Classical Chinese. A Basic Reader. Texts, Glossaries, Analyses [1-3] 2004100562, 0691120897, 0691120900, 0691120919, 9780691118314, 9780691174570

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Classical Chinese. A Basic Reader. Texts, Glossaries, Analyses [1-3]
 2004100562, 0691120897, 0691120900, 0691120919, 9780691118314, 9780691174570

Table of contents :
Map 1: The Spring and Autumn Period
Map 2: The Warring States Period
A Brief Chronology of China
Bilingual Table of Contents
Errata to the Texts
A Quote from Laozi
Reading Texts
一、 鄭相卻魚 新序•節士. The Prime Minister of Zheng Refuses a Gift of Fish
二、 宋有富人 韓非子•説難. There Was a Wealthy Man of Song
三、 守株待兔 韓非子•五蠹. Waiting for a Hare at the Tree Stump
四、 逐臭 呂氏春秋•遇合. Chasing After the Smell
五、 先王之義勝 韓非子•喻走. The Righteous Ways of Ancient Kings Triumph
六、 梟逢鳩 説苑•談葉. The Owl Meets the Ringdove
七、 矛盾 韓非子•難一. Spears and Shields
八、 逆旅二妾 莊子•山木. The Innkeeper's Two Concubines
九、 盜鍾(鐘) 淮南子•説山. Stealing the Bell
十、 鄭人買履 韓非子•夕卜儲说. A Man of Zheng Buys Shoes
十一、 仁義 列子•説符. Benevolence and Righteousness
十二、 蘇代諫趙王 戰國策•燕策. Su Dai Admonishes the King of Zhao
十三、 郢書燕說 韓非子•夕卜儲説. The Letter from Ying Explained in Yan
十四、 狐假虎威 戰国策・楚策. The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Prestige
十五、 攫金 列子•説符. Grabbing the Gold
十六、 君子慎所藏 説苑•雜言. A Person of High Moral Character Is Exceedingly Circumspect in Selecting His Living Conditions
十七、 刻舟求劍 吕氏春秋•察今. Carving the Boat and Seeking the Sword
十八、 和氏之璧 韓非子•和氏. The Pierced Jade Disk of a Man Sumamed He
十九、 東周欲為稻 戰國策•東周策. Eastern Zhou Wants to Plant Rice
二十、 結草報恩 左傳•宣公十五年. Knotting Grass to Repay a Kindness
廿一、 歧路亡羊 列子•説符. A Sheep is Lost at the Forked Road
廿二、 握苗 孟子•公孫丑上. Pulling Up the Sprouts
廿三、 燕人 列子•周穆王. The Man from Yan
廿四、 畫蛇添足 戰國策•奔策. Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet
廿五、 濠梁之遊 莊子•秋水. A Stroll on the Bridge Over the Hao River
廿六、 齊桓公使管仲治國 説苑•尊賢. Duke Huan of Qi Orders Guan Zhong to Administer the Affairs of State
廿七、 知音 説苑•尊賢. Understanding the Music
廿八、 曾子辭邑 孔子家語•在厄. Zenga Refuses a Grant of Land
廿九、 孔子猶江海 説苑•善説. Confucius Is Like a River, Like a Sea
三十、 苛政猛於虎 禮記•檀弓. Oppressive Government Is More Fearsome Than a Tiger
三十一、曳尾於塗中 莊子•秋水. Dragging Its Tail Through the Mud
三十二、塞翁失馬 淮南子•人間. The Old Man at the Frontier Loses His Horse
三十三、齒亡舌存 説苑•敬慎. The Teeth Have Gone, Yet the Tongue Remains
三十四、 晏子與楚王論盜 晏子春秋•內雜篇下. Yanzi and the King of Chu Discuss Robbing
三十五、彌子瑕 韓非子•説難. Mi Zixia
三十六、楚莊王不殺絶纓者 説苑•復恩. King Zhuang of Chu Does Not Put to Death the One with Broken Capstring
