Transkei: Imithetho, Statutes, Statute. 1969

Table of contents :
Front Cover
Ivoti ...
- ...
Vote ...
(Engelse Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken ...
Begrotingspos. ...
(ii) amaceba ezileyo nakwiyiphi na intlanganiso kagunya- ...
established by or under this Act any tribal authority of ...
this section and of section 46, the Minister - ...
of strafregtelike regsmag volgens wet verleen is, sluit ...
2. (1) Nangona ukho nawuphi na umgaqo ongangqinelaniyo ...
(b) revoke any appointment made under sub-...
(Die Xhosa teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) (...
(f) oor die algemeen, sodanige ander aangeleenthede ...
ACT NO. 4 ...
WET NR. 4 ...
esichazwe ngokwesiqendu 4(1); ...
hlathini kaRulumente; ...
kuba ngamagosa amahlathi abalathelwe kuzo. ...
(e) uchaphazela naliphi na ilungelo lokutheza okwe- ...
ibekelwe bucala ligosa lamahlathi ukufeza loo ...
nzima nomthamo ...
iya kumiselwa ngaphambi kokuba loo mveliso yamahlathi ...
kwayo nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi. ...
(b) Akukho simangalo seendleko zokonakalelwa ...
loo mveliso yehlathi ibuyiselwe esebeni ...
sigunyaziso ngaphandle kokuba uyasivelisa sona isigunyaziso ...
Isaziso sika Rulumente No. ...
(k) ...
the manner in which it came into existence and the ...
and volume in rela- ...
do so) unless such stock is properly herded ...
(3) Except in the circumstances contemplated in sec- ...
(6) A forest officer or police officer may ...
turf, varings, velle, vis, vlugtige olies...
(j) die versameling van heuning, die vang ...
(g) vergesel wees van 'n hond of ...
skryf waarby enige sodanige bosproduk of enige ...
skade of verlies veroorsaak het, ...
duidelik omskryf en kan by dergelike kennis- ...
(b) Proklamasies. ...
brandstrook verbied nie. ...
te gaan of om 'n voertuig of ander ...
yalo Mthetho uya kudiza nayiphi na ingcombolo ekuyo nayiphi ...
(2) Nasiphi na isambuku esikhankanywe kwisiqendwana ...
leenyanga esilandelayo, waye ...
qendwana (1) wothi, zingekadluli iintsuku ezilishumi elinane ...
kufuneka benze ...
(3) Imigaqo yesiqendwana (1) ayisayi kusebenza ...
(2) Umamkeli-rafu angathi, ethathela ingqalelo ...
njengoko kuqingqiweyo esiqendwini 28, ...
afumanise okanye athumele loo ngxelo ifunekayo okanye ...
wowe 1962. ...
(x) "employee" means any taxpayer who ...
Tax Act, but shall not include ...
(b) the amount of general tax payable by ...
(3) Any receiver may issue to any taxpayer ...
(b) by like order vary or withdraw any ...
any law repealed by this Act) and which is ...
ployee, in such manner as a receiver may determine...
fulfil such obligations of the deceased or insolvent employer ...
proved, that such person has not so rendered or ...
Amendment Act, 1926. ...
Act No. 76 ...
Waar die belasbare inkomste ...
(a) deur die eienaar van 'n plaas ...
voormelde opgawe ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag ...
opsigte van 'n jaar van aanslag - ...
(9) Tensy hy deur 'n ontvanger daartoe ...
deur voorlopige ...
(0) 'n bedrag deur hom by wyse ...
verrigting geskat is volgens bedoelde persoon se ...
en in die algemeen, met betrekking tot alle aangeleenthede ...
Wet No. 76 ...
(Obalwe ngesiXhosa usayinwe yi Prezidanti yeSizwe) (Uvunywe ...
(a) ngokubeka kummiselwana (2) endaweni yamagama ...
kummiselo 19 weSa- ...
sokufumanisa usapho indlu, esinezindlwana ...
endaweni yebinzana-ntetho elithi "unikelo ika- ...
okanye achongiweyo njengoko kuqingqiweyo ...
ukuba kuhlawulwa loo mali yembuyekezo emntwini ...
Uroxiso-zihlomelo ...
kwintloko yommiselo 10 neyowe 11 yeSahluko 3 ...
(g) by the insertion after the definition of ...
(2) (a) the Minister may at ...
Amendment of ...
(c) by the insertion in subregulation (5...
eenheid goedkeur, moet hy die sertifikaat van ...
raad doen diens vir 'n tydperk van drie ...
vorm wesenlik dieselfde as Bylae S van hierdie ...
of om die geheel of enige gedeelte van bedoelde ...
word of om die geheel of enige gedeelte van bedoelde ...
39. Bylaes A tot E, G tot L en ...
WET NR. 10 ...

Citation preview










9 9 0 2 Q J 5 3 1 7 T 69
















Umthetho woFakelo- mibandela woGunyaziwe baseTranskei, 1969 . Transkei Authorities Amendment Act, 1969 . Wysigingswet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1969 . Umthetho weeNkundla-matyala zaseTranskei zoGunyaziwe beeNqila, 1969. Transkeian (Regional Authority) Courts Act , 1969 . Wet op Transkeise (Streek sowerheids- ) Howe, 1969 .


Umthetho woFakelo-mbandel a wee Penshini zase Transkei , 1969. Transkei Pensions Amendment Act , 1969 . Transkeise Wysigingswet op Pensioene , 1969 .


Umthetho woFakelo -mibandel a weePenshini zeNkonzo kaRulumente waseTranskei , 1969 . Transkeian Government Service Pensions Amendment Act, 1969 . Wysigingswet op die Transkeise Regeringsdienspensioene, 1969.

8 12 16




Umthetho woQing qo -mali waseTranskei , 1969. Transkei Appropriation Act, 1969. Transkeise Begrotingswet , 1969.





35 36 37

38 40 42

Umthetho waMahlathi aseTranskei , 1969 . Transkei Forest Act , 1969. Transkeise Boswet , 1969.

44 83 117


Umthetho woFakelo -mibandela weNkqubela kwezoLimo eTranskei , 1969 . Transkei Agricultural Development Amendment Act , 1969. Transkeise Wysigingswet op Landbou -Ontwikkeling, 1969.

152 161 169


Umthetho weRafu yaseTranskei , 1969 . Transkei Taxation Act, 1969. Transkeise Belastingwet, 1969 .

177 225 266


Umthetho woFakelo -mibandela weZixeko zase Transkei , 1969 . Transkeian Townships Amendment Act , 1969 . Transkeise Wysigingswet op Dorpe , 1969.

310 330 348

Umthetho woFakelo - mibandela weRafu yeNdlela yaseTranskei , 1969. Transkeian Road Tax Amendment Act , 1969. Transkeise Wysigingswet op Padbelasting, 1969 .

366 367 368







wokusebenzisa isambuku- mali esingengaphaya kwamashumi amabini anesithathu ezigidi ezinamakhulu amahlanu anamashumi asixhenxe amawaka eerandi kwinkqubo - msebenzi waseTranskei ngonyaka wezemali ophela ngomhla wamashumi amathathu ananye kuMatshi , 1970 . (Obalwe ngesiNgesi usayinwe yiPrezidanti - Uvunywe ngomhla wama 29 Meyi 1969).

(Undululwa nguMphathiswa wezeMali . ) KUQINGQWA UM THETHO YINDLU YOWISO- MTHETHO YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : UVimba we Mali engenayo eTranskei uxakathiswe isixa semali esingenga phe zulu kwama R23,570,000 .


Uvimba weMali engenayo eTranskei uxakathiswa ezo mali ziya kuthi zifuneke ukuhlangabeza inkqubo -msebenzi yaseTranskei ngonyaka wezemali oya kuphela ngomhla wamashumi amathathu ananye kuMatshi , 1970 ukuze ke , xa iimali ezo zidityaniswa zonke , zingadluli kwizigidi ezingamashumi amabini anesithathu ezinamakhulu amahlanu anamashumi asixhenxe amawaka eerandi njengoko kubonisiweyo emhlathini wokuqala weSihlomelo.

Indlela eza kusetyenziswa ngayo le mali.

Imali eqingqwa ngulo Mthetho iya kusetyenziswa kuphela 2. kwimisebenzi ecalulwe eSihlomelweni necaciswa ngakumbi 1-1969) , ngokungaphezulu kuMavandlakanya eNkcitho ( T.G. ngaloo ndlela ithe yakholeka kumalungu eNdlu .

UMphathiswa ang avumela ukuphambuka enkqubeni.


Ngemvume yoMphathiswa wezeMali imali engasetyenzi-

swanga kuyo nayiphi na intlokwana yevoti ingenziwa ifumaneke ukuhlangabeza inkcitho ethe kratya kuyo nayiphi na enye intlokwana , okanye inkcitho kwintlokwana entsha yakwaleyo voti. Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi kwizambuku- mali ezibonakala emhlathini 2 weSihlomelo akusayi kugqithwa , zaye ke neemali eziqoqoshiweyo apho azasetyenziswa azisayi kufumaneka ngokuphathelele kuwo nawuphi na umcimbi ngaphandle kwalowo enikelwa wona ngokwenjenje imali njengoko kubonisiweyo kwesi Sihlomelo sikhankanyiweyo .

Igama elifutshane .

4. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho woQingqomali wase Transkei , 1969 .



Ivoti Umhlathi


1 No.




R 801,000

INkulumbuso nezeMali


Kubandakanywa Isipho sokuncedisa i -S.A.N.T.A. (uMbutho weSizwe wokulwa iSifo

400 400

se Phepha eMzantsi - Afrika ) . Izonwabiso .......


EzeMithetho ....


Kubandakanywa · Izonwabiso... Ukuvuzwa kweempimpi..

300 200

Isipho sokuncedisa iQumru leNkuselo - zingozini eziNdleleni loMzantsi - Afrika ...



6,000 6,627,000

Kubandakanywa Izonwabiso ....


Izipho zokuncedisa : 2,160 500

Transkei Amateur Sports Association.......... Transkei Eisteddfod Committee....




EzaseKhaya ...... Kubandakanywa Izonwabiso.....


EzoLimo naMahlathi..... Kubandakanywa Izonwabiso......


Ezee Ndlela ne Zakhiwo .... Kubandakanywa





Izonwabiso ......





ACT NO. 1 OF 1969


To apply a sum not exceeding twenty- three million five hunderd and seventy thousand rand towards the service of the Transkei , for the financial year ending on the thirty- first day of March , 1970 . (English Text signed by the State President - Assented to on 29th May , 1969).

(Introduced by the Minister of Finance . ) BE IT ENACTED BY THE ASSEMBLY, as follows : -

Transkeian Revenue Fund charged with sum not exceeding R23,570,000.



The Transkeian Revenue Fund is hereby charged with such sums of money as may be required for the service of the Transkei for the financial year ending on the thirty-first day of March, 1970 , not exceeding in the aggregate twentythree million five hundred and seventy thousand rand as shown in column 1 of the Schedule .

How money to be applied .

2. The money appropriated by this Act shall be applied to the services detailed in the Schedule and more particularly specified in the

Estimates of Expenditure (T.G. 1-1969 ) ,

as approved by the Legislative Assembly, and to no other purpose .

The Minister may approve variation.

3. With the approval of the Minister of Finance , a saving on any sub-head of a vote may be made available to meet excess expenditure on any other sub-head , or expenditure on a new sub- head of the same vote : Provided that the sums appearing in column 2 of the Schedule shall not be exceeded , nor shall savings thereon be available for any purpose other than that for which the money is hereby granted as indicated in the said Schedule .

Short title.

4. This Act shall be called the Transkei Appropriation Act, 1969.



Column 1.






400 400



Including Entertainment...... ..... Rewards to informers ..

300 200 6,000

Grant- in- aid to the S.A. Road Safety Council . 3.


Education....... Including Entertainment ..... Grants - in- aid to :


2,160 500

Transkei Amateur Sports Association ......... Transkei Eisteddfod Committee ...




Including Entertainment.........





Chief Minister and Finance ......... Including Grant- in-aid to S.A.N.T.A. .... Entertainment....


Column 2.


Agriculture and Forestry .... ....... Including Entertainment ..


Roads and Works ........



Including Entertainment.....


.... R

Total .......



WET NR . 1 VAN 1969


Tot aanwending van ' n som van hoogstens drie - en - twintigmiljoen vyfhonderd - en- sewentigduisend rand vir die diens van die Transkei vir die boekjaar wat op die een- en-dertigste dag van Maart eindig . (Engelse Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken - Goedgekeur op 29 Mei 1969 ).

(Deur die Minister van Finansies ingedien . ) DAAR






Transkeise Inkomstefonds be las met som van hoogstens R23,570,000.

1. Die Transkeise Inkomstefonds word hierby belas met die somme geld wat nodig mag wees vir die diens van die Transkei vir die boekjaar wat op die een-en-dertigste dag van Maart 1970 eindig , maar gesamentlik hoogstens drievyfhonderd-en- sewentigduisend en-twintigmiljoen rand , soos uiteengesit in kolom 1 van die Bylae .

Hoe die geld bestee moet word.

2. Die geld wat deur hierdie Wet beskikbaar gestel word, moet aangewend word vir die dienste in besonderhede in die Bylae vermeld en meer omstandig uiteengesit in die Begrotings gewende nie .

Die Minister kan afwyking goedkeur.

van Uitgawes ( T.G. 1-1969 ) , soos deur die WetVergadering goedgekeur , en vir geen ander doel

3. Met goedkeuring van die Minister van Finansies kan 'n besparing onder die een sub-hoof van ' n begrotingspos aangewend word tot dekking van uitgawes bo die gemagtigde bedrag onder ' n ander sub- hoof, of van uitgawes onder ' n nuwe sub-hoof van dieselfde begrotingspos : Met dien verstande dat die somme wat in kolom 2 van die Bylae voorkom , nie oorskry mag word nie , en besparings daarop ewemin aangewend mag word vir enige ander doel as dié waarvoor die geld hierby toegestaan word soos in gemelde Bylae aangedui .

Kort titel.


Hierdie Wet heet die Transkeise Begrotingswet , 1969 .



Begrotingspos .



Kolom 1

Kolom 2



Benaming .


Hoofminister en Finansies ....... Met inbegrip van Hulptoelae aan S.A.N.T.V. .... Onthaal.....


400 400

Justisie ......


Met inbegrip van – Onthaal ...

300 200

Beloning aan aanbrengers .…………………..


Hulptoelae aan die S.A. Padveiligheidsraad ... 3.

Onderwys ....


Met inbegrip van Onthaal .......


Hulptoelaes aan : Transkei Amateur Sportvereniging. Transkei Eisteddfod Komitee ..


2,160 500

Binnelandse Sake ......


Met inbegrip van Onthaal....... 5.


Landbou en Bosbou......


Met inbegrip van Onthaal... 6.


Paaie en Werke ......


Met inbegrip van Onthaal ....




...... R



WE 2 KA 1969


Wokufaka iMibandela kuMthetho woGunyaziwe base Transkei , 1965 . (Obhalwe ngesi Bhulu usayinwe yi Prezidanti yeSizwe) (Uvunywe ngomhla wama 30 kuJulayi 1969) . KUQINGQWA UM THETHO YINDLU YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : Ufako-mbandela esiqendwini 1 SoMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965.


1. Isiqendu 1 soMthetho woGunya ziwe baseTranskei , 1965 (uMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965 ) (ngezants'apha obizwa ngokuba nguMthetho oyintloko ) ngokwenjenje ufakwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yengcaciso-gama elithi " inkosi " le ngcacisogama ingezants'apha : ukuthi "inkosi " kuthetha umntu omiselo lwakhe njengenkosi okanye inkosi elibamba okanye njengenkosana okanye inkosana elibamba seluqiniselwe , okanye ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 58 ( 3 ) oluthatyathwa ngokuba luqiniselwe ngokwesiqendu 45 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo ; " .

Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 3 SoMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965, njengoko ufakwe umbandela sisigendu 1 soMthetho No. 7 wowe 1966.

2. Isiqendu 3 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yesiqendwana ( 2 ) esi siqendwana singezants'apha : " (2) Intloko kagunyaziwe wesizwe yothi (a) nakuwuphi na ummandla ekuhlala kuwo inkosi enye , okanye ukuba akukho nkosi , ekuhlala kuwo isibonda esinye kuphela , ibe yiloo nkosi okanye eso sibonda , kuxhomekeke ekuthini ngubani na kanye -kanye kwaba ; kwaye ke (b) nakuwuphi na omnye ummandla ekungahlali nkosi kuwo ibe yinkosi yesizwe esihlala apho , okanye ukuba loo nkosi iyavuma okanye kungabi kho nkosi ibe seso sibonda sesizwe kuqheleke ukuba sihlale kuloo mmandla angathi asimisele uMphathiswa njengentloko emveni kocebiswano nayo nayiphi na ikumkani esemcimbini . ".

Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 4 SOMthetho No. 4

3. Isiqendu 4 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakwa umbar.dela ngokubeka esi siqendwana singezants'apha enda8.

UM THETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WOGUNYAZIWE BASETRANSKEI , 1969. wowe 1965. weni yesiqendwana (3):

"( 3) Ummandla wokugweba nokuthetha amatyala okanye ummandla ophantsi kolawulo lwenkosi , isibonda okanye isekela elithweswe ngokomthetho igunya namandla okuthetha amatyala eembambano nawezizi uya kuquka ummandla oyilelwe ngalo okanye ngokwalo Mthetho nawuphi na ugunyaziwe wesizwe eyintloko yakhe loo nkosi okanye isibonda okanye inkosi yelo sekela . " . 4. Isiqendu 10 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa umbandela ngocimo lwesitenxamgaqweni sesiqendwana ( 3) .

Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 10 SoMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965.

5. Isiqendu 32 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yesiqendwana ( 2 ) esi siqendwana singezants'apha :

Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 32 SoMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965.

"(2) Xa


intloko yakhe


na ugunyaziwe

wesizwe okanye wenqila ingenakho kuba ingekho okanye ngasizathu simbi sexeshana , ukusebenzisa okanye ukwenza umsebenzi , amandla okanye amagunya , njengentloko enjalo -

(a ) isekela layo elityunjwe ngokwemigaqo yomhlathi (2 ) weSihlokomiso No. alikho elo sekela ,




okanye , ukuba

(b) isekela layo elalathelwe ngokwesiqendu 42 ( 2) salo Mthetho okanye , ukuba sekwalathelwe amasekela amabini okanye ngaphezulu kwanjalo , isekela elichongelwe loo njongo ngugunya ziwe okanye , ukuba alikho elo sekela ,

(c) naliphi

na iceba likagunya ziwe elalathelwe ukufeza loo njongo nguloo gunya ziwe ,

liya kuqhuba umsebenzi njengentloko kagunyaziwe : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi -

( i ) intloko kagunya ziwe wenqila ingathi , ilawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendu 46 ( 1 ) ( i ) , igunyazise isekela layo lichophele egameni layo nayiphi na intlanganiso ka9.

UM THETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WOGUNYAZIWE BASETRANSKEI , 1969 . gunya ziwe okanye nayiphi na ikomiti yakhe nangaliphi na elinye ixesha ; aye ke (ii ) amaceba ezileyo nakwiyiphi na intlanganiso kagunyaziwe wesizwe okanye wenqila angathi , ukuba intloko , intloko elibamba okanye naliphi na isekela eligunyazisiweyo alinakho , kuba lingekho okanye ngesinye isizathu sexeshana , ukuchophela loo ntlanganiso , alathele omnye wawo ukuba ayichophele intlanganiso leyo . "

Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 41 SoMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965.

6. Isiqendu 41 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yesiqendwana ( 5 ) esi siqendwana singezants'apha :

"(5) Nangona ikho imigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) sesi siqendu neyesiqendu 46 , uMphathiswa (a ) angathi , emveni kokucebisana nogunya ziwe wesizwe nekumkani kwanayo nayiphi na enye inkosi esemcimbini kwanayo nayiphi na enye inkosi esemcimbini kwaye ke ukuba kuluvo lwakhe kuluncedo kuluntu ukwenjenjalo ( i ) amisele isibonda okanye isibonda esilibamba ukuba siphathe abemi okanye umhlaba ekuthethwe ngawo kweso sigendwana ( 1 ) sixeliweyo ; okanye (ii ) asuse esikhundleni esikuso nasiphi na isibonda okanye isibonda esilibamba ;

(b) uya kuthi , alathele isibonda esilibamba , xa sukuba kukho nasiphi na isikhundla sesibonda esihlale singenamntu ntathu . ". Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 46 SoMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965.


esingaphaya kweenyanga


7. Isiqendu 46 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa imibandela -

(a ) ngokucima igama elithi " okanye " ekupheleni komhlathi (g) wesiqendwana ( 1 ) ; (b) ngemfakelo yegama elithi "okanye " ekupheleni kom-



hlathi (h) wesiqendwana ( 1 ) ; na -

(c) ngokufakela emva komhlathi lo mhlathi ungezants'apha :




"(i) sithe , singenayo imvume eyodwa kagunyaziwe esiyintloko okanye iceba lakhe , aseza okanye satyeshela ukuza ezintlanganisweni ezintathu ezilandelelanayo eziqhelekileyo zaloo gunyaziwe , " .

8. Esi siqendu singezants'apha ngokwenjenje eMthethweni oyintloko emva kwesiqendu 47:

" Uphumosikhundleni lwekumkani elibamba , inkosi elibamba, inkosana elibamba okanye isibonda esilibamba.


Imfakelosiqendu eMthethweni 47a No. 4 wowe 1965.

47A. (1 ) Ekuqiniselweni kolwalathelo lwekumkani , inkosi okanye inkosana ngokwesiqendu 45 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo okanye ekumiselweni okanye ekuqiniselweni kokumiselwa kwesibonda ngokwesiqendu 41 salo Mthetho , nawuphi na ke umntu ngelo xesha oselibamba kobo bukumkani , ubukhosi , ubukhosana okanye ububonda , kuxhomekeke ekubeni kukuphi na kanye - kanye koku wothi , ngaphandle kokuba umntu okwalathelwa okanye okumiselwa kwakhe sekuqiniselwe okanye sekwenziwe ngolo hlobo , aphume kweso sikhundla ngoko nangoko waye ke , ukuba akenjenjalo okanye uyala ukwenjenjalo uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba ugxothiwe kweso sikhundla ukususela emhleni oya kuqingqwa nguMphathiswa .

(2) Imigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1) iya kusebenza iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo ngokumalunga nayiphi na ikumkani elibamba , inkosi elibamba , inkosana elibamba okanye isibonda esilibamba ekwalathelwe okanye ekumiselwe endaweni yaso ngokomthetho enye ikumkani elibamba , inkosi elibamba , inkosana elibamba okanye isibonda esinguwuphi na ekuthini kuxhomekeke libamba , kanye -kanye kwaba . ".

9. Lo Mthetho uya kwaziwa ngokuba nguMthetho woFakelomibandela woGunya ziwe baseTranskei , 1969. 11.

Igama elifutshane .


ACT To amend the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 .

(Afrikaans text signed by the State President) ( Assented to on 30th July, 1969) . BE






ASSEMBLY , as follows :-

Amendment of section 1 of Act No. 4 of 1965.




of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 (Act

No. 4 of 1965 ) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act ) is hereby amended by the substitution for the definition of " chief" of the following definition :

"'chief' means a person whose designation as chief or acting chief or as sub- chief or acting sub- chief has , or by virtue of the provisions of section 58( 3) is deemed to have , been confirmed in terms of section 45 of the Constitution Act; " . Amendment of section 3 of Act No. 4 of 1965 , as amended by section 1 of Act No. 7 of 1966.

2. Section 3 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection ( 2 ) of the following subsection:

(2 ) The head of a tribal authority shall (a) in any area in which only one chief or, if there is no chief, only one headman resides , be such chief or such headman as the case may be ; and

(b) in any other area in which no chief resides be the chief of the tribe residing therein , or if such chief approves or if there is no chief, such headman of the tribe who ordinarily resides in such area as the Minister may designate as head after consultation with any paramount chief concerned . " . Amendment of section 4 of Act No. 4 of 1965 .

Section 4 of the principal Act is hereby amended by 3. for subsection ( 3) of the following subsection : substitution the " (3) The

area of jurisidiction or the

area under the

control of a chief, headman or deputy upon whom civil or criminal jurisdiction has been conferred in accordance with law shall include the area for which there has been

12 .

TRANSKEI AUTHORITIES AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. established by or under this Act any tribal authority of which such chief or headman or the chief of such deputy is the head. ".

4. Section 10 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion of the proviso to subsection ( 3) .

Amendment of section 4 of Act No. 4 of 1965.


Amendment of section 32 of Act No. 4 of 1965.

Section 32 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection ( 2 ) of the follwing subsection:

"(2) Whenever the head of any tribal or regional authority is unable , through absence or other temporary cause , to exercise or perform his powers , authorities or functions as such head ·

(a) his deputy nominated under the privisions of paragraph ( 2) of Proclamation No. 311 of 1963 or , if there is no such deputy , (b) his

deputy appointed

in terms of section 42 ( 2 ) of this Act or , if two or more of such deputies have been appointed , the deputy selected for the purpose by the authority or if there be none such ,

(c) any councillor of the authority appointed purpose by such authority ,

for the

shall act as head of the authority : Provided that (i) the head of a regional authority may, subject to the provisions of section 46 ( 1 ) ( i ) , authorize his deputy to preside on his behalf over any meeting of the authority or any committee thereof at any other time ; and (ii ) the



at any meeting of a tribal

or regional authority may, if the head , acting head or any authorized deputy is unable , through absence or other temporary cause , to preside over that meeting, appoint one of their number so to preside . " .

Section 41 of the principal Act is hereby amended by 6. the substitution for subsection ( 5 ) of the following subsection : " (5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection ( 1 ) of 13.

Amendment of section 41 of Act No. 4 of 1965.

TRANSKEI AUTHORITIES AMENDMENT ACT , 1969. this section and of section 46 , the Minister -

(a) may, after consultation with the tribal authority, the paramount chief and any other chief concerned and if in his opinion it is in the public interest to do so -

(i ) appoint a headman or an acting headman over the residents or the land contemplated in the said subsection (1 ); or

(ii ) depose any headman or acting headman; (b ) shall , in the case of any headmanship which has remained vacant for longer than three months , appoint an acting headman. " . Amendment of section 46 of Act No. 4 of 1965.


Section 46

of the

principal Act is hereby amended -

(a) by the deletion at the end of paragraph (g) of subsection (1 ) of the word "or" ; (b) by the insertion at the end of paragraph (h) of subsection ( 1 ) of the word " or" ; and (c) by the insertion after paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of the following paragraph : " (i) has , without the special leave of the authority of which he is the head or a councillor , failed or neglected to attend three consecutive ordinary meetings of such authority , " .

Insertion of section 47A in Act No. 4 of 1965.

8. The following section is hereby inserted in the principal Act after section 47:

" Vacation of office by acting paramount chief, acting chief, Acting subchief or acting headman.

47A. ( 1 ) Upon the confirmation of the designation of a paramount chief, chief or sub- chief in terms of section 45 of the Constitution Act or upon the appointment or the confirmation of the appointment of a headman in terms of section 41 of this Act ,

any person then acting in that paramount

chieftainship , chieftainship , sub- chieftainship or

14 .


headmanship , as the case may be , shall , unless he is the person whose designation or appointment has been so confirmed or made , vacate that office without delay and , if he fails or refuses to do so, he shall be deemed to have been dismissed from such office as from a date to be determined by the Minister . (2) The provisions of subsection (1 ) shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any acting paramount chief, acting chief, acting sub- chief or acting headman in whose place another acting paramount chief, acting chief, acting sub - chief · or acting headman, as the case may be , has been designated or appointed in accordance with law. ". 9. This Act shall be Amendment Act , 1969.

called the


15 .


Short title .



VAN 1969

Tot wysiging van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965. (Die Afrikaanse teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) (Goedgekeur op 30 Julie 1969) . DAAR





Wysiging van artikel 1 van Wet No. 4 van 1965 .

1. Artikel 1 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 (Wet No. 4 van 1965) (hieronder die Hoofwet genoem) word hierby gewysig deur die omskrywing van ,,kaptein " deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang : 99‚ 'kaptein ' iemand wie se aanwysing as kaptein of waarnemende kaptein of as onderkaptein of waarnemende onderkaptein bekragtig is , of uit hoofde van die bepalings van artikel 58 ( 3) , geag word bekragtig te wees . ingevolge artikel 45 van die Grondwet ; ".

Wysiging van artikel 3 van Wet No. 4 van 1965, soos gewysig deur artikel 1 van Wet No. 7 van 1966.


Artikel 3 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur subartikel 2 deur die volgende subartikel te vervang : ,, (2) Die hoof van ' n stamowerheid is -

(a) in ' n gebied waarin slegs een kaptein of, indien daar geen kaptein is nie , slegs een hoofman woon, sodanige kaptein of sodanige hoofman , na gelang van die geval , en

(b) in enige ander gebied waarin geen kaptein woon nie , die kaptein van die stam wat daarin woonagtig is , of indien sodanige kaptein so goedkeur of indien daar geen kaptein is nie , dié hoofman van dié stam wat gewoonlik in sodanige gebied woonagtig is wat die Minister , na oorleg met enige betrokke hoofkaptein , as hoof mag aanwys . ".

Wysiging van artikel 4 van Wet No. 4 van 1965.


Artikel 4 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (3 ) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang :

,, (3) Die regsgebied of die gebied onder die beheer van ' n kaptein , hoofman of gevolmagtigde aan wie siviele 16 .

WYSIGINGSWET OP TRANSKEISE OWERHEDE , 1969 . of strafregtelike regsmag volgens wet verleen is , sluit die gebied in waarvoor ' n stamowerheid , waarvan sodanige kaptein, hoofman of gevolmagtigde die hoof is , deur of kragtens hierdie Wet ingestel is . ".


Artikel 10 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur die voorbehoudsbepaling by subartikel ( 3) te skrap .

Wysiging van artikel 10 van Wet No. 4 van 1965.

Artikel 32 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur 5. subartikel (2) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang :

Wysiging van artikel 82 van Wet No.4 van 1965.

,, (2) Wanneer die hoof van ' n stam- of streeksowerheid , as gevolg van afwesigheid of ' n ander tydelike oorsaak, nie in staat is om sy magte , bevoegdhede of werksaamhede as sodanige hoof uit te voer nie , neem -

(a) sy gevolmagtigde benoem kragtens die bepalings van paragraaf ( 2 ) van Proklamasie No. 311 van 1963 of, as daar nie so ' n gevolmagtigde is nie ,

(b) sy gevolmagtigde aangestel ingevolge artikel 42 ( 2) van hierdie Wet of, as twee of meer sodanige gevolmagtigdes aangestel is , die gevolmagtigde wat deur die owerheid aangewys is , of indien daar geen sodanige is nie , (c) enige raadslid wat vir die doel deur bedoelde owerheid aangestel is , waar

as hoof van die owerheid : Met dien verstande dat -

(i) die hoof van ' n streeksowerheid , behoudens die bepalings van artikel 46 ( 1 ) ( i) , sy gevolmagtigde kan magtig om te eniger tyd namens hom op 'n vergadering van die owerheid of enige komitee daarvan voor te sit; en

(ii) as




hoof of

' n gemagtigde

gevolmagtigde nie in staat is om , as gevolg van afwesigheid of ' n ander tydelike oorsaak op ' n vergadering van ' n stam- of streeksowerheid voor te sit nie , kan die raadslede wat by daardie vergadering aanwesig is een uit hulle geledere aanstel om aldus voor te sit. ".

17 .

WYSIGINGSWET OP TRANSKEISE OWERHEDE , 1969. Wysiging van artikel 41 van Wet No. 4 van 1965.


Artikel 41 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur subartikel 5 deur die volgende subartikel te vervang :

,,(5) Ondanks die bepalings van subartikel ( 1) van hierdie artikel en van artikel 46 -

(a) kan die Minister , na oorlegpleging met die stamowerheid , die hoofkaptein en enige ander kaptein wat daarby belang het , en as dit na sy mening in die openbare belang dienstig is om aldus te doen (i) ' n hoofman of waarnemende hoofman oor die inwoners of grond in bedoelde subartikel ( 1 ) beoog, aanstel ; of

(ii) enige hoofman of waarnemende hoofman ontslaan ; (b) moet die Minister , indien ' n hoofmanskap vir langer as drie maande vakant is , ' n waarnemende hoofman aanstel. " .

Wysiging van artikel 46 van Wet No. 4 van 1965 .


Artikel 46 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur (a) die woord ,, of" aan die einde van paragraaf (g) van subartikel (1 ) te skrap ; (b) die woord ,,of" aan die einde van paragraaf (h) van subartikel (1 ) in te voeg; en

(c) die volgende paragraaf na paragraaf (h) van subartikel (1) in te voeg : ,, (i) sonder spesiale vergunning van die owerheid waarvan hy die hoof of ' n raadslid is , versuim of nagelaat het om drie agtereenvolgende gewone vergaderings van sodanige owerheid , by te woon, " .

Invoeging van artikel 47A in Wet No. 4 van 1965.

Die volgende artikel word hierby na artikel 47 in die 8. Hoofwet ingevoeg :

Ontruiming van amp deur

47A. (1 ) By die bekragtiging van die aanwysing van ' n hoofkaptein , kaptein of onderkaptein inge-

18 .

WYSIGINGSWET OP TRANSKEISE OWERHEDE , 1969 . waarnemende hoofkaptein, waamemende kaptein, waarnemende onderkaptein of waarnemende hoofman.

volge artikel 45 van die Grondwet of by die aanstelling of die bekragtiging van die aanstelling van ' n hoofman ingevolge artikel 41 van hierdie Wet, ontruim enige persoon wat dan in daardie hoofkapteinskap , kapteinskap , onderkapteinskap of hoofmanskap , na gelang van die geval , waarneem , sonder versuim daardie amp tensy hy die persoon is wie se aanwysing of aanstelling bekragtig of gemaak is en, indien hy in gebreke bly of weier om dit te doen , word hy geag uit sy amp ontslaan te gewees het met ingang van ' n datum wat die Minister bepaal .

(2 ) Die bepalings van subartikel ( 1) is mutatis mutandis van toepassing op ' n waarnemende hoofkaptein , waarnemende kaptein, waarnemende onderkaptein of waarnemende hoofman in wie se plek ' n ander waarnemende hoofkaptein, waarnemende kaptein, waarnemende onderkaptein of waarnemende hoofman, na gelang van die geval , volgens wet aangewys of aangestel is . " .

9. Hierdie Wet Owerhede, 1969.




19 .



Kort titel.




Wokulungiselela useko lweenkundla -matyala zabahle emimandleni yogunyaziwe beenqila , ulwalathelo lwabahle abongeziweyo kuloo mimandla nemicimbi enxibelelene noko. (Obhalwe ngesi Xhosa usayinwe yiPrezidanti yeSizwe) ( Uvunywe ngomhla wama 30 kuJulayi 1969) . KUQINGQWA




YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : -

Ingcaciso- magama. 1. Kulo Mthetho, ngaphandle kokuba umxholo ophethweyo unantsingiselo yimbi ukuthi (i) "umntu ontsundu " kuthetha umntu ontsundu njengoko achaziweyo esiqendwini 73 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo lwase Transkei , 1963);




48 wowe

(ii) " iceba " kuthetha nawuphi na umntu oliceba likagunyaziwe wenqila ngokwesiqendu 10 ( I) soMthetho woGunyaziwe, base Transkei , 1965 (uMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965) ; (iii) "inkundla kaMhle " kuthetha inkundla - matyala kaMhle ekhankanywe esiqendwini 48 ( 2 ) soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo lwase Transkei , 1963 ;

(iv) " intloko" kuthetha umntu oyintloko kagunya ziwe wenqila ngokwesiqendu 10 ( 3) soMthetho woGunya ziwe baseTranskei , 1965 ;

(v) " uMphathiswa " kuthetha uMphathiswa wezobulungisa ; (vi) "iGazethi yoBurulumente" lumente baseTranskei ; (vii ) "uMthetho-oyintloko " Iwaba Ntsundu ,


kuthetha iGazethi yoBuru-

kuthetha (uMthetho

uMthetho woLawulo No. 38 wowe 1927) ;

(viii) "uGunyaziwe wenqila" kuthetha ugunyaziwe wenqila , njengoko achaziweyo esiqendwini 1 soMthetho woGunyaziwe base Transkei , 1965 ;

(ix) " inqila "


20 .

"ummandla kaGunya ziwe

wenqila "



kuthetha ummandla kagunyaziwe wenqila ochazwe esiqendwini 2 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo lwaseTranskei , 1963 ;

(x) " isizinzo " , ngokuphathelele kugunyaziwe wenqila , kuthetha indawo ekhethwe yintloko yaloo gunyaziwe ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu baseTranskei , 1965 .




(1) Nangona ukho nawuphi na umgaqo ongangqinelaniyo 2. noku eMthethweni oyintloko koko phantsi kwemigaqo yalo Mthetho kunjalo nje ngenye indlela ngokuvumelana nomthetho , uMphathiswa angathi ukuba ucelwe ukuthi enjenjalo ngugunyaziwe wenqila ·

ayile inkundla eGazethini yoBurulumente (a) ngesaziso kamhle (eya kwaziwa ngokuba , kunjalo nje ngezants ' apha kwakulo Mthetho ebizwa ngokuba , yinkundlamatyala kagunyaziwe wenqila ) eya kuba negunya lokugweba nokuthetha amatyala nokwenza umthetho usebenze emmandleni ayilelwe wona loo gunyaziwe wenqila ; aze

(b) alathele





abona kufuneka ukuba ngamaxesha okuhlala kwenkundla-matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila bachophele imicimbi eqhutywayo : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi uMphathiswa akasayi kumisela mntu ngokwalo mhlathi ngaphandle kokuba uyintloko okanye iceba , okanye ngumqeshwa , owalathelwe ngemfanelo , kagunyaziwe wenqila kunjalo nje ngaphandle kokuba uluphumelele uviwo oluxelwe esiqendwini 2 ( 3) (a) soMthetho oyintloko okanye abe ngenye indlela , ngoluvo loMphathiswa , ufanelekile ukwenza umsebenzi kamhle owongeziweyo (emveni koku obizwa ngokuba ligosa logwebo - matyala ) ngokwalo Mthetho.

(2 ) Inkunlda kagunyaziwe wenqila ngamaxesha ayo okuhlala ingadibanela endaweni esisizinzo sikagunya ziwe wenqila , eofisini kamhle kuso nasiphi na isithili ekuso inqila okanye nayiphi na inxenye yayo nakwezinye iindawo ezinjalo

21 .

Ukuyilelwa kommandla kagunyaziwe wenqila inkundlamatyala kamhle nokwalathelwa kwegosa elichophel'imicimbi.


BEENQILA , 1969 . angathi

uMphathiswa amana

ezixela ngesaziso


yoBurulumente. (3) UMphathiswa ubona kufanele -

(a) ngesaziso



eGazethini yoBurulumente

na ixesha , ukuba

ayichithe nayi-

phi na inkunala - matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila ; okanye

(b) aluroxise naluphi na ulwalathelo olwenziwe ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) (b) okanye asikele imida igunya lolawulo nelogwebo nothetho-matyala lalo naliphi na igosa eligweb'amatyala . Igunya lokugweba nenkqubo yenkundla-matyala kaGunyaziwe wenqila namagunya amagosa agweb'amatyala

3. (1 ) Пlawulwa , kodwa phantsi komgqaliselo wokuba zingenziwa iinguqulelo ezifunekayo , yiloo migaqo yeziqendu 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 18 nese 19 yoMthetho oyintloko engaphambeneyo okanye evumelana nemigaqo yalo Mthetho , inkundlamatyala kagunyaziwe wenqila ingathi (a) ithethe amatyala eembambano nemicimbi evela ngomthetho namasiko aba Ntsundu phakathi kwabantu abaNtsundu ; ize

(b) ihlole izibheno ezibhekiswe kuloo nkundla ngokwesiqendu 12 (4 ) soMthetho oyintloko :

Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi inkundla - matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila ayisayi kuba yinkundla -matyala yabantwana ngokoMthetho wa Bantwana , 1960 (uMthetho No. 33 wowe 1960) okanye inkundla yezondlo ukulungiselela iinjongo zoMthetho we Zondlo , 1963 (uMthetho No. 23 wowe 1963) . (2) Amandla negunya lolawulo nogwebo- matyala athweswe ngesiqendwana

(1 ) inkundla -matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila okanye igosa logwebo - matyala akusayi kuchaphazela nganto -

(a ) amandla negunya lolawulo nogwebo - matyala ayo nayiphi na inkundla - matyala kamantyi okanye inkundla -matyala kamhle esekwe ngokubhekiselele kwisithili okuso ummandla kagunyaziwe wenqila okanye nayiphi na inxenye yakhe , okanye

22 .


BEENQILA, 1969. (b) amandla ayo nayiphi na imantyi okanye umhle owalathelwa eso sithili ,

kwaye ke , ukuba uMphathiswa ugunyazisa ngolo hlobo , nawuphi na umhle onjalo ( ingenguye umhle oncedisayo ) angachophela nangaliphi na ixesha imicimbi yenkundla - matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila okanye asebenzise nawaphi na kumagunya athweswe igosa eligweb'amatyala ngulo Mthetho. (3) Akukho sigwebo , sigqibo okanye sikhokelo sinikwe okanye myalelo wenziwe yinkundla -matyala kagunya ziwe wenqila okanye ligosa logwebo-matyala ekusebenziseni amandla okanye igunya lolawulo nogwebo - matyala eliwathweswe ngulo Mthetho uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba awunamandla akusebenza emthethweni ngesizathu nje sokuba unikwe okanye wenziwe yiloo nkundla -matyala lisebenzisa -


lelo gosa logwebo -matyala

(a) icebo likagunyaziwe wenqila okanye layo nayiphi na ikomiti okanye leceba lakhe , okanye

(b) icebo likamhle nawuphi na , saye ke nasiphi na isigwebo , isigqibo okanye isikhokelo esinikwe ngolo hlobo okanye umyalelo owenziwe ngolo hlobo uya kuthi ukulungiselela zonke iinjongo uthatyathwe ngokuba unikwe okanye wenziwe yiloo nkundla -matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila okanye lelo gosa logwebo -matyala , kuxhomekeke ekubeni ngubani na kanye -kanye kwaba . (4 ) Akukho gosa ligweb'amatyala liya kuhlola nasiphi na isibheno ngokwesiqendu 12 ( 4 ) soMthetho oyintloko ngaso nasiphi na isigwebo okanye isigqibo ebesenziwe lilo ekusebenziseni kwalo naliphi na igunya lolawulo nogwebo -matyala elilithweswe ngokwesiqendu 12 soMthetho oyintloko , laye ke nangayiphi na enye indlela alisayi kuba nanxaxheba kuxubusho-tyala kweso sibheno enkundleni - matyala kagunyaziwe wenqila. 4. Naziphi na iimali ezibizwayo ze - ofisi nezokudliwa yinkundla ngenxa yalo naluphi na uxubusho - micimbi yetyala ebelithethwa enkundleni -matyala kagunya ziwe wenqila okanye


Iimali ezibizwayo zeofisi nezokudliwa yinkundla mazithululelwe kwi-


BEENQILA , 1969. Ngxowa yase Transkei ye Mali engenayo . phambi kwegosa eligweb'amatyala ngokwalo Mthetho ziya kuthululelwa kwiNgxowa yase Transkei yeMali engenayo.

Imigaqo yenkundla. 5. ( 1 ) Umphathiswa angenza imigaqo emisela ngokuphathelele kwiinkundla -matyala zogunya ziwe beenqila (a ) isiqhelo - mthethweni nenkqubo , ekuqukwa apho ugcino maxwebhu oxubusho -matyala nawezigwebo , amaxesha okuhlala kwenkundla yothetho- matyala nendlela yokwenza izibheno; (b) indlela yokuqinisekisa ukuthi ayeza amagqina nabacebisi -bahle ematyaleni kunye ke nezibonelelo amabazihlawulwe ;

(c) iimali ezibizwayo neendleko ; (d ) uniko- siqinisekiso sesibambiso ; (e ) umsebenzi wamagosa enkundla - matyala ; kunjalo nje (f) ngokubanzi eminye imicimbi enjalo ethi ibe iyafuneka khona ukuze kube nokufezwa ngokukuko iinjongo zalo Mthetho : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho mgaqo wenza ukuba kufuneke kuchithwe nayiphi pa imali kwiNgxowa yase Transkei yeMali engenayo ekanye iimali emazithululelwe kuyo uya kuthi wenziwe nguMphathiswa ngaphandle kokuba kungocebiswano noMphathiswa wezeMali . (2 ) Imigaqo eyahlukeneyo ingenzelwa iindidi ezahlukeneyo zamatyala okanye imimandla eyahlukeneyo yogunya ziwe beenqila . (3) Ade

abe ke uMphathiswa wenze imigaqo ngokwesi-

qendwana ( 1 ) , imimiselo nemigaqo esasebenzayo ngokoMthetho oyintloko ezinkundleni - matyala zabahle eTranskei iya kusetyenziswa

Igama elifutshane.

kwinkundla - matyala

kagunya ziwe

wenqila .

6. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho wee Nkundlamatyala zase Transkei zoGunya ziwe beeNqila , 1969 .



ACT NO . 3 OF 1969


To provide for the establishment of courts of bantu affairs commissioner in regional authority areas , for the appointment of additional bantu affairs commissioners in such areas and for matters incidental thereto. (Xhosa text signed by the State President) (Assented to on 30th July, 1969) . BE






ASSEMBLY, as follows :-


In this



unless the context otherwise indicates -

" Bantu person " means a Bantu person as defined in section 73 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 (Act No. 48 of 1963) ; ( ii )

(ii ) " councillor " means any person who is the councillor of a regional authority in terms of section 10 ( 1 ) of the Transkei 1965) ; (vii )


Act ,



No. 4 of

(iii ) " court of bantu affairs commissioner " means a Bantu affairs commissioner's court referred to in section 48(2 ) of the


Constitution Act , 1963 ; (iii )

(iv) "head " means the person who is the head of a regional authority in terms of section 10 ( 3 ) of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 ; ( iv)

(v) "Minister "





Justice ;

(vi )

1 (vi) '" Official Gazette " Transkei ; (i )

means the Official Gazette of the

(vii) "principal Act " means the Bantu Administration Act , 1927 (Act No. 38 of 1927 ) ; (v) (viii ) " regional authority " means a regional authority as defined in section 1 of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 ; (x )

(ix) " region" or " regional authority area " means a regional authority area described in section 2 of the Transkei 25.

Definitions .


Constitution Act , 1963 ; (ix )

(x) " seat " , in relation to a regional authority , means the place selected by the head of such authority in accordance with the provisions of section 11 of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965. (viii)

Establishment of court of bantu affairs commissioner for regional authority area and appointment of presiding officer.

2. ( 1 ) Nothwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the principal Act but subject to the provisions of this Act and otherwise in accordance with law, the Minister may if so requested by a regional authority

(a) by notice in the

Official Gazette

establish a court of

bantu affairs commissioner (to be known, and hereinafter in this Act referred to, as a regional authority court) which shall have jurisdiction in the area for which such regional authority has been established ; and (b) appoint to preside at the sittings of a regional authority court as many additional bantu affairs commisṣioners as he may deem necessary : Provided that the Minister shall not appoint any person under this paragraph unless he is the head or a councillor , or the duly appointed employee , of the regional authority and unless he has passed the examination referred to in section 2 ( 3) ( a ) of the principal Act or is otherwise , in the opinion of the Minister , competent to perform the duties of an additional bantu affairs commissioner (hereinafter referred to as a judicial officer ) under this Act.

(2 ) A regional authority court may hold its sittings at the seat of the regional authority, at the office of the bantu affairs commissioner in any district in which the region or any part thereof is situated and such other places as the Minister may indicate from time to time by notice in the Official Gazette . (3) The Minister may at any time , if he thinks fit (a) by notice in the Official Gazette regional authority court ; or 26 .

disestablish any

TRANSKEIAN (REGIONAL AUTHORITY) COURTS ACT, 1969 . (b) revoke any appointment made under sub - section (1) (b) or restrict the jurisdiction of any judicial officer .

3. (1 ) Subject to such provisions of Jurisdiction and mutatis mutandis procedure of sections 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 18 and 19 of the principal regional authority court and powers Act as are not repugnant to or inconsistent with the provi- of judicial officers . sions of this Act , a regional authority court may -

(a) hear civil cases and matters arising out of Bantu law and custom between Bantu persons ; and

(b) hear appeals made to such court under 12(4) of the principal Act :


Provided that a regional authority court shall not be a children's court under The Children's Act , 1960 (Act No 33 of 1960) or a maintenance court for the purposes of the Maintenance Act , 1963 (Act No. 23 of 1963) . (2) The powers and jurisdiction conferred by sub- section (1) on a regional authority court or a judicial officer shall not affect -

(a) the powers and jurisdiction of any magistrate's court or court of bantu affairs commissioner constituted in respect of the district in which the regional authority area or any part thereof is situated , or

(b) the powers of any magistrate or bantu affairs commissioner appointed for such district ,

and , if the Minister so authorizes , any such bantu affairs commissioner (not being an assistant bantu affairs commissioner) may at any time preside over a regional authority court or exercise any of the powers conferred by this Act on a judicial officer .

(3) No judgment, decision or direction given or order made by a regional authority court or a judicial officer in the exercise of the powers or jurisdiction conferred by this Act shall be deemed to be invalid by reason merely of its having been given or made by such court or judicial officer acting 27 .

TRANSKEIAN (REGIONAL AUTHORITY) COURTS ACT, 1969 . (a) on the advice of the regional authority or any committee or councillor thereof, or

(b) on the advice of any bantu affairs commissioner , and any judgment , decision or direction so given or order so made shall for all purposes be deemed to have been given or made by such regional authority court or such judicial officer , as the case may be.

(4) No judicial officer

shall hear any



section 12 (4) of the principal Act against any judgment or decision given by him in the exercise of any jurisdiction conferred upon him in terms of section 12 of the principal Act, nor shall he in any other manner whatsoever take part in the proceedings in such appeal in a regional authority court.

Fees of Office and fines to be paid into Transkeian Revenue Fund.

Rules of court.


Any fees of office and fines deriving from or through

any proceedings heard before a regional authority court or a judicial officer under this Act shall be paid into the Transkeian Revenue Fund .

( 1 ) The Minister may make rules regulating in respect 5. of regional authority courts (a) practice and procedure , including the keeping of records , the times of holding courts and the procedure in appealing; (b) the mode of compelling the attendance of witnesses and assessors and the allowances to be paid to them ; (c) fees and costs ;

(d) the giving of security; (e ) the duties of officers of the court ; and

(f) generally such other matters as are necessary for the proper carrying out of the purposes of this Act : Provided that no rule involving any expenditure from or moneys payable to the Transkeian Revenue Fund shall be



made by the Minister except in consultation with the Minister of Finance . (2 ) Different rules may be made for different classes of cases or for different regional authority areas . (3) Until the

Minister makes rules in terms of sub-

section (1 ) , the regulations and rules in force under the principal Act in courts of bantu affairs commissioners in the


shall apply in a regional



6. This Act shall be called the Transkeian ( Regional Authority) Courts Act , 1969.

29 .

Short title.



Om voorsiening te maak vir die instelling van bantoesakekommissarishowe in streeksowerheidsgebiede , die aanstelling van addisionele bantoesakekommissarisse in sodanige gebiede en aangeleenthede wat daarmee in verband staan.

(Die Xhosa teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) (Goedgekeur op 30 Julie 1969) . DAAR WORD BEPAAL DEUR DIE TRANSKEISE WETGEWENDE VERGADERING , soos volg:-


1. Tensy uit die samehang anders blyk, beteken in hierdie Wet-

(i) "Amptelike Koerant" " die Amptelike Koerant van die Transkei ; (vi) (ii) " Bantoepersoon" ' n Bantoepersoon soos omskryf in artikel 73 van die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 (Wet No 48 van 1963) ; (i )

(iii) "bantoesakekommissarishof" 'n bantoe sakekommissarishof in artikel 48 ( 2 ) van die Transkeise Grondwet , 1963 bedoel ; (iii)

( iv) "hoof" die persoon wat ingevolge artikel 10 ( 3) van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 (Wet No. 4 van 1965) die hoof van ' n streeksowerheid is ; (iv) (v) "hoofwet " die Bantoe - administrasie Wet, 1927 (Wet No. 38 van 1927 ) ; (vii)

(vi) "Minister" die Minister van Justisie ; (v) (vii) " raadslid " iemand wat ingevolge artikel 10 ( 1 ) van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 ' n raadslid van 'n streeksowerheid is ; ( ii ) (viii ) " setel " , met betrekking tot ' n streeksowerheid , die plek wat ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 11 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 deur die hoof van sodanige streeksowerheid uitgekies is ; (x ) 30.



" streeksowerheidsgebied "



owerheidsgebied beskryf in artikel 2 van die Transkeise Grondwet , 1963 ; (ix )

(x) " streeksowerheid" ' n streeksowerheid soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965. (viii )

2. ( 1 ) Ondanks andersluidende bepalings in die hoofwet maar onderworpe aan die bepalings van hierdie Wet en andersins volgens wet, kan die Minister indien aldus versoek deur 'n streeksowerheid -

(a) by kennisgewing in die

Amptelike Koerant 'n bantoesakekommissarishof (wat bekend staan as , en hieronder genoem word, ' n streeksowerheidshof) instel

wat regsmag het in die gebied waarvoor sodanige streeksowerheid ingestel is; en (b) soveel addisionele bantoe sakekommissarisse as wat hy mag nodig ag , aanstel om by die sittings van 'n streeksowerheidshof voor te sit: Met dien verstande , dat die Minister niemand ingevolge hierdie paragraaf aanstel nie tensy hy die hoof of raadslid , of die behoorlik aangestelde ' n werknemer , van die streeksowerheid is

en tensy hy die

eksamen in

artikel 2 ( 3) (a) van die hoofwet bedoel , geslaag het of andersins volgens die Minister se oordeel bevoeg is om die pligte van ' n addisionele bantoe sakekommissaris (hieronder ' n regterlike beampte genoem ) kragtens hierdie Wet uit te voer.

(2) ' n Streeksowerheidshof kan sy sittings hou by die setel van die streeksowerheid , by die kantoor van die bantoesakekommissaris in enige distrik waarin die streek of enige gedeelte daarvan geleë is en op sodanige ander plekke as wat die Minister van tyd tot tyd by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant mag aanwys .

(3) Die Minister kan te eniger tyd na goeddunke

(a ) by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant ' n streeks31 .

Instelling van bantoesakekommissarishof vir streeksowerheidsgebied en aanstelling van voor sittende beampte.

WET OP TRANSKEISE (STREEKSOWERHEIDS- ) HOWE , 1969. owerheidshof afskaf; of

(b) ' n aanstelling wat kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) (b) gemaak is , intrek, of die regsmag van ' n regterlike beampte beperk.

Regsmag en 3. (1) Behoudens mutatis mutandis dié bepalings van artiprosedure van streeksowerheidshof kels 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 15, 16 , 18 en 19 van die hoofwet wat en bevoegdhede van nie teenstrydig of onbestaanbaar is nie met die bepalings regterlike beamptes. van hierdie Wet , kan ' n streeksowerheidshof -

(a) siviele gedinge e sake verhoor wat tussen Bantoepersone uit Bantoereg en -gebruik voortspruit; en (b) appèlle verhoor wat ingevolge artikel 12 (4 ) van die hoofwet aan sodanige hof gerig word : Met





streeksowerheidshof nie


kinderhof kragtens die Kinderwet , 1960 (Wet No. 33 van 1960) of ' n onderhoudshof vir die doeleindes van die Wet op Onderhoud (Wet No. 23 van 1963) is nie .

(2 ) Die bevoedghede en regsmag wat by subartikel (1) aan 'n streeksowerheidshof of ' n regterlike beampte verleen word, raak nie -

(a) die bevoegdhede en regsmag van ' n magistraatshof of bantoesakekommissarishof wat ten opsigte van die distrik waarin die streeksowerheidsgebied of enige gedeelte



is ,



nie ,


(b) die bevoegdhede van 'n magistraat of bantoesakekommissaris wat vir sodanige distrik aangestel is nie , en, indien die Minister aldus magtig , kan so ' n bantoesakekommissaris (uitgesonderd ' n assistent - bantoesakekommissaris ) te eniger tyd op ' n streeksowerheidshof voorsit of enige van die bevoegdhede uitoefen wat by hierdie Wet aan ' n regterlike beampte verleen word.

(3) Geen vonnis , beslissing of opdrag gegee , of bevel uitgevaardig deur ' n streeksowerheidshof of ' n regterlike 32 .

WET OP TRANSKEISE (STREEKSOWERHEIDS- ) HOWE , 1969. beampte by die uitoefening van die regsbevoedgheid wat deur hierdie Wet verleen word , word geag ongeldig te wees nie bloot omdat dit gegee of uitgevaardig is deur sodanige hof of regterlike beampte handelende (a) op advies van die streeksowerheid of ' n komitee of 'n raadslid daarvan, of

(b) op advies van 'n bantoesakekommissaris ,

en 'n vonnis , beslissing of opdrag aldus gegee of bevel aldus uitgevaardig word vir alle doeleindes geag deur sodanige streeksowerheidshof of sodanige regterlike beampte , na gelang van die geval , gegee of uitgevaardig te gewees het. (4) Geen regterlike beampte mag 'n appèl verhoor wat kragtens artikel 12 (4) van die hoofwet aangeteken is teen ' n vonnis of beslissing wat deur hom gegee is in die uitoefening van enige regsmag wat ingevolge artikel 12 van die Hoofwet aan hom verleen is en hy mag ook nie op enige ander wyse hoegenaamd aan die verrigtinge in verband met sodanige appèl in die streeksowerheidshof deelneem nie.

4. Kantoorgelde en boetes verkry uit of in die loop van enige verrigtinge wat ingevolge hierdie Wet voor 'n streeksowerheidshof of ' n regterlike beampte verhoor word , word in die Transkeise Inkomstefonds inbetaal .

Kantoorgelde en boetes word in Transkeise inkomstefonds inbetaal .

5. ( 1 ) Die Minister kan reëls uitvaardig wat ten opsigte van streeksowerheidshowe bepaal

Reëls van die hof.

(a) die praktyk en prosedure , met insluiting van die hou van oorkondes , die tye waarop hof gehou word en die prosedure by die aantekening van appel ;

(b) die wyse waarop die verskyning van getuies en assessore afgedwing word en die toelaes wat aan hulle betaal word ;

(c) gelde en koste ;

(d ) sekerheidstelling ; (e) die pligte van amptenare van die hof; en 33.

WET OP TRANSKEISE (STREEKSOWERHEIDS- ) HOWE , 1969 . (f) oor die algemeen, sodanige ander aangeleenthede as wat nodig mag wees vir die behoorlike uitvoering van die oogmerke van hierdie Wet :

Met dien verstande dat geen reël wat ' n uitgawe uit of gelde betaalbaar aan die Transkeise Inkomstefonds meebring deur die Minister uitgevaardig word nie behalwe in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies .

(2) Verskillende reëls kan vir verskillende soorte sake of vir verskillende streeksowerheidsgebiede uitgevaardig word.

(3) Totdat die Minister reëls ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) uitvaardig, is die regulasies en reëls wat kragtens die hoofwet in bantoesakekommissarishowe in die Transkei van Kort titel.


is ,



6. Hierdie Wet heet die owerheids- ) Howe , 1969 .


Wet op

van toepassing.





WE 4 KA 1969





zaseTranskei ,

1965 .

(Obhalwe ngesiNgesi usayınwe yiPrezidanti yeSizwe) (Uvunywe ngomhla wama 30 kuJulayi 1969).





YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : 1. Isiqendu 4 soMthetho weePenshini zase Transkei , 1965 (uMthetho. No. 10 wowe 1965 ) ngokwenjenje sifakwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yesiqendwana (2 ) esi siqendwana singezants'apha :

Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 4 SoMthetho No. 10 wowe 1965.

"(2) Ngaphezulu kwepenshini le ilungiselelweyo kwisiqendwana ( 1) kunjalo nje ukususela ngomhla wokuqala kuTshaziimpunzi , 1969 , kuya kuhlawulwa nawuphi na umntu ofanele ukuhlawulwa ipenshini ngokweso siqendwana isibonelelo esiya kumana siqingqwa nguMphathiswa wezaseKhaya ecebisana noMphathiswa wezeMali , esingayi kuba ngaphantsi kwamashumi amathathu anesihlanu eerandi namashumi amane eesenti ngonyaka. " .

2. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho woFakelombandela wee Penshini zase Transkei , 1969.

35 .

Igama elifutshane



To amend the Transkei Pensions Act , 1965. (English text signed by the State President) (Assented to on 30th July, 1969) . BE IT ENACTED BY THE ASSEMBLY , as follows : -

Amendment of section 4 of Act No. 10 of 1965.


Section 4 of the Transkei Pensions Act , 1965 (Act No. 10 of 1965) is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (2) of the following subsection : "(2 ) In addition to the pension provided for in subsection (1 ) and with effect from the first day of April , 1969 , there shall be paid to any person to whom a pension is payable under that subsection an allowance to be determined from time to time by the Minister of the Interior in consultation with the Minister of Finance , not being less than thirty-five rand and forty cents per annum. " .

Short title .

2. This Act shall be called the Transkei Pensions Amendment Act, 1969.

36 .



VAN 1969

Tot wysiging van die Transkei Pensioene Wet , 1965. (Die Engelse teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) (Goedgekeur op 30 Julie 1969) . DAAR WORD BEPAAL DEUR DIE TRANSKEISE WETGEWENDE VERGADERING , soos volg :-


Artikel 4 van die Transkei Pensioene Wet , 1965 (Wet

No. 10 van 1965) word hierby gewysig deur subartikel ( 2 ) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang:

Wysiging van Artikel 4 van Wet No. 10 van 1965.

,,(2 ) Benewens die pensioen waarvoor voorsiening gemaak word in subartikel ( 1 ) en met ingang van die eerste dag van April 1969 , word daar aan iemand aan wie ' n pensioen kragtens daardie subartikel betaalbaar is , ' n toelae betaal wat van tyd tot tyd deur die Minister van Binnelandse Sake in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies bepaal word en nie minder as vyf - en- dertig rand en veertig sent per jaar is nie . " .


Hierdie Wet Pensioene , 1969.




37 .



Kort titel .




Wokulungiselela ukuncedisa ngemali abafumana iipenshini ngenkonzo kaRulumente nokufakela imibandela kwiSihlokomiso No. 143 sowe 1921. (Obhalwe ngesi Bhulu usayinwe yi Prezidanti yeSizwe) (Uvunywe ngomhla wama 30 kuJulayi 1969) . KUQINGQWA




YASE- TRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : Uncedo-mali kwabathile a bafumana ipenshini ngenkonzo kaRulumente .

1. ( 1 ) Ecaphula kwiimali ezabelwe le njongo yiNdlu yoWisoMithetho, uMphathiswa wezase Khaya angathi , ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na umntu ofumana ipenshini enokuhlawulwa iphuma kwiNgxowa - mali ye Penshini neye Bhaso ya Baqeshwa baka Rulumente wase Transkei eyasekwa ngeSihlokomiso No. 143 sowe 1921 , ongeze ipenshini yaloo mntu ngokumnika isipho - mali okanye isibonelelo , okanye kokubini oko , phantsi kwaloo migqaliselo kunjalo nje ngokuvumelana naloo milinganiselo-mali angathi lo Mphathiswa ukhankanyiweyo , ecebisana noMphathiswa wezeMali , amana eyimisela ngokubanzi okanye bantu .




udidi oluthile lwabo

( 2) Isiqendwana ( 1 ) siya kuthatyathwa ngokuba siqalise ukusebenza ngomhla weshumi elinanye kuDisemba , 1963 .

Ubeko-mgaqo endaweni yom. gaqo 16 weSihlokomiso No. 143 sowe 1921.

Lo mgaqo ungezantsi apha ngokwenjenje ubekwa endaweni 2. yomgaqo 16 weSihlokomiso No. 143 sowe 1921 : " 16. Ilungu elilibhinqa neliyekiswa umsebenzi ngenxa yokutshata kwalo okanye eliziroxeleyo enkonzweni kuba lizimisele ukutshata emveni kokuba lazise ngencwadi intloko yesebe lalo ukuba liza kwenjenjalo lize litshate zingekapheli kuthi -

iinyanga ezintathu emveni kolo roxo , liya

(a ) ukuba inkonzo yalo ebalelwa kufumano - penshini yaqalisa ngomhla ongaphambili kosuku lokuqala kuMeyi 1969 , linikwe ibhaso - mali elilingana nesambuku- mali esiphindwe kabini seminikelo yalo kwiNgxowa- mali ye Penshini ngaphandle kwenzala ;

(b) ukuba inkonzo yalo ebalelwa kufumano - penshini yaqa38 .

UM THE THO WOFAKELO-MIBANDELA WEEPENSHINI ZENKONZO KARULUMENTE WASETRANSKEI, 1969 . lisa ngosuku okanye emveni kosuku lokuqala kuMeyi , 1969 lize ke ·

(i) ukuba inkonzo yalo ebalelwa kufumano- penshini ayingaphantsi kweminyaka emihlanu , lihlawulwe imali elibhaso elingana nesambuku- mali sonke seminikelo yalo kwiNgxowa - mali ye Penshini ndawonye nepersenti yeminikelo yalo ebalwa ngokwesi silinganiso singezants'apha :

Inani leminyaka

Ipersenti yeminikelo

eggityiweyo yenkonzo ebalelwa kufumaniso pen-


shini .

5 6

614 12/2

7 8 9 10

25 37/2 50

622 75

11 12 13 nangaphezulu

872 100

(ii) ukuba inkonzo yalo ebalelwa kufumano - penshini ingaphantsi kweminyaka emihlanu , libe nelungelo lokubuyiselwa yonke iminikelo yalo kwingxowamali ngaphandle kwenzala . " .

3. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho woFakelo- Igama elifutshane. mibandela wee Penshini zeNkonzo ka Rulumente wase Transkei , 1969.





provide for financial assistance to civil pensioners Proclamation No. 143 of 1921 .

and to amend

(Afrikaans text signed by the State President) ( Assented to on 30th July, 1969) . BE






ASSEMBLY , as follows : -

Assistance to certain civil pensioners .

1. ( 1 ) Out of moneys appropriated by the Legislative Assembly for the purpose , the Minister of the Interior may , in respect of any person who is in receipt of a pension payable from the Transkeian Government Employees ' Pension and Gratuity Fund established by Proclamation No. 143 of 1921 , supplement the pension of such person by the award of a bonus or allowance , or both, subject to such conditions and in accordance with such rates as the said Minister may , in consultation with the Minister of Finance , from time to time prescribe either generally or in respect of any particular class of such persons .

(2) Subsection (1 ) shall be deemed to have come into operation on the eleventh day of December , 1963 .

Substitution of rule 16 of Proclamation No. 143 of 1921 .

2. The following rule is hereby substituted for rule 16 of Proclamation No. 143 of 1921 : " 16. A member who is a female and who is discharged on account of her marriage or who has retired voluntarily in contemplation of marriage after having notified the head of her department in writing to that effect and marries within three months after such retirement , shall -

(a ) if her pensionable service commenced on a date prior to the first day of May , 1969 , receive a gratuity equal to twice the amount of her contributions to the fund without interest ;


(b) if her pensionable service commenced on or after the first day of May, 1969 , and -

(i ) if she has had not less than five years ' pension-




able service , be paid a gratuity equal to the sum of her own contributions to the fund together with a percentage of her own contributions calculated in accordance with the following scale :

Number of completed years of pensionable service . 5 6 7 8

Percentage of own contributions .

614 12/2 25 37/2 50

9 10

622 75 872

11 12

13 and over

... 100 ;

(ii ) if she has had less than five years ' pensionable service , be entitled to the refund of the whole of her own contributions to the fund without interest. ". 3.



shall be called the Transkeian Government

Service Pensions Amendment Act , 1969 .

41 .

Short title.







WET NR. 5 VAN 1969 Om


voorsiening te maak vir geldelike bystand aan burgerlike pensioentrekkers en om Proklamasie No. 143 van 1921 te wysig. (Die Afrikaanse teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) (Goedgekeur op 30 Julie 1969) .


Bystand aan sekere pensioentrekkers .

1. ( 1 ) Uit gelde vir die doel deur die Wetgewende Vergadering bewillig , kan die Minister van Binnelandse Sake ten opsigte van ' n persoon wat ' n pensioen, betaalbaar uit die Transkeise Regeringswerknemerspensionen- en gratifikasiefonds ingestel by Proklamasie No. 143 van 1921 , ontvang, die pensioen van bedoelde persoon met die toekenning van ' n bonus of toelae , of albei , aanvul , onderworpe aan dié voorwaardes en ooreenkomstig dié skale wat genoemde Minister in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies , of in die algemeen of ten aansien van ' n besondere kategorie van bedoelde persone van tyd tot tyd voorskryf. (2 ) Subartikel (1 ) word geag op die Desember 1963 in werking te getree het.

Vervanging van reël 16 van Proklamasie No. 148 van 1921 ,





Reël 16 van Proklamasie No. 143 van 1921 word hierby deur die volgende reël vervang: ,, 16. ' n Lid wat ' n vrou is en weens haar huwelik ontslaan word of met die voorneme om in die huwelik te tree vrywillig uit diens tree nadat sy die hoof van haar departement aldus skriftelik in kennis gestel het en binne drie maande na sodanige uitdienstreding in die huwelik tree -

(a) ontvang, indien haar pensioengewende diens op ' n datum voor die eerste dag van Mei 1969 begin het , ' n gratifikasie gelyk aan tweemaal die bedrag van haar eie bydraes tot die fonds , sonder rente ;

(b) indien haar pensioengewende diens op eerste dag van Mei 1969 begin het , en 42 .

of na




(i ) indien



sy minstens vyf jaar pensioengewende

diens gehad het, word betaal ' n gratifikasie gelyk aan die som van haar eie bydraes tot die fonds tesame met ' n persentasie van haar eie bydraes bereken ooreenkomstig die volgende skaal : -

Aantal volle jare pensioengewende diens . 5678

614 12/2 25 372 50

9 10 ...... 11 12

622 75 872

13 en meer..

(ii ) indien


Persentasie van eie bydraes .


minder as vyf jaar pensioengewende

diens gehad het, is geregtig op die terugbetaling van die hele bedrag van haar bydraes tot die fonds , sonder rente.".

3. Hierdie Wet heet die Wysigingswet op die Transkeise Regeringsdienspensioene , 1969.





(Obalwe ngesiXhosa usayinwe yi Prezidanti yeSizwe - Uvunywe ngomhla wama 25 Septemba 1969) Wokulungiselela

ubeko- bucala



imicimbi yamahlathi ,

ucandelo , ukhuselo , ulongamelo nosetyenziso lwamahlathi atyaliweyo namahlathi -nje , ukhuselo lwemithi nenye imveliso yamahlathi , umiselo migaqo nolawulo lorwebo enxibelelene noko . KUQINGQWA

ngemveliso yamahlathi






YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo:-

Ingcaciso-magama .

Kulo Mthetho, ngaphandle kokuba umxholo ophethweyo 1. unantsingiselo yimbi ukuthi (i)

" 'ummandla wolawulo"

kuthetha ummandla wola-

wulo njengoko uchaziweyo kwisiqendu 1 soMthetho woGunyaziwe baseTranskei , 1965 (uMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965 );


" isigunyaziso " kuthetha ilayisensi , ipemethe okanye esinye isigunyaziso esikhutshwe ngokwesiqendu 11 (1) ;


" 'umntu ontsundu '' kuthetha umntu ontsundu njengoko achaziweyo esiqendwini 73 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo eTranskei , 1963 (uMthetho No. 48 wowe 1963);


"' iSigqeba sika Rulumente " kuthetha iSigqeba sikaRulumente esisekwe ngokwesiqendu 10 soMthetho osiSiseko so Lawulo eTranskei , 1963 ;


" 'ihlathi elicandelw ' imida " kuthetha naliphi na ihlathi elisisibekelwa - bucala okanye inxenye yehlathi elisisibekelwa- bucala ethi ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 6 ibe ibhengezwe ngokuba okanye ethatyathwa ngokuba ibhengezwe ngokuba ilihlathi elicandelw' imida ;


(vii )

" isebe " kuthetha iSebe loLimo nezaMahlathi ;

" igosa lamahlathi "


kuthetha umntu osesikhundleni


esichazwe ngokwesiqendu 4(1 ) ; (viii )

"' imveliso yamahlathi " kuthetha nayiphi na into eveliswa yimithi okanye ekhula okanye elinywa ehlathini okanye ethi ngendalo ifunyanwe okanye izuzwe ehlathini kwaye kuquka ixolo lomthi , iinyosi , iintaka , amasebe omthi , amahlahla , ithupha legqabi , ilahle lokhuni , iingceba zomthi , izityalo ezigwencelayo , umhlaba , iioyile ezifuneka kanyekanye , izityalo ezingenantyatyambo zizizo , iinkuni zokubasa , intlanzi , iintyatyambo , iziqhamo , iinyamakazi , utyani , intlaka , urexe , ubusi , iimpondo , umbolo wezihluma , imithi yeentlanti , iilantyi , amagqabi , isitroyi okanye ingca nomthonyama , ubulembu , ioyile - lwapesi , isihlunyana esiboliswe ngamanzi , izityalo , iipali , iingcongolo, iingcambu irabha , amasi omthi , imizi , intlabathi , incindi , imbuphu yesara , iimbewu , amaqokobhe , unokrwece , amaplanga abuxandera , uphahla , izikhumba neemfele ,

izikalplanga ,

izinonga , izijungqana zanga-

phandle zezigodo , amatye , isifulelo , amaplanga , imithi esamilileyo emhlabeni , umthwebeba , intlaka nemithi ;


"ihlathi elisisibekelwa - bucala" kuthetha nawuphi na umhlaba othi , ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 5 ( 2 ) okanye ( 3 ) ube ubugcinwe waza wabekelwa - bucala okanye othatyathwa ngokuba wenjiwe njalo ukufeza iinjongo zamahlathi ;


" uRulumente" kuthetha uRulumente wase Transkei ;

(xi )

" iHlathi lika Rulumente " kuthetha naliphi na ihlathi elicandelw'imida okanye elingacandelwanga imida kunye nalo naliphi na ihlathi elisisibekelwa - bucala kwaye kuquka

ihlathi elityaliweyo lika Rulumente ,

ilitye lika Rulumente losaro - maplanga , isimatshini solondolozo ngonyango imithi namaplanga ka Rulumente nawo nawuphi na ummandla olawulwa uze wonganyelwe lisebe khona ukuze kuthintelwe iinqumba zentlabathi okanye ngenjongo yokukhusela amahlathi emvelo ;

45 .



"isibonda " kuthetha isibonda sommandla lowo wolawulo , njengoko sichaziweyo esiqendwini 1 soMthetho woGunyaziwe baseTranskei , 1965 ;

(xiii )

"umhlaba " kuthetha umhlaba eTranskei ;


" isiphatha - mandla sendawo " kuthetha nawuphi na umbutho ekuthethwa ngawo kwisiqendu 84( 1 ) (f) soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo lwe Riphabliki yoMzantsi - Afrika, 1961 (uMthetho No. 32 wowe 1961 ) ;


"uMphathiswa " kuthetha uMphathiswa woLimo nezaMahlathi ;


"iGazethi yoBurulumente " rulumente baseTranskei ;

kuthetha iGazethi yoBu-


"ihlathi elityaliweyo" kuthetha nawuphi na ummandla womhlaba osetyenziswa okanye obekelwe bucala ngenjongo yokutyala imithi kodwa akuquki nasiphi na isiqwenga semithi esiphenjwe ngokwalo naluphi na ulungiselelo lolondolozo- mhlaba ;


" igosa elilipolisa " kuthetha ilungu lawo nawuphi na umkhosi wamapolisa osekwe ngomthetho;



"uSibakhulu" Mahlathi ;

kuthetha uSibakhulu woLimo neza-

" ulungiselelo lolondolozo - mhlaba " kuthetha ulungiselelo lolondolozo - mhlaba olusebenzayo ngokoMthetho



eTranskei ,


(uMthetho No. 10 wowe 1966 ) ;


"ububanzi bomthetho obhaliweyo " , ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na uhola woluntu , kuthetha ububanzi bomthetho obhaliweyo njengoko buchaziweyo kwisiqendu 1 soMthetho wee Ndlela zase Transkei , 1965 (uMthetho No. 5 wowe 1965) ;

(xxii )

" -theza "" kuthetha ukuqokelela , ukuthatha nokususa ezo nkuni zomileyo zokubasa , ingca yokufulela neengcongolo ezinokuthi zithathwe kungenziwa mo-

46 .


nakalo emithini ephilayo;


"lo Mthetho " kuquka nawuphi na ummiselo owenziweyo nonamandla omthetho ngokwesiqendu 23 ;


" iplanga " kuthetha yonke into engumthi esemithini emilileyo nokokuba imile , iwile okanye igawuliwe , kwanayo yonke into engumthi akukhathaleki nokokuba iveliswe okanye ingeyongeniso eTranskei kunjalo nje nokokuba isariwe , iziingceba , icandiwe okanye ichweliwe okanye yahonjiswa okanye yasetyenzwa ngenye indlela;


" umthi " kuquka naluphi na uhlobo lwesihluma esingumthi olubandakanya nasiphi na isithombo, isithole , ihlumelo lezithole ezityalwayo okanye lemithana na ;


emana ukutshecwa



"ihlathi elingacandelwe - mida " kuthetha (a)

nawuphi na umhlaba kaRulumente ( ongelilo ihlathi elicandelw'imida okanye ihlathi elityaliweyo) obugcinelwe


wabekelwa bucala

okanye othatyathwa ngokuba ubugcinelwe waza wabekelwa bucala imicimbi yamahlathi ngokwesiqendu 5 ( 2) okanye ( 3 ) ; nayo (b)

yonke imithi emhlabeni kaRulumente ( ongelilo ihlathi elicandelw'imida okanye ihlathi elityaliweyo).

2. (1) Isebe lilawulwa yimigaчo yalo Mthetho , kuya kuba ngumsebenzi walo , phantsi kolongamelo nolawulo loMpha-

Imisebenzi, amandla namagunya esebe ngokuphathelele kumahlathi thiswa kunjalo nje kucatshulwa emalini evotelwe loo njongo nemveliso yamahlathi . yindlu yoWiso- mithetho -


ukukhusela , ukongamela , ukuphemba , ukukhulisa nokusebenzisa amahlathi kaRulumente ;


ukuseka , ukongamela atyaliweyo ;


47 .



ukuthengisa okanye ukuchitha ngenye indlela imveliso yamahlathi ;


ukuthengisa nokongamela amatye osaro- maplanga , iifektri okanye eminye imisebenzi eqhutywayo yokusara, yokwenza

ezifektri okanye yokusebenza

ngamachiza njl . imveliso yamahlathi okanye yokuqhuba uphando ngokubhekiselele ekusetyenzisweni , ekwenziweni ezifektri okanye ekusetyenzweni ngamachiza njl. kwemveliso yamahlathi ;


ukurweba okanye ukushishina ngemveliso yamahlathi nokuqhuba nawuphi na umsebenzi okanye into enxibelelene nolo rwebo okanye ushishino ;


ukukhusela nokulondoloza imithombo yamanzi namanzi , kunjalo nje nokuthintela nokulwa imililo , inkukulo-mhlaba neenqumba zentlabathi , emahlathini ka Rulumente ;


ukwenza nokugcina emekweni eyiyo , okanye ukugunyazisa ukwenza nokugcina emekweni eyiyo iindlela, iibroro , iikhalveti , iindledlana , imiselana yohambiso - zinto ,




ngcingo zeekhetshi emahlathini kaRulumente ngenjongo yokusebenzisa ngemfanelo nokulawula izihamba- ndleleni nabasebenzisi - ndlela kuzo naziphi na iindlela ezinjalo ;


ukuqhuba ngomthetho nokulawula , phantsi kwemithetho ephathelele kungeno lwabantu eTranskei nokhuselo Iweenyamakazi , iintlanzi okanye iintaka , ungeno lwabantu emahlathini kaRulumente nosetyenziso lwaloo mahlathi ngeenjongo zokuzingela , zokuloba iintlanzi , zokupiknika , zokukampa nokuzonwabisa ngokubanzi ;

( i)

ukuqhuba ngomthetho nokulawula ukucoca , ukukhubela okanye ukulima umhlaba , okanye ukudlisa imfuyo ingca , emahlathini ka Rulumente ;

( j)

ukuqhuba ngomthetho nokulawula ukuqokelelwa kobusi , ukubamba iinyosi okanye ufuyo - zinyosi ema48.


hlathini kaRulumente ;


ukutshabalalisa izilwanyana ezikhathazayo nokudonyula ukhula emahlathini ka Rulumente ;

( 1)

ukulondoloza nokukhusela imithi , imveliso yamahlathi okanye amahlathi abekelwe bucala ngokukodwa okanye akhuselwe ngokwesiqendu 7 ;


ukulawula nokongamela nasiphi na isibekelwabucala sezemvelo okanye ihlathi lokhuselo elibekwe bucala ngokwesiqendu 9 ;


ukufumanisa loo ndawo yokuhlala namanye amancedo amagosa okanye abaqeshwa besebe , namancedo abeepikniki nabakampayo emahlathini kaRulumente , angathi uMphathiswa awabone efuneka ;


ukuqhubela phambili okanye ukuncedisa ekuqhubeleni phambili ishishini lamahlathi nelamaplanga ngokubanzi eTranskei ; kunjalo nje


ngokubanzi ukusebenzisa onke loo mandla namagunya angathi afuneke khona ukuze kufezwe iinjongo zalo Mthetho .

