Le Cameroun chante son unité. Cameroon sings her unity [I. Poèmes - Poems. II. Contes - Stories]

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French, English Pages [176] Year 1966

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Le Cameroun chante son unité. Cameroon sings her unity [I. Poèmes - Poems. II. Contes - Stories]

Table of contents :
Front Cover
Rejoice, Comrades, shout and rejoice,
As Unity calls,
Perhaps social and political,
by Sankie Maimo
As time tolls,
A Wind of Change
Go East, Go West,
Cameroonians, weak and strong,
Abundant with fauna-mahogany-iroko-ebony,
Les chenilles en péril (par Jean-Démosthène Ngondjo) 13
L'Union fait la force (par Denis Minkonda Ndjock) 19
Pourquoi les singes vont-ils toujours en troupe (par Christophe
Un père et ses fils (par Léon Eloundou-Mbassi)
The People yearn,

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UC-NRLF 576 C25

$ B 577 v.1-2



























poèmes - poems








POEMES --- 1
































DT 576

C25 v.1-2


Le 1er septembre 1966, le peuple camerounais, en liesse, fêtait la naissance de l'Union nationale camerounaise, groupement politique issu de la fusion de tous les partis existant au Cameroun. Plusieurs faits jalonnent l'avènement de ce groupement national , qui bien vite, débordant le cadre des partis qui en furent les promoteurs, emporta l'acquiescement des tendances velléitaires encore éparses dans le pays après cinq ans de réunification politique.

Mosaïque d'ethnies , de cultures et de croyances, la République fédérale du Cameroun a connu bien des avatars . Des incidents de parcours . Elle a eu à se prémunir contre les méfaits d'une subversion stipendiée téléguidée de l'extérieur . Son peuple a souffert des horreurs du brigandage et, par delà les antagonismes nés de considérations bassement égoïstes , de haines farouches. Elle a chancelé au bord du marasme économique . Dominée, dans le Cameroun oriental, par le parti dit de l'Union camerounaise, parti de coalition, de conjuration contre les ennemis de la patrie, placée sous la houlette du Chef de l'Etat, la vie politique se développait, outre-Mungo, dans l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun occidental, autour de compétitions opposant le Kamerun National Democratic Party (K.N.D.P. ) , parti largement majoritaire conduit par le vice-président John Ngu Foncha, le Cameroon People National Congress (C.P.N.C. ) du Dr. E. Endeley, et le Cameroon Union Congress (C.U.C. ) groupé autour de M. Salomon Tandeng Muna. Aussi bien au sein du gouvernement fédéral que dans l'enceinte du palais de l'Assemblée nationale, représentants de l'U.C . et du K.N.D.P. ont donné l'exemple d'une saine collaboration en vue de la réalisation d'objectifs communs, « < collaboration qui devait aboutir , le 27 avril 1962, à la création , par l'U.C. et le K.N.D.P. , d'un comité de coordination chargé de trouver les voies et moyens susceptibles de consacrer la fusion des deux formations politiques en une seule grande formation nationale à laquelle pouvaient se joindre tous les autres partis politiques de la Fédération » (Président El Hadj Ahmadou Ahidjo ) .


Devenu Comité national de travail le 1er septembre 1964, le comité de coordination de 1962 décida, les 21 et 22 mai 1966, la création d'un vaste rassemblement politique au niveau fédéral . Une réunion groupant les principales têtes de proue des quatre partis officiellement reconnus de la République fédérale se tint le 11 juin à Yaoundé. Délégations du C.U.C. , du K.N.D.P. , de l'U.C. et du C.P.N.C. s'accordaient pour le sabordage des anciennes formations (ce qui eut lieu le 6 août par la première, le 13 par la seconde, le 21 par la troisième , le 27 par la quatrième) et la promotion, le 1er septembre, d'un nouveau parti, le parti de l'Union nationale camerounaise.