三十七、子羔為衛政 説苑•至公. Zigao Administers the Government of the State of Wei
三十八、 鄒忌諷齊王納諛 戰國策•奔策. Zou Ji Subtly Admonishes the King of Qi to Accept Criticism
三十九、 魏節乳母 列女傳•節義. The Upright Wet Nurse of Wei
四十、 子産不毀鄉校 左傳•裏公三十一年. Zichan Would not Destroy the Local School
1. List of Exercises
2. Excercises
3. Source of Text Selections
4. A Short List of Grammatical References
字彙目錄. Errata to the Glossaries
一、 鄭相卻魚 新序•節士 The Prime Minister of Zhong Refuses a Gift of Fish
二、 宋有富人 韓非子•説難 There Was a Wealthy Man of Song
三、 守株待兔 韓非子•五蠹. Waiting for a Hare at the Tree Stump
四、 逐臭 吕氏春秋•遇合. Chasing After the Smell
五、 先王之義勝 韓非子•喻老. The Righteous Ways of Ancient Kings Triumph
六、 梟逢鳩 説苑•談養. The Owl Meets the Ringdove
七、 矛盾 韓非子•難一. Spears and Shields
八、 逆旅二妾 莊子•山木. The Innkeeper's Two Concubines
九、 盜鍾(鐘) 淮南子•説山. Stealing the Bell
十、 鄭人買履 韓非子•夕卜儲説. A Man of Zhdng Buys Shoes
十一、 仁義 列子•説符. Benevolence and Righteousness
十二、 蘇代諫趙王 戰國策•燕策. Su Dai Admonishes the King of Zhou
十三、 郢書燕說 韓非子•外儲説. The Letter from Ying Explained in Yan
十四、 狐假虎威 戰國策-楚策. The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Prestige
十五、 攫金 列子•説符. Grabbing the Gold
十六、 君子慎所藏 説苑•雜言. A Person of High Moral Character Is Exceedingly Circumspect in Selecting His Living Conditions
十七、 刻舟求劍 呂氏春秋•察今. Carving the Boat and Seeking the Sword
十八、 和氏之璧 韓非子•和氏. The Pierced Jade Disk of a Man Surnamed He
十九、 東周欲為稻 戰國策•東周策. Eastern Zhou Wants to Plant Rice
二十、 結草報恩 左傳•宣公十五年. Knotting Grass to Repay a Kindness
廿一、 歧路亡羊 列子•説符. A Sheep is Lost at the Forked Road
廿二、 振苗 孟子•公孫丑上. Pulling Up the Sprouts
廿三、 燕人 列子•周程王. The Man from Yan
廿四、 畫蛇添足 戰國策•齊策. Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet
廿五、 濠梁之遊 莊子•秋水. A Stroll on the Bridge Over the Hao River
廿六、 齊桓公使管仲治國 説苑•尊賢. Duke Huan of Qi Orders Guan Zhong to Administer the Affairs of State
廿七、 知音 説苑•尊覺. Understanding the Music
廿八、 曾子辭邑 孔子家語•在厄. Zengzi Refuses a Grant of Land
廿九、 孔子猶江海 説苑•善説. Confucius Is Like a River, Like a Sea
三十、 苛政猛於虎 禮記•檀弓. Oppressive Government Is More Fearsome Than a Tiger
三十一、曳尾於塗中 莊子•秋水. Dragging Its Tail Through the Mud
三十二、 塞翁失馬 淮南子•人間. The Old Man at the Frontier Loses a Horse
三十三、 齒亡舌存 説苑•敬慎. The Teeth Have Gone, Yet the Tongue Remians
三十四、晏子與楚王論盜 晏子春秋•內雜篇下. Yinzi and the King of Chu Discuss Robbing
三十五、彌子瑕 韓非子•説難. Mi zixia
三十六、 楚莊王不殺絶纓者 説苑•復恩. King Zhuang of Chu Does Not Put to Death the One with Broken Capstring
三十七、 子羔為衛政 説苑•至公. Zigao Administers the Government of the State of Wei