(2) Ekusebenziseni amandla , amagunya nasekwenzeni umsebenzi walo ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) isebe lingathi ngamaxesha ngamaxesha , ngesaziso esingeelwimi zoburulumente esibonakaliswe ekuhleni emdeni okanye ngasemdeni walo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente , lenze imigaqo okanye liwise izalelo okanye izithintelo ngokuphathelele kwelo hlathi likaRulumente okanye nayiphi na inxenye yalo. 3.

UMphathiswa angathi ngamaxesha ngamaxesha , ngesaziso eGazethini yoBurulumente , ayahlule iTranskei ibe ziza biwa zamahlathi , izithili zamahlathi okanye imimandla

Izabiwa zamahlathi , izithili okanye imimandla yawo.

yamahlathi waye enganika igama nasiphi na isabiwa sehlathi esinjalo, isithili samahlathi okanye ummandla wamahlathi okanye naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente .

4. (1) lumente

Umphathiswa angathi ngesaziso eGazethini yoBuruaxele izikhundla ezisesebeni abaya kubizwa ngo-


Imiga qo ephathelele amahlathi kumagosa nabanye abaqeshwa .


kuba ngamagosa amahlathi abalathelwe kuzo .

(2) Akukho gosa lamahlathi okanye elinye igosa okanye umqeshwa wesebe uya kuthi (a)

acele okanye amkele okanye avume ukwamkela , yena siqu okanye esamkelela omnye umntu , nayiphi na intlawulo , into eluncedo okanye umvuzo wemali okanye ongengowamali , ngenxa nje yokuba esenza nayiphi na into engangqinelaniyo nomsebenzi wakhe okanye kuba etyeshela ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe; okanye



okanye amkele okanye avume ukwamkela nakuwuphi na umntu nayiphi na intlawulo , into eluncedo okanye umvuzo ongowemali okanye ongengowamali , ngenxa yokuba esenza umsebenzi wakhe .

(3) Akukho gosa lamahlathi okanye elinye igosa okanye mqeshwa wumbi wesebe , kwaye kungekho sibonda , siya kurweba ngemveliso yamahlathi (engeyiyo imveliso yamahlathi elinywe okanye eveliswe emhlabeni ongowaso ) okanye siya kuthi sibe ngumenzeli wakhe nawuphi na umntu (ongelilo isebe ) orweba ngemveliso yamahlathi .

Amahlathi azizibekelwa-bucala.

5. (1 ) Xa sukuba , kuluvo lweSigqeba sika Rulumente kufuneka nawuphi na umhlaba okanye naliphi na ilungelo okanye ibango emhlabeni okanye phezu kwawo (a)

khona ukuze kusekwe ihlathi lika Rulumente okanye khona ukuze kufezwe nayiphi na enye injongo enxibelelene nehlathi lika Rulumente , okanye







nakho ukusebenzisa ,

okanye ukuqhuba umsebenzi , amagunya

okanye amandla alo , ngokwalo Mthetho , uMphathiswa ekunikelwe kuye ukwenziwa kusebenze kwemigaqo




wase Transkei


kwezoLimo , 1966 , ngokwesiqendu 38 saloo Mthetho angathi , awungokwaloo migaqo kuguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo hluthe loo mhlaba okanye , kuxhomekeke ekuthini kukuphi na

50 .

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969. kanye -kanye , ahluthe okanye aphelise naliphi na ilungelo okanye ibango kuloo mhlaba okanye phezu kwawo .



na umhlaba ohluthiweyo okanye ekuthe

ngokubhekiselele kuwo kwahluthwa okanye kwapheliswa naliphi na ilungelo okanye ibango ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) uya kuthi , waye ke nawuphi na omnye umhlaba ka Rulumente ungathi emveni kokucebisana nogunya ziwe wenqila ofanelekileyo osekwe ngokoMthetho woGunyaziwe base Transkei , 1965 , ugcinwe uze ubekelwe bucala siSigqeba sikaRulumente ukulungiselela imicimbi yamahlathi . (3) Nawuphi na umhlaba othe ngaphambili nje nqo kokuqalisa ukusebenza kwalo Mthetho wabekelwa bucala okanye wagcinelwa imicimbi yamahlathi ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe sisiqendu 27 ( 1 ) wothi , ngangona lwenziweyo olo tshitshiso , uthatyathwe ngokuba ugciniwe waza wabekwa bucala ngokwesiqendwana ( 2 ) sesi siqendu . (4)


othi ngokwalo Mthetho ube ubugcinelwe

okanye ububekelwe bucala okanye othatyathwa ngokuba ubugcinelwe okanye ububekelwe bucala ukufeza iinjongo zamahlathi -


awusayi kuthi , nokokuba uwonke nokukuba yinxenye yawo , uroxiswe kolo gcinelo kungengamvume yeSigqeba sika Rulumente ; waye


uya kuthi , nangona lukho olo gcinelo okanye nawuphi na umgaqo ongangqine laniyo noku kuwo nawuphi na omnye umthetho kunjalo nje ngokuphathelele ekubeni nayo okwexeshana , kusetyenziso okanye kumiwo lwayo nayiphi na inxenye yaloo mhlaba okanye isiza esikuwo nguye nawuphi na umntu okanye isiphathamandla esingelilo isebe -

(i )

ukufeza iinjongo zelitye losaro- maplanga , zefektri , zokurweba okanye zokuhlala emizini , okanye


ukufeza nayiphi na enye injongo ( engeyiyo leyo kuthethwa ngayo esiqendwini 2 ( 1 ) ( h ) , ( i ) okanye (j ) , ulawulwe yimithetho emisela ukubanom-

51 .

UM THE THO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969 . hlaba , ukuwusebenzisa okanye ukuhlala kuwo umhlaba kaRulumente esithilini okuso loo mhlaba : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho lungelo lokuba - nayo okwexeshana , lokuyisebenzisa okanye lokuhlala kuyo nayiphi na inxenye yaloo mhlaba okanye nasiphi na isiza kuyo liya kunikwa ngaphandle kokuba kube sekubhungiswene noMphathiswa. Amahlathi acandelw'imida.



UMphathiswa angathi ngesaziso eGazethini yo Burulu-

mente abhengeze ukuba ihlathi elisisibekelwa - bucala okanye nayiphi na inxenye echaziweyo yehlathi elisisibekelwabucala lihlathi elicandelwe imidana . (2)

Ukususela ekuqaliseni ukusebenza kwalo Mthetho

ihlathi elityaliweyo okanye ihlathi nje ngalinye elithe , ngaphambili nje nqo koko kuqalisa , laba lilihlathi elibekelwe bucala ukulungiselela iinjongo zawo nawuphi na umthetho oroxiswe sisiqendu 27 ( 1 ) lothi , nangona lukho olo roxiso , lithatyathwe ngokuba libhengezwe ngokuba lihlathi elicandelwe imidana ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) sesi siqendu .

(3) UMphathiswa angathi ngesaziso rulumente ·

eGazethini yoBu-


afake imibandela kuso nasiphi na isaziso esingokwesiqendwana (1);


achaze okanye achaze ngokutsha imida yalo naliphi na ihlathi elityaliweyo okanye ihlathi- nje elikhankanywe kwisiqendwana ( 2 ) ; okanye


akhuphe kucandelo- mida

naliphi na ihlathi elicandelwe imida okanye nayiphi na inxenye echaziweyo yehlathi elicandelwe imida .

(4) UMphathiswa uya kuthabatha amanyathelo okuba imida yehlathi ngalinye elicandelwe imida yenzelwe iibhakana okanye iphawulwe ngokufanelekileyo okanye angenza okokuba loo mida ibiyelwe .

Ugcinelo okanye ukhu- 7. selo lwemithi , imveliso yamahlathi okanye amahlathi.

Phantsi kwemigaqo yomhlathi (b) , uhlobo lwe(1) (a) mithi nemveliso yamahlathi ekhankanywe eSihlomelweni 1 yothi 52 .


(ii )


nakwiliphi na ihlathi likaRulumente ibe yegciniweyo ngokukodwa ; kunjalo nje emhlabeni khuselwe .

ongelilo ihlathi lika Rulumente i-

Umphathiswa angathi ngesaziso eGazethini yoBurulumente amana efakela imibandela kwiSihlomelo 1 ngokongeza okanye ngokususa kuso naluphi na uhlobo lomthi okanye imveliso yamahlathi .

(2) Xa sukuba kuluvo loMphathiswa kuluncedo kuluntu eGazethini yoBurulumente , ukwenjenjalo, angathi ngesaziso ngokuphathelele emhlabeni ongelilo ihlathi lika Rulumente , abhengeze ukuba kukhuselwe lonke ihlathi okanye nayiphi na indawo echaziweyo yalo okanye nawuphi na umthi othile okanye imithi yohlobo olungakhankanywanga kwiSihlomelo 1 .

(3) Kuya kukhuselwa umthi ngamnye ophilayo nayo yonke imveliso yamahlathi ephilayo emhlabeni (a)

okumgama ongama 25 eeyadi ukusuka ekuphakameni kodonga lwawo nawuphi na umfula ; okanye


oyinqumba - ntlabathi mba-ntlabathi ;


ongengaphaya kobubanzi obuqingqwe ngumthetho obhaliweyo, kodwa ongaphandle kwendlelana yoku-



ube yinqu-

qhuba okanye indlelana ecetywayo yokuqhuba yakhe nawuphi na uhola woluntu.

(4 )


kokuba ke kungemvume


yoMphathiswa , naphantsi kwaloo migqaliselo angathi ayimisele kunjalo nje ngaphandle kokuba kunjengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana 5 , akukho mntu uya kugawula , asike , aphazamisane nalo , athathe , aqokelele , atshabalalise okanye ashenxise (a)

naluphi na uhlobo lomthi okanye imveliso yamahlathi ebekelwe bucala okanye ekhuselwe ngokukodwa ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) ;



na umthi



imveliso yamahlathi

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI, 1969. nakwiliphi na ihlathi okanye inxenye yehlathi , okanye nawuphi na umthi okanye imithi ekwaziswe ukuba ikhuselwe ngokwesiqendwana (2 ) ; okanye (c)

nawuphi na umthi ophilayo okanye imveliso yamahlathi ekhuselweyo ngokwesiqendwana ( 3) .

(5) Akukho mgaqo ukwisiqendwana (4) uya kutolikwa ngokuba ·


unqanda isiphatha-mandla esifanelekileyo ukuba sisebenzise , emveni kocebiswano nesebe okanye nomnini womhlaba , kuxhomekeke ekuthini ngubani na kanye -kanye kwaba , naliphi na ilungelo lokugawula , lokuthena okanye lokushenxisa imithi okanye imveliso yamahlathi kuwo nawuphi na umhlaba ukufeza iinjongo zoMthetho wePosi , 1958 (uMthetho No. 44 wowe 1958) okanye nawuphi na umthetho obhekiselele kulwenziwo nogcino kusebenza kakuhle lweendlela , ololiwe okanye imigca yezibonda zombane ; okanye


walela umnini okanye lowo uhlala ngokusemthethweni emhlabeni ekubhekiswe kuwo kwisiqendwana (3) (a ) ukuba athene aze athathe isiqhamo okanye enye imveliso yamahlathi , yawo nawuphi na umthi wesiqhamo olinyiweyo okanye umthi wefuru kuloo mhlaba.

Imbuyekezo ngelahlako 8 . Apho ke ngenxa yokusebenza kwemigaqo yesiqendu ebangelwa kukukhuse1wa kwamahlathi okanye 7(2) kuwo nawuphi na umhlaba oqukwa eTranskei ngokweimithi. siqendu 3 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo e Transkei , 1963 – (a)

athi um nini wawo nawuphi na umhlaba okanye ihlathi abe ulahlekelwe yinto elilifa lakhe , okanye


kuthi kuphazanyiswane kanobomi nokumiwa nguloo mnini kwaloo mhlaba ngendlela eluncedo okanye nayiphi na inxenye yawo,

loo mnini -


uya kuba nelungelo lokufumana loo mbuyekezo ekungavunyelwana ngayo ngumnini lowo noM-



phathiswa (ekwenza oko ecebisana noMphathiswa wezeMali ) okanye , xa kungavunyelwanayo , kube njengoko kunokuqingqwa yinkundla ngokwemigaqo egu qulwa nje apho kufunekayo yesigendu 13(4) soMthetho weNkqubela kwezoLimo eTranskei , 1966 ; okanye , kuxhomekeka ekubeni imeko ithini na

(ii )

angacela ukuba umhlaba ekukho kuwo elo hlathi okanye imithi mawuhluthwe kuze kusetyenzwe ngawo ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 5 .



(a )

Nangona ikho imiga qo yesiqendu 10 , uMphathieGazethini yo Buruluswa angathi ngesaziso mente abeke bucala naliphi na ihlathi lika-

Izıbekelwa-bucala zezendalo namahlathi enkuselo .

Rulumente okanye nayiphi na inxenye echaziweyo yalo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente ibe sisibekelwa- bucala sezendalo ngenjongo yokulondoloza imithi , inkangeleko yendalo yelizwe nemveliso yamahlathi okanye ibe lihlathi lenkuselo lokulondoloza imithombo yamanzi okanye amanzi okanye ukuthintela ukhukulisomhlaba okanye iinqumba - ntlabathi . (b)

Nasiphi na isaziso esinjalo siya kucacisa indawo ebekelwe bucala saye singathi kwangesaziso esinjalo imibandela .

siroxiswe okanye sifakelwe

(2) Akukho mntu uya kugawula , aphazamise , enze kuyo ingozi , athathe , aqokelele , atshabalalise okanye ashenxise nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi emhlabeni obekwe bucala ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho mgaqo ulapha uya kuthintela isebe ekuthabatheni kuloo mhlaba nawaphi na amanyathelo elingawabona efuneka ekuwukhuseleni emlilweni , kwinkukuliso - mhlaba okanye kwiinqum ba - ntlabathi okanye ekulondolozeni amanzi , imveliso yamahlathi okanye idlelo , okanye ekutshabalaliseni ukhula okanye izitshabalalisi . 10.

(1 )

Phantsi kwemigaqo yesiqendu 59 soMthetho osi- Izikhobokiso okanye amanye amalungelo Siseko soLawulo e Transkei , 1963 neyesiqendwana emahlathini kaRulumente . (2 ) sesi siqendu –

(a )

akukho sikhobokiso ( isevityuti ) okanye elinye ilu55.

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969 . ngelo lalo naluphi na uhlobo ngokuphathelele nakuyiphi na indawo yehlathi lika Rulumente liya kuba nakho ukuzuzwa ngohambo - xesha , kwaye (b)

akukho sikhobokiso okanye lungelo linjalo liyakuthi , ngaphandle kokuba kungemvume ngesigqibo seNdlu yoWiso -mithetho , linikwe okanye lishenxiswe .

(2 )

Akukho mgaqo ukwisiqendwana ( 1 ) uya kutolikwa ngokuba -



umonakalo kwimigaqo yawo nawuphi na umthetho olungiselela uzuzo ukufeza nayiphi na injongo ekhankanywe apho ngokuhlutha okanye ngenye indlela lwelungelo lokusebenzisa nokumiwa kwawo nawuphi na umhlaba lilo naliphi na isebe lika Rulumente weRiphabliki okanye lika Rulumente wase Transkei , uBurulumente boLoliwe naMazibuko oMzantsi - Afrika , uBurulumente be Posi , nasiphi na isiphathamandla sendawo okanye nayiphi na imbumba enobuqu bomthetho esekwe nguwo okanye ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho ;


uthinte la intengiso chitha "

(c )



imveliso yamahlathi


" yoku-

ngokwalo Mthetho ;

walela ukunika nawuphi na umntu , ngokomthetho , amalungelo exeshana okusebenzisa umhlaba nokuhlala kuwo usehlathini likaRulumente ukufeza nayiphi na injongo ekhankanywe kwisiqendu 2 (1 ) (h ) ( i ) okanye (j ) okanye isiqendu 5 (4 ) (b ) ( i ) no(ii) ;

(d )

wenza umonakalo kwimigaqo yawo nawuphi na umthetho ophathelele kuhlolo nombiwo - migodi kuba kufunwa izinyithi , izimbiwa namatye anqabileyo nanganqabileyo , kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho mntu unayo nayiphi na ipemethe , ilayisensi okanye imvume yokuqesha ngokwaloo mithetho uya kuthi , ngaphandle kogunya ziso , agawule , asike , one , athathe okanye ashenxise imveliso yamahlathi kulo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente ; 56 .


uchaphazela naliphi na ilungelo lokutheza okwenziwa ngokunyani sekileyo;

( f)

walela isebe ekuvumeleni , phantsi kwemithetho ebhekiselele kungeno-bantu kwelase Transkei nakuloo migaqo angamana eyimisela uSibakhulu , usetyenziso nguye nawuphi na umntu engagunyaziswanga ukwenjenjalo phakathi kweeyure zokuphuma kwelanga nasekutshoneni kwalo lweendlela neendlelana okanye iindawo zeepikniki emahlathini ka Rulumente .


Apho ke kukho isikhobokiso okanye ilungelo naliphi na elinjalo ngokuphathelele kwihlathi lika Rulumente okanye inxenye yehlathi lika Rulumente , uMphathiswa angathi , ngenjongo yokulihlaziya elo hlathi , yokulondoloza nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi okanye yokuthintela okanye yokulwa inkukuliso- mhlaba okanye iinqumba - ntlabathi -

(a )

achaze iintlobo nezixa zemveliso yamahlathi ezingathi zigawulwe , zithathwe okanye zishenxiswe kunye ke nexesha lonyaka okanye ixesha- nje loko kugawula , ukuthatha okanye ushenxiso ;


alele izithuba ezixeliweyo zamaxesha , ngokuphathelele kuwo nawuphi na ummandla oxeliweyo , udliso- mfuyo ingca okanye ugawulo nosiko , uthatho okanye ushenxiso lwemveliso yamahlathi ;

(c )

amisele imimandla ekungathi kusetyenziswe kuyo eso sikhobokiso okanye ilungelo ngeminyaka okanye ngezithuba zamaxesha ezithile ;


agqibe ukuba ugawulo , usiko , uthatho okanye ushenxiso lwemveliso yamahlathi maluphathelele kwiimfuneko zasekhaya kuphela aze ayalele intengiso yayo ;

(e )

achaze ummandla nezithuba zamaxesha ekungathi kusetyenziswe kuzo ilungelo lokuhlala okanye lokukampa ;

57 .




ukuba lowo une sikhobokiso okanye naliphi na ilungelo afumane esebeni isigunyaziso esichaza uhlobo lweso sikhobokiso okanye ilungelo nesicacisa ukuba lingasetyenziswa phi na nanjani na .

(4 ) UMphathiswa uya kuthatha inyathelo lokuba kugcinwe irejista yazo zonke ezo zikhobokiso okanye amalungelo (angelilo ilungelo lokutheza ) , echaza kwinto nganye yazo uhlobo lwesikhobokiso okanye ilungelo , uhlobo elidaleke ngalo negama lomninilo.

Izigunyaziso .

11. ((1 1) Lilawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendu 12 , isebe lingathi , ukufeza injongo yokuba nawuphi na umntu abe nakho ukwenza nasiphi na isenzo ekufuneka sinesigunyaziso ngokwalo Mthetho , likhuphe iilayisensi , iipemethe okanye ezinye izigunyaziso ngendlela nangemigqaliselo angayimiselayo uMphathiswa nasekuhlawuleni ezo mali zibizwayo okanye iindleko , ukuba zikho , angathi azimisele ebhungisana noMphathiswa wezeMali .


Isigunyaziso -


asisayi kushenxiselwa ngulowo una so kuye nawuphi na omnye umлtu ngaphandle kokuba uSibakhulu uyinike kwangaphambili imvume yakhe ;


siya kumthwesa lowo unaso ngokusemthethweni kuphela elo gunya okanye ilungelo size sifumaneke ngokuphathelele kuphela kwelo hlathi lika Rulumente okanye inxenye yehlathi lika Rulumente kunjalo nje okweso sithuba sexesha , singathi sixelwe apho; kwaye


xa sibizwayo kuya kufuneka siveliswe ngulowo unaso emantyini , kumfungisi , egoseni lamahlathi okanye egoseni elilipolisa .


Ukuba lowo unaso isigunyaziso akaphumeleli ukwenza okufunwa nguwo nawuphi na umgqaliselo waso okanye ugwetywa ngalo naliphi na ityala ngokwalo Mthetho , uSibakhulu angathi ngokusebenzisa ingqiqo yakhe asicime eso sigunya ziso kwaye ke , xa kunjalo , loo mntu ubenaso akayi kuba nabango kubuyiselo lwayo nayiphi na imali ebi58.




inxalenye yayo nayiphi na imali

ebizwayo , ebihlawulelwe eso sigunyaziso . 12 . (1 ) Umphathiswa wezeMali .-


angathi ,


noMphathiswa Umphathiswa ang aqingqa amaxabiso amiselweyo neemali ezibizwayo.

aqingqe amaxabiso okuthengiswa kwemveliso yamahlathi lisebe okanye okusebenzisa umhlaba okanye okuhlala emhlabeni ukufeza nayiphi na injongo ekhankanywe kwisiqendu 2 ( 1 ) (h) , ( i ) , okanye (j ) ;


amisele iimali ezibizwayo emazikhutshwe ngayo nayiphi na imisebenzi eluncedo eyenziwa ngamagosa okanye abaqeshwa besebe ; aze


amisele iimeko ekuya kuthi kuzo nemigqaliselo ekuya kuthi phantsi kwayo (i )

kube nokuguqulwa loo maxabiso okanye iimali ezibizwayo okanye ,

(ii )

kube nokukhululwa nawuphi na umntu lisebe ekuhlawuleni .

(2) Amaxabiso okanye iindleko ezibizwayo ezahlukeneyo zingaqingqelwa okanye zimiselwe amahlathi ahlukeneyo ka Rulumente , izabiwa zamahlathi , izithili zamahlathi okanye imimandla yamahlathi . 13. (1 ) Isebe lingayitshitshisa imveliso yamahlathi ngokuyithengisa iphuma esandleni okanye ngemvumelwano engeyoyasidlangalaleni kuluntu nje okanye emveni kweso saziso sothengiso kuluntu angathi uSibakhulu asiyalele , ngezinikomaxabiso ezingabekelwe migaqo engqongqo okanye ngefandesi : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi , ngaphandle kokuba kungemvume yoMphathiswa wezeMali , akukho mveliso yamahlathi iya kuthengiswa ngexabiso elingaphantsi kowona mlinganiselo mncinane omiselweyo kulo naluphi na uqingqomaxabiso ngokwesiqendu 12 : Kodwa makuqondakale kwakhona ukuba isebe lingathi , ngemvume yoMphathiswa , lenze kufumaneke simahla imve-


Intengiso okanye olunye ut shitshiso lwemveliso yamahlathi.

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969 . liso yamahlathi ngenjongo yokufeza imicimbi yemfundo , yophando , yoboniso okanye ulwaziso - luntu .

(2) Phantsi kwemigaqo yesiqendwana ( 3 ) kunjalo nje ngaphandle kokuba kuqingqwe ngandlela yimbi nakwiyiphi na imvumelwano ebhaliweyo , intengiso yayo nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi lisebe ayisayi kuba yequkunjelweyo nebophelela bani kude kube -



sekuhlawulwe ngokupheleleyo ixabiso ekuthengwa ngalo , lize libe

nesebe lithe , ngokuphathelele kuloo ntengiso lakhupha isigunyaziso saya kumthengi .

(3) Usibakhulu angathi , ngokuphathelele kuyo nayiphi na intengiso yemveliso yamahlathi , ayalele ukuba umthengi amfumanise isiqinisekiso esimanelisayo ngolo hlobo angathi aluvume , sokuhlawula ngokupheleleyo ixabiso lokuyithenga nesokuba umthengi uya kuyifeza nayiphi na enye imfanelo ngokwalo Mthetho okanye ngokwemvumelwano nayiphi na ebhaliweyo. Ulawulo losiko , (1) Ngaphandle ke kwaloo migaqo iqing qwe kwisiqendu log awulo , loshenxiso okanye lothatho lwe- 7(5) nese 10 nakwisiqendwana (2 ) nesesi (3 ) sesi siqendu , mveliso yamahlathi . akukho mntu uya kuthi nakuliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente asike , agawule , ashenxise , onakalise , atshabalalise , aqokelele okanye athathe nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi engenaso isigunyaziso .

(2 ) Elawulwa ke yimigaqo yesiqendu 10 ( 3 ) neyalo naluphi na ulungiselelo lolondolozo - mhlaba , nawuphi na umntu ontsundu ohlala emmandleni wolawulo angathi , ngenjongo yokuzinceda nje ekhaya ingeyiyo eyokuthengisa


asebenzise ilungelo lokutheza nakwiliphi na ihlathi likaRulumente ( elingesiso isibekelwa- bucala sezendalo , ihlathi lokukhusela okanye ihlathi elityaliweyo) kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho mntu uya kuthi -

( i)

asebenzise naliphi na ilungelo elinjalo phakathi kweeyure zakusasa nasekutshoneni kwelanga ; 60.


asebenzise naliphi na izembe , isara okanye esinye isixhobo okanye nasiphi na isithuthi , isileyo okanye into ekusebenziseni okanye khona ukuze asebenzise elo lungelo ;


asike , agawule , aphazamise , athathe , aqokelele , atshabalalise okanye ashenxise nawuphi na umthi ophilayo okanye nawaphi na amaplanga alungileyo ekusebenziseni elo lungelo; okanye



okanye ashiye ihlathi lika Rulumente

asebenzisa kulo elo lungelo ngahlobo lumbi olungeyiyo indlela eyaziwayo , indlelana , iheke okanye utraputrapu ; (b)

ngemvume kasibonda ( ogunyaziswa ngokwenjenje ! ukuba anike loo mvume ) athathe aze ashenxise kulo naliphi na ihlathi likaRulumente (elingesiso isibekelwa- bucala sezendalo , ihlathi lenkuselo , ihlathi elisikelwe imida okanye ihlathi elityaliweyo) imithi okanye imveliso yamahlathi yalo .. naluphi uhlobo olungaxelwanga kwisihlomelo 1 noluthi ke ngenye indlela lube alukhuselwanga ngokwesiqendu 7 ( 2 ) okanye ( 3) .

Nawuphi na ke umntu ohamba ngomthetho , okampa , (3) okanye onenxaxheba epiknikini ehlathini likaRulumente angabutha ezo nkuni zomileyo angaba uyazifuna ngoko nangoko emsebenzini wokupheka , kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho mntu unjalo uya kuthi -


aqokelele iinkuni emmandleni nawuphi na ekwalelweyo ngesaziso ukuba kushenxiswe imveliso yamahlathi kuwo ;


asuse kwelo hlathi lika Rulumente naziphi na iinkuni eziqokelelwe ngolo hlobo ngokusemthethweni ; okanye


abase umlilo kwenye indawo engeyiyo leyo ixelwe ligosa lamahlathi okanye ebekelwe bucala lisebe ukuba ifeze loo njongo. 61 .


Uphawu olu lusixwexwe lotolo " ↑ ", olunama-

okanye olungenamanani , ngaphantsi kwalo , olwenziwe okanye olugximfizwe kuwo nawuphi na umthi ehlathini likaRulumente luya kubonisa ukuba loo mthi umniniwo nguRulu-


mente , kwaye ke akukho mntu ungelilo isebe uya kusika okanye agawule nawuphi na umthi ophawulwe ngolo hlobo okanye awushenxise ehlathini lika Rulumente .

(5) Uphawu "XG" , olunamanani okanye olungenawo ngaphantsi , olwenziwe okanye olugximfizwe kuwo nawuphi na umthi ehlathini lika Rulumente luya kubonisa


ukuba elo planga lisemthini omileyo , ukuthi loo mthi unokugawulwa ngokusemthethweni ; kwaye ke


xa sukuba ililo naliphi na elinye iplanga , ukuthi elo planga linokushenxiswa ngokusemthethweni kwelo hlathi .

(6) ziso -



uya kuthi ngaphandle kwesigunya-


enze okanye agximfize kuwo nawuphi na umthi uphawu olumiselweyo kwisiqendwana (4) ;




aguqule okanye enze mfiliba naluphi na uphawu olwenziwe okanye olugximfizwe emthini ukufeza iinjongo zesiqendwana (4 ) okanye ( 5) ;


asike ,

okanye agximfize kuwo nawuphi na umthi ehlathini lika Rulumente uphawu olumiselweyo kwisigendwana (5) ;

agawule okanye ashenxise ehlathini lika-

Rulumente nawuphi na umthi ongaphawulwanga njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana ( 5 ) ;


asuse umthi endaweni obubekwe okanye obunikelwe kuyo lisebe okanye obugawulelwe kuyo awuse kuyo nayiphi na enye indawo kwelo hlathi ; okanye

( f)

ngalo naluphi na uhlobo asebenze imithi okanye enye imveliso yamahlathi endaweni engeyiyo leyo

62 .


bucala ligosa


ukufeza loo

(7) Umthengi wayo nayiphi na imithi okanye imveliso yamahlathi ehlathini lika Rulumente wothi –



ukuba kufunwa enjenjalo ligosa lamahlathi , afumbe loo mithi ngohlobo apha oluya kwenza ukuba kufikelelwe lula kwicetyana ngalinye layo khona ukuze iphawulwe njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana (5) (b) aze anike igosa lamahlathi isaziso esifanelekileyo sokuba loo mithi ifunjwe ngolo hlobo;


phambi kokuba kuphele ixesha lokusebenza ngokusemthethweni kwesigunyaziso sakhe okanye elinye ixe sha elingaphezulu koko elingathi livunyelwe ligosa lamahlathi kodwa phantsi kwemigaqo yesiqendwana (6) ( d ) , ashenxise loo mithi okanye enye imveliso yehlathi kwelo hlathi , okanye ayise endaweni exelwe ligosa lamahlathi , kuze kuthi ke ukuba akubanga njalo loo mithi okanye enye imveliso yamahlathi iwele kuRulumente ;


ahlawulele -


yonke imithi okanye enye imveliso yamahlathi elungileyo ngexesha ayinikelwayo okanye ayithengiselwayo okanye ayigawulayo : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi ukuba uSibakhulu ugunyazise ngolo hlobo , umthengi angayala ngaphambi kokuba isetyenzwe okanye ishenxiswe , nayiphi na imithi okanye enye imveliso yamahlathi engasalungele ukuba isetyenziselwe loo njongo kuqheleke ukuba isetyenziselwe yona ;


yonke imithi ethi ngoluvo lwegosa lamahlathi ibe yonakaliswe ngokungafunekiyo xa bekugawulwa nawuphi na umthi omileyo okanye xa bekuguqulwa okanye kusetyenzwa iplanga elilapho kuwo ; kunjalo nje

( iii )

naliphi na iplanga elikuwo nawuphi na umthi


UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969 . okanye inxenye yomthi ekuthi , ngoluvo lwegosa lamahlathi kufuneke ugawuliwe okanye ushenxisiwe khona ukuze loo mthengi abe nakho ukugawula okanye ukusebenza nayiphi na imithi ethengwe nguye; aze


agawule imithi emileyo kude kube kufutshane emhlabeni njengoko kunokwenzeka kunjalo nje , xa sukuba kunokwenzeka oko , kusetyenziswe isara .

Ngaphandle koko ke kuqingqiweyo nakwisiphi na (1) Imilinganiso yobu- 15. nzima nomthamo so , ukuthengiswa kwemveliso yamahlathi ngokwalo nyazi isigu ngokuphathelele ho kuya kuba ngokwemilinganiso esemgangathweni giso Mthet kwinten yemveliso yamahlathi . yobunzima



eMthethweni wo Bunzima

neMilinganiso , 1958 (uMthetho No. 13 wowe 1958) . (2) Ivolyum yemithi (ebalwe yada yaya kufika kweyona kyubhikfuthi isondeleyo ) yothi -


xa sukuba iyimithi engqukuva , ibe sisiphumo sobude bayo (kubalelwa kweyona futhi isondeleyo) ne-ariya ephakathi nje yeziqwanaqwana zayo yaye ke idayametha ephakathi nje yaloo mithi iya kuqingqwa ngokwaloo migaqo neendlela zokuyimenta angathi uSibakhulu azimisele ngamaxesha ngamaxesha ;


xa sukuba


xa sukuba isisigodo esenziwe mbombone semithi esariweyo okanye esetyenziweyo ibe sisiphumo sobude , ububanzi nobunzulu esisekwe kwimilinga-

iyimithi engqukuva efunjwe dolo - xandera , ibe sisiphumo sobude , sobubanzi nokuphakama (kubalelwa kweyona intshi isondeleyo) kwemfumba , size eso siphumo siguqulelwe kwivolyum eqinileyo ngokusebenzisa ifekta ephakathi - nje eya kumiselwa nguSibakhulu ;

niso yenyani okanye ethelekelelwa - nje ngokwesiko elaziwayo leli shishini .

(3) Kulinganiso lwayo nayiphi na imithi kuya kuthathelwa ingqalelo amaxolo kwanazo naziphi na iziphene . (4)

Ivolyum yemveliso yamahlathi ethengiswa lisebe

64 .

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969 . iya kumiselwa ngaphambi kokuba loo mveliso yamahlathi iguqulelwe okanye isetyenzwe : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi igosa lamahlathi lingagunyazisa ukuba kuguqulelwe okanye kusetyenzwe iplanga emthini oneziphene kangangoko liya kuba nakho ukuqingqa ivolyum yeplanga elilungileyo kuloo mthi .

16. (1 ) Akukho mntu uya kuthi , engenas igunyaziso , kulo na- uawulo longeno nelokuhlala emizini , liphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente lokukampa, lokwakha amabobosi, lokucoca (a) angene nakwiyiphi na indawo ekungavunyelweyo hlaba, okanye udliso-ngca lokulima umnezinye izenzo okanye ngesaziso ukuba kungenwe kuyo ; imisebenzi eqhutywayo kaRulu(b) atyhoboze okanye atsibe nakuliphi na ucingo okanye emahlathini mente . isango; (c)

ahlale , akampe , akhe ibobosi okanye akhe nasiphi na isakhiwo;

(d )

acoce , akhubele okanye alime nawuphi na umhlaba ;


aguqule , ashenxise , enze ingozi ngabom okanye ngayo nayiphi na enye indlela aphazamisane nayo nayiphi na ibhakani , umda , uphawu , ucingo , isaziso okanye ibhodi yesaziso ;


ngayo nayiphi na indlela azingele okanye atshabalalise okanye azame ukuzingela okanye ukutshabalalisa iinyamakazi , iintaka okanye ezinye izilwanyana ;


ahambe nenja okanye abe nompu kuye ;

( h)

nangaluphi na uhlobo alobe okanye atshabalalise okanye azame ukuloba okanye ukutshabalalisa iintlanzi ;

( i)

aphange okanye azame ukuphanga nayiphi na indlu yeenyosi okanye aphazamise okanye asuse naliphi na ibubu leenyosi ; okanye


afuye iinyosi .


Elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 3 ) neyalo nalu65.

UM THE THO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969. phi na ulungiselelo lolondolozo - mhlaba akukho mntu uya kuthi engenasigunyaziso (a )

kulo naliphi na ihlathi elisikelw'imida , elibiyelweyo okanye kulo naliphi na ihlathi elityaliweyo , adlise nayiphi na imfuyo engceni ngaphandle xa sukuba efumana okanye ethutha ngokusemthethweni imveliso yamahlathi ;



kulo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente ( elingelilo ihlathi elinga sikelwe mida ) – (i )

adlise engceni nayiphi na imfuyo (ukuba ke ngenye indlela kusemthethweni ukwenjenjalo) ngaphandle kokuba loo mfuyo yalusiwe ngokukuko ; okanye

(ii )

avumele okanye anyamezele ukuba nayiphi na inja iduke okanye imfuyo ingene ngokungemthetho apho kulo.







Rulumente , yokulondoloza nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi okanye yokuthintela okanye yokulwa inkukuliso - mhlaba okanye iinqumba - ntlabathi , uMphathiswa angakwalela ukudlisa imfuyo engceni kuwo nawuphi na ummandla oxeliweyo - oko akwenze isithuba sexesha elingaqingqiweyo okanye okweso sithuba sexesha angathi asixele amaxesha ngamaxesha . (4) Igosa lamahlathi lingavalela esikiti okanye lenze ukuba kuvalelwe esikiti nayiphi na imfuyo engena ngokungemthetho ehlathini likaRulumente okanye edla ingca yalo ngokuphambeneyo nemigqaliselo yaso nasiphi na isigunyaziso laye liya kuthabatha amanyathelo okuba iimali ezibizelwa ukungena apho ngokungekho mthethweni ne zeemayile zokuqhuba ngokumalunga nayiphi na imfuyo evalelwe esikiti ngolo hlobo zithululelwe kwiNgxowa yeMali engenela elase Transkei .

Iindlela neeNdlelana 17. emahlathini kaRulumente .

( 1)




avalele izihamba - ndleleni nabahambi - zindlela bangahambi nakwiyiphi na indlela okanye indlelana engenguye uhola woluntu okanye indlelana yoluntu ehlathini lika Rulumente ; okanye

66 .


ingqiqo yakhe



ngemiqondiso yezihamba - ndleleni eyenziwe indoqo yayo yayileyo imiselwe ngokoM thetho we Zihambandleleni zase Transkei , 1967 , alele okanye asikele imida okanye amisele imigaqo aze alawule usetyenziso lwayo nayiphi na indlela enjalo zizihamba-nabahambi- ndleleni ngokubanzi okanye lulo naluphi na udidi oluthile lwabahambi - ndleleni okanye lwezihamba- ndleleni .


Akukho mntu uya kuthi engenasigunyaziso -


asebenzise nayiphi na indlela evaliweyo kwisihamba-ndleleni ngokwesiqendwana (1 ) (a) ; okanye


angathobeli okanye aphuthe ukwenza nawuphi na umyalelo okuwo nawuphi na umqondiso wezihambandleleni ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) (b) .

(3) Akukho mntu (ngaphandle kokuba lisebe okanye siso nasiphi na isiphathamandla esifanelekileyo sendlela) uya kuthi ngaphandle kwesigunyaziso enze nayiphi na indlela , indlelana , indawana ethambekileyo yokulayisa , ucingo lwekhetshi kulo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente .

(4) Nawuphi na ke umntu osebenzisa okanye ohamba nakwiyiphi na indlela okanye indlelana eyenziwe okanye egcinwe ikwimeko eyiyo lisebe nakwiliphi na ihlathi likaRulumente wothi (a)

asebenzise okanye ahambe kuloo ndlela engenakubeka mntu tyala ukuba uhlelwe yingozi ; kwaye ke


elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendu 68 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo eTranskei , 1963 , angabi nabango kurulumente okanye kuso nasiphi na isicaka sikaRulumente ngayo nayiphi na ingozi , ilahleko okanye umonakalo awufumeneyo ekusebenziseni kwakhe okanye egameni lakhe nayiphi na indlela okanye indlelana enjalo.

(5) Nayiphi na indlela okanye indlelana eyenziwe okanye egcinwa ikwimeko eyiyo lisebe kulo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente okanye eyenziwe ngokwaso nasiphi na isigunyaziso yothi , ukulungiselela iinjongo ze Zahluko ( 6) (7 ) (8) (9) nese 10 zomthetho wase Transkei we Zihamba - ndleleni ithatyathwe ngokuba nguhola woluntu .

67 .

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969. Ukhuselo emlilweni 18. (1) Xa sukuba kuluvo loMphathiswa kufuneka kuthaIwamahlathi kaRulumente. tyathwe amanyathelo awodwa ukukhusela naliphi na ihlathi likaRulumente kwintlekele yomlilo , angayalela ngesaziso eGazethini yo Burulumente

nakuwuphi na ummandla oxeliweyo

ngaphandle kwelo , okanye kuwo nawuphi na umgama ochaziweyo ukusukela emideni yelo hlathi likaRulumente , ukuthi akukho mntu uya kwenza okanye abangele ukuba kwenziwe nawuphi na umlilo phandle okanye , ukuba loo mlilo sewenziwe , avumele ukuba loo mlilo uhlale uvutha okanye afake izibaso kuwo okanye awuphembe ngokutsha , ngenye indlela engeyiyo leyo ingokwaloo migqaliselo ingathi ichazwe kweso saziso. (2) Xa sukuba kukho isizathu sokukholwa ukuba nawuphi na umlilo phandle kwiimayile ezintlanu ukusuka emdeni walo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente ungaba yingozi ebomini bezinto nabantu okanye ezintweni zabantu, naliphi na igosa lamahlathi liya kuthi , ngokwemigaqo yawo nawuphi na omnye umthetho osebenzayo , libe nelungelo lokuthatha , okanye lokulawula, loo manyathelo (ekuqukwa apho amandla okucela abantu ukuba bancedise , benze izinto okanye imisebenzi eluncedo okanye ukuba bazishenxise bona nkqu okanye naziphi na izithuthi okanye ezinye izinto ezikulawulo lwabo) athi abe afanelekile aze afuneke ukukhusela ubomi babantu nezinto okanye ukucima okanye ukuthintela ukunwenwa kwaloo mlilo.

Ngaphandle ke kokuba kukwiimeko ezo kuthethwe ngazo kwisiqendu 14 ( 3) (c) akukho mntu uya kuthi kulo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente engenas igunyaziso (3)


abase okanye ancedise ekubaseni nawuphi na umlilo okanye asebenzise , aphembe ngokutsha okanye afake izibaso kuwo nawuphi na umlilo ;


aphose phantsi okanye awise nayiphi na imatshisi evuthayo okanye enye into evuthayo okanye nayiphi na into engazitshelayo nje okanye izivuthele ;


atshaye apho kwalelweyo ngesaziso ukuba kutshaywe nangayiphi na indlela.


USibakhulu angahlawula nawuphi na umntu -


obenelahleko okanye owonakalelweyo ngenxa yoku68.


setyenziswa ngokusemthethweni ligosa lamahlathi kwawo nawaphi na amandla eliwathweswe sisiqendwana (2) , okanye


owenze nasiphi na isenzo okanye owenze nawuphi na umsebenzi oluncedo ngokuphathelele kukhuselo emlilweni lwalo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente ,

loo mvuzo okanye imbuyekezo angathi ayiqingqe uMphathiswa ecebisana noMphathiswa wezeMali .

19. (1 ) Elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana (4) uMphathiswa Ungeniso, ushenxiso, intengiso, ulwenziwo angathi ngesaziso eGazethini yo Burulumente alele nohlelo lwemveliso yamahlathi no sety enziso lwamagama (a) ungeniso okanye ushenxiso eTranskei , okanye orwebo koko . ngokuphathelele (b)

ushenxiso kusukwa kuyo nayiphi na indawo eTranskei kusiyiwa kwenye kwalapha eTranskei , okanye


ukuthengwa , ukuthengiswa okanye ukuchithwa eTranskei kwayo nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi , ingesiso isiqhamo semithi yeziqhamo , ngaphandle kokuba kungaloo migqaliselo ingathi imiselwe kweso saziso .


Nasiphi na isaziso esinjalo singathi


siqingqe imilingani so neendlela zokomisa nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi kunye ke neendidi , imigangatho yobunjani nohlobo lokuhlela , lokubekelela okanye lokuphawula imveliso enjalo yamahlathi ekungathi phantsi kwazo loo mveliso yamahlathi isarwe , yenziwe okanye isetyenzwe ukulungiselela imicimbi yorwebo okanye ithengwe okanye ithengiswe okanye ingeniswe okanye ishenxiswe eTranskei ;


salele ukusetyenziselwa imicimbi yorwebo , okanye intengiso , uchitho okanye ushenxiso isuswa kuyo nayiphi na indawo eTranskei isisiwa kwenye eTranskei , okanye ungeniso okanye ushenxiso eTranskei lwayo nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi engeyoyamilinganiso imiselweyo okanye


UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI, 1969 . engomiswanga ngohlobo olumiselweyo okanye engeyoyodidi okanye umgangatho wobunjani omiselweyo okanye engahlelwanga , engabekelelwanga okanye (c)

engaphawulwanga ngendlela emiselweyo;

simisele okanye sichaze igama okanye inkcazo yorwebo eya kwaziwa okanye ichazwe ngayo nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi okanye nasiphi na isiveliswa esiphuma apho , kunjalo nje igama nenkcazo kwezorwebo esiya kuthi ngayo singeniswe okanye

sishenxiswe ,

okanye sithengiswe okanye

sichithwe ngenye indlela e Transkei isiveliswa okanye imveliso leyo; size ke salele ukusetyenziswa kwalo naliphi na elinye igama okanye inkcazo yezorwebo ngokuphathelele kuyo ; (d)

silungiselele uhlolo lwayo nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi nguye nawuphi na umntu (ekuqukwa apho umntu okuso nasiphi na isikhundla ) owalathelwe oko nguMphathiswa ;


simisele indawo , ixesha nohlobo lohlolo lwayo nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi ekuyinjongo ukuba isuswe eTranskei , okanye ukusuka kuyo nayiphi na indawo ese Transkei ukuya kwenye ekwase Transkei , okanye engeniswe eTranskei , kunye ke nabantu abaya kunikwa isaziso senjongo yokususa okanye yokungenisa loo mveliso injalo yamahlathi ;


simisele kubhungiswana noMphathiswa wezeMali iimali emazihlawulwe ngokumalunga nokuhlolwa kwaloo mveliso yamahlathi , amaxesha okuhlawula ezo mali nabantu ekuya kuhlawulwa kubo ;


simisele indlela yokufumana iisampula eziyimifuziselo yokuba ihlolwe , indlela yengcalulo okanye yovavanyo lwayo nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi ekuyinjongo ukuba ingeniswe okanye ishenxiswe eTranskei , kunye ke neemeko engathi kuzo nendlela engathi ngayo loo mveliso yamahlathi ihlelwe , iphawulwe , ihlelwe ngokutsha okanye iphawulwe ngokutsha ;


silungiselele ngokubanzi ulwenziwo - bhetele lobunjani nolweendlela zokwenziwa nezokuthengiswa 70.



na imveliso

enjalo yamahlathi .

( 3) Imigqaliselo emiselweyo okanye echaziweyo kuso nasiphi na isaziso esinjalo ingaquka nayiphi na imigqaliselo ephathelele ekuthini iindidi , ukuphakama emgangathweni nokubekelelwa okanye ukuphawulwa kwayo nayiphi na imveliso enjalo yamahlathi kuya kuba njengoko kumiselweyo liZiko loMzantsi - Afrika leMigangatho kwizinto ezenziwayo elasekwa ngesiqendu 4 soMthetho weMigangatho, 1962 (uMthetho No. 33 wowe 1962 ) nokuthi into nganye yaloo mveliso yamahlathi iya kuphawulwa ngohlobo apha oluya kubonisa ukuba ingqinelana nesicaciso okanye isiqingqo esiphathelele koku selo Ziko selixeliwe .

(4) Phambi kokuba kupapashwe isaziso ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) uMphathiswa uya kubhengeza eGazethini yoBurulumente isivandlakanyo seso saziso kunye nesaziso esicela bonke abantu abanomdla abanezichaso bazandlale zibhaliwe phambi kukaSibakhulu zingekagqithi iintsuku ezingamashumi amathathu ukususela emhleni wokupapashwa kwazo : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi , ukuba uMphathiswa emveni koko uthi ngenxa yaso nasiphi na isichaso , agqibe kwelokuba makasiguqule isaziso , akusayi kufuneka nganto ukupapasha loo nguqulelo ngaphambi kokuba isaziso sipapashwe okokugqibela ngokwesi siqendu .

20. ( 1 ) Nayiphi na imantyi , umfungisi , igosa lamahlathi Amandla awodwa (1 okanye igosa elilipolisa lingayalela ngawo onke amaxesha amagosa ngamagosa. afanelekileyo





umntu ukuba avelise nasiphi na



ngokwalo Mthetho .

(2) Naliphi na igosa lamahlathi lothi , ngokuphathelele kuko nakuphi na ukwaphula umthetho , ukuzama ukwaphula umthetho okanye ulwaphulo- mthetho oluranelwayo ngokwalo Mthetho libe nawo onke amandla athweswe ngomthetho amagosa angamapolisa . (3 ) Naliphi na igosa lamahlathi lingathi , ngaphezu kokuba lisebenzisa nawaphi na amagunya eliwathweswe sisiqendwana ( 2) laye naliphi na igosa elilipolisa lingathi (a)

limbambe , lingenaxwebhu ligunyazisa oko , nawuphi na umntu oranelwa ngokufanelekileyo ukuba naye 71 .


ubenenxaxheba kulo naluphi na ukreqo lwesiqendu 14( 1 ) , 16( 1 ) (e ) okanye (f)

okanye isiqendu 18 ( 3 ) ;


libambe , lingenaxwebhu ligunyazisa oko , nawuphi na oranelwa ngokufanelekileyo ukuba ubenenxaxheba kulo naluphi na ulwaphulo- mthetho ngokwalo Mthetho ukuba elo gosa linesizathu sokukholwa ukuba loo mntu akayi kuza enkundleni xa akhutshelwe iisamani ;


lithimbe nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi elinesizathu sokukholwa elo gosa ngokubhekiselele kuyo ukuthi kukho ulwaphulo- mthetho ngokwalo Mthetho;


lithimbe nasiphi na isikhali , isithuthi , isixhobo , isilwanyana okanye enye into elithi elo gosa libe nesizathu sokukholwa ukuba isetyenziselwe kulo naluphi na ukreqo- mthetho phantsi kwalo Mthetho ; okanye

(e )


nayiphi na inja efunyenwe ingene ngokungemthetho okanye ihlasela , isukela okanye izingela (ngaphandle kokuba kungokwesigunyaziso nasiphi na ) naziphi na iinyamakazi ehlathini likaRulumente .

(4) Nayiphi na intimbo ngokwesiqe ndwana ( 3 ) iya kubikwa ngoko nangoko kumantyi ongenza loo myalelo ngokumalunga nobambo kwakhona okanye uchitho loko kubanjiweyo , ongathi , ubonakale ulungile okanye ufanele xa kuthathelwa ingqalelo iingongoma ezibikiweyo kuye .

(5 )

(a )

Xa sukuba igosa lamahlathi okanye igosa elilipolisa liranela ngezizathu ezinesihlahla ukuba nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi efunyenwe okanye efumaneka okanye esendleleni isuka ehlathini lika Rulumente isecicini lokuba ishenxiswe ngokungekho mthethweni okanye ibe seyishenxisiwe ngolo hlobo , lingayithimba lize liyivalele loo mveliso yamahlathi lo gama kusalindelwe uphando ;

72 .




simangalo seendleko zokonakalelwa

ngokusemthethweni ngokuphathelele kuloo ntimbo okanye uvalelo siya kwamkelwa ngumthetho:

(6) Igosa lamahlathi okanye igosa lamapolisa lingathi ngaphandle kwesigunyaziso soko libambe nawuphi na umntu elimfumene enemveliso yamahlathi elirana ngezizathu ezinesihlahla ukuba ifunyenwe ngokungemthetho kulo naliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente .



(1 )

Nawuphi na ke umntu othi -


akreqe okanye atyeshele ukuthobela nawuphi na umgaqo walo Mthetho ,


akreqe okanye aphuthe ukuthobela nawuphi na umgqaliselo okhankanywe nakwisiphi na isigunyaziso ,





ukuthobela oko kufunwa

siso nasiphi na isaziso , imigqaliselo iziqingqo zaso ngokwesiqendu 2 ( 2 ) , (d)


akreqe okanye aphuthe ukwenza oko kufunwa siso nasiphi na isaziso esipapashwe ngokwesiqendu 18( 1 ) okanye nawuphi na umgqaliselo oxelwe apho,

(e )

atyeshele ukwenza nakuphi na oko kufunwa okanye kuyalelwa ligosa lamahlathi ngokwesiqendu 18 ( 2 ) ,

( f)

akreqe okanye aphuthe ukuthobela nasiphi na isaziso esipapashwe ngokwesiqendu 19 ( 1 ) okanye nawuphi na umgqaliselo oxeliweyo apho , okanye othintela okanye oxaba endleleni yakhe nawuphi na umntu owalathelwe nguMphathiswa ekusebenziseni amandla akhe ngokwalo naliphi na igunya alithweswe ngokwesiqendu 19 ( 2 ) (d ) ,


ale okanye ongasivelisiyo nasiphi na isigunyaziso xa sifunwayo yiyo nayiphi na imantyi , umfungisi igosa lamahlathi okanye igosa elilipolisa ngokwesiqendu 20 ( 1 ) , 73.



angabi nakho ukuyanelisa inkundla ukuba ibililungelo lakhe elisemthethweni ukuba nayo nayiphi na imveliso yamahlathi ekhankanywe esiqendwini 20 (6) , okanye

( i)

nakwiliphi na ihlathi lika Rulumente (i )

ashiye wodwa ngaphambi kokuba ucinywe tu, umlilo athe yena , ngesigunyaziso okanye ngaphandle kwaso , wawubasa okanye wancedisa ekuwubaseni okanye awusebenzisileyo okanye wawuphemba ngokutsha okanye afake kuwo izibaso , okanye

(ii )

ngesigunyaziso okanye ngaphandle kwaso , ngenkqu okanye ngokusebenzisa isicaka okanye umenzeli wakhe abe ubase okanye uncedise ekubaseni okanye abe usebenzise okanye uphembe ngokutsha okanye ufake izibaso nakuwuphi na umlilo othe , ngentswela - nkathalo yakhe , wanwenwa okanye wabanga umonakalo okanye ingozi ,

uya kuba netyala lokwaphul'umthetho aze xa agwetywayo amelwe kukuba adliwe imali engengaphaya kwamakhulu amabini eerandi okanye afakwe entolongweni isithuba esingathe kratya ezinyangeni ezintandathu okanye ezo zinto zombini udliwo-mali nofako- ntolongweni olo. (2) Imigaqo yesiqendu 16 soMthetho No. 24 wowe 1886 iya kusebenza iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo ngokuphathelele kulo naluphi na udliwo- mali oluwisiweyo yaza yazuzwa naloo mali ngalo naluphi na ugqitho lwalo Mthetho . (3)

( a)

(i )

Xa sukuba ke ekuthethweni kwetyala ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na omnye

umthetho , inkundla ifumanisa ukuba kuyinyani ukuba imveliso yamahlathi ishenxiswe ngokungekho mthethweni ehlathini lika Rulumente iya kuthi , ngaphezu kwawo nawaphi na amanye amandla engawasebenzisayo ngokwawo nawuphi na omnye umthetho , ibe namandla okuyalela ukuba 74 .

UMTHETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI, 1969. loo mveliso yehlathi ibuyiselwe esebeni ngumntu ekuye okanye ukuba iindleko ngokumalunga nayo eziya kufikelela kwisambuku- mali esiqingqwe yinkundla , zihlawulwe esebeni ngummangalelwa . (ii )

Nawuphi na umyalelo onjalo ungenziwa usebenze ngokusemthethweni njengoko izigwebo zaloo nkundla zenziwa zisebenze ngokusemthethweni ematyaleni eembambano .


Imigaqo yomhlathi (a) ephathelele kwiindleko zokonakalelw ' emthethweni iya kusebenza ngokumalunga nako nakuphi na ukusika , ukugawula okanye ukwenza ingozi ngokungemthetho kwimveliso yamahlathi okanye nawuphi na umonakalo owenziwe ngabomi okanye ngokungakhathali emvelisweni yamahlathi okanye kwenye into ehlathini ngumlilo okanye kuko nakuphi na okunye .

(4) Inkundla egweba nawuphi na umntu ngokreqo lwesiqendu 16 (1 ) ( c ) okanye (d ) ingathi , ngaphezu kokuwisela loo mntu nasiphi na isohlwayo , iyalele ukuba singekapheli isithuba sexesha elimiswe yiyo loo mntu ashenxise ehlathini likaRulumente nasiphi na isakhiwo esigxunyekwe nguye kwanazo naziphi na izilimo zakhe aze ke emveni koko emke kwelo hlathi angabuyeli kulo, yaye ke inkundla ingathi ngaxesha- nye igunyazise igosa lamahlathi , okanye naliphi na igosa elityunjwe yiyo , ukuba lishenxise , litshabalalise okanye litshitshise ngandlela yimbi eso sakhiwo okanye izilimo ngaphandle kokuba umyalelo uyathotyelwa nguloo mntu singekagqithi eso sithuba sexesha simisiweyo . 22. (1 ) Xa sukuba nakuluphi na ummangalelo olwenziwa ngokwalo Mthetho kusithiwa kwisimangalo nayiphi na imveliso yehlathi yimpahla kaRulumente , de kube ke kuveliswe bungqina bumbi bungqinekayo , kuya kuthatyathwa ngokuba loo mveliso yimpahla kaRulumente . (2)

Nawuphi na ke umntu obekwa ityala lokuba wenze

nasiphi na isenzo ekufuneka efumene isigunyaziso ngalo Mthetho sokusenza , uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba akanaso eso 75.

Ubung qina.

UM THE THO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI, 1969. sigunyaziso ngaphandle kokuba uyasivelisa sona isigunyaziso eso enkundleni okanye anike obunye ubungqina obanelisayo bokuba unaso .

(3) Xa sukuba kuthetho - tyala ngokwalo Mthetho kuvela umcimbi wokungakhathali ngokumalunga nemililo yamahlathi , kuya kuthatyathwa ngokuba bekukho intswelo - nkathalo ngaphandle kokuba kuveliswa bungqina bumbi obunesihlahla . Imimiselo.

23. Umphathiswa angenza imimiselo ephathelele kuyo yonke okanye kuwo nawuphi na kwimicimbi ekhankanywe kwisiqendu 2 ( 1 ) kunjalo nje ngokubanzi nayiphi na imimiselo angayibona ifuneka khona ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi ziyafezwa iinjongo zalo Mthetho .




(1 )

Kunganikelwa -


nguMphathiswa kuSibakhulu okanye kulo naliphi na elinye igosa le sebe elisesikhundleni esiphezulu amandla awathweswe sisiqendu 7 (4 ) okanye 10 (3 );


nguSibakhulu kulo naliphi na igosa lesebe nawaphi na kumandla , umsebenzi okanye iimfanelo azithweswe okanye aziwiselwe ngulo Mthetho .

(2 ) Umphathiswa okanye uSibakhulu angathi nangaliphi ilixa aluroxise naluphi na unikelo- magunya ngokwesi-

qendwana ( 1 ) kwaye ke akukho lunikelo lwamagunya , msebenzi okanye mfanelo nayiphi na luya kwalela okanye luthintele ukusetyenziswa kwayo nguMphathiswa okanye nguSibakhulu , kwaba .

Uthintelolummangalelo .




na kanye - kanye

25. Ngaphandle kokuba kukho bungqina bantswelo - nkathalo bungqinekayo , akasayi kumangalelwa uRulumente , uMphathiswa , uSibakhulu , igosa lamahlathi okanye naliphi na elinye igosa lesebe okanye igosa elilipolisa ngayo nayiphi na ingozi eyenziwe kuye nawuphi na umntu okanye ilahleko ayifumeneyo ngenxa yayo nayiphi na into eyenziwe kunyanisekiwe ngokwalo Mthetho .

Ufakelo-mbandela 26. Isihlokomiso No. 3 sowe kwiSihlokomiso imibandela No. 3 sowe 1949 .


1949 ngokwenjenje sifakelwa


ngokubeka ezi ziqendu zingezants'apha endaweni yesiqendu 1 nesesi 2 :

"1. (1) Nangona ukho nawuphi na umgaqo kuwo nawuphi na omnye umthetho kodwa elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana (2) , nawuphi na umntu angathi , okwesithuba


elingadlulileyo kwiintsuku

ezine , akampe , enze ipikniki kuwo nawuphi na umhlaba kaRulumente wase Transkei okwiimayile ezingagqithanga esithathwini ukusuka elwandle.

(2) Imigaqo yesiqendwana (1 ) ayisayi kusebenza kuwo nawuphi na umhlaba (a)

olihlathi likaRulumente njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendu 1 soMthetho waMahlathi aseTranskei , 1969; okanye


omiwe ngokusemthethweni nguye nawuphi na omnye umntu .

2. (1 ) Isigqeba sika Rulumente wase Transkei singabekela bucala ukulungiselela iinjongo zokukampa okanye zokupiknika nawuphi na umhlaba ka Rulumente wase Transkei nosendaweni enjengaleyo ichazwe esiqendwini 1 .

(2 ) Nawuphi na umhlaba obekelwe bucala ngolo hlobo (ngezants'apha oza kubizwa ngokuba ngummandla wokukampa) uya kwenzelwa imida ufakelwe neebhakani . "; na -

(b) ngokubeka lo mhlathi ungezants'apha endaweni yomhlathi ( a ) wesiqendu 5 :


othi , ngohlobo olungelulo olo lungqinelana nemigaqo yesi Sihlokomiso , akampe okanye apiknike kuwo nawuphi na umhlaba ka Rulumente wase Transkei okwiimayile ezingagqithanga kwezintathu ukusuka elwandle . ". 77 .

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI, 1969. Utshitshiso. mithetho ne zitenxa-mgaqweni.

27. (1) Kulawulwa yimigaqo yeziqendwana (2) , ( 3) nesesi (4) , imithetho ekhankanywe kwiSihlomelo 2 ngokwenjenje iyatshitshiswa kangangoko kubonisiweyo emhlathini wesithathu waso.

(2 ) Nayiphi na ilayisensi , ipemethe , imvume , imvumelo okanye imvumelwano ekhutshwe , efunyenwe , enikwe , okanye eyenziwe okanye inyathelo elithatyathwe okanye nayiphi na into eyenziwe ngawo okanye ngokwawo nawuphi na umgaqo womthetho otshitshisiweyo sisiqendwana ( 1 ) iya kuthatyathwa ngokuba ibikhutshwe , ibifunyenwe , ibinikwe okanye ibe yenziwe , ibithatyathwe ngokwaloo mgaqo , ukuba ukho , uvumelana nayo okanye nalo , walo Mthetho. (4) Akukho nto ikulo Mthetho iya kutolikwa ngokuba ichaphazela nangaluphi na uhlobo nayiphi na imvumelwano ephathelele kutshitshiso lwemveliso yamahlathi okanye uniko-malungelo emahlathini kaRulumente ekhoyo phakathi kukaRulumente naye nawuphi na umntu nesasebenzayo ekuqaliseni ukusebenza kwalo Mthetho.

Ukusebenza kwalo Mthetho kumahlathi abantu-nje .


(1 )


Ekubhekisweni kuMphathiswa kwesicelo esibhaliweyo ngumnini walo naliphi na ihlathi elilelomntu- nje (oko kukuthi naliphi na ihlathi okanye isityalwa -hlathi esisemhlabeni eTranskei ongenguwo ka Rulumente ) uMphathiswa angathi , ukuba wanelisekile ukuba ngokwenjenjalo akusayi kubakho ngozi yenziwayo kumalungelo oluntu ngesaziso eGazethini yoBurulumente enze kusebenze kwelo hlathi lomntu- nje nayiphi na imigaqo yalo Mthetho ephathelele kumahlathi ka Rulumente nangayibona ifuneka khona ukuze elo hlathi sekuthethwe ngalo lilondolozeke bhetere nakwangenjongo yokuba kukhuselwe bhetere imithi nenye imveliso yehlathi elapho .


Nasiphi na isaziso esinjalo siya kuchaza ngokucacileyo ummandla ochatshazelwa koko saye singathi kwangesaziso esinjalo siroxiswe okanye (ngemvume yomnini - lo) sifakelwe imibandela .


Elawulwa yimvume ebhaliweyo kaSibakhulu umntu

78 .

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI, 1969. owalathelwe ngokukodwa ukuba abe ligosa lamahlathi sisiphatha-mandla sendawo leyo okanye ngomnye umnini-hlathi ngokumalunga nehlathi lomntu - nje elikulawulo lweso siphatha- mandla okanye umnini -hlathi nekwenziwe kwasebenza kulo nayiphi na imigaqo yalo Mthetho ngokwesiqendwana (1 ) uya kuba nawo onke amagunya athweswe amagosa amahlathi esebe ngulo mthetho.

29. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho waMahlathi ase Transkei , 1969.

Igama elifutshane .



Imithi .

Amagama eNzululwazi - zityalo .

Amagama aqhelekileyo .

Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach) W.F. Wight (sf- nts . A. gummifera (G mel ) C.A. Sm. no A. fastigiata E. Mey) Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey , ex Arn . Avicennia marina ( Forsk . ) Vierh . Bersama swinnyi Phill . Bersama tysoniana Oliv . Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lam .

umHlandlothi . um Dakane . isiKungathi . uNdlandla . isiNdiyandiya . isiKungathi . um Bhabha .

Calodendrum capense ( L. f. ) Thunb . Cassine crocea ( Thunb. ) O. Kuntze .

um Bomvane .

Cassine sphaerophylla O. Kuntze ( sf - nts . C. aethiopica Thunb . ) Celtis africana Burm. f. ( Sf - nts . C. Kraussiana Bernh . ) Combretum Kraussii Hochst . Combretum salicifolium E. Mey . Croton sylvaticus Hochst . ex Krauss . Cunonia capensis L. Curtisia dentata (Burm . f. ) C.A. Sm. (Sf- nts . C. faginea Ait ) Cussonia spicata Thunb. Cussonia umbellifera Sond . Drypetes arguta (Muell . Arg . ) Hutch . Ekebergia capensis Sparrm .

um Bomvane . um Vumvu . um Dubu wehlathi .. umDubu . um Feze . umQwashube . umGxina . umSenge . umSenge . um Hlakele . umGwenye wezinja .

79 .


Erythrina caffra Thunb. Erythrina lysistemon Hutch . Euclea natalensis A.D.C.

umSintsi. umSintsi . um Khaza .

Fagara davyi Verdoorn.

um Lungumabele . umGwenye . um Nebelele .

Harpephyllum caffrum Bernh ex Krauss . Heywoodia lucens Sim . Ilex mitis (L. ) Radlk . Kiggelaria africana L. Linociera foveolata ( E. Mey. ) Knobl . S. sp . foveolata Linociera peglerae (C.H. Wright ) Gilg & Schellenb . Macaranga capensis (Baill . ) Benth. Maytenus peduncularis (Sond . ) Loes . ( sf- nts . Gymnosporia peduncularis Loes) Milletia grandis (E. Mey. ) Skeels . ( sf- nts . M. caffra Meisn. ) Mimusops caffra E. Mey. ex A.D.C. Mimusops obovata Sond. Notobuxus macowanii (Oliv . ) Phill . Nuxia floribunda Benth .

umDuma . um Khokhokho . umDlebe .

umDlebe . um Bengele . um Nqayi .

umSimbithi. um Thunzi . um Thunzi . umGalagala . iNgqota . um Tentsema . um Tentsema .

Ochna arborea Burch . ex DC .

Ochna holstii Engl . Ochna natalitia (Meisn . ) Walp . Ocotea bullata (Burch . ) E. Mey .

um Tentsema. um Nukane .

Olea africana Mill . ( sf- nts O.verrucosa Link. ) Olea capensis L. s.sp. capensis ( sf- nts . O. laurifolia Lam . ) Olea woodiana Knobl . Olinia emarginata Burtt Davy . ( sf- nts . Hofm . et Phill . )

um Nquma .

iGxwanxi . um Nqugunya .

O. acuminata

Olinia radiata Hofmeyr et Phill . Phyllanthus discoideus ( Baill . ) Muell . Arg .

uQudu . um Phanzi . um Panzite .

Pleurostylia capensis (Turcz . ) Oliv . Podocarpus falcatus (Thunb . ) R.Br. ex Mirb.

um Bomvane . um Khoba .

Podocarpus henkelii Stapf ex Dall. & Jacks . Podocarpus latifolius R. Br . ex Mirb . Protea arborea Link.

umSonti .

Protorhus longifolia ( Bernh . ) Engl . Prunus Africanus ( Hook f. ) Kalkm . ( sf - nts Pygeum Africanum Hook. f. ) Ptaeroxylon obliquum ( Thunb . ) Radlk. Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus Sond. Rapanea melanophloeos ( L. ) Mez . Rauvolfia caffra Sond . 80.

um Ceya . inDlunge . um Hluthi .

um Kakase . um Thathi. uTwina . isiQwane - sehlathi . um Jela .


Rhizophora mucronata Lam . Rhus legatii Schonl . Rothmannia capensis Thunb. Scolopia ecklonii ( Nees . ) Harv .

isiKhungathi . umHlakothi . um Zukuza . iQumza .

Scolopia mundii ( Eckl . et Zeyh . ) Warb. Scolopia zeyheri ( Nees ) Harv. Sideroxylon inerme L. Spirostachys africana Sond.

um Nqanqa . umQaqoba. umQwashu . um Thom bothi.

Strychnos decussata (Pappe ) Gilg. (Sf-nts . S. atherstonei Harv . ) Strychnos henningsii Gilg . Strychnos mitis S. Moore. Syzygium cordatum Hochst . ex Harv. et Sond. Syzygium gerrardii (Harv. ) Hochst. (Sf- nts . Eugenia gerrardii Sim . ) Tarchonanthus camphoratus L. Trichilia roka Forsk. Chiov . (Sf- nts . T. emetica ) . Vepris undulata (Thunb . ) Verdoorn. (Sf- nts . V. lanceolata G. Don. )

Xymalos monospora ( Forst . ) Baill .


umHlamahlala . um Nonono . um Ngqongqothi . umSwi. um Jome . isiDuli sehlathi. um Khuhlu.

um Zani . uvete .

Imveliso yamahlathi .

Cyathea capensis ( L.f. ) Smith. (Hemitelia capensis ( L.f. ) Kaulf. ) Cyathea dregei Kunze . Encephalartos Spp . Musci. Phoenix reclinata Jacq.

isiHihi . isiHihi . umGuza . Zonke ezibubulembu . iSundu. Zonke ezingenazintya-

Pteridophyta .

tyambo . (c)

Izaziso zakwa Rulumente .

INo. nonyaka .

Siroxiswe kangakanani ?

Isaziso sika Rulumente No. 1605 sowe 1920 Isaziso sikaRulumente No. 987 sowe 1935 Isaziso sika Rulumente No. 494 sowe 1937

Sonke . Sonke . Imimiselo esukela kowama 70 kuse kowe 106 .

Isaziso sikaRulumente No. 1850 sowe 1948 81 .

Sonke .

UM THETHO WAMAHLATHI ASETRANSKEI , 1969 . Isaziso sikaRulumente No. 1513 sowe 1954 Isaziso sikaRulumente No. 70 sowe 1959 Isaziso sikaRulumente No. 1150 sowe 1960 Isaziso sikaRulumente No. 252 sowe 1962

Sonke .

Imihlathi (b) , ( c ) no (d ) Sonke . Sonke .


Imithetho etshitshisiweyo


Imithetho yePalamente .

INo. nonyaka .

Umthetho No. 13

Igama .

Uroxiswe kangakanani ?

Umthetho waMahlathi , 1941 .

Wonke .

Umthetho No. 10

Umthetho waMahlathi wo Fa-

Wonke .

wowe 1948

kelo-mibandela , 1948 .

wowe 1941


Izihlokomiso .

INo . nonyaka .

Siroxiswe kangakanani ?

Isihlokomiso No. 241 sowe 1914 Isihlokomiso No. 85 sowe 1915 Isihlokomiso No. 31 sowe 1932

Sonke . Sonke . Sonke . Sonke . Sonke . Sonke .

Isihlokomiso No. 224 sowe 1932 Isihlokomiso No. 91 sowe 1934 Isihlokomiso No. 193 sowe 1935

82 .


ACT Assented to on 25th September, 1969)

(The Xhosa Text signed by the State President

To provide for the reservation of land for forest purposes , the demarcation, protection , management and use of forests and plantations , the protection of trees and other forest produce , the regulation and control of trading in forest produce and for other incidental matters . BE IT ENACTED BY THE ASSEMBLY, as follows : -



In this Act , unless the context otherwise indicates -


" 'administrative






area '' in




( Act

an administrative 1


of the


4 of 1965 ) ;



" 'authorization '' means a licence , permit or other authorization issued in terms of section 11 ( 1 ) ; (xv)


" Bantu person " means a Bantu person as defined in section 73 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 (Act No. 48 of 1963 ) ; ( iii)


" Cabinet " means the Cabinet constituted in terms of section 10 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 ; (xiv)


" 'demarcated forest " means any forest reserve or portion of a forest reserve which in accordance with the provisions of section 6 has , or is deemed to have , been declared a demarcated forest ; ( ix)


" department " means the Department of Agriculture and Forestry ; (viii)


''forest officer " means the incumbent of a post designated under section 4 ( 1 ) ; (v)


" forest produce " means anything which is produced by trees or grows or is grown in a forest or is naturally found in or obtained from a forest , and includes bark , bees , birds , branchwood, bulbs ,



TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. charcoal , chips , creepers , earth, essential oils , ferns , firewood, fish, flowers , fruit , game , grass , gravel , gum, honey, horns , humus , kraalwood , laths , leaves , litter , moss , oleoresin, peat , plants , poles , reeds , roots , rubber latex, rushes , sand , sap , sawdust, seeds , shells , shingle , skins , slabs , spices , stones , thatch, timber , trees , wax and wood; (vi)

(ix )


(xi )

" forest reserve " means any land which , in accordance with the provisions of section 5 ( 2 ) or ( 3) has , or is deemed to have , been reserved and set aside for forest purposes ; (vii)

1 " Government " means the Government of the Transkei ; (xxi) " Government forest " means any demarcated or undemarcated forest and any forest reserve and includes a Government plantation, a Government sawmill , a Government timber preservation plant and any area controlled and managed by the department for the prevention of sand drift or the protection of indigenous forests ; (xxii)


" headman ' means the headman , as defined in section 1 of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 , of the administrative area concerned ; (xiii )

(xiii )

'' land '' means land in the Transkei ; ( x )


" local authority " means any institution or body contemplated in section 84 ( 1 ) (f) of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act , 1961 ( Act No. 32 of 1961 ) ; (xviii )



(xvii )

" Minister " means the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry; (xvi )

" Official Gazette " the Transkei ; ( ii )

means the Official Gazette of

" plantation " means any area of land used or set aside for the establishment of trees but does not


TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. include any woodlot established in terms of any soil conservation scheme ; (xix)


" police officer " means a member of any police Corce established by law; (xx)


''Secretary " means the Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry ; (xxiii)


" soil conservation scheme " means a soil conservation scheme in operation under the Transkei Agricultural Development Act, 1966 (Act No. 10 of 1966) ; (xi )


'' statutory width " , in relation to any public road, means the statutory width as defined in section 1 of the



Act ,


(Act No. 5 of

1965) ; (xxiv)


'' ' theza ''

means to collect , take and remove such

dry firewood , thatchgrass and reeds as taken without damage to living trees ; (xxv)

(xxiii )


can be

" this Act " includes any regulation made and in force under section 23 ; (xii ) " timber "





in trees ,

whether standing, fallen or felled , and all wood, whether produced in or brought into the Transkei , and whether sawn, split, hewn or planed or otherwise fashioned or processed; (xxvi ) (xxv)

" tree " includes any woody plant species including any seedling , sapling , transplant or coppice shoot of any age; ( iv)


" undemarcated forest " means (a)

any Government land ( not being a demarcated forest or a plantation) which has , or is deemed to have been, reserved and set aside for forest purposes under section 5 ( 2) or (3) ; and


all trees on Government land (not being a demarcated forest or a plantation) . (xvii )



Functions , powers 2 . (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act , it shall be and authorities of the function of the department , under the direction and the department in relation to forests control of the Minister and out of moneys appropriated by and forest produce. the Legislative Assembly for the purpose


to protect, manage , develop and use Government forests ;


to establish , manage and use plantations ;


to sell


to establish and manage sawmills , factories or other undertakings for sawing, manufacturing or processing forest produce or for conducting research into the use , manufacture or processing of

or otherwise dispose of forest produce ;

forest produce ; (e)

to carry on trade or business in forest produce and to engage in any work or other activity incidental to such trade or business;

( f)

to protect and conserve water sources and water supplies , and to prevent and combat fires , soil erosion and sand drift , in Government forests ;


to construct and maintain, or to authorize the construction and maintenance of, roads , bridges , culverts , paths , chutes , slipways and cableways in Government forests for the exploitation and transportation of forest produce and to regulate and control traffic on any such roads ;


to regulate and control , subject to the laws relating to the entry of persons into the Transkei and the protection of game , fish or birds , the entry of persons into and the use of Government forests for the purposes of hunting , fishing , picnicking, camping or recreation generally ;

( i)

to regulate and control the clearing , breaking up or cultivation of land , or the grazing of stock , in Government forests ;

(j )

to regulate and control the collection of honey, the catching of bees or bee -farming in Government forests ; 86.


to exterminate vermin and to eradicate weeds in Government forests :

( 1)

to conserve and protect trees , forest produce or forests specially section 7;


or protected under

(m ) to control and manage any nature reserve or protection forest set aside under section 9 ;


to provide such accommodation and other facilities for officers or employees of the department , and facilities for picnickers and campers , in Government forests as the Minister may deem necessary;


to develop , or to assist in the development of, the forest and timber industry generally in the Transkei ; and


generally to exercise all such powers and authorities as may be necessary for the attainment of the aims and objects of this Act.

(2) In the fulfilment of its powers , authorities and functions under subsection ( 1 ) the department may from time to time , by conspicuous Government restrictions part thereof.

notice in the place in, or forest , make in respect of

official languages displayed in a on or near the boundary of , any rules or impose prohibitions or such Government forest or any

The Minister may from time to time , by notice in the 3. divide the Transkei into forest divisions Official Gazette , forest districts or forest areas and he may assign a name to any such forest division, forest district or forest area or to any Government forest .

Forest divisions , districts or areas .

The Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette (1) 4. designate the posts in the department the incumbents of which shall be forest officers .

Provisions relating to forest officers and other employees .


No forest officer or employee of the department

shall 87.


solicit or receive or agree to receive , whether for himself or otherwise , any payment , advantage or reward, pecuniary or otherwise , in consideration of his doing anything in conflict with his duty or of his refraining from doing his duty; or solicit or receive or agree to receive from any person any payment , advantage or reward , pecuniary or otherwise , in consideration of his doing his duty .


(3) No forest officer or other officer or employee of the department , and no headman , shall trade in forest produce (other than forest produce grown or produced on his private (other

Forest reserves .

5. or




act as


an agent for any person


in forest produce .

Whenever , in the opinion of the Cabinet, any land

(1 ) any





in or over land is required –


for the establishment of, or for any other purpose in connection with, a Government forest , or


to enable the department to exercise , perform or carry out its powers , authorities or functions under this Act ,

the Minister to whom the administration of the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Transkei Agricultural Development Act , 1966 has in terms of section 38 of that Act been assigned may, in accordance mutatis mutandis with those provisions , expropriate such land or , as the case may be , expropriate or terminate any right or interest in or over such land . (2)

Any land which has been expropriated or in rela-

tion to which any right or interest has been expropriated or terminated under subsection ( 1 ) shall , and any other Government land may after consultation with the appropriate regional authority established under the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 , be reserved and set aside by the Cabinet for forest purposes . (3) Any land which immediately prior to the commencement of this Act was set aside or reserved for forest


TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. purposes under any law repealed by section 27 (1 ) shall , notwithstanding such repeal , be deemed to have been reserved and set aside under subsection ( 2) of this section.

(4) Land which in terms of this Act has , or is deemed to have been , reserved and set aside for forest purposes -


shall not , whether in whole or in part, be withdrawn from such reservation except with the approval of the Cabinet ; and


shall , notwithstanding such reservation or anything to the contrary contained in any other law and in relation to the temporary possession, use or occupation of any part of such land or site thereon by any person or body other than the department -

(i )

for mill , factory , trading or residential purposes , or


for any other lawful purpose (not being a purpose contemplated in section 2 ( 1 ) (h) , ( i ) or (j ) ), be subject to the laws regulating the possession , use or occupation of Government land in the district in which such land is situated : Provided

that no right for the temporary possession , use or occupation of any part of such land or any site thereon shall be granted except in consultation with the Minister.

6. (1) The Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette Demarcated forests . declare any forest reserve or any specified portion of a forest reserve to be a demarcated forest . (2) As from the commencement of this Act every forest or plantation which, immediately prior to such commencement , was a reserved forest for the purposes of any law repealed by section 27 ( 1 ) shall , notwithstanding such repeal , be deemed to have been declared a demarcated forest under subsection ( 1 ) of this section . (3)

The Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette



amend any notice under subsection (1 );


define or redefine the boundaries of any forest or plantation referred to in subsection ( 2) ; or


withdraw from demarcation any demarcated forest or any specified portion of a demarcated forest.

(4) The Minister shall cause the boundaries of every demarcated forest to be suitably beaconed or marked or may cause such boundaries to be fenced. 7.

(1 )


Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) , the species of trees and forest produce mentioned in Schedule 1 shall -

(i )


in any Government forest , be specially reserved; and





not a Government

forest, be protected . (b)

The Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette amend Schedule 1 from time to time by adding thereto or removing therefrom any species of tree or forest produce .

(2) Whenever in the opinion of the Minister it is in the public interest to do so, he may by notice in the Official Gazette , in respect of land other than a Government forest , declare to be protected the whole or any specified part of a forest or any particular tree or trees of a species not mentioned in Schedule 1 .

(3) There shall be protected every living tree and all living forest produce on land -

(a )

within twenty-five stream ; or


which consists of drift sand or is liable to become drift sand; or


within the statutory width , but outside the roadway or the proposed roadway , of any public road. 90 .


of the


of any

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. (4) Except with the written consent of the Minister and subject to such conditions as he may determine and except as provided in subsection ( 5 ) , no person shall cut, disturb, injure , take , collect , destroy or remove ·


any species of tree or forest produce specially reserved or protected under subsection (1);


any tree or forest produce in any forest or part of a forest, or any particular tree or trees , declared to be protected under subsection ( 2); or


any living tree or forest produce protected under subsection (3).

