

NAF a: Nordisk Andelsforbund - d: Nutzungsanforderung - e: NAFCO Financial Group, Inc. - e: National Abortion Federation - e: National Abortion Foundation - e: National Aging Foundation - e: National Amputation Foundation - e: National Analytical Facility - e: National Angling Federation - e: National Anxiety Foundation

NAERC e: North American Electric Reliability Council

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: National Arbitration Forum - e: National Arts Foundation - e: National Association for Freedom - e: National Association of Foremen of America - e: National Ataxia Foundation - e: National Aviation Forum - e: National Forum. Phi Kappa Phi Journal - e: Naval Air Facility - e: Naval Air Force - e: Naval Aircraft Factory - e: Naval Assault Force - e: Naval Avionics Facility - e: Nepal Agroforestry Foundation - e: Netherland-America Foundation - e: Netherlands Air Force - e: New Age Federation - e: Nigerian Air Force - e: Non-Appropriated Fund[s] - e: Nordisk Anaesthesiologisk Forening - e: North American Federation of Third Order Franciscans - e: North American Forestry Commission - e: North West Atlantic Fisheries, Memorial University - e: North West Atlantic Fisheries, Memorial University - e: Northern Africa [Region] - e: Northern Attack Force - e: Norwegian Air Force - e: Numbered Air Force - n: Nationaal Arbeidsfront - n: Nederlands Atoomforum - N: Norge-Amerika Foreningen - N: Norges Apotekerforening - N: Norges Automobil-Forbund - N: Norsk Arbeidsgiverforening - N: Norsk Arbeidsmannsforbund - N: Norske Annonsörers Forening - r: AB Nordiska Armaturfabrikerna - r: Nordisk Anaestesiologisk Forening - r: Nordisk Andelsforbund - r: Nordiska Administrativa Förbundet N.A.F. e: Naval Aircraft Factory - e: Naval Assault Force -/· Nouvelle Action Francaise NAFA d: Normenausschuß Fahrräder im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Academy of Foreign Affairs - e: National Aerobic Fitness Award - e: National Air Filtration Association - e: National Aircraft Finance Association - e: National American Farmers Association - e: National Association of Fine Arts - e: National Association of Fleet Administrators - e: National Association to Aid Fat Americans - e: National Automotive Fleet Administration Ltd. - e: Nepal Association of Fine Art - e: Nordic Anthropological Firm Association - e: Nordic Association for Andrology - e: North American Falconers Association - e: North American Farm Alliance Nafa d: Norddeutsche Automobilfabrik AG NAFAC e: National Association for Ambulatory Care NAFACT e: Naval Aircraft Factory NAFAD e: National Association of Fashion and Accessory Designers NAFAG e: NATO Air Force Advisory Group - e: NATO Air Force Armament[s] Group


NAFAPAC NAFAPAC e: National Association for Association Political Action Committees NAFAS e: National Association of Flower Arrangements] Societies [of Great Britain] NAFAU e: Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union NAFAX e: National Facsimile [Network] NAFB e: National Association of Farm Broadcasters - e: National Association of Franchised Businessmen - e: Nellis Air Force Base - e: Norton Air Force Base

NAFCR e: NAF Computer Replacement - e: National Association of Foster Care Reviewers NAFCU e: National Association of Federal Credit Unions NAFD e: National Air Forwarding Division - e: National Association of Flour Distributors - e: National Association of Funeral Directors - e: New America Fund N.A.F.D. e: National Association of Funeral Directors NAFDC e: National Association for Family Day Care

NAFBO e: National Association for Business Organizations

NAFDI e: National Foundation for Depressive Illness

NAFBR e: Nellis Air Force Bombing Range

N.A.F.D.U. e: Naval Air Fighting Development Unit

NAFBRAT e: National Association for Better Radio and Television NAFBRAT Quarterly e: National Association for Better Radio and Television Quarterly NAFC e: Nash-Finch Company - e: National Accounting and Finance Council - e: National Agriculture and Food Council - e: National Alliance of Preservation Commissions - e: National Anthropological Film Center - e: National Association for Continence - e: National Association of Fan Clubs - e: National Association of Financial Consultants - e: National Association of Food Chains - e: National Association of Friendship Centres - e: National Association of Pastoral Counselors - e: National Average Fuel Consumption - e: Naval Air Ferry Command - e: Navy Accounting and Finance Center - e: North-American Forestry Commission - e: North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission - e: Northern Attack Force Commander - e: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Center

NAFE e: National Association for/of Female Executives - e: National Association for Firm in Education - e: National Association for Free Enterprise - e: National Association of Forensic Economists NAFEC e: National Administrative Facilities Experimental Center - e: National Association of Farmer Elected Committeemen - e: National Association of Free-standing Emergency Centers - e: National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center - e: NATO Agency for Equipment Codification - e: North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation NAFED e: National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors NAFEKAV n: Nationale Federatie der Kleinhandelaars in Algemene Voedingswaren

NAFFP e: National Association of Frozen Food Packers - e: National Association of Frozen Food Producers NAFFS e: National Association of Fruits, Flavors, and Syrups NAfG. d: Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde NAFGDA e: National Auto and Flat Glass Dealers Association NAFHP e: National Association of Fundholding Practices NAFI e; National Association of Fire Investigators - e: National Association of Flight Instructors - e: National Association of Forest Industries - e: Naval Air Fighting Instructions - e: Naval Avionics Facility, Indianapolis - e: Northern Air Freight, Incorporated NAFIC e: National Alcohol Fuels Information Center - e: National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counsellors NAFICS e: Nordic Association of Former International Civil Servants NAFEV e: North African Finance Section - s: Nacional Financiera, SNC NAFIP e: National Foreign Intelligence Program NAFIP S[ociety] e; North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIS e: National Association of Federally Impacted Schools - e: Navaids Flight Inspection System - e: Naval Forces Intelligence Study NAFISS e: Non-Appropriated Funds Information Standard System NAFK r: Norrköpings Automobil- och Flygklubb

NAFCA e: North American Family Campers Association

NAFEM e: National Association of Farm Equipment Manufacturers - e: National Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers

NAFCD e: National Association of Floor Covering Distributors

NAFEMS e: National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards

NAFLFD e: National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers

NAFCE e: National Association of Federal Career Employees

NAFEN e: National Foundation of Indian Engineers - e: Near and Far East News Ltd.

NAFLI e: Natural Flight Instrument System

NAFCI e: National Association of Floor Covering Installers NAFCO e: National Agriculture and Food Corporation - e: National Airways and Finance Corporation - e: National Association of Franchise Companies - e: National Floor Products Company, Inc. - e: National Food Corporation

NAFEO e: National Association for Equal Opportunity [in Higher Education] NAFEP e: National Association of Frozen Egg Packers NAFEX e: North American Food Explorers - e: North American Fruit Explorers

NAFL e: National Alliance for Family Life

NAFLU e: National Association of Free Labor Unions NAFM e: National Armed Forces Museum - e: National Association of Fan Manufacturers - e: National Association of Flag Manufacturers - e: National Association of Furniture Manufacturers N.A.F.M. e: National Association for the Feeble-Minded

NAFF e: National Association for Freedom NAFCOC e: National African Federated Chamber[s] of Commerce - e: National African Federation of Chambers of Commerce NAFCOM e: Northern] Africa[n] Regional Committee for START


NAFFBIA e: National Association of Former FBI Agents

NAFMAB e: National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board

NAFFI e: Navy, Army & Air Force Institutes

NAFMB e: National Association of FM [Frequency Modulation] Broadcasters

NAFFMB e: Nonappropriated Fund Financial Management Board

NAFMG e: National Association of Foreign Medical Graduates


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NAGB&SPA NAFMIS e: Non-Appropriated Funds Management Information System

N.A.F.S.L. e: Naval Assistant to the First Sea Lord

NAFMOW e: National Action Forum for Midlife and Older Women

NAFSLAC e: National Association of Federations of Syrian and Lebanese American Clubs

NAFMW e: National Action for Former Military Wives NAFO e: National Association of Farmworker Organizations - e: National Association of Fire Officers - e: North[west] Atlantic Fisheries Organization NAFOW e: National Action Forum for Older Women

NAFSMA e: National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies NAFSONW e: Nonappropriated Fund Statement of Operations and Net Worth NAFSWMA e: National Association of Flood and Storm Water Management Agencies NAFT e: National Alternative Fuel Test[ing]

N.A.F.P. e: New Armed Forces of the Philippines NAFPA e: National Alcohol Fuels Producers Association - e: National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators NAFPAC e: Naval Air Facilities, Pacific NAFPB e: National Association of Freight Payment Banks NAFPC e: National Academy for Fire Prevention and Control NAFPP e: National Accelerated Food Production Project - e: National Association of Fresh Produce Processors NAFPU e: North American Friends of Palestinian Universities NAFR e: Nellis Air Force Range

NAFTA e: National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades Association - e: National Association of Futures Trading Advisors - e: New Zealand-Australia Free Trade Agreement - e: North American Fair Trade Agreement - e: North America[n] Free Trade Agreement - e: North American Free Trade Area - e: North American Free Trade Association - e: North Atlantic Free Trade Area - e: North Atlantic Free Trade Association N.A.F.T.A. e: National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades Association NAFT AT e: National Association for the Advancement of Time NAFTC e: National Association of Freight Transportation Consultants NAFTF e: National Association of Finishers of Textile Fabrics

- d: Notgemeinschaft Abwassergeschädigter [Bergische Bäche und der unteren Wupper] e.V. - e: Goddard Space Flight Center - e: National Academy of Geosciences - e: National Acquisitions Group - e: National Action Group - e: National Advisory Group, Convenience Stores/Petroleum Companies - e: National Air-Racing Group - e: National Algorithms Group Ltd. - e: National Assessment Group - e: National Association of Gagwriters - e: National Association of Gardeners - e: National Association of Goldsmiths [of Goldsmiths of Great Britain and Ireland] - e: National Association of Grooms - e: National Association of Groundsmen - e: National Gallery of Canada - e: Natural Assessments] Group - e: Naval Advisory Group - e: Naval Analysis Group - e: Naval Applications Group - e: Naval Astronautics Group - e: Navy Astronautics Group - e: Negro Actors Guild of America - e: Neighborhood Action Group - e: NERVA [Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application] Advisory Group - e: Netherlands Aerospace Group - e: Network Architecture Group - e: Networking Advisory Group - e: New Approach Group - e: Nor-Acme Gold Mines Ltd. - e: Northern Army Group - e: Nova Scotia Agricultural College Library - e: Numerical Algorithms Group Inc. - e: Nottingham Algorithms Group - n: Nederlands Architecten Genootschap - n: Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap Nag e: Nagpur University

N Afr e: North Africa NAFRA e: National Association of Fleet Resale Dealers NAFRC e: National Association of Fiscally Responsible Cities NAFRD e: National Association of Fleet Resale Dealers NAFRLG e: National Alliance of FinanciallyResponsible Local Governments NAFRTM e: National Association of Farm and Ranch Trailer Manufacturers NAFS e: National Association of Foot Specialists - e: National Association of Forensic Sciences - e: Naval Air Fighter School - e: Newark Air Force Station NAFSA e: National Association for/of Foreign Student Affairs - e: National Association of Fire Science and Administration - e: National Association of Foreign Student Advisers - e: National Fire Services Association [of Great Britain] NAFSEP /· Nouvelle Association Frangaise des Scleroses en Plaques NAFSFERRY e: Naval Air Transport Service, Ferry Command

NAFTI e: National Firm and Television Institute NAFTOC e: NORAD Automated Forward Tell Output to Canada NAFTRAC e: National Foreign Trade Council NAFTZ e: National Association of ForeignTrade Zones NAFuO d: Normenausschuß Feinmechanik und Optik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. NAFY e: National Association of Federal Veterinarians NAFW e: National Association of Future Women

N.A.G. e: National Association of Goldsmiths of Great Britain and Ireland - e: National Association of Groundsmen NAGA d: Niedersächsische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesamtdeutsche Aufgaben - e: National Advertising Golf Association - e: National Amputee Golf Association - e: Negro Actors Guild of America - e: North American Gamebird Association - e: North American Ginseng Association NAGAP e: National Association of Gay Alcoholism Professionals NAGARA e: National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators NAGARD e: NATO Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development

NAFWA e: North American Flowerbulb Wholesalers Association

NAGas d: Normenausschuß Gastechnik

NAFWIC e: National Association for Women in Careers

NAGB e: National Assessment Governing Board

NAFWR e: National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers

NAGBA e: National Gas Bulletin

NAG d: BUssing Vereinigte NutzkraftwagenAG - d: Nationale Arbeitnehmergemeinschaft - d: Nationale Automobil-Gesellschaft AG - d: Neckar AG - d: Neckarwerke AG

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAGBM e: National Association of Golf Ball Manufacturers NAGB&SPA e: North American Game Breeders and Shooting Preserve Association


NAGC NAGC e: National Association for Gifted Children - e: National Association of Girls Clubs - e: National Association of Government Communicators - e: Naval Armed Guard Center - e: Navy Astronautics Group Conference - e: North American Gladiolus Council N.A.G.C. e: National Association of Girls' Clubs NAGCD e: National Association of Glass Container Distributors NAGCM e: National Association of Golf Club Manufacturers

NAGM e: National Association of Glove Manufacturers - e: National Association of Glue Manufacturers NAGMC e: North Atlantic Council and Military Committee NAGMR e: National Association of General Merchandise Representatives Nagoya Univ Dep Earth Sei Collect Pap Earth Sei e: Nagoya University. Department of Earth Sciences. Collected Papers on Earth Sciences

NAGCO e: Naval Air Ground Center

Nagoya Univ Inst Plasma Phys Annu Rev e: Nagoya University. Institute of Plasma Physics. Annual Review

NAGCP e: National Association of Greeting Card Publishers

Nagoya Univ Jour Earth Sei e: Nagoya University. Journal of Earth Sciences

NAGCR e; North American Guild of Change Ringers

NAGP e: National Assessment Governing Board

NAGDCA e: National Association of Government Deferred Compensation Administrators

NAGPA e: National Association of General Practitioners of Australia

NAGDM e: National Association of Garage Door Manufacturers NAGE e: National Association of Government Employees - e: National Association of Government Engineers - e: NATO Air Defense Group Environment N.A.G.E.C. e: Naval Air Ground Equipment Committee NAGew d: Normenausschuß Gewinde NACH d: Neues Archiv für die Geschichte der Stadt Heidelberg NAGHSR e: National Association of Governors' Highway Safety Representatives NAGI e: National Association of Government Inspectors NAGIM e: North American Gunnery Instruction Monitor NAGI&QAP e: National Association of Government Inspectors and Quality Assurance Personnel NAGIS e: Natal/KwaZulu Association for Geographical Information Systems - e: National Airport Grant Information System

NAGPM e: National Association of Grained Plate Makers NAGPORT e: North American Export Grain Association NAGPRA e: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NAGPS e: National Association of Graduate and Professional Students NAGPT e: National Association of General Practice Tutors NAGPTDU e: National Action Group for the Prevention and Treatment of Decubitus Ulcers

NAGLO e: National Association of Governmental Labor Officials NAGLSTP e: National Association of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals N.A.G.M. e: National Association of Glove Manufacturers


NAGSCT e: National Association of Guidance Supervisors and Counselor Trainers NAGT e: National Association of Geology Teachers - e: National Association of Geoscience Teachers NAGTC e: National Association of Girls' Training Corps - e: North American Gasoline Tax Conference NAGUA e: Numerical Algorithms Group Users Association Nag UCL Mag e: Nagpur University. College of Law. Magazine NAGUS d: Normenausschuss Grundlagen des Umweltschutzes NAGVG e: National Association of Greenhouse Vegetable Growers NAGWS e: National Association for Girls and Women in Sport NAH e: National Association of Homebuilders - e: National Autism Hotline - e: Nordic Association for Hydrology - e: Nordic Association for the Handicapped - e: Nordic Association of Hairdressers - e: Nutrition Action Health Letter NAHA e: National Association of Handwriting Analysts - e: National Association of Health Authorities - e: National Association of Hotel Accountants - e: North American Highway Association - e: Norwegian-American Historical Association

Nagpur Univ J e: Nagpur University. Journal

NAHAD e: National Association of Hose and Accessories Distributors

NAGR e: National Geographic Research

NAHAL h: Noar Halutzi Lohem

NAGRA d: Fachnormenausschuß Graphisches Gewerbe - d: Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle - d: Normenausschuß für das Graphische Gewerbe - e: National Association of Gambling Regulatory Agencies - e: National Association of Government Archives and Records Administration - e: National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

NAHAM e: National Association of Hospital Admitting Managers

N.A.G.L. e: National Anti-Gambling League NAGLDCs e: National Association of Gay and Lesbian Democratic Clubs

NAGSC e: National Association of Government Service Contractors

Nagra d: Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle NAGRP e: National Animal Genome Research Program NAGS e: National Allotments and Gardens Society - e: National Association of Government Secretaries - e: National Auto Glass Specifications, Inc, - e: Naval Air Gunners School - e: North Atlantic Girl Scouts


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NAHASDA e: Native American Housing Affordability and Self-Determination Act NAHAT e: National Association of Health Authorities & Trusts - e: National Association of Hospital Authorities and Trusts NAHAWA e: North American Heating and Airconditioning Wholesalers Association NAHB e: National Alliance of Homebased Businesswomen - e: National Association of Home Builders [of the United States] - e: National Association of Homes for Boys NAHBB e: National Association of Home Based Businesses NAHB/RC e: NAHB Remodelers Council NAHC e: National Advisory Health Council - e: National Anti-Hunger Coalition - e: National Association for Home Care

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

ΝΑΙ - e: National Association of Homes for Children - e: National Association of Housing Cooperatives - e: North American Hunting Club

NAHICUS e: Nuclear Attack Hazards in the Continental United States

NAHRO e: National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials

NAHIM e: National Association of Housing Information Managers

NahrUntersA d: Nahrungsmitteluntersuchungsamt

NAHCAC e: National Ad Hoc Committee Against Censorship

NAHIP e: Native American and Hispanics Internship Program

NAHRW e: National Association of Human Rights Workers

NAHCR e: National Association of Healthcare Recruiters - e: National Association for/of Healthcare Recruitment

NAHIS e: National Animal Health Information System - e: National Arts and Handicapped Information Service

NAHS e: National Association of Horological Schools - e: North American Heather Society - e: North American Hyperthermia Society

NAHCS e: National Association of Health Career Schools

NAHJ e: National Association of Hispanic Journalists

NAHCSP e: National Association of Hospital Central Service Personnel

NAHL e: North American Hockey League - e: North American Holding Corp.

NAHSA e: National Association for Hearing and Speech Action - e: National Association of Hearing and Speech Agencies - e: North American Horticultural Supply Association

NAHD e: National Association for Hospital Development - e: National Association for Human Development - e: National Association of Hotel Directors

NAHM e: National Association of Home Manufacturers - e: National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers

NAHDDM e: National Association of House and Daytime Dress Manufacturers NAHDO e: National Association of Health Data Organizations NAHDSA e: National Association of Hebrew Day School Administrators NAHE e: National Alliance for Hydroelectric Energy - e: National Association for Holocaust Education - e: National Association for Humanities Education NAHEE e: National Association for Humane and Environmental Education NAHEMA e: NATO Helicopter Management NAHES e: National Association of Home Economics Supervisors NAHFAGIF e: National Archives and Historical Foundation of the American GI Forum NAHFO e: National Association of Hospital Fire Officers NAHG e: National Association of Humanistic Gerontology NAHHA e: National Association of Home Health Agencies NAHHH e: National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses NAHHIC e: National Association of House to House Installment Companies NAHHVG e: National Association of Hot House Vegetable Growers NAHI e: National Athletic Health Institute - n: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut NAHIBS n: Nationaal Hoger Instituut voor Bouwkunst en Stedebouw

NAHMA e: National Association of Hotel and Motel Accountants NAHMOR e: National Association of HMO Regulators NAHMS e: National Animal Health Monitoring System[s] NAHN e: National Association of Hispanic Nurses NAHNS e: National Association of the Holy Name Society NAHO e: National Aboriginal Health Organisation NAHOLZ d: Normenausschu Holz Nahosa e: National Hostel Residents Association NAHP e: National Association of Hispanic Publications - e: National Association of Horseradish Packers NAHPA e: National Association of Hospital Purchasing Agents NAHPM e: National Association of Hospital Purchasing Management

NAHSC e: National Automated Highway System Consortium NAHSE e: National Association of Health Services Executives NAHSL e: North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries NAHST e: National Association of Human Services Technologies NAHSTA e: National Association of Hiking and Ski Touring Association - e: National Hiking and Ski Touring Association NAHT e: National Association of Head Teachers NAHU e: NAHU, an Association of Bull Users - e: National Association of Health Underwriters - e: North American Honeywell Users Association NAHUC e: National Association of Health Unit Clerks-Coordinators N.A.H.V.D.E.E. e: National Association of Heating, Ventilating, and Domestic Engineering Employers NAHW e: National Association of Hardwood Wholesalers

NAHPMM e: National Association of Hospital Purchasing Materials Management

NAHWMUMC e: National Association of Health and Welfare Ministries of the United Methodist Church

NAHPS e: North American Habitat Preservation Society

NAH & WW e: National Association of Home and Workshop Writers

NAHQ e: National Association for Healthcare Quality

NAHWW e: National Association of Home and Workshop Writers

NAHQAO e: Nebraska. University. College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Quarterly

ΝΑΙ d: Netzwerk Arbeitswelt Informatik - d: Neue Apotheker Illustrierte - e: National Agricultural Institute - e: National Agriculture Institute - e: National Air Lines Incorporated - e: National Apple Institute - e: National Association of Interpretation - e: Negro Airmen International - e: Netherlands Aerospace Industries - e: New Alchemy Institute - e: Nordic Africa Institute - e: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

NAHR e: National Association of Housing and Redevelopment NAHRI e: National Animal Husbandry Research Institute NAHRMP e: National Association of Hotel and Restaurant Meat Purveyors

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich


N.A.I. - e: Northrop Aeronautical Institute - e: Northrop Aircraft, Incorporated - h: N'shei Agudath Israel - i: Navigazione Alta Italia S.p.A. - r: Nordisk Alabast Industri

NAICP e: Nuclear Accident and Incident Control Plan

N.A.I. e: National Air Lines - e: Naval Aircraft Inspectorate

NAICU e: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

NAIA e: National Association for/of Intercollegiate Athletics - e: National Association of Industrial Artists - e: National Association of Insurance Agents - e: North American Indian Association - e: North American Institute of Aviation

NAICV e: National Association of Ice Cream Vendors

NAIB e: National Association of Independent Business - e: National Association of Insurance Brokers NAIC e: NASA Network Application and Information Center - e: National Academic Information Centre - e: National Adoption Information Clearinghouse - e: National Advice and Information Centre for Outdoor Education - e: National Aging Information Center - e: National AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficency Syndrome] Information Clearinghouse - e: National Air Intelligence Center - e: National American Indian Council - e: National Asian Information Centre - e: National Association of Installment Companies - e: National Association of Insurance Commissioners - e: National Association of Intercollegiate Commissioners - e: National Association of Investment Clubs - e: National Association of Investment Companies - e: National Association of Investors Corporation - e: National Astronomy and Ionosphere (or Ionospheric) Center - e: Naval Aircraft Investigation Center - e: Newly Agro-Industrialized Country - e: Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps - e: Nuclear Accident and Incident Control N.A.I.C. e: National Association of Insurance Committees NAICA e: National American Indian Cattlemen's Association NAICC e: National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants - e: National Association of Independent Computer Companies - e: Nuclear Accident and Incident Control Center NAICCA e: National American Indian Court Clerks Association NAIC JA e: National American Indian Court Judges Association NAICO e: Nuclear Accident and Incident Control Officer

NAICS e: North American Industrial (or Industry) Classification System

NAID d: Nürnberger Arbeitskreis für Information und Dokumentation - e: National Associates for Informed Depressives - e: National Association of Installation Developers - e: National Association of Interior Designers NAIDA e: National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association NAIDM e: National Association of Insecticide and Disinfectant Manufacturers, Inc. NAIDS e: North Atlantic Institute for Defense Studies NAIDST e: National AIDS Trust

NAIL e: National Anonymous International Liaison - e: National Association for Independent Living - e: National Association of Independent Lumbermen - e: Neurotics Anonymous International Liaison NAILBA e: National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies NAILD e: National Association of Independent Lighting Distributors NAILM e: National Association of Institutional Laundry Managers - e: National Association of Institutional Linen Management - e: National Association of Liftmakers NAILS e: National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support - e: National Automated Immigration Lookout System - e: National Liaison Staffs - e: Naval Aviation Integrated Logistics Support Task Force

NAIEA e: National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers

NAILSC e: Naval Air Integrated Logistics Support Center - e: Naval Aviation Integrated Logistics Support Center

NAIEC e: National Association for IndustryEducation Cooperation

NAILSMT e: National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support Management Team

NAIEHS e: National Association of Importers and Exporters of Hides and Skins

NAILSS e: National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service Secretariat

NAIEM e: National Association of Insect Electrocutor Manufacturers -/· Nouvelle Association Internationale d'Essais de Materiaux

NAILTE e: National Association of Instructional Leaders in Technical Education

NAIES e: National Association of Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies NAIF e: National Association for Irish Freedom - r: Nordiska Akademiska Idrottsforbund NAIFA e: National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers NAIFE e: National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers NAIFR e: National Association of Independent Food Retailers NAIFS e: National Adoption Information Exchange System - e: National Association of Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies NAIG e: National Insurance Group - e: Nippon Atomic Industry Group Co. NAIHC e: National American Indian Housing Council

Naico Abstracts e: National Aluminate Corporation Abstracts

NAH e: National Association of Ice Industries - e: National Association of Independent Insurers

NAICOM/MIS e: Navy-Integrated Command Management Information System

NAIIA e: National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters


NAIJ e: National Association for Irish Justice


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NAIM e: NAIM [North American Indian Mission] Ministries NAIMA e: North American Indian Museums Association - e: North American Insulation Manufacturers Association NAIMD e: National Association of Independent Music Dealers NAIME e: National Association of Independent Maritime Educators NAIMS e: National Airspace Information System NAIMSAL e: National Anti-Imperialist Movement in Solidarity with African Liberation NAIOP e: National Association of Industrial and Office Parks NAIP e: National Assault on Illiteracy Program - e: National Association of Independent Publishers - e: National Association of Industrial Parks - e: National Association of Industrial Plants - e: National Association of Insured Persons NAIPRC e: Netherlands Automatic Information Processing Research Center (or Centre)

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NAL NAIPS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Automated Input Processing System NAIPTS e: National Amalgamated Iron Plate Trade Society NAIR e: National Arrangements for Incidents involving Radioactivity - e: National Association of Independent Resurfacers NAIRD e: National Association of Independent Record Distributors and Manufacturers NAIRDM e: National Association of Independent Record Distributors and Manufacturers NAIRE e: National Association of Internal Revenue Employees NAIREC e: Nimbus Arctic Ice Reconnaissance NAIRO e: National Association of Intergroup Relations Officers - e: National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials NAIRS e: National Athletic Injury/Illness Reporting System NAIRU e: Naval Air Intelligence Reserve Units

NAITP e: National Association of Income Tax Preparers

N A JHA e: National Association of Jewish Homes for the Aged

NAITPD e: National Association of Independent Television Producers and Distributors

NAJIT e: National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators

NAITT e: National Association of Industrial Teacher Trainers NAITTE e: National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators NAIW e: National Association of Insurance Women NAIWA e: North American Indian Women's Association NAIWC e: National Association of Inland Waterway Carriers NAJ e: Napierville Junction Railway Co. - e: National Academy of Jazz - e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space Center, Houston - e: National Association for Justice

NAJA d: Neuwieder Aktion Jugendlicher Arbeitsloser - e: National Association of Jewelry Appraisers - e: National Association of Junior Auxiliaries - e: North American Judges Association NAJAARSBEURS d: NAJAARSBEURSHerbstmesse, Internationale Konsumgütermesse

NAISC e: National American Indian Safety Council

NA JC e: National Assessment of Juvenile Correction - e: National Association of Japanese Canadians - e: Northern Australia Jockey Club - e: Northwest Alabama Junior College

NAISEO e: National Association of Inspectors of Schools and Educational Organisers NAISS e: National Association of Iron and Steel Stockholders NAIT e: National Association of Industrial Technology - e: Naval Air Intermediate Training - e: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology NAITC e: National Arts Industry Training Committee NAIT[C] e: Naval Air Intermediate Training [Command] NAITE e: National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators NAITF e: Naval Air Intercept Training Facility

NAJLA e: North American Junior Limousine Association NAJRC e: North African Joint Rearmament Committee NAJSA e: North American Jewish Students Appeal NAJSN e: North American Jewish Students' Network NAJU d: Naturschutzjugend - e: Nordic Association of Journalists' Unions NAJVS e: National Association of Jewish Vocational Services NAJYC e: North American Jewish Youth Council

N.A.J. r: Nättraby-Alnaryds Järnväg

NAIS e: National Aquaculiure Information System - e: National Association of Independent Schools - e: National Association of Investigative Specialists - e: National Atlas Information Service - e: Neutral Administrative Inspection Scheme - e: Neutral Administrative Inspection System - r: Norrköpings Allmänner Idrottssällskap

N.A.I.S.E.O. e: National Association of Inspectors of Schools and Educational Associations

NAJJO n: Nederlandsche Agoedas Jisrael Jeugd Organisatie

NAJAC e: National Joint Advisory Council

NAK d: Neuapostolische Kirche - d: Neue Augsburger Kattunfabrik - e: Navik Air, Inc. - e: Negative Acknowledgement - e: Non-Acknowledgment - e: Not Acknowledged - n: Nederlandse Algemeene Keuringsdienst voor Boomkwekerijgewassen - n: Stichting Nederlandse Algemeene Keuringsdienst voor Zaaizaad en pootgoed van landbouwgewassen - N: Norsk Aero Klubb - r: Nordisk Atomkoordineringskomite

NAJAFRA e: National Jazz Fraternity N.A.K. d: Nordböhmischer Automobilclub NAJAG e: North African Judge Advocate General's Section

NAKB n: Nederlandsche Algemeene Keuringsdienst voor Boomwekerijgewassen NAKBA e: National Association to Keep and Bear Arms NAK-G n: Nederlandsche Algemeene Keuringsdienst voor Groente en Bloemzaden

NAJCA e: National Association of Juvenile Correctional Agencies

NAKG n: Nederlandsche Algemeene Keuringsdienst voor Groentezaden

NAJCW e: National Association of Jewish Center Workers

Nakl.COS c: Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske Obce Sokolske

NAJD e: National Association of Journalism Directors

NAKN e: National Anti-Klan Network

NAJD/MBAP e: National Association of JD/MBA [Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration] Professionals NAJE e: National Association of Jazz Education - e: National Association of Jazz Educators NAJEM e: North African Joint Economic Mission NAJF e: National Association of Jai Alai Frontons NAJFCHP e: National Association of Jewish Family, Children's, and Health Professionals

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

• G · Säur, Munich

NAKS e: North American Kant Society - n: Nederlandsche Algemeene Keuringsdienst voor Siergewassen NAL d: Normenausschuß Lebensmittel und Landwirtschaftliche Produkte im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - d: Norwegische Amerika Linie - e: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - e: National Accelerator Laboratory - e: National Acoustics Laboratory - e: National Aeronautical Laboratory - e: National Aerospace Laboratory - e: National Agricultural Library - e: National Agriculture Library - e: National Airlines, Inc. - e: National Alliance of Liberals


Nal - e: National Assistance League - e: National Association of Laity - e: National Association of Landowners - e: National Association of Laymen - e: National Astronomical League - e: Naval Aeronautical Laboratory - e: New American Library - e: Newalta Corp. - e: Nigeria America Line - e: Norwegian America Line - e: Numerical Analysis Laboratory - e: The New American Library of World Literature, Inc. - N: Norske Amerikalinje - N: Norske Arkitekters Landsforbund - N: Norske Avisers Landsforbund - N: Norske Avisutgivers Landsforbund

- e: Naval Air Logistics Coordinator - e: Newfoundland and Labrador Corporation

NALGAP e: National Association of Lesbian/Gay Alcoholism Professionals

NALCOEURREP e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office European Representative

NALGG e: National Association for Lesbian and Gay Gerontology

NALCOLANT e: Naval Air Logistic Control Office Atlantic

NALGHW e: National Association of Local Governments on Hazardous Waste[s]

NALCOMIS e: Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System

NALGM e: National Association of Lawn and Garden Manufacturers - e: National Association of Leather Glove Manufacturers

NALCOP e: NORAD Alternate Command Post NALCOPAC e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office Pacific

NALGO e: National and Local Government Officers' Association

NALCOPACREP e: Naval Air Logistic Control Office Pacific Representative

NA1GS e: United States Geological Survey, Water Resources Services, New York District, Albany

NALCOREP e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office Representative

NA1H e: Hospital Educational and Research Fund, Inc., Albany

NALA e: National Academy of Literary Arts - e: National Affiliation for Literacy Advance - e: National Agricultural Limestone Association - e: National Association of Language Advisers - e: National Association of Legal Assistants

NALD e: National Association of Manufacturers - e: National Atomic Museum - e: Nonattainment Areas Lacking Demonstrations

NALHC e: North American Log Homes Council

NALAA e: National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies

NALDA e: Naval Aviation Logistic Data Analysis System

NALHI e: National Authority for the Ladies Handbag Industry

NALAG e: Network Adaptation Layer Ad hoc Group

NALDEF e: Native American Legal Defense and Education Foundation

NALHM e: National Association of Licensed House Managers

NALAM e: National Association of Livestock Auction Markets

NA1DH e: New York State Department of Health, Division of Laboratories and Research, Albany

NALI e: National Agricultural Limestone Institute - e: National Association of Legal Investigators - e: North Atlantic Lobster Institute

Nal /· National N.A.L. e: Noise Abatement League - e: North American Lloyd

NALAO e: National Association of Legal Aid Organizations

NA1DS e: New York State Department of State, Community Affairs Library, Albany

NALBA e: North American Log Builders Association

NALE e: Naval, Amphibious Liaison Element

NALBOH e: National Association of Local Boards of Health

NALEAO e: National Association of Latino Elected an Appointed Officials

NALC e: National Afro-American Labor Council - e: National Association of Letter Carriers [of the USA] - e: National Association of Life Companies - e: National Association of Litho Clubs - e: National Association of Local Councils - e: Naval Aviation Logistics Center - e: Naval Aviation Logistics Command - e: Negro American Labor Council - e: New Age Learning Center

NALECOM e: National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System

NALCC e: National Automatic Laundry and Cleaning Council NALCD e: National Agricultural Library and Center (or Centre) for Documentation NALCDVE e: National Association of Large City Directors of Vocational Education NA1CI e: Center for International Studies, Albany NALCM e: National Association of Lace Curtain Manufacturers Nalco e: National Aluminate Corporation NALCO e: National Association of Local Councils - e: Naval Air Logistics Control Office


NALED e: National Association of Limited Edition Dealers NALEO e: National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials NALF e: National Agricultural Legal Fund - e: Naval Auxiliary Landing Field - e: North American Limousine Foundation - e: North American Loon Fund - N: Norges Arbeidslederforbund

NALHF e: National Association of Leagues of Hospital Friends

NALIC e: National Association of Loft Insulation Contractors - e: Native American Language Issues Conference NALICON e: National Liberation Council of Nigeria NALEV e: National Library Information Network NALJS e: Nordic Atomic Libraries Joint Secretariat NALLA e: National Long-Line[s] Agency NALLD e: National Association of Language Laboratory Directors - e: National Association of Learning Laboratory Directors

NAlf e: Alfred University

NALLDJ e: National Association of Language Laboratory Directors. Journal

NAlfC e: State University of New York, College of Ceramics at Alfred University

NALLO e: National Association of License Law Officials

NALFMA e: National Association of Law Firm Marketing Administrators

NALM e: National Association for Lay Ministry - e: National Association of Lift Makers

NAlf-ST e: Alfred University, School of Theology NAlfUA e: State University of New York, Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred NALG e: National Association of LeftHanded Golfers


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NALMCO e: International Association of Lighting Maintenance Contractors - e: National Association of Lighting Management Companies NA1MH e: New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Mental Hygiene Research Library, Albany

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NAME Nalmi d: Normenausschuß der Landwirtschaftlichen Maschinen-Industrie NALMS e: North American Lake Management Society NA1MV e: New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, Research Library, Albany NALN e: National Agricultural Libraries Network - e: Native Authority Legal Notice - e: North African Liaison Section

NALTOACS e: Naval Laboratories Technical Office Automation and Communications System NALTS e: National Advertising Lead Tracking System NALU e: National Association of Life Underwriters NA1U e: State University of New York at Albany

NALO e: Naval Air Liaison Officer

NALUAS e: North American Life Union Assurance Society

NALOH e: National Association of Legions of Honor

NALUB e: National Association of Urban Bankers

NALP e: National Association for Law Placement

NA1U-F e: State University of New York at Albany, Filmdex

NALPA e: National American Legion Press Association

NA1UHL e: Upper Hudson Library Federation, Albany

NALPM e: National Association of Lithographic Plate Manufacturers

NA1U-L e: State University of New York at Albany Library School

NALPN e: National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses

NA1ULS e: New York State Union List of Serials, Albany

NALR e: National Association of Lighting Representatives

NA1U-PA e: State University of New York at Albany, Graduate School of Public Affairs

NALS e: National Adult Literacy Survey - e: National Advisory Logistics Staff - e: National Association of Labor Students - e: National Association of Laboratory Suppliers - e: National Association of Legal Secretaries - e: National Association of Lumber Salesmen - e: Nevada Association of Land Surveyors - e: North American Lily Society

NALUS e: National Association of Leagues, Umpires, and Scorers

NALSA e: Native American Law Students Association - e: North American Land Sailing Association NALSAS e: National Association for Legal Support of Alternative Schools NALSAT e: National Association of Land Settlement Association Tenants NALSF e: National ALS [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis] Foundation NALSI e: National Association of Life Science Industries NALSO e: National Association of Labour Student Organizations NA1SS e: New York State Department of Social Sciences, Social Services and Statistics Library, Albany Nal St P e: Nalton's Collection of State Papers NA1SU e: State University of New York, Union List of Serials, Albany NALSVHE e: National Association of Local Supervisors of Vocational Home Economics NALT e: National Association of the Legitimate Theatre

NA1VA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Albany NAM d: Normenausschuß Maschinenbau im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Account Management - e: National Account Manager - e: National Aero Manufacturing - e: National Air Monitoring Audits - e: National Air Museum [of the Smithsonian Institution] - e: National Apple Month Inc. - e: National Army Museum - e: National Association of Manufacturers - e: National Atomic Museum - e: National Aviation Museum - e: NATO Air Meet - e: Naval Aircraft Modification - e: Naval Armaments Model - e: Naval Aviation Museum - e: Netware Application Manager - e: Network Analysis Model - e: New America Movement - e: New Architectural Movement - e: Newspaper Association Managers - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Accounting Manual - e: Non-Aligned Movement - e: Non-Alignment Movement - e: North America - e: North America Air Navigation Region - e: North American Metals Corp. - e: North American Mortgage Investors - e: North American Movement - e: North American Museum Corp. - e: North American Region - e: Norwegian American Museum Corp. - e: Nurses Against Misrepresentation - e: Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery - e: State University of New York at Albany - n: Nederlandsche Aluminium Maatschappij - n: Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N.A.M. e: National Association of Manufacturers - e: North Africa Mission - n: Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij N Am e: North America e: National Account Marketing Association - e: National Agri-Marketing Association - e: National Air-Monitoring Audit[s] - e: National Alliance of Methadone Advocates - e: National Assistance Management Association - e: National Association of Master Appraisers - e: National Association of Metal Finishers - e: National Automatic Merchandising Association - e: National Automotive Muffler Association - e: Naval Aeronautical Material Area - e: New Amsterdam Musical Association - e: North American Manx Association - e: North American Maritime Agencies - e: North American Mycological Association - e: Northern Air Materiel Area [Europe] NAMAB e: National Air Museum Advisory Board NAMAC e: National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture - e: National Alliance of Media Arts Centers - e: National Amateur Missile Analysis Center - e: National Association of Melgerand Acquisition Consultants - e: National Association of Men's Apparel Clubs - e: National Association of Merger and Acquisition Consultants NAMAD e: National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers NAMAE e: Northern Air Materiel Area Europe NAmaHi e: Amagansett Historical Association NAMAP e: Northern Air Materiel Area Pacific NAMAPUS e: Naval Assistant to the Military Aide to the President of the United States NAMAR e: North American Mustang Association and Registry NAMARCO e: National Marketing Corporation NAMAS e: National Accreditation of Measurement and Sampling - e: National Measurement and Accreditation Service NAMAST e: System of National Accounts and System of Material Product Balances NAMATCEN e: Naval Air Materiel Center NAMB e: National Agricultural Marketing Board - e: National Association of Master Bakers - e: National Association of Media Brokers - e: National Association of Merchandise Brokers - e: National Association of Mortgage Brokers - e: Naval Amphibious Base


N.A.M.B. N.A.M.B. e: National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners, and Caterers

NAMCOR e: National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia

NAMBA e: North America Model Boat Association International

NAMCP e: National Association of Managed Care Physicians

NAMBAC e: National Association of Men's and Boys' Apparel Clubs

NAMCPAF e: National Association of Minority Certified Public Accounting Firms

NAMBCC e: National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners, and Caterers

NAMCS e: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey - e: National Association of Marine Cooks and Stewards

NAMBLA e: North American Man-Boy Love Association NAMBO e: National Association of Motor Bus Operators - e: National Association of Motor Bus Owners NAMBO ARD e: National Agricultural Marketing Board NAMC e: Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Company - e: National Air Material Center - e: National Association of Management Consultants - e: National Association of Manufacturers Congresses - e: National Association of Minority Contractors - e: Naval Aerospace Medical Center - e: Naval Air Material Center - e: Naval Air Material Command - e: Nihon Aeroplane Manufacturing Company - e: Nippon Aeroplane Manufacturing Company Ltd. - e: North American National Corporation - e: North Atlantic Military Committee - e: Northern Association of Management Consultants N.A.M.C. e: National Association of Manufacturers Congresses - e: Naval Air Modification Committee NAMCA e: National Association for Middle Class Americans NAMC-AEL e: Naval Air Materiel CenterAeronautical Engine Laboratory NAMC-AIL e: Naval Air Material CenterAeronautical Instruments Laboratory NAMC-AML e: Naval Air Material CenterAeronautical Materials Laboratory NAMC-APEL e: Naval Air Material CenterAeronautical Photographic Experimental Laboratory NAMC-ARRL e: Naval Air Material CenterAeronautical Radio and Radar Laboratory NAMC-ASL e: Naval Air Material CenterAeronautical Structures Laboratory NAMCC e: National Association of Mutual Casualty Companies NAMCF e: National Association of Minority CPA [Certified Public Accounting] Firms NAMCO e: Naval and Mechanical Company - e: Nihon Aeroplane Manufacturing Company - e: Nihon Aircraft Manufacturing Company - e: Nippon Aircraft Manufacturing Company - e: North American Management Council


NAMCU e: National Association of Minority Consultants and Urbanologists NAMCW e: National Association of Maternal and Child Welfare NAMD e: National Association of Marble Dealers - e: National Association of Marine Dealers - e: National Association of Market Developers - e: National Association of Membership Directors of Chambers of Commerce - e: Naval Ammunition Depot - e: Newsletter of the Army Medical Department NAMDA e: National Medical and Dental Association - e: North American Medical/Dental Association NAMDB e: National Association of MedicalDental Bureaus NAMDDU e: Naval Air Mine Defense Development Unit NAMDI e: National Marine Data Inventory -/· Inventaire National des Donnees Marines

- e: North American Monogrammers and Embroiderers - e: Nuclear Accident Modelling Exercise NAMEB e: National Association of Marine Engine Builders N.A.M.E.B. e: Naval Aircraft Maintenance Examination Board NAMEBA d: Nationale Motiv- und Eisenbahner-Briefmarkenausstellung NAMEC e: National Association of Marine Engineers of Canada NAMed d: Normenausschuß Medizin im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. NAMEPA e: National Association of Minority Engineering Program Administrators NAmer e: North America[n] NAMES e: National Association for Medical Equipment Services - e: National Association of Medical Equipment Suppliers NAMESU e: National Association of Music Executives in State Universities NAMF e: National Association of Metal Finishers - e: Netherlands Antilles Mutual Fund NAMF AX e: National and Aviation Meteorological Faxmile Network NAMFC e: North Atlantic Mediterranean Freight Conference NAMFI e: NATO Missile Firing Installation

NAMD Inventory e: National Marine Data Inventory NAMDRA e: National American Motors Drivers and Racers Association NAMDT e: National Association of Milliners, Dressmakers, and Tailors N.A.M.D.U. e: Naval Aircraft Maintenance Development Unit NAME e: National Association for Minority Education - e: National Association for Multiracial Education - e: National Association of Maline Engineers - e: National Association of Management Educators - e: National Association of Marine Enginebuilders - e: National Association of Marine Engineers - e: National Association of Maritime Educators - e: National Association of Marketing Educators - e: National Association of Media Educators - e: National Association of Medical Examiners - e: National Association of Metal Name Plate Manufacturers - e: National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts - e: National Association of Minority Entrepreneurs - e: National Association of Name Plate Manufacturers


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NAMFREL e: National Citizens Movement for Free Elections NAMFSM e: National Association of Meat and Food Seasoning Manufacturers NAMFSU e: National Association of Music Executives in State Universities NAMG e: National Association of Mining Groups - e: National Association of Multiple Grocers - e: North American Group Ltd. NAMH e: National Association for Mental Health - e: Norwegian-American Historical Museum NAMHA e: North American Morab Horse Association NAMHH e: National Association of Methodist Hospitals and Homes NAMHI e: National Association for the Mentally Handicapped of Ireland NAM Hrs. e: National Average Maintenance Hours NAMI e: National Alliance for the Mentally 111 - e: National Association of Malleable Ironfounders - e: Naval Aerospace Medical Institute

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NAMSIC NAMIA e: National Association of Mutual Insurance Agents

NAMMIS e: Navy Aviation Maintenance and Material Support System

NAMPW e: National Association of Meat Processors and Wholesalers

NAMIC e: National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies

N.A.M.M.M. e: National Association of Master Monumental Masons

NAMID e: National Moving Image Database

NAMMM e: National Association of Musical Merchandise Manufacturers

NAMRA e: National Association for MultiRacial Education - e: North American Mini-Champ Racing Association

NAMIE[P] e: National AIDS Minority Information and Education Program NAMILCOM e: North Atlantic Military Committee NAMILPO e: NATO Military Posture NAMILREPCOM e: North Atlantic Military Representatives Committee NAMIM e: National Association of Musical Instrument Mechanics NAMIP e: National Annual Medic Improvement Program

NAMMO e: NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development and Production Management Organization NAMMOS e: Navy Manpower Mobilization System NAMMR e: National Association for Milk Marketing Reform - e: North American Mini Moke Registry NAMMW e: National Association of Musical Merchandise Wholesalers NAMNPM e: National Association of Metal Name Plate Manufacturers

NAMRAD e: Non-Atomic Military Research and Development [Subcommittee] NAMRC e: North American Marten Rabbit Club NAMRIA e: National Mapping and Resource[s] Information Authority -/· Agence Nationale de cartographie et d'Information sur les Ressources NAMRID e: Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment NAMRI/SME e: North American Manufacturing Research Institute of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers

NAMISCEN e: Naval Missile Center NAMISTESTCEN e: Naval Air Missile Test Center NAML e: National Applied Mathematics Laboratory - e: National Association of Marine Laboratories - e: Naval Aeronautical Materials Laboratory N.A.M.L. e: Naval Aircraft Materials Laboratory NAML Dig e: National Association of Manufacturers Law Digest NAMLM e: National Association for MultiLevel Marketing NAMLNC e: National Association of Medical Legal Nurse Consultants NAMLS e: Naval Automated Medical Logistics System NAMM e: National Association of Margarine Manufacturers - e: National Association of Mass Merchandisers - e: National Association of Master Masons - e: National Association of Mirror Manufacturers - e: National Association of Music Makers - e: National Association of Music Merchandisers - e: National Association of Music Merchants - e: North African Military Mission N.A.M.M. e: Naval Aircraft Maintenance Manual NAMMA e: NATO MRCA [Multi-Role Combat Aircraft] Development and Production Management Agency NAMMC e: Natural Asphalt Mine-Owners' and Manufacturers' Council NAMMCO e: North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission NAMMD e: National Association of Marinas and Marine Dealers

NAMO e: National Agricultural Marketing Officials - e: National Association of Manufacturing Opticians - e: National Association of Marketing Officers - e: National Association of Marketing Officials - e: National Association of Multifamily Owners - e: NATO Maintenance Organization

NAMRL e: Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory

NAMOA e: National Association of Miscellaneous Ornamental and Architectural Products Contractors

NAMS e: NAMSCO Corp. - e: National Air Monitoring Station[s] - e: National Air Monitoring System - e: National Ambient Air Monitoring Station - e: National Ambient Air Monitoring System - e: National Associated Marine Suppliers - e: National Association of Marine Services - e: National Association of Marine Surveyors - e: National Association of Multimedia Shareware - e: National Association of Municipal Securities Dealers - e: NATO AWACS Maintenance System - e: North American Membrane Society - e: North American Menopause Society - e: Nurses and Army Medical Specialists

NAMOS e; National Art Museum of Sport NAMP e; National Alliance of Mental Patients - e: National Arbovirus Monitoring Program - e: National Association for Mature People - e: National Association of Magazine Publishers - e: National Association of Marble Producers - e: National Association of Married Priests - e: National Association of Mature People - e: National Association of Meal Programs - e: National Association of Meat Purveyors - e: National Association of Midwifery Practitioners - e: Naval Aircraft Maintenance Program - e: Nonaccounting Majors Program NAMPA e: Namibian Press Agency - e: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Agency NAMPBG e: National Association of Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Glassware

NAMRP e: National Apostolate with Mentally Retarded Persons NAMRU e: Naval American Medical Research Unit - e: Navy Medical Research Unit

NAMSA e: NATO Maintenance and Supply [System] Agency - e: North American Multihull Sailing Association NAMSB e: National Association of Men's Sportswear Buyers - e: National Association of Mutual Savings Banks NAMSC e: North American Maple Syrup Council

N Amph Bse e: Naval Amphibious Base NAMPI e: National Association of Missing Persons Investigators NAMPP e: National Advanced Materials Program Plan NAMPS e: National Association of Marine Products and Services NAMPUS e: National Association of Master Plumbers of the United States

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAMSCO e: National Association of MDS [Multipoint Distribution System] Service Companies NAMSDIC e: National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse NAMSE e: National Association of Minority Students and Educators in Higher Education NAMSIC e: National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse


NAmsM NAmsM e: Mohasco Corp., Corporate Planning Library, Amsterdam

NAMWIB e: National Association of Minority Women In Business

NANDA e: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association

NAMS/MIS e: National Air Monitoring Stations Management Information System

NAMWMW e: National Association of Ministers' Wives and Ministers' Widows

ΝΑΝΕ e: National Association for Nursery Education

NAMSO e: NATO Maintenance and Supply Organization - e: Navy Maintenance Support Office

NAMZ d: Neue allgemeine Missionszeitschrift

NANEAP e: North Africa, Near East, Asia, and Pacific Region [program of ACTION, an independent government agency]

NAMSP e: National Association of Mail Service Pharmacies NAMSRC e: National AM Stereophonic Radio Committee NAMSS e: National Association Medial Staff Services - e: National Association Medical Staff Services NAMSSA e: NATO Maintenance Supply Service Agency NAMT e: National Association for/of Music Therapy - e: Naval Aircraft Maintenance Trainer - e: Naval Aircraft Mobile Trainer NAMTA e: National Art Materials Trade Association NAMTAC e: National Association of Management and Technical Assistance Centers

NAN d: Normenausschu Antriebstechnik im DIN [Deutsches Institut f r Normung] e.V. NAN e: Nantucket Industries, Inc. - e: National Academy of Needlearts - e: National Academy of Neuropsychology - e: National AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] Network - e: National Association of Neighborhoods - e: North American Nippon Technologies Corp. - e: North Atlantic Network

NAMTG e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Group

NANFA e: North American Native Fishes Association NANFAC e: Naval Air Navigation Facility Advisory Committee NANF[S]M e: National Association of Nonferrous Scrap Metal Merchants

Nan. ma: Nanyang [now incorporated in National University of Singapore]

NANHC e: National Association of Neighborhood Health Centers

NANA d: nationale Nachricht - e: ΝΑΝΑ Regional Corporation Inc. - e: National Advertising News[paper] Association - e: National Association of Nail Artists - e: North American Newspaper Alliance - e: North American Normande Association - e: Northwest Alaska Native[s] Association

NANHPH e: National Association of Nursing Homes and Private Hospitals

NANAA e: National Aesthetician and Nail Artist Association

NAMTC e: Naval Air Missile Test Center NAMTD e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Devices

NANEP e: Navy Air Navigation Electronics Project

NANAC e: National Aircraft Noise Abatement Council - e: National Aviation Noise Abatement Council NAN AD e: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders

ΝΑΝΙ e: National Academy of Nannies, Incorporated Nankai Univ Res Lab Appl Chem Rep e: Nankai University. Research Laboratory of Applied Chemistry. Reports NA/NLP e: National Association of NeuroLinguistic Programming NANM e: National Association of Negro Musicians NANMT e: National Association of Nurse Massage Therapists

NAMTM e: Naval Air Mobile Training Maintenance

NANAP e: Non-Aligned News Agency Pool

NANN e: National Association of Neonatal Nurses

NAMTRADET e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment

NANASP e: National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs

NANNP e: Nordic Association of NonCommercial Phonogram Producers

NAMTRAGRU e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Group - e: Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Group

NANB e: Nurses Association of New Brunswick

ΝΑΝΟ e: Nanometrics, Inc.

NAMU e: Naval Aircraft Material Utility - e: Naval Aircraft Modification Unit - e: Nigerian African Mine Workers' Union - e: Northern Amalgamated Merchants' Union - r: Nordisk Amatormusikunion Na.Munic.R. e: National Municipal Review

NANBA e: North American National Broadcasters Association NANBPWC e: National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs NANC e; National Association of New Careerists - e: North American Numbering Council

NAMUR d: Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft f r Me - und Regeltechnik in der Chemischen Industrie - d: Normenausschu f r Me - und Regelungstechnik

N.A.N.C. e: Nyasaland African National Congress

NAMV e: North American Metals Corp.

NANCF e: North Atlantic Naval Coastal Frontier

NAMW e: National Association of Media Women - e: National Association of Military Widows - e: National Association of Ministers' Wives NAMWB e: National Association of Minority Women in Business

NANCB e: National Association of Negotiated Commissioned Brokers

NANCO e: National Association of Noise Control Officials NANCRFUG e: North American NCR [National Cash Register Co.] Financial Users Group NAND e: Naval Ammunition and Net Depot

Ο Κ · Ο · S ur, M nchen

NANOG e: North American Network Operators Group NANOS e: North American NeuroOphthalmology Society NANP e: National Association of Naturopathic Physicians - e: North American Numbering Plan NANPA e: North American Numbering Plan Administrator NANPE e: National Association of Newspaper Purchasing Executives NANPMA e: North American Nutrition and Preventive Medicine Association NANPRH e: National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Reproductive Health NANR e: National Association of Nurse Recruiters NANS e: National Association for Neighborhood Schools - e: National Association of Nigerian Students

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NAP - e: National Automated Nesting System - e: National Catholic News Service - e: Naval Air Navigation School - e: Nevada Academy of Natural Sciences - e: North American Nietzsche Society NANSO e: Namibian National Students Organization NANT e: National Association of Nephrology Technologists and Technicians NANTCK e: Nantucket Industries, Inc. NANTDDDC e: National Association of Negro Tailors, Designers, Dressmakers, and Dry Cleaners NANTIS e: Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Technical Information Service NANTS e: National Association of Naval Technical Supervisors

- e: Naval Aviation Officer Candidate - e: Nigerian Agip Oil Company

NAORPG e: North Atlantic Ocean Regional Planning Group

NAOC J e: National Association of Operative Carpenters and Joiners

NAORTS e: Naval Aviation Ordnance Test Station

N.A.O.D. e: Naval Air Organization Division

NAOS e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Aircrew Oxygen System - e: North American Atmospheric Observing System - e: North American Observing System - e: North Atlantic Ocean Station

NAOE e: National Association for Outdoor Education NAOEJ e: National Association of Oil Equipment Jobbers N.A.Off, e: Nautical Almanac Office NAOGE e: National Association of Government Engineers NAOGTC e: North American Opel GT [Gran Turismo] Club NAOHN e: National Association of Occupational Health Nurses

NANTU e: Namibia National Teachers Union NANU e: Namibia African National Union - e: National Association of NIDS [National Investor Data Service] Users NANVH&SWO e: National Assembly of National Voluntary Health and Social Welfare Organizations NANWEP e: Navy Numerical Weather Prediction - e: Navy Numerical Weather Problems [Group]

NAOHSM e: National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers ΝΑΟΙ e: Naval Aviation Observer Intercept NAOJ e: National Astronomical Observatory ofJapan ΝΑΟ Journal e: National Association of Opticians Journal NAOL e: National Association of Orchestra Leaders

Nanyang Univ J Part III e: Nanyang University. Journal. Part III. Natural Sciences

NAOMA e: National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance

ΝΑΟ e: Narco Scientific Industries, Inc. - e: National Academy of Opticianry - e: National Accordion Organization - e: National AHEC [Area Health Education Centers] Organization - e: National Association of Optometrists - e: National Association of Outfitters - e: National Astronomical Observatory - e: National Audit Office - e: Naval Aviation Observer - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Administrative Order - e: Noise Abatement Office - e: North Atlantic Oscillation - n: Nederlandse Artiesten Organisatie

NAOMIS e: Navy Materiel Transportation Office Operations and Management Information System

N.A.O. e: National Accordion Association - e: National Arbitration Order - e: National Association of Outfitters - e: National Associations of Opticians - e: Nautical Almanac Office - e: Nautical Almanach Office

NAOP e: National Alliance for Optional Parenthood - e: National Association for Olmsted Parks - e: National Association of Operative Plasterers - e: National Association of Operative Plumbers

N.A.O.S.M. e: National Amalgamation of Operative Street Masons NAOSMM e: National Association of Scientific Material Managers NAOSP e: North Atlantic Ocean Stations Program NAOSW e: National Association of Oncology Social Workers NAOT e: National Association of Organ Teachers - e: National Association of Orthopaedic Technologists - e: Naval Air Operational Training NAOTB e: National Association of Off-Track Betting NAOTC e: National Association of OTC [Over-the-Counter] Companies - e: National Association of Timetable Collectors - e: Naval Air Operational Training Command NAOTD e: National Alliance of the Disabled

NAON e: National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses - e: Naval Aviation Observer Navigator NAOO e: National Association of Optometrists and Opticians - e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NAOODA e: North American Offshore OneDesign Association

NAOA e: National Apartment Owners Association - e: National Association of Older Americans

N.A.O.P. e: National Association of Operative Plasterers

NAOB e: Naval Aviation Observer Bombardier

NAOPL e: National Association of Operative Plasterers' Labourers

NAOBMISB e: National Association of Operative Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders

NAOR e: Natural Organics Corp.

NAOC e: National Airborne Operations Center - e: National Antique Oldsmobile Club - e: Naval Aviation Observer Controller

NAORD e: North African Ordnance Section

N.A.O.R. e: North Atlantic Ocean Region

NAORPB e: North Atlantic Ocean Regional Planning Board

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NAOTS e: Naval Aviation Ordnance Test Station - e: North Atlantic Organised Track System NAOU e: North Australian Observer Unit ΝΑΟ WES e: National Association of Older Worker Employment Services NAP d: Nationale Arbeiterpartei - d: Nationales Aufbauprogramm - e: Napa Resources, Inc. - e: Napa Resources, Inc. - e: Napier Air Service, Inc. - e: Napoleonic Age Philatelists - e: Narragansett Pier Railroad Co., Inc. - e: National Academy Press - e: National Action Party - e: National Action Plan - e: National Action Programme on Electronic Highways - e: National Advertising Program - e: National Aerospace Plane - e: National Afforestation Program - e: National AIDS Programme - e: National Aim Point - e: National Appeals Panel - e: National Apprenticeship Program - e: National Archives Publication - e: National Association for the Paralysed - e: National Association of Parliamentarians - e: National Association of Planners - e: National Association of Postmasters [of the United States] - e: National Association of Psychiatrists - e: National Association of Publishers - e: National Association of the Professions


N.A.P. - e: National Awami Party[-Bashani] - e: National Awareness Partner[s] - e: Nationalist Action Party - e: Naval Air Plan - e: Naval Air Priorities - e: Naval Auxiliary Patrol - e: Naval Aviation Pilot - e: Neighborhood Action Program - e: Network Access Provider - e: New Associations and Projects - e: Niger Agricultural Project - e: Nigeria Advance Party - e: North American Philips - e: North Atlantic Pact - e: Northern Affairs Program - e: Northern Agricultural Producers - e: Not Authorized POMCUS -/· Nouvelle Agence de Presse -i: Nuclei Armati Proletari - n: Nationaal Actieplan - r: Norska Arbetarpartiet N.A.P. e: National Association for the Paralysed - e: National Awami Party -/· Noyautage des Administrations Publiques NAPA e: National Academy for/of Public Administration - e: National Agricultural Plastics Association - e: National Agricultural Press Association - e: National Amateur Press Association - e: National Asphalt Pavement Association - e: National Association for Photographic Art - e: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology - e: National Association of Parks Administrators - e: National Association of Performing Artists - e: National Association of Polish Americans - e: National Association of Pro America - e: National Association of Purchasing Agents - e: National Association of the Partners of the Alliance - e: National Association of the Partners of the Americas - e: National Automotive Parts Association - e: National Police Officers Association of America - e: Native American Press Association - e: Naval Association of Physician Assistants - e: Network Against Psychiatric Assault - e: North American Photonics Association - e: North American Pizza Association - e: North Atlantic Ports Association NAPAAW e: National Association of Professional Asian American Women

NAPAG e: National Academies Policy Advisory Group NAPAISA e: National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association NAPAL e: National Patriotic Association of Liberia NAPALM e: National ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Program[me] for AMC [Army Material (or Materiel] Command] Logistics Management

NAPAP e: National Acid[ic] Precipitation Assessment Program -/· Noyaux Armes pour 1'Autonomie Populaire

NAPCA e: National Air Pollution Control Administration - e: National Association of Pension Consultants and Administrators - e: National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators - e: National Association of Professional Contracts] Administrators - e: National Automatic Pistol Collectors Association - e: North American Poultry Cooperative Association

NAPARE e: National Association for Perinatal Addiction Research and Education

NAPCAE e: National Association for Public Continuing and Adult Education

NAPAS e: National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems

NAPCAN e: National Association for [the] Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

NAPATMO e: NATO Patriot Management Office

NAPCC e: National Animal Poison Control Center

NAPAVHEE e: National Association of Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Home Economia Educators

NAPCE e: National Association of Professors of Christian Education

NAPALSA e: National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association NAPAMA e: National Association of Performing Arts Managers and Agents NAPAN e: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics

NAPCO e: National Poultry Company NAPAW e: North American Process Algebra Workshop NAPB e: National Agricultural Production Board - e: National Agricultural Products Board - e: National Association of Professional Bureaucrats - n: Nederlandse Aannemersen Patroonsbond NAPBC e: National Action Plan on Breast Cancer - e: Native American Public Broadcasting Consortium NAPBIRT e: National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians

NAPAC e: National Arson Prevention and Action Coalition - e: National Association for Professional Associations and Corporations - e: National Association of Paper and Advertising Collectors - e: National Program[me] for Acquisitions and Catalog[ue]ing

NAPBL e: National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues

NAPAC Package e: NCR's [National Cash Register's] Applied COBOL [Common Business Oriented Language

NAPBP e: National Air Pollution Background Program

NAPAEO e: National Association of Principal Agricultural Education Officers NAPAF e: National Association of Private Art Foundation[s] NAPAFASA e: National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse


- e: National Association of Pastoral Counselors - e: National Association of Personnel Consultants - e: National Association of Pet Cemeteries - e: National Association of Plumbing Contractors - e: National Association of Precancel Collectors - e: Naval Air Propulsion Center - e: North American Paleontological Convention - e: North American Philips Corporation

NAPBN e: National Air Pollution Background Network NAPBOS e: North Atlantic Treaty Planning Board on Ocean Shipping

NAPBTA e: National American Pit Bull Terrier Association NAPBTAC e: National Air Pollution Control Technical Advisory Committee NAPC e: National Air Pollution Control - e: National Assault Prevention Center


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NAP Code e: National Account Program[me] Code NAPCOR e: National Association for Plastic Container Recovery NAPCP e: National AIDS Prevention and Control Program NAPCR e: National Association for Puerto Rican Civil Rights NAPCRG e: North American Primary Care Research Group NAPCRO e: National Association of Police Community Relations Officers NAPCTAC e: National Air Pollution Control Technical Advisory Committee - e: National Air Pollution Control Techniques Advisory Committee NAPCU e: Northwest Association of Private Colleges and Universities NAPC WA e: National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators NAPD e: National Association of Pharmaceutical Distributors - e: National Association of Plastic[s] Distributors - e: National Association of Police Driving - e: National Association of Precollege Directors - e: North American Pollen Database

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NAPO NAPDA e: North American Professional Driver's Association

N.A.P.G.C.M. e: National Association of Plasterers, Granolithic, and Cement Workers

NAPDEA e: North American Professional Driver Education Association

NAPGCW e: National Association of Plasters, Granolithic and Cement Workers

NAPE e; National Alliance of Postal Employees - e: National Association for Professional Educators - e: National Association of Physicians for the Environment - e: National Association of Port Employees - e: National Association of Power Engineers - e: National Association of Private Enterprise - e: National Association of Professional Educators - e: National Association of Professional Engravers - e: National Properties Corp.

NAPH e: National Association of Professors of Hebrew - e: National Association of Public Hospitals [& Health Systems] - e: National Association of the Physically Handicapped

N.A.P.E. e: National Association of Port Employers - e: National Association of Power Engineers NAPEC e: National Association of Professional Environmental Communicators - e: Naval Ammunition Production Engineering Center NAPECW e: National Association for Physical Education of College Women NAPEDNC e: National Association of Politial Ex-Deportees of the Nazi Camps NAPEHE e: National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education NAPEM e: National Alliance for Photonics Education in Manufacturing - e: National Association of Public Exposition Managers

NAPHA e: National Amusement Park Historical Association NAPhA e: North American Photonics Association NAPHCC e: National Association of Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors NAPHSIS e: National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems NAPHT e: National Association of Patients on Hemodialysis and Transplantation NAPI e: National Appaloosa Pony, Incorporated - e: National Association of the Pet Industry - e: Neurobehavioral Assessment of the Preterm Infant NAPIA e: National Affiliate of Printing Industries of America - e: National Association of Professional Insuranc Agents - e: National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters NAPIAP e: National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program

NAPENA e: National Association of Public Employer Negotiators and Administrators

NAPIC e: National Association of Private Industry Councils

NAPEP e: National Association of Planners, Estimators, and Progressmen

N.A.P.I.C.M. e: National Association of Perambulator and Invalid Carriage Manufacturers

NAPLPS e: North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax - e: North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax NAPLS e: North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax NAPM e: National Academy of Popular Music - e: National Association of Paper Merchants - e: National Association of Pastoral Musicians - e: National Association of Pattern Manufacturers - e: National Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers - e: National Association of Photographic Manufacturers - e: National Association of Punch Manufacturers - e: National Association of Purchasing Management NAP-M e: National Awami Party-Muzaffar NAPMA e: NATO AEWC [Airborne Early Warning and Control] Program Management Agency - e: NATO AWACS Program Management Agency NAPMDAC e: National Air Pollution Manpower Development Advisory Committee NAPMECA e: National Association of Postgraduate Medical Education Centre Administration NAPMG e: North African Provost Marshal General NAPMM e: National Association of Produce Market Managers NAPMO e: NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Organization

NAPIL e: National Association for Public Interest Law

NAPN e: National Association of Physician Nurses - e: Native American Policy Network - e: North American Poetry Network

NAPIM e: National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers]

NAPNAP e: National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners

NAPIS e: National Agricultural Pest Information System

NAPNE e: National Association for Practical Nurse Education

NAPJPO e: National Aerospace Plane Joint Programs Office

NAPNES e: National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service NAPNM e: National Association of Pipe Nipple Manufacturers

NAPFR e: National Association of Professional Fund Raisers

NAPL e: NAPL Reproduction Centre - e: National Air Photo Library - e: National Air Photography Library - e: National Airphoto Library - e: National Association of Photo Lithographers - e: National Association of Police Laboratories - e: National Association of Printers and Lithographers

NAPFSC e: National Association of Professional Forestry Schools and Colleges

NAPLDS e: North American Presentation Level Autocol Syntax

NAPG e: National Association of Professional Gardeners

NAP[-]LP e: National Association of ParaLegals Personnel

NAPET e: National Association of Photo Equipment Technicians NAPEX e: National Philatelic Exhibition NAPF e: National Association of Pension Funds - e: National Association of Petroleum Funds - e: National Association of Plastic Fabricators - e: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation NAPFA e: National Association of Personal Financial Advisors NAPFE e: National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees NAPFM e: National Association of Packaged Fuel Manufacturers

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAPNOC e: Neighborhood Arts Program National Organizing Committee NAPNSC e: National Association of Private, Nontraditional Schools and Colleges NAPNW e: Nurses Alliance for the Prevention of Nuclear War NAPO e: NASA Pasadena Office - e: National Association of Performing Artists - e: National Association of Pizza Operators - e: National Association of Police Organizations

NAPOC - e: National Association of Pool Owners - e: National Association of Prison Officers - e: National Association of Probation Officers - e: National Association of Professional Organizers - e: National Association of Property Owners - e: National Association of Purchasing Agents - e: NATO Airborne Early Warning Program Office - e: Naval Air Priorities Office - e: New African People's Organization - e: United National Association of Post Office Craftsmen NAPOC e: United National Association of Post Office Craftsmen NAPOCOR e: National Power Corporation

- e: National Association of Professional Process Servers - e: Navy Automated Publishing and Printing System NAPR e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Procurement Regulation - e: National Association for Pastoral Renewal - e: National Association for Potato Research - e: National Association of Park Rangers - e: National Association of Physician Recruiters - e: National Association of Publishers' Representatives - e: NATO Armaments Planning Review

NAPOE e: New York Port of Embarkation

NAPRA e: National Association of Progressive Radio Announcers - e: New Age Publishing and Retailing Alliance

NAPOG e: Naval Airborne Project Press Operations Group

NAPRALERT e: Natural Products Alert [University of Illinois at Chicago]

NAPOL e: North Atlantic Policy Working Group

NAPRC e: National Association for the Prevention of Rape by Castration

Napola d: Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt

NAPRCR e: National Association for Puerto Rican Civil Rights

NAPOLI e: National Politics

NAPRE e: National Association of Practical Refrigerating Engineers

NAPSEC e: National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children NAPSG e: National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls NAPSIC e: North American Power System[s] Interconnection Committee NAPSLO e: National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices NAPSOE e: National Association of Public Service Organization Executives NAPSS e: National Association of Professional Secretarial Services NAPSV e: National Association of Private Security Vaults NAPT e: National Association for Poetry Therapy - e: National Association for Pupil Transportation - e: National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis - e: National Association of Physical Therapists - e: Native American Public Telecommunications, Inc. - e: Nordic Association of Plumbers and Tinsmiths

NAPOLI Game e: National Politics Game NAPOMHWMGL e: National Association of Post Office Mail Handlers, Watchmen, Messengers and Group Leaders Naposu e: National Police Service Union

NAPRFMR e: National Association of Private Residential Facilities for the Mentally Retarded NAPRS e: National Airspace Performance Reporting System

N.A.P.T. e: National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis NAPT Bulletin e: National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis Bulletin NAPTC e: Naval Air Propulsion Test Center

NAPP e: National Aerial Photography Program - e: National Aerospace Productivity Program - e: National Association of Play Publishers - e: National Association of Priest Pilots - e: National Association of Printing Purchasers - e: National Association of Private Process Servers NAPPA e: National Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges - e: National Association of Pupil Personnel Administrators NAPPB e: National Association of Professional Print Buyers NAPPC e: National Association of Party Plan Companies NAPPENA e: National Association of Public and Private Employer Negotiators and Administrators NAPPF e: North American Power Petroleums, Inc. NAPPH e: National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals

NAPRW e: Northwest African Photographic Reconnaissance Wing NAPS e: National Air Pollution Surveillance Network - e: National Alliance of Postal Supervisors - e: National Association for Professional Saleswomen - e: National Association of Buying Services - e: National Association of Personnel Services - e: National Association of Pet Sitters - e: National Association of Postal Supervisors - e: National Association of Psychiatric Survivors - e: National Auxiliary Publications Service - e: Naval Academy Preparatory School - e: North American Patristic Society - e: North American Precis Syndicate - e: North Anna Power Station NAPSA e: National Appliance Parts Suppliers Association - e: National Association of Pretrial Service Agencies - e: National Association of Pupil Services Administrators - e: North American Pediatric Subspecialty Association NAPSAA e: National Association of Public School Adult Administrators

NAPPO e: National Association of Plant Patent Owners - e: North American Plant Protection Organization

NAPSAC e: International Association of Parents and Professionals for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth

NAPPS e: National Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling - e: National Association of Private Placement Syndicators

NAPSAE e: National Association for Public School Adult Education - e: National Association for Public School Adult Educators



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NAPTCA e: National Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse NAPTC-AED e: Naval Air Propulsion Test Center-Aeronautical Engine Department NAPTC-ATD e: Naval Air Propulsion Test Center-Aeronautical Turbine Department NAPTCC e: National Association of Psychiatric Treatment Centers for Children NAPTC-OP e: Naval Air Propulsion Test Center-Operations and Plant Engineering Department NAPTC-PE e: Naval Air Propulsion Test Center-Propulsion Technology and Project Engineering Department NAPTCRO e: Naval Air Primary Training Command Regional Office NAPTDC e: National Association of Professional Truck Driving Champions NAPTIC e: National Air Pollution Technical Information Center NAPTIS e: National Air Pollution Technical Information System NAPT J e: NAPT [National Association of Physical Therapists] Journal Naptosa e: National Professional Teachers Organization of South Africa

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NARDIC NAPTR e: National Association of Property Tax Representatives NAPTS e: National Association of Public Television Stations NAPU e: National Association of Professional Upholsterers NAPUS e: National Association of Postmasters of the United States NAPV e: National Association of Prison Visitors NAPVD e: National Association for the Prevention of Venereal Disease NAPVI e: National Association for Parents of the Visually Impaired NAPVO e: National Association of Passenger Vessel Owners NAPW e: National Association of Personnel Workers NAPWA e: National Association of People with AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] NAPWDA e: North American Police Work Dog Association NAPWPT e: National Association of Professional Word Processing Technicians NAPWU e: Namibian Public Workers Union NAQ d: Nationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätsförderung im Gesundheitswesen - e: Never Answered Questions - e: Nursing Administration Quarterly NAQAP e: National Association of Quality Assurance Professionals

- e: Northern Agricultural Region - e: Northern Alberta Railways Co. - e: Numbering, Addressing and Routing Committee of ETSINA2 - in: Nagase Analbuminemia Rat - n: Nationale Arbeidsraad - N: Norske Aviseiers Representantskap - r: Nordiska Akademikerradet NARA e: National Agrichemical Retailers Association - e: National Air Resources Act - e: National Alliance for Rural Action - e: National Amateur Rowing Association - e: National Aquatic Research Agency - e: National Aquatic Resources Agency - e: National Archive[s] and Record[s] Administration - e: National Association for the Rescue of Animals - e: National Association of Recovered Alcoholics - e: National Association of Rehabilitation Agencies - e: National Association of Republican Attorneys - e: National Association of Review Appraisers - e: Naval Aircraft Restorers Association - e: North American Radio Archives - e: North American Radon Association - e: North American Regional Alliance of IATA [International Amateur Theatre Association] -/· Agence Nationale des Ressources Aquatiques NARAA e: National Association of Recruitment Advertising Agencies NARACC e: National Association for Research and Action in Community Care NARACS e: National Radio Communications System NARADCOM e: Natick Research and Development Command

NAQI e: National Air Quality Index NAQMC e: North African Quartermaster Section NAQP e: National Association of Quick Printers NAQP-CUG e: National Association of Quick Printers-Computer Users Group

NARAG e: National Association of Ratepayers' Action Groups NARAL e: National Abortion and Reproductive rights Action League - e: National Abortion Rights Action League - e: National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws

NAQP-MSG e: National Association of Quick Printers-Management Systems Group

NARA/MU e: National Association of Review Appraisers and Mortgage Underwriters

NAQS e: Northern Australia[n] Quarantine Strategy

NARAP e: National Acid Rain Assessment Program

NAQUADAT e: National Water Quality Data Bank

NARAS e: National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences

NAR e: Air Continental, Inc. - e: National Alliance for Reconstruction - e: National Archives and Records Service - e: National Asbestos Registry - e: National Association of Realtors - e: National Association of Rocketry - e: Naval Air Reserve - e: Naval Auxiliary Reserve - e: Nordic Association for Rehabilitation - e: North American Rockwell Corp. - e: North American Route - e: North Atlantic Route

NARASO e: Nevada Association Race and Sports Book Operators NARAVA e: National Archives and Records Administration Volunteer Association NARAW n: Nationale Raad van de Weerstand NARB e: Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Branch [National Institute of Mental Health] - e: National Advertising Review Board - e: National Assembly of Religious Brothers

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: National Association Research - e: National Association - e: National Association Bankruptcy - e: National Association

for Biomedical for Regional Ballet of Referees in of Retired Bankers

NARBA e: North American Regional Broadcasting Association NARBC e: National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club NARBEC e: North American Regional Broadcasting Engineering Committee NARBW e: National Association of Railway Business Women NARC e: National Academy Reviewing Committee - e: National Agricultural Research Center - e: National Agricultural Research Committee of the Joint Council - e: National Amateur Retriever Club - e: National Archives and Records Service - e: National Army Revolutionary Committee (or Council) - e: National Association for Retarded Children - e: National Association for Retarded Citizens - e: National Association of Regional Councils - e: National Association of Retired Cacholics - e: National Atmospheric Radiation Centre - e: Nepal Agricultural Research Council - e: Ninth Area Radio Club - e: North American Riders Club - e: North American Rockwell Corporation NARCA e: National Antidrug Reorganization and Coordination Act NARCE e: National Association of Retired Civil Employees NARCF e: National Association of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers NARCO e: Narcotics Commission - e: National Aeronautical Corporation - e: National Ranching Company NARCOG e: Narcotics Coordination Group NARCOMS e: North American Research Consortium on MS [Multiple Sclerosis] NAR CORP e: North American Rockwell Corp. NARCUP e: National Association for Retired Credit Union People NARD e: National Association of Regimental Drummers - e: National Association of Resident Doctors - e: National Association of Retail Druggists - e: National Association of Rudimental Drummers NARDA e: National Appliance and RadioTelevision Dealers Association - e: National Association of Retail Dealers of America NARDAC e: Naval Regional Data Automation Center - e: Navy Regional Data Automation Center NARDIC e: Navy Research and Development Information Center


NARDIV NARDIV e: Naval Air Reserve Divisions NARD Journal e: National Association of Retail Druggists Journal NARDV e: National Association Rainbow Division Veterans NARE e: National Association for Remedial Education - e: North Atlantic Regional Experiment - e: Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition NAREA e: National Association of Real Estate Appraisers NAREB e: National Association of Real Estate Boards - e: National Association of Real Estate Brokers NAREBB e: National Association of Real Estate Buyer Brokers NAREC e: National Association of Real Estate Companies NAREE e: National Association of Real Estate Editors NAREIF e: National Association of Real Estate Investment Funds NAREIT e: National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts NAREL e: National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory NARELLO e: National Association for/of Real Estate License Law Officials NAREMCO e: National Records Management Council NARETPA e: National Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching Policy Act NARETU e: Naval Air Reserve Electronics Training Unit NARF e: National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities - e: National Association of Retail Furnishers - e: Native American Rights Fund - e: Naval Air Reserve Force - e: Naval Air Rework Facility - e: Nordic Arctic Research Forum - e: Nuclear Aircraft Research Facility N.A.R.F. e: National Association of Retail Furnishers - e: Nuclear Aircraft Research Facility NARFE e: National Association of Retired Federal Employees NARFRO e: National Radio Frequency Recording Office NARG e: Navigation Aids Research Group - e: Northern Areas Regional Group NARGA e: National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia NARGUS e: National Association of Retail Grocers of the United States NARGUS Bulletin e: National Association of Retail Grocers of the United States Bulletin


NARHA e: North American Riding for the Handicapped Association

NARMCO e: National Research and Manufacturing Company

NARHC e: National Association of River and Harbor Contractors

NARM-DPG e: North Atlantic Rifted Margins Detailed Planning Group

NARHP e: National Adolescent Reproductive Health Partnership

NARMFD e: National Association of Retail Meat and Food Dealers

NARHS e: National Auto Racing Historical Society

NARMH e: National Association for Rural Mental Health

NARI e: Natal Agricultural Research Institute - e: National Ageing Research Institute - e: National Agricultural Research Institute - e: National Alliance for Reduction of Imprisonment - e: National Association of Recycling Industries - e: National Association of Rehabilitation Instructors - e: National Association of Residents and Interns - e: National Association of the Remodeling Industry - e: National Atmospheric Research Institute - e: Native American Research Institute - e: Nuclear Aerospace Research Institute

NARMIC e: National Action/Research on the Military Industrial Complex

NARIC e: National Academic Recognition Information Centre[s] - e: National Rehabilitation Information Center - e: National Rice and Corn Corporation

NARMU e: Naval Air Reserve Maintenance Units NARN e: National Association of Registered Nurses NARND e: National Association of Radio News Directors NARO e: National Association of Recycling Operations - e: National Association of Reimbursement Officers - e: National Association of Royalty Owners - e: North American Regional Office N.A.R.O. e: National Association of Relieving Officers

NARICM e: National Association of Retail Ice Cream Manufacturers

NAROCTESTSTA e: Naval Air Rocket Test Station

NARI Met. Rep. e: NARI Metals Report [of National Association of Recycling Industries]

NARP e: National Agricultural Research Project - e: National Association for Registered Plans - e: National Association of Rail[road] Passengers - e: National Association of Registered Plans - e: North American Regional Panel

NARISCO e: North American Rockwell Information Systems Company N.A.R.I.U. e: Naval Air Radio Installation Unit NARK d: Normenausschuß Rettungsdienst und Krankenhaus NARKI n: Nationale Raad van de Kolenindustrie NARKOMVNUDEL R: Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del NARL e: National Aero[space] Research Laboratory - e: National Air and Radiation Laboratory - e: National Arctic Research Laboratory - e: Naval Aeronautical Rocket Laboratory - e: Naval Arctic Research Laboratory NARM e: National Association of Record[ing] Merchandisers - e: National Association of. Relay Manufacturers - e: National Association of Restaurant Managers - e: National Association of Retail Merchants - e: Navy Resources Model N.A.R.M.A.T. e: National Association of Radio Manufacturers and Traders NARMC e: National Association of Regional Media Centers - e: Naval Aerospace and Regional Medical Center - e: North Atlantic Regional Medical Center


· Säur, München

NARPA e: National Air Rifle and Pistol Association - e: National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy NARPAC e: National Air Raid Precautions Animals Committee NARPD e: National Association for the Relief of Paget's Disease NARPPS e: National Association of Rebabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector NARPV e: National Association for Remotely Piloted Vehicles NARRD e: National Association of Record Retailer Dealers Nar Rev e: National Review NARRS e: National Association of Radio Reading Services NARS e: National Acupuncture Research Society - e: National Agricultural Research System - e: National Annual Report Service - e: National Archives and Record[s] Service[s] - e: National Asbestos-Contractor Registry System - e: National Association of Radiation Survivors

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NASA - e: National Association of Radiotelephone Systems - e: National Association of Rail Shippers - e: National Association of Refunders and Shoppers - e: National Association of Rehabilitation Secretaries - e: New Atlantean Research Society - e: Non-Affiliated Reserve Section - e: Nordic Working Group on Reactor Safety NARSA e: National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program NARS-A1 e: National Archives and Record Serviee-Automation 1 NARSA e: National Automotive Radiator Service Association NARSAB e: National Association of Rail Shippers Advisory Boards

NARTE e: National Association of Radio and Telecommunication[s] Engineers NARTEL e: North Atlantic Radio Telephone Committee N.A.R.T.M. e: National Association of Roofing Tile Manufacturers NARTM e: National Association of Rope and Twine Merchants NARTS e: National Association for/of Radio Telephone Systems - e: National Association of Reporter Training Schools - e: National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops - e: National Association of Retail and Thrift Shops - e: Naval Air Rocket Test Station NARTU e: Naval Air Reserve Training Unit

NARSAD e: National Alliance for/on Research on Schizophrenia and [the] Depression[s] NARSC e: National Association of Reinforced (or Reinforcing) Steel Contractors NARSD e: National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression NARSIS e: National Association for Road Safety Instruction in Schools NARSLL e: National Association to Reform State Liquor Laws

NARU e: Naval Air Reserve Unit - e: North Australia[n] Research Unit NARUC e: National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners - e: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commission[er]s NARUS sk: Narodohospodafsky Ustav Slovensky NARVRE e: National Association of Retired and Veteran Railroad Employees

NARSNDF e: North Atlantic Regional Study Narrative Data File

NARW e: National Assembly of Religious Women - e: National Association of Refrigerated Warehouses

NARSs e: National Agricultural Research System[s]

NARWA e: Nordic Agricultural Research Workers Association

NARST e: National Association for Research in Science Teaching

NARWACL e: North American Regional World Anti-Communist League

NARSTC e: Naval Air Rescue Training Command

NAS d: Nord-Amerikanischer Sängerbund - d: Normenausschuss Schweisstechnik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Acoustical Society of Scandinavia - e: Narcotic Affairs Section - e: Nasta International - e: National Academy of Science[s] - e: National Academy of Songwriters - e: National Academy of Sports - e: National Accreditation Service - e: National Adoption Society - e: National Advanced Systems - e: National Advocates Society - e: National Aerospace Standard[s] - e: National Aerospace System - e: National Agricultural Society - e: National Aircraft Standard[s] - e: National Airspace System - e: National Alliance for Salvation - e: National Aquarium Society - e: National Aquatic School - e: National Art School - e: National Association of Sanitarians - e: National Association of Scholars - e: National Association of Schoolmasters - e: National Association of Schoolteachers - e: National Association of Shopfitters - e: National Association of Specialized Camels - e: National Association of Specialized Carriers - e: National Association of Stevedores

NARSTI e: National Atomic Research Spaceship Testing and Information Bureau NARSTO e: North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone [Charter] NARSVA e: National Archives and Record Service Volunteer Association NARSVPD e: National Association of Retired Senior Volunteer Program Directors NART e: National Adult Reading Test - e: National Association of Recreation Therapists NARTA e: North American Restaurant and Tavern Alliance NARTB e: National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters NARTC e: National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel - e: Naval Air Research Training Command - e: Naval Air Rocket Test Center - e: North America Regional Test Center

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: National Association of Supervisors - e: National Astrological Society - e: National Audubon Association - e: National Audubon Society - e: National Autistic Society - e: National Aviation System - e: National Avionics Society - e: National Seastar - e: National Standard - e: Naval Air Service - e: Naval Air Squadron - e: Naval Air Station - e: Naval Air Systems Command - e: Naval Air Transport Service - e: Nebraska Academy of Sciences - e: Network Access Server - e: Network Access Switch - e: Network Application Services - e: Network Application Support - e: Network Applications and Systems - e: Newsreel Access Systems, Inc. - e: Nocturnal Adoration Society - e: Noise Abatement Society - e: Nonavailability Statement - e: NORAD Alert System - e: North Arabian Sea - e: Northamptonshire Archaeological Society - e: Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation - e: Nursery Association Secretaries - e: Nursing Auxiliary Service - n: Nationaal Arbeidssecretariaat - r: Nordisk Akustik Selskab N.A.S. e: National Adoption Society - e: National Allotment Society - e: National Association of Schoolmasters - e: Noise Abatement Society - e: North American Steamship Co. - e: Nursing Auxiliary Service NASA e: National Acoustic[al] Suppliers Association - e: National Advertising Sales Association - e: National Aerodynamics and Space Administration - e: National Aeronautical and Space Administration - e: National Aeronautical Services Association - e: National Aeronautics and Space Act - e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration [Agency] [of the USA] - e: National Aerospace Services Association - e: National Air and Space Administration - e: National Appliance Service Association - e: National Association of School Affiliates - e: National Association of Schools of Art - e: National Association of Securities Administrators - e: National Association of Shippers' Agents - e: National Association of State Arch[a]eologists - e: National Association of Student Anthropologists - e: National Association of Synagogue Administrators - e: National Automobile Salesmen's Association - e: National Security Agency - e: Newspaper Advertising Sales Association - e: North American Sailing Association - e: North American Savings Association - e: North American Saxophone Alliance - e: North American Secunties Administrators Association - e: North American Shippers Association - e: North American Singers Association - e: North American Swiss Alliance - e: North Atlantic Seafood Association - e: North Atlantic Shippers Association - i : Navigazione Aerea S.A., Genova


NASAA NASAA e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Act - e: National Assembly of State Arts Agencies - e: National Association for Sustainable Agriculture in Australia - e: National Association of State Approval Agencies - e: National Association of Student Activity Advisers - e: North American Securities Administrators Association

NASA[-]ERC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Electronic Research Center NASAF e: Northeast African Strategic Air Force - e: Northwest African Strategic Air Force NASAGA e: North American Simulation and Gaming Association

NASAB e: National Association of Shippers Advisory Boards

NASA-GM e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Greenbelt, Maryland

NASABCA e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Board of Contract Appeals

NASA/GSFC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASABF e: North America Statistical Areas Boundary File

NASA-HA e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Huntsville, Alabama

NASAC e: National Association of Scientific Angling Clubs NASA-CF e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Cocoa Beach, Florida NASA-CO e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationJ-Cleveland, Ohio NASACO e: National Shipping Company Agencies, Ltd. NASACOM e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Communications System

NASAHOE e: National Association of Supervisors and Administrators of Health Occupations Education NASA Hq. e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Headquarter NASA-HT e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Houston, Texas Nasakom e: Nationalist-Communist NASAKOM in: Nasional, Agama, Kommunist Nasakom in: Nasionalis-Agama-Komunis

NASA Conf Publ e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Conference Publication NASA Contract Rep e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Contractor Report NASACT e: National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers NASACU e: National Association of State Approved Colleges and Universities NASAD e: National Association of Schools of Art and Design - e: National Association of Sport Aircraft Designers NASAD AD e: National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors NASADFRC e; NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Dryden Flight Research Center NASAE e: National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education NASA-EC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Edwards, California NASA/EDC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]/Environmental Data Centre NASAEN e: National Association for StateEnrolled [Assistant] Nurses


NASA-KSC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Kennedy Space Center NASAL e: National Association of Single Adult Leaders NASA LST e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Large Space Telescope NASA-LV e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Langley Field, Virginia NASA-MC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Moffett Field, California NASA Memo e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Memorandum

NASAP e: Nonproliferation Alternate Systems Assessment Program - e: North American Society of Adlerian Psychology NASAPR e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Procurement Regulations NASAPRD e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Procurement Regulations Directive NASAR e: National Association for/of Search and Rescue NASA/RECON e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Remote Console NASA Ref Publ e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Reference Publication NASA Rep Ed e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Report to Educators NASARR e: North American Search and Ranging Radar NASA-SC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Santa Monica, California Nasasos in: Nasionalis-Agama-Sosialis NASASP e: National Association Slate Agencies for Surplus Property - e: National Association State Agencies for Surplus Property NASA Spec Publ e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Special Publications NASASPS e: National Association of State Administrators and Supervisors of Private Schools NASA STAR e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports NASA/STIF e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]/Scientific and Technical Information Facility NASATE e: National Association of Substance Abuse Trainers and Educators

NASAMS e: Norwegian Advanced Surfaceto-Air Missile System

NASA Tech Brief e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Briefs

NASA-MSC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]-Manned Spacecraft Center

NASA Tech Briefs e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Briefs

NASAO e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Offices - e: National Association of State Aeronautics and Organizations - e: National Association of State Aviation Officials

NASA Tech Memo e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Memorandum

NASAOCARE e: National Association of State Aviation Officials Center for Aviation Research and Education


· Säur, München

NASA Tech Note e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Note NASA Tech Pap e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Paper

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NASD NASA Tech Rep e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Report NASA Tech Transl e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Translation NASA-TR e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Tank Reactor NASB e: National Animal Serum Bank - e: National Association of School Boards - e: National Association of Small Business - e: National Association of Spanish Broadcasters NASBA e: National Association of State Boards of Accountancy - e: National Automobile Safety Belt Association NASBCO e: National Association of School Bus Contract Operators NASBE e: National Association of State Boards of Education - e: National Association of Supervisors of Business Education

- e: Navy Aviation Safety Center - e: North America Supply Council - e: North American Spondylitis Consortium - e: North American Stratigraphic Code - e: North American Supply Council - e: Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges N.A.S.C. e: National Association of Spotters' Clubs - e: Netherlands Advisory Shipping Council - e: North American Supply Council NASCA e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administratron] Technical Note - e: National Association of State Cable Agencies - e: National Association of State Conservation Agencies - e: North American Swing Club Association NASCAR e: National Association for Sports Car Auto Racing - e: National Association for Stock Car Advancement and Research - e: National Association for/of Stock Car Auto Racing NASCAR Newsletter e: National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Newsletter

NASBERM e: Naval Air Station, Bermuda NASBHC e: National Assembly on SchoolBased Health Care NASBIC e: National Association of Small Business Investment Companies NASBLA e: National Association of State Boating Law Administrators NASBO e: National Association of State Budget Officers - e: North African Shipping Board NASBOE e: National Association of Supervisors of Business and Office Education NASBOG e: National Association of State Boards of Geology NASBP e: National Association of Surety Bond Producers NASBS e: North American Skull Base Society NASC e: National Aeronautics and Space Council - e: National Aerospace Standards Committee - e: National Aircraft Standards Committee - e: National AIS [Aeronautical Information Service] System Center - e: National Alliance for Safer Cities - e: National Alliance of Senior Citizens - e: National Aloe Science Council - e: National Amalgamated Society of Coopers - e: National Aquatic Sports Camps - e: National Association of School Counselors - e: National Association of Service Contractors - e: National Association of Solar Contractors - e: National Association of Specialized Carriers - e: National Association of Student Councils - e: National Athletic Steering Committee - e: NATO Supply Center - e: Naval Air Systems Command - e: Naval Aircraft Standards Committee - e: Navy Air Systems Command

NASCAS e: NAS [National Academy of Sciences] Committee on Atmospheric Science NASCAT e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Scatterometer - e: National Association of Securities and Commercial Law Attorneys

NASCOE e: National Association of ASCS [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service] County Office Employees Nascom e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Communications NASCOM e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Communications [Network] - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Communications Systems - e: National Airspace Communications System - e: Naval Air Station Communication NAS COM e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] [World-Wide] Communications NASCom e: Naval Air Systems Command NASCOM Network e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Communications Network NASCOP e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Communications Operating Program NAS Corp. e: National Advanced Systems Corporation NASCOSEB n: Nationale Studiecommissie van het Statuut van Expert-Boekhouders NAS/COW e: NAS [National Academy of Sciences]/Committee on Water

NASCCD e: National Association of State Catholic Conference Directors

NASCP e: National Association of Sports for Cerebral Palsy - e: North American Society for Corporate Planning

NASCCEN e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Central

NASCPA e: North American Study Center for Polish Affairs

NAS-CD e: National Academy of Science[s]Chemistry Division

NASCPAC e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Pacific

NASCD e: National Association for Sickle Cell Disease - e: National Association of Soil Conservation Districts

NASCPD e: National Association of Senior Companion Project Directors

NASCDD e: National Association of State Civil Defense Directors NASCI e: North American Society for Cardiac Imaging NASCL e: North American Student Cooperative League NASCLANT e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Atlantic NASCO e: NAS [National Academy of Sciences] Committee on Oceanography - e: National Advanced Systems Corporation - e: National Association of Smaller Communities - e: National Association of State Charity Officials - e: National Automotive Service Company - e: National Scientific Committee on Oceanography - e: North American Students of Cooperation - e: North Atlantic Salmon Commission - e: North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NASCPNCLA e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Naval Air Training Command, Pensacola NASCRIST e: Naval Air Station Corpus Christi NASCS e: National Association of Shoe Chain Stores NASCSP e: National Association for State Community Service Programs NASCUMC e: National Association of Schools and Colleges of the United Methodist Church NASCUS e: National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors NASD e: National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers - e: National Assocaiation of Securities Dealers - e: National Association of Schools of Dance - e: National Association of Schools of Design - e: National Association of Securities (or Security) Dealers


N.A.S.D. - e: National Association of Selective Distributors - e: National Association of Service Dealers - e: Naval Air Supply Depot - e: Naval Aviation Supply Depot - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Applications Software Description N.A.S.D. e: National Amalgamation of Stevedores and Dockers NASDA e: National Aerospace Development Agency of Japan - e: National Association of Sign and Display Advertisers - e: National Association of State Departments of Agriculture - e: National Association of State Development Agencies - e: National Space Development Agency [of Japan] - e: North American South Devon Association -/· Agence Nationale de Developpement Spatial du Japon NASDAC e: National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Center NASD AD e: National Association of SeventhDay Adventist Dentists

NASDPTS e: National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services

NASEMSD e: National Association of State EMS Directors

NASDQ e: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

NASEN e: National Association for StateEnrolled Nurses

NASDS e: National Amalgamated Stevedores' and Dockers' Society - e: National Association of Scuba Diving Schools - e: North American Sheep Dog Society

NASEO e: National Association of State Energy Officials

NASDSE e: National Association of State Directors of Special Education

NAS/ESB e: National Academy of Sciences/ Environmental Studies Board

NASDSSE e: National Association of State Directors and Supervisors of Secondary Education

NASF e: National Aboriginal Sports Foundation - e: National American Studies Faculty - e: National Arts Stabilization Fund - e: National Association of State Foresters - e: North American Soccer Foundation

NASDT e: North American Society for Dialysis and Transplantation NASDTEC e: National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification NASDU e: National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Union NASDVA e: National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs

NASDAGS e: National Association of State Directors of Administration and General Service

NASDVE e: National Association of State Directors of Vocational Education

NASDAPC e: National Association of State Drug Abuse Program Coordinators

NASDVTE e: National Association of State Directors of Vocational-Technical Education

NASDAQ e: National Assocation of Securities Dealers Automated Quote (or Quotation) System - e: National Association of Securities (or Security) Dealers Automated Quotation[s]

NASE e: National Academy of School Executives [of American Association of School Administrators] - e: National Academy of Stationary Engineers - e: National Agency for Science and Engineering - e: National Association for the Self-Employed - e: National Association of Stationary Engineers - e: National Association of Steel Exporters

NASDAQ S[ystem] e: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System NASDC e: New American School Development Corporation NASDCD e: National Association of State Directors of Child Development

N.A.S.E. e: National Academy of Stationary Engineers

NASEPA e: National Association of State Environmental Programs Agencies

N.A.S.F. e: National Amalgamated Society of Foremen NASFA e: National Association of State Facilities Administrators NASFAA e: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators NAS[&]FCA e: National Automatic Sprinkler and Fire Control Association NASFCB e: National Association of Specialty Food and Confection Brokers NASFM e: National Association of Store Fixture Manufacturers NASFO e: National Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Office NASFT e: National Association for the Specialty Food Trade NASG e: National Alliance for Spiritual Growth - e: North American Strawberry Growers Association NASGA e: North American Strawberry Growers Association

NASDDP e: National Association of State Directors for Disaster Preparedness

NASEA e: National Association of Student Employment Administrators - e: Native American Science Education Association

NASDI e: National Association of Selective Distributors

NASEAB e: Naval Air Systems Effectiveness Advisory Board

NASGC e: National Association of Small Government Contractors

NASDIEGO e: Naval Air Station San Diego

NASEAN e: National Association for State Enrolled Assistant Nurses

NaSGIM e: National Study of Graduate Education in Internal Medicine

NASECODE e: International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

NAS/GRB e: National Academy of Sciences/ Geophysical Research Board

NASDIM e: National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers NASD J e: Journal. National Association for Staff Development in Further and Higher Education NASDLET e: National Association of State Directors of Law Enforcement Training NASDM e: National Association of Special Delivery Messengers NASDME e: National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education

NASEDIO e: National Association of State Education Department Information Officers NASEES e: National Association for Soviet and East European Studies NASEM e: National Association of Satellite Equipment Manufacturers NASEMP e: National Association of State Educational Media Professionals

NAS[-]GB e: Noise Abatement Society of Great Britain

NASGS e: North African Secretary General Staff NASGTMO e: Naval Air Station Guantanamo NASGW e: National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers NASH e: National Association of Specimen Hunters NASHA e: National Association for Speech and Hearing Action



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NASP - e: North American Survival and Homesteading Association

- e: Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory - e: North American Soccer League

Nas Mus Bloemfontein Jaarversl A: Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein Jaarverslag

NASHAC e: National Association for Safety and Health in the Arts and Crafts

NASLI e: National Association for Senior Living Industries

NASMV e: National Association for/on a Standard Medical Vocabulary

NASHAW e: National Association for Statewide Health and Welfare

NASLPA e: North American Soccer League Players Association

NASHC e: National All States Hobby Club

NASLR e: National Association of State Land Reclaimationists

NASN e: National Aerometric Surveillance Network - e: National Air Sampling Network - e: National Air Surveillance Network - e: National Association of School Nurses

NASLS e: National Association of Small Loan Supervisors

N.A.S.N. e: North Atlantic Steam Navigation Co.

NASM e: National Academy of Sports Medicine - e: National Air and Space Museum - e: National Air and Space [Warfare] Model - e: National Association of Sandwich Manufacturers - e: National Association of School Magazines - e: National Association of Schools of Music. [Proceedings] - e: National Association of Service Managers - e: National Association of Service Merchandising - e: National Association of State Militia - e: National Association of Surrogate Mothers - e: Naval Aviation School of Medicine - n: Nederlandsche-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij

NASNA e: National Association of State 9-1 1 Administrators

NASHOC e: North American Student Humanist Organizing Committee NASHRD e: National Association of State Human Resource Directors NASI e: National Academy of Sciences of India NASIC e: Northeast Academic Science Information Center NASICOE e: National Association of ASCS [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service] County Office Employees NASID e: National Association of the Sixth Infantry Division NASIG e: North African Signal Section - e: North American Serials Interest Group - e: Numerical Analysis Special Interest Group NASILP e: National Association of SelfInstructional Language Programs NASIMD e: National Association of the Sixth Infantry/Motorized Division Nas Inst Priv e: Nasmith's Institutes of English Private Law Nas Inst Pub e: Nasmith's Institutes of English Public Law NASIP e: National Aviation Safety Inspection Program - e: Navy Airframe Structural Integrity Program NASIRE e: National Association of State Information Resource Executives NASIS e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Aerospace Safety Information Systems - e: National Association for State Information Systems - e: National Automated Sourcing Information System - e: Nevada Statewide Information Service - e: Northeast Australian Satellite Imagery System NASISS e: National Association of Sailing Instructors and Sailing Schools NASK d: Normenausschuß Siebböden und Kornmessung im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - P: Naukowa i Akademicka Siec Komputerowa NASKO n: Nationaal Sekretariaat van het Katholiek Onderwijs NASL e: National Association of State Libraries - e: National Association of State Lotteries - e: Naval Applied Science Laboratory

N.A.S.M. e: National Association for School Magazines - e: National Association of Station Masters NASMA ma: Parti Nasionalis Malaysia NASMAC e: Naval Air Software Management Advisory Committee NASMAP e: NAS Management Automation Program NASMBCM e: National Association of Sanitary Milk Bottle Closure Manufacturers NASMD e: National Association of School Music Dealers - e: National Association of Sewing Machine Dealers - e: National Association of Sewing Machine Distributors - e: National Association of Sheet Music Dealers - e: Northamerican Association of Sheet Metal Distributors NASMHPD e: National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors NASMI e: National Association of Secondary Material Industries NAS[MISC] e: North American Supply Committee, Miscellaneous NASML e: National Air and Space Museum Library NASMO e: NATO Starfighter Management Office NASMP e: National Association of Sales and Marketing Professionals NASMSA e: National Association of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAS/NAE e: National Academy of Sciences/ National Academy of Engineering NASNI e: Naval Air Station North Island NAS-NRC e: National Academy of Science[s]-National Research Council NAS-NRC D[iv] Chem Chem Technol Annu Rep e: National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council. Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Annual Report NAS-NRC Nucl Sei Ser Rep e: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. Nuclear Sciences Series. Report NAS-NRC Publ e: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. Publication NASNSA e: National Association of Special Needs State Administrators NASO e: Natchez & Southern Railway Co. - e: National Adult School Organisation - e: National Association of Sports Officials - e: National Astrological Society - e: National Astronomical (or Astronomy) Space Observatory - e: Naval Aviation Supply Office - e: North American Space Operations N.A.S.O. e: National Adult School Organisation - e: National Association of Symphony Orchestras NAS/OAB e: National Academy of Sciences/ Ocean Affairs Board NASOC e: North American Singer Owners Club NASOG e: National Association of Specialist Obstetricians & Gynaecologists NASOH e: North America[n] Society for Oceanic History NASORLO e: National Association of State Outdoor Recreation Liaison Officers NASORRO n: Nationaal-Socialistische Rijksradio-Omroep NAS/OSB e: National Academy of Sciences/ Ocean Sciences Board NASP e: National Academy of Sciences in Panama


NASPA - e: National Aero-Space Plane - e: National Aerospace Plane Program - e: National Aerospace Plane Project - e: National Airport[s] System[s] Plan[s] - e: National Airspace System Plan - e: National Alternative Schools Program - e: National Association for the Southern Poor - e: National Association of School Psychologists - e: National Association of Schools and Publishers - e: National Association of Securities Professionals - e: National Association of Single Persons - e: National Atmospheric Sciences Program - e: National Aviation System Plan - e: NATO Atomic Supply Point - e: Negro Anglo-Saxon Protestant - e: North Atlantic Seaboard Programme [Working Group]

NASport d: Normenausschuß Sport- und Freizeitgerät

NASPA e: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators - e: National Society of Public Accountants NaSPA e: National Systems Programmers Association NASPA e: North American Soccer Players Association NASPAA e: National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration NASPAC e: National Airspace System Performance Analysis Capability

NASPRFMR e: National Association of Superintendents of Public Residential Facilities for the Mentally Retarded NASPSM e: National Association of Shirt, Pajama and Sportswear Manufacturers NASPSPA e: North American Society for [the] Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

- e: National Association of Suggestion Systems - e: National Association of Summer Sessions - e: Naval Air Signal School - e: North African Special Service Section - e: North American Shagya-Arabian Society - e: North American Spine Society N.A.S.S. e: Naval Air Signal School NAS[S] e: North American Supply Committee, Scientific Subcommittee

NASPSPA Newsl e: NASPSPA [North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity] Newsletter

NASSA e: National Aerospace Services Association - e: National Association of Schools of Social Administration

NASQAN e: National [Air] Stream Quality Accounting Network

NASSAM e: National Association for the Self-Supporting Active Ministry

NASQUAN e: National Stream Water Quality Accounting Network

Nassauischer Ver Naturk Jb d: Nassauischer Verein für Naturkunde. Jahrbücher

NASR e: National Annual Symposium on Reliability - e: National Association of Sitter Registries - e: National Association of Solvent Recyclers - e: National Association of Swine Records

NASSB e: National Association of Supervisors of State Banks

NASRA e: National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council. Publiation - e: National Association of State Retirement Administrators

NASSC e: National Air and Sea Systems Command - e: National Alliance on Shaping Safer Cities NASSCO e: National Association of Sewer Service Companies - e: National Shipyard & Steel Corporation, Manila - e: National Steel and Shipbuilding Company

NASPA J e: NASPA [National Association of Student Personnel Administrators] Journal

NASRC e: National Association of State Racing Commissioners - e: North American Salmon Research Center - e: North Atlantic Salmon Research Center

NASPALS e: Nas Precision Approach and Landing System

NASRCP e: National Association for State River Conservation Programs

NASSDC e: National Social Science Documentation Centre

NASPD e: National Association of State Park Directors - e: National Association of Steel Pipe Distributors

Nasrec e: National Exhibition Center

NASSDE e: National Association of State Supervisors of Distributive Education

NASPE e: National Association for Sport and Physical Education - e: National Association of State Personnel Executives - e: North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology

NASRO e: National Association of Shooting Range Owners

NASRN e: National Association of State Radio Networks

NASRP e: National Association of Special and Reserve Police - e: National Association of State Recreation Planners

NASSD e: National Association of School Security Directors

NASSDOC e: National Social Science Documentation Centre NASSDSE e: National Association of State Supervisors and Directors of Secondary Education NAS/SEC e: National Academy of Sciences' Site Evaluation Committee

NASPENSA e: Naval Air Station Pensacola NASPG e: North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology NASPG[N] e: North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology [and Nutrition] NASPHV e: National Association of State [and Territorial] Public Health Veterinarians NASPM e: National Association of Seed Potato Merchants - e: National Association of Slipper and Playshoe Manufacturers NASPO e: National Airspace System Program Office - e: National Alliance of Statewide Preservation Organizations - e: National Association of State Purchasing Officials - e: NATO Starfighter Production Organization


NASRPM e: National Association of State River Program Managers

NASSH e: North American Society for Sport History

NASRS e: Non-Available Status Reporting System

NASSHE e: National Association of State Supervisors of Home Economics

NASRWCBL e: National Amalgamated Society of Railway Wagon and Carriage Builders and Lifters

NASSI n: Nationale Aktie Steun Spijtoptanten Indonesia

NASS e: National Accident Sampling System - e: National Agricultural Statistics Service - e: National Aids Support System - e: National Alliance for Safe Schools - e: National Alliance of Supermarket Shoppers - e: National Association for Small Schools - e: National Association of Saw Shops - e: National Association of School Superintendents - e: National Association of Secretarial Services - e: National Association of Secretaries of State - e: National Association of Specialized Schools - e: National Association of Steel Stockholders


· Säur, München

NASSL e: National Association of SpanishSpeaking Librarians NASS&LS e: National Association of State Savings and Loan Supervisors NASSM e: National Association of Scissors and Shears Manufacturers - e: National Association of State Supervisors of Music - e: North American Society for Sport Management NASSO e: National Association of Socialist Students' Organizations

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Nat A

NASSP e: National Association of Secondary School Principals - e: North American Society for Social Philosophy

NASTRAN e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Structural Analysis [Program]

NASUTRA e: National Sugar Trading Co.

NAT d: Normenausschuß Terminologie - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Apollo Trajectory - e: National - e: National Academy of Teaching - e: National Agency for Tourism - e: National AIDS Trust - e: National Air Lines - e: National Air Transport - e: National Arbitration Tribunal - e: National Association of Teachers of Singing. Bulletin - e: National Association of Toolmakers - e: National Association of Tuberculosis - e: National Drug Co. - e: National Transport, Inc. - e: Nationality - e: Nationals - e: Natural - e: Naval Air Technical Services Facility - e: Naval Air Training - e: Network Analysis Team - e: North African Theater - e: North Atlantic - e: North Atlantic Region - e: North Atlantic Regional Area - e: North Atlantic Tracks - e: Northern Airborne Technology Ltd. - e: Not Air Transportable - N: Nordisk Administrativt Tidskrift - N: Norsk Artikel Tjeneste - r: Namnden for Avkommeundersokning av Tjurar - s; Region del Atlantico Septentrional

NAS/UWS e: National Association of Schoolmasters

Nat /· Nationalistes -/· Nationalite

NAS-UWT e: National Association of Schoolmasters-Union of Women Teachers

nat e: nationalist

NASSP-B e: National Association of Secondary-School Principals. Bulletin

NASTRAN Program e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Structural Analysis Program

NASSP Bull e: NASSP [National Association of Secondary School Principals] Bulletin

NAS/TRB e: National Academy of Sciences/ Transportation Board

NASSPE e: National Alliance of SpanishSpeaking People for Equality

NASTS e: National Association for Science, Technology and Society

NASS Quarterly e: National Association of Suggestion Systems Quarterly

NASU e: National Adult School Union - e: National Association of State Universities - e: Navy Air Support Unit - e: North American Singers Union

NASSR e: Nahichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

N.A.S.U. e: National Adult School Union NASSS e: North American Society for the Sociology of Sport NASSSA e: National Association of State Social Security Administrators NASST e: National Association of State Treasurers NASSTA e: National Association of Secretaries of State Teachers Associations NASSTIE e: National Association of State Supervisors of Trade and Industrial Education NASSTRAC e: National Small Shipments Traffic Conference NASSVHE e: National Association of State Supervisors of Vocational Home Economics NASSW e: National Association of School Social Workers NAST e: National Academy of Science and Technology - e: National Association of Schools of Theatre - e: National Association of State Treasurers - e: Native Art Studies Association of Canada. Newsletter - e: Nuclear Accident Support Team NASTA e: National Association of State Text Book Administrators

NAS3U e: National Association of System 3 Users NASUA e: National Association of State Units on Aging NASUCA e: National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates NASULGC e: National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges NASUP e: National Association on Service to Unmarried Parents

nat. a: national[t] NAS/UWT e: National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers NASV e: National Academy of Sports Vision NASVG e: Nordic Association for Study and Vocational Guidance NASVH e: National Association of State Veterans Homes

NASTAT e: North American Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique

NASW e: National Association of Science[s] Writers - e: National Association of Social Workers

NASTBD e: National Association of State Text Book Directors

NASWA e: North American Shortwave Association

NASTD e: National Association of State and Territorial Apprenticeship Directors - e: National Association of State Telecommunications Directors

N.A.S.W.D.U. e: Naval Air/Sea Warfare Development Unit

NASTEMP e: National Association of State Educational Media Professionals NASTI e: Naval Air Station, Terminal Island - e: North American Society for Trenchless Technology NASTL e: National Anti-Steel-Trap League - e: National Anti-Steel Trap League NASTPHV e: National Association of State and Territorial Public Health Veterinarians

NASWSO e: National Association of Soft Water Service Operators

NASWHP e: National Association of Sheltered Workshops and Homebound Programs NASWM e: National Association of Scottish Woolen Manufacturers NASW News e: National Association of Social Workers News NASW Newsletter e: National Association of Science Writers Newsletter NASWS e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration White Sands

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N.A.T. e: National Arbitration Tribunal - e: National Association of Theatres - N: Norsk Artillerie Tidskrift NATA e: National Air Transportation Association^, Inc.] - e: National Airfreight Trucking Alliance - e: National Association of Tax Accountants - e: National Association of Tax Administrators - e: National Association of Teachers' Agencies - e: National Association of Temple Administrators - e: National Association of Testing Authorities - e: National Association of Transportation Advertisers (or Advertising) - e: National Athletic Trainers Association - e: National Automated Transportation Association - e: National Automobile Transporters Association - e: National Automotive Trade Association - e: National Aviation Trades Association - e: National Aviation Training Association - e: Natural Alternatives, Inc. - e: North American Tasar Association - e: North American Telecommunications Association - e: North American Telephone Association - e: North American Trakehner Association - e: North American Travel Association - e: North Atlantic Treaty Alliance - e: Northern Air Transport Association Nat A n: Nationalmuseets Arbeidsmark


Nat Absten Nat Absten e: National Abstentionalist NAT.Absten. e: National Abstentionalist

Nat Assoc of Inspectors and Ednl Advisers J e: National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers. Journal

NATAC e: North Atlantic Chemistry Experiment

NATaT e: National Association of Towns and Townships

Nat Acad Sei Biog Mem e: National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Biographical Memoirs

NATAW e: National Association of Textile and Apparel Wholesalers

Nat Bottlers' Gaz e: National Bottlers' Gazette Nat BR e: National Bankruptcy Register Nat Bsns Ed Q e: National Business Education Association. Quarterly Nat Bsns Ed Yrbk e: National Business Education Association. Yearbook

Nat.-B. d: Nationalbank Nat Acad Sei Nat Res Counc Publ e: National Academy of Sciences of the United States-National Research Council. Publication Nat Acad Sei Proc e: National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proceedings NAT AD e: National Association of Textile and Apparel Distributors NATA Dispatch e: National Aviation Trades Association Dispatch NATAF e: Northwest African Tactical Air Force Natak d: Nationalpolitische AuslandsKorrespondenz, Berlin-Potsdam NATALSCO e: National Loss Service Corp. Natal UL Rev e: Natal University. Law Review Natal Univ Law Rev e: Natal University. Law Review NATAPROBU e: National Association of Professional Bureaucrats NATAPROUBU e: National Association of Professional Bureaucrats NATAR e: NATO Transatlantic Advanced Radar

NATB e: National Auto Theft, Bureau - e: National Automobile Theft Bureau - e: National Aviation Theft Bureau - e: Naval Air Training Base - e: Naval Training Bulletin Nat Bank Austsia M Summ e: National Bank of Australasia. Monthly Summary of Australian Conditions Nat Bank Egypt Econ Bui e: National Bank of Egypt. Economic Bulletin Nat Bank Ethiopia Q Bui ns e: National Bank of Ethiopia. Quarterly Bulletin. New Series Nat Banking R e: National Banking Review Nat Bank Reg e: National Bankruptcy Register Reports

Nat Bsns Woman e: National Business Woman Nat Builder e: National Builder Nat Bur Econ Res e: National Bureau of Economic Research Nat. Bur. of Stds. e: National Bureau of Standards Nat Bur Stand Appl Math Ser e: National Bureau of Standards. Applied Mathematics Series Nat Bur Staad Handb e: National Bureau of Standards. Handbook Nat Bur Stand Bldg Sei Ser e: National Bureau of Standards. Building Science Series Nat Bur Stand Circ e: National Bureau of Standards Circulars]

Nat Bankr Law e: National Bankruptcy Law Nat Bankr N&R e: National Bankruptcy News and Reports

Nat Bur Stand Misc Pub[s] e: National Bureau of Standards. Miscellaneous Publications

Nat Bank[r] R[eg] e: National Bankruptcy Register

Nat Bur Stand Monogr e: National Bureau of Standards. Monographs

Nat Bankr Rep e: National Bankruptcy Register Reports

Nat Bur Stand Spec Pub[l] e: National Bureau of Standards. Special Publication[s]

Nat Bank Yugoslavia Q Bui e: National Bank of Yugoslavia. Quarterly Bulletin

Nat Bur Stand Tech News Bull e: National Bureau of Standards. Technical News Bulletin

Nat Bar Bull e: National Bar Bulletin Nat Arc e: National Archives Nat Bar J e: National Bar Journal Nat Art Ed Assn Yrbk e: National Art Education Association. Yearbook

NATBASE e: Naval Air Training Base

Nat Arthritis N e: National Arthritis News

NATBASES e: Naval Air Training Bases

NATAS e: National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences - e: National Appropriate Technology Assistance Service - e: NOAA AVHRR Transcription and Archive System - e: North American Thermal Analysis Society

NatBBelg e; National Bank of Belgium. Report Nat BC e: National Bank Cases [United States] Nat Bee Krs Dig e: National Bee Keepers Digest

Nat Assn e: National Association Nat Assn Deans Women J e: National Association of Deans of Women. Journal

NATBF e: Northwest African Tactical Bomber Force Nat BJ e: National Bar Journal

Nat Assn Sec-Sch Prin Bui e: National Association of Secondary-School Principals. Bulletin Nat Assn State Univs Trans & Proc e: National Association of State Universities. Transactions and Proceedings

Nat Bk [Aus] e: National Bank. Monthly Summary [Australia] Nat Bldgs Organisation Jnl e: National Buildings Organisation. Journal Nat Bldr e: National Builder

Nat Assn Stud Council Yrbk e: National Association of Student Councils. Yearbook


NatBofSt e: National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce


· Säur, München

Nat Bur Stand Tech Note e: National Bureau of Standards. Technical Note Nat Bus Educ Yrbk e: National Business Education Association. Yearbook Nat Butter & Cheese J e: National Butter and Cheese Journal NATC e: NaTec Resources, Inc. - e: National Air Taxi Conference - e: National Air Traffic Controllers - e: National Air Transportation Conferences - e: National Alcohol Tax Coalition - e: National Association of Taurine Clubs - e: National Association of Tax Consultors - e: National Association of Telemarketing Consultants - e: Naval Air Test Center - e: Naval Air Training Center - e: Naval Air Training Command - e: Navel Aviation Training Command - e: Nordic Amateur Theatre Council - e: Nordic Automobile Technical Committee - e: North Atlantic Treaty Council - e: Northwest African Training Command NATCA e: National Air Traffic Control Administration - e: National Air Traffic Controllers Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NATESA - e: National Association of Trial Court Administrators Nat Cancer Inst J e: National Cancer Institute. Journal Nat Cancer Inst Monogr e: National Cancer Institute. Monographs Nat Can I M e: National Cancer Institute. Monographs NATCAPIT e: Group of Experts on North Atlantic Capacity and Inclusive Tours [of the European Civil Aviation Conference] NATCAS e: Navigation, Air Traffic Control, and Collision Avoidance System Nat Cath Ed Assn Bui e: National Catholic Educational Association. Bulletin Nat Cath Ed Assn Proc e: National Catholic Educational Association.Proceedings

Nat Comm Teach Ed & Prof Stand Off Rep e: National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards. Official Report

N.A.T.E. e: National Association for the Teaching of English - e: National Association of Theatrical Employees

NATCOM Symposium e: National Communications Symposium

NATEBE e: National Association of Teacher Educators for Business Education

Nat Conf City Govt e: National Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings

NATEBOE e: National Association of Teacher Educators for Business and Office Education

Nat Conf Publ[s] Inst[n] Engrs Aust e: National Conference Publications. Institution of Engineers of Australia Nat Conf Soc Work e: National Conference of Social Work. Proceedings Nat Corp Rep e: National Corporation Reporter

Natec d: Institut fur naturwissenschaftlichtechnische Dienste GmbH NATEC e: Naval Air Technical Evaluation Centre - e: Naval Air Training and Experimental Command

Nat Council O e: National Council Outlook

NATECHTRA e: Naval Air Technical Training

Nat Council Social Stud Yrbk e: National Council for the Social Studies. Yearbook

NATECHTRACEN e: Naval Air Technical Training Center

Nat Council Teach Math Yrbk e: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Yearbook

NATECHTRAU e: Naval Air Technical Training Unit

Nat Cath Rep e: National Catholic Reporter NATCC e: National Air Transportation] Coordinating Committee - e: Navy Air Traffic Control Center, Memphis - e: Northwest African Troop Carrier Command

NATECOM e: Naval Airship Training and Experimentation Command

NATCEM e: National Cemetery

NATCS e: National Air Traffic Control Service - e: National Air Traffic Control System

NATCG e: National Association of Training Corps for Girls

NAT-CUS e: North Atlantic Treaty, Canada, US Regional Planning Group

Nat Ed Assn Proc e: National Education Association. Addresses and Proceedings

Nat Cheese J e: National Cheese Journal

NATO e: National Association of Teachers of Dancing - e: National Association of Telecommunications Dealers - e: National Association of Test Directors - e: National Association of Tobacco Distributors - e: National Association of Tool Dealers - e: Netherlands Apache Training Detachment - e: Nuclear and Advanced Technology Division

Nat Ed Assn Res Bui e: National Education Association. Research Bulletin

NATCHEM e: National Atmospherie Chemistry Database Natchez Trace e: national park-way serving Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee Nat Child Labor Com Proc e: National Child Labor Committee. Proceedings Nat Christ Coun R e: National Christian Council. Review

NATDEC e: Naval Air Training Division Engineering Command

Nat Civ[ic] R[ev] e: National Civic Review NATCO e: National Air Transport Coordinating Committee - e: National Association of Transit Consumer Organizations - e: National Automatic Tool Company - e: National Coordinator - e: National Tank Company - e: Navy Air Traffic Coordinating Office[r] - e: North American Transplant Coordinators Organization - e: Northern Advanced Technologies Corporation - e: Nuclear Auditing and Testing Company

NATDEFSM e: National Defense Service Medal

NATED e: National Education Department

Nat Educ Assn J e: National Education Association. Journal NATEF e: National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation Nateg d: Nationale Erdöl-GmbH Nateko d: Interalliierte nautisch-technische Kommission fur das Schwarze Meer NATEL d: Nationales Telefonnetz - e: nationales Autotelefonnetz - e: Nortronics Automatic Test Equipment Language

Nat Dem e: National Democrats Nat/Dev. e: National Development Quarterly

Nat Elec Mfr Ass Stand Publ e: National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Standards Publication

Nat Development e: National Development Nat El Prin e: National Elementary Principal Nat Dev Q e: National Development Quarterly

Nat Eng e: National Engineer

NATDP e: National Agricultural TextDigitizing Project

Nat Eng Lab Rep e: National Engineering Laboratory. Report

Nat Coffee e: National Coffee Drinking Survey

NATDS e: National Association of Truck Driving Schools

NATENV e: National Environmental Group, Inc.

NATCOL e: Natural Food Colo[u]rs Association

NATE e: National Association for Teachers of Electronics - e: National Association for the Teaching of English - e: National Association of Teachers of Electronics - e: National Association of Teachers of English - e: National Association of Temple Educators - e: Native American Teacher Education

Nat Environ Res Counc Inst Terr Ecol Annu Rep e: Natural Environment Research Council. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. Annual Report

NATCOM e: National Communications Center - e: National Communications Symposium - e: National Conference on Communications - e: NATO Communication [Message] natcom e: national communications

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

• G · Säur, Munich

NATES e: National Analysis of Trends in Emergency Systems NATESA e: National Alliance of Television and Electronic[s] Service Associations


NATESLA - e: National Association of Television and Electronic Servicers of America

Nat Geog J Ind e: National Geographical Journal of India

NATESLA e: National Association for Teaching English as a Second Language to Adults

Nat Geog R e: National Geographic Research

NATESOL e: National Association of Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages

Nat Geog[r] M[ag] e: National Geographic Magazine Nat Geog Soc Nat Geog Mon e: National Geographic Society. National Geographic Monographs

NATESTCEN e: Naval Air Test Center NATEVHE e: National Association of Teacher Educators for Vocational Home Economics NATEX e: National Stock Exchange - e: National Textile Industries Corporation Ltd. NATF e: Naval Air Test Facility - e: Navy Advanced Tactical Fighter - e: New Arrivals Task Force Nat.-F. d: National-Film AG

Nat Geog World e: National Geographic World NATH e: Nathan's Famous, Inc. - e: Nathan's Famous, Inc. NATHE e: National Association[s] of Teachers of Home Economics Nat Health Serv Inf Bui e: National Health Services Information Bulletin Nat Herb NSW Contrib e: National Herbarium of New South Wales. Contributions

Nat F e: National Forum NATFAX e: National Weather Facsimile Network NATFB e: National Archives Trust Fund Board

NATHERS e: National House Energy Rating Scheme NAThG d: Neues Archiv für Theatergeschichte

Nat Inst B Pr Pr N S e: National Institution for the Promotion of Science. Bulletin of the Proceedings. Proceedings. New Series Nat Inst Econ R[ev] e: National Institute Economic Review Nat Inst Educ Res B e: National Institute for Educational Research. Bulletin Nat Inst Soc Sei e: National Institute of Social Sciences. Proceedings nation, e: nationality NATIONAL e: National Cash Register National e: National Gallery in London or the National Gallery of Art in Washington National Inst Health Bull US Pub Health Serv e: National Institute of Health. Bulletin. United States Public Health Service National Register e: National Register of Historic Places NATIP e: Navy Technical Information Program NATIPIJ n: Nationaal Islamietische Padvinderij

Nat Fed e: National Federation

Nat Hist Bull Siam Soc e: Natural History Bulletin. Siam Society

NATIS e: National Information System[s] - e: NATO Information Services - e: North Atlantic Treaty Information Service

NATFHE e: National Association of Teachers in/of Further and Higher Education

Nat Hist Natl Parks Hung e: Natural History of the National Parks of Hungary

NATIST e: National Translation Institute of Science and Technology

Nat Fmrs Un Annu Conf e: National Farmers' Union. Annual Conference

Nat.Hist.Rev. e: The Natural History Review

NATIV e: North American Test Instrument Vehicle [Air Force test rocket]

NATFO e: National Association of County Treasurers and Finance Officers

Nat Hort M e: National Horticultural Magzine Nat Hosp[ital] e: National Hospital

Nat Found March Dimes Birth Defects Orig Artie Ser e: National Foundation. March of Dimes. Birth Defects Original Article Series

NATI e: National Association of Translators and Interpreters

NATF-SI e: Naval Air Test Facility-Ship Installations

Nat I Anim e: National Institute of Animal Health. Quarterly

NATG e: National Guardian Corp.

NATICH e: National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse

NATGA e: National Amateur TobaccoGrowers Association

NATIDC e: Netherlands-Australia Trade and Industrial Development Council

Nat Gal e: National Gallery Nat Gall SA Bull e: National Gallery of South Australia. Bulletin Nat Gall VIC A Bull e: National Gallery of Victoria. Annual Bulletin Nat Gal Rep e; National Gallery of Art. Report Nat Gas As Am Pr e: Natural Gas Association of America. Proceedings Nat Gas Bul[l] e: National Gas Bulletin NATGB e: National Association of Training Corps for Girls in Great Britain

NATIE e: National Association for/of Trade and Industrial Education NATIFOL e: National Translation Institute of Foreign Literature

Nat J e: National Journal Nat J Criminal] Def[ense] e: National Journal of Criminal Defense Nat J Leg Ed e: National Journal of Legal Education NATKE e: National Association of Theatrical and Kine[ma][tograph] Employees NATL e: National - e: National Agricultural Transportation League - e: Naval Aeronautical Turbine Laboratory - e: North Atlantic Industries, Inc. N Atl e: North Atlantic NAT'L e: National NAT-LAB e: Natural Learning Acquisition

NATII e: National Association of Trade and Industrial Instructors NATINAD[S] e: NATO Integrated Air Defence [System]

NATLAB d: Naturwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum der N. V. Philips Gloeilampen-Fabrieken, Eindhoven

Nat Inc Tax Mag e: National Income Tax Magazine

Natl Acad Med Sei [India] Ann e: National Academy of Medical Sciences [India]. Annals

NATINFORM e: Nationalist Information Bureau - e: Nationalist Information Service

Natl Acad Sei Biog Mem Proc e: National Academy of Sciences. Biographical Memoirs. Proceedings

Nat Geog e: National Geographic Magazine Nat Inst Arch Ed Bui e: National Institute for Architectural Education. Bulletin



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Natl Coop Highw Res Program Rep Natl Acad Sei Comm Polar Res Rep US Antarc Res Act e: National Academy of Sciences. Committee on Polar Research. Report of United States Antarctic Research Activities. Report Natl Acad Sei [India] Annu Number e: National Academy of Sciences [India], Annual Number Natl Acad Sei Lett [India] e: National Academy of Science. Letters [India] Natl Acad Sei Natl Research Council Pub e: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. Publication Natl Acad Sei Proc e: National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings Natl Acad Sei Pub e: National Academy of Sciences. Publication Natl Acad Sei USA Biogr Mem e: National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Biographical Memoirs

Natl Assoc Margarine Manuf Bull e: National Association of Margarine Manufacturers. Bulletin Nat Law Guild Q e: National Lawyers Guild Quarterly

Natl Bitum Concr Assoc Qual Impror Program Publ e: National Bituminous Concrete Association. Quality Improvement Program. Publication

Natl Board Examiner e: National Board Examiner

Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr. e: National Cancer Institute Monograph

Natl Board Fire Underwrit Res Rep e: National Board of Fire Underwriters. Research Report

Natl Cancer Inst Monogr e: National Cancer Institute. Monographs

Natl Bot Card [Lucknow] Annu Rep e: National Botanic Gardens [Lucknow]. Annual Report

Natl Advis Comm Aeronaut Rep e: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Reports

Natl. Bur. Stand. Build. Sei. Ser. e: National Bureau of Standards Building Science Series

Natl Aerosp Electron Conf Proc e: National Aerospace Electronics Conference. Proceedings Natl Air Pollut Control Adm [US] Publ AP Ser e: National Air Pollution Control Administration [United States]. Publication. AP Series

Natl Cancer Conf Proc e: National Cancer Conference. Proceedings

Nat'l Black L.J. e: National Black Law Journal

Natl Advis Comm Aeronaut Annu Rep e: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Annual Report

Natl Aeronaut Estabi Mech Eng Rep MS [Can] e: National Aeronautical Establishment. Mechanical Engineering Report MS [Canada]

Natl Cactus Succulent J e: National Cactus and Succulent Journal

Natl Cancer Inst Carcinog Tech Rep Ser [US] e: National Cancer Institute. Carcinogenesis Technical Report Series [United States]

Natl Accel Cent News e: National Accelator Centre. News

Natl Advisory Comm Research Geol Sei e: National Advisory Committee on Research in the Geological Sciences

Natl Butter Cheese J e: National Butter and Cheese Journal Natl Butter J e: National Butter Journal

Natl Biomed Sei Instrum Symp Proc e: National Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium. Proceedings

Natl Board Fire Underwrit Tech Surv e: National Board of Fire Underwriters. Technical Survey

Natl Advis Comm Aeronaut Tech Notes e: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Technical Notes

Natl Bus Woman e: National Business Woman

Natl Cancer Inst Res Rep e: National Cancer Institute. Research Report Natl Canners' Assoc Res Lab Bull e: National Canners' Association. Research Laboratory. Bulletin Natl Canners' Assoc Res Lab Circ e: National Canners' Association. Research Laboratory. Circular Natl Cath Rep e: National Catholic Reporter

Natl. Bur. Stand. Monogr. e: National Bureau of Standards Monograph Natl. Bur. Stand. Res. Rep. e: National Bureau of Standards Research Report

Natl Cheese J e: National Cheese Journal Natl Chem Pet Instrum Symp e: National Chemical and Petroleum Instrumentation Symposium

Natl. Bur. Stand. Spec. Publ. e: National Bureau of Standards Special Publication

Natl Civ Rev e: National Civic Review

Natl. Bur. Stand. Tech. Note e: National Bureau of Standards Technical Note

Natl Clay Prod Quarrying e: National Clay Products and Quarrying

Natl. Bur. Stand. Tech. Rep. e: National Bureau of Standards Technical Report

Natl Cleaner Dyer e: National Cleaner and Dyer

Natl. Bur. Stand. Update e: National Bureau of Standards Update

Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent Bull e: National Clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers. Bulletin

Natl Bur Stand [US] Circ e: National Bureau of Standards [United States]. Circular

Natl Comput Conf e: National Computer Conference

Natl Bur Stand [US] Handb e: National Bureau of Standards [United States], Handbook

Natl Conf Dent Public Relat e: National Conference on Dental Public Relations

Natl Bur Stand [US] Monogr e: National Bureau of Standards [United States], Monograph

Natl Conf Earth Sei Pap [Alberta Univ] e: National Conference on Earth Science. Papers [Alberta University]

Natl Bur Stand [US] Spec Publ e: National Bureau of Standards [United States], Special Publication

Natl Conf Individ Onsite Wastewater Syst Proc e: National Conference for Individual Onsite Wastewater Systems. Proceedings

NATLAS e: National Testing Laboratory Accreditation Scheme

Natl Bur Stand [US] Tech News Bull e: National Bureau of Standards [United States], Technical News Bulletin

Natl Conf Publ Inst Eng Aust e: National Conference Publications. Institution of Engineers of Australia

Natl Assn Sec-Schl Princ e: National Association of Secondary-School Principals. Bulletin

Natl Bur Stand [US] Tech Note e: National Bureau of Standards [United States], Technical Note

Natl. Contract Manage. J. e: National Contract Management Journal

Natl Air Pollut Control Adm [US] Publ APTD Ser e: National Air Pollution Control Administration [United States], Publication. APTD [Air Pollution Technical Data] Series Natl Am Miller e: National and American Miller Nat Lamp e: National Lampoon

Natl Bus Educ Yrbk e: National Business Education Association. Yearbook

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Natl Coop Highw Res Program Rep e: National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Report


Natl Coop Highw Res Program Synth Highw Pract Natl Coop Highw Res Program Synth Highw Pract e: National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Synthesis of Highway Practice

Natl Forum Hosp Health Aff e: National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs

Natl I Eco e: National Institute Economic Review Nat Lime Ass Bull e: National Lime Association. Bulletin

Natl Council Social Stud Yrbk e: National Council for the Social Studies. Yearbook

Natl Found Cancer Res Cancer Res Assoc Symp e: National Foundation for Cancer Research. Cancer Research Association Symposia

Natl Council Teach Math Yrbk e: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Yearbook

Natl Found March Dimes Birth Defects Orig Artie Ser e: National Foundation. March of Dimes. Birth Defects Original Article Series

Natl Counc Radiat Prot Meas Annu Meet e: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Annual Meeting

Natl Fuels Lubr Mtg e: National Fuels and Lubricants Meeting

Natl Counc Res Dev Rep NCRD [Isr] e: National Council for Research and Development. Report NCRD [Israel]

Natl Gas Bull [Melbourne] e: National Gas Bulletin [Melbourne] Natl Geogr[aphic] Mag e: National Geographic Magazine

Natl Cycling e: National Cycling Natl Dairy Res Inst [Karnal] Annu Rep e: National Dairy Research Institute [Karnal]. Annual Report

Natl Geogr Res e: National Geographic Research

Nat'l Income Tax Mag e: National Income Tax Magazine Natl Ind Res Inst [Seoul] Rev e: National Industrial Research Institute [Seoul], Review Natl Inst Agric Bot [Camb] Rep Ace e: National Institute of Agricultural Botany [Cambridge], Report and Accounts Natl Inst Anim Health Q e: National Institute of Animal Health. Quarterly Natl Inst Anim Health Q [Yatabe] e: National Institute of Animal Health. Quarterly [Yatabe]

Natl Geogr Soc Res Rep e: National Geographic Society. Research Reports

Natl Inst Drug Abuse Res Monogr Ser e: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Research Monograph Series

Natl Geol Surv China Spec Rep e: National Geological Survey of China. Special Report

Natl Inst Econ R[ev] e: National Institute Economic Review

Natl Geophys Res Inst [Hyderabad India] Bull e: National Geophysical Research Institute [Hyderabad, India], Bulletin

Natl Inst Genet [Mishima] Annu Rep e: National Institute of Genetics [Mishima]. Annual Report

Natl Glass [Budget] e: National Glass Budget

Natl Inst Health Consensus Dev Conf Summ e: National Institutes of Health. Consensus Development Conference. Summaries

Natl Def e: National Defense Natl Def Med J [Tokyo] e: National Defense Medical Journal [Tokyo] Natl Dent Assoc J e: National Dental Association. Journal Natl Dent Health Conf e: National Dental Health Conference Natl Dev e: National Development Natl Dist Heat Assoc Off Proc e: National District Heating Association. Official Proceedings Natl Drug e: National Druggist Natl Eclectic Med Q e: National Eclectic Medical Quarterly Natl Eco e: National Institute Economic Review

Natl Ground Water Qual Symp Proc e: National Ground Water Quality Symposium. Proceedings Nat L Guild Q e: National Lawyers Guild Quarterly Natl Health Insur Jt Comm Med Res Comm [GB] Spec Rep Ser e: National Health Insurance Joint Committee. Medical Research Committee [Great Britain]. Special Report Series Natl Health Insur Rep e: National Health Insurance Reports

Natl Educ e: National Education Natl Electron Rev e: National Electronics Review

Natl Health Med Res Counc [Canberra] Med Res e: National Health and Medical Research Council [Canberra], Medical Research

Natl El Prin e: National Elementary Principal Natl Eng e: National Engineer [of National Association of Power Engineers] Natl Eng Lab Rep [GB] e: National Engineering Laboratory. Report [Great Britain]

Natl Inst Metall Repub S Afr Rep e: National Institute for Metallurgy. Republic of South Africa. Report Natl Inst Nutr Annu Rep e: National Institute of Nutrition. Annual Report Natl Inst Polar Res Mem Ser C Earth Sei e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Series C. Earth Sciences Natl Inst Polar Res Mem Spec Issue e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Special Issue Natl Inst Polar Res [Tokyo] Antarct Geol Map Ser e: National Institute of Polar Research [Tokyo]. Antarctic Geological Map Series

Natl Health Med Res Counc [Canberra] Med Res Proj e: National Health and Medical Research Council [Canberra], Medical Research Projects

Natl Inst Res Dairy Rep [Engl] e: National Institute for Research in Dairying. Report [England]

Natl Health Med Res Counc [Canberra] Rep e: National Health and Medical Research Council [Canberra], Report

Natl Inst Res Nucl Sei [GB] Rep e: National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science [Great Britain]. Report

Natl Hortic Mag e: National Horticultural Magazine

Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Build. Sei. Ser. e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Building Science Series

NATLFED e: National Labor Federation Natl Fert Dev Cent Bull [US] e: National Fertilizer Development Center. Bulletin [United States]

Natl Hosp Health Care e: National Hospital Health Care

Natl Fert Rev e: National Fertilizer Review Natl Fire Codes e: National Fire Codes

Nat Lib e: National Liberal - e: National Library of Canada

Natl Fisherman e: National Fisherman

NATLIBCAN e: National Library of Canada

Natl Food Rev e: National Food Review

NATLIBNZ e; National Library of New Zealand



· Säur, München

Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Monogr. e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Monograph Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Res. Rep. e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Report

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Natl Res Counc Build Res Advis Board Tech Rep Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Tech. Note e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Technical Note Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Tech. Rep. e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Technical Report Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Update e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Update Natl Inst Water Supply [Neth] Q Rep e: National Institute for Water Supply [Netherlands], Quarterly Report

Nat'l Mun Rev e: National Municipal Review

Natl Parks e: National Parks Magazine

Natl Mus Bloemfontein Annn Rep e: National Museum Bloemfontein. Annual Report

Natl Parks Conserv Mag e: National Parks and Conservation Magazine Natl Parks Mag e: National Parks Magazine

Natl Mus Bloemfontein Res Mem e: National Museum Bloemfontein. Researches Memoir Natl Mus Can Bull e: National Museum of Canada. Bulletin

Natl Pet Refin Assoc Tech Publ e: National Petroleum Refiners Association. Technical Publication

Natl Mus Can Nat Hist Pap e: National Museum of Canada. Natural History Papers

Natl Pet Refiners Assoc Pap e: National Petroleum Refiners Association. Papers

Natl Mus Nat Sei [Ottawa] Publ Biol Oceanogr e: National Museum of Natural Sciences [Ottawa], Publications in Biological Oceanography

Natl Pet Refiners Assoc Tech Publ e: National Petroleum Refiners Association. Technical Publication

Nat Lith e: National Lithographer Natl J e: National Journal Natl J Crim Def e: National Journal of Criminal Defense Natl Jt Comm Fert Appl Proc Annu Meet e: National Joint Committee on Fertilizer Application. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting Nat'l Law Guild Prac e: National Lawyers Guild Practitioner

Natl Pet News e: National Petroleum News

Natl Mus Nat Sei [Ottawa] Publ Bot e: National Museum of Natural Sciences [Ottawa], Publications in Botany Natl Mus Nat Sei [Ottawa] Publ Nat Sei e: National Museum of Natural Sciences [Ottawa]. Publications in Natural Sciences Natl Mus Nat Sei [Ottawa] Publ Palaeontol e: National Museum of Natural Sciences [Ottawa], Publications in Palaeontology

Nat'l Legal Mag e: National Legal Magazine

Natl Mus Nat Sei [Ottawa] Publ Zool e: National Museum of Natural Sciences [Ottawa], Publications in Zoology

Natl Libr Wales J e: National Library of Wales. Journal

Natl Mus NZ Misc Ser e: National Museum of New Zealand. Miscellaneous Series

Natl Lithogr e: National Lithographer

Natl Mus NZ Rec e: National Museum of New Zealand. Records

Natl Petroleum Bibliography e: National Petroleum Bibliography Natl Phys Lab Notes Appl Sei [UK] e: National Physical Laboratory. Notes on Applied Science [United Kingdom] Natl Phys Lab Rep e: National Physical Laboratory. Reports Natl Phys Lab [UK] Div Chem Stand Rep e: National Physical Laboratory [United Kingdom], Division of Chemical Standards. Report Natl Phys Lab [UK] Proc Symp e: National Physial Laboratory [United Kingdom]. Proceedings of a Symposium Natl Phys Lab [UK] Rep e: National Physical Laboratory [United Kingdom], Report

Nat'l LJ e: National Law Journal Natl Lucht Ruimtevaartlab Versl Verh n: Nationaal Lucht-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium. Verslagen en Verhandelingen

Natl Mus Victoria Mem e: National Museum of Victoria. Memoirs

Natl Phys Lab [UK] Symp e: National Physical Laboratory [United Kingdom], Symposium

Natl Nav Med Cen e: National Naval Medical Center

Natl Prov e: National Provisioner

Natl Nosocomial Infect Study e: National Nosocomial Infections Study

Nat'l Pub Empl Rep e: National Public Employment Reporter

Natl Observer e: National Observer

Natl Pub Empl Rep Lab Rel Press e: National Public Employment Reporter. Labor Relations Press

Natl M e: National Magazine Natl Mas Korea Art Mag e: National Museum of Korea. Art Magazine Nat'l M [Bost] e: National Magazine [Boston] Natl Meas Lab Tech Pap [Aust] e: National Measurement Laboratory. Technical Paper [Australia] Natl Meas Lab Tech Pap CSIRO Anst e: Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. National Measurement Laboratory. Technical Pape Natl Med Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey e: National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey

Natl Oceanic Atmos Adm [US] Ore e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [United States], Circular Natl Oceanic Atmos Adm [US] Fish Bull e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [United States], Fishery Bulletin Natl Oceanic Atmos Adm [US] Spec Sei Rep Fish e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [United States], Special Scientific Report. Fisheries

Natl Racq e: National Racquetball Natl Ready Mixed Concr Assoc Publ e: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. Publication Natl Real Estate Investor e: National Real Estate Investor Nat L Rec e: National Law Record Nat L Rep e: National Law Reporter

Natl Paint Bull e: National Paint Bulletin Natl Med J China [Peking] e: National Medical Journal of China [Peking] Natl Med J India e: National Medical Journal of India

Natl Rep Sys e: National Reporter System Natl Painters Mag e: National Painters Magazine

Natl Miller e: National Miller

Natl Paint Varn Lacquer Assoc Abstr Rev e: National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association. Abstract Review

Natl Miller Am Miller e: National Miller and American Miller

Natl.parkforsch. Schweiz d: Nationalparkforschung in der Schweiz

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Natl Res Cent Disaster Prev Rep e: National Research Center for Disaster Prevention. Report Natl Res Counc Build Res Advis Board Tech Rep e: National Research Council. Building Research Advisory Board. Technical Report


Natl Res Counc Can Aeronaut Rep Natl Res Counc Can Aeronaut Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Aeronautical Report Natl Res Counc Can Assoc Comm Sei Criter Environ Qual Publ e: National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. Publication

Natl Res Counc Rev e: National Research Council. Review

Natl Sfty News e: National Safety News Natl Res Inst Occup Dis S Afr Med Res Counc Annu Rep e: National Research Institute for Occupational Diseases. South African Medical Research Council. Annual Report Nat L Rev e: National Law Review

Natl Res Counc Can Bull e: National Research Council of Canada. Bulletin

Natl Rev e: National Review

Natl Res Counc Can Div Build Res Fire Study e: National Research Council of Canada Division of Building Research. Fire Study

Natl Rural Letter Carrier e: National Rural Letter Carrier

Natl Res Counc Can Div Build Res Tech Pap e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research. Technical Paper

Natl Saf Congr Trans e: National Safety Congress. Occupational Health Nursing Section. Transactions

Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Energy Newsl e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Energy Newsletter Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Lab Tech Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Laboratory Technical Report Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Mech Eng Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering Report Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Mech Eng Rep MP e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering Report. Series MP Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Mech Eng Rep MS e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering Report MS Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Q Bull e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Quarterly Bulletin Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Geo Newsl e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. General Newsletter Natl Res Counc Can Environ Seer Publ e: National Research Council of Canada. Environmental Secretariat. Publication

Natl Shade Tree Conf Proc e: National Shade Tree Conference. Proceedings Natl Soc Clean Air Annu Conf Proc e: National Society for Clean Air. Annual Conference. Proceedings Natl Soc Stud Educ Yrbk e: National Society for the Study of Education. Yearbook Natl Speleol Soc Bull e: National Speleological Society. Bulletin

Natl Saf e: National Safety

Natl Saf News e: National Safety News Natl Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Energy e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Energy

NATLSEMICON e: National Semiconductor

Natl SAMPE Symp Exhib Proc e: National SAMPE [Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering] Symposium and Exhibition. Proceedings

Natl Speleol Soc Occasional Paper e: National Speleological Society. Occasional Paper Natl Stand Lab Tech Pap CSIRO Aust e: Australia Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. National Standards Laboratory. Technical Paper Natl Stand Ref Data Ser Natl Bur Stand e: National Standard Reference Data Series. National Bureau of Standards

Natl SAMPE Tech Conf e: National SAMPE [Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering] Technical Conference

Natl Stand Ref Data Ser NBS e: National Standard Reference Data Series. US National Bureau of Standards

Natl Sand Gravel Assoc NSGA Circ e: National Sand and Gravel Association. NSGA Circular

Natl Stand Ref Data Ser US Natl Bur Stand e: National Standard Reference Data Series. United States National Bureau of Standards

Nat'l School L Rptr e: National School Law Reporter

Natl Stand Ref Data Syst LBL e: National Standard Reference Data System. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. University of California

Natl Sei Counc Mon e: National Science Council. Monthly Natl Sei Counc Proc Part 2 [Taiwan] e: National Science Council. Proceedings. Part 2. Biological, Medical and Agricultural Sciences [Taiwan] Natl Sei Counc [Taipei] Proc Part 1 Nat Math Sei e: National Science Council [Taipei], Proceedings Part 1. Natural and Mathematical Sciences Natl Sei Found Annu Rep e: National Science Foundation. Annual Report Natl Sei Found NSF e: National Science Foundation. NSF Natl Sei Found Res Appl Natl Needs Rep NSF/RA [US] e: National Science Foundation. Research Applied to National Needs. Report NSF/RA [US]

Natl Sym e: National Symphony Program Notes Natl Tax J e: National Tax Journal Natl Tech Inf Serv Search e: National Technical Information Service Search Natl Tech Rep e: National Technical Report Natl Tech Rep [Matsushita Electr Ind C Osaka] e: National Technical Report [Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Osaka] Natl Toxicol Program Tech Rep Ser e: National Toxicology Program. Technical Report Series Nat Lucht Ruimtevaartlab n: National Lucht-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium

Natl Sei Found Sei Manpower Bull e: National Science Foundation. Scientific Manpower Bulletin

Nat Lucht-Ruimtevaartlab Verslagen en Verhandel M: Nationaal Lucht-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium. Verslagen en Verhandelingen

Natl Sei Mus Bull Ser C [Tokyo] e: National Science Museum. Bulletin. Series C. Geology [Tokyo]

Natl Underwrit [Life Health] e: National Underwriter [Life and Health Insurance Edition]

Natl Res Counc Curr Issues Stad [US] e: National Research Council. Current Issues and Studies [United States]

Natl Sei Mus [Tokyo] Bull Ser C Geol Paleontol e: National Science Museum [Tokyo]. Bulletin. Series C. Geology and Paleontology

Natl Underwrit [Life Health Insur Ed] e: National Underwriter [Life and Health Insurance Edition]

Natl Res Counc Philipp Bull e: National Research Council of the Philippines. Bulletin

Natl Sei Mus [Tokyo] Mem e: National Science Museum [Tokyo], Memoirs

Natl Res Counc Can Mech Eng Rep MP e: National Research Council of Canada. Mechanical Engineering Report. Series MP Natl Res Counc Can Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Report


· Säur, München

Natl Univ Peiping Coll Agric Res Bull e: National University of Peiping. College of Agriculture. Research Bulletin

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NATOSAT NatL.u.W. d: Nationale Lehr- und Werbefilm-Gesellschaft

Nat Mos Council Bui e: National Music Council. Bulletin

Natl Veg Res Stn Annu Rep [Wellsbourne] e: National Vegetable Research Station. Annual Report [Wellsbourne]

Nat. M. Rev. e: National Medical Review

Natl Vitam Found Annu Rep e: National Vitamin Foundation. Annual Report Natl Vitam Found Nutr Symp Ser e: National Vitamin Foundation. Nutrition Symposium Series Natl Vitamin Found Annu Rep e: National Vitamin Foundation. Annual Report Natl Waste News e: National Waste News Natl. Water Cond. e: National Water Conditions Natl. Weather Dig. e: National Weather Digest Natl Westminster Bankt Q Rev e: National Westminster Bank. Quarterly Review Natl Wildl e: National Wildlife Natl Wool Grow e: National Wool Grower Nat M e: National Magazine NATMA e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Technical Memorandum - e: National Association of Teachers of Marketing and Advertising - e: National Award and Trophy Manufacturers Association NATMAC e: National Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee

Nat Mun[ic] R[ev] e: National Municipal Review Nat Mus e: National Museum Nat Mus VIC Mem e: National Museum of Victoria. Memoirs

- e: National Association of Theater (or Theatre) Owners - e: National Association of Trailer Owners - e: National Association of Travel Organizations - e: North African Theater of Operations - e: North American Treaty Organization - e: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (or Organization) N.A.T.O. e: National Association of Temperance Officials - e: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NATN e: National Association of Theatre Nurses - e: National Association of Training Nurses

NATOA e: National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors

N.A.T.N. e: National Association of Theatre Nurses

NATO-AEW e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Airborne Early Warning

NATNAVMEDCEN e: National Naval Medical Center

NATO-AGARD e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Advisory Group for Aeronautial Research and Development

NATNAVRESMASTCONRADSTA e: National Naval Reserve Master Control Radio Station Natn Bank Mon Sum e: National Bank. Monthly Summary Natn Bank Mon Sum Aust Cond e: National Bank of Australasia. Monthly Summary of Australian Conditions Natn Bldr e: National Builder NAT-NE e: North Atlantic Treaty Northern European Regional Planning Group Natnet e: National Network NATNews e: NATNews. National Association of Theatre Nurses

NATO-ARW e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Research Workshop Nat Obs e: National Observer NATO/CCMS Air Pollut e: NATO/CCMS [North Atlantic Treaty Organization/ Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society] Air Pollution NATOCEB e: NATO Communications Electronics Board NATO Comm Challenges Mod Soc Air Pollut e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. Air Pollution NATODC e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense College

Natn Farmer e: National Farmer Nat Mag e: National Magazine NATMAP e: Division of National Mapping - e: National Mapping

Natn Geogr Mag e: National Geographic Magazine

NATODEFCOL e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense College

Natn Hosp e: National Hospital

NATOELLA e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-European Long Lines Agency

Natn Jewish Mon e: National Jewish Monthly

NAT-OJT e: National On-the-Job Training Program

Natn Parks J e: National Parks Journal

Nat.-Ok. d: Nationalökonomie]

Natn Rehab Digest e: National Rehabilitation Digest

Nat-Okon Tss a: Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift

Natn Res Progm Agric Res Serv e: National Research Program. Agricultural Research Service

NATO-LRSS e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Long-Range Scientific Studies

Nat Map Bull e: National Mapping Bulletin NATMC e: National Advanced Technology Management Conference NATMH e: National Association of Teachers of the Mentally Handicapped NATMILCOMSYS e: National Military Command[s] System NATMIRC e: National Marine Information and Research Centre -/· Centre National d'Information et de Recherche Marines NatMIS e: National Marine Information System Nat. M. J. e: National Medical Journal NATMM e: National Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers NATMO e: Indian National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization Nat Mon e: National Monument

Natn Symp Hydrol e: National Symposium on Hydrology Natn Times e: National Times Natn Times Mag e: National Times Magazine NATO a: Nordatlantiske Traktats Organisation - e: National Association of Taxicab Owners - e: National Association of Telephone Operators - e: National Association of Temperance Officials - e: National Association of Tenants Organizations

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NATOMILOCGRP e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Military Oceanography Group NATOPS e: Naval Aeronautical Tactical Operations - e: Naval Air Training and Operating (or Operational) Procedures Standardization NATO-RDPP e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Multilateral Research and Development Production Program NATOs e: National Association of Theatre Owners NATOSAT e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Satellite


NATO-SC NATO-SC e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Science Committee NATOSC e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Supply Classification NATO SOFA e; NATO Status of Forces Agreement NATOUSA e: North African Theater of Operations, United States Army

Nat Q [Rev] e: National Quarterly Review NATR d: Nordischer Amateur Theater Rat - e: Natchez Trace Parkway - e: National Association of Technical Research - e: National Association of Tenants and Residents - e: National Association of Toy Retailers - e: National Representative - e: Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. Nat R e: National Review

NATO-ZABK d: Zusatzabkommen zu dem Abkommen der Parteien des Nordatlantikvertrags über die Rechtstellung ihrer Truppen [NATO-Truppenstatut] NATP e; National Association of Tax Practitioners - e: National Association of Television Program Executives

NATRA e: National Association of Television and Radio Announcers - e: National Association of Television and Radio Artists - e: National Association of Television Recording Artists NATRACOM e: Naval Air Training Command

Nat P e: Nationalities Papers

Nat Res Counc Can Unsteady Aerodyn Lab Lab Tech Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Unsteady Aerodynamics Laboratory. Laboratory Technical Report Nat Res Counc Comm Probl Drug Depend Proc Annu Sei Meet [US] e: National Research Council. Committee of Problems of Drug Dependence. Proceedings. Annual Scientific Meeting [United States] Nat Res Counc Conf Elec Insul Annu Rep e: National Research Council. Conference on Electrical Insulation. Annual Report Nat Res Council Can Div Mech Engng Gen e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering General Newsletter Nat Res Counc Nat Acad Sei Rep e: Research Council. National Academy of Sciences. Reports

Nat Racq e: National Racquetball NATPA e: North America Taiwanese Professors' Association NAT PAC e: National PAC [Political Action Committee] Nat Pal Mus B e: National Palace Museum. Bulletin

NATRADIVENGCOM e: Naval Air Training Division Engineering Command

Nat Rev e: National Review NATRC e: North American Trail Ride Conference NATRE e: North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment

Nat Parent-Teach e: National Parent-Teacher Nat Parks e: National Parks Magazine Nat Parks & Con Mag e: National Parks and Conservation Magazine

Nat Real Estate Invest[or] e: National Real Estate Investor Nat Reg e: National Register Nat Rep e: National Republic

NATPE e: National Association of Television Program Executives Nat Pet N e: National Petroleum News Nat Petrol Refiners Ass Tech Papers e: National Petroleum Refiners Association. Technical Papers Nat Phys Lab [Gt Brit] Notes Appl Sei e: National Physical Laboratory [Great Britain], Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Notes on Applied Science Nat Phys Lab UK Collect Res e: National Physical Laboratory [United Kingdom]. Collected Researches Nat Pk e: National Park NATPLAN e: National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil NATPN e: North African Transportation Section Nat Poult Impr Plan Rep US Dept Agric Sei Educ Admin e: National Poultry Improvement Plan. Report. United States Department of Agriculture. Science and Education Administration NATPRO e: National Provincial Bank Nat Probation Assn Yrbk e: National Probation and Parole Association. Yearbook Nat Public Accountant e: National Public Accountant


Nat. Resources J. e: Natural Resources Journal

NATRFD e: National Association of Television-Radio Firm Directors NATRI e: National Association of Treasurers of Religious Institutes - e: Naval Training Requirements Information NATRON e: National Cash Register Electronic Data Processing System NAT-RPG e: North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Group

Nat Rept Syst e: National Reporter System Nat Res Counc Bldg Res Adv Bd Tech Rep e: National Research Council. Building Research Advisory Board. Technical Report Nat Res Counc Can Aeronaut Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Aeronautical Report Nat Res Counc Can Annu Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Annual Report Nat Res Counc Can Ass Comm Geod Geophys Proc Hydrol Symp e: National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics. Proceedings of Hydrology Symposium

NATS e: National Activity to Test Software - e: National Air Toxics Strategy - e: National Air Traffic Service[s] [Ltd.] - e: National Association of Teachers of Singing[. Bulletin] - e: National Association of Temporary Services - e: National Association of Textile Supervisors - e: National Association of Training Schools - e: National Securities Corp. - e: Naval Air Test Station - e: Naval Air Transport Service - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Autodin Terminal Subsystem - e: North American Truffling Society - e: North Atlantic Track System - r: Nordisk Avisteknisk Samarbetsnaemnd

Nat Res Counc Can Ass Comm Geotech Res Tech Memo e: National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research Technical Memorandum

Nats e: National Party members - e: Nationalists

Nat Res Counc Can Div Bldg Res Bibliogr e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research. Bibliography

NATSAA e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Air Traffic Service Advisory Agency

Nat Res Counc Can Div Mech Eng Mech Eng Rep e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering Report

Nat Safety News e: National Safety News

Nat Res Counc Can Mech Eng Rep ME e: National Research Council of Canada Mechanical Engineering Report. ME


· Säur, München

NATSA e: National Associated Truck Stops and Associates

Nat Saf News e: National Safety News Nat Sand Gravel Ass NSGA Circ e: National Sand and Gravel Association. NSGA Circular NATSARCON e: Australian National Search and Rescue Conference

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Naturw Ver [Halle] Jber Nat Savings and Loan League J e: National Savings and Loan League. Journal

Nat Soc Med Res Bull e: National Society for Medical Research. Bulletin

NATS Bul[l] e: NATS [National Association of Teachers of Singing] Bulletin

Nat Soc Study Ed Yrbk e: National Society for the Study of Education. Yearbook

NATSC e: National Association of Training School Chaplains - e: National Association of Trap and Skeet Clubs

NATSOPA e: National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants

Nat Sc As Staten Island Pr e: Natural Science Association of Staten Island. Proceedings

nat.-soz. d: nationalsozialistisch

Nat.-Soz. d: Nationalsozialismus

NATSPAC e: Naval Air Transport Service, Pacific Wing

Nat.Sc.D. e: Doctor of Natural Science

- e: Naval Air Turbine Test Station - e: North American Transvestite/Transsexual Society NATTS-ATL e: Naval Air Turbine Test Station-Aeronautical Turbine Laboratory NATTU e: Naval Air Technical Training Unit NATU e: National Association of Trade Unions - e: Natura Energy Corp. - e: Naval Aircraft Torpedo Unit - e: Naval Amphibious Training Unit - e: Naval Aviation Training Unit - n: Nederlandse Amateur Toneel Unie

NATSPG e: North Atlantic Systems Planning Group

Nat U /· Nations Unies

NAT-STD e: NATO STANAG International Standards

NATUAS e: National Association of Trade Union Approved Societies

Nat Sei Fdn e: National Science Foundation

Nat Stock & F e: National Stockman and Farmer

Nat UL Rev e: Natal University. Law Review - e: National University. Law Review

Nat Sei Rep Ochanomizu Univ e: Natural Science Report. Ochanomizu University

N.A.T.S.U. e: Naval Aircraft Transport and Salvage Unit

Nat Underw e: National Underwriter

Nat Sei Res Nat Sei Inst Chosun Univ e: Natural Science Research. Natural Science Institute. Chosun University

Nat Sup e: National Superannuation

Nat Underw [Fire Ed] e: National Underwriter [Fire and Casualty Insurance Edition] Nat Underw [Life [Ed]] e: National Underwriter [Life and Health Insurance Edition]

Nat Sculp R e: National Sculpture Review

NATT e: National Association of Towns and Township Officials - e: Naval Air Technical Training - e: North Atlantic Technology, Inc. - e: Northern Australia[n] Tropical Transect

Nat Sculpt e: National Sculpture Review

Nat T e; National Times

Nat Underw [Prop[erty] Ed] e: National Underwriter [Property and Casualty Insurance Edition]

NATSECM e: National Security Medal

N Att e: Naval Attache

Nat Sec R e: National Security Record

NATTA e: North American Trackless Trolley Association

Nat Schedule Rates e: National Schedule of Rates Nat Sei Bull Univ Amoy e: Natural Science Bulletin. University of Amoy

Nat Scty e: National Security

NAT Uni e: National University

Nat Sec Soc e: National Secular Society

Natural Bridges e: Natural Bridges National Monument in Southeastern Utah

Nat Tax J e: National Tax Journal Nat Seedsman e: National Seedsman Nat Tax Mag e: National Tax Magazine

NATURBTESTSTA e: Naval Air Turbine Test Station

Nat Semi e: National Semiconductor Corp. Natt Better J e: National Butter Journal Natsemi e: National Semiconductor Corporation NATSEMI e: National Semiconductor Incorporated NAT-SEWM e: North Atlantic Treaty Southern Europe, Western Mediterranean Regional Planning Group NATSF e: Naval Air Technical Services Facility - e: Naval Air Technical Support Facility

NATTC e: National Tank Truck Carriers - e: Naval Air Technical Training Center - e: Naval Air Technical Training Command NATTCL e: Naval Air Technical Training Center, Lakehurst Nat Tech Rep e: National Technical Report NAT/TFG e: North Atlantic Traffie Forecasting Group

Naturf Gesell Basel Verh d: Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. Verhandlungen Naturforsch Ges Basel Verh d: Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. Verhandlungen Naturheilbund d: Deutscher Bund für naturgemäße Lebens- und Heilweise [Naturheilbund] e.V. Naturh-Med Ver Heidelberg Verh d: Naturhistorisch-Medizinischer Verein zu Heidelberg. Verhandlungen

Nat Times e: National Times NATSFERRY e: Naval Air Transport Service, Ferry Command NAT-SG e: North Atlantic Treaty Standing Group

NATTKE e: National Association of Theatrical, Television and Kine[matograph] Employees Nat T Mag e: National Times Magazine

NATSJA e: National Association of Training School[s] and Juvenile Agencies

Nat Trust e: National Trust

NATSLANT e: Naval Air Transport Service, Atlantic Wing

Nat Trust Aust Bull e: National Trust of Australia. Bulletin

NATSO e: National Association of Truck Stop Operators

Nat Trust Bui e: National Trust Bulletin

Naturh Ver Preus Rheinl Verb d: Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens. Verhandlungen Natur Sei Rep Ochanomizu Univ e: Natural Science Report. Ochanomizu University Naturwiss Fak Munich Univ Inaug-Diss d: Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Munich Universität. Inaugural-Dissertation Naturwiss Ver Schleswig-Holstein Sehr d: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schleswig-Holstein. Schriften

Nat Trust Studies e: National Trust Studies nat.-soc. a: nationalsocialistisk NATTS e: National Association of Trade and Technical Schools

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Naturw Ver [Halle] Jber d: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein [Halle]. Jahresberichte


Naturw Ver Neuvorpommern und Rügen in Greifswald Mitt Naturw Ver Neuvorpommern und Rügen in Greifswald Mitt d: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Neuvorpommern und Rügen in Greifswald. Mitteilungen

NAUCA e: National Association of Users of Computer Applications to Learning - 5: Nomenclatura Arancelaria Uniforme Centroamericana

NATUS e: Naturalized United States Citizen

NAUCAL e: National Association of Users of Computer Applied Learning

NATUSA e: North African Theater, United States Army Nat.-V. d: Nationalversammlung

Nauc Bjulletin Leningrad R: Naucnyj Bjulletin Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennaja Universiteta

NATVA e: National All Terrain Vehicle Association

Naucn Ezeg Cernovits Univ R: Naucnyj Ezegodnik Cernovitskogo Universiteta

NATVAS e: National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

Naucn Ezeg Odess Gos Univ Biol Fak R: Naucnyj Ezegodnik Odesskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Biologicheskii Fakul'tet

NATVAV e: North Atlantic Navigation NatW d: Nationale Wochenschau NATW e: National Association of Texaco Wholesalers - e: National Association of Town Watch - e: National War College - e: Naval Air Transport Wing NATWA e: National Auto[mobile] and Truck Wreckers Association NATwA e: North American Tiddlywinks Association Nat W Bank e: National Westminster Bank. Quarterly Review NatWest e: National Westminster Bank [Group]

Naucn Ezeg Odess Gos Univ Khim Fak R: Naucnyj Ezegodnik Odesskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Khimicheskii Fakul'tet

Nat Wetlands Newsletter e: National Wetlands Newsletter NATWF e; North American Tug of War Federation

NAUSAWC e: National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assistants, Warehousemen and Clerks

NAUTEL e: Nautical Electronic Laboratories Ltd.

Nauc Trudy Tjumensk Univ R: Naucnye Trudy Tjumenskogo Universiteta

NAUTS e: National Union of Tanganyika Students

N.A.U.E.F.M. e: National Amalgamated Union of Enginemen, Firemen, Mortormen, etc.

NAUTT e: National Association of Unions in the Textile Trade

NAUFMA e: National Association of Urban Flood Management Agencies

NAUG e: National Applework[er]s Users Group - e: Naugles, Inc. NAUHF [Green Pine] e: Northern Area Ultra High Frequency Radio System

NATWJ e: National Alliance of Third World Journalists

NAUI e: National Association of Underwater Instructors

NATWP e: Naval Air Transport Wing, Pacific

NAUI News e: NAUI [National Association of Underwater Instructors] News

NAU e: Nalcus Resources - e: Nanjing Agricultural University - e: Narcotics Assistance Unit [Department of State] - e: Natal Agricultural Union - e: Nautec Corp. - e: Naval Administration Unit - e: Noise Augmentation Unit - e: Nordic Confederation of Supervisors, Technicians and Other Managers - e: Northern Arizona University -/· Confederation Nordique des Cadres, Techniciens, et Autres Responsables

NAUJA e: Nagpur University. Journal


N.A.U.S.A. e: National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assistants

Nauc Trudy Taskent Univ R: Naucnye Trudy Taskentskogo Universiteta

NAuHi e: Cayuga County Historical Society, Auburn

NAUB e: National Association of Urban Bankers

NAUS e: National Aerospace Utilization System - e: National Airspace Utilization Study - e: National Airspace Utilization System - e: National Association for Uniformed Services, Inc.

NAUS-PAC e: National Association for Uniformed Services-Political Action Committee

Nat Wildlife e: National Wildlife

NAUA e: National Aircraft Underwriters' Association - e: National Auto[mobile] Underwriters' Association - e: Nordic Association of University Administrators

NAUPA e: National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assistants - e: National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators

Naucn Ezeg Odess Univ R: Naucnyj Ezegodnik Odesskogo Universiteta

NAUFOF e: North American UFO Federation Nat Westminster] Bank Q R[ev] e: National Westminster Bank. Quarterly Review

NAUP e: National Association of Unemployed Persons

Nauk Scorichnik Derz Univ im T G Sevcenka U: Naukovij Scorichnik. IQ'vs'kii Derzavnii Universitet imeni T. G. Sevcenka NAUL e: Netherland-America[n] University League NAULAS e: North American Union Life Assurance Society N.A.U.L.A.W. e: National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers NAUM e: National Association of Uniform Manufacturers NAUMD e: National Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors NAUOIS e: Netherlands Association of Users of On-Line Information Systems

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NAUW e: National Association of University Women NAUWS e: Naval Advanced Undersea Weapons School NAV d: Nationale Alarmzentrale - d: Norddeutsche Ausstellungsvereinigung - d: Normenausschuß Vakuumtechnik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - d: Verband der niedergelassenen Ärzte Deutschlands e.V. - e: National American Veterans - e: National Association of Videographers - e: Naval Artillery Volunteers - e: Navistar International Corp. - e: Nonalcoholic Volunteers - e: Nurserymen's Association of Victoria - e: Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation - n: Nederlandsche Alpen-Vereeniging, Amsterdam - n: Nederlandse Aerosole Vereniging - n: Nederlandse Anethesisten Vereniging - n: Nederlandse Anthropogenetische Vereniging nav d: Navigation N.A.V. r: Norrbottens Arbetsstugors Vanner NAVA e: National Association for Veterinary Acupuncture - e: National Association of Veterinary Assistants - e: National Association of Visual Arts - e: National Audio-Visual Association - e: Navajo National Monument - e: North American Vexillological Association NAVAC e: National Audio-Visual Aids Center (or Centre) - e: North American Vaccine, Inc. NAVACD e; Naval Academy

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NAVARMDEP NAVACT e: Naval Activities NAVADCOM e: Naval Administrative Command

NAVAIRESFORRON e: Naval Air Reserve Force Squadron

NAVAIRSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters

NAVAIRESMOPIXU e: Naval Air Reserve Mobile Photographic Unit

NAVAIRSYSCOMREP e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative

NAVAIRESTRAU e: Naval Air Reserve Training Unit

NAVAIRSYSCOMREPAC e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Pacific

NAVAIRESU e: Naval Air Reserve Unit

NAVAIRSYSCOMREPCENT e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Central

NAVADGP e: Naval Advisory Group NAVADGRU e: Naval Advisory Group - e: Navy Administrative Group NAVADMINO e: Navy Administrative Office [or Officer]

NAVAIREWORKF e: Naval Air Rework Facility

NAVADMINU e: Naval Administration Unit

NAVAIRSYSCOMREPLANT e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Atlantic

NAVAIRFAC e: Naval Air Facility NAVADS e: Navy Automated Transportation Documentation System

NAVAIRINST e: Naval Air Systems Command Instruction

NAVAIRSYSCOMREPPNCLA e: Naval Air Systems Command Representative, Pensacola, Fla.

NAVAIRINTO e: Naval Air Intelligence Office

NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC e. Naval Air Technical Services Facility

NAVAIRLANT e: Naval Air Forces, Atlantic

NAVAIRTESTCEN e: Naval Air Test Center

NAVAIRMAINTRAGRU e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Group

NAVAIRTESTCENT e: Naval Air Test Center

NAVAIRMAINTTRADET e: Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment

NAVAIRTESTFAC e: Naval Air Test Facility

NAVAIRMATCEN e: Naval Air Material Center

NAVAIRTESTFAC [SHIPEVSTAL] e: Naval Air Test Facility [Ships Installation]

NAVAIRMINEDEFDEVU e: Naval Air Mine Defense Development Unit

NAVAIRTORPU e: Naval Aircraft Torpedo Unit


NAVAIRTRACEN e: Naval Air Training Center

NAVAEROSPRECFAC e: Navy Aerospace Recovery Facility

NAVAIRNEWS e: Naval Air News

NAVAIRTRANSWG e: Naval Air Transport Wing

NAVAF e: Navy-Air Force

NAVAIRPAC e: Naval Air Forces, Pacific

NAVAID e: Navigational Aid

NAVAIRPROPCEN e: Naval Air Propulsion Center

NAVADUNIT e: Naval Administrative Unit NAVADUSEAWPNSCOL e: Naval Advanced Underseas Weapons School NAVAE e: National Association for Vietnamese-American Education NAVAEROMEDCEN e: Naval Aeronautical Medical Center NAVAERORECOVF e: Naval Aerospace Recovery Facility NAVAEROSPMEDINST e: Naval Aerospace Medical Institute NAVAEROSPMEDRSCHINST e: Naval Aerospace Medical Research Institute

NAVAIDS e: Navigational Airborne Integrated Data Systems NAVAIDS-CMO e: Navigation Aids Communications Management Office NAVAIDSUPPU e: Navigational Aids Support Unit

NAVAIRTURBTESTSTA e: Naval Air Turbine Test Station NAVAIRWG e: Naval Air Wing

NAVAIRPROPTESTCEN e: Naval Air Propeller Test Center - e: Naval Air Propulsion Test Center

NAVAL e: National Audio-Visual Aid Library

NAVAIRRENGCEN e: Naval Air Engineering Center

Naval Engrs J e: American Society of Naval Engineers. Journal

NAVAIRRES e: Naval Air Reserve

NAVALOT e: Allotment Division

NAVAIRREWORKF e: Naval Air Rework Facility

NAV ALT e: Naval Alteration

NAVAIR e: Naval Air Systems Command NAVAIRANDACT e: Naval Air Research and Development Activities NAVAIRBASICTRACOM e: Naval Air Basic Training Command

NAVAIRREWORKFAC e: Naval Air Rework Facility NAVAIRSTA e: Naval Air Station

NAVAIRDEVCEN e; Naval Air Development Center

NAVAIRSUPPU e; Naval Air Support Unit

NAVAIRDEVU e: Naval Air Development Unit

NAVAIRSYSCO e: Naval Air Systems Command

NAVAIRECONTECHSUPCEN e: Naval Air Reconnaissance Technical Support Center

NAVAIRSYSCOM e: Naval Air Systems Command

NAVAIRENGCEN e: Naval Air Engineering Center NAVAIRENGLAB e: Naval Air Engineering Laboratory

NAVAIRSYSCOMFELSUPREPCEN e: Naval Air Systems Command Fleet Supply Representative Center NAVAIRSYSCOMFLEREADREP e: Naval Air Systems Command Fleet Readiness Representative

NAVAIRENGRFAC e: Naval Air Engineering Facility

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NAVANTRA e: Naval Air Advanced Training Center NAVANTRACOM e: Naval Air Advanced Training Command NAVAP e: National Association of VA [Veterans Administration] Physicians NAVAPSCIENCLAB e: Naval Applied Science Laboratory NAVARA e: Navy Appelate Review Activity Nav Arch e: Naval Architect NAVAREAAUDSVC e: Naval Area Audit Service NAVARMDEP e: Superintendent (or Officer) in Charge Naval Armament and/or Ammunition Depot at [Place]


NAVAS NAVAS n: Nederlandse Aannemers Vereniging van Afbouw- en Stukadoorswerken

NAVBOILAB e: Navy Boiler Laboratory

NAVCLOTH&TEXTOFC e: Navy Clothing and Textile Office

NAVASO e: Naval Aviation Supply Office

NAVBROCEANOS e: Navy Branch Oceanographic Office

NAVCO e: National Vice-Commodore

Nav Bs e: Naval Base

NAVCOM n: Navigatie en Communicatie

NAVC d: Neuer Automobil- und VerkehrsClub e.V. - e: National Audiovisual Center - e: Naval Aviation Cadet

NAVCOMCOM e: Naval Communications Command

NAVBOILLAB e: Navy Boiler Laboratory NAVCMD e: Navigation Command

NAVAST n: Nationaal Verbond der Aannemers-Schrijnwerkers en Timmerlieden NAVASTROGRU e: Naval Astronautics Group - e: Navy Astronautics Group NAVASWDATACEN e; Navy Antisubmarine Warfare Data Center

NAVCA e: North American Veterinary College Administrators

NAVCOMMAREA e. Naval Communications Area NAVCOMMCOM e: Naval Communications Command

NAVAUDSVC e: Director, Naval Audit Service

NAVCAD e: Naval Aviation Cadet

NAVAUTH e: Naval Authority

NavCad e: Naval Cadet

NAVCOMMFAC e: Naval Communications Facility

NAVAVIAENGSERVUNIT e: Naval Aviation Engineering Services Unit

NAVCAG e: Allied Naval Forces Central Army Group

NAVCOMMHQ Headquarters

NAVAVIONICFAC e: Naval Avionic Facility

NAVCALS e: Naval Communication Area Local Station

NAVCOMMOPNET e; Naval Communications Operation Network

NAVAVIONICSFAC e: Naval Avionics Facility

NAVCAMS e: Naval Communication[s] Area Master Station

NAVCOMMSTA e; Naval Communication[s] Station - e: Navy Communication Station

NAVAVMUSEUM e: Naval Aviation Museum

NAVCAMSSOAM e: Naval Communication Area Master Station, South America

NAVAVNLOGCEN e: Naval Aviation Logistics Center

NAVCAP e: Naval Combat Air Patrol

NAVAVNMEDCEN e: Naval Aviation Medical Center

NAVCARGOHANBN e: Naval Cargo Handling Battalion

e: Naval Communications

NAVCOMMSYSHQ e. Naval Communications System Headquarters NAVCOMMSYSSUPPACT e: Naval Communications Systems Support Activity

NAVCAT e: Naval Career Appraisal Team

NAVCOMMTRACEN e. Naval Communications Training Center

NAVCBCEN e: Naval Construction Battalion Center

NAVCOMMU e: Naval Communications Unit

NAVAVNWEPSFAC e: Naval Aviation Weapons Facilities

NAVCC e: Naval Communications Center

NAVCOMMUNR e: Naval Communications Unit, Naval Reserve

NAVAVSCOLCOM e: Naval Aviation Schools Command

NAVCENFRACO e: Navy Central Freight Control Office

NAVB e: National Association of Volunteer Bureaux

NAVCENT e: Allied Naval Forces Central Europe

NAVBALTAP e: Allied Naval Forces Baltic Approaches -/· Forces navales alliees des approches de la Baltique - i : Forze Navali Alleate degli Stretti Baltici

NAVCHAPGRU e: Navy Cargo Handling and Port Group

NAVBASE e; Naval Base

NAVCEVTSUPPACT e; Navy Counterintelligence Support Activity

NAVAVNSAFECEN e: Naval Aviation Safety Center

NavCICScol e: Naval Counterintelligence Corps School

NAVBASECOM e: Naval Base Command NAVBASELANT e: Naval Bases Atlantic NAVBASEPAC e: Naval Bases Pacific NAVBC e: National Agricultural and Veterinary Biotechnology Centre

NAVCEVTSUPPCEN e; Navy Counterintelligence Support Center NAVCEVTSUPPGRU e. Navy Counterintelligence Support Group NAVCEVTSUPPU e; Navy Counterintelligence Support Unit

NAVBCHGRU e: Naval Beach Group

NAVCOMPARS e: Naval Communications Processing and Routing System - e: Navy Automated Message Processing System NAVCOMPT e: Comptroller of the Navy NAVCOMPTINST e; Office of the Comptroller of the Navy Instruction NAVCOMSTA e: Naval Communications Station NAVCOMSYSSUPPACT e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NAVCOMSYSSUPPCEN e: Naval Command Systems Support Center NAVCOMSYSTO e: Navy Commissary Store NAVCOMTELSTA e: Naval Computer & Telecommunications Station

NAVBEACHGRU e: Naval Beach Group

NAVCIVENGLAB e: Navy Civil Engineering Laboratory

NAVBIOLAB e: Naval Biological Laboratory

NAVCJ e: National Association of/on Volunteers in Criminal Justice

Nav Const e: Naval Constructor

NAVBIT e; Naval Basic Instrument Trainer

NAVCLODEP e; Naval Clothing Depot

Nav.Const. e: Naval Constructor

NAVBMC e: Navy Ballistic Missile Committee

NAVCLOTEXTRSCHU e: Navy Clothing and Textile Research Unit

NAVCONSTBAT e: Naval Construction Battalion

NAVCOMU e: Naval Communications Unit



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NAVENGRSCH NAVCONSTBATCEN e: Naval Construction Battalion Center

NAVDEGSTALANT/PAC e: Naval Degaussing Station, Atlantic/Pacific

NAVCONSTRACEN e: Naval Construction Training Center

NAVDENCEN e: Naval Dental Center NAVDENCLINIC e: Naval Dental Clinic

NAVEDTRASUPPCENLANT e: Naval Education and Training Support Center, Atlantic NAVEDTRASUPPCENPAC e: Naval Education and Training Support Center, Pacific

NAVCONSTRAU e: Naval Construction Training Unit

NAVDENSCOL e: Navy Dental School

NAVCONSTREGT e: Naval Construction Regiment

NAVDENTECHSCOL e: Navy Dental Technician School

NAVCONVHOSP e: Naval Convalescent Hospital

Nav Dep e: Naval Deputy

NAVEKADOS n: Nationaal Verbond van Katholieke Doofstommen

NAVDEP e; Naval Deputy

NAVELEC /· [Societe] Navale d'Electricite

NAVDEPCENT e: Naval Deputy to Commander in Chief Allied Forces Central Europe

NAVELEC-SYCOM e: Naval Electronics Systems Command

NAVCOR e: Navigation Computer Corporation NAVCORCOURSECEN e: Naval Correspondence Course Center

NAVDEPT e: Navy Department NAVCO-SSACT e: Naval Command System Support Activity NAVCOSSACT e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NAVCOSSCEN e: Naval Command Systems Support Center

NAVDESCOL e: Naval Destroyer School NAVDESSCOL e: Naval Destroyer School NAVDEVTRACEN e: Navy Development Training Center

NAVELECSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Headquarters

NAVDF e: Naval Direction Finding Network

NAVELECSYSCOMNEDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Northeast Division

NAVDI e: National Association for Ventilator Dependent Individuals NAVDISBAR e: Navy Disciplinary Barracks

NAVCRUITCOM e: Navy Recruiting Command NAVCRUITDIST e: Navy Recruiting District NAVCRUITEXHIBCEN e: Navy Recruiting Exhibit Center NAVCRUITEXHIBCENCAT e: Navy Recruiting Exhibit Center Catalog NAVCRUITRACOM e: Navy Recruit Training Command

NAVDISCOM e: Navy Disciplinary Command NAVDISEASEVECTORCONCEN e: Navy Disease Vector Control Center NAVDOC e: Navy Department Orientation Course NAVDOCKS e; US Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks NAVDOCSP e: Department of Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks Publications

NAVCRUITSTA e: Navy Recruiting Station NAVCSG e: National Archives Volunteers Constitution Study Group

NAVE e: National Assessment of Vocational Education

NAVCURSERV e: Naval Courier Service NAVEA e: National Adult Vocational Education Association - n: Nationale Vereniging voor Amateursrechten

NAVD e: National Association of Video Distributors - e: North American Vertical Datum

Naveam e: Navigational Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Signals

NAVD 88 e: North American Vertical Datum 1988

NAVEAMS e: Navigational Warning East Atlantic and Mediterranean

NAVDAB e: NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Date Bank

NAVED e: National Association of Visual Education Dealers

NAVDAC e: Naval Data Automation Command - e: Navigation Data Assimilation Center

NAVEDTRA e: Naval Education and Training Command

NAVDAMCONTRACEN e: Navy Damage Control Training Center

NAVEDTRAPROGDEVCEN e: Naval Education and Training Program Development Center

NAVDEFEASTPAC e: Naval Defense Forces, Eastern Pacific

NAVEDTRASUPPCEN e: Naval Education and Training Support Center

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

NAVELECSYSCOMSEDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Southeast Division NAVELECSYSCOMWESTDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Western Division NAVELEX e: Naval Electronic[s] System Command NAVELEXACTS e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Activities NAVELEXSYSCOM e: Naval Electronics Systems Command NAVELEXSYSCOMDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Division NAVELEXSYSCOMMIDWESTDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Midwest Division

Nav E e: Naval Engineer

NAVCURSERVHQ e: Naval Courier Service Headquarters

NAVELECSYSCOM e: Naval Electronic Systems Command NAVELECSYSCOMCENLANTDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Central Atlantic Division

NAVCRUITAREA e: Navy Recruiting Area NAVCRUITBRSTA e: Navy Recruiting Branch Station

NAVEG n: Nederlandse Agentenvereniging op Verlichtings- en Electrotechnisch Gebied

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NAVELEXSYSCOMSEDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Southeast Division NAVELEXSYSCOMSOWESTDIV e: Naval Electronics Systems Command, Southwest Division NAVELEXSYSENGCEN e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Engineering Center NAVELEXTECHREP e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Technical Representative NAVEM e: Navigational Emergency Alarm Message NAVEMHA n: Nationaal Verbond der Melken Zuivelhandelaars van Belgie NAVENGRSCH e: Naval Engineering School


NAVENGRXSTA NAVENGRXSTA e: Naval Engineering Experiment Station

NAVFACENGRCOMPACDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific Division

NAVENGSCH e: Naval Engineering School NAVENVPREDRSCHFAC e: Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility

NAVFACENGRCOMSODIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division

NAVFORKOR e: Naval Forces, Korea NAVFORNORAD e: Naval Forces, North American Air Defense Command NAVFORSTAT e: Navy Force Status NAVFORV e: Naval Forces, Vietnam

NAVEODFAC e: Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility NAVEO-RECOVFAC e: Naval Aerospace Recovery Facility

NAVFACENGRCOMWESDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Division

NAVFROF e: Navy Freight Office NAVFSSO e: Navy Food Service Office

NAVFACENSYSCOM e: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command

NAVFUELDEP e: Navy Fuel Depot

NAVESNP e: National Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel

NAVFACLANTDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division

NAVFUELSUPO e: Navy Fuel Supply Office

NAVETEX n: Nationaal Verbond der Textieldetaillanten

NAVFACLANT/PAC e: Naval Facilities Atlantic/Pacific

NAVG e: Navigators Group, Inc.

NAVEU e: Naval Forces in European Waters

NAVFACNORDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northern Division

NAVEUR e: Naval Forces, Europe NAVEWA n: Nationale Vereniging der Waterleidingsbedrijven NAVEX e: National Audio-Visual Aids Exhibition - e: Navigation Exercise

NAVGEN e; Navy General NAVFACPACDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific Division NAVFACSODIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division NAVFACWESDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Division

NAVEXAM e: Naval Examining [Board] NAVEXAMCEN e: Naval Examining Center

NAVGDENSCOL e: Naval Graduate Dental School

NAVFAMALWACT e: Navy Family Allowance Activity

NAVGMSCOL e: Navy Guided Missile School NAVGMU e: Navy Guided Missile Unit NAVGP e: Naval Advisory Group NAVGRA e: Navy and Vickers Gearing Research Association NAVGRU e; Naval Group

NAVEXAMCENADVAUTHLIST e: Naval Examining Center Advancement Authorization List

NAVFCO /· [Societe] Navale francaise de Formation et Conseil NAVFE e: Naval Forces Far East

NAVEXHIBCEN e: Naval Exhibit Center NAVEXOS e: Naval Executive Office of the Secretary NAVF e: Naval Avionics Facility - N: Norges Almenvitenskapelige Forskningsrad

NAVFEC e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFECO e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command

NAVGUN e: Naval Gun Factory NAVH e: National Aid to Visually Handicapped - e: National Association for [the] Visually Handicapped - e: National Association of Voluntary Hostels NAVHET e: National Association of Vocational Home Economics Teachers

NAVFEVCEN e: Navy Finance Center

NAVFAC e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command

NAVFEVCEN-CLEVE e: Navy Finance Center-Cleveland

NAVFACCHESDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Chesapeake Division

NAVFEVCEN-WASH e: Navy Finance Center-Washington

NAVFACENGCOM e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command

NAVFEVOFF e: Navy Finance Office

NAVHISTDISPLAYCEN e: Navy Historical Display Center NAVHLTHRSCHC e: Naval Health Research Center NAVHOME e: Naval Home Command

NAVFACENGCOMHQ e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters

NAVFLDINTO e: Navy Field Intelligence Office

NAVHOMRESEVFOSYS e: Naval Home Resident Information System NAVHOS e; Naval Hospital

NAVFLDOPINTO e: Navy Field Operational Intelligence Office

NAVHOSP e: Naval Hospital

NAVFLDOPSUPPGRU e: Naval Field Operations Support Group

NAVHOSPCORPSCOL e: Naval Hospital Corps School

NAVFLIGHTPREPSCOL e: Naval Flight Preparatory School

NAVHOSPCORSCOL e: Naval Hospital Corps School

NAVFACENGRCOMCONTR e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Contractor

NAVFOR e; Naval Forces

NAVHOUSINGACT e: Naval Housing Activity

NAVFACENGRCOMHQ e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters

NAVFORCONAD e: Naval Forces, Continental Air Defense [Command]

NAVFACENGRCOMLANTDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic

NAVFOREU e: Naval Forces, Europe

NAVFACENGRCOM e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFACENGRCOMCHESDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Chesapeake Division

NAVFORGER e: Naval Forces, Germany NAVFACENGRCOMNORDIV e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northern Division


NAVFORJAP e: Naval Forces, Japan


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NAVHT e: National Association of Vocational Homemakers (or Homemaking) Teachers NAVI e: North American Ventures, Incorporated - e: Nuclear Arms Verification Instrument

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NAVNAW VIC e: Naval Information Center - e: Navy Information Center

NAVMAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center

NAVMEDRSCHINST e: Navy Medical Research Institute

NAVICECEN e: Naval Ice Center

NAVMACLANT e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Atlantic

NAVMEDRSCHLAB e: Navy Medical Research Laboratory

NAVMACPAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Pacific

NAVMEDRSCHU e: Navy Medical Research Unit

NAVMACS e: Naval Modular Automated Communications Systems - e: Navy Modular Automated Communications System

NAVMEDSCOL e: Navy School of Medicine

NAVMAIRCOMCON e: Naval and Maritime Air Communications-Electronics Conference

NAVMGTSYSCEN e: Navy Management Systems Center

NAVIGA d: Europäische Vereinigung für Schiffsmodelbau -/· Federation europeenne de modelisme nautique et de sport-modelisme nautique - e: European Model Ships Federation - e: World Organization for Modelship Building and Modelship Sport NAVILCO e: Naval International Logistics Control Office - e: Navy International Logistics Control Office NAVINFO e: Navy Information Office

NAVMAR e: Naval Forces, Marianas NAVINSGEN e: Naval Inspector General NAVINTCOM e: Naval Intelligence Command NAVINTCOMM e: Naval Intelligence Command NAVINTEL e: Naval Intelligence Nav.Int.O. e: Naval Intelligence Officer NAVINTSUPPCEN e: Naval Intelligence Support Center NAVINVSERV e: Naval Investigative Service NAVINVSERVHQ e: Naval Investigative Service Headquarters NAVINVSERVO e: Naval Investigative Service Office NAVINVSERVOREP e: Naval Investigative Service Office Representative

NAVMARCORRESCEN e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center NAVMARCOR[R]ESTRACEN e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Training Center NAVMARJUDACT e: Navy-Marine Corps Judiciary Activity

NAVISTAR e: International Harvester NAVJAC e: North American Vane Jump Angle Computer NAVJAG e: Judge Advocate General's Office Publications NAVJAP e: Naval Forces, Japan

NAVMIC e: Naval Maritime Intelligence Center - e: Naval Military Intelligence Center NAVMILPERSCOM e: Naval Military Personnel Command NAVMINCOMEASTA e: Navy Mine Countermeasures Station NAVMINDEFLAB e: Navy Mine Defense Laboratory

NAVMAT e: Naval Material Command - e: Navy Material Command - e: Office of Naval Material [Instruction]

NAVMINEDEFLAB e: Navy Mine Defense Laboratory

NAVMATCOM e: Naval Material Command

NAVMINEDEP e: Naval Mine Depot

NAVMATCOMSUPPACT e: Naval Material Command Support Activity

NAVMINENGRFAC e: Naval Mine Engineering Facility

NAVMAT COOPLAN e: Naval Material Command Contingency/Emergency Planning

NAVMINWARTRACEN e: Naval Mine Warfare Training Center

NAVMATINST e: Navy Material Instruction

NAVMIRO e: Naval Material Industrial Resources Office

NAVMATMOCON e: Navy Material Movement Control Plan - e: Navy Materiel Movement Control

NAVMIS e; Naval Mission NAVMISCEN e: Naval Missile Center

NAVION e: North American Aviation, Inc. Navis r: Navigationssällskapet, Stockholm

NAVMEDSUPPU e: Navy Medical Support Unit

NAVMATRANSOFC e: Naval Material Transportation Office

NAVMISFAC e: Naval Missile Facility

NAVMC e: Marine Corps Publications - e: Navy Marine Corps

NAVMMAC e: Naval Manpower and Material Analysis Center

NAVMED e: Naval Aerospace Medical Institute - e: Naval Forces, Mediterranean - e: Naval Medicine

NAVMMACLANT e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Atlantic

NAVMEDADMINU e: Navy Medical Administrative Unit

NAVJIT e: Naval Jet Instrument Trainer

NAVMMACPAC e: Navy Manpower and Material Analysis Center, Pacific NAVMOBCONSTBN e: Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

NAVMEDATASERVCEN e: Naval Medical Data Service Center

NAVMOD e; Navy Model

NAVMEDCEN e: Navy Medical Center

NAVMOVE e: Navigational Movements

NAVMEDCOM e: Naval Medical Command NAVMEDFLDRSCHLAB e: Navy Medical Field Research Laboratory

NAVMTO e: Naval Military Transportation Office - e: Navy Material Transportation Office - e: Navy Movement and Transportation Office

NAVMEDIS e: Navy Medical Information System

NAVMTONORVA e: Naval Military Transportation Office, Norfolk, Virginia

NAVMEDMATSUPPCOM e: Naval Medical Materiel Support Command

NAVMUTAID e: Navy Mutual Aid

NAVLO e: Naval Liaison Officer NAVLOGSIP e: Navy Logistics Support Improvement Plan

NAVMEDNPRSCHU e: Navy Medical Neuropsychiatric Research Unit

NAVJUSTSCOL e: Naval Justice School NAVL e: National Anti-Vaccination League - e: North American Van Lines, Inc. NAVLE e: North American Veterinary Licensing Examination NAVLIAGRU e: Naval Liaison Group NAVLIS e: Navy Logistics Information System

NAVN e: Naval Aviation News

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAVNAW e: Naval Forces, Northwest African Waters


NAVNET NAVNET e: Navy Network

NAVORDSYSCO[M] e; Naval Ordnance Systems Command

NAVNETDEP e; Naval Net Depot NavNews e: Navy News Service

NAVORDSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Headquarters

NAVNON e: Allied Naval Forces North Norway

NAVORDSYSCOMREP e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Representative

NAVNORCENT e: Allied Naval Forces Northern Area, Central Europe

NAVORDSYSSUPPO e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office

NAVNORSOLS e: Naval Forces, Northern Solomons

NAVORDSYSUPPOLANT e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Atlantic

NAVNORTH e: Allied Naval Forces Northern Europe

NAVORDSYSUPPOPAC e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Pacific

NAVNUPWRSCOL e: Navy Nuclear Power School

NAVORDTECHREP e: Naval Ordnance Technical Representative

NAVNUPWRTRAU e: Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit

NAVORDTESTU e: Naval Ordnance Test Unit

NAVNUPWRU e: Naval Nuclear Power Unit

NAVORDU e: Naval Ordnance Unit

NAVNZ e: Naval Forces, New Zealand

NAVOROUS e: Naval Order of the United States

NAVPETRES e: Naval Petroleum Reserve NAVPETRESO e: Naval Petroleum Reserves Office NAVPGCOL e: Navy Postgraduate College NAVPGSCOL e: Navy Postgraduate School NAVPHIBASE e: Naval Amphibious Base NAVPHIBASELANT e: Naval Amphibious Base Atlantic NAVPHIBSCOL e: Naval Amphibious School NavPhibTraULant e: Naval Amphibious Training Unit, Atlantic NAVPHIL e: Naval Forces, Philippines

NAVO d: Nationale Volksarmee - e: National Association of Volvo Owners - n: Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie

NAVp d: Normenausschuß Verpackungswesen im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V.