三十八、 鄒忌諷齊王納諫 戰國策•奔策. Zou Ji Subtly Admonishes the King of QI to Accept Criticism
三十九、魏節乳母 列女傳•節義. The Upright Wet Nurse of Wei
四十、 子産不毀郷校 左傳•襄公三十一年. Zichan Would not Destroy the Local School
Errata to the Analyses
一、 鄭相卻魚 新序•節士 The Prime Minister of Zheng Refuses a Gift of Fish
二、 宋有富人 韓非子•説難. There Was a Wealthy Man of Song
三、 守株待兔 韓非子•五蠹. Waiting for a Hare at the Tree Stump
四、 逐臭 呂氏春秋•遇合. Chasing After the Smell
五、 先王之義勝 韓非子•喻老. The Righteous Ways of Ancient Kings Triumph
六、 梟逢鳩 説苑•談蒙. The Owl Meets the Ringdove
七、 矛盾 韓非子•難一. Spears and Shields
八、 逆旅二妾 莊子•山木. The Innkeeper's Two Concubines
九、 盜鍾(鐘) 淮南子•説山. Stealing the Bell
十、 鄭人買履 韓非子•夕卜儲説. A Man of Zheng Buys Shoes
十一、 仁義 列子•説符. Benevolence and Righteousness
十二、 蘇代諫趙王 戰國策・燕策. Su Dai Admonishes the King of Zhao
十三、 郢書燕說 韓非子•外储説. The Letter from Ying Explained in Yan
十四、 狐假虎威 戰國策-楚策. The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Prestige
十五、 攫金 列子•説符. Grabbing the Gold
十六、 君子慎所藏 説苑•雜言. A Person of High Moral Character Is Exceedingly Circumspect in Selecting His Living Conditions
十七、 刻舟求劍 呂氏春秋•察今. Carving the Boat and Seeking the Sword
十八、 和氏之璧 韓非子•和氏. The Pierced Jade Disk of a Man Sumamed He
十九、 東周欲為稻 戰國策•東周策. Eastern Zhou Wants to Plant Rice
二十、 結草報恩 左傳•宣公十五年. Knotting Grass to Repay a Kindness
廿一、 歧路亡羊 列子•説符. A Sheep is Lost at the Forked Road
廿二、 握苗 孟子•公孫丑上. Pulling Up the Sprouts
廿三、 燕人 列子•周穆王. The Man from Yan
廿四、 畫蛇添足 戰國策•齊策. Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet
廿五、 濠梁之遊 莊子•秋水. A Stroll on the Bridge Over the Hao River
廿六、 齊桓公使管仲治國 説苑•尊賢. Duke Huan of Qi Orders Guan Zhong to Administer the Affairs of State
廿七、 知音 説苑•尊賢. Understanding the Music
廿八、 曾子辭邑 孔子家語•在厄. Zengzi Refuses a Grant of Land
廿九、 孔子猶江海 説苑•善説. Confucius Is Like a River, Like a Sea
三十、 苛政猛於虎 禮記•檀弓. Oppressive Government Is More Fearsome Than a Tiger
三十一、曳尾於塗中 莊子•秋水. Dragging Its Tail Through the Mud
三十二、 塞翁失馬 淮南子•人間. The Old Man at the Frontier Loses a Horse
三十三、齒亡舌存 説苑•敬慎. The Teeth Have Gone, Yet the Tongue Remians
三十四、 晏子與楚王論盜 晏子春秋•内雜篇下. YanzI and the King of Chu Discuss Robbing
三十五、 彌子瑕 韓非子•説難. Mi Zixia
三十六、楚莊王不殺絶纓者 説苑•復恩. King Zhuang of Chu Does Not Put to Death the One with Broken Capstring
三十七、子羔為衛政 説苑•至公. Zigao Administers the Government of the State of Wei
三十八、鄒忌諷齊王納諫 戰國策•齊策. Zou Ji Subtly Admonishes the King of Qi to Accept Criticism
三十九、魏節乳母 列女傳•節義. The Upright Wet Nurse of Wei
四十、 子産不毀鄉校 左傅•襄公三十一年. Zichan Would not Destroy the Local School
Appendix: Grammatical Terminology

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