(5) Nothing in subsection (4) contained shall be construed as -


preventing the competent authority from exercising, after consultation with the department or the owner of the land , as the case may be , any right of cutting, trimming or removing trees or forest produce on any land for the purposes of the Post Office Act , 1958 (Act No. 44 of 1958) or any law relating to the construction and maintenance of roads ,






lines ; or

prohibiting the owner or lawful occupier of land referred to in subsection (3) (a ) from pruning, and taking the fruit or other forest produce of any cultivated fruit tree or fodder tree growing on such land .


Where by reason of the application of the provisions of section 7 (2 ) to any land which is included in the Transkei in terms of section 3 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 -


the owner of any land patrimonial loss , or


there has been substantial interference with such

or forest has suffered

owner's beneficial occupation of such land or any portion thereof, 91 .

Compensation for loss arising from protection of forests or trees .


such owner -



shall be entitled to such compensation as may be agreed upon by such owner and the Minister (acting in consultation with the Minister of Finance ) or, in the absence of agreement, as may be determined by the court in accordance with the provisions mutatis mutandis of section 13 (4) of the Transkei Agricultural Development Act, 1966 ; or , as the case may be

may demand that the land on which the forest or the trees in question are situated shall be expropriated and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of section 5 .

Reservation or protection of trees, forest produce or forests.


(1 )

(a )

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10, the Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette set aside any Government forest or any defined portion of any Government forest as a nature reserve for the preservation of trees , natural scenery and forest produce or as a protection forest for the conservation of water sources or water supplies or the prevention of soil erosion or sand drift.


Any such notice shall clearly specify the area set aside and may by like notice be withdrawn or amended .

(2) No person shall cut , disturb , injure , take , collect, destroy or remove any forest produce on land set aside under subsection ( 1 ) : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the department from taking on such land any measures which it may deem necessary for the protection thereof against fire , soil erosion or sand drift , or for the conservation of water , forest produce or veld , or for the eradication of weeds or pests .

Servitudes or other 10. (1 ) Subject to the provisions of section 59 of the rights over Government forests . Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 and of subsection (2 ) of this section 92.



no servitude or other right of whatever nature in respect of any portion of a Government forest shall be capable of being acquired by prescription , and


no such servitude or right shall , except with the approval by resolution of the Legislative Assembly, be granted or alienated .

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) contained shall be construed as


derogating from the provisions of any law which provides for the acquisition for any purpose mentioned therein by expropriation or otherwise of the right of use and occupation of any land by any department of the Government of the Republic or of the Government of the Transkei , the South African Railways and Harbours Administration , the Post Office Administration , any local authority or any body corporate established by or under any law;


prohibiting the sale or other disposal of forest produce under this Act;


prohibiting the granting to any person, in accordance with law, of temporary rights of use and occupation of land in a Government forest for any purpose referred to in section 2 (1 ) (h) , ( i ) or (j ) or section 5 (4) (b) (i ) or ( ii) ;


derogating from the provisions of any law relating to prospecting and mining for precious and base metals and minerals and precious stones , provided that no holder of any permit , licence or lease under such laws shall , without authorization , cut, injure , take or remove Government forest ;

forest produce

in any


affecting any bona fide right to " theza ' ' ;

( f)

preventing the department from allowing , subject to the laws relating to the entry of persons into 93.


the Transkei and to such rules as the Secretary may from time to time prescribe , the use by any person without authorization between the hours of sunrise and sunset of roads and paths or picnicking places in Government forests . (3)

Where any such servitude or right exists in respect

of a Government forest or portion of a Government forest, the Minister may, for the purpose of regenerating such forest , preserving any forest produce or preventing or combating soil erosion or sand drift -


specify the kinds and quantities of forest produce which may be cut , taken or removed and the season or time for such cutting , taking or removal ;


prohibit for specified periods , in relation to any specified area, the grazing of stock or the cutting , taking or removal of forest produce ;


prescribe the particular areas over which such servitude or right may be exercised in particular years or periods ;


limit the cutting , taking or removal of forest produce to domestic requirements and prohibit the sale thereof;


define the area in which, and the periods during which , the right of residence or camping may be exercised ;

( f)

require the holder of a servitude or right of any nature to obtain from the department an authorization defining the nature of such servitude or right and specifying where and in what manner it may be exercised .

(4 ) The Minister shall cause a register to be kept of all such servitudes or rights ( other than a right to " theza " ) specifying in each case the nature of the servitude or right , 94 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. the manner in which it came into existence and the name of the holder thereof.







of section

12 , the

Authorizations .

department may, for the purpose of enabling any person to do any act for which by this Act any authorization is required, issue licences , permits or other authorizations in such form and upon such conditions as the Minister may determine and on payment of such fees or charges , if any , as he may prescribe in consultation with the Minister of Finance .


An authorization -


shall not, without the prior consent of the Secretary, be transferred by the holder to any other person ;


shall confer on its lawful holder only such authority, right or privilege , and be available only for such Government forest or portion of a Government forest and for such period , as may be specified therein; and


shall on demand be produced by the holder thereof to a magistrate , justice of the peace , forest officer or police officer .

(3) If the holder of any authorization fails to comply with any condition thereof or is convicted of any offence under this Act , the Secretary may at his discretion cancel such authorization and , in that event , the person who was the holder thereof shall have no claim to the refund of any fee, or portion of any fee , paid in respect thereof.

The Minister may , in consultation with the Minister Minister may fix (1 ) 12. tariffs and charges . of Finance -

(a )

determine tariffs for the sale of forest produce by the department or for the use or occupation of land for any purpose referred to in section 2 (1 ) (h) , (i ) or (j ); 95 .


prescribe the charges to be levied for any services rendered by officers or employees of the department; and


determine the circumstances conditions subject to which -

(i) (ii)


such tariffs

in which and the

or charges may be varied , or

exemption from payment may be granted to any person by the department.

Different tariffs or charges may be determined

or prescribed for different Government forests , divisions , forest districts or forest areas .

Sale or other dispo- 13. sal of forest produce by

(1 ) (1) sale


The department may dispose of forest produce out of hand or by private treaty or , after such

advertisement as the Secretary may direct, on informal tender or by public auction: Provided that, except with the approval of the Minister of Finance , no forest produce shall be sold at a price lower than the minimum rate prescribed in any tariff under section 12 :

Provided further that the department may, with the approval of the Minister , make forest produce available free of charge for educational , research, demonstration or advertising purposes .

(2 ) Subject to the provisions of subsection (3) and except as otherwise provided in any agreement in writing, the sale of any forest produce by the department shall not become final and binding until-


the purchase price




has been paid in full , and

has ,

in respect of such


issued an authorization to the purchaser. (3)


Secretary may ,

in respect of any sale of

forest produce , require the purchaser to furnish security to his satisfaction , in such manner as he may approve , for the 96.

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969. payment in full of the purchase price and the due fulfilment by the purchaser of any other obligation under this Act or under any agreement in writing.

14. Except as provided in sections 7 ( 5 ) and 10 and Control of cutting, (1 ) in subsections (2) and ( 3 ) of this section, no person shall taking of forest proin any Government forest without authorization cut , fell , duce . remove , injure , destroy , collect or take any forest produce .

(2) Subject to the provisions of section 10 ( 3) and of any soil conservation scheme , any Bantu person residing in an administrative area may, for personal use and not for sale (a)

exercise a right to ''theza " in any Government forest (other than a nature reserve , protection forest or plantation) , provided that no person shall -


exercise any such right between the hours of sunset and sunrise ;


use any axe , saw or other implement or any vehicle , sledge or other conveyance in or for the exercise of such right;


cut, disturb , injure , take , collect , destroy or remove any living tree or any sound timber in the exercise of such right; or


enter or leave the Government forest in which he exercises such right otherwise than by a recognized road , path , gate or stile ;


with the approval of the headman (who is hereby authorized to grant such approval ) take and remove from any Government forest (other than a nature reserve , protection forest, demarcated forest or plantation) trees or forest produce of any species not specified in Schedule 1 and not otherwise protected under section 7 ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) .

(3) Any person lawfully travelling, camping or picnicking in a Government forest may gather such dry firewood as he may need immediately for cooking purposes , provided that no such person shall -

97 .


gather firewood in any area from which the removal of forest produce is by notice prohibited ;


remove from such Government forest any firewood so lawfully gathered ; or


light any fire elsewhere than at a place indicated by a forest officer or set aside by the department for the purpose .


A broad

" arrow mark

"', with or without

numerals below, made upon or affixed to any timber in a Government forest shall indicate that such timber is the property of the Government , and no person other than the department shall cut or fell any timber so marked or remove it from a Government forest.

(5) The mark " XG " , with or without numerals below , made upon or affixed to any timber in a Government forest shall indicate -

(a )

if such timber is contained in a standing tree , that such tree may be lawfully cut or felled ; and


in the case of any other timber , that such timber may be lawfully removed from such forest.


No person shall without authorization -


make upon or affix to any timber the mark prescribed in subsection (4 );


make upon or affix to any timber in a Government forest

the mark prescribed

in subsection ( 5 ) ;

(c )

alter or deface any mark made upon or affixed to timber for the purposes of subsection (4 ) or ( 5) ;

(d )

cut , fell or remove from a Government forest any timber which has not been marked as in subsection (5 ) provided ;


move timber from the place in a Government forest where it was deposited or delivered by the


TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. department or felled to any other place within such forest; or


in any manner work timber or other forest produce elsewhere than at a place set aside for the purpose by a forest officer .

The purchaser of any timber or other forest (7) produce in a Government forest shall


if so required by a forest officer , stack such timber in such manner that every piece thereof shall be accessible for marking as provided in subsection ( 5) and give reasonable notice to a forest officer that such timber has been so stacked;


before the expiration of the period of validity of his authorization or of such further period as a forest officer may allow but subject to the provisions of subsection (6 ) (d ) , remove such timber or other forest produce from such forest or move it to a place indicated by a forest officer , failing which such timber or other forest produce shall be forfeited to the Government;


pay (i)

for all timber or other forest produce which is sound at the time when it is allotted or sold to, or is felled by, him : Provided that , if the Secretary has so authorized , the purchaser may reject , before it is worked or removed , any timber or other forest produce which is of no value for the purpose for which it can ordinarily be used;

(ii )

for all timber which in the opinion of a forest officer has been needlessly wasted in the felling of any tree or the conversion or working of the timber contained therein ; and

(iii )

for any timber contained in any tree or part of a tree which, in the opinion of a forest 99.

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969 . officer , must necessarily be felled or removed to enable such purchaser to fell or work any timber purchased by him; and (d)

fell standing trees as close to the ground as possible and , wherever practicable , with a saw.

Measures of weight 15. (1) Except as provided in any authorization , the sale and volume in relation to sale of forest of forest produce under this Act shall be by the standard produce. measures of weight and volume prescribed in the Weights and Measures Act, 1958 (Act No. 13 of 1958).

(2) The volume of timber (calculated to the nearest cubic foot) shall (a)

in the case of round timber , be the product of its length (to the nearest foot ) and its mean sectional area, and the average diameter of such timber shall be determined in accordance with such rules and methods as the Secretary may prescribe from time to time ;


in the case of round timber stacked at right angles , be the product of the length, width and height (to the nearest inch) of the stack , converted to solid volume by the application of an average conversion factor to be determined by the Secretary;



in the case of a squared log of sawn or worked timber , be the product of its length, width and depth based on actual or nominal measurements according to the recognized custom of the trade.


In the measurement of any timber , due allowance shall be made for bark and any defects .

(4 ) The volume of forest produce sold by the departshall be determined before such forest produce is

converted or worked : Provided that a forest officer may authorize the conversion or working of the timber in a defective tree to an extent which will enable him to determine the volume of sound timber in such tree.

100 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969. 16. (1 ) No person shall , without authorization, in or on Control of entry into, and of residence , any Government forest camping, squatting, clearing or cultivation of land, grazing and (a) enter any part or place where entry is by notice other acts or activities in, Government forests. prohibited ; (b)

climb through or over any fence or gate ;


reside ,

(d )

clear, break up or cultivate any land;


wilfully injure , alter , shift or in any other way interfere with any beacon, boundary mark , fence , notice or notice board ;

( f)

in any manner hunt or destroy or attempt to hunt or destroy game , birds or other animals ;


be accompanied by any dog or have in his possession any gun ;


in any manner fish for or destroy or attempt to fish for or destroy fish;

( i)

rob or attempt to rob any beehive or disturb or remove any swarm of bees ; or


farm with bees.


Subject to the provisions of subsection ( 3 ) and of

camp or squat or build any structure ;

any soil conservation authorization -


scheme ,

no person shall without

in or on any demarcated forest which is fenced or in or on any plantation , graze any stock except during the time when he is lawfully obtaining or transporting forest produce ;


in or on any Government forest (other than an undermarcated forest) -

(i )

graze any stock (if it is otherwise lawful to 101 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. do so) unless such stock is properly herded or

(ii )


allow or suffer any dog to stray or stock to trespass .

For the purpose of regenerating any Government

forest, preserving any forest produce or preventing or combating soil erosion or sand drift, the Minister may prohibit the grazing of stock in any specified area either indefinitely or for such period as he may specify from time to time .

(4) A forest officer may impound or cause to be impounded any stock trespassing in a Government forest or grazing therein in contravention of the conditions of any authorization and shall cause the trespass and mileage fees payable in respect of any stock so impounded to be paid into the Transkeian Revenue Fund.

Roads and paths in 17. Government forests .

(1 )

The Secretary may at his discretion -


close to traffic any road or path (other than a public road or public path) in a Government forest; or


by means of road traffic signs substantially in the form prescribed under the Transkei Road Traffic Act, 1967 prohibit or restrict or regulate and control the use of any such road by traffic generally or by any particular class of traffic.


No person shall without authorization -




road which has been closed to traffic

under subsection ( 1 ) (a) ; or (b)

disobey or fail to comply with any direction conveyed by any road traffic sign under subsection (1 )(b).

(3) No person ( other than the department or any competent road authority) shall without authorization make

102 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969 . any road , path , slipway , Government forest.


or dragway

in any

Any person who uses or travels upon any road or path constructed or maintained by the department in any Government forest shall (4)


use or travel upon such road at his own risk ; and


subject to the provisions of section 68 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 , have no claim against the Government or any servant of the Government for or in respect of any injury , loss or damage sustained or suffered by him in the use by him or on his behalf of any such road or path .

(5) Any road or path constructed or maintained by the department in any Government forest or constructed under any authorization shall , for the purposes of Chapters 6 , 7 , 8, 9 and 10 of the Transkei Road Traffic Act, 1967 be deemed to be a public road.

18. (1) (1) Whenever in the opinion of the Minister it is Protection of Governnecessary to take special measures to protect any Govern- ment fire . forests against ment forest against the hazard of fire , he may by notice Official Gazette direct that in any specified area in the outside , or within any specified distance from the boundaries of, such Government forest no person shall make or cause to be made any fire in the open air or , if such fire has been made , allow such fire to continue to burn or add fuel thereto or rekindle it , otherwise than in accordance with such conditions as may be specified in such notice . (2) in the

Whenever there is reason to believe that any fire

open air within five

miles of the boundary of any

Government forest may become dangerous to life or property any forest officer shall , in accordance with the provisions of any other applicable law , have the right to take, or to take control of, such measures (including the power to call upon persons to render assistance , perform acts or services or to remove themselves or any vehicles or other things under their control ) as in the circumstances are reasonable and necessary for the


of life and property or for

extinguishing or preventing the spread of such fire . 103 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969 . (3) Except in the circumstances contemplated in section 14 ( 3 ) (c ) no person shall in or on any Government forest without authorization -


light or assist in lighting any rekindle or add fuel to any fire ;


or use ,


throw down or drop any burning match or other burning material or any material capable of spontaneous combustion or self- ignition ; or


smoke where by notice any smoking is prohibited.

(4 )

The Secretary may pay to any person -


who has suffered loss or damage as a result of the lawful exercise by a forest officer of any power conferred upon him by subsection (2 ), or


who has performed any act or rendered any service in connection with the protection from fire of any Government forest,

such compensation or reward as the Minister may determine in consultation with the Minister of Finance .

Introduction , removal , 19. ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4) the sale , manufacture and Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette prohibit grading of forest produce and the use of trade names in respect thereof. (a ) the introduction into or the removal from the Transkei , or


the removal from any place to another within the Transkei , or


the purchase , sale or disposal in the Transkei ,

of any forest produce , other than the fruit of fruit trees , except on such conditions as may be prescribed in such notice .

(2 )

Any such notice may 104.


prescribe seasoning

the dimensions and the methods of of any such forest produce and the

grades , standards of quality and the manner of grading, packing or marking of any such forest produce , subject to which such forest produce may be sawn, manufactured or processed for trade purposes or purchased or sold or introduced into or removed from the Transkei ;


prohibit the use for trade purposes , or the sale , disposal or removal from any place to another in the Transkei , or the introduction into or removal




of any

such forest

produce which is not of the prescribed dimensions or has not been seasoned in the prescribed manner or which is not of the prescribed grade or standard of quality or has not been graded , packed or marked in the prescribed manner ;


prescribe or define the trade name or description whereby any such forest produce or any product derived therefrom shall be known or described and under which it shall be introduced into ,


removed from ,


sold or otherwise

disposed of in , the Transkei , and prohibit the use of any other trade name or description in respect thereof;


provide for the inspection of any such forest produce by any person (including the incumbent of any post) designated by the Minister for the purpose ;

(e )

prescribe the place , time and manner of inspection of any such forest produce intended for removal from , or from any place to another within , the Transkei or introduced into the Transkei and the persons to whom notice of intention to remove or to introduce such forest produce shall be given ;

( f)

prescribe in consultation with the Minister of Finance the fees to be paid in respect of the 105 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969. inspection of such forest produce , the times of payment of such fees and the persons to whom such payment shall be made ;


prescribe the method of taking samples for examination, analysis or testing of any forest produce intended for introduction into or removal from the Transkei , and the circumstances under which and the manner in which such forest produce may be graded , marked , regraded or re -marked ;


provide generally for improvement in the quality and the methods of manufacture and marketing of any such forest produce .

(3) The conditions prescribed or specified in any such notice may include any conditions to the effect that the grades , standards of quality and packing or marking of any such forest produce shall be as prescribed by the South African Bureau of Standards established by section 4 of the Standards Act , 1962 (Act No. 33 of 1962 ) and that each piece of such forest produce shall be marked in such a manner as to indicate conformity with the relevant specification of the said Bureau.

(4) Before the publication of a notice under subsection (1 ) the Minister shall publish in the Official Gazette a draft of such notice together with a notice calling upon all interested persons who have any objections to lodge them in writing with the Secretary within a period of thirty days of the date of publication thereof: Provided that, if the Minister thereafter , as a result of any objection , decides to alter the notice , it shall not be necessary to publish such alteration before the notice is finally published in terms of this section.

Any magistrate , justice of the peace , forest officer (1) Special powers of 20. various officers . or police officer may at all reasonable times demand from any person the production of any authorization which he is required to have under this Act.

(2) Any forest officer shall , in respect of any offence , attempted offence or suspected offence under this Act have all the powers vested by law in police officers .

106 .


Any forest officer may, in addition to exercising (3) any of the powers conferred upon him by subsection (2) , and any police officer may -


arrest without warrant any person reasonably suspected of having been a party to any contravention of section 14 (1 ) , 16 ( 1 ) (e ) or (f) or section 18(3);


arrest without warrant any person reasonably suspected of having been a party to any offence under this Act if such officer has reason to believe that such person will fail to appear in answer to a summons ;


seize any forest produce in respect of which such officer has reason to believe that an offence under this Act has been committed ;


seize any weapon , vehicle , instrument, animal or other thing which such officer has reason to believe has been used in the commission of an offence under this Act ; or


destroy any dog found trespassing , or attacking , pursuing or hunting (except in accordance with any authorization) forest.

any game ,

in a Government

(4 ) Any seizure under subsection (3) shall forthwith be reported to a magistrate who may make such order as to the further retention or disposal of the seized property as may, from the facts reported , appear to him to be just or expedient . (5 )


Whenever a forest officer or police officer suspects on reasonable grounds that any forest produce found in or obtainable from or in transit from a Government forest is about to be or has been wrongfully removed , he may seize and detain such forest produce pending enquiry .


No action for damages shall lie in respect of such seizure or detention . 107 .


A forest officer


police officer may without

warrant arrest any person found by him in possession of forest produce which he suspects on reasonable grounds to have been obtained unlawfully from any Government forest.




Any person who -


contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of this Act,


contravenes or fails to comply with any condition stated in any authorization,


contravenes or fails to comply with the requirements , conditions or terms of any notice under section 2 (2),


contravenes or fails to comply with any notice published in terms of section 18( 1 ) or any conditions specified therein ,


fails to comply with any requirement or order of a forest officer under section 18 (2 ),

( f)

contravenes or fails to comply with any notice published in terms of section 19 (1 ) or any condition specified therein , or who hinders or obstructs any person designated by the Minister in the exercise of his powers in pursuance of any authority conferred upon him in terms of section 19(2 ) (d) ,


refuses or fails to produce any authorization on the demand of any magistrate , justice of the peace , forest officer or police officer under section 20 (1) ,


is unable to satisfy the court that he had a lawful right to be in possession of any forest produce referred to in section 20 ( 6 ) , or

( i)

in any Government forest 108.


leaves unattended , before it is thoroughly extinguished, a fire which he , with or without authorization, has lighted or assisted in lighting or used or rekindled or to which he has added fuel , or


with or without authorization , either personally or through his servant or agent, has lighted or assisted in lighting or used or rekindled or added fuel to any fire which , through his negligence , has spread or caused damage or injury ,

shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred rand or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment .




of section


of Act No. 24 of

1886 shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to any fine imposed and recovered for any contravention of this Act.

( 3)

(a )

(i )

Whenever upon the hearing of a charge under this Act or any other law, the court finds as a fact that forest produce has been unlawfully removed from a Government forest , it shall , in addition to any other powers which it may exercise in terms of any other law, have power to order that such forest produce be returned to the department by the person in possession thereof or that damages in respect thereof, to an amount fixed by the court, be paid by the accused to the department .



Any such order may be enforced in the same manner as judgments of such court in civil cases are enforced .

The provisions of paragraph ( a ) relating to damages shall apply in respect of any unlawful cutting of or injury to forest produce , or any damage wilfully or negligently caused to 109.

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969. forest produce or other property in a forest by fire or by any other means .

The court convicting any person of a contravention of section 16 ( 1 ) (c) or (d ) may, in addition to imposing any punishment on such person, order that within a period fixed by it such person shall remove from the Government forest (4)

any structure erected by him and any crops belonging to him and shall thereafter leave such forest and not return thereto , and the court may at the same time authorize a forest officer , or any officer designated by it, to remove , destroy or otherwise dispose of such structure or crops unless the order is compled with by such person within the period so fixed. Evidence .

22. ( 1 ) Whenever in any prosecution under this Act it is alleged in the charge that any forest produce is the property of the Government , it shall be presumed , until the contrary is proved, that such produce is the property of the Government.


Any person charged with doing any act , for which

by this Act an authorization is required , shall be deemed to be without such authorization unless he produces the same to the court or gives other satisfactory proof of possessing the same . (3) Whenever in any proceedings under this Act the question of negligence in respect of forest fires arises , negligence shall be presumed unless the contrary is proved .

Regulations .

23. The Minister may make regulations relating to all or any of the matters referred to in section 2 ( 1 ) and generally any regulations which he may deem necessary in order to ensure that the purposes of this Act are achieved .

Delegation of powers .





by the Minister to the Secretary or to any other senior officer of the department , the powers con-

may be delegated -

ferred upon him by section 7 (4 ) or 10 ( 3) ;


by the Secretary to any officer of the department , any of the powers , functions or duties conferred


TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. upon, Act.

assigned to or imposed upon him by this

(2) The Minister or the Secretary may at any time revoke any delegation under subsection ( 1) and no delegation of any power, function or duty shall prohibit or prevent the exercise thereof by the Minister or the Secretary, as the case may be . Unless negligence is proved , no action shall lie against 25. the Government, the Minister , the Secretary , a forest officer or any other officer of the department or a police officer for any injury to or loss sustained by any person in consequence of anything done in good faith under this Act.


Proclamation No. 3 of 1949 is hereby amended (a)

by the

substitution for

sections 1 and 2 of the

following sections : "' 1. (1 ) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law but subject to the provisions of subsection (2 ) , any person may, for a period not exceeding four days , encamp or picnic on any land owned by the Government of the Transkei which is situated within three miles of the sea.

( 2) The provisions apply to any land ·

of subsection

(1 )

shall not


which is a Government forest as defined in section 1 of the Transkei Forest Act , 1969 ; or


which is lawfully occupied by any other person.

2. ( 1) The Cabinet of the Transkei may set aside for camping or picnicking purposes any land owned by the Government of the Transkei and which is situated as described in section 1 . (2) Any land so set aside (hereinafter referred to as a camping area) shall be demarcated and beaconed. " ; and (b)

by the substitution for paragraph ( a ) of section 5 of the following paragraph : 111 .

Restriction upon actions.

Amendment of Proclamation No. 8 of 1949 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969. " '(a)

who, otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Proclamation , encamps or picnics on any land owned by the Government of the Transkei which is situated within three miles of the sea, " .

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) , (3) Repeal of laws and 27 . savings and (4) , the laws mentioned in Schedule 2 are hereby repealed to the extent indicated in the third column thereof. (2) Any licence , permit , permission, approval or agreement issued, granted , given or entered into or action taken or anything done by or under any provision of a law repealed by subsection ( 1 ) shall be deemed to have been issued, granted , given or entered into , taken or done by or under the corresponding provision , if any , of this Act. (3) Anything done by any authority under any provision of a law repealed by subsection ( 1 ) shall be deemed to have been done in the prescribed manner by the appropriate authority under the


corresponding provision of this Act.

Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed

as affecting in any manner whatsoever any agreement in connection with the disposal of forest produce , or the granting of rights in Government forests existing between the Government and any person and in force at the commencement of this Act. Application of Act 28. to private forests .


(a )

Upon the written request of the owner of any private forest (that is to say any forest or plantation situated on land in the Transkei which is not owned by the Government) the Minister may, if he is satisfied that the public interest will not be prejudiced thereby, by notice in the Official Gazette , apply to that private forest any provisions of this Act which relate to Government forests and which he may deem necessary for the better preservation of the said forest and for the better protection of the trees and other forest produce therein.


Any such notice shall clearly specify the area affected thereby and may by like notice be withdrawn or (with the consent of the owner ) amended .

112 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. ( 2) Subject to the written approval of the Secretary a person specially appointed as forest officer by a local authority or other owner in respect of a private forest under the control of such authority or owner and to which any provisions of this Act have been applied under subsection (1 ) shall have all the powers conferred on forest officers of the department by this Act. 29. This 1969 .


shall be

called the

Transkei Forest Act,

Short title .



(a )


Trees .

Botanical Names.

Common Names .

Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach) W. F. Wight ( syns . A. gummifera (Gmel . ) C.A. Sm . and A. fastigiata E. Mey . ) Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Arn. Avicennia marina ( Forsk . ) Vierh . Bersama swinnyi Phill.

Flat crown. White pear . White mangrove . Bersama . Bastard sneezewood .

Bersama tysoniana Oliv. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lam . Calodendrum capense ( L.f. ) Thunb. Cassine crocea ( Thunb . ) O. Kuntze . Cassine sphaerophylla O. Kuntze . (syn. C. aethiopica Thunb . ) Celtis africana Burm . f. ( syn. C. Kraussiana Bernh . ) Combretum Kraussii Hochst. Combretum salicifolium E. Mey. Croton sylvaticus Hochst . ex Krauss . Cunonia capensis L. Curtisia dentata ( Burm . f. ) C.A. Sm . ( syn. C.

faginea Ait . ) Cussonia spicata Thunb . Cussonia umbellifera Sond .

Mangrove. Cape chestnut. Saffron wood. Cape cherry . Camdeboo stinkwood. Bush-willow. Bush-willow. Croton. Red alder .

Assegai . Cabbage tree . Cabbage tree . Bastard white ironwood

Drypetes arguta (Muell . Arg . ) Hutch . Ekebergia capensis Sparrm . Erythrina caffra Thunb. Erythrina lysistemon Hutch.

Dog plum . Kaffirboom . Kaffirboom . 113 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT , 1969 . Euclea natalensis A.D.C.

Fagara davyi Verdoorn . Harpephyllum caffrum Bernh . ex Krauss . Heywoodia lucens . Sim. Ilex mitis (L. ) Radlk. Kiggelaria africana L. Linociera foveolata ( E. Mey. ) Knobl . S. sp . foveolata .

Gwarri. Knobwood. Kaffir plum . Cape ebony . Water tree . Wild peach. Bastard ironwood .

Linociera peglerae (C.H. Wright ) Gilg . and Schellenb .

Bastard black ironwood.

Macaranga capensis (Baill . ) Benth . Maytenus peduncularis ( Sond . ) Loes .

Macaranga . Blackwood .

(syn. Gymnosporia peduncularis Loes .) Milletia grandis ( E. Mey. ) Skeels ( syn. M. caffra Meisn. )


Mimusops caffra E. Mey. Mimusops obovata Sond .

Shore milkwood . Red milkwood.

ex A.D.C.

Notobuxus macowanii ( Oliv . ) Phill. Nuxia floribunda Benth . Ochna arborea Burch. ex D.C. Ochna holstii Engl.

Cape box. Wild Elder.

Ochna natalitia (Meisn . ) Walp . Ocotea bullata ( Burch . ) E. Mey .

Ochna . Stinkwood .

Olea africana Mill. (syn. O. verrucosa Link. )

Wild olive .

Cape plane . Real red pear .

Olea capensis L .s . sp . capensis ( syn. O. laurifolia Lam . )

Black ironwood.

Olea woodiana Knobl .


Olinia emarginata Burtt Davy ( syn. O. acuminata Hofm . et Phill . )

Hard pear .

Olinia radiata Hofmeyr et Phillips . Phyllanthus discoideus (Baill . ) Muell . Arg. Pleurostylia capensis ( Turcz . ) Oliv. Podocarpus falcatus (Thunb. ) R. Br . ex Mirb. Podocarpus henkelii Stapf. ex Dall and Jacks .

(coffee ) Hard pear . Egossa red pear . Coffee pear . Outeniqua yellowwood . East Griqualand yellowwood.

Podocarpus latifolius R. Br . ex Mirb . Protea arborea Link .

Real yellowwood . Waboom .

Protorhus longifolia ( Bernh . ) Engl . Prunus africanus ( Hook f. ) Kalkm . ( syn. Pygeum

Red Cape beech.

Red stinkwood .

Africanum Hook f. )

Sneezewood. Cherry wood . Cape beech .

Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb . ) Radlk. Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus Sond. Rapanea melanophloeos ( L. ) Mez . 114 .

TRANSKEI FOREST ACT, 1969. Rauvolfia caffra Sond. Rhizophora mucronata Lam. Rhus legatii Schonl. Rothmannia capensis Thunb. Scolopia ecklonii ( Nees ) Harv. Scolopia mundii ( Eckl . et Zeyh. ) Warb. Scolopia zeyheri ( Nees ) Harv. Sideroxylon inerme L. Spirostachys africana Sond . Strychnos decussata ( Pappe ) Gilg. ( syn. S. atherstonei Harv .) Strychnos henningsii Gilg. Strychnos mitis S. Moore . Syzygium cordatum Hochst ex Harv. et Sond. Syzygium gerrardii (Harv. ) Hochst ( syn. Eugenia gerrardii Sim . ) Tarchonanthus camphoratus L. Trichilia roka Forsk. Chiov. ( syn. T. emetica) Vepris undulata ( Thunb . ) Verdoorn ( syn V. lanceolata G. Don . ) Xymalos


monospora ( Forst. ) Baill.

Quinine tree . Red mangrove . Red currant. Wild gardenia . Red pear. Red pear . Thorn pear . White milkwood. Tamboti.

Cape teak. Hard pear . Hard pear . Water berry .

Water pear . Wild sage . Natal mahogany . White ironwood . Wild lemon.

Forest Produce .

Cyathea capensis ( L .f. ) Smith (Hemitelia capensis (L.f. ) Kaulf) Cyathea dregei Kunze . Encephalartos spp . Musci. Phoenix reclinata Jacq. Pteridophyta .

115 .

Slender tree fern . Tree fern. Cycads . All mosses .

Wild date palm . All ferns .




Repealed .

(a) Acts .

No. and Year .


Act. No. 13 of 1941 Act No. 10 of 1948

Forest Act , 1941 Forest Amendment Act , 1948


The whole . The whole.

Proclamations .

Extent of Repeal .

No. and Year.

Proclamation Proclamation Proclamation Proclamation

Extent of Repeal.

The whole . The whole.

No. 241 of 1914 No. 85 of 1915 No. 31 of 1932 No. 224 of 1932

The The The The

Proclamation No. 91 of 1934 Proclamation No. 193 of 1935


whole . whole . whole . whole .

Government Notices .

No. and Year.

Extent of Repeal .

Government Notice No. 1605 of 1920 Government Notice No. 987 of 1935 Government Notice No. 494 of 1937

The whole . The whole . Regulations 70 to 106 , both inclusive . The whole . The whole .

Government Notice No. 1850 of 1948 Government Notice No. 1513 of 1954 70 of 1959 Government Notice No.

Paragraphs (b) , (c) , and (d). The whole .

Government Notice No. 1150 of 1960 Government Notice No. 252 of 1962

The whole .

116 .



VAN 1969

(Die Xhosa Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken - Goedgekeur op 25 September 1969) Om voorsiening te maak vir die afsondering van grond vir bosboudoeleindes , die demarkering , beskerming , bestuur en benutting van bosse en plantasies , die beskerming van bome en ander bosprodukte , die reëling en beheer van handel met bosprodukte en vir ander aangeleenthede wat daarmee in verband staan. DAAR WORD BEPAAL DEUR DIE TRANSKEISE GEWENDE VERGADERING, soos volg :-


1. In hierdie Wet, tensy uit die samehang anders blyk, beteken -




,, administratiewe gebied ' ' 'n administratiewe gebied soos in artikel 1 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 (Wet No. 4 van 1965) omskryf; ( i ) ,, Amptelike Koerant" die Transkei ; (xvi )

die Amptelike Koerant van

,, Bantoepersoon ' ' ' n Bantoepersoon soos in artikel 73 van die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 (Wet No. 48 van 1963) omskryf; ( iii)


,, boom " ook enige houtagtige plantsoort , met inbegrip van enige saailing , jong boompie , oorplantsel of stomploot van enige ouderdom; (xxv)


,,bosbeampte " die bekleër van ' n kragtens artikel 4(1 ) aangewese pos ; (vii )


,, bosproduk " enigiets wat deur bome voortgebring word of wat in ' n bos groei of gekweek word of wat natuurlikerwys in ' n bos aangetref word of daaruit verkry word en ook afval , bas , biesies , blare , blomme , bolle , bome , brandhout , bye , dekgras , gom , gras , grond , gruis , hars , heuning , horings , hout , houtskool , humus , klimplante , klip , kraalhout , kruie , latte , mos , pale , plante , riete , rubbermelk, skulpe ,

saad ,

saagsels ,

sand ,

sap ,

skale ,

spaanders , spoelgruis , takke , timmerhout , 117 .


TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. turf, varings , velle , vis , vlugtige vrugte , was , wild en wortels ; (viii ) (vii)

(viii )


(x) (xi )

voëls ,

,,bosreservaat " grond wat , ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 5 ( 2 ) of ( 3) , vir bosboudoeleindes gereserveer en afgesonder is of geag word gereserveer en afgesonder te wees ; ( ix)

,, departement " Bosbou ; (vi)


Departement van Landbou en

,,gedemarkeerde bos " 'n bosreservaat of enige gedeelte van ' n bosreservaat wat, ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 6 , tot ' n gedemarkeerde bos verklaar is of geag word verklaar te wees; (v) ,,grond " grond in die Transkei ; (xiii) ,,grondbewaringsplan " ' n grondbewaringsplan wat kragtens die Transkeise Wet op Landbou - ontwikkeling,

(xii )

olies ,

1966 (Wet No. 10 van 1966) in werking is ; (xx )

,,hierdie Wet "

ook ' n regulasie wat kragtens ar-

tikel 23 uitgevaardig en van krag is ; (xxiii) (xiii)

,,hoofman " die hoofman , soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 , van die betrokke administratiewe gebied ; (xii )


,,Kabinet " die Kabinet saamgestel ingevolge artikel 10 van die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 ; ( iv)


,, magtiging " ' n lisensie , permit of ander magtiging uitgereik ingevolge artikel 11 ( 1 ) ; ( ii )


,,Minister "

die Minister van Landbou en Bosbou ;



,, ongedemarkeerde bos ' (a)


Regeringsgrond (wat nie ' n gedemarkeerde bos of ' n plantasie is nie ) wat kragtens artikel 5 (2 ) of ( 3 ) vir bosboudoeleindes gereserveer en afgesonder is of geag word gereserveer en afgesonder te wees ; en



alle bome op Regeringsgrond (wat nie ' n gedemarkeerde bos of ' n plantasie is nie ); (xxvi)


,,plaaslike bestuur " 'n instelling of liggaam in artikel 84(1 )(f) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika , 1961 (Wet No. 32 van 1961 ) bedoel ; (xiv)


,,plantasie" 'n stuk grond wat gebruik word of afgesonder is vir die vestiging van bome maar sluit nie 'n houtperseel in wat kragtens ' n grondbewaringsplan daargestel is nie ; (xvii )


,, polisiebeampte '' ' n lid van enige by wet ingestelde polisiemag ; (xviii)

(xxi) (xxii)

,, Regering"



van die

Transkei ; (x)

,, Regeringsbos " ' n gedemarkeerde of ongedemarkeerde bos en ook ' n plantasie van die Regering , 'n saagmeul van die Regering, ' n houtverduursamingsinrigting van die Regering en ' n gebied wat deur die Departement beheer en bestuur word vir die doel van die voorkoming van sandbeweging of die beskerming van inheemse bosse ; (xi)


,, Sekretaris " die Sekretaris van Landbou en Bosbou ; (xix)


,, statutêre breedte " , met betrekking tot ' n openbare pad , die statutêre breedte soos in artikel 1 van die die Wet op Transkeise Paaie , 1965 (Wet No. 5 van 1965) omskryf; (xxi )


,,theza " om dié droë brandhout , dekgras en riete te versamel , neem en verwyder wat sonder beskadiging van lewende (xxii)


bome geneem kan word ;

,,timmerhout " alle hout bevat in bome , hetsy staande omgeval of afgekap , en alle hout hetsy in die Transkei geproduseer of ingebring en hetsy gesaag, gekloof , gekap of geskaaf of op bewerk of verwerk. (xxiv )

119 .

' n ander wyse

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. Werksaamhede, bevoegd. 2. (1) Behoudens die bepalings van hierdie Wet , is die hede en gesag van die Departement met betrek- departement , onder leiding en beheer van die Minister , king tot bosse en bos- belas om uit fondse wat deur die Wetgewende Vergadering produkte. vir die doel bewillig word (a)

Regeringsbosse te beskerm , te bestuur , te ontwikkel en te benut;


plantsies te vestig , te bestuur en te benut ;


bosprodukte te verkoop of op ' n ander wyse daarvan van die hand te sit;


saagmeulens , fabrieke of ander ondernemings vir die saag, vervaardiging of verwerking van bosprodukte , op te rig en te bestuur ;


handel of besigheid te dryf in bosprodukte en om enige ander werk of werksaamheid wat met sodanige handel of besigheiddryf in verband staan , te onderneem ;


waterbronne en watervoorrade te beskerm en te bewaar en om brande , gronderosie en sandbeweging

(g )

in Regeringsbosse te voorkom en te bestry;

paaie , brûe , duikers , glybane , sleeppaaie en kabelbane vir die ontginning en vervoer van bosprodukte in Regeringsbosse aan te lê en te onderhou of die aanleg of onderhoud daarvan te magtig, en om die verkeer op enige sodanige paaie te beheer en te reël ;


met inagneming van die wetsbepalings betreffende die binnekoms van persone in die Transkei en die beskerming van wild , vis of voëls , die toegang van persone tot , en die gebruik van, Regeringsbosse vir doeleindes van jag , visvang , piekniekhou , kampeer of ontspanning in die algemeen , te beheer en te reël;

( i)

die skoonmaak , braak of bewerking van grond , of die beweiding van vee in Regeringsbosse te beheer en te reël ;



die versameling van heuning , die vang van bye en byeboerdery in Regeringsbosse te beheer en te reël :



en onkruid in Regeringsbosse uit te

roei ;

( 1)

bome, bosprodukte of bosse wat kragtens artikel 7 spesiaal gereserveer of beskerm is , te bewaar en te beskerm ;

(m )

enige natuurreservaat of beskermingsbos wat kragtens artikel 9 afgesonder is , te beheer en te bestuur ;


in Regeringsbosse dié huisvesting en ander geriewe vir beamptes en werknemers van die departement , en dié geriewe vir piekniekgangers en kampeerders , wat die Minister nodig ag, te voorsien;


in die

algemeen die


en houtbedryf in die

Transkei te ontwikkel of in die ontwikkeling daarvan behulpsaam te wees ; en (p)

in die algemeen al die bevoegdhede en gesag wat vir die bereiking van die doelstellings en oogmerke van hierdie Wet nodig mag wees , uit te oefen.

(2) By die uitvoering van sy bevoegdhede , gesag en werksaamhede kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) , kan die departement van tyd tot tyd , by kennisgewing in die amptelike tale wat in ' n opvallende plek in , of op of naby die grens van, ' n Regeringsbos vertoon word , reëls uitvaardig of verbodsbepalings of beperkings oplê ten opsigte van sodanige bos of enige gedeelte daarvan . 3. die

Die Minister kan van tyd tot tyd, by kennisgewing in Bosafdelings, -distrikte die Transkei in bosafdelings , bos- of -gebiede. Amptelike Koerant,

distrikte of bosgebiede verdeel en hy kan ' n naam aan so 'n bosafdeling , bosdistrik of bosgebied of aan ' n Regeringsbos toeken.

121 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. Bepalings betreffende 4. (1 ) Die Minister kan by kennisgewing in die Amptelike bosbeamptes en ander werknemers . Koerant die poste in die departement aanwys waarvan die bekleërs bosbeamptes is.

(2) Geen bosbeampte of ander beampte of werknemer van die departement mag -


enige betaling , voordeel of beloning van geldelike of ander aard , vra of ontvang of instem om dit te ontvang nie , hetsy vir homself of vir iemand anders , as beloning vir die verrigting van 'n handeling in stryd met sy plig of vir versuim om sy plig uit te voer; of


enige betaling , voordeel of beloning van geldelike of ander aard van enige persoon vra of ontvang of instem om dit te ontvang nie as beloning vir die verrigting van sy ampspligte.

(3) Geen bosbeampte of ander beampte of werknemer van die departement en geen hoofman mag handel dryf met bosprodukte (behalwe bosprodukte wat op sy private eiendom gekweek of geproduseer word) of as agent optree vir enigiemand (behalwe die departement) wat met bosprodukte handel dryf nie .


(1 ) Wanneer ook al enige grond of ' n reg of belang 5. in of oor enige grond na oordeel van die Kabinet benodig word -


vir die daarstelling van, of vir ' n ander doel in verband met , ' n Regeringsbos ; of




departement in staat te stel om sy bevoegdhede , gesag of werksaamhede kragtens hier-

die Wet uit te oefen , te verrig of uit te voer , kan die Minister aan wie die toepassing van die bepalings van Hoofstuk 4 van die Transkeise Wet op Landbou - ontwikkeling, 1966 kragtens artikel 38 van bedoelde Wet opgedra is , mutatis mutandis ooreenkomstig bedoelde bepalings , daardie grond onteien of, na gelang van die geval , enige reg of belang in of oor sodanige grond onteien of beëindig.


TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. (2) Enige grond onteien, of in verband waarmee enige reg of belang onteien of beëindig is kragtens subartikel (1) , moet , en enige ander Regeringsgrond kan na oorlegpleging met die paslike streeksowerheid ingestel kragtens die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 , deur die Kabinet vir bosboudoeleindes gereserveer en afgesonder word.

(3) Enige grond wat onmiddellik voor die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Wet afgesonder of gereserveer is vir bosboudoeleindes kragtens ' n wetsbepaling herroep deur artikel 27 ( 1 ) word , ondanks sodanige herroeping , geag kragtens subartikel ( 2 ) van hierdie artikel gereserveer en afgesonder te gewees het. (4)



word nie , òf in die geheel of gedeeltelik, aan sodanige reservering onttrek nie behalwe met

wat ingevolge hierdie Wet vir bosboudoeleindes gereserveer en afgesonder is of geag word gereserveer en afgesonder te gewees het -

goedkeuring van die Kabinet; en (b)

is , ondanks sodanige reservering of enige andersluidende wetsbepalings en ten opsigte van die tydelike besit, gebruik of okkupering van enige gedeelte van sodanige grond of ' n terrein daarop deur ' n ander persoon of liggaam as die departement (i )


vir meul- , eindes , of vir

fabriek- , handels- of woondoel-

enige ander wettige doel (wat nie ' n in

artikel 2 ( 1 ) (h) , ( i ) of (j ) beoogde doel is nie ) , onderworpe aan die wetsbepalings betreffende die besit , gebruik of okkupering van Regeringsgrond in die distrik waarin sodanige grond geleë is : Met dien verstande dat geen reg vir die tydelike besit , gebruik of okkupering van enige gedeelte van sodanige grond of enige terrein daarop toegestaan word nie behalwe in oorleg met die Minister .



Die Minister kan by kennisgewing in die 123 .

Amptelike Gedemarkeerde bosse .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. Koerant enige bosreservaat of enige omskrewe gedeelte van ' n bosreservaat tot ' n gedemarkeerde bos verklaar .

(2) Vanaf die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Wet word elke bos of plantasie , wat onmiddellik voor sodanige inwerkingtreding by die toepassing van enige wetsbepaling herroep deur artikel 27 ( 1 ) ' n beskermde bos was , ondanks sodanige herroeping geag kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) van hierdie artikel tot ' n gedemarkeerde bos verklaar te gewees het.

(3) Koerant -

Die Minister kan by kennisgewing in die Amptelike


enige kennisgewing wat kragtens subartikel (1 ) afgekondig is , wysig;


die grense van ' n in subartikel (2 ) bedoelde bos of plantasie omskryf of heromskryf; of


' n gedemarkeerde bos of enige omskrewe gedeelte van 'n gedemarkeerde bos aan demarkering onttrek .

(4 ) Die Minister laat die grense van elke gedemarkeerde bos paslik afbaken of merk of hy kan sodanige grense laat omhein .

Reservering of bes- 7. kerming van bome, bosprodukte of bosse.

(1 )

(a) (a)

Behoudens die bepalings van paragraaf (b ) , is die soorte bome en bosprodukte in Bylae 1 genoem (i)



in ' n Regeringsbos spesiaal gereserveer ; en

op grond, wat nie ' n Regeringsbos is nie . beskerm .

Die Minister kan by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant, Bylae 1 van tyd tot tyd wysig deur enige soort boom of bosproduk daaraan by te


of daarvan te onttrek.

Wanneer na die oordeel van die Minister dit in (2) die openbare belang is om aldus te doen, kan hy by kennis-


TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. gewing in die Amptelike Koerant, ten opsigte van grond wat nie ' n Regeringsbos is nie , die geheel of ' n omskrewe gedeelte van ' n bos , of 'n besondere boom of bome van 'n soort wat nie in Bylae 1 genoem is nie , beskerm verklaar. (3) Daar word beskerm alle lewende bome en alle lewende bosprodukte op grond ·


binne vyf- en-twintig tree van die walle van enige stroom ; of


wat uit waaisand bestaan of waarskynlik waaisand kan word; of


binne die statutêre breedte , maar buite die ryvlak of die voorgestelde ryvlak, van enige openbare pad .

(4) Behalwe met die skriftelike toestemming van die Minister en onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat hy stel en behalwe soos in subartikel ( 5 ) bepaal , mag niemand -


enige soort boom of bosproduk wat kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) spesiaal gereserveer of beskerm is ,


enige boom of bosproduk in ' n bos of gedeelte van ' n bos , of enige besondere boom of bome, wat kragtens subartikel (2 ) beskerm verklaar is , of


enige lewende boom of bosproduk wat kragtens subartikel (3) beskerm is ,

kap , versteur , neem , versamel , vernietig of verwyder nie .

(5 ) Die bepalings van subartikel (4 ) word nie so vertolk dat dit (a )

die bevoegde gesag verhinder nie om na oorlegpleging met die departement of die eienaar van die grond , na gelang van die geval , ' n reg uit te oefen om bome of bosprodukte te kap, te snoei of te verwyder vir die doeleindes van die Poswet , 1958 (Wet No. 44 van 1958 ) of enige wetsbepaling betreffende die aanlê en instandhouding van paaie , spoorweë of elektriese kragleidings ; of 125.


die eienaar of wettige okkupeerder van grond in subartikel 3(a), bedoel , verbied om enige gekweekte vrugteboom of voerboom wat op sodanige grond groei te snoei of die vrugte of ander bosproduk daarvan te neem nie .

Vergoeding vir ver- 8. Waar, as gevolg van die toepassing van die bepalings lies wat ontstaan uit beskerming van van artikel 7 (2) op enige grond wat kragtens artikel 3 van bosse of bome. die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 in die Transkei ingesluit word ·


die eienaar van enige grond skade gely het, of

of bos vermoën-

daar ' n wesentlike belemmering is van sodanige eienaar se voordelige okkupering van bedoelde grond of enige gedeelte daarvan, het sodanige eienaar die reg (b)


om die vergoeding te verhaal waaroor daar ooreengekom is tussen die eienaar en die Minister (handelende in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies ) of, by gebrek aan enige ooreenkoms , wat deur die hof vasgestel word ooreenkomstig die bepalings mutatis mutandis van artikel 13 (4 ) van die Transkeise Wet op Landbou-ontwikkeling , 1966 ; of na gelang van die geval

Natuurreservate en 9 . beskermingsbosse .

(1 )


om te eis dat die grond waarop die betrokke bos of bome geleë is , onteien word en dat daarmee gehandel word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 5.

(a )

Ondanks die bepalings van artikel 10 , kan die Minister by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant, ' n Regeringsbos of enige omskrewe gedeelte van ' n Regeringsbos afsonder as ' n natuurreservaat vir die bewaring van bome , natuurskoonheid en bosprodukte , of as 'n beskermingsbos vir die bewaring van waterbronne of watervoorrade of vir die voorkoming


van gronderosie

of sandbeweging.

So ' n kennisgewing moet die gebied wat af-

126 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. gesonder is duidelik omskryf en kan by dergelike kennisgewing ingetrek of gewysig word. (2 ) Niemand mag op grond wat kragtens subartikel (1) afgesonder is , enige bosproduk kap , versteur , beskadig , neem , versamel , vernietig of verwyder nie : Met dien verstande dat niks hierin vervat die departement verhinder nie om op bedoelde grond dié maatreëls te tref wat hy nodig ag vir die beskerming daarvan teen brand , gronderosie of sandbeweging of vir die bewaring van water , bosprodukte of veld of vir die uitroeiing van onkruid en plae .

10. (1 ) Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 59 van die serwitute of ander Transkeise Grondwet , 1963, en van subartikel ( 2) van hierdie regte bosse.oor Regeringsartikel -


mag geen serwituut of ander reg van watter aard ook al ten opsigte van enige gedeelte van ' n Regeringsbos deur verjaring verkry word nie , en


mag geen sodanige serwituut of reg behalwe met die goedkeuring by besluit van die Wetgewende Vergadering verleen of vervreem word nie .

( 2) Niks nie dat dit -




(1 ) vervat, word so vertolk

afbreuk doen aan ' n wetsbepaling wat voorsiening maak vir die verkryging deur onteiening of andersins vir ' n doel daarin vermeld van die reg om grond te gebruik en te okkupeer deur 'n departement van die Regering van die Republiek of die Regering van die Transkei , die SuidAfrikaanse Spoorweg- en Hawe - administrasie , die Poskantooradministrasie , 'n plaaslike owerheid of ' n liggaam wat met regspersoonlikheid beklee en by of kragtens ' n wet ingestel is ;


' n verbod plaas op die verkoop van of ander beskikking oor bosprodukte kragtens hierdie Wet ;


' n verbod plaas op die verlening aan enigiemand volgens wet van tydelike regte van gebruik en okkupasie van grond in ' n Regeringsbos vir 'n

127 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969 . doel genoem in artikel 2 ( 1 ) (h) , ( i) of (j ) of artikel 5 (4)(b)(i) of ( ii) ;


afbreuk doen aan 'n wetsbepaling met betrekking tot prospektering vir en myn van edele en onedele metale en minerale en edelgesteentes ; met dien verstande dat geen persoon, wat kragtens sodanige wet die houer is van ' n permit, lisensie of huurkontrak , sonder magtiging bosprodukte in ' n Regeringsbos wyder nie ;

mag kap , beskadig, neem of ver-


' n bona fide reg om te ,,theza " raak ;

( f)

die departement verhinder om , met inagneming van die wetsbepalings betreffende die binnekoms van persone in die Transkei en van sodanige reëls as wat die Sekretaris van tyd tot tyd mag voorskryf, enigiemand toe te laat om sonder magtiging paaie en paadjies of piekniekplekke in Regeringsbosse tussen die ure van sonop en sononder te gebruik.

(3) Waar so ' n serwituut of reg ten opsigte van ' n Regeringsbos of gedeelte van ' n Regeringsbos bestaan , kan die Minister , met die doel om die bos te verjong , om bosprodukte te bewaar of om gronderosie of sandbeweging te voorkom of te bestry · -


die soorte en hoeveelhede van bosprodukte wat gekap, geneem of verwyder mag word en die seisoen en tyd van sodanige kap , neem of verwydering , spesifiseer ;


ten opsigte van 'n gespesifiseerde gebied , die beweiding van vee of die kap, neem of verwydering van bosprodukte vir bepaalde tydperke verbied;


die besondere gebiede waaroor sodanige serwitute of reg gedurende besondere jare of tydperke uitgeoefen mag word , voorskryf;




die kap , neem of verwydering van bosprodukte tot huishoudelike benodigdhede beperk en die verkoop daarvan verbied ;


die gebied waarbinne en die tydperke waarin die reg van verblyf of kampering uitgeoefen kan word, omskryf;


die houer van 'n serwituut of reg van enige aard ook al verplig om van die departement ' n magtiging te verkry wat die aard van daardie serwituut of reg omskryf, en die plekke waar en die wyse waarop dit uitgeoefen kan word , uiteensit.

(4) Die Minister moet ' n register laat hou van alle sodanige serwitute en regte (behalwe ' n reg om te ,,theza ") wat in elke geval die aard van die serwituut of reg, die wyse waarop dit tot stand gekom het en die naam van die houer daarvan, spesifiseer .

11. Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 12 kan die (1 ) departement , vir die doel om enigiemand te magtig om ' n handeling te verrig waarvoor volgens hierdie Wet 'n magtiging vereis word , lisensies of permitte of ander magtigings uitreik in die vorm en op die voorwaardes wat die Minister bepaal en teen betaling van die fooie of gelde ( as daar is ) wat die Minister in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies voorskryf .


' n Magtiging -


word nie , sonder die voorafgaande goedkeuring van die Sekretaris , deur die houer daarvan aan enige ander persoon oorgedra nie ;


verleen aan die wettige houer daarvan slegs dié magtiging, reg of voorreg, en is beskikbaar slegs vir dié Regeringsbos of gedeelte van ' n Regeringsbos en vir die tydperk , wat daarin gespesifiseer word; en


moet op aanvraag aan 'n magistraat , vrederegter , bosbeampte of polisiebeampte deur die houer daarvan oorgelê word.


Magtigings .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. (3) Indien die houer van 'n magtiging versuim om aan enige voorwaarde daarvan te voldoen, of indien hy skuldig bevind word aan ' n oortreding van hierdie Wet , kan die Sekretaris na goeddunke sodanige magtiging kanselleer , en in so'n geval is die persoon wat die houer daarvan was nie geregtig op die terugbetaling van enige gelde , of gedeelte van die gelde , wat hy ten opsigte van die magtiging betaal het nie .

Die Minister kan in oorleg met die Minister van (1) Minister mag tariewe 12. en gelde vasstel. Finansies -


tariewe bepaal vir die verkoop van bosprodukte deur die departement of vir die gebruik of okkupasie van grond vir enige doel genoem in artikel 2(1 )(h)(i ) of (j ) ;


die gelde voorskryf wat gehef moet word vir enige dienste gelewer deur beamptes of werknemers van die departement ; en


die omstandighede waaronder -



en die

sodanige tariewe word, of


of heffings


verander kan

vrystelling van betaling deur die departement aan enigiemand verleen mag word.

(2) Verskillende tariewe of gelde kan vir verskillende Regeringsbosse , bosafdelings , bosdistrikte of bosgebiede bepaal of voorgeskryf word.

1)) Die departement kan oor bosprodukte beskik deur ((1 Verkoop van of ander 13 . beskikking oor bosverkoop regstreeks uit die hand of by private ooreente dit produkte. koms of, na sodanige advertensie as wat die Sekretaris mag gelas , by informele tender of openbare veiling : Met dien verstande dat, behalwe met die goedkeuring van die Minister van Finansies , geen bosprodukte verkoop word teen ' n prys laer as die minimum bedrag voorgeskryf in 'n tarief wat kragtens artikel 12 bepaal is nie :

130 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. Met dien verstande voorts dat die departement, met die goedkeuring van die Minister , bosprodukte gratis beskikbaar kan stel vir opvoedkundige , navorsings- , demonstrasie- of advertensiedoeleindes .

(2) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel (3) en behalwe soos anders bepaal in ' n skriftelike ooreenkoms , is die verkoop van bosprodukte deur die departement nie finaal en bindend nie totdat -


die koopprys ten volle betaal is , en


die departement ten opsigte van sodanige verkoping ' n magtiging aan die koper uitgereik het .

(3) Die Sekretaris kan ten opsigte van enige verkoping van bosprodukte van die koper vereis om sekerheid tot sy bevrediging te stel , op die wyse wat hy goedkeur , vir die volle betaling van die koopprys en die behoorlike nakoming deur die koper van enige ander verpligting onder hierdie Wet of enige skriftelike ooreenkoms . 14. ( 1 ) Behalwe soos bepaal in artikels 7 (5) en 10 en in Beheer oor kap, vel , subartikel (2 ) en (3) van hierdie artikel, mag niemand in ' n verwydering of neem van bosprodukte. Regeringsbos sonder magtiging bosprodukte kap , vel , verwyder , beskadig , vernietig, versamel of neem nie.


Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 10 (3 ) en van

enige grondbewaringsplan , kan ' n Bantoepersoon wat in ' n administratiewe gebied woon , vir persoonlike gebruik en nie vir verkoop nie -


' n reg om te ,, theza " uitoefen in enige Regeringsbos (wat nie ' n natuurreservaat , beskermingsbos , of plantasie is nie ) , met dien verstande dat niemand -


'n reg tussen sononder en sonop mag so uitoefen nie ;


in of vir die uitoefening van so ' n reg ' n byl, saag of ander gereedskap of enige voertuig , slee of ander vervoermiddel mag gebruik

nie ; 131 .


(iii )

in die uitoefening van so ' n reg, ' n lewende gesonde hout mag kap , versteur , boom of beskadig , neem , verwyder nie ;


versamel ,



die Regeringsbos waarin hy so 'n reg uitoefen , mag binnegaan of verlaat nie behalwe met 'n erkende pad of voetpad of by ' n hek of oorklimtrap ;


met die goedkeuring van die hoofman (wat hiermee gemagtig word om sodanige goedkeuring te verleen) bome of bosprodukte van ' n soort wat nie in Bylae 1 genoem word en ook nie op 'n ander wyse kragtens artikel 7 ( 2 ) of ( 3 ) beskerm is nie , neem en verwyder van 'n Regeringsbos (behalwe ' n natuurreservaat , beskermingsbos, gedemarkeerde bos of plantasie ) .

(3) Iemand wat wettiglik in 'n Regeringsbos reis , kampeer of piekniek maak , mag die droë brandhout bymekaar maak wat hy onmiddellik vir kookdoeleindes benodig, met dien verstande dat soiemand nie -


brandhout mag versamel in 'n gebied vanwaar die verwydering van bosprodukte deur kennisgewing verbied is nie ;


brandhout wat aldus wettiglik versamel is , van die Regeringsbos mag verwyder nie ;


' n vuur mag maak op ' n ander plek as die plek 'n bosbeampte aangewys het of wat die departement vir die doel afgesonder het nie .


' n Hoenderspoor 99 ↑ ", met of sonder syfers daaronder , gemaak of geheg aan enige timmerhout in ' n Regeringsbos dui aan dat sodanige timmerhout die eiendom (4)

van die departement is en geen ander persoon as die departement mag timmerhout wat aldus gemerk is , kap of vel of dit uit ' n Regeringsbos verwyder nie. (5) Die merk ,, XG " , met of sonder syfers daaronder , wat aan timmerhout in ' n Regeringsbos gemaak of geheg is , dui aan -

132 .


waar sodanige timmerhout in 'n staande boom bevat is , dat sodanige boom wettiglik gekap of gevel mag word; en


in die geval van enige ander timmerhout, dat sodanige timmerhout wettiglik uit die Regeringsbos verwyder mag word.


Niemand mag sonder magtiging -


die merk voorgeskryf in subartikel (4) aan enige timmerhout maak of heg nie ;


die merk voorgeskryf in subartikel ( 5 ) aan enige timmerhout in ' n Regeringsbos maak of heg nie ;


' n merk wat by die toepassing van subartikels (4 ) en (5 ) aan timmerhout gemaak of geheg is , verander of uitwis nie;


timmerhout , wat nie gemerk is soos in subartikel ( 5) bepaal , kap of vel of dit uit ' n Regeringsbos verwyder nie ;


timmerhout vanaf die

plek in

' n Regeringsbos

waar dit deur die departement geplaas of afgelewer is of gevel is , verskuiwe na ' n ander plek binne sodanige bos nie; of


op enige wyse timmerhout of ander bosprodukte verwerk op ' n ander plek as die plek wat deur ' n bosbeampte vir die doel aangewys is nie .


Die koper


indien ' n bosbeampte aldus vereis , die timmerhout stapel op so ' n wyse dat elke stuk daarvan bereikbaar is om gemerk te word soos in subartikel (5 ) bepaal en hy moet redelike kennis aan ' n bosbeampte gee dat sodanige timmerhout aldus gestapel is;

van enige timmerhout of ander bosproduk in ' n Regeringsbos moet · -

133 .



voor die verstryking van die geldigheidstydperk van sy magtiging of van sodanige verdere tydperk as wat ' n bosbeampte mag toelaat (maar behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 6 ) (d ) ) sodanige timmerhout of ander bosproduk uit die bos verwyder of dit verskuiwe na ' n plek wat deur ' n bosbeampte aangewys word, by gebrek waaraan sodanige timmerhout of ander bosproduk aan die Regering verbeur word ;


betaal (i )

vir alle timmerhout of ander bosproduk wat gesond is wanneer dit aan hom toegeken of verkoop word of deur hom gevel word ;

(ii )

vir alle timmerhout wat na die oordeel van 'n bosbeampte onnodig vermors is by die vel van 'n boom of by die verwerking van die timmerhout daarin bevat;


vir die timmerhout bevat in ' n boom of deel van ' n boom wat na die oordeel van ' n bosbeampte noodwendig gevel of verwyder moet word om

die koper in staat te stel om die

timmerhout wat hy gekoop het , te vel of te bewerk; en




so na as moontlik aan die grond

vel en, waar dit prakties is , met ' n saag.

Mate van gewig en volume by die verkoop van bosprodukte.

15. (1) Behalwe soos in 'n magtiging bepaal , vind die verkoop van bosprodukte kragtens hierdie Wet plaas by die standaardmate van gewig Wet



en volume

en Gewigte ,


voorgeskryf in die



13 van 1958 ) .

(2) Die volume van timmerhout (bereken tot die naaste kubieke voet) is -

(a )

in die geval van ronde timmerhout , die produk van die lengte (tot die naaste voet) en die gemiddelde deursnee - oppervlakte , en word die gemiddelde deursnee van sodanige timmerhout bereken ooreenkomstig dié reëls en metodes wat die Sekretaris van tyd tot tyd voorskryf;

134 .


in die geval van ronde timmerhout wat reghoekig gestapel is , die produk van die lengte , breedte en hoogte (tot die naaste duim ) van die stapel , omgesit in soliede volume deur toepassing van 'n gemiddelde omsettingsfaktor wat die Sekretaris bepaal ;


in die geval van ' n vierkantige blok van gesaagde of verwerkte timmerhout , die produk van die lengte , breedte en hoogte volgens werklike of ooreenkomstig nominale mate die erkende handelsgebruik.


By die meet van enige timmerhout moet behoor-

like toegewing vir bas

en enige


gemaak word .

(4) Die volume van bosprodukte wat deur die departement verkoop word , moet vasgestel word voordat sodanige bosprodukte omgesit of verwerk word : Met dien verstande dat ' n bosbeampte die omsetting of verwerking van die timmerhout in ' n gebrekkige boom kan magtig tot ' n mate wat hom in staat sal stel om die volume van die gesonde timmerhout in die boom vas te stel .



Niemand mag sonder magtiging in of op ' n Re- Beheer oor toegang tot, en oor verblyf, kampeer, plakkery , skoonmaak, braak en bewerking van grond, enige gedeelte of plek betree waar toegang deur handelings weiding en of ander bedrykennisgewing verbied is nie ; wighede in Regeringsbosse.

geringsbos (a)


deur of oor ' n heining of hek klim nie ;


woon, kampeer , plak of enige struktuur bou nie ;


enige grond


opsetlik ' n baken , grensmerk , heining , kennisgewing of kennisgewingbord beskadig , verander , verskuif of hom op enige ander wyse daarmee bemoei nie ;


op enigerlei wyse wild , of ander diere jag of doodmaak of probeer jag of doodmaak nie ;

skoonmaak ,

braak of bewerk nie ;

135 .



vergesel wees van ' n hond of ' n geweer in sy besit hê nie ;


op enigerlei wyse vis vang of doodmaak of probeer vang of doodmaak nie;

( i)

'n byekorf uithaal of probeer uithaal of ' n byeswerm steur of verwyder nie ; of


met bye boer nie .

Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 3 ) en van (2) enige grondbewaringsplan, mag niemand sonder magtiging (a)

in of op

' n gedemarkeerde bos wat omhein is of

in enige plantasie , vee bewei behalwe gedurende die tyd wanneer hy wettiglik bosprodukte neem of verwyder nie ;


in of op ' n Regeringsbos (wat nie ' n gedemarkeerde bos is nie) -


vee bewei nie ( indien dit andersins wettig om aldus te doen) tensy sodanige vee behoorlik opgepas word ; of


toelaat of duld dat ' n hond rondloop of dat vee oortree nie .

( 3) Met die doel om ' n Regeringsbos te verjong , om bosprodukte te bewaar of om gronderosie of sandbeweging te voorkom of te bestry , kan die Minister die beweiding van vee in enige omskrewe gebied verbied hetsy vir ' n onbepaalde tydperk of vir die tydperk wat hy van tyd tot tyd mag vasstel .


(4) ' n Bosbeampte kan enige vee wat in ' n Regeringsoortree of in stryd met die voorwaardes van enige

magtiging daarin wei , skut of laat skut en hy laat die oortredings- en mylgelde , betaalbaar ten opsigte van vee wat aldus geskut is , in die Transkeise Inkomstefonds stort. Paaie en paadjies 17. in Regeringsbosse .


Die Sekretaris kan na goeddunke



' n pad of paadjie in ' n Regeringsbos (wat nie ' n openbare pad of paadjie is nie ) vir verkeer sluit;


deur middel van padverkeerstekens wesentlik in die vorm voorgeskryf kragtens die Transkeise Wet op Padverkeer , 1967 , die gebruik van so ' n pad deur verkeer in die algemeen of deur ' n besondere klas van verkeer , verbied of beperk of reguleer en beheer.


Niemand mag sonder magtiging -


gebruik maak van ' n pad wat kragtens subartikel (1 )(a) vir verkeer gesluit is nie ; of


' n voorskrif van ' n padverkeersteken wat kragtens subartikel (1 ) (b) vertoon word, verontagsaam of versuim om daaraan te voldoen nie ;

(3) Niemand (behalwe die departement of ' n bevoegde padowerheid) mag sonder magtiging ' n pad , paadjie , glybaan , kabelbaan of sleepbaan in 'n Regeringsbos aanlê nie .

(4) Enigiemand wat gebruik maak van , of reis op , 'n pad of paadjie wat deur die departement in ' n Regeringsbos aangelê is of in stand gehou word -



of reis op sodanige pad op sy eie risiko ;


het, behoudens die bepalings van artikel 68 van die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 , geen eis teen die Regering of ' n dienaar van die Regering vir , of ten opsigte van enige besering , verlies of skade , opgedoen of deur hom gely by die gebruik deur of namens hom van so ' n pad of paadjie nie .

(5) ' n pad of paadjie wat in ' n Regeringsbos deur die departement aangelê is of in stand gehou word , of wat kragtens ' n magtiging aangelê is , word, by die toepassing van Hoofstukke 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 en 10 van die Transkeise Wet op Padverkeer , 1967 , geag ' n openbare pad te wees. 18. (1) Wanneer na die oordeel van die Minister dit nodig is om spesiale maatreëls te tref om ' n Regeringsbos teen

137 .

Beskerming van Regeringsbosse teen brand.

TRANSKEISE BOSWET , 1969. brandgevaar te beskerm , kan hy by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant gelas dat in ' n gespesifiseerde gebied buite sodanige Regeringsbos of binne ' n gespesifiseerde afstand van die grense van sodanige Regeringsbos niemand ' n vuur in die ope lug mag maak of laat maak nie of as so ' n vuur wel gemaak is , mag toelaat dat sodanige vuur voortbrand nie of brandstof daarby mag voeg nie of weer mag aansteek nie , anders as ooreenkomstig die voorwaardes in sodanige kennisgewing vermeld .

(2) Wanneer daar rede bestaan om te glo dat ' n brand in die ope lug binne vyf myl van die grens van 'n Regeringsbos ' n gevaar vir lewe of eiendom mag word, het 'n bosbeampte , ooreenkomstig die bepalings van enige ander toepaslike wet , die reg om die maatreëls te tref of om beheer te neem oor die maatreëls (met insluiting van die bevoegdheid om persone aan te sê om te help, of om enigiets te doen of om enige diens te verrig of om weg te gaan of om enige voertuie of ander voorwerpe onder hulle beheer te verwyder ) wat in die

omstandighede redelik en nodig is vir die be-

skerming van lewe en eiendom of vir die blus of voorkoming van die verspreiding van die brand .


(3) Behalwe in die omstandighede in artikel 14 ( 3 ) beoog, mag niemand , sonder magtiging, in of op ' n

Regeringsbos (a)

' n vuur maak of help maak of gebruik , aansteek of brandstof daarby voeg nie;


' n brandende vuurhoutjie of ander brandende materiaal of enige materiaal wat tot selfontbranding of selfontsteking in staat is , neergooi of laat val nie ; of


rook waar rook by kennisgewing verbode is nie .

(4 )

Die Sekretaris kan aan iemand -


wat verlies of skade gely het as gevolg van die


wettige uitoefening deur ' n bosbeampte van 'n bevoegdheid aan hom verleen by subartikel ( 2 ) , of (b)

wat ' n handeling of diens verrig het in verband

138 .


met die beskerming van brand,

' n Regeringsbos teen

dié vergoeding of beloning betaal wat die Minister in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies bepaal . 19.

( 1)



bepalings van subartikel (4) kan Inbring, verwydering, verkoop , vervaardiging Amptelike Koerant 'n en gradering van bosprodukte en die gebruik van handelsname ten opsigte daarvan.

die Minister by kennisgewing in die verbod plaas op -


die inbring in die Transkei of die verwydering daaruit, of


die verskuiwing van een plek na ' n ander binne die Transkei , of


die koop , Transkei ,


of vandiehandsetting

in die

van enige bosproduk (met uitsondering van die vrugte van vrugtebome ) behalwe op die voorwaardes wat in die kennisgewing voorgeskryf word.


So ' n kennisgewing kan

(a )

die afmetings en die metodes van droogmaak van enige sodanige bosproduk en die grade , standaarde van gehalte en die wyse van gradering , verpakking of merk van enige sodanige bosproduk voorskryf, onderworpe waaraan sodanige bosproduk vir handelsdoeleindes gesaag , vervaardig of verwerk of gekoop of verkoop of in die Transkei ingebring of daaruit verwyder kan word;


die gebruik vir handelsdoeleindes of die verkoop , vandiehandesetting of verwydering van een plek na ' n ander in die Transkei , of die inbring in of verwydering uit die Transkei van enige sodanige bosproduk wat nie van die voorgeskrewe afmetings is nie of nie volgens die voorgeskrewe metode drooggemaak is nie of wat nie van die voorgeskrewe graad of standaard van gehalte is nie , of wat nie op die voorgeskrewe wyse gegradeer , verpak of gemerk is nie , verbied ;

(c )

die handelsnaam of beskrywing voorskryf of om-

139 .


skryf waarby enige sodanige bosproduk of enige produk daaruit verkry , bekend sal wees of beskryf sal word en waaronder dit in die Transkei ingebring of daaruit verwyder of daarin verkoop of andersins van die hand gesit moet word , en die gebruik van ' n ander handelsnaam of beskrywing ten opsigte daarvan belet ;


voorsiening maak vir die inspeksie van bedoelde bosproduk deur enige persoon (met inbegrip van die bekleer van ' n pos) wat vir die doel deur die Minister aangewys is ;


die plek , tyd en wyse van inspeksie van enige sodanige bosproduk wat vir verwydering uit die Transkei of vir verskuiwing van een plek na ' n ander binne die Transkei bestem is of in die Transkei ingebring is , voorskryf , asook die persone aan wie kennis van die voorneme om sodanige bosproduk te verwyder , te verskuiwe of in te bring, gegee moet word;


in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies die gelde voorskryf wat ten opsigte van die inspeksie van sodanige bosproduk betaal moet word , die tye wanneer daardie gelde betaal moet word en die persone aan wie sodanige betaling moet geskied ;


die wyse voorskryf waarop monsters van ' n bosproduk wat vir inbring in of verwydering uit die Transkei bestem is , vir ondersoek , ontleding of toetsing geneem moet word en die omstandighede waaronder en die wyse waarop sodanige bosproduk gegradeer, gemerk, hergradeer of hermerk kan word;


in die algemeen voorsiening maak vir die verbetering van die gehalte en die metodes van vervaardiging en bemarking van so ' n bosproduk.

(3 ) Die voorwaardes voorgeskryf of gespesifiseer in so ' n kennisgewing kan voorwaardes insluit ten effekte dat

140 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. die grade , standaarde van gehalte en verpakking of merk van die bosproduk moet wees soos voorgeskryf deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde by artikel 4 van die Wet op Standaarde , 1962 (Wet No. 33 van 1962 ) ingestel , en dat elke stuk van die bosproduk op so ' n wyse gemerk moet word om aan te dui dat dit aan die toepaslike spesifikasies van genoemde buro voldoen.

(4) Voor die afkondiging van ' n kennisgewing kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) moet die Minister in die Amptelike Koerant 'n ontwerp van sodanige kennisgewing publiseer tesame met ' n kennisgewing waarby ' n beroep gedoen word op alle belanghebbende persone wat enige besware het, om hulle binne dertig dae vanaf die datum van publikasie van die ontwerpkennisgewing skriftelik by die Sekretaris in te dien: Met dien verstande dat , indien die Minister daarna op 'n verandering van die kennisgewing besluit , as gevolg van ' n beswaar , dit nie nodig is om sodanige verandering te publiseer voordat die kennisgewing uiteindelik ingevolge hierdie artikel afgekondig word nie .

20. (1) ' n Magistraat , vrederegter , bosbeampte of polisie- Besondere bevoegdhede van verskillende beamp beampte kan te alle redelike tye van enige persoon die tes . oorlegging vorder van enige magtiging wat hy kragtens hierdie Wet moet besit .

(2) ' n Bosbeampte het ten opsigte van ' n oortreding , poging tot oortreding of verdagte oortreding ingevolge hierdie Wet, al die bevoegdhede waarmee polisiebeamptes regtens beklee is.

(3) ' n Bosbeampte kan, benewens die bevoegdhede kragtens subartikel (2 ) aan hom verleen, en ' n polisiebeampte kan


sonder lasbrif iemand in hegtenis neem wat redelikerwys vermoed word betrokke te gewees het by 'n in artikel 14 ( 1 ) , 16 ( 1 ) ( e ) vermelde misdryf;


of (f) of artikel 18 ( 3 )

sonderlasbrief iemand in hegtenis neem wat redelikerwys vermoed word betrokke te gewees het by 'n misdryf ingevolge hierdie Wet , indien sodanige 141 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET , 1969 . beampte rede het om te glo dat soiemand nie in antwoord op ' n dagvaarding sal verskyn nie ;



lê op bosprodukte

ten opsigte


sodanige beampte rede het om te glo dat ' n misdryf ingevolge hierdie Wet gepleeg is ; (d )

beslag lê op ' n wapen, voertuig , werktuig, dier of ander voorwerp wat sodanige beampte redelikerwys glo by die pleeg van ' n misdryf ingevolge hierdie Wet gebruik is ; of


' n hond doodmaak wat deur hom gevind word terwyl dit in ' n Regeringsbos oortree , of wild aanval of agtervolg of jag (behalwe ooreenkomstig 'n magtiging) .

(4) ' n Beslaglegging kragtens subartikel ( 3) moet onverwyld aangemeld word by ' n magistraat wat ten aansien van die verdere aanhouding van of beskikking oor die inbeslaggenome eiendom die bevel kan uitvaardig wat hy, volgens die voorgelegde feite , billik of raadsaam ag .



Wanneer 'n bosbeampte of polisiebeampte redelikerwyse vermoed dat enige bosproduk aanwesig in of afkomstig uit of onderweg van 'n Regeringsbos wederregtelik verwyder is of gaan word, kan hy daardie bosproduk in beslag neem en dit aanhou totdat ondersoek ingestel is.


Geen eis vir skadevergoeding kan op grond van sodanige beslaglegging of aanhouding ingestel word nie .

' n Bosbeampte of polisiebeampte kan iemand wat (6) hy in besit vind van ' n bosproduk wat hy op redelike gronde vermoed onwettiglik uit ' n Regeringsbos verkry is , sonder lasbrief in hegtenis neem . Misdrywe .


( 1) (1 (a)

Iemand wat enige bepaling van hierdie Wet oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen,

142 .


enige voorwaarde vermeld in ' n magtiging oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen ,


enige vereistes , voorwaardes of bepalings van ' n kennisgewing in artikel 2 ( 2 ) bedoel , oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen ,


' n kennisgewing kragtens artikel 18 ( 1 ) , of ' n daarin vermelde voorwaarde , oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen ,


versuim om te voldoen aan ' n vereiste of bevel van ' n bosbeampte kragtens artikel 18 (2) ,


'n kennisgewing afgekondig kragtens artikel 19( 1 ) of 'n daarin vermelde voorwaarde , oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen of ' n persoon deur die Minister aangewys , hinder of belemmer by die uitoefening van sy bevoegdhede uit hoofde van 'n magtiging ingevolge artikel 19 ( 2 ) (d ) aan hom verleen ,


weier of versuim om ' n magtiging oor te lê wanneer dit kragtens artikel 20 ( 1 ) deur ' n magistraat , vrederegter , bosbeampte of polisiebeampte gevorder word,


die hof nie kan oortuig nie dat hy ' n wettige reg gehad het om in besit te wees van ' n bosproduk in artikel 20 ( 6) bedoel , of

( i)

in 'n Regeringsbos (i)

'n vuur wat hy met of sonder magtiging gemaak het of gehelp maak het of gebruik het of weer aangesteek het of waarby hy brandstof gevoeg het , onbewaak laat voordat die vuur deeglik geblus is , of

(ii )

met of sonder magtiging of persoonlik of deur sy dienaar of agent ' n vuur gemaak het of gehelp maak het of gebruik het of weer aangesteek het of brandstof daarby gevoeg het , wat as gevolg van sy nalatigheid versprei of


TRANSKEISE BOSWET , 1969. skade of verlies veroorsaak het,

is aan ' n misdryf skuldig en by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met ' n boete van hoogstens twee honderd rand of met gevangenisstraf van hoogstens ses maande of met sowel sodanige boete as sodanige gevangenisstraf. (2) Die bepalings van artikel 16 van Wet No. 24 van 1886 is mutatis mutandis van toepassing met betrekking tot 'n boete opgelê en verhaal weens hierdie Wet .





oortreding van

Wanneer die hof by die verhoor van 'n aanklag ingevolge hierdie Wet of ' n ander wetsbepaling , bevind dat bosprodukte inderdaad wederregtelik van 'n Regeringsbos verwyder is , het hy , benewens enige ander bevoegdhede wat hy kragtens enige ander wetsbepaling kan uitoefen , die bevoegdheid om te gelas dat die persoon in besit daarvan dit aan die departement moet terugbesorg of dat skadevergoeding ten opsigte daarvan , van ' n bedrag deur die hof bepaal , deur die beskuldigde aan die departement betaal moet word.

(ii )


So ' n bevel kan ten uitvoer gelê word op dieselfde wyse as ' n vonnis van daardie hof in ' n siviele geding .

Die bepalings van paragraaf ( a ) betreffende skadevergoeding is van toepassing ten opsigte van wederregtelike kap of beskadiging van bosprodukte , of skade wat opsetlik of deur nalatigheid aan bosprodukte of ander eiendom in ' n bos deur brand of op enige ander wyse veroorsaak is.