NAVOBS[Y] e: Naval Observatory NAVOBSYFLAGSTAFFSTA e: Naval Observatory Flagstaff [Arizona] Station NAVOCEANDISTO e: Navy Oceanographic Distribution Office NAVOCEANO[FC] e: Naval Oceanographic Office

NAVP e: National Association of Vision Professionals NAVPA e: National Association of Veterans Program Administrators NAVPAOEASCO e: Naval Public Affairs Office, East Coast

NAVPHOTOCEN e: Naval Photographic Center NAVPLANTREP e: Naval Plant Representatives Office NAVPLANTREPO e: Navy Plant Representative Office[r] NAVPM e: National Association of Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturers NAVPO e: National Association of Van Pool Operators NAVPORCO e: Naval Port Control Office[r] NAVPORCOF e: Naval Port Control Officer NAVPOSTGRADSCOL e. Naval Postgraduate School

NAVOCEAO e: Naval Oceanographic Office

NAVPAOMWEST e: Naval Public Affairs Office, Midwest

NAVOCFORMED e: Naval On-Call Force, Mediterranean

NAVPAOWESCO e: Naval Public Affairs Office, West Coast

NAVOCS e: Naval Officer Candidate School

NAVPC e: National Association of Vision Program Consultants

NAVPRIS e; Naval Prison

NAVPECO e: Navy Production Equipment Control Office

NAVPRO e: Naval Plant Representative^] Office[r]

NAVPEP e: Naval Program Evaluation Procedures

NAVPUB e: Navy Publications and Printing Service

NAVPERS e: Bureau of Naval Personnel

NAVPUBFORMCEN e: Naval Publications and Forms Center

NAVPOWFAC e: Naval Powder Factory NAVPREFLIGHTSCOL e: Naval Preflight School

NAVOPFAC e: Naval Operating Facility NAVOPSUPPGRU e: Naval Operations Support Group NAVOPSUPPGRULANT e: Naval Operations Support Group, Atlantic NAVOPSUPPGRUPAC e: Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific

NAVPERSCEN e: Naval Personnel Center

NAVORD e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command

NAVPERSINST e; Bureau of Naval Personnel Instruction

NAVORDENGFAC e: Naval Ordnance Engineering Facility

NAVPERS-PRD e: Bureau of Naval Personnel-Personnel Research Division

NAVORD ILS/MIS e: Naval Ordnance Systems Command Integrated Logistics Support/Management Information System

NAVPERSPROGSUPPACT e: Naval Personnel Programs Support Activity

NAVORDINST e: Naval Ordnance Instruction NAVORDMISTESTFAC e: Naval Ordnance Missile Test Facility NAVORDSTA e: Naval Ordnance Station

NAVPUBINST e: Navy Publications and Printing Service Instruction NAVPUBPRINTO e: Naval Publications and Printing Office NAVPUBPRINTSERVO e: Naval Publications and Printing Service Office NAV PUBS e: Navigation Publications

NAVPERSRANDLAB e: Navy Personnel Research and Development Laboratory NAVPERSREACT e: Naval Personnel Research Activity NAVPERSRSCHACT e: Naval Personnel Research Activity

NAVPUBSCONBD e: Naval Publications Control Board NAVPUBWKSCEN e: Navy Public Works Center NAVPUBWKSDEPT e: Navy Public Works Department

NAVPETOFF e: Navy Petroleum Office



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NAVSECPHILA NAVPUR[O] e: Navy Purchasing Office NAVPVNTMEDU e: Navy Preventive Medicine Unit NAVRADCON e: Naval Radiological Control

NAVRESEARCH DARTMOUTH e: Naval Research Establishment, Dartmouth NAVRESFAC e: Naval Reserve Facility NAVRESFOR e: Naval Reserve Force NAVRESLAB e: Naval Research Laboratory

NAVRADLDEFLAB e: Navy Radiological Defense Laboratory

NAVRESMANPWRCEN e: Naval Reserve Manpower Center

NAVRADSTA e: Naval Radio Station NAVRDSATCOMMGRU e: Naval Research and Development Satellite Communications Group NAVRECONTACSUPPCEN e: Navy Reconnaissance and Tactical Support Center NAVRECONTECHSUPPCEN e: Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center NAVRECONTECHSUPPCENLANT e: Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center, Atlantic NAVRECONTECHSUPPCENPAC e: Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center, Pacific

NAVSCIENTECHINTELCENPAC e: Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center, Pacific

NAVRESMIDSCOL e: Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School NAVRESOREACT e: Naval Reserve Officer Recording Activity NAVRESREDCOM e: Naval Reserve Readiness Command NAVRESSECGRP e: Naval Reserve Security Group NAVRESSO e: Navy Resale and Services Support Office NAVRESTRACEN e: Naval Reserve Training Center NAVRESTRACOM e: Naval Reserve Training Command

NAVSCOLCEOFF e: Naval City Engineer Corps Officers School NAVSCOLCOM e: Naval Schools Command NAVSCOLCOM NORVA e: Naval Schools Command, Norfolk, Virginia NAVSCOLDEEPSEADIVER e: Navy Deep Sea Divers' School NAVSCOLEOD e: Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal School NAVSCOLHOSPADMIN e: Naval Hospital Administration School NAVSCOLMINWAR e: Naval School of Mine Warfare NAVSCOLMINWARFARE e: Naval Mine Warfare School NAVSCOLTRANSMGT e: Naval School of Transportation Management NAVSCON e: Naval Schools, Construction

NAVRECSTA e: Naval Receiving Station NAVREGAIRCARCONO e: Navy Regional Air Cargo Control Office NAVREGFINCEN e: Navy Regional Finance Center NAVREGFINCENBKLN e: Navy Regional Finance Center, Brooklyn NAVREGFINCENGLAKES e: Navy Regional Finance Center, Great Lakes NAVREGFINCENNORVA e: Navy Regional Finance Center, Norfolk, Virginia NAVREGFINCENPEARL e: Navy Regional Finance Center, Pearl Harbor NAVREGFINCENSDIEGO e: Navy Regional Finance Center, San Diego NAVREGFINCENSFRAN e: Navy Regional Finance Center, San Francisco

NAVRESTRAFAC e: Naval Reserve Training Facility

NAVSCSCOL e: Naval Supply Corps School NAVSCSOL

NAVRETRAINCOM e: Naval Retraining Command

e: Naval Supply Corps School

NAVROUTE e: Navy Routing Office

NAVSEA e: Naval Avionics Support Equipment Appraisal - e: Naval Sea System[s] Command

NAVRSCHLAB e: Naval Research Laboratory

NAVSEACARCOR e: Navy Sea Cargo Coordinator

NAVRYUKYUS e: Naval Forces, Ryukyus

NAVSEACENTLANT e: Naval Sea Support Center-Atlantic

NAVS e: National Anti-Vivisection Society - e: National Association of Variety Stones - e: North American Vegetarian Society

NAVSEACENTPAC e: Naval Sea Support Center-Pacific

Nav.S. d: Navigationsschule

NAVSEC e: Naval Ship Engineering Center

N.A.V.S. e: National Anti-Vivisection Society

NAVSECENGRFAC e: Navy Security Engineering Facility

NAVSA /· Syndicat National de Vente et Services Automatiques

NAVSECGRU e: Naval Security Group - e: Navy Security Group

NAVSAFECEN e: Navy Safety Center NAVREGMEDCEN e: Naval Regional Medical Center NAVREGPROCO e: Navy Regional Procurement Office

NAVSANDA e: Bureau of Supplies and Accounts NAVSAT e: Navigation[al] Satellite - e: Navy Satellite System

NAVREL e: Navy Relief Society NAVREP e: Navy Representative [to the Federal Aviation Administration]

NAVSCAP e: Allied Naval Forces Scandinavian Approaches Nav.Sch. d: Navigationsschule

NAVSECGRUACT e: Navy Security Group Activity NAVSECGRUCOM e: Naval Security Group Command NAVSECGRUDET e: Naval Security Group Detachment NAVSECGRUHQ e: Navy Security Group Headquarters

NAVREPFAC e: Naval Repair Facility Nav Sch e: Navigation School NAVREPLBN e: Naval Replacement Battalion NAVREPLCO e: Naval Replacement Company NAVRES e: Naval Reserve

NAVSCIENTECHINTELCEN e: Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center NAVSCIENTECHINTELCENLANT e: Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center, Atlantic

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAVSECMECHSDIV e: Naval Ship Engineering Center, Mechanicsburg Division NAVSECNORDIV e: Naval Ship Engineering Center, Norfolk Division NAVSECPHILA e: Naval Ship Engineering Center, Philadelphia


NAVSEC-PHILADIV NAVSEC-PHILADIV e: Naval Ship Engineering Center-Philadelphia Division NAVSECSDIEGODIV e: Naval Ship Engineering Center, San Diego Division

NAVSHORELECENGACTLANT e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Atlantic

NAVSUBMEDRSCHLAB e: Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory NAVSUBSCOL e: Naval Submarine School

NAVSECSTA e: Naval Security Station

NAVSHORELECENGACTPAC e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Pacific

NAVSUBSISOFC e: Naval Subsistence Office

NAVSEEACT e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Activity

NAVSHORELECGCEN e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Center

NAVSUBSUPPFAC e: Navy Submarine Support Facility

NAVSEEACTLANT e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Atlantic

NAVSIGSCH e: Naval Signal School

NAVSUBTRACENPAC e: Naval Submarine Training Center, Pacific

NAVSEEACTPAC e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Activity, Pacific NAVSEG e: Navigation Satellite Executive Steering Group

NAVSIT e: Navy Scholarship Information Team NAVSMO e: Navigation Satellite Management Office

NAVSUP e: Naval Supply Systems Command NAVSUPCEN e: Naval Supply Center NAVSUPDEP e: Naval Supply Depot

NAVSERVSCOLCOM e: Naval Service Schools Command

NAVSO e: Naval Supply Office - e: Navy, Secretary's Office - e: Navy Staff Offices

NAVSES e: Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

NAVSOC e: Naval Special Warfare Special Operations Component

NAVSEX e: Naval Standing Exercise

NAVSOF e: Naval Special Warfare Forces

NAVSHIP e: Naval Ship Systems Command

NAVSOUTH e: Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe - e: Naval Forces, Southern Region

NAVSUPDEPT e: Naval Supply Department NAVSUPFORANT e: Naval Support Forces, Antarctia NAVSUPGRU e: Naval Support Group

NAVSHIPCOM e: Naval Ship Systems Command NAVSHIPENGCEN e: Naval Ship Engineering Center NAVSHIPENGSUPPACT e: Naval Ship Engineering Support Activity NAVSHIPLO e: Naval Shipbuilding Liaison Office

NAVSUPORANT e: Naval Support Forces, Antarctica NAVSUPPACT e: Navy Support Activity

NAVSPASUR e: Naval Space Surveillance System

NAVSUPPACTDET e: Navy Support Activity Detachment

NAVSPASYSACT e: Navy Space Systems Activity

NAVSUPPFOR e: Naval Support Force

NAVSPECWARGP e: Naval Special Warfare Group

NAVSUPPFORANTARCTIC e: Naval Support Forces, Antarctic NAVSUPRANDDFAC e: Navy Supply Research and Development Facility

NAVSHIPMISYSENGSTA e: Naval Ship Missile Systems Engineering Station

NAVSPECWARGRU e: Naval Special Warfare Group - e: Navy Special Warfare Group

NAVSHIPMISYSENGSYS e: Naval Ships Missile System Engineering System

NAVSS e: National Association of Victims Support Schemes

NAVSUPSYSCOM e: Naval Supply Systems Command

NAVSHIPREPFAC e: Naval Ship Repair Facility

NAVSSES e: Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

NAVSUPSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Supply Systems Command Headquarters

NAVSHIPRSCHDEVCEN e: Naval Ship Research and Development Center

NAVSTA e; Naval Staff - e: Naval Station

NAVSURFLANT e: Naval Surface Force, Atlantic

NAVSHIPRSCHDEVCENANNA e: Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Annapolis Division

NAVSTALANT e: Naval Stations Atlantic

NAVSURFPAC e: Naval Surface Force, Pacific

NAVSHIPS e: Naval Ships Systems Command

Navstar e: Global Positioning Satellite Communication Set

NAVSHIPSO e: Navy Shipbuilding Scheduling Office

NAVSTAR e: Navigation System [Using] Timing and Range [Global Positioning Satellite] - e: Navy Study of Transport Aircraft Requirements

NAVSHIPSTO e: Navy Ships Store Office NAVSHIPSYSCOM e: Naval Ship Systems Command NAVSHIPSYSCOMHQ e: Naval Ship Systems Command Headquarters NAVSHIPTECHSMAN e: Navy Ship's Technical Manual NavShipyd e: Naval Shipyard NAVSHORELECENGACT e: Navy Shore Electronics Engineering Activity


NAVSUPSCH e: Naval Supply School

NAVSTAPAC e: Naval Stations Pacific NAVSURFWPNCEN e: Naval Surface Weapons Center NAVSWC e: Naval Surface Warfare Center - e: Naval Surface Weapons Center NAVSWC-OIS e: Naval Surface Weapons Center-Optical Instrumentation Services NAVSYD e; Naval Shipyard NAVSTIC e: Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center NAVSTRIP e: Navy Standard Requisitioning and Issuing Procedure NAVSUBBASE e: Naval Submarine Base NAVSUBEVSURV e: Naval Sub-Board of Inspection and Survey NAVSUBMEDCEN e: Navy Submarine Medical Center


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NAVTA e: National Automatic Vendors' Trade Association - e: North American Veterinary Technicians' Association NAVTACDOCACT e: Navy Tactical Doctrine Activity NAVTACDOCDEVPROACT e: Navy Tactical Doctrine Development and Production Activity

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NAWAU NAVTACSTANS e: Naval Standards For Tactical Data Systems - e: Navy Standards for Tactical Data Systems NAVTC e: National Association of Vocational-Technical Communicators

NAVTRAPUBCEN e: Naval Training Publications Center

NAVWPNLAB e: Naval Weapons Laboratory

NAVTRASCOL e: Naval Training School

NAVWPNQUALASSURO e: Naval Weapons Quality Assurance Office

NAVTRASTA e: Naval Training Station NAVWPNSCEN e: Naval Weapons Center

NAVTEC e: National Association of Vocational-Technical Education Communicators NAVTECH e: Navigation Technologies Corp. Navtech e: Navigation Technology Seminars Inc. NAVTECHJAP e: Naval Technical Mission to Japan NAVTECHMISEU e: Naval Technical Mission in Europe NAVTECHMISJAP e: Naval Technical Mission to Japan NAVTECHTRACEN e: Naval Air Technical Training Center NAVTECMISEU e: Naval Technical Mission in Europe NavTEL e: Navigational Test and Evaluation Laboratory NAVTELCOM e: Naval Telecommunications Command NAVTEX e: Navigational and meteorological warning broadcast service - e: Navigational Warnings by Telex NAVTIS e: National Vessel Traffic Information System - e: Naval Training Information System NAVTIS ADS e: Naval Training Information System with Automated Data Systems NAVTORPSTA e: Naval Torpedo Station NAVTRACEN e: Naval Training Center NAVTRAC[OM] e; Naval Training Command NAVTRADEVCEN e: Naval Training Devices Center NAVTRADEVSUPCEN e: Navy Training Device Supply Center NAVTRADISTCEN e: Naval Training and Distribution Center

NAVUARCMLSCOL e: Navy Unit, Army Chemical School

NAVWPNSERVO e: Naval Weapons Services Office

NAVUSEARANDCEN e: Naval Undersea Research and Development Center

NAVWPNSTA e: Naval Weapons Station

NAVUSEARESDEVCEN e: Naval Undersea Research and Development Center

NAVWPNSTRACEN e: Naval Weapons Training Center

NAVUSEAWARCEN e: Naval Undersea Warfare Center

NAVWPNSUPPACT e: Naval Weapons Support Activity

NAVUWSEC e: Naval Underwater Systems Engineering Center - e: Navy Underwater Weapons Systems Engineering Center

NAVWPNSYSANALO e: Naval Weapons Systems Analysis Office

NAVUWSOUNDLAB e: Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory NAVUWTRSOUNDREFLAB e: Navy Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory

NAVWUIS e: Naval Work Unit Information Service - e: Naval Work Unit Information System NAVXDIVINGU e: Naval Experimental Diving Unit NAVY e: Department of the Navy

NAVW n: Nederlandsche ArbeidersVredewacht NAVWAG e: Naval Warfare Analysis Group

Navy lnt[nl| e: Navy International Navy Rec Soc Publ e: Navy Records Society. Publications

NAVWARCOL e: Naval War College NAVWASS e: Navigation & Weapon Aiming Sub System NAVWEARSCHFA e: Navy Weather Research Facility NAVWEASERV e: Naval Weather Service NAVWEASERVCOM e: Navy Weather Service Command NAVWEASERVCOMREP e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative NAVWEASERVCOMREPEUR/MED e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative, Europe and Mediterranean NAVWEASERVCOMREPLANT e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative, Atlantic NAVWEASERVCOMREPPAC e: Naval Weather Service Command Representative, Pacific NAVWEPEVALFAC e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility

NAVTRA-EQUIP e: Naval Training Equipment Center

NAVWEPS e: Bureau of Naval Weapons

NAVTRAEQUIPCEN e: Navy Training Equipment Center

NAVWEPSO e: Naval Weapons Services Office

NAVTRAIDSCEN e: Naval Training Aids Center

NAVWESPAC e: Naval Forces, Western Pacific

NAVTRAIDSFAC e: Naval Training Aids Facility

NAVWESS e: National Aviation Weather System Study

NAVTRANSCO e: Naval Transportation Coordinating Office

NAVWPNCEN e: Naval Weapons Center

NAW d: Nationales Aufbauwerk - d: Nationales Aufforstungswerk - d: Normenausschuß Wasserwesen im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Agricultural Workers Union - e: National Association for Women - e: National Association of Wholesaler Distributors - e: National Association of Wholesalers - e: National Association of Widows NAWA e: National Academy of Western Art - e: National Apple Week Association - e: National Association of Women Artists - e: North American Warmblood Association NAWAC e: National Aviation Weather Advisory Committee - e: National Weather Analysis Center NAWAD e: National Assembly for Wales Agriculture Department NaWAF e: Navy with Air Force NAWAFA e: North Atlantic Westbound Freight Association NAWAPA e: North American Water and Power Alliance NaWAr e: Navy with Army

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NAWARCOL e: Naval War College NAWAS e: National Air Warning Service - e: National Attack Warning System - e: National Warning System NAWAU e: National Aviation Weather Advisory Unit


NAWB NAWB e: National Association of Wine Bottlers - e: National Association of Workshops for the Blind - e: Nepal Association for the Welfare of Blind NAWBO e: National Association of Women Business Owners NAWC e: National Art Workers Community - e: National Association for Women in Careers - e: National Association of Water Companies - e: National Association of Women's Centers - e: National Association of Women's Clubs - e: Naval Air Warfare Center - e: Naval War College

NAWG d: Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, I. Philologischhistorische Klasse - e: National Association of Wheat Growers NAWGA e: National American Wholesale Grocers' Association NAWGC e: National Association of Women Government Contractors NAWGF e: National Association of Wheat Growers Foundation

NAWPA e: North American Water and Power Alliance NAWPB e: National Association of Wholesale Pie Bakers - e: National Association of Wine Producers and Bottlers NAWPC e: National Aircraft War Production Council - e: National Aviation Weather Program Council

NAWH e: National Association of Women in Horticulture

NAWPF e: National Aviation Weather Processing Facility - e: North American Wildlife Park Foundation

NAWCAS e: National Association of Women's and Children's Apparel Salesmen

NAWHO e: National Asian Women's Health Organization

NAWPM e: National Association of Wholesale Paint Merchants

NAWCC e: National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors - e: National Association of Women in Chambers of Commerce

NAWHP e: National Association of Women's Health Professionals

NAWPP e: National Aviation Weather Program Plan

NAWHSL e: National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders

NAWPS e: National Association of Word Processing Specialists

NAWiC e: National Association for Women in Careers

NAWQC e: National Ambient Water Quality Criteria

NAWIC e: National Association of Women in Construction

NAWQUA e: National Water Quality Assessment

NAWICS e: National Anglo-West Indian Conservative Society

NAWR e: National Assembly of Women Religious

NAWID e: National Association of Water Institute Directors - e: National Association of Writing Instrument Distributors

NAWRSRF e: New Age World Religious and Scientific Research Foundation

NAWCH e: National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital[s] NAWCJ e: National Association of Women in Criminal Justice NAWCM e: National Association of Wiping Cloth Manufacturers NAWCS e: National Association of Women Civil Servants NAWDA e: North American Working Dog Association NAWDAC e: National Association for Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors NAWDAC Journal e: National Association for Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors. Journal NAWDC e: National Association of Waste Disposal Contractors - e: National Association of Women Deans and Counselors NAWDEX e: National Water Data Exchange NAWDOFF e: National Association of Wholesale Distributors of Frozen Foods NAWE e: Nahama & Weagent Energy Co. NAWEGEK n: Nationaal werk voor het gehandicapte Kind NAWESA e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity

N-AWIPS e: National Centers Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System NAWJ e: National Association of Women Judges NAWK e: National Association of Warehouse Keepers NAWL e: National Association of Women Lawyers NAWLA e: National American Wholesale Lumber Association - e: North American Wholesale Lumber Association NAWM e: National Association of Wool Manufacturers - e: Naval Air Weapon Meet NAWMD e: National Association of Waste Material Dealers NAWMP e: National Association of Waste Material Producers

NAWF e: National Aborigine Welfare Fund - e: North American Wildlife Foundation - e: North American Wolf Society

NAWND e: National Association of Wholesale Newspaper Distributors

NAWFA e: North Atlantic Westbound Freight Association

NAWOCOL e: National Women's Commission of Liberia

NAWFC e: National Association of Wholesale Fur Cleaners - e: National Association of Women Federal Contractors

NAWP e: National Anti-Waste Programme - e: National Association for Widowed People - e: National Association of Women Pharmacists

NAWS e: National Agricultural Workers Survey - e: National Association of Women Students - e: National Aviation Weather System - e: North American Wolf Society NAWSA e: National American Woman's Suffrage Association NAWSS e: North American Wilderness Survival School NAWTCH e: National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital NAWTPD e: Naval All Weather Testing Program Detachment NAWTS e: National Association of World Trade Secretaries NAWTWPC e: Netherlands Association on Wastewater Treatment and Water Pollution Control NAWU e: National Agricultural Workers Union - e: National Asphalt Workers Union - e: Ovambo Namibia Workers Union NAWW e: National Association of Wheat Weavers NAWWO e: National Association of Woolen and Worsted Overseers NAX e: Nachrichten auf Fax - e: New Arcadia Explorations NAXSTA e: Naval Air Experimental Station

N.A.W.P. e: National Association of Women Pharmacists



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Naxxar e: Malta International Trade Fair

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NBBC NAY e: New Alster Energy

Nb e: Nebraska State Library

NAYA e: North American Yngling Association

N.B. d: Nachrichtenbetriebsabteilung [Reichswehrministerium] - e: Netherlands Brigade - e: North Britain - N: Norsk Bladeierforening - N: Norsk Bondelag

NAYC e: National Association of Young Cricketers - e: National Association of Youth Clubs NAYCEO e: National Association of Youth and Community Education Officers NAYE e: National Association of Young Entrepreneurs NAYFC e: National Association of Young Farmers' Clubs NAYGTA e: North American Youth Glider Training Association NAYO e: National Association of Youth Orchestras NAYPCAS e: National Association of Young People's Counselling and Advisory Services NAYPIC e: National Association of Young People in Care NAYRE e: National Association for YearRound Education NAYRU e: North American Yacht Racing Union NAYSI e: North American Youth Sport Institute NAYSO e: National Association of Youth Service Officers NAYW e: National Association for Young Writers N.A.Z. d: Nachrichten-Aufklärungszentrale NaZA. d: Nachrichtenzeugamt NAZO n: Nederlandse Auto Ziekenvervoer Ondernemingen

NBADA e: National Barrel and Drum Association NBAE e: NATO Book of Army Equipment - s: Nueva Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles NBAF e: National Blonde d'Aquitaine Foundation

NBA d: Nationale Briefmarken-Ausstellung - e: Amateur Astronomers Association, Brooklyn - e: National Backpain Association - e: National Ballet of America - e: National Band Association - e: National Bank Act - e: National Bank. Monthly Summary - e: National Bank of Australia - e: National Bankers Association - e: National Banking Association - e: National Bankruptcy Act - e: National Bar Association - e: National Basketball Association - e: National Basketball Players' Association - e: National Beefmaster Association - e: National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church - e: National Benzole [and Allied Products] Association - e: National Biographical Association - e: National Board of Aviation - e: National Boat Association - e: National Book Awards - e: National Bowling Association - e: National Boxing Association of America - e: National Braille Association - e: National Brassfounders Association - e: National Brassfoundry Association - e: National Broiler Association - e: National Buffalo Association - e: National Building Agency - e: National Business Association - e: National Butterfly Association - e: National Button Association - e: Niger Basin Authority - e: North British Academy - r: Nya Bokförlags AB, Metodistkyrkans förlag

NBAG d: Niederrheinische Bergwerks-AG

NbA d: Neubauamt

NBaVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Bath, Virginia

NBAGLE e: National Black Alliance for Graduate Level Education NBAHMF e: National Building and Allied Hardware Manufacturers Federation NBAJ e: National Buffalo Association Juniors NBAK d: Nordwestbohmischer Automobilklub - e: National Bancorp of Alaska, Inc. NBAO e: New Brunswick Area Office NBAPA e: National Benzole and Allied Products Association NBAPC e: National Business Advisory and Planning Council NBARN e: New Brunswick Association of Registered Nurses NBAS n: Nederlandsche Bond van Abstinent Studeerenden N.B.A.S. n: Nederlandsche Bond van AntiAlkohol Strijders NBAs e: National Bioindustries Associations NBatHHi e: Holland Purchase Historical Society, Batavia NBatV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Library Service, Batavia

N.B.A. e: National Benzole Association NB d: Nachrichtenbataillon - d: Nachrichtenblatt. Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande - d: Nationalbibliothek - d: Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg - d: Noris Bank - d: Notgemeinschaft Bau - d: Nürnberger Bund - d: Verlag Das Neue Berlin - e: National Bank - e: National Battlefield - e: National Board [of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors] - e: Naval Base - e: Navy Band - e: Neath and Brecon Railway - e: Netherlands Bank of South Africa Ltd. - e: New Biology - e: New Brunswick Laboratory - e: Northampton and Bath Railroad Co. - e: Sterling Airways Ltd. [Sweden] - H: Nemzeti Bank - H: Nemzeti Bizottsag - N: Norges Byforbund - r: Nordisk Boktryckarekonst - r: Nordiska Bokhandeln - r: Nordiska Bowlingforbundet - se: Narodna Banka

NBAWADU e: National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union

NbÄ d: Neubauämter NBAA e: National Boxing Association of America - e: National Business Aircraft Association - e: National Business Aviation Association

NBayG d: Notgemeinschaft bayerisches Grenzland

NBAC d: Nordböhmischer Automobilclub - e: National Bioethics Advisory Commission - e: National Biotechnology Advisory Committee - e: National Black Alcoholism Council

NBB n: Nederlandse Boekverkopersbond - n: Nederlandse Bond van Bouwondernemers

NBayM. d: Niederbayerische Monatsschrift

NBAC. i: Nuovo Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana

N.B.B, n: Nationale Bank van Belgie - n: Nederlandse Biljart Bond - n: Nederlandse Bioscoopbond - n: Nederlandse Blinden Bond - n: Nederlandse Boks Bond

NBACCH e: Charlotte County Historical Society, Inc., St. Andrews, New Brunswick

NBBA e: Northeastern Bird Banding Association

NBACSTT e: New Brunswick Association of Certified Survey Technicians and Technologists

NB&BA e: National Bed-and-Breakfast Association NBBB e: National Better Business Bureau

NBAD e: National Bank of Abu Dhabi - e: Naval Bases Air Defense

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NBBC e: National Brass Band Club


NBBCN NBBCN e: New Brunswick Breast Cancer Network NBBDA e: National Burlap Bag Dealers Association NBBE e: National Board for Bakery Education NBBFP n: Nationale Bond der Belgische Filmproducenten NBBG e: Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group NBBI e: National Blue Books, Incorporated - e: Netherlands Organization for Libraries and Information Services - n: Nederlands Bureau voor Bibliotheekwezen en Informatieverzorging - n: Nederlands Orgaan voor de Bevordering van de Informatieverzorging N.Bb.J. r: Norsholm-Bersbo Järnväg NBB&L e: National Bath, Bed and Linen Show NBBL[A] e: National Bath, Bed and Linen Association NBBLC e: National Black on Black Love Campaign NBBMA e: National Beauty and Barber Manufacturers Association NBBPVI e: National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors NBBR r: Nordens Blakors- och Blabandsräd NBBS e: New British Broadcasting Station - n: Nederlands Bureau voor Buitenlandse Studentenbetrekkingen NBBU e: New Brunswick Board of Underwriters NBBZ n: Nederlandse Bond van Bad- en Zweminrichtingen NBC e: Cook [N. B.] Corp. Ltd. - e: Nagasaki Broadcasting Company - e: Namibian Broadcasting Corporation - e: National Association of Boys' Clubs - e: National Ballet of Canada - e: National Ballet of Cuba - e: National Bank of Commerce - e: National Baseball Congress - e: National Battlefields Commission - e: National Beagle Club - e: National Beef Congress - e: National Beef Council - e: National Beryllia Corporation - e: National Bibliographic Control - e: National Biscuit Company - e: National Board for Certification [in Dental Laboratory Technology] - e: National Boiler Council - e: National Book Committee - e: National Book Council - e: National Bowling Council - e: National Boxing Council - e: National Boys' Club - e: National Braille Club - e: National Broadcasting Commission - e: National Broadcasting Company, Inc. - e: National Broadcasting Corporation, Inc. - e: National Broiler Council


- e: National Broom Council - e: National Building Code - e: National Bulk Carriers Inc. - e: National Bureau of Codification - e: National Bus Company - e: National Business College - e: Navy Beach Commando - e: Newfoundland Base Command - e: Nies Babylonian Collection [Yale University] - e: Nigeria[n] Broadcasting Corporation - e: Nordic Boat Council - e: Norwegian Bulk Carrier - e: Nostalgia Book Club - e: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical [Warfare] - r: Nordens Bondeorganisationers Centralrad

NBCDA e: National Black Child Development Act

N.B.C. e: National Book Council - e: National Broadcasting Council - e: Naval Barracks, Chatham

NBCFD e: Naval Base Consolidated Fire Department

NB&C e: Norfolk, Baltimore, and Carolina Line N.B.C. c: Narodni Banka Ceskoslovenskä NBC A e: National Baseball Congress of America - e: National Beagle Club of America - e: National Bituminous Concrete Association - e: National Business Circulation Association

NBCDI e: National Black Child Development Institute NBC Digest e: National Broadcasting Company Digest NBCDL e: National Board for Certification of Dental Laboratories NBCDT e: National Board for Certification in Dental Technology NBCFAE e: National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees

NBCGT e: National Business Consortium for the Gifted and Talented NBCH e: Historical Society Nicolas Denys, Societe Historique Nicolas Denys, Caraquet, New Brunswick NBCHN e: National Board for Certification of Hospice Nurses NbChS e: Chadron State College, Chadron

NBC-ACAC e: National Research Council Army Countermine Advisory Committee

NBCI e: Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry

NBCAP e: National Beacon Code Allocation Plan

NBCIA e: National Blue Crab Industry Association

NBCC e: National Baby Care Council - e: National Bane of Commerce Company - e: National Beauty Career Center - e: National Bidders Control Center - e: National Bituminous Coal Commission - e: National Black Chamber of Commerce - e: National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. - e: National Book Critics Circle - e: National Breast Cancer Centre - e: National Breast Cancer Coalition - e: National Budget and Consultation Committee - e: National Building Code of Canada - e: National Buildings Construction Corporation - e: National Bureau for Co-operation in Child Care - e: National Business Career Center - e: Netherlands-British Chamber of Commerce - e: Nigerian British Chamber of Commerce

NBCK n: Nederlandse Bond van Copieerders en Klein-Offsetdrukkers

NBCCA e: National Business Council for Consumer Affairs - e: Northern British Columbia Construction Association NBCCC e: National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus

NBCL e: National Beauty Culturists' League NBC/LEO e: National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials NBCM e: Miramichi Natural History Society, Chatham, New Brunswick NBCOT e: National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy NBCP e: National Bladder Cancer Project NBCPC e: National Board for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Credentialing NBCR e: National Bureau of Civic Research NBCS e: National Black Communiators Society - e: National Black Communications Society - e: St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick - n: Nederlandse Bond van Christelijke Schilderpatroons - n: Nucleaire, Biologische en Chemische School

NBC-CDTP e: National Board for Certification-Certified Dental Technician Program

NBCSA e: National Black Catholic Seminar[ian]s Association

NBCCEDP e: National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program

NBCSDA e: National Broom Corn and Supply Dealers Association

NBCD e: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical [Warfare] Defense - e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Damage [Control Unit]

NBCSH /· La Societe Historique de Clair, Inc., New Brunswick


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NBFY NBCSI e: National Board of the Coat and Suit Industry

NBDRC e: New Building Design Review Committee

NBCSL e: National Black Caucus of State Legislators NBCSO e: National Broadcasting Company Symphony Orchestra

NBE e: National Bank Examiner[s] - e: National Bank of Egypt - e: National Bank of Ethiopia - e: Newbery Corp. - e: Nova Beaucage Mines Ltd.

NBCT e: National Bancshanes Corp. of Texas - e: National Bancshares Corporation of Texas

N.B.E. d: Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn AG - e: National Bank of Egypt

NBCU e; National Bureau of Casualty Underwriters

NBEA e: National Ballroom and Entertainment Association - e: National Black Evangelical Association - e: National Broadcast Editorial Association - e: National Business Education Association

NBCUSA e: National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. NBCW e: National Bird Cage Week - e: National Board of Catholic Women - e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare NBCWRS e: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare Reporting System - e: Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Warning & Reporting System NBD e: National Bank of Detroit - e: National Bibliographic Database - e: National Detroit Corp. - e: NBD Bancorp., Inc. - e: No Big Deal - e: Nordic Building Conference - r: Nordisk Byggedag

NBEA e: National Business Education Association. Yearbook

- e: North Bergen Federation of Public Libraries - e: Norwegian Botanical Association - N: Norges Bilbransjeforbund - N: Norsk Bedriftsokonomisk Forening - N: Norsk Bibliotekforening - N: Norsk Botanisk Forening - N: Norsk Brannvern Forening - r: Nordisk Barnkirurgisk Forening Nbf d: Nebenbahnhof NBFA e: National Baseball Fan Association - e: National Benevolent Fund of the Aged - e: National Bricklayers Foundation of Australia - e: National Business Forms Association - e: New Business Fund Authorization NB [&] FAA e: National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association

NBEC e: National Board Examination Committee for Veterinary Medicine - e: National Business and Education Council

NBFBS e: New Brunswick Barristers Society, Fredericton

NBEDC e: National Black Economic Development Conference

NBFBV n: Nationale Belgische Federatie der Baanvervoerders

NBEET e: National Board of Employment, Education and Training

N.B.F.D. e: National Benevolent Fund for the Deaf

NBEF e: National Bowhunter Education Foundation - N: Norsk Bladeierforening

NBFFO e: National Board of Fur Farm Organizations NBFI e: Non-Bank Financial Intermediary

N.B.D. e: Naval Barracks, Devenport

NBEL e: National Beryllia Corp.

NBDA e: National Barrel and Drum Association - e: National Bicycle Dealers Association

NBelL e: Long Island Library Resources Council, Inc., Bellport

NB&DA e: National Barrel & Drum Association NBDB e: National Bibliographic Database NBDC e: National Blood Data Center - e: National Bomb Data Center - e: National Book Development Council - e: National Broadcast Development Committee - e: National Broadcasting Development Committee - e: Naval Book Distribution Centre - e: New Brunswick Development Corporation N.B.D.C. e: National Broadcasting Development Committee NBDCA e: National Baptist Deacons Convention of America NBDE e: National Bureau of Document Examiners

NBEO e: National Board of Examiners in Optometry NBEOPS e: National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons NBER e: National Bureau of Economic Research - e: National Bureau of Engineering (or Engineers) Registration

NBFJS e: Sunbury West Historical Society, Fredericton Junction, New Brunswick NBFJWO e: National Bureau of Federated Jewish Women's Organizations NBFL e: New Brunswick Federation of Labour NBF Life e: National Ben Franklin Life Insurance NBFO e: National Black Feminist Organization

NBERA e: National Bicentennial EthnicRacial Alliance

NBFRP e: New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council, Fredericton

NBER Gen S e: National Bureau of Economic Research. General Studies

NBFS /· Societe d'Histoire de la Riviere Saint Jean, Fredericton, New Brunswick

NBER Oc P e: National Bureau of Economic Research. Occasional Papers

NBFU e: National Board of Fire Underwriters - e: Newfoundland Board of Fire Underwriters - e: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

NBES e: National Business Equipment Survey - e: Near-Bottom Echo Sounder

NBFUA e: Archives and Special Collections Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

NBET e: National Business Entrance Test[s] NBDEA e: National Beverage Dispensing Equipment Association

NBetG e: Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage

NBDG e: New Business Development Group NBDL e: Naval Biodynamics Laboratory NBDM e: Miramichi Salmon Museum, Inc., Doaktown, New Brunswick N.B.Dns e: New Brunswick Dragoons N.B.D.O. e: Naval Base Defense Officer

NBEW e: National Business Employment Weekly NBF e: Nathan Bedford Forrest - e: National Bank of Fiji - e: National Bedding Federation - e: National Birman Fanciers - e: National Boating Federation - e: National Burn Federation - e: New Biotechnology Firm - e: New Business Funds

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NBFUE e: Engineering Library, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NBFUL e: Law Library, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NBFUM e: Map Room, Government Documents Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NBFU Research Report e: National Board of Fire Underwriters Research Report NBFY e: York-Sunbury Historical Society, Fredericton, New Brunswick


NBG NBG d: Nationalbankgesetz - e: Bowman Gray School of Medicine - e: National Bank of Georgia - e: National Bank of Greece - e: National Botanic Gardens - e: Naval Beach Group - e: Networking Business Group - e: New Burlington Gallery N.B.G. e: New Burlington Gallery NBGC e: National Ballet Guild of Canada NBGDA d: Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte des deutschen Altertums NBGFH e: Grand Falls Historical Society, New Brunswick NBGG e: Grand Manan Historical Society, Grand Harbour, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick NBGQA e: National Building Granite Quarries Association NBGS e: New Bedford Glass Society NBGT n: Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging voor Gestalt-Therapeuten NBH d: Nachbarschaftshilfe Hangelar - e: National Bank of Hungary - e: National Bellas Hess, Inc. - e: North Broken Hill Company NBHA e: National Bicentennial Hospitality Alliance - e: National Builders' Hardware Association NBHC e: New Broken Hill Company - e: New Broken Hill Consolidated NBHCA e: Albert County Historical Society, Inc., Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick - e: National Belgian Hare Club of America

NBIC e: National Board Inspection Code - e: National Building and Investment Corporation - e: National Business Information Center - e: Northeast Bancorp, Incorporated

N.B.K. d: Naturistenbund Köln e.V. - d: Neues Brandenburgisches Kreditinstitut - N: Norges Bondekvinnelag

NBIE e: National Burn Information Exchange

NBk[pt] R[eg] e: National Bankruptcy Register Reports

NBIF e: National Biotechnology Information Facility NBIFTZ e: National Board of Industrial Free Trade Zones NBII e: National Biodiversity Information Infrastructure - e: National Biological Information Infrastructure NBIMOD P: Naukowo-Badawczy Instytut Mechanicznej Obrobki Drewna NBIN e: National Biodiversity Information Network NBiNet e: New Brunswick Innovation Network NBIO e: North American Biologicals, Inc. NBIOME e: Northern Biosphere Observation and Model[l]ing Experiment NBIP e: National Biomonitoring Inventory Program NBIPP e: National Black Independent Political Party NBI Review e: National Bank of India Review NBIS e: National Bridge Inspection Standards - e: Northern Biosphere Information System NBiSC e: New York State Supreme Court Law Library, Binghamton

NbHi e: Nebraska State Historical Society

NBKC e: New England Bancorp, Inc.

NBKR r: Nordiska Bläbands- och Blakorsradet NbKS e: Kearney State College, Kearney NBKV n: Nederlandse Bond van Konijnenfokkersverenigingen NBL d: Neue Bundesländer - e: National Basketball League - e: National Bicycle League - e: National Book League - e: National Business League - e: Naval Biological Laboratory - e: Navy Biological Laboratory - e: Nebraska Library Commission - e: New Brunswick Laboratory - e: Noble Affiliates, Inc. - e: Norbaska Mines Limited - N: Norsk Bibliotekarlag - N: Norsk Blomsterdyrkerlag N.B.L. N: Norske Barnehagelasrerinners Landsforbund NBLA e: National Businesswomen's Leadership Association NBLC e: National Business Law Council - n: Nederlands Bibliotheek en Lektuur Centrum NBLCC e: National Black Lay Catholic Caucus NBLiHi e: Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn NBLiU e: Long Island University, Brooklyn

N.B.H.I. n: Nationaal Belgisch Hopinstituut

NBiSEG e: New York State Electric & Gas Corp., Binghamton

NB His S e: New Brunswick Historical Society. Collections

NBiSL e: Singer Co., Link Division, Binghamton

NBHPA e: National Black Health Planners Association

NBISS e: National Building Industry Specification System

NBHS e: National Bureau for Handicapped Students

NBiSU e: State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton

NBI e: Nabisco Brands, Incorporated - e: Nathaniel Branden Institute - e: National Bank of India - e: National Bank-Americard, Incorporated - e: National Benevolent Institution - e: National Bridge Inventory - e: National Bureau of Investigation - e: NBI, Inc. - e: News Bureau International - e: North American Biologicals, Incorporated - e: Northern Business Information, Incorporated - e: Norwegian Building Institute - n: Nederlands Beheersinstituut - N: Norges Byggforskninginstitutt

NBIT e: New Bedford Institute of Technology

Nb-LR e: Nebraska Legislative Council, Reference Library

NBIW P: Naukowo-Badawczy Instytut Wiokienniczy

NBLS e: National Bacteriological Laboratory Sweden

NBJ e: National Bar Journal

NBLSA e: National/Black Law Student Association

N.B.I, e: National Benevolent Institution

NBL[&]P e: National Bureau for Lathing and Plastering NBLR e: National Black Leadership Roundtable

N.B.J. r: Nora-Bergslags Järnväg NBLU e: Naval Base Labour Union NBJR e: Northampton & Banbury Junction Railway NBK d: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein e.V. - e: Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York - e: Nabu Network Corp. - r: Nordisk Bilteknisk Kommitte

NBIA e: National Business Incubation Association


NbLNP e: United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Midwest Archaeological Center, Lincoln

NbLU e: Union College, Lincoln NBLU R: Naucnyj Bjulletin Leningradskogo Universiteta NbLVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Lincoln NblVED d: Notizblatt des Vereins für Erdkunde, Darmstadt

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NBPNPA NbLW e: Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln NBM e: National Backward Message - e: National Building[s] Museum - e: National Bureau of Metrology - e: New Brunswick Museum - n: Nederlandse Bond van Makelaars in Onroerende Goederen NBMAIA e: National Broom Manufacturers and Allied Industries Association NBMB e: National Bus Military Bureau NBMBAA e: National Black MBA [Master of Business Administration] Association NBMC e: National Bar Mitzvah Club - e: National Black Media Coalition - e: National Black Music Caucus of the Music Educators National Conference - e: National Broom and Mop Council - e: National Businessmen's Club - e: National Businessmen's Council NBMDA e: National Building Material Distributors Association NBMDR e: National Bone Marrow Donor Registry NBME e: Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn - e: National Board of Medical Examiners

NBNC e: New York City Community College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn

NBoU-RP e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo

NBNI A: Nasionale Bounavorsningsinstituut

NbOV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Omaha

NBNR e: National Bankruptcy News and Reports NBN Rep e: National Bankruptcy News and Reports NBNSC e: National Board of Nutrition Support Certification NBNZ e: National Bank of New Zealand NBNZAK s: Notas Biologicas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales. Universidad National del Nordeste. Corrientes Zool NBO e: National Buildings Organization - e: Navy Bureau of Ordnance - n: Nederlandsche Vereeniging „Nazorg Buitengewoon Onderwijs" - n: Neutraal Bijzonder Onderwijs - r: Nordisk Byggnadskooperativ Organisation - r: Nordiska Kooperativa och Allmannyttiga Bostadsforetags Organisation NBOA e: National Ballroom Operators Association - e: National Business Owners Association NbOC e: Creighton University, Omaha

NBOV n: Nederlandse Banketbakkers Ondernemers Vereniging NBP e: National Battlefield Park - e: National Bible Press, Philadelphia - e: National Booster Program - e: National Braille Press - e: National Business Publications - e: Net Biome Production - e: New Birth Party - e: New Brooklyn Philharmonic - e: North British Properties Ltd. - e: Peru State College Library - N: Norges Bondelags Pressekontor - P: Narodowy Bank Polski N.B.P. e: Naval Barracks, Portsmouth NBPA e: National Back Pain Association - e: National Bark Producers Association - e: National Basketball Players Association - e: National Beverage Packaging Association - e: National Black People's Assembly - e: National Black Police Association - e: National Building Products Association - e: National Butane-Propane Association - e: National Police Bloodhound Association - e: Navy Board for Production Awards - e: Northeastern Bancorp

NBMG e; Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

NBOC e: Newman Communications Corp.

NBML n: Noordbrabantse Maatschappij van Landbouw

NbOC-A e: Creighton University, Alumni Library, Omaha

NBmlA e: Adirondack Historical Association Museum Library, Blue Mountain Lake

NbOC-D e: Creighton University, School of Dentistry, Omaha

NBMOA e: National Black McDonald's Operators Association

NbOC-H e: Creighton University, Health Sciences Library, Omaha

NBMOAL e: Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Moncton, New Brunswick

NbOC-L e: Creighton University, School of Law, Omaha

NBMOLM e: Lutz Mountain Heritage Foundation, Inc., Moncton, New Brunswick

NbOC-M e: Creighton University, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Omaha

NBMR e: NATO Basic Military Requirements]

NBOEG n: Nationaal Bureau voor Onderwijs of Economischen Grondslag

NBPE e: National Board of Podiatry Examiners - e: National Board of Polygraph Examiners

NBMS e: National Bulk Mail System

NB of S e: National Bureau of Standards

NbPerS e: Peru State College

NBMT e: NATO Basic Military Techniques

NbOGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Omaha Branch, Omaha

NBPGR e: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources

NBN e: National Bank of Nigeria Ltd. - e: National Bibliography Number - e: National Black Network - e: National Book Number - e: Nationality Broadcasting Network NBNA e: National Bank of North America - e: National Benchmark Network for Agrometeorology - e: National Black Nurses Association NBN AM e: Archives of the Miramichi Historical Society, Newcastle, New Brunswick NBNA Newsl e: National Black Nurses Association. Newsletter

NBOME e: National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners NbONPS e: United States National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, Omaha NBOO e: Naval Branch Oceanographic Offices NbOU e: University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha NBoU-E e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Educational Opportunity Center, Bufffalo

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NBPASV e: Southern Victoria Historical Society, Perth-Andover, New Brunswick NBPB e: National Biotechnology Policy Board NBPC e: National Black Political Convention - e: National Black Programming Consortium - e: National Border Patrol Council - e: National Branch Policy Committee - e: National Breastfeeding Promotion Consortium NBPDW e: National Brotherhood of Packinghouse and Dairy Workers

NBPI e: National Board for Prices and Income[s] N.B.P.I. e: Newspaper Benevolent and Provident Institution NBPIW e: National Brotherhood of Packinghouse and Industrial Workers NBPMC e: Executive Advisory Board of National Bureau of Professional Management NBPME e: National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners NBPNPA e: National Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Associates


ΝΒΡΟ ΝΒΡΟ e: NATO BULLPUP Production Organization NBPP e: National Black Political Party NBPRP e: National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice NBPTE e: National Board of Physical Therapy Examiners NBPTS e: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards NBPW e: National Brotherhood of Packinghouse Workers NBR d: Nachrichtenbeschaffungsraum - e: Nabors Industries, Inc. - e: National Bankruptcy Register Reports - e: National Bison Range - e: National Board of Review of Motion Pictures - e: National Board of Roads and Water - e: National Breakdown Register - e: National Building[s] Record - e: National Business Review - e: Neath & Brecon Railway Co. - e: North British Railway Co. - n: Nederlandse Bloemisterijraad - N: Norges Byggstandardiseringsrad - N: Norske Bedriftavisers Redaktorklubb

NBS e: Bureau of Ships Publications - e: Natal Building Society Holdings - e: National Bakery School - e: National Bibliographic Service - e: National Biological Service - e: National Biological Survey - e: National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting [for Scotland] - e: National Board of Survey - e: National Book Sale - e: National Bookkeepers' Society - e: National Bridal Service - e: National Broadcasting Service - e: National Broadcasting System - e: National Brotherhood of Skiers - e: National Bureau of Standards - e: National Business Systems, Inc. - e: National Button Society [of America] - e: NBS [National Bureau of Standards] Update - e: Net Broadcast Service - e: Netherland Benevolent Society of New York - e: New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc. - e: Numismatic Bibliomania Society - N: Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens Samarbetsgrupp - r: Nordiska Byggforskningsorgans Samarbetsgrupp N.B.S. e: National Broadcasting Service - e: National Building Society - e: Netherlands Bible Society

NBr d: Nachrichtenbrigade N.B.R. e: Neath & Brecon Railway Co. - e: North British Railway Co. NBRA e: National Brain Research Association

NBSA e: National Bakery Suppliers Association - e: National Bank of South Africa - e: Netherlands Bank of South Africa

NBsdQ e: Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York, Bayside NBSFS e: National Bureau of Standards Frequency Standard NBSI e: National Business Systems, Incorporated NBS/ICST e: National Bureau of Standards/ Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology NBSIR e: National Bureau of Standards Interagency Reports NBS J. Res. e: National Bureau of Standards Journal of Research NBSL e: National Biological Standards Laboratory NBSLD e: National Bureau of Standards Load Determination [program] NBSM e: National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping NBSMA e: National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association - e: National Bureau of Standards. Monographs NBS Monogr[aph] e: National Bureau of Standards Monograph NBSPA e: National Bark and Soil Producers Association

NBSAC e: National Boating Safety Advisory Council

NBSQH e: Quaco Historical and Library Society, St. Martins, New Brunswick

NBSAE e: Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition

NBSR e: National Bureau of Standards Reactor

NBSAM e: Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick

NBSRS S: Narodna Biblioteka Socijalisticke Republike Srbije

NBRG e: National Basic Reference Graphic

NBSAP e: National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

NBRI e: National Botanical Research Institute - e: National Building Research Institute

NBSBL e: National Bureau of Standards Boulder Laboratories (or Laboratory)

NBSS e: National Bank Surveillance System - e: National Bible Society of Scotland - e: National British Softball Society - e: Naval Beach Signal Station

NBRL e: Naval Biomedical Research Laboratory - e: Naval Blood Research Laboratory

NBS Build Sei Ser e: National Bureau of Standards. Building Science Series

NBRC e: National Black Republican Council - e: National Board for Respiratory Care N.B.R.C. e: National Birth Rate Commission NBRF e: National Biomedical Research Foundation

N.B.S.S. e: National Bible Society of Scotland

NBRM e: National Board of Review Magazine NBRMP e: National Board of Review of Motion Pictures NBrockU e: State University of New York, College at Brockport, Brockport NBRPC e: New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council NBRS e: National Beef Recording Scheme - e: National Beef Recording Service NBRSA e: National Bench Rest Shooters Association NBRT e: National Board for Respiratory Therapy

NBSC e: Health Sciences Library, Centracare Saint John, Inc., New Brunswick - e: National Black Sisters' Conference - e: New Brunswick Safety Council - e: New Brunswick Scientific Company, Inc. NBSCA e: National Beauty Salon Chain Association NBSCCST e: National Bureau of Standards Center for Computer Sciences and Technology NBSCETT e: New Brunswick Society of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists NBS-DATA e: Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group, Working Group for Information Technology NBSDI e: National Brand[s] Soft Drinks Institute


Ο Κ · Ο · S ur, M nchen

NBS-SIS e: National Bureau of StandardsStandard Information Services NBS Spec Publ e: National Bureau of Standards. Special Publication NBSSRM e: National Bureau of StandardsStandard Reference Material NBST e: National Board for Science and Technology - e: New Braunfels & Servtex Railroad, Inc. NBS/TAD e: National Bureau of Standards/ Technical Analysis Division NBS Tech News Bull e: National Bureau of Standards. Technical News Bulletin NBSTIM /· Le Musee de St-Isidore, Inc., New Brunswick NBS TN e: United States Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Technial Notes

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NBWA NBSU e: University of New Brunswick, Saint John, New Brunswick NBSUH e: Kings County Historical Society, Sussex, New Brunswick NBT d: Neues Berner Taschenbuch - e: National Book Trust - e: New Brunswick Telephone Co. Ltd. - n: Nederlandse Bond van Middelbare en Hogere Technici NBTA e: National Baton Twirlers Association - e: National Baton Twirling Association - e: National Board of Trial Advocacy - e: National Bus Traffic Association - e: National Business Teachers Association - e: National Business Travel Association NBTC e: National Building Technology Centre - e: New Brands and Their Companies - e: New Brunswick Teachers College

NBuBO e: Buffalo Organization for Social and Technological Innovation, Inc. [BOSTI], Buffalo NBuC e: State University of New York, College at Buffalo, Buffalo NBuCEC e: CECOS International, Buffalo NBuCo e: Buffalo Color Corp., Buffalo NBuDY e:E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Yerkes Research Laboratory, Buffalo NBuEE e: Ecology and Environment, Inc., Buffalo NBuF e: Falcon Researrch & Development, Inc., Buffalo NBUF e: National Black United Front - e: National Black United Fund

NBuU-H e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Health Sciences Library, Buffalo NBuU-HA e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Harriman Library, Buffalo NBuU-L e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Law Library, Buffalo NBuU-LL e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Library Literature Library, Buffalo NBuU-LS e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Library Science Library, Buffalo NBuU-Mu e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Music Library, Buffalo NBuU-P e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Physics Library, Buffalo NBuU-PO e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Poetry Library, Buffalo

NBuGC e: Graphic Controls Corp., Buffalo NBTD e: National Board for Technical Development NBTel e: New Brunswick Telephone Company NBTF e: National Biomedical Tracer Facility - e: National Brain Tumor Foundation - e: National Building Trades Federation N.B.T.H. e: North British Trust Hotels NBTL e: National Battery Test Laboratory - e: Naval Boiler and Turbine Laboratory NBTPI e: National Book Trade Provident Institution NBTPS e: National Book Trade Provident Society NBTS e: National Blood Transfusion Service - e: New Brunswick Theological Seminary - e: Northern Baptist Theological Seminary NBTT e: Nigerian Bible Translation Trust

NBuHi e: Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, Buffalo NBuHSA e: Health Systems Agency of Western New York, Inc., Buffalo

NBuU-SE e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Science and Engineering Library, Buffalo

NbU-M e: University of Nebraska, College of Medicine, Omaha

NBuVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Buffalo

NBuMM e: Marine Midland Services Corp., Technical Information Center, Buffalo

NBuVNA e: Visiting Nursing Association of Buffalo, Buffalo

NBuPL e: Pennwalt Corp., Lucidol Division, Buffalo

NBuW e: Worthington Compressor & Engine International, Buffalo

NBUSA e: United States Army, Fort Hamilton Post Library, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn

NBuWeP e: Westwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Buffalo

NBuSCA e: SCA Chemical Services, Inc., Buffalo

NBUWH e: Carleton County Historical Society, Upper Woodstock, New Brunswick

NBuSK e: Spencer Kellogg Division, Textron, Inc., Buffalo

NBV d: Nahverkehrsbevollmächtigter

NBuSR e: Sierra Research Corp., Buffalo

NbuU e: State University of New York at Buffalo NBuU e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo

NBü d: Normenausschuß Bürowesen

NBuU-A e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Art Library, Buffalo

NBuA e: Allied Corp., Specialty Chemicals Division, Buffalo

NbuU-AR e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Archives, Buffalo

NbU-A e: University of Nebraska, Agriculture Library, Lincoln

NBuU-BA e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Bell Annex, Buffalo

NBuAA e: Acres American, Inc., Buffalo

NBuU-BS e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Bell Science Library, Buffalo

NBuAn e: Andco, Inc., Buffalo

NbuBA e: Hell Aerosystems Co., Buffalo

NBVA e: National Bulk Vendors Association - e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Brooklyn

n butt e: national buttress [thread]

NbU e: University of Nebraska, Lincoln

NBuB e: Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo

NBuU-RL e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Ridge Lea, Buffalo

NbU-L e: University of Nebraska, College of Law, Lincoln

NBTY e: Nature's Bounty, Inc. NBU a: Nordisk Benzinhandler Union - e: National Billing Unit - e: National Biodiversity Unit - e: NBU Mines Ltd. - e: University of Nebraska at Omaha - N: Norges Bygdeungdomslag - r: Nordiska Bankmannaunionen

NBuU-R e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Reference, Buffalo

NBuU-C e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Chemistry Library, Buffalo NBuU-D e: State University of New York at Buffalo, Documents Library, Buffalo

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NBVA-O e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Outpatient Clinic, Brooklyn NBVF e: National Burn Victim Foundation NBVH n: Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Hypnotherapeuten NBVO e: National Black Veterans Organization[s] NBVS n: Nederlandsche Bond van Vrije Socialisten NEW e: NABW [National Association of Bank Women] Journal - e: National Barristers' Wives - e: National Book Week - e: Nebraska Wesleyan University NBWA e: National Beer Wholesalers' Association [of America]


NBWAA - e: National Blacksmiths and Welders Association - e: National Buddhist Women's Associations NBWAA e: National Beer Wholesalers' Association of America NbWayS e: Wayne State College NBWHP e: National Black Women's Health Project NBWi d: Nationalbibliothek Wien NBWPLC e: National Black Women's Political Leadership Caucus NBWROP e; Naval Bureau of Weapons Reserve Ordnance Plant NBWTAU e: National British Women's Total Abstinence Union N by E e: North by East NBYLC e: National Black Youth Leadership Council

- e: Non-Commercial - e: Nordic Council - e: NORDLEK Council - e: Norfolk College - e: Norman College - e: North American Coal Corp. - e: North Carolina [Railroad] - e: North Central Airlines, Inc. - e: North Council - e: Northcor Resources Ltd. - e: Northern Consolidated Airlines, Inc. - e: Northern Country - e: Northland College - e: Northrop Corporation - e: Northwestern College - e: Norwegian Club - e: Nuclear Congress - e: Nuffield College - e: Numismatic Chronicle [and Journal. Numismatic Society] - e: Nurse Corps - e: Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co. -/· La Nouvelle Critique - /; Numerus Clausus - N: Norske Creditbank - 5: Instituto Cubano de Normalizacion, Metrologia y Control de la Calidad - 5: Oficinia Nacional de Normalizacion

N by W e; North by West nc e: national coarse [thread] NBYWCA e: National Board of the Young Women's Christian Association NBYWCAUSA e: National Board of the Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. NBZ d: Nachrichten- und Bereitschaftszentrale - d: Neue Bank, Zürich - d: Normenausschuß Bildzeichen NC e: NACCO Industries, Inc. - e: Napa College - e: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis [Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co.] - e: Nasson College - e: Natchez College - e: National Cash Register - e: National Cash Register Co. - e: National Catholic News Service - e: National Center - e: National Certificate - e: National Churches - e: National Coarse - e: National Collection - e: National Committee - e: National Congress - e: National Cooperation Association - e: National Cooperatives - e: National Council - e: National Course - e: National Fire Waste Council - e: Naval Correspondence - e: Network Control - e: New Caledonia - e: New College - e: Newark College - e: Newberry College - e: Newcastle Connection - e: Newcomb College - e: Newnham College - e: Newspaper Conference - e: Newton Chambers Group - e: Nichols College - e: Nippon Club - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Corps [Operations] - e: Nominating Committee [American Occupational Therapy Association]


Nc e: North Carolina State Library, Raleigh N.C. e: National Congress - e: New Church - e: Newspaper Conference - e: Northern Command NC3D e: National Coordinating Center for Curriculum Development NCA e: NAIG [Nippon Atomic Industry Group] Critical Assembly - e: National Camping Association - e: National Candle Association - e: National Canners Association - e: National Capital Award - e: National Capitol Area - e: National Carousel Association - e: National Cashmere Association - e: National Caterers Association - e: National Cathedral Association - e: National Cattlemens Association - e: National Caves Association - e: National Cemetery Administration - e: National Ceramic Association - e: National Certificate of Agriculture - e: National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel - e: National Chaplain's Association - e: National Charcoal Association - e: National Chastity Association - e: National Cheerleaders Association - e: National Childminding Association - e: National Chiropractic Association - e: National Christian Association - e: National Civic Association - e: National Climate Archive - e: National Climatological Center - e: National Club Association - e: National Coal Association - e: National Coffee Association [of the United States of America] - e: National Color-Bred Association - e: National Command Authorities (or Authority) - e: National Commission on Accrediting - e: National Commission on AIDS - e: National Committee for Adoption - e: National Committee for Aeronautics


· Säur, München

- e: National Committee on Agrometeorology - e: National Communication Agencies - e: National Communication[s] Association - e: National Composition Association - e: National Computer Association - e: National Computerization Agency - e: National Concilio of America - e: National Confectioners Association [of the United States] - e: National Conference of Artists - e: National Congressional Analysis Corp. - e: National Constables Association - e: National Constructors Association - e: National Contact Address - e: National Contesters Association - e: National Contingency Account - e: National Control Authority - e: National Cosmetology Association - e: National Costumers Association - e: National Council for/on the Arts - e: National Council of Agriculture - e: National Council on Alcoholism - e: National Council on the Aging - e: National Coursing Association - e: National Cranberry Association - e: National Creameries Association - e: National Credit Association - e: National Cricket Association - e: National Crime Authority - e: National Crop Acreage Program - e: Naval Command Assistant - e: Navy Contract Administrator - e: NCA Minerals - e: Nebraska Correctional Association - e: Network Computer Architecture - e: Network Control Analysis - e: Nevada Correctional Association - e: New Communities Administration - e: Newfoundland Club of America - e: Ngorongoro Conservation Area - e: Nippon Cargo Airlines - e: Noise Control Act - e: Noise Control Association - e: Nor-Cal Aviation, Inc. - e: Nordic Concrete Federation - e: North Central Airlines - e: North Central Association [of Colleges and Secondary Schools] - e: North Central Bible College - e: Northern Communications Area - e: Northern Consolidated Airlines, Inc. - e: Northern Consultancy Association - e: Northwest Computing Association - e: Norwegian Church Aid - e: Nurse Consultants Association N.C.A. e: National Coat Assembly - n: Nationale Commissie tegen het Alcoholisme NC3A e: NATO Command, Control & Consultation Agency NCAA e: National Center for Audio Tapes Archive - e: National Center on Arts and the Aging - e: National Change of Address Association - e: National Children Adoption Association - e: National Collegiate Athletic Association - e: National Command Authority Aircraft - e: National Credit Adjustment Association - e: NATO Civil Air Augmentation - e: Naval Civilian Administrators Association - e: Non-Nuclear Consumable Annual Analysis System - e: Northern Counties Athletic Association NCAAA e: National Center of Afro-American Artists

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCAMI - e: National Council of Affiliated Advertising Agencies NCAAC e: National Consumer Affairs Advisory Council NCAADA e: National Community Action Agency Directors Association

NCAD e: New Cumberland Army Depot NCADD e: National Commission Against Drunk Driving - e: National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence NCADH e: National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing

NCAADACCB e: National Commission on Accreditation of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselor Credentialing Bodies

NCADI e: National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug Information

NCAAE e: National Council of Administrators of Adult Education

NCADP e: National Coalition Against the Death Penalty

NCAAEDA e: National Community Action Agency Executive Directors Association

N.C.A.D.P. e: National Council for the Abolition of the Death Penalty

NcAAP e: Amcel Propulsion Co., Asheville

NCADV e: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

NCAAP e: National Coalition for Adequate Alcoholism Programs NCAB e: National Association of Citizen Advice Bureaux - e: National Cancer Advisory Board - e: National Collegiate Athletic Bureau - e: National Committee for Amateur Baseball - e: National Cyclop[a]edia of American Biography - e: Navy Contract Adjustment Board - e: Network Coordination and Advisory Board - e: New Council of American Business NCABHP e: National Center for the Advancement of Blacks in the Health Professions NCAC e: National Catholic Action Coalition - e: National Christian Action Coalition - e: National Clean Air Coalition - e: National Coalition Against Censorship - e: National Consumer Advisory Council - e: National Copyright Advisory Committee - e: National Council Against Conscription - e: National Council of Acoustical Consultants - e: NCA Corporation - e: Nordic Customs Administrative Council - e: North Central Association of Colleges - e: Northern Combat Area Command N.C.A.C. e: National Concerts and Artists Corporation NCACC e: National Civil Aviation Consultative Committee - e: National Conference of Appellate Court Clerks NCACE e: National Capital Association for Cooperative Education NCACME e: National Center for Adult, Continuing and Manpower Education

NCAE e: National Center for Alcohol Education - e: National Center for Audio Experimentation - e: National College of Agricultural Engineering - e: National Conference on Airborne Electronics - e: National Council for Agricultural Education - e: National Council of Adult Education - e: National Council of Agricultural Employers - e: North Carolina Association of Educators N.C.A.E. e: National Council for Agricultural Education NCAEE e: National Committee on Art Education for the Elderly NCAEF e: National Ceramic Association Educational Foundation NCAEG e: National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups NCAEI e: National Conference of/on [the] Application^] of Electrical Insulation NCAER e: National Council for/of Applied Economic Research NCAES e: National Center for Analysis of Energy Systems NCAF e: National Clean Air Fund - e: National Committee Against Fluoridation - e: National Community Action Foundation - e: Nationalist Chinese Air Force - n: Nederlandse Culturele Aikido Federatie NCAFP e: National Committee on American Foreign Policy

NCACP e: National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment

NCAG e: National Council on the Arts and Government - e: Network Commonality Ad Hoc Group

NCACPS e: National Coalition to Abolish Corporal Punishment in Schools

NCAH e: National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped

NCACS e: National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools - e: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

NCAHCP e: National Council on Alternative Health Care Policy

NCACSS e: North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

NCAHE e: National Commission on Allied Health Education NCAHF e: National Council Against Health Fraud

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NCAHRN e: National Central American Health Rights Network NCAHUAC e: National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee NCAI e: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information - e: National Coalition for Adult Immunization - e: National Committee on Atomic Information - e: National Congress of American Indians - e: National Council of American Importers - e: National Council on Alcoholism Inc. - e: National Council on Alcoholism Incorporated - e: Northwest Commercial Air, Incorporated N.C.A.I. e: National Council of Associated Ironmasters NCAIAE e: National Center for American Indian Alternative Education NCAICU e: North Carolina Association of Independent Colleges and Universities NCAIE e: National Center for American Indian Education - e: National Council of the Arts in Education NCAIH e: National Center for Automated Information Retrieval NCAIL e: National Council Against Illegal Liquor NCAIP e: National Consumer Affairs Internship Program NCAIR e: National Center for Automated Information Research - e: National Center for Automated Information Retrieval NCAJ e: National Center for Administrative Justice NCA/JCS e: National Command Authorities and Joint Chiefs of Staff NCAJL e: National Council on Art in Jewish Life NCAL e: National Center on Adult Literacy - e: National Committee for Adult Literacy - e: New Caledonia NCALAC e: National Customs Agents Licensing Advisory Committee NCALHBCU e; National Consortium of Arts and Letters for Historically Black Colleges and Universities NCALI e: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information NCALL e: National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor [Research Fund] - e: Northern California Association of Law Libraries NCAM e: National Center for Accessible Media - e: National Center for Advanced Materials NCAMI e: National Committee Against Mental Illness


NCAMP NCAMP e: National Coalition Against the Misuse[s] of Pesticides NCAMR e: Nordic Council for Arctic Medical Research NCAN e: Incan Superior Ltd. - e: National Citizens Action Network - e: National Coalition of American Nuns - e: National Committee for Amnesty Now NCaN e: North Country Reference and Research Resources Council, Canton NCANH e: National Council for the Accreditation of Nursing Homes NCanHi e: Ontario County Historical Society, Canandaigua NCanV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Canandaigua NCAO e: National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations - e: Naval Civil Affairs Officer NCAOS e: National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations Secretariat NCAP e: Nansen Centennial Arctic Program - e: National Community Advisory Panel - e: National Community AIDS Partnership - e: Nordic Council for Animal Protection N-CAP e: National Coalition Against Pornography - e: Nurses Coalition for Action in Politics

NCARL e: National Canners Association Research Laboratory - e: National Committee Against Repressive Legislation NCARMD e: National Commission on Arthritis and Related Musculoskeletal Disease NCARP e: Collegiate Association for Research of Principle NCAR Q [uart] [erly] e; NCAR [National Center for Atmospheric Research] Quarterly NCAR/UCAR e: National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAS e: National Centre for Supercomputing Applications - e: National Coalition Against Surrogacy - e: National Coalition of Advocates for Students - e: National Collegiate Association for Secretaries - e: National Council of American Shipbuilders

NCAVAE e: National Committee for AudioVisual Aids in Education - e: National Council for Audio-Visual Aids in Education

NCASI e: National Council for/on Air and Stream Improvement - e: National Council for/of [the] Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvements], Inc.

NCARAI e: Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence NCARB e: National Council of Architectural Registration Boards NCARF e: National Committee for Amish Religious Freedom


NcAU e: University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville

NCASAA e: National Court Appointed Special Advocates Association

NCAPS e: Naval Control and Protection of Shipping

NCAR /· Centre National de Recherche Atmospherique

NCATH e: National Campaign Against Toxic Hazards

NcAV e: United States Veterans Administration, Hospital Library

NCASF e; National Council of AmericanSoviet Friendship

Nc-Ar e: North Carolina State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh

NCATE e: National Council for [the] Accreditation of Teacher Education

NCASA e: National Coalition Against Sexual Assault

NCAPO e: National Council of Adoptive Parents Organizations

NCAR e: National Center for Association Resources - e: National Center for Atmospheric Research - e: National Committee Against Removals - e: National Committee for Antarctic Research - e: National Conference on the Administration of Research - e: National Conference on the Advancement of Research

NCATB e; National Congress of Animal Trainers and Breeders

NCaUA e: State University of NewYork, Agricultural and Technical College, Canton

NCAPC e: National Center for Air Pollution Control

NCAQ e: National Commission of/on Air Quality

NCATA e: National Center for Audiotape Archive - e: National Coalition of Arts Therapies (or Therapy) Associations

NCaS e: Saint Lawrence University, Canton

NCASC e: National Capital Administrative Support Center - e: National Council of Acupuncture Schools and Colleges - e: Nordic Council for Adult Studies in Church

NCapV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Medical Library, Castle Point

- e: National Center (or Centre) for Alternative Technology - e: National Center for Appropriate Technology - e: National Center for Asphalt Technology - e: National Center for Audiotape - e: National Program for Clear Air Turbulence - e: Northampton College of Advanced Technology

NCASI Atm Poll Tech Bull e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Atmospheric Pollution Technical Bulletin NCASI Monthly Bull e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Monthly Bulletin NCASI Regul Rev e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Regulatory Review NCASI Tech Bull e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Technical Bulletin NCASI Tech Bull Atmos Qual Improv Tech Bull e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Technical Bulletin. Atmospheric Quality Improvement NCASI Tech Rev e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Technical Review NCAT e: National Catalog Database - e: National Center for Advanced Technologies (or Technology)


· Säur, München

NCAVC e: National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime NCAW e: National Council for Animal Welfare NCAWA e: National Coinamatic Auto Wash Association NCAWE e: National Council for/of Administrative Women in Education NCAWP e: National Council for Alternative Work Patterns NCAWRR e: National Committee Against War, Racism, and Repression NCAYR e: National Chaplains Association for Youth Rehabilitation NCB a: Nordisk Copyright Bureau - e: National Cargo Bureau - e: National Central Bureau - e: National Children's Bureau - e: National City Bank, New York - e: National Classification Board [American Trucking Association] - e: National Coal Board - e: National Codification Bureau - e: National Collection of Industrial Bacteria - e: National Commercial Bank - e: National Compliance Board - e: National Computer Board - e: National Conservation Bureau - e: National Cooperative Bank - e: Naval Communications Board - e: Naval Construction Battalion - e: Nippon Credit Bank - e: Nippon Cultural Broadcasting - e: Northwest Cherry Briners - e: Nuclear Contingency Branch

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCC - n: Nederlandse Consumenten Bond - n: Nederlandse Credietbank NV - n: Noordbrabantse Christelijke Boerenbond N.C.B. e: National Coal Board - e: National Conciliation Board

NCBGCW e: National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work

NCBSA e: National Candy Brokers and Salesmen's Association

NCBH e: National Coalition to Ban Handguns

NCBT e: Nashville City Bank & Trust Co.

NCBHC e: National Committee on Black and Hispanic Concerns

NCBTA e: Nordic Cooperative of Brick and Tilemakers' Associations

NCBHR e: National Council on Bioethics in Human Research

NCBTB n: Nederlandse Christelijke Boerenen Tuindersbond

NCBI e: National Center for Biotechnology Information - e: National Cotton Batting Institute

NcBurWE e: Western Dectric Co., Technical Library, Burlington

NC&B e: Naval Courts and Boards NCBA e: National Candy Brokers Association - e: National Catholic Bandmasters Association - e: National Cattle Breeders Association - e: National Cattlemens Beef Association - e: National Caucus and Center on Black Aged - e: National Chinchilla Breeders of America - e: National Clydesdale Breeders Association - e: National Color Bred Association - e: National Commodity and Barter Association - e: National Cooperative Business Association - e: National Council on Black Aging - e: Northern California Booksellers Association N.C.B.A. e: National Cattle Breeders Association - e: Non-County Boroughs Association NCBBC e: National Council of Bible Believing Churches NCBC e: National Center for Biomedical Communications - e: National Chinchilla Breeders of Canada - e: National Commerce Bancorporation - e: National Committee for the Berne Convention - e: Naval Construction Battalion Center

NCBIAE e: National Council of ΒΙΑ [Bureau of Indian Affairs] Educators NCBJ e: National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges NCBJS e: National Council of Beth Jacob Schools NCBL e: National Conference of Black Lawyers NCBLG e: National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays NCBLRDC e: National Coalition of Black Lung and Respiratory Disease Clinics NCBM e: National City Bancorporation - e: National Conference of Black Mayors - e: National Council of/on Business Mail

NCBCS e: National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards

NCBMP e: National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners - e: National Council of Building Material Producers

NCBD e: National Council for Balanced Development

NCBND e: National Committee for Research in Neurological Disorders

NCBDE e: National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators

N.C.B.O. n: Nederlandse Christelijke Bond van Overheidspersoneel

NCBE e: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education - e: National Conference of Bar Examiners - e: National Conference of Bar Executives - e: National Council for Better Education

NcBoA e: Appalachian State University, Boone

NCBEA e: National Catholic Business Education Association NcBeaAE e: United States Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Center, Beaufort Laboratory, Beaufort NCBEC e: National Center for Business and Economic Communication NcBesL e: Lithium Corp. of America, Ellestad Research Library, Bessemer City NCBF e: National Conference of Bar Foundations

NCBP e; National Conference of Bar Presidents - e: National Contaminants] Biomonitoring Program NCBPD e: National Consortium for Black Professional Development NCBPE e: National Conference of Business Paper Editors NCBPNP/N e: National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Nurses NCBR e: National Center for Bilingual Research - e: National Community Bank of New Jersey - e: National Community Banks, Inc. - e: National Council of Black Republicans

NCBFAA e: National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America

NCBr e: Non-Commercial Brush

NCBFCC e: Northern Counties Border Fancy Canary Club

NCB Research Paper e: National Coal Board Research Paper

NCBFE e: National Center for a Barrier Free Environment

NCBS e: National Cattle Breeding Station - e: National Council for Black Studies - e: National Council of Business Schools - e: National Gage Bird Show

NCBG e: National Coalition of Black Gays

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NCBVA e: National Concrete Burial Vault Association NCBVP e: National Coalition on Black Voter Participation NCBW e: National Cage Bird Week Association NCBWA e: National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association N.C.B.W.A. e: National Congress of British West Africa NCC e: Chadron State College, Chadron - e: Dutch national computer catalogue - e: NAACOG [Nurses Association of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] Certification Corporation - e: Namhae Chemical Corporation - e: Namibia Chiefs Council - e: Namibia Council of Churches - e: NASA Class Code - e: NASA Communications Control - e: Nassau Community College - e: National Cadet Corps - e: National Cambridge Collectors - e: National Cancer Center - e: National Cancer Cytology Center - e: National Capital Commission - e: National Capon Council - e: National Caravan Council Ltd. - e: National Carbon Company - e: National Career Center - e: National Carloading Corporation - e: National Cartographic Centre - e: National Carwash Council - e: National Casting[s] Council - e: National Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties - e: National Certified Counselors] - e: National Chamber of Commerce - e: National Chemurgic Council - e: National Chile Center - e: National Christian Council - e: National Citizens Coalition - e: National Citizens Committee. Bulletin - e: National City Corporation - e: National Civic Council - e: National Classification Commission - e: National Clearing Corporation - e: National Clients Council - e: National Climate Center (or Centre) - e: National Climatic Center [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] - e: National Coaches Council - e: National Coal Council - e: National College of Chiropractic - e: National Command Center - e: National Commission on Children - e: National Communications Club - e: National Communications Command - e: National Communications System - e: National Company of Crossbowmen


N.C.C. - e: National Computer Center - e: National Computer Conference [and Exposition] - e: National Computer Council - e: National Computing Center (or Centre) - e: National Conference on Citizenship - e: National Congressional Club - e: National Consultative Committee - e: National Consultative Council - e: National Consumer Council - e: National Consumers Congress - e: National Container Committee - e: National Coordinating Center - e: National Coordinating Committee [for the Promotion of History] - e: National Coordinating Council on Drug Abuse Education and Information - e: National Coordination Committee - e: National Core Curriculum - e: National Correspondence College - e: National Cotton Council [of America] - e: National Council Against Conscription - e: National Council of Churches [of Christ in the USA] - e: National Council on Codependence - e: National Counselor Certification - e: National Crime Commission - e: National Cryptologic Command [National Security Agency] - e: National Cultural Center - e: National Curriculum Council - e: Native Council of Canada - e: Nature Conservancy Council - e: Nature Conservation Council - e: Navajo Community College - e: Naval Component Command - e: Navy Command Center - e: Navy Cost Center - e: Nepera Chemical Company - e: Netherlands Chamber of Commerce - e: Network Control Center (or Centre) - e: Network Coordination Center (or Centre) - e: New Computer Center [Social Security Administration] - e: Newfoundland Capital Corporation Ltd. - e: Newhouse Communications Center - e: Newspaper Comics Council - e: Niagara County Community College - e: Noise Control Committee - e: Non-Combatant Corps - e: Non-Commercial Cover - e: Noncombatant Corps - e: NORAD Command Center - e: NORAD Control Center - e: Nordic Choral Committee - e: North Carolina College - e: North Central College - e: Northwest Christian College - e: Northwest Community College - e: Nursing Clerical Coordinator - n: Nationaal Crisis Comite N.C.C. e: National Catering Corporation - e: National Cavy Club - e: National Chamber of Commerce - e: National Control Center - e: National Coursing Club - e: Non Combattant Corps - e: Northern Counties Committee NCCA e; Nash Car Club of America - e: National Catholic Camping Association - e: National Cedar Chest Association - e: National Center for Child Advocacy - e: National Center for Community Action - e: National Centre for Clinical Audit - e: National Chemical Credit Association - e: National Christian Counselors Association


- e: National Clergy Council on Alcoholism and Related Drug Problems - e: National Coil Coalers Association - e: National Collegiate Conference Association - e: National Columbia Challenger Association - e: National Commission for Certifying Agencies - e: National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture - e: National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists - e: National Committee on Central America - e: National Concrete Contractors Association - e: National Cotton Council of America - e: National Council for Critical Analysis - e: National Council for Culture and Art - e: National Court Clubs Association - e: Nordic Committee for Central Africa - e: North Carolina Classical Association - e: North Carolina Correctional Association NCCAA e: National Christian College Athletic[s] Association NCCAC e: National Catholic Conference of Airport Chaplains NCCACS e: National Council of Columbia Associations in Civil Service NCCAE e: National Council of County Association Executives NCCAFV e: National Council of/on Child Abuse and Family Violence NcCaLM e: United States Naval Medical Field Research Laboratory, Camp Lejeune NcCaLMC e: United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Base General Library, Camp Lejeune NcCaLNM e: United States Navy, Naval Regional Medical Center, Library, Camp Lejeune NCCAM e: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine NCCAN e: National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect - e: National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect NCCAOM e: National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine NCCAS e: National Center of Communication Arts and Sciences - e: National Committee for Climate Change and Atmospheric Sciences - e: National Council for Clean Air and Streams NCCAT e: National Committee for Clean (or Clear) Air Turbulence NCCAW e: National Consultative Committee on Animal Welfare NCCB e: National Carpenters Craft Board - e: National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting - e: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - e: National Consumer Cooperative Bank - e: National Council of Catholic Bishops - e: National Council to Combat Blindness - e: Netherlands Culture Collection of Bacteria


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NCCBA e: National Caucus and Center on Black Aged NCCBH e: National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare NCCBI e: National Coordinating Committee of the Beverage Industry NCCBMI e: National Consortium for Computer Based Music Instruction NCCBS e: National Citizens Council for Better Schools NCCC e: National Cambodia Crisis Committee - e: National Cancer Cytology Center - e: National Catholic Cemetery Conference - e: National Cervical Cancer Coalition - e: National Climate Climotological Center - e: National Conference of Catholic Charities - e: National Conservative Congressional Committee - e: National Consumer Credit Consultants - e: National Council of Churches of Christ [in the USA] - e: National Council of Community Churches - e: National Council of Corvette Clubs - e: Nebraska Consolidated Communications Corporation - e: Niagara County Community College - e: Norris Cotton Cancer Center NCCCA e: National Coordinating Council for Constructive Action NCCCC e: National Coalition for Campus Child Care - e: Naval Command, Control, and Communications Center - e: Navy Command, Control, and Communications Center NCCCCA e: National Collegiate Cross Country Coaches Association NCCCD e: National Center Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - e: National Center for Computer Crime Data NcCCel e: Celanese Fibers Co., Technical Information Center, Charlotte NCCCHE e: National Certification Commission in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering NCCCLC e: Naval Command Control Communications Laboratory Center NCCCP e: National Center for Community Crime Prevention NCCCR e: National Citizens Committee for Community Relations NCCCUS e: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States NCCCUSA e; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States - e: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. NCCCWA e: National Cotton Compless and Cotton Warehouse Association NCCD e: National Center for Chronic Disease Control

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCCML - e: National College for Criminal Defense - e: National Council for Community Development - e: National Council for Criminal Defense - e: National Council on Crime and Delinquency NCCDC e: National Computer Crime Data Center NCCDE e: National Coordinating Council on Drug Education

NCCFL e: National Catholic Conference on Family Life NCCFN e: National Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition NCCG e: National Council on Compulsive Gambling NCCGDP e: National Council of Chairmen of Graduate Departments of Psychology

NCCDL e: National College of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Public Defenders

NcCGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Charlotte North Carolina Branch, Charlotte

NCCDPC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Command, Control and Information Systems and ADP [Automatic Data Processing] Committee

NCCH e: National Centre for Classification in Health - e: National Council of Community Hospitals - e: National Council to Control Handguns

NCCDPHP e: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

NCCHB e: National Committee on Concerns of Hispanics and Blacks

NCCD-R&I e: National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Research, and Information Division

NCCHC e: National Commission on Correctional Health Care

NCCDS e: National Cooperative Crohn's Disease Study NCCE e: National Center for Community Education - e: National Center for Computational Electronics - e: National Coalition for Consumer Education - e: National Commission for Cooperative Education - e: National Committee for Citizens in Education - e: National Council for Catholic Evangelization - e: Nordic Committee for Commercial Education - e: Northern Counties Co-operative Enterprise NCCED e: National Congress for Community Economic Development

NCCHE e: National Chicano Council for Higher Education - e: National Conference for Cooperation in Health Education - e: National Coordinating Committee on Human Environment NCCHI e: National Cap and Cloth Hat Institute NCCHR e: National Commission on Confidentiality of Health Records NCCHS e: National Commission on Community Public Health Services - e: National Conference on the Challenge of Health and Safety - e: National Council of Chiropractic Hospitals and Sanitariums NCCHTA e: National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment

- e: Nordic Cooperation Committee for International Politics, Including Conflict and Peace Research NCCIS e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Command, Control and Information - e: NATO Command, Control and Information System NCCJ e: National Coalition for Children's Justice - e: National Conference of Christians and Jews NcCJ e: Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte N.C.C.J. e: National Christian Council of Japan NCCJP&A e: National Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Planning and Architecture NCCJPA e: National Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Planning and Architecture NCCK e: National Christian Council of Kenya - e: National Consultative Committee on Kangaroos - e: National Council of Churches of Kenya NCCL e: National Citizen Communication Lobby - e: National Council for Civil Liberties - e: National Council of Canadian Labo[u]r - e: National Council of Catholic Laity - e: National Council of Coal Lessors N.C.C.L. e: National Council for Civil Liberties NCC-LAW e: North Carolina Center for Laws Affecting Women, Inc. NCCLS e: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards - e: National Consumer Center for Legal Services

NC-CEE n: Nederlandse Comite voor de CEE NcCI e: IBM Corp., Library/ISC, Charlotte NCCEM e: National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management - e: National Council of Catholic Employers and Managers N.C. Cent. L.J. e: North Carolina Central Law Journal NCCEOA e: National Coordinating Council of Educational Opportunities Associations NCCEWV e: National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam NCCF e: National Cancer Care Foundation - e: National Childhood Cancer Foundation - e: National Commission on Consumer Finance - e: National Committee to Combat Fascism - e: National Council on Community Foundations - e: Network Communication^] Control Facility - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Central Computer Facility N.C.C.F. e: National Committee to Combat Fascism

NCCI e: National Commission on Coping with Interdependence - e: National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants - e: National Council of/on Compensation Insurance - e: North Central Computer Institute - e: Nutri-Cheese Company NCCIA e: North Carolina Crop Improvement Association, Inc. NCCIC e: National Child Care Information Center NCCIDSA e: North Central Chapter Infectious Diseases Society of America NCCIHE e: North Carolina Center for Independent Higher Education NCCIJ e: National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice NCCIP e: National Center for Clinical Infant Programs

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NcCM e: Mecklenburg County Medical Society, Charlotte NCCM e: National Council of Catholic Men NCCMA e: National Corporate Cash Management Association NCCMAG e: National Computer Center Management Advisory Group NCCMCU e: National Committee to Commemorate the Millenium of Christianity in the Ukraine NCCMGI e: National Clearinghouse for Corporate Matching Gift Information NCCMHC e: National Council of Community Mental Health Centers NCCMHS e: National Consortium for Child Mental Health Services NcCML e: Medical Library of Mecklenburg County, Inc., Charlotte NCCML e: National Committee for Careers in the Medical Laboratory


NCCMP NCCMP e: National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans NCCMT e: National Committee for Careers in Medical Technology NCCN e: National Committee on Computer Networks - e: National Comprehensive Cancer Network - e: National Coordinating Committee of Nkrumahists - e: National Council of Catholic Nurses NCCNA e: National Clearinghouse on Child Neglect and Abuse NCCNHR e: National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform NCCNSW e: Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales

NCCR e: National Center for Resource Recovery - e: National Coalition for Cancer Research - e: National Committee for Cultural Resources - e: National Convention for Construction and Reform - e: National Coordinating Committee for the Repatriation of South African Exiles - e: National Council for Children's Rights - e: National Council for Civic Responsibility - e: National Council for Community Relations - e: National Council of Chiropractic Roentgenologists

NcCuW e: Western Carolina University, Cullowhee

NCCRE e: National Consumers Committee for Research and Education

NCCWAO e: National Council of Community World Affairs Organizations

NCC Res Rep Dig e: Nature Conservancy Council. Research Reports Digest

NCCWHO e: National Citizens Committee for the World Health Organization

NCCRI e: National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment

NCCWS e: Nuclear Component Cooling Water System

NCCS e: NASA Center for Computational Sciences - e: National Carriers Contract Services - e: National Catholic Committee on Scouting - e: National Catholic Community Service - e: National Catholic Conference for Seafarers - e: National Center for Charitable Statistics - e: National Center for Constitutional Studies - e: National Children's Cancer Society - e: National Christ Child Society - e: National Climbing Classification System - e: National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship - e: National Command and Control System - e: National Council for Civic Responsibility - e: National Council for Community Services to International Visitors - e: National Council for Constitutional Studies - e: National Credit Counseling Services - e: Navy Command and Control System - e: NORAD Command and Control System - e: Nordic Church Council for Seamen - e: Nordic College of Caring Sciences - e: Nordic Council for Church Studies - e: Nuclear Command And Control System

NCCY e: National Committee for Children and Youth - e: National Council of Catholic Youth

NCCSA e: National Council for the Church and Social Action

NcD e: Duke University, Durham

NCCV e: National Center for Church Vocations NCCVD e: National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases NCCW e: National Chamber of Commerce for Women - e: National Council of Career Women - e: National Council of Catholic Women

NCCO e: Enseco, Inc. NCCOP e: National Corporation for the Care of Old People NcCorD e: Duke Power Co., Information Resource Center, Cornelius NCCOS e: National Committee for Certificates in Office Studies NCCP e: National Center for Children in Poverty - e: National Clearinghouse for Computer Programs - e: National Communities Conservation Planning Group - e: National Coordinated Cataloging Program - e: National Council on City Planning - e: NATO Commanders Communications Publication NCCPA e: National Cinder Concrete Products Association - e: National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistants - e: National Committee for the Certification of Physician Assistants - e: National Council of College Publications Advisers NCCPAP e: National Conference of CPA [Certified Public Accountant] Practitioners NCCPB e: National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders

NCCYSA e: National Conference of Catholics in Youth Serving Agencies NCD e: National Center for the Diaconate - e: National Christian Democratic Party - e: National Commission for Democracy - e: National Commission on Diabetes - e: National Control Data - e: National Council on Disability - e: National Council on Drugs - e: Naval Construction Department - e: Naval Construction Depot - e: Net Control Device - e: Network Computing Devices - e: Nordic Committee on Disability - e: Nordic Council for the Deaf - e: North Canadian Oils Ltd. - e: North Central Dairy Forwarders Tariff Bureau - e: North Central Division

N.C.D. e: Naval Construction Department NCCSC e: National Coordinating Center in Solidarity with Chile NCCSCE e: National Council on Community Services and Continuing Education

NC3D e: National Coordinating Center for Curriculum Development NCDA e: National Career Development Association - e: National Center for Drug Analysis - e: National Ceramic Dealers Association - e: National College of District Attorneys - e: National Community Development Association - e: National Cooperative Development Association - e: National Council on Drug Abuse

NCCPC e: NATO Civil Communications Planning Committee

NCCSS e: National Central Conference on Summer Schools - e: North Central Conference on Summer Schools

NCCPG e: National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens

NCCTA e: National Council of Chemical Technician Affiliates

NCCPL e: National Community Crime Prevention League

NCCTS e: National Catholic Conference for Total Stewardship

NcCpM e: United States Marine Corps, Air Station, Cherry Point

NCCU e: National Conference of Canadian Universities - e: North Carolina Central University

NCDAC e: National Civil Defense Advisory Council

NcCU e; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte

NCDAD e: National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design

NCCUSL e: National Commission for Creation of Uniform State Laws - e: National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws

NCDAI e: National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information

NCC Proc e: National Computer Conference. Proceedings NCCPS e: National Citizens Commission for the Public Schools NCCPV e: National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence



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N.C.D.A. e: National Council for Democratic Aid

NCDAPA e: National Curtain, Drapery, and Allied Products Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCEC NcD-B e: Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, Durham

NcD-MC e: Duke University, Medical Center, Durham

NcDurNH e: National Humanities Center, Durham

NCDB e: National Cancer Data Base - e: National Cartographic Data Base - e: National Center for Drugs and Biologies

NCDMDP e: National Cladding/Duct Materials Development Program

NcDurV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Durham

NcDnrUC e: Union Carbide Agricultural Products Co., Inc., Research Triangle Park, Durham

NcDurW-Gv e: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Greenville

NCDBC e: National Center for the Development of Bilingual Curriculum NCDC e: National Capital Development Commission - e: National Catholic Development Conference - e: National Center for Disease Control - e: National Civil Defence Corps - e: National Climate (or Climatic) Data Center (or Centre) - e: National Coalition for a Democratic Constitution - e: National College for Criminal Defense - e: National Committee for the Day Care of Children - e: National Communicable Disease Center - e: National Community Development Corporation - e: National Council on Crime and Delinquency - e: National Criminal Defense College - e: National Curriculum Development Center - e: Naval Contract Distribution Center - e: New Community Development Corporation -/· Centre National de Donnees Climatiques NCDCA e: National Child Day Care Association NCDCDS e: National Committee for Digital Cartographic Standards NCDCF e: National Civil Defense Computer Facility

NCDO e: Navy Central Disbursing Office - e: North Canadian Oils Ltd. NCDP e: National Christian Democratic Party - n: Namibie Christelike Demokratiese Party NCDPEH e: National Coalition for Disease Prevention and Environmental Health NCDRC e: National Catholic Disaster Relief Committee NCDRH e: National Center for Devices and Radiological Health NCDRS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Crisis Data Retrieval System NCOS e: NASA Climate Data System - e: National Cartographic Data Standard - e: National Center for Dispute Settlement - e: National Centre for Development Studies - e: National Cooperative Dialysis Study - e: North Carolina Dental Society N.C.D.S. e: National Civil Defence Services NCDSB e: National Cartographic Data Standard Base

NcD-D e: Duke University, Divinity School, Durham

NCDT e: National Council for Drama Training - e: North Carolina Dance Theater

NCDDG e: National Cooperative Drug Discovery Group

NCDTO e; National Council of Dance Teacher Organizations

NCDDR e: National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research

NCDU e: Naval Combat Demolition Unit

NCDDRE-CCD e: National Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious EducationCCD [Continuing Christian Development] NCDE e: National Coalition for Democracy in Education NCDE AS e: National Committee of Deans of Engineering and Applied Sciences NCDF e: National Computer Dealer Forum NCDH e: National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing NCDHM e: National Children's Dental Health Month NcD-L e: Duke University, School of Law, Durham NCDL e: National Canine Defence League NCDM e: National Conference on Disaster Management N.C.D.M. e: National Constitution Defence Movement

NcDurBD e: Becton, Dickinson & Co., Research Center Library, Research Triangle Park, Durham NcDurC e: North Carolina Central University, Durham NcDurCL e: North Carolina Central University, School of Library Science, Durham NcDurCR e: Chemstrand Research Center, Inc., Durham NcDurEP e: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Administration, Library Services Branch, Park, Durham NcDurHS e: United States National Environmental Health Sciences Center, Durham NcDurlBM e: International Business Machines Corp., IBM CPD Library, Durham NcDurIF e: International Fertility Research Program, Durham

NCDVD e: National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors NcD-W e; Duke University, Woman's College, Durbam NCE e: National Centre of Excellence - e: National College of Education - e: National Committee for the Environment - e: National Committee on the Emeriti - e: National Computer Exposition - e: National Council of Exchangers - e: National Counselor Examination for Licensure & Certification - e: Navy Calibration Equipment List - e: Network Control Element - e: New Catholic Edition - e: Newark College of Engineering - e: NISN Customer Engineer - e: North Coast Engineering -/· Nouvelles cultures europeennes -/· Office National du Commerce Exterieur NCEA e: National Catholic Educational Association - e: National Catholic Evangelization Association - e: National Center for Economic Alternatives - e: National Center for Environmental Assessment - e: National Christian Education Association - e: National College Education and Admissions Foundation - e: National Community Education Association - e: National Consortium for Education Access - e: North Carolina Education Association - e: North Central Electric Association NCEAS e: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis NCEB e: National Center for Educational Brokering - e: National Commercial Education Board - e: National Council for Environmental Balance - e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Communications Electronics Board NCEBVS e: National Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome Association NCEC e: National Center for Educational Communication - e: National Chemical Emergency Center (or Centre) - e: National Christian Education Council - e: National Coast Export Company - e: National Commission for Electrologist Certification - e: National Committee for an Effective Congress - e: National Community Education Clearinghouse - e: National Construction Employers Council - e: Navy Civil Engineering Corps - e: North Coast Environment Centre - e: North Coast Export Company

NcDurL e: Liggett & Myers, Inc., Durham

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich



NCEHP e: National Center for the Exploration of Human Potential

- e: National Cholesterol Education Program [Coordinating Committee] - e: National Council for the Encouragement of Patriotism - e: National Council on Employment Policy

NCEHR e: National Council on Ethics in Human Research

NCEPA e: National Civil Emergency Planning Authorities

NCEHS e: National Center for Environmental Health Strategies

NCEPH e: National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health

NCEI e: National Commission on Emerging Institutions

NCEPI e: National Center for Environmental Publications and Information

NCECG e: National Coalition to Expand Charitable Giving

NCEL e: Nationwide Cellular Service, Inc. - e: Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory - e: Navel Council Engineering Laboratory

NCEPOD e: National Confidential Enquiry into Peri-Operative Death

NCECS e: North Carolina Educational Computing Service

NcElcE e: Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City

NCED e: National Center for/on [the] Employment of the Deaf

NcElonCH e: Historical Society of the Southern Convention, Congregation of Christian Churches, Elon College

N.C.E.C. e: National Conference of Express Carriers - e: National Council for Equal Citizenship NCECA e: National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts NCECD e: National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament NCECE e: National Council of Elected County Executives NCECF e: National Children's Eye Care Foundation

NCEDL e: National Committee for Effective Design Legislation NCEDT e: National Council to Eliminate Death Taxes NCEE e: National Catholic Educational Exhibitors - e: National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research - e: National Center on Education and Employment - e: National Commission on Excellence in Education - e: National Congress for Educational Excellence - e: National Congress on Engineering Education - e: National Council of Engineering (or Engineers) Examiners NCEEF e: National Committee for Electrical Engineering Films NCEER e: National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research NCEES e: National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying

NCEHIC e: National Center for Environmental Health and Injury Control

NCEM e: National Center for Electron Microscopy NCEMC e: National Committee on the Education of Migrant Children [of the National Child Labor Committee] NCEMCH e: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health NCEMI e: National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics NCEMMH e: National Center, Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped NCEMP e: National Center for Energy Management and Power NCEMSF e: National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation NCEMT e: National Center for Excellence in Manufacturing Technology - e: National Center for Excellence in Metalworking Technology NCEN e: National Commission on Egg Nutrition

NCER e: National Center for Earthquake Research - e: National Conference on Electromagnetic Relays - e: National Council on Educational Research NCERACCS e: National Coalition to End Racism in America's Child Care System NCERD e: National Center for Educational Research and Development NCERT e: National Council for/of Educational Research and Training NCES e: National Center for/of Educational] Statistics - e: New Careers in Employment Security - e: North Central Experiment Station NCESA e: National Class E Scow Association NCESGR e: National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve NCET e: National Capital Real Estate Trust - e: National Center for Educational Technology - e: National Center for Educational Travel - e: National Coastal Ecosystems Team - e: National Council for Educational Technology NCETA e: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction

NCEF e: National Calling and Emergency Frequencies - e: Non-Circumcision Educational Foundation

NC ΕΝΑ e: North Carolina Emergency Nurses Association

NCEUR e: National Security Agency Europe

NCEFF e: National Committee for Education in Family Finance

NCen Assn Q e: North Central Association. Quarterly

NCEUS e: National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics

NCEFR e: National Council of Erectors, Fabricators and Riggers

NcEnk e: American Enka Corp., Enka

NCEW e: National Conference of Editorial Writers

NCEFT e: National Commission on Electronic Fund[s] Transfer

N.C.E.U. i: Nuovo Catasto Edilizio Urbano

NCEO e: National Center for Employee Ownership - e: National Center for Exploitation of the Oceans

NCEG e: Numerical C Extensions Group NCEH e: National Center for Environmental Health NCEHAI e: National Committee on Ethics of the Hearing Aid Industry

N.C.E.O. e: National Confederation of Employers' Organizations NCEOA e: National Council of Educational Opportunity Associations

NCEHELP e: National Conference of Executives of Higher Education Loan Plans

NCEP e: National Center for Education in Politics - e: National Center[s] (or Centre) for/of Environmental Prediction


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NCEY e: National Committee on Employment of Youth NCEZ e: National Coalition for Enterprise Zones NCF e: Narramore Christian Foundation - e: National Cancer Foundation - e: National Chamber Foundation - e: National Civics Federation - e: National Clayware Federation - e: National Commission on [a] Free and Responsible Media - e: National Communications Forum - e: National Conservative Foundation

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCGEP - e: National Consumer Federation - e: National Control Facility - e: National Craniofacial Foundation - e: Naval Communications Facility - e: Naval Construction Force - e: Network Control Facility - e: No Conscription Fellowship - e: NSSDC Computer Facility - e: Nuclear Capable Forces - e: Nurses Christian Fellowship - n: Nederlandsch Centraal Filmarchief - N: Norges Cykelforbund - r: Nordiska Civilekonomförbundet NCFA e: Narcolepsy and Cataplexy Foundation of America - e: National Cat Fanciers' Association - e: National Collection of Fine Arts - e: National Collegiate Flying Association - e: National Collegiate Football Association - e: National Commercial Finance Association - e: National Commission of Fine Arts - e: National Committee for Adoption - e: National Consumer Finance Association - e: Navy Campus for Achievement - e: North Carolina Forestry Association NCFAE e: National Council of Forestry] Association Executives NcFayH e: Fayetteville Area Health Education Foundation, Inc., Fayetteville NcFayS e: Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville NcFayV e: United States Veterans Administration Medical Center, Fayetteville NcFb e: United States Army, Special Services Library System, Fort Bragg NCfB N: Norsk Centralforening for Boktrykkere

NCFEPS e: National Commission for Full Employment Policy Studies NCFES e: North Central Forest Experiment Station NCFFR e: National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting NCFI e: National Cold Fusion Institute - e: Nurses Christian Fellowship International NCFILP e: National Coalition for Fair Immigration Laws and Practices NCFIRB e: North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau NCFIS e: National Center for Freedom of Information Studies NCFJE e: National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education NCFL e: National Catholic Forensic League - e: National Center for Family Literacy - e: National Children's Firm Library NCFLIS e: National Council on Foreign Language and International Studies NCFM e: National Commission on Food Marketing - e: National Committee on Fluid Mechanies NCFMF e: National Committee for Fluid Mechanic [s] Firms NCFMS e: Naval Comptroller Financial Management Service NCFNP e: National Committee for a Freedom Now Party NCFP e: National Conference on Fluid Power

NcFbH e: United States Army, Womack Army Hospital, Fort Bragg NcFbIM e: United States Army, Institute for Military Assistance, Marquat Memorial Library, Fort Bragg NCFC e: National Coal Policy Conference - e: National Coalition for a Free Cuba - e: National Commercial Finance Conference - e: National Council of Farm[er] Cooperatives NCFCA e: National Congress of Floor Covering Associations NCFD e: National Corporate Fund for Dance NCFDA e: National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance NCFDAL e: National Committee for Fair Divorce and Alimony Laws NCFE e: National Center for Financial Education - e: National Committee for a Free Europe - e: National Committee for Full Employment - e: National Commodity Futures Examination

NCFPC e: National Center for Fish Protein Concentrate - e: National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control NCFPI e: National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information NCFPS e: National Center for Family Planning Services

NCFT e; National College of Food Technology - e: National Council for Families and Television NCFTF e: National Consumer Fraud Task Force NCFTJ e: National Conference on Federal Trial Judges NCFVP e: National Center for Firm and Video Preservation NCFVSI e: National Council for Fishing Vessel Safety and Insurance NCG e: National Council for the Gifted - e: National Cylinder Gas Co. - e: Network Control Group - e: Nova-Cogesco Resources, Inc. - e: Nuclear Catering Group - e: Number Consulting Group NCGA e: National Church Goods Association - e: National Committee on Governmental Accounting - e: National Computer Graphics Association - e: National Corn Growers Association - e: National Cotton Ginners' Association - e: National Council for Geographic Education - e: National Council of/on Governmental Accounting NcGA e: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro NCGA e: Northern California Golf Association NcGaH e: Gaston Memorial Hospital, Inc., Medical Library, Gastonia NCG Association e: National Computer Graphics Association NcGBI e: Burlington Industries, Inc., Information Services Library, Greensboro NcGBur e: Burlington Industries, Inc., Information Services Library, Greensboro NCGC e: National Catholic Guidance Conference N.C.G.C. e: National Council of Girls' Clubs

NCFR e: National Conference on Family Relations - e: National Council for Family Reconciliation - e: National Council on Family Relations [Newsletter]

NCGCC e: National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses

NCFRF e: National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation

NcGCH e: Wesley Long Community Hospital, Inc., Greensboro

NCFS e: National Center for Education Statistics - e: National College of Foot Surgeons - e: National Committee on Films for Safety - e: North Carolina Federal Savings & Loan Association

NcGCM e: Cone Mills Corp., Greensboro

NcGCG e: Ciba-Geigy Corp., Technical Information Service, Greensboro

NCGCP e: National Climate and Global Change Program NCGE e: National Council for Geographic Education

NCFSA e: National Class E Scow Association NCFEA e: North Carolina Federation of Electronic Associations NCFEI e: National Center for Financial and Economic Information Services

NCFST e: National Center for Food Safety & Technology NCFSU e: Naval Construction Force Support Unit

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NCGE/J e: Journal of Geography. National Council of Geographic Education NCGEP e: National Council on Graduate Education in Psychology


NCGG NCGG e: National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics - e: National Council for Geodesy and Geophysics NcGGil e: Gilbarco Corp. Library, Greensboro NCGGO n: Nationaal Centrum voor Grasland- en Groenvoederonderzoek NCGIA e: National Center (or Centre) for Geographic Information and Analysis NCGIC e: National Cartographic and Geographic Information Center NCGIF e: National Cherry Growers and Industries Foundation NCGIS e: National Council of Guilds for Infant Survival

NCH e: National Center for Homeopathy - e: National Center on Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped - e: National Chemsearch Corp. - e: National Children's Home [and Orphanage] - e: National Clearing House - e: National Coalition for the Homeless - e: National Cocaine Hotline - e: National Committee on Housing - e: National Council on the Humanities - e: NCH Corp.

NCHHA e: National Council of Homemakers and Home Health Aids

N.C.H. e: National Children's Home [and Orphanage] - e: National Committee on Housing - e: National Council of Hours

NCHLA e: National Committee for a Human Life Amendment

NCHA e: National Campers and Hikers Association - e: National Capital Housing Authority - e: National Crossbow Hunters Association - e: National Cutting Horse Association

NCGMCTC e: National Chevy/GMC Truckin' Club

NCHC e: National Clogging and Hoedown Council - e: National Coalition on Health Care - e: National Collegiate Honors Council - e: National Council of Health Centers

NCGME e: National Council on Graduate Medical Education

NCHCA e: National Commission for Health Certifying Agencies

NCGNP e: National Conference of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners

NCHCS e: National Council for/of Health Care Services

NCGR e: National Center for Genome Research - e: National Center for Genome Resources - e: National Clonal Gennplasm Repository - e: National Council for Geocosmic Research - e: National Council on Gene Resources

NCHCT e: National Center for Health Care Technology

NCGLC e: National Caucus of Gay and Lesbian Counselors

NCGRC e: National Church Growth Research Center NcGrE e: East Carolina University, Greenville NcGrE-H e: East Carolina University, Health Sciences Library, Greenville NCGS e: National Cooperative Gallstone Study - e: New Century Gilders Society - e: North Carolina Geological Survey - e: Nuclear Criteria Group Secretariat (or Secretary) NC&GS e: National Charting & Geodetic Survey NCGSTDS e: National Coalition of Gay Sexually Transmitted Disease Services NCGT e: National Council of Geography Teachers NcGU e: University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro NCGW e: National Council of Catholic Women - n: Nederlandsch Comite voor Geschiedkundige Wetenschappen

NCHDI e: National Center for Hearing Dog Information NCHE e: National Center for Health Education [Newsletter] - e: National Commission on Higher Education - e: National Committee on Household Employment

NCHI e: National Council of the Housing Industry NC His As e: State Literary and Historical Association of North Carolina. Proceedings

NCHLRR e: National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction, and Rhythm NCHLS e: National Council on Health Laboratory Services NCHM e: National Center for Housing Management NCHMHHSO e: National Coalition of Hispanic Mental Health and Human Services Organizations NCHMI e: National Centers for Health and Medical Information, Inc. NCHMT e: National Capital Historical Museum of Transportation NCHO e: National Chicano Health Organization N.C.H.O. e: National Children's Home and Orphanage NCHP e: National Corporation for Housing Partnerships - e: National Council of Hospice Professionals NCHPA e: National Center for Health Promotion and Aging

NCHEC e: National Commission for Health Education Credentialing

NCHPC e: National Consortium for High Performance Computing

NCHEE e: National Council for Home Economics Education

NCHPD e: National Council on Health Planning and Development

NCHELP e; National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs

NCHPEG e: National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics

N Chem L e: National Chemical Laboratory

NCHPR e: National Cooperative Highways Research Program

NCHEML e: National Chemical Laboratory NCHEMS e: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems

NCHPTWA e: National Clearinghouse for Periodical Abstracts Service n.Chr. d: nach Christus

NCHER e: National Center for Homecare Education and Research NCHES e: National Child Health and Education Study NCHF e: Northern California Hemophilia Foundation NCHFCI e: National Committee to Honor the Fourteenth Centennial of Islam

NcGWE e: Western Electric Co., Legal Library, Greensboro

NCHGD e: National Clearinghouse for Hurman Genetic Diseases

NCGWR e: National Center for Ground Water Research

NCHGR e: National Center for Human Genome Research


NCHHHSO e: National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organizations


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NCHR e: National Coalition for Haitian Refugees NCHRP e: National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP [Prog] Rep e: National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Report NCHRP Synthesis Highw Prac e: National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Synthesis of Highway Practice NCHRTM e: National Clearing House of Rehabilitation Training Materials

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCISS NCHS e: National Center for Health Statistics - e: National Committee on Homemaker Service NCHSE e: National Centre for Human Settlements and Environment NCHS [Natl Cent Health Stat] Adv Data e: NCHS [National Center for Health Statistics] Advance Data NCHSR e: Australian National Centre in HIV Social Research - e: National Center for Health Services Research [and Health Care Technology Assessment] NCHSR[&]D e: National Center for Health Services Research and Development NCHSTE e: National Consortium of/on Health Science and Technology Education NCHSTP e: Natinal Center for HIV, STD, & TB Prevention NCHU e: National Chung-Hsing University

- e: National Consumer Information and Advisory Center

NCILT e: National Center (or Centre) for Industrial Language Training

NCIAED e: National Center for Information and Advice on Educational Disadvantage

NCIMA e: National Cancer Institute. Monographs - e: National Cellulose Insulation Manufacturers Association

NCIB e: National Charities Information Bureau - e: National Collection of Industrial Bacteria NCIC e: National Cancer Institute of Canada - e: National Career Information Center - e: National Cartographic Information Center - e: National Commission on the Indian Canadian - e: National Congress of Italian Canadians - e: National Construction Industry Council - e: National Crime Identification Center - e: National Criminal (or Crime) Information Center - e: National Crime Information Computer - e: National Crop Insurance Council - e: Non-Circumcision Information Center - e: Non-Confidential Information Center - e: Northwest Coastal Information Center NCICA e: National Counter Intelligence Corps Association

NCHVRFE e: National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration, and Fan Engineering

NCICAS e: National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study

NCHW e: National Council of Hispanic Women

NCICU e: National Council of Independent Colleges and Universities

NCHWPPTA e: National Conference of Health, Welfare and Pension Plans, Trustees and Administrators

NCID e: National Center for Infectious Diseases - e: National Council for Industrial Defense

NcHyS e: Siecor Corp., Technical Information Center, Hickory

NCIDQ e: National Council for Interior Design Qualification

NCI e: National Cancer Institute - e: National Captioning Institute - e: National Casing Institute - e: National Cello Institute - e: National Cheese Institute - e: National Computer Index - e: National Computer Institute - e: National Computing Industries, Inc. - e: National Council for Inordinacy - e: National Critics Institute - e: Natural Casing Institute - e: Naval Cost Inspection - e: Naval Cost Inspector - e: Naval Court of Inquiry - e: Netherlands Center for Informatics - e: Network Communications International - e: Network Control Information - e: Neutral Countries Intelligence [of Ministry of Economic Warfare] - e: New Creation Institute - e: North Conway Institute - e: Notice of Change Incorporation - e: Nuclear Capability Inspection - e: Nuclear Control Institute - e: Office of New Concepts and Initiatives

NCIES e: National Center for the Improvement of Educational Systems - e: National Committee for International Education through Satellites

NCIA e: National Cavity Installation Association - e: National Cavity Insulation Association - e: National Center on Institutions and Alternatives - e: National Council for Islamic Affairs - e: National Council of Instructional Administrators - e: National Crop Insurance Association

NCII e: National Council for Industrial Innovation

NCIAC e: National Construction Industry Arbitration Committee

NCIESD e: National Confenence on International Economic and Social Development NCIFR e: National Committee to Improve Financial Reporting NCIGBP e: National Committee for IGBP NCIH e: National Conference on Industrial Hydraulics - e: National Council for/on International Health - e: National Council on Industrial Hydraulics NCIHC e: National Council for Interior Horticultural Certification NCIHE e: National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education

NCIJC e: National Council of Independent Junior Colleges NCIKB n: Nederlandsch Centraal Instituut voor de Kennis van het Buitenland NCIL e: National Council on Independent Living

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NCIMC e: National Council of Industrial Management Clubs NCI Monogr e: NCI [National Cancer Institute] Monographs NCIMS e: National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments NCIN e: National Credit Information Network NCINAS e: National Council of Industrial Naval Air Stations NCINASEO e: National Council of Industrial Naval Air Stations Employee Organizations NCIO e: National Congress of Inventors Organizations - e: National Council of Industrial Organizations - e: National Council on Indian Opportunity NCIP e: National Center to Improve Practice - e: National Council for Industrial Peace - e: North American Collections Inventory Project NCIPA e: National Committee for Independent Political Action - e: National Council of Independent Petroleum Associations NCIPC e: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control NCIPLA e: National Council of Intellectual Property Law Associations NCIR e: National Center for Immigrants' Rights - e: National Center for Initiative Review - e: National Conference on Industrial Research NCIRF e: National Center for Initiative Review Foundation NCIS e: Nadir Climate Interferometer Spectrometer - e: National Chemical Information System - e: National Controls, Incorporated - e: National Council of Independent Schools - e: National Credit Information Service - e: National Crop Insurance Services - e: Naval Criminal Investigative Service - e: Nuclear Criticality Information System NCISC e: Naval Counterintelligence Support Center NCISD e: National Coalition on Immune System Disorders NCISE e: National Center for Improving Science Education NCiSH e: Central Islip State Hospital, Central Islip NCISS e: National Council of Investigation and Security Services



NCJPS e: National Center for Jewish Policy Studies

- e: National Council of Labour Colleges - e: National Council of Local Administrators - e: National Council on Legal Clinics - e: Non-Combatant Labour Corps - e: Noncombatant Labour Corps

NC JR e: National Coalition for Jail Reform

N.C.L.C. e: Non-Combatant Labour Corps NCLCH e: National Civil Liberties Clearing House

NCITR e: National Center for Intermedia Transport Research

NCJRS e: National Criminal Justice Reference Service - e: National Criminal Justice Reference System

NCITS e: National Committee for Information Technology Standards

NCJSB e: National Commission on Jobs and Small Business

NCIV e: National Council for International Visitors

NCJSC e: National Criminal Justice Statistics Center

NCJ e: Johnson C. Smith University, James B. Duke Memorial Library, Charlotte

NCJT e: Nordic Committee of Journalism Teachers

NCJA e: National Collegiate Judo Association - e: National Criminal Justice Association

NC JW e: National Council of Jewish Women

NCIT e: National Committee for Insurance Taxation - e: National Council of Independent Truckers - e: National Council on Inland Transport NCITD e: National Committee on International Trade Documentation - e: National Council on International Trade Documentation

NcJaMC e: United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Air Station, Special Services for Station Library, New River Base, Jacksonville NCJAR e: National Council for Japanese American Redress NC JAVM e: National Council on Jewish Audio-Visual Materials NCJC e: National Conference of Judicial Councils NC JCC e: National Council of Jewish Correctional Chaplains NC JC J e: National Council of Juvenile Court Judges NCJCS e: National Confenence of Jewish Communal Service - e: National Crime Justice Statistics Center NCJD e: National Coalition for a Just Draft - e: National Congress of Jewish Deaf NC JE e: National Council for Jewish Education NC JF e: National Center for Jewish Film NCJFCJ e: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges NCJ Int'l L and Com Reg e: North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation N.C. J. Int'l L.&Com. Reg. e: North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation NC JISN e: National Council of Jewish Invalids Survivors of Nazism NCJISS e: National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service NCJJ e: National Center for Jobs and Justice - e: National Center for Juvenile Justice NCJMS e: National Center for Job Market Studies


NC JO e: National Council of Junior Outdoorsmen

NCK e: Nickelodeon Industries Corp. - e: Norman, Craig & Kümmel [agency] NCKL e: North Central Kansas Libraries System NCKWM e: National Committee for the Korean War Memorial NCL e: National Carriers Limited - e: National Central Library - e: National Character Laboratory - e: National Chemical Laboratory - e: National Civic League - e: National Coalition for Literacy - e: National Communications Laboratory - e: National Consolidated Limited - e: National Consumers League - e: National Council of Labour - e: National Culture League - e: Navy Calibration Laboratory - e: Nichols [S. E. ], Inc. - e: Noise Control Laboratory - e: Norwegian Caribbean Lines - e: Norwegian Cruise Lines N.C.L. e: National Central Library - e: National Chemical Laboratory - e: National Church League NCLA e: National C-Lark Association - e: National Council of Local Administrators [of Vocational Education and Practical Arts] - e: North Carolina Library Association NCLAB e: National Center for Laboratory Animal Sciences

NCLCI e: National Christian Leadership Conference for Israel NCLD e: National Center for Law and the Deaf - e: National Center for Learning Disabilities NCLE e: National Center for Labored Enterprises - e: National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education - e: National Contact Lens Examiners NCLEHA e: National Conference of Local Environmental Health Administrators - e: Natural Conference of Local Environmental Health Administrators NCLER e: National Clearinghouse on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation NCLEX e: National Council Licensure Examination NCLEX-RN e: National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses NCLF e: National Childrens Leukemia Foundation - e: National Coalition to Legalize Freedom NCLG e: National Committee for Latin and Greek - e: National Conference of Lieutenant Governors NCLH e: National Center for Law and the Handicapped NCLHA e: National Conference of Law Historians of America NCLI e: National Chemical Laboratory for Industry - e: National City Lines, Incorporated - e: National Committee for Labor Israel NCLIIHC e: National Committee for Labor Israel-Israel Histadrut Campaign

NCLAN e: National Crop Loan Assessment Network - e: National Crop Loss Assessment Network

NCLIS e: National Commission on Libraries and Information Science - e: National Council for Languages and International Studies

NCLAVPAE e: National Council of Local Administrators of Vocational and Practical Arts Education

NcLjUM e: United Methodist Church, Commission on Archives and History, Lake Junaluska

NCLB e: North Central Laboratories, Inc. - n: Nederlandse Christelijke Landarbeidersbond

NCLL e: National Conference on Labor Legislation

NCLC e: National Catholic Liturgical Conference - e: National Caucus of Labor Committee[s] - e: National Chamber Litigation Center - e: National Child Labor Committee - e: National Consumer Law Center


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NCLLF e: National Civil Liberties Legal Foundation NCLO e: Naval Communication Liaison Officer

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCMTE NCL Occ Newsl e: National Central Library. Occasional Newsletter

NCMAF e: National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces

NCMHE e: National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Education

NCLP e: National Conference on Law and Poverty - e: National Contract Laboratory Program

NCMB e: NATO Configuration Management Board - e: Nigerian Cocoa Marketing Board - e: Nordic Council for Marine Biology

NcMHi e: Historical Foundation of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, Montreal

N.C.L.P. e: Nyasaland Congress Liberation Party NCLPWA e; National Council of Local Public Welfare Administrators NCLR e: National Center for Legislative Research - e: National Coalition for Land Reform - e: National Council for Labor Reform - e: National Council of La Raza - e: Netherlands Center for Laser Research N.C. L. Rev. e: North Carolina Law Review NCLRSMQ e: National Campaign for Land Rights and Self Management in Queensland NCLS e: National Clearinghouse for Legal Services - e: National Committee for Liberation of Slovakia - e: National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists - e: NEIC Library System NCL&SW e: National Conference of Lawyers and Social Workers NCLTA e: National Cigar Leaf Tobacco Association NCM e: National Coal Model - e: National Coastal Monitoring - e: National Code Model - e: National College of Music - e: National Commission of Mathematics - e: National Committee on Mathematics - e: National Commuter Airlines - e: National Congress for Men - e: National Contract Management Journal - e: National Convention Movement - e: National Cursillo Movement - e: Navy Commendation Medal - e: Navy Correspondence Manual - e: Network Configuration Management - e: Nicaraguan Campaign Medal - e: Nordic Council of Ministers - e: Nordic Council on Medicine[s] - e: North Carolina Motor Carriers Association - e: Notice of Commencement of Manufacture - n: Nederlandse Credietverzekering Maatschappij N.V. N.C.M. e; National College of Music - e: National Council of Music NCMA e: National Campus Ministry Association - e: National Catalogue] Managers Association - e: National Ceramic Manufacturers Association - e: National Childminding Association - e: National Concrete Masonry Association - e: National Contract Management Association - e: National Council of Millinery Associations - e: National Council of Moving Associations - e: National Council of Music Associations - e: National Critical Materials Act - e: Naval Civilian Manager's Association - e: Newspaper Credit Managers' Association - e: North Carolina Museum of Art

NCMC e: National Capital Management Corp. - e: National Center on Missing Children - e: National Coalition for Marine Conservation - e: National Critical Materials Council - e: NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex - e: Nordic Council for Music Conservatories - e: Numeric Control Machining Center

NCMHI e: National Clearinghouse for Menial Heallh Informalion NCMHS e: National Conference on Menial Heallh Statistics NCMI e: National Coin Machine Inslilule - e: National Committee Againsl Menial Illness - e: National Council of Music Importers

NCMCE e: National Council of Minority Consulting Engineers

NCMIE e; National Council of Music Importers and Exporters

NCMCG e: National Construction Machinery Credit Group

NCMIR e: National Center for Microscopy and Imaging

NCM Company e: Nippon Calculating Machine Company

NCMLB e: National Council of Mailing Lisl Brokers

NCMD e: National Center for Municipal Development

NCMO e: National Case Mix Office - e: NAVAIDS [Navigational Aids] Communications Managemenl Office

NCMDA e: National Coin Machine Distributors Association - e: National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse NCMDLRJO e: National Council of Marriage and Divorce Law Reform and Justice Organizations NCME e: National Center for Mediation Education - e: National Council on Measurements] in Education - e: Network for Continuing Medical Education - e: Northern Counties Motor & Engineering Co. Ltd. NCMEA e: National Catholic Music Educators Association

NcMoM e: Morganlon-Burke Library, Inc., Morganlon NcMon e: Union County Public Library, Monroe NCMP e: National Commission for Manpower Policy - e: National Commission on Materials Policy - e: NATO Configuration Managemenl Plan - e: Navy Capabilities and Mobilization Plan NCMPA e: National Corrugated Melal Pipe Association NCMPR e: National Council for Marketing and Public Relations

NCMEC e: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

NCMR e: National Cenlre for Marine Research - e: National Committee for Monetary Reform

NCMESD e: National Coalition for More Effective School Discipline

NCMRD e: National Center for Managemenl Research and Developmenl

NCMF e: National Carvers Museum Foundation - e: National Church Music Fellowship

NCMRED e: National Council of/on Marine Resources and Engineering Developmenl

NCMFSD e: National Coalition for More Effective School Discipline NCMFST e: National Committee for Motor Fleet Supervisor Training NcMG e: Graham Evangelistic Association, Montreal NCMH e: National Committee for Mental Hygiene - e: National Committee on Maternal Health - e: National Council for Mental Hygiene - e: National Council for Monday Holidays

NCMR [Greece] e: National Cenlre for Marine Research [Greece] NCMRWF e: National Cenlre for Medium Range Wealher Forecasting NCMS e: National Center for Manufacluring Science[s] - e: National Classification Managemenl Sociely, Inc. - e: National Council of Marine Sciences - e: North Carolina Medical Sociely NCMT e: Numerical Conlrol for Machine Tools

N.C.M.H. e: National Council for Mental Hygiene

NCMTA e: National Council of Marine Trade Associations

NCMHCE e: National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination

NCMTE e: National Council on Medical Technology Education

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NCMU NCMU e: National Commission on Marijuana Use

NCNTUCW e: National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works

NCOHC e: Northern California Occupational Health Center

N.C.M.U.A. e: National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations

NCNW e: National Congress of Neighborhood Women - e: National Council of Negro Women

NCOHPCC e: National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications

NCNY e: Netherland Club of New York - e: Newswomen's Club of New York

NCO-HPCC e: National Coordination Office for HPCC

NCO e: National Change of Address - e: National Committee - e: National Council of Obesity - e: Nationalist Chams Organization - e: NCEP Central Operations - e: Negotiated Consent Order - e: ΝΕΡΑ Compliance Office[r] - e: Net Control Operator - e: Non-Commissioned Officer - e: North Canadian Oils Ltd. - i: Nuova Camorra-Organizzata

NCoHS e: Northumberland County Historical Society. Proceedings

N.C.O. e: Non-Commissioned Officer

NCOIC e: Non-Commissioned Officer-inCharge

NCMUE e: National Council on Measurements used in Education NCMV n: Nationaal Christelijk Middenstandsverbond NCN e: National Christian Network - e: National Computer Network Corp. - e: National Council of Nurses - e: New Caledonian Nickel - e: New Century Network - e: Norcen Energy Resources Ltd. NCNA e: National Council Nonprofit Associations - e: National Council on Noise Abatement - e: New China News Agency - e: North Carolina Nurses Association NCNASEO e: National Council of Naval Air Stations Employee Organizations NCNB e: National Center for Nonproft Boards - e: National Computer Network of Britain NCNC e: National Captive Nations Committee - e: National Congress of Nigeria and the Cameroons - e: National Convention of Nigerian Citizens - e: National Council of Nigeria and [the] Cameroon[s] NCND e: National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics NCNE e: National Campaign for Nursery Education - e: National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise NCNEVAW e: National Communications Network for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

NCOA e: National Campground Owners Association - e: National Change of Address Service - e: National Chevelle Owners Association - e: National Condominium Owners Association - e: National Corvette Owners' Association - e: National Council on the Aging - e: Non-commissioned Officers Academy - e: Non-Commissioned Officers Association [of the United States of America] NCOAUSA e: Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the United States of America NCOBPS e: National Conference of Black Political Scientists

NCoH[S]P e: Northumberland County Historical Society. Proceedings NCoHSP e: Northumberland County Historical Society. Proceedings NCOI e: National Council for the Omnibus Industry

NCOIL e: National Conference of Insurance Legislators NCOL e: National Color Laboratories, Inc. - e: National Council on Occupational Licensing NCOLG e: National Coordinating Office for Latin and Greek NCOLS e: Non-commissioned Officers' Leadership School NCOLUG e: North Carolina On-Line User Group N/COM e: Navy/Chief of Naval Operations

NCOBQ e: Non-Commissioned Officer Bachelor Quarters NCobUA e: State University of New York, Agricultural and Technical College at Cobleskill, Cobleskill

NCOMD e: National Committee on the Observance of Mothers' Day NCOMDR e: National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape

NCNG e: North Carolina Natural Gas Corp.

NCOC e: National Commission on Organized Crime - e: National Council on Organized Crime - e: NORAD Combat Operations Center

NCNGO e: National Committee of NonGovernmental Organisations

NCOCY e: National Council of Organizations for Children and Youth

NCNIA e: Northern California Nursing Informatics Association

NCOD e: National Catholic Office for the Deaf - e: National Commission on Orphan Diseases

NCONAC e: National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship

NCODE e: National Clearinghouse on Development Eucation

NCooHi e: New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown

NCOEIHS e; Network of CommunityOriented Educational Institutions for Health Sciences

NCOOM e: Non-Commissioned Officers' Open Mess

NCNL Λ.-NasionaleChemiese Navorsingslaboratorium NCNMLG e: Northern California and Nevada Medical Group NCNP e: National Child Nutrition Project - e: National Conference for New Politics - e: North Cascades National Park NCNPSA e: National Conference of NonProfit Shipping Associations NCNR e: National Center for Neutron Research - e: National Center for Nursing Research NCNS e: National Catholic News Service - e: North Central Name Society


NCOMM e: Naval Communications Command NCOMP e: National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures NCOMR e: National Clearinghouse on Marital Rape

NCOP e: National Council on Philanthropy NCOES e: Noncommissioned Officer Education System

NCOPA e: National Conference of Police Associations

NC of A e: Newfoundland Club of America NCOFF e: National Center On Fathers and Families NCOGD e: National Council for the Observance of Grandparent's Day

NCOPD e: National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities NCOPF e: National Council for One Parent Families NCOPM e: National Conference of Personal Managers

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Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCPLA NCOR e: National Committee for/on Oceanographic Research NCORT e: National Catholic Office for Radio and Television NCortHi e: Cortland County Historical Society, Cortland NCortU e: State University of New York, College at Cortland, Cortland NCOS e: National Centre for Orchestral Studies - e: National Commission on Space - e: National Committee for Oceanic Sciences - e: National Council on Stuttering -/· Comite de Liaison des Organisations NonGouvernmentales de Developpement aupres des Communautes Europeennes NCOSCC e: National Central Office for the Suppression of Counterfeit Currency NCOSE e: National Council on Systems Engineering NCOSTA e: National Council of Officers of State Teachers Associations NCOTL e: National Committee of TeacherLibrarians NCOWFL e: National Center on Women and Family Law NCoxHi e: Greene County Historical Society, Inc., Coxsakie NCP e: National Airspace System Change Proposal - e: National Cancer Program - e: National Capital Parks - e: National Car Parks - e: National Caries Program - e: National Circus Project - e: National Climate Program[me] - e: National Collegiate Players - e: National Commission on Population - e: National Commission on Productivity - e: National Commodity-Processing Program - e: National Congress Party - e: National Constitutional Party - e: National Contingency Plan - e: National Convention Party - e: National Council on Philanthropy - e: National Country Party - e: National Customs Police - e: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan - e: Nationalist Citizens' Party - e: Navy Capabilities Plan - e: Nepali Congress Party - e: Network Control Program - e: Non-Consultative Party - e: Noncompliance Penalties - e: Nonconformance Penalty - e: NORAD Command Post - e: Nutrition Center of the Philippines - e: Nyasaland Constitutional Party - 5: Naviera Chilena del Pacifico

- e: National Committee for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency - e: National Composition and Prepress Association - e: National Conference of Police Associations - e: National Conservation Policy Act - e: National Cottonseed Products Association - e: National Crime Prevention Association

NCPDI e: National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory

NCPAC e: National Citizens Political Action Committee - e: National Conservative Political Action Committee

NCPE e: National Committee on Pay Equity - e: National Council for Preservation Education

NCPAD e: National Center on Physical Activity and Disability - e: National Council on Psychological Aspects ofDisability NCPADD e: National Committee for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency NCPAG e: National CPA [Certified Public Accountant] Group NCPAMA e: Noise Control Products and Materials Association NCPAMT e: National Coalition of Psychiatrists Against Motorcoach Therapy NCPAS e: National Computer Program Abstract Service, Inc.

NCPDP e: National Council for/of Prescription Drug Programs

NCPEA e: National College Physical Education Association - e: National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration NCPEAM e: National College Physical Education Association for Men NCPEARL e: National Coalition for Public Education and Religious Liberty NCPEG e: Navy Contractor Performance Evaluation Group NCPERL e: National Coalition for Public Education and Religious Liberty NCPERS e: National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems NcPeS e: Pembroke State University, Pembroke

NC/PAT e: National Council for the Public Assessment of Technology

NCPF e: National Council on Private Forests

NCPA/UM e: National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi

NcPfO e: Olin Corp., Ecusta-Film Technical Library, Pisgah Forest

NCPC e: National Capital Planning Commission - e: National Capital Planning Committee - e: National Chrysler Products Club - e: National Citizens Participation Council - e: National Coal Policy Conference - e: National College Poultry Club - e: National Collegiate Poultry Club - e: National Consumer Protection Council - e: National Crime Prevention Coalition - e: National Crime Prevention Council - e: National Crop Protection Center - e: Northern Canada Power Commission

NCPG e: National Catholic Pharmacists Guild of the United States - e: National Council on Problem Gambling - n: Nederlands College Paranormaal Genezers NCPGA e: North Carolina Personnel and Guidance Association NCPGR n: Nationale Confederatie der Politieke Gevangenen en Rechthebenden NCPH e: National Council on Public History NCPHU e: North Coast Public Health Unit

NCPCA e: National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse - e: National Committee for Peace in Central America - e: National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse - e: National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse NCPCC e: National Clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers NCPCO e: National Climate Program Coordinating Office NCPCR e: National Center for Prevention and Control of Rape

ncp e: national cycling proficiency NCPA e: National Center for Physical Acoustics - e: National Center for Policy Alternatives - e: National Center for Policy Analysis - e: National Coalition of Patriotic Americans

NCPDM e: National Council of Physical Distribution Management

N.C.P.D. e: National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution NCPD e: National Council for Population and Development

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

NCPI e: National Clay Pipe Institute - e: National Clay Pipe Instiute - e: National Committee on Property Insurance - e: National Computer Program[me] Index - e: National Conference on Parent Involvement - e: National Crime Prevention Institute NCPIASI e: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvements NCPIE e: National Council of/on Patient Information and Education NCPISA e: National Collaborative Project for Indicators of Sustainable Development NCPL e: National Center for Preservation Law - e: National Center (or Centre) for Programmed Learning - e: National Collegiate Parachuting League NCPLA e: National Council of Patent Law Associations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


N.C.P.L.E. N.C.P.L.E. e: National Council of Port Labour Employees

NCPSF e: National Council of Professional Services Firms

NCPM e: National Clay Pot Manufacturers - e: National Conference of Personal Managers

NCPSIDS e: National Center for the Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

NCPMA e: Noise Control Products and Materials Association

NCPSM e: National Center of Preventive and Stress Medicine

NCPMI e: National Clay Pipe Manufacturers, Inc.

NCPSSM e: National Commission to Preserve Social Security and Medicare - e: National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

NCPNFUNW e: National Coalition for a Policy of No-First-Use of Nuclear Weapons NCPO e: National Chronic Pain Outreach Association - e: National Climate Program Office - e: National Climate Project Office - e: Nordic Council for Physical Oceanography NcPo e: United States Air Force, Pope Air Force Base, Base Library, Pope AFB

NCPT e: National Conference on Power Transmission - e: National Congress of Parents and Teachers - e: Navy Central Planning Team NCPTA e: National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations NCPTCAN e: National Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect

- e: National Coalition for Research in Neurological and Communicative Disorders - e: National Committee for Research in Neurological and Communicative Disorders - e: National Consumer Research - e: National Council of Reconciliation - e: National Council of Representatives - e: National Council of Resistance for Liberty and Independence - e: Naval Construction Regiment - e: NCR Corp. - e: Newcastle & Carlisle Railway Co. - e: Nickerson, C. R. - e: NISN Center Representative - e: Noncompliance Report - e: Nonconformance Report - e: Northern Central Railway - e: Nucal Resources Ltd. - n: Nationale Coöperatieve Raad N.C.R. e: Newcastle & Carlisle Railway Co. - e: Niagara Central Railroad Co.

NCPPC e: National Capital Park and Planning Commission

NCPTSD e: National Center for PostTraumatic Stress Disorder

NCPPL e: National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor

NCPTT e: National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

NCRA e: National Cancer Registrars Association - e: National Cellular Resellers Association - e: National Center on Rural Aging - e: National Centre for Radio Astrophysics - e: National Coalition of Redevelopment Agencies - e: National Cooperative Refinery Association - e: National Cooperative Research Act - e: National Correctional Recreation[al] Association - e: National Council of Research Administrators - e: National Court Reporters Association

NCPPR e: National Center for Public Policy Research

NCPTWA e: National Clearinghouse for Periodical Title Word Abbreviations

NCRAA e: National Committee of Regional Accrediting Agencies

NCPPSP e: National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy

NCPUA e: National Committee on Pesticide Use in Agriculture - e: National Committee on Pesticide Use in America

NCRAC e: National Community Relations Advisory Council

NCPOA e: National Chronic Pain Outreach Association NCPP e: National Coal Policy Project - e: National Colored Peoples Party - e: National Council on Public Policy - e: National Council on Public Polls

NCPQWL e: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life NCPR e: National Championship Poker Run [American Motorcyclists Association] - e: National Coalition of Petroleum Retailers - e: National Congress of Petroleum Retailers

NCPTF e: National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund NCPTO e: National China Painting Teachers Organization

NCPV e: National Commission on the Prevention of Violence NCPW e: National Council for the Prevention ofWar

NCRC e: National Catholic Resettlement Council - e: National Cave Rescue Commission - e: National Climate Research Committee - e: National Committee for a Representative Congress - e: National Condor Research Center - e: National Consumer-Retailer Council - e: National Defense Research Committee - e: Navigational Aids [NAVAIDS] Communications Readiness Center - e: Northern Coke Research Committee

NCPRP e: National Coastal Pollution Research Program

NCPWB e: National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau

NCPRR e: National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights

NCPWI e: National Council on Public Works Improvement

NCPRV e: National Congress of Puerto Rican Veterans - e: National Council of Puerto Rican Volunteers

NCPYA e: National Conference of Public Youth Agencies

NCRC/AODA e: National Certification Reciprocity Consortium/Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse

NCQA e: National Committee for/on Quality Assurance

NCRCH e: Nordic Committee of the Research Councils for the Humanities

NCQHC e: National Committee for Quality Health Care

NCRCL e: National Civil Rights Clearinghouse Library

NCQIE e: National Coalition for Quality Integrated Education

NCR Corp. e: National Cash Register Corporation

NCQR e: National Council for Quality and Reliability

NcRCPL e: Carolina Power & Light Co., Technical Library, Raleigh

NCR e: National Capital Region - e: National Cash Register Co. - e: National Cash Register, Inc. - e: National Cash Registers - e: National Catholic Record - e: National Catholic Reporter - e: National Civic Review

NCRD e: National Council for Research and Development - e: National Council for/on Resource Development - e: National Council to Repeal the Draft

NCPS e: National Cat Protection Society - e: National Circus Preservation Society - e: National Coalition to Prevent Shoplifting - e: National Commission on Product Safety - e: National Commission on the Public Service - e: National Committee for Public Safety - e: National Crime Prevention Strategy - e: Non-Contributory Pension Scheme - e: Nuclear Contingency Planning System NCPSA e: National Child Passenger Safety Association NCPSC e: National Committee on Paper Stock Conservation



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCS NCRDC e: National Capital Region, District of Columbia

NCRIS e: National Committee to Restore Internal Security

NCR-DNA e: NCR [Inc.] Distributed Network Architecture

NCRL e: National Canners Association Research Laboratory - e: National Chemical Research Laboratory - e: National Citizens Radio League

NCRDS e: National Coal Resources Data System NCRDTA e; National Council of Refuse Disposal Trade Associations NCRE e: National Cereals Research and Extension - e: National Conference on Research in English - e: National Council on Rehabilitation Education - e: Naval Construction Research Establishment

NCRLC e: National Catholic Rural Life Conference - e: National Committee on Regional Library Cooperation NCRLS e: National Committee of Religious Leaders of Safety NCRM e: National Conference on Radiation Measurements - e: Nordic Council for Railway Music

NCREA e: National Council of Religious Ediucation in Australia

NCRMD e: National Capital Region, Maryland

NCREIF e: National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries

NcRMG e; Measurements Group, Inc., Raleigh

NCREL e: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory

NcRMNH e: North Carolina State Museum of Natural History, Raleigh

NCRET e: National Capital Real Estate Trust

NcRMNH-B e: North Carolina State Museum of Natural History, H. H. Brimley Memorial Library, Raleigh

- e: National Credit Union Administration Rules and Regulations - e: Nordic Council of Reindeer Research NCRR Bull e: NCRR [National Center for Resource Recovery] Bulletin NCRRC e: National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case NCRRRC e: North Country Reference and Research Resources Council NCRS e: National Camera Repair School - e: National Clearinghouse on Revenue Sharing - e: National Committee for Rural Schools - e: National Corvette Restorers Society NcRS e: North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh NCRSA e: National Commercial Refrigeration Sales Association NcRSh e: Shaw University, Raleigh

NCRF e: National Court Reporters Foundation NCR Factory Post e: National Cash Register Factory Post NCRFCL e: National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws NCRFP e: National Council for a Responsible Firearms Policy NCRFRA e: National Committee to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act NCRFSCU e: National Commission on the Role and Future of State Colleges and Universities NCRFT e: National Council for a Responsible Firearms Policy NcRGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Raleigh Branch, Raleigh NCRH e: National Center for Radiological Health - e: North Coast Railroad Historical Society NCRHI e: National Council for Reliable Health Information NCRI e: National Cereals Research Institute - e: National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute - e: National Consumer Research Institute - e: National Red Cherry Institute

NCRNT e: National Committee for Rescue from Nazi Terror NCROPA e: National Campaign for the Repeal of the Obscene Publications Act NCRP e: National Climatic Research Program - e: National Commission on Radiological Protection - e: National Committee for Responsible Patriotism - e: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy - e: National Committee on Radiation Protection [and Measurement] - e: National Council for Research and Planning - e: National Council of/on Radiation Protection [and Measurement[s]]

NCRSR e: National Commercial Refrigeration Sales Association - e: National Congenital Rubella Syndrome Registry NcRS-V e: North Carolina State University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh NCRT e; National College of Rubber Technology NCRTE e: National Center for Research on Teacher Education NCR/TSI e: NCR Telecommunication Services, Incorporated NCRUCE e: National Conference of Regulatory Utility Commission Engineers NcRuR e: Rutherford County Library, Inc., Rutherfordton NCRV e: National Committee for Radiation Victims - n: Nederlandse Christelijke Radio Vereniging

NCRPC e: Nalional Capital Regional Planning Council

NCRVA e: National Capital Region, Virginia

NCRPCV e; National Council of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

NCRVD e: National Conference of Religious Vocation Directors

NCRPD e: National Committee on Recreation for People with Disabilities

NCRVDM e: National Conference of Religious Vocation Directors of Men

NCRPDA e: National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse

NCRVE e: National Center for Research in Vocational Education

NCRPE e: National Council on Religion and Public Education

NCRW e: National Commission on the Role of Women - e: National Council for Research on Women

NCRIC e: National Chemical Response and Information Center

NCRPM e: National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements - e: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements]

NCRICT e: Northern China Research Institute of Computer Technology

NCRP Rep e: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Reports

NCRIPTAL e: National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning

NCRR e: National Center for Research Resources - e: National Center for Resource Recovery

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NCRWS e: National Campaign for Radioactive Waste Safety NCRY e: National Commission on Resources for Youth NCS e: NASI Connection Service - e: National Calibration Service - e: National Cartographic Standards - e: National Cartoonist[s] Society - e: National Cemetery System


N.C.S. - e: National Cemetry System - e: National Center for Stuttering - e: National Chrysanthemum Society - e: National Colloid Symposium - e: National Commemorative Society - e: National Committee on Safety - e: National Communications Service - e: National Communication[s] System[s] - e: National Compliance Strategy - e: National Computer Systems, Inc. - e: National Conference on Solicitations - e: National Consensus Standards - e: National Conservation Strategy - e: National Convenience Stores, Inc. - e: National Corrosion Service - e: National Council of Stutterers - e: National Crime Stoppers - e: National Crime Survey [University of Michigan] - e: National Cryptologic School - e: National Graniteware Society - e: Nato Codification System - e: Naval Communication[s] Station - e: Naval Communications System - e: Naval Control of Shipping - e: NCR [NCR Corp.] Century Software - e: NERC Computing Service - e: Net Control Station - e: Netherlands Computer Society - e: Network Computing System - e: Network Control [Subsystem - e: NMIC [National Military Intelligence Center] Control Subsystem - e: NORAD Computer System - e: Norfolk Careers Service - e: North Carolina State - e: North Carolina State Library, Raleigh - e: Northern Cross Society - e: Norwegian Confederation of Sport - e: Numerical Control Society - n: NATO-Codificatiesysteem - n: Nederlandse Culturele Sportbond N.C.S. e: Naval Canteen Service - e: New Commonwealth Society n: Nederlandse Culturele Sportbond NCSA e: National Capital Speakers Association - e: National Carl Schurz Association - e: National Center for Statistics and Analysis - e: National Center for Supercomputer (or Supercomputing) Applications - e: National Church Secretaries Association - e: National Civil Service Association - e: National Club Sports Association - e: National Coffee Service Association - e: National Collegiate Ski Association - e: National Computational Science Alliance - e: National Computer Security Association - e: National Confectionery Salesmen's Association [of America] - e: National Conservation Strategy for Australia - e: National Construction Software Association - e: National Contract Sweepers Association - e: National Council of Seamen's Agencies - e: National Crushed Stone Association - e: National Cued Speech Association - e: National Customer (or Customs) Service Association - e: Nebraska Council of School Administrators - e: Newsletter. Copyright Society of Australia - e: Newspaper Collectors Society of America - e: North Carolina School of the Arts - e: Northern California Soaring Association N.C.S.A. e: Northern California Soaring Association


NCSAA e: National Confectionery Salesmen's Association of America

N.C.S.C. e: Northern Command, Signal Company

NCSAB e: National Council of State Agencies for the Blind

NCSCBHEP e: National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions

NCSABMT e: National Campaign to Save the ABM [Antiballistic Missile] Treaty NCSAC e: National Catholic Social Action Conference - e: National Conservation Strategy Advisory Council - e: Nuclear Cross-Section Advisory Committee

NCSCCY e: National Council of State Committees for Children and Youth NCSCEE e: National Council of State Consultants in Elementary Education NCSCI e: National Center for Standards and Certification Information

NCSAG e: Nuclear Cross-Section Advisory Group

NCSCJ e: National Conference of Special Court Judges

NCS/AIMTECH e: Numerical Control Society/AIMTECH [Association for Integrated Manufacturing Technology]

NCSCJPA e: National Conference of State Criminal Justice Planning Administrators

NCSALL e: National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy NcSAlVA e: United States Veterans Administration Center, Medical Library, Salisbury NCSASR e: National Center for Small-Angle Scattering Research NCSAW e: National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare NCSBA e: North Carolina School Boards Association NCSBCS e: National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards NCSBEE e: National Council of State Board[s] of Engineering Examiners NCSBI e: National Council for Small Business Innovation NCSBMD e: National Council for Small Business Management Development NCSBN e: National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCSC e: National Cargo Security Council - e: National Catholic Stewardship Council - e: National Center for State Courts - e: National Child Safety Council - e: National Communications Security Committee - e: National Communication[s] System Circulars - e: National Companies and Securities Commission - e: National Computer Security Center - e: National Computer Security Council - e: National Computing Security Center - e: National Council for Senior Citizens - e: National Council of/on Schoolhouse Construction - e: National Council of Senior Citizens - e: Naval Coastal Systems Center - e: Navy Command Support Center - e: North Carolina State College - e: North Carolina Supercomputing Center - e: Nuclear Criticality Safety Committee Nc-SC e: North Carolina State Supreme Court, Raleigh


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NCSCL e: National Committee for Sexual Civil Liberties NCSC Manual e: National Companies and Securities Commission. Manual NCSCPAS e: National Center for the Study of Corporal Punishment and Alternatives in the Schools NCS[C]R e: North Carolina State College Reactor NCSCT e: National Center for School and College Television NCSD e: National Child Safety Development - e: National Communications Security Directive - e: National Council on Student Development - e: Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division NCS/DCA-OC e: National Communications System/Defense Communications AgencyOperations Center NCSDC JC e: National Council of State Directors of Community and Junior Colleges NCSDHA Dent Hyg e: NCSDHA [Northern California State Dental Hygienists Association] Dental Hygienist NCS/DISA-GOSC e: NCS/Defense Information Systems Agency-Global Operations Security Center NCSDR e: National Center on Sleep Disorders Research NCSE e: National Center for Science Education - e: National Commission on Safety Education - e: National Committee on Secondary Education - e: National Council for Special Education - e: North Carolina Society of Engineers NCSEA e: National Child Support Enforcement Association - e: National Community School Education Association - e: National Council of State Education Associations NcSEA e: North Carolina Society of Enrolled Agents

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCSSB NCSEB e: National Center for Synthesis in Experimental Biology NCSEER e: National Council for Soviet and East European Research NCSEES e: Nordic Committee for Soviet and East European Studies NCSEI e: National Conference on Standards for Environmental Improvement NCSEMSTC e: National Council of State Emergency Medical Services Training Coordinators NCSF e: National Catholic Society of Foresters - e: National College Student Foundation NCSFA e: National Conference of State Fleet Administrators NCSFI e: National Coalition to Stop Food Irradiation NCSFP e: National Council on Synthetic Fuels Production NCSFWI e: National Coalition to Stop Food and Water Irradiation

NCSL e: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway - e: National Center for Service-Learning - e: National Civil Service League - e: National Computer Standards Laboratory - e: National Computer System[s] Laboratory - e: National Conference of Standards Laboratories - e: National Conference of State Legislators - e: National Conference of State Legislature[s] - e: National Council of State Legislatures - e: Naval Coastal Systems Laboratory - e: Naval Code and Signal Laboratory

NCSPAS e: National Conference of State Pharmaceutical Association Secretaries NCSPS e: National Committee for [the] Support of [the] Public Schools NCSPWA e: National Council of State Public Welfare Administrators

NCSLL e: National Conference of State Legislative Leaders

NCSR e: National Center for Systems Reliability - e: National Centre for Scientific Research - e: National Centre for/of Systems Reliability - e: National Committee for Space Research - e: National Committee for Space Research [Israel] - e: National Committee on Space Research [Belgium] - e: National Council for Scientific Research - e: National Council for Social Research - e: North Carolina State College Reactor

NCSLO e: Naval Control of Shipping Liaison Officer

NCS-R e: NCS [National Communications System] Replacement

NCSM e: National Communication System Memoranda - e: National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics

NCSRA e: National Conference of State Retail Associations

N.C.S.L. e: National Council of Sierra Leone NC&SL e: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway NCSLA e: National Conference of State Liquor Administrators

NCSG e: National Chimney Sweep Guild NCSGC e: National Council of State Garden Clubs

NCSPAE e: National Council of State Pharmaceutical Association Executives

NCSMC e: National Council for the Single Mother and Her Child

NCSRC e: National Centre for Social Research and Criminology NCSRM e: NCS [National Communications System] Regional Manager

NCSME /· Service des Mines et de ['Energie NCSGSO e: National Conference of State General Service Officers NCSH e: National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health - e: Newton College of the Sacred Heart NCSHA e: National Council of State Housing Agencies NCSHPO e: National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers NCSHSA e: National Council of State Human Service Administrators NCshWM e: Whaling Museum Society, Inc., Cold Spring Harbor NCSI e: National Chimney Sweepers Institute - e: National Communication[s] System Instructions - e: National Contract Sweepers Institute - e: National Council for Stream Improvement - e: National Council of Savings Institutions - e: National Council of Self-Insurers NCS Inc. e: National Computer Systems, Incorporated NCSIT e: National Coalition to Support Indian Treaties NCSJ e: National College of the State Judiciary - e: National Conference on Soviet Jewry (or Jews) NcSj e: United States Air Force, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Base Library, Seymour Johnson AFB

NCSMX e: National Campaign to Stop the MX NCSN e: National Computer Service Network - e: National Council for/of School Nurses NCSNE e: Instruction for „Naval Control of Shipping Northern European Command Area" NCSNP e: National Council for a Sane Nuclear Policy NCSO e: National Census and Statistics Office - e: National Council of Salesmen's Organizations - e: Naval Control of Shipping Officer - e: Naval Control of Shipping Organization - e: Naval Control Service Office - e: North Carolina Symphony Orchestra

NCSS e: National Cactus and Succulent Society - e: National Center for Social Statistics - e: National Collegiate Sports Services - e: National Commission on Supplies and Shortages - e: National Conference of Shomrim Societies - e: National Conference of State Societies - e: National Conference on Social Security - e: National Conference on Student Services - e: National Conversational Software Systems, Inc. - e: National Cooperative Soil Survey - e: National Council for [the] Social Studies [of the National Education Association] - e: National Council of Social Service - e: National Crash Severity Study - e: Naval Control Shipping System - e: Non Commentary Sources Statements - e: Nordic Council of Ski Schools - e: North Carolina Society of Surveyors NCSs e: National Conservation Strategies

NCSORG e: Naval Control of Shipping Organization - e: Navy Control of Shipping Organization NCSP e: National Center for Surrogate Parenting - e: National Certified School Psychologist - e: National Communications Support Plan - e: National Conference on State Parks - e: National Crime Stop Program - e: National Soil Conservation Program NCSPA e: National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association - e: North Carolina State Ports Authority NCSPAA e: National Council of School Press and Advisers Association

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N.C.S.S. e: National Conference on Social Security - e: National Council of Social Service NCSSA e: National Community Service Sentencing Association - e: Nature Conservation Society of South Australia - e: Naval Command Systems Support Activity NCSSAD e: National Council of Secondary School Athletic Directors NCSSB e: National Coalition for Seat Belts on School Buses NCSS B e: National Council for the Social Studies. Bulletin


NCSSBA NCSSBA e: National Council of State School Board Associations NCSSC e: Naval Command Systems Support Center NCSSFL e: National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages NCSSIA e: National Council of State SelfInsurers' Associations

NC State Univ Sch Agric Life Sei Annu Rep e: North Carolina State University. School of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Annual. Report NC St B Newsl e: North Carolina State Bar Newsletter

N.C.T. e: National Chamber of Trade NC St BQ e: North Carolina State Bar Quarterly

NCSTR e: NATO Communications Systems Technical Recommendation

NCTA e: National Cable Television Association - e: National Capital Transportation] Agency - e: National Cattle Theft Act - e: National Ceramic Teachers Association - e: National Christmas Tree Association - e: National Committee for Technological Awards - e: National Community Television Association - e: National Council for Technological Awards - e: National Council for the Traditional Arts - e: Navajo Code Talkers Association - e: North Carolina Tuberculosis Association - e: North Country Trail Association - e: Northern California Translators Association

NCSTRC e: North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center

N.C.T.A. e: National Council for Technological Awards

NC/STRC e: North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center

NCTAEP e: National Committee on Technology, Automation, and Economic Progress

NCSSM e: National Council of State Supervisors of Music

NCSTD e: National Center for Scientific and Technical Documentation - e: National Council of State Travel Directors

NCSSMA e: National Council of Social Security Management Associations

NC&StL e: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway

NCSS Read e: National Council for the Social Studies. Readings

N.C.&St.L.Ry. e: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway

NCSS Res B e: National Council for the Social Studies. Research Bulletin

NcStMC e: Mitchell College, Statesville

NCSSSA e: National Conference of State Social Security Administrators NCSS Yearb e: National Council for the Social Studies. Yearbook NCST e: National Centre for School Technology - e: National Coalition for Science and Technology - e: National Council of Science and Technology - e: Niagara, St. Catherines & Toronto

- e: National Culture Trust - e: Network Control Terminals] - e: Nordic Cooperation on Telecommunications - e: North Coast Industries Ltd. - e: Northern Commercial Trust Ltd.

NCSTS e: National Conference of State Transportation Specialists

NCTAF e: Nuclear Communications Task Force

NCSTSR e: National Conference of Superintendents of Training School[s] and Reformatories

NCTAM e: National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

NCSTTO e: National Council for the Supply and Training of Teachers Overseas

NCTAMS e: Naval Computer & Telecommunications Area Master Station

NCSU e: North Carolina State University

NCTC e: National Cable Television Center - e: National Cancer Institute Tissue Culture - e: National Catholic Theatre Conference - e: National Collection of Type Cultures - e: Naval Communication[s] Training Center - e: Naval Computer & Telecommunications Command - e: Naval Construction Training Center

NcSt e: Iredell Public Library, Statesville NCS&T e: National Council for Science and Technology NCST AR e: National Committee of Shatnez Testers and Researchers NCST AS e: National Council of Scientific and Technical Art Societies NC State Coll Agric Eng Eng Exp Stn Bull e: North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin NC State Coll Dep[t] Eng Research] Bull e: North Carolina State College. Department of Engineering Research. Bulletin NC State Coll Sch Agric Annu Rep e: North Carolina State College. School of Agriculture. Annual Report NC State Univ Dep Eng Res Bull e: North Carolina State University. Department of Engineering. Research Bulletin NC State Univ Eng Sch Bull e: North Carolina State University. Engineering School Bulletin NC State Univ Miner Res Lab Lab Notes e: North Carolina State University. Minerals Research Laboratory. Laboratory Notes NC State Univ Miner Res Lab Rep e: North Carolina State University. Minerals Research Laboratory. Report


NC SU CAPPS e: North Carolina State University Center for Aseptic Processing and Packaging Studies NCSV n: Nederlandse Christelijke Studenten Vereniging NCSW e: National Conference of Social Work[ers] - e: National Conference on Social Welfare NCSWCL e: National [Presidential] Commission on State Workmen's Compensation Laws NCSWD e: National Center for Solid Waste Disposal - e: National Council for the Single Woman and Her Dependants NCSWDI e: National Combination Storm Window and Door Institute NCSWR e: National Conference on Solid Waste Research NCSY e: National Conference of Synagogue Youth NCT e: National Centre for Tribology - e: National Centre of Tribology - e: National Chamber of Trade - e: National Childbirth Trust - e: National Choreography Project - e: National Coarse Thread - e: National Corruption Tribunal


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NCTCA e: National Collegiate Track Coaches Association NCTCP e: National Coalition of Title I/Chapter I Parents NCTD e: National College of Teachers of the Deaf NCTE e: National Council for Textile Education - e: National Council for Torah Education - e: National Council of Teachers of English - e: Network Channel Terminating Equipment - e: North Central Turfgrass Exposition [Illinois Turfgrass Foundation] NCTEC e: Northern Counties Technical Examinations Council NCTEPS e: National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards NCTET e: National Council for Teacher Education and Training NCTF e: National Check Traders' Federation - e: National Corporate Theatre Fund

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NCUSCT NCTFC e: North Central Texas Film Cooperative

NCTSI e: National Council of Technical Service Industries

NCTGA e: National Christmas Tree Growers Association

NCTT e: National Committee on Tunneling Technology - e: Norwegian Council for Technical Terminology - e: Nuclear Certification Test Team

NCTH e: National Clearinghouse on Tobacco and Health

NCUEA e: National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs - e: National Council of Urban Education Associations NCUES e: National Center for Urban Environmental Studies NCUF e: National Computer Users' Forum

NC Thread e: National Coarse Thread NCTI e: National Cable Television Institute - e: Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute NCTIA e: National Committee to Investigate Assassinations NCTIP e: National Coalition of ESEA [Elementary and Secondary Education Act] Tide I Parents - e: National Committee on the Treatment of Intractable Pain NCTI/R e: Non-Cooperative Target Identification / Recognition NCTJ e: National Council for the Training of Journalists N.C.T.L. e: National Commercial Temperance League NCTL e: National Commercial Temperance League - e: National Computer and Telecommunications Laboratory NCTLBPM e: National Commercial Temperance League of Business and Professional Men NCTM e: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NCTO e: Naval Central Torpedo Office - e: Navy Clothing and Textile Supply Office NCTP e: National Cryptologic Training Plan - e: Navy College Training Program NCTPC e: National Center for Fish Protein Concentrate NCTR e: National Center for Telephone Research - e: National Center for Therapeutic Riding - e: National Center for Toxicological Research - e: National Council on Teacher Retirement - e: Nordic Council for Tax Research NCTRC e: National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification NCTRH e: National Council for Therapy and Rehabilitation through Horticulture NCTRP e: National Cooperative Transit Research and Development Program NCTRU e: Navy Clothing and Textile Research Unit NCTS e: NADOW [National Association for Training the Disabled in Office Work] Computer Training Scheme - e: National Committee for Traffic Safety - e: National Council of Technical Schools - e: Navy Civilian Technical Specialist - e: Northeast Corridor Transportation System

NCTTA e: National Competitiveness] [and] Technology Transfer Act NCTTF e: Northern Counties Textile Trades' Federation

NCUG e: Nevada COBOL [Common Business-Oriented Language] Users Group NCUGAE e: National Computer User Group in Agricultural Education

NCTU e: Northern Carpet Trades Union NCTUN e: National Council of Trade Unions of Nigeria NCTV e: National Coalition on Television Violence - e: National College Television NCTW e: National Conference of Tuberculosis Workers NCTWU e: National Cigar and Tobacco Workers' Union NcTy e: Lanier Library Association, Inc., Tryon NCTYL e: National Council for the Training of Youth Leaders NCU e: National Commercial Union Ltd. - e: National Communications Union - e: National Conference for Unification - e: National Cutlery Union - e: National Cyclists' Union - e: National Cyclists Union - e: North Carolina University - e: Nyassaland Chiefs Union - e: Union College, Lincoln - e: University of North Carolina, MathematicsPhysics Library NcU e: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill N.C.U. e: National Citizens' Union - e: National Cyclists' Union - e: National Cyclists Union NCUA e: National Credit Union Administration - e: National Credit Union Association NCUAAE e; National Council of Urban Administrators of Adult Education NCUA Q e: National Credit Union Administration. Quarterly NCUAS e: Northwest College and University Association for Science NcU-BPR e: University of North Carolina, Bureau of Public Records, Collection and Research, Chapel Hill NCUC e: National Commission on Unemployment Compensation - e: Nuclear Chemistry Users' Committee NCU[E] e: National Communications Union, Engineering Group

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

NcU-H e: University of North Carolina, Division of Health Affairs, Chapel Hill NCUI e: National Center for Urban and Industrial Health NcU-IG e: University of North Carolina, Institute of Government Library, Chapel Hill NCUIH e: National Center for Urban and Industrial Health NcU-L e: University of North Carolina, Law Library, Chapel Hill NcU-LS e; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Library School, Chapel Hill NCUMA e: National Credit Union Management Association NCUMC e: National Council for the Unmarried Mother and her Child NcU-MS e: University of North Carolina, Institute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City NCUPI e: National Coalition for Universities in the Public Interest NCUPM e; National Council of United Presbyterian Men NcU-Pop e: University of North Carolina, Carolina Population Center, Technical Information Service, Chapel Hill NCUPRSE e: National Consortium of Universities Preparing Rural Special Educators NCUPUFUB e: National Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Fix-Up Bureau NCUR e: National Committee for Utilities Radio NCURA e: National Council of University Research Administrators NCUSA e: Navy Club of the United States of America NCUSAA e: Navy Club of the United States of America Auxiliary NCUSAR e: National Council on US-Arab Relations NCUSCR e: National Committee on United States-China Relations NCUSCT e: National Council for US-China Trade

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NCUSIF NCUSIF e: National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund

NCUTAS e: National Conference on Uniform Traffic Accident Statistics

NCW e; National Council of Women [of Great Britain] - e: National Council of Women of South Africa - e: National Council of Women of the United States - e: Naval Coastal Warfare - e: Naval Communications Workshop - e: Nosecone Warhead

NCUTLO e: National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances

N.C.W. e: Naval Communications Workshop and Store

NCUUA e: National Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty

NCWA e: National Candy Wholesalers' Association - e: National Children's Wear Association - e: National Congress of West Africa - e: National Council of Women of Australia - e: NATO Civil Wartime Agencies (or Agency) - e: Nigerian Citizens Welfare Association

NCUSIOGT e: National Council of the United States, International Organization of Good Templars

NCV e: No Commercial Value - n: Nederlandsche Chemische Vereniging - n: Nederlandse Christen Vrouwenbond - n: Nieuwe Cartonfabrieken Vanbreuze N.V. NCVA e: National Center (or Centre) for Voluntary Action - e: National Center[s] for Volunteer Action NCVAE e: National Committee for Visual Aids in Education - e: National Council for Audio-Visual Aids in Education NCVC e: National Catholic Vocation Council - e: National Center for Victims of Crime - e: National Congress on Volunteerism and Citizenship NCVCCO e; National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organizations

NCWAO e; National Council of World Affairs Organizations NCWAS e: National Coal Workers Autopsy Study - e: NATO Civil Wartime Agencies NCWB e: Nordic Council for Wildlife Research NCWBA e: National Conference of Women's Bar Associations

- e: National Council for the Welfare of Prisoners Abroad NCWPTF e: National Council for a World Peace Tax Fund NCWQ e: National Commission on Water Quality NCWR e: Nordic Council for Wildlife Research NCWRU e: North Central Watershed Research Unit [Department of Agriculture] NCWS e: National Council of Womens Societies - e: Non-Community Water System NCWSA e: National College Water Ski Association - e: National Council of Women of South Africa NCWSB e: National Council of Wool Selling Brokers NcWsMM e: Moravian Music Foundation, Winston-Salem NcWsR-M e: Reynolds Tobacco Co., Marketing Development Intelligence Center, Winston-Salem NcWsR-R e: Reynolds Tobacco Co., Research and Development Technical Information Services, Winston-Salem

NCVDG e: National Cooperative Vaccine Development Group

NCWC e: National Carwash Council - e: National Catholic Welfare Conference - e: National Council of Women Chiropractors - e: National Council of Women of Canada - e: Naval Coastal Warfare Commander

NCVE e: National Council on Vocational Education

NCWCC e: North Central Weed Control Committee

NcWsU e: Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem

NCVECS e: National Center for Vehicle Emissions Control and Safety

NCWCD e: National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development

NcWsW e: Wake Forest University, WinstonSalem

NCVG e: National Council for Vocational Qualifications

NCWD e: National Coalition for Women in Defense

NcWsW-B e: Wake Forest University, Babcock Graduate School of Management, Winston-Salem

NCVHS e: National Committee for/on Vital and Health Statistics

NCWFC e; National Council of Women of Free Czechoslovakia

NCVMA e: North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association

NCWFD e: National Committee for World Food Day

NCVO e: National Council for Voluntary Organisations (or Organizations)

NCWGA e: Natural Colored Wool Growers Association

NCVOTE e: National Center for Vocational, Occupational and Technical Education

NCWGB e; National Council of Women of Great Britain

NCVP e: Natural Circulation Verification Program - n: Nederlandsch Christelijk Verbond van Padvinders

NcWGE e: General Electric Co., WMD Technical Library, Wilmington

NcWsW-M e: Wake Forest University, Bowman Gray School of Medicine Wake Forest

NCWGE e: National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education

N.C.W.T.A. e: National Council of Workers' Travel Association

NCWM e: National Conference of/on Weights and Measures - e: National Congress of Women in Music

NCWTD e: National Centre for Scientific and Technical Documentation

NCVQ e: National Council for Vocational Qualifications NCVR e: National Conference of Vicars for Religious NCVS e: National Credential Verification Service - e: National Crime Victimization Survey NCVT e: National Crime and Violence Test


NCW News e: NCW News [National Council of Women of New South Wales] NCWP e: Near Coastal Waters Program NCWPA e: National Committee for Women in Public Administration


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NCWSS e: North Central Weed Science Society

NcWsWE e: Western Electric Co., Lexington Road Technical Library, Winston-Salem NcWsWE-R e: Western Electric Co., Reynolds Road Technical Library, WinstonSalem NcWsW-L e: Wake Forest University, Law Library, Winston-Salem

NCWTF e: Naval Commander Western Task Force NCWTM e: National Council on Wholistic Therapeutics and Medicine NCWU e: National Catholic Women's Union

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NDB NcWU e: University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington NCWUS e; National Council of Women of the United States NCWUSA e: National Council of Women of the United States of America NCWW e: National Commission on Working Women NCX e: North Carolina Central University, Durham NCY e: National Collaboration for Youth - e: National Cylinder Gas Co. - e: Nordic Center Youth N.C.Y. e; New Church Yard NCYA e: National Catholic Youth Association NCYC e: National Catholic Youth Council - e: National Collection of Yeast Cultures - e: National Council of Yacht Clubs NCYC CAT e: National Collection of Yeast Cultures Catalogue NCYD e: National Center for Youth with Disabilities

- e: New Day Holdings Ltd. - e: New Directions [an association] - e: New Dramatists - e: Next Day - e: Nippondenso Co. - e: No Date - e: Nondetect - e: Nordair Ltd. - e: Normal Deployability Posture - e: North Dakota - e: Northern Developments [Holdings] Ltd. - e: Not Detected - e: Nuclear Data Corp. - e: University of Notre Dame -/· Nouvelle Droite [Organisation] - g: Nea Demokratia - g: Nomothetikon Diatagma -N: Norsk Data A.S. - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja - P: Narodowa Demokracja - r: Nordsvenska Dagbladet - 5: Nuevo Diario N.D. e; Doctor of Naturopathy - e: National Defence Nd e: North Dakota State Library, Bismarck

NDACAN e: National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect NDACSS e: Navy Department Advisory Committee on Structural Steel ND Act e: National Defense Act NDAF e: National Dental Association Foundation N.D.A.F. e: National Dental Aid Fund NDAFA e: National Dircetory of Accounting Firms and Accountants NDAG e: Non-violent Direct Action Group ND Agr E e: National Diploma in Agricultural Engineering ND Agr Eng e: National Diploma in Agricultural Engineering N Dak e; North Dakota N Dak His S e: North Dakota State Historical Society. Collections

N.D. e: Navy Department N Dak Research Found Bull Circ e: North Dakota Research Foundation Bulletin. Circular

n.d. e: no data (or date) - e: not dated - e: not done

ND Ala e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama

NCYRE e: National Council for/on YearRound Education

NDA d: Norddeutsche Datenautobahn - e: National Dairy Association - e: National Dairymens Association - e: National Dance Association - e: National Defense Academy - e: National Defense Act - e: National Defense Area - e: National Dental Association - e: National Denturist Association - e: National Diploma in Agriculture - e: National Dome Association - e: National Door Association - e: NAUI [National Association of Underwater Instructors] Diving Association - e: Non-Disclosure Agreement - e: Nordair Ltd. - e: North Dakota Agricultural College - e: Nuclear Development Associates, Inc. - e: Nuclear Development Corporation of America - e: Nuclear Device Association - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Administracyjna

NCYSP e: National Committee on Youth Suicide Prevention

N.D.A. e: National Dairy Association - e: National Diploma in Agriculture

NDAR e: National Directory of Australian Resources

NCYWA e: Nordic Child and Youth Welfare Alliance

NDAA e: National Defense Authorization Act - e: National Dental Assistants Association - e: National District Attorneys Association - e: Non-Developmental Airlift Aircraft

NDARB e: North Dakota Atmospheric Resources Board

NCYF e: National Crusaders Youth Federation NCYFS e: National Children and Youth Fitness Study NC YI e: National Council of Young Israel NCYL e: National Center for Youth Law NCYMCA e; National Council of Young Men's Christian Associations NCYOF e: National CYO [Catholic Youth Organizations] Federation NCYP e: National Conference of Yeshiva Principals - e: National Council of Yeshiva Principals

NCZ n: Nationale Coöperatieve Zuivelverkoopscentrale ND d: Nachrichtendienst - d: Neudeutschland [katholischer Jugendbund - d: Norsk Data [Schweiz] AG - e: Diploma in Naturopathy - e: Doctor of Naturopathy - e: Narcotics Division - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Document - e: National Dairy Products Corp. - e: National Debt - e: National Defence (or Defense) - e: Naval Dispensary - e: Navigation and Aircraft Direction - e: Navy Department

NDAAR e: National Design Approval Authority Representative

NDALTP n: Nationale Dienst voor Afzet van Land- en Tuinbouwprodukten N. Dame J.L. Ethics&Pub. Pol'y e: Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy N.D.A.N.C. e: Nairobi District African National Congress NDANZ e: National Dairy Association of New Zealand NDAP d: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - e: National Democratic Action Party - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwow Panstwowych NDAPTA e: National Drivers Association for the Prevention of Traffic Accidents

NDASSP e: North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals NDATUS e: National Drug and Alcohol[ism] Treatment Utilization Survey

NDAB e: Numerical Data Advisory Board NDAC e: National Data Communications, Inc. - e: National Defense Advisory Commission - e: National Defense Advisory Committee - e: National Defense Advisory Council - e: North Dakota Agricultural College - e: Nuclear Defence (or Defense) Affairs Committee

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NDAW n: Nationale Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Werkloosheid NDB d: Neue Demokratische Bewegung - d: Norddeutsche Bank - d: Norddeutscher Bund - e: Board of National Delegates - e: National Dairy Council - e: National Dental Boards - e: National Development Bank - e: Naval Disciplinary Barracks


ndb - e: Navy Department Bulletin - e: Non-Directional Beacon - e: Nucleic Acid Database - n: Nationale Democratische Beweging - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Bibliotek ndb e: national development bond[ing] N.D.B. n: Nationale Democratische Beweging NDBA e: National Deaf Bowling Association NDBC e: National Data Buoy Center - e: National Data Buoy Center - e: National Day of Bread Committee - e: National Dried Bean Council - e: National Dry Bean Council - e: National Duckpin Bowling Congress - e: NOAA Data Buoy Center NDBCA e: Navy Department Board of Contract Appeals Nd.Bd. d: Norddeutscher Bund NDBDP e: National Data Buoy Development Project NDBE d: Neue Deutsch-Böhmische Elbeschiffahrts-Gesellschaft, Dresden NdBHD e: North Dakota State Health Department, Bismarck NdBHwy e: North Dakota State Highway Department, Bismarck NDBI e: National Dairymen's Benevolent Institution NDBL e: National Deaf B lind League NDBO e: National Data Buoy Office - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Data Buoy Office - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Data Buoy Operation NdBoU e: North Dakota State University, Bottineau Branch - e: North Dakota State University, Bottineau Branch, Bottineau NDBP e: National Data Buoy Program - e: National Data Buoy Project [National Ocean Survey] NdBPI e: North Dakota State Department of Public Instruction, Bismarck NDBPO e: National Data Buoy Project Office NDBPSA e: Non-Denominational Bible Prophecy Study Association NdBPW e: North Dakota State Public Welfare Board, Bismarck NDBS e: National Data Buoy System - e: Naval Despatch Boat Service NDBULCUMED e; Navy Department Bulletins, Cumulative Edition

- e: National Defence (or Defense) College - e: National Defence (or Defense) Committee - e: National Defence (or Defense) Company - e: National Defence (or Defense) Contribution - e: National Defence (or Defense) Corps - e: National Defence (or Defense) Council - e: National Democratic Club - e: National Democratic Congress - e: National Design Council - e: National DeSoto Club - e: National Destination Code - e: National Development Company - e: National Development Corporation - e: National Development Council - e: National Distribution Certificate - e: National Diving Council - e: National Documentation Center (or Centre) - e: National Dome Council - e: National Drug Code - e: National Duckling Council - e: NATO Defence College (or Defense) College - e: Naval Data Center - e: Naval Dental Clinic - e: New Democratic Coalition - e: New Dramatists' Committee - e: Niger Delta Congress - e: Nippon Decimal Classification - e: No Date Club - e: NORAD Direction Center - e: Northwest Drama Conference - e: Notre Dame College - e: Noyes Data Corporation - e: Nuclear Data Committee - e: Nuclear Design Calculations [program] - e: Nuclear Design & Construction - e: Nuclear Detector Circuit - e: Nuclear Development Corporation N.D.C. e: National Defence Corps - e: Natural Distribution Certificate NDCA e: National Dance Council of America - e: National Day Care Association - e: National Deaf Children's Association - e: National Drilling Contractors Association - e: National Dry Cleaners Association - e: Nuclear Development Corporation of America

NDCDB e: National Digital Cartographic Data Base NDCE e: National Distillers & Chemical Corp. NDCF e: National Defense Council Foundation NDCNR e: Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources NDCO e: Naval Disarmament Control Office - e: Noble Drilling Corporation NDColl e: National Defence College NDCP e: National Drug Control Policy NDCS e: National Deaf Children's Society - e: National Digital Cartographic Standards - e: Network Data Control System NDD e: Duke University Library, Durham - e: National Diploma in Dairying - e: National Diploma in Design - e: Negotiation Decision Document - e: Net Defence Department - e: Network Delivery Device N.D.D. e: National Diploma in Dairying - e: Net Defence Department NDDB e: National Dairy Development Board NDDC e: National Defeat Dukakis Campaign - e: NORAD Division Direction Center N.D.D.C. e: National Docks Defence Committee NDDEIC e: National Digestive Diseases Education and Information Clearinghouse NDDF e: National Drug Data File NDDG e: National Diabetes Data Group

NDCAA e: National Dutch Civil Aviation Authority ND Cal e: United States District Court for the Northern District of California NDCC e: National Dairy Council of Canada - e: National Defense Cadet Corps - e: National Defense Command Center Canada - e: National Democratic Congressional Committee - e: National Distillers and Chemical Corporation - e: National Drug Control Center - e: Navy Department Corrosion Committee - e: Network Data Collection Center

NDDIC e: National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse NdDiS e: Dickinson State College, Dickinson NddJb. d: Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung NddKbl. d: Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung NddMitt. d: Niederdeutsche Mitteilungen NDDN e: National Dry Deposition Network

N.D.C.C. e: National Dairy Council of Canada

NDDP e: National Decontamination and Decommissioning Program[s] - e: NATO Defense Data Program

NDCCC e: National Defense Communications Control Center

NDD&RF e: Naval Dry Dock and Repair Facility

NDCD e: National Drug Code Directory

NDDRP e: Natural Disaster and Drought Relief Policies

NDC e: Natick Development Center - e: National Dairy Council - e: National Data Center (or Centre) - e: National Data Communication - e: National Data Corporation - e: National Declaration Committee


NDCDAR e: National Defense Committee of the Daughters of the American Revolution

NDDS e: National Disability Data System N.D.D.T. e: National Diploma in Dairy Technology


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NDI11 N.d.d.W. d: Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft

NDFEA e: Northwest Dried Fruit Export Association

NDE e: National Defense Education - e: National Defense Emergency - e: National Dinghy Exhibition - e: National Directorate of Employment - e: Non-Destructive Evaluation

NDFKAH e: Endemic Diseases Bulletin. Nagasaki University

N.D.E, n: Nationale Dienst voor Emigratie NDEA e: National Defense Education Act - e: National Defense Emergency Authorization - e: National Display Equipment Association

NDH e: National Defense Headquarters - e: National Diploma in Health - e: Natural Disaster Hospitals - e: Nevada Department of Health N.D.H. e: National Diploma in Horticulture

NDFL e: National Defense Foreign Language ND Fla e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida NDFRS e: Nuclear Detonation and Fallout Reporting System

NDHA e: National Dental Hygienists' Association - e: National District Heating Association NDHB e: National Dental Hygiene Board

NDFS e: National Deposit Friendly Society

NDHC e: National Defense Headquarters, Canada

NDEC e: NDE Environmental Corp. - e: Nursing Diagnosis and Extension Classification

NDfS e: Stauffer Chemical Co., Eastern Research Center, Dobbs Ferry

NDHF N: Norges Dame- og Herrefrisormestres Forbund

NDEI e: National Defense Education Institute - e: National Diabetes Education Initiative

NDFTA e: National Dried Fruit Trade Association

NDHFP e: New Developments Human Factors Program

NDEITA e: National Dance-Exercise Instructor's Training Association

NdFtK d: Normengruppe der Frankfurter technischen Körperschaften

NdHi e: State Historical Society of North Dakota, Bismarck

NdeM 5: Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico

NDFU e: North Dakota Farmers' Union

NDHM e: National Dental Hygiene Month

NDemP e: National Democratic Party

NdFVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Fargo

NDHPA e: Nevada Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology

NDFYP e: Navy Department Five Year Plan

NDHQ e: National Defence (or Defense) Headquarters

NDEP e: National Diabetes Education Program - e: Nevada Department of Environmental Protection NDEPS e: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

NDG d: Neue Deutsche Gewerkschaften - d: Normenausschuß Druckgasanlagen - e: National Dance Guild - e: Neutral Democratic Group - e: Northern Development Group Inc.

NDHS e: New Drop High School ND-HSR d: Bund NeudeutschlandHochschulring

NDER e: National Defense Executive Reserve NDERR e: National Defense Executive Reserve Roster

NDGA e: National Depression Glass Association - e: National Dog Groomers Association

NDETP e: National Drug Education Training Program

ND GA e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia

NDeUA e: State University of New York, Agricultural and Technical College at Delhi, Delhi

NDGAA e: National Dog Groomers Association of America

NDEW e: Nuclear Directed Energy Weapons NDF d: Neue Deutsche Filmgesellschaft - d: Neue Deutsche Forschungen - e: Narrative Data File - e: National Defense Features - e: National Democratic Front - e: National Development Foundation - e: National Dividend Foundation - e: National Drilling Federation - e: Naval Dairy Farm - e: Navy Distillate Fuel - e: Nevada Division of Forestry - e: New Democratic Forum - e: New Dimensions Foundation - e: Nordic Development Fund - N: Norges Drosjeeier-Forbund N.D.F. e: National Democratic Front - e: National Development Foundation - e: National Diploma in Forestry NDFA e: National Dietary Foods Association - e: National Drama Festivals Association NdFA e: North Dakota State University, Fargo NDFC e: National Days Fan Club - e: National Democratic Policy Committee

NDGB d: Neuer Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund - n: Nederlands Detachement Goose Bay NdGIT e: United States Air Force Institute of Technology, Grand Forks AFB

NDI d: Normenausschuß der deutschen Industrie - e: Dickinson State College, Dickinson - e: National Dance Institute - e: National Death Index - e: National Democratic Institute [for International Affairs] - e: Network Development and Implementation Group - e: Nissan Design International - e: Non-Destructive Inspection - e: Non-Developmental Item - e: Non-Industrial Disability Insurance - e: Nuclear Data, Incorporated - n: Nederlandse Draadindustrie NDIB e: National Drug Intelligence Bureau

NDGMH e: National Development Group for the Mentally Handicapped NDGO e: Navy Department General Order NDGP e: Nepean Division of General Practice NDGPM e: Northern Division of General Practice, Melbourne NDGPS e: National Differential GPS Network NDGS e: National Defense General Staff - e: National Duncan Glass Society - e: North Dakota Geological Society - e: North Dakota Geological Survey

NDIC e: National Datacomputer, Incorporated - e: National Defence Industries Council - e: National Defense Intelligence Center - e: National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse - e: Nuclear Data Information Center - e: Nuclear Desalination Information Center NDICF e: North Dakota Independent College Fund NDI/E e: Non-Destructive Inspection/ Evaluation NDIIA e: National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

NdGUH e: Grand Forks United Hospital

NDIL e: Non-Destructive Inspection Laboratory

NDGW e: Native Daughters of the Golden West

ND 111 e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NDIMC NDIMC e: NATO Defense Information Management Committee

NDLOA e: National Disabled Law Officers Association

- e: Nodal Data Network - e: Nu-Dawn Resources, Inc.

ND Ind e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana

NDLP e: NDL Products, Inc. - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Lasow Panstwowych

NDNRC e: Nevada Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

ND Iowa e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Iowa

N.D. L. Rev. e: North Dakota Law Review

NDNY e: United States District Court for the Northern District of New York

NDIRS e: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies NDIS e: National Drug Information Service - e: North Dakota State Industrial School NDIU e: National Drugs Intelligence Unit NDJ n: De Nationale Dienst voor de Jeugd NdJb d: Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung

NDLS d: Neues Deutsches Lichtspielsyndikat - e: Nauru Directorate of Lands and Survey NDM e: National Data Manager - e: National Dried [Milk] - e: Network Data Mover - e: New Democratic Movement - e: New Dimensions in Medicine - e: Nigerian Democratic Movement - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Directives Manual - s: Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico

ND-JG d: Bund NeudeutschlandJungengemeinschaft

NDMA e: National Dimension Manufacturers Association - e: National Door Manufacturers Association - e: National Dress Manufacturers Association - e: Non-prescription Drug Manufacturers Association

Nd.Jhb. d: Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung

NDMAC e: Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association of Canada

N.D.J.R. e: Newcastle & Darlington Junction Railway

NdManNG e: United States Northern Great Plains Research Center, Mandan

NDJR e: Newcastle & Darlington Junction Railway

NdMatyS e: Mayville State College, Mayville

NdJF e: North Dakota Farmers Union Resource Library, Jamestown

NDMB e: National Defense Mediation Board

NDO d: Nationalverband Deutscher Offiziere - d: Norddeutsche Ölleitungsgesellschaft - d: Notverwaltung des Deutschen Ostens - e: National Debt Office - e: National Diving Officer - e: Natural Disasters Organization - e: Navy Disbursing Office - e: Network Development Office - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Ogolna N.D.O. d: Nationalverband Deutscher Offiziere - e: National Debt Office - e: Northern Dance Orchestra - e: Northern District Office NDOA e: National DARE Officers Association - e: National Dog Owners' Association N.D.O.A. e: National Dog Owners' Association NDOC e: National Defense Operations Center - e: Non Departmental Output Class ND Ohio e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio

NdJSH e: State Hospital, Jamestown NDK d: Nachrichtendienstkonzept Nd Kbl d: Korrespondenzblatt. Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung NDKGAU e: Journal. Japan Society of ColoProctology Nd Ko Bl d: Korrespondenzblatt. Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung NDL d: Norddeutscher Lloyd - e: Duke University, Law Library, Durham - e: National Defence Headquarters Library - e: National Democratic League - e: National Demographics & Lifestyles, Inc. - e: National Development Loan - e: National Diet Library - e: National Digital Library - e: Network Data Language - e: Network Database Language - e: Ni-Cal Developments Ltd. - e: Nuclear Defense Laboratory

NDMC e: National Defence (or Defense) Medical Center (or Centre) - e: National Diamond Mining Company - e: NATO Defense Manpower Committee

NDok d: Nachrichten für Dokumentation

NDMDA e: National Depressive and ManieDepressive Association

NDOS e: National Defense Operations Section

NDMF e: National Development and Management Foundation

NDOSH e: Nevada Division of Occupational Safety and Health

NdMinAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Minot AFB

NDOT e: Nevada Department of Transportation

NdMinIT e: United States Air Force Institute of Technology, Minot AFB

NDO W e: Nevada Division of Wildlife

NdMinS e: Minot State College, Minot NDMiOZ P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Muzeow i Ochrony Zabytkow ND Miss e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi

Nd-L e: North Dakota State Law Library, Bismarck

NDMOC e: National Disaster Medical Operations Center

NDLA e: North Dakota Library Association NDLB e: National Dock Labour Board

NDMS e: National Debt Management System - e: National Disaster Medical System - e: Netware Distributed Management Services

N.D.L.C. e: National Dock Labour Corporation

NDMSOSC e: National Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center

NDLEA e: National Drug Law Enforcement Agency

NDMSP e: Navy Department Mobilization Security Plan

NdLibC e: North Dakota State Library Commission, Bismarck

NDN e: National Diffusion Network - e: National Directory of Newsletters and Reporting Services

Nd.Ll. d: Norddeutscher Lloyd


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ND Okla e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma

NDP d: National-Demokratische Partei [Österreichs] - d: Neue Deutsche Presse - e: National Dairy Products - e: National Democracy Party - e: National Democratic Party - e: National Detective Police - e: National Determination Party - e: National Development Party - e: National Diocesan Press - e: National Diploma in Poultry Husbandry - e: National Disclosure Policy - e: National Drought Policy - e: National Drug Policy - e: Nationalist Democracy Party - e: Nationwide Demonstration Program - e: Navy Department Personnel - e: Net Domestic Product - e: Never Dies Politically - e: New Democratic Party - e: No Dreams of Prosperity - e: Nuclear Disarmament Party - n: Vereniging de Nederlandse Dagbladpers N.D.P. e: National Diploma in Poultry Husbandry

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NDSS NDPA e: National Dairy Producers Association - e: National Decorated Packaging Association - e: National Decorating Products Association - e: National Democratic Party of Alabama NDPB e: National Drug Policy Board NDPBC e: National Duck Pin Bowling Congress

NDR d: Neue Deutsche Rundschau - d: Norddeutscher Rundfunk - d: Normenausschuß Druck- und Reproduktionstechnik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Derby Rallies - e: National Dog Registry - e: National Driver[s] Register - e: National Drug Co.

