International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part I A-Z 9783110930788, 9783598235061

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International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part I A-Z
 9783110930788, 9783598235061

Table of contents :
Contents / Inhalt

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Part I / Teil I A-Z

International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology Part I: Yearbook 2005/2006 Compiled by Michael Peschke

Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik Teil I: Jahrbuch 2005/2006 Bearbeitet von Michael Peschke


Κ · G · Saur München 2005

Bibliographische Information der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie ; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.

Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier/ Printed on acid-free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved Κ. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, München 2005 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Datenerfassung und Satz / Computer-controlled keyboarding, data preparation and automatic data processing by Michael Peschke, Berlin Druck und Binden/Printed and bound by Strauss GmbH, Mörlenbach No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher ISBN-13: 978-3-598-23505-4 (Set) / ISBN-10: 3-598-23505-4 (Set) ISBN-13: 978-3-598-23506-1 (Part I) / ISBN-10: 3-598-23506-2 (Part I)

Contents / Inhalt

Preface and Notes for the User


Vorwort und Hinweise für den Benutzer



Yearbook Part I / Jahrbuch Teil I




Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials in all their various forms confront us today more than ever. We encounter them in all areas of daily life, both at home and at work: they are often the basis of documentation and communication and frequently themselves contain the central information in a given context. Decoding them is, however, often difficult, sometimes even impossible because adequate reference sources are either not available or not readily accessible. As the use and the invention of abbreviations is increasing world-wide, no one reference work can hope to answer all queries concerning them correctly. The present Yearbook 2003 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology lists more than 68,000 entries in each of 2 volumes. It continues the International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations in Science and Technology with its over 800,000 entries in 17 volumes, completes acronyms from diverse general and scientific fields and take the flood growing constantly of new abbreviations into account. The Yearbook also lists common vernacular abbreviations in general use. Thus it goes beyond official terminology. Historical abbreviations have also been included. Where the use of punctuation within the abbreviation is erratic, the most commonly-used form has been given preference. Further information of this nature can be found in the "Notes for the User".

Notes for the User


The abbreviations are presented in alphabetical order from a to z. Ä, as, ç, ä, ö, ü are arranged lexically. Symbols and (diacritic) signs such as . - () [] " Λ° & + are of no importance in regard to the alphabetical order. 1. 1. Alphanumeric sequences are listed in the alphabetical place of the respective letter(s). 1.2. Roman numerals are arranged in their value as literal character. Arabs numerals in alphanumeric sequences are arranged in their value as number. Abbreviations beginning with a number are arranged after the character z. 2. Styles of type are used as follows: 2.1. boldface for the abbreviation 2.2. italics for the language code 2.3. plain for the remaining text

Berlin, November 2005




3.3. 3.4.

Within each entry (beginning with the abbreviation protruding to the left), the meanings are likewise listed a) in alphabetical order of the label indicating the language in which the abbreviation is used, b) in alphabetical order. Each abbreviation is followed by the label indicating the area or sphere in which the abbreviation is used and/or the pertinent language. The sign of equality (=) normally separates explanatory remarks (usually abbreviated) from each other as well as from the remaining text. In connection with the grammalogue of a language the colon (:) refers to a different expression in another language of the respective meaning. Any additional explanations are enclosed in parentheses (). Brackets [] are components of abbreviations as well as of meanings. However, parentheses are also used for marking a word that can be substituted for the preceding word, and for marking that part of a word, which, if omitted, will result in a different meaning or spelling.

Language Codes

A a al b c ch d e eo es F f g H h ha id ir in is j

Afrikaans Danish Albanian Bulgarian Czech Chinese German English Esperanto Estonian Finnish French Greek Hungarian Hebrew Haitian Italian Indian Irish Indonesian Icelandic .Tapanese

ko kr 1 le li ma Ν η Ρ Ρ pli R r

ra S s se sk U z

Korean Croatian Latin Latvian Lithanian Malayan Norwegian Dutch Polish Portuguese Philippine Russian Swedish Romanian Slowenian Spanish (too: Catalan, a.o.) Serbian Slovakian Ukrainian Turkish

Michael Peschke



Abkürzungen, Akronyme und Initialen in ihren mannigfachen Erscheinungsformen begegnen uns heute überall und mehr denn je. Sie treten in allen Bereichen des täglichen und beruflichen Lebens auf; sie sind oft Grundlage von Dokumentation und Kommunikation und vielfach die entscheidenden Informationsträger. Ihre Bedeutung zu entschlüsseln, ist gleichwohl oft schwierig, manchmal unmöglich, weil geeignete Hilfsmittel fehlen oder diese nur schwer greifbar sind. Weil der Gebrauch und die Erfindung von Abkürzungen und Abbreviaturen in der ganzen Welt ständig zunehmen, vermag niemand allein auf diesem Gebiet alle Fragen zutreffend zu beantworten. Das vorliegende Jahrbuch 2003 der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik verzeichnet in 2 Bänden jeweils ca. 68.000 Einträge mit Entsprechungen. Es setzt die 17-bändige Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme in Wissenschaft und Technik mit ihren über 800.000 Einträge fort, ergänzt Akronyme aus den unterschiedlichsten Fach- und Lebensbereichen und trägt der ständig wachsenden Flut neuer Abkürzungen Rechnung. Das Jahrbuch berücksichtigt auch alltagssprachlich übliche und gebräuchliche Formen. Es enthält also nicht nur die offiziellen Versionen. Auch Abkürzungen, die der Vergangenheit angehören, sind aufgeführt. Abkürzungen, die teils mit, teils ohne Punkt geschrieben werden, sind nach der jeweils überwiegenden Verwendung verzeichnet. Im übrigen geben die "Hinweise für den Benutzer" alle Erläuterungen über die Anlage der Einträge wie des gesamten Werkes.

Hinweise für den Benutzer 1.

Die Abkürzungen werden in der alphabetischen Reihenfolge a...z gebracht. Ä, œ, ç, ä, ö, ü werden lexikalisch eingereiht. Zeichen wie . - ( ) [ ] " Λ ° & + sind für die alphabetische Reihe ohne Bedeutung. 1.1. Alphanumerische Folgen stehen an der von dem (den) Buchstaben bestimmten alphabetischen Stelle. 1.2. Römische Zahlzeichen werden nach ihrem Buchstabenwert eingereiht. Arabische Zahlzeichen innerhalb alphanumerischer Folgen werden nach ihrem Zahlenwert geordnet. 2. Die Schriftarten werden wie folgt verwendet: 2.1. halbfett für die Abkürzung 2.2. kursiv für das Sprachkürzel 2.3. Grundschrift für den übrigen Text

Berlin, November




3.1. 3.2.

3.3. 3.4.

Innerhalb einer (mit einer links herausgerückten Abkürzung beginnenden) Wortstelle sind die Bedeutungen a) nach ihrem Bedeutungsbereich (Sortierung Sprache), b) in ihrer alphabetischen Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Der Abkürzung folgt die Angabe der Sprache. Das Gleichheitszeichen (=) trennt im allgemeinen abgekürzte erläuternde Hinweise voneinander und vom übrigen Text. Der Doppelpunkt (:) in Verbindung mit einem S p r a c h k ü r z e l v e r w e i s t auf anderssprachige Bezeichnungen der entsprechenden Bedeutung. Sonstige Erläuterungen stehen in runden K l a m m e m (). Eckige Klammern [] schließen Bestandteile von Abkürzungen und von Bedeutungen ein. Bei den Bedeutungen werden diese Klammern mitunter auch dazu benutzt, ein Wort zu kennzeichnen, das an die Stelle des vorangehenden gesetzt werden kann, bzw. Wortteile zu markieren, die, läßt man sie weg, eine andere Bedeutung oder eine andere Schreibung ergeben.

Sprachenkürzel A a al b c eh d e eo es F f g H h ha id ir in is j

afrikaans dänisch albanisch bulgarisch tschechisch chinesisch deutsch englisch Esperanto estnisch finnisch französisch griechisch ungarisch hebräisch haitianisch italienisch indisch irisch indonesisch isländisch japanisch

ko kr 1 le li ma Ν η Ρ Ρ ph R r

ra S s

se sk U ζ

koreanisch kroatisch lateinisch lettisch litauisch malaiisch norwegisch holländisch polnisch portugiesisch philippinisch russisch schwedisch rumänisch slowenisch spanisch (auch: katala nisch u.a.) serbisch slowakisch ukrainisch türkisch





A A d: Die Antike: Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur des klassischen Altertums - e: Accelerating contactor or relay - e: Acquisition - e: Acting - e: Active - e: Advanced - e: Affordable - e: Aircraft symbol - e: American - e: Amperes - e: Amplitude - e: Analog - e: Annual - e: Antiarmor - e: Application - e: Approach - e: Architecture - e: Area - e: Asset record - e: Assistant - e: Association - e: Attack - e: Indicator for QNH in inches in METAR - s: Acorazado - s: Alférez - s: Artillería - s: Aviación a s: área A- e: Skyhawk - e: Thunderbolt Π 8Α e: Section 8A of the Small Business Act pertaining to minority and other disadvantaged business A-109 e: Major Systems Acquisition - e: OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Circular AA d: Auswärtiges Amt - e: Access Authorization - e: Achieved Availability - e: Advance Agreement - e: Affirmative Action committee - e: Air-to-Air - e: Aircraft Availability - e: American Anthropologist - e: Analysis of Alternatives - e: Antiaircraft - e: Arithmetic Average - e: Armature Accelerator - e: Arrival Angle - e: Assembly Area - e: Attack Assessment

- e: Australian Archaeology - e: Auto Answer - e: Automatic Attendant - e: Automobile Association [in England] - e: Avenue of Approach - s: Antiaereo - s: Apoyo Aéreo - s: Arma de Aviación - s: Artillería Antiaérea - s: Autoametralladora Aa e: Achieved availability a.A. d: andere Auffassung - d: anderer Ansicht A&A d: Antike und Abendland: Beiträge zum Verständnis der Griechen und Römer und ihres Nachlebens A-A e: Air to Air A/A e: Air-to-Air - s: Aire-Aire AAA d: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik - d: Arbeitskreis Ausbildungsstätten für Altenpflege - e: Annual of Archaeology and Anthropology - e: Antiaircraft Artillery - e: Archives of Asian Art - e: Assessment of Aircraft Attrition - e: Assign Alternate Area - e: Athens Annals of Archaeology - e: Authentication, Authorizing, [and] Accounting - e: Automated Airlift Analysis - e: Automatic Anti-Aircraft - e: Autonomous Administrative Area - g: Archaiologika analekta ex Athenon - s: Ametralladora Antiaérea - s: Artillería Antiaérea A A A A d: Aussuchen-AuspackenAnpassen-An wenden AAAAAA e: Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms A A A A R C H e: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Architecture AAAd i: Antichità altoadriatiche AAAH I: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia A A A O B e: Anti-Aircraft Artillery Order-of-Battle A A A Q s: Asociación de Artesanos 'AJ Quen'

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

AAAS e: Amphibious Aviation Assault Ship AAASS e: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies AAB e: Administrative Appeal Board - e: All-to-All Broadcast - s: Asociación de Amigos del Bosque AABFS e: Amphibious Assault Bulk Fuel System AABL e: Advanced Atmospheric Burst Locator A A B M e: Air-to-Air Battle Management AABS f: Annuaire des Amis de la Bibliothèque de Sélestat A A B W S e: Amphibious Assault Bulk Water System AAC e: Acquisition Advice Code - e: Activity Address Code - e: Advanced Audio Coder [or Coding] - e: Advanced Audio Coding - e: Aerial Ambulance Company - e: All-Aspect Capability - e: Anti-Aircraft - e: Army Acquisition Circular - e: Asian Art and Culture - e: Automatic Amplitude Control - e: Automatic Answering Capability - e: Automatic Approach Control - e: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center - s: Agrupación Artillera de Cuerpo - s: Autoametralladora Cañón AACC e: AAC command control communications computers - e: Army Airborne Command and Control AACE e: Aircraft Alerting Communications EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] - e: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACFT e: Army Aircraft AACG e: Arrival Airfield Control Group AACM e: Active Access Control Module A A C M O e: Army Acquisition Corps Management Office A A C O M e: Army Area Communications AACP e: Advanced Airborne Command Post - e: Association for Craft Producers A A C P B - W G e: Army Acquisition Career Program Board-Working Group AAD e: Admission and Disposition - e: Army Air Defense - s: Agrupación Artillera de © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


AADC AADC e: Area Air Defense Commander AADCP e: Army Air Defense Command Post AADE e: Army Air Defense Element AADS e: Antiaircraft Defense System AADV e: Acquisition Aid Vehicle AAE d: Allgemeine Anschalt-Erlaubnis - d: Automatische Anrufeinrichtung - e: Army Acquisition Executive - e: Army Aviation Element - s: Agrupación Artillera de AA&E e: Arms, Ammunition and Explosives AAEA e: American Association of Agricultural Economics - s: Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología AAEC i: Annuario dellAccademia Etrusca di Cortona AAED e: Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy AA EE s: Asuntos Exteriores AAER s: Alarma Aérea AAEur e: Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia AAF e: Army Airfield AAFA e: Army Aviation Flight Activity AAFARS e: Advanced Aviation Forward Area Refueling System AAFES e: Army and Air Force Exchange Service AAFIF e: Automated Air Facility information File AAFSF e: Amphibious Assault Fuel Supply Facility AAFSS e: Advanced Aerial Fire Support System AAFU e: Augmented Assault Fire Units AAG d: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen - e: Area Auditor General - e: Army Artillery Group - s: Artillería de Apoyo General - s: Asociación Audubon de Guatemala AAGR e: Air-to-Air Gunnery Range AAGS e: Aircraft Adapter Groups - e: Army Air-Ground System AAH e: Advanced Attack Helicopter AAHA e: Awaiting Action Higher Headquarters AAHG d: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft AAI e: Advanced Communication Technology - e: Angle of Approach indicator - e: Automated Acquisition information - i: Arqueología del Área intermedia - s: Artillería de Apoyo Inmediato AAIS e: Atmospheric Attack Indications System AAJ e: American Art Journal AAL d: Asien Afrika Lateinamerika - e: Above Aerodrome Level - e: Absolute Assembly Language - e: Additional Authorization List - e: Arctic Aeromedicai Laboratory - e: ATM [Asynchronous Transfer Mode] Adaptation Layer AAL2 e: ATM [Asynchronous Transfer Mode] Adaptation Layer 2


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AAL3/4 e: ATM [Asynchronous Transfer Mode] Adaptation Layer 3/4 AAL5 e: ATM [Asynchronous Transfer Mode] Adaptation Layer 5 AALA s: Asociación de Amigos del Lago de Atitlán AALAAW e: Advanced Air-Launched Anti-Armor Weapon AalenerJb d: Aalener Jahrbuch AALig i: Atti dell'Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere AALPS e: Automated Air Load Planning System AAM e: Air-to-Air Missile - e: Aircraft Availability Model - e: Application Activity Model - e: Army Achievement Medal - e: Army Aircraft Maintenance - s: Autoametralladora AAMA e: Antiaircraft and Missile Artillery - e: Area Airspace Management Authority AAME e: Airspace Management Element - e: Automated Multi Media Exchange AAMed i: Atti della Accademia Mediterranea delle Scienze AAMG e: Antiaircraft Machine Gun - s: Asociación Amigos de los Niños 'Mi Casa' AAMMH e: Annual Available Maintenance Man Hours AAMOF e: As a Matter of Fact AAMP e: Army Automation Master Plan AAMS e: Army Aircraft Maintenance Shop AAMz d: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz AAN i: Atti della Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche della Società nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Napoli AAntHung I: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae AAntiquaAcadSciHung I: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae AAO e: Airborne Area of Operation - e: Antiair Output - e: Approved Acquisition Objective - e: Army Acquisition Objective - e: Authorized Acquisition Objective a. a. O. d: am angeführten Ort - d: am angegebenen Ort AAOD e: Army Aviation Operating Detachment AAOFA e: Army Aviation Operating Facility AAP e: Abbreviated Acquisition Plan - e: Advance Acquisition Planning - e: Affirmative Action Plan - e: Affirmative Action Program - e: Allied Administrative Procedure - e: Allied Administrative Publication - e: Applications Access Point - e: Army Acquisition Process - e: Army Ammunition Plant - e: Assign Alternate Parent - e: Attack Assessment Plan - e: Attack Assessment Program - e: Autonomous Administrative Point

- i: Atti dell'Accademia Pontaniana - s: Alarma Aérea Previa - s: Asociación Amigos del País AAPal i: Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Palermo AAPat i: Atti e memorie dell'Accademia Patavina di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di Scienze morali, Lettere ed Arti AAPel i: Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Lettere, Filosofia e Belle Arti AAPI e: Attack Assessment Predicted Tmpact AAPL e: Additional Programming Language A A p p O d: Approbationsordnung für Apotheker ÄAppO d: Approbationsordnung für Ärzte AAR d: Anfangsadressregister - e: African American Review - e: African Archaeological Review - e: After-Action Report - e: After-Action Review - e: Air-to-Air Refueling - e: Aircraft Accident Report - e: Army Area Representative - e: Automatic Alternate Routing - e: Automatic Alternative Routing AARA e: Access and Amendment Refusal Authority AARAD e: Attack Assessment Radar AARB e: Advanced Aerial Refueling Boom AArch /: Acta Archaeologica AArchAcadSciHung I: Acta Archaeologica antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae AArchCarpathica /. Acta Archaeologica Carpathica AArchHung I: Acta Archaeologica antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae AArchLodziensia I: Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia AARD e: Agency for Agricultural Research and Development AARDAC e: Army Air Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment in the Continental United States AARov i: Atti della Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, Classe di Scienze umane, Lettere ed Arti AARP e: AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AARRO e: Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization AART e: Airborne Avionics Research Testbeds AAS e: Advanced Antenna System - e: Advisory and Assistance Service - e: Aeromedicai Airlift Squadron - e: African and Asian Studies - e: All-to-All Scatter - e: American Astronautical Society - e: Arithmetic Assignment Statement - e: Attack Assessment System - e: Automated Accounting System AASA e: Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ABO - e: Advanced Airborne Surveillance Antenna AASC e: Army Area Signal Center AASE e: Army Aviation Support Element AASF e: Army Aviation Support Facility A A S H T O e: American Association of State Highway Officials AASLT e: Air Assault AASM e: Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile AASO e: Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research AASP e: Army Automation Security Program - e: ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT e: Army Assault Team - e: Automatic Analog Test - e: Average Access Time - i: Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Szienze morali, storiche e filologiche - s: Agrupación Aérea Táctica - s: Artillería Antitanque A A T A e: Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts A A T C e: Automatic Air Traffic Control - i: Atti e memorie dell'Accademia Toscana la Colombaria A A T C O e: Army Air Traffic Air Coordinating Office AATH e: Automatic Approach to Hover AATIS d: Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule A A T O s: Artillería Antiaérea del Teatro AATSR e: Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer AATU e: Automatic Antenna Tuning Unit AAIJ e: Analog Appliqué Unit AAV e: Amphibious Assault Vehicles A A V D e: Automatic Alternate Voice/Data AAVN e: Army Aviation AAW e: Active Aeroelastic Wing - e: Advanced Analysts' Workstation - e: Aeromedicai Airlift Wing - e: Anti-Air Warfare - e: Army Acquisition Workforce A A W C e: Anti-Air Warfare Commander A A W M d: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Mainz, Geistesund Sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse A A W S e: Automated Attack Warning System A A W W d: Anzeiger der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, PhilosophischHistorische Klasse A A W W S e: Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System AB d: Amtliches Bulletin der Bundesversammlung - d: Ausser Betrieb - e: ABCS Brigade and below - e: Ability to perform - e: Able seaman - e: Adapter Booster - e: Address Bus - e: Afterburner - e: Air Base


e: Air Blast e: Airborne e: Allocated Baseline e: Analecta Bollandiana: a j o u r n a i of critical hagiography - e: Anchor Bolt - e: Answer Back - e: Assault Breaker - s: Agrupación Blindada - s: Avión de Bombardeo A / B e: Airborne - s: Antibuque ABA e: American Bar Association - e: American Booksellers Association - e: Annual Budget Authority - e: Appropriation and Budget Activity ABAA e: Appropriation and Budget Activity Account ABalt-Slav I: Acta Baltico-Slavica ABAP e: Advanced Business Application Programming A B A R e: Advanced Battery Acquisition Radar - e: Alternate Battery Acquisition Radar ABAST s: Abastecimiento ABAW d: Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, PhilosophischHistorische Klasse ABB d: A S E A Brown Boveri [Schweiz] - e: Activity Based Budgeting abbr e: abbreviation abbrev e: abbreviation ABC e: Activity Based Costing - e: Airborne Corps - e: American Broadcasting Company - e: Approach by Concept - e: Atanasoff-Berry-Computer - e: Automatic Bandwidth Control - e: Automatic Brightness Control - / · Afrique Biblio-Club [Paris] - s: Asociación Benéfica Cabañeca - s: Asociación de Beneficiencia Cristiana A B C A e: American, British, Canadian and Australian - e: American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Standardization Program ABCB e: Air Blast Circuit Breaker ABCC e: Airborne Command Center ABCCC e: Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center ABC-CMV s: Asociación Becaria Guatemalteca Colegios del Mundo Unido ABCS e: Army Battle Command System ABDAR e: Aircraft Battle Damage Assessment and Repair A B D R e: Air Battle Damage Report - e: Aircraft Battle Damage Repair ABE e: Assistant Brigade Engineer ABEASJ s: Asociación de Beneficiencia el Amparo San José A B E L L e: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature A B E N D e: Abnormal End ABES e: Amended Budget Estimate Submission ABF e: Adobe Binary Screen Font - e: Annular Blast Fragmentation - e: Availability Balance File

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

AbfG d: Gesetz über die Vermeidung und Entsorgung von Abfällen [Abfallgesetz] ABFS e: Amphibious Bulk Fuel System AB/FS e: Air Base/Force Survivability ABG d: Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte - e: Air Base Group - s: Asociación Becaria Guatemalteca ABGD e: Air Base Ground Defense Abg[o] s: Abrigo ABhandarkarOrResInst e: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute AbhHVBern d: Abhandlungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern ABHL e: Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature: critical reviews of new publications ABI e: American Bell Ine - e: Application Binary Interface - e: Automated Bidet Interface - s: Asociación de Bienestar Infantil ABIC e: Army Battlefield Interface Concept - e: Automated Battlefield Interface Concept ABICS e: Ada Based Integrated Control System A B I O L e: Advanced Base Initial Outfitting List ABIOS e: Advanced Basic Input/Output System ABIR e: All-Band Intercept Receiver ABIRD e: Aircraft-Based Infrared Detector ABIST e: Automatic Built-in Self-Test ABIT e: Advanced Built-in Test ABITAT s: Agricultura Biológica y Tecnología Apropiada para el Trópico A B K d: Arbeitskreis Bildkommunikation ABL e: Airborne Lasers - e: Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory - e: Atlas Basic Language ABl. d: Amtsblatt ABLE e: Activity Balance Line Evaluation - e: Adaptive Battery Life Extender ABI.EG d: Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften AblVO d: Ablösungsverordnung A B M e: Acquisition and Business Management - e: Activity Based Management - e: Advanced Battery Management - e: Antiballistic Missile - e: Area Base Maintenance - e: Asynchronous Balance Mode - e: Automated Batch Mixing A B M D A e: Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency A B M E e: A B M Extended A B M O C e: Air Battle Management Operation Center ABN e: Airborne A B N R s: Amplificador de Bajo Nivel de Ruido ABO e: Air Base Operability - e: Airborne Order - e: Aviator Breathing Oxygen - e: Blood typing system

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


ABOIP - s: Asociación Benedictina Olivetana Centro Educacional ABOIP e: Amended Basis of Issue Plan ABP d: Archiv, Bildung, Pädagogik: Mitteilungsblatt der Mitarbeiterinnen der Historischen Bildungsarbeit und der Archivpädagoglnnen an Staats- und Kommunalarchiven der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - e: Activity Based Planning - s: Avión de Bombardeo en Picado ABPBD e: Air Base Port Biological Detection ABPD d: Arbeiter- und Bauernpartei Deutschi ands-Christlich-radikale Volksfront Α Β Ρ Ο f: Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest A B P R e: African Book Publishing Record ABPV d: Arbeitgeber- und Berufsverband Privater Pflege e.V. ABQ s: Atòmico, Biològico, Químico ABR e: Associability Based Routing - e: Automatic Band Rate - e: Automatic Bit Rate detection - e: Available Bit Rate - s: Abril abr s: abreviatura abr. s: abril ABRES e: Advanced Ballistic Reentry Systems ABS e: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - e: Address Book Synchronization - e: Air Base Squadron - e: Air Base Survivability - e: Anti-lock Braking System - e: Automated Bid Set - s: Aplicaciones Básicas del Sistema Abs s: Abastecer ABSA e: Annual of the British School at Athens ABSLOA e: Approved Basic Stock List of Ammunition Abs[to] s: Abastecimiento ABT e: Abort - e: About - e: Adaptive Block size Transform abt e: about ABTD s: Abatida ABTF e: Airborne Task Force Abto s: Abastecimiento ABTS e: ASCII Block Terminal Services ABull e: Art Bulletin: a quarterly published by the College Art Association of America ABV e: Above - e: Absolute Value - e: Annual Buy Value A B V M e: Automated Best Value Model A B W e: Air Base Wing AbwHerkV d: Abwasserherkunftsverordnung ABzF /.· Acta Byzantina Fennica AC e: Access Charge 6

e: e: e: e: e: e:

Access Concentrator Access/Control Access Control Actual Cost Advisory Committee Aerodynamic Center

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- e: Air Conditioning - e: Aircraft Commander - e: Allied Command - e: Alternate Current - e: Altocumulus - e: Analog Computer - e: Analyst Console - e: Area Code - e: Area Coverage - e: Armament Cooperation - e: Assistant Commandant - e: Attack Characterization - e: Authorization Code - e: Autocheck - e: Automatic Checkout - e: Automatic Computer - e: Automatic Control - f : L' Antiquité Classique - I: Ante Christum - s: Acción de Conjunto - s: Alerta y Control - s: Anticarro - s: Archivo Central - s: Artillería de Costa - s: Avión de Caza A/C e: Absolute Ceiling - e: Air Conditioning - e: Aircraft

A C A P S e: Area Communications Electronics Capabilities A C A R p: Associaçào de Credito e Assistencia Rural ACAS e: Advanced Counter-Air System - e: Airborne Collision-Avoidance System - e: Aircraft Collision Avoidance System - e: Airlift Cycle Analysis Spreadsheet ACAs e: Air Clearance Authorities ACAT e: Acquisition Category ACAT IA e: Acquisition Category I [Major Automated Information System] ACAT IAD e: Acquisition Category I [Automation Defense] ACAT ID e: Acquisition Category I Defense ACAT HA e: Acquisition Category II Automation ACAT I N A e: Acquisition Category III Automation A C A W S e: Advisory, Caution and Warning System ACB e: Advanced Concepts Base - e: Air Circuit Breaker - e: Allocated Configuration Baseline - e: Amphibious Construction Battalion - s: Asociación Cristiana de Beneficencia

- s: Acción de Conjunto Ac s: Acorazado a.c. s: año corriente a.C. s: antes de Cristo A&C i: Archivi & Computer AC-1 e: Hercules aircraft A2C e: Army Airspace Command and Control ACA e: Adjacent Channel Attenuation - e: Agile Combat Aircraft - e: Agricultural Credit Administration - e: Air [lift] Clearance Authority - e: Airspace Control Authority - e: Airspace Coordination Area - e: Application Control Architecture - e: Associate Contractor Agreement - e: Asynchronous Communications Adapter - s: Artillería de Campaña - s: Asociación Casa Alianza - s: Asociación Cristiana 'AGAPAO' A/CA e: Aircraft Attrition A C A A e: Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm ACAB e: Air Cavalry Attack Brigade ACAC e: Automated Direct Analog Computer ACAD s: Academia - s: Asesoría Centroamericana de Desarrollo ACAES s: Asociación Casa de Esperanza ACAF e: Advanced Counter-Air Fighter - s: Alianza Cívica de Asociaciones Femeninas ACALS e: Army CALS Acan s: Acantonar ACAP e: Application Configuration Access Protocol - e: Army Career and Alumni Program - e: Army Cost Analysis Paper - e: Automatic Circuit Analysis Program

A C B P e: Advanced Concepts Base Program ACBT e: Air Combat Training ACC e: Accelerated Case Closure - e: Access Control Center - e: Accumulator - e: A f t Cargo Carrier - e: Air Component Commander - e: Airlift Coordination Center - e: Air[space] Control Center - e: Approvai Cause Code - e: Architecture Control Committee - e: Architecture Coordination Council - e: Area Communication Controller - e: Area Control Center - e: Area Control Computer - e: Area Coordination Center - e: Army Command Center - e: Army Component Commanders - e: Army Correspondence Course - e: Artillery Control Console - e: Automatic Congestion Control ACCAP e: Autocoder to COBOL Conversion and Program ACCAT e: Advanced Command and Control Architectural Testbed ACCB e: Air Cavalry Combat Brigade A C C E L e: Automated Circuit Card Etching Layout A C C E S e: Automated Command and Control Evaluation System Acceso s: Se denomina así al punto de conexión a una red de comunicaciones A C C E S S e: Aircraft Communications Electronic Signaling System - e: Automated Catalog of Computer Equipment and Software System - e: Automatic Computer Controlled Electronic Signaling System A C C G s: Asociación de Comunicadores Cristianos de Guatemala ACCI s: Asociación de Campamentos Cristianos Internacionales

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Acmp ACCIS e: Army Command and Control Information System ACC/MASS e: Airlift Coordination Center/Military Airlift Support Squadron ACCMPS e: Automated C2 Message Processing System ACCNET e: Army Command and Control Network ACCOR e: Army COMSEC Central Office of Record ACCS e: Advanced Communications Control System - e: Airborne Command and Control Squadron - e: Allied Command and Control System ACCT e: Account [code] ACCTAL s: Accidental ACCTSTR e: Accountable Strength ACD e: Administrative Commitment Document e: Administrative Control Desk e: Airlift Communications Division e: Assistant Command Director e: Automated Call Director e: Automated Call Distribution e: Automated Call Distributor e: Automatic Call Director e: Automatic Call Distribution e: Automatic Call Distributor e: Cocoa Producers' Alliance e: Engineering, Research and Development Service - I: Acta Classica Universitatis scientiarum Debreceniensis ACDA e: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACDB e: Automated Cost Data Base ACDI e: Asynchronous Communications Device Interface ACDO e: Assistant Command Duty Officer -

ACE e: Accelerated Capital Enrichment - e: Acceptance Checkout Equipment - e: Adaptive Communication Environment - e: Advanced Computing Environment - e: Advanced Control Experiment - e: Adverse Channel E n h a n c e m e n t s ] - e: Air Combat Element - e: Airborne Command Element - e: Aircraft Configuration Equipment - e: Alternate Command Element - e: Animated Computer Education - e: Armored Combat Earth Mover - e: Assessment of Combat Effectiveness - e: Assistant Chief of Engineers - e: Assistant Corps Engineer - e: Automated Cost Estimator - e: Automatic Calibration and Equalization - e: Automatic Checkout Equipment - e: Automatic Computer Engine - e: Automatic Computer Evaluation - e: Aviation Combat Element - s: Agencia de Certificación Electrónica - s: Artillería de Cuerpo de Ejército ACEC e: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern ACEE e: Aircraft Energy Efficiency

ACEF e: Ada compiler Evaluation Facility ACEG s: Asociación Cultural y Educacional Guatemalteca ACELP e: Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction ACENDIO e: Association for Common European Nursing Diagnosis ACEORBAT e: ACE Order of Battle ACES e: ADP Command and Control Evaluation System - e: Advanced Carry-on ELINT Suite - e: Advanced Carry-on ESM Suite - e: Airborne Collection Electronic Signals - e: Automated Cost Evaluation System ACET e: Air Cushion Transport - e: Automatic Cancellation of Extended Targets ACEVAL e: Air Combat Evaluation ACEWS e: Automated Computerassisted Electronic Warfare System - e: Automatic Communications Electronic Warfare System ACF e: Acceptance Check Flight - e: Access Control Field - e: Acquisition Career Field - e: Advanced Communications Function[s] - e: Air Combat Fighter - e: Air Contingency Force - e: Alternate Command Facility - e: Alternate Communications Facility - e: Area Computing Facilities - e: Area Confinement Facility - e: Asynchronous Communications Facility - / · Annuaire du Collège de France - s: Asociación Cristiana Femenina ACFD e: Applied Computational Fluid Dynamic ACFG e: Automatic Continuous Function Generation ACFP e: Advanced Computer Flight Plan ACG e: Area Coordination Group - s: Acción Cristiana Guatemalteca ACGEO s: Acceso a Contenidos GEOreferenciados por voz ACGP e: Army Career Group ACH e: Attempts per Circuit Hour - e: Automated Clearing House ACI e: Advanced Chip Interconnection - e: Air Combat Intelligence - e: Air Combat Intercept - e: Alarm Control Interface - e: Allocated Configuration Identification - e: American Computer Innovators - e: Analytic Condition Inspection - e: Assign Call Inhibit - e: Automated Carrier Interface - e: Automatic Card Identification ACIA e: Access Control Inner Administrative Area - e: Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter - e: Aviation Career Incentive Act ACIAR e: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACIAS e: Automated Calibration Interval Analysis System

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

ACID e: Automatic Classification and Interpretation of Data ACIIB[Br] e: Branch American Civilian Internee Information Bureau ACINT e: Acoustic Intelligence ACIP e: Air Characteristic Improvement Panels - e: Aviation Career Incentive Pay ACIPS e: Acoustic Intelligence Processing System ACIS e: Automated Claim Information System ACIU e: Advanced Central Interface Unit ACJ s: Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes ACK e: Acknowledgement] ack e: acknowledge[d] - e: acknowledgement ACL e: Access Control List - e: Acquisition Career Level - e: All Critical Learning - e: Allowable Cabin Load - e: Allowable Cargo Load - e: Allowable Combat Load - e: Application Command Link - e: Application Connectivity Link - e: Application Control Language - e: Atlas Commercial Language - e: Authorized Consumption List - s: Artillería de Campaña Ligera ACIass l: Acta Classica ACLM e: AUTOD1N Communication Line Module ACLOC e: Acceso a Contenidos georeferenciados por voz ACLS e: Air Cushion Landing System - e: Automatic Carrier Landing System ACLIJ e: American Civil Liberties Union ACLV e: Accrued Leave ACM e: Accumulated Call Meter - e: Additional Crew Member - e: Adress Complete Message - e: Advanced Concept Manager - e: Air Combat M a n e u v e r i n g ] - e: Airspace Control Measures - e: Allowable Cost Model - e: Area Club Management - e: Association for Computing Machinery - e: Audio Compression Manager - e: Authorized Controlled Material - e: Automated Communications Monitor - e: Automated Contract Manager - e: Auxiliary Crew Member ACMA e: Acquisition Career Management Advocate - e: Advanced Concept Manager ACME e: Advanced Computer for Medical Research Acme i: Acme: annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano ACMI e: Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation [System] ACMIS e: Automated Configuration Management/Integration System ACMO e: Army Career Management Office ACMP e: Annual Cost Monitoring Plan Acmp s: Acampar

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ACMR ACMR e: Air Combat Maneuvering Range - e: Annual Cost Monitoring Report ACMS e: Agricultural Co-operation & Marketing Services, Ltd. - e: Aircraft Condition Monitoring System - e: Automated Career management System ACN e: Accounting Control Number - e: Action Aid - e: Action Control Number - e: Administrative Change Notice - e: Advance Change Notice - e: Aircraft Classification Number - e: Assign Commercial Network Acn s: Acción A.C.N, s: Almirante Comandante Naval ACNUR s: Alto Comisionado de los Naciones Unidas para Refugiados ACO e: Administrative Contracting Officer - e: Airspace Control Order - e: Airspace Coordination Order - e: Associate Contracting Officer A C O C e: Air Command Operations Center - e: Airborne Combat Operations Center - e: Allied Combat Operations Center - e: Alternate Command Operations Center - e: Area Communications Operations Centers - e: Area Control Operations Center - e: AUTODIN Communication Operations Center ACOE s: Asociación para la Cooperación Educativa ACofS e: Assistant Chief of Staff A C O G U A s: Asociación de Caficultores de Oriente de Guatemala A C O M e: Automated Centralized Operations and Maintenance Centers - e: Automatic Coding System A C O M M W e: Aerospace Communications Squadron Acomp s: Acompañamiento A C O N E T d: Akademisches ComputerNetz, Österrreich ACOP e: Airborne Corps Operations Plan A C O P P e: Abbreviated COBOL Preprocessor A C O R e: Assistant Contracting Officer's Representative - s: Acorazado ACOS e: Automated Commissary Operation System ACOUSTINT e: Acoustical Intelligence ACP e: Action Point ACRNEMA - e: Aerospace Computer Program - e: African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries - e: Air Control Point - e: Airborne Command Post - e: Airlift Command Post - e: Airspace Control Plan - e: Allied Communication Publication - e: Allied Communications Procedures - e: Alternate Command Post - e: Ancillary Control Program - e: Army Classified Program 8

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e: Army Cost Position e: Army Cost Program e: Assign Common Pool e: Automated Communications Processor - e: Automatic Communications Processor - e: Auxiliary Communication Package - e: Auxiliary Control Process - s: Artillería de Campaña Pesada AcP d: Archiv für die civilistische Praxis ACPA e: Adaptive Controlled Phase Array ACPB e: Advanced Concepts Base Program ACPD e: Army Control Program directive ACPI e: Advanced Configuration [and] Power Interface - e: Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface A C P M e: Activity Career Program Directive - s: Aceite Combustible para Motores ACQ e: Acquisition Core Courses acq e: Acquisition ACQN e: Acquisition A C Q STRAT e: Acquisition Strategy ACR e: Advanced Concepts and Requirements - e: Air Control Radar - e: Aircraft Control Room - e: Airfield Control Radar - e: Ammunition Condition Report - e: Ammunition Consumption Rate - e: Antenna Coupling Regulator - e: Armored Cavalry Regiment - e: Assign Channel Reassignment - e: Attenuation to Crosstalk [loss] Ratio - e: Australian Coin Review - e: Authorization Change Request - e: Automatic Compression Regulator - e: Revolutionary Civic Action acr. s: acreedor A C R B e: Acquisition Civilian Record Brief - e: Army Council of Review Boards ACRES e: Airborne Communications Relay Station ACRL e: Accessorial Cost ACRN e: Accounting Classification Reference Number A C R O S S e: Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System A C R R P e: Army Cost Reduction Program ACRS e: Accelerated Cost Recovery System A C R V e: Armored Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle - e: Assured Crew Return Vehicle ACS e: Access - e: Access Control Server - e: Access Control Set - e: Access Control System - e: Accumulator Switch - e: Acquisition and Command Support - e: Ada Compilation System - e: Advanced Communications Services - e: Afloat Correlation System - e: Air-Capable Ship - e: Air Commando Squadron


e: Air Control System e: Airborne Control System e: Airspace Control System e: Allied Cooperative Support Sharing System - e: Alternating Current Synchronous - e: Asset Control [ S u b s y s t e m - e: Asynchronous Communications Server - e: Attitude Control System - e: Automated Cartography System - e: Automated Communications Set - e: Automated Conversion System - e: Automatic Checkout System - e: Auxiliary Crane Ship - e: Auxiliary Cooling System - e: Auxilliary Core Storage - s: Ayuda a la Certificación y pruebas de Sistema A2C2S e: Army Aviation Command and Control System ACSA e: Access Control Specific Area - e: Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement ACSAG e: Advanced Composite Supportability Advisory Group A C S A S A L C M e: Configuration status and accounting system ACSC e: Armament Cooperation Steering Committees AC/S C e: Assistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence ACSC e: Association Control Service Element ACSE e: Access Control Service Element - e: Association Control Service Element - e: Association Control Service Entity ACSEP e: Aircraft Certification System Evaluation Program ACSI e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence ACSIM e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management - e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management and Environment ACSIM-C e: Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management-Command, Control, Communication and Computers ACSL e: Advanced Continuous Simulation Language - s: Asociación de Caridad San Lucas ACSM e: Advanced Composite Supportability Managers - e: Advanced Conventional Stand-off Missile ACSN e: Acceso al Centro Servidor Nacional - e: Advance Change Study Notice A C S Q e: Airborne Communications Squadron A C S R e: Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced ACSS e: Analog Computer Subsystem - e: Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia: an international journal of comparative studies in history and archaeology ACST e: Access Time

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ADATP ACT e: Acoustic charge - e: Acquisition Coordination Team - e: Active Control Technology - e: Activity - e: Advanced Communications Technology Satellite - e: Advanced Communications Terminal - e: Aerial Combat Tactics - e: Air Cargo Terminal - e: Air Combat Tactics - e: Air Control Team - e: Algebraic Compiler and Translator - e: Analysis [and] Control Team - e: Applied Computerized Telephony - e: Area Capability Training - e: Armored Cavalry Trainer - e: Armored Cavalry Troop - e: Automated Control of Trainees - e: Automatic Code Translation - s: Asociación de Cooperación Técnica ACTA e: America's Carriers Telecommunication Association - s: Artillería de Costa ActaA I: Acta Archaeologica ActaArchaeol I: Acta Archaeologica ActaArchLov I: Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia ActaHHung I: Acta Histórica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae ActaHistNeerl I: Acta Historiae Neerlandica ActaNum I: Acta Numismatica ActaPraehistArch I: Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica A C T D e: Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration ACT II e: Advanced Concepts and Technology Program II ACTIV-RI s: Activación automática de Red Inteligente ACTO e: Automatic Computing Transfer Oscillator Acto s: Acantonamiento Quarters ACTPO e: Accountable Property Officer ACTS e: Advanced Communications Technologies and Services - e: Advanced Communications Technology Satellite - e: Automated CDRL [Contract Data Requirements List] and Tracking System - e: Automated Circuit Test System - e: Automated Computer Time Service - e: Automatic Computer TELEX Services ACTT e: Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology Actv s: Actividad ACU e: Access Control Unit - e: Address Control Set - e: Arithmetic and Control Unit - e: Assault Craft Unit - e: Automatic Calling Unit - e: Avionics Control Unit Acu s: Acuartelamiento ACUÌ e: Automatic Calling Unit Interface ACUL e: Advisory Council to the University Librarian ACUS e: Administrative Conference of the United States

- e: Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System - e: Area Common-User System ACUTA e: Association of College and University Telecommunication Administrators ACV e: Air Cushion Vehicle - e: Armored Command Vehicle - e: Auxiliary Aircraft Carriers ACVB d: Aorto-Coronarer VenenBypass [Herz-Operation] ACVC e: Army Commercial Vehicle Code A C & W e: Air Control and Warning ACW e: Air Control Wing - e: Aircraft Control and Warning - e: Alternating Continuous Waves - e: Anti-Carrier Warfare A C W E B s: Acceso a aplicaciones WEB para OSI A C W P e: Actual Cost of Work Performed ACWS e: Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron ACX e: Advanced Combat Experimental ACZE s: Administración Civil de la Zona de Etapas AD e: Abbreviated Dialing - e: Absolute Deviation - e: Accidental Damage - e: Active Duty - e: Adendum - e: Advanced Deployability Posture - e: Advanced Design - e: Advanced Development - e: Air Defense - e: Air Directive - e: Air Division - e: Airdrop - e: Airworthiness Directive - e: Ampere Demand Meter - e: Analog/Digital - e: Application Development - e: Armament Division - e: Armored Division - e: Army Depot - e: Ars Disputandi: the online journal for philosophy of religion - e: Destroyer tender - e: Priority add-on - g: Archaiologikon Deltion - s: Acción Democrática - s: Artillería Divisionaria A/D e: Air Defense - e: Analog to Digital [conversion] - s: Analógico/Digital - s: Apoyo Directo Α-D e: Analog to Digital converter ADA e: Action Data Automation - e: Advanced Delivery Alert - e: Advisory Area - e: Aerial Delivery Adapter - e: Air Defense Aircraft - e: Air Defense Area - e: Air Defense Artillery - e: Airborne Data Automation - e: Americans with Disabilities Act - e: Automatic Data Acquisition AdA d: Aus dem Antiquariat: Zeitschrift für Antiquare und Büchersammler - e: Computer programming language

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

ADAC e: Automatic Direct Analog Computer A/DACG e: Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group A D A C P e: Air Defense Artillery Command Post ADACS e: Airborne Digital Automatic Collection System A D A D e: Air Defense Artillery Director ADADO e: Assistant Division Air Defense Officer ADAF e: Air Defense Alert Facility A D A FDC e: Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Direction Center ADAIC e: Ada Information Clearinghouse A d a l C e: Ada Information Clearinghouse ADAL e: Authorized Dental Allowance List A D A L I N E e: Adaptive Linear Neuron Networks A D A M d: Automatischer Datenmessplatz - e: Advanced Data Management - e: Aerial Port Documentation and Management System - e: Area Denial Artillery Munitions - e: Armywide Device Automated Management - e: Automated Design and Maintenance System - e: Automatic Distance and Angle Measurement ADaM d: Automatischer Datenmessplatz A D A M H A e: Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration A D A O D e: Air Defense Artillery Operations Detachment A D A O O e: Air Defense Artillery Operations Office ADAP e: Airport Development Aid Program A D A P C P e: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program AD APD s: Asociación de Asesoría a Proyectos de Desarrollo AD APS e: Automatic Data Acquisition and Processing - e: Automatic Display and Plotting System ADAPT e: Adaptive Diagnostic Approach to Performance Testing - e: Adoption of Automatically Programmed Tools ADAPTIVE e: A Dynamically Assembled Protocol, Transformation and Validation Environment A D A R e: Advanced Design Array Radar - e: Air Defense Area ADARTS e: Ad Based Design Approach for Real Time System ADAS e: Automatic Data Acquisition System ADASP e: Air Defense Annual Service Practice ADAT e: Automatic Data Accumulator and Transfer ADatP e: Allied Data Processing Publication ADATP e: Allied Data Publication

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ADATS ADATS e: Air Defense Antitank System ADA V s: Avanzada [Independiente] de ADAW d: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin A D B M T e: Air Defense Battie Management Technology ADC e: Active Duty Commitment

ADD e: Airstream Direction Detector - e: Assign On-Line Diagnostic - e: Automatic Document Distribution A D D A R e: Automatic Digital Acquisition and Recording ADDAS e: Automatic Data Assembly System


ADDC e: Air Defense Direction Center ADDDS e: Automatic Direct Distance Dialing System A D D E R e: Algorithm, Description, Development, Evaluation and Refinement ADDISS e: Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System ADDO e: Assistant Deputy Director for Operations ADDO [MS] e: Associate Deputy Director for Operations/Military Support add-on d: Anschlußflug zu einem Langstreckenflug ADDR e: Address Register ADDS e: Applied Digital Data Systems - e: Automatic Data Distribution System ADDX d: Assoziation deutschsprachiger DXer ADE e: Air Defense Emergency - e: Application Development Environment - e: Assign Digit Editing - e: Assistant Division Engineer - e: Authorized Data Element - e: Automated Design Engineering

e: Actual Direct Cost e: Adaptive Data e: Add with Carry e: Advanced Developing Countries e: Aerospace Defense Command e: Agreement on Defense Cooperation e: Air Data Computer e: Airborne Digital Computer e: Analog Digital Converter e: Analog to Digital Converter e: Applied Direct Cost e: Architecture Design Contractor e: Area Damage Control e: Assistant Division Commander e: AUTODIN Display Console e: Automated Data Collection Compression [Protocol] - e: Automatic Data Collection - f: Aide-de-Camp - s: Asociación de Damas Colombianas ADCAP e: Advanced Capabilities ADCC e: Air Defense Command and Control - e: Air Defense Control Center ADCCCS

e: Air Defense Command,

Control and Coordination System ADCCP e: Advanced Data C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Control Procedure[s] A D C E O e: Assistant Division Communications-Electronics Officer A/DCG e: Arrival/Departure Control Group A D C M e: Assistant Division Commander [Maneuver] ADC [M] e: Assistant Division Commander [Maneuver] A D C O e: Air Defense Communications Office - e: Alcohol and Drug Control Officer A D C O C e: Area Damage Control Center A D C O M e: Administrative Command - e: Aerospace Defense Command ADCON e: Administrative Control [Code] - e: Advise all Concerned A D C O O R D e: Air Defense Coordinator ADCOP e: Area Damage Control Party - e: Area Defense Command Post ADCOS e: Air Defense Combat Operations Staff A & D C P e: Analysis and Data Collection Plan ADC [S] e: Assistant Division Commander [Support] ADCSOPS e: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans ADCSP e: Advanced Defense Communications Satellite Program ADCST e: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training ADCST-S e: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training-Simulations add e: additional


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- s: Agencia de Desarrollo Económico A D E C s: Asociación de Exportadores de Café A D E C C A s: Asociación de Desarrollo Comunitario Cakchiquel A D E C Y T s: Asociación para el Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico A D E G s: Asociación de Damas Españolas Guatemaltecas a de J.C. s: antes de Jesucristo ADelt g: Archaiologikon Deltion A D E M A R G e: Mam Development Association of Guatemalan Refugees ADEN e: Armament Development Enfield ADEOS e: Advanced Earth Observation Satellite, Japan ADEPA e: Agence Nationale pour le Développement de la Production Automatisé A D E P A C s: Asociación del Desarrollo para América Central A D E P H s: Asociación para el Desarrollo del Potencial Humano ADEPT e: Analysis-Based Data Exchange for Publications and Training ADESCO s: Asociación para el Desarrollo Comunitario ADESE s: Asociación Española de Distribuidores y Editores de Software de Entretenimiento A D E W e: Airborne Directed Energy Weapons - e: Andrew Development Environment Workbench A D E X e: Air Defense Exercise

A D / E X J A M e: Artillery-Delivered Expendable Jammer A D F e: Airborne Direction Finder - e: Automatic Direction Finder - e: Automatic Direction Finder/Finding - e: Automatic Direction Finding - e: Automatic Document Feed - e: Automatic Document Feed/Feeder - e: Automatic Document Feeder - e: Automatically Defined Function A D F F i: Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università Firenze ADG e: Advance Development Group - e: Aircraft Delivery Group - e: Automated Data Generation ADGE e: Air Defense Ground Environment ADH f: Annales de Démographie Historique A D H G B d: Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch von 1861 ADI e: Air Defense Initiative - e: Analog Digital Interface - e: Attitude/Direction Indicator - e: Attitude Direction Indicator - e: Autocad Device Interface - e: Autodesk Device Interface - e: AUTODIN D N N Interface - e: Automatic Direction Indicator - / · Agence de l'Informatique - s: Adaptador de Interfaz - s: Asociación de Damas Italianas - s: Asociación de Desarrollo Integral ADIC e: A D C O M Intelligence Center - e: Automatic Data Interface Console ADIE e: Acquisition Data Input System ADIG s: Asociación de Informática de Guatemala A D I M C s: Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Miguel Cajtumaj A D I M Y F s: Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer y la Familia ADINTELCEN e: Advanced Intelligence Center ADIOS e: Automatic Digital InputOutput System ADIR s: Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral Rural ADIRA s: Aplicación de Distribución de Reclamaciones de Abonado ADIRS e: Aid Data and Inertial Reference System ADIS e: Acquisition and Due-In System - e: Air Defense Integrated System - e: Automatic Data Interchange System ADISCO s: Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de Servicios Comunitarios ADISS e: Analytical Data Interchange + Storage Standards ADIT e: Analog-Digital Integration Translator ADITEL s: Acceso a Directorios Telefónicos ADIZ e: Air Defense Identification Zone adj e: adjustment - e: adjutant adj. s: adjunto ADL e: Activities of Daily Living - e: Address Data Latch - e: Area Dental Laboratory

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ADSP - e: Armistice Demarcation Line - e: Army Doctrine Literature - e: Assign Xx [SI] Routing - e: Authorized Data List - e: Automatic Data Link ADLAT e: Adaptive Lattice Filter ADLC e: Adaptive Lossless Data Compression - e: Asynchronous Data Link Control ADLER [GER] e: German Fire Support Command and Control System ADLIPS e: Automatic Data Link Plotting System A D L O e: Air Defense Liaison Officer ADM e: Acquisition Decision Memorandum - e: Activity Data Method - e: Adaptive Delta Modulation - e: Add/Drop-Multiplexer - e: Administrative Surcharge - e: Admiral - e: Advanced Demonstration Model - e: Advanced Development Model - e: Aggregate Data Manager - e: Air-Launched Decoy Missile - e: Application Development Modul - e: Atomic Demolition Munitions A D M C E N e: Administration Center A D M D e: Administration Management Domain - e: Administrative Management Domain A D M G R I s: Administrador del Gestor de Reclamaciones e Incidencias admin e: administered - e: administrate ADMIN e: Administration admin e: administration - e: administrative A D M I N I O e: Administrative Orders A D M I R A L e: Automatic and Dynamic Monitor with Immediate Relocation, Allocation and Loading ADMIRE e: Automatic Diagnostic Maintenance Information Retrieval ADMN e: Administrative Data Admón s: Administración ADMP e: Adjusted Month Program ADMS e: Area Denial Munitions System - e: Automated Data Management System - e: Automatic Digital Message Switching] A D M S C e: Automatic Digital Message Switching Center A D M S G e: Advise by Message A D M S L B N e: Air Defense Missile Battalion Admtvo s: Administrativo ADN e: Abbreviated Dial[l]ing Number - e: ACE [Allied Command Europe] DGZ [Desired Ground Zero] Number - e: Advanced Digital Network - e: Agency Disclosure Notice - s: Acido Desoxirribonucléico ADNET e: Anti-Drug Network ADO e: Advanced Development Objective - e: Army Distribution Objective - e: Automated Delivery Order ADOA e: Air Defense Operations Area A D O C S e: Aegis Documentation System

ADODESPT s: Asociación Desarrollo para Todos ADONIS e: Automatic Digital On-Line Instrumentation System A D O T e: Automatic Digital Optical Tracker ADP e: Administrative Data Processing - e: Advance Development Plan - e: Advanced Data Processing - e: Advanced Ducted Propeller - e: Air Defense Position - e: Airborne Data Processor - e: Airport Deployment Program - e: Allied Defense Publication - e: Automated Data Processing - e: Automatic Data Processing - s: Alternativa Democrática del Pueblo - s: Asociación Pro-Agua del Pueblo ADPC e: Automatic Data Processing Center A D P C M e: Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation - e: Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulator - e: Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation - e: Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulator - e: Pulse Code Modulation with Adaptive Quantization ADPE e: Automated Data Processing Equipment - e: Automatic Data Processing Equipment - e: Auxiliary Data Processing Equipment ADPE/S e: Automatic Data Processing Equipment/System ADPF e: Automatic Data Processing Facility ADPLO e: Automatic Data Processing Liaison Officer ADPMIS e: Automatic Data Processing Management Information System A D P M P e: Automated Data Processing Master Plan ADPP e: Automatic Data Processing Printer ADPR e: Automatic Data Processing Resources ADPS e: Automatic Data Processing System ADPSC e: Automatic Data Processing Service Center ADPSEC e: Automated Data Processing Security ADPSO e: Automatic Data Processing Selection Office ADPSSO e: Automated Data Processing Systems Security Officer ADR e: Accelerated Delivery Request - e: Accident Data Recorder - e: Address - e: Airbase Damage Repair - e: Airborne Data Relay - e: Aircraft Damage Repair - e: Aircraft Direction Room - e: Alternative Dispute Resolution - e: Applied Data Research - e: Armament Delivery Recording - e: Automatic Data Relay A D R A C e: Automatic Digital Recording and Control adrp e: airdrop

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

adrs e: addressee ADRS e: Analog-to-Digital Data Recording System ADRT e: Analog Data Recorder Transcriber ADS d: Aktiver Diagnose-Stecker - e: Accurately Defined System - e: Activity Data Sheet - e: Advanced Deployable System - e: Advanced Digital Switch - e: Advanced Display System - e: Advanced Distributed Simulation - e: Aerial Delivery System - e: Air Data System - e: Air Defense Sector - e: Air Defense Suppression - e: Amphibian Discharge Site - e: Application Development Solutions - e: Application Development System - e: Authoritative Data Source - e: Automated Data System - e: Automatic Data System - e: Automatic Decompression System - e: Automatic Distribution System - e: Automatic Door Seal - e: Automation of Design for Supportability ads d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Schwesternverbände und Pflegeorganisationen e.V. ADSAF e: Automatic Data System for the Army in the Field - e: Automatic Data Systems Within the Army in the Field A D S A M e: Air-Directed Surface-to-Air Missile A d S A M S e: Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System A D S A S e: Air-Derived Separation Assurance System A D S C e: Active Duty Service Commitment - e: Address Status Changed - e: Adobe Document Structure Conventions - e: Adobe Document Structuring Conventions - e: Automated Data Source Collection - e: Automatic Data Service Center - e: Automatic Digital Switching Center ADSEC e: Advance Section ADSI e: Analogue Display Service Interface ADSID e: Air Defense Systems, Integration Division A D S L e: A s y m m e t r i c a l ] Digital Subscriber Line - e: Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop - e: Authorized Depot Stockage List ADSLt e: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line technology ADSM e: Adstar Distributed Storage Manager - e: Air-Defense Suppression Missile - e: Automated Systems Manual ADSN e: Accounting and Disbursing Station Number ADSP e: AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol

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AD SR ADSR e: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADSS e: Automated Data Subsystem ADSSHPDA e: Active Shipping Data ADST e: Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology ADS-TP e: Administrative Data SystemTeleprocessing ADSIJ e: Air Data Sensor Unit ADSUP e: Automated Data Systems Uniform Practices ADSW e: Active Duty for Special Work - e: Anti Diesel Submarine Warfare ADT d: Abrechnungsdatenträger - d: Abstrakter Datentyp - e: Active Duty for Training - e: Adult - e: Advanced Display Terminal - e: Air Defense Tactical Training Theater - e: Airborne Data Terminal - e: Alphanumeric Display Terminal - e: Application Data Types - e: Assign Digital Transmission Group - e: Atomic Damage Template - e: Automatic Data Translator - e: Automatic Data Transmission - e: Automatic Detection and Tracking - e: Automatic Digital Tester - s: Aplicación de Daños a Terceros ADTAC e: Air Defense Tactical Air Command ADTC e: Armament Development and Test Center ADTECH e: Advanced Decoy Technology ADTF e: Artillery Direct Fire Trainer ADTL e: Armywide Doctrinal and Training Literature ADTS e: Automated Data and Telecommunications Service ADTU e: Auxiliary Data Transfer Unit ADU e: Accumulation and Distribution Unit - e: Air Data Unit - e: Asynchronous Data Unit - e: Automatic Dialing Unit - e: Auxiliary Display Unit - s: Acción Democrática Universitaria ADITM e: Automated Data Unit Movement adv e: advance[d] ADVAH s: Asociación de Damas Pro Asistencia Hospitalaria ADVANCENET e: Hewlett Packard's network supporting OSI and SNA AdvArchMethodTheory e: Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory ADVCAP e: Advanced Capability ADVDISC e: Advance Discontinuance of Allotment ADVMOS e: Advanced Military Occupational Specialty ADVON e: Advanced Cadre - e: Advanced Echelon ADVPMT e: Advance Payment ADW e: Air Defense Warning - e: Area Denial Weapon ADWC e: Air Division Warning Center ADWS e: Automated Digital Weather Switch 12

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ADX e: Advanced Development Experimental - e: Air Defense Exercise - e: Automatic Data Exchange ADxVerz d: Amtliches Verzeichnis der DATEX-Teilnehmer ADXVERZ e: Amtliches Verzeichnis der DATEX-Teilnehmer AE R: Arkheograficheskii Ezhegodnik - e: Abbreviate Evaluate - e: Above or Equal - e: Acoustic Emission - e: Acquisition Executive - e: Adaptador Extractor - e: Aeroelectronic - e: Aeromedicai Evacuation - e: Air Escape - e: Airborne Electronics - e: Ammunition Ship - e: Application Engineer[ing] - e: Application Entity - e: Application Environment - e: Apportioned Effort - e: Architectural Engineering - e: Arithmetic Element - e: Arithmetic Expression - e: Assault Echelon - e: Attenuation Equalizer - f: L' Année Épigraphique - g: Archaiologike Ephemeris - s: Aeronáutico - s: Alimentación Estabilizada - s: Alto Explosivo - s: Asuntos Exteriores - s: Auto Excavadora - s: Avión de Exploración A&E e: Ammunition and Explosives - e: Analysis and Evaluation - e: Architect and Engineer - e: Architecture and Engineering A-Ε e: Architect-Engineer - e: Architect Engineering - e: Architectural and Engineering - e: Architectural-Engineering A/E e: Architecture/Engineering AEA e: American Economics Association - e: Assignment Eligibility and Availability - s: Archivo Español de Arqueología - s: Asociación Europea de Líneas Aéreas AEAM s: Asociación de Estudios de Areas Marginales AEAO e: Airborne Emergency Action Officer AEAS e: ASW Environmental Aquatic Support AEB e: Aerial Exploitation Battalion - e: Aircrew Evaluation Board - e: Analog Expansion Bus - e: Annual Egyptological Bibliography - e: Area Exploration Battalion - e: Auxiliary Equipment Building AEC e: Air Event Conference - e: Application Essentiality Code - e: Architectural Engineering Construction - e: Area Equipment Compounds - e: Army Education Center - e: Automatic Engine Control

- s: Agrupación Especial de Costa - s: Asociación Experimental Cafetalera AECB s: Asociación de Estudiantes de Ciencias Básicas AECC e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Control Center AECE e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Control Element AECM e: Active Electronic Countermeasures - e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Crew Member AECO e: Advance Engineering Change Order - e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Control Officer AECS e: Advanced Entry Control System - e: Advanced Environmental Control System AEC IJ e: Advanced Electronic Control Unit - s: Agencia de Evaluación de la Calidad del sistema Universitario de Castilla y León AED d: Abfrageeinrichtung für Datenverkehr - e: Allocation Engineering Division - e: Automated Engineering Design - s: Asociación de Estudiantes de Derecho AEDES s: Asociación española para la Educación Especial AEDL d: Aktivitäten und existentielle Erfahrungen des Lebens AEDO e: Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer AEDS e: Atomic Energy Detection System AEE e: Airborne Evaluation Equipment - s: Asociación Evangelica Emmanuel AEEC s: Alto Explosivo con Espoleta de Culote AEELS e: Automatic Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System AEF e: Address Extension Facilities - e: American Expeditionary Force AEFS e: Fleet replenishment ship AEG d: Allgemeine ElectrizitätsGesellschaft - e: Active Element Group - e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Group - s: Alianza Evangélica de Guatemala AEGIS e: Airborne Early Warning Ground Integration Segment Aegyptus i: Aegyptus: rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia AEH e: Abstracts in Economic History - e: Anglican and Episcopal History AEHA e: Aeromedicai Evacuation and Hospitalization Model AEHAA s: Asociación de Estudiantes de Historia, Antropología y Arqueología AEHE [IVe sect.] f: Annuaire de l'École pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe sect., Sciences historiques et philologiques AEHE [Ve sect.] f: Annuaire de l'École pratique des Hautes Etudes, Ve sect., Sciences religieuses AEHR e: Australian Economic History Review: a journai of economic, business and social history

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

AFCC Α Ε Ι e: Average Efficiency Index AEIDC e: Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center AEL e: Allowance Equipage Eist - e: Authorized Equipment Eisting AELE f: Association Europenne de Libre-Echange AELP e: Allied Electrical Publication AELT e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Liaison Team AEM s: Anuario de Estudios Medievales - s: Arma de Exterminio en Masa - s: Asociación de Estudiantes de Medicina AEMG s: Asociación de Escritores Mayances de Guatemala A E M Ö d: Archäologisch-Epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn AEMR e: Acquisition Executive Management Report AEN s: Asociación Eduquemos a la Niña A E N O R s: Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación AEO e: Acoustoelectrical Oscillators AEOC s: Protocolo de transporte Asincrono de la Estructura de Operación y Conservación AEOO e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Operations Officers AEOS e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Operations Squadron AEOT e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Operations Team AEP e: Accrued Expense Paid - e: Affirmative Employment Programs - e: Allied Engineering Publication - e: Annual Execution Plan - e: Application Environment Profile AEPDS e: Automatic Emergency Action Message AEPS e: Aircrew Escape Propulsion System - e: Average Expenditure per Sortie A E R e: Academic Evaluation Report - e: Atmospheric and Environmental Research - s: Aeròdromo AeR i: Atene e Roma: rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica Aer s: Aéreo A E R NAV s: Aeròdromo para Aviación Naval A E R O e: Agricultural Economics Reference Organization - e: Alternative Energy Resources Organization Aerod s: Aeròdromo Aero Res s: Aeròdromo de Reserva Aer Re-1 s: Aeròdromo para Aviación de Reacción de 1 Clase AErt H: Archaeologiai Ertesitö AERT s: Aerotransportado AES e: Advanced Encryption Standard -

e: Aeromedicai Evacuation Squadron e: Agricultural Experiment Station e: Application Environment Services e: Application Environment Specification - e: Army Experimentation Site

- e: Atmospheric Environment Service [Canada] AE&S e: Air Equipment and Support AESC e: Automatic Electronic Switching Center AESO e: Advanced Engineering Supplemental Order - e: Army Experimentation Site Officer AESOP e: Airborne Electro-Optical Special Operations Payload - e: An Evolutionary System for On-Line Processing AESRS e: Army Equipment Status Reporting System AET e: Army Extension Training AETACS e: Airborne Elements of the TACS [Tactical Air Control System] AET&CD e: Acquisition Education, Training and Career Development Aeth e: Aethiopica: international journal of Ethiopian studies AETIS e: Army Extension Training Information System AETP e: Allied Electronic Publication AEtP e: Allied Electronics Publication AEIJ e: Accrued Expense Unpaid - e: Airborne Electronics Unit - e: Assign Essential User Bypass - s: Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios A E U O s: Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios de Occidente Aevum i: Aevum: rassegna di scienze storiche, linguistiche e filologiche Aevum [ant] l: Aevum antiquum AEW e: Airborne Early Warning - e: Asset Evaluation Worksheet A E W & C e: Airborne Early Warning and Control AEWC e: Airborne Early Warning and Control AEWIC e: Army Electronic Warfare Intelligence Committee AEWIS e: Army electronic warfare information system AEWS e: Advanced Electronic Warfare System - e: Aircraft Engine Warranty Sub Board AEWSPS e: Aircraft Electronic Warfare Self-Protection System AEWTU e: Airborne Early Warning Training Unit A EXPL s: Alto Explosivo AF d: Anzunehmender Fehler - d: Ausgrabungen und Funde: Nachrichtenblatt für Vor- und Frühgeschichte - e: Alternative Frequency - e: Asia Foundation - e: Assured Forwarding - e: Audio Frequency - e: Automatic Following - e: Auxiliary Carry Flag - e: Availability Factor - e: Store ship - s: Alférez de Fragata - s: Alta Frequencia - s: Aplicación de Fallos - s: Árbol de Fallos A&F d: Ausgrabungen und Funde a/f e: airfield

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

AFA e: Accelerated File Access - e: Army Flight Activity - e: Audio Frequency Amplifier - f: Association des Fournisseurs d'Accès et de Services Internet - s: Asociación Fe y Alegría Afa d: Absetzung für Abnutzung AfA d: A b s e t z u n g e n ] für Abnutzung A F A C e: Air Force Acquisition Circular - e: Airborne Forward Air Controller A F A C D e: Air Force Director of Data Automation A F A D S e: Automatic Force Adjustment Data System A F A G U A T E M A L A s: Asociación Guatemalteca para la Familia de las Américas AFAIAA e: As Far as I am Aware AFAIC e: As Far as 1 am Concerned AFAIK e: As Far as I Know AFAIKT e: As Far as 1 K n o w Today AFAIR e: As Far as I Remember A F A I T C e: Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center AFALCIIS e: AFALC Integrated Information System AFALT e: Air Force alternate command post A F A M e: Air Force Acquisition Model A F A M R L e: Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory A F A M S e: Automated Flying and Maintenance Scheduling AFAO e: Approved Force Acquisition Objective AFARN e: Air Force Air Request Net AFAS e: Advanced Field Artillery System - e: Automated Fuels Accounting System A F A T D S e: Advanced Field Artillery Target Designation System - e: Army Field Artillery Tactical Data System A F B e: Antifriction Bearing - e: USAF Base - i: Anuari de filologia, Secció D: Studia Graeca et Latina AFBF e: American Farm Bureau Federation AFBG d: Aufstiegsfortbildungsförderungsgesetz A F B O P e: Air Force Business Opportunities Page A F C e: Area Frequency Coordinator - e: Automatic Font Change - e: Automatic Frequency Control - i: Anales de Filologia Clásica AFCA e: Air Force Communication Agency AFCAA e: Air Force Cost Analysis Agency AFCALS e: Air Force Computer Aided and Acquisition Logistics Support AFCAP e: Air Force Contract Augmentation Program AFCAS e: Automatic Flight Control Augmentation System AFCAT e: Air Force Catalog A F C C e: Air Force Component Commander - e: Assault Fire Command Console © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


AFC3CMSDB AFC3CMSDB e: Air Force CC3M Support Database AFCCR e: Air Force Communications Command Regulation AFCCIJ e: Advanced Function Common Control Unit A F C E M I e: Air Force Communication Electronic Maintenance Instruction AFCERT e: Air Force Computer Emergency Response Feam A F C F M e: Air Force Career Field Manager AFCH e: Air Force Component Headquarters A F C 2 M e: Air Force Command and Control Modernization Methodology A F C M D e: Air Force Contract Management Division A F C O M S E C e: Air Force Communication Security A F C P M C e: Air Force Civilian Personnel Management Center AFCPO e: Air Force CAFS Program Office A F C R D e: Air Force Contract Requirement Document AFCS e: Active Federal Commissioned Service AFC2S e: Air Force Command and Control Systems AFCS e: Army Facilities [or Facility] Component System[s] - e: Automatic Fire Control System - e: Automatic Flight Control System[s] AFCSA e: Air Force C4 System Architecture AFCSI e: Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence AFCTL e: Air Force Component Feam Feader A F C V I L e: Air Force Central Visual Information Fibrary AFD e: Abbreviated Functional Description - e: Advanced Fullscreen Debug - e: Airport Facility Directory - e: Assign Fixed Directory - e: Automated File Designator - e: Automatic File Distribution - e: Axial Flux Density [or Difference] A f D d: Archiv für Diplomatile, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde AFDA e: Air Force Data Administrator - e: Axial Flux Difference Alarm A F D A T A C O M e: Air Force Data Communications AFDB e: Farge Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock A F D C e: Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDD e: Air Force Doctrine Document AFDDA e: Air Force Director of Data Automation AFDL e: Small Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock A F D M e: Medium Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock AFDO e: Award Fee Determining Official A F D P e: Army Force Development Plan 14

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AFDS e: Automatic Frequency Deconfliction System A F D T C e: Air Force Development Fest Center AFDW e: Active Framework for Data Warehousing - e: Air Force District of Washington AFE e: Alternate Fighter Engine AFEB e: Award Fee Evaluation Board AFEDG e: Air Force Engineering Data Group AFEES e: Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station AFELM e: Air Force Element A F E M S e: Air Force Equipment Management System Afers i: Afers: fulls de recerca i pensament AFESC e: Air Force Engineering and Services Center A F E T C e: Air Force Education and Fraining Command AFETS e: Air Force Engineering and Fechnical Support A F E W C e: Air Force Electronic Warfare Center A F F M C e: Air Force Frequency Management Center AFFN e: Air Force Foreign National A F F O R e: Air Force Forces - e: Air Force theater command AFG d: Arbeitsförderungsgesetz - e: Annual Funding Guidance AFGK d: Archiv für Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst A F G R e: Approved Force Gross Equipment AFGS e: Automatic Flight Guidance System AFH e: Air Force Handbook - e: Army Family Housing AFHC e: Army Family Housing and Construction A F H O e: Army Family Housing [Operation and Maintenance] AFHOI e: Air Force Headquarters Operating Instruction AFI e: Air Force Instruction - e: Allied Forces Italy - e: Authority and Format Identifier AFIAB e: Air Force Incentive Award Board AFIC e: Approved Force Inventory Objective AFID e: Anti-Fratricide Identification Device AF IMCO e: Air Force Information Management Control Officer AFIN e: Air Force Intelligence - / · Association Française des Informaticiens AFIND e: Air Force indexes AFIP e: Air Force Intelligence Pian AFIRDS e: Air Force Information Resource Dictionary Systems AFIRM e: Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match AFIS e: Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFISA e: Air Force Information Systems Architecture

- e: Air Force Integrated Systems Architecture - e: Air Force Intelligence Support Agency AFJ e: April Fool's Joke A F J A M e: Air Force Joint Manual AFJIMS e: Air Force Justice Information System AFJMAN e: Air Force Joint Manual AFJQS e: Air Force Job Qualification Standard AFK e: Away from Keyboard AfK d: Archiv für Kommunal Wissenschaften - d: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte AFL e: American Federation of Eabor AFLAN e: Air Force Focal Area Net AFLAS e: Aviation Fuels Logistical Area Summary AFLCIO e: American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations AFL/CIO e: American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizations afld e: airfield AFLE e: Air Force Liaison Element AFLIF e: Air Force Logistic Information File AFLNO e: Air Force Liaison Officer AFLP e: Air Force Lead Program AFM e: Adobe Font Manager - e: Adobe Font Metrics - e: Air Force Manual - e: Antifriction Metal - e: Armed Forces Management - e: Automatic Flight Management A F M A G e: Air Force Management Analysis Group AFMAN e: Air Force Manual AFMCAC e: Air Force Materiel Command Acquisition Circular AFMC/ASC e: Air Force Materiel Command/Aeronautical System Center AFMCFARS e: Air Force Materiel Command Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement A F M C FAR SUP e: Air Force Materiel Command Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement A F M C L C / J A N O e: Air Force Materiel Command Law Center/Operation Division AFMD e: Air Force Mission Directive A F M E e: Armed Forces Medical Examiner A F M E F C A L e: Air Force Metrology and Calibration AFMIS e: Air Force Management Information System A F M M F O e: Air Force Medical Materiel Field Office AFMPC e: United States Air Force Military Personnel Center AFMR e: Antiferromagnetic Resonance A F M S e: Automatic Flight Management System AFMSC e: Air Force Medical Service Center - e: Armed Forces Menu Service Committee

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

AFVE AFMSISP e: Air Force Medical Services Information System Plan AFMWG e: Acquisition and Financial Management Working Group AFN s: Asociación Futuro de los Niños AFNAF e: Air Force Nonappropriated Fund AFNAFPO e: Air Force Nonappropriated Fund Purchasing Office AFNIC / • Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation AFNOR f: Association Française de Normalisation AFNP e: Air Force Nonrecurring Pamphlet AfNS d: Amt für Nationale Sicherheit AFNT e: Air Force Negotiation Feam AFO e: Accounting and Finance Offices AfO d: Archiv für Orientfors chung: internationale Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom vorderen Orient AFOAA e: Air Force Office of Attache Affairs AFOC e: Army Flight Operations Center AFOE e: Assault Follow-On Echelon AF OIPT e: Air Force Overarching Integrated Product Feam AFOLDS e: Air Force On-Fine Data Systems AFOOF e: Accounting and Finance Office of the Future AFORMS e: Air Force Operations Resources Management System AFOSC e: Air Force Operation Support Centers AFOSH e: Air Force Occupational Safety and Health AFOSI e: Air Force Office of Special Investigations AFOSR e: Air Force Office of Scientific Research AFP e: Advanced Function Presentation - e: Advanced Function Printing - e: Air Force Pamphlet - e: Annual Funding Program - e: Armed Forces Publication AFPA e: Automatic Flow Process Analysis AFPAN e: Air Force Public Affair Network AFPB e: Air Force Publishing Bulletin AFPC e: Armed Forces Policy Committee - e: Armed Forces Policy Council AF/PC e: Automatic Frequency/Phase Controlled [Foop] A F P C D P P A T e: Air Force Personnel Center/Personnel Development AFPCP e: Air Force Potential Contractor Program - e: Armed Forces Policy Council A F P D e: Air Force Policy Directive - e: Armed Forces Police Detachment A F P D A e: Army Force Planning Data and Assumptions A F P D L e: Air Force Publishing Distribution Fibrary AFPEC e: Armed Forces Product Evaluation Committee AFPEO e: Air Force Program Executive Officer

AFPG e: Air Force Planning Guidance - e: Air Force Planning Guide AFPM e: Air Force Project Manager A F P O D e: Air Force Point of Debarkation A F P O E e: Air Force Point of Embarkation AFPR e: Air Force Plant Representative AFPRO e: Air Force Plant Representative Office A F Q T P e: Air Force Qualification Fraining Package - e: Air Force Quality Fraining Packages AFR e: Air Force Regulation - e: Air Force Reserve - e: Artillery Flash Ranging - e: Assign Frequency for Network Reporting A F R B e: Award Fee Review Board AFRC e: Armed Forces Recreation Center - e: Armed Forces Reserve Center AFRCE e: Air Force Regional Civil Engineer AFREP e: Air Force Representative AF-RF e: Audio Frequency-Radio Frequency A F R L C e: Air Force Regional Civil Engineers A F R M e: Air Frame - e: Armed Forces Reserve Manual AFRO e: Air Force Recruiting Office AFRP e: Air Force Recurring Periodical - e: Air Force Recurring Publication AFS e: Active Federal Service - e: Advanced File System - e: Aeronautical Fixed Service - e: Air Force Specialty - e: Air Force Station - e: Alex File System - e: Andrew File System - e: Audio Frequency Shift - e: Automatic Flight System - e: Combat store ship - e: Fleet stores ship AfS d: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte AF&S e: Armed Forces & Society AFSAC e: Air Force Security Assistance Center AFSAL e: Air Force Specialized Aid A F S A F e: Air Force Satellite - e: Air Force Security Assistance Fraining AFSC e: Air Force Safety Center - e: Air Force Specialty Code - e: Air Force Systems Command - e: Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications and Computers A F S C O O R D e: Assistant Fire Support Coordinator AFSCP e: Air Force Systems Command pamphlet AFSE e: Automated Fire Support Element AFSF e: Air Force Stock Fund AFSG e: Amphibious Force Support Group AFSHRC e: Albert F Simpson Historical Research Center

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

AFSIP e: Air Force Signals Intelligence Plan AFSISC e: Air Force Standard Information Systems Center AFSK e: Audio Frequency Shift Keyer - e: Audio Frequency Shift Keying - e: Automatic Frequency Shift Keying A F S O B e: Air Force Special Operations Base A F S O C e: Air Force Special Operations Component A F S O C C e: Air Force Special Operations Control Center A F S O D e: Air Force Special Operations Detachment A F S O E e: Air Force Special Operations Element A F S O F e: Air Force Special Operations Forces AFSOS e: Automated Food Service Operations System A F S P A C E C M D e: Air Force Space Command AFSS e: Automated Fuels Service Stations AFSSI e: Air Force System Security Instruction A F S S M e: Air Force System Security Manual - e: Air Force System Security Memorandum A F S F e: Association of Food Scientists and Fechnologists AFSUP e: Air Force Supplement AFT e: Alert Fire Feam AFTC e: Australian Family Free Connections A F T E L f: Association Française de la Félématique Multimedia AFTER e: Army Future Fest and Evaluation Requirement - s: Adaptador Flexible de Ferminales AFTI e: Advanced Fighter Fechnology Integration - e: Automated Interchange of Fechnical Information AFTIP e: Air Force Fheater Intelligence Plan AFTN e: Aeronautical Feed Felecommunications Network AFTO e: Air Force Fechnical Order AFTP e: Aircrew Flight Fraining Period - e: Anonymous File Fransfer Protocol A F T P C e: Air Force Feleprocessing Center AFIJ e: Assault Fire Unit AFuG d: Amateurfunkgesetz AFIJU f: Association Française des Utilisateurs d'UNIX A F F U S O f: Association Française des Utilisateurs d'UNIX et des Systèmes Ouverts AFUV d: Amateurfunkverordnung AFV e: Airborne Fighting Vehicle - e: Alternative-Fuel Vehicles - e: Armored Fighting Vehicle - e: Awaiting Fix Verification A F V A e: Air Force Visual Aid AFVE e: Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency

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AFWAR AFWAR e: Air Force personnel on duty with Army AFWCF e: Air Force Working Capital Fund A F W M P R T e: Air Force Wartime Manpower Personnel Readiness Feam A F W S T e: Armed Forces Woman's Selection Fest A F W T F e: Atlantic Fleet Weapons Fraining Facility AF/XOI e: Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance AFYDP e: Army's Five Year Defense Plan AG d: Antragsgegner - d: Ausführungsgesetz - e: Adjutant General - e: Advisory Group - e: Air Gunner - e: Air to Ground - e: Airlift Group - e: American Graduate: e-journal of social and cultural history - e: Armor Grating - e: Army Group - e: Army Guidance - e: Arresting Gear - e: Attorney General - e: Miscellaneous support ship - s: Agrupación - s: Alimentación General - s: Apoyo General - s: Ayudante General Ag s: Agrupación A/G e: Air/Ground - e: Air-to-Ground A-G e: A i r t o Ground A G A e: Advanced Graphics Adapter - e: Advanced Graphics Architecture - s: Artillería de Gran Alcance - s: Asociación General de Agricultores - s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Aeromodelismo AGAAI s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Alcaldes y Autoridades Indígenas A G A C S e: Automatic Ground-to-Air Communications A G A D S e: Advanced Graphics Avionics Display System A G A E e: 'Association of Nurses Aides' AGAF d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amateurfunkfernsehen AGAND s: Asociación Guatemalteca para la Asistencia del Niño Desamparado A G A R D e: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development AGB d: Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen] - d: Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens AGBG d: Gesetz zur Regelung des Rechts der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen A G B G B d: Ausführungsgesetz zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch [Bundesländer] AGC e: Automatic Gain Control A G C A e: Automatic Ground-Controlled Approach - s: Archivo General de Centro América


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A G C F e: Air-Ground Correlation Factor A G C H e: Access Grant Channel A G C L e: Automatic Ground-Controlied Fanding A G C M e: Army Good Conduct Medal AGCW d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft CW AgDB e: Agricultural Databases AGDS e: American Gage Design Standard - e: Deep submergence support ship - e: Faunch area support ship AGDX d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e.V., Erlangen A G E d: Automatische Gebührenerfassung - e: Aerospace Ground [Support] Equipment - e: Aircraft Ground Equipment - e: Auxiliary Ground Equipment - s: Ayudante General del Ejército AGEA s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Educación Ambiental AGE-P e: Aerospace Ground Equipment Powered A G E R G U A T s; Asociación Gerontológica de Guatemala AGES s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Educación Sexual AGES/AD e: Air Ground Engagement System/Air Defense AGF e: Command ship - e: Miscellaneous command ship AGFA s: Asociación Guatemalteca para la Familia de las Américas A G F M B d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Freier Mailboxen AGFUND e: Arab Gulf Programme for UN Development Organizations AGG d: Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen - s: Asociación de Gerentes de Guatemala AGI e: Auxiliary General Intelligence - e: CIS intelligence collecting ship - s: Acuerdo General de Interconexión - s: Aplicación de Gestión de Incidencias AGIG s: Asociación General de Industriales de Guatemala AGIL e: Airborne General Illumination Light AGILE e: Autonetics General Information Learning Equipment AG InsO d: Ausführungsgesetz zur Insolvenzordnung AGIT s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Interpretes y Fraductores AGJ s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Juristas AGL e: Above Ground Level Aglog s: Agrupación Logística A G M d: Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin - e: Air-to-Ground Missile - e: Missile range instrumentation ship AGMIP s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Manejo Integrado de Plagas Ag Mña s: Agrupación de Montaña A G M S e: Air to Ground Missile System AGMIJ s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Mujeres Universitarias agn e: again

AGNES d: Automatisches GPS-Netz Schweiz AgNIC e: Agricultural Network Information Center A G N M d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft nationaler Mecklenburger A G O e: Administrative Grant Officer - s: Agosto ago. s: agosto AGOS e: Air-Ground Operations System A G P d: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie - e: Accelerated Graphics Port - e: Advanced Graphics Package - e: Advanced Graphics Port - s: Artillería de Gran Potencia A G P C S s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Prevención y Control de SIDA AGPh d: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie AGPLAN e: Army General Purpose Local Area Net A G P M s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Padres Maryknoll Agr s: Agregado A Gr s: Auto Grúa A G R A S e: Antiglare - e: Antireflective - e: Antistatic A G R E L s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Rehabilitación de Lisiados AgrHist e: Agricultural History AgrHistRev e: Agricultural History Review: a journai of agricultural and rural history AGRIS e: International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences & Fechnology AgRISTARS e: Agriculture & Resources Inventory Surveys Fhru Aerospace Remote Sensing AGR[ON] s: Agrupación A G R O SALUD s: Patronato para el Mejoramiento de la Salud del Frabajador Agrícola y su Familia AgrR d: Agrarrecht A G R U P s: Agrupación AGS e: Aircraft Generation Squadron - e: Armored Gun System - e: Surveying ship A G S E W G e: Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Working Group A G S L d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stadt und Land A G S M s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Servicios Medicos A G S O G U A s: Asociación de Ganaderos Sur Oeste de Guatemala AGSS e: Auxiliary Research/ Experimental Submarine [Conventional] AGT e: Above Ground Fest - e: Advanced Gun Fechnology - s: Agrupación Fáctica Agt s: Agente Agte s: Agente Agto s: Agrupamiento A G T R e: Auxiliary Fechnical Reconnaissance Ship AGU e: Address-Generation Unit AGUAPA s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Productores de Algodón

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

AIM AGUDEF s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Desarrollo Familiar AGUDESA s: Asociación Guatemalteca para el Desarrollo A G V T e: Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology AGW e: Allowable Gross Weight AGWA d: Archiv für Geschichte des Widerstands und der Arbeit AGZ e: Actual Ground Zero AH e: Access history - e: Acta hyperborea: Danish studies in classical archaeology - e: Airfield Heliport - e: Alabama Heritage - e: Alternate Headquarters - e: Ampere-Hour - e: Ancient History - e: Anthropology and Humanism - e: Attack Helicopter - e: Authentication Header - e: Available Hours - e: Avalon Hill - e: Hospital ship A H A e: American Homebrew Association - e: Australasian Historical Archaeology AH-64A e: Apache Helicopter A H A M s: Anales de Historia Antigua y Medieval A H A W d: Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften AHB d: Allgemeine Versicherungsbedingungen für die Haftpflichtversicherung - e: Ancient History Bulletin AHC d: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum: internationale Zeitschrift für Konziliengeschichtsforschung - e: Aircraft Handling Characteristics - e: Assault Helicopter Company AHCIET s: Asociación Hispanoamericana de Centros de Investigación de Empresas de Telecomunicación A H D e: Arrowhead ahd e: airhead A H D E s: Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español A H D L M A f: Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-âge A H E e: Automated History Entry AHEP e: Atmospheric Electrical Hazards Protection AH/ERS e: Alternate Headquarters/ Emergency Relocation Sites AHF e: Adaptive High Frequency A H F R D C e: Army Human Factors Research and Development Committee AHG d: Archiv für hessische Geschichte und Altertumskunde A H H Q e: Alternate Hardened Headquarters AHI / • Actes de l'Histoire de l'Immigration AHIg s: Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia A H I P e: Armed Helicopter Improvement Program AHistHung H: Acta Histórica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

A H M e: Ampere-Hour Meter A H M A f: Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-âge A H M C M e: Anti-Helicopter Mine Countermeasure AHMS s: Asociación 'Hijas de Maria Seiquer' AHN e: Army Health Nurse AHohenlohG d: Archiv für hohenlohische Geschichte Α - H O U R e: Alert-Hour ΑΗΡ e: Allied Hydropublication - e: Analytical Hierarchy Process - e: Army Heliport - I: Archivum Historiae Pontificiae AHQ e: Air Headquarters AHR e: Acceptable Hazard Rate - e: American Historical Review: the journal of the American Historical Association - e: Australian Humanities Review AHRF / • Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française AHRS e: Altitude and Heading Reference System AHS e: Australian Historical Studies A H S R e: Air-Height Surveillance Radar A H V B d: Archiv des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern AHVN d: Annalen des Historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein A H W G e: Ad Hoc Working Group AHY e: Austrian History Yearbook AI d: Appenzell Innerrhoden - e: Air Interception - e: Air Interdiction - e: Airborne I n t e r c e p t o r ] - e: Analog Input - e: Army Intelligence - e: Artificial Intelligence - e: Assignment Instructions - e: Assistant Instructor - e: Automatic Identification - e: Automatic Input - / • Acta Iranica: encyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes AIA e: Application Installation Aid - e: Application Integrated Architecture - e: Applications Integration Architecture - e: Army Information Architecture - e: Army Intelligence Agency - e: Avionic Integration Area A I A A M e: Advanced Intercept Air-toAir Missile AIAS e: Airborne Integrated Antenna System AIASA e: Annual Integrated Assessment of Security Assistance A I B e: Accident Investigation Board AIBA e: Agricultural Information Bank for Asia AiBB d: Archäologie in Berlin und Brandenburg AIC e: Air Intercept Controller - e: Allowance Item Code - e: American Institute of Cooperation - e: Assign Individual Compressed Dial - e: Assignment Instruction Code - e: Automated Intelligence Correlation AICBM e: Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

AICC e: Airborne Intercept Command Control AICH e: Acquisition Indication Channel AICRJ e: American Indian Culture and Research Journal AID e: Accident, Incident, Deficiency - e: Algebraic Interpretive Dialog - e: AUTODIN Interface Device AIDDE e: Ames' Interactive Dynamic Display Editor AIDE e: Automated Integrated Design Engineering AIDES e: Analyst's Intelligence Display and Exploitation System - s: Asociación Indígena de Desarrollo Económico y Social AIDS e: Acoustic Intelligence Data System - e: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - e: Army Inventory of Data Systems - e: Automated Integrated Debugging System AIE e: Acceptance Inspection Equipment - e: A D A Integrated Environment AIEC e: Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries AIEWS e: Advanced Integrated E C M System - e: Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System AIF e: Army Installation File - e: Automated Installation Intelligence File - e: Automated Intelligence File AIFF e: Adobe Interchange File Format - e: Advanced Identification Friend or Foe - e: Audio Interchange File Format AIG e: Address Indicating Group - e: Address Indicator Group - s: Asociación de Industriales de Guatemala AIHS f: Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences A U e: Army Intelligence Interpreter - e: Automated Item Identification A H M d: Association for Information and Image Management AIIN i: Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica A U S e: Automated Information Infrastructure System - i: Annali dell'Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici AIK d: Angewandte Informatile Karlsruhe e.V. - e: Aid in Kind AIL e: Airborne Instruments Laboratories AILAS e: Automatic Instrument Landing Approach System AILS e: Automatic Instrument Landing System AIM e: Advanced Industrial Management - e: AFSATCOM/IEMATS Microprocessor - e: Air Intercept Missile - e: Airman's Information Manual - e: AOL Instant Messenger © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


AIMACO - e: Application Interpreted Model - e: Armored-Infantry-Mechanized - e: Authoring Instructional Material - e: Automated Input Methodology - s: Alférez Infantería de Marina A I M A C O e: Air Materiel Computer AIMB e: As I Mentioned Before A I M C R e: Alternative Internal Management Control Review AIMD e: Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Department - e: Avionics Integrated Maintenance Department AIMES e: Automated Inventory Management Evaluation System AIMI e: Aviation Intensive Managed Items - e: Aviation Intensive Management Items AIMILO e: Army/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Officer AIMP e: Army Intelligence, Electronic Warfare, Master Plan AIMS e: Aircraft Identification Monitoring System - e: Automated Information and Management System - e: Automated Inventory Management System A I M V A L e: Air Intercept Missile Evaluation AIMW e: Advanced International Management Workshop AIN e: Advanced Intelligent Network[s] - e: Approved Item Name - s: Ayuda de la Iglesia de Noruega AIN I e: A T M Inter Network Interface AINZ e: Archaeology in New Zealand AIO e: Annual Inspection + Overhaul - ru: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Orala AIOD e: Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing AIP e: Adaptive Interferometer Processor - e: Aeronautical Information Publication - e: Allied Intelligence Publication - e: Application Input Processor - e: Approval in Principle - e: A T O C Implementation Plan - i: Archeo-Inter-Publica AIPC e: Alternate Indentured Product Code AIQ e: American Indian Quarterly AIQC e: Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course AIR e: Aerosport Information Report - e: Air Inflatable Retarder [Bomb Deceleration] - e: Air Intercept Radar - e: Air Intercept Rocket - e: Armament Integration Review - s: Agencia de Inteligencia de Red - s: Alliance for International Reforestation AIRAD e: Air Administrative Net A I R B M e: Anti-Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile AIR CAD/CAM e: Aviation Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing AIRCAP e: Air Flying Capability Model


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A I R C O M e: Aerospace Communications Complex A I R C O M D e: Air Command Net AIRCON e: Automated Information and Reservations Computer-Oriented Network AIREP e: Air-Report AIRES e: Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System AIREVAC e: Aeromedicai Evacuation - e: Air Evacuation Report A I R E V A C C O N F I R M e: Air Evacuation Confirmation A I R E V A C R E Q e: Air Evacuation Request AIREVACRESP e: Air Evacuation Response AIRG s: Asociación Independiente de Radiodifusoras Guatemaltecas AIRLOGSITREP e: Air Logistics Situation Report AIRMET e: Airman's Meteorological Information AIRMICS e: Army Institute for Research in Management Information and Computer Science A I R M O D e: Air Freight Module AIROPS e: Air Operations - e: Air Operations Report System A I R R E Q R E C O N e: Air Request Reconnaissance AIRS e: Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere - e: Advanced Infrared Imaging Seeker - e: Airborne Integrated Reconnaissance System - e: Automatic Image Retrieval System - e: Automatic Information Retrieval System AIR SEC e: Air Section - e: Air Sector AIRSIJPREQ e: Air Support Request AIS e: Account Information Security [Program] - e: Action Information System - e: Active Interference Suppression - e: Administrative Information System - e: Advanced Indication System - e: Advanced Instructional System - e: Affiliate Information System - e: A F W A L Information System - e: Alarm Indication Signal - e: Automated Identification System - e: Automated Information System - e: Automated Intelligence System - e: Avionics Integrated Support - e: Avionics Intermediate Shop - e: Avionics Intermediate Supporter Station AISI e: American Iron and Steel Institute - e: As I See It AIS MNS e: Automated Information System Mission Need Statement AISS e: Airborne Information Systems Squadron AISSP e: AIS Security Plan AIST e: Air Intelligence Support Team - e: Automatic Informational Station AIT e: Advanced Identification Techniques

- e: Advanced Individual Training - e: Advanced Intelligent Tape - e: Analysis and Integration Team - e: Application Information Table - e: Application/Infrastructure Tool - e: Army Intelligence Translator - e: Assembly Integration Test - e: Automated Identification Technology - e: Automatic Identification Technology AITS e: Adopted Information Technology Standard AIIJ e: A D C O M IDHS Upgrade - e: AUTODIN Interface Unit AIIJI e: As I Understand It AIV e: Aviation Impact Variable - s: Avanzadilla Independiente de Vigilancia AIW e: APPN Implementor's Workshop A I X e: Advanced Interactive Executive AJ e: Administrative Judge - e: Age of Johnson: a scholarly annual - e: American Journalism - e: Anitjamm[ing] - e: Archaeological Journal - e: Assembly Jig - e: Azerbaijan - s: Albergue Juvenil 'José Gilberto Flores Vides' A/J e: Anti-Jam AJA e: American Journal of Archaeology: the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America AJAC e: Automatic Jamming Avoidance Circuitry AJAG/MIL e: Assistant Judge Advocate for Military L a w AJAH e: American Journal of Ancient History AJAS e: Australasian Journal of American studies AJ-CAS e: Australian Journal of Contemporary American Studies AJCC e: Alternate Joint Communications Center AJ/CM e: Anti-Jam Control Modem AJCON e: Automated Job Control AJE e: American Journal of Education AJEC e: Anthropological Journal on European Cultures A J E M e: Army Joint Exercise Manual AJH e: American Jewish History AJL e: Australian Journal of Linguistics AJLS e: African Journal of Legal Studies AJMOJ s: Asociación de Jueces y Magistrados AJMRO e: Area Joint Medical Regulating Office A J N e: American Journal of Numismatics AJNPE e: Airborne Joint Nuclear Planning Element AJP e: Advanced Joint Planning - e: American Journal of Philology - e: Australasian Journal of Philosophy AJPH e: Australian Journal o f P o l i t i c s & History AJPh e: American Journal of Philology AJS e: American Journal of Sociology AJUA e: Airport Joint Use Agreement A k d: Anschaffungskosten

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

alot AK d: Antike Kunst - e: General cargo ship AKA e: Also Known As - e: Attack Cargo Ship - e: Authentication and Key Agreement AKB d: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt AKBern d: Archäologie im Kanton Bern: Fundberichte und Aufsätze AKDC e: Automatic Key Distribution Center AKG d: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte AKI d: Arbeitskreis Informatik AKM d: Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes - e: Apogee Kick Motor A K N L D G e: Acknowledge AKR e: Vehicle cargo ship Akroterion A: Akroterion: tydskrif vir die klassieke in Suid-Afrika AKS d: Arbeitskreis Schule AKSIS d: Arbeitskreis Schutz von Infrastrukturen AKV e: Aircraft Ferry AL d: Aussagenlogik - e: Access Line - e: Acquisition Logistic - e: Air Lock - e: Airland - e: American League - e: American Literature - e: Analytical Limits - e: Approach & Landing - e: Assembly Language - s: Alimentación A/L s: Apoyo Logistico ALA e: Army Launch Area - e: Army Logistics Assessment A L A A P e: Alabama Army Ammunition Plant ALACS e: A la Carte System ALAIRS e: Advanced Low Altitude Reconnaissance Sensor Alam[b] s: Alambrada ALAN e: Aircraft Landing Authorization Number A L A N F e: Army Land Forces ALAP e: AppleTalk Link Access Protocol - e: AppleTalk-LocalTalk Link Access Protocol - e: As Low as Possible A L A R A e: As Low as Reasonably Achievable A L A R A C T e: All Army Activities A L A R M e: Automatic Light Aircraft Readiness Monitor ALAS e: Asynchronous Look-Ahead Simulator ALB e: Airland Battle A L B M e: Air-Launched Ballistic Missile - e: Air-to-Land Ballistic Missile - s: Albergue Momentáneo ALBO e: Automatic Line Build-Out ALBP s: Albergue Permanente ALC e: Accounting Legend Code - e: Administrative and Logistics Center - e: Advanced Land Combat - e: Air Logistics Center - e: Aircrew Laptop Computer - e: American Language Course

- e: Arithmetic and Logic Circuits - e: Army Learning Center - e: Assured Logistics Communications - e: Automatic L e v e l i n g ] Control - e: Automatic Load Control A L C A M e: Air-Launched Conventional Attack Missile ALCC e: Air Launch Control Center - e: Airborne Launch Control Center - e: Airlift Control Center - e: Airlift Coordination Cell ALCE e: Airlift Control Element A L C G e: Analog Line Conditioning Group A L C M e: Air Launched Cruise Missile ALCO e: Airlift Commanding Office[r] A LCO s: Avión Lanzacohetes A L C O M e: Algebraic Compiler - e: United States Alaskan Command A L C O N e: All Concerned A L C O P e: Alternate Command Post ALCOR e: ARPA/Lincoln C-band Observable Radar ALCP e: Alternate Command Post - e: Area Local Control Panel ALCS e: Airborne Launch Control System - e: Airlift Control Squadron - e: Augmented Longitudinal Control System ALD e: Accounting Line Designator - e: Airborne Laser Designator - e: Analog Line Driver - e: At a Later Date - e: Available to Load Date A L D E M s: Asociación Luisa de Marillac de Guatemala ALDI e: Albrecht Discount ALDP e: Automatic Language Data Processing ALDT e: Administrative and Logistics Delay Time ALE e: Address Latch Enable - e: Annual Loss Estimate - e: Annual Loss Expectancy - e: Application Link Enabling - e: Army Liaison Element - e: Automated Link Establishment AlemannJb d: Alemannisches Jahrbuch AlemJb d: Alemannisches Jahrbuch ALERFA e: Alert Phase ALERT e: Air Logistics Early Requirements Technique - e: Aircraft L o w Energy Retrieval Technique - e: Automated Extraction and Retrieval Technique ALERTS e: Airborne Early Warning and RV Tracking System ALEX d: Altlasten-Expertensystem ALex d: Archiv für lateinische Lexiographie und Grammatik ALF e: Air Lift Forces - e: Auxiliary Landing Field Alf s: Alférez ALFS e: Airborne Low Frequency Sonar ALFSE e: Allied Land Forces Southeast ALFT e: Annual Long-Range Airlift Requirements ALFTRAN e: ALGOL to F O R T R A N Translator

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

ALFZ s: Alférez ALG e: Advanced Landing Ground A L G E M s: Almas Gemelas A L G M e: Air-Launched Guided Missile A L G O L e: Algebraic Oriented Language - e: Algorithmic Language ALH e: Active Laser Homing - e: Advanced Light Helicopter - e: American Literary History ALI e: Automatic Location Tndentification - e: Automatic Logic Implementation ALIC e: Aircraft Launcher Interface Computer ALIM s: Alimentación ALINK e: Active Link ALIT e: Automatic Line Insulation Testing ALIWEB e: ARCHIE-Like Indexing in the Web Alj s: Aljibe ALL e: Army Lessons Learned Alldeutscher d: Anhänger der alldeutschen Richtung ALLNAV e: All Navy A L L O R E Q e: Air Allocation Request ALM e: Airlift Loading Model - e: Application Loadable Modul Alm s: Almacén - s: Almacenamiento - s: Almirante A L M A I: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi A L M A G e: Air Launched Missile Analysis Group Al-Mas e: Al-Masaq: Islam and the medieval Mediterranean A L M C e: Army Logistics Management Center Aim Comones s: Almacén de Comunicaciones A L M G s: Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala Alm Med Ing s: Almacén de Medios Ingenieros Aim Pzas Rep s: Almacén de Piezas de Repuesto ALMS e: Analytic Language Manipulation System A L M S N S C D e: Airlift Mission Schedule ALMVIV s: Almacén de Víveres ALN e: Arid Lands Newsletter - e: Asynchronous Learning Network ALNF e: Application of Limited Nuclear Forces ALNOT e: Alert Notice ALO e: Air Liaison Officer - e: Airlift Liaison Officer - e: Army Liaison Officer - e: Artillery Liaison Officer - e: At Least Once - e: Authorized Level [s] of Organization ALOC e: Administrative and Logistics Operations Center - e: Air Lines of Communication - e: Airborne Visual Laser Optical Communication aloe e: allocate Aloj s: Alojamiento A L O R D e: Alert Launch Order alot e: allotment

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ALOTS ALOTS e: Advanced Lightweight Optical Tracking System ALP e: Alarm Log Position - e: Allied Logistics Publication - e: Ambulance Loading Post - e: Approval for Limited Production - e: Assembly Language Preprocessor - e: Assembly Language Program - s: Application Layer Protocol ALPS e: Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol - e: Associated Logic Parallel System - e: Automated Library Processing System - e: Automated Logistic Publishing Systems - e: Automated Logistics Planning System ALR e: Airlift Requirement - e: American L a w Reports - e: American Literary Realism - e: Artillery Locating Radar Air s: Alarma ALRAD e: Airborne Laser Rangefinder and Designator ALRAR e: Annual Long Range Airlift Requirements ALRB e: Agricultural Labor Relations Board [California] ALRC e: Airlift Logistics Readiness Center ALRE e: Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment ALRI e: Airborne Long-Range Intercept ALRP e: Army Long-Range Planning ALRS e: Alternate Landing Strip ALRTF e: Army Long Range Technical Forecast ALRU e: Automatic Line Record Update ALS e: Action Lead Sheet - e: Advanced Logistics System - e: Advanced Low Power Schottky - e: Air Logistics Service - e: Airlift Squadron - e: Approach Lightfing] System - e: Azimuth Laying Set ALSE e: Aviation Life Support Equipment A L S M T e: ALS Management Team ALSP e: Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol ALSS e: Advanced Logistic Support Site ALT e: Administrative Lead Time - e: Alternate [Mode] - s: Altura Alt d: Das Altertum - s: Altitud alt e: alternate ALTAC e: Algebraic Transistorized Automatic Computer Translator A L T A I R e: A R P A Long-range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar AlteModKunst d: Alte und moderne Kunst: österreichische Fachzeitschrift des Marktes für Antiquitäten, Bilder, Kunstgegenstände Alter und Moderner Kunst A L T E R T E C s: Tecnología Alternativa Altertum d: Das Altertum: Zeitschrift für populäre Archäologie alt fr s: alta frecuencia A L T H Q e: Alternate Headquarters


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ALTHQ-BS e: Alternate Headquarters Battle Staff altn e: alternate AltölG d: Altölgesetz AltölV d: Altölverordnung AltPflAPrV d: AltenpflegeAusbildungs- und Prüfungsverordnung AltPflG d: Altenpflegegesetz AltprF d: Altpreußische Forschungen AltprMschr d: Altpreußische Monatsschrift ALU e: Airlift Unit - e: Arithmetic Logic[al] Unit Al um s: Alumbrado A L U S N A e: United States Naval [or Navy] Attaché ALw d: Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft ALWR d: Arbeitskreis der Leiter Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren AM d: Amplitudenmodulation - d: Anschlussmodul - d: Anwendungsmodul - e: Acquisition Management Office - e: Acquisition Manager - e: Active Matrix - e: Affordable Mullet Missile Manufacturing - e: Air Manifest - e: Air Movement Message - e: Airline Mileage - e: Alpes-Maritimes - e: Amendment to an International Standard - e: American - e: Amplitude Modulated [or Modulation] - e: Armament and Munition - e: Asset Management - e: Asynchronous Mode - e: Auxiliary Memory - I: Ante Meridian - s: Ametralladora - s: Agregado Militar - s: Antimisil Am s: Ametralladora am I: ante meridiem A/M e: Approach and Moor A M A e: Air Materiel Area - e: American medical Association - e: American Motorcyclist Association - e: Area Management Activity - e: Automatic Memory Allocation - e: Automatic Message Accounting Am AA s: Ametralladora Antiaérea A M A D s: Asesoría Mesoamericana de Desarrollo AMADIS s: Automatización del Marketing Directo y Seguimiento de acciones comerciales A M A D N S e: AMA Data Networking System A M A L e: Authorized Medical Allowance List A M A N D D A e: Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance A M A R C e: Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center A M A R S e: Automatic Message Address Routing System A M A S e: Automatic Mobile Aerostation - e: Aviation Management Accounting System

A M B e: Air Mission Brief - e: Air Mobility Breach - e: Aircraft Maintenance Branch - e: Ambassador - e: Ambulatory - e: Aviation Maintenance Battalion Amb s: Ambulancia A M B F e: Asset Master Balance File AMBIO s: Ingeniería Ambiental AMBIT e: Algebraic Manipulation by Identity Translation AMBIX d: Aufnahme von Mailbenutzern in das X.500-Verzeichnis A M B L A D S e: Advise Method, Bill of Lading and Date Shipped A M B U S e: Ambulance Bus A M B W e: All My Best Wishes A M C e: Acceptable Means of Compliance - e: Acquisition Method Code - e: Aerospace Maintenance Cell - e: Air Mobility Command - e: Air[borne] Mission Commander - e: Army Missile Command - e: Automatic Message Counting - e: Automatic Mixture Control - e: Midpoint compromise search area - s: Asociación Amigos de los Niños 'Hogar Mi Casa' A M C / A M S C e: Acquisition Method Code/Acquisition Method Suffix Code A M C A Q e: Acquisition and Contracting AMCC e: Ashore Mobile Contingency Communications A M C C C e: Appeal Office of the Command Counsels A M C D e: Advanced Medical Diagnostics Communications for Combat Casualty A M C H A M s: American Chamber of Commerce A M C I T e: American citizen A M C L e: Approved Milscap Change Letter A M C M e: Advance Mission Cost Models - e: Airborne Mine Countermeasure A M C P e: Army Materiel Command pamphlet AMC PAM e: Army Materiel Command pamphlet AMC-R e: Army Materiel Command regulation AMCS e: Airborne Missile Control System A M C S A F e: Air Mobility Command Studies and Analysis Flight A M C S S e: Army Military Clothing sale Store A M - C W e: Amplitude Modulated Continuous Wave A M D e: Active Matrix Display -

e: Administrative Machine Division e: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. e: Aerospace Medical Division e: Air Movement Designator e: Automatic Message Display e: Average Monthly Demand s: Asociación de Madres de Desamparados y San José de la Montaña

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

AMSC AMDA e: ASIC Multiplexor/ Demultiplexer for A T M AMDASS e: Airborne Mine Detection and Surveillance System A M D P e: Aircraft Maintenance Delayed for Parts AMDS e: Advanced Mine Detection System A M D W/S e: Air Missile Defense Workstation A M E e: Aeromedicai Evacuation - e: Air Mobility Element - e: Airspace Management Element - e: Alternate Mission Equipment - e: Amplitude Modulation Equivalent - e: Antenna Mounted Electronics - e: Auxiliary Mission Equipment A M E D D e: Army Medical Department A M E D D C S e: Army Medical Department Center and School A M E D P e: Allied Medical Publication A M E M B e: American Embassy amer, d: amerikanisch AMERG s: Asociación de Maestros Rurales Guatemaltecos AmerJournArchaeol e: American Journal of Archaeology: the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America AMES e: Automatic Message Entry System Amet s: Ametralladora AMETA s: Ametralladora Amet AA s: Ametralladora Antiaérea Amet Lig s: Ametralladora Eigera Amet Pes s: Ametralladora Pesada AMEWS e: Automated Mobile Electronic Warfare System AMF e: Aircraft Maintenance Facility - e: Airport Mail Facility - e: Automatic Maneuvering Flaps A M F A e: Alternative Motor Fuels Act - s: Asociación Movimiento Fe y Alegría A M F B e: Acquisition Management Functional Board AMF[L] e: ACE Mobile Force [Eand] AMG e: Ada Management Group - e: Architecture Management Group - s: Asociación Magisterial de Guatemala - s: Asociación Misionera Guatemalteca AMH e: Automated Message Handler - e: Automated Message Handling AMHA e: Army Management Headquarters Activities AMH M R O C e: A M H Multicommand ROC AMHS e: Automated Message Handling System AMI e: Active Microwave Instrument - e: Adaptador Multimedia Interactivo - e: Alternate Mark Inversion [Code] - e: Alternative Mark Inversion - e: American Megatrends, Inc. - e: American Microsystems Inc. - s: Amigo AMIA I: Acta Museorum Italicorum Agriculturae A M I A V s: Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas de Alta Verapaz A M I C e: Aircraft Mishap Investigation Course A M I C O M e: Army Missile Command

A M I S e: Air Movements Information Section - e: Army Management Information System - e: Audio Messaging Interchange Specification - e: Automated Management Information System AML e: Area Medical Laboratory - s: Ametralladora Ligera A M M e: Anti-Missile Missile - e: Army Modernization Memorandum - e: Army Modernization Program - f: Archéologie du Midi Médiéval - s: Ametralladora Media A M M E e: Army Multi-Message Exchange - e: Automated Multi-Media Exchange A M M H e: Annual Maintenance ManHours A M M I e: Adaptador Multimedia Interactivo A M M O e: Ammunition Catalog A M M O B R e: Ammunition Bearer A M M P e: Approved Modification/ Maintenance Program A M M P C R e: Aircraft and Missile Maintenance Production Compression Report A M M S e: Allowable Materiel Management System A M M T e: Advanced Minehunting and Mapping Technology A M M U S N E T e: Air Force Minicomputer Multi-User System Network A M N I P e: Adaptive Man-Machine Nonarithmetical Information Processing A M N M e: Airman's Medal A M O e: Air Movement Designator - e: Automation Management Office - e: Aviation Medical Officer A M O C e: Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course A M O D e: Arm's Mobility Opportunity and Development program AMOP e: Amplitude Modulation on Pulse AMOPS e: Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System A M O S e: Additionally Awarded Military Occupational Specialty A M P e: Adjusted Month Program - e: Allied Mining and Mine Countermeasures Publication amp e: amperefs] AMP e: Amplification Message - e: Amplifier - e: Army Mobilization Plan - e: Associative Memory Processor - e: Asymmetric/Asynchronous Multi Processing - e: Asymmetric Multi-Processing - e: Automated Data Processing System Master Plan - e: Automated Mission Planning - e: Average Month Program - e: Aviation Modernization Plan - s: Ametralladora Pesada - s: Asociación de Maestros Paternos

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

A M P A A s: Ametralladora Pesada Antiaérea A M P E e: Automated Message Processing Equipment - e: Automated Message Processing Exchange A M P H e: Amphibious Amphora f: Amphora: bulletin du Cercle archéologique Amphora Ampi, s: Ampliación AMPLG e: Amplidyne Generator AMPN e: Amplification AMPS e: Advanced Mobile Phone Service - e: Advanced Mobile Phone System - e: Airlift Mission Planning and Scheduling System - e: American Mobile Phone System - e: Automated Message Processing System - e: Automatic Message Processing System - e: Aviation Mission Planning System A M P S A e: Advanced Manned Precision Strategie Aircraft Requirement A M P - S G S C s: Ampliación de funcionalidad del Sistema de Gestión de Servicios Conmutados AMPSSO e: Automated Message Processing System Security Office[r] Ampurias s: Ampurias: revista de arqueología, prehistoria y etnologia A M Q P e: Aircraft Maintenance Qualification Program AMR e: Absolute Maximum Rating - e: Adaptive Multi Rate - e: Army Management Review - e: Automated Management Reports - e: Automatic Message Registering A M R A C e: Anti-Missile Research Advisory Council A M R A D e: ARPA Measurements Radar - e: Automatic Message Routing and Distribution A M R A R M e: Advanced Medium-Range Anti-Radiation Missile A M R O C e: American Rocket Company A M R - W B e: Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band A M S e: Acquisition Management System - e: Advanced Memory Systems - e: Aggregate Measure of Support - e: Air Maintenance Squadron - e: Aircraft Maintenance Squadron - e: American Materiel Standard - e: Ammunition Maintenance Squadron - e: Army Management Structure - e: Army Model and Simulation - e: Automated Maintenance System - e: Automated Materiel System - e: Automated Message Switch - e: Avionics Maintenance Squadron A M S A e: Area Maintenance Support Activity A M S A A e: Army Materiel System Analysis Agency A M S C e: Acquisition Management Systems Control - e: Acquisition Method Suffix Code

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AMSDL AMSDL e: Acquisition Management Source Data List - e: Acquisition Management System[s] Data List AMSDS e: Automated Management Supporting Data System AMSF e: Area Maintenance Supply Facility - e: Army Morale Support Fund AMSL e: Above Mean Sea Level A M S M P e: Army Model and Simulation Management Program A M S O e: Ammunition Shipment Order A M S O E e: Automated Mobility Schedule of Events AMSP e: Allied Military Security Publication AMSR e: Autonomous Missile Site Radar AMSS e: Advanced Multi Mission Sensor System A M S S A e: Assured Mission Support Space Architecture AMSSB e: Amplitude ModulationSingle Sideband AMT e: Accelerated Mission Lesting - e: Active Matrix Technology - e: Address Mapping Table - e: Aerial Mail Terminal - e: Army Modernization Training amt e: amount Amt. s: Ametralladora A M T B F e: Attack Management Testbed Facility A M T E C d: Ausstellung für Amateurfunktechnik, Elektronik, Computer A M T F e: Airmobile[-Mechanized] Task Force A M T F T e: Actine Matrix Thin Film Transistor AMTI e: Airborne Moving Target Indicator - e: Area Moving Target Indicator Amtor e: Amateur microcomputer teleprinting over radio A M T P e: Army Mission Training Plan A M T R A C e: Amphibian Tractor - e: Amphibious Tractor A M T R A N e: Automatic Mathematical Translator AMTS e: Advanced Moisture and Temperature Sounder Amtsbl d: Amtsblatt A M T V s: Agrupación de Mujeres Tierra Viva AMU e: Aircraft Maintenance Unit - e: Antenna Matching Unit - e: Atomic Mass Unit - e: Auxiliary Memory Unit AMusNapocensis I: Acta Musei Napocensis AMusPorol I: Acta Musei Porolissensis A M V e: Armored Maintenance Vehicle AMVER e: Atlantic Merchant Vessel [Emergency] Reporting System - e: Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System - e: Automatic Merchant Vessel [Emergency] Reporting System A M V E T e: American Veteran A M W e: Air Mobility Wing - e: Amphibious Warfare 22

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A M W G e: Architecture Methodology Working Group A M X e: Air Mobility Express - e: Automatic Message Exchange AN d: Arbeitnehmer - e: Abbey Newsletter: preservation of library & archival materials - e: Air Navigation - e: Airman - e: Alphanumeric - e: Analog Nonsecure - e: Ancient Narrative - e: Annunciator - e: Army-Navy - e: Army Nurse Corps - s: Agregado Naval - s: Alarma No urgente - s: Alférez de Navio - s: Artillería Naval - s: Avión Naval - s: Avión Nodriza A/N e: Alpha Numeric - e: As Needed ANA e: Army Network Architecture A N A C A F E s: Asociación Nacional del Café A N A C H s: Associacion Nacional de Campesinos Hondurenos A N A C O M e: Analog Computer AnalBoll l: Analecta Bollandiana: a journal of critical hagiography AnalBolland I: Analecta Bollandiana: a journal of critical hagiography ANAM s: Asociación Nacional de Municipalidades AN/APS e: Army-Navy/Airborne Pulse Search Equipment ANATEL ρ: Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicaçôes A N A T R A N e: Analog Translator AnatStud e: Anatolian Studies: journal of the British Insitute of Archaeology at Ankara A N A V I s: Asociación Nacional de Avicultores de Guatemala ANC e: Access Node Control - e: Anchorage International Airport - e: Answer signal, Charge - s: Asociación Nacional Campesina ProTierra A N C O C e: Advanced Noncommissioned Officer's Course A N C O V A e: Analysis of Covariance AncPhil e: Ancient Philosophy ANCSI e: Association of Nepalese Cottage and Small Industries AncSoc e: Ancient Society AncW e: Ancient World AND e: Air Force-Navy Design - e: Alpha-Numeric Display - e: Army-Navy Design ANDF e: Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format ÄndG d: Änderungsgesetz A n d V O d: Änderungverordnung ANDVT e: Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal ANE e: Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics - s: Avión Naval de Exploración

ANEC s: Avión Naval de Exploración Cercana A N E E M s: Asociación Nacional de Educadores de Ensenanza Media A N E L s: Avión Naval de Exploración Lejana A N E P e: Active Networking Extension Protocol ANES e: Ancient Near Eastern Studies: an Annual published by the School of Fine Arts, Classical Studies and Archaeology, University of Melbourne A N E X G O V T e: At no Expense to the Government A N F e: Army News Features - s: Anfibio ANFE e: Aircraft Not Fully Equipped ANFSCD e: And Now for Something Completely Different ANG e: Army National Guard A N G B e: Air National Guard Base ANGI e: Air National Guard Instruction A N G L I C O e: Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company A N G O S T A e: Air National Guard Operational Support Aircraft A N G R C / F M e: Air National Guard Financial Management/Comptroller Directorate AN/GYQ-21 [V] e: Military designation for PDP-11-based computers AnhaltischeGbll d: Anhaltische Geschichtsblätter ANI e: ATM Network Interface - e: Automatic Number Identification ANIEL s: Asociación Nacional de Industrias Electrónicas y de Telecomunicaciones AnlnstlstArhCluj ru: Anuarul Institului de Istorie si Arheologie Cluj-Napoca ANIS d: Analoger Anschluss an einer ISDN-Vermittlungsstelle ANL e: Automatic Noise Limiter A N L O R e: Angle Order A N M e: Answer Message - f: Archéologie du Nil Moyen A/NM e: Administrative/Network Management ANMCS e: Anticipated Not Mission Capable Supply ANMG s: Asociación Nacional de Muchachas Guías ANN e: Answer signal, no charge - e: Artificial Neural Network - e: Assign Nnx Routing - e: Program Director for Navigation and Landing A-NN d: Archiv -Nachrichten Niedersachsen: Mitteilungen aus niedersächsischen Archiven Annales l: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales AnnaliFacLetFilo i: Annali della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia AnnaliSNSPisa i: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa AnnEpigr f: L' Année Épigraphique AnnHungNumSoc e: Annual of the Hungarian Numismatic Society A n n H V N d r h d: Annalen des Historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