Evénement exceptionnel qui, soulevant une houle d'enthousiasme, déchaina la verve poétique de tout un peuple vibrant aux appels d'un même mythe. Voici le jeune arbre sauvage et vigoureux de l'humanisme camerounais. En voici quelques fruite


On the 1st september 1966 the Cameroon people were joyfully celebrating the birth of the Cameroon National Union, a political group sprung from the merger of all parties existing in Cameroon .

Several events mark the coming of this national regrouping which very quickly, spreading beyond the bounds of the parties which were its promoters, won the acquiescence of erratic tendencies still scattered across the country after five years of political reunification.

The Federal Republic of Cameroon, a mosaic of races, cultures and creeds, has been through many changes of fortune . Incidents on the way. She has had to provide against the evils of subversion financed and controlled from abroad . Her people have suffered the horrors of brigandage and, beyond antagonisms born of basely selfish considerations and fierce hatred , she has tottered on the brink of economic stagnation .

Political life, dominated in East Cameroon by the party known as the Union Camerounaise (U.C. ) , a party of coalition, of protection against all enemies of the country, placed under the guidance of the Head of State, developed across the Mungo, in the Federated State of West Cameroon, around rivalries opposing the Kamerun National Democratic Party (K.N.D.P. ) by far the largest party, led by Vice-President John Ngu Foncha, the Cameroon People National Congress (C.P.N.C. ) of Dr. E. Endeley and the Cameroon Union Congress (C.U.C. ) gathered around Mr. Solomon Tandeng Muna.

Both within the Federal Government and inside the palace of the National Assembly, representatives of the U.C. and the K.N.D.P. set the example of healthy co -operation towards the achievement of common objectives , "a co-operation which was to culminate, on the 27th april 1962, in the creation by the U.C. and the K.N.D.P. of a Co - ordinating Committee entrusted with the task of finding the ways and means capable of bringing about the merger of the two political groups into single great national unit which all the other political parties of the Federation might join" (President El Hadj Ahmadou Ahidjo ) . Ha-

22nd may 1966, upon a vast political regrouping on the federal level . A meeting assembling the main figureheads of the four officially recog nised parties of the Federal Republic was held on the 11th june in Yaounde. Delegations from the C.U.C. , the K.N.D.P. , the U.C. and the C.P.N.C. agreed to suttle the old parties (this took place on the 6th august for the first one, on the 13th for the second one, on the 21th for the third one and on the 27th for the fourth one ) and to launch , on the 1st september, a new party, the party of the Cameroon National Union. This was a special event which, arousing an upsurge of enthusiasm , released the poetical feelings of an entire nation thrilled by the call of one single ideal . Here, wild and hardy, is the young of Cameroon humanism, and here are some of its fruits .
















by Sankie Maimo


As time tolls, Cameroon, in its stride, Takes the world by surprise. It's a cauldron of cults and tonguesAs if by magic, never overflowsGuided by men of destiny, The heroes of historyThe Cameroon National Union.


As Unity calls, Cameroon, now and again, Makes staggering strides of confidence From once a suspect country seething Like a dangerous sea, It's now an oasis of ToleranceWith the debut of a PartyThe Cameroon National Union .


The People's dreams Come true, one by one, The mile-stone of National Unity reached ; It's like the sublime work of heaven . Today, Cameroon happily rejoices; Each plucks a flower of love ; Each wears a garland of joy, For Cameroon National Union .


As time tolls, Cameroonians, weak and strong, Inspired by love of Fatherland , Forsake, strife, division , and hatred. All and sundry now flock Under the banner of love, The emblem of strength, The Cameroon National Union .


The People yearn, Cameroonians, one and all, For the true leaven of life. Everywhere, witness unity alive



And hearts pulsating to national rhythm , Under the banner of love, The emblern of strenght,The Cameroon National Union.


As Unity calls, Cameroonians, like one man, Knowing love is not a blood - bath Realise their common destiny, Erect shrines of peace in every-home, Under the light of moderation, The sign of stabilityThe Cameroon National Union .