- e: North Dakota State Library Commission, Bismarck - e: NPIC [National Photographic Interpretation Center] Data System - e: NUDET Detection System - r: Det Nordlandske Dampskibsselskap AS nds d: Neue Deutsche Schule Verlagsgesellschaft mbH - e: national development strategy

NDr P: Nowe Drogi. Warszawa NDPC e: National Democratic Policy Committee - e: National Development Planning Committee - e: National Dropout Prevention Center - e: National Drowning Prevention Coalition - e: National [Military Information] Disclosure Policy Committee NDPCAL e: National Development Program[me] in Computer Assisted Learning NDPCh P: Niemiecka Demokratyczna Partia Chiopska NDPD d: National-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands - e: National Data Processing Division NDPF e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Data Processing Facility NDPGA e: North Dakota Personnel and Guidance Association NDPH e: National Diploma in Poultry Husbandry NDPHU e: Northern Districts Public Health Unit

Nds. d: Niedersachsen NDRA e: Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements - e: Nostalgia Drag Race Association NDRB e: New Developments Research Branch NDRC d: Norddeutscher Radioclub - e: National Defence Research Council - e: National Defense Research Committee - e: Nutrient Data Research Center NDRCAJ e: Contributions. Department of Geology and Mineralogy. Niigata University NDRE e: National Defense Research Establishment - e: Norwegian Defense Research Establishment ND Res Found Bull e: North Dakota Research Foundation Bulletin NDRF e: National Debt Repayment Foundation - e: National Defence (or Defense) Reserve Fleet - e: National Dysautonomia Research Foundation

NDPIC e: National Defence Public Interest Committee - e: Navy Department Program Information Center

NDRG e: NATO Defense Research Group

NDPKC e: National Domestic Poultry Keepers' Council

NDRHFA e: Sado Marine Biological Station. Niigata University. Special Publication

NDPL e: National Democratic Party of Liberia

NDRI e: National Dairy Research Institute - e: National Diabetes Research Interchange - e: Naval Dental Research Institute

NDRH e: Nevada Division of Radiological Health

NDPN e: National Dropout Prevention Network

NDRS e: National Driver Register Service

NDPO e: National Defence Programme Outline

NDRSWG e: NATO Data Requirements and Standards Working Group

NDPP e: National Drug Prevention Program - n: Nederlandse Defensieplanningsproces

NDS d: Nationaler Deutscher Schülerbund - d: Nationalverband Deutscher Schriftsteller - d: Norddeutsche Salinen GmbH - e: Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion - e: National Dahlia Society - e: National Decision Systems - e: National Defense Stockpile - e: National Design Specification for wood construction - e: National Dioxin Study - e: National Directory Service - e: National Disposal Site - e: Naval Dental School - e: Navigation Data Systems Inc. - e: Navy Display System - e: Netware Directory Services - e: Netwave Directory Services - e: New Drag Submission - e: Nordic Demographic Society - e: North Dakota State

NDPRB e: National Dairy Promotion and Research Board NDPRP e: National Defense Project Rating Plan NDPS e: National Data Processing Service - e: National Data Processing System NDPTWA e: National Clearinghouse for Periodical Title Word Abbreviations NDQ e: NASA Delta Quotation - e: North Dakota Quarterly ND Quar J e: North Dakota University. Quarterly Journal

nds. d: niedersächsisch NDSA e: National Directory of State Agencies - e: National Disposal Services Association NDSB e: Narcotic Drags Supervisory Body - e: Navy Dependents School Branch NDSBA e: North Dakota School Boards Association NDSC e: National Defense and Security Council - e: National Down Syndrome Congress - e: Network for [the] Detection of Stratospheric Change[s] NDSchNG d: Neue Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft NDSE e: National Data Switching Exchange NdSEA e; North Dakota Society of Enrolled Agents NDSEG e: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate NDSF e: National Defense Sealift Fund - e: North Dakota School of Forestry NDSHS e: North Dakota State Horticultural Society NDSL e: National Defense Student Loan - e: National Direct Student Loan - e: Nevada Division of State Lands NDSM e: National Defense Security Medal - e: National Defense Service Medal N.D.S.M. e: Naval Distinguished Service Medal - e: Navy Distinguished Service Medal NDSM e: Non-Deterministic State Machine - n: Nederlandsche Dok en Scheepsbouw Maatschappij NDSMA e: North Dakota State Medical Association NDSN e: Nordson Corp. NDSP e: National Dryland Salinity Research, Development and Extension Program - e: Nevada Division of State Parks NDSPE e: North Dakota Society of Professional Engineers NDSPLS e: North Dakota Society of Professional Land Surveyors NDSS e: National Down Syndrome Society

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NDSSS NDSSS e: North Dakota State School of Science

NdU e: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks

ND State Lab Dep Bull e: North Dakota. State Laboratories Department. Bulletin

N.D.U. e: National Domestic Union, Edinburgh

NDSTC e: National Defence Science & Technology Commission - e: Naval Dive and Salvage Training Center

NDUAT e: Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology NDUC e: Nimbus Data Utilization Center

NDSTIC e: National Defence Science Technology & Industry Commission NDSU e: North Dakota State University NDT e: National Diet Library - e: National Diploma in the Science and Practice of Turfculture and Sports Ground Management - e: National Drivers' Test - e: Nevada Dance Theatre - e: Newfoundland Daylight Time - e: Non-Destructive Testing - n: Nederlands Dans Theater - P: Naczelna Dyrekcja Techniczna - p: Nucleo de Documentacäo Tecnica, Ministerio do Ultramar - s: Ferrocarril Nacional de Tehuantepec NDTA e: National Dance Therapy Association - e: National Data Corp. - e: National Defense Transportation Association - e: National Dental Technicians Association - e: Neurodevelopmental Treatment Association - e: Non-Destructive Testing Association NDTAA e: Non-Destructive Testing Association of Australia NDTC e: National Drug Trade Conference - e: Naval Device Training Center - e: Non-Destructive Testing Center - e: Nottingham and District Technical College

NDUF e: National Democratic United Front NdU-L e: University of North Dakota, Law Library, Grand Forks NdU-M e: University of North Dakota, Medical Library, Grand Forks ND Univ e: University of North Dakota NDUSTA e: New Duty Station NDV d: Nachrichtendienst. Deutscher Verein für Öffentliche und Private Fürsorge - e: NASP [National Aerospace Plane] Derived Vehicle - e: Valley City State College - n: Nederlandsche Dendrologische Vereeniging - n: Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging NdVcT e: Valley City State College NDVI e: Normalised (or Normalized) Difference Vegetation Index

- e: Assistance Secretary for Nuclear Energy - e: Left Nationalists - e: Narcotics Education [association] - e: National Electric Products Corp. - e: National Electronics - e: National Emergency - e: National Estate[s] - e: National Exchequer - e: National Executive - e: National Exhibition - e: Naval Engineer - e: Nebraska - e: New England - e: News Editor - e: North East - e: North East[ern] - e: Northeast Airlines, Inc. - e: Nuclear Electric - e: Nuclear Energy [office] - e: Nuclear Engineer - e: University of New England Herbarium -/· Nationalite Etrangere - p: Neiva [Sociedade Construtora Aeronautica Neiva Ltda.] - p: Nueva Era. Buenos Aires Ne e: Nepal - e: Netherlands N.E. e: London and North-Eastern Railway - e: National Exhibition - e: North East[ern] - e: Nuclear Engineer - e: University of New England e: Air Advisory Committee, Northern European Group - e: Nashville Entertainment Association - e: National Economic Association - e: National Editorial Association

NDW d: Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft - e: National Dog Week - e: Naval District Washington - e: Nevada Department of Wildlife - e: North Dakota State School of Science, Mildred Johnson Library, Wahpeton

Nea d: Nikotinentziehungsanstalt für Tabak und Tabakfabrikate GmbH

NDWAC e: National Drinking Water Advisory Council

NeA d: Verband der Notgemeinschaft ehemaliger Arbeitsdienstangehöriger

NdWahS e: North Dakota State School of Science, Wahpeton

N.E.A. d: Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abteilung - e: National Education Association

NDWBA e: National Deaf Women's Bowling Association

e: National Education Association - e: National Educational] Association - e: National Educators Association - e: National Electricity Administration - e: National Electricity Authority - e: National Electrification Administration - e: National Electronic[s] Association^] - e: National Employment Association - e: National Endowment for the Arts - e: National Energy Accounts - e: National Energy Act - e: National Energy Authority - e: National Erectors Association - e: Natural Energy Association - e: Nearctic Resources, Inc. - e: Nelson & Albemarie Railway - e: New England Airlines, Inc. - e: New England Aquarium - e: Newspaper Enterprise Association - e: North Eastern Airways - e: Northeast Airlines, Inc. - e: Northern Electric Authority - e: Northern European Airlines - e: Northern Examining Association - e: Northern Executive Aviation - e: Nuclear Enegy Act - e: Nuclear Energy Agency - e: Nutrition Education Association -/· Nouvelle[s] Editions Africaines

NOTE e: North Dakota Tracer Experiment ND Tex e: United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas NDTI e: National Disease and Therapeutic Index - e: Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection NDT Int e: Non-Destructive Testing International NDTI Rev e: NDTI [National Disease and Therapeutic Index] Review NDTL e: Non-Destructive Test Laboratory NDTM e: National Defense Transportation Model NDTMA e: National Drain Tile Manufacturers' Association

NdWiU e: University of North Dakota, Williston Branch, Williston NDWP e: National Demonstration Water Project - e: Nevada Division of Water Planning - P: Naczelna Dowodztwo Wojska Polskiego NDWR e: Nevada Division of Water Resources NDWU e: National Domestic Workers Union NDX e: Northern Dynasty Explorations Ltd. NDYL e: New Democratic Youth League

NDTP e: North Dakota Thunderstorm Project NDU d: Nationaldemokratische Union - d: Niederdeutsche Union - e: National Defense University - e: National Democratic Union - e: National Development Unit - e: Notre Dame University


NDZ d: Nachrichtenbüro Deutscher Zeitungsverleger NdZVk d: Niederdeutsche Zeitschrift für Volkskunde NE d: Nation Europa - d: Neunkircher Eisenwerk AG - d: Normenstelle Elektrotechnik


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NEBBA N.E.A. e: National Engineers' Association - e: National Erectors' Association - e: Native Education Association - e: Newspaper Enterprise Association - e: North-Eastern Area -/· Nouvelle Exploitation Agricole NEAA e: National Employment Assistance Act - e: Northeastern Anthropological Association - e: Norwegian Elkhound Association of America NEAATS e: North East Asia Association of Theological Schools NEABFGP e: New England Advisory Board for Fish and Game Problems NEabG e: Genesee County Landmark Society, East Bethany NEAC e: National Energy Advisory Committee - e: New English Art Club - e: Northeast Air Command N.E.A.C. e: New English Art Club NEACAP e: National Emergency Airborne Command Post NEACH e: New England Automated Clearing House [Association] NEACP e: National Emergency Airborne Command Post NEACP TTY e: NEACP Teletypewriter Network NEACRP e: Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics NEACSS e: New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools NEACT e: New England Association of Chemistry Teachers NEAD e: National Economic Analysis Division

NEAGC e: National Early American Glass Club

NEARTIP e: Near-Term Improvement Program

NEAHI e: Near East Animal Health Institute

NEAS e: National Engineering Aptitude Search - e: Near East Arch[a]eological Society

NEAIS e: National Elder Abuse Incidence Study NEAJ e: ΝΕΑ [National Education Association] Journal NEAL e: National Electron Accelerator Laboratory NEALS e: National Educational Alliance of Life Sciences NEAN e: National Execution Alert Network - e: North European ADS-B Network NEANDC e: Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Data Committee NEANMCC e: Navy Element Alternate National Military Command Center NEAP e: National Assessment of Educational Progress - e: National Energy Audit Program - e: National Environment[al] Action Plan NEA-PAC e: National Education Association Political Action Committee NEAPACC e: North East Atlantic Palaeooceanography and Climate Change NEAPD e: Northeastern Air Procurement District NEAPs e: National Environmental Action Plans NEAR e: National Electronic Accounting and Reporting [system] - e: National Emergency Aid Radio - e: National Emergency Alarm Repeater - e: Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous - e: Near East Asian Region - e: Network of AIDS European Research - e: New England Action Research Project

NEAD AI e: National Education Association Department of Audiovisual Instruction

NEARA e: New England Antiquities Research Association - e: New England Archeological Research Association

NEADS e: National Educational Association of Disabled Students - e: Near East and African Development Service - e: Network Engineering Administrative Data System

Near East e: Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Iraq

Neads e: North East Atlantic Dynamic Studies [project] NEAF e: Near-East Air Force - e: New Era Aboriginal Fellowship - e: North East Air Force NEAFC e: North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission - e: North East Atlantic Fisheries Committee - e: North East Atlantic Fisheries Convention NEAG d: Norddeutsche ErdgasAufbereitungs-Gesellschaft mbH - e: Nevada Environmental Advisory Group - e: New English Art Gallery

ΝΕΑ Res Bui e: National Education Association. Research Bulletin

NEASA e: Near Eastern, African, and South Asian Affairs NEASB e: Near East Archaeological Society. Bulletin NEASC e: New England Association of Schools and Colleges NEA/SCEC e: NEA/Salleri-Chialsa Electricity Company NEASCUS e: New England Association of School, College and University Staffing NEAT e: National Employment and Training - e: National Environment Awareness Trust - e: Navy Embarked Advisory Team - e: NCR [National Cash Register] Electronic Autocoding Technique - e: New and Emerging Applications of Technologies NEATE e: New England Association of Teachers of English NEATO e: North-East Asia Treaty Organization NeAU e: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands NEAVB e: National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders NEAWS e: NORAD/ADCOM Emergency Airborne Warning System NEB e: Department of Aeronautics, State of Nebraska - e: National Economic Board - e: National Electricity Board - e: National Employment Board - e: National Energy Board - e: National Enterprise Board - e: National Environmental] Board - e: Neisner Brothers, Inc. - e: New England Motor Rate Bureau, Inc. - e: New English Bible - n: Nederlandse Eiercontr le Bureau NeB d: Nebelbataillon Neb e: United States District Court for the District of Nebraska

ΝΕΑ Res Div Rept e: National Education Association. Research Division. Reports

NEBA e: NASA Employee Benefit Association - n: Nederlandse Katholieke Bond van BeroepsAssurantiebezorgers

NEAR-GOOS e: North-East Asian Regional GOOS

NEBAC e: National Ethnic Broadcasting Advisory Council

NEARnet e: New England Academic and Research Network

Nebam n: Nederlandse Bevrachting en Agentuur Maatschappij

NEARS e; Navy Evaluation of Advanced Reconnaissance Systems

NEBB e: National Environmental Balancing Bureau - N: Norsk Elektrisk Brown Boveri

NEARSS e: Northeast Area Remote Sensing System Association

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NEBBA e: Northeastern Bird-Banding Association


NEBHE NEBHE e: New England Board of Higher Education

NEBS e: New England Business Service, Inc. - e: New Exporters to Border States

Neb His S e: Nebraska State Historical Society. Collections

Neb SBJ e: Nebraska State Bar Journal

- e: National Exchange Carrier Association - e: National Explorers and Collectors Association - e: Near East College Association - e: Numismatic Error Collectors of America - n: Nederlands Economisch Cultureel Archief

NEBI e: National Employee Benefits Institute

NEBSM e: National Examining Board in Supervisory Management

NEBIC e: New England Bibliographic Instruction Collection

NEBSS e: National Examinations Board for/in Supervisory Studies

NEBK e: National Enterprise Bank

Neb St BJ e: Nebraska State Bar Journal

NECAD e: National Episcopal Coalition on Alcohol and Drugs

Neb Lib Assn Q e: Nebraska Library Association. Quarterly

NEBUTA n: Nederlands Bureau voor Technische Hulp

Necaf e: National Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Facility

Neb. L. Rev. e: Nebraska Law Review

NEC d: National-Europäisches Centrum - e: National Ecology Center - e: National Economic Commission - e: National Economic Council - e: National Economists Club - e: National Ecumenical Coalition - e: National Education Center for Paraprofessionals in Mental Health - e: National Education Corporation - e: National Egg Council - e: National Electoral Commission - e: National Electric Code [Board of Underwriters] - e: National Electric Conference - e: National Electrical [Safety] Code - e: National Electronics Conference - e: National Electronics Council - e: National Emblem Club - e: National Emergency Committee - e: National Emergency Council - e: National Employers Committee - e: National Energy Conference - e: National Engineering Consortium - e: National Entertainment Conference - e: National Equestrian Centre - e: National Equity Corporation - e: National Exchange Club - e: National Executive Committee - e: National Executive Council - e: National Exhibition Centre - e: National Extension College - e: Naval Examining Center - e: Naval Exercise Coordinator - e: Naval Exhibit Center - e: Nebraska State Railway Commission - e: Nechako Environmental Coalition - e: Negro Ensemble Company - e: Netherlands Electrotechnical Committee - e: New England Commuter, Inc. - e: New England Conservatory of Music - e: New England Council - e: Nippon Electric Company, Ltd. - e: Nippon Electric Corporation - e: Nippon Electronic Company - e: Nippon Electronic Corporation - e: Norman Evaluation Committees - e: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages - e: Northeast Corridor - e: Northern Europe Committee - e: Northern European Command - e: Nuclear Energy Center - e: Nuclear Equipment Corporation - n: Nederlands Electrotechnisch Comite - n: Nederlandse Export Combinatie

NECAP e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Energy-Cost Analysis Program - e: Nutmeg Electric Companies Atomic Project

Neb.Ma. d: Neben-Munitionsanstalt NEBOS n: Nederlandse Bond voor Onderwatersp ort NEBOSH e: National Examining Board in Occupational Safety and Health Nebr e: Nebraska NEBR e: New Breed. Association of Metis and Non-Status Indians of Saskatchewan Nebraska Acad Sei Proc e: Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies. Proceedings Nebraska Univ State Mus Bull e: Nebraska. University. State Museum. Bulletin Nebr BA e: Nebraska State Bar Journal Nebr State Med J e: Nebraska State Medical Journal Nebr State Mus Bull e: Nebraska State Museum. Bulletin Nebr St Bd Agr An Rp e: Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. Annual Report Nebr St Hist Soc Pr e: Nebraska State Historical Society. Proceedings and Collections Nebr St Med J e: Nebraska State Medical Journal Nebr Univ e: University of Nebraska Nebr Univ Agric Exp Stn Annu Rep e: Nebraska. University. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report Nebr Univ Coll Agric Home Econ Ext Serv Ext Circ e: Nebraska. University. College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Extension Service. Extension Circular Nebr Univ Eng Exp Stn Bull e: Nebraska. University. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin Nebr Univ Studies e: Nebraska. University. Studies Nebr Wheat Variety Estimate Nebr Grain Impr Ass e: Nebraska Wheat Variety Estimate. Nebraska Grain Improvement Association


N.E.C. e: National Executive Committee - i : Nuova Economia Controllata NECA e: National Electrical Contractors Association - e: National Employment Counselors Association - e: National Episcopal Coalition on Alcohol


· Säur, München

NECAA e: National Entertainment and Campus Activities Association

NECBAT e: Netherlands/Canadian Battalion NECC e: National Education Computer Center - e: National Education Crisis Committee - e: National Educational] Computing Conference - e: National Emergency Coordination Center - e: Near East Council of Churches - e: New England Congressional Caucus - e: New England Critical Care, Inc. - e: Northeast Computer Center - e: Northern Essex Community College - e: NTB [National Test Bed] Experiment Control Center NECCA e: National Educational Closed Circuit Association - e: North East County Councils Association NECCB e: National Education Council of the Christian Brothers NECCC e: New England Correctional Coordinating Council NECCCRW e: Near East [Christian] Council Committee for Refugee Work NECCO e: National Electric Coil Company - e: New England Confectionary Company - e: Northern Essex Community College NECCRU e: North of England Children's Cancer Research Unit NECCTA e: National Educational ClosedCircuit Television Association NECDC e: New England Consumer Development Council NECEL e: New England Coalition of Educational Leaders NECF e: National Exchange Club Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse NECG e: National Engineering Council for Guidance - e: National Executive Committee on Guidance NECH e: National Employment Clearing House - e: National Event Clearinghouse Database NECHE e: Northeastern Colorado Hail Experiment

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NEDGP NECHI e: Northeast Consortium for Health Information

- e: New England Collectors Society - e: North East Coast Shiprepairers

NECIES e: North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders

NECSA e: Navigational Electronic Chart System Association

N.E.C.Inst. e: North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders

NECT e: National Environmental Controls, Inc. - e: National Research Council of Thailand - e: North East China Transect

NECIR e: Northern European Command Intelligence Room NECIS e: NEC [Nippon Electric Company] Information Systems, Inc. NECLC e: National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee NECM e: New England Conservatory of Music NECMA e: New England County Metropolitan Area NECMG e: Northeast Computer Measurement Group NECNVA e: New England Committee for Nonviolent Action NECO e: NECO Enterprises, Inc. - e: Nippon Electric Company - e: Nuclear Engineering Company, Inc. NECOBETRA n: Nederlandse Christelijke Ondernemersbond Electrotechniek en Radio NE Code e: National Electrical Code NECON e: National Electoral Commission of Nigeria NECOP e: Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity Program NECOS e: Nepal Community Support Group - e: Network Coordination Station - e: North European Command Operations Center - e: Northern European Chiefs of Staff NECP e: National Energy Conservation Policy Act - e: National Eye Care Project - e: New England College of Pharmacy NECPA e: National Emergency Command Post Afloat - e: National Energy Conservation Policy Act NECPP e: North Eastern Convention People's Party NECPRC e: National Economic Committee of the People's Republic of China NECQ e: National Electronic Components Quality Assessment System - e: National Electronics Component Qualification System

NECTA e: National Electric Comfort Trade Association - e: National Electrical Contractors Trade Association NECTAR e; Network of European Communications and Transport Activities Research NECTEC e: National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand NECTFL e: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages NECTP e: Northeast Corridor Transportation Project NECZAM e: National Educational Company of Zambia NED d: Neuheiten- und Erfindungsdienst - d: Notgemeinschaft Evangelischer Deutscher - e: NASA Extragalactic Database - e: National Economic Development [Council] - e: National Elevation Dataset - e: National Endowment for Democracy - e: Network of Egghead Divers - e: New England Division - e: New Enterprise Division [of Monsanto Corporation] - e: New Era Dianetics. Dianetics - e: Non-Executive Director - e: Northeastern University, Boston - e: Nuclear Energy Division - e: Nuclear Engineering Department - e: Nuclear Engineering Directorate - n: Nationale Emigratiedienst - n: Nederlandse Emigratiedienst N.E.D. e: National Endowment of Democracy - e: Naval Equipment Department - e: Naval Equipment Depot NEDA e: National Economic [and] Development Authority - e: National Electronic Distributors' Association - e: National Electronic [s] Development Association - e: National Emergency Defense Airlift - e: National Environmental Development Association - e: National Equipment Distributors Association - e: National Exhaust Distributors Association NEDACO n: Vereniging Nederlandse Dakpannenfabrikanten Corporatie

Ned Akad Wet Afd Natuurkd Verh Eerste Reeks n: Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde. Verhandelingen. Eerste Reeks NEDAL e: National Egg Distributors' Association, London - n: N.V. Nederlandsche Aluminium Maatschappij NEDARC e: National EMSC Data Analysis Resource Center NEDA/USA e: National Exhaust Distributors Association/Undercar Specialists Association NEDAX e: Nippon Electric Data Exchange NEDBAG e: NATO Emitter Database Advisory Group NEDBANK e: Nedbank Limited [Netherlands Bank of South Africa] NEDBAS e: NATO Emitter Database NEDC e: National Economic Development Council - e: Near East Development Council - e: North-East Development Council - e: North of England Development Council NEDCC e: New England Document Conservation Center NEDCO e: Committee for the Study of the Netherlands' Statement Concerning Liaisons and Activities of ISO - e: Northeast Dairy Cooperative Federation Nedcom e: National Education Committee NEDCOMP n: Nederlandse Computer Maatschappij Ned Dendrol Ver Jaarb n: Nederlandse Dendrologische Vereniging. Jaarboek NEDECO e: Netherlands Development Company - e: Netherlands Engineering Consultants NEDELSA n: Nederlandse fabrieken van elektrische Schakelapparatuur Ned Entomol Ver Jaarb n: Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging. Jaarboek NEDEPA g: Nea Demokratiki Parataxi [e: New Democratic Front] NEDERF n: Nederlandse Stichting ter Voorbereiding en Uitvoering van het Erfgewassenproj ect Nederl Akad Wetensch Verslag Afd Natuurk n: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verslag van de Gewone Vergadering van de Afdeling Natuurkunde NeDF e: New England Data Firm, Inc.

NEC Research e: Nippon Electric Company Research NECRMP e: Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project NECS e: National Electric[al] Code Standards - e: National Elephant Collectors Society - e: Nationwide Educational Computer Service

NEDA/GRND e: National Environmental Development Association/Ground Water Project NEDA/Ground e: National Environmental Development Association Groundwater Project

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Ned Geol Mijnbouwkd Genoot Verh n: Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap [Koninklijk], Verhandelingen NEDGP e: New England Division of General Practice


NEDICO NEDICO e: Netherlands Engineering Consultants

- e: NEECO, Inc. - e: Nuclear Explosion Effects Center

NEFCO e: New England Fish Company - e: Nordic Environment Finance Corporation

NEDIPA g: Nea Demokratiki Parataxi

NEED e: National Environmental Education Development [Program of National Park Service] - e: Near East Emergency Donations - e: Negro Education Emergency Drive - e: New Employment Expansion & Development

NEFDA e: New England Fisheries Development Association

NEEDHA e: National Electrical Engineering Department Heads Association

NEFEN e: Near and Far East News

NEDIS e: National Environmental Data and Information Service N.E.D.L. e: National Equine Defence League

NEFDF e: New England Fisheries Development Foundation NEFE e: New England Fish Exchange

NEDL e: New England Deposit Library NEDLAC e: National Economic Development and Labour Council NEDLC e: National Economic Development and Law Center NEDN e: Navy Environmental Data Network NEDO e: National Eating Disorders Organization - e: National Economic Development Office - e: New Energy [and industrial technology] Development Organization NEDO Frcst e: National Economic Development Office. Construction Foreacasts NEDR d: Nationale Erneuerungsbewegung der Deutschen in Rumänien NEDRES e: National Environmental Data Referential Service - e: National Environment[al] Data Referral Service[s] - e: National Environmental Data Referral System NEDS e: National Emission[s] Data System - e: Naval Environmental Data System - e: Naval Environmental Display System [for weather forcast] NEDSA e: NAVSEA Engineering Drawing Support Activity NEDT e: National Educational Development Test[s] Ned. Tijdschr. Natuurkd. A n: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde A [of Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging] Ned. Tijdschr. Natuurkd. B n: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde B [of Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging] NEDTRA e: Naval Education and Training Command NEDU e: Naval Experimental Diving Unit - e: Navy Experimental Diving Unit Ned Ver Klin Chem Tijdschr n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie. Tijdschrift NEE e: National Electrical Effect - e: National Electrology Educators

NEFF d: Nationaler Energieforschungsfonds NEEDS e: National Emergency Equipment Data System - e: National Engineering Education Delivery System - e: Needs Survey - e: Neighborhood Environmental Evaluation and Decision System [Health Services and Mental Health Administration] - e: New England Educational Data Systems NEEJ e: National Environmental Enforcement Journal NEEL e: National Environmental Education Landmarks [Department of the Interior] NEELS e: National Emergency Equipment Locator System NEERI e: National Electrical Engineering Research Institute - e: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute NEERS e: National Earthquake Early Reporting System - e: New England Estuarine Research Society NEES e: Naval Engineering Experimental] Station - e: New England Electric Service

NEFI e: New England Fuel Institute NEFIRA e: New England Fire Insurance Rating Association NEFMA e: NATO EFA/Eurofighter Management Agency NEFMC e: New England Fisheries Management Council NEFO a: Nordjyllands Electricitetsforsynings Selskap - e: National Electronic[s] Facilities Organization Nefos e: New Emerging Forces NEFOS in: Newly Emerging Forces NEFP e: National Educational Finance Project - e: New England Free Press [publisher] NEFPMU p: Nucleo de Estudos de Farmacologia das Plantas Medicinais do Ultramar, Junta de Investigagöes do Ultramar, Lisboa NEFPS e: National Enginemen and Firemen's Protection Society

NEESAB e: National Energy Extension Service Advisory Board

NEFRS e: Near East Forest Rangers School

NEETU e: National Engineering and Electrical Trades Union

NEFSA e: National Education [Association], Field Service [Employees] Association

NEF d: Notarzt-Einsatzfahrzeug - e: National Educators Fellowship - e: National Energy Foundation - e: National Extra Fine [thread] - e: Naval Emergency Fund - e: Near East Foundation - e: Nepal Ear Foundation - e: New Economics Foundation - e: New Education Fellowship - e: Nurses Educational Funds - N: Norsk Elektroteknisk Forening

NEFSG e: Northeastern Forest Soils Group

N.E.F. /· Nouvelle Equipe Francaise NEFA e: Narcotic Educational Foundation of America - e: North East Forest Alliance - e: North East Frontier Agency - r: Norrköpings Elektrotekniska Fabriker AB

NEFT e: National Extra Fine Thread - e: North East Frontier Tract NEF Thread e: National Extra Fine Thread NEFTIC e: Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference NEG e: National Environmental Group - e: New England Gas and Electric Association - e: Numerical Eperimentation Group - n: Nieuwe Economische Groep N.E.G. N: Norsk Etnologisk Grausking NEGA e: National Ex-Offender Grant Alliance

NEEA e: North East Electricity Authority NEEB e: North East Engineering Bureau - e: North Eastern Electricity Board - e: North of England Engineering Bureau NEEC e: National Environmental Enforcement Council - e: National Export Expansion Council


NEFATO n: Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Voedertoevoegingen NEFC e: Near East Forestry Commission - e: Northeast Fisheries Center NEFCCO e: New England Fish Company

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NEGB e: North Eastern Gas Board NEGBO e: National Economic Growth and Reconstruction Organization NEGDEF e: Navy Enlisted Ground Defense Emergency Force

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NELAPT NEGDF e: Naval Emergency Ground Defense Forces NEGI e: National Federation of Engineering and General Ironfounders

- e: New England Information Center - e: North East Insurance Company -/· Centre National d'information sur les tremblements de terre -/· Service national d'information sur les tremblements de terre

NEGP e: National Estate Grants Program NEGRO e: National Economic Growth and Reconstruction Organization - e: New England Grass Roots Organization NEH e: East Carolina University, Health Sciences Library, Greenville - e: National Endowment for the Humanities - e: Nuclear Effects Handbook NEHA e: National Environmental Health Association - e: National Executive Housekeepers Association - e: New England Hospital Association - n: Vereniging „Het Nederlands EconomischHistorisch Archief' NEHAP e: National Environmental Health Action Plan NEHAWU e: National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union NEHC e: National Extension Homemakers Council NEhelG d: Gesetz über die rechtliche Stellung der nichtehelichen Kinder NEHEP e: National Eye Health Education Program NEHF e: National Eye and Health Foundation NEHGS e: New England Historic Genealogical Society NEHP e: National Register of Historic Places NEHRP e: National Earthquake Hazard[s] Reduction Program NEI e: Narcotics Education, Incorporated - e: National Enterprises, Incorporated - e: National Estuarine Inventory - e: National Eye Institute - e: Netherlands East Indies - e: New England Institute - e: New England Instrument Co. - e: New Enterprise Institute - e: Nordic Ecumenical Institute - e: Northern Engineering Industries - e: Nuclear Engineering International -/· Nouvelles Equipes Internationales - n: Nederlands Economisch Instituut

NEJA e: National Entertainment Journalists Association - e: National Equal Justice Association NEJM e: New England Journal of Medicine

NEICA e: National Energy Information Center Affiliate NEIDA e: National Estuarine Inventory Data Atlas - e: Network for/of Educational Innovation for Development in Africa

NEK d: Nationaleinkommen - d: Nordeibische Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche - n: Nederlandse Ex-Libris Kring - N: Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite NeK d: Nebelkompanie

NEIDP e: National Electronic Industries Procurement NEIED e: National Educational Institute for Economic Development

N.E.K. d: Nachrichtenmittelerprobungskommando - d: Normal-Eichungskommission - n: Nederlandse Ex-Libris Kring

NEIETC e: New England Interstate Environmental Training Center

NEKASA e: New England Knitwear and Sportswear Association

NEIF e: Near Earth Instrumentation Facility

NEKDA e: New England Kiln Drying Association

NEU e: National Elevator Industry, Incorporated - e: National Engineering Information Initiative

NEKF N: Norske Elektromontorers Forening NeKo g; Neos Kosmos

NEILC e: New England Interstate Library Compact NEIMME e: North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineering NEINEI e: NFSDIS [National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service] Environmental Inventory NEIP e: National Environmental Indicators Programme NEIPG e: National Electronic Industries Procurement Group - e: National Eletronic Industries Procurement Group NEIS e: National Earthquake Information Service - e: National Egg Information Service - e: National Electrical Industries Show - e: National Emissions Inventory System - e: National Engineering Information System - e: National Environmental Information Symposium NEISA e: New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association

NEIAF e: Netherlands East Indies Air Force

NEISS e: National Electronic Injury Surveillance Survey - e: National Electronic Injury Surveillance System [of Consumer Product Safety Commission]

NEIAL e: North East Iowa Academic Libraries

NEISSS e: National Electronics Injury Surveillance Safatey System

NEIB e: National Export Import Bank

NEISS System e: National Electronic Injury Surveillance Safety System

NEIC e: National Earthquake Information Center - e: National Electronic Information Corporation - e: National Employers Industrial Council - e: National Energy Information Center - e: National Enforcement Investigation[s] Center - e: Netherlands East India Company

N.E. J. r: Nora-Ervalla Järnväg

NEIT e: New Equipment Introductory Team NEIULS e: Northeast Iowa Union List of Serials NEIWPCC e: New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NEKO r: AB Nordeuropeiska Handelskompaniet NEKOA e: New England Knitted Outerwear Association Nekolim in: Neokolonialis-Imperialis NEKOSZ H: Nepi Kollegiumok Orszägos Szövetsege NEL e: East Carolina University, Department of Library Science, Greenville - e: National Electronics Council - e: National Emancipation League - e: National Employers Life Assurance Co. Ltd. - e: National Engineering Laboratory - e: National Epilepsy League - e: National Exploitation Laboratory - e: Naval Command Control Communications Laboratory Center - e: Naval Electronics Laboratory - e: Naval Explosive Laboratory - e: Navy Electronics Laboratory - e: Nelson Aviation, Inc. - e: New English Library - e: NewTel Enterprises Ltd. - e: Nuclear Energy Laboratory - e: Nuclear Engineering Laboratory N.E.L. e: National Electronics Laboratory - eo: Norvega Esperantista Ligo NELA e: National Electric Light Association - e: National Employment Lawyers Association - e: New England Library Association - e: Northeastern Loggers Association NE Labs e: Northern Electric Laboratories NELA Bulletin] e: National Electric Light Association Bulletin NELA Newsl e: NELA [New England Library Association] Newsletter NELAPT e: National Engineering Laboratory Automatically Programmed Tools


NELAT NELAT e: Navy Electronics Laboratory Assembly Tester

NELRC e: National Epilepsy Library and Resource Center - e: New England Literacy Resource Center

NELB e: New England Library Board NELC e: Naval Electronics Laboratory Center - e: Naval Environmental Protection Act National Estuarine Research Reserve System

NEL Reports e: National Engineering Laboratory. Reports

NELCO e: New England Laminates Company

NELS e: National Environmental Laboratories - e: Northwest Europe Loran Steering Committee

NELCON e: National Electronics Conference - e: New Zealand Electronics Convention

NELS:88 e: National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988

NELCONNZ e: National Electronics Conference, New Zealand

NELSAT e: National Association of Land Settlement Association Tenants

NELEX e: Naval Electronics Systems Command Headquarters

NELTAS e: North East Lancashire Technical Advisory Services

NeLH e: National Electronic Library for Health

NELV /· Nouvelle Ecole Litteraire Virile

NELH e: National Energy Laboratory of Hawaii NELIA e: Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association NELIAC e: Naval Electronics Laboratory International Algebraic Compiler - e: Navy Electronic Laboratory International ALGOL [Algorithmic Language] Compiler - e: Navy Electronics Laboratory International Algorithmic Compiler NELIMO p: Nucleo de Estudo de Linguas Mocambicanas Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mogambique NELINET e: New England Library Information Network NELINT e: New England Library Information Network NELL e: Nellcor, Inc. - e: North East Lancashire Libraries NELLCO e: New England Law Library Consortium, Inc. NELM e: Naval (or Navy) Elements Atlantic and Mediterranean NELMA e: Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association NElmHi e: Chemung County Historical Society, Elmira NELP e: National Employment Law Project - e: North East London Polytechnic

NELWA e: New England Lumber Women's Association NEM d: Normen europ ischer Modellbahnen - e: National Elevator Manufacturers - e: National Employers Mutual Insurance - e: Navy Expeditionary Medal - e: New Economic Model - e: Newmont Mining Corp. - e: Newmont Mining Corporation - n: Nederlandse Electrolasch Maatschappij BV - N: Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll - N: Norske forskrifter for Elektrisk Materiell NeM e: New England Micrographics, Inc., Waltham NEMA d: Netzschkauer Maschinenfabrik - e: National Eclectic Medical Association - e: National Educational Management Association - e: National Electric[al] Manufacturers Association[-Medical] - e: National Electrical Motors Association - e: National Electronic Manufacturers Association - e: National Emergency Management Association - e: National Emergency Medicine Association N.E.M.A. e: National Electrical Motor Association NEMAC e: National Energy Management Advisory Committee NEMA Newsletter e: National Electric Manufacturers Association Newsletter NEMAS e: New England Marine Advisory Service NEMC e: New England Medical Center

NELPA e: Northwest Electric Light and Power Association NELPAC e: National Engineering Laboratory's Thermophysical Properties Package NELPIA e: Nuclear Energy LiabilityProperty Insurance Association NELR e: Nelson Research & Development Co.


NEMCA e: NATO Electromagnetic Compatibility Agency NEMCC e: National Emergency Management Coordination Centre - e: Nonessential Motor Control Center NEMCH e: New England Medical Center Hospitals NEMDA e: Northeastern Minnesota Development Association

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NEMDGP e: Northeast Melbourne Division of General Practice ΝΕΜΕΑ e: New England Media Evaluators Association NEMEC n: Nederlandse fabrieken van Elektrische en Elektronische Meet- en Regelapparatuur NEMEDRI e: Northeuropean and Mediterranean Routing Instructions NEMEX e: National Energy Management Exhibition and Conference NEMFB e: New England Motor Freight Bureau NEMG"T"RL e: New England M.G. „T" Register Limited [organization] NEMI e: National Electrical Manufacturers Initiative - e: National Elevator Manufacturing Industry, Inc. - e: National Energy Management Institute - e: North European Management Institute NEMIC e: New England MaterialsInstruction Center NEMKO N: Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll, Oslo NEMLA e: New England Modern Language Association NEMO e: National Egg Marketing Organization - e: Naval Experimental Manned Observatory - e: North East Map Organization NEMOC e: Naval European Meteorology and Oceanography Center NEMP e: National Energy Management Program NEMPA e: North-Eastern Master Printers' Alliance NEMPAC e: National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee NEMPs e: National Environment Management Plans NEMPS e: National Environmental Monitoring and Prediction System NEMR e: National E [Electronic]-Mail Registry NEMRA e: National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association NEMRB e: New England Motor Rate Bureau NEMRIP e: New England Marine Resources Information Program NEMRL e: New England Marine Research Laboratory NEMS e: National Electro-Mechanical Systems, Inc. - e: National Emergency Management System - e: National Emergency Medical Service - e: National Environment Management

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NEPLEX Strategies (or Strategy) program - e: National Exchange Market System

NEOCON e: National Exposition of Contract Interior Furnishings

N.E.M.S. e: National Emergency Medical Service

NEODAT e: Inter-Institutional Database of Fish Biodiversity in the Neotropics

NEMSA e: National EMS Alliance

NEODTC e: Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Center

NEMSB e: Newsletter. Environmental Mutagen Society NEMSINET e: National Emergency Medical Services Information Network NEMSPA e: National EMS [Emergency Medical Service] Pilots Association NEN e: Naval Advisory Committee, Northern European Group - e: New England Nuclear Corp. - e: New Eyes for the Needy - e: Northstar Energy Corp. - e: Nursing Ethics Network - n: Nederlands Norm - n: Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut - r: Nils Erik Nilssons mejeriaktiebolag ΝΕΝΑ e: National Emergency Number Association - e: National Emergency Nurses Affiliation

NEOF e: Nordic Engineer Officers' Federation

- e: Northern Element's Progressive Association - e: Nuclear Energy for Propulsion of Aircraft Commission - e: Nuclear Environmental Protection Agency -/· Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environnement NEPA-CX e: National Environmental Policy Act/categorical exclusion NEPADTS e: ΝΕΡΑ Document Tracking System

NEOG e: Neogen Corp.

NEPAL e: National Egg Packers Association, Ltd

NEOL e: Neolens, Inc. NEOMAL e: Northeastern Ohio Major Academic Libraries NEONS e: Navy Environmental Operational Nowcast System NEOP e: New England Order of Protection N.E.O.P.A.C. e: North East Overseas Publicity Advisory Committee NEORMP e: Northeastern Ohio Regional Medical Program

NEPAME e: National Exposition of Power and Mechanical Engineering NEPAN e: National Environmental Policy Act - e: National Environmental Protection Act NEPB e: National Energy Protection Board NEPBC e: Northeastern Pennsylvania Bibliographic Center

NEOT e: New England Opera Theater

NEPC e: National Employers Policy Committee - e: National Environment Protection Council - e: New England Power Company - e: Nigerian Export Promotion[s] Council - e: Northern Economic Planning Council

NENB e: Nevada National Bancorporation

NEOU e: Navigators' and Engineering Officers' Union

NEPCC e: North East Pacific Culture Collection [University of British Columbia]

N.E.N.C. ru: Nuova Economia Non Controllata

NEOUP p: Nucleo de Estudos das Oleagincsas do Ultramar Portugues

NEPCG e: National Presbyterian Church of Guatemala

N Engl Fruit Meet Proc Annu Meet Mass Fruit Grow Assoc e: New England Fruit Meetings. Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Association

NEP e: National Earthquake loss reduction Program - e: National Education Program - e: National Emphasis Program - e: National Energy Plan - e: National Energy Program - e: National Environmental Policy - e: National Estuary Program[s] - e: National Extension Programs - e: Nepean Public Library - e: Net Ecosystem Production - e: Net Ecosystem Productivity - e: New Economic Policy - e: New England Power - e: Noise Equivalent Power - e: Nu Pacific Resources Ltd. - e: Numerical Experimentation Panel - H: Nemzeti Egyseg Partja

NEPCO e: New England Provision Company

NeP d: Neue konomische Politik

NEPEX e: New England Power Exchange

N.E.P. e: National Energy Program

NEPG e: Northern European Planning Group

ΝΕΡΑ e: National Egg Packers Association - e: National Electric Power Authority - e: National Endowment Policy Act - e: National Enginemen's Protection Association - e: National Environment Protection Authority - e: National Environmental Policy Act - e: National Environmental Policy Administration - e: National Environmental Protection Act - e: National Environmental Protection Agency - e: National Euchre Players Association - e: Northeastern Pennsylvania Artificial Breeding Cooperative

NEPHAT e: Northeastern Pacific Hurricane Analog Tracker

NENARACA e: Near East and North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association NENARCA e: Near East and North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association

N Enl e: International Business Machines Corp., Systems Development Library, Endicott NENIX e: Northern New Mexico Environmental Information Exchange NENJA e: NERC [National Electronics Research Council] News Journal NENP e: New England National Park NENT e: National Entertainment Corp. - e: National Entertainment Corporation ΝΕΟ e: National Electrolysis Organization - e: National Energy Office [Executive Office of the President] - e: Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation - e: Non-Combatant Evacuation Overseas - e: Northeast Oklahoma Railroad - e: Northeastern Operations Office NEOA e: National Entertainers and Operators Association NEOB e: Neo-Bionics, Inc. - e: New Executive Office Building NEOC e: National Earth Observation^] Center - e: National Emergency Operations Center

NEOS e: Networked Educational On-line System - e: New England Ophthalmological Society

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NEPCON e: National Electronic Packaging [and Production] Conference - e: National Electronic Production Conference NEPDB e: Navy Environmental Protection Data Base NEPE e: National Emergency Planning Establishment - e: Nez Perce National Historical Park NEPEA e: New England Project on Education of the Aging NEPEC e: National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council

NEPI e: National Environmental Policy Institute NEPIA e: Nuclear Energy Property Insurance Association NEPL e: National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty NEPLEX e: New England Power Exchange


ΝΕΡΜ ΝΕΡΜ e: National Environment Protection Measure

NEPSTP e: Nuclear Energy Propulsion Space Test Program

NERCOE e: New England Resource Center for Occupational Education

NEPMA e: National Engine Parts Manufacturers Association

NEPSWL e: New England Plant, Soil, and Water Laboratory

NERCOM e: New England Regional Commission

NEP&ME e: National Ecposition of Power and Mechanical Engineering

NEPU e: Northern Elements Progressive Union

NERComP e: New England Regional Computing Program, Inc.

NEPMs e: National Environment Protection Measures

NERCP e: Naval European Research Contract Program

ΝΕΡΟ e: NATO Equipment Policy Objective

NER e: National and English Review - e: National Educational Radio - e: National Elk Refuge - e: National Emissions Report - e: National Engineers' Register - e: National Institute Economic Review - e: NERCO, Inc. - e: Network for Economic Rights - e: North Eastern Railway Co. - e: North Eastern Region of the British Railways - p: Nucleo de Estudos de Radioisotopos

NEPOOL e: New England Power Pool

N.E.R. e: North Eastern Railway Co.

NEPP e: National Early Psychosis Project - e: National Egg and Poultry Promotion - e: National Energy Policy Plan - e: National Environment Policy Plan - e: National Environment Protection Plan

NERA e: National Economic Research Associates - e: National Emergency Relief Administration - e: National EMSC Resource Alliance - e: Naval Enlisted Reserve Association

NEPPCO e: Northeastern Poultry Producers Council

NERAC e: New England Research Application Center, University of Connecticut

NEPMU e: Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit NEPMU5 e: Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit No.5 Nepm v.Min. H: Nepmuvelesi Ministerium

NEPPCON e: National Electronics Packaging and Production Conference NEPPS e: National Environmental Performance Partnership System NEPR e: National Environmental Research Park - e: NATO Electronic Parts Recommendation - e: NATO Electronic Preferred Recommendation NEPRA e: National Egg Producers Retail Association NEPRAC e: National Electron Probe Resource for Analysis of Cells

NERAIC e: North European Region Air Information Center NERB e: North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners

NERD e: National Establishment for Real Dorks NERDA e: New England Rural Development Association NERDC e: Northeast Regional Data Center NERD&D e: National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration [Program] NERDD e: Networked Electronic Report & Document Distribution NERDDC e: National Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Council NEREIS e: Novel European Research Ship -/· Navire Europeen de Forages et d'Intervention Sous-Marine NEREM e: Northeast Electronics Research and Engineering Meeting NEREN e: Nebraska Research and Education Network NERF e: National Eye Research Foundation

NERBA e: New England Road Builders Association NERBC e: New England River Basins Commission NERBS e: National Electric Rate Book by States

NERG n: Nederlands Elektronica- en Radiogenootschap NERGG e: New England Regional Genetics Group NERHL e: Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory

NEPS e: National Economic Projections Series - e: National Estuarine Pollution Study - e: Northern Europe Pipeline System

NERC e: National Ecology Research Center - e: National Electric Reliability Council - e: National Electronic Reliability Council - e: National Electronic[s] Research Council - e: National English Rabbit Club - e: National Environment Resource Council - e: National Environmental] Research Center (or Centre) - e: National Environmental] Research Council - e: National Equal Rights Council - e: Natural Environment[al] Research Council - e: New England Regional Commission - e: Newton-Evans Research Company, Inc. - e: Nigeria Educational Research Council - e: Nordic Economic Research Council - e: North American Electric Reliability Council - e: Nuclear Energy Research Center - e: Regional Conference for the Near East

NEPSC e: National Employee Participation Steering Committee

N.E.R.C. e: National Environmental Research Council

Nep Soc e: Nep[tune] Society

NERCIC e: Northeast Regional Coastal Information Center

NEROC e: North-East Radio Observatory Corporation - e: Northeast Radio Observatory Corporation

NERC News J e: NERC [National Electronics Research Council] News Journal

NEROS e: ASRL-RTP Northeast Regional Oxidant Study

NERCO n: Neutrale Repatrieringscommissie

NERP e: National Environmental Research Park

NEPRF e: Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility NEPROPHARM n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Fabrikanten van Pharmaceutische Producten NEPRS e: New Equipment Personnel Requirements Summary NEPRU e: Namibian Economic Policy Review Unit

NEPSS e: Navel Environmntal Protection Suppot Services - e: Navy Environmental Protection Support Service


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NERI e: National Employee Rights Institute - e: National Environmental Research Institute NERIS e: National Educational Resources Information Service - e: National Energy Referral [and] Information System NERL e: National Ecological Research Laboratory - e: National Exposure Research Laboratory NERMLS e: New England Regional Medical Library Service NERO e: National Energy Resources Organization - e: Near East Regional Office - e: Nutrition Education Research Organization - n: Nederlandse Berste Reaktor Ontwerp

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NESOSC NERPG e: Northern European Regional Planning Group NERPRC e: New England Regional Primate Research Center NERRA e: New England Roentgen Ray Association - e: New Equipment Resources Requirements Analysis NERRS e: National Estuarine Research Reserve System - e: New England Roentgen Ray Society NERRT e: Nuclear Energy Reactor Review Team NERSA /· Centrale Nucleaire Europeenne ä Neutrons Rapides S.A.

NESA e: National Eagle Scout Association - e: National Electric Sign Association - e: National Emission Standards Act - e: National Employment Service Act - e: National Energy Specialist Association - e: National Environmental Specialist Association - e: National Environmental Study Area[s] Program [National Park Service] NE/SA e: Near East/South Asia Council of Overseas Schools NESA e; New England School of Art - e: Nigerian English Studies Association - e: Northeast Savings Federal Association NESAC e: National Electronic Switching Assistance Center NESACSM e: New England Section ACSM

NERSC e: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center - e: National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center - e: National Energy Research Software Center - e: National Energy Research Supercomputer (or Supercomputing) Center

NESB e: National Environmental Specimen Bank - e: NESB Corp. - e: New England Savings Bank

- e: National Equipment Servicing Dealers Association - e: Network for Environment and Sustainable Development for Africa - e: Northeast Scotland Development Authority NESDB e: National Economic and Social Development Board NESDD e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Earth Science Data Directory - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Earth System Data Directory NESDEC e: New England School Development Council NESDIS e: National Earth Satellite Data and Information System - e: National Environmental] Satellite, Data, and Information Service -/· Service national de satellites, de donnees et d'information en matiere d'environnement

NESBA e: National Earth Shelter Builders Association

NESDIS [Natl Environ Satell Data Inf Serv] Environ Inventory e: NESDIS [National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service] Environmental Inventory

NERSICA e: National Established Repair, Service and Improvement Contractors Association

NESBIC e: Nertherlands Students Bureau for International Cooperation

NESDP e: National Economic and Social Development Plan

NERSP e: Navy Environmental Remote Sensing Program

NESBU e: Nuclear Energy Systems Business Unit Westinghouse

NESDRES e: National Environmental Data Referral Service

NERU e: Nursing Education Research Unit

NESC e: National Electric[al] Safety Code - e: National Energy Software Center - e: National Energy Software Corporation - e: National English Syllabus Committee - e: National Environmental Satellite Center - e: National Environmental Supercomputing Center - e: National Executive Service Corps - e: Naval Electronic [s] Systems Command - e: Newcastle Electric Supply Company - e: Nuclear and Environmental Safety Council - e: Nuclear Engineering and Science Conference - e: Nuclear Engineering and Scientific Congress

NeSEA e: Nebraska Society of Enrolled Agents

Nerv Sist Leningr Cos Univ Fiziol Inst R: Nervnaya Sistema Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet imeni A. A. Zdanova Fiziologiceskij Institut NERX e: NeoRx Corp. NES e: National Eczema Society - e: National Education Supercomputer - e: National Emergency Services - e: National Employment Service - e: National Energy Software - e: National Energy Strategy - e: National Engineering Service - e: National Enuresis Society - e: National Environment Secretariat - e: National Ergonomie Society - e: National Estimating Society - e: National Eutrophication Survey - e: National Executive Search, Inc. - e: National Extension Service - e: Naval Education Service - e: Naval Experimenting Station - e: Near Eastern Society - e: Nebraska Engineering Society - e: Netherlands Ecological Society - e: Neurootology and Equilibrium Society - e: New England Section - e: News Election Service - e: Nordic Ergonomic[s] Society - e: Northern Eurasia Study - e: Not Elsewhere Stated - e: Nowhere Else Stated - e: Nuclear Engineering Section - e: Nuclear Estate with Small holdings - e: Nucleus Estate and Smallholders - r: Nordiska Emballage-Sällskapet - r: Nya Elementarskolan in Stockholm N.E.S. e: National Extension Service - e: Nebraska Engineering Society

NESCA e: National Environmental Systems Contractors Association NESCAC e: New England Small College Athletic Conference

NESEA e: Northeast Sustainable Energy Association NESEAD e: Navel Electrionic Systems Engineers Activity Detachment NESEC e: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center NESEP e: Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program NESHAP[S] e: National Emissions Standard[s] for Hazardous Air Pollutants NESIP e: Navy Explosives Safety Improvement Program NESL e: Northeast Shipbuilders Ltd.

NESCAUM e: Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management NESCH e: New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis NESCNSC e: Net Evaluation Subcommittee, National Security Council

NESLA e: New England School Libraries Association - e: New England Shoe and Leather Association NESMRA e: New England Super-Modified Racing Association NESN e: NATO English-Speaking Nations

NESCO e: National Energy Supply Corporation - e: National Engineering Science Company - e: Naval Environmental Support Office - e: Nigerian Electricity Supply Corporation [African Workers Union]

NESNE e: New England Society of Newspaper Editors

NESCTM e: National Environmental Satellite Center Technical Memoranda

NESO e: NAVAIR Engineering Support Office - e: Naval Electronics Supply Office - e: Naval Engineering Service Office - e: Navy Environmental Support Office

NESDA e: National Electronic [Sales and] Service Dealers Association Association

NESOSC e: New England Society of Open Salts Collectors

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NESP NESP e: National Economic Survival Programme - e: National Environmental] Studies Project - e: Navy EHF SATCOM Program - e: Northeastern Society of Periodontists NES PHYTO e: National Phytoplankton Data Base - e: National Phytoplankton Data Base [in Lakes] NESP Rep e: NESP [National Environmental Studies Project] Report NESR e: National Institute of Economic and Social Research NESRA e: National Employee Services and Recreation Association NESS e: National Earth Satellite Service - e: National Easter Seal Society - e: National Emergency Steel Specification - e: National Environmental Satellite Service - e: Navy EHF SATCOM System - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Environmental Support System -/· Service national des satellites pour etude de l'environnement NESSDA e: National Electronic[s] Sales and Service Dealers Association NEssDS e: Dunlap Society, Essex NESSEC e: Naval Electronics Systems Security Engineering Center NEST e: National Emergency Support Team - e: National Emergency Survivable Troop System - e: Naval Experimental Satellite Terminal - e: Nestor, Inc. - e: Nuclear Effects Support Team - e: Nuclear Energy Search Team Nest e: Nuclear Emergency Search Team NESTA e: National Earth Science Teachers Association

-/· Norme Europeenne de Telecommunication - H: Nepköztärsasäg Elnöki Tanäcsa - n: Vereniging Nederlandse EigenTextieldruckers N.E.T. e: National Educational Television and Radio Center NET90 e: Network Modernization Project NETA e: International Electrical Testing Association - e: National Educational Telecommunications Association - e: National Electrical Testing Association - e: National Employment and Training Association - e: National Environmental Training Association - e: New England Telecommunications Association - e: Nigerian English Teaching Association - e: Northwest Electronic Technical Association NETAC e: National Environmental Technology Applications Corporation - e: Nuclear Energy Trade Associations' Conference NETC e: National Emergency Training Center - e: National Emergency Transportation Center - e: Naval Education and Training Center - e: New England Theatre Conference - e: New England Trail Conference - e: Northeast Transportation Coalition NETCHE e: Nebraska Educational Television Council for Higher Education, Inc. NETCO e: North Western Employers Transportation Corporation

Neth Energy Res Found ECN Rep e: Netherlands Energy Research Foundation. ECN Report Neth Int'l L Rev e: Netherlands International Law Review Neth Rij ks Geol Dienst Jaarversl n: Netherlands. Rijks Geologische Dienst. Jaarverslag NETHW e: National Employ the Handicapped Week Neth YB Int'l Law e: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law NETI e: NETI Technologies, Inc. - e: Network Technologies International, Inc. NETL e: National Energy Technology Laboratory - e: National Export Traffic League NET LTD e: Nigerian External Telecommunications Limited NETMA e: NATO Eurofighter/Tornado Management Agency NETMO e: NATO Eurofighter/Tornado Management Organization NET/NETOPS e: Nuclear Emergency Team/ Nuclear Emergency Team Operations : Noordelijke EconomischTechnologische Organisatie NETOPS e: Nuclear Emergency Team Operations NET[P] e: New Equipment Training [Plan]

NETCOM e: Network Control Communications NETDC e: New England Trophoblastic Disease Center NETE e: Naval Engineering Test Establishment

NE Steel e: National Emergency Steel

NETP e: New Equipment Training Program - e: Nutrition Education and Training Program NETR e: NATO Electronic Technical Recommendation NETRA e: New England Trail Rider Association

NETEC e: Network Technical Support Group NESTEF e: Naval Electronics Systems Test and Evaluation Facility Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser e: Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series NEST System e: National Emergency Survivable Tropo System NESW e: National Earthquake Strategy Working Group NET e: National Education[al] Television - e: NETI Technologies, Inc. - e: Network - e: New England Telephone - e: New Equipment Training - e: New Era Technologies, Inc. - e: Next European Torus - e: Nimbus Experiment Team - e: Nippon Educational Television Co. Ltd. - e: NIS Exchanges and Training Project - e: Noise Enforcement Team - e: North European Oil Royalty Trust - e: Not Earlier Than - e: Nuclear Emergency Teams


NETEP e: Northern European Terrestrial Ecosystem Profile NETEX e: Nuclear Emergency Team Exercise NETF e: National Environmental Trust Fund - e: Nuclear Energy Test Facility - e: Nuclear Engineering Test Facility NETFS e: National Educational Television/Film Service NETG d: Nordrheinische Erdgastransport Gesellschaft mbH - e: National Education Training Group - e: Network General Corp. NETH e: National Employ the Handicapped Week NETh. H: Nepköztärsasäg Elnöki Tanäcsänak hatärozata

NETRANZ e: National Endurance and Trail Riding Association of New Zealand NETRB e: New England Territory Railroad Bureau NETRC e: National Educational Television and Radio Center NETR-FTC e: New England Territory Railroads Freight Traffic Committee NETS e: National Electronics Teachers' Service - e: National Emergency Telecommunications Service - e: Nationwide Emergency Telecommunications System - e: Navy Engineering Technical Services - e: Network Engineering and Technology Section - e: Network Testing Section - e: New Examiner Training School NETSO e: Northern European Transshipment Organization


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Newcastle Univ Gaz NETSS e: National Electronic Telecommunication Surveillance System - e: National Exhibitions Touring Support Scheme NETT e: National Emphysema Treatment Trial - e: Network [for] Environmental Technology Transfer [association] - e: New Equipment Training Team NETTEL e: Network Telecommunications, Inc. NETTING e: Emission Trading Used to Avoid PSD/NSR Permit Review Requirements NETV e: Nebraska Educational Television Network NETW e: Network Control Corp. - e: Network Real Estate California NEU e: National Employees' Union - e: Northeastern University NEUC e: National Engine Use Council NEUCC e: Northern Europe University Computing Center (or Centre) - e: Northern Europe University Computing Complex - e: Northern European Universities Computer Centre

Neuspar d: Neue Sparkasse von 1864, Hamburg NEUSSN e: Northeastern United States Seismic Network

NEVOK n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ondernemers in het Kappersbedrift

NEVA e: North Eastern Vecturists Association - e: North of England Veterinary Association

Nev State Engineer's Office Water Res Bull e: Nevada. State Engineers Office. Water Resources Bulletin

Nevac n: Nederlandse Vacuumvereniging

Nev State Eng Water Resour Bull e: Nevada. State Engineer. Water Resources Bulletin

Nevada Univ Center Water Resources Research Proj Rept e: Nevada University. Desert Research Institute. Center for Water Resources Research. Project Report

NEVDGP e: North East Valley Division of General Practice

Nev Univ e; University of Nevada

NEVEC n: Nederlandse Economische Vereniging voor de Confectie-Industrie NEVEHAC n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelaren in Chemicalien

NEVEMA n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Matrassenfabrikanten

NEUIDS e: Neurochemistry International

NeumJahrb d: Neumanns Jahrbuch des deutschen Rechts

NEVEPA n: Vereniging van Nederlandse Papierzakken-Fabrikanten NEVER e: New Emergency against Violence and Expressed Revolution [group] NEVESBU n: Nederlandse Verenigde Scheepsbouwkundige Bureaus

NE Univ e: North-Eastern University

NEVESUCO n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Suikerwerk- en Chocoladeverwerkende Industrie

NE Univ Bul e: New England University. Bulletin

NEVEXPO n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Exporteurs van Pootaardappelen

NE Univ External Stud Gaz e: University of New England. External Studies Gazette

NEVF N: Norske Elektrisitetsverkers Forening

NE Univ Union Rec e: University of New England. Union Record

NEVI n: Nederlands Vlasinstituut

Neurochem Int e: Neurochemistry International Neurol Ser One Neural Mech Mov e: Neurology. Series One. Neural Mechanisms of Movement

Nev State Mus Anthropol Pap e: Nevada State Museum. Anthropological Papers Nev Unir Max C Fleischmann Coll Agric B e: Nevada University. Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture. Series B

NEUG e: National Epson Users Group

NEUMAG d: Neumiinstersche Maschinenund Apparatebau GmbH

NEV ON n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ondernemers in het Natuursteenbedrijf

Nevada Univ Desert Research Inst Tech Rept e: Nevada. University. Desert Research Institute. Technical Report

NEVEM n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logistiek Management

NEUM e: Non-European Unity Movement

Nevoge. n: Nederlandse Volks-Gemeenschap

NEV e: National Emergency Volunteers - e: Nevada - n: Nederlandse Ecologen Vereniging - n: Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging - i; Nuevo Energy Co.

Neue Rück d: Neue RückversicherungsGesellschaft

N.E.U.M. e: Non-European Unity Movement

Nev Off State Eng Water Resour Bull e: Nevada. Office of the State Engineer. Water Resources Bulletin

NEVIC n: Nederlandse Economische Vereniging voor de Confectie-Industrie NEVIE n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Inkoop-Efficiency

Nev Univ Dp G M B e: Nevada University. Department of Geology and Mining Bulletin Nev Univ Max C Fleischmann Coll Agric B e: Nevada University. Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture. Series B NEW e: National Educators Workshop - e: National Electrical Week - e: National Electronics Week - e: National Energy Watch - e: National Engineers Week - e: New Entertainment Workshop - e: Newcor, Inc. - e: Newtec Industries Ltd. - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Environmental Watch - e: Nuclear Energy Women NEWA e: National Electric[al] Wholesalers Association - e: New England Waterworks Association - e: Nuclear Energy Writers Association NEWAC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Electronic Warfare Advisory Committee New AD e: Newspaper Archive Developments Ltd., New Haven NEWAG d: Niederösterreichische Elektrizitätswerke Aktiengesellschaft New Am Lib e: New American Library Newark L Rev e: University of Newark. Law Review NewBr. e; University of New Brunswick

NEVIM n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Meubeltransport

New Cal e: New Caldonia

Neuroptera Int e: Neuroptera International NEVIS e: Neural Vehicle Information System NEUS e: New Extensions for Utilizing Scientists, Inc. - e: North-Eastern United States

Nev Nurses Assoc Q Newslett e: Nevada Nurses' Association. Quarterly Newsletter

NEUSA e: National Education Union of South Africa

NEVOA n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oppervlakte Activiteit

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Newcastle Inst Ed J e: Institutes of Education of the Universities of Newcastle Upon Tyne and Durham. Journal Newcastle Univ Gaz e: Gazette. University of Newcastle


Newcastle Univ Phys Dep Res Pub Newcastle Univ Phys Dep Res Pub e: University of Newcastle. Department of Physics. Research Publication NEWCC e: Northeastern Weed Control Conference

New Jers St Hort Soc News e: New Jersey State Horticultural Society. News

NEWRADS e: Nuclear Explosion Warning and Radiological Data System

New.L. e: Newberry Library

NEWRIT e: Northeast Water Resources Information Terminal

NEWLAND e: Northeast Water Polynya Project, land based

New Col e: New Columbia Newcomen Soc Trans e: Newcomen Society. Transactions

NEWLC e: NATO Electronic Warfare Liaison Committee New Lib e: Newberry Library

NEWCOR e: Newcor, Inc. NEWLNE e: New Line Cinema Corp. NEWE e: Newport Electronics, Inc. New Lon e: New London New Eng. J. Crim.&Civ. Confinement e: New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement New Eng. L. Rev. e: New England Law Review New Engl Univ Bull e: New England University. Bulletin

NEWLW e: Newmark & Lewis, Inc. NEWMAG e: NATO Electronic Warfare Management Assessment Group NEWMAST e: National Education Workshop for Math and Science Teachers

News d: öffentliche Nachricht in einer Newsgroup NEWS, e: Current events NEWS e: National Extreme Weather Systems - e: Neighborhood Environmental Workshops - e: New England Wild Flower Society - e: New-Product Early Warning System - e: NOAA Earth Watch Service NEWSA e: Naval Weapons Engineering Support News Bull Indian Dent Assoc e: News Bulletin. Indian Dental Association News Bull Soc Vertebr Paleontol e: News Bulletin. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

New Mex e: New Mexico New Engl Univ Explor Soc Rep e: University of New England. Exploration Society. Report New Era Nurs Image Int e: New Era Nursing Image International New Europe L. Rev. e: New Europe Law Review

New Mex BA e: New Mexico State Bar Association, Minutes New Mexico Geol Soc Spec Pub e: New Mexico Geological Society. Special Publication New Mexico Libr. Bull, e: New Mexico Library Bulletin [State Library Commission]

Newf e: Newfoundland NEWFPS e: New England Wild Flower Preservation Society NEW[F]S e: New England Wild Flower Society NEWFS e: New England Wild Flower Society

New Mexico State Engineer Tech Rept e: New Mexico State Engineer. Technical Report New Mexico Univ Pubs Meteoritics e: New Mexico University. Publications in Meteoritics New Mex SBA e: New Mexico State Bar Association, Report of Proceedings

New H e; New Hall College New Heb e: New Hebrides

NEWMOA e: Northeast Waste Management Officials Association

New Int din e: New International Clinics

NEW MOONS e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Evaluation with Models

New Int[er] e: New Internationalist

Newn. e: Newnham College, Cambridge

New Int Realities e: New International Realities

NEWNET e: Neighborhood Environmental Watch Network

NEWISA e: New England Women's Intercollegiate Sailing Association

NEWO e: National Energy Waste Office - n: Nederlandse Elektrotechnische Winkeliers Organisatie

New Ind e: New International Review

New Jers Beekprs Ass News e: New Jersey Beekeepers Association. News New Jersey Div Water Policy and Supply Spec Rept e: State of New Jersey. Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Division of Water Policy and Supply. Special Report New Jersey Div Water Policy and Supply Water Resources Circ e: State of New Jersey. Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Division of Water Policy and Supply. Water Resources Circular New Jersey SBA Qu e: New Jersey State Bar Association. Quarterly


NEWOT e: Naval Electronic Warfare Operator Trainer (or Training)

Newscast Reg 4 Amer Iris Soc e: Newscast Region 4. American Iris Society News Ed Am Chem Soc e: News Edition. American Chemical Society Newsfront e: Newsfront International New Sib e: New Siberian Islands Newsl Am Assoc Equine Pract e: Newsletter. American Association of Equine Practitioners Newsl Aust Conserv Fdn e: Australian Conservation Foundation. Newsletter Newsl Aust Conserv Found e: Australian Conservation Foundation. Newsletter Newsl Aust Natn Ass Ment Hlth e: Australian National Association for Mental Health. Newsletter Newsl Aust NZ Soc Nucl Med e: Newsletter. Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Newsl Br Univ Film Video Counc e: Newsletter. British Universities Film and Video Council Newsl Commonw Sei Counc Earth Sei Programme e: Newsletter. Commonwealth Science Council. Earth Sciences Programme Newsl Counc Eur Doc Ctre Educ Eur e: Newsletter. Council of Europe. Documentation Centre for Education in Europe Newsl Environ Mutagen Soc e: Newsletter. Environmental Mutagen Society

NEWP e: Newport Corp. NEWPEX e: Northeast Wood Products Expo

News Lepid Soc e: News. Lepidopterists Society

New Phys [Korean Phys Soc] e: New Physics [Korean Physical Society]

Newslet e: Newsletter. American Symphony Orchestra League, Inc.

Newport N H Soc Pr e: Newport Natural History Society. Proceedings

News Lett Assoc Off Seed Anal e: News Letter. Association of Official Seed Analysts

NEWR e: New England Realty Associates Ltd.

Newslett Ass Offic Seed Anal e: Newsletter. Association of Official Seed Analysis


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NFA Newslett. Environ. Mutagen Soc e: Newsletter of the Environmental Mutagen Society Newsletter R Aust Hist Soc e: Royal Australian Historical Society. Newsletter Newsletter WSEO e: Newsletter. Washington State Energy Office News Lett Florence Nightingale Int Nurs Assoc e: News Letter. Florence Nightingale International Nurses Association News Lett Int Coll Dent e: News Letter. International College of Dentists Newsl[ett] Int Rice Comm e: Newsletter. International Rice Commission Newsl Fusion Energy Found e: Newsletter. Fusion Energy Foundation Newsl Geol Soc [London] e: Newsletter. Geological Society [London] Newsl Geol Soc NZ e: Newsletter. Geological Society of New Zealand Newsl Geol Soc Zambia e: Newsletter. Geological Society of Zambia Newsl Geosci Inf Soc e: Newsletter. Geoscience Information Society

Newsl NZ Archaeol Assoc e: Newsletter. New Zealand Archaeological Association

NEXCO e: National Association of Export [Management] Companies

Newsl Peak Dist Mines Hist Soc e: NewsLetter. Peak District Mines Historical Society

NEXPRI n: Nederlands Expertise Centruum voor Ruimtelijke Informatiererwerkig

Newsl Somerset Mines Res Group e: Newsletter. Somerset Mines Research Group

NEXT e: Hooker Enterprises, Inc. NEX/UCS e: Network Exchange UCS

Newsl Springfield Dent Soc e: Newsletter. Springfield Dental Society Newsl Statist] Soc Aust e: Statistical Society of Australia. Newsletter Newsl Statist Soc Aust e: Statistical Society of Australia. Newsletter

Newsl Wildl Dis Assoc e: Newsletter. Wildlife Disease Association

New Soc [London] e: New Society [London] New South Wales Univ Sch Civ Eng UNICIV Rep e: University of New South Wales. School of Civil Engineering UNICIV Report News Pestic Rev Nat Agr Chem Ass e: News and Pesticide Review. National Agricultural Chemicals Association

Newsl Indones Min Assoc e: Newsletter. Indonesian Mining Association

NEWSS e: Northeastern Weed Science Society

Newsl Int Coll Dent India Sect e: Newsletter. International College of Dentists. India Section

NewS[t][atesm] e; New Statesman

Newsl Int Soc Radiogr Radiol Tech e: Newsletter. International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technicians Newsl Int Union Biol Sei e: Newsletter. International Union of Biological Sciences Newsl Lab Hist Assoc e: Newsletter. Labour History Association Newsl Lang Teach Assoc e: Newsletter. Language Teachers Association Newsl League Int Fd Educ e: Newsletter. League for International Food Education Newsl Mar Technol Soc e: Newsletter. Marine Technology Society Newsl Comput Program Libr e: Newsletter. [National Education Association] Computer Program Library Newsl New Zealand Archaeol Assoc e: Newsletter. New Zealand Archaeological Association

NEZP e: Nezperce Railroad Co. NEZPA e: New Zealand Press Association N.E.Z.S. e: North of England Zoological Society

New Soc e: New Society

NEWS Program e: Neighborhood Environmental Workshops Program

Newsl Int Soc Bass e: Newsletter. International Society of Bassists

NEYO e: New York City National Park Service Group NEZC e: New England Zoological Club

Newsl Stat Soc Aust e: Statistical Society of Australia. Newsletter

Newsl-IGCP Proj 167 e: Newsletter. International Geological Correlation Programme. Project 167

Newsl Int Geol Correl Programme Proj 156 Phosphorites e: Newsletter. International Geological Correlation Programme. Project 156. Phosphorites

NEXUS e: NASA Engineering Extendible United Software system - e: Nature and Earth United with Science

NEWTON e: Government bulletin board for those teaching and studying science New University e: New University and New Education New Univ Q[uart] e: New Universities. Quarterly NEWWA e: New England Waterworks Association New York City BA Bui e: Bulletin. Association of the Bar of the City of New York New York Med. Journ. e: The New York Medical Journal New York State Mus and Sei Service Map and Chart Ser e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Map and Chart Series New York State Mus and Sei Service Mem e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Memoir

NF a: Nordiska Fabriksarbetarefederationen - c: Narodni Fronta - d: Nationale Front [der DDR] - d: Nationalistische Front - d: Nebenfach - d: Neue Film Verleih GmbH - d: Neues Forum - e: Eaton Laboratories, Inc. - e: Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. - e: National Airways Corp. - e: National Facility - e: National Fine - e: National Fine Thread - e: National Formulary - e: National Forum - e: National Foundation - e: National Front - e: Neurofibromatosis, Inc. - e: Nieman Foundation - e: Nobel Foundation - e: Noranda Forest, Inc. - e: Normons Fund - e: Norsemen's Federation - e: Northumberland Fusiliers - e: Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals - e: Nuffield Foundation - e: Nutrition Foundation -/· Nationalite Francaise -/· Norme Frangaise - N: Nasjonalforlaget A/S - N: Nordmanns-Forbunder - N: Norsk Faglaererlag - N: Norsk Front - r: Nationernas Förbund - r: Nordiska Fjäderfabriken AB - r: Nordiska Författarradet - r: Nordiska Fröhandeln - r: Norrlandsfolket N.F. e: Northumberland Fusiliers - e: Norwich Festival - e: Nyasaland Force - r: Nordiska Författarradet n/f i; Numero de Fabricacion

New York Univ J Internat Law and Politics e: New York University. Journal of International Law and Politics New York Univ Law R e: New York University. Law Review NEX e: National Exchangge, Inc. - e: Navy Exchange

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N3F e: National Fantasy Fan Federation NFA e: Cast Metals Association - e: Naga Federal Army - e: National Faculty Association [of Community and Junior Colleges] - e: National Families in Action - e: National Farmers' Association


NfA - e: National Federation of Accountants - e: National Federation of Anglers - e: National Fertilizers] Association - e: National Field Archery Association - e: National Film Archive - e: National Film, Television and Sound Archives - e: National Fire Academy - e: National Firearms Act - e: National Firearms Association - e: National Fitness Association - e: National Florist Association - e: National Flute Association - e: National Food Administration - e: National Food Authority - e: National Foremen's Association - e: National Forensic Association - e: National Foundation for Asthma - e: National Founders Association - e: National Foundry Association - e: National Freedom Academy - e: National Front of Ahvaz - e: National Frumps of America - e: National Futures Association - e: Natural Food Associates - e: Nature Friends of America - e: Negro Farmers of America - e: New Farmers of America - e: New Fighter Aircraft - e: New South Wales Farmers' Association - e: Night Fighter[s] Association - e: Nixon Family Association - e: No Fire Area - e: Non-Food Agriculture - e: Nondeterministic Finite[-state] Automation - e: Northern Forum Academy - e: Northwest Festivals Association - e: Northwest Fisheries Association - e: Northwest Forestry Association - e: Nuclear Free America

NFAC JC e: National Faculty Association of Community and Junior Colleges

NFASG e: National Fashion Accessories Salesmen's Guild

NFAD e: Nuclear Forces Analysis Division

NFATS e: Naval Force Aircraft Test Squadron

NfA d: Nachrichten für Außenhandel

NFA Journal e: National Film Association Journal

NFADB e: Naval Facilities Automated Data Base N.F.A.E.A.T. e: National Foremen's Association of the Engineering and Allied Trades NFAF e: Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force NFAH e: National Federation of American Hungarians - e: National Foundation for/on [the] Arts and [the] Humanities

NFAAUM e: National Federation of Asian American United Methodists NFAC e: National Agriculture and Food Council - e: National Federation of Aerial Contractors Ltd. - e: National Fibromyalgia Awareness Campaign - e: National Food and Agricultural (or Agriculture) Council - e: National Foreign Assessment Center - e: National Foundation for Asthmatic Children - e: National Franchise Association Coalition - e: National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex [Ames Research Center] - e: Native Forests Action Council - e: NFA Corporation


NFB e: National Federation for/of the Blind - e: National Film Board [of Canada] - e: National Fire Board - e: Naval Frontier Base - e: New Fibers International - e: Niagara Frontier Tariff Bureau Inc. - e: Nippon Fudosan Bank, Ltd. - n: Nederlandsche Fascistische Beweging N.F.B. e: National Film Board

NFAHA e: National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act NFAIO e: National Federation of Asian Indian Organizations in America NFAIS e: National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services - e: National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services NFAIS Bull, e: NFAIS [National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services] Bulletin NFAIS Newsl. e: NFAIS [National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services] Newsletter NFAIS-USA e: National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services-USA

NFBA e: National Family Business Association - e: National Farm Borrowers Association - e: National Federation of Beekeepers' Associations - e: National Food Brokers' Association - e: National Frame Builders Association N.F.B.A. e: National Fire Brigades Association N.F.B.A.T. e: National Federation of Bedding and Allied Trades NFBC e: National Family Business Council - e: National Film Board of Canada - e: Newfoundland Base Command - e: North Fork Bancorporation, Inc. N.F.B.Ca. e: National Firm Board [Canada] NFBCa e: National Film Bureau of Canada

NFAL e: National Foundation of Arts and Letters

NFBF e: National Farm Bureau Federation - n: Nationale Federatie van de Beroepsfotografie

NFAN e: National Filter Analysis Network

NFBI e: Netherlands Flower-Bulb Institute

NFANA e: Norwegian Fjord Association of North America

N.F.B.M. e: National Federation of Branch Managers

NFA News e: National Fertilizer Association News

NFBN e: National Food Bank Network

nfa e: No Further Action required NFAA e: National Fashion Accessones Asstociation - e: National Federation of Advertising Agencies - e: National Field Archery Association - e: National Food Assistance Agency - e: National Forum for the Advancement of Aquatics - e: National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts - e: Nordic Forwarding Agents Association - e: Northern Federation of Advertisers Associations

NFAZ e: National Farmers Association of Zimbabwe

NFAP e: National Fisheries Adjustment Program - e: National Forest Applications Program - e: Nuclear Free Australia Party N.F.A.P.C.V.M. e: National Federation of Associated Paint, Colour, and Varnish Manufacturers

NFBPA e: National Forum for Black Public Administrators NFBPM e: National Federation of Builders' and Plumbers' Merchants NFBPT e: National Federation for Biblio/ Poetry Therapy

NFarB e: BioResearch, Inc., Farmingdale

NFBPW e: National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs

NFarF e: Fairchild-Hiller Corp., Republic Aviation Division, Farmingdale

NFBPWC e: National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs

NFARS e: NORAD Forward Automated Reporting System

NFB-PYP r: Nordiska Föreningsbanken ABPohjoismaiden Yhdyspankki OY

NFarUA e: State University of New York, Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale, Farmingdale

NFBS e: National Freehold Building Society

NFAS e: National Federation of American Shipping - e: Northamptonshire Federation of Archaeological Societies


· Säur, München

NFBSS e: National Federation of Bakery Students' Societies NFBTE e: National Federation of Building Trades Employers

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NFDA NFBTO e: National Federation of Building Trades Operatives NFBU e: National Federation of Bus Users - e: National Fire Brigades Union NFBW e: National Federation of Building Workers NFBWA e: National Federation of Buddhist Women's Association[s] NFBWW e: Nordic Federation of Building and Wood Workers NFC a: Nordisk Forening for Cellforskning - e: National Farm Coalition - e: National Federated Craft - e: National Fenestration Council - e: National Fertiliser Corporation - e: National Film Carriers - e: National Finance Center - e: National Fire Code - e: National Firebird Club - e: National Fitness Council - e: National Fonensic Center - e: National Food Conference [Association] - e: National Football Conference - e: National Forensic Center - e: National Forum Committee - e: National Foundry College - e: National Fraternal Congress - e: National Freight Company - e: National Freight Consortium - e: National Freight Corporation - e: National Fructose Center - e: National Fuel Oil Council - e: National Fund Chairman (or Co-chairman) - e: Navy Federal Credit Union - e: Navy Finance Center - e: News for Farmer Cooperatives - e: Newsline Fan Club - e: Newspaper Features Council - e: NFC Ltd. - e: No Further Consequences - e: North Fulton Center for International Studies - e: Northern Fisheries Committee N.F.C. e: National Fitness Council - e: National Flag Code - e: Naval Finance Committee NFCA e: National Family Caregivers Association - e: National Federation of Community Associations - e: National Federation of Condominium Associations - e: National Floor Covering Association - e: National Foster Care Association - e: National Fraternal (or Fraternity) Congress of America - e: National Fuel Credit Association - e: Northern Fishing Companies Association

NFCBM e: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University, Corner Brook, Newfoundland NFCBRO e: National Federation of Citizen Band Radio Operators NFCC e: National Family Conciliation Council - e: National Farm Chemurgic Council - e: National Farm-City Committee - e: National Farm-City Council - e: National Federation of Citizens Councils - e: National Foundation for Consumer Credit - e: National Free Clinic Council NFCCE e: National Fellowship of Child Care Executives NFCCS e: National Federation of Catholic College Students NFCDA e: National Family Council on Drug Addiction - e: National Federation of Civil Defence Associations of Great Britain and the Commonwealth NFCDCU e: National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions N.F.C.E.B.M. e: National Federation of Colliery Enginemen, Boilermen, and Mechanics NFCEO e: National Foundation for Conservation and Environmental Officers NFCG e: National Federation of Consumer Groups NFCGA e: National Federation of Constructional Glass Associations NFCGC e: National Federation of Coffee Growers of Columbia NFCI e: National Federation of Clay Industries

NFCRC e: National Fisheries Contaminant Research Center NFCRS e: National Fisheries Containment Research Center NFCS e: National Federation of Catholic Seminarians - e: National Federation of Construction Supervisors - e: Nationwide Food Consumption Survey - e: Nuclear Force[s] Communications Satellite NFCs e: National Focal Centres NFCSA e: National Finance Corporation of South Africa NFCSIT e: National Federation of Cold Storage and Ice Trades NFCSRR e: National Flow Cytometry and Sorting Research Resource NFCTA e: National Federation of Continuative Teachers' Associations - e: National Federation of Corn Trade Associations - e: National Fibre Can and Tube Association NFCTC e: National Foundry Craft Training Center (or Centre) N.F.C.T.U. e: National Federation of Catholic Trade Unionists NFCU e: National Federation of Construction Unions - e: Navy Federal Credit Union NFCUS e: National Federation of Canadian University Students NFCVP e: National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention N.F.C.W. e: National Federation of Clerks of Works and Builders' Foremen's Associations

NFCJ e: National Forum on Criminal Justice

N.F.C.W.E. e: National Federation of Colliery Winding Enginemen

NFCL e: National Federation for/of Constitutional Liberties

NFCYM e: National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

N.F.C.L. e: National Federation of Cooperative Laundries

NFD d: Nürnberger Flugdienst - e: National Faculty Directory - e: National Fax Directory - e: National Federation for Decency - e: National Federation of Doctors - e: National Federation of Drapers and Allied Trades, Ltd. - e: National Fisheries Development - e: Naval Fuel Depot - e: Norfolk, Franklin, and Danville Railway Co. - e: Nuclear Energy and Surplus Facilities DOE-RL Management Division - e: Nuclear Fuels Division

NFC-L e: National Fisheries Center-Leetown NFCM e: National Front Constitutional Movement N.F.C.M.A. e: National Federation of Colliery Mechanics' Associations

NFCAA e: National Fencing Coaches Association of Ameria

N.F.C.M.O. e: National Federation of Cotton Mill Officials

NFCADA e: National Family Council Against Drug Abuse

NFCP e: Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Production Division

NFCARW e: National Federation of CubanAmerican Republican Women

NFCPG e: National Federation of Catholic Physicians Guilds

NFCB e: National Federation of Community Broadcasters

NFCPO e: National Forum of Catholic Parent Organizations

Nfd e: Newfoundland N.F.D. e: National Field Day NFDA e: National Fastener Distributors Association - e: National Food Distributors Association - e: National Funeral Directors Association

NFCR e: National Flow Cytometry Resource - e: National Foundation for Cancer Research

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


N.F.D.A. N.F.D.A. e: National Federation of Dairymen's Associations

NFECC e: National Fusion Energy Computer Center

NFDC e: National Father's Day Committee - e: National Federation of Demolition Contractors - e: National Fertilizer Development Center - e: National Fire Data Center - e: National Flight Data Center

NFED e: National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias

N.F.D.C. e: National Federation of Dyers and Cleaners NFDCAMD e: National Food, Drug and Cosmetic Association of Manufacturers and Distributors NFDD e: National Flight Data Digest NFDF e: National Flag Day Foundation

NFEFD e: Newsletter. Fusion Energy Foundation NFEGI e: National Federation of Engineering and General Ironfounders NFEMC e: National Federation of Export Management Companies NFEPWM e: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

- e: National Flying Farmers' Association - e: National Folk Festival Association - e: National Freight Forwarders Association - e: National Frozen Food Association NFFAO e: National FFA [Future Farmers of America] Organization NFFAS e: National Federation of Financial Analysts Societies NFFAW e: Newfoundland Fishermen, Food and Allied Workers Union NFFC e: National Family Farm Coalition - e: National Film Finance Corporation N.F.F.C. e: National Film Finance Corporation

NFDH e: National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped

NFER e: National Foundation for/of Educational] Research [in England and Wales] - e: National Foundation for Eye Research

NFDI e: National Facility Deactivation Initiative

N.F.E.R. e: National Foundation for Educational Research

NFDMA e: National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association

NFERC e: National Fertilizer and Environmental Research Center

NFDPS e: National Flight Data Processing System

NFERF e: National Fisheries Education and Research Foundation

NFFF e: National Fantasy Fan Federation - e: National Federation of Fish Friers - e: National Firearms Freedom Fund

NFDR e: National Front for the Defense of the Revolution

NFETA e: National Foundry and Engineering Training Association

NFFGB e: National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders

NFDRS e: National Fire Danger Rating System

NFETM e: National Federation of Engineers Tool Manutacturers

NFFGRB e: National Federation of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders

NFDS e: National Financial Data Services - e: National Fire Data System

NFEW e: National Forum for Executive Women

NFFL e: National Forest Fire Laboratory - e: Northern Forest Fire Laboratory

NFDSP e: National Forum on Deafness and Speech Pathology

NFEWA e: Newspaper Food Editors and Writers Association

NFfMR N: Nordisk Forening for Medicinsk Radiologi

NFDW e: National Federation of Democratic Women

NFEXF e: New Frontier Petroleum Corp.

NFFO e: National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations (or Organizations)

NFE d: Nukleare Fernenergie - e: National Committee Free Europe - e: National Faculty Exchange - e: National Front of England - e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command - e: Non Ferrous Metals Industry Standards Committee - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Fokkers van Edelpelsdieren - P: Narodowy Fundusz Emerytalny Association NFEA e: National Federated Electrical Association - e: National Federation of Export Associations - e: Newspaper Farm Editors of America N.F.E.A. e: National Federated Electrical NFEAC e: National Foundation for Education in Amerian Citizenship NFEAS e: National Federation of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors NFEC e: National Food and Energy Council - e: National Foundation for Environmental Control - e: Naval Facilities Engineering Command - e: Newspaper Food Editors Conference


NFF d: Norddeutsche Funk- und FernsehGesellschaft mbH - e: National Farmers Federation - e: National Fatherland Front - e: National Federation of Fishermen - e: National Fitness Foundation - e: National Flag Foundation - e: National Football Foundation [and Hall of Fame] - e: National Forum Foundation - e: National Froebel Foundation - e: Naval Fuel Facility - e: New Forests Fund - e: Norwegian Physiotherapist Association - e: Norwegian Research Librarians' Association - e: Nuclear Freeze Foundation - H: Nemzeti FUggetlensegi Front - N: Norges Farmaceutiske Forening - N: Norges Fotballforbund - N: Norske Fiskeredskapsfabrikanters Forening - N: Norske Forskningsbibliotekarers Forening - N: Norske Fysioterapeuters Forbund - r: Norrmalms Flickläroverks Föreningsnämnd

NFFDA e: National Frozen Food Distributors Association NFFDF e: National Fraternal Flag Day Foundation NFFE e: National Federation of Federal Employees (or Employers)

NFFPC e: National Foundation to Fight Political Corruption NFFPT e: National Federation of Fruit and Potato Trades NFFPTA e: National Federation of Fruit and Potato Trades Associations N.F.F.Q.O. e: National Federation of Freestone Quarry Owners NFFR e: National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction - e: Norwegian Fisheries Research Council - N: Norges Fiskeriforskningsräd NFFS e: National Ferrous Founders Society - e: National Foundation for/of Funeral Service[s] - e: Non-Ferrous Founders Society - e: Nonfederal Financial Support - e: Nonferrous Founders Society

Nff N: Nordisk Forening for Folkendansforskning

N.F.F.S.C. e: Niagara Frontier Federation of Stamp Clubs

N.F.F. r: Norrmalms Flickläroverks Föreningsnämnd

N.F.F.T. e: National Federation of the Furniture Trades

NFFA e: National Farmers Federation of Australia

NFFTR e: National Federation of Fishing Tackle Retailers


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NFK NFFTU e: National Federation of Furniture Trade Unions

NFHE[A] e: National Farm Home Editors Association

NFIK N: Norsk Forening for Industriell Kvalitetskontroll

NFFWU e: Nordic Federation of Factory Workers Unions

NFhM e: Medical Society of the County of Queens, Forest Hills

NFIKB n: Nationale Federatie der Immobilienkamers van Belgie

NFG d: Nationale Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte[n] [der klassischen deutschen Literatur] - d: Nordwestdeutsche Futtersaatbaugesellschaft - e: Nagaland Federal Government - e: National Fuel Gas Co. - e: Northwest Fruit Growers - n: Nederlandse Federatie Gezondheidszorg

N.F.H.M.A. e: National Federation of Hosiery Manufacturers' Associations

NFIMA e: National Federation Interscholastic Music Association - e: Non-Ferrous Ingot Metal Institute

N.F.G. e: National Federation of Glassworkers NFGA e: National Propane Gas Association NFGBM e: National Fellowship of Grace Brethren Ministers NFGC e: National Federation of Grain Cooperatives NFGCA e: National Federation of Grandmother Clubs of America NFGMIC e: National Federation of Grange Mutual Insurance Companies N.F.G.M.S.F.S. e: National Flint Glass Makers' Sick and Friendly Society NFGND e: National Federation for Genetics and Neuromuscular Disease - e: National Foundation for Genetics and Neuromuscular Disease NFGNE e: National Fund for Graduate Nursing Education NFGOCM e: National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians NFGOPC e: National Federation of theGrand Order of Pachyderm Clubs N.F.G.R.Q.O. e: National Federation of Granite and Roadstone Quarry Owners NFGS e: National Federation of Gramophone Societies NFH d: Norddeutsches Facharzt-Zentrum Hamburg - e: National Fish Hatchery

NFHN e: National Federation of Hispanicowned Newspapers NFHO e: National Federation of Housestaff Organizations NFHPER e: National Foundation for Health, Physical Education and Recreation NFHRL e: National Fish Health Research Laboratory NFHS e: National Federation of Housing Societies - e: North Fulton High School NFHTP e: National Federation of Hebrew Teachers and Principals NFI d: Naturfreunde-Internationale - e: Narrow Fabrics Institute - e: National Federation of Ironmongers - e: National Fisheries Center - e: National Fisheries Institute - e: National Flood Insurance - e: National Forest Inventory - e: National Forestry Institute - e: National Fund Investments - e: Nature Friends of Israel - e: NFIB [National Federation of Independent Business] Quarterly Economic Report - e: Nutrition Foundation of India - P: Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny NFIA e: National Families In Action - e: National Feed Ingredients Association - e: National Flood Insurance Act - e: National Flood Insurers Association NFIAA e: National Federation of Indian American Associations NFIB e: National Federation of Independent Businesses] - e: National Foreign Intelligence Board NFIC e: National Fisheries Industry Council - e: National Foreign Intelligence Community - e: National Foundation for/of Herds and Colitis - e: National Fraud Information Center

NFHA e: National Fox Hunters Association NFHANA e: Norwegian Fjord Horse Association of North America NFHAS e: National Faculty of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences NFHC e: National Federation of Hispanics in Communication - e: National Federation of Housing Counselors - e: National Foot Health Council - e: National Foundation for History of Chemistry

NFIOA e: National Federation Interscholastic Officials Association NFIP e: National Flood Insurance Program - e: National Foreign Intelligence Program[me] - e: National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis NFIPA e: National Fire Protection Association NFIPS e: National Flood Insurance Program System NFIR e: National Federation of Indian Railwaymen - N: Norsk Forening for Internasjonal Rett NFIRA e: National Flood Insurance Reform Act NFIRF e: Nature Farming International Research Foundation NFIRS e: National Fire Incident Reporting System NFIS e: Naval Fighting Instruction School - e: Network of Fertilizer Information Systems NFisi e: Fisbers Island Library Association NFISM e: National Federation of Iron and Steel Merchants NFISYD e: National Federation of Independent Scrap Yard Dealers NFITC e: National Fishing Industry Training Council NFIU e: National Federation of Independent Unions N.F.I. W. e: National Federation of Insurance Workers NFJ d: Naturfreundejugend NFJC e: National Federation for Jewish Culture - e: National Foundation for Jewish Culture

NFICA e: National Federation Interscholastic Coaches Association

NFJD d: Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands

NFICSC e: National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis Sports Council

NFJGD e: National Foundation for Jewish Genetic Diseases

NFID e: National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

NFJM e: National Federation for Junior Museums - e: National Foundation for Junior Museums

NFIE e: National Foundation for the Improvement of Education NFIEC e: Niagara Frontier Industry Education Council

NFHCF e: National Flotation Health Care Foundation

NFIF N: Norges Friidrettsforbund

NFHD e: National Foundation for the Handicapped and Disabled

NFI Flashes e: National Fisheries Institute Flashes

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NFJMC e: National Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs NFJU e: Nordic Federation of Journalists Unions NFK e; Norfolk Island - e: Norfolk & Western Railway - r: Nordisk[t] Förbund for Kvinnogymnastik


N.F.K. N.F.K. r: Nordisk Förbund for Kvinnogymnastik

NFLV e: National Federation of Licensed Victuallers

NFKHNB n: Nationale Federatie der Kamers voor Handel en Nijverheid van Belgie

NFM e: National Forward Message - n: Nederlandse Filmproductie Maatschappij - se: Narodni Front Makedonije

NFKPA e: National Federation of Kidney Patients Association NFL e: National Federation of Labour - e: National Federation of Laymen - e: National Film Library - e: National Football League - e: National Forensic League - e: National Foresters League - e: National Front for Liberation - e: National Fund Leadership [group] - e: Nefic Acceptances Limited - e: Newfoundland Federation of Labour - e: Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Ltd. - e: Newlands Field Laboratory - e: Northaire Freight Lines Ltd. - e: Nurses for Laughter NfL d: Büro der Nachrichten für Luftfahrer - e: Newfoundland N.F.L. e: National Federation of Launderers - e: National Film Library NFLA e: National Farm Loan Association - e: National Football League Alumni - e: National Front for the Liberation of Angola NFLAA e: National Football League Alumni Association NFLC e: Northern Forest Lands Council NFLCC e: National Fishing Lure Collectors Club NFLCP e: National Federation of Local Cable Programmers Nfld e: Memorial University of Newfoundland - e: Newfoundland NFLDS e: National Fire Loss Data System

N.F.M. n: Nederlandse Filmproductie Maatschappij NF&M e: Nuclear Fuels & Materials Department NFMA e: National Facility Management Association - e: National Fireplace Makers Association - e: National Footwear Manufacturers Association - e: National Forest Management Act - e: Northwest Farm Managers Association - e: Norwegian Furniture Manufacturers Association NFMAA e: National Federation Music Adjudicator Association NFMC e: National Federation of Milk Cooperatives - e: National Federation of Music Clubs - e: National Firm Music Council - e: National Food Marketing Commission NFMD e: National Federation for Muscular Dystrophy - e: National Foundation for Muscular Dystrophy - e: National Foundation for the March of Dimes NFME e: National Fund for Medical Education - e: Nordic Federation for Medical Education NFMES e: National Fund for Minority Engineering Students NFMHO e: National Foundation Manufactured Home Owners NFMLTA e: National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Association[s]

NFLF e: National Family Life Foundation NFLIO e: Training Department, Iron Ore Co. of Canada, Labrador City, Newfoundland NFLMC e: National Football League Management Council NFLPA e: National Football League Players Association - e: National Free Lance Photographers Association NFLPN e: National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses

NFMM e: National Fallout Monitoring Network - e: National Fellowship of Methodist Musicians NFMN e: National Fallout Monitoring Network NFMOA e: National Fish Meal and Oil Association NFMP e: National Federation of Master Painters

NFLSV[N] e: National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam

NFMPD e: National Federation of Master Painters and Decorators [of England and Wales]

NFLTA e: National Federation of Language Teachers Associations

NFMPS e: National Federation of Master Printers in Scotland

NFLTHC e: National Foundation for Long Term Health Care

NFMR e: National Foundation for Metabolic Research - N: Nordisk Forening for Medisinsk Radiologi - N: Norsk Forening for Medicinisk Radiologi

NFLU e: National Federation of Labor Unions



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NFMS e: National Federation of Music Societies - e: National Fetal Mortality Survey - e: Navy Fleet Material Support NFMSAEG e: Naval Fleet Missile System Analysis and Evaluation Group NFMSAEGA e: Naval Fleet Missile System Analysis and Evaluation Group Annex N.F.M.T. e: National Federation of Master Tailors - e: National Federation of Meat Traders NFMT e: National Federation of Meat Traders NFMTA e: National Federation of Meat Traders Associations NFN a: Nordisk Farmakopenasvn - e: NATO's Fifteen Nations -/· Nouvelle Front NAZI - n: Nederlandse Federatie van Naturistenverenigingen - r: Nordiska Farmakopenamnden NFNA e: National Flight Nurse Association - e: National Flight Nurses Association NFNC e: National Food and Nutrition Commission NFND e: National Foundation for Neuromuscular Diseases NFNID e: National Foundation for NonInvasive Diagnostics NFNL A: Nasionale Fisiese Navorsingslaboratorium NFNLA e: NFAIS [National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services] Newsletter NFNLI e: Labrador Inuit Association, Nain, Newfoundland NFNTU e: National Federation of Furniture Trade Union NFNU e: National Federation of Nurses' Unions NFO e: National Family Opinion - e: National Farmers Organization - e: National Freight Organization - e: NATO FORACS [Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site] Office - e: Naval Flight Officer - e: Navy Finance Office - n: Nederlandse Fruittelersorganisatie - N: Norsk Flytekniker Organisasjon NFOAPA e: National Federation of Old Age Pensioners' Associations NFOBA e: National Fats and Oils Brokers Association NFOHA e: National Federation of Off-licence Holders Associations of England and Wales NFOIO e: Naval Field Operational Intelligence Office[r]

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NFS NFOO e: Naval Forward Observing Officer NFoPA e: National Forest Products Association

NF/PFOG e: National Federation of Parents and Friends of Gays NFPHC e: National Federation of Permanent Holiday Camps

NFOS P: Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Srodowiska

NFPI e: National Frozen Pizza Institute

NFOSG e: Naval Field Operations Support Group

NFPLA e: National Foundation for Professional Legal Assistants

NFOZ P: Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Zdrowia

N.F.P.M. e: National Federation of Produce Merchants

NFP d: Nationales Forschungsprogramm - d: Nationales Forschungsprojekt - e: National Federation of Parents [for DrugFree Youth] - e: National Federation Party - e: National Fibromyalgia Partnership - e: National Fire Academy Library - e: National Focal Point[s] - e: National Fusion Program - e: Nationalist Front for Progress - e: Natural Family Planning [Association of New Zealand] - e: New Federalist Party - e: Norfolk Petroleum Ltd. - e: Northern Frontier Province - n: Nederlandse Federatie voor de Handel in Pootaardappelen - s: Point Focal National

NFPMA e: National Feeder Pig Marketing Association - e: National Foundation for Peroneal Muscular Atrophy

NFPA e: National Federation of Paralegal Associations - e: National Fire Prevention Association - e: National Fire Protection Agency - e: National Fire Protection Association - e: National Flaxseed Processors Association - e: National Flexible Packaging Association - e: National Flight Paramedics Association - e: National Fluid Power Association - e: National Food Processors Association - e: National Forest Products Association - e: National Foster Parent Association - e: Natural Family Planning Association of Connecticut - e: Niagara Frontier Port Authority

NFPOD e: National Foundation for the Prevention of Oral Disease

NFPB e: National Friends of Public Broadcasting

NFPTA e: National Federation of Parent Teacher Associations

NFPC e: National Federation of Plastering Contractors - e: National Federation of Priests' Councils - e: National Forest Planning Committee - e: Navy Forms and Publications Center - e: Niagara Falls Power Company

NFPTC e: National Federation of Postal and Telegraph Clerks

NFPCA e: National Fire Prevention and Control Administration NFPDE e: National Federation of Plumbers and Domestic Engineers NFPDHE e: National Federation of Plumbers and Domestic Heating Engineers NFPDI e: National Flat-Panel Display Initiative NFPE e: NATO Force Planning Exercise NFPEDA e: National Farm and Power Equipment Dealers Association NFPF e: National Fuel Poverty Forum

NFPMC e: National Farm Products Marketing Council NFPO e: National Federation of Professional Organizations - e: National Federation of Property Owners - e: National Fire Protection Organization N.F.P.O. e: National Federation of Property Owners NFPOC e: National Federation of Post Office Clerks

N.Fr. e: Northern French NFR [90] e: NATO frigate replacement [for the 1990s] NFRA e: National Federation of Residents' Associations - e: National Fibromyalgia Research Association - e: National Forest Recreation Association - e: National Furniture Removers' Association NFRB e: New Fabian Research Bureau NFRC e: National Federation of Roofing Contractors - e: National Fenestration Rating Council - e: National Finals Rodeo Commission - e: National Finals Rodeo Committee - e: National Forest Research Council - e: National Forest Reservation Commission - e: National Freight Rail Corporation - e: Northeast Financial Resources Corporation - e: Northwest First Regional Consultants NFRCC e: Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee NFRCD e: National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases NFred e: Darwin R. Barker Library Association, Fredonia NFredU e: State University of New York, College at Fredonia, Fredonia

NFPP e: National Family Planning Program NFPPE e: Nuclear Force Policy, Planning and Execution NFPRHA e: National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association NFPS e: National Forest Policy Statement - e: Naval Flight Preparatory School - e: Naval Future Policy Staff - e: Navy Field Purchase Systems

NFPTE e: National Federation of Posts' and Telegraphs' Employees NFPTTE e: National Federation of Post, Telephone, and Telegraph Employees NFPW e: National Federation of Petroleum Workers - e: National Federation of Press Women - e: National Federation of Professional Workers N.F.P.W. e: National Federation of Professional Workers NFR e: National Field Research - e: National Firm Board Reference Library - e: New Frontier Petroleum Corp. - e: No Further Requirements] - e: Norwegian Research Council - e: Nursing Field Representative - r: Nordisk Forening for Rehabilitering - r: Statens Naturvetenskapliga Forskningsgrad - ru: Naviga^ia Fluvialä Romänä

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NFRM e: National Foundation for Research in Medicine NFRMC e: National Foundation for Rural Medical Care N.F.R.M.T.A. e: National Federation of Retail Meat Traders' Associations NFRN e: National Federation of Retail Newsagents[, Booksellers, and Stationers] - e: National Federation of Retail Newsagents, Booksellers and Stationers N.F.R.N.D. e: National Fund for the Redemption of the National Debt NFRP e: National Fund for Research into Poliomyelitis and Other Crippling Diseases NFRR N: Norsk Forening af Radgivende Rasj onaliseringsfirmaer NFRRC e: Nuclear Fuel Recovery and Receiving Center NFRS e: National Fancy Rat Society NFRW e: National Federation of Republican Women NFS d: Nationale Forschungsschwerpunkte - d: Non Food Service - e: Fayetteville State University - e: National Federation of Settlements - e: National Fertility Study - e: National Fertility Survey - e: National Field Service Corp. - e: National Film Society - e: National Fire Service - e: National Flying Service - e: National Food Situation - e: National Food Survey


NfS - e: National Forest Service - e: National Forest System - e: National Forests Strategy - e: National Fuchsia Society - e: Naval Flying Station - e: Navy Facilities System - e: Navy Field Service - e: New Flora and Silva - e: Night Fighter Squadron - e: Nuclear Fuel Service[s Corp.] - e: Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. - N: Norsk Fysisk Selskap - N: Norske Filmbyräers Samenslutning - r: Nordens Fackliga Samorganisation - r: Nordisk Flagselskab - r: Nordiska Forbundet for Statskunskap NfS d: Nachrichten für Seefunkstellen N.F.S. e: National Fire Service - e: National Flying Service - e: National Forest Service - e: Naval Flying Station - r: Nordiska Folkhögskolan NFSA e: National Federation of Sea Anglers - e: National Fertilizer Solutions Association[s] - e: National Film and Sound Archive - e: National Fire Services Association - e: National Fire Sprinkler Association - e: National Food Service Association - e: Navy Field Safety Association N.F.S.A. e: National Fire Services Association NFSAC e: National Environmental Services Administration Committee NFSAIC e: Charles Curtis Memorial Hospital, International Grenfell Association, St. Anthony, Newfoundland NFSA[&]IS e: National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services NFSC e: National Federation of Stamp Clubs - e: Nuclear Fuel Services Corporation NFSCSW e: National Federation of Societies for Clinical Social Work NFSD e: National Federation of Spiritual Directors - e: National Food Safety Database - e: National Fraternal Society of the Deaf NFSE e: National Federation of Sales Executives - e: National Federation of [the] Self Employed NFSEEP e: National Foundation for the Study of Equal Employment

NFSHC e: National Federation of State Humanities Councils NFSHSA e: National Federation of State High School Associations NFSHSAA e: National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations NFSI e: National Foundation for Science and Industry - e: National FSI, Inc. NFSID e: National Foundation for Sudden Infant Death NFSIS e: Law Society of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland NFSL e: Newman Federal Savings & Loan Association NFSLP e: Central Records Library, Newfoundland Light and Power Co Ltd., St. John's, Newfoundland NFSM e: Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland - e: National Fraternity of Student Musicians - e: Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland

N.F.S.O. e: National Federation of Scribbling Overlookers N.F.S.P. e: National Federation of Sawmill Proprietors - e: National Federation of Sub-Postmasters NFSPS e: National Federation of State Poetry Societies NFSR e: National Federation for Scientific Research NFSS e: National Fallout Shelter Survey - e: National Federation of Sailing Schools - e: National Finch and Softbill Society - e: Niagara Falls Storage Site

NFST e: National Fleet Surgical Team

NFSMED e: Education Library, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland NFSMG e: Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSTA e: Newfoundland Teachers' Association, St. John's, Newfoundland NFSTPG e: National Foundation for the Study and Treatment of Pathological Gambling NFSU e: Nonflying Support Unit

NFSMI e: National Food Service Management Institute

NFSVP e: National Forest Service Volunteers Program

NFSMLS e: Library Studies Program, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSWMM e: National Federation of Scale and Weighing Machine and Manufacturers

NFSMM e: Health Sciences Library, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland NFSMMH e: Maritime History Archive, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland

N.F.S.M.S.T. e: National Federation of Slate Merchants, Slaters, and Tilers

NFSGH e: General Hospital Corp., St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSN e: NATO French-Speaking Nations


NFSO e: Navy Fuel Supply Office - e: Neurofibromatosis Society of Ontario

NFSMEC e: Curriculum Materials Centre, Education Library, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSG e: National Federation of Students of German

NFSH e: National Federation of Spiritual Healers

NFSNO e: National Federation for Specialty Nursing Organizations

NFSSW e; Newfoundland Status of Women Council, St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSMO e: Ocean Engineering Centre, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSGWS e: Newsletter. Folklore Society of Greater Washington. Supplement

NFSNM e: Marine Dynamics Branch, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, National Research Council, St. John's

NFSMA e: National Fruit and Syrup Manufacturers Association

NFSF e: National Freedom Shrine Foundation - e: NFS Financial Corp.

NFSGHN e: Nursing Education, General Hospital Corp., St. John's, Newfoundland

NFSNLD e: Newfoundland and Labrador Development Corp., St. John's, Newfoundland

NFT e: National Federation of Textiles - e: National Firm and Television Sound Archives - e: National Firm and Television Sound Archives - e: National Firm Theatre - e: National Fine Thread - e: Net-Field-Trend - e: Newfoundland Telephone Co. Ltd. - e: Newfoundland Time - e: NFT Incorporated - e: Nuclear Filter Technology, Inc - r: Nationalföreningen mot Tuberkulös - r: Nordisk Filatelistisk Tidsskrift

NFSNET e: National Science Foundation Network

NFTA e: National Feminist Therapist Association - e: National Film Theatre of Australia - e: National Freight Traffic Association - e: National Freight Transportation Association - e: New Feminist Talent Associates - e: Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority - e: Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association

NFSNI e: National Research Council IRAP [Industrial Research Assistance Program], St. John's, Newfoundland

NFTB e: National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods - e: Naval Fleet Training Base

NFS[&]NC e: National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers


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NGAA - e: Niagara Frontier Tariff Bureau - e: Nuclear Flight Test Base

NFVLS e: National Federation of Voluntary Literacy Schemes

NFTC e: National Foreign Trade Council - e: National Furniture Traffic Conference - e: NATO Flying Training in Canada

NFVOA e: Northern Fishing Vessel Owners Association

NF Thread e: National Fine Thread

NFVT e: National Federation of [the] Vehicle Trade[s]

N.F.T.M.A. e: National Federation of Textile Managers' Associations

nfw d: Nachrichten für Wirtschaftlichkeit - d: Norddeutsche Ferrowerke GmbH

NFTMS e: National Federation of TerrazoMosaic Specialists

NFW P: Narodowy Front Wyzwolenia

NFZ d: Nachrichten- und Flugsicherungszentrale - d: Nachrichten- und Führungszentrale - d: Nordfinanz-Bank Zürich - e: National Front of Zimbabwe - e: No-Fly Zone - e: Nuclear Weapons Free Zone NF2 c: Närodni Fronta Zen

NFTS e: National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods - e: National Film and Television School - e: National Fruit Trials Station - e: Naval Flight Training School NFTSA e: National Film, Television, and Sound Archives - e: Navy Field Training Supervisors Association

NFWA e: National Farm Workers Association - e: National Farm Workers of America - e: National Furniture Warehousemen's Association N.F.W.A. e: National Farm Workers Association NfwB d: Nachrichten für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken NFWC e: National Fire Waste Council

NFTT e: Fort Ticonderoga Association Museum and Library, Fort Ticonderoga N.F.T.U. e: Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions NFTUS e: NATO Flying Training in the United States NFTW e: National Federation of Telephone Workers - e: National Federation of Tobacco Workers NFTY e: National Federation of Temple Youth - e: North American Federation of Temple Youth

NFWE e: National Federation of Woman's (or Women's) Exchanges NFWF e: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation NFWG e: National Federation of Wholesale Grocers and Provision Merchants NFWH e: National Foundation for Wholistic Medicine NFWI e: National Federation of Women's Institutes NFWIR e: National Federation of Women's Institutes of Rhodesia

NFTZ e: Non Free Trade Zone NFWM e: National Farm Worker[s] Ministry NFU e: National Farmers' Union - e: National Firm Unit - e: National Froebel Union - e: Nihon Fukushi University - r: Nordisk Farmacevtunion - r: Nordiska Försäkringsmannaunionen N.F.U. e: National Farmers Union

NFWO n: Nationale Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek NFWPM e: National Federation of Wholesale Poultry Merchants NFWRC e: National Federation of Women's Republican Clubs

NFUCWC e: National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers Compensation

NFWS e: National Fish and Wildlife Service - e: Naval Fighter Weapons School

NFUDCL e: National Farmers Union Development Company Ltd.

N.F.W.T. e: National Federation of Women Teachers

NFUS e: National Farmers' Union of Scotland

NFWT e: National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis

NFUW e: National Farmers' Union of Wales NFV d: Niedersächsische Forstliche Versuchsanstalt - d: Norddeutscher Filmhersteller Verband e.V. - d: Norddeutscher Fußballverband - e: National Field Volunteer - N: Norsk Forening for Vedlikhold

NFWW e: National Federation of Women Workers

NFVC e: National Frozen Vegetable Council

N.G. d: Nordische Gesellschaft - d: Novembergruppe [Bildende Kunst] - e: National Gallery - e: National Government - e: Newspaper Guild NGA d: Nationale Gesellschaft zur Förderung der industriellen Atomtechnik - e: Associated Natural Gas Corp. - e: National Gallery of Art[s] [of the Smithsonian Institution] - e: National Gallery of Canada Library - e: National Gardening Association - e: National Geographical Association - e: National Glass Association - e: National Glider Association - e: National Gliding Association - e: National Governors Association - e: National Grains Authority - e: National Grant Agency - e: National Graphic Association - e: National Graphic[al] Association - e: National Greyhound Association - e: National Grocers Association - e: National Guard Association - e: NATO Guidelines Area - e: Natural Gas Association - e: Needlework Guild of America - e: Never Go Away - e: Northern Group of Armies

NFXD e: National Fax Directory N.G.A. e: National Graphical Association NFXF e: National Fragile X Foundation N.F.Y.F. e: National Farm Youth Foundation

NFVB n: Nederlandse Federatie van Verenigingen van Bedrijfspluimveehouders

NG c: Närodni Galerie - d: Nationale Gedenkstätte - d: Nationalgalerie - d: Normenausschuss Grundlagen der Normung im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - d: Normengesetz - e: Gill Aviation Ltd. - e: National Gallery [London] - e: National Gathering - e: National Grange - e: National Grid - e: National Guard[sman] - e: National Gypsum Co. - e: New Generation - e: New Gnostics Special Interest Group - e: New Group - e: New Guinea - e: Newsgroup - e: Newspaper Guild - e: Next Generation - e: No Good - e: Noble Guard - e: Nongraduate - e: Normal Graduate - e: Normotensive Group - n: Nederlands Gezag

NFYF e: National Farm Youth Foundation NFYFC e: National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs

NFVL n: Nationale Federatie van Verenigingen van Laboratoriumassistenten

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NG&A e: Natianal Gift and Art Association - e: National Gift and Art Association NGAA e: National Gas Association of Australia - e: National Gas[oline] Association of America - e: National Gift and Art Association - e: National Girls Athletic Association - e: Natural Gas Association of Ameriea


NGAC - e: Natural Gasoline Association of America NGAC e: National Greenhouse Advisory Committee - e: National Guard Air Corps

- e: Nordic Geodetic Commission - e: North Georgia College - e: Numismatic Guarantee Corporation - n: Nederlands Graancentrum

NGEPSSC e: Navy Graduate Education Program Select Study Committee NGEST e: Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology

NGcA e: Adelphi University, Garden City NGADA e: National Graphic Arts Dealers Association

NGew d: Normenausschuß Gewinde NGCADMM e: Next Generation ComputerAided Design

NGARP e: National Guard and Army Reserve Policy

NGCM e: Navy Good Conduct Medal

NGF e: National Gaucher Foundation - e: National Genetics Foundation - e: National Golf Foundation - e: National Grocers Federation - e: Natural Guard Fund - e: Naval Gun Factory - e: Nevada Goldfields Corp. - e: New Games Foundation - e: New Guinea Force - e: Nordic Gunners Federation - e: Northern Group Force - e: Northern Group of Forces - N: Norges Grossistforbund - N: Norsk Geofysisk Forening - N: Norsk Geologisk Forening - N: Norsk Geoteknisk Forening - r: Nordiska Glastekniska Föreningen

NGAS e: Naval Gunfire Air Spotting [Net] - e: North General Area Services

NGCMS e; National Guild of Community Music Schools

NGFA e: National Grain and Feed Association

NGASR e: Naval, General, and Air Staff Requirement

NGCP e; National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists

N.G.F.A.W. e: National Gas Fitters and Allied Workers

NGAUS e: National Guard Association of the United States

NGCS e: National Geodetic and Cartographic Service

NGFC e: Nevada Goldfields Corp.

NGAW e: National Geographic Atlas of the World

NGCSA e: National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts

NGAYA e: National Gay Alliance for Young Adults

NGD d: Norddeutsche Gesellschaft für Diakonie - e: National Grassland Demonstration - e: National Guild of Decoupeurs - e: New Golden Sceptre Minerals Ltd.

NGAI e: NGA [Needlework Guild of America], Inc. NGAL e: Chestatee Regional Library - e: North Georgia Associated Libraries NGAO e: New Governmental Advisory Organizations NGAP e: Nomenclature Generale des Actes Professionnels des medecins, des chirurgiensdentistes, des sages-femmes et des auxiliaires medicaux

N.G.C.C. e: National Government Coordinating Committee NGCC e: National Guard Computer Center - e: North German Coal Control NGCDO e: North German Coal Distributing Office NGcE e: Endo Laboratories, Inc., Garden City NGCIC e: Natural Gas Consumers Information Center

N.G.Fed.Serv. e: National Guard in the Federal Service NGFLO e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer

NGB d: Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern - e: National Garden Bureau - e: National Governing Body - e: National Guard Bureau - e: Nordic Gene Bank [for Agricultural and Horticultural Plants] - e: Northern Gas Board - H: Nemzeti Gondozo Bizottsäg -/· Nippon Gijutsu Boeki Co. Ltd. NGBK d: Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst

NGDA e: National Glass Dealers Association NGDB e: National Geochemical Data Bank - e: National Geodetic Data Base NGDC e: National Geographic Data Center - e: National Geophysical Data Center - e: National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse NGDF e: National Geospatial Data Files

N.G.B.M.S. e: National Glass Bottle Makers' Society NGBN e: National Gravity Base Net NGC e: National Gallery of Canada - e: National Gambling Commission - e: National Gasohol Commission - e: National General Corporation - e: National Giro Centre - e: National Glass Clubs - e: National Gloster Club - e: National Governors Conference - e: National Guidance Committee - e: National Guideline Clearinghouse - e: National Guild of Churchmen - e: National Guild of Co-operators - e: National Guinea Club - e: National Gypsum Company - e: Natural Gas Corporation - e: Naval Gunfire Control [Net] - e: Near Galactic Catalog - e: New General Catalog[ue] - e: Newmont Gold Company - e: Next Group Clause


NGDI e: National Geo Data Information NGD&MTC e: National Guide Dog and Mobility Training Centre

NGFLT e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Team NGFO e: Naval Gunfire Officer NGFP e: National Graduate Fellowship Program NGFS e: Naval Gunfire Support NGFSFHP e: National Guaranty Fund for Self-Funded Health Plans NGFT e: National Guard on Field Training [Exercises] - e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Team NGFTB e: Nordic Group for Forest Tree Breeding

N.G.D.U.A. e: Nerve Gas Disposal Unit of the Army

NGG d: Gewerkschaft Nahrung-GenussGaststatten - d: Naturforschende Gesellschaft des Kantons Glarus - d: Nordische Glaubensgemeinschaft - e: Network Group Germany

NGE e: National Greek Exam - e: New York State Gas & Electric Corp.

NGG. d: Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen

NGEA e: National Gastroenterological Association

NGGA e: National Greentown Glass Association

NGEC e: National Gypsy Education Council

NGGI e: National Greenhouse Gas Inventory

NGEN e: New Generation Foods, Inc.

NGGW d: Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen

NGDS e: Naval Graduate Dental School

NGenoU e: State University of New York, College at Geneseo, Geneseo N.Geo.M. e: National Geographic Magazine

· G · Säur, München

NGH e: NASA Grant Handbook - e: National Guard Hawaii - e: National Guild of Hypnotists

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NGrnS - e: Northern General Hospital - H: Nepgondozo Hivatal NGHA e: 91 st General Hospital Association NGHEF e: National Gay Health Education Foundation NGI e: N-W Group, Inc. - e: National Garden Institute - e: National Genomics Institute - e: National Geography Institute - e: Next Generation Internet - e: Non-Government Institution - e: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute - i : Navigazione Generale Italiana - n: Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Informatica - N: Norges Geotekniske Institutt

NGMA e: National Gadget Manufacturers Association - e: National Gas Measurement Association - e: National Geoscience Mapping Accord - e: National Geoscience Mapping Agency - e: National Gospel Music Association - e: National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association NGMB e: Nigeria Groundnuts Marketing Board

NGIC e: National Geodetic Information Center - e: National Geomagnetic Information Center - e: New Guinea Investment Corporation NGiHC e: Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corp., Corporate Technical and Services Center Research Library, Grand Island NGI Mag. e: NGI [Netherlands Society for Informatics] Magazine NGIPSCA e: National GI Pipe Smokers Club of America NGISC e: North German Iron and Steel Control NglU e: University of Ibadan NGJA d: Notgemeinschaft junger Autoren - e: National Gymnastics Judges Association

N.G.K. n: Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk NGL d: Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern - d: Neue Gesellschaft für Literatur e.V. - d: Normenausschuß Gleitlager im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Normalair-Garrett Ltd. - n: Nederlands Genootschap van Leraren N.G.L. e: North German Lloyd

NGMC e: National Grid Management Council NGMH e: New Generation Military Hospital

NGN e: National Geographic Names Data Base - e: News Group Newspapers - e: NRG Resources Ltd.

NGLIOGT e: National Grand Lodge, International Order of Good Templars NGLO e: Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer NGLS e: Non-Governmental Liaison Service NGLTF e: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force NGM e: Agana Naval Air Station - e: National Geographic Magazine - e: Naval General Message

NGP d: Neue Große Partei - e: National Grid Project - e: New Great Party

NGPA e: National Gas Policy Act - e: National Gas Processors Association - e: National Guard Personnel, Army - e: Natrual Gas Policy Act - e: Natural Gas Processors Association NGPCA e: National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse NGPEC e: National Guard Professional Education Center NGPF e: North General Purpose Facilities

NGNA e: National Gerontological Nursing Association - e: Neutrogena Corp.

NGPP e: National Guild of Professional Paperhangers

NGNF e: National Guard Not in Federal Service

NGPR n: Nederlands Genootschap voor Public Relations

NGNY e: National Guard of New York State

NGPRP e: Northern Great Plains Resource Program

NGO d: Neugestaltete Gymnasiale Oberstufe - e: National Gas Outlet [Thread] - e: Naval Gunfire Officer - e: Navy Guidance Officer - e: Non-Government[al] Organisation^] (or Organization^]) - n: Niet-Gouvernementele Organisatie - N: Norges Geografiske Oppmäling NGOC e: Naval Gunfire Operations Centre - e: North German Oil Control NGOCD e: NGO [Non-Governmental Organization] Committee on Disarmament NGOCS e: National Guard Officer Candidate School NGO/DP Executive Committee e: Executive Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations associated with the United Nations Division of Public Information NGO/DPI Executive Committee e: Executive Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations associated with the United Nations Division of Public Information

NGlcP e; Pall Corp., Glen Cove NG1H e: Hazeltine Corp., Greenlawn

NGou e: Reading Room Association Library, Gouveneur

Ngp e: Nominal Group

NGJC e: North Greenville Junior College NGK j: Nippon Gaishi Kaisha Ltd. - n: Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

NGO Thread e: National Gas Outlet Thread

NGMBD e: National Geologic Map Database

NGMP e: New Guinea Marine Products NGIB e: National Geodetic Information Branch

NGOs e: Nongovernmental Organizations

NGPRS e: Northern Great Plains Research Center NGPSA e: National Gas Pipeline Safety Act - e: Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act - e: Natural Gas Processors Suppliers Association NGPT e: National Guild of Piano Teachers NGR e: Narrow Gauge Railways Ltd. - e: National Guard Register - e: National Guard Regulation^] - e: Ndumu Game Reserve - r: Nordiska Godtemlarradet N-GR e: New York State Library, General Reference Library, Albany NGRA e: National Gay Rights Activists - e: National Gay Rights Advocates NGRC e; National Government of the Republic of China - e: National Greyhound Racing Club N.G.R.C. e: National Greyhound Racing Club

NGO-EC e: Liaison Committee of Development Non-Governmental Organizations for/to the European Communities

NGREEG e: National Geographic Research NGRF e: National Ghost Ranch Foundation

NGOMAT e: Ngomie-Matengo Cooperative Marketing Union

NGRH «.· Nationale Groepering van Ruwe Huiden

NGOMESA e: Non-Governmental Organizations Management Network for East and Southern Africa

NGRI e: National Geophysical Research Institute

NGORC e: National Gas and Oil Resources Committee NGos e: Goshen Library and Historical Society, Goshen

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NGrnNA e: Network Analysis Corp., Great Neck NGrnS e: Sperry Rand Corp., Sperry Gyroscope Division, Great Neck


NGrpAg NGrpAg e: United States Department of Agriculture, Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory Library, Greenport

NGSM e: National Gold Star Mothers

NGRS e: Narrow Gauge Railway Society - e: National Geodetic Reference System - e: National Goals Research Staff - e: National Greenhouse Response Strategy - e: National Greyhound Racing Society [of Great Britain, Ltd.]

NGSMA e: Natural Gasoline Supply Men's Association

NGRTI e: Nuclear GES Requirements Technical Information NGS d: Normenausschuß Graphische Symbole im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Alpha Airlines, Inc. [Jamaica] - e: National Gardens Scheme [Charitable Trust] - e: National Gas Straight Thread - e: National Genealogical Society - e: National Geodetic Survey - e: National Geographie Service - e: National Geographie Society - e: National Geriatrics Society - e: National Gladiolus Society - e: National Goldfish Society - e: National Graniteware Society - e: Naval Gunfire Support - e: Niagara Share Corp. - e: Niagara Share Corporation - e: Non-Government Standard[s] - e: Non-Governmental Liaison Service - e: Nuclear Generating Station - n: Nederlands Genootschap voor Sportmassage

- e: New Goldcore Ventures - n: Nederlands Genootschap van Vertalers

N.G.S.M. e: Naval General Service Medal

NGS/NGM e: National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Society

NGVA n: Nederlands Genootschap van Acupunctuur NGVC e: National Guard Volunteer Corps - e: Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition NGVD e: National Geodetic Vertical Datum

NGSP e: National Geodetic Satellite Program - e: National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program - e: National Granuloma Submission Program - e: National Guilds of St. Paul NGSQ e: National Genealogical Society. Quarterly

NGVD 29 e: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NGVD29 e: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 N.G.v.F. n: Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie

NGSR e: Nizams Guaranteed State Railway NGSSLO e: Naval Gunfire Support Senior Liaison Officer NGSSO e: Naval Gunfire Support Staff Officer NGSTDC e: National Geophysical and SolarTerrestrial Data Center

ngs e: national gas straight

NGT d: Neue Gastechnik GmbH - e: National Gas Taper [Thread] - e: National Guard Technician - e: National Guild of Telephonists - e: Next Generation Trainer - e: Nominal Grouping Technique - e: North Georgia Tech - e: North German Traders - e: Northern General Transport Co.

N.G.S. e: Naval General Staff - e: Naval Gunnery School

N.G.T. e: National Guild of Telephonists - N: Norsk Grafik Tidsskrift

NCSA e: National Gallery of South Africa - e: National Golf Salesmen Association - e: Natural Gas Supply Association

NGTC e: National Grain Trade Council - e: North German Timber Control

NGVH n: Nederlands Gilde van Hypnoherapeuten NGVO d: Verordnung des Ministeriums für Kultur und Sport zur Änderung der Verordnung über die Jahrgangsstufen 12 und 13 sowie die Abiturprüfung an Gymnasien der Normalform und Gymnasien in Aufbauform mit Heimanbindung NGvP e: Long Island University, C. W. Post Center, Greenvale NGVR e: New Guinea Volunteer Reserve NGW d: Niederrheinische Gas- und Wasserwerke GmbH - d: Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft - e: National Gallery of Art, Washington Ngwasorep e: Ngwane Socialist Revolutionary Party NGWGött d: Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Göttingen

NGTE e: National Gas Turbine Establishment NGSB e: Non-Government Standards Body NGTF e: National Gay Task Force NGSC e: National Gay Student Center - e: National Gender Selection Center - e: National Greenhouse Steering Committee

NGTG e: NCAR [National Center for Atmospheric Research] GARP [Global Atmospheric Research Program] Task Group

NGSCO e: National Geodetic Survey Operations Center

N.G.T.O. i-; Nationalgodtemplarorden

NGSDC e: National Geophysical and SolarTerrestrial Data Center

NGTP n: Netwerk voor Gestalt en Transpersoonlijke Therapie

NGSEF e: National Geographic Society Education Foundation

NGTT e: National Gas Taper Thread

NGWIC e: National Ground Water Information Center N.G.W.T.P.A. e: National Glass Workers' Trade Protection Association NGX e: Northgate Exploration, Ltd. NGYN e: National Gay Youth Network

NGSFO e: Naval Gunfire Support Forward Observer NGSI e: National Geographical Society of India NGSIC e: National Geodetic Survey Information Center NGSK .-NederduitseGereformeerde Sendingkerk in Suid Afrika

NGU e: University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Greensboro - N: Norges Geologiske Undersokelse - N: Norges Godtemplar Ungdomsforbund - i-; Nordisk Grafikunion NGUF i-; Nordens Godtemplars Ungdomsfoerbund NGuNA e: New York State Nurses Association, Guilderland NGUS e: National Guard of the United States

NGSL e: National Geographic Society Library

NGUT e: National Group of Unit Trusts

NGSLO e: Naval Gunfire Support Liaison Officer

NGV d: Nordwestdeutscher Gartenbauverband e.V.


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NGZ d: Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich NH d: Neue Heimat - d: Niederländischer Hausorden von Oranien - d: Niederrheinische Hütte AG - d: Normenausschuß Heiz-, Koch- und Wärmegeräte im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: All Nippon Airways Co. Ltd. - e: National Health Laboratories, Inc. - e: National Highway - e: National Hospital - e: National Hunt - e: Naval Home - e: Naval Hospital - e: New Hampshire - e: New Hebrides - e: Northern Canada Mines Ltd. - e: Northern Hemisphere - e: Northumberland Hussars - e: Northwest Holst Ltd. - e: Nursing Home

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NHCS - N: Norges Herredsforbund - N: Norges Hjemmenfrontmuseum

NHAIAC e: National Highway Accident and Injury Analysis Center

nH e: National Hose

NHAL e: National Hellenic American Line

Nh e: New Hampshire State Library, Concord

NHAM e: National Hose Assemblies Manufacturers [Association]

N.H. e: National Hospital - e: National Hunt - e: Naval Hospital - e: New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Co. - e: Northumberland Hussars - N: Norges Husmorforbund NHA e: American Foundation for Management Research, Hamilton - e: Nahanni Mines Ltd. - e: National Fashion Accessories Association - e: National Hairdressers' Association - e: National Handbag Association - e: National Hardware Alliance, Ltd. - e: National Hay Association - e: National Hay Fever Relief Association - e: National Health Accounts - e: National Health Agencies - e: National Health Assembly - e: National Health Association - e: National Hearing Association - e: National Heritage Act - e: National Hide Association - e: National Hobo Association - e: National Hockey Association - e: National Holiness Association - e: National Homeowners Association - e: National Homeschool Association - e: National Horse Association - e: National Horse Association of Great Britain - e: National Housing Act - e: National Housing Administration - e: National Housing Agency - e: National Housing Association - e: National Housing Authority - e: National Humanities Alliance - e: National Hunters Association - e: National Hydropower Association - e: National Hypertension Association - e: National Hypoglycemia Association - e: Nationwide Hotel Association - e: Negro History Association - e: Neighborhood House Association - e: New Homemakers of America - e: New Humanity Alliance - e: Next Higher Authority - e: Nigerian Housing Administration - e: Northwest Hardwood Association N.H.A. e: National Health Assembly - e: National Horse Association of Great Britain NHAAP e: National Heart Attack Alert Program NHAC e: National Health Advisory Committees - e: National Health Awareness Center NHACE e: National Hispanic Association of Construction Enterprises NHACFC e: National Health Agencies for the Combined Federal Campaign

NHAMA e: National Hose Assemblies Manufacturers Association NHANES e: National Health and Nutrition Examination Study - e: National Health and Nutrition[al] Examination Survey NHAP e: National High Altitude Photography [program] NHARC e: Nursing Home Advisory and Research Council NHAS e: National Healthcare Antifraud Association - e: National Hearing Aid Society NHASA e: National Handbag and Accessories Salesmen's Association

N.H.C. e: National Hunt Committee - e: New Health Club N4-HC e: National 4-H Council

NHasI e: Institute of Society, Ethics and Life Sciences, The Hastings Center, Hastings-OnHudson NHATS e: National Human Adipose Tissue Survey NHAW e: North American Heating and Airconditioning Wholesalers' Association NHB d: Nationaldemokratischer Hochschulbund - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Handbook - e: National Harbours Board - e: National Health Board - e: National Housing Board - e: National Naval Medical Center - e: Northland Harbour Board

NHCA e: National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association - e: National Health Club Association - e: National Hearing Conservation Association - e: National Hispanic Congress on Alcoholism - e: National Hispanic Council on Aging NHCAA e: National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association NHCBS e: New Hampshire Council for Better Schools

N.H.B. e: National Health Bill

NHCC e: NASA Headquarters Computer Center - e: National Havurah Coordinating Committee - e: National Health Care Campaign - e: National Health Care Corporation - e: National Hebrew Culture Council - e: National Hispanic Corporate Council

NHBC e: National House Building Council

N-HCC e: Nash-Healey Car Club

NHBIA e: New Hampshire Brain Injury Association

NHCCOEP e: National Hispanic Colorectal Cancer Outreach and Education Project

NHBPCC e: National High Blood Pressure Coordinating Committee

NHCD e: National HUMINT Collection Directive - e: New Hampshire Civil Defense

NHBPEP e: National High Blood Pressure Education Program NHBPM e: National Housebuilders' and Plumbers' Merchants

NHCFD e: National Health Care Foundation for the Deaf NHCFS e: National Health Care Expenditures Study

NHBRA e: National Housebuilders' Registration Association

NHCI e: National Healthcare, Incorporated

NHBRC e: National House-Builders Registration Council

NHCIC e: National Hazardous Chemicals Information Center

NHBU e: New Hampshire Board of Underwriters

NH Coupling e: National Hose Coupling

NH Act e: National Housing Act NHAES e: New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

NHC e: Colgate University, Hamilton - e: National Health Council - e: National Hamster Council - e: National Havurah Committee - e: National Health Council - e: National Healthcorp Ltd. - e: National Homecaring Council - e: National Horse Carriers Association Inc. - e: National Housebuilders' Council - e: National Housing Center - e: National Housing Conference - e: National Housing Corporation - e: National Housing Council - e: National Humanities Center - e: National Hunl Cup - e: National Hunt Committee - e: National Hunt Cup - e: National Hurricane Center - e: New Hall College - e: New Zealand National Health Committee - e: Nicaraguan Humanitarian Coalition - e: Northwest Horticultural Council - e: Numatec Hanford Corporation - n: Nederlandse Hardevezelconventie

NHCP e: National HUMINT Collection Plan NHBW d: Neue Heimat Baden-Württemberg, Gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgesellschaft mbH - e: National Hook-Up of Black Women

NHAGB e: National Horse Association of Great Britain

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NHCS e: National Health Care Survey - e: National Health Care Systems, Inc. - e: National Home Center Show - e: North Hemispheric Central Station - n: Nederlandsch Honing-Contrölestation


NHCSA NHCSA e: National Historic Communal Societies Association NHCSSP e: National Health Care Skill Standards Project NHCU e: Nursing Home Care Unit [Veterans Administration] NHCUC e: New Hampshire College and University Council, Library Policy Committee NHD e: National Hydrography Dataset - e: New Harding Group, Inc. N.H.D. e; Doctor of Natural History

NHeLP e: National Health Law Program

NHFPL e: New Haven Free Public Library

NHemB e: Burns & Roe, Inc., Branch Library, Hempstead

NHFRA e: National Hay Fever Relief Association

NHemH e: Hofstra University, Hempstead NHEML e: National Hurricane and Experimental Meteorology Laboratory - e: National Hurricane Experimental Meteorological Laboratory

NHG d: Naturhistorische Gesellschaft e.V. - d: Neue Helvetische Gesellschaft - e: Newhawk Gold Mines Ltd. - e: Northern Hydrographie Group - n: Natuur-Historisch Genootschap - n: Nederlands Huisarten Genootschap

NHEN e: National Holistic Education Network

N.H.G. n: Nederlands Historisch Genootschap - n: Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap

NHENMA e: National Hand Embroidery and Novelty Manufacturers Association

NHGA e: National Hang Gliding Association NHGRI e: National Human Genome Research Institute

NHDA e: National Huntington's Disease Association - e: National Hydrometeorological Development System-FOA

NHEPLC e: Nepal Hydro and Electric Production Limited Company

NHDAA e: National Home Demonstration Agents' Association

NHerkCHi e: Herkimer County Historical Society, Herkimer

NHDAC e: National Health Data Advisory Council

NHES e: National Health Enhancement Systems, Inc. - e: National Health Examination Survey - e: National Humane Education Society

NHHC e: National Home Health Care

NHESA e: National Higher Education Staff Association

NhHi e: New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord

NHF e: National Hairdressers' Federation - e: National Handicapped Foundation - e: National Headache Foundation - e: National Health Federation - e: National Health Foundation - e: National Heart Foundation - e: National Heart Fund - e: National Hemophilia Foundation - e: National Horse Festival - e: National Housing Forum - e: National Humanities Faculty - e: National Hunting and Fishing - e: National Hunting and Fishing - e: National Hydrocephalus Foundation - e: Natural Heritage Fund - e: Naval Historical Foundation - e: Nordic Handicap Federation - e: Nordic Hydrological Association - H: Nemzeti Harci Front - N: Norges Handelstands Forbund - N: Norsk Historisk Forening - N: Norske Havforskeres Forening - r: Nordisk Hydrologisk Forening - r: Nordiska Handikappforbundet

NH His S e: New Hampshire Historical Society. Proceedings

NHDC e: National Home Demonstration Council - e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-the-Way Killer] Documentation Center - e: Naval Historical Display Center NHDH e: National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart NHDI e: NHD Stores, Incorporated NHDP e: National Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change -/· Comite national sur les dimensions humaines des changements de l'environnement planetaire NHDR e: National Hydrometeorological Development System-RFO NHDS e: National Hospital Discharge Survey NHDSC e: National Hot Dog and Sausage Council NHDVS e: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers NHDW e: National Hydrometeorological Development System-WFO

NHH N: Norges Handelshoyskole NHER e: National Heritage Industries, Inc.

N.H.F. e: National Hosiery Federation NHE e: National Housing Endowment NHEA e: National Higher Education Association - e: New Hampshire Education Association

NHFA e: National Heart Foundation of Australia - e: National Home Furnishings Association

NHEB e: National Home Enlargement Bureau

NHF Bull e: National Health Federation Bulletin

NHEC e: Northern Hemisphere Exchange Centre

NHFC e: National Housing Finance Corporation

NHEDLP e: National Housing and Economic Development Law Project

NHFF e: National Historical Fire Foundation NHFL e: National Home Fashions League

NHEF e: National Health Education Foundation

NHFNZ e: National Heart Foundation of New Zealand

NHEFS e: NHANES [National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey] Epidemiologie Followup Study

NHFP e: New Hebrides Federal Party


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NhHaCR e: United States Army, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover

NHHCS e: National Home and Hospice Survey

NhHopA e: New Hampshire Antiquarian Society, Hopkinton NHHRA e: National Hereford Hog Record Association NHHS e: New Hampshire Historical Society - n: Nederlandsche Handels-Hoogeschool NH-HY e: Harvard University, HarvardYenching Institute NHhz d: Vereinigte Nieder- und Hochdruckheizung NHI d: Neue Heimat International - e: Nathan Hale Institute - e: National Health Institute - e: National Health Insurance - e: National Health Investors - e: National Heart Institute[s] - e: National Highway Institute - e: National Hobby Institute - e: National Humanities Institute - e: NATO Helicopter Industries - e: Nelson Holdings International Ltd. - n: Nederlandsch Handels Instituut e: New York Historical Society, New York NHIC e: NASA Hazards Identification Committee - e: National Health Information Center - e: National Health Information Clearinghouse - e: National Health Insurance Commission - e: National Home Improvement Council NHIF e: National Head Injury Foundation - N: Norske Händverks- og Industribedrifters Forbund

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

N.H.P.C. N.H.I.J.C. e: National Health Insurance Joint Committee

- e: National Housewives League of America - e: Norwegian Heart and Lung Association

NHMP e: National Human Milk Monitoring Program

NHIK e: National Health Information Knowledgebase

NHLaws e; Laws of the State of New Hampshire

NHMR e: National Health and Medical Research Council

NHINL e: NHI Nelson Holdings International Ltd.

NHLBAC e: National Heart, Lung and Blood Advisory Council

NHIP e: National Health Insurance Plan

NHLBCA e: National Hockey League Booster Clubs Association

NHMRC e: National Health and Medical Research Council - e: National Hotel and Motel Reservations Corporation

NHIR e: Natural History Information Retrieval System [Smithsonian Institution] - e: New Hope and Ivyland Railroad Co. NHIRC e: National Health Information Resource Center - e: Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission NHIS e: National Health Interview Survey - e: Nursing Home Information Service N.H.I.S. e: National Health Insurance Scheme N.H.I.S.K. n: Nationaal Hoger Instituut voor Schone Künsten

NHLBI e: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NHLBI OEI e: NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative

NH&MRC e: National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRCA e: National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia NHMS e: New Hampshire Medical Society

NHLC e: National Hispanic Leadership Conference - e: National Home Loans Corporation

NhMV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Manchester

NhLeHi e: Lebanon Historical Society, Lebanon

NHN e: National Homes Network - e: Natural Heritage Network

NHLF N: Norges Husmorlagsforbund

NHNA e: New Hampshire Nurses' Association

NHLI e: National Heart and Lung Institute NHIS/SA e: National Health Information System of South Africa NHistTidskr. N: Norsk Historisk Tidskrift NHIVNA e: National HIV Nurse's Association

NHLP e: National Housing Law Project NHLPA e: National Hockey League Players Association

NhNaS e: Sanders Associates, Inc., Technical Library, Nashua NHNP e: New Hebrides National Party NHNR e: National Highway Needs Report

NHLSA e: New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association

N.H.J. r: Norra Hälsinglands Järnväg

NHO e: National Hospice Organization - e: Navy Hydrographie Office

NHLTC e: National Healthcorp Ltd. NHOA e: National Hemi Owners Association

NHJ[b] d: Neue Heidelberger Jahrbücher NHjI e: International Business Machines Corp., Components Division Library, Hopewell Junction NHK A: Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk van Afrika - a: Nordisk Handels Kalender - c: Närodohspodäfskä Komise - d: Eidgenössische Natur- und HeimatschutzKommission - e: Frank Aviation, Inc. - e: National Host Germany -/· Nippon Hoso Kyokai

NHM e: National Health Measure - e: National History Museum - e: National Horticultural Magazine - e: Natural History Museum - e: University of New Hampshire, Durham - n: Natuurhistorisch Museum - n: Nederlandse Heidemaatschappij N.H.M. d: Nationale Hochschulmeisterschaft - e: National Health Measure - e: National History Museum

NhKeK e: Keene State College, Keene

d: Nationale HaushaltwarenAusstellung - e: National Handle Manufacturers Association - e: National Hispanic Medical Association - e: National Housewares Manufacturers Association - e: New Hampshire Medical Association

NHKF N: Norges Handels- og Kontorfunksjonasrers Forbund

NHMC e: National Hispanic Media Conference

NHKYA e: National Hand Knitting Yarn Association

NHMDAP e: National Health and Medical Research Council [Canberra]. Medical Research

NhKeHi e: Historical Society of Cheshire County, Keene

NHKYC e: National Hand Knitting Yarn Committee NHL e: National Historic Landmark - e: National Hockey League - e: Negro Heritage Library - e: Newhall Land & Farming Co. - e: Nordic Federation of Heart and Lung Associations NHLA e: National Hardwood Lumber Association - e: National Health Lawyers Association - e: National Home Library Association

NHOP e: National Hurricane Operations Plan NHorW e: Westinghouse Electric Corp., Engineering Library, Horseheads NHOS e: National Hellenic Oceanographic Society - e: National House Owners Society - e: Naval Hospital NHP d: Neue Hannoversche Presse - e: National Corporation for Housing Partnerships - e: National Hamiltonian Party - e: National Historical] Park - e: National Housing Partnership - e: Nationwide Health Properties, Inc. - e: Natural Heritage Program - e: Natural History Park - e: Nevada Highway Patrol - e: New Haven Police - e: New Health Practitioners - e: New Hebrides Protectorate - e: Nordic Hydrological Programme N.H.P. e: National Health and Pensions

NHMEA e: New Hampshire Music Educators Association

NHMFL e: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

NHPA e: National Hispanic Psychological Association - e: National Historic [al] Preservation Act - e: National Horseshoe Pitchers Association [of America] - e: New Hampshire Pharmaceutical Association

NHMILCOM e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-the-Way Killer] Military Committee

NHPAA e: National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America

NHMO e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-theWay Killer] Management Office

N.H.P.C. e: National Historical Publications Commission

N.H.M.F. e: National Hosiery Manufacturers' Federation

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NHPC - r: Nordiska Handelshogskolestuderande - s; Asociacion Internacional para la Prevencion y la Atenuacion de los Riesgos Naturales

NHPC e: National Historical Publications Commission - e: Natural Holistic Pet Care - e: North-Holland Publishing Company

NHRA e: National Hot Rod Association - e: National Housing and Rehabilitation Association - e: Next Higher Repairable Assembly

NHPDA e: National Honey Packers and Dealers Association

NHRAC e: National Health Resources Advisory Committee

N.H.S. e: National Health Service - e: National Health Society - e: Natural History Society

NHPF e: National Health Policy Forum

NHRAIC e: Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center

NH&S e: Needham, Harper, and Steers [agency]

NHRC e: National Human Rights Committee - e: National Hydrology Research Center (or Centre) - e: Naval Health Research Center

NHSA e: National Head Start Association - e: National Health Service Act - e: National Healthcare Staffing Association - e: National Heart Savers Association - e: National Highway Safety Administration - e: National Home Service Association - e: National Horse Show Association of America - e: Negro Historical Society of America

NHPGA e: New Hampshire Personnel and Guidance Association NhPHi e: Peterborough Historical Society, Peterborough NHPI e: National Health Provider Inventory NHPIB e: NATO-HAWK [Homing All-theWay Killer] Procurement Information Book NHPIC e: National Health Planning Information Center

NHRCPPUS e: National Human Rights Campaign for Political Prisoners in the United States NHRD e: National Hardgoods Distributors, Inc. - e: National Health Planning and Resource Development Act

NHPL e: New Haven Public Library NHPLO e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-theWay Killer] Production and Logistics Organization - e: NATO Hawk Production and Logistics Organization NhPIS e: Plymouth State College of the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth

NHRDP e: National Health Research and Development Program NHRE e: National Hail Research Experiment NHRI e: National Hydrology Research Institute NHRI Paper e: National Hydrology Research Institute. Paper

NHPM c: Narodni Hnuti Pracujici Mladeze NHPMA e: Northern Hardwood and Pine[wood] Manufacturers Association NHPN e: National Highway Planning Network NHPO e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-theWay Killer] Production Office - e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-the-Way Killer] Production Organization NHPP e: National Health Professions Placement Network - e: National Hormone and Pituitary Program

NHRL e: National Hurricane Research Laboratory NHRP e: National Heart Research Project - e: National Hurricane Research Project

NHSAS e: National Health Service Audit Staff

NHSBA e: New Hampshire School Boards Association

N&HRSS Co e: Newcastle and Hunter River Steam Ship Co.

NHSBVA e: National High School Boys Volleyball Association

NHRU e: National Home Reading Union

NHSC e: National Health Service Corps - e: National Health Statistics Center - e: National Highway Safety Council - e: National Home Study Council - e: National Household Survey Capability Program

NHS d: Neue Heimat Städtebau - e: International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards - e: Nathaniel Hawthorne Society - e: National Handcraft Society - e: National Handicapped Sports - e: National Health Service[s] - e: National Health Survey - e: National Height System - e: National Helicopter Services - e: National Highway System - e: National Historical] Site - e: National Historical Society - e: National Honor Society - e: National Housing Strategy - e: National Huguenot Society - e: Naval Honor Schools - e: New Hampshire State Library - e: Newport Historical Society - e: Nikon Historical Society -/· Normes de 1'Industrie Horlogere Suisse -/· Societe internationale pour la prevention et attenuation des risques naturels - r: Nordiska Handelsarbetsgivareföreningarnas Samarbetskommite


NHSAR e: National Health Service Administrative Register

NHRSS e: Newcastle and Hunter River Steam Ship Co.

NHPS e: New Hampshire Pharmaceutica Association

NHR d: Normenausschuß Heiz- und Raumlufttechnik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Handwriting Recognition - e: National Heritage, Inc. - e: National Housewives Register - e: National Hunt Rules - e: National Hurricane Research - e: Nova/Husky Research Corp. - n: Nederlandse Huishoudraad

NHSACA e: National High School Athletic Coaches Association

NHRR e: New Haven Railroad

NHRV n: Nederlandse Handelsreizigers en Handelsagent-Vereniging

NHQC e: National Hispanic Quincentennial Commission

NHSAC e: National Health and Safety Awareness Center - e: National Highway Safety Advisory Committee

NHSB e: National High School Band Institute - e: National Highway Safety Bureau - e: New Hampshire Savings Bank Corp.

NHPRC e: National Historical Publications and Records Commission

NHQ e: National Headquarters - e: Naval Headquarters - e: Navy Headquarters - e: New Hungarian Quarterly

NHSAA e: National Horse Show Association of America - e: New Hampshire School Administrators Association


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NHSCCC e: National Health Service for Coding and Classification NHSCR e: National Health Service Central Register NHSCRD e: National Heath Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination NHSCVO e: National Health Screening Council for Volunteer Organizations NHSD e: National Health Survey Division - e: NATO HAWK [Homing All-the-Way Killer] Support Department NHSDA e: National Household Survey on Drug Abuse NHSE e: National Health Service Executive - e: National HPCC Software Exchange

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NhSEA e: New Hampshire Society of Enrolled Agents NHSEED e: National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database NHSEHU e: National Health Service Ethical Health Unit NHSF e: National Hispanic Scholarly Fund - e: National Hispanic Scholarship Fund - e: National Horse Show Foundation NHSIA e: National Health Service Information Authority NHSIMC e: National Health Service Information Centre

NHT e: Nationwide Housing Trust - e: Natural Heritage Trust - N: Norsk Historisk Tidsskrift NHTAC e: Natural Heritage Trust Advisory Committee NHTB e: New Hampshire Thrift Bancshares, Inc. NHTC e: Nuclear Hazards Training Course

NHWP e: Northeast Hazardous Waste Project NHWRA e: National Health and Weifare Retirement Association NHWRDDC e: NW Hazardous Waste Research, Development & Demonstration Center NHWS e: National Hurricane Warning Service

NHTD e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Headquarters Telephone Directory

NHX e: National Homes

NHTF e: National Hover Test Facility

NHyF e: General Services Administration, National Archives and Record Service, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park

NHTI e: New Hampshire Technical Institute

NHYC e: New Haven Yacht Club

NHSL e: New Hampshire State Library NHSLA e: National Health Service Litigation Authority NHSM e: National History Society of Maryland N.H.S.M. h: Nahu al hizb ash-shuyu'i al Misri NHSM n: Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum NHSME e: National Health Service Management Executive

NHTPC e: National Housing and Town Planning Council NHTSA e: National Highway Traffic [and] Safety Administration - e: National Highway Traffic Safety Act - e: National Highway Traffic Safety Agency - e: National Highway Traffic Safety Association NHTU e: Naval Hovercraft Trials Unit N.H.U. e: National Homing Union

NHSO e: New Haven Symphony Orchestry

NhU e: University of New Hampshire, Durham

NH Soc NB B e: Natural History Society of New Brunswick. Bulletin

NHUBW e: National Hook-Up of Black Women

NHSQ e: Nevada Historical Society Quarterly

NHUC e: National Highway Users Conference

NHSR e: National Hospital Service Reserve NHSRA e: National Handicapped Sports and Recreation Association - e: National High School Rodeo Association

NHuHi e: Huntington Historical Society, Huntington NH Univ e: University of New Hampshire

NHSRP e: National Hail Suppression Research Program [Preliminary]

NHusk e: KLD Associates, Inc., Huntington Station

NHS[S] e: National Health Service in Scotland

NHV e: New Haven Clock & Watch - n: Nederlandsche Handelsreiziger Vereeniging - r: Norra Hallands Veckoblad

NHSS e: National Health Service Supplies - e: National Herb Study Society NHST e: National Health Service Trust

NHVKSG d: Neujahrsblatt. Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen

NI d: Norddeutsche ImmobilienAnlagegesellschaft mbH, Hannover - d: Normenausschuß Informationsverarbeitungssysteme im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: NAMBA [North American Model Boating Association] International - e: NASA Internet - e: National Institute [of Sciences of India] - e: National Insurance - e: National Intervenors - e: National ISDN - e: Native Infantry - e: Nautical Institute - e: Naval Intelligence - e: Need International - e: Needle Industries Group Ltd. - e: Network International - e: Neurological Institute - e: New Internationalist - e: News International - e: Niagara Institute - e: Norbury Insulation Group Ltd. - e: Norfolk Island - e: Northern Indiana Public Service Co. - e: Northern Indiana Railway - e: Northern Ireland - e: Nuclear Industries, Inc. - e: Numismatics International -/· Normalisation Internationale - H: Nepmüvelesi Intezet - is: Natturfraedistofnun Islands -/· Nissho-Iwai GmbH - N: Norges Industri, Oslo - N: Norges Industriforbund ni e: national income Ni e: Nicaragua

N.H.&S.T. N: Norges Handels og Sjofartstidende NH State Plan Dev[el] Comm Miner[al] Res[our] Surv[ey] e: New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission. Mineral Resources Survey NHSTD e: National Health Service Training Directorate

NHvL e: Long Island Lighting Co., Hicksville NHW d: Neue Hauswirtschaft - d: Normenausschuß Hauswirtschaft im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Health and Weifare [Mutual Life Insurance Association] - e: New Hospital for Women - e: Night Hawk Resources Ltd. N.H.W. d: Nürnberger Herkules-Werke AG

NHSTF e: National Health Service Trust Federation NHSTU e: National Health Service Training Unit NHsW e: Walt Whitman Birthplace Association, Huntington Station

NHWA e: National Heating and Air Conditioning Wholesalers NhWalHi e: Walpole Historical Society, Walpole NHWMA e: National Hydraulic Woodsplitter Manufacturers Association

Nht d: Nachhut

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N.I. e: National Institute - e: National Insurance - e: Native Infantry - e: Naval Intelligence - e: Northern Ireland N+I d: Nachrichten und Informationen der Ersatzkassenverbände e: Natal Indian Association - e: National Ice Association - e: National Iceboat Authority - e: National Impala Association - e: National Income Accounts - e: National Inholders Association - e: National Institute on Aging - e: National Insulator Association - e: National Insurance Association - e: National Intelligence Agency - e: National Intelligence Authority


N.I.A. - e: National International Academy - e: National Involvement Association - e: National Irrigation Administration - e: Navy Industrial Association - e: Neighborhood Improvement Association - e: Neighborhoods-in-Action [organization] - e: Newspaper Institute of America - e: Nutrition Institute of America - in: National Institute of Administration - P: Naczelna Izba Aptekarska N.I.A. e: National Indian Association - e: National Industrial Alliance nia e: nearest international airport NIAA e: National Indian Athletic Association - e: National Industrial Advertisers (or Advertising) Association - e: National Institute of Animal Agriculture - e: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - e: Nuclear Industries Association of America, Inc. - e: Nursery Industry Association of Australia

N.I.A.D. e: National Insurance Audit Department

NIAMID e: National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases

NIADA e: National Independent Automobile Dealers Association - e: National Institute of American Doll Artists

N.I.A.M.P.D. e: Northern Ireland Association of Master Painters and Decorators

NIADDK e: National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases NIAE e: National Institute for/of Architectural Education - e: National Institute of Adult Education [of England and Wales] - e: National Institute of Agricultural Engineering N.I.A.E. e: National Institute of Agricultural Engineering NIAEC e: National Indian Advisory Committee NIAEEW e: National Institute of Adult Education for England and Wales

N.I.A.A. e: Northern India Automobile Association

NIAES e: National Institute of AgroEnvironmental Studies

NIAAA e: National Institute for Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse - e: National Institute of/on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - e: National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association - e: Northern Ireland Amateur Athletic Association

NIAE[-]SS e: National Institute of Agricultural Engineering[-]Scottish Station

NIAB e: National Institute of Agricultural (or Agriculture) Botany - e: Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology N.I.A.B. r: Nordiska Industri Aktie Bolaget NIABC e: Northern Ireland Association of Boys' Clubs

NIAF e: National Italian American Foundation - N: Norsk Ingeniör- og Arkitektforening

NIAC e: NASA Industrial Application[s] Center - e: National Industry Advisory Committee - e: National Information and Analysis Center - e: National Insulation and Abatement Contractors [Association] - e: National Insurance Advisory Committee - e: NATO Industrial Advisory Conference - e: Naval Intelligence Automation Center - e: Nissho-Iwai American Corporation - e: Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada - e: Nutritional Information and Analysis Center NIACA e: National Indirect Air Carrier Association

NIAO e: National and International Adoption Organisation NIAP e: National Income and Products NIAR e: National Institute of Agricultural Research - e: National Institute of Agrobiological Resources - e: National Institute of Atmospheric Research NIAS a: Nordisk Institut for Asienstudier - e: National Institute for Advanced Studies - e: National Institute of Aeronautical Sciences - e: National Institute of Agricultural Sciences - e: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies - n: Nederlands-Indische Arisen School - r: Centralinstitut for Nordisk Asienforskning NIASA e: National Insurance Actuarial and Statistical Association NIASE e: National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence NIASO e: National Insurance Actuarial and Statistical Association

Niag d: Nahrungsmittelindustrie AG - d: Niederrheinische Automobil-GmbH

NIAST e: National Institute of Aeronautical Scientific Technology

Niagara e: Fort Niagara, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara River, Niagara University

NIATM e: New International Association for Testing Materials

NIAHAI e: National Institute of Animaal Health. Quarterly NIAI e: National Institute of Animal Industry NIAID e: National Institute for/of Allergies (or Allergy) and Infections (or Infectious) Diseases NIAJ e: Niagara Junction Railway Co. NIAK P: Naczelny Instytut Akcji Katolickiej NIAL e: National Institute of Arts and Letters NIALSA e: Northwest Indiana Area Library Services Authority

NIACE e: National Institute for the Advancement of Career Education - e: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education

NIAM e: National Imaging, Inc. - e: National Institute of Advertising Management - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Agrarisch Marktonderzoek

NIACRO e: Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

NIAMD e: National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases

NIAD e: National Institute for Allergic and Infectious Diseases - e: National Institute on Adult Daycare

NIAMDD e: National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases


NIAMSD e: National Inatitute of Artritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

NIAG d: Niederrheinische Verkehrsbetriebe AG - e: NATO Industrial Advisory Group

NIAH e: National Institute of Animal Health NIABS e: National Institute for Applied Behavioral Science

NIAMS e: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases


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NIAWR e: National Institute on Aging, Work, and Retirement NIB d: Normeninformationsbank - e: National Identification Bureau - e: National Industries for the Blind - e: National Information Bureau - e: National Institute for/of the Blind - e: National Irrigation Board - e: Naval Intelligence Bureau - e: Navigation Information Bulletin - e: Nebraska Inspection Bureau - e: Nigeria International Bank Ltd. - e: Noise Investigation Bureau - e: Nordic Investment Bank - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Bio-energetische analyse - n: Nieuwe Indische Beweging - n: Nieuwe Internationale Bibliotheek N.I.B. e: National Institute for the Blind - e: National Investment Board - e: Netherlands Information Bureau n.i.b. i: nucleo inquadramento boscaiuole NIBA e: National Industrial Belting Association - e: National Insurance Brokers Association - e: National Insurance Buyers Association - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Bedrijfsassistantie

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NICEC NIBC e: National Industrial Bancorp, Inc. - e: Northern Ireland Base Command NiBC e: Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation NIBCA e: National Intercollegiate Boxing Coaches Association NIBCO e: Northern Indiana Brass Company ΝΙΒΕ η: Nederlands Institiiut voor het Banken Effectenbedrijf NIBEM n: Nationaal Institiiut voor Brouwgerst, Mout en Bier NIBESA e: National Independent Bank Equipment and Systems Association - e: National Independent Bank Equipment Suppliers Association NIBFBS e: Northern Ireland Budgerigar and Foreign Bird Society NIBFCC e: Northern Ireland Border Fancy Canary Club NIBH n: Nationaal Instituut tot Bevordering van de Huisvesting NIBID e: National Investment Bank for Industrial Development NIBIS d: Nieders chsisches BodenInformations-System NIBJL e: National Information Bureau for Jewish Life

- e: National Institute of Credit - e: National Insurance Certificate - e: National Insurance Contributions - e: National Insurance Corporation - e: National Intelligence Committee - e: National Intelligence Council - e: National Interagency Council on Smoking and Health - e: National Interfraternity Conference - e: National Interim Council - e: National Interrogation Center - e: National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology - e: National Inventors Council - e: National Investigations Committee - e: National Investors Council - e: National ISDN Council - e: Naval Information Center - e: Naval Intelligence Command - e: Navigation Information Center - e: Navy Information Center - e: Neighborhood Information Center - e: Network Information Center (or Centre) - e: Newly Industrialised (or Industrialized, or Industrializing) Countries (or Country) - e: Newspaper Indexing Center - e: Newsprint Information Committee - e: Niagara International Center (or Centre) - e: Nickling Resources, Inc. - e: Nicolet Instrument Corporation - e: Nippon International Containers - e: North Island College - e: Nuclear Industry Consortium - e: Nursing Interventions Classification - n: Nederlandse Ikebana Club

NIBM e: National Institute for Burn Medicine - e: National Institute of Business Management NIBN e: National Indian Brotherhood. Newsletter NIBR N: Norsk Institutt for By- og Regionforskning NIBRA e: National Independent Bicycle Representative Association NIBS e: National Institute for Building Standards - e: National Institute of Building Science[s] - e: National Inventory Billing System - e: Nippon Institute for Biological Science

NIC d: Nicolet Instrument GmbH - e: Cornell University, Ithaca - e: Natal Indian Congress - e: Natick Industrial Centre - e: National Ice Center (or Centre) - e: National Illumination Committee [of Great Britain] - e: National Impeachment Coalition - e: National Incomes Commission - e: National Indicational (or Indications) Center - e: National Industrial Council [of the National Association of Manufacturers] - e: National Information Center - e: National Inspection Council - e: National Institute of Corrections - e: National Institute of Creativity

NICC e: National Industrial Conservation Conference - e: National Industries Computer Committee - e: National Interagency Coordination Center - e: National Inventory Control Center - e: Nationalized Industries Computer Committee - e: Nevis Island Cultural Center of the United States - e: Northern Interior Cruising Committee NICCF e: National Ice Core Curatorial Facility NICCI e: Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry NICCL e: Northern Ireland Council for Civil Liberties NICCO e: New Inner City Community Organization NICCSEM e: National Information Center for Special Educational Materials NICCW e: Nuclear Island Closed Cooling Water NICCYH e: National Information Center for Children and Youth with Handicaps

N.I.C. e: Natal Indian Congress - e: National Incomes Commission - e: Non-intervention Committee NI&C e: Nippon Information & Communication Corporation NICA e: National Indian Counselors Association - e: National Insulation Contractors Association - e: National Interfaith Coalition on Aging N.I.C.A. e: Netherlands Indies' Civil Administration NICA e: Netherlands Indies' Civil Administration - e: Netherlands Indies Civil Administration Nica e: Nicaragua

NIBSC e: National Institute for Biological Standards and Control

NICBJS e: National Council of Beth Jacob Schools

Nie e: Nicaragua N I C e: Nurse in Charge

NIBL e: National Industrial Basic Language - e: National Industrial Basketball League

NICB e: National Industrial Conference Board - e: National Industries Conference Board - e: National Insurance Crime Bureau

NICAMAR s: Compania Nicaraguense Mercantile Industrial de Ultramar NICAN e: National Information Communication Awareness Network NICAO e: Netherlands Indies' Civil Affairs Organization NICAP e: National Investigating (or Investigations) Committee for/of/on Aerial Phenomena NICARE e: Northern Ireland Centre for Health Care Co-operation and Development NICATELSAT e: Nicaraguan Telecommunication by Satellite [firm]

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NICD e: National Information Center on Deafness - e: National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing - e: National Institute of Communicable Diseases - e: National Institute of Community Development - e: National Institute on Crime and Delinquency NICDA e: National Imported Car Dealers Association NICE e: National Information Conference and Exposition - e: National Institute for Clinical Excellence - e: National Institute for Computers in Engineering - e: National Institute for Consumer Education - e: National Institute of Careers, Inc. - e: National Institute of Ceramic Engineers - e: National Institute on Cooperative Education - e: National Irradiation Creep Effort - e: Nationally-Integrated Caring Employees - e: Network Information and Control Exchange - e: Northern Idaho College of Education - e: Northern Indiana Consortium for Education - e: Northern Institute for Continuing Education - e: Nosocomial Infection Control in Europe -/· Nomenclature des Industries etablies dans les Communautes Europeennes N.I.C.E. e: Northern Idaho College of Education NICEC e: National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling


NICEDD NICEDD e: National Institute for Continuing Education in Developmental Disabilities

NICK d: Netzweites Informationssystem im Campus der Universität Karlsruhe

NICEIC e: National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting

NICKA e: Codeword, Nickname and Exercise Term System

NICS e: NAS Interfacility Communications System - e: National Institute for Chemical Studies - e: National Insurance Contributions System - e: NATO Integrated Communications System

NICEL e: National Institute for Citizen Education in the Law

NICL e: National Ice Core Laboratory - e: Nickel Resoures Development Corp.

NICs e: National Institute of Corrections - e: Newly Industrializing Countries

NICEM e: National Information Center for Educational Materials - e: National Information Center for Educational Media

NICLC e: National Institute on CommunityBased Long-Term Care

NICS COA e: NICS Control Operating Authority

NICLOG e: National Information Center for Local Government Records

NICSE e: National Institute for Child Support Enforcement

NICM e: National Institute for Campus Ministries - e: Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine

NICSEM e: National Information Center for/in Special Education Materials

NICET e: National Institute for Certification in/of Engineering Technologies Nice Union e: Union for the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks NICF e: Nebraska Independent College Foundation - e: North Ireland Cricket and Football Club - e: Northern Ireland Cycling Federation

NICMA e: National Ice Cream Mix Association - e: National Industrial Cafeteria Managers Association NICMIS e: Navy Integrated Command/ Management Information System

N.I.C.F. e: North Ireland Cycling Federation NICFC e: National Inter-Collegiate Flying Club NIC-France e: Network Information Center France NICG e: National Interagency Coordination Group NICH e: National Information Center for the Handicapped NICHA e: Northern Ireland Chest and Heart Association NICHAS e: Journal. Nihon University Medical Association NICHCY e: National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities - e: National Information Center for Handicapped Children and Youth

NICMOS e: Near-Infrared Camera and MultiObject Spectrometer NICNAS e: National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme

NICO e: National Insurance Consumer Organization - e: Navy Inventory Control Office NICOA e: National Independent Coal Operators Association - e: National Indian Council on Aging NICOL e: New Integrated Computer Language - e: New International Commercial Language NICON e: National Insurance Corporation of Nigeria NICOP e: Navy Industry Cooperation Plan

NICHHD e: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

NICOV e: National Information Center on Volunteerism

NICHOLAS e: Network Information Center On-Line Aid System

NICP e: National Inventory Control Point[s] - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Interoceanic Canal Project - e: Nuclear Incident Contingency Plan - e: Nuclear Incident Control Plan

NICHSR e: National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology NICI e: National Insulation Certification Institute NICIA e: Northern Ireland Coal Importers Association NICJ e: National Institute for/of Consumer Justice

NICOS e: Newfoundland Institute for Cold Ocean Science

NICPAC e: National Independent Conservative Political Action Committee NICRA e: National Ice Cream Retailers Association - e: Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association NICRAD e: Navy/Industry Cooperative Research and Development NICRISP e: Navy Integrated Comprehensive Repairable Item Scheduling Program NICRO e: National Institute for Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation of Offenders


NICSH e: National Interagency Council on Smoking and Health NICSMA e: NATO Integrated Communications System Management Agency NICSO e: NATO Integrated Communications System Organization NICSOI e: NICS Operating Instruction

NIC [NT] e: New International Commentary on the New Testament

NICHD e: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development - e: National Institute of Child Health Development

Nicholls State Univ Prof Pap Ser Biol e: Nicholls State University. Professional Papers Series. Biology

NICSEM/NIMIS e: National Information Center for Special Education Material/ National Instructional Material Information System


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NICSRAD e: National Integrated Communications Security Research and Development Plan NICSS e: Northern Ireland Council of Social Science - e: Northern Ireland Council of Social Services N.I.C.S.S. e: Northern Ireland Council of Social Science NICSSE e: National Information Center for Social Science Education NICT e: National Incident Coordination Team NICTOE e: National Institute for Commercial and Trade Organization Executives NIC-TRANS e: Naval Intelligence Command-Translation Division NICU e: Nippon International Container Unit NICUFO e: National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects NIC US e: National Ice Centre NICVA e: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action NICWA e: National Indian Child Welfare Association NICWM e: National Information Center on Women and the Military NICYRA e: National Ice Cream and Yogurt Retailers Association NID e: National Immunization Days - e: National Income per Day - e: National Institute for/of the Deaf - e: National Institute of Drycleaning

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NIEU - e: National Institute of Dyslexia - e: National Intelligence Daily - e: Naval Intelligence Department - e: Naval Intelligence Division - e: New International Dictionary - P: Niedpodlegiosc i Demokracja NiD P: Niepodlegiooc i Demokracja N.I.D. e: National Institute for the Deaf - e: Naval Intelligence Department - e: Naval Intelligence Division - e: Northern Ireland District NIDA e: National Independent Dairies Association - e: National Independent Dairy-Food Association - e: National Industrial Distributors Association - e: National Institute for Domestic Affairs - e: National Institute for/on Drug Abuse - e: National Institute of Development Administration - e: National Institute of/on Dramatic Art - e: National Insurance Development Act - e: National Investment and Development Authority - e: 99th Infantry Division Association - e: Northeastern Industrial Developers Association - e: Northeastern Industrial Development Association - e: Northern Ireland Development Agency NIDA Res Monogr e: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Research Monograph NIDB e: Nigeria Industrial Development Bank NID Booklet e: National Institute for the Deaf Booklet NIDC e: National Industrial Design Council - e: National Institute of Dry Cleaning - e: National Insurance Development Corporation - e: National Investments] [and] Development Corporation - e: Nepal Industrial Development Corporation - e: Northern Ireland Development Council NIDCC e: National Internal Defense Coordination Center NIDCD e: National Institute of/on Deafness and other Communication Disorders NIDCR e: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research NIDCS e: National Industrial Development Corporation of Swasiland NIDDK[D] e: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease[s]

NI-DIN d: Normenausschuß Informationsverarbeitung im DIN

Niederberg d: Niederrheinische BergwerksAG

NIDL e: National Information Display Laboratory

Niederdt Kbl d: Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung

NIDLR e: Office of the Director of Law Reform, Northern Ireland

NiederdtZs. d: Niederdeutsche Zeitschrift für Volkskunde

NIDM e: National Institute for/of Disaster Mobilization

NIEE e: National Institute for Engineering Ethics - e: National Ironfounding Employers Federation

NIDMS e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information for Decision Makers System NIDO n: National Instituut voor Diergeneeskundige Onderzoek NIDOC e: National Information and Documentation Center (or Centre) NIDOCD e: National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders NIDR e: National Institute for Dispute Resolution - e: National Institute of Dental Research NIDRR e: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitabon Research NIDS e: National Institute for Defense Studies - e: National Institute of Diaper Services - e: National Inventory of Documentary Sources - e: National Investor Data Service - e: Navigation Instrument Development Unit - e: NEXRAD Information and Data System - e: NEXRAD Information Dissemination Service - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information [and] Display System NIDTAC e: National Injury Data Technical Assistance Center NIE e: Centre for Research on the New International Economic Order - e: National Index of Ecosystems - e: National Institute for the Environment - e: National Institute of Education - e: National Intelligence Estimate[s] - e: National-scale Information Enterprises - e: Newly Industrialized (or Industrializing) Economy - e: Northern Ireland Electricity - P: Niepodleglosc NIEA e: National Indian Education Association NIEAC e: National Indian Education Advisory Committee NIEAF n: Nederlandse Instrumenten en Elektrische Apparaten Fabriek

N.I.E.F. e: National Impounding Employers Federation NIEHS e: National Institute for/of Environmental Health Science[s] - e: National Institute of Environmental Health Services NIEI e: National Indoor Environmental Institute - e: National Institute of Electromedical Information NIEIR e: National Institute of Economic and Industry Research NIEM e: National Industrial Energy Management - e: National Industrial Engineering Mission - e: Network for Industrial Environmental Management - e: Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law Niemei d: Niederschlesische Maschinen- und Elektrizitäts-Industrie NIEMS e: National Industrial Energy Management Scheme - e: National Institute for Engineering and Management Systems NiemZ d: Niemeyers Zeitschrift für Internationales Recht Nien San Ann Univ Cantho e: Nien San. Annals. University of Cantho NIEO e: New International Economic Order - e: Non-Incorporated Engineering Order NIER e: National Industrial Equipment Reserve - e: National Institute for Educational Research NIES e: National Industry Extension Service - e: National Institute for Environmental Studies - e: National Institute of Environmental Science - e: National Intelligence Estimates NIEs e: Newly Industrializing Economies

NIDER n: Nederlands Instituut voor Informatie, Documentatie en Registratuur

Niebag d: Niederschlesische Bergbau AG

NIESR e: National Institute for/of Economic and Social Research

NIDFA e: National Independent Drama Festivals Association

NIEC e: National Import and Export Corporation

NIETB e: National Imagery Exploitation Talget Base

NIDH e: National Institute of Dental Health

NIECC e: National Industrial Energy Conservation Council

NIETU e: National Independent Enginemen's Trade Union

NIED e: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention

NIEU e: Negro Industrial [and] Economic Union

NiDI e: Nickel Development Institute NIDI n: Nederlands Interuniversitair Demografisch Institut

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


Nieuwe Verh Bataafsch Genoot Proefonderv Wijsbegeerte Nieuwe Verh Bataafsch Genoot Proefonderv Wijsbegeerte n: Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte

NIFMA e: Nigerian Furniture Manufacturers Association NIFO n: Nederlandsch-Indische FascistenOrganisatie

NIEX e: Niagara Exchange Corp. NIF d: Nautischer Informationsfunk - e: National Ichthyosis Foundation - e: National Ignition Facility - e: National Income Forecasting - e: National Institute for the Family - e: National Interfraternity Foundation - e: National Inventors Foundation - e: National Iranian Front - e: National Islamic Front - e: National Issues Forums - e: Navy Industrial Fund - e: New Ireland Forum - e: New Israel Fund - e: Nomura International Finance - e: Nordic Institute of Folklore - e: Nuveen Premium Insured Municipal, Inc. - N: Norges Idrettsforbund - N: Norges Industriforbund - N: Norsk Ingeniorforening - r: Norrbottens Idrottsfcerbund NIFA e: National Intercollegiate Flying Association - e: National Islamic Front of Afghanistan NIFADCS e: National Institute of Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning Specialists NIFB e: National Institute of Farm Brokers NIFC e: National Income Forecasting Committee - e: National Interagency Fire Center NIFCC e: National Interagency Fire Coordination Center

NIFOR e: National Information Office - e: Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research N.I.F.P. e: National Institute of Fresh Produce NIFS e: National Institute for Farm Safety

N.I.H. e: National Institute of Houseworkers - e: North Irish Horse

NIFTP e: File transfer network in the United Kingdom

NIHA n: Nationaal Instituut van Handel en Ambacht

NI/FWM e: New, Incorporated/Fourth World Movement

NIHAE e: National Institute of Health Administration and Education

NIG e: National Institute of Genetics - e: National Institute of Gerontology - e: Nationwide Investigations Group - e: Naval Inspector General - e: Nordic Industrial Group - n: Nederlandse Iriscopisten Gilde

NIHAE Bull e: NIHAE [National Institute of Health Administration and Education] Bulletin

NIGA e: Northern Ireland Grocers' Association NIGAB e: Annual Report. National Institute of Genetics

NIFER e: National Institute for Full Employment Research N.I.F.E.S. e: National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service NIFES e: National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service NIFES Notes e: National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service Notes NIFF r: Nordiska Ickekommersiella Fonogramproducenters Forening NIFFS e: National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service NIFFT e: National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology NIFI e: National Inland Fisheries Institute - e: National Institute for the Foodservice Industries (or Industry)

NIFM e: Northwest Independent Forest Manufacturers


NIHBC e: Northern Ireland House Building Council N.I.H.C. e: Northern Ireland House of Commons NIHCL e: NIH [National Institutes of Health] Class Library

NIGCS e: National Imperial Glass Collectors Society

NIH Consens Statement e: NIH [National Institutes of Health] Consensus Statement

NIGDA e: National Industrial Glove Distributors Association

NIH Consensus Dev Conf Summ e: NIH [National Institutes of Health] Consensus Development. Conference Summary

NIGEC e: National Institute for Global Environmental Change

Niger Fed Annu Rep Geol Surv e: Nigeria Federation. Annual Report. Geological Survey Nig[erian] Ann Int'l L e: Nigerian Annual of International Law Nigerian J Internat Studies e: Nigerian Journal of International Studies

NIHE e; National Institute of Higher Education - e: Northern Ireland Housing Executive NIHEC e: Northern Ireland Higher Education Council NIHECS e: National Institutes of Health Electronic Computer Store NIHERST e: National Institute of Higher Education

NIGFCC e: Northern Ireland Gloster Fancy Canary Club

NIH Guide Grants Contracts e: NIH [National Institutes of Health] Guide for Grants and Contracts

NIGIS e: Netherlands Indies Government Information Service

NIHHD e: National Institute of Health and Human Development

NIGL e: NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory

NIHi e: DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, Ithaca

NIGMR e: National Institute for Geology and Mining Research

NIHJ e: National Institute of Health Japan

NIGMS e: National Institute of General Medical Sciences NIGP e: National Institute of Governmental Purchasing

NIFL e: National Institute for Literacy NIFLB e: National Institute of Farm and Land Brokers

NIHB e: National Indian Health Board

NIGC e: National Iranian Gas Company

NIGELEC /· Societe Nigerienne d'Electricite NIFDA e: National Institutional Food Distributor Associates

- e: National Institute of Hardware - e: National Institute of Houseworkers - e: National Institute on the Holocaust - e: National Institute[s] of Health [Publications] - e: North Irish Horse - e: Nuffield Institute for Health - r: Nämnden för Internationella Hälsovärdsärenden

NIGRO d: Verband von lagerhaltenden Großhändlern des sanitären Wasserleitungsfaches - e: Northern Ireland General Register Office

Nihon Ringakukai Shi J Jap For Soc j: Nihon Ringakukai Shi. Journal. Japanese Forestry Society Nihon Seirigaku Zasshi Jap j: Nihon Seirigaku Zasshi/Journal. Physiological Society of Japan Nihon Shohubutsu Byori Gakkaiho Ann Phytopathol Soc Jap /· Nihon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaiho/Annals. Phytopathological Society of Japan

NIH e: Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. - e: National Institute for the Humanities


· Säur, München

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NILPT Nihon Univ Dent J e: Nihon University. Dental Journal

N.I.I.K.B. n: Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Kulturele Betrekkingen

NIKKA d: Norddeutsche Isolierwerke Kreuser & Klostermann

Nihon Univ J Med e: Nihon University. Journal of Medicine

NIIM e: National Integrated Information Management Program

NIKKEI j: Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc.

Nihon Univ J Radiat Med Biol e: Nihon University. Journal of Radiation Medicine and Biology

NUN e: National Item Identification Number

ΝΙΚΟ e: Nigerian Korean Company

Nihon Univ Mishima Coll Humanit Sei Annu Rep Res e: Nihon University. Mishima College of Humanities and Sciences. Annual Report of the Researches

Nikon /· Nippon Kogaku K.K., Tokyo NIINN b: Naucnoizsledovatelski Institut po Neftoprerabotvane i Neftokhimiia NIIP e: National Institute of Industrial Psychology - e: Net International Investment Position

Nihon Univ Mishima Coll Humanit Sei Annu Rep Res Nat Sei e: Nihon University. Mishima College of Humanities and Sciences. Annual Report of the Researches. Natural Sciences

NIIP Bulletin e: National Institute of Industrial Psychology Bulletin

NIHQ e: Nautical Institute Headquarters

NIIRS e: National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale

NIHR e: National Institute of Handicapped Research NIH Record e: National Institute of Health Record NIHS e: National Institute of Health Sciences - e: National Institute of Hypertension StudiesInstitute of Hypertension School of Research -/· Norme[s] de l'Industrie Horlogere Suisse NIHSA e: Newfoundland Industrial Health and Safety Association

NUR e: National Institute of Industrial Research

Nikpak e: National Conservative Political Action Committee NIKT d: Neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie NIL e: National Instrument Laboratories - e: National Investment Library - N: Norske Interiorarkitekters Landsforening - P: Naczelna Izba Lekarska NILA e: National Industrial Leather Association N.I.Lab, e: Northern Ireland Labour

NIIS b: Naucnoizsledovatelski Institut po Suobshteniiata - e: National Institute of Infant Services - e: New Image Industries, Inc. - e: Niagara Institute for International Studies - e: Nigeria Institute for International Studies NIISF R: Naucno-Issledovatel'ski Institut Stroitelnoj Fizike

NIHT e: Northern Ireland Housing Trust

NUT e: National Information Infrastructure Testbed - e: National, International and Intercontinental Telecommunications Network

NIHTA e: Northern Ireland Head Teachers' Association

Nil V-VS R: Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut V-VS

Nil e: National Industries, Incorporated - e: National Information Infrastructure [program] - e: National Intergroup, Incorporated - e: Netherlands Industrial Institute - e: Nuclear Installations Inspectorate - in: Negara Islam Indonesia

NIJ e: National Institute of Justice

NILE e: National Indian Lutheran Board NILC e: National Immigration Law Center NILCA e: National Industrial Launderers' and Cleaners' Association NILCI n: Nationaal Instituut voor Landbouwstudie in Belgisch Congo NILCO n: National Instituut voor de Landbouwstudie in Congo NILE e: National Institute of Labor Education NILE[&]CJ e: National Institute for/of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

NUB e: Northern Ireland Judgements Bulletin

NILEG d: Nieders chsische Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

NIJC e: North Idaho Junior College

NILFO N: Norsk Innkjopslederforbund

NIJD e: National Institute of Judicial Dynamics

NILFP e: National Institute of Locker and Freezer Provisioners

NIJFCM e: National Institute of Jig and Fixture Component-Manufacturers

NILI n: Nederlandsch Instituut voor Landbouwkundige Ingenieurs

NIJH e: National Institute for Jewish Hospice

N 111 LR e: Northern Illinois University. Law Review

N.I.I, e: NATO Item Identification NIIA e: Nigerian Institute of International Affairs NIIC e: National Injury Information Clearinghouse - e: NORAD Intelligence Indications Center

Nijhoff Internat Philos Ser e: Nijhoff International Philosophy Series

NIICU e: National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities

NIJJDP e: National Institute for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

NIID e: Netherlands Defense Manufacturers Association

NIJRs e: National Institute of Justice Reports NIJS S: Nuklearni Institut Josef Stefan

NIIDST e: National Institute for Information and Documentation in Science and Technology NIIG e: National ISDN Interface Group NIIGA R: Naucno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Geologii Artiki Niigata Univ Sei Rep Ser E e: Niigata University. Science Reports. Series E [Geology and Mineralogy] NIIIP e: National Industrial Information Infrastructure Protocols

NIJSI n: Vereniging de Nederlandse Uzer- en Staalproducerende Industrie NIK e; Nickel Rim Mines Ltd. - H: Nehezipari K zpont - H: N venyvedelem Id szaki Kerdesei - P: Najwyzsza Izba Kontroli

N 111 UL R[ev] e: Northern Illinois University. Law Review N 111 U Pr e: Northern Illinois University Press NILN A: Navorsingsinstituut vir die Leernywerheid NILO e: Naval Intelligence Liaison Officer NILOJ e: National Institute for/of Law and Order Justice NILOS n: Nationaal Instituut voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding en Sport

ΝΙΚΑ e: Northern Ireland Korfball Association

NILP e: National Institute for Labor Policy - e: Northern Ireland Labour Party

NIKI n: Nederlandsch-Indisch Kankerinstituut

NILPT e: National Institute for Low Power Television

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich


NILR NILR e: Netherlands International Law Review

NIMCO e: Nomura Investment Management Company

N.I.M.R. e: National Institute for Medical Research

NILRC e: Northern Illinois Learning Resources Cooperative

NIMCSSC e: National Military Command Systems Support Center

NIM ResDig e: NIM [National Institute for Metallurgy] Research Digest

NIL Rev e: Netherlands International Law Review

NIMD e: National Institute of Management Development

NILS e: National Integrated Land System - e: Northern Interior Lumber Manufacturers Society - e: Nuclear Instrument Landing System - n: Nederlandsch-Indisch Landsyndicaat

NIME e: National Institute for Multicultural Education - e: National Institute for Multimedia Education - H: Nehezipari Muszaki Egyetem

NIMROD e: National Institute for Medical Research On-line Data-base - e: Northern Illinois Meteorological Research on Downbursts University of Chicago

NILT e: National Institute for Lay Training Nilu d: Luftverkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft Niedersachsen NILU e: National Intelligence Liaison Unit - N: Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning NILUG e: National Independent Lynx User Group NILW P: Naukowy Instytut LekarskoWeterynaryjny NILY h: Netsah Israel Lo Yeshakker NIM e: National Impact Model - e: National Institute for Maritime Research - e: National Institute for/of Metallurgy - e: National Islamic Movement - e: Naval Inspector of Machinery - e: North Irish Militia - e: University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville - e: US Neutron Interactive Materials Program - H: Nehezipari Miniszterium - n: Nationale Investerings Maatschappij - n: Netwerk Integratieve Masseurs nim r: Nordiska ingenjörsmötet NIMA e: National Imagery [and] Mapping Agency - e: National Infomercial Marketing Association - e: National Insulation Manufacturers' Association - e: Netherlands Marketing Association - e: Northern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture - e: Northern Ireland Musicians Association - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Marketing NIMAB e: National Indian Manpower Advisory Board NIMAC e: National Interscholastic Music Activities Commission NIMA WO n: Nederlands Instituut voor Maatschappelijk Werk Onderzoek

NIMEXE /· Nomenclature des Marchandises pour les statistiques du commerce Exterieur de la Communaute et du commerce entre ses Etats membres

N.I.M.S. e: National Industrial Mobile Squad NIMFR e: National Institutes of Marriage and Family Relations NIMH e: National Institute for Mental Health - e: National Institute of Medical Health - e: National Institute of Medical Herbalists - e: National Institute of Mental Health. Publications - e: National Institute[s] of Mental Health N.I.M.H.A. e: Northern Ireland Ministry of Home Affairs

NIMT e: National Institute for Management Technology - e: National Institute for Music Theater - e: National Institute of Metrology [Thailand] - n: Nederlands Instituut van Middelbare en Hogere Technici NIMU e: Non-Invasive Monitoring Systems, Inc. - e: North Island Mutual Insurance

NIMIC e: Not in My Insurance Company

N.I.M.U. e: North Island Motor Union

NIMIS e: National Instructional Materials Information System

NEV d: Normenausschuß Instandhaltung im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Information Network - e: National Inservice Network - e: National Institute of Nutrition - e: Neighbors in Need [association] - e: New Products International - e: Norsat International, Inc. - se: Nedeljne Informativne Novine

NIMKvt. H: Nehezipari Miniszterium Muszaki Köny vtära NIMLO e: National Institute of Municipal Law Officers NIMLO Mun L Rev e: National Institute of Municipal Law Officers. Municipal Law Review NIMM d: Nordwestdeutsches Institut für Möbel- und Materialprüfung - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Motivation en Marketing [Research] NIMMA e: Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association NIMMP e: National Institute of Marine Medicine and Pharmacology NIMMS e: NAVAIR Industrial Material Management System NIMO n: Nederlands Instituut voor Maatschappelijke Opbouw

Nimbus e: NASA Meteorological Satellites

NIMP e: National Intern Matching Program - e: New and Improved Materials Processes

NIMBUS e: NASA Meterologic Satellite - e: Networked Information Management

NIMPA e: National Independent Meat Packers Association

NIMC e: National Institute of Management Counsellors - e: National Institute of Municipal Clerks

NIMR e: National Institute for Materials Research - e: National Institute for Medical Research - e: National Institute for the Mentally Retarded - e: Navy Industrial Management Reviews


NIMSCO e: NODC [National Oceanographic Data Center] Index to Instrument Measures Subsurface e Current Observation[s]

NIMHANS e: National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences

NIMB e: National Intern Matching Program

NIMCGA e: Northern Indiana Muck Crop Growers Association

NIMS e: Fairhaven International Ltd. - e: National Infant Mortality Survey - e: National Information Management System - e: National Ingredient Marketing Specialists - e: Nationwide Improved Mail Service - e: Nimslo International Ltd.


· Säur, München

NINA e: National Institute Northern Accelerator - e: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINB e: National Institute of Neurology and Blindness NINCD e: National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders NIN[C]DS e: National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disonders and Stroke - e: National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke NINDB e: National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness NINDB Review e: National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness Review NIndTP e: National Independent Teenage Party NINE e: National Infertility Network Exchange - e: National Institute of Nutritional Education -i: Nucleo Intendenza Nord-Est NINFRA e: National Independent Nursery Furniture Retailers Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi NINND2 e: Neuroptera International NINP e: Norfolk Island National Park NEVQ. e: North Indian Notes and Queries NEVR e: National Institute for/of Nursing Research - e: Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews ΝΙΟ e: National Institute of Oceanography - e: National Institute of Oceanology - e: National Intelligence Office[r] - e: National Intelligence Organization - e: National Iranian Oil - e: NATO Information Officers Committee - e: Naval Inspector Ordnance - e: Navigational Information Office - e: Navy Institute of Oceanography - e: Northern Ireland Office -/· Institut National d'Oceanographie N.I.O. e: National Institute of Oceanology NIOC e: National Iranian Oil Company - e: National Iron Ore Company NIOF e: National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries -/· Institut National d'Oceanographie et de peche NIOG e: Nationalized Industries Overseas Group - n: Nederlandsch-Indisch OnderwijzersGenootschap NIOGAS d: Nieder sterreichische Gastwirtschafts AG - d: Nieder sterreichische Gaswerke N.I.O.G.T. e: Nordisk Independent Order of Good Templars NIOHS e: National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety NIOK e: National Institute for Overseas Koreans - n: Nederlandsch-Indisch Onderwijs Kongres NIOP e: National Institute of Oilseed Products ΝΙΟ PR e: Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research NIOS e: Northern Ireland Orchid Society NIOSH e: National Institute for/of Occupational Safety and Health - e: National Institute for Occupational Safety Hazards - e: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Publications NIOSH/OSHA Current Intell Bull e: NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health]/OSHA Current Intelligence Bulletin NIOSH Surv e: NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] Survey NIOSH Tech Int e: NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] Technical Information

NIOSHTIC e: NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] Technical Information Center NIOTC e: Naval Inshore Operations Training Center NIOZ n: Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee NIP e: Namibia Independence Party - e: National and International Program - e: National Identification Program for the Advancement of Women in Higher Education [Administration] - e: National Immunization Program - e: National Implementation Plan - e: National Independence Party - e: National Industrial Partner - e: National Industrial Policy - e: National Information Policy - e: National Inspection Plan - e: National Institute of Polarology - e: National Integration Party - e: National Intelligence Priorities - e: National Inventory Programme - e: NATO Interoperability Plan - e: Naval Institute Press - e: Naval Intelligence Professionals - e: New Ideas Program - e: New Impact Resources, Inc. - e: Newhall Investment Properties - e: Nigerian Independence Party - e: Northern Ireland Parliament - n: Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen - N: Norges Kommunistiske Parti

NIPER e: National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research NIPF e: National Incontinentia Pigmenti Foundation - e: Nonindustrial Private Forest [Owners] - e: Northern Ireland Polio Fellowship NIPFDA e: National Independent Poultry and Food Distributors Association NIPG e: National ISDN Parameter Group - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Praeventieve Gneeskunde NIPGM e: National Institute on Park and Grounds Management NIPH e: National Institute of Poultry Husbandry - e: National Institute of Public Health NIPH Ann e: NIPH [National Institute of Public Health] Annals NIPHLE e: National Institute of Packaging, Handling, and Logistic[s] Engineers NIPH [Natl Inst Public Health] Ann [Oslo] e: NIPH [National Institute of Public Health] Annals [Oslo] Nipho n: Nederlandsch Instituut voor Practisch Handels-Onderwijs NIPI n: Nederlandsch-Indisch PharmacoTherapeutisch Instituut

Nip e: Nippon NIPA e: National Income and Product Accounts - e: National Institute for/of Public Administration - e: National Institute of Pension Administrators - e: National Institute of Public Affairs - e: Northern Ireland Ploughing Association - e: Northern Ireland Police Authority

NIPIR e: Nuclear Immediate Photo Interpretation Report NIPL n: Nederlands Instituut voor Personeelsleiding NIPM e; National Institute of Public Management NIPN e; NEC Corp.

NIPAGRAM e: National Income and Product Account Data by Mailgram

NIP/NLG e: National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild

NIPAW e: National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week

NIPO e: Naval International Programs Office - e: Navy International Program Office - n: Nederlands Instituut voor de Publieke Opinienpeiling - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Publick Opinie

NIPC e: National Infrastructure Protection Center - e: National Inhalant Prevention Coalition - e: Nigerian Investment Property Company NIPCC e: National Industrial Pollution Control Council NIPD e: NATO Interoperability Planning Document NIPDE e: National Initiative for Product Data Exchange NIPDWR e: National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations NIPDWS e: National Interim Primary Drinking Water Standards NIPE e: National Intelligence Programs Evaluation

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NIPP e: National Institute for Public Policy - e: National Intelligence Projection for Planning NIPPE e: National Income per Person Employed NIPPI e: Japan Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi j: Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of Japan Surgical Society Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho /· Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho [Journal of the OtoRhino-Laryngological Society of Japan] Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi j: Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of Japanese Society of Internal Medicine


Nippon Seirigaku Zasshi Nippon Seirigaku Zasshi /· Nippon Seirigaku Zasshi. Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan NIPR e: National Industrial Plant Reserve - e: National Institute for/of Personnel Research - e: National Institute for/of Polar Research NIPRM e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Special Issue NIPRMAA e; National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Series A. Aeronomy

NIRAS e: National Institute of Research and Advanced Studies

NIRs e: Norfolk International [container] Terminals

NIRB e: National Industrial Recovery Board - e: Nuclear Insurance Rating Bureau

NIRSA e: National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association - e: NIRSA. Journal of the National IntramuralRecreational Sports Association

NIRC e: National Industrial Relations Court - e: National Information Retrieval Colloquium - e: National Institute of Rug Cleaning NIRCF e: National Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Forum

N.I.R-Sig. e: Northern Ireland Royal Corps of Signals NIRT e: National Income Realty Trust - e: National Iranian Radio and Television

NIPRMBMT e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Series B. Meteorology

NIRD e: National Institute for/of Research in Dairying - e: National Institute for Rural Development

NIRTV e: National Iranian Radio and Television

NIPRMCFS e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Series C. Earth Sciences

NIRD Publications e: National Institute for Research in Dairying Publications

NIRV n: Nederlands Instituut voor Ruimtevaart

NIPRMEB e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Series E. Biology and Medical Science

NIRE e: National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering

NIS d: Nachbarschafts-informationssystem - e: National Immunisation Strategy - e: National Income Statistics - e: National Information System[s], Inc. - e: National Institute for Standards - e: National Institute of Science - e: National Institute of Standards and Technology - e: National Insurance Scheme - e: National Insurance Surcharge - e: National Intelligence Service - e: National Intelligence Summary - e: National Intelligence Survey - e: National Interdepartmental Seminar - e: National Inventory System - e: National Investment Strategy - e: Nationwide Inpatient Sample - e: NATO Identification System - e: NATO Infrastructure System - e: NATO International Staff - e: Naval Intelligence School - e: Naval Intelligence Service - e: Naval Investigative Service - e: Navy Inspection Service - e: Neighborhood Information Service - e: Network Information Service[s] - e: Network Information System - e: New Independent States [of the former Soviet Union] - e: Newly Independent States - e: News and Information Service - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information System - e: Noise Information System - e: Nonconsumable Item Subgroup - e: Nonproliferation and International Security Division - N: Norges Industriforbunds Standardiseringskomite - r: Nordiska Ingenjörs-Samfundet

N Ire e: Northern Ireland NIPRMFL e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Series F. Logistics

NIREB e: National Institute of Real Estate Brokers

NIPRMS e: National Institute of Polar Research. Memoirs. Special Issue

NIRED e: New International Realities

NIPRSMS e: National Institute of Polar Research. Special Map Series

NIREX e: Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive

NIPS e: National Information Processing System - e: National Institute for Physiological Sciences - e: National Institute for Public Services - e: National Institute of Police Science - e: National Inventory of Pollution Sources - e: Nationwide Integrated Postal Service - e: Naval Intelligence Processing System - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Information Processing System

NIRF e: National Irrigation Research Fund

NIPSS e: National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies NIPT e: New Information Processing Technologies [Conference] NIPV n: Nederlandsch-Indische Padvinders Vereeniging NIQ e: National Institute Economic Review

NIRI e: National Information Research Institute - e: National Investor Relations Institute NIRIM e: National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials NIRM e: National Individual Rifle Match NIRMA e: Nuclear Information and Records Management Association NIRMP e: National Intern and Resident Matching Program NIRNS e: National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science NIRO n: Nederlandsch-Indisch Instituut voor Rubberonderzoek

NIR e: National Institute of Development Research and Documentation [University of Botswana] - e: National Inventory Record - e: Near-Infrared Reflectance - e: Netherlands International Law Review - e: Northern Ireland Railways Co. Ltd. - n: Nationaal Instituut voor Radio-Omroep

NIROC e: National Institute of Red Orange Canaries and all other Cage Birds

NIRA e: National Industrial Recovery Act - e: National Industrial Recovery Administration - e: National Industrial Recreation Association - e: National Industrial Reserve Act - e: National Institute for Research Advancement - e: National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association - e: Near, Infrared Reflectance Analyzer - e: Newspaper Industries Research Association - e: Niravoice, Inc.