AOQL AnnMiisNatArchPlovdiv f: Annuaire du Musée National Archéologique, Plovdiv AnnNrh d: Annalen des Historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein A n n O H M u s e: Annual of the Otto Herman Museum AnnServ f: Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte AnnTrento i: Annali dell'Istituto storico italogermanico in Trento ANO e: Above Named Officer - e: Air Navigation Order - e: Alphanumeric Output AN ORS e: Aircraft Not Operationally Ready-Supply - e: Anticipated Not Operationally ReadySupply A N O V A e: Analysis of Variance ANP e: Allied Navigation Publication - s: Alianze Nacional Progresista AnpflEigentG d: Anpflanzungseigentumsgesetz AN/PSC e: Army Navy Portable Special Communications ANR e: Active Noise Reduction - e: Advanced Network Routing - e: Alaskan N O R A D Region - e: Automatic Network Routing A N R C C e: Alaskan N O R A D Region Control Center ANRI e: Automatic Net Radio Interfacing A N R O C C e: Alaskan N O R A D Region Operations Control Center ANRS e: Automatic Noise Reduction System ANS e: Airborne, Navigation System - e: Automatic Navigation System - e: NAS Transition Implementation Service - s: Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio ANSAL s: Asociación Nacional de Salineros ANSCAT e: Scattering angle reactor physics computer code ANSI e: American National Standards Institute ANSMusN e: American Numismatic Society Museum Notes AntAfr f: Antiquités Africaines ANTC e: Advanced Network Test Center - e: Antichaff Circuit Antichthon e: Antichthon: journal of the Australian Society for Classical Studies ANTIOPE f: Aquisition Numerique et Télévisualisition d'Images Organisées en Page d'Écriture AntiqAfr f: Antiquites Africaines Antiquity e: Antiquity: a quarterly review of archaeology ANTIVOX e: Voice-activated transmitter keyer inhibitor AntJ e: Antiquaries Journal AN/TSQ-7 e: Army Missile Minder Command and Control System AN/TSQ-19 e: Communications Central AN/TSQ-6 e: Compartmented ASAS Processing System AN/TSQ-178 e: Joint Stars light ground station module

AN/TSQ-1 e: Technical Control and Analysis Center AN/TYQ e: ASAS Communication Control Set AN/TYQ-36 e: ASAS Data Processor Set A N / T Y Q e: ASAS Single Source ANVIS e: Aviator's Night Vision Imaging System A N W C e: Alternate National Warning Center A N W D e: Alpha Numeric Wall Display ANX e: Assign Nnx Routing - e: Automotive Network Exchange Anx s: Anexo ANY e: Assign Nyx Routing ANZUS e: Australia, New Zealand, United States AnzV d: Anzeigenverordnung AO d: Der alte Orient - e: Abnormal Occurrence - e: Access Opening - e: Account Of - e: Accounting Office - e: Acoustic/Optical - e: Action Office[r] - e: Administrative Officer - e: Agent Orange - e: Air Officer - e: Air Order - e: Allotment Order - e: Analog Output - e: Analogue Output - e: Area of O p e r a t i o n ^ ] - e: Army Order - e: Artillery Observation - e: Attack Operations - e: Aviation Ordnance Person - e: Oiler [ship] - I: Archivum Ottomanicum - s: Almirantazgo Ao e: Operational Availability - s: Avión de Observación AOA e: Abbreviated Operational Assessment - e: Airborne Optical Adjunct - e: Amphibious Objective Area - e: Angle of Arrival - e: Angle of Attack - e: Army Operational Architecture AoA e: Analysis of Alternatives AOARD e: Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development AOB e: Advanced Operations Base - e: Air Order of Battle - e: Alternate Operating Base - e: Annual Operating Budget - e: Approved Operating Budget - e: Aviation Operations Branch AOBHIST e: AOB History file AOBSR e: Air Observer AOC e: Adaptive Optical Camouflage - e: Advanced Operational Capability - e: Advice of Charge - e: A ir [1 ift] Operations Center - e: Area of Concentration - e: Area Operations Center - e: Army Operations Center - e: Assumption of Control - e: Automatic Overload Control - e: Aviation Officer Cadet

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

A O C C e: Air Operations Control Center - e: Air Operations Coordination Center A O C - D e: Advice of Charge During the call A O C E e: Apple Open Collaboration Environment AOCI e: Accredited Off Campus Instruction A O C M e: Advanced Optical Countermeasures AOCP e: Aircraft Out-of-Commission for Parts AOCU e: Analog Orderwire Control Unit A O D e: Airlift Operations Directive - e: Area of Display - e: On-line diagnostic AODV e: Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector AOE e: Application Operating Environment - e: Fast combat support ship AOE-E e: Advice of Charge at the End of the call AOE-S e: Advice of Charge at call Setup time AOF d: Archiv für Orientforschung: Internationale Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom Vorderen Orient - e: Anthropology of Food: web journal dedicated to the sociology and anthropology of food AOG e: Aircraft on the Ground - e: Gasoline tanker - s: Auxiliar del Oficial de Guardia AOG d: Archiv für österreichische Geschichte A O G O s: Auxiliar del Oficial de Guardia Operativo AOH e: Available Operating Hours - e: Average Operating Hour AOI e: Additional Operational Issue - e: Advance Ordering Information - e: Area of Interest AOIC e: Additional Operational Issues and Criteria AOL e: Aircraft Operating Limitation - e: America Online, Inc. - e: Application-Oriented Language - s: Amplificador Óptico de Línea A O M e: Acusto Optical Modulator - e: Annual Operating + Maintenance [cost] - s: Acuerdo para el Ordenamineto del Mercado A O & M e: Administration, Operation and Maintenance A O M / N M e: Administration, Operations and Maintenance/Network Management AON e: Act of Nature AOP e: Additive O p e r a t i o n a l ] Product - e: Additive O p e r a t i o n a l ] Project - e: Allied Ordinance Publication - e: Application Output Processor - e: Army Order of Precedence AOPA e: Aircraft Owner's and Pilot's Association AOPL e: Association of Oil Pipe Lines A O P R e: Area of Prime Responsibility AOQL e: Average Outgoing Quality Limit

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AOR AOR e: Advance List of OverseasReturnees for Reassignment - e: Airborne Optical Radar - e: Area of Responsibility - e: Replenishment oiler AöR d: Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts - d: Archiv für öffentliches Recht AOrientHung l: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae AOS e: Accoustic Overwatching Sensor - e: Add or Subtract - e: Air Operation Squadron - e: Algebraic Operating System - e: Azimuth Orientation System A O S C e: Alternate Operational Support Center A O S L e: Authorized Organizational Stockage List AOSP e: Advanced On-Board Signal Processor A O S S e: Aviation Ordnance Safety Supervisor AOT e: Transport oiler AOTD e: Active Optical Target Detector A O T E e: Amphibious Operational Training Element AOTN e: ACE Operational Teletype Network AOTS e: Advanced On-the-Job Training System - e: A S O C Optical Transceiver System AOU e: Area of Uncertainty - e: Azimuth Orientation Unit AOW e: Asia and Oceania Workshop AP d: Arbeiterpartei - e: Access Permit - e: Acquisition Plan - e: Acquisition Pollution Prevention Program - e: Additional Premium - e: Adjunct Process - e: Adjunct Processor - e: Adjunct Program - e: Administrative Point - e: After Peak - e: Air Patrol - e: Airborne Platforms - e: Allied Publication - e: Ammunition Point - e: Analysis Package - e: Analysis Processor - e: Anomalous Propagation - e: Antenna Pattern - e: Anti-Personnel - e: Application - e: Application Process - e: Application Program - e: Applications Processing - e: Application^] Processor - e: Applied Physics - e: Argument Programming - e: Armor-Piercing - e: Associative Processor - e: Attendant Position - e: Automatic Programming - e: Average Power - e: Transport [ship] - e: Troop ship, non-landing - s: Alta Presión - s: Antipersonal - s: Apostadero 24

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- s: Apoyo - s: Area Primaria - s: Arma Pesada - s: Artillería de Plaza - s: Artillería Pesada Ap s: Aparato A/P e: Accounts Payable A&P e: Administrative and Personnel A3P e: Advanced Avionics Architecture and Policy APA e: Adaptive Packet Assembly - e: Administrative Procedures Act - e: Advance of Pay and Allowances - e: Aircraft Procurement, Army - e: Aircraft, Propulsion and Avionics - e: All Points Addressable - e: Analysis Plan for Assessment - e: Appropriation Purchase Account - e: Arithmetic Processing Accelerator - e: Army Procurement Appropriation - e: Attack Transport Ship - e: Axial Pressure Angle - I: Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica - s: Asociación de Protección a las Adolescentes AP/A e: Aircraft Procurement [Appropriations], Army A-P-A e: Aircraft-Propulsion-Avionics A P A A C T e: Army Procurement Appropriation Accounting APACL e: Asian Peoples' AntiCommunist League APAD e: Asynchronous Packet Assembler/Disassembler APADS e: Automatic Programmer and Data System APAESA s: Asociación de Productores de Aceites Esenciales AP/AF e: Aircraft Procurement [Appropriations], Air Force APAI e: Advanced Planning Acquisition Information A P A M e: Anti-Personnel, Anti-Materiel A P A R e: Authorized Program Analysis Report - e: Automatic Programming and Recording APAREN e: Address Parity Enable Apart, s: Apartado APAT e: Acquisition Process Action Team APATS e: Antenna Pattern Test System APB e: Acquisition Program Baseline - e: Advanced Peripheral Bus - e: Agreed Proportional Bids - e: Avionic Planning Baseline APBI e: Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry APBS e: Automated ΡΕΜΑ [Procurement of Equipment and Munitions Appropriations] Budget System APC d: Arbeitsplatzcomputer - e: Abbreviated Performance Characteristics - e: Accelerated Provisioning Concept - e: Account Processing Code - e: Accounting Processing Code - e: Acquisition Position Category - e: Adaptive Predictive Coding - e: Aerial Port Commander


e: Aeronuatical Planning Chart e: Agency Program Coordinator e: Air Project Coordinator e: Armament Practice Camp e: Armored Personnel Carrier e: Army Postal Clerk e: Assign Preprogrammed Conference List - e: Automated Production Protocol - e: Automatic Phase Control - e: Autopilot Controller - s: Agrupación para Consolidar APCAPS e: Automated Payroll, Cost and Personnel System APCC e: Aerial Port Control Center - e: Alternate Processing and Correlation Center A P C C C s: Aplicaciones Comerciales y de Call Center A P C E s: Asociación Permanente de Cultura Ecologica A P C M e/ Aerial Port Capability/Manpower Simulation Model A P C S R E e: Air Pollution Control Strategy Resource Estimator APC-T e: Armor-Piercing Capped Tracer A P C U G e: Association of PC Users Groups APD e: Activity Precedence Diagram - e: Advance Planning Document - e: Air Particulate Detector - e: Air Procurement District - e: Application Program Designation - e: Area Postal Directory - e: Army Program Directive - e: Fast destroyer transport Apd s: Apéndice A P D E s: Asociación para el Desarrollo Educativo A P D E A s: Asociación para el Desarrollo y la Educación Ambiental A P D E N A s: Asociación para la Promoción Protección y Desarrollo de la Naturaleza A P D M e: Amended Program Decision Memorandum Apdo. s: Apartado A P D S e: Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot - e: Automated Personnel Data System APDS-T e: Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot-Tracer APDU e: Application Protocol Data Unit APE d: Abgesetzte periphere Einheit - e: Advanced Production Engineering - e: Ammunition Peculiar Equipment - e: Application Engineering - e: Army Preliminary Evaluation A P E C e: All-Purpose Electronic Computer - e: Asia Pacific Economic Corporation APES e: Aerial Port Exploitation Squadron APF d: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete - e: Afloat Pre-Positioning Force - e: Appropriated Funds - f: Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

APS APFCS e: Automatic Power-FactorControl Systems APFF s: Asociación de Padres de Familia 'Fatima' APFNA s: Asociación de Padres de Familia Nuevo Amanecer APFSDS e: Armor-Piercing FinStabilized Discarding Sabot APFSDS-DU e: Armor Penetrating, FinStabilized, Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium APG d: Altpreußische Geschlechterkunde: Blätter des Vereins für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen - e: Aberdeen Proving Ground - e: Acquisition Planning Guide - e: Army Planning Group - e: Army Planning Guidance - s: Asociación de Periodistas de Guatemala - s: Asociación Pediatrica de Guatemala APG NF d: Altpreußische Geschlechterkunde: Blätter des Vereins für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen. Neue Folge APh f: L'Année Philologique AP2I e: Acquisition Pollution Prevention Initiatives API e: Acquisition Program Indicator - e: Acquisition Program Integration - e: Aim Point Initiative - e: Air Position Indicator - e: Application Interface - e: Application P r o g r a m m i n g ] Interface - e: Application, Programs and Indenture - e: Armor Piercing Incendiary - e: Automatic Payment of Invoices APIA e: Acquisition Policy, Integrity and Accountability APIC e: Allied Press Information Center - e: Army Performance Improvement Criteria APIS e: Advanced Passenger Information System - e: Army Photographic Interpretation Section APIT e: Armor-Piercing Incendiary Tracer APIIJ e: Adaptive Programmable Interface Unit APK d: Aussenpolitische Kommission APL e: A Programming Language - e: Allowance Parts List - e: Application Program Library - e: Approved Parts List - e: Army Promotion List - e: Associative Programming Language - e: Average Picture Level - e: Barracks craft APL_DATA s: Aplicaciones para la internet de Telefónica Data Corporativa APLM e: Ammunition Product Line Management APM e: Acquisition Program Manager -

e: Advanced Power Management e: Air Particulate Monitor e: Analog Panel Meter e: Application Transport Mechanism e: Army Program Memorandum

APMAL e: Aerial Port Management Level APMI e: Area Precipitation Measurement Indicator A P M L e: Assistant Program Manager for Logistics Α Ρ Μ Ο e: Area Petroleum Management Office A P M S e: Advanced Power Management System A P M T e: Antenna Pattern Measurement Test APN e: Abatement Priority Number - e: Access Point Name - R: Agenstwo Petschati Nowosti AP/N e: Aircraft Procurement [Appropriations], Navy Ap Nav s: Aparato de Navegación APNIC e: Asia Pacific Network Information Center [or Centre] APO e: Advanced Planner and Optimizer - e: Afloat Pre-Positioning Operations - e: Air Post Office - e: Army Post Office - e: Automatic Purchase Order apo s: apoyo APOC e: Army Point of Contact APOD e: Aerial Port of Debarkation - e: Air Ports of Debarkation APOE e: Aerial Port of Embarkation A P O E A L D e: APOE available to Load Date A P O G U A s: Asociación de Porcicultores de Guatemala APOL e: Alternate Person on Line APOLO s: Asociación para el Poder Local APON e: ATM Passive Optical Network APORT e: Aerial Port APORTS e: Aerial Port Capability/ Manpower Simulation Model - e: Aerial Ports - e: Aerial Ports and Air Operating Bases APORTSREP e: Air Operations Bases Report APP e: Advanced Procurement Plan - e: Agency Peculiar Property - e: Air Parcel Post - e: Allied Procedures Publication - e: Application - e: Application Portability Profile - e: Application Program - e: Asociative Parallel Processor - e: Automatic Page Positioning - e: Auxiliary Power Plant app e: appendix A P P A C T e: Appropriation Accounting APPC e: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications - e: Advanced Program-to-Program Communication^] - e: Advanced Program-to-Program Converter APPECS e: Adaptive Pattern Perceiving Electronic Computer System APPI e: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internet Working - e: Advanced Planning Procurement Information appi e: applicant - e: application

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

APPN e: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networkfing] - e: Appropriation appn e: appropriation APPN+ e: Next-generation APPN APPROS s: Asociación para la Promoción Social approx e: approximate APPS e: Agency Procurement Requests - e: Applications - e: Automatic Pattern Recognition APR e: Advanced Production Release - e: Agency Procurement Request - e: Airborne Profile Recorder - e: Airmen Performance Report - e: American Politics Research - e: Army Procurement Objective - e: Assign PR Routing - e: Automatic Power Reserve - e: Automatic Pressure Relief APr AW d: Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin APRB e: Acquisition Plan Review Board - e: Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing APRD e: Atmosphere Particulate Radioactivity Detector A P R M e: Automatic Position Reference Monitor - e: Average Power Range Monitor A P R O C A R s: Asociación de Productores de Cardamomo A P R O D E M A s: Asociación Guatemalteca Pro Defensa del Medio Ambiente - s: Asociación Pro Desarrollo de Malacatan A P R O F A M s: Asociación Pro Bienestar de la Familia - s: Asociación Pro-Bienestar de la Familia Guatemalteca aprop e: appropriate APROS s: Asociación para la Promoción del Sordo A P R O S A P S E s: Asociación de Promotores Socio-Económicos de san Martin Jilotepque Aprox s: Aproximación aprox. s: aproximadamente APRP e: Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing APRS e: Acquisition Position Review System - e: Automatic Position Reference System - e: Automatic Position Report System APS e: Accessory Power Supply - e: Advanced Photo System - e: Advanced Planning System - e: Advanced Printing Service - e: Advanced Production System - e: Afloat Planning System - e: Afloat Propositioned Ship - e: Aiming and Pointing System - e: Aircraft Prepared for Service - e: Alphanumeric Photocomposer System - e: Army Postal Service - e: Array Processor Software - e: Assembly Programming System - e: Asynchronous Protocol Specification - e: Automate Procurement System © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


APSE - e: Automated Planning System - e: Automatic Patching System - e: Automatic Protection Switch - e: Auxiliary Power System - e: Auxiliary Program Storage - e: Transport submarine - s: Análisis Probabilistico de Seguridad - s: Asociación Proyecto Sacatepequez APSE e: A D A Programming Support Environment - e: A D A Project Support Environment APSN s: Asociación Pro Salud del Niño APSS e: Vehicle transport submarine APT e: Acquisition Position Type - e: Address Pass Through - e: Advanced Package Tool - e: Advanced Parallel Technology - e: Air Passenger Terminal - e: Augmented Programming Training - e: Automatic Picture Taking - e: Automatic Picture Transmission - e: Automatically Programmed Tools - e: Automation Planning and Technology - e: Aviation Program Team Apt s: Apuntador AP-T e: Armor-Piercing-Tracer Aptdo. s: Apartado Apto s: Aparato Apto F s: Aparato Fumígeno APTU e: Army Participating Test Unit APIJ e: Army Postal Unit - e: Auxiliary Power Unit - e: Auxiliary Propulsion Unit APUC e: Average Procurement Unit Cost APVCASS id: Andra Pradesh Vyavasaya Cooleela Abhyvdaya APW e: American Prisoner of War - e: Augmented Plane Wave APWIB [Br] e: Branch American Prisoner of War Information Bureau AQ e: Accumulator-Quotient Register - e: Acquisition - e: American Quarterly - e: Anthropological quarterly - e: Any Quality - e: Samoa - s: Agresivo Químico - s: Antiquímico AQAP e: Allied Quality Assurance Provision AQCESS e: Automated Quality of Care Evaluation for Support Systems AQCO e: Assistant Executive Director, Operations/Policy AQD e: Additional Qualification Designator AQF e: Advanced QUTCKFIX [sensor] AQL e: A Query Language - e: Acceptable Quality Level [s] AQLT e: Acquisition Lead Time AQN e: Actual Quantity Needed AQQPRI e: Amended Qqpri AQS e: Advanced Quality System AQT e: Acceptable Quality Test AR d: Appenzell Ausserrhoden -

e: e: e: e: e:


Acceleration Request Access Registrar Acid Resisting Acquisition Radar Acquisition Reform

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- e: Active Radar - e: Address Register - e: Advance Release - e: Agent Report - e: Air Refueling - e: Alternate Route - e: Anti-Reflective - e: Apportionment Request - e: Archaeological reports - e: Armor - e: Army regulation - e: Army Reserve - e: Artificial Reality - e: As Required - e: Assault Rifle - e: Assembly and Repair - e: Augmented Reality - e: Avionic Requirements - e: Repair ship - e: Training ship ar d: Ende der Übermittlung Ar s: Aéreo - s: Avión de Reconocimiento A/R e: Accept/Refuse Message - e: Accounts Receivable A&R i: Atene e Roma: rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica A R 55-80 e: Highways for National Defense ARA e: Aerial Rocket Artillery - e: Airborne Radar Approach - e: Apple[Talk] Remote Access - e: Assigned Responsible Agency ARAAV e: Armored Reconnaissance Airborne Assault Vehicle arab. d: arabisch ARAC e: Army Radar Approach Control - e: Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability - e: Aviation Regulatory Advisory Committee A R A D C O M e: Army Air Defense Command ARAG e: Antireflective-Antiglare A R A L e: Automatic Record Analysis Language ARAPS e: Army Requirement Products Status ARAS e: Antireflective-Antistatic ARAV e: Army Aviator - f : Atelier de Recherches Audio-Visuelles de 1'JEDES A R A V B A D e: Army Aviator Badge ARB e: Acquisition Review Board - e: Address Record Buffer - e: Africa Research Bulletin: political, social and cultural series - e: Armored Rifle Battalion - e: Assign Receive Bypass Lists - e: Award Review Board - e: Repair ship, battle damage - s: Asociación de Radio Banda AR-Blattei d: Arbeitsrecht-Blattei ArbRdG d: Das Arbeitsrecht der Gegenwart ARC e: Accounting Requirements Code - e: Adjustment Reply Code - e: Advanced Rise Computing - e: Air Reserve Component - e: Airborne Radar Control


e: Airborne Radio Communications e: Airlift Readiness Center e: Airlift Requirements Collector e: Amplitude and Rise Time Compensation - e: Archaeological Review from Cambridge - e: Area Reprogramming Capability - e: Attached Resources Computing - e: Automatic Relay Calculator - e: Automatic Remote Control - e: Average Response Computer - e: Cable repair/laying ship - e: National Archives and Records Administration Archival Research Catalog ARCAS s: Asociación de Rescate y Conservación de la Vida Silvestre ARCE e: Amphibious River Crossing Equipment ARCH e: Articulated Computer Hierarchy Arch, s: Archivo ArchAnAth g: Archaiologika Analekta ex Athenon ArchBayreuthG d: Archiv für bayreuthische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde ArchBib i: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa ArchBulg l: Archaeologia Bulgarica ArchCambrensis l: Archaeologia Cambrensis ArchCant l: Archaeologia Cantiana ArchCantiana l: Archaeologia Cantiana ArchClass l: Archeologica Classica ArchCypria I: Archaeologia Cypria: annual of the Association of Cypriot Archaeologists Archeonumis f: Archeonumis: revue d'art, de numismatique et d'archeologie ArchEphemeris g: Archaiologike Ephemeris ArchEspArq s: Archivo Español de Arqueología ArchEurMedAev I: Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi ArchFfmG d: Archiv für Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst ArchFrankGeschKunst d: Archiv für Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst A r c h G A O f r k d: Archiv für Geschichte und Altertumskunde von Oberfranken ArchGeschMed d: Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin ArchGOberfr d: Archiv für Geschichte von Oberfranken ArchGOfrk d: Archiv für Geschichte von Oberfranken ArchHeraldSuisses / Archives Heraldiques Suisses ArchHessG d: Archiv für hessische Geschichte ArchHistLev i: Archivo de prehistoria Levantina ArchHPont l: Archivum Historiae Pontificiae Architecture d: Architectura: Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Baukunst Archiv d: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ARMDASH ArchJ e: Archaeological Journal ArchJour e: Archaeological Journal ArchJuives f: Archives Juives: revue d'histoire des juifs de France ArchKorrBl d: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt ArchLaziale i: Archeologia Laziale: quaderni del Centro di Studi per l'Archeologia etrusco-italica ArchLitKgMA d: Archiv für Literatur und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters ArchMedio l: Archeologia Medioevale ArchMrhKiG d: Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte ArchN e: Archaeological News ArchNachrBaden d: Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden ArchNetz d: Archäologie im Netz ArchObermain d: Archiv für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde des Ober-Main-Kreises ArchPap d: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete ArchPol P: Archeologia Polski ArchPolona l: Archaeologia Polona ArchS d: Archäologie der Schweiz - f: Archéologie Suisse - i: Archeologia Svizzera ArchSchweizGeschichte d: Archiv für schweizerische Geschichte ArchStorMess i: Archivio Storico Messinese ArchStorSiciliaOrient i: Archivio Storico per la Sicilia Orientale A R C N E T e: Attached Resource Computer [local area] Network - e: Attached Resource Computing Network ARCO e: Atlantic Richfield Company - s: Área Comercial ARCOFI-SP e: ARCOF1 + Speakerphone Function arCom d: A D M D der Schweizerischen PTT A R C O M e: Army Command - e: United States Army Reserve Command ARCOTR e: Army Reserve Component Overseas Lraining Ribbon ARCP e: Air Refueling Control Point ARCS e: Acquisition Radar and Control System ARCSA e: Aviation Requirements for the Combat Structure of the Army arcse e: inverse cosecant ARCT e: Air Refueling Control Time - e: Army Radio Code Aptitude Test ARD d: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands - e: Anthropology Review Database - e: Asset Reporting Data System - e: Automatic Release Date - e: Auxiliary Repair Dock - e: Floating dry dock - e: Research and Development Service - s: Acción Radical Demócrata A R D A e: Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Agency A R D A G f: Association Regionale pour de Développement de l'Agriculture de Groupe

ARDC e: Air Research and Development Command ARDEC e: Armament Radioed Center ARDEMS e: Artillery Delivered Multipurpose Submunition ARDE e: Airborne Radio Direction Finding - e: Automatic Radio Direction Finding ARDIGUA s: Asociación de Desplazados Dispersos de Guatemala ARDIS e: Army RDTE [Research, Development, Test and Evaluation] Information System ARDISMA s: Asociación de Reivindacación y Desarrollo Integral Sajb'ilo Mayab' A R D M e: Asynchronous Time-Division Multiplexing - e: Medium auxiliary repair dry dock ARDME e: Automatic Radar Data Measuring Equipment Ardmo s: Aeròdromo ARE e: Acquisition Reform Executive - e: Automated Responsive Environment AREAS e: Annual Report on English and American Studies AREC e: Air Element Coordinator - e: Air Resource Element Coordinator ARECCO s: Asociación Regional de Caficultores de Colomba ARED e: Aperture Relay Experiment Definition AREFG e: Air Refueling Group A R E F S e: Air Refueling Squadron AREFW e: Air Refueling Wing AREPT e: Agent Report ARES s: Análisis de la Red Espatel mediante Simulación Arethiisa e: Arethusa: a journai of the wellsprings of western man ARF e: Air Reserve Facility - e: Air Reserve Forces - i: Appunti Romani di Filologia: studi e comunicazioni di filologia, linguistica e letteratura greca e latina A R F F e: Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting ARFOR e: Army Forces A R F O R S T A T e: Army Force Status reporting system ARG d: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte - d: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte - e: Accident Response Group - e: Air Refueling Group - e: Amphibious Ready Group - e: Repair ship, landing craft ARGOS+ e: Argos Data Collection and Location System [France] A R G U S e: Automatic Routine Generating and Updating System A R H e: Active Radar Homing - e: Anti-Radiation Homing - e: Repair ship, hull repairs ARHS e: Attitude and Heading Reference System ARI d: Autofahrer Rundfunk Information - e: Agrarian Reform Institute - e: Aviation Restructive Initiative ARIA e: Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraft ARIB e: Association of Radio Industries and Businesses ARID e: Adaptive Recursive Interpolated Differential - I: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici ARIDEN s: Asociación de Recursos Internacionales para el Desarrollo del Niño ARIES s: Arquitectura de la Red Inteligente Española ARIL e: Automatic Return Item List A R I M A e: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Arion e: Arion: a j o u r n a i of humanities and the classics ARIP e: Air Refueling Initial Point - e: Automatic Rocket Impact Predictor ARIS e: Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship ARISTOTELES e: Applications and Research Involving Space Technologies Observing the Earth's Field from a L o w Earth Orbiting Satellite ARJS e: Airborne Radar Jamming System ARKIVE e: Archive Subsystem ARL e: Acceptable Reliability Level - e: Activation Request Local loop - e: Adjusted Ring Length - e: Airborne Reconnaissance Low - e: Alarmas Remotas y Locales - e: Authorized Retention Level - e: Landing craft repair ship A R L - H R E D e: Army Research Laboratory-Human Research and Engineering Directorate ARL-I e: Airborne Reconnaissance Low-IMINT ARLL e: Advanced Run Length Limited A R L O e: Air Reconnaissance Liaison Officer A R L - S L A D e: Army Research Laboratory-Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate A R M e: Account Resource Management - e: Acorn/Advanced RISC Machine - e: Acorn Rise Machine - e: Advanced RISC Machine - e: Anti-Radiation Missile - e: Area Radiation Monitor - e: Army ready materiel - e: Asynchronous Response Mode - e: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program - e: Availability, Reliability, Maintainability - s: Armamento Arm s: Arma ARMA e: Association of Record Managers and Administrators - e: Autoregressive Moving Average A R M A T SC e: Army Materiel Status Committees Arm Auto s: Arma Automática arnid e: armored A R M D A S e: Army Damage Assessment System A R M D A S H e: Armed Advanced Scout Helicopter © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


armd/meeh armd/mech e: armored and mechanized A R M G R D e: Armed Guard ARMIP e: Accounting and Reporting Management Improvement Program ARMP e: Allied Reliability and Maintainability Publication A R M R e: Army Readiness and Mobilization Regions ARMS e: Ammunition Reporting and Management System - e: Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support - e: Automated Records Management System - e: Automation Resource Management Systems ARMSA s: Asociación para la Recuperación, Manejo y Saneamiento Ambiental armt e: armament ARMT s: Armamento Armto s: Armamento Armto Ing s: Armamento Ingeniero A R M Y L O G e: Army Logistic data ARN e: Additional Reference Number - s: Acción Radical Nacionalista - s: Ácido Ribonucleico - s: Autoridades Reguladoras Nacionales ARNET e: Acquisition Reform Network ARNGIJS e: Army National Guard of the United States ARNm s: ácido ribonucleico mensajero A R N O e: Air Request Net Operator ARO e: After Receipt of Order - e: Air Radio Officer - e: Army Release Order - e: Auxiliary Readout AROD e: Airborne Range and Orbit Determination - e: Airborne Remotely Operated Device ARO-FE e: Army Research and Development Group, Far East ArOr c: Archiv Orientální: quarterly journal of African and Asian studies [Oriental archive] AROU e: Aviation Repair and Overhaul Unit ARoV d: Amt zur Regelung offener Vermögensfragen AROZ e: Army Restricted Operations Zones ARP e: Acquisition Requirements Package - e: Address Resolution Protocol - e: Aero Rifle Platoon - e: Airborne Radar Platform - e: Army Research Plan - e: Attack Reference Point ARPA e: Advanced Research Projects Agency - e: Auto Radar Plotting Aid - e: Automatic Radar Plotting Aid ARPAC e: Agricultural Research Policy Advisory Committee ARPANET e: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPC e: Automated Radar Prediction Capability ARPCA e: A U T O V O N Remote Reprogrammable Conference Arranger


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A R P L e: Adjust Requested Privilege Level ARPS e: Automated Resource Projection System ARPTO s: Aeropuerto ARPIT e: Average Revenue per User A R Q e: Annual Review Questionnaire - e: Authorized Requisition Quantity - e: Automatic Repeat Request ARR e: Accounting Rate of Return Method - e: Airborne Radio Relay - e: Allowance Requirement Register - e: Annual Requisition Review - e: Antirepeat Relay - e: Army Readiness Region - e: Army Retail Requirements - e: Automatic Repeat Request - e: Automatic Retransmission Request ARRC e: ACE Rapid Reaction Corps ARRCS e: Automated Repair Requirement Compilation System A R R D A T E e: Arrival Date ARRE e: ACE Rapid Reaction Force ARRL e: Amateur Radio Relay League ARRS e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron ARRW e: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Wing ARS e: Action Request System - e: Address Resolution Server - e: Advanced Record System - e: Aerial Reconnaissance and Security - e: Air Refueling Squadron - e: Air Rescue Squadron - e: Automated Reconciliation System - e: Automated Relay System - e: Automatic Route Selection - e: Auton Omous Robotic System - e: Salvage vessel/ship - e: Submarine rescue ship ARSA e: Airport Radar Service Area A R S A G e: Aerial Refueling Systems Advisory Group A R S B e: Air Reconnaissance Support Battalion - e: Automated Repair Service Bureau ARSEM e: Armt Registry of Special Educational Materials ARSOA e: Army Special Operations Aviation ARSOC e: Army Special Operations Component ARSOF e: Army Special Operation Forces ARSOTF e: Army Special Operations Lask Force ARSP e: Airborne Reconnaissance Support Program A R S P O C e: Army Space Operations Center ARSPT e: Air Reconnaissance Support A R S Q e: Art Reference Services Quarterly A R S R e: Air Route Surveillance Radar - e: Australian Religion Studies Review ARS-SRP e: Agricultural Research Service Special Research Program ARST e: Aerial Reconnaissance and Security Troop A R S T A F e: Army Staff

A R S T R U C MSG e: Army Structure Message ARST IJ e: Auto Remote Stu III ARSV e: Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle ART e: Alarm Response Team - e: Another Ray Tracer - e: Army Reserve Technician - e: Audible Ringing Tone - e: Automatic Reporting Telephone - f: Autorite de Regulation des Télécommunications Art s: Artículo Art. s: Artículo Art s: Artillería ARTA e: Apple Real Time Architecture Art AA s: Artillería Antiaérea A R T A C O M e: Army Requirements for Tactical Communications Art Aert s: Artillería Aerotransportada A R T B e: Advanced Radar Test Bed ARTBA e: American Road and Transportation Builders Association A R T C e: Air Route Traffic Control Artca s: Aeronáutica Art Cab s: Artillería a Caballo Art Camp s: Artillería de Campaña ARTCC e: Air Route Traffic Control Center Art Cost s: Artillería de Costa A r t D i v s: Artillería Divisionaria ARTEP e: Army Training and Evaluation Program ARTI e: Advanced Rotocraft Technology Integration - e: Agrarian Research & Training Institute ARTIC e: A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor - e: Associometrics Remote Terminal Inquiry Control System A R T L e: Awaiting Results of Trial Art Pes s: Artillería Pesada ARTPS s: Aerotropas ARTRAC e: Advanced Range Testing, Reporting and Control - e: Advanced Real-Time Range Control Art React s: Artillería Reactiva ARTS e: Advanced Radar Terminal System - e: Advanced Radar Traffic-Control System - e: Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server - e: Automated Radar Terminal System - e: Automatic Remote Tracking Stations ARTT e: Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal A R T U e: Automatic Range Tracking Unit ARU e: Audio Response Unit ARUNK e: Arrival Unknown A R V e: American Revised Version - e: Ammunition Resupply Vehicle - e: Armored Recovery Vehicle - e: Armored Repair Vehicle - e: Arrival - e: Aviation Repair Vessel ARW d: Archiv für Religionswissenchaft - e: Air Refueling Wing

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ASD [PA&E] ARWR e: Advanced Radar Warning Receiver arz. s: arzobispo AS d: Amtliche Sammlung der Bundesgesetze und Verordnungen - d: Anschlusssatz - d: Archäologie der Schweiz - e: Access Switch - e: Access Systems - e: Acquisition Strategy - e: Actual Start - e: Aerospace - e: Air Sortie - e: Air Station - e: Air Superiority - e: Air-to-Surface - e: Altostratus - e: Ammeter Switch - e: Analog Secure - e: Analog Signal - e: Anatolian Studies: journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara - e: Answer Supervision - e: Anthropological Science - e: Antisubmarine - e: Aramaic Studies - e: Area Security - e: Assistance Service - e: Assured Service - e: Autonomous System - e: Aviation Ship - e: Submarine tender - / · Archeologie Suisse - i: Archeologia Svizzera - s: Acción Sicológica - s: Alarma Semiurgente - s: Antisubmarino - s: Area Secundaria as d: bitte warten - e: antisubmarine - e: as stated A/S s: Aire-Superficie - s: Antisubmarino AS/400 e: Application System/400 ASA e: Acoustical Society of America - e: Advanced System Architecture - e: African Studies Abstracts: the abstracts journal of the African Studies Centre, Leiden - e: Aggregated Subareas - e: Alternate Structured Approach - e: American Standards Association - e: Army Strategic Appraisal - s: Artillería Sobre Automóviles ASAA i: Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente ASAC e: All-Source Analysis Center ASA [CW] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works ASAF [A] e: Assistant Secretary of Air Force [Acquisition] ASAF [ACQ] e: Assistant Secretary of Air Force [Acquisition] ASA [FM&C] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller ASA [IL&E] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics and Environment

ASALM e: Advanced Strategic AirLaunched Missile ASAM d: Arbeitskreis zur Standardisierung von Automatisierungsund Messsystemen ASAMC e: Advanced Software Acquisition Management Course ASA [M&RA] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs AS3AP e: ANSI SQL, Standard, Scaleable and Portable ASAP e: Army Streamlined Acquisition Process - e: As Soon as Possible - e: Automatic Switching and Processing - s: Ampliación del Sistema de Ayuda a la Planificación A-SAR e: Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar ASARC/DAB e: Army System Acquisition Review Council/Defense Acquisition Board ASA [RDA] e: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development and Acquisition ASARS-2 e: Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System-2 ASAS-E e: ASAS Extended ASAS-PMO e: All Source Analysis System-Program Management Office ASAT e: Anti Satellite - e: Antisatellite Missile - e: Avionics Situation Awareness Trainer ASAZGUA s: Asociación de Azucareros de Guatemala ASB d: Alarm-Signal-Bearbeitung asbl e: assemble ASBR e: Autonomous System Boundary Router ASBREM e: Armed Service Biomedicai Research Evaluation and Management ASC e: Accredited Standards Committee - e: Acting Service Chief - e: Advanced Scientific Computer - e: Advanced Simulation Center - e: Aircraft Scheduling Cell - e: Allowance Source Code - e: Army Staff Council - e: Assign Switch Classmark - e: Associative Structure Computer - e: Authorized Service Center - e: Authorized Support Center - e: AUTODIN Switching Center - e: Automatic Sensitivity Control - e: Automatic Switching Center - e: Automatic System Controller ASCAS e: Automated Security Clearance Approval System ASCASVIP s: Asociación de Señoras de la Caridad San Vicente de Paúl A-SCAT e: Advanced Scatterometer ASCATED s: Asociación de Capacitación y Asistencia Tecnica en Educación y Discapacidad ASCC e: Air Standardization Coordination Committee - e: Army Service Component Command[er] - e: Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

ASCDB e: All Source Correlated Database AschaffenburgerJb d: Aschaffenburger Jahrbuch für Geschichte, Landeskunde und Kunst des Untermaingebietes ASCI e: Accelerated Strategie Computing Initiative - e: Advanced Strategie Computing Initiative ASCIB s: Protocolo Asincrono del Sistema de Control Ibercom ASCIET e: AH Service Combat Identification Evaluation Team ASCII e: American National Standard Code for Information Interchange Asclepio s: Asclepio: revista de historia de la medicina y de la ciencia ASCM e: Anti-Ship Cruise Missile ASCO e: Automatic Sustainer Cutoff ASCOM e: Army Service Command - e: Asynchronous Communie ASCON e: Associated Contractor ASCS e: Agricultural Stablization and Conservation Service - e: Air Support Control Section - e: Area Surveillance Control System ASD e: Air Situation Display - e: Air Sortie Duration - e: Army Shipping Document - e: Army Software Development - e: Average Sortie Duration ASDA e: Accelerate-Stop Distance Available ASD [C] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Comptroller] ASDC e: Automated Source Data Collection ASD [C3I] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence] ASDENA s: Asociación de Salud y Desarrollo Comunitario Nuevo Amanecer ASD [ES] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Econimic Security ASD [FMP] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Force Management Policy] ASDG s: Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala ASD [HA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Health Affairs] ASDI e: Analog Simple Data Interface ASDIC e: Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee ASD [ISA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [International Security Affairs] ASD [ISP] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [International Security Policy] ASDM e: Automated System Design Methodology ASD [MRA&L] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics] ASDP e: Abbreviated System Decision Paper - e: Accelerated Software Development Process ASD [PA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Public Affairs] ASD [PA&E] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense for program Analysis and Evaluation © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


ASDPSIM ASDPSIM e: Advanced System Data Processing Simulation ASDRS e: Automatic Spectrum Display and Signal Recognition System ASD [RSA] e: Assistant Secretary of Defense [Regional Security Affairs] ASDS e: Air Situation Display System ASD/SEE e: Aerospace Defense/ Software Engineering Environment ASE e: Advanced Sensor Exploitation - e: Airborne Search Equipment - e: Aircraft Serviceability Equipment - e: Aircraft Survivability Equipment - e: Amplified Spontaneous Emission - e: Anglo-Saxon England - e: Application Service Element - e: Applied Service Elements - e: Automated Stabilization Equipment - e: Automatic Stabilization Equipment - e: Automatic Support Equipment - e: NAS System Engineering Service ASEA r: Allmänna Svenska Electricitets-Aktiebolag ASEAN d: Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen - e: Association of South East Asian Nations ASECALTE s: Aseguramiento de la Calidad en Tarjetas Electrónicas ASECSA s: Asociación de Sevicios Comunitarios de Salud ASED e: Aviation System Entry Data A S E D E s: Asociación para la Educación y Desarrollo ASEEPRI s: Asociación Ecologica Eterna Primavera ASEF e: Aircrew System Evaluation Facility Aseg s: Aseguramiento Aseg Comb s: Aseguramiento Combativo Aseg Ing s: Aseguramiento Ingeniero A S E M e: Application Specific Electronic Modules Asent s: Asentamiento ASEPELT / • Association Scientifique Eurpéene pour la Prevision Économique a Moyen et a Long Terme ASF e: Additional Selection Factor - e: Advanced Streaming Format - e: Aeromedicai Staging Facility - e: Apache Software Foundation - e: Army Stock Fund - e: Authorized Strength File - e: Auxiliary Supporting Feature ASFIR e: Active Swept Frequency Interferometer Radar ASFTS e: Airborne Systems Functional Test Stand ASG e: Advanced System Group - e: Area Support Group asgd e: assigned A S G E R G U A T s; Asociación Gerontologica de Guatemala ASGLS e: Advanced Space Ground Link Subsystem ASH e: Advanced Scout Helicopter - e: Alternate Support Headquarters A S H R A E e: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineers 30

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ASI d: Alarm-Signal-lnitialisierung - e: Adapter Support Interface - e: Additional Skill Identifier - e: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana - e: Air Speed Indicator - e: All-Source Intelligence - e: Alternate Storage Location - e: Amended Shipping Instruction - e: American studies international - e: Assign and Display Switch Initialization - e: Axial Shape Index - e: Azimuth Speed Indicator - i: Archivio Storico Italiano - I: Acta Slavica laponica ASIC e: All Source Intelligence Center - e: Application Specific Integrated Circuit - e: Area Security Information Center ASICGEN e: Area Signal Center ASIDE s: Asociación Indigenista de Evangel ización ASIES s: Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales ASIF e: Airlift Service Industrial Fund ASI/ISI e: Amended Shipping Instruction/Initial Shipping Instruction ASIM e: Automated Security Incident Measurement A S I M E L E C s: Asociación Multisectorial de Empresas Españolas de Electrónica y Comunicaciones ASIMS e: Air Staff Information Management System ASINDES s: Asociación de Instituciones de Desarrollo y Servicios ASIOE e: Associated Support Items of Equipment ASIOEP e: Associated Support Items of Equipment and Personnel ASIP e: Aircraft Structural Improvement Program - e: Army Stationing and Installation Plan - s: Area de Servicios IP ASIR s: Analizador de Señalización Interna y de Red ASIS e: Abort Sensing and Instrumentation System - e: American Society for Industrial Security - e: Ammunition Surveillance Information System ASIST e: A Simple Integration of Statistical Techniques - e: Advanced Scientific Instruments Symbolic Translator - e: Application Software Integration Support Tools ASIT e: Adaptable Surface Interface Terminal - e: Advanced Security and Identification Technology ASK d: Akademische Software Kooperation, Karlsruhe - e: Amplitude-Shift Keying ASKA e: Automatic System for Kinematic Analysis ASKS e: Automatic Action Keeping System ASL e: Above Sea Level - e: Adaptive Speed Level[l]ing

- e: Adjusted Stock Level - e: Allowable Supply List - e: Alternate Storage Location - e: Approved Source List - e: Architectural Space Laboratory - e: Assign SL [Switch Locator] Routing - e: Authorized Stockage Level - e: Authorized Stockage List - e: Authorized Supply Level - e: Average Sortie Length - i: Archivio storico lombardo - s: Area de Servicio Local ASLAR e: Aircraft Surge Launch and Recovery ASL/PLL e: Authorized Stockage List/Prescribed Load List ASLT e: Advanced Solid Logic Technology aslt e: assault ASLTG e: Assault Gun ASLT PSN e: Assault Position ASM e: Acquisition Security Manager - e: Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile - e: Air-to-Surface Missile - e: Airfield Survival Measures - e: Anti-Ship Missile - e: Application Specific Memory - e: Application Specific Module - e: Armored Scout Mission - e: Armored Systems Modernization - e: Asynchronous State Machine - e: Automated Scheduling Message - e: Automated Scheduling Module - e: Automatic Scheduling Message - e: Automatic Switch Monitor - s: Asociación San Miguel ASMA e: Air Staff Management Aid A S M C e: Alternate System Monitoring Center A S M C O M M e: Airfield Survival Measures Communications A S M D e: Anti-Ship Missile Defense ASMIS e: Army Safety Management Information System A S M O D e: Antisubmarine Warfare Module ASMP e: Army Strategic Mobility Plan - e: Army Survival Measures Plan - e: Asymmetric Multiprocessing A S M R O e: Armed Forces Medical Regulating Office ASN e: Abstract Syntax Notation - e: Atomic Strike Net - e: Austrian Studies Newsletter - e: Autonomous System Number - e: Average Sample Number asn e: assigned ASN.l e: Abstract Syntax Notation number 1 ASN [M&RA] e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Manpower and Reserve Affairs] ASNP e: Aircrew Style Name Patches - e: Army Student Nurse Program ASNPIDBAD e: Army Student Nurse Program Identification Badge ASN [S&L] e: Assistant Secretary of the Navy [Shipbuilding and Logistics] ASO e: Air Support Operations - e: Air Surveillance Officer - e: Area Supply Officer

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ASV - e: Auxiliary Switch [Breaker] Normally Open - e: Aviation Supply Office ASOAS e: Air Staff Office Automation System ASOC e: Air Sector Operations Center - e: Air Support Operations Center ASOCBE s: Asociación Benedicta de Esquipulas ASOCEBU s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Criadores de Ganado Cebú y Derivados ASOCOINDI s: Cooperación Indígena para el Desarrollo Integral ASODESPT s: Asociación Desarrollo para Todos ASODHI s: Asociación de Derechos Humanos del Ixcan as of e: last report day of period ASOFDTG e: As of Date/Time Group ASOIE e: Associated Support Items of Equipment ASON e: Automatically Switched Optical Networks A S O N C A s: Asociación Nacional de Cañeros ASOP e: Automatic Scheduling and Operating Program A S O P A Z D E s: Asociación para la Paz y el Desarme ASOPIJ s: Asociación Pueblos Unidos ASOS s: Asociación de Aldeas Infantiles S.O.S de Guatemala ASOSCOUTS s: Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala ASP e: A System for Programmers - e: Acquisition Strategy Panel - e: Acquisition Strategy Plan - e: Acquisition Strategy Process - e: Acquisition Support Program - e: Acquisition System Protection - e: Active Server Page[s] - e: Advanced Signal Processor - e: Advanced Simple Profile - e: Ali Service Processor - e: All Source Production - e: Ammunition Supply Point - e: Annual Service Practice - e: Appletalk Session Protocol - e: Application Service Provider - e: Army Strategie Pian - e: Association Storing Processor - e: Attached Support Processor - e: Authorized Service Provider - e: Automatic Schedule Procedures - i: Archivio Storico Pugliese ASPA e: Air Strike Planning Assistant ASPD d: Alte Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands A SPEC e: System Specification ASPER e: Assembly System Peripheral Processors ASPI e: Advanced SCSI Programming Interface ASPJ e: Airborne Self Protection Jammer ASPP e: Acquisition Strategy Planning Process - e: Acquisition Systems Protection Program - e: Alloy-Steel Protective Plating

ASPPO e: Armed Service Production Planning Office - e: Armed Services Production Planning Officer A S P R e: Armed Services Procurement Regulations A S P R O D E s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Esposas de Profesionales del Derecho ASPS e: Advanced Signal Processing System - e: All-Source Production Section ASQ e: African Studies Quarterly: the online journal for African studies - e: American Society for Quality A S Q C e: American Society for Quality Control ASQP e: Airline Service Quality Performance ASR e: Accumulators Shift Right - e: Acquisition Strategy Report - e: Ada Software Repository - e: Address Space Register - e: African Studies Review - e: Airborne Surveillance Radar - e: Airport Surveillance Radar - e: Alternate Supply Route - e: Alternative System[s] Review - e: Ammunition Supply Rate - e: Armed Strike Reconnaissance - e: Army Status Report - e: Automatic Send and Receive - e: Automatic Speech Recognition - e: Available Supply Rate - e: Submarine rescue ship A&SR e: Advertising & Society Review ASRA e: A D P System Requirement Analysis A S R A A M e: Advanced Short Range Airto-Air Missile ASRD e: Aircraft Shipment Readiness Date ASRO ru: Asociata de Standardizare din Romania A S R O C e: Antisubmarine Rocket ASRRC e: Avionics System Requirement Review Conferences ASRT e: Air Support Radar Team ASSA e: Area Supply Support Activity - e: Automated Support System Architecture ASSAH e: Anglo -Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History ASSAIDE / · Association "Aide Aut Enfants du Nepal" ASSESSREP e: Assessment Report - e: Transportation assets report ASSET e: All Source Satellite Evaluation Tool ASSI e: Aerial Scout Sensor Integration ASSIST e: Advanced System Support and Information System Technology - e: Automated System Security Incident Support Team assoc e: associate A S S O T W e: Airfield and Seaplane Stations of the World ASSP e: Auxiliary Transport Submarine ASSS e: Automated Service Station Systems ASST e: Advanced Sensor/Submunition Technology

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

asst e: assist assy e: assembly AST d: Anwendungsschnittstelle - e: Administrative-Supply Technician - e: Advanced Simulation Technology - e: Advanced Software Technology - e: Advanced Survivability Technology - e: Air Supported Threat - e: Assign Secondary Traffic Channels - e: Asynchronous Systems Trap - e: Atmospheric Surveillance Technology ASTA e: American Society of Travel Agents - e: Anti Spam Technical Alliance AStadt d: Die alte Stadt: Vierteljahresschrift für Stadtgeschichte, Stadtsoziologie und Denkmalpflege ASTAR e: Airborne Search Target Attack Radar - e: Atomic Strike Approval Request ASTD e: Air Supported Threat Defense ASTE e: Air-Surface Technology and Integration - e: Armament System Test Environment ASTEL s: Asociación de Empresas Operadoras y de Servicios de Telecomunicación A S T E R e: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer ASTERIX s: Arquitectura de Servicios de Telecomunicaciones para la Red de Información AStG d: Außensteuergesetz AST&L e: American Society of Transportation and Logistics ASTM e: American Society for Testing and Materials - e: American Society for Testing Materiel Asto s: Asalto ASTO s: Asentamiento A S T O R e: Airborne Stand-Off Radar - e: Antisubmarine Torpedo A S T O V L e: Advanced Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing ASTP e: Army Specialized Training Program A S T R e: Authorized Strength ASTRAL e: Analog Schematic Translator to Algebraic Language ASTRO e: Advanced Simulation Tool with Restart Optimization astron. d: Astronomie ASTS e: Aeromedicai Staging Squadron ASTT e: Action Speed Tactical Trainer ASU d: Asynchron/Synchron-Umsetzer - e: Aeromedicai Staging Unit - e: Automatic Switching Unit ASIIG e: America's SAP Users' Group AS UP e: Air Supply ASUPS e: Ammunition Supply Points A S U R E S e: Advanced Surveillance and Reconnaissance System ASUW e: Anti-Surface Warfare A S U W C e: Anti-Surface Warfare Commander ASV e: American Standard Version - e: Analog Secure Voice - e: Angle Stop Valve - e: Anti-Surface Vessel - e: Automatic Self-Verification © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


ASVP ASVP e: ADA Simulated Validation Program ASW e: Acoustic Surface Wave - e: Anti-Submarine Warfare - e: Applications Software - e: Auxiliary Switch - e: Average Surface Wind A S W B P L e: Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratories ASWC e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander ASWCCS e: Anti-Submarine Warfare Command and Control System AsylVG d: Asylverfahrensgesetz AsylZBV d: Asylzuständigkeitsbestimmungsverordnung ASYNC e: Asynchronous AT e: Acceptance Tag - e: Acceptance Test - e: Acquisition Team - e: Advanced Technology - e: Advanced Trainer - e: Air Tasking - e: Air Temperature - e: Air Transport - e: Alert Time - e: Ampere-Turn - e: Annual Tour - e: Annual Training - e: Anti-Tank - e: Antiterrorism - e: Army Training - e: Atomic Time - e: Attention - e: Attentuation - e: Automated Telecommunications Program - e: Automatic Testing - e: Automatic Ticketing - e: Autothrottle - e: Tug [ship] - / • Antiquité Tardive - s: Aerotransportable - s: Aerotransportado - s: Antitanque - s: Área Terciaria - s: Asociación Tikal - s: Atención At e: Total attainable search area - s: Aterrizaje - s: Atómico A&T

e: Acquisition and Technology

ATA e: Actual Time of Arrival - e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft - e: Advanced Technology Attachment - e: Air Transport Association of America - e: Air Transport Authority - e: Airport Traffic Area - e: American Trucking Associations - e: Army Technical Architecture - e: AT [Bus] Attachment [Interface] - e: Auto Terrain Avoidance - e: Auxiliary Tug [Ship] ATAC e: Abbreviated Transportation Accounting Classification - e: Antiterrorism Alert Center ATACC e: Advanced Tactical [Air] Command Central - e: Alternate Tactical Air Control Center - e: Army Tactical Air Control Center


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ATACMS e: Army Tactical C Information System - e: Army Tactical Communications Management System A T A C M S ER e: ATACMS Extended Range A T A C O e: Air Tactical Actions Control Officer ATACS e: Airborne Tactical Air Control System A T A D e: Air Target Algorithm Development ATADS e: Advanced Tactical Air Defense System - e: Air Traffic Activity Data Base System ATAGUA s: Asociación de Técnicos Azucareros de Guatemala ATAM s: Asociación Telefónica de Asistencia al Minusválido ATAP e: Anti-Tank, Anti-Personnel - e: ATOC Target Analysis and Planning ATAPS e: Advanced Tactical Aircraft Protection System ATAR e: Air-to-Air Recovery - e: Antitank Aircraft Rocket - s: Análisis de Tarifas móviles ATAR[E]S e: Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System ATAS e: Advanced Target Acquisition Sensor - e: Air-to-Air Stinger ATAWS e: Advanced Tactical Air Warfare System ATB e: Advanced Technology Bomber - e: All Trunks Busy - e: Automated Ticket an Boarding Card A T B M e: Advanced Tactical Battle Management - e: Antitactical Ballistic Missile ATC e: Action Taken Code - e: Adiabatic Torodial Compressor - e: Air Target Chart - e: Air Temperature Control - e: Air Threat Conference - e: Air Traffic Control - e: Air Transportable Clinic - e: Ammunition Team Chief - e: Army Training Center - e: Automatic Tuning Control - e: Automation Training Center - e: Mini-armoured troop carrier ATCA e: Advanced Tanker Cargo Aircraft - e: Air Traffic Control Association A T C A A e: Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace A T C A L S e: Air Traffic Control and Landing System ATCC e: Air Traffic Control Center - e: Airborne Transmitter Control Center - e: Antiterrorism Coordinating Committee - e: Automated Telecommunications Center A T C D e: Advanced Technology Concept Demonstration A T C L e: Air Traffic Control Line A T C M D e: Advance Transportation Control Movement Documentation ATCO e: Air Traffic Coordinating Officer

ATCR[A]BS e: Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System ATCS e: Air Traffic Communications Station - e: Air Traffic Control Section - e: Automatic Test Control System ATCT e: Airport Traffic Control Tower ATCTT e: Air Traffic Control Tower/Tracon ATCU e: Air Transportable Communication Unit ATCV e: Air Transportable Communication Vans ATD e: Actual Time of Departure - e: Advanced Technology Demonstration - e: Advanced Technology Demonstrator - e: Advanced Technology Development - e: Advanced Training Division - e: Air Tasking Directive - e: Aircrew Training Device[s] - e: Associated Technical Document - e: Asynchronous Time Division - s: Agente de Tratamiento Diferido ATD/C e: Aided Target Detection/Classification A T D L e: Adaptive Targeting Data Link - e: Army Tactical Data Link - e: Army Training Digital Library ATDM e: Adaptive Time Division Multiplexer - e: Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing ATDMA e: Advanced Time Division Multiple [x] Access - e: Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access ATDNet e: Advanced Technology Demonstration Network ATDP e: Advanced Technology Demonstration Plan - e: Army Technology Demonstration Plan - e: Army Training Diagnostic Program - e: Attention Dial Pulse ATDT e: Attention Dial Tone ATE e: Actual Time Enroute - e: Advanced Technology Engine - e: Automated Test[ing] Equipment - e: Automatic Test[ing] Equipment ATEC e: Army Test and Evaluation Command - e: Automated Technical Control ATECP e: Agricultural Transportation Energy Conservation Promect A T E L M E D s: Análisis a Telefónica Media en televisión digital A T E M S e: Advanced Threat Emitter Simulator ATEP e: Annual Training Equipment Pools Ater s: Aterrizaje A T E R M e: Air Terminal ATERS e: Automatic Test Equipment Reporting System ATEWS e: Advanced Tactical Electronic Warfare System ATF e: Advanced Technology Fighter - e: Advanced technology Fighter Program - e: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms - e: Amphibious Task Force - e: Asynchronous Transfer - e: Automatic Terrain Following

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ATRWG - e: Automatic Track Finding - e: Automatic Track Finding/Following - e: Oceangoing fleet tug - s: Artificiero ATFA e: Army Training Functional Architecture ATFLIR e: Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared ATFP e: Airlift Total Force Plan ATFSM e: Ask the Friendly System Manager ATG e: Advanced Technology Group - e: Air to Ground - e: Antenna Receiver Group - e: Antenna Test Group - e: Antitank Gun - e: Art Technology Group - e: Assign Trunk Group Cluster - e: Automatic Tank Gauging - e: Automatic Test Guide ATGL e: Antitank Grenade Launcher - e: Antitank Gun Launcher ATGM e: Anti-Tank Guided Munitions - e: Antitank Guided Missile ATGW e: Anti-Tank Guided Weapon Α Τ Η e: Above-the-Horizon - e: Air Transportable Hospital - e: Assign Thresholds - e: Attention Hang-Up Ath i: Athenaeum: studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell'antichità Athenaeum i: Athenaeum: studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell'antichità Athenäum d: Athenäum. Jahrbuch für Romantik ATHRS e: Air Transportable Hydrant Refuelers A T I e: Application Transport Interface - e: Army Training Instruction - e: Automated Technical Information - e: Automation of Technical Information - e: Awake Technical Information - s: Asociación de Técnicos de Informática - s: Asociación Toto-Integrado ATIC e: Avionics Test and Integration Complex ATICO s: Autenticación por Tarjeta Inteligente Corporativa ATII e: Advanced Techniques for Imagery Interpretation ATIPS e: Army Threat and Intelligence Production System ATIRCM e: Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures ATIS e: Advanced Technical Information Support - e: Advanced Traveler Information System - e: Aerodrome Terminal Information Service - e: Air Travel Information System ATISD e: Air Training Information Systems Division ATJ e: Asian Theatre Journal ATJS e: Advanced Tactical Jamming System ATK e: Anti-Tank atk e: attack ATKHC e: Attack Helicopter Company

ATKIS d: Amtliches TopographischKartographisches Informationssystem ATK PSN e: Attack Position ATL d: Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens - e: Active Template Library - e: Adjusted Termination Level - e: Annotated Task List - e: Army Training Literature - e: William Β Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport - s: Avión Torpedero Ligero ATLAS e: All Terrain Lifter Articulated System ATLIS e: Automatic Tracking Laser Illumination System ATLS e: Automated Tape Library Support ATM e: Adobe Type[face] Manager - e: Advanced Trauma Management - e: AGM Training Missile - e: Air Tasking Message - e: Air Terminal Management - e: Air Traffic Management - e: Air Turbine Motor - e: Anti-Tank Missile - e: Army Test Manager - e: Army Training Model - e: Assign Traffic Metering - e: Asynchronous Transfer Mode - e: At the Moment - e: Automated Teller Machine - s: Activos Totales Medios ATM-1 e: Bullpup Trainer ATMAC e: Air Traffic Management Automated Center ATMCT e: Air Terminal Management Control Team - e: Air Terminal Movements Control Team ATMDE e: Army Theater Missile Defense Element ATMG e: Arms Transfer Management Group A T M H e: Automatic Text Message Handling ATMOS e: Atmospheric Trace Molecules Observed by Spectroscopy ATMS e: Air Traffic Management System ATN e: Assign Thresholds atn. s: a la atención de ATO e: Actual Time Over - e: ADP Terminal Operator - e: Air Targets Officer - e: Air Tasking Officer - e: Air Tasking Order - e: Air Traffic Operations Service - e: Air Training Officer - e: Aircraft Transfer Order - e: Airlift Tasking Orders - e: Assemble to Order - e: Assembly to Order - e: Assisted Take-Off - e: Old tug [ship] ATOC e: Air Tactical Operations Center - e: Air Tasking Order Center - e: Air Terminal Operations Center ATOCONF e: Air Tasking Order Confirmation ATOLL e: Acceptance, Test, or Launch Language

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

Atóm s: Atòmico ATOMS e: AT&T Optimized Materials Simulator A T O N e: ACE Operational Telegraph Network ATOS e: Air Force Technical Order System - e: Automated Tasking Order System ATP e: Acceptance Test Plan - e: Acceptance Test Procedures - e: Advanced Tracking Prototype - e: Air Transport Radio - e: Airline Transport Pilot - e: Allied Tactical Publication - e: Ammunition Transfer Point - e: Antitransmit-Receive - e: Appletalk Transaction Protocol - e: Army Training Plan - e: Army Training Program - e: Authority to Proceed - e: Automated Test Plan - e: Automated Text Processing System - e: Automatic Test Program - e: Available to Promise - s: Autopropulsado - s: Avión Torpedero Pesado ATPA s: Administración de la Tarjeta Personal Avanzada ATPAC e: Air Traffic Procedures Advisory Committee ATP-FC e: Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing and Fire Control ATPS e: Automated Test Planning System Atq s: Ataque ATR e: Achievement of Test Readiness - e: Advanced Tactical Radar - e: Air Tasking Request - e: Air Traffic Regulations - e: Air Transport Racking - e: Air Transport Regulations - e: Airborne Transport Rack - e: Aircrew Training System - e: Annals of Tourism Research: a social sciences journal - e: Attribute - e: Automatic Target Recognition - e: Automatic Terminal Recognition - e: Rescue tug [ship] - s: Agente de Transmisión ATRAN e: Automatic Terrain Recognition and Navigation ATRAS e: Automated Travel Record Accounting System ATRC e: Adaptive Technology Resource Center ATREQ e: Atomic Supporting Request ATRIB e: Average Transfer Rate of Information Bits ATRIS e: Automated Test Resource Information Systems ATRL e: Antitank Rocket Launcher ATRM e: Army Training Resource Management ATRM-2 e: Army Training Resource Management-2 ATRS e: Aerial Training Squadron - e: Automated Travel Record System ATRT e: Antitransmit-Receive Tube ATRWG e: ATR Working Group

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ATS ATS e: Administrative Terminal System - e: Advanced Tactical Support - e: Advanced Tactical Surveillance - e: Advanced Technology Satellite - e: Advanced Training System - e: Air Traffic Service - e: Aircrew Training System - e: Airmanship Training Squadron - e: Antenna Test Station - e: Apple Terminal Services - e: Applications Technology Satellite - e: Army Telecommunications System - e: Army Topographic Station - e: ASAS Training System - e: Assign Terminal Service - e: Automated Terminal System - e: Automatic Test System - e: Avionics Test Station - e: Salvage and rescue ship ATSAR e: Atomic Strike Approval Request ATSC e: Advanced Television Systems Committee - e: Army Training Support Center - e: Automated Telecommunications Systems Center ATSD [AE] e: Assistant to the Secretary of Defense [Atomic Energy] ATSR e: Advanced Tactical Surveillance Radar ATSS e: Advanced Tactical Surveillance System - e: Alaskan Telephone Switching System ATSSM e: Automatic Telecommunications System Security Manager ATST e: At the Same Time A T S T A T e: Airlift Status ATT e: Advanced Tactical Transport - e: Advanced Theater Transport - e: Army Training Test - e: Assign Terminal Type - e: At this Time - e: Attenuation - e: Authorization to Test A T & T e: American Telephone & Telegraph - e: American Telephone & Telegraph Company ATTA e: Army Training Technical Architecture A T T C e: Advanced Television Test Center ATTCS e: Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System ATTD e: Advanced Technology Transfer Demonstration - e: Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration ATTE s: Atentamente ATTG e: Adversary Threat Training Group - e: Automated Tactical Target Graphics Atti CRDAC i: Atti Centro Ricerche e Documentatione di Antichità Classica ATTN e: Attention attn e: attention ATTRIB e: Attribute ATTS e: Automatic Test Technology Standards ATTIJ e: Air Transportable Treatment Unit 34

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AT IJ e: Antenna Tuning Unit ATU-C e: ADSL Terminal Unit Central ATU-R e: ADSL Terminal Unit Remote ATV d: AltguthabenTilgungsverordnung - e: Advanced Television - e: All Terrain Vehicle - e: Amateur Television A T V E F e: Advanced Television Enhancement Forum ATW e: Advanced Technology Weapon ATWC e: Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity ATWG e: Avionics Test Working Group AT XXI e: Army Training XXI ATZ e: Attention Restore Configuration Profile From Nonvolatile Ram ATZV d: Altersteilzeitzuschlagverordnung AU d: Der altsprachliche Unterricht - e: Access Unit - e: Administrative Unit - e: Alternate Use - e: Arithmetic Unit - e: Astronomical Unit - s: Alarma Urgente A U A f: Architecture Unifiee d'Applications AuAS d: Ausländer- und Asylrecht Schnelldienst AlJC e: Authentication Centre [or Center] - e: Authority Centre AIJCERDIG s: Autenticación con Certificados Digitales en canal on-line AIJD e: Auditing AUDIT e: Automated Data Input Terminal - e: Automatic Data Input Terminal - e: Automatic Unattended Detection Inspection Transmitter AUEL e: Automated Unit Equipment List Aufklärung d: Aufklärung: interdisziplinäres Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts und seiner Wirkungsgeschichte AufzV d: Aufzugsverordnung AÜG d: Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz AUG e: Apollo User Group - e: Application User Group - e: Arcnet User Group A U G T D A e: Augmentation Table of Distribution and Allowances AUI e: Attachment Unit Interface AUIS e: Analog Input-Output Unit - e: Andrew User Interface System AÜKostV d: Arbeitnehmerüberlassungserlaubnis-Kosten Verordnung AUL e: All up Round AULLA e: Australian Universities Language and Literature Association AUM e: Air-to-Underwater Missile - e: Animal Unit Months AUNT e: Automatic Universal Translator AUO e: Area Utilization Officer AUP e: Acceptable Use Policy - e: Advanced Unitary Penetrator - e: Appropiate Use Policy

AIJPC e: Average Unit Procurement Cost AUR e: All up Round AURIO e: Auroral Imaging Observatory AURIS s: Es el nombre de un sistema de Mensajería Instantánea desarrollado por Telefónica I+D Aurora d: Aurora. Jahrbuch der Eichendorff-Gesell schaft A U R O R A e: Automatic Recovery of Remotely Piloted Aircraft AURS e: Automated Unit Reference Sheet[s] AUS e: Annual of Urdu Studies AUSA e: Association of the United States Army AuslG d: Ausländergesetz AuslWBG d: Bereinigungsgesetz für deutsche Auslandsbonds AUT e: Advanced User Terminalfs] aut s: automàtico Aut s: Automotriz aut s: automóvil A U T E X d: Automatische Telex- und Teletexauskunft der DBP auth e: authority - e: authorization - e: authorized AIJTHGR e: Authority Granted A U T O e: Automatic auto e: automatic - s: automóvil Auto s: Automático A U T O C A T e: Automatic Communications Airborne Transfer A U T O E X E C e: Automatic [Computer] Execution Autom s: Automotriz AUTONET e: Automatic Network Display A U T O P A T H e: Automated Flight Path A U T O S E V O C O M e: Automatic Secure Voice Communications A U T O S T R A D e: Automated System for Transportation Data A U T O S T R T e: Automatic Starter AUTOSTRTG e: Automatic Starting Autp s: Autopropulsado A U T R A N e: Automatic Utility Translator AUIJ I: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis AUW e: Airframe Unit Weight - e: All-Up Weight aux e: auxiliary Aux s: Auxiliar AUXCP e: Auxiliary [Airborne] Command Post AV c: Arheoloski Vestnik - d: Anlagevermögen - e: Aerial Vehicle - e: Air Vehicle - e: Antivirus - e: Audio-Video - e: Audio Visual - e: Audio-Visuell - e: Authenticity Verification - e: Aviation - e: Azimuth Versus Amplitude - i: Asiatica venetiana: rivista del Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia Orientale dell'Università Ca' Foscari

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

AWADO Venezia - s: Avanzadilla de Vigilancia - s: Aviación - s: Aviación de Vigilancia - s: Avión Αν s: Avanzado A/V e: Audio/Vídeo AVA d: Anruf-Variante - e: Adaptive Vehicular Antenna - e: Audio Visual Authoring AVADME s: Asociación de Voluntarios Ayuda al Discapacitado Mental aval e: available AVANCSO s: Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales en Guatemala AVARS e: Audiovisual Analysis and Retrieval System Av AS s: Aviación Antisubmarina - s: Avión Antisubmarino AV At s: Avión Portador de Armas AVB e: Aviation Logistic Support Ship AVBL e: Availability AVBO e: Advanced Voice Busyout Av Bo s: Avión de Bombardeo Αν Bo At s: Avión de Bombardeo Portador Av Bo Cer s: Avión de Bombardeo Cercano Av Bo Lej s: Avión de Bombardeo de Acción Av Bomb s: Aviación de Bombardeo Av Bo Med s: Avión de Bombardeo Mediano AVC e: Advanced Video Coding - e: Alternating Voice and Data - e: Audio Visual Connection - e: Automatic Valve Control - e: Automatic Vent Control - e: Automatic Volume Control Av C s: Aviación de Combate Av Ca s: Avión de Caza Av Ca Bo s: Avión de Cazabombardeo AVCAL e: Aviation Coordinated Allowance List Av Caz s: Aviación de Caza - s: Avión de Caza Av Coniones s: Aviación de Comunicaciones AVCOORD e: Aviation Coordinator AVCRAD e: Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot AVCS e: Advanced Vehicle Control System - e: Advanced Vidicon Camera System AVD e: Alternate Voice Data - e: Alternating Voice and Data Av Desc s: Avión Desconocido Avdo s: Avanzado AVDS e: Audiovisual Display System AVDTG e: Analog Via Digital Trunk Group AVE e: Aerospace Vehicle Electronics - e: Automatic Volume Expansion - s: [ferroviaria de] alta velocidad AV EC s: Avión de Exploración Cercana Av EL s: Avión de Exploración Lejana AVEMILGUA s: Asociación de Veteranos Militares de Guatemala AVENGER e: Pedestal-mounted Stingers

AVERT e: Antivirus Emergency Response Team AVERZTXTTX d: Amtliches Telexund Teletexverzeichnis der DBP Av Estg s: Aviación Estratégica AVF e: All-Volunteer Force AVFR e: Available for Reassignment AVG d: Almanach der Varnhagen Gesellschaft - e: Aircraft Escort Vessel avg e: average AVGAS e: Aviation Gasoline AVH s: Asociación Alejandro von Humbolt AVHRR e: Advanced Very HighResolution Radiometer AVHRR GAC e: Advanced Very HighResolution Radiometer Global Area Coverage AVHRR LAC e: Advanced Very HighResolution Radiometer Local Area Coverage AVI e: Audio Video Interleaved - e: Audio Visual Interleaved - e: Audiovisuelle Integration - s: Aviación Avi. s: Avión AVIATECA s: Empresa Guatemalteca de Aviación AVID e: Airborne Vehicle Identification AVIM e: Aviation Intermediate Maintenance [Facility] AVIONICS e: Aviation Electronics AVIP e: Avionics Integrity Program AVIS e: Audiovisual Information System AVISH e: Air Vehicle Inventory Status and History AVIT e: Audiovisual Instructional Technology AVL d: Adelson-Velskij, Landis[-Baum] - e: Assign Variable Location - e: Automatic Vehicle Location AVLB e: Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge AVLF e: Airborne Very Low Frequency Av Lig s: Aviación Ligera AVLM e: Armored Vehicle Launched Mine Clearing AVLO e: Aviation Liaison Officer AVLOB e: Armored Vehicle Launching Bridge AVLUB e: Aviation Lubricant AVM e: Automatic Vehicular Monitoring - e: Guided missile ship - s: Asociación Vamos Mujeres AVmG d: Altersvermögensgesetz AVMG s: Asociación de Veteranos Militares de Guatemala AVN e: Adobe Virtual Network - e: Aviation avn e: aviation Avn s: Avión AVNIR e: Advanced Visible and NearInfrared Radiometer AVNL e: Automatic Video Noise Limiting AVNMED e: Aviation Medicine AVO e: Air Vehicle Operator Avo s: Avión

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

AVOIL e: Aviation Oil AVON d: Amtliches Verzeichnis der Ortsnetze AVOU e: Analog Voice Orderwire Unit AVOW e: Analog Voice Orderwire A VP e: AUTOVON Precedence - e: small seaplane tender AVPOL e: Aviation Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants AVPRO e: Audiovisual Production Officer AVR d: Arbeitsvertragsrichtlinien - d: Aufklärung, Vormärz, Revolution: Jahrbuch der 'Internationalen Forschungsstelle Demokratische Bewegungen in Mitteleuropa von 17701850' an der Universität Innsbruck - e: Acquisition Validation Report - e: Automatic Voice Recognition - e: Automatic Voltage Regulator - e: Automatic Volume Recognition avr e: aviator AVRDC e: Asian Vegetable Research & Development Center AVRDEC e: Aviation Research, Development and Engineering Center Av Re s: Avión de Reacción AVS d: Altersverifikationssystem - e: Air Vehicle Specification - e: Application Visualization System - e: Audiovisual Squadron - e: Aviation Supply Ship AVSC e: Audio Visual Support Center AVSR e: Audio-Visual Speech Recognition A VT e: Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship AvT s: Avión de Transporte AV TC s: Aviación Táctica AVTR e: Airborne Videocassette Tape Recorder AVTS e: Advanced Visual Technology System AVIJM e: Aviation Unit Maintenance AVURNAVE s: Aviso Urgente a los Navegantes AV/VI e: Audiovisual/Visual Information AVVID e: Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data AVZ s: Avanzado AW d: Antike Welt - e: Above Water - e: Admin Workstation - e: Air Warning - e: Airlift Wing - e: All-Weather - e: Army-Wide - e: Automatic Weapon - e: [Germanium] termination resistor AWA e: A While Ago AW/AA e: Attack Warning/Attack Assessment AWACD e: Airborne Warning and Control Division AW ACS e: Advanced Warning and Control System[s] AW ACTS e: Airborne Warning and Control Training Squadron AWADO d: Automatischer Wechselschalter in der Anschlussdose © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


AW AP S AWAPS e: Advanced Weather Analysis and Prediction System AWAR e: Area Weight Average Resolution award d: Amateurfunk-Diplom A W A R S e: Airborne Weather and Reconnaissance System AWASP e: Advance Weapon Ammunition Support Point AWB e: A While Back A W C e: Add with Carry - e: Air War College A W C A P e: Airborne Weapons Corrective Action Program A W C F e: Army Working Capital Fund AWCLS e: All-Weather Carrier Landing System AWCO e: Area Wage and Classification Office AWCS e: Air Weapons Control System A W C W e: Airborne Warning Composite Wing A W D d: Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Datenverbindungen - e: Advanced Warfighting Demonstration - s: Aplicación Web Dinámica awdh d: auf Wiederhören AWE e: Advanced Warfighting Experiments - e: Advanced Work Flow Engine - e: Aircraft, Weapon and Electronic AWF d: Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Fortbildung AWFT e: Anti Materiel Warhead Flight Test AWG d: Außenwirtschaftsgesetz - e: American Wire Gauge A W G T H T G T T A e: Are We Going to Have to Go Through This Again? A W H F Y e: Are We Having Fun Yet?


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AWIPS-90 e: Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System for the 1990's AWIS e: Army Worldwide Military Command and Control System Information System A W K e: UNIX pattern scanning computer language A W L d: Anweisungsliste - d: Auswahl-Logik - e: Administrative Weight Limitation A W M e: Awaiting Maintenance AWN e: Automated Weather Network A W O L e: Absent Without Leave - e: Absent Without Official Leave A W O P e: Automated Weaponeering Optimization Program Awp d: Aufwertungsparteien A W P e: Allied Weather Publication - e: Awaiting Parts A W P E e: Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics: the official journal of the AWPE database AWPG e: Aviation Weather Products Generator AW-Prax d: Außenwirtschaftliche Praxis AWR e: Anthropology of Work Review A W R A e: Army war Reserve Sustainment Stocks A W R E s: Arquitectura Web de Referencia para Telefònica A W R P S e: Army war Reserve Prepositioned Equipment Sets AWS d: Anrufweiterschaltung - d: Anwendungssoftware - e: Advanced Warning System - e: Advanced Weapon System - e: Advanced Workstations and Systems - e: American War Standards

A W S E e: Armament Weapons Support Equipment A W S I M e: Air Warfare Simulation Model A W S T e: Aviation Week and Space Technology AWT e: Abstract Window[ing] Toolkit - e: Advanced W i n d o w i n g ] Toolkit A W T S e: Army-wide training support AWWG e: Advanced Warfighting Working Group AX e: Architecture Extended - e: Attack Experimental - e: Automatic Transmission A X E s: Sistema de conmutación digital diseñado por Ericsson AXP e: Allied Exercise Publication - e: Ambulance Exchange Point A X S I C O M M e: Axes [or Axis] of Signal Communication AXX e: Assign Xxx Routing AY e: Apportionment Year Ay s: Ayudante AY C s: Ayudante de Campo Aydte s: Ayudante AYEC e: Automatic Technical Control A y M s: Armamento y Material A Y O R e: At Your Own Risc AYST e: Are You Still There? Ayte s: Ayudante AZ d: Archäologische Zeitung - d: Archivalische Zeitschrift - e: Assault Zone - e: Azimut - e: Azimuth AZB d: Anzeige-Befehl AZR e: Assign Zone Restriction Lists Azt s: Azimut

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik


Β Β d: Beschluss - e: Basic - e: Billion - e: Binary - e: Biological - e: Bit - e: Block - e: British - e: Bus - e: Business - e: Byte - e: Cross-over barrier pattern - s: Batallón - s: Blindado - s: Brigada - s: Buque B4 e: Before B3500 e: Burroughs 3500 Computer B3700 e: Burroughs 3700 Computer 802.11b s: Estándar desarrollado por el IEEE para la creación de redes locales inalámbricas BA d: Betriebsausgabe - d: Bundesausschuss der Eehrerinnen und Lehrer für Pflegeberufe e.V. - d: Busankoppler - e: Basic Agreement - e: Behaviour Aggregate - e: Biblical Archaeologist: perspectives on the ancient world from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean - e: Binary Add - e: Breathing Apparatus - e: Budget Activity - e: Budget Authority - e: Budget Authorization - e: B u f f e r Amplifier - s: Banda Ancha - s: Base Aérea

BAB f: Bulletin de l A c a d é m i e Royale de Belgique BABESCH η: Babesch: bulletin antieke beschaving-Annual papers on mediterranean archaeology BAC e: Billing Advice Code - e: Budget at Completion - e: Budgeted Cost at Completion BACE e: Basic Automatic Checkout Equipment - e: Bulletin o f t h e Australian Centre for Egyptology B A C K B IP e: Backbone internacional de servicios IP BACP e: Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol bad d: Bundesverband Ambulante Dienste e.V. BAD e: Broken as Designed BADD e: Battlefield Awareness and Data Dissemination BAEQ f: Bureau d A m e n a g e m e n t de l'Est du Quebec BAEX i: Boletín de Arqueología Experimental BAF e: Backup Alert Force - e: Baseline Asset File - e: Bellcore A M A Format - e: Bioaccumulation Factor BAFin d: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht BAFO e: Best and Final Offer BAG d: Buchhändlerische Abrechnungsgesellschaft - d: Bundesarbeitsgericht - d: Bürgerliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft - e: Baggage - e: Ballistic Attack Game - e: Budget Activity Group

- s: Brigada de Artillería

- e: Budget Aggregate Group


BAGB f: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé BAGE d: Sammlung der Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts BAGFW d: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege BAG Hospiz d: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hospize zur Förderung von ambulanten, teilstationären und stationären Hospizen und Palliativmedizin e.V. BAH e: Basic Allowance for Housing

s: Batería

B&A e: Boat and Aircraft BAA e: Broad Agency Announcement - e: Budget Activity Account - / · Bulletin d'Archéologie Algérienne BAAN e: Budget Activity Account Number - e: Budget Authorization Account Number BAAPD e: Buy American Act Percent Difference BAAt s: Base de Armas Atómicas

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

BAI e: Back-up Aircraft Inventory - e: Battlefield Air Interdiction BAIAS e: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society BAIM e: Baseline Advanced Industrial Management BAK e: Back at Keyboard - e: Binary Adaption Kit B A K E R NIJNN e: Groundbased optical system BAKred d: Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Kreditwesen B A K T d: Basisanschlusskonzentrator - e: Basic Access Concentrator bal e: balance BAL e: Basic Assembly Language - f: Bulletin des Antiquités Luxembourgeoises B A L F R A M e: Balanced Force Requirements Analysis Methodology - e: Balanced Force Requirements Attrition Model Β Alj s: Buque Aljibe BALK d: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Leitender Krankenpflegepersonen e.V. BALLUTE e: Balloon Parachute [Bomb Retarder] B A L L W I N e: Ballistic Winds B A L M d: Bundesanstalt für landwirtschaftliche Marktordnungen BALS e: Balancing Set Β Alta Smgda s: Buque Sobre Aletas Sumergidas BALIJN e: Balanced to Unbalanced - e: Balanced/Unbalanced B A M d: Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin - e: Basic Access Method - e: Block Availability Map - e: Boyan Action Module - / ' Bulletin d'Archéologie Marocaine B A M A T f: Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Age Tardi BAMB e: Bending Annular Missile Body BAMBI e: Ballistic Missile Boost Intercept BAMP e: Battlefield Automation Management Plan BAN e: Basic Access Node - e: Body Area Network - s: Base Aeronaval B A N C O O P s: Banco Nacional para las Cooperativas [Peru] © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


BANCS BANCS e: Bell Administrative Network Communications System BankArch d: Bankhistorisches Archiv BAO e: Basic Attack Options BAOC e: Barring of all Outgoing Call BAP e: Basic Assembly Program - e: Branch Arm Piping - e: Brief Adjudicative Proceeding - f: Bulletin Archéologique de Provence BApO d: Bundes-Apothekerordnung BAPREP e: Beds and Patient Report BAPT d: Bundesamt Post und Telekommunikation BAQ e: Basic Allowance for Quarters BAQ/SITW e: Basic Allowance Quarters/State Income Tax Withholdings BAR e: Base Address Register - e: Battery Acquisition Radar - e: Biblical Archaeology Review - s: Barrera Bar Fij s: Barrera Fija BARITT e: Barrier Injected Transit Time Bar Min s: Barrera de Minas Bar Mov s: Barrera Móvil BARoV d: Bundesamt zur Regelung offener Vermögensfragen BARRA CO s: BARRA de navegación para Canal On-line BARRNET e: Bay Area Regional Research Network - e: Bay Area Research Network BART e: Bay Area Rapid Transit BARTS e: Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing BArtSchV d: Bundesartenschutzverordnung BAS d: Bild-Austast-Synchron[-Signal] - d: Btx Anwendungsschnittstelle - e: Basic Allowance for Subsistence - e: Battalion Aid Station - e: Battlefield Automated System[s] - e: Bibliography of Asian Studies - e: Bilateral Assistance Subcommittee of the DCC - s: Buque Antisubmarino Bas s: Base BASCOP e: Base Communications Plan BASD e: Basic Active Service Date BASE e: Basic Army Strategic Estimates 10Base2 e: 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification using 50-ohm thin coaxial cable 10Base5 e: 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification using standard [thick] 50ohm baseband coaxial cable 1000Base-F e: A 1-Gbps IEEE standard for Ethernet LANs lOBaseF e: 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification that refers to the lOBaseFB, lOBaseFL and lOBaseFP standards for Ethernet over fiber-optic cabling lOBaseFB e: 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification using fiber-optic cabling lOBaseFL e: 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification using fiber-optic cabling lOBaseFP e: 10-Mbps fiber-passive baseband Ethernet specification using fiber-optic cabling 38

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100BaseFX e: A 100-Mbps baseband Fast Ethernet specification using two strands of multimode fiber-optic cable per link 10 Base S s: Término acuñado por Infineon lOBaseT e: 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification using two pairs of twistedpair cabling 100BaseT e: 100-Mbps baseband Fast Ethernet specification using UTP wiring 100BaseT4 e: 100-Mbps baseband Fast Ethernet specification using four pairs of Categories 3, 4, or 5 UTP wiring 100BaseTX e: 100-Mbps baseband Fast Ethernet specification using two pairs of either UTP or STP wiring lOOBaseX e: 100-Mbps baseband Fast Ethernet specification that refers to the 100BaseFX and 100BaseTX standards for Fast Ethernet over fiber-optic cabling BASF d: Badische-Analin and Soda Fabrik Co. BASH e: Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard Bash e: Bourne Again Shell BASIC e: Basic Algebraic Symbolic Interpretive Compiler - e: Basic Automatic Stored Instruction Computer - e: Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code - e: Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIS e: Bank Automated Service Information System - e: Burroughs applied statistical inquiry system BaslerZ d: Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde BASM e: Built-In Assembler - i: Bollettino dell'Archivio per la Storia del Movimento Sociale Cattolico in Italia BASOPS e: Base Operations BASP e: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists BASS e: Base Augmentation Support Set - e: Base Automated Service Store BASYS e: Basic System BAT d: Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag - e: Baby AT Board - e: Battery - e: Best Achievable Technology Economically - e: Best Available Technology Economically - e: Block Address Translation - e: Brillant Anti-Armor Submunition - e: Brilliant Anti-Tank Bat s: Batería BATA s: Barrera Antitanque de Arboles Bat AA[A] s: Batería de Artillería Antiaérea Bat AAT s: Batería de Artillería Antitanque Bat Art s: Batería de Artillería Bat AT s: Batería Antitanque Bat Cañ s: Batería de Cañones Bat Co s: Batería de Cohetes Bat F s: Batería Fija

BAT IM s: Batallón de Infantería de Marina Bat Mort s: Batería de Morteros Bat Móv s: Batería Móvil Bat Mov Co s: Batería Móvil de Cohetes Bat Mov Mot s: Batería Móvil Con Tracción Mecánica Bat Ob s: Batería de Obuses BATS e: Broadband Antenna Test System BATSC e: Bay Area Transportation Study Commission [California] Bat Torr s: Batería en Torres [Naval] Turret Battery BAUD e: A unit of signaling speed equal to one code element per second BauGB-MaßnG d: Maßnahmengesetz zum Baugesetzbuch BauNVO d: Baunutzungsverordnung - d: Verordnung über die bauliche Nutzung der Grundstücke BauROG d: Bau- und Raumordnungsgesetz BAV e: Ballistic Accuracy Verification Β Αν s: Brigada de Aviación BAVA d: Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie BAWe d: Bundesaufsichtsamt für den Wertpapierhandel Bay d: Bayer BayObLG d: Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht bayr d: bayerisch BayVbl d: Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter BAZ d: Belegauswertung von Zahlungs Vorgängen BAZR s: Borde Anterior de la Zona de Resistencia BB d: Bauernbund - d: Beschränkt Balanciert - d: Bezzenbergers Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen - d: Bundesbeschluss - e: Ball Bearing - e: Bare Base - e: Base Band - e: Battleship - e: Break Bulk - e: Broadband - e: Bulk Burning - e: Business Board - e: Business to Business - s: Bombardeo - s: Buque Blanco [Gunnery] Target Ship B/B e: Baseband - e: Break Bulk B2B e: Business to Business BBAE d: Breitband-Anschluss-Einheit [DSL-Splitter] BBB d: Bayerischer Bauernbund BBBG e: Battleship Battle Group BBC e: British Broadcasting Company - e: Broadband Conducted BBDD s: Bases de Datos BBesG d: Bundesbesoldungsgesetz BBEST e: Black Box Estimator BBL e: Barrel - e: Basic Business Language - e: Be Back Later BB1 d: Bundesblatt

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

BD 4B/5B local fiber e: 4-byte/5-byte local fiber 8B/10B local fiber e: 8-byte/10-byte local fiber BBL[s] e: Barrel[s] BBM e: Blocking and Bracing Materials BBN e: Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. BBP d: Badische Bauernpartei - e: Break Bulk Point - s: Biblioteca de Proyectos BBR e: Broadcast Radiated - e: Burnt Beyond Recognition - s: Buque Busca-Ruidos BBRF d: Bayreuther Beiträge zur Religionsforschung: eine Schriftenreihe der Facheinheit Religion an der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bayreuth BBS d: Band-Betriebssystem - e: Baseline Build Standard - e: Battalion Battie Simulation - e: BIOS Boot Specification - e: Brigade Battle Simulation - e: Bulletin Board Service - e: Bulletin Board System BBU e: Bit B u f f e r Unit BBV d: Bayerische Blätter für Volkskunde BC e: Back-Connected - e: Battery Commander - e: Battle Commandfer] - e: Battlecruiser - e: Battiespace Command and Control - e: Binary Code - e: Binary Counter - e: Bottom Current - e: Bradley Commander - e: Branch Code[s] - e: Business to Consumer - I: Bibliographia Cartographica: Internationale Dokumentation des kartographischen Schrifttums/ international documentation of cartographical literature/documentation Internationale de la literature cartographique - s: Brigada de Caballería Be e: Committed burst B2C e: Brigade and Below Command and Control - e: Business to Consumer BCA e: Base Contracting Automated System - e: Battery Control Area - e: Board of Contract Appeal - e: Brand Certification Autority - e: Broadcast Control Authority - s: Buque de Carga Anfibio BCAA e: Business Clearance Approval Authority Β Cab s: Buque Cablero BCB e: Base Communication Computer System Comprehensive Blueprint - s: Brigada de Caballería Blindada BCBL-H e: Battle Command Battle LabHuachuca BCBS e: Blue Cross/Blue Shield BCC e: Base Communications Center - e: Battery Control Center - e: Battery Control Central - e: Battlefield Circulation Control

- e: Blank Carbon Copy - e: Block C h e c k i n g ] Character - s: Batallón de Carros de Combate BCC: e: Blind Carbon Copy BCCH e: Broadcast Control Channel BCCL s: Batallón de Carros de Combate BCCM s: Batallón de Carros de Combate B C C S W G e: Base Communications Center Strategy Working Group BCD e: Back Carry Detect - e: Bad Conduct Discharge - e: Baseline Concept Description - e: Battlefield Coordination Detachment - e: Binary Coded Decimalfs] - s: Batallón Contradesembarco BCDC e: Bay Conservation and Development Commission [California] BCDIC e: Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code BCE e: Base Civil Engineer - e: Base-Level Commercial Equipment - e: Baseline Cost Estimate - e: Battlefield Control Element - e: Battlefield Coordination Element - e: Before the Common Era BCEFM e: Business, Cost Estimating and Financial Management BCE-IWP e: Base Civil Engineer InService Work Plan BCEP e: Base CommunicationsElectronics Plan BCF e: Business, Cost Estimating and Financial Management - s: Bastidor Cabecero de Fila BCFG e: Fog Patches Bega s: Buque Mercante de Carga BCGN e: Nuclear-powered, guided missile battlecruiser BC[H] e: Battle Command [Huachuca] BCH e: Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem[Code] - e: Broadcast Channel - f: Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique Β channel e: Bearer channel B - C H A N N E L e: Bearer Channel B C H M f: Bulletin Canadien d'Histoire de la Médecine BCI e: Binary Coded Information - e: Bit Count Integrity - e: Broadcast Control Intercept - e: Broadcast Interference - s: Brigada de Caballería - s: Buque Contra Incendios BCID e: Battlefield Combat Identification BCL e: Basic Contour Line - e: Batch Command Language - e: Binary Closed Loop - e: Burroughs Common Language bel e: broadcast listener B C M e: Baseline Correlation Matrix - s: Base de Correo Militar - s: Brigada de Caballería Mecanizada BCMR e: Board for Correction of Military Records BCMT e: Beginning of Civil Morning Twilight BCN e: Beacon - e: Bureau Control Number

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

BCNIT e: Be Seeing You BCO e: Base Contracting Office - e: Battle Coordination Detachment - e: Binary Coded Octal - e: Bridge Cutoff Beo s: Base Coheteril - s: Blanco BCOC e: Base Cluster Operations Centers BCP e: Base Communications Processor - e: Base Comprehensive Plan - e: Baseline Change Proposal - e: Best Current Practice[s] - e: Binary Control Protocol - e: Bridging Control Protocol - e: Bulk Copy Program - e: Byte C o n t r o l l e d ] P r o t o c o l s ] BCPL e: Basic Combined Programming Language - e: Basic Computer Programming Language BCR e: Base Condemnation Rate - e: Byte Count Register BCRA e: Business Clearance Reviewing Authority BCRALO f: Bulletin de la Commission Royale des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de Belgique BCRH f: Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire BCS e: Bar Code Sorter - e: Baseline Comparative System - e: Black Check Sequence - e: Border Cargo Selectivity - e: Broadcast Control Station BCSA e: Base CommunicationsComputer System Assessment BCSSO e: Base Comm Computer System Security Officer BC4SSO e: Base C4 System Security Officers BCT e: Basic Combat Training - e: Battle Coordination Team - e: Battlefield Command Terminal - e: Battlefield Command Trainer - e: Brigade Combat Team - e: Bushing Current Transformer Ì B C T e: First Brigade Combat Team BCTF e: Base Central Technical Facility - e: Base Central Test Facility - e: Battle Commanders Training Facility BCTH f: Bulletin archéologique du Comité des Travaux Historiques BCTT e: Battle Command Training Team BCIJ e: Beach Clearance Unit - e: Binary Counting Unit - e: Block Cycle Updates - e: Buffer Control Unit BCV e: Battle Command Vehicle BCW e: Buffer Control Word BCWP e: Budgeted Cost for/of Work Performed BCWR e: Budgeted Cost of Work Remaining BCWS e: Budgeted Cost for/of Work Scheduled BCZM s: Batallón de Cazadores de Montaña BD e: Base Detonating - e: Base Injection © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


BDA - e: Battle Damage Assessment - e: Battle Damaged Aircraft - e: Battle Director - e: Battle Doctrine - e: Battlefield Distribution - e: Binary Decoder - e: Bomb Damage Assessment - e: Bomb Disposal - s: Base de Datos BDA e: Battle Damage Assessment - e: BIOS data area - e: Bomb Damage Assessment BDAR e: Battle Damage Assessment and Repair BDB e: Base Development Board BDC e: Backup Domain Controller - e: Blood Donor Centers - e: Bomb Data Center - e: Brigade Data Center - e: Business Development Committee BDCC s: Base de Datos de Condiciones de Contratación - s: Bastidor de Distribución de Corriente Continua - s: Batallón de Defensa Contracarro[s] BDCV s: Base de Datos de Certificados de Voz BDD e: Blanket Delivery Data - s: Borde Delantero de Defensa - s: Buque de Desembarco Dique BDE d: Betriebsdatenerfassung - e: Brigade bde e: brigade BDELT e: Brigade Landing Team Β Desmag s: Buque Desmagnetizador BDF e: Bitmap Distribution Format BDFA e: Basic Daily Food Allowance BDG e: Battalion and Brigade BdG d: Bund der Geusen BDH d: Bund Deutscher Hebammen e.V. BDHT e: Blowdown Heat Transfer Program BDI e: Bearing Deviation Indicator Bdl d: Bund der deutschen Industrie BDIA e: Base Diameter BdK d: Bund der Kleinlandwirte BDL e: Battery Data Link - e: Beach Discharge Lighter BDLG d: Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte: neue Folge des Korrespondenzblattes BDM e: Bomber Defense Missile BDN e: Bulk Data Network BDO e: Basic Delivery Order - e: Battie Dress Overgarment - e: Blanket Delivery Order BDOC e: Base Defense Operations Center BDOS e: Basic Disk Operating System BDP e: Base Development Plan[ning] - e: Battlefield Development Plan BDPI e: Base Data Processing Installation BDR e: Base Destination Requirements - e: Battle Damage Repair - e: Bus Device Request - s: Base de Datos de Referencia - s: Base de Datos Relaciónales bdry e: boundary BDS e: Battle Dressing Station - e: Battlefield Data System 40

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- e: Battlefield Distribution Simulation - e: Business Development Specialist - s: Base de Datos de Servicio BDS-D e: Battlefield Distribution Simulation-Development BDSG d: Bundesdatenschutzgesetz BDSR e: Base Dental Service Report BDT e: Binary Deck to Binary Tape - e: Bulk Data Transfer - s: Banda de Delincuentes BDTEC s: Base de Datos de gestión de la Tecnología BDU e: Basic Display Unit - e: Battery Display Unit - e: Battie Dress Uniform - e: Practice versions of nuclear bombs BDZ e: Base Defense Zone BE d: Beschaltungseinheit - d: Betriebseinnahme - e: Back End - e: Base Injection - e: Basic Encyclopedia - e: Below or Equal - e: Best Effort - e: Best Estimate Model - e: Breaker End - e: Brilliant Eye System - e: Budget Estimate - e: Bulk Encryption - e: Burst Error - e: Business to Employee - s: Banda Estrecha - s: Buque Escuela - s: Bus Esclavo Be e: Excess Burst B/E s: Buque Escuela B2E e: Business to Employee BEA e: Budget Estimate Agreement - e: Bureau o f E c o n o m i c Analysis [Department of Commerce] BEAC s: Bomba Explosiva Aire BEAMS e: Base Engineer Automated Management System BEC e: Beginning of the Equilibrium Cycle BECAUSE e: Benchmark of Concurrent Architectures for their Use in Scientific Engineering BECMG e: Becoming BECN e: Backward Explicit Congestion Notation [or Notification] BED e: Bridge-Element Delay - e: Hanscom Field, Bedford MA Bedo d: Burst EDO Speicher BEDO e: Burst Extended Data Out BEE s: Batallón de Esquiadores BEEC e: Binary Error Erasure Channel BEEF e: Base Emergency Engineering Force - e: Base Engineer Emergency Force - e: Business and Engineering Enriched Fortran BEG d: Bundesentschädigungsgesetz - e: Budget Estimate Guidance - n: Bijdragen tot de Eigentijdse Geschiedenis Begr d: Begründung BEH e: Business and Economic History: the journal of the Business History Conference BehindR d: Behindertenrecht

BEH on-line e: Business and economic history on-line: the proceedings of the Business History Conference BEI e: Back-End Interno BeitrEinzVergV d: Beitragseinzugsund Meldevergütungsverordnung BeitrGeschTechnik d: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie: Jahrbuch des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure BeitrGUnivErfurt d: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Erfurt BeitrrDortmund d: Beiträge zur Geschichte Dortmunds und der Grafschaft Mark BeitrrOdenwald d: Beiträge zur Erforschung des Odenwaldes und seiner Randlandschaften BeitrrTirol d: Beiträge zur Geschichte von Tirol und Vorarlberg BeK d: Begnadigungskommission BeKD d: Berufsverband Kinderkrankenpflege Deutschland e.V. BEL d: Bürgerliche Einheitsliste - e: Bell BELLCORE e: Bell Communications Research BellCoRe e: Bell Communications Research BelWue d: Baden extended LAN Württemberg BEMAR e: Backlog of Essential Maintenance and Repair BEMO e: Base Equipment Management Office BEN d: Bestätigungsnummer BENELUX e: Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg BENT e: Beginning Evening Nautical Twilight Β Ent s: Buque de Entrenamiento BE number e: Basic Encyclopedia Number BEO /• Bulletin d'Études Orientales BeO i: Bibbia e Oriente BEP e: Basic Emergency Plan - e: Budget Execution Plan BEQ e: Bachelor Enlisted Quarters - e: Best Estimated Quantity BER e: Basic Encoding Rules - e: Bit Error Rate - e: Bit Error Ratio - e: Block Error Rate - e: Budget Execution Review BerdtLK d: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde BerHVBamberg d: Bericht des Historischen Vereins für die Pflege der Geschichte des ehemaligen Fürstbistums Bamberg BERKOM d: Berliner Kommunikationssystem Berkom d: Berliner Kommunikationssystem BERL e: Base Excess Requirement List - e: Base Excess Review Listing BERM e: Basic Encyclopedic Redundancy Media BerNordoberfranken d: Bericht des Nordoberfränkischen Vereins für Natur-, Geschichts- und Landeskunde

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

BHRF BerRehaG d: Berufliches Rehabilitierungsgesetz BerRGK d: Bericht der RömischGermanischen Kommission BERT e: Basic Energy Reduction Technology - e: Bit Error Rate Test[er] bes. d: besondere[r, -s] BES e: Budget Estimate Submission - e: Budget Execution System - e: Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar - s: Batallón Especial de Seguridad Beschl. d: Beschluß BESD e: Basic Enlisted Service Date BESEP e: Base Electronics Systems Engineering Plan BESI e: Budget Execution System Installation BEST e: Base Engineering SupportTechnical - e: Business Electronic Systems Techniques - e: Business Equipment Software Techniques BET e: Baseline Evaluation Test BETA e: Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition BETS e: Building Energy Technical Survey BEU e: Bulk Encryption Unit beV e: billion electronvolts BewDV d: Durchführungsverordnung zum Bewertungsgesetz BewG d: Bewertungsgesetz BeWi d: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Organ der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte BEWT e: Bureau of East-West Trade BEX e: Broadband Exchange BEXEC e: Budget Execution BF e: Back-Feed - e: Backface - e: Backup Force - e: Bad Flag - e: Base Fuse - e: Beginning of Radioactive Fallout - e: Boldface - e: Bottom Face - e: Boundary Function - e: Brought Forward - s: Baja Frecuencia - s: Barrera Fija - s: Brigada Fronteriza Bf d: Beschwerdeführer Β.F. s: Buque Faro B/F e: Background/Foreground BFA e: Battlefield Functional Area - s: Base de Las Fuerzas Aéreas BfA d: Bundesversicherungsanstalt für Angestellte BfAI d: Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation BFAP e: Blocking Factor Analysis Pro gram BfArM d: Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte BFBI e: Brüte Force and Bloody Ignorance BFC e: Battle Forces Command and Control BFCO e: Band Filter Cutoff

BFD e: Back Focal Distance - e: Budget Formulation Directive BfD d: Bundesbeauftragter für Datenschutz BFDV d: Verordnung zur Durchführung des Beweissicherungs- und Feststellungsgesetzes BFE e: Blacker Front End BFF e: Binary File Format BFG e: Binary Frequency Generator BFH/NV d: Sammlung nicht veröffentlichter Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs BFI e: Brute Force and Ignorance BFIM e: Battie Force Information Management BFIST e: Bradley Fire Support Team BFIST-V e: Bradley Fire Support Team Vehicle BFITC e: Battle Focused Instructor Training Course BFL e: Back Focal Length - s: Buque Fluvial BfLK d: Bundesfachvereinigung Leitender Krankenpflegepersonen der Psychiatrie e.V. BFM e: Basic Flight Maneuver - e: Battle-Scale Forecast Model - e: Budget Financial Manager - e: Business and Financial Manager BFMA e: Battlefield Functional Mission Area BFMI e: Brute Force and Massive Ignorance BFMO e: Base Fuel Management Office BFN e: Bye for Now BFO e: Beat Frequency Oscillation - e: Beat Frequency Oscillator BFORM e: Budget Formulation BFPDDA e: Binary Floating Point Digital Differential Analyzer Β Frg s: Buque Frigorífico BFS d: Berufsfachschule - e: Breadth First Search [Algorithm] - e: Brute Force [Unregulated] Supply BFT e: Binary File Transfer BFTP e: Background File Transfer Protocol - e: Batch File Transfer Protocol BFTT e: Battle Force Tactical Training BFU d: Betriebsführungsumsetzer BFV d: Betriebs-FührungsVorfeldrechner BFY e: Budget Fiscal Year BG e: Back Gear - e: Background - e: Battle Group - e: Beach Group - e: Big Grin - e: Bomb Glider - e: Bombardment Group - e: Brigadier General - n: Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis - s: Brigada [Empleo] - s: Buque de Guerra BGA d: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung - e: Ball Grid Array BGAr d: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung BGB d: Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

BGBI[.] d: Bundesgesetzblatt BGBl. I d: Bundesgesetzblatt, nationales Recht BGBR d: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Bistums Regensburg BGC e: Boat Group Commander BGCF e: Breakout Gateway Control Function BGCOLOR e: Background Color Bgde s: Brigada BGDortm d: Beiträge zur Geschichte Dortmunds und der Grafschaft Mark BGE d: Entscheidungen des schweizerischen Bundesgerichts - e: Branch if Greater or Equal BGEssen d: Beiträge zur Geschichte von Stadt und Stift Essen BGHR d: Sammlung der Bundesgerichtshof-Rechtsprechung in Zivilund Strafsachen BGHSt d: Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen BGHZ d: Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen BGI e: Borland['s] Graphics Interface BGM e: Ballistic Guided Missile BGM-7 e: Tube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Guided Antitank Missile System BGM-109 e: Tomahawk BGNrh d: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Niederrheins BGP e: Border Gateway Patrol - e: Border Gateway Protocol BGP4 e: BGP Version 4 BGPHES ARS-ST e; Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System Acquisition Receiving Subsystem Surface Terminal BGSS e: Battalion Ground Surveillance Section BGT e: Branch if Greater Than BGW d: Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege BH e: Beehive History - e: Book History - e: Business History - e: Busy Hour - e: Flux density vs. magnetizing force B-Η e: Binary to Hexadecimal BHC e: Busy Hour Call BHCA e: Busy Hour Call Attempts bhd e: beachhead BHD s: Boletim de Historia Demográfica BHI e: Branch if Higher - e: British Humanities Index Β Hid s: Buque Hidrográfico BHIS e: Branch if Higher or Same BHM e: Birmingham Airport - e: Bulletin of the History of Medicine BHO e: Browser Helper Object BHOF e: Bald Headed Old Fart Β Hosp s: Buque Hospital BHP d: Bayerische Hacker-Post - e: Brake Horsepower BHR f: Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance BHRF / · Bulletin d'Histoire de la Révolution Française © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


BHS BHS e: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies [Liverpool] BHT n: Bebyggelsehistorisk Tidskrift BHVB d: Bericht des Historischen Vereins für die Pflege der Geschichte des ehemaligen Fürstbistums Bamberg BI d: Breidbart Index -

e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: s:

Background Investigation Battle Injury Battlefield Illumination Battlefield Interdiction Binary Input Blanking Input Branch Immaterial Bus Interconnect Batallón de Infantería

B.I. s: Boletín de Información ΒΙΑ e: Base Information Analysis - e: Burned-in MAC Address Bía s: Batería Bia Art s: Batería de Artillería Β Ι Α Β / • Bulletin de l'Institut Archéologique Bulgare Bia Cñ s: Batería de Cañones BIAL e: Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London Bia Lc[o] s: Batería Lanzacohetes Bia Mort s: Batería de Morteros B I A O f: Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Archéologie Orientale Bia O s: Batería de Obuses Bias s: Baterías BIAT s: Batallón de Infantería Transportable BIB e: Bus Interface Board BibFor d: Biblisches Forum: Zeitschrift für Theologie aus biblischer Perspektive BiblArchR e: Biblical archaeology review BiblR e: Bible review BIBR f: Bulletin de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome BIC e: Battlefield Information Center - e: International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector BICC e: Battlefield Information and Control Center - e: Battlefield Information Coordination Center BICES e: Battlefield Information Collection and Exploration System B-ICI e: Broadband Inter Carrier Interface BICI e: Broadband Inter Carrier Interface BICS d: Beratungsstelle für informationstechnische Bildung und Computereinsatz in Schulen - e: Battlefield Information Control System - e: Building Industry Consulting Services - e: Bulletin of the Institute for Classical Studies - η: Binnenvaart Informatie en Communicatie Systeem BID e: Battlefield Information Distribution - e: Built-in Diagnostics


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BIDE e: Basic Identity Data Element - e: Basic Identity Information BiDi e: Bi-Directional BIDM e: Basic Interoperability Data Model BIDS e: Battlefield Information Distribution System - e: Biological Integrated Detection System BIES e: Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society BIET e: Business Initiatives, Education and Training BIF e: Basic in Flow BIFAO / • Bulletin de l'Institut d' Archéologie Orientale du Caire BIFC e: Boise Interagency Fire Center BIFET e: Bipolar Field Effect Transistor BIFF e: Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe BIG s: Base de Información de Gestión BIGFON d: Breitbandiges Integriertes Glasfaser-Fernmelde-Ortsnetz BIHB / • Bulletin de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome BIHR e: Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research BII e: Basic Issue Item BIIL e: Basic Issue Items List BIKDS P: Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziet Sztuki BIL e: Basic Impulse Insulation [or Isolation] Level - e: Basic Insulation Level - e: Block Input Length - s: Brigada de Infantería Ligera BIL SEC e: Bill Sector BIM e: Before Image - e: Beginning of Information Marker - s: Batallón de Infanteria de Montaña - s: Brigada de Infantería Mecanizada BIMAC e: Bistable Magnetic Core BIMOS e: Bipolar Metal-Oxide Semiconductor BiMOS e: Bipolar Metal Oxide Semiconductor Bi Mot s: Batallón de Infantería Motorizada BImSchG d: Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz BImSchV d: Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetzes BIMT s: Batallón de Infantería Motorizada BIMZ s: Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada BIN e: Bachelor of Information Networking - e: Bank Identification Number - e: Binary Bin d: Stauraum für das Handgepäck BINAC e: Binary Automatic Computer BIND e: Berkeley Internet Name Daemon BINET e: Broadhand Interconnection Network BING s: Batallón de Ingenieros Β Ing Comb Blind s: Batallón de Ingeniería de Combate Blindada BinHex e: Binary Hexadecimal

B I N O M E X P e: Binomial Expansion BlnvG d: Gesetz über besondere Investitionen im Beitrittsgebiet BIOFACS e: Biomedical and Facilities Systems biol e: biological BIOLDEF e: Biological Defense BIOLOPS e: Biological Operations BIOLREPT e: Biological Report BIOLRSCH e: Biological Research BIOLWPN e: Biological Weapon B I O L W P N S Y S e: Biological Weapon System BION e: Believe it or Not BIONICS e: Biological Electronics BIOR e: Business Input-Output Rerun BIOS e: Basic Input/Output System - e: Basic Input Output System BIOSTAT e: Bio-Statistical Reporting System BIP e: Balanced in Plane - e: Battlefield Imaging Projectile - e: Bit Interleaved Parity BIPM / • Bureau International des Poids et Mesures BIPO e: Base Information Protection Office BIPT e: Business Integrated Process Team BIRDIE e: Battery Integration and Radar Display Equipment BIRS e: Basic Indexing and Retrieval System BIS d: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem - e: Bibliographic Information System - e: Binary Synchronous - e: Board of Inspection and Survey - e: Business Information System BISA e: Basic Information System Acquisition BISAM e: Basic Indexed Sequential Access Method BISDN e: Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network B-ISDN d: Breitband-ISDN - e: Broadhand-Integrated Service Digital Network BISEPS e: Basic Interceptor Sortie Evaluation Program System BISI i: Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il medio evo BISMC e: Base Information System Management Center BISP e: Base Information Systems Plan BISS e: Base and Installation Security Systems - e: Base Installation Sensor System - e: Base Intrusion Security System BIST e: Built-in Self Test BISYNC e: Binary Synchronous Communication Protocol - e: Binary Synchronous Communications BIT e: Binary Digit - e: Built in Test Bit e: Binary Digit bit e: binary digit bitBLT e: BitBlock Transfer BITC e: Base Information Transfer Center - e: Basic Instructor Training Course

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

BM BITD e: Back in the Day BITE e: Built-in Test Equipment BIT/FI e: Built-in Test/Fault Isolation BITKOM d: Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und Neue Medien BITNET e: Because It's Time Network BITS e: Biweekly Indicator Tracking System BIU e: Basic Information Unit - e: Beach Interface Unit - e: Bus Interface Unit BIV e: Bivouac BIVIR j·: Biblioteca Virtual BIX e: Binary Information Exchange - e: Byte Information Exchange BIZ d: Bank für internationalen Zahlungsausgleich BJ d: Bonner Jahrbücher BJA e: Advisory Case Processing Time Standards [Board for Judicial Administration; court rules] - e: Baseline Jamming Assets BJC e: Bubblejet Color BJ/DJ s: Sistema de tramitación de solicitudes del servicio Ibercom BJHP e: British Journal for the History of Philosophy BJHS e: British Journal for the History of Science BJJ e: Ben Jonson Journal: literary contexts in the age of Elizabeth, James and Charles BJOAF d: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung B J O E R N e: Balanced Job Execution on Remote Network BJPS e: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science BJRL e: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library BJS d: Berliner Journal für Soziologie BJT e: Bipolor Junction Transistor BJIJ e: Beach Jumper Unit BK d: Breitband-Kabel - d: Bürokommunikation bk d: Aufforderung zum Zwischenruf BKAG d: Bundeskriminalamtgesetz BKAL d: Berichte der Kommission für archäologische Landesforschung in Hessen BKEP e: Boosted Kinetic Energy Penetrator BKS d: Bundesverband Kabel + Satellit - e: Broadcast Keying Station - e: Bundesverband Kabel + Satellit BKSB d: Bundesverband der kommunalen Senioren- und Behinderteneinrichtungen e.V. BKSP e: Backspace BKTJAY e: Bhaktapur Jaycees BKZ d: Bereichskennzahl BL d: Basel-Landschaft -

d: d: e: e: e: e: e: e:

Betriebslenkung Bürgerliche Liste Backlit Base Line Basic Load Battle Lab Bell Bend Line


e: e: e: e:

Betriebslenkung Bill of Lading Bit Line Blue Lightning [Chip]

- e: Bottom Layer bl e: bomb line B/L e: Bill of Lading - e: Bill of Loading BL ... e: Blowing [followed by DU = dust, SA = sand or SN = snow] BLA e: Base Level Assessment BLADE e: Basic Level Automation of Data Through Electronics BLAEC p: Boletim latino-americano de estudos clàssico BLAIDS e: Base-Level Autodin Incoming Distribution BLAMES e: Base-Level AUTODIN Message Extract System BLAS e: Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms BLAST e: Battlefield Laser Acquisition Sensor Test - e: Blocked Asynchronous Transmission BLC e: Boundary Layer Control - s: Batallón Ligero [de] Cazadores Blco s: Blanco Blco Art s: Blanco de Artillería BLCP e: Beach Lighterage Control Point BLCS e: Base Level Contingency Simulations BLD e: Battalion Level Device - e: Beam-Lead Device BLDASP e: Base Level Data Automation Standardization Program BLDREP e: Blood Report BLDS e: Busy Line/Don't Answer BLDSHIPREP e: Blood Shipment Report BLE e: Battle Laboratory Experiment - e: Branch if Less or Equal BLER e: Block Error [Rate] BLERB e: Block Error Rate Before Recording BLES e: Broadband Loop Emulation Service BLESOR e: Battle Lab Experiment Senior Officer Review BLESS e: Battle Lab Support Element BLF e: Busy Lamp Field BLI s: Batallón de Lucha Irregular BLIN e: Budget Line Item Number - s: Boletín de Información BLIND e: Cell constant transport computer code Blind s: Blindaje BLIP e: Background Limited Infrared Photoconductor BLIS e: Baffle/Liner Interface Seal - e: Base Level Information Services Program BLK d: Betriebs-Lenkungs-Konzentrator - e: Block BLL e: Below Lower Limit BlldtL d: Blatter für deutsche Landesgeschichte: neue Folge des Korrespondenzblattes Bllón s: Batallón BllWürttKiG d: Blätter für württembergische Kirchengeschichte

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

BLM d: Bayerische Landeszentrale für Neue Medien - e: Basic Language Machine B L M C e: Buried Logic Macrocell BLMPS e: Base Level Military Personnel System Bind s: Blindado BLO e: Below Clouds Bio s: Blocao BLOB e: Binary Large Object BLOBS e: Binary Large Objects BLODIB e: Block Diagram Compiler Β BLOS e: Beyond Line of Sight - e: Branch if Lower or Same BLPO e: Battlefield Laboratory Project Officer BLPP e: Base Level Planning Process BLPS-M e: Base Level Personnel System-Military BLR e: Baseline Restorer B-LRIP e: Beyond Low Rate Initial Production BLRIP e: Beyond L o w Rate Initial Production BLS e: Beach Landing Site - e: Bureau of Labor Statistics BLSE e: Battle Lab Support Element BLSJICP e: Beam Lead Sealed Junction Integrated Circuit Package BLSM e: Base Level System Modernization BLSS e: Base-Level Self-Sufficiency Spares BLT e: Basic Language Translator - e: Basic Leadership Training - e: Battalion Landing Team - e: Block Transfer - e: Branch Liaison Team - e: Briefing and Liaison Team BL&T e: Blind Loaded and Traced BLTM e: Battalion-Level Training Model BLU e: Basic Logic Unit - e: Bomb Live Unit, Submunitions for Cluster Bombs or Dispensers - s: Banda Lateral Única BLUE S e: Navy appropriation BLUFOR e: Blue Forces BLV d: Bundeslaufbahnverordnung BLW e: Below ... B L W E e: Battle Lab Warfighting Experiment BLWV d: Braunschweigischer Landeswahl verband BLX e: Basic Launch Complex BLZS d: Bayerische landesgeschichtliche Zeitschriftenschau BM d: Bürgerliche Mitte - e: Battle Management - e: Bench Mark - e: Benchmarking - e: Beth Mikra - e: Binary Multiply - e: Bitonic Merge - e: Boundary Marker - e: Branch Material - e: Burst Mode - e: Business Manager - e: Byte Me - s: Bajamar - s: Barrera Móvil © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


BMA - s: Base Móvil - s: Buque Mercante - s: Buque Motor - s: Bus Maestro BMA d: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales Β Madr s: Buque Madre B M A N ρ : Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional BMAR e: Backlog of Maintenance and Repair - e: Ballistic Missile Acquisition Radar BMB e: Business Management Board BMBau d: Bundesminister für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau BMC e: Battie Management Command, Control and Communications BM/C e: Battle Management/Command, Control and Communications BMCI e: Battle Management Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence BMCL e: Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law BMCR e: Bryn Mawr Classical Review BMCRev e: Bryn Mawr Classical Review BMCT e: Begin Morning Civil Twilight BMD e: Ballistic Missile Defense BMDATC e: Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center BMDC e: Ballistic Missile Defense Center BMDCP e: Ballistic Missile Defense Command Post - e: Battalion Mortar and Davy Crockett Platoon BMDEAR e: Ballistic Defense Emergency Action Report B M D M B e: Ballistic Missile Defense Missile Battalion B M D M P e: Ballistic Missile Defense Master Plan B M D O e: Ballistic Missile Defense Office - e: Ballistic Missile Defense Operations - e: Ballistic Missile Defense Organization B M D O A e: Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Activity B M D S B e: Ballistic Missile Defense Surveillance Battalion B M D S C O M e: Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command BME s: Base Material de Estudios B M E F d: Beiträge zur Marx-EngelsForschung B M E P e: Brake Mean Effective Pressure Β Mer s: Buque Mercante B M E R R e: Bryn Mawr electronic resources review Β Meteo s: Buque Meterológico Β MEWS e: Ballistic Missile Early Warning BMF d: Bundesfinanzminister - d: Bundesminister für Finanzen - e: Basic Mobile Facility B M F E A e: Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities BMFT d: Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie 44

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BMG d: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung - e: Budget and Manpower Guidance BMGN n: Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden BMGR e: Branch Manager BMGS e: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies BMHG η: Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historische Genootschap BMI e: Branch if Minus BMIC e: Bus Master Interface Controller BMIL e: Budget Milestones BMILS e: Bottom-Mounted Impact and Location System Β Min s: Buque Minador BML d: Bundesminister für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten - e: Battie Management Laboratory - e: Bidder Mailing List - e: Bulk Material Length B M M e: Borrowed Military Manpower - s: Bajamar de Marea Muerta B M M P e: Branch Modernization Management Plan B M M R e: Bryn Mawr medieval review B M M T e: Basic Morse Mission Trainer BMNT e: Begin Morning Nautical Twilight BMO e: Ballistic Missile Organization - s: Barrera Móvil de Obstáculos BMOA e: Business Memorandum of Agreement Β Mov Ε s: Base Móvil de Ejército BMP d: Bayerische Mittelpartei - d: Bitmap, Graphik-Format - e: Basic Mapping Support - e: Basic Multilingual Plane [Unicode] - e: Batch Message Processing Program - e: Best Management Practices - e: Best Manufacturing Practice - e: Bitmap - e: Bitmap Picture - e: Branch Modernization Plan BMPAD e: Battle Management Processing and Display BMPS e: Battle Management Processing Simulation BMPT d: Bundesministerium für Postund Telekommunikation BMR e: Basic Military Requirement - s: Buque Motor Remolcador BMRA s: Base Móvil de Reparación de Automóviles B M R M O e: Balance Mobilization Reserve Materiel Objective BMRSYS e: Ballistic Missile Recovery System BMRT s: Base Móvil de Reparación de Tanques B M R V s: Base Móvil de Reparación de Vehículos BMS e: Balanced Magnetic Switch - e: Battalion Mortar System - e: Battlefield Management Systems - e: B1DDS Management Subsystem BMSAES e: British Museum studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan

BMT e: Basic Military Training - e: Burst Mode Transceiver - s: Base Móvil Terrestre B M U e: Beachmaster Unit BMIJG e: Berkeley Macintosh Users Group BMV e: Bureau of Motor Vehicles - s: Bajamar de Marea Viva B M W e: Beam Width BN d: Beiträge zur Namenforschung - d: Biblische Notizen - e: Battalion - e: Binary Number - e: Bombardier/Navigator - e: Burlington Northern - s: Base Naval bn e: battalion B4N e: Bye for Now BNA d: British Nurse Association - e: Bureau of National Affairs BNC e: Β Number Code - e: Baby "N" Connector - e: Bayonet Navy Connector - e: Bayonet Neill-Concelman - e: Bayonet Nut Connection BNCC e: Base Network Control Center B N C O C e: Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course BNE e: Branch if Not Equal B N E P e: Basic Naval Establishment Plan - e: Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol BNF d: Beiträge zur Namensforschung - e: Bachus-Naur Form - e: Big Name Fan BNFL e: British Nuclear Fuels Ltd BNF NF d: Beiträge zur Namenforschung: Neue Folge BNFSCD e: But Now for Something Completely Different BNI e: Before Next Interaction - e: Broadband Network Interface BNJ e: British Numismatic Journal BNK d: Betriebsführungs-Netzknoten BNM e: Broadband Network Module BNN e: Boundary Network Node BNotO d: Bundesnotarordnung BNP d: BraunschweigischNiedersächsische Partei - s: Base Naval Principal BNRID e: Basic Net Radio Interface Device BNS e: Backbone Network Service - e: Binary Number System - e: Broadband Network Services - e: Broadcast Name Server BNSFCP e: Battalion Shore Fire Control Training BNU e: Basic N e t w o r k i n g ] Utilities BNV d: Bundesnebentätigkeitenverordnung BO e: Back Order - e: Binary Output - e: Bit Oxide - e: Blanket Order - e: Blocking Oscillator - e: Business Object - e: Buyer's Option -1: Bibliotheca Orientalis - s: Boletín Oficial

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ΒΡΑ Bo s: Bombardero - s: Boya Bo. s: Barrio B.O. s: Base de Operaciones B-O e: Binary to Octal BOA e: Basic Object Adapter - e: Basic Order Agreement - e: Basic Ordering Agreement - s: Boletín Oficial de Aragón Bo Acet s: Boya de Acetileno BOA/IDTC e: Basic Ordering Agreement/Indefinite Delivery Type Contract BOAR s: Bloque de Objetos de Aplicación Reutilizables Bo At s: Bombardero Portador de Armas Atómicas BOAWR e: Balance Other Acquisition War Reserve BOB e: Beginning of Business - e: Box of Bits BoB e: Blueprint of the Battlefield - e: Break-Out Box BOC e: Base Operations Center - e: Basic Operating Companies - e: Basic Operational Capability - e: Basic Operator Console - e: Battalion Operations Center - e: Beginning of Cycle - e: Bell Operating Companies - e: Best Operational Capability - s: Bocacha BOCA s: Boletín Oficial de Canarias BOCAIB s.· Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad Autónoma de las Islas Baleares Bo Cam s: Boya Con Campana BOCM s; Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid BOCO e: Buying Office Contracting Official BOCOL e: Basic Operating Consumer Oriented Language BOCT s: Boletín Oficial de Cantabria BOD e: Beneficial Occupancy Date - e: Board of Directors BO del E s: Boletín Oficial del Estado BOE e: Basis of Estimate - e: Blanket Open End - s: Boletín Oficial del Estado Bo El s: Boya Eléctrica Bo Ex Hid Ac s: Boya de Exploración Hidroacústica BOF e: Beginning of File - e: Birds of a Feather BOFS e: Birds of a Feather Session BOGSAT e: Bunch of Guys Sitting Around a Table BOH e: Bottom of Hill Bohemia d: Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder BOI e: Basis of Issue - e: Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field - s: Battalion de Obstáculos Ingenieros BOIP e: Basis of Issue Plan BOIPFD e: Basis of Issue Plan Feeder Data BOIP II e: Basic-of-lssue Plan Ii BOJA s: Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía

BOJO e: Flexible Reporting and Display System BOKG d: Beiträge zur ostdeutschen Kirchengeschichte BOL e: Bearing Only Launch BOLD e: Bibliographic On-Line Display Bo Lej s: Bombardero de Acción Lejana BollFcl i: Bollettino di filologia classica BOM e: Basic Operating Monitor - e: Begin of Media - e: Beginfning] of Message - e: Bill of Materials - e: Bill of Materiel - e: Business Object Model - s: Boletín Oficial de Murcia bomb e: bombardment Bom[bJ s: Bombardero Bo Med s: Bombardero Medio BOMI e: Bill of Materiel Indicator BOMP e: Base Organization and Maintenance Processor BOMREP e: Bombing Report bomst e: bombsight BON s: Boletín Oficial de Navarra Bón s: Batallón Bon Ccm s: Batallón de Carros [de Combate] Medios Bon Comones s: Batallón de Comunicaciones Bon Const s: Batallón de Construcción BOND e: Bandwidth on Demand Bon DC/C s: Batallón de Defensa Contracarros 6BONE e: The Internet's experimental IPv6 network Bonex s: Bono[s] Externo[s] Bon Expl s: Batallón de Exploración Bon I s: Batallón de Infantería Bon IL s: Batallón de Infantería Ligero Bon Ind Comones s: Batallón Independiente de Comunicaciones Bon Ind I s: Batallón Independiente de Infantería Bon Ind Τ s: Batallón Independiente de Tanques Bon Ind Ta s: Batallón Independiente de Transporte Automóvil Bon Ind Trans s: Batallón Independiente de Transporte Bon Ind Zap s: Batallón Independiente de Zapadores Bon MM s: Batallón Motomecanizado BonnerGbll d: Bonner Geschichtsblätter Bon San s: Batallón de Sanidad Bon Τ s: Batallón de Tanques Bon Trans s: Batallón de Transmisiones Bon Transp s: Batallón de Transporte Bon Trsm s: Batallón de Transmisiones Bon Trsm Div s: Batallón de Transmisiones de la Division B o n Z [ a p ] s: Batallón de Zapadores BOO e: Bid Opening Officer BoOD e: Board of Operating Director BOOM e: Binocular Omni Orientation Monitor - e: Binocular Omni-Oriented Monitor BOOTP d: Bootstrap Protokoll - e: Boot Protocol - e: Bootstrap Protocol BOP e: Balance of Payments - e: Balance of Plant

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Balance of Power - e: Basic Operation Plan - e: Battalion Observation Post - e: Binary Output Program ΒΟΡΑ s: Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias B O P P e: Balance of Payment Programmed BOPS e: Billion Operations per Second BOPV s: Boletín Oficial del País Vasco BOQ e: Bachelor Officers' Quarters BOR e: Board of Review - s: Boletín Oficial de la Rioja BORAM e: Block-Oriented Random Access Memory Bo Re s: Bombardero de Reacción Boreas d: Boreas: Miinstersche Beiträge zur Archäologie BOREAS e: Boreal EcosystemAtmosphere Study BORQIJ e: Borland Quattro BORSCHT e: Battery, Overvoltage, Ringing, Supervision, Coding, Hybrid, Testing BörsG d: Börsengesetz BOS d: Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben - e: Background Operating System - e: Bands of Separation - e: Base Operating Support [System] - e: Basic Operating System - e: Battlefield Operating System Bo Son s: Boya Con Señal Sonora BOSS e: Β - I B operational and support software - e: Base Operating Support Operations Support Center BOT e: Back on Topic - e: B e g i n n i n g ] of Table - e: Begin[ning] of Tape - e: B e g i n n i n g ] of Transaction - e: Burst on Target - e: Robot BOW e: Basic Operating Weight BP d: Bandpass - d: Bauernpartei - e: Base Point - e: Base Pointer - e: Basic Pay - e: Battle Position - e: Between Perpendiculars - e: Board President - e: Boiling Point - e: Breakeven Point - e: Budget Program [s] - e: Budget Project - e: Bulk Petroleum - e: Bulk Processing - e: Business Plan - e: Bypass - s: Baja Presión - s: Base de Partida Bp d: Betriebsprüfung B/P e: Be-Prepared Mission - e: Blueprint B & P e: Bid and Proposal B2P e: Business to Private BPA e: Blanket Purchase Authorization - e: Blanket Purchase [or Purchasing] Agreement - e: Budget Project Account © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


bpa bpa d: Bundesverband privater Anbieter sozialer Dienste e.V. BPAC e: Budget Program Account Code - e: Budget Program Activity Code - e: Budget Project Activity Code BPAD e: Broadcast Public Affairs Detachment Β Pas s: Buque de Pasajeros BPAT e: Business Planning Process Action Team BPatGE d: Entscheidungssammlung des Bundespatentgerichts BPB e: BIOS Parameter Block BPC e: Basic Physical Channel - e: Battle Projection Center - s: Brigada de Protección Civil BPCPL e: Butwal Power Company Private Limited BPD e: Basic Planning Document - e: Blood Products Depots BPDM e: Budget Phase Data Menu BPDIJ e: Bridge Protocol Data Unit Bpdu e: Bridge protocol data unit BPED e: Basic Pay Entry Date Β Pet s: Buque Petrolero BPF e: Business Process Framework Bphcl I: Bibliotheca Philologica Classica BPHI e: Boost Phase Intercept BPI e: Baseline Privacy Interface - e: Binary Bits per Inch - e: Bits per Inch - e: Boost Phase Intercept - e: Business Process Improvement - e: Bytes per Inch BPID e: Blueprint Phase Implementation Directive - e: Blueprint Phase Implementation Directory - e: Book Physical Inventory Difference B P I E e: Base Procured Investment Equipment BPI/R e: Business Process Improvement/Reegineering B P K T e: Basic Computing Knowledge Test BPL d: Bedienplatz - e: Boundary Layer - e: Branch if Plus BPM d: Bundespostministerium - e: Batch Processing Monitor - e: Beats per Minute - e: British Postgraduate Musicology - e: Business Process Management - e: Business Process Manager - / • Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale BPN e: Breakdown Pulse Noise BPO e: Blood Program Office BpO d: Betriebsprüferordnung - d: Betriebsprüfungsordnung BPOA e: Basic Project Order Agreement - e: Blanket Purchase Order Agreement BPP e: Binary Packing Problem - e: Bit per Pixel - e: Black Patch Panel - e: Boarding Pass Printer - e: Business Planning Process BPR e: Base Repair Percentage - e: Business Process Reengineering - e: Bypass Ratio BPRF e: Bulletproof 46

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BPRR e: Budget Program Resource Review BPS e: Basic Programming System - e: Basic PSYOP Study - e: Bits per Second - e: Bytes per Second - s: Bits por Segundo bps e: bits per second BPSE e: Brigade PSYOP Support Element BPSI e: Budget Preparation System Installation BPSK e: Binary Phase Shift Keying - e: Biphase Shift Keying BPSM e: Budget Preparation System Macom BPSS e: Budget Program Service Systems BPT e: Beach Party Team BPTF e: Black Patch and Test Facility BP IJ e: Base Production Unit - e: Basic Processing Unit BPV e: Battlefield Planning and Visualization BPWC e: Business and Professional Women's Club BPWRR e: Bulk Petroleum War Reserve Requirement BPWRS e: Bulk Petroleum War Reserve Stocks BPZR s: Borde Posterior de la Zona de Resistencia BQ e: Unmanned aircraft carrying explosives 2B1Q e: 2 Binary 1 Quaternary BQL e: Basic Query Language BQR s: Bacteriológico, Químico y Radiológico BR e: Bad Register - e: Bible review - e: Mist - s: Babor - s: Bastidor de Rectificación - s: Brigada Bra s: Barrera BRA s: Brigada de Artillería BRAA e: Bearing, Range, Altitude, Aspect BRAAT e: Base Recovery After Attack Team BRAC e: Base Realignment and Closure Β RAD s: Buque para Enlace Por Radio Β Radio Com s: Buque para Enlace Con Radio Comunicaciones BRAGO d: Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung BRAH i: Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia BRAK-Mitt. d: Mitteilungen der Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer BRART s: Brigada de Artillería BRAT e: Budget/Readiness Analysis Technique B-rations e: dehydrated food BraunsJb d: Braunschweiger Jahrbuch [Der ganzen Reihe] BraunsJbLG d: Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte BRB e: Be Right Back BRC e: Base Recovery Course - e: Base Repair Cycle

- e: Blue Ribbon Contractor - e: Budget Review Committee - e: Business Reply Card - s: Brigada de Caballería BR/C e: Budget Request/Change BRCC e: Blue Ribbon Contractor Certificate - s: Bastidor de Reserva de Corriente Continua BRCL e: Blue Ribbon Contractor] List BRCM s: Brigada de Caballería Motorizada BRD e: Baseline Requirements Document - e: Bomb Release Distance - s: Batallón Reforzado de Desembarco BRDM e: Floating dry dock BR-Dr. d: Bundesrats-Drucksache BRE e: Battlefield Recovery and Evacuation Β Red s: Buque Tiende-Redes B-Rep e: Boundary Representation BRF e: Bridge Relay Function BRG e: Budget Review Group BRGC e: Binary Reflected Gray Code BRGK d: Bericht der RömischGermanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts BRI e: Basic Rate Interface - e: Brain Response Interface Bri s: Brigada BRICKBAT e: Top priority program Brig e: Brigadier - s: Brigada Brig Const Res s: Brigada de Construcciones de Reserva Brig Gral s: Brigadier General Brig Ing s: Brigada de Ingenieros Brig TT s: Brigada de Técnica y Transporte BRIPAC s: Brigada Paracaidista Britannia e: Britannia: a j o u r n a i of Roman-British and Kindred studies BRL e: Ballisticfs] Research Laboratory - e: Bomb Release Line BRM e: Basic Reference Model BRN e: British Radio Network Brm s: Barreminas 10Broad36 e: 10-Mbps broadband Ethernet specification using broadband coaxial cable BROI e: Battlefield Return on Investment BRP e: Basic Research Plan - e: Border Router Protocol BRPA e: Basic Research and Proposal Announcement BRPAC s: Batallón Paracaidista BRPM e: Blue Ribbon Program Monitor BRPP e: Blue Ribbon Program Panel BRRA s: Batallón [Independiente] de Reparación y Restablecimiento de Automóviles BRRT s: Batallón [Independiente] de Reparación y Restablecimiento de Tanques BRS e: Big Red Switch - e: Broadcast Radiation Station - e: Budget Review System - e: Business Recovery Services

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

BTP BRT e: Base Repair Time - e: Brigade Reconnaissance Team - s: Brigada de Trabajadores BRTS e: Back Request to Send BRUCE e: Basic Remote User's Content Editor BRüG d: Bundesrückerstattungsgesetz BRVI e: Buy Response Vice Inventory BRW e: Brake Release Weight BS d: Basel-Stadt - d: Betriebssystem - e: Bachelor of Science - e: Backspace - e: Base Section - e: Base Station - e: Battle Staff - e: Bill of Sale - e: Binary Subtract - e: Bitonic Sort - e: Bomb Squadron - e: British Standards - e: Broadcast Source - I: Bibliotheca Sacra - R: Belorusskij Sbornik: stati i materialy o istorii i kul'ture Belorussii - s: Base B&S e: Body & Society BSA e: Base Service Area - e: Base Support Agreement - e: Basic Standardization Agreement - e: Beach Support Area - e: Brigade Support Area - e: Budget Subactivity BSAA f: Bulletin de la Société Archéologique dAlexandrie BSALS e: British Society for Agricultural Labour Science Β Salv s: Buque de Salvamento BSAM e: Basic Sequential Access Method BSAMC e: Basic Software Acquisition Management Course BSC e: Balanced Score Card - e: Base Station Controller - e: Battle Staff Coordinator - e: Bi-Synchronous Communication - e: Binary Symmetric Channel - e: Binary Synchronous Communicationfs] [control] - e: Bisynchronous Synchronous Communication - e: Black Station Clock BSCA e: Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter BSchWAG d: BundesschienenwegeAusbaugesetz BSCM e: Bisynchronous Communications Module BSCN e: Bit Scan BSC ro e: Black Station Clock Receive Out BSD e: Baseline System Description - e: Basic Standard Definition - e: Battle Staff Directive - e: Battle Staff Director - e: Berkeley Software Distribution - e: Berkeley Standard Distribution - e: Berkeley System Distribution - e: Binary Synchronous Transmission - e: Bulk Storage Device

BSDL e: Boresight Datum Line - e: Boundary Scan Description Language BSE e: Base Support Element - e: Battle Staff Element - e: Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie - s: Bomba Sin Explotar BSEC e: Base Security Executive Council BSeuchG d: Bundesseuchengesetz BSF e: Bit Scan Forward - e: But Seriously Folks BSFN f: Bulletin de la Société Française de Numismatique BSGE d: Entscheidungssammlung des Bundessozialgerichtes BSI d: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - e: British Standards Institute - e: British Standards Institution BSIC e: Base Station Identity Code BSIT e: Base Systems Integration Test Bed BSJ e: Bolivian Studies Journal BSL e: Basic System Listing - f: Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris BSM e: Basic Sustainment Materiel - e: Battlefield Spectrum Management BSMTP e: Batched SMTP BSN e: Baltic Studies Newsletter BSOAS e: Bulletin of the School of the Oriental and African Studies BSOS e: Bulletin of the School of the Oriental Studies BSP e: Base Support Plan - e: Bulk Synchronous Parallel [Processing] - e: Bulk Synchronous Parallelism BSPC e: Base Support Plan Committee Β SPEC e: Development specification BSR d: Betriebssystem für reelle Speicher - e: Base Support Radio - e: Battlefield Surveillance Radar - e: Bit Scan Reverse - e: Blip-Scan Ratio - e: Board of Standards Review BSS e: Base Station [ S u b s y s t e m - e: Block Started by Symbol - e: Broadcasting Satellite Service - e: Bulletin of Spanish Studies - e: Business Support System BSSG e: Brigade Service Support Group BST e: Basic Skills Trainer bST e: Bovine Somatotropin BSTAT e: Base Status Report BSTUN e: Block Serial Tunnel BSIT e: Blood Supply Unit Β SUBIVI í ; Base de Submarinos BSV d: Betriebssystem für virtuelle Adressierung BSY e: Busy BSYNC e: Binary Synchronous Communications BT e: Basic Training - e: Bathythermograph - e: Bible Translator - e: Bit Test - e: Boiler Technician - e: British T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ] - e: Builder's Trials

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Busy Tone - i: Biblioteca Teatrale: trimestrale di studi e ricerche sullo spettacolo - s: Base de Tránsito - s: Batallón de Trabajadores - s: Batallón de Transmisiones - s: Brigada de Tanques B/T s: Buque Tanque [para Productos Petroleros] BTA e: Best Technical Approach - e: But then Again BTAIM e: Be that as it May Β Tall s: Buque Taller B T A M e: Basic T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Access Method - / • Bulletin de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale BtändG d: Betreuungsrechtsänderungsgesetz BTAS e: Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society BTB e: Bathythermograph Buoy - e: Believed-to-be - e: Biblical Theology Bulletin - e: Branch Target Buffer BTC e: Bit Test and Complement - e: Biting the Carpet - e: Blood Transshipment Center BTCF e: Base Technical Control Facility BTD e: Binary to Decimal - e: Bomb Testing Device - s: Batallón de Transmisiones Divisionarias BTDL e: Basic Transient Diode Logic BT-Dr. d: Bundestags-Drucksache BT-Drs. d: Bundestagsdrucksache BTDT e: Been There Done That BTE e: Battery Terminal Equipment BTF e: Baseline Test Facility - e: Battalion Task Force BTG d: Blätter für Technikgeschichte BTH e: Beyond the Horizon BTh f: Bulletin de Théologie ancienne et médiévale B T H O M e: Beats the Hell Outta Me BTI e: Balanced Technology Initiative - e: Beginning Tape Label - e: Bench Test Instruction - e: Bridged Tap Isolator BTIC e: But Then, Pam Crazy BTK e: Back to Keyboard Β Tldir s: Buque Teledirigido B T M e: Base Tempest Manager BTMA e: Basic Telecommunications - e: Busy Tone Multiple Access BtMG d: Betäubungsmittelgesetz BTN e: Battalion - e: Between Btn s: Batallón BTNG n: Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis BTO e: Bombing Through Overcast - e: Branch Transportation Office[r] BTOA e: Binary to Ascii BTOE e: Base Toe BTOS e: Burroughs Twenty Operating System BTP e: Batch Transfer Program - e: Branch Technical Position - e: Build to Packages © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


BTR - e: Build to Print - e: Business Transaction Protocol - s: Boletín de Trabajo Programado BTR e: Bit Test and Reset btry e: battery BTS e: Base Telecommunications System - e: Base Transceiver Station - e: Base Transceiver System - e: Bit Test and Set - e: Bug Tracking System B T S O O M e: Beats the Shit out of Me BTSS e: Basic Time Sharing System BTT e: Battle Lab Technology Teams BTIJ e: Beach Termination Unit - e: British Thermal Unit[s] BTW e: By the Way BTX d: Bildschirmtext Btx d: Bildschirmtext BTY e: Battery BIJ e: Battery Unit - e: Binding Unit - e: Branch Unit - e: Business Unit - e: Buzzer B/IJ e: Build-Up BUB e: Battle Update Briefs BUBL e: Bulletin Board for Libraries BUC e: Backup Fuel Control BUGS e: Back-Up Computer System - e: Back-Up Control System - e: Budgeting and Computing System BüdingerGbll d: Büdinger Geschichtsblätter: historisches Nachrichtenblatt für den [ehemaligen] Kreis Büdingen BUEC e: Backup Emergency Communications BUF e: Back-Up Facility - e: Buffer - e: Greater Buffalo International Airport BIJFR e: Binary Universal Format for Representation BIJIC e: Backup Intercept Control System - e: Backup Interceptor Control BUILD e: Base for Uniform Language Definition BulgHistRev e: Bulgarian Historical Review BULK e: Bulk Cargo BullBusHistSoc e: Bulletin of the Business Historical Society BullMedCanonLaw e: Bulletin of medieval canon law BullScilnstrumSoc e: Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society BIJLOG in: Badan Urusan Logistik Buq s: Buque de Guerra BUR e: Bottom-Up Review Bürgerliche d: Bürgerliche Parteien und Wählergruppen ohne Spezifische Ausrichtung BURP e: Basic Unit Readiness Program BursJb d: Bursians Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft BUS d: Bild und Schrift


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bus e: broadcast and unknown server BUS AS s: Búsqueda Antisubmarina BusHistRev e: Business History Review BUT e: Basic Unit Training ButzbacherGbll d: Butzbacher Geschichtsblätter BuWeps e: Bureau of Weapons BV d: Betriebsvermögen - e: Basic Vehicle - e: Bureau Voucher - s: Buque de Vigilancia BV-ACTD e: Battlefield Visualization ACTD BVB d: Bundesverband Informationsund Kommunikationssysteme BVbl d: Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter BVCT e: Best Value Contracting Tools B V D M d: Bundesverband Druck und Medien BVerfG d: Bundesverfassungsgericht BVerfGE d: Entscheidungssammlung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts BVerfGG d: Gesetz über das Bundesverfassungsgericht BVerwG d: Bundesverwaltungsgericht BVerwGE d: Entscheidungssammlung des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts BVFG d: Gesetz über die Angelegenheiten der Vertriebenen und Flüchtlinge BVG e: Battlefield Visualization Graphics BVH e: Base Video Handler BVI e: Bridge Group Virtual Interface BVIM e: Base Visual Information Manager BVISC e: Base Visual Information Support Center BVIT d: Bundesverband Informationstechnologien B V M e: Best Value Manufacturing BVMed d: Bundesverband Medizintechnologie BVP d: Bayerische Volkspartei BVP[Z] d: Bayerische Volkspartei [Zentrum] BVR d: Bauernverein des Landes Ratzeburg - e: Beyond Visual Range BV Radar s: Buque de Vigilancia Con Radar para Descubrir Objetivos Aéreos BVS d: Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben - e: Best Value Supplier - e: Bureau of Vital Statistics BVSE e: Bundesverband für Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung BVIJ s: Buzón Virtual Unificado BW d: Baden-Württemberg - e: Bandwidth - e: Biological Warfare - e: Biological Weapons - e: Bomber Wing BWB d: Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung BWD e: Basic Wind Data Report BWG d: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Organ der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

BWI e: Baltimore-Washington International BWIN d: Breitband Wissenschafts-Netz B W M e: Backward-Wave Magnetron - e: Block-Write Mode BWNotZ d: Zeitschrift für das Notariat in Baden-Württemberg B W O d: Bundeswahlordnung - e: Backward-Wave Oscillator BWPA e: Backward-Wave Power Amplifier BWSN d: Baden-Württembergisches Schulnetz BWT e: Broadband Wireless Technology BWX e: Ballistic Weather BX e: Base Exchange B2X e: Binary to Hexadecimal BXM e: Broadband Switch Module BY e: Base Year - e: Budget Year - e: Busy BYBB e: Backyard Boat BYKT e: But You Knew That BY SM e: Base Year Cost in Millions BYTE e: Binary Element String Byzantion f: Byzantion: revue internationale des etudes byzantines ByzF d: Byzantinische Forschungen: internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik ByzSIav f: Byzantinoslavica: revue internationale des études byzantines ByzZ d: Byzantinische Zeitschrift BZ d: Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde: wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift zur Geschichte des Kantons Bern, Organ des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern - d: Betriebszentrale - e: Buffer Zone - s: Batallón de Zapadores Bza s: Barcaza Bza Des s: Barcaza de Desembarco Bza Mot s: Barcaza Con Motor BZG d: Baseler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde BzG d: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung - d: Beiträge zur Gregorianik BzGA d: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung BZH P: Bialoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne BZL d: Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Baden-Württemberg BZR d: Befehlzählregister BzS d: Beiträge zur Schiffahrtsgeschichte B8ZS e: Bipolar with 8 Zeros Substitution BZT d: Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation BZV d: Bargeldloser Zahlungsverkehr - e: Befristeter Zählervergleich - e: Belegorientierter Zahlungsverkehr BZVD e: Beratungszentrum für Videokonferenzdienste, Dresden bzw. d: beziehungsweise

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik


c C d: Christlichdemokratische Fraktion - e: C programming language - e: Cable - e: Cargo - e: Carrier - e: Celsius - e: Centigrade - e: Chemical - e: Clock - e: Communication - e: Computer - e: Conference - e: Control - e: Coverage Factor - e: Creeping Line Pattern - e: Cumulus - e: Programming language - s: Caballería - s: Cabo - s: Calle - s: Camion - s: Caporal - s: Centro - s: Ciudadano - s: Columna - s: Comandancia - s: Confidencial - s: Lenguaje de programación C C - l e: Hercules - e: Stariifter C2 e: Command and Control C3 e: Command, Control and Communications C4 e: Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures - e: Command, Control, Communications and Computers C- e: Cord, Block of Explosives - e: Galaxy C++ s: Lenguaje de programación C orientado a objetos CA - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e:

e: Cabin Attendant Cable Call Appearance Canada Certification Authority Chartered Accountant Civil Affairs Clear Aperture Collision Avoidance Combat Arms Combat Assault


e: Combat Assessment e: Combined Arms e: Commercial Activités e: Computers and Automation e: Configuration Audit e: Connection Approval e: Construction Authorization e: Contract Administration e: Contract Administrator e: Contract Analysis e: Contract Authority e: Contract Authorization e: Contract Award e: Contractor Assessment e: Control Account e: Corrective Action e: Cost Account e: Cost Analysis e: Crisis Alerting e: Criticality Analysis e: Cultural Analysis: an interdisciplinary forum on folklore and popular culture - e: Current Anthropology - e: Current Awareness Bulletin - e: Heavy gun cruiser - s: Càmera del Agro - s: Cañón - s: Cañón Antitanque - s: Cañón de Acompañamiento - s: Centro de Abastecimiento - s: Centro de Acceso - s: Centroamericano - s: Comisión Aposentadora - s: Contraalmirante Ca s: Caza - s: Compañía C&A e: Certification and Accreditation C/A e: Coarse Acquisition - e: Contract Administrator - e: Corrective Action C3A e: Command, Control. Communications and Automation CAA e: Civil Air Augmentation - e: Civilian Agency Acquisition - e: Combined Arms Army - e: Command Arrangement Agreements - e: Competent Authority Approval - e: Computer Aided Animation - e: Computer Aided Anthropometrics - e: Computer Aided Assembling - e: Computer Assisted Accounting - e: Concept Analysis Agency - e: Crypto Access Authorization

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- s: Cañón Antiaéreo - s: Centro de Abastecimiento por CAAA e: Clean Air Act Amendments - e: Crane Army Ammunition Activity - e: State Commission on African American Affairs - s: Cañón de Artillería Antiaérea - s: Centro Avanzado de Abastecimiento Por Aire CAAC e: Civilian Agency Acquisition Council CAAD e: Corps Area Air Defense CAADES s: Confederación de Asociacions Agrícolas del Estado de Sinoloa CAAH e: Contracting Officer Shall Contact CAAIS e: Computer Aided Action Information System CAAM e: Computer-Assisted Artillery Meteorological CAAS e: Combined Arms and Support - e: Contracted Advisory and Assistance Services CAAT e: Computer Assisted Audit Lechniques CAB e: Cabinet - e: Centralized Accounting and Billing - e: Combat Aviation Brigade - e: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux - e: Corrective Action Board - s: Centro Antitanque de Batallón - s: Convención de Armas Biológicas Cab s: Caballería - s: Cable - s: Cablero CABAC e: Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding CABE e: Computer Aided Business Engineering Cab Hid Sub s: Cable Hidrográfico Submarino Ca Bo s: Caza-Bombardero Cab Ord s: Cable Ordinario CABS e: Cockpit Airbag System Cab Sub s: Cable Submarino CAC e: Cancellation Administrative Charges - e: Carrier Access Code - e: Combat Air Command - e: Combat Alert Cell - e: Combat Alert Center - e: Combat Analysis Capability © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CACB - e: Combat Assessment Capability - e: Combined Arms Command - e: Combined Arms Command and Control Program - e: Computer Aided Computing - e: Computer Aided Consulting - e: Computer Aided Creativity - e: Computer Assisted Classification - e: Contract Audit Coordinator - e: Control and Analysis Center - e: Cost at Completion - e: Current Actions Center - s: Centro Auxiliar de Conducción - s: Centro de Atención al Cliente - s: Control Automático de Congestión CACB e: Compressed-Air Circuit Breaker CACC e: Commander, Air Component Command CACCABLE s: Centro de Atención al Cliente de Telefónica Cable CACES e: Computer Aided Cost Estimating Support CACFP e: Child and Adult Care Food Program CACGP s: Centro de Atención de Clientes Global Post CACICH s: Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Integral Chiquimula CACIF s: Comité Coordinador de Asociaciones Agrícolas, Comerciales, Industriales y Financieras CACM e: Communications of the A C M CACO e: Corporate Administrative Contracting Officer C A C O / D A C O e: Corporate/Division Administrative Contracting Officer CACPT e: Combined Arms and Command Post Trainer CA/CRL e: Custody Authorization/ Custody Receipt Listing CACS e: Computer Assisted Command System - e: Contract Audit Closing Statement CACTIS e: Community Automated Intelligence System CAC-TNG e: Combined Arms Center Training CACIJ s: Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito 'Uzamanché' CAD e: Cartridge-Activated Device - e: Collective Address Designator - e: Combat Arms Directorate - e: Computer-Access Device - e: Computer Aided Design - e: Computer Aided Detection - e: Condemnation at Depot - e: Containment Atmosphere Dilution - e: Contract Administration Data - e: Counter-Arm Decoy - e: Course Administrative Data - s: Central Autònoma Digital Cad s: Cadete C A D A M e: Computer Graphics Augmented Design and Manufacturing System CADAPSO e: Canadian Assosciation of Data Processing Organizations CADAR e: Computer-Aided Design, Analysis and Reliability 50

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CADBIT e: Computer Aided Design for Built-in Test CADC e: Central Air Data Computer - e: Crown Asset Disposal Corporation CAD/CAM e: Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing CADD e: Computer Aided Design and Drafting - e: Computer Aided Drafting and Design CADE e: Client/Server Application Development Environment - e: Combined Allied Defense Experiment/E ffort - e: Computer-Aided Design Evaluation CADEP e: Computer Aided Design of Electronic Products CADES e: Computer-Aided Design Evaluation System CADESS e: Computer Aided Data Exchange Standards/Specifications CADET e: Computer-Aided Design of Experimental Translator CADETS e: Classroom-Aided Dynamic Educational Time-Sharing CADF e: Cathode-Ray Tube Automatic Direction Finding CADFISS e: Computation and Data Flow Integration Circuits CADIC e: Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits CADIS e: Computer Aided Design Interactive System CADISOGUA s: Coordinadora de Asociaciones de Desarrollo Integral de Sur Oriente de Guatemala CADIZ e: Canadian air defense identification zone C A D M A T e: Computer-Aided Design, Manufacture and Test CADMINI e: Computer Administrative Instruction C A D M O S d: Computerorientiertes Administrations- und Organisationssystem CADOSS e/ Computer-Aided Development of Standards/Specifications CAD/PAD e: Cartridge Actuated/Propellant Activated C A D Q A D e: Computer-Aided Development of Quality Assurance Data CADR e: Contract Administration Data Record CADRE e: Current Awareness and Document Retrieval for Engineers CADRG e: Compressed Arc Digitized Raster Graphic CADS e: Cartridge Actuated Devices - e: Computer Aided Design System - e: Computer Assisted Display System - e: Concept and Design Study - e: Containerized Ammunition Distribution System C A D S A M E e: Call Signs and/or Address Group Remain Same CADSS e: Combined Analog-Digital Systems Simulator CADW e: Civil Air Defense Warning CAE e: Client Application Enabler - e: Common A p p l i c a t i o n ^ ] Environment - e: Component Acquisition Executive

- e: Computer Aided Education - e: Computer Aided Engineering - e: Computer Assisted Education - e: Computer-Assisted Enrollment - s: Circuito de Actuación y Exploración CAE/CAD e: Computer Aided Engineering/Computer Aided Design CAED s: Circuito de Actuación y Exploración Doble CAEDS e: Computer Aided Emulation Design System CAEM s: Cámara Empresarial de Guatemala CAEMS e: Computer-Aided Embarkation Management System CAES e: Component Acquisition Executives CAEX e: Computer Aided Exploration CAF e: Chemical Analysis Facility - e: Combat Air Forces - e: Command Advisory Function - e: Commander Airlift Forces - e: Computer Aided Fishing - e: Contract Audit Follow-Up - e: Controllable ATM Fabric - s: Centro de Adiestramiento de la Flota CAFAC s: Comisión Africana de Aviación Civil CAFC e: Court of Appeal for the Federai Circuit CAFE e: Conditional Access for Europe CAFIT e: Computer Aided Fault Isolation Testability CAFM e: Commercial Air Freight Movement - e: Computer Aided Facilities Management CAFSC e: Control Air Force Specialty Code CAG e: Carrier Air Group - e: Civil Affairs Group - e: Civilian Advisory Group - e: Column Address Generator - e: Combat Analysis Group - e: Combat Arms Group - e: Commander Air Group - e: Concept Action Group - e: Cost Advisory Group - e: Guided missile heavy cruiser C3AG e: Command, Control and Communications Advisory Group CAGE e: Commercial and Government Entity - e: Computerized Aerospace Ground Equipment - e: Contractor and Government Entity CAGEL e: Consolidated Age List CAGR e: Compounded Average Growth Rate CAH e: Computer Aided Hausaufgaben - e: Computer Aided Holidays - e: Computer Aided Homework CAHE e: Core Auxiliary Heat Exchanger CAHR e: Central Arkansas historical review CAI e: Close Approach Indicator - e: Computer-Administered Instruction - e: Computer Aided Inspiration - e: Computer-Aided Instruction - e: Computer Analog Input

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CA NL - e: Computer-Assisted Instruction - e: Configuration Audit Inspection - s: Central Automática Interurbana - s: Centro de Acceso Ibertex CAIC s: Centro de Adiestramiento de Información en Combate CAICO e: Chemical Accident/Incident Control Officer CAID e: Clear Accountability in Design - e: Contractor Accountability in Design CAIL e: Contingency Operation Team - s: Central Automática Internacional CAIMS e: Computer Aided Instruction Management System CAINS e: Carrier Airborne [or Aircraft] Inertial Navigation System CAI/O e: Computer Analog Input/Output CAIRS e: Commercial Activities Inventory and Reporting System CAIS e: Colocated Automatic Intercept System - e: Common A D A Interface Set - e: Common Airborne Instrumentation System - e: Common Apse Interface Set CAIS-A e: Common APSE Interface Set Version A CAISS e: Computer Assisted Information Support System CAIT e: Computer Aided Inspection and Test CAIV e: Cost as An Independent Variable CAJ e: Cooperative Angle Jammer CAK d: Computer-Anwendungen Karlsruhe CAL e: Calendar - e: Caliber - e: Command Asset List - e: Common Assembler Language Code - e: Computer Aided Learning - e: Computer Aided Life - e: Computer Aided Lunch - e: Computer Animation Language - e: Computer-Assisted Learning - e: Contractor Alert List - e: Conversational Algebraic Language - s: Componente de Autenticación del Locutor cal e: caliber Cal s: Calado - s: Calibre CALC e: Customer Access Line Charge CALDH s: Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos CALEA e: Communications Assistance for/to Law Enforcement Act CALFEX e: Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise CALGARY e: University of Calgary, Canada C Alj s: Camion de Aljibe CALL e: Combined Automated Lesson Learned [Information Centers] - e: Computer Aided Language Learning CALLM s: Centro de Atención de Llamadas Multimedia CALM e: Collected Algorithms for Learning Machines - e: Computer-Assisted Library

Mechanization - e: Computer Assisted Load Manifest C Aim s: Camion Almacén CALM s: Contralmirante CALN e: Comprehensive Aramaic lexicon newsletter CALOW e: Contingency and Limited Objective Warfare CALR e: Computer-Assisted Legal Research CALS e: Committee for Ammunition Logistic Support - e: Computer Aided [Acquisition and] Logistics Support - e: Computer Aided Logistic System - e: Continuous Acquisition and LifeCycle Support - e: Current Awareness Literature Service CALSA e: Computer Aided Integrated Logistics Life Cycle Support Analysis - e: Computer Aided Logical Support Analysis CALS/ATI e: Computer Aided Logistics Support/Automation of Technical Information CALS/EDI e: Cycle Support/Electronic Data Interchange CALSER s: Calidad de los Servicios de Red CALSIP e: Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support Implementation Plan CALS RIC e: CALS Resource and Implementation Cooperative CAM e: Central Address Memory - e: Chemical Agent Monitor - e: Combat Airlift Mission - e: Commercial Air Movement Number - e: Common Access Method - e: Common Access Model - e: Communication Access Method - e: Compass Angle Measurement - e: Computer Address Matrix - e: Computer Aided Machining - e: Computer Aided Management - e: Computer-Aided Manufacturing - e: Concentrator Access Module - e: Conditional Access Module - e: Containment Atmospheric Monitoring - e: Content Addressable Memory - e: Content Addressed Memory - e: Contract Audit Manual - e: Cost Account Management - e: Cost Account Manager - e: Crisis Action Module - s: Camilla - s: Centro de Aprendizaje Maya - s: Centro de Ayuda al Mantenimiento cam e: c a m o u f l a g e ^ ] Cam s: Camion CAMA e: Centralized Automatic Message Accounting C A M A C e: Computer Automated Measurement and Control C A M A R e: Common-Aperture Multifunction Array Radar C-AMB e: Chinese-oriented antiballistic missile system CAMB e: Civilian Acquisition Management Branch C Amb s: Camion Ambulancia

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CAME e: Corps Air Space Management Element - s: Consejo de Ayuda Mùtua Economica CAMEL e: Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic CAMES f: Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l'Enseignement Supérieur CAMI s: Centro de Actividades Multiples e Investigación Cam Min s: Campo de Minas Cam Min As s: Campo de Minas Antisubmarinas CAMO e: Contracting and Acquisition Management Office Camo s: Camillero CAMP e: College Assistance Migrant Program - e: Command Automation Master Plan, Administrative Management Program - e: Compiler for Automatic Machine Programming - e: Computer-Aided Message Processing - e: Computer-Assisted Mathematics Program - e: Computer Assisted Movie Production - e: Controls and Monitoring Processor Camp s: Campaña Camp Min s: Campo de Minas CAMPS e: Centralized Automated Military Pay System - e: Computer Aided Mission Planning System - e: Computer Assisted Mission Planning System CAMPUS e: Center Automated Manpower and Project Update System CAMR s: Conferencia Administrativa Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones CAMRAS e: Computer-Assisted Mapping and Records Activities Systems CAMS e: Collection Automated Management System - e: Computer Aided Maintenance System CAN e: Campus Area Network - e: Cancel - e: Communications Area Network - e: Community Alert Network - e: Complete Area Network - e: Customer Access Network - s: Central Autentica Nacional Can s: Canal Cañ s: Cañón - s: Cañonero CANA e: Convalescent Antidote for Nerve Agent CANALON e: Canal On Line Can AT s: Cañón Antitanque Cañ Aut s: Cañón Automático Can Bal s: Canal Balizado CANDI e: Commercial and Nondevelopmental Items CANDO e: Commercial-off-the-Shelf Affordable Near-Term CANE e: Chemical and Nuclear Environment Reports CANES s: Centro de Adiestramiento Naval CanHRev e: Canadian Historical Review CA NL s: Comandancia Naval © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CANS CANS e: Computer-Assisted Network Scheduling System Cañ s/r s: Cañón Sin Retroceso C A N T R A C e: Catalogue of United States Navy Training Courses CANUS e: Canada, United States CAO e: Case Administering Office - e: Central Accounting Office - e: Chief Administrative Officer - e: Collateral Action Officer - e: Contract Administration Office [r] - e: Counter Air Operations CAOC e: Combat Air Operations Center - e: Combined Air Operations Center - e: Constant Axial Offset Control CAOCC e: Combined Air Operations Coordination Center CAOP e: Copy Budget Phase Data CAORF e: Computer Aided Operation Research Facility CAOS e: Completely Automatic Operational System CAOSOP e: Standing operating procedures for the coordination of atomic operations CAP e: Cable Access Protocol - e: CAMEL Application Part - e: Capacitor - e: Carrierless Amplitude and PhaseModulation - e: Carrierless Amplitude-Phase Modulation - e: Central Arbitration Point - e: Centralized Assignment Procedure - e: Combat Air Patrol - e: Commander's Audit Program - e: Communication Application Platform - e: Communications Access Processor - e: Communications-Electronics Authorization Program - e: Computer Aided Planning - e: Computer Aided Printing - e: Computer Aided Publishing - e: Computer-Assisted Production - e: Configuration and Alarm Panel - e: Consolidated Aerial Port - e: Continuous Audit Program - e: Contract Administration Plan - e: Contractor Acquired Property - e: Contractor Assessment Program - e: Control and Audio Panel - e: Corrective Action Plan - e: Countermeasures Advisory Panel - e: Countermeasures Assessment Program - e: Crisis Action Planning - e: Critical Acquisition Position - e: Cryotron Associative Processor - / · Cahiers archéologiques de Picardie - s: Cabeza de Puente - s: Cañón Autopropulsado - s: Capitán - s: Central de Area Primaria - s: Centro de Autorización de Pagos CAPAL e: Computer and Photographically Assisted Learning CAP C s: Capitán de Corbeta CAPCAT e: Capability Category CAPD e: Computing to Assist Persons with Disabilities - e: Council for Agricultural Planning and Development 52

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CAPE e: Communications Automatic Processing Equipment - e: Contractor Assessment Product Evaluation CAPERTSIM e: Computer-Assisted Program Evaluation Review Technique Simulation CAPES e: Capability Evaluation System CAPEX e: Capital Expenditure CAP F s: Capitan de Fragata CAPI e: Common ISDN Application Programming Interface - e: Commond Application Programing Interface CAP III e: Centralized Assignment Procedures CAPL e: Critical Acquisition Position List CAPM e: Computer-Aided Patient Management - e: Computer-Aided Project Management CAP Ν s: Capitán de Navio CAPPS e: Contract Appraisal System CAPR e: Capability Requirement CAPRA e: Cave Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Archive CAP Report e: Capability Report CAPRI e: Computerized Advance Personnel Requirements and Inventory CAPS e: Capitals - e: Cassette Programming System - e: Cell Atmosphere Processing System - e: Computer-Assisted Problem Solving - e: Computerized Airlift Planning System CAPST e: Capacitor Start CAPT e: Conversational Parts Programming Language - s: Capitán CAPTAIN e: Character and Pattern Telephon Access Information Network CAPTOR e: Encapsulated torpedo CAQ e: Computer Aided Quality Assurance - s: Convención de Armas Químicas CAQRL s: Cooperativa Agrícola Integral Quezaltepeque R.L. CAR e: Channel Address Register - e: Chief, Army Reserve - e: Cisco Access Registrar - e: Civil Airworthiness Regulation - e: Command Assessment Review - e: Committed Access Rate - e: Compressed Audio Recording - e: Computer Aided Retrieval - e: Computer-Assisted Research - e: Condition and Recommendation - e: Configuration Audit Review - e: Contents of the Address part of the Register - e: Contract Administration Report - e: Corrective Action Report - e: Corrective Action Request - e: Customer Account Representative - s: Carabina - s: Carretera - s: Contestador Automático en Red CARA e: Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter Carb s: Carburantefs] CARC e: Chemical Agent Resistant Coating

CArch / • Cahiers Archéologiques: fin de l'antiquité et Moyen-Âge CArchJ e: Cambridge Archaeological Journal CARCOR s: Cordinadora de Asociaciones Regionales de Caficultores Organizados de la República CARCSLR e: Career Councilor CARD e: Channel Allocation and Routing Data - e: Compact Automatic Retrieval Device - e: Cost Analysis Requirement Document - e: Cost Analysis Requirements Description - e: Crash Avoidance Research Data File CARDPAC e: Card Packet System CARDS e: Catalog of Approved Requirements Documents - e: Comprehensive Approach to Reusable Defense Software Ca Re s: Caza de Reacción CARE s: Cooperativa Americana de Remesas al Exterior CARES s: Cálculo y Análisis de Redes de Sincronización CARETS e: Central Atlantic Regional Ecological Test Site project CARF2 s: Protocolo propietario definido para la interconexión entre la PMT-RF y el CAR. Carg s: Cargador C A R G O E C i/ CARGO en Cuenta CARIBE s: Configuración y Análisis de Redes Interconectadas de Banda Estrecha CARIBROC e: Caribbean Regional Operations Center CARL d: Chemisches Aufweiten von Resist-Linien CARM s: Capacidad Receptiva del Municipio C A R M A s: Comandante Armada Nacional CARMSTAR Contetador Automático en Red Movistar CARN s: Carnización CARP e: Computed Air Release Point - e: Contingency Alternate Routing Plan - e: Contingency Alternate Routing Program - e: Contract Award Release Package - e: Contract Award Review Panel - e: Crisis Action Response Plan - s: Capacidad Receptiva de la Provincia C A R Q U A L e: Carrier Qualification Carr s: Carretera Car. Ree. s: Carro de Reconocimiento carriage e: gun carriage CARS e: Combat Arms Regimental System - e: Community Antenna Relay Service - e: Computer Aided Routing System - e: Computerized Automotive Reporting System CART e: Central Automated Replenishment Technique - e: Central Automatic Reliability Tester - e: Classification and Regression Trees - e: Computerized Automatic Rating Technique - e: Conformai Array Radar Technology

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CATTS Cart s: Cartografía CARVE e: Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability and Effect C A R V E R e: Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effect and Recognizability CAS e: Calculated Air Speed - e: Calibrated Air Speed - e: Casualty Assessment System - e: Central Alarm Station - e: Channel Associated Signaling - e: Channel Associated Signalling - e: Circuit Associated Signaling - e: Civil Aviation Security - e: Close Air Support - e: Collision Avoidance System - e: Column Address Select - e: Column Address Strobe - e: Combat Advice System - e: Combat Aviation Squadron - e: Combined Antenna System - e: Combined Arms Staff Services School - e: Command Automation System - e: Communicating A p p l i c a t i o n ^ ] Specification - e: Communications Application Specification - e: Computer Aided Search - e: Computer Aided Selling - e: Computer Aided Service - e: Computer Aided Styling - e: Computer-Aided Supportability - e: Computer Aided System Engineering - e: Conditional Access System - e: Contract Administration Service - e: Contract Administration Surcharge - e: Contract Administrative Services - e: Control Access System - e: Cost Accounting Standard - e: Crisis Action Support - e: Crisis Action System - e: Cumputer-Assisted Survey - s: Centro de Administración de Servicios - s: Centro de Aplicaciones y Servicios - s: Circuito de Alimentación del Sistema - s: Curso Académico Superior cas e: casualties CASA e: Cost Analysis Strategy Assessment CAS ADD-ON e: Contract Administrative Surcharge Add On CASAT e: Computer Assisted System Approach to Training CAS-B e: Combat Ammunition System Base CASB e: Cost Accounting Standards Board CASC e: Cataloguing and Standardization Center - e: Contract Administration Service Component CASD e: Computer-Aided System Design CASDE e: Computer Assisted Software Development Environment CASE e: Close Air Support Evaluation - e: Coherent Active Source Experiment - e: Combined Arms Systems Engineering - e: Common Applications Service Element - e: Computer Aided Software Engineering

- e: Computer Aided System Engineering - e: Computer Aided System Evaluation - e: Computer Assisted Software Engineering - e: Computer Automated Support Equipment CASEE e: Comprehensive Aircraft Support Effectiveness Evaluation CASEUR e: Contract Administration Service -Europe CASEVAC e: Casualty Evacuation CASF e: Composite Air Strike Force CASFDD e: Crisis Action System Force Deployment Data CASL e: Competition Advocate's Shopping Fist - e: Crosstalk Application Scripting Fanguage Casm s: Casamata CASMIN e: Connection and Service Management Information Model CASP e: Computer-Aided Search Planning - e: Computerized Administrative Software Program - e: Contracting and Acquisition Support Plan CASPER e: Contact Area Summary Position Report CASPR e: Command Automated System for Procurement CASRE e: Computer Aided Software Reliability Estimation CASREP e: Casualty R e p o r t i n g ] CASREQ e: Close Air Support Request CASS e: Camouflage Support System Cass e: Cassiodorus CASS e: Common Atccs Support Software - e: Computer Assisted Search Service - e: Consolidated Automatic Support System CasS I: Cassubia Slavica: internationales Jahrbuch für kaschubische Studien CASSIS e: Classification and Search Support Information System CAST e: Catalog of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Fasks - e: Center for Applied Security Fechnology, Darmstadt - e: Combat Armament Support Feam - e: Combined Arms Staff Frainer - e: Competence Center for Applied Security Fechnology - e: Computer-Aided Search Fechnique - e: Computer-Aided Software Festing - e: Computer-Aided Software Franslator - e: Computerized Automatic Systems Fester - s: Castrametación CASVACHI s: Cooperativa Agrícola de S.V. Chiquimula CAT e: Category - e: Chordal Axis Transformation - e: Clear Air Turbulence - e: Cockpit Automation Technology - e: Combined Arms Training - e: Command Action Team - e: Common Air Tasking - e: Compile and Test - e: Computer Aided Teaching

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Computer Aided Technologies - e: Computer Aided Telecommunication - e: Computer-Aided Test[ing] - e: Computer Aided Tomography - e: Computer Aided Transcription - e: Computer-Aided Translation - e: Computer Aided Translation - e: Computer-Assisted Testing - e: Computer Assisted Training - e: Computer Automatic Testing - e: Computerized Axial Tomography - e: Concatenate - e: Conditionally Accepted Tag - e: Contractor Acceptance Test - e: Control and Analysis Tool - e: Control and Assessment Team - e: Controlled Attenuator Timer - e: Conventional Arms Transfers - e: Correlation Analysis Tool - e: Crisis Action Team - s: Control Aéreo Táctico cat e: category CATCC e: Carrier Air Traffic Control Center CATCO e: Chief Air Traffic Control Operation Officers C A T C O M S e: Credibility Assessment Team Communications System CATD e: Crisis Action Team Director CATE e: Computer-Assisted Threat Evaluation CATEX e: Categorical Exclusion CATF e: Commander, Amphibious Task Force CATG s: Comité de Arquitectura Tecnológica Global CAT I e: Category 1 CATI e: Computer-Assisted Telephone Inquiry CATIS e: Computer Aided Tactical Information System CATIS/IESS e: Computer Aided Tactical Information System/Imagery Exploitation CATK e: Counterattack CATM e: Computer Aided Technical Management CATO e: Compiler for Automatic Teaching Operation CATOX e: Catalytic Oxidation CATP e: Computer Aided Technical Publishing CATR s: Centro de Asistencia Técnica Remoto CATREP e: Crisis Action Team Report CATS e: Carload and Truckload Shipments - e: Common Automatic Test System - e: Computer Aided Teaching System - e: Computer Aided Training System - e: Computer Assisted Tracking System - e: Computer Assisted Training System - e: Computer Automated Test System - e: Core Analyst Tools CAT SCAN e: Computerized Axial Tomography Scan CATT e: China Academy of Telecommunication Technology - e: Conventional Arms Transfer Talks CATTS e: Combined Arms Tactical Training Simulator © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CATV - e: Controlled Atmosphere/Temperature Treatment System CATV e: Cable Television - e: Cable TV. Televisión por cable - e: Common Antenna Television - e: Community Antenna Television CAIJ e: Channel Adapter Unit - e: Concentrator Access Unit - e: Connection Arrangement Unit - e: Controlled] Access Unit - e: Crypto Adapter Unit - e: Crypto Ancillary Unit - e: Crypto Auxiliary Unit - e: Cryptographic Auxiliary Unit - s: Centro de Atención de Usuarios CAV e: Constant Angular Velocity - s: Centro de Acceso Videotex cav e: cavalry Cav s: Caverna CAVE e: Contractual Aspect of Value Engineering CAVOK e; Ceiling and Visibility Ok CAVIJ e: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited CAW e: Channel Address Word CAWCF e: Conventional Ammunition Working Capital Fund CAWSE e: Casualty Analysis for Determining Weapon System Effectiveness CAX e: Combined Arms Exercise - e: Community Automatic Exchange - e: Computer-Assisted Exercise CAYS s: Cuadro de Alimentación y Supervision CB e: Center of Balance - e: Chemical and Biological - e: Circuit Breaker - e: Citizens Band [radio] - e: Classical Bulletin - e: Common Base - e: Common Battery - e: Confined to Barracks - e: Construction Battalion - e: Coordination Board - e: C4RDP Board - e: Large cruiser - s: Carbonero - s: Caza-Bombardero - s: Cuerpo Blindado Cb s: Corbeta C-B e: Center of Balance - e: Chemical-Biological C/B e: Center of Balance C/B s: Contrabatería CBA e: Collective Bargaining Agreement - e: Cost Benefit Analysis CBAC e: Context Based Access Control CBAIC e: Chemical-Biological Accident and Incident Control CBAICP e: Chemical-Biological Accident and Incident Control Plan CBAL e: Counterbalance CBAT e: Computer Based Aid for Trouble Shooting CBB e: Contract Budget Baseline CBBLS e: hundreds of barrels CBC e: Cipher Block Chaining - s: Cable Coaxial CBCC e: Conviction by Civil Court 54

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CBCR e: Channel Byte Count Register CBD e: Cash Before Delivery - e: Central Business District - e: Chemical Biological Defense - e: Condemnation Below Depot CBDCOM e: Chemical Biological Defense Command CBD-IMPACT e: CB Defense Integrated Meteorological and Contamination Transport CBE e: Command Budget Estimate CBEMA e: Computer [and] Business Equipment Manufacturers' Association CBFS e: Cesium Beam Frequency Standard - e: Command Budget Formulation System CBGA e: Ceramic Ball Grid Array CBH s: Cable Hertziano CBI e: Change in Business Inventories - e: Charles Babbage Institute - e: Complete Background Investigation - e: Computer-Based Instruction CBIAC e: Chemical and Biological Information Analysis Center CBIL e: Common and Bulk Item List CBIO e: Counterbattery Intelligence Officer CBIS e: Computer-Based Information System - e: Computer-Based Instructional System CBIT e: Continuous Built-in-Test C-BITE e: Continuous Built-in Test Equipment CBITS e: Computer-Based Instruction Training System CBL e: Commercial Bill of Lading - e: Computer Based Learning - s: Cable - s: Cable Ligero Cbl Mltp s: Cable Múltiple CBLTU e: Common Battery Line Termination Unit CBM e: Core Business Manual - e: Cubic Meter - s: Cable Múltiple C2BM e: Command and Control Battle Management CBMH / · Canadian Bulletin of Medical History-Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine CBMS e: Computer-Based Mail System CBMIT e: Construction Battalion, Maintenance Unit CB&N e: Chemical Biological and Nuclear CBO e: Computer Burst Order - s: Cable Ordinario CBOI e: Complete Basis of Issue CBOIP e: Complete Basis of Issue Plan CBP e: Corporate Business Plan CBPL e: Capability Based Program List CBPO e: Consolidated Base Personnel Office CBPS e: Chemically and Biologically Protective Shelter CBQ e: Catholic Biblical Quarterly CBR e: California Bearing Ratio - e: Case Based Reasoning - e: Chemical, Biological and Radiological

- e: Chemical/Biological/Radioactive Weapons - e: Common Bomb Rack - e: Concurrent Budget Resolution - e: Constant Bit Rate - e: Content Based Retrieval - e: Continuous Bit Rate - e: Current Budget Resolution - e: Currents in Biblical Research CBRG e: Cost Benefit Review Group CBRP e: Cluster Based Routing Protocol CBRR s: Coalición de Bloques de Retorno y Repatriación CBRS e: Concept-based Requirements System CBS e: Close Boundary Sentry - e: Common Battery Signaling - e: Corps Battle Simulation - e: Cost Breakdown Structure - e: Crossbar Switch[ing] CBSR e: Census Bureau Shipment Report CBS-X e: Continuing Balance SystemExpanded CBT e: Combating Terrorism - e: Common Battery Terminal - e: Computer-Based Trainer [or Training] - e: Core Based Tree - s: Combate CBT AO e: Cost Benefit of Tactical Air Operations CBTDEV e: Combat Developer - e: Combat Developments CBTE s: Combate CBTI e: Combat Intelligence CBTOPS e: Combat Operations Division CBTPLANS e: Combat Plans Division cbtry e: counterbattery CBTZ e: Combat Zone CBIJ e: Chemical and Biological Weapons - e: Cluster Bomb Unit - e: Commodity Business Unit - e: Conference Bridge Unit CBUD e: Computer Based User Documentation CBW e: Chemical and Biological Warfare - e: Convert Byte to Word CBWFQ e: Class-Based Weighted Fair Queueing CB-WFQ e: Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing CBX e: Cam Box - e: Computer-controlled Branch Exchange - e: Computerized Branch Exchange Cbz s: Cabeza CC e: Call Center - e: Call Context - e: Carbon Copy - e: Card Code - e: Center Commander - e: Central Computer - e: Central Control - e: Chain Command - e: Channel Command - e: Chemical Corps - e: Cirrocumulus - e: Close Combat - e: Close-Coupled

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CCFT - e: Closed Circuit - e: Closing Coil - e: Cluster Controller - e: Coarse Control - e: Combat Command - e: Command Cab - e: Command Center - e: Commander - e: Commercial Consumable - e: Common Carrier - e: Common Collector - e: Common Criteria - e: Communication Center - e: Communications Controller - e: Component Commander - e: Computer Community - e: Condition Code - e: Condition Command - e: Configuration Control - e: Container Code - e: Continuous Current - e: Control Center - e: Control Computer - e: Conventional Conflict - e: Cost Center - e: Cost Component - e: Counter-C3 - e: Country Code - e: Cross Connection - e: Customer-Within-Country - e: Tactical command ship - / · Code civil - s: Cañón Contracarro - s: Capitán de Corbeta - s: Carro de Combate - s: Central de Control - s: Centro de Comunicaciones - s: Centro de Conmutación de celda - s: Centro de Control - s: Ciudadanos - s: Contracarro - s: Corriente Continua cc e: cubic centimeters C/C e: Cabin Cruiser - e: Cast Off and Clear - s: Contracarro C-C e: Center to Center C&C e: City & Community: ajournai of the Community and Urban Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association - e: Command and Control CCI e: Call Control 1 C2C e: Client-to-Client CCA e: Carrier Controlled Approach - e: Central Control/Analysis - e: Circuit Card Assembly - e: Command and Control Agency - e: Command Center Automation - e: Component Cost Analysis - e: Container Control Activity - e: Contamination Control Area - e: Contingency Capabilities Assessment - e: Contract Construction Agent - e: Customer Certification Authority - s: Centro de Comunicaciones Auxiliar C ca s: Código canónico CCAA e: Contract Clearance Approval Authority - e: Contract Clearance Approving Authority

CCAAT s: Centro de Control de la Agrupación Aérea Táctica CCAD e: Consolidated Contract Administration Data - e: United States Army Depot, Corpus Christi - s: Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo CCADVANC s: Centro de atención al Cliente de Advance CCAF e: Control Call Function Agent C Caj Cer s: Camion Caja Cerrada CCAL e: Certified Contractor Access List CCAMS e: Computer Controlled Antenna Measurement System CCAN s: Consejo de Cooperación del Atlántico Norte CCAP e: Communications Control Application Program - s: Central de Control de Area Primaria CCARS e: Comprehensive Cost and Requirement Report CCAS e: Contingency Contract Administration Services - s: Central de Control de Área Secundaria CCASS e: Construction Contract Appraisal Support System CCAT s: Central de Control de Área Terciaria CCAWS e: Close Combat Anti Armor Weapon System - e: Close Combat Armored Weapon System CCB e: Call Control Block - e: Change Control Board - e: Channel Command Block - e: Channel Control Block - e: Circuit Concentration Bay - e: Community Counterterrorism Board - e: Configuration Control Board - e: Control Board CCB/BCEA e: Canadian Classical Bulletin-Bulletin Canadien des Études Anciennes CCBD e: Configuration Control Board Directive CCBL e: Collect Commercial Bill of Lading CCBS e: Completion of Call to Busy Subscribers] CCC d: Chaos Computer Club - e: Canadian Commercial Corporation - e: Cargo Category Code - e: Central Computer Complex - e: Change and Configuration Control - e: Civilian Conservation Corps - e: Classified Control Clerk - e: Combat Control Center - e: Command and Control Center - e: Command Center Complex - e: Command, Control and Communications - e: Communications Control Center - e: Computer Communication Console - e: Conference Control Channel - e: Crisis Coordination Center - e: Critical Control Circuit - e: Cross-Cultural Communications Course

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- i: Civiltà Classica e Cristiana - s: Cañón Contracarro CCCC e: Computer Command and Control Company CCCD e: Camouflage, Cover, Concealment and Deception - e: Crew Centered Cockpit Design CCCH e: Common Control Channel CCCI e: Case Closure Certificate Inventory - e: Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence CCCMMM e: Closed-Chest Cardiac Massage and Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation CCCS e: Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies CCD e: Camouflage Concealment and Deception - e: Cash Concentration and Disbursement - e: Cash Concentration or Disbursement - e: Charge[d]-Couple[d] Device - e: Command and Control Display - e: Command Case Directive - e: Common Category Database - e: Computer-Controlled Display - e: Continental Communications Division - e: Course Control Damper - e: Course Control Document - e: Critical Component Demonstration - s: Centro de Control de Datos CCDA s: Comité Campesino del Altiplano CCDB e: COMINT Correlated Database C2CDM e: Command and Control Core Data Model CCDR e: Contract Cost Data Reporting] - e: Contractor Cost Data Reports CCDU e: Control, Communication and Display Unit CCE e: Combat Contingency Element - e: Command and Control Evaluation - e: Commercial Construction Equipment - e: Communications Control Equipment - e: Component Cost Estimate - e: Container Control Element - e: Contingency Communications Elements - e: Continuing Criminal Enterprise - s: Centro de Control Espatel CCEB e: Combined CommunicationsElectronics Board - s: Conmutador y/o Controlador de Estación Base CCF e: Central Clearance Facility - e: Central Control Facility - e: Centralized Control Facility - e: Collection Coordination Facility - e: Communications Control Facility - e: Compartmented Communications Facility - e: Consolidated Computer Facility - e: Control Call Function - e: Corps Contingency Force - e: Correctional Custody Facility CCFM e: Construction and Facilities Management Office CCFSS e: Collection Coordination Facility Support System CCFT e: Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CCFY CCFY e: Current Contractor Fiscal Year CCG e: Combat Communications Group - e: Command and Control Group - e: Crisis Coordinating Group - s: Càmera de Comercio de Guatemala CCGD e: Commander, Coast Guard District CC Gr s: Carro [de Combate] Grúa CCH e: Chief of Chaplains - e: Computerized Criminal History - e: Connections per Circuit Hour CCHAS e: Center for Computer High Assurance System CCHX e: Component Cooling Heat Exchanger CCI e: Command Control Interface - e: Common Client Interface - e: Compliant, Compatible and Interoperable - e: Composite Configuration Item - e: Controlled Cryptographic Item - s: Centro de Control Ibercom CCIA e: Console Computer Interface Adapter CCIB e: Command Center Integration Branch CCIC s: Centro de Capacitación e Investicación Campesina CCIG s: Càmera de Comercio e Industria de Guatemala C O L e: Continuously-Computed Impact Line CCIP e: Cali Center Internet Protocol - e: Continuously-Computed Impact Point C O R e: Commander's Critical Information Requirements - e: Consultative Committee for Radiocomunication - e: International Radio Consultative Committee - f : Comité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications - s: Comité Consultivo Internacional de Radiocomunicaciones C cir s: Código de Circulación CCIS e: Command Control Information System - e: Common Channel Interoffice Signaling - e: Computer Controlled Interconnect System C Cis s: Camion Cisterna CCIS #1 e: Common Channel Interoffice Signaling 7 CCISS e: Command, Control and Intelligence Support Squadron CCITT e: Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone - f : Comité Consultatif International de Télégraphique et Téléphonique [ou Télégraphié et de Telephonie] - s: Comité Consultivo Internacional Telefónico y Telegráfico CCIU e: Common Equipment Facility Control Interface Unit CCK e: Centre de Calcul el Khawarizmi, Tunis - e: Complementary Code Keying - e: Computerclub Kamen CCL e: Carrier Common Line - e: Center for Creative Leadership 56

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- e: Closed Conference Loop - e: Combat-Configured Load - e: Commerce Control List - e: Common Command Language - e: Communications/Computer Link - e: Concentric Canister Launcher - e: Connection Control Language - e: Control Language - e: Corel Contractual Licensing - e: Creative Commons License - e: Cursor Control Language - s: Carro [de Combate] Ligero - s: Centro de Control Local - s: Consejo de Comercio Libre CCLS e: Consolidated Contractor Logistics Support CCM e/ Call Control Module - e: Care and Conservation of Manuscripts - e: Central Case Management - e: Central Case Manager - e: Color Management System - e: Command Country Manager - e: Communications Control Module - e: Communications Controller Multichannel - e: Control, Civil and Military - e: Counter Countermeasures - / · Cahiers de civilisation médiévale - s: Carro [de Combate] Medio - s: Casa de la Cultura de Mixco - s: Central de Conmutación Móvil - s: Centro de Control Móvil - s: Centro de Correo Militar - s: Comité Central Menonita C2CM e: Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures C3CM e: Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures C4CM e: Command, Control, Communications and Computer Countermeasures CCM A e: Civilian Clothing Maintenance Allowance CCMD e: Continuous Current Monitoring Device CCME s: Contra-Contramedidas Electrónicas CCMPTC e: Central Computer Center C3CMSDB e: Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures Support Database CCMSF e: Compass Call Mission Support Facility CCN e: Case Control Number - e: Cell Change Notificación - e: Configuration Change Notice - e: Contract Change Notice - e: Contract Completion Notice - e: Cordless Communication Network - s: Centro de Control Nacional CCNA e: Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNR e: Completion of Call on no Reply CCN unit e: Continuous Control Node unit CCO e: Case Control Office - e: Central Control Officer - e: Chief of Combat Operations - e: Circuit Control Office - e: Classified Control Officer

- e: Combat Cargo Officer - e: Communications Controller - e: Conflict & communication online - e: Contingency Contracting Officer - e: Current-Controlled Oscillator - s: Concentrador de Comunicaciones - s: Cuadro de Control de Operaciones CCOC e: Command Control Operations Center - e: Consolidated Contingency Operations Center CCOF e: Conventional Ammunition Working Capital Fund Customer Order File C Com s: Centro de Comunicaciones C Com Mov s: Centro de Comunicaciones Móvil CCOP e: Case Closet Process - e: Case Closet Program CCOT e: Cross Office Transfer Time CCP e: CAN Calibration Protocol - e: Casualty Collection Point - e: Central Contract Point - e: Central Control Point - e: Circulation Control Point - e: Coherent Countermeasures Processor - e: Combat Command Post - e: Combined Command Post - e: Communications Checkpoint - e: Communications Command Processor - e: Communications Control Processor - e: Computer Control Panel - e: Configuration Control Panel - e: Console Command Processor - e: Console Command Program - e: Console Control Processor - e: Console Control Program - e: Consolidated Control Point - e: Consolidated Cryptologie Program - e: Consolidation and Containerization Point - e: Consolidation/Containerization Program - e: Consolidation Point - e: Containerization Point - e: Contingency Communications Package - e: Contract Change Proposal - e: Conventional Contingency Plan - s: Carro [de Combate] Pesado c.c.p. s: copia de carbón para CCPC e: Communications Computer Programming Center CCPCH e: Common Control Physical Channel CCPD e: Coupling Capacitor Potential Device CCPDS e: Command Center Processing and Data System - e: Command Center Processing and Display System CCPDS-R e: Command Center Processing and Display System Replacement Program CC/PIN e: Cost Center/Product Identification Number CCPM e: Command Career Program Manager CCPO e: Central Civilian Personnel Office

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CDC - e: Consolidated Civilian Personnel Office CCPP s: Comisiones Permanentes de Refugiados CC Pte s: Carro [de Combate] Puente CCR e: Captive Carry Reliability - e: Central Contractor Registration - e: Combat Crew - e: Combined Contractor Registration - e: Commitment, Concurrency [and] Recovery - e: Control Contractor - e: Corrected Compass Rose - e: Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions - e: Cross-Cultural Research: the journal of comparative social science - s: Centro de Comunicaciones de Reserva - s: Centro de Control Remoto C&CR e: Command and Control Reports CCRC e: Communications Control and Restoral Center - e: Corrupt CRC CCRD e: CINC 's Required Delivery Date CCRSE e: Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element CCS e: Celtic Cultural Studies: an interdisciplinary online journal - e: Central Control Ship - e: Central Control System - e: Command and Control Segment - e: Command and Control Subordinate System - e: Command and Control Systems - e: Commitment Control System - e: Common Channel Signal[l]ing - e: Common Command Set - e: Common Communications Services - e: Common Communicationfs] Support - e: Communications Control System - e: Container Control Site - e: Continuous Commercial Service - e: Continuous Composite Servo - e: Control and Communications Subsystem - e: Custom Computer System - e: Hundred [C] Call Seconds - s: Centro de Creación de Servicios C-CS e: Communication Computer Systems CCSA e: Command and Control Support Agency - e: Common Control Switching Arrangement - e: Containership Cargo Stowage Adapter CCSB e: Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, Karlsruhe - e: Configuration Control Sub-Board CCSC e: Command and Control Sustainment Contract - e: Command and Control Systems Center - e: Cryptologie Combat Support Console - s: Comité Coordinador del Sector Civil CCSCA e: Cost Control System for Conventional Ammunition CCSD e: Cellular Circuit-Switched Data - e: Command Communications Service Designator - e: Control Communications Service Designator

CCSETM s: Centro de Control de los Sistemas de Explotación de los Teléfonos Modulares CCSG e: Consolidated Contingency Steering Group CC/SM e: Control Center/Security Monitor CCSO e: Command and Control Systems Office - e: Command and Control Systems Organization CCSP e: Consolidated Computer Security Program - e: Contingency Contracting Support Plan CCSS e: Commodity Command Standard System C-CSS e: Communication Computer System Security CCSS7 e: Common Channel Signaling System 7 C Cst s: Camion Cisterna CCT e: Captive Carry Test - e: Combat Control Team - e: Combat Crew Trainer - e: Communications Control Team - e: Computer-Compatible Tape - e: Computerized Communication Terminal - e: Consolidated Change Table - e: Constant Current Transformer - e: Contingency Communications Team - e: Correlated Color Temperature - s: Capa Temporal de Tramitación CCTA e: Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency CCTest e: Component Check Test CCTI e: CJCS commended training issues CCTS e: Combat Crew Training Squadron CCTT e: Close Combat Tactical Trainer CCTV e: Closed Circuit Television CCU e: Central Communication Unit - e: Central Control Unit - e: Certificate of Clearance for Use - e: Channel Control Unit - e: Combat Control Unit - e: Command Center Upgrade - e: Common Control Unit - e: Communication Control Unit - e: Customer Control Unit CCV e: Control-Configured [Aircraft] Vehicle - s: Centro de Control Virtual CCVR / · Centre de Calcul Vectoriel pour la Recherche CCVS e: COBOL Compiler Validation System - e: Current-Controlled Voltage Source CCW e: Channel Command Word - e: Continuous Carrier Wave - e: Continuous Composite Write - e: Counterclockwise COWS e: Command Center Watch Station CCX e: Cisco Compatible Extension CD e: Cable Duct - e: Calendar Day - e: Carrier Detect - e: Carry Detect - e: Case Designator

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Center Distance - e: Chad - e: Change Directory - e: Channel Designator - e: Chemical Defense - e: Circuit Description - e: City Demonstration Agency - e: Collision Detection - e: Color Display - e: Combat Developer - e: Combat Development[s] - e: Committee Document - e: Compact Disc - e: Compact Disk - e: Concept Development - e: Conference on Disarmament - e: Contractor Definition - e: Coordinating Draft - e: Counter-Drug - e: Country Director - e: Criticality Designator - e: Current Density - e: Current Dollars - s: Carga de Demolición - s: Caza Diurno - s: Cirujano Dentista - s: Control Dosimetrico - s: Convergencia Democratica - s: Cuerpo Diplomático C/D e: Control Data - s: Cabeza de Desembarco c/d s: con descuento C-D e: Convergent-Divergent C2D e: Character to Decimal - e: Command and Control Disruption CDA e: Case Directive Amendment - e: Central Design Activity - e: Central Design Agency - e: Command and Data Acquisition - e: Command Data Administration - e: Compound Document Architecture - e: Contractual Document Action - e: Coordinating Design Authority - e: Critical Design Activity - e: United States Army DARCOM Catalog Data Activity CDAA e: Circularly Disposed Antenna Array CDAd e: Component Data Administrator CDAG s: Confederación Deportiva Autónoma de Guatemala CDAGA s: Compañeros de las Americas Guatemala-Alabama CDALR s: Centro de Difusión de Alarma CDAP e: Centrally Directed Audit Program CDAY e: Commencement of Deployment Date C-DAY e: Deployment Date CDB e: Call Detail Block - e: Career Development Board - e: Central Data Bank - e: Chemical, Biological Defense - e: Command Database - e: Communications Database - e: Consolidated Database - e: Corporate Database CDC e: Call Directing Character - e: Call Directing Code - e: Career Development Course © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CDCE - e: Centers for Disease Control - e: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - e: Chemical Decontamination Center - e: Command Data Channel - e: Computer Display Channel - e: Computing Device Canada - e: Configuration Data Control - e: Consolidated Duplicating Center - e: Control Data Corporation - e: Current-Controlled Voltage Source CDCE e: Central Data-Conversion Equipment CD-CHRDY e: Card Channel Ready CDCIA s: Comandancia CDCN e: Command Document Control Number - e: Contract Document Change Notices CDCR e: Conceptual Design and Cost Review CDD e: Collateral Damage Distance - e: Common Data Dictionary - e: Competitive Design/Development - s: Centro de Distribución Digital CDDA e: Compact Disc Digital Audio CD-DA e: Compact Disk-Digital Audio CDDI e: Copper Distributed Data Interface CDE e: Call Detail Element - e: Certification in Data Education - e: Chemical Defensive Equipment - e: Common Desktop Environment - e: Compact Disc Erasable - e: Compact Disk Erasable - e: Complex Data Entry - e: Cost Driver Effect - s: Conjunto de Equipos - s: Controlador de Dispositivos Externos CD-Ε e: Compact Disk-Erasable CdÉ f: Chronique d'Égypte: Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth C de A s: Campo de Aterrizaje C de C s: Capitán de Corbeta C de c s: Código de Comercio C de E s: Centro de Entrega C de EE de I s: Centro de Estudios Especiales de Intendencia C de G s: Centro de Gravidad C de JM s: Código de Justicia Militar C de R s: Centro de Resistencia C de Τ s: Centro de Transmisiones CDF e: Channel Definition File - e: Channel Definition File/Format - e: Channel Definition Format - e: Class Determination and Finding - e: Combat Direction Finding - e: Combined Distribution Frame - e: Comma Delimited Format - e: Common Data File - e: Common Data Format - e: Context Dependent File - e: Core Distributed Interactive Simulation Facility - e: Criticality Difficulty Frequency - e: Cumulative Damage Function - e: Cyberspace Description Format CD&F e: Class Determination and Findings CDFA-AGC e: California Department of Food and Agriculture-Agricultural Chemicals & Feed Division


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CDFIF e: Communications DirectionFinding Interface CDFMS e: Custom Duty Free Management Systems CDFS e: Compact Disk File System CDG e: Coder-Decoder Group - e: Competitive Development Group CDGIJA s: Cooperación para el Desarrollo C&DH e: Satellite Communications And Data Handling CDHG s: Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala CDHI s: Indigenous Human Rights Commission CDI e: Cargo Disposition Instructions - e: Classification, Discrimination and Identification - e: Collector Diffusion Isolation - e: Compact Disk Interactive - e: Concept Development Investigation - e: Conditioned Diphasé - e: Control Direction Indicator - e: Conventional Defense Improvements - e: Conventional Defense Initiatives - e: Cyrel Digital Imaging - s: Centro de Impacto [s] C di e: Conditioned Diphasé CD-I e: Compact Disk-Interactive CD/I e: Compact Disk/Interactive CDIA e: Certified Document Imaging Architect CDIF e: Case Data Interchange Format CDIG e: Contract Data Input Group CDIP e: Combined Defense Improvements Project - e: Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program CDIPO e: Counterdrug Intelligence Preparation for Operations CDL e: Commercial Driver's License - e: Common Data Link - e: Common Display Logic - e: Computer Description Language - e: Computer Design Language CDLA s: Compañeros de las Americas Guatemala-Alabama CDLIS e: Commercial Driver's License Information System CDM e: Cable Driver Modem - e: Case Development Module - e: Central Data Management - e: Chemical Downwind Message - e: Code Division Modulation - e: Code-Division Multiplexing - e: Configuration Data Manager - e: Content Data Model - e: Contractor Data Manual CDMA e: Code Division Multiple Access CDMD e: Configuration Data Manager Database CDMD-OA e: Configuration Data Manager Database Open Architecture CDMF e: Commercial Data Masking Facility C D M G M e: Cable Driver Modem Group Buffer CD-MO e: Compact Disk-Magneto Optical CDN e: Compressed Dial Number - e: Content Delivery Network

CD/NC e: Computer-Aided Design/Numerical Control CDNC e: Computer-Aided Design/Numerical Control CDNTS e: Civil Defense National Telephone System CDNU e: Control Display Navigation Unit CDO e: Command Center Duty Officer - e: Command Duty Officer - e: Commando - e: Country Desk Officer cdo e: commando Cdo s: Comando CDOC e: Counterdrug Operations Center CDOG e: Combat Development Objectives Guide CDOS e: Concurrent Disk Operating System - e: Customer Data and Operations System CDP e: Career Development Plan - e: Central Data Processor - e: Centralized Data Processing - e: Certification Data Processing - e: Checkout Data Processor - e: Combat Development Process - e: Communications Data Processor - e: Company Distributing Point - e: Concept Demonstration Program - e: Conditional Diphasé [Encoding] - e: Contract-Definition Phase - e: Critical Decision Point - e: LCAC [Landing Craft Air Cushion] Departure Point CDPA e: Centre for Development and Population Activities CDPC e: Central Data Processing Computer - e: Commercial Data Processing Center CDPD e: Cellular Digital Packet Data - e: Chemical Defense Planning Document CDPIR e: Crash Data Position Indicator Recorder CDPL e: Command Designated Position List CD-PROM e: Compact Disk as Programmable Read-Only Memory CDR e: Call Detail Record[ing] - e: Cargo Delivery Receipt - e: Charging Data Record - e: Close Defense Relations - e: Collaterized Depositary Receipt - e: Combat Deployable Radio - e: Command Destruct Receiver - e: Commander - e: Compact Disk Recordable - e: Conceptual Design Requirement - e: Consolidated Data Report - e: Continuous Data Recording - e: Critical Design Review - e: Current Directional Relay cdr e: commander - e: contents of decrement CD-R e: Compact Disc [orDisk]Recordable C D R A M e: Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory CD-RDx e: Compact Disk-Read Only Memory Data Exchange Standard

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CEEM CDREIJDAC e\ Commander, European Data Analysis Center CDRFS e: Compact Disc Recordable File System CDRO s: Cooperación para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente CD-ROM e: Compact Disc [or Disk]Read Only Memory C D R O M e: Compact Disk Read Only Memory C D - R O M X A e: Compact Disk Reado n l y Memory Extended Architecture CDRS e: Container Design Retrieval System - e: Control and Data Retrieval System CD-RTOS e: Compact Disk-Real Time Operating System C D R U S E L E M N O R A D e: Commander, United States Element, North American Air Defense Command CD-RW e: Compact Disc Read Write - e: Compact Disk Re-Writable CDS e: Cell Directory Service - e: Chamber of Destination of Ships - e: Cockpit Dynamic Simulator - e: Command and Decision System - e: Command Direct Support - e: Commander's Data Summary - e: Computer Duplex System - e: Conceptual Design Study - e: Congressional data sheet - e: Congressional Descriptive Summaries - e: Container Delivery System - e: Continuing Design Services - e: Contractor Data Sheet - e: Control and Display Subsystem - e: Control Display System - e: Countermeasure Dispenser Systems - e: Crashworthiness Data System - e: Critical discourse studies - e: Current Directory Structure - s: Concentradores Digitales Simétricos CDSA e: Common Data Security Architecture [Initiative] CDSD e: Civil Defense Support Detachments CDSE e: Computer-Driven Simulation Environment CDSO e: CAES Digital Standard Office - e: Counterdrug Support Office CDSP e: Core Digital Signal Processing CDSR e: Controlled Deployment Specular Reflector CDSSC e: COOP Designated Successor Service Chief CDT e: Center for Democracy and Technology - e: Central Data Terminal - e: Control Data Terminal - e: Crew Duty Time - s: Cadete - s: Centro de Tiro - s: Código de Destino de Tráfico CDTUC e: Conventional Data Terrain Unit Cartridge CDTV e: Commodore Dynamic Total Vision CDU e: Central Display Unit - e: Cockpit Display Unit - e: Command Destruct Unit - e: Commander Display Unit

- e: Control Display Unit - e: Counterdrug Update CDV e: Cell Delay Variation CD-V e: Compact Disk-Video - e: Compact Disk Video CDVIR s: Centro de Documentación Virtual CDVT e: Cell Delay Variation Tolerance CDW e: Command and Display Workstation - e: Computer Data Word CD-WO e: Compact Disk Write Once CDX e: Contro-Differential Transmitter CD-XA e: Compact Disk-Extended Architecture CE e: Cache Enable - e: Chemical Energy - e: Chip Enable - e: Civil E n g i n e e r i n g ] - e: Code Escited - e: Collision Elimination - e: Command Element - e: Commander's Evaluation - e: Common Emitter - e: Communications-Electronics - e: Commutator End - e: Computer Engineer - e: Concept Exploration - e: Concurrent Engineering - e: Conditioning Equipment - e: Conducted Emission - e: Continuous Evaluation - e: Convert Enable - e: Cooperative Engagement - e: Corps Eligible - e: Cost Estimate - e: Counter-Espionage - e: Current Estimate - e: Customer Engineer - f: Chronique d'Egypte: Fondation Égyptologique Reine Elisabeth - f: Conformitée Européenne - s: Comercio Electrónico - s: Comité Ejecutivo - s: Conductor de Buques de Escolta - s: Cuerpo de Ejército C/E e: Calculation/Experiment C-Ε e: Communications-Electronics C2E e: Command and Control Element - e: Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation CEA e: Circular Error Average - e: Combined Electronics Assembly - e: Communications Electronics Activity - e: Control Element Assembly - e: European Confederation of Agriculture - f: Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes - f: Commissariat a l'Énergie Atomique, France - s: Comisión Económica para África CEAC e: United States Army Cost and Economic Analysis Center - s: Comisión Europea de Aviación Civil CEA/CFTC e: Commodity Exchange Authority/Commodity Futures Trading Communication CEAN s: Comisión de Experiencias de Armas Navales CEAO f: Communauté Économique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CEAP e: Corps of Engineers Automation Plan CEAR s: Comisión Especial para la Atenciona de Refugiados, Repatriados y Desplazados CEB e: Configured Engine Bay - f: Comité Electrotechnique Belge CeBIT d: Centrum für Büro, Information und Telekommunikation CEBus e: Consumer Electronics Bus CEC e: Commission of the European Communities - e: Contractor Employment Compliance - e: Cooperative Engagement Capability CECAP s: Centro de Capacitación Agropecuaria para Ciegos de Area Rural Santa Eucia CECAT e: Combat Enhancing Capability Aviation Team CECDC e: Cost Estimate Control Data Center CECO e: Cost Estimate Change Order CeCo s: Centro de Coste C E C O M e: Communications-Electronics Command - s: Centro de Comunicaciones CED e: Caller-Entered Digits - e: Capacitive Electronic Disk - e: Captured Enemy Documents - e: Concept Exploration and Definition - e: Cost Estimating Data CED AL s: Casa de Servicios a Derechos Humanos y Laborales CED A M e: Combined Electronic Display and Map CEDAR e: Core Extraction Distributed Ad hoc Routing CED AW d: Komitee über die Beseitigung jeder Form von Diskriminierung der Frau C E D E C O N s: Centro para la Defensa de la Constitución CEDEP / · Centre Européen d'Éducation Permanente - s: Centro de Estudios Políticos CEDEPP s: Comité Emergente Pro Defensa de la Propriedad Privada CEDEX f: Courrier d'Entreprise Distribution Exceptionelle CEDIM s: Centro de Documentación e Investigación Maya C E D I M A Q s: Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo Integral de la Cultura Maya Q'eqchi' CEDL e: Central European defense loans CEDLA s: Centro de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos CEDM e: Control Element Drive Motor CEDPA e: Centre for Development and Population Activities CEDREP e: CommunicationsElectronics Deployment Report CEDRO s: Cooperación para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente CEE e: Captured Enemy Equipment - e: Commercial Equivalent Equipment - e: Communications Electronics Element - s: Comunidad Económica Europea CEEM s: Coordinadora de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CEERS CEERS e: Command Excess Equipment Redistribution System CEES s: Centro de Estudios Económicos-Sociales C-Ε ESR e: CommunicationsElectronics Equipment Status Reporting CEF e: Centralized Environmental Facility - e: Cisco Express Forwarding - e: Civil Engineering Files - e: Common Equipment Facility - s: Cabeza de Etapa de Ferrocarril CEFI e: Contractor Engineer-Furnish and Install CEFIM s: Centro para la Formación Integral de la Mujer CEFOL s: Centro de Estudios Folklóricos CEFR e: Communications Electronics Facility Records CEG e: Combat Evaluation Group - e: Common Equipment Group - e: Continuous Edge Graphics CEGESCO s: Centro de Gestión de Servicios Corporativos CEH e: Central European history - e: Contemporary European history - s: Comisión para el Esclaracimiento Histórico CEI e: Combat Efficiency Improvement - e: Communication Electronics Instruction^] - e: Comparable Efficient Interconnection - e: Computer Extended Instruction - e: Conducted Electromagnetic Interference - e: Configuration End Item - e: Cost Effectiveness Index - e: Critical Employment Indicator - s: Cliente de Entidad Intermediadora - s: Comunidad de Estados Indepedientes - s: Cuerpo de Ejército Independiente CEID e: Communications-Electronics Implementation Document C E U e: Configured End Item Identification CEIP e: Communications Electronics Implementation Plan CE/IPPD e: Concurrent Engineering/ Integrated Product and Process Development CE/IPPM e: Conçurent Engineering/ Integrated Product and Process Management CEIS e: Communications Equipment List - e: Computer Economic Incorporated Sizing CEJ e: Carriage, Employment and Jettison eel e: celestial CEL e: Contractor Experience List CELADE e: Latin American Demographic Center CELEP s: Centro Evangélico Latinoamericano de Estudios Pastorales CELP e: Code Excited Linear Prediction [compression] CELSIG s: Celular Sistema Integrado de Gestión


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CELT e: Coherent Emitter Location Testbed - e: Crypto Equipment for L o w Speed Telegraphy CELV e: Complementary Expendable Launch Vehicle CEM e: Captured Enemy Materiel - e: Combined Effects Munitions - e: Communications-Electronics Meteorological - e: Communications ElectronicsMeteorological Equipment Status and Inventory System - e: Compromising Emanations - e: Concepts Evaluation Model - e: Cost Engineering Model - s: Centro de Enseñanza Militar CEMA e: Council of Mutual Economic Assistance CEMAC s: Centro Multimedia de Atención al Cliente CEMAS e: Civil Engineering Materials Acquisition System C E M A T s: Centro Mesoamericano de Estudios sobre Tecnologia Apropriada CEMC e: Communications-Electronics Management Center CEMCA s: Centro de Estudios Mexicanos CEMES e: Communication, Electronic and Meteorological Equipment Status CEMF e: Cisco Element Management Framework - e: Counterelectromotive Force C E M O e: Communications-Electronics Mission Order C E M R e: Contractor Estimating Methods Review CEMS e: Constituent Electronic Mail System CEMT e: Command Equipment Management Team CEN e: Comité Européen de Normalisation - f: Centre d'Études Nucléaires - / · Comité Européen de Normalisation - s: Comité Europeo de Normalización CENAGES s: Centro Nacional de Gestion Espatel CEN/COM s: Centro de Comunicaciones CENDOC e: Centralized Documentation CENELEC e: European Committee of Standards [Electrotechnics] - f: Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique CENERI i : Centro Nacional de Explotación de la Red Inteligente CEN/FIL s: Centro de Filtrado CENGICA s: Centro Guatemalteco de Investigación y Capacitación de la Caña de Azúcar CEN/MEJ s: Centro de Mensajes CENS f: Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Seclay Cent s: Centinela Centaurus e: Centauras: international magazine of the history of mathematics, science and technology CENTREX e: telephone switch cents, s: centavos

cénts. s: céntimos CENIJCED Conferencia de las Naciones para el Comercio y el Desarrollo CEO e: Chief Executive Officer - e: Communications-electronics officer - e: Corporate Executive Officer CEOI e: Communications-Electronics Operating Instructions - e: Communications-Electronics Operation Instructions CEOP e: Conditional End of Page CEOPL e: Civil Engineer Operational Project List CEOS e: Corporate Equal Opportunity Specialist - p : Centro Estadual de Operaçào e Supervisäo CEOT e: Communication Equipment Operator Trainer CEP e: Cable Entrance Panel - e: Career Enhancement Plan - e: Certificate Enrollment Protocol - e: Circular Error of Probability - e: Circular Error Probable - e: Civil Engineering Package - e: Civil Engineering Plan - e: Combat Entry Point - e: Computer Entry Punch - e: COMSEC equipment program - e: Concept Evaluation Program - e: Concept Experimentation Program - e: Concept Exploration Program - e: Connection End Point - e: Contact Evaluation Plot - e: Contextual Enhancement Processor - e: Continuous Evaluation Program - e: Contract Estimating and Pricing - e: Contract Execution Plan - s: Centro de Estudios y Proyectos CEPA s: Cooperación Económica del Pacífico Asiatico CEPDR e: Communications-Electronics Post Deployment Requirement CEPEC e: Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of Passive Electronic Components CEPG e: Command Execution Planning Group CEPIS e: Civil Engineering Project Information System CEPLAC p: Comissâo Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira CEPOD e: Communications-Electronics Post-Deployment Report CEPR e: Center for Economic Policy Research - e: Concept Experimentation Program Review C E P R E D E N A C s: Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres CEPRO e: CEP Reporting Official CEPS e: Case Evaluation Profile System CEPSE i.· Centro de Estudios, Publicaciones y Servicio de Evangelización CEPT e: European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CFETP - f : Conference Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications CEQ e: Council on Environmental Quality CER e: Character Error Rate - e: Civil Engineering Report - e: Complete Engineering Release - e: Cost Estimating Relationship C E R B O C e: Civilian Executive Resources Board Operations Committee CERCLA e: Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CERCLIS e: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System CERD d: Komitee für die Beseitigung der rassischen Diskriminierung CERES e: Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System - / · Centre d'Études et de Recherches Économiques et Sociales CERF e: California Education and Research Federation CERFNET e; California Educational Research Network CERGE e: Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education CERJ s: Consejo de Comunidades Etnicas-Ranujel Junam C E R M E T e: Ceramic and Metal Fuels - e: Ceramic Metal Element - e: Ceramic-to-Metal [Seal] CERN e: European Particle Physics Laboratory - / · Conseil E u r o p é e n n e ] pour la Recherche Nucléaire [s] - s: Centro de Educación y Recuperación Nutricional CERS e: Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System CERT e: Combined Environmental Reliability Test - e: Computer Emergency Response Team CERTs e: Communications-Electronics Readiness Teams CERVOC j·: Patronato ProRehabilitación Vocacional-CERVOC CES e: Circuit Emulation Service - e: Civil Engineering Squadron - e: Coast Earth Station - e: Combat Effects Simulator - e: Communication Electronic Subfile - e: Constant Elasticity of Substitution - e: Cost Element Structure - s: Conjunto de Enlaces de Señalización CESA f: Centre d'Enseignement Supérieur des Affaires CESAC e: Communication Electronic Scheme Assembly Control Asset - e: Communications-Electronics Scheme Accounting and Distribution Control System CESAO f: Centre d'Études Économiques et Sociales d'Afrique Occidentals CESCR d: Komitee für wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte CESE e: Civil Engineering Support Equipment

- e: Communications Equipment Support Element CESEM s: Centro de Estudios Superiores de Energía y Minas CESG e: Communications Electronics Security Group - e: Communications Equipment Support Group CESI e: Communications-Electronics Standing Instruction CES [NU] s: Consejo Económico y Social [de las Naciones Unidas] CESP e: Civil Engineering Support Plan - e: Civil Engineering Support Program - e: Command Element Specific Program CESPG e: Civil Engineering Support Plan Group - e: Civil Engineering Support Planning Generator CESPS e: Civil Engineering Operational Planning System CESR e: Contractor Estimating System Review CESTI s: Comercio Electrónico Seguro basado en Tarjeta Inteligente CESU e: Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF CET e: Civilian Engineering Team - e: Cockpit Evaluation Team - e: Contract Engineering Task - e: Corrected Effective Temperature - e: Cumulative Elapsed Time - s: Comandancia de Etapas CETA e: Contractor Employee Technical Assistance - e: Cost-Effective Training Analysis CETE e: Emergency Committee of State Workers C E T R A L f: Centre de Recherche sur l'Amerique Latine et le Tiers-Monde CETS e: Contractor Engineering and Technical Services CETS/NETS e: Contractor/Navy Engineering Technical Services CETSP e: Contractor Engineering Technical Services Program CEU e: Commercial Entertainment Unit - e: Computer Electronics Unit - e: Continuing Education Unit CEV e: Combat Engineer Vehicle - e: Corona Extinction Voltage - s: Centro de Evacuación CEVG e: Combat Evaluation Group C E W E O C e: Communications Electronic Warfare Equipment Operators Course CEWI e: Combat Electronic Warfare and Intelligence C E y D s: Cuerpo de Ejército y Division CF e: Career Field - e: Carrier Frequency - e: Carry Flag - e: Cathode Follower - e: Causeway Ferry - e: Centrifugal Force - e: Communications Flight - e: Compact Flash - e: Concept Feasibility - e: Concept Formulation - e: Consequence of Failure - e: Control Facility

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Conversion Factor - e: Copy[Ies] Furnished - e: Correlation Factor - e: Counter Force - e: Counterfire - e: Crew Factor - e: Customs form - e: drift error confidence factor - s: Capacidad Funcional - s: Capitán de Fragata - s: Central Frontera - s: Centro Frontal - s: Concentración de Fuego - s: Conductor de Flotilla - s: Control de Ficheros CFA e: Call Forward Area CF&A e: Chief of Finance and Accounting CFA e: Cognizant Field Activity - e: Committee on Food Aid - e: Covering Force Area - e: Cross-Field Amplifier - e: Current Files Area - s: Concentración de Fuego Artillería CFAC e: Constant-Frequency Alternating Current C2FAC e: Command and Control Facility CFACC e: Combined Force Air Component Commander C2FACRP e: Command and Control Functional Analysis and Consolidation Review Panel CFAE e: Contractor-Furnished Aircraft Equipment CFAE/CFE e: Contractor Furnished Aeronautical Equipment/Contractor Furnished Equipment CFAR e: Constant False Alarm Rate CFAS e: Chaplain Fund Accounting System CFB e: Cipher Feedback - e: Configurable Function Block CFC e: Central Fire Control - e: Chloro-Fluorocarbon - e: Combined Forces Command CFCA e: Communications Fraud Control Association CFCC e: Contract File Content Checklist CFCs e: Chlorofluorocarbons CFD e: Call for Discussion - e: Computational Fluid Dynamic - e: Container Fleet Division CFDAD e: Component Functional Data Administrator CFDP e: Coherent File Distribution Protocol CFDS e: Composite Force Requirements and Development System CFDSS e: Combat Follow-On Spares Support CFE e: Consolidated Front End - e: Contractor Furnished Equipment CFE/GFE e: Contractor Furnished Equipment/Government Furnished Equipment CFEN e: Contractor Furnished Equipment Notice CFETP e: Career Field Education and Training Plan

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CFF CFF e: Central Funding and Fielding - e: Compact Font Format Cff e: Critical Flicker Frequency - e: Critical Fusion Frequency CFG e: Configuration - e: Context-Free Grammar CFI e: CAD [Computer Aided Design] Framework Initiative - e: Configurable Interface - e: Cost, Freight and Insurance - e: Critical Fault Identifieds CFIT e: Controlled Flight Into Ferrain CFL e: Calibrated Focal Length - e: Competent Familiarity Loading - e: Contingency Planning Facilities List - e: Coordinated Fire Line CFM e: Cathode Follower Mixer - e: Code Fragment Manager - e: Common Functional Model - e: Contractor Financial Management - e: Contractor Furnished Materiel - e: CONUS Freight Management - e: Cubic Foot per Minute c f m e: confirm - e: contingency for movement C/F/M e: Corrosion/Film/Moisture CFMA e: Central Financial Management Activities CFMS e: Centralized Fuels Management System - e: Combat Fuels Management System C F M W e: Case Financial Management Worksheet CFO e: Chief Financial Officer - e: Chief, Flight Operation - e: Critical Flashover Voltage CFOA e: Chief Financial Officer Act CFOR e: COMSEC field office of record CFOSS e: Combat Follow-On Supply System CFP e: Call Forwarding Busy - e: Computerized Flight Plan - e: Computers, Freedom and Privacy - e: Concept Formulation Package - e: Concept Formulation Process - e: Content[ion] Free Period - e: Contingency Force Pool - e: Contractor Furnished Product - e: Contractor Furnished Property CFPE e: Conventional/Special Force Planning and Execution CFPF e: Central Food Preparation Facility CFPI s: Centro de Fomento y Productividad Industrial CFPMC e: Contractor Finance for Program Manager's Course CFPS e: Central Food Preparation System CFR e: Computerized Facial Recognition - e: Computerized Fault Reporting - e: Contractor Funds Report - e: Controlled Ferro Resonant CFRDS e: Composite Force Requirements and Deployment System CFRP e: Carbon Fibber Reinforced Plastics - e: Conceptual Framework for Reuse Processess 62

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CFS e: Caching File System - e: Center for Standard - e: Central File system - e: Collection and Forwarding System - e: Committee on World Food Security - e: Common File System - e: Common Functional Specifications - e: Contract Field Service - e: Cubic Foot per Second CFSC e: Community and Family Support Center CFSO e: Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations CFSP e: Contractor Field Services Personnel CFSR e: Contract Funds Status Report CFST e: Critical Fire Support Fask CFT e: Captive Flight Fest - e: Captive Flight Frainer - e: Cockpit Familiarization Frainer - e: Composite Force Fraining - e: Contract Field Fechnician - e: Contract[or] Field Feam CFTC e: Commodity Future Frading Commission CFTO e: Canadian Force Fechnical Order CFV e: Call for Votes - e: Cavalry Fighting Vehicle CFX e: Command Field Exercise CFY e: Current Fiscal Year CG - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - s: - s: - s: - s:

e: Center of Gravity Chairman's Guidance Charging Gateway Commanding General Communication Gateway Computer Generated Consolidated Guidance Control Gate Guided missile cruiser Camion Grúa Centro de Gestión Cuartel General Cuerpo General

C.G. e: Comptroller General CGA e: Color Graphics Adapter - s: Centro de Gestión de Accesos CGAL e: Computational Geometry Algorithm Library CGAMS e: Coast Guard Acquisition Management System CGAS e: Coast Guard air station CGC e: Coast Guard cutter CG CAP e: Coast Guard capabilities plan CGCC e: Command, Ground Component Command CGCT f: Compagnie Générale de Constructions Felephoniques C Gdia s: Cuerpo de Guardia CGE e: Common Graphics Environment - / • Compagnie Generale d'Électricité - s: Cuartel General del Ejército CGEC s: Centro de Gestión de Entidades Crediticias CGEN e: Character Generator CGF e: Computer Generated Force CG FMFPAC e: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces, Pacific CGH e: Computer Generated Hologram

CGI e: Cell Global Identity - e: Common Gateway Interface - e: Common Graphic Interface - e: Computer Generated Imagery - e: Computer Generated Image [s] - e: Computer Graphics Interface CGIDS e: Commander's Graphics and Information Display System CGIV s: Centro de Gestion Infovía CGIVS e: Computer-Generated Image Visual System CGLNO e: Coast Guard liaison officer CGLSCP e: Coast Guard logistic support and capabilities plan CG LSMP e: Coast Guard logistic support and mobilization plan CGM e: Computer Graphics Materiel - e: Computer Graphics Metafile CGM AP e: Computer Graphics Metafile Application Profile CG M C R D A C e: Commanding General, Marine Corps Research, Development and Acquisition Command CGMP e: Current Good Manufacturing Practices CG, M T M C e: Commanding General, Military F r a f f i c Management Command CG[N] e: Guided missile cruiser [nuclear] CGN e: Nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser CGP e: Character Graphics Printer CGPP e: Computer Grahics: Principles and Practise C Gr s: Camion Grúa CGR s: Centro de Gestión Rima CGRIP i : Centro de Gestión de Red IP CGS e: Centimeter-Gram-Second - e: Coast and Geodetic Survey - e: Common Ground Sensor - e: Common Ground Station - e: CONUS Ground Station - e: International Computer Graphics Society - s: Centro de Gestión de Servicios CGSEL e: Common Ground Support Equipment List CGSI s: Centro de Gestión de Sistemas de Infraestructura CGSMC s: Centro de Gestión del Servicio de Mensajes Cortos CGSOC e: Command and General Staff Officer Course CGSR e: Cluster head Gateway Switch Routing CGT e: Consolidated Ground Ferminal - s: Centro de Gestión de Farjetas - s: Centro de Gestion de Felefónica CGIJ e: Computer Graphics Unit CGUP s: Comité Guatemalteco de Unidad Patriótica CGV e: Computer-Generated Voice CGW e: Campus Gateway - e: Customer Gateway CH e: Cargo Helicopter - e: Chain Home [Radar] - e: Channel - e: Chaplain - e: Clearinghouse - e: Contingency Hospital - f : Cahiers d'histoire

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CIAC - s: Carga Hueca - s: Circuito Híbrido eh e: change CHA f: Cahiers d'Histoire de l'Aluminium CHAALS-X e: Communications High Accuracy Location System-Exploitable CHAD e: Code to Handle Angular Data CHADET s: Cambio de Habilidades y Aptitudes Directivas por Efectos de la Tecnologia CHAG e: Compact High Performance Aerial Gun CHAMPUS e: Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services CHANHI e: Abbreviation for upper channel corresponding to the halfamplitude point of a distribution CHANLO e: Abbreviation for lower channel corresponding to the halfamplitude point of a distribution CHAP e: Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol - e: Cryptographic-Handshake Authentication Protocol CHAR e: Character CHAS e: Containment Heat Removal System CHAT e: Conversational Hypertext Access Technology CHATS e: C1/HUM1NT Automated Tool Set CHB e: Cargo Handling Battalion CHBDL e: Common High-Bandwidth Datalink CHC s: Conexión Haces Conectadores CHCF e: Component Handling and Cleaning Facility CHCK e: Channel Check CHCP e: Change Code Page CHD e: Correctional Holding Detachment CHDIR e: Change Directory CHE e: Cargo Handing Equipment - e: Channel End - e: Container Handling Equipment CH-53E e: Sea Stallion E CHEAM f: Centre de Hautes Études Administratives sur l'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes CHEC e: Channel Evaluation and Call chem e: chemical ChemGefMerkV d: Gefährlichkeitsmerkmaleverordnung ChemO e: Chemical Officer CHF e: Critical Heat Flex CHFN e: Change Finger CHG e: Helicopter cruiser with guided missile armament CHGFA e: Costs Chargeable to Fund Authorization CHGRP e: Change Group ChHist e: Church History: studies in Christianity and culture CHI e: Chill: Adventures into the Unknown - e: Computer Human Interaction - e: Computer Human Interface CHIJGM s: Centro de Hidratación Infantil John Gordon

CHIL e: Current Hogging Injection Logic CHILD e: Cognitive Hybrid Intelligent Learning and Development - e: Computer Having Intelligent Learning and Development CHIQ e: Concordia Historical Institute quarterly Chiron d: Chiron: Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts CHKDSK e: Check Disk ChLAQ e: Children 's Literature Association Quarterly CHLR f: Cahiers d'histoire des littératures romanes CHLS e: Combat Health Logistics System CHM e: Cooperative Hypermedia CHMOD e: Change Mode CHNN e: Communist History Network Newsletter CHOA e: Corporate Home Office Auditor C H 3 0 H e: Methanol CHOP e: Change of Operational Control - e: Change of Operational Procedures CHOWN e: Change Owner CHP e: Chapter - e: Character CHPPM e: Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine - e: Human Research and Engineering Directorate CHR d: Menschenrechtskommission - e: Canadian Historical Review - e: Catholic Historical Review CHRIS e: Chemical Hazard[s] Response Information System CHRP e: Common Hardware Reference Platform CHS e: Charleston Air Force Base/International Airport - e: Combat Health Support - e: Combat Support Hospital - e: Common Hardware and Software - e: Common Hardware System - e: Crime, History and Societies - e: Cylinder Head[s] Sector[s] - / • Crime, Histoire et Sociétés CHS-2 e: Common Hardware and Software-2 CHSTR e: Characteristics of Transportation Resources File CHSTREP e: Characteristics of Transportation Resources Report CHTML e: Compact HTML CHTP f: Cahiers d'Histoire du Temps Présent CHU e: CATIS Host Upgrade - e: Celsius Heat Unit CHUM e: Chart Updating Manual CHum e: Computers and the Humanities: the official journal of the Association for Computers and the Humanities C-HUMINT e: Counter-Human Intelligence ChurchH e: Church History: studies in Christianity and culture

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CHWP e: CH Working Papers CI d: Computerrecht intern - e: Card Input - e: Case Identifier - e: Cell Identity - e: Chief Instructor - e: Chile - e: Circuit Interrupter - e: Civilian Internee - e: Combat Intelligence - e: Combat Table - e: Command Information - e: Commercial Item - e: Common Interface - e: Communications Interface - e: Complex Item - e: Component Interface - e: Computer Interconnect - e: Configuration Item - e: Containment Integrity - e: Contractor Inquiry - e: Control Indicator - e: Counterinsurgency - e: Counterintelligence - e: Course Indicator - e: Critical Inquiry - e: Critical Item - s: Cañón de Infantería - s: Centro de Información - s: Circuito Integrado - s: Contrainteligencia - s: Controlador de Intercepción ci e: counterintelligence C&I e: Commercial and Industriai - e: Compatibility and Interoperability C+I e: Compatibility and Interoperability C2I e: Command, Control and Intelligence C3I e: Command, Control, Communications and Information - e: Command, Control, Communicationfs] [and] Intelligence - e: Command, Control, Communications Intelligence and Interoperability C4I e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence [and Information] CIA e: Central Inventory Accounting - e: Classical IP over ATM - e: Commander's Information Analysis - e: Communications Interrupt Analysis - e: Comunication Interface Agent - e: Current Instruction Address - s: Centro de Información Avanzado Cía s: Compañía Cia AAA s: Compañía de Ametralladoras Antiaéreas Cia Abast s: Compañía de Abastecimiento Cia Ac s: Compañía Acorazada Cia Ac I s: Compañía Acorazada de Infantería Cia Aert s: Compañía Aerotransportada Cia Arm Pes s: Compañía de Armas Pesadas Cia Auto s: Compañía de Automóviles Cia Av s: Compañía de Aviación CIAC e: Computer Incident Advisory Capability © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


Cia Cbl H r t z - s: Centro Internacional de Atención al Cliente

- e: Controlled Image Base - s: Centro de Instrucción de Buceo

CIDC e: Criminal Investigation Command

Cia Cbl Hrtz s: Compañía de Cable Hertziano Cia C/C s: Compañía Contracarro Cía CC s: Compañía Contracarro Cia CCL s: Compañía de Carros [de Combate] Ligeros Cia CCM s: Compañía de Carros [de Combate] Medios Cia CCP s: Compañía de Carros [de

CIBELES s: Comunicaciones Integradas de Banda ancha Entre Laboratorios y Escuelas CIC e: Carrier Identification Code - e: Combat Information Center - e: Combat Intelligence Center - e: Combined Intelligence Center - e: Command Information Center - e: Communications Interface Controller - e: Content Indicator Code - e: Coordination and Information Center - e: Counterintelligence Center - e: Criticai Intelligence Category - e: Customer Identification Code - s: Central [Centro] de Información y Combate

CIDCON e: Civil Disturbance Readiness Conditions CIDE e: Communication Information

Combate] Pesadas Cia Enmas s: Compañía de Enmascaramiento Cia Ev s: Compañía de Evacuación Cia Fus s: Compañía de Fusiles Cia GQ s: Compañía de Guerra Química Cia HG s: Compañía de Higiene [y Antigás] CIAIC s: Centro Internacional de Atención Integral al Cliente Cia Ind s: Compañía Independiente Cia Inf Ac s: Compañía de Infantería Acorazada Cia Int s: Compañía de Intendencia CIAM s: Centro Integral de Atención a la Mujer Cia M s: Compañía de Morteros Cia Mor[t] s: Compañía de Morteros Cia Mot s: Compañía Motorizada Cia Mun s: Compañía de Municionamiento CIAP e: Command Intelligence Architecture Plan Cia Pan s: Compañía de Panificación Cia Par s: Compañía de Paracaidistas Cia PLM s: Compañía de Plana Mayor Cia PI M s: Compañía de Plana Mayor Cia PM s: Compañía de Policía Militar Cia Pont s: Compañía de Pontoneros Cia Ps Cs Div s: Compañía de Puestos de Mando Divisionarios Cia Q s: Compañía Química Cia Ree s: Compañía de Reconocimiento Cia Recup s: Compañía de Recuperación CIAS e: Counterintelligence Analysis Section Cia San s: Compañía de Sanidad Cia Sum s: Compañía de Suministrofs] CIAT e: Counterintelligence Analytic Team Cia Τ s: Compañía de Transmisiones Cia Tf s: Compañía Telefonica Cia Tf y Tg s: Compañía Telefonica y Telegráfica Cia Tp s: Compañía de Transporte Cia Τ Rad s: Compañía de Transmisiones de Cia Transm s: Compañía de Transmisiones Cia Transp s: Compañía de Transporte Cia TSH s: Compañía de Transmisiones Sin Hilo CIAV s: Centro de Información Avanzado Cia Z[apJ s: Compañía de Zapadores CIB e: Combined Information Bureau - e: Computer Integrated Building/Bureaucracy - e: Computer Integrated Bureaucracy


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eie l: culpa in contrahendo C3IC e: Coalition, Coordination, Communications and Integration Center - e: Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Systems Committee CICC s: Centro de Información Competitiva Corporativo - s: Centro de Investigación de Ciencias de la Comunicación CICM e: Communications Interface Control Module CICNet e: Regional network that connects academic, research, nonprofit and commercial organizations in the Midwestern United States CICORP s: Centro de Información Corporativo CI/CPCI e: Configuration Item/ Computer Program Configuration Item CICS e: Customer Information Central System - e: Customer Information Control System - e: Customer Interface Control System CICS/VS e: Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage CICSVS e: Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage CID e: Channel Identifier - e: Character Identifier - e: Charge-Injection Devices - e: Combat Identification - e: Combat Intelligence Division - e: Command Information Division - e: Commercial Item Description - e: Communications-Electronics Implementation Directive - e: Component Identification - e: Comprehensive Interior Design - e: Computer Integrated Design - e: Configuration Identification - e: Configuration/Installation/ Distribution - e: Configuration, Installation, Distribution - e: Consortium for International Development - e: Craft Interface Device - e: Criminal Investigation Division - e: Cubic Inch Displacement - s: Centro de Información Documental CIDA s: Comité Interamericano de Desarrollo Agrícola

Data Exchange CIDECA s: Consejo de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo de Centroamérica CIDH s: Comisión Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos CIDIA s: Centro Interamericano de Documentación e Información Agrícola CIDIF f: Centre International pour le Développement de l'Inforoute en Français CIDOS e: Cloud Interaction on DoD Operation and System CIDR e: Classless Inter[net] Domain Routing - e: Contract Inventory Delinquency Report CIDS e: Collateral Information Display Station - e: Commercial Intrusion Detection System - e: Critical Item Development Specification CIDSTAT e: Civil Disturbance Status Reporting CIE e: Clothing and Individual Equipment - f: Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage - s: Centro de Investigación y Estudios - s: Centro Infantil de Estomatología C2IE e: Command and Control Information Exchange CIECAT s: Círculo Español para la Calidad en Telecomunicaciones CIEDEG s: Conferencia de Iglesias Evangélicas de Guatemala CIEG e: Common Information Exchange Glossary CIEN s: Centro de Investigación Económica Nacional CIEP s: Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular CIEPRODH s: Centro de Investigación, Estudio y Promoción de Derechos Humanos CIESIN e: Consortium for International Earth Science Information Networks CIF e: Central Issue Facility - e: CINC initiative fund - e: Common Interchange Format - e: Common Intermediate Format - e: Cost, Insurance [and] Freight - e: Crystallographic Information File - e: Customer Information Feed - s: Centro de Integración Familiar CIFG s: Centro de Integración Familiar de Guatemala CIFS e: Common Internet File System C4IFTW e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence for the Warrior CIG e: Communications Interface Group - e: Computer Image Generation - e: Computer Image Generator - s: Càmera de Industria de Guatemala

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CIR CIHO e: Counterintelligence/Humint Officer CTI e: Compatibility, Interoperability and Integration - s: Centro de Investigaciones de Ingeniería CIIC e: Controlled Inventory Item Code CIID El s: Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo CIIDS e: Commercial Interior Intrusion Detection System C U P e: Clothing Initial Issue Point CIIR e: Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval CIIWG e: Communications, Implementation and Installation Working Group CIJ e: Close-In Jamming CIJUR s: Centro de Información Jurídica CIK e: Cryptographic Ignition Key CIL e: Contracting Information Letter - e: Critical Item List cil. s: cilindro CIL-D s: Centro Internacional-Digital CIL/IPPL e: Critical Item List/ Industrial Planning Preparedness List CILO e: Counterintelligence Liaison Officer CILOP e: Conversion in Lieu of Procurement CILSS f: Comité Permanent Interetats de Lutte Contre la Secheresse dans le Sahel CIM e: Coffin-Launched Intercept Missile - e: Common Information Model - e: Communications Improvement Memorandum - e: Computer Input Multiplexer - e: Computer Integrated Manufacturing - e: Continuous Image Microfilm - e: Corporate Information Management - e: Critical Item Monitor - s: Casa Indígena Hermano Santiago Miller - s: Convención Internacional para el Lransporte de Mercancías por Ferrocarril CIMA e: Construction Industry Manufacture's Association CIMAGL / · Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge grec et latin CIMC s: Corporación Internacional Misionera Cristiana CIMCO e: Card Image Correction CIMD e: Computer Interface for Message Distribution CIM/EI e: Corporate Information Management/Enterprise CIMEX e: Civil-Military Exercise C-IMINT e: Counter-Imagery Intelligence CIMMYT e: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CIMS e: Cable Information Management System - e: Component Ims CIMS MDC e: CIMS manager designator code CIN e: Cargo Increment Number - e: Carrier Input

- e: Command Information Network - e: Course Identification Number - s: Centro de Instrucción Naval CINC e: Commander in Chief - e: Commander of a Combat Command CINCARLANT e: Commander-inChief, United States Army ForcesAtlantic CINCCFC e: Commander-in-Chief, Combined Forces Command CINCCHAN e: Commander in Chief, Channel Command CINC CIL e: Commander in Chief Critical Item List CINCEASTLANT e: Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area CINCENT e: Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe - e: Commander-in-Chief Central Europe - e: Commander in Chief, U S C E N T C O M CINCEUR e: Commander in Chief, European Command CINC IPL e: Commander in Chief Integrated Priority List CINCLANT e: Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Command CINCLANTFLT e: Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet CINCNAVEUR e: Commander in Chief, Naval Forces Europe CINCNET e: CINC s' network CINC1 NET e: P A C O M Priority UHF SATCOM JTF Voice Net CINCNORAC e: Commander in Chief, North American Air Defense Command CINCNORAD e: Commander-in-Chief North American Aerospace Defense Command CINCNORTH e: Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Northern Europe CINCPAC e: Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command CINCPACREP e: Commander in Chief, Pacific representative CINCRED e: Commander-in-Chief Readiness Command CINC REPORT e: Commander-in-Chief Report CINCSAC e: Commander-in-Chief Strategic Air Command C I N C S E U R C O M e: Commander-inChief, Southern Europe Command CINCSOUTH e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command CINCSTRAT e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Strategic Command CINCIJNC e: Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command C I N C U S A C O M e: Commander in Chief, United States Atlantic Command CINCUSAFE e: Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Forces, Europe CINCUSARPAC e: Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific C I N C U S N A V E U R e: Commander-inChief, United States Navy, Europe C I N C W E S T L A N T e: Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic Area C Inf s: Cañón de Infantería CINS e: Command Information Network Supplement