As Africa awakes, Cameroonians in the van Answer the challenge of the times. 'Tis Black-Africa's land of wonder! Witness here the miracle of love

Guided by men of destiny, The heroes of historyThe Cameroon National Union. 8.

With Peace, as watch -word , Since Unification , Cameroon, dodging snares and pitfalls, Fashions a Nation , with trouble-shooters Stunned, and all the world spell - bound . Today, this Land of wonder, The navel of all- Africa , Celebrates National Unity.





by Paul E. Kode


Verily, Verily, a wind of change , Indeed has blown across Cameroun , From Kamerun to Cameroons , And the precipitate , Cameroun ! Engendered on the morn of September One, nineteen

Cameroon National Unity !




Gone, are our German Masters, Away, forever, and into oblivion, The Imperialists and Colonialists, Now Camerounians and by Camerounians, Infinite bliss !


Rejoice, Comrades, shout and rejoice, Crow! for the right is yours, What else, They came, We saw, and we outlived, Can anything surpass National Freedom Infinite peace and security?



What a fate,

The Treaty of Versailles, 1919, for division, Hurrah! What a Blessing, February 11th 1961 , for Re- unification , Mere understatement to say REJOICE, Comrades!


All along, like a snail groping its way in partial obscurity, But sure, certain and constant to her destination , Eventually has Cameroun set on her illumined path , September One, nineteen sixty-six!


Through shortcomings, economical, Perhaps social and political, But ever at the Rudder , Our Able Statesman , Patiently and indefatiguably, On the path of Destiny, has ably guided us, Camerun National Unity!


Go East, Go West, Or north to south, Unity is the ideal, If, to move with the times, we must, In this epoch of collosal strides;


And thank, we must, President Ahidjo, Intellectuals, make great men , But foresight, us, it guides Today and the day next, to prosperity;


The speeches so eloquent, The glorious future so emphasised, Of the Cameroun prosperity, May Ahidjo be hailed, For bringing into manisfestation , His words into deeds;





As a Camerounian , I am proud of my fatherland, So abundant with riches natural, To the North, the beautiful Savanah, Come south, the rich Equatorial and blue sea;


Abundant with fauna - mahogany - iroko- ebony, What else for Cameroun - economic stability, What more, the presence of humane justice, The rapture, of the inate, inelienable, fundamental human [ rights, So honoured, so respected and so racticed!


With confidence, pride, certainty , With honesty, selflessness, intergrity, With assiduity, patriotism and altruism which we lack not, The golden path, paved September One, nineteen sixty-six, The birth of the Cameroun National Unity Should but make Rich Harvest ; History, unprecedented, hitherto.


Forward Forever, Backward Never, A New Cameroun is born for posterity, Long live President Ahidjo and Foncha , Vice, Long Live Cameroun National Unity!

Redeemer by Victor E. MUSINGA

Camerounians all of every make, Give ear unto this song ; Pray it holds you from dawn to dusk, 'Tis National Union's song .

' Er certain month in sixty-six, Man thought his conscience erred ; To put in words a brethren's griefs, In Cameroun , land of God.



Some even killed with bitter looks, With such a wistful eye;

The kindest used provoking acts, And killed, though one didn't die. Some men did sleep ' n woke with pains, And pray'd no more to wake; But I'M WHO AM knew that our pains, Will find firm holds ' n break .

On July month same sixty-six, A wonder came to light; From darkness came inspir'd Voice, > They foresaw each another's aims, but they were not one And as they turned their heads towards each other, They perceived Peace and Unity between them. O! Ahidjo, O! Foncha, our leaders; Gaurded by the Almighty God They made us understand : That United we stand But divided we shall fall.

Surely they united the two gangs, Surely they brought the children together, Surely our tears were wiped away, for ever, Surely the big gang under which we shall prosper, For Hail Cameroun , Hail the Cameroun National Union .