NIRR e: National Institute for Road Research

NIRAP e: National Interregional Agricultural Projections System - e: Naval Industrial Reserve Aircraft Plant


NIROP e: Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant

N.I.S. e: Naval Intelligence Service NIRP e: National Institute for Radiation Protection

NIRRA e: Northern Ireland Radio Retailers' Association NIRRD e: National Institute for Rocket Research and Development NIRS e: National Inorganic and Radionuclides Survey - e: National Institute for/of Radiological Science - e: National Irrigation Research Station - e: Nuclear Information and Resource Service


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NISA e: National Impacted Schools Association - e: National Inconvenienced Sportsmen's Association - e: National Independent Sign Association - e: National Industrial Sand Association - e: National Industrial Service Association - e: National Industrial Stores Association - e: National Institute of Supply Associations - e: National Intelligence Security Authority - e: National Industrial Service Association - e: New Information Services Architecture NISAC e: National Industrial Security Advisory Committee

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NIT NISARC e: National Information Storage and Retrieval Center NISBCO e: National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors NISBOVA e: Northern Indiana School Band, Orchestra, and Vocal Association NISBS e: National Institute of Social and Behavioral Science NISC e: National Independent Study Center - e: National Industrial Safety Committee - e: National Industrial Safety Conference - e: National Industrial Security Corporation - e: National Industrial Space Committee - e: National Information Services Corporation - e: National Information System for Chemistry - e: National Institute of Senior Centers - e: National Intelligence Study Center - e: National Inter Seminary Council - e: National Intramural Sports Council - e: Naval Intelligence Support Center - e: Network Information and Support Center NISCA e: National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America N.I.S.C.N.E. e: Nursing Information Systems Council of New England NISCO e: Nuclear Installation Services Company NISCR e: South Central Research Library Council, Ithaca NISC-TRANS e: Naval Intelligence Support Center Translation Division NISCUE e: National Institute for State Credit Union Examination NISD e: National Association of Steel Detailing - e: National Institute of Steel Detailing N-ISDN e; National ISDN NISEC e: National Institute for the Study of Educational Change NISEE e: National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering NISER e: National Institute for Social and Economic Research [University of Namibia] - e: Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research NISG e: National Institute of Student Governments - e: Navy Installation Survey Group NISGAZ e: National Intelligence Survey Gazetteer NISGUA e: Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala NISH e: National Industries for the Severely Handicapped - e: National Information Sources on the Handicapped - e: National Institute of Senior Housing NISHQ e: Naval Investigative Service Headquarters

NISI e: National Institute of Sciences of India - e: Northwest Instrument Systems, Incorporated NISIE e: NATO Integrated System for Information Exchange NISI Monographs e: National Institute of Sciences of India Monographs NISIR e: National Institute of Scientific Industrial Research NISLAPP e: National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy NISM e: National Information System for Mathematics - e: National Iron and Steel Mills NISMAWU e: National Iron, Steel, Metal and Allied Workers Union NISMF e: Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility

NIST e: National Bureau of Standards - e: National Industrial Security Program - e: National Information System for Science and Technology - e: National Institute for Science and Technology - e: National Institute for/of Standardisation (or Standards) and/of Technology - e: National Institute[s] of Science and Technology - e: National Intelligence Support Team - e: Nonproliferation & International Security Technology Division - e: Northern Illinois State Teachers -/· Institut National des Normes et des Technologies NIST Build. Sei. Ser. e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Building Science Series NISTEP e: National Institute of Science and Technology Policy NISTF e: National Information Systems Task Force

NISN e: NASA Integrated Services Network NISO e: National Individual Standing Offer - e: National Industrial Safety Organization - e: National Information Standards Organisation (or Organization) - e: Naval Investigative Service Office[r] NISOA e: National Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association NISOD e: National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development NISORS e: Nigerian Society of Remote Sensing NISP e: National Industrial Security Program - e: National Information System for Physics - e: National Information System for Psychology NISPA e: National Information System for Physics and Astronomy NISR e: National Institute for Scientific Research - e: National Intelligence Situation Report - e: NISN Implementation Service Request NISRA e: National Intercollegiate Squash Racquets Association - e: Naval Investigative Service Resident Agent NISR-INPE e: National Institute for Space Research-Instituto de Pesquisas Espacias, Brazil NISS e: National Information [on] Software and Services - e: National Information Services and Systems - e: National Institute of Social Sciences - e: National ITV Satellite Schedule - e: NSC [Nuclear Suppliers Group] Information Sharing System - e: Nuclear Information Suppliers System NISSAT e: National Information System for Science and Technology NISSPO e: NATO ^identification System Special Project Office

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NISTIR e: National Institute of Standards and Technology Interagency Report NIST Monogr. e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Monograph NISTO e: New International Scientific and Technological Order NIST Res. Rep. e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Research Report NIST-SIS e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology]-Standard Information Services NIST Spec Publ e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Special Publication NIST-SRM e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology]-Standard Reference Material NIST Tech. Note e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Technical Note NIST Tech. Rep. e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Technical Report NIST Update e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Update NISU e: National Injury Surveillance Unit - n: Nederlands-Indonesische Suiker Unie NISUCO e: Nigerian Sugar Company NISUS e: Neutron International Standard Uranium Source NISW e: National Institute for/of Social Work NISWA e: National Indian Social Workers Association NIT d: Nationales Infotelefon - e: Midwest Aviation Corp. - e: National Institute of Technology - e: National Institute of Tourism - e: National Instructional Television


NITA - e: National Intelligence Test - e: National Intelligence Topic - e: National Invitation[al] Tournament - e: Network Integrity Test - e: Northrop Institute of Technology - e: Northrop International Terminals - e: Norwegian Institute of Technology - e: Nurses in Transition - r: Naturvännernas Internationella Turistförening NITA e: National Indoor Tennis Association - e: National Industrial Television Association - e: National Institute for Trial Advocacy - e: National Intravenous Therapy Association NITADS e: NATO Interoperability of Tactical Automated Data Systems Nitag d: Naphta-Industrie und TankanlagenAG - d: Niedersächsische Treibstoff-AG NITA[J] e: Journal. National Intravenous Therapy Association NITAT e: North Ireland Tactical Training NITBON n: Nederlands Instituut voor Technisch-Biologisch Onderzoek in de Natuur NITC e: National Information Technology Center - e: National Information Technology Council - e: National Information Transfer Center (or Centre) - e: National Instructional Television Center - e: National Intelligence Tasking Center - e: National Iranian Tanker Company NITE e: National Institute of Technology & Evaluation NITEC e: National Information Technology in Education Centre NITE-OP e: Night Imaging Trough ElectroOptics NITEP e: National Incinerator and Testing and Evaluation Program NITES e: Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem NITEWOG e: Naval Integrated Test and Evaluation Working Group NITF e: National Imagery Transmission Format

NITL e: National Industrial Traffic League - e: National Industrial Transportation League - e: National Instructional Television Library

- n: Nederlands Instituut voor Volksvoeding - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Volksdans en Volksmuziek

NITM e: National Income Tax Magazine

NITO N: Norges Ingenior- og Teknikerorganisasjon

NIVA e: National Independent Vendon Association - e: National Independent Vendors Association - e: Norwegian Institute for Water Research - n: Nederlands Instituut van Accountants - n: Nederlands Instituut van Architecten - N: Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning

NITOL e: Norway-net with IT for Open Learning

NIVB A: Navorsingsinstituut vir die Visserybedryf

NITO/W e: National Intelligence Tasking Office, Warning & Crisis Management

NIVC e: National Interactive Video Centre

NITMDA e: National Indoor Track Meet Directors Association

NITP e: National Industrial Training Program - e: National Institutional Training Program e: National Institutional Teacher Placement Association NITPICKERS e: National Institute of Technical Processors, Information Consultants, Keyword Experts, and Retrieval Specialists

NITFSJ e: National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry NITHC e: Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company NITIE e: National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering NITINOL e: Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory


NIVEE n: Nederlands Instituut voor Electrowarmte en Electroscheikunde NIVJO n: Nederlandsch-Indonesisch Verbond van Jongeren Organisaties NIVM d: Neuer Internationaler Verband für Materialprüfung

NITR e: National Institute for Telecommunications Research

NIVMA e: Northern Interior Vegetation Management Association

NITRC e: National Indian Training and Research Center

NIVR n: Nederlandse Instituut voor Vliegtuigontwijsing en Ruimtevaart

NITREX e: Nitrogen Saturation Experiments

NIVT e: Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust

NITR Series e: National Institute for Telecommunications Research Series

NIW e: National Industrial Workers Union

NITUC e: National Independent Truckers Unity Council

NIWA e: Namibian Information Workers' Association - e: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd. - e: New Zealand National Institue for Water and Atmospheric Research

NITV e: National Iranian Television - e: Network for Instructional Television

NIWAAA e: Northern Ireland Women's Amateur Athletic Association

NIU e: National Intelligence Unit - e: Naval Intelligence Unit - e: Navigation Interface Unit - e: North american ISDN Users - e: Northern Illinois University - e: Northern Interparliamentary Union - e: University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls

NIW AR e: National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (or Atmospheric) Research Ltd.

NIUA e: National Institute of Urban Affairs

NIWFA e: National Intercollegiate Women's Fencing Association

NITS e: National Institute of Test Standards - e: Network Independent Transport Service

NIWC e: National Institute for Women of Color - e: Naval Inshore Warfare Command - e: Northern Ireland Women's Coalition

NIUC e: National Independent Union Council NIUE e: Alof/Niue International

NITFS e: National Imagery Transmission Format Standard

NIVE n: Nederlands Instituut voor Efficiency - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Management

NIUF e: National Inshore Union of Fishermen - e: National ISDN Users Forum - e: North-american ISDN User[s] Forum NIUSR e: National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue NIUW e: National Institute for Urban Wildlife NIV e: National Institute for Virology - e: National Institute of Victimology - e: New International Version - e: Newbury International Ventures, Inc.


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NIWG e: National Institute for the Word of God NiWiMi d: Nichtwissenschaftliche[r] Mitarbeiterin] NIWKC e; National Institute of Wood Kitchen Cabinets NIWL e: National Institute for Work and Learning NIWO n: Nederlandsche Internationale Wegvervoer Organisatie NIWR e: National Institute for Water Research

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NjChJ NIWS e: National Institute on Workshop Standards - e: National Integrated Wage Structure - e: News Information Weekly Service NIWTA e: Northern Ireland Women Teacher's Association NIWTU e: Naval Inshore Warfare Task Unit

NjAlHi e: Allentown Historical Society, Allentown NJamW e: Woman's Christian Association Hospital, Jamestown NJAS e: New Jersey Audubon Society NJASBO e: New Jersey Association of School Business Officials

NIWU e: National Industrial Workers Union NIWW e: National Institute for Working Women NIXX e: Nix-O-Tine Pharmaceuticals Ltd. NIYB e: New International Year Book

NJASSPS e: New Jersey Association of Secondary School Principals and Supervisors NjAt e: Atlantic Highlands Public Library Association, Atlantic Highlands NjAveT e: Tabloid Lithographers, Inc., Avenel

NIZC e: National Industrial Zoning Committee NIZO e: National Industrial Zoning Committee - n: Nederlands Instituut voor Zuivelonderzoek NJ d: Neue Justiz - e: Napierville Junction Railway Co. - e: National Journal - e: New Japan Aircraft Maintenance Co. Ltd. - e: New Jersey - n: Nederlandse Jurisprudentie - N: Norsk Journalistlag Nj e: New Jersey State Library, Trenton

NJB d: Neue Jugendbewegung - e: Appalachian State University, Boone - e: National Job Bank - e: New Jersey Bell NjBaF e: Facts of Bayonne Publishing Co., Bayonne NjBaNSRF e: United States Naval Supply Research and Development Facility, Bayonne NjBAP e: Cumberland County Advertiser Press, Inc., Bridgeton NjBarHi e: Barrington Historical Society, Barrington NjBas e: Bernards Township Library, Inc., Basking Ridge

NJA e: National Jail Association - e: National Jewellers Association - e: National Jogging Association - e: National Jousting Association - e: National Judges Association - e: New Jewish Agenda - N: Norsk Jernbane Avholdsforbund - r: Norrbottens Jörnverks AB

NjBbA e: American Cyanamid Co., Organic Chemicals Division, Bound Brook

N.J.A. e: National Jewellers' Association

NJBEA Newsletter e: New Jersey Business Education Association. Newsletter

NJ [A] n: Nederlandse Jurisprudentie [Administratiefrechtelijke Beslissingen]

NJBBF e: National Judo Black Belt Federation of the USA NjBbU e: Union Carbide Plastics Co., Bound Brook

N.J.B.E.M.S. e: National Joint Board of Employers and Members of Staff

NJAA e: National Junior Angus Association NJAB e: National Joint Apprenticeship Board for the Building Industry NJAC e: National Joint Advisory Council NjAcFA e: United States Federal Aviation Administration, National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center, Atlantic City

N.J.C. e: National Joint Committee - e: National Joint Council [for Local Authorities, Administrative, Professional, Technical, and Clerical Services] - n: Nederlandse Jeugdherberg Centrale - r: Nordiska Jockeyklubben for sammanhallning mellan svenska och danska höstsports- och avelsföreningar NJCA e: New Jersey Classical Association

NIYC e: National Indian Youth Council NIZ c: Nacelnik Intendaneniho Zasobovani

NJC e: Natchez Junior College - e: National Jewish Coalition - e: National Joint Committee - e: National Joint Council - e: National Judicial College - e: National Junior College - e: New Jersey Central Railroad - e: Newton Junior College - e: Norfolk Junior College

NjBern e: Bernardsville Library Association, Bernardsville NjBlHi e: Historical Society of Bloomfield, Bloomfield

NJCAA e: National Job Corps Alumni Association - e: National Junior College Athletic Association NjCaHi e: Camden County Historical Society, Camden NJCAPT&C e: National Joint Council for Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical Staff NjCaRD e: Radio Corp. of America, Communications Systems Division, Camden NjCarpD e: E. L Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Carney's Point Development Laboratory, Carney's Point NjCaUR e: Union Reporter, Camden NJCBI e: National Joint Council for the Building Industry NJCC e: National Joint Computer Conference - e: National Joint Computers] Committee - e: National Joint Consultative Committee [of Architects Quantity Surveyors and Builders] - e: Northeastern Junior College of Colorado NJCCA e: National Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association NJCCC e: New Jersey Casino Control Commission NJCCOE e: Nordic Joint Committee of Commercial and Office Executives

NjBIS e: Shering Corp., Bloomfield

NJCDE e: Nordic Joint Committee for Domestic Education

NjBlW e: Westinghouse Electric Corp., Lamp Division, Bloomfield

N.J.C.D.L. e: National Joint Council for Dock Labour

NjBorHi e: Bordentown Historical Society, Bordentown

NJCEC e: NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Joint CommunicationsElectronics Committee

NjAcP e: Press Publishing Co., Atlantic City NJACU e: New Jersey Association of Colleges and Universities NJAG e: National Jewish Artisans Guild NJAIC e: New Jersey Asparagus Industry Council NJAIS e: New Jersey Association of Independent Schools

NjBorL e: Lorraine Publishing, Inc., Bordentown

NJCF e: National Juvenile Court Foundation - e: New Jersey Conservation Foundation

NjBu e: Library Co. of Burlington, Burlington NjBuHi e: Burlington County Historical Society, Burlington NjButA e: Argus Printing & Publishing Co., Butler

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NJCHC e: National Joint Council for Handicapped Children NjChJ e: Jewish Federation of Camden County, Cherry Hill


NjChSN NjChSN e: Suburban Newspaper Group, Cherry Hill

NjEbS e: Sentinel Publishing Co., East Brunswick

NjCIifP e: Clifton Publishing Co., Clifton

NjEdE e: Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp.

NJCIRM e: National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine NJCL e: National Junior Classical League NJCLAFB e: National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire Brigades NJCLD e: National Joint Committee for Learning Disabilities NJCLE e: Institute for Continuing Legal Education, New Jersey NjClifPE e: Post Eagle Publishing Co., Clifton NjClpP e: Palisades Printing Corp., Cliffside Park NJCMS e: New Jersey Chamber Music Society NjCoC e: Collingswood Publishing Co., Collingswood NJCRAC e: National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council NjCrHi e: Cranford Historical Society, Cranford

NJGS e: New Jersey Geological Survey NJGSC e: National Jewish Girl Scout Committee NJH e: National Jewish Hospital

NjEliCoC e: Union County Clerk, Elizabeth NjEncL e: Thomas J. Lipton, Inc., Englewood Cliffs

NJHA e: National Junior Horticultural Association - e: New Jersey Hospital Association

NjEoV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, East Orange

NjHamN e: News Publishing Co., Hammonton

NJerC e: Long Island Association of Commerce and Industry, Jericho

NjHanS e: Sandoz, Inc., Hanover

NJerS e: Staff Supermarket Associates, Inc., Jericho NjEwJJ e: Johnson & Johnson Dental Product Co., East Windsor NJF a: Nordiske Jordbrugsforskeres Forening - N: Nordiske Jordbrugsforskeres Forening - r: Nordiska Journalistforbundet NJFA e: National Justice Foundation of America NJFD e: Notices of Judgment, United States Food and Drug Administration NjFdA e: United States Army, Special Services Post Library, Fort Dix

NjHarN e; Diamond Shamrock Corp., Harrison NjHarR e: Radio Corp. of America, Electronics Division, Harrison NjHawD e: Dodds Publishing Co., Hawthorne NjHawrP e: Hawthorne Press, Inc., Hawthorne NJHC e: National Jewish Hospitality Committee - n: Nederlandse Jeugdherberg Centrale NJHHCC e: National Joint Heavy and Highway Construction Committee

NJFF N: Norges Jeger- og Fiskerforbund

NjHHi e: Historical Society of Haddonfield, Haddonfield

NjFlHi e: Hunterdon County Historical Society, Flemington

NjHi e: New Jersey Historical Society, Newark

NJCSA e: National Juvenile Court Service[s] Association

NjFmE-TD e: United States Army, Electronics Command, Technical Documents Branch, Fort Monmouth

NjHibP e: High Bridge Painting Co., High Bridge

NJCSE e: National Jewish Civil Service Employees

NjFmS e: United States Army, Signal School, Fort Monmouth

NJCW e: New Jersey College for Women

NjFpEx e: Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Engineering Information Center, Florham Park

NjCrU e: Union College, Cranford NJCS e: National Jewish Committee on Scouting

NjHigN e: NL Industries, Inc., Hightstown

NJDA e: National Juvenile Detention Association - e: New Jersey Dental Association

NJFR e: National Joint Fiction Reserve

NJDEP e: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

NjFrHi e: Monmouth County Historical Association, Freehold

NJDEPE e: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy

NjFrS e: Schreiber Publishing Co., Freehold

NJ His S e: New Jersey Historical Society. Proceedings NJ His S Col e: New Jersey Historical Society. Collections NJHis[t]S e: New Jersey Historical Society. Proceedings NJ Hist Soc e: New Jersey Historical Society NJH/NAC e: National Jewish Hospital/ National Asthma Center

NjFvW e: West New Yorker, Inc., Fairview NJDL e: New Jewish Defense League

NjHoGF e: General Foods Corp., Hoboken NJG e: Glassboro State College, Glassboro

NJDOT e: New Jersey Department of Transportation

N.J.G. n: Nederlandse Jeugdgemeenschap

NJDP e: National Job Development Program

NjGaB e: Beigen Gazette, Inc., Garfield

NjDPA e: United States Army, Armament Research and Development Command, Science and Technical Library, Dover Site Dover

NjGaS e: Glassboro State College, Glassboro

NJHS e: National Junior Honor Society - e: New Jersey Historical Society [Proceedings]

NJGFE e: Nordic Joint Group for Forest Entomology

NJHSA e: New Jersey Health and Sanitary Association

Nj-E e: New Jersey State Library, Department of Education, Trenton

NjGiD e:E. L Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Eastern Laboratory Library, Gibbstown

NJHSP e: New Jersey Historial Society. Proceedings

NJEA e: New Jersey Education Association

NjGlriA e: Associated Technical Services, Inc., Glen Ridge

NJHS[P] e: New Jersey Historical Society. Proceedings

NjGrHi e: Cumberland County Historical Society, Greenwich

NJI n: Nederlandsch Jeugdleiders Instituut

NjEbGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, East Brunswick Stake Branch



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NjHolB e: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Technical Information Library, Holmdel

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NJPS NJIC e: National Joint Industrial Council NJII e: New Jersey, Indiana & Illinois Railroad Co.

NjMD-T e: Drew University, Theological School, Madison

NjOW e: Worrall Publications, Inc., Orange NJP e: National Jury Project

NjMF e: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison

NjP e: Princeton University, Princeton

NjMHi e: Madison Historical Society, Madison

NjPA e: American Cyanamid Co., Agricultural Division, Princeton

NjMilvHi e: Wheaton Historical Association, Millville

NJPA e: National Juice Products Association - e: New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association

NjMoAT e: American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Morristown Corporate Marketing Library, Morristown

NjParkHi e: Pascack Historical Society and Museum, Park Ridge

NJIS e: National Jewish Information Service N JIT e: New Jersey Institute of Technology NJJ e: Jersey City State College NjJacP e: Jackson Township Publishing Co., Jackson NJJB n: Nederlandsch Joodsche Jongeren Bond NjJS e: Jersey City State College NJK e: Kean College of New Jersey, Union

NjMoHP e: Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown NjMorR e: Radio Corp. of America, Missile and Surface Radar Division, Moorestown

N.J.K. r: Nylandska Jaktklubben NjKWT e: Western Electric Co., Kearny NJL e: New Jersey State Library, Trenton

NjMouHi e: Mountain Lakes Historical Society, Mountain Lakes NjMovL e: Lehn & Fink Products Co., Montvale

NJLA e: New Jersey Library Association

NjParkP e: Pascack Publications Corp., Park Ridge NjPasCS e: Catholic Sokol Printing Co., Passaic NjPatPHi e: Passaic County Historical Society, Paterson NjPauS e: Mobil Research & Development Corp., Paulsboro

NJMP e: New Jersey Marine Police

NJPBA e: New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority

NjLaHi e: Lake Hopatcong Historical Society, Lake Hopatcong

NJMR a: Nordisk Verbane Musik Rad

NJPC e: National Joint Practices Commission

NjLakhM e: Manchester Publishing Co., Lakehurst

NjMuA e: Air Reduction Co., Inc., Central Research Department Library, Murray Hill

NJPDDATC e: National Joint Painting, Decorating, and Drywall Apprenticeship and Training Committee

NJLC e: National Juvenile Law Center

NjMuB e: Hell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill

NjLhP e: Pennysaver Publishing Co., Lake Hiawatha NjLmEx e: Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Company and Literature Information Center Library, Linden NjLinEx-M e: Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Medical Researc h Library, Linden

NjMuhHi e: Harrison Township Historical Society, Mullica Hill NJ Mun Ct e: New Jersey Municipal Court NJN n: Nederlandsche Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie NjNA e: United States Attorneys Office, Law Library, Newark

NjLpBHi e: Heavertown Historical Society, Lincoln Park

NJNB e: New Jersey National Corp.

NjLyoV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Lyons

NjNbSI e: Squibb-Beechnut, Inc., New Brunswick

NJM e: Montclair State College, Upper Monte lair - e: National Jewish Monthly - e: New Jewel Movement

NjNetSHi e: Sussex County Historical Society, Newton NjNhBHi e: Bergen County Historical Society, North Hackensack

N.J.M. e: New Jewel Movement NJMA e: National Jail Managers Association NjManhT e: Times Beacon Co., Manahawkin NjMapW e: Worrall Publishing Co., Maplewood NjMatHi e: Madison Township Historical Society, Matawan

NjNpHi e: New Providence Historical Society, New Providence

NjPeT e: Times Advertising Printing Co., Pemberton NjPF e.-FMC Corp., Princeton NjP-G e: Princeton University, Gest Library, Princeton NJPGA e: New Jersey Personnel and Guidance Association NJPHA e: National Junior Polled Hereford Association NJPHC e: National Junior Polled Hereford Council NjPHi e: Historical Society of Princeton, Princeton NjPJ e: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Library, Princeton NjPlaSDB e: Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society, Plainfield

NjNuH e: Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Scientific Library, Nutley

NjPM e: Mobil Research & Development Corp., Central Research Division Library, Princeton

NjNuHi e: Nutley Historical Society, Nutley

NJPMB e: Navy Jet-Propelled-Missile Board

NJNY e: New Jersey & New York R. R.

NjPoR e: Richard Stockton State College, Pomona

N.J.O. e: National Juvenile Organization NJMC e: National Jewish Music Council

NjPP e: Princeton Packet, Inc., Princeton NjOaS e: Shore Publishers, Inc., Oakhurst

NjMcUSAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, McGuire Air Force Base NjMD e: Drew University, Madison NJMDC e: NORAD Joint Manual Direction Center

NjOrdB e: Burns & Roe, Inc., Oradell

NjP-Pop e: Princeton University, Office of Population Research, Princeton

NJosnU e: United Health Services, Wilson Hospital, Johnson City

NjPRCA e: Radio Corporation of America, Laboratories Division, Princeton

NjOtR e: Fleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan

NJPS e: National Jewish Population Study

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NjPTT NjPTT e: Town Topics, Inc., Princeton

NJSDC e: New Jersey State Data Center

N.J.T.C. e: National Joint Training Committee

NjPW e; Western Electric Co., Inc., Engineering Research Center, Princeton

NjSEA e: New Jersey Society of Enrolled Agents

NjTCP e: Commercial Printing Co., Trenton

NjPwAT e: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Resource Center, Piscataway

NJ Sess Law Serv e: New Jersey Session Law Service

NjTeaF e: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck

NjPwC e: Colgate-Palmolive Co., Technical Information Center Piscataway

NjSewHi e: Washington Township Historical Society, Sewell

NJTL e: National Junior Tennis League

NJR e: New Jersey Resources Corp.

NJSGA e: National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association

NjTS e: Trenton State College NjR e: Rutgers-[The] State University, New Brunswick NJRA e: NJR [National Juvenile Restitution] Association NjRahB e: Bauer Publishing & Printing Ltd., Rahway NjRarO e: Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Raritan NJRC e: National Jewish Resource Center NjRdR e: Riverdale PublishingCo., Riverdale NjR-L e: Rutgers-[The] State University, Rutgers-Camden School of Law, Camden NJROTC e: Naval Junior Reserve Officers] Training Corps

NjSGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Caldwell Branch, Summit NJSHS e: National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium - e: New Jersey State Horticultural Society NJSN e: National Job Sharing Network NJSNA e: New Jersey State Nurses Associaton NJSNA News[l] e: NJSNA [New Jersey State Nurses Association] Newsletter NJSO e: National Jazz Service Organization - e: New Jersey Symphony Orchestra NjSoaP e: South Amboy Publishing Co., South Amboy

NjTSch e: Schweats, Inc., Trenton NJU e: Nordic Judo Union - e: Northern Jiaotong University - N: Nordisk Judo Union - r: Nordiska Järnvägsmannaunionen NjU e: Union Township Public Library, Union NjUbl e: International Flavors & Fragances, Inc., Union Beach NjUc e: Union City Free Public Library, Union City NjUcD e: Dispatch, Union City NjUcS e: Shield, Union City NjUcSM e; Saint Michaels Passionist Monastery, Union City NJUG e: National Joint Utilities Group

NjR-S e: Rutgers-[The] State University, College of South Jersey, Camden

NjSoE e: Ethicon, Inc., Somerville

NjRuB e: Becton, Dickinson & Co., Rutherford

NjSoHR e: Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Somerville

NjUN e: Kean College of New Jersey, Union

NjRuF e: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford

NjSomHi e: Atlantic County Historical Society, Somers Point

NjUpM e: Montclair State College, Upper Montclair

NJRW e: New Jersey Reformatory for Women

NjSooS e: Seton Hall University, South Orange

NjUpM-C e: China Institute of New Jersey , Montclair State College, Upper Montclair

NjRwPHi e: Paramus Historical and Preservation Society, Ridgewood

NjSooS-L e: Seton Hall University, Law Library, Newark

NjUS e: Suburban Publishing Co., Union

NJS e: Norwegian Bankers Association. Financial Review - e: Stockton State College, Pomona - n: Nationale Jeugdstorm in NederlandschIndie - r: Nordiska Järnvägsmannasällskapet

NjSopA e: American Smelting & Refining Co., Research Department Library, South Plainfield

NjUJ e: Jewish Community News, Union

NJSA e: New Jersey Student Association NjSalHi e: Salem County Historical Society, Salem

NJV n: Nationaal Jongeren Verbond - n: Nederlandsch Jongelings-Verbond - n: Nederlandse Juristen-Vereniging

NjSopP e: PAMCAM, Inc., South Plainfield

NJVGA e: National Junior Vegetable Growers Association

NjSoVA e: United States Veterans Administration Supply Depot, Somerville

NjVHi e: Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, Vineland

NJSP e: New Jersey State Police

NJVMA e: New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association

NjSalS e: Sunbeam Publishing Co., Salem

NJSPE e: New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers

NJSBA e: New Jersey School Boards Association

NJSPLS e: New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors

NJSBAQ e: New Jersey State Bar Association. Quarterly

NJSPS e: New Jersey Society of Professional Surveyors

NJSBTA Ops e: New Jersey State Board of Tax Appeals, Opinions

NjSpW e: Western Electric Co., Springfield

NJW d: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift NJWB e: National Jewish Welfare Board NjWdHi e: Gloucester County Historical Society. Woodbury Nj WetW e: Wyck off Printing Co., Westfield

NJST e: New Jersey Steel Corp. NjSC e: Ciba Pharmaceutical Co., Research Library, Summit NJSCO e: New Jersey Steel Corporation

NjStR e: Recorder Publishing Co., Stirling NJT e: National Jewish Television - e: Trenton State College

NJSD e: National Joint Service Delegate - e: National Joint Service Delegation^]



· Säur, München

NjWF e: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Wayne NjWhiB e: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Technical Information Library, Whippany NjWoE e: Edison National Historic Site, West Orange

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NKS NJWPC e: National Jobs with Peace Campaign

NKDF e: National Kidney Disease Foundation

NKIF N: Norsk Kommunale Ingeniorveseners Förening

NjWwP e: National Association of Precancel Collectors, Wildwood

NKDP e: New Korea Democratic Party

NKil e: International Business Machines Corp.

NKDR e: National Key Deer Refuge NJY e: Newjay Resources Ltd. - e: York College of the City University of New York, Jamaica

NKe d: Normenausschuß Kerntechnik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V.

NKII e: Kwame N'Krumah Ideological Institute NKIN e: Nankin Express, Inc.

NJZ e: New Jersey Zinc Co. NK c: Narodopisny Kabinet - d: Nationalkomitee „Freies Deutschland" - d: Nomenklaturkommission [der Deutschen Anatomischen Gesellschaft] - d: Nutzkoeffizient - e: National Air Express Sudan - e: North Korea - g; Neon Komma -/· Nihon Kyosanto -/· Nippon Kaiji Kyokai - n: Nieuwe Koers-Jongerenorganisatie van de Partij van de Arbeid - N: Nordiska Kompaniet - P: Instytut Wydawniczy „Nasza Ksifgarnia" - P: Naczelny Komitet - r: Navigationsklubben - r: Nordiska Kemistradet - r: Normkommitte - S: Narodna Knjiznjica NKÄ a: Nordisk Kontaktorgan for Atomenergisporgsmal - e: National Khmer Aviation - e: National Kindergarten Association - n: Nederlandse Katholieke Arbeidersbeweging NKÄBEA e: National Korean American Bilingual Educators Association

NKE e: Nike, Inc. Class B - e: Nortek Capital Corp.

NKipM e: United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point

NKendOHi e: Orleans County Historical Society, Kendall NKES d: Nationales Komitee für Elitesport NKEWA e: New Kuban Education and Welfare Association NKF e: National Kidney Foundation - n: Nationaal Krisisfonds - n: Nederlandse Kabelfabrieken - N: Nordisk Konstforbund - N: Norsk Kommunearbeiderforbund - N: Norsk Komponistforening N.K.F. a: Nordiske Kunstnerforbund - d: Norddeutsche Kugellagerfabrik GmbH - d: Norddeutsche Kühlerfabrik AG - r: Nordiska Kirurgisk Förening - r: Nordiska Konstförbundet NKFD d: Nationalkomitee „Freies Deutschland" NKF-DOQI e: National Kidney FoundationDialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative NKFO r: Nordisk Kollegium for Fysisk Oceanografi

NKAF e: North Korean Air Force NKAL N: Norske Kvinnelige Akademikers Landforbund NKB n: [Commissie] Nationaal Kampioenschap Bloemschikken voor Amateurs N.K.B. n: Nationaal Koninklijke Beweging - n: Nederlandse Kegel Bond - n: Nederlandse Konijnenfokker Bond - n: Nederlandse Korfbal Bond - n: Nederlandse Krachtsport Bond - n: Nederlandse Kruideniers Bond NKBA e: National Kitchen and Bath Association NKBK e: Connecticut Bancorp, Inc. N.K.B.K. n: Nationale Käs van het Beroepskrediet

N.K.J.K. n: Nederlandse Katholieke Journalistenkring

NKFTA e: National Kosher Food Trade Association N.K.F.V. N: Norske Kvinners Frivillige Verneplikt N.K.G. d: Neue Kinematographische Gesellschaft - e: New Kenya Group NKGB R: Narodnyj Komitet Gosudarstvennyj Besopastnost

N.K.J.V. n: Nederlandse Katholieke Journalisten Vereniging NKK c: Närodni Kulturni Komise - d: Norddeutsche Kundenkreditbank AG - H: Nepkönyvtäri Központ -/· Nippon Kaiji Kyokai - N: Nordiske Kulturkommisjon - N: Nordkalottkomiteen - r: Nordiska Kulturkommissionen - r: Norrköpings Kappsimningsklubb N.K.K.K. n: Nationale Kunstkapperskring NKL e: New Kelore Mines Ltd. - N: Norges Kooperative Landsforening - P: Naczelny Komitet Ludowy N.K.L.F. N: Norske Kvinnelige Lasgers Förening NKM e: University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte - r: Nationella Komitten for Motorbätssport NKMA e: National Knitwear Manufacturers Association NKMB n: Nederlandse Katholieke Middenstandsbond - N: Nordisk Kollegium for Marinbiologi NKMU e: National Kangaroo Monitoring Unit NKN N: Norske Kvinners Nasjonalrad - P: Naczelny Komitet Narodowy NKO e: Nederlandse Kalibratie Organisatie

NKGCF d: Nationales Komitee fur Global Change Forschung NKGCFNROOECDOIESADC d: Nationales Komitee fur Global Change Forschung

NKOA e: National Knitted Outerwear Association NKOJ se: Nacionalni Komitet Oslobodjenja Jugoslavije

NKGG d: Nationales Komitee für Geodäsie und Geophysik [der Bundesrepublik Deutschland]

N.K.P. e: New Kenya Party

NKH a: Nordisk Komite for Handelsundervisning

NKPA e: National Kraut Packers Association - e: North Korean People's Army

NKHA e: National Kerosene Heater Association

NKpaH e: Kings Park State Hospital, Kings Park

NKI e: Nash-Kelvinator International - H: Növenyvedelmi Kutato Intezet - n: Norens Korrespondensinstitut - n: Vereniging de Nederlandse Koeltechnische Industrie - r: Nordiska Korrespondenzinstitutet

NKR N: Nordisk Konservatorierad

NKP N: Norges Kommunistiske Parti

NKC e: National Kidney Centre NKCA e: National Kidney Cancer Association - e: National Kitchen Cabinet Association - e: National Knife Collectors Association NKCF e: National Kerato-Conus Foundation NKCP e: North Kalimantan Communist Party NKD c: Nejvyssi Kontrolni Dvur

NKS a: Nordisk Kirkeligt Studierad - n: Nederlandse Katholieke Sportbond - N: Nordisk Kernesikkerhedsforskning - N: Norge Kjemisk Selskap

NKDB d: Nationale Klimadatenbank

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


N.K.S. - N: Norske Kvinneorganisasj oners Samarbeidsnemnd - n: Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening - r: Nordiska Kvinnosaksforeningars Samorgaisation N.K.S. N: Norsk Kjemisk Selskap NKSA e: National Knitwear and Sportswear Association - e: Newsletter. Kafka Society of America N.K.S.F. N: Norsk Kvinnesaksforening NKSO R: Narodnyj Komissariat Social'nego Obespeeenija NKSU N: Nordens Konservative Studentunion

NL d: Nationale Liga - d: Nationale Liste - d: Norddeutscher Lloyd - d: Normenausschuß Luftfahrt - d: Normenstelle Luftfahrt - e: National Laboratory - e: National Lakeshore - e: National League [of Professional Baseball Clubs] - e: National Liberal - e: National Library [of Canada] - e: Navy League [of the United States] - e: Navy Library - e: Netherlands - e: New London - e: NL Industries, Inc. - e: North Lancashire Regiment - e: Numerical Laboratory Nl e: National

NKT d: Normenausschuß Kommunale Technik im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Kakapo Team NKTAD e: Journal. Gyeongsang National University. Natural Sciences NKU a: Nordisk Kontaktorgan for Udenrigsbyggeri NKU c: Nejvyssi Kontrolni Ufad NKU e: Nakusp Resources Ltd. NKUDIC e: National Kidney and Urologie Diseases Information Clearinghouse NKUF N: Norges Kristelige Ungdomsforbund NKV d: Verband der niedergelassenen Nichtkassenärzte Deutschlands N.K.V. d: Nationaler Krankenversicherungsverein - n: Nederlands Katholiek Vakverbond NKVD R: Narodnyj Komissariat Vnutrennich Del NKVR c: Närodni Komitet pro Vedeckou Radiotechniku NKW P: Naczelny Komitet Wykonawczy [Zjednoczonego Stronnictwa Ludowego] - P: Narodowe Komitety Walki - P: Narodowy Komitet Wyzwolenia NKW PSL P: Naczelny Komitet Wykonawczy Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego NKW SD P: Naczelny Komitet Wykonawczy Stronnictwa Demokratycznego NKW SL P: Naczelny Komitet Wykonawczy Stronnictwa Ludowego N. Ky. L. Rev. e: Northern Kentucky Law Review N Ky St LF e: Northern Kentucky State Law Forum

N.L. e: National Library - e: Native Levies - e: Navy League - e: North Library N-L e: New York State Library, Law Library, Albany NLA d: National-Liberale Aktion - e: National Laboratory Accreditation Service - e: National Land Agency - e: National Landscape Association - e: National Leather Association - e: National Leukemia Association - e: National Liberal Alliance - e: National Liberation Army - e: National Librarians Association - e: National Libraries Authority - e: National Library Act - e: National Library of Australia - e: National Library of Canada, Cataloguing Branch - e: National Lime Association - e: National Limousine Association - e: National Locksmiths Association - e: Nebraska Library Association - e: Nevada Library Association - e: New Libertarian Alliance - e: Newfoundland Library Association - e: Nigerian Library Association - e: Northwestern Lumbermen's] Association - N: Norges Lasreravholdslag - r: Nöringslivets Arkivrad NL-A n: National LuchtvaartlaboratoriumAmsterdam NLAA e: National Legal Aid Association NLAB e: National Laboratory Accreditation Bureau NLABS e: Natick Laboratories NLAC e: National Landcare Advisory Committee - e: National Listen America Club NLA[&]DA e: National Legal Aid and Defender Association NLADA Brief e: National Legal Aid and Defender Association Brieficase

NKZ d: Netzkontrollzentrale - d: Netzkontrollzentrum - d: Neues Kreuzberger Zentrum

NLAE e: National Laboratory for the Advancement of Education

NK ZSL P: Naczelny Komitet Zjednoczonego Stronnictwa Ludowego

NLAES e: National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologie Survey



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NL-A-Fußball d: Nationalliga-AFußballmeisterschaft NLANR e: National Laboratory for Applied Networking Research NLAP e: National Laboratory Audit Program NLAPS e: National Landsat Archive Production Sytem NLAPW e: National League of American Pen Women NLAS e: National Laboratory Accreditation Service - e: National Lum and Abner Society NLB a: Nordiske Landes Bokforlag - d: Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek - e: National Labor Board - e: National Library for the Blind - e: National Library of Canada, Locations Division - e: National Lighting Bureau - e: Northern Lighthouse Board - H: Nepköztärsasäg Lefelsö Birosäga N.L.B, e: National Labor Board - e: National League of the Blind - e: National Library for the Blind NLBA e: National Lead Burning Association - e: National League of Band Associations - e: National Licensed Beverage Association NLBC e: National Livestock Brand Conference NLBD e: National League of the Blind and Disabled NLBI e: National League of the Blind of Ireland NLBK e; National Loan Bank NLBMDA e: National Lumber and Building Materials] Dealers Association NLBRA e: National Little Britches Rodeo Association NLC e: Nalco Chemical Co. - e: National Laboratory Center - e: National Laboratory Consortium - e: National Lawyers Club - e: National Lead Chemicals - e: National Leadership Committee - e: National Leadership Council - e: National League for/of Cities - e: National Leathersellers College - e: National Legislative Conference - e: National Legislative Council - e: National Liberal Club - e: National Liberation Committee - e: National Liberation Council - e: National Liberty Committee - e: National Libraries Committee - e: National Library of Canada - e: National Library of China - e: National Lifeguard Championships - e: National Location Code - e: National Logistical Command - e: National Lutheran Council - e: Negro Labor Committee - e: Network Language Center - e: New Liberal Club - e: New Orleans and Lower Coast Railroad Company

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NLI - e: News and Letters Committee - e: Northern Land Council - e: Northern Libraries Colloquy

- e: Newfoundland and Labrador Development Corporation NLDM e: Network Logical Data Manager

N.L.C. e: National Liberal Club - e: New Orleans and Lower Coast Railroad Company NLCA e: Norwegian Lutheran Church of America NLCAA e: National Little College Athletic Association NLCAB e: National Library of Canada Advisory Board NLCACBC e: National League of Cuban American Community-Based Centers NLCC e: National Latino Communications Center - e: National Library Clearing Centre - e: NORTHAG Logistics Command Center NLCD e: National Land Cover Dataset - e: National Liberation Council Decree NLCF e: National Livestock Cooperatives Federation NLCH e: National Legislative Council for the Handicapped NLCIF e: National Light Castings Ironfounders' Federation NLCM e: National Lutheran Campus Ministry NLCMDD e: National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled N.L.C.N.I. e: National Liberation Committee of Northern Italy NLCOA e: National Leadership Coalition on AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] NLCPI e: National Legal Center for the Public Interest NLCS e: National Computer Systems, Inc. - e: National League Championship Series - e: National Lutheran Commission on Scouting - e: Nordic Leather Chemists Society - e: North London Collegiate School for Girls

NLDN e: National Lightning Detection Network NLDP e: National Launch Development Program - e: National Liberal Democratic Party NLDS e: National Lightning Detection System NLDV e: National League of Disabled Voters

NLGAWVA e: National Legion of GreekAmerican War Veterans in America NLGDA e: National Lawn and Garden Distributors Association NLGDB e: National Local Government Boundary Database

NLEA e: National Lumber Exporters Association - e: Nutrition Labeling and Education Act

NLGHA e: National Lesbian and Gay Health Association

NLEC e: National Law Enforcement Council - e: National Lutheran Educational Conference - e: National Lutheran Educational Council NLEF e: National Legislative Education Foundation - e: National Lupus Erythematosus Foundation NLEMA e: National Lutheran Editors and Managers Association NLEOMF e: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund NLerHi e: LeRoy Historical Society, LeRoy NLETS e: National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System[s] - e: National Law Enforcement Teletype System[s] NLF e: National Fuelcorp Ltd. - e: National Labo[u]r Federation - e: National League of Families [of Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia] - e: National Legal Foundation - e: National Liberal Federation - e: National Liberation Front - e: Nordisk Luftpostsamler Forening

NLGERN e: National Local Government Environmental Resource Network

NLGHF e: National Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation NLGI e: National Lubricating Grease Institute NLGI Number e: National Lubricating Grease Institute Number NLGI Spokesman e: NLGI [National Lubricating Grease Institute] Spokesman NLGLP e: National Laboratory Gene Library Project N.L.G.O.A. e: National and Local Government Officers Association NLGPDC e: National Lawyer's Guild Peace and Disarmament Committee NLGPDS e: National Lawyer's Guild Peace and Disarmament Subcommittee NLGQ e: National Lawyers Guild Quarterly N.L.G.S.M.A. e: National Leather Goods and Saddlery Manufacturers' Association N.L.H. N: Norges Landsbrukshoyskole NLH N: Norges Lantbrukshojskole

NLCSDHRES e: National Labor Committee in Support of Democracy and Human Rights in El Salvador NLCSJ e: National Lawyers Committee for Soviet Jewry

NLFA e: National Lamb Feeders Association - e: National Livestock Feeders Association

NLCWC e: National Lincoln-Civil War Council

NLfB d: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung

NLD e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Launch Director - e: National Legion of Decency - e: Naval Electrical Department

NLFMA e: National Law Firm Marketing Association

NLDC e: National Legal Data Center - e: Native Land Development Corporation

NLGA e: National Lumber Grades Authority - e: National Lumber Grading Agency

NLE e: National Latin Exam - e: National Library for the Environment - e: National Library of Education - e: National Lighting Exposition - e: National Livestock Exchange

N.L.F. e: National Liberal Federation - e: National Liberation Front - n: Nederlandse Landmeetkundige Federatie - N: Norges Lasrerinneforbund - N: Norges Lotteforbund

NLDA e: National Livestock Dealers Association - e: National Luggage Dealers Association

NLG d: Normenausschuß Länge und Gestalt - e: National Gas & Oil Corp. - e: National Lawyers' Guild - e: National Library of Greece - e: Netherlands Guilder[s] - e: North Louisiana & Gulf Railroad Co. - e: Numismatic Literary Guild

NLFPA e: National Liberation Front Party Apparatus NLFR N: Nordisk Laederforskningsräd NLFSV e: National Liberation Front of South Vietnam

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NLHA e: National Leased Housing Association NLHE e: National Laboratory for Higher Education NLHP e: National Literacy and Health Program NLHRSA e: National Left-Handers Racquet Sports Association NLI e: National Landscape Institute - e: National Lead Incorporated - e: National Lead Industries - e: National Leadership Institute - e: National Library of India - e: National Library of Ireland - e: National Lifeboat Institution - e: National Limestone Institute - e: National Localities Index


N.L.I. - e: Natural Language Interface - e: New Leaders Insatiate - e: Newmark & Lewis, Incorporated - e: Norwegian Institute of Local History - n: Nederlandsch Luchtvaart Instituut - N: Norsk Lokalhistorisk Institutt

NLMA e: National Lumber Manufacturers Association - e: Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association

N.L.I, e: National Library of Ireland - e: National Lifeboat Institution

N.L.M.B. e: Natsopa London Machine Branch

NLIC e: National Landslide Information Center

NLM-BCN e: National Library of MedicineBiomedical Communications Network

NLicL e: LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York, Long Island City

NLMC e: National Labor Management Council - e: National League of Masonic Clubs - e: National Library of Medicine. Current Catalog - e: Nordic Labour Market Committee - e: North Lily Mining Company

NLockNHi e: Niagara County Historical Society, Lockport NLOGF e: National Lubricating Oil and Grease Federation

NLMB e: National Livestock and Meat Board NLOGM e: Navy Liaison Office for Guided Missiles NLOMA e: National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association NLON e: New London, Inc.

NLicP e: PepsiCo., Inc., Research Library, Long Island NLIHC e: National Low Income Housing Coalition NLIN e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Library and Information Network NLIS d: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Imissionsschutz - e: National Land Information Service - e: National Lesbian Information Service

NLMF e: National Labor-Management Foundation NLMFA e: No-Load Mutual Fund Association NLM News e: National Library of Medicine. News NLMOC e: Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Center

NLOS e; Non-Line of Sight NLouvGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Albany New York Stake Branch, Loudonville NLP b: Narodnoliberalna Partiia - d: Niedersächsische Landespartei - e: National Land for People - e: National Landcare Plan - e: National Landcare Program - e: National Language Policy - e: National League of Postmasters [of the United States] - e: National Liberal Party - e: National Liberation Party - e: National Productivity Review - e: National Realty Ltd. - e: Natural Language Processing - e: Nigerian Labor Party - r: Sorrbottens Läns Producentförening

NLISA e: National League of Insured Savings Associations

NLMS e: Navy Logistics Management School

NLITA e: Nepal Leather Industry and Traders Association

NLM SIS e: National Library of Medicine Specialized Information Services

NLJ e: National Law Journal - e: New Law Journal

NLM Tech Bull e: National Library of Medicine. Technical Bulletin

N.L.P. e: National Labour Party - e: National Liberal Party - e: National Liberation Party - e: Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLJB n: Nederlandsch Luthersche Jongelings Bond

NLMWT e: National Liberation Movement of Western Togoland -/· Mouvement de Liberation Nationale du Togo Occidental

NLPAD e: Natural Language Processing of Patient Discharge

NLJ/DCM e: National Library Jerusalem: Department of Collections and Manuscripts N.L.J.U. e: New Liberal Jewish Union NLK d: Niederrheinische Licht- und Kraftwerke AG

NLN e: National League for Nursing - e: National Library Network - e: National Lymphedema Network - e: Northwest Missouri Library Network

NLPBC e: National League of Professional Baseball Clubs NLPC e: National Lybian Petroleum Company

NLNA e: National Landscape Nurserymen's Association

NLPGA e: National LP [Liquid Petroleum]Gas Association

N.L.N.D.A. e: Nottingham Lace and Net Dressers' Association

NLPGA Times e: National LP [Liquid Petroleum]-Gas Association Times

NLNE e: National League of Nursing Education

NLPI e: National Lampoon, Incorporated - e: National Loss Prevention Institute

NLN News e: NLN [National League for Nursing] News

NLPLG e: National Language Policy Liaison Group

NLLC e: National Labor Law Center

NLNP e: Naujan Lake National Park

NLPM e: National League of Postmasters of the United States

NLL Rev. e: National Lending Library for Science and Technology Review

NLN Publ e: National League for Nursing. Publications

NLLST e: National Lending Library for Science and Technology

NLNZ e: National Library of New Zealand

NLL e: National Lacrosse League - e: National Lending Library [for Science and Technology] - e: National Liberal League - e: Nature Lovers League - e: New Library of Law and Equity - e: New Life League - e: Night Low Level - n: Nationaal Luchtvaart Laboratorium - N: Norsk Logopedlag

NLL Transl Bull e: National Lending Library. Translations Bulletin NLM e: National Language Mediator - e: National Liberal Movement - e: National Liberation Movement - e: National Library of Medicine - n: Nederlands Luchtvaart Maatschappij - r: Norrbottens Läns Museum


NLO e: National Lead of Ohio, Inc. - e: National Liaison Officer - e: National Liberal Organization - e: Naval Liaison Office[r] - e: Neighborhood Law Office[r] - e: NLO, Inc. NLO d: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Ökologie


· Säur, München

NLPNEF e: National Licensed Practical Nurses Educational Foundation NL POW/MIA F e: National League of Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action Families NLPR e: National Laboratory of Psychical Research NLPSA e: National League to Promote School Attendance NLpT e: Tissue Culture Association, Lake Placid

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

N.L.W. NLPTL e: National Lutheran Parent-Teacher League NLQ e: Natural Language Query [Battelle Software Products Center] NLR e: National Aerospace Laboratory - e: National Liquid Reserves Money Market Fund - e: National Review - e: Nolan Resources Ltd. - e: North London Railway Co. - e: North London Railway Company - n: Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium N.L.R. e: North London Railway Co. N-LR e: New York State Library, Legislative Reference Library, Albany NLRA e: National Labor Relations Act - e: National Lakes and Rivers Association

N.L.S. d: Nachschubleitstelle - e: National Library of Scotland NLSA e: National Liquor Stores Association - e: National Lithuanian Society of America - e: National Locksmith Suppliers Association NLSB e: National Land Survey Board - e: National League Service Bureau

NLT e: National Library of Thailand - e: Not Later Than -i: Navigazione Libera Triestina NLTA e: National Lawn Tennis Association - e: National League of Teachers' Associations - e: Nepal Leather and Tanners Association NLTB e: Native Land Trust Board

NLSBA e: National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association

NLTC e: National Livestock Tax Committee

NLS/BPH e: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

NLTCDP e: National Long Term Care Channeling Demonstration Program

NLSC e: National Logistic Support Command - e: National Logistics Supply Center - e: Navy Lockheed Service Center - e: Northeastern Louisiana State College

NLTF e: National Leather Trades Federation

NLSCS e: National League for Separation of Church and State

N.L.T.F. e: National Leather Trades Federation - N: Norsk Landbruksteknisk Forening NLTN e: National Laboratory Training Network

NLSE e: National Livestock Exchange NLRB e: National Labo[u]r Relations Board [Decisions and Orders] - e: National Level Bibliographic Record - e: Newspaper Leases Review Board NLRB Ann Rep e: National Labor Relations Board Annual Report NLRB Dec e: National Labor Relations Board Decisions NLRB Dec CCH e: NLRB [National Labor Relations Board] Decisions. Commerce Clearing House NLRBP e: National Labor Relations Board Professional Association NLRBPA e: National Labor Relations Board Professional Association NLRBU e: National Labor Relations Board Union NLRC e: NASA Lewis Research Center - e: National Land Reform Council NLRCA e: National Lilac Rabbit Club of America NLR[C]CAP e: National Legal Resource Center for Child Advocacy and Protection NLRP e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Long-Range Plan NLS e: Holland Schreiner International Air Training - e: National Language Support - e: National Launch System - e: National Lending Service - e: National Library of Scotland - e: National Library Service [for the Blind and Physically Handicapped] - e: National Longitudinal Surveys [of Labor Market Experience] - e: Native Language Support - e: Natural Law Society - e: Nepal Law Society - e: Noise Line State - e: North Carolina Central University, School of Library Science, Durham - n: Nationale Luchtvaartschool BV

NLSFUNC e: National Language Support Function NLsH e: Frederic R. Harris, Inc., Lake Success

NLTNIF e: National Low-Temperature Neutron Irradiation Facility NLTRA e: National Land Title Reclamation Association NLTSD e: National Times Standard

NLSI e: National Library of Science and Invention - e: Nationwide Legal Services, Incorporated NLS Inc. e: Non-Linear Systems, Incorporated NLSIS e: National Library of Scotland Lending Services NLSL e: North Land Savings & Loan Association

NLTU a: Nordjydsk Lawn Tennis Union - e: New London Training Unit NLU N: Nordisk Lastbil Union NLUCS e: National Land Use Classification System NLUC System e: National Land Use Classification System NLUF e: National Laser Users Facility

NLSLS e: National Library of Scotland Lending Services NLsM e: Medical Society of the State of New York, Lake Success NLSMA e: National Lamp and Shade Manufacturers' Association - e: National Longitudinal Study of Mathematical Abilities NLSMB e: National Live Stock and Meat Board

NLUIS e: Northern Land Use Information Series NLUS e; Navy League of the United States NLUTS e: National Labourers' Union Trade Society NLUUG e: Niederländische UNIX User Group NLV d: Nürnberger Lebensversicherung AG - e: National Language Version

NLSP e: Netware Link Services Protocol NLSPA e: National Live Stock Producers Association NLSPN e: National List of Scientific Plant Names NLSS e: National Life Saving Society - e: Navy Logistics Systems School - e: New London Submarine School

NLVA d: Niedersächsisches Landesvermessungsamt NLVF e: North Las Vegas Facility - e: Norway Agricultural Research Council - N: Norges Landbruksvitenskapelige Forskningsräd NLVP e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Launch Vehicle Planning Program

N.L.S.S. e: National Life Saving Society N.L.S.S.P. id: Nava Lanka Sama Samaja Party

NLVwA d: Niedersächsisches Landesverwaltungsamt

NLSUS e: National Launch System Upper Stage

NLW e: National Lawyers Wives - e: National Library of Wales - e: National Library Week

NLSYM e: National Launch System Model

N.L.W. e; National Library of Wales

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NLWA NLWA d: Niedersächsisches Landesamt fur Wasser und Abfall NLW J[ourn] e: National Library of Wales. Journal NLWP e: National Library Week Program NLWRA e: National Land and Water Resources Audit NLWRAAC e: National Land and Water Resources Audit Advisory Committee NLWRS e: Natural Land and Water Reserves System N.L.W.U. e: National Laundry Workers Union NLWV e: National League of Women Voters NLX e: NLX Resources, Inc. NLYL e: National League of Young Liberals NLyndHi e: Lyndonville Historical Society, Lyndonville NM c: Narodni Museum - d: Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis - d: Normenstelle Marine im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Chief of Naval Material, Department of the Navy - e: National Magazine Co. Ltd. - e: National Match - e: National Media Corp. - e: National Monument - e: National Motor Volunteers - e: National Museum [of the Smithsonian Institution] - e: National Music Council. Bulletin - e: National Mutual - e: Nationalist Movement - e: Netherlands Museum - e: Network Management - e: New Mexico - e: Newbury Motors Ltd. - e: North-Eastern Mortgage Co., Inc. - e: Nuclear Materials and Complex 21 Program Office - H: Nepmüvelesi Miniszterium - N: Norsk Musikerforbund - n: Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland - r: Föreningen Nordiska Mässor - r: Nilsons Maskin AB - r: Nordisk Samarbetskommitte for Materialprovning och -Forskning - r: Nordiska Museet - r: Nutida Musikserien - R: Novyj Mir - S: Narodni Muzej - se: Narodna Milicija Nm e: New Mexico State Library, Santa Fe N.M. e: National Museum - e: Naval Magazine - e: Naval Militia - r: Nordiska Museet

NMA d: Nürnberger Messe- und Ausstellungsgesellschaft mbH - e: Nashville Music Association - e: National Management Association - e: National Management Award - e: National Manufacturers' Association - e: National Marina Association - e: National Market Authority - e: National Meat Association - e: National Medical Association^] - e: National Microfilm Association - e: National Microform Association - e: National Micrographics Association - e: National Midwives Association - e: National Military Authority - e: National Mime Association - e: National Mortgage Association - e: National Motorists Association - e: National Museum of Antiquities in Scotland - e: National Museum of Australia - e: National Museums of Canada - e: National Mustang Association - e: Nationwide Marketing Associate, Inc. - e: NATO Military Authorities - e: Natural Marketing Association - e: Navy Mutual Aid - e: Navy Mutual Aid Association - e: Needle Makers' Association - e: Negligee Manufacturers Association - e: Netherlands Military Administration - e: Network Management Architecture - e: Nigerian Medical Association - e: Noma Industries Ltd. - e: Non-Marine Association - e: Nonprofit Management Association - e: Nordic Midwives Association - e: Northwest Mining Association - e: University of Albuquerque - r: Nordiska Maskinfilt AB

NMAC e: National Medical Advisory Committee - e: National Medical Audiovisual Center [of the National Library of Medicine] - e: National Minority AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] Council - e: Naval Missile and Astronautics Center - e: Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.

N.M.A. d: Nachrichtenmittelabteilung - e: National Motorists Association - e: Needle Makers' Association - e: Non-Marine Association - r: Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv

NMAH e; National Museum of American History

NMAA e: National Machine Accountants Association - e: National Materials Advancement Award - e: National Metal Awning Association - e: National Mobilization Against AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] - e: National Multimedia Association of America - e: National Museum of African Art - e: Navy Mutual Aid Association - e: Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia NmAACF e: ACF Industries, Inc., Albuquerque NmAAF e: United States Air Force, Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque NmAAM e: United States Army, Medical Library, Sandia Base, Albuquerque NMAA Newsletter e: Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia. Newsletter

N&Macn e: Neville and Macnamara's Railway and Canal Cases NMACS e: Nuclear Materials Accounting Cost System NMACT e: Nuclear Materials Accounting Control Team NmADAS e: United States Defense Atomic Support Agency, Sandia Base, Albuquerque NMAF e: National Medical Association Foundation NMAFA e: National Museum of African Art NMAG d: Neue musikalische Arbeitsgemeinschaft - e: Naval Magazine - e: Network Management Ad hoc Group NmAGen e: New Mexico Genealogical Society, Inc., Albuquerque NmAGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Albuquerque Branch, Albuquerque NMah e: Mahopac Library Association, Mahopac

NMAHSTC e: National Museum of American History, Science, Technology and Culture NMA Journal e: National Microfilm Association. Journal NmAL e: Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Albuquerque NMANG e: New Mexico ANG NMAP e: National Metric Advisory Panel - e: Navy Military Assistance Programs NM App e: New Mexico Court of Appeals Nm-Ar e: New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe NMARC e: Navy and Marine Corps Acquisition Review Committee NMAS e: National Map Accuracy Standard[s] - e: National Marine Advisory Service - e: NATO Military Authorities NmAS e: Sandia Corp., Albuquerque

n + m d: Naturwissenschaft und Technik

NMAB e; National Market Advisory Board - e: National Materials] Advisory Board [of the National Academy of Sciences]

NMASE e: New Mexico Alliance for Science Education

N-M e: New York State Library, Medical Library, Albany

NMAB Newsl. e: NMAB Newsletter [of National Materials Advisory Board]

NMASM e: New Mexico Association of Surveyors and Mappers



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NMCMASC NMATP e: Navy Military Assistance Training Program NMATR e: New Mexico Alliance for Transportation Research NmAU e: University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque NMAUS e: Newsprint Manufacturers' Association of the United States NmAVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Albuquerque NMB d: Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank - e: National Mapping Bureau - e: National Marine Board - e: National Maritime Board - e: National Mediation Board - e: National Metric Board - e: National Motel Brokers [organization] - e: National Mutual Benefit - e: Naval Minecraft Base - n: Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank N.V. N.M.B. e: National Maritime Board - e: National Mediation Board - e: Naval Meteorological Branch - n: Nederlandse Meisjes Bond - n: Neo-Malthusiaanse Bond NMBA e: National Marine Bankers Association NMBC e: National Minority Business Campaign - e: National Minority Business Council - e: [The] Merchants Bancorp, Inc. NMBD e: National Minority Business Directories NMBF e: National Manufacturers of Beverage Flavors NMBG e: National Mortgage Bank of Greece NMBLA e: North Midland Branch of the Library Association NMBM&MR e: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources NMBMMR e: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources

- e: National Marine Consultants, Inc. - e: National Maritime Council - e: National Marketing Council - e: National Mastitis Council - e: National Medical Care - e: National Medical Center - e: National Message Center - e: National Metal Congress [and Exposition] - e: National Meteorological Center[s] (or Centre) - e: National Meterological Center - e: National Migrant Clearinghouse - e: National Military Council - e: National Milling Corporation - e: National Mission Centre - e: National Mobility Centre - e: National Mobilization Committee - e: National Motorsports Committee - e: National Mouse Club - e: National Movement of the Congo - e: National Museum of Canada - e: National Museum[s] of Ceylon - e: National Music Camp - e: National Music Council - e: NATO Manual on Codification of Equipment - e: NAVA [National Audio-Visual Association] Materials Council - e: Naval Material Command - e: Naval Medical Center - e: Naval Medical Command - e: Naval Missile Center - e: Naval Mission Center - e: Nebraska Motor Carriers Association, Petroleum Carriers' Conference, Inc., Omaha - e: Network Management Center - e: Network Measurement Center (or Centre) - e: Network Monitoring Center - e: New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts - e: New Middle Class - e: Northern Michigan College - e: Northern Mining Corporation - e: Northern Montana College - e: Northwest Michigan College - e: Not Mission Capable - e: Nuclear Material Convention - e: Nuclear Measurement Corporation - e: Nuclear Metal Conference - e: Numac Oil & Gas Ltd. - e: Numerical Modelling Center - e: Nursery Marketing Council - e: Public Archives of Canada, National Map Collection - n: Nederlandsche Meisjes Club

NMCB e: National Metric Conversion Board - e: National Munitions Control Board - e: National Museum of Canada Bulletin - e: Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

N.M.C. e; Northern Miners'Conference

NMCHC e: National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse

N.M.B.S. e: Naval and Military Bible Society

NMC Bui e: National Music Council. Bulletin NMCC e: NASCOM Management Control Center - e: National Management Career Curriculum - e: National Manpower Coordinating Committee - e: National Map Collection of Canada - e: National Mass Communications Council - e: National Military Command Center - e: Navy-Marine Corps Council - e: Network Management Control Center - e: New Mexico Communicators Council - e: New Mexico Corporation Commission - e: Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition NMCCDDA e: National Model Cities Community Development Directors Association NMCCFCS e: National Museum of Man. Mercury Series. Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies. Papers NMCCIS e: NATO Military Command, Control, and Information System NMCC/MC e: NMCC/Message Center NMCCS e: National Military Command and Control System - e: Navy Manpower Configuration Control System - e: Nuclear Materials Control Computer System NMCDA e: National Model Cities Directors Association NMCEC e: Navy-Marine Corps Exhibit Center NMCES e: National Medical Care Expenditures Survey NMCGB e: National Music Council of Great Britain NMCGRF e: Navy-Marine Corps-Coast Guard Residence Foundation

N&MC e: Navy and Marine Corps NMBS n: National Maatschappij der belgische Spoorwegen NMBT e: New Milford Bank & Trust Co. NM-Bygg r: Nordisk samarbetskomitte for Materialforskning och -provning pä Byggomrdet NMC a: Nordisk Maskinkomite - e: Marine Corps Publications - e: Natal Medical Corps - e: National Magazine Company - e: National Mail Centers, Inc. - e: National Management Council - e: National Manpower Commission - e: National Manpower Council - e: National Manufacturers Code - e: National Map Collection - e: National Mapping Council - e: National Marine Center

NMCA e: National Meat Canners Association - e: National Military Command Authority - e: National Motorcycle Commuter Association - e: National Musclecar Association - e: National Music Camp Association - e: Navy Mothers' Clubs of America NMC&A e: Nuclear Material Control and Accountability

NMC JS e: Naval Member Canadian Joint Staff NMCL e: Navy Missile Center Laboratory NMCLA e: Bethesda Military Librarians Group NmCIA e: United States Air Force, Cannon Air Force Base, Clovis N&MCM e: Navy and Marine Corps Medal

NMCAC e: National Motor Carrier Advisory Committee NMCAF e: Nuclear Material Control and Accountability Handbook NM CAMP e: University Division, National Music Camp, Interlochen

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NMCM e: Navy and Marine Corps Medal - e: Not Mission Capable, Maintenance NMCMASC e: National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series. Archaeological Survey of Canada. Papers


NMCMCES NMCMCES e: National Museums of Canada. National Museum of Man. Mercury Series. Canadian Ethnology Service. Papers NMCMED e: National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series. Ethnology Division. Papers N&MC Medal e: Navy and Marine Corps Medal NMCMSDP e: National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series. Directorate Paper NMCO e: Navy Material Cataloging Office NMCOM e: Naval Material Command NMCP e: National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific - e: Network Management Communication Protocol

- e: National Mapping Division - e: National Medical Care, Inc. - e: National Missile Defence (or Defense) - e: National Museum of Dentistry - e: Naval Mine Depot - e: Nu-Media Industry International N.M.D. e: Naval Manning Department NMDA e: National Marine Distributors Association - e: National Medical and Dental Association - e: National Metal Decorators Association - e: National Midas Dealers Association - e: National Modical and Dental Association - e: National Motor Drivers Association - e: National Motorcycle Dealers Association

NMCPA e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Archaeology NMCPB e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Botany

NMDCEF e: National Medico-Dental Conference for the Evaluation of Fluoridation

NMCPBO e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Biological Oceanography

NMDF e: National Material Development Facility - e: NATO Main Distribution Frame - e: Navy Management Data File

NMCPE e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Ethnology NMCPFC e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Folk Culture NMCPNS e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Natural Sciences NMCPZ e: National Museums of Canada. Publications in Zoology

N.M.E.A. e: Near and Middle East Association NMEBA e: National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association NMEBI e: National Mechanical Engineering Research Institute NMEC e: National Metric Education Center NMED e: Inmed Corp. - e: New Mexico Environment Department NMEF e: Naval Mine Engineering Facility

NMD AS e: Navy Manpower Data Accounting System NMDC e: National Materials Development Center - e: National Medical Device Coalition - e: National Mineral[s] Development Corporation

NmCP e: United States Potash Co., Carlsbad

- e: National Marine Electronics Association - e: Nebraska Music Educators Association

NMDIS e: National Marine Data and Information Service -/· Service National de Donnees et d'Information Marines

NMEFC e: National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (or Centre) -/· Centre National des previsions relatives au milieu marin NMEG e: Nisei Mass Evacuation Group NMEIA e: National Machine Embroidery Instructors Association NMEIAA e: National Machine Embroidery Instructors Association of America NMEIB e: New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board NMEID e: New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division NMEL e: Navy Marine Engineering Laboratory

NMDJ e: Netherlands Milk and Dairy Journal NMDL e: Naval Mine Defense Laboratory - e: Navy Management Data List - e: Navy Mine Defense Laboratory

NMelH e: Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, Inc., Melville NMelS e: Suffolk State School, Melville

NMCRB e: Navy Military Construction Review Board

NMDO e: NTS Support Department

N Mem e: National Memorial

NMCRC e: Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center

NMDOH e: New Mexico Department of Health

NMEN e: National Materials Exchange Network

NMCRL e: Navy Material Cross Reference List

NMDP e: National Marrow Donor Program

NMEP e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Management Engineering Plan

NMCRTC e: Navy [and] Marine Corps Reserve Training Center NMCS e: National Medic-Card Society - e: National Military Command System - e: Navy Mine Countermeasures Station - e: Not Mission Capable, Supply NMCSA e: Navy Material Command Support Activity

NMDRP e: National Military Discharge Review Project NMDS e: National Missile Defense System - e: Naval Mine Disposal School - e: Network and Mission Operations Support - e: New Music Distribution Service NMDU e: Newspaper and Mail Deliverers Union of New York and Vicinity

NMERDI e: New Mexico Energy Research and Development Institute NMERI e: National Mechanical Engineering Research Institute NMES e: National Medical Expenditure Survey - e: Naval Marine Engineering Station

NMDX e: National Medplex Corp. NMCSS e: National Military Command System Standards - e: National Military Command System Support NMCSSC e: National Military Command System Support Center NMCUES e: National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey NMD d: Nahost und Mittelostverein e.V. Rundschreiben - d: Notmütterdienst e.V. - e: NASA Management Delegation


NM Est e: National Military Establishment NMDY e: Normandy Oil & Gas Co. NME e: National Marriage Encounter - e: National Medical Enterprises, Inc. - e: National Military Establishment - e: National Mortgage Exchange - e: Navy Materiel Establishment - e: Non-Market Economy - e: Nonmarket Economies - n: Natuur & Milieu Educatie NMEA e: National Marine Education Association - e: National Marine Educators Association

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NMET e: Naval Mobile Environmental Team - e: Non-medical Education and Training N Mex e: New Mexico N Mex Bur Mines Mineral Resources Bull e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Bulletin N Mex Bur Mines Mineral Resources Mem e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Memoir

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NMIAPO N Mex Ext News N Mex State Univ Agr Ext Serv e: New Mexico Extension News. New Mexico State University. Agricultural Extension Service N Mex State Engineer Office Tech Rept e: New Mexico State Engineer Office. Technical Report

NMFR e: NAPALM [National ADP Program for AMC Logistics Management] Master File Record NMFRL e: Naval Medical Field Research Laboratory NMfS d: Nautische Mitteilungen für Seefahrer

N.Mex.Univ. e: University of New Mexico N Mex Univ B G S e: New Mexico University. Bulletin. Geological Series N Mex Univ Pubs Geology Pubs Meteoritics e: New Mexico University. Publications in Geology. Publications in Meteoritics NMF d: Neue Münchner Fernsehproduktion - d: Neuenfelder Maschinenfabrik GmbH - e: National Marfan Foundation - e: National Marine Fisheries - e: National Medical Fellowship[s] - e: National Microelectronics Facility - e: National Migraine Foundation - e: National Mortgage Fund - e: National Motor Freight Traffic Association Inc. - e: National Myoclonus Foundation - e: Naval Missile Facility - e: Network Management Forum - e: Network Mapping Facilities - e: Neuromuscular Foundation of Western Australia - e: Nonprofit Mailers Federation - N: Nordisk Motivsamler Forbund - N: Norges Markedforingsforbund - N: Norges Merkantile Funksjonasrforbund - N: Norsk Matematisk Forening - N: Norsk Meteorologforening - r: Nordiska Maskinbefalsfederationen - r: Nordiskt Missionsflyg NMFA e: National Master Freight Agreement - e: National Military Family Association - e: National Mineral Feed Association N.M.F.B.A. e: National Master Farriers and Blacksmiths' Association NMFC e: National Motor Freight Classification NMFCR e: National Motor Freight Classification Rules NMFEC e: National Medical Foundation for Eye Care NMFECC e: National Magnetic] Fusion Energy Computer (or Computing) Center NmFGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Farmington Branch, Farmington NMFHG e: National Master Farm Homemakers' Guild - e: National Master Farm Homemakers Guild

NMFS e: National Marine Fisheries Service - e: National Mortality Followback Survey -/· Service national des peches maritimes NMFSL e: National Marine Fisheries Service Laboratories NMFTA e: National Motor Freight Traffic Association NMFWA e: National Military Fish and Wildlife Association NMFWF e: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation NMG e: National Management Game - e: Navy Military Government - e: Neiman-Marcus Group - n: Nederlandsch Meisjesgilde NMGA e: National Military Guidance Association NMGC e: National Marriage Guidance Council NM Geol Soc Annu Field Conf Guideb e: New Mexico Geological Society. Annual Field Conference Guidebook NM Geol Soc Field Conf Guideb e: New Mexico Geological Society. Field Conference Guidebook

N.M.H.C. e: National Material Handling Centre NMHCA e: National Mental Health Consumers' Association NMHCC e: National Managed Health Care Congress NMHCSHC e: National Mental Health Consumer Self Help Clearinghouse NMHF e: National Manufactured Housing Federation - e: National Mental Health Foundation NMHFA e: National Manufactured Housing Finance Association NmHi e: Historical Society of New Mexico, Santa Fe NMHID e: National Mental Health Institute on Deafness NmHORA e: United States Air Force, Office of Research Analyses, Technical Library, Holloman AFB, Albuquerque NMHS e: National Maritime Historical Society - e: National Mental Health Strategy - e: National Meteorologicial and Hydrological Service NMHSA e: National Mine Health and Safety Academy NMHT e: National Museum of History and Technology NMHU e: New Mexico Highlands University NMHUJ e: New Mexico Highlands University. Journal

NM Geol Soc Guideb Annu Field Conf e: New Mexico Geological Society. Guidebook of Annual Field Conference

NMHWMR e: New Mexico Hazardous Waste Management Regulations

NM Geol Soc Spec Publ e: New Mexico Geological Society. Special Publication

NMHWMS e: New Mexico Hazardous Waste Management Society

NMGGA e: Field Conference Guidebook. New Mexico Geological Society

NMI d: Nürnberger Management Institut - e: Minot State College, Minot - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Management Instruction - e: National Macaroni Institute - e: National Maglev Initiative - e: National Maintenance Index - e: National Manpower Institute - e: National Marconi Institute - e: National Maritime Institute - e: National Mutual Insurance - e: Netherlands Maritime Institute - e: New Mexico Military Institute - e: Northeast Midwest Institute - e: Northwest Microfilm, Incorporated - e: Nuclear Metals, Incorporated - n: Nederlands Maritiem Instituut - N: Norske Meteorologiske Institutt

N.M.G.I. e: Nursery and Market Gardens Industries NMGRA e: National Museum and Gallery Registration Association NMH e: New Mexico Highlands University - e: Northwestern Memorial Hospital NMHA e: National Mental Health Association - e: National Minority Health Association - e: National Mobile Home[s] Association

NMFI e: National Master Facility Inventory

N.M.H.A. e: National Mental Health Association

NMFMA e: National Mutual Fund Managers Association

NMHB e: National Materials Handling Bureau

NMFO e: Navy Maintenance Field Office

NMHC e: National Material Handling[s] Center (or Centre) - e: National Multi Housing Council

N.M.I, e: Nobel Medical Institute

NMFPO e: Naval Missile Facility, Point Arguello

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NMIA e: National Meteorological Institute of Athens - e: National Military Intelligence Association NMIAPO e: New Montreal International Airport Project


NMIC NMIC e: National Meat Industry Council - e: National Micronetics, Inc. - e: National Military Information Center - e: National Military Intelligence Center - e: National Missile Industry Conference - e: Navy Management Information System NMICA e: New Mexico Independent College Association NMICC e: National Military Intelligence Collection Center

NMKG d: Neue MUnchener Künstlergenossenschaft NMKL r: Nordisk Metodikkommitte for Livsmedel N.M.K.L. n: Nationale Maatschappij van het IGeine Landeigendom N.M.K.N. n: Nationale Maatschappij voor het ICrediet aan de Nijverheid

NMIMC e: Naval Medical Information Management Center

NML e: Narragansett Marine Laboratory - e: National Magnet Laboratory - e: National Measurement Laboratory - e: National Media Laboratory - e: National Metallurgical Laboratory - e: National Mining Law - e: National Municipal League - e: National Museum Library - e: National Music League - e: National Mutual Life - e: New Mathematical Library - e: New Mexico Legislature - e: Northwestern Mutual Life - e: Northwestern Mutual Life Mortgage - e: University of New Mexico, School of Law, Albuquerque - N: Norske Melkeprodusenters Landsforbund

NMIM[&]T e: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

NMLA e: National Mutual Life Association - e: New Mexico Library Association

NMINC e: New Mexico Industry Network Corporation

NmLaU e: University of New Mexico, Los Alamos

NMIPC e: National Military Intelligence Production Center

NMLCD e: National Medical Library and Center for [Medical] Documentation

NMIRO e: Naval Material Industrial Resources Office

NmLcU e: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

NMIS e: National Military Indications System - e: Naval Manpower Information System - e: Network Medical Information Services - e: Newspaper Mutual Insurance Society, Ltd. - e: Nuclear Materials Information System - e: Nuclear Materials Inspection and Storage - e: Nurse Management Information System

NMLL N: Norske Musiklaereres Landsforbund

NMISC e: National Military Intelligence Support Center - e: Non-ferrous Metals Industry Standards Committee

NMLS e: National Microwave Landing System

NMIC-SS e: National Military Intelligence Center Support System N[MIC]SS e: NMIC [National Military Information Center] Support System NMidpF e.-FMC Corp., Niagara Chemical Division, R and D Library, Middleport NMIHS e: National Maternal and Infant Health Survey NMIL e: New Materiel Introductory Letter

NMMA e: National Macaroni Manufacturers Association - e: National Maintenance Management Association - e: National Marine Manufacturers Association - e: NATO MRCA [Multirole Combat Aircraft] Management Agency NMMC e: National Adult Education Clearinghouse [NAEC]/National Multimedia Center for Adult Education - e: National Map Managers Conference - e: National Marina Manufacturers Consortium N&MMC e: Nevile and Manning's English Magistrates' Cases NMMEA e: New Mexico Music Educators Association NMMFO e: Navy Maintenance Management Field Office NMMFO [E] e: Naval Maintenance Management Field Office [East] NMMHOF e: National Mobile/Manufactured Home Owners Foundation NMMI e: New Mexico Military Institute

NMIST e: National Military Intelligence Support Team NMIT e: New Materiel Introductory Team NMITC e: National Maritime Industry Training Committee - e: Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center

NMLRA e: National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association N.M. L. Rev. e: New Mexico Law Review

NML Technical] J[ournal] e: NML [National Metallurgical Laboratory] Technical Journal NmLvH e: New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas NmLvSH e: New Mexico State Hospital, Las Vegas NMLWDR e: New Mexico Liquid Waste Disposal Regulations

NMIU e: Nordic Meat Industry Union NMJC e: Northeastern Mississippi Junior College - e: Northwest Mississippi Junior College NMJIC e: National Military Joint Intelligence Center NMJL e: National Mah Jongg League NMK e: Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. - N: Norse Marconi Kompani - N: Norsk Motorklubb - r: Nora Motorklubb


NMM e: Division of Nuclear Materials Management - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Management Manual - e: National Maritime Museum - e: National Motorsports Marketing - e: National Museum of Man - e: Nuclear Materials Management - H: Nepjoleti es Munkaugyi Miniszterium - n: Nationale Modelbouw Manifestatie N.M.M. e: National Maritime Museum


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NMMIS e: Naval Materiel Management Information System NMML e: National Marine Mammal Laboratory NMMM[S] e: Navy Maintenance and Material Management System NMMPS e: National Military Message Processor System NMMSA e: NASA Microgravity Materials Science Assessment Task Force - e: National Minority Medical Suppliers Association NMMSN e: National Marine Mammal Stranding Network NMMSS e: Nuclear Material Management Safeguards System NMN d: Neueste Musiknachrichten, Wien - e: NRD Mining Ltd. - P: Niezalezna Mlodziez Narodowa NMNA e: National Male Nurse Association - e: New Mexico Nurses Association NMND e: Naval Magazine and Net Depot NMNFO e: Navy Maintenance Field Office NMNH e; National Museum of National History - e: National Museum of Natural History NMNRU e: Naval Medical Neuropsychiatric Research Unit NMNS e: National Museum of Natural Sciences NMO e: National Mapping Office - e: National Military Objectives - e: National Mobility Office - e: Navy Management Office

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NMS - e: Noble Mines & Oils Ltd. - e: Nordic Master Painters' Organization

- e: Navy Military Personnel Command - e: Niagara Mohawk Power Company

NMOA e: National Mail Order Association - e: National Mobile Office Association

NMPCA e: New Mexico Pesticide Control Act

NMOC e: National Marketing Organisation (or Organization) Committee - e: National Meteorological Operations Centre - e: Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command

NMPD e: Nuclear Materials Production Division

NMODC e: New Mexico Oil Conservation District

NmPE e: Eastern New Mexico University, Portales

NMONA e: National Mail Order Nurserymen's Association

NMPF e: National Milk Producers Federation

NMontrVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose NMOP e: National Mission Operating Procedures NMOSAW e: Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War NMOSU e: Naval Mobile Ordnance Service Unit NMP d: Nahmarkierungspunkt - d: Normen, Mess- und Prüfverfahren - d: Normenausschuss Materialprüfung im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Maintenance Point - e: National Mapping Program - e: National Meter Programming - e: National Military Command System Master Plan - e: National Military Park - e: National Mobilization Program - e: National Municipal Policy - e: Naval Management Program - e: New Millenium Program - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Master Plan - e: Norris Modern Press Ltd. - e: Not My Problem - e: Nuclear Materials Production - e: Nürnberg Military Post - n: Nederlands Middenstands Partij - n: Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Pharmacie - P: Najowi^tsza Maryja Parma NMPA e: National Marine Paint Association - e: National Meat Processors Association - e: National Motorsports Press Association - e: National Music Publishers Association - e: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft - e: New Mexico Philatelic Association N.M.P.A. e: National Marine Paint Association NMPASC e: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Steering Committee NMP ATA e: National Music Printers and Allied Trades Association NMPB e: National Millinery Planning Board NMPC e: National Maintenance Publications Center - e: National Milk Publicity Council - e: National Minority Parchasing Council - e: National Moratorium on Prison Construction - e: Naval Military Personnel Command

NMPDN e: National Materials Property Data Network

NMRB e: National Mutual Royal Bank NMRC e: National Maritime Research Center - e: National Microelectronics Research Center - e: Navy Material Redistribution Center - e: NMR Centers, Inc. NMR[&]DA e: Navy Material Redistribution and Disposition Administration NMRDC e: Naval Medical Research and Development Command NMRDE e: Nuclear Medical Research Detachment Europe

NMPG e: New Mexico Proving Ground

NMR&DO e: Naval Material Redistribution and Disposal Office[r]

NMPGA e: New Mexico Personnel and Guidance Association

NmRE e: Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell Campus, Roswell

NMPIS e: National Marine Pollution Information Systems

NMREC e: National Maritime Resource Center

NMP&M e: Nuclear Materials Production and Manufacturing

NM/RFTO e: New Mexico/Los Alamos' Rocky Flats Technology Office

NMPNS e: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station

NMRG e: Nanomaterials Research Group

NMPO e: Navy Motion Picture Office - e: Nordic Master Painters' Organization

NMRGWS e: New Mexico Regulations Governing Water Supplies

N.M.P.P. /· Nouvelles Messageries de la Presse Parisienne

NMRI e: National Mass Retailing Institute - e: Naval Medical Research Institute - e: Navy Medical Research Institute

NMPPO e: National Marine Pollution Program Office NMPS e: Navy Motion Picture Service - e: Nuclear Materials Plant Support

NMR IT e: National Military Representative Italy NMRL e: Naval Medical Research Laboratory

NMPU r: Nordisk Musikpedagogisk Union NMPX e: Naval Motion Picture Exchange NMQA e: New Mexico Quality Award NMR e: N. M. De Rothschild & Co. - e: Natal Mounted Rifles - e: National Military Representative^] [to/with SHAPE] - e: National Milk Record[s] - e: National Missile Range - e: National Museum of Racing - e: Naval Missile Range - e: Navy Management Review - e: Neomar Resources Ltd. - e: New Message Request - e: New Mexico Review - e: Nuclear Magnetic Reconnaissance -/· Nouveaux Mouvements Religieux - P: Namiar Magnetycznego Rezonansu - r: Nordiska Ministerrädet N.M.R. e: N. M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. - e: National Milk Records, Milk Marketing Board NMRA e: National Marine Representatives Association - e: National Mine Rescue Association - e: National Mobile Radio Association - e: National Model Railroad Association - e: National Motorcycle Racing Association - e: National Motorcycle Retailers Association - e: Not Mission Ready and Available N.M.R.A. e: National Model Railroad Association

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NMRN e: National Meteorological Rocket Network NMRNOAA e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NMRP e: National Migrant Resource Program - e: New Mexico Research Park - e: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Program NMRR e; NMR of America, Inc. NMRS e: National Mobile Radio System - e: Navy Manpower Requirement System NMR[S[HAPE]] e: National Military Representatives [SHAPE] NMRT e: Nimbus Meteorological Radiation Tape NMRTC e: Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Training Center - e: New Mexico Research and Treatment Center NMRU e: Naval Medical Research Unit NMRV d: Nord- und Westdeutscher Rundfunkverband NMRX e: Numerax, Inc. NMS e: Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine - e: National Malaria Society


N.M.S. - e: National Management Systems - e: National Maritime System - e: National Market System - e: National Master Specification - e: National Measurement Service - e: National Measurement System - e: National Medal of Science - e: National Medicine Society - e: National Meteorological Service - e: National Military Strategy - e: National Mine Service Co. - e: National Mobility Scheme - e: National Mortalitly Survey - e: Naval Medical School - e: Naval Meteorological Service - e: Navigation Management System - e: Navy Mid-Range Study - e: Network Management Services - e: Network Management System - e: Network Monitoring Station - e: New Management System - e: New Mexico State Library - e: Non-Member State - e: Not My Solution - e: Nuclear Materials Safeguards - n: Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank - N: Norsk Medisinsk Selskap - N: Norske Meieriers Salgs Service N.M.S. e: National Medical Service - e: National Missionary Society NM&S e: Bureau of Medicine & Surgery Publications NMSA e: National Metal Spinners Association - e: National Middle School Association - e: National Movers and Storage Association - e: National Moving and Storage Association NM&SA e: National Moving & Storage Association

NMSE e: National Agenda in Materials Science and Engineering - e: Naval Material Support Establishment

NM State Bur Mines Miner Resour Bull e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Bulletin

NmSEA e: New Mexico Society of Enrolled Agents

NM State Bur Mines Miner Resour Circ e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Circular

NMSEO e: New Mexico State Engineer Office NMSHC e: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Hospital Corps Publication NMSHTD e: New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Department

NMSAE e: Netherlands Ministry for Social Affairs and Employment NMSB e: Navy Manpower Survey Board - e: New Mil Bancorp, Inc. NMSC e: National Main Street Center - e: National Maple Syrup Council - e: National Merit Scholarship Corporation - e: National Mountain and Safety Committee - e: Non-Military Supplies Committee - e: Nonferrous Metals Society of China - e: Northwest Missouri State College N.M.S.C. e: National Merit Scholarship Corporation NMSCS e: Nuclear Materials Safeguards Control System NmScW e: Western New Mexico University, Silver City NMSD e: National Match Support Detachment - e: Naval Medical Supply Depot NMSDC e: National Minority Supplier Development Council


NM State Bur Mines Miner Resour Mem e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Memoir

NMSI e: National Maximum Speed Limit - e: National Mini-Storage Institute - e: National Mobile Station Identification [number] - e: National Mobile Station Identity

NM State Eng Basic Data Rep e: New Mexico State Engineer. Basic Data Report

NMSL e: National Maximum Speed Limit

NM State Univ Agric Exp Stn Res Rep e: New Mexico State University. Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Report

NMSM e: New Mexico School of Mines

NM State Eng Off Tech Rep e: New Mexico State Engineer Office. Technical Report

NMSO e: NATO Maintenance and Support Operation - e: Naval Manpower Survey Office[r] - e: Nuclear Missile Safety Office[r]

NMSTG e: Nuclear Materials Stabilization Task Group

NM Sol Energy Assoc Southwest Bull e: New Mexico Solar Energy Association. Southwest Bulletin

NmSuAF e: United States Air Force, Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot

NmSP e: New Mexico State Penitentiary Library, Santa Fe NMSP e: New Mon State Party NMSQT e: National Merit Scholarship[s] Qualifying Test NMSR e: New Mexico State Road

NMSA e: NATO Maintenance Supply Agency - e: New Mexico Statutes Annotated - e: New Mission Support Aircraft

NM State Bur Mines Miner Resour Geol Map e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Geologic Map

NMSRA e: National Master Shoe Rebuilders Association NMSRC e: National Middle School Resource Center NMSS e: National Meteorological Satellite System - e: National Multi-purpose Space Station - e: National Multiple Sclerosis Society - e: [Office of] Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards NMSSA e: NATO Maintenance Supply Service Agency NMSSA-NI e: NATO Maintenance Supply Service Agency Instruction NMSSS e: NATO Maintenance Supply Service System NMSST e: Naval Manpower Shore Survey Team NMST e: National Museum of Science and Technology - e: New Materials System Test - e: Northeast Missouri State Teachers College NM State Bur Mines Miner Resour Annu Rep e: New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Annual Report


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NMSU e: New Mexico State University

NMSVA e: Navy Mail Service Veterans Association NMSWF e: National Manufacturers of Soda Water Flavors NMT e: National Maintenance Technician - e: National Museum of Transport - e: No More Transport Industrial Storage Group - e: Nordic Mobile Telephone [Network] - e: Nordic Mobile Telephony - e: Northwest Marine Trade Association - e: Nuclear Materials Technology Division - e: Nuclear Medicine Technology - e: [Office of] Nuclear & Missile Technology Controls - n: Nationalfcereningen mot Tabak - r: Ny Militär Tidskrift N.M.T. N: Norsk Militaert Tidskrift NMTA e: National Manpower Training Association - e: National Metal Traders Association - e: National Metal Trades Association - e: National Movement Theatre Association - e: Northwest Marine Trade Association NMTAS e: National Milk Testing and Advisory Service NMTBA e: National Machine-Tool Builders' Association NMTC e: National Mechanical Trade Council - e: Naval Mine Testing Center - e: Naval Missile Test Center - e: North Metropolitan Tramways Company NMTCB e: Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board NMTD e: New Mexico Transportation Department

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NNAdv NMTF e: National Market Traders Federation - e: Naval Mine Test Facility

N.M.V. n: Nederlandse Mycologische Vereniging

NMTFA e: National Master Tile Fixers' Association

NMVB n: Nationale Maatschappij van Buurtspoorwegen - n: Nederlandsche Maatschappij voor Buitenverblijven voor Jongemannen en Jongens

NMTGS e: National Mortgage Fund

NMWU e: National Mine Workers Union [of Malaya] - e: Northern Mine Workers' Union NMX s: Normas Mexicanas NMXAR e: New Mexico & Arizona Land Co. NMy c: Nova Mysl. Praha

NmTHF e: Harwood Foundation, Taos NMTI e: Neuromedical Technologies, Inc.

NMVCA e: National Military Vehicle Collectors Association

NmTKC e: Kit Carson Memorial Foundation, Inc., Taos

NMVN c: Näprstkovo Museum Vseobecneho Närodopisu

NMTN e: National Telecommunications Network

NMVP e: Navy Manpower Validation Program

NMTO e: Navy Material Transportation Office

NMVSAC e: National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council

NMTP e: National Machine Tool Partnership

NMVT e: Network Management Vector Command

NMY e: Mayville State College, Mayville NMZ e: Norman Resources Ltd. NMZA e: Metro Mobile Centers, Inc.

NMTR e: National Weather Service Modernization, Test and Integration System River Forecast Office NMTS e: National Milk Testing Service - e: Navy Military Technical Specialist NMTSP e: NATO Military Terminology Standardization Programme

NMVTA e: National Motor Vehicle Theft Act

NN e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Notice - e: National Neighbors [organization] - e: National Number - e: Negative Notification - e: Nevada Northern Railway Co. - e: Northwestern National - e: Office of Nonproliferation and National Security

NMVTIS e: National Motor Vehicle Title Information System

N.N. e: Nevada Northern Railroad Co. - r: Nytta och Nöje

NMvUA e: State University of New York, Agricultural and Technical College at Morrisville, Morrisville

N+N d: Neutrale und Nichtgebundene [Staaten] N/N e: Noise-to-Noise

NMTW e: National Weather Service Modernization, Test and Integration System Weather Forecast Office

NMW e: National Museum of Wales - e: Western Carolina University, Cullowhee N.M.W. e: National Museum of Wales

NMTX e: Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc. NMU e: National Maritime Union [of America] - e: National Miners Union - e: National Museums of Canada Library - e: Navigation Management Unit - e: Nordic Musicians Union - e: Northern Michigan University - n: Nederlandse Melk Unie NmU e: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

NMWA e: National Military Wives Association - e: National Mine Workers Association - e: National Mineral Wool Association NMWC e: National Migrant Workers Council - e: New Mexico Western College NMWCA e: New Mexico Workers' Compensation Act

NNA d: Neue Nachrichten für den Außenhandel - d: Norwegische Nachrichten-Agentur - e: American Geographical Society - e: National Neckwear Association - e: National Needlework Association - e: National Newman Apostolate - e: National News Agency - e: National Newspaper Association - e: National Notary Association - e: National Notion Association - e: National Numismatic Association - e: Neonatal Nurses Association - e: Nevada Nurses Association - e: Nigerian National Alliance

N.M.U. n: Nederlandse Melk Unie - r: Nordisk Musiker Union

NMWG e: Numerical Modelling Working Group -/· Groupe de travail sur la modelisation numerique

N.M.U.A. e: National Maritime Union of America

NMWIA e: National Mineral Wool Insulation Association

NMUA e: National Maritime Union of America

NMWP e: National Migrant Worker[s] Program - e: National Mixed Waste Program

NNAB e: Amencan Bible Society, New York - e: American Bible Society, New York

NMWQCCR e: New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission Regulations

NNABA e: American Bankers Association, NewYork

NMWQL e: National Marine Water Quality Laboratory

NNAC e: National Native American Cooperative - e: National Noise Abatement Council

NMUC e: National Medical Utilization Committee NmU-L e: University of New Mexico, Law Library, Albuquerque NmU-M e: University of New Mexico, Library of the Medical Sciences, School of Medicine and Bernalillo County Medical Society, Albuquerque

NMWQR e: New Mexico Water Quality Regulations

N.N.A. e: National Nigerian Alliance NNAA e: National Newman Alumni Association NNAAr e: American Arbitration Association, New York

NNACC e: National Native American Chamber of Commerce

NMWS e: Naval Mine Warfare School NMUSTR e: New Mexico Underground Storage Tank Regulations NMV d: Neubaumietenverordnung - e: National Museum of Victoria - H: Nemzeti Munkavedelmi Szervezet - n: Nederlandse Museumvereniging

NMWTC e: Naval Mine Warfare Training Center NMWTS e: Naval Mine Warfare Test Station - e: Naval Mine Warfare Training School

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

NNACS e: American Cancer Society, New York NNADAP e: National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program NNAdv e: American Association of Advertising Agencies, New York

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NNAF NNAF e: American Foundation for the Blind, New York

NNBPWC e: National Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs

NNC-G e: Columbia University, LamontDoherty Geological Observatory, Palisades

NNAFS e: National Newman Association of Faculty and Staff

NNC e: Columbia University, New York - e: Naga National Council - e: Namibia National Convention - e: National Namibia Concerns - e: National Negro Conference - e: National Negro Congress - e: National Neighborhood Coalition - e: National Network Congestion Signal - e: National News Council - e: National Nomad Club - e: National Nomination Committee - e: National Nuclear Corporation - e: National Nudist Council - e: National Nutrition Consortium - e: Naval Nuclear Club - e: Navy Nurse[s] Corps - e: Neutral Nations Committee - e: Nolan, Notion & Co., Inc., Lexington - e: Northern Navigation Company, Ltd. - e: Northern Nigerian Congress - e: Northwest Nazarene College - e: Notice of Noncompliance - e: Nudist National Committee - n: Noord-Nederlandse Coöperatieve

NNCI e: National Nursing Council Inc.

NNAG e: American Gas Association, New York - e: NATO Naval Advisory Group - e: NATO Naval (or Navy) Armament[s] Group NNAI e: American Irish Historical Society, New York NNAJN e: American Journal of Nursing Co., New York NNAMA e: American Management Associations, New York NNAMM e: American Merchant Marine Library Association, New York NNAN e: American Numismatic Society, New York NNAPW e: National Network of Asian and Pacific Women NNASA e: American National Standards Institute, New York NNASF e: American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York NNASP e: American Society for Psychical Research, New York NNAT e: American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Corporate Research Library, New York NNAuS e: National Audubon Society, New York

N.N.C. e: National Negotiations Committee - e: Native National Congress

NNAy e: American Home Products Corp., Ayerst Medical Library, New York NNB e: Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York - e: National Needlecraft Bureau - e: National News Bureau NNBa e: Barnard College, Columbia University, New York

NNCit e: Cities Service Co., Corporate Library, New York NNC-L e: Columbia University, Law Library, New York NNC-M e: Columbia University, Medical Library, New York NNcoM e: Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agencies, Inc., North Cohocton NNConE e: Consolidated Edison Co., Inc., New York NNCoo e: Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York

NN/C e: Night Noise Group C

NNCorM e: Cornell University, Medical College, New York

NNCA e: National Newman Chaplains Association - e: Navy Nurse Corps Association

NNCorM-D e: Cornell University, Medical College, Oskar Diethelm Historical Library, New York

NNC-A e: Columbia University, Avery Library of Architecture, New York

NNC-P e: Columbia University, College of Pharmacy, New York

NNCAA e: National Negro County Agents Association

NNCP e: Pfizer, Inc., New York

NNCar e: Carnegie Corp. of New York, New York

NNAV e: Bureau of Navigation Publications NNAVS e: Association for Voluntary Sterilization, Inc., International Project, New York

NNCIAWPRC e: Netherlands National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control - e: Norwegian National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control

NNC-B e: Columbia University, Biological Sciences Library, New York NNCBS e: Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., New York NNCC e: National Network Control Centre - e: National Neutron Cross-Section Center N.N.C.C. e: National Naval Cadet Corps NNCCI e: Namibia National Chamber of Commerce and Industry

NNC-Pop e: Columbia University, International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Center for Population and Family Health NNC-Ps e: Columbia University, Psychology Library, New York NNCR e: North Norfolk Coast Reserves NNCS e: Child Study Association of America, New York - e: National Network Congestion Signal - e: NIC S Network Control System NNCSC e: National Neutron Cross-Section Center - e: National Neutron Cross-Section Committee

NNCCVTE e: National Network for Curriculum Coordination in Vocational and Technical Education

NNCSDC e: National Neutron Cross Section Data Center

NNCE e: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York

NNC Signal e: National Network Congestion Signal

NNBBC e: Bernard M. Baruch College of the City University of New York, New York

NNC-EA e: Columbia University, East Asiatic Library, New York

NNC-T e: Columbia University, Teachers College, New York

NNBC e: National Network of Bilingual Centers

NNCenC e: Century Association, New York

NNC-Typ e: Columbia University, American Typefounders Library, New York

NNBA e: National Nurses in Business Association - n: Nederlandsch Nationaal Bureau voor Anthropologie

NNCF e: National Newman Club Federation NNBIS e: National Narcotics Border Interdiction System

NNCFo e: Council on Foundations, New York

NNBL e: National Negro Business League NNBOB n: Nieuwe Nederlandse Bond van Ondernemers in het Bouwbedrijf


NNCFR e: Council on Foreign Relations, New York


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NNCU-G e; City University of New York, Graduate Center, New York NNCU-L e: City University of New York, Law School, Flushing

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NNIND NNCU-T e: City University of New York, Division of Teacher Education, New York

NNerAIS e: United States Army, Information School, Fort Slocum, New Rochelle

NNHA e: National Novice Hockey Association

NNCX e: Newbridge Networks Corp.

NNES e: National Nuclear Energy Series

NNHeb e: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York

NND d: Normative Nutzungsdauer - e: National Network Dialing - e: National Number Dialing - e: Naval Net Depot - e: New and Nonofficial Drugs - e: Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.

NNET e: Nostalgia Network, Inc.

NNDC e: Namibia National Democratic Coalition - e: National Naval Dental Center - e: National New Democratic Coalition - e: National Nuclear Data Center - e: New Nigeria Development Company NNDP e: Naga National Democratic Party - e: Nigerian National Democratic Party NNDR e: National Non-Domestic Rate NNDSS e: National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System - e: National Notification Disease Surveillance System

NNHL e: National Novice Hockey League NNEU e: Naval Nuclear Evaluation Unit NNF a: Nyt Nordisk Forlag - e: Fordham University, New York - e: Namibia National Front - e: National Nanofabrication Facility - e: National Nephrosis Foundation - e: National Newman Foundation - e: National Newspaper Foundation - e: National Nothing Foundation - e: Northern Nurses Federation - N: Norsk Nopatisk Forening - r: Nordisk Neurokirurgisk Forening - r: Nordisk Neurologisk Forening NNFA e: National Nutritional Foods Association NNFB e: Ford, Bacon & Davis, Inc., New York NNFBC e: Pint Boston Corporation, New York

NNHol e: Holland Society of New York, New York NNHor e: Horticultural Society of New York, Inc. NNHS e: National Nursing Home Survey - e: Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club NNhS e: Special Metals Corp., New Hartford N.N.H.S. e: Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club NNHSF e: National Nursing Home Survey Followup NNHuC e: Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York NNI e: National Newspaper Index - e: Net National Income - e: Norwegian Nobel Institute - e: Office of Naval Intelligence Publication - n: Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut - R: Novaja i Novejsaja Istorija

NNDTC e: National Non-Destructive Testing Center (or Centre)

NNFC e: National Negro Finance Corporation

NNDTU e: National Non-Destructive Testing Unit

NNFF e: Ford Foundation, New York - e: National Neurofibromatosis Foundation

NNE e: Engineering Societies Library, New York - e: Net National Expenditure - e: North [by] North East - 5: Nornordeste

NNFF-FL e: Ford Foundation, Ford Foundation Library, New York

N.N.E. e: North-North-East

NNFL e: Religious Society of Friends [Quakers], New York

NNiaEM e: Elkem Metals Co., Niagara Falls

NNF-LC e: Fordham University, Library at Lincoln Center, New York

NNiaH e: Hooker Chemical[s & Plastics] Corp., Niagara Falls

NNFoC e: Foundation Center Library, New York

NNiaHC e: Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corp., Business Library, Niagara Falls

NNFoM e: Forbes Magazine, Inc., New York

NNiaN e; National Lead Co., Research Library, Niagara Falls

NNEA e: National Negro Evangelical Association

N.N.I. e: Norwegian Nobel Institute NNiaCa e: Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls

NNF-L e: Fordham University, Law Library, New York

NNiaD e: E. L Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Electrochemical Department, Niagara Falls

NN&EB e: National Newark & Essex Bank NNEB e: National Nursery Examination Board NNEC e: National Nuclear Energy Commission

NNF-RS e: Fordham University, Institute of Contemporary Russian Studies, New York

NNECA e: National Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations

NNFS e: Nordic Narrow/16mm Film Society

NNECH e: National Nutrition Education Clearing House

NNFT e: National Federation of Textiles, New York

NNEF e: Educational Firm Library Association, New York

NNG e: National Network of Grantmnakers - e: Northern Natural Gas Company

NNEFIF e: North & North-East Federation of Inshore Fishermen

NNGA e: Northern Nut Growers Association

NNiaNC e: NIACET Corporation, Niagara Falls NNiaTC e: ΤΑΜ Ceramics, Inc., Niagara Falls NNiaU e: Niagara University

NNEL e: Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Medical Library, New York NNEL-M e: Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Medical Library, New York NNEMS e: National Network for Environmental Management Studies NNepaSU e: State University of New York, College at New Paltz

NNGBSW e: National Network of Graduate Business School Women

NNiaUC e: Union Carbide Corp., Niagara Falls NNICC e: National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee NNIG e: Netherlands Naval Industries Group

NNGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, New York Branch, New York NNH e: Hispanic Society of America, New York - e: National Humanities Center - e: NHI Nelson Holdings International Ltd. - e: Nordic Committee on Disability - r: Nordiska Namnden for Handikappfragor

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

NN e: National Network for Immunization Information NNIIE e: Institute of International Education, New York NNIL e: Northern Nigeria Investments Ltd. NNIND e: International Nickel Co., Technical Library, New York


NNInS NNInS e: Insurance Society of New York, New York NNIPF e: International Planned Parenthood Federation, Documentation and Publications Center, New York NNIRR e: National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

NNMRR e: NewYork Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency, Inc., New York NNMS e: Manhattan State Hospital, New York - e: National Network Management System - e: National Nutrition-Monitoring System - e: Nazareth National Motor Speedway

NNP a: Nettonationalprodukt - e: Nairobi National Park - e: National Nature Reserve[s] - e: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner - e: Net National Product - e: Ngezi National Park - e: Nimule National Park - n: Nederlandsche Nieuwsbladpers N.N.P. e: New National Party

NNIS e: Library for Intercultural Studies, Inc., New York - e: National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System

NNMSB e: Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Board NNMSG[P] e: Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Group

NNPA e: National Negro Press Association - e: National Newspaper Promotion Association - e: National Newspaper Publishers Association - e: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act

N.N.I.T. e: New Nations Inspection Teams NNKKAA e: Journal. Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan NNL e: Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York, New York - e: Nigerian National Line NNLC e: Lutheran Council in the USA, New York - e: National Negro Labor Council - e: Ngwane National Liberation Congress NNLDA e: National Network of Learning Disabled Adults NNLehman e: Lehman Corp., New York NN/LM e: National Network of Libraries of Medicine NNLP e: National Natural Landmarks Program

NNMtSM e.-Monnt Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York, New York NNN e: National Navy Notice - e: National Negro Network, Inc. - e: National Nostalgic Nova - e: No National Name - e: Noramco MiningCorp. - N: Norsk Nasrings- og Nytelsesmiddelarbeiderforbund NNNASA e: National Aeronautical and Space Administration, Institute for Space Studies, New York NNNBC e: National Broadcasting Co., Inc., General Library, New York

NNNCL e: New York County Lawyers Association, New York

NNMB e: National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau

NNNGB e: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York

NNMC e: National Naval Medical Center

NNNPSC e: National No-Nukes Prison Support Collective

NNMCC e: Northern New Mexico Community College NNMcGraw e: McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York NNMec e: General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, New York NNMel e: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York NNMer e: Mertantile Library Association, New York NNMF e: Markle Foundation, New York ΝΝΜΪ e: Millenium Firm Workshop, New York NNML e: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York - N: Norske Naturhistoriske Museers Landsforbund NNMP e: Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., Research Department Library, New York


NNPCC e: National Nutrition Policy Coordination Committee NNPC-L e: Pace University, Law Library, White Plains NNPE-NC e; National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church, New York NNPHW e: National New Professional Health Workers NNPlan e: Planning Assistance, Inc., New York NNPopC e: Population Council, New York

NNNBC-I e: National Broadcasting Co., Inc., Information Unit, Research Department, New York

NNM n: Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum

NNMCAT e: Northern New Mexico Consortium for the Advancement of Technology

NNPC e: Nigerian National Petroleum Company

NNNPsI e: New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Psychiatric Institute, New York NNNR e: Noss National Nature Reserve NNNSB e: National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, New York

NNPPFA e: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., Katharine Dexter McCormick Library, New York NNPPNYC e: Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc., Abraham Stone Memorial Library, Margaret Sanger Center, New York NNPRM e: United Presbyterian Mission Library of the United Presbyterian Church in the USA, New York NNPSPP e: National Non-Point Source Pollutant Program NNR e: City College of City University of New York, New York - e: National Narcolepsy Registry - e: National Nature Reserve[s] - e: National Number Routed - e: Novell Network Registry

NNO e: Naga[land] Nationalist Organization NNOA e: National Naval Officers Association NNOC e: National Network Operations Center - e: Nigerian National Oil Company NNopoVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Northport NNOR e: Non-Nuclear Ordnance Requirements Model NNorP e: Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich NNotHC e: Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corp., Durez Division Library, North Tonawanda NNotL e: Lawless Container Corp., North Tonawanda

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NNRA e: National Negro Republican Assembly NNRB e: Recording for the Blind, Inc., New York NNRC e: National Nuclear Research Centre - e: Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission NNRDC e: National Nuclear Rocket Development Center NNRDF e: National Nuclear Rocket Development Facility NNRecA e: National Recreation Association, New York NNreP e: Regional Plan Association, Inc., Library, New York

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NNVE NNRF e: National Neurological Research Foundation

NNSF e: National Natural Science Foundation - n: Nationale Nederlandse Studenten Federatie

NNU-C e: New York University, School of Commerce, New York

NNRI e: National Nutrition Research Institute

NNSG e: NASCOM [NASA [Worldwide] Communications Network] Network Scheduling Group

NNU-D e: New York University, College of Dentistry, New York

NNRIS e: National Natural Resources Information System NNRMS e: National Natural Resource Management System NNRo e: Theodore Roosevelt Association, New York

NNSIHi e: Staten Island Historical Society, New York NNSII e: Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, New York NNSL e: Nigerian National Shipping Line

NNU-ES e: New York University, Engineering and Science Library, New York NNU-FA e: New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York NNU-G e: New York University, Wall Street Library, New York

NNRO N: Dan Norske Nasjonalkomite for Rasjonell Organisasjon

NNSN e: No National Stock Number

NNRocF e: Rockefeller Foundation, New York

NNSNP e: National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People

NNUH e: United Hospital Fund of New York

NNRocFA e: Rockefeller Family & Associates, Inc., Office Library, New York

NNSPG e: National Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala

NNU-IEM e: New York University, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Tuxedo Park

NNRRB e: R. R. Bowker Co., New York

NNSPo e; Standards Poor's Corp., New York

NNU-L e: New York University, School of Law, New York

NNSS e: National Navigation Satellite System - e: Navy Navigation[al] Satellite System - n: Nederlandse Nationaal-Socialistische Studenten

NNU-M e: New York University Medical Center, New York

NNU-H e: New York University, University Heights Library, Bronn

NNRs e: National Nature Reserves NNRU e: Rockefeller University, New York NNRU-P e: Rockefeller University, Population Council, Bio-Medical Library, New York

NNUM r: Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Medlemsblad

NNStJ e: St. Johns University, Jamaica NNUN e: United Nations Library, New York

NNRYS e: National Network of Runaway and Youth Services

NNStOD e: Standard Oil Co. [New Jersey], New York

NNUnC e: University Club, New York

NNS e: National Narrowcast Service - e: National Natality Survey - e: National Nautical School - e: National News Service - e: National Newspaper Syndicate - e: Naval Nursing Sisters - e: New York Society Library

NNSTWG e: Nonnuclear Survivability Technology Working Group

NNUN-CF e: United Nations Childrens Fund, New York

NNSU-MC e: State University of New York, Maritime College, Fort Schuyler, Bronx

NNUni e: Unipub, Inc., New York

N.N.S. e: National Nautical School - e: Naval Nursing Sisters - r: Nedre Norrlands Slakteriförening NNSA e: National Nitrogen Solutions Association - e: National Nuclear Safety Administration - e: National Nurses Society on Addictions

NNUnionC e: Union Club, New York NNSU-Op e: State University of New York, College of Optometry, New York

NNUnionL e: Union League Club, New York

NNSWM e: National Network for Social Work Managers

NNUN-PA e: United Nations Fund for Population Activities, New York

NNSY e: Norfolk Naval Shipyard

NNUN-W e: United Nations, Woodrow Wilson Memorial Library, New York

NNT e: Nanotec Canada, Inc. NNTax e: Tax Foundation, Inc., New York

NNSAE e: Society of Automotive Engineers, New York NNSAR e: Sons of the American Revolution, Empire State Society Library, New York NNSB&DDCO e: Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company NNSC e: Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission - e: NSF Net[work] Service Center NNSDC e: NASA National Space Science Data Center NNS&DDC [O] e: Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company NNSDO e: National Nursing Staff Development Organization NNSDP e: National Nutrition and Social Development Programme NNSeag e: Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., New York

NNTC e: NAMSA NIKE Training Center - e: National Nondestructive Testing Centre - e: Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club NNTM e: Tobacco Merchants Association of the United States, New York NNTO e: Netherlands National Tourist Office - e: Norwegian National Travel Office NNTP e: National Nuclear Test Plan NNTRP e: National Nuclear Test Readiness Plan - e: National Nuclear Test Readiness Program NNTT e: National Native Title Tribunal - e: National New Technology Telescope NNU e: Namibia National Union - e: New York University, New York - e: Nordic Numismatic Union NNU-B e: New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NNU-T e: New York University, Tamiment Library, New York NNUT e: Union Theological Seminary, New York NNUT-Mc e: Union Theological Seminary, McAlpin Collection, New York NNU-W e: New York University, Washington Square Library, New York NNU-We e: New York University, Joe Weinstein Residence Halls Library, New York NNV e: National Naval Volunteers - n: Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereeniging - n: Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging NNVAB e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Bronx NNVAM e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital [Manhattan], New York NNVE d: Neue Norddeutsche und Vereinigte Elbeschiffahrt-AG


NNW NNW e: North [by] North West - 5: Nornoroeste

- se: Narodna Odbrana - se: Narodni Odbor - se: Narodnooslobodilacki

NO ACT e: Naval Overseas Air Cargo Terminal

N.N.W. e: North-North-West NNWB e; Net National Well Being

N.O. e: Nuffield Observatory, Jodrell Bank - r: Neptuniorden, Sjömansordenssällskap

NNWDB e: National Nuclear Weapons Data Base

No. 10 e; No. 10 Downing Street, prime minister's official residence [London]

NNWF e; National Network of Women's Funds

NOA e: National Oceanic Association - e: National Oceanographic (or Oceanography) Association - e: National Officers Association - e: National Onion Association - e: National Opera Association - e: National Optical Association - e: National Optometric Association - e: National Orchestral Association - e: National Outboard Association - e: National Outdoorsmen's Association - e: NATO Oil Authority - e: New Obligation[al] Authority - e: Northwest Orient Airlines, Inc. - e: Notice of Arrival - e: NSWC Office Automation - e: Scientific Test Aerodrome - e: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Library School - s: Nueva Organizacion Anticomunista

NNWG e: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, New York NNWM e: William Dauglas McAdams, Inc., Medical Library, New York NNWML e: Wagner College, Staten Island NNWR e: Necedah National Wildlife Refuge - e: Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge NNWS e: National Network of Women in Sales - e: Non-Nuclear Weapon[s] State[s] NNWSDT e: Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series NNWSI e: Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigation[s] [Project] NNX e: Northern Central Railway Co. NNYAB e: National Network of Youth Advisory Boards NNYMCA-GC e: Young Men's Christian Association, Grand Central Branch Library, New York NNYMCA-NC e: Young Men's Christian Association, National Council Historical Library, New York NNYU e: Yeshiva University, New York NNYU-HJ e: Yeshiva University, Mendel Gottesman Library of Hebraica Judaica, New York NNYU-M e: Yeshiva University, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NNYU-S e: Yeshiva University, Stern College, New York NNZ e: New York Zoological Society, New York no d: nordostwarts NO d: Nordosten - e: National Observer - e: National Office - e: National Outlook - e: Naval Observatory - e: Naval Officer - e: Normally Open - e: North Central Airlines, Inc. - e: Norway - e: Nuffield Observatory - e: Number - n: Nederlandse Omroep - n: Nijverheidsonderwijs - r: Naringsfrihetsombudsmannen - r: Näringslivets Opinionsnämnd - S: Narodnoosvobodilni


N.O.A. e: National Onion Association NOAA e: National Oceanic and Atmosphere (or Atmospheric) Administration [USA] - e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency - e: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration - e: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency NOAACP e: National Organization of African, Asian, and Caribbean People NOAADIR e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Earth System Data Directory - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Environmental Services Data Directory

NOADN e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Data Network N-OADN e: National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing NOAG d: Nachrichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens - e: Naval Objectives Analysis Group NOAH e: National Ocean Agency Headquarters - e: National Office of Animal Health - e: National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation - e: Network of Animal Health - e: New York Online Access to Health - e: Nitrous Oxide and Halocarbons Division - e: Noarko Resources, Inc. - e: Norwegian Adapted HAWK [Hughes Aircraft Co.] NOAK a: Nordisk Akkumulatorfabrikk NOAL e: National Order of Arts and Letters NOAM e: Noah Mizrachi [American Zionist organization] NOAMI e: National Oceanographic (or Oceanography) and Maritime Institute NO AMP d: Nordostatlantisches Monitoring Programm [Ozeanografie] NOAO e: National Optical Astronomical (or Astronomy) Observatories - e: Navy Officers, Accounts Office NOAOs e: National Optical Astronomy Observatones NOAP e: National Ocean Access Project - e: Navy Oil Analysis Program NOAPP e: National Organization of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting

NOAA-JTRE e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Joint Tsunami Research Effort

NOAR e: National Organization for an American Revolution

NOAAnet e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] network

NOARL e: Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory

NOAA-PMEL e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

NO ART e: New Orleans Army Terminal

NOAA Tech. Rep. e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Technical Report NOAA Tech Rep NMFS Circ e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Technical Report. NMFS [National Marine Fisheries Service] Circular NOAB e: National Outdoor Advertising Bureau - e: North American Bancorporation, Inc. NOAC e: Nature of Action Code - e: Nordic Committee for Accelerator Based Research - e: Nuclear Operations Analysis Center

· G · Säur, München

NO AS d: Neuorganisation des ArmeeSanitätsdienstes - e: Norwegian Organization for Asylums Seekers NOASSR e: North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic NOAX e: NEOAX, Inc. NOB e: National Oil Board - e: Naval Operating Base - e: Naval Order of Battle - e: Nederlands underwater Bond - e: No Other Business - e: Northwest Bancorporation - e: Nuclear Order of Battle - n: Nationaal Orkest van Belgie - n: Nationale Organisatie voor het Beroepsgoederenvervoer Wegtransport

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NODDS - p: Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil - S: Narodnoosvobodilna Borba - se: Narodnooslobodilacka Borba - se: Narodnoosvobodilni Boj N.O.B. e: Naval Ordnance Barracks NOB d: Neue österreichische Biographie noba d: Nordbayerische Büroausstellung „noba" NOBC e: National Office for Black Catholics - e: National Order of Battlefield Commissions - e: National Organization of Bar Counsel - e: Naval Officer Billet Classification - e: Naval Officer Billet Code NOBCA e: National Organization of Black College Alumni NOBCCE e: National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers NOBCChE e: National Organization for Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers NOBChCE e: National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers NOBCO e: National Organization of Black County Officials NOBDUCHAR e: Naval Operating Base, Dutch Harbor, Aleutians NOBE e: Nordstrom, Inc. - P: Niezalezny Organizacja Badan Ekonomicznych Nobel Found Symp e: Nobel Foundation Symposia NOBELS e: New Office and Business Education Learning System NoBeU N: Universitetet i Bergen N.O.B.E.V. e: New Oxford Book of English Verse NOBFRAN e: Naval Operating Base, San Francisco, California

NOBT e: New Orleans Board of Trade

NOCN e: National Ocean Communications Network

NOBTRIN e: Naval Operating Base, Trinidad No Co e: Northern Counties NOC e: National Occupational Classification - e: National Oceanographic Center (or Centre) - e: National Oceanographic Committee - e: National Oceanographic Council - e: National Offshore Council - e: National Oil Corporation - e: National Olympic Committee - e: National On-Line Circuit - e: National Operations Council - e: National Opportunity Camps for the PreTeen Child - e: Naval Oceanographic Command - e: Naval Oceanographic Office - e: Naval Operations Center - e: Navy Officer's Classification - e: Network Operation[s] Center - e: Norris Communications Corp. - e: Northrop Corporation - e: Norwegian Government Office of Culture - e: Notice of Commencement - e: Nuclear Operations Center - e: Nuclear Ordnance Commission - e: Numerical Optimisation Centre - e: Nursing Outcomes Classification - e: Nuttall Ornithological Club - e: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -/· Centre Oceanographique National -/· Comite Oceanographique National - n: Nederlands Olympisch Comite N.O.C. e: National Operations Council NOCA e: National Organization for Competency Assurance - e: North Cascades National Park NOCAP e: National Oral Cancer Awareness Program

NOCO e: Nuclear Ordnance Catalog Office NOCOCA /· Nouvelle Confiserie Camerounaise NOCOPOR e: Nordic Cooperation in Polar Research NOCR e: Network For Oncology Communication and Research NOCS e: Naval Officer Candidate School - e: Network Operations Center System - e: Nevada Office of Community Service Noes i: Nucleo Operative Centrale di Sicurezza NOCSAE e: National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment NOCT e: Navy Overseas Terminals NOCTI e: National Occupational Competency Testing Institute NOCUS e: Nord Computer Users Society - e: North Continental United States NOD e: National Organization on Disability - e: Naval Ordnance Department - e: Naval Ordnance Depot - e: Network Operations Directive - e: Night Observation Device - e: Notice of Deficiency - n: Nederlands Opleidings Detachement N.O.D. e: Naval Ordnance Department

NOcaS e: Shaker Museum Foundation, Inc., Old Catham NOCC e: Network Operations Control Center - e: New Orleans Crime Commission NOCERCC e: National Organization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy

NODA e: National Operatic and Dramatic Association - e: National Orientation Directors Association - e: National Outdoor Drama Association - e: Navel Ordinance Disposal Area - e: Night Operatic and Dramatic Association NODAC e: Naval Ordnance Data Automatic (or Automation) Center

NOCF e: National Office Computer Facility NODAF /· Non au Droit d'Affamer

NOBH e: Nobility Homes, Inc.

NOCHA e: National Off-Campus Housing Association NOCI e: National Organization of Circumcision Information - n: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Chemische Informatie

NODC e: National Oceanographic Data Center (or Centre) - e: National Ozone Data Center - e: Naval Oceanographic Data Center - e: Naval Oceanographic Distribution Center - e: Naval Operating Development Center

NOCIL e: National Organic Chemical Industries

NODCAB e: National Oceanographic Data Center Advisory Board

NO[-]CIRC e: National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers

NODCO e: National Oil Distribution Company NODCP e: National Office of Drug Control Policy

NOBREX e: North Brazilian] Current Experiment

NOCM e: National Organization for Changing Men - e: Nuclear Ordnance Commodity Management (or Manager)

NOBS e: Naval Operations Bases System - e: Northern Ohio Bibliographic Society

NOCMI n: Nationale Onafhankelijke Concentratie van de Middenstand

NOBSOLO e: Naval Operating Base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone

NOCMIS e: NOC Management Information System

NOBIN n: Stichting Nederlands Orgaan voor de Bevordering van de Informatieverzorging NOBL e: Nobel Insurance Ltd. NOBLE e: National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives NOBLEE e: National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives NOBNEWT e: Naval Operating Base, Newport, Rhode Island

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NODD e: NORD Orphan Drug Designation Database NODDES e: Naval Oceanographic Data Distribution and Expansion System NODDS e: Naval Oceanographic Data Distribution System


NODE - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Oceanographic Data Distribution System

- e: National Oceanographic Facility - e: National Oceanographic Foundation - e: National Optical Font - e: National Osteopathic Foundation - e: National Osteoporosis Foundation - e: Naval Operating Facility - e: Naval Ordnance Facility - e: NCR [National Cash Register] Optical Font - e: Network Operations Forum - e: Nickel Offsets Ltd. - r: Nordiska Odontologiska Föreningen - r: Nordiska Organisationsforeningen - S: Narodnoosvobodilna Fronta - 5: Oficina NOTAM internacional - se: Narodnooslobodilacki Front

Nogaku Iho Agric Bull Saga Univ NogakuBu /· Nogaku Iho. Agricultural Bulletin of Saga University. Saga Daigaku. Nogaku-Bu

NOGGA e: National Ornamental Goldfish Growers Association

NODL e: National Office for Decent Literature - e: National Organization for Decent Literature

NOFA e: National Office Furniture Association - e: National Organic Farmers Association - e: Natural Organic Farmers Association - e: Notice of Fund[ing] Availability

NODM s: Ferocarril Nor-Oeste de Mexico e: rrd: Mexico North Western Railroad

NOFAKI N: Norges Farmasoytisk-Kjemiske Industriforening

NOGK n: Nationaal Overleg voor Gewestelijke Kultuur

NODRA e: National One Design Racing Association

NOFAS e: National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

NOGL e: Naval Ordnance Gage Laboratory - se: Narodni Odbor Grada Zagreba

NODS e: NASA Ocean Data System - e: National Ocean Data System - e: Navy Overseas Dependents School

NOFC e: Netherlands Overseas Finance Company

NOGLSTP e: National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals

NODE e: National Operational Display Equipment NODECA e: Norwegian Defense Communications Agency NODEX e: New Offshore Dischargement Exercise NODIS e: Northern Ohio Data and Information Service - e: NSSDC Online Data and Information Service

NOGAP e: Northern Oil and Gas Action Plan NOGAPS e: Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System NOGC n: Nationaal Overleg voor Gewestelijke Cultuur NOGD e: New Orleans General Depot NOGET i: Norme Generali delle Trasmissioni

N.O.G.K. n: Nationaal Overleg voor Gewestelijke Kultuur

NoFC e: Northern Forest Centre NOE e: Nap-Of-the-Earth - e: National Osteopathic Foundation - e: Notice of Exception Oceanographic Foundation - e: Nuclear Overhauser Effect -/· Nouvel Ordre Europeen NOEA e: National Outdoor Events Association

NOFI e: National Oil Fuel Institute

NOGMA e: National Ornamental Glass Manufacturers Association

NOFM n: Nederlandse Overzeese Financierings-Maatschappij

NOGO e: No[t] Officially Government Owned

NOFMA e: National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Association

NOGS e: Night Observation Gunship

NOFOA e: Naval Office for Occupied Areas

NOgSH e: Saint Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg

NOFORN e: No Foreign Nationals - e: Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals

NOGS Log e: New Orleans Geographical Society. Log

NOFRC e: Northern Forest Research Centre

Nogyo Doboku Shikenjo Hokoku Bull Natl Res Inst Agric Eng j: Nogyo Doboku Shikenjo Hokoku/Bulletin. National Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering

NOEB e: NATO Oil Executive Board NOEB-E[ast] e: NATO Oil Executive BoardEast NOEB-W e: NATO Oil Executive BoardWest NOEG d: Niederösterreichische Eskomptegesellschaft /· Nouvel Ordre Economique International NOEL e: National Organization of Episcopalians for Life - e: National Ornament [and] Electric Lights Christmas Association - e: No Observable Effects Level NOELS e: New Office Education Learning System NOEM e: Netherlands Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers NOES e: National Operational Environmental Satellite Service NOESS e: National Operational Environmental Satellite System

NOFS e: National Option and Futures Society NOFT e: Naval Overseas Freight Terminal NOFTIG r: Nordisk Förening for Tillampad Geofysik Nofu d: Notgemeinschaft für eine Freie Universität NOG d: Nahost-Gemeinschaft [Reedereien] - d: Neue Organisationsmaschinen-Gesellschaft mbH - e: Naval Officer's Guide-book - e: Network Operators Group - e: NSAPAC Operations Group - e: Nuclear Ordnance Group - n: Nederlandse Onderwijzers Genootschap - n: Nederlandse Oogheelkundig Gezelschap NÖG d: Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft - d: Normenausschuß Erdöl- und Erdgasgewinnung im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. Noga d: Nordgau-Ausstellung

Nogyo Kikai Gakkai Shi J Soc Agric Mach /· Nogyo Kikai Gakkai Shi/Journal. Society of Agricultural Machinery NOGZ se: Narodni Odbor Grada Zagreba NOH e: University of North Carolina, Health Science Library, Chapel Hill NOHA e: Nutrition for Optimal Health Association NoHaKa n: Nederlandse Organisatie van Handelaren in de Kantoormachinebranche NOHALICE e: Nitrous Oxide and Halocarbons Intercalibration Experiment NOHARMM e: National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males NOHC e: National Open Hearth [Steel] Committee

NOEU e: Naval Ordnance Experiment Unit Nof d: Nachrichtenoffizier NOF e: International NOTAM [Notices to Airmen] Office


NOGA e: National Osteopathic Guild Association - n: Nederlandse Organisatie van Glasassuradeuren


· Säur, München

NOHIC e: National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse NOHL e: North Hills Electronics, Inc.

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NOMC NoHo e: North of Houston Street NOHR e: North Okanagan Health Region NOHS e: National Occupational Hygiene Service - e: National Oceanographic Hazard Survey - e: National Organization of Human Services NOHSC e: National Occupational Health and Safety Commission - e: National Occupational Health & Safety Commission - e: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan NOHSCP e: National Oil and Hazardous Substance[s] Contingency Plan

- e: National Organization to Insure Sound controlled Environment - e: National Organization to Insure Support Enforcement - e: National Organization to Insure Survival Economics - e: Noise Information Service

NO1D e: Dresser Industries, Inc., Dresser Clark Division, Olean

Noise Reg Rep BNA e: Noise Regulation Reporter. Bureau of National Affair

NOLPE e: National Organization on Legal Problems of Education - e: National Organization on Local Problems in Education

NOITU e: National Organization of Industrial Trade Unions NOIWAD e: National Operations and Intelligence Watch Officers Advisory NOIWON e: National Operations and Intelligence Watch Officers Network

NOHSE e: National Organization of Human Service Education

NOIZ e: Micronetics, Inc.

NOHSM e: National Occupational Health Survey of Mining

NOJ se: Narodna Omladina Jugoslavije - se: Narodno Oslobodjenje Jugoslavije

NOHSN e: National Organization of Hospital Schools of Nursing

N.O.J. r: Nässjö-Oskarshamns Järnväg

NOLD e.-NolandCo. NOLF e: Nursing Organization Liaison Forum

NOLPE Sch[ool] LJ e: NOLPE [National Organization on Legal Problems of Education] School Law Journal NOLPE School L Rep e: NOLPE [National Organization on Legal Problems of Education] School Law Reporter NOLS e: National Oceanographic Laboratory System - e: National Organisation of Labour Students - e: National Organization for Legal Services - e: National Outdoor Leadership School - e: Nuclear Ordnance Logistics Systems

N.O.J. r: Norra Östergötlands Järnvägar NOHSS e: National Oral Health Surveillance System NOI e: National Opera Institute - e: Netherlands Offset Industry - e: Notice of Intent - e: Notice of Interest NOIA e: National Ocean Industries Association - e: Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association NOIAW e: National Organization of ItalianAmerican Women NOIB n: Nederlands Opleidingsinstituut voor het Buitenland

NOJC e: National Oil Jobbers Council - e: New Orleans Jazz Club - e: Northern Oklahoma Junior College NO JFU r: Nordiska Jarnvagars Forskningsoch Utvecklingsrad NO JSM e: National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries NOJTP e: National On-the-Job Training Program NOK d: Nationales Olympisches Komitee - d: Nordschweizerische Kraftwerke AG - N: Norsk Aero Klub NoK r: Natur och Kultur, bokförlag

NOIC e: National Oceanographic Instrumental Center - e: National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center - e: National Osteopathic Interfraternity Council - e: Naval Officer in Charge - e: Naval Operational Information Center - e: Navy Opportunity Information Center - e: Notice of Intent to Cancel NOICC e: National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee NOIK n: Nederlandse Oos-Indiese Kompanjie NOIL e: Naval Ordnance Inspection Laboratory - e: Norris Oil Co. NOIM e: Nuclear Ordnance Inventory Manager NOIMA e: National Ornamental Iron Manufacturers' Association NOIS e: National Occupational Information Service - e: Notice of Intent to Suspend NOISE e: National Organization for Improving School Environments

NOK N: Nordisk Okonomisk Kvasgavl NOKL e: Northwestern Oklahoma Railroad Co. NOKYO e: Union of Agricultural Cooperatives NOKZ se: Narodni Odbor Kotara Zagreba NOL e: National Old Lacers - e: National Ordnance Laboratory - e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory - e: Neptune Orient Line - e: Noel Industries, Inc. - e: Norse Oriental Line - e: Northland Oils Ltd. NOLA e: National Association for Outlaw and Lawman History - e: New Orleans, Louisiana - e: Northeastern Ohio Library Association NOLAC e: National Organization of Liaison for Allocation of Circuits] NOLB e: Novaferon Laboratories, Inc. NOLC e: National Obscenity Law Center - e: National One-Liners Club - e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NOLTF e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory Test Facility NOLTP e: National Organization of Lung Transplant Patients NOLU n: Nederlandse Organisatie van Leesportefeuille Uitgevers NOL[/]WO e: Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak NOM e: National Online Meeting - e: National Organization for Men - e: National Organization Member - e: National Orientation Movement - e: Natomas Co. - e: Network Operations Manager - e: Newspaper on Microfilm - e: Ninth October Movement - e: Nominal - e: Norbeau Mines, Inc. - n: Noordelijke Ontwikkelings Maatschappij - 5: Norma Oficial Mexicana - 5: Normas Mexicanas nöm d: Niederösterreichische Molkerei NOMA e: National Office Management Association - e: National Oil Marketers Association - e: National Online Media Association - e: National Organization of Minority Architects - e: Nippon Management Association - i; Nucleo Operative Mobile di Aeroscalo NOMAC e: Noise Modulation and Correlation NOMAD e: Navy Oceanographic and Meteorological Automatic Device - e: Navy Oceanographic Meteorological Association NOMADS e: Night Operations Movement and Detection System NOMC e: National Organization for Migrant Children


NOMDA NOMDA e: National Office Machine Dealers' Association

NO[&]NE e; New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad

NOMESCO e: Nordic Medical-Statistical Committee - e: Nord[ic] Medico-Statistical Committee

NOneoU e: State University of New York, College at Oneonta, Oneonta

NOMESKO a: Nordiska Medicinska Statistiska NOMHICE e: Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Intercomparison Experiment NOMI N: Norges Medisinalindustris Felleskontor NOMIC e: National Organization for Mentally 111 Children

Nonfuel M e: Future of Nonfuel Minerals in the United States and World. Input-Output Projections, 1980-2030 N/ONI e: Navy/Office of Naval Intelligence NONIA e: Newfoundland Outport Nursing and Industrial Association

NOMMA e: National Ornamental and Miscellaneous Metals Association - e: National Ornamental Metal Manufacturers Association Nomos e: Nomos. Yearbook of the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy

NOPABCCE e: National Organization for Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers NOPAL e: Northern Pan-America Line NOPB e: New Orleans Public Belt Railroad

Nonlinear Anal Theory Appl Proc Int Summer Sch e: Nonlinear Analysis. Theory and Applications. Proceedings. International Summer School

NOMIN d: Notorganisation Mineralöl NOMIS e: National Online Manpower Information System - e: Naval Ordnance Management Information System

NOPA e: National Office Production Association - e: National Office Products Association - e: National Oilseed Processors Association - e: National Organization of Police Associations - e: Network Operations Performance Analysis

NOPCL e: Naval Officer Personnel Circular Letter NOPCO e: National Oil Products Company

NON-NSN e: Not Assigned a National Stock Number Non-par e: Non-participating Provider

NOPE e: National Organization of Poll-Ettes - e: NEA's Office for Press Entertainment - e: New Orleans Port of Embarkation

NONPF e: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties

NOPEOL e: National Organization to Promote English as the Official Language

N/ONR e: Navy/Office of Naval Research

NOPES e: Nonoccupational Pesticide Exposure Study

NON-SLIP e: Non-Speech Language Initiation Program

NOPEX e: Northern Hemisphere Climate Processes Experiment

nonum e: national number NOMOTC e: National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs

NOPF e: Naval Ordnance Plant, Forest Park Nonwn Fabr e: International Directory of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

NOMPL e: Nepal Orind Magnesite [P] Ltd. NOMS e: National Organics Monitoring Survey - e: Northern Ohio Map Society - e: Nuclear Operations Monitoring Systems NOMSA e: National Office Machine Service Association NoMSG e: National Organization Mobilized to Stop Glutamate

Nonwovens Rep. Int. e: Nonwovens Report International NOO e: National Oceanographic Office - e: National Organization Order - e: Naval Oceanographic Office - e: Navy Oceanographic Office - e: Nevada Operations Office - S: Narodnoosvobodilni Odbor - se: Narodnoosvobodilacki Odbor

NOPHN e: National Organization for Public Health Nursing NOPI e: Naval Ordnance Plant Institute - e: Notice of Program Interest NOPL e: Naval Ordnance Plant, Louisville - e: New Orleans Public Library NOPLAN e: No Operational Plan Published NOPnaS P: Naczelna Organizacja Polakow na Ol^sku

NOOA e: New Orleans Opera Association NOMSS e: National Operational Meteorological Satellite System - e: Naval Oceanographic & Meteorological Support System NOMTF e: Naval Ordnance Missile Test Facility

NOOIAC e: National Offshore Operations Industry Advisory Committee NOOSR e: National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition NoOU N: Universitet i Oslo

NOMURA e: The Nomura Securities Company, Ltd. NOMW e: National Organization of Mall Walkers NO MX e: Nevadans Opposed to MX NON e: National Organization for NonParents - e: National Organization of Non-Parenthood - e: Normine Resources Ltd. - e: Notice of Noncompliance N.O.N. e: National Organization for NonParenthood NONAS e: Negroes Occidental National Agricultural School Non-Destr Test Int e: Non-Destructive Testing International


NoOU-M N: Universitetet i Oslo, Matematisk-NaturvitenskapeligeFakultet NOP c: Novy Operativni Plan - d: Schweizerischer Ausschuß Normenpraxis - e: National Oceanographic Program[me] - e: National Oil Products Co. - e: National Opinion Poll - e: National Order Party - e: Naval Officer Procurement - e: Naval Ordnance Plant - e: Navy Objectives Plan - e: Network Operations Procedure - e: No Operation - e: Nopco Chemical Co. - e: Not Our Publication - e: Nuclear Operating (or Operations) Plan - n: National Onderzoek Persmedia - n: Nederlandse Organisatie van Pluimveehouders - se: Narodnooslobodilacki Pokret


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NOPO e: New Orleans Philharmonic Orchestra NOPP e: National Oil Palms Limited - P: Naczelna Organizacja Polski Podziemnej NOPPA e: National Ocean Pollution Planning Act - e: National Ocean Pollution Protection Act NOPPMB e: Nigeria Oil Palm Produce Marketing Board NOPRI e: National Orthotic and Prosthetic Research Institute NOPS e: National Ocean Policy Study - e: New Orleans Public Service - e: Nike Operator Proficiency Scale - e: Noncoherent Optical Processing System NOPSA e: Nordic Political Science Association NOPUS e: National Occupant Protection Use Survey NOPWC e: National Old Peoples Welfare Council

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NOKDTEL NOQIS e: Nucleonic Oil Quantity Indication System

NORBA e: National Off-Road Bicycle Association

NOR e: National Organization for Rehabilitation - e: Noranda, Inc. - e: Nordic Organisation for Reindeer Research - e: Norstar Bancorp., Inc. - e: North Central Airlines, Inc. - e: Northrop Aircraft, Inc. - e: Norwich Pharmacal Co. - e: Notice[s] of Revision - N: Nordisk Organ for Reinforskning - P: Narodowa Organizacja Radykalna - r: Nordiska Översättarrädet - se: Narodnooslobodilacki Rat

NOrbR e: Rockland State Hospital, Medical Library, Orangeburg

NORA e: National Oil Recyclers Association - e: National Online Regulatory Access - e: Norwegian Zero Energy Reactor Assembly

norc e: national ordnance research computer

NORAD e: North America Air Defense Region - e: North America[n] Aerospace Defense [Command] - e: North America[n] Air Defense [Command] - e: North Atlantic Aerospace Defense Command - e: Northern Region Air Defense - e: Norwegian Agency for International Developement - e: Norwegian Agency for International Development -/· Agence Norvegienne pour le Developpement International NORAD[-]COC e: North American Air Defense Combat Operations Center

NORBRALA e: Northern Branch of the Library Association

NORDFORSK r: Nordiska Samarbetsorganisationen for TekniskNaturvetenskaplig Forskning Nordgat d: Nordeuropäische Gastransportgesellschaft mbH NORDIATRANS e: Association for Nordic Transplant and Dialysis Personnel

NORBS e: Northern Base Section [Corsica] NORDICAO e: Nordic Delegation to ICAO NORC e: National Oceanographic Records Center - e: National Opinion Research Center - e: Naval Ordnance Research Computer - e: Nippon Ocean Racing Club

NORCA e: Norcen Energy Resources Ltd. NORCALSEC e: Northern California Section, Western Sea Frontier

Nordic Council e: Scandinavian union including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden NORDICOM e: Nordic Documentation Center for Mass Communication Research NORDINFO e: Nordic Council for Scientific Information and Research Libraries NORDINVEST d: Norddeutsche InvestmentGesellschaft mbH

NORCAP e: National Organisation for Counselling Adoptees and their Parents

NORDISK N: Nordisk Skibsrederforening

NORCEN e: Norcen Energy Resources Ltd.

NORDIST e: Northumbrian District

NORCO e: National Oil Recovery Corporation

NORDITA a: Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Atomfysik - e: Nordic Institute for Theoretical Atomic Physics - r: Nordiska Institute! for Teoretisk Atomfysik

NOR COMNET e: NORAD Teletypewriter Network NOR-CUBA s: Departamento de Normas Tecnicas, Direccion de Investigaciones Tecnologicas

NORDKEM e: Nordic Clinical Chemistry Project Nordkredit d: Norddeutsche Kreditbank AG

NORADEX e: North American Air Defense Exercise NOR ADMIN e: NORAD Administrative Telephone Network Norag d: Norddeutsche Rundfunk-AG NORAG e: Northern Army Group NORAGRIC e: Norwegian Centre for International Agricultural Development NORAID e: Irish Northern Aid Committee - e: Norwegian Agency for International Development NOR ALERT e: NORAD Voice Alert Network NORAM e: Association of North American Operations Research Societies within IFORS Nor Ant e: Norwegian Antarctica

NORCUS e: Northwest College [and] University Association for Science - e: Northwest Organization of Colleges/ Universities for Science NORD a: Nordiskt Orienteringsrad - e: Bureau of Ordnance Publication - e: National Organization for Rare Disorders - e: Naval Ordnance - e: Northern Ordnance, Inc.

NordLB d: Norddeutsche Landesbank NORD/LB d: Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale Nordlloyd d: Norddeutscher Lloyd NORDMAP e: European Nordic Pollen Data Mapping Project

NOrd e: Navy Department, Bureau of Ordnance

Nordmende d: Norddeutsche Mende Rundfunk KG

NORDA e: Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity - e: Naval Ocean Research and Development Agency

NORDPLUS e: Nordic Countries Programme for the Mobility of University Students and Teachers

NORDAF r: Nordiska Annonsörföreningars Förbund Nordag d: Norddeutsche Hochseefischerei AG

NORDPOST e: Nordic Postal Union Conference NORDPOSTA d: Ausstellung für Briefmarkensammler NORD-PRESS a: Nordisk-Press Bureau

NORAP e: Northwestern Alumni Players NORAPS e: Navy Operational Regional Atmospheric Prediction System

NORDANLAGE d: Norddeutsche Anlageberatungs-Gesellschaft mbH NORDCHURCHAID e: Scandinavian Churches Relief Organization

Nor Arc e: Norwegian Arctic NORASDEFLANT e: North American Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic

NORDCO e: Newfoundland Ocean Research and Development Corporation

NORDQUA e: Nordic Association for Quaternary Research NordREFO F: Nordiskt Institut for Regionalpolitisk Forskning NORDSAMEN e: Joint Nordic Committee for Military UN Matters

NORDEC e: Nordic Economic Union NORATOM d: Norwegisches Atomforum NORATS e: Navy Operational Radio and Telephone Switchboard

NORDEL e: Nordic Electricity Union - e: Organization for Nordic Electrical Cooperation - r: Organ for Nordiskt Elkraftsamarbete

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NORDSAT e: Scandinavian Countries Broadcast Satellite NORDTEL e: Nordic Cooperation on Telecommunications


NORDTERM NORDTERM e: European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes NORDTEST e: Organisation for testing in the Nordic countries NORDTEX e: Nordic International Tundra Experiment Nord.Tidskr. r: Nordisk Tidskrift for Bokoch Biblioteksväsen NORDUnet e: Nordic University Network Nordvision e: Nordic Television Cooperation Nordwolle d: Norddeutsche Wollkämmerei und Kammgarnspinnerei AG

NORM e: National Office Resources Management - e: National Optimism Revival Movement - e: National Organisation (or Organization) for Raw Materials - e: National Organization of Restoring Men - e: Not Operational Ready-Maintenance

NORSHIPCO e: Norfolk Shipbuilding & Dry dock Corp.

NORMAC e: Northern Prawn Fishery Management Committee

NORSNET e: National Oceanographiic Reference Station Network

NORMAGS e: Northern Magnetic and Gravity Survey

NORSPA e: North Sea Special Programme of Action

NORMCIE n: Normalisatie Commissie Koninklijke Marine

NORT e: Nuclear Ordnance Readiness Test

NOR-SHIPPING e: International Shipping Exhibition Norsk N: Norsk Luftseilodsforening

NOR TAC e: NORAD HQ ADC Tactical Telephone Network

NOREC e: Northern Environmental Council

NORML e: National Organization for the Reform of [the] Marijuana Laws - e: National Organization for the Reinforcement of Marijuana Laws - e: National Organization for the Repeal of Marijuana Laws

NOREK r: Nordiska Elektrotekniska Kommisj onerna

NORM-UK e: National Organization of Restoring Men-United Kingdom

NORTEB e: Norwegian Telecommunications Users Group

Norelco e: North American Philips Company

NOROEC e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Operational Employment Condepartment

NORTH e: Northern Operations of Rail Transportation and Highways [Alaska]

NOREA e: Nordic Radio Evangelic Association

NORENO e: Norwegian Engineering Export Organization NOREX e: Norex America, Inc. - e: Nuclear Operational Readiness Exercise NorFA N: Nordisk Forskerutdanningsakademi NORG n: Nederlandse Organisatie voor de Radio Groothandel

NOROL e: State-dominated refinery and oil products marketing group NOROLO n: Nederlandse Onderraad bij het Openbaar Lager Onderwijs NORPAC e: Cooperative Survey of the Northern Pacific - e: Naval Overhaul and Repair Pacific - e: Northern Pacific Railway Co.

NORT AD e: North American Transportation Atlas Data NORTAG e: Northern Army Group

NORTHAG e: North European Army Group - e: Northern Army Group, Central Europe North Am For Biol Workshop e: North American Forest Biology Workshop North Am Gladiolus Counc Bull e: North American Gladiolus Council. Bulletin NORTHAMPTONS e: Northamptonshire Regiment

NORGAX e: North Germany Area Exchange Norpax e: North Atlantic Experiment NORGD e: National Organization for the Rights of Guide Dogs NORGLAC e: Northern Great Lakes Area Council NORGRAPH e: Northeast Graphics Conference and Printing Show [Printing Industry Association of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts]

NORPAX e: North Pacific Expedition - e: North Pacific Experiment NOrpOHi e: Oyster Pond Historical Society, Orient Point Nor Pol N: Norsk Polarinstitutt NORPRO e: Norwegian Committee on Trade Procedures

NORGRO d: Vereinigung von Fachhändlern des sanitären Installations-, Gas- und Wasserleitungsbedarfs e.V.

NORQR e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Qualitative Requirement

NORI e: National Office for the Rights of the Indigent

NORRA e: National Off-Road Racing Association

NORIA /· Normes-Information Automatisee

NORRS e: Naval Operational Readiness Reporting System

NORINCO e: China North Industries Corp. NORIP e: NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] Intelligence Plan NORK e: New Orleans Rhythm Kings

NORS e: National Organics Reconnaissance Survey - e: National Organization for River Sports - e: North Atlantic Regional Research - e: Norwegian Operational Research Society - e: Not Operational Ready-Supply

NORL e: Nordic Limited, Inc. NORSAR e: Norwegian Seismic Array NORLA d: Norddeutsche Landwirtschaftliche Fachausstellung - e: Northern Region Literature Agency Norlina e: North Carolina

NORSECA e: Northern Seas Environmental Control Agency NORS Group e: Northern Offshore Resources Study Group

North Car J Int'l L&Comm e: North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation North Cavern Mine Res Soc Occas Publ e: Northern Cavern and Mine Research Society. Occasional Publication North Cent Assn Q e: North Central Association. Quarterly Northeast e: Middle Atlantic and New England States Northeast Region e: Middle Atlantic and New England states Northeast Weed Sei Soc Proc Annu Meet e: Northeastern Weed Science Society. Proceedings. Annual Meeting Northeast Wood Util Counc Inc Bull e: Northeastern Wood Utilization Council, Incorporated. Bulletin Northern Ireland Libr. e: Northern Ireland Libraries: the news-sheet of the Northern Ireland Branch of the Library Association Northern J. Appl. Forestry e: Northern Journal of Applied Forestry [of Society of American Foresters North Ken'y SL Rev e: Northern Kentucky State Law Review

N.Orl.M.&S.J. e: New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal


NORTHANTS YEO e: Northamptonshire Yeomanry [Territorial Army]


· Säur, München

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NOsU North LJL Rev e: Northwestern University. Law Review North Nut Grow Assoc Annu Rep e: Northern Nut Growers Association. Annual Report Northrop ULJ e: Northrop University. Law Journal of Aerospace, Energy and the Environment Northrop ULT Aero Energy and Envt e: Northrop University. Law Journal of Aerospace, Energy and the Environment Northwest Atl Fish Organ Sei Counc Stud e: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization. Scientific Council. Studies Northwestern J Internat Law and Bus e: Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business Northwestern UL Rev e: Northwestern University. Law Review Northwestern Univ Dept Geography Studies Geography e: Northwestern University. Department of Geography. Studies in Geography Northwestern Univ L[aw] R[ev] e: Northwestern University. Law Review Northwest J Int'l L&Bus e: Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business

- e: International Oleander Society - e: National Ocean Service - e: National Ocean Survey - e: National Office Staff - e: National Oleander Society - e: National Open School - e: National Operational Satellite - e: National Oratorio Society - e: National Osteoporosis Society - e: NATO Office of Security - e: Network Operating System - e: New Orleans Stock Exchange - e: Night Observation Surveillance - e: Northern State College Library, Aberdeen - e: Northern Tropospheric Oxidants Study - e: Northstar Resources Ltd. - e: Not Otherwise Stated - n: Nederlandse Omroep Stichting - n: Nederlandse Omroepstichting - se: Narodno Oslobodjenje Jugoslavije NOS d: Neues Ökonomisches System NOSA e: National Occupational Safety Association - e: National Office Systems Association - e: National One-Write Systems Association - e: National Outerwear and Sportswear Association - e: New Orleans and South American Steamship Company NOSAC e: National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee NOSALF r: Nordiska Samfundet for Latinamerika-Forskning

Northwest Univ Dent Res Grad Study Bull e: Northwestern University. Dental Research and Graduate Study Bulletin

NOSAMS e: National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility

Northw L Rev e: Northwestern University. Law Review

NOSAP e: National Ocean Survey Analytical Plotter

Northw Univ Law Rev e: Northwestern University. Law Review

NOSC e: National Oceans Systems Center - e: NATO Operations Support Center - e: Naval Ocean Systems Center - e: Naval Ordnance System[s] Command - e: Navel Ocean System Center

NORTNK e: Nortankers, Inc.

NORVAGRP e: Norfolk, Virginia Group NORWAID e: Norwegian Aid Society for Refugees and International Development

NOSIE e: NODC [National Oceanographic Data Center] Ocean Science Information Exchange NOSK r: Nordisk Odontologisk Studentkongress NOSL e: Naval Ordnance Station, Louisville NOSLA e: National Oil Scouts and Landmen's Association NOS-LSCR e: National Ocean Survey Lake Survey Center NOSO e: Naval Ordnance Supply Office NosoBase e: Base de donnees sur 1'hygiene hospitaliere et la maitrise des infections nosocomiales NOSOCO /· Nouvelle Societe Commerciale du Gabon NOSON-TRAM /· Nouvelle Societe Nationale des Transports Mauritaniens NOSOSEPE /· Nouvelle Societe Senegalaise de Peche NOSP e: National Ophthalmic Speakers Programme NÖSPL d: Neues Ökonomisches System der Planung und Leitung NOSR e: National Office for Social Responsibility NOSREP e: National Overseas Shipping Representative

NOSCAF e: New Orleans Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation

NOSS e: National Ocean[ic] Survey Satellite - e: National Ocean[ograph][ic] Satellite System - e: National Orbiting Space Station -/· Systeme national de satellites oceaniques - r: Nordens Organiserade Statstjänstemäns Samräd

NOSCP e: National Ocean Sediment Coring Program

NOSSA e: New Orleans Steamship Association

NOSE e: National Odd Shoe Exchange - e: Neighbors Opposing Smelly Emissions [organization]

NOSSCR e: National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives

NORTR e: Nortronics Corp. Nortraship e: Norwegian Trade and Shipping Mission

- e: Navy Ocean Surveillance Information Center

NOSG e: Naval Operations Support Group

NOSSO e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office

NOSGLANT e: Naval Operations Support Group, Atlantic

NOSSOLANT e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Atlantic

NOSGPAC e: Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific

NOSSOPAC e: Naval Ordnance Systems Support Office, Pacific

NOS-H N: Nordisk Samarbeidskomite for Humanistisk forskning

NOSTA e: National Ocean Science and Technology Agency

NOsHi e: Oswego County Historical Society, Oswego

NOSTAC e: Nordic Society for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

NOsI e: International Business Machines Corp., Oswego

NOSTS e: National Ocean Survey Tide Station

NOSIC e: Naval Ocean Surveillance Information Center

NOsU e: State University of New York, College at Oswego, Oswego

NOR WARN e: NORAD Warning Network Norway Bud e: National Budget of Norway NORWEB e: North Western Electricity Board [trade mark] NORWESSEAFRON e: Northwestern Sea Frontier NORWESSEC e: Northwestern Sector, Western Sea Frontier NORWESTLANT e: North Western Atlantic Environmental Study NORWIDA e: North West Industrial Development Association NOS d: Nordostbayerischer Saatbauverband GmbH

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NOSV NOSV d: Nordostschweizerischer Verband für Schiffahrt Rhein-Bodensee NÖSV d: Niederösterreichischer Schriftstellerverband NOSWA e: National Organization of SouthWest Africa NOSYAV /· Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Notulae Systematicae NOT d: Notoperationstrakt - e: Netherlands Overseas Trust - e: Noront Resources Ltd. - H: Nepbirosagok Orszägos Tanäcsa - n: Nederlandse Onderwijs Televisie - P: Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna - r: Nordisk Organisationstjänst NOTA e: National Organisation of Trade Unions - e: National OrganTransplant Act - e: Northeast Ohio Translators Association

Notes Appl Sei UK Natl Phys Lab e: Notes on Applied Science. United Kingdom National Physical Laboratory Notes Docum UN Unit Apartheid e: Notes and Documents. United Nations Unit on Apartheid Notes Mem UAR Hydrobiol Dep e: Notes and Memoirs. United Arab Republic. Hydrobiological Department Notes on Univ Ed e: Notes on University Education Notes on US e: Notes on United States Reports Notes Queries Soc West Highl Isl Hist Res e: Notes and Queries. Society of West Highland and Island Historical Research NotesRec R e: Notes and Records. Royal Society of London

NOTAEI e: National Old Timers' Association of the Energy Industry

Notes Rec Roy London e: Notes and Records. Royal Society of London

Not Allumiere i: Notiziario. Museo Civico ed Associazione Archeologica di Allumiere

Notes Rec R Soc Lond e: Notes and Records. Royal Society of London

Not Am Math e: Notices. American Mathematical Society

Note tech. Group, tech. for. e: Note technique Groupement technique forestier

NOTARC e: National Old Timers Auto Racing Club

Note Tech.-Off. Nat. Etudes Rech. Aerosp. /· Note Technique-Office National d'Etudes Recherches Aerospatiales

- e: NED [New Era Dianetics] for OTs [Operating Thetans] - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Operations Team Support Subsystem - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Operational Telecommunications System NOT SAFE e: National Organization Taunting Safety and Fairness Everywhere Notspit d: Notspital Nottingham Univ Min Dep Mag e: Nottingham University. Mining Department Magazine NOTU e: National Organisation (or Organization) of Trade Unions - e: Naval Operational Training Unit - e: Naval Ordnance Test Unit - n: Nederlandse Organisatie van Tijdschriftenuitgevers NoTU N: Universitetet i Trondheim NoTU-T N: Universitetet i Trondheim, Norges Tekniske Hogskole NoTU-V N: Universitetet i Trondheim, Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs NOTW e: Navel Owned Treatment Works N.O.U. n: Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie

Nota Tec For Esc Ingen For Univ Chile s: Notas Tecnico Forestales. Escuela de Ingenieria Forestal. Universidad de Chile

NO-TFA e: National Old-Time Fiddlers' Association

NOTB e: National Ophthalmic Treatment Board

Notices Amer Math Soc e: Notices. American Mathematical Society

NOTBA e: National Ophthalmic Treatment Board Association

NOTIS e: Network Operator Trouble Information System

NOTC e: Naval Ordnance Test Center - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Operational Telecommunications Coordinator

NOTL e: Northline Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies

NOV d: Nordostschweizerische Verkehrsvereinigung - e: Notice of Violation - e: Novamin, Inc. - n: Nederlandse Onderwijzers Vereeniging - n: Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging - S: Narodnooslobodilacka Vojska - se: Narodnooslobodilna Vojska

NOT&M e: New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway

N.O.V. n: Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging

Not Mens Mus Nac Hist Nat i; Noticiario Mensual. Museo National de Historia Natural

Nova e: laser facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

NOTOF e: Notice to Airmen Office

NOVA e: National Organization for/of Victim Assistance - e: National Outdoor Volleyball Association - e: National Overhead Evaluation Assessment - e: Network Organization via Advanced Architecture - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Operational VAS Assessment Program - e: Nova Natural Resources Corp. - e: Nurses Organization of the Veterans Administration - e: Nurses Organization of Veterans Affairs - n: Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten - n: Nederlandse Organisatie van Amateurfilmclubs

NOTCC e: Network Operational/Technical Coordination Center Note on Fac e: Notcutt on Factories and Workshops NOTEF e: National Organ Transplant Education Foundation NOTEMPS e: Nontemporary Storage of Household Goods System Note Rech Miner Explor Res Inst McGill Univ e: Note de Recherche. Mineral Exploration Research Institute. McGill University Note Rec Roy Soc London e: Notes and Records. Royal Society of London NOTES e: National Organization of Telecommunications Engineers and Scientists Notes and Records Roy Soc London e: Notes and Records. Royal Society of London Notes Appl Sei NPL e: Notes on Applied Science. National Physical Laboratory


NOU N: Norges Offentlige Utredninger

NOTR e: National Order of Trench Rats Notre Dame Est Plan Inst [Proc] e: Notre Dame Estate Planning Institute. Proceedings Notre Dame Inst on Char Giving Found and Tr e: Notre Dame Institute on Charitable Giving. Foundations and Trusts Notre Dame Inst on Char Giving Foundations&Tr e: Notre Dame Institute on Charitable Giving Foundations and Trusts Notre Dame L. Rev. e: Notre Dame Law Review NOTRTR e: National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors

NOUS e: Naval Order of the United States

NOVAA n: Nederlandse Orde van Accountants-Administratieconsultenten NOVC e: Northview Corporation

NOTS e: Naval Ordnance Test Station - e: Naval Overseas Transport Service


· Säur, München

NOV/CD e: Notice of Violation/Compliance Demand

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NPA NOVEM e: Netherlands Development Corporation for Energy and the Environment

NOWP-OM e: National Older Workers Programs-Operation Mainstream

Novette e: laser system at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

NOWR e: Northwater. Institute of Water Resources. University of Alaska

NOVIB e: Netherlands Organization for International Development Cooperation - H; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Internationale Bijstand

NOWrad e: trademarked name of WSI, Inc. product NOWSA e: National One-Write Systems Association

- n: Neutrale Partij - N: Norsk Polarinstitutt - N: Norsk Presseforbund -p: Norma Portuguesa - i; Norma Paraguaya N.P. e: Northern Pacific Railroad Co. - e: Norwegian Patent - e: Notary Public - n: Nationale Partij - N: Norsk Presseforbund

NOVL e; Novell, Inc. NOVN e: Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NOVO e: Novo Corp. - H; Nederlandse Organisatie van Oliehandelaren Novocap p: Companhia urbanizadora da Nova Capital do Brasil NOVOK H; Nederlandse Organisatie van Olie- en Kolenhandelaren

NOWT e: North-West Telecommunications, Inc. NOwU e: State University of New York, College at Old Westbury, Oyster Bay NO WW e: National Organization of Working Women NOWWN e: National Organization of World War Nurses NOXL e: Noxell Corp.

NOVOS r: Norrländska Officerskärernas Vandringsprisförening for Orienteringslöping pä Skidor NOVR e: Novar Electronics Corp. NOVS e: National Office of Vital Statistics

NOXO e: Noxso Corp. Noyes e: Catalog of New Publications. Noyes Data Corp. NOYS e: National Organization^] for Youth Safety

NOVX e: Nova Pharmaceutical Corp. NOZ e: New Process Co. NOW e: National Organization for Women - e: National Organizations of the World - e: National Overhaul Warranty - e: New Opportunities for Women - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Ocean Wave [Model] - e: Northway Explorations Ltd. - P: Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa NOWA P: Niezalezna Oficyna Wydawnicza NOWAPA e: North American Water and Power Alliance NOWC e: National Association of Women's Clubs - e: Northwest Pennsylvania Corporation Nowea d: Nordwestdeutsche AusstellungsGesellschaft mbH NOWES e: Northern Wetlands Study NOWESP e: North-West European Shelf Programme NOWIS e: National Older Workers Information System [American Association of Retired Persons] NOWL e: National Order of Women Legislators NOW LDEF e: NOW [National Organization for Women] Legal Defense and Education Fund NOWME e: National Organisation for Women's Management Education NOWPA e: National Osteopathic Women Physician's Association NOWPAP e: North-West Pacific Action Plan

NOZE e: National Ozone Expedition NOZEMA H; Nederlandsche Omroep Zender Maatschappij NOZWO H; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Zuiver Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek NP A: Nasionale Partij [van Suid-Afrika] - c: Narodni Pojisteni - d: Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands - d: Nationale Partei - d: Neue Politik - d: Normalprofil - d: Normenprüfstelle - d: Nullpunkt - e: Nairobi Protocol - e: Nation Party - e: National Park[s] - e: National Party [of South Africa] - e: National Pipe [Thread] - e: National Police - e: National Porkettes - e: National Preparedness - e: National Priority - e: National Publishing Co. - e: Nationalist Parnellite - e: Nationalistic] Party - e: Naval Prison - e: Network Project [organization] - e: Network Provider - e: Nippon Investment Corp. - e: Non-Productive - e: Non-Public - e: Northern Pacific Railway Co. - e: Northern Polytechnic - e: Norwegian Polar Institute - e: Notary Public - e: NRAO [National Radio Astronomy Observatory] Pulsar - e: Nurse Practioner - e: Office of New Production Reactors - H: Nemzeti Parasztpärt - in: Nacionalista Party

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N/P e; Not Provided NPA e: Committee for a National Peace Academy - e: National PACE [Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly] Association - e: National Packaging Association - e: National Paddleball Association - e: National Panel of Arbitrators - e: National Paperboard Association - e: National Paperbox Association - e: National Paralegal Association - e: National Parenthood Association - e: National Parking Association - e: National Parks [and Access to the Countryside] Act - e: National Park[s] Association - e: National Parks Authority - e: National Particleboard Association - e: National Pasta Association - e: National Patrolmen's Association - e: National Pawnbrokers Association - e: National Payphone Association - e: National Peace Academy - e: National Pediculosis Association - e: National People's Action - e: National Perinatal Association - e: National Peripheral Association - e: National Personnel Associates - e: National Personnel Authority - e: National Pet[roleum] Association - e: National Pharmaceutical Association - e: National Phlebotomy Association - e: National Pigeon Association [and Marketing Conference, Ltd.] - e: National Pilots Association - e: National Pipeline Authority - e: National Pistol Association - e: National Pituitary Agency - e: National Planning Association - e: National Plastercraft Association - e: National Playbus Association - e: National Podiatry Association - e: National Poker Association - e: National Police Agency - e: National Ports Authority - e: National Postmasters Auxiliary - e: National Prescription Audit - e: National Preservers Association - e: National Priority Area - e: National Proctologic Association - e: National Production Authority - e: National Productivity Award - e: National Professional Association of Engineers, Architects, and Scientists - e: National Prohibition Act - e: National Prostate Association - e: National Provincial Administration - e: National Psychological Association - e: National Public Accountant - e: National Publishing Administration - e: Naval Procurement Account - e: Navy Postal Affairs Section Publication - e: Nebraska Pharmaceutical Association - e: Network Printing Alliance - e: Network Professional Association - e: Network Provider Access - e: New People's Army


N.P.A. - e: New Populist Action - e: New Production Aircraft - e: Newsletter Publishers Association - e: Newspaper Proprietors Association - e: Newspaper Publishers Association - e: Newspaper Publishing Association - e: Nigel Press Association Ltd. - e: Nigerian Ports Authority - e: Nine Pin Association - e: Northern Pipeline Agency - e: Norwegian People's Aid - e: Numbering Plan Area - e: Nurse Practice Act - e: PTS [Predicasts, Inc.] New Product Announcements/Plus - N: Norske Presters Avholdforening N.P.A. e: National Parenthood Association - e: National Pet Association - e: Naval Prize Act - e: New People's Army - e: Newspaper Proprietors Association - e: Newspaper Publishers Association - e: Nigerian Ports Authority

NPAD News e: National Panic/Anxiety Disorder Newsletter

N.P.B.A. e: National Pig Breeders Association

NPädSt d: Neue Pädagogische Studien

NPBC e: National Penn Bancshares, Inc. - e: National Programming Black Consortium - e: National Progressive Broadcast Coalition

NPAED e: National Progress Association for Economic Development NPAF e: National Peace Academy Foundation NPA[G]R e: National Parks and Access to the Countryside [Grants] Regulations

NPBI e: National Pretzel Bakers Institute NPAM e: Non-Permanent Active Militia

NPBMA e: National Paper Box Manufacturers Association

NPAN e: Newspapers Proprietors Association of Nigeria

NPBOA e: National Party Boat Owners Alliance

NPANSW e: National Parks Association of New South Wales

NPBr e: Non-Productive Brush

NPAP e: National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis NPAQ e: National Parks Association of Queensland

NP[&]AA e: Noise Pollution and Abatement Act

NPAR e: National Paragon Corp.

NPAAC e: National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council

NP/ARCA e: National Pacific/Asian Resource Center on Aging

N.P.A.A.F. e: Non-Permanent Active Air Force of Canada

NPAS e: National Public Awareness Strategy

NPAAS e: National Passenger Accounting and Analysis Scheme

NPASO e: National Postsecondary Agriculture Student Organization

NPAB e: Navy Price Adjustment Board

NPAT e: National Petroleum Authority of Thailand

NPABC e: National Public Affairs Broadcast Center

NPAV H; Nederlandse Patholoog Anatomen Vereniging

NPAC d: Nordbadisch-Pfälzischer Automobil-Club - e: National Peace Action Coalition - e: National Pipeline Agency of Canada - e: National Plan Advisory Committee - e: National Plantations Advisory Committee - e: National Political Action Committee - e: National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging [of Library of Congress] - e: National Project in Agricultural Communication[s] - e: Navy Procurement Assignment Committee - e: Northeast Parallel Architectures Center - e: Northern Pipeline Agency Canada

NPB e: National Park Board - e: National Parks Branch of the Department of Resources and Development - e: National Parole Board - e: National Planning Board - e: National Plant Board - e: National Prayer Breakfast - e: National Press Building - e: National Productivity Board - e: National Provincial Bank of England - e: Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Co. - e: North Pacific Bank -/· Office National de Pharmacie du Benin

N-PAC e: National Peace Academy Campaign

N.P.B. e: National Provincial Bank

NPACE e: Nurse Practitioner Association for Continuing Education NPACI e: National Production Advisory Council for/on Industry NPACOE e: National Panhellenic Association of Central Office Executives NPACSE e: National Political Action Committee for Scientists and Engineers

N.&P.B. e: Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Co. NPBA e: National Palomino Breeders Association - e: National Paper Box Association - e: National Perinatal Bereavement Association - e: National Pig Breeders Association - e: National Pocket Billiards Association - e: National Police Bloodhound Association - e: National Poro Beautician Association - e: Natural Product Broker Association

NPACT e: National Public Affairs Center for/of Television


NPBEA e: National Poultry, Butter, and Egg Association

NPAI e: Nevada Public Affairs Institute

NPANX e: Navy Potomac Annex NPAA e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - e: National Park Academy of the Arts - e: National Photographic Art Archive - e: National Postal Arts Association

NPBE e: National Political Button Exchange [organization]


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NPBRO e: Naval Plant Branch Representative Office NPBS e: Nordic Publishing Board in Science NPBSA e: National Paper Box Supplies Association NPBw d: Normenprilfstelle fur BundeswehrNormen NPC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Procurement Circular - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Publication Control - e: National Paddling Committee - e: National Panhellenic Conference - e: National Paralympic Committee - e: National Parks Commission - e: National Patent[s] Council - e: National Peace Council - e: National Peach Council - e: National Peanut Council - e: National People's Congress - e: National Periodicals Center - e: National Personnel Consultants - e: National Pertroleum Council - e: National Petrochemical Company - e: National Petrochemical Corporation [Iran] - e: National Petroleum Council - e: National Pharmaceutical Council - e: National Philatelic Center - e: National Philatelic Collection^] - e: National Physicians Committee - e: National Planning Commission - e: National Playwrights Conference - e: National Plumbing Code - e: National Poetry Circle - e: National Police Computer - e: National Population Commission - e: National Population Council - e: National Ports Council - e: National Postal Museum - e: National Potato Council - e: National Power Company - e: National Power Conference - e: National Power Corporation - e: National Press Club - e: National Prime Contractor - e: National Processing Centers - e: National Processing Centre - e: National Procurement Center - e: National Production Control - e: National Production Council - e: National Productivity Center (or Centre) - e: National Productivity Council

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NPE/PES - e: National Publicity Council for Health and Welfare Services - e: Native Preacher Company - e: NATO Parliamentarians' Conference - e: NATO Pipeline Committee - e: NATO Programming Center - e: Naval Photographic Center - e: Navy Policy Council - e: New Peoples Center - e: New Practice Cases - e: News and Periodicals Corporation - e: Nigerian Population Commission - e: Nippon Petro-Chemicals - e: Non-Participating Countries - e: Nonproliferation Center - e: North Pacific Coast Freight Bureau - e: Northern People's Congress - e: Nuclear Power Company - e: Nuclear Propulsion Committee - e: Nucleonic Products Company -/· Departement de Normalisation et de Recherches Physio-Chimiques du CNET - r: Nordiska Presscentralen

NPCh P: Niezalezna Partia Chiopska NPCHWS e: National Publicity Council for Health and Welfare Services NPCI e: National Potato Chip Institute NPCL e: National Product Liability Council N-PCL e: Not-for-Profit Corporation Law NP-CLT e: Neuropsychiatry Clerical Procedure Technician NPCM e: National Parks and Conservation Magazine NPCMCH e: National Parent Consortium on Maternal and Child Health

NPCA e: National Paint and Coatings Association, Inc. - e: National Parks and Conservation Association - e: National Pest Control Association - e: National Plastercraft Association - e: National Precast Concrete Association - e: National Progressive Consumers Alliance NPCBW e: National Political Congress of Black Women NPCC e: National Petroleum Constructing Company - e: National Pop Can Collectors - e: National Possum Co-ordinating Committee - e: National Projects Construction Corporation - e: National Prostate Cancer Coalition - e: Nebraska Penal and Correctional Complex - e: North Peralta Community College - e: Northeast Power Coordinating Council NPC/CBS e: National Planning Commission/ Central Bureau of Statistics NPCCE e: National Pollution Control Conference and Exposition NPC/COES e: National Panhellenic Conference of Central Office Executives

NPDEA e: National Professional Driver Education Association - e: North American Professional Driver Education Association NPDES e: Laboratory Performance Evaluation - e: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - e: National Pollution Discharge Elimination Scheme - e: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System NPDES FILE e: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compliance Files

NPCN e: National Poison Center Network NPC/NCC e: National Planning Commission/ National Computer Centre

npc e: New Process Company's trademark N.P.C. e: National Parks Commission - e: National People's Congress - e: National Physicians Committee - e: National Production Council - e: National Productivity Centres - e: Naval Personnel Committee

- e: National Peace Day Celebration - e: National Planning Data Corporation - e: National Poetry Day Committee

NPCO e: New Paraho Corporation - e: Nuclear Power Collaboration Committee

NPDE System e: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System NPDMC e: National Property Development and Management Company NPDN e: Nordic Public Data Network

NPCOUNCIL e: Nepal Press Council NPCP e: Nairobi People's Convention Party - e: National Press Club of the Philippines - e: National Prostatic Cancer Project NPC Papers e: National Peace Council Papers NPCR e: National Program of Cancer Registries NPCRDC e: National Primary Care Research and Development Centre NPCW e: National Pork Council Women NPD d: Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands - d: Neuheiten-Pressedienst - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Policy Directive - e: National Paint Distributors - e: National Patent Development Corp. - e: National Policy Debate - e: National Power Demonstration - e: National Program for Dermatology - e: Naval Products Division - e: Navy Procurement Directives - e: Network Products Division - e: New Providence Development Co. Ltd. - e: North Pacific Division - e: Nuclear Physics Division - e: Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor

NPDO e: Nacelle Product Development Organization - e: Non-Profit Distributing Organization NPDP e: National Procurement Development Program - e: National Professional Development Program NPDS e: National Military Command System Processing and Display System - e: Nuclear Particle Detection System NPDWR e: National Primary Drinking Water Regulation^] NPE e: Elisabeth City State University, Elizabeth City - e: National Plastic Exposition - e: National Plastics Exhibition - e: Naval Preliminary Examination - e: Nuclear Planning and Execution - e: Nutrition Program for the Elderly NPEA d: Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt - e: National Patio Enclosure Association - e: National Printing Equipment Association NPEC e: National Panhellenic Editors Conference - e: Nuclear Power Engineering Committee - e: Nuclear Power Engineering Conference NPED e: Nuclear Powered Energy Depot

N.P.D. d: Nachrichten- und Pressedienst NPC Corp. e: National Petro Chemicals Corporation NPCD e: National Association of Parish Coordinators/Directors of Religious Education NPCF e: National Pollution Control Federation - e: National Pollution Control Foundation

NPee e: Field Library, Inc., Peekskill NPDA e: National Plywood Distributors Association - e: National Pyrotechnic Distributors Association NPDAA e: National Pharmaceutical Direct Advertising Association NPDB e: National Practitioner Data Bank - e: Nuclear Plant Databank

NPCFB e: North Pacific Coast Freight Bureau NPCGB e: National Pool Council of Great Britain

NPDBA e: National Pet Dealers and Breeders Association NPDC e: National Patent Development Corporation

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NPEE e: NP Energy Corp. Npeka d: Nachrichtenmittelprilfungskommission NPELRA e: National Public Employer Labor Relations Association NPEP e: National Public Expenditure Plan[ning] NPE/PES e: Nuclear Power Engineering/ Power Engineering Society


NPER NPER e: National Public Employment Reporter Database

NPFFG e: National Plant, Flower, and Fruit Guild

NPGTC e: National Prairie Grouse Technical Council

NPES e: Association for Suppliers of Printing and Publishing Technologies - e: National Printing Equipment and Supply Association - e: National Printing Equipment Show - e: Nuclear Planning and Execution System

NPFFPA e: National Prepared Frozen Food Processors Association

N.P.G.W.A. e: National Plate Glass Workers Association

NPfG d: Nordpfalzer Geschichtsverein

NPH e: Association of Nordic Paper Historians - e: Nalcap Holdings, Inc. - e: North American Philips Corp.

NPESA e: National Printing Equipment and Supply Association

NPFL e: National Patriotic Forces of Liberia - e: National Patriotic Front of Liberia

NPEU e: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit

NPFMC e: North Pacific Fishery Management Council

NPF c: Narodni Pozemkovy Fond - d: Normenausschuß Pigmente und Füllstoffe im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Names Project Foundation - e: National Paraplegia Foundation - e: National Park Foundation - e: National Parkinson Foundation - e: National Patriotic Front - e: National Pharmaceutical Foundation - e: National Piano Foundation - e: National Pig Fair - e: National Poetry Foundation - e: National Powder Factory - e: National Press Foundation - e: National Progressive Front - e: National Provident Fund[ing] - e: National Provider File - e: National Psoriasis Foundation - e: National Pugilistic Federation - e: Naval Parachute Facility - e: Naval Powder Factory - e: Naval Procurement Fund - e: Newspaper Press Fund - e: Newtonian Potential Function - e: Nigeria Police Force - e: Non Public Funds - e: Northern Progressive Front - e: Nuclear Power Facility - n: Nederlandse Pluimvee Federatie - N: Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Forening - N: Norsk Petroleums-Forening - N: Norske Patentingeniorers Forening - N: Norsk[e] Psykoloforening - r: Nordiska Polisforbundet

NPFO e: National Power Field Office - e: Nuclear Power Field Office

NPFI e: National Plant Food Institute

NPHA e: National Peer Helpers Association NPhA e: National Pharmaceutical Association NPHA e: National Plott Hound Association

N.P.F. e: National Pearl Federation - e: Newspaper Press Fund - e: Nigeria Police Force - e: Northern Progressive Front - N: Norske Patrioters Forbund NPFA e: National Peanut Festival Association - e: National Playing Fields Association - e: National Poultry Farmers' Association - e: National Power Fluid Association N.P.F.A. e: National Playing Fields Association - e: National Poultry Farmers' Association NPFAO e: Non-Public Funds Accounting Officer NPFC e: National Pro-Family Coalition - e: Naval Publications and Forms Center - e: North Pacific Fur Seal Commission - e: Northwest Pacific Fisheries Commission

NPF&PP e: Naval Prison Farms and Prison Personnel NPFRC e: North Pacific Fisheries Research Center NPFS e: Naval Pre-Flight School - e: No Prior or Current Federal Service

NPHC e: National Public Housing Conference N.Ph.D. e: Doctor of Natural Philosophy NPHI e: Nalcap Holdings, Inc.

NPFSC e: North Pacific Fur Seal Commission

NPHL 5: Normas Provisionales Hacienda Local

NPFTA e: National Personal Fitness Trainers Association

Nph. M[itt]. d: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen

NPFVAS e: Northern Prawn Fishery Voluntary Assistance Scheme

NphMs d: Neuphilologische Monatsschrift NPHP e: National Public Health Partnership

NPG d: Nukleare Planungsgruppe - e: National Peace Garden - e: National Portrait Gallery - e: NATO Planning Group - e: Naval Proving Ground - e: Negative Population Growth, Inc. - e: New Product Group - e: Nile Provisional Government - e: NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards - e: Nuclear Planning Group - e: Nuclear Power Group - n: Nederlands Psychoanalytisch Genootschap - n: Nederlandsch Padvinders Gilde - P: Narodowy Plan Gospodarczy N.P.G. e: National Portrait Gallery - n: Nederlands Psychoanalytisch Genootschap NPGA e: National Propane Gas Association - e: National Pygmy Goat Association - e: Nebraska Personnel and Guidance Association - e: Nevada Personnel and Guidance Association NPGC e: National Pell Grant Coalition NPGL e: National Popular Government League NPGPA e: Non-Powder Gun Products Association NPGRCC e: National Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Center

NPFF e: National Police Field Force

NPGRL e: National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory

NPFFA e: National Police and Fire Fighters Association - e: National Prepared Frozen Food Association

NPGS e: National Plant Germplasm System - e: Naval Postgraduate School - e: Nuclear Power Generating Station


NPHAP e: National Pesticide Hazard Assessment Program


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NPHPRS e: National Public Health Program Reporting System NPHQ e: National Park Headquarters NPHR e: National Foreign Intelligence Plan for Human Resources NPhRs. d: Neue philologische Rundschau N.P.H.T. e: Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust NPHWA e: National Presbyterian Health and Welfare Association NPI e: International Business Machines Corp., Systems Development Division, Poughkeepsie - e: National Paralegal Institute - e: National Parkinson Institute - e: National Pastoral Institute - e: National Penitentiary Institute - e: National Petroleum Institute - e: National Physical Laboratory - e: National Pollutant Inventory - e: National Pollution Inventory - e: National Population Inquiry - e: National Productivity Institute - e: National Provident Institution - e: National Provider Identifier - e: National Purchasing Institute - e: Neuro-Psychiatric Institute - e: New Partnership Initiative - e: Newsletter. Portuguese Industrial Association - e: Nippon Pulp Industry - e: Normick Perron, Incorporated - e: Number Planning Area - e: Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund, Inc. - N: Norsk Produktivitetsinstitutt

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NPNR N.P.I, e: National Physical Laboratory - e: National Provident Institution for Mutual Life Assurance NPIA e: Nanny Pop-Ins Association - e: National Photography Instructors Association - e: Norfolk Port and Industrial Authority NPIAP e: National Pesticide Impact Assessment Program NPIAS e: National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems NPIAW e: National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife NPIC e: National Pesticide Information Clearinghouse - e: National Pharmacy Insurance Council - e: National Photographic Interpretation Center - e: National Programme on Improved Chulhas - e: Naval Photographic Interpretation Center N-PIC e: National Photographic Interpretation Center NPICPS e: National Policy Institute of the Center for Political Studies NPID e: Network Provider Identification NPIF e: National Peace Institute Foundation

NPK d: Nationale Pappelkommission - d: Noricum Presse-Korrespondenz - d: Normalprofilbuchkommission - e: National Presto Industries, Inc. - e: Noble Peak Resources Ltd. - n: Nationale Partij Kombinatie - r: Nordiska Privatflygkommtten N.P.K. d: Nachrichtenmittelprilfungskommission

NPL Rep MOM [UK] Natl Phys Lab Div Mech Opt Metrol e: NPL Report MOM [United Kingdom]. National Physical Laboratory. Division of Mechanical and Optical Metrology

NPKW P: Naczelny Polski Komitet Wojskowy, tzw. Naczpol

NPL-RPU e: National Physical LaboratoryRadio Propagation Unit

NPL d: Neue Politische Literatur - e: Nashville Public Library - e: National Physical Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: National Physics Laboratory - e: National Policy on Languages - e: National Priorities (or Priority) List[ing] - e: National Properties Limited - e: National Puzzlers' League - e: Nepheline Resources Limited - e: New York Public Library - e: Newark Public Library - e: Nippon Peripherals Limited - e: NOAAPORT Liaison - e: Non-Patent Literature - e: Nonpartisan League - e: Norfolk Public Library - e: Northwest Pipeline Corp. - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Produktieleiding - N: Norske Papirhandlers Landsforbund

NPLTC e: National Public Law Training Center

NPIL e: Nepal Paper Industries Ltd. NPIN e: National Prevention Information Network

N.P.L. e: National Physical Laboratory - e: National Protestant League - e: Nonpartisan League - N: Norges Pedagogiske Landslag

NPIRES e: National Pesticide Information Retrieval System NPIRG e: National Public Interest Research Group NPIRI e: National Printing Incorporated Research Institute - e: National Printing Ink Research Institute NPIRS e: National Pesticide Information Retrieval System NPIS e: National Physics Information System - e: National Poisons Information Service

NPMAA e: National Piano Manufacturers Association of America

NPMG e: NATO Patriot Management Group

NPlaU e: State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh

NPMHU e: National Postal Mail Handlers Union

NPLC e: National Pedigree Livestock Council - e: National Product Liability Council

NPMK e: National Plan of Management of Kangaroos

NPLD e: National Pro-Life Democrats

NPMO e: National Programs Management Office

NPLE e: National Patriotic Front of Liberia NPLEI e: National Police Law Enforcement Institute NPleP e: Pace University Westchester, Pleasantville

NP/IS e: National Premium Incentive Show

NPITC e: National Plastics Industry Training Committee

NPMA e: National Piano Manufacturers Association of America - e: National Podiatry Association - e: National Podriatic Medical Association - e: National Property Management Association - e: NATO Project Management Agency - e: Newspaper Purchasing Management Association

NPL-AERO e: National Physical Laboratory, Aerodynamics Division

NPLF e: National Preservation Loan Fund NPIS e: Nutrition Planning Information System

NPM d: Nebenamtliche Pädagogische Mitarbeiter - d: Normenausschuß Primäre Meßgeräte und -einrichtungen - e: National Association of Pastoral Musicians - e: National Postal Museum - e: National Program Manager - e: Neptune International - e: Neptune Meter Company - e: Network Performance Monitor

NPMC e: National Pecan Marketing Council

NPIP e: National Poultry Improvement Plan NPIPF e: Newspaper and Printing Industries Pension Fund

NPL Rep Chem [UK] Natl Phys Lab Div Chem Stand e: NPL Report Chemistry [United Kingdom], National Physical Laboratory. Division of Chemical Standards

NPLG e: Navy Program Language Group - e: Night Plane Guard Station NP1GS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Plainview Branch, Plainview

NPITI e: National Project for the Improvement of Televised Instruction [National Association of Educational Broadcasters]

NPLGS e: Night Plane Guard Station

NPJ N: Norsk Presseforbunds Journalistgruppe

NP-L PAC e: National Pro-Life Political Action Committee

NPLO e: NATO Production and Logistics Organization

NPMOC e: Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center NPMP e: National Pesticide Monitoring Pro gram NPMR e: National Premium Manufacturers Representatives - e: Native Pasture Management Research NPMTC e: Navy Pacific Missile Test Center NPN e; NASA Part Number - e: National Particulate Network - e: National Party of Nigeria - e: National Performance Network - e: National Petroleum News - e: National Prevention Network - e: Nordic Planetarium Network NPND e: National Parent Network on Disabilities NP News e: National Petroleum News

NPJPA e: National Prune Juice Packers Association

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

NPNR e: Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research

© K · G · Säur, Munich


N&PNWR N&PNWR e: Ninepipe and Pablo National Wildlife Refuge NPO e: National Philharmonic Orchestra - e: National Post Office Building - e: National Project Office - e: National [Waste Terminal Storage] Program Office - e: Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves - e: Naval Port Officer - e: Navy Post Office - e: Navy Program Objectives - e: Navy Purchasing Office[r] - e: Neighborhood Patrol Office[r] - e: New Philharmonic Orchestra - e: New Post Office Building - e: Norpet Resources Ltd. - e: Nuclear Propulsion Office - e: NWTS Program Office - e: Scientific Production Organization - n: Nederlandse Pluimvee Organisatie - R: Nationalnaja Proizvostva Organizacija - R: Naucnaja Proizvodstvennaja Organizacija N.P.O. e: Naval Post Office NPOAA e: National Police Officers Association of America NPOC e: National Point of Contact - e: Naval Polar Oceanographic (or Oceanography) Center NPODS e: Navy Print on Demand System NPOE A; Nationalnaja Proizvostva Organizacija Energiya - R: Naucnaja Proizvodstvennaja Organizacija Energiya

- e: National Policy Paper - e: National Potato Panel - e: National Priority Pool - e: National Priority Program - e: National Prison Project - e: National Privacy Panel - e: National Progress Party - e: National Prohibition Party - e: National Promotion Plan - e: Naval Propellant Plant - e: Net Primary Production - e: Net Primary Productivity - e: New Patriotic Party - e: New Peoples Party - e: New Policy Proposal - e: New Progressive Party - e: Nigerian Peoples Party - e: Northern Peoples Party - e: Nuclear Power Plant - H: Nemzeti Paraszpart - n: Nederlandsche Pensioen Partij N.P.P. e: National Peasant Party - e: National Peoples Party - e: National Progress Party - e: National Progressive Party - e: National Prohibition Party NPPA e: National and Provincial Parks Association. Newsletter - e: National Newspaper Publishers Association - e: National Physical Planning Agency - e: National Pickle Packers Association - e: National Press Photographers Association - e: National Probation and Parole Association - e: Northwest Pulp and Paper Association NP&PA e: National Paperbox and Packaging Association

NPPM e: Northern Parks and Playgrounds Movement NPPO e: Navy Program and Planning Office - e: Navy Publications and Printing Office NPPOC e: Nuclear Power Plant Operators Course NPPPP e: Northern Province People' s Progressive Party NPPR e: Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico - e: Navy Program Progress Report NPPS e: National Plants Preservation Society - e: NATO POL Pipeline System - e: Navy Planning and Programming System - e: Navy Publication[s] and Printing Service - e: Nebraska Public Power System NPPSBO e: Navy Publications and Printing Service Branch Office NPPSIS e: National Parent to Parent Support and Information System NPPSMO e: Navy Publications and Printing Service Management Office NPPSO e: Navy Publications and Printing Service Office NPPTA e: National Public Parks Tennis Association NPPTB e: National Pig Progeny Testing Board N-P Pubns e: National Press Publications

NPOESS e: National Polar Orbiter Environmental Satellite System - e: National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System NPOLA e: Navy Publishing Office Los Angeles NPOMHWMGL e: National Post Office Mail Handlers, Watchmen, Messengers and Group Leaders NPO-NIA e: Nonprofit Organizations National Insurance Alliance NPOP e: NASA Polar Orbiting Platform NPO-PM A; Nationalnaja Proizvostva Organizacija Prikladnoi Mekhaniki - R: Naucnaja Proizvodstvennaja Organizacija Prikladnoi Mekhaniki NPORI e: National Public Opinion Research Institute NP&OSR e: Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserve NPotU e: State University of New York, College at Potsdam, Potsdam NPO"Vega" e: Scientific-Industrial Corporation „Vega"

NPPAC e: National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada NPPAG e: National Program Production and Acquisition Grants NPPAJ e: National Probation and Parole Association Journal N.P.P.A.-U.M.S.J. e: National Press Photographers Association-University of Missouri School of Journalism NPPB e: National Poisons and Pesticides Board - e: National Potato Promotion Board NPPC e: National Pork Producers Council - e: National Power Policy Committee - e: Navy Programming Planning Council - e: Northwest Power Planning Commission - e: Northwest Power Planning Council - e: Nuclear Power Plant Company, Ltd.


NPR e: National Parks and Access to the Countryside Regulations - e: National Partnership for Reinventing Government - e: National Performance Review - e: National Police Reserve - e: National Productivity Review - e: National Property Register Limited - e: National Public Radio - e: Naval Petroleum Reserve - e: Naval Plant Representative - e: Navy Procurement Regulation - e: Neptune Resources Corp. - e: Northern Pacific Railway - e: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - N: Norsk Presseforbunds Redaktorgruppe - P: Narodowa Partia Robotnicza - P: Narodowa Partia Robotnikow NPR. d: Neue philologische Rundschau

NPPE e: Nuclear Power Propulsion Evaluation

NPrA e: American Cyanamid Co., Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River

NPPEC e: National Public Policy Education Committee

NPRA e: National Parks and Recreation Association - e: National Parks and Reserves Authority - e: National Patriotic Reconstruction Assembly - e: National Personal Robot Association - e: National Petroleum Refiners Association - e: National Petroleum Reserve - e: Naval Personnel Research Activity - e: Newspaper Personnel Relations Association

NPPF e: National Planned Parenthood Federation - e: National Poultry Producers Federation - e: National Press Photographers Foundation

NPP 435 e: Namibian Peace Plan Group 435 NPP e: National Peach Partners - e: National Peoples Party - e: National Periodicals Publications, Inc. - e: National Pesticides Policy

NPPW e: National Poison Prevention Week

NPPHCN e: National Progressive Primary Health Care Network

NPR-A e: National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska NPPL e: National Private Pilots License


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NPT NPRAC e: National Public Radio Association of California NPRC e: National Personnel Records Center - e: National Polystyrene Recycling Co. - e: National Project on Resource Coordination for Justice Statistics and Information - e: National Provisional Ruling Council - e: National Public Relations Council of Health and Welfare Services - e: National Puerto Rican Coalition - e: Newspaper Production and Research Center - e: Nigerian Petroleum Refining Company - e: Nordic Polar Research Committee NPRCA e: National Petroleum Radio Coordinating Association NPRC [CPR] e: National Personnel Records Center [Civilian Personnel Records] NPRCG e: Nuclear Public Relations Contact Group NPRC [MPR] e: National Personnel Records Center [Military Personnel Records] NPRDA e: National Precure Retread Dealers Association NPRDC e: Navy Personnel Research and Development Center NPRDL e: Naval Personnel Research and Development Laboratory N Pres e: National Preserve NPRF e: National Puerto Rican Forum - e: Northrop Pulse Radiation Facility NPRFCA e: National Petroleum Radio Frequency Coordinating Association NPRGCC e: National Program for Responding to Greenhouse Climate Change NPRH e: Nurse Practitioners in Reproductive Health NPRHA e: North Pacific Rim Housing Authority NPRI e: National Pollution Release Inventory [of Canada] - e: National Psychiatric Reform Institute - e: Norwegian Polar Research Institute NPRIS e: Nuclear Planning & Resource Information System NPRL e: National Physical Research Laboratory - e: Navy Prosthetics Research Laboratory NPRM e: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

NPRR e: National Public Relations Roundtable - e: Northern Pacific Railroad

NPS/CPSU/UW e: National Park Service Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of Washington

NPRS e: National Programme for Remote Sensing - e: Negative Poll Response State

NPSD e: Naval Photographic Services Depot, Hollywood NPSE e: National Premium Sales Executives

NPRWC e: National Puerto Rican Women's Caucus

NPSF e: National Straight Pipe Thread for Dry Seal Pressure Tight Joints

N.P.Ry. e: Northern Pacific Railway NFS d: Neckar-Personen-Schiffahrt - d: Normenausschuß Persönliche Schutzausrüstung und Sicherheitskennzeichnung im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Narcotics Preventive Service - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Planning Studies - e: National Park Service - e: National Parole Service - e: National Periodicals] System - e: National Permit Strategy - e: National Pesticide Survey - e: National Petroleum Show - e: National Philatelie Society - e: National Phone Services, Inc. - e: National Pipe Straight [thread] - e: National Plumbers' Society - e: National Poetry Series - e: National Pony Society - e: National Portrait Society - e: National Prisoner Statistics - e: National Provider System - e: Naval Postgraduate School - e: Navy Primary Standards - e: New Palaeographical Society - e: Newspaper Press Union - e: Northwestern Public Service Co. - e: Nucleare Power School Proceedings - e: Numerical Product Service - n: Nationale Partij Suriname - r: Nordiska Press Syndikate! NPs e: Natural Products

NPSG e: National Pipe Straight Grease - e: NPS Technologies Group, Inc. - P: Narodowy Plan Spoleczno-Gospodarczy NPSH e: National Pipe Straight Hose - e: National Straight Pipe Threads for Hose Couplings and Nipples NPSI e: National Product Satisfaction Index - e: Networked Picture Systems, Inc. NPSL e: National Pipe Straight Locknut - e: National Professional Soccer League - e: National Straight Pipe Threads for Locknuts and Locknut Pipe NPSM e: National Straight Pipe Thread for Mechanical Joints NPSM Joint e: National Pipe Straight Mechanical Joint NPSMS e: Nonpoint Source Management System NPSPA e: National Pecan Shellers and Processors Association NPSRA e: National Professional Squash Racquets Association - e: Nuclear-Powered Ship Research Association NPSRC e: National Professional Standards Review Council

N.P.S. e: National Pigeon Service - e: National Plumbers' Society - e: National Portrait Society - e: National Postal Service - e: National Press Service NPSA e: National Paint Salesmen's Association - e: National Passenger Safety Association - e: National Pecan Shellers Association - e: National Pegboard Systems Association - e: National Psychic Science Association - e: Nordic Political Science Association NPSAPHA e: New Professionals Section of the American Public Health Association NPSAS e: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

NPSRI e: National Public Services Research Institute NPSS e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society - e: NASA Packet Switch System - e: National Police and Security Service - e: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society - e: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Symposium NP[s]St d: Neue Psychologische Studien NPS Thread e: National Pipe Straight Thread NPSTN e: National Public Switched Telecommunications Network NPSU e: National Perinatal Statistics Unit

NPRN e: National Public Radio News NPRO e: Naval Petroleum Reserves Office - e: Navy Plant Representative Office[r] NPROA e: National Police Reserve Officers Association NPR&OSR e: Naval Petroleum Reserves and Oil Shale Reserves

NPSB e: National Prisoner Statistics Bulletin - e: News Print Service Bureau NPSC e: National Physical Science Consortium - e: National Pipe Straight Coupling - e: National Processing Service Center - e: National Public Service Commission - e: National Straight Pipe Thread in Pipe Couplings - e: Naval Personnel Separation Center

NPRPM e: National Program for River Process and Management

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NPSWA d: Nationale Partei SUdwestafrikas NPT d: Nationalpreisträger - e: Executive Aviation Services - e: National PDES [Product Data Exchange using STEP [Standard for the Exchange of Product model data Testbed] - e: National Petroleum Corp. Ltd. - e: National Pipe Taper - e: National Pipe Thread - e: NECO Enterprises, Inc. - e: Neuropsychiatry Technician


N.P.T. - e: New Periodical Titles [of British Union Catalogue of Periodicals] - e: Non-Proliferation Treaty - e: Northern Pacific Terminal Railroad Co. - e: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - e: Portland Terminal Railroad Co.