Die hof wat iemand skuldig bevind aan ' n oor(4) treding van artikel 16 ( 1 ) ( c ) of (d ) kan behalwe die straf wat hy sodanige persoon oplê, gelas dat sodanige persoon binne ' n tydperk deur die hof bepaal , enige bouwerk wat hy opgerig het en enige gewasse wat aan hom behoort uit die Regeringsbos verwyder en daarna die bos verlaat en nie daarheen 144 .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. terugkeer nie , en die hof kan tegelykertyd 'n bosbeampte of ' n beampte deur die hof aangewys , magtig om sodanige bouwerk of gewasse te verwyder , te vernietig of andersins daaroor te beskik, tensy binne die aldus bepaalde tydperk deur bedoelde persoon aan die bevel voldoen word.

22. (1) Wanneer by ' n vervolging ingevolge hierdie Wet daar in die aanklag beweer word dat enige bosproduk die eiendom van die Regering is , word daar vermoed , totdat die


teendeel bewys word , dat sodanige produk die eiendom van die Regering is .

(2 ) Iemand wat aangekla word weens ' n handeling vir die verrigting waarvan by hierdie Wet ' n magtiging vereis word, word geag nie sodanige magtiging te besit nie , tensy hy dit aan die hof oorlê of ander bevredigende bewys lewer dat hy dit besit .

(3) Wanneer in verrigtinge kragtens hierdie Wet die vraag van nalatigheid in verband met bosbrande ontstaan, word veronderstel dat daar nalatigheid was tensy die teendeel bewys word . 23. Die Minister kan regulasies uitvaardig betreffende almal of enige van die aangeleenthede in artikel 2 ( 1 ) bedoel , en in die algemeen enige regulasies wat hy nodig ag om te verseker dat die doelstellings van hierdie Wet bereik word.


(1 )

Daar kan gedelegeer word


deur die Minister aan die Sekretaris of aan enige ander senior beampte van die departement , die magte wat kragtens artikel 7 (4) of 10 (3) aan hom verleen word ;


deur die Sekretaris aan ' n beampte van die departement , enige van die bevoegdhede , werksaamhede of pligte wat kragtens hierdie Wet aan hom verleen , toegewys of opgelê word .

(2) Die Minister of die Sekretaris kan te eniger tyd enige delegering kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) herroep en geen delegering van ' n bevoegdheid , werksaamheid of plig belet of verhinder die Minister of die Sekretaris , na gelang van

145 .


Delegering van bevoegdhede .

TRANSKEISE BOSWET , 1969. die geval , om dit self uit te oefen nie .

Beperkings op gedinge.


Tensy nalatigheid bewys word , kan geen geding ingestel word teen die Regering, die Minister , die Sekretaris , ' n bosbeampte of ' n ander beampte van die departement of ' n polisiebeampte weens besering van of verlies gely deur enige persoon as gevolg van enigiets wat te goeder trou kragtens hierdie Wet gedoen is nie .

Wysiging van Prokla- 26 . masie No. 3 van 1949.




3 van 1949 word hierby gewysig

deur artikels 1 en 2 deur die volgende artikels te vervang :

,, 1.

( 1)




wetsbepaling maar behoudens die bepalings van subartikel (2 ) , kan enigiemand vir 'n tydperk van hoogstens vier dae op grond wat die eiendom van die Regering van die Transkei is en binne drie myl van die see geleë is , kampeer of piekniek maak. (2) Die bepalings van subartikel ( 1 ) is nie van toepassing nie op grond wat -


'n Regeringsbos is soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Transkeise Boswet , 1969 , of


deur ' n ander persoon wettiglik geokkupeer word.

2. grond,

(1 ) Die Kabinet van die Transkei kan wat aan die Regering van die Transkei

behoort en wat geleë is soos in artikel 1 beskryf, vir kampeer of piekniekmaak doeleindes afsonder . (2) Grond wat aldus afgesonder is (hieronder ' n kampeerplek genoem) moet gedemarkeer en afgebaken word . " ; en (b)

deur paragraaf


van artikel 5 deur die vol-

gende paragraaf te vervang :

" (a)

wat anders as ooreenkomstig die bepalings van hierdie Proklamasie , op grond wat aan



die Regering van die Transkei behoort en binne drie myl van die see geleë is , kampeer of piekniek maak, " . 27. Behoudens die bepalings van subartikels ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) (1) en (4) , word die wette in Bylae 2 vermeld hierby in die mate

Herroeping van wette .

in die derde kolom van die Bylae aangedui , herroep . (2) Enige lisensie , permit , toestemming , goedkeuring of ooreenkoms uitgereik, verleen, gegee of aangegaan of enige stappe gedoen of enigiets gedoen deur of kragtens ' n bepaling van ' n wet deur subartikel ( 1 ) herroep , word geag by of kragtens die ooreenstemmende bepalings van hierdie Wet uitgereik, verleen, gegee , aangegaan of gedoen te gewees het.

(3) Enigiets wat deur enige gesag gedoen is kragtens 'n bepaling van ' n wet deur subartikel ( 1 ) herroep , word geag op die voorgeskrewe wyse gedoen te gewees het deur die gepaste gesag kragtens die ooreenstemmende bepalings van hierdie Wet.

(4) Die bepalings van hierdie Wet word nie uitgelê sou dit op enige wyse hoegenaamd ' n ooreenkoms in verband met die vandiehandsetting van bosprodukte of die verlening van regte in Regeringsbosse , wat tussen die Regeas

ring en enige persoon bestaan en wat by die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Wet van krag is , raak nie .


(1 )


Op skriftelike versoek van die eienaar van ' n Toepassing van Wet private bos (dit wil sê ' n bos of plantasie op private bosse. wat geleë is op grond in die Transkei wat die eiendom van die Regering is nie ) kan die Minister , indien hy oortuig is dat die openbare belang nie daardeur benadeel sal word nie ,

enige bepalings van hierdie Wet

wat slegs op Regeringsbosse betrekking het en wat hy nodig ag vir beter bewaring van bedoelde bos en vir beter beskerming van die bome en ander bosprodukte daarin , by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant, op daardie private bos van toepassing maak. (b)

So ' n kennisgewing moet die betrokke gebied



duidelik omskryf en kan by dergelike kennisgewing ingetrek word of (met die toestemming van die eienaar) gewysig word . (2) Onderworpe aan die skriftelike goedkeuring van die Sekretaris , besit ' n persoon wat spesiaal deur ' n plaaslike bestuur of ander eienaar as bosbeampte aangestel is ten opsigte van ' n private bos onder die beheer van sodanige owerheid of eienaar en waarop enige bepalings van hierdie Wet kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) toegepas is , al die bevoegdhede wat deur hierdie Wet aan bosbeamptes van die departement verleen word.

Kort titel.


Hierdie Wet heet die Transkeise Boswet , 1969. BYLAE 1 .



Bome . Gewone Name .

Botaniese Name . Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach) W. F. Wight ( sin. A. gummifera (Gmel . ) C.A. Sm . en A. fastigiata E. Mey .)


Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Arn . Avicennia marina ( Forsk . ) Vierh . Bersama swinnyi Phill .

Witpeer . Wortelboom . Bitterbas .

Bersama tysoniana Oliv. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lam .

Baster nieshout. Wortelboom . Wildekastaiing . Saffraan. Koeboebessie .

Calodendrum capense ( L. f. ) Thunb. Cassine crocea ( Thunb . ) O. Kuntze . Cassine sphaerophylla O. Kuntze . (sin. C. aethiopica Thunb . )

Combretum salicifolium E. Mey.

Kamdeboostinkhout. Rooiblad . Vaderlandswilg .

Croton sylvaticus Hochst . ex Krauss . Cunonia capensis L.

Croton. Rooi- els .

Curtisia dentata ( Burm . f. ) C.A. Sm . ( sin. C. faginea Ait. ) Cussonia spicata Thunb. Cussonia umbellifera Sond .

Asgaai . Kiepersol . Kiepersol .

Celtis africana Burm.f. ( sin . C. Kraussiana Bernh . ) Combretum Kraussii Hochst.

148 .


Drypetes arguta (Muell. Arg. ) Hutch. Ekebergia capensis Sparrm. Erythrina caffra Thunb. Erythrina lysistemon Hutch. Euclea natalensis A.D.C.

Basterwitysterhout Essehout. Kafferboom. Kafferboom . Ghwarrie .

Fagara davyi Verdoorn. Harpephyllum caffrum Bernh. ex Krauss. Heywoodia lucens Sim.

Perdepram . Kafferpruim .

Ilex mitis (L. ) Radlk. Kiggelaria africana L.


Linociera foveolata (E. Mey. ) Knobl . S. sp. foveolata . Linociera peglerae (C.H. Wright) Gilg en Schellenb. Macaranga capensis (Baill . ) Benth. Maytenus peduncularis (Sond . ) Loes . ( sin. Gymnosporia peduncularis Loes . ) Milletia grandis (E. Mey. ) Skeels (sin. M. caffra Meisn. ) Mimusops caffra E. Mey. ex A.D.C. Mimusops obovata Sond.

Wildeperske. Basterysterhout. Basterysterhout . Macaranga . Swarthout. Oemsimbeet. Moepel. Rooimelkhout.

Buig-my-nie . Vlier. Rooihout.

Notobuxus macowanii ( Oliv. ) Phill . Nuxia floribunda Benth . Ochna arborea Burch. ex D.C. Ochna holstii Engl .

Ochna natalitia (Meisn. ) Walp . Ocotea bullata ( Burch . ) E. Mey. Olea africana Mill . (Sin. O. verrucosa Link . ) Olea capensis L.s. sp. capensis ( sin. O lalaurifolia Lam . ) Olea woodiana Knobl . Olinia emarginata Burtt Davy (sin. O. acuminata

Rooihout. Ochna . Stinkhout. Oelienhout.

Swartysterhout. ysterhout Rooibessie .

Hofm . et Phill . ) Olinia radiata Hofmeyr et Phillips . Phyllanthus discoideus (Baill . ) Muell . Arg. Pleurostylia capensis (Turcz . ) Oliv . Podocarpus falcatus ( Thunb. ) R.Br. ex Mirb . Podocarpus henkelii Stapf . ex Dall en Jacks . Podocarpus latifolius R. Br . ex Mirb. Protea arborea Link. Protorhus longifolia ( Bernh. ) Engl . Prunus africanus ( Hook f . ) Kalkm . ( sin . Pygeum Africanum Hook f. ) Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb . ) Radlk . Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus Sond . Rapanea melanophloeos ( L. ) Mez . 149 .

Hardepeer . Egossa -rooipeer . Koffiehardepeer . Outeniquageelhout . Griekwalandgeelhout. Opregte geelhout . Waboom . Rooiboekenhout.

Rooistinkhout Nieshout . Kershout . Boekenhout.

TRANSKEISE BOSWET, 1969. Rauvolfia caffra Sond.

Kinaboom . Wortelboom . Bostaaibos .

Rhizophora mucronata Lam . Rhus legatii Schonl . Rothmannia capensis Thunb.

Aapsekos .

Scolopia ecklonii ( Nees ) Harv . Scolopia mundii ( Eckl . et Zeyh. ) Warb . Scolopia zeyheri ( Nees ) Harv . Sideroxylon inerme L. Spirostachys africana Sond.

Bergsaffraan . Rooipeer. Doringpeer . Witmelkhout. Tambotie .

Strychnos decussata (Pappe ) Gilg. ( sin. S. atherstonei Harv . ) Strychnos henningsii Gilg. Strychnos mitis S. Moore. Syzygium cordatum Hochst ex Harv . et Sond.

Hardepeer . Hardepeer . Waterbessie .

Syzygium gerrardii (Harv . ) Hochst ( sin. Eugenia gerrardii Sim . ) Tarchonanthus camphoratus L. Trichilia roka Forsk. Chiov. (sin. T. emetica)

Waterpeer . Vaalbos. Rooi essehout .

Vepris undulata ( Thunb . ) Verdoorn ( sin . V. lanceolata G. Don. )

Xymalos monospora ( Forst. ) Baill.


Witysterhout. Lemoenhout.

Bosprodukte .

Cyathea capensis ( L.f. ) Smith (Hemitelia capensis (L. f. ) Kaulf) Cyathea dregei Kunze . Encephalartos spp . Musci .

Boomvaring . Boomvaring . Broodboomsoorte . Alle mosse.

Phoenix reclinata Jacq.

Wildedadelpalm .

Pteridophyta .

Alle varings . BYLAE 2 .

Wette Herroep.

(a ) Wette .

No. en Jaar .

Wet No. 13 van 1941 Wet No. 10 van 1948

Titel .

Boswet, 1941 Boswysigingswet , 1948

150 .

Omvang van Herroeping .

Die geheel . Die geheel .



Proklamasies .

In Hoeverre Herroep .

No. en Jaar .

Proklamasie Proklamasie Proklamasie Proklamasie Proklamasie Proklamasie

No. 241 van 1914 No. 85 van 1915 No. 31 van 1932 No. 224 van 1932 No. 91 van 1934 No. 193 van 1935


Die Die Die Die

geheel . geheel . geheel . geheel . Die geheel . Die geheel .

Goewermentskennisgewings .

No. en Jaar.

In Hoeverre Herroep .

Goewermentskennisgewing No. 1605 van 1920

Die geheel . Die geheel . Regulasies 70 tot en met 106.

Goewermentskennisgewing No. Goewermentskennisgewing No.

987 van 1935 494 van 1937

Goewermentskennisgewing No. 1850 van 1948 Goewermentskennisgewing No. 1513 van 1954 Goewermentskennisgewing No. 70 van 1959 Goewermentskennisgewing No. 1150 van 1960 Goewermentskennisgewing No. 252 van 1962

151 .

Die geheel. Die geheel . Paragrawe (b) , ( c) en (d) . Die geheel . Die geheel .


UMTHETHO (Obalwe nges iNgesi usayinwe yiPrezidanti yeSizwe) (Uvunywe ngomhla wesi 8 Novemba 1969)

Wokufaka imibandela kuMthetho wase Transkei weNkqubela kwezoLimo , 1966. KUQINGQWA UM THETHO YINDLU YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo:-

Ufakelomibandela kwisiqendu 1 SoMthetho No. 10 wowe- 1966.


1. Isiqendu 1 soMthetho wase Transkei weNkqubela kwezoLimo, 1966 (emveni koku obizwa ngokuba nguMthetho oyintloko) ngokwenjenje sifakelwa imibandela -

(a) Ngokufaka le ngcaciso -gama ingezants'apha emva kwengcaciso -gama elithi " donyula " : " isinqandamlilo" kuthetha umcwe womhlaba , akukhathaleki nokokuba uphantsi kwemithi okanye awunjalo , ekususwe kuwo izitshiseka - lula ukuthintela imililo yamadlelo okanye eyamahlathi okanye ukuthintela ukunwenwa kwayo loo mililo ; " na-

(b) ngokubeka eli binzana - ntetho : " zeziqendu 22 , 25 ( 1 ) , 27 nama 29A" endaweni yeli binzana - ntetho : " zeziqendu 25 ( 1 ) nama 27 " elikwingcaciso -gama elithi : "igosa likaRulumente " .

Ufakelombandela kwisiqendu 13 SOMthetho No. 10 wowe-1966.

Ufakelombandela kwisiqendu 20 SOMthetho No. 10 wowe- 1966 .

Ubeko- siqendu endaweni yesiqendu 29 soMthetho No. 10 wowe- 1966.

2. Isiqendu 13 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kwisiqendu ( 2 ) endaweni yala magama : "uya kunika " , la magama athi : " uya kuthi , nangayiphi na indlela elungiselelwe kwisiqendu 33 , anike " . 3.

Isiqendu 20 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa

umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yamagama athi : " iinkunzi zokufuywa zohlobo olubhetere " la magama athi " imfuyo efanelekileyo" .

4. Esi siqendu singezants'apha ngokwenjenje sibekwa endaweni yesiqendu 29 soMthetho oyintloko :

Ulawulo losusomgquba, olokulima nolotshisongca okanyedlelo.

29. (1 ) akukho mntu uya kuthi -

(a) engafumananga

kuqala imvume ebhaliweyo yoMphathiswa , asuse okanye aza152 .

UMTHETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WENKQUBELA KWEZOLIMO E- TRANSKEI , 1969. me ukususa eTranskei nawuphi na umgquba wezilwanyana , umgquba oquka ke nalowo wamalulwane ;

(b) alime okanye akhubele nawuphi na umhlaba okanye atyale naziphi na izilimo emhlabeni , okanye athi engum nini okanye ummi obhalisiweyo womhlaba avumele okanye anyamezele into yokuba loo mhlaba ulinywe okanye ukhutyelwe kutyalwe naziphi na izilimo apho kuwo, ngaphandle kokuba kungothotho lweefolo, imiqolo okanye imigca ekumtyaba onqamlezayo ihamba ngokohlobo emi ngalo loo ndawo ukuyo loo mhlaba . Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi uMphathiswa angathi, ngesaziso ngokwalo Mthetho , akhulule ekusebenzeni kwalo mhlathiumnini okanye ummi womhlaba nawuphi na ; okanye (c) elawulwa yimigaqo yesi siqendu atshise naliphi na idlelo okanye ingca ngaphandle kokuba ugunyaziswe ngokufanelekileyo ukwenjenjalo yiyo okanye ngokwayo nayiphi na inkqubo yolondolozo - mhlaba okanye nguMphathiswa. ( 2) Nakuphi na ukukhululwa , imvume okanye igunya elinikwe okanye elikhutshwe nguMphathiswa ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) linganikwa okanye likhutshwe phantsi kwaloo migqaliselo angathi ayimisele laye lingaguqulwa okanye kunganikwa zizathu zokwenjenjalo .


(3) (a) Nangona ukho nawuphi na umgaqo kulo naluphi na ulungiselelo lolondolozomhlaba , uMphathiswa angathi ngesaziso eGazethini yoBurulumente , xa sukuba kuluvo lwakhe utshiso lwedlelo okanye lwengca kuwo nawuphi na ummandla kuso nasiphi na isithuba sexesha enyakeni lunokudala intlekele yomlilo , aqingqwe , ukuba ngeso 153.



nakuloo mmandla

uxeliweyo kweso saziso akukho mntu uyakutshisa naliphi na idlelo okanye ingca.

(b) UMphathiswa angathi nangaliphi na ilixa kanjalo afakele imibandela kuso nasiphi na isaziso esinjalo okanye asiroxise . "

Imfakelo ziqendu ezitsha emthethweni No. 10 wɔwe1966.

5. Ezi ziqendu zingezants ' apha ngokwenjenje zifakelwa eMthethweni oyintloko emva kwesiqendu 29:

" Ukuvulwa kweendawo zezi-nqandamlilo emideni eyahlula imihlaba eyayameneyo .

29A. ( 1 ) Elawulwa yimigaqo yesi siqendu neyesiqendu 29 (3) , nawuphi na umnini okanye ummi okanye umntu ekuphantsi kwakhe nawuphi na umhlaba womntu - nje okanye naliphi na igosa likaRulumente eligciniswe nawuphi na umhlaba kaRulumente , lingavula indawo yokunqanda umlilo okanye lithabathe amanyathelo okuba ivulwe emdeni owahlula loo mhlaba nawuphi na umhlaba owayamene nawo okanye kuwo nawuphi na umgca ecaleni ngalinye okanye kwelinye icala lawo . (2) Umntu ozimisele ukwenza eso sinqandamlilo okanye ukuthabatha amanyathelo okuba senziwe wothi , ngohlobo nendlela eqingqwe ngummiselo , anike umnini - mhlaba okanye umntu ogciniswe umhlaba owayamene nalowo wakhe isaziso esiziintsuku ezilishumi elinane ubuncinane senjongo yakhe . (3) Umntu onikwe eso saziso uya kuncedisa ekuvuleni indawo yeso sinqanda -mlilo kodwa olulelwe ixesha kanobonyana angacela ukuba ukuze abe nakho ukusika okuxabileyo okanye ukuvula nasiphi na isithuba okanye ukuzisa abasebenzi nezixhobo zomsebenzi khona ukuze kuqhutywe kulawuleke nokulawuleka ngokuneziqhamo ezibhetere nakuphi na ukutsha okanye eminye imisebenzi engafunekayo koko kuvula indawo .

(4 ) Uhlobo nexesha

154 .




indawo yeso

UM THETHO WOFAKELO-MIBANDELA WENKQUBELA KWEZOLIMO E - TRANSKEI , 1969. singanda-mlilo, uhlobo , ubude , ububanzi nendawo yaso nohlobo loncedo omalwenziwe ngumntu ngamnye nesabelo seendleko emazithwalwe ngumntu ngamnye, siya kulawulwa yimvumelwano phakathi kwabo bantu okanye xa ingekhoyo loo mvumelwano, sothi ngesicelo sakhe nawuphi na kubo , kodwa ke phantsi kwemigaqo yesiqendu 48 (4) soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo wase Transkei , 1963 , senzelwe isigqibo esikhawulezayo yimantyi enegunya logwebo-matyala esithilini okuwo loo mhlaba owayamene nomnye , engathi yona inike loo myalelo ngokumalunga nokuhlawula iindleko zokuvula isithuba seso sinqanda-mlilo nangokumalunga neendleko zesicelo engathi izibone zilungile .

(5 ) (a ) Ngosuku olumisiweyo kunjalo nje nasemveni koko kude kube kugqityiwe ukwenziwa kwesithuba seso sinqanda-mlilo abantu abo ke basemcimbini bothi elowo ngenkqu okanye ngommeli ogunyazwe ngokufanelekileyo beze nenani labasebenzi nezixhobiso- msebenzi njengoko sekuvunyelwene , waye ke wonke umsebenzi oqhutywayo uya konganyelwa ulawelwe ngokudibeneyo ngabo babo.




(b) Ukuba ke izulu liba libi ngosuku olumisiweyo baze bangabi nakho ukuqhuba umsebenzi , olunye usuku lungamiswa njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana (4 ) .

(6) (a ) Ukuba kuthi kwenzeke omnye kwaba bantu angabi nakho ukuza nelo nani labasebenzi kwanezo zixhobiso zomsebenzi okanye ukuncedisa ngolo 155.

UM THE THO WOFAKELO-MIBANDELA WENKQUBELA KWEZOLIMO E - TRANSKEI, 1969 . hlobo besekuvunyelwene ngalo ngabo besekugqitywe bobabini okanye ngalo yimantyi le seyikhankanyiwe okanye nje ngoko kuxeliweyo esazisweni esikhankanywe kwisiqendwana 2 , kuxhomekeke ekuthini , kukuphi na kanye -kanye kwezi zinto , lowo ke uthi eze okanye uthi abekho ngosuku lokuqala olulandelayo olufanelekileyo angathi ngoko nangoko kunjalo nje zonke iintsuku yena yedwa nabasebenzi bakhe avule indawo okanye athabathe amanyathelo okuba kuvulwe indawo yesinqanda - mlilo esixeliweyo kweso saziso sesikhaekuvunyelwene nkanyiwe okanye ngaso okanye ekwenziwe umyalelo ngaso yiloo mantyi sekuthethwe ngayo waye uya kuba nelungelo lokubiza nokufumana kulowo ungezanga ezo ndleko okanye olunye uncedo engenza isiqgibo ngalo loo mantyi seyixeliwe . (b) Akukho butyala buya kwambathiswa nawuphi na umntu ngokumalunga nayiphi na ilahleko okanye umonakalo obangelwe kukusebenzisa kwakhe ngokusemthethweni naliphi na igunya alithweswe ngumhlathi (a).

(7) Nawuphi na umnini okanye ummi - mhlabeni okanye umntu ogciniswe nawuphi na umhlaba womntu-nje okanye naliphi na igosa lika Rulumente ekugciniswe kulo nawuphi na umhlaba ka Rulumente lingathi , khona ukuze loo mhlaba ukhuseleke emlilweni , emveni kokuba linike ngendlela nohlobo olumiselwe ngummiselo isaziso esingengaphantsi kweshumi elinanye leentsuku umnini , okanye umntu ogciniswe nawuphi na um-

156 .

UMTHETHO WOFAKELO-MIBANDELA WENKQUBELA KWEZOLIMO E- TRANSKEI, 1969. hlaba owayamene naloo mhlaba ukhankanywe kuqala , ngosuku oluxelwe kweso saziso okanye lingekadluli ixesha elifanelekileyo emveni koko livule indawo yesinqanda -mlilo ecaleni lalo lomda owahlula loo mihlaba yomibini : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi loo mntu kuziswe kuye eso saziso angathi , nangaliphi na ilixa singekapheli isithuba sexesha elixelwe kweso saziso , acele ngencwadi ebhaliweyo loo mntu unika eso saziso ukuba

aqhube njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) kuse kwesesi 6 , ekuya kuthi ke xa kunjalo imigaqo yezo ziqendwana isebenze iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo saye ke eso saziso siya kuthatyathwa ngokuba sisaziso esinikwe ngokwesiqendwana (2) .

(8) Imigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) kuse kwesesi 7 ayiyi kusebenza ngokuphathelele nakwisiphi na isinqanda-mlilo indawo yaso emayivulwe nguye nawuphi na umnini okanye ummi womhlaba okanye umntu ogciniswe nawuphi na umhlaba okwicala lakhe wonke lomda owahlula loo mhlaba nawo nawuphi na omnye umhlaba kunjalo nje ngohlobo olungelulo ukutshisa , kwaye ke akukho mgaqo ukwesi siqendu uya kutolikwa ngokuba walela ukuba kuvulwe indawo yaso nasiphi na isinqandamlilo esinjalo .

Ucimo-mlilo oyingozi.

29B. (1 ) Nawuphi na umntu othi enyanisekile entliziyweni yakhe akholwe ukuba nawuphi na umlilo phandle ungenza ingozi ebomini babantu okanye ezintweni zabantu angathi eyedwa okanye enabantu abaphantsi kwakhe angene nakuwuphi na umhlaba ngenjongo yokucima loo mlilo okanye yokuwunqanda unganwenwi . (2 ) Nawuphi na ubani owenza isenzo ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) · (a) uya kuthi , elawulwa yimigaqo yawo naabaluse wuphi na omnye umthetho abantu abakhankanywe kwisiqendwana (1 )



157 .





abazisa uncedo lwabo kuye ngokuzithandela ;

(b) angathabatha loo manyathelo athi afaneleke aze afuneke kwimeko leyo khona ukuze kukhuselwe ubomi babantu nezinto zabantu okanye khona ukuze acime okanye athintele unwenwo- mlilo, waye angathi ukulungiselela ukufeza loo njongo atshabalalise ngokufanelekileyo nje nayiphi na imithi, ingca, izilimo okanye ezinye izihluma ngokuzisika , ukuzigawula , ukuzitshisa , ngokulima okanye ngandlela yimbi. (c) angacela nawuphi na umntu okhoyo emlilweni apho okanye nawuphi na umntu okuyo nayiphi na into eyeyomntu ongahle unwenwele kuyo loo mlilo okanye nawuphi na umntu onawo nawuphi na umdla kuloo nto yomntu ukuba ancedise okanye enze nasiphi na isenzo , okanye enze nawuphi na umsebenzi oluncedo ongathatyathwa noko ngokuba uyafuneka okanye ufanele , khona ukuze kulawulwe , kucinywe umlilo okanye kuthintelwe unwenwo- mlilo ;

(d) ayalele nabani na , obomi bakhe kungenzeka bube sengozini okanye obungaba sengozini okanye obukho bakhe emlilweni okanye kufutshane nawo bungathi buphazamisane nawo nawuphi na umsebenzi omalunga nomlilo , ukuba akhwelele , okanye nasiphi na isithuthi okanye enye into ephantsi kweliso lakhe .

(3 ) Akukho mntu uya kwambathiswa nabuphi na ubutyala ngayo nayiphi na ilahleko okanye umonakalo obangelwe kukusebenzisa kwakhe ngokusemthethweni naliphi na igunya alithweswe sesi siqendu kwaye ke akukho mntu uya kuba nelungelo lokufumana nayiphi na imbuyekezo okanye umvuzo

158 .


ngaso nasiphi


isenzo esenziwe okanye um-

sebenzi oluncedo owenziwe nguye ngokwaso nasiphi na isiqingqo okanye umyalelo phantsi kwesigendwana (2) . (4) Akukho bani uya kummangalela ngongeno emhlabeni lowo ngokungemthetho okanye ngomonakalo awenze enyanisekile entliziyweni yakhe ukuthi akenzi ngozi namonakalo, umntu nawuphi na ophethe umsebenzi osingethwe ngokusemthethweni phantsi kwesi siqendu , okanye nawuphi na umntu oncedisa kuloo msebenzi , kodwa yena umntu ophethe loo msebenzi unjalo uya kuthi kwithuba lokuqala elifanelekileyo abike imeko nenyathelo elithatyathiweyo kwelona gosa lilipolisa likufutshane kuye okanye kumlungisi okanye kumantyi wesithili eso. 6. Isiqendu 33 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa umbandela ngokongeza kuso eso siqendwana singezants ' apha :

Ufakelombandela kwisiqendu 33 soMthetho No. 10 wowe1966.

"(5) Ukubuyela kwalo naliphi na igosa lika Rulumente kuso nasiphi na isaziso esinikezwe ngokomhlathi (a ) okanye (b) wesiqendwana ( 1 ) okanye ngokwesitenxamgaqweni seso siqendwana kuya kuba bubungqina obusekuhleni bemicimbi ekhankanywe apho " . 7. Isiqendu 34 soMthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa imibandela -

(a) ngokucima ekupheleni komhlathi (1) igama elithi " okanye " ; (b) ngokuhlomela kwisiqendwana zents'apha :

(p) wesiqendwana

( 1 ) le

mihlathi inge-

" (r) akreqe nasiphi na isaziso esipapashwe ngokwesiqendu 21 (3 ) (a) ; (s) aphuthe ukunika isaziso njengoko kuqingqiweyo esiqendwini 29A (2 ) ; ( t) angathobeli nasiphi na isiqingqo okanye umyalelo ngokwesiqendu 29B (2 ) ; okanye (u) Phandle 159 .

Urakelomibandela kwisiqendu 34 soMthetho No. 10 wwe1966 .

UM THE THO WOFAKELO-MIBANDELA WENKQUBELA KWEZOLIMO E- TRANSKEI , 1969 . (i) awushiye wodwa , ungekacimi tu , umlilo athe yena, enegunya okanye engenalo wawubasa okanye wancedisa ekuwubaseni okanye wawusebenzisa, okanye wawuphemba ngokutsha okanye wafaka izibaso kuwo ; okanye (ii) enegunya okanye engenalo , yena ngenkqu okanye esebenzisa umkhonzi okanye umenzeli wakhe abe ubase okanye uncedise ekubaseni okanye uphembe ngokutsha okanye ufake izibaso kuwo nawuphi na umlilo onwenwileyo okanye obange umonakalo okanye ingozi ngenxa yentswela -kukhathala kwakhe . "

Ufakelomband la kwisiqendu 85 soMthetho No. 10 wowe1966.

8. Isiqendu 35 somthetho oyintloko ngokwenjenje sifakelwa umbandela ngokuhlomela apho kuso esi siqendwana singezants'apha :

" (3) Xa sukuba kukho nakuphi na ukuxutyushwa kwemicimbi yetyala phantsi kwalo Mthetho kuvela umbande la wentswela-nkathalo ngokumalunga nemililo ephandle , kuya kuthatyathwa ngokuba ibikho intswela -nkathalo ngaphandle kokuba kukho bungqina bumbi obune sihlahla . "

Igama elifutshane .

9. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho woFakelomibandela weNkqubela kwezo Limo eTranskei , 1969 .

160 .


ACT NO. 7 OF 1969


(The English Text signed by the State President) (Assented to on 3rd November, 1969) To amend the Transkei Agricultural Development Act , 1966 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE ASSEMBLY , as follows : -


1. Section 1 of the Transkei Agricultural Development Act, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act) is hereby amended -

Amendment of section 1 of Act No. 10 of 1966.

(a) by the insertion after the definition of " eradicate " of the fol owing definition : "'fire-belt ' means a strip of land, whether under trees or not , which has been cleared of inflammable matter to prevent , or to prevent the spread of, veld or forest fires ; " ; and

(b) by the substitution in the definition of "Government officer" or "officer of the Government" for the expression " sections 25 ( 1 ) and 27 " ofthe expression "sections 22 , 25 ( 1 ) , 27 and 29A" . 2. Section 13 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution in subsection (2) for the words "he shall give " of the words " he shall , in any manner provided for in section 33 , give " .

Amendment of section 13 of Act No. 10 of 1966 .

3. Section 20 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for the words " improved sires " of the words "suitable livestock" .

Amendment of section 20 of Act No. 10 of 1966 .


Substitution of section 29 of Act No. 10 of 1966 .

The following section is hereby substituted for section 29 of the principal Act :

"Control over removal of manure, ploughing and veld or grass buming.

29. ( 1 ) No person shall (a) without first having obtained the written permission of the Minister , remove or attempt to remove from the Transkei any animal manure , including bat manure ;

(b) plough or


161 .

any land




any crops on land, or being the registered owner or occupier of land , permit or suffer such land to be ploughed or cultivated or any crops to be planted thereon, except along a series of furrows , rows or lines on a horizontal plane following the topography of the area in which such land is situated : Provided that the Minister may, by notice under this Act, exempt from the operation of this paragraph the owner or occupier of any land ; or

(c) subject to the provisions of this section , set on fire any veld or grass unless he is duly authorized thereto by or under any soil conservation scheme or by the Minister. (2) Any exemption , permission or authority granted or issued by the Minister under subsection (1 ) may be granted or issued subject to such conditions as he may determine and may be varied or withdrawn without assignment of reasons .

(3) (a) Notwithstanding

anything contained in any soil conservation scheme , the Minister may by notice in the Official Gazette , whenever in his opinion the burning of the veld or grass in any area during any period in any year would give rise to a fire hazard , provide that during the period and in the area specified in such notice no person shall burn any veld or grass .

(b) The Minister may at any time in like manner amend or withdraw any such notice . "

Insertion of new sections in Act No. 10 of 1966.

5. The following sections are principal Act after section 29 :

"Clearing of fire-belts on common boundaries of properties .



in the

29A. ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this section and of section 29 ( 3) , any owner or occupier or person in charge of any private land , or any

162 .

TRANSKEI AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. Government officer in charge of any Government land, may clear or cause to be cleared a firebelt on the boundary common to such land and any land adjacent thereto or on any line on each or on one or other side thereof.

(2) The person proposing to clear such a fire-belt or to cause it to be cleared shall , in the form and manner prescribed by regulation, give to the owner or person in charge of the adjacent land at least fourteen days ' notice of his intention.

(3) The





notice is

given shall assist in the clearing of the fire - belt but may claim a reasonable extension of time to enable him to cut or to clear any space or to bring up workmen and equipment the more effectually to carry out and control any burning or other operations which may be reasonably necessary in connection with such clearing.

(4) The manner and time of clearing such fire - belt , the type , length, width and position thereof, and the nature of the assistance to be rendered by each party and the share of the cost to be borne by each party, shall be subject to mutual agreement between the parties or failing such agreement , shall on the application of either party, subject to the provisions of section 48 (4) of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 , be decided summarily by a magistrate having jurisdiction in the district in which the said adjacent land is situated, who may make such order as to the payment of the cost of clearing such fire -belt and as to the costs of the application as he may deem just.

(5) (a) On the appointed day and thereafter until the clearing of the fire - belt has been completed , the parties concerned shall each in person or through a duly authorized representative attend with the number

163 .


of workmen and the equipment as agreed upon, and all operations shall be under the joint direction and control of both parties or their representatives . (b) Should weather conditions on the appointed day prove unfavourable another day may be fixed as provided in subsection (4).

(6) (a) In the event of one or other of the parties failing to attend with such number of workmen and such equipment or to render such assistance as may have been mutually agreed upon by the parties or decided by the said magistrate or as is specified in the notice referred to in subsection (2) , as the case may be, the party who does so attend or who attends on the first succeeding suitable day may forthwith and from day to day by himself and his workmen clear or cause to be cleared the fire -belt specified in the said notice or agreed upon or ordered by the said magistrate and he shall be entitled to claim and recover from the defaulting party such expenses or other relief as the said magistrate may decide .

(b) No liability shall attach to any person in respect of any loss or damage arising out of the lawful exercise by him of any power conferred by paragraph ( a) .

(7) Any owner or occupier or person in charge of any private land or any Government officer in charge of any Government land may , for the protection from fire of such land , after having given in the form and manner prescribed

164 .

TRANSKEI AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. by regulation not less than fourteen days ' notice to the owner or person in charge of any land adjacent to such first-mentioned land , on the day stated in that notice or within a reasonable time thereafter , clear a fire - belt on his own side of the common boundary between the proProvided that the person perties concerned : on whom

such notice


served may ,

at any

time before the expiration of the period mentioned in that notice , in writing require the person giving such notice to follow the procedure prescribed in subsections (1 ) to (6) , and in that event the provisions of those subsections shall mutatis mutandis apply and such notice shal be deemed to be a notice given under subsection (2) . (8) The provisions of subsections (1 ) to (7) shall not apply in respect of any fire -belt which is to be cleared by any owner or occupier or person in charge of any land wholly on his own side of the common boundary between such land and any other land and in a manner other than by burning , and nothing in this section contained shall be construed as prohibiting the clearing of any such fire- belt.

Extinguishing of dangerous fire.

29B. ( 1 ) Any person who in good faith believes that any fire in the open air may become dangerous to life or property may either alone or with persons under his control enter upon any land for the purpose of extinguishing that fire preventing it from spreading .

(2) Any person acting in terms section (1 ) -




(a ) shall , subject to the provisions of any other law, have the control of the persons referred to in subsection (1 ) and of any other person who voluntarily place their services at his disposal ;

165 .


(b) may take such measures as in the circumstances are reasonable and necessary for the protection of life and property or for extinguishing or preventing the spread of the fire , and may for such purpose cause reasonable destruction of any trees , grass , crops or other vegetation by burning , cutting , ploughing or otherwise ;

(c) may call upon any person present at such fire or upon any person on any property to which such fire is liable to spread or upon any person who has any interest in such property to assist or to do any act or perform any service which may reasonably be considered necessary or expedient for controlling or extinguishing or preventing the spread of the fire ;

(d) may order any person, whose life may be or may become endangered or whose presence at or in the vicinity of the fire may interfere with any operation in connection with the fire , to remove himself or any vehicle or other thing under his control. (3) No liability shall attach to any person in respect of any loss or damage arising out of the lawful exercise by him of any power conferred by this section and no person shall be entitled to any compensation or reward whatsoever in respect of any act performed or service rendered by him in pursuance of any requirement or order under subsection (2). (4) No action shall lie for trespass or for damage caused in good faith by any person in charge of any operations lawfully undertaken

166 .


under this section or by any person assisting in such operations but the person in charge of such operations shall at the first convenient opportunity report the circumstances and the action taken to the nearest police officer or justice of the peace or to the magistrate of the district concerned, "

6. Section 33 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following subsection:

Amendment of section 33 of Act No. 10 of 1968.

" (5) The return of any Government officer to any notice served under paragraph ( a) or (b) of sub- section (1 ) or under the proviso to that subsection shall be prima facie evidence of the matters stated therein. ". 7.



of the

principal Act is hereby amended -

Amendment of section 34 of Act No. 10 of 1966.

(a) by the deletion at the end of paragraph (p) of subsection ( 1 ) of the word "or" ;

(b) by the addition to paragraphs :

" (r) contravenes



of the following

any notice published in terms of

section 29 (3 ) (a); (s) fails to give notice as required by section 29A (2); (t) fails to comply with any requirement or order under section 29B (2 ) ; (u) in the open air (i) leaves unattended , before it is thoroughly extinguished , a fire which he , with or without authority, has lighted or assisted in lighting or used or rekindled or to which he has added fuel ; or (ii) with or without authority , either personally or through his servant or agent , has lighted or assisted in lighting or used or rekindled or added fuel to any fire which , through his negligence , has caused damage or injury . "



8. Section 35 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following subsection :

167 .

Amendment of section 35 of Act No. 10 of 1966.

TRANSKEI AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. "(3) Whenever in any proceedings under this Act the question of negligence in respect of fires in the open air arises , negligence shall be presumed unless the contrary is proved . "

Short title.

9. This Act shall be called the Development Amendment Act, 1969.

168 .





WET NR. 7 VAN 1969


(Die Engelse Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) (Goedgekeur op 8 November 1969) Tot wysiging van die Transkeise Wet op Landbou-ontwikkeling , 1966. DAAR







1. Artikel 1 van die Transkeise Wet Op Landbou-ontwikkeling, 1966 (hieronder die Hoofwet genoem) word hierby gewysig

van Wysiging artikel 1 van Wet No. 10 van 1966 .

(a ) deur na die omskrywing van ,,brandmerking" die volgende omskrywing in te voeg : 99 9 brandstrook' ook ' n strook grond, met of sonder bome daarop , waarvan ontvlambare materiaal verwyder is ten einde veld - of bosbrande , of die verspreiding daarvan, te voorkom; "; en

(b) deur in die omskrywing van ,, Regeringsbeampte " of ,,beampte van die Regering" die uitdrukking ,,artikels 25 ( 1 ) en 27 " deur die uitdrukking ,, artikels 22 , 25 ( 1 ) , 27 en 29A" te vervang . Artikel 13 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (2 ) die woorde ,, moet hy" deur die woorde ,,moet hy, op enige wyse waarvoor daar in artikel 33 voorsiening gemaag word , " te vervang.

Wysiging van artikel 13 van Wet No. 10 van 1966.

Artikel 20 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur

Wysiging van artikel 20 van Wet No. 10 van 1966 .

2. in


die woorde ,, beter vaars " deur die woorde ,,geskikte vee" te vervang.


Artikel 29 van die Hoofwet word hierby deur die vol-

gende artikel vervang :

..Beheer oor verwydering van dieremis, oor ploeg en oor die brand van veld of gras .

29. ( 1 ) Niemand mag -

(a) enige dieremis , met inbegrip van vlermuismis , van die Transkei verwyder of probeer verwyder tensy hy die skriftelike toestemming van die Minister eers verkry het nie ;


Vervanging van artikel 29 van Wet No. 10 van 1966 .





(b) enige grond ploeg of bewerk of enige gewas in grond plant nie of, as hy die geregistreerde eienaar of bewoner van is , toelaat of duld dat sodanige geploeg of bewerk word of dat gewas daarin geplant word , helangs ' n reeks vore , rye of lyne ' n horisontale vlak wat die topo-

grond grond enige halwe

op grafie van die gebied volg: Met dien verstande dat die Minister by kennisgewing ingevolge hierdie Wet , die eienaar of bewoner van enige grond van die toepassing van hierdie paragraaf kan vrystel ; of (c) behoudens die bepalings van hierdie artikel , enige vold of gras aan die brand steek nie , tensy hy behoorlik daartoe gemagtig is deur of kragtens ' n grondbewaringsplan of deur die Minister.

(2) Enige vrystelling, toestemming of magtiging verleen of uitgereik deur die Minister kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) kan verleen of uitgereik word onderworpe aan dié voorwaardes wat hy bepaal en kan te eniger tyd deur hom verander of ingetrek word sonder opgaaf van redes .

die bepalings van enige (3) (a) Ondanks gsplan , kan die Minisrin ewa ndb gro ter by kennisgewing in die Amptelike Koerant wanneer , na sy oordeel , brand van die veld of gras in die een of ander gebied gedurende die een of ander tydperk in ' n jaar tot 'n brandgevaar sou lei , bepaal dat, gedurende die tydperk en in die gebied vermeld in sodanige kennisgewing , niemand enige veld of grans aan die brand mag steek nie .

(b) Die Minister kan te eniger tyd op

170 .




so 'n



gewing wysig of intrek. "

5. Die vo gende artikels word hierby na artikel 29 van die Hoofwet ingevoeg :

,,Skoonmaak 29A. ( 1 ) Behoudens die bepalings van hierdie van brandstroke op artikel en van artikel 29 (3) , kan ' n eienaar of gemeenskaplike grense okkupeerder of persoon in beheer van private van eiendomme. grond, of ' n Regeringsbeampte in beheer van Regeringsgrond, ' n brandstrook op die gemeenskaplike grens tussen sodanige grond en enige aanliggende grond of langs ' n lyn aan weerskante of aan die een of die ander kant daarvan skoonmaak of laat skoonmaak.

(2) Die persoon wat voornemens is om so 'n brandstrook skoon te maak of te laat skoonmaak, moet in die vorm en op die wyse by regulasie voorgeskryf, aan die einaar of persoon in beheer van die aanliggende grond minstens veertien dae kennis van sy voorneme gee .

is ,

(3) Die party aan wie sodanige kennis gegee moet by die skoonmaak van enige sodanige

brandstrook hulp verleen maar kan redelike uitstel eis om hom in staat te stel om ' n ruimte skoon te maak of om werkmense en toerusting byeen te bring ten einde enige brand en ander werksaamhede wat redelikerwys nodig is in verband met die skoonmaak meer doeltreffend te kan uitvoer en beheer .

(4 ) Die wyse waarop en die tyd wanneer sodanige brandstrook skoongemaak moet word, die tipe prandstrook, die lengte , wydte en ligging daarvan en die aard van die hulp wat deur elke party verleen moet word en die gedeelte van die onkoste wat deur elke party gedra moet word , is onderworpe aan onderlinge reëling tussen die betrokke partye , of word by gebrek aan ooreenkoms op aansoek van die een of die ander party , behoudens die bepalings van artikel 48 (4 ) van die Transkeise Grandwet, 1963 , summier beslis

171 .

Invoeging van nuwe artikels in Wet No. 10 van 1966.






deur ' n magistraat wat regsbevoeg is in die distrik waarin bedoelde aanliggende grond geleë is , en wat dié bevel aangaande die betaling van die onkoste van die skoonmaak van die brandstrook en aangaande die koste van die aansoek kan maak wat hy bil ik ag.

(5) (a) Op die vasgestelde dag en daarna totdat die skoonmaak van die brandstrook afgehandel is , moet elkeen van die betrokke partye of persoonlik of deur 'n behoorlik gemagtigde verteenwoordiger aanwesig wees , tesame met dié getal werkmense en dié toerusting waarop ooreengekom is , en alle werksaamhede word deur die twee partye of hulle vergesamentlik beteenwoordigers stuur en beheer.

(b) As weersomstandighede op die vasgestelde dag ongunstig is , kan ' n ander dag ooreenkomstig subartikel (4) vasgestel word.

(6) (a) Ingeval die een of die ander van bedoelde partye in gebreke bly om met die getal werksmense en die toerusting op te daag of om die hulp te verleen soos deur die partye onderling ooreengekom of deur bedoelde magistraat beslis , of soos in die in subartikel ( 2 ) bedoelde kennisgewing vaa voorneme aangedui , na gelang van die geval , kan die party wat wel opdaag of wat op die eerste geskikte dag daarna opdaag , onverwyld en van dag tot dag self en deur sy werksmense die brandstrook soos in bedoelde kennisgewing aangedui of soos ooreengekom of deur bedoelde magistraat beslis , skoonmaak of laat skoonmaak , en hy is geregtig om van die party wat in

172 .




gebreke gebly het die onkoste of ander verligting wat bedoelde magistraat beslis , te eis en te verhaal. (b) Niemand is aanspreeklik nie ten opsigte van verlies of skade wat ontstaan as gevolg van die wettige uitoefening deur hom van ' n bevoegdheid wat deur paragraaf (a ) verleen word.

(7) Enige eienaar of okkupeerder of persoon in beheer van private grond of enige Regeringsbeampte in beheer van Regeringsgrond kan, nadat hy op die by regulasie voorgeskrewe vorm en wyse minstens veertien dae kennis gegee het aan die eienaar of die persoon in beheer van die grond aanliggend aan eersgenoemde grond, op die in die kennisgewing gemelde dag of binne ' n redelike tydperk daarna , aan sy eie kant van die gemeenskaplike grens van die betrokke eiendomme ' n brandstrook skoonmaak ter beskerming Met dien vervan bedoelde grond teen brand : stande dat die persoon op wie bedoelde kennisgewing bestel word, te eniger tyd voor die verstryking van die tydperk in daardie kennisgewing vermeld, die persoon wat die kennis gee skriftelik kan aansê om die in subartikel (1 ) tot (6 ) voorgeskrewe prosedure te volg, en in so ' n geval is die bepalings van daardie subartikels mutatis mutandis van toepassing en word sodanige kennisgewing geag ' n kennisgewing kragtens subartikel (2 ) daarvan te wees . (8) Die bepalings van subartikel ( 1 ) tot (7) is nie van toepassing nie ten opsigte van 'n brandstrook wat deur ' n eienaar of okkupeerder of persoon in beheer van grond skoongemaak gaan word geheel en al aan sy eie kant van die gemeenskaplike grens tussen sodanige grond en enige ander grond en op ' n ander wyse as deur te brand, en niks in hierdie artikel vervat , word vertolk as sou dit die skoonmaak van so ' n







1969 .

brandstrook verbied nie .

Blus van gevaarlike brande .

29B. (1 ) Enigiemand wat te goeder trou glo dat ' n brand in die ope lug ' n gevaar vir lewe of eiendom kan word , kan óf al een òf tesame met persone onder sy beheer enige grond betree met die doel om daardie brand te blus of om die verspreiding daarvan te voorkom .

(2) Iemand wat ooreenkomstig (1) handel -


(a ) het, behoudens die bepalings van subartikel (1 ) , beheer oor persone onder sy bevel en oor persone wat hul dienste vrywillig tot sy beskikking stel ; (b) kan die

maatreëls tref wat onder die

omstandighede redelik en nodig is vir die beskerming van lewe en eiendom of vir die blus of voorkoming van verspreiding van die brand , en kan vir daardie doel bome , gras , gewasse of ander pantegroei in redelike mate laat vernietig deur die kap , brand of ploeg daarvan of andersins ;

(c ) kan iemand aanwesig by sodanige brand of iemand op eiendom waarheen sodanige brand sou kon versprei of iemand wat 'n belang in sodanige eiendom het, aansê om te help of om enigiets te doen of om enige diens te verrig wat redelikerwys noodsaaklik of raadsaam geag kan word om die brand te beheer of te blus of die verspreiding daarvan te voorkom ;

(d) kan iemand , wie se lewe in gevaar is of in gevaar kan kom of wie se aanwesigheid by of in die nabyheid van die brand enige optrede in verband met die brand kan belemmer , beveel om weg






te gaan of om ' n voertuig of ander voorwerp onder sy beheer te verwyder .

(3) Geen persoon is aanspreeklik ten opsigte van verlies of skade wat ontstaan as gevolg van die wettige uitoefening deur hom van ' n bevoegdheid wat deur hierdie artikel verleen word, en niemand is geregtig op enige vergoeding of beloning hoegenaamd ten opsigte van ' n handeling of diens deur hom verrig ter voldoening aan ' n vereiste of bevel kragtens subartikel (2 ) nie .

(4) Geen aksie kan ingestel word vir oortreding of vir skade wat te goeder trou veroorsaak word deur iemand in bevel van werksaamhede wat wettiglik kragtens hierdie artikel onderneem word , of deur iemand wat by daardie werksaamhede hulp verleen nie , maar die persoon in bevel van sodanige werksaamhede moet , by die eerste gerieflike geleentheid , die omstandighede en die stappe gedoen by die naaste polisiebeampte of vrede regter of by die van die betrokke distrik aanmeld . "


Artikel 33 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur 6. die volgende subartikel by te voeg:

Wysiging van artikel 33 van Wet No. 10 van 1966.

" (5) Die relaas van ' n Regeringsbeampte on ' n kennisgewing bestel kragtens paragraaf ( a ) of (b ) van subartikel (1 ) of kraftens die voorbehoudsbepaling by bedoelde subartikel lewer prima facie bewys op van die verklarings wat daarin voorkom. "




van die

Hoofwet word hierby gewysig


(a ) deur aan die einde van paragraaf (p) van subartikel ( 1 ) die woord ,, of " te skrap ;

(b) deur by subartikel te voeg:


die volgende paragrawe by


Wysiging van artikel 34 van Wet No. 10 van 1966 .






"(r) ' n kennisgewing gepubliseer kragtens artikel 29 (3) (a) oortree ; (s ) versuim om kennis te gee soos deur artikel 29A (2 ) vereis ; (t) versuim om aan ' n vereiste of bevel kragtens artikel 29B (2 ) te voldoen ; (u) in die ope lug wat hy met of sonder magtiging gemaak het of gehelp maak het of gebruik het of weer aangesteek het of waarby hy brandstof gevoeg het , onbewaak laat voordat die vuur deeglik geblus is; of

(i ) ' n vuur

(ii ) met of sonder magtiging of persoonlik of deur sy dienaar of agent ' n vuur gemaak het of gehelp maak het of gebruik het of weer aangesteek of brandstof daarby gevoeg het, wat as gevo g van sy nalatigheid versprei of skade of verlies veroorsaak. "

Wysiging van artikel 35 van Wet No. 10 van 1966.

Artikel 35 van die Hoofwet word hierby gewysig deur 8. die volgende subartikel daaraan by te voeg:

" (3) Wanneer in verrigtinge ingevolge hierdie Wet die vraag van nalatigheid in verband met vure in die ope lug ontstaan , word veronderstel dat daar nalatigheid was tensy die teendeel bewys word. "

Kort titel.

9. Hierdie Wet heet die Transkeise Wysigingswet op Landbouontwikkeling , 1969 .





(Obalwe ngesiNgesi usayinwe yi Prezidanti yeSizwe - Uvunywe ngomhla wama 25 Septemba 1969) Wokuwisela iirafu abemi base Transkei nezindlu ezithile eTranskei , wokulungiselela uthabatho ngabaqeshi lwezambuku- mali kwimivuzo yabaqeshwa ngokubhekiselele kwiirafu ezithile ezibubutyala , wokulungiselela uhlawulo lwerafu yexeshana nokulungiselela imicimbi enxibelelene noko .

UCWANGCISO LWEZIQULATHO . ISAHLUKO I. Isiqendu 2 kuse kwesesi 4 .

Ulawulo..... ISAHLUKO II.

Iirafu zikawonke -wonke neze Ziphaluka ........... Isiqendu

5 kuse kwese 17 .



Isiqendu 31 .

18 kuse kwesama

.... Isiqendu 38.

32 kuse kwesama

Irafu yabaqeshwa.......


Irafu yeXeshana ...


.... Isiqendu 39 .



Isiqendu 40 kuse kwesama 45.

Imigaqo eyingxube ....





( 1 ) Kulo Mthetho ngaphandle kokuba umxholo ophethweyo unantsingiselo yimbi ukuthi – (i) "omdala" kuthetha oneminyaka elishumi elinesibhozo okanye ngaphezulu ;

(ii) " igosa elimisela irafu" kuthetha naliphi na igosa elityunjwe ngokwesiqendu 2 (b);

(iii) " igosa eligunyazisiweyo " kuthetha igosa eligunyazisiweyo njengoko lichaziweyo esiqendwini 1 soMthetho wabaNtsundu ( iMimandla yeeDolophu) weSiqukelo-ndawonye



25 wowe

1945) ;

(iv) " umhle " kuthetha umhle owalathelwe ngokwesiqendu 2 (2) soMthetho woLawulo lwaba Ntsundu , 1927 (uMthetho No. 38 wowe 1927 ) kwaye kuquka umhle owongeziweyo nomhle ongumncedisi ; (v) "umntu oNtsundu " kuthetha umntu oNtsundu njengoko achaziweyo kwisiqendu 73 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo eTranskei , 1963 (uMthetho No. 48 wowe 1963) kwaye kuquka nawuphi na umntu ohlala emmandleni werafu yesiphaluka phantsi kweemeko ezifana nezo zomntu ontsundu ;

1 (vi ) " inkosi " kuthetha inkosi njengoko ichaziweyo esiqendwini 1 soMthetho woGunya ziwe baseTranskei , 1965 (uMthetho No. 4 wowe 1965) ; (vii ) "ummi " kuthetha nawuphi na umntu , nokokuba uhlala phakathi eTranskei okanye ngaphandle kwakhona , ongummi wase Transkei ngokoMthetho osiSiseko so Lawulo lwase Transkei , 1963 ; (viii ) " umanyo lwesiko " kuthetha umtshato wesiko njengoko uchaziweyo kwisiqendu 35 soMthetho woLawulo lwaba Ntsundu , 1927 ; ( ix) " indlu " kuthetha isakhiwo okanye iqela lezakhiwo emmandleni werafu yesiphaluka ekuhlala kuzo i-


UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. ntloko yosapho , kunye naso nasiphi na isakhiwo esongezelelweyo apho esisetyenziswa ngabantu bakwaloo mzi , size ke isakhiwo okanye iqela lezakhiwo elisetyenziswa ngumfazi ngamnye womtshato wesiko nabantwana bakhe lona lithatyathwe njengendlu ethe gege; (x) "umqeshwa " kuthetha nawuphi na umrafi ofumana nawuphi na umvuzo okanye ofanele ukuzuza nawuphi na umvuzo ; (xi ) " irafu yabaqeshwa " kuthetha irafu ekufuneka ithathwe okanye ibanjwe ngumqeshi ngokwesiqendu 18 emvuzweni ohlawulwa okanye omelwe kukuhlawulwa umqeshwa ; (xii ) " Isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa " kuthetha isiqiniselo ekufuneka sikhutshwe ngumqeshi ngokwesiqendu 28;

(xiii) " umqeshi " kuthetha nawuphi na umntu, iqumru okanye isiphathamandla , ishishini , umbutho okanye "iziko" (ekukhutshelwa ngaphandle koko nawuphi na umntu ongenzi msebenzi njengentloko yawo koko ekubandakanywa nawuphi na umntu owenza into esesikhundleni sentembeko okanye esikhundleni sakhe njengomthenjwa elifeni eligutyungelwe ngamatyala , umqhubi - micimbi okanye umlawuli wengxowa- mali yoncedo , ingxowa- mali yepenshini ingxowa-mali yomphako wengomso , ingxowa - mali yomhlala- phantsi oyimali yonyaka okanye nayiphi na enye ingxowa -mali) ohlawula okanye omelwe kukuhlawula nawuphi na umqeshwa nasiphi na isambuku-mali esiyintlawulo ;

(xiv) "uRulumente "

kuthetha uRulumente wase Transkei ;

(xv) " isibonda " kuthetha isibonda njengoko sichaziweyo esiqendwini 1 soMthetho woGunyaziwe base Transkei , 1965 ;

(xvi) " Umthetho we Rafu yeNgenelo " kuthetha uMthetho weRafu yeNgenelo , 1962 (uMthetho No. 58 wowe 1962 ) ; 179 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. (xvii) "ummandla werafu yesiphaluka " kuthetha , kulawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana (2) nesesi (3 ) (a) nawuphi na ummandla eTranskei ochazwe kwiSihlomelo soMthetho woMhlaba waba Ntsundu , 1913 (uMthetho No. 27 wowe 1913); (b) umhlaba kaRulumente omiwe ngokweemeko zokuwusebenzisa zikawonke-wonke ukuba akukho mali yangqesho imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe uRulumente nguye nawuphi na umhlali - mhlabeni ngokuphathelele kumhlaba ahlala kuwo ; (c) nomhlaba eTranskei wemvaba yobuthunywa kwezokholo okanye umbutho wezokholo oqhuba umsebenzi wokushumayela iLizwi likaThixo phakathi kwabantu abahlala kuloo mhlaba ;

(xviii) " imantyi " kuthetha imantyi , imantyi eyongeziweyo okanye imantyi engumncedisi yaso nasiphi na isithili eTranskei kwaye ke nakuwuphi na ummandla ongaphandle kwase Transkei ekungekho kuwo umhle kuthetha imantyi , imantyi eyongeziweyo okanye imantyi

encedisayo yesithili okuso loo mmandla ;

(xix) " uMphathiswa "

kuthetha uMphathiswa wezeMali ;

(xx) "Igazethi yoBurulumente " rulumente baseTranskei ;

kuthetha iGazethi yoBu-

(xxi) " irafu yexeshana- nje " kuthetha nayiphi na intlawulomali ekufuneka yenziwe ngokwesiqendu 32 ;

(xxii ) "umrafi wexeshana " kuthetha nawuphi na umrafi ofumana ngengenelo yakhe nasiphi na isambuku - mali esingengomvuzo kwaye kuquka nawuphi na omnye umrafi owaziswa ligosa elimisel ' irafu ukuba ungumrafi wexeshana ;

(xxiii) "umamkeli " kuthetha nawuphi na umntu ogunyaziswe ngokwesiqendu 2 ( a ) ukuba aqokelele nayiphi na irafu elungiselelwe kulo Mthetho; (xxiv) " imimiselo " Mthetho ;

kuthetha imimiselo ewiswe ngokwalo

180 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. (xxv) " umvuzo okanye intlawulo " kuthetha nasiphi na isambuku sengenelo esihlawulwa okanye ekufuneka sihlawulwe nawuphi na umqeshwa singumvuzo okanye intlawulo nayiphi na , intlawulo yekhefu, isibonelelo , umvuzo , intlawulo ngokusebenza emva kukatshayile , ibhonasi , ibhaso - mali , icuba learente , imali ebizwayo , inzuzo engqeshweni , ipenshini , isibonelelo somhlala-phantsi , soroxo- nkonzweni okanye isondlo , nokokuba siyikheshi okanye enye into kunjalo nje nokokuba ngokuphathelele kumsebenzi oluncedo owenziweyo , kwaye kuquka okanye kukhuphela ngaphandle nasiphi na isambuku sengenelo solo hlobo angathi uSibakhulu ngamaxesha ngamaxesha asimisele ngesaziso eGazethini yoBurulumente okanye xa inguye nawuphi na umqesnwa othile okanye udidi lomqeshwa ngesaziso esibhaliweyo esithunyelwa ngeposi okanye esinikelwa umqeshi waloo mqeshwa okanye udidi lomqeshwa kodwa akubandakanyi nasiphi na isambuku- mali esikhutshelwe ngaphandle ngokucacileyo ngokwengcaciso yebinzana - ntetho elithi ingenelo erafiswayo ;

(xxvi) "umqeshi ongummeli " kuthetha -

(a) ngokuphathelele kuyo nayiphi na ikampani , igosa loluntu laloo kampani ekubhekiswe kulo esiqendwini 101 soMthetho we Rafu ye Ngenelo okanye , ukuba loo kampani iyachithwa kuba itshonile okanye ibekwa phantsi kolongamelo olugunyaziswa yinkundla -matyala ngenxa yokutshona , kuthetha umchithi okanye umongameli ogunyaziswe yinkundla - matyala , kuxhomekeke ekuthini ngubani na kanye -kanye kwaba ; (b) ngokuphathelele kulo naliphi na ibhunga ledolophu , iliso lomzi okanye esinye isiphathamandla esinjalo okanye nayiphi na imbumba enobuqu emthethweni okanye engenabo ubuqu emthethweni (engeyiyo ikampani okanye ulwahlulelwano) nawuphi na umphathi , unobhala , igosa okanye omnye umntu oqhuba umsebenzi wokuhlawula imivuzo egameni lelo bhunga , ibhodi , isiphathamandla okanye imbumba ;

181 .

UMTHETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969 . (c) ngokubhekiselele nakuwuphi na umntu ongenamandla emthethweni , nawuphi na umlondolozi , umphathi , umlawuli okanye omnye umntu ekuselongamelweni okanye elulawulweni lwakhe imicimbi yomntu ongenamandla akwenza nto emthethweni ; okanye

(d) ngokubhekiselele kuye nawuphi na umqeshi ongaqhele kuhlala eTranskei , nawuphi na umntu onegunya lokuhlawulela imivuzo loo mqeshi okanye lokuyihlawula egameni lakhe , kodwa akukho nto ikule ngcaciso iya kutolikwa ngokuba ikhulula nawuphi na umntu kubo nabuphi na ubutyala , ukuziphendulela ngomsebenzi okanye imfanelo ayiwiselwe ngulo Mthetho;

(xxvii) "uSibakhulu " kuthetha uSibakhulu wezeMali ; (xxviii ) " Ingenelo erafiswayo " kuthetha isambuku -mali esiya kuthi , ngaphandle kokuba kungahle kube kuqingqwe ngandlela yimbi emimiselweni , sibalwe ngohlobo eza kuthi ibalwe ngalo ingenelo yakhe nawuphi na umntu , ingeyiyo ikampani , ukulungiselela iinjongo zoMthetho we Rafu yeNgenelo , kodwa akusayi kuquka

(a ) ngokuphathelele kumrafi otshatileyo , akukhathaleki nokokuba kungendibano yendoda nomfazi kubumnini - mpahla yabo emtshathweni okanye akunjalo , okanye kozimanye ngeqhina lomtshato wesiko , nayiphi na ingenelo efunyenwe okanye ebifanelwe kukuzuzwa okanye ebiluncedo kwindoda/kumfazi waloo mrafi okanye komnye ummanywa womtshato wesiko ;

(b) ixabiso layo nayiphi na imfuyo okanye imveliso yezolimo efunyenwe okanye ebifanelwe kukuzuzwa nguye okanye ebiluncedo kuye nawuphi na umrafi nengekathengiswa ngamali ; (xxix) " umrafi " kuthetha nawuphi na umntu omelwe kukuhlawula irafu kawonke - wonke esisambuku- mali esisigxina ,

irafu kawonke -wonke esekwe kwingenelo 182 .


okanye erafini yesiphaluka , kuxhomekeke ekuthini kukuphi na kanye -kanye koku , ngokwemigaqo yalo Mthetho okanye omelwe kukuhlawula nayiphi na irafu efana naleyo kufuneka ihlawulwe ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho; (xxx) " lo Mthetho " uquka imimiselo ; (xxxi ) "unyaka womiselo- rafu " kuthetha isithuba esiqalisa ngomhla wokuqala kuMatshi wakhe nawuphi na unyaka size siphele ngomhla wokugqibela kuFebruwari wonyaka olandela nqo lowo.

(2 ) Umphathiswa angathi ngesaziso mente -

(a) abhengeze




eGazethini yo Burulu-



ngummandla werafu yesiphaluka ukulungiselela nawuphi na umgaqo walo Mthetho ; (b) akhuphele ngaphandle kokusebenza kwawo nawuphi na umgaqo onjalo nawuphi na umhlaba ongummandla werafu yesiphaluka werafu yesiphaluka ,




waye engathi kanjalo asifake imibandela , asiguqule okanye asiroxise nasiphi na isaziso esinjalo .

(3) Nawuphi na umhlaba eTranskei -

(a) ovakaliswe ngokuba yilali yabaNtsundu ukufeza iinjongo zengcaciso-gama elithi " ilali yaba Ntsundu " kwisiqendu 19 soMthetho we Rafu ne Nkqubela - phambili yabaNtsundu , 1925 (uMthetho No. 41 wowe 1925 ) , uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba ubhengezwe ukuba ungummandla werafu yesiphaluka ngokwesiqendwana ( 2 ) (a) sesi siqendu ;

(b) ongaqukwanga kule ngcaciso -gama ixeliweyo ngokomhlathi ( c ) okanye umhlathana ( iii ) wawo , uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba awungommandla werafu yesiphaluka . (4 ) Ukulungiselela iinjongo zalo Mthetho nayiphi na irafu okanye imali esisohlwayo iya kuthatyathwa ngokuba isemva 183 .


ekuhlawulweni ukuba ayikahlawulwa

ngomhla okanye nga-

phambi komhla wokugqibela ekuvunyelwe kuhlawulwe ngawo loo rafu okanye imali esisohlwayo ngokwalo Mthetho okanye ngokwawo nawuphi na omnye umthetho ekufuneka ihlawulwe phantsi kwawo · umthetho lowo ube ke ufundwa nemigaqo yalo Mthetho . ISAHLUKO I.


limfanelo namagunya kaSibakhulu.


Elawulwa yimigaqo yesi

siqendu neyesiqendu 4 , kuya

kuba yimfanelo yakhe uSibakhulu ukuqokelela nayiphi na irafu emayihlawulwe ngokweSahluko II nesesi III waye engathi

(a) agunyazise


na umntu aqokelele nayiphi na

irafu enjalo egameni lakhe ; (b) atyumbe naliphi na igosa ukuba lenze umsebenzi neemfanelo , lize lisebenzise amagunya egosa elimisel ' irafu ngokwalo Mthetho; (c) afune ukuba amagosa omiselo - rafu , iimantyi , abahle okanye abamkeli - rafu basebenzise amagunya , okanye benze umsebenzi neemfanelo zabo ngokwalo Mthetho phantsi kwemiyalelo yakhe ; (d) enze okanye asebenzise nawuphi na kumagunya , umsebenzi okanye iimfanelo ezikhankanyiweyo emhlathini (c) ;

(e) aroxise nasiphi na isigqibo , isaziso , ulwazi okanye isiqiniselo esenziwe , esikhutshwe okanye esisayinwe ngokwalo Mthetho lilo naliphi na igosa elimisel'irafu , yimantyi , ngumhle okanye ngumamkeli - rafu ;

(f) aphathise nawaphi na amagunya angawakhe ngokwalo Mthetho naliphi na igosa elisenkonzweni epheleleyo ka Rulumente , kodwa akasayi kuthi ngokwenjenjalo ahluthwe naliphi na igunya aliphathise igosa ngolo hlobo waye engasiroxisa nasiphi na isigqibo esenziwe lilo naliphi na igosa.






184 .

ukwenza kusebenze

imiga qo

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. yalo Mthetho uya kudiza nayiphi na ingcombolo ekuyo nayiphi na ingxelo, incwadi , isiqiniselo, isaziso okanye elinye ixwebhu elixelwe esiqendwini 8 , 9 okanye 10 okanye naluphi na ulwazi olufunyaniswa ngokwazo naziphi na ezo ziqendu angathi afikelele kulo ekufezeni iimfanelo zakhe ngokwalo Mthetho , ngaphandle kokuba kungenjongo yokwenza kusebenze le migaqo ikhankanyiweyo okanye kube kungomyalelo wenkundla - matyala .

4. Umphathiswa angathi ecaphula ezimalini ezabelwe le njongo yiNdlu yoWiso-mithetho , ahlawule nasiphi na isi-

Umvuzo ngokuncedisa ekuqokeleleni irafu.

phathamandla solawulo esiphantsi , iziko okanye umbutho osekwe ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho okanye nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu ongelilo igosa okanye umqeshwa osenkonzweni kaRulumente wase Transkei ngomsebenzi oluncedo awenzileyo ngokubhekiselele kuqokelelo lwayo nayiphi na irafu emayihlawulwe ngokweSahluko II , loo mvuzo okanye ezo zibonelelo angathi amana ezimisela uMphathiswa. ISAHLUKO II. IIRAFU ZIKAWONKE - WONKE NEZEZIPHALUKA . Kuya kuhlawulwa ngenjongo yokuba ingene kwiNgxowa 5. yeMali engenayo eTranskei kunjalo nje ngokwemigaqo yesi Sahluko irafu kawonke - wonke nerafu yesiphaluka .


Irafu kawonke - wonke iya kuhlawulwa ngummi ngamnye

omelwe kukuyihlawula ngokwalo Mthetho ukususela ngomhla wokuqala kuMatshi , 1970 kunjalo nje ngokuphathelele kumnyaka ngamnye womiselo - rafu yaye iya kuba zezi zambukumali zilandelayo -

(a) isambuku ekufuneka sihlawulwe ngummi ngokuphathelele kwingenelo erafiswayo efunyanwa nguloo mmi okanye amelwe kukuyizuza okanye esegameni laloo mmi ngomnyaka wokumiselwa kwakhe irafu , ngezi zilinganiselo zingezants ' apha : Apho ingenelo erafiswayo -

ingaphaya kwama R360 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R480

: R1.20


Uwiso lwe erafu zikawonke-wonke nezeziphaluka .

Irafu kawonkewonke.

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. ingaphaya kwama R480 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R600

: R2.76

ingaphaya kwama R600 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R720

: R4.32

ingaphaya kwama R720 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R1740

: R4.32 kunye ke nama R0.60 ngesambuku ngasinye



ngama R30 edlula ngaso ama R720 ingene lo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R1740 kodwa ingengephezulu kwama R2760

: R24.72 kunye



ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingama R30 edlula ngaso i- R1740 ingenelo erafiswayo;

ingaphaya kwama R2760 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R3780

: R65.52 kunye nee - R2.40 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso amaR2760 swayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R3780 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R4800



: R147.12 kunye nee - R3 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso amaR3780 ingenelo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R4800 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R5820

: R249.12 kunye nee - R3.60 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso amaR4800 swayo;

186 .




ingaphaya kwama R5820 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R6840

: R371.52



R4.20 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso ama- R5820 ingenelo erafiswayo ; ingaphaya kwama R6840 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R7860

: R514.32



R4.80 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngamangaso ama- R6840 ingenelo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R7860 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R8880

neekunye : R677.52 R5.40 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngamangaso ama- R7860 ingenelo erafiswayo;

ingaphaya kwama R8880 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R9900




R6.60 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiR30 edlula ngama-

ngaso ama- R8880 ingenelo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R9900 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R10920

: R1085.52



R7.20 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso ama- R9900 ingenelo erafiswayo ; ingaphaya kwama R10920 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R11940

: R1330.32

187 .




R7.80 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngamangaso ama- R10920 ingenelo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R11940 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R12960

: R1595.52



R8.40 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngamangaso ama- R11940 ingenelo erafiswayo ; ingaphaya kwama R12960 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R13980

: R1881.12



R9.60 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso ama- R12960 ingenelo erafiswayo ; ingaphaya kwama R13980 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R15000

: R2207.52



R10.80 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso ama- R13980 ingenelo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R15000 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R16020

R2574.72 kunye ne - R12 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula ngaso amaR15000 ingenelo erafiswayo;

ingaphaya kwama R16020 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R17040

: R2982.72

neekunye R13.20 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngamangaso ama- R16020 inge-

188 .


nelo erafiswayo; ingaphaya kwama R17040 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R18060

: R3431.52



R14.40 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngamangaso ama- R17040 ingenelo erafiswayo ; ingaphaya kwama R18060 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R19080

: R3921.12 kunye neeR15.60 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula ngamaR30 ngaso ama- R18060 ingenelo erafiswayo ;

ingaphaya kwama R19080 kodwa ingengaphezulu kwama R20100

: R4451.52



R16.80 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esiedlula R30 ngama-

ingaphaya kwama R20100

ngaso ama- R19080 ingenelo erafiswayo ; : R5022.72 kunye neeR18 ngesambuku ngasinye esipheleleyo esingamaR30 edlula

ngaso ama- R20100 ingenelo erafiswayo ; kunye

(b) nesambuku esisigxina esiziirandi ezimbini namashumi amahlanu eesenti esimelwe kukuba sihlawulwe ngummi





sisiphi na isambuku amakasihlawule ngokomhlathi (a )

7. (1 ) Ilawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 2 ) , irafu yesiphaluka iya kuhlawulwa ngumntu ongumhlali wendlu ukususela kumhla wokuqala kuMatshi , 1970 kwaye ke ngokuphathelele kunyaka ngamnye wokumiselwa irafu ngomlinganiselo werandi enye ngendlu nganye angumhlali kuyo , kodwa iyonke ayisayi kudlula kwiirandi ezine ngokumalunga nawuphi na unyaka wokurafiswa .


Irafu yeziphaluka .


(2) Irafu yesiphaluka akuyi kufuneka ukuba ihlawulwe (a) ngumnini -fama ngokuphathelele nakwiyiphi na indlu kuloo fama , ukuba irafu eyikhwithrenti imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe kuRulumente ngokuphathelele kuloo fama;

(b) ngumntu obhalisiweyo onaso nasiphi na isiqwenga esilinywayo somhlaba angumniniso ngetayitile yekhwithrenti ngokuphathelele nakwiyiphi na indlu esemhlabeni onjalo nangayisebenzisiyo undofa - naye wawo nawuphi na umtshato wesiko wesibini okanye olandela lowo angahle abe uzibophe ngeqhina lawo loo mntu ungumniniwo ubhaliswe ngaye ; (c) nguye nawuphi na umntu ongazibophelele okanye ongekazibopheleli ngeqhina lomtshato wesiko okanye ongatshatileyo nongena so isiqwenga somhlaba emmandleni werafu yesiphaluka ;

(d) ngumhlolokazi ongenaso isiqwenga somhlaba njengelungelo elilelakhe okanye ongenalungelo ngokusemthethweni lokusebenzisa nokuhlala kwisiqwenga somhlaba esibhaliswe ngegama lendoda undofa- naye wakhe obhubhileyo ;

yakhe okanye

(e) ngumntu ohlala endlwini kwisiqwenga somhlaba ekufuneka kuhlawulwe kuRulumente irafu eyikhwithrenti ngokuphathelele kuwo ;

( f) ngumntu ongemntu uNtsundu .

lingxelo zengenelo mazithunyelwe baze nabarafi bayifumanise ingcombolo efunwayo.


( 1 ) Ukuba sonke isambuku serafu kawonke - wonke esi-

sekwe kwingenelo nesimelwe kukuba sihlawulwe nanguwuphi na ummi ngokubhekiselele nakuwuphi na umnyaka wommiselo- rafu asikahlawulwa ngokwemigaqo yeSahluko III , loo mmi uya kuthi zingekagqithi iinyanga ezimbini emveni kokuphela kwaloo nyaka womiselo - rafu , okanye singekagqithi esinye isithuba esingaphezulu kweso angathi nawuphi na umamkeli- rafu asivumele , athumele kumamkeli - rafu ingxelo yengenelo yakhe ngonyaka lowo uxeliweyo womiselo - rafu , ngefomu emiselwe ngummiselo . (2) Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu okanye igosa elimisel ' irafu lingathi nangaliphi na ilixa ngesaziso esibhaliweyo 190 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. esithunyelwe ngeposi okanye esinikelwe nawuphi na ummi othi ngoluvo lwalo abe ufanele ukuhlawula irafu kawonkewonke esekwe kwingenelo , liyalele ummi onjalo ukuba athumele kumamkeli - rafu okanye egoseni elimisel ' irafu singekapheli eso sithuba singathi sichazwe esazisweni , ingxelo efana naleyo seyikhankanyiwe ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na unyaka womiselo- rafu . (3) Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu okanye igosa elimisela irafu lingathi , ngenjongo yokuba siqingqwe isambuku- mali serafu kawonke - wonke esekwe kwingenelo nemayihlawulwe nanguwuphi na ummi , licele loo mmi ngesaziso njengoko sekutshiwo ukuba afumanise umamkeli - rafu okanye igosa elimisel ' irafu ngeso sithuba sexesha kunjalo nje kuloo ndawo ingathi ichazwe esazisweni , ezo ncwadi , iiakhawunti , amaxwebhu okanye olunye ulwazi olungathi lube luchaziwe ngolo hlobo .

9. Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu okanye igosa elimisel ' irafu Abaqeshi babemi banye ingcoabantu lingathi nangaliphi na ilixa , ngesaziso esibhaliweyo esithu- kwana mabayinike nyelwa ngeposi okanye esinikelwa nawuphi na umntu , liyalele mbolo efunwayo. loo mntu ukuba afumanise umamkeli - rafu okanye igosa elimisel ' irafu ngokuphathelele nakwisiphi na isithuba sexesha esichazwe esazisweni nangefomu kunjalo nje singekagqithi nesithuba sexesha esichazwe ngolo hlobo okanye singekapheli eso sithuba sexesha singaphezulu koko angathi loo mamkelirafu okanye igosa elimisel ' irafu lisivumele (a ) iingxelo zabo bonke abemi okanye zalo naluphi na udidi oluxeliweyo lwabemi oluqeshwe nguloo mntu okanye oluhlala emhlabeni okanye emhlabeni nezakhiwo esikuwo oyimpahla yakhe okanye ahlala kuwo nezentsebenzo , intlawulo , umvuzo okanye iipenshini ezifunyanwa okanye ezimelwe kukuzuzwa okanye ezisegameni lakhe nawuphi na ummi onjalo ngenxa yoko kuqeshwa; (b) iingxelo ngokuphathelele kuyo yonke imfuyo okanye imveliso ethengwe okanye ethengiswe egameni lakhe nawuphi na ummi nguloo mntu , okanye zayo nayiphi na inxaxheba okanye olungelo lakhe nawuphi na ummi onjalo kulo naliphi na ishishini laloo mntu , okanye zeemali ezifunyenwe ngokufakwa ebhankini nguloo mntu kuye nawuphi na ummi onjalo okanye egameni laloo mmi okanye zenzala ehlawuliweyo kuzo naziphi 191 .

UMTHETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969 . na iimali ezinjalo okanye zaloo micimbi ephathelele kwingenelo yakhe nawuphi na ummi onjalo njengoko ithi ibhekiselele kwelo shishini , ezingathi zichazwe esazisweni .

Ukumiselwa okanye ukumiselwa ngokutsha kwengenelo erafiswayo nokwesambuku serafu kawonke-wonke emelwe kukuhlawulwa ngokuphathelele kuyo.

10. ( 1 ) Igosa elimisel ' irafu liya kumisela -

(a) ingenelo erafiswayo efunyenwe okanye ebifanelwe kukuzuzwa okanye ebisegameni lakhe nawuphi na umrafi ngawo nawuphi na unyaka wokumisela irafu ; ne

(b) sambuku serafu kawonke -wonke emayihlawulwe nguloo mrafi ngokuphathelele kuloo ngenelo injalo,

laye liya kuthi ngesaziso esibhaliweyo esithunyelwe ngeposi okanye esinikelwe yena limazise loo mrafi ngengenelo erafiswayo nangesambuku - mali esimiselwe ngolo hlobo.