What praise-poems Remains :

by Germanus C. Nchanji

The night, August 31st Lets fall the curtain At full moon, Moon beams dissolving the mist, The shroud of cloud about Mount Cameroon , Loosing it free, clear, lucidThe proud monument looms stalwartly, A silhouette againts the rim or the round moon .

When the first Cameroonian cock crows, All Africa, nay the world at large. Will give seething audience to An epic-of- nations Sung in symphonic flourishes Crescendo upon crescendo ; Limpid upland streams. Gushing white at the crags

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Will celebrate in unending eddies in wondrous ponds The grand transcendence, The leap about, beyond the smoke Of party pettiness, tribe parochialismThe magnanimous despatch of the narrow philosophies That divide and subdivide.

What praise-poems remains Will be sung by the people At dawn, as they show themselves hence Equal to the task at handA nation blended and pitted against Disease, poverty and ignorance, Each man giving in his measure From his own heart The most he can give To peace, work and fatherland .


Unity, Truth

and Democracy

by Thomas DZE.

The forest tree that stands along, Though huge and strong and rooted fast, Unable long to bear the blast By furious winds is overthrown . But these that, growing side by side, A solid mass together form, Each sheltering each, defy the storm And green from age to age abide. So too the man alone who stands, However brave himself and wise, By lacking aid from stout allies,




Falls, struck to earth by hostile hands. Eut Kinsmen true and safe remain, Like lotus flowers in blooming pride, Who firmly each in each confide, And each from each support obtain . Kamerun, our fathers fought for liberty, Long they struggled and well, History of their deeds can tellBut ourselves must set us free. Oh ! Old Kamerun, From the Germans seize the League of Nations, Between France and Britain was shared, And off were Germans Civilisation and development flug . A

Disunity entered Kamerun , With all its pangs disrupted family ties, By aliens were Kamerunians trained Hatred to one another, dashed off National peace. Detrimental progress was it— 'Cause Diplomatic Mandatory powers exploited resources ; Ahidjo and Foncha saw in ruins their Fatherland Vehemently fought them for Unification . O native land! through weal and woe Thou hast our hearts where'er we go; They loved their land , ' cause ' twas theirs, And scorn to give augt other reason why. Our Country's good with a respect more tender, More holy and profound than mine life-they cried. Magic remedy on Kamerunians' came unification Politically, Socially, religiously and economically. Reunification after impediments, beseeched the Lord. October 1st 1961 , a peace no other season knows Hushed the heavens and wrapped the grounds rumpledBy insatiable Freedom hinders. Sons of Kamerun , President and Vice became Ahidjo and Foncha piloting their blocs stil, Where'er one man may help another there was The true man's birthplace grand, Kamerun our world-wide Fatherland !

Pilotage in Nationalism gains aurels's a poetPresident Ahidjo, inconsequentially garrulity saved, This's of real life conversation and political skirmishes, Cameroun National Union , all political parties it merges; Has buried most brutal verbal slashes and hatchet,

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Has buried political war-clubs and Has buried political war-cry and National Unity it instals Cameroon National Union -Ahidjo never been known to succumb [ in Nationalism . CAMEROUN NATIONAL UNION, great political Reform Sept. 1st 1966 Comments Cameroun Political History awide in Mastery. To build the Cameroun with a balanced Industrial Agricultural Economy in a Socialist Framework . Foreign policy based on peace and Friendliness with all Nations . Such a patroit boast, where'er we roam Our first, best country- Kamerun is ever Based on UNITY, TRUTH AND DEMOCRACY .


Cameroonians !

by Ernest Zacharias C. FUMYEN

Afraid ? - of what ? To feel the Spirits glad release, To pass from pain to perfect peace, The strife and strain of life to cease, Afraid ? of what ? Afraid? to see the CNU's face To hear it welcome and to trace, The glory gleam from wounds of grave, Afraid ? - of what ? Afraid ? ― of what ? A flash, a crash, a pierced heart, Darkness, light-O heavens art, A wound of CNU the counterpart, Afraid ? - of what ? To enter into Heaven's rest And still to Serve the master blest From Service good to Service bestAfraid ? of what ?