NPU e: National People's Union - e: National Pharmaceutical Union - e: National Police Union - e: National Postal Union - e: Newspaper Press Union [of South Africa] - e: Nordic Postal Union

N.P.T. e: Nine-Power Treaty

N.P.U. e: National Pharmaceutical Union

NPTA e: National Congress of Parent and Teacher's Association - e: National Paper Trade Association [of the United States] - e: National Passenger Traffic Association - e: National Perishable Transportation Association - e: National Piano Travellers Association - e: National Postal Transport Association - e: Nevada Parent-Teacher Association

N.P.U.C. e: Navy Presidential Unit Citation

NQAPO e: Nuclear Quality Assurance Program Office NQAR e: National Quality Assurance Representative NQB e: National Quotation Bureau NQBA e: National Quality Bacon Association

NPTAUS e: National Paper Trade Association of the United States NPTB P: Nowohuckie Przedsi^biorstwo Transportowe Budownictwa NPTC e: National Postal and Travelers Censorship - e: National Private Truck Council - e: Office of Nonproliferation Controls and Treaty Compliance NPTCO e: National Postal and Travelers Censorship Organization NPtcU e: United Hospital, Port Chester NPTF e: National Pipe Taper Fuel - e: National Pipe Thread, Female - e: National Pipe Thread Fine - e: National Taper Pige Threads for Dry Seal Pressure Tight Joints

NPUG e: National Prime User Group NPUP e: National Progressive Unionist Party NPurU e: State University of New York, College at Purchase, Purchase NPV e: National Present Volume Method - e: Net Present Value - e: New Plymouth Ventures, Inc. - n: Nederlandsche Padvinders Vereeniging - n: Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereeniging

NQC e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Quality Control - e: National Quotations Committee [of the National Association of Securities Dealers] - e: Northern Queensland Co. NQCC e: Network Quality Control Center - e: North Queensland Conservation Council NQCRRP e: North Queensland Community Rainforest Reforestation Program NQF e: National Qualification[s] Framework NQHR e: National Quarter Horse Registry

NPVLA e: National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association NPW e: International Union of Allied Novelty and Production Workers - e: National Parks and Wildlife [Act]

NQIC e: National Quality Information Centre NQKA e: Northwest Quoin Key Association NQL e: National Quick Lube - e: Network Query Language

NPWA e: National Pure Water Association NQLL e: National Quick Lube Limited NPWC e: National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act - e: Navy Public Works Center NPWC Act e: National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act

NQMP e: National Quality Management Program NQNC e: North Queensland Naturalists Club NQPA e: National Quarter Pony Association

NPWH e: National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health

NQPC e: National Quartz Producers Council

NPTFB e: National Park Trust Fund Board NPTG e: Nuclear Power Task Group NPTI e: Nissan Performance Technology, Inc. NPTL e: National Police Testing Laboratories NPTM e: National Pipe Thread, Male NPTN e: National Pesticide[s] Telecommunication^] Network - e: National Public Telecomputing Network NPTO e: National Petroleum Technology Office NPTR e: National Parachute Test Range - e: National Taper Pipe Threads for Railing Fixtures

NPWOA e: National Piggly Wiggly Operators Association NPWR e: Nationwide Power Corp.

NQRC e: National Quadraphonic Radio Committee

NPWRC e: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

NQRDGP e: North Queensland Rural Division of General Practice

NPWS e: National Parks and Wildlife Service - e: NATO Planning Workshop

NQT e: Nor-Quest Resources Ltd. NQX e: North Queensland Express

NPWU e: National Production Workers Union of America NPX e: National Phoenix Industries, Inc. NPY e: National Productivity Year - e: Norway, Poland, Yugoslavia Atomic Programme NPZ c: Nacelnik Proviantniho Zasobovani

NPTRC e: Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference NPTR Fitting e: National Pipe Taper Railing Fitting NPTRL e: Naval Personnel and Training Research Laboratory NPTS e: Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey NPu d: Normenausschuß Pulvermetallurgie im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V.


NQR e: New Quebec Ragalan Mines Ltd.

NQ e: North Queensland N&Q e: American Notes and Queries NQA e: National Quality Assurance [Committee] - e: National Quality Award - e: National Quilting Association - e: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro NQAA e: Nuclear Quality Assurance Agency


· Säur, München

NR c: Narodni Rada - d: Nachrichtenregiment - d: Nationalrat - d: Nordischer Ring e.V. - e: CSE Aviation Ltd. - e: National Range - e: National Range Official Point of Contact - e: National Range Operations Directorate - e: National Recovery Act - e: National Recovery Administration - e: National Register - e: National Report - e: National Reporter - e: National Reserve - e: National Review - e: National River - e: National Riverway - e: Naval Reserve - e: Nigerian Railway - e: Norfolk Regiment - e: North American Rockwell Corp. - e: Northamptonshire Regiment - e: Not Recommended - e: Nufort Resources, Inc.

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NRC - e: Nursing Representative - N: Norges Rederforbund - N: Normalisatieraad - N: Norsk Redakt0rforening - N: Norsk Regnesentral - N: Norsk Rikskringkasting - P: Naczelna Rada - r: Naringsfrihetsradet - r: Nordisk Resebureau - r: Nordisk Rotogravyr - r: Nordiska Radet - r: Nordiska Rör AB - se: Narodna Republika

NRAB e: American Baptist Historical Society, Rochester - e: National Railroad Adjustment Board [Awards] - e: Naval Reserve Aviation Base - e: North Regional Association for the Blind

N.R.A.S. e: Northern Rhodesia Administrative Service

N.R.A.B. e: United States National Railroad Adjustment Board

NRASF e: National Registry of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities

NRAB [1st D] e: United States National Railroad Adjustment Board Awards, First Division

NRATSC e: Northern Regional Air Traffic Service Centre

Nr d: Nummer

NRAB [2d D] e: United States National Railroad Adjustment Board Awards, Second Division

nr e: West African Modern Language and Literature Association N.R. d: Nachrichtenregiment - e: Nigeria Regiment - e: Norfolk Regiment - e: North Riding [of Yorkshire] - e: Northamptonshire Regiment -/· La Nation Roumaine - r: Nordiska Rädet NRA e: Division of Nuclear Research and Application - e: NASA Research Announcement - e: National Racing Authority - e: National Railway Association - e: National Reclamation Association - e: National Reconstruction Act - e: National Reconstruction Alliance - e: National Recovery Act - e: National Recovery Administration - e: National Recreation Association - e: National Recreation[al] Area - e: National Reform Association - e: National Register of Archives - e: National Registration Authority [for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] - e: National Regulatory Authority - e: National Rehabilitation Association - e: National Remodelers Association - e: National Renderer[s] Association - e: National Research Associates - e: National Resistance Army - e: National Restaurant Association - e: National Rifle Association [of America] - e: National Rivers Authority - e: National Roommate Association - e: National Rounders Association - e: NATO Refugee Agency - e: Natural Resource Accounting - e: Naval Radio Activity - e: Naval Reserve Association - e: Negro Radio Association - e: New Era Development Ltd. - e: Northrop Radio Service, Inc. - e: Nuclear Energy Authority - e: Nuclear Regulatory Agency - H: Nemzeti RepUlö Alap - P: Naczelna Rada Adwokacka - P: Naczelna Rada Aptekarska N.R.A. e: National Resistance Army - e: National Rifle Association NR-A e: National Range-Data Sciences Division NRAA e: National Railway Appliances Association - e: National Renal Administrators Association - e: National Rifle Association of America - e: National Rifle Association of Australia

NRAB [3d D] e: United States National Railroad Adjustment Board Awards, Third Division NRAB [4th D] e: United States National Railroad Adjustment Board Awards, Fourth Division

- e: Navy Readiness Analysis Section - e: Navy Readiness Analysis System - e: Nuclear Release Authentication System

NRATUC e: Northern Rhodesian African Trades Union Congress NRAU e: Nyasaland Railways Asian Workers' Union NRAWU e: Nyasaland Railways African Workers' Union

NRAG e: Naval Research Advisory Group

NRB c: Närodni Rada Badatelskä - e: National Rehabilitation Board - e: National Religious Broadcasters, Inc. - e: National Research Bureau - e: National Resources Board [and Advisory Committee] - e: National Roads Board - e: National Rubber Bureau - e: Natural Resources Board - e: Natural Rubber Bureau - e: Naval Reactors Board - e: Naval Reactors Branch - e: Naval Repair Base - e: Navy Recruiting Bureau - e: Navy Reservation Bureau - e: New York Air Brake Co. - e: Nonconformance Review Board - e: Northern Research Basins - e: Nuclear Reactors Branch

NRAI e: National Residential Appraisers Institute

N.R.B. e: National Roads Board - e: National Rubber Bureau

NRAJ e: Natural Resource Authority of Jordan

NRBA e: National Radio Broadcasters Association

NRAL e: National Radio Astronomy Laboratory - e: New York State Appellate Division, Law Library, Rochester

NRBC e: National Rare Blood Club

NRALCC e: Northern Region Airlift Control Center

NRBL e: Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester

NRAC e: National Research Advisory Council - e: National Resources Analysis Center - e: National Rural Advisory Council - e: Natural Resources Audit Council - e: Naval Research Advisory Committee NRACCO e: Navy Regional Air Cargo Central Office - e: Navy Regional Air Cargo Control Office[r] NRAF e: Naval Reserve Auxiliary Field - e: Navy Recruiting Aids Facility

NRALD e: Northern Region Airlift Division

NRBC/NYBC e: National Rare Blood Club/New York Blood Center

NRBL-S e: Bausch & Lomb, Inc., SOFLENS Division, Technical Information Center, Rochester

NRAM e: Nonradioactive material NRBQ e: New Rhythm and Blues Quintett NRAMEG e: National Restaurant Association Marketing Executives Group NRAMRG e: National Restaurant Association Market Research Group N.R.A.N.C. e: Northern Rhodesian African National Congress NRAO e: National Radio Astronomical Observatory - e: National Radio Astronomy Observatory [Library] - e: Navy Regional Accounts Office NRA Report e: NRA [National Restaurant Association] Washington Report NRAS e: National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NRBs e: National Religious Broadcasters Inc. NRC e: Nacorazi Railroad Company - e: National Racquetball Club - e: National Radio Club - e: National Radium Commission - e: National Rail Corporation - e: National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association, Inc. - e: National Rainbow Coalition - e: National Ramah Commission - e: National Reactor Commission - e: National Reading Conference - e: National Reading Council - e: National Realty Club - e: National Realty Committee - e: National Reception Committee - e: National Reconditioning Order - e: National Records Center


N.R.C. -

e: National Recreation Area e: National Recreation Center (or Centre) e: National Recyclers Coalition e: National Recycling Coalition e: National Redemption Council e: National Referee Council e: National Referral Center e: National Reformation Council e: National Regulatory Commission e: National Remodelers Council e: National Replacement Character e: National Reporting Center e: National Reprographic Centre [for Documentation] - e: National Republican Club - e: National Republican Convention - e: National Research Center (or Centre) - e: National Research Corporation - e: National Research Council [of Canada] - e: National Resistance Committee - e: National Resistance Council - e: National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals in Special Education and Related Human Services - e: National Resources College - e: National Resources Committee - e: National Resources Council [of America] - e: National Response Center - e: National Retreat Centre - e: National Riding Committee - e: National Rocket Club - e: National Roofing Contractors - e: National Rural Center - e: Nation's Report Card, National Assembly of Educational Progress - e: Natural Resources Center - e: Natural Resources Council of America - e: Natural Rights Center - e: Naval Records Club - e: Naval Research Company-Reserves - e: Naval Retraining Command - e: Navy Reconnaissance Center - e: Navy Reserve Centers - e: Negotiated Rulemaking Committee - e: Neighborhood Recovery Center - e: Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation - e: Netherlands Red Cross - e: Network Reliability Council - e: New Research Centers - e: New Right Coalition - e: Newfoundland Safety Council - e: Newport Research Corporation - e: Newspaper Research Council - e: Nichols Research Corporation - e: Niger River Commission - e: Nigerian Railway Corporation - e: Non-Unit Related Cargo - e: Nonreusable Container - e: NORAD Readiness Center - e: North Carolina State University at Raleigh - e: Northern Railfans' Club - e: Norwegian Refugee Council - e: Norwegian Research Council - e: Nuclear Radiation Center - e: Nuclear Regulatory Commission - e: Nuclear Reporting Cell - e: Nuclear Research Council - e: Nurses for the Rights of the Child - n: Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant N.R.C. e: National Radium Commission - e: National Reconversion Commission - e: National Recreation Centre - e: Native Representative Council - e: Netherlands Reactor Centre - e: Netherlands Red Cross NR-C e: National Range-Operations Control Division


NRCA e: National Reamer Collectors Association - e: National Rebel Class Association - e: National Recovery and Collection Association - e: National Redbone Coonhound Association - e: National Rehabilitation Counseling Association - e: National Resource[s] Council of America - e: National Retail Credit Association - e: National Roofing Contractors Association - e: Natural Resources Conservation Authority - e: Natural Resources Council of America NRC-ACAC e: National Research Council Army Countermine Advisory Committee NRCAGTM e: National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical Memorandum NRCBRN e: National Research Council. Building Research Note NRCBRRP e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research. Research Paper NRCBRTP e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research. Technical Paper NRC Bull e: NRC [National Research Council of Canada] Bulletin NRCC e: National Registry in Clinical Chemistry - e: National Republican Campaign Committee - e: National Republican Coalition for Choice - e: National Republican Congressional Committee - e: National Research Council of Canada - e: National Resource for Computation in Chemistry - e: Naval Regional Contracting Center - e: NORAD Region Control Center N.R.C.C. e: National Republican Congressional Committee - e: National Research Council of Canada NRCC Bull e: NRCC [National Research Council of Canada] Bulletin NRCCL e: Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law NRCCLS e: National Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services NRCC/NAE e: National Research Council of Canada/National Aeronautical Establishment NRCCS e: National Research Council Committee on Salmonella NRCCSA e: National Resource Center on Child Sexual Abuse NRCCTT e: National Research Council of Canada. Technical Translation NRCD e: National Redemption Council Decree - e: National Reprographic Center (or Centre) for Documentation NRCDBP e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research. DBR Paper


· Säur, München

NRCD Bull e: National Reprographic Centre for Documentation. Bulletin NRCDES e: National Research Council Division of Earth Sciences NRC/DME e: National Research Council of Canada, Division of Mechanical Engineering NR-CE e: National Range-Safety Branch NRCE e: National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Ecological Reserves. Newsletter NRCEBF e: National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. Publication NR-CF e: National Range-Flight Safety Branch NRCI e: National Radio Company, Incorporated - e: National Rainbow Coalition, Incorporated - e: National Red Cherry Institute NRCL e: National Research Council Laboratories - e: National Research Council Library - e: Natural Resources Conservation League N.R.C.L. e: Natural Resources Conservation League NRCL Natl Res Counc Lab [Ottawa] e: NRCL. National Research Council Laboratories [Ottawa] NRCLS e: National Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services NRCLSE e: National Resource for Computers in Life Science Education NRCLV e: Natural Resources Conservation League of Victoria NRC MAB e: National Research Council, Materials Advisory Board NRC-MAC e: National Research CouncilMine Advisory Committee - e: National Research Council-Mine Advisory Committee NRC[/]MAI e: National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association, Incorporated NRCMC e: National Resource Center for Minority Contractors NRCMCA e: National Radiator Core Manufacturing Credit Association NRCMET e: National Research Council of Canada. Division of Mechanical Engineering. Transportation Newsletter NRCMF e: National Referral Center Master File NRC-NAS e: National Research CouncilNational Academy of Sciences NRC [Natl Res Counc Can] Bull e: NRC [National Research Council of Canada] Bulletin

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NREMT NRC [Natl Res Counc Can] Tech Transl e: NRC [National Research Council of Canada] Technical Translation

- e: [Office of] Naval Research and Development - P: Niemiecka Republika Demokratyczna

NRCP e: National Rainforest Conservation Program - e: National Referees Certification Program - e: National Research Council for/of the Philippines - e: Norcap Financial Corp. - e: Philippine National Science Society

N.R.D. e: National Register of Designers - e: Naval Recruiting Department - e: Naval Reserves Department

N.R.C.P. e: Northern Rhodesia Commonwealth Party NRCPC e: National Rural Crime Prevention Center NRCPS e: National Research Council on Peace Strategy NRCR e: Northern Railway of Costa Rica NRC Res News e: National Research Council. Research News NRC Rev e: NRC [National Research Council of Canada] Review NRC RRC e: NRC Report Review Committee NRCS e: National Radiation Control Service - e: National Resource[s] Conservation Service - e: National Roller Canary Society - e: Natural Resources Conservation Service - e: Nepal Red Cross Society NR-CS e: National Range-Range Services Branch NRCSA e: National Registration Center for Study Abroad NRCST e: National Referral Center for Science and Technology - e: National Research Council of Thailand NRCT e: National Rehabilitation Centers - e: National Research Council of Thailand - e: National Resources Council of Thailand -/· Conseil National de la Recherche de Thallande NRC-TOX e: National Research CouncilCommittee on Toxicology NRCV e: Consolidated Vacuum Corp., Rochester NRCWA e: National Resource Center on Women and AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome]

NR-D e: National Range-Data Collection Division NRDA e: National Research and Development Authority - e: Natural Rubber Development Association - e: Nevada Research and Development Area NRDAP e: National Registry of Domestic Animal Pathology NRDB e: National Resources Development Board - e: Natural Rubber Development Board NRDC e: Natick Research and Development Center - e: National Regulatory Defense Council - e: National Research and Development Corporation - e: National Research Development Council - e: National Resource[s] Defence (or Defense) Council - e: National Resources Development Council - e: National Respiratory Disease Conference - e: National Retail Distribution Certificate - e: National Revolutionary Development Campaign - e: National Running Data Center, Inc. - e: Natural Resource[s] Defense Council - e: Navy Relief Society, Washington, DC, Auxiliary - e: Navy Research and Development Committee

NRDO e: National Research and Development Organization NRDP e: National Research and Development Program[me] - e: National Rural Development Partnership - e: National Rural Development Program NRDR e: Consolidated NRD Resources Ltd. - e: Nuclear Rocket Detection System - e: Nuclear Rocket Development Station NRds. d: Neue Rundschau NRDSCG e: Naval Research and Development Satellite Communications Group NRDU-V e: Navy Research and Development Unit-Vietnam NRE e; Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester - e: National Real Estate Holdings - e: National Real Estate Investor - e: National Resource Explorations Ltd. - e: Naval Research Establishment - e: Non-Recurring Engineering - e: Northern Reporter. Capital Communications Ltd. NREA e: National Rural Education Association - e: Natural Resources and Energy Agency NRE-A e: Eastman Kodak Co., Apparatus Division, Rochester NRE-B e; Kodak [Near East] Ltd., Beirut, Lebanon NREB e: Navy Reserve Evaluation Board

N.R.D.C. e: National Retail Distributive Certificate NRDCA e: National Roof Deck Contractors Association

NREC e: NAC Re Corp. - e: National Resource[s] Evaluation Center -/· Centre National d'Evaluation des Ressources

NRDC Bulletin e: National Research Development Corporation Bulletin

NRECA e: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

NRDC-CPSE e: National Revolutionary Development Campaign and Central Planning Supreme Council

NREDC e: National Rocket Engine Development Complex

NRDD e: National Resources Data Directory - e: Natural Resources Data Directory NRDFS e: Naval Radio Direction Finder Service NRDGA e: National Retail Dry Goods Association

NRCX e: New Retail Concepts, Inc. NRD e; National Bank of Pakistan. Monthly Economic Letter - e: National Range Division - e: National Range Documentation - e: National Recruiting Department - e: National Register of Designers - e: National Registered Designer - e: Natural Resource Damage - e: Natural Resources Division - e: Navy Recruiting Depot - e: Navy Recruiting District - e: Nord Resources Corp.

NRDM e; NRD Mining Ltd.

NRDGP e: Northern Rivers Division of General Practice NRDI e: National Rural Development Institute NRDIP /· Nouvelle Revue de Droit International Prive NRDL e: Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory NRDLS e: National Rural Development Leaders School

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NRE-E e: Eastman Kodak Co., Engineering Division, Rochester NREEC e: Natural Resources and Environmental Education Center NREFA e: National Real Estate Fliers Association NREL e: Government Science News Releases - e: National Renewable (or Renewal) Energy Laboratory - e: National Resource Ecology Laboratory NRE-L e: Kodak Ltd., Recordak Division, London, United Kingdom NRE-M e; Eastman Kodak Co., Health and Safety Laboratory, Rochester NREM e: National Research and Engineering Network NREMT e: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians


NREN NREN e: National Research and Education[al] Network

NRFO e: Navy Regional Finance Office

NRHP e: National Register of Historic Places - e: National River Health Program

NRFS e: Nichols Research Corp. NREP e: National Registry of Environmental Professionals - e: National Reliability Evaluation Program

NRFSA e: Navy Radio Frequency Spectrum Activity

NRE-P e: Eastman Kodak Co., Photographic Technnlogy Library, Rochester

NRFSEA e: National Reciprocal and Family Support Enforcement Association

NRE-R e: Eastman Kodak Co., Research Laboratories, Rochester

NRFV d: Norddeutscher Rugby-FußballVerband

NRERC e: National Rural Education Research Consortium

NRG d: Nutzungsrechtsgesetz - e: National Research Group Inc. - e: National Resurrection Group - e: Nautical Research Guild - e: Naval Research Group - e: Southern Natural Resources, Inc. - n: Nederlands Radiogenootschap

NRI e: National Agricultural Research Initiative - e: National Radio Institute - e: National Research Initiative - e: National Research Inventory - e: National Resources Institute - e: National Resource[s] Inventory - e: Natural Research Institute - e: Natural Resources Inventory - e: Naval Research Laboratory - e: Nomura Research Institute - e: Norris Industries, Incorporated - e: Novagold Resources, Incorporated

NRGA e: National Rice Growers Association

N.R.I. e: National Radio Institute

NRF d: Neues Rotes Forum - d: Niedersächsischer Rundfunk - e: National Relief Fund - e: National Republican Foundation - e: National Research Fellowships - e: National Research Foundation - e: National Retail Federation - e: National Roofing Foundation - e: National Rowing Foundation - e: National Rural Fellows - e: Naval Reactor Facility - e: Naval Repair Facility - e: Naval Reserve Force - e: Navel Reactors Facility - e: Nerds' Revolutionary Front - e: Newport Restoration Foundation - e: Nordic Recycling Federation - e: R. T. French Co., Rochester -/· Nouvelle Revue Francaise - N: Norges Rasjonaliseringsforbund - N: Norges Roforbund - N: Norges Rutebileierforbund - N: Norsk Radiofabrikantas Forbund - N: Norsk Rasjonaliseringsforening - N: Norske Radiofabrikanters Forbund - P: Niemiecka Republika Federalna - r: Norra Realarnes Förening

NRGas e: Rochester Gas & Electric Corp., Technical Information Center, Rochester

NRIA e: National Railroad Intermodal Association

N.R.G.B. e: National Register of Great Britain

NRIAD e: National Register of Industrial Art Designers

N.R.F. e: National Regeneration Front - e: National Relief Fund - r: Norra Realarnes Förening

NRHA e: National Radio Heritage Association - e: National Reining Horse Association - e: National Retail Hardware Association - e: National Roller Hockey Association - e: National Rural Health Alliance - e: National Rural Health Association

NRES e: National Registry Examination System - e: Naval Receiving Station NRESA e: National Rural and Environmental Studies Association

NRFA e: National Retail Florists Association - e: National Retail Furniture Association - e: National Rural Fire Authority NRFBS e: National Research Foundation for Business Statistics

NRHQ e: Northern Region Headquarters

NRGD d: Niederrheinischer Golf-Club Duisburg - e: Nutri Bevco, Inc.

NRHS e: National Railway Historical Society

NRGN e: Neurogen Corp.

NRIC e: National Registration [and] Identity Card - e: National Rehabilitation Information Center - e: National Reliability and Interoperability Commission - e: National Reserves Investigation Committee - e: National Resource Information Centre

NRGR e: General Railway Signal Co., Rochester

NRICGP e: National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program

NRGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Rochester Branch, Rochester

NRID e: National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

NRGD-SC e: Stromberg-Carlson Corp., Rochester

NRGSM e: National Research Group for the Structure of Matter NRh e: Northern Rhodesia NRH P: Naczelna Rada Harcerska

NRHC e: National Rental Housing Council - e: National Rivers and Harbo[u]rs Congress - e: National Rural Housing Coalition

NRFC e: National Rail Freight Corporation - e: National Railroad Freight Committee - e: Navy Regional Finance Center

NR&HC e: National Rivers and Harbors Congress

NRFEA e: National Retail Farm Equipment Association

NRHCA e: National Rural Health Care Association

NRFF e: National Research Foundation for Fertility

NRHGC e: National Republican Heritage Groups [Nationalities] Council

NRFH s: Nueva Revista di Filologia Hispanica. Mexico + Cambridge, Mass.

NRHi e: Rochester Historical Society, Rochester

NRFHE8 e: Report. Sado Marine Biological Station. Niigata University

NRHM e: National Railway Historical Society

NRFL e: National Rugby Football League

NRHN e: National Rural Health Network


O K · G · Säur, München

NRIES e: National-Regional Impact Evaluation System NRIIA e: National Republican Institute for International Affairs NRI Journal e: National Radio Institute Journal NRIM e: National Research Institute for Metals NRIMS e: National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences NRIND e: National Research Institute for Nutritional Disease NRIO e: National Research Institute for Oceanology NRIOD e: National Research Institute for Occupational Diseases NRIP e: National Rice Improvement Programme NRIS e: National Resource[s] Information System - e: Nursing Research Initiative for Scotland NRITL e: Northeastern Regional Instructional Television Library, Cambridge NRK d: Nationalrätliche Kommission - d: Normenausschuß Rundstahlketten im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V.

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NRP - N: Norges R0de Kors - N: Norsk Rikskringkasting - P: Narodowa Rada Kultury - r: Nordiska Rotarykongressen - r: Norra Reals Konstförening N.R.K. r: Norra Reals Konstförening

- e: National Revolutionary Movement - e: Natural Resource Management - e: Naval Reserve Medal - e: Normal Retinal Movement - e: Northair Mines Ltd. - e: Northern Roller Mills - e: NRM Energy Co. Ltd. - 5: Ninos Refugiados del Mundo

nrkr d: nicht rechtskräftig NRL e: National Radiation Laboratory - e: National Reference Library [for/of Science and Invention] - e: National Registry for Librarians - e: National Research Laboratory - e: National Research Library - e: National Resources Library - e: Naval Research Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: Nelson Research Laboratory - e: Norlin Corporation - e: Nuclear Reactor Laboratory - e: Nutrition Research Laboratory - e: NUWEP Reconnaissance List - N: Norske Radio/TV-handleres Landsforbund - N: Norske Radiohandleres Landsforbund - N: Norske Rorleggerbedrifters Landsforening - P: Naczelna Rada Lekarska - P: Naczelna Rada Ludowa

NRMA e: National Reloading Manufacturers Association

NRMWG e: National Rangeland Management Working Group NRN e: National Radio Network - e: National Research Network - e: National Resource Network - e: No Reply Necessary NRNR e: National Rotorcraft Noise Reduction NRNY e; Navy Radio, New York

NRM/A e: National Resistance Movement/ Army NRMA e: National Resources Mobilization Act - e: National Retail Merchants Association - e: National Roads and Motoring Association - e: National Roads and Motorists Association - e: Northern Rivers Mathematical Association - e: Nuclear Records Management Association

NRO c: Narodni Rada Obchodnictva - d: Nicht Regierungs-Organisation[en] - e: Narcotic Rehabilitation Office[r] - e: National Range Operations - e: National Reconnaissance Office - e: National Reconnaissance Organization - e: National Registration Office[r] - e: National Research Office - e: Naval Regional Officer - e: Naval Repair Organization - e: Naval Research Objectives

NRL P: Naczelna Rada Lowiecka

NRMC e: National Records Management Center - e: National Records Management Council - e: National Resources Management Centre - e: Naval Records Management Center - e: Naval Regional Medical Center - e: Naval Reserve Manpower Center - e: Newspaper Raw Materials Committee

NRLA e: Nordic Research Librarians' Association - e: Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's] Association

NRMCA e: National Radiator Manufacturing Credit Association - e: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

NRLB e: Northern Regional Library Bureau

NRMCAS e: New River Marine Corps Air Station

NROM e: Noble Roman's, Inc.

NRMCEN e: Naval Records Management Center

NRomAF e: United States Air Force, Base Library, Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome

NRMDP e: Natural Resource Management and Development Project

NRomAF-R e: United States Air Force, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss

NRMEC e: North American Rockwell MicroElectronics Company

NROO e: Naval Reactors Operations Office

N.R.O. e: Naval Repair Organization NROC e: National Revolutionary Operations Command - e: National Royalty Corporation NROD e: National Range Operations Directorate NROE e: Naval Reactor Organic Experiment NRom e: Jervis Library Association, Rome

NRLC e: National Railway Labor Conference - e: National Right to Life Committee NRLCA e: National Rural Letter Carriers' Association NRLCC e: Nordic Research Libraries' Committee of Cooperation NRLDA e: National Retail Lumber Dealers Association NRLETF e: National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund NRLM e: National Research Laboratory of Meteorology

NRO PS e; New Riders of the Purple Sage NRMF e: New Road Map Foundation N.R.M.F. r: Norra Reals Marinförening NRMG n: Nederlands Rekenmachine Genootschap NRMI e: Naval Medical Research Unit

NRLO n: Nationale Raad voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek NRLP e: National Railway Labor Panel - e: Northern Rhodesia Liberal Party

NRMM e: National Register of Microfilm (or Microform) Masters NRMP e: National Resident Match[ing] Program

N.R.L.P. e: Northern Rhodesia Liberty Party NRLQ e: Naval Research Logistics Quarterly NRLSI e: National Reference Library for/of Science and Invention - e: National Reference Library in Science and Information N.R.L.T.U.C. e: Native Races Liquor Traffic United Committee NRM e: National Railways of Mexico - e: National Registration Authority - e: National Resistance Movement - e: National Resource[s] Management [Taskforce]

NRMS e: National Registry of Medical Secretaries - e: Natural Resources Management Strategy - e: Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School - e: Norman Rockwell Memorial Society NRMSS e: National Resource Management System NRMTC e: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre Ltd. NRMU e: Natural Resource Management Unit - e: Northern Rhodesia European Mineworkers Union

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NROS c: Nejvyssi Rada Obrany Stätu - e: Naval Reserve Officer School N-ROSS e: Naval Remote Ocean Sensing System - e: Naval Research Oceanographic Satellite System - e: Navy Remote Ocean Sensing System - e: Navy Remote Ocean Sensing Satellite NROSS e: Navy Remote Ocean Sensing System NROTC e: Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps NROW P: Naczelna Rada Odbudowy Warszawy - P: Naczelna Rada Organizowania Wystaw NRP d: Nationale Reichspartei - e: National Recovery Party - e: National Religious Party - e: National Reporting Program - e: National Republican Party - e: National Research Poll - e: National Research Program [Centers] - e: National Resistance Party - e: National Review Panel - e: Neurosciences Research Program


N.R.P. - e: Nevis Reformation Party - e: New Republic Party - e: New Rhodesia Party - e: Non-unit Related Personnel - n: Nederlandse Raffinaderij van Petroleumproducten - P: Narodowa Robotnicza Partija N.R.P. e: New Rhodesia Party -/· Nouvelle Resistance Populaire NR-P e: National Range-Range Programs Division NRPA e: National Recreation and Park Association - e: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority NR&PA e: National Recreation and Park Association NRPAC e: Naval Reserve Public Affairs Company NRPAIN e: National Register of Prominent Americans and International Notables NRPB e: National Radiation Protection Board - e: National Radiological Protection Board - e: National Research Planning Board - e: National Resources Planning Board - e: Nickerson RPB Ltd. NRPC e: National Railroad Passenger Corporation - e: National Register Publishing Company N.R.P.C. e: National Religious Publicity Council NRPCA e: National Rural Primary Care Association NRPDA e: National Radio Parts Distributors Association

NRPSA e: National Retail Pet Supply Association NRPSGA e: National Retail Pet Store and Groomers Association NRPTAA e: National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association NRR e: National Records Return - e: National Research Register - e: Naval Raid Reporting [Net] - e: Naval Research Reactor - e: Naval Research Requirement - e: Northern Rhodesia Regiment - e: [Office of] Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRRA e: National Resource Recovery Association - e: National Risk Retention Association NRRB e: National Recovery Review Board NRRBA e: Bulletin. Radio and Electrical Engineering Division. National Research Council of Canada NRRC e: National Restitution Resource Center - e: National Rex Rabbit Club - e: Naval Research Reserve Company - e: Northern Regional Research Center - e: Nuclear Risk Reduction Center NRRCP e: National Regional Resources Center of Pennsylvania NRRD e: Natural Resources Research Division - e: Norstan, Inc. NRRDC e: National Resources Research and Development Corporation NRRE e: Netherlands Radar Research Establishment

NRS d: Niederrheinstahl GmbH Stahl und Röhrenwerke - e: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Response System - e: National Radio Station - e: National Readership Survey - e: National Real Estate Service - e: National Reconnaissance Office - e: National Reemployment Service - e: National Reference System - e: National Referral System - e: National Refugee Service - e: National Reporter System - e: National Reporting System - e: National Reserves System - e: National Residue[s] Survey - e: National Rose Society - e: National Runaway Switchboard - e: Nationally Recruited Staff - e: Naval Radio Station - e: Naval Receiving Station - e: Naval Research Section [Library of Congress] - e: Naval Rocket Society - e: Navy Records Society - e: Navy Relief Society - e: Navy Reporting Structure - e: Navy Research Section - e: Nevada Revised Statutes - e: New Rural Society - e: Newborn Rights Society - e: Nitrogen Recharge Station - e: Nuclear Regulatory System - P: Naczelna Rada Spoldzielcza N.R.S. e: National Rose Society of Great Britain - e: Navy Records Society - e: News Research Service NRSA e: National Remote Sensing Agency - e: National Rental Service Association - e: National Research Service Award[s] - e: National Rubber Shippers Association - e: National Rural Studies Association - e: Natural Rubber Shippers Association

NRPE e: National Range Product Engineer NRRF e: Naval Radio Receiving Facility NRPF e: National Railroad Pension Forum - e: National Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation NRPGC e: National Research Program for Global Change NRPIO e: Naval Registered Publications Issuing Office NRPJ se: Nezavisna Radnicka Partija Jugoslavije NRPM e: Nonregistered Publications Memoranda NRPMP e: National Rivers Processes and Management Program

NRRFSS e: National Research and Resource Facility for Submicron Structures NRRI e: National Regulatory Research Institute - e: Natural Resources Research Institute - N: Norges Registrerte Revisorers Forening NRRL e: Northern Regional Research Laboratory - N: Norsk Radio Relae Liga NRRO e: Naval Radio Research Observatory

N.R.S.A. e: National Rural Studies Association NRSA-NIOD DRG e: National Institute of Health, Division of Research Grants NRSC e: National Radio Systems Committee - e: National Remote Sensing Centre - e: National Republican Senatorial Committee - e: Nordic Road Safety Council N.R.S.C. e: National Railway Shopmen's Council NRSCC e: National Registry System for Chemical Compounds

NRRP e: National Reservoir Research Program - e: Sybron Corp., Rochester

NRSCP e: National Reserves System[s] Cooperative Program

NRRPT e: National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists

NRSDC e: Naval Ship Research and Development Center

NRRR e: Rochester Reference Research and Resources Council, Rochester

NRSE se: Narodna Radikalna Stranka u Egzilu

NRRS e: Naval Radio Research Station - e: No Remaining Radiation Service

NRSEP e: National Roster of Scientific and Engineering Personnel

NRRTUC e: Northern Rhodesian Reformed Trades Union Congress

NRSF e: National Rehabilitation and Service Foundation - e: National Reye's Syndrome Foundation

NRPO e: Naval Regional Procurement Office NRPP e: Pennwalt Corp., Pharmaceutical Division Research Library, Rochester NRPRA e: Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association NRPRA Strain Tester e: Natural Rubber Procedures Research Association Strain Tester NRPS e; New Riders of the Purple Sage - e: Nordic Radiation Protection Society



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NRZI NRSFPS e: National Reporting System for Family Planning Services NRSL e: Navy Radio and Sound Laboratory - e: Northern Remote Sensing Laboratory

NR Technol. e: NR Technology [of Malaysian Rubber Producers Research Association] NRTEE e: National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Nr.SLJ. r: Norra Södermanlands Järnväg NRSMC e: National Research and Seed Multiplication Center NRSO e: Navy Resale Systems Office NRSP e: National Remote Sensing Program[me]

NRTF e: National Road Transport Federation - e: National Rural Tourism Foundation N.R.T.F. e: National Road Transportation Federation NRTh /· Nouvelle Revue Theologique NR Thread e: National Round Thread

NRSSC e: National Rural and Small Schools Consortium NRSSG e: Nuclear Reactor Systems Safety Group NRSSGP e: Nuclear Reactor Systems Safety Group NRSTP e: National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel

NRTI e: National Rehabilitation Training Institute - e: Nooney Realty Trust, Incorporated NRTL e: Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory N R-t-L C e: National Right-toLife Committee

NRU's e: National Resource Units NRUSDD e: U.S. National Park Service. Natural Resources Report NRUTUC e: Northern Rhodesia United Trades Union Congress NRU-W e: University of Rochester, Womens College, Rochester NRV d: Neue Rechtsschutz Versicherungsgesellschaft - d: Norddeutscher Regatta-Verein - d: Notruf-Geräte-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH - e: North Carolina State University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh - n: Nederlandse Röntgen Vereniging - n: N.V. Nederlandse Rijnvaartvereniging NRVC e: National Railway Utilization Corporation - e: National Religious Vocation Conference NRVN e: Navy of the Republic of Viet Nam

NRTN e: Norton Enterprises, Inc.

NRVOC e: National RV [Recreational Vehicle] Owners Club

NRTO e: National Remotivation Therapy Organization

NRvS e: Suffolk County Historical Society, Riverhead

NRTOI e: National Range Technical Operating Instructions

NR/WA e: National Rep/Wholesaler Association

NRTS e: National Reactor Test[ing] Station - e: Not Repairable This Station

NRWA e: National Rural Water Association

NRSV e: Nissan Research Safety Vehicle NRSY a: Nordiska Forbundet for Studie- och Yrkesvagledning NRT d: Nettoregistertonne - e: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Research Triangle Park - e: National Radium Trust - e: National Repertory Theatre Foundation - e: National Response Team for Oil and Hazardous Materials Spills - e: National Response Team[s] - e: National Round Thread - e: Navy Reserve Training - e: Near Real Time - e: Neighbours of the Roundtable - e: Net Registered Tonnage - e: Norm-Referenced Test - e: Northern Airlines, Inc. - e: Norton Co. -/· Nouvelle Revue Theologique

NRTSC e: Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center

NRWC e: National Right to Work Committee NRTU n: Nederlands Rijwiel Toer Unie NRTWC e: National Right to Work Committee NRTWG e: Nutrient Reduction Targets Working Group NRTWLDEF e: National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation

NRt N: Norsk Retstidende N.R.T. e: National Radium Trust - e: National Reference Tribunal NR/T e: Near Real-Time NRTA e: National Retired Teachers Association - e: Niagara Resort and Tourist Association NRTC e: National Retail Trade Centre - e: National Road Transport Commission - e: Naval Reserve Training Center - e: Nonreal-Time Conversion Subsystem - e: Northrop Research and Technology Center

NRW ATS e: Naval Rotary Wing Aircraft Test Squadron

NRU e: National Radical Union - e: National Reactor Universal - e: National Research Universal - e: Neuropsychiatric Research Unit - e: University of Rochester - n: Nederlandse Radio-Unie N.R.U. e: National Reform Union NRU-A e: University of Rochester, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester NRUC e: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissions - e: National Railway Utilization Corporation

NRWG e: Neutron Radiography Working Group NRWe: National Registry of WillysKnight Automob ile[s] NRWLDEF e: National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation NRWLDF e: National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation NRWM n: Nationale Raad Welzijn Militairen NRWP e: National Roundtable for Women in Prisons NRX e: National Research Experimental] - e: NERVA [Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application] Reactor Experiment - e: Xerox Corp., Rochester NRX Reactor e: National Research Experimental Reactor NRY e; North Riding of Yorkshire

NRT&CMA e: National Retail Tea and Coffee Merchants' Association - e: National Retail Tea and Coffee Merchants Association NRT[&]CMA e; National Retail Tea and Coffee Merchants' Association NRTEC e: National Rural Teacher Education Consortium

NRUCFC e: National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation NRU-M e: University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester NRU-Mus e: University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, Rochester NRU Reactor e: National Research Universal Reactor

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NRYC e: New Rochelle Yacht Club NRyHi e: Rye Historical Society, Rye NRZ e: National Railways of Zimbabwe - e: Non-Return-to-Zero NRZI e: Non-Return-to-Zero IBM [International Business Machines]


NRZZ NRZZ d: Nomenklatur des Rates fur die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Zollwesens NS c: Närodni Shromäzdeni - c: Närodni Socialistickä Strana - c: Närodni Sourucenstvi - c: Nejvyssi Soud - d: National Semiconductor GmbH - d: Nationalsozialismus - d: Neutralitätschutz - d: Nürnberger Flugdienst GmbH & Co. KG - e: Graduate of the Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich - e: National Savings - e: National Scientific - e: National Seashore - e: National Security - e: National Security Agency [code] - e: National Semiconductor Corp. - e: National Service - e: National Socialist - e: National Society - e: National Sojourners - e: National Special [Thread] - e: National Standard - e: National Steel Corp. - e: National Superannuation - e: Natural Sciences [Department of UNESCO] - e: Naval School - e: Naval Shipyard - e: Naval Station - e: Naval Store Department - e: Nerine Society - e: Network Supervisor - e: Neuroelectric Society - e: New Series [bibliography] - e: New Style date - e: Newcomen Society - e: Newspaper Society - e: Next State - e: Nietzsche Society - e: Nockian Society - e: Norfolk Southern Railway Co. - e: Normal School - e: Normal State - e: Northwestern State College - e: Not Stated - e: Note Statement - e: Nougth State - e: Nova Scotia - e: NS. NorthSouth NordSud NorteSur NorteSul. Canadian Association of Latin American Studies. University of Ottawa - e: Nuclear Science - e: Nuclear Submarine - e: Null Statement - e: Numismatic Society - e: Nursing Services - e: Nursing Sister - e: Nzingha Society - e: Office of Nuclear Safety - e: [The] Naturist Society - e: The Prince of Wales's North-Staffordshire Regiment -/· Notre Seigneur - H: Nemzeti Segely - n: Nederlandse Spoorwegen - N: Norges Skiforbund - n: Normaal Schietschool - N: Norsk Standard - r: AB Nordiska Syrgasverken - r: Nordisk Speditorforbund - r: Nordisk Svommeforbund - r: Norrköpingsortens Slakteriförening - r: Nysvenska Studier - s: Nuestro Senor - se: Narodna Skupstina


Ns d: Nachschub N.S. d: Nachrichtenschule - e: National Socialism - e: National Society - e: Naval Service - e: New Scientist, London - e: New Style date - e: Newspaper Society - e: Norfolk Southern Railroad Co. - e: Nova Scotia - e: Numismatic Society - e: Nursing Service - e: Nursing Staff - e: Royal Navy Staff College - N: Nasjonal Sämling - r: Namnlösa Sällskapet - r: Navigationsskolan i Stockholm - r: Nordsvenska Köpmanna AB - 5: Nuestro Senor N&S e; North & South

N.S.A. e; New Society of Artists - e: National Salvation Army - e: National Sawmilling Association - e: Nursery Schools Association

n/s s: Numero de Serie NSA d: Nationalsozialistische Angestelltenschaft - e: Napoleonic Society of America - e: Natal Society of Artists - e: National Safety Association - e: National Safflower Association - e: National Sawmilling Association - e: National Scrabble Association - e: National Secretaries Association [International] - e: National Security Act - e: National Security Administration - e: National Security Adviser - e: National Security Agency - e: National Security Archive - e: National Security Area - e: National Security Association - e: National Service Act[s] - e: National Service Association - e: National Sheep Association - e: National Shellfisheries Association - e: National Sheriffs' Association - e: National Shipping Authority - e: National Showmen's Association - e: National Shuffleboard Association - e: National Silo Association - e: National Skateboarding Association - e: National Skating Association [of Great Britain] - e: National Ski Association [of America] - e: National Slab Association - e: National Slag Association - e: National Slate Association - e: National Snurfing Association - e: National Society of Andersonville - e: National Society of Artists - e: National Society of Auctioneers - e: National Sound Archive - e: National Speakers Association - e: National Spiritual Alliance of the USA - e: National Sports Association - e: National Sprouting Association - e: National Standards Association, Inc. - e: National Stereoscopic Association - e: National Stone Association - e: National Stroke Association - e: National Student[s] Association - e: National Sunflower Association - e: National Surfing Association - e: Naval Stock Account - e: Naval Supply Account - e: Naval Support Activity - e: Nepal Studies Association - e: Netherlands Society for Automation


· Säur, München

- e: Neurological Society of America - e: Neurosurgical Society of America - e: New Sabina Resources Ltd. - e: Nichiren Shoshu of America - e: Noise Suppressor Assembly - e: Northeastern Saengerbund of America - e: Northern Slope of Alaska - e: Northern Studies Association - e: Norwegian Seamen's Association - e: Norwegian Standards Association - e: Nuclear Safety Account - e: Nuclear Science Abstracts - e: Nuclear Science Association - e: Nuclear Suppliers Association - e: Nuclear Systems Analysis - e: Nuclear Systems Associates - e: Nursery School Association - e: Nurses Supply Association - n: Nederlands Studenten Akoord - N: Norges Sosialdemokratiske Arbeiderparti

NSAA e: National Sales Achievement Award - e: National Skeet Shooting Association - e: National Ski Areas Association - e: National Ski Association of America - e: National Society of Architectural Administrators - e: National Space and Aeronautics Agency - e: National Sulfuric (or Sulphuric) Acid Association - e: National Supply Association of America - e: Norwegian Singers Association of America - e: Nova Scotia Association of Architecture NSA/AAO e; North Slope of Alaska and Adjacent Arctic Ocean NSAAB e: National Security Agency Advisory Board NSAB e: National Security Advisory Board - e: National Surgical Adjuvant Breast Project N.S.A.B. e: Nursing Service Advisory Board NSABP e: National Surgical Adjuvant Breast [and] Bowel Project NSAC e: National Society for Autistic Children - e: National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives - e: National Space Activities Council - e: National Spiritualist Association of Churches - e: National Sport Aviation Council - e: National Student Action Center - e: National Student Aid Coalition - e: Navy Sailing Advisory Committee - e: Norwegian Society of Automatic Control - e: Nova Scotia Agricultural College - e: NSAC, the National Society for Children and Adults with Autism - e: Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee - e: Nuclear Safety Analysis Center - e: Nuclear Science Advisory Committee NSACG e: Nuclear Strike Alternate Control Group NSACS e: National Society for the Abolition of Cruel Sports

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NSBGCA NSA[/]CSS e: National Security Agency/ Central Security Service

NSAPI e: Netscape Server Application Programming Interface

NSAD d: Nationalsozialistischer Arbeitsdienst - e: National Society of Art Directors

NSAPOLY e: National Security Agency Polygraph

NSADD e: National Society of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

NSAR e: North Sea ACMI Range - r: Nationalmusei Skriftserie. Analecta Reginensia

NSADP e: Niger State Agricultural Development Project NSAE e: National Security Agency Europe - e: National Society for/of Art Education - e: National Society of Architectural Engineers NSaF e: National Sanitation Foundation

NSARC e: Navy Systems Acquisition Review Council NSAS e: National Smoke Abatement Society - e: Nonscheduled Air Services - e: Nuclear Sealed Authentication System - e: St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia

NSAF e: Naval Supply Account Fund NSAFA e: National Service Armed Forces Act NSAFC e: National Service Armed Forces Act N.S.A.G. e: National Society for the Advancement of Gastroenterology N.S.A.G.B. e: Nursery Schools Association of Great Britain

NSASAB e: National Security Agency Scientific Advisory Board NSASC e: Chemistry Department, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia NSATS e: Naval Strike Aircraft Test Squadron NSAU e: National Society for Autistic Children - e: National Space Agency of Ukraine - r: Nationalsocialistisk Arbetarungdom

nsb d: Neue Spinnerei Bayreuth AG N.S.B, e: National Savings Bank - e: National Service Board - e: National Society for the Blind - e: National Society of Brushmakers - e: National Softwood Brokers - n: Nationale Strijdersbond NSBA e: National Saanen Breeders Association - e: National Safe Boating Association - e: National Savings Bank of Albany - e: National School Boards Association - e: National Semi-Professional Baseball Association - e: National Sheep Breeders Association - e: National Shrimp Breeders Association - e: National Silica Brickmakers Association - e: National Small Business Association - e: National Small Business Awards - e: National Snaffle Bit Association - e: National Sugar Brokers Association N.S.B.A. e: National Small Business Association NSBA Year Book e: National Sheep Breeders Association Year Book NSBB e: National Society for Business Budgeting

NSAGT e: New South African Group Test NSauF e: Ferroxcube Corp., Suagerties NSAH e: Heritage Association of Antigonish, Nova Scotia NSAHW e: Nordic Secretariat for Agricultural and Horticultural Workers NSAI e: Nashville Songwriters Association International - e: National Secretaries Association International - e: National Standards Authority Of Ireland NSAL e: National Society of Arts and Letters NSALG e: National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners NSALO e: National Security Agency Liaison Officer NSAM e: National Security Action Memorandum - e: National Security Agency Memorandum - e: Naval School of Aviation Medicine N.S.A.M. e: National Society of Art Masters NSAN e: Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. NSanF e: National Sanitation Foundation NSANL e: Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League NSAP e: National Society for Animal Protection - e: National Strategic Acquisition Plan - e: Navy Science Assistance Program - e: Network Service Access Point - e: Network Service Assurance Plan - r: Nationalsocialistiska Arbetarpartiet NSAPAC e: National Security Agency Pacific NSAPEA e: Nordic Society Against Painful Experiments on Animals

NSA-US e: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States NSAW e: National Society of Asphalt Workers NSAWI e: National Substance Abuse Web Index NSB d: Nationale Sammlungsbewegung - d: Nationalsozialistischer Schülerbund - d: Neue soziale Bewegungen - e: Natal Shark Board - e: National Bureau of Standards - e: National Savings Bank - e: National Science Board Board [of Directors] - e: National Science Board of the National Science Foundation - e: National Service Board - e: National Shipping Board - e: National Small Business Association - e: National Socialist Board - e: National Socialist Bulletin - e: National Society for the Blind - e: National Softwood Brokers - e: National Sorghum Breweries - e: National Standardization Body - e: National Standards Board - e: National Steel Board - e: NATO Security Board - e: Naval Standardization Board - e: Naval Submarine Base - e: New York Shipbuilding Corp. - e: Newsprint Service Bureau - e: Nippon Short-wave Broadcasting - e: North Slope Borough - e: Northern Soviet Boundary - e: Nuclear Safety Bureau - H: Nemzeti Sport Bizottsäg - is: Nordisk Sammanslutning for Barnavard - n: Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging - n: Nederlandsche Schildersgezellenbond - N: Norges Statsbaner

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSBBA e: National Small Business Benefits Association NSBC e: National Safe Boating Committee - e: National Safe Boating Council - e: National Safety Belt Coalition - e: National Shoe Board Conference - e: National Shoeboard Conference - e: National Student Book Club NSBCSH e: Cape Sable Historical Society, Barrington, Nova Scotia NSBD e: National Society of Bank Directors NSBdF d: Nationalsozialistischer Bund der Frontsoldaten [Stahlhelm] NSBDM e: DesBrisay Museum and National Exhibit Centre, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia NSBdN d: Nationalsozialistische Bewegung der Niederlande NSBDT d: Nationalsozialistischer Bund Deutscher Technik NSBE e: National Society for/of Black Engineers NSBEO e: National Sonic Boom Evaluation Office NSBET e: National Society of Biomedical Equipment Technicians NSBF e: National Scientific Balloon Facility Palestine NSBGAM e: Annals. Phytopathological Society of Japan NSBGCA e: National Small Business Government Contractors Association


NSBGW NSBGW e: National Society of Brushmakers and General Workers NSBISS e: NATO Security Bureau Industrial Security Section NSBIU e: Nova Scotia Board of Insurance Underwriters NSBL e: Lighthouse Publishing Ltd., Bridgewater, Nova Scotia NSBMA e: National Small Business Men's Association N.S.B.M.M. e: National Society of Brass and Metal Mechanics NSBNL e: Naval Submarine Base-New London NSBO d: Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellen-Organisation NSBP e: National School Breakfast Program N.S.B.P. n: Nationaal Syndikaat van de Belgische Politie NSBPA e: National Shrimp Breaders and Processors Association NSBPH e: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped NSBRH e: Bear River Historical Society, Nova Scotia NSBRI e: National Space Biomedical Research Institute NSBRO e: National Service Board for Religious Objectors NSBSC e: National School Bus Standards Conference NSBSSA e: National Strict Baptist Sunday School Association NSbSU e: State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NSbSU-H e: State University of New York at Stony Brook, Health Sciences Library, Stony Brook NSBT e: National Swiss Battle Tank NSBTA e: National School Bus Transportation Association NSBU e: National Small Business United NSBWC e: National Safe Boating Week Committee NSBY e: North Somerset and Bristol Yeomanry NSC d: Naumburger Senioren-Convent - d: Nautic-Sci-Club - e: Arthur D. Little, Inc. - e: Bristol-Myers Co. - e: Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. - e: NASCAR [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing] Street Classics - e: National Cancer Institute - e: National Destination Code - e: National Safety Corporation


e: National Safety Council e: National Safflower Council e: National Savings Certificates e: National Savings Committee e: National Science Council e: National Security Command e: National Security Council e: National Seeds Corporation e: National Semiconductor Corporation e: National Shippers Council e: National Shrimp Congress e: National Sierra Club e: National Simulation Capability e: National Simulations Center e: National Skin Centre e: National Skin Centre, Singapore e: National Slavic Convention e: National Society of Cartographers e: National Society of Chauffeurs e: National Society of Computer/Genealogists e: National Society of Cwens e: National Space Club e: National Space Council e: National Spiritualist Church e: National Sporting Club e: National Sports Centre e: National Sports Confederation e: National Sports Congress e: National Sports Council e: National Staff Committee e: National Standards Commission e: National Starch & Chemical Corporation e: National Statutory Council e: National Steel Corporation e: National Stinson Club e: National Supplier Clearinghouse e: National Supply Class e: National Support Center e: National Synthetics Collection [Smithsonian Institution] - e: NATO Steering Committee - e: NATO Supply Center - e: NATO Supply Classification -e: Naval Coastal Systems Center - e: Naval Safety Center - e: Naval School[s] Command - e: Naval Supply Center - e: Navy Service Center - e: Netherlands Shippers Council - e: Network Security Center - e: Network Service Center - e: Network Support Center - e: Network Switching Center (or Centre) - e: Network Systems Corporation - e: Neuroscience Center - e: New Solidarity Club - e: Newark State College - e: Newscope Resources Ltd. - e: Newtex SS [Steamship Company] - e: Nippon Steel Corporation - e: Nodal Switching Center - e: Non-Standard Facilities Command - e: Nordic Saami Council - e: North Sea Conference - e: Northeastern State College - e: Northern Silviculture Committee - e: Norwegian Shippers Council - e: Norwegian Space Center (or Centre) - e: Nuclear Safety Convention - e: Nuclear Science Center (or Centre) - e: Nuclear Services Corporation - e: Nutrition Society of Canada -/· Conseil de Securite Nationale

NSCA e: NASCOM [NASA Worldwide Communication Network] Assembly - e: National Institute for Supercomputing Applications - e: National Safety Council of Australia - e: National Satellite Cable Association - e: National Scrip Collectors Association - e: National Senior Citizens Association - e: National Shrimp Canners Association - e: National Ski Credit Association - e: National Soccer Coaches Association of America - e: National Society for Clean Air - e: National Sound and Communications Association - e: National Strength [and] Conditioning Association - e: Nevada State Council on the Arts - e: Northwest Salmon Canners Association - e: Nova Scotia College of Art

N.Sc. e: Natural Science

N.S.C.B.M.W. e: National Society of Coppersmiths, Braziers, and Metal Workers


N.S.C. e: National Security Council - e: National Steel Corporation - e: Northern States Conference - e: Nuclear Science Center


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N.S.C.A. e: National Seed Crushers' Association NSCAA e: National Small College Athletic Association - e: National Society for Children and Adults with Autism - e: National Society for Clean Air. Annual Conference. Proceedings NSCACE e: NSC [National Science Council] Auxiliary Control Element NSCAE e: National Standards Council of American Embroiderers NSC/AEU e: National Service Conference of the American Ethical Union NSCAEU e: National Service Conference of the American Ethical Union NSCAG e: National Specialist Commissioning Advisory Group NSCAH e: National Student Campaign Against Hunger NSCAHH e: National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness NSCA J e: National Strength and Conditioning Association. Journal NSCAMP e: National Stock Control and Maintenance Point NSCA [Natl Soc Clean Air] Year Book e: NSCA [National Society for Clean Air] Year Book NSCAR e: National Society of [the] Children of the American Revolution NSCAS e: Archelaus Smith Museum, Centreville [Shelburne Co.], Nova Scotia NSCB e.-NBSCCorp. - e: Nordic Society for Cell Biology NSCBDF e: NSCA [National Society for Clean Air] Year Book

NSCBS e: National Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NSC-TB NSCP e: National Society for Corporate Planning - e: National Society of Compliance Professionals - e: National Soil Conservation Program - e: Naval Stores Conservation Program

NSCC e: National Securities Clearing Corporation - e: National Service Coordinating Committee - e: National Siamese Cat Club - e: National Social Conditioning Camps - e: National Social Conditioning Clubs - e: National Society for Crippled Children - e: National Soil Conservation Council - e: Naval Sea Cadet Corps - e: New Sudan Council of Churches - e: North Shore Community College

NschSLw d: Nachschubschule der Luftwaffe

NSCCA e: National Society for Crippled Children and Adults - e: National Sports Car Club of America - e: Nuclear Safety Cross-Check Analysis

NSCIC e: National Security Council Intelligence Committee - e: National Soybean Crop Improvement Council

NSC [+Place] e: Naval Supply Center [+ place]

NSCD e: National Society of Colonial Dames - e: National Spatial Cadastral Database

NSCID e: National Security Council Intelligence Directive

NSCPT e: National Society for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Technology - e: National Society of Cardiopulmonary Technologists

NSCDA e: National Society of Colonial Dames of America

NSCIF e: National Spinal Cord Injury Foundation

NSCDRF e: National Sickle Cell Disease Research Foundation

NSCIG e: National Security Council Interdepartmental Group

NSCE e: National Shippers' Councils of Europe

NSCIP e: National Subterranean Clover Improvement Programme

NSCEC e: National School Curriculum Center for Educational Computing

NSCISC e: National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center Database

NSCEE e: National Schools Committee for Economic Education

NSCL e: National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory

NSCEG e: North Sea Coastal Engineering Group

NSCLC e: National Senior Citizens Law Center

NSCEO e; National Society of Chief Executive Officers

NSCLS e: North State Cooperative Library System

NSCF e: National Skin Cancer Foundation - e: National Student Christian Federation

NSCM e: National Society of Cycle Makers - e: National Stamp Collecting Month - e: NATO Supply Code for Manufacturing

NSCFA e: National Support Center for Families of the Aging NSCH e: Canso Historical Society, Nova Scotia

NSchU e: Union College, Schenectady NSCI e: National Superannuation Committee of Inquiry NSCIA e: National Spinal Cord Injury Association - e: National Supervisory Council for Intruder Alarms

NSCMA e: Natural Sausage Casings Manufacturers' Association NSC&MP e: National Stock Control and Maintenance Point

NSCHF e: National Sprint Car Hall of Fame NSchGEKA e: General Electric Co., Knolls Atomic Laboratory, Technical Library, Schenectady NSchGEM e: General Electric Co., Main Library, Schenectady NSchGER e: General Dectric Co., Research Laboratory, Schenectady

NSCM Project e: National Science Curriculum Materials Project NSCN e: National Socialist Council of Nagaland - e: National Society of Children's Nurseries N.S.C.N. e: National Society of Children's Nurseries

NSCPA e: National Society of Certified Public Accountants NSCPC e: National Student Consumer Protection Council

NSCR e: National Society for Cancer Relief - e: National Sport Custom Registry - e: Nuclear Science Center Reactor N.S.C.R. e: National Society for Cancer Relief NSCRA e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Contractor Report NSCRC e: National Stock Car Racing Commission NSCRDFO e: National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials NSC Rev e: NSC [National Science Council] Review N.S.C.R.S.P.A. e: National Safety Congress of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents NSCS e: National Security Council Staff - e: National Sisters Communications Service - e: National Small Craft School - e: National Soil Conservation Strategy - e: Navy Supply Corps School - e: North Star Computer Society - e: Universite Sainte-Anne, Church Point, Nova Scotia NSCSA e: National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia NSCSC e: National School Calendar Study Committee NSCSCC e: National Standard for Common System Component Characteristics

NSchGERB e: General Electric Co., R and D Center, Branch Library, Schenectady

NSC [Natl Sei Counc] Symp Ser [Taipei] e: NSC [National Science Council] Symposium Series [Taipei]

NSCSP e: National Site Characterization and Selection Plan

NSC HJ IB e: NATO Supply Center Honest John Information Bulletin

NSCNQH e: North Queens Heritage Society, Caledonia, Nova Scotia

NSC Special Publication e: National Science Council. Special Publication

NScHLC e: Capital Distrid Library Council, Schenectady

NSCO e: National Scientific Committee on Oceanography - e: National Supply Company Inc. - e: Naval Security Control Office - e: Network Systems Corporation

NSCSS e: National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists

NSchM e: Mohawk Valley Library Association, Schenectady NSchoCHi e: Schoharie County Historical Society, Schoharie NSchSC e: Schenectady Chemicals, Inc., Schenectady

N.S.Co. e: National Smelting Company NSCo Abtracts e: National Smelting Company Abstracts

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSCT e: National Students Center for Thailand - e: National Study Center for Telecommunication - e: North Staffordshire College of Technology NSC-TB e: NATO Supply Center Technical Bulletin


NSCTE NSCTE e: National Society of College Teachers of Education

NSCUFA e: Nova Scotia Council of University Faculty Associations

NSDC e: National School Development Council - e: National Serials Data Center (or Centre) - e: National Space Development Center (or Centre) - e: National Spatial Data Council - e: National Square Dance Convention - e: National Staff Development Council - e: NORAD Sector Direction Center - e: Northern Shipowners Defence Club - e: Northern Shipowners Defense Council

NSCVPT e: National Society for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Technology

NSDCM e: NORAD Sector Direction Center Manual

NSCVR e: National Student Campaign for Voter Registration

N&SDCP e: Neurological and Sensory Disease Control Program

NSCW e: National Society of Cycle Workers

NSDD e: National Security Decision Directive - e: National Security Decision Document - e: National Security Defense Directive - e: National Security Division Directive

NSCe: NATO Supply Center Technical Instruction NSCU e: National Software Coordination Unit

NSCWA e; Nigerian Society of Cost and Works Accountants NSD d: Nationale Solidarität Deutschlands - e: National Security and Defense - e: National Security Directive - e: National Silage Demonstration - e: National-Standard Co. - e: National Standard Company - e: Naval Stores Department - e: Naval Supply Depot - e: Nepal Survey Department - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Support Division - e: Nuclear Services Division - e: United States Library of Congress, Washington - r: Norrländska Socialdemokraten

NSDEA e: National Soda Dispensing Equipment Association

NSDA e: National Soft Drink Association - e: National Space Development Agency - e: National Sprayer and Duster Association - e: National Square Dance Association - e: National Supply Distributors Association - e: National Surplus Dealers Association - e: Non-Self Deployment Aircraft

NSDGP e: Northern Sydey Division of General Practice

NSDÄB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Ärztebund NSDAP d: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - n: Nederlandse Sociaal-Democratische Arbeiderpartij N.S.D.A.P. n: Nederlandse SociaalDemocratische Arbeiderpartij NSDAP-AO d: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei-Auslands- und Aufbauorganisation NSDAR e: National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution NSDAV d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Arbeiter-Verein e.V. NSDB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Dozenten-Bund - e: National Science and Development Board - e: National Science Development Board - e: National Soil Database NSDBE e: National Society, Daughters of the British Empire NSDBR e: National Society, Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede


NSDEQ e: National Society, Descendants of Early Quakers NSDF e: National Sex and Drug Forum - e: National Social Democratic Front - e: National Student Drama Festival NSDFA e: National Steel Door and Frame Association NSDFB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpfer-Bund [Stahlhelm]

- e: National Society of Dental (or Denture) Prosthetists - e: Norfolk Sample Drug Program NSDR e: National Ships Destination Room - e: National Silver Dollar Roundtable NSDRC e: National Standard Reference Data Center NSDRS e: National Standard Reference Data System NSDS e: National Shut-In Day Society - e: Navy Source Data System NSDSA e: Naval Sea Data Support Activity NSDStB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund NSDTA e: National Staff Development and Training Association N.S.D.U. e: National Stevedores' and Dockers' Union NSDUMB e: Nebraska Soybean Development, Utilization and Marketing Board NSDUP e: National Society, Daughters of Utah Pioneers NSDWR e: National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations NSDYAI e: Annual Report. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Nagoya City University

NSDLMM e: National Society of Descendants of Lords of the Maryland Manors

NSE e: Nagoya Stock Exchange - e: National logistics Support Element - e: National Sales Executives - e: National Society for Epilepsy - e: National Society for Epileptics - e: National Stock Exchange - e: National Student Exchange - e: National Support Elements - e: Natural Space Environment - e: Naval Store Establishment - e: Nigerian Society of Engineers - e: Northern Stock Exchange - e: Northwest Sports Enterprises Ltd. - e: Nottingham Society of Engineers - e: Nuclear Science and Engineering - i; Nuova Societä Elvetica

NSDM e: National Security Decision Memorandum

N.S.E. e: National Society for Epilepsy - e: National Society for Epileptics

NSDMB d: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Marine-Bund

NSEA e: National Standards Educators Association - e: Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters - e: Nebraska State Education Association

NSDH e; Hermes Electronics Ltd., Dartmouth, Novia Scotia NSDI e: National Sales Development Institute - e: National Spatial Data Information - e: National Spatial Data Infrastructure NSDJA e: National Sash and Door Jobbers Association NSDL e: National Soil Dynamics Laboratory

NSDMM e: MacLaren Plansearch Ltd., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia NSDMs e: National Security Decision Memorandums NSDNR e: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources NSDO e: National Seed [and] Development Organisation (or Organization) NSDP e: Nascom System Development Plan - e: National Serials Data Program [Library of Congress] - e: National Society of Dental Prosthetics


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N.S.E.A. e: National Sailmakers Employers' Association NSEAD e: National Society for Education in Art and Design NSEC e: National Service Entertainments Council - e: National System for Emergency Coordination - e: Naval Ship Engineering Center - e: Network Switching Engineering Center - e: Nuclear Science and Engineering Corporation

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NSFW N.S.E.C. e: National Service Entertainments Council NSEE e: National Society for Experimental Education NSEEC e: Naval Shore Electronics Engineering Center NSEF e: National SANE Education Fund - e: National Student Educational Fund - e: Navy Security Engineering Facility - e: New Society Educational Foundation NSEGB4 e: Science Reports. Niigata University. Series E. Geology and Mineralogy NSEHP e: Nuclear Science & Engineering & Health Physics NSEI e: Norwegian Society for Electronic Information - N: Norsk Selskap for Elektronisk Informasjonsbehandling NSEIP e: Norwegian Society for Electronic Information Processing NSELH e: East Lake Ainslie Historical Society, Nova Scotia NSEMA e: National Spray Equipment Manufacturers Association NSEP e: National Security [and] Emergency Preparedness - e: National System for Emergency Preparedness NS/EP e: National Security [and] Emergency Preparedness NSERC e: National Sciences and Engineering Research Council [of Canada] - e: Natural Science[s] and Engineering Research Council [of Canada] NSERCC e: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada NSERI e: National Solar Energy Research Institute NSES e: National Security Electronic Surveillance - e: National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypere N.S.E.S. e: National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypere NSESD e: National Strategy and Ecologically Sustainable Development NSESG e: North Sea Environmental Study Group NSetSP e: Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities, Setauket NSEVWP d: Nationalsozialistische Eidgenössische Volks- und Wirtschaftspartei

- e: National Service Framework - e: National Sex Forum - e: National Sharecroppers Fund - e: National Sleep Foundation - e: National Soaring Foundation - e: National Standard Format - e: National Stockbrokers Forum - e: National Strike Force - e: Naval Stock Fund - e: Naval Supersonic Facility - e: Naval Supply Force - e: Naval Support Force - e: Navy Strike Fighter - e: Negotiated Search Facility - e: Neil Squire Foundation - e: Non Standard Format - e: Norwegian Standards Association - e: Not Sufficient Funds - e: Nuclear Science Foundation - e: Nuclear Strategic Forces - n: Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabriek - n: Nederlandse Sport Federatie - N: Norges Skoyteforbund - N: Norges Sporthandlers Forbund - N: Norges Standardiseringsforbund - N: Norges Svommeforbund - N: Norsk Sosialokcenomers Forening - N: Norsk Speiderguttforbund - N: Norsk Sykepleierforbund - N: Norsk Syndikalistisk Federasjon - N: Norske Sivilokonomers Forening - r: Nationalskautforbundet - r: Nordens Skogsägareorganisationers Förbund N.S.F. e: National Science Foundation - N: Norsk Sykepleierforbund NSFA e: Faleolo/lnternational [Western Samoa] NSFA e: National Science Faculty Association - e: National Science Foundation Act - e: Naval Support Force Antarctica - e: New Settlers Federation of Australia - e: Nondeterministic Finite State Automaton - e: Nordic Swimming Federations Association N.S.F.A. e: National „Safety First" Association NSFAC e: National Student Financial Aid Council NSFB e; New School of Family Birthing NSFC e: National Science Foundation of China - e: National Society of Firm Critics - e: Natural Science Foundation of China - e: North Staffordshire Field Club NSFCC e: National Strike Force Coordination Center NSFCCDLR e: National Society of Fathers for Child Custody and Divorce Law Reform NSFD e: National Surface Freight Division - e: Notice of Structural or Functional Deficiency NSFe e: North Sea Ferries

NSF d: Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft - e: European Surfing Federation - e: National Sanitation Foundation - e: National Schizophrenia Fellowship - e: National Science Foundation - e: National Scoliosis Foundation

NSFFC e: National Save the Family Farm Coalition NSFG e: National Survey of Family Growth -/· Nouvelle Societe Forestiere du Gabon

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSFGA e: Nova Scotia Fruit Growers Association NSFGB e: National Ski Federation of Great Britain - e: National Squash Federation of Great Britain NSF-I e: National Science Fair-International NSFI N: Norges Skipsforskninginstitutt NSF/IDOE e: National Science Foundation Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration NSFK d: Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps NSFL e: National Sanitation Foundation Laboratory - e: National Science Firm Library - e: Nova Scotia Federation of Labour NSFNet e: National Science Foundation Network NS FNRJ se: Narodna Skupstina Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije NSFO d: Nationalsozialistischer Führungsoffizier - e: Navy Standard Fuel Oil - r: Nationalsocialistiska Fackorganisationerna NSFPA e: National Suppliers to Food Processors Association - e: Nova Scotia Fish Packers Association NSFR e: National Society of Fund Raisers NSF-RANN e: National Science Foundation Research Applied to National Needs NSFRC e: National Silver Fox Rabbit Club - e: National Soil and Fertilizer Research Committee NSFRE e: National Society of Fund Raising Executives NSFS e: National Society for Shut-ins - e: Naval Surface Fire Support - r: Nordiska Sällskapet For Strälskydd NSF[S] e: National Schizophrenia Fellowship [Scotland] NSF SRS e: National Science Foundation. Science Resources Studies Highlights NSF/STAH e: National Science Foundation Program for Science and Technology Aid to the Handicapped NSF Svy SE e: Postcensal Survey of Scientists and Engineers. National Science Foundation. Report No. 84-330 NSFTL e: National Sanitation Foundation Test[ing] Laboratory, Inc. NSFU e: Needle Stampers' and Filers' Union NSF Univ e: Federal Support to Universities, Colleges and Nonprofit Institutions. Fiscal Year 1982. National Science Foundation. Report NSFW d: Nationalsozialistisches Frauenwerk


NSG NSG d: Nassauische Siedlungsgesellschaft - d: Nationalstrassengesetz - d: Niedersachsen-Gas GmbH - e: National Society for Graphology - e: National Supply Group - e: NATO Standardisation (or Standardization) Group - e: Natural Systems Group - e: Naval Security Group - e: Network Services Group - e: Newspaper Systems Group - e: Nuclear Suppliers Group - e: Nuclear Suppliers Guidelines -/· Nihon Shohin Gakkai - n: Nationale Studentengroepering Gent NSGA e: National Sand and Gravel Association - e: National Sporting Goods Association - e: Naval Security Group Activity

NSHA e: National Steeplechase and Hunt Association - e: National Stock Horse Association - e: National Student Health Association

NShei e: Shelter Island Public Library Society, Shelter Island

NSHAC-FP e: National Self-Help Action Center-Food Program

NSHHS e: Hantsport and Area Historical Society, Nova Scotia

NS-Hago d: Nationalsozialistische Handwerks-, Handels- und Gewerbeorganisation

NSHIC e: International Centre for Ocean Development, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSHAR e: Algas Resources Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia

NS His S e: Nova Scotia Historical Society. Collections

NSHBS e: Nova Scotia Barristers Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NS.H.J. r: Näs-Morshyttan-Horndals Järnväg

NSHC e: National Self Help Clearinghouse - e: National Silver-Haired Congress - e: National Solar Heating and Cooling - e: North Sea Hydrographie Commission

NSHHE e: Halifax Herald Ltd., Nova Scotia

NSHK e; University of Kings College, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHKJ e: School of Journalism, University of King's College, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSGB e: Newtonian Society of Great Britain NSGC e; National Self Government Committee - e: National Society of Genetic Counselors, Inc. - e: National Swine Growers Council - e: Naval Security Group Command NSGCH e: Naval Security Group Command Headquarters NSGCHQ e: Naval Security Group Command Headquarters NSGCI e: National Self Government Committee, Inc. NSGD e: National Sea Grant Depository NSGF N: Norsk Samfunnsgeografisk Forening NS-GIB e: Navship General Information Book

NSHCB e: Music and Record Library, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHCBC e: Canadian British Consultants Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHCC e: Nevada State Health & Coordinating Council NSHCD e: Law Library, Cox, Downie & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHCIC e: National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center NSHD e: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHDA e: Archives, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia - e: Archives, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSGIC e: National States Geographic Information Council

NSHDEA e: Resource Centre, Ecology Action Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSG „KdF" d: Nationalsozialistische Gemeinschaft „Kraft durch Freude"

NSHDIP e: Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSGLS a: Nordisk Sekretariat for GartneriLand, og Skovarbejderforbund

NSHDIR e: School of Resources and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSGT e: Non-Self-Governing Territories NSGTMEM e: National Society of General Tool Makers, Engineers and Machinists NSGW e: National Society of Glass Workers - e: Native Sons of the Golden West N.S.G.W. e: National Society of Glass Workers NSH d: Naturschutzzentrum Hessen - e: Nashua Corp. - e: National Society for Histotechnology - e: National Society of Hypnotherapists - e: Northville State Hospital -/· Nouvelle Societe Helvetique - is: Nordisk Samarbeidskomite for Husstellundervisning


NSHLP e; Liberal Party of Nova Scotia, Halifax NSHM e: Atlantic Regional Laboratory, National Research Council Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHMBA e: National Society of Hispanic MBAs NSHMCA e: Archives, Maritime Conference, United Church of Canada Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHML e: Martec Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHMO e: Mobil Oil Canada Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHN e: Defence Research Establishment Atlantic, Canada Department of National Defence Dartmouth, Nova Scotia NSHND e: Reference and Recreational Library [Stadacona], Canada Department of National Defence Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHNF e: National Firm Board, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHO e: Naval Service Headquarters, Ottawa NSHOQ e: National Shoes, Inc.

NSGP e: National Sea Grant Program NSGPMA e: National Salt Glazed Pipe Manufacturers Association

NSHL e: Northern Star Holdings Ltd.

NSHDIS e: School of Library Service, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHDL e: Law School, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHDM e: W. K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSHPC e: Corporate Research and Information Centre, Nova Scotia Power Corp., Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHPL e: Nova Scotia Union Catalogue, Nova Scotia Provincial Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHQ e: Naval Service Headquarters

NSHDMA e: Map Library, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHDOS e: Dalhousie Ocean Studies Programme, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHDS e: MacDonald Science Library, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSHR e: National Show Horse Registry - e: Nova Scotia Research Foundation, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia NSHRC e: National Self-Help Resource Center - e: National Shared Housing Resource Center N.Sh.Rgt e: North Shore Regiment

NSHEB e: North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board


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NSHS e: National Slavic Honor Society - e: St. Marys University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

N.S.L. N.S.H.S. n: Nationale Stichting voor Hogere Studien

- e: Nuclear Safety Information Center - e: Nuclear Strike Information Center

NSiSV e: Saint Vincents Medical Center of Richmond, Staten Island

NSHSG e: Säble Gas Systems Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSICC e: North Sea International Chart Commission

NSIT /· Nouvelle Societe Interafricaine de Transport

NSHSPT e: Ferguson Library for Print Handicapped Students, Patrick Power Library, St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSiCS e: College of Staten Island, St. George Campus, Staten Island

NSITF e: National Ship Installations Test Facility

NSID e: National Society of Interior Designers

NSIWG e: NATO SATCOM Interoperability Working Group

NSIDC e: National Snow and Ice Data Center (or Centre)

NSJ e: Nautical Society of Japan - e: Nuclear Society of Japan

NSIDH e: National System of Interstate and Defense Highways

N.S.J. r: Nyboro-Sävsjöströms Järnväg

NSHT e: Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHTU e: Nova Scotia Teachers Union, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHV e: Maunt Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia NSHVA e: Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

NSIDK n: Nederlandse Stichting Informatie en Dokumentatiecentrum voor die Kartografie

NSJI e: North-South Joint Implementation

NSHW e: National Showmanship Services

NSidS e.-Bendix Corp., Electrical Components Division, Engineering Library, Sidney

NSI-1 e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Standard InitiatorTypel

NSIDS e: National Shut-In Day Society

NSI e: NASA Science Internet - e: NASA Standard Initiator - e: National environmental Satellite data and Information service - e: National Security Index of the American Security Council - e: National Security Information - e: National Service Industries, Inc. - e: National Service [Life] Insurance - e: National Shipbuilding Initiative - e: National Shoe Institute - e: National Society of Inventors - e: National Space Institute - e: National Stock Exchange - e: National Sugar Institute - e: National Supervising (or Supervisory) Inspectorate - e: National System of Innovation - e: Netherlands Society for Informatics - e: Network Solutions Incorporated - e: Network Strategies, Incorporated - e: Nordic Sami Institute - e: Norgren Shipston International Ltd. - e: North-South Institute - e: Norton Simon Incorporated - e: Nuclear Safety Inspection - e: Nuclear Safety Institute - e: Nuclear Services International - e: Nutrition Screening Initiative - N: Norsk Senter for Informatikk NSIA e: National Sailing Industry Association - e: National Security and International Affairs - e: National Security Industrial (or Industry) Association - e: Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists NSIAC e: National Student Involvement Assistance Center NSIBU e: Nova Scotia Board of Insurance Underwriters NSIC e: National Security Insurance Company - e: National Small Industries Corporation - e: National Solar Information Center - e: National Spinal Injuries Centre - e: National Storage Industry Consortium - e: National Strategy Information Center

NSJC e: National Society of Journeymen Curriers - 5: Nuestro Senor Jesucristo

NSIDSC e: National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Clearinghouse NSIDSF e: National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation NSIE e: Network Security Information Exchange

N.S.J.V. n: Nationaal-Socialistische Jeugd Viaanderen NSK d: Nationalsozialistische Kulturgemeinde -/· Nihon Shimbun Kyokai -/· Nippon Shoji Kaisha NSKC e: National Safe Kids Campaign NSKIP r: Nordiska Samarbetskommitten for Internationell Politik

NSIEE e: National Society for Internships and Experiential Education

NSKK d: Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps -/· Nito Shosen Kabushiki Kaisha

NSIF e: National Swine Improvement Federation

N.S.K.O. n: Nationaal Sekretariaat van het Katholiek Onderwijs

NSIG e: North Sea Island Group

NSKOV d: Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung

NSilR e: New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Institute for Basic Research in Mental Retardation, Staten Island NSIL e: National Seafood Inspection Laboratory

NSKV N: Norges Sjokartverk NSKVH e: Valley Health Services Association, Kentville, Nova Scotia NSKY e: New Sky Communications, Inc.

NSIM e: National Society of Industrial Mediators - e: Nevada State Inspector of Mines NSIME e: North Staffordshire Institute of Mining Engineers NSiND e: Notre Dame College of Staten Island NSIO e: Nova Scotia Information Office NSIPA e: National Society of Insurance Premium Adjustors - e: National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors NSIR e: National Stable Isotope Resource NSIS e: National Schengen Information System - e: National Shut-in Society - e: National Softwood Importers' Section of the Timber Trade Federation - e: National Survey of Instructional Staff - e: National Synchrotron Light Source - e: Nova Scotian Institute of Science

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSL e: National Science Laboratories - e: National Science Library - e: National Scientific Laboratory, Inc. - e: National Semiconductor Laboratories - e: National Semiconductors, Limited - e: National Service League - e: National Soccer League - e: National Sporting League - e: National Standards Laboratory - e: National Story League - e: Naval Submarine League - e: Naval Supersonic Laboratory - e: Navy Standards Laboratory - e: Network Software Laboratory - e: Nevada State Library - e: Next State List - e: Northrop Space Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: Norwood & St. Lawrence Railroad Co. - e: Nuclear Safety Line - e: Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory - N: Norske Skofabrikkers Landssammenslutning N.S.L. e: National Service League - e: National Sporting League


NSLA - e: National Sunday League - N: Norske Sykegymnasters Landsforbund NSLA e: National School Lunch Act - e: National Service Life Assurance - e: National Society of Literature and the Arts - e: National Staff Leasing Association - e: Nova Scotia Library Association NSLAB d: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung NSLB d: Nationalsozialistischer Lehrerbund NSLC e: Nuclear Safety and Licensing Commission NSLF e: Fortress of Louisbourg, Canada National Historic Park Nova Scotia - e: National Socialist Liberation Front - N: Norske Sporveiers og Lokalbaners Forening NSLHS e: Lunenburg Heritage Society, Nova Scotia

- e: Northern Student Movement - n: Nederlandsch Spoorweg Museum - P: Nauczycielska Spoldzielnia Mieszkaniowa N.S.M. e: National Savings Movement - N: Norsk Sjofartsmuseum NSMA e: National Scale Men's Association - e: National Seasoning Manufacturers Association - e: National Second Mortgage Association - e: National Shoe Manufacturers Association - e: National Soup Mix Association - e: National Spectrum Managers Association - e: Nebraska State Medical Association NSMATCC e: NATO Small Arms Test Control Commission NSMB e: National Standards Management Board - e: Netherlands Ship Model Basin

NSLI e: National Service Life Insurance - e: National Street Law Institute

NSMC e: National Security Management Course - e: National Student Marketing Corporation - e: Naval Submarine Medical Center - e: Nuclear Standards Management Center

NS Lit Sc Soc Tr e: Nova Scotia Literary and Scientific Society. Transactions

N.S.M.C. e: National Student Marketing Corporation

NSLL e: National Save-a-Life League - e: National Savings and Loan League

NSMCA e: National Spirit, Metropolitan Club of America

NSLP e: National School Lunch Program

NSMCCSD e: National Social Mobilisation Committee for Child Survival and Development

NSLRB e: National Steel Labor Relations Board NSLRS e: National School Labor Relations Service

NSMF N: Norske Sykkel- og Mopedfabrikanters Forening NSMFA e: North Sea Mine Force Association

NSLRSDA e: National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archives NSLS e: National Science Library System - e: National Synchrotron Light Source NSLSA e; National Surf Life Saving Association of America NSLSRA e: National Society of Life Stock Record Associations N/S-LTI-G/T e: National/State Leadership Training Institute on Gifted and Talented NSLVA d: Niedersächsisches Landesverwaltungsamt NSLW e: National School Lunch Week NSM d: Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte - d: Neue Sezession, München - d: Normenausschuß Sachmerkmale - e: National Savings Movement - e: National Security Management - e: National Security Medal - e: National Selected Morticians - e: National Semiconductor Corp. - e: National Serviceman - e: National Socialist Movement - e: National Student Marketing Corp. - e: Naval School of Music - e: Nevada State Museum - e: New Schools Movement - e: NISN Service Manager - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Simulation Model


NSMG e; Naval School of Military Government

NSMRSE e: National Study of Mathematics Requirements for Scientists and Engineers NSMS e: National Safety Management Society - e: National Security Management System - e: National Sheet Music Society - e: NATO Seasparrow Missile System NSMSES e: Naval Ship Missile Systems Engineering Station - e: Navy Surface Missile Systems Engineering Station NSMSESDETLANT e: Naval Ship Missile Systems Engineering Station Detachment, Atlantic NSMT e: National Society of Master Thatchers - e: National Society of Medical Technologists NSMTFS e: NATO Standard Message Text Formatting System N.S.M. W.T.W. e: National Society of Metals Wire and Tube Workers NSN e: NASA Science Network - e: NASA Space Network - e: National Satellite Network - e: National Screening Nursery - e: National Significant Number - e: National Sleep Network - e: National Stock Number - e: Nato Stock Number - e: New Statesman and Nation - e: Non-Standard Number - e: Northern Science Network N.S.&N. e: New Statesman and Nation NSNA e: National Student Nurses' Association - e: Newcomen Society in North America - n: National Socialist Nederlandse Arbeiders Partij

NSMG&A e; Naval School of Military Government and Administration

NSNC e: Nova Scotia Normal College

NSMHC e: National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children

NSNEW e: National Society of New England Women

NSMI e: National Special Media Institute[s] - e: National Sports Medicine Institute [of the United Kingdom]

NSNF e: Non-Strategic Nuclear Forces

NSMM e: National Society of Metal Mechanics NSMO e: NASTRAN [National Aeronautics and Space Administration Structural Analysis] Systems Management Office - e: Navigation Satellite Management Office NSMP e: National Society of Master Patternmakers - e: National Society of Mural Painters NS&MP e: Navy Support and Mobilization Plan NSMPA e: National Screw Machine Products Association NSMR e: National Society for Medical Research NSMRL e: Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory


· Säur, München

NSnfG e: GTE Sylvania, Inc., Electronic Components Group, Seneca Falls NSNMDR e: National Stock Number Master Data Records NSNRBiH se: Narodna Skupstina Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine NSNRD se: Narodne Skupstina Narodne Republike Slovenije NSNRS se: Narodne Skupstina Narodne Republike Slovenije NSNS e: National Society of Non-Smokers - e: National Spallation Neutron Source N.S.N.-S. e: National Society of Non-Smokers NSO e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Support Operation - e: Nashville Symphony Orchestra - e: National School Orchestra Association. Bulletin

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NSPO - e: National Security Office[r] - e: National Security Organization - e: National Service Officer - e: National Solar Observatory Library - e: National Solar Observatory [National Science Foundation] - e: National Sports Organization - e: National Staff Officer - e: National Standardization Office - e: National Standard[s] Organisations - e: National Students' Organization - e: National Symphony Orchestra - e: Naval Staff Officer - e: Naval Supply Office - e: Navy Subsistence Office[r] - e: Neighborhood Service Organization - e: Network Security Officer - e: Network Support Office - e: New American Shoe Co., Inc. - e: Nigerian Standards Organization - e: Non-ferrous Smelter Order - e: Non-SIOP Option - e: Norfolk Symphony Orchestra - e: North State Cooperative Library System, Willows - e: Northern Symphony Orchestra - e: Nuclear Safety Office[r] - n: Nederlandse Sigarenwinkeliers-Organisatie N.S.O. e: National Students' Organization - e: National Symphony Orchestra - n: Nederlands Studenten Orkest NSOA e: National School Orchestra Association [Bulletin] - e: National Symphony Orchestra Association -/· Nouvelles Savonneries de l'Ouest Africain NSoaS e: Long Island University, Southampton College, Southampton NSOC e: National Service Officer Cadet - e: National SIGINT Operations Center - e: National Signals Intelligence Operations Center - e: Navy Satellite Operations Center NSOD e: Naval School of Ordnance Disposal NSODCC e: North Sumatra Oil Development Corporation Company NSOEA e: National Stationery and Office Equipment Association NSOF e: Navy Special Operations Force - e: Navy Status of Forces File NSOG d: Nationalsozialistische Opfergemeinschaft NSOGA e: National Seniors' Open Golf Association NSoHi e: Somers Historical Society, Somers NSOHSC e: National Survey of Oral Health in School Children NSOP e: National Second Opinion Program NSOPA e: National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants NSOPCD e: National Society of Old Plymouth Colony Descendants NSOPF e: National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty

NSOR e: NATO Statement of Operational Requirement - e: NORAD [North American Air Defense [Command]] Statement of Operational Requirement NSOSG e: North Sea Oceanographic[al] Study Group NSP e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Support Plan - e: National Salvation Party - e: National Sea Products Ltd. - e: National Services Program - e: National Signalling Point - e: National Siting Plan - e: National Ski Patrol System - e: National Socialist Party - e: National Society of Painters - e: National Society of Professors - e: National Space Program - e: National Stolen Property - e: National Stuttering Project - e: NATO Stockpiling Program - e: Navy Support Plan - e: Nebraska State Patrol - e: Nebraska State Police - e: Network Service Provider - e: Network Support Plan - e: North Solomons Province - e: Northern States Power Co. - e: Nuclear Strike Plan - n: Nederlands Scheepsbouwkundig Proefstation - n: Nederlandse Sport Pers - n: Stichting het Nederlandsch Scheepsbouwkundig Proefstation - P: Narodowe Stronnictwo Pracy - P: Nauczycielska Spoldzielnia Pracy - r: Nylands Svenska Lantbruksproducentförbund

NSpC e: National Space Council NSPCA e: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - e: National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic NSPCB e: National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges - e: National Society for the Prevention of Covered Bridges NSPCC e: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children - e: National Standard Plumbing Code Committee - e: Naval Ships Parts Control Center N.S.P.C.C. e: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children NSPCM e: National Society for [the] Prevention of Cruelty to Mushrooms NSPD e: National Space Policy Directive - e: Naval Shore Patrol Detachment NSPE e: National Society for/of Professional Engineers - e: National Society of Physical Education N.S.P.E. e: National Society of Physical Education NSPEC e: National Society for Protection of Environment & Children NSPF e: National Swimming Pool Foundation - N: Norsk Speiderpikeforbund NSPFEA e: National Spray Painting and Finishing Equipment Association

N.S.P. e: National Salvation Party NSPG e: National Security Planning Group NSPA e: National Scholastic Press Association - e: National Shrimp Processors Association - e: National Socialist Party of America - e: National Society of Public Accountants - e: National Soybean Processors Association - e: National Split Pea Association - e: National Standard[s] Parts Association - e: National State Printing Association - e: Naval Shore Patrol Administration - e: Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Association N.S.P.A. e: National Spinsters' Pensions Association NSPAC e: National Security Political Action Committee - e: National Standards Policy Advisory Committee NSPB e: National Security Planning Board - e: National Society for the Prevention of Blindness - e: National Society to Prevent Blindness NSPC e: National Security Planning Commission - e: National Society of Painters in Casein - e: National Sound-Program[me] Center (or Centre) - e: National Standard Plumbing Code [Committee] - e: National Straight Pipe Threads in Pipe Couplings - e: Northern States Power Company - e: Nova Scotia Power Corporation

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSPHPC e; National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences NS PHU e: Northern Sydney Public Health Unit NSPI e: National Society for/of Performance and Instruction - e: National Society for Programmed Instruction - e: National Spa and Pool Institute - e: National Spatial Data Infrastructure - e: National Swimming Pool Institute NSPIC e: Nuclear Standards Program Information Center NSPIE e: National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education NSPI Journal e: National Society for Programmed Instruction Journal NSPLO e: NATO Sidewinder Production and Logistics Organization NSPNC e: North Cumberland Historical Society, Pugwash, Nova Scotia NSPO e: NATO Sea Sparrow Project Support Office - e: NATO Sidewinder Production Organization - e: NATO Sidewinder Program Office - e: Naval Space Projects Office


N.S.P.O.B. - e: Navy Special Projects Office - e: Nuclear Systems Project Office N.S.P.O.B. n: Nationale Stichting voor het Poolonderzoek van Belgie NS-POG e: Navship Propulsion Operating Guide NSPP e: National Serials Pilot Project - e: Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant - P: Niezalezna Socjalistyczna Partia Pracy NSPPC e: National Survey of Potential Product Capacity NSPR e: National Society for Park Resources - e: National Society of Patient Representatives of the American Hospital Association - e: National Society of Pershing Rifles NSpr d: Die Neueren Sprachen NSPRA e: National School [of] Public Relations Association NSPRDS e: New Systems Personnel Requirements Data System NSPRI e: Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute NSPRM e: National Society of Professional Resident Managers

NSQ e: Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire NSQAC e: National Specialist Qualification Advisory Committee NSQCRE e: National Symposium on Quality Control and Reliability in Electronics NSR e: National Scenic River[way] - e: National Scientific Register - e: National Sculpture Review - e: National Security Regulation^] - e: National Shipping Report - e: National Shipping Representative - e: National Shorthand Reporter - e: National Singles Registry - e: National Slow Rate - e: NATO Staff Requirement - e: New Source Review - e: NISN Service Request - e: Norfolk Southern Railway - e: North Staffordshire Railway Co. - e: North Staffordshire Regiment - e: North Sunderland Railway Co. - e: NSR Resources, Inc. - n: Nederlandse Studenten Raad - N: Norske Studenters Roklubb - P: Narodowe Stronnictwo Robotnikow N.S.R. e: North-Shore Regiment - e: North Staffordshire Railway Co. - e: North Staffordshire Regiment - e: North Sunderland Railway Co. - e: Northern Staffordshire Railway

NSPS e: National Ski Patrol System - e: National Society of Painters, Sculptors, and Gravers - e: National Society of Professional Sanitarians - e: National Society of Professional Surveyors - e: National Stockpile Purchase Specification - e: National Sweet Pea Society - e: New Source Performance Standards

NSRA e: National Service Robot Association - e: National Shoe Retailers Association - e: National Shorthand Reporters Association - e: National Ski Retailers Association - e: National Smallbore Rifle Association - e: National Society for Research into Allergy - e: National Street Rod Association - e: National Swim and Recreation Association - e: North-South Reconstruction Advisors - e: Nuclear Safety Research Association - N: Nordvästra Skänes Radioamatorer

NSPSC e: NATO Sea Sparrow Project Steering Committee - e: National Society of Painters, Sculptors and Engravers

NSRB d: Nationalsozialistischer Rechtswahrerbund - e: National Security Resources Board - e: Nuclear Safety Review Board

N.S.P.S.E. e: National Society of Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers

NSRBA e: Nova Scotia Road Builders Association

N.S.P.S.E.P. e: National Society of Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, and Potters

NSRBD e: National Security Resources Board

NSPRS e: Nigerian Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

NSPSH e: Parrsboro Shore Historical Society, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia NSPST e: National Society of Pharmaceutical Sales Trainers N.S.P.V.D. e: National Society for the Prevention of Venereal Diseases N.S.P.W. e: National Society of Pottery Workers NSPWA e: National Society [of] Patriotic Women of America NSPWSND e: National Society of Provincial Wholesale Sunday Newspaper Distributors N.S.P.Y.G. e: National Society for the Protection of Young Girls


NSRC e: National Science Research Council - e: National Shoe Retailers Council - e: National Silver Rabbit Club - e: National Stereophonic Radio Committee - e: National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Resource Center - e: National Systems and Research Company - e: Natural Science Research Council - e: NeoSynthesis Research Centre - e: Network Startup Resource Center - e: North Stratford Railroad Corporation NSRD e: National Security Resources Development - e: National Software Reuse Directory - e: National Standards Reference Data - e: NISN Service Requirements Database NSRDA d: Nationalsozialistischer Reichsverband der deutschen Arbeitsopfer - e: National Standard Reference Data Series. United States National Bureau of Standards

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NSRDB e: National SIGINT [Signal Intelligence] Requirements Database - e: National Solar Radiation Data Base NSRDC e: National Standards Reference Data Center - e: Naval Ship Research and Development Center NSRDC [AD] e: Naval Ship Research and Development Center [Annapolis Division] NSRDF e: Naval Supply Research and Development Facility NSRDK d: Nationalsozialistischer Reichsverband Deutscher Kriegsopfer NSRDL e: Naval Ship Research and Development Laboratory - e: Naval Supply Research and Development Facility NSRDL/A e: Naval Ship Research and Development Laboratory, Annapolis, Maryland NSRDL/PC e: Naval Ship Research and Development Laboratory, Panama City, Florida NSRDP e: National Standard Reference Program [National Bureau of Standards] NSRDS e: National Standard Reference Data Series - e: National Standard Reference Data System NSRDS Ref Data Rep e; NSRDS [National Standards Reference Data System] Reference Data Report NSRDW d: Nationalsozialistische Reichsfachschaft Deutscher Werbefachleute NSREF e: National Society for Real Estate Finance NSRF e: National Stroke Recovery Foundation - e: Nova Scotia Research Foundation - N: Norges Salgs- og Reklameforbund - N: Norges Statsautoriserte Revisorers Forening NSRFC e: Nova Scotia Research Foundation Corporation NSRFI e: National Symposium on Radio Frequency Interference NSRG e: Northern Science Research Group NSRI e: National Sea Rescue Institute - e: Nelspruit Subtropical Research Institute NSRK d: Nationalsozialistisches Reiterkorps NSRL d: Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen - e: National SIGINT Requirements List - e: National Strategie Reconnaissance List - e: Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory NSRM e: National Strategy for Rangeland Management NSRMA e: National Star Route Mail Contractors Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NS-SIB NSRMCA e: National Star Route Mail Carriers' Association - e: National Star Route Mail Contractors Association NSRN e: National School Resource Network NSRO e: National Security Resources Organization N.S.R.O. n: Nationaal-socialistische Rijksradio-Omroep NSRP e: National Search and Rescue Plan - e: National States Rights Party - e: Nordic Society for Radiation Protection NSR/PSD e: New Source Review and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permitting NSRQC e: National Symposium on Reliability and Quality Control NSRQCE e: National Symposium on Reliability and Quality Control in Electronics NSRS e: National Scholarship Research Service - e: National Shoreline Refuse Survey - e: National Spatial Reference System - e: National Supply Radio Station - e: Naval Supply Radio Station NSRSC e: National Security and Resources Study Center NSRT e: North South Round Table NSRU e: North Star Universal, Inc. NSRW e: Nuclear Service Raw Water NSS a: Nordiska Statistiska Sekretariatet - d: Nationalsozialistische Schwesternschaft - e: Namibia Scientific Society - e: National Sample Survey[or][s] - e: National Sculpture Society - e: National Search and Rescue Secretariat - e: National Secular Society - e: National Security Service - e: National Seismic Stations - e: National Serigraph Society - e: National Service Scheme - e: National Service Secretariat - e: National Severe Storms Forecast Center - e: National Slovak Society [of the USA] - e: National Snapdragon Society - e: National Soil Survey - e: National Space Society - e: National Space Station - e: National Spastics Society - e: National Speleological Society - e: National Staff Side [of the Whitley Council] - e: National Standards System - e: National Stockpile Site - e: National Strategic Stockpile - e: National Stream Survey - e: National Study Service - e: National Supply System - e: Nature Study Society - e: Naval Strategic Study - e: Naval Supply System - e: Navigation Subsystem Switchboard - e: Navigational Safety System - e: Navy Secondary Standards - e: Navy Shore Station - e: New Shakespeare Society - e: Newburgh and South Shore

- e: Newburgh & South Shore Railway Co, - e: Nodding Subdish System - e: Non-Self-Sustaining - e: Nordic Statistical Secretariat - e: Northwest Steam Society - e: Nortronics System Support - e: NS Group - e: Nuclear Safeguards Staff - F: Nordiska Kommitten for Samordning av Elektriska Sakerhetsfragor - N: Norsk Studentsamband - r: Nathan Söderblom-Sällskapet

N.S.S.C. e: Nelson Steamship Company

N.S.S. e: National Secular Society - e: Nature Study Society - e: New Shakespeare Society - n: Nederlandse Stichting voor Statistiek - N: Norsk Studentsamband - r: Norrköpings Segelsällskap

NSSD e: National Security Study Directive

NSSA e: National Sanitary Supply Association - e: National Scholastic Surfing Association - e: National School Sailing Association - e: National Science Supervisors Association - e: National Senior Sports Association - e: National Sjogren's Syndrome Association - e: National Skeet Shooting Association - e: National Skirt and Sportswear Association - e: National Social Security Authority - e: National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association - e: National Suffolk Sheep Association - e: National Sunday School Association - e: Navy Space Systems Activity - e: Nematological Society of Southern Africa - e: New York Skirt and Sportswear Association - e: North-South Skirmish Association - e: Nova Scotia Salmon Association N.S.S.A. e: National School Sailing Association N-SSA e: North-South Skirmish Association

NSSCBD e: Cape Breton Development Corp., Sydney, Nova Scotia NSSCC e: National Space Surveillance Control Center NS Sch Bd Assn N e: Nova Scotia School Boards Association. Newsletter NSS Co e: Northern Steam Ship Company

NSSDA e: National Standard for Spatial Database Accuracy NSSDC e: National Space Science Data Center NSSDP e: National Society of Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims NSSDRI e: Nanjing Solid State Devices Research Institute NSsE e: Empire State College, Saratoga Springs NSSE e: National Society for the Study of Education - e: National Study of School Evaluation NSSEA e: National School Supply and Equipment Association NSSET e: National Symposium on Space Electronics and Telemetry NS/SET e: Nuclear Subsystem Evaluation Team NSSF e: National Shooting Sports Foundation - e: National Social Science Foundation - e: Navy Submarine Support Facility

NSSAB e: National Selective Service Appeal Board

N/SSF e: Novice, Society of St. Francis

NSSAC e: National Society, Sons of the American Colonists

NSSFA e: National Single Service Food Association

NSSAR e: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

NSSFC e: National Severe Storm[s] Forecast Center - e: National Society of Student Film Critics

NSSB d: Nationalsozialistischer Schülerbund - d: Nationalsozialistischer Studentenbund - e: National Social Service Board - e: National Society of Scabbard and Blade - e: Norwich Financial Corp. NSSBull[etin] e: NSS [National Speleological Society] Bulletin NSSC e: Napco Security Systems, Inc. - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Standard Spaceborne Computer - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Safety Standards Committee - e: National School Safety Center - e: National Science Strategy Committee - e: National Society for the Study of Communication - e: National Soil Survey Committee - e: National Space Surveillance Center - e: Naval Sea System[s] Command - e: Naval Ship Systems Command - e: NORAD Space Surveillance Center - e: Nova Scotia Safety Council

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSSFFA e: National Soft Serve and Fast Food Association NSSFNS e: National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students NSSG e: National Ski Study Group - e: NATO Shock Standard Grade NSSGA e: Nicherin Shoshu Soka-Gakkai Academy NSSHA e: National Spotted Saddle Horse Association - e: National Student Speech and Hearing Association NSSHDC e: National Spanish Speaking Housing Development Corporation NSSI e: National School Service Institute - e: Nuclear Support Services, Incorporated NS-SIB e: Navship Ships Information Book


NSSIC NSSIC e: National Student Strike Information Center NSSJD e: Community of the Nursing Sisters of St. John the Divine NSSK e: National Society of Student Keyboardists

NSSRP Univ Tsukuba Nucl Solid State Res Proj e: NSSRP. University of Tsukuba. Nuclear and Solid State Research Project NSSS e: National Social Science Survey - e: National Space Surveillance System - e: Nuclear Steam Supply System

NSTAC e: National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee NSTAF e: National Solar Technical Audience File N.Staf[ford] e: North Staffordshire Regiment

NSSSE e: National Study of Secondary School Evaluation

N STAFFS e: [The Prince of Wales's] North Staffordshire Regiment

NSSTA e: National Structured Settlements Trade Association

N.Staffs e: University College of North Staffordshire

NSSLC e: National Social Science and Law Center

NSSTC e: National Small Shipments Traffic Conference

NSTAG e: National Science and Technology Analysis Group

NSSLHA e: National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

NSSTE e: National Society of Sales Training Executives

NSTAP e: National Strategic Acquisition Plan - e: National Strategic Targeting and Attack Policy

NSSLP e: National Social Science and Law Project

NSSU e: National Steam Service Union - e: National Sunday School Union [and Christian Youth Service]

NSSL e: National Seed Storage Laboratory - e: National Service Star Legion - e: National Severe Storms Laboratory - e: National Society of State Legislators

NSSM e: National Security Study Memorandum NSSMA e: National Spanish-Speaking Management Association NSSMS e: NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System - e: NATO Sea Surface Missile System NSSN e: National Speed Sport News - e: National Standard Shipping Note - e: National Standards System Network - e: Navy Standard Stock Number NSSNAQ e: NSS [National Speleological Society] News NSS [Natl Speleol Soc] News e: NSS [National Speleological Society] News NSS News e: National Spastics Society News - e: National Speleological Society News NSSNF e: Naval Strategic Systems Navigation Facility NSSO e; National Society of Student Organists - e: National Solar Space Observatory - e: Navy Ships' Store Office NSSOPAC e: Naval Ordnance System Support Pacific NSSP e: National Severe Storms Project - e: National Shellfish Sanitation Program - e: National Student Safety Program - e: National Syrian Socialist Party

NS[t][at] e; New Statesman

N.S.S.U. e: National Sunday School Union and Christian Youth Service

NSTB e: Biblio-Tech Ltd., Three Fathom Harbor, Nova Scotia - e: National Safety Transportation Board

NSSUP e: National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers

NStBU e: St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure

NSSWC e: National Severe Storm Warning Center

NSTC e: National Science and Technology Centre - e: National Science [and] Technology Council - e: National Screw Thread Commission - e: National Security Training Commission - e: National Security Training Corps - e: National Shade Tree Conference - e: National Spiritualist Teachers Club - e: Nebraska State Teachers College - e: Nova Scotia Technical College

NSSX e: National Sanitary Supply Co. - e: University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia NSSYA e: National Small Sailing Yacht Association NST e: National Security Team - e: National Security Training - e: National Special Thread - e: National Symposium on Telemetering -e; NATO Staff Target -e; Naval Staff Target - e: Navy Shipboard Terminal - e: Network Support Team - e: Newfoundland Standard Time - e: North Sumatra Time - e: [Office of] National Security Technology -/· Nomenclature uniforme de marchandises pour les Statistiques de Transport - N: Styrkommitten for Nordiskt Telesamarbete - r: Nordens Samverkande Tegelindustriföreningar - r: Ny Svensk Tidskrift

N.S.T.C. e: National Society of Tailors' Cutters - e: Nova Scotia Technical College NSTCH e: Colchester Historical Society, Truro, Nova Scotia NSTDA e: National Science and Technology Development Agency NSTDB e: National Strategic Target Data Base NSTDH e: National STD [Sexually Transmitted Disease] Hotline NSTDP e: National Society of Tole and Decorative Painters

Nst d: Nahtstelle N.St. e: North Staffordshire Regiment

NSTE e: National Society of Telephone Employees

NS&T e: Naval Science and Tactics NSSPA e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Special Publications NSSPSP e: National Space Station Planning Sub-Panel NSSP Thread e: National Standard Straight Pipe Thread NSSR e: National Spotted Swine Record - e: New School for Social Research - e: Nordic Cooperation for Sami and Reindeer Questions - e: Nordic Society for Space Research

N.-S.T. r: Nacka-Saltsjöbadens Tidning NSTA e: National Safe Transit Association - e: National School Transpiration Association - e: National School Transportation Association - e: National Science and Technology Authority - e: National Science Teachers Association - e: National Security Traders Association - e: National Shoe Travellers Association - e: National Spasmodic Torticollis Association - e: National Squash Tennis Association - r: Norrköpings Stads Tekniska Aftonskola NSTAB d: National-Sozialistische Türkische Arbeiterbewegung


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NSTF e: National Scholarship Trust Fund - e: National Science and Technology Forum - e: National Science Teachers Foundation NStGThK d: Neue Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche NS Thread e: National Special Thread NSTI e: Norwalk State Technical Institute NSTIC e: Naval Science [and] Technical Information Center (or Centre) NSTIS e: Navy Standard Technical Information Systems

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NSWHC NSTK e: Nastech Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. NSTL e: National Software Testing Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: National Space [and] Technology Laboratories (or Laboratory) - e: National Strategic Target Line - e: National Strategic Target[s] List NSTM e: Naval Ships Technical Manual - r: Nordisk Skeppsteknisk Samarbetskommitten - r: Nordiskt Skeppstekniskt Mote N.StMg. d: Neues Staatsbürgerliches Magazin

NSU d: Netzsteuerungs- und -Uberwachungssystem NSUA e: Nigerian Students Union in the Americas - N: Norges Studerande Ungdoms Avholdsforbund NSUB d: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen NSUC e: North Staffordshire University College NSUF N: Nasjonal Sämlings Ungdomsfylking NSufA e: Avon Products, Inc., Suffern

NS-TMI e: Navship Technical Manual Index

- e: Nippon Systemware Co. Ltd. - e: Northwestern Steel & Wire Co. - e: People for Nuclear Disarmament - P: Najwyzszy S^d Wojskowy N.S.W. e; New South Wales NSWA e: Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia - e: National Social Welfare Assembly - e: National Soft Wheat Association - e: National Stripper Well Association N.S.W.A. e: National Silk Workers' Association NSWAAT e: New South Wales Association of Agricultural Teachers

NSUG e: Nihon Sun User's Group NStN e: New Statesman and Nation NSUPSC e: Naval Supply Systems Command NSTOA e: National Ski Touring Operators' Association NSTP e: National Security Telecommunication Policy - e: National Skills Training Program - e: National Society of Tax Professionals - e: National Society of Television Producers - e: National Solar Terrestrial Program - e: National Space Technology Program[me] - e: Northern Science Training Program - e: Nuffield Science Teaching Project NSTPC e: Nova Scotia Tidal Power Corporation NSTRTU e: National Strategy to Reduce Tobacco Use [in Canada] NSTS e: National Sea Training School[s] - e: National Secure Telephone System - e: National Securities Trading System - e: National Space Transportation System - e: Northwestern States Portland Cement Co. NSTSPO e: National Space Transportation System Program Office

NSUR e: Compu-Plan, Inc.

NSWAMH e: New South Waks Association for Mental Health

NSUS e: Newcomen Society of the United States NSV d: Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt - d: Norddeutscher Ski-Verband - e: National Socialist Vanguard - e: National Strategie Vision - e: National Supplies Vocabulary - e: Netherlands Shipping Union - e: Nova Scotia Savings & Loans Co. - n: Akten Betreffende Cooperatieve Verenigingen - n: Nederlands Syndicalistisch Vakverbond - n: Nieuwe School Vereeniging

NSTU e: Nova Scotia Teachers Union - r: Nordiska Studentteaterunionen NSTV d: Nieder-Schlesischer Turn-Verein NSTVA d: Nebenstellen-Vermittlungsanlage NSTX e: National Spherical Tokamak Experiment NSU d: Neckarsulmer Fahrzeugwerke - e: National Seamen's Union - e: National Sugar Refining Company - e: Network Service/Interface Unit - e: Norfolk State University - n: Nederlandsche Scheepvaart Unie - N: Nordisk Sommeruniversitet - N: Norsk Studentunion - r: Nordiska Skolungdomsförbundet - r: Nordiskt Sommaruniversitet - r: Nordisk Samorganisation for Ungdomsarbej de - r: Nusvensk Ungdom NSU c: Novinärsky Studijni Ustav

NSWAP e: National Socialist White America Party NSWC e: National South West Coalition - e: Naval Surface Warfare Center - e: Naval Surface Weapons Center - e: New South Wales Centre NSWCCDGP e: New South Wales Central Coast Division of General Practice NSWCDD e: Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division

N.S.V.A.P. n: Nationaal-Socialistische Vlaamse Arbeiderspartij

N.S.W.C.M. e: New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music

NSVC e: National Sisters Vocation Conference - e: National Sisters Vocation Congress

NSWCWDGP e: New South Wales Central West Division of General Practice

NSCS c: Närodopisnä Spolecnost Ceskoslovenskä - c: Numismatickä Spolecnost Ceskoslovenskä

NSTT e: National Sea Training Trusts NSTTF e: National Solar Thermal Test Facility

NSWALC e: New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council

NSVEA e: Natural-Source Vitamin E Association NS-VEntschG d: NS-Verfolgtenentschadigungsgesetz NSVG e: National Survey of the Vietnam Generation N.S.V.J. r: Norrköping-SöderköpingVikbolandets Järnväg NSVN e: NATO Secure Voice Network NSVP e: National School Volunteer Program - e: National Student Volunteer Program NSVS e: NATO Secure Voice System NSvV n: Nederlandse Stichting voor Verlichtingskunde NSW d: Nicht-Sozialistisches Weltsystem - d: Nichtsozialistisches Wirtschaftsgebiet - d: Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke AG - e: Herbarium of New South Wales - e: National Software Works - e: National Warning Staff - e: Naval Special Warfare - e: New South Wales

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NSWDAHAC e: National Society, Women Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company NSWEPA e: New South Wales Environment Protection Authority NSWFC e: New South Wales Forestry Commission NSWFCA e: New South Wales Foster Care Association NSW Fed INS Clubs Gen Newsletter e: New South Wales. Federation of Infants and Nursery School Clubs. General Newsletter NSW Fed INSC News e: New South Wales Federation of Infants and Nursery School Clubs. News NSWG e: NATO Shipping Working Group - e: Naval Special Warfare Group - e: New South Wales Government - e: Nuclear Safety Working Group NSWGR e: New South Wales Government Railways NSWGTB e: New South Wales Government Tourist Bureau NSWHC e: New South Wales Health Commission


NSW Herb Contr NSW Herb Contr e: New South Wales. National Herbarium. Contributions NSW Herb Contr Flora Ser e: New South Wales. National Herbarium. Contributions. Flora Series

NSWS e: National Surface Water Survey NSWSES e: Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station N.S.W.S.R. e: New South Wales State Reports

NSWI e: National Safe Workplace Institute NSWIC e: New South Wales Investment Corp. NSWIER e: New South Wales Institute for Educational Research NSW Inc Acts e: New South Wales Incorporated Acts NSWIT e: New South Wales Institute of Technology NSWJR e: North & South Western Junction Railway Co. N.S.W.K.T. e: National Society of Woolcombers' and Kindred Trades N.S.W.L.V.R. e: New South Wales Land Valuation Reports NSW LWC e: New South Wales Department of Land and Water Conservation NSWMA e: National Soft Wheat Millers Association - e: National Solid Waste[s] Management Association NSW MIA e: New South Wales Meat Industry Authority NSWMSB e: New South Wales Maritime Services Board NSWNA e: New South Wales Nurses Association NSWNPWS e: New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service NSWO e: National Socialist Women's Organization - n: Nationaal-Socialistische Werknemers Organisatie NSWODGP e: New South Wales Division of General Practice NSWP d: Nicht-Sowjetische WarschauerPakt[-Staaten] - e: National Space Weather Program - e: New South Wales Police - e: Non-Soviet Warsaw Pact [Forces]

NSW State Fish Cruise Rep e: New South Wales. State Fisheries Cruise Report

NSyAF e: United States Air Force, Hancock Air Base Library, Syracuse NSyAg e: Agway, Inc., Syracuse NSyC e: Carrier Corp., Syracuse

NSWTE e: Naval Special Warfare Task Element

NSYD e; Naval Shipyard

NSWTF e: New South Wales Teachers Federation NSWTG e: Naval Special Warfare Task Group

NSyCA e: United States Court of Appeals, Syracuse

NSYF e: Natural Science for Youth Foundation NSYFG e: Fundy Group Publications, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia NSyGE e: General Electric Co., Syracuse

NSWTG/TU e: Naval Special Warfare Task Group/Unit NSWTI d: nationale Systeme fur die wissenschaftliche und technische Information NSWTIA e: New South Wales Taxi Industry Association

NSYHM e: Research Library, Yarmouth County Historical Society, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia NSY/NA e: National School Yearbook/ Newspaper Association

NSWTU e: Naval Special Warfare Task Unit

NSyoG e: United States Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Syosset

NSWU e: Naval Special Warfare Unit - e: University of New South Wales

NSyOHi e: Onondaga Historical Association, Syracuse

NSW Univ Engineering Yrbk e: University of New South Wales. Faculty of Engineering. Yearbook

NSyoP e: PRD Electronics, Inc., Information Center Library, Syosset NSyR e: Syracuse Research Corp., Syracuse

NSW Univ Inst Highw Traff Res Res Note e: University of New South Wales. Institute of Highway and Traffic Research. Research Note NSW Univ Sch Civ Eng UNICIV Rep Ser R e: New South Wales University. School of Civil Engineering. UNICIV Report. Series R NSW Univ UNICIV Rep e: University of New South Wales. School of Civil Engineering. UNICIV Report NSW Univ Wat Res Lab Rep e: University of New South Wales. Water Research Laboratory. Report NSWUT e: New South Wales University of Technology

NSWPAG e: New South Wales Prisoners Action Group NSWPP e: National Socialist White People's Party

NSWWA e; North Shore Women Writers Alliance

NSWPTC e: New South Wales Public Transport Commission

NSWWH e: West Hants Historical Society Museum, Windsor, Nova Scotia

NSWRDCU e: New South Wales Rural Divisions Co-ordinating Unit

NSY e; Naval Shipyard - e: New Scotland Yard - e: North Somerset Yeomanry [Territorial Army]

NSWRU e: New South Wales Rugby Union

NSYA e: National School Yearbook Association

NSWTA e: New South Wales Transport Association - e: New South Wales Typographical Association

NSW Vet Proc e: Proceedings. Australian Veterinary Association. New South Wales Division

NSWRL e: New South Wales Rugby League

NSyA e: Allied Corp., Solvay Process Division, Syracuse

NSySC e: New York State Supreme Court Law Library, Syracuse NSYSD6 e: NSC [National Science Council] Symposium Series NSYSP e: National Summer Youth Sports Program NSySU-F e: State University of New York, College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry at Syracuse University, Syracuse NSySU-M e: State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse NSyU e: Syracuse University, Syracuse NSyU-CE e: Syracuse University, Library of Continuing Education at Syracuse, Syracuse NSyU-G e: Syracuse University, Educational Resources Center of the All-University Gerontology Center, Syracuse NSyVA e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse NSZ d: Neue Schule Zurich - P: Narodowe Sily Zbrojne NSZZ RI „S" e: Niezalezny Samorziidny Zwiqzek Zawodowy Rolnikow Indywidualnych „Solidarnooc"

N.S.Y. e: New Scotland Yard - e: North Somerset Yeomanry


· Säur, München

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NTC NSZZ „S" P: Niezalezny Samorziidny Zwiqzek Zawodowy „Solidarnooc" NT d: nationaler Ton - d: Netzwerk Terminator - e: National Team - e: National Theater - e: National Theatre - e: National Times - e: National Trust - e: National Trust for Historic Preservation - e: National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty - e: Naval Training - e: Network Terminator - e: New Technology - e: New Territories [Hong Kong] - e: Newfoundland Time - e: Newman-Tonks Ltd. - e: Nome Time - e: Normal Threat - e: Norris-Thermador Corp. - e: Northern Air Taxis Ltd. - e: Northern Tablelands - e: Northern Telecom Ltd. - e: Northern Territory - e: Northern Territory Herbarium - e: Northwest Territories - e: Not Tested - e: Nurse Technician - n: Nederlands Textielinstituut NordiskaTransportarbetarefederationen : Nordiske Tegnere • Norske Turistforening - r: Nationeil Tidning - r: Nerikes Tidningen - r: Nordisk Traebeskyttelsesrad - r: Norrköpings Tidningen - r: Ny Tid nt d: Neue Technik - e: Northern Telecom Ltd. N.T. e: National Trust - e: Northern Territory - N: Norske Turistforening - r: Nordisk Tidskrift

- e: Network Television Association - e: New Territories Administration - e: New Towns Association - e: New Transatlantic Agenda - e: Newfoundland Teachers Association - e: Nigerian Television Authority - e: Northern Teachers Association - e: Northern Territory, Australia - e: Northern Textile Association - e: Northern Trade Association - e: Norwegian Telecommunication Administration - e: Nuclear Target Analysis - e: Nurse Teachers Association - e: Nursery Training Association - n: Nederlandsch Telegraaf Agentschap - P: Najwyzszy Trybunai Administracyjny - r: Nordiska Tidningarnas Arbetsgivarenamnd N.T.A. e: National Therapeutics Association - e: Newfoundland Teachers Association - e: Northern Trade Association

NTA-TIA e: National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America NTaUC e: Union Carbide Corp., Tarrytown Technical Center, Tarrytown NTB d: Norddeutsche Teilzahlungsbank - e: National Target Base - e: National Test Bed - e: National Theatre Board - e: National Tobacco Board - e: National Training Board - e: Network Test Bed - e: Non-Tariff Barrier[s] - e: Northumbria Tourist Board - e: Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in outer Space, and under Water - N: Norsk Telegrambyrä N.T.B. n: Nederlandse Toonkunstenaarsbond NTBA e: National Tour Brokers Association

NTAA e: National Travelers Aid Association NTAB e: Nuclear Technical Advisory Board NTA Bui e: Newfoundland Teachers' Association. Bulletin

NTBB e: National Temporal Bone Banks Program of the DRF [Deafness Research Foundation] NTBF e: New Technology Based Firms

NTAC e: National Technical Assistance Center on Family Violence - e: National Theatre Arts Conference - e: Netherlands Touring and Auto Club - n: Nederlandse Touringen Auto Club

NTBIC e: National Test Bed Integrating (or Integration) Contractor

NTACS e: National Truck Activity & Commodity Survey - e: Nationwide Truck Activity Survey

NTBL e: Nuffield Talking Book Library

NTAD e: National Transportation Atlas Data

NTBWG e: Nuclear Test Ban Working Group

NTAG e: National Technical Advisory Group - e: Network Technical Architecture Group

NTC e: National Lending Library and the American National Translations Center - e: National Tasking Center - e: National Teacher[s] Corps - e: National Team Championship - e: National Technical Certificate - e: National Teen Challenge - e: National Telecommunications Commission - e: National Telecommunications Conference - e: National Telemedia Council - e: National Telemetering Conference - e: National Teleregistration Center - e: National Television Center (or Centre) - e: National Television Council - e: National Terotechnology Centre - e: National Territorial Command - e: National Test Center - e: National Textile Corporation - e: National Thanksgiving Commission - e: National Theatre Conference - e: National Thrift Committee - e: National Timesharing Council - e: National Trading Company - e: National Trading Corporation - e: National Traditionalist Caucus - e: National Trailer Convoy, Inc. - e: National Trails Council - e: National Training Center - e: National Training Contact - e: National Training Council - e: National Transformers Committee - e: National Translation^] Center - e: National Transportation Center - e: National Transportation Corporation - e: National Travel Club - e: National Tribology Centre - e: National Troopers Coalition - e: National Tuberculosis Center

NTaHi e: Historical Society of the Tarrytowns, Tarrytown

N&T r: Nordström & Thullin AB

NTAI e: Nam Tai Electronics, Inc.

NTA e.-Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. - e: Narcotics Treatment Administration - e: Narcotics Treatment Agency - e: National Aviation Corp. - e: National Tabletop Association - e: National Tattoo Association - e: National Tax Association - e: National Taxidermists Association - e: National Taxpayers Alliance - e: National Technical Association - e: National Telecommunications Agency - e: National Tennis Academy - e: National Tennis Association - e: National Threshers Association - e: National Times - e: National Tour Association - e: National Tourist Association - e: National Training Agency - e: National Translators] Association - e: National Transportation Act - e: National Trappers Association - e: National Travel Association - e: National Triton Association - e: National Trolleybus Association - e: National Trust for Scotland - e: National Trust of Australia - e: National Tuberculosis Association - e: Naval Technical Assistants - e: Navy Technician Authorization - e: Negotiated Testing Agreement

NTAMS e: Northern Territory Aerial Medical Service NTAP e: National Targeting and Attack Policy NTA Proceedings e: National Tax Association. Proceedings NTAR e: Net Air International Corp. - e: Nonviolent Techniques Against Rape NTARS e: National Transportation Analysis Regions NTAS e: NORAD Tactical Automatic Voice Network System - e: NORAD Tactical AUTOVON System NTAST e: National Translation Association of Science and Technology NTAT e: National Tax Administration of Taipei NTA[&]TB e: Northwestern Truck Association and Tariff Bureau NTATC e: National Transportation Apprenticeship and Training Conference

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NTB/JPO e: National Test Bed/Joint Program Office

NtBuStnds e: National Bureau of Standards


N.T.C. - e: Nautical Training Corps - e: Naval Telecommunications Command - e: Naval Training Center - e: Naval Training Command - e: Netherlands Territorial Command - e: Network Teleconferencing Center - e: Network Terminal Concentrator - e: Nigerian Tobacco Company - e: Nordic Temperance Council - e: Nordic Theater Committee - e: Normal Test Condition - e: Norwich Terrier Club - e: Noshiro Testing Center - e: Nuffield Trust Committee -/· Correspondant national pour la formation N.T.C. e: National Teachers Corps NTCA e: National Cable Television Association - e: National Telephone Cooperative Association - e: National Tile Contractors Association - e: National Town Class Association - e: National Training Council of Australia - e: National Tribal Chairman's Association - e: National Tuberculosis and Chest Association - e: National Weather Service Training Center System 1, River Forecast Center - e: Northern Territory Cattlemen's Association NTCC e: National Transport Consumers' Council - e: National Type Culture Collection - e: Naval Tactical Communications Center - e: Naval Telecommunications Center - e: Nimbus Technical Control Center - e: Nippon Telecommunications Consultung Committee NTCCL e: Northern Territory Council for Civil Liberties NTCF e: National Toxic Campaign Fund - e: NATO Technical Control Facility NTCHA e: National Taxi and Car Hire Association

NTCSOC e: Naval Telecommunications Command Satellite Operations Center NTD e: N-Tone International Ltd. - e: NASA Test Director - e: National Tap Dance Company of Canada - e: National Theater (or Theatre) of the Deaf - e: National Topographic Database - e: National Transit Database - e: Nuclear Test Directorate N.T.D. e: Naval Torpedo Depot NTDA e: National Tire Distributors Association - e: National Trade Development Association - e: National Tyre Development Association - e: National Tyre Distributors Association NTDB e: National Topographic Data Base - e: National Toponymic Data Base - e: National Trade Data Bank NTDC e: Naval Training Devices Center NTDF r: Nordiska Tidningsdistributionsföretagens Förbund NtdGP e: Northern Tasmania Division of General Practice NTDL e: Northern Territory Department of Lands NTDMA e: National Tool and Die Manufacturers' Association NTDME e: Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy NTDO e: Naval Technical Data Office - e: Navy Technical Data Office NTDPMA e: National Tool, Die, and Precision Machining Association NTDRA e: National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association

- e: National Tribal Environmental Council - e: Naval Training Electronics Center - e: Naval Training Equipment Center - e: Navel Technical Equipment Center NTECPE e: Naval Training Equipment Center, Project Engineer NTEF e: National Tennis Educational Foundation NTEP e: Norwegian Terrestrial Ecosystem Profile NTETA e: National Traction Engine and Traction Association - e: National Traction Engine and Tractor Association NTEU e: National Tertiary Education Union - e: National Treasury Employees Union NTF d: Naturwissenschaftlich-technische Fachsprache - e: Narcotics Task Force - e: National Tactical Force - e: National Tennis Foundation - e: National Test Facility - e: National Theater File - e: National Tidal Facility - e: National Training Foundation - e: National Transfer Format - e: National Transonic Facility - e: National Turkey Federation - e: Naval Task Force - e: Navy Technological Forecast - e: Netherlands Television Foundation - e: Nigerian Trust Fund - e: Nordic Transportworkers Federation -/· Force Tactique Nationale - N: Den Norske Tannlasgeforening - N: Nordisk Transportarbeiderfederasjon - N: Norske Tannlegeforening - r: AB Nordiska Tubfabriken - r: Nationalföreningen för Trafiksäkerhetens Främjande - r: Nordisk Thoraxkirurgisk Forening - r: Nordiska Textillararforbundet

NTCHA News e: National Taxi and Car Hire Association News

NTDRA Dealer News e: NTDRA [National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association] Dealer News

NTCHBA e: National Trust Closely Held Business Association

NTDRP e: Northern Territory Drought Relief Policy

NTCI e: National Training Center-Phase I

NTDS e: Naval Tactical Data System

NTFA e: National Teaching-Family Association - e: National Track and Field Association

NTCLP e: Northern Territory Country Liberal Party

NTDSC e: Nondestructive Testing Data Support Center

NTFAO e: National Task Force on Autocratic Options

NTCMA e: National Traditional Country Music Association

e: National Teacher[s] Examination - e: National Teaching Examination - e: National Trade Estimates Report - e: National Treasury Employees Union - e: Navel Technical Evaluator - e: Navy Technical Evaluation - e: Navy Teletypewriter Exchange - e: Non-Traditional Export[s] - e: Not To Exceed

NTFC e: National Television Firm Council

NTEA e: National Tax Equality Association - e: National Telecommunications Electronics Administration - e: National Time Equipment Association - e: National Truck Equipment Association

NTFHF e: National Tennis Foundation and Hall of Fame

NTEC e: National Telecommunications Education Committee - e: National Traction Engine Club

NTFI r: Norsk Tekstil Forsknings Instituut

NTCOC e: Naval Telecommunications Command Operations Center NTCOGSO e: Northern Territory Council of Government School Organisations NTC-OIS e: National Training Center Objective Instrumentation System NTCS e: National Teaching Company Scheme - e: Naval Telecommunications And Computer System NTCSA e: Navy Tactical Command System Afloat



· Säur, München

NTF. r: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi N.T.F. e: National Temperance Federation - e: Northern Task Force

NTFDC e: Non Theatrical Film Distributors Council NTFEEG e: National Task Force on Education for Economic Growth NTfFil. r: Nordisk Tidskrift for Filologi

NTFHR e: National Task Force on Healthcare Reform

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NtM NTF JPO e: National Test Facility Joint Program Office NTFL e: National Touch Football Leagues

- e: National Telecommunications [and] Information Administration - e: National Telecommunications [and] Information Agency

NTFMRS e: Navy Total Force Manpower Requirements System

NTIAC e: Nondestructive Testing Information [and] Analysis Center

NTFP e: National Task Force on Prostitution

NTIAM e: National Testing Institute for Agricultural Machinery

NTtSpr. r: Nordisk Tidskrift for Sprogvidenskap NTFTA e: National Toy Fox Terrier Association NTG d: Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft im VDE e.V. - d: Niedersächsische Treuhand Gesellschaft mbH - d: Nukleartechnik Gesellschaft mbH - e: NATO Training Group - n: Nederlands Tandheelkundig Genootschap

NTIATA e: National Tax Institute of America Tax Association NTIC e: National Training and Information Center - e: Nondestructive Testing Information Center -/· Nouvelles Technologies de Information et de la Communication NTICED e: National Training Institute for Community Economic Development

NTGB e: North Thames Gas Board

NTICL e: National Technical Information Center and Library

NTG/GI d: Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft/Gesellschaft für Informatik

NTID e: National Technical Institute for the Deaf

NTGIS e: National Transit Geographie Information System

NTIES e: National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study

NTGS e: National Technical Guidance Studies - e: Northwest Territory Genealogical Society

NTIF e: National Taxpayers' Investigative Fund

NTGSO e: National Gas & Oil Corp. NTH d: Norwegische technische Hochschule, Trondheim - N: Norges Tekniske Hogskole, Trondheim

NTHBY e: Northbay Financial Corp. NTHCS e: National Toothpick Holder Collector's Society

NTISS e: National Telecommunications and Information System[s] Security [Policy] NTISSC e: National Telecommunications and Information System[s] Security Committee NTISSI e: National Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction NTISSP e: National Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy NTIST e: National Translation Institute for/of Science and Technology NTJ e: National Tax Journal NTK d: Normenausschuß Transportkette im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Nortek, Inc. -/· Nippon Toshokan Kyokai - N: Nordisk Teaterkomite

N-TIMS e: Negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry

NTL d: Nukleare Transportleistungen GmbH - e: National City Lines, Inc. - e: National Temperance League - e: National Tennis League - e: National Textiles Limited - e: National Training Laboratories - e: New Tokaido Line - e: Northern Telecom Limited - e: Nuclear Technology Laboratory - e: Nuclear Thermionics Laboratory - e: Nuclear Transport Limited

NTIP e: National Turkey Improvement Plan

N.T.L. e: National Temperance League

NTIPS e: Navy Technical Information Presentation System

NTLA e: National Truck Leasing Association - e: Nevada Test Site, Los Alamos National Laboratory

NTHA e: National Temple Hill Association Nth BHH e: North Broken Hill Holdings

NTIS Mater Sei e: NTIS [National Technical Information Service] Materials Science[s]

NTIR a: Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret NTIRA e: National Trucking Industrial Relations Association

NTLB e: National Lumber & Supply, Inc. NTLC e: National Tax Limitation Committee - e: National Trades and Labour Congress - e: National Traffic Law Center

NTHMF e: Northair Mines Ltd.

NTIS e: National Technical Information Service[s] - e: National Technical Information System - e: NEC [Nippon Electric Company]-Toshiba Information Systems, Inc. - e: Nippon Technical Information Service -/· Service National d'Information Technique

NTHP e: National Trust for Historic Preservation

NTISA e: Naval Tactical Interoperability Support Activity

NTLIS e: Northern Territory Land Information System

NTHU e: National Tsing Hua University

NTIS Announc e: NTIS [National Technical Information Service] Trade Announcements

NTLL e: Nevada Test Site, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

NTISBDF e: National Technical Information Service Bibliographic Data File

NTLRTY e: National Realty Ltd.

NTHF N: Norske Turisthotellers Forening NTHL e: National Treasure Hunters League

NTI d: Nachrichtentechnisches Ingenieurbüro - e: National Tactical Interface - e: National Teachers Institute - e: National Technology Initiative - e: National Theatre Institute - e: National Toxics Inventory - e: National Trade Index - e: Naval Travel Instructions - e: Near-Term Improvements - e: Nesbitt Thomson, Inc. - e: Nielsen Television Index -/· Reseau National d'Interconnexion - N: Norsk Treteknisk Institut! - r: Netzlers Tekniska Institut NTIA e: National Technical Information Agency

NTIS Chem. e: NTIS [National Technical Information Service] Chemistry NTIS Comput. Control Inform. Theory e: NTIS [National Technical Information Service] Computers, Control and Information Theory NTISearch e: National Technical Information [on-line computer] Search Service NTIS Environ. Pollut. Control e: NTIS [National Technical Information Service] Environmental Pollution Control

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NTLDO e: Navy Terminal Leave Disbursing Office NTLF e: National Taxpayers Legal Fund - e: National Tritium Labeling Facility - e: Northern Troops and Landing Force

NTLS e: National Truck Leasing Service - e: National Truck Leasing System NTM c: Närodni Technicke Museum - e: National Technical Means [of evaluation] - e: National Topographical Map - e: Nazarene Theological Seminary - e: Network Terminal Manager - e: Nevada Test Site, Mercury - e: New Tribes Mission - e: Northern Territory Art Gallery and Museum - e: Nutmeg Industries, Inc. NtM e: Norton Micro Images, Inc., Trenton

NTMA NTMA e: National Tank Manufacturers Association - e: National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association - e: National Tooling and Machining Association - e: National Traditional Music Association NTME e: Naval Technical Mission in Europe

NTOG e: National Tourist Organisation of Greece

NTPR e: Nuclear Test Personnel Review Program

NTOM e: National Tourist Organisation of Malta

NTPS e: National Transportation Planning System - e: National Turf Protection Society - e: Naval Test Pilot[s] School - e: Near-Term Prepositioned Ships

NTOMC e: National Tung Oil Marketing Cooperative e: National Transport Optical Network

NTMICP e: National Topographie Map Inventory Control Point NTMJ e: Naval Technical Missions in Japan

NTonHi e: Historial Society of the Tonawandas, Tonawanda

NTML e: National Tillage Machinery Laboratory

NTonL e: Union Carbide Corp., Linde Division, Tonawanda

NTMN e: National Thrift and Mortgage News

NTonS e: Sheridan Park Hospital, Inc., Tonawanda

NTMP e: Nike Target Measurements Program - e: NMCS [National Military Command System] Technical Management Plan - e: National Topographie Map[ping] Series - e: Northern Territory Medical Service NTMs e: National Technical Means NTMVSA e: National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act NTMWG e: Nuclear Test Monitoring Working Group NTN e: National Telecommunications Network - e: National Terminal Number - e: National Towing News - e: National Training Number - e: National Trends Network - e: Norton Co., Coated Abrasive Division, R and D Department, Troy - e: NTIS [National Technical Information Service] Energy Tech Notes - P: Najwyzszy Trybunal Narodowy NTNC e: Nippon Television Network Corporation - e: Non-transient Non-community Water System NTNCWS e: Non-Transient Non-Community Water System NTNF N: Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsräd NTNI e: National Transaction Network, Inc. NTNP e: Natchez Trace National Parkway NTNU N: Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNX e: NTN Communications, Inc. e: National Tenants Organization - e: National Theatre Organisation (or Organization) - e: National Turnover - e: Naval Transport Officer - n: Nederlandse Tegelhandelaren-Organisatie - r: Nationaltemplarorden - r: Nordisk Tolltjenestemannsorganisasjon

NTOP e: New Technologies Opportunities Program NTORS e: Naval Torpedo Station NTOTC e: National Training and Operational Technology Center NTP e: National Tasking Plan - e: National Toxicology Program - e: National Trade Press - e: National Transportation Policy - e: National Tree Program - e: Navy Technological Projections - e: Navy Telecommunications Publications - e: Near-Term Penetrator - e: Network Test Panel - e: New Turkey Party - e: Notice to Proceed - e: Nuclear Target Planning - e: Numerical Tokamak Project - P: Naukowe Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne - P: Niezalezna Telewizja Polska NTPA e: National Theft Prevention Association - e: National Tractor Pullers Association - e: National Trotting Pony Association NTPATNT e: National Patent Development Corp.

NTPSA e: Northern Territory Public Service Association NTP T[hread] e: National Taper Pipe Thread NTR d: Nachrichten Transportrationalisierung - e: National General Corporation - e: National Tape Repository - e: National Transcontinental Railway - e: Navy Technical Representative - e: New Technology Report - e: Nine Thousand Remote - e: Non Tactical Radio - N: Nordiska Tulladministrativa Rädet - r: Nordisk Tolladministrativt Rad NTRA e: National Television Rental Association - e: National Trailer Rental Association - e: National Tumor Registrars Association - e: National Tyre Recycling Association NTRAC e: New Technical Recommendations Application Committee N Trans S Dec e: National Transportation Safety Board Decisions NTRB e: Northern Territory Reserve Board NTRC e: National Tourism Review Commission - e: Natural Toxins Research Center NTRDA e: National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease[s] Association NTRE e: Naval Tropical Research Establishment NTRI e: National Timber Research Institute NTRK e: Neoterik Health Technologies, Inc.

NTPC e: National Technical Planning Committee - e: National Technical Processing Center - e: National Temperance and Prohibition Council - e: National Thermal Power Corporation - e: Natpac, Inc. - e: Naval Training Publications Center - e: Navy Training Plan Conference NTPCC e: National Tree Program Coordinating Committee NTPF e: National Tile Promotion Federation - e: Near Term Prepositioning Force NTPG e: National Textile Processors Guild NTPI e: National Tax Practice Institute - e: Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection

NTRL e: National Telecommunications Research Laboratory - e: Naval Training Research Laboratory NTRM e: NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Traceable Reference Materials NTRMA e: National Tile Roofing Manufacturers Association - e: National Tile Roofing Manufacturing Association NTRS e: National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors - e: National Therapeutic Recreation Society - e: Nationwide Trailer Rental System - e: Nationwide Transportation Radiotelephone Service - e: Northern Trust Corp.

NTPK N: Norsk Teknisk Pressekontor N.T.O. e: National Travel Office

NTrZ e: North Tropical Zone NTPN e: National Tech Prep Network

NT-ÖD r: Norrköpings TidningarÖstergotlands Dagblad


NTPO e: National Transuranic Waste Program Office


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NTS a: Nordisk Transportteknisk Selskap - a: Nordisk[e] Teleansattes Samarbeidsorgan - e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Test Support

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NTW - e: National Technical School[s] - e: National Technical Systems - e: National Thespian Society - e: National Topographic Series - e: National Topographic System [of mapping] - e: National Traffic System - e: National Transportation Statistics - e: National Transportation Survey - e: National Transportation System - e: National Travel Survey - e: National Trust for Scotland - e: National Tulip Society - e: Naval Target Subdivision - e: Naval Telecommunications System - e: Naval Torpedo Station - e: Naval Training School - e: Naval Training Station - e: Naval Transportation Service - e: Navigation Technology Satellite - e: Navigator Training Squadrons - e: Nevada Test Site - e: New Technical Strategy - e: North American Sugar Industries, Inc. - e: Number Translation Services - e: Nutrition Today Society - n: Nederlandse Televisie Stichting - N: Norske Trevarefabrikkers Servicekontor - R: Narodno-Trudovoi Soyuz - r: Nordisk Transport & Spedition A/S - r: Nordiska Tidningsutgivarnas Samarbetsnaemd

NTSMP e: Naval Telecommunications System Master Plan NTSN e: National Threatened Species Network NTSO e: NASA Test Support Office - e: Nevada Test Site Office NTSP e: National Telecommunications Support Plan - e: National Transportation Safety Board NTSR e: National Tunis Sheep Registry - e: Nordic Telecommunications Satellite Council NTSRVA e: Nevada Test Site Radiation Victim[s] Association NTSSO e: Nevada Test Site Safety Office NTSWG e: National Training School for Women and Girls NTT e: National Tree Trust - e: Native Title Tribunal - e: New England Telephone and Telegraph Co. - e: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. - e: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone [Public] Corp. - N: Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift

NTS/2 e: Network Transport Services/2 NTSA e: National T-Shirt Association - e: National Tay-Sachs Association - e: National Technical Services Association - e: National Traffic Safety Agency - e: National Training Systems Association - e: National Transportation Safety Association - e: National Tuberous Sclerosis Association - e: Networking Technical Support Alliance - e: Norway Technical Science Academy NT&SA e: National Trust and Savings Association NTSAC e: New Technical and Scientific Activities Committee NTSAD e: National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association NTSB e: National Traffic Safety Bureau - e: National Transportation] Safety Board - i: Nucleo Tecnico Speciale Base

- e: Nanyang Technological University - e: National Taiwan University - e: National Taxpayers Union - e: National Teachers Union - e: National Technical University - e: National Technological University - e: National Tenants Union - e: National Turbidity Units - e: Naval Training Unit - e: Navy Toxicology Unit - e: Nishi Tokyo University - e: Nordisk Trafikkskole Union - e: Northern Territory University - r: Nordisk Teologisch Uppslagsbok NTUA e: National Technical University of Athens NTUC e: National Trade Union Congress - e: National Trade Union Council [for Human Rights] - e: National Trade Union of Coopers - e: National Trades Union Congress - e: Newcastle Technical and University College - e: Nigerian Trade Union Congress - e: Nyasaland Trade Union Congress NTucW e: Westchester County Historical Society, Tuckahoe NTUF e: National Trades Union Federation - e: Nigerian Trade Union Federation

NT&T e: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corp.

NTUG e: Nordic Tandem Users Group

NTTA e: National Tobacco Tax Association - e: National Traders Traffic Association

NTULC e: Negro Trade Union Leadership Council

N.T.T.B. n: Nederlandse Tafeltennis Bond

NTU Phytopathol Entomol e: NTU [National Taiwan University] Phytopathologist and Entomologist

NTTC e: Nashville Thermal Transfer Corporation - e: National Tank Truck Carriers - e: National Technology Transfer Center - e: Naval Technical Training Center - e: NAVFEC [Naval Facilities Engineering Command] Technical Training Center NTTCIW e: National Technical Task Committee on Industrial Wastes NTTF e: NASA Test and Training Facility - e: Network Test and Training Facility - r: Norsk Tekstil Teknisk Forbund

NTUWM e: National Trade Union of Woodcutting Machinists NTUWWM e: National Trade Union of Wood Working Machinists NTuxpI e: International Paper Co., Corporate Research and Development Division, Technical Information Center, Tuxedo Park NTV e: National Television - e: Nippon Television Network Corp. - e: NTV Oil Services Industries, Inc.

NTTK r: Nordiska Turisttrafikkommitten NTSC e: National Tax Strike Coalition - e: National Technical Systems, Inc. - e: National Television Standard Code - e: National Television Standard Coding - e: National Television Standards Committee - e: National Television System Company - e: National Television System[s] Committee - e: National Thermal Spray Conference - e: Navy Training Systems Center - e: North Texas State College - e: Northern Telecom Systems Corporation

N.T.V.B. n: Nederlandse Tafelvoetbalbond NTTPC e: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation NTT Publ. Corp. e: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

NTVES e: Northern Territory Voluntary Euthanasia Society NTVK. n: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Volkskunde

NTTR e: Naval Torpedo Testing Range - e: Non-Tactical Telecommunications Requirements

NTVKI. r: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Vetenskap, Konst och Industri

NTSCH e: Naval Training School

NTTRL e: National Tissue Typing Reference Laboratory

NTVLRO e: National Television License (or Licensing) and Records Office

NTSE e: Naval Telecommunications System Engineer -i: Nucleo Tecnico Speciale Esercito

NTTS e: National Tower Testing Station - e: NATO Terrestrial Transmission System - e: Northern Territory Teaching Service

NTV Network e: National Television Network

NTSEA e: National Trade Show Exhibitors Association

NTT[&]TTI e: National Truck Tank and Trailer Tank Institute

NTSK N: Nordiska Tele-Satelit Kommitten

NTU a: Nordisk Tandteknikerunion - a: Nordisk Trafikskoleunion

NTVRA e: National Television Rental Association NTVS e: Navy Television System

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NTW d: Nachrichtentechnische Werke AG

ntw ntw d: nymphenburger texte zur Wissenschaft

NUAA e: NSW Users and AIDS Association

NTWA e: National Turf Writers Association

NUAAW e: National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers

NTWD e: Netword, Inc. NTWF e: National Transport Workers' Federation NTWH e: National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped

NUAB e: Italian National Union Against Blasphemy NUABA e: National United Affiliated Beverage Association

NTWK e: Network Security Corp.

NUADC e: National Underwater Accident Data Center

NTWL n: Nederlandse TechnischWetenschappelijke Litteratuur

N.U.A.F. e: National Union of Auxiliary Firemen

NTWS e: New Threat Warning System

N.U.A.H. e: National Union of Allotment Holders

NTWU e: National Textile Workers Union NTX e: National Teletypewriter Exchange - e: Northern Air Service, Inc.

NUAK r: Nordisk Union for Alkoholfri Traffic NUAM e: Norwich Union Asset Management

NTY e: National Tea Company NUAP e: National Union of Airline Pilots NTZ d: Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift - e: No Treatment Zones - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Teelt van en de Handel in Tuinbouwzaden NU d: Niederdeutsche Union - e: Astronomy Department Library, Nanjing University - e: Nagasaki University - e: Nagoya University - e: National Union Corp. Ltd. - e: National Unity Party - e: Naval Unit - e: Nebraska University - e: Network Utility - e: Niagara University - e: Nihon University - e: Niigata University - e: Northeast Utilities - e: Northeastern University - e: Northern Union - e: Northwest University - e: Northwestern University - e: Norwich University - e: Nu-Gro Corp. - e: Southwest Air Lines Ltd. -/· Nations Unies - in: Nahdatul Ulama - n: Nationale Unie - n: Nederlandse Universiteiten - N: Norges Ungdomslag - r: Nordisk Ungdom - i; Naciones Unidas N.U. e: National Union - e: Northern Union - e: Norwich University - i: Nettezza Urbana - 5: Naciones Unidas NU c: Närodopisny Ustav NÜ d: Arbeitskreis Normung Übersee im DNA - H: Nepügyeszeg NUA e: Network User Address - e: Network User[s] Association - e: Nuclear Agency -/· Nations Unies des Animaux NÜA d: Normenausschuss Überwachungsbedürftige Anlagen

N.U.A.S. e: National Union of Austrian Students NUAT r: Nordisk Union for Alkoholfri Trafikk

N.U.B.O.M.C.W. e: National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers, etc. NUBOMCWKT e: National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers and Kindred Trades NUBS e: National Unemployment Benefit System - e: National Union of Basutoland Students NUBSO e: National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives NUBTC e: National Union of B oot Top Cutters NUC e: National Underseas Research Center - e: National Unification Council - e: National Union Catalogue] - e: National Union of Carriers - e: National University Consortium [for Telecommunications in Teaching] - e: National Urban Coalition - e: Naval Undersea Center - e: Navy Unit Commendation - e: New University Conference - e: Nipissing University College - e: Not Under Command - e: Nuclear - e: Nucorr Petroleums Ltd.

NUATFAC r: Nordiska Unionen for Arbetsledare, Tekniska Funktionarer och andra Chefer

N.U.C. e: National Union of Clerks

NUA US e: National Union of Australian University Students

NUCA e: National Utility Contractors Association

NUAW e: National Union of Agricultural Workers

NUCAA e: National United Church Association of America

N.U.A.W. e: National Union of Aircraft Workers - e: National Union of Asphalt Workers

NUCAL e: National Union Catalog Author List

NUB e: National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers, and Kindred Trades - e: National Union of Busmen - e: National Unity Board - e: North University Building - e: Northumberland Mines Ltd.

NUC c: Nejvyssi Urad Cenovy

NUCAP e: Nuclear Capabilities Data Base - e: Nuclear Capability Report NUCAS e: Nuclear Authentication System NUCAV e: National Union Catalogue of Audio-Visual Materials

N U B e: North University Building

NUCAW e: National Union of Clerks and Administrative Workers

NUBA e: National UHF [Ultrahigh Frequency] Broadcasters Association

NUCBO e: National Uniform Certification of Building Operators

NUBC e: National Uniform Billing Committee

N.U.C.B.P.W. e: National Union of Cokemen and By-Product Workers

NUBE e: National Union of Bank Employees

NUC CM e: National Union Catalog, Cartographic Material

NUBEGW e: National Union of Building, Engineering and General Workers NUBEL n: National Unie van de Bezettingslegers

NUCD e: National Union Catalogue of Library Materials for People with Disabilities - e: Nuclear Deployment

NUBF e: National Union of British Fishermen

NUCDA e: National Used Car Dealers Association

NUBIC e: Nuclear Bunkered Instrumentation Center

NUCDETS e: Nuclear Detonation Detection Reporting System

NUBMO n: Nationale Unie der Belgische Middenstandsorganisaties

NUCDORE e: Nuclear Doctrine, Organization, and Equipment Nuc E e: Nuclear Engineer



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NUESNA NUCEA e: National University Continuing Education Association

NUCM e: Nuclear Metals, Inc. - e: Nuclear Metals, Inc.

NUCUAA e: National United Church Ushers Association of America

NUCEWA e: Nuclear Weapons Availability

NUCMATTS e; Nuclear Materials Transportation Tracking System

NUCURES e: Northeastern University Center for Urban and Regional Economic Studies

NUCMC e: National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections

NUCUS e: National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations

NUC:N e: National Union Catalogue: Nonbook Materials

NUCW e: National Union of Cameroon Workers - e: National Union of Commercial Workers

NUCGIW e: National Union of Ceramics and Glass Industry Workers NUC:H e: National Union Catalogue of Library Materials for the Handicapped NUCIA e: National Union of Cooperative Insurance Agents N.U.C.I.E. e: National Union of Commercial and Industrial Employees NUCISE e: National Union of Cooperative Insurance Society Employees

NUCO e: National Union of Certified Officers - e: National Union of Cooperative Officials N.U.C.O. e: National Union of County Officers

NUCWA e: Nuclear Weapons Accounting NUCWAL e: Nuclear Weapons Allocation Logistics NUCWPNSTRACEN e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center

NUCO e: Nucorp, Inc. Nuclam p: Nuclebras Auxiliar de Mineragao Nucl. Austral. Bull, e: Nuclear Australia Bulletin [Australian Nuclear Society] Nucl Data Tables [US AEC] e: Nuclear Data Tables [United States Atomic Energy Commission] Nucl Dev Corp S Afr Rep e: Nuclear Development Corporation of South Africa. Report NUCLEBRAS p: Empresas Nucleares Brasileiras S/A Nuclei p: Nuclebras de Enriquecimento Isotopico SA Nuclen p: Nuclebras de Engenharia Nuclear SA Nucl. Energy [Br Nucl Energy Soc] e: Nuclear Energy [British Nuclear Energy Society] Nucl. Energy [J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc.] e: Nuclear Energy [Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society] Nucl Eng e: Nuclear Engineer Nucl Eng[ng] In[t] e: Nuclear Engineering International Nuclep p: Nuclebras de Equipamentos Nucleares Pesados NUCLETRON d: Gesellschaft für Nucleonic und Electronic GmbH NUCLEX d: Internationale Fachmesse und Fachtagungen für die kerntechnische Industrie - e: International Nuclear Industrial Fair and Technical Meeting - e: Nuclear Industries Exhibition Nucl. Ind. e: Nuclear Industry [of US Council for EnergyAwareness] Nucl. Metall. Metall. Soc. AIME e: Nuclear Metallurgy. Metallurgical Society of AIME [American Institute of Mining Engineers] Nucl. News e: Nuclear News [of American Nuclear Society]

NUCOF e: National Union Catalogue of Firms NUCOINS e: Nutrition Consumer Information System [under development by Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and the Michigan Cooperative Extension Service]

NUCY e: NewCentury Bank Corp. NUD e: National Union of the Deaf - e: Nebraska University Disease - e: Nebraska Underdahl Disease NUDA e: Nigerian Unions of Dispensing Assistants

NUCOM e: National Union Catalog of Monographs - e: National Union Catalogue of Monographs - e: North Universal Communications

NUDAC e: Nuclear Data Center (or Centre)

NUCOMUSIC e: National Union Catalogue of Music

NUDAW e: National Union of [Shop] Distributive and Allied Workers

NUCON e: NCR [National Cash Register] Users Conference

NUDBTW e: National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers

Nucor e: Nuclear Corporation

NUDE e; National Union of Domestic Employees

NUDAGMW e: National Union of Domestic Appliance and General Metal Workers

NUCOR e: Nuclear Corporation [of America] - e: Nuclear Development Corporation of South Africa

NUDETS e: Nuclear Detonation Reporting System

NUCOS e: National Union Catalogue of Serials

NUDIAS e: National University Digital Image Analysis System

NUCP e: National Union of Czechoslovak Protestants in America and Canada - e: New Century Entertainment Corp.

NUDIS e: NUDET and Damage Information Summary

NUCR /· Nouvelle Union Corporative des Resineux

NUDO e: National United Democratic Organization - e: National Unity Democratic Organization

Nuc Reg Com e: Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NUDP e: National Urban Development Program

NUC:RRS e; National Union Catalog: Reference and Related Services

NUDW e: National Union of Diamond Workers

NUCS e: National Union of Christian Schools

NUDWSS e: National Union of Docks, Wharves and Shipping Staffs

N.U.C.S. e: National Union of Club Stewards NUDY e: ND Resources, Inc. NUCSE e: National Union of Czechoslovak Students in Exile NUCSTAT e: Nuclear Operational Status Report N.U.C.T. e: National Union of Commercial Travellers NUCUA e: National Union of Conservative and Unionist Association[s]

Nucl. Sei. Eng. e: Nuclear Science and Engineering [of American Nuclear Society]

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NUE e: National Union Electric Corp. - e: Nucor Corp. NUEA e: National University Extension Association NUES e: National Union of Ethiopian Students NUESNA e: National Union of Eritrean Students-North America


NUET NUET e: National Union of Elementary Teachers

NUFLV e: National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam

NUEUS e: National Union of Ethiopian University Students

NUFRONLIV e: National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam

NUEW e: National Union of Eritrean Women-North America

NUFS e: National Utility Financial Statement Model

N.U.E.W.W. e: National Union of Elastic Web Weavers

NUFSO e: National Union of Funeral Service Operatives - e: National Union of Funeral Service Operators

N.U.I, e: National University of Ireland NUIA e: National United Italian Associations

NUEXCO e: Nuclear Exchange Corporation

NUIC e: National Urban Indian Council NUIK r: Nordisk Union i Köttbranschen NUIR e: National Union for Independence and Revolution N.U.Irel. e: National University of Ireland NUIS e: National Union of Iraqi Students

NUF a: Nordisk Urologisk Forening - e: National Ulcer Foundation - e: National Unifying Force - e: National Union of Farmworkers - e: National Union of Firemen - e: National United Front - e: National Unity Front - e: National Urban Fellows - N: Norges Urmakerforbund N.U.F. e: National Union of Firemen - e: National United Front - e: National Unity Front - i: Nucleo Universitario Fascista

NUFTIC e: Nuclear Fuels Technology Information Center NUFTO e: National Union of Furniture Trade Operatives N.U.F.W. e: National Union of Foundry Workers NUG e: Federation of NCR [NCR Corp.] User Groups - e: National Union of Ghanaian Students - e: National Union of Glovers

NUIS-SH d: Natur- und Umweltinformationssystem Schleswig Holstein NUISY e: National Union of Iraqi Students and Youth NUIW e: National Union of Insurance Workers NUJ e: National Union of Journalists - e: Nigerian Union of Journalists N.U. J. e: National Union of Journalists

N.U.G. e: National Union of Glovers NUFAC e: Nuclear Weapons Planning Factors for Land Combat Forces NUFAG e: Northern Union of Farmers' Groups NUFATS e: Nebraska University Fortran Algorithm for Terms - e: Nebraska University Fortran Algorithm for TIMS

N.U.G.C.D. e: National Union of Glass Cutters and Decorators NUGMW e: National Union of General and Municipal Workers

N.U. J.M.B. e: Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board NUK c: Narodni a Universitni Knihovna - S: Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica

NUGO e; Nugget Oil Corp.

NUKEM d: Nuklear-Chemie und Metallurgie GmbH

NUGPO e: Nordic Universities Group on Physical Oceanography

NUKKr. r: Nordisk Ugeblad for Katholske Kristne

NUGS e: National Union of Ghanian Students

NUKS e: National Union of Kenya Students

NUGSAT e: National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades

NUKU c: Nejvyssi Ucetni Kontrolni Ufad

NUFCOR e: Nuclear Fuels Corporation Nufcor e: Nuclear Fuels Corporation [of Chamber of Mines of South Africa] N.U.F.C.T.A. e: National Unitarian and Free Christian Temperance Association

NUGT e: Nugget Exploration, Inc.

NUFCW e: National Union of Funeral and Cemetery Workers

N.U.G.W.K.T. e: National Union of Glass Workers, and Kindred Trades

NUFD e: Naval Unit, Fort Detrick

NUH e: National Underwriter [Life and Health Insurance Edition] - e: National Union for the Homeless - e: Nu Horizons Electronics Corp. - N: Norges Ungdomsherberger

NUFE i: Nuova Unione Fabbricanti Elettrodi NUFED i; Nucleos Familiäres y Educativos para el Desarollo NUFFIC e: Netherlands Universities (or University) Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education - n: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Internationale Samenwerking in het Hoger Onderwijs - n: Stichting der Nederlandse Universiteiten en Hogescholen voor Internationale Samenwerking NUFI e: National Unfinished Furniture Institute NUFIC e: Netherlands University Foundation for International Cooperation NUFIS d: Natur- und UmweltFührungsinformationssystem NUFLAT e: National Union of Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades


NUHADI e: Nuclear Helicopter Air Density Indicating [system]

NUL e: National and University Library - e: National Union for Liberation - e: National University of Lesotho - e: National Urban League - e: Nihon University - e: Northwestern University Library - n: Nationale Unie der Leerkrachten NULA d: Niedersächsisches UmweltLandesamt NULBA e: National United Licensees Beverage Association NULC e: National Union of Liberal Clubs

NUHKW e: National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers NUHRZ e: Nu Horizons Electronics Corp. NUHS e: New Utrecht High School NUHSO e: National Union of Home Secretary Operatives NUHW e: National Union of Hosiery Workers - e: Nordic Union for Health and Work NUI e: National University of Ireland - e: Network User Identification - e: Networks Unlimited, Incorporated - e: Norwegian Underwater Institute - e: NUI Corp.


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NULCAIS e: Northwestern University Library Computer-Assisted Information Service NULCW e: National Union of Lift and Crane Workers NULEOA e: National United Law Enforcement Officers Association NULF e: National United Liberation Front NULGE e: Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees NULH e: National Underwriter [Life and Health Insurance Edition]

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NUPI N.U.L.I.S. e: Norwich Union Life Insurance Society NULMW e: National Union of Lock and Metal Workers

Numer Control Soc Proc Annu Meet Tech Conf e: Numerical Control Society Proceedings. Annual Meeting and Technical Conference

NUnTHJ e: Turtle Hook Junior High School, Uniondale NUNW e: National Union of Namibian Workers

Numer Math J Chinese Univ e: Numerical Mathematics. A Journal of Chinese Universities

NUn WE e: Walnut Elementary School, Uniondale

NumG d: Numismatische Gesellschaft

NUO e: Nugold Enterprises Corp.

N.U.L.O.E.A. e: National Union of Labour Organizers and Election Agents

NUMIJ n; Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij

N.U.O.B.-BSD n: Nationale Unie van de Oudgedienden der Bezettingslegers en de Belgische Strijdkrachten inDuitsland

NULS e: National Underwater Laboratory System

N.U.M.I.M. e: National Union of Musical Instrument Makers

NULT e: National Union of Liberian Teachers

Numinge d: Numismatische Interessengemeinschaft

NULV e: National Union of Licensed Victuallers

NUMIS d: Niedersächsisches UmweltInformations-System - e: Navy Uniform Management Information System - e: Northwestern University Multislice and Imaging System

NULO e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Unmanned Launch Operation[s] - e: National Union of Labour Organizers

NULW e: National Union of Leather Workers [and Allied Trades] NULWAT e: National Union of Leather Workers and Allied Trades NUM e: Nagoya University Museum - e: National Union Electric Co. - e: National Union of Manufacturers - e: National Union of Meat Trade Associations - e: National Union of Mineworkers - e: New Ulster Movement N.U.M. e: National Union of Manufacturers - e: National Union of Mineworkers NUMA e: National Underwater and Marine Agency NUMAB n: Nederlandsche Unie van Metaalgieterijen en Aanverwante Bedrijven NUMAC e: Numac Oil & Gas Ltd. Numak. d: Nachrichten- und Minenauskunftstelle NUMARC e: Nuclear Management and Resources Council NUMARCOM e: Nuclear Power for Marine Purposes Committee

NUMISPHILA d: Numisphila Bochum e.V., Verein für Philatelisten und Numismatiker, Bochum NUMM e: National Union of Masters and Mates NUMMI e: New United Motor Manufacturing, Incorporated

N.U.O.H. e: National Union of Operative Heating Workers NUOM e: Northern Union of Operative Masons NUOS e: Naval Underwater Ordnance Station Nuov.Riv.Stor. i: Nuova Rivista Storica NUP e: National Ukrainian Party - e: National Umma Party - e: National Underwriter [Property and Casualty Insurance Edition] - e: National Union of Protestants - e: National Unionist Party - e: Negro Universities Press - e: New Union Party N.U.P. e: National Union of Protestants N.U.P.A. e: National Union of Pearl Agents

NuMOV d: Nah- und Mittelost-Verein NUMR e: Numerex Corp.

NUPAAWP e: National Union of Plantation, Agricultural, and Allied Workers of the Philippines

NUMS e; National Union of Malaysian Students - e: Nu-Med, Inc.

NUPAC e: Nuclear Packaging Inc.

NUMSA e: National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa - e: Nordic Union of Motor Schools Associations

NUPAW e: National Union of Plantation and Agricultural Workers NUpB e: United States Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton

NUMW e: National Unemployed Workers Movement - e: National Union of Mine Workers

NUpB-MH e: United States Brookhaven National Laboratory, Medical Research Center Hospital, Upton

N.U.M.W. e: National Union of Mineworkers

NUPBP[W] e: National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers

NUMAS e: National Multifactor Assessment System - e: National Union of Manufacturers Advisory Service Ltd.

N.U.M.W.M.A. e: National Union of Mineral Water Manufacturers Associations

NUMAST e: National Union of Marine Aviation and Shipping Transport [Officers]

NUn e: Uniondale Public Library, Uniondale

N.U.P.C.M. e: National Union of Packing Case Makers

NUNBE e: National Union of Nigerian Bank Employees

NUPDTU e: National Union of Painters and Decorators Trade Union

NUnCE e: California Elementary School, Uniondale

NUPE e: National Union of Public Employees

N.U.M.C.S. e: National Union of Marine Cooks and Stewards NUMCS e: National Union of Marine Cooks and Stewards NUMDA e: Nihon University. Journal of Medicine

NUPC e: National Underwriter [Property and Casualty Insurance Edition]

NumZ d: Numismatische Zeitschrift, Wien

NUnH e: Uniondale High School, Uniondale

NUPEC e: Nuclear Power Engineering Test Center

NUnLJ e: Lawrence Junior High School, Uniondale

NUPENG e: National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers

NUNS e: National Union of Nigerian Students

NUPGE e: National Union of Provincial Government Employees

NUME e: Numerica Financial Corp. NUMEC e: Nuclear [Uranium] Materials and Equipment Company (or Corporation)

NUnSE e: Smith Dementary School, Uniondale

Numen e: Numen. International Review for the History of Religions

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

NUPH e; Nuclear Physics NUPI N: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt

© K · G · Säur, Munich


N.U.P.I.B. N.U.P.I.B. e: National Union of the Professional and Industrial Blind

NU/RF e: National Urban/Rural Fellows

NUSDE e: National Union of Shop and Distributive Employees

NURF e: National Utility Reference File NUPJ e: National Union of Private Journalists NUPOC e: Nuclear Power Officer Candidate - e: Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate NUPRG e: New Ulster Political Research Group NUPS e: Nordic Union of Private Schools NUPSA e: National Union of Pharmaceutical Students of Australia

NURO e: National Undergraduate Research Observatory - e: Neurotech Corp. - n: Nationale Unie van Reserve-Officieren van Belgie NUROO n: Nationale Unie der ReserveOnderofficieren van Belgie

NUSEC e: National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship - e: Naval Underwater System Engineering Center N.U.S.E.C. e: National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship NUSFDB e: NUS [National University of Singapore] Financial Database

NUPSE e: National Union of Public Services Employees

NURP e: National Undersea Research Program - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Undersea Research Program - e: Non-Unit Related Personnel

NUPT e: National Union [of] Press Telegraphists

NURT e: National Union of Retail Tobacconists

NUPTE e: National Union of Port Trust Employees

NURTIW e: National Union of Rubber and Tire Industries Workers

NUPTW e: National Union of Postal and Telecommunications Workers

NURTW e; National Union of Road Transport Workers

NUPW e: National Union of Planning Workers - e: National Union of Plantation Workers [in Malaya]

NURW e; National Union of Rail way Workers

NUSI e: National Union of Seamen of India

NURX e: Nuclear Pharmacy, Inc.

NUSIC e: Nuclear Strike Information Center

NUR d: Neckermann und Reisen - e: Natchez, Urania & Ruston Railway Co. - e: National Union [of] Railwaymen - e: North Union Railway Co.

NUS e: National Underground Storage, Inc. - e: National Union of Scalemakers - e: National Union of Seamen - e: National Union of Students [of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland] - e: National University of Singapore - e: National Utility Services, Inc. - e: Nigerian Union of Students - e: Nu-Start Resource Corp. - e: Nuclear Utilities Services Corp. - e: Nuclear Utility Services - e: NUS Corp.

n-usl e: Middle Atlantic States

NuR d: Natur und Recht N.U.R. e: National Union of Railwaymen - e: North Union Railway Co. N-U-R d: Neckermann und Reisen NURA e: National Union of Ratepayers' Associations Nüral d: Aluminiumwerk Nürnberg GmbH NURAT e: Newcastle University Root Analogue Tunneller NURB e: National Uniform Business Rate NURC e: National Undersea Research Center - e: National Union of Railway Clerks - e: National Union of Retail Confectioners - e: Non-Unit Related Cargo

NUSG e: National Union of Students of Ghana NUSGGMW e: National Union of Stove Grate and General Metal Workers N.U.S.G.T.W. e: National Union of Sign, Glass, and Ticket Writers NUSGW e: National Union of Stove and Grate Workers NUSH e: Northwestern University. Studies in the Humanities

N[/]USL e: Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory NUSLIP e: Nottingham University Line Sequency Program[me] N.U.S.M.O.W. e: National Union of Shale Miners and Oil Workers N.U.S.M.W.B. e: National Union of Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers

NuS d: Nord und Süd N.U.S. e: National Union of Scalemakers - e: National Union of Seamen - e: National Union of Students [of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland] NUSA e: National Union of Shop Assistants - e: Ninth United States Army N.U.S.A. e: National Union of Shop Assistants

NUSMWC e: National Union of Sheetmetal Workers and Coppersmiths NUSMWCHDE e: National Union of Sheet Metal Workers, Coppersmiths, Heating and Domestic Engineers NUSO n: Nederlandse Unie van Speeltuinorganisaties NUSRL e: Navy Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory

N/USA e: National/United Service Agencies N.U.R.C. e: National Union of Retail Confectioners NURDA e: National Urban and Regional Development Authority NURDC e: Naval Undersea Research and Development Center NURE e: National Uranium Resource Evaluation [program] NUREG e: Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREP e: New York University Resonance Escape Probability - e: Nuclear Reporting NURE Program e: National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program


NUSAC e: Nuclear Sciences Advisory Committee

NUSS e: National Union of School Students - e: National Union of Small Shopkeepers - e: National Union of Students of Sierra Leone - e: Nuclear Safety Standards [program]

NUSAS A .-Nasionale Unie van SuidAfrikaanse Studente - e: National Union of South African Students

N.U.S.T. e: National Union of School Teachers

NUSC e: Naval Underwater Systems Center - e: Naval Underwater Systems Command

NUSTEP e: Nebraska University Secondary Teacher Education Program

NUSCAL e: Naval Underwater Systems Center Aluminum

NUSU e: National Union of Students of the Universities and Colleges of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland - e: National Union of Students of Uganda

NUSC/NL e: Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London NUSC/NPT e: Naval Underwater Systems Center, Newport


· Säur, München

N.U.S.U. e: National Union of Students of the Universities and Colleges of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NUWT NUSUK e: National Union of Students of the United Kingdom

Nutr.Abstr. e: Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews

NUW e: National Universities Week - e: Nu-West Group Ltd.

NUSWAS e: National Union of South-West African Students

NUTRAT e: Nuclear Uses Technology Reaction Analysis Team

NUWA e: National Unemployed Workers' Association

NUT e: National Union of Teachers - e: Nautilus Resources Ltd. - e: Network Utility File Transfer - e: Northeast University of Technology

Nutr Found Inc Rep e: Nutrition Foundation, Incorporated. Report

NUWAR e; Nuclear Warfare NUW AX e: Nuclear Weapon Accident

Nutr Rep In[t] e: Nutrition Reports International

N.U.T. e: National Union of Teachers NUTA e: Nagoya University Tandem Accelerator Centre - e: National Union of Tanganyika Workers - e: National Union of Tanzania NUTAE e: Nuffield Unit of Tropical Animal Ecology NUTAT e: Nordic Union for Alcohol-free Traffic - N: Nordisk Union for Alkoholfri Trafic NUTAW e: National Union of Textile and Allied Workers N.U.T.C. e: National United Temperance Council - e: Nottingham University Training Corps

Nutr Soc Proc e: Nutrition Society Proceedings

NUWAX-81 e: Nuclear Weapon Accident Exercise NUWC e: Naval Undersea[s] Warfare Center

NUTS e: National Union of Track Statisticians - e: New South Wales University Theatre Society - e: Newcastle University Teaching System - e: Nutrition World, Inc. -/· Nomenclature des Unites Territoriales Statistiques

NUWCM e: National Unemployed Workers' Committee Movement

N.U.T.S. e: National Unions of Track Statisticians

NUWEDS e: Nuclear Weapons Deniel System - e: Nuclear Weapons Emergency Destruction System

NUtSC e: New York State Supreme Court Law Library, Utica NUtSU e: State University of New York, College at Utica-Rome, Utica

NUWDAT e: National Union of Wallcoverings, Decorative and Allied Trades N.U. W.E. e: National Union of Waterworks Employees

NUWEP e: Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy - e: Nuclear Weapons Employment Procedures

NUTC e: Nottingham University Training Corps

NUTT e: National Union of Tobacco Trades

NUtC e: Utica College of Syracuse University, Utica

NUTV c: Narodni Ustredni Telovychovny Vybor

NUWES e: Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station - e: Naval Underwater Weapons Evaluation Station

NUTEK e: National Board for Industrial and Technical Development

NUTW e: National Union of Tanganyika Workers

NUWIG e: National Uranium Resource Evaluation

NUTEX e: Nuclear Tactical Exercise

N.U.T.W. e: National Union of Textile Workers

NUWM e: National Unemployed Workers' Movement - e: National Union of Workers in Mali

NUTG e: National Union of Townswomen's Guilds

NUTWTC e: National Union of Transport Workers and Transport Cooperatives

NUtGE e; General Electric Co., Utica

N.U.W.M. e: National Unemployed Workers' Movement

NutzEV d: Nutzungsentgeltverordnung NUTGLW e: National Union of Textile, Garment and Leather Workers NUTGW e: National Union of Tailors and Garments] Workers

NUU e: New Universal Union - e: New University of Ulster

NUWPN[S]TRACEN e; Nuclear Weapons Training Center

NUUS e: National Union of Uganda Students

NUWPNSUPANX e: Nuclear Weapons Supply Annex

NUUSFE e: National Union of United States Forces Employees

NUWPNTRACENLANT e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center, Atlantic

NUTI e: Northwestern University Traffic Institute - n: Nationale Unie van Technische Ingenieurs

NUUT e: National Union of Uncertified Teachers

NUWPNTRACENPAC e; Nuclear Weapons Training Center, Pacific

NUTIS s: Unidad de Sistemas de Informacion Temätica del NERC

NUV e: Nuveen Municipal Value Fund, Inc. - N: Norges Unge Venstre

NUWRES e: Naval Underwater Weapons Research and Engineering Station

NUtMI e: Utica Mutual Insurance Co., Utica

NUVA n: Nederlandse Unie van Accountants

NUWS e: Naval Underwater Weapons [Research and Engineering] Station

N.U.T.N. e: National Union of Trained Nurses

N.U.V.B. e: National Union of Vehicle Builders

NUtHi e: Oneida Historical Society, Utica

NUTN e: National Union of Trained Nurses - e: National University Teleconference Network

NUVB e: National Union of Vehicle Builders NUVI e: Nuvision, Incorporated

NUTP e: National Uranium Tailings Program

NUWSAMBS e: National United Women's Societies of the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament NUWSEC e: Naval Underwater Weapons Systems Engineering Center

NUVO n: Nederlandse Unie van Opticiens NUTPE e: National Union of Technicians and Practical Engineers NUTPW e: National Union of Tin Plate Workers

N.U.V.W. e: National Union of Vehicle Workers NUVW e: National Union of Vehicle (or Vehicular) Workers

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

N.U.W.S.S. e: National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies NUWT e: National Union of Women Teachers


NUWW NUWW e: National Union of Women Workers NUWWE e: National Union of Water Works Employees NUWWM e: National Union of Woodworkers and Woodcutting Machinists NUYC e: Nordic Union of Young Conservatives NUYO e: National Union of Youth Organizations NUZ sk: Najvyssi Urad pre Zäsobovanie

NVAFB e: North Vandenberg Air Force Base NVAiO N: Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo

NVB-SG e: Dutch Serials Group

NVAL e: National Veterinary Assay Laboratory

NVBT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Biodynamische Therapeuten

NVALA e: National Viewers and Listeners Association

NVBV n: Nationaal Verbond van Belgische Verpleegsters

NVAP e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Water Vapor Project

NVC e: National Victim Center - e: National Victims of Crime - e: National Video Clearinghouse - e: National Video Corporation - e: National Violence Commission - e: National Visa Center - e: National Volunteer Center - e: Noverco, Inc. - n: Nationale Vredes Centrale - n: Nederlands Verpakkingscentrum - n: Nederlands Vrouwen Comite - n: Nederlandse Vakcentrale

Nv-Ar e: Nevada State Library, Division of State Archives, Carson City

NUZS e: National Union of Zambia Students NV c: Narodni Vybor - d: Nationalversammlung - d: Nautischer Verein - e: National Voice - e: Nevada [Operations Office] - e: Nord-Viscount Corp. - e: North American Aviation, Inc. - e: Northern Executive Aviation Ltd. - N: Norske Veritas - r: Nordisk Ventilator Co. - r: Norra Västerbotten - r: Nymans Verkstäder nv d: nicht veröffentlicht Nv e: Nevada State Library, Carson City n.V. d: nach Vereinbarung N.V. n: Naamlose Vennootschap NVA d: Nationale Volksarmee - d: Norddeutsche Vermögensanlage GmbH - e: National Variety Artists - e: National Vatical Association - e: National Velthrow Association - e: National Veterans Association - e: National Villa Association - e: National Vista Alliance - e: New Villages Association - e: Non-Violent Alternatives - e: North-Vietnamese Army - e: Nova Corp. of Alberta - n: Nederlandsche Vredes Actie - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Acupunctuur - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Antiquaren - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Assurantiebezorgers - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Afvalwaterzuivering - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Anesthesiologie - N: Norske Vitenskapsakademi N.V.A. d: Nachrichtenmittelversuchsanstalt der Marine - e: National Vigilance Association - e: National Villa Association - e: North Vietnamese Army NVAC e: Natal Voluntary Ambulance Corps - e: National Victim Advocacy Center - e: North Vietnamese Army Captured NVACP e: Neighborhood Voluntary Associations and Consumer Protection NVAF n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Anthroposofische Fysiotherapie

NVARPT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Arisen voor Revalidatie en Physische Therapie NVAS e: North Vietnamese Army Suspect NVATA e: National Vocational Agricultural Teachers' Association NVA/VM d: Nationale Volksarmee/ Volksmarine NVB c: Narodni Vybor Bezpecnosti - d: Neurervereinbarungen - d: Nordhorner Versorgungsbetriebe GmbH - e: National Volunteer Brigade - e: Navigational Base - e: Noise & Vibration Bulletin - n: Nederlande Vrouwenbeweging - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Bedrijfsarchivarissen - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Bedrijfsarchivarissen - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Bibliothekarissen[, documentalisten en literatuuronderzoekers] - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Bouwondernemers - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Biochemie - n: Nederlandse Volksbeweging

NVC c: Narodopisni Vestnik Ceskoslovensky NVCA e: National Valentine Collectors' Association - e: National Van Conversion Association - e: National Vehicle Conversion Association - e: National Venture Capital Association NVCASE e: National Voluntary Conformity Assessment System Evaluation NVCC e: North Virginia Community College N.V.C.D. n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Commerciele Directeuren NVCF e: National Victims of Crime Foundation NVCH e: National Volunteer Clearinghouse for the Homeless NVCN e: National Vertical Control Network NVCO e: Nodaway Valley Company

N.V.B. e: National Volunteer Brigade NVBA e: National Veteran Boxers Association NvBcBM e: United States Bureau of Mines, Boulder City Metallurgy Research Laboratories NvBcER e: United States Energy Research and Development Administration, Boulder City Metallurgy Research Laboratories N.V.B.D. n: Nederlandse Vereniging tot Bescherming van Dieren NVBF a: Nordisk Videnskabeligt Bibliotekarforbund - N: Nordisk Vitenskapelig Bibliotekarforbund - r: Nordiska Vetenskapliga Bibliotekarieförbundet NVBL n: Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bevordering van het Levensverzekeringswezen NvBL e: Lehman Caves National Monument, Baker N.V.B.L. n: Nationaal Verbond der Belgische Landbouwers


NVBS n: Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bevordering van het Spaarkasbedrijf

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NVCP n: Nederlandsch Verkoopkantoor voor Chemische Producten N.V. NVD n: Nederlandse Veiligheidsdienst - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Dansleraren - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Dietisten NVDA e: National Vitamin Distributors Association - e: National Volunteer Defense Army NVDET e: Network Virtual Data Entry Terminal NV DISTRINAL e: NV Distribution International NVDO n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Doelmatig Onderhoud NVDR d: Nationale Vereinigung Deutscher Reisebüros NVDS e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Virtual Data System NVE d: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Elberfeld - d: Nummer der Versandeinheit

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

N.V.M.A. - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ergonomie - N: Norges Vassdrags- og Elektrisitetsvesen NVe d: Neuerervereinbarung NVEC e: Night Vision Equipment Corp. NVEF e: National Vocational Educational Foundation NVeGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogial Society Library, Ithaca Branch, Vestal NvEHi e: Northeastern Nevada Historical Society, Elko NvEIGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Ely Branch, Ely NVEOC e: Night Vision and Electro-Optics Center NV[&]EOL e: Night Vision and ElectroOptics Laboratory

- d: Nordsee-Versorgungsschiffahrt GmbH - e: National Trust Co. - e: National Victoria & Grey Trust Co. - e: Night Vision Goggles - e: Night Vision Group - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Geodesie - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gerontologie - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gezinscrediet N.V.G. n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Geluidsjagers

NVKT n: Nederlandse Vereniging Kreatief Therapeut

NVGGA e: Napa Valley Grape Growers Association

N.V.K.T.O. n: Nationale Vereniging Katholiek Technisch Onderwijs

NVGI e: National Voluntary Groups Institute - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Gramofoonplaten Importeurs en Fabrikanten

N.V.K.V.V. n; Nationaal Verbond van Katholieke Verpleegsters Verenigingen

NVGN n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Geestelijke- en Natuurgeneeswijzen

NVEV n: Nederlandse Vrouwen Electriciteitsvereniging

NVGZ n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Grinden Zandhandelaren

NVEW n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Electrotechnische Werkgevers

NVH e: NV Homes Ltd. - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Hypotheekbanken - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Haptonomie

N.V.F.A. e: Neptune Veteran Fireman Association

N.V.K.M.O. n: Nationaal Verbond voor Katholiek Middelbaar Onderwijs

N.V.G.B. n: Nationaal Verbond der Geteisterden van Belgie

NVG's e: Night Vision Goggles

NVF a: Nordisk Vejteknisk Forbund - e: National Vitamin Foundation - e: National Vitiligo Foundation - e: National Volunteer Force - e: NVF [National Vulcanized Fibre] Co. - n: Nederlandsch Volks-Fascisme - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Fruittelers - r: Nordisk Vanförevärdsförening - r: Nordiska Vägtekniska Förbundet

NVKJMV n: Nationaal Verbond van Katholieke Jonge Middenstandsverenigingen in Nederland

N.V.K.T. n: Nationaal Vlaams Kristelijk Toneelverbond

NVEPDF e: National Vocational Educational Professional Development Foundation

NVEX e;NevexGoldCo.,Inc.

NVKH n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klassieke Homeopathie

NVGA e: National Vocabulary Guidance Association - e: National Vocational Guidance Association

NvGM e: Mormon Station State Park, Genoa NVEPDC e: National Vocational Educational Professional Development Consortium

NVKF n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Fysiotherapie voor Kinderen

NVL e: Night Vision Laboratory - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Levensverzekeraars - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Lastechniek NVLA e: National Vehicle Leasing Association - e: National Viewers and Listeners Association NVLAP e: National Validation Laboratory Program - e: National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program NVLC e: National Veterans Law Center

NVHA e: National Voluntary Health Agencies

NVLE n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Landelijke Eigendom

NVHB n: Nationaal Verbond der Haarkappers van Belgie

NVLG n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Leveranciers van Grootkeukenapparatuur

NvHi e: Nevada State Historical Society, Reno

NvLGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Las Vegas Branch, Las Vegas

N.V.H.J. r: Norsholm-Västervik-Hultsfreds Järnvägar

NVLM n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Leraren Maatschappijleer

NVFAAB e: National Vitamin Foundation. Annual Report

NvHV-A e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Ambulatory Care Service, Henderson

NvLN e: University of Nevada, Las Vegas - e: University of Nevada, Las Vegas

NVFC e: National Volunteer Fire Council - e: National Vulcanized Fibre Company

NVI e: National Video, Inc. - e: Nordic Volcanological Institute

NVLP n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Luchten Ruimtevaart-Publicisten

NVFEL e: National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory

NVIB n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Industriele Bakkerij

NVLS e: Novellus Systems, Inc.

NVFF n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysiologie en Farmacologie

NVIC e: National Vaccine Information Center NVID e: Network Video, Inc.

NvFGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Fallon Branch, Fallon NVFL n: Nederlands Vereniging van Fabrikanten van Landbouwwerktuigen, Den Haag N.V.F.T. n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fijnmechanische Techniek NVG d: Nahrmittel-Vertriebs-Gesellschaft mbH - d: Nahverkehrsgesetz

NVIR n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht NVIS e: National Video, Inc. NVJ n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten

NVM e: National Voter Mobilization - e: Nativity of the Virgin Mary - e: Nova Marketing Ltd. - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Marktonderzoekers - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Mondartsen - n: Nederlandse Vuilafvoer Maatschappij N.V.M. n: Nationaal Verbond van de Middenstand

NVK d: Nationaler Volkskongreß - d: Nationales Vietnam-Komitee

NVMA e: National Veterinary Medical Association - e: National Veterinary Medicine Association - e: Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association

N.V.K. d: Nachrichtenmittelversuchskommando

N.V.M.A. e: National Veterinary Medicine Association

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NVMA Publications NVMA Publications e: National Veterinary Medical Association of Great Britain and Ireland Publication NvMus e: Nevada State Museum, Capital Complex, Carson City NVMW n: Nederlandse Vereniging Maatschappelijk Werk NVN e: National Videotex[t] Network - e: Nirvana Industries Ltd. - e: North Vietnam - n: Neckermann Vliegreizen Nederland NVNI A: Nasionale Voedingnavorsingsinstituut

NVPH n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Postzegelhandelaren

- N: Norsk Verkstedsindustris Standardiseringssentral - N: Norske Vitenskapers Selskap - S: Narodna Vlada Slovenije

NVPIT n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Postural Integration Therapie

N.V.S. e: National Vegetarian Society - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Suikerzieken

NVPO e: National Vaccine Program Office - e: Nuclear Vehicle Projects Office

NVSA .-Natuurbestuurvereniging van Suidelike Afrika - A: Nematologiese Vereniging van Suidelike Afrika

NVPD d: Nationale Volkspartei Deutschlands

NVPOWG e: NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration]/VAFB [Vandenberg Air Force Base] Payload Operations Working Group

NVSAVS e: National Vacuum Symposium of the American Vacuum Society

NVPP e: National Vehicle Population Poll - e: National Vehicle Population Profile

NVSB d: Nachrichten der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare

NVPS e: Night Vision Pilotage System

NVSD e: National Vital Statistics Division

NVQ e: National Vocational] Qualification

NvSEA e: Nevada Society of Enrolled Agents

NVR d: Nationaler Verteidigungsrat - e: NVR Ltd. - n: Neckermann Vliegreizen - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Rubberfabrikanten - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ruimtevaart

NVSH n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sexuele Hervorming

NVNLP n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor NLP NVNS n: N.V. Nederlandse Spoorwegen NVO d: Neuererverordnung - e: Nevada Operations Office - e: Northern Variety Orchestra - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ongediertebestrij dingsbedrij ven N.V.O. e: Northern Variety Orchestra NVO AD e: National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster NVOCC e: National Volunteer Organization Campaign Committee

NVOI e: National Voice of Iran N.V.O.I. n: Nationaal Verbond van Oorlogsinvaliden NVOILA e: National Voluntary Organization[s] for Independent Living for the Aging

NVSKPT n: Nationaal Verbond der Syndikaie J5amer der Praktici in de Tandheelkunde

N.V.R. e: Naval Volunteer Reserve NVRA e: National Voter Registration Act NVRC e: National Victims Resource Center

NVOG n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ondernemers in het Graveerbedrijf

NVSI e: National Vision Services, Incorporated

NVRD n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Radio Detailhandelaren - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Reinigingsdirecteuren NvREr e: United States Energy Research Development Administration, Reno NvRFM e: Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Nevada, Reno

NVSL e: National Veterinary Services Laboratories (or Laboratory) N.V.S.M. n; Nationaal Verbond van Socialistische Mutualiteiten NVSS e: National Vital Statistics System NVst d: Nachschub-Verbindungsstelle [Reichskriegsministerium] NVSW n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Spiritueel Werkers

NVOO e: Nevada Operations Office

NvRGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Reno Branch, Reno

NVT e: National Veld Trust - e: Nelson Vending Technology Ltd. - e: Network Virtual Terminal - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Toneelkunstenaars - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Tuincentra

N.V.O.O. n: Nationaal Verbond van Oorlogsontsnapten

NVRL n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Radiologische Laboranten

N.V.T.F.M. n: Nationaal Verbond van TapijtFluweel- en Meubelstofwevers

NVOP e: National Veteran's Outreach Program

NVRM n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Reiki Masters

NVTG e: Norton Villiers Triumph Group

NVOS n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Orthodontische Studie

NvRNC e; National College of the State Judiciary, Law Library, Reno

NVOZ n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ongevallen- en Ziektenverzekeraars

NVRS e: National Vegetable Research Station - e: Numerical Value Rating System

NVP d: Nationale Volkspartei - d: Niedersächsische Volkspartei - e: National Vaccine Program - e: Nevada Power Co. - e: Night Visibility Plan - n: Nationale Volkspartij - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Personeelbeleid

NVRSA e: National Vegetable Research Station Association

NVON n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in der Natuurwetenschappen

NVPA e: National Visual Presentation Association - n: Nederlandse Verbond Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten en Agogen


NVRT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Reincarnatie-Therapeuten NVS c: Nejvyssi Vojensky Soud - e: National Vacuum Symposium - e: National Vegetable Society - e: Night Vision System - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Schoolmeubelfabrikanten - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stralingshygiene

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N.V.T.G. n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tropische Geneeskunde NVTH n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toegepaste Hypnose NV-THS e: National Vocational-Technical Honor Society N.V.T.I, n: Nationaal Verbond der Technische Ingenieurs NVTL n: Nederlandse Vereniging Techniek in de Landbouw NVTO n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tekenonderwijs NVTS e: National Vocational Training Service

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NWatfG NVTWUGBI e: National Vehicular Traffic Workers' Union of Great Britain and Ireland

N.V.V.O.S. n: Nieuw Verbond van Vlaamse Oudstrijders

NvU e: University of Nevada, Reno

NVvT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Tandartsen

NVUA n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Universiteits Arisen NW d: Naturschutzverband Niedersachsen - n: Nationaal Verbond der Vlaswevers - n: Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen NWA e: Napa Valley Vintners Association - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Automobielassuradeuren NwA n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ademtherapie NVvA n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arbeidshygiene

NVVT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Veiligheidstechnici - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Verftechnici NVvV n: Nederlandsch Verbond van Vakvereenigingen - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Viaggenkunde NVvW n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren NVW n: Nederlands Verkoopkantoor voor Wasserijproducten NVWA e: National Volkswagen Association

N.V.V.A. n: Nationale Vereniging ter Voorkoming van Arbeidsongevallen N.V.V.A.O. n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrouwen met Academische Opleiding NWC e: National Vietnam Veterans Coalition NWCCG e: North Vietnamese and Viet Cong Collecting Group

NVWB n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Wegenbouwers

NWAA e: National Wheelchair Athletic Association - e: National Women's Automotive Association

NVWLA e: Napa Valley Wine Library Association

NWAABI e: National Women's Association of Allied Beverage Industries

NvwZ d: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht

NWAAF e: Northwest African Air Forces

NVX e: North American Vaccine, Inc.

NV-Vertrag d: Nichtverbreitungs-Vertrag [Atomwaffensperrvertrag]

NVZ n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Zeepfabrikanten

NVvGT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Gieterijtechnici

NVZD n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuisdirecteuren

NWIJ n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelaren in IJzerwaren

NVZT n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuis Technici

NV v. JLC n: Nederlandsche Vereniging van Jeugd Luchtvaart Clubs

NW d: Nationale Wirtschaft - d: Nennweite - d: Neptunwerft Rostock - d: Nordrhein-Westfalen - d: Nordwest[en] - e: Chicago & North Western Railway Co. - e: Moffat Library Association, Washingtonville - e: National Westminster ADS - e: National Women's Conference Committee - e: Navigational Warning - e: Norfolk & Western Railroad Co. - e: North-West Industrial Development Association - e: North West[ern] - e: Northwest Airlines, Inc. - e: Northwest Orient Airlines, Inc. - e: Northwest Plastics Corp. - e: Nuclear Weapons Council - e: Nucleonics Week - e: Science-Engineering Library, Northwestern University - n: Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen - s: Noroeste

NWL n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchttransport NVvL n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchtvaarttechniek NVvM n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie NWN n: Nederlandsch Verbond van Nationalisten

N.W.A. e: Nelson Weavers' Association

NVWH n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Werkgevers in het Heibedrijf

NVvE n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ergonomie

NWK e: Netherlands Society on Safety Engineering - n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Veiligheidstechnici - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kleurenstudie - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Koelttechniek - n: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veiligheidskunde

- d: Nordwestschweizer Aktionskomitee [gegen Atomkraftwerke] - d: Nutzwertanalyse - e: National Water Alliance - e: National Water Authority - e: National Water Well Association - e: National Waterfowl Alliance - e: National Weather Association - e: National Welders Association - e: National Wellness Association - e: National Wine Association - e: National Wrestling Alliance - e: Naval Weapons Annex - e: Navy Wifeline Association - e: Nepal Women's Association - e: New World Alliance - e: North West Area - e: Northumbrian Water Authority - e: Northwest Airlines, Inc. - e: Northwest Orient Airlines, Inc. - e: Norwegian Water Association - e: NWA, Inc.

NWAB e: National Women's Association of Bhutan NWAC e: National Weather Analysis Center - e: National Wheelchair Athletic Committee - e: National Women's Advisory Council - e: Native Women's Association of Canada - e: Netherlands Women's Army Corps - e: Northwestern Area Command NWAF e: National Women's Aid Federation - e: New World Archeological Foundation NWAFC e: Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center NWAG e: Naval Warfare Analysis Group NWAH[&]ACA e: National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association NWAI e: Nuclear Weapons Acceptance Inspection NWAIB e: Nuclear Weapon Accident Investigation Board NWAP e: National White American Party - e: Nuclear Weapons Archival Project NWAPA e: Northwest Air Pollution Authority NWAPP e: National Woman Abuse Prevention Project NWAR e: New Air Flight, Inc.

nw d: nordwestlich NVvN n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Neurochirurgen

NWASCO e: National Water and Soil Conservation Organization

N.W. e: North West[ern] - e: North Western Reporter

N.V.V.N.S. n: N.V. Vereenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaartmaatschappij

N.&W. e: Norfolk and Western Railroad Co.

NWASI e: Northrop Worldwide Aircraft Services Inc.

NwO n: Nederlandse Vereniging van Opleiders

NWA d: Nord-Westschweizerische AKWGegner

NWatfG e: General Electric Co., Silicone Products Department, Waterford

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NWattJHi NWattJHi e: Jefferson County Historical Society, Watertown

NWCAA e: National War College Alumni Association

- e: New World Dictionary - e: Northwest Drug Co. Ltd.