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Command Information Network System - e: Commander's Information Network System CINTS e: Control Information Navigation and Framing System CIO e: Central Input Output - e: Chief Information Officer - e: Command Issuing Agency - e: Continuous Improvement Opportunity - e: Coordination Implementacion and Operation of multimedia services CIOC e: Current Intelligence Operations Center CIOCS e: Communication Input/Output Control System - e: Communications Input and Output Control System CIP d: Computer-Investitionsprogramm des Bundes und der Länder - e: Carriage and Insurance Paid to ... - e: Catalogue in Publication - e: Cataloguing in Publication - e: Cataloguing in Publishing - e: Combined Interoperability Program - e: Command Information Program - e: Command Interface Port - e: Commercial Instruction Processor - e: Common Integrated Processor - e: Common ISDN Access Profile - e: Communication Improvement Plan - e: Communications Implementation Plan - e: Communications Interface Processor - e: Compatible Independent Peripherals - e: Component Improvement Program - e: Concert Internet Plus - e: Consolidated Intelligence Program - e: Critical Intelligence Parameter - e: Critical Item Program - e: Customer Interaction Platform - s: Conferencia Internacional sobre Populación C2IP e: Command, Control and Intelligence Processor CIPA e: Children's Internet Protection Act - e: Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities CIPHONY e: Cipher and Felephone Equipment CIPI e: Change in Procurement Instructions CIPP e: Communications Individual Positioning Program CIPR e: Concept in Process Review - e: Contractor Insurance/Pension Review - s: Comisión Internacional de Protección Radiológica CI-PROPETEN s: Conservación Internacional Pro Petén C2IPS e: Command and Control Information Processing System CIPSO e: Common Internet Protocol Security Option CIPSIJ e: Communications Interface Processor Pseudo Line CIPT e: Cost/Pricing Integrated Product Feam CIR e: Central Intelligence Report - e: Centralized Inventory and Requirement © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


cir - e: Committed Information Rate - e: Committed Interface Rate - e: Computer Integrated Repair - e: Continuing Intelligence Requirement - e: Cost Information Report - e: Critical Information Requirement - e: Critical Item Review - s: Centro de Inteligencia de Red cir e: circular Cir s: Circular CIRC e: Central Information Reference and Control Terminal - e: Circular Reference - e: Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code - s: Circulación circ e: circumstance CIRCAL e: Circuit Analysis CIRF e: Centralized Intermediate Repair Facility - e: Computer Integrated Repair Facility CIRIS e: Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information System C3/IRM e: Command, Communications and Control/Information Resource Management CIRS e: Contractor Inventory Redistribution Center - e: Contractor Inventory Redistribution System CIRTEVS e: Compact Infrared Television System CIRV e: Common Interswitch Rekeying Variable CIRVIS e: Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings CIS e: Card Information Structure - e: Character Instruction Set - e: Client Information Server - e: Client Information System - e: Combat Identification System - e: Combat Intelligence System - e: Command Information System - e: Command Intelligence System - e: Common Item Support - e: Communications and Information System[s] - e: Communications Interface Shelter - e: Communications Interface Subsystem - e: CompuServe Information Servicefs] - e: CompuServe Information System - e: Computer Information Systems - e: Computerized Information System - e: Contact Image Sensor - e: Contractor Information System - e: Contractor Initial Support - e: Cue Indexing System - e: Current Information Selection - e: Customer Information System - s: Campo de Información de Señalización Cis. s: Cisterna C2IS e: Command and Control Information System CISAC f: Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs CISC e: Complex Instruction Set Code - e: Complex Instruction Set Computer - s: Confederación Internacional de Sindicatos Cristianos


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CI/SCM e: Counterintelligence/Security Countermeasures C3I&SCM e: Coordination with the Director, Defense Security Programs CISCO e: Compass Integrated System Compiler Cisco FRAD e: Cisco Frame Relay Access Device Cisco W R M e: Cisco Wavelength Router Manager CISF e: Centralized Integration Support Facility - e: Communication Services Industrial Fund CIS-ISS e: Combat Identification System-Indirect Subsystem CISKA d: Campus Informationssystem der Universität Karlsruhe CISL s: Confederación Internacional de Sindicatos Libres C2ISM e: Command and Control Information Systems Manager CISM e: Cross Impact Simulation Method - s: Código Internacional de Señales Marítimas CISMA s: Centro de Investigación Social Maya C2ISMO e: Command and Control Information Systems Management Office CISO e: Counterintelligence Support Officer C4ISP e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Support Plan CISPD e: Consolidated Information Services Planning Document CISPR f: Comité International Special des Perturbations Radioélectriques C4ISR e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance C4ISRAF e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Architecture Framework CISS e: Combat Information Systems Squadron C 1st s: Camion Isotermo Cist s: Cisterna C-ISIJP e: Proprietary Cisco protocol based on ISUP CIT e: Combined InterrogatorTransponder - e: Communications Improvement Team - e: Computer-Integrated Telephony - e: Computer Interface Technology - e: Configuration Identification Tables - e: Consumable Item Transfer - e: Countries in Transition - s: Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo CITA e: Commercial/Industrial Type Activities - s: Confederación Internacional de Trabajadores Agrícolas CITAB e: Computer Instruction and Training Assistance for the Blind

CITAM s: Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías y Aplicaciones Multimedia CITAVOZ s: CITA previa sanitaria mediante reconocimiento de VOZ y acceso web CITC e: Community Imagery Training Committee CITE e: CADE Integration, Test and Evaluation - e: Cargo Integration Test Equipment CITEC e: Contractor Independent Technical Effort CITI s: Consejo Internacional de Tratados Indios CITIS e: Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service CITS e: Combat Information Transfer System - e: Command Information Transfer System CITSF f: Commission Internationale de Télégraphié Sans Fil CITV e: Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer CIU e: Communications Interface Unit - e: Computer Interface Unit - e: Control Interface Unit CIUS e: Corps Interim Upgrade System CIV e: Civilian - e: Corona Inception Voltages civ e: c i v i l i a n ] O V P A Y e: Civilian Pay O V P E R S I N S e: Civilian Personnel management Information System O V R e: Computer and Interactive Voice Response - e: Configuration Item Verification Review O W G e: Communications Interoperability Working Group O W S e: Close-In Weapons Systems O X e: Central Internet Exchange - e: Commercial Internet Exchange [Association] - e: Computing Information Exchange CJ e: Classical Journal C&J e: Collection and Jamming CJA e: Canadian Journal of Archaeology - e: Command Judge Advocate CJ&A e: Class Justification and Approval CJAS e: Columbia Journal of American Studies - e: Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies CJATF e: Commander Joint Amphibious Task Force CJCS e: Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff CJCSI e: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJCSM e: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual - e: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum of Policy CJCS MOP e: Chairman of the Joint Chief Staff Memorandum of Policy CJDA e: Critical Joint Duty Assignment CJH e: Canadian Journal of History - e: Columbia Journal of Historiography CJIS e: Canadian Journal of Irish Studies CJK e: Chinese-Japanese-Korean

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CLIN CJLACS e: Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CJLI e: Command Job Language Interpreter CJM i.· Código de Justicia Militar CJMAO e: Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Office CJP e: Canadian Journal of Philosophy - e: Communication Jamming Processor CJPS e: Canadian Journal of Political Science CJS e: Canadian Journal of Sociology - e: Communication Channel and Jammer Simulator - e: Corpus Juris Secundum CJS-ÉJC e: Canadian Jewish StudiesEtudes Juives Canadiennes CJTF e: Combined Joint Task Force - e: Commander, Joint Task Force CJTFEX e: Combined Joint Task Force Exercise CK e: Checkbits - e: Common knowledge - e: Containerized Kitchen CKD CKG CKO

e: Count Key Data e: Cooperative Key Generation e: Chief Knowledge Officer

- e: Contingency Contracting Officer CKS e: Clock select bit CKT e: Circuit ckt e: circuit C/kT e: Carrier-to-Receiver-Noise Density CKTINT e: Circuit Interworking software CL e: Carload - e: Central Line - e: Central Local - e: Chemical Laser - e: Chief of Logistics - e: Closed Loop - e: Computational Linguistics - e: Containerload - e: Control Language - e: Control Level - e: Conversion Loss - e: Light Cruiser - s: Camion Ligero - s: Carro Ligero - s: Central - s: Centro Logistico - s: Cohete Líquido - s: Combustible y Lubricantes cl e: closing Cl s: Camion ligero C&L e: Control and Line C/L s: Camion Ligero CLA e: Center Line Average - e: Central Local Analògica - e: Clear and Add - e: Communication Line Adapter - e: Communication Link Analyzer - e: Cross Leveling Agreement - e: L C A C Launch Area - s: Circuito de Línea de Abonado CLAA e: light anti-aircraft cruiser CLAC s: Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil C L A H R e: Colonial Latin American historical review

CLAM e: Completed Leasing Action Message CLAMS e: Clear Lane Marking System - e: Cleared Lane Marking System ClAnt e: Classical antiquity CLAR e: Channel Local Address Register - e: Colonial Latin American Review CLAS e: Combat Logistics Assessment System CLASS e: Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling - e: Client Access to Systems and Services - e: Closed Loop Accounting for Store Sales - e: Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System - e: Coherent Laser Radar Airborne Shear Sensor - e: Computing, Laser-Aided, Sight System - e: Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services - e: Custom Local Area S i g n a l l i n g Service[s] CLASS I e: Combat Logistics Assessment System subsistence [food] CLASS II e: Combat Logistics Assessment System clothing CLASS III e: Combat Logistics Assessment System POL CLASS IV e: Combat Logistics Assessment System construction and barrier materials CLASS V e: Combat Logistics Assessment System ammunition CLASS VI e: Combat Logistics Assessment System personal demand items CLASS VII e: Combat Logistics Assessment System major end items CLASS VIII e: Combat Logistics Assessment System medical supplies CLASS IX e: Combat Logistics Assessment System repair parts CLASS X e: Combat Logistics Assessment System materiel to support military programs CLASSMATE e: Computer Language to Aid and Stimulate Scientific, Mathematical and Technical Education ClassStud e: Classical Studies C&LAT e: Cargo and Loading Analysis Table CLAW e: Common Link Access for Workstations CLAWS e: Close Combat Light Armor Weapon System CLB[R] s: Centro Logistico de Brigada CLBRP e: Cannon-Launched BeamRider Projectile CLC e: Charge Linear Cutting - e: Clear Carry Flag - e: Congressional line code - e: Containment Leakage Control - e: Course Line Computer - e: Task fleet command ship - s: Canal Lògico Conmutado CLCIS e: Closed Loop Cover and Instrumentation System

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CLCR e: Controlled Letter Contract Reduction CLCS e: Current Logic Current Switching CLD e: Clear Direction Flag - e: Cloud - e: Communications Logistics Depot - s: Centro Logistico Divisionario CLDAS e: Clinical Laboratory Data Acquisition System CLDC e: Connected Limited Device Configuration CLDG e: Closed Loop Degaussing CLE e: Certified Linux Engineer - e: Certified Linux Expert - e: Customer Located Equipment - s: Carro Ligero de Exploración - s: Circuito de Línea de Enlace CLEA e: Civilian Law Enforcement Agency ClearDDTS e: Distributed Defect Tracking System CLEC e: Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CLEDOS s: Es un control de acceso a recintos CLEI e: Common-Language Equipment Identification - e: Common Language Equipment Identifier CLEO e: Classified Energy Online [database] - e: Clear Language for Expressing Orders C L E O N E S G R E s: Club de Leones Guatemala Reforma CLEONES-MA s.· Club de Leones Guatemala Marqúense C L E O N G Q s: Club de Leones Guatemala-Quiché C L E O N M A sv Club de Leones Guatemala Malacatan CLEP e: College Level Examination Program CLF e: Capacitive Loss Factor - e: Combat Logistics Force - e: Commander, Landing Force - e: Common Log [File] Format CLG e: Guided missile light cruiser CLGN e: Guided missile light cruiser, nuclear-powered CLGP e: Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile CLI e: Call Level Interface - e: Calling Line Ident - e: Calling Line Identification - e: Clear Interrupt Flag - e: Client Library Interface - e: Command Line Interface - e: Command Line Interpreter - e: Communications Line Interface - e: Communications Link Interface - e: Critical Line-Item - e: Current Law Index CLID e: Calling Line Identification CLIEJ e: Chinese Librarianship: an international electronic journal CLIIP e: Command Logistics Information Improvement Program CLIN e: Contract Line Item Number - e: Contract Line or Sub Line Item

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CLIP CLIP e: Calling Line Identification Presentation - e: Command Logistics Information Improvement Program - e: Compiler Language for Information Processing - e: Configuration and Logistic Information Program CLIR e: Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction - e: Calling Line Identification Restriction Cllre e: Classics Ireland CLIST e: Command List CI 1st s: Camion Ligero Isotermo CLIW e: Course Length in Weeks CLJA e: Closed Loop Jumper Assembly CLK e: Clock - e: Hunter-killer cruiser CLL e: Chief of Legislative Liaison CLLM e: Consolidated Link Layer Management CL-mode e: Connectionless mode C L M T E s: Contraalmirante CLNP e: Connectionless Network Protocol CLNS e: Connectionless [Mode] Network Service CLO e: Civil Liaison Officer - e: Class Option - e: Communications Liaison Officer - e: Counter Low Observables - e: Country Liaison Officer CIO e: Chlorine Monoxide CLOAR e: Common Low Observable Autorouter CLOCE e: Contingency Lines of Communication, Europe CLOG s: Centro Logistico C Log s: Centro Logistico CLOIS e: Classified Lois [Library OnLine System] C I 0 N 0 2 e: Chlorine Nitrate CLOS e: Command to Line-of-Sight - e: Common Lisp Object System CLP e: Cell Loss Payload - e: Cell Loss Payload/Priority - e: Cell Loss Priority - e: Constraint Logic Programming - s: Canal Lògico Permanente CLPSB e: CINC Logistic Procurement Support Board CLR e: Cell Loss Rate CLR e: Common Language Run-time - e: Computer Language Recorder - e: Computer Language Research - e: Contingent Liability Record - e: Current Limiting Resistor C1R e: Classical Review CLRCs e: Country Logistics Readiness Centers CLRD e: Cleared C L R O T G U A O E s: Club Rotaract Guatemala Oeste CLRP e: Command Logistics Review Program CLR STA e: Clearing Station CLRT-X e: Command Logistics Review Team-Expanded CLS e: Central Level Summary - e: Clear and Subtract - e: Clear Screen


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- e: Closed Loop Support - e: Closed Loop System - e: Common Language System - e: Comparative literature studies - e: Concept Learning System - e: Connectionless Server - e: Constant Level Signals - e: Contract Logistic Support - e: Contractor Logistic Support - e: Contractor-Run Logistics System CLS/CALM e: Combat Logistics System Computer Aided Load Manifesting CLSD e: Close[d] - e: Closing CLSS e: Combat Logistic Support Squadron - e: Combat Logistics Support System CLSSA e: Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement CLSIJ e: COMSEC Logistic Support Unit CLSX e: Closed Loop Support Extended CLT e: Charlotte/Douglas International Airport - e: Common Leader Training - e: Communications Line Terminal - e: Computer Language Translator - e: Container Load Trailer - s: Central Telefònica CLTG s: Central Telegràfica CLTP e: Connectionless Transport Protocol - s: Central de Teletipos CLTS e: Clear Task Switch Flag CLTT s: Camion Ligero Todo Terrano CLIJ e: Central Logic Unit - e: Command Launch Unit - e: Compatible Land Use - s: Circuito de Linea Universal CLIJI e: Command Line User Interface CLUSA e: Cooperative League of the USA CLUT e: Color Look-up Table - e: Computer Logic Unit Tester CLV e: Clear Voice - e: Constant Linear Velocity 21CLW e: 21st Century land warrior 21CLWTLD e: 21st Century Land Warrior Top Level Demonstration CLX e: Combat Leadership Exercise CLZ e: Cushion Landing Zone CM e: Cable Modem - e: Calibration Magnification - e: Case Manager - e: Centimeter - e: Central Memory - e: Ceramics monthly - e: Chairman's memorandum - e: Collection Management - e: Collection Manager - e: Command Module - e: Commander's Manual - e: Communications Manager - e: Communications Multiplexer - e: Conceptual Model - e: Configuration Management - e: Construction and Machinery - e: Contingency Management Computer Model - e: Contract Management

- e: Contract Monitor - e: Control Modem - e: Controlled Mine Field - e: Coordination Meeting - e: Core Memory - e: Corrective Maintenance - e: Cost Monitoring - e: Countermeasures - e: Countermine - e: Country Manager - e: Court-Martial - e: Crisis Management - e: Cruise Missile - f: Cahiers Marxistes - l: Classica et mediaevalia - s: Camion - s: Campo de Minas - s: Carro Medio - s: Clinica Maxeña - s: Columna de Municiones cm e: countermortar Cm e: Mean coverage factor C&M e: Care and Maintenance - f: Classica et Mediaevalia: revue danoise de philologie et d'histoire C/M e: Communications Multiplexer - s: Contra Mortero [s] CM A d: Concilium medii aevi: Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit - e: Collection Management Authority - e: Concert Multi-thread Architecture - e: Constant Modulus Algorithm - e: Contact Motion Analysis - e: Contract Management Assistant - e: Control, Monitor and Alarm - e: Corps Maintenance Area - e: Countermeasure Assessment - e: Court of Military Appeals cma e: classified mail address CM A A e: Cooperative Military Airlift Agreement C M A B e: Clothing Maintenance Allowance, Basic CMAC e: Central management Army Commissaries C M A H e: Commander-in-Chief, Mobile Alternate Headquarters Intelligence Segment CMAIISS e: Clothing Monetary Allowance, Initial Issue C M A L e: Controlled Multiple Address Letter CMAN e: Configuration Management CMAO e: Court-Martial Appointing Order C M A O C e: Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operation Center CMAP s: Campo de Minas Antipersonal CMAPP s: Campo de Minas Antipersonal de Presión CMAPT i ; Campo de Minas Antipersonal de Tracción C M A Q e: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality CMAR e: Control Memory Address Register CMAS e: Cellular Management System - e: Clothing Maintenance Allowance, Standard

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CMP - e: Computer-Based Maintenance Aids System - e: Crisis Management Adp System - s: Campo de Minas C-MASINT e: Counter-Measurements and Signature Intelligence CMAT s: Campo de Minas Antitanque [s] CMB e: Career Management Board - e: Collection Management Branch - e: Combat Mobility Branch - e: Configuration Management Board CMBTCF e: Combat Communications Flight CMBTCG e: Combat Communications Group CMBTCS e: Combat Communications Squadron CMC e: Cali Management Center - e: Call Modification Completed - e: Ceramic Matrix Composite - e: Code for Magnetic Characters - e: Collection Management Center - e: Common Mail Calls - e: Common Messaging Calls - e: Communication Management Configuration - e: Communications Made Control - e: Complement Carry Flag - e: Computer-Mediated Communication - e: Cost Monitoring Coordinator - s: Centro de Mensajes Cortos Cmc e: Midpoint compromise coverage factor CMCA e: Cruise Missile carrier aircraft CMCC e: CINC Mobile Command Center - e: Combined Movements Control Center CMCD s: Campo de Minas Contra Desembarco CMCHS e: Civilian Military Contingency Hospital System Cmcia s: Comandancia CMCO e: Classified Material Control Officer C M C O M P R A S s: Cuadro de Mandos de COMPRAS C M C R L e: Consolidated Master Cross Reference Fist CMCS e: Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies - e: Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies - e: Case Management Control System CMCTL e: Current Mode Complimentary Transistor Fogic CMD e: Catalog Management Data - e: Circuit Mode Data - e: Color Monitor Display - e: Command [Code] - e: Contract Management District - e: Core Memory Driver - e: Countermeasures Dispenser - e: Countermeasures Duties - e: Cruise Missile Defense erad e: command - e: commendation C M & D e: Collection Management and Dissemination C M D B e: Consolidated Manpower Database

CMDN e: Catalog Management Data Notification CMDO s: Comando CMDR e: Card Maintenance and Data Recorder CMDS e: Command Manpower Data System - e: Countermeasures Dispenser System CMDT e: Commandant Cmdte s: Comandante CME e: Contract Manpower Equivalent - s: Contramedidas Electrónicas CMET e: Command Management Engineering Teams CMF e: Career Management Field - e: Case Master File - e: Central Maintenance Facility - e: Coherent Memory Filter - e: Combat Mission Failure - e: Combat Mission Folders - e: Command Management Framework - e: Common Mode Failure - e: Court-Martial Forfeiture - e: Creative Music Format - e: Crisis Management Facility - e: Current Master File - s: Campo de Minas Falso CMFA e: Common-Mode-Failure Analysis CMFE e: Civilian Manpower and Funding Extract CMFESIS e: Civilian Manpower and Funding Extract CMH e: Cross My Heart - e: Port Columbus International Airport - e: Port Columbus OH CMI e: Can Manufacturers Institute - e: Champaign-Urbana IF - e: Classified Military Information - e: Coded Mark Inversion - e: Coding Method Identifier - e: Computer-Managed Instruction - e: Control Mode Idle - e: Cruise Missile Integration - s: Centro de Mantenimiento Interno CMIA e: Command Management Inventory Accounting CMIF e: Career Management Individual File CMIIW e: Correct Me if I'm Wrong CMIL e: Circular Mail CMIM s: Centro de Mantenimiento Interno Multiprovincial CMIN s: Centro de Mantenimiento Interno Nacional CMIP e: Common Management Information Protocol - s: Centro de Mantenimiento Interno Provincial - s: Cuadro de Mando Integrado de Pedidos CMIS e: Common Management Information Service[s] - e: Configuration Management Information System CMISE e: Corps Military Intelligence Support Element CML e: Chemical, Medical and Logistics - e: CIP/Message processor Line - e: Classical and Modern Literature

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Computer Managed Learning - e: Current-Mode Logic - e: Current Model Logic C M L C E N C O M e: Chemical Corps Engineering Command Cmll s: Camillero CMLOPS e: Chemical Operations CMLS e: Conventional Mine Laying System CMM e: Capability Maturity Model - e: Cargo Movement Module - e: Color Management Module - e: Core Mechanical Mockup - s: Campo de Minas Mixtas C M M A e: Clothing Monetary Maintenance Allowance CMMC e: Corps Materiel Management Centers CMMF e: Component Maintenance and Mockup Facility CMMP e: Commodity Management Master Plan - e: Conventional Munitions Master Plan CMMS e: Computerized Maintenance Management Software - e: Conceptual Model of the Mission Space - e: Congressional Mandated Mobility Study C M M S M e: Capability Maturity Model for Software - e: Capability Maturity Models CMMU e: Cache/Memory Management Unit Cmn s: Camion C-MNS e: Combat Mission Need Statement CMNS e: Connection-Mode Network Service CMO e: Chief Military Observer - e: Circuit Management Office - e: Civil Military Operations - e: Collection Management Office - e: Collections Management Officer - e: Configuration Management Office - e: Configuration Management Organization C M O C e: Civil Military Operations Center C M O L e: CMIP over LLC C M O R E e: Civilian Manpower Obligations Resources CMOS e: Capper Military Occupational Specialty - e: Cargo Movement Operations System - e: Complimentary[-symmetry] MetalOxide Semiconductor CMOS/SOS e: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor/Silicon on Sapphire CMOT e: CMIP [Common Management Information Services [and] Protocol] over TCP/IP CMOV e: Conditional Move CMP e: Communications Message Processor - e: Compare - e: Computer - e: Configuration Management Plan - e: Controlled Materials Production - e: Cost Monitoring Program © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CMP - e: Counter-Military Potential - e: Countermeasures Precursor - e: Course Management Plan - e: Cross Media Publishing CM Ρ s: Camion Pesado CMPF e: Central Meat Processing Facility Cm Ρ Gr s: Camion Pesado Grúa CMPL e: Contains, Completion Date CMPNT e: Component C M P N T E X P e: Component Exception cmps e: centimeters per second CMPS e: Compare Word String - e: Composites Technology - e: Conflict Management and Peace Science Cm Ρ Τ s: Camion Pesado Taller Cmpto s: Campamento CMR e: Cellular Mobile Radio - e: Common-Mode Rejection - e: Communications Monitoring Report - e: Configuration Management Review - e: Contract Management Review - e: Country Management Review - / · Cahiers du Monde Russe: Russie - s: Centro de Movilización [y Reserva] CMRA s: Contramedidas Radar C M R B e: Contract Modification Review Board CMRI e: Command Maintenance Readiness Inspection CMRR e: Common Mode Rejection Ratio CMRS e: Calibration Measurement and Requirement Summary - e: Countermeasures Receiver System CMS e: Cargo Movement System -

e: Catalog Management System e: Central Material Service e: Cockpit Management System e: Code Management System e: Color Management System e: Combat Management System e: Combat Mission Simulator e: Combat Monitoring System e: Common Military Syllabus e: Communications Management Subsystem e: Communications Management System e: Communications Security Equipment Inventory e: Community Management Staff e: Compiler Monitor System e: Configuration Management System e: Congestion Management Systems e: Connection Management System e: Consumer & Marketing Service e: Content Management System e: Contingency Mutual Support e: Contractor Maintenance Services e: Contractor Maintenance Support e: Control Monitor Set e: Controlled Mode Security e: Conversation[al] Monitor System e: Cost Monitoring Specialist e: Courseware Management Systems e: Current-Mode Switching s: Caminos

C2MS e: Command and Control Modernization Methodology


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CMSA e: Cruise Missile Support Activity CMSC e: Consolidated Mission Support Center CMSgt e: Chief Master Sergeant CMSO s: Centro Multiprovincial de Supervisión y Operación CMSP e: Configuration Management Support Plan CMSQ e: Communications Maintenance Squadron CMST e: Collection Management Support Tools CMT e: CAMS Mobile Terminal - e: Career Management Training - e: Common Military Training - e: Connection Management - e: Critical Military Target - s: Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones cmt e: comment CMTA e: Commander of Missile Troops and Artillery CMTBCF e: Control Mean Time Between Critical Failure CMTBDE e: Control Mean Time Between Downing Event CMTC-IS e: Combat Maneuver Training Center-Instrumentation System CMTD e: Common Maintenance Training Device Cmte s: Comandante CMTM s: Centro de Mantenimiento de Teléfonos Modulares CMTS e: A cable modem termination system - e: Comments C M T T R F e: Control Mean Time to Restore Function CMTTRS e: Control Mean Time to Restore System CMTIJ e: Cartridge Magnetic Tape Unit CMU e: Carnegie-Mellon-University, Pittsburgh - e: Common-Mode Voltage - e: mobile command unit C M U L T s: Contenidos Multimedia CMUP e: Conventional Mission Upgrade Program CM/UPS e: Counterfeit Materiel/Unauthorized Product Substitution CMV e: Combat Mobility Vehicle CMVC e: Configuration Management and Version Control - e: Configuration Management Version Control C M V M e: Contact-Making Voltmeter CMVSA e: Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act CMW e: Compartment Mode Workstation CMWS e: Common Missile Warning System CMX e: Communication Method SINIX - e: Crisis Management Exercise CMV e: Civilian Man-Years - e: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow C M Y K e: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black - e: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key

CN - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e: - e:

e: Canadian National [railroad] Channel Comfort Noise Connection Construction Man Contractor Notification Coordination Number Core Network Counter Narcotics Counternarcotic

- s: Capitán de Navio Cn s: Camion - s: Cañón C/N e: Carrier to Noise - e: Difference in amplitude between the desired radio frequency carrier and the noise in a portion of the spectrum c/n e: construction number - e: constructor's number Cñ s: Cañón - s: Cañonero CNA d: Canadian Nurse Association - e: Certified NetWare Administrator - e: Commander's Narrative Analysis - e: Computer Network Attack - e: Copper Nickel Alloy - e: Cosmic Noise Absorption - e: Customer Name/Address - e: Customer Name and Address - s: Campaña Cña s: Campaña Cn Ab s: Camión Ambulancia CNAG d: Christlich-Nationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cn Al s: Camión Aljibe CNAME e: Canonical Name Cñ Ap s: Cañón Autopropulsado CNAPS e: Coprocessing Node Architecture for Parallel Systems CNASI e: Centre for Networked Access to Scholarly Information CNASP e: Chairman's Net Assessment for Strategic Planning CNC e: Complete Network Centre - e: C o m p u t e r i z e d ] Numeric[al] Control - s: Centro Nacional de Control CNCC e: Country Name to Country Code - e: Customer Network Control Center CNCE e: Communications Network Control Element - e: Communications Nodal Control Element CNCPEC e: China National Complete Plant Export Corporation CNCS s: Centro Nacional de Control del Sistema CND d: Suchtstoffkommission - e: Caldera Network Desktop - e: Cannot Duplicate - e: Counternarcotics Division - s: Coordinadora Nacional Democrática CNDCC s: Comité Nacional en Defensa Contra el Comunismo CNDI e: Commercial Nondevelopment Items CNDP e: Communication Network Design Program CND/RTOK e: Could Not Duplicate/Retest OK

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co-co CNDWI e: Criticai Nuclear Defense Weapon Information CNE e: Certified NetWare Engineer - e: Certified NetWare Expert CNECO e: Change Notice Engineering Change Order Cnel. s: Coronel CNEM s: Consejo Nacional de Educación Maya CNES / · Centre National d'Étudefs] Spatiales CNET /• Centre National d'Études des Télécommunications CNETP e: Consolidated New Equipment Training Plan CNFE e: Composite Network Front End CNG e: Calling CNI e: Certified NetWare Instructor - e: Certified Novell Instructor - e: Communications, Navigation and Identification - / · Centre National d'Informatique CNIDR e: Clearinghouse for Networkfed] Information Discovery and Retrieval CNIL e: Communications, Navigation and Identification Laboratory - / · Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes CNIN e: Composite N f e Internal Network CNIO s: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas CNIR e: Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction CNK e: Circumstances Not Known CNL e: C Numerical Library - e: Cancelled - e: Circuit Net Loss - e: Colonial Newsletter - e: Flight plan Cancellation - s: Coronel Cn L s: Camión Ligero Cn Lig s: Coche Normal Ligero CNLP e: Connectionless Network Layer Protocol CNLZ e: COMSEC no Lone Zones CNMT s: Centro Nacional de Medidas de Tráfico CNMV s: Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores CNN e: Composite Network Node - e: Control Number CNNIC e: China Network Imformation Center CNO e: Candidate Nomination Proposai - e: Coordinator Cn Ρ s: Camion Pesado CNPI e: Communication, Navigation and Position Integration CNPYSM j·: Comité Nacional Pro Ciegos y Sordomudos de Guatemala CNR e: Carrier-to-Noise Ratio - e: Combat Net, Radio - i: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - s: Comisión Nacional de Reconciliación CNRE e: Combat Net Radio Environment CNRF e: Commander, Naval Reserve Forces CNRI e: Combat Net Radio Interface

CNRS / · Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - s: Comité Nacional de Reorganización Sindical CNS e: Central Nervous System - e: Communications, Navigation [and] Surveillance - e: Communications Network Simulator - e: Complimentary Network Service - e: Continuous CNS/AD e: Cisco Networking Services for Active Directory CNSO s: Centro Nacional de Supervision y Operación CNSS e: Core Nodal Switching Subsystem CNT e: Canister - e: Celestial Navigation Trainer - e: Central Networking Testbed - e: Composite Noise Rating cntgcy e: contingency Cnto s: Centro cntor e: contractor cntrf e: centrifugal CNIJS s: Comité Nacional de Unidad Sindical CNIJT s: Comité Nacional de Unitario de Trabajadores CNV e: Conventional Cn Volq s: Camión Volquete CNVT e: Convert CNWDI e: Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information CNX e: Certified Network Expert CO e: Carbon Monoxide - e: Cash Order - e: Central Office - e: Change Order - e: Chief Operator - e: Close-Open Operation - e: Combat Aptitude Area - e: Combined Operations - e: Command Operations - e: Command Output - e: Commanding Officer - e: Commissioned Officer - e: Communications Officer - e: Company - e: Conscientious Objector - e: Contracting Officer - e: Convert Out - e: Het Christelijk Oosten - s: Cohete - s: Compañía co e: company C&O e: Concept and Objectives C/O e: in care of C 0 2 e: Carbon Dioxide COA e: Care of Address - e: Central Operating Authority - e: Change of Assignment - e: Compound OLAP Architecture - e: Comptroller of the Army - e: Course of Action - e: Current Operating Allowances COAA s: Centro de Operaciones de Artillería Antiaérea[s] Co AA s: Cohete Antiaéreo COAADF s: Centro de Operaciones Antiaéreas de la Defensa [Aérea] Co AA Dir s: Cohete Antiaéreo Dirigido

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

COAL e: Customer Order Acceptance List COAM e: Customer Owned and Maintained COARS e: Command On-Line Accounting and Reporting System COAS e: Customer Order Acceptance Summary COAT e: Corrected Outside Air Temperature Co Aut[om] s: Compañía de Automotrices COAX e: Coaxial Cable - e: Coaxial Machine-Gun COB e: Chip-On-Board - e: Close of Business - e: Collocated Operating Base - e: Command Operating Budget - e: Currently on Board - s: Camion Oruga Blindado Cob s: Cobertura C 3 0 B e: Command, Control and Communications Order of Battle Cob Aér s: Cobertura Aérea COBE e: Command Operating Budget Estimate - e: Cosmic Background Explorer Cobert s: Cobertura C O B E S T C O e: Computer-Based Estimating Technique for Contractors COBI s: Coberturas por Internet COBIS e: Computer-Based Instruction System COBLIB e: COBOL library Cobol e: Common Business Oriented Language COBRA JUDY e: Phased-array radar system-ship-borne COBY e: Current Operating Budget Year COC e: Certificate of Competency - e: Certificate of Conformance - e: Certification of Compliance - e: Code of Conduct - e: Coded Optical Character - e: Combat Operations Center - e: Combined Operation Center - e: Command Operations Center - e: Computer Operations Center - e: Council of Colonels - s: Centro de Operaciones de Combate - s: Cocina CoC e: Council of Colonels COCA e: Clearinghouse on Computer Accommodation COCADI s: Coordinadora Cackchiquel para el Desarrollo Indígena COCC e: Central Operations/Command Center - e: Contractor's Operational Control Center Co C/C s: Cohete Contracarro Co CC s: Cohete Contracarro Co CD s: Compañía Contradesembarco COCESS e: Contractor Operated Civil Engineering Supply Stores C O C M e: Command Case Manager COCO e: Contractor-Owned, Contractor-Operated CO-CO e: Contractor Owned, Contractor Operated © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


COCODE C O C O D E e: Compressed Coherency Detection C O C O M e: Combatant Command - e: Coordinating Comittee for Export to Communist Area - e: Coordinating Committee [of the Consultative Group] C O C O M O e: Constructive Cost Model Co Comones s: Compañía de Comunicaciones Co Const s: Compañía de Construcción COCORP s: Consumo para cliente Corporativos COCOT e: Customer-Owned CoinOperated Telephone COCP e: Customer Order Control Point COCPFF e: Conventional Ordinance Consumption Plan Factors File COCSP e: Contingency Operational Contracting Support Plan - e: Contingency Operational Contracting Support Program COCT e: Cab-Over Cargo Truck COD e: Carrier Onboard Delivery - e: Cash on Delivery - e: Collect on Delivery - e: Combat Operations Division - e: Computer Originated Document - e: Contract Operations Data - e: Cooperative Opportunities Document - e: Correction of Deficiencies - e: Cost of Operation Division - e: Current Operations Division Cód s: Código CODAN e: Carrier-Operated Device Antinoise - e: Coded Weather Analysis CODAP e: Control Data Assembly Program CODAP-HEIFER s; Comité de Desarrollo Agropecuario CODAS e: Customer-Oriented Data Retrieval and Display System CODASYL e: Committee on Data System[s] Languages - e: Conference on Data System[s] Languages CODE e: Client-Server Open Development Environment - e: Common Data Environment - e: Cooperative Olimpus Data Experiment CODEC e: Coder/Decoder codec e: coder-decoder CODEC e: Compression/Decompression CODEFIM s: Coordinadora de Desarrollo y Formación Integral Mam CODEHUCA s; Comisión para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Centroamérica CODEL e: Computer Developments Limited Automatic Coding Systems - e: Coordination in Development Consortium C O D E R M e: Committee on Defense Equipment Reliability and Maintainability CODES e: Common Digital Exploitation System - e: Computer Design and Evaluation System 72

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- e: Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System CODESMAJ s: Comités de Desarrollo de San Martín Jilotepeque CODETS e: Center for Orientation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases C O D E V E R e: Code Verification CODIC e: Color Difference Computer - e: Computer Directed Communications CODIFI s: Comisión de Definición de la Interfaz de Facturación de Interconexiones CODIL e: Control Diagram Language Co Dir s: Cohete Dirigido CODIS e: Controlied Digital Simulator CODIT e: Code Division Testbed - e: Computer Direct to Telegraph CodMan I: Codices Manuscripti: Zeitschrift für Handschriftenkunde CODS e: Classified Output Distribution System CODSIA e: Council of Defense and Space Industry Association CODSTAT e: Combat Distribution Team Status Report COE e: Certification of Equivalency - e: Chief of Engineers - e: Command Operating Environment - e: Commitment, Obligation and Expenditure - e: Common Operating Environment - e: Concept of Engineering - e: Core Operating Environment - e: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - s: Cuadro de Organización y Equipo CoE e: Corps of Engineers COEA e: Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis COED e: Computer-Operated Electronic Display COEI e: Components of End Item COEM e: Commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer Co Expl[o] s: Compañía de Exploración COF e: Contract Operations File COFC e: Container on a Flat Car CofC e: Council of Colonels COFD e: Contracting Officer Final Decision COFDM e: Coded Orthogonal Frecuency Division Multiplexing COFF e: Cut Off CofG e: Center of Gravity COFIL e: Core File COFM e: Correlation of Forces and Means CO FRAD e: Central Office Frame Relay Access Device CofS e: Chief of Staff COFT e: Conduct-of-Fire Trainer COG e: Center of Gravity - e: Computer Operations Group - e: Continuity of Government - e: Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis Oversight Group - e: Council of Governments COGARD e: United States Coast Guard COGECA e: General Committee of Agricultural Cooperation in the EC

- f: Comité Général de la Cooperation Agricole de la CE COGENT e: Compiler and Generalized Translator C O G M A R s: Comandante General de la Armada COGO e: Coordinate Geometry COH e: Cab-Over Hhmmwv Coh s: Cohete COHO e: Coherent Oscillator C O H O R T e: Cohesion, Operational Readiness and Training COHP/CARE e: Computerized Occupational Health Program Coronary Artery Risk Evaluation COI e: Communication Operation Instructions - e: Community of Interest - e: Contemporary Operational Issues - e: Course of Instruction - e: Critical Operational Issue - s: Centro de Operaciones e Información - s: Comité Olímpico Internacional Co I s: Compañía de Infantería Co-I e: Co-lnvestigator COIC e: Critical Operational Issues and Criteria COIL e: Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser - s: Cuadro de Operación Internacional COIM s: Compañía de Infantería de Marina Co IM s: Compañía de Infantería de Marina COIN e: Counter-Insurgency, AntiGuerrilla Warfare Co Ind s: Compañía Independiente COINDI s: Cooperación Indígena para el Desarrollo Integral Co Ind Τ s: Compañía Independiente de Tanques Co Inf s: Compañía de Infantería COINS e: Commercial Operation Integrated System - e: Computer and Information Sciences - e: Computer Operated Instrument System - e: Contractor Invoice Service COIP e: Contemporary Operational Issues Process CO-IPX e: Connection Oriented IPX COIR e: Commanders Operational Intelligence Requirements Co I TA s: Compañía Independiente de Transporte Automóvil COJACS e: Combat Jamming/ Communication Support System COJAS e: Coherent Jammer Simulator COL e: Collision - e: Colonel - e: Communications Oriented Language - e: Computer Oriented Language Col s: Columna Col. s: Colonia COLA e: Cost-of-Living Allowance - e: Cost of Living Allowance COLAC e: Confederation of Latin American Credit Unions - s: Confederación Latinoamericana de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Credito COLD e: Computer Output to Laser Disk

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

COMNAVSURFRESFOR COLDGE s: Comando Logistico del Ejército COLDS e: Cargo Offload and Discharge System - e: Common Opto-Electronic Laser Detection System Col/EV s: Columna de Evacuados COLIDAR e: Coherent Light Detection and Ranging Colido d: Computergestützte Liegenschaftsdokumentation COLINGO e: Compile On-Line and Go COLL e: Collision coll e: collection CollGerm /: Colloquia Germanica CollL e: College Literature colili e: column ColmarerJb d: Colmarer Jahrbuch COLT e: Combat Observation and Lasing Team - e: Communications Line Terminator - e: Computer-Oriented Language Translator - e: Computerized On-Line Testing - e: Control Language Translator COM e: Chief of Mission - e: Collection Operations Management - e: Commander - e: Commercial - e: Common Equipment - e: Common Object Model - e: Communication - e: Communications Macro - e: Communications Technology - e: Compact Optronic Mast - e: Component Object Model - e: Computer Operation Manual - e: Computer Output [on/to] Microfilm [or Microfiche] - e: Concept of Maintenance - e: Continuation of Message - s: Centros de Operación y Mantenimiento Com e: Communication Switching - s: Comisión - s: Comunicación COM-Í e: First serial port COM-4 e: Fourth serial port COM-2 e: Second serial port COM-3 e: Third serial port 3COM e: Three Com [Computer, Communications and Compatibility] Corporation COMAAFCE e: Commander, Allied Air Forces Central Europe COMAC e: Continuous Multiple-Access Collator COMAFSOC e: Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command COMAINT e: Command Maintenance COMAIRBASE e: Commander of Air Base COMALF e: Commander, Airlift Forces COMAO e: Combined Air Operations COMAR s: Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados COMARFOR e: Commander, Army Forces COMAT e: Computer-Assisted Training COMATF e: Commander, Amphibious Task Force

Comb s: Combate COMBAT-SIM e: Computerized Battle Simulation COMBS e: Contractor-Operated and Managed Base Supply Comb y Lub s: Combustibles y Lubricantes COMCAM e: Combat Camera COMCARGRU e: Commander Carrier Group COMCARSTRIK-FOR e: Commander, Carrier Strike Force COMCARSTRIK-GRUTWO e Commander, Carrier Striking Group Two COMCEN e: Communications Center COMCENTAG e: Commander, Central Army Group, Central Europe COMCISOR s: Centro Oftalmológico de Occidente COMCM e: Communication^] Countermeasures [and Detection] COMCONS e: Command and Control Reports COM COSF e: Chief of Maintenance Chief of System Function COMCRUDESGRU e. Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Group COMCUWTF e; Commander, Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force Comda s: Comandancia COMDAC e: Command, Display and Control COMDEG e: Communications Degradation COMDESRON e: Commander Destroyer Squadron COMDEX e: Communications Development Exposition - e: Computer Dealers Exposition COMDIS e: Computerized Display of Deployment Considerations Subsystem Comd Sgt Maj e: Command Sergeant Major COMDT e: Commandant comdt e: commandant Comdt s: Comandante COMECON d: Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe COMED e: Combined Map and Electronic Display Comed s: Comedor COMEINDORS e: Composite Mechanized Information and Documentation Retrieval System COM/ELEC e: Communications/ Electronics COMELSIJM e: CommunicationsElectronics Summary COMET e: Computer-Operated Management Evaluation Technique - e: Cornell Macintosh terminal emulator COMEX e: Communications Experiment COMFAIRWING-NORLANT e: Commander, Fleet Air Wing-Northern Atlantic COMFY LEVI e: Psychological warfare version of the C-130 Hercules EC-130E

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

COMFY SWORD e: Communications Jammer for Training COMI e: Communications Interface COMICEDEFOR e: Commander United States Forces Iceland COMIGUA s: Coordinadora de Mujeres Indígenas de Guatemala COMINT e: Communications Intelligence COMJAM e: Communications Jamming COMJCSE e; Commander, Joint Communications Support Element COMJSOTF e: Commander, Joint Special Operations Task Force COMJTF e: Commander Joint Task Force COMJUWTF e: Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force COMLANDFOR e: Commander, Land Forces COMLNOFAC e: Communication Liaison Facility COMLOGFOR e: Combat Logistics Force COMLOGNET e; Combat Logistics Network - e: Command Logistics Network - e: Communications Logistics Network COMM e: Communications comm e: communications COMMAC e: Communications Macro COMMAIRNORLANT e: Maritime Air Commander, Northern Sub Area COMMARCORSYSCOM e: Commander, Marine Corps System Command COMMARFOR e: Commander, Marine Forces COMM C e: Communications Command and Control System COMMCEN e: Communications Center COMMEL e: Communications/ Electronics COMMEN e: Compiler Oriented for Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing Environments COMMEND e: Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering Design System COMMINT e: Communications Intelligence COMMO e: Communications Officer COMMRI e: Communication Routing Indicator COMMS e: Customer Oriented Manaufacturing Management System Comm Ζ e: Communication Zone COMMZ e: Communications Zone COMNAVAIRLANT e: Commander Naval Airforces Atlantic COMNAVAIRRESFOR e: Commander Naval Air Reserve Force COMNAVAIRSTA e: Commander, Naval Air Station COMNAVBASE e: Commander, Naval Base COMNAVFOR e: Commander, Naval Forces COMNAVSURFRESFOR e: Commander Naval Surface Reserve Force © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


COMNORECHAN C O M N O R E C H A N e: Commander, Nore Sub Area, Channel C O M N O R L A N T e: Commander, Northern Sub Area COMO e: Combat Oriented Maintenance Organization CO-mode e: Connection-Oriented mode Comones s: Comunicaciones C O M O P S e: Communications Operating Summary COMP e: Communications - e: Compare - e: Component comp e: complement - e: component - e: composite COMP, e: Computers Com Ρ s: Comedor Público C O M P A C e: Computer Program for Automatic Control C O M P A C T e: Compatible Algebraic Compiler and Translator - e: Computer Planning and Control Technique - e: Consolidation of Military Personnel Activities C O M P A N D E R e: Compressor Expander C O M P A R E e: Comparison System - e: Computer Software - e: Computerized Performance and Analysis Response Evaluator - e: Console for Optical Measurement and Precise Analysis of Radiation From Electronics COMPASS e: Commander Third Fleet Computer Assisted Search - e: Compiler-Assembler - e: Computer-Assisted Classification and Assignment System - e: Computerized Movement Planning and Status System COMP CODE e: Component Code C O M P E L e: Compute Parallel COMPES e: Contingency Operation/Mobility Planning and Execution System COMPG e: Composite Group COMPHIBGRU e: Commander, Amphibious Group COMPHIBRON e: Commander, Amphibious Squadron Compi, s: Completo C O M P L A N e: Communication Plan C O M P O e: Component, Active Army - e: Component, Army National Guard - e: Component, United States Army Reserves - e: Component, Unresourced Units C 0 M P 0 7 e: Component, Direct HostNation Support C 0 M P 0 8 e: Component, Indirect HostNation Support C 0 M P 0 9 e: Component, Fogistics Civil Augmentation C O M P O O L e: Communications Pool COMPRESS e: Computer Research, Systems and Software C O M P R O G e: Computer Program C O M P T e: Comptroller C O M P U S E C e: Computer Security 74

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COMPUSEC RA e: Computer Security Risk Analysis C O M R A D E e: Compresed Reliability Determination. - e: Computer-Aided Design Environment COMRATS e: Commuted Rations C O M R E P e: Communications Report Corns s: Comunicaciones COMSAT e: Commercial Satellite - e: Communications Satellite [Corporation] C O M S A T C O M e: Commercial Satellite Communications COMSEC e: Communications Security COMSIM e: Communications Simulator COMSL e: Communication[s] System Simulation Fanguage C O M S O A L e: Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Fines C O M S O C C E N T e: Commander, Special Operations Command, United States Central Command C O M S O C L A N T e: Commander Special Operations Command, United States Atlantic Command C O M S O C S O U T H e: Commander Special Operations Command, United States Southern Command COMSOF e: Commander, Special Operations Forces C O M S P O T e: Communication Spot Report COMSR e: Communications Support Requirement C O M S T A R C e: Commander, State Area Command C O M S T A T e: Communications Status Report C O M S T R K F O R L A N T e: Commander, Strike Force Atlantic C O M S U B G R P e: Commander, Submarine Group COMSIJBPAC e: Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific Fleet COMSIJBRON e: Commander, Submarine Squadron C O M S U P N A V F O R e: Commander, Supporting Naval Forces C O M T A C e: Tactical Communications C O M T A F e: Tactical Air Force Commander C O M T A F N O R N O R e: Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North Norway C O M T A F S O N O R e: Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South Norway Co Mtcl s: Compañía de Motocicletas [de Motociclistas] C O M T E C H R E P e: Complementary Technical Report, Type Β C O M T E X e: Communications Management by Terrain Exploration COMTRAN e: Commercial Translator COMIJSAFFOR e: Commander, United States Air Force Forces COMIJSARFOR e: Commander, United States Army Forces C O M U S A R T F e: Commander, United States Army Task Force

C O M U S F O R A Z e: Commander United States Forces Azores COMUSJ e: Commander, United States Forces, Japan COMUSJAPAN e: Commander, United States Forces, Japan COMUSJTF e: Commander, United States Joint Task Force C O M U S K e: Commander, United States Forces, Korea C O M U S L A N D F O R e: Commander, United States Fand Forces C O M U S M A R F O R e: Commander, United States Marine Forces C O M U S M A R F O R K e: Commander, USMC Forces, Korea C O M U S M A R T F e: Commander, United States Marine Task Force C O M U S M I L G P e: Commander, United States Military Group C O M U S N A V F O R e: Commander, United States Naval Forces C O M U S N A V T F e: Commander, United States Navy Task Force COMVAT e: Combat Vehicles Armament Technology COMZ e: Communications Zone CON e: Console - e: Contactor - e: Controller - s: Centro de Operaciones Navales - s: Concentrado con e: contingency - e: control[led] CONAD e: Continental Aerospace Defense Command CONAF e: Conceptual Design for the Army in the Field CONALFA s: Comité Nacional de Alfabetización CONAMA s: Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente C O N A M P R O i : Coordinadora Nacional de Pequeños y Medianos Productores CONANI s: Comisión Nacional Acción por los Niños CONAP s: Comisión Nacional de Áreas Protegidas C O N A P L A M s: Comisión Nacional para la Promoción de la Lactancia Materna CONASUPO sv Conpania Nacional de Subsistencias Populares CONBIOTEC i.· Comité de Biotecnología Conc s: Concentración CONCAP e: Construction Capabilities Contract - e: Construction Capability COND e: Condition Cond s: Conductor C O N D E P E ρ : Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Pecuaria condx e: dx conditions CONE s: Comité Nacional de Emergencias C O N E L R A D e: Control of Electromagnetic Radiation CONEX e: Container Express CONEXPLAN e: Contingency and Exercise Plan conf e: conference

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CORE C O N F e; C o n f e r e n c e Calling - e: C o n f i g u r a t i o n Failure C o n f s: Confidencial C O N F A D e: Concept of a Family of A r m y Divisions C O N F E C O O P 5·: C o n f e d e r a c i ó n G u a t e m a l t e c a de F e d e r a c i o n e s de Cooperativas C O N F I G e: C o n f i g u r a t i o n C o n g e: Congress C O N G C O O P i : C o o r d i n a c i ó n de O N G s y Cooperativas CON GEN e: Consul General C O N G I N T e: interest by m e m b e r s of Congress Congrats e: congratulations C O N I C s: C o o r d i n a d o r a N a c i o n a l Indígena y Campesina C O N N e: Connect M e s s a g e C O N O B J T R e: Conscientious Objector Co No Dir s: Cohete N o D i r i g i d o C O N O P e: Contingency Operations C O N O P S e: Concept of O p e r a t i o n ^ ] - e: Continuity of Operations - e: C o n t i n u o u s Operations - e: U n i t e d States Army Intelligence C o m m a n d Continental Operations C O N P e: Connection Oriented N e t w o r k Protocol C O N P E R s; C o n s u l t a de Perfil del cliente C O N P L A N e: Concept Plan - e: C o n t i n g e n c y Plan - e: operation plan in concept form C O N R A I L e: Consolidated Rail Corporation C O N R E P e: C o n t i n g e n c y Construction Report C O N S e: C o n n e c t i o n Oriented N e t w o r k Service - e: C o n t i n u o u s C O N S C A R D S e: Constant Cards C O N S G D M s: C o n v e r i s ó n al Sistema de Gestión D o c u m e n t a l M u l t i m e d i a CONSIGLIA s: C o n f e d e r a c i ó n Sindical de G u a t e m a l a C O N S M O D E e: Console M o d e C O N S O R T e: Conversational System with O n - L i n e R e m o t e T e r m i n a l s C O N S S T O C S e: Contingency Support Stocks const e: construct - e: constructed - e: construction C o n s t s: Constitución Const, s: Constitución C O N S T O O S e/ C O N U S contingency stocks C O N S U L e: Control Subroutine Language C O N T e: Container Ship cont e: continuation - e: continue - e: continued Cont s: Contabilidad - s: Contacto Cont. s: Contenido C O N T E S T A i.· Servicio Contestador automático en red C o n t E u r H i s t e: C o n t e m p o r a r y European History

C O N T O N E e: C o n t i n u o u s Tone C O N T R A G U A s: C o n f e d e r a c i ó n de T r a b a j a d o r e s de G u a t e m a l a C O N T R A N e: Control Translator C O N T R A N S e: Conceptual T h o u g h t , R a n d o m N e t Simulation C O N T I ) e: C o m m i s s i o n on N e w Technological U s e s of Copyrighted Works C O N U S e: C o n t e r m i n o u s U n i t e d States - e: C o n t i g u o u s United States - e: Continental United States - s: C o o r d i n a d o r a N a c i o n a l de Unidad Sindical C O N U S A e: the N u m b e r e d A r m i e s in the Continental U n i t e d States C O N US A M D W e: the n u m b e r e d armies in the continental U n i t e d States and the United States A r m y Military District of Washington convl e: conventional C O O e: C h a n g e Over Order C o o s: C o o p e r a c i ó n C O O L e: Checkout Oriented L a n g u a g e - e: Control Oriented L a n g u a g e C O O P e: Continuity of Operation Procedures - e: Continuity of Operations Plan - e: C r a f t - o f - O p p o r t u n i t y Program C O O P C O M e: C o m m u n i c a t i o n Facilities in Support of D a Continuity of Operations Plan C O O P L O G e: Cooperative Logistics coord e: coordinate - e: coordinated - e: coordinating - e: coordination C O O R D W G e: Coordination W o r k i n g Group C O O S e: C o m m a n d e d O O S C O O S A J O s: C o o p e r a t i v a de Ahorro y Crédito Integral San José Obrero C O P e: Close Observation Platoon - e: C o m b a t Operations Processor - e: C o m b a t Outpost - e: C o m m a n d and Observation Post - e: C o m m a n d Observation Post - e: C o m m a n d Operating P r o g r a m - e: C o m m o n Operational Picture - e: C o m p u t e r O p t i m i z a t i o n P a c k a g e - e: Contingency Operation Plan - e: CPU Overheating Protection - e: Current Operating Plan - s: Centro de Operación Cop s: C o o p e r a t i v a C O P A e: Crisis Operations P r o c e d u r e s Analysis - f : Comité de Organisations P r o f e s s i o n n e l l e s A g r i c o l e s de la CEE C O P A D e: Commercial V e h i c l e Repair Part Support - e: Contractor Operated Parts D e p o t C O P A D E H s: C o m i s i ó n A s e s o r a en M a t e r i a de D e r e c h o s H u m a n o s C O P A F M C e: Continuity of Operation for Air Force Materiel C o m m a n d Co Paracaid s: C o m p a ñ í a de Paracaidistas C O P A R S e: Contract Operated Part Store - e: Contractor Operated Part Store

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology


s: Comisión Presidencial de la

C O P C e: C o m b i n e d Operations P l a n n i n g Committee C O P E e: C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Oriented Processing Equipment - e: Custodian of Postal E f f e c t s C O P E S e: Cooperating Expert Systems C O P G e: Chairman, Operations P l a n n e r s Group C O P I e: C o m p u t e r - O r i e n t e d P r o g r a m m e d Instruction C O P I C S e: C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Oriented P r o d u c t i o n and Control System C O P I D E R j·: Comité P r o m o t e r de Investigaciones para el D e s a r r o l l o R u r a l C O P L e: Combat Outpost Line C O P M A G U A s: C o o r d i n a c i ó n de O r g a n i z a c i o n e s del P u e b l o M a y a de Guatemala C O P O e: Chief of Personnel Operations C O P R e: Concept of Operations R e v i e w C O P R E D E H s: Comisión Presidencial de D e r e c h o s H u m a n o s COPRODIMU Colectivo p a r a la P r o m i c i ó n del Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer C O P R O N I H U A C s: F u n d a c i ó n A l v a r o Contreras Velez ' C O P R O N I H U A C ' C O P S e: C o m m a n d Post R e c o r d Capability - e: C o m m o n O p e n Policy Service - e: Current Operations Support Co PT s: C o m p a ñ í a P e r m a n e n t e Territorial C O Q C e: Certificate of Quality Compliance C O R e: Cargo Outturn R e p o r t - e: Central O f f i c e s of Record - e: Contract O f f i c e r R e p r e s e n t a t i v e - e: Contracting O f f i c e r ' s R e p r e s e n t a t i v e - e: Correct - e: Corrected - s: Centro de Operación de R e d CoR d: C o m p u t e r r e p o r t der N e u e n Juristischen W o c h e n s c h r i f t Cor s: Coronel C O R A e: C o n d i t i o n e d R e f l e x A n a l o g - e: C o n d i t i o n e d - R e s p o n s e A n a l o g - s: C o r p o r a c i o n de la R e f o r m a A g r a r i a C O R A L e: C o m p u t e r O n - L i n e RealT i m e Applications L a n g u a g e C O R A P R A N e: Cobelda radar automatic p r e f l i g h t analyzer C o r b s: C o r b e t a C O R B A e: C o m m o n Object R e q u e s t B r o k e r Architecture C O R / C O T R e: Contracting O f f i c e r Representative/Contracting O f f i c e r ' s [Technical] R e p r e s e n t a t i v e C O R D I C e: Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer C O R D S e: Civil Operations R e v o l u t i o n a r y D e v e l o p m e n t Support - e: Coherent O n - R e c e i v e doppler System C O R E e: C o m p u t e r - O r i e n t e d R e p o r t i n g Efficiency - e: Contingency R e s p o n s e P r o g r a m - e: Cost Oriented R e s o u r c e E s t i m a t i n g - e: Council of Registrars - s: C o n s e j o de Registradores

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


COREDOC - s: Servicio de Cobro Revertido automático C O R E D O C e: Core Document COREP e: Combined Overload Repair Control CORFINA s: Corporación Financiera Nacional COREO s: Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion CORG e: Combat Operations Research Group Cor Hum s: Cortina de Humo CORN e: Computer Resource Nucleus CORNET e: Corperate Network CorNet e: Corporate Network Protocol D-channel layer 3 protocol for private 1PABX Corr s: Correo C O R R E G A T E e: Correctable Gate CORSANU s: Consultaría Regional en Salud y Nutrición CORTREAT e: Corrosion Treatment CORTS e: Convert Range Telemetry Systems COS e: Card Operating System - e: Certificate of Service - e: Chief of Station - e: Chief of Supply - e: Civilian Occupational Specialty - e: Class OF Service/class mark - e: Common Operating System - e: Compatible Operating System - e: Compatible Operation System - e: Concurrent Operating System - e: Corporation for Open Systems - e: Cray Operating System - e: Critical Occupational Specialty CoS e: Chief-of-Staff - e: Class of Service cos e: cosine COSA e: Corps Service Area COSAL e: Consolidated Shipboard Allowance List COSAMREG e: Consolidation of Supply and Maintenance Regulations Co San s: Compañía de Sanidad C O S C O M e: Corps Support Command COSDIF e: Cost Differential COSE e: Combined Office Standard Environment - e: Common Open Software Environment - e: Common Open Systems Environment COSEDEPSO s: Coordinadora de Salud, Educación, Desarrollo y Promoción Sicoal de Jocotan COSF e: Chief of System COSG e: Combat Operational Support Group - e: Consolidated Contingency Steering Group - e: Consolidated Operations Steering Group COSIN e: Control Staff Instruction COSINE e: Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe COSIS e: Care of Supplies in Storage C O S M A L e: Coordinated Shore-Based Materiel Allowance List COSMIC e: Code Name Given to Identify North Atlantic Treaty Organization Top Secret Documents 76

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- e: Common Systems Main Interconnection frame system - e: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Category COSMOS e: Centralization of Supply Management Operations - e: Computer Oriented System for Management Order Synthesis - e: Computer System for Mainframe Operations CoSN e: Consortium for School Networking COSO e: Combat-Oriented Supply Organization - e: Combat Oriented Supply Organization COSPAS R: Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynch Sudov - e: Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov COSQ e: Combat Oriented Supply Organization - e: Communications Operations Squadron COSR e: Contract Officer Security Representative COSRO e: Conical Scan on Receive Only COSS e: Common Object Services Specification - e: Contractor Operated Support Site - e: Conventional Ordnance Status System COSTAR e: Combat Service to the Army - e: Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement COSTAT e: Cost Analysis Statistical Package COSUDER s: Asociación Guatemalteca de Coodinación para la Supervivencia y el Desarrollo COT e: Cadet Orientation Tour - e: Commanding Officer of Troops - e: Consecutive Overseas Tour - e: Continuity - e: Continuity Test - s: Centro de Operaciones Tácticas cot e: cotangent Co Τ s: Compañía de Tanques Cot s: Cota COTC e: Certification of Temp Currency COTD e: Common Operator Training Device coth e: hyperbolic cotangent COTP e: Captain of the Port COTR e: Contracting Officer's Technical Representative COTRA e: Condensation Trails COTRAN e: COBOL to COBOL translator Co Trans s: Compañía de Transporte COTS e: Cargo Offload and Transfer System - e: Commercial Off-the-Shelf - e: Connection-Oriented Transport [layer] Service COTT e: Control of Transmission Test COU e: Cable Orderwire Unit counter C e: counter command, control and communications countermeasures COV e: Combat Obstacle Vehicle - e: Corona Onset Voltage

- e: Counter Obstacle Vehicle - s: Comisión de Evacuación C O V C O M e: Covert Communications COW e: Character-Oriented Windows Interface COWPS e: Council on Wage & Price Stability Co Z[apJ s: Compañía de Zapadores CP e: Camp - e: Candlepower - e: Card Punch - e: Career Program - e: Central Processing - e: Central[ly] Procured - e: Certification Program - e: Change Proposal - e: Check Point - e: Circuit Package - e: Circular Pitch - e: Circularly Polarized - e: Classical philology - e: Clock Pulse - e: Close Protection - e: Coefficient of Performance - e: Collection Point - e: Combat Power - e: Command Post - e: Command Pulse - e: Communications Processor - e: Conference Paper - e: Congressional Presentation - e: Constant Pressure - e: Construction Permit - e: Contact Point - e: Contractor Performance Certification Program - e: Control Panel - e: Control Point - e: Control Post - e: Control Processor - e: Control Program - e: Copilot - e: Copy Protected - e: Cost and Performance - e: Counter-Proliferation - e: Counterproliferation - e: Culture & psychology - e: Current Paper - e: Customized Processor - s: Camion Pesado - s: Carro Pesado - s: Cazador Paracaidista - s: Central Primaria - s: Central Pública - s: Conmutación de Paquetes Cp e: Capability index C.P. s: Contador Público - s: Contestación Pagada C&P e: Characteristics and Performance - e: Conditions and Performance [Report to Congress] C/P s: Camion Pesado C2P e: Command and Control Processor - e: Command and Control Protection C3P e: Command, Control, Communications Program Plan CPA e: Certified Public Accountant - e: Chairman's Program Assessment - e: Chief of Public Affairs - e: Civilian Personnel Assigned Analyzer - e: Civilian Personnel Authorized

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CPMP Analyzer - e: Closest Point of Approach - e: Critical Path Analysis - f: Code Parasite Autopropageable - s: Central Primaria Automática - s: Control por Programa Almacenado CPAB e: Corrosion Prevention Advisory Board CPAC e: Civilian Personnel Activity Center - e: Civilian Personnel Advisory Center CPAD s: Centralita Privada de Abonado Digital CPAF e: Cost Plus Award Fee CPAM e: Chief of Naval Operations Program Assessment Memorandum - s: Contabilidad de mensajes Parte de Aplicación Móvil CPAR e: Contractor Performance Assessment Report CPAS e: Central Procurement Accounting System CPA/SG e: Central Pulse Amplifier/Symbol Generator CPAT e: Critical Process Assessment Tool CPB e: Capabilities, Programming and Budgeting - e: Commander's Preparation of the Battlefield CPC e: Calling Party Category - e: Card Programmable Calculator - e: Cartesian Perceptual Compression - e: Civilian Personnel Circular - e: Clock-Pulse Control - e: Computer Program Component - e: Computer Programming Concepts - e: Constant Point Calculation - e: Corrosion Prevention and Control - e: Cycle Program Control - e: Cycle Program Counter - s: Centro de Prevención de Conflictos - s: Centro de Programación y Control - s: Configuración de Planta del Centro de control ibercom CPCC s: Comité Promejoramiento Canton Chunimá CPCEI e: Computer Program Contract End Item CPCH e: Common Packet Channel CPCI e: Computer Program Configuration Item CPCN e: Command Post Communication Network CPCO e: Central Port Call Office CPCOM e: Central Processing Communications CPCR e: Contractor Packaging Capability Review CPCS e: Call Processing Control System - e: Check Processing Control System - e: Coast Phase Control System - e: Combat Personnel Control system CPCSB e: Computer Program Configuration Sub-Board CPD d: Kommission für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung CPD e: Central Postal Directory - e: Central Pulse Distributor - e: Civilian Personnel Directorate - e: Combat Plans Division

- e: Congressional presentation document - e: Consolidated Programming Document - e: Contact Potential Difference - e: Cumulative Probability Distribution - s: Centro de Proceso de Datos - s: Código de Punto Destino - s: Comité de Planes de Defensa CpD d: Konto pro Diverse C/PD e: Cost/Pricing Data CPDC e: Command Publishing Distribution Center CPDD e: Conceptual Project Design Description CPDF e: Central Personnel Data File CPDP e: Command Post Display Processor - e: Computer Program Development Plan CPDS e: Computer Program Design Specification CPE e: Central Processing Element - e: Central Programmer and Evaluator - e: Circular Probable Error - e: Cloud Processing Equipment - e: Collective Protection Equipment - e: Communications Privacy Equipment - e: Communications Processor Element - e: Computer Performance Evaluation - e: Continuing Professional Education - e: Contractor Performance Evaluation - e: Conventional Planning and Execution - e: Customer Premisefs] Equipment - e: Customer Provided Equipment - s: Contrapersonal C/PE s: Contrapersonal CPEP e: Contractor Performance Evaluation Plan CPET e: Contractor Performance Evaluation Team CPF e: Central Post Fund - e: Civilian Personnel Flight - e: Computerized Physical Fit CPFF e: Cost Plus Fixed Fee CPFL e: Contingency Planning Facilities List CPG e: Central Processor Group - e: Clock Pulse Generator - e: Communications Processor Group - e: Contingency Planning Guidance - e: COSINE Policy Group CPh e: Classical philology CPI e: Channel Protocol Interpreter - e: Characters per Inch - e: Clock per Instruction - e: Common Programming Interface - e: Communications Processor and Interface - e: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor Periferical Interface - e: Computer Prescribed Instruction - e: Consumer Price Index - e: Cost Performance Index - e: Crash Position Indicator - s: Centro Proveedor de servicios de Información cpi e: characters per inch CP&I e: Coastal Patrol and Interdiction CPI-C e: Common Programming Interface for Communications CPICH e: Common Pilot Channel CPIF e: Cost Plus Incentive Fee

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CPILS e: Correlation Protection Integrated Landing System CPIM e: Certified in Production and Inventory Management - e: Common Profile for Instant Messaging CPIN e: Computer Program Identification Number CPIO e: Copy in and Out CPIP e: Computer Program Implementation Process CPIPT e: Cost and Performance Integrated Product Team CP-IPT e: Cost Performance Integrated Product Team CPIS e: Contingency Planning Information System CPIT e: Contract Price of Item Terminated CPIWI e: Customer Premise Inside Wire Installation CPK e: Countermine Protection Kit CPL e: Call Processing Language - e: Characters per Line - e: Combined Programming Language - e: Commercial Pilot's License - e: Commercial Price List - e: Common Program Language - e: Computer Program Library - e: Contract Policy Letter - e: Core Performance Log - e: Corporal - e: Credential Privilege List - e: Current Flight Plan - e: Current Privilege Level - e: Customer Priority List cpl e: characters per line CPLAN e: Command Plan CPLD e: CMOS Programmable Logic Device CPM e: Characters per Minute - e: Civilian Personnel Manual - e: Computer Performance Management - e: Contractor Performance Measurement - e: Control Processor Module - e: Control Program Monitor - e: Cost per Minute - e: Country Program Manager - e: Critical Path Method - s: Código Penal Militar Cpm e: Process capability measure similar to Cpk but with taguchi methods incorporated CP/M e: Computer Program/ Microprocessor - e: Control Program [me] for Microcomputers CPMD e: Civilian Personnel Management Directorate CPMF e: Computer Program Maintenance Facility C P M F C e: Contract Performance Management Fundamental Course CPMI e: Command Personnel Management Inspections CPMIS e: Civilian Personnel Management Information System CPM/P e: Command Post Modem/Processor CPMP e: Computer Program Management Plan

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CPMR CPMR e: Computer Program Management Review CPMS e: Computer Performance Management System CPN e: Contract Payment Notices CPNIE e: Called Party Number Information Element cpnv s: capitán de navio CPO e: Central Procurement Office - e: Chief Petty Officer - e: Chief Privacy Officer - e: Chief Product Officer - e: Civilian Personnel Office [r] - e: Complete Provisions Only - e: Customer Premises Equipment - s: Código de Punto Origen - s: Condición de Primer Orden Cpo s: Campo - s: Cuerpo Cpo Ater s: Campo de Aterrizaje CPOC e: Civilian Personnel Operation Center CPOP e: Command Post/Observation Post CPOS e: Civilian Personnel Occupational Standards CPP e: Cable Patch Panel - e: Calling Party Pays - e: Capital Purchase Program - e: Card Punching Printer - e: Civilian Pay Plan - e: Civilian Personnel Pamphlet - e: Commercial Practices Program - e: Competitive Phased Pricing CPPC e: Cost Plus Percentage of Cost CPPM e: Civilian Personnel Procedures Manual - e: Computer Protection Program Manager CPPMO e: Central Printing and Publication Management Official CPPS e: Critical Path Planning and Scheduling CPPSO e: Consolidated Personal Property Shipping Office CPR e: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - e: Carrier Performance Rating - e: Category for Staffing Format - e: Chairman's Program Recommendations - e: Civilian Personnel Regulation - e: Continental philosophy review - e: Contractor Performance Report - e: Cost Performance Report - e: Courseware Problem Report - e: Criteria Reporting Provision - e: Critical Power Ratio - s: Comunidades de Población en Recistencia C2-protection e: Command and Control Warfare CPS e: Calls per Second - e: Characters per Second - e: Circuit Package Schematic - e: Collection and Processing Subsystem - e: Collective Protective Shelter - e: Command Personnel Summary - e: Comparative political studies - e: Competitive Prototyping Strategy - e: Contractor Profile System - e: Conversational Programming System


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e: e: e: e: e: s: s: s:

Conversion Program System Core Processing System Counts per Second Critical Path Scheduling Cycles per Second Centro de Prestaciones de Sistema Centro de Pruebas de Sistemas Centro Proveedor de Servicio

- s: Código de Punto de Señalización cps e: cells per second - e: cycles per second CPSA s: Centro Proveedor de Servicios Avanzados CPSC e: Computer Services Center - e: Contingency Planning Support Capability CPSE e: Corps Psyop Support Element - e: Counterpoise - e: Crew and Passenger Support Equipment CPSI e: Configurable Post Script Interpreter CPS-ΜΕ s: Centro Proveedor de Servicio Multicentro Electrónico CPSO s: Centro Provincial de Supervisión y Operación CPSR e: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - e: C o n t r a c t o r ] Procurement System Review - e: Contractor Purchasing System Review CPT e: Captain - e: Cisco Protocol Translator - e: Cockpit Procedures Trainer - e: Command Pass Through - e: Command Post Terminal - e: Comparison Test - e: Control Power Transformer - e: Critical Path Technique - e: Critical Process Team - s: Centro Principal de Transmisiones CPTA e: Computer Programming and Testing Activity CPTC e: Computer Performance Technical Center - e: Consolidated Pentagon Telecommunications Center Cp Te s: Camion Pesado Tractor CPTD e: Comprehensive Plan for Training Devices CPT&E e: Computer Program Test and Evaluation CPTE e: Computer Program Test Equipment CPTED e: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Cptn s: Capitán Cpto s: Campamento CPU e: Central Processing Unit - e: Collective Protection Unit - e: Communications Processing Unit - e: Communications Processor Unit - e: Computer Peripheral Unit - e: Computer Processing Unit CPUSS e: Computer Support Squadron CPV e: Command Post Vehicle CPVX e: Central Station CPW e: Center for Public Work CPWG e: Center Projects Working Group

CPX e: Charged Pigment Xerography - e: Command Post Exercise CPYS s: Comité Prociegos y Sordos de Guatemala CQ e: Charge of Quarters - e: Classical Quarterly - e: Current and Qualified - e: Custom Queueing cq d: allgemeiner Anruf CQA e: Contract Quality Assurance CQB e: Close Quarter Battle CQBR e: Close Quarter Battle Range CQC e: Contractor Quality Control CQE e: Certified Quality Engineer - e: Close Quarter Engagements CQM e: Circuit Group Query CQMP e: Clinical Quality Management Program CQR e: Contract Quality Requirement CR e: Carriage Return - e: Cathode Ray - e: Central Region - e: Certification Recommendation - e: Change Request - e: Character Reader - e: Clarification Report - e: Clarification Request - e: Classical Review - e: Close Range - e: Combat Rescue - e: Command Register - e: Computer Radiography - e: Computer Resource - e: Computer Resource Acquisition Course - e: Conference Report - e: Continuing Resolution - e: Contract Report - e: Control and Reporting - e: Control Relay - e: Core [Network] Router - e: Cost Reimbursement - e: Country Representative - e: Crystal Rectifier - e: Current Relay - e: Superior Court Civil Rules - s: Central de Red - s: Centro de Resistencia - s: Centro Receptor - s: Crucero Cr e: Clarification request - s: Cargador C/R s: Contrarrevolucionario CRA e: Command Relationships Agreement - e: Continuing Resolution Act - e: Coordinating Review Authority - e: Current of Area Cr A s: Crucero Auxiliar CRAC e: Computer Resource Acquisition Course C Rad Ree s: Centro de Radiorrecepción C Rad Trn s: Centro de Radiotransmisión CRAF e: Civil Reserve Aircraft Fleet - e: Comet Rendezvous/Asteroid Flyby CRAFT e: Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique CRAG e: Contractor Risk Assessment Guide[s]

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

CRN CRAI f: Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres CRALD e: Central Region Airlift Division CRAM e: Card Random Access Memory - e: Computerized Reliability Analysis Method - e: Control Random Access Memory - e: Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement C R A M M e: CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method CRAS e: Cable Repair Administrative System - e: Canadian review of American studies CRAT s: Centro de Recepción de Alarmas y Teleservicio C-Rating e: Combat Readiness Rating C-Rations e: Combat Rations CRB e: Certification Record Brief - e: Configuration Review Board - e: Cost Review Board CRBR-CX e: Critical Assembly CR:BS e: Currents in research: Biblical studies CRC e: Camera-Ready Copy - e: Central Reporting Center - e: Circuit Routing Chart - e: Civil Rights Commission - e: Class, Responsibility, Collaboration [or Collaborators] - e: Column Reference Code - e: Combat Reporting Center - e: Command and Reporting Center - e: Command Review Council - e: Communications Relay Center - e: Computer Resources Council - e: Contingency/Regional Conflict - e: Control and Reporting Center - e: CONUS replacement center - e: COOP response cell - e: Cumulative Results Criterion - e: Cyclic Redundancy Check - e: Cyclic Redundancy Rate, Crew Chief - e: Cyclical Redundancy Character - e: Cyclical Redundancy Checking - s: Comprobación de Redundancia Cíclica Cr C s: Crucero de Combate CRCB e: Computer Resource Control Board CRCC e: Combat Rubber Raiding Craft - e: Combined Rescue Coordination Center - e: Consolidated Record Communications Center CRCI e: Computer Resource Configured Item CRCLMP e: Computer Resource Life Cycle Management Plan C R C O M e: Change Review Committee CRCS e: Clinical Record Cover Sheet CRCIJ e: Crypto Remote Control Unit CRD e: Capstone Requirements Document - e: Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment - e: CINC's required date - e: Creation Revision Deletion - e: Customer Required Date CRDA e: Cooperative Research and Development Agreement

CRDB e: Cost Risk Database CRDF e: Cathode-Ray Direction Finding CRDI f: Centre de Recherches pour de Développement International CRDL e: Critical Requirement Deficiency List CRE e: Combat Readiness Evaluation - e: Computer Reprogramming Equipment - e: Control Reporting Element - e: Corrosion-Resistant C&RE e: Cost and Resource Estimate CREA s: Centro de Reconversion del Austro-Azuay, Cañar y Morona Santiago - s: Centro de Recuperación del Enfermo Alcoholico Patronato CREATE e: Computational Resources for Engineering and Simulation Training and Education C R E C O N e: Counter-Reconnaissance Créd. s: Crédito CREDO e: Comprehensive Report Examination and Display Option CREN e: Computer Research E d u c a t i o n a l ] Network - e: Corporation [for] Research [and] E d u c a t i o n a l ] Network CREP e: Contract Repair Enhancement Process - e: Contract Repair Enhancement Program CRES e: Command Readiness Exercise System - e: Corrosion-Resistant Steel CRESS e: Center for research in Social Systems CREST e: Center for Research and Studies on Strategy and Technology - e: Combat Readiness by Electronic Service Testing CRF e: Cable Retransmission Facility - e: Capital Recovery Factor - e: Channel Reassignment Function - e: Concentrator Relay Function - e: Correspondence Routing Form - e: Cross Reference File - e: Cryptographic Repair Facility - s: Centros Regionales de Facturación CRFPST e: Centralized Request for Proposal Support Team CRG e: Counterfire Reference Grid CRH e: Christian Reviews in History: a journal of historical understanding CRHIDI f: Les Cahiers du Centre de Recherches en Histoire du Droit et des Institutions CRI e: Collective Routing Indicator - e: Color Rendering Index - e: Color Reproduction Indices - e: Consolidated Reparable Inventory - e: Criterion-Referenced Instruction - s: Centro de Rehabilitación Integral para Ciegos del Area Urbana CRIB e: Computer Resources Information Base CRIF e: Cargo Routing Information File CRIM f: Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal CRIO e: COMSEC Regional Issuing Officer crio, s: caserío

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CRIP e: Collective Routing Indicator Processing Cripto s: Criptografía CRIS e: Command Retrieval Information System - e: Current Research Information System - e: Customer Record Information System CRISD e: Computer Resources Integrated Support Document CRISP e: Complex Reduced Instruction Set Processor - e: Computer Reconstructed Images From Scene Photographs - e: Computer Resources Integrated Support Plan CRISPR e: CRISP Review C-RISTA e: Counter-Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition CRISYS e: Computer Related Information Symposium CRITCOM e: Critical Intelligence Communications CRITIC e: Critical Information - e: Critical Intelligence Communication - e: Critical Intelligence Report - e: Critical Message CRITICOM e: Critical Communication - e: Critical Intelligence Communications System CRJE e: Conversational Remote Job Entry CRL e: Certificate Revocation List - e: Common Rail Launcher - e: COMSEC Requirements Lists - e: Custody Receipt Listing Cr L s: Crucero Ligero Cri. s: Coronel CRLCMP e: Computer Resources Life Cycle Management Plan C r Leo s: Crucero Lanzacohetes C R L C O M P e: Computer Resource Life Cycle Operation and Management Plan CR-LDP e: Constrained Routing-Label Distribution Protocol CR/LF e: Carriage Return/Line Feed CRL J e: Civil Rules for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Cr L Leo s: Crucero Ligero Lanzacohetes CRM e: Camera-Ready Mechanical - e: Collection Requirements Management - e: Command Record Manager - e: Communications Resource Manager - e: Computer Resource Management - e: Control and Reproducibility Monitor - e: Core Restraint Mechanism - e: Count Rate Meter - e: Counter-Radar Measures - e: Counter-Radar Missile - e: Customer Relationship Management CRMA e: Combat Rescue Mission Analysis CRMP e: Computer Resources Management Plan - e: Computer Resources Management Program CRMT e: Computer Resources Management Technology CRN s: Comité de Reconstrucción Nacional - s: Cruz Roja Nacional © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CRO CRO e: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope - e: COMSEC Responsible Officer - e: Control Room Operator - p : Centro Regional de Operaçôes - s: Centro Regional de Operaciones ero s: coronel C R O M e: Capacitive Read-Only Memory - e: Control Read-Only Memory CROP e: Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis Resource/Oversight Proposal CROSS e: Combined Radio Frequency Optical Space Surveillance C R O T G U A S U R s: Club Rotario Guatemala Sur CRP e: Central Receiving Point - e: Central Repair Point - e: Common Relevant Picture - e: Completion Report - e: COMSEC Resources Plan - e: COMSEC Resources Program - e: Contract Requirement Packages - e: Control and Reporting Post - e: Coordinated Reconnaissance Plan - e: Cost Reduction Program - e: Current Research in Pleistocene - e: Customer Routing Point CRPA e: Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna CRR e: Case Reconciliation Review - e: Case Requisition Review - e: Current of Record CRRC e: Construction Requirements Review Committee CRREL e: Cold Region Research and Engineering Eaboratory CRRES e: Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite - e: Combined Release/Radiation Effects Satellite CRRIP s: Centro de Retrollamada de la Red IP CRRM e: Common Radio Resource Management CRS e: Calibration Recall System - e: Central Referral System - e: Chairman's - e: Coastal Radio Station - e: Component Repair Squadron - e: Comprehensive Retrieval System - e: Computer Resources Support - e: Container Recovery System - e: Cooperative Reporting System - e: Corporate Review Structure - e: Readiness System - s: Catholic Relief Service CRSDA e: Community Recreation and Skill Development Activities CRSP e: Central Receiving and Shipping Point - e: Contract Repair Supply Procedure CRST e: Customer Requirement Support Team CrSt i: Cristianesimo nella Storia: richerche storiche, esegetiche, teologiche CRT e: Cathode Ray Tube - e: Circuit Requirement Table - e: Combat Readiness Training - e: Contract Repair Team 80

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- e: Criterion Referenced Test - e: Criterion Referenced Testing - s: Compañía Riograndese de Telecomunicaciones crt s: complejo radiotécnico CRTA e: Chief Rocket Troop Artillery - e: Cold Region Test Activity - s: Conjunto de Rutas de señalización CRTC e: Combat Readiness Training Center - e: CRT Controller CRTE e: Combat Rescue Training Exercise CRTS e: Casualty Receiving and Treatment Ship - e: COMTNT Receiver Test System CRTU e: Combined Receiving and Transmitting Unit CRU e: Combined Rotating Unit - e: Control Radio Unit CR-UAV e: Close-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CRIJD e: Corrosive, Radioactive, Undetermined Deposit C R W G e: Computer Resources Working Group CRYPCEN e: Crypto Center CRYPTO e: Cryptographic - e: Cryptography crypto e: cryptographic - e: cryptography CRZ e: Close Reconnaissance Zone CS e: Cable Select - e: Cable Switching - e: Call Sign - e: Call Signal - e: Card Select - e: Carrier System - e: Chip Select - e: Circuit S w i t c h i n g ] - e: Cirrostratus - e: Civil Servant - e: Clear Screen - e: Clear to Send - e: Close Support - e: Coastal Station - e: Code Scheme - e: Code Segment - e: Combat Support - e: Combat System - e: Commercial Standard - e: Commisaryman - e: Communication Segment - e: Communications-Computer Systems - e: Communications Satellite - e: Communications System - e: Community Service - e: Composite Service - e: Computer Science - e: Conducted Susceptibility - e: Confined Space - e: Consignment Spare - e: Constant Source - e: Contract Specialist - e: Contractor Support - e: Control Section - e: Control Switch - e: Controlled Space - e: Cost Sharing - e: Countersabotage - e: Creeping Eine Single-Unit

- e: Critical Source - e: Critically Sensitive - e: Cross Scan - e: Crossover Switch - s: Caza Submarino - s: Central de Señalización - s: Central Secundaria - s: Centro de Selección - s: Centro de Servicios - s: Centro Servidor - s: Cohete Sólido - s: Columna de Subsistencias C/S e: Call Sign - e: Client/Server - e: Cost/Schedule - s: Cliente-Servidor - s: Comisión de Servicio C&S e: Computers and Systems CSI e: Capability Set 1 - e: Critically Sensitive-Eevel 1 C2S e: Command and Control Support - e: Command and Control System - e: Command, Control and Status CS2 e: Critically Sensitive-Eevel 2 CS3 e: Combat Service Support System - e: Critically Sensitive-Level 3 C3S e: Command, Control and Communications Systems C4S e: Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems CS-38 e: Current Series 38 CS80 e: Command Set 80 CSA e: Calendaring and Scheduling API - e: Combat Support Aircraft - e: Command Support Aircraft - e: Communications Service Authorization - e: Compensation System Analyst - e: Configuration Status Accounting - e: Contractor Support Area - e: Corps Storage Area - e: Cyber Security Agency - / · Conseil Supérieur de lAudiovisuel - s: Centro de Servicios de Area CSAB e: Computing Sciences Accreditation Board CSAD e: Computer System Address Directory - e: Computer System Authorization Directory CSADR e: Combat Support Agency Director's Report CSAFM e: Chief of Staff, Air Force memo CSAM e: Computer Security for Acquisition Managers CSAP e: Command, Control, Communications and Computers System Security Assessment Program - s: Clinica de San Antonio Padua CSAR e: Centralized System for Analysis Reporting - e: Combat Search and Rescue - e: Combat Support Agency Responsiveness and Readiness Report - e: Configuration Status Accounting Report CSAR/PR e: Combat Search and Rescue/Personnel Recovery CSARTF e: Combat Search and Rescue Task Force

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CSMA CD CSAS e: Command and Stability Augmentation System - e: Configuration Status Accounting System CSAT e: Crew Station Automation Technology CSAW e: Compact Sigint Analysis Workstation CSB e: Close Support Bridge - e: Closely Spaced Basing - e: Computer Support Base CSBP e: Commander Smart Buy Program CSBSA e: Computer Support Battle Staff Actions CSC e: Cell Site Controller - e: CINC's Strategic Concept - e: Circuit Switching Center - e: Combat Stress Control - e: Combat Support Company - e: Common Signaling Channel - e: Computer Software Component - e: Computer System Center - e: Conventional Stand-Off Capability - e: Conventional Systems Committee - e: Creeping Line Single-Unit Coordinated - e: Critical System Characteristic - s: Centro de Servicios Centralizados C/SC e: Cost/Schedule Control CSCA e: California Studies in Classical Antiquity CSCC e: Coastal Sea Control Commander - e: Communications System Category Code CSCE e: Communications System Control Element - s: Conferencia sobre la Seguridad y Cooperación en Europa CSCF e: Call Session Control Function CSCFM e: Chief of Staff commander's flash message CSCG e: Communications Security Control Group CSCI e: Computer Software Configuration Item CSCPRC e: Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China CSCS e: Component Support Cost System - e: Contractor Satellite Control Site C/SCS e: Cost/Schedule Control Systems CS/CS e: Cost System/Control System C/SCSC e: Cost/Control System Criteria - e: Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria CS/CSS e: Combat Support/Combat Service Support CSCW e: Computer Supported Collaborative Work - e: Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSD d: Kommission für nachhaltige Entwicklung - e: C4 system directive - e: Circuit-Switched Data - e: Circuit Switched Data - e: Cold Shutdown

- e: Computer Services Department - e: Computer System Directive - e: Computer Systems Division - e: Constant-Speed Drive - e: Contracted Sortie Duration - e: Controlled-Slip Differential - e: Corrective Service Disk[ette] - s: Central Secundaria Digital CSDD e: Conceptual System Design Description CSDI e: Computer Software Distribution Item CSDM e: Computer System Diagnostic Manual CSDN e: Circuit Switched Data Network - e: Circuit Switched Digital Network CSDP e: Command Supply Discipline Program CSDS e: Packet switched data service CSE e: Certified System Engineer - e: Client Server Environment - e: Common Support Element - e: Common Support Equipment - e: Communications Support Element - e: Control Systems Engineering - e: Core Storage Element CSEC e: Computer Security Evaluation Center CSEL e: Circuit Switch Select Line - e: Combat Survivor Evader Locator CSEP e: C.TCS -Sponsored Exercise Program - e: Communications System Engineering Plan - s: Consultoria del Sistema de Entrada de Pedidos CSES e: Center for the Study of Earth from Space CSE-SS e: CSE system services CSETWG e: Computer Security Education and Training Working Group CSF e: Central Support Facility - e: Computer System Facility - s: Concentración Sucesiva de Fuego CSFI e: Communication Subsystem for Interconnection CSFM e: Center for the Study of Futures Markets CSFS e: Customer Support Forwarding Service CSG e: Chairman's Staff Group - e: Combat Service Group - e: Combat Support Group - e: Complex System Guideline - e: Composite Support Group - e: Computer Systems Group - e: Constructive Solid Geometry - e: Coordinating Subgroup - e: Cryptologie Support Group CSGP e: Computer Systems Group CSH e: Combat Support Hospital - e: Corps Surgical Hospital Csh e: C shell CSI e: Command Sequence Introducer - e: Competitive Strategies Initiative - e: Computer Security Institute, San Francisco - e: Computer Supported Instruction - e: Computer Synthesized Image - e: Computer System Integration - e: Consolidated Serviceable Inventory

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: CONUS Sustaining Increment - e: Critical Safety Item - e: Critical Sustainability Item - s: Centro Servidor de Información CSIC e: Computer System Interface Circuits - s: Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSID e: Call Subscriber Identification - e: Calling Station Identification CSIF e: Communications Service Industrial Funds C-SIGINT e: Counter-Signals Intelligence CSIL e: Customer Service Information Line CSIO e: Computer Systems Integration Office CSIP e: Component Sponsored Investment Program CSIR e: C4 System Installation Record CSIRO e: Commonwealth Scientific and Industriai Research Organization CSIS e: Central Secondary Item Secondary - e: Central Secondary Item Stratification CSITP e: Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program C S I V s: Centro del Servicio Infovía Csjo s: Consejo CSL e: Code Selection Language - e: Common Security Label - e: Computer Science Library - e: Computer Sensitive Language - e: Control and Simulation Language - e: Current Switch Logic CSLCP e: Computer Security Life Cycle Process CSLE e: Combat Support and Logistic Equipment CSLIP e: Compressed Serial Line Interface Protocol - e: Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol - e: Compressed Serial Line Protocol - e: Compressed Serial Link Internet Protocol CSLS e: Combat Store Loading Software CSM e: Call Switching Module - e: Chief of Staff Memorandum - e: Combat Support Module - e: Command Sergeant Major - e: Command Supportability Metric - e: Commodity Support Manager - e: Communications Services Manager - e: Computer System Manager - e: Computer Systems Manual - e: Continuous Sheet Memory CSMA e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMA/ e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMA e: Command Sergeant Major of the Army CSMA/CA e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance CSMA CA e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance CSMA/CD e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision D e t e c t i o n ] CSMA CD e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CSMACD C S M A C D e: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection C3SMP e: Command, Control and Communications Systems Master Plan CSMP e: Command Surgeon's Microcomputer Program - e: Continuous System Modelling Program - e: Current Ship's Maintenance Project CSMS e: Customer Support Management System Csmta s: Casamata CSN e: Card-Select Number - e: Contract Surgeon - e: Current Stock Number - s: Centro Servidor Nacional CSNAS e: Computer Supported Network Analysis System CSNET e: Computer [and] Science Network CSNI e: Communications Systems Network Interoperability CSNP e: Causeway Section, Nonpowered - e: Complete Sequence Number PDU CSNP [BE] e: Causeway Section Nonpowered [Beach End] CSNP [I] e: Causeway Section, Nonpowered [Intermediate] CSNP[SE] e: Causeway Section, Nonpowered [Sea End] CSO e: C4 system officer - e: Cognizant Security Office - e: Communication System Office - e: Communications Service Order - e: Communications Support Organization - e: Composite Second Order beat - e: Computer Security Officer - e: Computer System Officer - e: Corps Signal Officer - p : Cadastre de Serviço em Operaçâo CSOA e: Combined Special Operations Area CSOB e: Command Systems Operations Branch CSOC e: Customer Support Operation Center CSocD d: Kommission für soziale Entwicklung CSOD e: Command Systems Operations Division CSOM e: Computer Software Operator's Manual - e: Computer System Operator's Manual CSP e: Cali Service Position - e: Canadian Slavonic Papers - e: Causeway Section - e: Central Supply Point - e: Certified Systems P r o f e s s i o n a l s ] - e: Chip Scale Packaging - e: Chip Scale/Size Packaging - e: Commence Search Point - e: Commercial Subroutine Package - e: Common Signal Processor - e: Communications Security Publication - e: Communications Support Processor - e: Concurrent [Initial] Spare Parts - e: Continuous Sampling Program - e: Contract Strategy Paper - e: Contracting Support Plan


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- e: Controlled Storage Point - e: Crisis Staffing Procedures - e: Cryptographic Service Provider - e: Cryptologie Support Package - s: Caza Submarino Pequeño CSPAR e: CINC's Preparedness Assessment Report C/SPCS e: Cost/Schedule Planning and Control Specification CSPDN e: Circuit Switched Public Data Network C SPEC e: Product Specification CSPM e: Communication Security Publication Memorandum CSPO e: Communications Satellite Project Office CSPP e: Communications-Computer Program Plan CSPPSP e: Communications-Computer Program Plan Support Plan CSPS d: Christlichsoziale Partei des Saargebietes - e: Coherent Signal Processing System CSQ e: Cistercian Studies Quarterly: an international review of the monastic and contemplative spiritual tradition - e: Cryptofacility Security Questionnaire CSR e: Change Status Report - e: Chief of Staff regulation - e: CINC's [Commander in C h i e f s ] Summary Report - e: Civil Service Regulation - e: Civil Service Retirement - e: Compensation System Review - e: Control and Status Register - e: Control and Status Register Management - e: Controlled Supply Rate - e: Current Situation Room - s: Cañón Sin Retroceso CSRB e: Computer Systems Requirements Board CSRB-WG e: Computer Systems Requirements Board Working Group CSRC e: CAES Shared Resource Center CSRD e: C4 System Requirement Document - e: Communications-Computer Systems Requirements Document - e: Computer System Requirement Document CSRG e: Common Standards Revision Group - e: Computer Systems Research Group CSRL e: Common Strategic Rotary Eaunchers CSRO e: Consolidated Standing Route Order CSS e: Cascaded Style Sheet - e: Cascading Style Sheet[s] - e: Clothing Sales Store - e: Coherent Signal Simulator - e: Combat Service Support - e: Combat Supply System - e: Combat Support Subsystem - e: Combat System Simulator - e: Command Specific Server - e: Commercial Satellite Survivability - e: Communications Security System - e: Communications Subset - e: Communications Subsystem

- e: Communications Support Segment - e: Communications Support System - e: Communications System Segment - e: Component Scheduling System - e: Computer Sub-System - e: Computer Subsystem - e: Computer Support System - e: Consolidated Support System - e: Contact Start-Stop - e: Content Scramble System - e: Contingency Support Staff - e: Contractor Support Services - e: Cooperative Spacecraft System - e: Coordinator Surface Search - e: Cross Site Scripting CSSA e: Combat Service Support Area - e: Cryptologie Shore Support Activity CSSAAME e: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East CSSB e: Compatible Single Sideband CSSC e: Coded Switch Set Controller - e: Computer System Security Officer - e: Computer System Support Center CSSCS e: Combat Service Support Computer System - e: Combat Service Support Control System C S SD e: Command Support System Demonstrator - e: Strategic Defense Command CSSE e: Combat Service Support Element CSSH e: Comparative Studies in Society and History CSSL e: Continuous System Simulation Language CSSM e: Center System Safety Manager - e: Center System Safety Program Manager - e: Client-Server Systems Management CSSMRS e: Computerized Site Security Monitor and Response System CSSO e: Computer System Security Officer CSSP e: Computer Security Support Program CSSPT e: Common Supply Support CSS-R e: Communications System Segment Replacement CSSR e: Communications System Segment Replacement [program] C/SSR e: Cost/Schedule Status Report CSSR e: Cost Schedule Status Report CS/SS e: Card Service/Socket Service CSSS e: Combat Service Support System CSST e: Computer System Science Eraining C4SSTAG e: Command, Control, Communications, Computers System Security Eraining Advisory Group CST e: Combat Support Erailer - e: Combat Support Eraining - e: Conventional Stability Talks - e: Customer Support Team Cst s: Cisterna CSTA e: Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition - e: Computer Supported Telephony Application[s] CSTAR e: Combat Synthetic Training Assessment Range

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CTMP C-STAR e: Critical Threat Assessment Report CSTB e: Combat System Test-Bed CSTCTO e: Country Standard Time Compliance Technical Order CSTO e: Country Standard Technical Order CSTS e: Combat Simulation Test System - e: Combined System Test Stand - e: Computer Supported Telecommunication Standard - e: Computer Supported Telephony Standard CSTT e: Combat Systems Training Team CSU e: Channel Service Unit - e: Circuit Switching Unit - e: Command Sensor Unit - e: Communications Switching Unit - e: Computer Software Unit - e: Control Selection Unit - e: Conventional Signals Upgrade - e: Customer Service Unit - e: Customer Support Unit - s: Confederación Sindical Unitaria CSU/DSU e: Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit CSV e: Circuit-Switched Voice - e: Close-Range Surveillance System - e: Comma Separated Value[s] - e: Comma Separated Variable[s] - e: Common Services Verbs - e: Corona Start Voltage - s: Centro de Servicio Videotex CSVd d: Christlich-Sozialer Volksdienst CSW d: Kommission für die Rechtsstellung der Frau - e: Compartment Stowage Worksheet - e: Contract Specialist Workbook - e: Control Power Switch - e: Conventional Stand-Off Weapon CSWG e: Communication-Computer System Working Group - e: Communications Systems Working Group - e: Crew Station Working Group CT d: Computer Technik - e: Cable Test - e: Calendar Time - e: Case-Telescoped - e: Center Tap - e: Central Time - e: Circuit Theory - e: Collective Task[s] - e: Collective Training - e: Combat Team - e: Commercial Translator - e: Communications Technician - e: Communications Terminal - e: Computer Technology - e: Computer Tomography - e: Contract Team - e: Control Telemetry - e: Cordless Telephone - e: Counterterrorism - e: Cross Talk - e: Cultured Traveler newsletter - e: Current Transformer - e: Customer Test - e: Cypher Text - s: Carga Total

- s: Central de Tránsito - s: Central Terciaria - s: Centro de Transmisiones - s: Centro Transmisor C&T e: Chips and Technologies - e: Clothing and Textile - e: Contingency and Training CT2 e: Cordless Telephone 2 C3T e: Concept, Capability, Consenses and Technology CTA e: Case-Telescoped Ammunition - e: Center Test Authority - e: Central Technical Activity - e: Central Tmde Activity - e: Common Table of Allowances - e: Compatibility Test Area - e: Consolidated Training Activities - e: Contractual Technical Assistance - s: Centro de Transmisiones Avanzado - s: Control del Tráfico Aéreo cta. s: cuenta CTAA e: Community Transportation Association of America - s: Cohete Táctico Antiaéreo CTAK e: Cipher Text Auto Key C TAL s: Camion Taller CTAPS e: Contingency TACS [Tactical Air Control System] Advanced Planning System - e: Contingency Theater Automated Planning System CTAS e: Center Tracon Automation System CTASC e: Corps and Theater Adp Service Center CTA-STD e: Communication Terminal Asynchronous-Standard CTAV s: Centro de Transmisiones Avanzado CTB e: Cipher Type Byte - e: Communication Toolbox - e: Composite Triple Beat CTC e: CALS Technical Center - e: Channel to Channel - e: Combat Theater Communications - e: Combat Training Center[s] - e: Command Tactical Console - e: Counterterrorist Center - s: Central de Trabajadores del Campo - s: Compañía de Telecomunicaciones de Chile CTCC e: Consolidated Telecommunication Centers CTCF e: Channel Technical Control Facility CTCP e: Client-to-Client Protocol - e: Combat Trains Command Post CTCPEC e: Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria CTCSS e: Continuous Tone Coded/Controlled Squelch System - e: Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System CTD e: Charge Transfer Device - e: Color Tactical Display - e: Concealed Target Detection - s: Central de Tránsito Digital CTDC e: Control Track Direction Computer CTDH e: Command and Telemetry Data Handling

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CTDP e: Communications and Tracking Data Processor CTDR e: Commercial Training Device Requirement CTDS e: Code Translation Data System C/TDS e: Count/Time Data System CTE e: Commander, Task Element - e: Contractor Test and Evaluation - e: Contractual Technical Evaluation - s: Comandante Cte s: Corriente CT&E e: Contractor Test and Evaluation CTEA e: Cost and Training Effectiveness Analysis CTEIP e: Central Tanned Investment Program - e: Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program Ctel s: Cuartel Ctel Instr s: Cuartel de Instrucción Cte Ma s: Commandante de Marina Cte Mtar s: Corte Militar CTF e: Central Test Facility - e: Closure Task Force - e: Coalition Task Force - e: Collective Training Facility - e: Combined Task Force - e: Combined Test Force - e: Commander, Task Force - e: Consolidated Test Force CTF-ICBM e: Commander Task Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles CTFM e: Continuous Transmission Frequency Modulated CTG e: Commander, Task Group - e: Common Tactical Grid - e: Communications Transmission Group CTI e: Command Technical Inspection - e: Complaint Type Investigation - e: Component Test Instruction - e: Computer Telephony Integration - e: Contract Technical Instructor - s: Cálculo y Tratamiento de Información - s: Comité Técnico de Interconexión CTIC e: Contractor Technical Information Codes CTID e: Communications Transmission Identifier CTIL e: Commander's Tracked Item List CTIS e: Computerized Test Information Stand CTK e: Composite Tool Kit CTL e: Checkout Test Language - e: Complementary Transistor Logic - e: Component Team Leader - e: Construction Technical Letter - e: Core Transistor Logic - e: Critical Task List Ctlte s: Contraalmirante CTLZ e: Control Zone CTM e: Cargo Traffic Message - e: Command Training Manager - e: Communications Terminal Module - e: Cordless Telephone Mobility - e: Current Transformation Matrix CTMC e: Communications Terminal Module Controller ctmo[s]. s: céntimos CTMP e: Channel Traffic Movement Plan © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CTMS CTMS e: Compact Tactical Message Switch CTMT e: Containment CTN e: CALS Test Network - e: Commercial Telecommunications Network Ctn s: Canton CTNE s: Compañía Telefonica Nacional de España CTO e: Charge Transforming Operator - e: Chief Technical Officer - e: Chief Technical Offices - e: Chief Technology Officer - e: Chief Technology Offices - e: Cognizant Transportation Officefr] - e: Control Tower Operator - e: Corps Transportation Officer - e: Crypto Operator Cto s: Conocimiento CTOC e: Corps Tactical Operations Center CTOCSE e: Corps Tactical Operations Center Support Element CTOCIJ e: Central to Control Unit - e: Centralized Technical Order Control Unit CTOL e: Conventional Take Off and Landing CTOM e: Centralized Technical Order Management Ctón. s: Canton CTOSE e: Corps Tactical Operations Center Support Element CTP e: Characteristic Technical Parameter - e: Charge Transforming Parameter - e: Chief TestPilot - e: Command Translator and Programmer - e: Computer to Plate - e: Computer to Press - e: Computer to Print - e: Consolidated Telecommunications Program - e: Construction Test Procedure - e: Coordinated Test Program - e: Critical Technical Parameter - e: Critical Test Parameter - e: Port Captain CTP A e: Coax to Twisted Pair Adapter CTQ e: Critical to Quality - s: Coordinadora de Trabajadores Quichelenses CTR e: Capital Type Rehabilitation C Tr[ac] s: Camion Tractor CTREPTR e: Court Reporter CTRL e: Control CTS e: Carrier Test Switch - e: Central Tactical System - e: Central Training Section - e: Certified Test Results - e: Clear to Send [Signal] - e: Common Transport Semantic - e: Communications Technology Satellites - e: Communications Terminal Synchronous - e: Communications Training System - e: Composite Training Squadron - e: Computer Test Station - e: Computerized Tomography Scanner - e: Conformance Testing Services 84

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- e: Contact Test Set - e: Conversation Time Sharing - e: Conversational Terminal System - e: Cosmic Top Secret - e: Courier Transfer Station - e: Course Training Standard[s] - e: Cray Timesharing System - s: Central de Tránsito Sectorial cts. s: centavos - s: céntimos CTSB e: Critical Task Selection Board CTSD e: Combat Training Support Directorate CTSS e: Compatible/Cray Time-Sharing System - e: Compatible Time Shared System - e: Compatible Time-Sharing System - e: Cray Time-Sharing System - e: Cyber Time-Sharing System CTSSB e: Critical Task Site Selection Board CTSWG e: Consolidated Training Support Working Group CTSWGM e: Consolidated Training Support Working Group Meeting CTT e: Combat Tactics Trainer CTT5 e: Combined Tactical Trainer, Stage 5 Feasibility Study CTT e: Command Tactical Trainer - e: Command Team Training - e: Commander's Tactical Terminal - e: Common Task Test - s: Camion Todo Terreno - s: Capa Temporal de Tramitación - s: Caza Todo Tiempo Ctt s: Cable Telefónico-Telegráfico CTTA e: Certified Tempest Technical Authority CTT-H e: Commander's Tactical Terminal-Hybrid CTT/H-R e: Commanders' Tactical Terminal/Hybrid-Receive only CTTP e: Central Tactical Processing Program CTTS e: Comparative technology transfer and society CTT/T e: Commander's Tactical Terminal/TEREC CTU e: Captive Test Unit - e: Central Task Unit - e: Central Terminal Unit - e: Commander - e: Consolidated Table of Organization and Equipment Update CTV s: Conversión de Texto a Voz - s: Conversor Texto-Voz ctvo[s]. s: centavos CTY e: Console Teletype CTZ e: Corps Tactical Zone CU e: Close-Up - e: Coding Unit - e: Common Unit - e: Common User - e: Control Unit - e: Cryptographie Unit - e: Cuba - e: Cubic Capacity - e: Customer Premise - e: Customer Unit - e: Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - e: See You

C-IJ e: Command-Unique C/U s: Cada Uno [o Una] CU2 e: See You, Too CUA e: Common User Access - e: Common User Interface - e: Commonly Used Acronym Cuad/Con s: Cuadro de Conmutación CIJAS e: Computer Utilization Accounting System CUB e: Cursor Backward [Cuba] Pton CD s; Pelotón Contradesembarco [Cuba] Pton Comones s: Pelotón de Comunicaciones [Cuba] Pton Fgo s: Pelotón de Fuego CUBOL e: Computer Usage BusinessOriented Language CUC s: Comité de Unidad Campesina CUCO s: Comité de Unidad Cívica Organizado CUCV e: Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle CUD e: Call User Data - e: Cursor Down CUDAT e: Common User Data Terminal CITDF e: Call User Data Field CUDIXS e: Common User Digital Information Exchange [Sub]system CUDOS e: Continuously Updated Dynamic Optimizing Systems CUE e: Computer Updating Equipment CUEMCA s: Consolidador Universal de Estadísticas para el Modelo de Contabilidad Analítica CUES e: Combat Underwater Exploitation System - e: Computer Utility Educational System CUF e: Common User Follow-On - e: Cursor Forward CUG e: Closed User Group - e: Closet User Group CUI e: Captive User Interface - e: Character[-oriented] User Interface - e: Consistent User Interface - e: Controlled Unclassified Information - / • Centre Universitaire d'Informatique CUJT e: Complementary Unijunction Transistor CUL e: Common User Language - e: See You Later CULP e: Computer Usage List Processor CULT e: Common-User Land Transportation CUM s: Comité de Unidad Municipal CUMMFU e: Complete Utter Monumental Military Foul Up CUNE s: Costo por Unidades de Negocio CUNOC s: Centro Universitario de Occidente CUNOROC s: Centro Universitario de Noroccidente CUNSUROC s: Centro Universitario de Sur Occidente CUNY e: City University of New York CUP e: Common User Products - e: Communications Users Program - e: COMSEC utility package - e: Cursor Position - e: Custom and Practice

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CWG CUPE s: Cumplimiento de Penal izaciones CUPID e: Completely Universal Processor I/O Design CUR s: Componente de Usuario Registrado CURES e: Computer Utilization Reporting System - e: Computerized Unsatisfactory Report Engineering System CURSOR s: Consola Unificada de Recursos de Supervisión y Operación de Red CURTS e: Common User Radio Transmission System CUS e: Clean-Up System - e: Common User Subsystem - e: Common User Support - e: Common User System - s: Código Único de Servicio CUSFO e: Capability for United States Firms Overseas CIJSG s: Confederación de Unidad Sindical de Guatemala CUSRPG e: Canada/United StatesRegional Planning Group CUSUWASH e: Council of U.S. Universities for Soil & Water Development in Arid & Sub-Humid Areas CUSV e: Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle CUT e; Circuit Under Test - e: Control Unit Terminal - e: Coordinated Universal Time - e: Cross Utilization Training CUTE e: Clarkston University Terminal Emulator CUTK e: Common Update/Equipment system CUTS e: Computer Utilized Turning System CUU e: Computerunterstützter Unterricht - e: Cursor Up CUWTF e: Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force CV e: Aircraft carrier - e: Carrier - e: Coding Violation - e: Coefficient of Variation - e: Combat Vehicle - e: Command Vehicle - e: Cost Variance - e: Cryptographic Variable - e: Curriculum Vitae - e: Multipurpose aircraft carrier - e: Vice Commander - s: Caballo de Vapor - s: Canal Virtual C[V] e: Capacitance as a Function of Voltage C.V. s: [de] Capital Variable C&V e: Chapter & Verse: a j o u r n a i of popular music and literature studies CV- e: Osprey C2V e: Command and Control Vehicle CVA e: Attack aircraft carrier - e: Central Verification Activity - e: Clandestine Vulnerability Analysis

- e: Communications Vulnerability Assessment CVAC s: Comités Voluntarios de Autodefensa Civil CVAN e: Attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered - e: CINCPAC Voice Alerting Network CVB e: Large aircraft carrier CVBF e: Carrier Battle Force CVBG e: Carrier Battle Group CVC e: Combat Vehicle Command and Control Program - e: Combat Vehicle Communications - e: Combat Vehicle Crewman - e: Crime Victim's Compensation program - e: Customer Value Contracting - s: Centro Virtual Conmutado CVCA s: Centro de Validación y Control de Acceso CV/CC e: Constant Voltage/Constant Current CVCC e: Controlled Vortex Combustion Chamber CVC-MTI e: Coherent Video Cancellation-Moving Target Indicator CVCS e: Chemical and Volume Control System CVD e: Compact Video Disk - e: Coupled Vibration Dissociation - e: Current Voltage Diagram - s: Comité Voluntario de Defensa CVDM e: Convex Virtual Disk Manager CVDV e: Coupled Vibration Dissociation Vibration CVE e: Collaborative Virtual Environment - e: Escort aircraft carrier CVEH e: Combat Vehicle CVF e: Compressed Volume File - s: Centro de Validación y Facturación CVFTC j·: Centro de Validación y Facturación para Teléfonos de Comentaristas CVFTTP s: Centro de Validación y Facturación de tarjetas de Telefónica Telecomunicaciones Púnlicas CVG e: Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport CVGA e: Color Video Graphics Array CVH e: Helicopter carrier CVHA e: Assault helicopter transport CVHE e: Escort helicopter aircraft carrier CVHG e: Helicopter carrier with guided missile armament CVI e: Certified Vendor Information - e: Crew/Vehicle Interface - e: Customer/Vendor Interface CVIC e: Conditional Variable Incremental Computer CVISC e: Combat Visual Information Support Center . CVL e: Light aircraft carrier Cvl s: Civil CVLF e: Compact Very Low Frequency CVM s: Calzado, Vestuario y Material - s: Canal Virtual de Metacontrol CVMS s: Canal Virtual de Metaseñalización CV[N] e: Aircraft carrier [nuclear]

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

CVN e: Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier CVO e: Commercial Vehicle Operations - s: Centro Virtual Automàtico de Operación Cvol[q] s: Camion Volquete CVP d: Christliche Volkspartei - e: Collaborative Virtual Prototyping - s: Circuito Virtual Permanente C-V-P e: Cost-Volume-Profit CVR e: Cockpit Voice Recorder CVROS e: Compact Video Rate Optical Scanner CVRP e: Computer System Vulnerability Reporting Program CVS e: Combat Vehicle Survivability - e: Support [ASW] aircraft carrier CVSD e: Continuously] Variable Slope Delta [Modulation] CVT e: Aircraft carrier, training - e: Circuit Verification Test - e: Controlled Variable Time - e: Convert C2VTC e: Command and Control VTC CVU e: Utility aircraft carrier CVW e: Carrier Air Wing - e: CodeView for Windows - e: Collaborative Virtual Workspace - e: Cryptovariable Weekly CVWS e: Combat Vehicle Weapons System CW e: Call Waiting - e: Carrier Wave - e: Chemical Warfare - e: Chemical Weapons - e: Child Welfare - e: Classical world - e: Clean Water - e: Clockwise - e: Cold-Worked - e: Composite Wave - e: Composite Wing - e: Continuous Wave - e: Control Word - e: Conventional Weapon cw d: Morse-Telegrafie CW2 e: Chief Warrant Officer, W-2 C2W e: Command and Control Warfare CW3 e: Chief Warrant Officer, W-3 CW4 e: Chief Warrant Officer, W-4 CWA e: Cash with Acceptance - e: Contractor Warranty Administration CWAR e: Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar CWAS e: Contractor Weighted Average Share CWBS e: Contract Work Breakdown Structure CWC e: Change Working Directory - e: Combat Weather Center - e: Composite Warfare Commander - e: Composite Warfare Concept CWD e: Chemical Warfare Defense - e: Convert Word to Double Word CWDS e: Combat Weapon Delivery Software - e: Community Welfare and Development Society CWE e: Current Working Estimate CWG e: Cockpit Working Group - e: Communications Working Group - e: Computer Working Group © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


CWHSSA CWHSSA e: Contract Work Hour and Safety Standard Act CWI e: Centralized Warning Indicator - e: Continuous Wave Illuminator - η: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica CWIN e: Child Workers in Nepal CWIP e: Construction Work In-Progress CWIR e: Continuous Wave Illuminator Radar CWIS e: Campus Wide Information System C W M e: Commercial Water Movement Number CWMTU e: Cold-Weather Materiel Test Unit CWO e: Capital Work Order - e: Cash with Order - e: Chief Warrant Officer - e: Communications Watch Officer CWON e: Collection Work Order Number


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CWP e: Causeway Pier - e: Contractor Work Plan - e: Contractor's Working Party CWPC e: Contingency Wartime Planning Course CWPI e: Configuration Work Package Item CWR e: Calm Water Ramp - e: Civil War Regiments: a j o u r n a i of the American Civil War - e: Civil Work Requirements CWS e: Commander's Weapon Station - e: Continental Wage Scale - e: Contingency Workstation - e: Cooling Water System CWSP e: Communications with and Service to the Public CX e: Canceled - e: Composite Signaling C2X e: Character to Hexadecimal CXI e: Common X[-windows] Interface CXL e: Canceled

CXL SEC e: Cancellation Sector CY e: Calendar Year - e: Current Year - / • Chroniques Yéménites CYA e: Cover Your Ass CYBIS e: Cyber-Based Instructional System CYK e: Cocke-Younger-Kasami[Algorithm] CYL e: Cylinder - e: See You Later C y L s: Combustible y Lubricantes CYMK e: Cyan Yellow Magenta Black CZ e: Clear Zone - e: Combat Zone - s: Cazadores Cza s: Cabeza

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik


D D d: Datenleitung - d: Deutsch - e: Daemon - e: Daily - e: Data - e: Dental - e: Depot - e: Digital - e: Diode - e: Direct - e: Director - e: Document - e: Double - e: Downward - e: Total drift - s: Destacamento - s: Destino d e: surface drift D. s: Destacamento Dl e: First Coast Guard District [Boston, MA] D-2 e: Army's Special Operations Unit D2 e: Disrupt/Destroy - e: Second Coast Guard District [St. Louis, MO] 2D e: 2-Dimensional 2-D e: Two-dimensional D3 e: Defense, Description and Designation 3D e: 3-Dimensional - e: Three dimensions D5 e: Fifth Coast Guard District [Portsmouth, VA] D7 e: Seventh Coast Guard District [Miami, FL] D8 e: Eighth Coast Guard District [New Orleams, LA] D9 e: Ninth Coast Guard District [Cleveland OH] D U e: Eleventh Coast Guard District [Los Angeles, CA] D l 4 e: Fourteenth Coast Guard District [Honolulu, HI] D17 e: Seventeenth Coast Guard District [Juneau, AK] D+90 e: 90 days after D-day D13 e: Thirteenth Coast Guard District [Seattle, WA] DA d: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters - d: Deutsches Archiv für Geschichte des Mittelalters - e: Damage Assessment

- e: Data Adapter - e: Data Administration - e: Data Administrator - e: Days After Acceptance - e: Decimal Add - e: Decimal to Analog - e: Decision Aid - e: Decision Altitude - e: Decision Analysis - e: Default Address - e: Defense Adviser - e: Defense Attaché - e: Delayed Action - e: Department of Administration - e: Deposit Account - e: Design Authority - e: Design Automation - e: Developing Activity - e: Developing Agency - e: Development Authorization - e: Differential Analyzer - e: Digital to Analog - e: Direct Access - e: Direct Action - e: Director of Administration - e: Directorate for/of Administration - e: Discrete Address - e: Dispersal Airfield - e: Distributing Authority - e: Don't Answer - e: Double-Action [Gun] - e: Double Amplitude - s: Defensa Aérea - s: Destacamento Avanzado - s: Diplomado de Automovilismo - s: División Acorazada Da e: Aerospace drift D/A e: Digital/Analog - e: Digital to Analog [Converter] D-Α e: Digital to Analog D3A e: Decide, Detect, Deliver and Assess 3DA e: Three Dimension Array DAA e: Data Access Arrangement - e: Decimal Adjust for Addition - e: Delegation of Approval Authority - e: Designated Accreditation Authority - e: Designated Approving Authority - e: Designed Assembly Area - e: Digital/Analog Adapter - e: Display Alternate Area Routing Lists - e: Dual and Associates - s: Defensa Antiaérea

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DAACCE e: Department of the Army Alternate Command and Control Element DAACM e: Direct Airfield Attack Combined Munitions DAACO e: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Officer DAAP s: Defensa Antiaérea Pasiva DAAR e: Day Air-to-Air Refueling DAAS e: Defense Automated Addressing System - s: Depòsito Avanzado de Abastecimiento DAASC e: Defense Automatic Addressing System Center - e: Designated Acquisition Commander DAATS e: Digital Analog Automatic Test System DAB e: Digital Audio Broadcasting] - e: Direct Access Buffer DABBS e: D1SA Acquisition Bulletin Board System DABS e: Discrete Address Beacon System DAC e: Data Acquisition and Control - e: Defense Acquisition Circular - e: Department of the Army Civilian - e: Deployable Accs Component - e: Deputy Assistant Commandant - e: Design Augmented by Computer - e: Designated Acquisition Commander - e: Development Advisory Committee - e: Digital-to-Analog Converter - e: Direct Access Program - e: Disaster Assistance Center - e: Discretionary Access Control - e: Display Analysis Console - e: Dual-Attached Concentrator - e: Dual Attachment Concentrator - s: Destacamento Avanzado de Control - s: Division Acorazada - s: [Sistema de] Defensa Anticoheteril DACB e/ Data Adapter Control Block DACC e: Department of the Army Communications Center - e: Direct Access Communications Channel DaCC e: Display and Computer Console DACCS e: Department of the Army Command and Control System DACDC e: DoD Acquisition Career Development Council DACE

s: Depòsito Artillero de Campaña

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DACG DACG e: Departure Airfield Control Group Dacia / • Dacia: revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne DACK e: DMA A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t ] DACM e: Data Adapter Control Mode - e: Director, Acquisition Career Management - e: Dissimilar Air Combat Maneuvering DACO e: Divisional Administrative Contracting Officer DACON e: Digital to Analog Converter D/A converter e: Digital to Analog Converter DACOR e: Data Correction DACOS e: Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff DACS e: Data Acquisition Control System - e: Data and Analysis Center for Software - e: Digital Access and Cross-connect System - e: Divert and Attitude Control System - e: Office of the Chief of Staff DACSS e: Déployable A W A C S Computer Support Systems DACT e: Dissimilar Air Combat Training DAD e: Data Description Language - e: Desktop Application Director DA&D e: Discrimination Analysis and Design DADC e: Digital Air Data Computer DADCAP e: Dawn and Dusk Combat Air Patrol DADEE e: Dynamic Analog Differential Equation Equalizer DADM e: Detailed Air Defense Model DADS e: Digital Air Data System - e: Digital Audio Distribution System DAEM d: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters DAEO e: Designated Agency Ethic Official DAES e: Defense Acquisition Executive Summary DAF e: Departure Airfield DAFC e: Departure Airfield Control - e: Digital Automatic Frequency Control DAFFD e: Department of the Army Forward Floating Depot DAFM e: Discard-At-Failure Maintenance DAFS e: Direct Aerial Fire Support DAG d: Direktrufnetzabschlussgerät - e: Data Authentication Group - e: Decision Action Group - e: Directed Acyclic Graph - e: Division Artillery Group DAGA s: Despachador Automático del Gestor de Actuaciones DAGC e: Drawing and Graphic Committees D A G M d: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung DAHAP e: Data Acquisition, Handling and Analysis Plan DAI e: Days After Installation - e: Development Alternative Inc. - e: Distributed Artificial Intelligence 88