(2) Ukuba nangaliphi na ilixa emveni kokuba nawuphi na umrafi azisiwe njengoko sekutshiwo , igosa elimisel ' irafu lanelisekile ukuba nasiphi na isambuku-mali engesiqukiwe okanye engesingabandakanywanga kwingenelo erafiswayo yaloo mrafi asiqukwanga okanye asibandakanywanga ngolo hlobo , liya kuzimisela ngokutsha izambuku- mali ezikhankanywe kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) lize lazise umrafi ngendlela leyo yandlalwe kakuhle kweso sigendwana . (3) Ekuqingqeni ingenelo erafiswayo yakhe nawuphi na umrafi igosa elimisel ' irafu liya kuthathela ingqalelo nayiphi na ingxelo yengene lo ethunyelwe nguloo mrafi kwanayo nayiphi na enye ingcombolo yengenelo yomrafi lowo elinayo , laye lingathi , ukuba loo mrafi usilele ukuthumela nayiphi na ingxelo enjalo okanye ekufumaniseni naluphi na ulwazi okanye ukuba igosa elimisel ' irafu alikholiseki yiyo nayiphi na ingxelo enjalo ethunyelweyo okanye ulwazi olufunyaniswe lona nguloo mrafi , lithe lekelele yonke okanye inxenye yengenelo erafiswayo yomrafi ekufunwa ingxelo okanye ulwazi olubhekiselele kuyo . (4 ) Nawuphi na umrafi oziva engenzelwanga bulungisa bomthetho nangaluphi na umiselo olwenziwa ligosa eliqingqa irafu ngokwesi siqendu angathi , ngolo hlobo kunjalo nje 192 .

UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. singekapheli neso sithuba singathi siqingqwe ngummiselo , enze inkcaso kuloo mali imiselweyo kwelo gosa limisela irafu ngenjongo yokuba eso sichaso sidluliselwe lilo kuSibakhulu , ongathi yena afake umbandela kolo miselo okanye angasivumeli isichaso waye eya kuthabatha okuba loo mrafi aziswe ngesigqibo sakhe .


11. ( 1) Ilawulwa

yimigaqo yesiqendu 12 , irafu kawonkewonke ebandakanya isambuku - mali esisigxina nerafu yesiphaluka ekufuneka ihlawulelwe nawuphi na umnyaka , iya kuhlawulwa ngaphambi komhla wokuqala kuJuni waloo mnyaka .

(2) Phantsi kwemigaqo yesiqendu 12 , iimali ezihlawulelwa irafu kawonke -wonke ezisekwe kwingenelo ziya kuhlawulwa ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na unyaka wokumisela irafu (a) ngokwemigaqo yeSahluko III , kangangoko kulungiselelweyo kuloo migaqo;

(b) xa

sukuba ke nasiphi na isambuku - mali saloo rafu

singahlawulwa ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na umrafi ngokwale migaqo ikhankanyiweyo , singekapheli eso sithuba singathi sixelwe ngesaziso ligosa elimisel ' irafu kusaziswa loo mrafi isambuku- mali serafu kawonke-wonke esimelwe kukuba sihlawulwe nguye ngokumalunga nengenelo yakhe erafiswayo ngaloo mnyaka wokuqingqelwa kwakhe irafu .

( 3) Irafu kawonke - wonke nerafu yesiphaluka ziya kuthi , zilawulwa yile migaqo ingentl ' apha yesi siqendu , zihlawulwe kwezo ndawo nangolo hlobo nangezo yure zingathi zimiselwe ngommiselo . (4) Ukuba ke nawuphi na umrafi onikela ngokuphathelele nakwisiphi na isithuba esithile nasiphi na isambuku- mali kuba ehlawula nayiphi na irafu kawonke - wonke esisambuku esisigxina okanye nayiphi na irafu yesiphaluka , amelwe kukuba ayihlawule ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho , akakayihlawuli nayiphi na irafu enjalo ngokuphathelele kuso nasiphi na isithuba esingaphambili , eso sambuku - mali sinikelwayo ke siya kusetyenziselwa ukuhlawulela nayiphi na irafu enjalo esemva kakhulu ekuhlawulweni kunezinye . 193 .

Uhlawulo- zirafu.


Ukolulelwa ixesha lokuhlawula irafu.

12. Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu angathi esebenzisa ingqiqo yakhe anike nawuphi na umrafi , kangangoko kungathi kuxelwe kwisiqiniselo sokolulelwa ixesha asikhutshelwe nguloo mamkeli - rafu , isolulelo - xesha amakahlawule kulo nayiphi na irafu emayihlawulwe nguloo mrafi ngokwesi Sahluko okanye ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho.

Inkululo- zirafini.

13. (1 ) Elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana (4) , nawuphi na umrafi uya kukhululwa ekuhlawuleni nayiphi na irafu ekufuneka ihlawuliwe ngokwesi Sahluko okanye nayiphi na irafu enjengaleyo emelwe kukuhlawulwa ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho , kangangoko kungathi kuxelwe kwisiqiniselo sokukhululwa asikhutshelwe ngokwesi siqendu . (2) Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu uya kukhuphela nawuphi na umrafi omanelisayo ukuba sel ' efikelele kwiminyaka engama 65 yobudala isiqiniselo esikhulula loo mrafi ade afe ukususela kuloo mhla ungathi uxelwe kweso siqiniselo , ekuhlawuleni irafu kawonke -wonke ebandakanya isambukumali esisigxina nerafu yesiphaluka .

(3) Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu angakhuphela nawuphi na umrafi isiqiniselo esimkhululayo ekuhlawuleni nayiphi na irafu ekhankanywe kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) nexelwe esiqiniselweni , kangangoko kungathi kucaciswe ngolo hlobo , ukuba loo mrafi uyamanelisa umamkeli - rafu -

(a ) ukuba uyimpula kaLujaca waye unqandwa bubudala , bubulwelwe okanye sesinye isizekabani angenakusinceda ekuzuzeni umvuzo owaneleyo wokumenza abe nakho ukuyihlawula loo rafu; okanye

(b) ukuba , ngenxa yokuba ehamba roqo iziko lemfundo okanye isikolo esisekwe ngawo okanye ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho okanye esibhalisiweyo ngemfanelo okanye esivunyelwe ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho , uthe wathinteleka ukuba azuze umvuzo owaneleyo wokumenza ukuba abenakho ukuhlawula loo rafu .

(4 ) Nasiphi na isiqiniselo esikhutshwe ngokwesi siqendu singathi nangaliphi na ixesha siroxiswe nguye nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu ukuba wanelisiwe -

194 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. (a) kukuthi sazuzwa ngobuqhetsheba ; okanye (b) kukuthi umrafi esasikhutshelwe yena akasafanele kuba ukhululwe erafini ngokwemigaqo yesi siqendu.

(5) Isiqiniselo sokukhululwa kude kube nininini esikhutshwe ngokwesiqendu 4 soMthetho weRafu ne Nkqubelaphambili yabaNtsundu , 1925 , ngokuphathelele nakwiyiphi na irafu siya kuthatyathwa ngokuba sikhutshwe ngokwesi siqendu ngokumalunga nerafu efana naleyo erafiswa ngokwesi Sahluko.

14. (1) Nawuphi na umamkeli - rafu okanye nawuphi na umntu ogunyaziswe nguye ngencwadi ebhaliweyo , okanye naliphi na igosa eligunyazisiweyo , okanye nayiphi na inkosi okanye isibonda (ngezants ' apha kwesi siqendu esibizwa ngokuba ligosa eligunya zisiweyo) singathi , nangaliphi na ixesha nakwiyiphi na indawo engeyiyo indawo ekuwo nawuphi na ummandla okhutshelwe ngaphandle ngommiselo ekusebenzeni kwesi siqendu , sicele nawuphi na umntu okhangeleka kuso ukuba ufanele okanye ubefanele ukuhlawula irafu kawonkewonke esisambuku esisigxina okanye irafu yesiphaluka , emelwe kukuba ihlawulwe ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho , ukuba asifumanise ingcombolo ngokuphathelele kubuqu bakhe okanye kwimfanelo yakhe yokuhlawula irafu okanye ukuba avelise irisithi okanye isiqiniselo sokuhlawula , sokukhululwa okanye sololuleloxesha , esikhutshwe ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho onjalo ngokumalunga nayiphi na irafu enjalo , saye siya kuthi emveni kokukuhlola oko sibuyisele kuloo mntu naliphi na ixwebhu ebeliveliswe nguye : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi akukho mrafi uvelisa naliphi na ixwebhu ngokumalunga nayiphi na irafu yawo nawuphi na umnyaka , kuya kufuneka ukuba avelise naliphi na ixwebhu ngokuphathelele kuloo rafu ngokumalunga nawuphi na unyaka owandulele lowo.

(2 ) Lilawulwa yimimiselo , naliphi na igosa eligunyazisiweyo elenza isicelo kuye nawuphi na umntu ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) lingathi , ukuba loo mntu akakwenzi oko likucelayo okanye ukuba elo gosa ligunya zisiweyo liyarana okokuba loo mntu waphule umthetho njengoko kuxeliweyo esiqendwini 40 ( 1 ) ( d ) , limbambe loo mntu ngaphandle kwencwadi yesigunyaziso sokwenjenjalo . 195 .

Ukuveliswa kweerisiti okanye iziqiniselo.

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. (3) Nawuphi na umntu obanjwe ngokwesiqendwana (2) uya kohlwaywa ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 27 soMthetho weNkqubo kuMatyala eZizi , 1955 (uMthetho No. 56 wowe 1955) okanye uya kukhutshwa etrongweni (a) ukuba umyalelo ngokuphathelele kumvuzo wakhe wenziwa ngokwesiqendu 15 ; okanye

(b) ukuba isiqiniselo sokukhululwa erafini okanye sololulelo-xesha uyasikhutshelwa ; okanye

(c) ukuba unika isiqinisekiso esiya kwanelisa igosa eligunyazisiweyo ebelimbambile , sokuba uya kuyihlawula nayiphi na irafu ekubhekiswe kuyo kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) , ekubonakala kwelo gosa ligunyazisiweyo ukuba isemva ekuhlawulweni kwayo .

Ukuthatyathwa kwimivuzo yabarafi kwerafu esemva ekuhlawulweni.

15. (1 ) Ukuba nangaliphi na ixesha lithi naliphi na igosa eliyimantyi , elingumhle , elingummiseli - rafu okanye umamkeli- rafu , laneliseke ukuthi nayiphi na irafu kawonkewonke esisambuku esisigxina okanye irafu yesiphaluka emelwe kukurafwa nguye nawuphi na umrafi ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho isemva ekuhlawulweni , elo gosa lingathi lilawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 2 ) nesesi ( 3) (a) ngomyalelo obhaliweyo othunyelwe ngeposi okanye onikelwe umqeshi waloo mrafi liyalele loo mqeshi ukuba athabathe okanye abambe emvuzweni awuhlawula okanye abe ufanele ukuwuhlawula loo mrafi ezo zambuku- mali kunjalo nje ngaloo maxesha angathi axelwe ngokucacileyo kumyalelo lowo nokuba makahlawule kuloo mamkeli - rafu nasiphi na isambukumali esithathwe okanye esibanjwe ngolo hlobo kunjalo nje singekapheli eso sithuba singathi sixelwe ; (b) ngomyalelo ofana nalowo liguqule okanye liroxise nawuphi na umyalelo okhutshwe ngokomhlathi (a ) . ( 2 ) Izambuku ezicaciswe nakuwuphi na umyalelo okhutshwe ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) xa sezidityanisiwe azisayi kugqitha ebutyaleni bomrafi lowo ngokumalunga neerafu ezisemva ekuhlawulweni zaye ziya kusetyenziselwa ukuhlawula elo tyala lerafu selixeliwe .

196 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. (3) Ekuqingqeni nasiphi na isambuku emasithatyathwe okanye sibanjwe kumvuzo wakhe nawuphi na umrafi ngokwesiqendwana (1 ) , kuya kusiwa iso iimfuneko zaloo mrafi .

16. ( 1 ) Ukuba uSibakhulu uyaneliswa kukuba nasiphi na isambuku-mali esihlawulwayo ngokumalunga nabuphi na ubutyala


berafu bakhe nawuphi na umrafi ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho sithe kratya kobo butyala , uSibakhulu angathi , elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana (2) (a) asisebenzise isambuku- mali esihlawulwe ngokuthe kratya ekuhlawuleni nabuphi na ubutyala obunjalo baloo mrafi ; okanye

(b) ambuyisele loo mrafi eso sambuku .

(2) Akukho (1) -





(a) ngaphandle kokuba isicelo sokubuyiselwa senziwa ingekapheli iminyaka emithathu emveni kokuhlawulwa kwesambuku - mali ekwenziwa isicelo ngokumalunga naso; okanye (b) ngokuphathelele kuhlawulo lwaso nasiphi na isambukumali serafu yabaqeshwa ebalwa nqo ngokwemigaqo yeSahluko III , ngexesha lohlawulo ngaphandle kokuba uSibakhulu wanelisekile kukuba iimeko zomcimbi lowo zikwenza kufanele ukubuyiselwa imali ; okanye

(c) ngokuphathelele ekuhlawuleni irafu yexeshana ngokwemigaqo yeSahluko III , ngaphandle kokuba uSibakhulu wanelisiwe kukuba iimeko zomcimbi lowo zikwenza kufanele ukubuyiselwa imali .

17. (1 ) Nasiphi na isambuku serafu okanye semali edliwa umntu emelwe kukuba ihlawulwe ngokwesi Sahluko okanye iSahluko III ( ekuqukwa apho nasiphi na isambuku - mali serafu kawonke -wonke esisisambuku esisigxina okanye irafu yesiphaluka ekufuneka ihlawuliwe ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho 197 .

Ukufunyanwa kwerafu esemva ekuhlawulweni .


otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho) nesemva ekuhlawulweni kwayo kunye nasiphi na isambuku -mali esithathwe okanye esibanjwe ngokwesiqendu 15 siya kuba lityala elimelwe kukuba lihlawulwe kurulumente yaye ke imali yokulihlawula ingafunyanwa ngendlela eyandlalwe kwisigendwana (2) okanye (3).

(2) Nasiphi na isambuku esikhankanywe kwisiqendwana (1) , esingesiso isambuku- mali serafu kawonke -wonke esisambuku-mali esisigxina okanye irafu yesiphaluka , singafunyanwa kulowo ungekasihlawuli nguSibakhulu ngendlela emiselwe kwisiqendu 91 soMthetho weRafu yeNgenelo yokufumana irafu nenzala elityala emalihlawulwe okanye emelwe kukuhlawulwa ngokwaloo Mthetho , kwaye ke ukulungiselela loo njongo imigaqo yeso siqendu sikhankanyiweyo iya kusebenza Iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo .

(3) Xa sukuba sisemva ekuhlawulweni nasiphi na isambuku- mali serafu kawonke - wonke esisambuku esisigxina okanye irafu yesiphaluka ekufuneka ihlawuliwe ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho nguye nawuphi na umrafi ekuqheleke ukuba ahlale eTranskei , imantyi yesithili ekuqheleke ukuba ahlale kuso loo mrafi ingathi , ngenjongo yokufumana eso sambuku- mali ikhuphe isigunyaziso sokuthinjwa kwempahla eshenxisekayo yaloo mrafi , ekuya kuthi ke ngoko nangoko eso sigunyaziso siqhutywe ngumntu owalathelwe yiloo mantyi ngokungathi besikhutshwe ngokwesigwebo senkundla - matyala kamantyi , ngaphandle nje kokuba akusayi kufuneka nganto ukuba kunikwe ikopi yeso sigunyaziso amakathinjelwe lona.

lowo ungekalihlawuli ityala

(4) Ukuba umrafi omelwe kukurafa irafu esemva akasihlawuli sakubizwa ngumntu owenza kusebenze isigunyaziso esikhutshwe ngokwesiqendwana ( 3) , isambuku- mali saloo rafu, kunye neendleko ezimalunga naloo ntimbo okanye abe akaxeli kuloo mntu izinto ezizezakhe ezaneleyo zokuba kufunyanwe kuzo eso sambuku - mali nezo ndleko , loo mntu angambamba loo mrafi ngaphandle kwexwebhu lesigunyaziso kwaye ke kuya kuqhutywa ngaloo mrafi ngokwemigaqo


UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. yesiqendwana ( 3) sesiqendu 14, yomhlathi (c) weso siqendwana.

ingekuko ngokwemigaqo



18. (1 ) Umqeshi ngamnye ( ebhalisiwe okanye engabhaliswanga njengomqeshi ngokwesiqendu 30 ) ohlawula okanye othi amelwe kukuhlawula nasiphi na isambuku - mali kuba singumvuzo nawuphi na umqeshwa ngomhla okanye emveni komhla wokuqala kuMatshi , 1970 , wothi , ngaphandle kokuba uSibakhulu unike sigunyaziso simbi , athabathe okanye abambe kweso sambuku- mali kuba iyirafu yabaqeshwa irafu eya kumiselwa njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendu 25 , 26 okanye 27 , kuxhomekeke ukuthi sisiphi na kanye - kanye esisebenzayo kwezi ziqendu , ngokuphathelele kubutyala baloo mqeshwa berafu kawonke -wonke esekwe kwingenelo , waye eya kusihlawula isam buku - mali esithatyathwe okanye esibanjwe ngolo hlobo kumamkeli - rafu zingekapheli iintsuku ezisixhenxe emveni kokufa kwenyanga ebesithatyathwe okanye ebesibanjwe kuyo isambuku- mali , okanye xa sukuba ingumntu oyekayo ukuba ngumqeshi ngaphambili kokufa kwaloo nyanga , zingekagqithi iintsuku ezisixhenxe emveni kosuku ayeke ngalo ukuba ngumqeshi , okanye ke kuyo nayiphi na kwezo meko singekapheli esinye isithuba esingaphezulu koko angathi umamkeli- rafu asivumele .

(2 ) Umqeshi angathi , ngesicelo esibhaliweyo sakhe nawuphi na umqeshwa , athabathe okanye abambe nakwisiphi na isambuku - mali somvuzo isambuku - mali esiyirafu yabaqeshwa esingaphezulu kweso kufuneka sithatyathwe okanye sibanjwe ngokwesiqe ndwana (1 ) , waye eya kusithumela eso sambuku- mali kumamkeli - rafu , yaye ke imigaqo yesi Sahluko ephathelele kwirafu yabaqeshwa iya kusebenza iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo ngokuphathelele kweso sambuku .


Abaqeshi ma bayixhuzule irafu.

UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. (3) Ukulungiselela iinjongo zesi siqendu ukuthi " inyanga " kuthetha nasiphi na kwizahlulo ezili 12 ahlulwe waba zizo nawuphi na unyaka wekhalenda.

Bungakanani ubutyala bokuxhuzula irafu?

19. (1 ) Ubutyala bakhe nawuphi na umqeshi bokuxhuzula okanye ukubamba nasiphi na isambuku - mali serafu yabaqeshwa ngokwesiqendu 18 abusayi kuncitshiswa okanye bupheliswe ngenxa yokuba umqeshi ene lungelo okanye kuba ngenye indlela engeyiyo leyo ivumelana nomthetho ebophelelekile ukuba axhuzule okanye abambe nasiphi na esinye isambuku- mali emvuzweni womqeshwa , laye ke elo lungelo okanye imbophelelo iya kuthi nangona kukho nawuphi na umgaqo ophambeneyo noku kuwo nawuphi na omnye umthetho , ukulungiselela zonke iinjongo ithatyathwe ngokuba ibhekiselele kuphela kwisambuku - mali somvuzo esiseleyo emveni kokuba isam buku- mali serafu yomqeshwa esikhankanywe kweso sigendu sesithathiwe okanye sibanjiwe . (2) Imigaqo yesiqendu 18 iya kusebenza ngokuphathelele kuzo zonke izambuku-mali ekufuneka zihlawulelwe imivuzo , nangani ikho imigaqo yawo nawuphi na umthetho eqingga ukuba nasiphi na isambuku -mali esinjalo asisayi kuncitshiswa okanye asisayi kuhluthelwa ityala.

Iimali ezixhuzulwayo zilityala emalihlawulwe kuRulumente .

20. ( 1 ) Nasiphi na isambuku- mali ekufuneka sithathiwe okanye sibanjiwe ngokwesiqendu 18 siya kuba lityala emalihlawulwe kuRulumente waye ke umqeshi osemcimbini uya kuthi ngaphandle kokuba kuqingqwe ngandlela yimbi anyazeleke ngokupheleleyo ukuba asihlawule ngokufaneleyo kumamkeli- rafu .

Ukungayixhuzuli irafu.

21. ( 1 ) Elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 6 ) , nawuphi na umqeshi ophuthayo ukuthabatha okanye ukubamba isambukumali esizeleyo serafu yabaqeshwa njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendu 18 uya kumelwa kukuba yena ngenkqu ahlawule kumamkeli - rafu isambuku - mali aphuthayo ukusithabatha okanye ukusibamba , waye eya kuthi , elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 2 ) , asihlawule eso sambuku - mali kumamkeli - rafu ungekadluli umhla ebekumelwe kukuba kuhlawulwe ngawo ukuba irafu yabaqeshwa ibithatyathiwe ngenene ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 18.



(2 ) Xa umqeshi aphuthileyo ukuthabatha okanye ukubamba irafu yabaqeshwa ngokwesiqendu 18 aze uSibakhulu aneliseke



ukuba oko kuphutha kwakungabangelwanga yinjongo yokulibazisa ukuhlawula irafu okanye yokutyeshela iimbophelelo okanye iimfanelo zomqeshi ngokwesi Sahluko , uSibakhulu angathi , ukuba wanelisiwe kukuba kukho ithemba eliginyis ' amathe lokuba ekugqibeleni uya kuyifumana irafu kumqeshwa , amkhulule umqeshi kwimfanelo yakhe ngokwesiqendwana (1).

(3) Umqeshi ongekakhululwa kwimfanelo yakhe njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana ( 2 ) uya kuba nelungelo lokufumana imali yakhe kumqeshwa ngokuphathelele kwisambuku esihlawulwe ngumqeshi ngokwesiqendwana ( 1) ngokubhekiselele kuloo mqeshwa , saye ke eso sambuku-mali singathi nokokuba sekukho naliphi na elinye ilungelo lokuyifumana loo mali sixhuzulwe emvuzweni wexesha elizayo ongaba unokuhlawulwa ngumqeshi kuloo mqeshwa , angathi ayimisele umamkeli - rafu .

ngaloo ndlela

(4) Ade abe ke umqeshwa uhlawula umqeshi wakhe nasiphi na isambuku -mali emasihlawulwe umqeshi ngokwesiqendwana ( 3) , loo mqeshwa akayi kuba nalungelo lokufumana kumqeshi isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa ngokuphathelele kweso sambuku- mali .

(5) Nasiphi na isambuku - mali ekufuneka esihlawulile umqeshi ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) nane lungelo lokusifumana kumqeshwa ngokwesiqendwana (3) siya kuthi njengoko sithi sichaphazele umqeshi kuphela , sithatyathwe ngokuba siyimali esisohlwayo elityala emalihlawulwe nemelwe kukuba ihlawulwe nguloo mqeshi . (6) Imigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) ayisayi kusebenza ngokuphathelele kuso nasiphi na isambuku - mali okanye nayiphi na inxenye yaso nasiphi na isambuku - mali serafu yabaqeshwa umqeshi akutyesheleyo ukusithatha okanye ukusibamba nekusebenza


22. ( 1 ) Ukuba


imigaqo yesiqendu

39 ( 3) .

umqeshi akasihlawuli nasiphi na isambuku-

mali serafu yabaqeshwa amelwe kukusihlawula ngesithuba sexesha esivunyelwayo sokusihlawula ngokwesiqendu 18 uya kuthi , ngaphezu kwaso nasiphi na esinye isohlwayo okanye ityala abekwa lona angahle aziphendulele ngalo ngokwalo Mthetho, ahlawule imali yesohlwayo elingana ne - 10 pesenti yeso sambuku- mali . 201 .

Ukungayihlawuli imali yerafu.


(2 ) Umphathiswa angathi , ukuba wanelisiwe kukuba ukungaphumeleli komqeshi ukuhlawula isambuku-mali serafu yabaqeshwa kwakungabangelwanga yinjongo yokulibazisa ukuhlawula loo rafu okanye , ngenye indlela , yokutyeshela iimfanelo zakhe ngokwalo Mthetho kwaye kwakungenziwanga ngenjongo yokuba umqeshwa lowo abe nakho ukutyeshela ezo mfanelo zomqeshwa ngokwalo Mthetho , asixolele sonke okanye nayiphi na inxenye yesohlwayo esiwiswe ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) . (3 ) Imali ye sohlwayo esiwiswe ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) iya kuhlawulwa kumamkeli - rafu xa kuhlawulwayo isambukumali serafu yabaqeshwa ebhekiselele kuyo okanye singekadluli eso sithuba sexesha singaphezulu kweso angathi asivumele umamkeli - rafu .

Iimvumelwano ezithile ezinamandla omthetho.

23. Nayiphi na imvumelwano phakathi komqeshi nomqeshwa athi ngayo umqeshi azibophelele ukuba akayi kuthabatha okanye kubamba amthetho .

Umqeshwa akanalungelo lokufuma na iimali ezixhuzulwayo.

irafu yabaqeshwa

ayiyi kuba


24. Umqeshwa akayi kuba nalungelo lokufumana kumqeshi nasiphi na isambuku - mali esitsalwe okanye esibanjwe emvuzweni womqeshwa ngokwesiqendu 18.

Izicwangciso zoxhuzulo.

25. ( 1 ) Usibakhulu angathi ngamaxesha ngamaxesha , ethathela ingqalelo isambuku - mali serafu kawonke - wonke esekwe kwingenelo emelwe kukuba ihlawulwe okanye ebhengezwa nguMphathiswa entethweni yakhe yoqingqo - mali , esela iso nezinye izinto ezichaphazela ubutyala obungaba kho babarafi ngokumalunga nale rafu ixeliweyo , amisele izicwangciso zotsalo- mali ezisebenza kwezo ndidi zabaqeshwa angathi aziqingqe , yaye ke indlela eziya kusetyenziswa ngayo ezo zicwangciso , nesambuku - mali serafu yabaqeshwa emasitsalwe kuso nasiphi na isambuku- mali somvuzo ziya kuthi , zilawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendu zicwangciso .

(2 ) Naziphi





27 ,





ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) ziya kuqalisa ukusebenza ngaloo mhla eGazethini yo Burulumente, ungathi waziswe nguSibakhulu zaye ziya kuhlala zisebenza ngamandla omthetho zide zibe ziroxisiwe nguSibakhulu . 202 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969 . 26. (1 ) Ukuba uSibakhulu wanelisiwe kukuba iimeko zenza kufanele ukuba kuguqulwe isiseko esiqingqwe kwisiqendu 25 sokumiselwa kwezambuku- mali zerafu yabaqeshwa emazixhuzulwe okanye zibanjwe emvuzweni wabaqeshwa ngoku-

Ukuguqulwa kwesiseko soxhuzulozimali.

malunga nawuphi na umqeshi , angavumelana naloo mqeshi ngokuphathelele kwindoqo esisiseko sokuqingqwa kwezo zambuku sezixeliwe emayisetyenziswe nguloo mqeshi , zaye ke izambuku ekufuneka zixhuzuliwe okanye zibanjiwe nguloo mqeshi ngokwesiqendu 18 ziya kuthi , zilawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendu 27 , ziqingqwe ngohlobo oluvumelana noko.

(2 ) Nayiphi na imvumelwano eyenziwe ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) iya kuhlala isebenza ngamandla omthetho ixesha elingaqingqiweyo , kodwa uSibakhulu okanye umqeshi lowo anganika isaziso sokupheliswa kwayo kwaye ke ekupheleni kwesi thuba -xesha esiziinyanga ezintathu ukususela emhleni weso saziso loo mvumelwano iya kuphela.

27. Ngenjongo ke yokunciphisa ubunzima kumqeshwa obubangelwe kukugula okanye zezinye iimeko okanye yokulungisa

Uyeko okanye unc iphiso loxhuzulo- zimali.

nayiphi na imposiso ngokuphathelele kubalo lwerafu yabaqeshwa umamkeli - rafu angathi , ethathela ingqalelo iimeko zomcimbi lowo , akhuphele umyalelo ongqongqo um qeshi lowo emgunyazisa ukuba angaxhuzuli okanye angabambi nasiphi na isambuku ngokwesiqendu 18 esiyirafu yabaqeshwa kuwo nawuphi na umvuzo omelwe kukufunyanwa ngumqeshwa okanye ukuba axhuzule okanye abambe ngokumalunga nerafu yabaqeshwa isambuku - mali esixeliweyo okanye isambuku - mali esiya kumiselwa ngokwesilinganiso okanye isiqing qo esicacisiweyo ,


ke umqeshi uya kuwuthobela loo myalelo .

28. ( 1 ) Elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendu 21 nesama 39 , umqeshi ngamnye othi , ngesithuba esiziinyanga ezilishumi linambini esiphela ngomhla wokugqibela kuFebruwari , 1971 okanye nasiphi na isithuba - xesha esilandelayo esiziinyanga ezilishumi elinambini , axhuzule okanye abambe nasiphi na isambuku-mali kuba siyirafu yabaqeshwa njengoko kufunwayo sisiqendu

18 ,

uya kuthi lingekapheli elo xesha livunyelwe

sisiqendwana ( 2 ) sesi siqendu anikele umqeshwa ngamnye okanye umqeshwa owayeqeshwe ngaphambili ohlawulwe umvuzo ngeso sithuba okanye obefanele ukuhlawulwa wona nguloo mqeshi , isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa singaloo ndlela angathi uSibakhulu ayimisele okanye ayivumele , esiya kubonisa wonke umvuzo waloo mqeshwa okanye walowo waye-


Unikelo nozuzo lweziqiniselo zerafu ya baqeshwa .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. qeshwe apho ngaphambili kunye ke nendibaniso yonke yezambuku-mali zerafu yabaqeshwa etsaliweyo okanye ebanjiweyo nguloo mqeshi kuloo mvuzo kweso sithuba sexesha sesixeliwe , ekukhutshelwa ngaphandle nasiphi na isambuku- mali somvuzo okanye irafu yabaqeshwa equkwe nakwisiphi na esinye isiqiniselo sabaqeshwa esikhutshwe nguloo mqeshi ngaphandle kokuba esinye isiqiniselo esinjalo sinikezelwe kuloo mqeshi ngum qeshwa okanye ngulowo wayefudula engum qeshwa size sibe sitshitshisiwe nguloo mqeshi waza wasebenza


njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana

( 10) .

(2) Isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa esikhankanywe kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) siya kunikelwa (a) ukuba umqeshi ekufuneka enikele isiqiniselo akakayeki ukuba ngumqeshi ngokuphathelele kumqeshwa lowo , zingekagqithi iintsuku ezilishumi elinane emveni kokuphela kwesithuha esibhekiselele kuso isiqiniselo; (b) ukuba ke loo mqeshi uyekile ukuba ngum qeshi ngokuphathelele kumqeshwa lowo kodwa ethe wahlala engum qeshi ngokubhekiselele kwabanye abaqeshwa , zingekagqithi iintsuku ezilishumi eline sine ukususela emhleni ayeke ngawo ukwenjenjalo ; okanye

(c ) ukuba lo mqeshi uxeliweyo uyekile ukuba ngumqeshi , zingekagqithi iintsuku ezisixhenxe ukususela emhleni ayeke ngawo ukuba nguye , okanye ke kuyo nayiphi na imeko ethile singekapheli eso sithuba singaphezulu kweso , angathi asivumele umamkeli - rafu.

( 3) Ukulungiselela iinjongo zesiqendwana (2) umqeshi wothi , ukuba umamkeli - rafu ngokuthathela ingqalelo imeko yomcimbi lowo uyalela ngolo hlobo , athatyathwe ngokuba akayekanga ukuba ngumqeshi ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na kubaqeshwa bakhe bongxungxiso ongahle abe umana ukuqeshwa ngokutsha nguloo mqeshi . (4 ) Nangona ikho imigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) nesesi ( 2 ) nawuphi na umqeshi oxhuzule okanye obambe irafu yabaqeshwa kumvuzo wakhe nawuphi na umqeshwa wothi , njengoko naxa kufunwayo kumamkeli- rafu , anikele loo mqeshwa isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa esenziwe ngaloo ndlela ingathi 204 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969 . imiselwe okanye ivunyelwe nguSibakhulu , esiya kubonisa wonke umvuzo waloo mqeshwa okanye walowo wayengumqeshwa apho ngaphambili kunye nendibaniselane yezambukumali zerafu yabaqeshwa etsaliweyo okanye ebanjiweyo nguloo mqeshi


mvuzo kuso





ngumamkeli - rafu kodwa kunga qukwa apho nasiphi na isambuku-mali somvuzo okanye serafu yabaqeshwa esiqukwe kuso nasiphi na esinye isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa esikhutshwe nguloo mqeshi ngaphandle kokuba esinye isiqiniselo esinjalo sinikezelwe kuloo mqeshi ngumqeshwa okanye ngowayefudala engumqeshwa wakhe size sibe ke sitshitshisiwe nguloo mqeshi kwaza kwasetyenzwa ngaso njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana ( 10) . (5) Kuya kuba yimfanelo yakhe nawuphi na umqeshwa okanye lowo wayengumqeshwa ngaphambili ongekasifumani isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa lingekagqithi ixesha elivunyelwe sisiqendwana (2 ) ukuba ngoko nangoko enze isicelo sokuba afumane eso siqiniselo kumqeshi .

( 6 ) Umrafi ngamnye uya kuthi xa athumelayo ingxelo yengenelo ngokwemigaqo yalo Mthetho , ahlomele kuloo ngxelo zonke iziqiniselo zerafu yabasebenzi ezikuye ezandlala ingcombolo ngokumalunga nonyaka wokumiselwa irafu ebhekiselele kuwo ingxelo leyo .

(7) Ukuba ukuziswa kwesiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa akunakwenziwa lula nakakuhle ngokunikelwa ngenkqu umqeshwa okanye lowo wayengum qeshwa walapho ngaphambili , kuya kuba kuqhutywe ngokwemigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) nesesi (4 ) ukuba eso siqiniselo sithunyelwa kuye ngeposi eadresini yakhe yokugqibela eyaziwayo.

(8) Umqeshi angathi ngokucelwa ngum qeshwa okanye ngulowo wayefudula engumqeshwa wakhe akhuphe ikopi yesibini yesiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa kodwa ke nayiphi na ikopisikhutshelo enjalo iya kuphawulwa ngokucacileyo ixela oko yaye iya kubonisa yonke ingcombolo yesiqiniselo sokuqala . (9) Ngaphandle kokuba um qeshi ugunyaziselwe oko ngumamkeli - rafu , akukho sikhutshelo - siqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa singakhutshwayo ngumqeshwa ngandlela yimbi engeyiyo leyo iqingqwe kwisiqendwana ( 8 ) .



(10) Nasiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabasebenzi esitshitshisiweyo okanye esonakeleyo asisayi kutshatyalaliswa nguloo mqeshi kodwa siya kugcinwa nguye ade uSibakhulu afune ukuba sinikezelwe kuye.

(11 ) Usibakhulu uya kukulawula ukukhutshelwa kwabaqeshi imfumba yeziqiniselo zerafu yabaqeshwa engasetyenziswanga waye engaqingqa imigqaliselo ngokubhekiselele kwindlela ezingasetyenziswa ngayo ezo ziqiniselo zingasetyenziswanga okanye ngokuphathelele kunike zelo lwamaxwebhu ngamaxwebhu ezo ziqiniselo zingasetyenziswanga waye ke umqeshi ngamaye uya kuziphendulela kuSibakhulu ngeziqiniselo ezisetyenzisiweyo , ezingasetyenziswanga , ezitshitshisiweyo okanye ezonakeleyo njengoko naxa kufunwayo nguSibakhulu . (12 ) Xa sukuba inguye nawuphi na umqeshi oqhuba ucalulomali ngomatshini uSibakhulu angathi , phantsi kwaloo migqaliselo angathi ayiwise , akuvumele ukusetyenziswa nguloo mqeshi kweziqiniselo zerafu yabaqeshwa ngefomu engeyiyo ifomu emiselwe ukusetyenziswa ngokubanzi waye ke ukuba nawuphi na umqeshi onjalo akayithobeli imigqaliselo ewiswe nguSibakhulu , uSibakhulu angayiroxisa imvume yakhe yokuba kusetyenziswe ezo ziqiniselo waye umqeshi uya kuthi kwa - oko okanye ukususela kuwo nawuphi na umhla oxelwe nguSibakhulu ayake ukuzisebenzisa ezo ziqiniselo waye eya kuthi singekapheli eso sithuba sexesha angathi asimisele uSibakhulu anikezele kuSibakhulu yonke imfumba engasetyenziswanga yezo ziqiniselo .

(13) Nawuphi na ke um tu oyekayo ukuba ngumqeshi uya kuthi , ngaphandle kokuba uSibakhulu uyalela ngandlela yimbi , zingekagqithi iintsuku ezilishumi elinesine ukususela ekuyekeni kwakhe ukuba ngumqeshi , anikezele kuSibakhulu zonke iziqiniselo ezikuye zerafu yabaqeshwa ezingasetyenziswanga.

( 14 ) Ukuba nawuphi na umntu akazinikezeli naziphi na iziqiniselo zerafu yabaqeshwa ezingasetyenziswanga njengoko kuqing qwe sisiqendwana ( 12 ) okanye ( 13) , naliphi na igosa elithi ngokubhekiselele kuloo mntu libe ligunya ziselwe oko nguSibakhulu ngencwadi ebhaliweyo okanye ngocingo lingathi ngaphandle kokuqala linike isaziso , nangaliphi na ixesha emini lingene nakuwuphi na umhlaba nezakhiwo

206 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969 . ezikuwo lize lithi kweso sakhiwo nasemhlabeni esikuwo likhangele lize lithimbe ezo ziqiniselo lize lithi ke ekuqhubeni olo phengululo, livule okanye lithabathe amanyathelo okuba kususwe lize livule nayiphi na into eliranela ukuba zikuyo naziphi na iziqiniselo ezinjalo .

(15 ) Ukulungisela



Sahluko nasiphi na isi-

qiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa ekubonakala kuso igama okanye naliphi na igama leshishini lakhe nawuphi na umqeshi siya kuthi , kude kube kuveliswe bungqina bumbi , sithatyathwe ngokuba besikhutshwe nguloo mqeshi ukuba eso siqiniselo singefomu emiselwe nguSibakhulu ukuba isetyenziswe ngokubanzi size sibe sasifunyaniswe nguSibakhulu loo mqeshi ukuba asisebenzise okanye sibe singefomu evunyelweyo nguSibakhulu ngokwesiqendwana ( 12 ) ukuba isetyenziswe nguloo mqeshi . ( 16 ) Imigaqo yesi siqendu iya kusebenza kuphela ngokubhekiselele kwezo ndidi zabaqeshwa okanye zabaqeshi okanye kuloo mimandla angathi uMphathiswa ngamaxesha ngamaxesha ngesaziso

eGazethini yoBurulumente

ayimisele .

29. (1) Umqeshi ngamnye uya kuthi ngokuphathelele kumqeshwa ngamnye agcine amaxwebhu abhaliweyo abonisa izambuku-mali






kukuba azihlawule loo mqeshwa nesambuku - mali serafu yabaqeshwa esixhuzulwayo okanye esibanjwayo kwisambuku - mali ngasinye esinjalo somvuzo , aye ke loo maxwebhu aya kugcinwa ngumqeshi aze abe nokufumaneka ukuba aphicothwe ligosa elimisel ' irafu , yimantyi , ngumhle okanye ngumamkeli-rafu okanye ligosa okanye ngumqeshwa kaRulumente ogunyaziselwe oko ngencwadi ebhaliweyo nguSibakhulu .

(2 ) Umqeshi ngamnye uya kuthi xa ayihlawulayo nayiphi na imali yerafu yabaqeshwa athumele kumamkeli - rafu inkcazo engaloo fomu angathi ayimisele uSibakhulu nebonisa loo ngcombolo ingathi ifunwe . (3) Wonke umqeshi wothi -

(a) ngokuphathelele kwisithuba seenyanga ezilishumi elinambini eziphela ngomhla wokugyibela ku Februwari , 1971

nakwisithuba ngasinye

esilishumi elinambini


Abaqeshi ma bagcine amaxwebhu bafumanise neengxelo.

UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. leenyanga esilandelayo , waye (b) ukuba uyayeka ukuqhuba naliphi na ishishini okanye omnye umsebenzi ahlawule ngokuphathelele kuwo okanye abe umelwe kukuhlawula umvuzo nawuphi na umqeshwa okanye uthi ngenye indlela ayeke ukuba ngum qeshi , ngokuphathelele kwisithuba esithabathela kumhla wokuqala kuMatshi owandulela nje nqo umhla ayeke ngawo ukuqhuba elo shishini okanye omnye umsebenzi worwebo okanye ukuba ngumqeshi , kuxhomekeke ekuthini kukuphi na kanye -kanye koku , kude kufikelele emhleni ayeke ngawo ukuqhuba elo shishini okanye umsebenzi worwebo okanye ukuba ngumqeshi , kuxhomekeke ekubeni kukuphi na kanye -kanye koku , zingekadluli iintsuku ezilishumi eline sine emveni kokuphela kweso sithuba okanye lingekapheli elo xesha lide kunelo elingathi livunyelwe ngumamkeli - rafu , athumele kumamkelirafu ingxelo engaloo fomu angathi ayimisele uSibakhulu ebonisa amagama nee - adresi zabo bonke abantu ababengabaqeshwa ngeso sithuba ngokuphathelele kuloo mqeshi nomvuzo wonke ohlawulwe umqeshwa okanye ozuzwe ngokulilungelo ngumqeshwa ngamnye ngokumalunga neso sithuba kunye ke nesambuku - mali sisonke serafu yabaqeshwa exhuzulweyo okanye ebanjiweyo emvuzweni womqeshwa ngamnye onjalo ngeso sithuba .

Ubhalis o-ba qeshi.

30. ( 1 ) Wonke umntu ongumqeshi ekufuneka exhuzule okanye ebambe irafu yabaqeshwa njengoko kuqingqiweyo esiqendwini 18, uya kutsolisela isicelo kumamkeli - rafu ngaloo fomu ingathi imiselwe nguSibakhulu , sokuba abhaliswe njengomqeshi -

(a ) xa ingum ntu ongumqeshi ngomhla wokuqala kuMatshi , 1970 , ungekagqithi umhla wamashumi amathathu ananye kuMatshi , 1970 , kuze ke

(b) xa ingumntu oba ngumqeshi emva komhla wokuqala kuMatshi , 1970 , zingekagqithi iintsuku ezilishumi elinane emveni kokuba ngum qeshi , okanye nakwiyiphi na imeko enjengezo singekapheli eso sithuba side kuneso singathi sivunyelwe ngumamkeli - rafu .

(2) Wonke umntu owenze isicelo sokubhaliswa ngokwesi-

208 .


qendwana ( 1 ) wothi , zingekadluli iintsuku ezilishumi elinane emveni kokutshintsha iadresi yakhe okanye kokuyeka ukuba ngumqeshi , azise umamkeli - rafu ngencwadi ebhaliweyo ngeadresi yakhe entsha okanye ngombandela wokuba uyekile ukuba ngumqeshi , kuxhomekeke ekuthini kukuphi na kanyekanye koku .

(3) Usibakhulu angathi ngaloo maxesha angathi enze izigqibo ngawo akhuphe izaziso zoluntu ezitsalela ingqalelo kwimigaqo yesi siqendu. 31. ( 1 ) Wonke umqeshi ongummeli uya kuthi ngokubhekiselele kumvuzo awuhlawulayo okanye afanele kukuwuhlawula nawuphi na umqeshwa kweso sikhundla sakhe somelo , alawulwe





mfanelo ,


wokuziphendulela nobutyala obukwanjalo ngokwesi Sihlomelo ngokungathi loo mvuzo ngumvuzo ohlawulwa okanye ofanele kukuhlawulwa nguye siqu - nje .

(2) Nayiphi na irafu yabaqeshwa okanye inzala yerafu yabaqeshwa okanye nayiphi na imali yesohlwayo esiwiswe ngokweli Candelo iya kufunyanwa emntwini othi ngokwengcaciso-gama elithi "umqeshi " kwisiqendu 1 abe ungum qeshi ngenxa yokuba ehlawule okanye abe umelwe kukuhlawula umvuzo esewongeni lentembeko okanye ewongeni lokugciniswa impahla yelifa eligutyungelwe ngamatyala , engum singathi okanye umlawuli wengxowa - mali yenkxaso , wengxowa - mali yepenshini , wengxowa -mali elungiselel ' ingomso , wengxowamali yomhlala - phantsi wonyaka okanye nayiphi na enye ingxowa, okanye iya kufunyanwa kumqeshi ongummeli , kodwa kuphela njengoko loo mali ingenakugqitha kuzo naziphi na izinto ezililifa ezizezaloo mntu , isiphathamandla , itrasti , umhlaba okanye ingxowa- mali emelwe okanye elawulwa nguye engathi ibe kuye okanye phantsi kolongamelo Iwakhe , angathi ayilawule okanye ayisebenzise ngokwengqiqo yakhe waye ke loo mntu ukhankanywe kuqala okanye umqeshwa ongummeli (a) yena

siqu uya kuthwala ubutyala ngayo nayiphi na irafu yabasebenzi exhuzulwe okanye ebanjwe nguye ukuba , lo gama ihlala ingahlawulwa kumamkeli - rafu (i ) unika omnye umntu , uxakathisa ngobutyala okanye uchitha nasiphi na isambuku - mali saloo rafu ;

209 .

Ubutyala babaqeshi abangabameli noba banye.

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969 . (ii) uchitha okanye wahlukana nayo nayiphi na ingxowa- mali okanye imali ekuye okanye efika kuye emveni kokuba imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe loo rafu , xa loo rafu ibinokuba ihlawulwe ngokusemthethweni kuloo ngxowa - mali okanye kuloo mali ; (b) uya kuba nelungelo lokufumana nasiphi na isambukumali ebesihlawulwe kumamkeli - rafu njengerafu yabaqeshwa ,


mntu ,

isiphathamandla , ingxowa-

mali okanye ilifa elisemcimbini okanye lokuba agcine kuzo naziphi na iimali ezikuye okanye ezingezayo kuye ewongeni lakhe lobumeli , isambuku -mali esilingana neso sambuku- mali sihlawuliweyo. (3) Umsingathi welifa lakhe nawuphi na umqeshi obhubhileyo okanye umgciniswa - mpahla yelifa eligutyungelwe ngamatyala lakhe nawuphi na umqeshi uya kwenza ezo mfanelo , afeze nezo mbophelelo zom qeshi obhubhileyo okanye zomqeshi otshonileyo ngamatyala ngokwesiqendu 28 nesama 29 ezithi zivele ngenxa yokuba loo mqeshi eyeka ukuba ngum qeshi kuba ebhubhile okanye etshone ematyaleni , okanye ezingafezwanga nguloo mqeshi ngaphambi kokubhubha kwakhe okanye kokutshona kwakhe ematyaleni . ICANDELO II . IRAFU YEXESHANA. Uhlawulo lwerafu yexeshana .

32. (1) Wonke umrafi wexeshana uya kuthi ngale ndlela iqingqwe kweli Candelo ahlawule imali ( ebizwa ngokuba yirafu yexeshana ) kumamkeli - rafu ngokuphathelele kubutyala bakhe ngerafu kawonke - wonke esekwe kwingenelo, ngokumalunga nonyaka ngamnye womiselo- rafu ophela emveni komhla wamashumi amabini ane sibhozo ku Februwari , 1970 . ( 2 ) Usibakhulu angathi ngamaxesha ngamaxesha , ethathela ingqalelo isambuku -mali serafu kawonke - wonke esekwe kwingenelo emelwe kukuhlawulwa okanye ebhengezwe nguMphathiswa entethweni yoqing qo - mali nazo naziphi na ezinye izinto ezichaphazela ubutyala obungaba kho babarafi ngokumalunga naloo rafu ikhankanyiweyo , amisele izicwangciso zokuqingqa isambuku- mali serafu yexeshana emasihlawulwe ngabarafi bexeshana abakulo naluphi na udidi oluxelwe nguSibakhulu


ngabarafi 210.








eziya kusetyenziswa ngayo

ezo zicwangciso . (3) Naziphi na izicwangciso ezimiselwe nguSibakhulu ngokwesiqendwana (2) ziya kuqalisa ukusebenza ngamandla omthetho ngaloo mhla ungathi waziswe nguSibakhulu eGazethini yo Burulumente * zaye ziya kuhlala zisebenza njalo zide ziroxiswe nguSibakhulu . 33. ( 1) Umrafi wexeshana ngamnye uya kuthi , ngaso sonke isithuba ekumelwe kuhlawulwe singekapheli irafu yexeshana njengoko kuqingqiweyo kweli Candelo okanye ngaso nasiphi na isithuba sokolulelwa ixesha esinikwe ngokwesiqendu 36 (2) , athumele kumamkeli - rafu , ngaloo fomu ingathi imiselwe nguSibakhulu , intelekelelo yayo yonke ingenelo erafiswayo eya kuzuzwa ngumrafi ngonyaka lowo womiselo - rafu ekufuneka kuhlawulwe irafu yexeshana ngokuphathelele kuwo : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi isambuku- mali sayo nayiphi na intelekelelo ethunyelwe ngumrafi wexeshana ngaso nasiphi na isithuba esisemcimbini esixelwe kwisigendu 35 ( a ) okanye nakuphi na ukolulwa kwaso nasiphi na isithuba esinjalo okunikwe ngokwesiqendu 36 ( 2 ) siya kuthi , ngaphandle kokuba umamkeli - rafu ethathela ingqalelo iimeko zomcimbi lowo uyavuma ukwamkela intelekelelo yesambuku - maliesingaphantsi , singabi ngaphantsi kwesambuku sengenelo erafiswayo yomrafi wexeshana njengoko simiselwe unyaka wokugqibela womiselo- rafu owandulela loo nyaka wokumiselwa irafu esekukhutshwe ngokuphathelele kuwo isimiselo - rafu ligosa elimisel ' irafu . (2) Ukuba umrafi wexeshana akayithumeli nayiphi na intelekelelo njengoko kufunwa sisiqe ndwana ( 1 ) , naliphi na igosa elimisel ' irafu lingayithe lekelela loo ngenelo irafiswayo seyixeliwe yaye ke loo ntelekelelo iya kuwuqukum bela umcimbi kungagqithwa kuyo .

( 3 ) Naliphi na igosa elimisel ' irafu lingayalela nawuphi na umrafi wexeshana ukuba ayixhase ngezizathu nayiphi na intelekelelo ayenzileyo ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) okanye alifumanise ingcombolo yengenelo nenkcitho yakhe okanye nayiphi na enye ingcombolo engathi ifunwe kuye laye ke , ukuba elo gosa alaneliswa yile ntelekelelo ixeliweyo , lingasandisa isambuku- mali sente lekelelo leyo side sibe seso sambukumali lisibona sifanele , yaye ke loo ntelekelelo ithe yandiswa

211 .

Abarafi bexes hana kufuneka benze iintelekelelo zengenelo erafiswayo.

UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. iya kuthatyathwa ngokuba sisambuku - mali esiwuqukum belayo umcimbi kungabi nakugqithwa kuso. (4) Nayiphi na intelekelelo eyenziwa ligosa elimis ' irafu ngokwemigaqo yesiqendwana ( 2 ) okanye ( 3) iya kuthatyathwa ngokuba iqalisa ukusebenza ngokuphathelele kwisithuba eso ekufuneka athi singekapheli umrafi wexeshana akhuphe nayiphi na intlawulo yerafu yexeshana ngokwemigaqo yeli Candelo , okanye kungekapheli nakuphi na ukolulelwa ixesha kweso sithuba okwenziwa ngokwesiqendu 36 (2) . Irafu eyongezele34. ( 1 ) Ukuba intelekelelo yokugqibela yengenelo yakhe eraIwayo xa ingenelo erafiswayo ithelefiswayo eyenziwe ngokwesiqendu 33 ( 1 ) ngumrafi wexeshana kelelwe ngaphantsi kwelona nani. ngokuphathelele nakuwuphi na umnyaka womiselo - rafu ibonisa ukuba ingenelo yakhe erafiswayo ethelekelelwayo ngokumalunga naloo mnyaka womiselo- rafu isisambuku - mali esingaphantsi kwama - 90 pesenti esambuku- mali sengenelo yakhe erafiswayo njengoko iqingqelwa loo nyaka okokugqibela nethi ibe ngaphantsi nokuba ngaphantsi kunesambuku -mali sengenelo yakhe erafiswayo , njengoko imiselwa irafu yayo ligosa elimisel ' irafu , yowona mnyaka wokugqibela womiselorafu owandulela unyaka womiselo - rafu osemcimbini osewukhutshelwe isimiselo - rafu ligosa elimisel ' irafu , umrafi wothi , elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 2 ) , ( 3) nesesi (4 ) , afuneke ukuba ahlawule ngaphezu kwesambuku -mali serafu kawonke - wonke ebizwayo ngokuphathelele kwingenelo yakhe erafiswayo isambuku - mali esiyirafu eyongezwayo esilingana nama 20 epesenti omahluko phakathi kwesambuku-mali serafu kawonke -wonke njengoko sibalwayo ngokumalunga erafiswayo njengolo hlobo ithe lekelelwe ngalo ngum rafi nesambuku -mali serafu kawonke - wonke esibalwa ngokuphathelele kuma 90 epesenti, sengene lo yakhe erafiswayo njengoko iqingqelwa okokugqibela loo mnyaka uchaphazelekayo womiselo- rafu . nengenelo

(2) Apho ke igosa elimisel ' irafu lanelisiwe kukuba umrafi uthe wamelwa kukuba ahlawule irafu eyongeziweyo ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) ngesizathu sokuba ingenelo yakhe erafiswayo yaloo mnyaka womiselo - rafu ithe yachatshazelwa ziimeko abengaziqondi ngexesha lokwenza intelekelelo ekhankanywe kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) , elo gosa lingathi lisebenzisa ingqiqo yalo liyixolele irafu leyo yongeziweyo okanye inxenye yayo .


UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. (3) Imigaqo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) ayisayi kusebenza nakuyiphi na imeko apho igosa elimisel ' irafu lithe , ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 33 ( 3) , landisa intelekelelo yokugqibela okanye eyokuqukumbel ' umcimbi eyenziwe ngumrafi ngokuphathelele enyakeni osemcimbini wokumiselw' irafu .

(4 ) Nasiphi na isigqibo segosa elimisel'irafu ekusebenziseni ingqiqo yalo ngokwesiqendwana (2 ) siya kuba nakho ukuchaswa ngokungathi sisiqingqo esenziwe ngokwesiqendu 10 (1 ) .

35. Irafu yexeshana iya kuhlawulwa ngumrafi ngamnye wexeshana ngolu hlobo lungezants ' apha , oko kukuthi -

Uhlawulo lwerafu yexeshana nga barafi bexeshana.

(a) singekapheli isithuba esiziinyanga ezintandathu esiqalisa ukubalwa ekuqalekeni konyaka womiselo - rafu lowo , ibe sisiqingatha sesambuku-mali esilingana nabo bonke ubutyala obuthelekelelwayo baloo mrafi (njengoko bumiselweyo ngokwesiqendu 32) ngokubhekiselele kuloo nyaka , kuthathwe apho sonke isambuku- mali sayo nayiphi na irafu yabaqeshwa esixhuzulwe ngumqeshi womrafi emvuzweni womrafi kweso sithuba ; ize ke

(b) ungekagqithi umhla wokugqibela wonyaka womiselo rafu olo, ibe sisambuku - mali esilingana nabo bonke ubutyala obuthelekelwayo baloo mrafi (njengoko bumiselweyo okokugqibela ngokwesiqendu 32 ) ngokuphathelele kuloo nyaka , kuthathwe apho indibaniselane yezambuku - mali zayo nayiphi na irafu yabaqeshwa exhuzulwe ngumqeshi womrafi emvuzweni womrafi ngaloo mnyaka nesambuku - mali esihlawulwe ngokomhlathi ( a) . 36. (1 ) Ukuba ke , emveni kokuphela kwaso nasiphi na isithuba ekufuneka kuhlawulwe singekapheli irafu yexeshana ngokwesi Sahluko , igosa elimisel ' irafu lithe ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 33 ( 3 ) lasandisa isambuku - mali sayo nayiphi na intelekelelo yengenelo erafiswayo ethunyelwe nguye nawuphi na umrafi wexeshana kweso sithuba , nayiphi na irafu yexeshana eyongeziweyo emelwe kukuba ihlawulwe ngenxa yoko kwandiswa kwesambuku- mali iya kuthi , nangona ikho imigaqo yesiqendu 35 , imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe singekapheli eso sithuba singathi simiselwe ligosa elimisel ' irafu .

213 .

Ulolulelo- xesha lokuhlawula irafu yexeshana.

UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. (2) Umamkeli - rafu angathi , ethathela ingqalelo iimeko zomcimbi lowo , asolule isithuba ekumelwe kuhlawulwe singekapheli nasiphi na isambuku-mali serafu yexeshana , okanye angavuma ukwamkela intlawulo yaso nasiphi na isambuku- mali esinjalo ngezambuku ezilinganayo okanye ezishiyanayo .

Abakhululwayo .

37. ( 1 ) Usibakhulu angathi , elawulwa yiloo migqaliselo kunjalo nje kangangoko angathi acacise , akhulule ekuhlawuleni irafu yexeshana nawuphi na umrafi wexeshana okanye nabaphi na abarafi bexeshana abakulo naluphi na udidi oluxelwe nguye . (2 ) Xa sukuba nawuphi na umrafi wexeshana engenakho ukuthobela umgqaliselo akhululwe phantsi kwawo ngokwesiqendwana (1 ) , uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba ubengakhululwanga ngolo hlobo .

Isohlwayo ekulibaziseni ukuhlawula irafu yexeshana .

38. (1 ) Ukuba nawuphi na umrafi wexeshana uyaphutha ukuhlawula nasiphi na isambuku - mali serafu yexeshana ekufuneka ayihlawule singekapheli isithuba esivunyelwe ukuba ihlawulwe kuso ngokwesiqendu 35 okanye 36 ( 1 ) okanye singekagqithi eso sithuba soluliweyo angathi umamkeli - rafu asivumele ngokwesiqendu 36 ( 2 ) , uya kuthi , ngaphezu kwaso nasiphi na esinye isohlwayo okanye isimangalelo asifumanayo ngokwalo Mthetho , ahlawule imali yesohlwayo elingana neshumi lepesenti yesambuku - mali esingekahlawulwa . ( 2 ) Igosa elimisel ' irafu lingathi , ukuba likholisekile ukuba ukungahlawuli komrafi wexeshana isambuku - mali serafu yexeshana akwenziwanga kuba iyinjongo yakhe ukutyeshela okanye ukulibazisa ukuhlawula irafu okanye ukutyeshela ngenye indlela iimfanelo zakhe ngokwalo Mthetho , lisixolele sonke okanye nayiphi na inxenye yesohlwayo esiwiswe ngokwesiqendwana ( 1 ) . ICANDELO III .

NGOKUBANZI - NJE . Irafu yabaqeshwa nerafu yexeshana mazithelekiswe nobutyala berafu.

39. ( 1 ) Izambuku zerafu yabaqeshwa ezixhuzulwe okanye ezibanjwe ngumqeshi ngokumalunga nawuphi na umrafi nezambuku zerafu yexeshana ezihlawulwa nguye nawuphi na umrafi



214 .


baloo mrafi berafu


kawonke -wonke esekwe kwingenelo kunye nasiphi na isohlwayo esiwiswe ngokwemigaqo ekhankanywe ngasentl ' apha yesi Sahluko .

(2) Imfanelo yokuvelisa ubungqina obungqinekayo bokuba nasiphi na isambuku - mali serafu yabaqeshwa sixhuzuliwe okanye sibanjiwe ngumqeshi wakhe iya kuba yeyomrafi saye ke nasiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa siya kuba bubungqina obusekuhleni bokuba isambuku - mali serafu yabaqeshwa esiboniswe apho sitsaliwe nguloo mqeshi . (3) Ukuba umamkeli - rafu uyaneliswa kukuba isambukumali okanye nayiphi na inxenye yesambuku -mali serafu yabaqeshwa eboniswe nakwisiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa ayixhuzulwanga okanye ayibanjwanga ngumqeshi nokuthi isambuku- mali serafu yabaqeshwa esiboniswe kweso siqiniselo serafu sisetyenziswe njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) , umqeshi nomqeshwa baya kumelwa kukuba bahlawule ngokudibeneyo nangokwahlukeneyo isambuku- mali ebekungafuneki sisetyenziswe ngolo hlobo saye ke eso sambuku- mali siya kuba nokufunyanwa kubo ngokwalo Mthetho ngokungathi yirafu kawonke - wonke esekwe kwingenelo .

(4) Umqeshi






isambuku esesisetyenzisiwe kodwa engesingasetyenziswanga ngokwemigaчo yesiqendwana ( 1 ) angathi , ukuba isambukumali sasibonisiwe okanye sasiqukiwe esiqiniselweni ngenxa asifumane isambukuengenziwanga ngabomi, yempazamo mali eso sihlawuliweyo kumqeshwa lowo , kwaye ke xa kuiguqulwe nje njalo imigaqo yesiqendu 21 ( 3 ) iya kusebenza apho kufunekayo.

(5) Akukho siqiniselo sarafu yabaqeshwa siya kukhutshwa ngumqeshi ngokuphathelele nakwisiphi na isambuku - mali esifunyenwe nguye kumqeshwa ngokwesiqendwana (4 ) saye ke nasiphi na isambuku - mali esinjalo asisayi kuqukwa kuyo nayiphi na ingxelo ethunyelweyo ngokwesiqendu 29 ( 3) . (6) Ukuba umamkeli - rafu uyaneliswa kukuba umqeshwa ekubhekiselele kuye isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa ubebangele nggo okanye ngokungathe ngqo ukuba kuboniswe isambuku-mali esingesiso kweso siqiniselo , angamkhulula umqeshi kubutyala abuwiselwe sisiqendwana ( 3 ) kwaye ke xa kunjalo umqeshwa umelwe kukuba abuthwale bonke ubutyala yedwa ngokweso siqendwana .

215 .


IMIGAQO EYINGXUBE . Izaphulo-mthetho nezohlwayo .

40. ( 1 ) Nawuphi ke umntu othi (a) adize nayiphi na ingcombolo ekreqa ngokwenjenjalo imigaqo yesiqendu 3 ,

(b) angayithumeli okanye angamfumanisi amelwe kukumfumanisa nayiphi na ingxelo , incwadi , iakhawunti okanye ingcombolo njengoko naxa ifunwayo sisiqendu okanye ngokwesiqendu 8 okanye 9 , okanye abangele okanye avumele ukuba kwenziwe , nayiphi na inkcazo ebubuxoki okanye kubhalwe nayiphi na into kuyo okanye ngokumalunga nayiphi na ingxelo , incwadi , iakhawunti okanye ingcombolo ekufunwa sisiqendu okanye ngokwesiqendu 8 okanye

(c) enze ,

9 ithunyelwe okanye ifunyaniswe ,

(d) engum ntu omelwe kukuhlawula nayiphi na irafu kawonke-wonke esisambuku esisigxina okanye irafu yesiphaluka ngokwalo Mthetho okanye nawuphi na umthetho otshitshiswe ngulo Mthetho , angayihlawuli okanye abe akazanga ayihlawule nayiphi na irafu enjalo ngomhla okanye ngaphambi komhla wokugqibela ovunyelweyo ukuhlawula loo rafu ngokomthetho emelwe kukuhlawulwa phantsi kwawo , (e) angasivumi

isicelo esenziwe ngokwesiqendu 14 ( 1 ) ,

(f) anike ingcombolo ebubuxoki ekuvumeleni isicelo esenziwe ngokwesiqendu 14 ( 1 ) , (g) angabuyiseli nakuwuphi na omnye umntu naliphi na ixwebhu

njengoko kuqingqiweyo



(1 ) ,

(h) ahluthe ngokungemthetho nawuphi na omnye umntu nayiphi na irisiti okanye isiqiniselo esikuye loo mntu esikhankanywe kwisiqendu 14 ( 1 ) , ( i ) avumele nayiphi na irisiti okanye isiqiniselo esikuye esikhankanywe esiqendwini 14 ( 1 ) , ukuba sibe kuye

216 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969. nawuphi na omnye umntu ngenjongo yokuba sisetyenziselwe nawuphi na umcimbi wobuqhetseba , ( j ) azise ngobuxoki osegunyeni lokwaziswa aze enze ngokungathi nayiphi na irisiti okanye isiqiniselo esikhankanywe esiqendwini khutshelwe ,



nesikuye ,


(k) ngaphandle kokuba akananjongo yakuqhatha mntu , aguqule , enze kungafundeki , atshabalalise , okanye akrazule nayiphi na irisiti okanye isiqiniselo esikhankanywe esiqendwini 14 ( 1 ) , ( 1) enze eyobuxoki okanye ayikhuphe injalo esazi ukuthi yeyobuxoki , nayiphi na irisiti okanye isiqiniselo esisetyenziselwa ukufeza iinjongo zalo Mthetho , (m) angawuthobeli umyalelo owenziwe ngokwesiqendu 15 (1 ) , (n) enze okanye amelwe kukuba enze nayiphi na intlawulo yomvuzo nongaxhuzuliyo okanye ongabambiyo apho nasiphi na isambuku- mali serafu yabaqeshwa okanye ongasihlawuliyo kumamkeli - rafu eso sambuku- mali njengoko naxa sifunwayo sisigendu 18, (0) asebenzise



isambuku - mali


okanye esibanjwe nguye kuba siyirafu yabaqeshwa ukufeza iinjongo ezingezizo ezo zokuhlawula eso sambuku-mali kumamkeli - rafu ,

(p) enze okanye akhuphe okanye obangela okanye ovumela ukuba kwenziwe okanye kukhutshwe okanye othi esazi abe naso kuye okanye asisebenzise okanye asibangele ukuba sisetyenziswe nasiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa esise sobuxoki ,

(q) engenasizathu sinesihlahla asibonisayo , angawuthobeli nawuphi na umyalelo awukhutshelwe ngumamkeli - rafu ngokwesiqendu 27 ,

(r) anganikeli okanye atyeshele ukunikela nawuphi na umqeshwa okanye lowo wayefudula engum qeshwa wakhe nasiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabasebenzi

217 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. njengoko kuqingqiweyo esiqendwini 28 , (s) angathobeli nawuphi na umgqaliselo omiselwe nguSibakhulu ngokwesiqendu 28(11 ) ngokuphathelele kwindlela ezinokusetyenziswa ngayo iziqiniselo zerafu yabasebenzi okanye ngokumalunga nonike zelo lwemfumba yamaxwebhu ezo ziqiniselo angasetyenziswanga okanye ongayenziyo ingxelo ngeziqiniselo zerafu yabaqeshwa ezisetyenzisiweyo , ezingasetyenziswanga okanye ezonakeleyo xa uSibakhulu afuna enjenjalo


siqendu okanye othi ekuyekeni

ukuba ngumqeshi angazinikezeli iziqiniselo ezikuye ezingasetyenziswanga zerafu yabaqeshwa njengoko kuqingqiweyo esiqendwini 28 ( 13 ) , ( t) angawuthobeli nawuphi na umgqaliselo owiswe nguSibakhulu namelwe kukuba awuthobele ngokwesiqendu 28( 12 ) , (u) angagcini okanye atyeshele ukugcina ekwimeko eyiyo nawaphi na amaxwebhu abhalwayo njengoko kuqingqiweyo esiqendwini 29 okanye angagcini loo maxwebhu abhaliweyo isithuba seminyaka emihlanu ukususela emhleni wokubhalwa kwengcombolo yokugqibela apho kuwo okanye angafumanisi okanye angathumeli kumamekeli- rafu inkcazo okanye ingxelo njengoko ifunwayo kweso siqendu , (v) angabhekisi okanye atyeshele ukubhekisa isicelo kumamkeli- rafu sokuba abhaliswe njengom qeshi njengoko kufunwayo esiqendwini 30 ( 1 ) okanye , emveni kokwenza eso sicelo , angamazisi okanye atyeshele ukumazisa umamkeli - rafu ngako nakuphi na ukuguquka kwiadresi yakhe okanye ngokuba uyekile ukuba ngumqeshi njengoko kufunwayo esiqendwini 30 ( 2 ) , (w) aguqule nasiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa esenziwe okanye esikhutshwe nguye nawuphi na omnye umntu okanye ozenza ngobuxoki ukuba ungum qeshwa oxelwe nakwisiphi na isiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa okanye kuba efuna ukuba kulungelwe yena okanye ukuzinceda ufumana nzuzo ithile ngokuphathelele kuso sonke okanye wenza ukuba kuhlawulwe sonke okanye nayiphi na inxenye yaso nasiphi na isambuku- mali

218 .

UM THE THO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969 . serafu yabaqeshwa esixhuzulwe okanye emvuzweni ozuzwa ngomnye umntu,


(x) engenguye umqeshi kunjalo nje engagunyaziswanga ngemfanelo nguye nawuphi na umntu ongum qeshi , akhuphe okanye abangele ukuba kukhutshwe naliphi na ixwebhu ngenjongo yokuba libe ngathi lisisiqiniselo serafu yabaqeshwa ,

(y) angathumeli egoseni elimisel ' irafu nayiphi na intelekelelo yengenelo yakhe erafiswayo njengoko kufunwayo esiqendwini 33 , okanye

(z ) angawuthobeli okanye awugqithe nawuphi na umgaqo wawo nawuphi na ummiselo ,

uya kuba netyala lokwaphul ' umthetho .

( 2) Nawuphi na umntu ogwetywa ngokwaphul ' umthetho ngokwesiqendwana (1 ) uya kuthi , elawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana (3) , amelwe kukuba -

( a ) xa ilulwaphulo- mthetho olukhankanywe kwisiqendwana (1 ), ingelulo ulwaphulo- mthetho olukhankanywe emhlathini (b) wesi siqendwana , adliwe imali engengaphezulu kwamawaka amane eerandi okanye afakwe etrongweni isithuba esingengaphezulu kweenyanga ezintandathu okanye zombini ezo zinto - olo dliwomali nolo fako - trongweni ; kuze ke (b) xa ilulwaphulo- mthetho olukhankanywe kwisiqendwana ( 1 ) (d) , (e ) okanye ( z ) , adliwe imali engathe kratya kwikhulu elinye leerandi okanye afakwe entangeni isithuba esingengaphaya kweenyanga ezintathu .

(3) Inkundla egweba nawuphi na umntu ngolwaphulomthetho ekubhekiswe kulo kwisiqendwana (1 ) (b) okanye (c) , ngenxa yokungay ifumanisi okanye yokungayithumeli nayiphi na ingxelo njengoko naxa kufunwayo ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu 9 okanye 29 okanye ngokwenza , okanye ngokubangela okanye ukuvumela ukuba kwenziwe , nayiphi na inkcazo ebubuxoki okanye into ebhalwayo kuyo nayiphi na ingxelo enjalo, ingathi , ngaphezu kwaso nasiphi na isohlwayo esiwiselwa olo lwaphulo- mthetho , iyalele umgwetywa ukuba

219 .

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969 . afumanise okanye athumele loo ngxelo ifunekayo okanye alungise inkcazo leyo ibubuxoki okanye into ebhaliweyo singekagqithi eso sithuba kunjalo nje ngolo hlobo lungathi luxelwe emyalweni lowo.

(4) Ukuba ke nawuphi na umntu ugwetywe ngogqithomigaqo yesiqendwana (1) (d ) ngesizathu sokuba engayihlawuli nayiphi na irafu amakayihlawule ngokuphathelele nakwisiphi na isithuba esithile , loo mntu akayi kumangalelwa kwakhona ngoko kungahlawuli kwakhe , koko lona ityala laloo mntu kuRulumente ngokuphathelele kule rafu ixeliweyo aliyi kucingwa. " Izithatyathwangokuba " .

41. ( 1 ) Ukuba ke kuwo nawuphi na umcimbi woxubusho- tyala ngokwalo Mthetho , ekuqukwa apho nawuphi na umcimbi woxubusho -tyala ngokwesiqendu 15 , kuvela umbuzo (a) wokuba umntu

ngaba nawuphi na umntu ungummi okanye ontsundu kusini na , kude kube ke kuvele

bungqina bumbi bungqinekayo kuya kuthatyathwa ngokuba loo mntu ngummi okanye ngumntu ontsundu , kuxhomekeke ekubeni kukuphi na kanye -kanye koku ;

(b) wokuba ngaba nayiphi na irafu okanye imali esisohlwayo imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe nguye nawuphi na umntu okanye isemva ekuhlawulweni kusini na , kude kube kuveliswe bungqina bumbi bungqinekayo kuya kuthatyathwa ngokuba loo rafu okanye imali esisohlwayo imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe nguloo mntu okanye isemva ekuhlawulweni , kuxhomekeke ekuthini kukuphi na kanye -kanye koku ; (c) wokuba ngaba kukho nawuphi na umntu othumele okanye ofumanise osegunyeni loko nayiphi na ingxelo njengoko naxa ifunwayo sisiqendu okanye ngokwesiqendu 8 , 9 okanye 29 , kude kube kuveliswe bungqina bumbi bungqinekayo , kuya kuthatyathwa ngokuba loo mntu akayithumelanga okanye akayifumanisanga osegunyeni loko loo ngxelo ;

(d) ngokuphethelele kwiminyaka yobudala yakhe nawuphi na umntu , iminyaka yakhe yobudala yothi , kude kube kuveliswe bungqina bumbi , ithatyathwe ngokuba yiminyaka

ethelekelelwa 220.


oluchotshelwe lilo olo

UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI, 1969 . xubusho-tyala ngembonakalo yaloo mntu okanye ngayo nayiphi na ingcombolo ngaye engafumanekayo . (2) Ukulungiselela ukufeza iinjongo zesiqendu 40 ( 1 ) (0 ) isambuku-mali esixhuzulweyo okanye esibanjiweyo nguye nawuphi na umntu emvuzweni siya kuthi , kude kube kuveliswe bungqina bumbi bungqinekayo , sithatyathwe ngokuba sisetyenziselwe nguloo mntu iinjongo ezingezizo ezo zokuhlawula eso sambuku-mali kumamkeli - rafu , ukuba eso sambuku- mali asihlawulwa kumamkeli - rafu


isithuba esivu-

nyelwe ukuhlawula ngokwesiqendu 18 . 42. (1) Umphathiswa angamana esenza imimiselo (a) eqingqa ifomu emayithunyelwe yeengxelo zengenelo ; (b) eqingqa indlela eya kubalwa ngayo ingene lo erafiswayo yomrafi ; (c) eqingqa uhlobo nesithuba ekuya kwenziwa ngalo nangaso nasiphi na isichaso kuso nasiphi na isiqingqo esenziwa ligosa elimisel ' irafu ; (d) emisela

iindawo , uhlobo neeyure ekuya kuhlawulwa

kuzo nangalo nayiphi na irafu , irafu eyodwa okanye imali esisihlawuliso; (e ) ekhuphela ngaphandle nawuphi na ummandla ekusebenzeni kwesiqendu 14 ; ( f) emisela iimeko angathi kuzo nawuphi na umntu abanjwe okanye 14(2);


ngokwemigaqo yesiqendu

(g) ephathelele ekunikweni "kwesiqinisekiso sobambiso " nguye nawuphi na umntu owalathelwe yimantyi ngokwesiqendu 17 ( 3) ;

(h) eqingqa iimali ezibizwayo neendleko emazihlawulwe ngokumalunga nokwenza kusebenze nasiphi na isigunyaziso esikhutshwe ngokwalo Mthetho , kwaye ke ngokubanzi , ephathelele kuyo yonke imicimbi uMphathiswa abona ukuthi kuyafuneka okanye kuluncedo ukuba ayimisele khona ukuze kufezwe iinjongo zalo Mthetho . 221 .


UM THETHO WERAFU YASETRANSKEI , 1969. (2) Imimiselo eyahlukeneyo ingawiselwa imimandla eyahlukeneyo okanye iindidi ezahlukeneyo zabantu okanye amaqumru. Uqokelelo- mfumano 43. Nangani kukho nawuphi na umgaqo kuwo nawuphi na lweerenti , iimali ezibizwayo okanye omnye umthetho, imigaqo yesiqendu 15 nese 17 ( 1 ) , (2 ) iindleko ezithile . nesesi ( 3 ) iya kusebenza iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo kuqokelelo nofunyano lwayo nayiphi na imali yengqeshiso , ikhwithrenti , imali ebizwayo okanye enye enjalo ngokuphathelele kuhlalo- mhlabeni okanye usetyenziso - mhlaba emelwe kukuba ihlawulwe nguye nawuphi na umntu kuRulumente , akukhathaleki nokokuba loo mali yengqeshiso , ikhwithrenti imali ebizwayo okanye enye enjalo yayimelwe kukuba ihlawulwe ngaphambili , okanye imelwe kukuba ihlawulwe emveni , kokuqalisa ukusebenza kwalo Mthetho . Utshitshiso lwemithetho nofakelo- mibandela kuyo.

44. ( 1 ) Kulawulwa yimigaqo yesiqendwana ( 2) , imithetho ekhankanywe eSihlomelweni ngokwenjenje iyaroxiswa okanye ifakelwa imibandela kangangoko kwandlaliweyo emhlathini waso wesithathu .

(2) Nangani uroxisiwe uMthetho we Rafu ne Nkqubela yabaNtsudu , 1925 , yonke imigaqo yawo njengoko ithi ibhekiselele kuyo nayiphi na irafu ekhankanywe kwisiqendu 2 ( 1 ) -okwesibini (b) no- ( 1 ) -okwesithathu saloo Mthetho , iya kuhlala inamandla omthetho ngokuphathelele kuyo nayiphi na irafu enjalo yawo nawuphi na umnyaka wekhalenda ongaphambili kokuqalisa ukusebenza kwalo Mthetho kwaye ke ngaphezu koko imigaqo yesiqendu 15 salo Mthetho iya kusebenza ngokuphathelele kuyo nayiphi na irafu enjalo ngokungathi ibiyirafu kawonke -wonke esisambuku - mali esisigxina .

Igama elifutshane noqalis okusebenza.

45. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho we Rafu yase Transkei , 1969 waye uya kuqalisa ukusebenza ngomhla wokuqala kuJanuwari , 1970 . ISIH LOMELO .

Igama Nonyaka womthetho .

Igama elifutshane .

Utshitshiswe okanye ufakelwe imibandela kangakanani ?

Umthetho No. 41 wowe 1925 .

Umthetho we Rafu ne Nkqubela yabaNtsundu , 1925 . 222.

Utshitshiswa wonke .


Umthetho No. 28 wowe 1926 .

Umthetho No. 37 wowe 1931 .

Umthetho we Rafu ne Nkqubela

Utshitshiswa wonke .

yabaNtsundu , 1925 , Umthetho woFakelo- mibandela , 1926 . Umthetho woFakelo- mibandela weRafu ne Nkqubela

Utshitshiswa wonke .

yabaNtsundu , 1931 . Umthetho No. 25

wowe 1932. Umthetho No. 49

Umthetho woLungelelwaniso kwezeMali , 1932 .

Utshitshiso lwesigendu 9.

Umthetho wezeMali , 1935 .

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 13 nese 14.

Umthetho wezeMali , 1937 .

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 11 .

Umthetho woFakelo - mibandela

Utshitshiswa wonke .

wowe 1935. Umthetho No. 50 wowe 1937 . Umthetho No. 25 wowe 1939.

Umthetho No. 27

weRafu yaba Ntsundu , 1939 . Umthetho wezeMali , 1940 .

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 19 nesama 20 .

Umthetho we zeMali , 1942.

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 16 .

Umthetho wezeMali , 1943

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 16

Umthetho wo Fakelo- mibandela kwiMithetho yaba Ntsundu , 1944 .

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 20 nesama 21 .

Umthetho wezeMali , 1945 .

Utshitshiso lwesigendu

wowe 1940 . Umthetho No. 41 wowe 1942 . Umthetho No. 37 wowe 1943. Umthetho No. 36 wowe 1944 .

Umthetho No. 46

18 nese 19 .

wowe 1945. Umthetho No. 56 wowe 1949. Umthetho No. 38 wowe 1958 .

Umthetho No. 46 .

kwiMithetho yaba Ntsundu , 1949 .

Utshitshiso lwesiqendu 18.

Umthetho wo Fakelo -mibandela

Utshitshiswa wonke .

Umthetho wo Fakelo - mibandela

we Rafu neNkqubela yaba Ntsundu , 1958.

Umthetho woFakelo- mibandela


Utshitshiso lweziqendu


wowe 1962 .

Umthetho No. 76 wowe 1963.

Umthetho No. 4 wowe 1965.

kwiMithetho yaba Ntsundu , 1962 .

ezisukela kwesoku 1 kuse kwesesi 8.

Umthetho woFakelo- mibandela kwiMithetho yabaNtsundu , 1963.

Utshitshiso lweziqendu

Umthetho woGunya ziwe baseTranskei , 1965 .

2 , 3 , nesesi 4.

Ubeko lwesi siqendu singezants ' apha endaweni yesiqendu 55 : "Ukufu 55. Imigaqo yesiqenyanwa kwee- ndu 14 , 17 nesama ntlobontlobo 40 ( 1 ) (d ) , ( 2 ) nesesi zeerafu,(4) zoMthetho weRafu okanye 1969 iimali yase Transkei , ezibiewiswe zwayo nemimiselo ezisemva ngokwaloo Mthetho iekuhlawu ya kusebenza igu qulweni. lwe nje apho kufune-

kayo kufunyano kuye na ummi nawuphi lwayo nayiphi na irafu, okanye imali ebizwayo emiselwa , ewiswa okanye erafiswa okanye ethatyathwa ngokuba iwiswe , irafiswe okanye imiselwe nguMphathiswa okanye nguye nawuphi na ugunyaziwe wesizwe okanye wenqila ngokwalo Mthetho . ".