N-WAVE e: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English [colloquium]

NWCAEU e: National Women's Conference of the American Ethical Union

N4WDA e: National 4 Wheel Drive Association

NWB d: Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe - d: Nordwestbank - d: Normenausschuß Waagenbau im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: National Westminster Bank - e: National Wiring Bureau - e: Naval Weapons Bulletin - e: Northwest Towboat Tariff Bureau, Inc. - e: Not Weight Bearing

N.W.C.A.L.D.C.S. e: National Whitley Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service

NWDA e: National Wholesale Drug Association - e: National Wholesale Druggists Association - e: National Wine Distribution Association - e: National Wine Distributors Association

NWBA e: National Wheelchair Basketball Association - e: National Wooden Box Association NWBC e: National Wooden Box Council NWBCCC e: North West Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition

NWCC e: National Water Companies (or Company) Conference - e: National Weed Committee of Canada - e: National Women's Conference Committee - e: National Women's Consultative Council [of Australia] - e: Northeastern Weed Control Conference - e: Northern Wyoming Community College - e: Northwest Christian College NWCCA e: Naval Weapons Center, Corona Annex, California

NWBM d: Nordrhein-Westfälische Bau- und Montage-Gesellschaft mbH

NWCCL e: Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, California - e: Naval Weapons Center, Corona Laboratories

N.W.B.T. n: Nationaal Werk ter Bestrijding van de Tering

NWCDC e: North West Cooperative Development Council

NWBW e: National Women's Bowling Writers Association

NWCF e: Naval War College Foundation - e: New Waste Calcining Facility

NWbW e: Waldemar Medical Research Foundation, Woodbury

N.W.C.F. e: North-Western Caterers Federation

NWC e: National Waco Club - e: National Wage Case - e: National Wages Council - e: National War College - e: National Warning Center - e: National Water Center - e: National Water Commission - e: National Water Council - e: National Waterfowl Council - e: National Watershed Congress - e: National Waterways Conference - e: National Weapons Center - e: National Wildlife Centre - e: National Wiretap Commission - e: National Women's Coalition - e: National Women's Council - e: National Woodie Club - e: National Workers Compensation Reinsurance Pool - e: National Writers Club - e: Naval Command College - e: Naval War College - e: Naval Weapons Center - e: New World Club - e: New World Coalition - e: Newspaper Women's Club - e: Nigerian Workers Council - e: Northwest College - e: Northwestern College - e: Nuclear Weapons Complex - e: Nuclear Weapons Council

NWCG e: Nuclear Weapons Coordinating Group

N.W.C. e: Newspaper Women's Club

NWCIEP e: Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy NWCMA e: National Work Clothing Manufacturers' Association NWCME e: National Winter Convention on Military Electronics

NWDC e: National Wildlife Defence Council - e: Northwest Drama Conference NWDF d: Nordwestdeutsches Fernsehen NWDGA e: National Wholesale Dry Goods Association N.W.D.O. e: North-Western District Office NWDP e: Nuclear Weapons Development Project NWDR d: Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk NWDS d: Nordwestdeutsche Siedlungsgesellschaft - e: National Water Data System - e: Noah Worcester Dermatological Society NWDSB d: Nordwestdeutscher Schützenbund NWE e: New World Entertainment Ltd. - e: Newline Resources Ltd. - e: Nuclear Weapons Effects NWEA e: National Women's Economic Alliance - e: National Wood Energy Association NWEABI e: North Western Educational Association for the Building Industry NWEAF e: National Women's Economic Alliance Foundation NWEB e: North Western Electricity Board

NWCMTF e: Nuclear Weapons Complex Modernization Task Force NWCnet e: Nuclear Weapons Complex network nwco e: Curacao Group NWCO e: National Water Conservation Order NWCP e: National Wetlands Conservation Project - e: Noxious Weeds Control Program NWCR e: Nuclear Weapons Correction Report

NWEE e: National Women's Employment and Education NWEF e: National Women's Education Fund - e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility - e: Naval Weapons Evaluation Force - e: New World Education Fund - e: North Western Expeditionary Force - e: Nuclear Weapons Education Fund - e: Nuclear Weapons Evaluation Facilities NWefHi e: Chautauqua County Historical Society, Westfield NWefMH e: Westfield Memorial Hospital, Inc., Westfield

NWCRB e: Navy War Contracts Relief Board NWCS e: National Health Service-Wide Clearing Service

NWEL e: Nowsco Wen Service Ltd. - e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Laboratory NWeM e: Metco, Inc., Westbury

NWCA e: National Water Carriers Association - e: National Women's Citizens Associations - e: National Woodcarvers Association - e: National Wrestling Coaches Association - e: Navy Wives Clubs of America - e: Northwest Cherry Briners Association


NWCSC e: Nuclear Weapons Council Standing Committee

NWEMG e: North West European Microbiological Group

NWCTU e: National Women's Christian Temperance Union

NWEN e: Northwest Engineering Co.

NWD d: Neuer Wirtschafts-Dienst - e: Naval Weapons Directory

NWEO e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Office - e: Nuclear Weapon[s] Employment Officer


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NWLISN NWEPC e: North West Economic Planning Council NWER e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Research NWERT e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Research and Test

NWGA e: National Wheat Growers Association - e: National Wholesale Grocers Alliance - e: National Wool Growers Association - e: Northwest Guides Association

NWIDA e: North West Industrial Development Association

NWGB e: New Writers Group Bulletin - e: North Western Gas Board

NWilsHi e: Wilson Historical Society

NWIHA e: Northwest Inipuiat Housing Authority

NWIP e: Naval Warfare Information Publication

NWES e: New World Exploration Society - e: Norwesco, Inc. - e: Nuclear Weapons Electronic Specialist

NWGCN e: National Working Group on Coastal Management

NWes e: Olive Free Library Association, West Shokan

NWGDE e: Nordic Working Group on Development Education

NWIRP e: Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant - e: Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

NWET e: Nuclear Weapons Effects Tests

N.W.G.E.S. e: National Winding and General Engineers' Society

NWIS e: National Water Information System - e: Navy WWMCCS Information System

NWGI e: N-W Group, Inc.

NWIYRA e: North West Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association

NWevNS e: West Valley Nuclear Services Co., West Valley NWF d: Nord-West-Flug GmbH u. Co. - d: Norddeutsche Werbe-Fernsehen Gesellschaft mbH - d: Nordwestdeutscher Fahrzeugbau - e: International Women's Forum - e: National War Formulary - e: National War Fund - e: National Welfare Fund - e: National Wildlife Federation - e: National Women's Forum - e: Naval Weapons Factory - e: Naval Working Fund - e: New Wilderness Foundation - e: New World Foundation - e: Numerical Weather Facility NWFA e: National Wholesale Furniture Association - e: National Wood Flooring Association - e: Northwest Farm Managers Association - e: Northwest Fisheries Association NWFC e: Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign

NWGP e; Nuclear War Graphics Project NWGS e: Naval Warfare Gaming System

NWJA e: National Wholesale Jewelers Association

NWGWU e: National Warehouse and General Workers' Union

Nw J Intl L and Bus e: Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business

NWHA e: National Wholesale Hardware Association

Nw. J. Int'l L.&Bus. e: Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business

NWHC e: National Wildlife Health Center - e: National Women's Health Coalition - e: Naval Weapons Handling Center

NWK d: Norddeutsche Woll- und Kammgarn-Industrie - d: Nordwestdeutsche Kraftwerke AG - e: Network Equipment Technologies, Inc.

NWHF e: National Wildlife Health Foundation - e: National Women's Hall of Farne

NWKG d: Nord-West Kavernengesellschaft NWHIC e: National Women's Health Information Center NWHL e: National Wildlife Health Laboratory - e: Naval Weapons Handling Laboratory

NWFCCC e: National Wildlife Federation Corporate Conservation Council

NWHN e: National Women's Health Network

NWFF e: North West Frontier Fellowship

NWHP e: National Women's History Project

NWFGA e: National Women's Farm and Garden Association

NWhpI e: IBM [International Business Machines] Library Processing Center, White Plains

NWFI e: Non-Woven Fabrics Institute NWFMA e: Northwest Farm Managers Association NWFN e: Northwestern Financial

N.W.K. n: Nationaal Werk van Kinderwelzijn

NWhpSC e: New York State Supreme Court Law Library, White Plains NWHRC e: National Women's Health Resource Center

NWKLS e: Northwest Kansas Library System NWKV A: Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging van Suid-Afrika NWL e: National Water Lift Co. - e: National Weapons Laboratory - e: National Women's League of the United Synagogue of America - e: Naval Weapons Laboratory - e: Newell Co. NWLA e: National Women and the Law Association - e: Northern Woods Logging Association N.W.L.A. e: North Women's Lacrosse Association NWLB e: National War Labor Board

NWFP e: North-West Frontier Province NWFSPCN e: Nahanni National Park, Parks Canada Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories NWFWA e: Northwest Forest Workers Association NWFZ e: Nuclear Weapons-free Zones NWG d: Namibische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft - d: Neuweg Fertigung GmbH - d: Norddeutsche Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft - e: National Welfare Growth - e: Neighborhood Watch Group - e: Network Working Group - e: New Goliath Minerals Ltd. - e: North West Gold Corp.

NWHWRC e: Pacific Northwest Hazardous Waste Research, Development, and Demonstration Center NWI e: National Weather Institute - e: National Wetlands Inventory - e: National Wilderness Inventory - e: National Workload Index - e: Netherlands West Indies - e: Northwest Industries Ltd. - e: Nuinsco Resources Ltd. NWIB e: National Westminster Investment Bank - e: Northwest Illinois Bancorp, Inc. NWIC e: National Water Information Clearinghouse - e: National Wheat Improvement Committee - e: National Women's Insurance Center

NWLC e: National Women's Law Center NWLDYA e: National Wholesale Lumber Distributing Yard Association NWLE e: Nuclear Weapons Logistical Element NWLF e: National Watermen and Lightermen's Federation - e: New World Liberation Front N.W.L.F. e: North Wales Liberal Federation NWLI e: National Western Life Insurance Co. NWLISN e: Northwest Land Information System Network

nwg e: national wire gauge

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NWLON NWLON e: National Water-Level Observation Network

- e: Nielson Williams Naris Co. - e: NWNL Companies, Inc.

NWPCA e: National Wooden Pallet and Container Association

NWLS e: Northwest Wisconsin Library System

NWNET e: Northwestern States Network - e: Northwestnet

NWPCB e: Naval Warfare Planning Chart Bases

Nw LS e: Northwestern University. Law Review. Supplement

NWNG e: Northwest Natural Gas Co.

NWPCG e: Northern Wheatbelt Program Coordinating Group

NWM d: Normenausschuß Werkzeugmaschinen im DIN [Deutsches Institut fur Normung] e.V. - e: National War Memorial - e: New Ways Ministry - e: Newfields Minerals Ltd. - e: United States Military Academy, West Point - n: Nederlandse Wapen- en Munitiefabriek

NWNSA e: National Women's Neckwear and Scarf Association

NWPF e: National Water Purification Foundation

NWNT e: North Wales Naturalists' Trust NWNU e: North Western Naturalists' Union

NWPFC e: Northwest Pacific Fisheries Commission

NWO e: NASA Washington Office - e: Nuclear Weapons Office[r] - n: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

NWPH e: Newport Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

NWO d: Nord-West Ölleitung GmbH

NWPM e: Numerical Weather Prediction Model

NWPL e: Naval Warfare Publications Library

N.W.M. e: National War Memorial NWMA e: National Woodwork Manufactuers Association - e: National Woodwork Manufacturing Association - e: National Wool and Mohair Association - e: Northern Woods Logging Association - e: Northwest Mining Association NWMAF e: National Women's Martial Arts Federation NWMC e: National Wool Marketing Corporation - e: Northwest Michigan College NWMCC e: Nuclear Waste Materials Characterization Center NWMDL e: Nevada Waste Management Distribution List NWMF e: National Women's Music Festival - e: Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Foreman NwMh d: Naturwissenschaftliche Monatshefte NWMI e: Newfields Minerals, Inc. NWML e: National Women's Mailing List NWMP e: North-West Mounted Police - e: Nuclear Weapons Master Plan N.W.M.P. e: North-West Mounted Police N.W.M.P.A. e: North Wales Master Printers' Alliance NWMPA e; North Wales Master Printers' Alliance N.W.M.P.A. e: North-Western Master Printers' Alliance NWMS e: Nazarene World Missionary] Society - e: Northwest Medical Service - e: Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Specialist

NWOA e: National Woodland Owners Association - e: Nuclear Weapons Orientation Advanced Course NWOFC e: Numerical Weather and Oceanographic Forecasting Center

NWPO e; Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office - e: Northwest Pacific Oceanographers

N.W.O.I, n: Nationaal Werk voor Oorlogsinvaliden

NWPPA e: Nuclear Weapons Production and Planning Analysis

NWOO e: NATO Wartime Oil Organization - e: North Western Oil Organization

NWPPCA e: Auyuittuq National Park, Parks Canada Pangnirtung, Northwest Territories

NWOR e: Neworld Bancorp, Inc.

NWPS e: National Wilderness Preservation System

NWORG e: North Western Operational Research Group N.W.O.S. n: Nationaal Werk van de Oudstrijders [Verzetsstrijders, Politieke Gevangenen, Weggevoerden en Werkweigeraars] - n: Nationaal Werk voor Oudstrijders en Oorlogsslachtoffers NWP e: National Demonstration Water Project - e: National Water Project - e: National Women's Party - e: National Writing Project - e: Nationwide Permit Program - e: Naval Warfare Publication^] - e: Naval Weapons Plant - e: Naval Weapons Publications - e: Navy Warfare Publication - e: North West Provinces - e: North-Western Polytechnic - e: Northern Wheatbelt Program - e: Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. - e: Nuclear Weapons Program Office - e: Numerical Weather Prediction - n: Nederlandse Werkgroep Praktizijns in de Natuurgeneesk - n: Nederlandse Werkgroep van Praktizijns in de Natuurlijke Geneeskunst - n: Niet-Wetenschappelijk Personeel

N[w]MSCS e: Northwest Missouri State College Studies

NWPA e: National Waste Policy Act - e: National Wildlife Protection Act - e: Nuclear Waste Policy Act

NWMT e: Northwest Medical Teams International

NWPAG e: NATO Wartime Preliminary Analysis Group

NWN e: National Wireless Network - e: National Workers Network

NWPC e: National Women's Political Caucus - e: Nordic Wood Preservation Council - e: Northern Wheatbelt Program Committee


NWPMA e: National Wooden Pallet Manufacturers Association


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NWPS[C] e: Northwestern Public Service Company NWPU e: National Wildlife Protection Unit NWPW e: Naval Weapons Plant, Washington NWQAO e: Naval Weapons Quality Assurance Office NWQI e: National Water Quality Inventory NWQL e: National Water Quality Laboratory NWQMS e: National Water Quality Management Strategy NWQSS e: National Water Quality Surveillance System NWR e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Weather Radio - e: National Waste Repository - e: National Welfare Rights - e: National Wildlife Refuge [System] - e: National Wildlife Reserve - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Weather Radio - e: North Western Railway -/· Nga Whenua Rahui - n: Nationale Woningraad - n: Nederlandsche Werkloosheids Raad NwR d: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau NWRA e: National Water Resources Association - e: National Waterbed Retailers Association - e: National Wheel and Rim Association - e: National Wildlife Refuge Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NWTA - e: National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association - e: National Women's Rowing Association N.W.R.A. e: North Wales Resorts Association NWRB e: National Waste Repository Basalt NWRBBE e: Basin Planning Report. New York State Water Resources Commission. Series ENB

- e: Nimbus Weather Satellite - e: Norfolk & Western Southern Railroad Co. - e: North Warning System - e: Northern Wetland Study - e: Northwest States - e: Nowsco Well Service Ltd. - e: Nuclear Weapons State - e: Nuclear Weapons Storage -/· Service Meteorologique National des EtatsUnis

NWSM e: Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Memorandum Nws Nat e: News National NWSO e: Naval Weapons Services Office - e: Naval Weapons System Office - e: Naval Weather Service Office NWSOP e: National Winter Storms Operations Plan

N.W.S. e: National Woolsorters Society NWRC e: National Water Resources Committee - e: National Water Resources Council - e: National Weather Records Center - e: National Wetlands Research Center - e: National Wildflower Research Center - e: National Wildhorse Research Center - e: National Wildlife Research Center - e: National Women's Resource Center - e: Naval Warfare Research Center - e: Naval Weapons Research Center - e: Nebraska Water Resources Center - e: Northeast Watershed Research Center NWREL e: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

NWSA e: National Water Slide Association - e: National Welding Supply Association - e: National Wheelchair Softball Association - e: National Winter Sports Association - e: National Woman Suffrage Association - e: National Women's Studies Association - e: National Women's Suffrage Association - e: Naval Weapons Support Activity - e: Naval Weather Service Association - e: Nuclear Weapons Supply Annex N.W.S.A. e: National Women's Suffrage Association NWSB e: National Wage Stabilization Board - e: Nuclear Warfare Status Branch

NWRF e: Naval Weather Research Facility NWRI d: Nationaler Widerstandsrat Iran - e: National Water Research Institute NWRK e: Networks Electronic Corp. NWRLF e: New World Radical Liberation Front NWRLS e: North Western Regional Library System

NWSC e: National Water Safety Congress - e: National Weather Satellite Center - e: National Weather Service Center - e: National Women['s] Student['s] Coalition - e: Naval Weapons Support Center - e: Naval Weather Service Command NWSCA e: National Water and Soil Conservation Authority NW[&]SCO e: National Water and Soil Conservation Organization

NWRO e: National Welfare Rights Organization

NWSD e: Naval Weather Service Division

NWRP e: Nuclear Weapons Release Procedures

NWSDGP e: North West Slopes Division of General Practice

NWRP&T e: Nuclear Weapons Research, Development, and Testing

NWSED e: Naval Weather Service Environmental Detachment

N&WRR e: Norfolk and Western Railroad Company

NWSEO e: National Weather Service Employees Organization

NWRS e: National Wildlife Refuge System - e: North-West Recording Society - e: Nuclear Weapons Requirements Study

NWSF e: Northwest Sea Frontier - e: Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility

NWRT e: National Wildlife Rescue Team

NWSFO e: National Weather Service Forecast Office

N.W.S.Q.A. e: North Wales Slate Quarries Association NWSRA e: National Wild and Scenic River Act NWSRFS e: National Weather Service River Forecast System NWSRS e: National Wild and Scenic Rivers System NWSS e: National Weather Satellite System - e: National Wool Sorters Society - e: Navy WWMCCS Software Standardization N.W.S.S. e: Norfolk and Washington [District of Columbia] Steamship Co. NWSS e: Nuclear Weapons Support Section NWsS e: West Seneca State School NWSSC e: Nepal Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation - e: Nuclear Weapons Systems Safety Committee NWSSG e: Nuclear Weapons System Satellite Group - e: Nuclear Weapon[s] System[s] Safety Group NWSSGP e: Nuclear Weapons System Safety Group NWSSTP e: Nuclear Weapons Subsystem Test Plan NWSTC e: National Weather Service Telecommunications NWSTG e: National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway NWSTTC e: National Weather Service Technical Training Center NWSY e: Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown

NWRV d: Nord- und Westdeutscher Rundfunkverband - d: Nordrhein-Westfälischer Ruder-Verband NW Ry e: North Western Railway N.&W.Ry. e: Norfolk & Western Railway NWS e: National Watercolor Society - e: National Waterways Study - e: National Weather Service[s] - e: National Weather System - e: National Weeds Strategy - e: National Winter Sports - e: Naval Weapons Station - e: Naval Weather Service - e: Navy Weather Service - e: New World Society - e: News Corp. Ltd.

NWSG e: Nuclear War Study Group - e: Nuclear Weapon-systems Surety Group NWSH e: National Weather Service Headquarters N.W.S.H.E. e: North-Western Society of Highway Engineers NWSI e: New World Services Inc. NWSIA e: National Water Supply Improvement Association

NWT d: Nationaler Wettbewerb für Ton- und Videoaufnahmen - d: Normenausschuß Wärmebehandlungstechnik metallischer Werkstoffe im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: North-West Territories - e: Northwest Industries Inc. - e: Northwestern Terminal Railroad - e: Northwestern Utilities Ltd. - e: Nuclear Weapons Technology Programs - r: Nya Wermlands-Tidningen N.W.T. e: North-West Territories

NWSIAH e: North Western Society for Industrial Archaeology and History NWSIA J e: NWSIA [National Water Supply Improvement Association] Journal

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NWTA e: National Waterways Transport Association - e: National Women's Trucking Association - e: National Wool Trade Association


NWTB NWTB e: North West Tourist Board - e: Northwestern Tariff Bureau NWTC e: National Wetlands Technical Council - e: Northern Warfare Training Center - e: Nuclear Weapons Training Center

NWV A: Namibia Wetenskaplike Vereniging - d: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein - d: Neigungswaagen-Verband e.V. NWVlz e: New Visions Entertainment Corp. NWvS e: Sanders Associates, Inc., William sville

NWTDB e: Naval Warfare Tactical Data Base NWtdGP e: North West Tasmania Division of General Practice

NWW d: Nordwestdeutscher Wohnungsbauträger GmbH - e: New Ways to Work

NWTEC e: National Wool Textile Export Corporation

NwW d: Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift

NWTF e: National Wild Turkey Federation

NWWA e: National Water Well[s] Association - e: North-West Water Authority

NWTFL e: Northwest Territories Federation of Labour NWTGD e: Northwest Gold Corp. NWTI e: National Wood Tank Institute

NWTP e: NMCS [National Military Command System] WWMCCS Transition Plan NWTRB e: Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board NWTRCC e: National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee NWTRNA e: Northwest Territories Registered Nurses Association NWTS e: National Waste Terminal Storage [office] - e: National Wilms Tumor Study - e: Naval Weapons Test Station NWT/S e: Nuclear Weapons Technician/ Specialist

N.Y. e: New York [University] - e: Norfolk Yeomanry - e: Northamptonshire Yeomanry - e: Nottinghamshire Yeomanry NYA e: National Yogurt Association - e: National Youth Administration - e: National Youth Alliance - e: Neighborhood Youth Administration - e: Neighborhood Youth Association - e: New York Airlines, Inc. - e: New York Airways, Inc. - e: New York Aquarium N.Y.A. e: National Youth Administration Nya e: Nyasaland

NWWC e: National White Wyandotte Club - e: North Westland Wildlife Corridor NWWDA e: National Wood Window and Door Association

NWTL e: Northwest Teleproductions, Inc. NWTO e: Network for Work Time Options

- e: Nottinghamshire Yeomanry - e: Nyasaland

NWWS e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Weather Wire Service

NYAB e: National Youth Advisory Board - e: New York Air Brake Co. NYABIC e: New York Association for Brain Injured Children N.Y.A.C. e: New York Athletic Club NYAC e: New York Athletic Club

N.W.W.W.A. n: Nationaal Werk voor Weduwen, Wezen en Ascendenten

NYACH e: New York Automated Clearing House

NWX e: New Minex Resources Ltd. NWYCC e: National Write Your Congressman NWYND e: NORIS [Northern Region Information System], Canada Department of National Defence Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

NYAES-C e: New York Agricultural Experiment Station [Cornell University] NYAIC e: New York Association of Industrial Communicators NYAL e: National Yugoslav Army of Liberation - e: New York Airlines

NX e: Quanex Corp. NXA e: Norex America, Inc. NXCI e: National Xeriscape Council, Inc.

NYALR e: New Yorkers for Abortion Law Repeal NYAM e.-New York Academy of Medicine - e: New York Academy of Music

NXDO e: Nike-X Development Office NWTSG e: National Wilms Tumor Study Group

NXMIS e: Nike-X Management Information Office

NYAMP e: New York Advertising Media Planners

NXP e: Noxe Resources Corp.

NYANA e: New York Association for New Americans

NWU e: National Workers Union - e: National Writers Union - e: Nebraska Wesleyan University - e: Nigerian Women's Union - e: Nordenfjord World University - e: Northwestern University - e: Northwestern University School of Law

NXPM e: Nike-X Project Manager

NYAO e: New York Assay Office

NXPO e: Nike-X Project Office

NYARTCC e: New York Air Route Traffic Control Center

NXS e: Nexus Resources Corp.

NYAS e: New York Academy of Science[s] - e: New York Asian Society

N.W.U. e: New Wales Union

NXSM e: Nike-X System Manager

Nyas e: Nyasaland

N[W] U L R[ev] e: Northwestern University. Law Review

NXSMO e: Nike-X System Manager's Office

NYASA e: New York African Studies Association

NWTUL e: National Women's Trade Union League

NXPRG e: Nike-X Program Review Group

NXSO e: Nike-X Support Office NW Univ e: Northwestern University NW Univ Law R e: Northwestern University. Law Review NWURG e; North-West Underwater Research Group NWUS e: National Workers Union of the Seychelles - e: North-Western United States


NXW e: University of North Carolina, Wilmington

NYATI e: New York Agricultural and Technical Institute NYB e: National Youth Bureau

NY e; Navy Yard - e: New York - e: New York Airways, Inc. - e: New York Suppot Office - e: Noorduyn Aviation Ltd. - e: Norfolk Yeomanry - e: Northamptonshire Yeomanry


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N.Y.B. e: New York & Bremen Steamship Co. NYBA e: National Young Buddhist Association

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NYFDM NYBC e: National Yiddish Book Center - e: New York Bancorp, Inc. - e: New York Business Communicators NYBE e: National Yiddish Book Exchange NYBFU e: New York Board of Fire Underwriters

NYCFMA e: New York Credit and Financial Management Association

NYC&SL e: New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co.

NYCHA e: New York City Housing Authority - e: New York Clearing House Association

NYCSLS e: New York C. S. Lewis Society

NYCHARL e: Navy Yard, Charleston, South Carolina

NYBG e: New York Botanical Garden NYBID e: New York interbank bid rate

NYC&HR[R] e: New York Central & Hudson River Railroad

NYB&M e: New York, Boston & Montreal Railroad

N.Y. City L. Rev. e: New York City Law Review

NYBOR e: New York interbank offered rate

NYCJG e: Nikka Yuko Centennial Japanese Garden

NYC&STL e: New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co. NYCT e: New York Circle of Translators - e: New York Community Trust NYCTA e: New York City Transit Authority NYCTC e: New York City Technical College NYCTCG e: New York Cold Type Composition Group NYCTN e: New York Cotton Exchange

NYBPE e: New York Business Press Editors NYCLU e: New York Civil Liberties Union NYBS e: New York Browning Society - e: New York International Bible Society NYBSBC e: New York Bureau of State Building Codes NYBT e: New York Board of Trade NYC e: National Yacht Club - e: Neighborhood Youth Corps - e: New York Central - e: New York Circus - e: New York City - e: New York Coliseum - e: Newburgh Yacht Club - e: Nigerian Youth Congress N.Y.C. e; New York City - e: Nore Yacht Club NYCA e: National Youth Council of Australia - e: New York City Affiliate NYCATA e: New York City American Translators Association

NYCU e: Nordic Young Conservative Union NYCM e: NYCOM Information Services, Inc.

NYCUC e: New York City Urban Corps

NYCMA e: New York City Metropolitan Area - e: New York Clothing Manufacturers Association

NYCWRU e: New York Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit

NYCME e; New York Clothing Manufacturers Exchange

NYDA e: New York Diabetes Association

NYD e; Navy Yard

NYDCC e: New York Drama Critics Circle NYCMEO e: New York City Medical Examiners Office NYCMSL e: New York County Medical Society Library NYCNHA e: New York City Nursing Home Association NYCO e: NYCOR, Inc. NYCOC e: New York City Opera Company

NY Dep Transp Res Rep e: New York State Department of Transport. Research Report NYDF e: National Youth Development Foundation NYDLWC Dec e: New York State Department of Labor. Court Decisions of Workmen's Compensation NYDMC e: New York Downstate Medical Center

NY Col e: New York Coliseum NYCB e: New York City Ballet NYCBA e: New York City Bar Association NYCC e: New York Candy Club - e: New York Cultural Center NYCCA e: New York Cocoa Clearing Association NYCCC e: New York City Community College NYCCCC e: New York City's Citizens Crime Commission NYCCIW e: New York City Correctional Institution for Women NYCC1 e: New York Corset Club NYCDC e: New York City Department of Correction - e: New York Curtain and Drapery Club NYCE e: New York Cocoa Exchange - e: New York College of Education - e: New York Commodity Exchange - e: New York Cotton Exchange NYCER e: New York Conference on Electronic Reliability

NYDR e: New York Dock Railway NY Comm St Res Niagara An Rp e: New York Commissioners of the State Reservation at Niagara. Annual Report NYCOP e: National Youth Council of Ogoni People NYCPB e: New York Consumer Protection Board

NY&E e: New York & Erie Railroad NYEC e: National Youth Employment Coalition NYES e: New York Electrical Society - e: New York Entomological Society NYETR e: New York Estate Tax Reports

NYCPD e: New York City Police Department NYCPM e: New York City Police Museum N.Y.C.R.R. e: New York Central Railroad Co. NYCS e: New York Choral Society - e: New York Cipher Society - e: New York City Shoes, Inc. NYCSA e: New York Coat and Suit Association - e: New York College Stores Association

NYEWW e: New York Exchange for Women's Work NYF e: National Yeomen F - e: New York Foundation - e: Nordic Youth Foundation - N: Norsk Yrkeshygienisk Forening NY Farms&Markets Dept e: New York State Department of Farms and Markets. Publications NYFCC e: New York Firm Critics Circle - e: New York Futures Clearing Corporation

NYCSCE e: New York Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange

NYFD e: New York Fashion Designers

NYCSE e: New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange

NYFDF e: New York Fashion Designers and Foundation

NYCSG e: New York Constitution Study Group

NYFDM e: New York Fire Department Museum

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NYFE NYFE e: New York Futures Exchange

NYI e: New York Institute - e: Not Yet Impacted

NYLS e: National Yacht Listing Service - e: New York Law School

NYFEA e: National Young Farmer Educational Association

NYIA e: New York International Airport

NY L Seh Intl L Socy J e: New York Law School. International Law Society. Journal

NYFFFBA e: New York Foreign Freight Forwarders and Brokers Association

NY/IABC e: New York/International Association of Business Communicators

NYFIRO e: New York Fire Insurance Rating Organization

NYIAS e; New York Institute of the Aerospace Sciences

NYFQ e: New York Folklore Quarterly

NYIBC e: New York International Ballet Competition

NYFRF e: New York Fertility Research Foundation NYFUO e: New York Federation of Urban Organizations

NY[I]BS e: New York International Bible Society NYIBS e: New York International Bible Society

NYFW e; New York Film Works, Inc. NYIC e: New York Iroquois Conference NYFWA e: New York Financial Writers Association

NYICD e: New York Institute for Child Development

NYG e: New York State Library, Albany NYGASP e: New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players

NYIDA e: New York Importers and Distillers Association NYIE e: New York Insurance Exchange

NYGB e: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society NYGBR e: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Record NYGBS e: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society

NYIH e: New York Institute for the Humanities NYIL e: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law NYILSMA e: New York Lamp and Shade Manufacturers Association

NYGC e: New York Governors Conference

N.Y.L. Sch. J. Hum. Rts. e: New York Law School Journal of Human Rights NY L Sch J Intl and Comp L e: New York Law School. Journal of International and Comparative Law N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. e: New York Law School Law Review NYLSMA e: New York Lamp and Shade Manufacturers Association NYLTI e: National Youth Leadership Training Institute NYM e: National Youth Movement - e: New York Movers Tariff Bureau, Inc., New York N.Y.M. e: Nigerian Youth Movement NYMA e: New York City Metropolitan Area - e: New York Medical Association - e: New York Mounters Association NYMAC e: National Young Managers Advisory Committee NYMC e: New York Maritime College - e: New York Medical College NYME[X] e: New York Mercantile Exchange

NYIT e; New York Institute of Technology NYGJB e: New York Guild for Jewish Blind NYJ e: National Young Judaea

NYMG e: NYMAGIC [New York Marine & General Insurance Co.], Inc.

NY JO e: National Youth Jazz Orchestra

NYMI e: Navy Yard, Mare Island

NYK j: Nippon Yusen Kaisha

NY-ΜΙΑ e; New York-Miami

NYKGRP e; New York Group

NY Micro Soc J e: New York Microscopical Society. Journal

NYGS e: New York Graphic Society NYHA e: National Yacht Harbor Association - e: New York Heart Association NyHAL r: Nyk pings H gre Allm nna Laroverk NYH-CMC e: New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center

N.Y.K.L. N: Norges Yrkeskvinners Landsforbund

NYMO e: National Youth Ministry Organization

NYL N: Norges Yrkeslaererlag NYHD e: New York House of Detention NYhl e: International Business Machines Corp., Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights NY Hist Soc e: New York Historical Society

NYLA e: New York Library Association

NYMOL e: National Youth Movement of Liberia

NY&LB e: New York & Long Branch Railroad Co.

N.Y.M.S. e: New York Mathematical Society - e: New York Medical Society

NYLB e: New York & Long Branch Railroad Co.


e: NYNEX Corp.

NY Hist Soc Coll e: New York Historical Society. Collections

NYLC e: National Young Life Campaign

NY&NE e: New York & New England Railroad

NY Hist Soc Q [uar] e: New York Historical Society. Quarterly

NYLE&W e: New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad

NYNEX e: New York [and] New England Exchange

NYHS e: New York Herpetological Society - e: New York Historical Society

NYLEX e: New York Leather Exposition

NYNG e: New York National Guard

NYLG e: New York Law Group

NY&NH e: New York & New Haven Railroad

NYHSL e: New York Health and Safety Laboratory

NYLIC e: New York Library Instruction Clearinghouse - e: New York Life Insurance Company

NYNH[&]H e: New York, New Haven and Hartford Co.

NYLRB e: New York State Labor Relations Board Decisions

NYNJDDA e: New York and New Jersey Dry Dock Association

NYLRB Dec e: New York State Labor Relations Board Decisions and Orders

NY-NO e: New York-New Orleans

N.Y.I, e: New York Institute


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NYHSQ e: New York Historical Society. Quarterly NYHSQB e: New York Historical Society. Quarterly Bulletin

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NY Sch Indus Rel NYNOR e: Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

NYPHR e: New York Physicians for Human Rights

NYNR e: New York National Review

NYPIRG e: New York Public Interest Research Group

NYS e; New York School of Writing - e: New York Shavians - e: New York Shipbuilding Corp. - e: New York State - e: New York State Union List, Albany

NYNS e: New York Naval Shipyards

NYPL e: New York Public Library

N.Y.S. e: New York Supplement

NYNYK e: Navy Yard, New York

NYPLA e: New York Patent Law Association

NYSA e: New York Shipping Association - e: New York State Assembly

NYO e: National Youth Orchestra - e: New York Oils Ltd.

NYPLC e: National Youth Pro-Life Coalition

NYNP e: Northern Yukon National Park

N.Y.O. e: National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain NYOC e: National Youth Organizing Commission - e: New York Opera Company NYOD e: New York Ordnance District NYOGB e: National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain NYOL e: New York Opera Library NYoOF e: Old Fort Niagara Association, Youngstown N Yorks e: North Yorkshire NYOSL e: New York Ocean[s] Science Laboratory NYOTBC e: New York Off-Track Betting Corporation

N.Y.S.A. e: New York Shipping Association NYPM e: National Yokefellow Prison Ministry - e: Navy Youth Program Manager - e: New York Pro Musica

NYSAA e: New York State Arch[a]eological Association - e: New York State Aviation Association

NYPMA e: New York Paper Merchants Association

NYSAC e: New York State Athletic Commission

NYPORT e: Navy Yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

NYSAES e: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

NYPP e: New York [State] Power Pool

NYSAIS e: New York State Association of Independent Schools

NYPRPG e: New York Publishers Rights and Permissions Group NYPS e: National Yellow Pages Service - e: Navy Yard, Puget Sound - e: New York Paleontological Society - e: New York Psychiatric Society - e: New York Publishing Society NYPSC e: New York Public Service Commission

NYOW e: National Youth Orchestra of Wales

NYPSO e: New York PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra

NYO&W e: New York, Ontario and Western Railway Co.

NYPSS e: New York PhilharmonicSymphony Society

N.Y.O.&W.Ry. e: New York, Ontario & Western Railway Co.

NYPUM e: National Youth Program Using Minibikes

NYP e: New York-Pennsylvania League - e: New York Philharmonic - e: New York Police

NYR e: National Young Republicans

NYSAJC e: New York State Association of Junior Colleges NYSAPLS e: New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors NYSASBO e: New York State Association of School Business Officials NYSASDA e: New York State Atomic and Space Development Authority NYSASS e: New York State Association of Service Stations NYSASSRS e: New York State Association of Service Stations and Repair Shops NYSAVC e: New York State Audio-Visual Council NYSBA e: New York State Bar Association

NYPA e: New York Port Authority

NYRA e: National Yacht Racing Association - e: New York Racing Association - e: New York Racing Authority

NYPAA e: National Yellow Pages Agency Association

NYRAPG e: New York Rights and Permission^] Group

NYP&B e: New York, Providence & Boston Railroad

N.Y.R.B.A. e: New York-Rio-Buenos Aires

NYPC e: New York Pigment Club

NYRF e: National Young Republican Federation

NYPD e: New York Police Department

NYRG e: New York Rubber Group

NYPD BLUE e: New York Police Department

NYRM e: New York Reformatory for Men

NYPDis e: New York Procurement District

NYRMA e; New York Raincoat Manufacturers Association

NYPE e; New York Port of Embarkation - e: New York Produce Exchange [Form]

NYRPG e: New York Rights and Permission Group

NYPF e: National Young Professionals Forum

NYRRC e: New York Road Runners Club

NYSBA Bull e: New York State Bar Association. Bulletin NYSBB e: New York State Banking Board NYSBC e: New York Shipbuilding Corporation - e: New York State Barge Canal NYSBJ e: New York State Bar Journal NYSC e: National Youth Service Corps - e: New York Shipbuilding Corporation NYSCA e: National Youth Sports Coaches Association NYSCAT e: New York State Union Catalog of Firm and Video NYSCC e: New York State College of Ceramics - e: New York State Crime Commission

NYRs e: National Young Republicans NYPFO e: New York Procurement Field Office NYPH e: Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

NYRS e: New York Roentgen Society

NYSCCJ e: New York State Coalition for Criminal Justice

NYRW e: New York Reformatory for Women

NY Sch Indus Rel e: New York State School of Industrial Relations

NYPHIL e: Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NYSCS NYSCS e: New York State Colonization Society

NYSILL Network e: New York State InterLibrary Loan Network

NYSSMA e: New York State School Music Association

NYSCSDA e: New York State Council of School District Administrators

NYSL e: New York Society Library - e: New York State Library

NYSSNTA J e: NYSSNTA [New York State School Nurse-Teachers Association] Journal

NYSD e: New York Society for the Deaf

NYSLA e: New York State Latin Americanists

NYSSOS e: New York State Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons

NYSM e: New York State Militia - e: New York State Museum - e: New York State Volunteers

NYSSPE e: New York State Society of Professional Engineers

NYSDA e: New York Security Dealers Association NYSDCS e: New York State Department of Correctional Services NYSDEC e: New York State Department of Environmental Consevation NYSDH e: New York State Department of Health NYSDOT e: New York State Department of Transportation NYSDR e: New York State Department Reports NYSDT e: New York State Department of Transportation

NySMAC e: Ny-Alesund Science Managers Committee

NYSSTF e: New York State Science and Technology Foundation

NYSMM e: New York State Maritime Museum

NYSTA e: New York State Teachers Association - e: New York State Thruway Authority

NYSNA e: New York State Nurses Association

NY St Agr Soc Tr e: New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions

NYSNACC e: New York State Narcotic Addiction Control Commission

NY State Ag Exp e: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. Publications

NYSNC e: New York State Narcotics Commission

NY State Agric Exp Stn [Geneva] Annu Rep e: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station [Geneva], Annual Report

NYSNI e: New York State Nutrition Institute NYSE e: New York Stock Exchange NySEA e: New York Society of Enrolled Agents NYSEM e: New York Society of Electron Microscopists - e: New York Society of Electron Microscopy NYSERDA e: New York State Energy Research and Development Administration - e: New York State Energy Research [and] Development Authority

NYSO e: New York String Orchestra - e: New York Support Office

NY State Agric Exp Stn Seed Res Circ e: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. Seed Research Circular

NY Soc Exp Study Ed Yrbk e: New York Society for the Experimental Study of Education. Yearbook

NY State Agric Exp Stn Spec Rep e: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. Special Report

NYSP e; New York School of Printing - e: New York State Police

NY State Assoc Milk Food Sanit Annu Rep e: New York State Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians. Annual Report

NYSPA e: New York State Pharmaceutical Association - e: New York State Power Authority

NYSERDA Rev e: NYSERDA [New York State Energy Research and Development Authority] Review

NYSPGA e: New York State Personnel and Guidance Association

NYSERNET e: New York State Education and Research Network

NYSPI e: New York State Psychiatric Institute

NYSERNet e: New York State Education and Research Network, Inc. - e: New York State Educational and Research Network

NYSPIN e: New York State Police Intelligence Network - e: New York Statewide Police Information Network

NYSES e: New York State Employment Service

NYSRS e: New York State Radiological Society

NYSF e: National Youth Science Foundation - e: New York Shakespeare Festival

NYSSA e: New York Skirt and Sportswear Association - e: New York Society of Security Analysts - e: New York State Society of Anesthesiologists - e: New York State Student Assembly

NY-SFO e: New York-San Francisco NYSFTCA e: New York State Fruit Testing Cooperative Association NYSGI e: New York Sea Grant Institute

NYSSA-PGA e: New York State Society of Anesthesiologists Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology

NYSGS e: New York Geological State Geological Survey

NYSSCPA e: NY State Society of CPAs

NYSHESC e: New York State Higher Education Service

NYSSDA e: New York State Safe Deposit Association

NYSIIS e: New York State Identification and Intelligence System

NYSSILR e: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations

NYSILL e: New York State Inter-Library Loan

NYSSIM e: New York State Society of Industrial Medicine



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NY State Assoc Milk Sanit Annu Rep e: New York State Association of Milk Sanitarians. Annual Report NY State Bar J e: New York State Bar Journal NY State Coll Ceramics Ceramic Expt Sta Bull e: New York State College of Ceramics. Ceramic Experiment Station. Bulletin NY State Coll For Syracuse Univ Bull e: New York State College of Forestry. Syracuse University. Bulletin NY State Conserv e: New York State Conservationist NY State Dent J e: New York State Dental Journal NY State Dep Environ Conserv Bull e: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Bulletin NY State Dep Health Div Lab Res Annu Rep e: New York State Department of Health. Division of Laboratories and Research. Annual Report NY State Dep Health Lab Res Oper Data e: New York State Department of Health. Division of Laboratories and Research. Operations Data

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NYU Rev L&Soc Change NY State Dep Labor Div Ind Hyg Mon Rev e: New York State Department of Labor. Division of Industrial Hygiene. Monthly Review

NY St G An Rp e: New York State Geologist. Annual Report NY St His As e: New York State Historical Association. Proceedings

NY State Ed e: New York State Education NY State Flower Growers Bull e: New York State Flower Growers. Bulletin NY State Horti Soc Proc e: New York State Horticultural Society. Proceedings

NY St His As Q J e: New York State Historical Association. Quarterly Journal NY St Hist Assn J e: New York State Historical Association. Quarterly Journal

NYU Conf on Char Found Proc e: Conference on Charitable Foundations. Proceedings. New York University NYU Educ Q e: New York University. Education Quarterly N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. e: New York University Environmental Law Journal NYUEQ e: New York University. Education Quarterly

NY St Mus e: New York State Museum NY St[ate] J Med e: New York State Journal of Medicine NY State Mus and Sei Service Bull Circ e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Bulletin. Circular

NY St Mus An Rp e: New York State Museum of Natural History. Annual Report NY St Reg e: New York State Register NYSU e: New York State University

NY State Mus Bull e: New York State Museum. Bulletin

NYSUT e: New York State United Teachers

NY State Mus Circ Handb e: New York State Museum Circular. Handbook

NYS[&]W e: New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad Co.

NY State Mus Map Chart Ser e: New York State Museum. Map and Chart Series

NYSWGGI e: New York State Wine Grape Growers, Incorporated

NY State Mus Mem e: New York State Museum. Memoir

NYT e: National Youth Theatre - e: New Yiddish Theatre - e: New York Testing Laboratories, Inc. - e: New York Times Co.

NY State Mus Sei Serv Bull e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Bulletin

NYUIMS e: New York University-Institute of Mathematical Sciences NYU Inst [on] Fed Tax e: New York University. Institute on Federal Taxation NYU Intra[mur] L Rev e: New York University. Intramural Law Review NYUJ Int'l L[aw]&Pol e: New York University. Journal of International Law and Politics N.Y.U.J. Int'l L.&Pol. e: New York University Journal of International Law and Politics NYUL e: New York University Library NYU Law Q Rev e: New York University. Law Quarterly Review

NYTA e: New York Transit Authority NY State Mus Sei Serv Circ e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Circular NY State Mus Sei Serv Educ Leatl e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Educational Leaflet NY State Mus Sei Serv Map Chart Ser e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Map and Chart Series NY State Mus Sei Serv Mem e: New York State Museum and Science Service. Memoir

NYTB e: New York Theatre Ballet

NYUL Center Bull e: New York University. Law Center. Bulletin

NYTC e: National Youth Temperance Council

NYULQ Rev[iew] e: New York University. Law Quarterly Review

NYTHA e: New York Tuberculosis and Health Association

N.Y.U. L. Rev. e: New York University Law Review

NYTIC e: New York Technical Institute, Cincinnati

NYULT e: New York University School of Continuing Education, Continuing Education in Law and Taxation

NY TIM e: New York Times Co. NYTIS e: New York Times Information Service, Inc.

NYUMC e: New York University Medical Center - e: New York Upstate Medical Center

NYTL e: New York Testing Laboratories, Inc.

NY Univ J Dent e: New York University. Journal of Dentistry

NYTNS e: New York Times News Service NY-TOR e: New York-Toronto

NY Univ J of Internat L and Polit e: New York University. Journal of International Law and Politics

NYTS e: New York Theological Seminary - e: Nytest Environmental, Inc.

NYU[niv] L R[ev] e: New York University. Law Review

NYT[/]TS e; New York Turtle and Tortoise Society

NY Univ Res B e: New York University. Research Bulletin in Commercial Education

NY St Ba A e: New York State Bar Association. Bulletin

NYTU e: New York Theological Union

NYUP e: New York University Press

NY St BJ e: New York State Bar Journal

NYTV d: New York Turn Verein

NY St Cab An Rp e: New York State Cabinet of Natural History. Annual Report. Regents University

NYU e: New York University

NYU Rev L and Soc Ch e: New York University. Review of Law and Social Change

NYU Conf Charitable Fdn e. New York University. Conference on Charitable Foundations. Proceedings

NYU Rev Law&Soc C e: New York University. Review of Law and Social Change

NYU Conf Lab e: New York University. Conference on Labor

NYU Rev L&Soc Change e: New York University. Review of Law and Social Change

NY State Nurse e: New York State Nurse NY State Sei Service Rept Inv e: New York State Science Service. Report of Investigation NY State Sei Serv Univ State NY Report Invest e: New York State Science Service. University of the State of New York. Report of Investigation NY State Water Resour Comm Basin Plann Rep e: New York State Water Resources Commission. Basin Planning Report

NY St Dept Rep e: New York State Department Reports NYSTDL e: Agricultural Research. Seoul National University

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NYU Slav P NYU Slav P e: New York University. Slavic Papers

NZABM e: New Zealand Anglican Board of Missions

NYUSM e: New York University School of Medicine

NZAC e: New Zealand Accommodation Council - e: New Zealand Alpine Club

NYUTI e: New York University Tax Institute NYU/Ultra e: New York University's Ultracomputer [project] NYWA e: National Youth Work Alliance NYWASH e: Navy Yard, Washington NY Water Power Control Comm Bull e: New York State Water Power and Control Commission. Bulletin NY Water Resour Comm Bull e: New York State Water Resources Commission. Bulletin NYWC e: New York Wine Council NYWF e: New York World's Fair NYWGF e: New York Wine/Grape Foundation NYYC e; New York Yacht Club NYYP e: New York Yellow Pages, Inc.

NZACA e: New Zealand Amateur Cycling Association NZACAU e: New Zealand Athletics, Cycling and Axemen's Union NZACE e: New Zealand Association for Community Education NZACT e: New Zealand Association of Chemistry Teachers

NZAS e: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters - e: New Zealand Antarctic Society - e; New Zealand Arthritis Society - e: New Zealand Association of Scientists N.Z.A.S. e; New Zealand Association of Scientists NZASA e: New Zealand Amateur Swimming Association - e; New Zealand Asian Studies Association NZASC e: New Zealand Administrative Staff College - e: New Zealand Army Service Corps - e; New Zealand Association of Soil Conservators

NZACU e: New Zealand Auto Cycle Union

NZASc e: New Zealand Association of Scientists

NZADS e: New Zealand Association for Disabled Skiers

N.Z.A.S.C. e; New Zealand Army Service Corps

NZAEC e: New Zealand Army Educational Corps - e: New Zealand Atomic Energy Committee

NZASF e: New Zealand Association of Small Farmers

NZAEI e: New Zealand Agricultural Engineering Institute NZAF e: New Zealand Authors Fund - e: New Zealand Aviation Federation

NYZP e: New York Zoological Park N.Z.A.F. e: New Zealand Air Force

NZASW e; New Zealand Association of Social Workers NZATD e: New Zealand Association of Training and Development NzAU e: Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand

NYZS e: New York Zoological Society NZ d: Nachrichtenzentrale - d: Naturschutzzentrum - d: Neue Zeit - d: Normenausschuß Zeichnungswesen im DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung] e.V. - e: Air New Zealand Ltd. - e: Neutral Zone - e: New Mexico & Arizona Land Co. - e: New Zealand - e: New Zealand National Airways Corp. - P: Narody Zjednoczone - S: Narodna Zascita - sk: Närodne Zhromazdenie N.Z. d: Nachrichtenmittelzentrale [Reichswehrministerium] - e: New Zealand N.Za. d: Nebenzeugamt Nza d: Nebenzeugamt NZA d: Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht NZAA e: New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association - e: New Zealand Antique Arms Association - e: New Zealand Archaeological Association - e: New Zealand Auto Association

NzAGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Auckland Branch, Auckland, New Zealand NZAHBS e: New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society NZAHPER e: New Zealand Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation NZAI e: New Zealand Antarctic Institute NZALT e: New Zealand Association of Language Teachers

NZAV A: Nederlands-Zuidafrikaanse Vereniging - n: Nederlandsch Zuid-Afrikaansche Vereeniging NZAWA e: New Zealand Air Women's Association NZB e: New Zealand Ballet NZBA e: New Zealand Bankers Association - e: New Zealand Biotechnology Association - e; New Zealand Bowling Association

NZAMC e: New Zealand Army Medical Corps

NZBC e; New Zealand Ballet Company - e; New Zealand Book Council - e: New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation

NZANN e: New Zealand Association of Neonatal Nurses

NZBCSO e; New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Orchestra

NZAOC e: New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps

NZBF e; New Zealand Basketball Federation

NZAP e: New Zealand Antarctic Program[me]

NZBIE e: New Zealand Bureau of Importers and Exporters NZBS e; New Zealand Broadcasting Service

NZAPA e: New Zealand Airline Pilots Association

NZBTO e: New Zealand Book Trade Organization

NZAPC e: New Zealand Army Pay Corps

N.Z.A.A. e: New Zealand Archaeological Association

NZAPMB e: New Zealand Apple and Pear Marketing Board

NZAAC e: New Zealand Army Air Corps

NZARA e: New Zealand Amateur Rowing Association

NZCA e; New Zealand Conservation Authority NZCAS e; New Zealand Clean Air Society

NZAB e: New Zealand Association of Bacteriologists NZABC e: New Zealand Audit Bureau of Circulation


NZARE e: New Zealand Association for Research on Education NZART e: New Zealand Amateur Radio Transmitters Association


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NZCAU e: New Zealand Conservation Authority Unit NZCC e; New Zealand Chamber of Commerce - e: New Zealand Conservation Corps - e: New Zealand Cricket Council - e; New Zealand Cyclist Corps

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NZFS NZCDC e: New Zealand Cooperative Dairy Company NZCEA e: New Zealand Combined Educational Associations NZCER e: New Zealand Council for Educational Research

NZDA e: New Zealand Dairy Association - e: New Zealand Deerstalkers Association - e: New Zealand Dental Association - e; New Zealand Department of Agriculture - e: New Zealand Dietetic Association NZDB e: New Zealand Dairy Board NZDC e; New Zealand Dental Corps

NZCF e: New Zealand Cadet Forces - e: New Zealand Cat Fancy association - e: New Zealand Cycling Federation

NZDCMBA e; New Zealand Dairy Confectionary and Mixed Biscuits Association

NZES e: New Zealand Ecological Society - e: New Zealand Employment Service NZESA e; New Zealand Education Standards Association - e; New Zealand European Shipping Association N.Z.E.S.A. e: New Zealand European Shipping Association NZEVA e; New Zealand Empire Veterans Association

NZCG e; New Zealand Chemists Guild NZCGF e; New Zealand Coast Guard Federation NZCGP e: New Zealand College of General Practitioners

NZDCS e: New Zealand Department of Census and Statistics NZDE e: New Zealand Department of Education NZDF e; New Zealand Drug Foundation

NzCGS e; Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Canterbury Branch, Christchurch, New Zealand NZCH e: New Zealand Cement Holdings NZCh P: Narodowy Zwiiizek Chiopski NZCLA e: New Zealand Childrens Literature Association NZCMA e: New Zealand Cable Makers Association - e: New Zealand Concrete Masonry Association NZCMF e: New Zealand Coal Merchants Federation

NZDFA e; New Zealand Deer Farmers Association NZDLS e: New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey NZDnepU R: Naucnye Zapyski Dnepropetrovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta NZDRI e: New Zealand Dairy Research Institute NZDS e: New Zealand Drama School NZDSIR e: New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research NZDVA e: New Zealand Dunkirk Veterans Association

NZCO e: New Zealand Concert Orchestra NZCOSS e: New Zealand Council of Social Services

NZDXRA e; New Zealand DX Radio Association

NZFA e: New Zealand Football Association NZFB e; New Zealand Foundation for the Blind NZFCA e; New Zealand Farmers Cooperative Association - e: New Zealand Freezing Companies Association NZFCDC e; New Zealand Farmers Cooperative Distributing Company NZFCMA e: New Zealand Ferro-Cement Marine Association NZFF e; New Zealand Farmers Fertiliser - e: New Zealand Federated Farmers - e: New Zealand Fruitgrowers Federation NZFFA e: New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers NZF[&]GC e; New Zealand Fish and Game Council NZFHA e: New Zealand Finance Houses Association NZFKTA e: New Zealand Free Kindergarten Teachers Association

NZE e: [Corps of] New Zealand Engineers NZCPS e: New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement NZCRA e; New Zealand Coal Research Association - e: New Zealand Concrete Research Association NZCRS e: New Zealand Council for Recreation and Sports NZCS e: New Zealand Computer Society - e; New Zealand Corps of Signals - e: New Zealand Correspondence School NZCSS e; New Zealand Council of Social Services NZCTF e: New Zealand Cycle Traders Federation NZCTOA e; New Zealand Container Terminal Operators Association

NZEA e: New Zealand Esperanto Association N.Z.E.A. eo; Nov-Zelanda Esperanto-Asocio NZEAS e: New Zealand East Asia Service - e; New Zealand Educational Administration Society NZECF e: New Zealand Electrical Contractors Federation NZ Ecol Soc Proc e: New Zealand Ecological Society. Proceedings NZED e: New Zealand Electricity Department NZEF e; New Zealand Employees Federation - e: New Zealand Expeditionary Force NZEI e; New Zealand Educational Institute - e: New Zealand Electronics Institute

NZCUL e: New Zealand Credit Union League

N.Z. Electron. Rev. e: New Zealand Electronics Review [of National Electronics Development Association]

NZCWI e; New Zealand Country Women's Institutes

NZERDC e: New Zealand Energy Research Development Committee

NZD e: New Zealand Division - n; Nationale Zuiveldienst

NZERF e; New Zealand Engine Research Foundation

NZFKU e: New Zealand Free Kindergarten Union NZFL e; New Zealand Federation of Labor - e: New Zealand Federation of Labour NZfM rf: Neue Zeitschrift für Musik NZFMA e: New Zealand Ferrocement Marine Association NZFMC e: New Zealand Federation of Master Cleaners NZFMCAE e; New Zealand Federated Mountain Clubs Antarctic Expedition NZFMRA e: New Zealand Fertiliser (or Fertilizer) Manufacturers Research Association NZFOE e: New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange NZFP e: New Zealand Forest Products NZFPA e: New Zealand Family Planning Association NZFRI e; New Zealand Forest Research Institute NZFS e: New Zealand Film Service - e; New Zealand Forest Service

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


NZFUW NZFUW e: New Zealand Federation of University Women

NZIAS e; New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Sciences

NZIP e: New Zealand Institute of Physics - e: New Zealand Institute of Printing

NZFWA e: New Zealand Farm Workers Association

NZIC e: New Zealand Institute of Chemistry - e: New Zealand Intelligence Council

NZIPA e; New Zealand Institute of Public Administration

NZG e: National Zoological Gardens - e: New Zealand Government

NZICFM e; New Zealand Institute of Credit and Financial Management

NZIPM e: New Zealand Institute of Personnel Management

N.Z.G. e: National Zoological Gardens of South Africa

NZICM e: New Zealand Institute of Credit Management

NZIPRA e; New Zealand Institute of Parks and Recreation Administration

NZGA e: New Zealand Gliding Association - e: New Zealand Grassland[s] Association

NZID e: New Zealand Institute of Draughtsmen

NZIPS e: New Zealand Institute of Purchasing and Supply

NZGBHTB e: New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Trust Board

NZIDA e: New Zealand Invention Development Authority

NZIR d: Niemeyers Zeitschrift für Internationales Recht

NZGD e: New Zealand Geophysics Division

NZIDC e: New Zealand Industrial Design Council

NZIRE e: New Zealand Institute of Refrigeration Engineers

NZIE e; New Zealand Institute of Engineers

NZIS e: New Zealand Information Service - e: New Zealand Institute of Surveyors

NZGenS e: New Zealand Genetical Society NZ Geochem Group Newsl e: New Zealand Geochemical Group. Newsletter

NZIELEC e; New Zealand Institute of Electricians

NZGR e: New Zealand Government Railways NZGS e; New Zealand Geographical Society - e: New Zealand Geological Society - e; New Zealand Geological Survey N.Z.G.S. e: New Zealand Geographical Society NZGSAE e; New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition NZGTB e: New Zealand Government Tourist Bureau

NZIEPC e: New Zealand Indonesia Economic Promotion Council NZIE Proc Tech Groups e: NZIE [New Zealand Institution of Engineers] Proceedings of Technical Groups

NZISM e: New Zealand Institute of Safety Management NZIT e; New Zealand Institute of Travel NZIUW e; New Zealand Industrial Union of Workers NZIW e: New Zealand Institute of Welding

NZIER e: New Zealand Institute of Economic Research NZIET e: New Zealand Institute of Engineering Technicians

NZJCB e; New Zealand Joint Communications Board NZJPA e: New Zealand Japan Parliamentary Association

NZIF e: New Zealand Institute of Foresters NZGTC e; New Zealand Government Travel Commissioner

NZJU e; New Zealand Journalists Union NZIFST e: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology

NZK P: Naczelny Zarz^d Kinematografii

NZGTO e: New Zealand Government Tourist Office

NZIG e; New Zealand Institute of Gases

NZKC e; New Zealand Kennel Club

NZH öl· Naturschutzzentrum Hessen - e: New Zealand Helicopters

NZIH e; New Zealand Institute of Horticulture

NZKVA e; New Zealand Korean Veterans Association

NZHA e; New Zealand Hockey Association

NZIHVE e: New Zealand Institute of Heating and Ventilation Engineers

NZLA e; New Zealand Legal Association - e: New Zealand Library Association - e; New Zealand Loggers Association

NZHC e; New Zealand High Commission NZHF e: New Zealand Heart Foundation

NZIIA e: New Zealand Institute of International Affairs

NZHGA e; New Zealand Hang-Gliding Association

NZIIS e; New Zealand Institute of Industrial Safety

NZHI e: New Zealand Horological Institute

NZILA e: New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects

NZHIS e; New Zealand Health Information Service NZHP P: Naczelnictwo Zwiqzku Harcerstwo Polskiego

NZIM e; New Zealand Institute of Management - e: New Zealand Institute of Mining

NZ Law Soc N e: New Zealand Law Society. Newsletter NZLCC e; New Zealand Litter Control Council NZLF e; New Zealand Literary Fund NZLIRA e: New Zealand Logging Industry Research Association NZLO e: New Zealand Liaison Officer

NZHPT e: New Zealand Historic Places Trust

NZIME e; New Zealand Institute of Mechanical Engineers

NZHS e; New Zealand Horse Society - e: New Zealand Hydrological Society

NZIMP e: New Zealand Institute of Medical Photography

NZLR e: New Zealand Labour Party

NZHTA e: New Zealand Health Technology Assessment

NZ Inst Eng Proc Tech Groups e: New Zealand Institution of Engineers. Proceedings of Technical Groups

NZLS e: New Zealand Law Society - e: New Zealand Library School - e; New Zealand Library Service

NZInstW e: New Zealand Institute of Welding

NZLT e: New Zealand Land Care Trust

NZI e: New Zealand Insulators - e: New Zealand Insurance NZIA e: New Zealand Institute of Architects - e; New Zealand Irrigation Association


NZ Int Rev e: New Zealand International Review


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NZLP e; New Zealand Labour Party - P: Naczelny Zarz^d Lasow Panstwowych

NZLTA e: New Zealand Lawn Tennis Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NZQHA NZMA e: New Zealand Medical Association - e: New Zealand Modelling Association - e: New Zealand Motel Association - e: New Zealand Motorcycle Association

NZMWU e; New Zealand Meat Workers Union

NZPB e: New Zealand Pony Breeders - e: New Zealand Potato Board

NZN d: Neue Zürcher Nachrichten

NZMAF e: New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

NZNA e: New Zealand Nurserymen's Association - e: New Zealand Nurses Association

NZPBA e: New Zealand Power Boat Association - e: New Zealand Publishers Association

NZMB e: New Zealand Meat Board NZMBF e; New Zealand Master Builders Federation NZMC e; New Zealand Maori Council - e: New Zealand Medical Corps

NZNAC e: New Zealand National Airways Corporation NZ Natl Radiat Lab Environ Radioact Annu Rep e: New Zealand. National Radiation Laboratory. Environmental Radioactivity. Annual Report

NZPBS e: New Zealand Pony Breeders Society NZPC e: New Zealand Peace Council - e: New Zealand Petroleum Company Ltd. - e: New Zealand Planning Council - e: New Zealand Pony Club - e: New Zealand Press Council - e: New Zealand Print Council

N.Z.M.C. e: New Zealand Medical Corps NZMCA e; New Zealand Motor Caravan Association NZMEA e; New Zealand Mining and Exploration Association Inc.

NZNB e: New Zealand National Bibliography - e: New Zealand Naval Board NZNCC e: New Zealand Nature Conservation Council

NZPCA e: New Zealand Pony Club Association - e: New Zealand Portland Cement Association NZPCI e: New Zealand Prestressed Concrete Institute

NZNCIAWPRC e: New Zealand National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control

NZPEA e: New Zealand Port Employers Association

NZNCOR e: New Zealand National Committee on Oceanic Research

NZPGMF e: New Zealand Post Graduate Medical Federation

NZMFA e; New Zealand Master Floorcovering Association

NZNEDA e: New Zealand National Electronics Development Association

NZPL P: Nadrodrzanskie Zakiady Przemyshi Lniarskiego

NZMG e: New Zealand Map Grid

NZNF e: New Zealand Neurological Foundation

NZPM e: New Zealand Paper Mills

NZMF e: New Zealand Manufacturers Federation - e; New Zealand Military Forces - e: New Zealand Motel Federation - e: New Zealand Music Federation

NZMGA e: New Zealand Mountain Guides Association

NZNFU e: New Zealand National Film Unit

NZPMS e: New Zealand Plumbers Merchants Society

NZMGC e: New Zealand Machine Gun Corps - e: New Zealand Marriage Guidance Council

NZNO e: New Zealand Nurses Organisation NZNP e: New Zealand National Party

NZPO e: New Zealand Post Office - P: Nadodrzanskie Zakiady Przemyshi Organicznego

N.Z.M.N. e: New Zealand Merchant Navy

NZNPA e: New Zealand Newspaper Proprietors Association

NZPOA e: New Zealand Purchasing Officers Association

NZNRAC e: New Zealand National Research Advisory Council

NZPPA e: New Zealand Professional Photographers Association

NZNTA e: New Zealand National Travel Association

NZPPTA e: New Zealand Post Primary Teachers Association

N.Z.O. e: New Zionist Organization

NZPS e: New Zealand Park Service - e: New Zealand Police Service - P: Nowotarskie Zakiady Przemyshi Skorzanego

NZMOT e: New Zealand Ministry of Transport NZMPB e: New Zealand Meat Producers Board NZMPH e: New Zealand Meat Packing House NZMRC e: New Zealand Medical Research Council NZMS e; New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey - e: New Zealand Mapping Service - e: New Zealand Meteorological Service

NZO P: Nowotarskie Zakiady Obuwia NZOA e: New Zealand Optometrical Association NZOC e: New Zealand Opera Company - e: New Zealand Ordnance Corps

NZPSA e: New Zealand Political Studies Association - e: New Zealand Public Service Association NZPsS e: New Zealand Psychological Society

NZMSC e: New Zealand Mountain Safety Council

NZOCGA e: New Zealand Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association

NZMSS e: New Zealand Marine Sciences Society

NZOI e: New Zealand Oceanographic Institute

NZMTCB e: New Zealand Motor Trade Certification Board

NZP e: National Zoological Park - e: New Zealand Players - e: New Zealand Police

NZMTMA e: New Zealand Methods Time Measurement Association NZMWA e: New Zealand Maori Wardens Association NZM&WB e: New Zealand Meat and Wool Board

NZPA e: New Zealand Police Association - e: New Zealand Ports Authority - e: New Zealand Press Association NZP ARS e: New Zealand Prisoners Aid and Rehabilitation Society

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

NZPTA e: New Zealand Parent-Teachers Association NZP&TC e: New Zealand Post and Telegraph Corps NZPTO e: New Zealand Public Trust Office NZPTU e: New Zealand Printing and Related Trades Industrial Union of Workers NZQA e: New Zealand Qualifications Authority NZQHA e: New Zealand Quarter Horse Association


NZR NZR e: New Zealand Railways - e: New Zealand Rifles - P: Narodowy Zwi^zek Robotniczy NZRA e: New Zealand Recreation Association NZRC e: New Zealand Red Cross NZRDXL e: New Zealand Radio DX League

NZS Co e: New Zealand Shipping Company NZSCS e: New Zealand Senior Citizens Service

NzTvGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Temple View Branch, Temple View, New Zealand

NZSDA e; New Zealand Sign and Display Association - e: New Zealand Stamp Dealers Association

NZUA e: New Zealand Underwater Association - e: New Zealand Underwriters Association

NZSDST e; New Zealand Society of Dairy Science and Technology

NZUE e: New Zealand Unit Express

NZ Real e: New Zealand Real Estate NZSE e: New Zealand Stock Exchange NZRFU e; New Zealand Rubgy Football Union NZRL e: New Zealand Rugby League NZRLS e: New Zealand Railway and Locomotive Society NZRMA e: New Zealand Ready-Mix Concrete Association NZRMTA e: New Zealand Retail Motor Trade Association

NZSI e: New Zealand Standards Institute NZSIA e: New Zealand Security Industry Association NZSID e: New Zealand Society of Industrial Designers

NZUKCC e: New Zealand-United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce NZ U L R[ev] e: New Zealand Universities Law Review NZ Univ[s] L[aw] R[ev] e: New Zealand Universities Law Review NZUSUGI e: New Zealand Unix System User Group, Inc.

NZSL e: New Zealand Shipping Line - e: New Zealand Steel Limited

NZV n: Nederlands-Zweedse Vereniging

NZSLO e: New Zealand Scientific Liaison Office

NZVA e: New Zealand Veterinary Association

NZSNA e: New Zealand Society of National Accounts

N.Z.V.C. e: New Zealand Veterinary Corps

NZRN e: New Zealand Registered Nurse NZRR e: New Zealand Rough Riders NZRRS e: New Zealand Railways Road Services N.Z.R.S.A. e: New Zealand Returned Services Association NZRTA e: New Zealand Road Transport Association NZS e: New Zealand Standards Institute - P: Niezalezne Zrzeszenie Studentow NZSA e: New Zealand Society of Accountants - e: New Zealand Standards Association, Wellington - e: New Zealand Statistical Association NZSAP e; New Zealand Society of Animal Production NZSB e: New Zealand Soil Survey - e: New Zealand Speech Board - e: New Zealand Survey Board NZSBG e: New Zealand South British Group NZSC e: New Zealand Securities Commission - e: New Zealand Settlers Club - e: New Zealand Squid Company - e: New Zealand Staff Corps - e: New Zealand Standards Council - e: New Zealand Supreme Court N.Z.S.C. e: New Zealand Service Corps - e: New Zealand Shipping Company NZSCA e: New Zealand Sheep and Cattelmen's Association - e: New Zealand Society of Customs Agents - e: New Zealand Soil Conservation Association NZSCES e: New Zealand Society of Certified Executive Secretaries NZSCHA e: New Zealand Society of Custom House Agents


NZSO e: New Zealand Symphony Orchestra - n: Nederlandsche Zionistische Studenten Organisatie

NZVC e: New Zealand Veterinary Corps - e: New Zealand Volunteer Corps

NZ Soc Earthquake Eng Bull e: New Zealand Society for Earhtquake Engineering. Bulletin

NZW d: Nachforschungszentrale für Wehrmachtvermißte - d: Neuzeitliche Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH - P: Narodowe Zjednoczenie Wojskowe

NZ Soc Soil Sei Proc e: New Zealand Society of Soil Science. Proceedings

NZWA e: New Zealand Woolbuyers Association

NZSRA e: New Zealand Surf Riders Association

NZWB e: New Zealand Wool Board

NZSS e: New Zealand Social Security - e: New Zealand Speleological Society NZSSS e: New Zealand Society of Soil Science NZSWWS e: New Zealand Spinning, Weaving and Woolcrafts Society

NZWCC e: New Zealand Weed Control Conference NZWEA e: New Zealand Workers Educational Association NzWGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Wellington Stake Branch, Wellington, New Zealand

NZSZ d: Nationalzeitung und Soldatenzeitung NZT e: New Zealand Time - e: Telecom Corp. New Zealand

NZWIRI e: New Zealand Wool Industries Research Institute

NZTC e: New Zealand Trade Commission

NzWNA e: National Archives, Wellington, New Zealand

NZTCA e: New Zealand Teachers College Association

NZW&PCS e: New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Society

NZTCB e: New Zealand Trade Certification Board

NZWRAC e: New Zealand Women's Royal Army Corps

NZTCI e: New Zealand Technical College Institute - e: New Zealand Technical Correspondence Institute

NZWS e: New Zealand Wildlife Service

NZTF e: New Zealand Territorial Force[s] - e: New Zealand Theatre Federation

NZWSC e: New Zealand Water Safety Council

NZTJWG e: Nike-Zeus Target Joint Working Group

NZWTA e: New Zealand Wool Testing Authority

NZTPA e: New Zealand Japan Parliamentary Association

NZWWC e: New Zealand Working Women's Council


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NZWSA e: New Zealand Water Ski Association

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

NZZ NZWWF e: New Zealand Waterside Workers Federation

NZYHA e: New Zealand Youth Hostels Association

NZYF e: New Zealand Yachting Federation

NZYM e: Synthetech, Inc.

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

©K · G · Säur, Munich

NZZ rf: Neue Zürcher Zeitung - d: Neue Zürcher Zeitung und schweizerisches Handelsblatt



O d: Oberkommando - d: Oberlandesgericht - d: Oberrealschule - d: Oberst - d: Objekt - d: Offener Wagen - d: Ordnungspolizei - d: Ordonnanzoffizier - d: Organisation - e: Oceanic Steamship Co. - e: Odetics, Inc. - e: Office - e: Ohio State Library - e: Olivine Subgroup - e: Omnipol Foreign Trade Corp. - e: Operations - e: Operator - e: Orders Group - e: Ordnance - e: Ordnance Division -/· Observatoire de Paris - ir: An Oige [Irish Youth Hostels Association] OA d: Oberauditor - d: Oberauditorat - d: Ortsamt - d: Ortsausschuß - e: Oblate Sisters of the Assumption - e: Obligation Authority - e: Office Automation - e: Office of Administration - e: Office of Applications - e: Office of Audit[s] - e: Office of the Administrator - e: Officers' Association - e: Official Assignee - e: Olympic Airways - e: Opera America - e: Operating Agency - e: Operating Authorization - e: Operation Administrations - e: Operational Area - e: Operations Advisor - e: Operations Analysis - e: Order of AHEPA [American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association] - e: Order of the Alhambra - e: Order of the Arrow - e: Ordnance Artificer - e: Organization and Administration - e: Orlando Aerospace - e: Osborne Association - e: Overeaters Anonymous -i: Operazioni e Addestramento - i; Ordenanza de Aduanas O.A. c: Obchodni Akademie - d: Oberamt - e: Officers' Association - e: Outdoor Association - e: Purchasing Agency -/· Observations Astronomiques

-/· -/· -/· -/· -/· -/·

Officier d'Academie Operations Amphibies Ordonnance d'Application Ordre des Avocats Ouvriers Agricoles Professions Agricoles

O/A e: Office of Administration - e: Operations/Administration OAA e: Obstetric Anaesthetists Association - e: Office of Air Accidents - e: Office of Aviation Affairs - e: Old Age Administration - e: Old Age Assistance - e: Older Americans Act - e: Ontario Association of Architects - e: Opticians Association of America - e: Organic Acidemia Association - e: Organization of Athletic Administrators - e: Orient Airlines Association - e: Overseas Automobile Affiliates -/· Organisation Autonome de l'Artisanat -/· Organisation d'Assurances Africaines -/· Organisation des Nations Unies pour rAlimentation et l'Agriculture - 5: Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion O.A.A. d: Offizier-Anwärter-Abteilung - e: Old Age Administration -/· Organisation Autonome de l'Artisanat OAAA e: Oceania Amateur Athletic Association - e: Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry - e: Outdoor Advertising Association of America - e: Outdoor Advertising Association of Australia, Inc. OAAB e: Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies OAAC e: Older Americans Advocacy Commission - e: Outdoor Advertising Association of Canada OA&AFR e: Official Army and Air Force Register OAAI e: Office of Air Accidents Investigation OAAIS e: Office of Administrative Analysis, Information, and Statistics OAAL s: Organizacion Argentina para el Estudio e Investigacion de America Latina OAAPS e: Organization for Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OAARD e: Office of the Assistant Administrator for Research and Development OAARR /· Organisation Afro-Asiatique pomla Reconstruction Rurale OAAS e: Omnibus Army Aircraft Survivability Study - e: Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies OAASA e: Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army OAASN e: Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy OAAU e: Organization of Afro-American Unity O.A.A.V. /· Organisation Autonome de l'Allocation Vieillesse OAB e: Ocean Affairs Board - e: Official Account Bureau - e: Olive Advisory Board - e: Operational Advisory Broadcasts - e: Ordnance Assembly Building - e: Overseas Affairs Branch -/· Organisation Africaine de Bois O.AB. d: Ortsausbesserungsanstalt OABA e: Burleigh-Anstruther and Chandos Union Public Library, Apsley, Ontario - e: Outdoor Amusement Business Association O.A.B.C. /- Ecole d'eleves Officiers de BonSaada ou de Cherchell OABETA e: Office Appliance and Business Equipment Trades Association OAC d: Ostdeutscher Automobilclub - e: Oceanic Affairs Committee - e: Oceanic Area Control - e: Office of Academic Computing - e: Office of Antiboycott Compliance - e: Office of Arms Control - e: Office of the Administrator for the Courts - e: Officers Advanced Course - e: Officials Antarctic Committee - e: Olympic Associates Company - e: Ontario Agricultural College - e: Open Air Campaigners - e: Operation Anti-Christ - e: Operations Analysis Center - e: Operations Analysis Chief - e: Operator Access Console - e: Ordnance Ammunition Command - e: Oregon Agriculture College - e: Orleans Area Command 255

O.A.C. - e: Outdoor Advertising Council - e: Overseas Automotive Club - s: Centra de Control de Area Oceänica O.A.C. e: Ontario Agricultural College -/· Organisation[s] d'Anciens Combattants OACA e: Ontario Arms Collectors Association OACC e: Oceanic Area Control Centre - e: Older Americans Consumer Cooperative - 5: Organizacion Alquibar Canada Cochas OACD e: Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development OACETT e: Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists OACG d: Oberlausitzer Automobilclub, Görlitz OACH e: Office of the Assistant Chief Hydrologist - e: Old Anti-Communist Hand OACI /· Omnium Automobile en Cote d'lvoire -/· Organisation de l'Aviation Civile Internationale -i: Organizzazione dell'Aviazione Civile Internazionale - s: Organizacion de Aviacion Civil Internacional

- e: Officers' Assignment Directorate - e: Officers' Assignment Division, The Adjutant General's Office - e: Operations Analysis Division - e: Oregon Association of the Deaf -/· Offices Agricoles Departementaux O.Ad. /· Officiers d'Administration

OaF N: Oslo-avisenes Forening OAD AB e: Office of the Assistant Director of the Army Budget OADAP e: Office of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Prevention O.A.D.B. /· Ecole d'eleves Officiers de Darel-Beida OADEMQA e: Office of Acid Deposition, Environmental Monitoring, and Quality Assurance OADG e: Open Architecture Development Group OADH e: One-Arm Dove Hunt Association - e: Organization of Advanced Disabled Hobbyists OADI /· Organisation Arabe pour le Developpement Industriel OADMS e: Office of Automated Data Management Services OAdN e: Ohio Northern University, Ada

OACIS e: Oregon Advanced Computing Institute OACJC e: Oklahoma Association of Community and Junior Colleges OACLD e: Ontario Association for Children with Learning Disabilities

OADPM e: Office of ADP Management OADR e: Office of Agricultural Defense Relations - e: Originating Agency's Determination Required

OAC of S e: Office of the Assistant of Staff

OADS /· Organisation Arabe de Defence Sociale contre le Crime

OACP e: Canada Publishing Corp., Agincourt, Ontario

OADSS e: Office Assignment Decision Support System

OACR e: Office of the Admiral Commanding Reserves

OAE A: Organisasie vir Afrika-Eenheid - d: Organisation der afrikanischen Einheit - e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]-LISD Seattle Center - e: Office of Analysis and Evaluation - e: Officer of Arms Extraordinary - e: Old Antarctic Explorer - e: Operational Analysis and Exercises - e: Optima Energy Corp. - e: Orbital Analysis Engineer - e: Organization of Architectural Employees

OACS e: Office of Assistant Chief of Staff OACSA[C] e: Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Automation and Communications OACSC-E e: Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications-Electronics OACSFOR e: Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development OACSI e: Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence OACT e: Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology - e: Ohio Association of Classroom Teachers -/· Organisation Africaine de Cartographie et Teledetection OACUL e: Ontario Association of College and University Libraries OAD e: Adria Laboratories, Inc., Columbus - e: Office of Administration - e: Office of Area Development - e: Officers' Accounts Division


OAF e: Occupational Air Force - e: Office of Alcohol Fuels - e: Options for Animals Foundation - e: Orthodox and Anglican Fellowship - e: Orthopaedic Acronym Finder - e: Oversea Air Force - N: Oslo Arkitektforening

O.A.E.A. /· Officiers d'Active des Ecoles d'Armes OAEAO e: Ontario Association of Education Administration Officials OAEC e: Organization for Asian Economic Cooperation OAES e: Ohio Agricultural Experimental Station O.A.E.S. /· Officiers d'Active des Ecoles de Service OAESA e: Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators

· G · Säur, München

OAFB e: Orfutt Air Force Base OAFC e: Occupational Analysis Field Center - e: Office of Air Force Chaplains - e: Official Aerrage Fan Club O.A.F.C.C.D e: Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders OAFIE e: Office of Armed Forces Information and Education OAFTO e: Orbiter Atmospheric Flight Test Office OAG d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens - d: Oberamtsgehilfe - d: Oberstes Arbeitsgericht - d: Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft - d: Ostafrikanische Gemeinschaft - e: Office of the Adjutant General - e: Office of the Attorney General - e: Official Airline Guide - e: Official Airline Guides, Inc. - e: Open Application[s] Group - e: Opinions of the Attorney General - e: Optical Alignment Group OAGB e: Osteopathic Association of Great Britain OAGG e: Gage Educational Publishing Ltd., Agincourt, Ontario OAH e: Office of Administrative Hearings - e: Organization of American Historians OAHE e: Ohio Association for Higher Education OA&HS e: Oxford Architectural and Historical Society OAHS e: Oxfordshire] Architectural and Historical Society OAI e: Office Appliance Institute - e: Office of Aeronautical Intelligence - e: Office of Audit and Inspection - e: Office of Audit and Investigation - e: Opera America, Incorporated - e: Osborne Association, Incorporated -/· Organisation Artistique Internationale OAIA /· Organisation des Agences d'Information d'Asie OAIAC e: Operational Area Industry Advisory Committee OAIC /· Office Algerien Interprofessionnel des Cereales O.A.I.C. /· Organisation Autonome de Industrie et du Commerce OAICU e: Oklahoma Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

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OAPEP O.A.I.H.A. e: Office of the Auditor of Indian Home Accounts

OA1B e: Babcock & Wilcox Co., Alliance OALC e: Ogden Air Logistics Center

OAIM e: Office of Aviation Information Management -/· Organisme Arabe pour Industrialisation Militaire

OALJ e: Office of Administrative Law Judges OAIM e: Mount Union College, Alliance

OAINN e: Ohio Aerospace Institute Neural Networks OAISN e: OJCS Automated Information System Network

OALMA e: Orthopedic Appliance and Limb Manufacturers Association OALP /· Organisation d'Action pour la Liberation de la Palestine

OAIT e: Office of American Indian Trust

OAMS e; Office of Administrative and Management Systems - e: Orbital Attitude and Maneuvering System - e: Organization of African and Malagasy States OAMTC d: Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring-Club OAN e: NMFS [National Marine Fisheries Service] Southeast Fisheries Center, Beaufort Laboratory OANA e: Organization of Asian-Pacific News Agencies

OALS e; Office of Arid Lands Studies OAIW e: International Waxes Ltd., Agincourt, Ontario OAJ F: Opettajien Ammattijarjestö

and E e: Operations and Equipment ALT e: Ontario Association of Library Technicians - e: Operational Acceptable Level of Traffic

OAkGy e: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron

OAM d: Oberamtsmeister - e: Office Administration Manual - e: Office of Administration and Management - e: Office of Administrative Management - e: Office of Aerospace Medicine - e: Office of Alternative Medicine - e: Office of Automation and Manpower - e: Office of Aviation Medicine - e: Operations, Administration [and] Maintenance - e: Operations, Administration and Management - e: Operator Assistance Menu - e: Order of Ancient Maccabees - e: Orthopedic Appliance Mechanic

OAKR e: Oakridge Energy, Inc.

O.A.M. e: Order of Agricultural Merit

Oak Ridge Nat Lab Radiat Shielding Inf Cent Rep e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Radiation Shielding Information Center. Report

OA&M e: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance

OAK e: Oak Industries, Inc. - e: Oakwood Petroleums Ltd. - e: Older Americans Corps - e: Organization for the Advancement of Knowledge OAKE e: Organization of American Kodaly Educators OAkF e: Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron OAkGr e;B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron

Oak Ridge Natl Lab Heavy Sect Steel Technol Program Tech Rep e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Heavy Section Steel Technology Program. Technical Report

OAMA e: Office Automation Management Association - e: Ogden Air Materiel Area - e: Oil Appliance Manufacturers Association OAMCAF /· Organisation Africaine et Malgache du Cafe

Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Met. Ceram. Tech. Rep. e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Metals and Ceramics Technical Report

OAMCE /· Organisation Africaine et Malagache de Cooperation Economique

Oak Ridge Nat[l] Lab Rev e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Review

OAMF e: Fort Maiden National Historic Park, Amherstburg, Ontario

Oak Sym e: Oakland Symphony

OAMHS e: Ameliasburgh Historical Society, Ontario

OAkU e: University of Akron - e: University of Akron, Akron OAkU-L e: University of Akron, School of Law, Akron, Ohio OAKV d: Ostasiatischer Kunstverlag OAL e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami Branch, Miami - e: Office of Administrative Law - e: Office of Arts and Libraries - e: Operational Applications Laboratory - e: Order of Ancient Lights - e: Ordnance Aerophysics Laboratory - e: Ozark Air Lines, Inc.

OAMJTB /· Organisation pour l'Afrique des Mouvements de Jeunesse et du Travail Benevole OAML e: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library - e: Ontario Association of Medical Laboratories OAM&P e: Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning

OANDOS e: Ordnance and Ordnance Stores OANDT [DIV] e: Organization and Training Division [SHAPE] OANM /· Organisation Arabe de Normalisation de Metrologie OANMEX 5: Oficina Administrativa Nacional de Mexico para el Acuerdo de Cooperacion Laboral de America del Norte OANS e: Overseas American News Service O.Ant. /: Ordo Antonianorum OAO d: Ornitholigische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oldenburg - e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami, Miami - e: Office of Aircraft Operations - e: Ontario Association of Orthodontists - e: Orbiting Astronomical Observatory OAOO e: Oregon Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology OAP e: NMFS [National Marine Fisheries Service] Northeast Fisheries Center - e: Office of Aerial Phenomena - e: Office of Air Programs - e: Office of Aircraft Production - e: Office of Alien Property - e: Office of Antarctic Programs - e: Official Architecture & Planning, Journal of the Built Environment - e: Offset Aiming Point - e: Old Age Pensioner] - e: Optical Augmentation Project -/· Office Algerien de Publicite -/· Organisation Asiatique de la Productivite O.A.P.A. e: Old Age Pensioners' Association OAPBC e: Office for Advancement of Public Black Colleges OAPC e: Office of Alien Property Custodian OAPCA e: Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority OAPCB e: Old-Age-Pensioner CBer

OAMPI /· Office Africain et Malgache de la Propriete Industrielle

O. A.L. e: Order of Ancient Lights

OAMRT e: Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists

OALA s: Organizacion Agustiniana Latinoamerica

OA&MS e: Office of Administration and Management Services

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OAPE e: Ontario Association of Professional Engineers OAPEC e: Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OAPEP /· Organisation Arabe des pays Exportateurs de Petrole


OAPI OAPI /· Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle

-/· Organisation Arabe des Ressources Minieres

O.A.P.L. /· Organisation Autonome des Professions Liberales

OARN i: Officine Allestimento e Riparazioni Navi

OASC e: Office Automation Steering Committee - e: Office Automation Support Center - e: Office of Advanced Scientific Computing - e: Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre

OAPNA e: Organization of Asian-Pacific News Agencies

OAR-N e: Office of Analysis and ReviewNavy

O.A.S.C. /· Officier d'Administration du service de la Sante Coloniale

OAPP e: Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs

OARNET e: Ohio Academic Resources Network

OASD e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

OAPROC e: Office of Alien Property Custodian

OARP e: Office of Advanced Research Programs

OASD-AE e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Application[s] Engineering

OAPs e: Old-Age Pensioners OAPU e: Old Age Pension Union

OARS e: Offender's Aid Rehabilitation Services - e: Ontario Association for Remote Sensing

OAQ e: National Climatic Center, Ashville -/· Ordre des Agronomes du Quebec - i; Observatorio Astronomico de Quito

OART e: Oakland Army Terminal - e: Office of Advanced Research and Technology

OAQPS e: Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

OAS d: Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten - e: Occupied Areas Section - e: Offensive Air Support - e: Offensive Avionics System - e: Office Administration Services - e: Office Automation System - e: Office for Advanced Studies - e: Office of Appalachian Studies - e: Office of Applied Studies. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics - e: Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Services - e: Office of the Assistant Secretary - e: Ohio Academy of Science - e: Olley Air Service Ltd. - e: Ontario Archaeological Association - e: Operational Announcing System - e: Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society - e: Organisation (or Organization) for/of American States - e: Organization of Arab Students in the United States of America [and Canada] - e: Organization of the Secret Army - e: Oxfordshire Archaeological Society -/· Organisation de Armee Secrete -i: Organizzazione dell'Armata Segreta - n: Organisatie van Amerikaanse Staten

OAQPSTTN e: Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Technology Transfer Network OAR d: Oberamtsrat - e: Oceanic and Atmospheric Research - e: Offender Aid and Restauration - e: Office of Aerospace Research - e: Office of Air and Radiation - e: Office of Analysis and Review - e: Office of Atmospheric Research - e: Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research - e: Officers' Appointment and Record Office - e: Ohio Art Co. - e: Open Architecture for Reasoning - e: Operational Analysis Research - e: ORDALT [Ordnance Alteration] Accomplishment Requirement - e: Order of Augustinian Recollects - e: Order of the Augustinian Recollects - e: Ordnance Alteration Requirement - e: Organized Air Reserve - i; Obra Atletica Recreativa OA&R e; Office of Air and Radiation O-Ar e: Ohio State Archives, Columbus OARAC e: Office of Aerospace (or Air) Research Automatic Computer

O.A.S. e: On Active Service - e: Organisation of American States - e: Oxford Archaeological Society -/· Organisation de l'Armee Secrete OASA /· Organisation Arabe des Sciences Administratives

OARB e: Oakland Army Base OARBC e: Boeing of Canada Ltd., Arnprior, Ontario ARC e: Office of Air Research Automatic Computer - e: Office of Air Research Calculator - e: Ordinary Administrative Radio Conference OARCTA e: 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team Association OARDC e: Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center OARE e: Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment - i: Officina Autobilistica Riparazioni Esercito OARM e: Office of Administration and Resources Management


OASA[FM] e; Assistant Secretary of the Army [Financial Management] OASA[I&L] e; Assistant Secretary of the Army [Installations and Logistics] OASAM e: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

OASD-C e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense-Comptroller OASDHI e: Old-Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance OASDI e: Old-Age and Survivors Disability Insurance OASD/IL e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/Installations and Logistics OASD/ISA e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/International Security Affairs OASD/ISP e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy OASD[MRA&L] e: Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower-Reserve Affairs and Logistics] OASD[PA] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense OASD[R&D] e; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Research and Development] OASD-R&D e; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development OASD[SA] e; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Systems Analysis] OASD[S&L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Supply and Logistics] OASD[T] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Telecommunications] OASD-T e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense-Telecommunications OASE p: Ordern Auxiliadora das Senhoras Evangelicas OASES e: Office of Applied Sciences & Engineering Studies

OASA[M&RA] e; Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army [Manpower and Reserve Affairs]

OASET e: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training

OASA[R&D] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army [Research and Development]

OASF e: Office Automation System Facilities (or Facility)

OASBO e: Ohio Association of School Business Officials - e: Oregon Association of School Business Officials

OASFP e: Old Alliance Society of French Polishers


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Ob. OASG d: Gesetz zur Sicherung der zivilrechtlichen Ansprüche der Opfer von Straftaten [Opferanspruchssicherungsgesetz]

OASN[M/RA/L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics

OASH e: Office of [the] Assistant Secretary for Health

OASN[P&RF] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Personnel and Reserve Force

OAshtK e: Kent State University, Ashtabula Regional Campus, Ashtabula OASI e: Office Automation Society International - e: Old Age and Survivors Insurance OASIA e; Office of the Assistant Secretary for/of International Affairs OASIS e: Observation, Analysis and Simulation of Interacting Systems - e: Observation at Several Interacting Scales - e: Obstetric Anesthesia Safety Improvement Study - e: Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific Information System - e: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Support and Information System - e: OERR Info System - e: Office Administration Simulation Study - e: Office for Academic Support in Service - e: Office of Academic Support Instructional Services - e: Ohio of the American Society for Information Science - e: On-Line Asperger Syndrome Information and Support - e: Open and Secure Information Systems - e: Operational Analysis Strategic Interaction Simulator - e: Operational and Supportability Implementation System - e: Operational Application of Special Intelligence Systems - e: Operational Automatic Scheduling Information System - e: Organization for Applied Science in Society - e: Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - e: Organized Adoption Search Information Services - e: Outcome and Assessment Information Set - e: Outlook & Situation Information System - e: Overseas Access Service for Information Systems OASIS HAVEN e: Outcome and Assessment Information Set Home Assessment Validation and Entry

OASN[R&D] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research and Development OASN [RD&A] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition OASO /· Ordre des Agronomes, Section de 1'Outaouais

O.A.S.M. /· Officier d'Administration du service de la Sante de la Marine OASMS e: Ordnance Ammunition Surveillance and Maintenance School OASN e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy OASN[FM] e; Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management OASN[I&L] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Logistics

OAUH e: Aurora Historical Society, Ontario - e: Aurora Historical Society, Ontario O.A.U.L.C. e: Organization for African Unity Liberation Committee O AUS e: Sterling Drug Ltd., Aurora, Ontario OAU/STRC e; Organization of African Unity-Scientific Technical and Research Commission OAV c: Okresni Akcni Vybor - d: Ortsarmenverband - d: Ostasiatischer Verein

OasR d: Ostasiatische Rundschau

OAVC [of] SA e: Office of the Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, Army

OASR e: Office of Aeronautical and Space Research

OAvG e: B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co., Development Center Library, Avon Lake

OASS e: Office of the Assistant for Study Support

OAVT e: Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians

OAST e: Office of Aeronautical and Space Technology (or Aeronautics) [and] Space Technology

OAVTME e: Office of Adult, Vocational, Technical, and Manpower Education O.a.z.k. c: Obohodui a zivnostenkä komora

OasSt d: Ostasiatische Studien OAWC e: Overseas Air Weapons Control OASW e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of War OASYS e: Office Automation System OAT e: Office for Advanced Technology - e: Office for the Advancement of Telehealth - e: Open-Air Theatre - e: Operational Acceptance Test - e: Operational Air Traffic - e: Order of Artistic Typists - e: Out of Area Transfer - e: Outside Air Temperature - e: Quaker Oats Co. -/· Organisation Arabe du Travail - n: Opsporings-en Arrestatieteam

OAWG e: Ontario Africa Working Group OAWM e: Office of Air and Water Measurement OAWP e: Office of Air and Water Programs OAWR e: Office for Agricultural War Relations - e: Office of Atmospheric Water Resources O.A.W.R. e: Office for Agricultural War Relations OAXTC e: Ocean Atmosphere Exchange of Trace Compounds

O.A.T. e: Overseas Airways Transmission OATC e: Oceanic Air Traffic Center - e: Overseas Air Traffic Control

OAY e: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton - e: Outstanding Airmen of the Year

O.A.T.C. e: Oceanic Air Traffic Control OATI e: Ontario Agricultural Training Institute

OasLl d: Ostasiatischer Lloyd OASM e: Office of Aerospace Medicine

OAU/BR e: OAU Bureau for Refugees

OATS e: Office Automation Technology and Services - e: Office of Air Transportation Security - e: Old-Age Theatre Society - e: Older Alaskans Transportation Service - e: Original Article Tear Sheet [service] - e: Original Article Text Service - e: Overseas Air Transport Service Oat Tea e: Operating Thetan OATUU e: Organisation (or Organization) of African Trade Union Unity

OAYR e: Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon OB A: Ossewa Brandwag - c: Osvetovä Beseda - d: Oberrheinische Bank - e: O'Brien Energy & Resources Ltd. - e: Ombudsman for Business - e: Operation Brotherhood - e: Operational Base -e; Order of Battle -e; Order of the Bath - e: Order of the Boer State - e: Ordnance Battalion - e: Ordnance Board - e: Organisational Behaviour - e: Outward Bound - e: Overseas Brats -/· Ordre de Bataille - 5: Operacion Bendicion

OAU e: Ohio University, Athens - e: Organisation (or Organization) for/of African Unity - e: Organization of African Union

Ob /· L'Objectif. Cahiers du Travail. Paris

O.A.U. e: Organisation of African Unity

Ob. d: Oberschule

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OB. OB. d: Oberste Behörde für Vollblutzucht und Rennen O.B. e: Old Bailey - e: Ordnance Board -/· Office du - H: Orszägos Bekebizottsäg

ObBerKomm. d: Oberberufungskommission

Ob.d.W. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht

ObbFA d: Oberbayerische Forschungsanstalt

OBE e: Office of Biological Education - e: Office of Business Economics - e: Officer [of the Order] of the British Empire - e: Order of the British Empire - e: Ottawa Board of Education - e: Overcome by Events

ObBG. d: Oberstes Bundesgericht OBBSD n: Opperbevelhebber van de Belgische Strijdkrachten in Duitsland

O/B e: Operational Base OBA d: Oberbefehlshaber der Armee - e: Office of Business Administration - e: Online Banking Association - e: Open Broadcasting Authority - e: Operating Budget Authority - e: Oxygen Breathing Apparatus

OBC e: Oceania Basketball Confederation - e: Ohio Bell Communications, Inc. - e: Old Boys' Corps - e: Osaka Broadcasting Corporation - e: Ouachita Baptist College - e: Outboard Boating Club [of America] - e: Overseas Book Centre -/· (Euvre Beige du Cancer

O.B.E, d: Offizier im besonderen Einsatz - e: Officer [of the Order] of the British Empire OBEA e: Ontario Business Education Association -/· Office Beige de l'Economie et de l'Agriculture

O.B.C. e: Old Boys' Club

OBEATE e: Beaverton-Thorah Eldon Historical Society, Inc., Ontario

OBCA e: Office of Bank Customer Affairs - e: Outboard Boating Club of America

OBedF e: Ferro Corp., Chemical Library, Bedford

OBAA e: Oil Burning Apparatus Association

OBCC e: Olympic Broadcasting Corporation

OBEDS e: Deloro Stellte Co., Belleville, Ontario

OBAC e: Office of Budget and Control

OBCCC e: Office of Bituminous Coal Consumers' Council

O.B.A. d: Oberbauamt [Marine] - d: Oberbergamt - d: Oberbundesanwalt beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht - d: Ortsbildungsausschuß

OBADI s: Operacion Bendicion de Ayuda y Desarollo Integral OBAE /· Office des Bois de l'Afrique Equatoriale OBAG d: Energieversorgung Ostbayern Aktiengesellschaft - d: Oberkasseler-Brauerei AG OBAN e: United Public Library, Carlow, Dungannon and Mayo Townships, Bancroft, Ontario - p: Operagäo Bandeirantes OBAP e: Organization of Black Airline Pilots -/· Office Beige pour l'Accroissement de la Productivite

OBEH e: Hastings County Historical Society, Belleville, Ontario

OBCCL e: Canada Cement Lafarge Ltd., Belleville, Ontario

OBEM e: One-Boson Exchange Model

OBCE /· Office Beige du Commerce Exterieur

OBEMAP /· Office Beninois des Manutentions Portuaires

OBCGEH e: Housewares and Home Entertainment Department, Canada General Electric Co. Ltd., Barrie, Ontario

OBEMEVES /· Office Beninois des Mines

OBCH e: Overseas Booksellers Clearing House ObChdSMA d: Oberster Chef der Sowjetischen Militäradministration

OBEMLA e: Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language[s] Affairs OBER e: Office of Biological and Environmental Research Oberbank d: Bank für Oberösterreich und Salzburg

OBCI e: Ocean Bio-Chem, Incorporated Oberbedarf d: Oberschlesische Eisenbahnbedarfs-AG

O.B.A.P. /· Office Beige pour l'Acroissement de la Productivite

OBCIEP e: Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Partnership

OBAR /· Office Beninois de l'Amenagement Rural

OBCS e: Chromatogaphic Specialties Ltd., Brockville, Ontario

OBergB d: Oberste Bergbehörde

ObArbG d: Oberstes Arbeitsgericht

OBD d: Oberbranddirektor - e: Office of Business Development

Oberhütten d: Verein Oberschlesischer Hüttenwerke

Ob.DBeh. d: Oberste Dienstbehörde

Oberkohle d: Oberbayerische AG für Kohlenbergbau

OBERF e: O.Brien Energy & Resources Ltd.

O.Barn. /; Ordo Barnabitarum OBAS e: Organ Builders' Amalgamated Society - e: Organ Builders Amalgamated Society O.Bas. /; Ordo Basilianorum OBAT e: Olympic International Bank & Trust Co. -i: Ordine Base delle Trasmissioni OBATA e: Ontario Biological Aeration Tillage Association

OBDC e: Otago Business Development Centre OBDE e: Dollman Electronics Canada Ltd., Brampton, Ontario

OberldGer d: Oberlandesgericht

Ob.d.H. d: Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres

OberLGer. d: Oberlandesgericht

Ob.d.K. d: Oberbefehlshaber der KUstenverteidigung

Oberost d: Oberbefehlshaber im Osten

Ob.d.L. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe ObAusschKrSch d: Oberausschuß zur Feststellung von Kriegsschäden OBB d: Oberbergische Baumschulen und Gartengestaltung Walter Barth

Oberkoks d: Vereinigte chemische Fabriken und Kokswerke AG

Ob.d.M. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine OBDO e: Oceanographic, Boarding, and Diving Officer

OBB. d: Oberste Baubehörde OBDSt d: Ortsbaudienststelle

OBERS e: Office of Business Economics] Research Service[s] Oberstlt[n.] d: Oberstleutnant OBES e: Office of Basic Energy Sciences - e: Office of Basic Engineering Sciences OBESSI e: Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions

ÖBB d: Österreichische Bundesbahnen Obdt. Srvt. e: Obedient Servant Ob.BBeh. d: Oberste Bundesbehörde


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OBESSU e: Organinzing Bureau of European School Student Unions

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OBRA - e: Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions

OBIGGS e: On-Board Inert Gas Generating (or Generator) System

O.B.E.V. e: Oxford Book of English Verse

O.B.I.P. /· Office des Biens et Interets Prives

OBewAussch d: Oberbewertungsausschuß

OBIS c: Oborovy informacni stfedisko - e: Outdoor Biology Instructional Strategies

- e: Optical Business Machines, Inc. - e: Oriental Boat Mission - n: Ontzegging Besturen van Motorvoertuigen ObM. d: Oberschule für Mädchen

OBF d: Oberbefehlshaber der Front - e: Ordering and Billing Forum - e: Otto Benecke Foundation OBFAR e: Burks Falls, Armour and Ryerson Union Library, Burks Falls, Ontario

OBJ e: Operation Buster-Jangle - e: Orthodox Black Jews

OBMA e: Outboard Boat Manufacturers Association OBMB d: Ostdeutscher Bauern- und Mittelstandsbund

Obj. d: Oberschule für Jungen OBMC e: Officers Basic Military Corps O.B.J. r: Osbruk-Bors Järnväg

OBFNO e: Northern Ontario Public School Principals' Association, Burks Falls, Ontario OBFS e: Organization of Biological Field Stations OBFSSU e: Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions

OBK d: Oberberufungskommission -/· Office des Bauxites de Kindia -/· Organisation pour l'Amenagement et le Developpement du Bassin de la Riviere JSagera OB1KB e: Order of Battle Version 1 JSnowledge Based

O.B.M.E.H. e: Oliver Borthwick Memorial Embankment Home O.B.M.M. /· Officiers Brevetes de la Marine Marchande OBMP e: Bruce Mines and Plummer Additional Union Public Library, Bruce Mines, Ontario

Ob.Fw.Sch. d: Oberfeuerwerkerschule Ob.Fz.Stb. d: Oberfeldzeugstab OBG d: Oberstes Bundesgericht - d: Olympia-Baugesellschaft - e: Oberg Industries Ltd. ObG d: Obergericht - d: Oberstes Gericht

Ob.Kdo.d.H.Gr. d: Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe

OBMV /; Ordo Beatae Mariae Virginis

OBKE H: Orszägos Bänyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesület

OBN e: Office of Biochemical Nomenclature - n: Ondernemersbond Bestratingsbedrijven Nederland

OBKI H: Orszägos Balneologiai Kutato Intezet

OBNI H: Orszägos Bor- es Nemikortani Intezet

Ob.Kom d: Oberkommando

OBNTC e: Old Boys Network Turtle Club

Ob.Kr.Ger. d: Oberkriegsgericht

Ob NV c: Obvodni Närodni Vybor

OBL e: Ocean Beach Library - e: Office of Business Liaison - e: Office of Business Loans - e: Ohio Barge Line - e: Order of the Brave Librarian

OBNYH H: Orszägos Bünügyi Nyilväntarto Hivatal

OBL. d: Oberbauleitung - d: Oberbetriebsleitung

OBOE e: Offshore Buoy Observing System

OBgAmt d: Oberbergamt ObGerBritZ d: Deutscher Oberster Gerichtshof für die britische Zone ObGerVW d: Deutsches Obergericht für das Vereinigte Wirtschaftsgebiet

OBO e: Official Business Only - e: Organization of Bricklin Owners

ObGH d: Oberster Gerichtshof OBGI e: Orion Broadcasting Group, Incorporated

OBOF e: Old Buffer over Forty ObLArbG d: Oberstes Landesarbeitsgericht

O.B.G.S. e: Official British Government Services OBgU e: Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green OBgU-C e: Bowling Green State University, Center for Archival Collections, Bowling Green OBH e: Old Berkeley Hunt - e: Old Berkshire Hounds OBI d: Oberbrandinspektor - e: Obligated Involuntary Officer - e: Office of Basic Instrumentation -/· Office du Baccalaureat International -/· Organisation du Baccalaureat International

OBLAUTH e: Obligation Authority

OBOGS e: On Board Oxygene Generating System

ObLG d: Oberstes Landesgericht

OBOP P: Osrodek Badan Opinii Publicznej

OBLH e: Bloomfield-Hallowell Union Library, Bloomfield, Ontario

OBOS N: Oslo Bolig- og Sparelag Ob.Ost d: Oberbefehlshaber im Osten

OBLI e: Oxford and Birmingham Light Infantry - e: Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry O.B.L.I. e: Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry

OBP e: Offshore Biological Programme - n: Onderwijs en onderzoek ondersteunend en Beheerspersoneel - P: Osrodek Badan Prasoznawczych

O&BLI e: Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

OBPE e: Office of Budget Planning and Evaluation

ObLO S: Oblastni Ljudski Odbor - S: Obcinski Ljudski Odbor

OBPH e: People Helping People, Inc., Bradford, Ontario

ObLO.S.B. /: Oblati Ordinis Sancti Benedict!

OBPI e: Otisville Bio-Pharm, Incorporated - in: Organisasi Buruh Perkebunan Indonesia

OBIA e: Ontario Brain Injury Association O.B.I.C. /· Office Beige d'Investigations Commerciales OB i DN P: Osrodek Bibliografii i Dokumentacji Naukowej OBIFC e: Osmond Brothers International Fan Club OBIG d: Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen

Obl.S. /: Oblati Salesiani

OBL USZ d: Oberbetriebsleitung United States Zone

OBR d: Oberbrandrat - e: B.R. Owens, Montebello CA - e: Office of Budgets and Reports - e: Overseas Business Reports - P: Osrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy

OBM d: Oberbrandmeister - e: Ogilvy Benson and Mather [agency] - e: Olympia Business Machines Co., Ltd. - e: Ontario Basic Mapping Program

OBRA e: Office of Business Research and Analysis - e: Omnibus Budger Reconciliation Act - e: Oregon Biomedical Research Association

Oblt d: Oberleutnant

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


O.B.R.A. - e: Overseas Broadcasting Representatives' Association

OBT d: Oberste Behörde für Traberzucht und -rennen

O.B.R.A. e: Overseas Broadcasting Representatives' Association

O.B.T. /· Office Britannique du Tourisme OBTA e: Oak Bark Tanners' Association

OBRC e: Operating Budget Review Committee

OBTG d: Ostschweizerische Bürgschafts- und Treuhandgenossenschaft

ObREG d: Oberstes Rückerstattungsgericht OBRER e: Blind River Refinery, Eldorado Resources Ltd., Ontario

O.B.T.P. /· Office du Bätiment et des Travaux Publics Ob.Trib. d: Obertribunal

OBrG e:B. F. Goodrich Co., Technical Library, Brecksville OBRI P: Osrodek Badan Rozwoju Informacji OBrV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Brecksville OBS d: Olympia Bürosysteme GmbH - d: Otto Benecke Stiftung - e: Office of Biological Service[s] - e: Office of Boating Safety - e: Official Bulletin Station - e: Oita Broadcasting Service - e: On-line Business Systems, Inc. - e: Operational Bioinstrumentation System - e: Orange Blossom Special Darts Club e.V. - e: Organizational Breakdown Structure - e: OSIS Baseline System - e: Oxford Bibliographical Society - P: Ogrodniczy Bank Spoldzielczy

OBTS e: Organizational Behavior Teaching Society - P: Osrodek Badan Transportu Samochodowego OBTVR e: Office for Battlefield Technical Vulnerability Reduction OBU e: Ocean Information System Baseline Upgrade - e: Offshore Banking Unit - e: Oklahoma Baptist University - e: One Big Union - e: Operative Bootmakers Union - e: Operative Builders Union - e: OSIS Baseline Upgrade - e: Ouachita Baptist University O.B.U. e: Oriental Boxing Union OBU sk: Obvodny Bänsky Urad

obs d: Otto Benecke Stiftung für Kontingentflüchtlinge und Asylberechtigte

OBUCC e: Canadian Canners Ltd., Burlington, Ontario

ObS d: Oberschule Obus d: Oberleitungsbus

- e: Officer-in-Charge - e: Officers' Cook - e: Ohio College - e: Okolona College - e: Olivet College - e: Olympic College - e: Open Control - e: Opera Company - e: Operating Committee - e: Operating Company - e: Operation CORK [Joan B. Kroc Foundation] - e: Operation Crossroads - e: Operational Capability - e: Operational Concept - e: Operational Condition - e: Operations Center - e: Operations Chief - e: Operations Communications - e: Operations Controller - e: Optical Carrier - e: Optometric Corporation - e: Orange County - e: Order-in-Council - e: Order of Canada - e: Order of Cistercians - e: Orderly Corporal - e: Ordnance College - e: Ordnance Corps - e: Oriel College - e: Original Cosmopolitans - e: Orion Capital Corp. - e: Orlando College - e: Otero College - e: Otter Controls Ltd. - e: Outing Club - e: Outsiders Club - e: Overseas Command[s] -/· Opera-Comique Organisme de Certification Obrona Cy wilna

OBS. d: Oberbefehlshaber Süd Obs. d: Observatorium - e: Observatory -/· Observatoire O.B.S. e: Oxford Bibliographical Society OBSA e: Quarterly Bulletin on Solar Activity - 5: Organizacion Boliviana de Sanidad Agropecuaria

OBUTS e: Organ Builders' United Trade Society OBV c: Okresni Branny Vybor - d: Oberste Behörde für Vollblutzucht und rennen - e: Obligated Volunteer Officer - e: Operation Big Vote O.B.V. d: Oberste Bundesverwaltung

Obs Astronom Univ Nac La Plata Ser Astronom i; Observatorio Astronomico de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Serie Astronomica

OBW e: Oxford Bible Warehouse

OBSCIS e: Offender Based State Corrections Information System

OBWE P: Organizacja Bezpieczenstwa i Wspoipracy w Europie

ObSeeA d: Oberseeamt

OBWK d: Oberste Behörde für die Prüfungen von Warm- und Kaltblutpferden

Obs Handb Can e: Observers Handbook. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada OBSI in: Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia OBSO. d: Oberbefehlshaber Südost OBSP e: Oxford Bibliographical Society. Proceedings - e: Oxford Bibliographical Society. Publications OBSRON e: Observation Squadron OBSS e: Old Broad Street Securities Ltd. ObstBG. d: Oberstes Bundesgericht


OBWC e: Westinghouse Canada, Inc., Burlington, Ontario

O.C. d: Organisation Consul - e: Observer Corps - e: Ocean Club - e: Officer Commanding - e: Operational Command - e: Order in Council - e: Order of Carmelites - e: Order of the Coif - e: Orienteering Club - e: Orphans' Court - e: Oslo Convention - e: Ottawa Convention -/· Obligations Communales -/· Office Colonial -/· Office des Changes -/· Opera-Comique -/· Operations Commerciales - /: Ordo Carmelitorum - /; Ordo Charitatis O/C e: Officer-in-Charge - e: Operations Critical

OBX e: Oslo Stock Exchange OC d: Ortschef - e: Oakwood College - e: Oberlin College - e: Object Class - e: Oblate College - e: Observer Corps - e: Occidental College - e: Odessa College - e: Office of Censorship - e: Office of Controls - e: Office of the Commissioner - e: Office of the Comptroller - e: Officer Candidate - e: Officer Commanding


· Säur, München

O&C e: Operation[s] and Checkout - e: Operations and Control OC-5 e: Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate OCA e: Creighton University, Alumni Library, Omaha - e: Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous - e: Obstacle Clearance Altitude - e: Oceanic Control Area - e: Offensive Counter Air - e: Office, Comptroller of the Army - e: Office of Competitive Assessment - e: Office of Computing Activities

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

o.c.c. - e: Office of Congressional Affairs - e: Office of Consumer Advisor - e: Office of Consumer Affairs - e: Office of Customs Administration - e: Officer of Controllers' Accounts - e: Officers' Caterer - e: Official Concessional Assistance - e: Ohio College Association - e: Oil Company of Australia - e: Old Comrades Association - e: Oldsmobile Club of America - e: Olympic Council of Asia - e: Ontario Chiropractic Association - e: Ontario College of Agriculture - e: Ontario College of Art - e: Operation Crossroads Africa - e: Operational Control Authority - e: Operations of Combined Arms - e: Order of the Crown in America - e: Oregon Corrections Association - e: Organization of Chinese Americans - e: Organization of Commonwealth Associations - e: Organization of the Cooperatives of America - e: Original Classification Authority - e: Osteopathic Cranial Association - e: Oxychloride Cement Association -/· Office de Commercialisation Agricole -/· Office des Cites Africaines -/· Organisation Combat Anarchiste -/· Organisation des Cooperatives d'Amerique - n: Opleidingscentrum Algemeen - s: Area Oceänica de Control - 5: Orden Comunidad Autonoma - 5: Organizacion de las Cooperatives de America O.C.A. e: Old Coldstreamers' Association - e: Old Comrades' Association -/· Organisation Combat Anarchiste OCAA e: Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka Railway Co. - e: Organization of Central American Armies -/· Office Central des Associations Agricoles du Finistere et des Cötes-du-Nord OCAAF e: Office of the Chief of the Army Air Forces

OCAFF e: Office, Chief of Army Field Forces

OCAU /· Office de Cooperation et d'Accueil Universitaire

OCAI e: Office Cantonal de 1'Assurance Invalidite

OCAW e: Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers [International Union] - e: Organization of Chinese American Women

OCAL e: Organization of Communist Action in Lebanon - e: Overseas Containers of Australia Limited OC[-]ALC e: Oklahoma City Air Logistic[s] Center OCAM /· Organisation Commune Africaine et Malgache -/· Organisation Commune Africaine et Mauricienne O.Cam. /: Ordo Camaldulensis OCAMA e: Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area OCAMA-SED e: Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area Service Engineering Division OCAMM /· Organisation Commune Africaine, Malgache, et Mauricienne OCan e: Canton Public Library Association, Canton OCAN e: Officer Candidate Airman OCanK e: Kent State University, Stark County Regional Campus, Canton OCAO e: Officer Candidate Advisory Officer - /: Ordo Carmelitae Antiquae Observantiae OCAP e: Ohio Capability Analysis Project - e: Operating Criteria and Procedures O.Cap. /; Ordo Capucinorum OCA/PAC-UNEP e: UNEP Oceans [and] Coastal Area[s] Programme Activity Centre OCAPO e: Office of Compliance Analysis and Program Operations OCAR e: Office of the Chief, Army Reserve

OCAAT n: Opleidingscentrum Aan- en Afvoerttroepen OCAB e: Overseas Correspondents Association Bangladesh OCAC e: Oceanic Air Traffic Control - e: Office of [the] Chief of Air Corps - e: Officer Commanding, Administrative Centre - e: Operations Control and Analysis Center OCACHAR /· Office Central d'Approvisionnement des Charbonnages OCAD e: Operations and Cost Analysis Division -/· Office de Commercialisation des Produits Agricoles du Dahomey OCADE e: Orkney Campaign Against Dounreay Expansion O.C.A.D.O. /· Organe Central d'Achat des Denrees d'Ordinaire OCAE e: United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River, Technical Library, Cincinnati

OCarm e: Order of Carmelites O.Carm. /: Ordo Carmelitarum O.Carm.Disc. /: Ordo Carmelitarum Discalceatorum OCart e: Order of Carthusians O.Cart. /; Ordo Cartusiensis O.Carth. /; Ordo Carthusianorum OCAS e; Office, Chief of Air Service - e: Office, Coordinator of Army Studies - e: Office of Carrier Accounts and Statistics - e: Office of the Chief of Air Service - e: Officer-in-Charge of Armament Supply - e: Ohio Casualty Corp. - e: Ordnance Configuration Accounting System - e: Organization of Central American States - s: Organizacion Campesina de Accion Social Ocass Pap Fla State Collect Arthropods e: Occasional Papers. Florida State Collection of Arthropods

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OCB e: Office of Collective Bargaining - e: Officers' Cadet Battalion - e: Oil Control Board - e: Country Boy, Inc. - e: Operations Coordinating Board -/· Office Congolais des Bois -/· Organisation Camerounaise de la Banane O.C.B, e: Oil Control Board O.C.B.A. /· Office Central de Bibliographie Agricole OCBC e: Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation OCBN /· Organisation Commune BeninNiger des chemins de fer et des transports OCBOA e: Other Comprehensive Bases of Accounting OCB[S] e: Oil Control Board, Supply O.C.B.V.M. /; Ordo Conceptionis Beatae Virginis Mariae OCC e: Oakland Community College - e: Object Class Code - e: Ocean City College - e: Ocean Coordinating Committee - e: Octagon Car Club - e: Office of Chief Counsel - e: Office of Contract Compliance - e: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency - e: Office of the Director of Command, Control, and Communications - e: Officers' Chief Cook - e: Officers' Country Club - e: Official Classification Committee - e: Official Custodian of Charities - e: Offshore Construction Consortium - e: Ohio Circuit Court - e: Ohio College of Chiropody - e: Ohio Conservation Consortium - e: Oklahoma Crime Commission - e: Olney Community College - e: Olympic Committee Congress - e: Onondaga Community College - e: Operational Control Center - e: Operation^] Control Center (or Centre) - e: Operator Control Console - e: Option[s] Clearing Corporation - e: Oral Contraceptive Council - e: Orange Carpet Crowd - e: Orange Coast College - e: Organization, Classification & Compensation - e: Outer Critics Circle -/· Office du Cafe et du Cacao -/· Organisation Clandestine du Continent -/· Organisation Combat Communiste - /: Ordo Carmelitarum Calceatorum - n: Onderdeels Coördinatie Centrum - n: Opleidingscentrum Cavalerie O.C.C. /· Office Central de Comptabilite -/· Organisation Combat Communiste -/· Organisation de Cooperation Commerciale - /; Ordo Carmelitarum Calceatorum - /; Ordo Clarissarum Colettarum


OCCA OCCA e: Office, Chief of Civil Affairs - e: Office of Compliance and Consumer Assistance - e: Officer-in-Charge of Civilian Affairs - e: Oil and Colo[u]r Chemists' Association - e: Overseas Communications Cooperation Association

Occas Publ Inst Health Adm GA State Univ e: Occasional Publications. Institute of Health Administration. Georgia State University

OCCAJ /· Organisation Centrale de Camps et Auberges de Jeunesse

OCCBP e: Organization for Collectors of Covered Bridge Postcards

OCCAM e: Ocean Circulation [and] Climate Advanced Modelling [programme]

OCCC e: Oil Control Co-ordination Committee - e: Orange County Community College - e: Organized Crime-Control Commission

Occas Pap Bell Mus Nat Hist Univ Minn e: Occasional Papers. Bell Museum of Natural History. University of Minnesota Occas Pap Buffalo Soc Nat Sei e: Occasional Papers. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences Occas Pap C C Adams Cent Ecol Stud West Mich Univ e: Occasional Papers. C. C. Adams Center for Ecological Studies. Western Michigan University Occas Pap Dep Biochem Makerere Univ e: Occasional Paper. Department of Biochemistry. Makerere University Occas Pap Dep Biol Univ Puget Sound e: Occasional Papers. Department of Biology. University of Puget Sound Occas Pap Farlow Herb Cryptogam Bot Harv Univ e: Occasional Papers. Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany. Harvard University Occas Pap Mollusks Mus Comp Zool Harv Univ e: Occasional Papers on Mollusks. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Harvard University Occas Pap Mus Nat Hist Univ Kans e: Occasional Papers. Museum of Natural History. University of Kansas Occas Pap Mus Nat Hist Univ Puget Sound e: Occasional Papers. Museum of Natural History. University of Puget Sound Occas Pap Mus Zool LA State Univ e: Occasional Papers. Museum of Zoology. Louisiana State University Occas Pap Mus Zool Univ Mich e: Occasional Papers. Museum of Zoology. University of Michigan

OCCB e: Operational Configuration Control Board

OCCCA e: Office of Civilian Conservation Corps Activities - e: Office of Congressional, Community, and Consumer Affairs OCCCE e: Organization for Coordination and Cooperation in the Control of Major Endemic Diseases Oc C Cm Officer

e: Office of the Chief Chemical

OCCCRBAR e: Office of the Coordinator of Commercial and Cultural Relations Between American Republics OCCD e: Com Dev Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario OCCDC e: Oregon Coastal Conservation and Development Commission OCCDP /· Organisation Catholique Canadienne pour le Developpement et la Pak OCC-E e: Office of the Chief of Communications-Electronics OCCE /· Office Central de Cooperation ä 1'Ecole OCCEDCA e: Organization for Coordination in Control of Endemic Diseases in Central Africa OCCETS e: Office Canadien de Coordination de revaluation des Technologies de la Sante OCCF e: Oklahoma City Community Foundation - e: Operator Communication Control Facility -/· Office Commun des Consommateurs de Ferrailles

Occas Pap Natl Coll Agric Eng e: Occasional Paper. National College of Agricultural Engineering

OCCGE e: Organization for Co-ordination and Co-operation in the Control of Major Endemic Diseases -/· Organisation de Cooperation pour la lutte Contre les Grandes Endemies

Occas Pap Natl Mus Monum Rhod Ser B Nat Sei e: Occasional Papers. National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia. Series B. Natural Sciences

OCCGERMDL e; Army of Occupation of Germany Medal

Occas Pap Natl Speleol Soc e: Occasional Papers. National Speleological Society Occas Pap San Diego Soc Nat Hist e: Occasional Papers. San Diego Society of Natural Hislory Occas Pap S Forest Exp Sta US Forest Serv e: Occasional Papers. Southern Forest Experiment Station. United States Forest Service


OCCH e: Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Research Library, Cincinnati - e: Office, Chief of Chaplains O.C.C.H. /· Office Central de Credit Hypothecate OCCI e: Olympia Circulation Company, Incorporated -/· Organisme Chretien de Cooperation Internationale


· Säur, München

OCCIS e: Operational Command and Control Intelligence System OCCL e: Ontario Community College Librarians O.C.C.L. /· Office Central des Contingents et Licenses, Bruxelles OCCM e: Ocean Carbon Cycle Model - e: Office of Commercial Communications Management OCCMLC e: Office of the Chief of the Chemical Corps OCCMLO e: Office of the Chief Chemical Officer OCC/NIBS e: Ohio Consultive Council of the National Institute of Building Sciences OCCO e: Office of the Chief Chemical Officer -/· Office Canadien de Commercialisation des (Eufs Occ Pap Dep Biol Univ Guyana e: Occasional Papers. Department of Biology. University of Guyana OCCPMP /· Office Centralafricain de Commercialisation des Pierres et Metaux Precieux O.C.C.R. /· Office Central de Chauffage Rationnel -/· Office Central de Chimie Rationnelle OCCS e: Office of Computer and Communications Systems - e: Office of the Combined Chiefs of Staff - e: Operational Command and Control System - e: Ordnance and Chemical Center and School OCCSA e: Ohio Correctional and Court Services Association Occup Saf Health Ser Int Labour Off e: Occupational Safety and Health Series. International Labour Office OCCWC e: Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes OCCWS e: Office of the Chief of Chemical Warfare Service OCD e: International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development - e: Occupation Centres for Defectives - e: Office of Child Development - e: Office of Civilian] Defence (or Defense) - e: Office of Collection and Dissemination - e: Office of Community Development - e: Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model - e: Operational Capability Development - e: Operational Concept Document - e: Organizational Change and Development - e: Oxford Classical Dictionary -/· Office de la Cooperation au Developpement - /: Ordo Carmelitarum Discalceatorum O.C.D. /: Ordinis Carmelitarum Discalcetorum OCDA e: Ordnance Corps Detroit Arsenal - e: Organizacion Democrata Cristiana de America

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OCGS OCDE /· Organisation de Cooperation et de Developpement Economique[s]

Ocean Dev and Intl LJ e: Ocean Development and International Law Journal

OCESL e: Office of Criminal Enforcement and Special Litigation

O.C.D.E. /· Organisation de Cooperation et de Developpement Economiques - s: Organizacion de Cooperacion y Desarrollo Economico

Ocean Dev[el]&Int L e: Ocean Development and International Law

OCETI /· Organisation Centrale Europeenne pour les Transports dans I'lnterieur

Ocean Develop Int Law e: Ocean Development and International Law

OCEZ s: Organizacion Campesina Emiliano Zapata

OCEANEXPO /- Salon International de l'Exploitation des Oceans

OCF e: Obsessive Compulsive Foundation - e: Office, Chief of Finance - e: Officers' Christian Fellowship - e: Officiating Chaplain to the Forces - e: Ontario Cancer Foundation - e: Osteopathy in the Cranial Field - e: Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. -/· Observatoire de la Chirurgie Frangaise

Oc Dev and Int L e: Ocean Development and International Law OCDM e: Office of Civil Defense and Mobilization - e: Office of Civil Defense Management OCDMS e: On-Board Check-Out and Data Management System

OCEANIC e: Ocean Information Center Oceanogr Soc Jap J e: Oceanographical Society of Japan. Journal Oceanol Int e: Oceanology International

OCDN /· Organisation Commune DahomeyNiger des Chemins de Per et des Transports

O.C.F. /- Office Central des Fournitures Oceans e: Offshore and Civil Engineering Analysis System

OCDO e: Office, Chief Disbursing Officer

OCF&A e; Office, Chief of Finance and Accounting

Ocean St B e: Ocean State Business OCDP e: Officer Career Development Program OCDR e: Office of Collateral Development Responsibility OCDS e: Overseas College of Defence (or Defense) Studies O/Cdt e: Officer-Cadet OCDW e: Ocean Climate Data Workshop OCE e: Division of Oceanic Sciences - e: Ocean [region] - e: Oceania - e: Office, Chief of Engineers - e: Office of Career Education - e: Office of Coastal Environment - e: Office of Criminal Enforcement - e: Office of Cultural Exchange - e: Office of the Chief of Engineers - e: Office of the Director of Civil Engineering - e: Officer Conducting the Exercise - e: Officer Corps Engineers - e: Official of Criminal Enforcement - e: Omega Chi Epsilon - e: OMGUS [Office of Military Government, United States] Civilian Employees Association - e: Ontario College of Education - e: Oregon, California & Eastern Railway Co. - e: Oregon College of Education - e: Unesco Division of Marine Sciences -/· Office Cherifien de Contröle et d'Exportation -/· Office de Commercialisation et d'Exportation O.C.E. /· Office de Commercialisation et d'Exportation OCEAC /· Organisation de Coordination pomla lutte contre les Endemies en Afrique Centrale OCEAN e: Ocean Color Environment Archive Network - e: Ocean Colour European Archive Network - e: Oceanographic, Coordination, Evaluation, and Analysis Network -/· Organisation de la Communaute Europeenne des Avitailleurs de Navires OCEANAV e: Oceanographer of the Navy

OCEBR 5: Organizacion Comunista de Espana Bandera Roja OCEC e: Officials Committee on Expenditure Control - 5: Oficio Central de Educacion Catolicos OCED e: Office of Comprehensive Employment Development - e: Operations, Control, and Evaluation Directorate - e: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development -p: Organizagäo de Cooperagäo Econömica e Desenvolvimento

OCFC e: Overseas Combined Federal Campaign OCFDA e: United States Food and Drug Administration, Cincinnati OCFE /· Office Commun de Formation Europeenne OCFEJ /· Office Commun de Formation Europeenne pour le Jeunesse OCFF /- Ordre des Conseils Fiscaux de France et d'Outre-Mer OC Fg e: Officer Commanding Flying

OCEE /· Organisation de Cooperation Economique Europeenne

OCFIM /- Ancien Office central Federal des Imprimes et du Materiel

O.C.E.F. e: Ordination Candidates Exhibition Fund

OCF-ML /· Organisation Communiste de France-Marxiste-Leniniste

OCEF /· Office Commun de Formation Europeenne

OCFP e: Office of Commercial and Financial Policy [Department of Commerce]

OCEFI /· Omnium de Construction et de Financement S.A.

O.C.F.R. e: Oxford Committee for Famine Relief

OCEL e: Optical Coating Evaluation Laboratory - e: Overseas Container Europe Limited

OCFT /- Office du Chemin de Per Transcamerounais

OCEM e; Office of Cooperative Environmental Management -/· Omnium de Centres d'Emplois

OCG d: Österreichische ComputerGesellschaft - e: Ocean Catalog Group - e: Office of the Commanding General - e: Office of the Comptroller General - e: Operational Coordination Group - e: Operations Control Group - e: Osborne & Chappel Goldfields - e: Overall Coordination Group

OCEmI e: Emery Industries, Inc., Research Library, Cincinnati

O.C.G.A. e: Official Code of Georgia Annotated

OC Eng e: Officer Commanding Engineering

OCGI e: Omni Capital Group, Inc.

OCEP e: Officials Committee on Energy Policy

OCGLS n: Opleidingscentrum Grond-Lucht Samenwerking

OCEPA e: Office of Communications, Education, and Public Affairs - e: United States Environmental Protection Agency - s: Organizacion Comercial Ecutoriana de Productos Artesanales

O.C.G.O.P. /· Organisation Communiste Gauche Ouvriere et Populaire

O.C.E.L. /- Office Central Electrique OCEleC e: Cincinnati Electronics Corporation, Cincinnati

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OCGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Cincinnati Branch, Cincinnati - e: Ontario Council on Graduate Studies


OCGT OCGT e: OCG Technology, Inc. OCH e: Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati - e: Obstacle Clearance Height - e: Office of the Chief Hydrologist - e: Order of the Compassionate Heart - e: Organ Clearing House - e: Outpatient Clinic Hospital -/· Office Congolais de l'Habitat

OCIBU /· Office des Cultures Industrielles du Burundi OCIC e: Officer Commanding in Charge -/· Office Catholique International du Cinema -/· Office Cherifien Interprofessionnel des Cereales -/· Organisation Catholique Internationale du Cinema et de l'Audiovisuel - s: Oficina Catolica Internacional del Cine


e: Office of Criminal Justice Program

OCK e: Kent State University, Stark County Regional Campus, Canton - P: Obrona Cy wilna ICraju OCKE e: Petawawa National Forestry Institute, Canadian Forestry Service, Environment Canada Chalk River, Ontario OCKLu n: Opleidingscentrum Klu

O.C.H. /· Oiseau Club Havrais OCHA e: Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHAMPUS e: Office for/of the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

OCIC-AL s: Organizacion Catolica Interacional del Cine y del AudiovisualAmerica Latina OCID e: Organized Crime Intelligence Division

OCL e: Ocean Cargo Line - e: Office of Congressional Liaison - e: Oil City Lubricants Limited - e: Overseas Container Line - e: Overseas Containers Limited

OCHC e: Operator Call Handling Center

OCIL e: Ocilla Industries, Inc. - e: Office of Community and Intergovernmental Liaison

OCHIN e: Norton Company Electric, Chippewa, Ontario

Ocil /· Office central interprofessionnel du logement

OCHP e: Cincinnati Historical Society, Cincinnati OCHS e: Old Colony Historical Society

OCIMF e: Oil Companies International Marine Forum - e: Oil Companies International Mooring Forum

OChU e: Ohio University, Chillicothe Branch Campus, Chillicothe

OCEVAM /· Office-Cinematographiques National du Mali

OCLAV /· Organisation Commune de Lutte Antiaviaire

OCI e: OC [Overseas Crusades] International - e: Odyssey Institute Corp. - e: Office, Chief of Information - e: Office of Co-ordination of Information - e: Office of Community Investment - e: Office of Computer Information - e: Office of Corollary Interest - e: Office of Criminal Investigation - e: Office of Current Intelligence - e: Office of the Coordinator of Information - e: Old Canada Investment Corp. Ltd. - e: Olympic Council of Ireland - e: Ontario Cancer Institute - e: Organizational Conflicts] of Interest - e: Outpatient Clinic [Independent] - e: Overseas Consultants, Incorporated -/· Office de Cooperation Industrielle -/· Organisation Communiste Internationaliste -/· Organisation de la Conference Islamique -/· Organisation du Commerce International - n: Opleidingscentrum Infanterie - s: Oficina Central de Informacion

OCEVFO e: Office of the Chief of Information

OCLaw e: Cincinnati Law Library Association, Cincinnati

OCInt n: Opleidingscentrum Intendance

OCLB e: Office Club, Inc.

OCIPE /· Office Catholique d'Information sur les Problemes Europeens

OCLC e: Ohio College Library Center - e: Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

OCIR e: Office of Community and Intergovernmental Relations -/· Office des Cultures Industrielles du Rwanda

OCIC e: Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation, Cleveland

OCIRE i: Organo Centrale Interministeriale per le Riparazioni di Emergenza OCIRU /· Office des Cafes Indigenes du Rwanda et Burundi

Oci /· Organisation de Cooperation Industrielle

OCIS d: Office Communication and Information System - e: Office for Church in Society - e: Office of Computing and Information Services - e: On-Line Chemical Information System -/· Office central et Institut de soudure

O.C.I. /· Organisation Communiste Internationale -/· Organisme de Cooperation Industrielle

OCISGCCAW e: Oil Companies International Study Group for Conservation of Clean Air and Water

OCIA e: Office of the Coordinator of International Affairs - e: Organic Crop Improvement Association

O.Cist. /; Ordo Cisterciensis

OCIAA e: Office of Coordination of InterAmerican Affairs

O.CistRef. /; Ordo Cisterciensum Reformatorum

OCIAMT /· Office Cantonal de ['Industrie, des Arts et Metiers et du Travail

OCITA e: Office of the Chemical Industry Trade Advisor

OCIB e: Organized Crime Intelligence Bureau

OCJA e: Oklahoma Criminal Justice Association

OCIBEC /· Office du Commerce et de Industrie de la Belgique et du Congo

OC JC e: Orange Coast Junior College

OCL/ACT e: Overseas Container Lines and Associated Container Transport OCLAE 5: Organizacion Continental LatinoAmericana de Estudiantes OCLALAV /· Organisation Commune de Lutte Antiacridienne et de Lutte Antiaviaire

OCLE e: Continuing Legal Education, University of Oklahoma Law Center OC1G e: Glidden Co. Research Library, Cleveland OC1GI e: Gould, Incorporated, Gould Information Center, Cleveland OClh e: Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library, Cleveland Heights OCLI e: Optical Coating Laboratories (or Laboratory), Incorporated OC1JC e: John Carroll University, Cleveland OCLL e: Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison

CIST /; Ordo Cisterciensis

OCJCS e; Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff


OCLA /· Organisation Commune pour la Lutte Antiacridienne


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OC1NASA e: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland OC1U e: Cleveland State University, Cleveland OC1U-L e: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University, Cleveland OCLUS e: Outside Continental Limits of [the] United States OC1V e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Cleveland

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OCORD OC1W e: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland

OCMIP e: Ocean Carbon-Cycle Model Intercomparison Project

OCoAC e: American Ceramic Society, Columbus

OC1W-H e: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Health Sciences Library, Cleveland

O.C.M.J. /· Organisation Civile et Militaire des Jeunes

OC/OASD e: Office of Cataloging, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [Supply and Logistics]

OClWHi e: Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland

OCM-LP p: Organizacäo Comunista Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa

OCOB /· Office Central des (Euvres de Bienfaisance

OCMLR /· Organisation Communiste Marxiste-Leniniste de la Reunion

OCoC e: Capital University, Columbus

OCMM e: Office of Civilian Manpower Management

OCoC-L e: Capital University, School of Law, Columbus

OC1W-LS e: Case Western Reserve University, School of Library Science, Cleveland

OCMMEVST e: Office of Civilian Manpower Management Instruction

OCODIS /· Office Commercial et de Distribution pour 1'Outre-Mer

OC1W-S e: Case Western Reserve University, Sears Library, Cleveland

OCMM-N e: Office of Civilian Manpower Management-Navy

OCOE e: Office of the Chief of Engineers

OC1W-SS e: Case Western Reserve University, School of Applied Social Science, Cleveland

OCMN e: Merrell-National Laboratories, Cincinnati

OClWHi-AM e: Western Reserve Historial Society, Frederick C. Crawford AutoAviation Museum, Cleveland

O.Coel. /; Ordo Coelestinensis

OCM e: Creighton University, Health Sciences Library, Omaha - e: Ocean Circulation Model - e: Office of Compliance Monitoring - e: Office of Country Marketing - e: Office of the Commission - e: Ordnance Committee Meeting - e: Oxford Companion to Music -/· Office des Changes Marocaines -i: Ordine Cantonale dei Medici - /; Ordo Constantini Magni O.C.M. /· Office Central de la Matricule -/· Office des Changes Marocaines -/· Organisation Civile et Militaire O&CM e: Organist and Choir Master OCMA e: Oil Companies' Materials] Association - n: Opleidingscentrum Militaire Administratie - n: Opleidingsschool voor Christelijk Maatschappelijken Arbeid OCMC e: Oil Companies Materials Committee -/· Office Congolais des Materiaux de Construction OCMGD n: Opleidingscentrum Militair Geneeskundige Dienst

OCoF e: Franklin University, Columbus

OCMS e: Onboard and Checkout Monitoring System - e: Operative Crate Makers Society - e: Optional Calling Measured Service - e: Ordnance Command Management System - e: Ordnance Committee Meeting Standards

OC [of] AC e: Office of the Chief of Air Corps

OCMTC e: Officer Commanding Motor Transport Company

OC of Ch e: Office, Chief of Chaplains

OC of AC e: Office of the Chief of Air Corps OC of AS e: Office of the Chief of Air Staff

OC of E e: Office, Chief of Engineers OCMU e: Ocmulgee National Monument OC of F e: Office of the Chief of Finance OCN e: Ocean Airways, Inc. - e: Oceania - e: Office of the Commissioner of Namibia - e: Operation Completion Notice - e: Orcana Resources Ltd. - e: Organization Change Notice OC-N e: Office of the Comptroller, Navy OCNAV e: Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy OCNGA e: Officer-in-Charge of National Guard Affairs OCNIOS e: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati

OC of ORD e: Office, Chief of Ordnance OCofS e; Office, Chief of Staff OC of SA e: Office, Chief of Staff, Army OC of SptS e: Office of the Chief of Support Services OC of T e: Office, Chief of Transportation OCoGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Columbus Branch, Columbus OCOM e: Outlet Communications, Inc. - s: Oficina Central de Organizacion y Metodos

OCNM e: Oregon Caves National Monument OComS e; Office of Community Services OCNO e: Office, Chief of Naval Operations

OCMH e: Office of the Chief of Military History O.C.M.H. e: Officer Commanding, Military Hospital OCMI e: Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection - e: Officer-in-Charge, United States Coast Guard Marine Inspection Office -/· Organisation Consultative Maritime Intergouvernementale - s: Organizacion Consultiva Maritima Interguvernamental OCMil e: Cincinnati Milacron, Inc., Research Library, Cincinnati OCMil-T e: Cincinnati Milacron, Inc., Technical Information Center, Cincinnati

OCNPR e: Operation and Conversion of Naval Petroleum Reserves

OCoNC e: National Center on Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped, Columbus

OCNS e: Oklahoma City NORAD [North American Air Defense] Sector

OCONUS e: Outside Continental [Limits of the] United States

OCNWU e: Organizing Committee for a National Writers Union

O.Conv. /: Ordo Conventualium

OCO e: Office of Central Operations - e: Office of Civil Operations - e: Office of the Chief of Ordnance - e: Ontario College of Ophthalmology - e: Operational Capabilities Objectives - e: Operations Console Operator - e: Ordnance Corps Order - s: Orientacion Catolica de Oficinistas OCOA 5: Organismo Coordinador de Operaciones Antisubversivas

OCOO e: Osteopathic College of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology OCOP /· Office Cantonal d'OP OC Ops Wg e: Officer Commanding Operations Wing OCORA /· Office de Cooperation Radiophonique OCORD e; Office, Chief of Ordnance

OCMilva n: Opleidingscentrum Militaire Vrouwenafdeling

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


ocos OCOS e: Ocean Climate Observing System -/· Ordre des Conseils en Organisation Scientifique O.C.O.S. /· Ordre des Conseils en Organisation Scientifique

OCPG-I e: Procter & Gamble Co., Ivorydale Technical Center, Cincinnati OCPG-Mv e: Procter & Gamble Co., Miami Valley Laboratories, Cincinnati

OCOSD n: Opleidingscentrum Officieren Speciale Diensten

OCPG-Sw e: Procter & Gamble Co., Sharon Woods Technical Center Technical Library, Cincinnati

OCoSH e: Columbus State Hospital, Columbus

OCPG-Wh e: Procter & Gamble Co., Winton Hill Technical Center, Cincinnati

OCOSP /· Office Cantonal d'OSP

OCPI e: Ohio Cancer Pain Initiative -/· Office Central de la Presse Illustree

O.C.O.S.S. /· Office Central des (Euvres et Services Sociaux OCOSS /· Office Central des (Euvres et Services Sociaux

OCPINST e: Office of Civilian Personnel Instruction

OCoY e: Young Men's Christian Association, Columbus OCP e: Ocean Culture Product - e: Office of Civilian Personnel - e: Office of Commercial Programs - e: Office of Consumer Protection - e: Office of Cultural Presentations - e: Office of the Chief of Protocol - e: Officer Candidate Program - e: Onchocerciasis Control Program - e: Ontario College of Pharmacy - e: Open Circuit Potential - e: Operating Control Procedure - e: Operational Capability Plan - e: Operational Checkout Procedure - e: Operational Control Panel - e: Operational Control Program[me] - e: Operations Control Plan - e: Organization of Czech Palynologists - e: Organizational Change Proposal - e: Out of Commission for Parts - e: Overseas Communication Project -/· Office Cherifien des Phosphates -/· Office Commercial Phamarceutique -/· Offices des Cereal es Panifiables -/· Organisation Centrale de Planification - n: Onderwijscommissie Patroonsopleiding Typografie - s: Oficina Central de Personal OCPA e: Office of Congressional and Public Affairs - e: Office of the Chief, Public Affairs Oc P Anth P e: Occasional Papers in Anthropology. Pennsylvania State University OCPCA e: Oil and Chemical Plant Constructors Association OCPCSB e: Operational Computer Program Configuration Sub-Board

OCRASC e: Officer Commanding, Royal Army Service Corps O.c.r.b. /· Office central de repression du banditisme OCRBI e: Organization for Cooperation in the Roller Bearings Industry OCRC e: Ocean Climate Research Committee

Oc P Int Af e: Occasional Papers in International Affairs

OCOT e: Office, Chief of Transportation OCoV e: Center for Vocational and Technical Education, Ohio State University, Columbus

- e: Organization for the Collaboration of Railways -/· Office Central de Retraites et Assurances -/· Office Commercial du Ravitaillement et de ['Agriculture -/· Office de Cooperation Radiophonique -/· Organisation Clandestine de la Revolution Algerienne

OCPL e; Leigh Instruments Ltd., Carleton Place, Ontario - e: Oklahoma City Public Library - e: Overseas Containers Pacific Ltd. OCPLACS e: Ontario Co-operative Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies OCPO e: Office of Civilian Personnel Operations - e: Office of Computer Processing Operations - e: Operations Cargo Passenger Office OCPR e: Office of Claims and Payments Requirements - e: Office of Collateral Policy Responsibility OCPS e: I. P. Sharp Associates Ltd., Carleton Place Ontario - e: Oxygen Cabin Pressurization Section -/· Office Canadien du Poisson Sale OCQ e: Oneida Ltd. -/· Ordre des Chimistes du Quebec OCQM e: Office of Chief Quartermaster OCR e: Office for Civilian Requirements - e: Office of Civil Rights - e: Office of Civilian Requirements - e: Office of Coal Research - e: Office of Collateral Responsibility - e: Office of Community Relations - e: Office of Coordinating Responsibility - e: Office of the County Recorder - e: Omnicare, Inc. - e: Operational Change Report - e: Optical Character Reader - e: Optical Character Recognition - e: Order of Cistercians Reformed - e: Order of Corporate Reunion - e: Organization Change Request - e: Organization for the Collaboration of Railways - e: Overhaul Component Requirement - /: Ordo Cisterciensum Reformatorum sive Strictoris Observantiae

OCRD e: Office of Crystalline Repository Development - e: Office of the Chief of Research and Development - 5: Organizacion de Cooperacion Regional para el Desarrollo OCRE e: Optical Character Recognition Equipment - e: Organizations Concerned about Rural Education OCREN s: Oficina de Control de Reservas de la Nacion OCRI /· Office Canadien pour un Renouveau Industriel -/· Organisation Collegiale de Recherches Implantaires OCRP /· Officier Charge des Relations Publiques OCRPI /· Office Central de Repartition des Produits Industriels OCRS e: Ontario Centre for Remote Sensing - e: Operational Change Reporting System - e: Organized Crime and Racketeering Section -/· Organisation Commune des Regions Sahariennes O.C.R.S. /· Organisation Commune des Regions Sahariennes OCRSF e: Organized Crime and Racketeering Strike Force OCRTA /· Office du Chemin de fer Transgabonais OCRTIS /· Office Central pour la Repression du Trafic Illicite des Stupefiants OCRUA e: Optical Character Recognition Users Association O.Cruc. /: Ordo Cruciferorum O.Crucig. /: Ordo Crucigerorum

OCPD e: Officer-in-Charge Police District OCPED /· Office de Commercialisation du Poisson d'Eau Douce OCPF /· Office Central de Pompes Funebres OCPG e: Goodwood Data Systems Ltd., Carleton Place, Ontario - e: Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati


O.C.R. e: Office for Civilian Requirements - e: Office of Civil Rights - e: Officer of the Order of the Crown of Rumania - e: Order of the Crown of Rumania -/· Office de la Circulation Routiere - /: Ordo Cisterciensium Reformatorum OCRA e: Office Communications Research Association


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OCRWM e: Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management OCS e: Cities Service Co, Technical CenterEnergy Resources Group, Research Library, Tulsa - e: Office, Chief of Staff - e: Office, Chief Surgeon - e: Office Computing System

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OCU-Math .· Office for Consumer Services : Office of Cadastral Survey .· Office of Cataloguing and Standardization .· Office of Civilian Supply : Office of Commercial Services .· Office of Commodity Standards : Office of Communication Systems : Office of Community Services .· Office of Computing Services : Office of Contract Settlement : Office of Criteria and Standards : Office of the Chief Scientist : Office of the Chief Surgeon : Officer Cadet School .· Officer[s] Candidate School : Officers Chief Steward .· Offshore Constitutional Settlement : Oklahoma Climatological Society : Old Church Slavonic .· Operational Characteristics : Operational Control System : Optical Communications System .· Optimizing Control System : Order of the Cross Society .· Oriental Ceramic Society .· Oriental Chair of Solomon : Oriented Cellular Structure .· Outpatient Clinic Substation .· Overseas Civil Servants : Overseas Communication Service .· Overseas Courier Service Office Central de la Soudure Organe de Contröle des Stupefiants Ordine Civile di Savoia

OCSM e: Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians OCSO e: Office of the Chief Signal Officer - e: Order of Cistercian Nuns of the Strict Observance O.C.S.O. /: Ordo Cisterciensis Strictioris Observantiae

OCSPC e: Outer Continental Shelf Policy Committee OCSPWAR e: Office of the Chief of Special Warfare OCSR e: Organization for Comparative Social Research

OCSA e: Office of the Chief of Staff, Army - e: Ontario Council of Safety Associations - e: Outstanding Civilian Service Award O.C.S.A. e: Operative Cotton Spinners' Amalgamation OCSAB e: Office of Contract Settlement Appeal Board - e: Outer Continental Shelf Advisory Board OCSD /· Office de Contröle de la diffusion des annuaires et Supports Divers de publicite -/· Organisation Canadienne pour la Solidarite et le Developpement OCSDGL e: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Law Association, Cornwall, Ontario OCSE e; Office of Child Support Enforcement O.C.S.E.A. e: Ohio Civil Service Employees Association OCSEAC e: Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Advisory Commission OCSEAP e: Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program OCSI /· Office Central de Salaires et Indemnites

OCTOPUS e: Ocean Colour Techniques for Observation, Processing and Utilization Systems OCTPC e: Organization for Cooperation of Socialist Countries in the Domain of Teleand Postal Communications OCTR e: Octoraro Railway, Inc. OCTRF e: Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation OCTs e: Overseas Countries and Territories

O.C.S.R.C. e: Office of the Controller of Stamps and Registrar of Companies OCSS e: Office of the Chief of Special Services - e: Office of the Chief of Support Services - s: Organizacion Campesina de la Sierra del Sur OCST e: Office of Commercial Space Transportation -/· Office Central Suisse du Tourisme

ocs e: on company service

OC&S e: Ordnance Center and School

OCTO e: October Oil Co.

OCSP e: Office of Cued Speech Programs

OCSurg e: Office, Chief Surgeon O.C.S. e: Officer Candidate School

OCTM e: Organization Concepts for Top Management -/· Office Central des Transports de Marchandises

OCT e: Associated Overseas Countries and Territories - e: Office, Chief of Transportation - e: Office of Critical Tables - e: Office of the Chief of Transportation - e: Officer Candidate Test - e: Operations Control Team -/· Office Central des Transports [internationaux par chemins de fer] -/· Office du Commerce de Tunisie -/· Organisation Communiste des Travailleurs -/· Organisation des Communications et du Transit de la Societe des Nations

OCXS /· Organisation des Territoires Sahariens OCTU e: Officer Cadets Training Unit - e: Officers Candidates Training Unit O.C.T.U. e: Officer Cadets Training Unit OCTV /· Organisation Centrale de Tourisme et Voyages OCU e: Oceanroutes, Inc., Palo Alto - e: Oklahoma City University - e: Ontario Council of Universities - e: Operational Capability Update - e: Operational Conversion Unit - e: Osaka City University - e: University of Cincinnati OCUA e: Ontario Council on University Affairs OCU-B e: University of Cincinnati, Biology Library, Cincinnati OCUC e: Oxford and Cambridge Universities Club

O.C.T. /· Organisation Communiste des Travailleurs

OCU-DA e: University of Cincinnati, Design, Architecture and Art Library, Cincinnati

OCTA e: On-Line Corporation Tax Assessment

OCU-E e: University of Cincinnati, Engineering Library, Cincinnati

OCTAP e: Of Concern to Air Passengers

OCUFA e: Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association[s]

OCTAR /· Omnium Commercial des Tanneurs Reunis OCTC e: Operators Console Transfer Channel OCTD n: Opleidingscentrum Technische Dienst OCTHB e: Office, Chief of Transportation, Historical Branch OCTI e: Ordnance Corps Technical Instruction -/· Office Central des Transports Internationaux par Chemins de Fer

OCSigO e: Office of the Chief Signal Officer

OCTIC[F] /· Office Central des Transports Internationaux par Chemins de Fer

OCSLA e: Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act

OCTL e: Octel Communications Corp.

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OCUG e: Union Gas Ltd., Chatham, Ontario - e: Union Graduate School, Cincinnati OCU-Geo e: University of Cincinnati, Geology-Geography Library, Cincinnati OCUL e: Ontario Council on University Libraries OCU-L e: University of Cincinnati, Law Library, Cincinnati OCULA e: Ontario College and University Library Association OCU-M e: University of Cincinnati, School of Medicine, Cincinnati OCU-Math e: University of Cincinnati, Mathematics Library, Cincinnati


OCU-Mu OCU-Mu e: University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati OCU-N e: University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati OCU-Ph e: University of Cincinnati, Physics Library, Cincinnati OCUS e: Oblate Conference of the United States - e: Office Central Universitaire Suisse OCUSI e: United States Industrial Chemicals Co., Research Center Library, Cincinnati OCV e: Opimian California Vineyards Corp. - e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Cincinnati OCVPCE /· Office Central de Vente des Publications de la CEE OCVs e: Overseas Cooperation Volunteers OCW e: Oceanographic Commission of Washington - e: Oklahoma College for Women - n: Opzoekingscentrum voor de Wegenbouw

- e: Ordnance Datum - e: Oxford Dictionary -/· Office Departemental -/· Offices Departementaux - r: Orphei Drängar, sängarsällskap

ODA/ODIF e: Office Document Architecture/ Office Document Interchange Format

O&D e: Origin and Destination

ODAS e: Ocean Data Acquisition System[s] - e: Ocean Dynamics Advisory Subcommittee - e: Oceanic Data Assimilation System - e: Oral Deaf Adults Section [Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf] - S: Osrednji Drzavni Arhiv Slovenije

ODA e: Office Document Architecture - e: Office of Debt Analysis - e: Office of Drug Abuse - e: Office of the Defense Attache - e: Office of the Deputy Administrator - e: Office of the District Administrator - e: Official Development Assistance - e: Ohio Dental Association - e: Oklahoma Dental Association - e: Ontario Dental Association - e: Organization of Demographic Associates for East and Southeast Asia - e: Overseas Development Administration - e: Overseas Development Agency - e: Overseas Development Assistance - e: Overseas Doctors Agency - e: Overseas Doctors Association [in the United Kingdom] -/· Operations de Defense Aerienne -/· Organisation de Diffusion de l'Artisanat

ODAP e: Office of Drug Abuse Policy - e: Office of the Director of Allied Personnel

ODASCE /· Office de Developpement pour rAutomatisation et Simplification du Commerce Exterieur ODASE /· Operation de Developpement de Agricole du Sud-Est ODASEA /· Organismes Departementeaux pour l'Amenagement des Structures des Exploitations Agricoles ODASEJ /· (Euvre d'Assistance Sociale ä 1'Enfance Juive ODaSR e: Standard Register Co., Engineering and Research Library, Dayton

ODAA e: Office of Dependent Area Affairs OC[&]W n: [Ministerie van] Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap OCWC e: Officers and Civilians Wives Club OCWFLU e: Operative Coachmakers and Wheelwrights Federal Labour Union OCWG e: Ocean Color Working Group

ODAC e: Open Document Architecture Consortium -/· Office de Diffusion des Applications du Contreplaque -/· Organisation pour le Developpement de l'Art et de la Culture ODACA e: Original Doll Artists Council of America

OCWP e: Office of Civilian Waste Programs OCX e: Onex Corp. - e: Xavier University, Cincinnati OCY e: Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, Cincinnati OCZM e: Office of Coastal Zone Management ÖD d: Ordnungsdienst - e: Doctor of Optometry - e: Office of Distribution - e: Office of the Director - e: Officer of the Day - e: Operations Directive - e: Operations Division - e: Order of Daedalians - e: Order of DeMolay - e: Order of Druids - e: Order of the Day - e: Ordnance Department - e: Ordnance Depot - e: Organisational (or Organizational) Development - n: Onbekende Dader - n: Ongevallen Dienst - n: Orde Dienst - S: Osrednje Drustvo öd d: oder o.D. d: ohne Datum O.D. e: Doctor of Ophthalmology - e: Doctor of Optometry - e: Doctor of Osteopathy - e: Office of Distribution - e: Operations Division


ODACVG /· Office Departemental des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre ODaGL e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Dayton Ohio Branch, Dayton ODaGMl e: General Motors Corp., Inland Manufacturing Division, Engineering Library, Dayton ODAI /· Operation de Developpement Agricole Integre ODAIR e: Office Deputy Air ODAL /· Organisation de Distribution Agricole et Laitiere ODALC e: Ogden Air Logistics Center ODALE e: Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement

ODATS e: Office Director Assignment Tracking System ODaU e; University of Dayton, Dayton ODaU-L e; University of Dayton, Law Library, Dayton ODaUM e: United Methodist Church, Commission on Archives and History, Dayton ODAV d: Ostbayerische Datenverarbeitungsgesellschaft ODaV e: United States Veterans Administration Center, Library Services, Dayton ODaWU e: Wright State University, Dayton ODaWU-H e: Wright State University, School of Medicine, Fordham Library, Dayton ODaWU-W e: Wright State University, Western Ohio Branch Campus, Celina ODB e: Ocean Data Buoy - e: Office of Dependency Benefits - e: Orbit Determination Beacon - e: Overseas Development Bank - H: Orszägos Dokumentacios Bizottsäg - se: Opsta Drzavna Bolnica ODBA e: Oregon Dairy Breeders Association

ODAMAP /· Office Dahomeen des Manutentions Portuaires

ODBC e: Operational Database Connectivity

ODaMCo e; Mead Corp., Dayton

OdBl d: Odontologische Blätter

ODaMR e: Monsanto Research Corp., Dayton Laboratory, Dayton

ODBTS e: United Theological Seminary, Dayton

ODaN e: National Cash Register Co., NCR Library, Dayton

ODC e: Oceanographic Data Center - e: Office for Defense Cooperation - e: Office of Defense Coordination - e: Office of Deputy Chief of Staff Programs and Resources - e: Ohio Dominican College - e: Old Dominion College

ODaNT e: National Cash Register Co., Technical Library, Dayton


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ODI - e: Ontario Development Corporation - e: Operational Data Center - e: Optical Disc Corporation - e: Order of Discalced Carmelites - e: Organization Development Council - e: Overseas Defence Committee - e: Overseas Development Company, Ltd. - e: Overseas Development Corporation - e: Overseas Development Council - n: Overwinning Door Combinatie - n: Overzicht Diploma's en Certificaten O.D.C. e: Order of Discalced Carmelites -/· Organe de Direction et de Contröle -/· Organisme de Direction et de Contröle

ODDP e: Office of the Director of Development Planning

ODEPP /· Organisation de la Diffusion des Editions de Presse et Publications

ODDRD e: Office of Deputy Director for Research and Development

ODEQ e: Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality

ODDR&D e: Office of the Director, Defense Research, and Development

ODESSA d: Organisation der ehemaligen SSAngehörigen - e: Ocean Data Environmental Science Services Acquisition

ODDR&E e: Office of the Deputy Director of Research and Engineering - e: Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering ODDRE e: Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering

ODETTE e: Organisation (or Organization) for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission in Europe - e: Organization for Data Exchange Through Teletransmission

O.d.C. /· Organe de Contröle ODCA 5: Organizacion Democrata Cristiana de America e: Christian Democratic Organization of America ODCBA e: Oxford and District Cattle Breeders Association

ODDS e: Oceanographic Digital Data System - e: Operational Data Delivery Services ODE e: Omikron Delta Epsilon - e: Open Development Environment -/· Outillage Decoupage Emboutissage

ODF e: Oceanographic Data Facility - e: Old Dominion Foundation - e: Operational Deployment Force - e: Oregon Department of Forestry -/· Office de Documentation du Firm O.D.F. d: Orden Deutscher Falkoniere

ODCC e: One-Design Class Council

O.D.E. /· Office de Documentation Economique

ODCCP e: Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention

ODEA s: Oficina de Educacion de Adultos del Ministerio de Educacion

ODCE /· Office Departemental de la Cooperation ä 1'Ecole

ODEAM /· Organisation Departementale d'Etudes des Alpes Maritimes

ODCM e: Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization

ODEC e: Ocean Data Equipment Corporation - e: Ocean Design Engineering Corporation

ODCofS e; Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff

ODECA s: Organizacion de Estados Centroamericanos

ODCPC e: Order of Descendants of Colonial Physicians and Chirurgiens

ODECABE s: Organizacion Deportiva Centroamericana y del Caribe

ODCR e: Officer Distribution and Control Report - e: Operations Deputies Conference Room

ODECO e: Ocean Drilling and Exploration Company, New Orleans, La.

ODFFU e: Organization for Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine ODFI e: Office of Direct Foreign Investment - e: Open Die Forging Institute ODFL e: Old Dominion Freight Lines Inc. O.D.F.L. e: Our Dumb Friends' League ODFW e: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife [Research and Development Section] ODG e: Operational Data Group - e: Operational Design Group - e: Overseas Development Group ODGMI e: Oregon State Department of Minerals and Mineral Industries

ODCS e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff

O.D.E.E. e: Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology

ODCSINT e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

ODEF /· Office national de Developpement et d'Exploitation des ressources Forestieres

ODGS e: Ohio Division of Geological Survey

ODCSLOG e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

ODEFA /· Organisation de Defense de l'Environnement et de la Faune Africaine

ODGSO e; Office of Domestic Gold and Silver Operations

ODCSO e: Office of Data Collection and Survey Operations

ODEL /· Office de Diffusion et d'Emission de Loterie -/· Office d'Edition et de Librairie

ODH e: Ohio Department of Health - e: Ontario Department of Health - e: Operations Directive Handbook

ODELIC /· Office pour le Developpement des Behanges ä caracteres Linguistique, Culturel, scientifique et social avec les pays de la Mediterranee et du Moyen-Orient

ODHA s: Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado

ODCSO PS e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations [and Plans] ODCSPER e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel ODCSRDA e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition ODCTI e: Old Dominion College Technical Institute ODD d: Organisation Dienst für Deutschland - e: Offboard Deception Device - e: Organizing District Delegate ODDA e: Office of Deputy Director for Administration

ODGP e: Osborne Division of General Practice

ODHAG s: Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala

O. de M. /; Ordo de Mercede ODEMEF /· Office d'Etudes pour ['exportation du Materiel Electromecanique Frangais ODEMO /· Operation de Developpement du Moyen-Ouest O.D.E.P. e: Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs ODEPA 5: Oficina de Planificacion Agricole - s: Organizacion Deportiva Panamericana

od.dgl. d: oder dergleichen ODEPLAN s: Oficina Nacional de Planificacion

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

ODHAGUA 5: Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado ODHI 5: Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Ixcan ODHS e: Dundas Historical Society Museum, Ontario ODHWS e: Office of Defense and Health Welfare Service ODI c: Okresni Dopravni Inspektorat - e: Odin Industry Ltd. - e: Office of Defense Investigation - e: Office of Director of Intelligence


O.D.I. - e: Open-Door International [for the Economic Emancipation of the Woman Worker] - e: Organization Development Institute - e: Overseas Development Institute -/· Office du Developpement Industriel -/· Omnium de Distribution Industriel -/· Organisation Interamericaine de Defense - n: Ontspanning door Inspanning O.D.I. /· Office de Developpement Industriel ODIA /· Office d'Interventions Administratives ODIC e; Office of the Director of Information Control -/· Office de Diffusion Industriel et Commercial ODID e; Office of the Director of Industrial Demobilization ODIEP /· Office de Documentation et d'Information de 1'Enseignement Prive ODIF e: Office Document Interchange Format - e: Open Document Interchange Format ODIG 5: Organizacion para el Desarollo Indigena ODIL e: Overseas Development Institute Limited ODIMS e: Open Distributed Information Management System ODIN d: On-line Dokumentations- und Informationsnetz - e: On-line Documentation and Information Network - e: Origin-Destination Information versus Traffic Control - e: Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA ODIO n: Ons Doel is Ontspanning ODIP /· Office de Diffusion des Panneaux de particules ODIS e: Origin Destination Information System - n: Ons Doel is Sport

-/· Office Departemental du Logement - n: Opvoedingsdienst van het Leger

ODOP e: Ohio Digital Orthophotography Project

O.D.L. /· Office Departemental du Logement - n: Opvoedingsdienst van het Leger

ODOT e: Ohio Department of Transportation

ODLA e: Autonomous Labor Defense Office ODLAA e: Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia ODM e: Ministry of Overseas Development - e: Office of Defense Manpower - e: Office of Defense [and Civilian] Mobilization - e: Order of Mercy [Mercedarians] - e: Overseas Development Ministry ODMA e: Office of the Director of Military Assistance - e: Optical Distributors and Manufacturers Association ODMC e: Office for Dependents' Medical Care ODMG e: Object Data Management Group - e: Object Database Management Group

ODPC e: OOP Council -/· Office de Diffusion des Produits Ceramiques

ODMN e: National Research Council, Don Mills, Ontario

ODPE e: Organization and Doctrine Interservice Panel of Experts

ODMO e: Office of Defense Management and Organization

ODPEX e: Offshore Drilling and Production Exhibition

ODMRJ e: Rolf Jensen & Associates Ltd., Don Mills, Ontario

ODPHP e: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

ODMS e: Office of the Director for Mutual Security

ODPI e: Office of Director of Public Information

ODMT e: Office of the Director of Military Training - e: Operations Division Management Team

ODPL /· Omnium de Diffusion des Produits Laitiers

ODMWS e: Wyda Systems Canada, Inc., Don Mills, Ontario ODN e: Overseas Development Network

ODJB e: Original Dixieland Jazz Band

ODNR e: Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes ODNRI e: Overseas Development [of] Natural Resources Institute

ODJS e: Office of the Director, Joint Staff ODNS e: Operations Division of Naval Staff ODK d: Obere Donau Kraftwerke AG - e: Omikron Delta Kappa [fraternity]

OdNtw d: Ostdeutscher Naturwart

O.d.K. d: Oberkommando der Küstenverteidigung

O.d.O. d: Oberbefehlshaber der Ostseestreitkräfte

ODKF N: Oslo Distrikts Kontorspersonales Forening

ODO e: Office of Disability Operations - e: Operations Duty Officer - e: Outdoor Officefr]

ODL e; Office of Defense Lending - e: Office of the Duchy of Lancaster - e: University of Dayton, Law Library, Dayton


OD [PA&E] e: Office of the Director [Program Analysis and Evaluation]

ODMIBM e: IBM [International Business Machines] Canada Ltd., Don Mills, Ontario

ODNA e: Operational Data and Notices to Airmen

ODKO P: Osrodek Doskolania Kadr Oswiatowych

O.D.P. e: Orderof the Sons ofDivine Providence -/· Office Departemental des Pensions -/· Office Departemental du Placement

OdMh d: Ostdeutsche Monatshefte

ODiSS P: Osrodek Dokumentacji i Studiow Spolecznych

ODJR /· Organisation Democratique de la Jeunesse Reunionnaise

OOP d: Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei - e: Ocean Drilling Program[me] - e: Office Depot, Inc. - e: Office fo Assistment Manager for Development and Production - e: Office of Defense Planning - e: Office of Disability Programs - e: Office of Disaster Preparedness - e: Operating Department Practitioner - e: Operational Deployment Plan - e: Operational Development Plan - e: Orbit Determination Program - e: Order of the Sons of Divine Providence - e: Outline Development Plan -/· Office Departemental des Pensions -/· Office Departemental du Placement

ODOE e: Oregon Department of Energy ODOOS P: Osrodek Dokumentacji Obrabiarek i Obrobki Skrawaniem


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ODPN /· Office Departemental des Pupilles de la Nation ODPPP e: Operating Division Project Product Policy ODQ e: Ordre des Dentistes du Quebec ODQM e: Office of the Division Quartermaster O.d.R. d: Ordensgemeinschaft der Ritterkreuzträger ODR e: Ocean Drilling & Exploration Co. - e: Office of Defense Resources - e: Office of Dissemination and Resources - e: Officer of Defense Resources - e: Omnidirection Range -/· Operation de Developpement Rizicole ODRC e: Office of Disaster Relief Coordinator - e: Operational Data Reduction Center - e: Orbiter Data Reduction Center OD&RD e: Overseas Discharge and Replacement Depot ODRE e: Office of Defense Research and Engineering

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OEC ODRES e: Old Dominion Real Estate

ODUC e: Ohio Data Users Center

ODRI e: Office of Defense Representative, India

ODUCAL 5: Organizacion de Universidades Catolicas de America Latina

ODRL e: Delta Branch, Rideau Lakes Union Library, Ontario

ODUM e: Association of American Youth of Ukrainian Descent

ODRP e: Office of Defense Representative, Pakistan

ODURF e: Old Dominion University Research Foundation

ODRS e: Ore Deposits Research Section - 5: Organizacion Desarrollo Rio Senegal

ODUSD [R&AT] e: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Advanced Technology

ODS d: Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz - d: Organisations- und Datenverarbeitungsstation - d: Ostpolitischer Deutscher Studentenverband - e: Ocean Data Station - e: Odessa Explorations Ltd. - e: Office for Domestic Shipping - e: Office of Defender Services - e: Office of Dietary Supplements - e: Open Door Society - e: Optical Data Systems Inc. - e: Orton Dyslexia Society - e: Osric Dining Society -/· Office Departemental de la Seine O.D.S. e: Office of the Director of Stamping - e: Ornamental Decorators' Society -/· Office Departemental de la Seine

ODUSM e: Office, Deputy Under Secretary for Manpower ODUSN e: Office, Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy ODVA e: Open Device-Net Vendor Association, Inc. ODVAR e: Orbit Determination and Vehicle Attitude Reference ODW e: Office of Drinking Water - e: Ohio Wesleyan University - e: Oregon Draymen & Warehousemen's Association, Portland

- e: Oahu Education Association - e: Oblate Education Association - e: OEA, Inc. - e: Office Education Association - e: Office Executives Association - e: Office of Economic Adjustment - e: Office of Economic Affairs - e: Office of Economic Analysis - e: Office of Enforcement Analysis - e: Office of Export Administration - e: Office of External Affairs - e: Officers' Employment Association - e: Ohio Education Association - e: Oklahoma Education Association - e: Old Etonian Association - e: Optometric Editors Association - e: Orchestral Employers' Association - e: Ordnance Electrical Artificer - e: Oregon Education Association - e: Organization of European Aluminium Smelters - e: Organizational Expense Accounts - e: Outdoor Education Association - e: Overseas Education Association -/· Organisation des Etats Americains -/· Organisation Economique d'Approvisionnement - H: Orszägos Energiagazdälkodäsi Alap - p: Organizacäo dos Estados Americanos - 5: Organizacion de los Estados Americanos O.E.A. e: Ohio Education Association

ODWG e: Offset Drilling Working Group ODSA e: Overseas Development Service Association ODSAD e: Office of Director, Special Activities Division

OEA H: Orszägos EpUletjavitäsi Alap ODWIN e: Opening Doors Wider in Nursing [project] ODWSA e; Office of the Directorate of Weapon Systems Analysis

ODSBA e: Oxford Down Sheep Breeders Association

ODxC d: Osnabrücker Dx-Club

ODSE e: Open Door Student Exchange

ODY e: Odyssey Industries, Inc.

ODSI e: Ocean Data Systems, Incorporated - e: Old Dominion Systems, Incorporated - e: Optical Domain Service Interconnect

ODYY e: Odyssey Entertainment Ltd.

ODSLOG e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistic ODSR e: Office of the Director of Scientific Research ODST e: Online Depression Screening Test ODT e: Office of Defense Transportation - e: Organizational Design Team -/· Office de Demenagement et de Transit ODTA /· Organisation pour le Developpement du Tourisme Africain ODTACCS e; Office of the Director, Telecommunications, and Command and Control Systems ODTC e: Office of Defense Trade Controls ODTF e: Operational Development Test Facility ODTI /· Office Dauphinois des Travailleurs Immigres ODTS e: Operational Development Test Site - e: Overseas Doctors Training Scheme ODU e: Old Dominion University

ODZ e: Outer Defense Zone - n: Onderlinge Dames Zwemclub - P: Osrodek Dokumentacji Zabytkow - S: Obci Drzavljanski Zakonik ODZS S: Objave Drzavne zalozbe Slovenije OE d: Organisationseinheit - d: Orientierungseinheit - e: OE, Inc. - e: Office in/of Education - e: Office of Emergency Planning and Operations - e: Office of Enforcement - e: Old English - e: Operating Engineer - e: Operation Enterprise - e: Oregon Electric Railway Co. - e: Orient Electronics, Ltd. - e: Ship's Ordnance Engineer -/· Officiers Eleves -/· Organisation Economique -/· Organismes d'Enseignement O.E. e: Old English - e: Oregon Electric Railway Co. O&E e: Officers and Employees - e: Operations and Engineering Contract OEA d: Obereinigungsamt - d: Organisation Europäischer Aluminiumschmelzhütten - d: Organisation fur die Einheit Afrikas

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OEAA e: Oil Engineering Apprentices Association OEAC /· Organisation des Etats d'Amerique Centrale OEalK e: Kent State University, East Liverpool Regional Campus, East Liverpool OEA News e: United States Department of Commerce. News. Office of Economic Affairs OEAS d: Organisation Europäischer Aluminium-Schmelzhütten OEASA e: Outdoor Educators' Association of South Australia OEB e: Officers' Employment Board - e: Officers' Employment Bureau - e: Oregon Educational Broadcasting -/· Office Europeen des Brevets -/· Organisation Europeenne des Brevets -i: Organizzazione Europea dei Brevetti - n: Ondervakgroep Export van Bloembollen OEBA e: Office for Economic and Business Affairs OEBC /· Organisation Europeenne de/pour la Biologie Cellulaire OEBI s: Oficina de Estadisticas Balleneras Internacionales OEBM /· Organisation Europeenne de Biologie Moleculaire OEBS d: Öffentliche Bausparkasse Oldenburg-Bremen - e: Office of Employee Benefits Security OEC e: Office of Economic Cooperation - e: Office of Electronics and Control


O.E.C. - e: Office of Energy Conservation - e: Office of Environmental Compliance - e: Office of Export Control - e: Office on Educational Credit - e: Ohio Edison Company - e: Oil Exporting Countries - e: Ontario Economic Council - e: Ontario Energy Corporation - e: Open Environment Corporation - e: Optic-Electronic Corporation - e: Opto-Electronics Center - e: Organization Effectiveness Consultants - e: Organization Executive Course - e: Oribital Engine Corporation - e: Overall Energy Council - e: Overseas Employment Corporation -/· Officier des Equipages en Chef -/· Officiers d'Etat-Civil - e: Ontario Educational Communications Authority -/· Organisation des Etats Centroamericains

- e: Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund [of Japan]

OE DIV e: Operations Electronics/Material Division

OECI e: Organization of European Cancer Institutes

OEDO e: Ordnance Engineering Duty Officer

O.E.C. /· Organisation Europeenne du Charbon

OECO e: Oxygen Enrichment Company Ltd.

OECC e: Office for/on Educational Credit and Credentials OECD d: Organisation für die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung - e: Organisation (or Organization) for/of Economic Cooperation and Development - e: Organization for European Community Development O.E.C.D. e: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD/ e: OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development]/ Environment Committee OECD-IGUS e: OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable Substances OECD/ e: OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] Nuclear Energy Agency OECD/ e: OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] National Income Accounts OECD/SIDS e: OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] Screening Information Data Sets OECE /· Organisation Europeenne de Cooperation Economique -i: Organizzazione Europea di Cooperazione Economica - s: Organizacion Europea de Colaboracion Economica O.E.C.E. i: Organizzazione Europea di Cooperazione Economica OECEI i; Oficina de Estudio[s] para la Colaboracion Economica Internacional OECE/OCDE /· Organisation Europeenne de Cooperation Economique/Organisation de Cooperation et de Developpement Economiques OECF d: Olympischer Eisschnellauf-Club Frankfurt


OECL /· Ordre des Experts Comptables Luxembourgois -/· Organisation Europeenne des industries de la Conserve de Legumes OECM e: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring OE-CMT /· Organisation Europeenne de la Confederation Mondiale du Travail - i : Organizzazione Europea della Confederazione Mondiale del Lavoro OECM-W e: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring-Waste

OECON e: Offshore Engineering Conference - e: Offshore Exploration Conference OECOS e: Organizational Engineering for Communications and Organizational Systems OECQ /· Organisation Europeenne du Contröle de Qualite

OEDP e: Office of Employment Development Programs - e: Overall Economic Development Program OED[S] e: Oxford English Dictionary [Supplement] OEDSF e: Onboard Experimental Data Support Facility OEDT /· Observatoire Europeen des Drogues et des Toxicomanies OeDTW d: Österreichisches Dokumentationszentrum für Technik und Wirtschaft OEE e: Office of Educational Exchange - e: Office of Export Enforcement - H: Orszägos Erdeszeti Egyesület OEEC e: Organisation (or Organization) for European Economic Cooperation OEEC/OECD e: Organization for European Economic Co-operation/Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development O.E.E.L. e: Other East-European Languages

OECS e: Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States - e: Organization for the Enforcement of Child Support - e: Organization of East[ern] Caribbean States OEC&S e: Organizational Effectiveness Center and School OECSEAS e: Organisation (or Organization) of Eastern Caribbean States, Economic Affairs Secretariat OECT /· Organisation Europeenne de Cooperation Touristique -/· Organisation Europeenne du Commerce de gros en Textile OeCV d: Österreichischer Cartellverband der Katholischen Studenten-Verbindungen OED e: Ocean Engineering Division - e: Office of Economic Development - e: Ohio Edison - e: Operational Effectiveness Demonstration - e: Operational Engineering Detachment - e: Oxford English Dictionary -/· Organisation Europeenne de Defense OEDA e: Office of Energy Data and Analysis -/· Organisation d'Etude pour le Developpement et Amenagement de l'Alsace OEDB e: Official Estimates Data Base OeDBW d: Österreichische Dokumentation fur Bauwesen und Wohnungswirtschaft OEDC e: Office of Engineering Design and Construction

OEEO e: Office of Equal Educational Opportunities - e: Office of Equal Employment Opportunity OEEPE /· Organisation Europeene d'Etudes en Photogrammetrie Experimentale OEEPR /· Organisation Europeenne pour Experimentation Photogrammetrique de la Recherche OEEPV /· Office Europeen d'Expansion et Promotion Ventes OE-ERIC e: Office of Education-Educational Resources Information Center OEES e: Interagency Committee on Ocean Exploration and Environmental Services - e: Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes - n: Organisatie voor Europese Economische Samenwerking OEET e: Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology OEETD e; Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology Demonstration OEF e: Oceanic Educational Foundation - e: Optical Evaluation Facility - e: Organization of Employers' Federations [and Employers in Developing Countries] - e: Osteopathic Educational Foundation - e: Overseas Education Fund of the League of Women Voters - H: Orszägos Erdeszeti Föigazgatosäg O.E.F. e: Osteopathic Educational Foundation

OEDF e: Overseas Economic Development Fund

OEFI e: OEF [Overseas Educational Fund] International

OEDIP /· Office d'Etude et de Diffusion Pharmaceutique


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OEPR OE-FISEC /· Organisation EuropeenneFederation Internationale Sportive de l'Enseignement Catholique

OEICCF /· Organisation Europeenne des Industries des Confitures et Conserves de Fruits

OEFLEI d: Verband Österreichischer Fleischervereinigungen

OEICTO e: Association of European Tomato Processing Industries

OEMs e: Original Equipment Manufacturers

OEG d: Oberrheinische EisenbahnGesellschaft AG - e: Office of Education Grant - e: Office of Environmental Guidance - e: Operation Exposure Guide - e: Operations Evaluation Group - e: Organization and Equipment Guide - e: Outdoor Ethics Guild - 5: Olimpiadas Especiales de Guatemala

OEIE /· Ouvriers des Etablissements Industrieis de l'Etat

OEMT e: Operational Emergency Management Team

OEIMC e: Oklahoma Environmental Information and Media Center

OEN e: Oak Electro-Netics Corp. - e: Oak Industries - e: Oxford Energy Co.

OEGCA e: Old English Game Club of America Oe.G.-G. d: Österreichische GartenbauGesellschaft OEGOSC e: Organization Effectiveness General Officer Steering Committee OeGRR d: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Raumforschung und Raumplanung OEGT e: Office of Education for the Gifted and Talented -/· Organisation Europeenne du commerce de Gros en Textile

OEIPS e: Office of Engineering and Information Processing - e: Office of Engineering and Information Processing Standards OEIS e: Office of Energy Information Services

OEMP e: Office of Environmental Monitoring and Prediction -/· Office d'Exportation des Matieres Premieres

OeNB d: Österreichische Nationalbank OENCO e: Organizational Effectiveness Noncommissioned Officer OENR e: Organization for European Nuclear Research

OEIT e: Open-End Investment Trust OEITFL /· Organisation Europeenne des Industries Transformatices de Fruits et Legumes OEIU e: Office Employees International Union OEK[-IEC] d: Österreichisches Elektrotechnisches Komitee der IEC

en T n: Organisatie en Techniek van de handel OEO e: Office of Economic Opportunity [of the Executive Office of the President] - e: Office of Equal Opportunity - e: Operational Equipment Objective - e: Oversea Employment Office OEOA e: Office for/of Emergency Operations for Africa

OeKK d: Öffentliche Krankenkasse OeGV d: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Vakuumtechnik OeGWFT d: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung und Flugkörpertechnik OeH d: Österreichische Hochschülerschaft OEH e: Orient Express Hotels - e: Oxford Eye Hospital

OEOB e: Old Executive Office Building OEKTG d: Österreichische Kerntechnische Gesellschaft OEL e: Office of Export Licensing - e: Optical Evaluation Laboratory - e: Orenda Engines Limited, Malton OELL e: Oriental Esoteric Library League

OEH H: Orszägos Epitesügyi Hivatal

OEL/MA e: Ohio Educational Library/Media Association

OEHA e: Office of Environmental and Health Affairs

OeLP d: Österreichischer LuftfahrtPressedienst

OEHEG d: Österreichische Hartkäse-ExportGesellschaft mbH

OEM d: Öl, Erdgas & Mineralien Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft mbH - e: Office & Electronic Machines Ltd. - e: Office for Emergency Management - e: Office of Environmental Mediation - e: Office of Executive Management - e: Original Equipment Manufacture[r][s] - e: Original Equipment Manufacturing - e: Other Equipment Manufacturer -/· Ondes Electromagnetiques -/· Organisation Economique Moderne

OEHI in: Organisasi Exportir Hasilbumi Indonesia OEHL e: Hoffman-la Roche Ltd., Etobicoke, Ontario - e: Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory OEHS e: Office of Environmental Health & Safety OEI d: Osteuropa-Institut - e: Official Establishment Inventory - e: Optical Electronics Incorporated - e: Overall Efficiency Index -/· Organisation de ['Education Iberoamericaine -/· Organisation Europeenne d'Information - i; Oficina de Educacion Iberoamericana - 5: Organizacio de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educacio, la Ciencia y la Cultura OEI H: Orszägos Epitöipari Igazgatosäg OEIC e: Ocean Engineering Information Centre - e: Open-End Investment Company

OEMA e: Office Equipment Manufacturers Association - e: Office of Educational and Manpower Assistance - e: Office of Export Marketing Assistance

O&EP e: Occupational and Environmental Protection OEP e: Occupational Education Project - e: Ocean Education Project - e: Office of Economic Planning - e: Office of Economic Preparedness - e: Office of Economic Programs - e: Office of Emergency Planning - e: Office of Emergency Preparedness [of the Executive Office of the President] - e: Office of Energy Programs - e: Office of Energy R&D Policy - e: Office of Enforcement Policy - e: Office of External Programs, - e: Operational Employment Plan - e: Outside Engineering Personnel - e: Oxford Economic Papers - e: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati - se: Organizacija i Ekonomika Preduzeca OEPA e: Ohio Enviromenatl Protection Agency OEPER e: Office of Environmental Processes] and Effects Research OEPF e: Optometric Extension Program Foundation OEPFC e: Official Elvis Presley Fan Club

Oemag d: Österreichische Mineralwasser AG OEME /· Office des Editions et Manifestations Economiques

OePG d: Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft

OEMI e: Office Equipment Manufacturers Institute - e: Office of Energy, Minerals and Industry

OEPP e: Office of Environmental Policy and Planning -/· Organisation Europeenne et mediterraneenne pour la Protection des Plantes

OEMOLK d: Österreichischer Molkerei- und Käsereiverband

OEPR e: Office of Environmental Project Review

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OEPS OEPS e: Office of Educational Programs and Services

O.Er.S.A. /; Ordo Fratrum Eremitarum Sancti Augustini

OEPT /· Office Equatorial des Postes et Telecommunications

OERTC /· Organisation Europeenne de Recherche sur le Traitement du Cancer

OEPTE /· Organisation Europeenne pour la Promotion du Tourisme Equestre

OES d: Organisation Bürotel AG Schweiz - e: Bureau for/of Oceans and International Environmental] and Scientific Affairs [of State Department] - e: IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] Oceanic Engineering Society - e: Office Evaluation System - e: Office of Earthquake Studies - e: Office of Economic Stabilization - e: Office of Emergency Service - e: Office of Employment Security - e: Office of Endangered Species - e: Office of Engineering Standards, Institute for Applied Technology, NBS, Washington - e: Office of Examinations and Supervision - e: Office of Executive Support - e: Official Experimental Station - e: Operations and Engineering Squadron - e: Order of the Eastern Star - e: Organization Executive Secretary - e: Organization of European States - e: Overseas Educational Service -/· Organisation Economique et Sociale -/· Organisation Europeenne des Sciries

OEQ e: Order of Engineers of Quebec OEQC e: Office of Environmental Quality Control OeR d: Österreichische Rundschau OER e: Office of Economic Research [of Economic Development Agency] - e: Office of Energy Research - e: Office of Engineering Reference - e: Office of Environmental Restoration - e: Office of Evaluation Research - e: Office of Explanitory Research - e: Office of Exploratory Research - e: Office of Extramural Research - e: Officer Effectiveness Report - e: Officer Efficiency Report - e: Officer Evaluation Report - e: Officers' Emergency Reserve - e: Organization for European Research -/· Office Europeen de Radiodiffusion -/· Organisation Europeenne de Radiodiffusion O.E.R. e: Organization for European Research

O.E.S. e: Organization of European States -/· Organisation Economique et Sociale

OESS e: Office of Engineering Standards Services - e: Organizational Effectiveness Survey System OES/SCI e; Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs/Scientific and Technological Affairs OESSK d: Öffentliche Sicherheits- und Schutzkommission OEST e; Outline European Staff Target OestAGZ. d: Allgemeine österreichische Gerichtszeitung OestCBl d: Österreichisches Zentralblatt für die juristische Praxis OESTE i; Organizacion Estudios y Servicios Tecnicos Especialzades OeSV d: Österreichischer Skiverband OeSWG d: Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Güterbewegung OET e: Office of Economic Transition - e: Office of Education and Training - e: Office of Emergency Transportation - e: Office of Engineering and Technology - e: Office of Environmental Technology

OERAHA /· Organisation Europeenne pour des Recherches Astronomiques dans Hemisphere Austral

OESA d: Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie GmbH - e: Office of Earth Science[s] Applications - e: Office of Employment Service Administration

OERD e: Office of Energy Research and Development

OESAD /· Organisation Europeenne de Secours aux Animaux en Detresse

OETA e: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration

OERF e: Orthodontic Education and Research Foundation

OESC /· Organisation pour l'Education, la Science et la Culture

OETB e: Ocean Economics and Technology Branch - e: Offshore Energy Technology Board

O.E.R.F.S. /· Organisation des Etats Riverains du Fleuve Senegal

OESCA e: Old English Sheepdog Club of America

OERI e: Office of Educational Research and Improvement - e: Office of Energy-Related Inventions

OESD e: Ocean Engineering System Development

OeRK d: Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen OERL e: Elgin Branch, Rideau Lakes Union Library, Ontario - e: Officer Education Research Laboratory O.E.R.N. /· Organisation Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire OERP e: Overseas Expenditure Reduction Program OERPA e: Office of Exploratory Research and Problem Assessment

OESE e: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education OES/ENP e: Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs/Environmental and Population Affairs

O.E.T. i: Organizzazione Editoriale Tipografica, Roma OET H: Orszägos Epitesiigyi Tanäcs

OE&TB e: Officer Education and Training Branch OETC e: Organizational Effectiveness Training Center OETI d: Österreichisches Teppichforschungsinstitut OETLC e: Office of Economic Trends and Labor Conditions OETM 5: Oficina Electro-Tecnica Mexicana

OESGAE d: Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie GmbH, Wien OESL e: Oceanographic and Environmental Service Laboratory - e: Office of Engineering Standards Liaison

OETO e: Ocean Economics and Technology Office OETTI H: Orszägos Elelmezes- es Täplälkozästudomänyi Intezet OEU e: Operational Evaluation Unit

OERR e: Office of Emergency and Remedial Response - e: Office of Environmental Regulatory Research OERS e: Officer Evaluation Reporting System -/· Organisation des Etats Riverains du [fleuve] Senegal -/· Organisation Europeenne de Recherches Spatiales


OESO e: Ordinance Environmental Support Office - e: Organizational Effectiveness Staff Officer -/· Organisation Internationale d'Etudes Statistiques pour les Maladies de 1'Oesophage - n: Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling OESP e: Ontario Export Support Programme - /: Ordo Eremitarum Sancti Pauli

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OEUFSJT /· Organisation Europeenne des Unions de Foyers et Services pour les Jeunes Travailleurs OEVA /· Office de ['Experimentation et de la Vulgarisation Agricole OEVS d: Österreichischer Verband für Strahlenschutz

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OFDM OEW d: Oberschlesische Elektrizitätswerke AG - e: Offensive Electronic Warfare - e: Office of Economic Warfare

-/· Office pour la Formation des Animateurs de Centre de vacances et de loisirs

-/· Organisation des Fabricants de produits Cellulosiques Alimentaires de la CEE

OFACI /· Office France Amerique pour le Commerce et Industrie

OFCC e; Office of Federal Contract Compliance

O.F.A.C.M. /· Organisation Franco-Anglaise du Capitaine Michel

OFCCP e: Office of Federal Contract [&] Compliance Program[s]

OFACS e: Overseas Foreign Aeronautical Communications Station

OFCE e: Office -/· Office Francais du Commerce Exterieur

OFAD e: Ocean Floor Analysis Division

OFCF e: Overseas Farmers Cooperative Federation Ltd.

Oe.W.B. d: Österreichischer Werkbund OeWB d: Österreichischer Werkbund o-e WG e: open-ended Working Group OEWG e: Open-Ended Working Group - e: Operation and Evaluation Wartime Group - e: Operation, Evaluation Wartime Group OEX e: Office of the Educational Exchange OEXP e: Office of Exploration

OFADEC /· Office Africain pour le Developpement et la Cooperation OFADI /· Office d'Analyse de Distribution Publicitaire

OexS e: Office of Exporter Services OEZED i: Organizzazione di Emergenza di Zone Eccezionalmente Danneggiate OF d: Operative Fuhrung - d: Orell Füssli Verlag - e: Oceanographic Facility - e: Odd Fellows - e: Offshore Oil International - e: Old French - e: Open Forum - e: Operating Forces - e: Operational Functionality - e: Ophthalmological Foundation - e: Optional Form - e: Order of the Founder - e: Orphan Foundation - e: Osseointegration Foundation - e: Osteopathic Foundation - e: Oxenstierna Foundation - e: Oxford Foundation -/· Organisation Frangaise Mouvement Europeen -/· Organisations Feminines -/· Ouvrages Fortifies - r: Odontologiska Föreningen i Stockholm - S: Osvobodilna Fronta - se: Oslobodilacka Fronta

OFA-Edition e: Office Arabe de presse et de documentation OFAF e: Metallurgical Research Library, Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd., Faleonbridge, Ontario i; Officina autocarreggiata per materiale di collegamento OFCL /· Office Federal de Constructions et de Logistique OFCM e: Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Research - e: Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology

Ofag d: Ofenbau-AG

OFCO e: Office of the Federal Coordinating Officer

OFAJ /· Office Franco-Allemand[e] de/pour la Jeunesse

OFCOFASSTSECNAV e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy

OFALAC /· Office Algerien d'Action Economique et Touristique

OFCOFASSTSECNAV [FINMGMT] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Financial Management]

OFAM /· Omnium Franco-Africain des Materiaux OFAMAC /· Office Francais d'Aide Medicale aux Campeurs OFAR e: Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations OFAS e: Overseas Flight Assistance Service -/· Office Federal des Assurances Sociales OFASA 5: Obra Filantropica de Asistencia Social Adventista

OFCOFASSTSECNAV [INST&LOG] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Installation and Logistics] OFCOFASSTSECNAV [PERS&RESFOR] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Personnel and Reserve Force] OFCOFASSTSECNAV [RSCH&DEV] e: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Research and Development] OFCOFINFO e: Office of Information

Of d: Offizier Ofaz d: Oberfeldarzt O.F. e: Odd Fellows - e: Officers' Federation -/· (Euvre Francaise - n: Onafhankelijkheidsfront - r: Odontologiska Föreningen OFA d: Offenbacher Frühjahrsausstellung - d: Orell Füssli-Annoncen AG - d: Ortsfürsorgeausschuß - e: Office of Family Assistance - e: Office of Federal Activities - e: Office of Financial Analysis - e: Oklahoma Forestry Association - e: Old Farmer's Almanac - e: Old Folks Association - e: Ontario Federation of Agriculture - e: Ontario Film Association - e: Organized Flying Adjusters - e: Orphan Foundation of America - e: Orthopedic Foundation for Animals - e: Other Federal Agencies [Program] - e: Other Federal Agency - e: Oxygenated Fuels Association -/· Office Arabe de Presse et de Documentation -/· Office Federal de l'Air OFAC e: Office of Foreign Assets Control - e: Owens Fine Arts Center -/· Office Federale de 1'Aviation Civile

OFCOM /· Office Federal de la Communication

OFB d: Orell FUssli Bücherstube - e: Operational Facilities Branch - H: Orszägos Földbirtokrendezö Bizottsäg OFBEC /· Office Franco-Britannique d'Etudes et de Commerce OFBT H: Orszägos Földbirtokrendezö Tanäcs OFBw d: Ozeanographische Forschungsanstalt der Bundeswehr OFC e: Conference on Optical Fiber Communication - e: High Court Reports, Orange Free State - e: Oceania Football Confederation - e: Oceanography and Fisheries Committee - e: Office - e: Office of Fishery Co-ordination - e: Overseas Food Corporation - e: Oxford First Corporation - n: Oostzaanse Football Club OFCA e: Ontario Federation of Construction Associations -/· Office de Courtage et d'etudes d'Assurances

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OFCS e: Office of Foreign Commercial Services - e: Operational Flight Control System OFD d: Oberfinanzdirektion - e: Office, Fiscal Director - e: Optical [gun] Fire Director - e: Ordnance Field Depot - n: Overige Faculteiten en Diensten OFDA e: Office of Federal Disaster Assistance - e: Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDAP e: Office of the Field Directorate of Ammunition Plants OFDC e: Ontario Film Development Corp. OFDE /· Office Federal du Developpement Economique et de l'emploi OFDI e: Office of Foreign Direct Investments OFDM e: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing


OFDT OFDT e: Observatoire Francais des Drogues et des Toxicomanies

OFFAR e: Office of Fuel and Fuel Additive Registration

OFE d: Organizacion de Flora Europaea - e: Office of Federal Elections - e: Office of Fuels and Energy - e: Office of Fusion Energy -/· Office Frangais d'Edition -/· Organisation de Flora Europaea

OFFBMV.d.MC. /: Ordo Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelae

OFEA e: Office of Foreign Economic Administration

OFFC e; Office

Off Proc Natl Dist Heat Assoc e: Official Proceedings. National District Heating Association

Off.Ch. /· Office des Changes

OffQrs e; Officers'Quarters

Off Dig Fed Soc Paint Technol e: Official Digest. Federation of Societies for Paint Technology

OFFR e; Officer

OFEC e: Office for Federal Employees' Compensation - e: Office of Foreign Economic Co-ordiantion

OFFE e: Office of Federal Facility Enforcement

OFECO /· Office Frangais d'expansion Economique

OFFERTA d: Angebots- und Informationsschau für die Familie

OFEDO 5: Organizacion de Facultades, Escuelas y Departamentos de Odontologia

Off Gaz [US] Pat Off[ice] e: Official Gazette. United States Patent and Trademark Office

OFEFP /· Office Federal de l'Environnement, des Forets et du Paysage

Off Gaz US Pat Trademk[s] Off Pat e: Official Gazette. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Patents

OFEGA /· Office Franco-Europeen de Gestion d'Assurances Ofel /· Office d'electricite de la Suisse romande OFEMA /· Office Francais d'Exportation de Materiel Aeronautique

Off Proc Annu Meet Int Dist Heat Assoc e: Official Proceedings. Annual Meeting. International District Heating Association

Off Gaz US Pat Trademks Off Trademks e: Official Gazette. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Trademarks

OFFRA e: Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Administration OFFRO e: Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations Off.-Sch. d: Offizier[s]schule OFFSET e: Offshore Engineering Team OFFSHORE d: Ausstellung für Meerestechnologie OFFT /· Office Federal de la Formation professionnelle et de la Technologie OFFY e: Order of First Families of Virginia Off.v.Gez. n: Officier van Gezondheid

OFFH e: Observatory of Fauna, Flora and Habitats -/· Observatoire de la Faune, de la Flore et des Habitats

OFER e: Ohio Ferro-Alloys Corp.