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DAIC e: Danish Association for International Cooperation DAICC e: Domestic Air Interdiction Coordinator Center DAIL e: Data Information Link DAILY PLANIT e: Workload management system DAIP e: Defense Acquisition Improvement Program DAIR e: Direct Attitude and Identity Readout - e: Driver Air, Information and Routing DAIS e: Defense Automatic Integrated Switching - e: Defense Automatic Integrated Switching System - e: Digital Avionics Information System DAISY e: Disposal Automated Information System - e: Double Precision Automatic Interpretive System DAJ d: Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts - e: Derbyshire Archaeological Journal DAK d: Diagnose-Kanal D A K f C B N F d: Deutscher Arbeitskreis für CB- und Notfunk DAKS d: Dateikatalogsystem DAL e: Data Access Language - e: Data Accession List - e: Dedicated Access Line - e: Defended Assets List - e: Director of Acquisition Logistics - e: Disk Access Lockout DALC e: Deployment Area Location Code DALFA e: Directorate of Air Land Forces Application DALRV e: Department of the Army logistics readiness liaison visits DALSO e: DA Logistics Staff Officer - e: DA Logistics Support Officer DALT e: Drop Altitude DAM e: Data Acquisition and Monitoring - e: Data Addressed Memory - e: Data Association Message - e: Defended Area Model - e: Descripter Attribute Matrix - e: Device Adapter Modules - e: Digital-to-Analog Multiplier - e: Direct Access Memory - e: Direct Access Method - e: Direct Action Mission D A M A e: Demand Access Multiple Assignment - e: Demand Assigned Multiple Access - e: Department of the Army Materiel Annex D A M E d: Dezentrale Administration von Message Handling Systems durch X.500 - e: Distance Azimuth Measuring Equipment - e: Division Airspace Management Element DAMES e: DAAS [Defense Automated Addressing System] Automated Message Exchange System

- e: Division Airspace Management Element System - e: Dynamic Airlift Management and Execution System D A M II-EE e: Defended Area Model Ii Engagement Evaluation D A M II-EP e: Defended Area Model Ii Equipment Planning D A M L e: DARPA Agent Markup Language D A M M S e: Department of Army's Movements Management System D A M M S - R e: Department of the Army Movements Management SystemRedesign D A M O e: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans D A M O - F D e: DA Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations-Force Development DAMO-TR e: DA Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations-Training DAMO-TRS e: DA Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations-Operations and Plans, Training Systems D A M P e: Down-Range Antimissile Measurement Program D A M P M T e: Department of the Army Military Personnel Management Team D A M P S e: D D N Automated Message Processing System - e: Digital Advance Mobile Phone Service - e: Digital Amps D A M W O e: Department of the Army Modification Work Order DAN e: Desk Area Network - e: Diver's Alert Network - e: Domestic Area Network - s: Diseño de Alto Nivel DANTE e: Delivery of Advanced Network Technologies [or Technology] in/to Europe Ltd. D A N Z K O e: Datennetzkoordinator DAO e: Data Access Object - e: Data Access Objects - e: Defense Administration Office - e: Defense Attache Office - e: Department/Agency/Organization - e: Disbursing Accounting Officer - e: Disc at Once - e: Division Ammunition Officer DAOL e: Discourse Analysis Online DAOMIS e: Division Ammunition Office Management Information System DAP e: DA Program - e: Data Access Point - e: Data Access Processor - e: Data Access Protocol - e: Data Administration Program - e: Data Automation Panel - e: Day of Arrival at Poe - e: Deformation of Aligned Phases - e: Designated Acquisition Program[s] - e: Developer Assistance Program - e: Digital Assembly Program - e: Distributed Array Processor - e: Division Advisory Panel - e: Document Application Profile - s: Defensa Aérea Pasiva DAPA e: Distribution and Pricing Agreement

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DAVACS DAPAS e: Distribution and Pricing Agreements DAPIE e: Developers Application Programming Interface Extensions DAPM e: Domain Analysis Process Model D A P M O e: Data Administration Program Management Office DAPR e: Digital Automatic Pattern Recognition DAPS e: Defense Automated Printing Service - e: Direct Access Programming System DAPU e: Data Acquisition and Processing Unit DAR d: Datenausgabe-Register

- e: Digital Audio Reconstruction Technology - e: Direct Advisory of Recorded Transactions - e: Director and Response Tester - e: Disaster Assistance Response Team - e: Downed Aircraft Recovery Team - e: Dual Axis Rate Transducer - e: Dynamic Acoustic Response Trigger - e: Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool - e: Dynamically Adaptive Receiver Transmitter


historická revue DAS d: Datenausgabe-Steuerung

d: Digital Audio Radio e: Data Automation Requirement e: Defense Acquisition Radar e: Designated Airworthiness Representative

- e: Distortion Adaptive Receiver DARC e: Data Acquisition and Reports Control - e: Data Radio Channel - e: Division Alarm Recording Center DArch i: Dialoghi di Archeologia DArchLandesVolksforschung d: Deutsches Archiv für Landes- und Volksforschung DARE e: Document Abstract Retrieval Equipment - e: Documentation Automated Retrieval Equipment - e: Doppler Automatic Reduction Equipment DARES e: Data Analysis and Reduction System DARFAX e: Department of the Army secure facsimile DARI e: Database Application Remote Interface DARIO s: Desarrollo para el Acceso a la Red Internacional en Observación DARK e: Discrimination Analysis Technique Adopted and Refined at Kwajalein DARLI e: Digital Angular Readout by Laser Interferometry DARMP e: Defense Automation Resource Management Program DARMS e: Digital Alternate Realization o f M u s i c a l Symbols DARPA e: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARR e: Department of the Army Regional Representative DARS e: Department of the Army Relocation Sites - e: Digital Acoustic Receiver System - e: Digital Adaptive Recording System - e: Digital Attitude and Rate System DART e: Daily Automatic Rescheduling Technique - e: Data Analysis Recording Tape - e: Data and Remote Control Terminal - e: Deficiency Analysis Ranking Technique - e: Deployable Automatic Relay Terminal

DARTS e: Destination Acceptance Reporting and Tracking System DaS c: Dëjiny a Sousasnost: kulturne

- e: Data Acquisition Subsystem - e: Data Acquisition Subsystem/System - e: Data Automation System - e: Datatron Assembly System - e: Decimal Adjust for Subtraction - e: Defense Attaché System - e: Defense supply advisor - e: Deputy Assistant Secretary - e: Digital Analog Simulator - e: Direct Access Storage - e: Direct Access Subscriber - e: Direct Air Support - e: Disturbance Analysis System - e: Dual-Attached Station - e: Dual Attachment Station - e: Dynamically Assigned Socket[s] - s: Defensa Antisubmarina DASA e: Defense Atomic Support Agency - e: Department of the Army Staff Agencies DASA[RT] e: Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology DASAT e: Datenübertragung via Satellit DASC e: Department of the Army System[s] Coordinator - e: DLA's Administrative Support Center DASC-A e: Direct Air Support Center Airborne DASCAR e: Data Acquisition System for Crash Avoidance Research DASC-C e: Directorate of Contracting DA Set s: Sector de Defensa Aérea DASD e: Direct Access Storage Device DASD[I] e: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense [Intelligence] DASH e: Drone Anti Submarine Helicopter DASIU d: Die alten Sprachen im Unterricht DASL e: Department of the Army Strategic Logistics DASO e: Demonstration and Shakedown Operation - e: Department of the Army Special Order DASP e: Data Administration Strategic Plan - e: Discrete Analog Signal Processing - e: Drive Active-Slave present DASR e: Direct Air to Satellite Relay

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DAS[R&T] e: Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology DASS e: Demand Assignment Signaling and Switching - e: Distributed Authentication Security Service DA S/s s: Subsector de Defensa Aérea DASSS e: Decentralized Automated Service Support System DAST d: Datenaustausch-Steuerung - e: AUTODIN Subscriber Terminal DAT e: Daily Activity Team - e: Deployment Action Item - e: Deployment Action Team - e: Detailed Assessment Tool - e: Development Acceptance Test - e: Digital Analog Tape - e: Digital Audio Tape - e: Disconnect Actuating Tools - e: Disk Array Technology - e: Dynamic Address Translation - s: Defensa Antitanque - s: Destacamento de Aseguramiento - s: División Aerotransportada DATA e: Decision Aids for Target Aggregation - e: Drawing for Army Training Aids DATAC e: Data Analog Computer D A T A C O L e: Data Collection System D A T A C O M e: Data Communications DATAN e: Data Analysis DATAR e: Digital Autotransducer and Recorder DATC e: Drake Authorized Testing Center DATEC e: Data and Telecommunications Datei e: Data Telecommunication DATEV d: Datenverarbeitungsorganisation [für Angehörige] des steuerberatenden Berufes in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.G. DATEX-J e: Data Exchange for Jedermann DATEX-L e: Data Exchange by Lines [leitungsvermittelt] Datex-L e: Data Exchange by Lines [leitungsvermittelt] DATEX-P e: Data Exchange in Packages [paketvermittelt] Datex-P e: Data Exchange in Packages [paketvermittelt] DATICO e: Digital Automatic Tape Intelligence Checkout D A T M e: Dummy Air Training Missile DATO s: Defensa Atómica DATRIX e: Direct Access to Reference Information DATT e: Defense Attaché DATIJ e: Data Adapter Termination Unit - e: Direct Access Testing Unit DAU d: Dümmster anzunehmender User - d: Dynamische Adress-Umsetzung - e: Data Acquisition Unit - e: Digital Amplifier Unit DAV e: Data Valid - e: Digital Audio-Video D A V A C S e: DoE Automated Visitor Access Control System © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


DAVC DAVC e: Delayed Automatic Volume Control DAVI e: Dynamic Antiresonant Vibration Oscillator DAVIC e: Digital Audiovisual Council DAVID e: Data and Voice Integration over DWDM - e: Digital Audio Video Interactive Decoder DAVIE e: Department of the Army Vocabulary of Information Elements DA-WAM e: Deep-Attack Wide-Area Munitions D/A Wandler d: Digital-Analog Wandler DAWCLM e: Data Automation Workload Control and Library Maintenance DAWIA e: Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act DAWN e: Defense Attaché Worldwide Network DAWS e: Data Analysis Workstation DAY e: James M Cox Dayton International Airport DB e: Data Buffer - e: Database - e: Decibel[s] - e: Depth Bomb - e: Double-Based [Relay] - e: Double Bottom - e: Double Break - e: Dry Bulb - e: Dynamic Braking Contractor to Relay - s: Data Base. Base de datos - s: Defensa Biológica - s: División Blindada dB e: decibel [s] D-B e: Decimal to Binary DB2 e: Database2 DBA e: Database Access - e: Database Administration - e: Database Administrator - e: Database Agent - e: Design Basis Accident - s: Desembarco Aéreo dBA e: decibel adjusted - e: noise measurement unit dBa[HAl] e: Noise power in dBa measured by a set with HA 1 -receiver weighting DBA/M e: Data Base Administrator/Manager DBAO e: Digital Block And-Or Gate dBaO e: noise power in dBa referred to or measured at OTLP DBASI e: Digital Barometer Altimeter Setting Indicator DBAT e: Database Access Tool DBB d: Deutscher Bauernbund - e: Detector Back Bias - e: Detector Balanced Bias DBC e: Database Computer - e: Database Controller - e: Deputy Brigade Commander - e: Diameter Bolt Circle - e: Digital Battlefield Communication DB connector e: Data Bus connector DBCR e: Database Change Request DBCS e: Delivery Bar Code Sorter - e: Double-Byte Character Set 90

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DBD e: Database Document DBDA e: Design Basis Depressurization Accident DBDD e: Database Design Document DBE e: Database Engine - e: Database Entry - e: Design Basis Event - e: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DBF e: Database File - e: Demodulator Band Filter - e: Design Basis Fault DBG e: D a t a B a s e Generation - e: Database Generator - e: Debug DBGF e: Database Generation Facilities DBGS e: Database Generation System DBH e: Database Handler DBI e: Data Base Interface - e: Databank of Priced Data - e: Defense Budget Issue dBi e: dB referenced to an isotropic antenna DBIDI e: Data Base of Imagery Derived Information DBj e: Relative RF signal levels [j = .Terrold Electronics] dBj/s e: decibels of jamming power over signal power DBK e: Data Bank dBk e: decibels referred to one kilowatt DBLP e: Digital Bibliography + Library Project DBM e: Data Buffer Module - e: Database Machine - e: Database Manager [or Management] - e: Database Marketing dBm e: decibels above [or below] 1 milliwatt - e: decibels per milliwatt - e: decibels referred to 1 milliwatt dBmO e: noise power in dbm at a point of zero relative transmission level DBMC e: Data Bus Monitor/Controller DBMP e: Database Management Plan DBMR e: Data Base Management Report DBMS e: Database Management System dBmV e: decibels with respect to one millivolt in a 75-ohm system DBNS e: Doppler Bombing/Navigation System DBO e: Database Owner DBOF-AMC e: Defense Business Operation Fund-Air Mobility Command DBOF-T e: Defense Business Operation Fund-Transportation DBOI e: Development Basis of Issue DBOR e: Database of Record DBORN e: Dual Bus Optical Ring Network DBOS e: Disk-Based Operating System DBP d: Deutsche Bauernpartei - d: Deutsche Bundespost - e: Defense Budget Project DBPA e: Decentralized Blanket Purchase Agreement DBR e: DOS Root Record DBRITE e: Digital Bright radar Tower Equipment dBRN e: decibels above reference noise

dBRNC e: decibels above reference noise, C-message weighted dBrncO e: noise power in dBrnc referred to a measured at OTLP dBrn[fl-f2] e: flat noise power in dBrn DBS d: Deutscher Bildungsserver - e: Database Server - e: Database Specification - e: Database System - e: Design Build Standard - e: Digital Broadcast Satellite - e: Direct Broadcasting] Satellite - e: Dismounted Battle Space - e: Doppler Beam Sharpening DBSL e: Deep Battle Synchronization Line DBSP e: Double-Based Solid Propellant DBT e: Database Transmission - e: Dynamic Backtracking DBUT e: Database Update Time dBuV/MHz e: dB above 1 microvolt per megahertz DBV d: Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis dBV e: increase or decrease in voltage regardless of impedance levels DBVA d: Deutscher Berufsverband für Altenpflege e.V. dBW e: dB referencing 1 watt DC e: Damage Control - e: Data Channel - e: Data Check - e: Data Classifier - e: Data Collection - e: Data Communications - e: Data Compression - e: Data Concentrator - e: Data Control - e: Decimal Classification - e: Dedicated Circuit - e: Defense Council - e: Depth Charge - e: Design Contractor - e: Desk Checking - e: Device Control - e: Digital Comparator - e: Digital Computer - e: Direct Cite - e: Direct Current - e: Display Console - e: Display Controller - e: District of Colombia - e: Domain Controller] - e: Double Contact - e: Dry Circuit - s: Dato de Configuración - s: Defensa Civil - s: Defensa de Costa - s: Depósito Central - s: Diplomado de Carros D/C e: Down-Converter D2C e: Decimal to Character DCA e: Decade Counting Assembly - e: Defense Communications Agency - e: Defense cooperation in armament - e: Defensive Counter-Air - e: Digital Command Assembly - e: Document Content Architecture - e: Dual-Capable Aircraft - e: Washington [National] DC - s: Decreto de Comunidad Autónoma - s: Defensa Contra Aviones

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DCP DCAC e: Defense Communications Agency Circular DCAEIJR e: Defense Communications Agency Europe DCAF e: Distributed Console Access Facility DCAI e: Defense Communications Agency Instruction DCAM e: Direct Chip Attach Module DCAMS e: Deployable Core Automated Maintenance System DCARS e: Defense Logistics Agency Contract Action Reporting System DCASD e: Defense Contract Administration Service District DCASPRO e: Defense Contract Administration Service Plant Representatives Office DCASQ e: Defense Contract Administration Service residency DCASR e: Defense Contract Administration Services Representative DCB e: Data Control Block - e: Development Component Baseline - e: Device Control Block - e: Disk Coprocessor Board DCBRL e: Defense Chemical, Biological and Radiation Laboratories DCC e: Damage Control Center - e: Data Communication Channel - e: Data Communication Computer - e: Denial Cause Code - e: Device Control Character - e: Digital Command Control - e: Digital Compact Cassette - e: Direct Cable Connection - e: Direct Client Connection - e: Direct Commercial Contract - e: Display Channel Complex - e: Display Combination Code - e: District Communications Center - s: Defensa Contracarro - s: Dispositivo Central de Control DCCC e: Data Communication Control Character - e: Defense Collection Coordination Center DCCLR e: Direct Current Closure Adapter DCCS e: Digital Command Communications System - e: Discontiguous Shared Segments DCCU e: Data Communications Control Unit DCCV d: Deutsche Morbus Crohn/ Colitis ulcerose Vereinigung e.V. DCD e: Data Carrier Detect - e: Data Collection Device - e: Desired Completion Date - e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Combat Developments - e: Dynamic Computer Display DCDA s: Defensa Contra Desembarcos Aéreos DCDM e: Digitally Controlled Delta Modulator - s: Defensa Contra Desembarcos DCDP e: Defense Center Data Processing DCDS e: Digital Control Design System

DCDIJ e: Data Collection and Distribution Units DCE e: Data Circuit[-terminating] Equipment - e: Data Collection Effort - e: Data Collection Engine - e: Data Communications Equipment - e: Data Communications Exchange - e: Defense Combat Evaluation - e: Defense Corporate Executive - e: Distributed Computing Environment - e: Distributed Computing Equipment DC-Ε e: Director of CommunicationsElectronics DCEC e: Directorate of Contractor Employment Compliance DCED e: Distributed Computing Environment Daemon DCEO e: Division CommunicationsElectronics Officer DCF e: Data Collection Form - e: Data Communication Facility - e: Data Communications Function - e: Data Compression Facility - e: Data Count Field - e: Dispersion Compensating Fiber - e: Document Composition Facility - e: Document Control File - e: Driver Configuration File DCFL e: Deterministic Context Free Language DCFO e: Defense Communications Field Office DCFS e: Data Communications Functional Support DCG e: Deputy Commanding General - e: Disaster Control Group - s: Distribuidor de Comunicaciones de Gestión DCH e: D Channel Handler - e: Dedicated Channel delia, s: derecha D channel e: Data channel D - C H A N N E L e: Data Channel DCI e: Director of Combat Intelligence - e: Display Control Interface - e: Dual Channel Interchange DCIB e: Data Communications Input Buffer DCID e: Development Change in Design - e: Director Central Intelligence directive DCINC e: Deputy Commander in Chief DCJSS e: Direct Coupled Jamming/Surveillance System DCJTF e: Deputy Commander, Joint Task Force DCKP e: Direct Current Key Pulsing DCL e: Data Control Language - e: DEC Command Language - e: Declaration - e: Design Capability Line - e: Device Clear - e: Digital Command Language - e: Digital Computer Laboratory - e: Digital Control Logic - e: Direct-Coupled Logic D C L M e: Department of Command, Leadership and Management DCM e: Data Channel Multiplexer - e: Data Communication Method - e: Data Communication Multiplexer

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Deputy Chief of Mission - e: Deputy Commander for Maintenance D/CM e: Diagnostic and Condition Monitoring DCM s: Defensa Contra Misiles - s: Division de Caballería Mecanizada D C M A O e: Defense Contract Management Area Operation D C M A O / D P R O e: Defense Contract Management Area/Defense Plant Representative Office DCMCI e: Defense Contract Management Command International D C M D e: Defense Contract Management Command D C M D / D C M A O e: Defense contract management district/Defense contract management area operation DCMDI e: Defense Contract Management District International DCMDN e: Defense Contract Management District Northeast DCMDW-I e: Defense Contract Management District West D C M E e: Digital Circuit Multiplexing Equipment DCMIS e: Dissoluble Classified Military Information Statement D C M O e: Deputy Chief Military Observer - e: DEA Civilian Personnel Management Support Office DCMR e: Defense contract management regions DCMS e: Digital Communications Management System - e: District Cost Monitoring Specialist DCN e: Data Communications Network - e: Design Change Notice - e: Document Control Number DCNA e: Data Communications Network Architecture DCNG e: District of Columbia National Guard DCNRI e: Dismounted Combat Net Radio Interface DCO e: Defense coordinating officer - e: Deputy Commander for Operation - e: Deputy Commanding Officer - e: Dial Central Office - e: Dial Control Office D C O M e: Distributed Common Object Model - e: Distributed Component Object Model DCOP e: Desktop Communications Protocol DCOR e: Deparmental Committee on Range DCOS e: Data Communications Output Selector - e: Deputy Chief of Staff DCP e: Data Communications Processor - e: Decision Coordinating Paper - e: Decision Coordinating Plan - e: Dental Continuation Pay - e: Design Change Package - e: Development Concept Paper - e: Digital Communications Processor - e: Digital Computer Processor - e: Digital Computer Programming - e: Digital Light Processing © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


dc&p - e: Director of Civilian Personnel - e: Distributed Collaborative Planning dc&p e: data collection and processing DCPG e: Digital Clock Pulse Generator DCPI s: Diseño, Construcción, Pruegas e Implantación DCPS e: Data Collection and Processing System - e: Data Communications Protocol Standards - e: Digitally Controlled Power Source DCPSK e: Differentially Coherent Phase Shift Keying DCPIJ e: Display Control Power Unit DCR e: Data Conversion Receiver - e: Data Coordinator and Retriever - e: Design Change Request - e: Design Concern Report - e: Digital Conversion Receiver - e: Directorate of Collateral Responsibility DCS e: Data Collection System - e: Data C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] [ S u b s y s t e m - e: Data Control Services - e: Data Control System - e: Defense Courier Service - e: Depot Computer System - e: Design Control Specifications - e: Desktop Color Separation - e: Diagnostic Control System - e: Digital Camera System - e: Digital Cellular [Telecommunication] System - e: Digital Command System - e: Digital Communications Services - e: Digital Communications System - e: Digital Computer System - e: Digital Crossconnect System - e: Direct Commercial Sales - e: Distributed Computer System - e: Distributed Control System - e: Division Clearing Station - e: Dynamo Commerce Server - e: Integrated Database Connector - e: Integrated Desktop Connector - e: Internet Database Connector DC's e: Developed Countries DCSC-E e: Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications-Electronics DCSCIJ e: Dual Capability Servo Control Unit DCSDOC e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Doctrine DC/S for RA e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Reserve Affairs DCSI e: Defense Central Security Index DCSINT-TSD e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence-Threat Support Directorate DCSO e: Defense Communications System Office DCSOPS e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations DCSP e: Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problem DCSPS e: Defense Communications System Performance Simulator DCSR e: Dynamic Cluster-based Source Routing - s: Dispositivo de Control Sectorial de Radio 92

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DCSROTC e: Deputy Chief of Staff for reserve Officers' Training Corps DCSS e: Deployable Combat Support System - e: Digital Conferencing and Switching System DCST s: Dispositivo de Control de Supervisión de Transmisiones - s: Dispositivo de Control Sectorial de Transmisiones DCST-R e: DLA Contingency Support Team, Rear DCSTS e: Deputy Chief of Staff for Training and Schools DCT e: Data Communications Terminal - e: Digital Communications Terminals - e: Discrete Cosine T r a n s f o r m a t i o n ] dc&t e: detection, classification and targeting DCTL e: Direct Coupled Transistor Logic DCIJ e: Data-Cache Unit - e: Data Command Unit - e: Data Computer Unit - e: Data Control Unit - e: Detection and Control Unit - e: Digital Computer Unit - e: Digital Conference Unit - e: Digital Control Unit - e: Dispenser Control Unit - e: Display/Controller Unit - e: Dynamic Component Upgrade D C W V e: Direct-Current Working Volts DD d: Diskussion Deutsch - e: Data Definition - e: Data Deliverable - e: Data Dictionary - e: Data Dictionary and Directory [Team] - e: Day - e: Days After Date - e: Decimal Divide - e: Defense Depot - e: Definition Description - e: Destroyer - e: Dewey Decimal - e: Digital Data - e: Digital Display - e: Disconnecting Device - e: Dishonorable Discharge - e: Double Density - e: Drawdown - s: Diseño Detallado D&D e: Design and Development DDA d: Deutsche Daten-Autobahn - e: Decommissioning and Disposal Analysis - e: Designated Development Agency - e: Designed Deployment Area - e: Digital Differential Analyzer - e: Digital Drive Amplifier - e: Distributed Data Access - e: Domain-Defined Attribute - s: Destino Difícil de Alcanzar - s: Distancia de Amortiguamiento DDAS e: Digital Data Acquisition System DDAY e: Date of Commencement of Hostilities D-day e: Deployment Day DDB e: Decision Database - e: Depot Data Bank

- e: Device Dependent Bitmap - e: Device Descriptor Block - e: Distributed Database DDB-R e: Distinguished Rifleman Badge DDBS e: Display Database Subs - e: Distributed Database System DDC e: Dairy Development Corporation - e: Data Description Document - e: Data Display Center - e: Data Distribution Center - e: Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information - e: Design and Development Contract - e: Dewey decimal classification - e: Differential Chain Code - e: Digital Data Channel - e: Digital Data Converter - e: Digital Display Console - e: Digital Display Converter - e: Digital Document Connection - e: Direct Distance Dialing - e: Director Digital Control - e: Display Data Channel - e: Division Data Center - s: Depòsito de Débiles y Convalecientes D D C l e: Display Data Channel One DDC-AIJS e: Department for Development Cooperation-Austria DDCE e: Digital Data Conversion Equipment DDCFG e: Data Display and Control Functional Group DDCMP e: Digital Data C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Message Protocol DDCS e: Digital Data Calibration System - e: Distributed Database Connection Services DDD e: Data Definition Language - e: Data Description Document - e: Desired Delivery Date - e: Digital Diagnostic Diskette - e: Direct Distance Dial[1]ing - e: Display Decoder Driver DD/D e: Data Dictionary/Directory DDDR e: Dissemination of Digitized Drawing for Reprocurement D D D R & E [T&E] e: Deputy Director, Defense Research and Engineering [Test and Evaluation] DD/DS e: Data Dictionary Directory System DDE e: Decentralized Data Entry - e: Direct Data Entry - e: Director Design Engineering - e: Dynamic Data Exchange - e: Escort destroyer - s: Destacamento de Destino Especial de Después de Jesucristo DDEML e: Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library DDEP e: Defense Data Exchange Program D de Τ s: Datos de Tiro DDF e: Display and Debriefing Facility - e: Display Data Channel - e: Document Description File - e: Dynamic Data Formatting DDG e: Digital Data Generator - e: Digital Display Generator - e: Guided missile destroyer

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DECS DDGE e: Digital Display Generator Element DDH e: Distributed Document Handling - e: Helicopter-carrying destroyer DDH&DS e: Digital Data Handling and Display Systems DDI e: Delivery Distribution Indicator - e: Depth Deviation Indicator - e: Device Driver Interface - e: Digital Display Indicator - e: Direct Dial [ling] In DDial e: Diversi-Sial DDIC e: DVB/DA VIC Interoperability Consortium DDJ d: Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch DDK e: Device Driver Kit - e: Hunter-killer destroyer DDL e: Daily Delivery List - e: Data Definition Language - e: Data Description Language - e: Delegation of Disclosure [Authority] Letter - e: Digital Data Link - e: Dispersive Delay Line - e: Display Description Language - e: Document Description Language - s: Description Definition Language DDLC e: Data Description Language Committee DDLI e: Direct Data Link Interconne ctivity DDLRP e: Doctrine Development Long Range Plan DDM e: Data Demand Module - e: Deputy Demonstration Manager - e: Difference in Depth of Modulation - e: Digital Data Modem - e: Distributed Data Management - e: Distributed Data Manager DDMC e: Defense Depot Maintenance Council DDMS e: Deputy Director for Military Support DDN e: Defense Data Network - e: Digital Data Network DDNIA e: Defense Data Network Interface Adapter DDNS e: Distributed Domain Name Service - e: Dynamic Domain Name System - e: Dynamic Domain Naming System DDO e: Defensive Duty Officer - e: Dynamically Distributed Overlay DDOCE e: Digital Data Output Conversion Equipment DDP e: Datagram Delivery Protocol - e: Declaration of Design [and] Performance - e: Defense Dissemination Program - e: Demand Development Period - e: Deployment Detailed Planning - e: Digital Data Processor - e: Distributed Data Processing - e: Distribution Drop Point DDPP e: Doctrine Development Design Process DDPS e: Digital Data Processing [Subjsystem - e: Distribution Data Processing System DDPU e: Digital Data Processing Unit

DDR e: Daily Demand Rate - e: Double Data Rate - e: Double Drift Region - e: Radar picket destroyer - p : Discagem Direta ao Ramal DDRS e: Defense Data Repository Suite DDS d: Direkte digitale [Frequenz-] Synthese - e: Data Disk Storage - e: Data Display System - e: Dataphone Digital Service - e: Dentai Data System - e: Department of Defense support - e: Déployable Defense System - e: Design Data Sheet - e: Digital Data Service - e: Digital Data Storage - e: Digital Data System - e: Digital Display Scope - e: Digital Dynamics Simulator - e: Direct Digital Synthesis - e: Display and Debriefing System - e: Distributed Data Storage - e: Distributed Data[base] Services - e: Doctor of Dental Science - e: Document Development System - e: Dry Deck Shelter DDS-1 d: DAT SpezifikationDatentransfer-Rate 183-366 Kb/s [Kapazität 1.3 bis 2.0 Gb je Medium ohne Kompression] DDS-2 d: DAT SpezifikationDatentransfer-Rate 500-600 Kb/s [Kapazität 2 bis 4 Gb je Medium ohne Kompression] DDS-4 d: DAT SpezifikationDatentransfer-Rate bis zu 4 Mb in der Sekunde [20 Gigabyte Kapazität je Medium ohne Kompression] DDSD e: DFN Directory Services Deutschland DDSN e: Distributed Diagnostics and Service Network DDS-3 d: DAT SpezifikationDatentransfer-Rate bis zu 1 Mb in der Sekunde-Kompressionslose Kapazität je Medium bis 12 Gigabyte DDT e: Deflagration to Detonation Transition - e: Design Data Transmittal - e: Digital Data Transmission - e: Digital Debugging Tape - e: Direct Digital Targeting - e: Doctrine, Tactics and Training - e: Dynamic Debugging Technique DDTD e: Digital Data Transmission Device DDTE e: Digital Data Terminal Equipment - e: Director, Defense Test and Evaluation DDT&E e: Design, Development, Test and Evaluation - e: Director, Operational Test DD,TFR e: Deputy Director, Test Facilities and Resources DDTS e: Distributed Data and Telecommunications System - e: Distributes Defect Tracking System DDTV s: Distribución Digital de TV DDTVS s: Distribución Digital de TV por Satélite

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DD IJ e: Data Distribution Unit - e: Digital Display Unit - e: Digital Distribution Unit DD US e: Data Departed United States DDV d: Datendirektverbindung DDVN e: Direct Dedicated Voice Network DDVP d: Deutsch-Danziger Volkspartei DDVR e: Displayed Data Video Recorder DDX e: Device Dependent X - e: Digital Data Exchange DE d: Datenentstörung - e: Damage Estimation - e: Damage Expectancy - e: Data Element - e: Data Entry - e: Delay Equalizer - e: Design Engineering - e: Device End - e: Diesel-Electric - e: Digital Element - e: Display Electronics - e: Escort destroyer - s: Desviación Estandar de e: individual drift error DEA d: Deterministischer endlicher Automat - e: Data Encryption Algorithm - e: Data Exchange Agreement - e: Data Exchange Annex - e: Display Electronics Assemblies - e: Drug Enforcement Administration DEAL e: Decision Evaluation and Logic DEARN d: Deutsches EARN DEB e: Digital European Backbone DEC e: Control escort ship - e: Decrement - e: Device Clear - e: Digital Equipment Corp. DECA e: Defense Commissary Agency - e: Digital Electronic Control Assembly DE/CALS e: Defense Electronic/ Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support DECAM s: Departamento de Control de Armas y Municiones DECCO e: Defense Commercial Communications Office DECL e: Declaration of War/National Emergency - e: Declassify DECM e: Defense Electronic Countermeasures DECN e: Decision DECnet e: Group of communications products developed and supported by Digital Equipment Corporation DECnet routing e: Proprietary routing scheme introduced by Digital Equipment Corporation DECOM e: Telemetry decommutators decon e: decontaminate - e: decontamination DECON e: Defensive Electronic Countermeasures DECOR e: Digital Electronic Continuous Ranging DECS e: DSCS ECCM Control Subsystem © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


DECT DECT e: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephony - e: Digital European Cordless Telecommunication^] DECT e: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone DECU e: Digital Engine Control Unit DECIJS e: DEC Users Society DED e: Data Element Definition - e: Data Element Dictionary - e: Data Entry Device - e: Data Entry Display DEDB e: Data Entry Data Base DEDS e: Digital Error Detection Subsystem DEDIJCOM e: Deductive Communicator DEE d: Datenendeinheit - d: Datenendeinrichtung - e: Digital Evaluation Equipment - e: Digital Events Evaluator DEEC e: Digital Electronic Engine Control DEF e: Delivery Evaluation Factor - e: Desktop Functional Equivalent - e: Display Evaluation Form def e: defend[ed] - e: defense - e: defensive Def s: Defensa - s: Defensivo DEFA / • D'Étude et Fabrication d'Armament DEFCON e: Defense Condition - e: Defense Readiness Condition DEFCOS e: Defense Department Courier Service DEFCS e: Digital Electronic Flight Control System DEFIT e: Data Edit File DEFPLAN e: Defense Plan DEFRAG e: Defragment DEFREP e: Defense Response Status DEF STAN e: Defense Standard DEFT e: Dynamic Error-Free Transmission DEG d: Datenendgerät - e: Document Evaluation Guidelines - e: Guided missile escort ship DEI e: Development Engineering Inspection DEIS e: Defense Energy Information System - e: Defense Enterprise Integration Service DEK e: Data Encryption Key - e: Dateneingabekanal DET d: Deutsche Einheitsliste - e: Delete - e: Déployable Equipment Eist - e: Direct Exchange Line DELEX e: Data Elements Lexicon DELFIC e: Defense Land Fallout Integration Code DELG e: Defense Export Loan Guarantee DELSTR e: Delete String DEM e: Data Energy Modernization - e: Digital Elevation Model - s: De[L] Estado Mayor Dem s: Demolición 94

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D E M A N D S e: Depicts Each Month's Averages and New Demand D E M A R C e: Demarcation DEMIL e: Demilitarization demil e: demilitarize de min e: minimum drift error DEMN j·: De[l] Estado Mayor Naval D E M O D e: Deployment Model D E M O N S e: Commercial trademark for MIES component DEMOS e: Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor DEMP e: Dispersed Electromagnetic Pulse DEMS e: Digital Error Monitoring Subsystem D E M S T A T e: Deployment/ Employment/Mobilization Status [System] DEMIJX e: Demultiplex D E M V A L e: Demonstration and Evaluation DEN e: Document Enabled Networking - s: Destacamento de Enlace DENEB e: Fog dispersal operations DEN TAC e: Dental Activity DEO e: Data Exploitation Operator DEP e: Data Element Profile - e: Defense Enterprise Program - e: Departure - e: Deployed - e: Depot Element Profile - e: Design Engineering Program - s: Desensamblador Ensamblador de Paquetes DEPACK e: Deployment Package System DEPACTV e: Depot Activity Dep Arm As s: Depòsito de Armamentos y Equipos Antisubmarinos DEPCJTF e: Deputy Commander, Joint Task Force Dep Comb s: Depósito de Combustible DEPDA e: Deployment Data File DEPDATE e: Departure Date From Poe DEPECH e: Deployment Echelon D e p E f N a v s: Depòsito de Efectos Navales DEPEST e: Deployment Package Estimation System DEPEX e: Deployment Exercise - e: Deployment on NIKE/X Study DEPGUIDE e: Deployment Guide DEPI e: Differential Equations Pseudocode Interpreter DEPID e: Deployment Indicator Code DEPL e: Deployment DEPLAN e: Deployment Plan Dep Mat San s: Depòsito de Material Sanitario Dep Mat Top

s: Depòsito de Material

Topográfico D E P M E D S e: Déployable Medical Systems Dep Mov s: Depòsito Móvil Dep Mun Art s: Depósito de Municiones de Artillería DepOpsDeps e: Service Deputy Operations Deputies Dep Quirn s: Depòsito Químico

DEP&S e: Drug Enforcement Plans and Support DEPSK e: Differential-Encoded Phase Shift Keying DEPSTAR e: Deployment Status of Army Units Dep Tec s: Depòsito de Pertrechos y Equipo Técnico D E P T H e: Design Evaluation for Personnel, Training and Human Factor DEPIJS e: Departmental User Dep Viv s: Depòsito de Víveres DE/Q e: Design Evaluation/ Qualification DEQ e: Dose Equivalent DER d: Dateneingaberegister - e: Designated Engineering Representative - e: Documentation Error Report - e: Radar picket escort ship Der s: Derecha DeRLAS e: Delaware Review of Latin American Studies DEROS e: Date Eligible for Return From Overseas - e: Date of Estimated Return From Overseas DERP e: Defective Equipment Replacement Program D E R R O f: Projet pour le Développemt Économique et Rural de la Region du Rif Occidental DES d: Dateneingabesteuerung - e: Data Encryption Standard - e: Data Entry Sheet - e: Defense Encryption Standard - e: Design Environmental Simulator - e: Destination End Station - e: Differential Equation Solver - e: Digital Expansion System - e: Discovery and Excavation in Scotland: an annual survey of Scottish archaeological discoveries, excavation and fieldwork - e: Distributed Energy Storage - s: Digitalización Entrante Saliente DESAL s: Centro para el Desarrollo Econòmico y Social de America Latina DESALT s: Desarrollo Alternativo DESC e: Digital Equation Solving Computer Desc. s: Descuento DESCIM e: Defense Environmental Security Corporate Information Management Desem[b] s: Desembarco D E S I G A R E A e: Designated Area Message DESIRE e: Development of a European Service for Information on Research and Education - e: Direct English Statement Information Retrieval Extraction DESPORT e: Daily Equipment Status Report DEST e: Destination dest e: destination - e: destroy DESY d: Deutsches ElektronenSynchrotron

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DH DET e: Detachment - e: Detainee - e: Device Execute Trigger - e: Displaced [Cascaded] Equipment Training det e: detached - e: detachment DETP e: Displaced Equipment Training Plan DETRESFA e: Distress Phase DETT e: Displaced Equipment Training Team DEU e: Data Exchange Unit - e: Display Electronics Unit DEUCE e: Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine DeutscheGbll d: Deutsche Geschichtsblätter: Monatsschrift zur Förderung der landesgeschichtlichen Forschung DEV e: Development - e: Device DEVA e: Development Acceptance DEVCO e: Development Committee DEVO d: Datenerfassungsverordnung DEVSIS e: International Information System for the Development Sciences DEW e: Directed-Energy Warfare - e: Directed-Energy Weapons - e: Distant Early Warning DEWIZ e: Distance Early Warning Identification Zone DEWS e: Digital Electronic Warfare Simulator DExA e: DoDIlS [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Executive Agent DEXAN e: Digital Experimental Airborne Navigator DF e: Damage Free - e: Data Field - e: Data Form - e: Decimal Fraction - e: Decontamination Factor - e: Defensive Fire - e: Deflection - e: Destination Field - e: Destination Form - e: Device Flag - e: Direction Finding - e: Disk File - e: Dispersion Factor - e: Disposition Form - e: Don't Fragment - e: Dose Factor - e: Double Feeder - e: Double Flag D&F e: Determination and Findings D/F e: Direction Finding DFA e: Deterministic Finite Automaton Df AA s: Defensa Antiaérea DFAD e: Digital Feature Analysis Data DFAIR e: Defense Financial and Investment Review DFAS e: Defense Finance and Accounting Service - e: Defense Finance and Accounting System - e: Directorate, Fund Control Branch DFB e: Distributed Feedback - e: Distribution Fuse Board DFBW e: Digital Fly-By-Wire

DFC e: Data Flow Control - e: Deputy Force Commander - e: Design Field Change - e: Diagnostic Flow Chart DFCS e: Deployment Flow Computer System - e: Digital Automatic Flight Control DFD d: Datenflussdiagramm - d: Deutsches FernerkundungsDatenzentrum - e: Data Flow Diagram[s] - e: Digital Frequency Discriminator DfD d: Datenanwendung für Dritte DFDR e: Digital Flight Data Recorder DFDSS e: Data Facility Dataset Services DFE e: Directorate of Facilities Engineering - e: Division Force Equivalent DFFR e: Dynamic Forcing Function [Information] Report DFG d: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - e: Department of Fish and Game DFGS e: Digital Flight Guidance System DFH e: Defense Family Housing DFI e: Data Field Identifier - e: Design, Fabricate and Install - e: Developmental Flight Instrumentation - e: DSP Format Identifier DFKI d: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für KI DFLS e: Direction Finding and Location System DFM e: Deputy for Financial Management - e: Design for Maintainability - e: Design for Manufacturability - e: Deterrent Force Module - e: Director, Food Management DFMA e: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly D F M O e: Doppler Filter MixerOscillator DFN d: Deutsches Forschungsnetz e.V. DFO e: Dining Facility Operations - e: Direct File Output - e: Director of Flight Operation - e: Disaster Field Office DFP e: Digital Flat Panel DFR d: Deutscher Fernseh Rundfunk - e: Decreasing Failure Rate - e: Defense Fuel Region - e: Direction Finding Receiver DFR e: Dropped From Rolls DFR/E e: Defense Fuel Region, Europe DFRIF e: Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet DFRL e: Differential Relay DFR/ME e: Defense Fuel Region, Middle East DFS e: Depth First Search - e: Direction Finding Subsystem - e: Distributed File Service - e: Distributed File System - e: Dynamic Frequency Selection DFSC e: Defense Fuel Supply Center D F S C O O R D e: Deputy Fire Support Coordinator DFSK e: Double Frequency Shift Keying DFSMS e: Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DFSP e: Defense Fuel Supply Point - e: Defense Fuel Support Point DFSR e: Detailed Functional System Requirement DFSS e: Design for Six Sigma DF/SSL e: Direction Finding/Single Station Location DFT e: Deployment for Training - e: Depot Field Team - e: Design for Test[ability] - e: Diagnostic Function Test - e: Discrete Fourier Transform[ation] - e: Distributed Function Terminal DFÜ d: Datenfernübertragung DFV d: Datenfernverarbeitung DFW e: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport DFX e: Design for X DG e: Data File Utility - e: Defense Guidance - e: Differential Generator - e: Director General - e: Double-Groove - s: Dirección General - s: Distribuidor General DGB e: Disk-Gap-Bond DGBC e: Digital Geoballistic Computer DGCS i: Direzione Generale di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo D G D N s: Dirección General de Desarrollo del Negocio DGDP e; Double-Groove DoublePetticoat DGF d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fachkrankenpflege und Funktionsdienste e.V. DGIS e: Direct Graphics Interface Standard - e: Directorate General for International Cooperation - e: DoD Gateway Information System DGL e: Device-independent Graphics Library - e: Distinguished Guest Lecturer D G M e: Defense Guidance Memorandum - e: Digital Group Multiplexer DGN d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Netzdienste DGOSI s: Dirección General de Organización y Sistemas de Información DGP d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin e.V. DGR e: Designated Government Representative DGS e: Data Gathering System - e: Data Ground Station - e: Degaussing System DGSC e: Defense General Support Center DGSI s: Dirección General de Sistemas de Información DGT f: Direction Générale des Télécommunications DGU e: Digital Gateway Unit DG-IJX e: Data General Unix DGVP d: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherte und Patienten e.V. DGZ e: Desired Ground Zero DH e: Death Due to Hostilities - e: Decision Height © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


d. h. - e: Diffie Hellman algorithm - e: Double-Heterostructure d. h. d: das heißt D-Η e: Decimal to Hexadecimal D-Η e: Diffie-Hellman algorithm DHA d: Departement für Humanitäre Angelegenheiten - e: Dependent Housing Area - e: Destination Hardware Address - f: Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne DHC e: Data Handling Center DHCP e: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHE e: Data Handling Equipment DHJ e: Deaf History Journal DHL e: Dynamic Head Loading DHP d: Deutsch-Hannoversche Partei DHR e: Dublin Historical Record DHRVVF e: Ducking, Hiding and Running Very Very Fast DHS e: Data Handling System - e: Department of Homeland [or Hopeless] Security - e: Director of Health Services DHSS e: Data Handling Subsystem D H T M L e: Dynamic HTML DI e: Data In - e: Data Input - e: Data Interchange - e: Data Item - e: Deception Indicated - e: Demand Indicator - e: Design Interface - e: Destination Index - e: Developed Item - e: DIA Directorate for Intelligence Production - e: Direct Impact - e: Direction Indicator - e: Directivity Index - e: Disposition Instruction - e: Document Imaging - e: Documentation Integrators - e: Dynamic Interface - s: Asociación de Damas Isabelinas - s: Division de Infantería D&I e: Development and Implementation D/I e: Distinctive Insignia DIA d: Deutsche Informatik Akademie - e: Defence Intelligence Agency - e: Document Interchange Architecture - e: Due in Asset DIAC e: Defense Industry Advisory Council DIALCOM e: Dialed Communications DIAM e: Defense Intelligence Agency Manual - e: Defense Intelligence Agency Memorandum DIAN e: Digital Analog DIANE e: Digital Integrated Attack and Navigation Equipment DIAOBS e: Defense Intelligence Agency Order of Battle DIAOLS e: Defense Intelligence Agency On-line Intelligence System DIAR e: Defense Intelligence Agency Regulation DIB e: Device Independent Bitmap - e: Directory Information Base 96

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dibit e: a group of four bits DIBITS e: Digital In-Band Interswitch Trunk Signaling DIBS e: Deskbook Information Breakdown Structure DIBTS e: Digital In-Band Trunk Signaling DIBIJA e: Defense in Built-Up Areas DIC e: Data Insertion Converter - e: Defense Industrial Cooperation - e: Defense Intelligence College - e: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation - e: Detailed Interrogation Center - e: Direct Image Copy - e: Document Identifier Code - s: Diciembre die. s: diciembre DICE e: Digital Intercontinental Conversion Equipment - e: Digital Interface Countermeasures Equipment DICEF e: Digital Communications Experimental Facility DIC-MOD e: Document Input Code Modifier DICOM e: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine DICOMSS e: Direct Commissary Support System DICON e: Digital Communication Through Orbiting Needles DICIJ e: Display Interface Control Unit DID e: Data Item Description - e: Datamation Industry Directory - e: Defense in Depth - e: Destination Identification - e: DI Downstream - e: Digital Information Display - e: Direct Inward Dialing - e: Display Interface Device DIDACS e: Digital Data Communications System DIDAD e: Digital Data Display DIDAP e: Digital Data Processor DID/DNIS e: Direct Inward Dialing/ Dialed Number Identification Service DI/DO e: Data Input/Data Output DID/S e: Data Item Description/System DIDS e: Defense Integrated Data System - e: Digital Information Display System Die alte Stadt d: Die alte Stadt: Vierteljahresschrift für Stadtgeschichte, Stadtsoziologie und Denkmalpflege DIECP e: Defense Item Entry Control Program DIEOB e: Electronic Order of Battle Files DIF e: Data Interchange Format - e: Difficulty, Importance [Criticality] and Frequency - e: D i f f u s e - e: Digital Interface - e: Directory Interchange Format - e: Document Interchange Format DIFAR e: Directional Finding and Ranging DIFFSENS e: Differential Sense DiffServ e: Differenciated Services DIFFTR e: Differential Time Relay

DIFM e: Due in From Maintenance DIFS e: Deployable Intelligence Fusion System - e: Distributed/DCF Inter Frame Space DIG e: Designated Industry Group - e: Digital - e: Digital-Image-Generated - e: Digital Imposition Geometry D I G A C C e: Digital Guidance and Control Computer D I G C O M e: Digital Computer DIGI d: Deutsche Interessengemeinschaft Internet e.V. DIGICOM e: Digital Communications System DIGITAC e: Digital Tactical Automatic Control DIGITAR e: Digital Airborne Computer DIGON e: Digital Local Network [Berlin] Dig Sig Proc e: Digital Signal Processing D i l e: Defense Information Infrastructure - e: Dynamic Invocation Interface D U C e: Dielectrically Isolated Integrated Circuits D U COE e: Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment DII/COE e: Defense Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment DIIP e: Direct Interrupt Identification Port Dike i: Dike: rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico DIL e: Dual in Line - e: Dual Inline DILC e: Dedicated Intelligence Loop Circuits - e: Display Interface Processor DILLIGAS e; Do I Look Like I Give a Shit DILPA e: Diphasé Loop Modem-A D I M A T E e: Depot-Installed Maintenance Automatic Test Equipment DIMDI d: Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Information und Dokumentation DIMES e: Defense Integrated Management Engineering System DI-MISC e: Data Item-Miscellaneous D I M M e: Dual In-Line Memory Module - s: Division de Infanteria Motomecanizada D I M M P e: Defense Integrated Materiel Management Program DIN d: Deutsche Industrie Norm - d: Deutscher Industrie Normenausschuss - d: Deutsches Institut für Normung - e: AUTODIN Data Identification Number - e: Defense Intelligence Notice - e: Digital Network - e: Do it Now - e: International industriai standard designator DINA e: Direct Noise Amplification DINAS e: Digital Inertial Navigation/Attack System

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DL DIN connector d: Deutsche Industrie Norm connector DINDAC e: Digital Access Direct Access DINET e: Defense Industrial Network DINI d: Deutsche Inititative für Netzwerkinformation DINK e: Double Income, no Kids DINOB e: Naval order of battle DINS e: Digital Inertial Navigation System DINIJ e: Dual Inertial Navigation Unit DIO e: Data Input and Output DIOB e: Digital Input/Output Buffer DIOBS e: DIA Order of Battle DIODE e: Digital Input/Output Display Equipment Dioniso i: Dioniso: rivista trimestrale di studi sul teatro antico DIOR e: Directorate for Information, Operation and Report DIP e: Dialup Internet Protocol - e: Digital [or Image] Imaging Processing - e: Display Information Processor - e: Document Image Processing - e: Dual In-line Package - e: Dual In-line Pin dip d: Deutsches Institut für angewandte Pflegeforschung e.V. DIPCLEAR e: Diplomatie Clearance DIPEC e: Defense Industrial Plan Equipment Center DIPGM e: Diphasé Supergroup Modem DIPP e: Defense Intelligence Projections for Planning DIPR e: Departmental Industrial Plant Reserve - e: Detailed in Process Review DIPS e: Defense Intelligence Production Schedule - e: Development Information Processing System - e: Display Information Processor System - e: Dynamic Isotope Power System DIR e: Director - e: Directory [File] - e: Disassembly and Inspection Report dir e: direct[ed] - e: direction Dir s: Director - s: Dirigido DIRAC s: Dimensionado de la Infraestructura Radio y Asignación de Canales DIRCMO e: Director of Civil Military Operations DIRCOL e: Direction Cosine Linkage DIREP e; Difficulty Report DIRFM e: Director, Field Maintenance DIRINT e: Director of Intelligence DIRLAUTH e: Direct Liaison Authorized DIRM e: Director, Information Resource Management - e: Directorate for Information and Resource Management DIR, OT&E e: Director, Operational Test and Evaluation DIRPA e: Director of Personnel and Administration

DIS e: Data Item Specification - e: Defense Intelligence Service - e: Digital Imaging System - e: Digital Immune System - e: Digital Integration System - e: Directory Information System - e: Disabled-in-Service - e: Distributed Information Systems - e: Distributed Intelligence System - e: Distributed Interactive Simulation - e: Draft International Standard - e: Dynamic Impedance Stabilization DISA e: Defense Information Systems Agency - e: Deployable Information Systems Architecture DISAC e: Defense Information System Agency circular - e: Digital Simulator and Computer DISA/CIM e: Defense Information System Agency/Center for Information Management DISAO e: Designated Independent Senior Acquisition Official or Board DISC e: Defense Industrial Supply Center - e: Delay in Separation Code - e: Disconnect - e: Domestic International Sales Corporation Returns disc e: disconnecter - e: discontinue DiscArch e: Discovering archaeology DISCO e: Digital Secure Communication DISCOM e: Digital Selective Communications - e: Division Support Center - e: Division Support Command DISCON e: Discrepancy in Shipment Conformation DISD e: Data and Information Systems Division - e: Direct Inward Subscriber Access DISE e: Deployable Intelligence Support Equipment - e: Division Intelligence Support Element DISEqC e: Digital Satellite Equipment Control DISFAX s: Distribuidor de FAX DISGM e: Diphasé Supergroup DISIDS e: Display and Information Distribution System D I S M A C e: Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation DISN e: Defense Information Systems Network DISOSS e: Distributed Office Support System DISP e: Displacement Disp Comones s: Disposición Sobre Las Comunicaciones DISREP e: Discrepancy in Shipment Report dist e: distribution DISTAFF e: Directing Staff DISTAN e: Distributed Interactive Secure Telecoms distr e: distribute, distribution DISTRA e: Distribution Authority DISUM e: Daily Intelligence Summary

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DISVI e: Italian Non-Governmental Organization DIT e: Directory Information Tree - e: Draft Initiation Time - s: Defensa Interior Del DI[TG] s: División de Infanteria [Tiempo de Guerra] [Wartime] Infantry Division DITR d: Deutsches Informationszentrum für Technische Regeln DITRAN e: Diagnostic Fortran DITS e: Digital Imagery Transmission System - e: Digital Information Transfer System DIU e: Data Interface Unit DIV d: Digitale Vermittlungsstelle - e: Data in Virtual - e: Data Over Voice - e: Divide div e: division[al] DIVA d: Digitales Videoarchiv, Karlsruhe - e: Digital Input Voice Answer-Back DIVAD e: Division Air Defense DIVARTY e: Division Artillery DIVE e: Direct Interface Video Extension DIVENGR e: Division Engineer DIVINE e: Deployment of Interpersonal Videoconferencing systems on IBC Networks DIVO d: Digitale Vermittlungsstelle Ortsnetz DIVOT e: Digital-to-Voice Translator DIV[T] e: Division Institutional Training DivX e: Digital Video Express DIW e: D-inside Wire - e: Detection, Identification and Warning DIWSA e: Digital Imagery Workstation Afloat DI-W-SCSI e: Differential Wide SCSI DIX e: DEC [Digital Equipment Corporation], Intel, Xerox DIY e: Do it Yourself DJE e: Deception Jamming Equipment DJSM e: Director, Joint Staff memorandum DJTFAC e: Deployable Joint Task Force Augmentation Cell DJUOL e: Daily JUMPS [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Update Output Listing DKE d: Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE - d: Deutscher Kleinempfänger DKG d: Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft e.V. - d: Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e.V. - d: Digitales Kartengerät DKI d: Deutsches Krankenhausinstitut GmbH DKRZ d: Deutsches KlimaRechenzentrum DKUUG e: Danish UNIX Users' Group DKZ d: Datenkonzentrator DL e: Data Level - e: Data Link - e: Data List - e: Deadline - e: Dial Level © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


Dl -

e: e: e: e: e: e:

Distance Learning Document Log Documentation Library Down Link Download Frigate

DI e: Deciliter DLAD e: Defense Logistics Agency Directive DLAH e: Defense Logistics Agency Handbook DLAI e: Defense Logistics Agency Instruction DLAM e: Defense Logistics Agency Manual DLA-PS e: Defense Logistic Agency Contracting System Support Office DLAR e: Defense Logistics Agency Regulation DLC e: Data Link Control - e: Digital Learning Center - e: Digital Loop Carrier - e: Downlink Communications - e: Driver's License Compact - e: Duplex Line Control DLCC e: Division Logistics Control Center DLCI e: Data-Link Connection Identifier - e: Data Link Connection Identifier DLCS e: Data Link Communications System DLD e: Display List Driver DLDED e: Division Level Data Entry Device DLDSS e: Digital Legacy Data Storage System DLE e: Data Link Escape Character DLEA e: Drug Law Enforcement Agencies DLED e: Dedicated Loop Encryption Device - e: Digital Loop Encryption Device D Level e: Depot Level of Maintenance DLF d: Deutschlandfunk - e: Deutschlandfunk DLG d: Deutsche LandwirtschaftsGesellschaft - e: Digital Line Graphs - e: Guided missile frigate DLGH e: Guided missile frigate, helicopter DLGI d: Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Informatik DLGN e: Guided missile frigate, nuclear-powered DLHP d: Deutsches Linux How to Projekt DLIC e: Detachment to be Left in Contact DLIEC e: Defense Language Institute, East Coast DLIELC e: Defense Language Institute English Language Center DLIIJ e: Data Link Interface Unit DLK e: Data Link - e: Downbank Telemetry Processing DLL e: Disclosure Limitation List - e: Dynamic Link Library DLM e: Depot Level Maintenance


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- e: Direct Logistics Maintenance - e: Distributed LAN Monitoring - e: Dynamic Link Module DLMSO e: Defense Logistics Management Standards Office DLO e: Dual Loading Operation DLOC e: Division Logistical Operation Center DLOS e: Dismountable Line-of-Sight Communications - e: Disturbed Line-of-Sight DLP d: Deutschliberale Partei - e: Data Listing Programs - e: Data Load Partition - e: Digital Light Processing DLPMA e: Diphasé Loop Modem A DLPP e: Data Link Preprocessor DLPT e: Defense Language Proficiency Test DLQ e: Deck Landing Qualification DLR d: Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft-und Raumfahrt - e: Depot Level Reparables - e: DOS LAN Requester DLRP e: Data Link Reference Point DLRS e: Depot Level Reparables DLS e: Data Link Support - e: Data Link System - e: Data Loader System - e: Depot Level Services - e: Distributed Load Sharing DLSC e: Defense Logistics Service Center DLSG d: Deutsche Lehrsoftware Gemeinschaft DLSIE e: Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange DLSS e: Defense Logistic Standard Systems - e: Defense Logistic Support System DLST e: Division Logistics System Test DLSw e: Data Link Switching DLT e: Data Line Translator - e: Data Link Terminal - e: Data Loop Transceiver - e: Decision Logic Table - e: Depletion-Layer Transistor - e: Digital Linear Tape D L T M e: Digital Line Termination Module - e: Don't Lie to Me DLTU e: Digital Line Termination Unit DLU e: Dependent L U DLUPG e: Digital Line Unit-Pair Gain DLYSIJM e: Daily Summary Spare Engines D L Y S U M M e; Daily Summary Spare Engines DLZ d: Deutsche Literaturzeitung für Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft - e: Dynamic Launch Zone D M e: Data Management - e: Data Manager - e: Data Mark - e: Data Memory - e: Data Mining - e: Data Mode - e: Data Modulation - e: Decimal Multiply - e: Decision Making - e: Delta Modulation

- e: Demonstration Manager - e: Depot Maintenance - e: Destroyer Minelayer - e: Detection and Monitoring - e: Dialog Manager - e: Dialogue Management - e: Digital Medievalist - e: Direct Manipulation [of text] - e: Director, Military Intelligence Staff - e: Director of Management - e: Directorate of ADPS Management - e: Discard Message - e: Disconnected Mode - e: Distributed Memory - e: Draft Manual - e: Light minelayer - s: Data Mart - s: Decimetro - s: Defensoría Maya - s: Dispositivo de Mediación - s: Distrito Militar - s: División de Montaña dm e: decimeter D&M e: Detection and Monitoring - e: Director of Administration and Management - e: Driving and Maintenance DMA e: Data Management Administrator - e: Designated Maintenance Agency - e: Direct Memory Access - e: Direct Memory Addressing - e: Division Maintenance Area D M A C e: Destination MAC - e: Direct Memory Access Controller DMACS e: Distributed Manufacturing Automation and Control Software D M A D V s: Definir, Medir, Analizar, Diseñar, Verificar DMAG e: Depot Maintenance Activity Group DMAIC e: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control DMAIN e: Division Main Command Post D M A M C s: Definir, Medir, Analizar, Mejorar, Controlar D M A N e: Differential Manchester D M A P e: Data Management and Analysis Plan - e: Depot Maintenance Activation Plan D M A T C e: Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center DMATS e: Defense Metropolitan Area Telephone System D M A W G e: Depot Maintenance Activation Working Group DMB e: Datum Marker Buoy - e: Digital Multimedia Broadcast - e: D o D l l S [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Management Board DMBA e: Depot Maintenance Business Account - e: Depot Maintenance Business Area D M B P e: Depot Maintenance Business Plan - e: Depot Maintenance Business Planning DMC e: Data Mode Control - e: Data Multiplexer Control - e: Defense Mega Center

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DNG - e: Depot Maintenance Competition - e: Depot Maintenance Concept - e: Digital Microcircuit - e: Distributed Master Control DMCA e: Digital Millenium Copyright Act DMCC e: Defense Movements Coordinating Committee - e: Depot Maintenance Control Center D M D e: Deployment Management System - e: Deployment Manning Document - e: Device Manager Driver - e: Digital Message Device - e: Digital Micromirror Device - e: Digital Mirror Device - e: Direct Manipulation Device - e: Division Manager Designator DMDC e: Defense Management Data Center DMDP e: DNSIX [DoDIlS [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Network Security for Information Exchange] Message Deliver Protocol DMDS e: Data Management Display System D M E e: Distance Measuring Equipment - e: Distributed Management Environment D M E A e: Damage Mode and Effect Analysis D M E D e: Digital Message Entry Device DMF e: Distribution Media Format D M F C e: Direct Methanol Fuel Cell D M F P e: Draft Materiel Fielding Plan DMG e: Digital Map Generator - e: Distinguished Military Graduate D M G C s: Data Marts Grandes Clientes DMI e: Depot Maintenance Interservicing DMICS e: Distributed Management Information and Control System DMIL e: Demilitarization Code DMINS e: DEA's Distributed Minicomputer Information Network System DMIP e: Defense Mediterranean Improvement Program DMIR e: Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative DMIS e: Director, Management Information Systems - e: Directorate for Management Information System Office DMISA e: Depot Maintenance Interservice Support Agreement DMIWG e: Depot Maintenance Interservice Work Group DML e: Data Manipulation Language - e: Decision and Modeling Language - e: Depot Maintenance Level dml e: demolition DMLS e: Doppler Microwave Landing System DMLSS e: Defense Medical Logistic Standard Support D M M e: Digital Multi-Meter - e: Digital Multimeter - e: Dual MICA Module - e: Duo-Decimal Modem Module - s: Día Medio Mensual

D M M C e: Division Materiel Management Center D M M S e: Dynamic Memory Management System D M M T A s: Distribuidor Multiplexor del Modo de Transferencia Asincrono D M M V d: Deutscher Multimedia Verband D M O e: Data Management Office[r] - e: Defense Mobilization Order - e: Directed Military Overstrength - e: Directory Maintenance Official - e: Documentation Management Officer - s: Destacamento Móvil de Obstáculos DMOS e: Double-Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor - e: Duty Military Occupational Specialty [Qualification] DMP d: Deutsche Mittelstandspartei - e: Daily Maintenance Pack - e: Data Management Processor - e: Device Management Protocol - e: Dot Matrix Printer D M P C e: Distributed Memory Parallel Computer DMPE e: Depot Maintenance Plant Equipment DMPI e: Designated Mean Point of Impact - e: Desired Mean Point of Impact DMQS e: Display Mode Query and Set DMR e: Data Management Routines -

e: e: e: e:

Defective Materiel Report Defense Management Report Defense Management Review Digital Microwave Radio

- e: Dynamic Modular Replacement D M R D e: Defense Management Report Decision - e: Defense Management Review Decision DMS e: Data Management Service - e: Data Management Software - e: Data Management System - e: Data Monitoring System - e: Data Multiplexer Sub-Unit - e: Defense medical services - e: Defense Missile Systems - e: Design Management System - e: Digital Mapping System - e: Digital Mass Storage - e: Digital Multiplex System - e: Diminishing Manufacturing Sources - e: Director of Military Support - e: Document Management Software - e: Documentation Management System - e: Documentation of Molecular Spectroscopy - e: Domain Management System - e: Domestic Military Sales - e: High speed minelayer DMSC e: Depot Maintenance Supply Center DMSD e: Digital MultiStandard Decoding D M S M S e: Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages DMSO e: Defense Modeling and Simulations Office - e: Division Medical Supply Office[r]

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DMSOs e: Directors of Major Staff Offices DMSP e: Dual Mode Speech Processor DMSSC e: Defense Medical Systems Support Center DMT e: Digital Message Terminal - e: Digital Multi-Tone - e: Dimensional Management Training - e: Disaster Management Team - e: Discrete Multi-Tone - e: Dispersive Mechanism Test D M T B e: Deployment Mobilization Troop Basis D M T C e: Digital Message Terminal Computer D M T D e: Digital Message Transfer Device D M T F e: Desktop Management Task Force - e: Distributed Management Task Force - s: Detección de tonos Multifrecuencia DMTI e: Defense Marketing Testing Initiative - e: Digitized Moving Target Indicator DMTSM Data Marts Telefonica Servicios Móviles DMIJ e: Data Management Unit - e: Digital Master Unit - e: Digital Message Unit - e: Disk Memory Unit - e: Dual Maneuvering Unit D-MIJX s: Distribuidor-Multiplexor D M W D e: Depot Modification Work Order D M W R e: Depot Maintenance Work Requirements D M X e: Decision Making Exercise D M Y e: Day Month Year D M Z e: De-Militarised [or DeMilitarized] Zone DN e: Decimal Number - e: Delayed Neutron - e: Delta Amplitude - e: Dentalman - e: Dialed Number - e: Digital Nonsecure - e: Distinguished Name - e: Dreiser Newsletter - s: Defensa Nacional DNA e: Deoxyribonucleic Acid - e: Digital Network Architecture - e: Direct Network Address - e: Do Not Age - e: Document Enabled Network - e: Does Not Apply DNAS e: DoDIlS [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Network Access System DNB d: Deutsche Nationalbibliographie DNBI e: Disease and Nonbattle Injury DNC e: Digital Nautical Chart - e: Direct N u m e r i c a l l y ] C o n t r o l l e d ] - e: Distributed Numerical Control DNCP e: Decnet Phase IV Control Protocol DNCRI e: Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure DNF d: Disjunktive Normalform DNG d: Datennetzabschlussgerät

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DNHR D N H R e: Dynamic Nonhierarchical Routing DNIC e: Data Network Identification Code DNIF e: Duty Not Involving Flying DNIS e: Dialed Number Identification Service DNKZ d: Datennetz-Kontrollzentrum DNM d: Datennetzabschlussmodul DNMS d: Datennetz-ManagementSoftware DNotZ d: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNQP d: Deutsches Netzwerk für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege DNS e: Direct Network Subscriber - e: Distributed Network Supervisor - e: Domain Name Scheme - e: Domain Name Server - e: Domain Name Service - e: Domain Name System - e: Doppler Navigation System DNS-B d: Daten-Netz-Signalisierung Typ Β DNSBL e: DNS Based Blacklist DNSIX e: DoDIIS [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Network Security for Information Exchange DNSO e: DoD [Department of Defence] Network System Office DNS zone e: Domain Name Server zone DNVP d: Deutschnationale Volkspartei DNVT e: Digital Nonsecure Voice Terminal DNY e: Display Area Code [NYX] Routing DO e: Air Force component operations officer - e: Daily Operations - e: Data Out - e: Data Output - e: Death Do to Other - e: Defined Order - e: Delivery Order - e: Design Objective - e: Directorate for Intelligence Operations - e: Directorate of Operations - e: Distributed Object - e: Distributed Objects - s: Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas D-O e: Decimal to Octal DOA e: Dead on Arrival - e: Direction of Arrival - e: Direction of Attack DOAG d: Deutsche Oracle-AnwenderGruppe DOB e: Date of Birth - e: Dispersed Operating Base DOC e: Data Optimizing Computer - e: Decimal to Octal Conversion - e: Department of Corrections - e: Designed Operational Capabilities [or Capability] - e: Direct Operating Costs - e: Director of Contracting - e: Division Officer Course - e: Document 100

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doc e: document DOCA e: Date of Change of Accountability - e: Date of Current Equipment DOCC e: Deep Operations Command Cell - e: Deep Operations Coordination Cell DOCDEV e: Doctrine Developer - e: Documents Division DOCE e: Date of Current Enlistment - s: Diario Oficial de la Comisión Europea DOCEX e: Document Exploitation D O C L s: Diario Oficial de Castilla y Eeón DOCLIT e: Doctrinal Literature D O C M O D e: Document Modernization DOCS e: Designated Operational Capability Statement - e: Disk-Oriented Computer System DOCSIS e: Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification^] DOCSIS CM e: Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications Cable Modem DOCSIS CMTS e: Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications Cable Modem Termination System DOD e: Department of Defence [or Defense] - e: Direct Outward Dialing DoDAAC e: Department of Defense Activity Address Code DoDAADS e: Department of Defense Activity Address Directory System DoDAC e: Department of Defense Address Code - e: Department of Defense Ammunition Code DoDCCP e: Department of Defense Central Control Point DoDCLIPMI e: Department of Defence Consolidated List of Principal Military Items DoDCSC e: Department of Defence Computer Security Center DoDD e: Department of Defense Directive DoD DA e: Department of Defense Data Administrator DoDDAC e: Department of Defense Damage Assessment Center DoD DP e: Department of Defense Distribution Point DoDDS e: Department of Defense Dependent School DoD EC/EDI e: Department of Defense Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange DoD EDISMC e: Department of Defense Electronic Data Interchange Standard Management Committees DoDEX e: Department of Defense Intelligence System Information System Extension DoDFDCO e: Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Office DoDGE e: Department of Defense Gravity Experiment DoDI e: Department of Defense Instruction

DoDIC e: Department of Defense Identification Code - e: Department of Defense Item Code DoDIER e: Department of Defence Industrial Equipment Reserve DoD IG e: Department of Defense Inspector General DoDIIS e: Department of Defense Intelligence Information System DoDIIS DISSEM e: DoDIIS [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Dissemination DoDIMS e: Department of Defence Intelligence Management System DoDINST e: Department of Defense Instruction DoDIP e: Department of Defense Information Program DoDIPC e: Department of Defense Intelligence Production Community DoDIPP e: Department of Defense Intelligence Production Program DoD IRDS e: Department of Defense Information Resource Dictionary System DoDIS e: Distribution of Oceanographic Data at Isentropic Levels D O D M e: Data Orderwire Diphasé Modem DoDM e: Department of Defense Manual DoD-M e: Department of DefenseManual D O D M E R B e: Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board DoDNACC e: Department of Defense National Agency Check Center DoD-R e: Department of DefenseRegulation DoDR e: Department of Defense Regulation DoDRE e: Department of Defense Research and Engineering DODSSP e: Department of Defense Single Supply Point DOE e: Date of Enlistment - e: Department of Ecology - e: Department of Energy - e: Design of Experiment - e: Distributed Objects Everywhere - s: Diario Oficial de Extremadura DOES e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Evaluation and Standardization DOF e: Degree of Freedom - e: Direction of Flight 6DOF e: Six Degrees of Freedom DOG s: Diario Oficial de Galicia D O G C s: Diario Oficial de Generalitat de Cataluña DOGV s: Diario Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana DOHA e: Defense Office of Hearing and Appeal D O H C e: Dual Overhead Camshaft DOI e: Died of Injuries DOIM e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Information Management DOIP e: Dial Other Internet Providers DO/IT e: Digital Output/Input Translator DO-IT e: Disabilities, Opportunities, Internet-Working and Technology

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DPG DO J e: Department of Justice DOK d: Distrikts- und OrtsverbandsKenner DokSt d: N W B [Neue WirtschaftsBriefe] -Dokumentation Steuerrecht DOL e: Department of Labor - e: Directorate of Logistics - e: Dispersed Operating Locations - e: Display-Oriented Language - e: Dynamic Octal Load DOLARS e: Departmental On-Line Accounting and Reporting System DOLCE e: Digital On-Line Cryptographic Equipment DOLE e: Detection of Laser Emissions DOLLARS e: Dedicated On-line Logistical Airlift Ratemaking System DoL OSH e: Department of Labor occupational safety and health DOLP e: Date of Last Procurement D O L R A M e: Detection of Laser, Radar and Millimetric Threats DOM e: Date of Manufacture - e: Day of Month - e: Digital Ohmmeter - e: Document Object Model - e: Document Object Modul D O M F e: Distributed Object Management Facility DOMS e: Director of Military Support D O M S A T S e: Domestic Communications Satellite Systems DON e: Delivery Order Notice DONPIC e: Department of the Navy Program Information Center DOO e: Daily Operations Order - s: Diseño Orientado a Objetos DOP e: Designated Overhaul Point - e: Detailed Operating Procedure - e: Development Options Paper - e: Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol - e: Drop-Off Point - s: Diario de Operaciones DOPAA e: Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives DOPIC e: Documentation of Programs in Core DOPP e: Delivery Order Performance Plan DOPR e: Defense Order Priority Rating DOPS e: Digital Optical Protection System DOR e: Date of Rank - e: Due Out Release DORAN e: DLA's Operations Research Analysis Network - e: Doppler Range and Navigation DORIS e: Direct Order Recording and Invoicing System DOS e: Date of Separation - e: Days of Supply - e: Disk Operating System - e: Distributed Operating System - s: Decreto sobre Ordenación del Salario DoS e: Denial of Service D O S E M e: Disk Operating System Emulation - e: Disk Operating System Emulator DOT e: Day of Training - e: Dictionary of Occupational Titles

- e: Directorate of Training - e: Documents to Think with DOTD e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Training and Doctrine - e: Director[Ate] of Training Development DOTE e: Director of Operational Test and Evaluation - e: Director, Operational Test and Evaluation DOTI e: Director of Operations, Training and Intelligence D O T M e: Due Out to Maintenance DOTSP e: Doctrinal and Organizational Test Support Package D O U S E R e: Doppler Unbeamed Search Radar DOV e: Disbursing Officer Voucher - e: Discreet Operational Vehicle D O V A P e: Doppler Velocity and Position DOVE e: Data Over Voice Equipment - e: Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder DOW e: Day of Week - e: Died of Wounds - e: Digital Orderwire Channel - e: Direct Over-Write - e: Direct Overwrite D O W B e: Deep Operating Work Board DOX e: Directorate of Operational Plans DOY e: Day-of-Year DP e: Air Force component plans officer - e: By Direction of the President - e: Data Package - e: Data Processing - e: Decision Package - e: Decision Point - e: Deep Penetration - e: Defense Programs - e: Deflection Plate - e: Deliberate Planning - e: Demarcation Point - e: Departure Point - e: Development Plan - e: Development Proposal - e: Dew Point [temperature] - e: Dial Pulsing - e: Dialing Plan - e: Diametrical Pitch - e: Differential Pressure - e: Digital Person - e: Digital Photography - e: Director of Personnel - e: Disk Pack - e: Displaced Persons - e: Disruptive Pattern - e: Distributed Printing - e: Distributed Processor - e: Distribution Point - e: Double Pole - e: Draft Proposed Standard - e: Drum Processor - e: Dual Purpose - e: Dynamic Programming - s: Defensa Pasiva DPA e: Data Processing Activity - e: Delegated Procurement Authority - e: Delegation of Procurement Authority - e: Demand Protocol Architecture DPACT e: Defense Policy Advisory Committee on Trade

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DPA&E e: Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation DPAE e: Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation DPAH e: Direct Product Actual Hour D P A M e: Demand Priority Access Method D P A M M H e: Direct Productive Annual Maintenance Man Hours DP ANS e: Draft Proposal American National Standards DPAREN e: Data Parity Enable DPB e: Data Processing Branch - e: Drive Parameter Block DPBO e: Division Property Book Officer DPC e: Data Processing Center - e: Data Processing Control - e: Decision Point Cluster - e: Defense Procurement Circular - e: Depot Provisioning Committee - e: Destination Point Code - e: Display Controller DPCA e: Director of Personnel and Community Activities - e: Directorate of Personnel and Community Affairs - e: Dual Port Communications Adapter DPCCH e: Dedicated Physical Control Channel DPCH e: Dedicated Physical Channel D P C M e: Differential Pulse-Code Modulation - e: Differential Pulse Code Modulation - e: Digital Pulse Code Modulation DPD e: Data Processing Department - e: Data Processing Division - e: Data Project Directive - e: Detailed Procedures Description - e: Digit Plane Driver DPD ft e: Data Product Dictionary Number DPDCH e: Dedicated Physical Data Channel DPDM e: DoDIIS [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System] Protocol Development and Maintenance DPDR-E e: Defense Property Disposal Region-Europe DPDS e: Data Processing Distributed Systems - e: Distributed Processing and Display [Subjsystem DPDT e: Double Pole, Double Throw DPE e: Data Processing Element - e: Data Processing Equipment - e: Demand Processing Unit - e: Development Project Engineer - e: Distributed Processing Environment DPEK e: Differential Phase-Exchange Keying DPEM e: Depot Program Equipment Maintenance - e: Depot Purchased Equipment Maintenance DPEWS e: Design-to-Price Electronic Warfare System DPFC e: Double-Pole Front Connected DPG e: Data Processing Group - e: Data Processor Group - e: Date of Permanent Grade © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


DPI DPI e: Data Processing Installation - e: Digital Process Instrument - e: Digital Pseudorandom Inspection - e: Distributed Protocol Interface - e: Dot Pitch Integer - e: Dots per Inch DPICM e: Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions DPL e: Degaussed Product List - e: Descriptor Privilege Level DPLCS e: Digital Propellant Level Control System DPLL e: Digital Phase-Locked Loop DPLSM e: Dipulse Group Modem DPM e: Call Defect per Million - e: Data Processing Machine - e: Data Processing Module - e: Defense Program Memorandum - e: Deputy Program Manager - e: Development Preliminary Manual - e: Digital Panel Meter - e: Digital Plotter Map - e: Draft Presidential Memorandum - s: Disparos Por Minuto DPMA d: Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, München - e: Data Processing Management Association DPMI e: DOS Protected Mode Interface DPML e: Deputy Program Manager for Logistics D P M O s: Defectos Por cada Millón de Oportunidades D P M R e: Director of Personnel Manpower Resources DPMS e: Data Project Management System - e: Display Power Management Signalling - e: Display Power Management Software - e: Display Power Management Standard - e: Display Power Management Support - e: DOS Protected Mode Service DPO e: Data Phase Optimization - e: Depot Property Officer - e: Disaster Preparedness Office - s: Dirección por Objetivos - s: Directorio Personal Online DPOB e: Date, Place of Birth DPOF e: Digital Print Order Format - e: Direct Print Order Format DPP e: Data Patch Panel - e: Data Project Plan - e: Dedicated Procurement Program - e: Defense Procurement Program - e: Defense Program Projection DPPDB e: Digital Point Positioning Data Base DPPG e: Defense Policy and Planning Guidance - e: DoD [Department of Defence] Policy Planning Guidance DPR d: Deutscher Pflegerat; Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Pflegeorganisationen - e: Defense Performance Review - e: Display No Routing [D]PR e: Dual Precipitation Radar DPRO e: Defense Plant Representative Office 102

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DPS e: Data Preparation Subsystem - e: Data Processing Standards - e: Data Processing System - e: Decision Package Sets - e: Defense Planning Staff - e: Defense Printing Service - e: Delegated Production System - e: Desent Power System - e: Disk Programming System - e: Display Postscript - e: Display Processing System - e: Document Preparation System - e: Document Processing System DPSDO e: Defense Printing Service Detachment Office DPSE e: Division Psyop Support Element DPSH e: Direct Product Standard Hour DPSK e: Differential Phase-Shift Keying - e: Digital Phase Shift Keying DPSN e: Defense Packet Switched Network DPSPT e: Combat consumption support from D-day to P-day DPSS e: Data Processing System Simulator DPST e: Double-Pole, Single-Lhrow [Switch] DPT e: Director of Plans and Lraining - e: Dynamic Transport Protocol Dpto. s: Departamento Dpto. Org. s: Departamento de Organización DPtoTP e: Display Coordinates to Tablet Coordinates DPIJ e: Data Processing Unit - e: Digital Processing Unit - e: Display and Processing Unit - e: Dual Processor Unit DPV d: Deutscher Pflegeverband e.V. DPW e: D i r e c t o r a t e ] of Public Work DPWF d: Deutsche Partei für Wirtschaft und Fortschritt DPWG e: Defense Procurement Working Group DQ e: Data Qualifier - e: Discussion Question - s: Defensa Química DQC e: Data Quality Control D Q D B e: Distributed Queue Double Bus - e: Distributed Queue Dual Bus DQL e: Data Query Language - e: DataEase Query Language DQT e: Demand Quarter Tally DR e: Data Ready -

e: Data Receive[d] e: Data Receiver e: Data Recorder e: Data Reduction e: Data Requirement e: Deactivate Request e: Deactivation Request e: Dead Reckoning e: Deficiency Report e: Delivery Rate e: Departmental Report e: Design Review e: Detection Radar e: Digital Receiver e: Discrepency Report

- e: Draft Release - s: Datos de Radio Dr. s: Doctor D/R e: Direct or Reverse DR ... e: Low Drifting [followed by D U = dust, SA = sand or SN = snow] DRA d: Deutsches Rundfunk-Archiv - e: Dead Reckoning Analyzer - e: Decision Risk Analysis - e: Deployment Requirement Analysis - e: Design Review Activity - s: Derecha Dra. s: Doctora DRADS e: Degradation of Radar Defense Systems DRAE s: Diccionario de la Real Academia Española DRAFT e: Disposal of Contractor Inventory DRAG e: Doctrine Review and Approval Group DRAI e: Dead Reckoning Analog Indicator DRAM e: Dynamic Random Access Memory 3 D R A M e: Three Dimension Random Access Memory DRAMA e: Data Review Analysis and Monitoring Aid - e: Digital Radio and Multiplex Acquisition DRASH e: Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter DRAW e: Direct Read After Write DRB e: Design Requirements Baseline - e: Division Ready Brigade - e: D R A M [Dynamic Random Access Memory] Row Boundary DR.BOND e: Dial-Up Router Bandwidth on Demand DRC e: Damage Risk Criterion - e: Data Reduction Center - e: Data Reduction Compiler - e: Deployment Readiness Condition - e: Depot Repair Cycle - e: Direct Reporting Command - e: Director of Reserve Components - e: District Routing Command DRCS e: Dynamically Redefinable Character Set DRCT e: Depot Repair Cycle Time DRD e: Data Requirements Document - e: Defense Research and Development - s: Defensa Radiológica DRDA e: Distributed Relational Database Architecture - e: Distributed Remote Database Access DRDD e: Director Requirements Documentation Directorate DR-DOS e: Digital Research-Disk Operating System DRDTO e: Direction Radar Data TakeOff DRDW e: Direct Read During Write DRE e: Dead Reckoning Equipment - e: Direct Recording Electronic - e: Direction - e: Display Remoting Equipment - e: District Reserve Equipment - e: Diversity Reception Equipment DRe e: Dead Reckoning Error

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DSC D/RE e: Disassembly/Reassembly Equipment DRED e: Deferred Requisitioning of Engineering Data - e: Deferred Requisitioning of Engineering Drawings DRES e: Direct Reading Emission Spectrograph DRF e: Disaster Response Force - e: Division Ready Force DRFM e: Digital Radio Frequency Memory DRFP e: Draft Request for Proposal DRG e: Defense Research Group - e: Developer Relation Group - e: Diagnostic Related Group - e: Directional Receiver Group DRI e: Data Reduction Interpreter - e: Dead Reckoning Indicator DRIFT e: Diversity Receiving Instrumentation for Telemetry DRILS e: Defense Retail Interservice Logistic Support DRINC e: Dairy Research Incorporated DRIR e: Direct Readout Infrared DRIS e: Defense Regional Interservice Support DRIU e: Damage Repair Instruction Unit DRiZ d: Deutsche Richterzeitung DRJ e: Dance Research Journal DRL e: Data Requirements List - e: Date Required to Load - e: Daytime Running Lights - e: Dynamically Re configurable Logic DRM e: Defense Acquisition Board Readiness Meeting - e: Digital Range Meter - e: Digital Ratiometer - e: Digital Restrictions Management - e: Digital Rights Management - e: Directorate of Resource Management - e: Disaster Resource Manager Drm Β s: Dragaminas de Base DRMD e: Deployment Requirement and Manning Document Drm Em s: Dragaminas Con Rastra[s] Electromagnet ica[s] DRMO e: Defense Regional Management Office - e: Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office - e: District Records Management Officer DRMP e: Design Reference Mission Profile Drm Ρ s: Dragaminas de Puerto DRMS e: Distance Root-Mean-Square DRMS-P e: Directorate of Contracting DRMU e: Digital Remote Measurement Unit DRO e: Data Request Output - e: Destructive Readout [Memory] - e: Digital Readout - e: Domestic Route Order - e: Double Resonant Oscillator DROLS e: Defense RDT&E On-line Retrieval System DROS e: Date Returned From Overseas - e: Direct Readout Satellite - e: Disk Resident Operating System DRP e: Dead Reckoning Plotter - e: DEC'S Routing Protocol

- e: Deficiency Report Program - e: Direct Requisitioning Procedure - e: Disaster Recovery Plan DRPM e: Date Repair Part Required - e: Direct Reporting Program Manager DRPR e: Drawing Practices DRR e: Document Release Record DRRB e: Data Requirements Review Board DR-REAL e: Desktop Resource for Real Property DRRF e: Division Rapid Reaction Force Drs. d: Drucksache DRS e: Defense Research Sciences - e: Design Requirements Specifications - e: Digital Radar Simulator - e: Dispute Resolution Specialist - e: Document Registration System DRSEM e: Deployable Receive Segment Engineering Model DRSS e: Data Relay Satellite System DRT e: Dead Reckoning Tracer - e: Depot Repair and Transportation - e: Design Review Team - e: Device Rise Time DRTC e: Designated Reporting Technical Control DRTL e: Diode Resistor Transistor Logic DRTR e: Dead Reckoning Trainer DRTS e: Detecting, Ranging and Tracking System - e: Distributed Revision Tracking System DRU e: Data Retrieval Unit - e: Direct Reporting Unit - e: Drive Unit - e: Dynamic Reference Unit DRUIDA s: Diseño de Redes Urbanas Integradas, Dimensionado y Análisis DRV e: Drive DRVT e: Downsized Remote Video Terminal DRW e: Defensive Radio Warfare DRZ e: Deep Reconnaissance Zone DS d: Verzeichnisdienst - e: Data Scanning - e: Data Segment - e: Data Send - e: Data Server - e: Data Set - e: Data Standard - e: Data Strobe - e: Data System - e: Database Specification - e: Decimal Subtract - e: Defense Suppression - e: Deficiency System - e: Descent Stage - e: Differenciated Services - e: Direct Support - e: Directed Search - e: Directing Staff - e: Directionally Solidified - e: Directory Servicefs] - e: Disclosure Statement - e: Disconnect Switch - e: Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk - e: Disk Storage - e: Display System

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Distributed Services - e: Distribution Service - e: Doctrine Sponsor - e: Double Sided - e: Dreiser studies - e: Dressing Station - e: Drill Sergeant - e: Drum Storage - e: Duplex Signaling - e: Duststorm D/S e: Dhrystone per Second - e: Dynamic/Static Analysis D&S e: Display and Storage DSO e: Digital Service Zero DS-0 e: Digital Signal level 0 DS1 e: Digital Service 1 DS-1 e: Digital Signal level 1 DS02 d: ISDN-Festverbindung 128 kbit/s DS-3 e: Digital Signal level 3 3DS e: Digital Decision Display System D64S d: ISDN-Festverbindung 64 kbit/s DSA e: Data Signature Algorithm - e: Data Standard Algorithm - e: Data Storage Algorithm - e: Defense Special Assessment - e: Defense Support Activity D&SA e: Depth and Simultaneous Attack DSA e: Depth and Simultaneous Attack - e: Destination Software Address - e: Dial Service Assistance - e: Digital Signal Analyzer - e: Digital Signature Algorithm - e: Digital Standard Algorithm - e: Direct Support Unit Standard Supply System - e: Directory Server Agent - e: Directory System Agent - e: Distant Support Area - e: Distributed Systems Architecture - e: Division Support Area - e: Divisional Supply Area DSABL e: Depth and Simultaneous Attack Battle Lab DSAD e: Data System Authorization Directory DSAP e: Data Systems Automation Program - e: Destination Service Access Point DSAR e: Data Sampling Automatic Receiver - e: Defense Supply Agency regulation DSAS e: Direct Support Aviation Section DSB d: Datenschutzbeauftragter - e: Defense Signal Board - e: Double-Sideband DSB-5 e: Digital In-Band Trunk Signaling 5 DSB-AM e: Double Sideband Amplitude Modulation DSBAMRC e: Double-Sideband Amplitude Modulation Reduced Carrier DSC e: Defense Space Council - e: Deliberate Security Compromise - e: Delivery Source Code - e: Digital Scan Converter - e: Digital Selective Call[ing] - e: Direct Satellite Communications - e: Direct Sequence Phased Coded - e: Direct Side-Force Control © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


DSCB - e: Distribution of Stockage Code - e: Document Structuring Comments - e: Document Structuring Conventions DSCB e: Data Set Control Block DSCC e: Deep Space Communications Complex DSCH e: Downlink Shared Channel DSCP e: Defense Satellite Communications Program - e: Differenciated Services Code Point DSCS e: Defense Satellite Communications System - e: Desfense System Communications Satellite - e: Desk Side Computer System D S C S O C e: DSCS Operations Center DSCT e: Double Secondary Current Transformer DSD e: Data System Designator - e: Dead Sea Discoveries: a j o u r n a i of current research on the scrolls and related literature - e: Defense Support Division - e: Digital System Design DSDC e: Defense System Design Centers - e: Strategic Debriefer Report Writer Training Device DSDD e: Double Sided, Double Density DSDI e: Digital Simple Data Interface DSDO e: Data System Design Office DSDS e: Decision Support Display System D S - l / D T I e: Digital Signal level 1 Domestic Trunk Interface DSDV e: Dynamic DestinationSequenced Distance-Vector DSDW e: Defense Shared Data Warehouse DSE e: Data Storage Equipment - e: Data Switching Exchange - e: Data System Experiment - e: Data Systems Engineering - e: Depot Support Equipment - e: Developmental Supportability Engineering - e: Directory Service Entity - e: Distributed Systems Environment DSEA e: Data Storage Electronics Assembly - e: Display Station Emulation Adapter DSEC e: Director of Security DSECT e: Data Control Section - e: Dummy Control Section DSEDM e: Departure Sequencing Engineering Development Model DSEE e: Domain Software Engineering Environment DSEG e: Data Systems Engineering Group DSEL e: Data Systems, Designators Exchange List DSEO e: Data Systems Evaluation Office DSESTS e: Direct Support Electrical System Test Set DSETS e: Direct Support Electrical Test System DSF e: Dispersion-Shifted Fiber - e: Document Status File DSFC e: Direct Side-Force Control 104

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DSFMT e: Distributed Security Framework for Multimedia Transmission DSG e: Defensive System Group - e: Digital Signal Generator DSGS[CAR] e: Deputy Secretary of the General Staff DSH e: Desparately Seeking Help DSHD e: Double Sided, High Density DSI e: Data Systems Inquiry - e: Defense Security Institute - e: Digital Speech Interpolation DSIC e: Defense Standardization Improvement Council DSIF e: Deep-Space Instrumentation Facility DSIS e: Distributed Support Information Standard DSL e: Data Set Label - e: Data Simulation Language - e: Data Structures Language - e: Dialogue Scripting Language - e: Digital Subscriber Line - e: Display Switch Locator Routing - e: Document Summary List - e: Drawing and Specification Listing - e: Dynamic Simulation Language DSLAM e: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer DSLOC e: Delivered Source Line of Code DSM e: Data Source Matrix - e: Data Systems Modernization - e: Decision Support Matrix - e: Development Support Manager - e: Development System Manager - e: Digital Storage Media - e: Digital System Model - e: Direct Support Maintenance - e: Don't Shoot Me - e: Dynamic Scattering Mode - s: Decreto sobre Salario Mínimo DSMA e: Digital Sense Multiple Access DSMAC e: Digital Scene Matching and Area Correlation DSMC e: Data Systems Management Course DSMD e: Discount Schedule and Marketing Data DSMIT e: Distributed System Management Interface Tool DSMX e: Digital Signal Multiplexer DSN e: Data Source Name - e: Deep Space Network - e: Defense Switched Network - e: Defense Switching Network - e: Digital Services Network - e: Digital Signal [level] Ν DSii e: Digital Signal level η DSNET e: Defense Secure Network DSNET-3 e: Defense Secure Network-3 DSO e: Defense Subsistence Office - e: Defensive Source Operations - e: Designated Senior Official - e: Development System Office - e: Digital Sampling Oscilloscope - e: Distribution Server Option - e: Dynamic Shared Object D S O M e: Distributed System Object Model DSOR e: Depot Source of Repair

DSP d: Deutschsoziale Partei - e: Decessit Sine Prole - e: Decision Package Sets - e: Defense Support Program - e: Digital Sense Processor - e: Digital Signal Processing - e: Digital Signal Processor - e: Directory Synchronization Protocol - e: Disposal Code - e: Distribution Point - e: Domain Specific Part - I: Decessit Sine Prole D SPEC e: Process Specification DSPL d: Datensichtplatz DSQD e: Double Sided, Quad Density DSR e: Data Scanning and Routing - e: Data Set Ready - e: Dental Service Report - e: Depot Surveillance Record - e: Device Status Register - e: Device Status Report - e: Digitales Satelliten-Radio - e: Disaster Survey Report - e: Discriminating Selector Repeater - e: Distributed Speech Recognition - e: Document Search and Retrieval - e: Document Status Report - e: Dynamic Source Routing - s: Dirección Simbólica de Red DSRD e: Data Systems R&D Program - e: Depot Support Requirement Document DSREDS e: Digital Storage and Retrieval Engineering Data System DSRI e: Destination Station Routing Indicator - e: Digital Standard Relational Interface DSRV e: Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle DSS e: Data Station Selector - e: Data Storage Set - e: Decision Support System - e: Deep Space Station - e: Department of Supplies and Services - e: Device Simulation and Simulator - e: Devices, Simulators and Simulations - e: Dial Selective Signaling - e: Digital Signalling System - e: Digital Signature Standard - e: Digital Signature System - e: Direct Support System - e: Directed Stationing System - e: Directory and Security Services DSSA e: Direct Supply Support Activity - e: Domain Specific Software Architecture DSSB e: Double Single-Sideband DSSC e: Double-Sideband Suppressed Carrier DSSCS e: Defense Special Secure Communications System DSSE e: Daily Summary Spare Engines DSSEP e: Developmental Software Support Environment Plan DSSI e: Digital Standard Systems Interconnect DSSN e: Disbursing Station Symbol Number DSSO e: Defense Systems Support Organization DSSP e: Direct Supply Support Point

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

DTR DSSS e: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum DSSSL e: Document Style, Semantics and Specification Language DSSW e: Defense Supply Services, Washington DST d: Datenstation - e: Decision Support Template - e: Defense Suppression Threat - e: Direct Support Team - e: Division Support Template - e: Downsized Tester DSTE e: Data Subscriber Terminal Equipment - e: Digital Subscriber Terminal Equipment DSTN e: Double Supertwisted Nematic DStP d: Deutsche Staatspartei DSTP e: Director, Strategic Target Planning DSTR e: Destroy DSTU e: Digital Signal Transfer Unit - e: Draft Standard for Trial Use DSU e: Data Service Unit - e: Data Servicing Unit - e: Data Storage Unit - e: Data Synchronizer Unit - e: Digital Service Unit - e: Direct Support Unit - e: Disk Storage Unit DSU/CSU e: Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit DSUR e: Data Storage Unit Receptacle DSUWG e: Data Systems Users' Working Group DSV e: Deep Submergence Vehicle DSVD e: Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data DSVP d: Deutsch-saarländische Volkspartei [nationalliberal] DSVT e: Digital Secure Voice Terminal - e: Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal DSW e: Data Status Word - e: Device Status Word DSWR e: Deep Space Warning Radar DSWS e: Division Support Weapon System DSX-1 e: Crossconnection point for DS1 signals DT e: Data Terminal - e: Data Translator - e: Data Transmission - e: Decay Time - e: Delay Time - e: Deployment Transaction - e: Development Testing - e: Development Type - e: Developmental Testfer] - e: Developmental Testing - e: Dial Tone - e: Differential Time - e: Digit Tube - e: Disk Tape - e: Double-Throw - e: Down Time - e: Tunnel Diode - s: Destacamento de Tránsito - s: Sistema de Descuentos D2T2 e: Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer DTA d: Datenträger-Austausch - d: Diagnosetestablauf

- e: Decision Tree Analysis - e: Dental Therapy Assistant - e: Design to Affordability - e: Disk Transfer Area DtA d: Deutsche Ausgleichsbank DTAC e: Digitized Training Access Center DTACC e: Deployable Tactical Air Control Center - e: Deployed Tanker/Airlift Control Center DTAC CP e: Division Tactical Command Post DTAG d: Deutsche Telekom AG DTAM e: Document Transfer Access and Manipulation DTARS e: Digital Transmission and Routing System DTAS e: Data Transmission and Switching DTB e: Decimal to Binary DTC e: Data Transfer Cartridge - e: Data Transmission Center - e: Data Transport Computer - e: Delivery Term Code - e: Design-to-Cost - e: Desktop Conferencing - e: Developmental Test Command DTCD e: Department of Technical Cooperation for Development DTCS e: Digital Test Command System DTD e: Data Transfer Device - e: Data Transport Device - e: Deputy Test Director - e: Document Type Definition - e: Document Type Description DTDMA e: Distributed Time Division Multiple Access DTE e: Data Terminal Equipment - e: Data Terminating Equipment - e: Data Transfer Equipment - e: Data Transmission Equipment DT&E e: Development Test and Evaluation DTE e: Director Test and Evaluation - e: Dumb Terminal Emulator DTEA e: Developmental Training Effectiveness Analysis DTE-C e: Data Terminal EquipmentCharacter Mode DT&E/OT&E e: Development Test and Evaluation/Operational Test and Evaluation DTF e: Define the File - e: Digital Tape Format - e: Distributed Test Facility DTG e: Date Time Group - e: Desktop Guide - e: Digital Transmission Group - e: Digital Trunk Group - e: Display Transmission Generator - e: Distance to Go - e: Dynamically Tuned Gyro DTH e: Direct-to-Home - e: Direct to the Home DTI e: Delivery Ticket Invoice DTID e: Disposal Turn in Document DTL e: Dialog Tag Language - e: Diode Transfer Logic - e: Diode Transistor Logic dtl e: detail

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DTLB e: Dual Translation Lookaside Buffer DTLCC e: Design to Life Cycle Cost DTLOM e: Development, Organization and Materiel Requirement DTLOMS e: Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Material and Soldiers - e: Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Materiel and Soldiers Systems - e: Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Materiel and Soldier Support DTLOMSs&t e: Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Materiel and Soldier Systems/Science and Technology DTLS e: Descriptive Top Level Specifications DTM e: Data Transfer Module - e: Data Transmission Medium - e: Delay Timer Multiplier DTM-D e: Digital Terrain Management and Display DTMF e: Data Tone Multiple Frequency - e: Desktop Management Task Force - e: Dial Tone Multi Frequency - e: Dual Tone Multi Frequency - s: Detección de Tonos Multifrecuencia DTMF relay e: Dual-Tone Multifrequency relay DTMOP e: Development Test Measures of Performance DTMS e: Digital Test Monitoring System DTN e: Data Transmission Network DTO e: Daily Tasking Order - e: Data Take-Off Unit - e: Defense Technology Objectives - e: Digital Testing Oscilloscope - e: Digitally Tuned Oscillator - e: District Transportation Officer - e: Division Transportation Office[r] Dto. s: Decreto DTOC e: Division Tactical Operations Center DTOCSE e: Division Tactical Operations Center Support Element DTOE e: Draft Table of Organization and Equipment DTOG e: Depth to Generator DTOML e: Doctrine, Organization, Tactics, Materiel and Logistics DTOP e: Digital Topographic Data DTOSC e: Design to Operating and Support Cost DT/OT e: Developmental Test/Operational Test DTP e: Data Transfer Process - e: DDSN Transfer Protocol - e: Desktop Publishing - e: Detailed Planning - e: Detailed Test Plan - e: Directory Tape Processor - e: Distributed Transaction Process DTPL e: Domain Tip Propagation Logic DTQ e: Dogtown Territorial Quarterly DTR e: Data Terminal Ready - e: Data Transfer Rate - e: Definite-Time Relay © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


DTRA - e: Demand-Totalizing Relay - e: Desktop Reproduction - e: Detailed Test Report - e: Document Transmittal Record DTRA e: Defense Technical Review Agency DTRF e: Data Transmittal and Routing Form DTRR e: Developmental Test Readiness Review DTRS e: Development Test Requirement Specification - e: Developmental Test Readiness Statement DTS e: Data Terminal Set - e: Data Transfer System - e: Data Transmission System - e: Digital Termination System - e: Digital Theatre Sound - e: Digital Theatre System - e: Distributed Time Server - e: Distributed Time Service - e: Dynamic Test Station DTSEE e: Director Test, System Engineering and Evaluation DTSP e: Digitized Training Support Package DTSR e: Digital Temporary Storage Recording DTSS e: Digital Time Synchronization Protocol DTST e: Defense Technology Study Team DTS-W e: Defense Telephone Service [Washington] DTT e: Design Thermal Transient - e: Desk Top Trainer - e: Doctrine and Tactics Training DTTP e: Doctrine and Tactics Training Plan - e: Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures DTTSG e: Defense Test and Training Steering Group DTU e: Data Terminal Unit - e: Data Transfer Unit - e: Data Transmission Unit - e: Digital Transfer Unit - e: Digital Transmission Unit DTUPC e: Design to Unit Price Cost - e: Design-to-Unit Production Cost DTUTF e: Digital Tape Unit Tape Facility DTV e: Desktop Video - e: Digital Television - e: Digital to Television DTVC e: Desktop Video Conferencing - e: Digital Transmission and Verification Converter DTVE e: Digital Television Element DTVM e: Differential Thermocouple Voltmeter D T W A e: Dual Trailing Wire Antenna DTX e: Discontinuous Transmission DTZ e: Division Tactical Zone DU d: Der Deutschunterricht - e: Data Upstream - e: Dependable Undertaking - e: Depleted Uranium - e: Detector Unit - e: Disk Usage 106

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- e: Display Unit - e: Dust DÜ d: Datenübertragung DUA e: Directory User Agent DUAL e: Dynamic Universal Assembly Language DIJAT e: Direct User Access Terminal DUC e: Demand Used in Computation - e: Distinguished Unit Citation D U C W I C e: Do You See What 1 See DÜE d: Datenübertragungseinheit - d: Datenübertragungseinrichtung DUEL e: Data Update Edit Language DUER e: Design Unit Engineering Report DUF e: Diffusion Under [Epitaxial] Film DUI e: Data Use Identifier D U L L C A M e: Depleted Uranium/Low Level Radioactive Materials D U M A s: Detalle de Últimos Movimientos de Activa DUN e: Dial-Up N e t w o r k i n g ] DUNCE e: Dial up Network Connection Enhancement DIJNP e: Dial-Up Networking Profile DUNS e: Data Universal Numbering System DürenGbll d: Dürener Geschichtsblätter: Mitteilungen des Dürener Geschichtsvereins DURI s: Detección de Usuarios en Roaming Internacional DUS d: Datenübertragungssystem - e: Design Unit Specification - e: Dollar Unit Sampling D U S A f l A ] e: Deputy Under Secretary of the Army [International Affairs] DUSC e: Defense Underground Support Center DUSD e: Defense for Industrial Affair and Installation - e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense DUSD [AR] e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [Acquisition Reform] DUSD [I&CP] e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [International and Commercial Programs] DUSD [L] e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [Logistics] DUSDRE e: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering DiisseldorfJb d: Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch DUST d: Datenübertragungssteuerung - d: Datenumsetzerstelle DUT e: Device Under Test DUV e: Data Under Voice DV d: Datenverarbeitung - d: Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge - d: Die Verwaltung - e: Delivery Verification - e: Demonstration/Validation Phase - e: Differential Voltage - e: Direct View - e: Direct Vision - e: Distinguished Visitor - e: Dump Valve - s: Dirección [de] Vigilancia D&V e: Demonstration and Validation Program - e: Design and Validation

D/V e: Demonstration/Validation Phase DVA d: Datenverarbeitungsanlage - e: Dynamic Visual Acuity DVAL e: Demonstration and Validation DVB e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing] DVB-C e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing] Cable - e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing] digital Cable delivery system DVB-IPI e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing]-IP Infrastructure DVB1 d: Deutsche Verwaltungsblätter DVB-S e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing] Satellite DVB-T e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing] Terrestrial DVB-TAM e: Digital Video Broadcast[ing]-Technical Aspect Module DVB-TM e: Digital Video B r o a d c a s t i n g ] - T e c h n i c a l Module DVC e: Capacitive Diode - e: Desktop Video Conferencing - e: Digital Video Conference DVCCS e: Differential VoltageControlled Current Source DVD d: Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz - e: Detail Velocity Display - e: Digital Versatile Disc [or Disk] - e: Digital Video Disc [or Disk] - e: Direct Vendor Delivery DVE e: Digital Video Effect[s] DVFA d: Deutsche Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management e.V. DVFB d: Deutschvölkische Freiheitsbewegung DVFO e: Digital Variable-Frequency Oscillator DVFP d: Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei D V F R e: Defense Visual Flight Rules DVG d: Deutsche Volksgemeinschaft DVI d: Deutsches Video Institut - e: Device Independent - e: Digital Video Interactive - e: Digital Video Interface - e: Digital Video Interleaved - e: Digital Visual Interactive - e: Digital Visual Interface - e: Digital Visual Interleaved DVIAN e: Defense Visual Information Activity Number DVITS e: Digital Video Imaging Transmission System DVjs d: Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte DVL e: Data/Voice Logger DVLAB d: Deutscher Verband der Leitungskräfte von Alten- und Behinderteneinrichtungen e.V. DVLG d: Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte DVM e: Digital Volt Meter DVMRP e: Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol DVO e: Dynamic Variable Ordering D V O M e: Digital Volt-Ohm Meter

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DZSTL D V O R e: Doppler VHF OmniDirectional Ranging Equipment - e: Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range DVOW e: Digital Voice Orderwire DVP d: Deutsche Volkspartei DVR e: Document Validation Report DvrMechBadM e: Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver-M [for motorcycle] DvrMechBadOp e: Driver and Mechanic Badge, Operator-S [for special mechanical equipment] DvrMechBadW e: Driver and mechanic badge, Driver-W [for wheeled vehicles] DVST d: Datenvermittlungsstelle - e: Direct View Storage Tube DVT e: Delta Voice Terminal DVV d: Datenverarbeitungsverantwortlicher DVVD e: Dual Vision Viewing Device OVVI e: Data, Voice, Video Integration DVX e: Digital Voice Exchange DW e: Data Warehouse - e: Data Warehousing - e: Dead-Weight Load D&W e: Detection and Warning DWB e: Documenterà Workbench DWBA e: Distorted-Wave Born Approximation D-WC3 e: Defense Wide Command, Control and Communication DWC4 e: Déployable Wwmccs Command, Control and Communications Capability D W C G M C sv Data Warehouse del Centro de Gestion de Mensajes Cortos

DWDF e: Direct Wave Direction Finding D W D M e: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing DWG d: Gesetz über die Rundfunkanstalt des Bundesrechts "Deutsche Welle" - e: Drawing DWH e: Data Warehouse DWIM e: Do What I Mean D-WIP e: Defense-Wide Intelligence Plan D W I S N W I D e: Do What I Say Not What 1 Do DWL e: Dominant Wavelength D W M C F e: Double-Wide Modular Causeway Ferry D W M S T D e: Defense Work Measurement Standard Time Date D W M T e: Discrete Wavelet Multitone DWP e: Defense White Paper DWPS e: Deployable War Planning System DWS e: Development Work Statement DWT e: Deadweight [Tonnage] DWTCP s: Data Warehouse para TCP D W T E L E R J 5·; Data Warehouse para TELERJ [Telecomunicaçoes do Rio de Janeiro] D W T M C s: Data Warehouse para Telefonica Móviles de Chile DWTPI s: Data Warehouse para Telefonica Publicidad e Información DWTS e: Digital Wideband Transmission System DWIJ e: Duty White Uniform

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

DX d: Weitverkehr - e: Defense Order Priority Rating - e: Direct Current - e: Direct Exchange - e: Distance D2X e: Decimal to Hexadecimal DXA e: Direct Exchange Activity - e: Directory Exchange Agent DXB e: Drawing Exchange Binary DXC e: Data Exchange Control DXF e: Data Exchange Format - e: Data Interchange Format - e: Drawing Exchange Format - e: Drawing Interchange Format DXG d: Datexnetzabschlussgerät DXI e: Data Exchange Interface - e: Direct Exchange Item Dynamic IISP e: Dynamic InterimInterswitch Signaling Protocol DYP e: Danish yearbook of philosophy DYSAC e: Dramatic Storage Analog Computer DYSTAL e: Dynamic Storage Allocation Language DZ e: Drop Zone - e: Zener Diode DZC e: Drop Zone Controller DZCO e: Drop Zone Control Officer DZG d: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft DZSO e: Drop Zone Safety Officer DZST e: Drop Zone Support Team DZSTL e: Drop Zone Support Team Leader

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E E d: Entscheidung - d: Entwurf - d: E V P / E D U Fraktion - e: Electronic - e: Electronics - e: Electronicfs] - e: End - e: Enhanced - e: Environment - e: Equivalent Hours - e: Erlang - e: European - e: Extended - e: Total probable error - e: Voltage symbol - s: Escolta - s: Este E. d: Erwägung E e: Eastern longitude E l e: Echelon 1 - e: Wide-area digital transmission scheme used predominantly in Europe E2 e: Echelon 2 E3 e: Echelon 3 - e: Electromagnetic Environmental Effects - e: End-to-End Encryption - e: Wide-area digital transmission scheme used predominantly in Europe E4 e: Echelon 4 E5 e: Echelon 5 7E1 d: Zeichenformat: 7 Bits/Zeichen, parity even, 1 Stopbit E.164 e: ITU-T recommendation for international telecommunication numbering EA d: Eingabe/Ausgabe - d: Epigraphica anatolica: Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens - d: Europa-Archiv - e: East Asia: an international quarterly - e: Economic Analysis - e: Effective Address - e: Electronic Antiquity: communicating the classics - e: Electronic Attack - e: Emergency Actions - e: Enemy Aircraft - e: Engagement Area - e: Engineering Analysis - e: Engineering Authority - e: E n v i r o n m e n t a l ] Assessment [Team] 108

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- e: Evolutionary Acquisition - e: Executive Agent - e: Executive Assistant - e: Expedited Data Acknowledgement - e: Expenditure Authority - e: Extended Address - e: Extended Attribute - s: Elemento de Acceso ea e: each E&A e: Evaluation and Assistance Visits E2A e: Eegacy protocols for providing OAM&P functions between a network element and an operations support system EAA e: Electro-Acoustic Subassembly - e: Engineer in Aeronautics and Astronautics - e: Experimental Aircraft Association - s: Elemento de Alimentación y Alarmas - s: Estudos Afro-Asiaticos: cadernos Candido Mendes EA-6A e: Intruder EAB e: Emergency Action Book - e: Emergency Air Breathing - e: Exclusion Area Boundary - e: External Access Box EA-6B e: Prowler E A B R D e: Electrically Activated Bank Release Device EAC e: Echelon[s] Above Corps - e: Emergency Action Cell - e: Emergency Action Committee - e: Emergency Action Console - e: Emergency Action Coordinator - e: Estimate of Completion - e: Estimated Cost at Completion - e: United States Army Evaluation Analysis Center EACC e: Electronic Asset Control Center - e: Error Adaptive Control Computer EACIC e: Echelon Above Corps Intelligence Center EAD d: Ethernet-Anschlussdose - e: Earliest Arrival Date at Port of Debarkation - e: Echelons Above Division - e: Entered on Active Duty - e: Entry on Active Duty - e: Extended Active Duty E A D A S N M e: Engineering and Administrative Data Acquisition System/Network Management

EADI e: Electronic Altitude Director Indicator EADS e: Echelons Above Division Study EAE e: Emergency Action Element EA/EIS e: Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement EAF e: Emergency Action File - e: Equivalent Availability Factor - e: Expeditionary Airfield EAG e: ELINT [Electronic Intelligence] Advisory Group - e: Engine Advisory Group EAGFL d: Europäischer Ausgleichsund Garantiefonds für die Eandwirtschaft e-Agora s: Portal del proveedor de Telefónica de España EAGV d: Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft EAH e: East Asia History EAI e: Enterprise Application Integration EAID e: Equipment Authorization Inventory Data - e: Equipment Authorizations Inventory Document EAIF e: External Application Interface EAIM e: End Article Item Manager - e: European Alliance for Information Management EAIR e: Enterprise Analysis Integration Review EAKV d: Verordnung zur Einführung des Europäischen Abfallkatalogs EAL e: Early American Literature - e: Entry Access List - e: Entry Authority List EALG d: Entschädigungs- und Ausgleichsleistungsgesetz EAM e: Electronic Accounting Machine - e: Emergency Action Message - e: Event Analysis Matrix EAMAS e: Emergency Action Message Authentication System E A M M s: Elemento de Acceso para los terminales T M + M M ΕΑΝ e: European Advanced Networking EANCO e: Emergency Action Noncommissioned Officer E A N C O M d: EDIFACT-Subset Konsum Wirtschaft

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ECD EANS e: Emergency Action Notification System EAO e: Emergency Action Officer EAOSY e: Emergency Action Officer System

EASE e: Electrical Automatic Support Equipment EASI e: Estimate of Adversary Sequence Interruption - e: Expanded Additional Skill Identifier EASKT d: Einzelanschluss-Konzentrator EASL e: Engineering Analysis Simulation Language EASSRR e: Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review EASTM e: East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine E A s t t e: Experimental Army Satellite Tactical Terminals EASY e: Early Acquisition System - e: Engine Analyzer System

EATWG e: Executive Agency Transfer Working Group EAIJXCP e: East Auxiliary Airborne Command Post EAVO e: External Air Vehicle Operator EAVS e: Emergency Action Voice System EAWR d: Eingabeauswahlknotenregister EAZ d: Endgeräteauswahlziffer - d: Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift EB e: Electric Boat - e: Electron Beam - e: Enlistment Bonus - I: Ethnologia Balkanica: journal of Southeast European anthropology - s: Estación Base Eb e: Electronic Beam EBAM e: Electron-Beam-Accessed Memories EBB e: Electronic Bulletin Board EBBS e: Electronic Bulletin Board System EBC e: EISA Bus Controller - e: Enroute Battle Command - s: Elemento Básico de Conmutación EBCDIC e: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code EBCT e: Electron Beam Computed Tomography EBDSA e: Electronic bulletin of the Dante Society of America EBI e: Equivalent Background Input - e: Equivalent Background Investigation - e: Equivalent Background Input - e: Extended Background Investigation EBIS e: Electron Beam Ion Exchange EBIT e: Earning Before Interest/Total Assets and Taxes EBITDA e: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization EBLJ e: Electronic British Library Journal EBM e: Electronic Battle Management - e: Entity-Based Model EBMD e: Electron-Beam Mode Discharge EBMSC e: Enduring Battle Management Support Center EBNF d: Erweiterte [Extended] BackusNaur-Form EBP d: Elektronisches Briefpapier E B P A e: Electron Beam Parametric Amplifier EBR e: Epoxy Bridge Rectifier EBS e: Electron-Beam Semiconductor - s: Elemento Básico de Sistema EBT e: Electronic Benefits Transfer EBU e: European Broadcasting Union EBV d: Elektronische Bildverarbeitung EBW e: Exploding Bridge Wire E B W E d: Europäische Bank für

EASY Care d: Instrument zur schnellen Einschätzung des körperlichen, geistigen und sozialen Wohlbefindens der in häuslicher Umgebung lebenden älteren Menschen EAT s: Elemento Adaptador de Terminal - s: Encaminamiento Alternativo Temporal EATA e: Enhanced at Bus Attachment

Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung EC e: Earth Coverage - e: Eddy Current - e: Electronic Calculator - e: Electronic Cash - e: Electronic Combat - e: Electronic Commerce - e: Embedded Computer - e: Engine Change

EAP e: Emergency Action Pian - e: Emergency Action Procedures - e: Evolutionary Acquisition Phase - e: Experimental Activity Proposal - e: Extensible Authentication Protocol - s: Estación de Alarma [Alerta] Previa EAP-JCS e: Emergency Action Procedures of the Joint Chiefs of Staff E A P R O M e: Electronically Alterable Programmable Read-Only Memory EAR e: Electronically Agile Radar - e: Employee Attitude Research - e: Enterprise Analysis Review - e: External Access Register EARIC e: East African Academy Research Information Centre EARLY e: Evasion and Recovery Supplemental Data Report EAROM e: Electrically Alterable Reado n l y Memory EARS e: Electronic Access to Reference Services - e: External Audio Receptor System EA/RTA e: Executive Agent/ Responsible Training Authority Ε-ARTS e: En Route Automated Radar Tracking System EARTS e: Enroute Automated Radar Tracking System EAS e: Early American Studies: an interdisciplinary journal - e: Econometric Analysis System - e: Emergency Action System - e: Equivalent Airspeed - e: Expense Assignment System - e: Experiment Assurance System - e: Expert Agent Selection - e: Extended Announcement System - e: Extended Area Service - e: Extensive Air Shower

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Engineering Change - e: Equipment Custodian - e: Error Control - e: Error Correcting - e: Essentiality Code - f: Etudes chinoises - s: Elemento de Cruce - s: Extremo de Camino E-8C e: JSTARS [Joint Surveillance, Target Attack Radar System] aircraft EC-18 e: Baria [Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft] [AFSC] ECA d: Wirtschaftskommission für Afrika - e: Early Comparability Analysis - e: Earth Central Angle - e: Electronic Control Amplifier - e: Electronic Controller Assembly - e: Electronics and Computer Assembly - e: Engineering Change Authorization - e: Event, Condition, Action - s: Equipo de C o n t a d o de Aire ECAC e: Electronic Compatibility Analysis Center ECAD e: Electronic Computer Aided Design ECAL e: Enjoy Computing and Learn ECAM e: Energy Conservation and Management ECAP e: Electronic Combat Action Pian ECAPB e: Engineering Unit Capability ECARS e: Electronic Coordinator Graph and Readout System ECAT e: Electronic Card Assembly and Test - e: Electronic Commerce Acquisition Team - e: Electronic Commerce Action Team ECAV s: Entorno de Caracterización y Análisis de la Voz ECB e: Echelons Corps and Below - e: Electronic Codebook - e: Event Control Block ECB-R e: Excellence-in-Competition Badge, Rifle ECBS e: European Committee for Banking Standards ECC e: Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem - e: Elliptic Curve Cryptography - e: Emergency Control Center - e: Equipment Category Code - e: Error Check Circuit - e: Error Check Code - e: Error Checking and Correcting - e: Error Checking and Correction - e: Error Correction Circuit[ry] - e: Error Correction Code - e: Evacuation Control Center - e: Experiment Concept Committee - e: Experimental Force Coordination Cell - e: Extended Core Configuration - s: Elemento Central de Control ECCD e: Electronic Cockpit Control Device E C C M e: Electronic CounterCountermeasures E C C M / A R T B e: Electronic Counter Countermeasures/Advanced Radar Tested ECD e: Electronic Command Division - e: Engineering Change Document © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


ECDC - e: Enhanced Color Display - e: Enhanced Compact Disk - e: European Communications Division - s: Elemento Controlador de Disco ECDC e: Electrochemical Diffused Collector ECDF e: Equipment Characteristics Data File ECDSA e: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ECDIJ e: Enhanced Control and Display Unit ECE d: Europäische Wirtschaftskommission der UNO - e: Engineering Capacity Exchange - s: Estación Central Esclava ECET e: End of Civil Evening Twilight ECF e: Eighteenth Century Fiction - e: Element Circuit Function - e: Entry Control Facility ECFM e: Eddy Current Flow Meter ECG e: Electrocardiogram - e: Electrochemical Grinding - e: Emergency Coordination Group - e: Exercise Control Group ECH e: Echo[es] E channel e: Echo channel ECHO e: European Commission Host Organization EcHR e: Economic History Review: a journal of economic and social history EChS f: Etudes Chamito-Sémitiques ECI d: Europäisches Computer Informationszentrum - e: Earth Central Tnertial - e: Equipment Characteristic Information - e: Equipment Configuration Item - e: Extension Course Institute - e: External Call Interface ECIC e: Electronic Commerce in Contracting - e: Electronic Commerce Information Center ECIEL p: Estudos Conjuntos de Integraçào Economica de America Fatina - s: Estudios Conjuntos Sobre Integración Económica Eatinoamericana ECIIB [Br] e: Branch Enemy Civilian Internee Information Bureau ECL e: Eighteenth-Century Life - e: Emitter Coupled Logic - e: English comprehension level - e: Equipment Component List - e: Executive Control Language ECLAC d: Wirtschaftskommission für Lateinamerika und die Karibik ECLT e: English Comprehensive Level Test ECM e: Eighteenth-Century Music - e: Electric Coding Machine - e: Electrochemical Machining - e: Electronic Control Module - e: Electronic Countermeasure[s] - e: Entitlement Control Message - e: Entity Connection Management - e: Entity Coordination Management - e: Error Correcting Mode - e: Error Correction Code - s: Elemento Central de conmutación - s: Estación Central Maestra


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ECMA e: European Computer Manufactueres Association ECMC e: Emergency Crisis Management Center ECMF e: Electronic Combat Mission Folder ECMIIJ e: E C M Interface Unit E C M M E E R e: Electronic Countermeasures Mission Effectiveness Evaluation Report ECMO e: Electronic Countermeasures Officer ECMP e: Electronic Countermeasures Program - e: Equal Cost Multiple Paths ECMRITS e: Electronic Countermeasures Resistant Information Transmission System ECMT e: Electronic Combat Maintenance Training ECN e: Eighteenth-century novel - e: Engineering Change Notice - e: Engineering Computer Network [at Purdue] - e: Minimum essential Emergency Communications Network ECNE e: Enterprise certified NetWare engineer ECO e: Complex relation object - e: Ecotheology: the journal of religion, nature and the environment - e: Electron Coupled Oscillator - e: Electronic Checkout - e: Electronic Commerce Forum - e: EL1NT Collection Outstation - e: Emergency Control Officer - e: Engineering Change Order - e: Equipment Control Officer - s: Enviador Contestador de llamadas E C O M e: Army Electronics Command EconHR e: Economic History Review: a journal of economic and social history ECOP e: Extension Committee on [Organization and] Policy ECOSOC e: Economic and Social Council, United States E C O W A S e: Economic Community of West African States ECP e: Emergency Change Package - e: Emergency Command Precedence - e: Engineering Change Proposal - e: Enhanced Capabilities Port - e: Environmental Control Panel - e: Equipment Change Proposal - e: Equipment Collecting Point - e: Extended Capabilities Port - e: External Communications Processor ECPA e: Electronic Communication Privacy Act ECP/CCP e: Engineering Change Proposal/Contract Change Proposal ECPL e: Endorsed Cryptographic Product List ECPN e: Electronic Commerce Processing Nodes ECP/TCP e: Engineering Change Proposal/Technical Change Proposal ECR e: Electronic Cash Register - e: Electronic Classroom - e: Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance

- e: Electronic Combat Range - e: Electronic Control Relay - e: Electronic Countermeasures and Reconnaissance - e: Embedded Computer Resources - e: Estimate Change Request ECRS e: Economic and Emergency Reserve Stock - e: Embedded Computer Resource Standards ECS e: Education Commission of the States - e: Eighteenth-Century Studies - e: Electronic Combat Squadron - e: Electronic Control Switch - e: Electronic Control System - e: Elevation Coverage System - e: Embedded Computer Support - e: Embedded Computer System - e: Environmental Control Shroud - e: Environmental Control System - e: Equipment Concentration Sites - e: Exterior Communication System - s: Entorno de Creación de Servicios ECS2 e: Executive Control Subordinate System ECS/CMS e: Embedded Computer System/Configuration ECSDA d: European Central Securities Depositories Association EC3SE e: Enhanced C3 Survivability and Endurance ECSI e: Electronic Combat System Integration - e: European Custom Systems Integration ECT e: Eddy Current Testing ECTED e: Electronic Combat Threat Environment Description ECTEL s: Denominación actual de "European Telecomm..." ECTL e: Electronic Communal Temporal Lobe ECTS e: Electronic Combat Training Seminar ECU d: European Currency Unit - e: EISA Configuration Utility - e: Electronic Control Unit - e: Electronic Conversion Unit - e: Engine Change Unit - e: Environmental Control Unit - e: Equipment Control Unit - e: Exercise Control Unit ECWS e: Extreme Cold Weather Shelter ED e: Effective Date - e: Engineering Data - e: Engineering Demonstration - e: Engineering Design - e: Engineering Development - e: Enlace Digital - e: Envelope Delay - e: Erase Display - e: E U C O M directive - e: Evaluation Directive - e: Event Dispatcher - e: Exploratory Development - e: Explosive Device - s: Escuadrilla de Destructores EDA d: Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten - d: Explorative Datenanalyse - e: Electronic Design Automation

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e: Electronic Differential Analyzer e: Embedded Document Architecture e: Evolutionary Defense Acquisition e: Excess Defense Article s: Encaminamiento Dinámico Alternativo Eda s: Escuadra Eda Α ν C s: Escuadrilla de Aviación de Caza EDAC e: Economic Defense Advisory Committee - e: Equipment Distribution and Condition Report - e: Error Detection and Correction - s: Entorno de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Corba EDARF e: Engineering Data Activity Record File EDASRE e: Engineering Drawing Automated Storage and Retrieval Equipment E-Date e: Effective Date EDATE e: Effective Date EDAIJ e: Extended Data Acquisition Unit EDB e: Echelons Division and Below - e: Educational Data Bank - e: Energy Database - e: Experience Database EDBI e: Equivalent Delivered Source Instruction EDC e: Educational Development Center - e: Electronic Desk Calculator - e: Electronic Digital Computer - e: Electronic Draft Capture - e: Emergency Decontamination Center - e: Enhanced Data Correction - e: Error Detection and Correction - e: Estimated Date of Completion [of Eoading] - e: External Data Criteria - s: Equipo de Cliente EDCEN e: Education Center EDCL e: Electric-Discharge Convection Easer E D C O M e: Editor and Compiler E&DCP e: Evaluation and Data Collection Plan EDCPF e: Environmental Data Collection and Processing Facility EDCS e: Evolutionary Design of Complex System EDCSA e: Effective Date of Change of Strength Accountability EDCW e: External Device Control Word EDD e: Earliest Delivery Date - e: Earliest Departure Date - e: Earliest Due Date first - e: Electronic Data Display - e: Estimated Delivery Date - e: Estimated Departure Date - e: Estimated Deployment Data - e: Experimental Destroyer - e: Explosives Detection Devices EDDA e: Electronic Digital Data Acquisition EDDC e: Extended Distance Data Cable EDDLT e: Expected Demand During Lead Time EDE e: Electronic Defense Evaluator - e: Emergency Decelerating [Relay]

- e: Emitter DIP Effect - e: European Association for Directors of Residential Homes - e: Experimental Escort Ship EDEW e: Enhanced Distant Early Warning EDF e: Engineering and Development Facility - e: Estimated Demand Factor - f: Électricité de France EDFA e: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier EDFP e: Engineering Data for Provisioning EDFR e: Effective Date of Federal Regulation EDG e: Emergency Diesel Generator - e: Exploratory Developmental Goals E D G A R e: Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval EDGC e: Engineering Data Guidance Conference EDGE e: Enhanced Data [Rates] for GSM Evolution EDI e: Economic Development Instituted - e: Electronic Data Interchange - e: Electronic Document Interchange EDICT e: Engineering Document Information Collection Technique EDIF e: Electronic Data Interchange Format - e: Electronic Design Interchange Format EDIFACT e: Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport EDIFICE d: EDIFACT-Subset Elektroindustrie EDIFURN d: EDIFACT-Subset Möbelindustrie EDIOFFICE d: EDIFACT-Subset Bürobedarf EDIPPO s: Entorno para el Desarrollo e Implementación de Pruebas y Protocolos OSI EDIRSE s: Entorno para el Desarrollo e Implementación Rápida de Servicios EDIS e: Engineering Data Information System EDITAR e: Electronic Digital Tracking and Ranging EDITEX d: EDIFACT-Subset Textilindustrie EDL e: Edit Decision List - e: Electric Discharge Laser - e: Encapsulator Definition Language - e: Encapsulator Description Language - e: Engineering Data List - e: Enterprise Definition Language - e: Enterprise Description Language EDLC e: Ethernet Data Link Control EDLIB e: Engineering Data Library EDLIN e: Editor [Line Text] E D M e: Electric Discharge Machining - e: Electronic Document Management - e: Engineering Data Management - e: Engineering Design Model - e: Engineering Development Model - e: Enterprise Data Model - e: Equipment Deadlined for Maintenance E D M O e: Engineering Data Management Officer

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

E D M P e: Engineering Data Management Plan EDN e: Experimental Data Network EDO e: Effective Diameter of Objective - e: Engineering Duties Only - e: Engineering Duty Officer - e: Enhanced Data Output - e: Executive Director of Operations - e: Extended Data Out[put] EDOC e: Effective Date of Change - e: Enterprise Distributed Object Computing E D O M P e: Educational Development of Military Personnel e-Domus s: Portal del empleado de Telefònica de España EDOS e: Extended Disk Operating System EDP e: Electronic Data Processing - e: Electronic Data Processor - e: Emergency Defense Plan - e: Engineering Data Package - e: Enlace Digital Primario - e: Environmental Development Plan - e: Event Display Process EDPC e: Electronic Data Processing Center EDP/E e: Electronic Data Processing/Equipment EDPE e: Electronic Data Processing Equipment EDPM e: Electronic Data Processing Machine EDPS e: Electronic Data Processing System - e: Enhanced Data Processing System - e: Equipment Distribution Planning Studies EDPT e: Electronic Data Processing Test EDR e: Electrodermal Reaction - e: Enhanced Data Rate - e: Equivalent Direct Radiation - e: Evolutionary Decision Review EDRAM e: Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory EDRE e: Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise Edrón s: Escuadrón EDS d: Elektronisches Datenvermittlungssystem - e: Electronic Data System - e: Electronic Data Systems, Inc. - e: Electronic DIP Switch - e: Electronic Display System - e: Emergency Detection System - e: Environmental Data Service - e: Estimated Date of Separation - e: Executive Display Subsystem EDSAC e: Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer - e: Electronic Discrete Sequential Automatic Computer EDSC e: Engineering Data Service Center EDS-FS e: European Distribution System Forward Stockage EDSI e: Enhanced Small Device Interface EDSL e: Extended Digital Subscriber Line © Κ • G • Saur, Munich

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EDS-LOG-C3 EDS-LOG-C3 e: EDS Logistics Command, Control and Communications EDSS e: Equipment Deployment and Storage System EDT e: Electric Discharge Tube - e: Energy Dissipation Test - e: Engineer Design Tests - e: Engineering Development Test - e: Externally Directed Team EDTCC e: Electronic Data Transmission Communications Central EDTM e: Enlisted Distribution Target Model EDTS e: Expanded Data Transfer System EDTV e: Enhanced Definition Television - e: Extended Definition Television EDU e: Educational - e: Engine Diagnostic Unit - e: Engineering Development Unit EDV d: Elektronische DatenVerarbeitung - d: Experimentelle Daten-Verarbeitung EDVAC e: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer EE d: Endeinrichtung - e: Elements of Expense - e: Emergency Establishment - e: Engagement Effectiveness - e: Extended Edition - s: Excavadora de Estera E E s: Error Estandar E-E e: Emergency Essential E&E e: Evasion and Escape EEA d: Einheitliche Europäische Akte - e: Essential Elements of Analysis - e: Estimated Expenditure of Ammunition EEAG d: Gesetz zur Einheitlichen Europäischen Akte EEBD e: Emergency Escape Breathing Device EEC e: Electronic Engine Control - e: Emergency Essential Civilians - e: End of Equilibrium Cycle - e: Equipment Essentiality Code - e: European Economic Community - e: European Union - e: Extended Error Correction EECC s: Empresas Colaboradoras EECL e: Emitter-Emitter Coupled Logic EECM e: End-to-End Call Manager EECR e: East European Constitutional Review EECS e: Electronic Entry Control System EECT e: End Evening Civil Twilight EED e: Electroexplosive Device - e: Essential Elements of Data EEE e: Essential Elements of Evaluation EEEC e: Electromagnetic Energy Environment Criteria EEFI e: Essential Elements of Friendly Information E2EG e: Ear to Ear Grin EEG e: Electroencephalogram - e: Electronics Engineering Group EEH e: Explorations in Economic History EEHO e: Either End HP off


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EEI e: Essential Elements of Information - e: External Environment Interface EEIC e: Element of Expense Investment Codes EELS e: Early Entry Lethality and Survivability - e: Electronic Emitter Location System EELV e: Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle - e: Evolving Expendable Launch Vehicle EEM e: Electronic Engineer's Master - e: Electronic Equipment Monitoring - e: Extended Memory Management - e: External Expansion Module - s: En la España Medieval E E M M s: Estados Mayores EE.MM s: Estados Mayores EEMS e: Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification - e: Enhanced Expanded Memory Support EENT e: End Evening Nautical Twilight - e: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat EEO e: Equal Employment Opportunity - e: Errors and Omissions Excepted E&EO e: Errors and Omissions Excepted EEOB e: Enemy Electronic Order of Battle EEP e: Electroencephalophony - e: Elliptical Error of Probability - s: Esquiador Escalador E E P R O M e: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory - e: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EEPS e: East European Politics and Societies EEQ e: East European Quarterly EER e: Enlisted Evaluation Report - e: Explosive Echo Ranging EERI s: Estructura de Explotación de la Red Iberpac EES e: Electro-Magnetic Environment Simulator - e: Escorted Encryption Standard - e: Escrow[ed] Encryption Standard - eo: Esperantologio-Esperanto Studies EESE e: Erfurt Electronic Studies in English EET e: Estimated Elapsed Time EE. UU. s: Estados Unidos [de América] EEZ e: Electronic Exclusion Zone EF d: Externer Fehler - e: Early Finish - e: Electronic Format - e: Electronic Version - e: Elevation Finder - e: Emitter Follower - e: End of Radioactive Fallout - e: Entidad Funcional - e: Error Factor - e: Expedited Forwarding EFA e: Early Fielding Analysis - e: European Fighter Aircraft Program - e: Extended File Attribute EFAC e: Enhanced Forward Air Controller - e: Extended File Access Control EFAMS e: Enhanced Fuel and Armament Management System.