224 .



(The English Text signed by the State President - Assented to on 25th September, 1969) To impose taxes

on citizens

of the

Transkei and in respect of certain

dwellings in the Transkei , to provide for the deduction by employers of amounts from the remuneration of employees in respect of certain tax liabilities , to provide for the making of provisional tax payments and to provide for incidental matters .



..Sections 2 to 4. CHAPTER II.

General and Local Taxes ........

.Sections 5 to 17.



Employees ' Tax.... PART II.

Provisional Tax...........

....... Sections 32 to 38 .



..... Section 39 . CHAPTER IV.

......... Sections 40 to 45 .

Miscellaneous Provisions ........ BE






ASSEMBLY, as follows : -


(1 ) In this Act unless the context otherwise indicates -


Definitions .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. (i ) "adult" means years ; (xxiv)

of or

above the


of eighteen

(ii) " assessing officer" means any officer designated under section 2 (b) ; ( i)

(iii) " authorized officer " means an authorized officer as defined in section 1 of the Bantu ( Urban Areas) Consolidation Act, 1945 (Act No. 25 of 1945) ; (x)

(iv) "bantu affairs commissioner " means a bantu affairs commissioner appointed in terms of section 2 (2 ) of the Bantu Administration Act, 1927 (Act No. 38 of 1927) and includes an additional bantu affairs commissioner and an assistant bantu affairs commissioner; (iv) (v) " Bantu person" means a Bantu person as defined in section 73 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 (Act No. 48 of 1963) and includes any person residing in a local tax area under the same conditions as a Bantu person ; (v) (vi ) " chief" means a chief as defined in section 1 of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 (Act No. 4 of 1965) ; (xv)

(vii) " citizen" means any person, whether resident within or outside the Transkei , who is a citizen of the Transkei in terms of the Transkei Constitution Act, 1963 ; (viii )

(viii ) " customary union " means a customary union as defined in section 35 of the Bantu Administration Act , 1927 ; (ix) (ix) "dwelling " means a building or group of buildings in a local tax area which is occupied by the head of a family, together with any subsidiary building used by members of the same family, the building or group of buildings used by each female partner of a customary union and her children being regarded as a separate dwelling ; (xxxi )

226 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969. (x) " employee " means any taxpayer who receives any remuneration or to whom any remuneration accrues ; (xxviii)

(xi) " employees ' tax " means the tax required to be deducted or withheld by an employer in terms of section 18 from remuneration paid or payable to an employee ; (xxix )

(xii) " employees ' tax certificate " means a certificate required to be issued by an employer in terms of section 28 ; (xxx)

(xiii ) " employer " means any person , body , undertaking or institution whatsoever (excluding any person not acting as a principal , but including any person acting in a fiduciary capacity or in his capacity as a trustee in an insolvent estate , an executor or an administrator of a benefit fund , pension fund , provident fund, retirement annuity fund or any other fund) who pays or is liable to pay to any employee any amount by way of remuneration; (xxvii ) (xiv) " Government" means the Government of the Transkei; (xx)

(xv) " headman" means a headman as defined in section 1 of the Transkei Authorities Act , 1965 ; (xii )

(xvi) " Income Tax Act " , means the 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962 ) ; (xiii )

Income Tax Act,

(xvii) " local tax area " means , subject to the provisions of subsections (2 ) and (3) -

(a ) any area in the Transkei described in the Schedule to the Bantu Land Act , 1913 (Act No. 27 of 1913);

(b) Government land occupied under communal conditions , if no rent is payable to the Government by any occupier in respect of the land occupied by him ; and



in the Transkei held by a missionary society or religious body carrying on missionary work amongst the persons occupying such land ; (xix)

(c) land

(xviii) "magistrate " means the magistrate , additional magistrate or assistant magistrate of any district in the Transkei and , in any area outside the Transkei in which there is no bantu affairs commissioner , means the magistrate , additional magistrate or assistant magistrate of the district in which such area is situated ; (xvi )

(xix) " Minister" means the Minister of Finance ; (xvii ) (xx) "Official Gazette " means the Official Gazette of the Transkei ; (ii )

(xxi) "provisional tax " means any payment required to be made in terms of section 32 ; (xxv)

(xxii) "provisional taxpayer " means any taxpayer who derives by way of income any amount which does not constitute remuneration and includes any other taxpayer who is notified by an assessing officer that he is a provisional taxpayer; (xxvi ) (xxiii ) " receiver " means any pe . son authorized in terms of section 2 (a) to collect any tax provided for in this Act ; (xviii )

(xxiv) " regulations " means regulations made under this Act; (xxi)

(xxv) " remuneration " means any amount of income which is paid or is payable to any employee by way of any salary, leave pay , allowance , wage , overtime pay , bonus , gratuity , commission , fee , emolument , pension , superannuation allowance , retiring allowance or stipend , whether in cash or otherwise and whether or not in respect of services rendered , and including or excluding any amount of income of such kind as the Secretary may by notice in the Official Gazette or in the case of any particular employee or class 228.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. of employee by notice in writing sent by post or delivered to the employer of such employee or class of employee from time to time determine , but excluding any amount expressly excluded in terms of the definition of taxable income; (vii ) (xxvi ) " representative employer " means (a) in the case of any company, the public officer of that company referred to in section 101 of the Income Tax Act , or , in the event of such company being placed in liquidation or under judicial management , the liquidator or judicial manager , as the case may be; (b) in the case of any municipal council , village management board or like authority or any body corporate or unincorporate (other than a company or a partnership ) any manager , secretary , officer or other person responsible for paying remuneration on behalf of such council , board , authority or body; (c) in the case of a person under legal disability , any guardian, curator , administrator or other person having the management or control of the affairs of the person under legal disability; or (d) in the case of any employer who is not ordinarily resident in the Transkei , any person having authority to pay remuneration for or on behalf of such employer , but nothing in this definition shall be construed as relieving any person from any liability , responsibility or duty imposed upon him by this Act; (xxiii ) (xxvii) " Secretary" means the Secretary for Finance ; (xxii ) (xxviii ) "taxable

income " means an amount which shall , save as may otherwise be provided in the regulations , be calculated in the manner in which the

taxable income of any person other than a company is to be calculated for the purposes of the Income 229.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969. Tax Act , but shall not include -

(a) in the case of a taxpayer who is married , whether in or out of community of property , or is a partner of a customary union, any income received by or accrued to or in favour of the spouse of such taxpayer or the other partner of the customary union; (b) the value of any livestock or agricultural produce received by or accrued to or in favour of any taxpayer and which has not been realized ; (v) (xxix) " taxpayer " means any person who is liable for the payment of the general tax consisting of a fixed amount, the general tax based on income or local tax , as the case may be , in terms of this Act , or for the payment of any similar tax payable under any law repealed by this Act ; (vi)

(xxx) "this Act " includes the regulations ; (xi)

(xxxi) " year of assessment " means a period commencing on the first day of March of any year and ending on the last day of February of the next succeeding year. (xiv)

(2) The Minister may by notice in the

Official Gazette -

(a ) declare any land in the Transkei to be a local tax area for the purposes of any provision of this Act ;

local tax area or part of a (b) exclude any land which is local tax area from the application of any such provision ,

and may in like manner amend , vary or withdraw any such notice .

(3 ) Any land in the Transkei (a) declared to be a Bantu location for the purposes of the definition of " Bantu location " in section 19 of the Bantu Taxation and Development Act , 1925 (Act No. 230 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. 41 of 1925 ) , shall be deemed to have been declared a local tax area under subsection ( 2) (a) of this section;

(b) excluded from the said definition in terms of paragraph (c) or subparagraph (iii) thereof, shall be deemed not to be a local tax area.

(4) For the purposes of this Act any tax or penalty shall be in arrear if it has not been paid on or before the last day permitted for payment of such tax or penalty in terms of this Act or in terms of any other law under which it is payable read with the provisions of this Act. CHAPTER I. ADMINISTRATION.


Subject to the provisions of this section and of section 4, the Secretary shall be responsible for the collection of any tax






II and

III and may -

(a) authorize any person to collect any such tax on his behalf; (b) designate any officer to perform the duties and functions , and to exercise the powers , of an assessing officer under this Act;

(c) require assessing officers , magistrates , bantu affairs commissioners or receivers to exercise their powers or perform their functions or duties under this Act subject to his directions ; (d) exercise or perform any of the powers , functions or duties referred to in paragraph (c) ;

(e ) withdraw any decision , notice , certificate or communication made , issued or signed under this Act by any assessing officer , magistrate , bantu affairs commissioner or receiver ; (f) delegate any of his powers under this Act to any officer in the full -time service of the Government , but shall not thereby be divested of any power which

231 .

Duties and powers of Secretary.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. he may so have delegated and may withdraw any decision by any officer.

Observation of secrecy .

3. No person employed in carrying out the provisions of this Act shall divulge any information contained in any return, book , certificate , notice or other document referred to in section 8 , 9 or 10 or any information furnished under any of those sections that may come to his knowledge in the performance of his duties under this Act , except for the purpose of carrying out the said provisions or by order of a court.

Remuneration for assistance in collecting tax.

4. The Minister may out of moneys appropriated by the Legislative Assembly for the purpose , pay to any inferior administrative authority , institution or body established under any law or to any receiver not being an officer or employee in the public service of the Transkei for services rendered in connection with the collection of any tax payable in terms of Chapter II , such remuneration or allowances as the Minister may from time to time determine . CHAPTER II. GENERAL AND LOCAL TAXES . There shall be paid for the benefit of the Transkeian 5. Revenue Fund and in accordance with the provisions of this

Levy of general and local taxes .

Chapter a general tax and a local tax .

General tax.

General tax shall be paid by every citizen who is liable 6. therefor in terms of this Act with effect from the first day of March, 1970 and in respect of each year of assessment and shall consist of -

(a) an amount payable by a citizen in respect of the taxable income received by or accrued to or in favour of such citizen during the year of assessment , at the following rates:Where the taxable income

exceeds R360 but does

not exceed "" 9" 99

R480 R600 R720

R480 : R600 :


R2.76 R4.32

R720: R1,740 :

R4.32 232 .

plus R0.60 for each com-

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. pleted amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R720 ;




R2,760 :


plus R1.20 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R1,740;






R4,800 :


plus R2.40 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R2,760 ; plus R3 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R3,780;



R5,820 :


plus R3.60 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R4,800 ;



R6,840 :


plus R4.20 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R5,820 ;



R7,860 :


plus R4.80 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R6,840



R8,880 :


plus R5.40 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R7,860;



R9,900 :


plus R6.60 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R8,880 ;



R10,920 : R1,085.52

plus R7.20 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R9,900 ;



R11.940 : R1,330.32

plus R7.80 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R10,920 ;



,, R11,940


R12,960 : R1,595.52

plus R8.40 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R11,940;

,, R12,960

R13,980 : R1,881.12

plus R9.60 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R12,960;


R15,000 : R2,207.52

plus R10.80 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R13,980 ;


,, R15,000


R16,020 : R2,574.72

plus R12 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income

,, R16,020


R17,040 : R2,982.72

plus R13.20 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R16,020;

R18,060 : R3,431.52

plus R14.40 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R17,040 ;

R19,080 : R3,921.12

plus R15.60 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income

exceeds R15,000 ;


,, R18,060


exceeds R18,060 ;



R20,100 : R4,451.52

,, R20,100 :


plus R16.80 for each completed amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R19,080 ; plus

R18 for

each com-

pleted amount of R30 by which the taxable income exceeds R20,100 ; and (b) a fixed amount of two rand and fifty cents payable by an adult male citizen irrespective of any amount which may be payable by him under paragraph ( a ) .

Local tax,

7. ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of subsection ( 2 ) , local tax shall be paid by the occupier of a dwelling with effect from the first day of March , 1970 and in respect of each year of

234 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. assessment at the rate of one rand for every dwelling of which he is the occupier , but shall not exceed four rand in the aggregate for any year of assessment .

(2) Local tax shall not be payable (a) by the owner of a farm in respect of any dwelling on that farm , if quitrent is payable to the Government in respect of such farm ;

(b) by the registered holder of any arable allotment of land held under quitrent title , in respect of any dwelling which is situated on such land and is not being used by a partner of any second or subsequent customary union into which such registered holder may have entered ; (c) by any person who is not and has not been a partner of a customary union or married and who is not the holder of an allotment of land in a local tax area ;

(d) by a widow who is not the holder of an allotment of land in her own right or entitled in accordance with law to the use and occupation of an allotment of land registered in the name of her deceased husband or partner ; (e) by the occupier of a dwelling on an allotment of land in respect of which quitrent is payable to the Government;

(f) by any person who is not a Bantu person. 8. (1) If the total amount of the general tax based on income and payable by any citizen in respect of any year of assessment has not been paid in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III , such citizen shall not later than two months after the end of that year of assessment , or within such further period as any receiver may allow , render to a receiver a return of his income during the said year of assessment , in the form prescribed by regulation. ( 2) Any receiver or assessing officer may at any time by notice in writing sent by post or delivered to any citizen who in his opinion is liable for the payment of the general tax

235 .

Returns of income to be rendered and information to be furnished by taxpayers .


based on income , call upon such citizen to render to the receiver or assessing officer within such period as may be specified in the notice , a return as aforesaid in respect of any year of assessment .

(3) Any receiver or assessing officer may, for the purpose of determining the amount of the general tax based on income to be paid by any citizen , request such citizen by notice as aforesaid to furnish the receiver or assessing officer within such period and at such place as may be specified in the notice , with such books , accounts , documents or information as may be so specified .

Information to be furnished by employers of citizens and by other persons .

9. Any receiver or assessing officer may at any time , by notice in writing sent by post or delivered to any person, call upon such person to furnish the receiver or assessing officer in respect of any period specified in the notice and in the form and within the period so specified or within such further period as such receiver or assessing officer may allow -

(a) returns of all citizens or of any specified class of citizens in the employment of such person or resident on land or premises the property of or occupied by him and of the earnings , salary , wages or pensions received by or accrued to or in favour of any such citizen by virtue of such employment ; (b) returns in respect of all livestock or produce purchased from or sold on behalf of any citizen by such person, or of any share or interest of any such citizen in any business of such person, or of moneys received on deposit by such person from or on behalf of any such citizen or of interest paid on any such moneys , or of such matters regarding the income of any such citizen in so far as it relates to such business , as may be specified in the notice .

Determination or re- determination of taxable income and of amount of general tax payable in respect thereof


( 1 ) An assessing officer shall determine (a ) the taxable income received by or accrued to or in favour of any taxpayer during any year of assessment; and

236 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. (b) the amount of general tax payable by such taxpayer in respect of such income ,

and shall by notice in writing sent by post or delivered to him advise such taxpayer amount so determined .

of the taxable income and the

(2 ) If at any time after any taxpayer has been advised as aforesaid , the assessing officer is satisfied that any amount which should have been included in or excluded from the taxable income of such taxpayer has not been so included or excluded , he shall re - determine the amounts referred to in subsection (1) and advise the said taxpayer accordingly in the manner set forth in that subsection.

(3) In determining the taxable income of any taxpayer an assessing officer shall have regard to any return of income rendered by such taxpayer and to any other information at the disposal of the assessing officer, and may , if such taxpayer has made default in rendering any such return or in furnishing any information or if the assessing officer is not satisfied with any such return rendered or information furnished by such taxpayer , estimate either in whole or in part the taxable income in relation to which the return or information is required .

(4) Any taxpayer feeling aggrieved at any determination made by an assessing officer under this section may, in such manner and within such period as may be prescribed by regulation , lodge an objection to such determination with such assessing officer for transmission by hini to the Secretary, who may amend the determination or disallow the objection and shall cause such taxpayer to be advised of his decision.

11. ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of section 12 , general tax consisting of a fixed amount and local tax payable in respect of any year shall be paid before the first day of June of that year . (2 ) Subject to the provisions of section 12 , payments of general tax based on income shall be made in respect of any year of assessment -


Payment of taxes .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969 . (a) in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III, to the extent provided for in such provisions ;

(b) in the case of any amount of such tax not paid in respect of any taxpayer in accordance with the said provisions , within such period as may be specified in a notice by an assessing officer advising such taxpayer of the amount of general tax payable by him in respect of his taxable income during such year of assessment.

(3 ) General tax and local tax shall , subject to the foregoing provisions of this section , be paid at such places and in such manner and during such hours as may be prescribed by regulation. (4 ) If any taxpayer tendering in respect of any particular period any amount in payment of any general tax consisting of a fixed amount or any local tax , payable by him under this Act or any law repealed by this Act , owes any such tax in respect of any previous period , the amount so tendered shall be applied to the discharge of any such tax which is longest in arrear. Extension of time to pay tax .

12. Any receiver may in his discretion grant any taxpayer , to such extent as may be specified in a certificate of extension issued to him by such receiver , an extension of time in which to pay any tax to be paid by such taxpayer under this Chapter or under any law repealed by this Act.

Exemption from taxes .

13. ( 1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4 ) , any taxpayer shall be exempt from payment of any tax payable under this Chapter or any similar tax payable under any law repealed by this Act, to such extent as may be specified in a certificate of exemption issued to him under this section. (2 ) Any receiver shall issue to any taxpayer who satisfies him that he has attained the age of sixty - five years , a certificate exempting such taxpayer permanently with effect from such date as may be specified in the certificate , from payment of general tax consisting of a fixed amount and local tax .



(3) Any receiver may issue to any taxpayer a certificate exempting him from payment of any tax referred to in subsection (1 ) and specified in the certificate , to such extent as may be so specified , if such taxpayer satisfies the receiver -

(a) that he is indigent and is prevented by reason of age , chronic disease or other cause not within his control from earning sufficient to enable him to pay such tax ; or

(b) that, in consequence of his regular attendance at an educational institution established by or under any law or duly registered or approved under any law , he has been precluded from earning sufficient to enable him to pay such tax. (4) Any certificate issued under this section may at any time be cancelled by any receiver if he is satisfied (a) that it was obtained fraudulently; or (b) that the taxpayer to whom it was issued no longer qualifies for an exemption in terms of this section.

(5) A certificate of exemption of permanent duration issued under section 4 of the Bantu Taxation and Development Act, 1925 , in respect of any tax , shall be deemed to have been issued under this section in respect of the corresponding tax levied under this Chapter . 14. ( 1 ) Any receiver or any person authorized in writing by him , or any authorized officer , or any chief or headman (hereinafter

in this

section referred to as an authorized

official) may, at any time and at any place other than a place in any area excluded by regulation from the operation of this section, request any person who appears to him to be or to have been liable to general tax consisting of a fixed amount or to local tax, payable under this Act or any law repealed by this Act , to furnish information as to his identity or liability for tax or to produce either a receipt or a certificate of payment, exemption or extension , issued under this Act or any

such law in


of any such tax , and shall after


Production of receipts or certificates .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. inspection thereof return to such person any document produced by him: Provided that no taxpayer producing any document in respect of any tax for any year , shall be required to produce any document preceding year.

in respect of such tax for any

(2 ) Subject to the regulations , any authorized official making a request to any person in terms of subsection ( 1 ) may, if such person fails to comply with such request or if such authorized official suspects such person of having committed an offence referred to in section 40 ( 1 ) (d) , arrest such person without warrant.

(3) Any person arrested under subsection (2) , shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of section 27 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1955 (Act No. 56 of 1955) or shall be released -

(a) if an order in respect of his remuneration is made under section 15 ; or

(b) if a certificate of exemption or extension is issued to him ; or

(c) if he furnishes security to the satisfaction of the authorized official who arrested him, for payment of any tax referred to in subsection (1 ) , which appears to such authorized official to be in arrear. Deductions of arrear tax from remuneration of tax-payers .


(1) If at any time any officer being a magistrate , a Bantu affairs commissioner , an assessing officer or a

receiver , is satisfied that any general tax consisting of a fixed amount or local tax payable by any taxpayer under this Act or any law repealed by this Act is in arrear , such officer may, subject to the provisions of subsections ( 2) and ( 3) (a) by order in writing sent by post or delivered to the employer of such taxpayer direct such employer to deduct or withhold from the remuneration he pays or becomes liable to pay to such taxpayer such amounts and at such times as may be specified in the order and to pay any amount so deducted or withheld to such receiver and within such period as may be so specified ;



(b) by like order vary or withdraw any order issued under paragraph (a) .

(2 ) The amounts specified in any order issued under subsection (1 ) shall not in the aggregate exceed the liability of the taxpayer concerned for the taxes which are in arrear and

shall be



settlement of the

said liability .

(3) In the determination of any amount to be deducted or withheld from the remuneration of any taxpayer in terms of subsection ( 1 ) , taxpayer .





had to the needs of such

(1) If the Secretary is satisfied that any amount paid

Refunds .

in respect of any tax liability of any taxpayer under this Act or any law repealed by this Act is in excess of such liability , the Secretary may , subject to the provisions of subsection ( 2) -

(a ) apply the amount paid in excess in settlement of any other such liability of such taxpayer ; or

(b) refund such amount to such taxpayer . · (2 ) No


shall be





(a) unless a claim for the refund is made within three years after payment of the amount in respect of which the claim is made ; or

(b) in respect of payment of any amount of employees ' tax correctly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III , at the time of payment unless the Secretary is satisfied that the circumstances of the case warrant a refund ; or

(c ) in respect of the payment of provisional tax in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III , unless the Secretary is satisfied that the circumstances of the case warrant a refund .

17. ( 1 ) Any amount of tax or penalty payable in terms of this Chapter or Chapter III ( including any amount of general tax consisting of a fixed amount or local tax , payable under 241 .

Recovery of arrear tax.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. any law repealed by this Act) and which is in arrear and any amount deducted or withheld in terms of section 15 shall be a debt due to the Government and may be recovered in the manner set forth in subsection (2 ) or ( 3) . (2) Any amount referred to in subsection (1 ) , other than an amount of general tax consisting of a fixed amount or local tax , may be recovered by the Secretary in the manner prescribed in section 91 of the Income Tax Act for the recovery of tax and interest due or payable under that Act, and for that purpose the provisions of the said section shall mutatis mutandis apply .

(3) Whenever fixed amount or repealed by this the Transkei is

any amount of general tax consisting of a local tax payable under this Act or any law Act by any taxpayer ordinarily resident in in arrear , the magistrate of the district in

which such taxpayer ordinarily resides may , for the purpose of recovering such amount , issue a warrant of execution against the movable property of such taxpayer , whereupon such warrant shall be executed by a person appointed by such magistrate as if it were issued pursuant to a judgment of a magistrate's court , except that it shall not be necessary to serve a copy of such warrant upon the execution debtor . (4 ) If the taxpayer liable for the tax which is in arrear does not pay on demand to the person executing a warrant issued under subsection (3 ) , the amount of such tax , together with the costs in respect of the execution, or does not point out to such person sufficient property for the recovery of such amount and such costs , such person may arrest such taxpayer without warrant and thereupon such taxpayer shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) of section 14 , other than the provisions of paragraph ( c ) of that subsection.

242 .





18. ( 1 ) Every employer (whether or not registered as an employer under section 30 ) who pays or becomes liable to

Employers to deduct tax.

pay any amount by way of remuneration to any employee on or after the first day of March , 1970 , shall , unless the Secretary has granted authority to the contrary , deduct or withhold from that amount by way of employees ' tax an amount which shall be determined as provided in section 25 , 26 or 27 , whichever is applicable , in respect of the liability of that employee for the general tax based on income , and shall pay the amount so deducted or withheld to a receiver within seven days after the end of the month during which the amount was deducted or withheld, or in the case of a person who ceases to be an employer before the end of such month , within seven days after the day on which he ceases to be an employer , or in either case within such further period as a receiver may approve .

( 2 ) Any employer may , at the written request of any employee , deduct or withhold from any amount of remuneration an amount by way of employees ' tax greater than that required to be deducted or withheld in terms of subsection ( 1 ) , and shall remit such amount to a receiver , and the provisions of this Chapter relating to employees ' tax shall mutatis mutandis apply in respect of such amount . (3) For the purposes of this section "month" means. any of the twelve portions into which any calendar year is divided .

19. ( 1 ) The liability of any employer to deduct or withhold any amount of employees ' tax in terms of section 18 shall not be reduced or extinguished by reason of the fact that the employer has a right or is otherwise than in terms of any law under

an obligation to

deduct or withhold any other 243 .

Extent of liability to deduct tax.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969. amount from the employee's remuneration , and such right or obligation shall notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other law contained , for all purposes be deemed to have reference only to the amount of the remuneration remaining after the amount of employee's tax referred to in that section has been deducted or withheld.

( 2 ) The provisions of section 18 shall apply in respect of all amounts payable by way of remuneration , notwithstanding the provisions of any law which provide that any such amount shall not be reduced or shall not be subject to attachment .

Deductions a debt due to Government.

20. Any amount required to be deducted or withheld in terms of section 18 shall be a debt due to the Government and the employer concerned shall save as otherwise provided be absolutely liable for the due payment thereof to a receiver .

Failure to deduct tax.

21. (1 ) Subject to the provisions of subsection ( 6 ) , any employer who fails to deduct or withhold the full amount of employees ' tax as provided in section 18 shall be personally liable for the payment to a receiver of the amount which he fails to deduct or withhold , and shall , subject to the provisions of subsection ( 2 ) , pay that amount to a receiver not later than the date on which payment should have been made if the employees ' tax had in fact been deducted or withheld in terms of section 18 .

(2 ) Where the employer has failed to deduct or withhold employees ' tax in terms of section 18 and the Secretary is satisfied that the failure was not due to an intent to postpone payment of the tax or to evade the employer's obligations under this Chapter , the Secretary may , if he is satisfied that there is a reasonable prospect of ultimately recovering the tax from the employee , absolve the employer from his liability under subsection ( 1 ) . (3 ) An employer who has not been absolved from liability as provided in subsection (2 ) shall have a right of recovery against the employee in respect of the amount paid by the employer in terms of subsection ( 1 ) in respect of that employee , and such amount may irrespective of any other right of recovery be deducted from future remuneration which may become

payable 244 .

by the employer to that em-

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969. ployee , in such manner as a receiver may determine . (4 ) Until such time as an employee pays to his employer any amount which is due to the employer in terms of subsection (3) , such employee shall not be entitled to receive from the employer an employees ' tax certificate in respect of that amount.

(5) Any amount which an employer is required to pay in terms of subsection ( 1 ) and which he is entitled to recover from the employee in terms of subsection ( 3 ) shall , in so far as the employer only is concerned , be deemed to be a penalty due and payable by that employer . (6) The provisions of subsection ( 1 ) shall not apply in respect of any amount or any portion of any amount of employees ' tax which an employer has failed to deduct or withhold and in respect of which the provisions of section 39 ( 3 ) apply . 22. (1 ) If an employer fails to pay any amount of employees ' tax for which he is liable within the period allowable for payment thereof in terms of section 18 he shall , in addition to any






Failure to pay tax.

which he may be liable

under this Act , pay a penalty equal to ten percent of such amount.

(2) The Secretary may, if he is satisfied that the employer's failure to pay the amount of employees ' tax was not due to an intent to postpone payment of such tax or otherwise evade his obligations under this Act and was not designed to enable the employee concerned to evade such employee's obligations under this Act , remit the whole or any part of the penalty imposed under subsection (1 ) .

(3) The penalty imposed under subsection (1) shall be paid to a receiver when payment is made of the amount of employees ' tax to which it refers or within such further period as a receiver may approve . 23. Any agreement between an employer and an employee whereby the employer undertakes not to deduct or withhold employees' tax shall be void.

245 .

Certain agreements void .


Deductions not recoverable by employee.

24. An employee shall not be entitled to recover from an employer any amount deducted or withheld by the employer from the employee's remuneration in terms of section 18 .

Deduction tables .

25. ( 1 ) The Secretary may from time to time , having regard to the amount of the general tax based on income which is payable or is foreshadowed by the Minister in a budget statement , and to any other factors having a bearing upon the probable liability of taxpayers for the said tax , prescribe deduction tables applicable to such classes of employees as he may determine , and the manner in which such tables shall be applied, and the amount of employees ' tax to be deducted from any amount of remuneration shall , subject to the provisions of sections 26 and 27 , be determined in accordance with such tables .

( 2) Any tables prescribed by the Secretary in accordance with subsection ( 1 ) shall come into force on such date as may be notified by the Secretary in the Official Gazette , and shall remain in force until withdrawn by the Secretary . Variation of basis for deductions .

26. ( 1 ) If the Secretary is satisfied that the circumstances warrant a variation of the basis provided in section 25 for the determination of amounts of employees ' tax to be deducted or withheld from remuneration of employees in the case of any employer , he may agree with such employer as to the basis of determination of the said amounts to be applied by that employer , and the amounts to be deducted or withheld by that employer in terms of section 18 shall , subject to the provisions of section 27 , be determined accordingly . (2) Any agreement made in terms of subsection ( 1 ) shall remain in force indefinitely , but the Secretary or the employer concerned may give notice of termination thereof and upon the expiration of a period of three months from the date of such notice such agreement shall terminate .

Cessation or reduction of deductions ,

27. In order to alleviate hardship to an employee due to illness or other circumstances or to correct any error in regard to the calculation of employees ' tax a receiver may , having regard to the circumstances of the case , issue a directive to the employer concerned authorizing the employer to refrain from deducting or withholding any amount under section 18 by way of employees ' tax from any remuneration

246 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969 . due to the employee or to deduct or withhold by way of employees ' tax a specified amount or an amount to be determined in accordance with a specified rate or scale , and the employer shall comply with such directive .

28. ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of sections 21 and 39 , every employer who , during the period of twelve months ending the

last day of February , 1971 or any succeeding

period of twelve months , deducts or withholds any amount by way of employees ' tax as required by section 18 , shall within the time


by subsection (2) of this section

deliver to each employee or former employee to whom remuneration has during the period in question been paid or become due by such employer , an employees ' tax certificate in such form as the Secretary may prescribe or approve , which shall show the total remuneration of such employee or former employee and the sum of the amounts of employees ' tax deducted or withheld by such employer from such remuneration during the said period , excluding any amount of remuneration or employees ' tax included in any other employees ' tax certificate issued by such employer unless such other certificate has been surrendered to such employer by the employee or former employee and has been cancelled by such employer and dealt with by him as provided in subsection ( 10) . (2 ) The employees ' tax certificate referred to in sub-

section (1) shall be delivered (a) if the employer who is required to deliver the certificate has not ceased to be an employer in relation to the employee concerned , within fourteen days after the end of the period to which the certificate relates ; (b) if the said employer has ceased to be an employer in relation to the employee concerned but has continued to be an employer in relation to other employees , within fourteen days of the date on which he has so ceased; or

(c ) if the said employer has ceased to be an employer , within seven days of the date on which he has so ceased ,


Furnishing and obtaining of employees ' tax certificates.


or in any particular case within such further period as a receiver may approve .

(3) For the purposes of subsection ( 2) an employer shall , if a receiver having regard to the circumstances of the case so directs , be deemed not to have ceased to be an employer in relation to any one of his casual employees who is likely from time to time to be re - employed by such employer . (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections ( 1 ) and ( 2) any employer who has deducted or withheld employees ' tax from the remuneration of any employee shall , as and when required by a receiver , deliver to such employee an employees ' tax certificate in such form as the Secretary may prescribe or approve , which shall show the total remuneration of such employee or former employee and the sum of the amounts of employees ' tax deducted or withheld by such employer from such remuneration during any period specified by a receiver but excluding any amount of remuneration or employees ' tax included in any other employees ' tax certificate issued by such employer unless such other certificate has been surrendered to such employer by the employee or former employee and has been cancelled by such employer and dealt with by him as provided in subsection ( 10 ) . (5 ) It shall be the duty of any employee or former employee who has not received an employees ' tax certificate within the time allowed by subsection (2) forthwith to apply to the employer for such certificate .

( 6 ) Every taxpayer

shall when


a return of

income under the provisions of this Act , attach to such return all employees ' tax certificates in his possession which disclose information in respect of the year of assessment to which the return relates .

(7) If delivery of an employees ' tax certificate cannot conveniently be effected by personal delivery to the employee or former employee concerned , it shall be sufficient compliance with the provisions of subsections ( 1 ) and (4 ) if such certificate is sent to him by post to his last -known address .


( 8 ) An employer may at the request of the employee former employee issue a duplicate employees ' tax 248 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969 . certificate but any such duplicate shall be clearly marked such and shall disclose full details of the original certificate .

(9) Unless authorized thereto by a receiver , no duplicate employees ' tax certificate may be issued by an employer otherwise than as provided in subsection ( 8) . ( 10 ) Any cancelled or spoiled employees ' tax certificate shall not be destroyed by the employer concerned but shall be retained by him until the Secretary requires it to be surrendered to him .

(11 ) The Secretary shall control the issue to employers of stocks of unused employees ' tax certificates and may prescribe conditions in regard to the manner in which such unused certificates may be used or as to the surrender of unused stocks of such certificates and every employer shall account to the Secretary for used , unused , cancelled or spoiled certificates as and when required by the Secretary .

(12 ) In the case of any employer who has a mechanized accounting system the Secretary may , subject to such conditions as he may impose , approve the use by such employer of employees ' tax certificates in a form other than the form prescribed for general use and if any such employer fails to comply with the conditions imposed by the Secretary , the Secretary may withdraw his consent for the use of such certificates and the employer shall forthwith or from any date specified by the Secretary cease to use such certificates and shall within such period as the Secretary may prescribe surrender to the Secretary all unused stocks of such certificates .

(13) Every person who ceases to be an employer shall , unless the Secretary otherwise directs , within fourteen days of his ceasing to be an employer surrender to the Secretary all unused employees ' tax certificates in his possession . (14 ) If any person fails to surrender any unused employees ' tax certificates as required by subsection ( 12 ) or ( 13 ) , any officer who has in relation to such person been authorized thereto by the Secretary in writing or by telegram may without previous notice , at any time during the day enter any 249 .


premises whatsoever and on such premises search for and seize such certificates and in carrying out such search , open or cause to be removed and open any article in which he suspects any such certificates to be contained .

(15) For the purposes of this Chapter any employees ' tax certificate on which appears the name or any trade name of any employer shall , until the contrary is proved , be deemed to have been issued by such employer if such certificate is in a form prescribed by the Secretary for general use and was supplied by the Secretary to such employer for use by him or is in a form approved by the Secretary under subsection ( 12) for use by such employer .

( 16 ) The provisions of this section shall apply only in relation to such categories of employees or employers or in such areas as the Minister may from time to time by notice in the Official Gazette determine .

Employers to keep records and furnish returns .

29. (1 ) Every employer shall in respect of each employee maintain a record showing the amounts of remuneration paid or due by him to such employee and the amount of employees ' tax deducted or withheld from each such amount of remuneration , and such record shall be retained by the employer and shall be available for scrutiny by any assessing officer, magistrate , bantu affairs commissioner or receiver or by an officer or employee of the Government authorized thereto in writing by the Secretary . (2 ) Every employer shall when making any payment of employees ' tax submit to a receiver a declaration in such form as the Secretary may prescribe showing such information as may be required .

(3) Every employer shall -

( a ) in respect of the period of twelve months ending the last day of February , 1971 and each succeeding period of twelve months , and (b) if he ceases to carry on any business or other undertaking in respect of which he has paid or becomes liable to pay remuneration to any employee or otherwise ceases to be an employer , in respect of the period from the first day of March immediately


TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969. preceding the date on which he has ceased to carry on such business or other undertaking or to be an employer, as the case may be , to the date on which he has so ceased to carry on such business or undertaking

or to be an employer, as the case may be ,

within fourteen days after the end of the period in question , or within such longer time as a receiver may approve , render to a receiver a return in such form as the Secretary may prescribe showing the names and addresses of all the persons who during such period were employees in relation to such employer and the total remuneration paid to or accrued to each employee in respect of such period and the total amount of employees ' tax deducted or withheld from the remuneration of each such employee during such period .

30. (1 ) Every person being an employer required to deduct or withhold employees ' tax as provided in section 18 , shall apply to a receiver in such form as the Secretary may prescribe , for registration as an employer -

Registration of employers .

(a ) in the case of a person who is an employer on the first day of March, 1970 , not later than the thirtyfirst day of March , 1970 , and (b) in the case of a person who becomes an employer after the first day of March , 1970 , within fourteen days after becoming an employer , or in either such case receiver may approve .

within such further period as a

(2 ) Every person who has applied for registration under subsection ( 1 ) shall , within fourteen days after changing his address or ceasing to be an employer , notify a receiver in writing of his new address or of the fact of his having ceased to be an employer , as the case may be . (3) The Secretary may , at such times as he may decide , issue public notices drawing attention to the provisions of this section . (1 ) Every representative employer shall , as regards the remuneration which he pays or is liable to pay to any em31.

251 .

Liability of representative employers and others.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969 . ployee in his representative capacity , be subject in all respects to the same duties , responsibilities and liabilities under this Chapter as if that remuneration were remuneration paid or liable to be paid by him in his personal capacity (2) Any employees ' tax or interest on employees ' tax or any penalty imposed under this Part shall be recovered from the person who in terms of the definition of " employer" in section 1 is an employer by virtue of his having paid or become liable to pay remuneration in a fiduciary capacity or in his capacity as a trustee in an insolvent estate , an executor , or an administrator of a benefit fund , pension fund , provident fund , retirement annuity fund or any other fund , or from the representative employer , but to the extent only of any assets belonging to the person , body, trust, estate or fund represented or administered by him which may be in his possession or under his management , disposal or control , and such first - mentioned person or representative employee

(a ) shall be personally liable for any employees ' tax deducted or withheld by him if, while it remains unpaid to a receiver -

(i ) he alienates , charges or disposes of any amount of such tax ;

(ii ) he disposes of or parts with any fund or money which is in his possession or comes to him after such tax is payable , if the tax could legally have been paid from or out of such fund or money;

(b) shall be entitled to recover any amount paid to a receiver by way of employees ' tax , from the person, body , fund or estate concerned or to retain out of any moneys that may be in his possession or may come to him in his representative capacity an amount equal to the amount so paid .

(3 ) The executor of the estate of any deceased employer or the trustee of the insolvent estate of any employer shall 252 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969 . fulfil such obligations of the deceased or insolvent employer under sections 28 and 29 as arise in consequence of that employer's ceasing to be an employer because of his death or insolvency , or as have not been fulfilled by such employer before his death or insolvency .


32. (1 ) Every provisional taxpayer shall in the manner provided in this Part make payments ( called provisional tax) to a receiver in respect of his liability for the general tax based on income , in respect of every year of assessment ending

Payment of provisional tax.

after the twenty - eighth day of February , 1970 . (2 ) The Secretary may from time to time , having regard to the amount of the general tax based on income which is payable or is foreshadowed by the Minister in a budget statement , and to any other factors having a bearing on the probable liability of taxpayers for the said tax , prescribe tables for determining the amount of provisional tax to be paid by provisional taxpayers falling within any category specified by the Secretary or by provisional taxpayers generally and the Secretary may prescribe the manner in which such tables shall be applied .

(3 ) Any tables prescribed by the Secretary in accordance with subsection ( 2 ) shall come into force on such date as may be notified by the Secretary in the Official Gazette and shall remain in force until withdrawn by the Secretary.

33. ( 1 ) Every provisional taxpayer shall , during every period within which provisional tax is payable as provided in this Part or during any extension of such period granted in terms of section 36 (2 ) , submit to a receiver , in such form as the Secretary may prescribe , an estimate of the total taxable income which will be derived by the taxpayer in respect of the year of assessment in respect of which provisional tax is payable : Provided that the amount of any estimate submitted by a provisional taxpayer during any relavant period referred to in section 35 ( a ) or any extension of any such period granted in terms of section 36 ( 2 ) shall , unless a receiver having regard to the circumstances of the case


Estimates of taxable income to be made by provisional taxpayers.


agrees to accept an estimate of a lower amount , be not less than the amount of the provisional taxpayer's taxable income as assessed for the latest year of assessment preceding the year of assessment in question in respect of which an assessment has been issued by an assessing officer .

(2 ) If the provisional taxpayer fails to submit any estimate as required by subsection ( 1 ) , any assessing officer may estimate the said taxable income and such estimate shall be final and conclusive .

(3) Any assessing officer may call upon any provisional taxpayer to justify any estimate made by him in terms of subsection (1 ) or to furnish particulars of his income and expenditure or any other particulars that may be required and , if such officer is dissatisfied with the said estimate , he may increase the amount thereof to such amount as he considers reasonable , and the estimate as increased shall be final and conclusive .

(4 ) Any estimate made by an assessing officer under the provisions of subsection ( 2 ) or ( 3) shall be deemed to take effect in respect of the relevant period within which the provisional taxpayer is required to make any payment of provisional tax in terms of this Part , or within any extension of such period granted in terms of section 36 ( 2 ) .

Additional tax in the event of taxable income being underestimated .

34. (1 ) If the final or last estimate of his taxable income made in terms of section 33 ( 1 ) by a provisional taxpayer in respect of any year of assessment discloses his estimated taxable income in respect of that year of assessment in an amount which is less than ninety per cent . of the amount of his taxable income as finally determined for that year and which is also less than the amount of his taxable income , as assessed by an assessing officer , for the latest year of assessment preceding the year of assessment in question in respect of which an assessment has been issued by an assessing officer , the taxpayer shall , subject to the provisions of subsections (2) , ( 3) and (4 ) , be required to pay in addition to the amount of the general tax chargeable in respect of his taxable income an amount by way of additional tax equal to twenty per cent . of the difference between the amount of the general tax as calculated in respect of the taxable



so estimated by the taxpayer and the

254 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. amount of the general tax calculated in respect of ninety per cent. of his taxable income as finally determined for the relevant year of assessment .

(2) Where an assessing officer is satisfied that the taxpayer has become liable to pay additional tax under subsection (1 ) by reason of the fact that his taxable income for the year of assessment in question is affected by circumstances of which he was not aware at the time of making the estimate referred to in subsection ( 1 ) , the said officer may in his discretion remit the additional tax or a part thereof. (3 ) The provisions of subsection ( 1 ) shall not apply in any case where an assessing officer has , under the provisions of section 33 ( 3) , increased the final or last estimate made by the taxpayer in respect of the relevant year of assessment . (4 ) Any decision of an assessing officer in the exercise of his discretion under subsection ( 2 ) shall be subject to objection as if it were a determination made under section 10(1 ) . 35.

Provisional tax

shall be

paid by every provisional

taxpayer in the following manner, namely (a ) within the period of six months reckoned from the commencement of the year of assessment in question , one half of an amount equal to the total estimated liability of such taxpayer (as determined in accordance with section 32 ) in respect of that year , less the total amount of any employees ' tax deducted by the taxpayer's employer from the taxpayer's remuneration during such period ; and

(b) not later than the last day of the year of assessment in question, an amount equal to the total estimated liability of such taxpayer (as finally determined in accordance with section 32 ) in respect of that year , less the sum of the amounts of any employees ' tax deducted by the taxpayer's employer from the taxpayer's remuneration during such year and the amount paid in terms of paragraph ( a ) .


Payment of provisional tax by provisional taxpayers .


Extension of time for payment of provisional tax .

36. (1 ) If , after the end of any period within which provisional tax is payable in terms of this Chapter , an assessing officer has under the provisions of section 33 ( 3 ) increased the amount of any estimate of taxable income submitted by any provisional taxpayer during such period , any additional provisional tax payable as a result of such increase shall , notwithstanding the provisions of section 35 , be payable within such period as the assessing officer may determine . (2) A receiver may , having of the case , extend the period provisional tax is to be paid , ment of any such amount in

Exemptions .

regard to the circumstances within which any amount of or may agree to accept payequal or varying amounts .

37. ( 1 ) The Secretary may, subject to such conditions and to such extent as he may specify, exempt from payment of provisional tax any provisional taxpayer or any provisional taxpayers falling within any category specified by him . ( 2 ) Whenever any provisional taxpayer fails to comply with any condition subject to which he has been exempted under subsection ( 1 ) , he shall be deemed 'not to have been so exempted .

Penalty on late payment of provisional tax .


(1) If any provisional taxpayer fails to pay any amount

of provisional tax for which he is liable within the period allowed for payment thereof in terms of section 35 or 36 ( 1 ) or within such extended period as a receiver may allow in terms of section 36 ( 2 ) , he shall , in addition to any other penalty or charge incurred by him under this Act , pay a penalty





cent .

of the

amount not paid .

( 2 ) An assessing officer may , if he is satisfied that the provisional taxpayer's failure to pay the amount of provisional tax was not due to an intent to evade or postpone payment of the tax or otherwise evade his obligations under this Act, remit the whole or any part of the penalty imposed under subsection (1). PART III.


Employees ' tax


( 1 ) The amounts of employees ' tax deducted or withheld 256 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. and provisional tax to be set off against tax liability.

by an employer in respect of any taxpayer and the amounts of provisional tax paid by any taxpayer shall be set off against the liability of such taxpayer for the general tax based on income and any penalty imposed in terms of the foregoing provisions of this Chapter . (2) The burden of proof that any amount of employees ' tax has been deducted or withheld by his employer shall be upon the taxpayer and any employees ' tax certificate shall be prima facie evidence that the amount of employees ' tax reflected therein has been deducted by the employer.

(3) If a receiver is satisfied that the amount or any portion of the amount of employees ' tax shown in any employees ' tax certificate has not been deducted or withheld by the employer and the amount of employees ' tax shown in such tax certificate has been applied as provided in subsection (1 ) , the employer and the employee shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the amount which should not have been so applied and such amount shall be recoverable under this Act as if it were the general tax based on income . (4 ) An employer who has under subsection (3 ) paid an amount which has but should not have been applied under the provisions of subsection (1 ) may, if the amount was shown or included in the certificate because of a bona fide error , recover the amount so paid from the employee concerned , and in that case the mutatis mutandis apply.


of section 21 ( 3) shall

(5) No employees ' tax certificate shall be issued by the employer in respect of any amount recovered by him from the employee in terms of subsection (4) nor shall any such amount be included in any return rendered in terms of section 29 (3) .

(6) If a receiver is satisfied that the employee to whom an employees ' tax certificate refers was directly or indirectly responsible for an incorrect amount being shown on such certificate , he may absolve the employer from the liability imposed upon him by subsection ( 3 ) and in that case the employee shall be solely liable under that subsection.




(1 ) Any person who (a) divulges any information in contravention of the provisions of section 3, (b) fails to render or furnish any return , book, account or information as and when required by or under section 8 or 9 ,

(c ) makes , or causes or allows to be made , any false statement or entry in or in regard to any return, book, account or information required to be rendered or furnished by or under section 8 or 9 ,

(d) being a person by whom any general tax consisting of a fixed amount or local tax is payable under this Act , or any law repealed by this Act , fails or failed to pay any such tax on or before the last day permitted for payment of such tax in terms of the law under which it is payable , (e ) fails to comply with a request made under section 14 ( 1 ) , (f) furnishes false information in complying request made under section 14( 1 ) ,

with a

(g) fails to return to any other person any document as required by section 14 ( 1 ) ,

(h ) unlawfully deprives any other person of his possession of any receipt or certificate referred to in section 14 ( 1 ) ,

(i) permits any receipt or certificate referred to in section 14 (1 ) , which is in his possession , to come into the possession of any other person with intent that it be used for any fraudulent purpose ,

(j ) falsely gives

out and pretends that any receipt or

258 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. certificate referred to in section 14( 1) , which is in his possession, has been issued to him, (k) unless he has no intention to defraud , alters , defaces , destroys or mutilates any receipt or certificate referred to in section 14( 1 ) ,

(1 ) forges or utters , knowing it to be forged , any receipt or certificate used for the purposes of this Act,

(m ) fails to 15 (1 ) ,

comply with an order made under section

(n) makes or becomes liable to make any payment of remuneration and who fails to deduct or withhold therefrom any amount of employees ' tax or to pay such amount to a receiver as and when required by section 18,

(o) uses or applies any amount deducted or withheld by him by way of employees ' tax for purposes other than the payment of such amount to a receiver ,

(p) makes or issues or causes or allows to be made or issued or knowingly possesses or uses or causes to be used any employees ' tax certificate which is false ,

(q) without just cause shown by him , fails to comply with any directive issued to him by a receiver in terms of section 27,

(r) fails or neglects to deliver to any employee or former employee any employees ' tax certificate as required by section 28 , (s) fails to comply with any condition prescribed by the Secretary in terms of section 28 ( 11 ) in regard to the manner in which employees ' tax certificates may be used or as to the surrender of unused stocks of such certificates , or to account for used , unused or spoiled employees ' tax certificates when required by the Secretary under that section or on ceasing to be an employer fails to surrender unused employees ' tax certificates in his possession as required by section 28(13) , 259.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. (t) fails to comply with any condition imposed by the Secretary by which he is bound in terms of section 28(12), (u) fails or neglects to maintain any record as required by section 29 or to retain such record for a period of five years from the date of the last entry therein or to furnish or render to a receiver any declaration or return as required by that section, (v) fails or neglects to apply to a receiver for registration as an employer as required by section 30( 1) or, having so applied , fails or neglects to notify a receiver of any change of his address or the fact of his having ceased to be section 30 (2) ,

an employer as required by

(w) alters any employees ' tax certificate made or issued by any other person or falsely pretends to be the employee named in any employees ' tax certificate or for his own advantage or benefit obtains credit with respect to or payment of the whole or any part of any amount of employees ' tax deducted or withheld from remuneration received by another person,

(x) not being an employer and without being duly authorized by any person who is an employer , issues or causes to be issued any document purporting to be an employees ' tax certificate , (y) fails to submit to an assessing officer any estimate of his taxable income as required under section 33 , or

(z) fails to comply with or contravenes any provision of any regulation ,

shall be guilty of an offence . (2 ) Any person convicted of an offence under subsection ( 1 ) shall , liable -

subject to the

provisions of subsection ( 3 ) , be

(a ) in the case of an offence referred to in subsection ( 1 ) other than an offence referred to in paragraph (b) 260.

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT , 1969. of this subsection, to a fine not exceeding four hundred rand or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment ; and

(b) in the case of an offence referred to in subsection ( 1) (d) , (e) or ( z ) , to a fine not exceeding one hundred rand or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months .

(3) The court convicting any person of an offence referred to in subsection ( 1 ) (b) or (c ) , on account of failure to furnish or render any return as and when required under section 9 or 29 or of making , or causing or allowing to be made , any false statement or entry in any such return , may , in addition to any punishment imposed for such offence , order the convicted person to furnish or render the required return or to correct the false statement or entry within such period and in such manner as may be specified in the order .

(4) If any person has been convicted of a contravention of subsection (1 ) (d) for failure to pay any particular tax payable by him in respect of any particular period , such person shall not be charged again for such failure but the debt of such person to the Government in respect of the said tax shall not be extinguished .


( 1 ) If in any proceedings under this Act , including any proceedings under section 15 , the question arises (a ) whether person, proved, person,

or not any person is a citizen or a Bantu it shall be presumed , until the contrary is that such person is a citizen or a Bantu as the case may be;

(b) whether or not any tax or penalty is payable by any person or is in arrear, it shall be presumed , until the contrary is proved , that such tax or penalty is payable by such person or that it is in arrear, as the case may be ; (c) whether or not any person has rendered or furnished any return as and when required by or under section 8 , 9 or 29 , it shall be presumed , until the contrary is

261 .

Presumptions .


proved, that such person has not so rendered or furnished such return;

(d) as to the age of any person , his age shall , until the contrary is proved , be presumed to be the age estimated by the officer presiding at such proceedings from such person's appearance or from any informa tion which may be available .

(2 ) For the purposes of section 40 ( 1 ) (0) an amount which has been deducted or withheld by any person from remuneration shall , until the contrary is proved , be deemed to have been used or applied by such person for purposes other than the payment of such amount to a receiver , if such amount is not paid to a receiver within the period allowed for payment under section 18 .

Regulations .

42. ( 1 ) The Minister may from time to time make regulations -

(a ) prescribing the form of returns of income to be rendered ;

(b) prescribing the manner in which the taxable income of a taxpayer shall be calculated ; (c) prescribing the manner in which and period within which any objection to any determination made by an assessing officer shall be lodged ; (d) prescribing the places at which, the manner in which and the hours during which any tax , special rate or penalty shall be paid ; (e ) excluding any area from the operation of section 14; (f) prescribing the circumstances in which any person may or may not be arrested under the provisions of section 14 (2) ;

(g) relating to the furnishing of security by any person appointed by a magistrate under section 17 (3 ) ;

(h) prescribing fees and costs payable in respect of the execution of any warrant issued under this Act ,

262 .

TRANSKEI TAXATION ACT, 1969. and generally, relating to all matters which the Minister considers it to be necessary or expedient to prescribe for achieving the objects of this Act. ( 2 ) Different regulations may be made in respect of different areas or different categories of persons or bodies .

43. Notwithstanding anything in any other law contained , the provisions of sections 15 and 17 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the collection and recovery of any rent, quitrent , fee or other charge in respect of the occupation or use of land which is payable by any person to the Government , whether such rent , quitrent , fee or other charge became payable before , or becomes payable after , the commencement of this Act.

Collection and recovery of cer tain rents , fees or charges.

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2 ) , the laws mentioned in the Schedule are hereby repealed or amended to the extent set out in the third column thereof.

Repeal and amendment of laws.

(2 ) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Bantu Taxation and Development Act , 1925 , all the provisions thereof in so far as they relate to any tax referred to in section 2 ( 1 ) bis (b) and (1 ) ter of that Act , shall continue to be of force and effect in respect of any such tax for any calendar year prior to the commencement of this Act and in addition thereto the provisions of section 15 of this Act shall apply in respect of any such tax as if it were general tax consisting of a fixed amount . This Act shall be called the Transkei Taxation Act, shall come into operation on the first day of January , and 1969 1970 . SCHEDULE .


No. and year of law .

Short Title .

Act No. 41 of 1925 .

velopment Act , 1925 .

Act No. 28 of 1926 .

velopment Act , 1925 ,

Bantu Taxation and De-

Bantu Taxation and De-


Short title and commencement.

Extent of repeal or amendment .

The repeal of the whole .

The repeal of the whole .


Amendment Act , 1926 . Act No. 37 of 1931 .

Act No. 25 of 1932 .

Bantu Taxation and De-

The repeal of the whole .

velopment (Amendment) Act, 1931 .

Financial Adjustments

The repeal of section 9.

Act, 1932 .

Act No. 49 of 1935.

Finance Act , 1935 .

The repeal of sections 13 and 14.

Act No. 50 of 1937.

Finance Act , 1937.

The repeal of section 11 .

Act No. 25 of 1939.

Bantu Taxation (Amendment) Act , 1939 .

The repeal of the whole .

Act No. 27 of 1940.

Finance Act , 1940 .

The repeal of sections 19 and 20 .

Act No. 41 of 1942 .

Finance Act , 1942 .

The repeal of section 16 .

Act No. 37 of 1943.

Finance Act , 1943.

The repeal of section 16 .

Bantu Laws Amendment

The repeal of sections 20 and 21 .

Act No. 36 of 1944 . Act No. 46 of 1945 .

Act No. 56 of 1949 .

Act No. 38 of 1958 .

Act No. 46 of 1962 .

Act, 1944 . Finance Act , 1945 .

The repeal of sections 18 and 19 .

Bantu Laws Amendment

The repeal of section 18 .

Act , 1949 . Bantu Taxation and De-

The repeal of the whole .

velopment Amendment Act, 1958 . Bantu Laws Amendment Act, 1962 .

264 .

The repeal of sections 1 to 8 inclusive .


Act No. 76 of 1963.

Act , 1963.

The repeal of sections 2 , 3 and 4.

Act No. 4 of 1965 .

Transkei Authorities

The substitution for section 55

Act , 1965 .

of the following section :

Bantu Laws Amendment

" Recovery of arrear levies , rates , taxes or fees .

55. The provisions of sections 14 , 17 and 40 (1 ) (d) , ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) of the Transkei Taxation Act , 1969 and the regulations made under that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the recovery from any resident of any levy , rate , tax or fee imposed , levied or or prescribed deemed to have been imposed , levied or prescribed by the Minister or by any tribal or regional authority in terms of this Act . ".

265 .



VAN 1969

(Die Engelse Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken - Goedgekeur op 25 September 1969) Om belastings op burgers van die Transkei en ten opsigte van sekere wonings in die Transkei te hef, om voorsiening te maak vir die aftrek deur werkgewers van die besoldiging van werknemers van bedrae ten opsigte van die aanspreeklikheid van werknemers vir sekere belastings , om voorsiening te maak vir voorlopige belasting betalings en om voorsiening te maak vir inverbandstaande aangeleenthede . INDELING VAN INHOUD . HOOFSTUK I ....Artikels 2 tot 4

Administrasie ..... HOOFSTUK II

Algemene en Plaaslike Belastings .....

...Artikels 5 tot 17



.....Artikels 18 tot 31 DEEL II .Artikels 32 tot 38

Voorlopige Belasting...... DEEL III

..Artikel 39

Algemeen .... HOOFSTUK IV

Diverse Bepalings

...Artikels 40 tot 45 .

266 .


1. ( 1 ) In hierdie Wet , tensy uit die samehang anders blyk, beteken -

(i ) ,, aanslagbeampte" artikel 2(b); (ii)

(ii )

.,Amptelike Koerant" Transkei ; (xx)

' n beampte aangewys kragtens

die Amptelike Koerant van die

(iii ) ,, Bantoepersoon" 'n Bantoepersoon soos omskryf in artikel 73 van die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 (Wet No. 48 van 1963) en ook 'n persoon wat in ' n plaaslike belastinggebied onder dieselfde omstandighede as ' n Bantoepersoon woon; (v) (iv) ,, bantoe sakekommissaris "

' n bantoe sakekommis-

saris aangestel kragtens artikel 2 ( 2 ) van die Bantoeadministrasie Wet , 1927 (Wet No. 38 van 1927 ) en ook ' n addisionele bantoesakekommissaris en ' n assistent bantoe sakekommissaris ; (iv) (v) ,, belasbare inkomste " 'n bedrag wat , behalwe soos anders in die regulasies bepaal word , bereken word op die wyse waarop die belasbare inkomste van ' n ander persoon as ' n maatskappy by die toepassing van die Inkomstebelastingwet bereken moet word , maar nie ook -

(a ) in die geval van ' n belastingbetaler wat getroud is, hetsy binne of buite gemeenskap van goedere , of ' n genoot van 'n gebruiklike verbinding is , inkomste ontvang deur of toegeval aan of ten gunste van die eggenote van bedoelde belastingbetaler of die ander genoot van die gebruiklike verbinding nie ;

(b) die waarde van lewende hawe of landbouprodukte ontvang deur of toegeval aan of ten gunste van ' n belastingbetaler , wat nie te gelde gemaak is nie (xxviii)


Woordomskrywing .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (vi) ,,belastingbetaler" iemand wat aanspreeklik is vir die betaling van die algemene belasting van 'n vasgestelde bedrag , die algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer of plaaslike belasting , na gelang van die geval , ingevolge hierdie Wet , of vir die betaling van enige soortgelyke belasting betaalbaar ingevolge 'n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet; (xxix) (vii ) ,,besoldiging" ' n bedrag aan inkomste wat by wyse van salaris , verlofgratifikasie , toelae , loon, besoldiging vir oortydwerk, bonus , gratifikasie , kommissie , gelde , vergoeding , pensioen , toelae by bereiking van pensioenleeftyd , aftreetoelae , stipendium of traktement aan ' n werknemer betaal word of betaalbaar is , hetsy in kontant of andersins , en ongeag of dit ten opsigte van bewese dienste is al dan nie , en ook of nie ook nie enige bedrag aan inkomste van dié aard wat die Sekretaris van tyd Amptelike tot tyd bepaal by kennisgewing in die Koerant of, in die geval van ' n bepaalde werknemer of klas werknemer , by

skriftelike kennisgewing

deur die pos gestuur of oorhandig aan die werkgewer van bedoelde werknemer of klas werknemer , maar nie ook ' n bedrag wat ingevolge die omskrywing van belasbare inkomste , uitdruklik uitgesluit word nie; (xxv)

(viii ) ,,burger"



hetsy in of buite die

Transkei woonagtig , wat ingevolge die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 'n burger van die Transkei is ; (vii ) ( ix) ,,gebruiklike verbinding " ' n gebruiklike verbinding soos omskryf in artikel 35 van die Bantoe - administrasie Wet , 1927 ; (viii)

(x) ,,gemagtigde beampte " ' n gemagtigde beampte soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Bantoe (Stadsgebiede ) Konsolidasiewet, 1945 (Wet No. 25 van 1945 ) ; ( iii ) (xi ) ,, hierdie Wet " ook die regulasies ; (xxx) (xii ) ,, hoofman" ' n hoofman soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 (Wet No. 4 van 1965 ) ; (xv) 268.

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (xiii) ,, Inkomstebelastingwet " die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962 (Wet No. 58 van 1962) ; (xvi )

(xiv) ,,jaar van aanslag" ' n tydperk wat op die eerste dag van Maart van ' n jaar begin en op die laaste dag van Februarie van die daaropvolgende jaar eindig ; (xxxi) (xv) ,,kaptein" 'n kaptein soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Transkeise Owerhede , 1965 ; (vi)

(xvi) ,,magistraat" die magistraat, addisionele magistraat of assistent magistraat van ' n distrik in die Transkei en, in ' n gebied buite die Transkei waarin daar geen bantoesakekommissaris is nie , die landdros , addisionele landdros of assistent landdros van die distrik waarin sodanige gebied geleë is ; (xviii )

(xvii) ,, Minister " die Minister van Finansies ; ( xix ) (xviii ) ,, ontvanger " ' n persoon gemagtig ingevolge artikel 2 (a) om belasting waarvoor daar in hierdie Wet

voorsiening gemaak word ,

in te

vorder ;


(xix) ,, plaaslike belastinggebied " , behoudens die bepalings van subartikels ( 2 ) en ( 3 ) (a) enige gebied in die Transkei in die Bylae van die Bantoe Grond Wet , 1913 (Wet No. 27 van 1913) omskryf;

(b) Regeringsgrond wat onder voorwaardes vangemeenskaplike besit geokkupeer word , indien geen huur aan die Regering deur 'n okkupeerder betaalbaar is ten opsigte van die grond wat hy okkupeer nie ; en (c) grond in the Transkei gehou deur ' n sendinggenootskap of godsdienstige liggaam wat sendingwerk doen onder die persone wat bedoelde grond okkupeer ; (xvii) (xx ) ,, Regering" die Regering van die Transkei ; (xiv)

(xxi) ,, regulasies " regulasies kragtens hierdie Wet uit269.


gevaardig; (xxiv)

(xxii ) ,, Sekretaris " die Sekretaris van Finansies ; (xxvii )

(xxiii ) ,, verteenwoordigende werkgewer " (a) in die geval van ' n maatskappy , die in artikel 101 van die Inkomstebelastingwet bedoelde openbare amptenaar van daardie maatskappy , of, ingeval die maatskappy gelikwideer of onder geregtelike bestuur geplaas word , die likwidateur of geregtelike geval,

bestuurder ,

na gelang van die

(b) in die geval van ' n munisipale raad , dorpsbestuur of dergelike gesag of ' n liggaam van persone (behalwe ' n maatskappy of ' n vennootskap) , hetsy met regspersoonlikheid beklee al dan nie, ' n bestuurder , sekretaris , ampsbekleër of ander persoon wat vir die betaling van besoldiging namens bedoelde raad , bestuur , gesag of liggaam verantwoordelik is , (c) in die geval van ' n regsonbevoegde persoon, 'n voog, kurator , administrateur of ander persoon wat die sake van die regsonbevoegde persoon bestuur of beheer , of (d ) in die geval van ' n werkgewer wat nie gewoonlik in die Transkei woonagtig is nie , enige persoon wat gemagtig is om besoldiging ten behoewe van of namens bedoelde werkgewer te betaal ,

maar die bepalings van hierdie omskrywing word nie so uitgelê dat dit ' n persoon onthef van aanspreeklikheid , verantwoordelikheid of ' n verpligting hom deur hierdie Wet opgelê nie ; (xxvi )

(xxiv) ,, volwasse " van of bo die leeftyd van agtien jaar : (i )

(xxv) ,, voorlopige belasting " ' n betaling wat ingevolge artikel 32 gemaak moet word; (xxi )


TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (xxvi) ,, voorlopige belastingpligtige " enige belastingbetaler wat by wyse van inkomste ' n bedrag verkry wat nie besoldiging uitmaak nie en ook enige ander belastingbetaler wat deur ' n aanslagbeampte in kennis

gestel word dat hy ' n voorlopige belasting-

pligtige is ; (xxii ) (xxvii) ,,werkgewer " enige persoon, liggaam , onderneming of instelling hoegenaamd (uitgesonderd ' n persoon wat nie as prinsipaal optree nie , maar met inbegrip van ' n persoon wat in ' n fidusiêre hoedanigheid of in die hoedanigheid van trustee van ' n insolvente boedel , ' n eksekuteur of ' n administrateur van ' n bystandsfonds , pensioenfonds , voorsorgfonds , uittredingannuiteitsfonds of enige ander fonds optree ) wat aan ' n werknemer ' n bedrag by wyse van besoldiging betaal of verskuldig is ; (xiii ) (xxviii) ,,werknemer " ' n belastingbetaler wat besoldiging ontvang of aan wie besoldiging toeval ; (x) (xxix) ,, werknemersbelasting " die belasting wat ingevolge artikel 18 deur ' n werkgewer afgetrek of teruggehou moet word van besoldiging aan ' n werknemer betaal of betaalbaar ; (xi )

(xxx) ,, werknemersbelastingsertifikaat "



wat ingevolge artikel 28 deur ' n werkgewer uitgereik moet word; (xii)

(xxxi ) ,,woning " ' n gebou of groep geboue wat in ' n plaaslike belastinggebied geleë is en deur die hoof van ' n gesin geokkupeer word , met inbegrip van bygeboue wat deur die lede van dieselfde gesin gebruik word , terwyl die gebou of groep geboue wat deur elke vroulike genoot van ' n gebruiklike verbinding en haar kinders gebruik word , as ' n aparte woning beskou word. (ix)

( 2) Die Minister kan by kennisgewing in die Koerant


(a) enige grond wat in die Transkei geleë is tot ' n plaaslike belastinggebied verklaar vir die doeleindes van

271 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. 'n bepaling van hierdie Wet; (b) grond wat ' n plaaslike belastinggebied of 'n deel daarvan is , van die toepassing van so ' n bepaling uitsluit, en kan op dergelike wyse so ' n kennisgewing wysig , verander of intrek.

(3) Grond in die Transkei wat -

(a) vir die doeleindes van die omskrywing van ,, Bantoelokatie " in artikel 19 van die Bantoe Belasting en Ontwikkeling Wet , 1925 ( Wet No. 41 van 1925) , tot ' n Bantoelokasie verklaar is , word geag kragtens subartikel ( 2 ) (a ) van hierdie artikel tot ' n plaaslike belastinggebied verklaar te gewees het ; en

(b) ingevolge

paragraaf (c )


( iii )

van bedoelde om-

skrywing uit daardie omskrywing uitgesluit is , word geag nie ' n plaaslike belastinggebied te wees nie . (4) By die toepassing van hierdie Wet is ' n belasting of boete agterstallig indien dit nie betaal is nie op of voor die laaste dag wat vir die betaling daarvan toegelaat word ingevolge hierdie Wet of ingevolge ' n ander wet waarkragtens dit betaalbaar is , gelees met die bepalings van hierdie Wet .


Pligte en bevoegdhede van Sekretaris .

2. Behoudens die bepalings van hierdie artikel en artikel 4 , is die Sekretaris verantwoordelik vir die invordering van die belasting wat ingevolge Hoofstukke II en III betaalbaar is en kan hy -

(a ) enige persoon magtig om so ' n belasting namens hom in te vorder ;

(b) ' n beampte aanwys om die pligte , werksaamhede en bevoegdhede van ' n aanslagbeampte kragtens hierdie Wet te verrig of uit te oefen ;

272 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET , 1969. (c) gelas dat aanslagbeamptes , magistrate , bantoesakekommissarisse of ontvangers hul bevoegdhede , werksaamhede of pligte kragtens hierdie Wet uitoefen of verrig behoudens die voorskrifte van die Sekretaris ;

(d) die bevoegdhede , werksaamhede of pligte in paragraaf (c) bedoel , uitoefen of verrig;

(e ) ' n besluit, kennisgewing , sertifikaat of mededeling wat kragtens hierdie Wet deur ' n aanslagbeampte , magistraat , bantoesakekommissaris of ontvanger geneem, uitgereik, onderteken of gedoen is , intrek;

(f) die een of ander van sy bevoegdhede kragtens hierdie Wet aan ' n beampte in die voltydse diens van die Regering delegeer , maar word nie daardeur ' n aldus gedelegeerde bevoegdheid ontneem nie , en kan ' n besluit van ' n beampte intrek.

3. Geen persoon wat by die uitvoering van die bepalings van hierdie Wet diens doen, mag inligting wat in ' n opgawe ,


boek, sertifikaat , kennisgewing of ander in artikel 8 , 9 of 10 bedoelde dokumente vervat word of inligting wat ingevolge daardie artikels verstrek is en wat tot sy kennis gekom het by die verrigting van sy pligte ingevolge hierdie Wet , openbaar nie , behalwe met die oog op die uitvoering van bedoelde bepalings of op bevel van ' n hof. 4.

Die Minister kan uit gelde deur die Wetgewende Ver-

gadering vir die doel beskikbaar gestel , aan ' n by wet ingestelde ondergeskikte administratiewe owerheid , instel-

Vergoeding vir hulp by invordering van belasting.

ling of liggaam of aan ' n ontvanger wat nie ' n beampte of werknemer in die Regeringsdiens van die Transkei is nie , vir dienste gelewer in verband met die invordering van belasting ingevolge Hoofstuk II betaalbaar , die vergoeding of toelaes betaal wat die Minister van tyd tot tyd bepaal . HOOFSTUK II. ALGEMENE EN PLAASLIKE BELASTINGS . 5.

Daar word ten bate van die Transkeise Inkomstefonds

en ooreenkomstig die bepalings van hierdie Hoofstuk 'n algemene belasting en ' n plaaslike belasting betaal .


Heffing van algemene en plaaslike belastings .


Algemene belasting .

6. Algemene belasting word betaal deur elke burger wat ingevolge hierdie Wet daarvoor aanspreeklik is , met ingang van die eerste dag van Maart 1970 en ten opsigte van elke jaar van aanslag en bestaan uit (a) ' n bedrag betaalbaar deur ' n burger ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste ontvang deur of toegeval aan of ten gunste van bedoelde burger gedurende die jaar van aanslag , teen die volgende skale : Waar die belasbare inkomste

R360 te bowe gaan maar nie R480 te bowe

R480 R600 R720

99 99


R600 R720 R1,740


gaan nie R1.20 R2.76 R4.32 29 R4.32 plus R0.60 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die belasbare inkomste R720 oorskry ;


R24.72 plus R1.20 vir elke volle bedrag van die R30 waarmee belasbare inkomste R1,740 oorskry;




R65.52 plus R2.40 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R2,760 oorskry;




R147.12 plus R3 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die belasbare inkomste R3,780 oorskry ;







R249.12 plus R3.60 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die belasbare inkomste R4,800 oorskry ;

274 .

R371.52plus R4.20 vir


elke volle bedrag van waarmee die R30 inkomste belasbare R6,840








R5,820 oorskry; R514.32 plus R4.80 vir elke volle bedrag van waarmee die R30 inkomste belasbare


R6,840 oorskry ; R677.52 plus R5.40 vir elke volle bedrag van die waarmee R30 inkomste belasbare R7,860 oorskry; R861.12 plus R6.60 vir elke volle bedrag van die waarmee R30 inkomste belasbare R8,880 oorskry; R1,085.52 plus R7.20 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R9,900 oorskry;





R1,330.32 plus R7.80 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R10,920 oorskry;




R1,595.52 plus R8.40 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R11,940 oorskry;




R1,881.12 plus R9.60 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die belasbare


R12,960 oorskry ; R13,980



R2,207.52 plus R10.80 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R13,980 oorskry ; 275.





R2,574.72 plus R12 vir elke volle bedrag van waarmee die R30 belasbare



R15,000 oorskry ; R2,982.72 plus R13.20 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die






R16,020 oorskry; R3,431.52 plus R14.40 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die belasbare inkomste


R17,040 oorskry ;





R3,921.12 plus R15.60 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die belasbare inkomste R18,060 oorskry;



R20,100 te bowe gaan..

R4,451.52plus R16.80 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R19,080 oorskry ; .. R5,022.72 plus R18 vir elke volle bedrag van R30 waarmee die inkomste belasbare R20,100 oorskry ; en

(b) ' n vasgestelde bedrag van twee rand vyftig sent betaalbaar deur ' n manlike volwasse burger ongeag enige bedrag wat ingevolge paragraaf (a ) deur hom betaalbaar is . Plaaslike belasting.

7. (1 ) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 2 ) , word plaaslike belasting deur die okkupeerder van ' n woning betaal met ingang van die eerste dag van Maart 1970 en ten opsigte van elke jaar van aanslag , teen die skaal van een rand vir elke woning waarvan hy die okkupeerder is , maar gaan nie ' n totaal van vier rand vir ' n jaar van aanslag te bowe nie .

( 2) Plaaslike belasting is nie betaalbaar nie -




eienaar van

' n plaas ten opsigte van ' n

woning op daardie plaas , indien grondbelasting ten opsigte van bedoelde plaas aan die Regering betaalbaar is ;

(b) deur die geregistreerde houer van ' n beboubare perseel wat kragtens erfpagtitel besit word , ten opsigte van ' n woning wat op daardie perseel geleë is en nie deur ' n genoot van ' n tweede of daaropvolgende gebruiklike verbinding wat deur bedoelde geregistreerde houer aangegaan is , gebruik word nie ; (c) deur ' n persoon wat nie ' n genoot van ' n gebruiklike verbinding of getroud is of was nie en wat nie die houer van ' n perseel in ' n plaaslike belastinggebied is nie ; (d ) deur 'n weduwee wat nie uit eie reg die houer van 'n perseel is of ooreenkomstig ' n wetsbepaling geregtig is op die gebruik en okkupasie van ' n perseel wat in die naam van haar oorlede eggenoot of genoot geregistreer is nie ;

(e ) deur die okkupeerder van 'n woning op ' n perseel ten opsigte waarvan grondbelasting aan die Regering betaalbaar is;

(f) deur iemand wat nie ' n Bantoepersoon is nie.

8. (1 ) Indien die hele bedrag van algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer en deur ' n burger ten opsigte van 'n jaar van aanslag betaalbaar nie ooreenkomstig die bepalings van Hoofstuk III betaal is nie , moet bedoelde burger nie later nie as twee maande na die end van daardie jaar van aanslag , of binne die verdere tydperk wat ' n ontvanger toelaat, by ' n ontvanger ' n opgawe van sy inkomste gedurende bedoelde jaar van aanslag in die by regulasie voorgeskrewe vorm indien . (2 ) ' n

Ontvanger of aanslagbeampte kan te eniger tyd

by skriftelike kennisgewing aan ' n burger wat na sy mening aanspreeklik is vir die betaling van die algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer deur die pos gestuur of oorhandig , bedoelde burger aansê om binne die tydperk in die kennisgewing vermeld by die ontvanger of aanslagbeampte ' n 277.

Opgawes van inkomste en inligting wat deur belastingbetalers ingedien of verstrek moet word.


voormelde opgawe ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag in te dien .

(3) ' n Ontvanger of aanslagbeampte kan, met die oog op die bepaling van die bedrag van die algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer wat deur ' n burger betaal moet word, daardie burger by kennisgewing soos voormeld versoek om binne die tydperk en op die plek wat in die kennisgewing vermeld word , die aldus vermelde boeke , rekeninge , dokumente of inligting aan die ontvanger of aanslagbeampte te verstrek.

Inligting wat deur werkgewers van burgers en deur ander perSone verstrek moet word.

' n Ontvanger of aanslagbeampte kan te eniger tyd by 9. skriftelike kennisgewing aan ' n persoon deur die pos gestuur of oorhandig daardie persoon aansê om ten opsigte van ' n in die kennisgewing vermelde tydperk en in die vorm en binne die tydperk aldus vermeld of binne die verdere tydperk wat die ontvanger of aanslagbeampte toelaat, aan hom te verstrek -

(a ) opgawes van alle burgers of burgers van ' n bepaalde klas in diens van bedoelde persoon of woonagtig op grond of ' n perseel wat sy eiendom is of deur hom geokkupeer word en van die verdienste , salaris , lone of pensioene ontvang deur of toegeval aan of ten gunste van ' n burger uit hoofde van bedoelde diens ; (b) opgawes ten opsigte van alle lewende hawe of produkte deur bedoelde persoon gekoop van of verkoop ten bate van ' n burger , of van enige aandeel of belang van ' n burger in enige besigheid van bedoelde persoon , of van gelde gestort by bedoelde persoon deur of ten bate van ' n burger , of van rente op bedoelde gelde betaal , of van dié aangeleenthede met betrekking tot die inkomste van ' n burger vir sover dit op bedoelde besigheid betrekking het , wat in die kennisgewing vermeld word .

Bepaling of herbepaling van belasbare inkomste en van bedrag van algemene belasting ten opsigte daarvan betaalbaar.


(1 ) ' n Aanslagbeampte bepaal (a ) die belasbare inkomste ontvang deur of toegeval aan of ten gunste van ' n belastingbetaler gedurende ' n jaar van aanslag ; en 278.

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969 . (b) die bedrag van algemene belasting betaalbaar deur bedoelde belastingbetaler ten opsigte van bedoelde inkomste , en stel bedoelde belastingbetaler by skriftelike kennisgewing deur die pos gestuur of aan hom oorhandig, in kennis van die aldus bepaalde bedrag . ( 2) Indien die aanslagbeampte te eniger tyd nadat 'n belastingbetaler soos voormeld in kennis gestel is , oortuig is dat ' n bedrag wat by die belasbare inkomste van bedoelde belastingbetaler ingesluit of daaruit uitgesluit moes gewees het, nie aldus ingesluit of uitgesluit is nie , moet hy die in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoelde bedrae herbepaal en bedoelde belastingbetaler dienooreenkomstig in kennis stel op die wyse wat in daardie subartikel uiteengesit word. (3 ) By die bepaling van die belasbare inkomste van 'n belastingbetaler neem 'n aanslagbeampte in ag enige opgawe van inkomste deur bedoelde belastingbetaler ingedien en enige ander inligting waaroor die aanslagbeampte beskik , en kan hy , indien bedoelde belastingbetaler in gebreke gebly het om so ' n opgawe in te dien of om inligting te verstrek of indien die aanslagbeampte nie tevrede is met so ' n opgawe wat ingedien is of inligting wat verstrek is deur bedoelde belastingbetaler nie , die belasbare inkomste met betrekking waartoe die opgawe of inligting verlang word, hetsy in die geheel of gedeeltelik skat . (4) 'n Belastingbetaler wat deur ' n bepaling van ' n aanslagbeampte kragtens hierdie artikel veronreg voel , kan op die wyse en binne die tydperk wat by regulasie voorgeskryf word, ' n beswaar teen bedoelde bepaling by bedoelde aanslagbeampte indien vir versending deur hom aan die Sekretaris , wat die bepaling kan wysig of die beswaar van die hand kan wys en bedoelde belastingbetaler van sy beslissing in kennis moet laat stel

(1 ) Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 12 , 11. mene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde plaaslike belasting wat ten opsigte van ' n jaar is , voor die eerste dag van Junie van daardie word.

moet algebedrag en betaalbaar jaar betaal

(2) Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 12 , geskied betaling van algemene

belasting op inkomste gebaseer , ten

279 .

Betaling van belastings .


opsigte van ' n jaar van aanslag (a) ooreenkomstig die

bepalings van Hoofstuk III, vir

sover daar in daardie bepalings voorsiening gemaak word;

(b) in die geval van 'n bedrag van bedoelde belasting wat ten opsigte van ' n belastingbetaler nie ooreenkomstig bedoelde bepalings betaal is nie , binne die tydperk wat vermeld word in 'n kennisgewing deur ' n aanslagbeampte waarin bedoelde belastingbetaler in kennis gestel word van die bedrag van algemene belasting wat ten opsigte van sy belasbare inkomste gedurende bedoelde jaar van aanslag deur hom betaalbaar is .

(3) Algemene belasting en plaaslike belasting moet, behoudens die voorafgaande bepalings van hierdie artikel , betaal word op die plekke en op die wyse en gedurende die ure wat by regulasie voorgeskryf word . (4) Indien ' n belastingbetaler wat ' n bedrag ter betaling van algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde bedrag of plaaslike belasting deur hom betaalbaar ingevolge hierdie Wet of ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet , ten opsigte van ' n bepaalde

tydperk aanbied ,

so ' n belasting ten opsigte van

'n vorige tydperk skuld , word die aldus aangebode bedrag aangewend ter vereffening van so ' n belasting wat die langste agterstallig is .

Uitstel vir betaling van belasting .

12. ' n Ontvanger kan aan ' n belastingbetaler na goeddunke en in die mate wat vermeld word in ' n uitstelsertifikaat deur bedoelde ontvanger aan hom uitgereik , uitstel verleen vir die betaling van belasting wat deur bedoelde belastingbetaler ingevolge hierdie Hoofstuk of ingevolge ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet betaal moet word .

Vrystelling van belastings .

13. (1 ) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel (4 ) , is ' n belastingbetaler van betaling van belasting ingevolge hierdie Hoofstuk betaalbaar of soortgelyke belasting ingevolge ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet betaalbaar , vrygestel in die mate vermeld in ' n vrystellingsertifikaat wat kragtens hierdie artikel aan hom uitgereik is.


TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (2) ' n Ontvanger moet aan ' n belastingbetaler wat hom oortuig dat hy die leeftyd van vyf-en- sestig jaar bereik het, ' n sertifikaat uitreik wat bedoelde belastingbetaler met ingang van die datum wat in die sertifikaat vermeld word , permanent vrystel van betaling van algemene belasting bestaande uit 'n vasgestelde bedrag en plaaslike belasting.