Afraid ? -- of what ? Ahidjo, Foncha , Endeley, Muna, Under your legs we lie, And still to serve your land, Ever together shall we live, of what ? Afraid ?

Cameroonians time to work, Forget the past and think together, Ever God be with you, Truth justice shall prevail , Afraid ? - of what ? The UC, KNDP, CPNC,CUC, Dead and burried Think of nothing but the CNU , No matter our tongue Afraid ? of what ? A Sample for Africans to follow Why not the OAU , Unification we did One party we Stand Cameroon ever United Afraid ? — of what .

Cameroon !

Cameroon !

by Tenny More


It is hard to saywhether at the time Ahidjo submitted ; It is hard to saywhether at the time Foncha submitted; Cameroon to Ahidjo and Foncha ; So you always have wealth And the best health; And always be sure Your Love will be endured;

Cameroon !




Come, fill your Cup; And in the rainy season, Your rainy garment of repentance fling; The bird of time, Have but a little way to flutter; And the bird is on the wing ;



O' to be in Cameroon, Now that September is there; And whoever wakes in Cameroon , Sees a morning unaware ;

Cameroon !

the gray sea

And the long black land ; And the yellow half moon , long and low; Round the cape of a sudden , Came the sea ; And the sun looked over the mountain range; And straight was a path of gold for him ; And the need of the world of him; Cameroon ! Ahidjo ! Foncha ! Thy sword Cameroon bless; 5.

And after September , October follows; Hark! when my orange tree blossoms; That's the wise thrush ; He sings each song twice over ; Lest he should think He never could recapture; And though the fields look rough , With hoary dew; When noon tide awakes anew,

The butter-cup- Ahidjo to us is ; Vanity says Ahidjo - Vanity ! 6.

Here where the world is quiet; Here where all trouble flings; Dead winds have spent ways right; In doubtful dreams of dreams I watch the green fields grow ; Fore, reaping folk and sowing ; Fore, harvest time and mowing; A sleepy world of strings; Cameroon! Cameroon ! Cameroon!


To one another for the Cameroon which seems to lie before us, like a land dreams;




So varied, so beautiful, so New; Has really not the jobNor love, Nor life, Nor Certitude. Nor peace, Nor helpful pain; And we are here as one on a darkening pain; Swept with confused alarms of Struggling flight; Where ignorant armes clash by night No more! No more! Never more in Cameroon .


So for a good old gentlemanly right, I think I must take up arms against avaries; Cameroon! The land of love; Flowing with milk and honey, Down to the ocean ; Up the thorny land; Everything has become - Cameroon ! Unity we hail ; Honey Cameroon ! The sea of faith .





Camerounaise Par Sankie Maimo

Tandis que le temps s'égrène, le Cameroun, dans sa foulée, Etonne le monde. Véritable chaudron de cultes et de langues, Qui, par enchantement, jamais ne déborde Guidé par les hommes du destin, Les héros de l'histoire l'Union Nationale Camerounaise. Tandis que l'Unité appelle, Le Cameroun va toujours de l'avant d'un pas étonnamment sûr, Naguère pays aux suspects tourbillons Tel une mer dangereuse, Aujourd'hui le voici oasis de Tolérance Aujourd'hui que naît un Parti L'Union Nationale Camerounaise.

Les rêves du peuple Un à un, deviennent réalités, L'étape de l'Unité atteinte ; C, sublime œuvre du Cie!! Aujourd'hui, le Cameroun chante sa joie ; Et chacun de cueillir une fleur d'amour ; Et chacun d'arborer une guirlande de sourires, Pour l'Union Nationale Camerounaise.