EFAS e: Enhance Fault Alarm System EFC e: Equivalent Full Charge EFCI e: Explicit Forward Congestion Identification EFCS e: Electronic Flight Control System EFD e: Engineering Field Divisions - e: Engineering Flow Diagram - e: Event Forwarding Discriminator EFDB e: Emergency Facilities Depreciation Board EFF e: Electronic Frontier Foundation EFG d: Eigentumsfristengesetz - d: Entscheidungen der Finanzgerichte - d: Ersatzschulfinanzgesetz EFI e: Electromechanical Frequency Interference - e: Electronic Fuel Injection - e: Electronics for Imaging - s: Entidad Física EFTS e: Electronic Flight Instrumentation System EFL e: Effective Focal Length - e: Emitter Follower Logic - e: Equivalent Focal Length EFM e: Ethernet to the First Mile EFO e: EIFEL Follow-on E F O G - M e: Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Missile E F O G M e: Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Missile Ε - F O R M e: Electronic Form EFP e: Explosively Formed Penatrator EFPH e: Equivalent Full-Power Hours E F Q M e: European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM-Modell e: European Foundation for Quality Management EFR e: Enhanced Full Rate EFRE d: Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung EFRR e: Executive Flight Readiness Review EFS e: Electronic Frequency Selection - e: Encrypted File System - e: Enhanced File System - e: Enhanced Flight Screener - e: Enterprise File System - e: Episode File System EF_SGI s: Entorno de Formación para el Sistema de Gestión de Interconexión EFT e: Earliest Finish Time - e: Electronic Funds Transfer - e: Engineering Feasibility Testing - e: Enhanced File Transfer EFTA d: Europäische Freihandelsassoziation EFTA/EP d: Delegation EFTA/ Europäisches Parlament EFTI3 e: European Forum for Telecommunications Industry Information Interchange EFTO e: Encrypt for Transmission Only EFTS e: Electronic Funds Transfer System - e: Elementary Flying Training School EFÜ d: Emissionsdaten-Fernübertragung EFVS e: Electronic Fighting Vehicle System EG d: Europäische Gemeinschaft - e: Evil Grin

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

E-ISUP - e: Execution Guidance - e: Exterior Gateway - s: Elemento de Gestión EGA e: Enhanced Graphics Adaptor - e: Enhanced Graphics Array - e: Extended Graphics Adapter EgArch e: Egyptian Archaeology EG-BeitrG d: EG-Beitreibungsgesetz E G B G B d: Einführungsgesetz Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch EGC e: Enhanced Group Call EGCPSA s: Elemento de Gestión del Centro Proveedor de Servicios Avanzados EGDS e: Engineering Data Systems EGFinSchG d: EG-Finanzschutzgesetz EGG e: Gesetz zum elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr EGGVG d: Einführungsgesetz Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz EGInsO d: Einführungsgesetz zur Insolvenzordnung EGIP s: Elemento de Gestión del IP EGKSV d: Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl EGM e: Electronic Governor Module E G M R d: Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte - d: Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte EGN d: Einzelgebührennachweis EGP e: Extensive Gateway Protocol - e: Exterior Gateway Protocol EGR e: Electronic Governor Regulator - e: Exhaust Gas Recalculation EGREP e: Extended Global Regular Expression Print EGS e: Earth ground station EGSDP s: Elemento de Gestion del SDP EGStPO d: Einführungsgesetz zur Strafprozeßordnung EGT e: Exhaust Gas Temperature EGV d: EG-Vertrag EGW e: Edge Gateway EH e: Environmental History EHC e: Electro Hydraulic Control - e: Explosive Hazard Classification EHDC e: E M P Hardened Dispersal Communications EHF e: Elevated Hf Antenna - e: Extremely High Frequency eHKCSS e: e-Journal on Hong Kong Cultural and Social Studies EHKP d: Einheitliches höheres Kommunikationsprotokoll EHLLAPI e: Emulator High Level Language Application Programming Interface EHP e: Electric Horsepower Ehp e: Equivalent Horse Power EHQ e: European History Quarterly EHR e: Economic History Review: a journal of economic and social history - e: English Historical Review EhrRiEG d: Gesetz über die Entschädigung der ehrenamtlichen Richter EHS e: European Home System

EHSA e: Enhanced High System Availability EHSI e: Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator EHV e: Extra High Voltage EI e: Electrical Insulation - e: Electronic Installation - e: End Injection - e: End Item - e: Engineering Installation - e: Engineering Instruction - e: Engineering Investigation - e: Enterprise Integration - e: Exercise Item - e: External Interconnect - e: External Interfaces - s: Elemento de Información E&I e: Engineering and Installation EIA e: Electronic Industries Alliance - e: Electronics Industries [or Industry] Association - e: Environmental Impact Appraisal - e: Environmental Impact Assessment EIA-530 e: Refers to two electrical implementations of EIA/T1A-449 EIAC e: End Item Acronym Code EIACI p: Escuadrila Independiente de la Aviación de Corrección e Información EIACInfo ρ: Escuadrila Independiente de la Aviación de Corrección e Información EIAJ e: Electronics Industry Association of Japan EIAL s: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe EIA/TIA-232 e: Common physical layer interface standard EIA/TIA-449 e: Popular physical layer interface EIA/TIA-586 e: Standard that describes the characteristics and applications for various grades of UTP cabling EIB e: European Installation Bus EIC e: Element Identification Codes - e: Employer Identification Code - e: Engineer in Charge - e: Engineering and Integration Contractor - e: Engineering Installation Center - e: Equipment Identification Code EICAS e: Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System EICF s: Elaboración de Información de Cricuitos para Facturación EichsfeldJb d: Eichsfeld Jahrbuch EICTA e: European Information, Communications + Consumer Electronics Industry Technology Association EIDE d: Erweiterter IDE Anschluss - e: Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics - e: Enhanced Intelligent Drive Electronics EIDF e: Electronic Intercept and Direction Finding EIDQ e: European International Data Query EIDSO e: Engineer Information and Data Systems Office

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

EIES e: European Information Exchange Service EifelJb d: Eifel-Jahrbuch EIG e: Engineering and Installation Group EigZuIG d: Eigenheimzulagengesetz E l i e: Early Industry Involvement EIL e: Electron Injection Laser - s: Elemento de Interfaz de Línea EIM e: Excitability Inducing Material EIN e: Education Information Network - e: Employer Identification Number EIO e: Evaluation and Integration Office EIoP e: European integration online papers EIP e: Economic Inventory Procedures - e: Engineering and Installation Plan - e: Enterprise Informational Portal - e: Environmental Impact Planning - e: Environmental Interface Processor - e: Equipment Improvement Project - e: Evolutionary Implementation Plan - e: Excess Inventory Program - e: Executive Information Portal - e: Extended Internet Protocol EIPIP d: Vereinigung von EIP und PIP EIPT e: Executive Integrated Product Team EIR e: Equipment Identity Register - e: Equipment Improvement Recommendation EIRC e: Explorations in Renaissance culture Eirene l: Eirene: studia graeca et latina EIRP e: Effective Isotropic[ally] Radiated Power - e: Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power EIRT e: Executive Independent Review Team EIS e: Electromagnetic Intelligence System - e: Electronic Information Services - e: Electronic Information System - e: Electronic Instrument System - e: Electronics Installation Squadron - e: Emergency Information Services - e: Emergency Information System - e: Employee Information Services - e: Employee Information System - e: Engineering Installation Squadron - e: Enterprise Information System - e: Evaluation Information System - e: Executive Information System [s] - e: Expert Information System - e: Extended Instruction Set EISA e: Extended Industry Standard Architecture EIsaßLothrJb d: Elsaß-lothringisches Jahrbuch EISC e: E U C O M Intelligence Summary Cable EISE e: Extendible Integration Support Environment EISP e: End Item Sale Price - e: Engineering and Installation Support Plan EISS d: Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit - e: European Intelligence System Support E-ISIJP e: Extended-ISUP © Κ · G · Saur, Munich

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EIT EIT e: Encoded Information Types - e: Engineer in Training EITF e: Emerging Issue Task Force ETTO e: European Information Technology Observatory EI IJ e: Electronic Interface Unit EIW e: Engineering Installation Wing ΕΙ/WS e: End Item/Weapon System Ej s: Ejercicio EJA e: European Journal of Archaeology EJAB e: Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography EJANZH e: Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History EJASA e: Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic EJB e: Enterprise Java Beans EJCJS e: Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies Eje. s: Ejecutor EJEAS e: European Journal of East Asian Studies EJES e: European Journal of English Studies EJHET e: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought eJIH e: electronic Journal of International History EJP e: European Journal of Philosophy - e: European Journal of Population EJPH e: Ε-Journal of Portuguese history EJPT e: European Journal o f P o l i t i c a l Theory EJRS e: Emergency Joint Reporting Structure EJVS e: Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies EJWS e: European Journal of Women's Studies EKD e: Electronic Key Distribution EKG e: Effective Kilogram - e: Electrocardiogram E K M R d: Europäische Kommission für Menschenrechte EKMS e: Electronic Key Management System EKT d: Envelope-Kanal-Teiler EKTS e: Electronic Key Telephone Sets ekW e: equivalent kilowatt EL e: Education Level - e: Electroluminiscent - e: Emitter Locator - e: Erase Line - e: Executive Level E-l

e: Electronic Installation

- e: Engineering and Installation ELAN e: Educational Language - e: Elementary Language - e: Emulated Local Area Network - e: Error Logging Analysis ELANC e: Enhanced LAN Controller ELBA e: Emergency Location Beacon ElbingJb d: Elbinger Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift der Elbinger Altertumsgesellschaft und der städtischen Sammlungen zu Elbing ELC e: Embedded Linking and Control - e: Employee Learning Centre - e: Extra [Excellent] Low Cost ELCAS e: Elevated Causeway System Κ • G • Saur, M ü n c h e n

ELCAS[M] e: Elevated Causeway System [Modular] ELCAS[NL] e: Elevated Causeway System [Navy Lighterage] ELCP e: Emulation Loop Control Protocol

ELVA e: Emergency Low Visibility Approach ELWIS d: Elektronisches Wasserstrassen-Informationssystem für die Binnenschifffahrt EM e: Education Manual

E L D A T R A W P e: Electronic Data Transmission Working Party E L E C O M e: Electronic Computer ELECTRO-OPTINT e: Electro-Optical Intelligence. ELED e: Edge-Emitting Led ELF e: Executable and Linkable/Linking Format - e: Executable and Linking Format - e: Extensible Language Facility

- e: Electro-Mechanical - e: Electromagnetic - e: Electromechanical - e: Electronic Mail - e: Electronic Module - e: Emission Pump - e: Emphasized - e: End of Medium - e: Energy Management - e: Engineering Manual - e: Engineering Memorandum - e: Engineering Model - e: Enlisted Man or Men - e: Enlisted Member - e: Enterprise Model - e: Environmental Management - e: Evaluation Model - e: Executive Manager - e: Expanded Memory - s: Escuadrón de la Muerte - s: Estado Mayor E & M e: Ear and Mouth - e: Receive and transmit - e: Special signaling leads EMA e: Enterprise Management Architecture - e: Enterprise Marketing Automation - e: Extended Memory Autocoder E M A C O s: Estado Mayor Conjunto EMACON s: Estado Mayor Conjunto EMACS e: Editing Macros - e: Editor Macros - e: Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift E M A - E N H A d: Elektronische Mitteilungen zur AstronomiegeschichteElectronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy E-mail e: Electronic Mail EMAIL e: Electronic MAIL EMARS e: Energy Mineral Activity Recommendation System EMAS e: Equipment Marking Accounting System - e: Exercise Message Analysis System EMATS e: Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System - e: Emergency Mission Automatic Transmission Service E M A V e: Electromagnetic Relief Valve EMB e: Extended Memory Block Emb s: Embarque E M B A R C e: Electronic Mail Broadcast to a Roaming Computer EMBD e: Embedded in a layer EMC e: E-Mail Connection - e: Electromagnetic Compatibility - e: Electromagnetic Coupling - e: Emergency Message Change - e: Engineered Military Circuits - e: Engineering Mockup Critical Experiment - e: Enhanced Memory Chip - e: Extended Math Coprocessor EMC/CV / · Échos du Monde ClassiqueClassical Views

- e: Extremely L o w Frequency ELFEXT e: Equal-Level Far-End Crosstalk ELFF e: Extended Log File Format ELG e: Executive Level Group - e: Executive Level Guidance ELH e: ELH: English Literary History ELI e: Emitter Location and Identification ELIN e: Exhibit Line Item Number ELINT e: Electromagnetic Information - e: Electromagnetic Intelligence - e: Electronic Intelligence ELIP e: Electrostatic Latent Image Photography ELITE e: Extended Long-Range Integrated Technology Evaluation ELL e: English Language and Linguistics - e: English Language Lab ELM e: Electronic Mail ELMI e: Enhanced Local Management Interface ELO e: Enabling Learning Objective[s] ELOC e: Executable Line of Code El[o]n s: Escalón ELP e: English Language Program ELPC e: ElectroluminescentPhotoconductive ELPH e: Elliptical Head ELPP e: Equal Level Patch Panel ELR e: Engineering Laboratory Report - e: English literary Renaissance - e: Extra-Long-Range Aircraft ELS e: Emitter Location System - e: Entry Level System - e: Error-Likely Situation ELSA e: Electronic Lobe-Switching Antenna - s: Elementos Locales del Servicio de Autenticación ELSB e: Edge-Lighted Status Board ELSEC e: Electronic Security ELSET e: Element Set ELSIE e: Electronic Signaling and Indicating Equipment ELT e: Electronic Light Table - e: Emergency Locator Transmitter - e: English Language Training ELTS e: Emergency Locator Transmitters ELV e: Electrically Operated Valve - e: Enclosed-Frame Low Voltage - e: Expendable Launch Vehicle

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

Enchoria EMCF e: European Monetary Cooperation Fund EMCO s: Equipo de Medidas de Congestión EM COMP e: Electromagnetic Compatibility E M C O N e: Emission Control [Orders] EMCP e: Electromagnetic Compatibility Program EMCS e: Electromagnetic Compatibility Standardization - e: Energy Management and Control System - e: Energy Monitoring and Control System EMCTP e: Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Plan EMD e: Electric-Motor Driven - e: Engineering and Management Development - e: Engineering and Manufacturing Development - e: Engineering/Manufacturing Design - e: European Medieval Drama - s: Estado Mayor de la Defensa Nacional E & M D e: Engineering and Manufacturing Development E M D B e: Equipment Maintenance Database EmderJb d: Emder Jahrbuch für historische Landeskunde Ostfrieslands EMDI e: Energy Management Display Indicator EME e: Early Medieval Europe - e: Earth-Moon-Earth - e: Electromagnetic Effect - e: Electromagnetic Emission - e: Electromagnetic Energy - e: Electromagnetic Environment - e: Equipment Management Element EMEA e: Europe, Middle East and Africa - e: European Medicinal Evaluation Agency, London EMEGS e: Electromagnetic Environment Generation System E M E R A L D e: European Multimedia Services Supporting Medical Imaging emerg e: emergency E M E R G C O N e: Emergency Condition^] EMF e: Electro Motive Force - e: Electromagnetic Field - e: Electromagnetic Force - e: Enhanced Metafile Format EMFBI e: Excuse Me for Butting In EMG e: Electromyography eMGW e: Enhanced Multigain Wireless EMH e: External Message Handler EMI e: Electromagnetic Interference - e: External Memory Interface EMICE e: Electromagnetic Interference Control Engineer EMIDS e: Experiment for the Management of Information Data System EMIH e: Electro-Magnetic Interference Hardening EMINT e: Educational Management Information System - e: Electromagnetic Intelligence - e: Exercise Message Intercept System

EMIR s: Estructura de Mantenimiento Integral de la Red EMJ e: Early Modern Journal: an interdisciplinary journal for graduate students EML e: Environmental Morale Leave - e: Equipment Maintenance Log - e: Equipment Modification List EMLS e: Early Modern Literary Studies: a j o u r n a i of sixteenth- and seventeenthcentury English literature E M M e: Electromagnetic Measurement -

e: e: e: e: e:

Electronic Mail Message Enterprise Mail Manager Entitlement Management Message Expanded Memory Manager Extended Memory Module

- s: Escuela [Militar] de Montaña EMMA e: Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis - e: Europen Multimedia experiments in an A T M enviroment - s: Experimento multimedia europeo en el ámbito A T M EMMIJ e.· Extended Memory Management Unit EMO e: Environmental Management Office - e: Equipment Management Office EMOS e: Entry Military Occupational Specialty EMP e: Electromagnetic Pulse - e: Electromechanical Power - e: Excessive Multi-Posting/Multiple Posting EMPA d: Eidgenössische Materialpriifungs- und Forschungsanstalt EMPATE i.· Estudio de Mejoras en la Protección frente a descargas Atmosféricas en Estaciones bases EMPB e: European Multi-Protocol Backbone empi e: emplacement EMPSKD e: Employment Schedule Emp[to] s: Emplazamiento EMR e: Electro-Magnetic Radiation - e: Electro-Mechanical Relay - e: Electromagnetic Radiation - e: Electromagnetic Response - e: Electromechanical Research - e: Electronic Musicological Review - e: Enhanced Metafile Record - e: Environmental Management Report - e: Equipment Maintenance Record - e: Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation - s: Establecimiento Militar de Reclusión EMREL e: Emission Release EMRH e: Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard EMR hazards e: Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards EMRK d: Europäische Konvention zum Schutz von Menschenrechten und Grundfreiheiten E M R O e: Electromagnetic Radiation Operational EMRS e: Emergency Management Requirements Study

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

EMS d: Expansionsspeicher - e: Electromagnetic Spectrum - e: Electromagnetic Susceptibility - e: Electronic Mail System - e: Electronic Maintenance System - e: Electronic Message Service - e: Element Management System - e: Emergency Management System - e: Emergency Medical Services - e: Enhanced Message [or Messaging] Service - e: Equipment Maintenance Squadron - e: Equipment Management System - e: Essays in medieval studies - e: European Monetary System - e: Event Management Service - e: Events Managing Service - e: Expanded Memory Specification - e: Expanded Memory System - e: Extended Memory Subsystem EMSEC e: Electromagnetic Security - e: Emanations Security - e: Emission Security EMSG e: Energy Management Steering Group EMSP e: Enhanced Modular Signal Processor EMSS e: Emergency Mission Support System EMS/V e: Electromagnetic Susceptibility/Vulnerability EMT e: Electrical Metallic Tubing - e: Emergency Management Team - e: Emergency Medical Technician - e: Emergency Medical Treatment - e: Equipment Management Tool EMT_B s: Experto en Mantenimiento para T e s y s B EMTE e: Electro-Magnetic Test Environment EMTOX e: Exchange of Mixed Traffic over X.25 EMU e: Electromagnetic Unit - e: Electronic Message Unit - e: Elevation Measuring Unit - e: Extravehicular Mobility Unit - s: Equipo de Mantenimiento Universal E M I I X e: Electrical Multiplexer Unit Emux e: Electronic Multiplexing EMV d: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit - e: Electromagnetic Vulnerability EMVG d: Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten EMVIJ d: Elektromagnetische Veträglichkeit zur Umwelt E M W e: Electromagnetic Warfare E M W D S e: Expanded Missile Warning Display System EMX e: Electronic Mobile Exchange EN e: Enforcement Notification - e: Engineer - e: Evaluation Notices ENAC e: Expanded National Agency Check EN ATD e: Explosive Neutralization Technology Demonstration Enchoria d: Enchoria: Zeitschrift für Demotistik & Koptologie

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enei enei e: enclose[d] - e: enclosing - e: enclosure E N C O O R D e: Engineer Coordinator ENCORE e: Environmental Control Unit end e: endorse[d] - e: endorsement - e: endorsing ENDA e: Environmental Training Program/Programme pour l'Environment - e: European Nursing Diagnosis Association ENDEC e: Encoder/Decoder ENDEF ρ: Estudo Nacional da Despesa Familiar ENDEX e: End of Exercise ENDP e: Exception to National Disclosure Policy ENDPLAN e: Endurability Plan ENDS e: Ends Segment ENE e: East North East - s: Enero ene s: enero E/NE e: Effective/Non-Effective En [e] s: Enemigo ENEA i: Comitato Nazionale per la Ricerca e per lo Sviloppo dell' Energia Nuclaeare e delle Energie Alternative ENeuOG d: Gesetz zur Neuordnung des Eisenbahnwesens EnEV d: Energieeinsparverordnung Enf s: Enfermería - s: [señal de] enfilación E N G R E e: Engineer Element ENIAC e: Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer - e: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ENL e: Enlisted - e: European Network Laboratories ENMAN e: Engine Management Enmas s: Enmascaramiento E N M C C e: Expanded National Military Command Center ENMES e: Engines Not Mission Capable Supply ENQ e: Enquire - e: Enquiry Character ENR e: Engineering New Record - e: Equivalent Noise Resistance ENS e: Ensign - e: Enterprise Network Services - e: Enterprise Network Switch - e: Enterprise Network System - e: Extended Novel Services ENSCE e: Enemy Situation Correlation Element ENSI e: Equivalent-Noise-Sideband Input ENSO e: El-Nino Southern Oscillation ENSS e: Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem ENSURE e: Expedited Nonstandard Urgent Requirements for Equipment ENT e: Equivalent Noise Temperature ENTC e: Engine Negative Torque Control ENTNAC e: Entrance National Agency Check Ent[r]o s: Entretenimiento

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E N U M e: Electronic Numbering - e: [TJElephone Number Mapping ENVIR e: Environmental Restoration EnVKG d: Energieverbrauchkennzeichnungsgesetz ENVR e: Environmental Requirements and Related Test Methods EN Y e: Enemy EO e: Electro-Optical - e: Engineering Order - e: Equal Opportunity - e: Executive order - e: Eyes Only - s: Electroóptico Eo e: Electro-Optic E-O e: Elector Optical EOA e: Early Operational Assessment - e: End of Address - e: Equal Opportunity Advisor - e: Extension of Application EOA, OA e: Early Operational Assessment/Operational Assessment EOB e: Electronic Order of Battle - e: End of Block - e: Enemy Order of Battle - e: Executive Office Building EOC e: Early Operational Capability - e: Edge of Coverage - e: Embedded Operation Channel - e: Emergency Operating Center - e: Emergency Operations Center - e: End of Character - e: End of Content - e: End of Conversion - e: End of Cycle - e: Equivalent Operational Capability - e: Extended Operating Cycles - s: Estructura de Operación y Conservación E O C C M e: Electro-Optical CounterCountermeasures E - O C M e: Electro-Optical Countermeasures E O C M e: Electro-Optical Countermeasures E O C M V s: Estructura de Operación y Conservación de Móviles EOD e: Electro-Optic Device - e: Employee on Duty - e: End of Data - e: End-of-Day - e: End of Discussion - e: Entry on Duty - e: Explosive Ordinance Disposal EODC e: Explosive Ordinance Disposal Control EODD e: Electronic Digital Deflector EOEC e: End of Equilibrium Cycle EOF e: Emergency Operating Facility - e: End of File - e: End of Flame - e: Enterprise Objects Framework E O G B e: Electro-Optically Guided Bomb EOH e: Ending On-Hand inventory - e: Engine Overhaul - e: Equipment on Hand E O H / P D M JR e: Engine Overhaul/ Program Depot Maintenance Job Routed E O H / P D M NJR e: Engine Overhaul/ Program Depot Maintenance Non Job Routed

EOI e: End of Interrupt - e: End or Identify - e: Expression of Interest EO-IR e: Electro-Optical Infrared EO/1R e: Electro-Optical/Infrared EOIS e: Electro-Optical Imaging System EOJ e: End of Job EOL e: End of Life - e: End of Line - e: End of Link - e: End of List - e: Expression Oriented Language E O L M e: Electro-Optical Light Modulator EOLR e: Electrical Objective Loudness Rating E O M e: End of Message - e: End of Mission - e: End of Month EOOW e: Engineering Officer of the Watch EOP e: Emergency Operating Procedure - e: End of Output - e: End of Period - e: End of Program - e: Evaluator Operational Plan EOPC e: Electro-Optical Phase Change EOPD e: Equipment Oriented Publication Database EOQ e: Economic Order Quantity EOR e: Element of Resource - e: End of Record - e: End of Reel - e: End of Runway - e: Equal Opportunity Representatives - e: Equipment Operationally Read - e: Estimates of Recuperability - e: Exclusive Or - e: Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance EORA e: Explosive Ordinance Reconnaissance Agent EORS e: ELINT Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite EOS e: Earth Observatory Satellites - e: Electrical Overstress - e: Electrooptical Systems - e: Eligible for Overseas - e: End of String - e: Equal Opportunity Specialist EOSD e: Equipment on Station Date EOSS e: Engineering Operational Sequencing System EOT e: End of Table - e: End of Tape - e: End-of-Task - e: End of Text - e: End of Transaction - e: End of Transmission - e: Engine Order Telegraph - ρ : Equipe de Operaçâo Territorial EOIJ e: Ease of Use - e: End of User EOIJG e: European Oracle Users Group EOV e: Economic Order Van - e: End of Volume EoVDSL e: Ethernet over VDSL EOW e: Engineering Orderwire E O Y e: End of Year E P e: Electric Power - e: Electrically Polarized [Relay] - e: Electronic Protection

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ERC - e: Electrophotographic Engine - e: Emergency Preparedness - e: Engineer Personnel - e: Enlisted Personnel - e: Epitaxial Planer - e: Equipment Publication - e: Estimated Position - e: Execution Planning - e: Expedited Data - e: Extended Play - e: External Pilot - s: Elemento de la Planta telefònica - s: Esfuerzo Principal - s: Expediente Personal EPA d: Europäisches Patentamt, München - e: Economic Price Adjustment - e: Environmental Protection Agency - e: Evasive Plan of Action - e: Extended Planning Annex - s: Equipo de Primeros Auxilios E P A M e: Elementary Perceiver and Memorizer EPARCS e: Enhanced Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System EPAS e: Expanded Preaward Survey EPAT e: Earliest Probable Arrival Time EPAW e: Enhanced Post Attack WWMCCS EPB e: Electronic Preparation of the Battlefield EPBX e: Electronic Private Branch Exchange EPC e: Engineering Change Proposals - e: Environmental Pollution Control EPD e: Early Packet Discard - e: Electric Power Distribution - e: Engineering Project Description - e: Enlisted Personnel Directorate - e: European programming document EPDG e: Execution Plan Data Generation EPF e: Enhanced PLS Flatrack - e: Environmental Planning Function - e: Ex post facto: journal of the history students at San Francisco State University EPG e: Electronic Program Guide - e: Emergency Procedure Guidelines - e: Exercise Planning Guidance EPI e: Expanded Position Indicator - s: Equipo de Primera Intervención EPIC e: Earth-Pointing Instrument Carrier - e: Explicitly Parallel Instruction [Set] Computing EPIP e: Evolutionary Phase Implementation Plan EPITS e: Essential Program Information Technologies and Systems EPKI e: Extended PKI EPL e: Effective Privilege Eevel - e: Environmental Protection Limit - e: Evaluated Products List EPLD e: Electrically Programmable Logic Device - e: Electronic Programmable Logic Device - e: Erasable Programmable Logic Device EPLS e: Economic Production Lot Size

EPM e: Electronic Protective Measures - e: Engineering Procedure Memos - e: Environmental Project Manager - e: External Polarization Modulation EPMAIJ e: Expected Present MultiAttribute Utility EPMC e: Executive Program Manager Course EP Med s: Estatuto Jurídico del Personal Médico EPNdB e: Effective Perceived Noise Levels [in Decibels] EP No Sanit s: Estatuto del Personal no Sanitario de las Instituciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social EPO e: Electronic Purchase Order EPON e: Ethernet Passive Optical Network EPOS e: Electronic Point of Sales EPOW e: Enemy Prisoners of War EPP e: Enhanced Parallel Port - e: Essential Product Program - e: Extended Planning Period EPPII e: Electrical Power Plant EPPS e: Electronic Page Printing System - e: Electronic Pre-Press Systems. EPR e: Electrical Pressure Regulator - e: Emergency Personnel Record - e: Engine Pressure Ratio - e: Enlisted Performance Report - e: Equipment Performance Report - e: Essential Performance Requirements - e: Ethylene Propylene Rubber - e: Executive Progress Review E P R O M e: Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory - e: Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPS e: Electronic Power Shift - e: Electronic Proposal Submission - e: Encapsulated Post-Script - e: Engineered Performance Standards - e: Enterprise Parallel Server - e: Equilibrium Problem Solver - e: Exchangeable Production System - e: Exercise Production System EPSCS e: Enhanced Private Switched Communicationfs] Service EPSF e: Encapsulated Postscript File[s] - e: Expenditure per Sortie Factor EPSI e: Encapsulated Postscript Interchange - / • Editeur Programmes de Service Information EPSL e: Emergency Power Switching Logic EPSQ e: Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire EPT e: Electrostatic Printing Tube - e: Exciter Power Logic - s: Eje Prinicpal de Transmisiones E P T E e: Existed Prior to Entry EPIJ e: Electrical Power Unit - e: Emergency Power Unit EPW e: Enemy Prisoner of War EPW/CI e: Enemy Prisoner of War/Civilian Internee EPWIB [Br] e: Branch Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau EPY e: Expanded Planning Yard

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

EpZim e: Epistola Zimbabweana EQ e: Environmental Quality - e: Equalization - e: Equalizer - e: Example Query - s: Equipo Quirúrgico Eq s: Equipo EQD e: Equipment Designator EQDD e: Equipment Density Data E Q U I M E D s: Gestión de Equipos de Medida equiv e: equivalent ER d: Externer Rechner - e: Echo Ranging - e: Ecological Restoration - e: Education Review: a journai of book reviews - e: Effectiveness Report - e: Electrical Resistance - e: Electronic Reconnaissance - e: Elizabethan Review - e: Emergency Receiver - e: Emergency Room - e: Enhanced Radiation - e: Entity Relationship - e: Environmental Report - e: Equipment Readiness - e: Equipment Repair - e: Error Report - e: Established Reliability - e: Extended Range - s: Edificio de Reactor - s: Elemento de Red - s: Entidad de Referencia - s: Estación Remota - s: Estatorreactor E&R e: Engineering and Reliability - e: Evasion and Recovery E-R e: Entity Relationship ERA d: Eingeschränkter regulärer Ausdruck - d: Elementarer regulärer Ausdruck - e: Electron-Ring Accelerator - e: Electronic Reading Automation - e: Explosive Reactive Armor - e: Extended Registry Attributes - e: Extra Regimental Assignment - s: Elemento de Reloj y Alarmas E R A M e: Extended Range Antiarmor Munitions ERAS e: Electronic Routing and Approval System ERB e: Engineering Review Board - e: Enlisted Record Brief - e: Equipment Review Board - e: Experiment Review Board ErbbauVO d: Verordnung über das Erbbaurecht ErbGleichG d: Erbrechtsgleichstellungsgesetz ERBIS d: Einheitliches rechnerunterstütztes Betriebsführungssystem E R B M e: Extended Range Ballistic Missile Erbpächter d: Vereinigte Erbpächter, Büdner und Häusler ErbStDV úí.ErbschaftssteuerDurchführungsverordnung ErbStR d: Erbschaftssteuer-Richtlinien ERC e: Easily Recognizable Code - e: Electronics Research Center © Κ • G • Saur, Munich

E3RC -

e: e: e: e:

Emergency Relocation Center Equatorial Ring Current Equipment Readiness Codes Executive Review Committee

- s: Elemento de Red de Conexión E3RC e: Electromagnetic Environmental Effect Research Centers ERCC e: Expendability, Recoverability, Reportability Category ERCPSA s: Elemento de Red del Centro Proveedor de Servicios Avanzados ERCR e: Electronic Retina Computing Reader ERCS e: Emergency Rocket Communications System ERD d: Delegation beim Europarat - e: Entity Relationship Diagram - e: Equipment Readiness Date - e: Evolutionary Requirement Definition ERE s: Expediente de Regulación de Empleo ER[et] s: Extrema Retaguardia ERFPI e: Extended Range Floating Point Interpretive System ERG e: Electroretinography - e: Emergency Response Guide - e: Executive Review Group ErgAnzV d: Ergänzungsanzeigenverordnung ERGM e: Extended Range Guided Munitions [Program] ERGS e: En-Route Guidance System ERHJ e: European Royal History Journal ERIC e: Educational Resources Information Center - e: Energy Rate Input Controller - e: Environmental Research Information Center ERILSA e: Enhanced Resident Integrated Logistic Support Activity ERINT e: Extended Range Interceptor Technology ERIP s: Elemento de Red del IP ERIS e: Emergency Resources Identification Equipment ERISA e: Employment Retirement Income Security Act ERK e: Electronic Record Keeping ERL e: Echo Return Loss - e: European Requirements list - e: Excess Review Listing - e: Extended Relational Language - s: Equipo de Radiolocalización ERLL e: Enhanced Run Length Limited ERM e: Employee Relationship Management - e: Enterprise Relationship Model - e: Entity Relationship Model E R M A e: Electronic Recording Method, Accounting ERMC e: Europe Regional Monitoring Center ERMES e: European Radio Message Service - e: European Radio Message System - e: European Radio Messaging System ERN e: Engineering Release Notice ERNIE e: Electronic Random Numbering and Indicating Equipment


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ERO e: Emergency Repair Overseer - e: Engine Running Offload - e: Engine Running Onload - e: Engineering Release Order EROM e: Erasable Read Only Memory EROP e: Executive Review of Overseas Programs EROPS e: Extended Range Operations EROS e: Earth Resources Observation Satellite System ERP e: Effective Radiated[ing] Power - e: Elevated Release Point - e: Emergency Requirements Plan - e: Emitter Radiated Power - e: Engineer Regulating Point - e: Engineering Requirement Plan - e: Enroute Reporting Point - e: Enterprise Resource Planning - e: European Recovery Program - e: Evoked Response Potential - e: Extended Range Proximity ERPLD e: Extended Range PhaseLocked Demodulator ERPSL e: Essential Repair Parts Stockage List ERR e: Engineering Release Record - e: Error - e: European Romantic Review ERRC e: Expandability Recoverability and Reparability Category - e: Expendability, Recoverability, Repairability Code - e: Expendability, Reparability, Recoverability Category ER/RC e: Extended Result/Response Code ERS e: Electronic Receipt Settlement - e: Emergency Relocation Site - e: Engineers Register Study - e: Environmental Research Satellite - e: Experimental Radar System - e: External Regulation System ERSD e: Estimated Return to Service Date ERSDP j·: Elemento de Red del SDP ERSR e: Equipment Reliability Status Report ErstAnzV d: Erstanzeigenverordnung ERSY e: Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook ERT e: Earth Resources Technology - e: Emergency Response Team - e: Equipment Repair Time - e: Execution Reference Time ERTS e: ELINT Receiver Test System ERU e: Emergency Reaction Unit - e: Emergency Recovery Unit ERV e: Emergency Rendezvous ERW e: Electronic Resistance Welding ERX e: Electronic Remote Switching ERY s: Erytheia: revista de estudios byzantinos y neogriegos ERZ e: Extended Reconnaissance Zone ES d: Elektronische Signatur - d: Endsystem - e: Earth Station - e: Echo Sounding - e: Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy - e: Electromagnetic Switching

- e: Electronic Support - e: Electronic Surveillance - e: Electronic Switch - e: Electronic Warfare Support - e: Eligible for Separation - e: End System - e: Exercise Scenario - e: Exercise Specialist - e: Experimental Station - e: Expert System - e: Extra Segment - s: Elemento de Salida - s: Enlace de Señalización - s: Escalón de Seguridad - s: Escuadrilla de Submarinos E&S e: Enterprise & Society: the international journal of business history E/S s: Entrada/Salida ESA e: Electronic Signature Authentication - e: Electronic-Static Amplifier - e: Electronic Surge Arresters - e: Electronically Scanning Antenna - e: Electronically-Scanning Array - e: Electronically Steerable Antenna System - e: Engineering Support Activity - e: Enhanced Situation Awareness System - e: Enterprise System Architecture - e: Enterprise Systems Architecture - e: European Space Agency - e: European switching center - e: Expiration of Service Agreement ESAC e: Electronic Surveillance Assistance Center ESAD e: Earth Science and Applications Division - e: Electronic Safe and Arm Device ESAIRA e: Electronically Scanned Airborne Intercept Radar ESALQ p: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luis de Quiroz ESAMS e: Enhanced Surface to Air Missile Simulation ESAN s: Escuela Superior de Administración de Negocios ESAR e: Electromagnetic Spectrum Allocation Request - e: Electronically Scanned Array Radar - e: Electronically Steerable Radar - e: Extended Subsequent Application Review ESAS e: Engineered Safeguards Actuation System ESATS e: Electrical Subassembly Test Set ESB e: Emerging Small Businesses ESC e: EISA System Component - e: Electronic Stills Camera - e: Electronic Switching Center - e: Electrostatic Compatibility - e: Enhanced Speech Circuit - e: Equipment Serviceability Criteria - e: Escape Character - e: European Support Center - s: Elemento de Supervisión y Control Esc s: Escolta ESCAN e: Electronically Scanned ESCAP d: Wirtschafts- und Sozialkommission für Asien und den Pazifik

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ESTS ESCAPE e: Expansion Symbolic Compiling Assembly Program for Engineering ESCAT e: Emergency Security Control Air Traffic Esc Aut s: Escuadra de Automotrices ESCC2 e: Extended high level Serial Communication Controller [2 channels] ESCC8 e: Extended high level Serial Communication Controller [8 channels] Esc Const s: Escuadra de Construcción Esc I s: Escuadra de Infantería Esc Inf s: Escuadra de Infantería ESCM e: Extended Services Communications Manager Esc Mort s: Escuadra de Morteros Esc Mtrl s: Escuadrón de Material ESCOLATINA e: Escuela LatinoAmericana de Estudios Económicos para Post-Graduados ESCON e: Enterprise System Connection Escon. s: Escuadrón [Cavalry] Squadron Escon Bomb s: Escuadrón de Bombarderos ESCOP e: Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy ESCORIAL s; Estructura de Conmutación Óptica de la Red Integrada Nacional ESC/P e: Epson Standard Code for Printers ESCS e: Economics, Statistics & Cooperatives Service ESCWA d: Wirtschafts- und Sozialkommission für Westasien ESD e: Electro-Static Discharge - e: Electronic Software Distribution - e: Electrostatic Discharge - e: Estimated Shipping Date - s: Escalón de Seguridad Divisionaria - s: Estructuras Síncronas Digitales ESDI e: Enhanced Small Device Interface - e: Enhanced System Device Interface E S D R A M e: Enhanced Synchronous Dynamic R A M ESDS e: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive ESE e: Electrical Support Equipment - e: Electronic Security Environment - e: Electronic Sonar Equipment - e: Extensible Storage Engine ESERD e: Electronic Support Equipment Recommendation Data ESF d: Europäischer Sozialfonds - e: Emergency Support Function - e: Engineered Safety Feature - e: English Studies Forum - e: Extended Superframe EsFamR d: Entscheidungssammlung zum Familienrecht ESFAS e: Engineered Safety Features Actuation System ESG e: Executive Steering Group ESGN e: Electrically Suspended Gyro Navigation ESH e: End System Hello - e: Environment, Safety and Health - e: Equivalent Standard Hours

ESHG d: Elektrische Systemtechnik für Heim und Gebäude ESI e: Electrostatic Interference - e: Engineering and Scientific Interpreter - e: Essential Sustainment Items - e: Extremely Sensitive Information - s: Equipo de Segunda Intervención ES-I e: information services and infrastructure ESIMS e: Engineering Services Information Management System ESIP e: Embedded Computer Resource Support ESIS e: End System-Intermediate System ES-IS e: End System-to-lntermediate System [Protocol] ESL e: Extended Shelf Life - s: Eslora ESLOC e: Equivalent Source Line of Code ESM e: Early Science and Medicine: a journal for the study of science, technology and medicine in the premodern period - e: Edible Structural Material - e: Electronic Signal Monitoring - e: Electronic Support Measures - e: Electronic Surveillance Measures - e: Electronic Warfare Support Measures - e: External Storage Module E S M D e: Embeded Storage Module Disk E S M E e: External Short Message Entity E S M R e: Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio ESMTP e: Extended SMTP ESN e: Electronic Security Number - e: Electronic Serial Number - e: English-Speaking Nation ESNG e: Engineering Sub-Working Group ESO e: Embarkation Staff Officer - e: Emergency Security Option ESOB e: Environmental State Operating Budget ESOC e: Emergency Supply Operation Center - e: European Space Operation Centre ESOH e: Environmental Safety and Occupational Health - e: Equipment and Supplies on Hand ESOP e: Employee Stock Ownership Plan - e: Enhanced Switch Operations Program ESOSL e: Endless Snorts of Stupid Laughter ESOT e: Employee Stock Ownership Trust ESP e: Electronic Shock Protection - e: Electronic Skip Protection - e: Emergency Special Program - e: Emulation Sensing Processor - e: Encapsulated Security Payload - e: Encapsulating Security Payload - e: Enhanced Serial Port - e: Enhanced Service Provider - e: Estimated Selling Price - e: Extended Services Processor - e: Extra Sensory Perception Esp s: Especialista ESPATEL s: España Telia

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

E SPEC e: Materiel Specification ESPOD e: Electronic Systems Precision Orbit Determination ESPRIT e: European Strategic Program for Research in Information Technology ESR e: Early Site Review - e: Early Strategy Review - e: Equipment Status Reporting - e: Equivalent Series Resistance - e: Equivalent Service Round - e: Ethnic Studies Review - e: Event Service Routine - e: Grouped Comm-Electronics and Meteorological Reporting System ESRA e: European Safety and Reliability Association ESRD e: Equipment Shipment Ready Date ESRR e: Early Site Review Report ESS e: Early Supply Support - e: Electronic Security Squadron - e: Electronic Surveillance System - e: Electronic Switching System - e: Emplaced Scientific Station - e: Engineered Safety Systems - e: Enterprise Storage Server - e: Environmental Stress Screening - e: Executive Support Subsystem - e: Executive Systems Software - e: Exploitation Support Segment - e: External Suspension System ES&S e: Engineering Services and Safety ESSEH e: Environmental Stress Screening of Electronic Hardware EST e: Earliest Start Time - e: Electronic Storage Tube - e: Electronic Support and Training - e: Emergency Service Team - e: Emergency Support Team - e: Enlistment Screening Test - e: Enroute Support Teams - e: Environmental System Test - e: Established - e: Estimate[d] - e: Expanded Service Test - s: Eje Secundario de Transmisiones - s: Este ESt d: Einkommenssteuer est e: estimatefd] Est s: Estación Est. s: Estimado estb e: established EstBib s: Estudios Bíblicos ES/TCM e: Equipment Specialist/ Technical Content Manager EStDV d.'EinkommenssteuerDurchführungsverordnung ESTEPS e: Enhanced Ship Technical Publication Systems EStG d: Einkommenssteuergesetz Estg s: Estrategia EStH d: amtliches Einkommenssteuerhandbuch EST-I e: Environmental System TestPhase I EST-II e: Environmental System TestPhase II EStR d: Einkommensteuerrichtlinien ESTS e: Electronic System Test Set

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EST SAC EST_SAC s: Estudio de viabilididad de desarrollo de un Sistema de Acceso Condicional ESIJ e: Electro-Static Unit - e: Electronic Storage Unit ESIJSI e: Estates Staff Union of South India ESV e: Earth Satellite Vehicle - e: Essential Service Value ESW e: Error Status Word - e: Euroskyway - e: Existing Software Workbench ESx s: Elemento de Servicio χ ESZB d: Europäisches System der Zentralbanken et. d: etwas ET e: Early Theatre: a journai associated with the records of early English drama - e: Earth Terminal - e: Eddy Current Testing - e: Edge-Triggered - e: Electrical Time - e: Embedded Trainer - e: Embedded Training - e: Emerging Technology - e: Engineering Test - e: Enhancement Technology - e: Enterprise Team - e: Extended Test - e: Extended Threat - e: External Tank ETA e: Energy Technology Assessment Model - e: Estimated Time of Acquisition - e: Estimated Time of Arrival ETAC e: Emergency Tactical Air Control - e: Enlisted Terminal Attack Controller - e: Environmental Technical Application Center ETACC e: External Tank/Aft Cargo Carrier ETACCS e: European Theater Air Command and Control System ETACS e: Extended Total Access Communication System E T A N N e: Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network E T A P e: Education, Training and Awareness Program ETAS e: Elevated Target Acquisition System E T B e: End-of-Transmission-Block ETC e: Electronic Toll Collection - e: Enhanced Throughput Cellular - e: Estimate to Complete - e: Estimated Time of Completion - I: Et cetera - s: Estación Telefónica Civil ETCD s: Equipo Terminal de Circuito de Datos ETCG e: Elapsed-Time Code Generator ETCO e: Emergency Traffic Coordinating Officer ETD e: Effective Transfer Date - e: Electronic Tactical Display - e: Estimated Time of Departure - s: Equipo Terminal de Datos ETDD e: Electrical Time Division Demultiplexer [or Demultiplexing] ETDI e: Eurasian Target Data Inventory 120

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ETDM e: Electrical Time Division Multiplexer - e: Electrical Time Division Multiplexing ETDP e: Emergency Traffic Disposition Plan - s: Equipo Terminal de Datos de Paquetes ETE e: Estimated Time en Route - e: Estimated Time Enroute - e: Expected Time Enroute ET&E e: Engineering Test and Evaluation - e: European Test and Evaluation ETEEM e: End-to-End Engineering Model ETET e: End-to-End Tester ETF s: Espacio, Tiempo y Forma - s: Estación Telefónica [Central] ETG e: Electronics Training Group - e: Enhanced Target Generator - s: Estación Telegráfica [Central] EtGerm f: Études Germaniques ΕΤΗ d: Eidgnössische Technische Hochschule ΕΤΗ unit e: Ethernet unit ETI e: Estimated Time of Intercept - s: Elemento Terminador de Interfaz ETIC e: Electronic Technical Information Center - e: Estimated Time for Completion - e: Estimated Time in Commission ETIS e: Elapsed Time Indicator System ETIX d: Elektronisches Flugticket ETL e: Electronic Testing Eaboratories - e: Ending Tape Label - e: Engineering Technical Letter - e: Extraction, Transformation and Load - /: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses: Louvain journal of theological and canonical studies E T M e: Electronic Technical Manual - e: Electronic Test and Measurement - e: Electronic Transmission - e: Enhanced Thematic Mapper - e: Enhanced Timing Module - e: Extension Training M a t e r i a l s ] ETMS e: Education Training Management System E T N e: Electronic Tandem Network - e: Equipment Table Nomenclature E T N O e: European Telecommunications Networks Organization E T O e: Express Transportation Order ETOL e: Evil Twin on Line E T O M e: Electron-Trapping Optical Memory eTOM e: enhanced Telecom Operations Map ETOPS e: Extended Range Twin-Engine Operations ETOS e: Extended Tape Operating System E T O T e: Estimated Time Over Target E T P e: Electrical Tough - e: Electronic Technical Publishing - e: Equivalent Top Product - e: European trunking plan - e: Exportable Training Package EtPap f: Etudes de papyrologie Etp[as] s: Etapa[s] ETR e: Early Token Release - e: Effective Transmission Rate


e: e: e: e: s:

Electric Target Range Estimated Time of Return Estimated Time to Repair Export Traffic Release Estación de Radio

ETRO e: Estimated Time to Return to Operation ETRR e: Export Traffic Release Request ETS e: Econometric Time Series - e: Electronic Tandem Switching - e: Electronic Telegraph System - e: Electronic Tracking System - e: Emergency Temporary Standard - e: Engagement Training Simulator - e: Engineering Technical Services - e: Environmental Technical Specifications - e: Environmental Test Specification - e: Estimated Time of Separation - e: Experimental Test Site - e: Expiration of Term of Service ETSI e: European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSIT s: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación ETSQ e: Electrical Time, Super Quick ETSS e: Engineering and Technical Service Specialist - e: Extended Training Service Specialist ETT e: Estimated Travel Time ETV e: Education Television - e: Estimated Time Valuefs] ETX e: End of Test Character - e: End of Text EU d: Elektronische Unterschrift - d: Europäische Union - e: Execution Unit E2U e: E. 164 to URI EUA e: European Units of Account E-IJAV e: Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle EIJB e: Energy Use Budget - e: Essential User Bypass EIJC e: End-User Certificate - e: End User Computing - e: Enhanced Unix Code - e: Extended Unix Code EIJCAG e: End User Computing Assistance Group EIJCD e: European Union Copyright Directive EIJCI e: Endorsed for Unclassified Cryptographic Item EUCLID e: European cooperations for the long-term in defense E U C O M AIDES e: European Theater Air Command and Control System EIJCP e: Emergency Urgent Change Package EUCS e: Edinburgh University Computing Service EUE e: Early User Evaluation - e: Early User Experiment[ation] EUF e: Equivalent Unavailability Factor EuG d: Sammlung der Entscheidungen und Gutachten der Spruchstellen für Fürsorgestreitigkeiten EuGHE d: Entscheidungssammlung des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Gemeinschaften

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

EWT EiiGHMR d: Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte EuGH Slg d: Amtliche Sammlung der Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs EuGRZ d: Zeitschrift für Europäische Grundrechte E UHF e: Elevated Uhf Antenna EUI e: End-User Interface EUL e: Economic Useful Life EUMD e: Extended Unit Manning Document EUnet e: European Internet EUP e: Equipment Usage Profile Euphorien d: Euphorion: Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte Euratom d: Europäische Atomgemeinschaft E U R E S C O M e: European Institute for Research and Strategie studies in Telecommunications Eurex d: European Exchange EURIBOR d: European Interbank Offered Rate EUrlV d: Erholungsurlaubsverordnung EuroAS d: Infodienst Europäisches Arbeits- und Sozialrecht EuroEG d: Gesetz zur Einführung des Euro EurOpen d: Dachverband europäischer UNIX-An wendervereinigungen EUROPEN e: Dachverband europäischer UNIXAnwendervereinigungen EUROSTAT e: European Communities. Statistical Office EURV e: Essential User Rekeying Variable EUSC e: Effective United States Controlled Shipping EUSEC e: European Communications Security and Evaluation Agency of the Military Committee EUT e: Early User Test - e: Equipment Under Test EUTE e: Early User Test and Experimentation - e: Early User Testing and Evaluation E U T & E e: Early User Test and Evaluation EUUG e: European UNIX Users Group - e: Extragalactic/European Unix User Group - e: Extragalactic Unix User Group EUV d: Vertrag über die Europäische Union - e: Extreme Ultra Violet - e: Extreme-Ultraviolet EuZW d: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht EV d: Eigenverbrauch - d: Etagenverteiler - e: Earned Value - e: Engineering Validation eV e: electronvolt E&V e: Evaluation and Validation EVA d: Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe - d: Elektronische Fahrplan- und Verkehrsauskunft - d: Elektronischer Verkehrslotse für Autofahrer

- d: Elektronisches Volltext-Archiv, Karlsruhe - d: Empfangs- und Verteilanlage - e: Electronic Velocity Analyzer - e: Extended Visit Authorization - e: Extravehicular Activity EVAC e: Evacuation File evac e: evacuated - e: evacuation E V A D E D e: Elected Voluntary Alternative Descom Discipline EVAN e: Expandable Van EVAS d: EDV-gestütztes VereinsAdministrations-System EVC e: Evasion Chart EVD e: Early-Version Demonstration - e: Enhanced Versatile Disc EVE d: Exklusiver Verzeichnis-Eintrag - e: Extensible Vax Editor EVGA e: Extended Video Graphics Adapter - e: Extended Video Graphics Array EVHF e: Elevated VHF Antenna EVL e: Electronic Visualization Laboratory - e: Event List EVM e: Earned Value Management - e: Electronic Voltmeter EVMS e: Earned Value Management Standard - e: Earned Value Management System - e: Enterprise Volume Management System EVMSO e: Earned Value Management Support Office EVN d: Einzelverbindungsnachweis EVO d: Elektro-Schrott-Verordnung EVOM e: Electronic Voltohm Meter Ε ν Ρ s: Evacuación Pesada EVS e: Electro-Optical Viewing - e: Event Service EVT e: Environmental Verification Testing EVIJ d: Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen - d: Energieversorgungsunternehmen EW e: Electronic Warfare EWA e: Early Warning Assessment EWACS e: Electronic Warfare Analysis Center EWAISF e: Electronic Warfare Avionics Integrated Support Facility E W A M e: Extended Window Addressable Memory EWAN e: Emulator Without a Good Name EW ARC e: Electronic Warfare Area Reprogramming Capability EWC e: Electronic Warfare Commander - e: Electronic Warfare Coordinator EWCAPSS e: Electronic Warfare Command and Processing Subsystem EWCAS e: Early Warning and Control Aircraft System EW/C3CM e: Electronic Warfare/ Command and Control Communications Countermeasures E W C M e: Electronic Warfare Coordination Module EWCP e: Electronic Warfare Control Processor

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

EWCS e: Electronic Warfare Control Ship - e: Electronic Warfare Control Station - e: European Wideband Communications System E W D e: Electronic Warfare Division EW/DE e: Electronic Warfare/Directed Energy EW DSM e: Electronic Warfare Development System Manager EWE e: Electronic Warfare Element EW/GCI e: Early Warning/GroundControlled Intercept E W G V d: Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft EWI e: Education with Industry - e: Electronic Warfare Intelligence EWIP e: Electronic Warfare Integrated Programming EWIR e: Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming EWIV d: Europäische Wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung E W O e: Electronic Warfare Officer - e: Emergency War Order - e: Engineering Work Order E W O C e: Electronic Warfare Operator's Console EWOS e: European Workshop for/on Open Systems E W O T e: Electronic Warfare Officer Training EW PATEC e: Electronic Warfare Portable Automatic Test Equipment Calibrator EWPE e: Electronic Warfare Processing Element EW P G M e: Electronic Warfare Product Group Manager EWPI e: Electronic Warfare Prime Indicator Unit E W Q R C e: Electronic Warfare Quick Reaction Capability EWR d: Erziehungswissenschaft!iche Revue - d: Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum - e: Early Warning Radar - e: Newark International EW/RSTA e: Electronic Warfare/ Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Center EWS d: Europäisches Währungssystem - d: Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht - e: Early Warning System - e: Electronic Warfare Section - e: Employee Written Software EWSCP e: Electronic Warfare Systems Control Point EWSD d: Elektronisches Wählsystem, digital EWSM d: Elektronisches Wählsystem für MAN s - e: Early-Warning Support Measures EWSO e: Electronic Warfare Staff Officer EWSP d: Elektronisches Wählsystem für Paketvermittlung EWSS e: Electronic Warfare Support System EWT e: Electronic Warfare Training © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


EWTD EWTD e: Electronic Warfare Training Device EWTL/JS e: Electronic Warfare Target Lists and Jamming Schedules EWTS e: Electronic Warfare Training System EWWS e: Electronic Warfare Warning System EWWIJ d: Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion EX e: Electronics Experimental - e: Exchange Key EXA e: Execution Agency - e: Execution or Implementing Agency E X A C T e: Executive Agent E X A M P L E e: Executive Automated Materiel Planning Equipment Exc. s: Excelencia ExCA e: Exchangeable Card Architecture EXCC e: Exercise Control Center EXCG e: Exercise Control Group EXCIMER e: Excited Dimmer EXCIMS e: Executive Council for Modeling and Simulations EXCIPLEX e: Excited State Complex excl e: exclude[d] excl. s: exclusive EXCLASS e: Extended Class


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EXCM e: External Countermeasures EXCOM e: Executive Committee - e: Extended Communications Research - e: Extended Communications Search excus e: excuse EXDAMS e: Extended Debugging and Monitoring System EXDIR/ICA e: Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs E X D R O N E e: Expendable Drone Jammer ExE e: Event by Event EXE2BIN e: Program used to convert an [.EXE] file to binary format [.COM] file EXEC e: Executive - e: Interactive command processor of Cisco IOS EXER e: Exercise EXEVAL e: Exercise Evaluation - e: External Evaluation EXFOR e: Experimental Force EX-IM e: Export-Import Bank EXIMBANK e: Export-Import Bank of the United States EXJAM e: Expendable Jammer EXM e: Enterprise Messaging Exchange E X M O V R E P e: Expedited Movement Report EXORD e: Execute Order

EXP e: Expect[ed] - e: Expecting - e: Expendable - e: Exponent Exp s: Exploración E X P F L D M B e: Expert Field Medical badge EXPLAN e: Exercise Plan Expl[o] s: Exploración E X P R O D O C e: Exercise Procedure Document EXREDCON e: Exercise Readiness Condition EXSTA e: Experimental Station EXT e: External EXTEV e: External Evaluation EXTRA e: Export Transportation EXTRN e: External Reference EXT VAL e: Extended Value EY e: Execution Year - e: Extended Year EZ e: Extraction Zone EzAR d: Entscheidungssammlung zum Ausländer- und Asylrecht EZCO e: Extraction Zone Control Officer E-ZINE e: Electronic Magazine EZV d: Elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr

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F F d: Fernmelde - d: Funk - e: Farad - e: Federation - e: Field - e: Filament - e: File - e: Flare Patterns - e: Flash - e: Forward - e: Function of - e: Fuse - / • Français - s: Flanguardia - s: Función f e: fighter f. d: folgend - d: folgendefr] F3 e: Form, Fit and Function F-4 e: Phantom IT F-16 e: Fighting Falcon F-106 e: Delta Dart FA d: Fernamt - d: Fernmeldeamt - e: Facility - e: False Alarm - e: Feasibility Assessment - e: Field Accelerating contactor or relay - e: Field Artillery - e: First Article - e: For Auction - e: Foreign Affairs - e: Foreing Agent - e: Full Adder - e: Fully Automatic - e: Functional Area - s: Fuerza[s] Aérea[s] - s: Fuerzas Armadas F&A e: Facilities and Administration F/A e: Fuel/Air - e: Fuel Assembly - s: Fuego de Apoyo FAA e: Forward Assembly Area - e: Functional Area Assessment FA/A e: Functional Analysis/Allocation - s: Fragata Antiaérea FAAA e: Final Acquisition Action Approach - e: Final Acquisition Action Approval FAAD e: Forward Area Air Defense FAADC2 e: Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control Systems

FAADC2I e: Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence FAADC3I e: Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence FAADEZ e: Forward Area Defense Engagement Zone FAADS e: Forward Area Air Defense System FAA/IFF e: Federal Aviation Administration/Identification Friend or Foe FAAO e: Field Artillery Air Observer FAAR e: Forward Area Alerting Radar FAAS e: Foreign Affairs Administrative Support - e: Foreign Area Administrative Support - e: Forward Area Alerting System FAAWC e: Force Antiair Warfare Commander FAB e: [Computer-chip] Fabrication Plant - e: Field Artillery Brigade - e: Field Assistance Branch FABEP e: Field Activity Basic Emergency Plan FAC e: Fast Attack Craft - e: Federal Acquisition Circular - e: Field Accelerator - e: File Access Code - e: Final Approach Course - e: Food Aid Convention - e: Forward Air C o n t r o l l e r ] - e: Fully-Allocated Costs - e: Functional Account Code - e: Functional Area Chief FAC[A] e: Forward Air Controller FACACH s: Federación de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Credito de Honduras F A C C O N C E N e: Facilities Control Center FACDAR e: Forward Area Combined Degaussing and Acoustic Range FACE e: Facilities and Communication Evaluation - e: Field-Alterable Control Element - e: Fine Attitude Control System FACESP s: Factoría de Especificaciones de servicios de F F D FACH e: Forward Access Chanel FACI e: First A r t i d e Configuration Inspection

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

F A C O M A S e: Farmers Cooperative Marketing Associations FACP e: Forward Air Control Party - e: Forward Air Control Post FACR e: Facility Construction Design Requirements - e: First A r t i d e Configuration Review FACRP e: Functional Analysis and Consolidation Review Panel F ACS e: Fibronics Advanced Cabling System FACSFAT e: Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility FACT e: Flexible Automatic Circuit Fester - e: Flight Acceptance Composite Fest - e: Fully Automatic Cataloging Fechnique - e: Fully Automatic Compiler Franslator FAD e: Feasible Arrival Date - e: Final Acceptance Date - e: Fleet Air Defense - e: Floating Add - e: Force Activity Designation - e: Force Activity Designator - e: Funding Allowance Document - e: Funding Authorization Document FADC e: Fast Analog to Digital Converter - e: Flash Analog to Digital Converter FADEC e: Full Authority Digital Engine Control F A D M e: Fleet Admiral FAE e: Field Application Engineer - e: Final Approach Equipment - e: Fuel-Air Explosive FAF e: File Attribute File - e: Final Approach Fix - e: Follow-Up for Billing Action - e: Functional Area Evaluator FAFWOA e: For a Friend Without Access FAG d: Fernmeldeanlagengesetz FAGC e: Fast Automatic Gain Control FAGO d: Geschäftsordnung für Finanzämter F A H Q M T e: Fully Automatic HighQuality Machine Franslation FAI e: Fail as Is - e: Federal Acquisition Institute - / · Fournisseurs d'Accès Internet FAIA e: Functional Area Information Analysis © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


FAIMS FAIMS e: Financial Accounting and Information Management System FAIO e: Field Army Issuing Office - e: Field Artillery Intelligence Officer FAIP e: First Assignment Instructor Pilot FA-IPT e: First Article-Initial Production Fest FAIR e: Functional Analysis Integration Review FAISS e: F O R S C O M Automated Intelligence Support System FAK e: Freight all Kinds FAL e: Frequency Allocation List FALA s: Función de Alarmas Fai Enf s: Falsa de Enfilación FALOP e: Forward Area Limited Observation Plan FALT e: Field Artillery Logic Fester FALTRAN e: F O R F R A N to Algol Franslator F A M e: Fast Auxiliary Memory - e: Field Artillery Missile - e: Full Army Mobilization War Reserves - e: Functional Area Manager F A M A e: Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority F A M E C E e: Family of Military Engineer Construction Equipment FAMF e: Floating Aircraft Maintenance Facility FAMG e: Field Artillery Missile Group FAMJT e: Familiarization Job Fraining FAMOS e: Floating-Gate AvalancheInjection Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FAMRC e: Florida Agricultural Market Research Center FamRZ d: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht FAMS e: Fuels Automated Management System FAMSIM e: Family of Simulations FAN e: Federal stock number - e: Forward Air Navigator - e: Functional Area Network FANNIE MAE e: Federai National Mortgage Association FANS e: Future Air Navigation System FAO d: Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen - e: Field Audit Office - e: Finance and Accounting Officer - e: Food and Agriculture Organization - e: Foreign Area Officer FAOSFA e: Food and Agriculture Organization-the State of Food and Agriculture FAP e: Field Application Panel - e: File Access Protocol - e: Finance and Accounting Policy - e: Flight Activity Performance - e: F O R F R A N Assembly Program - e: Frequency Allocation Panel - e: Functional Area Plan - s: Fusil Automàtico Pesado FAPI e: Family Application Program Interface FAPM e: Functional Activity Program Manager FAPO e: Field Army Petroleum Office 124

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FAPRS e: Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System FAQ d: Fragen, Antworten, Quellen der Erleuchtung - e: Frequently Asked Question[s] - f: Foire Aux Questions FAQL e: Frequently Asked Questions List FAR e: Failure Analysis Report - e: False Accept Rate - e: False Alarm Rate - e: Federal Aviation Regulation - e: Forward Acquisition Radar - e: Functional Analysis Review - e: Functional Area Requirement - e: Funding Acquisition Request FARADA e: Failure Rate Data [Program] FARC e: Federal Archive and Record Centers FAR/DAR e: Functional Area Requirement/Data Automation Requirement FARE e: Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Elements F A R M e: Functional Area Record Manager - s: Farmacia Móvil Far[m] s: Farmacia FARMS e: Future Agriculturall Resources Managemt Study FARP e: Forward Area Rearming and Refueling Point FARR e: FAA/Air Force radar replacement FARS e: Fast Acquisition Receiver System - e: Federal Acquisition Regulation System - e: Financial Accounting and Reporting System FAS e: Fahrassistenzsystem - e: Fault Alarm System - e: Field Alert Status - e: Field Artillery System - e: Free Alongside Ship - e: Fuel Advisory System - e: Functional Account Symbol - e: Functional Acquisition Specialist - e: Functional Address Symbol - e: Functional Address System - e: Fund Allowance System - s: Fuerzas Armadas FASA e: Field Army Service Area FASAB e: Federal Accounting Standard Advisory Board FASAC e: Foreign Applied Science Assessment Center FASB e: Financial Accounting Standard Board FASC e: Fire and Air Support Center - e: Forward Area Signal Center - e: Future of the Amateur Service Committee FASCAM e: Family of Scatterable Mines FASCAP e: Fast Payback Capital Investment Program FASE e: Fundamentally Analyzable Simplified English FASIC e: Function and AlgorithmSpecific Integrated Circuit

FASO e: Forward Airfield Supply Organization FASS e: Forward Acquisition Sensor FASST e: Functional and System Support Team FAST e: Facility for Automatic Sorting and Testing - e: Fast Automatic Shuttle Transfer System - e: Field Army Sanitary Toilet - e: Fighter Airborne Supply Tank - e: Flight Analyses System - e: Flow and Analysis System for TRANSCOM - e: Formal Auto-Indexing of Scientific Tests - e: Formula and Statement Translator - e: Forward Area Support Team - e: Forward Area Support Terminal - e: Four-Address to Soap Translator - s: Facturación Avanzada de Sistemas de Telefónica FASTALS e: Force Analysis Simulation of Theater Administrative and Logistic Support FASTAR e: Frequency Angle Scanning, Tracking and Ranging FASTHAT e: Fast High-Accuracy Tunable Receiver FASTI e: First Access to Systems Technical Information F A S W C e: Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Command FAT d: File Allocation Tabelle - e: Factory Acceptance Test - e: Factory Acceptance Trial - e: File Allocation Table - e: First Article Testfing] - e: Formula Assembler Translator - s: Fichero Abono Tarjeta FATAB e: Field Artillery Target Acquisition Battalion FAT [AC] s: Fuerza Aérea Táctica FATAG e: Field Artillery Target Acquisition Group FATAL e: F ADAC Automatic Test Analysis Language FATE e: Fusing and Arming Test Experiments FATH e: Fathom FATOC e: Field Army Tactical Operation Center FAW e: Financial Analysis Worksheet - e: Forward Area Weapons FAWPS e: Flight and Weapons Planning System FAX e: Facsimile [Transmission] fax e: facsimile F A X T A M e: Fax and Telephone Answering Machine FB e: Film Badge - e: Fine Business - e: Fire Base - e: Firing Battery - e: Force Builder - e: Freight Bill - e: Functional Baseline - e: Fuse Block FB-111 e: Medium range strategic bomber

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FDBL FBAS d: Farb-Bild-AustastSynchronsignal FBB e: Fast-Burn Boosters FBCB2 e: Force XXI Battle Commandbrigade and Below FBE e: Free B u f f e r Enquiry FBFT e: Flow Bias Functional Test FBH e: Force Beachhead FBHDL e: Force Beachhead Line FBI d: Fontane-Blätter FBL e: Fly by Light - e: Functional Baseline - e: Light [used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena e.g. FBL RA = light rain] FBLINU d: Forum für blinde und sehbehinderte Internetnutzer FBM e: Fleet Ballistic Missile FBO e: Fixed Base Operator FBPG NF d: Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preußischen Geschichte: Neue Folge FBR e: Feedback Resistance - e: Fireball Radius FBRL e: Fire Bomb Release Line FBS d: Fernbedienungs- und Steuerungssystem - e: Forward Based System - e: Function Based Sizing FBSA e: Federal Boating Safety FBW d: Fundberichte aus BadenWürttemberg - e: Fly by Wire FC e: Duns code - e: Fail Closed - e: Fiber Channel - e: Field Circular - e: File Code - e: Fine Control - e: Fire Control - e: Fixed Cost - e: Flight Clearance - e: Floating Causeway - e: Floating Craft - e: Force Commander - e: Force Control - e: Fuel Cell - e: Function Code - e: Functional Chief - s: Ferrocarril - s: Fuego Concentrado f/c s: FERROCARRIL FCA e: Fire Control Area - e: Foreign Counterintelligence Activity - e: Frequency Control Analysis - e: Functional Configuration Audit FCAA e: Field Contract Administration Activity FCAC e: Forward Control and Analysis Center FC/AL e: Fiber Channel/Arbitrated Loop FCAL e: Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop FCA/PCA e: Functional Configuration Audit/Physical Configuration Audit FCAS e: Foreign Contract Administration Services FCB e: File Control Block - e: Functional Configuration Baseline FCC e: Federal Communications Commission

- e: Federal Computer Conference - e: Fleet Command Center - e: Flight Clinical Coordination - e: Flight Communications Center - e: Flight Coordination Center - e: Fuels Control Center FCC: e: File Carbon Copy FCCB e: Field Configuration Control Board F C C M e: Facilities Capital Cost of Moneys F C C O M e: Facilities Capital Cost of Moneys FCCS e: Fleet Command Centers FCCSET e: Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Education and Technology - e: Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology FCD e: Democratic Civic Front - e: Floating Car Data FCDNA e: Field Command Defense Nuclear Agency FCE e: Fire Control Element - e: Flexible Critical Experiment - e: Forward Command Element FC/EL e: Fiber Channel/Enhanced Loop FCF e: Functional Check Flight FCFP e: Field Command Focal Point FCFS e: First Come First Served FCFT e: Fixed Cost, Fixed Time FCG e: Foreign Clearance Guide - e: Functional Coordinating Group FCGS e: Freight Classification Guide System FCI e: Flux Changes per Inch - e: Functional Configuration Identification - s: Fichero de Circuitos Iberpac fei e: flux changes per inch FCIA e: Fibre Channel Industry Association FCIF e: Flight Crew Information File - e: Full Common Intermediate Format FCIM e: Flexible Computer Integrated Manufacturing FCIO e: Facilities Contract Issuing Office FCIP e: Field Cable Installation Platoon - e: Foreign Counterintelligence Program FCL e: Facility Security Clearances - e: Feedback Control Loop - e: Final Coordination Line - e: Fire Coordination Line FCLASS e: File Security Classification Codes FCLP e: Field Carrier Landing Practice FCM e: Formal Cm FCMD e: Fire Command FCMV e: Fuel Consuming Motor Vehicle FCN e: Field Change Notice FCNP e: Fire Control Navigation Panel FCO e: Facility Control Office - e: Field Change Order FCP e: Facilities Criteria Plan - e: Fibre Channel Protocol - e: File Control Processor - e: Fire Control Party FCPC e: Fleet Computer Programming Center

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

FCPL s: Función de Configuración de Planta FCPS e: Fuel Consumption Projection System FCR e: Facility Change Request - e: FIFO Control Register - e: Final Configuration Review - e: Fire Control Radar - e: Functional Capability Requirements - e: Functional Career Representative - e: Functional Chief Representative - e: Functional C h i e f s Representatives F C R A M e: Fast Cycle [Dynamic] Random Access Memory FC/R & D e: Federal Civilian-Oriented Research and Development FCRN e: Fund Classification Reference Number FCRIJ e: Facilities Control Relay Unit FCS e: Facility Checking Squadron - e: Farmers Cooperative Service - e: Fiber [or Fibre] Channel Standard - e: Finite Coordinate Space - e: Fire Control System - e: First Customer Ship - e: Flight Control System - e: Frame Checkfing] Sequence - e: Frame Check Sequence ErrorDetection Field - e: Fuels Capabilities System - e: Full Communications Service - s: Fichero de Circuitos en Servicio FCSC e: Federal Conversion Support Center FCSS e: Flight Control System Simulator FCT e: Filament Center Tap - e: Firepower Control Team - e: Foreign Comparative Testing FCU e: Field Communication Uni FCVC e: Flow Controlled Virtual Channel FCX e: Fire Coordination Exercise FCZ e: Forward Combat Zone FD e: Fault Detection - e: Field - e: Field Decelerating Contactor or Relay - e: File Description - e: Flange Local Distance - e: Flexible Disk[ette] - e: Floppy Disk[ette] - e: Floppy Drive - e: Full Development - e: Full Duplex - e: Functional Description - i.· FIFO de Datos F&D e: Facilities and Design - e: Findings and Determinations F/D e: Focal [Length] to Diameter ratio FDA d: Freiburger Diözesanarchiv - e: Final Design Approval - e: Functional Data Administrator FDAd e: Functional Data Administrator FDAS e: Frequency Distribution Analysis Sheet FDAT e: Final Development Acceptance Test FDB e: Field Dynamic Breaking FDBL s: FIFO de Datos de Buffers Libres © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


FDBM FDBM e: Functional Database Manager - s: Fundación Dolores Bedoya de Molina FDC e: Fire Detection Center - e: Fire Direction Center - e: Fire Direction Control - e: Floppy Disk Controller - e: Functional Data Coordinator - e: Functional Design Criteria FDCV e: Fire Direction Control Center FDD e: Final Delivery Date - e: First Digitized Division - e: Floppy Disk Drive - e: Frequency Division Duplex FDDCE e: Force Development Data Collection Exercise FDDI e: Fiber Digital Data Interface - e: Fiber Digital Device Interface - e: Fiber Distributed Data Interface FDDI II e: ANSI standard that enhances FDDI FDDI TP-PMD e: FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface] Twisted Pair Physical Layer Medium Dependent FDDI/UTP e: FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface] Unshielded Twisted Pair FDDL e: Frequency Division Data Link FDDM e: Fire Direction Data Manager FDDS e: Flag Data Display System FDDT e: FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface] Full Duplex Technology FDE e: Field Decelerator - e: Force Deployment Estimator - e: Force Development Experiment FDEG e: Democratic Forum of Guatemalan Exiles FDEP e: Flight Data Entry Printout FDES e: Full Duplex Etherswitch FDESC e: Force Description FDF e: Flight Data File FD-FDDI e: Full Duplex Fiber Distributed Data Interface FD/FF e: Flux Delta/Flux Flow FDG d: Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte FDIP e: Full Development and Initial Production FDISK e: Fixed Disk FDJ d: Freie Deutsche Jugend FDL e: Facility Data Link - e: Fast Deployment Logistic [Ship] - e: Fault, Detection and Localization - e: Free Documentation License FDM e: Formal Development Methodology - e: Frequency Division Multiplexer [or Multiplexing] - e: Functional Data Manager FDMA e: Frequency Division Multiple [x] Access FDMOP e: Force Development Mop FDMS e: Flight Data Management System FDNR e: Frequency-Dependent Negative Resistance FDO e: Fee Determining Official - e: Fighter Duty Officer - e: Fire Direction Officer - e: Flexible Deterrent Option - e: Flight Deck Officer - e: Foreign Disclosure Office[r] 126

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FDP e: Foreign Duty Pay - e: Funded Delivery Period FDPO e: Foreign Disclosure Policy Office FDR e: Final Design Review - e: Formal Design Review - e: Frame Drop Rate - e: Frequency Domain Reflectometry - e: Functional Design Requirements FDRF e: Financial Data Records Folder FDR/FA e: Flight Data Recorder/Fault Analyzer FDRP e: First Destination Reporting Point FDS e: Facility Data Sheet - e: Fault Detection System - e: Finance Disbursing Section - e: Fire Direction System - e: Fluid Distribution System - e: Fuels Dispensing System FDSC e: Failure Definition and Threshold FD/SC e: Failure Definition/Scoring Criteria FDSL e: Fixed Directory Subscriber List FDSS e: Fault Detection Subsystem FDSSS e: Flight Deck Status and Signaling System FDT e: First Destination Transportation - e: Flexible Digital Terminal - e: Force Development Test F D T & E e: Force Development Test and Evaluation - e: Force Development Testing and Experimentation FDTE e: Force Development Test[ing] and Experimentation FDTS e: Field Data Tracking System FDU e: Flight Development Unit - e: Force Design Update - e: Force Development Update FDIJL e: Fixed Directory Unit List FDW e: Forward Deployed Workstation FDX e: Full Duplex FE d: Format Effektor - e: Fast Ethernet - e: Field Engineer - e: Field Expedient - e: Flight Engineer - e: Flight Examiner - e: Force Execution - e: Format Effecters - e: Frame Error - e: Framing Error - e: Front End - s: Factor de Excepción - s: Funciones Especiales Fe e: iron FEA e: Failure Effect Analysis - e: Front End Analysis - e: Functional Economic Analysis FEAT e: Frequency of Every Allowable Term FEB e: Functional Electronic Block feb. s: febrero FEBA e: Forward Edge of the Battle Area FEBE e: Far End Block Error FEC e: Forward Error Control - e: Forward Error Correction -1: Folia Electrónica Classica

FECAI e: Federal Electronic Commerce Acquisition Instruction FECC e: Federal Emergency Communications Coordinator - e: Front End Communication Computer FECN e: Forward Explicit Congestion Notification FECOAC s: Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Credito F E C O A G R O H s: Federación de Cooperativas de Honduras FED d: Fachverband Elektronik Design - e: Field Effect Diode - e: Field Emission Device - e: Field Emission Display - e: Field-Emitter Display - e: Forward Entry Device - e: Front-End de Datos F E D E C C O N i ; Federación Guatemalteca de Cooperativas de Consumo F E D E C O C A G U A s: Federación de Cooperativas Cafetaleras de Guatemala FEDI e: Failure Experience Data Interchange FEDL d: Fähigkeiten und existentielle Erfahrungen des Lebens FED LOG e: Federal logistic FEDLOG e: Federal logistic FEDSIM e: Federal Systems Integration and Management center FEE e: Functional Execution Element FEEDS e: Facilities Engineering Expert and Diagnostic System FEEMS e: Facilities Engineering Equipment Maintenance System FEES e: Front End Edit System F-5E/F e: Tiger II FEFO e: First-Ended, First-Out FEFOC s: Formación para Educación y Formación Oncoógica Continuada FEI e: Facilities Engineering Items - e: Front End Interno FEIP e: Facility and Equipment Improvement Program FEIS e: Final Environmental Impact Statement FEK e: Frequency Exchange Keying FEL e: Free Electron Laser FEM e: Field Effect Modified - e: Force Effectiveness Measure FEML e: Funded Environmental and Morale Leave FEMR e: Foreign Excess Materiel Return - e: Foreign Military Sales Excess Materiel Return FEN e: Frequency Emphasizing Network FENACOOPARR í : Federación Nacional de Cooperativas Arroceras FENASTEG s: Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Estado de Guatemala FENP e: Front-End Network Processor FEO e: Field Engineering Order FEOC e: Field Emergency Operations Centers FEP e: Finnish Economic Papers - e: FLTSAT [Fleet Satellite] EHF [Extremely High Frequency] Package - e: Front End Processor - e: Fuse Enclosure Package

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FIDO FEPI e: Front End Programming Interface FeRAM e: Ferroelectric Ram - e: Ferroelectric Random Access Memory FERD e: Fuel Element Rupture Detection FERG s: Frente Estudiantil Robin García FERPIC e: Ferroelectric Ceramic Picture Device Ferr[o] s: Ferrocarril FERS e: Federal Employee Retirement System FES e: Final Environmental Statement - e: Forced Entry System - s: Front-End de Señalización FESEBS s: Federación Sindical de Empleados Bancarios y de Seguros FESS e: Facilities Engineering Supply System FET d: Feldeffekt-Transistor - e: Field Effect Transistor FETIABAG s: Federation of Workers of the Food and Beverage Industry of Guatemala FETULIA e: Sugar Worker's Federation FEU e: Forty-Foot [container] Equivalent Unit FEWSG e: Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group FEXT e: Far End Crosstalk FEZ e: Fighter Engagement Zone FF e: Finish to Finish - e: First Fail [Principle] - e: Fixed Focus - e: Flip-Flop - e: Form Feed - e: Freight Forwarder - e: Frigate - e: Full Field [Contactor or Relay] ff. d: folgende Ff e: Fatigue Correction Factor F2F e: Face to Face FFA e: Free-Fire Area - / • Forces Francaies en Allemagne FFAC e: Forward Air Controller FFAG e: Fixed-Field AlternatingGradient FFAPI e: File Format API FFAR e: Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket - e: Forward Firing Aircraft Rocket FFAVORS e: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Ordering and Receipt Systems FFBD e: Functional Flow Block Diagram FFC e: Flip-Flop Complementary FFCC e: Force Fires Coordination Center - e: Friendly Forces Coordination Center FF CC s: Ferrocarriles FFD e: Functional Flow Diagram FFDC e: First Failure Data Capture FFDR e: First Flight Design Review FFDT e: FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface] Full Duplex Technology FFE e: Flame Field Expedients F!FF d: Forum Informatiker für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung FFF e: Form, Fit and Function FFG d: Frauenförderungsgesetz - e: Guided missile frigate

FFGH e: Guided missile frigate, helicopter FFH e: Fast Frequency Hopping - e: Fleet Flying Hour - e: Frigate, Helicopter FFH-ne e: Fast-Frequency-Hopping net FFHT-net e: Fast-Frequency-Hopping Training net FFI e: Fuel Flow Indicator - e: Full Field Investigation FFII d: Förderverein für Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur FFIR e: Friendly Forces Information Requirements FFK e: Fixed Function Key FFL e: First Financial Language - e: Front Focal Length FFN e: Fleet Flash Net FFOL e: FDDI [Fiber Distributed Data Interface] Follow-on LAN FFOS e: Forward Flying Observation System FFP e: Federal Financial Participation - e: Firm Fixed Price F&FP e: Force and Financial Plan FFP e: Fresh Frozen Plasma FFPLOE e: Firm Fixed Price, Level of Effort FFR e: Force Feasibility Review - e: Full Fleet Release FFS d: Flexibles Fertigungssystem - d: Freiburger Frauen-Studien: Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Frauenforschung - e: Fast File System - e: Fee-for-Service - e: Flash File System - e: Formatted File System FFSA e: Field Functional System Assembly and Checkout FFSK e: Fast Frequency Shift Keying FFSP e: Full Function Signal Processor FFST e: First Failure Support Technology FFT e: Fast Fourier Transform[ation] - e: File Format Table - e: For Further Transfer - e: Full Frame Transfer FFTP e: Fast Food Transfer Protocol FFTU e: Forward Freight Terminal Unit FFV e: Field Failure Voltage FFW e: Failure-Free Warranty FFZ e: Free Fire Zone FG e: Fighter Group - e: Filament Ground - e: Fiscal Guidance - e: Floating Gate - e: Fog - e: Function Generator - s: Frente de Guerra [Military] Front F/G e: Flag/General Officer FGB d: Familiengesetzbuch - e: Feature Group Β FGC e: Feature Group C - e: Functional Group Code FGD e: Feature Group D FGD-EANA e: Feature Group D signalling protocol of type Exchange Access North American FGF d: Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk FGG d: Gesetz über die Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

FGL d: 12 Fähigkeiten zur gesunden Lebensführung - e: Force Generation Level - e: Fourth Generation Language FGM e: Fiscal Guidance Memorandum - e: Foreign Government Representative FGOS e: Flag and General Officers Seminar FGREP e: Fixed Global Regular Expression Print Fgta Ρ s: Fogata Pedrera FGV d: Fernmeldegebührenvorschriften FH e: Field Hospital - e: Fleet Hospital - e: Frequency Hopping FHA e: Fault Hazard Analysis - e: Foreign Humanitarian Assistance FHD e: Family Housing Division - e: Fixed-Head Disks FHDTC e: Fixed Head Disk Transfer Channel FHE e: Forward Headquarters Element fhi I: forum historiae iuris FHJ e: Free History Journal FHMA e: Family Housing Management Account FHN e: Family History Netletter - e: Family History Newsline F-hour e: Effective time of announcement by the Secretary of Defense to the Military Departments of a decision to mobilize Reserve units FHR e: Financial History Review FHS e: Flight Hardware Simulator - e: For Heaven's Sake - e: French Historical Studies FHSG e: Family Housing FHSS e: Family Housing Survey System - e: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum FHT e: Forest History Today FI e: Fail in Place - e: Fault Isolation - e: Field Intensity - e: Fighter Interceptor - e: Flexible Interconnect - e: Force Integration - e: Foreign Intelligence - s: Frecuencia Intermedia F3I e: Form-Fit-Function Interface FIA e: Financial Inventory Accounting - e: Force Integration Analysis - e: Functional Interoperability Architecture - s: Fichero Integral de Abonados FIAF d: Finanzinstrumente für die Ausrichtung der Fischerei FIAWOL e: Fandom is a Way of Life FIB e: Forward Indication Bit FIBUA e: Fighting in Built-up Areas FIC e: Federal Identifier Code - e: Fleet Intelligence Center - e: Force Indicator Code FICA e: Federal Insurance Contribution Act FICON e: Fiber Connectivity FICTA e: Foreign Intelligence Collection Threat Assessment FID e: Foreign Internal Defense - e: Format Identification - e: Format Identifier FIDO e: Format Indicator 0 © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


FIDI FIDI e: Format Indicator 1 FID2 e: Format Indicator 2 FID3 e: Format Indicator 3 FID4 e: Format Indicator 4 FIDAC e: Film Input to Digital Automatic Computer FIDAF e: Foreign Internal Defense Augmentation Force FIDO e: Fighter Interceptor Duty Officer FIE e: Fly-In Echelon FIF d: Fachinformation in Fachhochschulen - e: Fractal Image Format FIFF d: Forum Informatikerinnen für den Frieden e.V. FIFO e: First In, First Out - e: Flight Inspection Field Office FIFO qiieiieing e: First-in, First-out queueing FIFRA e: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Ace F U G S e: Federal Item Identification Guide System F U N e: Federal Item Identification Number F U T e: Flash Internal Information Transfer FILDR e: Federal Item Logistics Data Record FILO e: First In, Last Out FILS e: Flare-Scan Instrument Landing System FILSYS e: File Handling Subsystem FIM e: Field Inspection Manual - e: Field Intensity Meter - e: Field Ion Microscope - e: Functional Integration Management - e: Man-launched SAM FIM-92A e: Stinger FIMATE e: Factory Installed Maintenance Automatic Test Equipment FIML e: Full Information Maximum Likelihood FIMS e: Forms Integration Management Standard FIN e: Finish bit in TCP segment FINAC e: Fast Interline Nonactive Automatic Control FINAL e: Financial Analysis Language finger e: a service that responds to queries and retrieves user information remotely FINPLAN e: Financial Plan FINS e: Fixed Imaging Navigation Sensor - e: Freight Information System FIN SEC e: Financial Sector FIO e: Foreign Intelligence Officer - e: Frequency in and Out FIOP e: FORTRAN Input-Output Package FIP e: FDD1 [Fiber Distributed Data Interface]Interface Processor - e: Federal Information Processing - e: Field Inspection Procedure - e: File Processor Buffering - e: Fleet Introduction Program - e: Foam in Place FIPC e: Financial Information Processing Center 128

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FIPOI d: Immobilienstiftung für die internationalen Organisationen in Genf FIPR e: Federal Information Processing Resource - e: Foundation of Information Policy Research FIPS e: Federal Information Processing Standardfs] - e: Federal information Publication Standard FIQ e: Fast Interrupt Request FIR e: Far Infrared - e: Fast Infrared - e: Financial Item Reporting - e: Finite-Duration Impulse-Response - e: Finite Impulse Response - e: First-Impressions Report - e: Flight Information Region - e: Fuel Indicator Reading - e: Full INTRA-frame Request - e: Functional Item Replacement FIRAMS e: Flight Incident Recorder and Aircraft Monitoring System FIRCAP e: Foreign Intelligence Requirements Capabilities and Priorities FIRMS e: Forecasting Information Retrieval of Management System FIRN e: Two-dimensional cylinder transport code for computer FIRP e: Federal Internetworking Requirements Panel FIRST d: Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik - e: Fast Interactive Radio System Tool - e: Financial Information Reporting System FIS e: Field Information System - e: Floating-Point Instruction Set - e: Franchise Act Interpretive Statements FISA e: Force Integration Support Agency FISC e: Fleet and Industrial Supply Center - e: Fleet Industrial Supply Command - e: Fleet Industrial Support Center FISD e: Force Integration Support Division FISH e: First In, Still Here FISO e: Force Integration Staff Officer FISP e: Facilities Inventory Stationing Plan FISS e: Foreign Intelligence Security Service FIST e: Fault Isolation by Semiautomatic Techniques - e: Financial Information System Tool - e: Fire Support Team - e: Fleet Imagery Support Terminal FISTV e: Fire Support Team Vehicle FISU e: Fill in Signal Unit FIT d: Fachauschuss für Information und Telekommunikation - e: Fault Isolation Test - e: Fault Isolation Tree - e: File Information Table FITB e: Fill in the Blank FITL e: Fiber in the Loop FITNR e: Fixed in the Next Release FITUG d: Förderverein Informatik und Gesellschaft e.V. FIU e: Forward Interception Unit

FIX e: Federal Information Exchange - e: Federal Internet Exchange FIXe e: Navigational Fix Error FIZ d: Fachinformationszentrum FJB d: Frankfurter judaistische Beiträge FJHP e: Flinders Journal of History & Politics FK d: Finanzkommission - e: Funding and Delivery FKPG d: Gesetz zur Umsetzung des Föderalen Konsolidierungsprogramms FKTG d: Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft FKW d: Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft FL d: Fränkische Lebensbilder - e: Field Loss Contactor or Relay - e: Flashing Light - e: Flexible - e: Flight Level - e: Foot Lumen - e: Functional Limitation - s: Fallo de Latido - s: Fonolocalizador Fl s: Flanqueo FLA e: Flight Article - e: Foreign Launch Assessment - e: Four Letter Acronym FLAGE e: Flexible Lightweight Agile Guide Experiment FLAM e: Fault Location and Monitoring - e: Forward Launched Aerodynamic Missile F L A M R e: Forward Looking Advanced Multilobe Radar FLAR e: Fault Location and Repair - e: Forward-Looking Airborne Radar FLAS e: Fuels Logistical Area Summary FLASH e: Force Level Alerting System FLB e: Forward Logistics Base FLC e: Facility Security Clearances - e: Ferro-Electric Liquid Crystal - e: Force Level Control FLD e: Field fid e: field FLDEC e: Floating Point Decimal FLDMS e: Field Maintenance Shop FLDTS e: Field Training Squadron FLE e: Forward Logistics Element FLEA e: Flux Logic Element Array FLET e: Forward Line of Enemy Troops FLEX e: Flexwriter equipment FLF e: Fixed Length Field - e: Follow-the-Leader Feedback FLI e: Font Library flia s: familia FLIC e: Fault Location Indicating Console FLINT e: Floating Interpretive Language FLIP e: Film Library Instantaneous Presentation - e: Flight Information Publication - e: Flight Instruction Procedures - e: Floating Index Point - e: Floating Point Interpretive Program FLIPS e: Flight Information Processing System FLIR e: Forward Looking Infrared FLIS e: Federal Logistic Information System

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FMT-net FLL e: Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport FLM e: Federal Land Managers FLO e: Fighter Liaison Officer - e: Flexible Layer One - e: Flight Line Operator - e: Foreign Liaison Office[r] FLODAC e: Fluid Operated Digital Automatic Computer FLOF e: Full Level One Feature FLO/FLO e: Float-On/Float-Off FLOLS e: Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System FLOP e: Floating Octal Point - e: Floating point Operation FLOPS e: Floating-point Operations per Second Florllib s: Florentia iliberritana: revista de estudios de antigüedad clásica FLOT e: Flotilla - e: Forward Line of Own Troops FLP e: Fault Location Panel FLPL e: F O R T R A N list Processing Language FLR e: Forward-Looking Radar FLS e: Fault Locator System - e: Field Logistics System - e: First Line Supervisor - e: Flow Switch - e: Force Level Simulation - e: Forward Logistics Site FIS s: Flotilla de Submarinos FLT d: Fertigungsleittechnik - e: Fault Location Technology FLTBCST e: Fleet Broadcast FLTCINC e: Fleet C o m m a n d e r s ] in Chief FLTCORGRU e: Fleet Composite Operational Readiness Group FLTDECGRU e: Fleet Deception Group fltg e: floating FLTS e: Flight Test Squadron FLTSAT e: Fleet Satellite F L T S A T C O M e: Fleet Satellite Communications System F L T S E V O e: Fleet Secure Voice FLU e: First Line Unit FLV e: Foreign Leave - e: Foreign Liaison Visit FM d: Frequenzmodulation - e: Facility Management - e: Fault Management - e: Field Manual - e: Field Marshal - e: File Maintenance - e: Financial Management - e: Flare Multiunit - e: Force Modernization - e: Frequency Management - e: Frequency Modulated - e: Frequency Modulation - e: From - e: Function Management - e: Functional Manager - s: Fuego Masivo - s: Función de Mediación FMA e: Financial Analysis Office - e: Foreign Media Analysis - e: Foreign Military Assistance - e: Forward Maintenance Area - e: Frequency Management Agency

FMAC e: Facility Maintenance and Control FMA-net e: Frequency Management Anet FMAS e: Foreign Media Analysis Subsystem FMB e: Financial Management Board FMBT e: Future Main Battle Tank FMC e: Field Medical Card - e: Flexible Machining Center - e: Frequency Management Center - e: Fully Mission-Capable FMCC e: Force Movement Control Center FM;CFF e: Fire Mission; Call-For-Fire FMCS e: Foreign Military Construction Sales FMC's e: Foreign Mining Companies FMCS e: Fuels Management Capabilities System F M C W e: Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave FMD d: Funkmessdienst FMDS e: Field Maintenance Data System - e: Flight Management Data System FME d: Funkmeldeempfänger FMEA e: Failure Mode and Effectfs] Analysis FMECA e: Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis FMES e: Full Mission Engineering Simulator FMET e: Functional Management Engineering Teams FMF e: Foreign Military Financing - e: Foreign Military Funding FMFB e: Frequency Modulation with Feedback FMFIA e: Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act FMFM e: Fleet Marine Force manual F M F R F - M e: Fuel Accounting Unit FMFRP e: Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication FMHS e: Formal Message Handling System FMI e: Frequency Modulation Intercity Relay Broadcasting - e: Functional Management Inspections - s: Fondo Monetario Internacional FMIC e: Frequency Monitoring Interference Control FMICW e: Frequency Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave FMID e: Force Module Identifier FML e: Major Force List FMLS e: Force Module Logistics Sustainability - e: Forum for Modern Language Studies FMM e: Flight Manual Manager - s: Fundación Myrna Mack FMME e: Foreign Medical Materiel Exploitation F M M P e: Federal Master Mobilization Plan FMMRS e: Force Modernization Milestone Reporting System FMO e: Fiscal Management Office - e: Forms Management Officer - e: Fuel Management Officer

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

FMOCC e: Fleet Mobile Operational Command Center F M O D e: File Modify FMOP e: Frequency Modulation on Pulse FMP e: Financial Management Plan - e: Fleet Modernization Plan - e: Flight Manual Program - e: F O R S C O M Mobilization Plan - e: Functional Multiprocessor [or Multiprocessing] FMPEC e: Financial Management Plan for Emergency Conditions FMPMIS e: Fleet Maintenance Program Management Information System FMPS e: F O R T R A N Mathematical Programming System FMR e: Financial Management Regulation - e: Financial Management Report - e: Financial Management Review - e: Frequency Modulated Radar - e: Functional Management Review FMRB e: Functional Management Review Board FM-RD e: Farm-to-Market Road FMRS e: Force Movement Requirements System - e: Fuels Management Requirements System FMS d: Fernmeldesystem - d: Frühmittelalterliche Studien: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung an der Universität Münster - d: Funkmeldesystem - e: Facility Management System - e: Field Maintenance Squadron - e: File Maintenance System - e: File Management Supervisor - e: File Management System - e: Flexible Machining System - e: Flight Management System - e: Flux Monitoring System - e: Force Module Subsystem - e: Foreign Military Sales - e: Formal Message Service - e: Forms Management System - e: Frequency Management System FMSCR e: Foreignmilitary Sales Credits FMSF e: Foreign Military Sales Financing FMSO e: Fleet Materiel Support Office - e: Foreign Military Sales Order FMSS e: Financial Management System Software - e: Force Module Subsystem FMSt d: Frühmittelalterliche Studien: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung an der Universität Münster FMT e: Force Modernization Training - e: Foreign Military Trainee - e: Format - e: Full Mission Trainer FMTB e: Force Mobilization Troop Bases - e: Foreign Military Training Board FMTI e: Future Missile Technology Integration FMT-net e: Frequency Management Training net © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


FMTR F M T R s: Función de Modo de operación Transparente FMTS e: Field Maintenance Test Station FMTV e: Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles FMV e: Full Motion Video FMX e: Fire and Maneuver Exercise - e: F M Transmitter FNA e: Final Approach FNC e: Federal Networking Council FNCL e: Financial Data F N C U M A f: Fédération Nationale des Cooperatives d'Utilisation de Materiel Agricole FNDH e: Foreign National Direct Hire FNIH e: Foreign National Indirect Hire FNIU e: Fiber Network Interface Unit F N M A e: Federal National Mortgage Association "Fannie Mae" FNMT s: Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre FNP e: Front-End Network Processor - e: Fusion Point FNR e: Flexible Nuclear Response FNS e: Foreign Nation Support - s: Funciones del Sistema FNT e: Font FNU e: First Name Unknown FNWC e: Fleet Numerical Weather Center FO d: Fernmeldeordnung - e: Fail Open - e: Fast Operate - e: Fiber-Optics - e: Field Order - e: Finance Officer - e: Flash Override - e: Flight Operation - e: Follow-On - e: Forecast Order - e: Foreign Office - e: Forward Observer - e: Functional Objective - s: Fortificaciones y Obras - s: Función de Operación FOA e: Field Operating Agency FOAF e: Friend of a Friend Fo Aut s: Faro Automático FOB e: Forward Operating Base - e: Forward Operations Base - e: Free on Board - e: Freight on Board - e: Full Operational Base FOBS e: Fractional-Orbit Bombardment System FOC e: Fiber Optic Cable - e: Final Operational Capability - e: Flight Operations Center - e: Foreign Object Check - e: Free of Charge - e: Full and Open Competition - e: Full Operational Capability - e: Future Operational Capability F&OC e: Full and Open Competition FOCA e: Fiber Optic Cable Assembly FOCAL e: Formula Calculator FOCI e: Foreign Owned, Controlled, or Influenced FOCP e: Fiber Optic Cable Plant FOD e: Field Officer of the Day - e: Foreign Object Damage 130

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FODL e: Fiber-Optic Data Link FODT e: Fiber Optics Data Transmission FOE e: Final Operational Evaluation - e: Follow-On Evaluation FOEG d: Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte FOF e: Force on Force FOFA e: Follow-On Forces Attack FO/FAC e: Forward Observer/Forward Air Control FofF e: Field of Fire Fo FI s: Faro Flotante FOFLOT e; Forward of Flot FOFW e: Fiber Optic Field Wire FOG e: Fiber Optic Gyro - s: Federación Obrera de Guatemala FOG-M e: Fiber-Optic Guided Missile FOH e: Forced Outage Hours FOI e: Fault Detection Isolation - e: Fighter Officer Interceptor - e: Freedom of Information FOIA e: Freedom of Information Act FOIC e: Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence FOIL e: File Oriented Interpretive Language FOIMS e: Field Office Information Management System FOIRL e: Fiber-Optic Interrepeater Link FOIIJ e: Fiber Optic Interface Unit FOJT e: Formal On-the-Job Training FOL e: Fiber Optic Link - e: Forward Operating Location fol e: followed F O L D O B e: Forward Operating Location Dispersed Operating Base F O L D O C e: Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing FOLPEN e: Foliage Penetration FOLTA e: Forward Operating Location Training Area FOM e: Facilitate Other Maintenance - e: Figure-of-Merit FOMA e: Facilities Operation and Maintenance Agreement - e: Facility Operation and Maintenance Activity - e: Foreign Military Assistance File F O M A E e: Follow-On Management Application and Evaluation FOMAIJ e: Fiber-Optic Medium Access Unit - e: Fiber-Optic Medium Attachment Unit F O M C A T e: Foreign Materiel Catalog FONPA e: Finding of no Practicable Alternative FONSI e: Finding of no Significant Impact FOOT e: Follow-On Operational Test FOOTPRINT e: A demographics database FOP e: First Off Production FOPS e: Financial Operating System FOPT e: Fiber Optic Photo Transfer FOR e: Forced Outage Rate - e: Free on Rail Fo Rad s: Faro Con Estación Radio F O R B L O C K e: FORTRAN compiled block oriented simulation language

FORC e: Formula Coder [Automatic Coding System] FORD e: Found on Road Dead F O R D I M e: Force Distribution Model FORDTIS e: Foreign Disclosure and Technical Information System - e: Foreign Disclosure and Technology Information System FORECAST e: Airlift Requirements Forecast System FORESDAT e: Formerly Restricted Data FORG e: Forging F O R C E N e: Force Generation Report F O R G O e: FORTRAN load and go F O R M e: Fast Spectrum Cross Section Reactor Physics Computer Code F O R M A C e: Formula Manipulation Computer F O R M A T e: Fleet Retained Support Request F O R R K e: Fiber Optic Radar Remoting Kit FORSCAP e: Force Capability System ForschRARV d: Forschungen zur Rechtsarchäologie und rechtlichen Volkskunde FORSIZE e: Force Sizing Exercise FORSTAT e: Forces Status Report FORTH e: Programming language FORTL e: Force Replacement Troop List Reporting System FORTRAN e: Formula Translation Programming Language Fortran e: Formula Translator FORTRANSIT e: F O R T R A N and Internal Translator system F O R T R U N C I B L E e: FORTRAN style Runcible Fortschritt d: Deutsche Fortschrittspartei F O R T W I H R d: Forschungsverbund für technisch-wissenschaftliches Hochleistungsrechnen FOS e: Follow-on Spares - e: Follow-on Support - e: Fragmentary Order System F O S A M S e: Fleet Optical Scanning A m m o Marking System FOSDIC e: Film Optical Sensing Device for Input to Computers FOSI e: Format Option Specification Instance - e: Formatting Output Specification Instances FOSIF e: Fleet Operational Support Intelligence Facility FO&SS e: Flight Operations and Specialized Safety FOSSIL e: Fido-Opus-Seadog Standard Interface Layer - e: FIDO/OPUS/SEADOG Standard Interface Layer FOT e: Flow Object Tree - e: Follow on Operational Test - e: Follow-on Test - e: Follow-on Training - e: Free on Truck - e: Frequency of Optimum Operation - e: Frequency Optimum Traffic

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

FRB FOTE e: Final Operational Test and Evaluation FOT&E e: Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation FOTE e: Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation Fot[o] s: Fotografia FOTRS e: Follow-on Tactical Reconnaissance System FOTS e: Fiber Optics Transmission Systems - e: Follow-On Technical Support FOU e: Forward Observation Unit FOU O e: For Official Use Only FOV e: Family of Vehicles - e: Field of View FOW e: Family of Weapons FP e: Fabri-Perrot[-Laser] - e: Faceplate - e: Federal Publication - e: Feedback Positive - e: Financial Plan - e: Firing Point - e: Fixed Price - e: Force Protection - e: Forward Perpendicular - e: Freezing Point - e: Frequency Panel - e: Full Period - e: Functional Proponent - s: Formulación de Planes FP-31 s: Frente Popular, 31 de enero [1981] FPA e: Focal Plane Array - e: Force Planning Analysis - e: Foreign Policy Advisor - e: Formula Pricing Agreement - e: Formula Pricing Arrangement - e: Funding Program Advice - s: Formación Profesional Acelerada FPAF e: Fixed Price Award Fee FPB e: Fast Patrol Boat FPBD e: Functional Plan Block Diagram FPC e: Field Press Censorship - e: Floating Point Calculation - e: Foreign Program Control FPCA e: Federal Post Card Application FPCE e: Floating-Point C Extension FPC&S e: French Politics, Culture and Society FPD e: Foreign Post Differential - e: Full Power Days - e: Functional Purchase Description FPDB e: Force Planning Database FPDD e: Final Project Design Description FP [E] e: Fixed Price with Escalation FPE e: Fixed Price with Escalation - e: Force and Plan Execution FPEM e: Force and Plan Execution Monitoring FPEPA e: Fixed Price [Contract] with Economic Price Adjustment FP-EPA e: Fixed Price Economic Price Adjustment FPF e: Final Protection Fires - e: Final Protective Fire - e: Fixed Price Firm - e: Force Package File FPG d: Fallpauschalengesetz - e: Force Planning Guide

FPGA e: Field Programmable Gate Array[s] F/Ph s: Fuego de Prohibición FPI e: Federal Prison Industry - e: Fixed Price Incentive - e: Functional Process Improvement FPIF e: Fixed-Price Incentive Fee - e: Fixed-Price-Incentive-Firm FPIP e: Fixed Price Incentive Firm FPIS e: Fixed Price Incentive [Successive Target] - e: Force Planning Information System - e: Forward Propagation by Ionospheric Scatter FPJMC e: Four Power Joint Military Commission FPL e: Final Protective Line FPLA e: Field Programmable LogicArray FPLAV s: Fundación por la Vida FPLOE e: Fixed-Price Level of Effort FPLX e: Force Projection Logistics Exercise FPM e: Facilities Planning Module - e: Fast Page Mode - e: Federal Procurement Manual - e: Feet per Minute - e: Force Packaging Methodology - e: Frequency Position Modulation - e: Functional Planning Matrices - e: Functional Project Manager FPM-SIMM d: Fast Page Mode Speicherbausteine FPN e: Foreign Pendant Numbers Files FPO e: Fleet Post Office - e: For Placement Only - e: For Positioning Only - e: Organized Popular Force FPOW e: Friendly Prisoner of War FPP e: Firepower Potential - e: Fixed Path Protocol - e: Floating Point Processor FPR e: Fiber Reinforced Plastic - e: Fixed Price Redeterminable - e: Floating-Point Register - e: Florida Philosophical Review: the journal of the Florida Philosophical Association - e: Force Program Review - e: Forward Pricing Rate FPRA e: Forward Pricing Rate Agreement FPRP e: Forward Pricing Rate Proposal FPRR e: Forward Pricing Rate Recommendation FPRT e: Forward Pricing Review Team FPS e: Fast Packet Switch -

e: Favorite Picture Selection e: Feet per Second e: First Person Shooter e: Focus Projection and Scanning e: Foot-Pound-Second e: Frames per Second e: Military Primary Radar

- s: Frecuencia Patrón de Sistema FPSI e: Formatting Presentation Specification Instance FPT e: Follow on Production Testing - e: Force[d] Perfect Termination - e: Full Power Trail

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

FPTS e: Forward Propagation Tropospheric Scatter FPU e: File Processing Unit - e: First Production Unit - e: Floating Point Unit - e: Forwarding Participating Unit FPV e: Force Projection Vehicle - s: Fundación por la Vida FPW/EPA e: Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment FPWG e: Financial Processes Working Group FPX e: Flash Pix [Format] FPY e: Financial Plan Year FQ e: Film Quarterly FQDN e: Fully Qualified Domain Name FQHN e: Fully Qualified Host Name FQ&P e: Flight, Quality and Performance FQPR e: Frequency Programmer FQR e: Formal Qualification Review - e: Functional Qualification Review FQS d: Forum qualitative Sozialforschung: Theorien, Methoden, Anwendungen - e: Forum Qualitative Social Research: theories, methods, applications FQT e: Formal Qualification Test FR d: Finanzrundschau - e: Failure Rate - e: Fast Release [Relay] - e: Fault Reporting - e: Feminist Review - e: Field Reversing - e: Flight Refueling - e: Frame Relay - e: France, Final Report - e: Frequency Response - e: Full Rate - e: Functional Review FRA e: Fixed Radio Access - e: France - e: Funded Reimbursable Authority Fra s: Frontera FRAD e: Frame Relay Access Device - e: Frame Relay Assembler/Disassembler FRAG e: Fragment - e: Fragmentation [Code] FRAGO e: Fragmentary Order FRAGPLAN e: Fragmentary Plan FRAG PREP e: Fragmentary Order Preparation System FRAM e: Ferroelectric Random-Access Memory - e: Ferromagnetic Random Access Memory - e: Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization F R A M E e: Frame Relay Access Device FRAMEC s: Formato Reducido de Alarmas, Mensajes Espontáneos y Comandos Francia d: Francia: Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte FRANK e: Frequency Regulation and Network Keying FRASM e: Frame Relay Access Service Module FRAT e: Free Radical Assay Technique FRB e: Failure Review Board - e: Federal Reserve Bank © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