(3) ' n Ontvanger kan aan ' n belastingbetaler ' n sertifikaat uitreik wat hom van betaling van ' n in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoelde belasting in die sertifikaat vermeld , vrystel in die aldus vermelde mate , indien die belastingbetaler die ontvanger oortuig (a) dat hy behoeftig is en weens ouderdom, chroniese siekte of ' n ander oorsaak buite sy beheer , verhinder word om genoeg te verdien om hom in staat te stel om bedoelde belasting te betaal ; of (b) dat vanweë sy gereelde bywoning van ' n opvoedkundige inrigting wat by of kragtens ' n wet ingestel of kragtens ' n wet na behore geregistreer of goedgekeur is , hy verhinder is om genoeg te verdien om hom in staat te stel om bedoelde belasting te betaal.

(4) ' n Sertifikaat wat kragtens hierdie artikel uitgereik is , kan te eniger tyd deur ' n ontvanger ingetrek word indien hy oortuig is -

(a ) dat dit deur bedrog verkry is ; of

(b) dat die belastingbetaler aan wie dit uitgereik was nie meer vir vrystelling ingevolge hierdie artikel in aanmerking kom nie .

(5) 'n Vrystellingsertifikaat van permanente duur wat kragtens artikel 4 van die Bantoe Belasting en Ontwikkeling Wet, 1925 , ten opsigte van ' n belasting uitgereik is , word geag kragtens hierdie artikel uitgereik te gewees het ten opsigte van die ooreenstemmende belasting wat kragtens hierdie Hoofstuk gehef word .


(1) ' n Ontvanger



of ' n deur hom of


gemagtigde 281 .

skriftelik daartoe beampte ,



Vertoning van kwitansies of sertifikate.


kaptein of hoofmaan (hieronder in hierdie artikel ' n gemagtigde amptenaar genoem) kan, te eniger tyd en op enige ander plek as ' n plek in 'n gebied wat van die toepassing van hierdie artikel by regulasie uitgesluit word , ' n persoon wat volgens dit hom blyk belastingpligtig is of was ten opsigte van algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde bedrag of ten opsigte van plaaslike belasting , ingevolge hierdie Wet of 'n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet betaalbaar , versoek om inligting met betrekking tot sy identiteit of belastingpligtigheid te verstrek of om of ' n kwitansie of ' n betaling-, vrystelling- of uitstelsertifikaat te toon wat kragtens hierdie Wet of ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet ten opsigte van so ' n belasting uitgereik is , en moet na insae enige dokument wat deur hom getoon is , aan bedoelde persoon terugbesorg : Met dien verstande dat 'n belastingbetaler wat ' n dokument ten opsigte van ' n belasting vir die een of ander jaar toon, nie verplig is om ' n dokument ten opsigte van bedoelde belasting vir ' n voorafgaande jaar te toon nie .

(2) Behoudens die regulasies , kan ' n gemagtigde amptenaar wat ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) ' n versoek tot ' n persoon rig, bedoelde persoon sonder lasbrief in hegtenis neem , indien daardie persoon versuim om aan bedoelde versoek te voldoen of indien die gemagtigde amptenaar vermoed dat bedoelde persoon ' n in artikel 40 ( 1 ) (d) bedoelde misdryf gepleeg het . (3) Daar word met iemand wat kragtens subartikel ( 2 ) in hegtenis geneem is , ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 27 van die Strafproseswet, 1955 (Wet No. 56 van 1955) , gehandel of hy word vrygelaat · –

(a ) indien ' n bevel ten opsigte van sy besoldiging kragtens artikel 15 van hierdie Wet uitgevaardig word; of (b ) indien ' n vrystelling- of uitstelsertifikaat aan hom uitgereik word; of

(c ) indien hy tot bevrediging van die gemagtigde amptenaar wat hom in hegtenis geneem het, sekerheid stel vir betaling van ' n in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoelde belasting wat volgens die bedoelde gemagtigde amptenaar blyk, agterstallig is.

282 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. 15. (1 ) Indien ' n beampte wat ' n magistraat , bantoe sakekommissaris , aanslagbeampte of ontvanger is , te eniger tyd oortuig is dat algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde

Aftrekkings van agterstallige belasting van belastingbetalers.

bedrag of plaaslike belasting deur 'n belastingbetaler ingevolge hierdie Wet of ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet betaalbaar, agterstallig is , kan bedoelde beampte , behoudens die bepalings van subartikels ( 2) en ( 3) – (a) by skriftelike bevel aan die werkgewer van bedoelde belastingbetaler deur die pos gestuur of oorhandig , bedoelde werkgewer gelas om die bedrae in die bevel vermeld op die aldus vermelde tye af te trek of terug te hou van die besoldiging wat hy aan bedoelde belastingbetaler betaal of verskuldig word om te betaal , en om ' n aldus afgetrekte of teruggehoue bedrag aan die ontvanger en binne die tydperk wat aldus vermeld word , te betaal ;

(b) by dergelike bevel ' n kragtens paragraaf ( a ) uigevaardigde bevel wysig of intrek.

(2 ) Die bedrae in ' n kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) uitgevaardigde bevel vermeld , gaan nie in die geheel die aanspreeklikheid van die betrokke belastingbetaler vir die belastings wat agterstallig is , te bowe nie en word aangewend ter vereffening van bedoelde aanspreeklikheid . (3 ) By die bepaling van ' n bedrag wat ingevolge subartikel (1 ) van die besoldiging van 'n belastingbetaler afgetrek of teruggehou moet word, word die behoeftes van bedoelde belastingbetaler in ag geneem .


(1 ) Indien



oortuig is


'n bedrag

betaal ten opsigte van ' n belastingaanspreeklikheid van ' n belastingbetaler ingevolge hierdie Wet of ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet, bedoelde aanspreeklikheid oorskry , kan die behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 2 ) -

Sekretaris ,

(a ) die bedrag wat te veel betaal is , ter vereffening van enige ander sodanige aanspreeklikheid van bedoelde belastingbetaler aanwend ; of

(b) bedoelde bedrag aan bedoelde belastingbetaler terugbetaal.


Terugbetalings ,

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (2) Geen terugbetaling kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) geskied (a) tensy , in die geval van algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer , ' n eis om terugbetaling ingestel word binne drie jaar na betaling van die bedrag ten opsigte waarvan die eis ingestel word nie ; of

(b) ten opsigte van die betaling van ' n bedrag aan werknemersbelasting wat ten tyde van betaling juis bereken is ooreenkomstig die bepalings van Hoofstuk III nie , tensy die Sekretaris oortuig is dat die omstandighede van die geval ' n terugbetaling regverdig; of

(c) ten opsigte van die betaling van voorlopige belasting ooreenkomstig die bepalings van Hoofstuk III nie , tensy die Sekretaris oortuig is dat die omstandighede van die geval ' n terugbetaling regverdig

Verhaal van agterstallige belasting.

17. ( 1 ) Enige agterstallige bedrag van belasting of boete (met inbegrip van ' n bedrag van algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde bedrag of plaaslike belasting , wat kragtens 'n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet betaalbaar is) en enige bedrag wat ingevolge artikel 15 afgetrek of teruggehou is , is ' n skuld verskuldig aan die Regering en kan op die wyse in subartikel (2 ) of ( 3) uiteengesit , verhaal word. (2 ) ' n Bedrag in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoel , met uitsondering


' n bedrag van algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde bedrag of plaaslike belasting , kan deur die Sekretaris verhaal word op die wyse in artikel 91 van die

Inkomstebelastingwet voorgeskryf vir die verhaal van belasting of rente wat ingevolge daardie Wet verskuldig of betaalbaar is , en vir daardie doel is die bepalings van bedoelde artikel mutatis mutandis van toepassing.

(3) Wanneer ' n bedrag van algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde bedrag of plaaslike belasting betaalbaar ingevolge hierdie Wet of ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet deur ' n belastingbetaler wat gewoonlik in die Transkei woon , agterstallig is , kan die magistraat van die distrik waarin sodanige belastingbetaler gewoonlik woon , met die oogmerk om bedoelde bedrag te verhaal , ' n lasbrief vir eksekusie teen die roerende goed van bedoelde belastingbetaler uitreik , 284 .


en daarna word so ' n lasbrief deur ' n deur die magistraat aangestelde persoon ten uitvoer gelê asof dit ingevolge ' n vonnis van 'n magistraatshof uitgereik is , behalwe dat dit die nodig is dat ' n afskrif van bedoelde lasbrief aan die eksekusie - skuldenaar bestel word nie. (4) Indien die belastingbetaler aanspreeklik vir die belasting wat agterstallig is nie aan die persoon wat ' n kragtens subartikel ( 3 ) uitgereikte lasbrief ten uitvoer lê die bedrag van sodanige belasting , tesame met die koste ten opsigte van die tenuitvoerlegging , op aanvraag betaal nie , of nie aan bedoelde persoon voldoende goed uitwys vir die verhaal van bedoelde bedrag en bedoelde koste nie , kan bedoelde persoon daardie belastingbetaler sonder lasbrief in hegtenis neem en daarna word daar met bedoelde belastingbetaler ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel ( 3 ) van artikel 14 , uitgesonderd die bepalings van paragraaf (c) van daardie subartikel , gehandel . HOOFSTUK III. BEDRAE WAT DEUR WERKGEWERS AFGETREK OF TERUGGEHOU MOET WORD EN VOORLOPIGE BETALINGS TEN OPSIGTE VAN ALGEMENE BELASTING OP INKOMSTE GEBASEER.



18. ( 1 ) Elke werkgewer (ongeag of hy ingevolge artikel 30 as ' n werkgewer geregistreer is al dan nie ) wat op of ná die eerste dag van Maart 1970 aan ' n werknemer ' n bedrag by wyse van besoldiging betaal of verskuldig word , moet , tensy die Sekretaris andersins gemagtig het, van daardie bedrag ' n bedrag aftrek of terughou by wyse van werknemersbelasting wat volgens die bepalings van artikel 25 , 26 of 27 , watter bepaling ook al van toepassing is , vasgestel word, ten opsigte van die aanspreeklikheid van daardie werknemer vir algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer , en moet die bedrag aldus afgetrek of teruggehou aan ' n ontvanger betaal binne sewe dae na die end van die maand waartydens die bedrag afgetrek of teruggehou is , of, in die geval van 'n persoon wat voor die end van daardie maand ophou om 285.

Werkgewers moet belasting aftrek .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. 'n werkgewer te wees , birne sewe dae na die dag waarop hy ophou om ' n werkgewer te wees , of, in die een of die ander geval , binne die verdere tydperk wat ' n ontvanger goedkeur .

(2) ' n Werkgewer kan op skriftelike versoek van ' n werknemer van ' n bedrag aan besoldiging ' n groter bedrag by wyse van werknemersbelasting aftrek of terughou as wat ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) afgetrek of teruggehou moet word , en moet dié bedrag aan ' n ontvanger betaal , en die bepalings van hierdie Hoofstuk met betrekking tot werknemersbelasting is mutatis mutandis ten opsigte van bedoelde bedrag van toepassing . (3) By die toepassing van hierdie artikel beteken ,, maand " enigeen van die twaalf dele waarin 'n kalenderjaar ingedeel is .

Mate van aanspreeklikheid om belasting af te trek.

19. (1 ) Die aanspreeklikheid van ' n werkgewer om ingevolge artikel 18 ' n bedrag aan werknemersbelasting af te trek of terug te hou, word nie verminder of uitgewis uit hoofde van die

feit dat die werkgewer

' n reg besit of andersins as

ingevolge ' n wetsbepaling onder verpligting staan om ' n ander bedrag van die werknemer se besoldiging af te trek of terug te hou nie , en so ' n reg of verpligting word ondanks andersluidende wetsbepalings vir alle doeleindes geag betrekking te hê slegs op die bedrag van die besoldiging wat oorbly nadat die in daardie artikel bedoelde bedrag aan werknemersbelasting daarvan afgetrek of teruggehou is . (2 ) Die bepalings van artikel 18 is van toepassing ten opsigte van alle bedrae by wyse van besoldiging betaalbaar , ondanks ander wetsbepalings waarvolgens so ' n bedrag nie verminder kan word

of vir beslaglegging vatbaar is nie .

Aftrekkings ' n skuld aan die Regering.

20. ' n Bedrag wat ingevolge artikel 18 afgetrek of teruggehou moet word , is ' n skuld aan die Regering verskuldig , en behalwe waar anders bepaal , is die betrokke werkgewer absoluut aanspreeklik vir die behoorlike betaling daarvan aan 'n ontvanger .

Versuim om belasting af te trek.

21. (1) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 6 ) , is ' n werkgewer wat versuim om die volle bedrag van die werknemersbelasting volgens voorskrif van artikel 18 af te trek 286 .


of terug te hou , persoonlik aanspreeklik vir betaling aan ' n ontvanger van die bedrag wat hy versuim om af te trek of terug te hou, en moet hy, behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 2 ) , daardie bedrag aan ' n ontvanger betaal nie later nie as die datum waarop betaling sou moes geskied het indien die werknemersbelasting wel ingevolge artikel 18 afgetrek of teruggehou was .

(2) Wanneer die werkgewer versuim het om werknemersbelasting ingevolge artikel 18 af te trek of terug te hou en die Sekretaris oortuig is dat die versuim nie te wyte is aan ' n bedoeling om betaling van die belasting uit te stel of om die werkgewer se verpligtings ingevolge hierdie Hoofstuk te ontduik nie , kan die Sekretaris , indien hy oortuig is dat daar ' n redelike vooruitsig bestaan om die belasting uiteindelik op die werknemer te verhaal , die werkgewer van sy aanspreeklikheid ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) onthef. (3) ' n Werkgewer wat nie volgens voorskrif van subartikel (2 ) van sy aanspreeklikheid onthef is nie , het die reg om die bedrag ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) deur hom ten opsigte van ' n werknemer betaal op dié werknemer te verhaal en so ' n bedrag kan, afgesien van enige ander reg van verhaal , op 'n wyse wat ' n ontvanger bepaal , afgetrek word van toekomstige besoldiging wat deur die werkgewer aan die werknemer betaalbaar mag word.

(4 ) Tot tyd en wyl ' n werknemer aan sy werkgewer ' n moet betaal en wat hy ingevolge subartikel (3) geregtig is om verskuldig is , is so ' n werknemer nie geregtig om van die werkgewer ' n werknemersbelasting sertifikaat ten opsigte van daardie bedrag te ontvang nie . (5) ' n Bedrag wat ' n werkgewer ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) moet betaal en wat hy ingevolge subartikel ( 3 ) geregtig is om op die werknemer te verhaal , word , alleen vir sover dit die werkgewer betref, geag ' n boete te wees wat deur daardie werkgewer verskuldig en betaalbaar is.

(6) Die bepalings van subartikel ( 1 ) is nie van toepassing ten opsigte van ' n bedrag of ' n gedeelte van ' n bedrag aan werknemersbelasting wat ' n werkgewer versuim het om af te trek of terug te hou en ten opsigte waarvan die bepalings van artikel 39 ( 3) van toepassing is nie .


TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969 . Versuim om belasting te betaal.

22. (1 ) Indien ' n werkgewer versuim om ' nbedrag aan werknemersbelasting waarvoor hy aanspreeklik is te betaal binne die tydperk ingevolge artikel 18 vir die betaling daarvan toegelaat , moet hy benewens enige ander boete of heffing waaraan hy ingevolge hierdie Wet onderhewig mag wees , 'n boete gelyk aan tien persent van bedoelde bedrag betaal . ( 2 ) Die Sekretaris kan, indien hy oortuig is dat die werkgewer se versuim om die bedrag aan werknemersbelasting te betaal nie te wyte was aan ' n bedoeling om betaling van dié belasting uit te stel of sy verpligtings ingevolge hierdie Wet andersins te ontduik nie , en nie bedoel was om die betrokke werknemer in staat te stel om sodanige werknemer se verpligtings ingevolge hierdie Wet te ontduik nie , die boete by subartikel (1 ) opgelê geheel of ten dele kwytskeld.

(3) Die




(1 )

opgelê ,


aan ' n

ontvanger betaal word wanneer betaling van die werknemersbelasting waarop dit betrekking het , geskied , of binne die verdere tydperk wat 'n ontvanger goedkeur .

Sekere oore enkomste nietig .

Aftrekkings nie deur werknemer verhaalbaar nie .

Aftrekkingstabelle .

23. ' n Ooreenkoms tussen ' n werkgewer en ' n werknemer waarby die werkgewer onderneem om nie werknemersbelasting af te trek of terug te hou nie , is nietig . 24.

' n Werknemer is

nie geregtig om enige bedrag wat

ingevolge artikel 18 deur die werkgewer van die werknemer se besoldiging afgetrek of teruggehou is , op ' n werkgewer te verhaal nie .

25. (1 ) Die Sekretaris kan, met inagneming van die bedrag van algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer wat betaalbaar is of deur die Minister in ' n begrotingsrede in die vooruitsig gestel word ,

en enige

ander faktore wat

met die

waarskynlike aanspreeklikheid van belastingbetalers vir daardie belasting in verband staan , van tyd tot tyd aftrekkingstabelle voorskryf wat geld vir die kategorieë van werknemers wat hy bepaal , en kan ook die wyse voorskryf waarop sodanige tabelle toegepas moet word , en die bedrag wat by wyse van werknemersbelasting van ' n bedrag aan besoldiging afgetrek moet word , word , behoudens die bepalings van artikels 26 sodanige tabelle bepaal . 288.

en 27 ,

in ooreenstemming


TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. ( 2 ) Enige tabelle ooreenkomstig subartikel ( 1 ) deur die Sekretaris voorgeskryf, tree in werking op die datum wat die Sekretaris in die Amptelike Koerant afkondig en bly van krag totdat hulle




teruggetrek word .

(1 ) Indien die Sekretaris oortuig is dat omstandighede 'n verandering regverdig van die grondslag in artikel 25 bepaal vir die vasstelling van die bedrae wat in die geval van enige werkgewer by wyse van werknemersbelasting van 26.

Verandering van grondslag vir aftrekkings .

die besoldiging van werknemers afgetrek of teruggehou moet word , kan hy met die werkgewer ooreenkom omtrent die grondslag wat by die vasstelling van bedoelde bedrae deur daardie werkgewer toegepas moet word , en die bedrae wat 18 deur daardie werkgewer afgetrek of teruggehou moet word , word behoudens die bepalings van artikel 27 dienooreenkomstig vasgestel . ingevolge


(2 ) ' n Ooreenkoms ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) aangegaan, bly vir ' n onbepaalde tydperk van krag , maar die Sekretaris of die betrokke werkgewer kan kennis gee om dit te beëindig en so ' n ooreenkoms verval by verstryking van ' n tydperk van drie maande vanaf die datum van bedoelde kennisgewing .

27. van

Ten einde ontbering vir enige werknemer as gevolg siekte of ander omstandighede te verlig of enige fout

Staking of vermindering van aftrek-

met betrekking tot die berekening van werknemersbelasting te herstel , kan ' n ontvanger met inagneming van die omstandighede van die geval ' n opdrag aan die betrokke werkgewer uitreik wat hom magtig om geen bedrag by wyse van werknemersbelasting ingevolge artikel 18 van enige besoldiging verskuldig aan die werknemer af te trek of terug te hou nie of om by wyse van werknemersbelasting ' n bepaalde bedrag of ' n bedrag bereken volgens ' n aangegewe maatstaf of skaal af te trek of terug te hou , en die betrokke werkgewer moet aan so ' n opdrag voldoen .

28. (1 ) Behoudens die bepalings van artikels 21 en 39 , moet elke werkgewer wat gedurende die tydperk van twaalf maande wat op die laaste dag van Februarie 1971 eindig of ' n daaropvolgende tydperk van twaalf maande ' n bedrag by wyse van werknemersbelasting volgens voorskrif van artikel 18 aftrek of terughou , binne die tyd by subartikel ( 2 ) van hierdie artikel toegelaat aan elke werknemer of voormalige werknemer aan wie besoldiging gedurende die betrokke tydperk 289.

Verstrekking en verkryging van werknemers be-

lastingsertifikate .




werkgewer betaal is of verskuldig geword

het, ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat verstrek in die vorm wat die Sekretaris voorskryf of goedkeur , wat die totale besoldiging van die werknemer of voormalige werknemer gedurende dié tydperk en die som van die bedrae gedurende dié tydperk by wyse van werknemersbelasting deur bedoelde werkgewer afgetrek of teruggehou van sodanige besoldiging aantoon, maar met uitsluiting van enige bedrag by wyse van besoldiging of werknemersbelasting wat ingesluit is by ' n ander werknemersbelastingsertifikaat deur bedoelde werkgewer uitgereik tensy sodanige ander sertifikaat aan bedoelde werkgewer deur die werknemer of voormalige werknemer teruggegee is en deur bedoelde werkgewer gekanselleer is en hy volgens voorskrif van subartikel ( 10 ) daarmee gehandel het.

(2 ) Die in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoelde werknemersbelastingsertifikaat moet verstrek word -

(a) indien die werkgewer wat die sertifikaat moet verstrek nie met betrekking tot die betrokke werknemer opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees nie , binne veertien dae na die einde van die tydperk waarop die sertifikaat betrekking het ;

(b) indien bedoelde werkgewer met betrekking tot die betrokke werknemer opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees maar met betrekking tot ander werknemers voortdurend ' n werkgewer gebly het , binne veertien dae vanaf die datum waarop hy aldus opgehou het ; of (c) indien bedoelde werkgewer opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees , binne sewe dae vanaf die datum waarop hy aldus opgehou het ,

of in enige besondere geval binne die verdere tydperk wat ' n ontvanger goedkeur . ( 3 ) By die toepassing van subartikel ( 2 ) word ' n werkgewer, indien ' n ontvanger met inagneming van die besonderhede van die geval aldus gelas , geag nie met betrekking tot enigeen van sy los werknemers wat van tyd tot tyd waarskynlik deur bedoelde werkgewer weer in diens geneem sal word , op te gehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees nie .


TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969 . (4) Ondanks die bepalings van subartikels ( 1 ) en ( 2 ) moet 'n werkgewer wat werknemersbelasting van die besoldiging van ' n werknemer afgetrek of teruggehou het , soos en wanneer deur ' n ontvanger vereis , aan sodanige werknemer ' n werknemersbelasting sertifikaat verstrek in die vorm wat die Sekretaris voorskryf of goedkeur en wat die totale besoldiging van die werknemer of voormalige werknemer gedurende enige tydperk deur ' n ontvanger aangedui en die som van die bedrae by wyse van werknemersbelasting deur bedoelde werkgewer van sodanige besoldiging gedurende dié tydperk afgetrek of teruggehou , aantoon , maar met uitsluiting van enige bedrag by wyse van besoldiging of werknemersbelasting wat ingesluit is by ' n ander werknemersbelastingsertifikaat deur bedoelde werkgewer uitgereik tensy sodanige ander sertifikaaat aan bedoelde werkgewer deur die werknemer of voormalige werknemer terug gegee is en deur bedoelde werkgewer gekanselleer is en hy volgens voorskrif van subartikel ( 10 ) daarmee gehandel het .

( 5 ) Dit is die plig van ' n werknemer of voormalige werknemer wat nie binne die tydperk ingevolge subartikel (2 ) toegelaat ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat ontvang het nie , om onverwyld by die werkgewer om so ' n sertifikaat aansoek te doen.

(6) Elke belastingbetaler moet wanneer hy ' n opgawe van inkomste ingevolge die bepalings van hierdie Wet indien , alle werknemersbelastingsertifikate in sy besit wat inligting bevat ten opsigte van die jaar van aanslag waarop die opgawe betrekking het aan die opgawe heg. (7) Dit is genoegsame voldoening aan die bepalings van subartikels (1 ) en ( 4 ) indien dit nie geleë is om ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat aan die betrokke werknemer of voormalige werknemer persoonlik af te lewer nie , indien die sertifikaat na sy laasbekende adres aan hom per pos gestuur word .

(8) ' n Werkgewer kan op versoek van ' n werknemer of voormalige werknemer ' n duplikaat - werknemersbelastingsertifikaat uitreik, maar so ' n duplikaat moet duidelik as duplikaat gemerk word en moet volle besonderhede van die oorspronklike sertifikaat aantoon .

291 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (9) Tensy hy deur ' n ontvanger daartoe gemagtig is , mag ' n werkgewer geen duplikaat van ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat uitreik nie behalwe soos in subartikel ( 8 ) bepaal . (10) ' n Gekanselleerde of bedorwe werknemersbelastingsertifikaat moet nie deur die betrokke werkgewer vernietig word nie , maar moet deur hom behou word tot tyd en wyl die

Sekretaris vereis dat dit aan hom terugbesorg word .

(11 ) Die Sekretaris beheer die uitreiking aan werkgewers van voorrade van ongebruikte werknemersbelastingsertifikate en kan voorwaardes voorskryf met betrekking tot die wyse waarop sodanige ongebruikte sertifikate gebruik mag word of die terugbesorging van ongebruikte voorrade van sodanige sertifikate , en elke werkgewer moet aan die Sekretaris rekenskap gee van gebruikte , ongebruikte , gekanselleerde of bedorwe sertifikate soos en wanneer die Sekretaris vereis .

( 12 ) In die geval van ' n werkgewer wat ' n gemeganiseerde rekeningstelsel het , kan die Sekretaris , onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat hy oplê , die gebruik deur die werkgewer van werknemersbelasting sertifikate in ' n ander vorm as die vorm vir algemene gebruik voorgeskryf, goedkeur , en indien so ' n werkgewer versuim om die voorwaardes deur die Sekretaris opgelê na te kom , kan die Sekretaris sy toestemming tot die gebruik van bedoelde sertifikate terugtrek en die werkgewer moet onmiddellik of vanaf ' n datum deur die Sekretaris aangedui die gebruik van sodanige sertifikate staak en moet binne die tydperk wat die Sekretaris voorskryf alle ongebruikte voorrade sertifikate aan die Sekretaris terugbesorg .



( 13 ) Elke persoon wat ophou om ' n werkgewer te wees , moet , tensy die Sekretaris anders gelas , binne veertien dae nadat hy opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees , alle ongebruikte werknemersbelasting sertifikate in sy besit aan die Sekretaris terugbesorg .

(14 ) Indien ' n persoon versuim om ongebruikte werknemersbelasting sertifikate volgens voorskrif van subartikel ( 12 ) of ( 13 ) terug te besorg , kan ' n beampte wat met betreking tot dié persoon skriftelik of telegrafies deur die Sekre-

292 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. taris daartoe gemagtig is , te eniger tyd gedurende die dag sonder voorafgaande kennisgewing enige perseel hoegenaamd betree en deursoek vir sodanige sertifikate en daarop beslag lê en by so ' n deursoeking enigiets wat na sy vermoede sodanige sertifikate bevat, oopmaak of laat verwyder en oopmaak .

( 15 ) By die toepassing van hierdie Hoofstuk, en totdat die teendeel bewys word , word ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat waarop die naam of ' n handelsnaam van ' n werkgewer aangetoon word , geag deur dié werkgewer uitgereik te gewees het indien bedoelde sertifikaat in ' n vorm is wat vir algemene gebruik deur die Sekretaris voorgeskryf is en aan dié werkgewer vir sy gebruik deur die Sekretaris verstrek is of in ' n vorm is wat deur die Sekretaris ingevolge subartikel goedgekeur is .

( 12) vir gebruik deur dié werkgewer

( 16) Die bepalings van hierdie artikel is van toepassing slegs met betrekking tot die kategorieë van werknemers of werkgewers of in die gebiede wat die Minister van tyd tot tyd by kennisgewing in die


Amptelike Koerant

bepaal .

(1 ) Elke werkgewer moet ten opsigte van elke werk-

nemer ' n aantekening hou wat aantoon die bedrae by wyse van besoldiging deur hom aan dié werknemer betaal of verskuldig en die bedrag by wyse van werknemersbelasting van elke sodanige bedrag van besoldiging afgetrek of teruggehou , en so ' n aantekening moet deur die werkgewer behou word en is vir insae deur ' n aanslagbeampte , magistraat , bantoesakekommissaris of ontvanger of ' n deur die Sekretaris skriftelik daartoe gemagtigde beampte of werknemer van die Regering beskikbaar .

(2 ) Elke werkgewer moet wanneer hy ' n bedrag by wyse van werknemersbelasting betaal, aan ' n ontvanger ' n verklaring verstrek in die vorm wat die Sekretaris voorskryf, waarin die vereiste inligting aangegee word . (3) Elke werkgewer moet (a) ten opsigte van die tydperk van twaalf maande wat op die laaste dag van Februarie 1971 eindig en elke daaropvolgende tydperk van twaalf mande ; en


Werkgewers moet registers hou en opgawes verstrek.

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (b) indien hy ophou om neming




' n besigheid of ander onderopsigte waarvan hy aan 'n

werknemer besoldiging betaal of verskuldig geword het, of indien hy andersins ophou om ' n werkgewer te wees, ten opsigte van die tydperk vanaf die eerste dag van Maart onmiddellik voor die datum waarop hy die besigheid of ander onderneming gestaak het of opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees , na gelang van die geval , tot die datum waarop hy aldus die besigheid of onderneming gestaak het of opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees , na gelang van die geval , binne veertien dae na die einde van die betrokke tydperk of binne so ' n langer tyd as wat ' n ontvanger goedkeur , 'n opgawe by 'n ontvanger indien in die vorm wat die Sekretaris voorskryf, wat die name en adresse aantoon van al die perwat gedurende bedoelde tydperk werknemers met betrekking tot dié werkgewer was en die totale besoldiging wat ten opsigte van daardie tydperk aan elke werknemer betaal is of toegeval het en die totale bedrag aan werknemersbelasting wat gedurende daardie tydperk van die besoldiging van elk van daardie werknemers afgetrek of teruggehou is .

Registrasie van werkgewers .

30. ( 1 ) Elke persoon wat ' n werkgewer is wat volgens voorskrif van artikel 18 werknemersbelasting moet aftrek of terughou, moet in die vorm wat die Sekretaris voorskryf by ' n ontvanger aansoek doen om registrasie as ' n werkgewer -

(a ) in die


van ' n persoon wat op die eerste dag

van Maart 1970 ' n werkgewer is , nie later nie as die een-en- dertigste dag van Maart 1970 ; en

(b) in die geval van ' n persoon wat na die eerste dag van Maart 1970 ' n werkgewer word , binne veertien dae nadat hy 'n werkgewer word, of in die een of die ander geval binne die verdere tydperk wat 'n ontvanger goedkeur .

(2 ) Elke persoon wat ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) om registrasie aansoek gedoen het , moet binne veertien dae nadat hy van adres verander of ophou om ' n werkgewer te wees , ' n ontvanger skriftelik in kennis stel van sy nuwe adres of van die feit dat hy opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees , 294.

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. na gelang van die geval .

(3 ) Die Sekretaris kan op die tye wat hy bepaal openbare kennisgewings uitreik waarby die aandag op die bepalings van hierdie artikel gevestig word . 31. (1 ) Elke verteenwoordigende werkgewer is , met betrek- Aanspreeklikheid van verteenwoordiking tot die besoldiging wat hy in sy verteenwoordigende gende werkgewers en andere . hoedanigheid aan ' n werknemer betaal of verplig is om te betaal , in alle opsigte onderhewig aan dieselfde pligte , verantwoordelikhede en verpligtings ingevolge hierdie Hoofstuk asof hy in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daardie besoldiging betaal of verplig is om dit te betaal . (2 ) Enige werknemersbelasting of rente op werknemersbelasting of enige boete wat ingevolge hierdie Deel opgelê word, is verhaalbaar op die persoon wat ingevolge die omskrywing van ,,werkgewer " in artikel 1 ' n werkgewer is uit hoofde van die feit dat hy in ' n fidusiêre hoedanigheid of in die hoedanigheid van trustee van 'n insolvente boedel , eksekuteur of administrateur van ' n bystandsfonds , pensioenfonds , voorsorgfonds , uittredingannuïteitsfonds of ander fonds besoldiging betaal het of aanspreeklik geword het vir die betaling van besoldiging , of op die verteenwoordigende werkgewer , maar slegs vir sover bates wat behoort aan die persoon, liggaam , trust, boedel of fonds deur hom verteenwoordig of geadministreer , in sy besit of onder sy bestuur , beskikking of beheer is , en eersbedoelde verteenwoordigende werkgewer

persoon of ' n

(a) is persoonlik aanspreeklik vir werknemersbelasting deur hom afgetrek of teruggehou , indien, terwyl dit nog nie aan ' n ontvanger betaal is nie (i ) hy ' n bedrag van bedoelde belasting vervreem , beswaar of daaroor beskik;

(ii ) hy oor ' n fonds of geld wat in sy besit is of hom ter hand kom nadat bedoelde belasting betaalbaar word , beskik of dit uit sy hande laat gaan , indien die belasting wettiglik uit daardie fonds of geld betaal kon geword het; (b) is daarop geregtig om ' n bedrag by wyse van werknemersbelasting aan ' n ontvanger betaal , op die


TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. betrokke persoon , liggaam , fonds of boedel te verhaal of om ' n bedrag gelyk aan die aldus betaalde bedrag uit gelde wat in sy verteenwoordigende hoedanigheid in sy besit is of hom ter hand kom , terug te hou. (3) Die eksekuteur van die boedel van ' n oorlede werkgewer of die trustee van die insolvente boedel van ' n werkgewer moet die verpligtings van die oorlede of insolvente werkgewer ingevolge artikels 28 en 29 nakom wat ontstaan as gevolg daarvan dat daardie werkgewer omrede van sy dood of insolvensie ophou om ' n werkgewer te wees of wat nie deur die werkgewer voor sy dood of insolvensie nagekom is nie .



Betaling van voorlopige belasting.

32. ( 1 ) Elke voorlopige belastingpligtige moet op die wyse in hierdie Deel voorgeskryf aan ' n ontvanger betalings (voorlopige belasting genoem ) maak ten opsigte van sy aanspreeklikheid vir algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer , ten opsigte van elke jaar van aanslag wat na die agt-en-twintigste dag van Februarie 1970 eindig. ( 2 ) Die Sekretaris kan, met inagneming van die bedrag van algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer wat betaalbaar is of deur die Minister in sy begrotingsrede in die vooruitsig gestel word , en ander faktore wat met die waarskynlike aanspreeklikheid van Bantoes vir daardie belasting in verband staan, van tyd tot tyd tabelle voorskryf vir die bepaling van die bedrag van voorlopige belasting wat betaal moet word deur voorlopige belastingpligtiges wat in ' n kategorie val wat deur die Sekretaris aangedui word , of deur voorlopige belastingpligtiges in die algemeen , en die Sekretaris kan die wyse voorskryf waarop sodanige tabelle toegepas moet word.

(3 ) Enige tabelle ooreenkomstig subartikel (2 ) deur die Sekretaris voorgeskryf, tree in werking op die datum wat Amptelike Koerant bekend maak, en die Sekretaris in die bly van krag totdat hulle deur die Sekretaris ingetrek word .

Skattings van belasbare in-


(1 ) Elke voorlopige belastingpligtige moet gedurende 296 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969 . elke tydperk waarin voorlopige belasting volgens voorskrif van hierdie Deel betaalbaar is of gedurende ' n verlenging

komste moet voorlopige deur belastingpligtiges

van die tydperk ingevolge artikel 36 (2 ) toegestaan , aan ' n ontvanger in die vorm wat die Sekretaris voorskryf, ' n skatting verstrek van die totale belasbare inkomste wat ten opsigte van die jaar van aanslag ten opsigte waarvan voorlopige belasting betaalbaar is , deur die belastingpligtige verkry sal word : Met dien verstande dat , tensy ' n ontvanger met inagneming van die omstandighede van die geval instem om ' n skatting van ' n laer bedrag te aanvaar , die bedrag ' n skatting wat verstrek word deur ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige gedurende enige toepaslike tydperk in artikel 35 (a ) bedoel , of enige verlenging van sodanige tydperk kragtens artikel 36 (2 ) toegestaan, nie minder mag wees nie as die bedrag van die voorlopige belastingpligtige se belasbare inkomste , soos aangeslaan vir die jongste jaar van aanslag wat die betrokke jaar van aanslag voorafgaan . ( 2) Indien die voorlopige belastingpligtige versuim om ' n skatting volgens voorskrif van subartikel ( 1 ) te verstrek , kan ' n aanslagbeampte die bedoelde belasbare inkomste skat en so ' n skatting is finaal en afdoende .

(3) ' n Aanslagbeampte kan ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige aansê om ' n skatting wat hy ingevolge subartikel ( 1 ) gemaak het , te staaf of om besonderhede van sy inkomste en uitgawes of enige ander verlangde besonderhede te verstrek, en indien bedoelde beampte nie met die betrokke skatting tevrede is nie , kan hy die bedrag daarvan verhoog tot ' n bedrag wat hy redelik ag, en die verhoogde skatting is finaal en afdoende .

(4) ' n Skatting ingevolge die bepalings van subartikel ( 2 ) of ( 3 ) deur die aanslagbeampte gemaak , word geag te geld ten opsigte van die betrokke tydperk waarin die voorlopige belastingpligtige volgens voorskrif van hierdie Deel ' n bedrag by wyse van voorlopige belasting moet betaal of binne ' n verlenging van bedoelde toegestaan. 34.

tydperk ingevolge


36 ( 2 )

(1 ) Indien die finale of laaste skatting van sy belas-

bare inkomste ingevolge artikel 33 ( 1 ) deur ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige ten opsigte van ' n jaar van aanslag gemaak sy geskatte belasbare inkomste ten opsigte van daardie jaar 297.

Addisionele belasting in geval van onderskatting van belas bare inkomste .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. van aanslag stel op ' n bedrag wat minder is as negentig persent van die bedrag van sy belasbare inkomste soos vir daardie jaar finaal vasgestel en ook minder is as die bedrag van sy belasbare inkomste , soos deur ' n aanslagbeampte aangeslaan, vir die jongste jaar van aanslag wat die betrokke jaar van aanslag voorafgaan ten opsigte waarvan ' n aanslag deur ' n aanslagbeampte uitgereik is , moet die belastingpligtige , behoudens die bepalings van subartikels (2 ) , ( 3 ) en (4 ) , by wyse van addisionele belasting bo en behalwe die algemene belasting ten opsigte van sy belasbare inkomste hafbaar , ' n bedrag betaal gelyk aan twintig persent van die verskil tussen die bedrag van die algemene belasting ten opsigte van die aldus deur die belastingpligtige geskatte belasbare inkomste bereken en die bedrag van die algemene belasting bereken ten opsigte van negentig persent van sy belasbare inkomste soos finaal vir die betrokke jaar van aanslag vasgestel . (2) Waar ' n aanslagbeampte oortuig is dat die belastingpligtige aanspreeklik geword het om addisionele belasting ingevolge subartikel (1 ) te betaal uit hoofde van die feit dat sy belasbare inkomste vir die onderhawige jaar van aanslag beinvloed is deur omstandighede waarvan hy nie bewus was toe

hy die in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoelde skatting

gemaak het nie , kan bedoelde beampte na goeddunke die addisionele belasting of ' n gedeelte daarvan kwytskeld .


( 3) Die bepalings van subartikel ( 1 ) is nie van toepassing in ' n geval waar ' n aanslagbeampte ingevolge die

bepalings van artikel 33 ( 3 ) die finale of laaste skatting deur die belastingpligtige ten opsigte van die betrokke jaar van aanslag gemaak , verhoog het . (4) ' n

Beslissing van ' n aanslagbeampte by die uit-

oefening van sy diskresie ingevolge subartikel ( 2 ) is aan beswaar onderhewig asof dit ' n bepaling kragtens artikel 10( 1 ) is . Betaling van voorlopige belasting deur voorlopige belastingpligtiges .

35. Voorlopige belasting word deur elke voorlopige belastingpligtige soos volg betaal , naamlik -

(a) binne die tydperk van ses maande bereken vanaf die begin van die onderhawige jaar van aanslag , eenhelfte

van ' n bedrag gelyk aan die totale geskatte 298.



van die



volgens voorskrif van artikel 32 vasgestel ) ten opsigte van daardie jaar , min die totale bedrag aan werknemersbelasting deur die belastingpligtige se werkgewer afgetrek van die belastingpligtige se besoldiging gedurende bedoelde tydperk; en (b) nie later nie as die laaste dag van die onderhawige jaar van aanslag , ' n bedrag gelyk aan die totale geskatte aanspreeklikheid van die belastingpligtige (soos volgens voorskrif van artikel 32 finaal vasgestel ) ten opsigte van daardie jaar , min die som van die bedrae aan werknemersbelasting deur die belastingpligtige se werkgewer van die belastingpligtige se besoldiging gedurende daardie jaar afgetrek en die bedrag ingevolge paragraaf ( a ) betaal . 36. ( 1 ) Indien na die einde van ' n tydperk waarin volgens voorskrif van hierdie Hoofstuk voorlopige belasting betaalbaar is ' n aanslagbeampte ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 33( 3) die bedrag van ' n skatting van belasbare inkomste

Uitstel vir betaling van voorlopige belasting .

deur ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige gedurende bedoelde tydperk verstrek, verhoog het, word enige bykomende voorlopige belasting betaalbaar as gevolg van die verhoging , ondanks die bepalings van artikel 35 , binne die tydperk betaal wat die aanslagbeampte bepaal .

(2) ' n Ontvanger kan met inagneming van die omstandighede van die geval die tydperk waarin enige bedrag van voorlopige belasting betaal moet word, verleng , of instem om betaling van so 'n bedrag in gelyke of verskillende bedrae te aanvaar .

37. (1 ) Die Sekretaris kan, op die voorwaardes en in die mate wat hy vermeld, ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige of voorlopige belastingpligtiges behorende tot ' n deur hom vermelde

vrystellings ,

kategorie , van die betaling van voorlopige belasting vrystel . ( 2 ) Wanneer ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige versuim om ' n voorwaarde na te kom waaarop hy kragtens subartikel ( 1 ) vrygestel is , word hy geag nie aldus vrygestel te wees nie .

38. ( 1 ) Indien ' n voorlopige belastingpligtige versuim om enige bedrag aan voorlopige belasting waarvoor hy aan299.

Boete op laat betaling van

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. voorlopige belasting .

spreeklik is te betaal binne die tydperk ingevolge artikel 35 of 36 (1 ) vir die betaling daarvan toegelaat, of binne die langer tydperk wat ' n ontvanger ingevolge artikel 36 (2 ) toelaat, moet hy, afgesien van enige ander boete of heffing wat hy ingevolge hierdie Wet oploop , ' n boete betaal gelyk tien persent van die bedrag wat nie betaal is nie. (2) ' n Aanslagbeampte kan, indien hy oortuig is dat die voorlopige belastingpligtige se versuim om die bedrag aan voorlopige belasting te betaal nie te wyte was aan ' n bedoeling om betaling van die belasting te ontduik of uit te stel of sy verpligtings ingevolge hierdie Wet andersins te ontduik nie , die boete ten dele kwytskeld .


subartikel (1 ) opgelê geheel of


Werknemersbelasting en voorlopige belasting moet teen belastingaanspreeklikheid in vergelyking gebring word.


( 1 ) Teen die aanspreeklikheid van ' n belastingbetaler

vir algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer en enige boete ingevolge die voorafgaande bepalings van hierdie Hoofstuk opgelê, word in vergelyking gebring die bedrae aan werknemersbelasting wat deur ' n werkgewer ten opsigte van daardie belastingbetaler afgetrek of teruggehou is en die bedrae aan voorlopige belasting wat deur bedoelde belastingbetaler betaal is.

(2 ) Die bewyslas dat enige bedrag aan werknemersbelasting deur sy werkgewer afgetrek of teruggehou is , rus op die belastingpligtige en enige werknemersbelastingsertifikaat is prima facie bewys dat die bedrag aan werknemersbelasting is .


aangetoon deur

die werkgewer afgetrek

(3) Indien ' n ontvanger oortuig is dat die bedrag of enige gedeelte van die bedrag aan werknemersbelasting wat op ' n werknemersbelasting sertifikaat aangetoon word , nie deur die werkgewer afgetrek of teruggehou is nie , en die bedrag aan werknemersbelasting aangedui op die belasting sertifikaat volgens voorskrif van subartikel ( 1 ) aangewend is , is die werkgewer en die werknemer gesamentlik en afsonderlik aanspreeklik om die bedrag wat nie aldus aangewend moes



gewees het nie , te betaal , en bedoelde bedrag is ingevolge hierdie Wet verhaalbaar asof dit algemene belasting op inkomste gebaseer , is. (4) Indien die werkgewer ' n bedrag ingevolge subartikel ( 3) betaal het wat ingevolge subartikel (1 ) aangewend is maar nie aldus aangewend moes gewees het nie , kan hy , indien die bedrag as gevolg van ' n bona fide-fout op die sertifikaat aangetoon of ingesluit was , die bedrag aldus betaal op die betrokke werknemer verhaal en in so ' n geval is die bepalings van artikel 21 ( 3 ) mutatis mutandis van toepassing.

(5) Geen werknemersbelastingsertifikaat word deur die werkgewer uitgereik ten opsigte van enige bedrag wat ingevolge subartikel (4 ) deur hom op die werknemer verhaal is nie , en die bedrag word ook nie ingesluit by enige opgawe wat ingevolge artikel 29 ( 3) ingedien word nie . (6) Indien ' n ontvanger oortuig is dat die werknemer op wie ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat betrekking het regstreeks of onregstreeks verantwoordelik is vir die feit dat 'n onjuiste bedrag op die sertifikaat aangetoon word , kan hy die werkgewer onthef van die aanspreeklikheid hom ingevolge subartikel (3) opgelê, en in so ' n geval is slegs die werknemer ingevolge daardie subartikel aanspreeklik. HOOFSTUK IV . DIVERSE BEPALINGS .

40 .

(1) 'n Persoon wat -

(a) inligting openbaar artikel 3 ,

Misdrywe en strawwe . in

stryd met die bepalings van

(b) versuim om ' n opgawe , boek, rekening of inligting in te dien of te verstrek soos en wanneer by of kragtens artikel 8 of 9 vereis ,

(c) ' n valse verklaring of inskrywing maak of laat maak of toelaat dat dit gemaak word in of met betrekking tot ' n opgawe , boek, rekening of inligting wat by of kragtens artikel 8 of 9 vereis word om ingedien of verstrek te word,

301 .


(d) ' n persoon is deur wie algemene belasting bestaande uit 'n vasgestelde bedrag of plaaslike belasting ingevolge hierdie Wet of ' n by hierdie Wet herroepe wet betaalbaar is en wat versuim of versuim het so ' n belasting te betaal op of voor die laaste dag toegelaat vir betaling van bedoelde belasting ingevolge die wet waarkragtens dit betaalbaar is , om

(e) versuim om aan ' n versoek wat kragtens artikel 14 (1) gerig is , te voldoen,

(f) valse inligting verstrek by voldoening aan ' n versoek wat kragtens artikel 14(1 ) gerig is ,

(g) versuim om 'n dokument aan ' n ander persoon terug te besorg soos by artikel 14( 1) vereis , (h) ' n Bantoe onwettiglik die besit van 'n in artikel 14( 1 ) bedoelde kwitansie of sertifikaat ontneem ,

(i ) toelaat dat ' n in artikel 14(1 ) bedoelde kwitansie of sertifikaat wat in sy besit is , in besit van ' n ander persoon kom met die opset dat dit vir 'n bedrieglike oogmerk gebruik word , (j ) valslik voordoen en voorgee dat ' n in artikel 14 (1 ) bedoelde kwitansie of sertifikaat wat in sy besit is , aan hom uitgereik is ,

(k) tensy hy nie die opset het om te bedrieg nie , ' n in artikel 14 ( 1 ) bedoelde kwitansie of sertifikaat verander , skend , vernietig of beskadig , (1) ' n kwitansie of sertifikaat wat by die toepassing van hierdie Wet gebruik word , vervals of uitgee met die wete dat dit vervals is ,

(m ) versuim om ' n kragtens artikel 15 ( 1 ) uitgevaardigde bevel na te kom , (n) enige betaling van besoldiging maak of daarvoor aanspreeklik word en wat versuim om daarvan so ' n bedrag aan werknemersbelasting af te trek of terug te hou, of sodanige bedrag aan ' n ontvanger te betaal , soos en wanneer deur artikel 18 vereis ,

302 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET, 1969. (0) ' n bedrag deur hom by wyse van werknemersbelasting afgetrek of teruggehou vir ander doeleindes as die betaling van daardie bedrag aan ' n ontvanger gebruik of aanwend ,

(p) ' n valse werknemersbelasting sertifikaat gee of uitreik of laat gee of uitreik of toelaat dat dit gegee of uitgereik word of dit wetens besit of gebruik of laat gebruik , (q) sonder om goeie redes daartoe aan te voer , versuim om aan enige opdrag aan hom deur ' n ontvanger ingevolge artikel 27 uitgereik te voldoen, (r) versuim of nalaat om aan ' n werknemer of voormalige werknemer ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat volgens voorskrif van artikel 28 te verstrek,

(s) versuim om te voldoen aan ' n voorwaarde ingevolge artikel 28 ( 11 ) deur die Sekretaris voorgeskryf met betrekking tot tingsertifikate besorging van sertifikate of

die wyse waarop werknemersbelasgebruik kan word of tot die terugongebruikte voorrade van bedoelde om rekenskap van gebruikte , onge-

bruikte of bedorwe werknemersbelastingsertifikate te gee wanneer die Sekretaris dit ingevolge daardie paragraaf vereis , of wanneer hy ophou om ' n werkgewer te wees , versuim om volgens voorskrif van artikel 28 ( 13 ) ongebruikte werknemersbelasting sertifikate in sy besit terug te besorg,

(t) versuim om te voldoen aan ' n voorwaarde deur die Sekretaris opgelê waaraan hy ingevolge artikel 28 (12) gebind is , (u) versuim of nalaat om volgens voorskrif van artikel 29 aantekenings te hou , of om sodanige aantekenings vir ' n tydperk van vyf jaar vanaf die datum van die laaste inskrywing daarin te behou of om aan of by ' n ontvanger enige verklaring of opgawe soos deur daardie artikel vereis , te verstrek of in te dien ,

(v) versuim of nalaat om volgens voorskrif van artikel 30 (1 ) by ' n ontvanger

aansoek te doen om as ' n



werkgewer geregistreer te word of waar hy aldus aansoek gedoen het, versuim of nalaat om ' n ontvanger ooreenkomsig artikel 30 ( 2 ) van enige verandering van sy adres of van die feit dat hy opgehou het om ' n werkgewer te wees , in kennis te stel , (w) ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat wat deur iemand anders gegee of uitgereik is , verander of hom valslik voordoen as die werknemer wie se naam op ' n werknemersbelasting sertifikaat verskyn of vir sy eie voordeel of wins krediet of betaling verkry ten opsigte van ' n bedrag aan werknemersbelasting (of ' n gedeelte daarvan) afgetrek of teruggehou van besoldiging deur ' n ander persoon ontvang, (x) wat nie

' n werkgewer is nie en sonder behoorlike

magtiging deur ' n persoon wat ' n werkgewer is ' n dokument wat heet ' n werknemersbelastingsertifikaat te wees , uitreik of laat uitreik,

(y) versuim

om volgens

voorskrif van artikel



skatting van sy belasbare inkomste aan ' n aanslagbeampte te verstrek , (z) versuim om 'n bepaling van ' n regulasie na te kom of dit oortree ,

is aan ' n misdryf skuldig .

(2) ' n Persoon wat aan ' n misdryf ingevolge subartikel (1 ) skuldig bevind is , is , behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 3 ) strafbaar -

( a ) in die geval van ' n in subartikel ( 1 ) bedoelde misdryf , behalwe ' n in paragraaf (b) van hierdie subartikel bedoelde misdryf, met ' n boete van hoogstens vierhonderd rand of met gevangenisstraf vir ' n tydperk van hoogstens ses maande of met sowel daardie boete as daardie gevangenisstraf ;

(b ) in die geval van ' n in subartikel ( 1 ) ( d) , ( e ) of ( z ) bedoelde misdryf, met ' n boete van hoogstens honderd rand of met gevangenisstraf vir ' n tydperk van hoogstens drie maande .

304 .


hof wat 'n persoon

skuldig bevind aan

' n in

subartikel ( 1 ) (b) of ( c ) bedoelde misdryf, weens versuim om ' n opgawe te verstrek of in te dien soos en wanneer ingevolge artikel 9 of 29 vereis of weens die maak of laat maak of toelaat om te maak van ' n valse verklaring of inskrywing in so ' n opgawe , kan benewens ' n ander straf wat vir daardie misdryf opgelê word , die veroordeelde persoon beveel om die vereiste opgawe te verstrek of in te dien of die valse verklaring of inskrywing reg te stel binne die tydperk en op die wyse wat in die bevel vermeld word.


(4) Indien ' n persoon aan oortreding van subartikel (1 ) skuldig bevind is weens wanbetaling van ' n bepaalde

belasting betaalbaar deur hom ten opsigte van ' n bepaalde tydperk word bedoelde persoon nie weer weens bedoelde wanbetaling angekla nie maar word sy skuld aan die Regering ten opsigte nie .

van bedoelde belasting nie uitgewis

41. ( 1 ) Indien by ' n verrigting ingevolge hierdie Wet , met inbegrip van ' n verrigting kragtens artikel 15 , die vraag ontstaan

(a) of ' n persoon ' n burger of ' n Bantoepersoon is al dan nie , word daar vermoed totdat die teendeel bewys word, dat daardie persoon ' n burger of ' n Bantoepersoon is , na gelang van die geval ; (b) of ' n belasting of boete deur ' n persoon betaalbaar is of agterstallig is , al dan nie , word daar vermoed totdat die teendeel bewys word , dat bedoelde belasting

of boete

deur daardie persoon betaalbaar is

of dat dit agterstallig is , na gelang van die geval ;

(c) of ' n persoon

' n opgawe

ingedien of verstrek het

soos en wanneer by of kragtens artikel 8 , 9 of 29 vereis word, word daar vermoed totdat die teendeel bewys word , dat bedoelde persoon nie bedoelde opgawe aldus ingedien of verstrek het nie ;

(d) hoe

oud ' n person is , word daar vermoed totdat die teendeel bewys word , dat sy ouderdom dié is soos deur die voorsittende beampte by bedoelde


Vermoedens .


verrigting geskat is volgens bedoelde persoon se voorkoms of volgens inligting wat beskikbaar is . (2) By die toepassing van artikel 40 ( 1 ) (0) word , totdat die teendeel bewys word , 'n bedrag wat deur ' n persoon van besoldiging afgetrek of teruggehou is , geag deur daardie persoon vir ander doeleindes as die betaling van daardie bedrag aan ' n ontvanger gebruik of aangewend te gewees het , indien daardie bedrag nie binne die tydperk vir betaling ingevolge artikel 18 toegelaat , aan ' n ontvanger betaal word nie .

Regulasies .

42. (1 ) Die vaardig -

Minister kan van tyd tot tyd regulasies uit-

(a) wat die vorm van opgawes van inkomste wat ingedien moet word, voorskryf ;

(b) wat die wyse waarop die belasbare inkomste van 'n belastingbetaler bereken moet word , voorskryf ; (c) wat die wyse waarop en die tydperk waarin beswaar teen ' n bepaling deur ' n aanslagbeampte ingedien moet word, voorskryf ; wyse waarop en die tye wanneer ' n belasting , spesiale belasting of boete betaal moet word, voorskryf ;

(d ) wat die


waar ,


(e) waarby ' n gebied van die toepassing van artikel 14 uitgesluit word;

(f) wat die omstandighede voorskryf waarin ' n Bantoe kragtens die bepalings van artikel 14 ( 2 ) in hegtenis geneem kan word of nie in hegtenis geneem kan word nie ;

(g) met betrekking tot sekerheidstelling deur ' n persoon wat kragtens artikel 17 (3 ) deur ' n magistraat aangestel is ; (h) wat die


en koste

voorskryf wat ten opsigte

van die tenuitvoerlegging van ' n kragtens hierdie Wet uitgereikte lasbrief betaalbaar is ; 306 .

TRANSKEISE BELASTINGWET , 1969 . en in die algemeen , met betrekking tot alle aangeleenthede wat die Minister nodig of dienstig ag om voor te skryf ten einde die oogmerke van hierdie Wet te bereik.

(2 ) Verskillende regulasies kan ten opsigte van verskillende gebiede of verskillende kategorieë van persone of liggame uitgevaardig word . 43.

Ondanks andersluidende wetsbepalings , is die bepalings

van artikels 15 en 17 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) en ( 3 ) mutatis mutandis van toepassing op die invordering en verhaal van enige huur-

Invordering en verhaal van sekere huurgelde , gelde of heffings.

geld , erfpag , geld of heffing , ten opsigte van die okkupasie of gebruik van grond , wat deur enige persoon aan die Regering betaalbaar is , hetsy sodanige huurgeld , erfpag , geld of heffing betaalbaar geword het voor , of betaalbaar word na , die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Wet . (1) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel ( 2 ) , word 44. die wette in die Bylae vermeld , in die mate in die derde kolom daarvan aangedui , herroep of gewysig .

Herroeping en wysiging van wette .

(2 ) Ondanks die herroeping van die Bantoe Belasting en Ontwikkeling Wet, 1925 , bly al die bepalings daarvan vir sover dit op ' n in artikel 2 ( 1 ) bis (b) en (1 ) ter van daardie Wet bedoelde belasting betrekking het van krag ten opsigte van so ' n belasting vir ' n kalenderjaar wat die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Wet voorafgaan en daarbenewens is die bepalings van artikel 15 van hierdie Wet ten opsigte van so ' n belasting van toepassing asof dit algemene belasting bestaande uit ' n vasgestelde bedrag is. 45.

Hierdie Wet heet die Transkeise Belastingwet , 1969 ,

en tree



eerste dag van Januarie 1970 in werking.

Kort titel en inwerkingtreding.


No. en jaar van wet.

Wet No. 41 van 1925

Kort titel .

In hoeverre herroep of gewysig.

Bantoe Belasting en Ontwikkeling Wet , 1925 .


Die geheel herroep .


Wet No. 28

Bantoe Belasting en Ont-

van 1926 .

wikkeling Wet , 1925 , Wysigingswet , 1926 .

Wet No. 37 van 1931 .

Wysigingswet op Bantoebelasting en -ontwikkel-

Die geheel herroep.

Die geheel herroep .

ling, 1931 .

Finasiële Reëlingswet, 1932.

Artikel 9 herroep .

Finansiewet , 1935 .

Artikels 13 en 14 herroep .

Finansiewet , 1937 .

Artikel 11 herroep .

Wet No. 25 van 1939 .

Wysigingswet op Bantoebelasting , 1939.

Die geheel herroep .

Wet No. 27

Finansiewet , 1940.

Artikels 19 en 20 herroep .

Wet No. 41 van 1942 .

Finansiewet , 1942 .

Artikel 16 herroep .

Wet No. 37

Finansiewet , 1943 .

Artikel 16 herroep.

Wet No. 36 van 1944 .

Wet tot Wysiging van die Wette op Bantoes , 1944 .

Artikels 20 en 21 herroep .

Wet No. 46

Finansiewet , 1945 .

Artikels 18 en 19 herroep .

Wet tot Wysiging van

Artikel 18 herroep .

Wet No. 25

van 1932 . Wet No. 49

van 1935 . Wet No. 50 van 1937 .

van 1940 .

van 1943 .

van 1945 . Wet No. 56 van 1949 .

Wet No. 38 van 1958 .

Wette op Bantoes , 1949 .

Wysigingswet op Bantoe belasting en -ontwikkel-

Die geheel herroep .

ling , 1958 . Wet No. 46 van 1962 .

Wysigingswet op Bantoe wetgewing , 1962 . 308 .

Artikels 1 tot en met 8 herroep .


Wet No. 76 van 1963 . Wet No. 4 van 1965 .

Wysigingswet op Bantoewetgewing, 1963.

Artikels 2 , 3 en 4 herroep .

Wet op Transkeise Ower- Artikel 55 word deur die volhede , 1965 . gende artikel vervang :

Verhaal van

55. Die bepalings van artikels 14 , 17 en 40 ( 1 ) (d) ,

agter s tallige heffings , belastings of fooie .

(2) en (4 ) van die Transkeise Belastingwet , 1969 en die regulasies daarkragtens uitgevaardig , is mutatis mutandis van toepassing op die verhaal op ' n inwoner van enige heffing, bedrag , belasting of fooi ingevolge hierdie Wet opgelê, gehef of voorgeskryf, of geag opgelê, gehef, of voorgeskryf te wees , deur die Minister of deur ' n stamheid.".


of streeksower-

UM THE THO WOFAKELO-MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI, 1969 . UMTHETHO WE 9 KA 1969 UMTHETHO (Obalwe ngesiXhosa usayinwe yi Prezidanti yeSizwe) (Uvunywe ngomhla wesi 3 Novemba 1969) Wokufakela imibandela kwiSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .




YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : -

Ufakelo-mibandela kummiselo 1 weSahluko 1 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .



1 weSahluko





sowe 1962 (ngezants ' apha esibizwa ngokuthi siSihlokomiso) ngokwenjenje ufakelwa imibandela -

(a ) ngokubeka kwingcaciso - gama elithi " umqeshwa ogunyazisiweyo" endaweni yamagama athi " iTrasti " okanye " uMbuso " eli gama lithi " uRulumente " ; (b) ngokubeka le ngcaciso -gama ingezants ' apha endaweni yengcaciso-gama elithi "umntu ontsundu " : ukuthi 'umntu ontsundu ' kuthetha umntu ontsundu njengoko achaziweyo esiqendwini 73 soMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo lwase Transkei , 1963 (uMthetho No. 48 wowe 1963 ) kwaye kuquka iMbumba yeNkqubela-phambili yabaNtsundu neMbumba yoLondolozomali yabaNtsundu; " ; (c) ngokufakela le ngcaciso -gama ingezants ' apha emva kwengcaciso -gama elithi " isahluko " ;

ukuthi "ummi wase Transkei " kuthetha nawuphi na umntu ongummi wase Transkei ngokoMthetho osiSiseko soLawulo lwase Transkei , 1963 ; " ;

(d) ngokucima Bahle " ;

ingcaciso-gama elithi " uMongameli wa-

(e ) ngokufakela emva kwengcaciso -gama elithi " idlelo ledolophu " le ngcaciso-gama ingezants ' apha :

ukuthi " ' isebe ' kuthetha isebe loMphathiswa ; " ;

( f) ngokubeka kwingcaciso -gama elithi " injineri " igama endaweni yegama elithi "uRulumente" elithi "iTrasti ";

310 .


ezi ngcaciso - magama zingezants ' apha

emva kwengcaciso- gama elithi " ukutya " ;


"" 'iGazethi'


iGazethi yo Burulumente

base Transkei ; ' uRulumente ' wase Transkei ; " ;



(h) ngokubeka kwingcaciso - gama elithi " isikina sengqeshiso " igama elithi " uRulumente " endaweni yegama elithi " iTrasti " ;

( i) ngokucima kwingcaciso - gama elithi " igosa lobugqira " la magama athi " iTrasti "; ( j ) ngokubeka endaweni yengcaciso - gama elithi " uMphathiswa " le ngcaciso-gama ingezants ' apha :



'uMphathiswa ' kuwo nawuphi na umgaqo wale mimiselo , kuthetha uMphathiswa ekunikelwe kuye ukwenziwa kusebenze kwaloo mgaqo ngokommiselo 13 weSahluko 1 ;":

(k) ngokubeka le ngcaciso - gama ingezants ' apha endaweni yengcaciso-gama elithi " amapolisa " : ukuthi " ' amapolisa ' kuthetha nawuphi na umkhosi wamapolisa osekwe ngawo okanye ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho ; " ;

( 1 ) ngokubeka endaweni yengcaciso -gama elithi "uSibakhulu " le ngcaciso-gama ingezants ' apha : ukuthi " ' uSibakhulu ' kuthetha uSibakhulu wesebe ; ";

(m ) ngokufakela le ngcaciso - gama ingezants ' apha emva kwengcaciso-gama elithi " ishishini " : ukuthi " ' iTranskei ' kuthetha ilizwe ekuthiwa yiTranskei nelichazwe esiqendwini 2 soMthetho osiSiseko so Lawulo lwase Transkei , 1963 ; " ;

(n) ngokucima

ingcaciso -gama


" iTrasti " ;


( 0 ) ngokufakela le ngcaciso - gama ingezants ' apha ekupheleni kommiselo : 311 .

UM THETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI , 1969 . ukuthi " ' iMbumba yeNkqubela -phambili yamaXhosa ekhankanywe esiqendwini 5 ( 5 ) (a) soMthetho wokukhulisa iNkqubela yezoQoqosho nokuziphilisa ngeMali kwe-

Mimandla engaMakhaya abaNtsundu , (uMthetho No. 46 wowe 1968 ) . " . Ubeko-mmiselo end aweni yom miselo 5 we Sahluko 1 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

2. Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje endaweni yommiselo 5 weSahluko 1 seSihlokomiso :

" Abantu abanelung lok e uba babelo ngabahlali .

Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 7 we Sahluko 1 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

Imfakelo-mmiselo 13 kwiSahluko 1 seSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.



5. Ngaphandle kokuba kungemvume yoMphathiswa akukho mntu ungenguye ummi waseTranskei uya kuvunyelwa ukuba abe ngumhlali kweso sixeko . " .

Ummiselo 7 weSahluko 1 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje

ufakelwa umbande la ngokubeka igama elithi " isebe " endaweni yamagama athi " iSebe le Zolawulo ne Nkqubela yaba Ntsundu" .

4. Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje ufakelwa kwiSahluko 1 seSihlokomiso emva kommiselo 12 :

"'ukwenziwa kusebenze kwe migaqo yemimiselo .

13. ( 1 ) Intloko - baphathiswa yase Transkei inikela ukwenziwa kusebenze kwemigaqo yale mimiselo kuye nawuphi na uMphathiswa okanye ngokuyinxenye komnye nangokuyinxenye komnye uMphathiswa okanye abanye aBaphathiswa yaye ingamisela amagunya aya kusetyenziswa nomsebenzi oya kwenziwa ngabo Baphathiswa bahlukeneyo .

(2) Intloko - baphathiswa ingathi ngamaxesha ngamaxesha iguqule okanye ifake imibandela kulo naluphi na unikelo ngokommiselwana ( 1 ) . "


Ufake lo-mbandela 5. Ummiselo 3 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje kummiselo 3 we Sahluko 2 se Sihloko- ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yegama elithi miso No. R.293 sowe 1962. "uMhle " eli gama lithi " isebe " . Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 4 we Sahluko 2 se Sihloko. miso No. R.293 sowe 1962 . Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 7 we Sahluko 2 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962


Ummiselo 4 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje

ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 2 ) endaweni yegama elithi " uMhle " eli gama lithi " uSibakhulu " . Ummiselo 7 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje 7. ufakelwa imibandela -





endaweni yamagama

athi "uMongameli wa Bahle " eli gama lithi "uMphathiswa" ;

(b) ngokubeka kummiselwana 4 endaweni yamagama athi "uMongameli wa Bahle " eli gama lithi " uSibakhulu " ; na -

(c) ngokucima ummiselwana (5) . 8.

Ummiselo 8 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje

ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 2) endaweni yebinzana -ntetho elithi " isiqiniselo ikakhulu esikwifomu eyandlalwe eSihlomelweni D sale mimiselo " la magama athi " isiqiniselo esifanelekileyo kwisikina senggeshiso " .


ukuba kuhlalwe

Ummiselo 9 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje 9. ufakelwa imibandela -

(a) ngokubeka lo mmiselwana ungezants ' apha endaweni yommiselwana ( 2) :

"(2 ) Umphathiswa , ekwanelisweni kwakhe -

(a ) kukuba isiza esifanelekileyo esingagcinelwanga enye injongo , siyafumaneka ,

(b) kukuba kweso siza kuya kuhlala umenzi- sicelo nosapho lwakhe ,

(c) kukuthi umenzi - sicelo ngumntu ofaneleyo nofanelekileyo ukuba ahlale esixekweni , (d ) kukuba umenzi - sicelo akalelwa ngenye indlela yile mimiselo ukuba azuze eso siza ,

(e ) kukuba kwenziwe amalungiselelo aneleyo okuhlawula imali elixabiso lokuthenga eso siza , na -

(f) kukuthi kwenziwe imvumelwano ebhaliweyo yentengiselwano ,


Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 8 weSahluko No. 2 seR.293 Sihlokomiso sowe 1962.

Ufakelo-mibandela kummiselo 9 we Sahluko 2 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

UM THETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI, 1969. uya kuthabatha amanyathelo okuba umceli akhutshelwe uxwebhu loniko -siza ngokwemigqaliselo eyandlalwe kwiSihlomelo F sale mimiselo waye engawisa ngokuphathelele kweso siza ezo zikhobokhiso ( iisevityudi ) angazibona zifuneka .": na -

(b) ngokubeka lo mmiselwana ungezants ' apha endaweni yommiselwana ( 5 ) : "(5) Umongameli angagunyazisa nawuphi na umntu owenze isicelo sesiza ngokwalo mmiselo ukuba ahlale kweso siza lo gama kusalindelwe ukukhutshwa kwexwebhu lonike zo - siza : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi ukuba loo mntu ugxumeka nasiphi na isakhiwo kweso siza , njengoko kuyinjongo emmiselweni 20 , uya kukwenza oko ezibeka esichengeni sokulahlekelwa ngomonakalo awufumanayo. ".

10. Ufakelo-mibandela Ummiselo 13 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje kummiselo 13 we Sa. hluko 2 se Sihlokoufakelwa imibandela · miso No. R.293 sowe 1962 . (a) ngokubeka endaweni yomhlathi (b) wommiselwana ( 2 ) lo mhlathi ungezants ' apha :

"(b) umnikeli uhlawule zonke iimali ezibizwayo , ezokuqesha nezinye amelwe kukuzihlawula ngokwale mimiselo ngaphandle kokuba umnikelwa uthe , ngemvume kaSibakhulu , wabuthabathela kuye ubutyala bokuhlawula ezo mali ; " ; (b) ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 2) (d ) endaweni yebinzanantetho elithi " ifomu yonikelo ikakhulu eyifomu eyandlalwe kwiSihlomelo G sale mimiselo " la magama athi

" ifomu efanelekileyo yonikelo ibhaliwe " ; na -

(c ) ngokubeka endaweni yemimiselwana mimiselwana ingezants ' apha :

3 nowesi 4 le

"(3) Ukuba umphathi uyakuvumela ukunikelwa komnye kwesiqiniselo , uya kusitshitshisa isiqiniselo somnikeli aze akhuphele umnikelwa isiqiniselo esitsha . Utshintshelo lwexwebhu loniko - siza luya kwenziwa njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwiSahluko 9 .


UMTHETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI , 1969. (4 ) Xa sukuba uSibakhulu ekugunyazisile ukunikelwa kwesikina sobumnini , umnikeli okanye , ukuba ungumntwana okanye omnye umntu ongenamandla emthethweni , umondli wakhe osemthethweni okanye ummeli wakhe uya kuthi , ngencwadi ebhaliweyo , azalise ingcombolo efanelekileyo yovumo - nikelo ngaphambi koMhle okanye kweMantyi waye ke eya kuyishiya loo ntetho yakhe kunye nemali ebizwayo eqingqwe kummiselo 10 weSahluko 9 kumphathi - lokishi khona ukuze yena ayidlulisele kuSibakhulu . ".

Ummiselo 19 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje Urakelo-mbandela kummiselo 19 weSa2 seSihlokoufakelwa umbandela ngokucima kummiselwana ( 1 ) eli bi- hluko miso No. R.293 nzana -ntetho lithi " ikakhulu ngefomu eyandlalwe kwiSihlo- sowe 1962. melo 1 sale mimiselo" . 11.

12. Ummiselo 20 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa imibandela (a) ngokubeka lo mmiselwana ungezants'apha endaweni yommiselwana (3):

"(3) (a) Nawuphi na umntu ofuna ukufumana ipemethe yokwakha uya kusitsolisela isicelo sakhe kunolali waye eya kuthi (i ) axele esicelweni sakhe izinto zokwakha azimisele ukuzisebenzisa nenjongo esakhelwa ukufeza yona eso sakhiwo ;

(ii ) ahlomele esicelweni sakhe imifanekiso ezotyiweyo elinganisiweyo iikopimbini , (eya kuthi , ngaphandle kokuba unolali , ukuyekile ukugxininisa kuloo ngongoma , ibe ngokwezilinganiso ezimiselweyo ) ebonisa iiplani , amacala nezilinganiso zokuphakama zesakhiwo eso nokuthi siza kugxunyekwa kwiyiphi na indawo ngokuphathelele apha esizeni ; aze (iii ) afumanise unolali enye ingcombolo enjalo angathi ayifune unolali .

(b) Akukho

sakhiwo , esingesiso isikina esinye

315 .

Urakelo-mibandela kummiselo 20 we Sahluko 2 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .


sokufumanisa usapho indlu , esinezindlwana eziqhelekileyo kugxunyekwa

ezingaphandle nakwisiphi


kwaso , isiza


esinye .

(c) Indlu , isakhiwo , indlu engaphandle okanye esinye " isakhiwa " ngasinye esixekweni siya kuba ngokwezicaciso ezivunywe ngunolali . " ; na

(b) ngokucima kummiselwana ( 5) eli binzana - ntetho lithi "ikakhulu ngefomu eyandlalwe kwiSihlomelo K sale mimiselo ".

Uroxiso-mmiselo 21 we Sahluko 2 seSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

13. Ummiselo 21 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje uyaroxiswa .

Kummiselo 22 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje Ulwenziwo -mbandela 14. kummiselo 22 we Sahluko 2 se Sihloko- kwenziwa umbandela ngokucima kummiselwana ( 1 ) la magama miso No. R.293 sowe 1962. "okanye apho iTrasti seyiboleke okanye seyithembise izibophelela ukuba iyakuboleka nasiphi na isambuku - mali ngokommiselwana (1) wommiselo 21 wesi Sahluko " namagama "okanye waloo mali ibolekwayo " . Ufakelo-mibandela 15. Ummiselo 23 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje kummiselo 23 we Sahluko 2 se Sihlokoufakelwa imibandela miso No. R.293 sowe 1962 . (a) ngokubeka kummiselwana (4) endaweni yamagama athi "uMongameli wa Bahle " eli gama lithi " uSibakhulu " ; na

(b) ngokupeka kummiselwana 5 endaweni yala magama "obuyise ngokupheleleyo nayiphi na intloko- mali nenzala yayo ebeyibolekwe yiTrasti ngokommiselo 21 wesi Sahluko okanye ya · " la magama athi " ohlawule ngokupheleleyo " . 16. Ufakelo-mbandela Ummiselo 39 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje kummiselo 39 weSa- ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kwisiqendwana (9 ) endaweni hluko 2 se Sihloko. miso No. R.293 sowe 1962 . yamagama athi " isiqendu samashumi amane anesihlanu

SoMthetho " eli binzana - ntetho lithi "yommiselo 46 ( 8 ) wesi sahluko".

Ufakelo-mibandeia 17. kummiselo 46 we Sa.

Ummiselo 46 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje



ufakelwa imibandela -

hluko 2 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 Bowe 1962 .

(a ) ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 5 ) igama elithi "uSibakhulu " endaweni yegama elithi " uMongameli waBahle ";

(b) ngokubeka endaweni yommiselwana ( 6) lo mmiselwana ungezants ' apha :

" ( 6) Nawuphi na umntu othi abe ngummi wesiza esixekweni wothi , ngokuphathelele kwindlu ekweso siza , akhululwe ekuhlawuleni irafu yesiphaluka ewiswe

ngokoMthetho we Rafu yase Transkei , 1969. " ; -

(c) ngotshitshiso lommiselwana (7) ; na (d) ngokubeka endaweni yommiselwana ( 8 ) nowe ( 9 ) le mimiselwana ingezants ' apha : "(8) Imigaqo yeziqendu 15 , 17 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) nesesi ( 3 ) nesama 40 ( 1 ) ( d) , ( 2 ) nesesi (4) zoMthetho we Rafu yase Transkei , 1969 , iya kusebenza iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo ngokumalunga nayiphi na imali yengqeshiso , indleko , imali ebizwayo okanye esinye isambuku-mali esimelwe kukuhlawulwa kuRulumente okanye ebhungeni lesixeko ngokwalo mmiselo ; Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi , ukulungiselela isiqendu 40 ( 1 ) (d) salo Mthetho uxeliweyo , usuku lokugqibela oluvunyelwe ukuhlawula loo mali yengqeshiso , indleko , imali ebizwayo okanye esinye isambuku - mali luya kuba lusuku lwesixhenxe emveni komhla ebesimelwe kukuhlawulwa ngawo. (9) Ukulungiselela iinjongo zesiqendu 15 soMthetho weRafu yase Transkei , 1969 , njengoko senziwa sisebenze ngummiselwana ( 8) walo mmiselo , umphathi - lokishi uya kuthatyathwa ngokuba ngumamkeli - rafu njengoko kuchaziweyo kuloo Mthetho . " .

18 . Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje ubekwa Ubeko- mmiselo end aweni yommiselo 51 we Sahluko 2 endaweni yommiselo 51 weSahluko 2 seSihlokomiso : seSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 . "'Ulwabelo. 51. Nangani kukho nawuphi na omnye umgaqo ziza imbumba . kwesi Sahluko , uMphathiswa angathi esebenzisa ingqiqo yakhe agunyazise ulwabelo lweMbumba yoLondolozo -mali yaba Ntsundu okanye iMbumba ye-



Nkqubela- phambili




okanye izikina zengqeshiso , yaye ke loo mbumba "ingazichitha " naziphi na izikina ezinjalo ilawulwa koko yimvume voMphathiswa. " . Ufakelo-mibandela kummiselo 4 we Sahluko 3 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .


Ummiselo 4 weSahluko 3 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa imibandela -

(a) ngokucima kummiselwana (1 ) ibinzana - ntetho elithi "eso sicelo siya kwenziwa efomini efana ikakhulu neSihlomelo B okanye zale mmiselo . " ; na -

A ngokulandelelana kwazo ,

(b) ngokubeka endaweni yomhlathi ( e ) wommiselwana ( 2 ) lo mhlathi ungezants ' apha :

"(e) ngokuphathelele nakwisiphi na isikina sobumnini , imvumelwano yentengiselwano yenziwe ngencwadi ebhaliweyo , " ; na (c ) ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 2 ) endaweni yebinzanantetho elithi " ikakhulu ngefomu eyandlalwe kwiSihlomelo M sale mimiselo kuze kuthi xa sukuba isisikina sengqeshiso amkhuphele isiqiniselo ikakhulu esingefomu eyandlalwe kwiSihlomelo N sale mimiselo " eli binzana - ntetho lithi : ngokwemigqaliselc eyandlalwe




mimiselo kuze

kuthi xa sukuba isisiqiniselo sengqeshiso amkhuphele isiqiniselo esifaneleyo " . 20. Ufakelo-mibandela Ummiselo 20 weSahluko 3 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje kummiselo 20 we Sahluko 3 se Sihlokoufakelwa imibandela miso No. R.293 sowe 1962 . (a ) ngokubeka endaweni yomhlathi (a ) wommiselwana ( 2 ) lo mhlathi ungezants ' apha : "(a ) umnikeli uhlawule zonke imali ezibizwayo , Himali zengqeshiso nezinye iindleko amelwe kukuzihlawula ngokwale mimiselo ngaphandle kokuba umnikelwa uthe , ngemvume yoMphathiswa , wabuthabathela kuye ubutyala bokuhlawula ezo mali; ";

(b) ngokubeka



(c )


(2 )

UM THETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI , 1969. endaweni yebinzana - ntetho elithi "unikelo ikakhulu ngefomu eyandlalwe eSihlomelweni O sale mimiselo" la magama athi " ifomu yonikelo ngencwadi ebhaliweyo " ; na -

(c) ngokubeka endaweni yommiselwana (3) lo mmiselwana ungezants ' apha :

"(3) Ukuba umphathi uyaluvuma unikelo lwaso nasiphi na isikina sengqeshiso , uya kusitshitshisa isiqiniselo somnikeli aze akhuphele umnikelwa isiqiniselo esitsha . Unikelo lwexwebhu elibubungqina boniko luya kwenziwa njengoko kuqingqiweyo kwiSahluko 9. " . 21. Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje ubekwa endaweni yommiselo 27 weSahluko 3 seSihlokomiso : "ulwabelo ziza zorwebo iimbumba.

Ube ko-mmiselo endaweni yommiselo 27 we Sahluko 3 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

27. Nangani ukho nawuphi na omnye umgaqo kwesi Sahluko, uMphathiswa angathi esebenzisa ingqiqo yakhe agunyazise ukuba kwabelwe iziza zorwebo , zizizikina zobumnini okanye zizizikina zengqeshiso , iMbumba yoLondolozo - mali yabaNtsundu okanye iMbumba yeNkqubela yamaXhosa yaye ke loo mbumba " ingasichitha " nasiphi na isiza esinjalo ilawulwa yimvume yoMphathiswa . " .


Ummiselo 1 weSahluko 7 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje

ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kummiselwana 1 igama elithi "isebe " endaweni yegama elithi " uMhle " . 23. Ummiselo 1 weSahluko 8 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa imibandela -

(a) ngokubeka

endaweni yommiselwana

( 1 ) , (2 ) nowesi

( 3) le mimiselwana ingezants ' apha : "(1) Xa sukuba kuluvo loMphathiswa kuluncedo ukwenjenjalo, angayalela ukuba ibhunga lesixeko liyilelwe nasiphi na isixeko .

lesixeko liya kuba nelo lungu likhankanywe kummiselo 2 , ukuba likho , kunye ke nelo nani lamanye amalungu ( anyuliweyo

(2 ) ( a) ibhunga


la Ufakelo-mbande kummiselo 1 we Sa7 seSihlokohluko No. miso R.293 sowe 1962 .