OFG e: Organic Functional Group OFGE /· Organisation Frangaise pour la Gauche Europeenne

OffHG d: Offene Handelsgesellschaft OFEROM /· Office central des chemins de Per d'Outre-Mer OFERRA e: Office of Foreign Economic Relief and Rehabilitation Administration OFERSOP /· Office d'Editions et de Relations Sociales et Publiques OFES /· Office Federal de 1'Education et de la Science OFESAUTO s: Oficina Espanola de Aseguradores de Automoviles

OFFI e: Old Fashion Foods, Incorporated - H: Orszägos Fordito es Forditäshitelesitö Iroda - n: Onafhankelijkheidsfront-Front de Independance Off[ice] Int Epizoot Bull / Office International des Epizooties. Bulletin Offic Gaz US e: Official Gazette. United States Patent and Trademark Office Official Gazette USPO e: United States. Patent Office. Official Gazette

OFH d: Oberster Finanz[gerichts]hof - e: Oil Field Haulers Association Inc. - H: Orszägos Földhivatal OFHA e: Oil Field Haulers Association OFHEO e: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight OFI d: Eidgenössisches Oberforstinspektorat - e: Office of Foreign Intelligence - e: Office of Foreign Investment - e: Office of the Federal Inspector - e: Orangutan Foundation International - e: Oxford Forestry Institute -/· Office Federal de l'Informatique -/· Office Frangais d'Information -/· Office Francais d'Investissement -/· Orientation ä la Fonction Internationale

OFET /· Office Francais d'Etudes Techniques -/· Organisation Frangaise d'Enseignement de la Teledetection

OFFICO /· Office central de Cooperation culturelle internationale

OFEURCO /· Office Europeen de Cooperation Technique

OFFICOMEX /· Office de Commerce Exterieure

OFIA e: Ontario Forest Industries Association

OFEW d: Organ fur die Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens

OFFILIB /· Office International de documentation et Librairie

OFIAMT /· Office Federal de ['Industrie, des Arts et Metiers et du Travail

OFF e; Office - e: Office for Families - e: Office of Facts and Figures - e: Organization for Femininity - e: State of Being Powered Down

Off. Inf. Manage. Int. e: Office and Information Management International

OFIC e: Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges -/· Office Frangais d'Importation et du Commerce Exterieur -/· Omnium Financier Industriel et Commercial

Off e: Officer O.F.F. e: Officer's Family Fund

OFFIS d: Oldenburger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitut für Informatikwerkzeuge und -Systeme

OFFA /· Office des Fers, Fontes et Aciers

OFFNAVHIST e; Office of Naval History

O.F.F.A.F.T.B. e: Ostrich and Fancy Feathers and Artificial Flower Trade Board

Off Nav Res [US] Res Rev e: Office of Naval Research [United States], Research Review

Off Air Programs [US] Publ AP Ser e: Office of Air Programs [United States], Publication. AP Series

OFFNAVWEASERV e: Office of Naval Weather Service

OFFINTAC e: Offshore Installations Technical Advisory Committee

OFICA /· Office International de Contröle et d'Assurance OFICEMA s: Oficina Central Maritima



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OFICOMEX /· Office Francais d'Importation et du Commerce Exterieur OFID e: OPEC [Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries] Fund for International Development

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OFR-ALA OFIG e: Operational Forces Interface Group

OFLYL /· Office Lyonnais interprofessionel du Logement

OFIGAN s: Oficina Nacional de Ganaderia OFII e: Omni Films International, Incorporated OFILE 5: Oficina Liquidadora de Energia Electrica

OFM d: Oberfeuerwehrmann - e: Office of Financial Management - e: Office of Flight Missions - e: Office of Foreign Missions - e: Order of Friars Minor [Capuchin] -/· Ordre Freres Mineurs - /: Ordo Fratrum Minorum

OFIMA /· Office Immobilier du Marais

OFO e; Office of Field Operations - e: Office of Flight Operations - S: Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenije OFOBA e: Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Brokers' Association OFOC e: Old Free Order of Chaldeans OFOFLEGAFFAIRS e: Office of Legal Affairs

OfM d: Oberschule für Mädchen OFIMEX /· Organisation Frangaise Import Export OFINDMAN e; Office of Industrial Management OFINES s: Oficina Internacional de Informacion y Observacion del Espanol

OFOM /· Offices de la France d'Outre-Mer O.F.M. e: Order of Friars Minor - /; Ordo Fratrum Minorum OFMA /· Office Francais du Materiel d'Alimentation

OFOS e: Opening Filled Other State OFF c: Obchodne-Financni Plan - e: Office of Family Planning - e: Operational Format Program - e: Order of Friars Preachers - e: Ordnance Field Park -/· Omnium Francais de Papeteries

OFinK d: Oberfinanzkasse

OFMC e: Operational Fixed Microwave Council - e: Order of Friars Minor Conventual

OFINTAC e: Offshore Installations Technical Advisory Committee

O.F.M.C. /: Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Conventualium

OFIPLAN s: Oficina de Planificacion [Nacional]

OFMCap e: Order of Friars Minor Capuchin

OFPA e: Ontario Food Protection Association - e: Order of the Founders and Patriots of America -/· Office Frangais de Placement d'Assurances

O.F.M.Cap. /: Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capucinorum

OFPANA e: Organic Foods Production Association of North America

OFMConv e: Order of Friars Minor Conventual [Franciscans] - /; Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium

OFPC /· Organisation Frangaise pour la Promotion de la Coiffure

OFIS s: Servicio de informacion de vuelo para las operaciones OFISARRE /· Office Sarrois du Commerce OFISCON e: Organization Fiscal Contact OFISP e: Operational Flight Information Service Panel OFIT e: Occupational Field Implementation Team[s]

O.F.M.Conv. /; Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium OFME /· Organisation Francaise du Mouvement Europeen OFMET /· Office Federal de Metrologie

OFITEC /· Office Tunisien de ['Expansion Commerciale et du Tourisme OFITOMEP /· Office International de Reseignements des Fabricants de Toiles Metalliques pour Papeteries Of J d: Oberschule für Jungen OFK d: Oberfeldkommandantur - d: Oberfeldkommissär - d: Oberfinanzkasse - se: Omladinski Fudbalski Klub

OFMI H: Orszägos Földmerestani Intezet o.f.m. international d: Österreichische Ferienmesse mit internationaler Beteiligung OFMIS e: Office of Financial and Management Information Systems O.F.M.Obs. /: Ordo Fratrum Minorum [Regularis] Observantiae

OFPCP e: Organization of Fitness and Personal Care Professionals OFPM e; Office of Fiscal Plans and Management OFPP e: Office of Federal Procurement Policy OFPPA e: Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act OFPPL e: Office of Federal Procurement Policy Letters OFPr /· Ordonnance federate sur la Formation Professionnelle OFPRA /· Office Francais de Protection des Refugies et Apatrides

OFMP e: Organization of Facility Managers and Planners

OFPS e: Office of Field Project Support

O.F.M.Rec. /; Ordo Fratrum Minorum Recoil ectorum

OFQJ /· Office Franco-Quebecois pour la Jeunesse

O.F.M.Ref. /; Ordo Fratrum Minorum Reformatorum

OFR e: Ocean Freight Reimbursement - e: Office for Recruitment - e: Office for Research - e: Office of the Federal Register - e: Old French -/· Office des Fabricants Reunis

O.F.K. d: Oberfeldkommandantur OfL d: Organisation freiwilliger Luftschutzhelfer OFL e: Ontario Federation of Labour Oflag d: Offizier[s]lager OFLC e: Office of [the] Foreign Liquidation Commission[er] - e: Office of the Foreign Liquidation Committee

OFMS e: Office of Financial and Management Services OFN e: Organization for Flora Neotropica


e: Old French

O&FN e: Ordnance and Facilities-Navy Ofra d: Organisation für die Sache der Frauen

OFLD e: Officeland, Inc.

OFNACER /· Office National des Cereales

OFLIC e: Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commission

OFNACOM /· Office National de Commerce -/· Office National du Commerce

OFLIR /· Office de Liaisons et de Representations

OFNPS e: Outstate Facility Network Planning System

OFLT e: Office of Foreign Labor and Trade

OFNS e: Observer Foreign News Service

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OFRA e: O'Dochartaigh Family Research Association OFRADEM /· Office Francais de Demenagement OFR-ALA e: Office for/of RecruitmentAmerican Library Association


OFRATEME OFRATEME /· Office Francais des Techniques Modernes d'Education

OFSPS e: Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards

OFREIN s: Oficina Regional Iglesia del Nazareno

O.F.S.S. e: Operative Flaggers' and Slaters' Society

Ofri d: Osnabrücker Friedensinitiative

OFSSA e: Orange Free State, South Africa

OFRID e: Outline of Factors Relating to Industry Development

OFST e: Office of the Secretary of the Air Force

OFris e; Old Frisian

OFSWFiT P: Ogolnozwi^zkowa Federacja Sportu, Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki

OFRR e: Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation OFRRO e: Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operation OFRS /· Office Francais de Recherches Sousmarines OFS e: Office for Oceanographic Facilities and Support - e: Office of Field Project Support - e: Office of Field Service[s] - e: Office of Financial Services - e: Office of the Foreign Secretary - e: Ontario Federation of Students - e: Orange Free State - e: Orange Free State Reports, High Court - e: Order of Free State - e: Ordnance Field Service -/· Office Federal de la Statistique -i: Ordine Francescano Secolare - S: Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenije O.F.S. e: Operational Flying School - e: Orange Free State - e: University of the Orange Free State O.F-S. e: Operational Flying School O&FS e: Operations and Flight Support OFSAN /· Office Federal des Affaires Sanitaires de l'armee OFSB e: Ordnance Field Service Bulletin OFSC e: Ordnance Field Service Circular - e: Organization and Finance Subcommittee

OFT e: Office of Fair Trader (or Trading) - e: Office of Foreign Territories - e: Ohio Federation of Teachers - e: Operational Flight Trainer - e: Overseas Federation of Teachers - e: Overseas Financial Trust -/· Office du Travail Temporaire - H: Orszägos Földbirtokrendezö Tanäcs - H: Orszägos FöldmüvelesUgyi Tanäcs - r: Odontologiska Föreningens Tidskrift OFTA e: Office of the Telecommunications Authority O.F.T.C. e: Overland Freight Transfer Company - e: Overland Freight Transport Company OFTC e: Overseas Finance and Trade Corporation OFTDA e: Office of Flight Tracking and Data Acquisition Oftel e: British Office of Telecommunications OFTEL e: Office of Telecommunications -/· Office Technique des Eleveurs OFTRA /· Office Francais de Tarification des Risques Aggraves

- d: Bundesrechtspflegegesetz - d: Obergericht - d: Oberstes Gericht - d: operative Gruppe - d: Organisation Gestose - d: Organisation Gestosis - d: Orientalische Gesellschaft - d: Ortsgruppe - e: Observation Group - e: Office of Geography - e: Officer of the Guard - e: Official Gazette of the United States' Patent Office - e: Ogden Corp. - e: Old Greasybeard: Tales from the Cumberland Gap - e: Olympic Games - e: Operation Greenhouse - e: Operational Group - e: Operations Group - e: Orientation Group - e: Outside Guardian -/· Societe Anonyme de Transports Aeriens Air Guadeloupe - i : Organic o di Guerra O.G. d: Offiziersgesellschaft O/G e: Opto/Graphic, Inc. OGA d: Obergutachterkommission für Arbeitshygiene - d: Offiziersgesellschaft der Adjutanten - e: Office of Government Affairs - e: Option Generation Aid - e: Order of Gregg Artists - e: Ornamental Growers Association -/· Office General d'Assurance -/· Office General de l'Air -/· Office General de Aviculture - H: Orszägos Geodeziai Adattär Oga d: Obst-, Gemüsebau- und AbsatzGenossenschaft O.G.A. /· Office General de l'Air

OFTS e: Office of Technical Services - e: Office of Transport Security - e: Officers' Training School - e: Overseas Fixed Telecommunications System

OGABI /· Omnium Gabonais de developpement Immobilier OGAE e: Oklahoma Gas and Electric

OFTT e: Operational Fighter Technical Trainer

OGAF /· Operations Groupees d'Amenagement Foncier

OFU d: Ofenbau-Union GmbH - e: Floating Units Division - e: Franklin University, Columbus

OgAMA e: Ogden Air Materiel Area

OFSDD e: Organization of Faculties, Schools, and Departments of Dentistry OFSE d: Österreichische Forschungsstiftung Entwicklungshilfe

OFUNC /· Organisation des Femmes de l'Union Nationale Camerounaise

OFSIT e: Orange Free State Investment Trust, Ltd.

OFV d: Orell FUssli Verlag - d: Ortsfürsorgeverband

OFSL e: Orange Free State Investment Limited

O.F.V. d: Oberdeutscher Funkverband e.V.

OFSCC e: Orbiter Function Simulator Control Center

OFSN S: Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenskega Naroda OFSO /· Omnium Franco-Suisse d'Outillage OFS/OFA e; Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs/Ocean and Fishery Affairs OFSP e: Office of Federal Statistical Policy -/· Office Federal de la Sante Publique


O.F.V.J. r: Oxelösund-Flen Västmanlands Järnväg OfW d: Organisationsforum Wirtschaftskongreß e.V.

OGAPROV /· Office Gabonais d'Amelioration et de Production de Viande OGAR /· Office General d'Assurances de Revalorisation OGASCO /· Office General d'Assurances Conseils OGB e: Observer Group Beirut - e: Old Government Buildings OGBK d: Obergutachterkommission für Berufskrankheiten

OFY e: Opportunities for Youth

OGBTP /· Office General du Bailment et des Travaux Publics

OFZ e: Obstacle Free Zone - i; Zona despejada de Obstäculos

OGBU e: Gore Bay Union Public Library, Ontario

OG d: Bundesgesetz über die Organisation der Bundesrechtspflege

OGC d: Osnabrücker Golfclub - e: Office of General Council


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OGS - e: Office of General Counsel - e: Open GIS Consortium, Inc. - e: Order of the Golden Chain - e: Oregon Graduate Center (or Centre) -/· Omnium General de Commerce

OGG e: GasTOPS Ltd., Gloucester, Ontario - e: Orchard Grubbing Grant - e: Organic Geochemistry Group - n: Orde van de Getrouwe Getuigen O.G.G. d: Oberstes Gefällsgericht

OGCA e: Ohio Gun Collectors Association - e: Ontario General Contractors Association OGCC /· Organisme de Gestion des Caisses et Cadres OGCF /· Office General de Cinematographic OGCMD e: Ogden Contract Management District OGC-N e: Office of General Counsel-NASA - e: Office of the General Counsel, Navy

O.G.G.A. e: Office of the Grant of Government Annuities OGH d: Oberster Gerichtshof OGHbrZ d: Oberster Gerichtshof fur die Britische Zone

OGN /· Ocean Glacial Nord OGNR e: Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve OGO d: Orts- bzw. Dorfgewerkschafts Org - d: Ortsgewerkschaftsorganisation - e: Gould, Inc., Ocean Systems Information Center, Cleveland - e: Office of Government Online - e: Oliver Gold Corp. - e: Orbiting Geophysical Observatory OG/OB e: Office Group/Office Branch

OGHBZ d: Oberster Gerichtshof fur die Britische Zone

OGP e: Office of Global Programs - n: Ondervakgroep in Pootaardappelen - S: Obrat Gradbenih Polizdelkov

OGHC e: Hart Chemicals Ltd., Guelph, Ontario

OGPA e: Office of the General Purchasing Agent

OGHS e: Orbit Gas Co.

OGPS e: Office of Grants and Program Systems

OGCN /· Olympic Gymnasium Club de Nice OGD e: Omega Gamma Delta OGDA e: Oyster Growers and Dealers Association OGDC e: Office of Geographic Data Coordination - e: Oil and Gas Development Corporation OGDP e: Office of Genetics & Disease Prevention OGDR /· Office General de Diffusion et Representation OGE e: Entomological Society of Ontario, Guelph, Ontario - e: Office of Government Ethics - e: Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. - e: Omaha Grain Exchange - e: Operating Ground Equipment - e: Osaka Grain Exchange - e: Out of Ground Effect OGEA /· Office de Gestion d'Assurances -/· Organisation et Gestion de Entreprise Agricole OGEC e: Organization of Gas Exporting Countries -/· Office central de Gestion et de Contröle OGECA /· Office central de Gestion et Courtage d'Assurances

OGI e: Ocean General, Incorporated - e: Opera Guilds International - e: Oregon Graduate Institute OGIC /· Office General Immobilier et Construction OGIF /· Omnium de Gestion Immobiliere de Tile de France OGIL e: Ogilvy Group, Inc. -/· Office General d'Information pour le Logement - i; Organizzazione Generale Italiano di Lavoro OGIP e: Office of Guest Investigator Programs -/· Organisme de Gestion Informatique et Perfectionnement

OGIS e: Open GIS Consortium, Inc. Ogis R: Objedinenije gossudarstvennych isdatelstv OGIST e: Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology

OGEPIC /· Office General de Prevoyance Individuelle et Collective OGES e: Operating Ground Equipment Section OGEV e: Varian Canada, Inc., Georgetown, Ontario

OGLE e: Oglebay Norton Co. - e: Organization for Getting Legs Exposed OGM d: Projekt Optische Geräte in der Medizin - e: Office of Grants Management - e: Office of Guided Missiles - e: Ordinary General Meeting -/· Office general des Grandes Marques O.G.M. e: Oxford Group Movement OGMA e: Old Growth Management Area - p: Oficinas Gerais de Material Aeronäutico OGMC e: Ordnance Guided Missile Center

OGF /· Omnium de Gestion et de Financement - N: Oslo Geofysikers Forening OGFS e: Oil and Gas Field Study [Department of the Interior]

O.G.R. e: Office of Government Reports

Ograd S: Okrajno Gradbeno Podjetje OGraO e: Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Granville OGRC e: Office of Grants and Research Contracts OGRE e: Organization of Generally Rotten Enterprises

OGL d: Ortsgewerkschaftsleitung

O.Gef.G. d: Oberstes Gefällsgericht

OGEP /· Office General d'Edition et de Publicite

OGR e: B. F. Goodrich Co., Information Center, Brecksville - e: Office of Geologic Repositories - e: Office of Government Relations - e: Office of Government Reports - e: Ontario Government Railway - e: Operation Grass Roots - e: Order of the Golden Rule - e: Ordnance, Gunnery and Readiness Division - e: ORNL [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] Graphite Reactor - e: United Nations Observer Group Beirut

OGraD e: Denison University, Granville OGIRS e: Oklahoma Geographic Information Retrieval System

OGLA e: Officers Grade Limitation Action OGEM n: Overzeesche Gas- en Elektriciteits Maatschappij

OGPU R: Otdelenie Gosudarstvennyj Politiceskoj Upravi

OGMH e: Morrison Hershfield Ltd., Guelph, Ontario OGMS e: Ordnance Guided Missile School

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OGREB d: Organisation fur Abnahme, Betriebsführung und Rationalisierung von Energieanlagen OGRIP e: Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program Ogru d: Ortsgruppe OGRZ d: Ostfriesisches Gebietsrechenzentrum OGS d: Großhandel Obst, Gemüse und Speisekartoffeln - d: Zentrale Wirtschaftsvereinigung Obst, Gemüse, Speisekartoffeln - e: Ohio Genealogical Society - e: Oklahoma Geological Survey - e: Ontario Geological Society - e: Ontario Geological Survey - e: Operative Glovers Society - e: Oratory of the Good Shepherd - e: Overseas Ground Station -/· Ocean Glacial Sud


O.G.S. O.G.S. e: Oratory of the Good Shepherd OGSA /· Organisation de Gestion et de Securite Aeronautique de l'Algerie et du Sahara OGSGS e: Orangeburgh German Swiss Genealogical Society OGSI e: Old Growth Site Index OGSM e: Office of [the] General Sales Manager OGSP e: Old Growth Strategy Project OGSS i: Organizzazione General degli Studenti Somali OGSt. d: Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichts der DDR in Strafsachen OGT e: MIS Division, Turnelle Productions Ltd., Gloucester, Ontario - e: Office for Gifted and Talented -/· Office de Gestion et Transaction -/· Office General du Transport -/· Organisation Generale du Travail

O.H. d: Organisation Heinz -/· Officiers Honoraires -/· Ondes Hypersoniques OHA e: Occupational Health Administration - e: Ocean Highway Association - e: Office of Health Affairs - e: Office of Hearings and Appeals - e: Ontario Homeopathic Association - e: Ontario Horticultural Association - e: Ontario Hospital Association - e: Operating Hazard Analysis - e: Oral History Association - e: Organ Historical Association - e: Oriental Herb Association - e: Owner Handler Association of America OHaBHi e: Buller County Historical Society, Hamilton OHADA e: Old Halesonian Amateur Dramatic Association OHA[-]PEOS /· Association internationale de sciences experimentales ou d'erudition, pures et appliquees, pour un humanisme objectif

OHE d: Osthannoversche Eisenbahnen AG - d: Osthavelländische Eisenbahn - e: Office of Hanford Environment - e: Office of Health Economics - e: Office of the Housing Expediter OHEA e: Office of Health and Environmental Assessments] - e: Office of Health Effects Assessment OHEF e: Oral Health Education Foundation OHER e: Office of Health and Environmental Research OHES e: Office of Health and Environmental Science OHF e: Occupational Health Facility - e: Ordnance Historical Files - e: Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation - H: Orszägos Haläszati Felügyelöseg - N: Oslo Handelsstands Forening

OHARNG e: Ohio Army National Guard

OHG d: Bundesgesetz über die Hilfe an Opfer von Straftaten - d: Offene Handelsgesellschaft - e: Old High German [language]

O.G.T. /· Organisation Generale du Travail

OHART e: Ohio Art Co.

O.H.G. e: Old High German

OGTM e: Official Gazette. United States Patent and Trademark Office

OHASA e: Oral Hygienists' Association of South Africa

OHGer. e: Old High German [language]

OGU e: Occupational Guidance Unit - e: University of Guelph, Ontario

OHaU e: Miami University, Hamilton Campus, Hamilton

OGUS d: Oberndorfer Gardinen- und SpitzenWebereien GmbH

OHB d: Ostfriesischer Hochschulbund - H: Orszägos Hondvedelmi Bizottmäny

oGV d: ordentliche Generalversammlung

OHBC e: Oregon Highland Bentgrass Commission

OHGI e: Over the Hill Gang, International

OGV d: Organisation gegenseitiger Verkehrserziehung e.V. OGVpl/StOV d: Organisations- und Geschäftsverteilungsplan fur die Standortverwaltungen OGW d: Organisation der gewerblichen Wirtschaft - e: Office of Ground Water

OHBHU e: Hilton Union Public Library, Hilton Beach, Ontario OHC e: Occupational Health Center - e: Office of Humanities Communication - e: Ontario Housing Corporation - e: Order of the Holy Cross - e: Oriole Homes Corporation - e: Ottumwa Heights College - e: Overseas Hotel Corporation

OGWP e: Office of Ground Water Protection

OHGS e: Omega Hyperbolic Grid System OHH e: Ohio Household Goods Carriers Bureau Inc., Warren - H: Orszägos Hadigondozo Hivatal OHI d: Odenwälder Hartstein-Industrie AG - e: Occupational Health Institute - e: Oil-Heat Institute of America - e: Other Health Impairment - e: State Library of Ohio, Columbus -/· Organisation Hydrographique Internationale e: Ohio Historical Society, Columbus OHIA e: Oil-Heat Institute of America OHIMA e: Ohio Health Information Management Association

OHCA e; Otter Hound Club of America OGYE H: Orszägos Gyogyszeresz Egyesiilet OGYIT H: Orszägos Gyermek- es Ifjusägvedelmi Tanäcs OGZ d: Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichts der DDR in Zivilsachen - d: Obst- und Gemüsezentrale OH e: Oakwood Homes Corp. - e: Oberoi Hotel[s], India - e: Occupational Health - e: Office of Hydrology - e: Office of the Handicapped - e: Ohio - e: Ontario Hydro - e: Order of Hospitallers - e: Outpatient Hospital - e: SFO [San Francisco and Oakland] Helicopter Airlines, Inc. -/· Ondes Hertziennes 0/H e; On Hand - n: Overzuche Handelsmaatschappij


OHCEN e: Ontario Health Care Evaluation Network OHCHR e: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights O.H.C.I. e: Office of the High Commissioner for India

Ohinag d: Österreichische Osram-PhilipsNeon GmbH O[hio] Bar e: Ohio State Bar Association. Report Ohio Herpetol Soc Spec Publ e: Ohio Herpetological Society. Special Publication

OHCS e: Office of Home Care Services

Ohio N[orth][ern] U[niv] L Rev e: Ohio Northern University. Law Review

OHD e: Office of Human Development - e: Oregan Health Division

Ohio N U[niv] L[aw] R[ev] e: Ohio Northern University. Law Review

OHDF e: Dofasco, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario

Ohio SBA Bull e: Ohio State Bar Association. Bulletin

OHDFR e: Research Information Center, DOFASCO, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario OHDMS e: Operational Hydromet Data Management System

Ohio St Ac Sc An Rp e: Ohio State Academy of Science. Annual Report Ohio St Ac Sc Pr e: Ohio State Academy of Science. Proceedings

OHDS e: Office of Human Development Services


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OHSK Ohio St Ac Sc Sp P e: Ohio State Academy of Science. Special Papers

OHMAR e: Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region

OHPC e: Oklahoma Health Planning Commission

Ohio State Archaeol and Hist Quar e: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

OHMB e: Health Sciences Library, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

OHPL P: Organizacja Harcerska Polski Ludowej

Ohio S[tate] L[aw] J e: Ohio State Law Journal

OHMC e; OHM Corp.

OHPO e: Organization Health Program Officer

Ohio State Med J e: Ohio State Medical Journal Ohio State Univ Biosci Colloq e: Ohio State University. Biosciences Colloquia Ohio State Univ Eng Exp Sta Bull e: Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin Ohio State Univ Eng Exp Stn Circ e: Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station. Circular Ohio State Univ Eng Exp Stn News e: Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station. News

OHMCS e: Oil and Hazardous Materials Coordinations OHMDBA e: Canadian Baptist Archives, McMaster Divinity College, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario OHMEA e: Office of Hazardous Materials Exemptions and Approvals OHMES e: Occupational Health Monitoring and Evaluation System OHMM e: Map Library, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario OHMO e: Office of Hazardous Materials Operations

OHQ e: Originating Headquarters OHQG e: Department of Geography, Queen's University, ICingston, Ontario OHR e: Office of Health Research - e: O'Hara Resources Ltd. - e: Ontario Hydro-Research - e: Operational Hazard Report OHRA e: O'Hara Resources Ltd. - n: Onderling Ziekteverzekeringsfonds van Hogere Rijks- en andere Ambtenaren OHRE e: Office of Human Radiation Experiments. Department of Energy OHRI e: Oral Health Research Institute

Ohio State Univ Inst Polar Studies] Rep[t] e: Ohio State University. Institute of Polar Studies. Report Ohio St BA Rep e: Ohio State Bar Association. Report

OHMP e: United States Army Oral Health Maintenance Program OHMR e: Office of Hazardous Materials Regulation

Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. e: Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution

OHMS e: Office of Hazardous Materials Safety - e: Office of Hazardous Materials Standards

Ohio St Law e: Ohio State Law Journal

OHMS e: On Her (or His) Majesty's Service

Oh[io] S[t] LJ e: Ohio State Law Journal

OHMSB e: Oil and Hazardous Materials Spills Branch

Ohio St Univ B e: Ohio State University. Bulletin Ohio St Univ Coop Ext Serv e: Ohio State University. Cooperative Extension Service

OHMSETT e: Oil and Hazardous Materials Systems Environmental Test Tank OHMT e: Office of Hazardous Materials Transportation

Ohio U e: Ohio University, Athens Ohio U Pr e: Ohio University Press O.H.J. r: Orsa-Härjedalens Järnväg

OHM-TADS e: Oil and Hazardous MaterialsTechnical Assistance Data System OHMTADS e: Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System

OHJD e: John Deere Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario OHN e: Occupational Health Nurse OHK n: Oorlogsherinneringskruis - se: Omladinski Hokejaski Klub OHKC e: CIP Research Ltd., Hawkesbury, Ontario OHL d: Oberste Heeresleitung - e: Occupational Health Laboratory - e: Ontario Hydro Library O.H.L. d: Oberste Heeresleitung OHLA e: Anthony Pape Memorial Law Library, Hamilton Law Association, Ontario OHM e: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario - e: Miami University, Hamilton Campus, Hamilton - e: Office of Hazardous Materials - e: OHM Corp. OHMA e: Archives and Special Collections Division, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

OHNN e: Otorhinolaryngology and Head/ Neck Nurses O[h]NUIntraLR e; Ohio Northern University. Intramural Law Review O[h] NULR e: Ohio Northern University. Law Review OHO e: Ohio Hospice Organization - e: Ohio Resources Corp. - e: Order Holding Office OHOC e: Oregon Hanford Oversight Committee OHP e: Operational Hit Probabilities - e: Operational Hydrology Program[me] - e: Order of the Holy Paraclete -/· Observatoire de Haute Provence -/· Office international d'Hygiene Publique - P: Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

OHRM e: Office of Human Resources Management OHRO e: Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman OHRP e: Office of Human Research Protection OHS d: Offiziershochschule - e: Occupational Health and Safety - e: Occupational Health Service - e: Occupational Health Services, Inc. - e: Occupational Hearing Service - e: Office of Highway Safety - e: Ohio Historical Society - e: Oklahoma Historical Society - e: Ontario Historical Society - e: Ontario Humane Society - e: Optometric Historical Society - e: Oral Hygiene Service - e: Oregon Historical Society - e: Organ Historical Society - e: Organization of Historical Studies - e: Overland Highway Society - e: Oxford High School - e: University of Oregon, Health Scienes Library, Portland - n: Openbaare Handelsschool O.H.S. e: Oxford High School - e: Oxford Historical Society OH&S e: Occupational Health and Safety - e: Orphan Homes of Scotland OHSAA e: Ohio High School Athletic Association OHSC e: Oak Hill Sportswear Corporation - e: Occupational Health and Safety Committee OHSCC e: Steel Company of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario OhSEA e: Ohio Society of Enrolled Agents OHSGT e: Office of High Speed Ground Transportation OHSK d: Oberharzer Skiklub

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OHS MSDS OHS MSDS e: Occupational Health Services Material Safety Data Sheets

O.I.A. e: Oil Import Association - s: Oficina de Informacion de Artilleria

OHSPAC e: Occupational Health/Safety Programs Accreditation Commission

OIAA e: Office of Inter-American Affairs - e: Office of International Aviation Affairs

OHSPC e: Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency

OIAB e: Oil Import Appeals Board

OHSS e: Occupation Health and Safety Staff

OIAC /· Organisation Interafricaine du Cafe -/· Organisation Internationale de l'Aviation Civile

OHSU e: Oregon Health Sciences University OHT e: Office of Housing Technology - e: Ohio Historical Society, Columbus - e: Ohio Tank Truck Carriers Bureau - H: Orszägos Halgazdasagi Tanäcs - H: Orszägos Hitelügyi Tanäcs

O.I.A.C. /· Organisation Internationale de l'Aviation Civile OIAF e: Office of Information for the Armed Forces OIAI e;

, Inc.

OIAJ e: Office for Improvements in the Administration of Justice

O.I.C. e: Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs - e: Operational Intelligence Centre -/· Office International de Chimie

OIAM /· Organisation Interafricaine et Malgache

OI&C e: Office of Investigation and Compliance

OIAT e: Osteopathic Institute of Applied Technique

O-i-C e: Officer-in-Charge

O.H.T. /· Office Hellenique du Tourisme OHU c: Odborne Hornicke Uciliste - e: Overseas Homeported Units Oh Univ Rev e: Ohio University Review OHW e: Electronic Systems Library, Westinghouse Canada Ltd., Burlington, Ontario - e: Office of Hazardous Wastes Hydrology OHWE e: Office of Hazardous Waste Enforcement OHZ d: Obst- und Gemüsezentrale RheinMain e.G. - S: Okrajni Higienski Zavod

O-I-C e: Order-in-Council OIA&TU e: Office of Industrial Affairs and Technology Utilization OIATU e: Office of Industry Affairs and Technology Utilization OIAUS e: 164th Infantry Association of the United States

OI e: Oceanology International - e: Odyssey Institute - e: Office of Information - e: Office of Investigation[s] - e: Ohashi Institute - e: ONE, Incorporated - e: Operating Instructions - e: Operations Intelligence - e: Optimist International - e: Oriental Institute - e: Ours, Incorporated - e: Owens-Illinois Glass Co. - e: Owens-Illinois, Inc. -/· Organisation Internationale - H: Orvostoväbbkepzö Intezet - i; Orden aplicacion y desarrollo de las prestaciones de Invalidez - se: Orijentalni Institut

OIB e: Official Information Base - e: Ohio Inspection Bureau - e: Oklahoma Inspection Bureau - e: Olympic Installations Board - e: Operations Integration Branch -/· Office International de Bibliographie -/· Organisation Internationale de Biophysique pure et appliquee - H: Orszägos Ifjusägi Bizottsäga

O.I. /· Office d'Identification

OIBT /· Ordre International des Bons Templiers -/· Organisation Internationale des Bois Tropicaux

O&I e: Operations & Inspections Standard e: Ocean[ic] Industries Association - e: Office of Imagery Analysis - e: Office of Impact Analysis - e: Office of India Affairs - e: Office of Industrial Associates - e: Office of Inspector and Auditor - e: Office of International Activities - e: Office of International Administration - e: Office of International Affairs - e: Official Information Act - e: Oil Import Administration - e: Oil Insurance Association - e: Operations Intelligence Automation - e: Operative Ironmoulders' Association - e: Outboard Industry Association - e: Outboard Industry Associations - P: Okrjgowa Izba Aptekarska - s: Oficina de Informacion del Arzobispado - 5: Organizacion Internacional del Azucar


- e: Optical Information Council - e: Order in Council - e: Organisation (or Organization) of [the] Islamic Conference - e: Organization for International Cooperation - e: Overseas Investment Commission -/· Office central des transports Internationaux par Chemins de fer -/· Office International de Chimie -/· Organisation Interafricaine du Cafe -/· Organisation Interamericaine du Cafe -/· Organisation Internationale Catholique -/· Organisation Internationale du Cafe -/· Organisation Internationale du Commerce - n: Oost-Indische Compagnie -p: Organizacäo Internacional do Cafe - s: Organizacion Internacional de Comercio

OIBD /· Office International de Bibliographie et de Documentation Beirut d: Orient-Institut Beirut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft e.V. OIBL n: Organisatie voor de Internationale Burgerlijke Luchvaart

OIC e: Oceanographic Instrumentation Center - e: Odyssey Institute Corporation - e: Office of Industrial Cooperation - e: Office of Information and Cultural Affairs - e: Office of Information Control - e: Office of Institutional Coordination - e: Office of International Conferences - e: Office of International Cooperation - e: Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs - e: Office of the Insurance Commissioner - e: Officer in Charge - e: Oil Industry Commission - e: Oil Information Committee - e: Okinawa Interboard Committee - e: Ontario International Corporation - e: Operations Instrumentation Coordinator - e: Opportunities Industrialization Center


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OICA e: Office of Information and Cultural Affairs - e: Ontario Institute of Chartered Accountants - e: OPLAN Implementation Capabilities Report - e: Oregon Independent Colleges Association -/· Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles OIC/A e: Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America OICC e: International Cocoa & Chocolate Office - e: Officer-in-Charge of Construction - e: Operational Intelligence Crisis Center - e: Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities -/· Office International du Cacoa et [du] Chocolat OICD e: Office of International Cooperation and Development OICF e: Oklahoma Independent College Foundation - e: Oregon Independent College Foundation OICI /· Omnium immobilier de Cöte-d'Ivoire - 5: Oficina Internacional Catolica de la Infancia - 5: Organizacion Interamericana de Cooperacion Intermunicipal OICISNET e: OIC Information Systems Network of IDE OIC J e: Office of International Criminal Justice OICM /· Office Intercantonal de Contröle des Medicaments -/· Organisation Internationale pour la Cooperation Medicale -/· Organisation Internationale pour la Cooperation Medicale OICMA /· Organisation Internationale contre le Criquet Migrateur Africain - s: Organizacion Internacional para la Lucha contra la Langosta Migratoria Africana

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OILS OICMATCU e: Officer-in-Charge, Marine Air Traffic Control Unit OICNA e: Overseas Indian Congress of North America OICNM /· Organisation Intergouvernementale Consultative de la Navigation Maritime OICO e: Office of Integration and Checkout - e: OI Corporation OICOS /· Organisation Interentreprise de Coordination de recherches Sociales OICP e; Office of International Communications Policy OICR e: Office of International Commercial Relations - e: Operation, Implementation, Capabilities Report OICRF /· Office International du Cadastre et Regime Foncier

OIEA e: Office of Integrated Environmental Analysis - e: Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs -/· Office International pour I'Enseignement Agricole -/· Organisation Internationale de 1'Energie Atomique - s: Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica

- e: Office of International Investment - e: Office of Invention and Innovation - e: Oil Investment Institute

OIEC /· Office International de I'Enseignement Catholique -/· Organisation Internationale d'Echanges Culturels - 5: Oficio Internacional de Educacion Catolica

OIIO /· Ordre des Infirmieres et Infirmiers de Ontario

OIEO e: Ocean Instrumentation Engineering Office

OUT e: Office of Informational and Instructional Technology

OIEP e: Office of International Education and Programs -/· Office International d'Echange de Produits

OIJ /· Office International des Journalistes -/· Organisation Internationale des Journalistes

OIER e: Office of International Economic Research

OICS e: Office of Interoceanic Canal Studies - e: Operational Intelligence Collection System -/· Organe International de Contröle des Stupefiants

OIES e: Office for/of Interdisciplinary Earth Studies - e: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

OICs/A e: Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America

OIESA e: Office of International Economic and Social Affairs

OICW e: Opportunities Industrial Center West

OIETA /· Office Inter-Etats du Tourisme Africain

OID /· Organisation Interamericaine de Defense -/· Organisation Internationale de Desarmement - s: Ofensiva de Izquierda Democratica

OIF e: Office for Intellectual Freedom - e: Office of Inertial Fusion - e: Office of International Finance - e: Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation - se: Opsti Investicioni Fond

OIDA e: Optoelectronics Industry Development Association - e: Ordnance Industrial Data Agency

OIFCRD e: Ordnance Integrated Fire Control Repair Detachment

OIDB e: Oil Industry Development Board OIDC e: Oil Importing and Developing Country - e: Ontario Industrial Development Council OIDEL /· Organisation Internationale pour le Developpement de la Liberte d'enseignement OI DIV e: Operations Combat Information Center Division OIDMM /· Office International de Documentation de Medecine Militaire

OIFE e: Osteogenesis Imperfecta Federation Europe OIFIG e: Official Irish FORTH [Programming language] Interest Group OIG e: Office of International Geology - e: Office of [the] Inspector General - e: Operations Interface Group -/· Organisation Intergouvernementale

d: Österreichischer Informationsdienst fur Entwicklungspolitik - e: Office of Indian Education - e: Office of Information and Educational Exchange - e: Office of Inspection and Enforcement - e: Office of International Epizootics - e: Overseas Investment Exchange -/· Office International des Epizoones -/· Office Internationale] des Epizootics -/· Organisation Internationale des Employeurs -/· Organisation Internationale des Experts - s: Oficina Internacional de Educacion

OIIC e: Oil Industry Information Committee O.I.I.C.A. e: Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs

OIIQ /· Ordre des Infirmieres et Infirmiers du Quebec

OIJLC e: Otley & Ilkley Joint Line Committee OIK d: Organisation für Internationale Kontakte OIL e: Ocelot Industries Limited - e: Office of Intergovernmental Liaison - e: Oil India Limited - e: Oil Insurance, Limited - e: Operational Intervention Level - e: Orbital International Laboratory - e: Orbiting International Laboratory - e: Ordnance Investigation Laboratory - e: Triton Energy Corp. -/· Office International de Librairie - n: Oostindisch Leger O.I.L. i: Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro OILA e: Office of International Labor Affairs OILB /· Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique [contre les Animaux et les Plantes Nuisibles] - 5: Organizacion Internacional de Lucha Biologica OILC e: Oil-Dri Corporation of America OILCOM e; Oil Company of Malawi OILG e: Triton Energy Corp.

OIGR e: Office of Industrial Growth and Research O.I.G.W. e: Office of the Inspector-General ofWaterguard

Oil Gas Compact Bull e: Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. Committee Bulletin Oil Gas Int e: Oil and Gas International

OIDP e: Oversea Internal Defense Policy OIDPS e: Oversea Intelligence Data Processing System

OI&I e: Office of Invention and Innovation

OIH e: Oceanic Institute of Hawaii - e: Office of International Health - e: Office of International Hydrology - e: Organizationally Induced Helplessness - H: Orszägos Idegenforgalmi Hivatal OIHH /· Office International d'Hygiene de Habitat OIHP /· Office International d'Hygiene Publique OIHR e: Office of International Health Relations

OILHM e: Oil and Hazardous Material Information System OILN e: Oil International Ltd. OILPOL e: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil -/· Convention internationale pour la prevention de la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures OILS e: Oil Securities, Inc. - e: Oilsander. Suncor Incorporated Resources Group. Oil Sands Division

Oil e: [European Commission's] Open Information Interchange [Service]

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

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OILSR OILSR e: Office of Interstate Land Sales [&] Registration OILT s: Orden aplicacion y desarrollo de las prestaciones de incapacidad laboral transitoria OIM e: Office of Industrial Managers - e: Office of Industrial Mobilization - e: Office of Intergovernmental Management - e: Office of International Marketing [of Department of Commerce] - e: Offshore-Installation Manager - e: Organizational Intermediate Maintenance - e: Oriental Institute Museum -/· Organisation Internationale Meteorologique

- i; Organizacion Internacional de Paleobotänica - i; Organizacion Internacional de Periodistas

OIRA e: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs - e: Official Irish Republican Army

O.I.P. e: Oxford India Paper -/· Officier de ['Instruction Publique -/· Organisation Idee Promotion -/· Societe Beige d'Optique et d'Instruments de Precision

OIRB e: Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau

OIPA /· Organisation Internationale pour la Protection des ceuvres d'Art OIPAAR e: Office of Industrial Personnel Access Authorization Review

OIML /· Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale - s: Organizacion Internacional de Metrologia Legal

OIPC /· Organisation Internationale de Police Criminelle -/· Organisation Internationale de Protection Civile -i: Organizzazione Internazionale per la Protezione Civile - s: Organizacion Internacional de Policia Criminal - s: Organizacion Internacional de Proteccion Civil

OIMT H: Orszägos Irodalmi es Müveszeti Tanäcs

OIPCFC e: Official International Peter Coyote Fan Club

OIN e: Organization of International Numismatists -/· Organisation Internationale de [la] Normalisation

OIPD e: Office of Isotope Production & Distribution

O.I.M. /· Office International des Musees OIMA s: Oficina de Informacion sobre el Medio Ambiente

OIPEEC /· Organisation Internationale pour 1'Etude de l'Endurance des Cables

OI-N e; Office of Information-Navy OIPH e: Office of International Public Health

OIRC /· Organisation Internationale de Recherche sur le Cerveau -/· Organisation Internationale de Recherches Caraubes OIRCA e: Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association OIRM e: Office of Information [and] Resources Management OIR-N e: Office of Industrial Relations-Navy OIRP /· Organisation Internationale de Regies Paleobotanique -/· Organisation Internationale de Regies Publicitaires OIRSA 5: Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria OIRT d: Organisation der internationalen Rundfunkverbände -/· Organisation Internationale de Radiodiffusion et Television O.I.R.T. /· Office International de Repartition du Travail OIRTD e: Office of Industrial Relations and Technology Development

OEVA e: Oyster Institute of North America OINAC 5: Organizacion Internacional Nueva Acropolis de Guatemala OINC e: Officer in Charge

OIPM /· Organisation Internationale du Pentathlon Militaire - 5: Oficina Internacional de Pesas y Medidas OIPN /· Office International pour la Protection de la Nature

O[-]in[-]C e: Officer-in-Charge OINCABCCTC e: Officer-in-Charge, Advanced Base Combat Communication Training Center

OIPP /· Organisation Internationale de la Presse Periodique

OInF e: Ferro Corp., Independence

OIPQA 5: Oficina Internacional Permanente de Quimica Analitica para los Alimentos Humanos y Animales

OING /· Organisation Internationale NonGouvernementale

OIPR e: Office of Information, Publications, and Reports

e: Office of International Operations - e: Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity - e: Operational Integration Office - e: Operations Integration Officer - n: Onderzoeker in Opleiding - S: Opstinski Izvrsni Odbor - se: Opcinski Izvrsni Odbor

OIR e: Office of Indian Rights - e: Office of Industrial Relations - e: Office of Industrial Research - e: Office of Industry Relations - e: Office of Information Resources - e: Office of Institutional Relations - e: Office of Institutional Research - e: Office of Inter-American Radio - e: Office of International Research - e: Office of International Resources - e: Official Information Request - e: Online Information Retrieval Ltd. - e: Operational and Information Requirements -/· Organisation Internationale de Radiodiffusion -/· Organisation Internationale des Refugies - s: Oficina Interamericana de Radiocommunicaciones

OIP e: Office for Information Programs - e: Office of Import Programs - e: Office of Industrial Programs - e: Office of International Programs - e: Operational Improvement Plan - e: Oriental Institute Publications -/· Office d'Information et de Promotion -/· Omnium de ['Impression et de la Publicite -/· Organisation Internationale de la Paleobotanique -/· Organisation Internationale de Psychophysiologie -/· Societe Beige d'Optique et d'Instruments de Precision - 5: Organizacion Iberoamericana de Pilotos


Olr e; Old Irish O.I.R. 5: Oficina Interamericana de Radiocomunicaciones


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OIS e: Office Information System - e: Office of Industrial Security - e: Office of Industrial Survey - e: Office of Information Service - e: Office of Information Systems - e: Office of International Science - e: Office of International Services - e: Office of Investigatory Services - e: Officers Indoctrination School - e: Oncology Information Service - e: Operational Information Service - e: Operational Information System - e: Opium Investigation Service - e: Osteopathic Information Service - e: Overseas Investors Services - e: Oxford University. Institute of Economics and Statistics. Bulletin -/· Organisation Internationale de Standardisation -/· Organisation Internationale du Sucre O.I.S. e: Opium Investigation Service - e: Oxford Institute of Statistics OISA e: Office of International Science Activities - e: Office of International Scientific Affairs - e: Office of International Security Affairs OISB H: Orszägos Ifjusägi Sport Bizottsäg OISC /· Office International des Scouts Catholiques OISCA e: Organization for Industrial, Spiritual, and Cultural Advancement [International] OISCA-EVT e: Organisation for Industrial, Spiritual, and Cultural Advancement International

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OJP OISCA International e: Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement International OISE e: Office Information System Equipment - e: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - e: Oxford Intensive School of English

OITI H: Orszägos Idegsebeszeti Tudomänyos Intezet

- i; Organismo Judicial - se: Organizaciona Jedinica

OITiEB P: Osrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej w Budownictwie

o.J. d: ohne Jahr O. J. /· Organisation de la Jeunesse

P: Osrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Komunikacji

OISI e: Office of Industrial Security, International

OITIS e: Overseas Industrial & Trade Investment Services Ltd.

OIS/IGP e: Office Information System Intelligent Gateway Processor

OITP e: Office of International Trade Promotion

OISLGR e: Office of Industry and State and Local Government Relations

OITRA 5: Organizacion Internacional de Trabajadores de Radio y Television de las Americas

OJA P: Organizacja Jednosci Afrykanskiej - r: Oxelösunds Jarnverksaktiebolag OJA-G e: Office of the Judge Advocate General O.J.A.M. /· Organisation de la Jeunesse Anticolonialiste Martiniquaise OJARS e: Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics

OISP e: Oversea Internal Security Program OISPD e: Office of Informative Systems Planning and Development OISR e; Office of Interstate Sales Registration OISRU e: Office of Intergovernmental Science and Research Utilization OISS e: Operational Intelligence Support System - 5: Oficina Iberoamericana de Seguridad Social O.I.S.S. /· Organisation Ibero-americaine de Securite Sociale OISSP e: Office of Interim Space Station Program OISTAT /· Organisation Internationale des Scenographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Theatre

O&I Transfer n: Organisatie & Informatie Transfer

OJB d: Oberaargau-Jura-Bahn OIU e: Office Interface Unit - e: Ogaden Islamic Union O.I.U.A.V. d: Ostthüringischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein OIUC e: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago -/· Organisation Internationale des Unions de Consommateurs - i; Organizacion Internacional de las Uniones de Consumidores OIUCSAOC e: Oriental Institute. University of Chicago. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization OIV /· Office International de la Vigne et du vin -/· Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du vin

OISTT /· Organisation Internationale des Scenographes et des Techniciens de Theatre

OIVA e: 127th Infantry Veterans Association

OISTV /· Organisation Internationale pour la Science et la Technique du Vide

OIVST /· Organisation Internationale pour la Science et la Technique du Vide

OIT e: Office of International Trade - e: Office Software Development & Information Technology - e: Oregon Institute of Technology -/· Organisation Internationale du Travail - H: Orszägos Iparoktatäsi Tanäcs - P: Osrodek Informacji Turystycznej - 5: Oficina Internacional de Trabajo - s: Organizacion Iberoamericano de Television - 5: Organizacion Internacional del Trabajo

OIVV /· Office International de la Vigne et du Vin

OITA e: Office of International Tax Affairs -/· Office Inter-Etats du Tourisme Africaine

OJAY e: Orange Julius International, Inc.

OIW d: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung - e: Oceanographic Institute of Washington - e: Oceanographic Institute, Wellington - e: Open Systems Environment Implementors Workshop - e: Order of the Indian Wars - e: OSI Implementors Workshop OIWG e: Operations-Intelligence Working Group

OJC e: Occupied Japan Club - e: Office of Job Corps - e: Orlando Junior College - e: Otero Junior College - e: Overseas Jazz Club -/· Organisation Juive de Combat - n: ODI-Juliana Combinatie OJCE /· Orchestre des Jeunes de la Communaute Europeenne OJCS e: Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - e: Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff JD e: Order of Job' s Daughters -/· Office de Justification de la Diffusion des Supports de Publicite - 5: Oficina de Justificacion de la Difusion Ojd /· Organisation juive de defense OJDAICC e: Official Jan and Dean Authorized International Collectors' Club OJD YD e: Office of Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Development OJEC e: Official Journal of the European Communities OJHRP e: Ontario Joint Highway Research Program OJI /· Office Juridique International OJIF /· Ordre des Jurisconsultes Internationaux de France JIN e: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing

OITAF i: Organizzazione Internazionale dei Trasporti a Fune

OIWP e: Oil Industry Working Party

OJJ e: Office of Juvenile Justice

OITC e: Officer-In-Tactical Command

OIWR e: Office of Indian Water Rights

OJJDP e: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

OITDA e: Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association

OIYal R: Objedinennyj Institut Yadernych Issledodovanij

OJKSN e: Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing

OITF e: Office of International Trade and Finance - e: Office of International Trade Fairs - e: Osaka International Trade Fair -/· Organisation Intergouvernementale pour les Transports internationaux Ferroviaires

OIZ se: Opsti Imovinski Zakonik

OJM d: Olympiade Junger Mathematiker - d: Orden junger Menschen

OJ d: Oberschule für Jungen - e: Official Journal - e: Operation Joshua - e: Orange Co. - e: Orange-co, Inc. - e: Order of Jamaica - e: Oriental Pearl Airways Ltd.

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

O JNI e: On-line Journal of Nursing Informatics OJNRF e: O. J. Noer Research Foundation OJP e: Office of Justice Programs


OJPR OJPR e: Office for Jewish Population Research OJR n: Oecumenische Jeugdraad in Nederland OJS e: Oblates of Jesus the Priest -/· Office de Justification des Statistiques - s: Las Oblatas de Jesus Sacerdote OJT e: On-The-Job-Training OJU e: Oceania Judo Union J VR e: Online Journal of Veterinary Research OK c: Osvetovä Komise - d: Oberkommando - d: Oberlausitzer Kunstverlag - d: Organisationskomitee - d: Ortskommandantur - d: Ortskrankenkasse - e: Old Kingdom - e: Order of Knights - F: Oppikoulunopettajien Keskusjärjestö - H: Orszäggyüles Könyvtära - N: Norske Oljekonsum - N: Okonomisk Kart - P: Ogolnopolski Komitet - r: Oljekonsumenternas förbund - r: Olympiska Kommitten - r: Orienteringsklubb - S: Obcinska Konferenca - S: Obcinski Komite - se: Oblasni Komitet - se: Okruzni Komitet - se: Opstinska Konferencija - se: Opstinski Komitet O.K. e: One Kamerun Party - r: Ostasiatiska Kompaniet O&K d: Orenstein & Koppel OKA d: Oberösterreichische Kraftwerke AG - d: Organisation in Kursen der Armee - d: Ostkirchenausschuß - e: Kingston Laboratories, Alcan International Ltd., Ontario - P: Okr^gowa Komisja Arbitrazowa

Okayama Univ Inst Therm Spring Res Pap e: Okayama University. Institue for Thermal Spring Research. Papers OKB d: Oldenburger Kameradenbund - d: Oldenburger Künstlerbund - d: Opel Kredit Bank - e: Design Bureau - e: Oklahoma Baptist University OkBERDA e: United States Energy Research Development Administration, Energy Research Center, Bartlesville

OK FJN P: Ogolnopolski Komitet Frontu Jednosci Narodu OKFN P: Obwodowy Komitet Frontu Narodowego - P: Ogolnopolski Komitet Frontu Narodowego OkFsAGM e: United States Army, Artillery and Guided Missile School, Fort Sill OKG d: Osttiroler Kraftwerke GmbH - e: Philips University, Graduate Seminary Library, Enid - r: Oskarshamn[sverkets] Kraftgrupp AB

OkBP e: Phillips Petroleum Co., Research and Development Department, Bartlesville

OkGoP e: Panhandle State College, Goodwell

OKC e: Cameron University, Lawton - e: OKC Corporation - e: Oklahoma City

OKH d: Oberkommando des Heeres - e: University of Oklahoma, Health Science Center Library, Oklahoma City

OKCM e: Canadian Marconi Co., Kanata, Ontario

OkHi e: Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City

OKCP e: OKC Ltd. Partnership

OKhN R: Otdelenie Chimiceskich Nauk

OKCS e: Oklahoma Climatological Survey

OKI c: Okresni Kulturni Inspektorat - d: Österreichisches Kunststoffinstitut - e: Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Planning Authority - e: Oko Electric Industry Co., Ltd. - H: Orszägos Kardiologiai Intezet - H: Orszägos KözegeszsegUgyi Intezet - se: Organo Kemijska Industrija - se: Organska Kemijska Industrija

OKD d: Osnabrücker Kupfer- und Drahtwerk AG - d: Ostwissenschaftlicher Kurzinformationsdienst - e: Research Centre Library, Du Pont Canada, Inc., Kingston, Ontario OKDC e; Du Pont Canada, Inc., Kingston, Ontario

OKID d: Ostkirchen-Informationsdienst

OKDIA e: OK-Dinghy International Association

OKIS se: Organsko Kemijska Industrija Skopje

Okdo d: Oberkommando

OKK d: Oberkante Kiel - d: Oberkriegskommissariat - d: Offizierskleiderkasse - e: Charles F. Kellering Foundation, Dayton - H: Orszägos Könyvtäri Központ - H: Orszägos Köznevelesi Tanäcs - n: Oefening Kweekt Kracht

OKDT H: Orszägos Könyvtärügyi es Dokumentäcios Tanäcs OkDurS e: Southeastern State College, Durant OKE e: ONEOK, Inc.

OK KPP P: Okr?gowy Komitet Komunistycznej Partii Polski

OkEdT e: Central State University, Edmond OKAB r: Oskarshamnsverkets Kraftgrupp Aktiebolag

OkEG e: Philips University, Graduate Seminary, Enid

OkAdE e: East Central State College, Ada OKEN e: Old Kent Financial Corp. OKAER e: Radiochemical Co., Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Kanata, Ontario

OKentU e: Kent State University, Kent

OKAGE e: Oklahoma Alliance for Geographie Education

OK en W n: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Künsten en Wetenschappen

OKAI e: Research & Technology Centre, AMCA International Ltd., Kanata, Ontario

OkEP e: Philips University, Enid

OK KPS S: Okrajni Komite Komunisticne Partije Slovenije OKKSC c: Okresni Komise Komunisticke Strany Ceskoslovenska OKL d: Oberkommando der Luftwaffe - d: Oberkommando der Luftwaffe - e: University of Oklahoma, Law Library, Norman - F: Osuuspankkien Keskusliitto O.K.L. P: Osrodek Konstrukcji Lotniczych

OKET H: Orszägos KözegessegUgi Tanäcs OKAL e: Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd., Kingston, Ontario

OKetK e: Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Kettering

OkAlvN e: Northwestern State College, Alva OKAMA e: Okinawa Air Materiel Area OKANA e.-Arctec Canada Ltd., Kanata, Ontario Okap S: Okrajnaavtoprevozniskapodjetja

OKF d: Offenes Kommunistisches Forum - e: Fort Frontenac Library, Canada Department of National Defence Kingston, Ontario - e: Olinkraft, Inc. OKFCSM e: Frontenac County Schools Museum Association, Kingston, Ontario

Okl[a] City UL Rev e: Oklahoma City University. Law Review Okla CULR e: Oklahoma City University. Law Review Oklahoma Univ Inf Sei Ser Mon e: Oklahoma. University. Information Science Series. Monograph OKLAJUJ i; Centra de Estudios y Desarollo Integral de la Cultura Maya Kekchi

OKFI e: Siltronics Ltd., Kanata, Ontario Okla. L. Rev. e: Oklahoma Law Review


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OKXS Okla State Univ Agric Appl Sei Eng Exp Stn Publ e: Oklahoma State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Engineering Experiment Station. Publication

OKON P: Obywatelski Komitet Ocalenia [Odrodzenia] Narodowego

OkTahN e: Northeastern State College, Tahlequah

OKP e: O'Okiep Copper Co. Ltd. - P: Ogolnopolski Komitet Pokoju

OkTAm e: AMOCO Production Co., Research Center Geology Library, Tulsa

OKPIK P: Ogolnopolski Klub Postfpowej Inteligencji Katolickiej

OkTC e: Ceja Corp., Tulsa

OkLaU e: Längsten University, Längsten Okla Univ Research B e: Oklahoma State University. Research Bulletin OkLC e: Cameron University, Lawton OKLU e: Lumonics, Inc., Kanata, Ontario OKM d: Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine - d: Oberkommando der Marine - e: Mitel Corp., Kanata, Ontario - e: Oklahoma Mesonet

OkPoC e: Continental Oil Co., R and D Technical Information Service, Ponca City OK PP P: Okr?gowa Komenda Policji Panstwowej OKQ e: Queens University, Kingston, Ontario

OKMA i; Oxlajuuj Keej Maya' Ajtz'iib'

OKQA e: Agnes Etherington Art Centre Queen s University, Kingston, Ontario

OKMC e: Miller Communications Systems Ltd., Kanata, Ontario

OKQAR e: Archives, Queens University, Kingston Ontario

OKMD e: Digtal Equipment of Canada Ltd., Kanata, Ontario

OKQCI e; Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario

OkTCS e; Cities Service Co., Energy Resources Group, E & P Library, Tulsa OkTGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Tulsa Branch, Tulsa OKTI H: Orszägos Koränyi Tbc Intezet OkTOR e: Oral Roberts University, Learning Resources Center, Tulsa OkTPA e: Pan American Oil Corp., Research Library, Tulsa Oktronics e: Oklahoma Electronics

OKME e: Metro Canada Ltd., Kingston, Ontario OKML P: Ogolnopolski Klub Mitoonikow Litwy OkMuV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Muskogee OKMZ c: Osvetova Komise Ministerstva Zemedelstvi OKN e: Northeastern Oklahoma State University, Tahlequah - e: Okmulgee Northern Railway Co. OKNC e: Newbridge Communication Network Corp., Kanata, Ontario OkNNS e: National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman OKNO e: Kuwait International NOTAM Office - se: Okruzni Komitet Narodne Omladine OKNV n: Onderlinge Kunstbeoefening naar Vermögen

OKQGS e: Department of Geological Sciences Queens University, Kingston, Ontario OKQH e: Bracken Library Queens University Kingston Ontario OKQL e: Law Library, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario OKQM e: McArthur College of Education, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario OKQMA e: Map Collection, Douglas Library, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario OKR d: Stiftung Ostdeutscher Kulturrat - P: Okrfgowa Komisja Rewizyjna - P: Okr^gowy Komitet Robotniczy OKrG[er.] d: Oberkriegsgericht

OkOkFA e: United States Federal Aviation Administration, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City OkOkGS e: Chureh of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Oklahoma City Branch, Oklahoma City OkOkK e; Kerr-McGee Corp., Oklahoma City OkOkU e: Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City OkOkU-L e: Oklahoma City University, Law Library, Oklahoma City OkOkV e: United States Veterans Administration Hospital, Oklahoma City

OkTU-L e: University of Tulsa, College of Law, Tulsa OKU d: Oberrheinische Kohlenunion - e: Omikron Kappa Upsilon [fraternity] - e: University of Oklahoma, Norman OKUD se: Omladinsko Kulturno Umetnicko Drustvo OkU-L e: University of Oklahoma, Law School, Norman OkU-M e: University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City OkU-P e: University of Oklahoma, College of Pharmacy, Norman OKUTD e: Urban Transportation Development Corp., Kingston, Ontario OkU-TM e: University of Oklahoma, Tulsa Medical College, Tulsa

OKS e: Ohio Kache Systems Corp. - e: Okanagan Skeena Group Ltd. - e: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater - e: Old King's Scholars Association - P: Okr^gowy Komitet Studencki

OKV c: Odvolaci Karny Vybor - e: University of Oklahoma, Library School, Norman

OkSEA e: Oklahoma Society of Enrolled Agents

OKW d: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht - e: University of Tulsa, College of Law, Tulsa - P: Obwodowa Komisja Wyborcza - P: Okrjgowy Komitet Wyborczy

OKO e: Oral Roberts University, Tulsa OKOF n: Oud-Katholiek Ondersteuningsfonds

OkT[U] e: University of Tulsa, Tulsa

OkShB e: Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee OKSO se: Opstinski Komitet Saveza Omladine OkS-T e: Oklahoma State University Technical Institute Library, Oklahoma City

O.K.&W. n: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Künsten en Wetenschappen OkWeaT e: Southwestern State College, Weatherford OKWFN P: Okr?gowy Komitet Wyborczy Frontu Narodowego

OKSU e: Oklahoma State University OKSU-RF e: Oklahoma State UniversityResearch Foundation OKT e: Oakite Products, Inc. - e: Oakland Terminal Railway - e: Oaktite Products, Inc. - e: University of Tulsa, Tulsa - H: Orszägos Könyvtärügyi Tanäcs - H: Orszägos Közoktatäsi Tanäcs

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OKWOM P: Ogolnopolski Komitet Wspotpracy Organizacji Miodziezowych O.K.W.V. n: Oud-Katholieke Werkliedenvereniging OKX e: Central State University, Edmond OKXS e: Xenotech Systems, Inc., Kitchener, Ontario


OKY e: Oklahoma City University, Law Library, Oklahoma City

Old Vic e: Old Victoria Theatre, London

OKZO c: Okresni Kabinet Zdravotnicke Osvety

OLAS e: Organization for Latin American Solidarity - e: Organization of Latin American Students -/· Organisation Latine-Americaine de Solidarite -/· Organisation Locale des Affaires Sociales - s: Organizacion Latinoamericana de Solidaridad

OKZZ P: Okregowa Komisja Zwiazkow Zawodowych

OLAU e: Lanark Union Public Library, Lanark, Ontario

OLEAU /· Office International de l'Eau

OL d: Oberlyzeum - d: Ostfriesische Lufttransport GmbH - e: October League - e: Office of Labor - e: Office of Liaison - e: Officer of the Order of Leopold - e: Official Liquidator - e: Olsen Line - e: Open Learning - e: Operating Location - e: Order of Lafayette - e: Ordnance Lieutenant -/· Omnium Lyonnais - H: Orszägos Leveltär - r: Ovnstoperienes Landforening - s: Ordenanza Laboral

OLAVU 5: Organizacion Latinoamericana del Vino y de la Uva

O.L. d: Oberste Luftsportkommission - e: Officer of the Order of Leopold - e: Orient Steam Navigation Co., Limited - e: Overseas League

OLC e: Office of Land Commissioner - e: Office of Legal Counsel - e: Ontario Ladies College - e: Ontario Land Corporation - e: Ontario Library Cooperative - e: Ontario Library Council - e: Operating Location Clerk - e: Overseas Liaison Committee [of the American Council on Education]

OKZ e: Philips University, Zollars Memorial Library, Enid

OLA e: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - e: Office of Legal Affairs - e: Office of Legislative Affairs - e: Office of Legislative Analysis - e: Ohio Library Association - e: Oklahoma Library Association - e: Oklahoma Lumbermen's Association - e: Ontario Library Association - e: Open Learning Agency of British Columbia - e: Optical Laboratories Association - e: Oregon Library Association - e: Osteopathic Libraries Association - e: Overview Latin America OLADE /· Organisation Latino-Americaine de 1'Energie - 5: Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energia

OLB d: Oldenburgische Landesbank - e: Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice Railway Co. - H: Orszägos Letszämbizottsäg - n: Openbaare Leeszaal en Bibliotheek OLBA n: Ölst & Bakhuis [Vleeswaren- en Groentenfabrieken] OLBGFC e: Official Lane Brody Global Fan Club OLBR e: Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice Railway Company

OLCB e: Office of the Land Commissioner of Bavaria OLCC e: Olympus Capital Corp. - e: Our Lady of Cincinnati College - e: Overseas Labour Consultative Committee OLCMS e: On-Line Cargo Movement System

OLE e: Office for Library Education - e: Organizational Learning in Enterprises - e: Outside Location Engineer OLEA e: Office of Law Enforcement Assistance

OLEC e: Office of Legal and Enforcement Counsel Oleck Corporations e: Oleck's Modem Corporation Law OLEI e: Point Pelee National Park, Parks Canada Leamington, Ontario OLEP e: Office of Law Enforcement and Planning - e: Office of Law Enforcement Programs - e: Office of Legal and Enforcement Policy - e: Organization for the Lifelong Establishment of Paternity O-level e: Ordinary level examinations of General Certificate to Education OLEW e: Open Learning Experimental Workshop OLeWHi e: Warren County Historical Society, Lebanon OLEYIS z: Otel, Lokanta ve Eglence Yerleri Iscileri Sendikasi OLF e: Ohio Library Foundation - e: Open Learning Federation - e: Oregon Literature Foundation - e: Organ Literature Foundation - e: Oromo Liberation Front -/· Office de la Langue Francaise - r: Orkesterledarföreningen

OLCP e: Oil City Petroleum, Inc.

Olfaction Taste Proc Int Symp e: Olfaction and Taste. Proceedings of the International Symposium

OLCP-EA /· Organisation de Lutte contre le Criquet Pelerin dans 1'Est Africain

OLF/STQ /· Office de la Langue Francaise/ Societe des Traducteurs de Quebec

OLCR e: Ordnance Lieutenant-Commander

OLG d: Oberlandesgericht - d: Oberlausitzer Glaswerke - d: Oldenburgische Landesbank AG - d: Ostpreußische Landgesellschaft - e: Office of Local Government

OLAF e: Odello Land Acquisition Fund OLAG d: Österreichische LuftverkehrsAktiengesellschaft

OLCT e: Tax Services, Canada Trust Co., London, Ontario

o Lage d: ordentliche Lage OLA-N e: Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy

OLD e: Office of Legislative Development - e: Old Town Corporation - e: Onsite Licensing Office

OLGA e: Olga Co.

OLAN n: Stichting Opleiding Laboratoriumspersoneel Arnhem-Nijmegen

OLDB e: Old National Bancorp

OLG-NL d: OberlandesgerichtRechtsprechung Neue Länder

OLANI /· Office du Lait du Niger

Oldefos e: Old Established Forces

OLGR e: Oilgear Co.

OLanU e: Ohio University, Lancaster Branch Campus, Lancaster

OLDEPESCA s: Organizacion Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Pesquero

OLGSt. d: Entscheidungen der Oberlandesgerichte zum Straf- und Strafverfahrensrecht

OLAO-CISM /· Office de Liaison de l'Ouest Afrique-Conseil International du Sport Militaire

OLDFOS e: Old Established Forces

OLGZ d: Entscheidungen der Oberlandesgerichte in Zivilsachen einschließlich der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit

OLAP s: Organizacion Latinoamericano para Promocion de los Ciegos y Deficientes Visuales OLAPEC e: Organization of Latin American Petroleum Exporting Countries


OL DIV e: Operation/Lookout and Recognition Division

OLH /· Officier de la Legion d'Honneur OldJ d: Oldenburger Jahrbuch des Vereins für Altertumskunde und Landesgeschichte

O.L.H. e: Officer of the Legion of Honour -/· Ordre de la Legion d'Honneur

OLDSPG e: Old Spaghetti Warehouse, Inc.


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OLVH OLHMIS e: On-Line Hospital Management Information System OLI e: Ocean Living Institute - e: Open Learning Institute - e: Oxfordshire Light Infantry

OLO e: Orbital Launch Operations Program - n: Officieel Lager Onderwijs - n: Openbaar Lager Onderwijs - S: Obcinski Ljudski Odbor - S: Okrajni Ljudski Odbor - S: Okrozni Ljudski Odbor

OLSTEN e: Olsten Corp. ÖLT d: Ostfriesische Lufttransport GmbH OL&T e: Owners, Landlords, and Tenants O.L.T. /; Ordo de la Trappe

OLI/HMD e: OnLine Images from the History of Medicine Division OLIPaC e: Office of Land Information Policy and Coordination OLIPAC e: Oligotrophic Pacific OLIS e: Oxford Library Information System OLIX e: On-Line Informationssystem UNIX

OLOG e: Offshore Logistics, Inc. OLOS e: Office for Library Outreach Service[s] OLP d: Österreichischer Luftfahrtpressedienst - e: Office of Labor Production - e: One Liberty Properties, Inc. - e: Sisters of Our Lady of Providence -/· Organisation de/pour la Liberation de la Palestine - 5: Organizacion para la Liberacion Palestina

OL J e: Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem

ÖLT se: Osjecka Ljevaonica i Tvornica strojeva OLTA e: Ontario Library Trustees Association OLTMC e: Technical Information Centre, 3M Canada, Inc., London, Ontario Oltn. d: Oberleutnant OLTP e: On-Line Transaction Processor

OLPC e: Ontario Provincial Library Council OLK d: Offenbach-Lichterfelder Kassen - d: Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte

OLPR e: Office of Library Personnel Resources

O.L.K. d: Oberste Luftsportkommission

OLTRAP /· Office de Liaison du Transit des Agrumes et Primeurs

OLPS S: Okrajni Ljudskoprosvetni Svet

OLU e: University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario

O&LPWP e: Operational and Logistical Procedures Working Party

OLUC e: Office of Land Use Coordination - e: On Line Union Catalog[ue]

OLR e: Office of Legislative Reference - e: On-Line Research, Inc. - e: Organization for the Liberation of Rwanda -/· Organisation pour la Liberation du Rwanda

OLUE e: Engineering Library, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario

OLL e: Oceaneering International, Inc. OLLA e: Office of Lend-Lease Administration - s: Organizacion Lluita Armada OLLC e: Our Lady of the Lake College OLLR/LRDP e: Library Research and Demonstration Program

OLRB e: Ontario Labour Relations Board

OLLS e: Operational Logistics Support Summary

OLRI e: Office & Factory, Rochevert Industrie, Inc., Lindsay, Ontario

OLLT e: Office of Libraries and Learning Technologies

OLRL e: Lyndhurst Branch, Rideau Lakes Union Library, Ontario

OLLU e: Our Lady of the Lake University

OLRP e: On-Line Report Processor

OLM d: Oberlöschmeister - e: Office for Laboratory Management - e: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. - e: Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy - n: Stichting Onze Lichte Muziek

OLS e; Office of Legal Services - e: Olsten Corp. - e: Online Library System - e: Operation Lifeline Sudan - e: Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows - e: Spartan of Canada Ltd., London, Ontario - n: Openbaare Lagere School

OLMA d: Ostschweizerische Land- und Milchwirtschaftliche Ausstellung, St. Gallen - e: Ontario Lumber Manufacturers Association OLMC e: Olivier Management Corporation

O.L.S. e: Ontario Land Surveyor OLSA e: Otolaryngological Society of Australia

OLML e: Our Lady's Missionary League OLSC e: Olympic Swimming Club OLMR e: Office of Labor-Management Relations OLMS e; Office of Labor-Management Standards - e: Osborn Laboratories of Marine Sciences OLMSA e: Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications

OLSCG e: Latchford Senior Citizens Group, Ontario OLSD e: Office for Library Service to the Disadvantaged

OLUG e: Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario - e: Office Landscape Users Group - e: On-Line Users' Group OLUH e: University Hospital, London, Ontario OLUL e: Law Library, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario OLUM e: Sciences Library, Natural Sciences Centre, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario OLUMG e: Macintosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario OLUNO e: Northern Outreach Library Service, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario OLUS e: School of Library and Information Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario OLUVA e: Visual Arts Department, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario OLUWP e: Office of Land Use and Water Planning

OLSF e: Olson Farms, Inc. OLSH e; Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

OLMUG e: Online Librarian's Microcomputer User Group

OLSN e: Olson Industries, Inc.

OLMWPR e: Office of Labor-Management and Welfare-Pension Reports

OLSNA e: Orthopaedic Laser Society of North America

OLN e: Olin Corp. - n: Openbaar Landelijk Net

Ol.Sp. d: Olympische Spiele

OLV a: Orlogsvaerftet - d: Oberlandesverband - d: Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag OLVEH n: Onderlinge Levensverzekeringmaatschappij Eigen Hulp OLVG n: Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis

OLNB e: Old National Bancorporation

OLSP e: Office of Life Science Programs - e: Operational Logistics Support Plan

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OLVH e: Medical Library, South Street Campus, Victoria Hospital Corp., London, Ontario


OLVIMS OLVIMS e: On-Line Vehicle Interactive Management System OLVM e; Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters OLVP e: Office of Launch Vehicle Programs - e: Office of Launch Vehicles and Propulsion OLVR e: Oliver's Stores, Inc. OLWG d: Oberlandwirtschaftsgericht OLy d: Oberlyzeum OLY e: Washington D.C., Olympics OLYM e: Olympic National Park OLZ d: Orientalische Literaturzeitung OM c: Obranci Mini - d: Oberschule für Mädchen - e: Monarch Airlines Ltd. - e: Oceanography and Meteorology - e: Office Manager - e: Office of Management Information - e: Office of Meteorology - e: Officer's Mess - e: Old Man - e: Operating Manuals - e: Operating Material - e: Operating Memorandum - e: Operation Monkees - e: Operational Machine Techniques - e: Operational Maintenance - e: Operations Management - e: Operations Manager - e: Operations Manual - e: Operations Module - e: Operator's Manual - e: Optical Master - e: Opticalman - e: Order of Merit - e: Ordnance Mission - e: Organizational Maintenance - e: Outboard Marine Corp. - e: Overseas Minister - H: Oktatäsügyi Miniszterium - /; Opera Mundi - /: Ordo Minorum - n: Openbaar[e] Ministerie - n: Opleidingsmanager - r: OM Stockholm Fondkommission - s: Orden Ministerial O.M. e: Order of Merit -/· Observations Meteorologiques -/· Observatoire de Meudon -/· Office Meteorologiques -/· Officiers Mecaniciens -/· Officiers Ministerieis -/· Officiers Municipaux -/· Operations Militaires -/· Organism es de Mutualite - n: Openbaar Ministerie O&M e: Ogilvy & Mather [agency] - e: Operating and Maintenance - e: Operation and Maintenance - e: Operation and Management - e: Operations and Maintenance - e: Organisation and Methods - e: Region 4 O&M Municipal Inventory

OM1 e: Opticalman, First Class

OMAH e: Omaha National Corp.

OM2 e: Opticalman, Second Class

OMAI e: Allelix, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario -/· Organisation Mondiale Agudas Israel - s: Organizacion Mundial Agudas Israel

OM3 e: Opticalman, Third Class OMA d: Optisch-mechanische Anstalt - d: Verein für organische Müllabfuhr - e: Ocean Mining Administration - e: Ocean Mining Associates - e: Office Management Association of Great Britain - e: Office of Management and Administration - e: Office of Maritime Administration - e: Office of Maritime Affairs - e: Office of Military Application^] - e: Office of Military Assistance - e: Office of Mutual Aid - e: Office of the Military Attache - e: Oilskin Manufacturers Association of Great Britain - e: Oklahoma Military Academy - e: Ontario Medical Association - e: Ontario Mining Association - e: Ontario Museums Association - e: Operation and Maintenance, Army - e: Operation Medicare Alert - e: Operations Maintenance Area - e: Optical Manufacturers Association - e: Optical-Mechanical Assembly - e: Orderly Marketing Agreement - e: Oriental Merchants Association - e: Outstanding Merchandising Awards - e: Overall Manufacturers Association [of Great Britain] - e: Overseas Mining Association - p: Organizacäo de Mulheres de Angola

OMANG e: Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard

O.M.A. e: Orderly Marketing Agreement -/· Officier des Mouvements Aeriens -/· Operations Militaires Amphibies -/· Organisation Metropolitaine de Armee

OMAU e: Magnetawan Area Union Public Library, Magnetawan, Ontario

O&MA e: Operation & Maintenance

OMAAEEC /· Organisation Mondiale des Anciens et Anciennes Eleves de 1'Enseignement Catholique

OMB e: Office of Management and Budget - e: Office of Money and Banking - e: Ontario Municipal Board - e: Ordnance Maintenance Bulletin - e: Out-of-Home Measurement Bureau -/· Organisation Moderne du Bureau - H: Orszägos Munkaber[megällapito] Bizottsäg - n: Openbaare Muziekbibliotheek

OMABP e: Abitibi-Price, Inc. Mississauga, Ontario

OMBA e: Office of Management and Business Administration

OMAC e: Alkaril Chemicals Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario - e: Occupational Medical Association of Canada - e: Occupational Medical Association of Connecticut

OMBE e: Office of Minority Business Enterprise - e: Oxford Mission Brotherhood of the Epiphany

OMAA e: Occupational Medical Administrators' Association - e: Office of Management Analysis and Audit

OMADA e: Airway Centre ALS Data Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMAE e: Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering

OMansU e: Ohio State University, Mansfield Regional Campus, Mansfield e: Office of Military Assistance Programs OMAPC e: Astra Pharmaceuticals Canada Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMAR e: Office of Medical Applications of Research - e: Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve OMarionU e: Ohio State University, Marion Campus, Marion OMARNG e: Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard OMA's e: Orderly Marketing Agreements OMASD e: Office of Management Appraisal and Systems Development OMAT e: Ocean Measurement and Array Technology - e: Office of Manpower, Automation, and Training

O.M.B, d: Oberste Motor[rad]sportbehörde

OMB/FPPO e: Office of Management and Budget / Federal Procurement Policy Office OMBI e: Observation-MeasurementBalancing and Installation - e: Overcoming Mobility Barriers International OMBK e: OmniBank of Connecticut, Inc.

OMAECL e: AECL International, Mississauga, Ontario OMAFRA e: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

OMBKE e: Hungarian Mining and Metallurgical Society - H: Orszägos Magyar Bänyäszati es Kohäszati Egyesület

O/M e: Operations and Maintenance

Omag d: Ostfriesische Maschinenbau AG

OMBO e: One man Bridge Operation

O.&M. e: Organisation and Methods

OMAG e: Geac Computers International, Markham, Ontario - R: Osobaya Morskaya Aviatsionna Grupa

OMBVI /· Office Malien du Betail et de la Viande



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OMFB OMBW e: Bangor, Wicklow, McClure and Monteagle Union Public Library, Maynooth, Ontario OMC e: Occupational Measurement Center - e: Office Mechanization Centre - e: Office of Managed Care - e: Office of Military Cooperation - e: Office of Motor Carriers - e: Office of Munitions Control - e: Official Mail Center - e: Omnicom Group, Inc. - e: One Man Control - e: Opel Motorsport Club - e: Open Market Committee - e: Operation^] and Maintenance Center - e: Operations Management Consultant - e: Ordnance Missile Command - e: Oscar Mayer & Company - e: Outboard Marine Corporation - e: Outboard Motor Corporation - e: Overseas Marketing Corporation - e: Oxford Military College - e: Oxford Mission to Calcutta -/· Office Mauretanien des Cereales -/· Organisation Mondiale Culturelle -/· Organisation Mondiale du Commerce -/· Otara Millionaire's Club - i: Officina Macchine per Calzetteria - /: Ordo Minorum Conventualium O.M.C. e: Oxford Military College - e: Oxford Mission to Calcutta -/· Organisation Mondiale du Commerce OMCA e: Occupational Medical Corporation of America, Inc. - e: Ontario Motor Coach Association O.M.Cap. /; Ordinis Minorum Capucinorum OMCB e: Ocean Materials Criteria Branch

OMCSG e: Canada Systems Group, Mississauga, Ontario

OMEG e: Omega Optical Co.

OMCT e: Office of Motor Carrier Transportation -i: Ordine dei Medici del Canton Ticino

OMEGA e: Off Road Mobility Evaluation and Generalized Analysis - e: Operation Model Evaluation Group, Air Force

OMCU e: Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Omega-Int J e: Omega-The International Journal of Management Science

OMCV p: Organisagao das Muheres de Cabo Verde

Omega Rho e: Operations Research Honor Society

OMD c: Ochrana Matek a Deti - e: Du Pont Canada, Inc., Maitland, Ontario - e: Ocean Movement Designator - e: Office of Management Development - e: On-line Medical Dictionary - e: Operations and Maintenance Documentation - e: Ormand Industries, Inc. - e: Outdoor Management Development

OMEH H: Orszägos Munkaerögazdälkodäsi Hivatal OMEI e; Office of Minority Economic Impact - e: Other Major Equipment Items OMEL e: Orient Mid-East Lines O.Mel. /; Ordo Melitensis

O&M-DA e: Operation and Maintenance, Defense Agencies OMDC e: Du Pont Canada, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario OMDCPL e: Patent & Legal Library, Du Pont Canada, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario OMDEAC e: Dearborn Chemical Co. Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMDG e: Dominion Glass Co. Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMDIR e: Research Library, Duracell, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario

OMEN e: Ohio Medical Education Network OMEP e: Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection -/· Organisation Mondiale pour Education Prescolaire - i; Organizacion Mundial para la Educacion Preescolar OMER e: Operations Management Education and Research Foundation OMERA /· Societe d'Optique, de Mecanique, d'Electricite et de Radio OMERAD e: Office of Medical Education Research and Development

OMDL e: Marmora, Deloro and Lake Union Public Library, Marmora, Ontario

OMerc e: Order of Mercedarians

OMDO e: Corporate Library, Domglas, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario

OMERF e: Operations Management Education and Research Foundation O-Mess e: Officer's Mess

OMCFP e: Optimized MAC Computer Flight Plan

OMDR e: Operation and Maintenance Deficiency Report - e: Optical Memory Disk Recorder Animation System

OMCG e: Ciba/Geigy Canada Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario

OMDW e.-Diversey Wyandotte, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario,

OMCI /· Organisation Maritime Consultative Intergouvernementale -/· Organisation Maritime de Concertation Intergouvernementale

OME e: Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario - e: Office of Management Engineer - e: Office of Manpower Economics - e: Office of Migrant Education - e: Office of Minerals Exploration - e: Organizational Maintenance Equipment - e: Ormont Explorations Ltd. -/· Organisation Mondiale de ['Emballage

OMCC e: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation - e: Open Minded Comics Club OMCE H: Orszägos Magyar Cecilia Tärsulat

O-Messe d: Offiziersmesse OMET e: Orthomet, Inc.

OMCILCR e: Chemical Research Laboratory, CIL, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario OMCO e: Ocean Minerals Company - e: Official Mail Control Officer - e: Overmyer Corporation OMCR e: Organized Marine Corps Reserve

OMEA e: Ohio Music Education Association - e: Oklahoma Music Educators Association - e: Ontario Municipal Electric Association

OMC-R e: Operation and Maintenance Center Radio

OMEC e: Organization of Mineral Exporting Countries

OMCS e: Office of Motor Carrier Standards - e: Sheridan Park Research Community, Cominco Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario

O.Mech. /: Ordo Mechitaristarum

OMC-S e: Operation and Maintenance Center Switch

OMETA e: Ordnance Management Engineering Training Agency OMEW e: Office of Missile Electronic Warfare OMEWG e: Orbiter Maintenance Engineering Working Group OMEX e: Ocean Margin Exchange[s] Experiment (or Study) OMF d: Oberschwäbische Metallwarenfabrik GmbH - e: Office of Management and Finance - e: Office of Marketing Facilities - e: Open Media Framework - e: Organization Master File - e: Overseas Missionary Fellowship O.M.F. /· Occupation Militaire Francaise

OMECOMS /· Organisation pour le Mecanographie, la Compatibilite et la Secretariat

OM&F e: Organization, Mission and Functions Manual

OMEF e: Office Machines and Equipment Federation

OMFB H: Orszägos Müszaki Fejlesztesi Bizottsäg

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OMFBAA OMFBAA e: Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Budget Activity Account

O.M.H. e: Occupational Medicine and Hygiene

OMIPE /· Office Mondial d'Information sur les Problemes d'Environment

OMFC e: Overseas Military Forces of Canada

OMH-RC e; Office of Minority Health Resource Center

Omira d: Oberland-Milchverwertung GmbH

OMFCA e: Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Cost Account OMFCU e: Outboard Message Format Conventional Unit OMFG e: Optimum Manufacturing, Inc. OMFP i: Officine Meccaniche Ferroviarie Pistoesi OMFSCA e: Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Summary Cost Account OMG d: Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft - d: Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft - e: Object Management Group - e: Ocean Mapping Group - e: Office Machines Group - e: Office of Marine Geology - e: Office of Military Government - e: Older Metamorphic Group - e: Open Management Group - e: Operational Maneuver Group - e: Ophthalmology Medical Group OMGB e: Office of Military Government for Bavaria OMGBS e; Office of Military Government for Berlin Sector OMGB W e; Office of Military Government for Baden-Württemberg OMGCR e: Research & Development, Gulf Canada Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMGE /· Organisation Mondiale de GastroEnterologie - H: Orszägos Magyar Gazdasägi Egyesiilet - 5: Organizacion Mundial de Gastroenterologia

OMHSA e: Ontario Municipal Health and Safety Association OMI e: Oblate of Mary Immaculate - e: Ocean Management Incorporated - e: Office of Management Improvement - e: Office of Management Information - e: Ohio Mechanics Institute - e: OMI Corp. - e: Omnibus Computer Graphics, Incorporated - e: Operating Memorandum-Information - e: Operation Move-In - e: Operations and Maintenance Improvements [department] - e: Operations and Maintenance Instruction[s] - e: Operator Message Input - e: Opto Mechanik Inc. - e: Ordnance Modifications Instruction[s] - e: Organization for Microinformation - e: Other Manufacturing Industries - e: Owens & Minor, Incorporated -/· Office des Migrations Internationales -/· Organisation Maritime Internationale -/· Organisation Meteorologique Internationale - H: Orszägos MunkaegeszsegUgyi Intezet -i: Ordinario Militare per Italia - /: Oblati Mariae Immaculatae - /; Oblatus Mariae Immaculate - 5: Organizacion Maritima Internacional O.M.I, e: Oblates of Mary Immaculate -i: Ottico Meccanica Italiana e Rilevamenti Aerofotogrammetrici S.p.A. - /; Oblati Mariae Immaculatae OMIA e: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals

OMIRE i: Organo Misto Interministeriale per le Riparazioni di Emergenza OMIS e: Office, Management Information System - e: Operational (or Operations) Management Information System -/· Organisation Mondiale de 1'Image et du Son - n: Operationeel Management Informatie Systeem OmiS e: Operational Management Information System OmiSS e: Operation and Maintenance Instruction Summary Sheet[s] Omit /· Organisation militaire interarmees de transmissions OMJM /· Orchestre Mondial des Jeunesses Musicales OMK d: Oberste Motorsport-Kommission - e: Omark Industries, Inc. - H: Orszägos Müszaki Könyvtar OMKDK H: Orszägos Müszaki Könyvtar es Dokumentäcios Központ OML e: Ontario Motor League - e: Orbiting Military Laboratory - e: Ordnance Missile Laboratories - e: Organic Materials Laboratory - e: Organizational Maintenance Level - e: University of Cincinnati, Marx Law Library, Cincinnati O.M.L. /· Office Medico-Legal

OMIAA e: Orientation and Mobility Instructors' Association of Australasia OMiabM e: Monsanto Research Corp. Mound Laboratory, Miamisburg

OMLA e: Organizational Maintenance Level Activity OMLCSA e: Old Mine Lamp Collectors Society of America

OMGG[US] e: Office of Military Government for Germany, United States

OMIBM e: IBM [International Business Machines] Canada Ltd. Markham, Ontario

OMGH e: Office of Military Government for Hessen

OMICA e: Organized Migrants in Community Action

OMLP e: Ohio Midland Light & Power

OMgK H: Orszägos Mezögazdasägi Könyvtär

OMidAR e: Armco Inc., Research Center, Technical Library, Middletown

OMLTA e: Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association

OMidU e: Miami University, Middletown Campus, Middletown

OMLX e: London Securities and Derivatives Exchange

OMIG e: Opencast Mining Intelligence Group

OMM e: Miami University, Middletown Campus, Middletown - e: Office of Marine Minerals - e: Office of Minerals Mobilization - e: Officer of the Order of Military Merit - e: Offshore Minerals Management Program - e: OMI Corp. - e: Operations and Maintenance Manual -/· Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale - i: Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale - 5: Organizacion Meteorologica Mundial

OMGL e: Gartner Lee Associates Ltd., Markham, Ontario OMGLB e: Office of Military Government for Land Bremen OMGUS e: Office of Military Government, United States

OMII e: Oxy Metal Industries International

OMGUSZ e: Office of Military Government, United States Zone

OMIKI H: Orszägos Mezögazdasägi Ipari Kiserleti Intezet

OMGWB e; Office of Military Government for Württemberg-Baden

OMIM e: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

OMH e; Office of Mental Health - e: Office of Minority Health - e: Omaha Aviation, Inc. - e: Omega Hydrocarbons Ltd. - H: Orszägos Meresügyi Hivatal - H: Orszägos Mertekügyi Hivatal

OMIN e: Inco Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario - /; Ordo Fratrum Minimorum


OMLE i; Organizacion Marxista-Leninista Espanola

O.Min[im]. /; Ordo Fratrum Minimorum

O.M.M. e: Officer of the Order of Military Merit -/· Officier de l'Ordre du Merite Militaire

OMIP e: Ocean Model Intercomparison Project

O&MM e: Operation and Maintenance Manual


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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OMS&A e: Outboard Motor Manufacturers Association

OMNU e: Orthomolecular Nutrition Institute

OMPSA /· Organisation Mondiale pour la Promotion Sociale des Aveugles

OMNX e: Omni Exploration, Inc. OMMB e: Information Centre Molson Breweries of Canada Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMMC e: Officer Messenger Mail Center O&M, MC e: Operations and Maintenance, Marine Corps O&MMC e: Operations and Maintenance, Marine Corps OM&MG e: Organizational Manual and Management Guide

OMO e: Office of Management and Organization - e: Office of Meteorological Observations - e: Office of the Director of Manpower and Organization - e: Offshore Mining Organization [government owned] - e: Operator Message Output - e: Organizational Maintenance Officer - e: Other Mapping Organization - n: Officieel Middelbaar Onderwijs - n: Openbaar Middelbaar Onderwijs - n: Organisatie Middelbaar Onderwijs

OMPU s: Oficina Municipal de Planeamiento Urbano OMPUS e: Official Munitions Production United States OMPW e: Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario OMR d: Obermedizinalrat - e: Midland-Ross Corp., Library, Cleveland - e: Operational Management Review - e: Operations Manager's Report - e: Optical Mark Reader - e: Optical Mark Recognition - e: Output Message Report

OMMI e: Magna International, Inc Markham, Ontario - H: Orszägos Mezögazdasägi Minösegvizsgälo Intezet

OMOSC /· Organisation des Musiciens d'Orchestres Symphoniques du Canada i: Ordine di movimento

OM&R e: Operations, Maintenance, and Replacement

O.M.M.I.A. i: Officina Meccanica Misuratori Industrial! Affiani, Milano i: Ordine di movimento per ferrovia

OMRA e: 135th Medical Regiment Association

OMMIC e: Ordnance Maintenance Management Information Center i: Ordine di movimento per via ordinaria

OMRB e: Operating Material Review Board - e: Outstanding National Resource Waters

Ommi evk. H: Orszägos Mezögazdasägi Minösegvizsgälo Intezet evkönyve

OMP e: Ocean Margins Program - e: Office of Management Production - e: Office of Metric Programs - e: Operating Memorandum-Policy - e: Oriental Music-Tape & Publishers

OMRD e: Office of Manpower Research and Development

OMPA e: Office of Marine Pollution Assessment - e: Operating Memorandum-Personnel Assignment -/· Organisation Mondiale pour la Protection des Aveugles - s: Organizacion para el Mejoramiento de la Produccion Azucarera

OMRF e: Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

OMMMSA e: Oil Mill Machinery Manufacturers and Supply Association OMMS e: Office of Merchant Marine Safety OMMSA e: Organization[s] of Museums, Monuments, and Sites in/of Africa OMMSC e: Officer Messenger Mail Sub Center OMMSQA e; Office of Modeling, Monitoring Systems, and Quality Assurance O&MN e: Operation and Maintenance, Navy - e: Overhaul and Maintenance, Navy OMNCS e: Office of the Manager, National Communications System O.M.N.F. e: Officers' Merchant Navy Federation OMNG e: Operations and Maintenance, National Guard

O.M.P.A. e: Oyster Merchants and Planters' Association OMPC e: Office of Municipal Pollution Control

OMRS e: Orders and Medals Research Society

OMPD e: Office of Mineral Policy Development

OMPR e: Office of Management Planning and Review

OMS e: Object Management System - e: Office Management Systems - e: Office of Management Services - e: Office of Management Studies - e: Office of Management Support - e: Office of Marketing Services - e: Office of Mobile Sources - e: On-Board Maintenance System - e: Orbital Maneuvering System - e: Ordnance Management System - e: Organization and Methods Society - e: Organization for the Maintenance of Supplies - e: Organizational Maintenance Shop - e: Organizational Maintenance Squadron - e: Oriental Machinery Stores - e: Oriental Missionary Society - e: Overseas Mission Society - e: Spectravac Power Conversion Systems, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario -/· Office Militaire de Securite -/· Organisation Mondiale de la Sante -i: Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanitä - P: Organizacja Miodziezy Socjalistycznej - s: Orden aplicacion y desarrollo de las prestaciones de Muerte y Supervivencia - s: Organizacion Mundial de la Salud

OMPRA e; Office of Minerals Policy and Research Analysis

OMS&A e; Office of Mission Safety and Assurance

OMPE e: Office of Management Planning and Evaluation -/· Organisation Mondiale des Professionnels dans 1'Enseignement OMPER e: Office of Manpower Policy, Evaluation and Research

Omnirex /· Omnium de Recherches et d'Exploitations Petrolieres

OMPI /· Organisation Mondiale de la Propriete Intellectuelle - s: Organizacion Mundial de Personas Impedidas

OMNMPS e: Operative Machine Needle Makers Protection Society OMNR e: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources OMNRF e: Omni Resources, Inc.

OMRI e: Oklahoma Medical Research Institute OMRO e: Ordnance Materials Research Office - e: Ordnance Materials Research Officer - n: Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden to Leiden

OMNI e: Mobilization and Deployment Data Base - e: Omnicorp Ltd. - e: Opportunities for Micronutrient Interventions Project - e: Organising Medical Networked Information - e: Overseas Moving Network Institute

OMNIS /· Office Militaire National pour les Industries Strategiques

OMRE e: Organic-Moderated Reactor Experiment

OMPF e: Official Military Personnel File - e: Official Military Police File OMPH /· Organisation Mondiale des Personnes Handicapes

OMPP /· Organisation Mondiale de la Presse Periodique

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OMSA OMSA e: Offshore Marine Service Association - e: Ontario Medical Secretaries Association - e: Orders and Medals Society of America

O.M.T.E. /· Organisation Militaire Territoriale Europeenne O.M.T.[E.A.] Ltd. e: Overseas Motor Transport Company [East Africa] Limited

OMSAP e: Occupational Medicine SelfAssessment Program

OMTF e: Officers Master Tape File

OMSAPC e; Office of Mobile Source Air Pollution Control

OMT-FNAS /· Organisation Militante des Travailleurs-Front National Anti-Souffrance

OMSC e: Office of the Manpower Services Commission

OMTN e: Operation and Maintenance for Telecoms Networks - e: Other Military Teletype Network

OMSD e: Organization and Management Services Division OMSE e: Office of Management Systems [and] Evaluation OMSF e; Office of Manned Space Flight - e: Office of Minerals and Solid Fuels OMSG e: Official Mail Study Group OMS International e: Oriental Missionary Society International OMSIP e: Ontario Medical Surgical Insurance Plan

OMTS e: Organizational Maintenance Test Station

O.N. /· Office de la Navigation -/· Office National -/· Outillage National ONA d: Österreichischer Normenausschuß - e: Office of National Assessments] - e: Office of Naval Adviser - e: Office of Noise Abatement - e: Ohio Nurses Association - e: Oklahoma Nurses Association - e: Oneita Industries, Inc. - e: Ontario Nurses Association - e: Open Network Architecture - e: Oregon Nurses Association - e: Orthopedic Nurses' Association - e: Overseas National Airways, Inc. - e: Overseas News Agency - s: Organizacion Nacional Agraria

OMTUR , .-OrganizacjaMiodziezy Towarzystwa Uniwersytetu Robotniczego

O.N.A. e: Overseas News Association

OMU e: Operative Mechanics Union

ONAA /· Office National Anti-Acridien

OMUA e: Office Machinery Users Association

ONAAC /· Office National d'Alphabetisation et d'Action Communautaire

OMV d: Otto Meissners Verlag - e: Office Machines Vocabulary

ONAB /· Office National du Bois

O.M.V. /· Ordre des Medecins Veterinaires - /; Oblati Beatae Mariae Virginis

OMSK e: Smith, Kline &. French Canada Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario

OMVA /· Office de Mise en Valeur Agricole

OMSM e: Medical Library, Syntex, Inc., Mississauga, Ontario

OMVK c: Okresni Mimofädnä Vyzivovaci Komise

OMSP e: Operational Maintenance Support Plan

OMVS /· Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal

OMSq e: Organizational Maintenance Squadron

OMVTO e: Office Motor Vehicle Transportation Officer

OMSRADS e: Optimum Mix of Short-Range Air Defense Systems

OMVVM /· Office de Mise en Valeur de la Vailee de la Medjerda

OMSS e: Operational Meteorological Satellite System for Specific European Requirements

OMWM et PPI /· Office de Mise en Valeur de la Vallee de la Medjerda et des Perimetres Publics Irrigues

ONAC e: Office of Noise Abatement and Control - e: Operating Network Advisory Committee - e: Operations Network Administration Center -/· (Euvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants -/· Office National des Anciens Combattants ONACO /· Office National de Commercialisation O.N.A.C.V.G. /· Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre ONADEC /· Organisation Nationale des Entreprises Congolaises ONADEF /· Office National pour le Developpement des Forets ONADER /· Operation Nationale pour le Developpement de la Riziculture

OMSz H: Orszägos Mentöszolgälat OMT e: Office of Manufacturing Technology - e: Officiating Minister to the Troops - e: Ohio Mattress Co. - e: Old Merchant Taylors - e: Organizational Maintenance Technician - e: Organizational Maintenance Trainer - e: Other Military Targets -/· Office Malien du Tourisme -/· Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme - s: Organizacion Mexicana de Traductores - 5: Organizacion Mundial del Turismo O.M.T. e: Officiating Minister to the Troops - e: Old Merchant Taylors OMTA e: Office of Management and Technical Assessment - e: Ovulation Method Teachers Association -/· Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme et de rAutomobile OMTC e: Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications - e: Organization and Methods Training Council OMTE e: Organizational Maintenance Test Equipment


OMW d: Oberrheinische Mineralölwerke GmbH - e: Ordnance Mobile Workshop OMWOG e: Ocean[s]-based Measurements Working Group OMWS /· Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal

ONAF /· Office National d'Affretements -/· Office National des Abattoirs et Frigorifiques -/· Office National des Allocations Familiales -/· Office National des Forets ONAFEX /· Office National des Forets et Expositions

OMX e: Option Market Index

O.N.A.G. /· CEuvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants et victimes de la Guerre

OMZ d: OMZ Vereinigte Ost- und Mitteldeutsche Zement-AG

ONAGI /· Office National de Gestion des Biens Immobiliers de Etat

ON d: Österreichisches Normeninstitut - d: Österreichisches Normungsinstitut - e: Office Nurse - e: Old Norse - e: Ontario - e: Orthopedic Nurse -/· Observatoire de Neuchätel -/· Office National -/· Outillage National - n: Onafhankelijke Nationale Groep - P: Obrona Narodowa - P: Opera Narodowa

ONAH /· Office National d'Hydrocarbures

O&N e: Oregon & Northeastern


· Säur, München

ONAIS e: Organization of North American Indian Students ONAM s: Oficina Nacional de la Mujer ONAP e: Office of Native American Programs - e: Orbit Navigation Analysis Program -/· (Euvre Nationale d'Aide et de Protection -/· Organisation Nationale d'Anti-Pauvrete - 5: Oficina Nacional de Administracion y Personal

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

ONESJ ONAPO /· Office National des Produits Oleicoles ONAREM /· Office National des Ressources Minieres ONAREP /· Office National de Recherches et d'Exploitations Petrolieres ONARES /· Organisation Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique du Cameroun ONAREST /· Office National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique ONARMO /· (Euvre Nationale d'Aide Religieuse et Morale aux Ouvriers -i: Opera Nazionale per 1'Assistenza Religiosa e Morale degli Operai

ONC e: Confederation Hih School, Nepean, Ontario - e: National Certificate - e: Occurrence Notification Center - e: Office of Narcotics Coordinator - e: Office of New Careers - e: Olivet Nazarene College - e: Operational Navigation Chart[s] - e: Optimists National Corps - e: Ordinary National Certificate - e: Orthopedic Nursing Certificate - e: Overall NATO Command -/· Office National de Commerce -/· Office National de la Chasse -/· Office National du Commerce - 5: Oficina Nacional del Cafe

O.N.D. e: Ordinary National Diploma

O.N.C. e: Ordinary National Certificate -/· Office National des Combattants - i: Opera Nazionale Combattenti

ONDECOOP i; Oficina Nacional de Desarrollo Cooperativo

ONAS e: Office of Naval Acquisition Support ONAT /· Office National Algerien de rAnimation de la Promotion et de Information Touristique ONATA e: Office of North Atlantic Treaty Affairs ONATEL /· Office National des Telecommunications ONATER /· Omnium National de Terrassements et de travaux publics ONATHO[L] /· Office National du Tourisme et de 1'Hötellerie ONATRA /· Office National des Transports [au Zaire] ONATRATE s: Oficina Nacional de Transporte Terrestre ONAX e: Overseas National Airways, Inc. ONB d: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek -/· Office National des Barrages et de Irrigati on -/· Office National du Bois O.N.B. /· Orchestre National de Belgique

ONCA /· Office National de Commercialisation Agricole ONCAD e: Office National de Cooperation d'Assistance pour le Developpement ONCC e: Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation ONCD /· Ordre National des ChirurgiensDentistes ONCE e: Office of National Cost Estimates O.N.C.E. /· Office National de la Cooperation ä 1'Ecole -/· Office National du Commerce Exterieur O.N.C.E.L. e: Organization Network Command for Enforcement of Law ONCF /· Office National des Chemins de Per ONCFM /· Office National des Chemins de Per du Maroc ONCIC /· Office National pour le Commerce et Industrie Cinematographique ONCL /· Office National des Combustibles Liquides

ONDA d: On-line-Dauerprogramm ONDAH /· Office National des Debouches Agricoles et Horticoles ONDC e: Office of National Drug Control ONDCP e: Office of National Drug Control Policy ONDE e; Office of Naval Disability Evaluation -/· Office National de Developpement de 1'Elevage

ONDEPA i; Organizacion Nacional de Profesionales Agropecuarios ONDR /· Office National de Developpement Rural ONDS e: Dipix Systems Ltd., Nepean, Ontario ONDT /· (Euvre Nationale de Defense contre la Tuberculose ONE e: Bane One Corp. - e: Northeastern Ohio University, College of Medicine, Rootstown - e: Office Network Exchange - e: Office of National Estimates - e: Orientation for Nutrition Employees -/· (Euvre Nationale de l'Enfance -/· Office National de 1'Energie -/· Office National des Eaux ONEB e: Office of National Environmental Board O.N.E.E.S.-C.A.E. /· Office National des Eleves des Ecoles Superieures de Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises ONEGUA e: Organization of Guatemalan Blacks ONEITA e: Oneita Industries, Inc.

ONBC e: Ouachita National Bancshares O.N.B.D.T. /· (Euvre nationale beige de defense contre la tuberculose ONBDT /· (Euvre Nationale Beige de Defense contre la Tuberculose

ONCO e: Office of NOAA Corps Operations - e: Operations Non-Commissioned Officer ONCPA /· Office National de Commercialisation des Produits Agricoles ONCPB /· Office National de Commercialisation des Produits de Base

ONELIBT e: One Liberty Properties, Inc. ONEM /· Office National de l'Emploi ONEO e: Office of Navajo Economic Opportunity O.N.E.P. /· Office National de l'Eau Potable

ONBE /· (Euvre Nationale Beige ONCR e: Oncor, Inc. ONBG /· Office National des Bois de Gabon O.N.B.I. /· Office National des Brevets d'Invention ONBI /· Office National des Brevets d'Invention

ONCS e: Oncogene Science, Inc.

ONEPI /· Office National d'Edition, de Presse et d'Imprimerie

ONCSA H: Orszägos Nep- es Csaladvedelmi Alap

ONERA /· Offce National d'Etudes et des Recherches Aerospatiales

O.N.C.V. /· Office National de Commercialisation des Produits Viti-Vinicoles

ONERA-CERT /· Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales-Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse

ONBK e: ONBANCorp, Inc. O.N.B.L.C.C. /· (Euvre Nationale Beige de Lutte contre le Cancer ONBNU e: Nipissing University College, North Bay, Ontario

OND e: Office for Network Development - e: Office of Neighborhood Development - e: Ordinary National Diploma -/· Office National des Diamants -/· Office National du Ducroire - i: Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro - P: Odwod Naczelnego Dowodztwa

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

ONERN 5: Oficina Nacional de Evaluacion de Recursos Naturales ONERSOL /· Office de 1'Energie Solaire ONESJ e: Orient. Report of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan


ONEST ONEST e: Overseas Nuclear Emergency Search Team ONewU e: Ohio State University, Newark Campus, Newark ONF c: Okresni Narodni Front - e: Old Norman French - e: Old Northern French - e: Oncology Nursing Forum -/· Office National des Forets -/· Office National du Firm du Canada O.N.F. e: Old Northern French -/· Occupation Navale Francaise -/· Office National du Firm ONFA e: Acres Consulting Services Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ontario ONFEP n: Onafhankelijke Nationale Federatie der Postboden ONFJC e: John Courts Library Services Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ontario ONFLC e: Larimer Consultants Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ontario ONG e: Oklahoma Natural Gas Company -/· Organisation Non-Gouvernementale ONG. d: Oder-Neiße-Grenze ONGA e: Overseas Number Group Analysis ONGC e: Oil and Natural Gas Commission -/· Office des Normes Generales du Canada

O.N.I.C. /· Office National Interprofessionnel des Cereales -/· Organisation Nationale de l'Industrie et du Commerce ONIG /· Office Nationale de la Geologie - i: Opera Nazionale Invalid! di Guerra O.N.I.G. /· (Euvre Nationale des Invalides de Guerre ONIO e: Office of Naval Inspectors of Ordnance

ONH e: Office of Naval History ONHA /· Office National de l'Huilerie d'Abeche ONHI e: Niagara Historical Society, NiagaraOn-The-Lake, Ontario ONHIC e: ODPHP [Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion] National Health Information Center ONI e: Office of National Waste Terminal Storage Integration - e: Office of Naval Intelligence - e: Office of NWTS Integration - e: Operator Number Identification -/· Office des Nouvelles Internationales -/· Office National des Irrigation -/· Office National d'Immigration - H: Orszägos Nevelestudomanyi Intezet - s: Oficina Nacional de Informacion ONIA /· Office National Industriel de l'Azote

ONMR /· Office National de la Modernisation Rurale

ONIP e: Office of National Industry Promotion

ONMSS e: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

ONIPPAM /· Office National Interprofessionnel des Plantes ä Parfüm, Aromatiques et Medicinales

ONN e: National Standardisation Office -/· Office National de la Navigation O.N.N. /· Office National de la Navigation

ONISEP /· Office National d'Information sur les Enseignements et les Professions ONISI i: Organizzazione Nazionale Italiana degli Studenti di Ingegneria ONIT /· Organisation Nationale Independante des Travailleurs Onivins /· Office national interprofessionnel des vins ONIVIT /· Office National Interprofessionnel des Vins de Table

ONNI e: Office of National Narcotics Intelligence ONO e: Office of Naval Operations - e: Organization of News Ombudsmen - se: Okruzni Narodni Odbor - se: Opstinski Narodni Odbor O.N.O. n: Oranje Nassau Orde ONOC e: Oceania National Olympic Committees

ONIX e: Onyx + IMI, Inc.

ONocHE e: Hoover Co., Engineering Division, North Canton

ONJ /· Orchestre National de Jazz -p: Organizagao Nacional das Jornalistas

ONOF e: Office of Network Operations and Facilities

ONL e: Office of Naval Liaison - e: Ohio Northern University, Law Library, Ada -/· Office National de Logement -/· Office National du Lait et de ses derives

ONOO se: Okruzni Narodnooslobodilacki Odbor

O.N.L. /· Office National du Lait -/· Ordre National de la Liberation

ONOVA /· (Euvre Nationale des Orphelins, Veuves et Ascendants [des victimes de guerre]

ONLAH e: Lennox and Addington Historical Society, Napanee, Ontario ONLEXCRT e: Online Exercise Critique System ONLF e: Ogaden National Liberation Front ONM e: Ocmulgee National Monument - e: Office of Naval Materiel -/· Office National de Modernisation -/· Office National des Mines -/· Office National Meteorologique -/· Ordre National des Medecins O.N.M. /· Office National des Mines -/· Office National Meteorologique -/· Ordre National des Medecins O&NM e: Operations and Network Management working group O.N.M.G. /· Office National des Mutiles de Guerre

ONIC /· Office National Interprofessionnel des Cereales


ONMP e; Office of Nuclear Materials Processing - e: Office of Nuclear Materials Production - p: Organizacäo Nacional Mocidade Portuguesa

ONMS e: Open Network Management System

ONIB /· Office National Interprofessionnel du ONIBEV /· Office national interprofessionnel du betail et des viandes

ONMOE /· Office National de la Main d'(Euvre

O.N.I.O.P. /· Office national pour I'lnformation et l'Orientation Pedagogiques et professionnelles

ONGS e: Office of National Geodetic Survey ONGT /· Office National Gabonais du Tourisme -/· Office National Gabonaise du Tourisme -/· Organisation Non-Gouvernementale de portee Transnationale

ONMI i: Opera Nazionale per Madre e Infanzia


· Säur, München

ONOP e: Office of Naval Officer Procurement

ONP e: Office of National Programs - e: Olympic National Park - e: Onex Packaging, Inc. - e: Open Network Provision -/· Office National de Peche -/· Office National de Planification -/· Office National des Ports - P: Osrodek Normowania Pracy - i; Oficina Nacional de Pesca ONPA e; Office of National Projects Administration ONPC /· Office National du Placement et du Chömage ONPE /· Office National de la Promotion de I'Emploi ONPG e: Operations Nuclear Planning Group ONPI /· Office National de la Propriete Industrielle -/· Office Notarial Permanent d'echange International

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

ONULP O.N.P.I. /· Office National de la Propriete Industrielle

ONRSD /· Office National de la Recherche Scientifique et du Developpement

ONpK e: Kent State University, Tuscarawas County Regional Campus, New Philadelphia

ONRSI /· Office National des Recherches Scientifiques et Industrielles

O.N.P.N. /· Office National des Pupilles de la Nation

ONRSII /· Office National des Recherches Scientifiques et Industrielles et des Inventions

ONPO /· Office National des Pensions pour Ouvriers

ON Rwy e: Ontario Northland Railway

ONPOSR e; Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves

ONRY e: Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority

ONPPC /· Office National des Produits Pharmaceutiques et Chimiques

ONS d: Oberste Nationale Schiffahrtsbehörde - d: Oberste Nationale Sportbehörde fur die deutsche Kraftfahrt - d: Oberste Nationale Sportkommission für den Automobilsport in Deutschland - e: Office for/of National Statistics - e: Office of Nuclear Safety - e: Offshore North Sea Technology Conference - e: Oncology Nursing Society - e: Operational Needs Statement - e: Oriental Numismatic Society - e: Overseas News Service - e: Overseas Nursing Service -/· (Euvre Nationale de Secours -/· Organisation Naturiste Suisse

ONPR e; Office of National Petroleum Reserve - e: One Price Clothing Stores, Inc. ONPT /· Office National des Postes et Telecommunications ONPTZ[a] /· Office National des Postes et Telecommunications du Zaire ONPV /· Office National des Produits Vivriers ONR e: Office of Naval Research - e: Official Naval Reporter - e: Ontario Northland Railway - e: Phillips Petroleum Co., Exploration and Product Library, Bartlesville -/· Organisation Nationale de Resistance - P: Oboz Narodowo-Radykalny O.N.R. /· Organisation Nationale de Resistance ONRA /· Office National de la Recherche Aeronautique -/· Office National de la Reforme Agraire

O.N.S. /· (Euvre Nationale de Secours -/· Ouvriers non Syndiques

Ontario Libr. Rev. e: Ontario Library Review ONTC e: Ontario Northland Transportation Commission [agency] ONTDR /· Office National Tchadien de Developpement Rural ONTF /· Office National des Travaux Forestiers Ont.Libr.Rev. e: Ontario Library Review ONTOM /· Organisation Nationale du Tourisme Outre-Mer Ont Pen e: Ontario Penitentiary Ont.R. e: Ontario Regiment ONTS e: Office of Nonproliferation Technology Support Ont Sei Cen e: Ontario Science Centre

ONSER /· Organisation Nationale de/pour la Securite Routiere

ONTV c: Okresni Narodni Telovychovy Vybor

ONSF /· Ordre National des Sages-Femmes

O.N.T.V. n: [Stichting] Onafhankelijke Nationale Televisie

ONSIDIV e: On-Sight Surveys Division ONSIL /· Organisation Nationale des Syndicate d'Infirmiers Liberaux

ONR/BO e: Office of Naval Research/Branch Office

ONSOP e: Oriental Numismatic Society. Occasional Paper

ONRBRO e: Office of Naval Research Branch Research Office

ONSR e: Ozark National Scenic Riverways

ONRC e: Office of Naval Research, Chicago

ONSS /· (Euvre Nationale de Securite Sociale -/· Office National de Securite Sociale

ONRD /· Office National de la Recherche et du Developpement

O.N.S.S. /· Office National de Securite Sociale

ONRI e: Organization National of Rehabilitation of Invalids - n: Orde van Nederlandse Raadgevende Ingenieurs - s: Organizacion Nacional de Rehabilitacion de Invalides

ONSSF /· Organisation Nationale des Syndicate de Sages-Femmes

ONRRR e: Office of Naval Research Resident Representative

Ontario Hist Soc Papers e: Ontario Historical Society. Papers and Records

O.N.T.T. /· Office National du Tourisme et du Thermalisme

ONSN e: Oriental Numismatic Society. Newsletter

ONRR e: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research -/· Office National Rail-Route

O.N.T. /· Office National des Transports -/· Office National du Tourisme

ONSEC s: Oficina Nacional de Servicio Civil

ONRAP s: Oficina Nacional de Racionalizacion y Capacitacion de la Administracion Publica

ONRL e; Office of Naval Records and Library - e: Office of Naval Research, London

Ont e: Ontario

ONSSU /· Office National des Sports Scolaires et Universitaires ONST e; Office of National Security Technology - e: Outline NATO Staff Target -/· Office National Suisse du Tourisme ONT e: Air Ontario Ltd. - e: Office of Naval Technology - e: Ontario Northland Railway -/· Office National de Telecommunications -/· Office National des Transports -/· Office National du Tourisme - H: Orszägos Nepmüvelesi Tanäcs

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

ONU e: Ohio Northern University -/· Organisation des Nations-Unies - i : Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite O.N.U. p: Organizagäo das Nagöes Unidas e: United Nations Organization - ru: Organizajia Najiunilor Unite - 5: Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas ONUC /· Operation des Nations Unies au Congo -/· Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo ONUCA e: United Nations Observer Group in Central America ONUDI /· Organisation des Nations Unies pour le Developpement Industriel - 5: Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial ONUECC 5: Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Educacion, la Ciencia y la Cultura ONUEF /· Office National des Universites et Ecoles Frangaises ONUESC /· Organisation des Nations Unies pour I'Education, la Science et la Culture ONUG /· Office des Nations Unies & Geneve -/· Organisation des Nations Unies a Geneve ONULP e: Ontario New Universities Library Project


ONUMOZ ONUMOZ e: United Nations Operation in Mozambique ONURC s: Organismo de las Naciones Unidas para la Reconstruccion de Corea ONUSAL e: United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador

OOA e: Office of Assistant Manager for Administration - e: Office of Ocean Affairs - e: Owner Operators of America - n: Orde van Organisatie Adviseurs - n: Orde van Organisatiekundigen en Adviseurs

OOCACSW e: Documentation Centre, Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women OOCAM e: Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, Ottawa, Ontario

OOAA e: Olive Oil Association of America

OOCANM e: Canadian Museum Association, Ottawa, Ontario

ONUST /· Organisme des Nations Unies Charge de la Surveillance de la Treve [en Palestine]

OOACF e: Alta Vista Branch, Ontario Cancer Foundation, Ottawa, Ontario

OOCAS e: Childrens Aid Society of OttawaCarleton, Ottawa, Ontario

ONV c: Obvodni Narodni Vybor -/· Organisations Nationales Volontaires

OOAER e: Research Co., Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Ottawa, Ontario

OOCBH e: Human Resources Department, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Ottawa, Ontario

ONVOA /· (Euvre Nationale pour les Veuves, Orphelins et Ascendants

OOAI e: AMCA International Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

ONW e; Office of Naval Weapons - e: Oregon & Northwestern Railroad Co.

OOAKG e: G. D. Searle Co. of Canada Ltd., Oakville, Ontario

ONWARD e: Organization of the North Western Authorities Rationalized Design

OO-ALC e: Ogden Air Logistics Center

ONWB e: Oregon Nuclear Waste Board

OOAMA e: National Map Collection, Public Archives Ottawa, Ontario - e: Ogden Air Materiel Area

ONWI e: Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation ONWM e: Office of Nuclear Waste Management [& Fuel Cycle Programs] ONWR e: Okefinokee National Wildlife Refuge - e: Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge - e: Ouray National Wildlife Refuge ONWS e: Office of Naval Weather Service ONX e: Onyx Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd. ONZ P: OrganizacjaNarodow Zjednoczonych - R: Onkologiceskij Naucnij Zentr OO c: Okresni Odbor - e: Object-Orientation - e: Observation Officer - e: Oceanic Operators - e: Oceanographic Office - e: Operation Office - e: Operations Office - e: Operations Officer - e: Orange Order - e: Orderly Officer - e: Ordnance Office[r] - e: Orthopaedics Overseas -/· Societe Beige de Transports Aeriens - n: Openbaar Onderwijs - R: Osoby Otdel - S: Obcinski Odbor - S: Okrozni Odbor - se: Okruzni Odbor - se: Osnovna Organizacija o.O. d: ohne Ort O.O. e: Office of Oceanography - e: Order of Owls -/· Officier d'Ordonnance O&O e: Operational and Organizational - e: Oriental and Occidental Steamship Co. O/O e: Office of Oceanography - e: Office of Origin - e: Owners/Operators O4O e: October 4th Organization


OÖAMTC d: Oberösterreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring-Club OOANF e: National Firm Archives, Public Archives Ottawa, Ontario

OOCC e: Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario OOCCG e: Geography Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario OOCCJ e: Church Council on Justice and Correction, Ottawa, Ontario OOCD e: Canadian International Development Agency Ottawa, Ontario OOCDA e: Canadian Dental Association, Ottawa, Ontario OOCFS e: Combustion Engineering Superheater Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OOAO e: Orbiting Astronomical Observatory OOAR e: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Ottawa, Ontario OOB e; Off-Off Broadway [theater] - e: Ordnance Office Bulletin - n: Onderafdeling Opsporing en Bijstand

OOCH e: Orient Overseas Container Holdings OOCHA e: Canadian Hospital Association Ottawa, Ontario OOCHAC e: Catholic Health Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

OOBA e: Brewers Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario - e: Off-Off Broadway Alliance

OOCHC e: Canadian Horticultural Council, Ottawa, Ontario

OOBC e: Bowmar Canada Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OOCIFE e: Field Exploration Library, Inco Ltd., Copper Cliff, Ontario

OOBM e: Bartonian Metaphysical Society, Ottawa, Ontario

OOCIIPS e: Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security Ottawa, Ontario

OOBMM e: Medical Library, Bristol-Myers Pharmaceutical Group, Ottawa, Ontario OOC e: Junior Optimist Octagon International - e: Office of Censorship - e: Operational Oceanography Center - e: Optimist Octagon Clubs - e: Organized Occupational Curricula - e: Over-Ocean Communications - e: Overseas Operating Committee - e: Oxford Ophthalmological Congress -/· Organisation des Operations Commerciales

OOCITT e: Canadian International Trade Tribunal, Ontario OOCL e: Orient Overseas Container Line OOCLA e: Canadian Library Association, Ottawa, Ontario OOCLCG e: Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group, Ottawa, Ontario

O.O.C. e: Order of the Child

OOCM e: Canadian Housing Information Centre, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. Ottawa, Ontario

OOCAAS e: Canadian Automobile Association, Ottawa, Ontario

OOCMA e: Canadian Medical Association, Ottawa, Ontario

OOCAB e: Canadian Association of Broadcasters Ottawa, Ontario

OOCMC e: Children's Environments Advisory Service, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. Ottawa, Ontario

OOCAC e: Canada Council Ottawa, Ontario OOCACR e: Research and Evaluation Section, Canada Council, Ottawa, Ontario


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OOCN e: Canadian Nurses' Association Ottawa, Ontario

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OONDH OOCOAC e: Consumer's Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

OOECWN e: National Wildlife Research Centre, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment

OOCOI e: Cognos, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario OOCOW e: Cowater International, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario OOCP e: Community Planning Association of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

O.Oliv. /; Ordo Sancti Beati Montis Oliveti OOEDC e: Export Development Corp. Ottawa, Ontario OOEE e: Engineering and Economic Research Technologies, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario OOEY e: Eyretechnics Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OOCPA e: Canadian Payments Association, Ottawa, Ontario OOCPR e: Canadian Public Relations Society, Ottawa, Ontario OOCRC e: Canadian Red Cross Society Ottawa, Ontario OOCRLF e: Canadian Rights and Liberties Federation, Ottawa, Ontario

OoF e: Office of Facilitation of A e; Office of Administration OOFM e: Mining Library, Falconbridge Ltd., Onaping, Ontario OOFP e: Forintek Canada Corp., Ottawa, Ontario of SC e: Order of Scottish Clans

OOCSC e: Canada Safety Council Ottawa, Ontario OOCT e: Canadian Teachers Federation, Ottawa, Ontario OOCTG e: Object Orientated COBOL Task Group OOCU e: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario OOCUS e: CUSO [Canadian University Service Overseas], Ottawa, Ontario

of T e: Office of Telecommunications OOG e: Office of Oil and Gas - e: Officer of the Guard - e: Olive Oil Group OOGDC e: Gandalf Data Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario OÖGKK d: Oberösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse OOH e: Heraldry Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

OOCW e: Canadian Council on Social Development Ottawa, Ontario

OOHA e: Operation Oil Heat Associates

OOCWC e: Canadian Wood Council Ottawa, Ontario

OOHC e: Heritage Canada Foundation Ottawa, Ontario

OOD e: Object Oriented Design - e: Office Operations Department - e: Officer of the Day - e: Officer of the Deck - e: Officer of the Watch - e: Operations Orientation Director

OOHI e: Historical Society of Ottawa Library and the Bytown Historical Museum, Ontario OOI c: Okresni Osvetovy Inspektorat - e: Informetrica Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario - H: Orszägos Onkologiai Intezet

OODB e: Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OOICCS e: International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa, Ontario

OODCH e: DCH Consultants, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario

OOICP e: Phototheque, National Film Board Ottawa, Ontario

OODMR e: DMR Group, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario

OOID e: International Development Research Centre Ottawa, Ontario

OODRC e: Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Department of National Defence Ontario

OOIDA e: Owner-Operator[s] Independent Drivers Association [of America]

OODS sk: Okresnä Organizäcia Demokratickej Strany OODSIS e: Directorate of Scientific Information Services, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OOE e: Office of Ocean Engineering OOEC e: Economic Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OOECS e: ECS [Energy Conversion Systems] Power Systems, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario

OOL e; Office of Oceanography and Limnology [Smithsonian Institution]

OOIDAA e: Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association of America OOIJC e: International Joint Commission, Ottawa, Ontario

OOLRS e: Research Library, LRS Trimark Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario OOLUG e: Oklahoma On-Line Users Group OOM e: Office of Ocean Management - e: Office of Organization and Management - e: Office of the Manager - e: Officers Open Mess - e: Open Order Master - P: Okr^gowy Osrodek Metodyczny OOMER /· Organisation Oncologique Mediterraneenne d'Enseignement et de Recherche OOMIL e: MIL Systems Engineering, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario OOML e: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Ottawa, Ontario OOMNA e: National Air Photo Library, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario OOMPR e: Microtel Pacific Research Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario OOMSS e: Ministry of State for Science and Technology, Ottawa, Ontario OON e: Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, National Research Council Ottawa, Ontario - e: Officer of the Order of Niger O ONAC /· Office National du Commerce Exterieur OONAMC e.-NABU Manufacturing Corp., Ottawa, Ontario OONBR e: IRC [Institute for Research in Construction] Library, National Research Council OONCC e: National Capital Commission Ottawa, Ontario OOND e: Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDAT e: Air Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDC e: Communications and Electronics Engineering Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDCP e: Chief, Construction and Properties, Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario

OOIL e: Osage Energy, Inc. OOK c: Okresni Odbor Kultury - H: Orszägos Orvostörteneti Könyvtär OOKDK H: Orszägos Orvostudomänyi Könyvtar es Dokumentäcios Központ

OONDCS e: Communications Security Establishment, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDH e: Directorate of History, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario

OOKIEP e: O'Okiep Copper Co. Ltd.

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OONDIS OONDIS e: Directorate of Information Services, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDJ e: Judge Advocate General, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDLT e: Land Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDM e: National Defence Medical Centre, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDMC e: Mapping and Charting Establishment, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDMT e: Maritime Technical Library, Department of National Defence Ottawa, Ontario OONDT e: Secretary of State Library at National Defence, Ottawa, Ontario OONE e: National Energy Board Ottawa, Ontario OONFP e: National Farm Products Marketing Council, Ottawa, Ontario OONG e: National Gallery of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONHBR e: Banting Research Centre Library, Department of National Health and Welfare Ottawa, Ontario OONHFV e: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, Ontario OONHH e: Environmental Health Directorate, Health Protection Branch, Department of National Health and Welfare Ottawa, Ontario

OONLMBS e: Multilingual Biblioservice, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

OOPED e: Pylon Electronic Development Co. Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OONLN e: Newspaper Division, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

OOPM e: National Postal Museum Ottawa, Ontario

OONLP e: Serials Record, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

OOPS e: Office for Operations in Political Systems - e: Organization of Oil Producing States - e: Out-of-Pocket Builders Program

OONLR e: Retrospective Bibliography, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONLS e: Union Catalogue of Serials, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONM e: National Museums of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONMA e: National Aviation Museum, Ottawa, Ontario OONMCC e: Canadian Conservation Institute, National Museums of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONMM e: Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Museums of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONMNS e: National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario OONMS e: National Museum of Science and Technology Ottawa, Ontario OONR e: Customs and Excise Division, Department of National Revenue Ottawa, Ontario OONSE e: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario OONSF e: National Science Firm Library Ottawa, Ontario OONUL e: Union List of Scientific Serials in Canadian Libraries Ottawa, Ontario

OOPSLA e: Object-Orien[ta]ted Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications [conference] OOPSRPCO s: Organismo de Obras Publicas y Socorro a los Refugiados de Palestina en Cercano Oriente OOPSTAD e: Object-Orien[ta]ted Programming for Small Talk Application Developers (or Development) association OOQ e: Occupational Outlook Quarterly - e: Officer of the Quarters OOQA e: Director-General, Quality Assurance Library, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, Ontario OOR c: Obvodnä Osvetovä Rada - c: Okresni Odborovä Rada - e: Office of Ordnance Research - e: Office of the Official Receiver O.O.R. e: Office of the Official Receiver OORIA e: J. L. Richard & Associates Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario OORR e; Regional Realty Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario OORTA e: Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

OONVRC e: National Victims Resource Centre Ottawa, Ontario

OOS c: Okresni Osvetovy Sbor - e: Ocean Observing System - e: Office of Operations Support - e: Office of Opportunities in Science

OOO e: Order of Owls

OoS e: Organization of Scientology

OONHL e: Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health Protection Branch, Department of National Health and Welfare Ottawa, Ontario

OOOCF e: Ottawa Clinic, Ontario Cancer Foundation, Ontario

OOSA e: National Social Services Consultant and Government Relations Officer, Salvation Army Library, Ottawa, Ontario

OONIN e: National Institute of Nutrition, Ottawa, Ontario

OOOL e.-Optotek Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OONHHS e: Health Services and Promotion Branch, Department of National Health and Welfare Ottawa, Ontario

OONL e: National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONLB e: Union Catalogue of Books, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONLC e: Canadiana Acquisitions, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONLD e: Information Technology Services, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario OONLG e: Official Publications, National Library of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OONLI e: ISDS [Integrated Switched Data Services] Canada, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario


OO OF S: Okrajni Odbor Osvobodilne Fronte OOSAR e: Government Relations Office, Spar Aerospace Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OOP e: Oceanographic Observations of the Pacific - e: Office of Organization Planning - P: Oddziaiowa Organizacja Partyjna - P: Okr^gowa Organizacja Partyjna

OOSC e: Olfactronics and Odor Sciences Center

O.O.P. /· Office d'Orientation Professionnelle

OOSCC e: Science Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

OOPA e: National Arts Centre Ottawa, Ontario OOPC e: Management Information Centre, Privy Council Office Ottawa, Ontario - e: Ocean[s] Observation Panel for Climate - e: Office of Operational Planning and Control -/· Groupe sur les Observations Oceaniques pour etude du Climat OOPEC e: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities


· Säur, München

OOSCAC e; Scanada Consultants Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario

OOSDP e: Ocean Observing System[s] Development Panel -/· Groupe charge de la mise en place du Systeme d'observation de ocean OOSHT e: Technical Library, Systemhouse Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario OOSS e: Department of the Secretary of State Ottawa, Ontario

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OPAL - e: Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgery Society - e: Oversea Operational Storage Site OOSSHRC e: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OOSSTE e: Terminology and Documentation Branch, Translation Bureau, Department of the Secretary of State Ottawa, Ontario - e: Terminology Library, Information Resource Services Directorate, Secretary of State, Ottawa, Ontario OOSSTM e: Multilingual Services Directorate, Translation Bureau, Department of the Secretary of State Ottawa, Ontario OOST e: Standards Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

OOW e: Office of Operations and Weapons - e: Officer of the Watch - e: Officer on Watch - e: Versatile Vickers Systems, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario OOWC e: Wordcount, Creative Writing Services, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario OOWU e: Briefing Centre, World University Services of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario OOX e: XIOS Research Corp., Ottawa, Ontario OOxM e: Miami University, Oxford OOxM-S e: Miami University, Scripps Foundation for Research in Population Problems, Oxford

- e: Office of Program Analysis - e: Office of Program Appraisal - e: Office of Public Affairs - e: Office of Public Assistance - e: Office of the Pardon Attorney - e: Oil Pollution Act - e: Ontario Paramedic Association - e: Ontario Pharmacists Association - e: Ontario Physiotherapists Association - e: Optical Publishing Association - e: Other Procurement Army - e: Overseas Parliamentary Association -/· Organisation de la Palestine Arabe - P: Organizacja Panstw Amerikanskich O.P.A. e: Overseas Parliamentary Association -/· Organisation du Pacte Atlantique -/· Organisation Politique et Administrative -/· Organismes Professionnels Agricoles '90 e: Oil Pollution Control Act of 1990

OOSTM e: Careerware Reference Centre, STM Systems Corp., Ottawa, Ontario OOSU e: St. Paul University Ottawa, Ontario OOSUA e: Archives, St. Paul University Ottawa, Ontario OO SZDL S: Okrajni Odbor Socialisticne Zveze Delovnego Ljudstva OOT e: Office of Overseas Transportation -e; Out Of Town O.O.T. /· Organismes Officiels du Tourisme OOTC e: Old Old Timers Club OOTIR e: Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada Ottawa, Ontario OOTRAT /· Les Traductions Tessier SCC [Division de Multiscript International], Ottawa, Ontario OOTT e: National Transportation Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario O.O.U. e; Office of the Umpire OOU e: University of Ottawa Ontario OOUC e: Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa Ontario OOUD e: Faculty of Civil Law, University of Ottawa Ontario OOUG e: Oregon On-Line Users Group OOUH e: Health Sciences Library, University of Ottawa Ontario OOUIC e: Institute of International Cooperation, University of Ottawa Ontario OOUM e: Vanier Library, University of Ottawa Ontario OOUMA e: Map Library, University of Ottawa Ontario OOUSA e: United States Information Service, Ottawa, Ontario OÖVL d: Oberösterreichischer Verein für Luftschiffahrt

OOZ P: Oddziaiowa Organizacja Zwi^zkowa OP d: Oberprüfungsamt für die höheren technischen Verwaltungsbeamten - d: Ordnungspolizei - d: Orientierungspunkt - d: Osnabrücker Praktikum - e: Air Panama Internacional - e: Air Panama International - e: Occupational Psychology, London - e: Office of Personnel - e: Office of Pesticides - e: Office of Policy - e: Office of Preparedness - e: Office of Protocol - e: Office of the President - e: Oldsmobile Performance - e: Operating Plan - e: Operational Performance - e: Operation[s] - e: Operations Procedures - e: Operator - e: Order of Preachers - e: Ordnance Personnel - e: Ordnance Publications - e: Orient Press [agency] - e: Osnabrück Practical Studies - e: Output Processor -/· Observatoire de Paris -/· Orientation [scolaire et] Professionnelle - /: Ordo Praedicatorum - s: Obras Publicas

OPAAS e: Optimum Aircraft Armament System OPAAW e: Organization of Pan AsianAmerican Women OPAC e: Online Payment and Collection System - e: Online Public Access Catalogue] - e: Operations Planning Advisory Committee - e: Overall Performance Appraisal Certification -/· Office des Produits Agricoles de Costermansville -/· Office Public d'Amenagement et de Construction OPACI /· Organisation Provisoire de 1'Aeronautique Civile Internationale O.P.A.C.I. /· Organisation Provisoire de 1'Aviation Civile Internationale OPACS e: Ocean Parkway Athletic Club & Social - e: Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply OPACT e: Organization of Professional Acting Coaches and Teachers OPaD e: Diamond Shamrock Corp., Research Library, Painesville

op d: operativ O.P. d: Ortspolizei - e: Old Playgoers [club] - e: Order of Preceptors -/· Observatoire de Paris -/· Office de Placement -/· Office Professionnel -/· Organisations Professionnelles -/· Orientation Professionnelle

OPAE e: Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation

O+P d: Internationale Fachmesse für Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik

OPAG e: Older Persons Action Group - e: Operations and Planning Group

O&P e: Operations and Procedures - e: Ordering & Provisioning Committee - e: Organization and Procedures - e: Orient & Pacific Lines, San Francisco

OPAGY e: Operating Agency

OPA d: Oberprüfungsamt für die höheren technischen Verwaltungsbeamten - e: Office of Performance Assessment - e: Office of Petroleum Allocation - e: Office of Policy Analysis - e: Office of Population Affairs - e: Office of Price Administration

OPAKF e: Optical, Acoustical and Filmtechnical Society - H: Optikai, Akusztikai es Filmtechnikai Egyesület

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

O.P.A.E.P. /· Organisation des pays arabes exportateurs de petrole OPAF /· Organisation Panafricaine de la Familie

OPAK /· Office des Produits Agricoles de Kivu

OPAL e: Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario


OPALE - e: One People of Australia League - e: Optical Platform Alignment Linkage - e: Orientation Program in American Law [Association of American Law Schools] OPALE e: Faculty of Education, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario OPALG e: Department of Geography, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario OPALS /· Organisation Panafricaine de Lutte contre le SIDA OPAM /· Office des Produits Agricoles du Mali OPANAL /· Organisme pour interdict!on des Armes Nucleaires en Amerique Latine - s: Organismo para la Proscripcion de las Armas Nucleares en la America Latina OP and CMIA e: Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association OPAPE /· Organisation Panafricaine de la Profession Enseignante OPAQUE e: Optical Atmospheric Quantities in Europe [program] OPAR e; Office of Policy Analysis and Review

- e: Ocean Plastics Company - e: Ocean Policy Committee - e: Office for the Protection of the Constitution - e: Office of Parliamentary Counsel - e: Office of Petroleum Coordination - e: Office of Petroleum Coordinator - e: Office of Price Control - e: Office of Primary Concern - e: Office of Private Cooperation - e: Office of Program Coordination - e: Office of the Parliamentary Counsel - e: Ohio Power Company - e: Oil Policy Committee - e: Oil Prices Committee - e: Ontario Press Council - e: Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse - e: OpenGL Performance Characterization [project group] - e: Optical Propagation Conference - e: Ordnance Procurement Center - e: Orion Pictures Corporation - e: Out-Patient Clinic - e: Ovamboland People's Congress - e: Overseas Press Club of America -/· Office de la Protection du Consommateur -/· Organisation pour la Prevention de la Cecite O.P.C. e: Office of Parliamentary Counsel - e: Office of Petroleum Coordination - e: Ovamboland People's Congress - e: Overseas Press Club -/· Office Postal Centralisateur OP&C e: Operations Planning and Control

OPARI e: Occasional Publications. African and Afro-Amerian Research Institute. University of Texas, Austin OPaS c: Okresni Poradna a Studovna OPAS /· Office des Produits Agricoles de Stanleyville OPASTCO e: Organization for the Protection and Advancement of Small Telephone Companies OPAT /· Office des Produits Agricoles du Togo OPB e: Occupational Pensions Board - e: Office of Planning and Budgeting] - e: Office of Plans and Budget - e: Office of the Publication Board - e: Overseas Projects Board OPB. d: Ordnungspolizeibehörde - d: Ortspolizeibehörde OPBA e: Ontario Public Buyers Association OPBDR e: Office of Program and Budget Development and Review

OPCA e: Occupational Program Consultants Association - e: Ornamental Plant Collection Association - e: Ornamental Plant Collectors Association - e: Overseas Press Club of America -/· Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agree OPCC e: Offutt Processing and Correlation Center - e: Oil and Petrochemical Contractors Committee - e: Optical Product Code Council Op CCCG e: Opinion, Chief Counsel, United States Coast Guard OPCD /· Organisation pour la Planification de la Cooperation au Developpement OPCEN e: Operations Center OPCG e: Original Print Collectors Group OPCI s: Oficina de Promocion de Comercio e Inversiones - s: Oficina del Programa Cooperative de Inversiones

OPCOM e: Operational Command OPCOMCTR e: Operational Command Center OPCON e: Operational Control OPCONCEN e: Operational Control Center OPCONCTR e: Operational Control Center - e: Operations Control Center OPCS e: Office of Population, Census[es], and Surveys OPCTR e: Operations Center OPCV e; Office of Planning, Control, and Validation OPCW e: Office of Petroleum Coordinator for War - e: Organisation (or Organization) for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPD d: Oberpostdirektion - e: Office of Policy Development - e: Office of Program Development - e: Office Products Division - e: Officer Personnel Directorate - e: Operational Programming Department - e: Operations Division - e: Operations Planning Division - e: Out-Patient Department OpD d: operativer Diensthabender - e: Operations Department O.P.D.A. e: Ottoman Public Debt Administration OPDAT e: Office of Professional Development and Training OPD/DPB e: OPD/Defense Programs Branch OPDEC e: Operational Deception OPDEP e: Operations Deputy OpDevFor e: Operational Development Force, Atlantic Fleet OPDF e: Caribbean Project Development Facility OPDL b: Obiednannia Pysmennykiv Dytiachoi Literatury - e: Office of Production and Defense Lending OPDn d: Oberpostdirektionen OPDOC e: Operational Documentation

op cit /; opere citato OPBE e: Office of Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation OPBIDL e: Memorial University of Newfoundland. Occasional Papers

OPCM e: Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International [Association of the United States and Canada]

OPBMA e: Ocean Pearl Button Manufacturers Association

OPCMIA e: Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association of the United States and Canada

OPBSDH e: Occasional Papers. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences

OPCNM e: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

OPC e: Committee on Ocean Processes and Climate - e: International People's College

opco e: operating company

OPDQ /· Ordre Professionnel des Dietetistes du Quebec OPDR d: Oldenburg-PortugiesischeDampfschiffs-Reederei - e: Office of Primary Development Responsibility OPD/RPB e: OPD/Reactor Programs Branch


OPCO e: Operating Plan Change Orders


· Säur, München

OPDS e: Officer Professional Development Seminar OPDU e: Powassan and District Union Public Library, Powassan, Ontario

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

O.P.H.B.M. OPE e: Eldorado Nuclear Ltd., Port Hope, Ontario - e: Office of Planning and Evaluation - e: Office of Postsecondary Education - e: Operations Project Engineer - e: Oregon, Pacific & Eastern Railway Co. - e: Outer Planets Explorer -/· Office de Promotion de l'Entreprise -/· Organisation Peuples Europeens -/· Organisme de Protection d'Etablissement - g: Omilos Pedagogikon Erevnon Kyprou & Co.

e: Oregon, Pacific & Eastern Railway

OPEAA e: Outdoor Power Equipment Aftermarket Association

OPEN e: Fund for an Open Society - e: Ocean Production Enhancement Network - e: Open Protocol Enhanced Network - e: Optical Pan-European Network - e: Origin of Plasmas in Earth's Neighbourhood -/· Office de Promotion de I'Entreprise Nigerienne -/· Organisation des Producteurs d'Electricite Nucleaire Open-File Rep US Geol Surv e: Open-File Report. United States Geological Survey Open Hearth Proc AIME e: Open Hearth Proceedings. Metallurgical Society of AIME [American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers]. Iron and Steel

OPEW d: Obererzgebirgische Posamentenund Effektenwerke OPEX e: Operational and Executive Personnel for Civil Service - e: Operational and Executive [UN Porgramme for the Provision of Operational Executive and Administrative Personnel] Opexpo d: Ausstellung des Mittleren Ostens für Erdöl, Gas, Petrochemie und Kunststoff OPF e: Official Personnel Folder -/· Organisation Panafricaine des Femmes - H: Orszägos Penzügyi Felügyelöseg OPFAC e: Operating Facilities - e: Operating Facility

OPEC e: Oil Producer's Economic Cartel - e: Organisation (or Organization) for/of [the] Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPEP /· Organisation des Pays Exportateurs de Petrole

O.P.E.C. e: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPER e: Coin Phones, Inc. - e: Office of Policy, Evaluation, and Research

OPFI /· Omnium de Participation Financiere

OPEC Fund e: OPEC [Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries] Fund for International Development

OPERA e: Ordnance Pulses Experimental Research Assembly

OPFM e: Office Project Facilities Management

Oper. Geogr. e: Operational Geographer [of Canadian Association of Geographers]

OPFOR e: Opposing Force Program - n: Opposing Forces

Oper.Res. e: Operations Research

OPG d: Oberstes Parteigericht - e: Office of the Postmaster General - e: Operations Group - e: Operations Planners Group - e: Outside Production Group - e: Overseas Products Group - e: Overseas Project Group

Opfaz d: Oberpferdarzt OPFB e: Optifab, Inc.

OPECNA e: OPEC [Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries] News Agency OPED ru: Oficiul de Presa, Editurasi Documentare

Oper. Res. e: Operations Research [of Operations Research Society of America]

OPEDA e: Organization of Professional Employees of the United States Department of Agriculture - e: Outdoor Power Equipment Distributors Association

Oper. Res. Lett, e: Operations Research Letters [of Operations Research Society of America]

OPEDC e: Overseas Private Enterprise Development Corporation OPEEPE /· Organisation Europeenne d'Etudes Photogrammetiques Experimentales OPEG e: OPEC [Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries] Petroleum Emergency Group - e: Organizations Petroleum Emergency Group OPEI e: Office of Public Education and Information - e: Outdoor Power Equipment Institute -/· Office national de Promotion de I'Entreprise Ivoirienne OPEIM e: Optics, Photonics, and Ionics Engineering Meeting OPEIU e: Office and Professional Employees International Union O.P.E.J. /· (Euvre de Protection des Enfants Juifs

O.P.G. e: Overseas Projects Group OPERSUN e: Operation Planning and Execution System for Railway Unified Network Oper. Syst. Rev. e: Operating Systems Review [of Association for Computing Machinery] OPET e: Organization, Personnel Equipment, and Training - e: Organizations for the Promotion of Energy Technology - e: Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario OPETA e: Trent University Archives, Peterborough, Ontario OPETAL e: Trent Audio Library Services, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario OPETCG e: Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Peterborough, Ontario OPETHS e: Hutchison House Museum, Peterborough Historical Society, Ontario OPETM e: Map Library, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario

OPEL e: Optel Corp. OPEM /· Organisation pour la Protection des Entreprises Moyennes OPEMA e: Oilfield Production Equipment Manufacturers Association -p: Operagao Maua OPEMO e: Ottawa Valley Historical Society, Pembroke, Ontario

OPEU e: Office and Professional Employees Union

OPGA e: Ohio Personnel and Guidance Association - e: Oregon Personnel and Guidance Association OPGC e: Oil Palm Growers Council Op GCT e: Opinion, General Counsel, United States Treasury Department OPGE e: OEEC [Organization for European Economic Cooperation] Petroleum Industry Emergency Group OPGEN e: Operation Plan Generation - e: Operations General Message Op.G.R.E. e: Railway Operating Group, Royal Engineers OP/GSA e: Office of Preparedness, General Services Administration OP/GSA SF e: Office of Preparedness, General Services Administration, Special Facility OPGTM /· Office Professional General de la Transformation des Metaux e: Old Parliamentary Hand

OPEV e: Petawawa Village and Township Union Public Library, Ontario -/· Office de Promotion de I'Entreprise Voltai'que OPEVAL e: Operational Evaluation

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

O.P.H. /· Office Public de 1'Habitation OPHA e: Ontario Public Health Association O.P.H.B.M. /· Office Parisien des Habitations a Bon Marche


OphD Oph D e: Doctor of Ophthalmology

OPIF e: Orient Press International Federation

Ophinab r: Skandinaviska Osram-PhilipsNeon AB

Opin Int Commn Zool Nom e: Opinions Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature

Ophinag d: sterreichische Osram-PhilipsNeon-GmbH OPHIS /· Organisation Professionnelle d'Harmonisation en Informatique de Sante OPHO P: Okr?gowe Przedsi?biorstwo Handln Opaiem OPHQ /· Office des Personnes Handicapees du Quebec OPHS e: Office of Public Health and Science - e: Operational Propellant Handling System

OPINS e: Oakland Planning Information System ΟΡΙΟ e: Office of Policy, Integration, and Outreach OPIRG e: Ontario Public Interest Research Group - e: Oregon Public Interest Research Group OPIT /· Operation Pilote Interministerielle de Teledetection OPiT P: Okr?g Poczty i Telekomunikacji

- e: Office of Production Management - e: Office of Program Management - e: Office of Project Management - e: Office of the Program Manager - e: Office, Personnel Manager - e: Office Procedures Manual - e: Organization and Procedure Manual - in: Organisasi Papua Merdeka - i; Organizacion Politico-Militar O.P.M. e: Office, Provost Marshal -/· Observatoire du Pare de Montsouris -/· Office des Peches Maritimes ΟΡΜΑ e: Office Products Manufacturers Association - e: Open Pit Mining Association - e: Oriented Polypropylene Firm Manufacturers Associations - e: Overseas Press and Media Association, Ltd.

O.P.H.S. /· Office Public d'Hygiene Sociale Ophth Soc Aust Trans e: Ophthalmological Society of Australia. Transactions OPHTS e: Operational Propellant Handling Test Site OPHWA e: Nuclear Products Department, Westinghouse Canada, Inc., Port Hope, Ontario

OPIVITA e: Outpatient Intravenous Infusion Therapy Association OPK d: Oberpostkasse - e: Opelika Manufacturing Corp. - H: Orsz gos Pedagogiai K nyvtar - P: Organizacja Przysposobienia Kobiet do Obrony Kraju OPKA e: Original Pearly Kings Association

OPI d: Oberpostinspektor - e: Office of Planning and Integration - e: Office of Primary Interest - e: Office of Programs Integration - e: Office of Protective Intelligence - e: Office of Public Information - e: Office of Public Instruction - e: Oil Patch Group, Incorporated - e: Omnibus Personality Inventory - e: Optical Publishing, Incorporated

OPKI H: Onkopatologiai Kutato Intezet

O.P.I, e: Office of Public Information -/· Office de la Propriete Industrielle -/· Omnium de Prospective Industrielle

OPLA e: Ontario Public Library Association

OP&I e: Office of Patents and Inventions - e: Office of Publications and Information Opiag d: Osteurop ische Petroleum-Industrie AG OPIC e: Overseas Private Investment Corporation - e: Overseas Processing and Interpretation Center - 5: Oficina Permanente Internacional de la Carne - s: Organizacion Internacional Permanente de la Carne OPICBA /· Office Professional des Industries et Commerces du Bois et de rAmeublement OPICND e; Office of Petroleum Industry Coordinator for National Defense OPIE e: Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc. -/· Office pour 1'Information Ecoentomologique - s: Oficina de Planeamiento Integral de la Educacion

OPL e: Oberlin Public Library - e: Ocean Pressure Laboratory - e: Official Publications Library - e: Omaha Public Library - e: Orient-Pacific Line - e: Orlando Public Library - e: Ottawa Public Library - e: Our Public Lands

OPLAC e: Ontario Public Libraries Advisory Committee OPLAN e: Operating Plan - e: Operation Plan

OPMD e: Office for Production and Management of Defense - e: Officer Personnel Management Directorate ΟΡΜΕ e: Office of Program Management and Evaluation O.P.M.E. /· Office de Protection de la Maternite et de l'Enfance OPMET i; Informacion Meteorologica relativa a las Operaciones OPMG e: Office of the Provost Marshal General ΟΡΜΟ e; Office of Program Management Operations OPMOR e: Operations Materiel and Organization Review OPMS e: Office of Program Management and Support - e: Officer Personnel Management System[s] OPMT e: Office of Program Management and Technology

OPLAN REV e: Operation Plan Review O.P.L.B. /· (Euvre des Petite Lits Blancs OPLC e: Ontario Provincial Libraries Council - 5: Organizacion para la Liberacion de Cuba OPLE e: Omega Position Location Experiment OPLO /· Organisation de Production et de Logistique de Γ ΟΤΑΝ OPLOH /· Organisation de Production et de Logistique de l ΌΤΑΝ du HAWK OPL OK P: Obrona Przeciwlotnicza Obszaru Kraju OPLP e: Office of Program and Legislative Planning

OPIET e: Eco-Tec Ltd., Pickering, Ontario

OPM c: Okresni Pece o Mladez - d: Oberpostmeister - e: Office for Public Management - e: Office of Personnel Management - e: Office of Planning and Management - e: Office of Procurement and Material (or Materiel)


Ο Κ · Ο · S ur, M nchen

OPiE e: Edison State Community College, Piqua

OPMC e: Optimum Care Corporation

OPN e: Organ Pipe National Monument - e: Other Procurement, Navy -/· Office of the Chief of Naval Operations -/· Ordre Politique National OPNAV e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPNAVINST e: Navy Operational Instruction - e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instructions OPNAVO e: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPNET e: WWMCCS Operational Network OPNL RPTS e: Operational Reports OPNT /· Office des Ports Nationaux Tunisiens ΟΡΟ d: Ortsparteiorganisation - e: Office of Personnel Operations - e: Office of the Personnel Officer - e: Officer of the Post Office - e: Optician Prescription Organisation

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen


- e: Orbiter Projects] Office - e: Organ Procurement Organizations - e: Ovamboland People's Organization - P: Osrodek Przygotowän Olimpijskich O.P.O. e: Ovamboland People's Organization

Opp Int L e: Oppenheims International Law

OPRG e: Operational Planning Review Group

OPPLAN e; Operation Plan

OPRGA /· Office des Ports et Rades du Gabon

OPPM e: Office of Policy and Program Management - e: Outside Principal Period of Maintenance

OPRI e: Office de Protection contre les Radiations lonisantes

OPOA e: Office Products of America, Inc. OPOCE /· Office des Publications Officielles des Communautes Europeennes

O.P.P.M. /· Office Prive de Preparation aux Professions de la Propagande Medicopharmaceutique

O.Poen. /: Ordo Poenitentiae de Jesu Nazareno

OPPMSA e: Ontario Pulp and Paper Makers Safety Association

Oprm d: Operationsraum

OPol. d: Ordnungspolizei

OPPP e: Office of Program Policy and Planning

OPRM e: Office of Program Review and Resources Management

OPPRC e: International Convention on Oil Pollution, Preparedness, Response and Cooperation

OPRR e: Office for/of Protection from Research Risks

OPOL e: Offshore Pollution Liability Agreement - e: Offshore Pollution Liability Association Ltd. OPolB d: Ortspolizeibehörde OPOP e: Office of Provider Operations and Procedures

OPPS e; Office of Planning and Program Services OPPSD e: Organic Peroxide Producers' Safety Division

OPOR e: Office of Public Opinion Research OPORD e: Operation[s] Order

OPPT e: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

OPOS d: Ostschweizerische PleoptikOrthoptic-Schule

OPPTS e: Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances

OPOSA s: Organizacion de la Patata del Pirineo Occidental SA

OPQ /· Office des Professions du Quebec OPQC e: Office Professional Quality Council

OPosmG e: Goodyear Atomic Corp., Portsmouth OPosmS e: Shawnee State College, Portsmouth OPOSS e: Office of Personnel Operations Standarts and Systems OPP e: Office of Pesticide Programs - e: Office of Polar Programs - e: Office of Policy and Planning - e: Office of Productivity Programs - e: Ontario Provincial Police - e: Operational Positional Procedure - e: Oppenheimer Industries, Inc. - e: Opposite - e: Organization and Personnel Plan - e: Organization of Plastics Processors - P: Obrona Powietrzna Panstwa OPPAS e: OPP Administrative Support Systems OPPD e: Omaha Public Power District e: Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation - e: Office of Programming, Planning, and Evaluation - e: Operations Planning Project Engineer OPPEM 5: Organizacion para la Proteccion de las Plantas en Europa y en el Mediterraneo OPPENH e: Oppenheimer Industries, Inc. OPPI e: Office of Policy, Planning and Information - e: Organic Preparations and Procedures International - e: Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India

OPR e: Office of Planning and Research - e: Office of Population Research - e: Office of Pre-Claims Requirements - e: Office of Primary Responsibility - e: Office of Private Resources - e: Office of Professional Responsibility - e: Office of Public Relations - e: Old Parochial Records - e: Operation Planning Report - e: Operations Planning Review - e: Optical Page Reader - e: Ordnance Property Regulations -/· Organisation du Peuple Rodriguais O.Pr.

/; Ordo Praedicatorum

OPRA e: Office Products Representatives Association - e: Ohio Penal Racing Association - e: Options Price Reporting Authority - s: Organizacion del Pueblo en Armes OPRAD e: Operations Research and Development Management O.Praem. /: Ordo Praemonstratensis OPRC e: International Convention for Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation -/· Convention internationale sur la preparation, la lütte et la cooperation en mauere de pollution par les hydrocarbures OPRD e: Office of Production Research and Development OPREP e: Operational Event/Incident - e: Operational Report. Examples OPREPS e: Operational Reporting System

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Opriba d: Ostdeutsche Privatbank OPRL e: Portland Branch, Rideau Lakes Union Library, Ontario

OPRRB e: Officer Personnel Record Review Board OPRRE e; Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering OPRS e: Office of Professional Research Services - e: Oil Palm Research Station OPRU e: Oil Pollution Research Unit OPRUCA s: Oficina de Planeaccion Regional Universitaria de la Costa Atlantica OPS c: Okresni Pedagogicky Sbor - c: Okresni Pracovni Stredisko - e: Office for Project Services - e: Office of Pipeline Safety - e: Office of Population Surveys - e: Office of Price Stabilization - e: Office of Product Standards - e: Office of Products Safety - e: Office of Program Services - e: Office of Programmatic Systems - e: Offshore Power Systems Inc. - e: Operations - e: Operations Group - e: Operations Processing System - e: Operations Staff - e: Ophthalmic Photographers Society - e: OPSEC [Operations Security] Professional Society - e: Other Personal Services - e: Outpatient Service - e: Phillips Petroleum Co., Research and Development Department, Bartlesville - e: Supreme Temple Order Pythion Sisters -/· Organisation Panamericaine de la Sante - in: Organisasi Perusahaan Sejenis - n: Opsporings Systeem - P: Oddziai Pracy Socjalistycznej - P: Organizacja Polskich Socjalistow - 5: Operaciones - s: Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud Ops n: Operatie OPSA e: Old Pharmacy Students' Association of Bristol College of Science and Technology -/· Omnium de Petroles S.A. O.P.S.A. /· (Euvre des Petites Sceurs de 1'Assomption Ops AAG POD e: United States Post Office Department. Official Opinions of the Solicitor


OPSAN OPSAN e: Operations Analysis System Ops Atts Gen e: Opinions of the AttorneysGeneral of the United States OPSC e; Office of Planning Standards and Coordination O.P.S.C. e: Oxford Photographic Survey Committee Op Schulung d: Operative Schulung OPSCOM e: Operational Secure Communications

OPT e: Office of Promotion and Tourism - e: Opportunities for Professional Transition [organization] - e: Optimization - e: Optimization Under Uncertainty Project - e: Optimized Production Technology - e: Organization Parent Co. - P: Osrodek Post^pu Technicznego

O.P.T.R. /· Office Professional des Transports Routiers

O.P.T. e: Oxford Preservation Trust

Opt.S.A. e: Optical Society of America

OPTA e: Offshore Petroleum Training Association - e: Organ and Piano Teachers Association

Opt Soc Am J e: Optical Society of America. Journal

OPTRA e: Operational Training OPTS e: Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances - e: Office of Program and Technical Services

OptSpectra e: Optical Spectra

OPSCOMM e: Operational Communications

Opt.Acta /: Optia Acta, International Journal of Optics

Opt.Spectrosc. e: Optics and Spectroscopy

OPSD e: Office of Placement Support and Development

OPTADS e: Operations Tactical Data Systems

OPTS RTS e: OPTS Regulation Tracking System

OPSDEP e: Operations Deputy

Optago d: Optische Anstalt Goerz

OPTULA F: Oikeuspolittinen Tutkimuslaitos

OPSDEPS e: Operations Deputies

OPTAL e: Olivetti Press Tool Automation Language

OPTX e: Optek Technology, Inc.

OPSEC e: Open Platform for Secure Enterprise Connectivity - e: Operations Security - e: OPSEC [Operations Security] Professionals] Society OPSEC M&A e: Operations Security Management And Analysis Section

OPT ARE e: Office of Planning, Technical Assistance, Research, and Evaluation

OPU e: Pacific University, Forest Grove - e: Unemployed Peoples Union OPUG e: Office Planners and Users Group

OPTC e: Optelecom, Inc. Opt.Commun. e: Optical Communication

OPUL n: Organisatie van PetroleumUitvoerende Landen

Opt.D. e: Doctor of Optometry

O-Punkt d: Orientierungspunkt

OPTEC e: Operational Test Evaluation Command - e: Optical Properties Technical Evaluation Center

OPURD7 e; Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. University of Colorado. Occasional Paper

OPSG e: Operation Planning Steering Group OPSJ n: Organisatie van de Progressieve Studerende Jeugd Ops JAG e: Opinions of the Judge Advocate General, United States Army

O.P.T.E.G. d: Österreichische PetroleumTerrain-Exploitations-GmbH

OP-Skizze d: Orientierungspunktskizze OPSM e: Optical Prescriptions Spectacle Makers OPSMB e: Organization of Progressive Socialists of the Mediterranean Basin OPSMOD e: Operational Validation - e: Operations Planning Module OPSNOTE e: Operations Note

Opt. Eng. e: Optical Engineering [of Society of Photooptical Instrumentation Engineers] OPTEVFOR e: Operational Test and Evaluation Force OPTEVG e: Operational Test and Evaluation Group OPTI e: Office of Productivity, Technology, and Innovation - e: Optimum Holding Corp.

OPSO e: Office of Pipeline Safety Operations Optica d: Fachmesse für Augenoptik

OPUS e: Officer Planning Utilization System - e: Older People United for Service - e: Open University System - e: Opus Computer Products, Inc. - e: Organisation of Parents under Stress - e: Organisation (or Organization) of Professional Users of Statistics - e: Organization for Promoting the Understanding of Society -/· Office des Publications Scientifiques de langue francaise Opus Dei e: Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei OPV d: Oberprimaner-Verein - d: Oberweser-Privatschiffer-Vereinigung - d: Ostschweizerischer Presse-Verband

OPSORD e: Operations Order OPSP e: Office of Product Standarts Policy OPSR e; Office of Pipeline Safety Regulations - e: Office of Professional Standards Review - e: Operations Supervisor - e: Ordnance Provision System Regulations OPSRO e: Office of Professional Standarts Review Organization OPSS e: Office of Principal Staff Support O.P.St. d: Oberprüfstelle für Schund- und Schmutzschriften

OPTIMA e: Organization for the PhytoTaxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area OPTIMED e: Conference on Optical Metrology Applied to Medicine and Biology OPTIMUS e; Office of Public Trustee Information Management User System OPTK e: Optrotech Ltd. Opt. Lett, e: Optics Letters [of Optical Society of America] OPTM /· Office des Postes et Telecommunications de Mali

OPSTAT e: Operations Status Report OPSUM e: Operational Summary

Opt. News e: Optical News [of Optical Society of America]

Opsus in: Operasi Khusus

OPTO e: Opto Mechanik, Inc.

O.P.V.L. d: Ostpreußischer Verein für Luftschiffahrt OPVN /· Office des Produits Vivriers du Niger OPW b: Obstschi Park Wagonow - e: Office of Public Works - e: Ohio Power Co. - e: Opawica Explorations, Inc. - P: Oboz Polski Walcz^cej O.P.W.C. e: Old People's Welfare Centre OPWK P: OrganizacjaPrzysposobienia Kobiet do Obrony JSraju OPWSA e: Ontario Prader-Willi Syndrome Association OPYRWA /· Office du Pyrethre au Rwanda



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OrBFP OPZ d: Oberschule praktischen Zweiges - d: Offizierbewerberprüfzentrale - d: Österreichisches Produktivitätszentrum OpZ d: Operationszentrale OPZZ P: Ogolnopolskie Porozumienie Zwiqzkow Zawodowych OQ e: Officers' Quarters OQC e: Office of Quality Control - e: Officer's Qualification Card OQM e: Office of the Quartermaster OQM-G e: Office of the QuartermasterGeneral OQMG e: Office, Quartermaster General OQR e: Officer's Qualification Record O.Qu. d: Oberquartiermeister OQuBw d: Oberquartiermeister der Bundeswehr OR c: Obvodnä Rada - c: Odborovä Rada - c: Osvetovä Rada - d: Oberrealschule - d: Obligationenrecht - e: Canadian Organization for Development through Education - e: Chief Executive Officer - e: Oak Ridge Operations Office - e: Operation Research - e: Operational Readiness - e: Operational Report - e: Operational Requirement - e: Operational Research [Quarterly] - e: Operationally Ready - e: Operations Requirement - e: Operations Research - e: Ordnance Corps - e: Ordnance Requirement - e: Oregon - e: Organized Reserve - e: Organized Reserves - e: Other Ranks - e: Oversea Requisition - e: Owasco River - /: Patres Oratorii - n: Dienst van de Opiumregie in Nederlandsch-Indie - n: Ondernemingsraad - n: Opsporingsregister - s: Obra Revolucionaria. La Habana - se: Organizacija Rada Or d: Orientierung - e: Bureau of Ordnance - e: Oregon State Library, Salem - e: Oriel College - i; Orientalia, Nova Series

OR2000 e: Ocean Rescue 2000

ORAL e: Oral Access to Library

ORÄ d: Oberreichsanwalt - e: Office of Regulatory Affairs - e: Office of Regulatory Analysis - e: Office of Research Administration - e: Office of Research Analysis - e: Office of Research and Applications - e: Oil Refiners Association - e: Operations Research Analyst - e: Operations Research Appreciation - e: Operations Research Association - e: Order for Reinforced Alert - e: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Association - e: Outdoor Recreation Actions -/· Office des Renseignements Agricoles -/· Organisation de Resistance de l'Armee -/· Organisation des Relations Asiatiques -/· Organisation Regionale Asienne -/· Organisation Revolutionnaire Anarchiste - i: Officina Riparazioni Automezzi - P: Okrjgowa Rada Adwokacka

OrAlBM e: United States Bureau of Mines, Education and Training Center, Albany

O.R.A. e: Official Records of the Admiralty -/· Organisation de la Resistance de l'Armee

ORANA /· Organisation de la Recherche pour ['Alimentation et la Nutrition Africaine -/· Organisme de Recherche[s] sur rAlimentation et la Nutrition Africaine

ORAAP e: Outstanding Reserve Airman Appointment Program ORACBA e: Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis ORACLE e: Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical Engine Oracle e: Optical Reception of Announcements by Coded Line Electronics

O/R e; Office of Record - e: Ordnance Requirement

ORALIME /· Organisme de Liaison des Industries Metalliques Europeennes ORAM e: Office for Research in Academic Methods ORAMCO e: Oriental American Trade Development Corporation ORAMEI /· (Euvre Reine Astrid de la Mere et de l'Enfant Indigene ORAN e: Organisation Regionale Africaine de Normalisation

Orange Cry Dent Soc Bull e: Orange County Dental Society. Bulletin ORAP /· Organisation Regionale de l'Orient pour Administration Publique ORAPA e: Ontario Retail Accident Prevention Association Or-Ar e: Oregon State Archives, Salem

ORACLE e: Optimum Record Automation for Court and Law Enforcement - e: Oracle Corporation trademark - e: Organic Rankine Cycle - e: Oversight of Resources and Capability for Logistics Effectiveness Relational Data - e: Relational Data Base Management System ORACT e: Operational Readiness and Confidence Test

Orat. /: Institutio Oratorii Sancti Philippi Nerii ORATE e: Ordered Random Access Talking Equipment Oratorian Fathers e: Confederation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri ORAU e: Oak Ridge Associated Universities

ORAD e: Office of Rural Areas Development ORAE e: Aerospace Industries Association of Canada - e: Operational Research and Analysis Establishment -/· Organisation Regionale Africaine [de la CISL] O.R.A.F. /· Office de Renseignements et d'Aide aux Families de Militaires -/· Organisation de Resistance de l'Algerie Frangaise Orag d: Ostdeutsche Rundfunk-AG ORAGWA e: Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources

Or. e: The Orientalist O.R. e: Official Receiver - e: Organized Reserves -/· Office ä/de Repartition -/· Ordonnance de Refere -/· Ordre Revocable -/· Organisme de Reeducation -/· Ouvrage de Reference - i; Osservatore Romano

ORALFORE e: Opposed Rates of Advance of Large Forces in Europe

ORAI /· Office Regional de 1'Assurance Invalidite O.R.A.I.G. /· Office de Renseignements et d'Aide aux Invalides de Guerre ORAIS e: Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems [Conference]

ORB e: Operational Research Branch - e: Orbit Oil & Gas Ltd. - e: Organizational Records Branch -/· Observatoire Royal de Belgique - n: Opiumregiebond op Java O.R.B. e: Official Receiver in Bankrupty -/· Observatoire Royal de Belgique ORBA e: Ontario Road Builders Association Orba in: Orde Baru ORBAT e: Order of Battle Report f: Compte rendu d'ordre de bataille ORBATTOA e: Order of Battle - Transfer of Authority ORBD-NRC e: Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases-National Resource Center Orbea d: Ornithologische Beobachtungsstation Altrhein OrBFP e: Floating Point Systems, Inc., Beaverton

ORAKEL d: Organisierte Repräsentative Artikulation Kritischer Entwicklungslücken [Informationssystem]

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OrBGS OrBGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Beaverton Branch, Beaverton ORBIFC e: Oak Ridge Boys International Fan Club ORBIMAGE e: Orbital Imaging Corp. ORBIS e: Ordering and Billing System

ORCAP s: Oficina Regional para Centroamerica y Panama ORCB e: Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen ORCCA e: Open Road Camper Clubs of America ORCD e: Organization for Regional Cooperation and Development

ORBN e: Orbanco Financial Services Corp. ORCEN e: Overseas Records Center Or-BPH e: Oregon State Library, Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Salem ORBS e: Orbis, Inc. - e: Orbital Rendezvous Base System ORBT e: Orbit International Corp. OrBT e: Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton ORC e: Ocean Racing Club - e: Office of Regional Counsel - e: Office of Reserve Components - e: Office of the Regional Commissioner - e: Officers' Reserve Corps - e: Offshore Racing Council - e: Old Roman Catholic Church - e: Operational Readiness Committee - e: Operational Requirements Committee - e: Operational Review Committee - e: Operations Research Center - e: Opinion Research Center (or Centre) - e: Opinion Research Corporation - e: Optical Radiation Corporation - e: Optical Recording Corporation - e: Orange River Colony - e: Orcatech, Inc. - e: Order of Railway Conductors - e: Order of the Red Cross - e: Orderly Room Corporal - e: Ordnance Rocket Center - e: Organization of Railways Cooperation - e: Organization Requirements Clerk - e: Organization[al] Resource Counselors] - e: Organized Reserve Corps - e: Outdoor Recreation Council of BC - e: Overseas Reconstruction Committee - e: Overseas Research Center - e: Overseas Research Council - e: Ozarks Regional Commission O.R.C. e: Officers' Reserve Corps - e: Opinion Research Corporation - e: Orderly Room Corporal - e: Overseas Research Council

OrCEPA e: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory O.R.C.G. /· Organe de Recherche des Criminels de Guerre OrCGS e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Genealogical Society Library, Corvallis Branch, Corvallis

ORD e: Office of Rare Diseases, National Institutes of Health - e: Office of Regional Development - e: Office of Research [and] Development - e: Office of Rubber Director - e: Office of the Chief of Ordnance - e: Officers' Replacement Depot - e: Ohio River Division - e: Old Red Sandstone - e: Operational Readiness Date - e: Operational Ready Data - e: Operational Requirements Document - e: Ordinary [Seaman] - e: Ordnance [Corps] - e: Organisme Regional de Developpement - e: Overseas Replacement Depot -/· Organismes Regionaux de Developpement O.R.D. n: Openbaare Reinigingsdienst ORDA d: Gesellschaft für Organisation und Datenverarbeitung mbH OrdA d: Ordnungsamt

Orch Consv /· Orchestre de la Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris

ORDA e: Office of Recombinant DNA Activities

ORCHIS e: Oak Ridge Computerized Hierarchical Information System

ORD-ALA e: Office of Research and Development-American Library Association

Orch Nat /· Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Frangaise

ORDAT d: Gesellschaft für Organisation und Datenverarbeitung

ORCI e: Office for the Research and Collection of Information

Ord B e: Ordnance Board

ORCL e: Oracle Systems Corp. ORCMD e: Orlando Contract Management District

ORD BBS e: ORD Electronic Bulletin Board System Ord. Bd. e: Ordnance Board ORDBN e: Ordnance Battalion

OrCMG e: Mid-Valley Genealogical Society, Corvallis Oreo d: Organisation Consul ORCO e: Optical Radiation Corporation - e: Organization Committee ORCON e: Observation Report Conversion [program] - e: Originator Control of Information Release ORCRE ;'.· Organo Regionale di Coordinamento per le Riparazioni di Emergenza

OrdBrd e: Ordnance Board ORDC e: Army Ordnance Corps - e: Orbiter Reduction Data Center - e: Ordnance Research and Development Center OrdC e: Ordnance Corps ORDCIT e: Ordnance Department and California Institute of Technology ORDCORPS e: Ordnance Corps Ord Ctee e: Ordnance Committee

ORCS e: Omnitronics Research Corporation ORCA e: European Organization for Caries Research - e: Ocean Resources Conservation Association - e: Official Receiver under the Companies' Act - e: Oldtime Radio-Show Collector's Association - e: Operations Requirements Continuity Assessment - e: Oregon Caves National Monument - e: Regional Office for Central America -/· Organisme Europeen de Recherche sur la Carie

OrCS e: Oregon State University, Corvallis ORCS e: Organic Reactions Catalysis Society OrCS-Ar e: Oregon State University Archives, Corvallis OrCS-MB e: Oregon State University, Institute of Marine Biology, Coos Bay ORCUP e: Ontario Region Canadian University Press

O.R.C.A. e: Ocean Resources Conservation Association - e: Official Receiver under the Companies' Act

ORCUS e: Operational Research Company, Universal Systems - e: Operational Research Company, Universal Systems

OrCanHS e: Canby Union High School, Canby

Ord d: Ordonnanz

ORDCU e: Occupational Research and Development Coordinating Unit ORDD e: Office of Research, Development, and Demonstrations Ord Dept e: Ordnance Department ORDEAL e: Oak Ridge Data Evaluation and Analysis Language - e: Orbital Rate Drive Electronics for Apollo ORDEF e: Ontario Research Development Foundation ORDEN s: Oficina Regional de Desarrollo del Norte ORDENG e: Ordnance Engineering


ORDEP e: Overseas Replacement Depot


· Säur, München

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

Org Exec Sec ORDET e: Orbit Determination Group ORDEV e: Organization for the Rehababilitation & Development of Villages ORDFAC e: Ordnance Facility ORDHAC e: Ordnance Systems Command Hydroballistics Advisory Committee Ord HAM Co e: Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company ORD/HWERL e: Office of Research and Development/Hazardous Waste Environmental Research Laboratory ORDINEX /· Organisation Internationale des Experts ORDIP e: Ordnance Alteration Installation Plan ORDIS e: Office of Research and Development Information Systems

- e: Office of Research and Engineering - e: Office of Research and Evaluation - e: Officer Responsible for the Exercise - e: Operational Readiness Evaluation - e: Operational Research Establishment - e: Operational Research & Evaluation - e: Operational Research Executive - e: Operations Readiness Exercise - e: Oregon - eo: Ornitologia Rondo Esperantlingva -/· Office de Recherches et d'Essais -/· Office de Recuperation Economique -/· Organisation Regionale Europeenne de la CISL -/· Organisation Regionale pour l'Europe de la Federation dentaire internationale - i: Officina Riparazioni Esercito O.R.E. /· Office de Recuperation Economique OR&E e: Office of Research and Engineering OREALC i; Oficina Regional de Educacion para America Latina y el Caribe


e: Occupational Research Foundation e: Oceanic Research Foundation e: Ontario Research Foundation e: Operational Readiness Fleet

O.R.F. /· Officiers de Reserve Feminine ORFI H: Orszägos Reuma- es Fürdöügyi Intezet Or.F.S. e: Orange Free State ORFTF e: Oak Ridge Filter Test Facility ORG d: Oberstes Rückerstattungsgericht - d: Offiziersreitgesellschaft Zürich - d: Ostschweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft - e: Operating Railway Group - e: Operations Research Group - e: Organizational Research Group - e: Origin - i: Officina Riparazioni [materiali] del Genio Org d: Organisation - n: Organisatie

ORDL e: Ohio River Division Laboratory

OREAM /· Organisme d'Etudes et d'amenagement des Aires Metropolitaines

ORDLIS e: Ordnance Logistics Information System

OREAP /· Organisation regionale de Test pour administration publique

ORDM e: Ordnance Corps Manual

OREC /· Office de Reconstruction Economique -/· Office de Redressement Economique -/· Office de Renovation Economique

ORGA i; Organizacion Regional Gallega Autonoma

ORechK d: Oberrechnungskammer

ORGALIME /· Organisme de Liaison des Industries Metalliques et Electriques Europeennes

org e: organization

Ord Maint Bn e: Ordnance Maintenance Battalion ORDMC e: Ordnance Tank Automotive Center

OrgA d: Organisationsausschuß des Parlamentarischen Rats

ORechnK. d: Oberrechnungskammer ORDOK H: Orvostudomanyi Dokumentacios Központ

ORE-CISL /· Organisation Regionale Europeenne de la CISL

ORDP e: Office of Rural Development Policy ORDPDS e: Offender Rehabilitation Division of the Public Defender Service

OREF /· Observatoire Regional Emploi Formation

OreHSocQuar e: Oregon Historical Society Quarterly

Ord.Pol. d: Ordnungspolizei OrdRC e: Ordnance Reserve Corps Ord Rec&C Co e: Ordnance Recovery & Combat Company ORDS e: Office of Research, Demonstrations, and Statistics Ord.Sch. e: Ordnance School Ord Sgt e: Ordnance Sergeant ORDSYSCOM e: Ordnance Systems Command O.R.dt. d: Osservatore Romano, Wochenausgabe in deutscher Sprache ORDT e: Office of Research, Demonstration, and Training Ord TTC e: Ordnance Technical Training Center ORE e: Ocean Research Equipment, Inc. - e: Oceanographic Research Equipment - e: Office for Research and Experiments - e: Office of Regional Economics

Organ Am Stats Ann e: Organization of American States. Annals ORGANIC /· Organisation Autonome Nationale d'assurance-vieillesse de l'Industrie et du Commerce

Oreg e: Oregon ORDPNA /· Organismes de Radiodiffusion des Pays NonAlignes

ORGAN /· Organisation Regionale Africaine de Normalisation

ORELA e: Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator

Organization e: Pan African Students International Peace and Voluntary Services ORGA-RATIO d: Organisations- und Rationalisierungs-Aktiengesellschaft

OREO e: Other Real Estate Owned Orgas d: Organisatorinnen OREPOC /· Office Regional des Produits Oleicoles du Centre OREPS e: Operational Research in Electrical Power Systems ORES e: European Society for Opinion Surveys and Market Research - e: Office of Research and Engineering Services

ORGATECHNIK d: Ausstellung für Organisation und Technik in Büro und Betrieb Org. Chem. e: Organic Chemistry [of Chinese Chemical Society] ORGDP e: Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant

ORESCO e: Overseas Research Council

ORGEA 5: Organizacion del Ejercito del Aire

ORESTES e: Intrabattle group tactical HF circuit

Orgeco /· Organisation generale des consommateurs

ORESTI /· Organisation et Exploitation Statistique et Informatique

OrgEL d: Organisatorischer Einsatzleiter Rettungsdienst

ORETAC e: Organization and Employment of the Tank Battalion

Orgesch d: Organisation Escherich

ORF d: Österreichischer Rundfunk und Fernsehen

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

Org Exec Sec e: Organization Executive Secretary


Orgint Orgint /· Organisation Internationale Org.-Kom. d: Organisationskomitee ORGM e: Outdoor Recreation Grants-in-Aid Manual OrgRes d: Organisation fur Betreuung und Weiterbildung der Reservisten der Bundeswehr ORGS e: Operational Research Group of Scotland ORGSC e: Oregon Ryegrass Growers Seed Commission ORGY e: Organization for the Rational Guidance of Youth ORH d: Oberster Rechnungshof - e: Office of the Regional Hydrologist - e: Operational Requirements Handbook ORHA e; Office of the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator ORHFC e: Official Rocky Horror Fan Club

ORION e: Online Retrieval of Information over a Network -/· Office de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Organisations Neurophysiologiques

ORMH e: Office of Research on Minority Health

ORIS e: Office of Regulatory Information Systems

ORMIG d: Organisations-Mittel GmbH

ORISE e: Oak Ridge Institute for Science [and] Education ORIT e: Operational Readiness Ispection Team -/· Organisation Regionale Interamericaine des Travailleurs de la CISL - 5: Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores ORJETS e: On-Line Remote Job Entry Terminal System ORK c: Okresni Rolnickä Komise - c: Okresni Rozhodci Komise - d: Oberrechnungskammer - d: Oberste RUckstellungskommission - d: Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen ORKFiSp P: Okr?gowa Rada Kultury Fizycznej i Sportu

ORHP e: Office of Rural Health Policy ORI e: Ocean Research Institute - e: Ocean Resources Institute - e: Oceanographic Research Institute - e: Office for Refugees and Immigrants - e: Office of Research and Inventions - e: Office of Road Inquiry - e: Office Research Institute - e: Omni Resources, Incorporated - e: Operational Readiness Inspection - e: Operations Research, Incorporated - e: Operations Research Institute - e: Optometric Research Institute - e: Orders and Requests for Information - e: Oregon Research Institute - e: Outdoor Recreation Institute - s: Organizaciones Revolucionarias Integradas ORIA e: Office of Regulatory and Information Affairs - e: Ord River Irrigation Area - e: Oriental Rug Importers Association [of America] ORIC e: Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron - e: Operational Readiness Inspection Committee -/· Officier de Reserve Interprete et du Chiffre ORIEL /· Association pour [Orientation des Entreprises de la Construction Electrique ORIEN e: Orientation Orientalia e: Agency for Development in the Near East O.R.I.M. /· Organisation revolutionnaire Interieure macedoine ORIN e: Orleans Installation O.R.I.N.D. e: Office of Research and Inventions of the Navy Department ORINS e: Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Inc.

ORL d: Institut für Orts-, Regional- und Landesplanung - d: Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie. Internationale Ärztliche Instrumentenausstellung - e: Association of Oto-rhino-laryngology and Maxillo-facial Surgery of Quebec - e: Orbital Research Laboratory - e: Ordnance Research Laboratory -/· Association d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Chirurgie cervico-faciale du Quebec O.R.L. ru: Institutul de Oto-rino-laringologie ORLA e: Optimum Repair Level Analysis

ORMO P: Ochotnicza Rezerwa Milicji Obywatelskiej ORMOA e: Office for Relations with Military and Occupation Authorities O.R.M.P.D. e: Office of the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District ORMPWG e: Operational Risk Management Program Working Group ORMS e: Office Resources Management System OR/MS e: Operational Research/Management Systems - e: Operations Research/Management Science ORMT e: Ormont Drug & Chemical Company, Inc. O.R.M.V.A. /· Office Regional de Mise en Valeur Agricole ORMVAG /· Office Regional de Mise en Valeur Agricole eu Gharb ORN e: Operating Room Nurse - P: Osiedlowa Rada Narodowa ORNAC e: Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada ORNARIS d: Einkaufsmesse für Wohnbedarf und Kunstgewerbe - d: Fachmesse für Wohndesign, Kunstgewerbe und Boutique-Mode

Orla in: Orde Lama ORLEIS /· Office Regional Laique d'Education par l'Image et par le Son ORL-Institut d: Institut für Orts-, Regionalund Landesplanung [der Zürich] ORLN P: Osrodek Rozwojowy L^cznikow Niskonapifciowych ORLRAPS e: Online Remedial Action Progress System Or. L. Rev. e: Oregon Law Review ORM d: Oberrhein-Messe - e: Office of Resource Management - e: Ohio Reformatory for Men - e: Optical Reference Manual - e: Optimal Replacement Method - e: Other Regulated Material - e: Overhaul and Repair Manual ORMA e: Office for Relation with Military and Occupation Authorities - e: Office of Refugee and Migration Affairs ORMAS e: Operational Resource Management Assessment Plan ORMEC i: Officina Riparazioni Mezzi Corazzati

ORIO e: Oak Ridge Regional Inspections Office


ORMI e: Oak Ridge Military Institute


· Säur, München

ORNES n: Organisatie van Nederlandse Speelgoedleveranciers ORNI /· Office de Regulation de la Navigation Interieure ORNL e: Oak Ridge National Laboratories (or Laboratory) ORNL/ACL e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Advanced Computing Laboratory ORNL-CF e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory-Critical Facility ORNL/DAAC e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Distributed Active Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics ORNLL e: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Library ORNL Mater. Res. Newsl. e: ORNL [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] Materials Research Newsletter ORO c: Okresni Rada Osvetovä - e: Oak Ridge Operations [Office] - e: Office for/of Regional Operations - e: Operational Research Organization - e: Operations Research Office -/· Organisation de la Recherche Operationnelle - n: Onafhankelijke Radio-Omroep n.v.

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

ORT OROP /· Office Regional d'OP

ORRIO e: Oak Ridge Regional Investigation Office

O.R.S.E. /· Officiers de Reserve admis au Stage d'Epreuve

ORRRC e: Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission

OrSEA e: Oregon Society of Enrolled Agents

OROSP /· Office Regional d'OSP GROSS e: Operational Readiness Oriented Supply System ORP e: Office of Radiation Programs - e: Office of Regulatory Programs - e: Office of River Protection - e: Operational Readiness Platform - e: Operational Readiness Program - e: Operational Research Project - e: Orange River Project - e: Organ Recovery Program - e: Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program -/· Office Regional de Placement -/· Officier de Relations Publiques -/· Organisation de la Resistance Populaire O.R.P. /· (Euvre de Reclassement Professionnel ORPA e: Office of Regional and Political Affairs - s: Oficina de Regulacion de Precios y Abastecimiento - s: Organizacion Revolucionaria del Pueblo en Armas ORPC e: Office of Rail Public Counsel - e: Old Radio Program Collectors Club - e: Orion Pictures Corporation ORPHIC e: Organized Projected Hypotheses for Innovations in Curriculum ORPI e: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument ORPICS e: Orbital Rendezvous Positioning, Indexing and Coupling System ORPM e: Office of Research Program Management Orpo d: Ordnungspolizei ORPOS e: Office of Regulatory Policy, Oversight and Supervision ORPS e: Overseas Return Placement System ORPSU e: Organized Reserve Port Security Unit ORQA e: Office of Reliability and Quality Assurance ORR d: Oberregierungsrat - e: Oak Ridge Reactor - e: Oak Ridge Reservation - e: Office of Ready Reserve - e: Office of Refugee Relief - e: Office of Refugee Resettlement - e: Operational Radar Replacement - e: Operational Readiness Review - e: Operations Readiness Review - e: Operations Requirements Review - P: Oddzialowa Rada Robotnicza

ORRT e: Operational Readiness and Reliability Test ORS e: Obligated Reserve Section - e: Occupant Restraint System - e: Occupational Rehabilitation Service - e: Office of Radiation Standards - e: Office of Regulatory Support - e: Office of Rent Stabilization - e: Office of Research and Statistics - e: Office of Revenue Sharing - e: Official Relay Station - e: Oil Recovery System - e: Operating Review System - e: Operational Reports Section - e: Operational Research Section - e: Operational Research Society - e: Operational Research Station - e: Operations Research Society - e: Oral Rehydration Salts - e: Orderly Room Sergeant - e: Oregon Radiological Society - e: Orthopaedic Research Society - e: Orthopedic Surgeon - e: Outdoor Research Surveys -/· Observatoire Regional de la Sante -/· Observatoires Regionaux de la Sante - P: Obshiga Ratalnej Sprzedazy O.R.S. e: Operational Research Section - e: Oxfordshire Record Society

ORSEC /· Organisation des Secours -/· Organisation Sejours Chateaux ORSEM /· Officier de Reserve du Service d'Etat-Major ORSER e: Office for/of Remote Sensing of/for Earth Resources ORSI e: Operational (or Operations) Research Society of India - e: Operations Research Society of Ireland - H: Orszägos Röntgen es Sugärfizikai Intezet O.R.S.I. e: Operations Research Society of Ireland ORSIF /· Observatoire Regional de la Sante d'lle-de-France ORSIP e: Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy ORSIS e: Operations Research Society of Israel ORS[-]J e: Operations Research Society of Japan ORSO d: Organisation für Software und Datentechnik GmbH ORSoc e: Operational Research Society

ORSA e: Operations Research Society of America - e: Operations Research Systems Analysis - e: Order of Recollects of St. Augustine -/· Officier de Reserve en Situation d'Activite - /; Ordo Recollectorum Sancti Augustini OR/SA e: Operations Research/Systems Analysis - /: Ordo Recollectorum Sancti Augustini

ORSOM /· Office de la Recherche Scientifique [et Technique] d'Outre-Mer ORSORT e: Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology OR&SP e: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

ORSAC e: Oak Ridge Systems Analysis Code

ORS[S] e: Operational Research Section [Singapore]

OR/SAEC e: Operations Research/Systems Analysis Executive Course

ORSS /· Organisation technique de mise en valeur des Richesses du Sous-sol Saharien

ORSA J. Comput. e: ORSA [Operational Research Society of America] Journal of Computing

ORSSA e: Office of Regulatory Support and Scientific Analysis

ORSANCO e: Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission ORSA/TIMS Bull, e: ORSA/TIMS [Operational Research Society of America/The Institute of Management Sciences] Bulletin ORS[BC] e: Operational Research Section [Bomber Command] O.R.S.C. /· Office de la Recherche Scientifique Coloniale

OrR s: Orientado Revolucionario ORSch d: Oberrealschule ORRA e: Oriental Rug Retailers of America ORRB e: Organic Radio Review Board

ORSCOL /· Office de la Recherche Scientifique Coloniale

ORRH e: Office of the Regional Research Hydrologist

ORSDI e: Oak Ridge Selective Dissemination of Information

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

ORSST e: Operating Review System Support Team ORST e: Operational Research Society of Turkey ORSTOM /· Institut Francais de la Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement et la Cooperation -/· Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer ORT e: Operational Readiness Training - e: Oral Rehydration Therapy - e: Order of Railroad Telegraphers - e: Organization for Rehabilitation through Training - e: Overland Radar Technology -i: Officina Riparazioni [materiali] delle Trasmissioni - P: Obshiga Ruchu Turystycznego - 5: Organizacion Revolucionaria de Trabaj adores


O.R.T. O.R.T. /· Office Regional de Transport -/· Office Regional du Travail -/· Organisation Rationnelle du Travail

ORTT e: Operational Readiness Training Test ORTU e: Organized Reserve Training Unit - e: Other Ranks Training Unit

ORTA e: Office of Research and Technology Application^]

O.R.T.U. e: Other Ranks Training Unit

ORTAG e: Operations Research Technical Assistance Group

ORTUAG e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Vessel Augmentation

ORTC e: Organized Reserve Training Center -/· Organisation europeenne de Recherches pour le Traitement de Cancer

ORTUAM e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Administration of Mobilization

ORTE H: Orszägos Reformätus Tanäregyesület - i: Officina Riparazioni Trattori dell'Esercito ORTEC e: Oak Ridge Technical Enterprises Corporation ORTECH e: Ontario Research and Technology Foundation ORTELIUS e: Database on Higher Education in Europe ORTF /· Office de Radiodiffusion-Television Frangaise

ORTUAV e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Aviation Support ORTUEL e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Electronics ORTUF e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Coastal Force ORTUPS e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Port Security ORTUPS[O] e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Port Security [Operational] ORTUR e: Organized Reserve Training Unit, Rescue Coordination Center

ORTHO e: American Orthopsychiatric Association - e: Orthopsychiatric Association

ORTX e: Ortner Air Service

ORTHOMA n: Nederlandse Bond van Orthopaedisch Maatschoenmakers

ORU c: Odbornä Rada Ucitelskä - e: Oral Roberts University - e: Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. - e: Organization for Rebirth of Ukraine

OrthVSt d: Orthopädische Versorgungsstelle O.R.U. e: Operational Research Unit ORTM /· Office de Radiodiffusion et Television Mauritanie ORTN /· Office de Radiodiffusion-Television du Niger - p: Obrigacöes Readjustäveis do Tesouro Nacional ORTO e: Olympics Radio and Television Organization ORTP e: Oil Recovery Technology Partnership ORTPA e: Oven-Ready Turkey Producers' Association

ORUB i: Organismo Rappresentativo degli Universitari Bolognesi ORUFE e: Operational Research Unit, Far East ORUR i: Organismo Rappresentativo degli Universitari Romani ORUS e: Official Register of the United States - e: Orbital Replacement Units - i: Organismo Rappresentativo degli Universitari Sabini Orvir i: Organizzazione Viaggi Riedenauer

ORTPN /· Office Rwandais du Tourisme et des Pares Nationaux

ORW e: Ohio Reformatory for Women - P: Organizacja Rodzin Wojskowych

Ortraco e: Orient Trading Company O.R.T.R.P. /· Office Regional des Transports de la Region Parisienne ORTS e: Operational Test and Readiness System - e: Optional Residence Telephone Service -/· Office de Radiodiffusion-Television du Senegal

ORWA d: Ordnung über die Bildung und Arbeitsweise der Richterwahlausschüsse ORWH e: Office of Research on Women's Health ORWN PAN P: Osrodek Rozpowszechniania Wydawnictw Naukowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk

OrtsBA d: Ortsbildungsausschuß

ORWP e: Optical Radiation Weapon Program

OrtsBM d: Ortsbrandmeister

ORZ d: Organisations- und Rechenzentrum - d: Ostermann Rechenzentrum

OrtsF d: Ortsfeuerwehr ORTSiRD P: Organizacja Rzeczoznawcow Techniki Samochodowej i Ruchu Drogowego Orts Kdt d: Ortskommandant


ORZZ P: Okr?gowa Rada Zwiijzkow Zawodowych OS d: Oberschule - d: Offizier[s]schule


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- d: Olympische Spiele - d: Organisationssoziologie - e: Observation Squadron - e: Observer School - e: Oceanic Society - e: Oceanography Section - e: Octavian Society - e: Office of Security - e: Office of Standardization - e: Office of Supply - e: Office of Systems - e: Office of the Secretary - e: Officer of the Sword - e: Officers' Steward - e: Official Station - e: Ohio State - e: Old Saxon - e: Old Style date - e: Omega Society - e: Omnibus Society - e: Open Statement - e: Operating System - e: Operation Sandstone - e: Operation Snapper - e: Operational Security - e: Operational Specialist - e: Operational Supplements - e: Ophthalmological Society [of the United Kingdom] - e: Opportunity School - e: Optical Society - e: Order of Services - e: Ordinary Seaman - e: Ordnance School - e: Ordnance Services - e: Ordnance Survey - e: Oregon State - e: Oregon State College - e: Organization Society - e: Organizational Support - e: Orthopaedic Surgeon - e: Orton Society - e: Outstate - e: Overseas [Service] - e: Oxford Society -/· Organisation Speciale [de Combat] -/· Ouvrier Specialise - /: Oblati Salesiani - n: Openbaare School - n: Overkoepelde Surveillance - P: Oddzial Samoobrony - P: Oddziaiy Specjalne - P: Orzectnictow S^dow Polskich - r: Olympiska Speien O.S. d: Olympische Spiele - e: Old Saxon - e: Old Style date - e: Omnibus Society - e: Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom - e: Optical Society - e: Ordnance Survey [Department] - e: Oxford Society -/· (Euvres Sociales -/· Organisation Scientifique -/· Organisation Speciale -/· Organisations Syndicales -/· Organisme Saharien -/· Ouvertüre d'une Succession -/· Ouvrier Specialise -/· Ouvriers Syndiques - r: Olympiska Spelen O/S e: Operations and Support -e: Out of State OS c: Obchodni Skola - c: Odbornä Skola - c: Osvetovä Skola

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OSCAD OSA c: Ochranny Svaz Autorsky - d: Organisation in Schulen der Armee - e: Office of Safety Appraisals - e: Office of Special Activities - e: Office of Special Affairs - e: Office of Special Applications - e: Office of Stabilization Administrator - e: Office of the Secretary of the Army - e: Office of the Special Assistant to the Ambassador - e: Official Secrets Act - e: Offshore Supply Association Ltd. - e: Omnibus Service Authority - e: Omnibus Society of America - e: Ontario Society or Artists - e: Operational Support Aircraft (or Airlift) - e: Operational Support Area - e: Optical Society of America - e: Order of St. Anne - e: Order of St Augustine - e: Organic Soil Association [of Southern Africa] - e: Overseas Supply Agency - e: Oyster Shell Association -/· Operation Sciences Appliquees - /; Ordo [Eremitarum] Sancti Augustini - n: Onopvallende Surveillanceauto - P: Oficerska Szkoia Artylerii - P: Oficerska Szkoia Artylerii

- e: Organization for Safety & Asepsis Procedures - R: Otdelnii Smesannii Aviatsonii Polk OSAPL P: Oficerska Szkoia Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej OSAR e: Overhead Systems Appearance Research -/· Office Central suisse d'aide aux refugies -/· Office Central Suisse d'Aide aux Refugies O.S.A.R. e: Overseas Supplies and Aircraft Repairs OSARCA e: Old Students' Association of the Royal College of Art

OSAC e: Open Space Action Committee - e: Operator Services Assistance Center - e: Overseas Schools Advisory Council - e: Overseas Security Advisory Council - e: Oxford System of Automated Cartography

OSC d: Olympischer Sport-Club - e: Obedience Stewards Club - e: Oblate of Saint Charles - e: Office of Scientific Computing - e: Office of Space Communications - e: Office of Special Counsel - e: Ogden Service Center - e: Ohio Soybean Council - e: Ohio Supercomputer Center - e: On-Scene Commander - e: On-Scene Coordinator - e: Ontario Science Centre - e: Ontario Securities Commission - e: Open System Center - e: Operating System Command - e: Operational Support Center - e: Operational System Control - e: Operations Support Center - e: Optical Sciences Center - e: Options Selection Committee - e: Orbital Sciences Corporation - e: Order of Scottish Clans -e: Order of St. Clare - e: Order to Show Cause - e: Ordnance Service Corps - e: Ordnance Systems Command - e: Oregon State College - e: Outer Space Committee - e: Overseas Settlement Committee - e: Overseas Shipping Company - e: Overseas Staff College - e: Overseas Supply Committee - /; Oblati Sancti Caroli - /; Oblatus Sancti Carolil - /; Ordo Sancti Camilli

OSASN e: Office of Special Assistant, Secretary of the Navy

OSAT e: Office of the Special Assistant for Training

OSATRMS e: Operational Resource Tracking and Management System OSA-UCS e: Optical Society of America Uniform Color Scales

OSB. d: Obere Siedlungsbehörde - d: Oberste Sportbehörde

OSALSTC e: Office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Tactical Communications

O.S.B, e: Order of St. Benedict -/· Ordre de Saint-Benoit - /; Ordinis Sancti Benedict!