FRC - e: Functional R e d u n d a n c y C h e c k i n g - e: Functional R e v i e w B o a r d F R C e: Federal R e c o r d Center - e: Federal R e s p o n s e Center - e: F e d e r e a l R e g i o n a l Councils - e: Final R e p r o d u c i b l e Copy - e: Functional R e s i d u e Capacity - e: R e q u e s t Full R o u t e Clearance F r C O A e: Friendly Course of Action F R C T e: F i x e d R e c o r d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Teletypewriter F R D e: Fire R e t a r d a n t - e: F o r m e r l y Restricted D a t a - e: Functional R e f e r e n c e D e v i c e - e: Functional R e q u i r e m e n t s Description F R E e: Field R e p r e s e n t a t i v e E u r o p e F R E D e: Figure R e a d e r E l e c t r o n i c Device - e: F r a m e Editor - e: F r o n t - E n d to D i s h F R E D S e: Financial R e c o r d and E v a l u a t i o n Systems F R E E T E X T e: Free Text M e s s a g e F r e i b u r g e r G b l l d: Freiburger Geschichtsblätter F r e i s t ä d t e r G b l l d: Freistädter Geschichtsblätter F r e n c h H S t e: F r e n c h Historical Studies F R E Q e: F r e q u e n c y - e: F r e q u e n c y M a n a g e m e n t F R E Q M U L T e: F r e q u e n c y Multiplier FREQNPAV d.Frequenznutzungsplanaufstel lungs Verordnung FreqNPAV d.Frequenznutzungsplanaufstellungs Verordnung F R E Q N P A V B V d: F r e q u e n z n u t z u n g s planaufstellungsverordnungsbeauftragte nversammlung FreqNPAVBV rf.Frequenznutzungsplanaufstellungsverordnungsbeauftragte nversammlung F R E Q S E P e: F r e q u e n c y Separation F R E S C A N N E R e: F r e q u e n c y Scanning Radar F R F A e: Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis F R F E e: Field R e p r e s e n t a t i v e Far East F R F O U R R A e: F r e n c h F o u r r a g e r e F R F S e: F e e d e r R e q u e s t for Service F R F T e: Federal R e s e r v e F u n d transfers FRG d: F r e m d r e n t e n g e s e t z - e: Force R e q u i r e m e n t s Generator F R G R s: Función de R e p e r e s e n t a c i ó n Gráfica FRI e: F o c u s e d Research Initiative FRJ e: Facility R e j e c t e d M e s s a g e F R M R e: F r a m e R e j e c t F R M S e: F r e q u e n c y R e c o r d M a n a g e m e n t System F R N e: Federal Register Notice - e: Force R e q u i r e m e n t N u m b e r F R N A e: Foreign R a t i o n s Not Available F R O e: Flexible R e s p o n s e Option F R O D e: Functionally R e l a t e d Observable D i f f e r e n c e s F R O G e: Free Rocket Over Ground - s: F e d e r a c i ó n R e g i o n a l Obrera de Guatemala F R P e: Facility R e q u i r e m e n t s Panel - e: Fiber-Glass R e i n f o r c e d Plastic - e: Force R e n d e z v o u s Point

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- e: Fuel R e p r o c e s s i n g Plant - e: Full Rate P r o d u c t i o n - e: Functional R e v i e w P r o c e s s F R P A e: F i x e d R e c e p t i o n Pattern Antenna F R P C e: Fast R e a c t i o n P r o c e d u r e Card F R P I e: Flux R e v e r s a l s per Inch F R P R s: F r a u d e P r e p a g o en t e l e f o n i a móvil F R Q e: F r e q u e n t F R R e: False R e j e c t Rate - e: Flight R e a d i n e s s R e v i e w F R R S / B E I e: F r e q u e n c y Resource Record System/Background Environment Information F R S e: Federai R e s e r v e System - e: Federai Service System - e: Fleet R e p l a c e m e n t Squadron - e: Fleet R e p l e n i s h m e n t Squadron - e: Fragility R e s p o n s e S p e c t r u m - e: Freight Rate Specialist F R S M e: Force and R e s o u r c e Status Monitoring - e: Future R a d i o n a v i g a t i o n Systems M i x F R T e: Fast Reaction Team - e: Functional R e q u i r e m e n t s Test F R T K e: Field R e p a i r Test Kit F R T P e: Fraction of Rated P o w e r F R T S e: F r a m e Relay T r a f f i c Shaping FRIJ e: Field R e p l a c a b l e Unit - e: F o r w a r d i n g R e p o r t i n g Unit FRIJS e: Foreign Relation of the U n i t e d States F R V e: Final R e n d e z v o u s - e: Force R e n d e z v o u s F r V g g d: Freie V e r e i n i g u n g der B e a m t e n , A n g e s t e l l t e n und Arbeiter frz. d: f r a n z ö s i s c h FS e: Factor of Safety - e: Feasibility Study - e: Field Security - e: Field Separator - e: Field Standard - e: Fighter Squadron - e: File Separator - e: File Server - e: Fin-Stabilized - e: Financial Section - e: Finish to Start - e: Fire Station - e: Fire Support - e: Fiscal Service - e: Flare Single-Unit - e: Flexible Sustainment - e: Flight Safety - e: Flight Surgeon - e: Font Server - e: F o o d Stamp - e: Frame Status - e: F r e q u e n c y Shift - e: Full Scale - e: Full Service - e: Future Systems - s: Fuerzas de Seguridad fs e: functional schematic F S 3 e: Future Strategic Strategy Study FSA d: F a c h s c h u l e f ü r A l t e n p f l e g e - e: Family Separation A l l o w a n c e - e: Field Support O f f i c e - e: Fire Support Availability - e: Force Structure A l l o w a n c e


e: e: e: e:

F o r e i g n Systems Acquisition F o r w a r d Support Area Functional System A n a l y z e r Functional Systems Audit

F S A C e: Fire Support A r m a m e n t s Center F S A G e: Free S o f t w a r e Association Germany F S A G A e: First Sortie A f t e r G r o u n d Alert F S A M e: F u n d a m e n t a l s of Systems A c q u i s i t i o n M a n a g e m e n t Course F S A N e: Full Service Access N e t w o r k F S A O e: F a m i l y Services and A s s i s t a n c e Officer F S A R e: Final Safety Analysis R e p o r t - e: Financial Security Assistance Account Receivable F S A S e: Fuel Savings Advisory System F S A T e: Full Scale Aerial Target F S B e: Fire Staging Base - e: Fire Support B a s e - e: Fleet Satellite Broadcast - e: F o r w a r d Staging Base - e: F o r w a r d Staging Report - e: F o r w a r d Support Battalion F S B S e: Fixed Submarine B r o a d c a s t System - e: Fleet Satellite B r o a d c a s t System F S C e: Federal Supply Classification - e: File Sequence Code - e: Fire Support Coordination - e: Fire Support Coordinator - e: Foreign Service Credit - e: Functional Standing C o m m i t t e e s F S C A P e: Flight Safety Critical A i r c r a f t Part F S C C e: Facility Security Clearance Certificate - e: Fire Support Coordination Center F S C / E W e: Foreign Sigint Collector F S C II e: Force Structure C o n f e r e n c e II F S C L e: Fire Support Control Eine - e: Fire Support Coordination Eine F S C M e: Federal Supply Code for Manufactures - e: Fire Support Coordinating M e a s u r e F S C O O R D e: Fire Support Coordinator F S C P e: Firing Site C o m m a n d Post - e: Flight Safety Critical Part F S C S e: Fleet Satellite C o m m u n i c a t i o n s System F S D e: File System Driver - e: Fuel Supply Depot - e: Full-Scale D e f l e c t i o n - e: Full-Scale D e v e l o p m e n t - e: Functional Statement D o c u m e n t - e: Functional System Description F S D O e: Flight Standard District Officers - e: Flight Standards District O f f i c e F S D R e: Final Site Design R e v i e w F S D T e: Functional System D e s i g n Team F S D W S e: F i x e d Site D e t e c t i o n and W a r n i n g System F S E d: F r e i s p r e c h e i n r i c h t u n g - e: Fire Support E l e m e n t - e: Full Screen Editor F S E D e: Full-Scale E n g i n e e r i n g Development

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

FUM FSE/FTE e: Factory Support/Test Equipment FSF e: Free Software Foundation FS/FD e: System Flux/Delta Flux FS/FW e: Steam Flow/Water Flow FSG e: Federal Stock Group FSI e: Flight Simulator Instructor - e: Functional Simulation Installation FSIP e: Fast Serial Interface Processor - e: Federai Service Impass Panel FSK e: Frequency Shift Key[ing] FSL e: Foreign Service Locai - e: Formal Semantic Language - e: Forward Supply Locations - e: Full System Listing FSM d: Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia - e: Fire Support Module - e: Firmware Support Manual - e: Flight Simulator Mode[l] - e: Food Service Management F S M A e: Functionally Supported Maintenance Activity F S M O e: Flexible Single Master Operation FSN e: Federal Stock Number - e: File System Navigator - e: Foreign Service National - e: Full Service Network FSNCO e: Fire Support Noncommissioned Officer - e: Flight Safety Noncommissioned Officer FSO e: Fire Support Officer - e: Flight Safety Officer - e: Foreign Service Officer - e: Fuel Supply Office FSOC e: Flight Safety Officer Course FSOF e: Forward Special Operations Facility FSP e: Facility Security Profile - e: Facility Support Plan - e: File Service Protocol - e: Forward Supply Points - e: Full Spectrum Processing FSR e: Feedback Shift Register - e: Field Service Representative - e: Fisheye State Routing - e: Free System Resources FSRS e: Frequency Selective Receiver System FSRT e: Firm Scheduled Return Fime FSS e: Fail Safe System - e: Failsafe System - e: Fast Sealift Ships - e: Federal Supply Schedule - e: Federal Supply System - e: Field Storage Site - e: Fire Support Section - e: Fire Support Station - e: Flight Screening Squadron - e: Flight Service Station - e: Force Status System - e: Forward Supply System - e: Functional System Specification FSSD e: Foreign Service Selection Date FSSE e: Forward Service Support Element FSSG e: Force Service Support Group FSSRP e: Fast Simple Server Redundancy Protocol

FSST e: Forward Space Support to Fheater FST d: Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Felefonmehrwertdienste - e: Field Service Team - e: Flat Square Tube [Monitor] - e: Foreign Service Tour FSTC e: Field Sound Transmission Class - e: Foreign Science and Technology Center FSTL e: Future Strategic Target List FStrG d: Bundesfernstraßengesetz FSU e: Forward Support Unit - e: Fuel Scavenging Unit FSIJP s: Función de Supervisión FSV e: Frequency Selective Voltmeter - e: Future Scout Vehicle FSW e: Feet of Seawater - e: Forward-Swept Wing[s] FT d: Funkentelegraphie - e: Females Targeted - e: Fire Team - e: Firing Tables - e: Force Terminal - e: Frequency Tracker - e: Full-Tracked - e: Functional Test Ft e: Fort F&T e: Fuel and Transportation F/T e: Full Time FTA e: Fault Tree Analysis FTAM e: File, Transfer, Access and Management - e: File Transfer and Access Methods FTASB e: Faster Than a Speeding Bullet FTB e: Front-to-Back Algorithm FTC e: Facilities Technical Criteria - e: Fast Time Constant - e: Fast Time Constraint - e: Federal Trade Commission FTCN e: Fleet Teletype Conferencing Network FTCP e: Field Trains Command Post FTD e: Field Training Detachment - e: Freight Traffic Division - e: Functional Test Demonstration - e: Functional Training Detachment FTDFOA e: Full Time Dining Facility Operation Activity FTD-I e: Freight Traffic DivisionImport FTDMA e: Frequency and Time Division Multiple Access FTE e: Full-Time Equivalent FTF e: Face to Face - e: Field Test Facility - e: Flared Tube Fitting FTFET e: Four-Terminal Field-Effect Transistor FTI e: Fixed Target Imagery - e: Fixed Target Indication - e: Fixed Target Indicator - e: Fixed Target Information FTIIJ e: Flight Test Interface Unit FTL e: Faster Than Light - e: Full Term License FTLS e: Final Top Level Statistics FTM e: Flat Tension Mask FTO e: Foreign Training Officer

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

FTOC e: Fleet Tactical Operations Center FTP e: File Transfer Protocol - e: Fixed Term Lease Plan - e: Flight Test Plan FTPD e: File Transfer Protocol Daemon FTR e: Functional Test Requirement FTRAC e: Full-Tracked Vehicle FTRFLT e: Fighter Flight FTRG e: Fleet Tactical Readiness Group FTRIA e: Flow and Temperature Removable Instrument Assembly FTRO s: Función de Transferencia de Responsabilidad Operativa FTS d: Fahrerlose Transportsysteme - e: Field Training Service - e: Flight Training Squadron - e: Foot Switch - e: Force Tracking System - e: Frequency and Timing Subsystem - e: Full-Time Support FTSS e: Family of Tactical Soft Shelter FTT e: Field Tactical Trainer FTTB e: Fiber to the Building FTTC e: Fiber to the Curb FTTD e: Full-Time Training Duty FTTH e: Fiber to the Home FTTO e: Fibre to the Office FTTx e: Fiber to the χ FTIJ e: First Training Unit - e: Flight Test Unit - e: Formal Training Unit - e: Freight Terminal Unit FTW e: Flying Training Wing - e: Future Technology Workshop FTWG e: Flight Test Working Group FTX e: Field Training Exercise FTZ d: Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt - d: Forschungs- und TechnologieZentrum der DBP Telekom FU e: Fire Unit - e: Fuse - e: Smoke FIJA e: Fire Unit Analyzer FUAC e: Functional Area Code FIJBAHR e: Fouled up Beyond all Hope of Recognition FIJBAR e: Fouled up Beyond all Recognition - e: Fouled up Beyond all Repair FUBB e: Fouled up Beyond Belief FIJD d: Flussdiagramm - e: Fear, Uncertainty and Disinformation - e: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt - e: Force Unit Designator FIJDR e: Failure and Usage Data Report FUE d: Forschung und Entwicklung - e: First Unit Equipped FIJED e: First Unit Equipped Date FUELS e: Aviation fuels management system FUI e: Fake User Interface - e: File Update Information FUIF e: Fire Unit Integration Facility FUL d: Forschung und Lehre F U L C R U M e: Video-based map display FuldaGbll d: Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter: Zeitschrift des Fuldaer Geschi chtsvereins FUM e: Functional User's Manual

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


FUMN FUMN s: Frente Unido del Magisterio Nacional FUNC e: Function fune e: functional FUNCTLINE e: Functional Line Diagram FIJNDAC s: Fundación para el Desarrollo Académico FIJNDACEN s: Fundación del Centavo FUNDACRIS s: Fundación Cristiana para el Desarrollo Rural FUNDAESPRO s: Fundación Esfuerzo y Prosperidad FUNDAGROS s: Fundación Agros FIJNDAP s: Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral de Programas Socioeconómicos FUNDATED s: Fundación de Asistencia Técnica para el Desarrollo FUNDAUTA s: Fundación Utatlán FUNDEMI s: Fundación para el Desarrollo y Educación de la Mujer Indigena FUNDESCO s: Fundación para el Desarrollo de la función social de las Comunicaciones FUNDESGUA sv Fundación para el Desarrollo Económico y Social de Guatemala FUNDESPE s: Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa FUNDOBEMO s: Fundación Dolores Bedoya de Molina FUNGDESK s: Fundación Kaslen FUNI e: Frame based/Relay User Network Interface - e: Frame relay User Network Interface FUP d: Funktionsplan - e: Facility Utilization Plan FUPOSAT e: Followup on Supply Action Taken FURA r: Föreningen Umeá Radioamatörer Fus s: Fusil FUSA s: Fusil Automático [de Asalto] FiiSt d: Funkstelle FUV (i.FernmeldeverkehrsOberwachungs-Verordnung


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FV d: Festverbindung - e: Fix Validator - e: Full Voltage - ί: Folio Verso Fv e: Aircraft speed correction factor F/V e: Fishing Vessel - e: Frequency to Voltage FVC e: Force Validation Committee FVD e: Front Vortex Back Focal Distance FVIT d: Fachverband Informationstechnik im ZVEl FYS e: Fighting Vehicle System - e: Finnish Volunteer Service - e: Foreign Visit[s] System[s] FVT e: Full Video Translation F W d: Feste virtuelle Verbindung FW e: Face Width - e: Field Weakening - e: Fighter Wing - e: Filament Wound - e: Fiscal Week - e: Fixed Wing - e: Forecaster Workstation - e: Full Wave - e: Weather correction factor FWA e: First World Address - e: Fluorescent Whitening Agent - e: Forward Wave Amplifier - e: Fraud, Waste and Abuse FW&A e: Fraud, Waste and Abuse FWC e: Force Weapons Coordinator FWCL e: Field Wire Command Link FWD e: Forward - e: Front Wheel Drive fwd e: forwardfed] FW/DB e: Forward Warning and Deployment Base FWDBL e: Forward Bomb Line FWE e: Foreign Weapons Evaluation FWEE d: Fernwirkendeinrichtung FWEG d: Fernwirkendgerät FWG e: Financial Working Group - e: Functional Working Group FWHM e: Full-Width at Tenth Maximum FWIT e: Fighter Weapons Instructors Training

FWIW e: For What It's Worth FWLST d: Fernwirkleitstelle FWPC e: Federal Women's Program Coordinator FWS e: Fighter Weapons School - e: Forward Swept Wing FWV e: Fixed Wing Vehicles FWVg d: Freie Wahlvereinigung FWV TDA e: Fixed Wing Vehicles Technology Development Approach FWW e: Fighter Weapons Wing FX e: Foreign Exchange [Service] - e: Special effects FXXI e: Force Twenty-One FY e: Fiscal Year - e: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYA e: For Your Amusement FYCP e: Five Year Corporate Plan FYDP e: Five-Year Defense Program - e: Future Years Defense Program FYI e: For Your Information FYIC e: For Your Information and Guidance FYMP e: Five-Year Materiel Program FYMTP e: Five Year Master Test Plan FYP e: Five-Year Plan - e: Five Year Program FYPA e: Fiscal Year Planning Assessment FYPB e: Five-Year Planning Base FYPP e: Five-Year Procurement Program FYT e: Force Year Total Model FYTP e: Five-Year Test Plan - e: Five-Year Test Program Fzas s: Fuerzas FZI e: Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe FZMw d: Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft FZPhTh d: Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie FZRA e: Freezing Rain

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik


G G d: Grüne Fraktion - e: General - e: German - e: Global - e: Grams - e: Graphic - e: Ground - e: Group - e: Indicator fro gusts in METAR - s: Gas - s: Globo 2G s: Segunda Generación de comunicaciones móviles 2,5G s: Generación 2,5 de comunicaciones móviles 3G s: Tercera Generación de comunicaciones móviles G-7 e: Group of 7 Nations G.711 e: Describes the 64-kbps P C M voice coding technique G.723.1 e: Describes a compression technique that can be used for compressing speech or audio signal components at a very low bit rate G.728 e: Describes a 16-kbps low-delay variation of CELP voice compression G.726 e: Describes A D P C M coding at 40, 32, 24 and 16 kbps G.729 e: Describes CEEP compression where voice is coded into 8-kbps streams G.804 e: The ITU-T framing standard that defines the mapping of A T M cells into the physical medium GA d: Galliumarsenid - d: Gemeinschaftsaufgabe Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur - d: Goldammers Archiv für Strafrecht - e: General Aviation - e: Go Ahead - s: Gestion de Anomalías - s: Gestor de Actuaciones o Gestor de Actividad - s: Grupo de Artillería GAAA s: Grupo de Artillería Antiaérea GAAC s: Gestor de Actuaciones de Acceso a Cliente GAAL s: Grupo de Artillería Antiaérea Eigera GAAS d: Galliumarsenid GAAT s: Grupo de Artillería Antitanque GAB e: General Agreements to Borrow GABICO d: Ganz billiger Computer

GACA s: Grupo de Artillería de Campaña GADES s: Gestion y Análisis de Estructuras de Señalización GADIR s: Grupo de Aplicaciones para el Diseño Integral de Red GADSL s: Gestion de acceso ADSL extendido GAE e: German Application Environment - s: Gestión de Actuaciones de Empresas - s: Granada de Alto Explosivo GAFIA e: Get Away from it All GAIA e: Earth's self-sustaining Biosphere GAIN e: German Advanced Integrated Network - s: Gestión de Activos Inmobiliarios GAL e: Gate Array Logic - e: Get a Life GALC s: Grupo de Artillería de Lanzacohetes GAM s: Gestor de Actuaciones de Telefónica Móviles España G A M M d: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik GAN e: Galactic Area Network - e: Global Area Network - s: Ganado GAO s: Grupo [de Artillería] de Obuses GAOM s: Gestor de Actividad de Operación y Mantenimiento GAP e: General Access Profile - e: Generic Access Profile - s: Grupo de Acción Popular GAPE s: Gestor de Actuaciones de Planta Exterior GAR s: Grupo de Artillería Reactiva GASGA e: Group of Assistance in Systems relating to Grain After harvest GATT e: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GAUDI s: Gestor Automático de Distribución Inteligente de intervenciones de operadora G Αν AS Pav s: Grupo de Aviación Antisubmarina en Portaaviones G Αν C Pav s: Grupo de Aviación de Combate en Portaaviones GB d: Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für klassische Altertumswissenschaft - e: Gigabyte - s: General de Brigada - s: Guerra Bacteriológica

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

Gb e: Gigabit GBA d: Geriatrisches Basisassessment - s: Gestion de Boletines de Averías GBE d: Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes GbE e: Gigabit Ethernet GBF/DIME e: Geographie Base File/Dual Independent Map Encoding GBG d: Geschlossene Benutzergruppe GBl d: Gesetzblatt GbllMagd d: Geschichtsblätter für Stadt und Land Magdeburg: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte und Altertumskunde des Herzogtums und Erzstifts Magdeburg GBMaßnG d: Grundbuchmaßnahmegesetz GBN e: Global Business Network Gbno s: Gobierno GBps e: Gigabytes per Second GBVfG d: Grundbuchverfügung GC s: Grupo de Comando - s: Guardacostas GCA e: Geopolitical Certification Authority - e: Graphic Communications Association - e: Ground Controlled Approach GCB s: Grupo de Caballería Blindada GCC e: GNU C Compiler - s: Grupo de Cohetes de Costa GCG s: Gran Comisión de Guatemala GCH s: Granada [de] Carga Hueca GCHR e: Gulf Coast Historical Review GCLL s: Generador de la señal de Corriente de LLamada GCM s: Grupo de Caballería Mecanizada GC/MS e: Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometrograph linked with computer GCON s: Sistema de Gestión de Contratas e Instaladores GCR e: Group Coded Recording GCSI s: Gestión Comercial de Servicios Internacionales GCTE e: Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems Program of the IGBP GCIJ s: Grupo Cerrado de Usuarios GCUE s: Sistema de Gestión de Cuestionarios y Encuestas Gd d: Der Geschichtsdidakt: Probleme, Projekte, Perspektiven gd e: good © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


GDA GDA d: Gesellschaft für Digitale Archivierungstechnik - e: Generic Directory Application Programming Interface - e: Global Data Area - s: Granada GDC e: General Datacomm - s: Gestión de Datos Corporativos GDF e: Geographic Data Format GDI e: Graphical Device Interface - e: Graphical Display Interface Gdia s: Guardia GDLA s: Gestión Distante de Línea de Abonado GDMO e: Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects GDN e: Government Data Network GDO d: Grundstücksdokumentationsordnung GDPDU d: Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen GDR e: Grinning, Ducking and Running - / · Grand Dictionaire Terminologique - s: Grupo de Desembarco Regimental G-DRG e: German Diagnosis Related Groups GDRVVF e: Grinning, Ducking and Running Very, Very Fast GDS e: General Device Support GdS s: Grado de Servicio GDSD s: Generación y Detección de la Señal de Descolgado GE d: Genf - s: Granada de Ejercicios - s: Grupo de Ejércitos - s: Grupo de Exploración lOGE e: 10 GBit/s Ethernet GEA s: Grupo de Exploración de Aposentamiento GEAA s: Gráfico de Eficacia Antiérea GEAV s: Grupo de Exploración Avanzado GEB d: Godei, Escher, Bach GEC s: Grupo de Exploración de Caminos GECB s: Guardería Evangélica Casita Benjamin GECIB s: Gestor de Cargas IBercom GEDEÓN s; Gestion de Órdenes GEE s: Grupo de Exploración de Emplazamiento GEF d: Globale Umweltfazilität GEISER s: Gestion Integrada de Servicios de Red de Transporte GEJ s: Grupo de Exploración del Jefe GEL s: Guerra Electrónica GEM e: Globally Executable M H P GEMA d: Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungsrechte GEMD i.· Grupo Euro Multi Divisa GemS d: Gemeinsamer Senat GENAP s: Generador de Aplicaciones GenealogischesJb d: Genealogisches Jahrbuch GEO e: Geostationary Earth Orbit GEOS s: Grupo Ecológico de Organización y Solidaridad Geosat e: Geodesy Satellite GEP d: Geschichte, Erziehung, Politik - s: Guía Electrónica de Programación Ger e: German


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GERAN e; GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network Germanistik d: Germanistik. Internationales Referatenorgan mit bibliographischen Hinweisen. Tübingen GermStRev e: German Studies Review Gesnerus e: Gesnerus: Swiss journal of the history of medicine and sciences GESTA s: Generación de Estadísticas del Servicio de Tarjetas GEU s: Grupo de Exploración Unificado GEWEX e: Global Energy and Water cycle Experiment GewStDV ¿.GewerbesteuerDurchführungsverordnung GewStG d: Gewerbesteuer-Gesetz GewStR d: Gewerbesteuer-Richtlinien GEZ d: Gebühreneinzugszentrale GF s: Granada Fumígena - s: Granda de Fusil - s: Grúa Flotante Gf s: Grupo de Flotillas GfA d: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft GFC e: Going for Coffee GFCI e: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter GFF s: Granada de Fusil Fumígena GFG d: Graduiertenförderungsgesetz GFP e: Generic Framing Protocol GFY e: Go Find Yourself - e: Good for You GG d: Geschichte und Gesellschaft: Zeitschrift für historische Sozial Wissenschaft - d: Grundgesetz - d: Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - s: Gran Guardia - s: Guerra de Guerrillas G.703/G.704 e: ITU-T electrical and mechanical specifications for connections between telephone company equipment and DTE using BNC connectors and operating at E1 data rates GGBefG d: Gefahrgutbeförderungsgesetz Ggs. d: Gegensatz GGS d: Gütegemeinschaft Software e.V. GGSN e: Gateway GPRS Support Node GH e: German History: the journal of the German History Society - s: Granada de Humos GHF d: Grosshandels-Flatrate GHQ e: Georgia Historical Quarterly GHz e: Gigahertz Gl d: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. - s: Granada Iluminante - s: Granada Incendiaria - s: Grupo de Intendencia GIÀ s: Grupo Islámico Armado GICC s: Gestión Integral de Cali Centers virtuales GICCV s: Gestión Integral de Cali Centers Virtuales GID e: Group Identification - e: Group Identifier - e: Group Identity GIE s: Generación de Informes Estadísticos

GIF e: Graphics Interchange Format GigADSL s: Servicio de Telefonica que ofrece el acceso indirecto al bucle de abonado a los operadores autorizados GIGO e: Garbage In, Garbage Out GII e: Global Information Infrastructure GiK d: Geschichte in Köln: Zeitschrift für Stadt- und Regionalgeschichte G Ind A s: Grupo Independiente de Artillería G Ind AA s: Grupo Independiente de Artillería Antiaérea G Ind AAT s: Grupo Independiente de Artillería Antitanque GINRPC s: Gestion de Inventarios para Redes Privadas de Clientes 3GIO e: 3rd Generation I/O [Interface] GIP e: GPS/GSM Interworking Profile - s: Gestion Integrada de Proyectos GIPS e: Giga-lnstructions per Second GIS e: Geographie Information System - e: Geographical Information Systems - s: Generador de la Información de Servicio GISS s: Gestion Integral de Servicios y Sistemas GIWIST e: Gee 1 Wish I'd Said That GJ e: Geographical Journal - e: Gothic Journal GJAPS e: Graduate Journal of AsiaPacific Studies GJb d: Goethe-Jahrbuch GKS e: Graphical Kernel Standard GKV d: Geschäftskundenvertrieb GKW d: Ganzkörperwaschung 1GL e: First Generation Language 2GL e: Second Generation Language 3GL e: Third Generation Language 4GL e: Fourth Generation Language 5GL e: Fifth Generation Language 6GL e: Sixth Generation Language GLA e: Galaxy Latin América GLDV d: Gesellschaft für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung GLL e: German Life and Letters G Log s: Grupo Logistico Glog s: Grupo Logistico G L O G B R s: Grupo Logistico de Brigada GLONASS e: Global Orbiting Navigational Satellite System Ciotta d: Ciotta: Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache GLRS-R e: Geoscience Laser Ranging System-Ranger GLT d: Gebäudeleittechnik GLV e: Global Line Vectorization GM s: Granada de Mano - s: Granada de Metralla - s: Guardia Marina GMA s: Gestion Mecanizada de Asignación GmbH & Co. KG d: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung und Co. KG GmbH & Co. OHG d: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung und Co. OHG GMC s: Gestión Mecanizada de Circuitos GMCC s: Granada de Mano Contracarro GMCP s: Granada de Mano Contrapersonal

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

Gso GMD d: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung GME d: Gesellschaft Mikroelektronik im VDE GMF s: Granada de Mano Fumígena GM I s: Primera Guerra Mundial GM II s: Segunda Guerra Mundial GMIP s: Gestión Mecanizada Iberpac GMit d: Germanistische Mitteilungen GML f: Gazette du livre médiéval - s: Granada de Mortero Ligero GMLC e: Gateway Mobile Location Center GMM e: Global Multimedia Mobility - s: Gaussian Mixture Model - s: Granada de Mortero Medio GMO s: Granada de Mortero - s: Grupo Mecánico Operativo - s: Grupo Móvil Operativo IG mobile network e: First generation mobile network 2G mobile network e: Second generation mobile network 2G+ mobile network e: Second generation plus mobile network 3G mobile network e: Third generation mobile network GMP e: GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library - s: Granada de Mortero Pesado GMPLS e: Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching GMR e: Giant Magneto Resistance - e: Giant Magneto Resistive - s: Granada de Mortero Rayado GMS e: Global Messaging Service GMSC e: Gateway Mobile Switching Centre GMSK e: Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying GMT e: Greenwich Mean Time - e: Greenwich Meridian Time GN s: Guardería Nazareth Gn s: Guarnición GNI d: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Neuro Informatik Gnomon d: Gnomon: kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft GNS f: Gazette Numismatique Suisse GNU e; GNU's Not Unix - s: Gnu no es Unix GO e: Geek of Other - s: Granada Ordinaria GOB e: Group of Blocks GOBS d: Grundsätze ordnungsgemässer DV-gestützter Buchführungssysteme GOD s: Granada Ofensiva-Defensiva GOEP e: Generic Object Exchange Profile Goethe d: Goethe. Neue Folge des Jahrbuchs der Goethe-Gesellschaft Goethe-Yeongu d: Goethe-Yeongu. Goethe-Studien [Seoul] GOIA e: Governor's Office of Indian Affairs GOK e: God Only Knows GOP e: Group of Pictures G Or s: Grupo de Órdenes GOS e: Grade of Service - e: Gräfe of Service

GoS d: Grundsätze ordnungsgemässer Speicherbuchführung GOSIP e: Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile - e: Government OSI Profile GOV e: Government - e: Government-Owned Vehicle gov e: Government GP s: Gobierno Provisional - s: Granada Perforante G PAv Leo s: Grupo de Portaaviones Lanzacohetes GPD d: Geschichte, Politik und ihre Didaktik GPF e: General Protection Failure - e: General Protection Fault GPL e: General Public License - e: GNU General Public License GPNV e: General Purpose Non-Volatile Gpo s: Grupo Gpo Art s: Grupo de Artillería Gpo Caft s: Grupo de Cañones Gpo Mort s: Grupo de Morteros GPP e: Generation Partnership Project 3GPP e: Third Generation Partnership Program - e: Third Generation Partnership Project 3GPP2 e: Third Generation Partnership Project 2 GPQ e: Great Plains Quarterly GPRM s: Grupo de Parámetros Modificale GPRS e: General Packet Radio Service[s] GPS e: General Processor Sharing - e: Global Positioning Satellite - e: Global Positioning System GPSR s: Gestion y Provision de Servicios de Red GPSS e: General Purpose Simulation System GPU e: Graphic[al] Processing Unit - e: Graphicfal] Processor Unit GQ d: Geschichte quer: Zeitschrift der bayerischen Geschichtswerkstätten - s: Guerra Química GQM s: Grupo Quirúrgico Móvil GQuat e: German Quarterly GR d: Graubünden - e: [Soft] Hail - s: Gestion de Recibos - s: Granada Rompedora - s: Grupo - s: Guerra Radiológica Gr s: Grúa G&R e: Greece and Rome GRA e: GERAN Registration Area GrabbeJb d: Grabbe-Jahrbuch G ral s: General Gral Brig s: General de Brigada Gral Div s: General de División gramm. d: grammatisch Gr Art s: Grupo de Artillería Gr Art AA s: Grupo de Artillería Antiaérea GRBS e: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies GRD e: Grinning, Running + Ducking - e: Ground GR+D e: Grinning, Running + Ducking Gr de C s: Grupo de Combate

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

Gr de Cñ,S s: Grupo de Cañones Gr de Obs s: Grupo de Obuses GrdstVG d: Grundstücksverkehrsgesetz GRE e: Generic Router Encapsulation - e: Generic Routing Encapsulation - s: Gestor de Reclamaciones para Empresas G Reco s: Grupo de Reconocimiento GRESA f: Centre d'Enseignement Supérieur des Affairs GrEstG d: Grunderwerbsteuergesetz GRF s: Gestor de Reclmaciones de Facturación GRGP s: Gestion de Reclamaciones para Gran Público GRI s: Gestion de Reclamaciones e Incidencias GRIB e: Gridded Binary GRID e: Processed meteorological data form of grid point values griech. d: griechisch GRIM s: Gestor de Reclamaciones e Incidencias de Telefònica Móviles España GRIPO f: Groupe de Recherche d'Interet Public d'Ontario GRIS s: Gestor de Reclamaciones e Incidencias de Sistemas GRJ e: A RAS message sent as a gatekeeper rejection Grl s: General Grl Div s: General de Division Gr Lig de Cab s: Grupo Ligero de Caballería GRM d: Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift - e: Graeco-Roman Memoirs GRQ e: A RAS message sent as a gatekeeper request GrS d: Großer Senat Gr Salv s: Grupo de Salvamento GR-SR d: Geschichte & Region-Storia e Regione GRT e: Gross Registered Tonnage GrZS d: Großer Zivilsenat beim Bundesgerichtshof GS d: Gedächtnisschrift - d: Geprüfte Sicherheit - e: Grade of Service - e: Group Switch - e: Small hail and/or snow pellets - s: Grupo de Sanidad GSA e: General Services Administration GSAC s: Gestion de los Servicios de Atención al Cliente GSC e: Group of blocks Start Code GSG d: Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz GSH s: Gestor de Servicios Host gsh d: ganzheitlich sinnvoll handeln GSHR e: Gulf South Historical Review GSI s: Grupo de Sistemas de Información GSJ e: Galpin Society Journal GSM e: Global System for mobile Communication^] - e: Group Speciale Mobile - e: Group Switch Module GSMP e: General Switch Management Protocol - e: Generic Switch Management Protocol Gso s: Grueso © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


GSOBG GSOBG d: Gemeinsamer Senat der obersten Gerichtshöfe des Bundes GSP e: Generalized System of Preference - s: Granada Semiperforante GSR e: Gigabit Switch Router - e: Global State Routing GSS e: Generic Service State GST d: Gebäudesystemtechnik GT s: Granada Tóxica - s: Granada Trazadora - s: Grupo de Transmisiones - s: Grupo Táctico - s: Grupo Terrorista GTA s: Grupo de Trabajo de Actividad GTAC s: Grupo Táctico Acorazado Gte s: Gerente GTI e: Global Telecommunications Initiative GTM e: General Transaction Manager GTMZ s: Grupo Táctico Mecanizado GTP e: GPRS Tunneling Protocol GTS e: Global T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] System - e: Global Time Server - e: Global Time Service GTT e: Global Title Translation


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GTZ d: German Agency für Technische Zusammenarbeit GU d: Gabelumschalter - s: Gran Unidad G U A T E X P R O s: Centro Nacional de Promoción de las Exportaciones GU Ejército s: Gran Unidad de Ejército GuG d: Grundstücksmarkt und Grundstückswert GUI e: Graphicfal] User Interface GUID e: G l o b a l l y ] Unique Identifier GiiKG d: Güterkraftverkehrsgesetz GUN d: Gemeinschaft der UNIXAnwender Niederrhein GUS e: Guide to the Use of Standards GuV d: Gewinn und Verlust GV d: Gebäudeverteiler g/v s: gran velocidad GVB-AV d: Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Grundbuch Verfahrensbeschleunigung GVBD d: Götz-von-Berlichingen-Dämon GVH d: Gesamtverzeichnis

G W d: Gewählte virtuelle Verbindung G W O d: Grundstücksverkehrsverordnung GW d: Gleichwelle - d: Grenzwelle - e: Gateway G W B d: Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen kurz Kartellgesetz genannt Gwb d: Gewerkschaftsbund GWG d: Geringwertiges Wirtschaftsgut G W H e: Gigawatt Hour GWIN d: Gigabyte Wissenschafts-Netz GWU d: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht: Zeitschrift des Verbandes der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands GYb e: Goethe-Yearbook Gymnasium d: Gymnasium: Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung GZS d: Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme

deutschsprachiger Hochschulschriften GVM d: Grafik, Visualisierung, Mediadienste GVO d: Grundstücksverkehrsordnung

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik


H H d: Harn - e: Hardware - e: Heater - e: Henry - e: High - e: Home - s: Helicóptero - s: Hora - s: Hospital H. s: Honorable H- e: HighH-2 e: Sea Sprite H-3 e: King H+7 e: 7 hours after H-hour H-46 e: Knight H.225.0 e: An ITU standard that governs H.225.0 session establishment and packetization H.245 e: An ITU standard that governs H.245 endpoint control H.320 e: Suite of ITU-T standard specifications for videoconferencing over circuit-switched media H.323 e: H.323 allows dissimilar communication devices H.450.2 e: Call transfer supplementary service for H.323 H.450.3 e: Call diversion supplementary service for H.323 HA d: Halbaddierer - d: Historische Anthropologie: Kultur, Gesellschaft, Alltag - e: Haiti - e: Half-Adder - e: Hazard Assessment - e: Heavy Armor - e: Heavy Artillery - e: High Aperture - e: High Availability - e: Higher Authority - e: Holding Area - e: Home Agent - e: Home Aplliances - e: Humanitarian Assistance - e: U S N attack helicopter squadron - I: Helvetica Archaeologica - z: Hadashot Arkheologiyot ha e: high altitude H&A / · Histoire et Anthropologie: revue pluridisciplinaire de sciences humaines H*A s: Hombre/Año HAAC e: Helicopter Air-to-Air Combat

HAB e: Heavy Assault Bridge - e: Heavy Asset Bridge - e: High-Altitude Burst Habis s: Habis: arqueología, filología clásica HABITAT d: Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Wohn- und Siedlungswesen HAC e: Hands-Free Add-On Circuit - e: Helicopter Aircraft Commander HACC e: Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center HACCP e: Hazard Analysis [and] Critical Control Point[s] HACD e: Home Area Customer Dialing H A C M P e: High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing HACO s: Herramientas Avanzadas de Comercio electrónico HACT e: Helicopter Active Control Technology HAD e: Half-Amplitude Duration HADA s: Herramienta de Ayuda al Dimensionado de la red A T M HADAS e: Helmet Airborne Display and Sight - s: Herramienta de Análisis de Area de Servicio HADS e: Hawaiian Air Defense System - e: High Accuracy Digital Sensor - e: Hypersonic Air Data Sensor HAF e: High Altitude Fluorescence Hagio I: Hagiographica: rivista di agiografia e biografia della «Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino» H A H O e.· High Altitude High Opening HAHR e: Hispanic American Historical Review HAL e: Hard Array Logic - e: Hardware Abstraction Layer - e: Highly Automated Logic - e: House-Programmed Array Logic Hall ED/M e: Hall Effect Devices HALO e: High Altitude Low Observable - e: High Altitude, L o w Opening - e: High-Attitude Large Optics HALP e: H A W K Equipment Logistics Program HALSIM e: Hardware Logic Simulator HAM e: Hardware Associative Memory - e: Home Amature Mechanic - I: Hortus Artium Mediaevalium

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

H A M D e: Helicopter Ambulance Medical Detachment Η-AMI e: Host-Automated Message Interface HAMS e: Hardness Assurance, Maintenance and Surveillance HanauGbll d: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter HAND e: Have a Nice Day HansGbll d: Hansische Geschichtsblätter HansOLG d: Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht HAnt i: Hispania Antiqua: revista de historia antigua HAON s: Herramienta de Administración de Objetivos de Negocio HAP e: Hazard Abatement Program - e: High Accident Potential - e: Host Access Protocol HAPDAR e: Hard Point Demonstration Array Radar HAPEX e: Hydrological-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment HARAC e: High Altitude Resonance Absorption Calculation H A R D M A N e: Hardware Vs. Manpower Methodology - e: Hardware vs.Manpower - e: Manpower planning for hardware HARDS e: High Altitude Radiation Detection System H A R M e: High-Availability, Reliability and Maintainability - e: High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile HARP e: Halpern Antiradar Point - e: High Altitude Release Point - e: High Altitude Research Project HARPO s: Herramienta Automática para la Realización de Pruebas OSI HARS e: Heading/Attitude Reference System HARV e: High-Alpha Research Vehicle HAS e: Hardened Aircraft Shelter - e: Hazard Analysis Summary HAs d: Hauptanschluss há[s] s: hectárea[s] HASE s: Herramienta de Averías de Servicios Especiales HASP e: High-Altitude Sampling Program - e: High-Altitude Sounding Project - e: Houston Automatic Spooling Priority system © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


HASPA HASPA e: High Altitude Super-Pressure Powered Aerostat HAST e: High-Altitude Supersonic Target - e: Humanitarian Assistance Survey Team HAT e: Hardened Antenna Technology HATR e: Hazardous Air Traffic Report HATS e: Heuristic Automated Transportation Mode System HAW e: Heavy Antitank/Assault Weapon HAWK PCP e: Hawk Platoon Command Post HAZ e: Hazardous Cargo - e: Heat Affected Zone HAZCOM e: Hazardous Communications HAZMAT e: Hazardous Material HB e: Heavy Boat - e: High Burst - e: Horizontal Baffle Η-B e: Hexadecimal to Binary HBA e: Host Bus Adapter HBCI e: Home Banking Computer Interface HBCIJ e: Historically Black College and University Hbes d: Hausbesitzer HBFG d: Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz HBM e: Her [or His] British Majesty HBO e: Home Box Office HBr e: Hydrogen Bromide HC c: Historicky Casopis - e: Helicopter Combat Support Squadron - e: Heuristic Concepts - e: High Capacity - e: High Carbon - e: Holding Coil - e: Hollow Charge - e: Host Country - e: Hybrid Computer - e: Hydrocarbon - e: Hydrogen Chloride - s: Helicóptero - s: Hora Cargada - s: Hospital de Campaña H/C e: Hand Carry HCA e: Half-Cone Angle - e: Head of Contracting Activity - e: Head of Contracting Agency - e: Heading Crossing Angle - e: Health Care Authority - e: Humanitarian and Civic Assistance HCAE s: Híbrido Circuito de Actuación y Exploración HCAED s; Híbrido Circuito de Actuación y Exploración Doble HCAS s: Híbrido Circuito de Alimentación del Sistema HCC s: Hora Cargada de la Central HCCAS e: Hostile Casualty HCD e: Hot-Carrier Diode HCE e: Hollow-Cathode Effect - e: Human-Caused Error - s: Hora Cargada del Elemento HCF e: Halt and Catch Fire - e: High-Carbon Ferrochrome - e: Hybrid Distribution Function HCG e: Horizontal Location of Center of Gravity 140

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H channel e: High-speed channel HCHO e: Formaldehyde C H 2 0 HCl e: Hardness Critical Item - e: Human Computer Interaction - e: Human Computer Interface - s: Historia Clínica Informatizada HCL e: Hardware Compatability List - e: Hardware Configuration List - e: High, Common, Low [Relay] - e: Horizontal Center Line - e: Hydrochloride HCl e: Hydrogen Chloride HCLA s: Híbrido Circuito de Línea de Abonado HCLE s: Híbrido Circuito de Línea de Enlace HCLIJ s: Híbrido Circuito de Línea Universal HCM e: Hardman Comparability Methodology HCMM e: Heat Capacity Mapping Mission HCMOS e: High Speed CMOS HCMs e: High-performance voice Compression Modules HCN e: Host Country National - e: Hydrogen Cyanide HCO e: Helicopter Control Officer HCOR e: Honorary Colonel of the Regiment HCP e: Hardcopy Printer - e: Health Care Provider HCR e: Hodge Computer Research, Inc. - s: Hora Cargada de la Ruta HCS e: Hazard Communication Standard - e: Heliborne Common Sensor - e: Helicopter Combat Search and Rescue/Special Warfare Support Squadron - e: Helicopter Combat Support - e: Helicopter Control Station - e: Helicopter Coordination Section HCSDS e: High-Capacity Satellite Digital Service HCSS e: High Capacity Storage System - e: Hospital Computer Sharing System HCTR e: High Capacity Trunk Radio HCU e: High Capacity Computer Unit HD d: Hilfskanal Datenleitung - e: Blister agent - e: Half Duplex - e: Harbor Defense - e: Hard Disk - e: Harmonic Distortion - e: Head Diameter - e: Heavy Drop - e: Heavy Duty - e: High Definition - e: High Density - e: Home Defense - e: Honorable Discharge Η-D e: Hexadecimal to Decimal H/D s: Hombre-Día HDA e: Head Disk Assembly - e: High Definition Audio Hda. s: Hacienda HDB3 e: High Density Bipolar Code of Order 3 HDB e: High Density Bombing HDC e: Harbor Defense Commandfer] - e: Helicopter Direction Center

HDCD e: High Definition Compatible Digital - e: High Density Compact Disk HDD e: Hard Disk Drive - e: Head Down Display - e: High Definition Display HDDR e: High Density Digital Recording HDDS e: High Density Data System HDD unit e: Hard Disk Drive unit HDDV e: Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle HDF e: Hierarchical Data Format - e: High Frequency Direction Finding HdG-Magazin d: Haus der Geschichte Magazin HDH e: HDLC Distant Host HDI e: Head to Disk Interference HDL e: Hardware Description Language - e: Hierarchical Design Language HDLC d: Fehlerkorrekturprotokoll mit Prüfsumme bei einer PPP Verbindung - e: High-level Data Link Control HDM e: Hardware Device Module HDMI e: High Density Multi-Chip Interconnect HDMR e: High Density Multitrack Recording HDMS e: High Density Memory Set HDN d: HochgeschwindigkeitsDatennetz HDO e: Horizontal Parallax Only HDPLX e: Half Duplex HDR e: Header - e: High Data Rate - e: Hot Dry Rock HDS e: Historical Data Server HDSC e: High Density Signal Carrier HDSL e: High Bit [or Data] Rate [or Speed] Digital Subscriber Line - e: High Bit [or Data] Rate [or Speed] Digital Subscriber Link - e: High Bit [or Data] Rate [or Speed] Digital Subscriber Loop HDSS e: Holographic Data Storage System HDT e: High Driver Task - e: Host Digital Terminal - p : Historia: Debates e Tendencias HDTV e: High Definition Television HD IJ e: Hard Disk Unit - e: Hose Drum Unit HDVD e: High Definition Volumetric Display HDW e: Hardware HD-WDM e: High Density-Wavelengh Division Multiplex HDX e: Half Duplex HDY e: Heavy Duty HE d: Höheneinheit - e: Handling Duplex - e: Heat Exchange - e: Heavy Equipment - e: High Explosives - e: His Eminence - e: Home Environment - e: Human Engineering - s: Hospital de Evacuación HEA e: Health Education Authority - e: Higher Education Authority - s: Herido en Acción

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

HGbll HEAAC e: High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coder [or Coding] HEAO e: High Energy Astronomical Observatory [satellite] HEAP e: High Explosive Armor Piercing - e: Home Energy Assistance Program HEART e: Health Evaluation and Risk Tabulation HEAT e: Helicopter External Air Transport - e: High Explosive, Anti-Tank HEAT-T e: High-Explosive Anti-TankTracer HEC e: Header Error Check - e: Header Error Control - e: Helicopter Employment Coordinator HECP e: Harbor Entrance Control Point HECVES e: Harbor Entrance Control Vessel HED e: Horizontal Electrical Dipole HEDM e: High Energy-Density Matter HEDP e: High Explosive Dual Purpose HEDR e: Human Engineering Domain Report HEE s: Hospital de Evacuación Especial HEED e: Helicopter Emergency Egress Device HEEL e: Helicopter Emergency Egress Eighting H E / E X J A M e: Hand Emplaced Expendable Jammer H E F O E e: Hydraulic Electrical Fuel Oxygen Engine HEFIJ e: High-Energy Firing Unit H E H O e: Head End Hop off HEI e: High Explosive Incendiary - e: History of Economic Ideas - e: History of European ideas HEL e: High Energy Laser Program - e: Human Engineering Laboratory - f: Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage hel e: helicopter Hel s: Helicóptero Hel AS s: Helicóptero Antisubmarino HEL-H e: Heavy Helicopter Heli s: Helicóptero Helikon i: Helikon: rivista di tradizione e cultura classica Helios e: Helios: a j o u r n a i devoted to critical and methodological studies of classical culture, literature and society H E L I T E A M e: Helicopter Team HEL-L e: Light Helicopter HEL-M e: Medium Helicopter HELP e: Highly Extendible Language Processor HELS s: Helicóptero Sanitario HELSTF e: High Energy Laser System Test Facility HEM e: Hybrid Electromagnetic Wave Hémecht d: Hémecht: Zeitschrift für luxemburgische Geschichte HEMP e: High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse - e: High-level Entity Management Protocol HEMS e: High-level Entity Management System H E M T e: High Electron Mobility Transition

HEMTT e: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck HEO e: High Earth Orbit HEOB e: Hostile Electronic Order of Battle HEP e: Header - e: High Explosive Plastic - e: High School Equivalency Program - e: Human Error Probability HEPA e: High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters Hephaistos d: Hephaistos: kritische Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis der Archäologie, Kunstwissenschaft und angrenzender Gebiete HEPnet e: High-Energy Physics Network H E P O D R U G e: Health Post and Drug Retailers HEP-T e: High-Explosive Plastic Tracer HEQ e: History of education quarterly HER e: History of Economics Review - e: Human Error Rate HERA e: High Explosive Rocket Assisted HERF e: Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel - e: High Energy Rate Forming Hermathena e: Hermathena: a Trinity College Dublin review HERO e: Hazardfs] of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance HERP e: Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel HERT e: Hackers' Emergency Response Team HES e: Hardcopy Exploitation Segment - e: Home Electronic System - f: Histoire, Economie et Société HESB e: History of Economics Society Bulletin HESD e: Helicopter Electrostatic Discharge HESH e: High Explosive Squash Head Hesperia e: Hesperia: journal of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens Hess d: Hessen hess d: hessisch HessIP d: Hessisches Institut für Pflegeforschung HessJbLG d: Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte HET e: Heavy Equipment Transporter HE-T e: High-Explosive Tracer H E T E S O N E s: Herramientas y Tecnologías de Soporte al Negocio HETF e: Hill Engineering Test Facility HEV e: Health and Environment Η Ε ν s: Hospital de Evacuación HEVET s: Herramienta de Verificación y Tarificación HEW e: Department of Health, Education and Welfare HEX d: Hexadezimal - e: Hexadecimal HF d: Hochfrequenz - e: Harassing Fire - e: Height Finder - e: High Frequency - e: High Functionality

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: - e: hf - e:

Human Factorfs] Hydrogen Fluoride d: Kurzwelle high frequency

HFA d: Hauptfachausschuß des Instituts der Wirtschaftsprüfer HFAARS e: High Frequency Adaptive Antenna Receiving System HF AC e: Human Factors HFAJ e: High Frequency Anti-Jam HFC e: Hybrid Fiber Coax[ial] H f D d: Hauptanschluss für Direktruf - d: Hauptanschluss für Direktwahl HFDF e: High Frequency Distribution Frame - e: High Frequency [Radio] Direction Finding HFE e: Hardware Forwarding Engine - e: Human Factors Engineering HF/E e: Human Factors/Engineering HFEA e: Human Factors Engineering Analysis HFEP e: Host Front End Processor HFET e: Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistor HFH ir: Hvem Forsker Hvad HFIC e: HF intra-task force communications HFMS e: High Frequency Monitoring System HFO e: High-Frequency Oscillator HFP e: Host to Front End Protocol - e: Special pay for duty subject to hostile fire HFR d: Höchstrichterliche Finanzrechtsprechung - e: Hardwara Failure Rate - e: Height Finding Radar HFRB e: High Frequency Radio Broadcast - e: High Frequency Regional Broadcast HFRG d: Gesetz über den Betrieb von Hochfrequenzgeräten HfrG d: Gesetz über den Betrieb von Hochfrequenzgeräten HFS d: Datenträgerformat des Apple Macintosh & Kompatiblen - e: Hierarchical File System HF/SSB e: High Frequency/Single Sideband HFSWR e: High Frequency Surface Wave Radar HFT e: High Function Terminal H F T & E e: Human Factors Test and Evaluation H F T U A A M e: High Frequency Tuning Unit Antenna Automatic Matching HG d: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter: Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Niedersachsen - e: Hand Generator - e: Hydrogen Generator - s: Hospital de Ganado - s: Hospital General Hg e: mercury HGA e: Hercules Graphics Adapter HGAS e: High Gain Antenna System H Gas s: Hospital de Gaseados HGB d: Handelsgesetzbuch HGbll d: Hansische Geschichtsblätter

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HGC HGC e: Hercules Graphics Card - e: Hercules Graphics Controller HGCP e: Hercules Graphics Card Plus HGEC s: Hospital General de Enfermedad Común HGEW e: Historiography East and West HGrG d: Gesetz über die Grundsätze des Haushaltsrechts des Bundes und der Länder HGS e: Holocaust and Genocide Studies HGT e: High Group Transmit HGZH d: H o f f e Geholfen Zu Haben HH e: Health Hazard[s] - e: Homing Pattern - e: Hour H/H s: Hombre-Hora HHA e: Health Hazard Analysis - e: Health Hazard Assessment HHAR e: Health Hazard Analysis Report - e: Health Hazard Assessment Report HHB e: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery HHC e: Hand-Held Controller - e: Headquarters and Headquarters Company HHCL e: H Hour Coordinating Line HHCU e: Hand-Held Control Unit HHD e: Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment HHG d: Häftlingshilfegesetz - e: Household Goods HHH d: Hausbesitz, Handwerk, Handel HHI d: Heinrich-Hertz-lnstitut - e: Higher Headquarters' Issues HHLAPI e: High-Level Language Application Programming Interface HHLL e: Hand-Held Laser Locator HHLR e: Hand-Held Laser Rangefinder HHM e: Hand Held Monitor H H M M W V e: Heavy High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle H - H M M W V e: Heavy Highly Mobile [High Mobility] Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle HHOC e: Headquarters, Headquarters and Operations Company HHOK e: Ha Ha Only Kidding HHOS e: Ha Ha Only Serious H-hour e: Seaborne assault landing hour - e: Specific hour on D-day at which a particular operation commences H-Hour e: Time of commencement HHR e: Hand-Held Radar - e: Hanover Historical Review HHS e: Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron - e: Health and Human Services HHSC e: Health Hazard Severity Category HHT e: Headquarters and Headquarters Troop HHTs e: Hand-Held Terminals HHV e: Heavy H M M W V Variant HI s: Hospital de Infecciosos H&I e: Harassing and Interdicting - i: Historia & Informatica H I A e: Held in Abeyance - e: History in Africa: a journai of method - e: Hold in Abeyance HIAC e: High Altitude Camera 142

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HI-C e: High Conversion Critical Experiment HIC e: History of Intellectual Culture - e: Hybrid Integrated Circuit HICAP e: High-Capacity Firefighting Foam Station HICCS e: Hardware Inventory Configuration Control System HICI s: Herramienta Interactiva de Configuración Internacional HICO e: History Compass HICOM e/ High Command HID e: High Intensity Discharge - e: Human Interface Device Hid s: Hidroacústico - s: Hidrografía - s: Hidrográfico HIDACZ e: High-Density Airspace Control Zone HIDAD e: High Density Array Development Program HIDEC e: Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control HIDM e: High Information Delta Modulation HIDRA s: Herramienta Informática para Diseño de Redes de Acceso HIDS e: Host Intrusion Detection Systems HIDSS e: Helmet Integrated Display Sighting System HIDTA e: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area HIE e: Helicopter Installed Equipment HIF e: Hyper-G interchange format HIFD e: High-Density Floppy Disk HIFR e: Helicopter ln-Flight Refueling - e: Hover In-Flight Refueling Hig s: Higiene HIHO e: High Insertion, High Opening HIL e: High-Intensity Lighting - e: Human Interface Link HildesheimerJb d: Hildesheimer Jahrbuch für Stadt und Stift Hildesheim HILEX e: High Level Exercise HILO e: High Insertion, Low Opening HIMAD e: High-to-Medium Air Defense HIMARS e: History Management and Retrieval System HiMAT e: Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology H I M E M e: High Memory HIMES e: History Management and Retrieval System HIMEZ e: High-Altitude Missile Engagement Zone HIMSS e: High-Resolution Microwave Spectrometer Sounder HiN d: HiN-Humboldt im Netz: international review for Humboldtian studies/revista internacional de estudios humboldtianos/internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien Hindenburg d: Mit Hindenburg für ein nationales Preußen HINFO e: Host Information HIOS e: Headquarters Integrated Office System HIP e: Host-IMP Protocol - e: Host-IPLI Protocol - e: Hot Isostatic Press

HIPAE s: Híbrido Interfaz del Punto de Actuación y Exploración HIPAR e: High Power Acquisition Radar - e: High Power Illumination Radar HIPERLAN s: Tecnología de comunicación inalámbrica de banda ancha HIPERNAS e: High-Performance Navigation System HIPIR e: High-Power Illuminator Radar HIPO e: Hierarchy-Input-ProcessOutput - s: Hipomóvil HIPOT e: High Potential HIPOTT e: High Potential Test HIPPI e: High Performance Parallel Interface HIRDLS e: High-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder HIREL e: High Reliability HIRES e: HI-Resolution HIRMS e: Hypothetical Information Resource Management System HIRSS e: Hover Infrared Suppresser Subsystem HIS e: High Resolution Interferometer Sounder - e: Honeywell Information Systemfs] - e: Hospital Information System HISA e: Headquarters and Installation Support Activity Hispania s: Hispania: revista española de historia HISRAN e: High-Precision Short-Range Navigation HISS e: Horizon 1R [Infrared] Surveillance Sensor Hist, cienc. saude p: Historia, ciências, saúde-Manguinhos Historia d: Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte/revue d'histoire ancienne/ journal of ancient history/rivista di storia anticae History e: History: the journal of the Historical Association HistT Copenhagen a: Historisk Tidsskrift [Copenhagen] HistT Oslo N: Historisk Tidsskrift [Oslo] HistT Stockholm r: Historisk Tidsskrift [Stockholm] HistlJniv e: History of Universities HIT e: High Isolation Transformer HITL e: Hardware in the Loop HITS e: Hierarchical Integrated Test Simulator HIV e: Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HJ e: Crypto key change - e: Historical Journal - e: Honest John - s: Hogar Juan XXIII H/J s: Hombre Jornada HJb d: Historisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft HJbGraz d: Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Graz HJbLinz d: Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz HJEAS e: Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

HOTOL HJPR s: Asociaciones de Protección a las Adolecentes 'Hogar Juvenil Pura Ross' HJR e: Henry James Review HJS e: Hypermedia Joyce studies: an electronic journal of Joyean scholarship Hk d: Herstellungskosten HKAhrweiler d: Heimatkalender des Kreises Ahrweiler HL d: Halbleiter - e: Blister agent - e: Hop Level - e: Intelligence Handover Line - I: Historiographia Linguistica: international journal for the history of language sciences - I: Humanística Lovaniensia: journal of neo-Latin studies HL7 e: Health Level 7 HLA e: High Level Architecture HLCO e: High Low Close Open HLD e: High-Level Designator HLDC e: High Level Data Link Control HLDM s: Hogar Luisa de Marillac' HLFD e: High-Level Functional Description HLH e: Heavy-Lift Helicopter HLI e: Host Language Interface HL IT e: Siemens Semiconductors Info Technics HLL e: High-Level Language HLLAPI e: High Level Language Application Program[ming] Interface HLLV e: Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle HLM e: Heterogeneous LAN Management HLOS e: Horizontal Line-of-Sight HLP e: High Latency Profile HLPS e: Heavy-Lift Preposition Ship HLQ e: High Level Qualifier HLR e: Home Location Register HLRN d: Hochleistungs-Rechenzentrum Niedersachsen HLRS d: Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart HLRZ d: Hochleistungs-Rechenzentrum HLS e: Holy Land Studies: an multidisciplinary journal - e: Hue, Lightness, Saturation - e: Hue, Luminance, Saturation HLSC e: Helicopter Logistic Support Center HLSUA e: Honeywell Large Systems Users Association HLT e: Halt HLZ e: Helicopter Landing Zone HM d: Hilfskanal Meldeleitung - e: Hazardous Materials - e: Heavy Metal - e: Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron - e: High-resolution Monochrome -1: Historia Mathematica - s: Hombre Máquina H/M s: Hombre/Máquina HMA e: Attack helicopter squadron - e: High Memory Area - e: Hub Management Architecture HMAC e: Hash-based Message Authentication Code

HMAC-MD5 e: Hash-based Message Authentication Codes with MD5 HMAL e: Attack/light helicopter squadron HMC e: Her [or His] Majesty's Computer - e: Hybrid Micro Circuit HMCT e: Highway Movements Control Team HMD e: Head Mounted Display - e: Helmet Mounted Display HMEIR e: Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review HMEMO s: Híbrido de Memoria HMEMOD s: Híbrido de Memoria Dinámica HMF s: Hospital Militar Fijo HMG e: Heavy Machine-Gun - e: His Majesty's Government HMH e: Heavy Helicopter Squadron HMI e: Host Message Interface - e: Human Machine Interface - s: Interfaz Hombre Máquina HMIS e: Hazardous Material Information Sheet - e: Hazardous Material Information System HML e: Hard Mobile Launcher - e: Light helicopter squadron HMM e: Hex MICA Module - e: Hidden Markov Model - e: Medium helicopter squadron HMMP e: Hazardous Material Management Plan - e: Hypermedia Management Protocol HMMS e: Hypermedia Management System HMMU s: Híbrido Manejador de Memoria, Unidad HMMWV e: Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle HMMWV-H e: High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle-Heavy HMOS e: High density [or performance, or speed] Metal Oxide Semiconductor HMP e: Hazardous Material Pharmacy - e: Host Management Protocol - e: Host Monitoring Protocol HMR e: Hazardous Materials Regulations - e: Historical Media Review HMRG d: Historische Mitteilungen der Ranke-Gesellschaft HMRPP e: Hazardous Material Reduction Prioritization Process HMS e: Helmet Mounted Sight - e: Her [or His] Majesty's Ship HMT e: Her Majesty's Transport - e: High Mobility Trailer - e: His Majesty's Transport HMTT e: High Mobility Tactical Truck HMTIJSA e: Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act HMIJ e: Health Monitoring Unit - e: Helmet-Mounted Unit - e: Hydro-Mechanical Unit HMV l: Historia Medicinae Veterinariae HMW e: Health, Morale and Welfare HMX e: Helicopter Squadron HN e: Blister agent - e: Horn

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

- e: Hospitalman - e: Host Nation - s: Hospital Naval HNA e: Host Nation Approval HN Es s: Hospital Especializado Hngr s: Hangar HNIL e: High-Noise-Immunity Logic HNNSC s: Hogar del Niño Nuestra Señora Consoladora H N 0 3 e: Nitric acid Hno[s]. s: Hermano[s] HNS e: Host-Nation Support HNSMS e: Host Nation Support Management System HNVN s: Hogar para Niños Vida Nueva HO e: Historian - e: History Office H 2 0 e: Water H 2 0 2 e: Hydrogen Peroxide HOA e: Head of Agency - e: Heavy Observation Aircraft - e: Homeowners Assistance Fund, Defense HOAI d: Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure HOB e: Height of Burst HOBIS e: Hotel Billing Information System HOBOS e: Homing Bomb System HOC e: Humanitarian Operations Center - e: HUMINT Operations Cell HOC1 e: Hypochlorous Acid HOD e: Head of Delegation HODE s: Asociación Civil Guatemalteca Hogar y Desarrollo HO-DSP e: High-Order DSP HOE e: Holographic-Optical Element - e: Homing Overlay Experiment HOF e: Home Office Facility HöfeO d: Höfeordnung HÖGE e: Hover Out of Ground Effect HohenzollJh d: Hohenzollerische Jahreshefte HOI e: Headquarters Operating Instruction HOIS e: Hostile Intelligence Services HOJ e: Home-On-Jam HOL e: Head of Line - e: Higher-Order Language Home PNA e: Home Phoneline Networking Alliance HOMOL e: History of Medicine OnLine HOOAH e: An affirmation of agreement HOP e: Hybrid Operating Program HOR e: Home of Record HOS e: Hardware Operating System - e: Higher Order Software HOSA s: Herramienta para Optimización de las Subredes de Acceso HOSM e: Host Operations Systems Monitor hosp e: hospital Hosp s: Hospital Hosp C s: Hospital de Campaña Hosp Mtar s: Hospital Militar Host s: Hostigamientos HOTAS e: Hands on Throttle and Stick HOTOL e: Horizontal Take-Off and Landing © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


HOTPHOTOREP HOTPHOTOREP e: Hot Photo Interpretation Report HOW e: Howitzer how e: howitzer HOW BAT e: Howitzer Battery HOW; MSN e: Howitzer; Mission HOx e: odd hydrogen HP d: Hochpass - e: Hewlett-Packard, Inc. - e: High Pass - e: High Performance - e: High Power - e: High Pressure - e: Holiday Pay - e: Horsepower Η Ρ Α e: Head of Procuring Activity - e: Hecopascal - e: High Performance Absorber - e: High Power Amplifier - e: Holding and Positioning Aid HPAC e: Hazard Prediction Analysis Code - e: Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability - e: High Pressure Air Compressor H P A E s: Híbrido de Punto de Actuación y Exploración HPAG e: High Power Amplifier Group HPAR s: Hermanas Pequeñas Apóstoles de la Redención HPBW e: Half-Power Bandwidth HPC e: Handheld Personal Computer - e: Health Professional Card - e: High Performance Cluster - e: High Performance Computing - e: High Pressure Compressor HPCC e: High Performance Computing and Communications HPCS e: High-Performance Computing Systems HPCWG e: High Performance Computing Working Group HPD e: High-Performance Drone - e: High Power Density - e: High Power Destruction - e: High Progressivity/Density HPDPS e: Hewlett-Packard Distributed Print Service HPEX s: Híbrido de Puntos de Exploración HPF e: Highest Probable Frequency HP-FL e: Hewlett-Packard-Fiber Optic E ink HPFS e: High Performance File System HPG e: Hard Copy Processor Group HP-HIS e: Hewlett Packard-Health Information System HP HR e: Horsepower-Hour HPI e: High Power Illuminator - e: High Probability of Intercept - s: Heifer Project International HPIB e: Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus HPIR e: High-Probability-of-Intercept Receiver HPJ e: Hesse Page Journal HPL e: High Power Laser - e: Himal Power Limited HPLT e: High-Productivity Languages/Tools HPM d: Historisch-politische Mitteilungen: Archiv für christlich144

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demokratische Politik - e: High Power Microwave HPMN s: Home Public Mobile Network HPMSK e: High Priority Mission Support Kit HPN e: White Plains NY H P O e: Hourly Post Flight H P O T e: Heliopotentiometer H P P A e: HP Precision Architecture HPPC e: Herbal Production and Processing Company Limited H P P I e: High Performance Parallel Interface HPQ e: Hewlett-Packard Compaq - e: History of Philosophy Quarterly HPR e: High Performance Routing HPRF e: High Pulse Repetition Frequency HPROT s: Híbrido de Protecciones HPS e: Human Reliability Program Status HPSB e: High Performance Serial Bus HPSS e: Helmet Position Sensing System HPT e: Height-Pressure Test - e: High-Payoff Target - e: High Power Transmission Set - e: High Pressure Turbine - e: High Priority Target - e: Horizontal Plot Table HPTh e: History of Political Thought HPTL e: High Pay-off Target List HPTS e: High-Performance Third Stage HPIJ e: Hydraulic Power Unit - e: Hydraulic Pumping Unit HPIJX e: Hewlett-Packard UNIX HQ e: Have Quick - e: Headquarters - s: Hospital Quirúrigico HQ AETC e: Headquarters, Air Education and Training Command HQ AFCA e: Headquarters, Air Force Communication Agency HQ AFCESA e: Headquarters, Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency HQ AFISA e: Headquarters, Air Force Intelligence Support Agency HQ AFMC e: Headquarters, Air Force Materiel Command HQ AFRES e: Headquarters, Air Force Reserve HQ AFSC e: Headquarters, Air Force Systems Command HQ AFSPC e: Headquarters, Air Force Space Command HQ ATC e: Headquarters, Air Training Command HQCOMDT e: Headquarters Commandant HQDA DSS e: Headquarters, Department of the Army Decision Support System HQ ESC e: Headquarters, Electronic System Center HQM s: Hospital Quirúrgico Militar HQ MC e: Headquarters, Marine Corps HQS e: High Quality Screening HQ SAC e: Headquarters, Strategic Air Command HQ TAC e: Headquarters, Tactical Air Command

HQ IJSAF e: Headquarters, United States Air Force HR e: Half Rate - e: Hand Receipt - e: Hazard Report - e: Hemingway Review - e: Hertzsprung-Russell [diagram] - e: High Reflection - e: Historical Research: the bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research - e: History of Religions - s: Hospital de Recuperación Hr s: Hora H.323 RAS e: H.323 Registration, Admission and Status HRB e: Hazard Review Board HRC e: Human Resource Centers HRD e: High Rate Discharge - e: High Resolution Display - e: Human Resource Development HRDC e: Human Resources Development Council H Reco s: Helicóptero de Reconocimiento HR&ED e: Human Research and Engineering Directorate HRED e: Human Research and Engineering Directorate HRG e: High Resolution Graphics HRGM e: High-Resolution Ground Map HRI e: Horizontal Requirements Integration HRIR e: High Resolution Infrared Radiometer HRL e: Horizontal Reference Line HRMH e: Hampton Roads military history HRN d: Heterogenes Rechnernetz HRO e: Housing Referral Office HROL e: History Reviews On-line HRP e: High Risk Personnel - e: Highway Regulating Point - e: Holding and Reconsignment Point HRR d: Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung HR/RH e: Historical ReflectionsRéflexions Historiques HRS e: High Resolution Scenario - e: Horizon Reference System - e: Housing Referral Service Hrsg d: Herausgeber HRT e: Hostage Rescue Team HRTF e: Head Related Transfer Function HRIJ e: High Risk Units HRV e: High Resolution Video HRZ d: Hochschul-Rechenzentrum HS c: Historické Stúdie - d: Halbsatz - d: Hilfskanal Steuerleitung - e: Half Subtractor - e: Hardstanding - e: Hebrew Studies - e: Helicopter Antisubmarine Warfare Squadron - e: High School - e: High Speed - e: History of Science - e: Home Station - e: Homing Single-Unit - e: Hungarian Studies: a j o u r n a i of the

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

HUDWAC International Association for Hungarian Studies - e: USN helicopter anti-submarine warfare squadron H&S e: Headquarters and Service H/S e: Health and Safety HSA e: Health Service Area HSAAD s: Herramientas para la Supervisión de Aplicaciones de Alta Disponibilidad HSAAP e: Holston Army Ammunition Plant HSAL f: Histoire et Sociétés de l'Amérique Latine: revue de l'association A L E P H HSB e: High Speed Boat - e: High Speed Bus - e: Hue, Saturation, Brightness HSC e: High Speed Channel - e: High Speed Connect HSCC e: High Level Serial Communication Controller HSCDM e: High Speed Cable Driver Modem HSCP e: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology - e: High-Speed Card Punch HSCR e: High-Speed Card Reader HSCSD e: High Speed Circuit Switch Data HSCT e: High Speed Commercial Transport HSCX e: Extended High Level Serial Communication Controller HSD e: High-Speed Data - e: High-Speed Displacement - e: Historical Schedule Database - e: Horizontal Situation Display - e: HUM1NT Support Detachment HSDA e: High-Speed Data Acquisition HSDB e: High Speed Data Bus HSDG e: High School Diploma Graduate HSE e: Headquarters Support Element - e: HUMINT Support Element HSFB e: High Speed Fleet Broadcast HSG d: Hilfsmittelsicherungsgesetz - e: High School Graduate HSGM e: Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment HSGT e: High-Speed Ground Transportation HSI e: Hardware-Software-Interface - e: High Speed Interface - e: High-speed Serial Interface - e: Horizontal Situation I n d i c a t o r s ] - e: Host Speed Interface - e: Hue, Saturation, Intensity - e: Human System Interface - e: Human Systems Integration HSIC e: High Speed Integrated Circuit HSIK e: H o w Should 1 Know HSIP e: Human System Integration Plan HSIR e: Historical Studies in Industrial Relations HSL e: Health Service Laboratory - e: light helicopter antisubmarine squadron HSLA e: High Speed Line Adapter - e: High Strength, L o w Alloy

HSLAN e: High Speed Local Area Network H S L C M e: High Speed Line Control Module HSL-FX e: Hierarchical Specification Language-Function Extension HSLFX e: Hierarchical Specification Language-Function Extension HSLS e: Health Service Logistics Support HSL/SHL e: Historical Sociolinguistics and Sociohistorical Linguistics HSM d: Herzschrittmacher - e: Hermetically Sealed Microcircuit - e: Hierarchical Storage Management - e: High-Speed Memory HSMI e: Health Services Management Inspectors HSO d: Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für OnlineSüchtige e. V. HSOK e: Hunter-Standoff Killer HSP e: High Speed Peering - e: High Speed Printer - e: High Speed Processor HSPh e: Harvard Studies in classical Philology HSPR e: High Speed Pulse Restorer HSPS e: Historical Studies in the Physical and biological Sciences HSR e: Health Service Region -

e: Hierarchical State Routing e: High Sensitivity Receiver e: High-Speed Reader e: High Speed Research e: Historical Social Research

- e: Hungarian Studies Review HSRO e: High-Speed Repetitive Operation HSRP e: Headquarters Systems Replacement Program - e: Hot Standby Router Protocol HSS e: Health Service Support - e: Helicopter Support Ship - e: High-Speed Storage - e: Home Subscriber Server - e: Hyperspectral System HSSA e: Health Service Support Areas HSSDB e: High Speed Serial Data Buffer HSSDC e: High Speed Serial Data Connection - e: High Speed Serial Data Connector HSSDS e: High-Speed Switched Digital Service HSSGT e: High-Speed Guided Ground Transportation HS-SH f: Histoire Social-Social History HSSI e: High Speed Serial Interface HST e: Helicopter Support Team - e: High Speed Technology - e: High Speed Telegraphy - e: Hypersonic Transport HSTISA e: Host/Tenant Interservice Support Agreement HSTP e: Hardware and Software Turnover Plan HSTSP e: Hardware and Software Turnover Support Plan HSTTY e: High Speed Teletypewriter HSV e: Hue, Saturation, Value

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

H S W A e: Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment HT a: Historisk Tidsskrift [Copenhagen] - e: Blister agent - e: Hatch Team - e: Heavy [Satellite Ground] Terminal - e: Helicopter Training - e: High Temperature - e: High Tension - e: Horizontal Tabulation - e: Horsepower Tonnage ht e: high tension H&T e: History and Theory: studies in the philosophy of history H T A e: Heavier than Air Hta s: Herramienta H T E R R C A S e: Hostile Terrorist Casualty HTH e: High Test Hypochlorite - e: Hope that [or this] Helps HTI e: High Temperature Incendiary - e: Horizontal Technology Integration HTK e: Hard-Target Kill HTKP e: Hard-Target Kill Probability HTL e: High-Threshold Logic HTLD e: High-Technology Light Division HTM e: High Temperature - e: Hypotheses Testing Model HTML e: Hypertext Markup Language HTML+ e: The latest version of HTML HT O e: High Temperature Oxidation - e: Hospital Transfer Order HTOVL e: Horizontal Take-Off, Vertical Landing HTP e: Hardness Test Plan H T p s: Helicóptero de Transporte HTPB e: Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene HTR e: Heater HTS e: Hazard Tracking System - e: High Temperature Semiconductors - e: High Tensile Strength HTSA e: Host-Tenant Support Agreement HTSC e: High-Temperature Superconductor HTSF e: Hard Target Smart Fuze HTTB e: High Technology Test Bed HTTL e: High-Power TransistorTransistor Logic HTTP e: Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol - e: Hyper-Text Transmission Protocol - e: Hyper-Text Transport Protocol HTTP-NG e: HTTP Next Generation HTTPS e: Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure - e: Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Security HTU e: Hand Held Terminal Unit - e: Heat Transfer Unit HIJ e: High Usage - e: Hungary - e: Hospital Unit HITAN e: Howard University ArchivesNet: the electronic journal of the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center at Howard University HUC e: Human Use Committee HUD e: Heads up Display H U D W A C e: Heads-Up Display Weapons-Aiming Computer

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HUDWASS H U D W A S S e: Head-Up Display Weapon Aiming Sub-System HuG d: Haus- und Grundbesitzer HUGE e: Hewlett-packard Unsupported Gnu Emacs HUMINT e: Human [Resources] Intelligence HIJMRRO e: Human Resources Research Organization HUMS e: Health and Usage Monitoring System HUR e: Heat up Rate HURCN e: Hurricane H U R E V A C e: Hurricane Evacuation HUS e: Hardened Unique Storage H U S F U e: Hard Summary Fault Unit HUTE e: Hard User Terminal Element HuW d: Heimat und Wirtschaft HV d: Historische Vierteljahrschrift - e: Hand [Operated] Valve - e: Hardware Virtualizer - e: High Velocity - e: High Voltage - e: Hyper-Velocity H&V e: Heating and Ventilation H/V e: Horizontal/Vertical HVA e: High Value Unit HVAA e: High Value Airborne Assets HVAC e: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - e: High Vacuum - e: High Voltage Actuator HVAP e: High-Velocity Armor-Piercing HVAPDS e: High-Velocity, ArmorPiercing, Discarding Sabot HVAP-T e: Hyper-Velocity ArmorPiercing Tracer HVAR e: High-Velocity Aircraft Rocket HVAT e: High-Velocity Antitank HVB d: Hanseatischer Volksbund HVC e: Hue [Farbton], Value [Helligkeit], Chroma [Buntheit] HVD e: High Voltage Differential HVDC e: High Voltage Direct Current HVDF e: High and Very High Frequency Direction Finder


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HVDP e: Heavy Drop H V H M D e: Holographic Visor Helmet Mounted Display HVIT e: High Volume Information Transfer HVM e: Hyper-Velocity Missile HVP e: High Video Pass - e: Horizontal and Vertical Position HVR e: High-Voltage Regulator HVSD e: High Value Site Defense HVT d: Hauptverteiler - e: High-Value Target HVTA e: High Value Target Acquisition HVTIP e: High Volume Transaction Interface Package HVTL e: High Value Target Eist HVTP-T e: Hyper-Velocity Target Practice Tracer HVTIJ e: High Voltage Transformer Unit HVIJ e: High Value Unit HVY e: Heavy HW e: Half Wave - e: Hardware - e: HRSC [High Resolution Stereo C amera] / WAO S S [Wide Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner] - e: P C M Highway H/W e: Hardware H W A N S d: Hinweisansage H W B d: Hamburgischer Wirtschaftsbund HW BOSS e: Hazardous Waste Base Operation Support Systems H W C d: Hamburger WirtschaftsChronik: neue Folge HWCI e: Hardware Configuration Item - e: Hardware Critical Item H W C P e: Hardware Code Page HWD e: Hayward CA - e: Height-Width-Depth HwG d: Handwerk und Gewerbe HWIL e: Hardware-in-the-Eoop HWIL/SWIL e: Hardware/Software in the Eoop HWJ e: History Workshop Journal

H W L e: Hazard Warning Label H W M e: High Water Mark H W M P e: Hazardous Waste Management Pian HwO d: Handwerksordnung HWP d: Hamburgische Wirtschaftspartei HWS e: Horizontal Wind Shear HW/SW e: Hardware/Software H W / S W I L e: Hardware/Software in the Eoop HX e: Heat Exchanger HY e: Heavy - e: High Yield H Y B A L L e: Hybrid Analog Eogic Language H Y C O L e: Hybrid Computer Eink H Y C O T R A N e: Hybrid Computer Translator H Y D A C e: Hybrid Digital Analog Computer H Y D A P T e: Hybrid Digital-Analog and Pulse Time HYEX e: Hydraulic Excavator Hyle e: Hyle: international journal for philosophy of chemistry HypAblV d: Hypothekenablöseverordnung HyperCard e: A personal hypermedia/ multimedia creation system for use on Apple Computers hyper-g e: A distributed Hypertext system mostly popular in Europe HYPER ISC e: Hyperchannel InterSystems Communication HySTP e: Hypervelocity System Technology Program H Y T E L N E T e: A Hypertext-browser for TELNET-accessible sites HYTRESS e: High Test Recorder and Simulator System HYV e: High Yield Variety HZ e: Hertz Hz e: Hertz HZMP e: Horizontal Impulse

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I I e: Ident - e: Immediate - e: Individual - e: Information - e: Instrumentation - e: Integrated - e: International - e: Internet - e: luminous intensity - s: Impresora - s: Infantería I- e: Information 12 e: Image Intensification ΙΑ e: Identification + Authentication - e: Imagery Analyst - e: Immediate Action - e: Implementing Agency - e: Incentive Award - e: Indirect Addressing - e: Industry Application - e: Information Architecture - e: Information Assurance - e: Initial Assessment - e: Input Axis - e: Inspection Authority - e: Instrumentation Amplifier - e: International affairs - e: International Agreement - e: Internet Appliance - e: Internet Archaeology - e: Intersite Architecture - e: Interworking Implemantation Agreement - e: Iowa - I: Iranica Antiqua - s: Infantería Acorazada - s: Ingeniero Aeronáutico - s: Interamericano I&A e: Identification and Authentication I+A e: Identification + Authentication I/A e: Inspection/Acceptance IA5 e: International Alphabet 5 IAA e: Interim Access Authorization - s: Identificativo del Área de Actividad IAAS d: Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik ΙΑΒ e: International Academy of Broadcasting - e: International African Bibliography: current books, articles and papers in African studies - e: Internet Activities Board

- e: Internet Advertising Bureau - e: Internet Architecture Board IAC e: In Any Case - e: Industry Advisory Committee - e: Information Analysis Center - e: Integrated Avionics Computer - e: Integrating Associate Contractor - e: Inter-Application Communication - e: Interactive Courseware - e: Interagency Committee - e: Interapplication Communication - e: Interim Acceptance Criteria - e: International Advisory Committee - e: International Agricultural Center, Wageningen - e: International Algebraic Compiler - e: Item Activity Code IACCR e: Industrial Activity Capability and Capacity Response I,A&CO e: Integration, Assembly and Checkout IACP e: International Armament Cooperation Program IACR e: International Agreement Competitive Restriction IACS e: Inertial Attitude Control System - e: Integrated Armament Control System IAD e: Immediate Action Directive - e: Integrated Access Device - e: Integrated Antenna Detector - e: Integrated Automatic Documentation - e: Washington Dulles International Airport - s: Interfaz de Adquisión de Datos l A D B e: Inter-American Defense Board IADIC e: Integration Analog-to-Digital Converter iADL e: instrumental Activities of Daily Living IADS e: Integrated Air Defense System - e: Interactive Authoring and Display System IADT e: Initial Active Duty for Training - e: Integrated Automatic Detection and Tracking IAE d: ISDN Anschalteinheit - d: ISDN Anschlusseinheit - e: In Any Event - e: Integral Absolute Error IAECOSOC e: Inter-American Economic and Social Council IAEO d: Internationale AtomenergieOrganisation

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

IAF e: Initial Approach Fix IAFF e: International Air Freight Forwarder IAG e: Industry Advisory Group - e: Instruction Address Generation IAGC e: Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control IAGS e: Inter-American Geodetic School IAH e: Houston [Intercontinental] TX IAI e: Initial Acceptability Item IAL e: Immediate Action Letter - e: International Algebraic Language - e: Investment Analysis Language IAM e: Interactive Algebraic Manipulation IAMCE e: ISDN Access Module Control Element IAMO d: Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa IAMS e: Individual Alert Measures IANA e: Internet Assigned Numberfs] Authority IANAL e: I Am Not a Lawyer IANF e: Inter-Allied Nuclear Force IAO d: Internat. Arbeitsorganisation - e: Information Activities Office[r] - e: Internal Automation Operation IAOG e: International Administrative Management Domains Operators Group IAP e: Improved Accuracy Program - e: Independent Assessment Plan - e: Initial Aiming Point - e: Inner Administrative Point - e: Interactive Application Processor - e: International Airport - e: Internet Access Provider iap d: Institut für angewandte Pflegeforschung der Universität Bremen IAP-IASA e: International AirportIntegrated System Architecture IAR d: Institut für Automation und Robotik - e: Independent Assessment Report - e: Intelligence Automation Requirements - e: Internal Assessment Review IARL s: Interfaz de Acceso a la Red Local IARN e: Immediate Air Request Net IARR e: Interim Agreed to Rate Recommendation © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


IARU lARlJ e: International Amateur Radio Union IAS e: Immediate Access Storage - e: Indicated Air Speed - e: Interactive Application System - e: Interface Applications Software - s: Interfaz de Acceso a Sondas l A S C e: Interim Acting Service Chief l A S L d: Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur - e: Integrated Aircraft Simulation Laboratory l A S M i: Instituto per l'Assistenza allo Sviluppo del Mezzogiorno IASNET e: Institute for Automated Systems Network TASO e: Industrial Analysis Support Office IASP e: Integrated Acquisition Strategy Panel - e: Integrated Acquisition Strategy Process IAT e: Import Address Table - e: Information Assessment Team - e: Intelligence Analysis Team - e: Internal Air Transport - e: International Atomic Time IATA e: International Air Transport Authority - e: Is Amended to Add IATD e: Is Amended to Delete IATE e: Intermediate Automatic Test Equipment IATO e: Interim Authority to Operate IATR e: Is Amended to Read IAU e: Infrastructure Accounting Unit - e: Interface Adapter Unit IAUG e: International AIX Users Group IAIJP e: Internet User Account Provider IAVC e: Instantaneous Automatic Video Control - e: Instantaneous Automatic Volume Control IAVMS e: Installation Automated Vehicle Management System IAW e: Imagery Analysis Workpoint - e: In Accordance with IAW/AA e: Integrated Attack Warning/Attack Assessment IAZ e: Inner Artillery Zone IB d: In Betrieb - s: Instituto Benson para la Agricultura y Alimentación I/B e: Inboard IBA e: Industrial Base Assessment - e: Interest Bearing Account IBAD e: Interim Biological Agent Detector IBAES d: Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie IBC e: Illinois Benedictine College - e: In-Band Control - e: Inadequate But Cute - e: Industrial Base Capability - e: Instrument Bus Computer ìBCS e: Integrated Battlefield Control System IBEC e: International Basic Economy Corporation IBET s: Instituto de Educación Básica 'El Tenam'


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IBFD d: Interessengemeinschaft Blinder Funkamateure Deutschlands IBFN e: Integrated High Bandwith long distance network IBG e: Interblock Gap IBGTT e: Interim Battle Group Tactical Trainer IBHD e: Initial Beachhead IBID e: International Bibiliography, Information Document IBM e: International Business Machines Corporation IBMC e: Industrial Base Maintenance Contract IBMR e: International Bulletin of Missionary Research IBOHS e: International Bibliography of Historical Sciences IBOP e: International Balance of Payment IBP e: Industrial Base Planning - e: International Balance of Payments - e: International Biological Program IBPGR e: International Board for Planet Genetic Resources IBPM e: Industrial Base Program Manager IBR e: Integrated Baseline Review - e: Investment Balance Review IBRD d: Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung IBRL e: Initial Bomb Release Line IBRS e: Intra-Base Radio System IBS d: Integriertes Banken-System - e: Integrated Broadcast System - e: IntelSat Business Service - e: Intervened Billing System IBSO e: Installation Branch Safety Office IBSS e: Independent Basic Service Set IBTD e: I Beg to Differ IBU d: Informationsverbund Buchhandel IBW e: Impulse Bandwidth IBWEB s: Sistema de Ibercom WEB IC e: Diamond dust - e: I See - e: Implementation Convention - e: Impulse Conductor - e: In Characters - e: In Charge [of] - e: Incident Commander - e: Information Center - e: Infrastructure Committee - e: Initial Contact - e: Input Circuit - e: Installed Capacity - e: Instruction Counter - e: Insulated Conductors - e: Integrated Chip - e: Integrated Circuit - e: Integrating Command - e: Integration Contractor - e: Intelligence Collection - e: Intelligence Community - e: Intercept [Center] - e: Interconnect - e: Interface Control - e: Interim Change - e: Interior Communications - e: Internal Combustion - e: Internal Connection

- e: Internment Camp - e: Interrupt Controller - s: Indice de Calidad - s: Ingeniero Constructor - s: Inteligencia Corporativa - s: Interfaz de Comunicaciones I/C e: Implementation/Conversion I&C e: Installation and Checkout - e: Instrumentation and Control 2IC e: Second in Command ICA e: Independent Component Analysis - e: Independent Cost Analysis - e: Intelligent Channels Architecture - e: Intelligent Console Architecture - e: Intra-Application Communications Area - e: Item Control Area ICAAS e: Integrated Controls/Avionics for Air Superiority ICAC2 e: Integrated Combat Airspace Command and Control ICAD e: Individual Concern and Deficiency - e: Integrated Control and Display ICADS e: Integrated Correlation and Display System - e: Integrated Cover and Deception System ICAI e: Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction ICAM e: Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing - e: Integrated Computer-Assisted Manufacturing ICAN e: Individual Circuit Analysis - e: Integrated Communication and Advanced Network ICANN e: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICAO e: International Civil Aviation Organisation [or Organization] ICAP e: Improved Capability - e: Integrated Contractor Assessment Program - e: Internet Calendar Access Protocol ICAPS e: Interactive Computer Aided Provisioning System ICAR e: Interface Control Action Request ICARDA e: International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas ICAROS e: Iniciative for Conformance Relying on Satellite link ICAS e: Integrated Condition Assessment System - e: Intermittent Commercial and Amateur Service - e: Irish Cooperative Organisation Society I-CASE e: Integrated Computer-Aided Software Engineering ICASE e: Integrated Computer Aided Software Environment ICASS e: International Cooperative Administrative Support Services ICATA s: Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Tecnología Agrícola ICB e: Information Collection Budget - e: Interface Control Board - e: International Competitive Bidding - e: Internet Citizen's Band

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

ICS ICBM e: Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile - e: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICC e: Improved Command Center - e: Independent Communications Center - e: Industrial and Corporate Change - e: Information and Coordination Center - e: Information Coordination Control - e: Integrated Communications Center - e: Integrated Composites Center - e: Intelligent Channel Controller - e: Interface Controller Card - e: International Cocoa Council - e: Inventory Control Center - e: ISDN Communications Controller - e: Item Category Code ICCB e: Intermediate Configuration Control Board - e: Interoperability Configuration Control Board ICCC e: Inter-Client Communication Convention ICCCM e: Inter-Client Communicationfs] Convention^] Manual ICCFMDP e: Inner Cities Certified Farmers' Market Development Project ICCP e: Improved Computer Control Panel IC3CP e: Intertheater C3 Comsec Package ICCS e: Improved Command and Control System - e: Integrated Command and Control System - e: Integrated Communications Cabling System ICCU e: Inter-Computer Control Unit ICD e: Image Component Data - e: Imitative Communications Deception - e: Injuries and Causes of Death - e: Installable Client Driver - e: Interface Control Document - e: Interface Control Drawings ICD-10 e: International Classification of Diseases ICD e: International Code Designator - e: Interoperability Control Document ICDH e: Intelligence Collection Data Handling ICDO e: Internal Civil Defense Organization ICDR e: Initial Critical Design Review ICDS e: Integrated Control and Display System ICDU e: Integrated Control and Display Unit ICE e: Immediate Cable Equalizers - e: Improved Combat Efficiency - e: In-Circuit Emulation - e: ln-Circuit Emulator - e: Independent Collection Equipment - e: Independent Cost Estimate - e: Individual Compass Error - e: Initial Cost Estimate - e: Input Checking Equipment - e: Instant Camouflage Envelope - e: Integrated Conceptual Environments - e: Integrated Cooling for Electronics - e: Integration with Controlled Error - e: Inter Client Exchange


e: Interdiction and Counter Fire Exercise e: Interference Canceling Equipment e: Internal Combustion Engine e: Internal Communications Element e: Internal Communications Exchange e: Interworking Public Key Certification Infrastructure for Europe - e: Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics - s: Ingeniero ComunicacionesElectrónico ICECON e: Control of Ice information ICED s: Identificador de Enlace de Datos ICEDEFOR e: United States Forces Iceland ICES e: Interference-Causing Equipment Standard ICF e: Installation Confinement Facility - e: Interconnect Facilities ICG e: Information Coordination Center - e: Intelligence Coordination Center - e: Interactive Computerized Graphic ICH e: Instructor Contact Hour[s] ICI e: Image Component Information - e: Information Science - e: Interactive Communications Interface - e: Intercarrier Interface - e: lnter[exchange] Carrier Interface - e: Interface Control Information Institute ICID e: International Commission to Irrigation and Drainage ICIDS e: Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System ICIRA s: Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria ICIS e: Integrated Contract Imaging System ICJ e: International Congregational Journal - e: International Court of Justice ICL e: Incoming Eine - e: Initial Contact Eink - e: Interface Clear ICLID e: Incoming-Call Line Identification ICM e: Advanced IBM - e: Image Color Management/Matching - e: Image Color Matching - e: Improved Capability Missile - e: Intelligence Collection Management - e: Intelligent Call Management - e: Interface Coordination Meeting - s: Instrumentos de Control y Medición - s: Interfaz de Comunicaciones ICMO e: Indirect Cost Monitoring Office ICMP e: Intelligence Collection Management Process - e: Internet Control Message Protocol ICMR e: Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations ICMS e: Integrated Countermeasures Suite - e: International Convention Management Service Pty Ltd. ICN e: Idle Channel Noise ICNI e: Integrated Communication, Navigation and Identification ICNIA e: Integrated Communications Navigation Identification Avionics

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

ICNS e: Integrated Communications/Navigation System ICO e: Inclinated Circular Orbit - e: Integration and Checkout - e: Intelligence Counterpart Officer ICOCBW e: I Could, of Course, be Wrong ICOD e: Intelligence Cutoff Data ICOM e: Inputs, Controls, Outputs and Mechanism - e: Integrated COMSEC iCOMP e: Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance ICON e: Imagery Communications and Operations Node - e: Integration Contract - e: Intermediate Coordination Node ICOR e: Incremental Capital Output Ratios ICOS e: Irish Cooperative Organisation Society, Inc. ICP e: Incident Control Point - e: Incremental Change Package - e: Initial Contract Period - e: Instrument Calibration Procedure - e: Integrated Channel Processor - e: Integrated Circuit Package - e: Intelligent Call Processing - e: Inter-Computer Processor - e: Interface Change Proposal - e: International Control Plan - e: International Cooperative Programs - e: Internet Cache Protocol - e: Internet content provider - e: Intertheater Comsec Package - e: Inventory Communications Processor - e: Inventory Control Point - e: Inventory Control Points ICPIF e: Calculated Planning Impairment Factor ICPMC e: Intermediate Contract Performance Management Course ICPP e: Interactive Computer Presentation Panel ICPS e: Integrated Command Post System ICQ e: I Seek You ICR e: Industrial Cost Recovery - e: Information Collection and Report - e: Intelligence Collection Requirements - e: Intelligent Character Recognition ICR&D e: International Cooperative Research and Development ICRI e: Interswitch Collective Routing Indicator ICRISAT e: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Fropics ICRL e: Indirect Certificate Revocation List ICRP e: Intra Cluster Routing Protocol ICS e: Illinois Classical Studies - e: Image Creation System - e: Improved Composite Structure - e: Incident Command System - e: Inertial Control System - e: Information Control System - e: Inland Computer Service - e: Integrated Communication System - e: Integrated Control System - e: Intelligence Community Staff © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


IC SAR - e: Inter-Communication System - e: Tnter-Service Chaplain Support - e: Interagency Communications System - e: Interim C o n t r a c t o r ] Support - e: Internal Communications System - e: Internal Countermeasure System - e: Internal Countermeasures Set - e: Internal Customer Support - e: Internet Connecting Sharing - e: Internet Connection Sharing - e: Interphone Control Station - e: Intuitive Command Structure - e: Isolation Containment Spray ICSAR e: Interagency Committee on Search and Rescue I-CSCF e: Interrogating-Call Session Control Function ICSE e: Initial Common Support Equipment ICSID e: International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ICSP e: Installation Chief of Security Police ICSS e: Integrated Communications Switching System - e: Interim Contractor Supply Support ICST e: Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology ICT e: Individual and Collective Training - e: Information and Communications Technology - e: Integrated Combat Turn - e: Integrated Concept Team - s: Infraestructura Común de Telecomunicaciones ICTA s: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola ICTOC e: Independent Corps Tactical Operations Center ICTP e: Individual and Collective Training Plan ICTT e: Improved Commander's Tactical Terminal - e: Intensified Confirmatory Troop Test ICU e: Indicator Control Unit - e: Instruction-Cache Unit - e: Interface Control Unit - e: Interface Converter Unit - e: ISA Configuration Utility ICUT e: Initial Cohort Unit Training ICV s: Identificador de Canal Virtual ICVA e: International Council of Voluntary Agencies ICW e: In Coordination with - e: Interactive Courseware - e: Interrupted Continuous Wave ICW A R e: Improved Continuous-Wave Acquisition ICWG e: Interface Control Working Group - e: International Coordination Working Group ID e: Iberian Discoveries - e: Identification - e: Identified - e: Identifier - e: Increased Deployability Posture - e: Indefinite Delivery - e: Infantry Division - e: Initial Distribution 15 0

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e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e: e:

Inner Diameter Inside Diameter Integrated Diagnostic Intelligence Department Interactive Debugging Interdigital Intermediate Description Internal Diameter Item Documentation

- s: Investigación y Desarollo I/D e: Instruction/Data - e: Intermediate/Depot I+D s: Investigación y Desarrollo I&D s: Investigación y Desarollo IDA e: Independent Disk Array - e: Independent Drive Array - e: Information, Decision, Action - e: Initial Denial Authority - e: Installation Design Authority - e: Integrated Digital Access - e: Integrated Digital Avionics - e: Intelligent Disk Array - e: Intelligent Drive Array - e: Interactive Debugging Aid - e: International Development Assistance - e: Intrusion Detection Alarm - e: lonispheric Dispersion Analysis - s: Identificación del Abonado IDAAS e: Integrated Data Acquisition and Analysis Station IDACS e: Integrated Digital Audio Control System IDAD e: Internal Defense and Development IDAFSA e: International Defense and Aid Fund IDAS e: Information Displays Automatic Drafting System - e: Integrated Design Automation System IDAST e: Interpolated Data and Speech Transmission IDB e: Integrated Database - e: Integrating Double Buffer - e: Interface Description Block - e: ITS Data Bus IDBS e: Interoperability Data Base System IDC e: I Don't Care - e: Image Dissector Camera - e: Indefinite Delivery Contract - e: Integrated Database Connector - e: Integrated Desktop Connector - e: Internet Data Center idc e: in due course IDCSC e: Integrated Defense Communications System Control IDCSP e: Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program - e: Initial Defense Communications Satellites Project IDD e: Integrated Data Dictionary - e: Interface Design Document - e: International Direct Dialling - e: International Distance Dialling ID-DA e: Indefinite Delivery, Definite Quantity IDDD e: International Direct Distance Dialling] IDDE e: Integrated Development and Debugging Environment

IDDF e: Intermediate Data Distribution Facility IDDP e: Interface Device-Dependent Port IDDS e: Information Distribution and Display System - e: Integrated Display Development Station IDE d: Anschlusstandard für Festplatten, CD-ROM Laufwerke, Massespeicher oder CD Brenner - e: Imbedded Drive Electronics - e: Integrated Data Environment - e: Integrated Development Environment - e: Integrated Device/Drive Electronics - e: Integrated Device Electronics - e: Integrated Digital Environment - e: Integrated Drive Electronics - e: Intelligent Drive Electronics - e: Interactive Design and Engineering - e: Interactive Development Environments, Inc. - e: Interface Design Enhancement - e: Interim Data Element - e: Internal Display Element - s: Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica IDEA e: International Dance Exercise Association - e: International Data Encryption Algorithm - e: International Defense Educational Arrangement IDEAL e: Interactive Database Editor and Linker IDEAS e: Integrated Design and Engineering Automated System - e: Intelligence Data Element and Authorization Standards IDEC e: ISDN D-channel Exchange Controller IDEEA e: Information and Data Exchange Experimental Activities IDEE e: ICAM Definition Methodologies IDEF-1 e: ICAM Definition Method One IDEF3 e: Integrated Definition IDEE e: Integrated System Definition Language ident e: identification - e: identify IDEP e: African Institute for Economic Planning of the United Nations - e: Interservice Data Exchange Program - / • Institut Africain de Development Economique et de Planificaiton IDEPAZ e: Institute for Development, Democracy and Peace IDEPC e: IEMATS Data Entry Personal Computer IDESAC s: Instituto para el Desarrollo Económico y Social de América Central IDEX e: Initial Defense Experiment IDF e: Instantaneous Direction Finder - e: Integrated Data File - e: Intermediate Distributing Frame - e: Intermediate Distribution Frame - e: Israeli Defense Force i. d. F. d: in der Fassung IDFT e: Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

IES IDG e: Inspector of Degaussing - e: Tnterdialog Gap IDHS e: Intelligence Data Handling System IDHSC e: Intelligence Data Handling System Communications IDI e: Improved Data Interchange - e: Initial Domain Identifier - e: ISDN Driver Interface ID/IAS e: Industrial Drives ID-IQ e: Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity IDIQ e: Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity IDIV e: Integer Divide IDK d: Interessengemeinschaft Datenkommunikation IDL e: Interface Definition Language - e: Interface Description Language - e: International Data Link - e: Internet Definition Language ID LT e: Identification Light IDM e: Impact Delay Module - e: Improved Data Modem - e: Interdiction Mission IDMS e: Interdiction Data Management System IDN d: Integriertes Datennetz - e: Initial Distribution Number - e: Integrated Data Network - e: Integrated Digital Network - e: International Data Number IDNX e: Integrated Digital Network Exchange IDO e: Installation Deployment Officer IDOC e: Inner Diameter of Outer Conductor IDP e: Imminent Danger Pay - e: Individual Development Plan - e: Individual Development Program - e: Industrial Data Processing - e: Initial Delay Position - e: Initial Domain Part - e: Integrated Data Processing - e: Integration Decision Paper - e: Interactive Display Panel - e: Interface Development Plan - e: Internetwork Datagram Protocol IDPC e: Integrated Data Processing Center - e: Integrated Data Protocol Controller IDPO e: Indefinite Delivery Purchase Order IDPR e: Interdomain Policy Routing IDPS e: Interim Deployable Process Station IDR e: Industrial Data Reduction - e: Initial Design Review - e: Inspection Discrepancy Report - e: Intelligent Document Recognition i. d. R. d: in der Regel ID-RC e: Indefinite Delivery, Requirements Contract IDRP e: Interdomain Routing Protocol - e: Internet-Domain Routing Protocol IDS d: Inter Data Systems GmbH - e: Improved Data Set - e: Individual Deployment Site - e: Information Dissemination Server - e: Information Distribution and Switching System

- e: Infrared Detection Set - e: Infrared Discrimination Systems - e: Instrument Development Section - e: Integrated Data Store - e: Integrated Data System - e: Integrated Dynamic System - e: Interface Design Standards - e: Interim Decay Storage - e: International Development Staff - e: International Development Strategy - e: International Organizations and Agreements - e: Intrusion Detection System idS d: in diesem Sinne IDSA e: Interactive Digital Software Association IDSD e: Individual Data Storage Device - e: Integrated Diagnostic Support Demonstration IDSL e: Integrated ADSL IDSM e: Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance IDS-MIS e: Integrated Data Service Management Information Systems IDSS e: Inquiry Delivery Schedule Status - e: Integrated Decision Support System - e: Integrated Design Support System - e: Integrated Diagnostic Support System - e: Interoperability Decision Support System - e: Item Dollar Summary Stratification IDST e: I Didn't Say That IDT e: Identification and Tracking - e: Inactive Duty Training - e: Interdigital Transducer - e: Interface Design Tool - e: Interrupt Descriptor Table - e: Isodensitracer IDTC e: Indefinite Delivery Type Contract IDTN e: Interim Data Transmission Network IDTOC e: Independent Division Tactical Operations Center IDTS e: I Don't Think So - e: Instrumentation Data Transmission System - e: Integrated Data Transport System IDU e: Industrial Development Unit - e: Interactive Display Unit IDUP e: Independent Data Unit Protection IDV e: Indirect View IDW e: Individual Defense Weapon idw d: Informationsdienst Wissenschaft IdW d: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer IDWA e: Inter-Divisional Work Authorization IDXP e: Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol IDZ e: Inner Defense Zone IE e: Independent Evaluation - e: Independent Evaluator - e: Industrial Engineer - e: Information Element - e: Information Engineering - e: Initial Equipment - e: Inspection and Enforcement - e: Instrumentation Engineer - s: Ingeniero Electricista

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

iE d: im Ergebnis I&E e: Information and Education IEA e: Industrial Engineering Activity - e: Information Exchange Agreement - e: Information Exchange Annexes - e: International Energy Agency IEB e: Initial Evaluation Briefing - e: Institute of Electronic Business IEC e: Information, Education and Communication programs - e: Integrated Equipment C o m p o n e n t s ] - e: Integration and Evaluation Center - e: Intelligence, Electronics, Communications - e: Interexchange Carrier - e: International Electrotechnical Commission - e: Item Entry Control - e: Item Essentiality Code IEC-Q1 e: ISDN Echo Cancellation Circuit for 2B1Q IEC-Q2 e: ISDN Echo Cancellation Circuit-Q specially for LT and NT1 IEC-Q3 e: ISDN Echo Cancellation Circuit-Q with parallel processor interface IEC-T e: ISDN Echo Cancellation Circuit for 4B3T IED e: Imitative Electromagnetic Deception - e: Imitative Electronic Deception - e: Improvised Explosive Devices IEDRM e: Interactive Electronic Diagnostic and Repair Manual IEEE e: Institute of Electricfal] and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IEEE/CS e: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/Computer Society IEF e: Information Engineering Facility - s: Instructor Educación Fiscia IEG e: Information Exchange Group IEJ e: Israel Exploration Journal IEL e: Illustrative Evaluation Scenario IEM e: Initial Evaluation Memorandum - e: Interim Examination and Maintenance IEM-CELL e: Interim Examination and Maintenance Cell IEMG e: International Engine Management Group IEMP e: Installation Equipment Management System - e: Internal Electromagnetic Pulse - e: International Engine Management Program IEMSI e: Interactive Electronic Mail Standard Identification IEN e: Internet Engineering Note[s] - e: Internet Experimental] Note IEP e: Independent Evaluation Plan - e: Information Exchange Project IEPG e: Internet Engineering Planning Group IEP/IAP e: Independent Evaluation Plan/Independent Assessment Plan 1ER e: Independent Evaluation Report - e: Industrial Equipment Reserve - e: Information Exchange Requirement IER/IAR e: Independent Evaluation/Assessment Report IES e: Image Enhancement System - e: Industrial Engineering Standard © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


i. e. S. -

e: Institute of Environmental Science e: Integral Error Squared e: Intrinsic Electrical Strength s: Identificador de Elemento terminador de interfaz de Salida i. e. S. d: im engeren Sinne l E S H R e: Indian Economic and Social History Review IET e: Initial Engine Test - e: Initial Entry Training IETF e: Internet Engineering Task Force IETM e: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual IETM/AC e: Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals/Automated Classroom IEIJ e: Interface Electronics Unit IEW e: Integrated Electronic Warfare - e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare I&EW e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare IEW COMCAT e: IEW Communications Catalogue IEWCS e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Common Sensor IEWS e: Integrated Electronic Warfare Suite IEWSE e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support Element IEW-UAV e: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Unmanned Air Vehicle IF d: Inter finítimos: Jahrbuch zur deutsch-polnischen Beziehungsgeschichte - e: Industrial Fund - e: Instrument Flying - e: Intermediate Frequency - s: Interpretación Fotográfica I/F e: Interface - e: Intermediate Frequency IFA d: Internationale Funkausstellung, Berlin - e: Information Flow Analysis - e: Installation Food Advisor IFAD d: Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAN f: Institut Fondamental d A f r i q u e Noire IFAST e: Integration Facility for Avionics Systems Testing IFB d: Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken - e: Invitation for Bid[s] IFB/RFP e: Invitation for Bid/Request for Proposal IFC d: Internationale FinanzCorporation - e: Instrument Flight Center - e: Integrated Fire Control - e: Intelligence Fusion Center - e: Intgernet Foundation Classes IFCL e: Inter-Facility Communication Link IFCM e: Integrated Flight Control Module IFCS e: In-Flight Checkout System IFCST e: Instructional Fire Control System Trainer IFD e: Image File Directory - e: Initial Fill Date - e: Instantaneous Frequency 152

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Discriminator - e: Interim Feasibility Demonstration IFD APS e: Integrated Flight Data Processing System IFE e: In-Flight Emergency IFEA e: Initial Front-End Analysis IFF d: Interessengruppe Funkamateure im Fernverkehr - e: Identification, Friend or Foe - e: Interchange File Format - e: Interchangeable File Format - e: Intgernet Fast Forward - e: Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals - e: Iterative Function Fractal IFFN e: Identification, Friend, Foe, or Neutral IFFN JTF e: Identification Friend or Foe, or Neutral Joint Test Force IFF/SIF e: Identification, Friend or Foe/Selective Identification Feature IFFT e: Inverse Fast Fourier Tarnsform IFG e: Incoming Fax Gateway IFI's e: International Financing Institutions IFLP e: Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals IFM e: Instantaneous Frequency Measurement - e: Integrated Force Management IF-MIB e: Interfaces Group MIB IFMS e: Integrated Financial Management System IFM/SHR e: Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Superheterodyne Receiver IFO e: Information for Offerers I/FOA e: Installation/Field Operating Activities IFOG e: Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro IFOR/SFOR e: Implementation Force/Stabilisation Force IFOV e: Instantaneous Field of View IFP e: Instruction Fetch Pipeline - e: Interface Processor - e: Intermediate Frequency Patch IFPP e: Industrial Facilities Protection Program - e: I n s t r u c t i o n ^ ] for Proposal Preparation IFPIJG e: International Function Point User Group IFR e: In-Flight Refueling - e: Increased Frequency Reporting - e: Increasing Failure Rate - e: Instantaneous Frequency-Measuring Receiver - e: Instrument Flight Rule[s] I-frame e: Information frame IFRB e: International Frecuency Registration Board IFRU e: Interference Frequency Rejection Unit IFS e: Inshore Fire Support Ship - e: Installable File System - e: Integrated Facilities System - e: Ionospheric Forward Scatter - e: Iterated Function System IFSAR e: Increased Attention Are Radar IfSG d: Infektionsschutzgesetz IFSG e: Industrial Forecasting Support Group

IFSM e: Information Systems Management IFT s: Identificativo Fisico del Terminal IFTAD e: Initial and Final Terminal Arrival Date IFTE e: Integrated Family of Test Equipment - e: Intermediate Forward Test Equipment IFTX e: Integrated Field Training Exercise IFU d: Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFV d: Internationaler Fernmeldevertrag IFVV d: Internationale feste virtuelle Verbindungen IFW e: ISDN for Workgroups IfW e: ISDN for Workgroups IFWFW e: ISDN for Windows for Workgroups I f W f W e: ISDN for Windows for Workgroups IG d: Interessengemeinschaft - e: Image Generator - e: Inertial Guidance - e: Inspector General - e: Instructor Guide - e: Interest Group IGA e: Integrated Graphics Adaptor - e: Integrated Graphics Array - e: Intergrannular Attack IGAC e: International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program of the IGBP IGB d: Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund IGBP e: International GeosphereBiosphere Programme IGBT e: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor - e: Insulator Gate Bipolar Transistor IGC e: Institute for Galactic Communications - e: Institute for Global Communications - e: Integrated Graphics Controller IGCE e: Independent Government Cost Estimate IGCPA s: Instituto Guatemalteco de Contadores Públicos y Auditores IGD d: Institut für Grafische Datenverarbeitung IGDA e: International Game Developer Association IGE e: In Ground Effect - e: Instrumentation Graphics Environment IGEFOS s: Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación y Formación Social IGEL d: Individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen IGER s: Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación Radiofonica IGES e: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification - e: Initial Graphics Exchange Standard IGF s: Identificador General de Formato IGFET e: Insulated Gate Field-Effect Transistor - e: Isolated Gate Field-Effect Transistor IGH d: Internationaler Gerichtshof - e: Iron Game history: the journal of physical culture

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

1KB S I G M I R S e: Inspector General Management Information and Reporting I G M P e: Internet Group Management Protocol - e: Internet Group Message Protocol - e: Internet Group Multicast Protocol I G N e: Ignition I G O R e: Intercept Ground Optical Recorder I G P e: Inernet Gateway Protocol - e: Interior Gateway Protocol I G P S e: Global Positioning System I G R P e: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol - e: Internet Gateway Routing Protocol I G S e: Individuai Generation Site -

e: e: e: e:

inertial Guidance System Integrated Graphics System Intergovernmental Support Internet Go Server

I G S G s: Interfaz Gráfica para los Sistemas de Gestión externos I G S M e: Interim Ground Station Module I G T e: Integrated Government Testing I G W e: Integrai Gateway I/H e: In-House I H e: Irish History: a research yearbook I H A e: Interim Housing Allowance I H A D S S e: Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System I - H A W K e: Improved Hawk I H B e: In-House Bid I H D e: Integrated Help Desk I H E e: Improved High Explosive I H F R e: Improved HF Radio Program - e: Improved High Frequency Radio I H H A e: Initial Health Hazard Assessment I H H A R e: Initial Health Hazard Assessments Report I H M e: Inspection History Maintenance IHN e: Intellectual History Newsletter I H N J e: International History of Nursing Journal I H P e: Indicated Horsepower I H P H e: Indicated Horsepower-Hour I H P I e: Improved High Power Illumination I H P R P T e: Integrated High Performance Rocket Propulsion Technology I H P T E T e: Integrated HighPerformance Turbine Engine Technology I H R e: International History Review I H T M L e: I-Mode HTML I H T S e: Intermediate Heat Transport System I H V e: Independent Hardware Vendor II e: Image Intensification - e: Imagery Interpretation - s: Ingeniero Industrial H A e: Interim Asoc Automation I I B e: Interagency Information Bureau I I C e: Identifiable Incremental Cost - e: Inter Integrated Circuit I I C A s: Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas I I C E e: Information Integration for Concurrent Engineering

H D e: Independent Identically Distributed - e: Integrated Information Display I I D B e: Integrated Intelligence Database I - I D N S e: In-Garrison Idns I I E S s: Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales IIF e: Image Interchange Facility - e: Imagery Interpretation Facility - e: Immediate Interface I I I e: Incapacitating Illness or Injury - e: Institute for Information Industry - e: Interstate Identification Index I I L e: Integrated Injection Logic I I M A P S e: Incremental IMAPS I I M E s: Instituto de Investigación y Mejoramiento Educativo U N e: Item Identification Number I I N C O M e: Intra-Theater Intelligence Communications I I N C O M N E T e: Intra-Theater Intelligence Communication Network H O P e: Internet Inter-Operability Protocol - e: Internet Inter-ORB Protocol I I P e: Implementation and Installation Plan - e: Interoperability Improvement Panel I / I P e: Installation/Implementation Plan I I P T e: Integrating Integrated Process Team - e: Integrating Integrated Product Team H Q e: Initial Issue Quantity I I Q B s: Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas y Biológicas H R e: Imagery Interpretation Report - e: Imaging Infrared - e: Immediate Impulse Response - e: Indefinate-Duration ImpulseResponse - e: Initial Integration Review - e: Intelligence Information Report I I R A e: Integrated Inertial Reference Assembly I I R C e: If I Remember Correctly I I R D e: International Interdependent Research and Development U R N e: Inactive Item Review Notification H R P e: Improved Item Replacement Program - e: Individual Item Replacement Program U R S e: Integrated Inventory Reduction System IIS e: Imagery Interpretation Segment - e: Infrared Imaging System - e: Integrated Instrument System - e: Intelligence Information Subfile - e: International Information System - e: Internet Information Server - e: Internet Information Services - e: Internet Integrated Services - e: Internetted Information System - s: Instituto Indígena Santiago la Salle - s: Instituto Indígena Socorro II S E G M E N T e: Imagery Interpretation Segment I I S P e: Interim Inter Signalling Protocol - e: Interim-Interswitch [Signaling] Protocol

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

IISS e: Intelligence Information Subsystem I I T e: Internal Information Transfer - e: Israel Institute of Technology I I T F e: Information Infrastructure Task Force I I T S e: Intra-Theater Imagery Transmission System I I V S s: Instituto Indígena de Varones Santiago I I W G e: IEMATS Implementation Working Group I I W M e: If it Were Me [or Mine] I I Z - A U S d: Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit I J A H S e: International Journal of African Historical Studies I J A I e: Internet Journal of Archaeology in Ireland I J A L e: International Journal of American Linguistics I J A S e: International Journal of African Studies - e: Internet Journal of African Studies - e: Internet Journal of Anthropological Studies I J B S e: International Journal of Baudrillard Studies I J C P e: International Journal of Cultural Property I J C S e: International Journal of Canadian Studies I J C T e: International Journal of the Classical Tradition I J D e: Interim Jopes Dictionary I J F S e: International Journal of Francophone Studies I J G L S e: Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies I J H S e: International Journal of Heritage Studies - e: International Journal of Hindu Studies I J I S e: International Journal of Iberian Studies I J J I J e: International Jitter Jamming Unit I J L e: International Journal of Lexicography I J M E S e: International Journal of Middle East Studies I J M H e: International Journal of Maritime History I J N A e: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology I J N H e: International Journal of Naval History I J o S T e: International Journal of Scottish Theatre I J P A e: International Journal of Psychoanalysis I J P S e: International Journal of Punjab Studies I J R e: Internet Journal of Religion I J S C C e: International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church I J S L P e: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics I K e: Installation Kit I K B S e: Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