Tandis que le temps s'égrène, Les Camerounais, petits et grands, Inspirés par l'amour de la Patrie, Oublient querelles, divisions et haines Et tous ne forment qu'un seul bloc Sous la bannière de l'amour, L'emblème de la puissance ; L'Union Nationale Camerounaise. Le Peuple aspire, Camerounais, tous en un , Au véritable levain de vie. De tous côtés, regarde l'Unité en mouvement , Er entends les cœurs battre au rythme National , Sous la bannière de l'amour,



L'emblème de la puissance L'Union Nationale Camerounaise. Tandis que l'Unité appelle, Les Camerounais, comme un seul homme, Sachant que l'amour n'est pas un bain de sang Comprennent enfin leur commune destinée, Erigent des autels de paix dans chaque foyer, Sous la lumière de la modération, Le signe de la stabilité L'Union Nationale Camerounaise.

Tandis que l'Afrique s'éveille, A l'avant-garde, les Camerounais Relèvent le défi des temps. « Afrique Noire, terre de merveilles » ! Assiste ici au miracle de l'amour Guidé par des hommes du destin , Les héros de l'histoire L'Union Nationale Camerounaise.

Prenant la Paix pour devise, Au lendemain de la Réunification , Le Cameroun évitant pièges et embûches , Edifie une Nation en dépit des fauteurs de troubles, Au grand saisissement du monde entier. Aujourd'hui, cette terre de merveilles, Ce nombril de l'Afrique entière Célèbre l'Unité Nationale.






Vous me croirez si vous voulez, En tout cas, l'autre nuit, Pendant que je dévalais tranquillement les pentes Qui conduisent au royaume du Sommeil , J'ai été pris dans un tourbillon immense


De tout un peuple îvre de joie Qui célébrait sa fête nationale. Ces gens, dont la plupart avaient la peau Sombre comme le manteau de minuit, Dansaient, chantaient, Fanatisés par le concert frénétique Des tam-tams, des balafons Et d'une foule d'autres instruments étranges Dont je ne connais pas le nom... Séduit par l'indescriptible agilité Des jeunes filles aux seins naissants, Frêles comme des roseaux au bord de l'étang Et souples comme des lianes sauvages, J'esquissai maladroitement quelques pas ; Hélas ! Ne pouvant suivre leur cadence endiablée, J'y renonçai, essoufflé, à contre-cœur... Malgré les cris de joie et les immenses clameurs, Je parvins néanmoins à capter l'inoubliable refrain Que cinq millions de voix scandaient à l'unisson : Ahidjo, Foncha, vous avez bien mérité de la patrie ; Endeley, Muna, vive l'unité nationale ! Et l'écho répéta , fidèle : Vive l'unité nationale !

Pourtant, apparemment, rien, absolument rien, Ne semblait plaider en faveur de cette unité. Ces gens étaient trop différents les uns des autres. Leur habillement en disait long : Certains étaient revêtus d'immenses boubous ;

D'autres de pagnes chatoyants. Et certains autres, presque en tenue d'Adam et d'Eve , Donnaient la main à leurs autres compatriotes Inpeccables dans leurs vestons et leurs robes du soir Importés d'un autre monde. En plus, ils devaient appartenir à autant de tribus Qu'ils parlaient de dialectes. Leurs gestes aussi trahissaient leurs origines : Certains mimaient les gestes des piroguiers. D'autres, semblables à des conquérants arabes, Brandissaient des sabres immenses Au-dessus de leurs chevaux richement harnachés Qui piaffaient, eux aussi , de fierté. D'autres encore, plus nombreux et plus actifs, Faisaient semblant de récolter du café Et de transporter de lourds régimes de bananes. Non loin de là, de solides gaillards Avaient des gestes de parfaits montagnards



Et portaient sur la tête des calottes pointues Comme s'ils voulaient se protéger Des cendres fumantes d'un immense volcan . Oh ! Je ne pourrai jamais citer les ensembles. Par exemple, il y avait ces petits danseurs, Armés d'arbalètes, d'arcs et de lances, Qui semblaient traquer un invisible gibier ...

Envahisseur, le refrain magique revint : Vive l'unité nationale ! Et ce mot