Ufakelo-mibandela kummiselo 1 we Sahluko 8 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

UM THE THO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI , 1969 . okanye achongiweyo njengoko kuqingqiweyo emveni koku kulo mmiselo kodwa ke angabi ngaphantsi kwamathandathu) angathi alimisele uMphathiswa : Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi inani lamalungu amakachongwe alisayi kudlula kwelo lamalungu amakanyulwe .

(b) Amalungu anyulwayo nachongwayo ebhunga lesixeko aya kubamba iintambo esikhundleni sobulungu bawo iminyaka emithathu aye aya kuroxa ebulungwini bawo ngexesha elinye . (3) Elawulwa yimigaqo yommiselwana ( 2 ) (a ) uMphathiswa angathi nangaliphi na ilixa ngesicelo sebhunga lesixeko , alandise okanye alinciphise inani lamalungu




bhunga. " ;

(b) ngokubeka kummiselwana (4 ) endaweni yamagama athi " abantu abaNtsundu abahlala kweso sixeko" eli gama lithi " abahlali " ; (c ) ngokubeka endaweni yommiselwana ( 5 ) nowesi (6) le mimiselwana ingezants ' apha :

" ( 5) Amalungu ebhunga lesixeko , amakanyulwe , aya kunyulwa ngabahlali kweso sixeko.".

(6) Amalungu ebhunga lesixeko , amakachongwe , aya kuchongwa nguSibakhulu kubahlali kweso sixeko . ".

Ube ko-mmiselo endaweni yommiselo 2 we Sahluko 8 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .


Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje endaweni yommiselo 2 weSahluko 8 seSihlokomiso :

"UmmeliSizwe esixekweni.


2. Nayiphi na inkosi okanye isibonda eskummandla waso isixeko singathi , ngemvume yoMphathiswa , simisele umntu wesizwe saso ukuba abe ngummeli waso kweso sixeko waye ke loo mmeli uya kuthi , ukuba uMphathiswa ugunyazisa ngolo hlobo , abe lilungu lebhunga lesixeko ngenxa yeso sikhundla sakhe sobumelisizwe . " . 320.


25. Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje ubekwa endaweni yommiselo 3 weSahluko 8 seSihlokomiso : " Imigaqo yenk qubo yebhunga lesixeko .



maxesha ,

Ubeko-mmiselo endaweni yommiselo 3 we Sahluko 8 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

angathi ngamaxesha nga-

ngolo hlobo luchazwe emmiselweni

49 ( 3 ) weSahluko 2 , enze imigaqo ephathelele kumemo lweentlangani so , kwinkqubo yeentlanganiso nasekuxutyushweni kwemicimbi ezintlanganisweni zebhunga lesixeko . " .

26. Ummiselo 4 weSahluko 8 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa imibandela -

Ufakelo-mibandela kummiselo 4 we Sa hluko 8 se Sihloko . miso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

(a) ngokubeka lo mmiselwana ungezants ' apha endawen : yommiselwana (4 ) : "(4) Nayiphi na irafu ewiswe ngokommiselwana (1 ) (c ) iya kumelwa kukuba ihlawulwe kumphathilokishi zingekagqithi iintsuku ezingamashumi amathandathu ukususela emhleni ebifikelwe lixesha lokuba ihlawulwe ize imelwe nakukuba ihlawulwe ngawo yaye ke imigaqo yommiselo 46 ( 8 ) weSahluko 2 iya kusebenza iguqulwe nje apho kufunekayo ngokuphathelele kufumano enjalo. " . na -






(b) ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 5 ) endaweni yamagama athi "uMongameli wa Bahle " , naphinaphi na apho abonakala khona , eli gama lithi " uSibakhulu " .

Ummiselo 5 weSahluko 8 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa umbande la ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 2 ) nowesi 27.

Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 5 we Sahluko 8 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

(3) endaweni yamagama athi " uMongameli wa Bahle " , naphinaphi na apho abonakala khona , eli gama lithi " uSibakhulu " . 28. Lo mmiselo ungezants ' apha ngokwenjenje endaweni yommiselo 1 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso : " Iofisi yobhalisomihlaba.

1. ( 1 ) Iofisi

yobhaliso- mihlaba



njenje iyasekwa esebeni ngenjongo yokubhalisa onke amaxwebhu aphathelele kwimpahla engenakushukunyiswa ekuso nasiphi na isixeko .

( 2) Usibakhulu okanye igosa elityunjwe nguye (ngezants ' apha elibizwa ngokuba ligosa 321 .

Ubeko-mmiselo endaweni yommiselo 1 we Sahluko 9 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

UM THE THO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI , 1969 . eliphethe iofisi yobhaliso- mihlaba ) , liya kuphatha iofisi yobhaliso- mihlaba ekhankanywe kummiselwana ( 1 ) laye liya kusebenzisa apho onke amagunya okanye liqhube wonke umsebenzi eliwuwiselwe okanye eliwuthweswe yile mimiselo. ".

Uroxisommiselo 2 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 3 we Sahluko 9 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.


Ummiselo 2 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje

uyaroxiswa .

30. Ummiselo 3 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa umbandela -

(a ) ngokubeka emhlathini (m ) endaweni yegama elithi "uSibakhulu " eli gama lithi " uMphathiswa" ; na -

(b) ngokucima emhlathini (n) amagama athi " angathi uSibakhulu ngamaxesha ngamaxesha aziwise nezithi " . Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 4 we Sahluko 9 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

31. Ummiselo 4 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 1 ) (b) ( ii )

Ufakelo-mbandela kummiselo 5 we Sahluko 9 seSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

32. Ummiselo 5 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka endaweni yamagama athi

endaweni yegama elithi "uSibakhulu " igama elithi " uMphathiswa" .

"nguSibakhulu ngamaxesha ngamaxesha " la magama "nguMphathiswa ecebisana noMphathiswa wezeMali " . Ufake lo-mbandela kummiselo 6 we Sahluko 9 se Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962.

Ufake lo-mbandela kun miselo 7 we Sahluko 9 se Sihlokomiso No , R.293 sowe 1962 .



Ummiselo 6 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje

ufakelwa umbande la ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 1 ) endaweni yegama elithi " nguSibakhulu " naphinaphi na apho libonakala khona , eli gama lithi " nguMphathiswa " . 34. Ummiselo 7 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ufakelwa umbandela -

(a ) ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 1 ) endaweni yegama elithi "nguSibakhulu " , apho libonakala khona okokuqala , igama elithi " nguMphathiswa " ; na (b) ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 2) endaweni yegama elithi "nguSibakhulu " igama elithi "nguMphathiswa " .

322 .

UM THETHO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI, 1969. Kummiselo 9 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje uwenziwo-mbandela kummiselo 9 we Sakwenziwa umbandela ngokucima kummiselwana ( 1 ) ibinzana- hluko 9 seSihlokomiso No. R.293 ntetho elithi " ngefomu efanayo ikakhulu neSihlomelo Q sale sowe 1962. mimiselo" . 35.

Ummiselo 12 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje Urakelo-mbande la 36. kummiselo 12 weSaufakelwa umbandela ngokubeka kummiselwana ( 1 ) endaweni hluko 9 seSihlokomiso No. R.293 yegama elithi " nguSibakhulu " igama elithi " nguMphathiswa " . sowe 1962. 37. Ummiselo 13 weSahluko 9 seSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje kummiselo Urakelo-mbande la 13 weSahluko 9 se Sihlokoufakelwa umbandela miso No, R.293 sowe 1962 . (a) ngokucima kummiselwana ( 1 ) ibinzana - ntetho elithi "efomini efana ikakhulu neSihlomelo R sale mimiselo" ;

(b) ngokucima kummiselwana (4 ) eli binzana - ntetho lithi "efomini efana ikakhulu neSihlomelo S sale mimiselo " ; na -

(c ) ngokufaka



emva kwegama elithi

" iya " ibinzana - ntetho elithi " ngaphandle koko kuqingqiweyo kummiselwana (4)".

38. Ezi zihlomelo zingezants ' apha ngokwenjenje zibekwa endaweni yeSihlomelo F no - M zeSihlokomiso :

Ubeko-zihlomelo endaweni ye Zihlomelo F no M ze Sihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .



(1 ) Umhlaba onikelwa umntu ngokwenjenje uya kulawulwa yiyo yonke imimiselo enjalo eseyisebenza ngomthetho okanye engathi exesheni elizayo isebenze ngokusemthethweni esixekweni okuso umhlaba .

( 2 ) Ngaphandle kokuba kungemvume yoMphathiswa , umhlaba onikwa umntu ngokwenjenje

(a ) awusayi kusetyenziselwa nayiphi na injongo engekuko ukuhlala kuwo ;

(b) awusayi kwahlula - hlulwa ; 323.



ngaphezulu akasayi kuba

nawo ngetayitile ebhalisiweyo ; (3) Umntu obhalisiweyo onomhlaba onikwa ngokwenjenje uya kuhlawula kuRulumente wase Transkei okanye kuso nasiphi na esinye isiphathamandla esinelungelo kuzo ngokomthetho , iimali ezibizwayo , iindleko neerafu ezimelwe kukuhlawulelwa lo mhlaba uxeliweyo nezimiselweyo ngokumalunga nesixeko omi kuso lo mhlaba uxeliweyo .

(4) Umphathiswa angathi nangaliphi na ixesha , khon'ukuze kuncedakale uluntu, agunya zise nawuphi na umntu ukuba enze iindlela , iziporo zololiwe , iziporo zotram , amadami , iimendo zamanzi ezibumibhobhora , imisele , imijelo yamanzi , okanye imibhobho emikhulu yamanzi okanye agunya zise ukuba ahambise iingcingo zeposi , iifoni okanye izibonda neengcingo zombane kuloo mhlaba unikwayo ngokwenjenje okanye ukuba aphinde awuthathe wonke okanye nayiphi na inxenye yalo mhlaba uxeliweyo ukuba ufunelwa imicimbi yoluntu , kodwa ke phantsi komgaqo wokuba kuhlawulwe loo mali iyimbuyekezo loo mntu ubhaliswe egameni lakhe engathi iqing qwe nguMphathiswa osiqingqo sakhe kungayi kugqitha mntu kuso . (5) Onke amalungelo kuzo zonke izimbiwa , izinyithi okanye amatye anqabileyo ohlobo naluphi na nakuyo nayiphi na ioyile emhlabeni ngokwenjenje onikwayo akuRulumente okanye agcinelwe kuphela uRulumente wase Transkei aya kuhlala ekuRulumente okanye egcinelwe kuphela uRulumente kunye nelungelo lokufikelela kuyo nayiphi na imigodi okanye imisebenzi esingethwe ngeenjongo zombiwo -migodi okanye zokuhlola ubukho bezimbiwa nguye nawuphi na umntu ogunyaziselwe oko ngemfanelo . Lo mhlaba uxeliweyo ulawulwa ngaloo malungelo angaphezulu kwalawo olungathi uluntu okanye angathi uRulumente ngoku okanye emveni koku abe nawo okanye abe nelungelo lokuwazuza ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho ophathelele kuhlolelo -bukho okanye kumbiwo ngenjongo yokusifumana okanye kumbiwo okanye kusetyenziso ngokunenzuzo , okanye





324 .

na isimbiwa , lalo naluphi





kunye nayiphi na ioyile kulo mhlaba uxeliweyo , amalungelo lawo ke angayi kuphazanyiswa okanye achatshazelwe nangayiphi na indlela leli xwebhu Kwakhona kugcinelwa kulibubungqina bokunikwa . phela


wase Transkei

ilungelo lokuma

okanye lokugunyazisa ukuba kumiwe eso sixa sithile salo mhlaba uxeliweyo nelokusebenzisa okanye elokugunyazisa ukuba kusetyenziswe eso sixa sithile samanzi kulo mhlaba uxeliweyo esingathi sifunelwe uhlolelo-bukho baso okanye ukumba umgodi waso nasiphi na isimbiwa , isinyithi , ilitye elinqabileyo okanye ioyile , kodwa ke oko kulawulwa ngumgaqo wokuba makuhlawulwe kumntu lowo ubhalisiweyo unomhlaba loo mali iyimbuyekezo ingathi imiselwe nguMphathiswa , kuso .


sakhe kungayi kugqithwa

(6) Loo mhlaba uxeliweyo ngaphezu koko ulawulwa zezi zikhobokiso namalungelo agcinwayo ngomthetho angezants ' apha :

(7) Umhlaba onikwa ngokwenjenje awusayi kuba nakuthinjelwa ityala elingelilo (a ) ityala elinesiqinisekiso sokuhlawulwa ngokwexwebhu elibhalisiweyo lebhondi , okanye (b) ityala emalihlawulwe kuRulumente okanye kuso nasiphi na esinye isiphathamandla esisekwe ngokufanelekileyo ngokomthetho ngokuphathelele kwisixeko okuso loo mhlaba uxeliweyo :

Kodwa makuqondakale nje ukuthi , ukuba lo mhlaba uxeliweyo uthengiswa kuba kuthinjwa , awusayi kuzuzwa ngaphandle kwemvume kaSibakhulu ngumntu ongemntu untsundu .

325 .


( 1 ) Umhlba onikwa ngokwenjenje uya kulawulwa yiyo yonke loo mimiselo eseyisebenza okanye engathi isebenze ngamandla omthetho exesheni elizayo ngokumalunga nezikina zobumnini ezisetyenziselwa imicimbi yorwebo esixekweni okuso loo mhlaba .

(2 ) Ngaphandle kokuba kungemvume yoMphathiswa , umhlaba onikwa ngokwenjenje –

(a) awusayi kusetyenziselwa imicimbi engeyiyo leyo yorwebo;

(b) awusayi kwahlulahlulwa ;

(c ) iya kuba ngumntu omnye kuphela ingekuko ngaphezulu koko oya kuba nawo ngetayitile ebhalisiweyo. (3) Loo mntu ubhalisiweyo unomhlaba onikwa ngokwenjenje uya kuhlawula kuRulumente wase Transkei okanye kuso nasiphi na esinye isiphathamandla esinelungelo kuzo ngokusemthethweni , iimali ezibizwayo , iindleko neerafu ezimelwe kukuhlawulelwa lo mhlaba uxeliweyo nezimiselweyo ngokuphathelele kwisixeko okuso lo mhlaba uxeliweyo.

(4) Umphathiswa angathi nangaliphi na ilixa , ngenjongo yokunceda uluntu , agunya zise nawuphi na umntu ukuba enze indlela , iziporo zololiwe , iziporo zotram , amadami , iimendo zamanzi ezibumbhobhora, imisele nemijelo yamanzi okanye imibhobho emikhulu yamanzi okanye agunyazise ukuba ahambise iingcingo zeposi , iifoni , izibonda neengcingo zombane phezu komhlaba onikwayo ngokwenjenje okanye agunyazise ukuba aphinde athathe wonke okanye nayiphi na inxenye yalo mhlaba uxeliweyo ukuba ifunelwa ukufeza imicimbi yoluntu , kodwa oko kwenzeke kuphela 326.

UM THE THO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASE TRANSKEI , 1969 . ukuba kuhlawulwa loo mali yembuyekezo emntwini obhalisiweyo onomhlaba lowo njengoko ingathi imiselwe nguMphathiswa ekungayi kugqitha bani ke koko kumisela kwakhe .

(5 ) Onke amalungelo kuzo zonke izimbiwa , izinyithi okanye amatye anqabileyo alo naluphi na uhlobo nakuyo nayiphi na ioyile emhlabeni onikwayo ngokwenjenje , akuRulumente okanye agcinelwe kuphela uRulumente wase Transkei aya kuhlala ekuRulumente okanye egcinelwe kuphela uRulumente kunye nelungelo lokufikelela nakwiyiphi na imigodi okanye imisebenzi eqhutyelwa imicimbi yombiwo- migodi okanye yokuhlola ubukho bezimbiwa nguye nawuphi na umntu ogunyazisiweyo ngemfanelo ukuba enjenjalo . Lo mhlaba uxeliweyo ulawulwa ngaloo malungelo angaphezulu kwalawo olungathi uluntu okanye uRulumente ngoku okanye emveni koku abe nawo okanye abe nelungelo lokuwazuza ngokwawo nawuphi na umthetho ophathelele kuhlolelo -bukho okanye kumbiwo ngenjongo yokusifumana okanye kumbiwo okanye kusetyenziso ngokunenzuzo , lwaso nasiphi na isimbiwa , isinyithi okanye ilitye elinqabileyo lalo naluphi na uhlobo kunye nayiphi na ioyile kulo mhlaba uxeliweyo, amalungelo lawo ke angasayi kuphazanyiswa okanye achatshazelwe ngayo nayiphi na indlela leli xwebhu libubungqina bokunikwa . Ngaphezu koko kugcinelwa kuphela uRulumente wase Transkei ilungelo lokuma okanye lokugunyazisa ukuba kumiwe eso sixa sithile salo mhlaba uxeliweyo nelokusebenzisa okanye elokugunyazisa ukuba kusetyenziswe eso sixa sithile samanzi kulo mhlaba uxeliweyo singathi sifunelwe uhlolelo- bukho baso okanye ukumba umgodi waso nasiphi na isimbiwa , isinyithi , ilitye elinqabileyo okanye ioyile , kodwa ke oko kulawulwa ngumgqaliselo wokuba kuhlawulwe umntu lowo ubhalisiweyo unomhlaba loo mali yembuyekezo ingathi imiselwe nguMphathiswa , ekungayi kugqithwa ke koko kumisela kwakhe .

(6) Lo mhlaba uxeliweyo ngaphezu koko ulawulwa zezi zikhobokiso namalungelo agcinwayo ngomthetho ongezants ' apha : 327.


Uroxiso-zihlomelo zithile kwiSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .


Ubeko-magama endaweni yama gama kwiSihlokomiso No. R.293 sowe 1962 .

40. Silawulwa yile migaqo ingentl ' apha yalo Mthetho , iSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje sifakelwa imibandela -

Izihlomelo A kuye ku - E , G kuye ku - L no- N kuye ku- S

zeSihlokomiso ngokwenjenje ziyaroxiswa .

(a) ngokubeka endaweni yegama elithi " iTrasti " igama . elithi " uRulumente " naphinaphi na apho libonakala khona kwiSahluko 2 kwimimiselo 4 ( 3 ) , 7 (4 ) , 9 ( 1 ) , 15 ( 3 ) , 23 ( 2 ) nowesi ( 3) , 35 (2 ) nowesi ( 3 ) , 46 (4) nowama 50 ( 3 ) , eSahlukweni 3 kummiselo 21 ( 2 ) nowama 26 ( 2 ) , eSahlukweni 4 kummiselo 23 ( 2 ) , eSahlukweni 5 kummiselo 5 (4 ) naseSahlukweni 9 kummiselo 3 ( c) , 7 ( 2) , 10 nowe 13 (5 );

(b) ngokubeka endaweni yegama elithi " iTrasti " igama elithi " isebe " naphinaphi na apho libonakala khona eSahlukweni 2 kwimimiselo 8 ( 1 ) , 14 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , (4) nowesi ( 6 ) , 20 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , (4 ) , ( 14 ) nowe ( 15 ) , 22 ( 1 ) , 23 ( 1 ) , nowesi ( 5) , 24 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) nowesi ( 3 ) , 30 , 31 , 34 , 39(9) , 42 ( 1 ) nowama 46 (1 ) , eSahlukweni 3 kwimimiselo 9 ( 1 ) , nowesi ( 2 ) , 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 21 ( 1 ) nowama 26 ( 1 ) , eSahlukweni 4 kwimimiselo 3 (2 ) , 4 ( 1 ) nowesi (2 ) , 13 ( 2 ) , 15 ( 2 ) , 17 nowe 18 (2 ) , eSahlukweni 5 kwimimiselo 1 , 2 , 5 ( 3 ) , 9 , 10 nowe 13 nakwiSahluko 7 emmiselweni 5 (5 ) ;

(c) ngokubeka endaweni yegama elithi " Trasti " igama elithi " -sebe " naphinaphi na apho libonakala khona


UM THE THO WOFAKELO- MIBANDELA WEZIXEKO ZASETRANSKEI , 1969 . kwintloko yommiselo 10 neyowe 11 yeSahluko nemimiselo 9 , 10 neye 13 yeSahluko 5 na -


(d) ngokubeka endaweni yamagama athi " abaqeshwa beTrasti " la magama athi " abaqeshwa besebe " kwintloko yommiselo 5 weSahluko 6 .

41 .

Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho wo Fakelomibandela weZixeko zase Transkei , 1969.


Igama elifutshane .

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969 . ACT NO . 9 ACT OF 1969 (The Xhosa Text signed by the State President) (Assented to on 3rd November, 1969) To amend Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .







ASSEMBLY, as follows : -

Amendment of regulation 1 of Chapter 1 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

Regulation 1 of Chapter 1 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 (hereinafter referred to as the Proclamation) is hereby amended 1.

(a) by the

substitution in the definition of " authorised employee " for the words " Trust or the State " of the word " Government " ;

(b) by the substitution for the definition of " Bantu " or "Bantu person " of the following definition :

" 'Bantu ' or ' Bantu person ' means a Bantu person as defined in section 73 of the Transkei Constitution Act, 1963 (Act No. 48 of 1963 ) and includes the Xhosa Development Corporation and the Bantu Investment Corporation ; " ; (c) by the insertion after the definition of " chapter " of the following definition :

"citizen of the Transkei " means any per Son who is a citizen of the Transkei in terms of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963; " ;

(d ) by the deletion of the definition of Affairs Commissioner " ;

" Chief Bantu

(e) by the insertion after the definition of " commonage " of the following definition :

་་ 'department ' means the department of the Minister; ";

(f) by the substitution in the definition of " engineer" for the word " Trust " of the word " Government";


TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. (g) by the insertion after the definition of " food " of the following definitions : " Gazette

means the Official Gazette of the Trans-

kei; 'Government ' means the Government of the Transkei ; " ;

(h) by the substitution in the definition of " letting unit " for the word " Trust " of the word " Government " ;

( i) by the deletion in the definition of " medical officer " of the words "for the Trust"; (j) by the substitution for the definition of " Minister " of the following definition : " 'Minister ' , in any provision of these regulations , means the Minister to whom the administration of that provision has been assigned under regulation 13 of Chapter 1 ; " ; (k) by the substitution for the definition of "police " of the following definition : " 'police ' means any police force established by or under any law; " ;

( 1 ) by the substitution for the definition of " Secretary" of the following definition : " ' Secretary' ment; " ;

(m) by the

means the Secretary of the depart-

insertion after the

definition of " trade " of

the following definition: " 'Transkei ' means the territory named the Transkei and described in section 2 of the Transkei Constitution Act , 1963 ; " ;

(n) by the deletion of the definition of " Trust " ; and (0) by the insertion at the end of the regulation of the following definition : 331 .

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. " 'Xhosa Development Corporation ' means the Xhosa Development Corporation Limited referred to in section 5( 5) ( a) of the Promotion of the Economic Development of the Bantu Homelands Act , 1968 (Act No. 46 of 1968) . " .

Substitution of regulation 5 of Chapter 1 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

2. The following regulation is hereby substituted for regulation 5 of Chapter 1 of the Proclamation : "Persons who qualify as occupiers .

5. Except with the approval of the Minister no person other than a citizen of the Transkei shall be permitted to become an occupier of such township . ".

Amendment of regulation 7 of Chapter 1 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

3. Regulation 7 of Chapter 1 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution for the words "Department of Bantu Administration and Development " of the word " department " .

Insertion of regulation 13 in Chapter 1 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

4. The following regulation is hereby inserted in Chapter 1 of the Proclamation after regulation 12 . " Administration of provisions of regulations .

13. kei

(1 )


The Chief Minister of the Trans-




of the

provisions of these regulations to any Minister or partly to one and partly to another Minister or other Ministers and may prescribe the powers and functions which shall be exercised and performed by the several Ministers . (2 ) The Chief Minister may from time to time vary or amend any assignment made under subregulation ( 1 ) . ".

Amendment of regulation 3 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

Amendment of regulation 4 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

Amendment of regulation 7 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

5. Regulation 3 of Chapter 2 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution for the words " Bantu Affairs Commissioner " of the word " department ".



4 of Chpater


of the



hereby amended by the substitution in subregulation ( 2 ) for the words " Bantu Affairs Commissioner" of the word " Secretary". 7. Regulation 7 hereby amended -

of Chapter



of the

Proclamation is

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969 . (a) by the substitution in subregulation (2 ) for the words "Chief Bantu Affairs Commissioner" of the word "Minister" ;

(b) by the substitution in subregulation (4) for the words "Chief Bantu Affairs Commissioner " of the word "Secretary" ; and (c) by the deletion of subregulation ( 5) . 8. Regulation 8 of Chapter 2 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution in subregulation ( 2) for the expression " a certificate substantially in the form set out in Schedule D to these regulations " of the words " an appropriate certificate authorizing the occupation of the letting unit".

Amendment_of regulation 8 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

9. Regulation 9 of Chapter 2 of the Proclamation is hereby amended-

Amendment of regulation 9 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

(a) by the substitution for subregulation ( 2 ) of the following subregulation : "(2 ) The Secretary on being satisfied (a ) that a suitable site , which has not been reserved for some other purpose , is available , (b) that such site will be occupied by the applicant and his family ,

(c) that the applicant is a fit and proper person to reside in the township ,

(d) that the applicant is not otherwise debarred by these regulations from acquiring such site , (e) that adequate arrangements have been made for the payment of the purchase price of such site , and

( f) that a deed of sale has been entered into in writing ,


TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969. shall cause to be issued to the applicant a deed of grant under the conditions set out in Schedule F to these regulations and may impose in respect of such site such servitudes as he may deem necessary . " ; and

(b) by the substitution for subregulation following subregulations :

( 5)

of the

" (5) The manager may authorize any person who has made application for a site under this regulation to occupy such site pending the issue of a deed of grant : Provided that if such person erects any structure on such site , as contemplated in regulation 20, Amendment of regulation 13 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.


shall do so at his own risk . " .

10. Regulation 13 of Chapter hereby amended -


of the Proclamation is

(a ) by the substitution for paragraph (b) of subregulation (2) of the following paragraph : "(b) the transferor has paid all the fees , rents and other charges due by him under these regulations unless the transferee has , with the approval of the Secretary , payment ; " ;

assumed liability for such

(b) by the substitution in subregulation ( 2 ) (d ) for the expression " a transfer form substantially in the form set out in Schedule G to these regulations " of the words and

" an appropriate transfer form in writing" ;

(c) by the substitution for subregulations of the following subregulations :

( 3)

and (4 )

"(3) If the manager approves of the transfer of a certificate , he shall cancel the certificate of the transferor and issue a fresh certificate to the transferee . The transfer of a deed of grant shall be effected as prescribed in Chapter 9 .

(4 ) Whenever the Secretary has authorized the transfer of an ownership unit, the transferor or , if he is a minor or other person subject to a legal 334 .

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969 . disability, his lawful guardian or representative shall , in writing , complete an appropriate declaration of transfer before a Bantu Affairs Commissioner or Magistrate and shall lodge such declaration , together with the fee prescribed in regulation 10 of Chapter 9 , with the manager for transmission to the Secretary . " .


Regulation 19

of Chapter


of the Proclamation is

hereby amended by the deletion in subregulation ( 1 ) of the expression " substantially in the form set out in Schedule I to these regulations " . 12. Regulation 20 hereby amended -

(a) by


of Chapter




of the Proclamation is



of the

following subregulation :

" (3) (a ) Any person who desires to obtain a building permit shall make his application to the superintendent and shall -

( i ) indicate in his application the materials which he proposes to use and the purpose for which the proposed structure is intended ;

( ii ) attach to his application dimensioned drawings in duplicate (which, unless the superintendent has waived such requirement, shall be to scale ) showing plans , sections and elevations of the proposed structure and its situation in relation to the site ; and (iii ) furnish

such other

information as the

superintendent may require .

(b) No structure , other than one family housing unit with the usual outbuildings , shall be erected on any one site .

(c) Every dwelling , building, outhouse or other


Amendment of regulation 19 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

Amendment of regulations 20 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .


structure in the township shall be in accordapproved by the

ance with specifications superintendent . " ; and

(b) by the deletion in subregulation ( 5 ) of the expression "substantially in the form set out in Schedule K to these regulations " . 13.

Regulation 21

of Chapter 2

of the Proclamation is

Repeal of regulation 21 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

hereby repealed .

Amendment of regulation 22 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

14. Regulation 22 of Chapter 2 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the deletion in subregulation ( 1 ) of the expression " or where the Trust has advanced or has undertaken to advance any amount under sub- regulation (1) of regulation 21 of this chapter" and the words " or of such advance" .

Amendment of regulation 23 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

15. Regulation 23 of Chapter 2 hereby amended ·

of the Proclamation is

(a) by the substitution in subregulation (4 ) for the words "Chief Bantu Affairs Commissioner" of the word "Secretary" ; and

(b) by the substitution in subregulation ( 5 ) for the expression " repaid in full the capital and interest of any advance made to him by the Trust in terms of regulation 21 of this chapter or of" of the words "discharged in full " . Amendment of regulation 39 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

16 .



of Chapter


of the Proclamation is

hereby amended by the substitution in subsection (9) for the words " section forty-five of the Act " of the expression "regulation 46 ( 8 ) of this chapter " .

Amendment of regulation 46 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

17. Regulation 46 hereby amended -

of Chapter


of the Proclamation is

(a) by the substitution in subregulation ( 5 ) for the words "Chief Bantu Affairs Commissioner" of the word "Secretary " ;

(b) by the substitution for subregulation (6 ) of the follow336 .


ing subregulation : "(6) Any person who occupies a site in a township shall , in respect of the dwelling on such site , be exempt from the payment of the local tax imposed by the Transkei Taxation Act, 1969. " ; (c) by the repeal of subregulation ( 7 ) ; and (d) by the substitution for subregulations ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) of the following subregulations : " (8) The provisions of sections 15 , 17 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and (3) and 40 ( 1 ) ( d ) , ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) of the Transkei Taxation Act , 1969 , shall apply mutatis mutandis in




rental ,

fee ,


or other

amount payable to the Government or a township council under this regulation : Provided that , for the purposes of section 40 ( 1 ) (d ) of the said Act , the last day permitted for the payment of such rental , fee , charge or other amount shall be the seventh day after the date on which the same became due .

(9) For the purposes of section 15 of the Transkei Taxation Act , 1969 , as applied by subregulation (8) of this regulation , the manager shall be deemed to be a receiver as defined in the said Act . " . 18. The following regulation is hereby substituted for regulation 51 of Chapter 2 of the Proclamation. Allocation of sites to corpo rations .

Substitution of regulation 51 of Chapter 2 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

51. Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter , the Secretary may at his discretion authorize the allocation of ownership units or letting units to the Bantu Investment Corporation or the Xhosa Development Corporation , and such a corporation may dispose of any of such units subject to the approval of the Secretary " .


Regulation 4 hereby amended -

of Chapter


of the

Proclamation is

(a) by the deletion in subregulation ( 1 ) of the expression "such application shall be made on a form sub-


Amendment of regulation 4 of Chapter 3 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969 . stantially the same as Schedule B or A respectively to these regulations . " ; and (b) by the substitution for paragraph (e ) of subregulation (2) of the following paragraph :

"(e) in respect of any ownership unit, a deed of sale has been entered into in writing, " ; and

(c ) by the substitution in subregulation ( 2 ) for the expression " substantially in the form set out in Schedule M to these regulations and in the case of a letting unit issue to him a certificate substantially in the form set out in Schedule N to these regulations " of the expression "under the conditions set out in Schedule M to these regulations and in the case of a letting unit issue to him an appropriate certificate ".

Amendment of regulation 20 of Chapter 3 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

20. Regulation 20 hereby amended -

of Chapter


of the Proclamation is

(a ) by the substitution for paragraph ( a ) of subregulation (2) of the following paragraph:

"(a) the transferor has paid all the fees , rents and other charges due by him under these regulations unless the transferee has , with the approval of the Secretary, payment ; " ;

assumed liability for such

(b) by the substitution in paragraph ( c ) of subregulation (2) for the expression " transfer substantially in the form set out in Schedule O to these regulations " of the words " form of transfer in writing " ; and

(c) by the substitution for subregulation ( 3) of the following subregulations : "(3) If the manager approves of the transfer of any letting unit , he shall cancel the certificate of the transferor and issue a fresh certificate to the transferee . The transfer of a deed of grant shall be effected as prescribed in Chapter 9. " .


TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969 . 21 . The following regulation is hereby substituted for regulation 27 of Chapter 3 of the Proclamation :

" Allocation of trading sites to corporations .

Substitution of regulation 27 of Chapter 3 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

27. Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter , the Secretary may at his discretion authorize the allocation of trading sites , either as ownership units or as letting units , to the Bantu Investment Corporation or the Xhosa Development Corporation and such a corporation may dispose of any such site subject to the approval of the Secretary . " .

22. Regulation 1 of Chapter 7 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution in subregulation ( 1 ) for the words " Bantu Affairs Commissioner " of the word " department" .

Regulation 1 hereby amended 23 .

(a) by the

of Chapter

substitution for


of the

Proclamation is

subregulations ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and

( 3) of the following subregulations : "(1) Whenever in the opinion of the Minister it is expedient to do so , he may direct that a township council be established for any township .

(2 ) (a) A township council shall consist of the member referred to in regulation 2 , if any, and such number of other members (elected or selected as hereinafter in this regulation provided and not being less than six) as the Minister may determine : Provided that the number of members to be selected shall not exceed the number to be elected .

(b) The elected and selected members of a township council shall hold office for a period of three years and shall retire simultaneously .

(3) Subject to the

provisions 339.

of subregulation

Amendment of regulation 1 of Chapter 7 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

Amendment of regulation 1 of Chapter 8 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. (2 ) (a) the Minister may at any time at the request of a township council , increase or decrease the number of elected and selected members of that council . " ;

(b) by the substitution in subregulation (4) for the words " Bantu persons resident in the township in question" of the word " occupiers ";

(c) by the substitution for subregulations ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) of the following subregulations :

"(5) The members of a township council , who are to be elected , shall be elected by the occupiers of the township.

(6) The members of a township council , who are to be selected , shall be selected by the Secretary from amongst the occupiers of that township. ".

Substitution of regulation 2 of Chapter 8 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

24 . The following regulation is hereby substituted for regulation 2 of Chapter 8 of the Proclamation:

Tribal representative in township .

2. Any chief or headman within whose area a township is situated may, with the approval of the Minister , appoint a member of his tribe as his representative in such township and such representative shall , if the Minister so authorizes , be a member of the township council ex officio. " .

Substitution of regulation 3 of Chapter 3 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

25. The following regulation is hereby substituted regulation 3 of Chapter 8 of the Proclamation :

"Rules of proce dure for township council.


3. The Secretary may from time to time , in the manner described in regulation 49 (3) of Chapter 2 , make rules relating to the convening of, the procedure at , and the conduct of meetings of, a township council . ".

Amendment of regulation 4 of Chapter 8 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

26. Regulation 4 of Chapter hereby amended -

8 of the



(a ) by the substitution for subregulation (4) of the following subregulation :

340 .

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969. "(4) Any rate levied in terms of subregulation ( 1) (c) shall be payable to the manager within sixty days of the date on which it became due and payable and the provisions of regulation 46 ( 8 ) of Chapter 2 in respect of the reshall apply mutatis mutandis covery of any such rate . "; and

(b) by the substitution in subregulation (5 ) for the words "Chief Bantu Affairs Commissioner" , wherever they occcur, of the word " Secretary" .




of Chapter


of the



hereby amended by the substitution in subregulations ( 2 ) and (3) for the words " Chief Bantu Affairs Commissioner " , wherever they occur , of the word " Secretary" . 28. The following regulation is hereby substituted for regulation 1 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation :

" Deeds registry.

Amendment of regulation 5 of Chapter 8 of No. Proclamation R.293 of 1962 .

Substitution of regulation 1 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

1. (1 ) A deeds registry is hereby established in the department for the registration of all documents relating to immovable property in any township .

(2) The Secretary or an officer designated by him (hereinafter referred to as officer in charge of a deeds registry) shall be in charge of the deeds referred to in subregulation ( 1 ) and shall exercise or perform therein all the powers or duties conterred or imposed upon him by these regulations . " . 29. Regulation 2 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is hereby repealed -

Repeal of regula tion 2 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

30. Regulation 3 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is hereby amended -

Amendment of regulation 3 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

(a) by the substitution in paragraph (m) for the word "Secretary" of the word " Minister"; and (b) by the

deletion in paragraph (n) of the words "as

the Secretary may from time to time impose and " .

341 .

TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT , 1969. Amendment of regulation 4 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

31. Regulation 4 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution in subregulation (1) (b ) ( ii)

Amendment of regulation 5 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

Regulation 5 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is 32. hereby amended by the substitution for the words " Secretary from time to time " of the words "Minister in consultation with the Minister of Finance " .

Amendment of regulation 6 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

33. Regulation 6 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution in subregulation ( 1 ) for the word " Secretary" , wherever it occurs , of the word "Minister" .

Amendment of regulation 7 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

34. Regulation 7 hereby amended -

for the word " Secretary " of the word " Minister " .

of Chapter

9 of the



(a ) by the substitution in subregulation ( 1 ) for the word "Secretary" , where it occurs for the first time , of the word "Minister " ; and

(b) by the substitution in subregulation ( 2 ) for the word "Secretary" of the word " Minister". Amendment of regulation 9 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R 293 of 1962 .

35. Regulation 9 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the deletion in subregulation ( 1 ) of the expression " in a form substantially the same as Schedule Q to these regulations " .

Amendment of regulation 12 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962.

36. Regulation 12 of Chapter 9 of the Proclamation is hereby amended by the substitution in subregulation ( 1 ) for the word " Secretary" of the word " Minister" .

Amendment of regulation 13 of Chapter 9 of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

37. Regulation 13 of Chapter hereby amended -

9 of the

Proclamation is

(a) by the deletion in subregulation ( 1 ) of the expression "on a form substantially the same as Schedule R to these regulations " ; (b) by the deletion in subregulation (4 ) of the expression "on a form substantially the same as Schedule S to these regulations " ; and


TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT, 1969. (c) by the insertion in subregulation ( 5) after the word " shall " of the expression " except as provided in subregulation ( 4) " .

38. The following Schedules are hereby Schedules F and M of the Proclamation :

substituted for Substitution Schedules F of and M of Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962





(1 ) The land hereby granted shall be subject to all such regulations as either are already or may in future be in force in the township in which it is situated . (2) Except with the approval of the Minister the land hereby granted (a ) shall not be used for any purpose other than residential purposes ; (b) shall not be subdivided ; (c) shall not be held under registered title by more than one person .

(3 ) The registered holder of the land hereby granted shall pay to the Government of the Transkei or to any other authority entitled thereto in accordance with law , the fees , charges and rates payable in respect of the said land and prescribed in respect of the township in which the said land is situated .

(4 ) The Minister may at any time , for the benefit of the public , authorize any person to make roads , railways , tramlines , dams , aqueducts , drains and water furrows or to lay water mains or to conduct telegraphs , telephones or electric power - lines over the land hereby granted or to resume the whole or any portion of the said land if required for public purposes , subject to the payment of such compensation to the registered holder as may be determined by the Minister whose determination shall be final .

( 5 ) All rights to every mineral , metal or precious stone 343 .



TRANSKEIAN TOWNSHIPS AMENDMENT ACT, 1969 . of whatever nature and to any oil in or on the land hereby granted which are vested in or reserved to the Government of the Transkei shall remain so vested or reserved together with the right of access to any mines or works undertaken for mining or prospecting purposes by any person duly authorized in that behalf. The said land is subject to such further rights as the public or the Government may now or may hereafter have or be entitled to obtain under or by virtue of any law relating to the prospecting or digging for , or the mining or exploitation of, any mineral , metal or precious stone of whatever nature

and any oil in or

on the said land , which

rights shall not be impaired or in any way affected by this deed of grant. There is further reserved to the Government of the Transkei the right to occupy or to authorize the occupation of so much of the said land and to use or to authorize the use of so much water on the said land as may be required for the prospecting for or mining of any mineral metal , previous stone or oil , subject to the payment to the registered holder of such compensation as may be determined by the Minister , whose determination shall be final .

(6 ) The said land is further subject to the following servitudes and reservations

(7) The land hereby granted shall not be liable to execution for debt other than -

(a) a debt secured under a duly registered mortgage bond, or (b) a debt due to the Government or to any other authority duly constituted in accordance with law in respect of the township in which the said land is situated :

Provided that , if the said land is sold in execution , it shall not , without the approval of the Secretary, be acquired by a person other than a Bantu person.

344 .





(1 ) The land hereby granted shall be subject to all such regulations as either are already or may in future be in force in respect of ownership units for trading purposes in the township in which it is situated.

(2) Except with the approval of the Minister , the land hereby granted -

(a) shall not be used for other than trading purposes ; (b) shall not be subdivided ; (c) shall not be held under registered title by more than one person .

(3) The registered holder of the land hereby granted shall pay to the Government of the Transkei or to any other authority entitled thereto in accordance with law, the fees , charges and rates payable in respect of the said land and prescribed in respect of the township in which the said land is situated . (4 ) The Minister may at any time , for the benefit of the public , authorize any person to make roads , railways , tramlines , dams , aqueducts , drains and water furrows or to lay water mains or to conduct telegraphs , telephones or electric power - lines over the land hereby granted or to resume the whole or any portion of the said land if required for public purposes , subject to the payment of such compensation to the registered holder as may be determined by the Minister whose determination shall be final .

( 5) All rights to every mineral , metal or precious stone of whatever nature and to any oil in or on the land hereby granted which are vested in or reserved to the Government of the Transkei shall remain so vested or reserved together with the right of access to any mines

or works undertaken for mining or





prospecting purposes by any person duly authorized The said land is subject to such in that behalf. further rights as the public or the Government may now or may hereafter have or be entitled to obtain under or by virtue of any law relating to the prospecting or digging for , or the mining or exploitation of, any mineral , metal or precious stone of whatever nature and any oil in or on the said land , which rights shall not be impaired or in any way affected There is further reserved by this deed of grant. to the Government of the Transkei the right to occupy or to authorize the occupation of so much of the said land and to use or to authorize the use of so much water on the said land as may be required for the prospecting for or mining of any mineral , metal , precious stone or oil , subject to the payment to the registered holder of such compensation as may be determined by the Minister , whose determination shall be final .

(6) The said land is further subject to the following servitudes and reservations

Schedules A to E, G to L and N to S of the Proclamation

Repeal of certain Schedules in Proclamation No. R.293 of 1962 .

are hereby repealed.

Substitution of words in Procla mation No. R.293 of 1962 .

40. Subject to the foregoing provisions Proclamation is hereby amended -

39 .

of this Act, the

(a) by the substitution for the word " Trust" of the word 346 .


"Government" wherever it occurs in Chapter 2 in regulations 4( 3 ) , 35(2 )


(3) ,

7 ( 4) , 46 (4 )

9(1), and

15 ( 3 ) , 50 ( 3 ) ,

23 ( 2 )


(3 ) ,

in Chapter

3 in

regulations 21 ( 2 ) and 26 ( 2 ) , in Chapter 4 in regulation 23 (2 ) , in Chapter 5 in regulation 5 (4 ) and in Chapter


in regulations 3( c ) , 7 ( 2 ) , 10 and 13 ( 5 ) ;

(b) by the substitution for the word " Trust " of the word "department " wherever it occurs in Chapter 2 in regulations

8(1) ,

14 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) and ( 6 ) , 20 ( 1 ) ,

(2 ) , (4) , ( 14 ) and ( 15 ) , 22 ( 1 ) , 23 ( 1 ) and ( 5 ) , 24 ( 1 ) , (2 ) and ( 3 ) , 30 , 31 , 34 , 39 ( 9 ) , 42 ( 1 ) and 46 ( 1 ) , in Chapter 3 in regulations 9 ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 21 ( 1 ) and 26 ( 1 ) , in Chapter 4 in regulations 3 ( 2 ) , 4 ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , 13 ( 2 ) , 15 ( 2 ) , 17 and 18 ( 2 ) , in Chapter 5 in regulations 1 , 2 , 5 ( 3 ) , 9 , 10 and 13 and in Chapter 7 in regulation 5 (5 ); (c) by the substitution for the word " Trust " of the word "department's " wherever it occurs in the superscription to regulations 10 and 11 of Chapter 3 and regulations 9 , 10 and 13 of Chapter 5 ; and

(d) by the substitution for the words " Trust Employees" of the words " employees of the department " in the superscription to regulation 4 of Chapter 6 . 41 .

This Act shall be Amendment Act , 1965 .

called the Transkeian Townships

347 .

Short title .


WET NR. 9 VAN 1969 WET ( Die Xhosa Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken) ( Goedgekeur op 3 November 1969) Tot wysiging van Ploklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 . DAAR








Wysiging van regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 1 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

1. Regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 1 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 (hieronder die Proklamasie genoem ) word hierby gewysig (a) deur die omskrywing van ,, Bantoe " of ,, Bantoepersoon" deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang : 99 ,Bantoe ' of , Bantoepersoon ' ' n Bantoepersoon soos omskryf in artikel 73 van die Transkeise Grondwet , 1963 (Wet No. 48 van 1963 ) en ook die Xhosa - ontwikkelingskorporasie en die Bantoebeleggingskorporasie ; " ; (b) deur na die omskrywing van ,,bouwerk " die volgende omskrywings in te voeg : 99 ,burger van die Transkei ' iemand wat , ingevolge die Transkeise Grondwet , 1963 , ' n burger van die Transkei is;

,departement '


departement van die Minister ; " ;

(c) deur in die omskrywing van ,, gemagtigde werknemer " die woorde ,, die Trust of van die Staat" deur die woord ,, Regering" te vervang :

(d) deur die omskrywing van ,,Hoofbantoesakekommissaris " te skrap ;

(e ) deur in die omskrywing van ,,huureenheid " die woord ,, Trust " deur die woord ,, Regering " te vervang ; ( f) deur in die omskrywing van ,, ingenieur " die woord ,,Trust" deur die woord ,, Regering " te vervang;

(g) deur in die omskrywing van ,, mediese die woorde ,,vir die Trust" te skrap ;

348 .

beampte "

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. (h) deur die omskrywing van ,,Minister" deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang :

99 ,Minister ' , in enige bepaling van hierdie regulasies , die Minister aan wie die toepassing van bedoelde bepaling kragtens regulasie 13 van Hoofstuk 1 opgedra is ; " ; ( i ) deur die omskrywing van ,, Polisie " deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang: 99 , Polisie ' ' n deur of kragtens ' n wet ingestelde polisiemag; " ; ( j ) deur na die omskrywing van ,, polisie " die volgende omskrywing in te voeg:

99 ,Regering' die Regering van die Transkei ; " ; (k) deur die omskrywing van ,, Sekretaris " volgende omskrywing te vervang :

deur die

99 ,Sekretaris ' die Sekretaris van die departement ; " ;

( 1 ) deur na die omskrywing van ,, sertifikaat " die volgende omskrywing in te voeg:




Koerant van die

Transkei ; ";

( m ) deur na die omskrywing van ,, superintendent " die volgende omskrywing in te voeg : ,,, Transkei ' die gebied genoem die Transkei en beskryf in artikel 2 van die Transkeise Grondwet 1963; ";

(n) deur die omskrywing van ,, Trust " te skrap ; en (0) deur na die omskrywing van ,,woning " die volgende omskrywing in te voeg: 99 ,Xhosa- ontwikkelingskorporasie ' die Xhosa- ontwikkelingskorporasie Beperk in artikel 5 ( 5 ) ( a ) van die Wet op die Bevordering van die Ekonomiese 349 .

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. Ontwikkeling van Bantoetuislande , 1968 ( Wet No. 46 van 1968) bedoel. " .

Vervanging van regulasie 5 van Hoofstuk 1 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962,

2. Regulasie 5 van Hoofstuk 1 van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende regulasie vervang :

,,Persone wat as bewoners kwalifiseer.

5. Behalwe met die goedkeuring van die Minister mag niemand , uitgesonderd ' n burger van die Transkei , toegelaat word om ' n bewoner van ' n dorp te word nie . " .

Wysiging van regulasie 7 van Hoofstuk 1 van Proklamasie No , R.293 van 1962.

3. Regulasie 7 van Hoofstuk 1 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur die woorde ,, Departement van Bantoeadministrasie en -ontwikkeling " deur die woord ,, departement " te vervang .

Invoeging van regulasie 13 van Hoofstuk 1 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

4. Die volgende regulasie word hierby in Hoofstuk 1 van die Proklamasie na regulasie 12 ingevoeg :

,,Toepassing van bepalings van regulasies ,

13. (1) Die Hoofminister van die Transkei kan die toepassing van die bepalings van hierdie regulasies aan enige Minister opdra of gedeeltelik aan een Minister en gedeeltelik aan ' n ander Minister of ander Ministers en hy kan die bevoegdhede en werksaamhede wat deur die verskillende Ministers uitgeoefen en verrig moet word, voorskryf.

(2 )

Die Hoofminister kan van tyd tot

tyd enige opdrag wat kragtens subregulasie ( 1 ) gegee is , verander of wysig. " . Wysiging van regulasie 3 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R, 293 van 1962.

5. Regulasie 3 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur die woord ,, Bantoe sakekommissaris " deur die woord ,, departement " te vervang.

Wysiging van regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 2 ) die woord ,, Bantoesakekommissaris " deur die woord ,,Sekretaris " te vervang.

Wysiging van regulasie 7 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .


Regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word

7. Regulasie 7 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur



350 .


die woord

,, Hoofbantoe-

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. sakekommissaris "


die woord

,, Minister " te

vervang ; (b) deur in subregulasie (4) die woord ,, Hoofbantoesakekommissaris " deur die woord ,, Sekretaris " te vervang; en (c) deur subregulasie (3) te skrap.

Regulasie 8 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 2 ) die uitdrukking ,, ' n sertifikaat uitreik wat wesenlik in die vorm is soos in 8.

Wysiging van regulasie van Hoofstuk 28 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

Bylae D van hierdie regulasies uiteengesit word " deur die woorde ,, ' n paslike sertifikaat uitreik wat die okkupasie van die huureenheid magtig. ".


Regulasie 9 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word

hierby gewysig (a) deur subregulasie ( 2 ) deur die volgende subregulasie te vervang : ,,(2 ) Die Sekretaris moet , indien hy daarvan oortuig is

(a) dat ' n geskikte perseel wat nie vir ' n ander doel gereserveer is nie , beskikbaar is ,

(b) dat sodanige perseel deur die applikant en sy gesin bewoon sal word ,

(c) dat die applikant ' n allesins gewenste persoon is om in die dorp te woon, (d) dat die applikant nie andersins deur hierdie regulasies belet word om die perseel te verkry nie ,

(e) dat voldoende reëlings getref is vir die betaling van die koopprys van die perseel , en (f) dat ' n koopakte skriftelik aangegaan is ,

'n grondbrief aan die applikant laat uitreik onder-

351 .

Wysiging van regulasie 9 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969 . worpe aan die voorwaardes in Bylae F uiteengesit, en kan ten opsigte van bedoelde perseel dié serwitute oplê wat hy nodig ag. " ; en (b) deur subregulasie ( 5 ) deur die volgende subregulasie te vervang :

,,(5) Die bestuurder kan iemand wat kragtens hierdie regulasie aansoek om ' n perseel gedoen het , toelaat om , in afwagting van die uitreiking van ' n grondMet dien brief, bedoelde perseel te okkupeer : verstande dat , indien so - iemand 'n struktuur op die perseel oprig , soos in regulasie 20 beoog , hy aldus op eie risiko doen. " .

Wysiging van regulasie 13 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

10. Regulasie 13 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur paragraaf (b ) van subregulasie volgende paragraaf te vervang :

(2 )

deur die

,, (b) die transportgewer alle gelde , huurgelde en ander bedrae wat hy kragtens hierdie regulasies skuld,

betaal het tensy die

transportnemer ,

met die goedkeuring van die Sekretaris , aanspreeklikheid het; " ;





(b) deur in subregulasie ( 2 ) (d ) die uitdrukking ,, ' n oordragvorm wesenlik in die vorm uiteengesit in Bylae G van hierdie regulasies " deur die woorde ,,'n paslike oordragvorm in skrif" te vervang; en (c) deur subregulasies ( 3 ) en subregulasies te vervang : ,, ( 3) As


(4 )




bestuurder die oordrag van ' n serti-

fikaat goedkeur , moet hy die sertifikaat van die transportgewer kanselleer en ' n nuwe sertifikaat Die oordrag van aan die transportnemer uitreik . ' n grondbrief word gedoen op die wyse in Hoofstuk 9 voorgeskryf. (4 ) Wanneer




oordrag van ' n

eienaarseenheid gemagtig het , moet die transport-


TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. gewer of, as hy ' n minderjarige of ander regsonbevoegde persoon is , sy wettige voog of verteenwoordiger , ' n paslike oordragverklaring voor ' n Bantoesakekommissaris of Magistraat skriftelik voltooi en bedoelde verklaring, tesame met die gelde voorgeskryf in regulasie 10 van Hoofstuk 9, by die bestuurder inhandig vir deur sending aan die Sekretaris . " . 11.

Regulasie 19 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word

hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die uitdrukking ,,wesenlik in die vorm uiteengesit in Bylae I van hierdie

Wysiging van regulasie 19 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

regulasie " te skrap . 12. Regulasie 20 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig (a) deur subregulasie ( 3 ) deur die volgende subregulasie te vervang :

,, (3) (a ) Iedereen wat ' n boupermit wil verkry , moet by die superintendent aansoek doen en -

(i ) in sy aansoek die materiaal wat hy voornemens is om te gebruik en die doel waarvoor die voorgestelde struktuur bestem is , aandui ;

(ii ) by sy aansoek tekeninge met mate , in duplikaat aanheg (wat , tensy die superintendent van dié vereiste afsien, volgens skaal moet wees) waarop die planne , deursneë en aansigte van die voorgestelde struktuur en die ligging daarvan in verhouding tot die perseel aangedui word; en

(iii ) sodanige ander inligting as wat die superintendent mag vereis , verstrek.

(b) Geen struktuur , behalwe een gesinsbehuisingseenheid met die gewone buitegeboue , mag op enige enkele perseel opgerig word nie.


Wysiging van regulasie 20 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE, 1969. (c) Elke woning, gebou, buitegebou of ander struktuur moet voldoen aan spesifikasies goedgekeur deur die superintendent. " ; en (b) deur in subregulasie ( 5 ) die uitdrukking ,,wat wesenlik in die vorm is soos in Bylae K van hierdie regulasies uiteengesit word" te skrap .

Herroeping van regulasie 21 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 . Wysiging van regulasie 22 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

Wysiging van regulasie 23 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

13. Regulasie 21 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby herroep .



22 van Hoofstuk

2 van die


word hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die uitdrukking ,, of as die Trust enige bedrag ingevolge subregulasie ( 1 ) van regulasie 21 van hierdie hoofstuk voorgeskiet het of onderneem het om dit voor te skiet " en die woorde ,, of van die voorskot " te skrap .

15. Regulasie 23 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig (a ) deur in subregulasie (4 ) die woord ,, Hoofbantoesakekommissaris " deur die woord ,, Sekretaris " te vervang; en

(b) deur in subregulasie ( 5 ) die uitdrukking ,, die kapitaal van en rente op enige voorskot wat kragtens regulasie 21 van hierdie hoofstuk deur die Trust aan hom gemaak is of van " te skrap . Wysiging van regulasie 39 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No , R, 293 van 1962.

16. Regulasie 39 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel ( 9 ) die woorde ,, artikel vyf- en - veertig van die Wet" deur die uitdrukking ,, regulasie 46 ( 8 ) van hierdie hoofstuk " te vervang .

Wysiging van regulasie 46 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

17. Regulasie 46 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig (a) deur in subregulasie ( 5) die woord ,, Hoofbantoesakekommissaris " deur die woord ,, Sekretaris " te vervang; (b) deur subregulasie ( 6 ) deur die volgende subregulasie te vervang :



,, (6) Iemand wat

' n perseel in ' n dorp bewoon is

ten opsigte van die woning op sodanige perseel vrygestel van die betaling van die plaaslike belasting opgelê deur die Transkeise Belastingwet , 1969. " ; (c) deur die herroeping van subregulasie ( 7 ) ; en (d) deur subregulasies ( 8 ) en subregulasies te vervang :





,, ( 8 ) Die bepalings van artikels 15 , 17 (1 ) , (2 ) en ( 3) en 40 (1 )(d) , ( 2 ) en (4) van die Transkeise Belastingwet, 1969 is mutatis mutandis van toepassing ten opsigte van enige huurgeld, geld , vordering of ander bedrag wat kragtens hierdie regulasie aan die Regering of ' n dorpsraad betaalbaar is: Met dien verstande dat , by die toepassing van artikel 40 ( 1 ) (d ) van bedoelde Wet , is die sewende dag na die datum waarop sodanige huurgeld , geld , vordering of bedrag betaalbaar geword het die laaste dag toegelaat vir die betaling daarvan . (9) Vir die doeleindes van artikel 15 van die Transkeise Belastingwet , 1969 , soos toegepas deur subregulasie ( 8) van hierdie regulasie , word die bestuurder geag ' n ontvanger soos in bedoelde Wet omskryf, te wees . " . 18. Regulasie 51 van Hoofstuk 2 van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende regulasie vervang : Toekenning van persele aan korporasies.

Vervanging van regulasie 51 van Hoofstuk 2 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

51. Ondanks die bepalings van hierdie hoofstuk kan die Sekretaris , na goeddunke , die toekenning van eienaarseenhede of huureenhede magtig aan die Bantoe - beleggingskorporasie of die Xhosa - ontwikkelingskorporasie en so ' n korporasie kan so ' n eenheid van die hand sit onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van die Sekretaris . " .

19. Regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 3 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur

in subregulasie ( 1 ) die uitdrukking ,, sodanige

355 .

Wysiging van regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 3 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. aansoek word op ' n vorm wat wesenlik dieselfde as onderskeidelik Bylae B of A van hierdie regulasies is , gedoen" te skrap ;

(b) deur paragraaf (e ) van subregulasie volgende paragraaf te vervang :

(2) deur die

,, (e) ten opsigte van ' n eienaarseenheid 'n koopooreenkoms aangegaan is in skrif; "; en (c ) deur in subregulasie ( 2 ) die uitdrukking ,, wat wesenlik in die vorm is soos in Bylae M van hierdie regulasies uiteengesit word en in die geval van 'n huureenheid, ' n sertifikaat aan hom uitreik wat wesenlik in die vorm is soos in Bylae N van hierdie regulasies uiteengesit word " deur die uitdrukking ,, op die voorwaardes uiteengesit in Bylae M van hierdie regulasies en in die geval van ' n huureenheid 'n paslike sertifikaat aan hom uitreik" te vervang .

Wysiging van regulasie 20 van Hoofstuk 3 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

20. Regulasie 20 van Hoofstuk 3 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a) deur paragraaf (a ) van subregulasie (2 ) deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang : ,, ( a ) die transportgewer alle gelde , huurgelde en ander bedrae wat hy kragtens hierdie regulasies skuld , betaal het tensy die transportnemer , met die goedkeuring van die Sekretaris , aanspreeklikheid het; " ;


sodanige betaling


(b) deur in paragraaf (c ) van subregulasie ( 2 ) die uitdrukking ,, oordrag voltooi het wat wesenlik in die vorm is soos in Bylae O van hierdie regulasies uiteengesit word" deur die woorde ,, oordragvorm in skrif voltooi het " te vervang ; en ( c) deur subregulasie ( 3 ) deur die volgende subregulasie te vervang :

,, ( 3 ) As



356 .

die oordrag van ' n huur-

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. eenheid goedkeur , moet hy die sertifikaat van die transportgewer kanselleer en 'n nuwe sertifikaat aan die transportnemer uitreik. Die oordrag van 'n grondbrief word gedoen op die wyse in Hoofstuk 9 voorgeskryf. ".

21. Regulasie 27 van Hoofstuk 3 van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende regulasie vervang :

,, Toekenning van handelspersele aan korporasies .

Vervanging van regulasie 27 van Hoofstuk 3 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

27. Ondanks die bepalings van hierdie hoofstuk kan die Sekretaris , na goeddunke die toekenning van handelspersele aan die Bantoebeleggingskorporasie of die Xhosa - ontwikkelingskorporasie , of as eienaarseenhede of as huureenhede magtig, en so ' n korporasie kan so 'n eenheid van die hand sit onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van die Sekretaris . " .

22. Regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 7 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die woord ,, Bantoesakekommissaris " deur die woord ,, departement " te vervang . 23. Regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 8 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur subregulasies ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) en ( 3 ) deur die volgende subregulasies te vervang : ,,(1 ) Wanneer dienstig dat

na die oordeel van die Minister dit om aldus te doen , kan hy beveel


' n dorpsraad vir

' n dorp ingestel word.

(2 ) ( a) ' n Dorpsraad bestaan uit die lid in regulasie 2 bedoel (as daar so ' n lid is ) en uit soveel ander lede (minstens ses , wat verkies of gekies word soos hieronder in hierdie regulasie bepaal ) as wat die Minister mag bepaal :

Met dien verstande dat die getal lede wat gekies moet word nie groter mag wees nie as die getal wat verkies moet word.

(b) Die verkose en gekose lede van ' n dorps-

357 .

Wysiging van regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 7 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

Wysiging van regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 3 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. raad doen diens vir ' n tydperk van drie jare en tree gelyktydig af.

(3) Behoudens die bepalings van subregulasie ( 2 ) (a ) kan die Minister te eniger tyd op versoek van 'n dorpsraad die getal verkose of gekose lede van bedoelde raad vermeerder of verminder . ". (b) deur in subregulasie (4) die woorde ,, Bantoepersone wat in die betrokke dorp woonagtig is " deur die woord ,,bewoners " te vervang;

(c ) deur subregulasies ( 5 ) en subregulasies te vervang :





,, (5) Die lede van ' n dorpsraad wat verkies moet word, word verkies deur die bewoners van die dorp.

(6 ) Die lede van ' n dorpsraad wat gekies moet word, word gekies deur die Sekretaris uit die geledere van die bewoners van die betrokke dorp . ".

Vervanging van regulasie 2 van Hoofstuk 3 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

24. Regulasie 2 van Hoofstuk 8 van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende regulasie vervang :

Stamverteenwoordiger in dorp .

2. 'n Kaptein of hoofman binne wie se gebied ' n dorp geleë is , kan met die goedkeuring van die Minister , ' n lid van sy stam as sy verteenwoordiger in die dorp aanstel en, as die Minister aldus magtig , is sodanige verteenwoordiger ampshalwe 'n lid van die dorpsraad. ".

Vervanging van regulasie 3 van Hoofstuk 8 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

25. Regulasie 3 van Hoofstuk 8 van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende regulasie vervang : ,,Reëls va prosedure van dorpsraad .

3. Die

Sekretaris kan van tyd tot tyd , op

die wyse beskryf in regulasie 49 ( 3 ) van Hoofstuk 2 , reëls uitvaardig betreffende die byeenroep van, die prosedure by en die hou van vergaderings van, ' n dorpsraad . " .

Wysiging van regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 8 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

26. Regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 8 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig


TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. (a) deur subregulasie (4 ) deur die volgende subregulasie te vervang :

,, (4) Enige belasting ingevolge subregulasie ( 1 ) (c ) gehef, is binne sestig dae na die datum waarop dit verskuldig en betaalbaar geword het en die bepalings van regulasie 46 ( 8 ) van Hoofstuk 2 is mutatis mutandis van toepassing ten opsigte van die verhaal van

so ' n belasting. " ; en (b) deur in subregulasie (5) die woord ,,Hoofbantoesakekommissaris " , waar dit ook al voorkom , deur die woord ,, Sekretaris " te vervang.

27. Regulasie 5 van Hoofstuk 8 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur in subregulasies ( 2 ) en ( 3 ) die woord ,,Hoofbantoe sakekommissaris " , waar dit ook al voorkom , deur die woord ,, Sekretaris " te vervang .

28. Regulasie 1 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende regulasie vervang:


Wysiging van regulasie 5 van Hoofstuk 3 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

Vervanging van regulasie van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

1. (1 ) ' n Aktesregistrasiekantoor word hierby in die departement ingestel vir die registrasie van alle dokumente wat betrekking het op onroerende goed in 'n dorp . ( 2 ) Die Sekretaris of ' n beampte deur hom aangewys (hieronder beampte in beheer van ' n registrasiekantoor genoem ) is in beheer van die aktesregistrasiekantoor in subartikel (1 ) bedoel en oefen uit of verrig daarin die bevoegdhede en pligte wat deur hierdie regulasies aan hom verleen of opgelê word . " .


Regulasie 2 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word

hierby herroep .

Regulasie 3 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word hierby herroep 30.

(a) deur in paragraaf (m) die woord ,, Sekretaris " deur die woord ,,Minister " te vervang ; en (b) deur in paragraaf (n) die woorde ,, as wat die Sekre-


Herroeping van van regulasie Hoofstuk 92 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

Wysiging van regulasie 3 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962.

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. taris van tyd tot tyd mag oplê en" te skrap.

Wysiging van regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No. R , 293 van 1962.

Wysiging van regulasie 5 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No , R.293 van 1962.

Wysiging van regulasie van Hoofstuk 96 van Proklamasie No , R , 293 van 1962 .

Wysiging van regulasie 7 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No. R, 293 van 1962 .

31. Regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie (1) (b) (ii ) die woord ,,Sekretaris " deur die woord ,, Minister " te vervang . 32.

Regulasie 5 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word

hierby gewysig deur die woorde ,, Sekretaris van tyd tot tyd " deur die woorde ,, Minister handelende in oorleg met die Minister van Finansies " te vervang. 33.

Regulasie 6 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word

hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die woord ,, Sekretaris " , waar dit ook al voorkom , deur die woord ,, Minister " te vervang .


Regulasie 7 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die woord ,, Sekretaris " waar dit vir die eerste keer voorkom deur die woord ,,Minister" te vervang ; en

(b ) deur in subregulasie ( 2 ) die woord ,, Sekretaris " deur die woord ,,Minister" te vervang .

Wysiging van regulasie 9 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No. R , 293 van 1962 .

Wysiging van regulasie 12 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No , R.293 van 1962 .

Wysiging van regulasie 13 van Hoofstuk 9 van Proklamasie No. R , 293 van 1962.

35 .

Regulasie 9 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word

hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die uitdrukking ,, en op ' n vorm wesenlik dieselfde as Bylae Q van hierdie regulasies " te skrap . 36.

Regulasie 12 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word

hierby gewysig deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die woord ,, Sekretaris " deur die woord ,,Minister " te vervang.

37. Regulasie 13 van Hoofstuk 9 van die Proklamasie word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur in subregulasie ( 1 ) die uitdrukking ,, op ' n vorm wesenlik dieselfde as Bylae R van hierdie regulasies " te skrap ;

(b ) deur


subregulasie 360 .

(4 ) die


,, op



wesenlik dieselfde


Bylae S van hierdie

regulasies " te skrap ; en

(c) deur in subregulasie ( 5 ) die uitdrukking ,, behalwe soos in subregulasie (4) bepaal " na die woord ,, is " in te voeg .


Bylaes F en M van die Proklamasie word hierby deur die volgende Bylaes vervang :

Vervanging van Bylaes F en M van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .



( 1) Die grond hierby teogeken , is onderworpe aan al die regulasies wat reeds van krag is of in die toekoms van krag mag word in die dorp waarin dit geleë is .

(2) Behalwe met die goedkeuring van die Minister , mag die grond hierby toegeken (a) nie vir ' n ander doel gebruik word nie ;


vir woondoeliendes

(b) nie onderverdeel word nie ; en (c) nie kragtens geregistreerde titel deur meer as een persoon gehou word nie . (3 ) Die geregistreerde houer van die grond hierby toegeken moet aan die Regering van die Transkei of ander owerheid wat volgens wet daarop geregtig is , dié gelde , bedrae en belastings betaal wat ten opsigte van bedoelde grond betaalbaar is en ten opsigte van die dorp waarin voorgeskryf is.



geleë is ,

(4 ) Die Minister kan te eniger tyd vir die voordeel van die publiek enige persoon magtig om paaie , spoorweë, tremlyne , damme , waterleidings , afleivore en watervore te bou of om hoofwaterleidings aan te lê of om telegraaflyne , telefoonlyne of elektriese kraglyne aan te lê oor die grond wat hierby toegeken word

361 .


die geheel

of enige gedeelte van bedoelde

grond terug te neem indien dit vir openbare doeleindes benodig word , onderworpe aan die betaling aan die geregistreerde houer van sodanige vergoeding as wat bepaal mag word deur die Minister wie se bepaling finaal is .

(5) Alle regte op enige mineraal , metaal of edelgesteente van watter aard ook al en op enige olie in of op die grond hierby toegeken wat berus by, of gereserveer is vir , die Regering van die Transkei , bly aldus berus of gereserveer tesame met die reg van toegang tot enige myne of werke onderneem vir myn- of prospekteerdoeleindes deur enige persoon wat behoorlik in dié opsig daartoe gemagtig is. Bedoelde grond is onderworpe aan sodanige verdere regte as wat die publiek of die Regering tans besit of hierna mag besit of geregtig mag wees om te verkry ingevolge enige wet wat betrekking het op die prospekteer na , delf , myn of ontginning van enige mineraal , metaal of edelgesteente van watter aard ook al , en enige olie in of op bedoelde grond , welke regte nie deur hierdie grondbrief belemmer of op enige wyse geraak word nie . Voorts word vir die Regering gereserveer die reg om te okkupeer of die okkupering te magtig van soveel van bedoelde grond, en te gebruik of die gebruik te magtig van soveel water op bedoelde grond, as wat nodig mag wees vir die prospekteer na of myn van enige mineraal , metaal , edelgesteente of olie , onderworpe aan die betaling aan die geregistreerde houer van sodanige vergoeding as wat bepaal mag word deur die Minister wie se bepaling finaal is .

(6) Bedoelde grond is voorts onderworpe aan ondergenoemde serwitute en voorbehoude

(7) Die grond hierby toegeken is nie vatbaar vir beslaglegging nie weens ' n ander skuld as (a) ' n skuld verseker ingevolge ' n behoorlik geregis-

362 .


treerde verband, of

(b) ' n bedrag verskuldig aan die Regering of ander owerheid wat behoorlik volgens wet ten opsigte van die dorp waar in bedoelde grond geleë is , saamgestel is : Met dien verstand dat, as bedoelde grond in eksekusie verkoop word , dit nie , behalwe met die goedkeuring van die Sekretaris , verkry mag word deur ' n ander persoon as ' n Bantoepersoon nie . BYLAE M.

TOEKENNINGSVOORWAARDES TEN OPSIGTE VAN EIENAARSEENHEID VIR HANDELSDOELEINDES . ( 1 ) Die grond hierby toegeken is onderworpe aan al die regulasies wat reeds van krag is of in die toekoms van krag mag word in die dorp waarin dit geleë is . (2 ) Behalwe met die goedkeuring van die Minister, mag die grond hierby toegeken

(a) nie vir ' n ander doel as woondoeleindes gebruik word nie ;

(b) nie onderverdeel word nie ; en

(c) nie kragtens geregistreerde titel deur meer as een persoon gehou word nie. ( 3) Die geregistreerde houer van die grond hierby toegeken moet aan die Regering van die Transkei of ander owerheid wat volgens wet daarop geregtig is , dié gelde , bedrae en belastings betaal wat ten opsigte van bedoelde grond betaalbaar is en ten opsigte van die dorp waarin bedoelde grond geleë is , voorgeskryf is . (4 ) Die Minister kan te eniger tyd vir die voordeel van die publiek enige persoon magtig om paaie , spoorweë, tremlyne , damme , waterleidings , afleivore en watervore te bou of om hoofwaterleidings aan te lê of om telegraaflyne , telefoonlyne of elektriese kraglyne aan te lê oor die grond wat hierby toegeken 363.

TRANSKEISE WYSIGINGSWET OP DORPE , 1969. word of om die geheel of enige gedeelte van bedoelde grond terug te neem indien dit vir openbare doeleindes benodig word , onderworpe aan die betaling aan die geregistreerde houer van sodanige vergoeding as wat bepaal mag word deur die Minister wie se bepaling finaal is .

(5) Alle regte op enige mineraal , metaal of edelgesteente van watter aard ook al en op enige olie in of op die grond hierby toegeken wat berus by, of gereserveer is vir , die Regering van die Transkei , bly aldus berus of gereserveer tesame met die reg van toegang tot enige myne of werke onderneem vir mynof prospekteerdoeleindes deur enige persoon wat behoorlik in dié opsig daartoe gemagtig is . Bedoelde grond is onderworpe aan sodanige verdere regte as wat die publiek of die Regering tans besit of hierna mag besit of geregtig mag wees om te verkry ingevolge enige wet wat betrekking het op die prospekteer na , delf , myn of ontginning van enige mineraal , metaal of edelgesteente van watter aard ook al , en enige olie in of op bedoelde grond , welke regte nie deur hierdie grondbrief belemmer of op enige wyse Voorts word vir die Regering geraak word nie . gereserveer die reg om te okkupeer of die okkupering te magtig van soveel van bedoelde grond , en te gebruik of die gebruik te magtig van soveel water op bedoelde grond , as wat nodig mag wees vir die prospekteer na of myn van enige mineraal , metaal , edelgesteente of olie , onderworpe aan die betaling aan die geregistreerde houer van sodanige vergoeding as wat bepaal mag word deur die Minister wie se bepaling finaal is .

(6) Bedoelde grond is voorts onderworpe aan ondergenoemde serwitute en voorbehoude

364 .


39. Bylaes A tot E, G tot L en N tot S van die Proklamasie word hierby herroep .

Herroeping van sekere Bylaes van Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

Behoudens die voorgaande bepalings van hierdie Wet, 40. word die Proklamasie hierby gewysig -

Vervanging van woorde in Proklamasie No. R.293 van 1962 .

(a ) deur die woord ,, Trust " deur die woord ,, Regering" te vervang oral waar dit voorkom in Hoofstuk 2 in regulasies 4 ( 3) , 7 (4 ) , 9 ( 1 ) , 15 ( 3 ) , 23 ( 2 ) en ( 3) , 35 ( 2 ) en ( 3) , 46(4 ) en 50 ( 3 ) , in Hoofstuk 3 in regulasies 21 ( 2 ) en 26 ( 2) , in Hoofstuk 4 in regulasie 23 ( 2 ) , in Hoofstuk 5 in regulasie 5(4) en in Hoofstuk 9 in regulasies 3 ( c) , 7 ( 2 ) , 10 en 13 ( 5 ); (b) deur die woord ,, Trust " deur die woord ,, departement " te vervang oral waar dit voorkom in Hoofstuk 2 in regulasies 8 ( 1 ) , 14 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) en ( 6 ) , 20 ( 1 ) , (2) , (4) , ( 14 ) en ( 15 ) , 22 ( 1 ) , 23( 1 ) en ( 5 ) , 24 ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) en (3 ) , 30 , 31 , 34 , 39 ( 9 ) , 42 ( 1 ) , en 46 ( 1 ) , in Hoofstuk 3 in regulasies 9 ( 1 ) en ( 2 ) , 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 21 ( 1 ) en 26(1 ) , in Hoofstuk 4 in regulasies 3 ( 2 ) , 4 ( 1 ) en ( 2 ) , 13 ( 2 ) , 15 ( 2 ) , 17 en 18 ( 2 ) , in Hoofstuk 5 in regulasies 1 , 2 , 5 ( 3) , 9 , 10 en 13 en in Hoofstuk 7 in regulasie 5(5) ;

(c ) deur die woord ,, Trust " deur die woord ,, departement" te vervang in die opskrif by regulasies 10 en 11 van Hoofstuk Hoofstuk 5; en


en regulasies 9 , 10 en 13 van

(d) deur die woord ,, Trustwerknemers " deur die woorde ,,werknemers van die departement " te vervang in die opskrif by regulasie 4 van Hoofstuk 6. 41.



heet die


Dorpe , 1969.

365 .

Wysigingswet op

Kort titel.





UMTHETHO (Obalwe ngesi Bhulu usayinwe yiPrezidanti yesizwe - Uvunywe ngomhla wama 25 Septemba 1969)

wokufȧkela imibandela kuMthetho we Phondo uthi usebenze eTranskei .



No. 1 wowe 1935 njengoko



YASETRANSKEI , ngolu hlobo : Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 3 SoMthetho wePhondo No. 1 wowe 1935 , njengoko ufakelwe imib andela sisiqendu 1 soMthetho we Phondo No. 24 wowe 1960

1. Kwisiqendu 3 soMthetho we Phondo we Rafu ye Ndlela kuMazwana ase Transkei , 1935 ( ngezants'apha obizwa ngokuthi nguMthetho we Phondo) ngokwenjenje kufakwa umbandela -

(a) ngokufaka ekupheleni kwesiqendwana ( 1 ) eli binzanantetho "nakwiziphaluka ezise Transkei kwizithili ezixelwe kwiSihlomelo B "; na -

(b) ngokucima kwisiqendwana ( 2 ) eli binzana - ntetho "ngaphandle kwempahla engashenxisekiyo yaba Ntsundu ngokwesiqendu sethoba soMthetho No. 5 wowe 1922 " . Ufako-mbandela kwisiqendu 5 SoMthetho wePhondo No. 1 wowe 1935 .

2. Kwisiqendu 5 soMthetho we Phondo ngokwenjenje kufakwa umbandela ngokufakela emva kweli binzana - ntetho lithi "iSihlomelo A" eli binzana - ntetho lithi " okanye esixelwe kwiSihlomelo B" .

Imfakelo-Sihlomelo B kuMthetho we Phondo No. 1 wowe 1935.

3. Esi Sihlomelo singezants'apha ngokwenjenje sifakelwa eMthethweni we Phondo emva kweSihlomelo A:

"Isihlomelo B. Isithili saseMatatiele nesaseMzimkhulu . ".

Ungqinelaniso neemeko uMthetho we Phondo No. 1 wowe 1935 neminye imithetho .

"kuMlawuli - phondo " luya kutolikwa ngokuba lubhekisa kuMphathiswa wezeMali .

Igama elifut shane noqaliso-kusebenza.

5. Lo Mthetho uya kubizwa ngokuba nguMthetho woFakelomibandela weRafu yeNdlela yase Transkei , 1969 waye uya

4. Naluphi na ubhekiso eMthethweni we Phondo okanye kwimithetho ekhankanywe esiqendwini 4 soMthetho we Phondo




366 .


kuAprili ,

1970 .


ACT NO. 10 OF 1969 ACT (The Afrikaans Text signed by the State President - Assented to on 25th September, 1969)

To amend Ordinance No. 1 of 1935 in so far as it applies in the Transkei . BE






ASSEMBLY , as follows : 1.



of the





Ordinance , 1935 (hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance ) is hereby amended -

(a) by the insertion at the end of subsection ( 1 ) of the expression " and within the areas falling within the Transkei in the districts specified in Schedule B" ; and

Amendment of section 3 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1935 , as amended by section 1 of Ordinance No. 24 of 1960 .

(b) by the deletion in subsection (2 ) of the expression "other than the property of natives in terms of section nine of Act No. 5 of 1922" . 2. Section 5 of the Ordinance is hereby amended by the insertion after the expression " Schedule A " of the expression " or specified in Schedule B " . 3. The following Schedule is hereby inserted in the Ordinance after Schedule A :

Amendment of section 5 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1935.

Insertion of Schedule B in Ordinance No. 1 of 1935.

"Schedule B. The districts of Matatiele and Umzimkulu . " .

4. Any reference in the Ordinance or in the laws referred to in section 4 of the Ordinance to the " Administrator " shall be construed as a reference to the Minister of Finance . 5.



shall be

called the


Road Tax

Amendment Act , 1969 and shall come into operation on the first day of April , 1970 .


Adaptation of Ordinance No. 1 of 1935 and other laws .

Short title and commencement.


WET NR. 10 VAN 1969 WET (Die Afrikaanse Teks deur die Staatspresident geteken - Goedgekeur op 25 September 1969) Tot wysiging van Ordonnansie No. 1 van 1935 vir sover dit van toepassing is in die Transkei .


Wysiging van artikel 3 van Ordonnansie No. 1 van 1935 , soos gewysig deur artikel 1 van Ordonnansie No. 24 van 1960.





Artikel 3 van die Ordonnansie op Padbelasting in die Transkeise Gebied , 1935 ( hieronder die Ordonnansie genoem) word hierby gewysig -

(a ) deur aan die end van subartikel ( 1 ) die uitdrukking ,,en binne die gebiede wat , in die distrikte gespesifiseer in Bylae B , binne die Transkei val " in te voeg; en

(b) deur in subartikel ( 2 ) die uitdrukking ,,uitgesonderd die eiendom van naturelle kragtens artikel nege van Wet No. 5 van 1922 " te skrap .

Wysiging van artikel 5 van Ordonnansie No. 1 van 1935 .

2. Artikel 5 van die Ordonnansie word hierby gewysig deur na die woord ,, beskryf " die uitdrukking ,, of in Bylae B gespesifiseer " in te voeg .

Invoeging van Bylae B in Ordonnansie No. 1 van 1935 .


Die volgende Bylae word hierby in die Ordonnansie na Bylae A ingevoeg :

,, Bylae B. Die distrikte Matatiele en Umzimkulu . " .


Aanpassing van Ordonnansie No. 1 van 1935 en ander wetsbepalings .

Enige verwysing in die Ordonnansie , of in die wetsbepalings in artikel 4 van die Ordonnansie bedoel , na die ,,Administrateur " word uitgelê as ' n verwysing na die Minister van Finansies .

Kort titel en inwerkingtreding.



Padbelasting werking .







en tree op die eerste dag van April 1970 in


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