OSANY e: Overseas Supply Agency New York

OSBA e: Ohio School Boards Association - e: Ohio State Bar Association - e: Oregon School Boards Association - e: Outlet and Switch Box Association

OSAF d: Oberster SA [Sturmabteilung der NSDAP]-Führer - e: Office of the Secretary of the Air Force OSAHQ e: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly OSAHRC e: Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

OSAP e: Ocean Surveillance Air Patrol - e: Ocean Survey Advisory Panel - e: Office Space Allocation Plan

OSBRD e: Office of Small Business Research and Development

OSASF e: Overseas Supply Agency, San Francisco

OSALSAA e: Office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Army Aircraft

OS/AEL e: Operating Space/Allowance Equipage List

OSBPiWS P: Oficerska Szkoia Broni Pancernej i Wojsk Samochodowych

O.S.B.W. e: Overseas Settlement of British Women

OSAI e: Office of Systems Analysis and Information

OSAD e: Outer Space Affairs Division

OSBP e: Office of Small Business Programs

OSAS e: Offshore Advisory Service - e: Overseas Service Aid Scheme

OSB d: Organisations- und Systemberatung GmbH - e: Occupational Safety Bulletin - e: Ocean Sciences Board - e: Ocean Studies Board - e: Off-Site Branch - e: Office of Savings Bonds - e: Office of Small Business - e: Officer Selection Board - e: Officer Selection Brief - e: Operational Stations Book - e: Operations Support Building - e: Opinion Service Branch - e: Order of Saint Benedict - e: Order of Shepherds of Bethlehem - e: Order of St. Benedict - e: Order of the Stars and Bars - e: Ordnance Supply Bulletin - e: Oriented Strand Board - e: Otago Savings Bank - e: Overseas Service Bureau -/· Organisation et Statistiques et Batiment - /: Ordo Sancti Benedictini

OSACA e: Office of the Special Assistant for Consumer Affairs

OSBM e: Office of Space Biology and Medicine - /: Ordo Sancti Basilii Magni

OSES e; Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

OSATA e: Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle OSA [ABCMR] e: Office, Secretary of the Army [Army Board for Correction of Military Records

OSBE e: Organization of State Broadcasting Executives

OSART e: Operational Safety Review Team

O.S.Assoc. e: Old Students' Association O.S.A. e: Operative Spinners' Association - e: Order of St. Augustine - e: Oxford Standard Authors - /; Ordo [Eremitarum] Sancti Augustini

O.S.Bas. /; Ordo Sancti Basilii Magni

Osba d: Ostdeutsche Spar- und Bau-AG für Beamte, Angestellte und Arbeiter

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OSc /· Organisation Scientifique O.S.C. e: Oblates of Saint Charles - e: Ontario Services Club - e: Order of Saint Charles - e: Order of Scottish Clans - e: Ordnance Service Corps - /; Ordo Sancti Camilli - /: Ordo Sancti Crucis OSCA e: Office of Saver and Consumer - e: Office of Senior Citizens Affairs - e: Optical Sensor Collaborative Association -i: Officini Specializzate per la Costruzione di Automob ili OSCAA e: Oil-Spill Control Association of America OSCAD e: Office of the Scientific Advisor


OSCam OSCam e: Order of Saint Camillus O.S.Cam. /: Ordo Sancti Camilli OSCAP e: Operating System Communication Application Program OSCAR e: Operations Support Center Automated Reports System - e: Optical Switching Systems, Components and Architecture Research - e: Orbital Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio - e: Orbiting Satellite[s] Carring Amateur Radio - e: Oregon State Conversational Aid to Research - e: Organization for Scientific Coordination in AIDS - e: Overnight Statewide Customer Accounting Reporting OSCAS e: Office of Statistical Coordination and Standards

OSD d: Objektschutzdienst - e: Office of Standards Development - e: Office of Student Detachment - e: Office of Systems Development - e: Office [of the] Secretary of Defense - e: Operational Safety Document - e: Operational Support Directive - e: Order of Saint Dominicans - e: Order of St. Dominic - e: Ordnance Store Department - e: Ordnance Supply Depot - e: Original Sponsoring Distributor - e: Overseas Settlement Department - e: Overseas Shipping Directive - e: Overseas Supply Division - e: Overseas Surveys Directorate - /; Ordo Sancti Dominici - P: Osrodek Szkolenia Dziennikarskiego O.S.D. e: Ordnance Store Department - e: Ordnance Survey Department -/· Ordre de Saint-Dominique - /; Ordo Sancti Dominici

OSCC e: Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce

OS&D e: Over, Short, and Damaged

OSCD e: International Organization for Scientific Cooperation and Development

OSDA e: Onsite Sewage Disposal Act - e: Oregon State Department of Agriculture

OSCE e: Objective Structured Clinical Examination - e: Office of Child Support Enforcement - e: Organisation (or Organization) for/on Security and Cooperation in Europe -/· Office de Statistique de la Communaute Europeenne

OSDAA e: Ordnance Supply Demand Analysis Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen

OSCER e: Offshore Survival Craft Emergency Radiotelephone

OSD[AE] e; Office of the Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy OSD BMC e; Office of the Secretary of Defense Ballistic Missile Committee OSDBU e: Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

OSchG d: Oberschiedsgericht OSchJ d: Oberschule für Jungen OSchK d: Oberschule für Knaben

OSDC e: Oceanographic Subprogramme Data Centre OSD[C] e: Office of the Secretary of Defense [Comptroller]

OSchM d: Oberschule für Mädchen O.Sch.P. /: Ordo Scholarum Piarum

OSD/DSAA e: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Security Assistance Agency

OS-DO/SPO e: OS Division Special Projects Office OSD[PA&E] e: Office of the Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation OSDPD e: Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution - e: Office of Space Data Processing and Distribution OSD-SA e; Office of the Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis OSDSA e: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis OSDSAC e; Office of the Secretary of Defense-Scientific Advisory Committee OSE e: Observing System Experiments - e: Ocean Science & Engineering, Inc. - e: Ocean Shipping and Enterprises - e: Oceanic Society Expeditions - e: Office of Safety Engineering - e: Office of Science Education - e: Office of Security Evaluations - e: Office of Sex Equity - e: Office of Systems Engineering - e: Officer Scheduling the Exercise - e: Ophthalmological Society of Egypt - e: Order of the Star in the East - e: Osaka Securities Exchange - e: Osaka Stock Exchange -/· Obersatoire Social Europeen -/· Observatoire Social Europeen -/· (Euvre de Secours aux Enfants -/· Organisation de Securite de Etat - s: Obras Sanitarias del Estado - 5: Oficina de Servicios de Emergencia OSEA e: Ophthalmological Society of East Africa OSEAL Forum e: Orient and South-East Asian Lions Forum OSEAP e: Oil Shale Environmental Advisory Panel

OSCILAB e: Ocean Science Laboratory O.S.C1. /: Ordo Sanctae Clarae

OSDH e: Oklahoma State Department of Health

OS/CMP e: Operational Support/ Configuration Management Plan

OSDIdentBad e: Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge

OSCO e; Oil Service Company of Iran - e: Oil Shipment Corporation

OSD/I&L e: Office of the Secretary of Defense/Installations and Logistics

OSCOM e: Oslo Commission

OSD/ISA e; Office of the Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

OSCON e: Oslo Convention OSCP e: Off Shore Centrally Procured

OSDIT e: Office of Software Development and Information Technology

OScP e: Office of Scientific Personnel

OSDiv e: Oversea Supply Division

OSCP e: On-Site Computer Programmer

OSdL i; Organizzazione Scientifica del Lavoro

OSCR e: Ocean Surface Current Radar O.S.Cr. /: Ordo Sancti Crucis

OSDMT e: Organization for the Support of Democratic Movement of Taiwan

O.S.C.S.A. e: Ordnance Survey Civil Staff Association

OSDNRL e: Ocean Science Division-Naval Research Laboratory

OSCT e: Office of Scholarly Communication and Technology

OSDOC e: Off Shore Discharge of Container

OSEB e; Office of the Secretary of the Executive Board - e: Orissa State Electricity Board OSEC e: Ocean Systems Engineering Corporation - e: Office of the Secretary - e: Oil Search and Exploration Company -/· Office Suisse d'Expansion Commerciale O.S.E.C. /· Office Suisse d'Expansion Commerciale OSECCA e: Old Sleepy Eye Collectors' Club of America OSECO e: Ogden Surveying Equipment Company OSECY e: Office of the Secretary to the Staff [SHAPE] OSEDA e: Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis OSEDS e: Operational Support Equipment Design Specification OSeeA d: Oberseeamt



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OSJ O.S.E.F. /· Office Scolaire d'Etudes par le Film

OSFS e: Oblate Fathers of St. Francis of Sales - /: Oblati Sancti Francisci Salesii

OSEH e: Order of St. Elizabeth of Hungary

OSG e; Office of Sea Grant - e: Office of Surgeon General - e: Office of the Secretary General - e: Office of the Solicitor General - e: Operations Support Group - e: Otosclerosis Study Group - e: Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc.

OSEM e: Office of Systems Engineering Management OSEO e: Office of Strategic Economy OSEP e: Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel - e: Office of Special Education Programs

OSGB e: Orchid Society of Great Britain - e: Ordnance Survey [of Great Britain]

Os EP e: Osaka Economic Papers

OSGD e: Office of Sea Grant Development

OSERA e: Ohio Scientific Education & Research Association

OSGG n: Oud-Studenten in de Geschiedenis van de Gentse Universiteit

OSERS e: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

OSGLI e: Office of Servicemen's Group Life Insurance

O.Serv.B.M.V. /: Ordo Servorum Beatae Mariae Virginis

OSGP e: Office of Sea Grant Programs - e: Operations Support Group Prototype

OSESG e: Oil Sands Environmental Study Group

OSGS e: Office of the Secretary of the General Staff

OSEV d: Oberschlesischer Spiel- und Eislaufverband

OSH e: Occupational Safety and Health - e: Office on Smoking and Health -/· Organisation Suisse des Homosexuels - H: Orszägos Sporthivatal - /: Ordo Sancti Hieronymi - s: Ordenacion General de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo

- e: Office of Special Investigation[s] - e: Office of Strategic Information - e: Office of Systems Integration - e: Office Systems Interconnection - e: Ohio Scientific Incorporated - e: Online Software International, Inc. - e: Open Space Institute - e: Open System[s] Interconnection - e: Operating Space Item - e: Operating Systems Incorporated - e: Optical Society of India - e: Oriental Shorthairs International - e: Oyster Shell Institute - e: Ozark Society Incorporated -/· Organisation de Standardisation Internationale - H: Orszägos Sportorvosi Intezet OSI c: Okresni Skolni Inspektor

OSF e: Ocean [Pressure] Simulation Facility - e: Office of Space Flight - e: Official Sinn Fein - e: Open Software Foundation - e: Open System[s] Foundation - e: Operational Support Facility - e: Order of Saint Francis - e: Order of St. Francis - e: Organizational Status File - /: Ordo Sancti Francisci - s: Oficina de Servicios Financieros O.S.F. e: Official Statistics for Finland - /; Ordo Sancti Francisci OSF[/]1 e; Open Software Foundation [system]/1 OSFAS e: Overseas Students Fee Awards Scheme

OSIA e: Office, Services, and Information Agency - e: On-Site Inspection Agency - e: Open Systems Interconnection Association - e: Order of the Sons of Italy in America OSIASL e: Order of the Sons of Italy in America Supreme Lodge OSIC e: Oil Spill Information Center - e: Overseas Spinning Investment Company Ltd. OSIE e: Office of Software Improvement and Engineering

OSHA e: Occupational Safety and Health Act - e: Occupational Safety and Health Administration - e: Occupational Safety and Health Agency - e: Office of Special Housing Assistance

OSIFA e: Operational Sequence and Information Flow Analysis

OSHCC e: Outside School Hours Care Center

OSIGO e: Office of the Chief Signal Officer

OSHE /· Office pour le Soutien de l'Habitat Economique

OSII e: On-Line Software International, Incorporated

OSHI e: Occupational, Safety, and Health Institute - e: Office of Special Health Issues

OSIL e: Operation to Save Innocent Lives

OSIGA e: Ohio State Inventory of Guidance Awareness

OSEVET e: Open System Interconnection Network

O.S.Hier. /: Ordo Sancti Hieronymi O.S.F.B. /· Organisation Scolaire FrancoBritannique

OSHJ e: Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

OSFC /; Ordinis Sancti Francisci Capuccini OSFCW e: Office of Solid Fuels Coordinator for War OSFD e: Office of Space Flight Development - e: Oregon State Forestry Department OSFI e: Open Steel Flooring Institute OSFM e: Office of Spacecraft and Flight Missions - e: Office of Surplus Facility Management OS&FM e: Office of Systems and Financial Management

OSEVT e: Open Source Intelligence OSHPD e: Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development OSHR /· Organisme Specialise d'Habitat Rurale OSHRC e: Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission - e: Occupational Safety and Health Review Committee OSHT e: Order of the Sons of Hermann in Texas OSHWPP e: Occupational Safety & Health Worker Protection Pilots

OSFP e: Office of Space Flight Programs O.S.Fr. /; Ordinis Sancti Francisci OSFS /· Oblates of St Francis de Sales O.S.F.S. /; Oblati Sancti Francisci Salesii

OSI/NMF e: OSI Network Management Forum

OSI d: Otto-Suhr-Institut - e: Ocean Search, Incorporated - e: Ocean Systems, Incorporated - e: Oceanographic Services, Incorporated - e: Office of Samoan Information - e: Office of Scientific Information - e: Office of Scientific Intelligence

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OSIP e: Operation and Safety Improvement Program - e: Operational Satellite Improvement Program - e: Operational Suitability Improvement Program OSIRIS e: Optimal Standards for Successful Integration of Multimedia On-Line Services OSI/RM e: Open System Interconnection/ Reference Model OSIS e: Ocean Surveillance Information System - e: Office of Science Information Service - e: Office of Scientific Information Service - e: Open Shops for Information Systems - e: Operating Systems Installation Support OSJ e: Oblates of St. Joseph - e: Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction - e: Order of Saint John of Jerusalem


O.S.J. O.S.J. e: Order of St. Jerome

OSMR e: Office of Systems Modernization Requirements

OSP e: Objective and Strategies Plan - e: Oblate Sisters of Providence - e: Occupational Safety Programs Branch - e: Ocean Survey Program - e: Office of Science Policy - e: Office of Scientific Personnel - e: Office of Special Projects - e: Office of Staffing Policy - e: Office of State Planning - e: Office of Surplus Property - e: Official Settlement Plan - e: On-Site Programmer - e: Operational Survival Plan - e: Operations Support Plan - e: Operator Service Provider - e: Order of St. Paul the First Hermit - e: Outfitting Stock Point - F: Oikeistolehtien Sanomapalvelu -/· Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle - /; Ordo Scholarum Piarum - n: Onafhankelijke Socialistische Partij - P: Ochotnicza Straz Pozarna - P: Oficerska Szkoia Piechoty - P: Osrodek Szkolenia Partyjnego - s: Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana - 5: Organizacion Sanitaria Panamericana

OSMRE e: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation Enforcement

OSPA e: Overseas Pensioners' Association -/· Organisation de la Sante Panamericaine

OSMW P: Oficerska Szkoia Marynarki Wojennej

O.S.P.A. e: Overseas Service Pensioners' Association OSPAA /· Organisation de Solidarite des Peuples Asiatiques et Africains

OSLA e: Ontario Association of SpeechLanguage Pathologists and Audiologists

OSN e: Ocean Science News - e: Ocular Surgery News - e: Office of the Secretary of the Navy -/· Office Social Neuchätelois - 5: Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional

OSLAM 5: Organizacion de Seminarios Latinoamericanos

OSNC e: Oriental] Steam Navigation Company

OSLM e: Operations Shop/Laboratory Manager

OSNI e: Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland

OSJD /; Ordo Hospitalarius Sancti Joannis de Deo O.SJ.d.D. /; Ordo Sancti Joannis de Deo O.S.J.J.E. e: Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England OSK c: Okresni Spravni Komise - d: Oberharzer Skiklub - H: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtar -/· Osaka ShosenKaisha - r: Offenlighets- och Sekretesslagsstiftningskommitten - sk: Okresnä Sprävna Komisia

OS&M e: Operational Support and Maintenance OSMA e: Occidental Society of Metempiric Analysis - e: Oklahoma State Medical Association - e: Orthopedic Surgical Manufacturers Association - e: Otago-Southland Manufacturers Association - e: Overseas Sales and Marketing Association of America - i : Opera Svizzera dei Monument! d'Arte OSME e: Ornithological Society of the Middle East

O.S.K. j: Osaka Shosen Kaisha

OSMM e: Office of Safeguards and Materials Management

OSKA d: Objektschlüsselkatalog

OSMO e: Osmonics, Inc.

OSKBW P: Oficerska Szkoia Korpusu Bezpieczenstwa Wewn^trznego

OSMOS e: Own Ship's Motion Simulator

OSL e: Office of the Secretary of Labor - e: On-Site Laboratory - e: Orbiting Solar Laboratory - e: Orbiting Space Laboratory - e: Order of Saint Luke the Physician of America - e: Oregon Short Line Railroad - P: Oficerska Szkoia Lotnicza O.S.L. e: Over-Seas League

OSLR e: Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources

OSNLR e: Ocean Science in Relation to NonLiving Resources

OSPAAAL e: Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America -/· Organisation de Solidarite des Peuples d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amerique Latine - s: Organizacion de la Solidaridad de los Pueblos de Africa, Asia y America Latina OSPAAL s: Organizacion de la Solidaridad de los Pueblos de Africa, Asia y America Latina

OSNND c: Ottuv Slovnik Naucny Nove Doby OSLRR e: Oregon Short Line Railroad OSNY e; Oratorio Society of New York OSLS e; Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors

OSNZ e: Ornithological Society of New Zealand

OSPAR e: Oslo and Paris Convention for Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic OSPARCOM e: Oslo and Paris Commissions

OSLT e: On-Site Logistics Team OSLw d: Offizierschule der Luftwaffe OSM e: Office of Sample Management - e: Office of Spectrum Management - e: Office of Surface Mining [Reclamation and Enforcement] - e: Offices of Special Mission - e: Omni Spectra Miniature - e: Operating System Manual - e: Operations Systems Manager - e: Order and Servants of Mary - e: Ordnance Safety Manual - e: Otago School of Mines - /; Ordo Servorum Mariae - P: Okr^gowa Spoidzielnia Mleczarska - s: Obra Social el Martinico - s: Organizacion Submarina Mexicana, SA Osm. e: Osmania University O.S.M. e; Order of the Servants of Mary - e: Ordnance Supply Manual -/· Office des Securite Mutuelle -/· Organisation Syndicale Mondiale


OSO e: Objective and Strategies Overview - e: Ocean Systems Operations - e: Offensive System Operator - e: Office of Satellite Operations - e: Office of Space Operations - e: Office of Systems Operations - e: Offshore Supplies Office - e: Omaha Symphony Orchestra - e: Ordnance Supply Office[r] - e: Oregon Symphony Orchestra - e: Originating (or Origination) Screening Office - e: Overseas Security Operations

OsParCom e: Oslo-Paris Commission

OSOA e: Optimal Statistical Objective Analysis

OSPiUS P: Okr?gowy S^d Pracy i Ubezpieczen Spoiecznych

OSOB e: Old Senate Office Building

OSPJ e: Offshore Procurement [Japan]

OSODS e: Office of Strategic Offensive and Defensive Systems

O.S.P.M. e: Original Society of Paper Makers

OSPD e: Office of Sponsored Program Development O.S.P.E. e: Ohio Society of Professional Engineers OSPE e: Ohio Society of Professional Engineers OSPIC e: Overseas Patent Information Center - e: Overseas Private Investment Corporation

OSOL e; Office of the Solicitor

OSPRD Board e: Officers Selection, Promotion, Reclassification, and Disposal Board

OSOMPP c: Okresni Sekce Organizace Masove Präce a Propagandy

OSPU c: Orechestralni Sdruzeni Prazskych Ucitelu


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O.S.T. OS&Q e: Office of Safety and Quality OSQ e: Office of Safety Quality Assurance and Safeguards -/· Orchestre Symphonique de Quebec OSQAS e: Office of Safety Quality Assurance and Safeguards OSR e: Office of Scientific Research - e: Office of Security Review - e: Office of Sponsored Research - e: Office of Standards and Regulations - e: Office of Strategic Research - e: Office of Systems Requirements - e: Office of the Special Representative for ECA in Europe - e: Official visitors Spot Report - e: Operational Safety Requirement - e: Operational Support Requirement - e: Operations Support Room -/· Orchestre de la Suisse Romande -/· Organisation des Secours Rapides -/· Organisation pour la Surete de la Republique - in: Organization for Scientific Research O.S.R. e: Office of Synthetic Rubber OSRA e: Office Systems Research Association - e: Oil Spill Risk Analysis - e: Overseas Shipping Representatives Association

- e: Office of Secret Services - e: Office of Space Science[s] - e: Office of Space Station - e: Office of Space Systems - e: Office of Special Sciences - e: Office of Statistical Standards - e: Office of Strategic Services - e: Office of Support Services - e: Office of the Space Station - e: Office of the Supervising Scientist - e: Office Support System - e: Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation - e: Operation Support System[s] - e: Operational Storage Site - e: Operational Support Squadron - e: Operations Support System - e: Operator Service Switch - e: Optical Surveillance System - e: Orient Shipping Services - e: Overseas Shipping Services -/· Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel - P: Oficerska Szkoia Amochodowa - r: Oberoende Staternas Samvälde - ru: Oficiul de Stat pentru Standardizare

OSSI e: Optronic Sensor for Stereo Imagery

O.S.S. e: Office of Strategical Services - e: Oxford Shorthand Society -/· (Euvres Sanitaires et Sociales -/· Organismes de Securite Sociale - r: Odontologiska Sällskapet, Stockholm

OSSR e: Office of Selective Service Records - e: Order of the Most Holy Redeemer

O/SS e: Office of Staff Secretary

OSSRS e: Oxford Society for Social Responsibility in Science

OSSL e: Operating System Simulation Language OSSM e: Optimum Shipboard Spares Model OSSMJ e: Order of the Societies of Mary and Joseph OSSN e: Originating Station Serial Number OSSNSS e: Ordnance Supply Segment of the Navy Supply System OSSO e: Office of State Systems Operations - e: Organizational Safeguards and Security Officer OSSP e: Operational Supply Support Plan - e: Organizational Safeguards and Security Plan - e: Organization's Standard Software Process O.S.Sp. /; Ordo Hospitalarius Sancti Spiritus

O.Ss.R. /: Ordo [Monialium] Sanctissimi Redemptoris

OSS c: Osmileta Stfedni Skola OSRB e: Overseas Services Resettlement Bureau OSRC e: Oil Sands Research Centre OSRD e: Office of Scientific Research and Development - e: Office of Standard Reference Data

OSSA e: Office of Space Science and Application[s] - e: Order Scheduled Shipment Analysis - e: Ordnance Service and Supplies, Army OSSAD e: Office Support System Analysis and Design

OSSS e: Optical Space Surveillance Subsystem - e: Orbital Space Station Study - e: Orbital Space Station System - e: Orbiting Space Station Study O.SS.S. /; Ordo Sanctissimi Salvatoris O.Ss.Salv. /; Ordo Sanctissimi Salvatoris

OSRI e: Originating Station Routing Indicator OSRL e: Organizations and Systems Research Laboratory

Ossag d: Ölwerke Stern und Sonneborn AG, Hamburg OSSAG s: Oficina Servicio Social del Arzobispado de Guatemala

OSRM e: Office of Standard Reference Materials

O.S.Salv. /: Ordo Sanctissimi Salvatoris

OSRMD e: Office of Scientific Research, Mechanics Division

O.S.S.B. e: Office of the Secretary of State for Burma

OSRO e: Office for Special Relief Operations - e: Office for the Sahelian Relief Operation - e: Operations Support Requirements Office

OSSBA e: Oklahoma State School Boards Association

OSROK e: Office of Supply-Republic of Korea OSRP e: Offices, Shops, and Railway Premises Act OSRS e: Organization of Senegal River States - e: Subgroup on Ocean Satellites and Remote Sensing -/· Sous-groupe des satellites d'observation de ocean et de la teledetection OSRTN e; Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations OSS d: Organisation fur die Zusammenarbeit der sozialistischen Staaten auf dem Gebiet des Post- und Fernmeldewesens - e: Observatory of the Sahara and the Sahel - e: Oceanic Space Subcommittee - e: Office of Safeguards and Security

OSST e: Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings - e: Operational Site System Test O.Ss.T. /; Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis

OSSC e: Ordnance Storage and Shipment Chart - e: Oregon School Study Council - /: Oblati Sacratissimi Cordis OSSD R: Organisazija Sotrudniscestva Selesnych Dorog OSSE e: Observation Simulation System Experiments - e: Observing System Sensitivity Experiments - e: Observing System[s] Simulation Experiments OSSF e: Overseas Services Storage Facility OSSHE e: Oregon State System of Higher Education O.S.S.I. e: Office of the Secretary of State for India

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OSsT /; Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis Redemptionis Captivorum OSSTF e: Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation O.S.S.U. /· Office du Sport Scolaire et Universitaire OSSV R: Ogrnicenie i Sokrascenie Stratigiceskih Vooruzenij OST d: Organisation der Stäbe und Truppen - e: Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics - e: Ocean Surface Temperature - e: Office of Science and Technology - e: Office of [the] Secretary of Transportation - e: Operational Sea Training - e: Operations Support Team - e: Order and Shipping Time - e: Outer Space Treaty -/· Organisation Scientifique du Travail -/· Organisation Socialiste des Travailleurs - /; Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis - n: Sector Onderwijs, Sport en Talen - i; Organizacion Socialista de los Trabajadores O.S.T. /: Ordinis Sanctissimae Trinitatis


OS&T OS&T e: Office of Science and Technology -/· Organisation Scientifique du Travail

OSTROPA d: Osteuropäische BriefmarkenAusstellung

OSTA e: Office of Space and Terrestrial Application[s] - e: Optical Storage Technology Association -/· Organisation Scientifique du Travail en Agriculture

OSTS e: Office of Space Transportation Systems - e: Office of State Technical Service[s] - e: Office of Storage and Transportation Systems - e: Official Seed Testing Station - e: Operational Suitability Test Site

OSTAC e: Ocean Science and Technology Advisory Committee OSTAG d: Österreichische AnzeigenGesellschaft Weiss & Co. OSTC e: Belgian Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs - e: Open System Test Consortium OSTCOOP e; Office of the Secretary of Transportation Continuity of Operations Plan OSTD e: Office of Supersonic Transportation Development - e: Ordnance Standard Technical Directives - e: Ordnance Standards Bureau OSTDS e: Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems Osteoporos Int e: Osteoporosis International

OSW d: Oberspreewerk, Berlin - e: Office of Saline Water - e: Office of Solid Waste[s] - e: Office of Surface Water - e: Office of the Status of Women - e: Operations Support Wing - e: Orbital Workshop - e: Order of the Sacred Word - e: The Office of Secretary of War - P: Osrodek Studiow Wschodnich

O.S.U. /; Ordo Sanctae Ursulae OSUAS e: Ohio State University Administrative Science OSU-CISRC e: Ohio State UniversityComputer and Information Science Research Center

OSUK e: Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom

OSTI e: Office of Scientific and Technical Information - e: Organization for Social and Technological Innovation

OSUL e: Ohio State University Libraries (or Library) - e: Oklahoma State University Library - e: Oregon State University Library -/· Orchestre Symphonique et Universitaire de Lausanne

O.S.U.K. e: Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom

OSUM e: Ohio State University Museum of Zoology OSUP e: Ohio State University Press

OStJ e: Officer of [the] Order of St. John of Jerusalem

OSUR e: Ohio State University Reactor

OSTM e: Open System Transaction Management

OSU Research Review e: Ohio State University Research Review

OSTN e: Old Stone Corp.

OSURF e: Ohio State University Research Foundation

OST-ONA e; Office of the Secretary of Transportation Office of Noise Abatement OSTP e: Office of Science and Technology Policy - e: Office of Scientific and Technical Personnel - e: Organization for Scientific and Technical Personnel OSTPC e: Open Systems Transition Planning Committee OSTR e: Oregon State Triga Reactor OSTRAL d: Organisation für Stromversorgung in ausserordentlichen Lagen


Osv.Rom. i: Osservatore Romano

OSU e: Ohio State University - e: Oklahoma State University - e: Operation Sisters United - e: Order of St. Ursula - e: Ordnance Support Unit - e: Oregon State University - e: Osaka Sangyo University - P: Oficerska Szkoia Uzbrojenia

OSTG e: Ocean Science and Technology Group

OSTO e: Office of Space Transportation Operations

OSVO c: Oblastni Spräva Vychovy a Osvety

OSVU c: Ochranne Scruzeni Vykonnych Umelcu

OSUHRF e: Ohio State University Heat Release Calorimeter

OSTiW P: Osrodek Sportu, Turystyki i Wypoczynku

OSVIC i: Organismo Sardo di Volontariato Internazionale Cristiano

OSTT H: Orszägos Sport- es Testnevelesi Tanäcs

OSTF e: Off-Site Test Facility - e: Operational Silo Test Facility - e: Operational Suitability Test Facility - e: Operational System Test Facility - e: Ordnance Survey Transfer Format

OSTIV /· Organisation Scientifique et Technique Internationale du Vol a Voile

Osvia n: Opleiding-school voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren van het Binnenlandsch Bestuur in Nederlandsch-Indie

OSWA e: Off-Shift Work Authorization OSWAC e: Ordinance Special Weapons Ammunition Command OSWC e: Ordnance Special Weapons Command OSWChem P: Oficerska Szkoia Wojsk Chemicznych OSWD e: Office of Special Weapons Development OSWEP e: Overseas Student Welfare Expansion Programme OSWER e: Office of Solid Waste [and] Emergency Response - e: Office of Solid Waste and Energy Response OSWER BBS e: OSWER Electronic Bulletin Board System OSWG e: Optical Systems Working Group OSWI e: Old Spaghetti Warehouse, Incorporated OSWMP e; Office of Solid Waste Management Programs OSWR e: Office of Scientific & Weapons Research OSWS e: Ordnance Special Weapons Supply

OSURO e: Ohio State University Radio Observatory

OSYC e: Officer Supervising Yardcraft

OSUS e: Ocean Surveillance - P: Okrfgowy S^d Ubezpieczen Spoiecznych

OSZE d: Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa

OSUTCB e: Ohio State University Theatre Collection Bulletin

OSZK H: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär

OSV d: Olympischer Sportverein - e: Office of Space Vehicles - e: Offshore Support Vessel - e: Order of St. Vincent - e: Ordnance Spare Vehicle - e: Our Sunday Visitor - R: Ogranicenie Stratigiceskich Vooruzenij - 5: Orquesta Sinfonica Venezuela OSV c: Okresni Skolni Vybor

· G · Säur, München

OSZSZT H: Orszägos Szenbänyäszati Szaktanäcs OSzT H: Orszägos Szövetkezeti Tanäcs OSzVB H: Orszägos Szämviteli Bizottsäg OT d: Obertribunal - e: Occupational Technician - e: Occupational Therapist - e: Occupational Therapy

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OTCT - e: Office of Telecommunications - e: Office of Territories - e: Office of Transportation - e: Old Testament - e: Operating Theatre - e: Operating Thetan - e: Operating Time - e: Operational Testing - e: Operations Team - e: Optical Techniques group - e: Oregon Trunk Railway - e: Organization and Training Division - e: Otis Elevator Co. - e: Overtime -/· Office[s] du Travail - H: Orszägos Tanäcs - H: Orszägos Tervhivatal - n: Observatie Team - n: Opleiding & Training - P: Obrona Terytorialna - r: Oskarshamns-Tidningen - 5: Ordenanza de Trabajo O.T. d: Organisation Todt -/· Office des Transports -/· Officier de Territoriale -/· Officiers Techniciens -/· Officiers Torpilleurs -/· Organisation du Travail - /: Ordo Teutonicus

O.T.A.D. /· Omnium des Techniques Auxiliaires de Direction OTADA e; Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition OTAF e: Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast OTAG e: Office of the Adjutant General - e: Operations & Training Analysis Group - e: Ozone Transport Assessment Group OTAH H: Orszägos Tervhivatal, Arhivatal OTAK d: Organisation für technische Aufsicht und Klassifikation von Schiffen e: Organization of Tropical American Nematologists - e: Outreach and Technical Assistance Network -/· Organisation du Traite de l'Atlantique Nord - p: Organizacäo do Tratado do Atläntico Norte - 5: Organizacion del Tratado Atläntico Norte OTANS e: Offshore Trade Association of Nova Scotia OTANY e: Oil Trades Association of New York

O&T e: Operations and Training OTA d: Österreichische Telegraf Agentur - e: Occupational Therapists Association - e: Occupied Territory Administration - e: Office of Internal Administration - e: Office of Tax Analysis - e: Office of Technical Assessment [of Congress] - e: Office of Technical Assistance - e: Office of Technology Assessment [Congress] - e: Office of Technology Assessment [Government] - e: Office of Technology Assistance - e: Office of Telecommunications Applications - e: Office of Territorial Affairs - e: Oil Trades Association of New York - e: Ontario Trucking Association - e: Operation Town Affiliations - e: Optical Telescope Assembly - e: Optical Tracking Aid - e: Orthopaedic Trauma Association [Newsletter] -/· Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme et de rAutomobile - H: Orszägos Testnevelesi Alap - s: Organizacion Mundial del Turismo y del Automovil

OTAR e: Over-the-Air Rekey - e: Overseas Tariffs and Regulations [section] OTAS e: Observers Target Acquisition System OTASA e: Occupational Therapy Association of South Aftica

- e: Officers' Training Corps - e: Offshore Technology Conference [and Exhibition] - e: Offsite Training Center - e: Ohio Motor Freight Tariff Committee Inc., Columbia - e: Old Timers' Club - e: Operating Telephone Company - e: Operational Techniques Conference - e: Operational Test Center - e: Operational Test Coordinator - e: Operational Training Capability - e: Operational Training Command - e: Order of Three Crusades - e: Ordnance Technical Committee - e: Ordnance Training Command - e: Oregon Technical Council - e: Organization for Trade Cooperation - e: Organized Training Center - e: Originating Toll Center - e: Osaka Transformer Company Ltd. - e: Ottawa Transit Commission - e: Output Technology Corporation - e: Over-the-Counter - e: Overseas Telecommunication^] Commission - e: Overseas Telecommunications Corporation - e: Overseas Trade Corporation - e: Owatonna Tool Company - e: Ownership Transfer Corporation - e: Ozone Transport Commission -/· Office de Tourisme du Canada -/· Office Tripartite de la Circulation O.T.C. e: Officers' Training Corps - e: Officers' Transit Camp - e: Operational Training Centre - e: Operational Training Command OTCA e: Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency

OTASE /· Organisation du Traite de defense pour l'Asie du Sud-Est -/· Organisation du Traite de l'Asie du Sud-Est

OTC [A] e: Overseas Telecommunications Commission [Australia]

OTAT e: Office of Technical Assistance and Training

OTCE e: Office of the Theater Chief Engineer

OTB d: Overland Trust Bank - e: Off-Track Betting - e: Office Track Betting - e: Old Tired Broads - e: Operations Training Branch - e: Ordnance and Terminal Ballistics - e: Organisations- und Teamberatung - e: Overseas Trust Bank -/· Organisation du Traite de Bruxelles

OTCIXS e: Office-in-Tactical Command Information Exchange [Subsystem OTCM e: Ordnance Technical Committee Minutes OTCMCC e: Old Time Country Music Club of Canada

O.T.B. e: Office of Trade Boards

OTCOT e: Office of the Theater Chief of Transportation

OT&A e: Operational Test and Acceptance

OTBA e: Owners, Traders, Breeders Association

OTCQM e: Office of the Theater Chief Quartermaster

OTAA e: Office of Trade Adjustment Assistence

OTBSSC e: Over Thirty but Still Swinging Club

OTCR e: Office of Technical Cooperation and Research

OTAAI s: Oficina Tecnica de Asuntos Agricolas Internacionales

OTC e: Office for Topography and Cartography - e: Office of Technical Cooperation - e: Office of Telecommunications - e: Office of Temporary Controls - e: Office of the Theater Chaplain - e: Office of Transport and Communications - e: Office of Transportation and Communications - e: Office Telecommunication Commission - e: Officer in Tactical Command - e: Officer Training Corps - e: Officers' Training Camp - e: Officers' Training College

O.T.C.R.P. /· Office des Transports en Commun de la Region Parisienne

OTAC e: Oceanic Trade Alliance Council International - e: Ordnance Tank and Automotive Command OTACS e: Old Timer Assay Commissioners Society OTAD e: Office of Tributary Area Development -/· Office des Travaux de Armee Demobilisee

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

OTCS e: Office of the Theater Chief Surgeon - e: Operational Teletype Communications Subsystem OTCSigO e: Office of the Theater Chief Signal Officer OTCT e: Office of the Theater Chief of Transportation


OTD OTD e: Ocean Technology Division - e: Ocean Travel Development - e: Office of Technology Development - e: Official Table of Distances - e: Operational Test Director - e: Optical Time Division - e: Organization for Technological Development -/· Office des Terres Domaniales

O.T.G.R. /· Office Technique de Genie Rural OTGS e: Ocean Thermal Gradient System OTH e: Over The Horizon - H: Orszägos Talälmänyi Hivatal OTH-B e: Over-the-Horizon Backscatter

O.T.D. e: Overseas Trade Department

OTH-B WCRS e: Over-the-Horizon Backscatter West Coast Radar System

OTDA e: Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition

O.Theat. /: Ordo Clericorum Regularium vulgo Theatinorum

OTDB e: Operations Tasking Data Base

OTH-T e: Over-the-Horizon-Targeting

OTDC e: Observational Test and Development Center

e: Office of Technical Information - e: Office of Transition Initiative[s] - e: Optics Technology, Incorporated - e: Oregon Technical Institute -/· Organisation de la Television Iberomaericaine - H: Orszägos Tärsadalombiztosito Intezet - i: Organizzazione Tecnica Internazionale - in: Organisasi Tjendekiawan Indonesia - 5: Organizacion de la Television Iberoamericana - i; Organizacion de la Television Iberoamericana

OTDHC e: Oceanographic Technical Data Handling Committee OTD[&]SP e: Office of Technical Data and Standardization Policy OTE e: On Track Earnings -/· Organisation des Transports Europeens OT&E e: Operational Test and Evaluation OTEA e: Operational Test and Evaluation Agency - e: Oval Track Equipment Association OTEC e: Ontario Teacher Education Colleges - e: Operational Test and Evaluation Center - e: Oriental Telephone and Electric Company - e: Osage Tribal Education Committee OTEF e: Operational Training and Evaluation Facility - e: Overseas Troops Entertainment Fund

OTEM n: Onafhankelijke Televisie Exploitatie Maatschappij OTEP e: Office of Transportation Energy Policy - e: Operational Test and Evaluation Plan OTES e: Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron - e: Optical Technology Experiment Study - e: Optical Technology Experiment System

OTLCA e: Overhead Transmissions Line Contractors Association OT&LF e: Open Taxi & Limousine Foundation OTM e: Office of Telecommunications Management - e: Office Technology Management Association - e: Operational Test Models - p: Organizacäo dos Trabalhadores Mogambicanos (o Mogambique) O.T.M. e: Old Turkey Mill -/· Officier Technicien de la Marine OTMA e: Office Technology Management Association - e: Oilfield Tank Manufacturers' Association OTMIR e: Office of Tropical Medicine and International Research OTN d: Offene Tür Niederkassel OTO e: One Time Only - /: Ordo Templi Orientes]

O.T.I. /· Office Technique de I'lmprimerie OTIA e: Office of Technical Information Agency - e: Ordnance Technical Intelligence Agency OTID e: Office of Talented Identification and Development OTIEP e: Office of Technical Information and Educational Programs OTIG e: Office, The Inspector General

OTEL /· Organisation Touristique Europeenne de Loisirs

- e: Ordnance Test Laboratory - e: OSI Testing Liaison Group

OTIS e: Occupational Training Information System - e: Oklahoma Telecommunications Interlibrary System - e: Oklahoma Teletype Interlibrary System - e: Online Telecommunications Information Service OT/ITSRR e: Office of Telecommunications/ Institute for Telecommunications Sciences Research Report

OTOB d: Österreichische Termin und Optionbörse OTOCTA e: Optimum Technical Operational Concept to Accomplish OTOD e: Organization of Teachers of Oral Diagnosis OTOH e; On The Other Hand OTP e: Office of Telecommunications Policy - e: Office of Territorial Programs - e: Office of Trade Promotion - e: Operational Test Plan - e: Operational Test Procedure[s] - e: Operations Test Plan - e: Originating Trading Partner - e: Outline Test Plan -/· Office Togolais des Phosphates -/· Omnium des Transports par Pipelines - H: Orszägos Takarekpenztär OTPEC e: Officer Training Program Examining Center

OTIU e: Overseas Technical Information Unit OTPM e; Office of the Theater Provost Marshal

OTEU e: Office and Technical Employees Union

OTJAG e: Office, The Judge Advocate General

O.Teut. /: Ordo Teutonicus

OTJV d: Österreichischer Tonjäger-Verband

OTF d: Organisation der Truppenkörper und Formationen - e: Ontario Teachers Federation - e: Open Token Foundation - e: Organ Transplant Fund - P: Opolskie Towarzystwo Fotograficzne - r: OljeeldningstekniskaFöreningen

OTK A: Oostelik Transvaalse Kooperasie - c: Oddeleni Organizace Technicke Kontroly - c: Okresni Technickä Kontrola - P: Obrona Terytorium Kraju

OTPN P: Opolskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk

O.T.K. r: Oförberedda Talares Klubb

OTPP e: Operational Transfer Point Plan

OTKA e: National Scientific Research Fund

OTPS e: Operational Test Program Sets

OTKO P: Opolskie Towarzystwo KulturalnoOswiatowe

OTQMG e: Office of the Quartermaster General

OTL e: Office of Technical Liaison - e: Ogden Technology Laboratories - e: Ohio Theological Librarians

OTR e: Oakland Terminal Railway - e: Occupational Therapist, Registered - e: Office of Technical Resources

OTPMG e: Office, The Provost Marshal General

OTPO e: Overseas Transition Program Office

O.T.F. e: Oriental Translation Fund OT/FOT e: Operational Test/Follow-on Operational Test OTG e: OPTEVFOR Tactics Guide - e: Otolith Test Goggles



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Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OUAS - e: Oxford Territorial Regiment - e: Ozone Transport Region -/· Office des Transports par Route

OTSO e: Office of Telecommunications Systems Operations

OTVSA e: Oregon Television Service Association OTVT H: Orszägos Termeszetvedelmi Tanäcs

O.T.R. /· Office des Transports Routiers

OTSP e; Office of Technology Support Programs -/· Organisation Tricontinentale de Solidarite de Peuples

Otraco e: Orient Trade Company

OTSR e: Optimum Track Ship Routing

OTWFC e: Old Time Western Film Club

OTRACO /· Office des Transports du Congo

OTSS e: Office of Technical and Special Services - e: Operational Telecommunications Switching System

OTWG e: Operational Test Working Group

OTS SB e: Office of Technical Service, Selective Biographies

OTZ. d: Organisation Todt Zentrale


d: Obertribunal

Otraco /· Office d'Exploitation des Transports Coloniaux O.Traf. /· Officier de Trafic O.tra.frv. i: Ordine di trasporto per ferrovia

OTSt. e: The Old Testament Student Otrag d: Orbital Transport- und Raketen-AG OTRAN e: Ocean Test Ranges and Instrumentation Conference

O.T.S.U. /· Office du Tourisme Scolaire et Universitaire - i: Organizzazioni Tecniche Servizi Urbani

O.tra.v.o. i: Ordine di trasporto per via ordinaria

OTSU i: Organizzazioni Tecniche Servizi Urbani

OTRF e: Overseas Teacher-Relief Fund

OTT e: Ocean Transport and Trading - e: Office of Traffic and Transportation - e: Office of Transportation Technologies - e: Over The Top -/· Officier de Transport du Territoire - H: Orszägos Testnevelesi Tanäcs

OTRG e: Office Technology Research Group OTrl H: Orszägos Traumatologiai Intezet O.Trin. /; Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis

Ott. e: University of Ottawa OTRQ /· Ordre des Technologues en Radiologie du Quebec OTS e: Office of Technical Services - e: Office of Thrift Supervision - e: Office of Toxic Substances - e: Office of Transportation Security - e: Office of Treaty Settlements - e: Officers Training School - e: Ohio Carriers Tariff Service Inc., Cleveland - e: Operational Test Site - e: Operational Training Squadron - e: Orbital Test Satellite - e: Ordnance Test Station - e: Organization for Tropical Studies - N: Oslo Tekniske Skole O.T.S. e: Officers Training School - e: Overseas Telephone Services OTSA e: Oregon Television Service Association - e: Orthodox Theological Society in America OTSAA e: Officer Training School Alumni Association OTSB H: Orszägos Testnevelesi es Sportbizottsäg

O.T.T. /· Office du Tourisme et du Thermalisme OTTFC e: Official Tim Topper Fan Club OTTI d: Ostbayerisches TechnologieTransfer-Institut e.V. OTTS e: Operations Training and Technical Services - e: Organisation of Teachers of Transport Studies OTTW e: Optical Telescope Technology Workshop [conference] OTU e: Office of Technology Utilization - e: Officers' Training Unit - e: Operational Training Unit - e: Outlet Company -/· Omnium Technique d'etudes Urbaines -/· Organisation pour le Tourisme Universitaire O.T.U. e: Officers' Training Unit -/· Office du Tourisme Universitaire -/· Omnium Technique d'etudes Urbaines OTUA /· Office Technique pour ['Utilisation de l'Acier

OTW d: Organotherapeutische Werke GmbH

OTZ d: Oberschule Technischen Zweiges - d: Organisation Todt Zentrale

OU c: Odborne Uciliste - e: Occidental-Union - e: Odense University - e: Oglethorpe University - e: Ohio University - e: Okayama University - e: Oklahoma University - e: Open University - e: Organizational Unit - e: Orthodox [Jewish] Union - e: Osaka University - e: Otago University - e: Ottawa University - e: Otterbein University - e: Owen University - e: Owosso University - e: Oxford University - e: University of Oklahoma, Norman -/· Orientation Universitaire O.U. e: Oxford University OU c: Obecni Ufad - c: Obvodny Ufad - c: Oductovaci Ustfedna - c: Osidlovaci Ufad OUA e: Office of University Affairs - e: Order of United Americans -/· Organisation de 1'Unite Africaine -/· Organisation Unie des etats Africains - 5: Organizacion de [la] Unidad Africana O.U.A. e: Order of United Americans -/· Organisation de 1'Unite Africaine - i; Organizacion para la Unidad Africana OUAA e: Ontario Universities Athletic Association OUAAT e: Organisation Universelle d'Associations d'Agents de Tourisme OUAC e: Ontario University Application Center - e: Oxford University Appointments Committee - e: Oxford University Athletic Club

OTSC e: Officials Treaty Strategy Committee OTSEA /· Organisation du Traite du Sud-Est Asiatique OTS/ECS e: Orbital Test Satellite/European Communications Satellite OTSG e: Office of the Surgeon General OTSI H: Orszägos Testneveles- es SportegeszsegUgyi Intezet

OTUCA e: Organization of Trade Unions of Central Africa OTUS e: Office of the Treasurer of the United States -/· Office Tunisien de Standardisation OTUWA e: Organization of Trade Unions of West Africa OTV P: Osrodek Telewizyjny

OTS MTS e: OTS Milestone Tracking System

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

O.U.A.C. e: Oxford University Appointments Committee - e: Oxford University Athletic Club OUADP e: Operational Utility of ADP OUAFC e: Oxford University Association Football Club OUAM e: Order of United American Mechanics OUAS e: Oxford University Air Squadron - e: Oxford University Archaeological Society

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OUAT OUAT e: Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology

OULG /· Organisation Unifiee pour la Liberation de la Guinee

OURFC e: Oxford University Rugby Football Club

OUB e: Overseas Union Bank Ltd.

OuLiPo /· Ouvroir de Litterature Potentiell

OURI e: Oklahoma University Research Institute

OUBC e: Oxford University Boat Club

OULS e: Ontario Universities Libraries Cooperative System

OUC e: Oslo Underwater Club OUCA e: Ontario University Council on Admissions

OULTC e: Oxford University Lawn Tennis Club

OURS e: Open Users Recommended Solutions [group] - e: Orangutan Recovery Service - e: Oxford University Railway Society -/· Office Universitaire de Recherche Socialiste

OUM e: Oxford University Mission OUCC e: Ohio University Cartographic Center - e: Oxford University Cricket Club

OUCL e: Oxford University Computing Laboratory

OUN c: Organisace Ukrajinskych Nacionalistu - d: Organisation der Ukrainischen Nationalisten - n: Organisatie van Ukrainische Nationalisten - P: Organizacja Ukrainskich Nacjonalistow - U: Organizacija Ukrainiskich Nationalistiv

OUCLS e: Ontario Universities' Library Cooperative System

OUNC e: Office for the United Nations' Conference

OUCTA e: Order of United Commercial Travelers of America

OUNPSA e; Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs

OUDP e: Officer Undergraduate Degree Program

O UNS e; Office of Urban Neighborhood Services

OUDS e: Oxford University Dramatic Society

OUNSPI e: Ontario Universities Non Salary Price Index

O.U.C.C. e: Oxford University Cricket Club

OUE e: Operational Utility Evaluation

OURUFC e: Oxford University Rugby Union Football Club OUS e: Okayama University of Science - e: Other United States Government Agencies - e: Oxford Union Society o/US s: oro US

OUSA e; Office, Undersecretary of Army - e: Open University Students Association -/· Organisation de 1'Unite Syndicale Africaine OUSAF e: Office, Undersecretary of Air Force OUSAIRA e: Office of the United States Air Attache OUSARMA e: Office of the United States Army Attache

QUO e; Official Use Only OUEL e: Oxford University Engineering Laboratory OUFC e: Oxford University Football Club

OUSC e: Oxford University Swimming Club OUOP c: Okresni Ufad Ochrany Präce O.U.O.T.C. e: Oxford University Officers' Training Corps

OUG e: Occam User Group - e: Online Users Group -/· Organisation de 1'Unite Guineenne - S: Okrajna Uprava za Gozdarstvo

OUP e: Official Unionist Party - e: Own University Press - e: Oxford University Press

OUGC e: Oxford University Golf Club

O.U.P. e: Oxford University Press

OUG/I e: On-Line Users Group/Ireland

OUPID e: Ontario Universities (or University) Program for Instructional Development

OUHC e: Oxford University Hockey Club OUHS e: Oxford University Historical Society OUI e: Office of Unemployment Insurance - e: Organizational Unit Identifier - e: Organizationally] Unique Identifier -/· Organisation Universitaire Interamericaine - s: Organizacion Universitaria Interamericana

OUPL e: Operable Unit Project Leader O.U.P.L. e: Oxford University Press, London Office O.U.P.,N.Y. e: Oxford University Press, New York

OUSCS e; Office of Urban Studies and Clearinghouse Services OUSD e: Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense OUSD[P] e: Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense [Policy] OUSDR[&]E e: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering OUSF e: Oxford University School of Forestry OUSL e: Office of the Undersecretary of Labor - e: Open University of Sri Lanka OUSN e: Office of the Undersecretary of Navy

OUPZ c: Odborne Uciliste Pracovnich Zäloh OUIC e: Operational Unit Identification Code OUK c: Okresni Ucitelskä Knihovna - c: Okresni Uverova Komise - e: Operation Upshot-Knothole - sk: Oblastna Uradovna Presidlovacej Komisie OULC e: Oxford University Labour Club - e: Oxford University Lacrosse Club O.U.L.C. e: Oxford University Lacrosse Club OUL[C]S e: Ontario Universities Libraries (or Library) Cooperative System OULCS e: Ontario Universities Library Cooperative System - e: Ontario University Libraries Cooperation System


OUQ e: Ocean University of Qingdao -/· Universite Oceanique de Qingdao - s: Universidad Oceänica de Qindgao OUR e: Office of the University Registrar - e: Office of University Research - e: Ohio University Review - 5: Organizacion de Unidad Revolucionaria OURA e: Oxford University Rifle Association OURC e: Oxford University Rifle Club OURD e: The Ogden Union Railway and Depot Company OURD Co. e: Overseas Uranium Resources Development Company

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OUSOFA e: Office of the Undersecretary of the Army OUSPZ c: Odborne Uciliste Statnich Pracovnich Zäloh OUST e: Office of Underground Storage Tanks O.U.S.T.C. e: Oxford University Senior Training Corps OUSW e; Office of the Undersecretary of War OUT e: Open University of Tanzania - e: Organization for Unemployed Teachers - e: Organization for Use of the Telephone - e: Outsize -/· Organisation Universelle du Tourisme

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OUTA e: Ontario Urban Transit Association -/· Ouvriers Unis des Textiles d'Amerique

- n: Onafhankelijke Verbond van B edrij fsorganisaties

OUTC e: Ordnance Unit Training Center

O.V.B. n: Onafhankelijk Verbond van B edrij fsorganisaties

OUTM P: Okr?gowy Urziid Telekomunikacji Mi^dzymiastowej

OVM e; Department of Computational Mathematics, Academy of Sciences - e: Ohio Volunteer Militia - n: Onderlinge Verzekeringsmaatschappij O.V.M. /; Ordo de Visitatione Beatae Mariae Virginis

OUTUS e: Outside the United States

OVC e: Office for Victims of Crime - e: Ontario Veterinary College -/· Office de Verification de Comptes

OUTWATS e: Outgoing Wide-Area Telephone Service - e: Outward Wide Area Telephone Service

OVCI i: Organismo di Volontariato per la Cooperazione Internazionale - La Nostra Famiglia

O.U.U.I. e: Office of the Umpire, Unemployment Insurance

OVCO e: Operational Voice Communication Office

OVNI 5: Objectos Volantes no Identificados

OU-CSAV c: Orientalni Ustav pfi CSAV

Ov.Comd. e: Overseas Command

OVO c: Oddeleni Vychovy a Osvety

OUYC e: Oxford University Yacht Club

OVCS e: Office of Vice-Chief of Staff

OVON e: Ovonic Imaging Systems, Inc.

OUZD S: Okrozni Urad za Zavarovanje Delavcev v Ljubljana

OvD d: Offizier vom Dienst

OVOS sk: Okresny Vybor Odbojovych Sloziek

OVMA e: Ohio Veterinary Medical Association - e: Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association - e: Ontario Veterinary Medical Association OVN d: Organisation der Vereinten Nationen

OVD n: Officier van Dienst OV A: Oranje Vrystaat - c: Obvodni Vybor - c: Okresni Vybor - d: Ortsverband - e: Office of Volunteers - e: Official Visitor - e: Operational Verification - e: Orange Volunteers - e: Orientation Visit - e: Overseas National Airways - H: Orszägos Vezetöseg - n: Ockenden Venture - 5: Orden de aplicacion y desarrollo de la prestacion de Vejez

O VE R: Otdelnii Vertoletnii Eskadrilya OVEC e: Ohio Valley Electric Company - e: Ohio Valley Electric Corporation

OVP d: Ostdeutsche Volkspartei - e: Office of the Vice-President - e: Outside Vendor Personnel - e: Overseas Private Investment Corp. - n: Opsporen Verblijfplaats - R: Otdelnii Vertoletnii Polk

OVEF H: Orszägos Vetömagfelügyelöseg OVEIP in: Organisatie Verenigde Exporteurs van Indonesische Producten

OVPUS e: Office of the Vice President of the United States

O.V. d: Ostasiatischer Verein

OVersA d: Oberversicherungsamt

OVR d: Obstbauversuchsring des Alten Landes - e: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Health, Education, and Welfare Department - e: Operable Vehicle Rate - e: Overflight Contracts

O.-V. d: Organisatorenverband e.V.

OVERVIEW e: POM Spares Forecasting System

Ovra i: Opera di vigilanza e di repressione deH'anti-fascismo

OVerwGer. d: Oberverwaltungsgericht

OVRIJ n: Organisatie van Rand- en Usselmeervissers

OVA d: Oberversicherungsamt - d: Ordensverleihungsausschuß - e: Office of Veterans' Affairs - e: Offshore Valve Association - e: Ontario Veterinary Association -/· Organisation des Villes Arabes OVA d: Oberversicherungsämter OVAA e: Organic Viticulture Association Australia

OVER e: Optimum Vehicle for Effective Reconnaissance - e: Oversize

OVET H: Orszägos Villamosenergiagazdälkodäsi Tanäcs

OVRO e: Owens Valley Radio Observatory

OVF H: Orszägos Villamosenergia Felügyelet - H: Orszägos Vizügyi Föigazgato

OVRP i; Organizacion de Voluntaries para la Revolucion Puertorriquena

O.V.F. /· Office du Vocabulaire Francais

OVRR e: Office of Veterans Reemployment Rights

OVG d: Oberverwaltungsgericht OVAC e: Organization Value Analysis Chart - e: Overseas Visual Aids Centre OVAE e: Office of Vocational and Adult Education OVAG d: Oberbergische Verkehrsgesellschaft AG Ovag d: Oberhessische Versorgungsbetriebe AG

OVS A: Oranje-Vrystaat OVGWU e: Orange Vaal General Workers Union OVH d: Oberallgäuer Volkshochschule - H: Orszägos Vizgazdälkodäsi Hivatal - H: Orszägos Vizügyi Hivatal OVI e: Ohio Volunteer Infantry - e: Open Verilog International

OVSE n: Organisatie voor Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa OVSL /· Organisation voltai'que des syndicats libres OVSR e: Office of Vehicle Systems Research OvSt d: Offizier vom Standortdienst

OV&I n: Omgangsvormen & Integriteit O.Vall. /: Congregatio Vallis Umbrosae Ordinis Sancti Benedict! OVAMS e: Office of Vulnerability Assessment and Management Services

OVIR e: Office of Visas and Registrations

OVSt d: Orthopädische Versorgungsstelle - d: Ortsvermittlungsstelle

OVJ n: Officier van Justitie

OVSVA A: Oranje Vrystaatse Veld Artillerie

O.V.L. d: Oberste Verkehrsleitung

OVSz H: Orszägos Vertranszfuzios Szolgälat

OVAR n: Oostvlaamse Amateursradiestesisten

O VL e: Office of Volunteer Liaison

OVB d: Organhaftpflicht-VersicherungsBedingungen

OVLMA e: Orbiting Vehicle Limited Maintenance Area

OVSZKTI H: Orszägos Vertranszfuzios Szolgälat Központi Tudomänyos Kutato Intezete OVT e: Operational Validation Test - e: Overnite Transportation Company

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


OVTVS - n: Opvoedkundige Vereniging der Leraars in het Tekenen, de Kunstgeschiedenis en de Handenarbeid

OWCSC e: Old Water Colour Society's Club

OVTVS c: Okresni Vybor pro Telesnou Vychovu a Sport

OWE e: Operating Weight Empty

OVU c: Oceläf sky Vyzkumny Ustav

O WDC e: Office of Water Data Coordination

OWEP e: Office of Water Enforcement and Permits - e: Oily Waste Extraction Program

OVU e: Overseas Securities Company OVUI e: Operating Vehicle Under Influence of Liquor or Narcotic Drugs OVUREP e: Oversea Unit Replacement System - e: Overseas Unit Replacement System OVVI e: Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry O.V.V.O. n: Op Volharding Volgt Overwinning, Amsterdam OVWV e: One Valley Bancorp of West Virginia, Inc.

OWF e: Object World Frankfurt [Fair] - e: Oceania Weightlifting Federation OWFEA e: Ontario Wholesale Farm Equipment Association OWG d: Offizier-Wohlfahrtsgemeinschaft - d: Ordnungswidrigkeitsgesetz - e: Olympic Winter Games - e: Operations Working Group - e: OPSEC Working Group OWH e: Office of the War on Hunger - e: Office of Women's Health O.W.H. e: Organization of Wartime Hospitals

OVZ d: Oberbergische Volks-Zeitung - d: Ostschweizerische Vereinigung fur den Zuckerrübenbau OW d: Ortswehr - e: Observation Ward - e: Ocellus Width -e; Office of Water - e: Old Wellingtonian - e: Order Wire - e: Ordnance Workshop - e: Overseas Weekly - e: Overseas Writers - n: Oorlogswoekeraar - n: Openbaare Werken - P: Oddziai Wojewodzki - P: Okr^g Wojskowy O.W. e: Office of Works O&W e: Ontario and Western Railroad

OWHA e: Oliver Wendell Holmes Association OWHM e: Office of Water and Hazardous Materials OWI e: Ocellus Width Index - e: Office of War Information - e: Office of Waste Isolation - P: Oddziai Wykonawstwa Inwestycyjnego OWIAA e: Ontario Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Association

OWLS e: Office Workers Link Shift - e: Oxford Word and Language Service OWM e: Office of War Mobilization - e: Office of Weights and Measures OWMA e: Oscar Wells Museum of Art OWMC e: Ontario Waste Management Corporation OWMR e: Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion OWNA e: Optical Wholesalers National Association OWOW e: Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds OWP e: Office of Water Policy - e: Office of Water Programs - e: Office of Weapons Production - e: Office of Wetlands Protection - e: Oversight Work Plan - P: Oboz Wielkiej Polski O.W.P.B. e: Office of Works and Public Buildings OWPCB e: Ohio Water Pollution Control Board OWPD e: Office of Waste Programs Enforcement OWPE e: Office of Waste Programs Enforcement

OWiG d: Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten

OWPL P: Organizacja Wsoipracy Przemyshi Lozyskowego

OWIKO d: Oberösterreichische Wirtschaftskorrespondenz

OWPO e: Office of Water Program Operations

OWI-MIS e: Office of War Information, Military Intelligence Section

OWPP e; Office of Welfare and Pension Plans [Department of Labor]

OWA e: Optical Wholesalers Association WIN e: Office of Work Incentive Program OWAA e: Outdoor Writers Association of America - e: Outdoors Writers' Association of America

OWI-PWD e: Office of War Information, Prisoners of War Division

OWAEC e: Organization for West African Economic Co-operation

OWITiE P: Oddziai Wojskowej Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej

OWASU e: Old World Archaeological Study Unit

OWIU e: Oil Workers International Union

OW PPS P: Organizacja Wojskowa Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej OWR e: Obligated War Reserves - e: Office of Worship Resources - e: Omega West Reactor OWRB e: Oklahoma Water Resources Board

OWK d: Odenwaldklub e.V.

OWRC e: Old West Regional Commission - e: Ontario Water Resources Commission

OWKS P: Okr?gowy Wojskowy Klub Sportowy

OWRD e: Oregon Water Resources Department

OWL e: Gwent Trust for Nature Conservation - e: Gwent Wildlife Trust - e: Older Women's League - e: Older Women's Liberation - e: Order of Women Legislators - e: Other Women, Limited [organization] - e: Overland Western Limited

OWRM e: Office of Weather Research and Modification - e: Other War Reserve Material

O.W.B, d: Österreichischer Werkbund OWBE e: Office of Women's Business Enterprise OWBO e; Office of Women's Business Ownership OWC e; Office of Wages Councils - e: Officers' Wives Club - e: Ordnance Weapons Command - e: Owning Work Center O.W.C. e: Office of War Cabinet OWCP e: Office of Workers' Compensation Programs - e: Office of Workmen's Compensation Programs


O WLA e: Organization of Women for Legal Awareness OWLEF e: Older Women's League Educational Fund OWLO n: Openbaar Westersch Lager Onderwijs in Nederlandsch-Indie


· Säur, München

OWRMR e: Other War Reserve Materiel Requirements OWRR e: Office of Water Resources [and] Research OWRRI e: Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute O.-W.R.R.&N.CO. e: Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

OZZL OWRS e: Office of Water Regulations and Standards OWRT e: Office of Water Research and Technology - e: Office of Water Resources Technology OWS e: Occupational Wage Survey - e: Ocean Weather Ship - e: Ocean Weather Station - e: Oliphant Washington Service - e: Operational Weather Support - e: Operator Work Station - e: Orbital Workshop - e: Ordnance Weapon System - P: Osrodek Wyszkolenia Sportowego

O[xford] UP e: Oxford University Press

OZD d: Oberzolldirektion

Oxford UP e: Oxford University Press

OZETO P: Osrodek Zastosowan Elektronicznej Techniki Obliczeniowej

OXM e: Oxford Industries, Inc. Ox M OUP e: Oxford Medical Oxford University Press OXOCO e: Offshore Exploration Oil Company OXP e: Oxford Paper Company OXR e: Official and External Relations Commission

OZFLUX e: Australian Flux Measurement Network OzFStBw d: Ozeanographische Forschungsstelle der Bundeswehr OZG P: Okrfgowe Zakiady Gastronomiczne - P: Okr^gowy Zwiqzek Gimnastyczny OZHS c: Odbytovä Zakladna Hlavni Sprävy ,

O.W.S. e: Ocean Weather Service - e: Old Watercolour Society - e: Old Wellingtonian Society

OXSOME e: Oxford County Soil Moisture Experiment

c: Okresni Zivnostenskä Komise

OZLA P: Okr^gowy Zwi^zek Lekkiej Atletyki

Oxy d: Occidental Oel GmbH OWSE e: Operational World Weather Watch Systems Evaluation

OXY e: Occidental Petroleum Corporation

OZLP P: Okr?gowy Zarz^d Lasow Panstwowych

OWSE-NA e: Operational World Weather Watch Systems Evaluation-North America

OY e: Operating Year - e: Oxfordshire Yeomanry

OWSG e: Older Worker Specialists Group

Oy. F: Osakeyhtiö

OWSJ e: Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem

O.Y. e: Oxfordshire Yeomanry - F: Osakeyhtiö

OWSS e: Ocean Weather Ship Service

O/Y F: Osakeyhtiö

OWT P: Okr^gowe Warsztaty Teletechniczne

OYA e: Orthodox Youth of America - F: Oy Yleisradio Ab

OZON P: Oboz Zjednoczenia OgolnoNarodowego

OWTD e; Office of Waste Technology Development

OYD e; Office of Youth Development

OZONE e: International Bureau of Atmospheric Ozone

OWTU e: Oilfield[s] Workers Trade Union

OYG e: Operating Year Guidance

OWU e: Office of War Utilities - e: Office Workers Union - e: Ohio Wesleyan University

OYJ F: Opettajien Yhteisjärjesto

OZM d: Oberschwäbische Zentralmolkerei OZN P: Oboz Zjednoczenia Narodowego

e: Orbiting Zoological Observatory to Track Animals

OYP e: Office of Youth Programs - e: Opportunities for Youth Program

OWW P: Organizacja Wojskowa „Wilki" OWWR e: Oxford Worchester & Wolverhampton Railway

OZNA S: Oddelek za Zascito Naroda - se: Odjeljenje Zastite Naroda

OYWR e: Outstanding Young Women in Rice Science

OWWS e: Office of World Weather Systems

OZ d: Organisationszentrale - e: Ozark Air Lines, Inc.

OWZ d: Oberschule Wissenschaftlichen Zweiges

OZA P: Okrfgowy Zwi^zek Atletyczny - P: Olsztynskie Zarz^d Aptek

OxA e: Oxford University

OZACAF /· Office Zaiois du Cafe

Oxb.TTC e: Oxbridge Teacher Training College

OZAR e: Ozark National Scenic Riverways

Ozone Sei. Eng. e: Ozone Science and Engineering [of International Ozone Association] OZOS P: Olsztynskie Zakiady Opon Samochodowych OZPN P: Okr?gowy Zwiijzek Pitki Noznej OZPR P: Okr?gowy Zwiijzek Pitki R?cznej OZS c: Okresni Zdravotni Spräva

OXCI e: Oxford Consolidated, Incorporated

OZARC e: Ozone ARCAS [All-purpose Rocket for Collecting Atmospheric Soundings]

OZSE P: Opolskie Zakiady Silnikow Elektrycznych O.Zs.f.V. d: Oberdeutsche Zeitschrift für Volkskunde OZSI P: Okr?gowy Zwi^zek Spoidzielni Inwalidow

OXFAM e: Oxfam, Oxford - e: Oxford Committee for Famine Relief

OZB P: Opolskie Zjednoczenie Budownictwa

OZWI d: Organisation für die Zusammenarbeit der Wälzlagerindustrie

OXF BUCKS e: The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

OZBP P: Ogolnopolski Zwi^zek Bratnich Pomocy

OZZL P: Ogolnopolski Zwi^zek Zawodowy Lekarzy

Oxf.&Bucks L.I. e: Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

O.z.b.V. d: Offizier zur besonderen Verwendung

Oxford e: Oxford English Dictionary published by Oxford University Press

OZC n: Onderwijzers Zendings Commissie

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich



P-Pcz P d: Abteilung Personal - e: Bureau of Naval Personnel - e: Experimental Physics Division - e: Office of Personnel - e: Park - e: Party - e: Paymaster - e: Pennsylvania - e: Personnel - e: Physics Division - e: Planed - e: Portugal - e: Precipitation - e: President - e: Priority Precedence - e: University of Pennsylvania - R: Perekhvatcuk - R: Pusechny P. e: Pacific Reporter - e: Police Court - e: Post Office -/· Ecole Polytechnique P2 e: Pollution Prevention P-2 i: Propaganda Massonica numero 2 P3 e: Platform for Privacy Preferences P30 e: Pollution Prevention Program Office PA d: Pädagogische Akademie - d: Panzerarmee - d: Parlamentarischer Ausschuss - d: Patentamt - d: Personal-Anzeigendienst - d: Personalamt [OKH] - d: Polnische Armee - d: Postamt - d: Prüfamt für Brenn-, Kraft- und Schmierstoffe - d: Prüfungsausschuß - e: Military Preparing Activity - e: Office of Public Affairs - e: Pacific Area Support Office - e: Pacific Army - e: Paired Associates - e: Pakistan Army - e: Palaeontology Association - e: Paleopathology Association - e: Palestinian Authority - e: Pan-American Airways - e: Parapsychological Association - e: Parents Anonymous - e: Parents Association - e: Partial Agreement - e: Partners of the Americas - e: Passenger Agent - e: Patients Association - e: Peasant Association[s] - e: Pennsylvania

.· Pennsylvania Railroad Co. .· People's Alliance : Performance Agreement .· Performance Assessment .· Personal Assistant : Personnel Administration Division .· Personnel Association : Petroleum Administration : Petroleum Association .· Philippine Army : Philippine Association : Physician's Assistant .· Picatinny Arsenal : Pills Anonymous .· Piper Aircraft Corp. .· Planning Assistance : Policy Academy .· Policy Analyst ; Political Affairs. New York : Port Agency .· Post Adjutant : Postal Assistant : Potsmokers Anonymous .· Power of Attorney : Preliminary [site] Assessment .· Preservation Action .· Presidents Association : Press Agent .· Press Association Ltd. .· Privacy Act : Private Account .· Private Architect : Probability of Arrival : Procurement Agency .· Procurement Authorization : Product Assurance : Production Agency .· Production Assistant : Professional Association .· Program Administrator .· Program Authorization : Progressive Alliance .· Project Administrator : Project Assistance : Project Authorization .· Prolotherapy Association : Property Administrator : Proprietary Association .· Prosecuting Attorney : Protected Area[s] .· Protestant Alliance .· Prothonotary Apostolic : Provisional Acceptance .· Provisional Assembly .· Psychological Abstracts : Public Accountant .· Public Addess system : Public Address : Public Administration .· Public Advocate ; Public Affairs [Office] .· Public Assistance

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: Publication Announcement - e: Publishers' Alliance - e: Publishers' Association [of New York City] - e: Pulpwood Agreement - e: Puppeteers of America - e: Purchasing Agent -/· Direction de la Production Agricole -/· Parti de l'Action -i: Pubblica Amministrazione - /; Patres Albi - /; Per Annum - ma: Priok Administration - n: Politieassistentie - 5: Patronato Antialcoholico - se: Pedagoska Akademija Pa d: Prüfungsamt PA. d: Panzerarmee - d: Parlamentarischer Ausschuß - d: Parteiarchiv der NSDAP - d: Personalamt [OKH] - d: Polizeiamt P.A. d: Personalamt [OKH] - e: Paintmakers' Association of Great Britain - e: Patients Association - e: Pedestrians' Association - e: Presbyterian Alliance - e: Press Association - e: Protestant Alliance - e: Purchasing Agency - e: Purchasing Agent -/· Direction de la Production Agricole -/· Pacte Atlantique -/· Palmes Academiques -/· Parents Ascendants -/· Partisans Armes - s; Policia Aduanera P-A. d: Postamt P&A e: Pastoral and Agricultural Society - e: Personnel and Administration [Division] [SHAPE] - e: Precision and Accuracy - e: Price and Availability - e: Privacy and Authentication - e: Professional and Administrative - e: Programming and Analysis - n: Personeel en Arbeid P4A e: Programmable Powdered Preform Process for Aerospace PA d: Postämter Pä d: Prüfungsämter PAA e: Pacific Alaska Airways - e: Pacific Arts Association - e: Pan American World Airways 329

PAA. - e: Pancretan Association of America - e: Paper Agents Association - e: Peruvian-American Association - e: Pharmaceutical Association of Australia - e: Phonetic Alphabet Association - e: Photographers Association of America - e: Plywood Association of Australia - e: Polish Association of America - e: Population Association of America - e: Post Award Action - e: Potato Association of America - e: Power Amplifier Assembly - e: Pre-arrangement Association of America - e: Primary Authorized Aircraft - e: Print Advertising Association - e: Priority Abatement Areas - e: Prisoners Aid Association - e: Professional Archers Association - e: Program Assistant Administrator - e: Proprietary Associaton of America - e: Provincial Archives of Alberta - e: Purchasing Agents' Association

PAAFES e: Prior Active Air Force Enlisted Service PAAGE e: Panel on Alternate Approaches to Graduate Education PAAHS e: Pan African Association on Human Settlements PAAI e: Poster Advertising Association of Ireland PAAK d: Planung und Abrechnung der Arbeitskräfte PAAL e: Paleolimnology of Alpine-Adriatic Lakes PAAM e: Physicians' Association for Anthroposophical Medicine - e: Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland

PABC e: Pan American Basketball Confederation - e: Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia PAB CIA e: Problems Analysis Branch of the CIA PA/BDC e: Publishers' Association and Book Development Council PABEKO /· Parti de ['Alliance des BenaKoshi PABFSA e: Pediatric Association of Black French-Speaking Africa PABS e: Pan-American Biodeterioration Society PABSS s: Paquete Bäsico de Servicios de Salud

PAAN e: Physician Assistant AIDS Network PAA. d: Panzerabwehrabteilung - d: Propaganda-Ausbildungsabteilung P.A.A. e: Phonetic Alphabet Association - e: Photographic Association of America - e: Potato Association of America - e: Purchasing Agents' Association PAAA e: Pan-American Association of Anatomy - e: Premium Advertising Association of America - e: Price Anderson Amendments Act PAAAC e: Pan-American Agricultural Aviation Center PAABS e: Pan-American Association of Biochemical Societies PAAC e: Pacific and Asian Affairs Council - e: Pan-American Association of Composers - e: Payments and Administrative Communication Corp. - e: Product Assurance Action Center - e: Public Arts Advisory Council

PAANS e: Pan African Association for/of Neurological Sciences PAAO e: Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology PAAORLBE e: Pan-American Association of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and BronchoEsophagology PAAP e: Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact PAAS e: Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science - e: Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society PAASCU e: Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities PAAT e: Personnel and Administrative Assistance Team - s: Programa Ampliado de Asistencia Tecnica

PAACS e: Prior Active Army Commissioned Service

PAATI e: Phased Array Antenna Technology Investigation

PAAD e: Program Assistance Approval Document - e: Project Army Aviation Data

PAB d: Prüf- und Abstimmbasis - e: Patrick Air Force Base - e: Peanut Advisory Board - e: Pension Appeals Board - e: Petroleum Administration Board - e: Petroleum Administrative Board - e: Police Administration Building - e: Policy Advisory Body - e: Price Adjustment Board - e: Priorities Allotment Board - e: Professional Auditor's Bulletin - e: Program Advisory Board - e: Public Advisory Board - e: Public Affairs Bureau - p: Panair do Brasil, S.A. - S: Privilegirana Agrarna Banka - se: Privilegovana Agrarna Banka

PAADC e: Principal Air Aide-de-Camp PAAE e: Pennsylvania Association for Adult Education PAAECI e: Pan American Association of Educational Credit Institutions PAAECT e: Pan-American Association of Educational Credit Institutions PAAES e: Prior Active Army Enlisted Service P.A.A.F. e: Pan-American Air Ferries PAAF e: Professional Actors Association of Florida PAAFCS e: Prior Active Air Force Commissioned Service


P.A.B. e: Pensions Awards Branch - e: President of the Airfield Board PABA e: Progressive Angus Breeders Association PABAT e: Protected Areas Boundary Advisory Team


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PABST e: Primary Adhesively-Bonded Structure Technology PABX e: Private Access Branch Exchange - e: Private Automatic Branch Exchange PAC e: Alaska Center for the Performing Arts - e: Pacific Aerospace Corporation Ltd. - e: Pacific Air Command - e: Pacific Airmotive Corporation - e: Pacific Area Command - e: Pacific Automotive Corporation - e: Pacific Region - e: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company - e: Packaging Association of Canada - e: Packard Automobile Classics - e: Palo Alto Clinic - e: Pan-African Congress - e: Pan-Africanist Congress - e: Pan American College - e: Pan American Commission - e: Pan-American Committee - e: Pan-American Conference - e: Pan-American Congress - e: Pan-American Highway Congresses - e: Parent Advisory Council - e: Parker Aircraft Corporation - e: Patient Airlift Center - e: Peace Action Center - e: Pediatric AIDS Canada - e: People's Army Congress - e: Performing Arts Center - e: Permanent Agricultural Committee of the International Labour Organization - e: Personal Authenticator Card - e: Personnel and Administration Center - e: Pesticide Advisory Committee - e: Petroleum Advisory Committee - e: Pharmaceutical Advertising Club - e: Pharmaceutical Advertising Council - e: Philbrook Art Center - e: Piper Aircraft Corporation - e: Planning Advisory Committee - e: Plowshare Advisory Committee - e: Polar Atmospheric Chemistry - e: Policy Advisory Center - e: Policy Advisory Committee [of the Office of Economic Opportunity local program] - e: Polish American Congress - e: Political Action Committee - e: Population Action Council - e: Porterfield Airplaine Club - e: Post Award Conference - e: Precision Air Control Ltd. - e: President of the Air Council - e: President's Advisory Council

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PACFORNET - e: Printing Accountants Club - e: Problem Action Center - e: Production Activity Control - e: Productivity Advisory Council - e: Program Adjustment Committee - e: Program Advisory Committee - e: Programme Activity Centre - e: Programme Advisory Committee - e: Project Advisory Committee - e: Protect America's Children - e: Public Accounts Committee - e: Public Affairs Committee - e: Public Affairs Coordinator - e: Public Affairs Council - e: Public Aid Committee - e: Public Archives of Canada - e: Public Assistance Cooperative - e: Publications Advisory Committee - e: Publishers' Ad Club - i: Programa de Aliento y Crecimiento economico - 5: Partido Accion Cristiana - i; Partido Autentico Constitucional - i; Patrullas de Autodefensa Civil PaC e: IAGOD Commission of Paragenesis P.A.C. c: Posumavsky Auto-Club - d: Pommerscher Automobil-Club - e: President of the Air Council - e: Public Accounts Committee - e: Public Assistance Committee -/· Pretres Anciens Combattants

PACBROAD e: Pacific Broadcasting Training and Development Project PACC e: Pacific Airlift Control Center - e: Patton Automotive Component Center - e: Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals Committee - e: Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce - e: Problem Action Control Center - e: Production Administration Contract Control - e: Products Administration and Contract Control - e: Professional Association of Custom Clothiers PACCA e: Airfield Capabilities Application PACCAT e: Pacific Area Command & Control AUTODIN Terminal PACCIOS e: Pacific Regional Council of the International Committee of Scientific Management - e: Pan American Committee of the World Council of Management -/· Conseil Regional Pacifique du Comite International de [Organisation Scientifique PACCOM e: Pacific Command - e: Pacific Computer Communications network consortium - e: Pacific Fleet Communications Instructions

PA-C e: Physician Assistant-Certified PA&C e: Plessey Avionics & Communications PACA e: Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act - e: Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere [working group] - e: Picture Agency Council of America - e: Principal Assistant County Architect PACAACS e: Pacific Area Airways and Air Communication Service PACADV e: Pacific Fleet Advance Headquarters [Guam]

PACCOMMAREA e. Pacific Communications Area PACCS e: Pan American Cancer Cytology Society - e: Post-Attack Command and Control System - e: Product Administration and Contract Control System PACCS-ADA e: Post-Attack Command and Control System-Airborne Data Automation PACCT e: PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique] and Cost Correlation Technique

- e: Point-Ahead Compensation Experiment - e: Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment Permafrost and Climate in Europe - e: Prisoners Accelerated Creative Exposure - e: Processing and Classification of Enlistees - e: Producers of Associated Components for Electronics - e: Professional Activities for Continuing Education - e: Professional and Administrative Career Examination - e: Professional Association of Consulting Engineers Consulting Engineers - e: Program Acquisition Cost Estimate - e: Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly - e: Programme of Advanced Continuing Education - e: Project for the Advancement of Church Education - e: Projects to Advance Creativity Education Pace e: Plessey adaptive compass equipment PACEC e: Pan-African Catholic Education Conference PACECO e: Pacific Coast Engineering Company PACED e: Program for Advanced Concepts in Electronics Design Pace Envtl. L. Rev. e: Pace Environmental Law Review PACEGUA i; Patronato Cultural y Educative de Guatemala PACEHOPE d: Fachverband der Papier-, Zellulose-, Holzstoff- und Papierindustrie Österreichs Pace L. Rev. e: Pace Law Review PACEM /· Propagation en Air Clair et Meteorologie PACEMAKER e: Public Agency Career Employment Maker

PacD e: Pacific Division PACAF e: Pacific Air Force[s] PACAFBASECOM e: Pacific Air Forces Base Command PACAIDS e: PACOM Crisis Action Information Distribution System

PACD e: Presidential Arm on Community Development PACDA e: Personnel and Administration, Combat Development Activity

PACER e: Postadoption Center for Education and Research - e: Program-Assisted Console Evaluation and Review - e: Program for the Acceleration of Commercial Energy Research - e: Public Access to Court Electronic Records

PACDIGS e: Pacific Digital Graphics System PACAMS e: Pacific Aircrew Management system PACAS e: Personnel Access Control Accountability System - e: Psychological Abstracts Current Awareness Service PACAT e: People Against Cruel Animal Transport PACB e: Pan-American Coffee Bureau PACBA e: Pan-African Christian Broadcast Associaton PACBAR e: Pacific Radar Barrier PAC-BROAD e: Pacific Broadcasting Training and Development Project

PACDIS e: Pacific Area Communicable Disease Information Service PACDIV e: Pacific Division PACE e: Pacific Agricultural Cooperative for Export - e: Pacific Airlift Center - e: Pacific America Container Express - e: People, Access, Coastal Environment - e: People Acting through Community Effort - e: People with Arthritis Can Exercise - e: Petroleum Association for Conservation of the Canadian Environment - e: Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the Environment - e: Philippine Association of Civil Engineers - e: Plan for Action by Citizens in Education - e: Planetary Association for Clean Energy

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

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PACER ACQUIRE e: AFLC Management System Acquisition PACES e: Political Action Committee for Engineers and Scientists PAC-EX d: Kanadische Nationale Verpackungsausstellung PACEX e: Pacific Exchange System PACFLT e; Pacific Fleet PACFLTCOM e: Pacific Fleet Command PACFLTMOPHOTOU e: Pacific Fleet Mobile Photographic Unit PACFORNET e: Pacific [Coast] Forest [Research] Information Network


PACFW PACFW e: President's Advisory Committee for Women

PACMS e: Pacific Crisis Management System

PACG e: Performance Assessment Coordinating Group

PACNAVFACENGCOM e: Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command

Pac Gas&El e: Pacific Gas and Electric

PACNCO e: Personnel Assistance Center Noncommissioned Officer

PACGCS e: Prior Active Coast Guard Commissioned Service

PACNEWS e: Pacific News Exchange

PACGEEIA e: Pacific Area Ground Environment Electronic Installation Agency

PacNoRGG e: Pacific Northwest Regional Genetics Group

PACGES e: Prior Active Coast Guard Enlisted Service

PACNY e: Pawnbrokers' Association of the City of New York

PACGO e: President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization

PACO e: Primary Administrative Contracting Officer

PACGSR e: Pan-American Center for Geographical Studies and Research

PACOG e: Pueblo Area Council of Governments

PACH e: Performing Arts Center for Health - e: Public Administration Clearing House - e: Publishers' Accounts Clearing House

PACOM e: Pacific Command

PACS e: Pacific Area Communications Service - e: Pacific Area Communications System - e: Pan-American Climate Studies - e: Paris American Committee to Stop war - e: Passenger Automated Check-In System - e: Payroll Accounting and Cost System - e: Pentagon Automated Communications System - e: Personal Access Communication[s] System - e: Polar Acquisition and Control Subsystem - e: Primary Agricultural Credit Societies PACs e: Political Action Committees

P.A.C.H. e: Publishers' Accounts Clearing House PACHEDPEARL e: Pacific Headquarters, Pearl Harbor PACHG e: Program Advisory Committee on the Human Genome PachtKG d: Pachtkreditgesetz PACI e: Public Affairs Committee PACIFY e: Parents and Alumni Committee Involved for Youth

PACOMA e: Performance Assessment of the Geological Disposal Medium-level and Alpha Waste in a Clay Formation in Belgium PACOMEW e: Pacific Command Electronic Warfare PACOMEVTS e: Pacific Command Intelligence School PACON e: Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology [International] PACONA /· Parti pour la Conscience Nationale PACOR e: Pan African College of Radiographers

PAC II e: CCSC Project Management System

P.A.C.S. e; Provisional Army of the Confederate States PACSC e: Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals Standing Committee PACT e: Palaeoecological Analysis of Circumpolar Treeline [project] - e: Pan-American Commission on Tampa - e: Partnership in Advanced Computing Technologies - e: Performing Arts Council of the Transvaal - e: Plan of Action for Challenging Times - e: Prescription Analysis and Cost Tabulation - e: Private Agencies Collaborating Together, Inc. - e: Private Agencies Cooperating Together - e: Professional Association of Canadian Theatres - e: Progress in Advanced Circuit Technology - e: Protected Areas Co-ordinating Team - e: Provide Addict Care Today - e: Public Action Coalition on Toys -/· Propagande et Action Contre les Taudis -/· Protection, Ameliorisation, Conservation, Transformation de l'habitat [organisation] PACTAIS e: Pacific Theater Air Intelligence System

PACORNALOG e: Pacific Coast Coordinator of Naval Logistics

Pac Tel e: Pacific Telephone

PA Council e: Personnel Administration Council

PACTG e: Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group

PACRA e: Pottery and Ceramic[s] Research Association

PACTIDS e: Pacific TAC Intelligence Data System

Pac Rail e: Missouri Pacific, Union Pacific, Western Pacific [railroads]

PACT, inc. e: Private Agencies Collaborating Together

PACK e: Parents and Cataract Kids

PACRAO e: Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers

PACT/NADAP e: National Association on Drug Abuse Problems

PACKAGE e: Planned Aids for CrossCulture Knowledge, Action and Growth in Effectiveness

PACREP e: Pan African Centre for Research and/on Peace, Development and Human Rights

Pac. L.J. e: Pacific Law Journal

PACRESFLT e: Pacific Reserve Fleet

PACTS e: Parents, Administrators, Community, Teachers, and Students [groups] - e: Private Agencies Collaborating Together - e: Programmer Aptitude Competence Test System

PACM e: Passive Access Control Module

PacRim e: Pacific Rim Co-Production Association

PACIME s: Programa de Apoyo a la Ciencia en Mexico PACIOS /· Conseil Pan-Americain du Conseil International de 1'Organisation Scientifique PACIP e: Pacific and Asia Council of Indigenous Peoples PACIR e: Propulsion, Aerodynamic, Controls Integrated Research

PACMAR e: Pacific Management Resources PACMD e: Philadelphia Contract Management District

Pac. Rim L.&Pol'y J. e: Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal

Pac T&T e: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph PACU e: Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities PACUSA e: Pacific Air Command, United States Army

PACMEDS e: Pacific Meteorological Distribution Systems

PACRNB e: President's Advisory Commission on Recreation and Natural Beauty

PACMI e: President's Advisory Committee on Management Improvement

PACRPF e: Pacific Area CommandRehabilitation Project Force

Pacwes e: Pacific Western Oil Corporation

PACMISTESTCEN e: Pacific Missile Test Center

PACRS e: Preadmission and Concurrent Review Service




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PAC W e: President's Advisory Committee on Women

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

PAF PAD d: Pädagogischer Austauschdienst - e: Paducah Site Officer - e: Palestine Arab Delegation - e: Panama Air Depot - e: Passive Air Defence - e: Patient Accounts Department - e: People Against Displacement - e: Performance Analysis Department - e: Personnel Armoured Devices - e: Petroleum Administration for Defense - e: Pilotless Aircraft Division - e: Planning and Analysis Division - e: Pontoon Assembly Detachment - e: Port Air Defense - e: Port of Aerial Debarkation - e: Principal Associate Director - e: Product Assurance Directorate - e: Professional Administrative Development - e: Program Action Directive - e: Program Approval Document - e: Protective Action Decision - e: Provisional Air Division - e: Public Administration Division - e: Public Affairs Department - e: Public Affairs Division - e: Public Assistance Director - e: Public Assistance Division - e: Pueblo Army Depot -/· Parti Arabe Democratique - 5: Partido Accion Democrätica - s: Partido Autentico Democrätico - s: Partido de Accion Democrätica PADA e: Payroll Automation for Department of Agriculture - e: Pharmacists Against Drugs Abuse - e: Prespin Automatic Dynamic Alignment - e: Public Address Assembly PAD AC e: Professional Art Dealers Association of Canada PADAF e: Pacific Command Air Defense Analysis Facility PADAL e: Pattern for Analysis, Decision, Action, and Learning PAD AR e: Program Approval Disposal and Redistribution PAD AT e: Psychological Abstracts Direct Access Terminal PADC e: Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation - e: Philippine Aircraft Development Corporation PADCO e: Pan American Development Corporation - e: Planning and Development Cooperative International - e: Planning Associates Development Collaborative PADD e: Petroleum Administration for Defense District PADDS e: Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts - e: Procurement Automated Data and Document System PADEC e: Pan African Association for Community Development PADEK e: Partnership in Development for Kampuchea

PADEM-DNSI /· Projet Amelioration des Enquetes de Menage, Direction Nationale de la Statistique et de Information

PADRES 5: Padres Asociados para Derechos, Religiöses, Educativos y Sociales

PADENA /· Parti Democrate National

PAdS d: Politische Aktion demokratischer Studenten

PADER e: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources

Pads e: Publications of the American Dialect Society

PADESM /· Parti des Desherites de Madagascar

PADUA e: Pennsylvania Analysis of Decompression for Undersea and Aerospace

PADF e: Pan-American Development Foundation -/· f: Fondation Panamericaine de Developpement - 5: Fundacion Panamericana de Desarrollo

PAE d: Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle für Erwachsenenbildung - e: Park Air Electronics Ltd. - e: Peoria & Eastern Railway - e: Port of Aerial Embarkation - e: Preventive Action Engineer - e: Program Assessment and Evaluation - e: Project Assurance Engineer -/· Projet pour une Agriculture Ecologique

PADFAR e: Program for Air Defense Forward Area PADGERC e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Air Defense Ground Environment Requirements Committee P.A.D.G.T. e: Past Assistant Deputy Grand Treasurer

P.A.E. se: Preduzece za Automatizaciju i Elektroniku PA&E e: Program Analysis & Evaluation P.A.&E. e: Pacific Architects and Engineers

PADI d: PADI [Patienten-Aufnahme-Dialog]Programm - d: Partnerkomitee der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe in Indien - e: Party for Democratic Advancement in Ituri - e: Professional Association of Diving Instructors -/· Parti pour I'Avancement de la Democratie en Ituri PADIC e: Patent Documentation and Information Centre PADIS e: Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System - e: Pan-African Development [and] Information System P&A Div e: Personnel and Administration Division PADL e: Performing and Captive Animals Defence League - e: Pilotless Aircraft Development Laboratory P.A.D.M. /· Plan d'Assistance pour la Defense Mutuelle PADO e: Passive Air Defence Officer - e: Proposed Advanced Development Objective PADOG /· Plan d'Amenagement et d Organisation Generale de la region parisienne PädOrg. d: Pädagogische Organisation PADP e: Physicians Against the Death Penalty - e: Proposal for Advanced Development Program PADPAO e: Philippine Agency Detective Protective Association PADRE e: Packaging Administration & Inventory Services - e: Pilot Automatic Dead-Reckoning Equipment

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

PAEAC e: Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation PAEB e: Pan American EDIFACT Board PAEC e: Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission - e: Pakistan Atomic Energy Council - e: Philippine Atomic Energy Commission PAECI e: Pan-American Association of Educational Credit Institutions PAED e: Plans, Analysis, and Evaluation Division - i; Programa de Apoyo a Escuelas en Desventaja PAEI e: Plane Avionic Enterprises Inc. - e: Purchasing Agents of the Electronic Industry PAER e: Philippines Agricultural Economics Review PA/ES&H e: Production Assurance/ Environment, Safety, and Health PAESP e: Pennsylvania Association of Elementary School Principals PAET e: Planetary Atmosphere Experimental Test PAEWCC e: Peace Activists East and West Coordinating Committee PAF e: Pacific Air Force[s] - e: Pacific Aqua Foods Ltd. - e: Pakistan Air Force - e: Pan-American Foundation - e: Performing Arts Foundation - e: Pet Assistance Foundation - e: Philippine Air Force - e: Pilot's Active File - e: Ports Authority of Fiji - e: Portuguese Air Force - e: Pro-American Forum - e: Processing Archiving Facility - e: Protestant Action Force - e: Psychoanalytic Assistance Fund


F.A.F. - e: Public Agenda Foundation - e: Public Art Fund -/· Plan Academique de Formation - r: Papirindustriens Arbeidsgiverforening - r: Petroleumbranschens Arbeitsgivareförbund

PAFTU e: Philippines Association of Free Trade Unions

PAGEL e: Priced Aerospace Ground Equipment List - e: Priced AGE List

F.A.F. /· Police de l'Air et des Frontieres -/· Professeur Agrege ä la Faculte de Medecine

PAFVA e: Polish Air Force Veterans Association

PAGENACI /· Participation Generale Africaine de la Cote-d'Ivoire

PAFA e: Pan-American Festival Association - e: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

PAFVONET e: PACAF Command and Control Voice Network

PAGEOPH e: Pure and Applied Geophysics. Basel

PAFAMS e: Pan-American Federation of Associations of Medical Schools

PAG d: Parlamentarische Arbeitsgruppe - e: Pacific Cement & Aggregates, Inc. - e: Pargas, Inc. - e: Parts Acquisition Group - e: Party for the Autonomy of Gibraltar - e: Pesticide Assignment Guidelines - e: Planning Advisory Group - e: Plant Advisory Group - e: Poverty Advisory Group - e: Preliminary Analysis Group - e: Primary Analysis Group - e: Prince Albert's Guard - e: Professional Activities Group - e: Professional Auto Group, Inc. - e: Program[me] Advisory Group - e: Progress Analysis Group - e: Project Advisory Group - e: Property Advisory Group - e: Protective Action Guide - e: Protein Advisory Group - e: Protein-Calorie Advisory Group - e: Protestant Action Group -i: Personale e Affari General! - P: Panstwowy Arbitraz Gospodarczy - P: Polska Agencja Gospodarcza

Pa Ger Soc e: Pennsylvania German Society

PAFATU e: Pan-African Federation of Agricultural Trade Unions Pafawag P: Panstwowa Fabryka Wagonow PAFB e: Patrick Air Force Base PAFC e: Paul Anka Fan Club - e: Philippine-American Financial Commission - e: Public Affairs Field Center PAFC2N e: PACAF Command and Control Network PAFCO e: Pacific Fishing Company PAFCONET e: PACAF Teletypewriter Network PAFDEF e: PACAF Defense Network PAFEDECO /· Parti Federal Democratique Congolais PAFES e: Pan American Federation of Engineering Societies

PAFTA e: Pacific Area Free Trade Area - e: Pacifiic Area Free Trade Association

P.A.G. e: Peace Aims Group - e: Public Administration Group

Paged P: Polska Agencja Eksportu Drewna

PAGES e: Past Global Changes - e: Print and Graphics Express Station - e: Program[me] Affinity Grouping and Evaluation System PAGES/CPO e: PAGES [Past Global Changes]/Core Project Office PAGES-EXCOMM e: PAGES [Past Global Changes] Executive Committee PAGES-SSC e: PAGES [Past Global Changes] Scientific Steering Committee PAGI e: Photographic and Gelatin Industries PAGICEP e: Petroleum and Gas Industry Communications Emergency Plan PAGIS e: Pastoral and Agricultural Geographic Information System - e: Planning and Geographic Information Systems - e: Pulaski Area Geographic Information System PAGL e: Pulsed Argon Gas Laser

PAGA e: Pan-American Grace Airways, Inc. PAFG 5: Plan de Accion Forestal para Guatemala

PAGABUR s: Pagare Bursätil

PAGM e: Permit Applicants Guidance Manual

PAFIE e: Pacific Asia[n] Federation of Industrial Engineering

PAGAFE s: Pagare de la Tesoreria de la Federacion

PAG-NOC e: Permanent General Assembly of the National Olympic Committees

PAFL e: Pan-American Federation of Labor

Pagart P: Polska Agencja Artystyczna

PAGO n: Panamerikaanse Gezondheitsorganisatie

PAFLU e: Philippine Association of Free Labo[u]r Unions

PAGASA e: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration

PAGODA e: Profile Alignment Group on ODA

PAF-M 5: Plan de Accion Forestal Maya PAFMDC e: Pan-American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center

PAGB e: Poultry and Egg Producers Association of Great Britain Ltd. - e: Proprietary Association of Great Britain

PAGOS e: Program for the Analysis of General Optical Systems PAGS e: Polish-American Guardian Society

PAFMECA e: Pan-African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa PAFMECSA e: Pan-African Freedom Movement of East, Central, and South[ern] Africa PAFO e: Pan-African Family Organization P.A. for A. e: Personal Assistant for Administration PAFOS e: Pan-African Federation of OtoRhino-Laryngological Societies PAFS e: Publication of the American Folklore Society

PAGC e: Port Area Grain Committee PAGDC e: Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies PAGE e: Permanent Automatic Ground Environment - e: PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique] Automated Graphical Extension - e: Philatelic Association of Government Employees - e: Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems - e: Preliminary Automated Ground Environment - e: Professional Association of Georgia Educators PAGEBUR s: Pagare Empresarial Bursätil

PAFSC e: Primary Air Force Specialty Code PAFT e: Polish American Folk Theatre

PAGED P: Panstwowa Agencja Drzewna - P: Polska Agencja Drzewna


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PAGSE e: Partnership Group for Science and Engineering PAGSI /· Programme d'Action Gouvernemental pour la Societe de ['Information PACT e: Port Authority Grain Terminal - e: Provincial Association of Geography Teachers PAGTU e: Pan-American Ground Training Unit PAGUAG d: Pahl'sche Gummi- und AsbestGesellschaft Pa-Gü-Tra d: Verein der Paket- und Gütertransporteure für Hamburg und Umgegend PAH e: Pan-American Highway

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

PAL F.A.H. d: Preu isches Abgeordnetenhaus - n: Permanent Arbitragehof, Den Haag

PAIGA e: Promotion of Agriculture and Income Generation Activities

PAISACD e: Pan-African Islamic Society for Agro-Cultural Development

PAHA e: Polish American Historical Association

PAIGC p: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo-Verde

ΡΑΙΤ e: Program for Advancement of Industrial Technology

PAHC e: Pan-American Highway Congress[es] - e: Pioneer American Holding Corporation - e: Pontifical Association of the Holy Childhood

PAIGCV /· Parti Africaine pour l'Independance de la Guinee dite Portugaise et des lies du Cap-Verde - p: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde

PAIVM e: Passive Accessory InterVertebral Movement

PAHEF e: Pan-American Health and Education Foundation

PAIGE e: Patient Instruction Generator

PAHMC e: Pan-American Homeopathic Medical Congress PAHO e: Pan-American Health [Care] Organization PAHOCENDES e: Pan-American Health Organization Center for Development Studies PAHRI e: Pakistan Animal Husbandry Research Institute

PAIGG e: African Party for the Independence of Portugese Guinea and Cape Verde PAIGH e: Pan-American Institute of Geography and History PAIL e: Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute

ΡΑΙΧ e: Pacific Alaska Airlines [air carrier designation symbol] - e: Palo Alto Internet Exchange PAJ e: Petroleum Association of Japan -i: Pontificia Accademia deirimmacolata PAJG e: Procurement Agency of the Japanese Government PAJHS e: Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society PAJU e: Pan-African Journalists Union

PAIMEG e: Pan-American Institute of Mining, Engineering, and Geology PAIN e: Pan-American Institute of Neurology

PAK d: Politischer Arbeitskreis - d: Pressedienst der Arbeiterkammer - g; Panellinion Apeleftherotikon Kinima - P: Parafialna Akcja Katolicka

PAI e: Pacific American Income Shares - e: Pacific American Institute - e: Pakistan International Airlines - e: Panama Airways, Incorporated - e: Performance Audit Inspection - e: Personnel Accreditation Institute - e: Photographic Administrators, Incorporated - e: Physics Applications, Incorporated - e: Piedmont Aviation, Incorporated - e: Pirchel Agudath Israel - e: Poale Agudath Israel of America - e: Polish Assistance, Incorporated - e: Population Action International - e: Primary Aircraft Inventory - e: Processed Apples Institute - e: Procurement Automation Institute - e: Professional Athletes International - e: Property Agents International - e: Protected Area Information - e: Provisional Acceptance Inspection - e: Public Affairs Information, Incorporated - e: Public Affairs Institute - e: Public Assistance Information -/· Parti Africain de l'Independance - i: Polizia Africa Italiana - i: PontificiaAccademiadeU'Immacolata

PAEVCI /· Participations Industrielles de C te-d'Ivoire

PAIR e: Precision Approach Interferometer Radar - e: Preliminary Assessment Information Rule - e: Presidential Airways, Inc.

PAKS d: Projekt f r angewandte kontrastive Sprachwissenschaft. PAKS-Arbeitsberichte

pai d: Planungsgruppe Architekten Ingenieure GmbH

PAIRC e: Pacific Air Command - e: Polish American Immigration and Relief Committee

PAK-TEK d: Internationale Verpackungsmesse

PAINT e: Post Attack Intelligence -/· Premiere Association Internationale de la presse filmee et Televisee - i; Primera Asociacion Internacional de Noticieros y Television

Pak d: Pakistan PAKEX d: Internationale Ausstellung f r Verpackung ΡΑΚΙ in: Persatuan Ahli Kimia Indonesia

PA „Interpress" P: Prasowa Agencja „Interpress" Painters Union e: International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades of the United States and Canada

PAKISTAN e: Nation in Asia, the name of which is said to be coined from Punjab [P], Afghan border states [A], Kashmir [K], Sind [S], and Baluchistan [TAN] Pak.J.Sci. e: Pakistan Journal of Science

PAIO /· Permanence d'Accueil, d'Information et d'Orientation PAIP e: Production Acceleration Insurance Program

PAIB e: Polish-American Information Bureau PAIC e: Persia and Iraq Command

PAIRO e: Professional Association of Interns and Residents

PAICC e: Professional Association of the Interstate Commerce Commission

PAIRS e: Product Assurance Information Retrieval System [Boeing]

PAICV p: Partido Africano da Independencia da Cabo Verde

PAIF e: Persia and Iraq Force

PAIS e: Padre Island National Seashore [National Park Service] - e: Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools - e: Project Analysis Information System [Agency for International Development] - e: Psychological Abstracts Information Services - e: Public Affairs Information Service

PAIFT i; Programa de Accion Inmediata para Fomento del Turismo

PAISA i; Partido Autentico Institucional Salvadoreno

PAIG p: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine

PAI-SACD e: Pan-African Islamic Society for Agro-Cultural Development

PAID e: Pan-African Institute for Development - e: Policy Analysis and Industry Development - e: Programmers Aid in Debugging

PaK d: Panasiatischer Kongre

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · S ur, Munich

Pak.Libr.Ass.Q.J. e: Pakistan Library Association Quarterly Journal Pak.Libr.Rev. e: Pakistan Library Review

PAKSI e: Pakistan Standards Institute

Pakt I d: UNO-Pakt ber wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte Pakt II d: UNO-Pakt ber b rgerliche und politische Rechte PAKTUS e: PRC [Inc.J's Adaptive Knowledge-Based Text Understanding System PAL e: Pacific Aeronautical Library - e: Pacific Aerospace Library - e: Pacific Air Lines - e: Pacific Oceanography Laboratories - e: Paired-Associates Learning - e: Pakistan Airlines - e: Pan American League - e: Pan Asia Line - e: Panic Assistance League - e: Parcel Airlift - e: Parts Authorization List - e: Passive Activity Loss


pal - e: Patent-Associated Literature - e: Pathology Laboratory [Test] - e: Pensioners Advancement League - e: People-Animals-Love - e: Perceptual Alternatives Laboratory - e: Performance Assessment Laboratory - e: Philippine Air Lines, Inc. - e: Pioneer Air Lines - e: Police Athletic League - e: Polynesian Airlines Limited - e: Princeton Accelerator Laboratory - e: Prison Atheist League - e: Profile Automobile League - e: Program Assembler Language - e: Programmed Application Library - e: Programmed Audit Library - e: Progressive Alliance of Liberia - e: Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory - e: Public Archives Library - P: Polska Akademia Literatury - P: Polska Armia Ludowa

PALR-Bttr d: Panzerabwehr LenkraketenBatterie

PAMCCS e: Prior Active Marine Corps Commissioned Service

PALS e: Patient Advocacy Legal Service - e: Permissive Action Link Systems - e: Point Arguello Launch Site - e: Portable Airfield Lighting System - e: Program for Address List Supplementation

PAMCES e: Prior Active Marine Corps Enlisted Service

PALSA e: Philippine Air Lines Supervisors' Association

PAMCS e: Panel on Air Space Management & Control System - e: Phoenix Airborne Missile Control System

PALSG e: Personnel and Logistics Systems Group

PAMCO e: Pacific Annuity Marketing Company

PAMDS e: Price and Management Data Section

PALSS e: Physical and Life Sciences Society PALT e: Procurement Acquisition Lead Times

FAME e: Meteorological Conversion Process - e: Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment

PALTC e: Pacific Asian and Latino Training Center

PAMEE e: Philippine Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers

PALU /· Parti Lumumbiste de 1'Unite

Pamela d: Pilotanlage Mol zur Erzeugung lagerfähiger Abfälle [der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Wiederaufbereitung von Kernbrennstoffen in Mol [Belgien]]

pal P: puik artilerii lekkiej PALA e: Polish-American Librarians Association - s: Partido Laborista PALC e: Passenger Acceptance and Load Control - e: Point Arguello Launch Complex PALCC e: Pacific Airlift Control Center PALCO e: Pan-American Liaison Committee of Women's Organizations PALCTS e: Processing Analytical Laboratories Commitment Tracking System PALE e: Palaeoclimate from/of Arctic Lakes and Estuaries PALEA e: Philippine Air Lines Employees Association PalestP.T.Soc. e: Palestine Pilgrims Text Society PaLExpl.F. e: Palestine Exploration Fund PALI e: Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute - e: Prince Albert's Light Infantry

PAM d: Publizistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medizin - e: Palestine Archaeological Museum - e: Pan Africanist Movement - e: Parents Against Molesters - e: Pasadena Art Museum - e: People's Action Movement - e: People's Anti-war Mobilization - e: Permanent Active Militia - e: Personal Accounting Management - e: Personal Applications Manager - e: Pittsburgh, Allegheny & McKees Rocks Railroad Co. - e: Planning, Activation, Modification - e: Portland Art Museum - e: Presbyterian Association of Musicians - e: Priorities and Allocations Manual - e: Procurement and Acquisition Management - e: Profession Allied to Medicine - e: Program Analysis Memorandum - e: Provincial Archives of Manitoba - e: Pulse Amplitude Modulation -/· Programme Alimentaire Mondial -/· Programme d'Aide Militaire -/· Programme d'Aide pour la defense Mutuelle -/· Programme d'Assistance Militaire - P: Polska Agencja Morska - P: Pomorska Akademia Medyczna - S: Pokrajinski Arhiv v Mariboru

P.A.L.I. e: Prince Albert's Light Infantry

PAMELA e: Pricing and Monitoring Electronically of Automobiles - e: Process Abstraction Method for Embedded Large Applications PAMETRADA e: Parsons and Marine Engineering (or Experimental) Turbine Research and Development Association PAMI e: Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute - e: Primary Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction trial - e: Professional Arts Management Institute - /; Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internazionalis PAMICONUS e: Personnel Accounting Machine Installation, Continental United States PAMIS e: Processing and Manufacturing in Space [European Space Agency] - e: PSYOP Automated Manpower Information System PAML P: Polska Akademicka Miodziez Ludowa

PAm d: Postamtmann PALINET e: Philadelphia Area Library Network PALIS e: Ponds and Lakes Information System - e: Property and Liability Information System PALM e: Planning and Land Management PALMS e: Partnerships Advancing the Learning of Mathematics and Science - e: Provisioning Automated Logistics Material System PALO e: Port Amenities Liaison Officer PALP e: Protected Areas and Landscapes Programme

P.A.M. /· Premier Acte Medical -/· Prestations d'Assurance Maladie PAMA e: Pan-American Medical Association - e: Philippines Air Materiel Area - e: Polish Alma Mater of America - e: Press Advertisement Managers' Association - e: Professional Aviation Maintenance Association - e: Publishers' Advertising and Marketing Association PAMAI e: Program of Action for Mediation, Arbitration, and Inquiry [American Library Association] PAMB e: Protected Area Management Board

PALR e: Permissive Action Link Report PALR-A d: Panzerabwehr LenkraketenAbteilung


PAMC e: Pakistan Army Medical Corps - e: Progressive Aircraft Maintenance Concept - e: Provident American Corporation


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PAMM e: British Ceramic Plant and Machinery Manufacturers Association - e: PeachNet Access Maintenance and Monitoring Charge - e: Program Against Micronutrient Malnutrition PAMO e: Port Air Materiel Office PAMP 5: Programa de Acompanamiento al Movimiento Popular PAMPA e: Pacific Area Movement Priority Agency PAMRF e: Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation PAMRS e: Parameter Adaptive Model Reference System PAMS e: Pacific AUTODIN Multiplex System

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PAO - e: Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations - e: PMEL Automated Management System - e: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

Pan-Am e: Pan-American World Airways Inc.

PANGAEA e: PaleoNetwork for Geological and Environmental Data

PANAMIN e: Presidential Arm for National Minorities - e: Private Association for National Minorities

PANGCS e: Prior Active National Guard Commissioned Service

PAMSC AD e: Programme of Action to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjustment and Development

PanAmSat e: Pan-American Satellite Corporation

PAMT e: Port Authority Marine Terminal

Pananews e: Pan-Asia Newspaper Alliance

PANGF e: Pacific Alliance of National Gymnastic Federations

PAMUSA e: Post-Attack Mobilization of the United States Army

PANARE /· Parti National de Reconstruction

PAngG d: Preisangabengesetz

PANAS e: Party Negara Sarawak, Kuching

PANGIS e: Pan-African Network for a Geological Information System

PAMWA e: Pan-American Medical Women's Alliance PAN e: Pan American Navigation - e: Pan Asian Networking - e: Parents Against Narcotics - e: Peace Action Network - e: Pennsylvania Animal Network - e: Pennsylvania Association of Notaries - e: Personal Area Network - e: Pesticides Action Network - e: Physical Association Number - e: Primary Alerting Network - P: Polska Akademia Nauk - s; Partido de Accion Nacional - 5: Partido de Avanzada Nacional

PANASA s; Productos Alimentacios Nacionales PANASCO e: Pan African Students International Peace and Voluntary Services Organization PANASH e: Palaeoclimates of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres proposed pilot project of PAGES PANASIA e: Organization of Pan Asian American Women - e: Pan-Asia News Agency, Ltd.

PANGES e: Prior Active National Guard Enlisted Service

PANGLOSS e: Parallel Architecture for Networking Gateways Linking Open Systems Interconnections Pangu e: Papua and New Guinea Union PAngV d: Preisangabenverordnung PANI e: Patriarch Athenagoras National Institute - e: Police Authority of Northern Ireland PANIX e: Public Access Internet/Unix

PANATRA /· Parti National du Travail

PANJU e: Pan-African Journalists Union

PANCANCO e: Panama Canal Company

PANLAR e: Pan-American League Against Rheumatism

P.A.N. /· Pacte Atlantique-Nord PANA e: Pan-African News Agency - e: Pan Arab News Agency - e: Pan-Asia News Agency, Ltd. - e: Pan-Asian Newspaper Alliance - e: Philippine Association of National Advertisers - e: Polish-American Numismatic Association - 5: Proyecto de Alimentacion y Nutricion del Altiplano PANAC e: Plantations Association of Nigeria and the Cameroons -/· Parti National Chretien PANACO /· Parti Nationaliste Congolais PANACOM e: Pan-African Workers of Commerce PANAF /· Parti National Africain PANAFCO e: Panafrican Company PANAFTEL e; Pan-African Telecommunication Network PANAFU e: Pan African Union PANAGRA e: Pan American Grace Airways, Inc. - s; Panorama Agricola Nacional de los Paises Latinoamericanos PANAIR e: Pan-American World Airways - e: Panama Air Lines PANAJECO /· Parti National de la Jeunesse Congolaise PANAL e: Papuan National Alliance

PANCO e: Procurement Aids Noncommissioned Officer

Pan Met e: Pan-American Meteorological Station

Pan.C.Z. e: Panama Canal Zone PANNAP e: Panavia New Aircraft Project PAND e: Performing Artists for Nuclear Disarmament PANDA e: Personnel and Administration Division [SHAPE] - e: Professional Association of Numismatic Dealers of Australasia P and I e: International Group of Protection and Indemnity Associations P and I club e: Protection and Indemnity club PAND International e: Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament International PANDORA e: Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia - e: Prototyping a Navigation Database of Road Network Attributes

PANPA e: Pacific Area Newspaper Production Association - e: Pacific Area Newspaper Publishers Association PANS e: Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences - e: Position and Navigation System - e: Procedures for Air Navigation Services PANSDOC e: Pakistan National Scientific and Technical Documentation Center (or Centre) PAnst d: Postanstalt PANTEX e; Panhandle of Texas PANVET e: Pan American Association of Veterinary Sciences PAnwRSt d: Postanweisungsrechenstelle

PANDP e: Plans and Policy Division [SHAPE] PANEES e: Professional Association of Naval Electronics Engineers and Scientists PANES e: Prior Active Navy Enlisted Service - e: Program for Analysis of Nonlinear Equilibrium and Stability PANESA e: Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Africa

PANY e: Platinumsmiths Association of New York - e: Port Authority of New York - e: Power Authority of the State of New York PANYN J e; Port Authority of New York and New Jersey PANZ e: Public Access New Zealand - e: Public Accountants' Association of New Zealand

PANALI /· Parti National de la Liberte PANALU /· Parti National Lumumba

PANFRICO e: African Conference of the Integrated Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasite Control Project

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

PAO d: Politischer Arbeitskreis Oberschulen - d: Preisanordnung - e: Patients' Assistance Office - e: Pediatric Assessment Online


P.A.O. - e: Penalty Appeals Officer - e: Pinellas Area Office - e: Primary Action Office[r] - e: Prince Albert's Own - e: Princeton Area Office - e: Principal Administrative Officer - e: Program Action Officer - e: Project Action Officer - e: Project Administration Officer - e: Property Accountable Officer - e: Property Accounting Office - e: Public Affairs Office[r] - e: Public Assistance Officer

PAPAS e: Party Peseka Anak Sarawak, Kuching - e: Pennsylvania Association of Private Academic Schools

P.A.O. /· Publication Assistee par Ordinateur

PAPCNY e: Portuguese American Progressive Club of New York

PAPTE e: President's Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment

PAPD e: Panhellenic Association of Private Detectives

PAPU d: Pan-Afrikanische Postunion - e: Pan-African Postal Union

P.A.P.D. e: Plant and Animal Products Department

PAQ e: Pending Action Queue

PAOA e: Pan-American Odontological Association PAOC e: Pacific Air Operations Center - e: Pollution Abatement Operations Center - e: Principal Administrative Officers Committee PAODAP e: President's Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention PA of W e: Pentecostal Assemblies of the World PAOO e: Philippine Academy of Opthalmology and Otolaryngology PAOS. d: Proceedings of American Oriental Society PAOS e: Physician Assistants in Orthopaedic Surgery - e: Proceedings of American Oriental Society PAOWU e: Port Authority and Other Workers Union PAP d: Politische Analysen und Prognosen [Köhler Soziologen-Gruppe] - e: Pacific Automation Products - e: Payload Activity Planner - e: People's Action Party - e: People's Alliance Party - e: Physics and Astronomy Programs - e: Plans Activation Party - e: Political Asylum Project - e: Popular Alliance Party - e: Prices and Agricultural Products - e: Priority Action Programme - e: Product Assurance Plan - e: Production Allocation Program - e: Progressive Australia Party - e: Public Assistance Program - e: Publicly Available Price -/· Parti d'Action Paysanne -/· Programmes d'Action Prioritaires - g: Politike Anexartitos Parataxis - P: Polska Agencja Prasowa - P: Polska Agencja Publicystyczna - P: Powiatowe Archiwum Panstwowe - P: Przedsifbiorstwo Automatyki Przemysiowej - s: Partido Accion Popular - s: Partido Alianza Popular P.A.P. e: People's Action Party

PAPBC e: Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of British Columbia PAPC e: Philological Association of the Pacific Coast - e: Poster Advertising Planning Committee - e: President's Accident Prevention Council - e: Public Agricultural Production Corporation

PAPDR e: Performance Appraisal and Personal Development Review PAPE e: Pan-Pacific Association of Private School Education - e: Parkside Petroleum, Inc. PAPER e: People and Physical Environmental Research - e: Prairie Association of Publishers Education Representatives PAPERMAN e: Payroll and Accounting, Personnel Management, Manpower Utilization Paper Technol. e: Paper Technology [of Paper Industries Research Association] PAPF e: Pan-American Philatelic Federation - e: Philippine Association for Permanent Forests PAPH e: Preserve American Patriotic Holidays Committee PAP[h][ilos]S e: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society PAPI e: Pacific Automation Products, Incorporated - e: Precision Approach Path Indicator - e: Professional Association of Pet Industries - in: Persandaraan Antara-Pandai Indonesia PAPIER e: Rapid Emergency Reconstitution Team

PAPS e: Periodic Armaments Planning System - e: Permissive Arming and Protection System - e: Portable Ada Programming System - e: Public Assistance Processing System PAPSCA e: Programme to Alleviate Poverty and the Social Cost of Adjustment Pap Sta e: Papal States

PAR d: Panzerabwehrregiment - d: Präzisions-Anflug-Radar - e: Party for African Reorganization - e: Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor - e: People Against Racism - e: People Against Rape - e: Performance Analysis and Review - e: PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique] Analysis Report - e: Planning Activity Report - e: Playland Area Residence [Iowa] - e: Policy and Administrative Reform - e: Population/Personnel At Risk - e: Positive Acknowledgment with Retransmission - e: Preferred American Realty/Security Fund S.A. - e: Preliminary Analysis Review - e: Princeton Applied Research Corporation - e: Production, Augmentation, and Reliability - e: Program Acquisition Request - e: Program ADP Requirement - e: Program Appraisal and Review - e: Programme Analysis and Review - e: Project Appraisal Report - e: Project Audit Report - e: Projected Automation Requirement - e: Protection Action Recommendation - e: Provisioning Allowance Record - e: Public Accounting Report - e: Public Administration Review - e: Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana - P: Panstwowa Administracja Rolna - P: Polska Agencja Reklamy - P: Powszechna Agencja Reklamy - s: Partido Accion Renovadora - 5: Partido Accion Revolucionaria - s: Partido de Accion Revolucionario

PAPIR /· Programmes d'Action Prioritaires d'Initiative Regionale

par e: paragraph

PAPM e: Passed Assistant Paymaster

Par e: Participating Provider

PAPMAD e: Papeteries de Madagascar

Par. d: Paragraph

PAPOC e: Parents' Alliance to Protect Our Children

PARA e: Parachute Regiment - e: Paragraph - e: Policy Analysis and Resource Allocation - e: Professional Audiovideo Retailers Association

PAPP e: Parametric Aircraft Performance Program

PAPA e: Parents As Partners Associated - e: Pesticide Applicators Professional Association - e: Philippine Alien Property Administration

PAPPA e: Proprietors Association of Press Photographic Agencies - e: Pulp and Paper Prepackaging Association

PAPADIGUA s: Patronato de Pacientes Diabeticos de Guatemala

PAP/RAC e: Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre


PAPRICAN e: Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada

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PARABAT e: Parachute Battalion PARADA e: Preparatory Academy for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art

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PARTEI PARAKU in: Pasokan Rakyat Kalimantan Utara

PARENTS e: People of America Responding to Educational Needs of Today's Society

PARAN e: Parents Assume Responsibility, Act Now [group]

PARes d: Panzerabwehr-Reserve

Paran in: Panitiya Retooling Aparat Negara

PAREX e: Programmed Accounts Receivable Extra Service

ParaQuad NSW e: Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of NSW

PARF e: Paradise Fruit Co. - e: Practical Allergy Research Foundation

PARAS in: Partai Rakjat Sosialis

PARF AS e: Passive Radio Frequency Acquisition System

PARMA e: Program for Analysis, Reporting, and Maintenance - e: Public Agency Risk Managers' Association PARMEHUTU /· Parti du Mouvement de Emancipation Hutu PARMIS e: Planning and Resource Management Information System Parmusi in: Partai Muslimin Indonesia

PARAT e; A Study of the Transfer of Paniculate and Dissolved Phases from Southern South America to the SW Atlantic Ocean PARAUSEE 5: Programa de Accion para Reforzar el Acuerdo de Unidad para Superar la Emergencia Economica PARBICA e: Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives PARC d: Internationale Ausstellung und Konferenz für Computer in der Architektur - e: Pacific Air Rescue Center - e: Pacific Air Rescue Command - e: Pacific-Asia Resources Center - e: Pakistan Agricultural Research Council - e: Palo Alto Research Center - e: Pan-Africa[n] Resource Center - e: Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign - e: Pan-American Railway Congress - e: Pan Arab Research Center - e: President's Appalachian Regional Commission - e: Princeton Applied Research Corporation - e: Protected Area Resource Centres - e: Public Affairs Research Council - e: Public Archives Records Centre PARCA e: Pan-American Railway Congress Association - e: Patient Access to Responsible Care Act

PARFON /· Fonds de Participations Foncieres Suisses

PARO e: Palestine Arab Refugee Office

Parfund e: Preferred American Realty Security Fund, S.A.

PARP e: Pre-Engineered AUTOVON Restoral Plan Pacific

PARGS e: Parks and Recreation Girls Service - p: Participagöes Riograndenses S.A.

P.A.R.P. /· Plan d'Amenagement de la Region Parisienne

PARI e: Parent Attitude Research Instrument -/· Programme d'Aide ä la Recherche Industrielle

PARPRO e: Peacetime Aerial Reconnaissance Program PARR e: Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor

PARIBAS /· Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas Pa.R.R. e: Pennsylvania Railroad Paribas /· Compagnie Financiere de Paris et des Pays-Bas PARIMPS e: Professional Association of Residents in the Maritime Provinces Parindra in: Partai Indonesia Raja PARIS e: Passenger Routing and Information System PARITEX d: Internationale Fachmesse für Heim- und Haustextilien und Tapeten Parker Seh. J.E. Eur. L. e: Parker School Journal of East European Law Park! in: Partai Kebangsaan Indonesia

PARCMAN e: Parking Management, Control and Information Systems

PARN s; Partido de Accion y Reconstruccion Nacional

PARR e: Program Analysis and Resource Review PARRC e: Pacific Air Rescue Center PARRS e: Psychological Abstracts Reference Retrieval System [Syracuse University] PARS e: Passenger Airlines Reservation System - e: Performance Analysis Reports System - e: Pilotless Aircraft Research Station - e: Prisoners Aid and Rehabilitation Society - e: Programmed Airlines Reservation System - e: Public Affairs Reserve Squadron PARSA e: Postgraduate and Research Students Association

Parkindo in: Partai Kristen Indonesia ParkNet e: National Environmental Research Park System

PARSECS e: Program for Astronomical Research and Scientific Experiments Concerning Space

PARL e: Palo Alto Research Laboratory

PARSEPP ma: Partai Serikat Pemuda-Papua

PARD e: Pakistan Academy for Rural Development - e: People Against Radial Discrimination - e: Personnel Actions and Records Directorate - e: Phased Array Radar Detection/Track - e: Pilot Airborne Recovery Device - e: Pilotless Aircraft Research Division

Pari e: Parliament

PARSI in: Partai Rakjat Sosialis Indonesia

PARL e: Prince Albert Radar Laboratory

PARSIP e: Point Arguello Range Safety Impact Predictor

PARDEM e: Participatory Democracy

PARLE e: Parallel Architecture[s] and Languages Europe [Conference]

PARCOM e: Paris Commission PARCS e: Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System

ParLAgt. e: Parliamentary Agent PARLB e: Parliamentary Borough

PARDPS e: PAR Data Processing System PARE e: People Against Racism in Education - e: Physiological and Anatomical Rodent Experiment - 5: Programa para Abatir el Rezago Educativo PAREB s: Programa para Abatir el Rezago en la Educacion Bäsica PARECO /· Parti de Regroupement Congolais

PARLIS d: Parlamentarisches Informationssystem

PART e: Paleo-Archeo Research Team - e: Pan-American Round Tables in the USA - e: Parts Allocation Requirements Technique - e: Performing Repertory Theater - e: Practical Aid in Resources & Technology, Inc. PARTAA d: Partnerschaft mit Asien und Afrika e.V.

Pari S[ec] e: Parliamentary Secretary FARM e: Participating Manager - e: Post-Attack Resource Management System - e: Program Analysis for Resource Management - s; Partido Accion Revolucionario Mexicano - 5: Partido Autentico de la Revolucion Mexicana

PARTAC e: Precision Askania Range Target Acquisition and Control PARTEC d: Internationales Symposion AGGLOMERATION mit Fachausstellung PARTEI e: Purchasing Agents of Radio, Television, and Electronics Industries

P&A Reg e: Pay and Allowance Regulations

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


Partex Partex /· Participations et Explorations Corporation

PAs e: Parents Anonymous - e: Police Agents

PASEX e: Polar Atmosphere Snow Experiment

PartG d: Parteiengesetz

P.A.S. e: Philadelphia Astronautical Society - e: Pregnancy Advisory Service

PASF e: Photographic Art and Science Foundation

PASA e: Pacific American Steamship Association - e: Pacific Asian Studies Association - e: Palestine Agricultural Settlement Association - e: Participating Agency Service[s] Agreement - e: Pennsylvania Association of School [and] Administrators - e: Personnel Administrative Services Agency - e: Pipelines Authority of South Australia -/· Parti Socialiste Africain

PASG e: Patent Abstracts Section, Official Gazette

PASACO e: Pacific and Asian Affairs Council

PASI e: Pacific Silver Corp. - e: Professional Associate of the Chartered Surveyors Institution - e: Professor, Associate Surveyors' Institute

PartGG d: Partnerschaftsgesellschaftsgesetz PARTICO /· Parti d'interets congolais e: Party for Congolese Interests Partindo in: Partai Indonesia PARTS e: Parts Analysis and Review Technique for Spares - e: Parts Automated Repairable Tracking System Part. Sei. Technol. e: Paniculate Science and Technology [of Fine Particle Society] Part T S: Partizanska Tiskarna PARU e: Personnel Applied Research Unit - e: Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit ParÜB d: Pariser Verbandsilbereinkunft PARVO e: Professional and Academic Regional Visits Organization PAS d: Politischer Arbeitskreis Schulen - d: Prüf- und Ausbildungsanstalt für Schweißtechnik - d: Prüfungsausschuß Standardisierung - e: Pacific Aerial Surveys - e: Pacific Astronomical Society - e: Pakistan Academy of Sciences - e: Parallel Assignment Statement - e: Paris Air Show - e: Patient Adminstration System - e: Patients' Aid Society - e: Percussive Arts Society - e: Persian Air Service, Teheran - e: Personal Acquaintance Service - e: Personnel Accounting Symbol - e: Personnel Accounting System - e: Personnel Administration Section - e: Philadelphia Astronautical Society - e: Philantropic Advisory Service - e: Physicians for Automotive Safety [organization] - e: Pierce Arrow Society - e: Pilots Advisory Service - e: Pioneer Aerodynamic Systems, Inc. - e: Pioneer America Society - e: Policy Analysis Staff - e: Polish Academy of Sciences - e: Polish Astronautical Society - e: Pontifical Academy of Sciences - e: Port Auxiliary Service - e: Pre-Award Survey - e: Pregnancy Advisory Service - e: Primary Alerting System - e: Primitive Art Society of Chicago - e: Principal Assistant Secretary - e: Prisoners' Aid Society - e: Privacy Act Statement - e: Probation and Aftercare Service - e: Professional Activities Study [Commission of Professional and Hospital Activities] - e: Professor of Aerospace Studies - e: Professor of Air Science - e: Protected Areas Strategy - e: Public Administration Service - e: Public Affairs Specialist - e: Publicly Available Specifications -/· Parti Africain Solidair - i: Partito d'Azione de Sardegna - ma: Parti Islam se Malaysia - P: Pogotowie Akcji Specjalnej


PASAF 5: Programa de Asistencia Social Alimentaria a Familias PASAR e: Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining - e: Psychological Abstracts Search and Retrieval PASB e: Pan-American Sanitary Bureau - e: Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of Bombay - e: Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal

PASGAP e: Pacific Sea Grant Advisory Program PASGT e: Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops PASH e: Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere

PA/SI e: Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection P.A.S.I. e: Professional Associate [of the] Chartered Surveyors Institution PASIC e: Percussive Arts Society International Convention PASITAM e: Program of Advanced Studies in Institutional Building & Technical Assistance Methodology

PASB. e: Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of Bombay - e: Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal

PASJ e: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

PASBI e: Palo Alto Social Background Inventory

PASL e: Pakistan Association of Special Libraries - e: Polish-Americans for the Statue of Liberty

PASBO e: Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials

PASLIB e: Pakistan Association of Special Libraries

PASC e: Pacific Air Service Command - e: Pacific Area Standards Congress - e: Palestine Armed Struggle Command - e: Pan-American Sanitary Conference - e: Pan-American Standards Commission - e: Pan-American Standards Committee - e: Pan-American Standards Conference - e: Panama Area Service Command - e: Planning Advisory Subcommittee - e: Polar Air and Snow Chemistry Programme - e: Polar Atmospheric and Snow Chemistry - e: Portable Application Standards Committee - e: Primitive Art Society of Chicago

PASM e: Pan-African Student Movement

PA SC e: Panama Area Service Command PASCO e: Pan-American Sulfur Corporation - e: Pan-American Sulphur Company [Houston] PASCT e: Pan American Society for Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis PASDA e: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access system PASE e: Polar Air-Snow Experiment - e: Post-Apollo Space Electrophoresis [European Space Agency] PaSEA e: Pennsylvania Society of Enrolled Agents PASEGES g: Panellinios Synomospondia Enoseon Georgikon Synetairismon

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PASMA e: Prefabricated Aluminium Scaffold Manufacturers' Association PA[S]NY e: Power Authority of the State of New York PASO e: Pan-American Sanitary Organization - e: Pan-American Sports Organization PA/SO e: Port Antisubmarine Officer PASOLS e: Pacific Area Senior Officer Logistics Seminar PASP e: Planning and Analysis Section - e: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific PASRB e: Preaward Survey Review Board PASS e: Pan-African START Secretariat - e: Parents Against Subliminal Seduction - e: Patrol Advanced Surveillance System - e: Pay and Personnel Support System - e: Performance Assessment Support Service - e: Personal Access Satellite System - e: Petroleum Abstracts Search Service - e: Petroleum Abstracts Search System - e: Plan for Achieving Self-Sufficiency - e: Policyowner Attitude Survey Service - e: Precision Aerial Survey System - e: Primary Avionics Software System

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Patrician Brothers - e: Prince Albert Satellite Station - e: Professional Airways Systems Specialists - e: Professional Association of Secretarial Services - e: Pure and Applied Science Section - i: Posti di Assistenza Sanitaria nella Regione Siciliana

- P: Papieska Akademia Teologiczna - P: Polska Agencja Telegraficzna - P: Polska Agencja Telegraficzna - r: Populär Astronomisk Tidskrift - 5: Panamericana Television SA

PASSA e: Pacific American Steamship Association

Pat. e: Patent Office

- e: Preserve American Patriotic Holidays Committee - e: Professional Association of Traditional Healers - e: Program for Advanced Transit and Highway - e: Program[me][s] for Appropriate Technologies (or Technology) in Health - e: Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Guild

P.A.T. e: Parents and Taxpayers - e: Pensions Appeal Tribunal

PATHF e: Pan-American Team Handball Federation

PATA e: Pacific American Tankship Association - e: Pacific Area Travel Association - e: Pacific Asia Travel Association - e: Pensions Appeal Tribunals Act - e: Pin and Allied Trades Association - e: Professional Aeromedical Transport Association - e: Proprietary Articles Trade Association

Pathol Int e: Pathology International

PaßG d: Paßgesetz PASSIM e: President's Advisory Staff on Scientific Information Management PASSION e: Program for Algebraic Sequences Specifically on Input-Output Nature Passionists e: Congregation of the Passion PASSP e: Pennsylvania Association of Secondary School Principals - P: Poinocno-Amerykanskie Studium Spraw Polskich PAST e: Pacific/Asian Strategy for Tomorrow - e: Professor of Air Science and Tactics - P: Polska Akcyjna Spoika Telefoniczna

Pat d: Patient

PASTa P: Polska Akcyjna Spoika Telefoniczna Past. Eng. e: Plastics Engineering [of Society of Plastics Engineers]

PATIB e: Polish-American Travel Information Bureau PATINA e: Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association

PatA. d: Patentamt PATL e: National Pay Telephone Corp. PA TAG e: Professional and Technical Consultants Association

PATLQ /· Programme d'Analyse des Troupeaux Laitiers du Quebec

PatAnmVO d: Patentanmeldeverordnung PatAnwO d: Patentanwaltsordnung

PASTA e: Professional and Administrative Staff Association

PATIA e: Pacific Area Trading and Investment Area

PAT/ARM e: Passive Angle Tracking/AntiRadiation Missile system

PATMI e: Powder Actuated Tool Manufacturers' Institute PATMRG e: PACOM [Pacific Area Command] Air Target Materials Review Group

PATASWDEVGRU e: Patrol Antisubmarine Warfare Development Group

PATO e: Pacific[-Asian] Treaty Organization


Pat Off e; Patent Office

e: Patrol Bombing Squadron

PATOS /· Personnel Atos [Administratifs, techniques, ouvriers et de service]

PASTRAM e: Passenger Traffic Management System

PATC e: Philippine Aerial Taxi Company - e: Pioneer Automobile Touring Club - e: Potomac Appalachian Trail Club - e: Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical

PASU e: Pan-African Socialist Union - e: Patrol Aircraft Service Unit - e: Performing Arts Study Unit

PATCA e: Panama Air Traffic Control Area - e: Professional and Technical Consultants Association

Patousa e: Police and Traffic Officers Union of South Africa

PASUS e: Pan-American Society of the United States

PATCO e: Patent Committee - e: Philippine Aerial Taxi Company - e: Port Authority Transit Corporation - e: Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association - e: Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization

PASTIC e: Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre

PATOUMA d: Partnerschaftsausstellung Toulon-Mannheim

Patr d: Patrouille

PASWEPS e: Passive Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Protection System PAT e; Athenaeum of Philadelphia - e: Pacific Air Transport, Inc. - e: Panhellenic Association of Interpreters - e: Passive Angle-Tracking - e: Patrick Air Force Base - e: Peninsula Air Transport Co. - e: People's Action Team - e: People's Assistance Team - e: Performance Appraisal Team - e: Performance Assessment Team - e: Permit Assistance Team - e: Personal Appearance Team - e: Petroleum Air Transport, Inc. - e: Political Action Teams - e: Population, Affluence, and Technology - e: Precautions Against Terrorism - e: Press Association of Thailand - e: Problem Action Team - e: Process Action Team - e: Process Analysis Team - e: Production Acceptance Test - e: Professional Association of Teachers - e: Program Analysis Team - e: Property and Accounting Technician

PATCRA e: Papua New Guinea-Australia Trade and Commercial Relations Agreement

PATRA e: Packaging and Allied T'rades Research Association - e: Printing, Packaging and Allied Trades Research Association PATRAC e: Planning and Transportation Research Advisory Council PATRAM e: Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials

PATDBA d: Deutsche Patentdatenbank PATE e: Philippine Association of Technological Education - e: Programmable ATEC Terminal Element PATELL e: Psychological Abstracts Tape Edition Lease and Licensing PATF e: Program Activation Task Force - e: Property Accountability Task Force PATFOR e; Patrol Force PatG d: Patentgesetz

PATROL e: Pan-American Tung Research and Development League Patria d: Patria, Schweizerische Versicherungs-Gesellschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit PATRIC e: Pattern Recognition and Information Correlation PATRICIA /· Precede Automatise de Traitement des Informations Cameras, Infrarouge et Antennes laterales Patrician Brothers e: Brothers of Saint Patrick

PATH e: Physicians at Teaching Hospitals - e: Port Authority Trans-Hudson

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


Patrida Seybold's Off. Comput. Res. Patrida Seybold's Off. Comput. Res. e: Partricia Seybold's Office Computing Report [of Patricia Seybold's Office Computing Group]

PAUJ e: Pan-African Union of Journalists

P.A.W. e: People for the American Way

Pauline Fathers e: Order of St Paul the First Hermit

Patrioten d: Patrioten für Deutschland/ Patrioten, Hannover

Paulists e: Paulist Fathers

PAWA e; Pan-American Women's Association - e: Pan-American World Airlines - e: Power and Water Authority

PA Univ e: University of Pennsylvania PATROL e: Program for Administrative Traffic Reports On-Line

PAUS e: Population Association of the United States

PATRON e; Patrol Squadron PATS e: Pacific Animal Therapy Society - e: Packaging and Transportation Services - e: Payment and Telecommunication Services Corp. - e: People Against Tobacco Smoke - e: Personnel Assistance Teams - e: Personnel in an Awaiting Training Status - e: Philippine Aeronautics Training School - e: Portable Acoustic Tracking System - e: Preacademic Training Student - e: Precision Altimeter Techniques Study - e: Precision Automated Tracker (or Tracking) System - e: Predicasts Abstracts Terminal System - e: Proliferation of Antitank Systems - e: Propulsion Analysis Trajectory Simulation - e: Prototype Automated Telecommunications System

PAUSE e: Parents Against Universal Sex Education - e: People Against Unconstitutional Sex Education

PAUT e: Pennsylvania and Atlantic Railroad Co. PAV se: Pomoc Americke Vlade PAVA e: Polish Army Veterans Association [of America] - 5: Programa de Ayada para los Vecinos del Altiplano PAVAA e: Polish Army Veterans Association of America

Pat Sst d: Patientensammelstelle

PAVE e: Package for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental Data - e: Philippine Association for Vocational Education - e: Principles and Applications of Value Engineering - e: Professional Audiovisual Education Study - e: Programmed Analysis for Value Engineers

PATTERN e: Planning Assistance Through Technical Evaluation of Relevance Numbers

PA WE e: Program[me] for [the] Analysis of [the] World Ecosystem[s] PAWF e: Pacific and Asian Women's Forum

PAVAS e: Performing and Visual Arts Society

PATT e; Project for the Analysis of Technology Transfer

PAWC e: Pan African Workers Congress - e: Pan American Weightlifting Confederation

PAuswG d: Personalausweisgesetz

PATS Corporation e: Payment and Telecommunication Services Corporation

PATSY e: Parametric Test Synthesis - e: Performing Animal Television Star of the Year [American Humane Association award] - e: Picture Animal Top Star of the Year [American Humane Association award]

PAWAF e: Polish American Workmen's Aid Fund

PAVE PAWS e: Precision Acquisition of Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning System

PA WO e: Pan-African Women's Organization - e: Pan-American Women's Organization PAWS e: PAN AM World Services - e: Pets Are Worth Safeguarding [organization] - e: Phased Array Warning System - e: Portable ASAS/ENSCE Work Station - e: Prevention At the Work Site - e: Progressive Animal Welfare Society - e: Prototype Analyst Work Station - e: Psychological Abuse Warriors and Survivors PAWSS e: Five College Programs in Peace and World Security Studies PAWWSWR e: Portuguese Association on Water, Wastewater and Solid Wastes Research PAX e: Passengers - e: Patuxent River Office Field Support - e: Private Automatic Exchange - P: Instytut Wydawniczy „PAX" - P: Stowarzyszenie „PAX" PAX DOC e: Passenger Documentation

PAVES e: Philippine Association of Vocational Education Superintendents

PATU e: Pan-African Telecommunications Union - e: Pan-American Taekwondo Union

PAVFC e: Princeton Azimuthally-VaryingField Cyclotron

PA TWA e: Professional and Technical Workers Alliance

P.A.V.G.H. /· Protonotaire Apostolique Vicaire General Honoraire

PATWAS e: Pilot's Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service

PAVL e: Protected Areas Virtual Library

PAYCERT e: Payment Certification Pay Cmdr e: Paymaster-Commander PAYCOM e: Payload Commander PAYE e: Pay As You Earn - e: Pay As You Enter PAYM e: Pan-African Youth Movement

PATWING e; Patrol Wing

PAVLA e: Papal Volunteers for Latin America

PATWINGLANTFLT e: Patrol Wing Atlantic Fleet

PAVMA e: Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association

PATWINGSCOFOR e: Patrol Wing Scouting Force

PAVN e: People's Army of Vietnam

PAYS e: Patriotic American Youth Society - e: Practical Applications for Young Science Journalists

PAVO e; Prince Albert Victor's Own

PAZ se: Protivavionska Zastita

PAVUS e: Post Attack Viability of the United States

PAZA e: Pan American Zebu Association - e: Press Association of Zambia

PAW e: Pan-American World Airlines - e: People for the American Way - e: Petroleum Administration for War - e: Powered All the Way - e: Protect Appalachian Wilderness - n: Proefstation voor Akker- en Weidebouw - P: Polskie Archiwum Wojenne - P: Prasowa Agencja Wschodnia

PAZM s: Programa de Atencion a las Zonas Marginadas

PAU e: Pacific Command Frequency Allocation and Uses - e: Pan-American Union - e: Pan-American University - e: Police Airborne Unit - e: Programmes Analysis Unit - e: Public Awareness Unit - e: Punjab Agricultural University -/· Personnel Autonome de l'Universite - P: Polska Akademia Umiejftnosci PAUCA e: Providence Association of Ukrainian Catholics in America



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PAYMARCORPS e: Paymaster, Marine Corps

PAZZM P: Polski Akademicki Zwiijzek Zblizenia Mi^dzynarodowego „Liga" PB d: Panzerbataillon - d: Physikalische Berichte. Braunschweig - d: Politburo

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

FBI - d: Politische Buchkameradschaft - d: Private Bankgesellschaft AG - d: Produktionsberatung - d: Psychologische Beiträge - e: Parke-B ernet - e: Pennsylvania Ballet - e: Planning Board - e: Plymouth Brethren - e: Policy Board - e: Political Bureau - e: Presentation Brothers - e: President's Budget - e: Presiding Bishop - e: Primary Branch - e: Program Board - e: Publications Board - e: Publications Bulletin - e: United Board & Carton Corp. - e: Working Group on Ports and Beaches - H: Penzügyi Bizottsäg - H: Politikai Bizottsäg - /: Philosophiae Baccalaureus - n: Partij Bestuur - n: Postburo - R: Pikurijusi Bombardirovscik - R: Plovuchaya Baza Pb r: Pressbyrän PB. d: Polizeibehörde P.B. e: Political Bureau - e: Primitive Baptists -/· Pacte de Bruxelles -/· Parties Belligerantes -/· Pharmacopee Britannique - H: Penzügyi Bizottsäg - H: Politikai Bizottsäg - in: Partai Buruh

PBAPS e: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station

PBEA e: Paint, Body, and Equipment Association

PBASCO e: Puritan-Bennett Aero Systems Co.

PBeaKK d: Postbeamtenkrankenkasse

PBB d: Pädagogium Baden-Baden - d: Panzerbergebataillon - se: Privredna Banka Beograd PBBFI e: Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation, Incorporated PBBH e: Peter Bent Brigham Hospital PBBS ma: Pertubuhan Bumiputera Bersatu Sarawak PBC e: Pacific Bible College - e: Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation - e: Palisade Boat Club - e: Pan American Badminton Confederation - e: Pen and Brush Club - e: People's Bank of China - e: People's Bicentennial Commission - e: People's Business Commission - e: Philadelphia Blood Clinic - e: Philadelphia Book Clinic - e: Produce Buying Company - e: Program Booking Center - e: Program Budget Committee - e: Provincial Bank of Canada - e: Public Broadcasting Corporation - e: Public Buildings Commission

P.B.A. /· Peres Blancs d'Afrique PBAA e: Periodical and Book Association of America - e: Public Broadcasting Association of Australia

PBAL e: Provincetown-Boston Airlines, Inc. P-BAMS e: Programming-Budgeting and Accounting Management System

PBefG d: Personenbeförderungsgesetz PBEIC e: Point Beach Energy Information Center PBEIST e: Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport PBetrAss d: Postbetriebsassistent PBetrl d: Postbetriebsinspektor PBetrW d: Postbetriebswart Pbf d: Personenbahnhof PBF d: Physikalisch-Bioklimatische Forschungsstelle - e: Patriotic Burmese Forces - e: Prins Bernhard Fonds - se: Pravoslavni Bogoslovski Fakultet P.B.F. /· Proprietes Baues de France PBFA e: Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association

PBCAIT e: Planning Board for Civilian Air Transport

PBFC e: Pierce Brosnan Fan Club PBFI e: Paris Business Forms, Incorporated

PBCC e: Packard Bell Computer Corporation - e: Palm Beach Computer Consultants - e: Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation

PBFL e: Planning for Better Family Living

PBCE e: Pine Bluff Cotton Exchange

PBF/WR e: Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief

PBCP e: Political Bureau of the Communist Party

PBFWR e: Presiding Bishop's Fund for/of World Relief

PBCS e: Persian Bicolor and Calico Society

PBG d: Planungs- und Baugesellschaft - e: Program and Budget Guidance

PBC-USA e: Polar Bear Club-USA P.B.G. e: Parachute Brigade Group PBC-WS e: Polar Bear Club-Winter Swimmers PBD e: Pacific Basin Development Corp. - e: Peabody-Galion Corporation - e: Personnel Board decision - e: Plans and Budget Division - e: Production Buy Decision - e: Program Budget Decision - e: Program Budget Directive - e: Public Buildings Department - se: Pomorsko Brodarsko Drustvo PBDC e: Pacific Basin Development Council PBDS ma: Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak

PBAC e: Pacific Bantam Austin Club - e: Program Budget Advisory Committee

P. B. Ed. e: Bachelor of Philosophy in Education

PBCA e: Pacific Bible College of Azusa - e: Paperboard Butter Chip Association

P&B e: Planning & Budgeting PBA d: permanente Bestandsaufnahme - d: Politisch Beratender Ausschuß [des Warschauer Paktes] - e: Paper Back Advertising Inc. - e: Patrolmen's Benevolent Association - e: Philadelphia Bar Association - e: Pine Bluff Arsenal - e: Plant Breeding Abstracts - e: Plastic Bag Association - e: Polar Bear Association - e: Polish Beneficial Association - e: Port of Bristol Authority - e: Poultry Breeders of America - e: President of the British Academy - e: Printing Brokerage Association - e: Professional Bookmen of America - e: Professional Bowlers Association [of America] - e: Provincetown-Boston Airlines, Inc. - e: Public Buildings Administration

PBEC e: Pacific Basin Economic Council - e: Public Broadcasting Environment Center

P.B.E. e: President of the Board of Education PBE. e: Publications of the Bureau of Ethnology PBE P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Elektroenergetycznego

PBAPRS e: Program/Budget Accounting and Progress Reporting System

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

PBGC e: Pension Benefit Guaranty (or Guarantee) Corporation[s] PBGen d: Postbaugenossenschaft PBH d: Planungsbüro Hesse GmbH PB-HTGR e: Peach Bottom HighTemperature Gas-Cooled Reactor PBI e: Pan Britannica Industries Ltd. - e: Paper Bag Institute - e: Paving Brick Institute - e: Peace Brigades International - e: Pen and Brush, Incorporated - e: Peterson Builders Inc. - e: Philadelphia Bible Institute - e: Pitney-Bowes, Incorporated - e: Plant Biotechnology Institute - e: Plant Breeding Institute - e: Plastic Bottle Institute - e: Please Be Informed - e: Plumbing Brass Institute - e: Projected Books, Incorporated - e: Push Button Indicator


pbi - e: Puzzle Buffs International -/· Programme Biologique Internationale - in: Partai Buruh Indonesia - 5: Programa Biologico Internacional

- e: Prefabricated Building Manufacturers' Association - e: Public Broadcasting Management Association

PBRA e: Professional Bicycle Racers Association

pbi d: Probau-Immobilien AG

PBMR e: Pennsylvania Bureau of Municipal Research - e: Pushbroom Microwave Radiometer

PBRE e: Pebble-Bed Reactor Experiment

PEN e: Pilatus Britten-Norman Ltd. - n: Proefstation voor de Bloemisterij in Nederland - P: Panstwowe Biuro Notarialne

PBRERP e: Permanent Board for Review of the Enlisted Retention Program

P.B.I, d: Prüf- und Bewertungs-institut - in: Partai Buruh Indonesia PBIA e: Pacific Brain Injury Association PBICSGH e: Permanent Bureau of International Congresses for the Sciences of Genealogy and Heraldry

PBNE e: Philadelphia, Bethlehem, and New England Railroad Co.

PBIF e: Pacific Bible Institute of Fresno

PBRC e: Program Budget Review Committee

PB Report e: Publication Board Report

PBRERS e: Permanent Board for Review of the Enlisted Rating Structure PBRESD e: Polar Branch, Research Environmental Science Division

PBNM e: Policy Based Network Management PBIM P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Inzynieryjno-Morskiego PBISTP e: Peter Burwash International Special Tennis Programs PB/IWT e: Ports and Beaches and Inland Waterways Transports

PBNP e: Phipps Bend Nuclear Plant - e: Point Beach Nuclear Plant PBNPA e: Peanut Butter and Nut Processors Association PENS e: Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists Society

PBJC e: Palm Beach Junior College PBJI e: Program for Better Jobs and Income PBK d: Panzerbergekompanie - d: Pressedienst der Bundeskammer [der gewerblichen Wirtschaft] - e: Phi Beta Kappa - P: Polski Biaiy Krzyz - P: Pomorski Bank Kredytowy - r: Fressens Bowlingklubb PBk r: Portugisiska Benemerenciakorset

PBO d: Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation - e: Performance-Based Organization - e: Property Book Officer - n: Publiekrechtelijke Bedrijfsorganisatie PBO&D e: Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Ouade, and Douglas PBOI e: Public Board of Inquiry PBOS e: Planning Board [for] Ocean Shipping

PBKA in: Persatuan Buruh Kereta Api PBOT e: Phildelphia Board of Trade PBKB in: Persatuan Buruh Kendaraan Bermotor P.B.K.T.O.A. e: Printing, Bookbinding, and Kindred Trades Overseers' Association PBKTOA e: Printing, Bookbinding, and Kindred Trades Overseers' Association PEL e: Bethlehem Public Library - e: Pacific Beach Library - e: Phi Beta Lambda [organization] - e: Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad - e: Pre-Builder Land Corp. - e: Public Broadcasting Laboratory PBI d: Österreichisches Patentblatt PBLK P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budowy Linii Kablowych

PBP e; Paper Bag Players - P: Polski Bank Przemystowy - P: Powiatowe Biblioteki Pedagogiczne - P: Przedsi^biorstwo Budownictwa Przemystowego PBPAB /· Parti Bernois des Paysans, Artisans et Bourgeois

PBRF e: Plant Breeding Research Forum - e: Plum Brook Reactor Facility [Lewis Research Center] - e: Prevention of Blindness Research Fund PBRol P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Rolnego P.B.R.P. /· Proprietes Bäties de la Region Parisienne PERU P: Pracownia Badan Rejonow Uprzemysiawianych PBrV se: Pomoc Britanske Vlade PBS e: Pacific Biological Station - e: Palestine Broadcasting Service - e: Panama Bureau of Shipping - e: Peninsular Base Section - e: Permanent Building Societies - e: Personal Bibliographic Software, Inc. - e: Philippine Broadcasting Service - e: Plant Breeding Station - e: Podiatry Bibliographical Society - e: Prayer Book Society - e: Prevent Blindness Society - e: Procedure Branching Statement - e: Professional Bowhunters Society - e: Protestant Big Sisters - e: Public Broadcasting Service - e: Public Broadcasting System - e: Public Building[s] Service P.B.S. e: Pacific Biological Station

PBPB e: Performance based Program Budgeting PBPCC e: Palm Beach Polo and Country Club PBPTC e: Palm Beach Psychotherapy Training Center

PBSA e: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America - e: Partially Blinded Soldiers Association - e: Permanent Building Societies Association - e: Publication of the Bibliographical Society of America P.B.&S.C. e: Power Boat and Ski Club

PBPW P: Przedsi?biorstwo Budowlane Przemyshi W^glowego

PBSCMA e: Peanut Butter Sandwich and Cookie Manufacturers Association

PBM d: Personal Beratung München - e: Pharmacy Benefit Managers - e: Principal Beach Master - e: Program Budget Manager - e: Program Business Management - e: Publications Manual - n: Proefstation voor de Nederlandse Brouwen Moutindustrie - P: Przedsifbiorstwo Barow Mlecznych - P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Miejskiego

PER e: Patapsco & Back Rivers Railroad Co. - e: Patrol Boat, River - e: Plant Breeders Rights - e: Plum Brook Reactor - e: Power Breeder Reactor - e: Program Budgetary Review - i : Piccola Biblioteca Ricordi - P: Panstwowy Bank Rolny - P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Rolnego

P.B.M. e: Principal Beach Master

PBr d: Panzerbrigade

PBSR e: Papers of the British School at Rome

PBMA e: Peanut Butter Manufacturers' Association - e: Plastics Bath Manufacturers' Association

P.B.R. e: Patapsco & Back Rivers Railroad Co. -/· Preneurs de Baux Ruraux

PBSt d: Postbezirksstelle


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PBSE e: Philadelphia-Baltimore Stock Exchange PBSI e: Philips Business Systems, Incorporated PBS/IS e: Public Buildings Service/ Information System

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

P/C PBT e: Pacific Ballet Theatre - e: Peoria Board of Trade - e: Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre - e: President of the Board of Trade - P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Terenowego P.B.T. e: President of the Board of Trade PBTB e: Paper Bag Trade Board - e: Paper Box Trade Board PBTE e: Performance-Based Teacher Education PBTF e: Pump Bearing Test Facility PBTO P: Polsko-Brytyjskie Towarzystwo Okrftowe „Polbrit" PBTRA e: Port of Brixham Trawler Race Association PBU d: Polytechnischer Bildungsunterricht - e: Pali Buddhist Union - e: Peripheral Buffer Unit -/· Progil-Bayer-Ugine, Pont-de-Claix PBuE d: Polytechnische Bildung und Erziehung PBV d: Preußischer Beamtenverein Hannover - se: Pomoc Belgijske Vlade PBVM e: Union of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary PBVR e: Port Bienville Railroad PBW e: Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange - P: Pedagogiczna Biblioteka Wojewodzka - P: Przedsifbiorstwo Budownictwa Wodnego P-B-W e: Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange PBWAA e: Professional Basketball Writers' Association of America PBWG e: Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group PBWS e: Performance-Based Work Statement PBWSE e: Philadelphia-BaltimoreWashington Stock Exchange PBX e: Private Branch Exchange PBZ d: Presse-Bild-Zentrale - e: People's Bank of Zanzibar PBZA d: Post- und Binnenzollamt PC d: Päpstlicher Christusorden - d: Polytechnikum Cöthen - d: Profit-Center - e: All People's Congress - e: Civilian Personnel Division - e: Pace College - e: Pacific Coast Railroad - e: Pacific College - e: Packaging Council - e: Paine College - e: Palmer College - e: Palomar College - e: Panola College - e: Parent Care - e: Paris College

- e: Parish Church - e: Parish Council - e: Park College - e: Parliamentary Commissioner - e: Parsons College - e: Participating Countries - e: Pasadena College - e: Past Commander - e: Patent Committee - e: Patrol Craft - e: Pay Clerk - e: Paymaster-Captain - e: Paymaster-Commander - e: Peace Commissioner - e: Peace Corps - e: Pembroke College - e: Penitentiary Commission - e: Penn Central Corp. - e: Penn Central Transportation Co - e: People's China - e: People's Commissariat - e: People's Conference - e: Pepperdine College - e: Perfins Club - e: Petroleum Planning Committee - e: Pfeiffer College - e: Pharmaceutical Corps - e: Pharmacy Corps - e: Philadelphia College - e: Philco Corporation - e: Philippine Constabulary - e: Phobia Clinic - e: Phoenix College - e: Photocircuits Corporation - e: Physicians Corporation - e: Piedmont College - e: Pikeville College - e: Pineland College - e: Pioneer Clubs - e: Pioneer Corps - e: Pittsburgh Commerce Institute - e: Pittsburgh Corning Corp. - e: Plane Commander - e: Planetary Citizens - e: Planning Commission - e: Planning Committee - e: Planting Council - e: Police Commissioner - e: Police-Constable - e: Police Court - e: Politically Correct - e: Pomona College - e: Poor Clares of Ireland - e: Population Communication - e: Population Council - e: Port Committee - e: Porterville College - e: Post Commander - e: Postal Clerk - e: Power Control - e: Preparatory Commission [of the United Nations] - e: Preparatory Committee - e: Presbyterian College - e: Presidents Club - e: Price Commission - e: Principal Chaplain - e: Principia College - e: Print Club - e: Prison Commission - e: Private Concerns - e: Private Corporation - e: Privatization Council - e: Privy Council - e: Privy Councillors] - e: Prize Court - e: Probate Court - e: Probation Committee - e: Procurement Command

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

- e: Producers Council - e: Production Company - e: Production Control - e: Production Council - e: Professional Corporation - e: Professors of Curriculum - e: Program Committee - e: Program Council - e: Progressive Conservative [party] - e: Project Censored - e: Project Children - e: Project Coordinator - e: Project Planning and Control - e: Prospectors Club - e: Prosthetics Center - e: Providence College - e: Provincial Commissioner - e: Public Citizen - e: Publications in Climatology - e: Puns Corps -/· Parti Communiste -/· President de la Confederation -/· Prise de Corps - i: Partito Comunista - /; Patres Conscript! - n: Persoonscontrole - P: Politechnika Czfstochowska - P: Porozumienie Centrum - i; Partido Carlista - i; Partido Catolico - 5: Partido Colorado - i; Partido Comunista - i; Partido Conservador - se: Pravoslavna Crkva P.C. d: Primanerclub - e: Pacific Coast Railroad - e: Parish Council - e: Pay Corps - e: Peace Commissioner - e: Penitentiary Commission - e: People's Commissariat - e: Pharmacy Corps - e: Philharmonic Choir - e: Philippine Constabulary - e: Pioneer Club - e: Pioneer Corps - e: Playwrights' Club - e: Plenum Chamber - e: Playwrights' Club - e: Police Constable - e: Prerogative Court of Canterbury - e: Press Club - e: Press Council - e: Prison Commission - e: Privy Council - e: Probation Committee - e: Producers' Council - e: Progressive Conservatives - e: Prophylactic Center - e: Publicity Club - e: Publishers Circular -/· Parite des Cours -/· Parti Communiste -/· Parties Constituantes -/· Police Criminelle -/· President du Conseil des Ministres -/· Professions Commerciales -/· Protection Civile -i: Partito Comunista - ir: Plaid Cymru - ru: Partidul Comunist - 5: Partido Constitucional P&C d: Peek & Cloppenburg - e: Parents and Citizens Association - e: Pickpocket and Confidence P/C e; Plane Captain


PCI PCI e: Postal Clerk, First Class

-/· Parti Communiste Algerien -/· Pharmacie Centrale de Γ Armee

PC2 e: Postal Clerk, Second Class PC3 e: Postal Clerk, Third Class PC3 e: Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications PCA e: Pacific Communications Area - e: Packaging Council of Australia - e: Panama Canal Authority - e: Paper Can Association - e: Paper Converters Association - e: Paperweight Collectors' Association - e: Papillon Club of America - e: Parachute Club of America - e: Paraffined Carton Association - e: Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration - e: Parochial Clergy Association - e: Patriotic Catholic Association - e: Pekingese Club of America - e: Pennsylvania Central Airlines - e: Pennsylvania Coal Association - e: Pennsylvania Commuter Airlines - e: Pennsylvania Council on the Arts - e: Permanent Change of Assignment - e: Permanent Court of Arbitration - e: Personal Computers Association - e: Pest Control Association - e: Photogrammetric Consultants Association - e: Physical Configuration Audit - e: Plaster Contractors Association - e: Polar Cap Absorption - e: Policy Certification Authority - e: Policy Group proposal on CA - e: Pollution Control Agency - e: Pony Club Association - e: Poodle Club of America - e: Popular Culture Association - e: Porsche Club of America - e: Portland Cement Association - e: Potash Company of America - e: President's Council on Aging - e: Prestressed Concrete Association - e: Principal (or Principle) Component Analysis - e: Prindle Class Association - e: Print Council of America - e: Printers' Costing Association - e: Printing Corporation of America - e: Private Care Association - e: Private Communications Association - e: Procrastinators' Club of America - e: Producers Commission Association - e: Production Code Administration - e: Production Credit Association - e: Professional Chess Association - e: Professional Comedians' Association - e: Professional Cycling Association - e: Progressive Citizens of America - e: Proprietary Cremation Association - e: Puli Club of America - e: Pulp Chemicals Association, Inc. -/· Parti Communautaire Africain - p: Partido Comunista do Angola - s: Partido Comunista de Argentina - 5: Proyectos Comunitarios Abaj P.C.A. e: Parish Councils Association - e: Physicians Casualty Association - e: Portland Cement Association - e: Print Council of America - e: Producers Commission Association - e: Production Control Agency - e: Production Credit Association - e: Progressive Citizens of America - e: Psychological Corporation of America - e: Pulp Chemicals Association


PCAA e: Pacific Coast Athletic Association - e: Pancretan Association of America PCAC e: Poultry Costings Advisory Council - e: Primary Control and Analysis Center - e: Private College Admissions Center - e: Production Control Application Centre - e: Professional Classes Aid Council PCAG e: Petroleum Conservation Action Group - e: Primary Care Audit Group PCAHCW e: Pontifical Commission for the Apostolate of Health Care Workers

- e: Publisher's Central Bureau -/· Groupe de ΓΙ-GOOS sur le renforcement des capacites -/· Parti Communiste de Belgique - s: Partido Comunista Boliviano - s: Partido Comunista Brasileiro P.C.B. e: Pensions Commutation Board -/· Parti Communiste Beige -/· Parti Communiste de Bretagne PCBA e: Pepsi-Cola Bottlers Association - e: Pioneer Citizens Band Association PCBAS e: Proceedings of the Ceylon Branch of the [Royal] Asiatic Society PCBC e: Progressive Conservative Broadcasting Corporation

PCAM e: Punched Card Accounting Machine PCAMIC e: People Concerned about MIC [Mezhyl Isocyanate] PCAMS e: Personal Computer Acquisition Management System

PCBDA e: Put and Call Brokers and Dealers' Association P.C.B.F. e: Provident Clerks, Benevolent Fund PCBL e: Pacific Commercial Bank Limited

PCAO e: Pollution Control Association of Ontario - e: Presidential Complaints and Action Office[r] - e: President's Commission on Americans Outdoors PCAP e: Payload Crew Activity Plan PCAPA e: Pacific Coast Association of Port Authorities PCAPI e: Pollution Control Association of the Philippines, Incorporated PCAPK e: President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy PCAPS e: Primary Care Act Pilots PCARR e: Philippine[s] Council for Agricultural (or Agriculture) Resources and Research PCARRD e: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Research and Development PCAS e: Personnel Cost Accounting System - e: Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society PCASS e: Parts Control Automated Support System PCAST e: President's Council of Advisers (or Advisors) on Science and Technology PCAT e; Philippine College of Arts and Trades PCAU e: Parachute Course Administrative Unit - e: Philippine Civil Affairs Unit PCB e: Patent Compensation Board - e: Pest Control Bureau - e: Planning Change Board - e: Plenum Chamber Burning - e: Program Control Board - e: Project Control Branch - e: Property Control Branch - e: Proposed Committee Bill

Ο Κ · Ο · S ur, M nchen

PCBMA e: Pacific Coast Paper Box Manufacturers Association PCBS e: Permanent Committee on Biological Standards PCC e: International Philatelic Press Club - e: Pacific Coast Conference - e: Pacific Conference of Churches - e: Pacific Cruise Conference - e: Package Carrier Committee - e: Paid Circulation Council - e: Palestine Conciliation Commission - e: Palmer Community College - e: Pan American Cultural Cricle - e: Panama Canal Commission - e: Panama Canal Company - e: Panamerican Cultural Circle - e: Papas Computer-Club - e: Parent and Child Center - e: Parochial Church Control - e: Parochial Church Council - e: Party of Catalan Communists - e: Pasadena City College - e: Pennsylvania Crime Commission - e: People's Caretakers' Council - e: People's Christian Coalition - e: Peoples Computer Company - e: Personnel Control Center - e: Personnel Coordination Center - e: Philippine Cotton Corporation - e: Planning Coordination Conference - e: Plastics in Construction Council - e: Poison Control Center - e: Policy Coordination Council - e: Political Consultative Committee - e: Political Consultative Council - e: Polynesian Cultural Center - e: Poor Clares of St. Colette - e: Population Crisis Committee - e: Portland Community College - e: Postal Concentration Center - e: Postal Customer Council - e: Prerogative Court of Canterbury - e: Presbyterian Charismatic Communion - e: President of the Canteen Committee - e: President's Conference Committee - e: Price Control Committee - e: Price Control Council - e: Primary Command Center - e: Printed Circuit Conference - e: Private Carrier Conference

Gro es W rterbuch der Akronyme und Abk rzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

PCFA - e: Producers Council of Canada - e: Production Control Center - e: Professional Computer Corporation - e: Profiler Control Center - e: Program Control Center - e: Program Coordinating Centre - e: Progress Control Clerk - e: Project Control Center - e: Provincial Congress Committee - e: Purolator Courier Corporation -/· Poste de Commandes Centralisees - w: Provinciaal Coordinatiecentrum - s: Partido Comunista Chilene - s: Partido Comunista Cubano (o de Cuba) - 5: Partido Conservador Colombiano - s: Programa de Capacitacion Campesina P.C.C. e: Parks and Cemeteries Committee - e: Parochial Church Council - e: Prerogative Court of Canterbury

PCCM e: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine - e: Permanent Consultative Committee of the Maghreb - e: Program Control Contract Manager PCCMD e: Phoenix Contract Management District PCCN /· Parti Congolais de Conscience Nationale PCCNL e: Pacific Coast Coordinator of Naval Logistics PCCO e: Plant Clearance Contracting Officer PCC/OES e: Policy Coordinating Committee for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs PCCPS e: Pacific Coast Canned Pear Service

PC[C] e: Privy Councillor [Canada] FCC l e: Permanent Consultative Committee PCCA e: Pacific Class Catamaran Association - e: PCMCIA Communication Card Association - e: Personal Computer Communications Associations - e: Pewter Collectors Club of America - e: Playing Card Collectors Association - e: Police Car Collectors Association - e: Portable Computer Communications Association - e: Postcard Collectors Club of America - e: Power and Communication Contractors Association - e: Principal Center for Communications Architecture PCCAL e: Pharmacy Consortium for Computer Aided Learning PCCB e: Plant Change Control Board - e: Project Change Control Board - e: Project Configuration Control Board PCCC e: Pakistan Central Cotton Committee - e: Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce PCCE e: Pacific Coast Coin Exchange PCCEG /· Programme Canadien des Changements ä I'Echelle du Globe

PCCR e: Publishing Center for Cultural Resources

PCDS e: Patient Care Data Set - e: Pilot Climate Data System PCE e: Page Communications Engineers, Inc. - e: Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment - e: Personal Consumption Expenditure - e: Preliminary Closure Estimate - e: Presbyterian Church of East Africa - e: Present Company Excluded - e: Privy Councillor, England - e: Professional Continuing Education - s: Partido Comunista de Espana - s: Partido Comunista de Euskadi - 5: Partido Comunista Ecuatoriano - s: Partido Comunista Espanol P.C.E. /· Parti Communiste Egyptien PCEA e: Pacific Coast Electric[al] Association - e: Phosphate Chemicals Export Association - e: President's Council of Economic Advisors - e: Professional Construction Estimators Association

PCCS e: PACOM Command and Control System - e: Personnel Command and Control System

PCEAA e: Professional Construction Estimators Association of America

PCCSG e: Pediatric Critical Care Study Group

PCEE e: President's Commission on Executive Exchange

PCCU e: President's Commission on Campus Unrest

PCEEO e: President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity

PCCW e: Public Citizens Congress Watch

PCEH e: President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped

PCD e: Pacific Communications Division - e: Panama Canal Department - e: Patriotic Coalition for Democracy - e: Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee for Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force - e: Personal Communication Device - e: Planned Commercial Development - e: Procurement and Contracts Division - e: Program Change Decision - e: Program Control Document - e: Public Contracts Division -/· Parti Communiste du Dahomey - P: Panstwowa Centrala Drzewna„Paged" - s: Partido Comunista Dominicano - 5: Partido Conservador Democrata - s: Pueblo, Cambio y Democracia

PCEK e: Pappas Carter Evans & Koop PCEM e: Parliamentary Council of the European Movement - e: Program Committee on Education for Mission PCEQ e: President's Council on Environmental Quality PCE-R s: Partido Comunista de EspanaReconstituito PCERT e: Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team

PCDA e: Post Card Distributors Association

PCES e: President's Committee on Economic Security

PCDDS e: Private Circuit Digital Data Service

PCESP e: Program Communication Electronic Support Program

PCCEMRSP e: Permanent Commission for the Conservation and Exploitation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific

PCDG e: Prestressed Concrete Development Group

PCEU 5: Partido Comunista de Espana Unificado

PCCES e: Planning and Coordinating Committee for Environmental Studies

PCDGP e: Perth Central Division of General Practice

PCCG e: Primary Care Co-ordinating Group - e: Protestant Cinema Critics Guild

PCDJ e: Pakistan Committee for Democracy and Justice

PCCI e: Paper Cup and Container Institute - e: President's Committee on Consumer Interests

PCDL e: Pro-Choice Defense League

PCCIE e: Power Conditioning and Continuation Interfacing Equipment

PCDPPP e: Pan Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project

PCF d: Prager Christliche Friedenskonferenz - e: Pacific Culture Foundation - e: Parallel Computing Forum - e: Parents' Choice Foundation - e: Peace Centers Foundation - e: Pentagon Counterintelligence Force - e: Personal Computing Facility - e: Postcard Club Federation - e: Prairie Chicken Foundation - e: Public Concern Foundation -/· Parti Communiste Francais -/· Protection Civile Frangaise

PCCL e: People's Community Civic League

PCD-PRP s: Pueblo, Cambio, y DemocraciaPartido Roldosista Popular

PCCEI e: Permanent Charities Committee of the Entertainment

PCdoB 5: Partido Comunista do Brasil

P.C.F. /· Parti Communiste Frangais PCFA e: Pin, Clip, and Fastener Association

P Cdr e: Paymaster-Commander

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich


PCFAP PCFAP e: President's Committee on the Foreign Aid Program PCFC e: Phil Collins Fan Club - e: Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council PCFEP e: President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice PCFFA e: Pacific Coast Federation of Fischermen's Associations PCFIS e: PACAF Combat Fuels Information System PCFLIS e: President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies PCFO e: Position Classification Field Office PCFR e: Programmatic Center for Fire Research P.C.F.R. /· Parti Communiste Frangais Revisionniste PCFS e: Pacific Coast Fertility Society - e: Pin, Clip, and Fastener Services PCG e: Pacific Century Group - e: Pacific Gas & Electric Company - e: Plains Cotton Growers - e: Planning and Control Guide - e: Policy Coordinating Group - e: Power Conditioning Group - e: Power Converter Group - e: Primary Care Group - e: Protestant Cinema Guild -/· Parti Communiste de Guadeloupe -/· Parti Communiste Guadeloupeen - 5: Partido Civico Guerrerense - s: Partido Comunista de Guatemala

PCHR e: Panamanian Committee for Human Rights - e: Pentecostal Coalition for Human Rights

PCII e: Potato Chip Institute International PCHRG e: Public Citizen Health Research Group PChS e: Proceedings of the Chemical Society PCI d: Polychemie GmbH - e: Packer Collegiate Institute - e: Packet Communications, Incorporated - e: Pantone Color Institute - e: Pax Christi International - e: Payless Cashways, Incorporated - e: Photographic Credit Institute - e: Pilot Club International - e: Pilots for Christ International - e: Pipe Collectors International - e: Political Campaign Institute - e: Population Council of India - e: Potato Chip Institute, International - e: Powder Coating Institute - e: Power Conversion International - e: Precision Components, Incorporated - e: Press Council of India - e: Prestressed Concrete Institute - e: Printed Circuits, Incorporated - e: Private Credit Insurance - e: Privy Councillor, Ireland - e: Product Configuration Identification - e: Project Concern International - e: Prospectors Club International -/· Parti Communiste Internationaliste -/· Permis de Conduire International -i: Partito Comunista Italiano - s: Proyecto Concern International Guatemala P.C.I, e: Privy Councillor in Ireland -/· Parti Communiste International -/· Parti du Congres de 1'Independance [de Madagascar] - i; Partito Comunista Italiano

P&CG e: Planning and Coordination Group PCGA e: Pacific Coast Gas Association PCGIAP e: Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific PCGM e: Pacific Coast Garment Manufacturers PCGN e: Permanent Committee on Geographical Names [for British Official Use]

PCIFC e: Permanent Commission of the International Fisheries Convention

PCIA e: Personal Communications Industry Association -/· Poste de Commande d'Intervention Air PCIAC e: Petro-Canada International Assistance Corporation PCIAOH e: Permanent Commission and International Association on Occupational Health

PC-Ill e: Personnel Concept III PCIJ e: Permanent Court of International Justice PCIM e: Presidential Commission on Income Maintenance -/· Parti du Congres de 1'Independance de Madagascar - s: Programa Cooperative de Investigaciones de Maiz PCIMCO e: Preparatory Committee of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization PCIN e: Program Change Incorporation Notice PCINGOs e: Partnership Committee of International NGOs PCIO e: PC Information Officer PCIPS e: Paris Conversational Image Processing System PCIRO e: Preparatory Commission for International Refugee Organization PCIS e: Period Cottage Improvement Society - e: Professional Career Information Service PCI SIG e: Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group PCIT e: Principal Center Integration Team PCIYRA e: Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association PCIZC e: Permanent Committee of International Zoological Congresses PC J e: Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica - e: Pontifical College of Josephinum - e: Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus PCJC e: Pakistan Central Jute Committee - e: Panola County Junior College

PCIB e: Pacific Cargo Inspection Bureau PCH d: Pro Chemie Handelsgesellschaft mbH - e: Potlatch Corporation - e: Presbyterian Church House - e: Professional Competency Hour - P: Panstwowa Centrala Handlowa - 5: Partido Comunista de Honduras P.C.H. e: Presbyterian Church House

PCIBank e: Philippine Commercial & Industrial Bank PCIC e: Petroleum and Chemical Technical Conference - e: Pittsburgh Chemical Information Center - e: Poison Control Information Center - e: Polaris Control and Information Center

PCJRI e: Pakistan Central Jute Research Institute PCK d: Petrochemisches Kombinat - e: Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Company - P: Polski Czerwony ICrzyz - se: Podmladak Crvenog ICrsta PCKD P: Polski Centralny Komitet Doradczy

PCHB e: Pollution Control Hearings Board PCHCY e: Parents Campaign for Handicapped Children and Youth PChD P: Partia Chrzeocijanskich Demokratow PCHE e: Poor Clare Nuns of the Holy Eucharist PCHL e: Pacific Coast Hockey League

PC&IC e: Polaris Control and Information Center PCID e: Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue PCIE e: President's Council of/on Integrity and Efficiency in Government [Single Audit Committee] PCIEC e: Permanent Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses

PCHN e: Programmed Course, Home Nursing



· Säur, München

PCL e: Pacific Coast League - e: Pacific Coast Line - e: Peoples College of Law - e: People's Commissariat of Labour - e: Phillips Cables Limited - e: Photo Chemical Laboratories - e: Planning and Conservation League - e: Planning Configuration List - e: Playboy Club of London - e: Police Crime Laboratory - e: Polytechnic of Central London - e: Pontifical Council for the Laity - e: Positive Control Launch - e: Premier Cruise Lines

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

P&CO - e: Process Capability Laboratory - e: Process Control Laboratories -/· Parti Communiste Libanais -/· Parti Communiste Luxembourgeois - r: Pappersbrukens Centrallaboratorium

PCMCIA e: Personal Computer Memory Card Industry Association - e: Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association - e: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

P.C.L. e: Photo Chemical Laboratories PCLA e: Polish Canadian Librarians Association - e: Project Coordination and Liaison Administration PCLEAJ e: President's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice

PCMCM e: Permanent Chairman Military Committee Memo PCMD e: Procurement and Contracts Management Division - e: Procurement and Control Management Division PCMDI e: Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison

- e: Public Convenience and Necessity - e: Standing Committee of Nurses of the EEC -/· Parti de Convention Nationale -/· Programme Climatologique National - 5: Partido Comunista de Nicaragua - i; Partido Conservador de Nicaragua - 5: Partido Conservador Nacionalisto - 5: Partido de Conciliacion Nacional PCNA e; Palestine Congress of North America - e: Porsche Cars North America, Inc. PCNAC e: Professionals Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control PCNB e: Permanent Central Narcotics Board

PCLG e: Public Citizen Litigation Group PCLGp e: Pioneer Civil Labour Group PCLK e; Pay Clerk PCLM s: Patronato Contra la Mendicidad PCLMP e: President's Advisory Committee Labor-Management Policy PCLO e: Passenger Control Liaison Office[r] - e: Police Community Liaison Office[r]

PCMH e: Postgraduate Center for Mental Health - e: Standing Committee of Presidents of International NGOs Concerned with Mental Health Issues -/· Poste de Commandement des Mouvements d'Helicopteres PCMI e: Photo-Chemical Machining Institute - e: Plastic Container Manufacturers Institute - e: President's Council on Management Improvement

PCNF e: Pacific Central NOT AM [Notice to Airmen] Facility PCNG e: President's Commission on National Goals PCNL e: Polish Committee of National Liberation PCNPB e: Partnership Committee of NGDOs for Prevention of Blindness PCNS e: Polar Coordinate Navigation System

PCLTT e: Permanent Committee on Land Transportation and Telecommunications PCLU e: Pioneer and Civilian Labour Unit PCM e: Peabody Conservatory of Music - e: Personal Computer Manufacturer - e: Philippine Campaign Medal - e: Police Court Mission - e: President's Certificate of Merit - e: Project Control Manager - e: Pulse Code Modulation - e: Punched Card Machine -/· Parti Communiste Malgache -/· Parti Communiste Marocain -/· Parti Communiste Martiniquais -/· Programme Climatologique Mondial - i: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - 5: Partido Comunista de Mexico (o Mexicano) P.C.M. /· Parti Communiste Malgache -/· Parti Communiste Marocain PCMA e: Pennsylvania Coal Mining Association - e: Personal Computer Management Association - e: Plastics Crate Manufacturers Association - e: Post Card Manufacturers Association - e: Potato Chips Manufacturers' Association - e: Professional Conventional] Management Association

PCMIA e: PC Memory-card International Association - e: Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America - e: Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association PCML e: President's Committee on Migratory Labor -/· Parti Communiste Marxiste-Leniniste - i; Partito Comunista Marxista-Leninista P.C.M.L.F. /· Parti Communiste MarxisteLeniniste de France PC [ml] I i: Partito Comunista [marxistaleninista] Italiano PCMO e: Principal Clinical Medical Officer - e: Principal Colonial Medical Officer PCMR e: President's Committee on Mental Retardation P.C.M.R. e: Privy Council for Medical Research PCMS e: Pattern Card Makers' Society PCMSER e: President's Commission on Marine Science, Engineering, and Resources PCMT e: Primary Crisis Management Team

P.C.M.A. e: Plaited Cordage Manufacturers' Association PCMAS e: Portable Computer-Based Maintenance System P.C.M.B. n: Protestants-Christelijke Mijnwerkersbond PCMC e: President's Commission on Military Compensation - e: Provided Chief of Mission Concurs PCM[C]IA e: PC Memory Card International Association

PCMU e: Physico-Chemical Measurements Unit PCN e: Pacific Communications Network - e: Parent Country Nationals - e: Personal Communication[s] Network - e: Point Comfort & Northern Railway Co. - e: Policy Criteria Notice - e: Position Control Number - e: Power Reactor & Nuclear Fuel Development Corp. - e: Primary Care Network - e: Production Control Number - e: Program Change Number - e: Public Communications Network

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

PCNV e: Provisional Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses PCNY e: Proofreaders Club of New York PCO c: Pfipraven k Civilni Obrane - e: Parent Company - e: Parliamentary Counsel's Office - e: Passport Control Office - e: Peak Conservation Organization - e: Pest Control Operator - e: Philadelphia College of Osteopathy - e: Phoenix Canada Oil Co. Ltd. - e: Pittston Company - e: Placement Contracting Officer - e: Plant Clearance Officer - e: Polar Cap Observatory - e: Police Commissioner's Office - e: Policy and Communication Office - e: Port Communications Office - e: Port Convoy Officer - e: Prince Consort's Own - e: Principal Coast Officer - e: Principal Conservation Officer - e: Principal Contracting Officer - e: Printing Control Office[r] - e: Privy Council Office - e: Procurement Contracting Officer - e: Procuring Contract Office[r] - e: Procuring Contracting Officer - e: Professional Conference Organiser - e: Professional Conference Organizer - e: Program Contracting Officer - e: Program Coordinating Office - e: Program Coordination Office - e: Project Control Office - e: Property Control Office[r] - e: Prospective Commanding Officer - e: Provisioning Contracting Officer - e: Public Carriage Office[r] - e: Publications Control Officer - e: Purchasing Contracting Officer - n: Protestants-Christelijke Onderwijsvakorganisatie - p: Portugisiska Orden da Conceicäo P&CO e: Plans and Combat Operations


P.C.O. - s: Partido Comunista Peruano - s: Partido Comunista Portugues

PC&PS e: Professional Credentials and Personnel Service

P.C.P. e: Past Chief Patriarch - e: People's Convention Party

PCPWS e: Permament Council for Public Welfare Service PCQ e: Professional Capabilities Questionnaire

PCOB[UN] e: Permanent Central Opium Board of the United Nations

PCPA e; Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts - e: Panama Canal Pilots Association - e: Panel of Consultants for the Performing Arts - e: Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts - e: Poor Calres of Perpetual Adoration - e: Protestant Church-owned Publishers' Association

PCOC e: Pest Control Oversight Committee - 5: Partido Comunista Obrero de Catalunya

PCPAC e: Parker-Coltrane Political Action Committee

PCOE s: Partido Comunista Obrero Espanol PC of E e: Presbyterian Church of England

PCPBCR e: Pedestrian Crossings Push Button Control Regulations [and General Directions]

PCOGA e: Pacific Coast Oyster Growers Association

PCPBMA e: Pacific Coast Paper Box Manufacturers Association

P&CR e: Planning and Compensation Reports

P.C.O.L. e; Pipe Club of London

PCPC e: Personal Computers Peripheral Corporation - e: Power Conversion Products Council

P.C.&R. e: Post Construction and Repair

P.C.O. e: Post Central Office - e: Prince Consort's Own - e: Principal Consultative Officer - e: Privy Council Office - e: Property Control Office[r] - e: Public Call Office - e: Public Carriage Office[r] P/CO e: Purser/Catering Officer PCOA e: Pharmacy Corporation of America PCOB e: Permanent Central Opium Board

PCON e: Potential Contractor - e: Primary Care Optometry News PCOO n: Stichting voor ProtestantschChristelijk Onderwijs en Ontwikkeling in het Schependom van Nijmegen PCOOS e: Pacific Coast OtoOphthalmological Society PCOP e: President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography PCOPF e: President's Council on Physical Fitness

PCPCA e: Pairpoint Cup Plate Collectors of America PCPCI e: Power Conversion Products Council International PCPD e: Portland Commission of Public Docks PCPE s: Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de Espana PCPEA e: Pennsylvania Cooperative Program in Educational Administration PCPF e: President's Council on Physical Fitness

PCOT e: Payload Center Operations Team

PCPFS e: President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

PCOYO e: President's Council on Youth Opportunities

PCPhS e: Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society

PCP e: Palestinian Communist Party - e: Pan-Canadian Petroleums - e: Panamanian Communist Party - e: Peace Corps Physician - e: Peking Central Philharmonic - e: Personal Credit Plan - e: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science - e: Planar Combat Problem - e: Plant Control Plan - e: Platoon Command Post - e: Portuguese Communist Party - e: Postgraduate Center for Psychotherapy - e: Primary Care Physician - e: Primary Care Provider - e: Program Change Proposals - e: Program Control Plan - e: Programmable Data Processors - e: Progressive Conservative Party - e: Progressive Constitutional Party - e: Public Communications Publication -i: Posto Comando Principale - p: Partido Comunista Portugues - 5: Partido Comunista Panameno - 5: Partido Comunista Paraguayo

PCPI e: Parent Cooperative Preschools International - e: Permanent Committee on Patent Information - e: Personal Computer Products, Incorporated - e: President's Commission on Personal Interchange


P.C.R. ru: Partidul Comunist Romin

P4CR e: 4-Cam Register [for Porsches; an organization] PCRA e: Phantom Class Racing Association - e: Poland China Record Association PCRB e: Project Change Review Board PCRC e: Pacific Churches Research Centre - e: Pacific Concerns Resource Center - e: Paraffined Carton Research Council - e: Perinatal Clinical Research Center - e: Poor Clergy Relief Corporation - e: Primary Communications Research Center (or Centre) P.C.R.C. e: Poor Clergy Relief Corporation

P.Corps e: Pioneer Corps P-COSWA e: Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs

PCR e: Payload Control Room - e: Pedestrian Crossings Regulations - e: Peninsular Chemresearch [Calgon Corp.] - e: Procurement Center Representatives - e: Program Change Request - e: Programme for/to Combat Racism - e: Project Cost Report - e: Project on Corporate Responsibility - e: Projected Communications Requirement -/· Parti Communiste Reunionnais - ru: Partidul Comunist Romin - s: Partido Comunista Revolucionario

PCR&DC e: Pomona Colleges Research and Development Center PCRF e: Paralysis Cure Research Foundation - e: Parker Chiropractic Resource Foundation PCRI e: Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute PCRM e: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine PCRML /· Parti Communiste Revolutionnaire-Marxiste-Leniniste PCRR e: Pennsylvania Central Railroad

PCPJ e: People's Coalition for Peace and Justice PCPM e: PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique] Cost Performance Measurement

PCRS e: Poor Clergy Relief Society - e: Precision Chiropractic Research Society P.C.R.S. e: Poor Clergy Relief Society PCRU e: Pacific Coast Rugby Union

PCPP e: Parts Control Program Plan - e: Peace Corps Partnership Program - e: President's Commission on Pension Policy PCPR e: Pacific Churches Research Centre PCPS e: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science - e: Private Companies Practice Section


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P.C.R.V. n: Protestants-Christelijke Reclasseringsvereniging PCS d: Periphere Computer Systeme GmbH - d: Petrochemie Schwechat GmbH - e: Pace Car Society - e: Parents Confidential Statement - e: Paul Claudel Society - e: Periodical Control System [Libraries]

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen

PCVS - e: Permanent Change of Station - e: Permanent Committee on Shipping - e: Personal Communication System - e: Personal Communication[s] Service[s] - e: Personnel Capabilities System - e: Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore - e: Phase Combining System - e: Philippine Collectors Society - e: Photo Charting Squadron - e: Physical Control Space - e: Pictorial Cancellation Society - e: Plausible Conflict Situations - e: Position Classification Standard - e: Postal Church Service - e: Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan - e: Production Control Section - e: Professional Car Society - e: Professional Children's School - e: Professional Communication Society - e: Program Control System - e: Program Coordination Staff - e: Programmable Communications Subsystem - e: Project Coordination Staff - e: Promotion of Chemical Safety - e: Property Claims Services - e: Property Consultants Society - e: Proprietary Computer Systems, Inc. - e: Protected Cable System - e: Public Choice Society - e: Punjab Cooperative Society - e: WHO Programme for the Promotion of Chemical Safety -/· Parti Chretien Social -/· Parti Communiste Suisse - i: Partito Comunista Sanmarinese - 5: Partido Comunista Salvadoreno - i; Partido Cristiano Socialista PCs e: Police Constables - e: Progressive Conservatives

P.C.S.I. e: Public Cleansing and Salvage Inspection

PC TELEC /· Poste Central de Telecommunications

PCSIG e: Personal Computer Software Interest Group

PCTF e: Premier's Council Technology Fund PCTFE d: Polychlorritfluoräthylen

PCSIR e: Pakistan Council for/of Scientific and Industrial Research PCSMS e: PACAF Combat Supplies Management Subsystem

PCSAS e: Policy Committee for Scientific Agricultural Societies PCSC e: PC Site Coordinator - e: Personal Communications Switching Center - e: Principal Commonwealth Supply Committee PCSCA e: Permanent Committee on SocioCultural Affairs PCSCCB e: Program Cost/Schedule Charge Control Board PCSD e: Personal Communications Services Description - e: President's Council on Sustainable Development PCSE e: Pacific Coast Stock Exchange - e: President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers - e: President's Council on Scientists and Engineers PC [/] SFA e: Potato Chip/Snack Food Association PCSG e: Public Cryptography Study Group PCSI e: Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc. -/· Protection Civile et Securite Industrielle

PCTMSL e: Permanent Committee on Tides and Mean Sea Level

PCSN e: Precision Standard Inc. PCSO e: Pacific Coast Society for Orthodontics - e: Presidential Communications Support Office

PCTP p: Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses PCTS e: President's Committee for Traffic Safety

PCSP e: Permanent Commission for the South Pacific - e: Polar Continental Shelf Project - e: Program Communications Electronic Support Program - e: Programmed Communications Support Program

PCTT i: Partito Comunista del Territorio Triestino

P.C.S.P. e: Permanent Commission for the South Pacific

PCU e: Portuguese Continental Union of the United States of America - e: Power Control Unit -/· Plans Civils d'Urgence -/· Unite de Coordination du Programme de l'environnement de la mer Noire - 5: Partido Conservador Unido - i; Unidad de Coordinacion del Programa del Medio Ambiente del Mar Negro

P.C.S.S.Co. e: Pacific Coast Steamship Company PCSSD e: Philippines Council for Sustainable Development PCST e: Permanent Commission on Science and Technology P.C.S.U.K. e: President of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom

P.C.S. e: Principal Clerk of Session PCSA e: Polish Cultural Society of America - e: Power Crane and Shovel Association

PCTG e: Programmable Channel Termination Group

PCSW e: President's Commission on the Status of Women PCX e: Pacific Central Time - e: Pacific Coast Tariff Bureau - e: Papercraft Corporation - e: Patent Cooperation Treaty - e: Patent Corporation Treaty - e: Pharmacy and Chemistry Technician - e: Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science - e: Portsmouth College of Technology - e: Pre-Commercial Thinning - e: Primary Care Trust - e: Private Communication Technology - e: Product Consistency Testing - e: Property Captial Trust -/· Parti Communiste Tunisie -/· Parti Congolais du Travail - i; Partido Conservador Tradicional PCTA e: Plastic-Cased Telescoped Ammunition - e: Provisional Collection of Taxes Act PCTB e: Pacific Coast Tariff Bureau PCTC e: Panama Canal Transition Commission - e: Penn Central Transportation Company - e: Pentagon Consolidated Telecommunications Center PCTE e: Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English - e: Portable Common Tool Environment

Comprehensive Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Institutions and Organizations

© K · G · Säur, Munich

PCT Union e: International Patent Cooperation Union PCTV e: Private Channel Television

PCUA e: PROFIT Control Users Association PCUCDGIS e: Personal Computer University College Dublin Geographic Information System PCUI i; Partito Comunista Unificado de Italia PCUK /· Produits Chimiques Ugine Kuhlmann P.C.U.M. e: Policy Committee of United Mine Workers PCUS e: Presbyterian Church in the United States - e: Propeller Club of the United States -/· Parti Communiste de 1'Union Sovietique - p: Partido Comunista da Uniäo Sovietica - 5: Partido Comunista de la Union Sovietica PCUUS e: Polish Council of Unity in the United States PCU-USA e: Portuguese Continental Union of the U.S.A. PCV e: Peace Corps Volunteers] - e: Pestalozzi Children's Village - e: President's Commission on Violence - 5: Partido Comunista Venezolano P.C.V. e: Peace Corps Volunteer PCVC e: Public Citizens Visitors Center [organization] PCVM e: Research Association of British Paint, Colour, and Varnish Manufacturers PCVS e: Professional Credentials Verification Service


PCVs PCVs e: Peace Corps Volunteers

PCWF e: Philippine Communications Workers' Federation

PCX e: Peripheral Channel Exchange - e: Peripheral Computer Exchange Unit

PCWG e: Personal Conferencing Work Group - e: Personal Conferencing Workgroup

PC e: Perogative Court of York - e: Pittsburgh, Chartiers & Youghiogheny Railway Co. - e: Prerogative Court of York

PCVZ d: Pulscode-Vermittlungszentrale PCW e: Panama Canal Watershed - e: Pennsylvania College for Women - e: Personal Computer World Show - e: Presbyterian Church of Wales - e: Princess Charlotte of Wale's [Berkshire Regiment] - e: Principal Conductor of the Works P.C.W. e: Presbyterian Church of Wales - e: Princess Charlotte of Wales's [Berkshire Regiment] PCWCA e: Poured Concrete Wall Contractors Association

PCWPC e: Permanent Committee of the World Petroleum Congress[es] - e: Permanent Council of the World Petroleum Congress P.C.W.R.C. e: Permanent Chairman of the War Relief Council PCWU e: Port Commissioners Workers' Union

P.C.Y. e; Prerogative Court of York PCYC e: Port Credit Yacht Club PCYF e: President's Council on Youth Fitness - e: Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada PCZ e: Panama Canal Zone PCZST e: Panama Canal Zone Standard Time



· Säur, München

Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und Abkürzungen von Institutionen und Organisationen