IKE IKE e: Integrated Knowledge Environment - e: Internet Key Exchange IKH d: Inkontinenzhose IKOE d: Institut für Kommunikationsökologie I K P e: Instructor and Key Personnel - e: Internet Keyed Payments IKPT e: Instructor and Key Personnel Training IL e: Intermediate Language - e: International Logistics - s: Identificación de Locutores - s: Instalación Logística I&L e: Installation and Logistics I2L e: Integrated-Injection Logic ILA e: Image Light Amplifier - e: Independent Logistic Assessment - e: International Longshoremen's Association ILAN e: Implementation of Local Area Networks ILAS e: Interrelated Logic Accumulating Scanner ILC e: Instruction Length Code - e: International Logistics Center - e: Irrevocable Letter of Credit ILCA e: International Livestock Center for Africa ILCM e: Information Life Cycle Management ILCO d: Deutsche ILCOFördergemeinschaft STOMA. e.V. - e: International Logistic[s] Control Office - e: International Logistics Control Organization ILCS e: International Logistics Communication System ILD e: Injection Laser Diode - e: Integrated Logistics Data ILDC e: Intern Leadership Development Course ILDF e: Integrated Logistics Data File ILE e: Installations, Logistics and Environment ILEC e: Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier ILEV e: Inherently Low Emission Vehicle I LEVEL e: Intermediate Level of Maintenance ILE e: Inductive Loss Factor - e: Infra Low Frequency ILID e: International Logistic Identification Data - e: International Logistic Identification Directory ILIF e: International Logistic Information File ILIP e: ln-Line Instrument Package ILIR e: Independent Laboratory InHouse Research ILL e: Integrated Injection Logic ILLAB d: Ich Liege Lachend am Boden ILM e: Industrial Light + Magic, Inc. - e: Information Logic Machine - e: Intermediate Level Maintenance ILO d: Internationale Arbeitsorganisation - e: Injection-Locked Oscillator 154

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- e: Integrated Logistics Overhaul - e: International Labour Organization - e: International Logistic Office, Custom Division ILOSS e: International Logistics Overseas Support System ILP e: Intermediate Language Processor - e: International Logistics Program ILR e: Integrated Logistics Report ILRO e: Industrial Labor Relations Officer ILRR e: Industrial and Labor Relations Review ILS e: Instrument Landing System - e: Integrated Logistics Support - e: International Language Support - e: Inventory Locator System ILSDP e: International Logistic Supply Delivery Plan ILSF e: Integrated Logistics Support Facility ILSL e: Initial Logistics Support Letter ILSM e: Integrated Logistics Support Manager ILSMIS e: Industrial Logistics management information system ILSMP e: Integrated Logistics Support Management Plan ILSMR e: Integrated Logistic Support Management Review ILSMR/T e: Integrated Logistics Support Management Review/Team ILSMT e: Integrated Logistic Support Management Team ILSO e: Integrated Logistic Support Officer ILSP e: Integrated Logistics Support Planfning] ILSS e: Integrated Logistic Support System - e: Integrated Logistics Support Standards ILST&E e: Integrated Logistics Support Test and Evaluation ILSWG e: Integrated Logistic Support Working Group ILT e: Independent Lab Testing ILUEC s: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano de Centroamérica Ilum s: Iluminación ILV s: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano ILWCH e: International Labor and Working-Class History ILWIJ e: International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union IM e: Imago Mundi: the international journal for the history of cartography - e: Information Management - e: Information Modeling - e: Inner Marker - e: Insensitive Munitions - e: Inspection Manual - e: Installation and Maintenance - e: Instant Message - e: Instant Messaging - e: Instant Messenger - e: Intercept Missile - e: Interface Management - e: Intermodulation - e: Inventory Manager

- e: Item Manager - s: Infanteria de Marina I&M e: Improvement and Modernization I/M e: Intermediate Maintenance I+M s: Instalación y Mantenimiento IMA d: Internationale Multimedia Akademie - e: Independent Medical Assessor - e: Individual Mobilization Augmentfee] - e: Information Management Architecture - e: Information Management Area - e: Information Mission Area - e: Intermediate Maintenance Activity - s: Instituto Maria Auxiliadora IMAC e: Interim Message Automated Capability - e: Intermediate Maintenance Area Coordinator - e: Isochronous MAC - s: Instituto de Mediación, Arbitraje y Conciliación IMACS e: Image Management and Communication System - e: Interservice Materiel Accounting and Control System IMAGE e: Innovative Management Achieves Greater Effectiveness IMAO e: In My Arrogant Opinion IMAP e: Internet Mail Access Protocol - e: Internet Message Access Protocol - e: Internet Messaging Access Protocol IMAP4 e: Internet Message Access Protocol, version 4 IMAPI e: Interactive Multimedia Application Program Interface IMARSAT-AERO e: Input on Gps and Satcom IMAT e: Interactive Multisensor Analysis Training IMAX e: Maximum Image 1MB e: Illustrated Parts ManualBreakout - e: Interface Management Board - e: International Medieval Bibliography IMC e: Image Motion Compensation - e: Institute of Measurement and Control - e: Instrumentfal] Meteorological Conditions - e: Integrated Maintenance Concept - e: Internal Management Control - e: International Maritime Commission - e: Item Management Code - e: Item Marking Code IMCC e: Initial Mobile Command Center - e: Item Management Control Code IMCO e: In My Considered Opinion - e: Information Management Control Officer

IMCP e: Information Management Career Program IMCR e: Internal Management Control Review IMCS e: Integrated Monitoring and Control System IMCSRS e: Installation Materiel Condition Status Reporting System IMD e: Implementation Management Document - e: Information Management Department

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

IMU - e: Information Management Directorate - e: Intermodulation Distortion IM&D e: Information Management and Display IMDB e: Internet Movie Data Base IMDE e: Integrated Model Development Environment IMDG e: International Maritime Dangerous Goods IMDGC e: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code IMDS e: Image Data Stream [Format] - e: Integrated Maintenance Data System IME e: In My Experience - e: Input Method Editor IMEI e: International Mobile Equipment Identifier - e: International Mobile Equipment Identity IMET e: International Military Education and Training IMETS e: Integrated Meteorological System IMF d: Internationaler Währungsfonds - e: Intelligent Minefield - e: Intermediate Maintenance Facility IMFR e: Investigative Memorandum for Record IMG e: Image - e: International Maintenance Group - e: Intertheater Movement Generator IMH e: Indiana Magazine of History - e: Interactive Message Handling - e: International Military Headquarters IMHO e: In My Humble Opinion IMI e: I Mean It - e: Improved Manned Interceptor - e: Improved Mass Intercept - e: Industrial Maintenance Inspection - e: Interactive Multimedia Instruction - e: Intermediate Maintenance Instruction - e: Internet MS S Interface IMIMG e: ISDN Memorandum of Understanding Implementation Management Group IMINT e: Imagery Intelligence IMIPBA e: Industrial Modernization Incentives Program Business Agreement IMIS e: Integrated Management Information System IMITAC e: Image Input to Automatic Computers IML e: Initial Microcode Load - e: Intermediate Maintenance Level IMLTU e: Intermatrix Line Termination Unit IMM e: Immunization Area - e: Integrated Maintenance Management - e: Integrated Materiel Management - e: Integrated Materiel Manager - e: Intermediate Maintenance Manual IMMC e: Integrated Materiel Management Center - e: Intelligence Materiel Management Center IMMDELREQ e: Immediate Delivery Required IM-MGW e: IP Multi-Media Gateway IMMP e: Information Mission Management Plan

- e: Integrated Modification Management Plan IMMS e: Independent Munitions Maintenance Section - e: Integrated Maintenance Management System IMMIJ e: Independent Munitions Maintenance Unit IMN e: Indicated Mach Number IMA s: Infanteria de Montaña Imn s: Ingeniero mecánico naval IMNSCO e: In my not so Considered Opinion IMNSHO e: In my not so Humble Opinion IMO e: In My Opinion - e: Information Management Officer - e: Installation Maintenance Officer - e: Installation Mobility Officer IMOBO e: In My Own Biased Opinion IMOM e: Improved Many on Many IMOS e: Ion-Implanted Metal Oxide Semiconductor IMP e: Implementation - e: Implementation Management Plan - e: Information Management Plan - e: Information Message Processor - e: Injection Into Microwave Plasma - e: Integrated Management Plan - e: Integrated Manpower Program - e: Integrated Master Plan - e: Integrated Microwave Products - e: Inter Message Processor - e: Intrinsic Multiprocessing - e: Inventory Management Plan imp. s: importe IMPA e: Intelligent Multi-Port Adapter IMP AC e: International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card IMPACT e: Improved Management Procurement and Contracting Technique - e: Inventory Management Program and Control Technique IMPACTS e: Integrated Manpower, Personnel and Comprehensive Training and Safety IMPATT e: Impact Avalanche and Transit Time [Diode] - e: Ionization and Transit Time Impg s: Impregnación IMP/IMS e: Integrated Master Plan/Integrated Master Schedule IMP/MON e: Implementation and Monitoring IMPP e: Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol IMPS e: Integrated Master Programming and Scheduling IMPTS e: Improved Programmer Test Station IMQ e: Item Manager Quantity I MR e: Individual Medical Record - e: Input Message Report - e: Internal Management Review - e: Internet Monthly Report - e: Inventory Management Review - e: Item Management Review IMRADS e: Information Management Retrieval and Dissemination System

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

IMRB e: Independent Modification Review Board - e: Item Management Review Board IMS e: Information Management System - e: Instructional Management System - e: Integrated Management Schedule - e: Integrated Management Services - e: Integrated Management System - e: Integrated Master Schedule - e: Integrated Media Service - e: Integrated Meteorological System - e: Integrated Mission System - e: Integrated Multiplex System - e: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - e: Intermediate Maintenance Standards - e: International Military Student - e: Inventory Management Simulator - e: Inventory Management Specialist - e: Inventory Management System - e: IP Multimedia Subsystem - e: Item Management Specialist IMSC e: Installation Information Management Support Council - e: Installation Management Steering Committee IMSE e: Improved Mobile Subscriber Equipment IMSI e: International Mobile Subscriber Identity - e: International Mobile System Identifier IMSL e: International Mathematical Subroutine Library IMSM e: International Military Student Manager IMSO e: Initial Materiel Support Office - e: International Military Student Office[r] - e: International Military Student Organization IMSO/NO e: International Military Student Office[r]/Noncommissioned Officer IMSP e: Indépendant Manufacturers Support Program - e: Internet Message Support Protocol IMSS e: Integrated Mission Support System - e: Integrated Multi-Sensor System IMSSS e: Institute for Mathematical Studies IMSVS e: Information Management System/Virtual Storage IMT e: Infantry Military Training - e: Institutional Maintenance Trainer - e: Institutional Military Trainer - e: Intermachine Trunk - e: International Military Trainee - e: International Military Training - e: International Mobile Telecommunications - s: Infantería Motorizada IMT2000 e: International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 IMTS e: Interactive Modular Training System IMTV e: Interactive Multimedia Television IMU e: Inertial Measuring Unit - e: Intermatrix Unit - e: Internal Measuring Unit - i: Italia Medievale e Umanistica © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


IMUL IMUL e: Integer Multiply IMIJX e: Inverse Multiplexer IMVDS e: Item Management Vehicle Data System I M W e: Interactive Management Workshop IMWRP e: Item Manager Wholesale Requisitions Process IN d: Intelligentes Netz - e: Air Force component intelligence officer - e: Impulse Noise - e: India - e: Individuai Network e. V. - e: Infantry - e: Input - e: Instructor - e: Intelligence [Network] - e: Intelligent Network - e: Interference-to-Noise ratio - s: Ingeniero Naval In s: Incluido - s: Instrumentos I18N e: Internationalization INA e: Information Network Architecture - e: Initial Approach - e: Interactive Network Adapter. - / • Institut National de l'Audiovisuel INACO s: Instituto Nacional de Cooperación IN AD s: Instituto Nacional de Administración para el Desarrollo IN AH s: Instituto Nacional de Antropoligía e Historia IN/AIN e: Intelligent Network/Advanced Intelligent Network INAP e: Intelligent Network Application Part - e: Intelligent Network Application Protocol - s: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública InARP e: Inverse Address Resolution Protocol INAS e: Integrated Navigation/Attack System INB e: Install Busy INBASA s: Inversiones Básicas S.A. INC e: Directorate of collection - e: In Chain - e: Increment - e: International Carrier - e: International Narcotics Control Ine s: Inclusivamente INCA e: Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment - e: Intelligence Communications Architecture - s: Tnfovia Canal INCAN s: Instituto de Cancerologia INCAP s: Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá INCASA sv Industria de Café S.A. INCERFA e: Uncertainty phase inel e: inclusive INCNR e: Increment Number INCONREP e: Intra-Continental United States Movement Reports INCORA s: Instituto Colombiano de Reforma Agraria 156

Κ • G • Saur, M ü n c h e n

INCR e: Interrupt Control Register INCRA p: Instituto Brasileiro de Colonizacao e Reforma Agrarua INCRP e: Intelligent Network Call Routing Protocol INCS e: International Newsletter of Communist Studies IND e: Improvised Nuclear Device - e: Investigation New Drug Ind s: Independiente INDE s: Instituto Nacional de Electrificación INDECA s: Instituto Nacional de Comercialización Agrícola INDELSEC e: Industrial Electronic Security indep e: independent INDICOM e: Indications Intelligence Communications Network INDREG e: Inductance Regulator INDTR e: Indicator-Transmitter INE s: Instituto Nacional de Estadística INEA i: Instituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria INEWAM e: Integrated Electronic Warfare Analysis and Modeling INF e: Intermediate Range Nuclear Force[s] inf e: infantry Inf s: Infantería - s: Información Inf Aert s: Infantería Aerotransportada INFANT e: Iroquois Night Fighter and Night Tracker InfAuslR d: Informationsbrief Ausländerrecht Inf Blind s: Infantería Blindada Infil s: Infiltración infl e: inflammable INFLIGHTREP e: In-Flight Report Inf Mfl[a] s: Infantería de Montaña Infn s: Información; Informe INFO e: for the information of info e: information Info s: Información - s: Informe INFOCAL s: Información sobre la Calidad de la red INFONET e: Information Network INFOP s: Instituto para el Fomento de la Producción INFOSEC e: Information Security INFOSYS e: Information Systems INFRAL e: Information Retrieval Automatic Language ING s: Instituto Neurológicos de Guatemala Ing s: Ingeniería - s: Ingeniero ing. s: Ingeniero Ing Comb s: Ingeniería de Combate INGRES e: Integrated Graphics and Retrieval System INGUAT s: Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo I N I A P s: Instituto de Investigación y Autoformación Política INICO s: Instrucción Individual de Combate INID e: Intercept Network in Dialing IN&IN s: Infovía e Internet

INIT e: Initialization - e: Initialize INIIJ e: Interim Network Interface Unit IN JILL e; Injured or 111 INL e: Internal Noise Level INM e: Integrated Network Management - e: International Narcotics Matters INMARSAT e: International Maritime Satellite Organization INMC e: International Network Mangement Centre INMS e: Integrated Network Management System - e: Inter-domain Network Management System INND e: Internet News Daemon InnerschweizJb il: Innerschweizerisches Jahrbuch für Heimatkunde I N O A e: Intelligence Operations Division INOZ e: Indications and Warning Center INP e: Intelligence Processor - s: Instituto Nacional de Previsión INPERINT i.· Informe Periódico de Inteligencia INPO e: In no Particular Order - e: Institute of Nuclear Power Operation INR e: Bureau of Intelligence and Research - e: Initial Nuclear Radiation - e: Intelligence and Research - e: Interference-to-Noise Ration - s: Identificativo de Nodo de Red INRA /• Institut National de Recherche Agronomiques INREPL e: Incoming Replacement INREQ e: Information on Request INRI I: lesus Nazerenus Rex ludaeorum INRIA /• Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique INS e: Inertial Navigation System - e: Information Network Systems - e: Input String - e: Insert code - e: Integrated Network Server INSA /• Institut National des Sciences Appliquées INSALUD s: Instituto Nacional de la Salud INSCOM e: United States Army Intelligence and Security Command INSEAD / · Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires INSEC e: Internal Security INSEE / · L'Institut National de la Statistique et des Etude Economiques INSERT e: Insert Code insgey e: insurgency INSHT s: Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo INSIT e: Intelligence Situation Report INSIVIJMEH s; Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanologia, Meterología e Hydrología INSREDIP s: Instalación de la Red IP INSS s: Instituto Nuestra Señora del Socorro Antigua INST e: Information Standard Inst s: Instrucción INSTARS e: Information Storage and Retrieval Systems

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

IOT&E e: I n f o r m a t i o n T r a n s f e r

e: I n p u t / O u t p u t C o m p u t e r

insti e: i n s t a l l a t i o n ] Insti s: I n s t a l a c i ó n IN S T R A W d: I n t e r n a t i o n a l e s Forschungs- und Ausbildungsinstitut zur F ö r d e r u n g der F r a u I N S T R I P s: I n s t a l a c i ó n de la R e d IP I N S U R V e: I n s p e c t i o n and Survey I n s V V d: I n s o l v e n z r e c h t l i c h e


Vergütungsverordnung I N T e: I n t e g e r

Inv d: I n v e r t i t o : J a h r b u c h f ü r die G e s c h i c h t e der H o m o s e x u a l i t ä t e n

- e: I n t e g r a t i o n and O p e r a t i o n a l

- e: Internal - e: I n t e r r o g a t i v e

- s: I n v e s t i g a d o r inv e: i n v e r t e r


- e: I n t e r r u p t int e: interest Int s: I n t e l i g e n c i a - s: I n t e n d e n c i a I N T A e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a d e m a r k Association

I n v e r s e A R P e: I n v e r s e A d d r e s s Resolution Protocol I N V I s: I n s t i t u t o N a c i o n a l de V i v i e n d a I N V O L e: I n v o l u n t a r y I N V V e: I n v e r t e d V A n t e n n a I N W A T S e: I n w a r d W i d e A r e a

- e: I n t e r r u p t A c k n o w l e d g e - s: I n s t i t u t o N a c i o n a l de T r a n s f o r m a c i ó n Agraria

Telephone Service I N W G e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l N e t w o r k Working Group


- e: I n t e r n e t W o r k i n g G r o u p I O e: I d e n t i f i c a t i o n O f f i c e r

e: I n d i v i d u a l T e r r o r i s m

Awareness Course I N T A C S e: I n t e g r a t e d T a c t i c a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Study - e: I n t e g r a t e d T a c t i c a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s System I N T A C V A L e: I n t e l l i g e n c e A i d for P l a n Evaluation I N T A P e: I n t e r o p e r a b i l i t y T e c h n o l o g y A s s o c i a t i o n for i n f o r m a t i o n P r o c e s s i n g I N T C O e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o d e of S i g n a l s I N T C T R e: I n t e g r a t i n g C e n t e r I N T E C A P s: I n s t i t u t o T é c n i c o de Capacitación y Productividad I N T E G R A s: R e g i s t r o I n t e g r a d o de Planta intel e: i n t e l l i g e n c e intel net e: i n t e l l i g e n c e n e t w o r k I N T E L S A T e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Satellite Consortium I N T E L S I T S U M e: D a i l y I n t e l l i g e n c e Summary I n t e r s: I n t e r v a l o I N T E R A C T e: I n t e g r a t e d R e s e a r c h A i r c r a f t Control T e c h n o l o g y I N T E R A M P O L e: I n t e r - A m e r i c a n Police

Experiments I N T S F e: I n t e n s i f y i n g ] I N T S T e: I n t e n s i t y I N T S I J M e: I n t e l l i g e n c e S u m m a r y I N U e: Inertial N a v i g a t i o n Unit - e: I n t e g r a t i o n U n i t I N V e: I n v a l i d

- e: I n f o r m a t i o n O b j e c t i v e s - e: I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e r - e: I n f o r m a t i o n O p e r a t i o n s - e: I n p u t / O u t p u t - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e O f f i c e r - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e O v e r s i g h t - e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n s - e: I n t e r p r e t i v e O p e r a t i o n - e: I n v e s t i g a t i n g O f f i c e r - e: I s s u e O r d e r - s: I n v e s t i g a c i ó n O p e r a t i v a I / O e: I d e n t i f i c a t i o n O f f i c e r - e: I n / O u t - e: I n f o r m a t i o n O b j e c t i v e s

- e: I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e r - e: I n f o r m a t i o n O p e r a t i o n s - e: I n p u t / O u t p u t - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e O f f i c e r

- e: I n t e l l i g e n c e O v e r s i g h t - e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n s - e: I n t e r p r e t i v e O p e r a t i o n - e: I n v e s t i g a t i n g O f f i c e r

- e: I s s u e O r d e r I O A e: I n t e r n a l O p e r a t i o n s A s s e s s m e n t I O A N e: I n s p e c t [and R e p a i r ] Only as Needed

i n t e r c o m m e: i n t e r c o m m u n i c a t i o n I N T E R P O L - I J S N C B e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l Criminal Police Organization United States N a t i o n a l Central B u r e a u i n t g r e: i n t e g r a t e I N T I P S e: I n t e g r a t e d I n f o r m a t i o n

IOAIT e: I n p u t / O u t p u t A c c e s s U n i t I O B e: I n p u t - O u t p u t B u f f e r

Processing System I N T M E D e: Internai M e d i c i n e I N T M E R C s: i n t e l i g e n c i a de M e r c a d o I N T N E T e: I n t e l l i g e n c e N e t w o r k I N T O e: I n t e r r u p t if O v e r f l o w O c c u r s I N T O P e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O p e r a t i o n s

- e: I n f o r m a t i o n O p e r a t i o n C e n t e r - e: Initial O p e r a t i n g C a p a b i l i t y

Simulation I N T P H T R e: I n t e r p h a s e T r a n s f o r m e r I N T R A I N T E X S A e: I N E X P O R T Textile Factory Worker's Union I N T R A N e: I n p u t T r a n s l a t o r I n t r a s t a t V O d: V e r o r d n u n g ü b e r die Intrahandelsstatistik I N T R E D I P s: I n t r o d u c c i ó n de n u e v o e q u i p a m i e n t o en la g e s t i o n de la R e d IP I N T R E P e: I n t e l l i g e n c e R e p o r t

- e: I n s t a l l a t i o n O p e r a t i n g B u d g e t - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e O v e r s i g h t B o a r d

- e: I n t e r - O r g a n i z a t i o n B o a r d I O C e: I n d e p e n d e n t O p e r a t i n g C o m p a n y

- e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l C a p a b i l i t y - e: I n p u t - O u t p u t C o n t r o l l e r - e: I n t e g r a t e d O p t i c a l C i r c u i t

- e: I n t e l l i g e n c e O p e r a t i o n s C e n t e r - e: I n t e r i m O p e r a t i o n a l C a p a b i l i t y

- e: I n v e s t i g a t i o n s O p e r a t i o n s C e n t e r I O C C e: I/O C h a n n e l C o n t r o l l e r

- e: I n f o r m a t i o n O p e r a t i o n s C o o r d i n a t i o n Cell

- e: I n p u t / O u t p u t C h a n n e l C o n v e r t e r - e: I n p u t / O u t p u t C o n t r o l l e r C h i p I O C D e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l C a p a b i l i t y Date IOCP

e: I n p u t O u t p u t C o m p l e t i o n Port

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology


Services - e: I n p u t - O u t p u t C o n t r o l S y s t e m e: I n p u t / O u t p u t Control


e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n of


Consumers Unions IOD

e: I n f o r m a t i o n O b j e c t D e f i n i t i o n

- e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l D a t e Demonstration

d: I n f o d i e n s t Ö f f e n t l i c h e s

Dienstrecht l O D C e: I n p u t / O u t p u t D a t a C o n t r o l l e r I O D E e: I n t e g r a t e d D e v e l o p m e n t and Debugging Environment I O D P e: I n p u t / O u t p u t Digital P r o c e s s o r I O E e: I n d e p e n d e n t O p e r a t i o n a l Evaluation - e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l E v a l u a t i o n e: I n d e p e n d e n t O p e r a t i o n a l


E valuator/Assessor ΙΟΙ e: I n j u r e d O t h e r T h a n H o s t i l i t i e s or Illness I O I C e: I n t e g r a t e d O p e r a t i o n a l Intelligence Center I O L e: Initial O u t f i t t i n g List - e: I n s t a n t a n e o u s O v e r l o a d IOM

e: I n p u t - O u t p u t M u l t i p l e x e r

- e: I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n and Maintenance - e: I n t e r - O f f i c e M e m o r a n d u m e: E x t e n d e d I O M


e: I n p u t / O u t p u t N o d e


e: Internal O r g a n i z a t i o n of the

Network Layer IOP

e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l P e r i o d

- e: I n p u t O u t p u t P r o c e s s o r

- e: I n s t a l l a t i o n O p e r a t i n g P r o g r a m - e: I n t e r f a c e O p e r a t i n g P r o c e d u r e

- e: I n t e r f a c e O p e r a t i o n a l P r o c e d u r e s

e: I n p u t / O u t p u t P r i v i l e g e L e v e l


e: I n p u t - O u t p u t P r o g r a m m i n g


System IOR

e: I m m e d i a t e O p e r a t i o n a l

Requirement - e: I n p u t - O u t p u t R e g i s t e r - e: I n t e r o p e r a b i l i t y R e q u i r e m e n t IORL

e: I n p u t / O u t p u t R e q u i r e m e n t s

Language I O S e: I n p u t - O u t p u t S e l e c t o r - e: I n s t r u c t o r / O p e r a t o r Station - e: I n t e g r a t e d O b s e r v a t i o n S y s t e m - e: I n t e r - N e t w o r k O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m - e: I n t e r i m O p e r a t i o n a l S u p p l e m e n t - e: I n t e r n e t w o r k O p e r a t i n g System IOSGA

e: I n p u t / O u t p u t S u p p o r t Gate

Array I O S S e: I n t e r a g e n c y O p s e c S u p p o r t S t a f f I O T e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l Test - e: Integral O p e r a t o r T r a i n e r - e: I n t e r - O f f i c e T r u n k I O T A e: I n b o u n d / O u t b o u n d T r a f f i c Analysis - e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O c c u l t a t i o n T i m i n g Association - e: I s l a n d s o n the A i r I O T E e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l Test and Evaluation I O T & E e: Initial O p e r a t i o n a l Test and Evaluation

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


ί ο υ

- e: Installation Operational Test and Evaluation lOU e: Input/Output Unit TOW e: In Other Words IOX e: Input/Output Transfer Unit IP e: Identification Point - e: Implementation Plan - e: Implementation Procedures - e: Incentive Pay - e: Industrial Preparedness - e: Information Processing - e: Information Protection - e: Informational Program - e: Initial Phase - e: Initial Point - e: Initial Position - e: Initial Provisioning - e: Instruction Pointer - e: Instructor Personnel - e: Instructor Pilot - e: Intellectual Property - e: Intelligent Peripheral[s] - e: Interactive Processing - e: Interexchange Plant - e: Interface Processor - e: Intermediate Pressure - e: Intermediate Processor - e: Internet Protocol - e: Interservice Publication - e: Intervention Point - e: Item Processing - s: Infantería Paracaidista - s: Instrucción Premilitar - s: Instructor Político I/P e: Current to Pressure - e: Identification of Position - e: Installation Plan - e: Insurance/Pension I&P e: Inserting and Preheating - e: Intelligence and Planning IPA d: Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung - e: Independent Public Accountant - e: Integrated Photodetection Assemblies - e: Integrated Program Assessment - e: Intelligence Production Agency - e: Intermediate Power Amplifier IPABX e: ISDN PABX IPA [Gì] s: Incapacidad Permanente Absoluta [Gran Invalidez] I P A M M H e: Indirect Productive Annual Maintenance Man-Hours IPAP e: Information Protection Assessment Program - e: Interagency Placement Assistance Program IPAR e: Improved Pulse Acquisition Radar IPAT e: ISDN Primary Access Transceiver IPAVS d: IP-Adressen-VerwaltungsSystem IPB e: Illustrated Parts Book - e: Illustrated Parts Breakdown - e: Installation Parts Breakdown - e: Installation Property Book - e: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield [or Battlespace] - e: Interoperability Policy Board IPbiirgR d: Internationaler Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte 158

Κ • G • Saur, M ü n c h e n

IPC e: Indentured Product Code - e: Information Processing Center - e: Information Processing Code - e: Initial Planning Conference - e: Instructions per Clock - e: Inter Personal Computer - e: Inter Process Communication - e: Interagency Planning Cell - e: Interprocess C o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] - s: índice de Precios al Consumidor IPCA e: Internet Parallel Computing Archive - ρ : Indice nacional de Preços ao Consumidor-Ampio IPCE e: Independent Parametric Cost Estimate IPCL s: Instituto Privado de Cooperación Libre IPCOTS e: In Place Consecutive Overseas Tour IPCP e: Improved Command Post - e: Internet Protocol Control Protocol IPD e: Initial Production Delivery - e: Integrated Product Development - e: International Program Directive - e: Issue Priority Designator - / · Institut Panafricain pour le Développement IPDC e: Integrated Product Development Center IPD-CMM e: Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model IPDD e: Initial Project Design Description - e: Integrated Product Design and Development IPDE e: Integrated Product Data Environment IPDF e: Indexed Adobe Portable Document Format - e: Indexed Portable Document Format IPDP e: Inland Petroleum Distribution Plan - e: Integrated Product Development Process IPDR e: Initial Program Design Review - e: Internet Protocol Detail Record IPDS e: IBM Printer Data Stream - e: Imagery Processing and Dissemination System - e: Intelligent Printer Data Stream IPDT e: Integrated Product Development Team IPE e: Image Processing Equipment - e: Increased Performance Engine - e: Industrial Plant Equipment - e: Information Processing Equipment - e: Initial Production Evaluation Ipe s: Iperita IPES e: Intelligent Peripheral Español IPF e: Information Processing Equipment - e: Initial Production Facilities - e: Initial Production Funds - e: Interactive Processing Facility IPFC e: Information Presentation Facility Compiler IPFM e: Integral Pulse Frequency Modulation IPG e: Issue Priority Group

IPI e: Image Processing and Interchange - e: In Process Inspection - e: Input Package Interface - e: Intelligent Peripheral Interface - e: Inventory of Principal Item IPIR e: Initial Photographic Interpretation Report - e: Initial Programmed Interpretation Report IPL e: Information Processing Language - e: Information Programming Language - e: Initial Program Load - e: Integrated Priority List - e: Ion Projection Lithography IPLI e: Internet Private Line Interface IPM e: Implementation Program Manager - e: Impulses per Minute - e: Incremental Phase Modulator - e: Industrial Preparedness Measures - e: Integrated Product Management - e: Intelligent Power Mode - e: Intelligent Power Module - e: Intelligent Power MOS - e: Interference Prediction Model - e: Internal Polarization Module - e: Interpersonal Message - e: Interpersonal Messag[ing] - e: Interruptions per Minute - s: Instituto de Previsión Militar IPMO e: Implementation Program Management Office - e: Intelligence Personnel Management Office IPMS e: Information Processing Management System - e: Integrated Product Management System - e: Inter-Personal Message Services IPNG e: Internet Protocol-Next Generation IPng e: Internet protocol, next generation IPNS e: ISDN P B X Networking Specification IPO e: Information Protection Office - e: International Post Organization - e: Iterative Planning Optimization I.P.O. s: Informe Periódico Operacional IPoATM e: IP over A T M IPOC e: Interim Policy Oversight Committee IPP e: Imaging Photopolarimeter - e: Impact Point Prediction - e: Industrial Preparedness Planning - e: Industrial Preparedness Production - e: Integrated Plotting Package - e: Intel Primitive Performance - e: Internet Presence Provider - e: Internet Printing Protocol IPPD e: Integrated Product and Process Development IPPDT e: Integrated Product and Process Development Team IPPL e: Industrial Preparedness Planning List IPPM e: Integrated Product and Process Management IPPP e: Industrial Preparedness Planning Program

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

IRIG-B IPPT e: Individual Proficiency Test - e: Integrated Process and Product Team IPPV e: Impulse/Instant Pay per View - e: Impulse Pay per View IPR e: In Progress Review - e: Individual Pay Record - e: Industrial Plant Representative - e: Intelligence Production Requirement - e: Interim Program Review - e: Interim Progress Review - s: Inventario de Planta de Red IPS e: Illustrative Planning Scenario - e: Inch[es] per Second - e: Indirect Pricing System - e: Information Processing Subsystem - e: Instructions per Second - e: Integrated Procurement System - e: Integrated Program Study - e: Integrated Program Summary - e: Integrated Publishing System - e: Intelligence Production Support - e: Interconnects per Second - e: Interim Policy Statement - e: Internet Privacy Standard - e: Internet Protocol Security - e: Interoperability Planning System - e: Interruptions per Second - e: Intrusion Prevention System - e: Irish Political Studies I/PS e: Insurance/Pension Specialist IPSE e: Integrated Project Support Environment IPSec e: Internet Protocol Security - s: Protocolo de seguridad estándar en IP IPSG e: Intelligence Program Support Group - e: International Programs Steering Group IPSI d: [Fraunhofer-Institut für] Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme IPSIC s: Instituto de Psicología 'José Pacheco Molina' IPSO e: Information Processing Service Organization - e: Internet Protocol Security Option IPSP e: Intelligence Priorities for Strategie Planning IPSS e: Initial Preplanned Supply Support IPT e: Initial Production Test - e: Integrated Process Team - e: Integrated Product Team - e: Intelligent Procedure Trainer IPTC e: International Press Telecommunications Council IPTO e: Information Processing Techniques Office - e: Information Processing Technology Office IP IJ d: Delegation bei der Interparlamentarischen Union - e: Information Provider Unit - e: Instruction Processing Unit - e: Interface Processor Unit IPV e: Industrial Pressure Vessel IPv4 e: Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6 e: Internet Protocol version 6 IPVR d: Institut für parallele und verteilte Höchstleistungsrechner IPW e: Prisoner of War Interrogation

IPX e: Internetwork Packet Exchange IPXCP e: Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol IPXWAN e: Internetwork Packet Exchange Wide-Area Network IQ e: Indefinite Quantity - e: Intelligence Quotient - e: Interactive Query IQC e: Indefinite Quantity Contract IQCS e: In-Service Quality Control System IQL e: Interactive Query Language IQT e: Initial Qualification Training IQUE e: In-Plant Quality Evaluation IR e: In-Flight Refueling - e: Incident Report - e: Index Register - e: Individual Reinforcement - e: Information Rate - e: Information Request - e: Information Requirements] - e: Information Retrieval - e: Infrared - e: Infrared Homing - e: Infrared, Infrarot - e: Infrared Radiation - e: Infrared Thermal - e: Inside Radius - e: Instruction Register - e: Instrument Reading - e: Insulation Resistance - e: Intelligence Requirements] - e: Intermediate Reach - e: Internal Review - e: International relations - e: Internet Registry - e: Interrogater-Responder - e: Interval Rate - s: Interfaz de Red I2R e: Imaging Infrared [Guidance] IRA e: Input Reference Axis - e: Intelligence Related Activities - e: Interface Requirement Agreement IRAAA e: International review of African American art IRAC s: Instituto ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria y Colonización IRAN e: Inspect and Repair as Necessary IRAS e: I Really Am Sorry - e: Infrared Astronomical Satellite - e: Israel Oriental Studies IRASI e: Internal Review and System Improvement IRAT f: Institut de Recherche Agronomique Tropicales et des Cultures Vivrieres IRB e: Individual Records Brief - e: Infrastructure Review Board - e: Instruction Recoder Buffer - e: Integrated Routing and Bridging IRBM e: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IRC e: Inspection Record Cards - e: International Record Carriers - e: International Rescue Committee - e: Internet Relay Chat [protocol] - e: Item Responsibility Code IRCAS e: Information Requirements Control Automated System

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

IRCCM e: Infrared Counter-Counter Measures IRCM e: Infrared Countermeasures IRCN e: Interagency Report Control Number IRCS e: Intrusion-Resistant Communications System IR&D e: Independent Research and Development IRD e: Independent Research and Development - e: Information Resource Dictionary - e: Initial Requirement Determination - e: Integrated Receiver/Decoder - e: Integrated Receiver/Descrambler - e: Integrated Record Data System - e: Interface Requirements Document - e: Interoperability Requirements Documents IrDA e: Infrared Data Association IR&DC e: Intelligence Research and Development Council IRDL e: Information Retrieval and Display Language IRDP e: ICMP Router Discovery Protocol - e: Information Retrieval Data Bank IRDS e: Information Resource Dictionary Standard - e: Information Resourcefs] Dictionary System - e: Infrared Detection Set - e: Infrared Detection System - e: International Research, Development and Standardization IRE e: Immediate Ready Element IRED e: Infrared-Emitting Diode IREP e: Integrated Reliability Evaluation Program IREPS e: Integrated Refractive Effect Prediction System 1RES e: Imagery Reporting and Exploitation Station IRET e: Interrupt Return IREW e: Infrared Electronic Warfare IREWS e: Infrared Electronic Warfare System IRF e: Immediate Reaction Force - e: Inheritance Rights Filter - e: Intermediate Routing Function IRFA e: Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis IRFITS e: Infrared Fault Isolation Test System IRFNA e: Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid IRFPA e: Infrared Focal Plane Array IRG d: Gesetz über internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen - e: Interdepartmental Regional Group - e: Interrange Instrumentation Group IRH e: Infrared Homing IRHD e: International Rubber Hardness Degrees IRHVTA e: Infrared High Value Target Acquisition IRI s: Identificador de Ruta Interna IRIG e: Inter Range Instrumentation Group IRIG-B e: Inter Range Instrumentation Group Β © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


81 IR ILL 81 IR ILL e: 81 IR illumination round IRINT e: Infrared Intelligence IRIS e: Inferential Retrieval Indexing System - e: Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer - e: Instant Response Information System - e: Integrated Radio Information System - e: Interrogation Requirement Information System IrishHSt e: Irish historical studies IRL e: In Real Life - e: Information Retrieval Language - e: Inter-Repeater Link - e: Interactive Reader Language IRLA ρ: Instalador Reparador de Linhas e Aparelhos IRLAP e: Infrared Link Access Protocol IRLED e: Infrared Light Emitting Diode IRLS e: Infrared Line Scan - e: Interrogation, Recording of Location Subsystem IRM e: Information Resource Management - e: Information Resource Manager - e: Information Rights Management - e: Inherent Rights Mask - e: Intermediate Range Monitor - e: International Review of Mission - s: Interconexión de Redes Móviles IRMA e: Information Revision and Manuscript Assembly IRMP e: Integrated Risk Management Process IRMS e: Information Resource Management Software - e: Information Resource Management System - e: Integrated Radio Management System IRÒ e: Immediate Response Option - e: Independent Review Officer - e: Industrial Relations Office - e: Internal Review Office - e: International Relief Organization - e: United Nations International Relief Organizations IROAN e: Inspect and Repair Only as Needed IROD e: Instantaneous Readout Director IROL e: Imagery Requirements Objective Listing IROS e: Improved Reliability Operational System IRP e: Individual Reinforcement Plan - e: Installation Restoration Program IRPC e: ISDN Remote Power Control IRPP e: Installation Resource Protection Plan IRPPS e: Information Resource Planning and Projection System Survey IRQ e: Interrupt Request - e: Interrupt-Request line IRQR e: Information Requirement IRR e: A RAS message sent as an information request - e: Initial Requirements Review - e: Integrated Radio Room - e: Integrated Readiness Report - e: Intelligence Radar Reporting - e: Internal Rate of Return IRRB e: Integrated Requirement Review Board


© Κ • G • Saur, M ü n c h e n

IRRD e: Item Receipt Document - e: Item Release Document IRRM e: Information Report Requirement Manager IRRS e: Infrared Reconnaissance System 1RS e: Inertial Reference System - e: Information Retrieval System - e: Inquiry and Reporting System - e: Installation Readiness System - e: Interactive Retrieval Software - e: Interface Requirements Specification - e: Interformation Requirements Study IRSG e: Infrared Scene Generator - e: Internet Research Steering Group IRSH e: International Review of Social History IRSIGS e: Infrared Signatures IRSM e: Infrared Surveillance Measures IRSS e: Infrared Search and Surveillance - e: Instant Recall Signal Storage - e: International Review for the Sociology of Sport IRS&T e: Infrared Search and Track IRST e: Infrared Search and Track IRT d: Institut für Rundfunktechnik, München - e: Interrogator-Responder-Transponder IRTF e: Internet Research Task Force IRTS e: Identify and Correct Deficiency - e: Incident Reporting and Tracking System I&RTS e: Integration and Runtime Specification IRU e: Inertial Reference Unit - e: Integrated Recovery Utility IR/UV e: Infrared/Ultraviolet IRV e: Improved Recovery Vehicle IRWR e: Infrared Warning Receiver IRX e: Information Retrieval Experiment IRYDA s: Instituto nacional de Reforma y Desarrollo Agraria IS e: In-Service - e: Incomplete Sequence - e: Industrial Specialist - e: Information Science - e: Information Separator - e: Information Services - e: Information System - e: Instructor Station - e: Interactive Service - e: Interference Suppressor - e: Interim Standard - e: Intermediate System - e: Internal Security - e: Internal Shield - e: International Security - e: International Standard - e: Interrupt Status - e: Interswitch - e: Israel - e: Israel Studies i. S. d: im Sinne I&S e: Intelligence and Surveillance - e: Interchangeability and Substitutability IS2 e: Information System Integration Support I2S e: Infrared Imaging System I2S2 e: Intelligence Information Subsystem

ISA e: [Assistant Secretary of Defense] International Security Affairs - e: Industry Standard Architecture - e: Information Systems Architecture - e: Instruction-Set Architecture - e: Instrument Subassembly - e: Inter-Service Agreement - e: Interactive Server Application - e: International Security Assistance - e: International Standard Atmosphere - e: International Standardization Agreement - e: Interservice Support Agreement - s: Identificativo del Servicio Afectado IS/A e: Interservice/Agency ISABPS e: Integrated Submarine Automated Broadcast Processing System ISACCC e: Interim Satellite Communications Control Center ISAC-P e: ISDN Subscriber Access Controller [S Bus, PABX, U] ISAC-S e: ISDN Subscriber Access Controller [S Interface 1CC+SBC] ISAKMP e: Internet Security Association [and] Key Management Protocol ISAM e: lndex[ed] Sequential Access Management - e: Indexed Sequential-Access Method - e: Integrating Switching and Multiplexing ISAMC e: Intermediate Software Acquisition Management Course ISAP e: Information Sort and Predict ISAPI e: Internet Server API ISAR e: Information Storage and Retrieval - e: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISARC e: Installation Shipping and Receiving Capability ISAS d: Individuelle [stationäre] Angehörigenschulung - e: Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences ISAV s: Interfaz Serie de Alta Velocidad ISB e: Independent Sideband - e: Industrial Security Bulletin - e: Intelligence Support Base - e: Intermediate Staging Base ISBN e: International Standard Book Number ISBT e: It's Strange But True ISC e: Individual Service Contract - e: Instruction Set Computer - e: Intelligence Subject Code - e: Intelligence Support Cells - e: Inter-Systems Communication - e: Interactive Systems Corporation - e: Intermediate Switching Center ISCA e: Integrated Systems Control Architecture ISCAMS e: Installation Standard Command Automatic Data Processing Management System ISCAN e: Inertialess Steerable Communication Antenna ISCB e: Interessengemeinschaft sehgeschädigter Computerbenutzer IS/CMA e: Industrial Specialist/Contract Management Assistant

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik


e: I n t e r - S y s t e m

Communications Sub-Network I S C O M B E R M U D A e: I s l a n d Commander, Bermuda I S C O M G R E E N L A N D e: I s l a n d Commander, Greenland I S C O M I C E L A N D e: I s l a n d Commander, Iceland I S D e: I m a g e Section D e s c r i p t o r - e: I n - S e r v i c e D a t e - e: I n d u c t i o n System D e p o s i t - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s D i r e c t i v e - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s D i v i s i o n - e: I n s t a l l a t i o n S u p p l y D i v i s i o n - e: I n s t r u c t i o n a l S y s t e m s D e v e l o p m e n t - e: I n t e g r a t e d S t r a t e g i c D e f e n s e - e: I n t e g r a t e d S y s t e m D i c t i o n a r y I S D B e: I n t e g r a t e d Satellite D a t a b a s e I S D C P e: I n t e g r a t e d S t r a t e g i c D e f e n s e C o n c e p t Plan I S D N d: 1st s o w a s d e n n n ö t i g ? - e: I n t e g r a t e d S e r v i c e s Digital N e t w o r k - e: I n t e g r a t e d S w i t c h e d D i g i t a l N e t w o r k - e: I s o s o r b i t d i n i t r a t ISD/RDD

e: I n s t a l l a t i o n Start

Date/Required Delivery Date I S D S e: I m a g e S w i t c h i n g and Distribution System I S D / S A T e: I n s t r u c t i o n a l S y s t e m s D e v e l o p m e n t / S y s t e m s A p p r o a c h to Training ISE

e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s E n g i n e e r i n g

- e: Initial S u p p o r t E l e m e n t - e: I n s t i t u t i o n a l S e l f E v a l u a t i o n

- e: I n t e g r a t e d System E v a l u a t i o n - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e S u p p o r t E l e m e n t - e: I n t e r c e p t S y s t e m E n v i r o n m e n t I&SE

e: I n s t a l l a t i o n and S e r v i c e

Engineering ISEA

e: I n - S e r v i c e E n g i n e e r i n g A c t i v i t y

- e: I n - S e r v i c e E n g i n e e r i n g A g e n t I S E E e: I n t e g r a t e d S y s t e m E n g i n e e r i n g Environment - e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l S u n - E a r t h E x p l o r e r IS41 EE

e: I n t e r i m S t a n d a r d 4 1 E r i c s s o n

Enhanced I S E M e: I n t e g r a t e d S p a c e Environmental Model I S E R e: I n t e g r a l S y s t e m s E x p e r i m e n t a l Requirements I S E T e: I n d e p e n d e n t S o f t w a r e E v a l u a t i o n Test I S E W e: I n t e l l i g e n c e , S e c u r i t y and Electronic Warfare I S F e: I m p l i e d S h o r t a g e F a c t o r - e: I m p r o v e d S u p p o r t Facility - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s F l i g h t - e: I n t e g r a t e d S u p p o r t F a c i l i t y

- e: I n t e g r a t i o n S u p p o r t Facility - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e S u p p o r t F a c i l i t y I S F E T d: l o n e n s e n s i t i v e r Feldeffekttransitor - e: I o n - S e n s i t i v e F i e l d - E f f e c t T r a n s i s t o r ISG e: I n d u s t r y S t e e r i n g G r o u p - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s G r o u p - e: I n t e r - s i t e G a t e w a y ISH

e: I n t e r m e d i a t e S y s t e m H e l l o

- e: I n t e r m e d i a t e S y s t e m H e l l o P D U I S H Z d: I n f o r m a t i o n e n zur s c h l e s w i g holsteinischen Zeitgeschichte


e: I n - S e r v i c e I n s p e c t i o n

- e: I n f o r m a t i o n S c i e n c e s Institute of the U n i v e r s i t y of S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a - e: Initial S u p p o r t I n c r e m e n t s - e: Initial S u p p o r t I t e m s - e: I n t e r Service I n t e l l i g e n c e

- e: I n t e r n a l l y S p e c i f i e d I n d e x - e: I n t e r s y m b o l I n t e r f e r e n c e I & S I e: I n f o r m a t i o n and S o f t w a r e Integration IS-I e: I n f o r m a t i o n S e r v i c e s and Infrastructure I S I A e: Irish S t u d i e s in I n t e r n a t i o n a l Affairs I S I C e: I n f o r m a t i o n and S o f t w a r e Integration Contractor I S I M e: I M S S u b s c r i b e r Identity M o d u l e ISIN e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s I n t e r n e t t i n g - e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e c u r i t i e s I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number I S I P e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s P l a n n i n g Services I S I R e: In S e r v i c e in R e s e r v e I S I S e: I n t e g r a t e d S y s t e m s and Information Services - e: I n t e r m e d i a t e S y s t e m to I n t e r m e d i a t e System

I S O d: I n t e r n a t i o n a l e O r g a n i s a t i o n f ü r Normung - e: I n d i v i d u a l S y s t e m O p e r a t i o n - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s O f f i c e - e: Initial S q u a d r o n O p e r a t i o n - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e S u p p o r t O f f i c e - e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n for Standardization - e: Isolation I S O C e: I n t e r n e t S o c i e t y I S O D E e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n f o r Standardization Development Environment I S O IP e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n f o r Standardization Internetwork Protocol I S O O e: I n f o r m a t i o n Security O v e r s i g h t Office I S O P R E P e: Isolated P e r s o n n e l R e p o r t I S O S e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s O p e r a t i o n s Squadron ISP

e: I m p l e m e n t a t i o n S u p p o r t P l a n

- e: I n d e x S e q u e n t i a l P r o c e s s o r - e: I n d u s t r i a l S e c u r i t y P l a n

- e: I n f o r m a t i o n Security P r o g r a m - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m P l a n f n i n g ] - e: I n t e g r a t e d S u p p o r t P l a n - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e S u p p o r t P l a n

I S - I S e: I n t e r m e d i a t e S y s t e m - t o I n t e r m e d i a t e System [ P r o t o c o l ] Isis e: Isis: an i n t e r n a t i o n a l r e v i e w d e v o t e d to the history of s c i e n c e and its cultural i n f l u e n c e s I S I S S e: I n t e g r a t e d T w / A a S e n s o r s

- e: I n t e r n e t S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r - e: I n t e r r u p t S t a c k P o i n t e r

Integrated System Support ISJ e: I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e p h a r d i c j o u r n a l : a b i a n n u a l j o u r n a l e x p l o r i n g the S e p h a r d i c w o r l d p a s t and p r e s e n t I S K e: Insert S t o r a g e K e y I S K M e: I n t e r n e t Starter Kit for t h e

Exchange I S P E e: I n t e r i m S o f t w a r e P r o g r e s s Emulation I S P F e: I n t e r a c t i v e S t r u c t u r e d Programming Facility

Macintosh I S L e: I n d u s t r i a l Security L e t t e r - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S e a r c h L a n g u a g e - e: I n f o r m a t i o n System L a n g u a g e - e: Initial S u p p o r t List - e: I n s t r u c t i o n a l S y s t e m s L a n g u a g e - e: I n t e g r a t e d S c h o t t k y L o g i c - e: I n t e g r a t e d S t o c k List - e: I n t e r a c t i v e S i m u l a t i o n L a n g u a g e

- e: I n t e r r u p t S t a t u s Port - e: I r r i g a t i o n S u p p o r t P r o j e c t for A s i a and the near E a s t e: I S D N P r i v a t e B r a n c h e


- e: I n t e r a c t i v e S y s t e m P r o g r a m m i n g Facility ISPF/PDF

D e v e l o p m e n t Facility ISPI

d: I n s t i t u t f ü r I n t e g r i e r t e

Publikationssysteme - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s P r o c e s s i n g Installation

- e: I n t e r a c t i v e S y s t e m L a n g u a g e - e: Item S t u d y L i s t i n g s I S M e: I n d u s t r i a l , S c i e n t i f i c , M e d i c a l [Applications]


- e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s for M a n a g e m e n t - e: I n t e r n e t S e r v i c e M a n a g e r


- e: I n t e r n e t w o r k Status M o n i t o r - e: I n t e r p r e t i v e S t r u c t u r e M o d e l i n g


- e: I n t e r s t e l l a r M e d i u m I S M A e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s


Management Activity I S M F e: I n t e r a c t i v e S t o r a g e


Management Facility I S M L e: I n t e r m e d i a t e S y s t e m M o c k - U p Loop



e: I n t e r n e t Mail S u p p o r t P r o t o c o l s: I n s t i t u t o p o r la S u p e r a c i ó n de la

Miseria Urbana I S N e: I n t e r n e t School N e t w o r k i n g - e: I n t e r n e t S h o p p i n g N e t w o r k i n g - e: I n t e r n m e n t Serial N u m b e r I S N S A e: I n d e p e n d e n t S o f t w a r e N u c l e a r Safety Analysis

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

e: I n t e r a c t i v e System

Productivity Facility/Program

e: I n - S y s t e m - P r o g r a m m a b l e

L a r g e Scale I n t e g r a t i o n ispLSI

e: i n - s y s t e m - p r o g r a m m a b l e

L a r g e Scale I n t e g r a t i o n e: I n f o r m a t i o n Security P r o g r a m

Manager e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s P r o g r a m

Plan e: I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s

Performance Technical Center e: I n t e r a c t i v e S t r u c t u r e Q u e r y

Language e: I m a g e S t o r a g e and R e t r i e v a l

- e: I m p l e m e n t a t i o n S u p p o r t R e q u i r e m e n t - e: I n d e p e n d e n t S u f f i c i e n c y R e v i e w - e: I n d i v i d u a l S c h o o l R e q u i r e m e n t - e: I n d i v i d u a l Soldier's R e p o r t - e: I n f o r m a t i o n S t o r a g e and R e t r i e v a l - e: Initial S p a r e s - e: I n t e l l i g e n c e , S u r v e i l l a n c e , Reconnaissance - e: I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y S c i e n c e R e v i e w s - e: I n t e r r u p t S e r v i c e R o u t i n e

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich


IS&R - e: Interrupt Status Register - e: Intersecting Storage Ring IS&R e: Information Storage and Retrieval ISRA e: International Seabed Resource Authority ISRD e: Information Systems Requirements Document IS&RP e: Initial Spares and Repair Parts ISRS e: Information System Resource Software ISS e: Ideal Solidus Structures - e: In-Service Support - e: Information Storage System - e: Information Systems Security - e: Information Systems Squadron - e: Input Subsystem - e: Installation Support School - e: Integrated Support Station - e: Intelligence Support Staff - e: Intelligence System Simulation - e: Intelligent Support Systemfs] - e: Interim Safety Supplement - e: Interim Supply Support - e: Interservice Supply Support iss e: issue ISSA e: Interservice Support Agreement ISSC e: Information System Support Center - e: Interservice Supply Support Coordinator ISSG e: Information Systems Support Group ISSL e: Initial Spares Support List - e: Initial Supplies Support List ISSLL e: Integrated Services over Specific Link Layers ISSM e: Information System Security Manager ISSN e: International Standard Serial Number ISSO e: Infomation Special Security Officer - e: Information Services Support Officer - e: Information Systems Security Officer - e: Information Systems Security Organization - e: Information Systems Staff Officer ISSP e: Interservice Supply Support Procedure - e: Interservice Supply Support Program ISSR e: Information System Security Representative ISSRO e: Interservice Supply Support Records Office ISSS e: Information Systems Support Squadron - e: Installation Service Supply Support ISST d: Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik - e: I C B M SHF Satellite Terminal 1ST e: Imagery Support Terminal - e: Implementation Systems Test - e: Information, Science and Technology - e: Information Society Technologies - e: Initial Service Test - e: Initial Support Team - e: Installed System Test - e: Integrated Surveillance Team - e: Integrated System Test - e: Inter Switch Trunk 162

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- e: Interswitch Trunk - e: Invite, Show and Test IS&T e: Innovative Science and Technology ISTA e: Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition - s: Interfaz de Solicitud de Tarifa Activa ISTAR e: Image, Storage, Translation and Reproduction ISTD e: Integrated Space Technology Demonstration ISTECH e: Information Systems Technology ISTF e: Installed System Test Facility - e: Internet Societal Task Force ISTIC e: Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of China ISTIM e: Interchange of Science and Technical Information in Machine Language ISTM e: It Seems to Me ISTP e: Information Systems Tasking Plan ISTPA e: International Security, Trust + Privacy Alliance IstPregl b: Istoriceski pregled: naucnoteoreticno spisanie na Instituta za Istorija pri Bälgarskata Akademija na Naukite ISTR e: I Seem to Remember ISU e: Industry Solution Unit - e: Interface Switching Unit - e: Internal Airlift/Helicopter Slingable Container Unit ISUE s: Informe Sobre la Utilización de la EOC ISUG e; International SGML/XML Users' Group ISITP e: ISDN User Part ISIJS e: Information Services and User Support ISV 2 e: Independent Software Vendor - e: Individual Survivability - e: Intelligence Secure Voice ISVN e: Interim Secure Voice Network ISVS e: International Switched Voice Service - e: International Switched Voice System ISVT e: Integrated Secure Voice Terminal ISW e: Information Systems Wing - e: Integrated Strike Warfare ISWG e: Industry Standard Working Group - e: Information Systems Working Group - e: Intelligence Support Working Group ISWYM e: I See What You Mean ISY e: International Space Year ISYSCON e: Integrated System Control System IT d: Informationstechnik - e: Industry Telephone Maintenance - e: Information Technologies - e: Information Technology - e: Input Translator - e: Instruction Technique - e: Instrument Test - e: Instrument Tree - e: Insulating Transformer - e: Integration Testing - e: Intermediate Trainer

- e: Interrogater-Transponder - e: Item Transfer - s: Itinerario I&T e: Inspection and Test - e: Installation and Test IT3 e: Interactive Tactical Team Trainer ITA e: Industry and Trade Administration - e: Interface Test Adapter - s: Instituto Técnico de Agricultora ITAAD e: Installation/The Army Authorization Document ITAAS e: Intelligence Training Army Area School[s] ITAC e: Intelligence Threat Analysis Center - e: ISDN Terminal Adapter Circuit ITACIES e: Interim Tactical Imagery Exploitation System ITACS e: Integrated Tactical Air Control System ITAE e: Integrated Time and Absolute Error ITAG e: Inertial Terrain-Aided Guidance ITALD e: Improved Tactical AirLaunched Decoy ITAM e: Integrated Training Area Management ITAMP e: Integrated Task and Management Plan IT&AP e: Inspection Test and Analysis Plan ITARS e: Integrated Terrain Access and Retrieval System ITB e: Information Technology Branch - e: Integrated Test Bed - e: Intermediate Text Block ITC e: Information Technology Center - e: Instructor Training Course - e: Intelligence Training Consolidation - e: International Trade Center [or Centre] - e: Ionic Thermoconductivity ITCM e: Integrated Tactical Countermeasures - e: Integrated Telephony Cable Modem ITCP/IP e: Inter-computer Transmission Control Protocol/Internal Protocol ITCTO e: Interim Time Compliance Technical Order ITD e: Individual Training Directorate - e: Information Technology Directorate - e: Integrated Technology Demonstration - e: Integrated Test Director ITDS e: Improved Technical Data System - e: Integrated Technical Data System ITE d: Informationstechnische Einrichtung - e: Information Technology Equipment ITEP e: Intelligence and Tactical Exploitation Processor - e: International Test and Evaluation Procedures ITF e: Information Technology Facility - e: Integration Test Facility - e: Intelligence Task Force - e: Interactive Terminal Facility - e: Interactive Test Facility ITFS e: Instructional Television Fixed Services

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

IVD ITG d: Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE - d: Informationstechnische Grundausbildung ITGBL e: International Through Government Bill of Lading ITI e: Inspection/Test Instruction ITI-ALC e: Integrated Technical Information for the Air Logistic Center ITIES e: Interservice Technical Information Exchange ITIMP e: Integrated Technical Item Management and Procurement Itin s: Itinerario ITIRC e: Technical Information Retrieval Center ITK d: Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation ITL e: Inverse Time Limit ITLB e: Instruction TLB ITM d: Internationale Tagungen in Mikulcice - s: Ingeniero Transmisiones Militares ITMG e: Intra-Theater Movement Generator ITMM s: Itinerario de Los Medios Móviles ITMSP e: Information Technology Management Strategie Plan ITN e: Identification Tasking and Networking - e: Information Transfer Node ITO e: Individual Travel Orders - e: Information to Offeror - e: Installation Telephone Office[r] - e: Installation Transportation Officer - e: Instruction to Offeror - e: Instrument Take-Off - e: Interim Technical Order - e: Invitation to Offeror - e: Invitational Travel Orders ITOE e: Intermediate Toe ITOIPT e: Information Technology Overarching Integrated Product Team ITOP e: International Test Operation Procedures ITOPS e: Interim Terminal Overseas Processing System - e: International Test Operation Procedures ITP e: Impact Time Prediction - e: Individual Training Plan - e: Instruction to Proceed - e: Integrated Test Plan - e: Intent to Purchase - e: Intention to Proceed ITPS e: Integrated Teleprocessing System - e: Integrated Test Program Schedule ITR e: Individual Training Record - e: Instrument Test Rig - e: Integrated Test Range - e: Internet talk radio - e: Inverse Time Relay ITRAM e: International [Passenger] Traffic Management System ITRB e: Initial Test Review Board ITRM e: Institutional Training Resource Model ITRO e: Inter-Service Training Organization

- e: Interservice Training Requirements Organization - e: Interservice Training Review Organization ITRUS e: Information Technology Reuse ITS e: Individual Training Standard - e: Individual Training Strategy - e: Institute for/of Telecommunication Sciencefs] - e: Insulation Test Specification - e: Integrated Training Strategy - e: Intelligent Transport System - e: Intelligent Transport Systems - e: Intelligent Transportation Systems - e: Intelligent Tutor System - e: Interactive Terminal System - e: Intermarket Trading System - e: Interrogate Threat System - e: Intersectional Transportation Service - e: Inventory Tracking System IT&S e: Information, Technologies and System ITSA e: Institute for Telecommunications Sciences and Aeronomy ITSEC e: Information Technology Security Evaluation Certification - e: Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria ITSEM e: Information Technology Security Evaluation Method ITSG e: Information Technology Standard Guidance ITSI e: Information Technology Standard Information ITSOP e: Integrated Telecommunications Systems Operational Planning IT/SP e: Instrument Tree/Spool Piece ITSP e: Internet Telephony Service Provider ITSs e: Individual Training Standards ITSS e: Integrated Tactical Surveillance System ITSTEC e: Integrated Transmission Switching and Technical Control ITT e: Imagery Training Tool - e: Integrated Test Team - e: Inter Theater Transfer - e: Interactive Training Tool - e: International Telephone and Telegraph - e: Invitation to Tender - e: Invitation to Transmit ITTA e: Information Technology Trainig Association ITTO e: Information Ticket and Tour Office ITTP e: Individual Task Training Package ITU e: International T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n ^ ] Union ITU-D e: International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Development ITIJG e: International Telecommunications User Group ITIJ-R e: International Telecommunication UnionRadiocommunication

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

ITU-T e: International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Standardization [Sector] ITV e: In-Transit Visibility - e: Industrial Television - e: Instructional Television - e: Instrumented Test Vehicle - e: Interactive Television - s: Identificador de Trayecto Virtual - s: Instituto Técnico Vocacional Itv s: Intervención I T W & A e: Integrated Tactical Warning and Assessment ITW/AA e: Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment ITX e: Intermediate Text Block IIJ e: Image Understanding - e: Initial User - e: Instrument Unit - e: Integer Unit - e: Interface Unit - e: Interference Unit - e: Internal User Data Group IUA e: Image Understanding Architecture IUAP e: Internet User Account Provider IUC e: Intermediate Unit Commander IUCM e: Coordination of Maya Unity and Consensus IUCN e: International Union for Conservation of Natural and Natural Resources IUFA e: Indiana University Fine Arts IUID e: Internal Unit Identification IHK d: Information und Kommunikation l u K D G d: Informations- und Kommunikationsdienstegesetz l U K D G e: Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste-Gesetz l U R d: Informationsbrief für Umweltrecht IUS e: Inertial Upper Stage - e: Initial Upper State l u s Commune d: lus commune: Zeitschrift für europäische Rechtsgeschichte IUS/ITB e: Interchange Unit Separator/ Intermediate Transmission Block IUSS e: Integrated Undersea Surveillance System IUT e: Implementation under Test IUTY e: It's up to You IUWG e: Inshore Undersea Warfare Group IV d: Interessenverbund - e: Implementation Visits - e: Initialisation Vector - e: Initialization Value - e: Intermediate Voltage - e: Intravenous - e: Inventory Variance IVA e: Immediate Visual Assessment - e: Intervehicular Activity IVB d: Individuelle Verkehrsbeeinflussung IVBB d: Informationsverbund BonnBerlin IVCE e: Internal Voice Communications Equipment IVD e: Interactive Video Disk © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


IV-DENIC IV-DENIC d: Interessenverbund DENTO IVDT e: Integrated Voice/Data Terminal IVDW e: Integrated Voice/Data Workstations IVHS e: Intelligent Vehicle Highway System [s] IV_INTER s: Infovia Internacional IVL e: Intel Verification Lab IVLM s: Intérprete Vocal de Lenguaje de Marcas i. V. m. d: in Verbindung mit iVm d: in Verbindung mit IVMU e: Inertial Velocity Measurement Unit I V N M d: Interessenverband Neue Medien IVR e: Integrated Voltage Regulator - e: Interactive Voice Recognition - e: Interactive Voice Response TVS d: IBM Verkabelungssystem - e: Interactive Videodisk System - e: Interactive Voice System IVSAN e: Initial Voice Switching Network IVSI e: Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator IVSN e: Initial Voice Switch Network IVT e: Interrupt Vector Table IVTS e: Interactive Video Training System - e: International Video Teleconferencing Service IV&V e: Independent Verification and Validation IVW d: Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeerträgen


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IW e: Individual Weapon - e: Information War[fare] I&W e: Indications and Warning - e: Intelligence and Warning IWARS e: Installation Worldwide Ammunitions Reporting System IWBNI e: It Would be Nice If IWC e: International Wheat Convention IWCS e: Integrated Wideband Communications System IWCS/SEA e: Integrated Wideband Communications System/Southeast Asia IW/C2W e: Information Warfare/ Command and Control Warfare IW-D e: defensive information warfare IWDS e: Integrated Warning and Display System IWF d: Impulswahlverfahren - d: Internationaler Währungsfonds - e: Interworking Facility - e: Interworking Function IWG e: Intelligence Working Group - e: Inter-System Working Group - e: Interface Working Group IWIPS e: International Weapon Item Projection Systems IWK d: Internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung IWMSC e: Inter Working MSC IWP e: In-Service Work Plan - e: Interim Working Party IWRT e: Information Warfare Red Team IWS e: Integrated Weapon System - e: Intelligence Work Station - e: Intelligent Work Station I&WS e: Indications and Warning System

IWSDB e: Integrated Weapon System Database IWSGI e: Interfaz Web del SGI IWSM e: Integrated Weapon System Management IWSMP e: Integrated Weapon System Master Plan IWSSF e: Integrated Weapon System Software Facility IWT e: Inland Waterway Transport IWIJ e: Interworking Unit IWV d: Impuls wähl verfahren IWW e: Inland Waterway IWY e: International Women's Year IX e: Unclassified miscellaneous ships and barges IXC e: Inter-Exchange Carrier[s] - e: Inter-Exchange Mileage IXF e: Integrated Exchange Format IXI-PS e: 1X1 Production Service IXMP e: Information Transfer Standard Management Panels IXOX-AJAU s: Acosiación Educacional y Desarrollo Integral Ixox Ajau IXP e: Information Exchange Plan IXSS e: Unclassified auxiliary submarine IxTheo d: Index theologicus: Zeitschriften-Inhaltsdienst lYB e: In Your Basket IYSWIM e: If You See What 1 Mean izda. s: izquierda Izq s: Izquierda IZT d: Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung

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J J e: Jamming - e: Japan - e: Java - e: Job - e: Joule - e: Temporary special test - s: Jefatura - s: Jefe - s: Jurisdicción J1 e: Joint Personnel Office[r] - e: Personnel directorate J - l e: Manpower and personnel directorate J2 e: Joint Intelligence Office[r] J-2 e: Intelligence directorate [joint] - e: Intelligence Directorate, Joint Staff, Defense Intelligence Agency J3 e: Joint Operations Office[r] - e: Operations directorate J-3 e: Operations directorate [joint] J4 e: Joint Logistics Officefr] - e: Logistics Directorate - e: Logistics Directorate, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff J-4 e: Logistics directorate [joint] J5 e: Joint Plans and Policy Office[r] - e: Plans and policy directorate J-5 e: Strategic plans and policy directorate [joint] J6 e: Communications-electronics directorate - e: Joint Communications-Electronics Office[r] J-6 e: Command, control and communications systems directorate [joint] J7 e: JCS, Director for Operational Plans and Interoperability J-7 e: Joint Interoperability J-54 e: Aeromedicai Evacuation System - e: Military Airlift Command JA d: Juristische Arbeitsblätter - e: Job Aid - e: Judge Advocate - e: Jump Address - e: Jump if Above - / · Journal Asiatique - s: Jefatura de Arma - s: Jefatura de Artillería - s: Jefe de Artillería J&A e: Justification and Approval - e: Justification and Authorization JAA e: Joint Airworthiness Authorities - e: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

JAAC e: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism JAAD e: Justification, Approval and Acquisition Documentation JAAF s: Jarabe de Azúcar Altamente Fructuoso JAAH e: Journal of African American History JAAP e: Joint Airborne Advance Party JAAR e: Joint After-Action Report JAAS e: Journal of Asian American Studies - e: Journal of Asian and African Studies - e: Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies - e: Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society JAAT e: Joint Air Attack Team JA/ATT e: Joint Airborne/Air Transportability Training JAB e: Joint Advisory Board - e: Journal for the Aramaic Bible JAC e: Jazz and American Culture - e: Joint Analysis Center - e: Joint Analytical Center - e: Journal of American Culture - e: Journal of Ancient Civilizations JACC e: Joint Airborne Command Center - e : Joint Airborne Communications Center JACC/CP e: Joint Airborne Command Center/Command Post JACE s: Jefatura de Artillería de Cuerpo de Ejército JACG e: Joint Aeronautical Commander Group JACG-IPT e: Joint Aeronautical Commander Group Integrated Product Team J A C K P O T e: Nickname for joint airborne command center/command post JAD e: Joint Application Design - s: Jefatura de Artillería Divisionaria JADO e: Joint Air Defense Operations JADREP e: Joint Resource Assessment Damage Report - e: Joint Resource Assessment Database Report JADS e: Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation JAE e: Journal of Aesthetic Education - e: Journal of Architectural Education - e: Jump if Above or Equal - s: Jefatura de Artillería de Ejército

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

JAEH e: Journal of American Ethnic History JAF e: Journal of American Folklore JAFAL e: Journal of the Afro-Asiatic Languages JAfrH e: Journal of African History JAH e: Journal of American History JAHC e: Journal of the Association for History and Computing JAHH e: Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage JAI e: Joint Administrative Instruction JAIC e: Joint Air Intelligence Center JAIN e: Java APIs for Integrated Networks JAIS e: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies JAL e: Journal of Arabic Literature Jal s: Jalonar JALA e: Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association JAM e: Just a Minute J A M A C e: Joint Aeronautical Materials Agency - e: Joint Aeronautical Materiel Activity JAMC e: Joint Amphibious Mine Countermeasures JAMCAT e: Jammer Communications Attachment JAMES e: Joint A T M Experiments on European Services JAmH e: Journal of American History JAMPACK e: Jamming Package JAMREP e: Jamming Report JAMS e: Joint Acquisition Management System - e: Journal of the American Musicological Society JAN e: Joint Army-Navy [Specification] JANAIR e: Joint Army-Navy Instrumentation Research JANAP e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication^] JANAST e: Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Sea Transportation Message JANER e: Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions JANES e: Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society JANET e: Joint Academic Network JANNAF e: Joint Army, Navy, Nasa and Air Force © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


Janus Janus f: Janus: revue internationale de l'histoire des sciences, de la medicine, de la pharmacie et de la technique JAO e: Joint Area of Operations J A O C e: Joint Air Operations Center JAP s: Jefatura Administrativa de Propiedades JAPO e: Joint Area Petroleum Office[r] JAR e: Java Archive - e: Joint Airworthiness Requirements JArbSchG d: Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz J A R C H E e: Journal of the American Research Center in Egygt JArchS e: Journal of Archaeological Science

JbbPrBrG d: Jahrbücher für preußischbrandenburgische Geschichte JbBrandLG d: Jahrbuch für brandenburgische Landesgeschichte JbBraunsGV d: Jahrbuch des Braunschweigischen Geschichtsvereins JbbVMeckIG d: Jahrbücher des Vereins für mecklenburgische Geschichte und Altertumskunde JBC s: Jefatura de Bloque de Casas JbCentral-CommissionBaudenkmale d: Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Central-Commission zur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale JbCoburgLandesstiftung d: Jahrbuch

JArchSc e: Journal of Archaeological Science JARP e: Joint Analysis Review Panel JAS e: Journal of American Studies - e: Journal of Appalachian Studies JASA e: Joint Accreditation Support Activity - e: Journal of the American Statistical Association

der Coburger Landesstiftung JbDAI d: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts JbDSG d: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft JbDStG d: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Steuerjuristischen Gesellschaft JBE e: Journal of Business Ethics - e: Jump if Below or Equal JberHagenau d: Jahresberichte des Hagenauer Altertums- Vereins JberNeumarkt d: Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins für Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz und Umgebung JberRezatkreis d: Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins im Rezatkreis JbEupen d: Jahrbuch Eupen Malmedy St. Vith für Geschichte Wirtschaft und Kultur

JASC e: Joint Actions Steering Committee JASQDE e: Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners JASS e: JUMPS Automated Supplemental System JAST e: Joint Advanced Strike Technology - e: Journal of American Studies of Turkey JATF e: Joint Amphibious Task Force JATO e: Jet Assisted Takeoff - s: Jefatura de Artillería del Teatro de Operaciones JATP e: Joint Air Transportation Plan - s: Jefatura Administrativa de Transportes JATS e: Jamming Analysis and Transmission Selection - e: Joint Air Transportation Service JATW e: Journal of African TravelWriting JAIJA e: Just Another Useless Answer JAW e: Journal of World Anthropology JAWPS e: Joint Atomic Weapons Publications System JAWS e: Jamming and Warning System - e: Joint Advanced Weapon Systems - e: Joint Attack Weapon Systems JB e: Jet powered Bomb Jb d: Jahrbuch JBAA e: Journal of the British Archaeological Association JbAC d: Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum JbASI d: Jahrbuch des Adalbert-StifterInstitutes des Landes Oberösterreich JbbGOE d: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas JbBistumMainz d: Jahrbuch für das Bistum Mainz JBBK d: Jahrbuch für Berlinbrandenburgische Kirchengeschichte JbbNationalökStat d: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik


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JbFDH d: Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts JbfGOE d: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas JbFränkLF d: Jahrbuch für fränkische Landesforschung JbFStR d: Jahrbuch der Fachanwälte für Steuerrecht JbG d: Jahrbuch für Geschichte JbGFeud d: Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Feudalismus J b G M O D d: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands: Zeitschrift für vergleichende und preußische Landesgeschichte JbGVHBrauns d: Jahrbuch des Geschichtsvereins für das Herzogtum Braunschweig JbHennFränkGV d: Jahrbuch des Hennebergisch-Fränkischen Geschichtsvereins JbHessKGV d: Jahrbuch der Hessischen Kirchengeschichtlichen Vereinigung JbHistFriedF d: Jahrbuch für historische Friedensforschung JbHist Kolleg d: Jahrbuch des Historischen Kollegs JbHVDillingen d. Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins Dillingen an der Donau JbHVLiechtenstein d: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein JbHVMittelfrk d: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für Mittelfranken JbHVNördlingen d: Jahrbuch Historischer Verein für Nördlingen und das Ries

JbHVR d: Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins für die Grafschaft Ravensberg JbHVRavensberg d: Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins für die Grafschaft Ravensberg JbJPG d: Jahrbuch der Jean PaulGesellschaft JBK d: Jahrbuch für brandenburgische Kirchengeschichte JbKAhrweiler d: Jahrbuch des Kreises Ahrweiler JbKG d: Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte JbKlosterneuburg d: Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterneuburg JbKlosterneuburg NF d: Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterneuburg: neue Folge JbKolmar d: Jahrbuch der Stadt Kolmar JbKölnG d: Jahrbuch des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins JBL d: Journal of Biblical Literature JbL d: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein JbLa d: Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas JBLG d: Jahrbuch für brandenburgische Landesgeschichte JbLKNÖ NF d: Jahrbuch für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich: Neue Folge JbLuzern d: Jahrbuch der Historischen Gesellschaft Luzern JbMusealWels d: Jahrbuch des Musealvereins Wels JBN s: Jefe de la Base Naval JbNdsKiG d: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte JbNordfriesV d: Jahrbuch des Nordfriesischen Vereins für Heimatkunde und Heimatliebe JbOberhessVLocalgeschichte d: Jahresbericht des Oberhessischen Vereins für Localgeschichte J Bon s: Jefe de Batallón Jb Oswald von WolkensteinGesellschaft ¿. Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft JBP e: Joint Blood Program JbRegG d: Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte J b R G Z M d: Jahrbuch des RömischGermanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz JBS e: Journal of Biblical studies - e: Journal of Black studies - e: Journal of British studies Jbschwäb-fränkG d: Jahrbuch für schwäbisch-fränkische Geschichte JbSchweizGeschichte d: Jahrbuch für schweizerische Geschichte JB Subm s: Jefe de la Base de Submarinos JbUG d: Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte JbWestdtLG d: Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte JbWestKiG d: Jahrbuch des Vereins für westfälische Kirchengeschichte JbWG d: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

JEconH J b W G V d: Jahrbuch des Wiener GoetheVereins JbWirtschG d: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte JbWitthBremen d: Jahrbuch der Wittheit zu Bremen JbWLG d: Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte JC e: Jump if Carry Set JCA e: Jamming Control Authority - e: Journal of Caribbean Archaeology JCAAD e: Joint Counter Air/Air Defense JCALS e: Joint Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support JCAS e: Journal of Contemporary African Studies JCASREP e: Joint Casualty Report J-CAT e: Joint Crisis Action Team JCAT e: Joint Crisis Action Team JCATF e: Joint Civil Affairs Task Force JCC e: Joint Coordination Center JCCB e: Joint Configuration Control Board JCCC e: Joint Combat Camera Center - e: Joint Communications Control Center JCCG e: Joint/Combined Coordinating Group JCCH e: Journal of Colonialism & Colonial History JC3CM e: Joint Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures JCCP e: Joint Casualty Collection Point JCCRG e: Joint Command and Control Requirements Group JCCRS e: Joint Contingency Construction Requirements System JCDSIPS e: Joint Continental Defense Systems Integration Planning Group JCE e: Java Cryptography Extension - s: Jefe de Cuerpo de Ejército JCEOI e: Joint CommunicationsElectronics Operating Instructions JCET e: Joint Combined Exercise for Training - e: Joint Council on Educational Television JCEWS e: Joint Command, Control and Electronic Warfare School - e: Joint Commanders Electronic Warfare Staff JCF e: Joint Communications Facility JCFG s: Juventud Católica Femenina Guatemalteca JCG e: Journal of cultural geography JCGRO e: Joint Central Graves Registration Office JCHA-RSHC e: Journal of the Canadian Historical Association-Revue de la Société Historique du Canada JCHAS e: Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society JCI e: Joint Communications Instruction - e: Journal of Communication Inquiry J Cía s: Jefe de Compañía Jcia s: Jefe de compañía JCIC e: Joint Compliance and Inspection Committee JCIDO e: Joint Combat Identification Office

JCIOC e: Joint Counterintelligence Operations Center JCIP e: Joint/Combined Interface Procedure JCISB e: Joint Counterintelligence Support Branch JCJPC e: Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture JCKAS e: Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society JCL e: Job Control Language - e: Joint Logistics Commanders JCLL e: Joint Center for Lessons Learned JCLO e: Joint Communication Leasing Office JCLs e: Journal of Caribbean Literatures JCM e: Joint Countermine JCMA e: Joint COMSEC [Communications Security] Monitor Activity JCMC e: Joint Crisis Management Capability JCMEC e: Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Center JCMOTF e: Joint Civil-Military Operations Task Force JCMS e: Journal of Conservation & Museum Studies JCMT e: Joint Collection Management Tools JCN e: Job Control Number - e: Joint Communications Network JCO e: Joint Certification Office JCOC e: Joint Civilian Orientation Conference - e: Joint Combined Operations Center J Comones s: Jefe de Comunicaciones JContH e: Journal of Contemporary History JContHist e: Journal of Contemporary History JCoptS e: Journal of Coptic Studies JCORE e: Joint Service Cost Oriented Resource Estimating JCOS e: Joint Countermine Operational Simulation - e: Joint Countermine Operational System JCP e: Java Community Process - e: Joint Committee on Printing - e: Journal of Chinese Philosophy JCPES e: Joint Contingency Planning and Execution Support JCPX e: Joint Command Post Exercise JCR e: Joint Casualty Resolution - e: Journal of Conflict Resolution: journal of the Peace Science Society [International] JCRT e: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory JCS e: Journal of Celtic Studies - e: Journal of Classical Sociology - e: Journal of Cultural Studies - e: Journal of Cuneiform Studies - e: Journal of Cyprus Studies JCS-ACA e: Joint Chiefs of Staff Automatic Conference Arranger JCSAR e: Joint Combat Search and Rescue JCSEA e: Joint Chiefs of Staff Emergency Actions

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

JCSIDBAD e: Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge JCSM e: Joint Chiefs of Staff memorandum JC3SOC e: Joint C3 Staff and Operations Course JCSS e: Joint Communications Support Squadron JCS/SI e: Joint Chiefs of Staff/Special Instruction JCTEA e: Joint Cost and Training Effectiveness Analysis JCW e: Joint and Combined Warfare JCWS e: Journal of Cold War Studies JD e: Julian Date JDA e: Joint Deployment Agency - e: Joint Duty Assignment JDAI d: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts JDAL e: Joint Duty Assignment List JDAM e: Joint Direct Attack Munitions JDB e: Java Debugger JDBC e: Java Data Base Connectivity JDC e: Joint Deployment Community - e: Journal of Digital Contents JDCU e: Jamming Detection Control Unit JDD e: Job Data Documentation - e: Joint Doctrine Division JdDG d: Jahrbücher der Deutschen Geschichte JDE s: Jerarquía Digital Ethernet JDH e: Journal of Design History JDK e: Java Developers Kit - e: Java Development Kit JDP e: Joint Departmental Publication - e: Joint Development Project - s: Jerarquía Digital Plesiócrona JDS e: Job Data Sheet - e: Journal of Developing Societies - e: Journal of Development Studies - s: Jerarquía Digital Síncrona JDSIR e: Joint Deployment System Incident Reporting JDSSC e: Joint Data Systems Support Center JDT e: Joint Development Team JDWP e: Joint Doctrine Working Party JE e: Job Enrichment - e: Jump if Equal - s: Jefe del Ejército JEA e: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology JEAA e: Journal of East Asian Archaeology JEAL e: Journal of East Asian Linguistics JEAS e: Journal of East Asian Studies JEastCS e: Journal of Eastern Christian Studies JEBS e: Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History JEC f: Journal des études de la CabaleJournal of Kabbalah Studies JECC e: Japan Electronic Computer Company JEcclH e: Journal of Ecclesiastical History JECG e: Joint Exercise Control Group JEcHist e: Journal of Economic History JEconH e: Journal of Economic History © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


JECS JECS e: Journal of Early Christian Studies JED e: Joint Exercise Division JEDEC e: Joint Electronic Device[s] Engineering Council JEDMICS e: Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System - e: Joint Engineering Drawing Management Information and Control System JEDNUCS e: Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System J2EE e: Java 2 Enterprise Edition JEEH e: Journal of European Economic History JEEP e: Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan Jef s: Jefatura JEGP e: Journal of English and Germanic Philology JEH e: Journal of Ecclesiastical History - e: Journal of Economic History JEIDA e: Japanfese] Electronics Industry Development Association JEIM e: Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance J Ej s: Jefe del Ejército JEM s: Jefe de Estado Mayor JEMCS e: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies JEMG s: Jefe de Estado Mayor General JEMH e: Journal of Early Modern History: contacts, comparisions, contrasts JEMIC e: Jet Engine Mishap Investigation Course JEMIE e: Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe JEMP e: Joint Exercise Management Package JEMS e: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies JEngL e: Journal of English Einguistics JEOF e: Joint Exercise Observation File JEP e: Journal of Electronic Publishing JER e: Joint Ethics Regulation - e: Journal of Eurasian Research - e: Journal of the Early Republic JES e: Job Entry [Subjsystem - e: Journal of European Studies: literature and ideas from the Renaissance to the present JESHO e: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient JESSI e: Joint European Silicon Systems Iniciative JET e: JDS Evaluation Team - e: Journal of Economic Theory JETEC e: Joint Expendable Turbine Engine Concept JEV d: Jahrbuch für europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte JEWSOC e: Joint Electronic Warfare Staff Officer Course JEZ e: Joint Engagement Zone JF s: Jefatura - s: Jefe de Farmacia JFA e: Journal of Field Archaeology - e: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts - s: Jefe de Las Fuerzas Aéreas 168

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JFACC e: Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC e: Java Foundation Class - e: Java Foundation Classes - e: Joint Force Commander JFCC e: Joint Force Fires Coordinator - e: Joint Frequency Coordination Committee JFDP e: Joint Force Development Process JFE e: Joint Fires Element JFET e: Johnson Field Effect Transistor - e: Junction Field Effect Transistor JffL d: Jahrbuch für fränkische Landesforschung JFFSC e: Joint Force Fire Support Coordinator JFH e: Journal of Family History: studies in family, kinship, gender and demography JfhK d: Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung JFK e: John F. Kennedy international airport JFL e: Joint Frequency List JFLCC e: Joint Force Land Component Commander JFM e: Joint Force Memorandum JFMCC e: Joint Force Maritime Component Commander JFN s: Jefe de Las Fuerzas Navales JFR e: Joint Functional Requirement - e: Journal of Folklore Research JFRDT e: Joint Functional Requirement Determination Team JFS e: Java File System - e: Joint Feasibility Study - e: Joint Force Surgeon - e: Journal[ed] File System - e: Next Generation of JLE JFSOCC e: Joint Forces Special Operations Component Commander JFSR e: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion JFT e: Joint Functional Team JFTDS e: Joint Electronic Type Designation Systems JFTR e: Joint Federal Travel Regulations JFTX e: Joint Field Training Exercise JfV d: Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung JG e: Job Guide - e: Jump if Greater J/G e: Joules/Gram JGAHS e: Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society JG-AI e: Joint Group on Acquisition Initiatives JGAPE e: Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era JG-APP e: Joint Group on Acquisition Pollution Prevention JGB e: Journal of Global Buddhism JGCSI s: Jefatura de Gestión Comercial de Servicios Internacionales JGD e: JOPES Global Dictionary JGE e: Jump if Greater or Equal JGFV s: Albergue Juvenil José Gilberto Flores Vides JGG d: Jugendgerichtsgesetz JGL e: Journal of Greek Linguistics

JGLR d: Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes JGMF e: Journal of Germanic Mythology and Folklore JGMODtl d: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands: Zeitschrift für vergleichende und preußische Landesgeschichte Jgo s: Juego J Gpo Art s: Jefe de Grupo de Artillería JGRChJ e: Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism JGRS e: Journal of Graeco-Roman Studies J G R U C O s: Jefe de Grupo de Combate JGSDF e: Japanese Ground SelfDefense Forces JGSE e: Joint Group on System Engineering JH e: Janus Head: an interdisciplinary journal JHA e: Journal for the History of Astronomy Jhdt. d: Jahrhundert JHET e: Journal of the History of Economic Thought JHF d: Jahrbuch für historische Friedensforschung JHG e: Joule Heat Gradient JHGeo e: Journal of Historical Geography JHI e: Journal of the History of Ideas: an international quarterly devoted to intellectual history JHIdeas e: Journal of the History of Ideas: an international quarterly devoted to intellectual history JHIL e: Journal of the History of International Law-Revue d'histoire du droit international J H M A S e: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences J H M C S e: Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System JHmTh e: Journal for the History of Modern Theology JHP e: Journal of Historical Pragmatics - e: Journal of the History of Philosophy JHPh e: Journal of the History of Philosophy JHS e: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures - e: Journal of Hellenic Studies - e: Journal of the History of Sexuality - e: Journal of the History of Sufism - / • Journal d'Histoire du Soufisme JHSex e: Journal of the History of Sexuality JHSU e: Joint Helicopter Support Unit JHVS d: Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins für Straubing und Umgebung JI e: Joint Inspection J6I e: Joint Requirements Oversight Council/Joint Staff JIA e: Journal of Irish Archaeology JIABS e: Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies JIATF e: Joint Interagency Task Force JIATF-S e: Joint Interagency Task Force-South JIB e: Joint Information Bureau - e: Joint Intelligence Bureau

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

JMP JIC e: Joint Information Center - e: Joint Intelligence Center - e: Joint Intelligence Committee - e: Joint Intelligence Curriculum - e: Journal of Interdisciplinary Crossroads - e: Just in Case JICC e: Joint Information Coordination Center JICH e: Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history JICJ e: Journal of International Criminal Justice JID s: Jefe de Infanteria Divisionaria JIEO e: Joint Interoperability Evaluation Organization JIEP e: Joint Intelligence Estimate for Planning JIES e: Journal of Indo-European studies JIF e: Joint Interrogation Facility JIFTS e: Joint In-flight Transmission Service JIG d: Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik JIGS e: Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies JIH e: Journal of Industrial History - e: Journal of Interdisciplinary History JIIA e: Journal for the Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology JILSMT e: Joint Integrated Logistic Support Management Team JILSP e: Joint Integrated Logistic Support Plan JING s: Jefe de Ingenieros JINGD s: Jefatura de Ingenieros Divisionarios JINT s: Jefe de Intendencia JINTACCS e: Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems JInterH e: Journal of Interdisciplinary History JIO e: Joint Information Officer JIOP e: Joint Interface Operational Procedures JIOP-MTF e: Joint Interface Operating Procedures-Message Text Formats JIP e: Joint Input Processing - e: Joint Interface Program JIPB e: Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace JIPD e: JINTACCS Interoperability Planning Document JIPG e: Joint Interoperability Planners Group JIPTL e: Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List JIR e: Joint Intelligence Room - e: JOPES Information Requirements JIS e: Japan Industrial Standards - e: Japanese Industrial Standard - e: Joint Interoperability System - e: Journal of Islamic Studies JISE e: Joint Intelligence Support Element JISHIM e: Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine JISJE s: Jardín Infantil San Jerónimo Emiliani

JISR e: Joint Information Search and Retrieval JIT e: Just in Time [Compiler] JITF e: Joint Interface Test Force JITS e: Joint Interface Test System - e: Just-in-Time System JIW e: Journal of the Indian Wars JIWG e: Joint Industry Working Group JIWS e: Journal of International Women's Studies JJ e: Just Joking J-2J e: Deputy Directorate for Joint Staff Support, Joint Staff JJL e: Journal of Japanese Linguistics JJP e: Journal of Juristic Papyrology JJS e: Journal of Jewish Studies JK s: Centro de Formación Profesional para la Mujer Junkabal JKAHS e: Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society JKGV d: Jahrbuch des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins JL e: Joint Logistics - e: Jump if Less - s: Jefatura Local JLA e: Justice Liaison Auditor JL ACTD e: Joint Logistics Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration JLAG e: Journal of Latin American Geography JLatAmerStud e: Journal of Latin American Studies JLC e: Joint Logistics Commander JLCC e: Joint Lighterage Control Center JLC-CRM e: Joint Logistic Commanders' Computer Resource Management Group JLE e: Journal of Lutheran Ethics - e: Jump if Less Than or Equal to JLF e: Joint Live Fire JLH e: Journal of Legal History - e: Journal of Library History JLNCHREP e: Joint Launch Report JLOTS e: Joint Logistics Over-theShore JLP e: Journal of Language and Politics JLREID e: Joint Long-Range Estimative Intelligence Document JLRSA e: Joint Long-Range Strategic Assessment JLRSS e: Joint Long-Range Strategic Study JLS e: Journal of Legal Studies - e: Journal of Libyan Studies - e: Journal of Literary Semantics JLSC e: Joint Logistic Service Committee - e: Joint Logistic System Center JLSP e: Joint Logistics Support Plan JM e: Joint Mission - s: Justicia Militar JMA e: Joint Mission Application - e: Joint Mission Area - e: Joint Mobilization Augmentation - e: Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology JMAA e: Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology JMAF s: Jarabe de Maíz Altamente Fructoso JMAO e: Joint Mortuary Affairs Office or Officer

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

JMAPI e: Java Management Application Interface JMAS e: Joint Mission Application Software J-MASS e: Joint Modeling and Simulation System JMAT e: Joint Mobility Assistance Team JMB e: Journal of Medical Biography JMBRAS e: Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society JMC e: Joint Maritime Course - e: Joint Military Command - e: Joint Movement Center JMCC e: Joint Movement Control Center JMCOL e: Jumps [Joint Uniform Military Pay System] Monthly Complete Output Listing JMDC e: Joint Message Distribution Center JME e: Journal of Military Ethics J2ME e: Java 2 Micro Edition JMED e: Joint Military Education Division - e: Jungle Message Encoder-Decoder JMedH e: Journal of Medieval History JMedRenSt e: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies JMEH e: Journal of Modern European History JMEMS e: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies JMENS e: Joint Mission Element Need Statement JMET e: Joint Mission Essential Task JMFIJ e: Joint Force Meteorological and Oceanographic Forecast Unit JMGS e: Journal of Modern Greek Studies JMH e: Joint Mission Hardware - e: Journal of Management History - e: Journal of Medieval History - e: Journal of Modern History JMHC e: Joint Mission Hardware Contractor JMIE e: Jo int Maritime Information Element JMIE/JEM e: Joint Maritime Information Element Support System JMIS e: Journal of Modern Italian Studies JML e: Job Standard Master Listing - e: Journal of Medieval Latin JMLC e: Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese JMMD e: Jokes Make my Day JMMH e: Journal for Multimedia History JMNA e: Joint Military Net Assessment JMO e: Joint Force Meteorological and Oceanographic Officer - e: Joint Maritime Operations JMOA e: Joint Memorandum of Agreement JMO[AIR] e: Joint Maritime Operations JModH e: Journal of Modern History JModHist e: Journal of Modern History JMP e: Job Monitor Protocol - e: Joint Manpower Program © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


JMPA - e: Joint Mission Processor - e: Jump JMPA e: Joint Military Postal Activity - e: Joint Military Satellite Communications [M1LSATCOM] Panel Administrator JMPE e: Joint Mission Processing Environment - e: Joint Mission Processing Equipment JMPO e: Joint Medical Regulating Office - e: Joint MIESTAR Program Office JMR e: Journal for Maritime Research JMRC e: Joint Mobile Relay Center JMRS e: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies JMS e: Java Messaging Service - e: Joint Mission Software - e: Journal of Maronite Studies - e: Journal of Men's Studies J M & S e: Joint Modeling and Simulation JMSNS e: Justification for Major System New Start JMSW e: Joint Mission Software Subsystem J M T C A e: Joint Munitions Transportation Coordination Activity JMX e: Java Management Extensions JN e: Jet Navigation JNA e: Jump if not Above JNAE e: Jump if not Above or Equal JNB e: Jump if not Below JNBE e: Jump if not Below or Equal JNDI e: Java Naming [and] Directory Interface JNES e: Journal of Near Eastern Studies JNG d: Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte - e: Jump if not Greater J N G E e: Jump if not Greater or Equal JNI e: Java Native Interface J N L E e: Jump if not Eess or Equal J N O e: Jump if no Overflow JNP e: Jump if no Parity JNS e: Journal of Neoplatonic Studies - e: Jump if no Sign JNSL e: Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages JNWSL e: Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages JNZ e: Jump if not Zero JO e: Job Order - e: Jordan - e: Junior Officer J - 2 0 e: Deputy Directorate for Crisis Operations, Joint Staff JOA e: Joint Operating Agreement - e: Joint Operational Architecture - e: Joint Operations Area JÖAI d: Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts JOB e: Joint Oversight Board JOB d: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik JOC e: Job Order Contract - e: Joint Operational Community - e: Joint Operations Center - e: Young Catholic Workers J O C A R e: Joint Communications Allocation Requirement


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JOCC e: Joint Operations Command Center JOCF e: Joint Operations Capability File

JPART e: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory JPB e: Joint Blood Program - e: Joint Planning Board

J O C M e: Journal of Organizational Change Management J O C O M E X e: Joint Communication Exercise JOCS e: Joint Operational Climatological Support JOD e: Joint Occupancy Date - e: Joint Operations Division - e: Journal of Development

JPC e: Journal of Popular Culture JPCG e: Joint Policy Coordinated Group JPCS e: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society JPD e: Joint Planning Document - e: Joint Potential Designator

JoDI e: Journal of Digital Information JOE e: Java Objects Everywhere JOEG e: Joint Operations Evaluation Group JoEIH e: Journal of European Integration History JOG e: Joint Operations Graphics - e: Journal of Online Genealogy JOL e: Job Orientation Language JON e: Job Order Number JOOD e: Junior Officer of the Deck J O O W e: Junior Officer of the Watch JOP e: Joint Operating Procedure - e: Journal o f P o l i t i c s JOPES ROLSTK e: JOPES-Rolling Stock Summary Report JOPREP e: Joint Operational Reporting System JOPS e: Joint Operation Planning System JOPS ROLSTK e: Joint Operation Planning System Rolling Stock Summary Report JOPSRSS e: Joint Operation Planning System Rolling Stock Sum System JOR e: Joint Operational Requirement JOSPRO e: Joint Overseas Shipping Procedure JOSS e: Joint Overseas Switchboard Switch - e: Joint Overseas Switching System JOT&E e: Joint Operational Test and Evaluation JOTS e: Joint Operational Tactical System - e: Joint Operational Telephone System J O I J H S e: Journal of the Oxford University History Society JOVE e: Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs JOVIAL e: Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language JOWG d: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft JP e: Jet Pilot - e: Jet Propulsion - e: Joint Publication - s: Jefatura Provincial JP-4 e: Jet Fuel JP-5 e: Jet Fuel [Navy Aircraft] JPA e: Job Performance Aid - e: Joint Participation Agreement J P A M e: Joint Program Assessment Memorandum JPAO e: Joint Public Affairs Office JPAR e: Joint Potential Assessment Report

- e: Joint Program Directive JPDSA e: Journal of Peace and Democracy in South Asia JPE e: Journal of Political Economy - e: Jump if Parity Even JPEC e: Joint Planning and Execution Community JPEDB e: Joint Planning and Execution Database JPEG e: Joint Photographicfs] Expert Group - e: Joint Planning and Execution Graphics JPER e: Journal of Planning Education and Research JPERSTAT e: Joint Personnel Status and Casualty Report JPESC e: Joint Planning and Execution Steering Committee JPF&T e: Journal of Popular Film and Television JPG e: Joint Planning Group JPGM e: Joint Planning Graphics Module JPH e: Journal of Planning History - e: Journal of Policy History JPL e: Java Perl Lingo - e: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena JPM e: Job Performance Measure - e: Joint Program Management - e: Joint Program Manager - s: Jefe de la Policía Militar - s: Jefe de Plana Mayor JPME e: Joint Professional Military Education JPMO e: Joint Product Management Office - e: Joint Program Management Office - e: Joint Project Management Office JPMR e: Joint Projected Manpower Requirements JPMS e: Journal of Popular Music Studies JPMT e: Joint Patient Movement Team J Pn s: Jefe de Pelotón Jpn s: Jefe de pelotón JPO e: Joint Program Office[r] - e: Joint Project Office - e: Jump if Parity Odd JPOC e: Joint Planning Orientation Course JPOP e: Japanese Polar Orbiting Platform JPOTF e: Joint Psychological Operations Task Force JPOTG e: Joint Psychological Operations Task Group JPO-UAV e: Joint Program Office for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles JPP e: Joint Planning Process

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

JSP JPR e: Journal of Peace Research - e: Journal of Prehistoric Religion JPRC e: Joint Personnel Reception Center JPRS e: Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies N.S. JPS e: Joint Precision Strikes - e: Journal of Palestine Studies - e: Journal of Peasant Studies - e: Journal of the Polynesian Society JPSD e: Joint Precision Strike Demonstration JPT e: Jetpipe Temperature JPTM e: Joint Procedures Training Manual J Pton s: Jefe de Pelotón J Pton Fgo s: Jefe de Pelotón de Fuego J Pton Mdo s: Jefe de Pelotón de Mando JPTTA e: Joint Personnel Training and Tracking Activities JPWG e: Joint Projects Working Group JQF e: Jerusalem Quarterly File: a quaterly on the dynamics and trends shaping Jerusalem JQR e: Jewish Quarterly Review JQS e: Job Qualification Standard - e: Journal of Quaternary Science - e: Journal of Qur'anic Studies JR e: Job Routed - e: Joint Review - e: Journal de la Renaissance - e: Journal of Religion - s: Jefe de Remonta JRA e: Joint Rear Area - e: Journal of Religion in Africa - e: Journal of Roman Archaeology JRAC e: Joint Rear Area Coordinator JRACO e: Joint Rear Area Communications Officer JRAHS e: Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society JRAI e: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute JRATA e: Joint Research and Test Activity JRC e: Joint Reception Center - e: Joint Reconnaissance Center - e: Joint Reporting Center JRCC e: Joint Reception Coordination Center - e: Joint Rescue Coordination Center JRD e: Justification Review Document J Reco s: Jefe de Reconocimiento Jreg s: Jefe de Regimiento JRE/JRX e: Joint Readiness Exercise JRF e: Judges' Retirement Fund JRFL e: Joint Restricted Frequency List J Rg s: Jefe de Regimiento JRGZ d: Jahrbuch des RömischGermanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz JRH e: Journal of Religious History JRIC e: Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall JRIE e: Journal of Research in International Education JRIM e: Joint Requirements Integration Manager JRitSt e: Journal of Ritual Studies JRMA e: Journal of the Royal Musical Association

JRMB e: Joint Review Management Board JRMES e: Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies JRMET e: Joint Reliability and Maintainability Evaluation Team JRNS e: Journal of the Russian Numismatic Society JROD e: Jet Remote Opening Device JROTCM e: Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Manual JRoyallnstCornwall e: Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall JRPA e: Joint Readiness, Planning and Assessment JRPC e: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture JRPS e: Journal of Roman Pottery Studies JRS e: Journal of Radio Studies - e: Journal of Refugee Studies - e: Journal of Religion & Society - e: Journal of Roman Studies - e: Judges' Retirement System JRSC e: Jam-Resistant Secure Communications - e: Joint Rescue Sub-Center JRTOC e: Joint Rear Tactical Operations Center JRWG e: Joint Requirement Working Group JRX e: Joint Readiness Exercise JS e: Jam Strobe - e: Jamming Schedule - e: Java Script - e: Joint Staff - e: Jump if Sign - s: Jefatura de Servicio - s: Jefe de Sanidad J/S e: Jamming-to-Signal ratio JS-1 s: Jefe de la Primera Sección de Estado Mayor JS-2 s: Jefe de la Segunda Sección de Estado Mayor JS-3 s: Jefe de la Tercera Sección de Estado Mayor JSA e: Job Safety Analysis - e: Joyce Studies Annual - s: Jefe del Sector Aéreo JSAH e: Journal of the Society of Architectural History J-SAK e: Joint Attack of the Second Echelon JSAM e: Joint Security Assistance Memorandum - e: Joint Service Achievement Medal JSAP e: Joint Security Assistance Planning JSAT e: Joint System Acceptance Test JSAW e: Journal of South Asia Women studies JSBC e: Journal for the Study of British Cultures JSC e: Joint Spectrum Center - e: Joint Steering Committee - s: Jefatura de Sector J Se s: Jefe de Sección JSCE e: Joint Services Communications Element JSCM e: Joint Service Commendation Medal - e: Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

JSCS e: Joint Strategic Connectivity Staff JSD e: Job Status Document JSDK e: Java Servlet Development Kit JSE e: JOPES Support Element J2SE e: Java 2 Standard Edition J-SEAD e: Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses JSEAD e: Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses JSF e: Joint Strike Fighter JSFWC e: Joint Staff Future Warfighting Capability JSGIJ d: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte JSH e: Journal of Social History JSHJ e: Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus J-SIIDS e: Joint Service Interior Intrusion Detection System JSIJ e: Jewish Studies: an Internet Journal JSIMS e: Joint Simulation System - e: Joint Simulations JSIPS e: Joint Strategic Integration Planning Staff JSIPS Ν e: Joint Services Imagery Processing System Navy JSIR e: Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution JSIT e: JDS Information Trace JSJ e: Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period JSLC e: Joint Logistic System Center JSMB e: Joint Space Management Board JSN s: Jefatura del Sector Naval J-SNCA e: Journal for the Society of North Carolina Archivists JSNM e: Just Stark Naked Magic JSNT e: Journal for the Study of the New Testament JSO e: Joint Service Office - e: Joint Specialist - e: Joint Specialty Officer JSOA e: Joint Special Operations Area JSOACC e: Joint Special Operations Air Component Commander JSOC e: Joint Special Operations Command[er] JSocH e: Journal of Social History JSOF e: Joint Special Operations Force JSOLE e: Joint Special Operations Liaison Element JSOP e: Joint Strategic Objective Plan JSOR e: Joint Service Operational Requirement - e: Joint Statement of Requirement JSORD e: Joint Systems Operational Requirements Document JSOT e: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament JSOTF e: Joint Special Operations Task Force JSOW IJV e: Joint Service Standoff Weapon System Unitary Variant JSP e: Java Server Page[s] - e: Joint Services Program - e: Joint Support Plan - e: Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha © Κ • G • Saur, Munich


JSPD - e: Journal of Speculative Philosophy: a quarterly journal of history, criticism and imagination JSPD e: Joint Strategic Planning Document JSPDSA e: Joint Strategic Planning Document Supporting Analyses JSQ e: Jewish Studies Quarterly JSR e: Jammer Saturation Range - e: Joint Strategy Review - e: Journal for the Study of Religion - e: Journal of Scriptural Reasoning - e: Journal of Southern Religion JSRC e: Joint Search and Rescue Center JSRCNT e: Journal for the Study of Rhetorical Criticism of the New Testament JSRI e: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies JSRIM e: Joint Service Requirement for Insensitive Munitions JSRR e: Jamming to Signal Ratio Required JSS e: Java-script Style Sheet - e: Joint Signal Staff - e: Joint Surveillance System - e: Journal of Semitic Studies - s: Jefatura de Subsector JSSEA e: Journal of Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities JSSEE e: Joint Service Software Engineering Environment JSSI e: Journal of Sport and Social Issues JST e: Job Site Training - e: Job Standard JSTE e: Joint System Training Exercise JSTMP e: Joint System Training Management Plan JSTP e: Joint System Test Program JSTPS e: Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff JStratSt e: Journal of Strategic Studies JSYS e: Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies JT s: Jefe de Transmisiones J-2T e: Deputy Directorate for Targeting Support, Joint Staff J-2T-2 e: Target Plans Division, Joint Staff JTA e: Job and Task Analysis - e: Joint Table of Allowance - e: Joint Technical Architecture J&TA e: Job and Task Analysis JTA-A e: Joint Technical ArchitectureArmy JTA-Army e: Joint Technical Architecture-Army JTAGG e: Joint Turbine Advanced Gas Generator JTAM e: Job and Transfer Manipulation JTAO e: Joint Tactical Air Operations JTAO OPDAT e: Joint Tactical Air Operations Data JTAPI e: Java Telephony API JTAR e: Joint Tactical Air Strike Request JTAWG e: Joint Technical Architecture Working Group JTB e: Joint Targeting Board JTC e: Jiri Technical School - e: Joint Technical Committee 172

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JTC1 e: Joint Technical Committee JTC2 e: Joint Tactical Command and Control JTCB e: Joint Targeting Coordination Board JTCCG e: Joint Technical Configuration Control Group JTCG e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group JTCG/EW e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group/Munitions Effectiveness JTCG-ME e: Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness JTCO e: Joint Tactical Communications Office JTD e: Joint Tablefs] of Distribution - e: Joint Technology Demonstration - e: Joint Test Director - s: Jefe de Transmisiones de la División JTDE e: Joint Technology Demonstrator Engine JTDLMP e: Joint Tactical Data Eink Management Pian JTDP e: Joint Training Development Plan JTE e: Joint Test and Evaluation - e: Joint Test Element JT&E e: Joint Test and Evaluation J-TENS e: Joint Tactical Exploitation of National Systems JTEP e: Joint Technology Exchange Program JTF e: Joint Tactical Fusion - e: Joint Task Force - e: Joint Test Forces JTF-7 e: Joint Task Force 7 Automation Support JTFC e: Joint Task Force Commander JTFCEM e: Joint Task Force Contingency Engineering Management JTFEX e: Joint Task Force Exercise JTF HQ e: Joint Task Force Headquarters JTFREP e: Joint Task Force Reports JTG e: Joint Task Force JThS e: Journal of Theological Studies JTI e: Job Task Inventory JTIC e: Joint Transportation Intelligence Center JTIDS e: Joint Tactical Information Distribution Systems JTL e: Joint Target List JTLS e: Joint Theater-Eevel Simulation - e: Joint Theater Level Simulator JTM e: Job Transfer and Management - e: Job Transfer and Manipulation - e: Joint Technical Manual - e: Joint Training Manual JTMD e: Joint Table of Mobilization Distribution - e: Joint Theater Missile Defense JTMMR e: Joint Tactical Multi-Mode Radio JTMP e: Joint Training Master Plan JTMS e: Joint Training Master Schedule JTP s: Jefe de Transportes JTR e: Journal of Textual Reasoning - e: Journal of Travel Research

JTS e: Java Transaction Service[s] - e: Joint Training Squadron - e: Journal of Theological Studies JTSG e: Joint Targeting Steering Group JTSST e: Joint Training System Support Team JTST e: Jet Stream JTT e: Joint Training Team JTTP e: Joint Tactics, Techniques and Procedures JTU e: Japan Telephone Upgrade JTX e: Joint Training Exercise J U d: Jura Ju. s: Jueves JIJA e: Joint Usage Agreement JUD e: Jam Until Destroyed JIJF e: Joint Users File JUG e: Java User Group JIJGD e: Java User Group Deutschland JUGHEAD e: Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation and Display JIJIC e: Joint Unit Identification Code JUL s: Julio jul. s: julio JULL e: Joint Universal Lessons Learned JUM s: Jefe de la Unidad Militar JUMPS e: Joint Uniform Military Pay System JUN s: Junio jun. s: junio JUNET e: Japan [ese] UNIX Network JIJNKABAL s: Centro de Formación Profesional para la Mujer Junkabal JurBüro d: Das Juristische Büro JURIS e: Justice Retrieval and Inquiry System JUS e: Journal of Ukrainian Studies JUSMAG e: Joint United States Military Advisory Group JUSMG e: Joint United States Military Group JUWAT e: Joint Unconventional Warfare Assessment Team JUWTF e: Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force JV e: Journal Voucher - e: Junior Varsity - s: Jefe de Veterinaria JV 2010 e: Joint Vision [for the year] 2010 JVC e: Journal of Victorian Culture JVE e: Joint Verification JVerl d: Juristen-Verlag, Kiel JVI e: Joint Visual Inspection JVKostO d: Verordnung über Kosten im Bereich der Justizverwaltung JVM e: Java Virtual Machine JvNC e: John-von-Neumann [SuperComputer] Center JvNCnet e: John von Neumann Computer network JVNCNET e: John von Neumann [Super Computer] Center Network JVT e: Joint Video Team JW d: Juristische Woche JWA e: Journal of Wetland Archaeology - e: Journal of World Anthropology JWARS e: Joint Wargaming System JWC e: Joint Warfare Committee

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

JzLF J W C A e: Joint Warfare Capabilities Assessment J W C O e: Joint Warfighting Capability Objectives JWE e: Joint Warfighting Experiment JWF e: Job Work Folder JWG e: Joint Working Group JWH e: Journal of World History: official journal of the World History Association

JWI e: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes JWICS e: Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System JWID e: Joint Warfighting Interoperability Demonstration JWIS e: Joint W W M C C S [Worldwide Military Command and Control System] Information System JWS e: Joint Warfare Staff

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

JWSR e: Journal of World-Systems Research J W T D C e: Joint Warfare Tactical Doctrine Committee JXTA e: Juxtapose JZ e: Joint Zone - e: Jump if Zero JzLF d: Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich



κ Κ d: Kommunikation - e: Cathode - e: Contract - e: Key - e: Kilo[bit] - e: Tanker - e: Thousand k d: kommen - e: kilo K12 e: Kindergarten through 12th grade ka d: Beginn der Übermittlung KA-6 e: Intruder KAb d: Kunsthistorische Arbeitsblätter KAC e: Key Access Code KAD d: Kontoauszugsdrucker Kadmos d: Kadmos: Zeitschrift für vorund frühgriechische Epigraphik KaffeeStV d: Kaffeesteuerverordnung KAGG d: Gesetz über Kapitalgesellschaften KAL e: Key Assets List KAM e: Keep Alive Memory KAPSE e: Kernel Ada Programming Support Environment KA9Q e: Popular implementation of TCP/IP and associated protocols for amateur packet radio systems Karthago f: Karthago: revue d'archéologie africaine KAWD e: Contract Award Date KB e: Keyboard - e: Kilobyte - e: Knowledge Base Kb e: Kilobit kb e: kilobit kB e: kilobyte KBAAG d: Kölner Beiträge zur angloamerikanischen Geschichte K-BALL e: Cannibalize KBD e: Keyboard KBI e: Key Business Indicator KBS e: Knowledge Based System kbps e: Kilobit per second Kbps e: Kilobits per Second kbps e: kilobits per second KBps e: Kilobytes per Second kBps e: kilobytes per second Kb/S e: Kilobits per Second KBSA e: Knowledge Based Software Assistant KBIJ e: Keyboard Unit KC-135 d: Stratotanker KCV d: Kurs-Cash-flow Verhältnis 174

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KD e: Keyboard Display - e: Kiln Dried - e: Kilodigit - e: Knocked Down - e: Known Distances KDA d: Kuratorium Deutsche Altenhilfe-Wilhelmine-Lübke-Stiftung e.V. KDC e: Key Distribution Center KDR e: Keyboard Data Recorder - e: Kill/Detection Ratio KDS d: Kommunikationsdatensatz KDT e: Key Definition Table - e: Keyboard Display Terminal KDU e: Keyboard Display Unit KE e: Kinetic Energy ΚΕΑ e: Key Exchange Algorithm KEAS e: Knot Equivalent Air Speed KED d: Kundenenddokumentation Keff e: Effective multiplication factor KEFIR e: Key Findings Reporter K E I e: Key Enabling Investment K E K e: Key-Encrypting Key - e: Key Encryption Key Kentron f: Kentron: revue du monde antique et de psychologie historique KERMIT e: Kl-10 error-free reciprocal micro interconnect over TTY lines - e: Mainframe/micro, micro/micro protocol Kernos f: Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique keV e: kilo-electron-volt[s] KEW e: Kinetic Energy Weapons K E Y B e: Keyboard KEYSTREAM e; Output of crypto device KFB d: Kinderfreibetrag KFL e: Key Facilities List KFPV d: Fallpauschalen-VerordnungVerordnung zum Fallpauschalensystem für Krankenhäuser KFW d: Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau KG d: Kammergericht - d: Kommanditgesellschaft - e: Key Generator kg e: kilogram KGB R: Komitet Gossudarstwennoj Besopasnostie KGRA e: Known Geothermal Resource Areas KHM d: Kunsthochschule für Medien KHQ e: Kansas Historical Quarterly

KI d: Künstliche Intelligenz KIA e: Killed in Action KIAS e: Knots Indicated Air Speed KIBO e: Knowledge In, Bull[shit] Out KIDS e: Knowledge-Based Integrated Design System KIF e: Key Index File - e: Knowledge Interchange Format KIFIS e: Kollsman Integrated Flight Instrumentation System KIK d: Kommunaler Info-Kanal KINAL s: Centro Educativo Tecnico Laboral Kinal KIND MOD e: Kind of Modification KindRG d: Kindschaftsrechtsreformgesetz KIP e: Key Intelligence Position KIPO e: Keyboard Input Printout KIPS e: Thousands of Instructions per Second KIS e: Keyboard Input Simulation KISS e: Keep it Short and Simple - e: Keep it Simple [and] Stupid - e: Keep it Small and Simple - e: Knowledge & Intelligence Support System KIT e: KAPSE Interface Team - e: Windows-based Kernel for Intelligent communication Terminals KITN e: Kit Internacional de Terra Networks KJ d: Kölner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte - d: Kritische Justiz k j e: kilojoule KK d: Konnektivitäts-Koordination KKENTING e: Renting Earth Sciences, Ottawa KL e: Key Length Kleio n: Kleio: tijdschrift voor oude talen en antieke kultuur Klio d: Kl io: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte KLIPS e: thousands of Logical Inferences per Second KLNG e: Knowledge-supported Line Network Global KM e: Knowledge Management - e: Knowledge Mismanagement KMB d: Klein- und Mittelbauer KMMT d: Kompetenzzentrum Multimedia und Telematik, Tübingen KMP e: Key Measurement Point

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

κ ζ υ ΚΜΡΗ e: Kilometers per Hour KMS e: Key Management System - e: Knowledge Management System KMU d: Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen - e: Guidance unit for guided bombs kMz. d: keine Mehrzahl KN e: Knot KNF d: Konjunktive Normalform KNOBS e: Knowledge Based System KO e: Contracting officer - e: Knock Out KOALA d: Konstanzer Ausleih- und Anfragesystem KöB d: Kommission für öffentliche Bauten KOC e: Key Operational Capability Kodai e: Kodai: journal of ancient history kohm e: kilohm Kokalos i: Kokalos: studi pubblicazioni dall'Istituto di Storia antica dell'Università di Palermo KOP d: Kontaktplan KOR e: Knowledge of Results Koroth e: Koroth: a bulletin devoted to the history of medicine & science KP e: Key Point - e: Key Pulse - e: Key Punch KPA e: Key Process Areas KPI e: Kernel Programming Interface - e: Key Performance Indicator KPL e: Key Personnel Locator KPO e: Key-Punch Operator KPP e: Key Performance Parameter KPS d: Krankenpflegeschule - e: Knowledge Processing System KPIJ e: Keyboard Printer Unit KQI e: Key Quality Indicator K Q M L e: Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language KR e: Contractor - e: Kernighan and Ritchie, the c programming language Kr e: Contractor KRAU e: Kellogg Rural Adjustment Center, Union of New England

KREI e: Korea Rural Economics Institute KRITIS d: [Arbeitsgruppe] Kritische Infrastrukturen KRITO e: Critical experiment KrPflG d: Gesetz über die Berufe in der Krankenpflege KRS e: Knowledge-based Replanning System - e: Knowledge Retrieval System KS d: Kant -Studien: philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft - d: Krankenschwester KSA e: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes KSE-Vertrag d: Vertrag über konventionelle Streitkräfte in Europa KSH e: Korn Shell [program] KSJ e: Keats -Shelley Journal KSLOC e: Kilo Source Lines of Code KSN e: Kit Serial Number KSOS e: Kernalized Secure Operating System KSP e: Key Supplier Processess KSPH e: Keystrokes per Hour KSR e: Keats-Shelley Review - e: Keyboard Send/Receive - e: Korean Studies Review KSS e: Knowledge Support System KSt d: Körperschaftssteuer KStDV d: KörperschaftssteuerDurchführungsverordnung KStG d: Körperschaftssteuer-Gesetz KStR d: Körperschaftssteuer-Richtlinien KStZ d: Kommunale Steuer-Zeitschrift KSIJ e: Key Service Unit KSUB e: Submarine Broadcast KT d: Kommunikationstechnik - e: Contract - e: Kiloton kt e: kiloton Ktèma f: Ktèma: civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques KTK d: Kommission für den Ausbau des technischen Kommunikationssystems K T Q d: Kooperation für Transparenz und Qualität im Krankenhaus KTR e: Contractor

Yearbook 2005/2006 of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology

Ktr e: Contractor KTS d: Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht - e: Key Telephone System - e: Knots KTIJ e: Korea Telephone Upgrade KiiCH d: Kunstchronik: Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft, Museumswesen und Denkmalpflege KÜFUST e: Küstenfunkstelle KulturPoetik d: KulturPoetik. Zeitschrift für kulturgeschichtliche Literaturwissenschaft KV d: Kabelverzweiger - e: Karnaugh Veitch [diagram] kVA e: kilovolt ampere kVdc e: Kilovolt direct current KVDT e: Keyboard Video Display Terminal KVDU e: Keyboard/Visual Display Unit KVF d: Kommission für Verkehr und Fernmeldewesen KVG e: Key Variable Generator KVP d: Konservative Volkspartei - d: Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess KW d: Kurz wähl - d: Kurzwelle kW e: kiloohm - e: kilowatt K W H e: Kilowatt Hour kWhm e: kilowatt-hour meter KWIC e: Key Word in Context KWIM e: K n o w What 1 Mean? KWNX e: Keyword Index Subsystem K W O C e: Key Word Out of Context K Y U N G H E E e: Kyung Hee Nepal Friendship Medical Center KZfSS d: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie KZK d: Klasse-ZuständigkeitKooperation KZIJ d: Kennzeichenumsetzer

© Κ • G • Saur, Munich



L L e: Cold weather - e: Left - e: Length - e: Light - e: Line - e: Link - e: Linux - e: Local - e: Logic - e: Low 1 e: search subarea length 2L8 e: Too Late L3 e: Lagrange Point 3 [35,000 Miles below moon] L6 e: Laboratories Low-Level Linked List Language LA e: Laser Gyro Axis - e: Lead Agent - e: Lead Angle - e: Legal Adviser - e: Legislative Affairs - e: Legislative Assistant - e: Letter of Activation - e: Library Administrator - e: Lightning Arrester - e: Line Amplifier - e: Log Analyzer - e: Logistics Assistance - e: Loop Key Generator [Lkg] Adapter - e: Los Angeles - e: Low Altitude - s: Límite Anterior LAA e: Limited Access Authorization - e: Local Access Authorization - e: Local Airport Advisory - e: Longest Available Agent LAAD e: Latin American Agribusiness Development Corporation LAAMS e: Land Armaments Movement Model LAAS e: Low Altitude Airfield Attack System - e: Low Altitude Alerting System LAAV e: Light Airborne Asw Vehicle LAAW e: Legal Automated Army-Wide - e: Lightweight Assault Antitank Weapon LAB e: Labor - e: Laboratory - e: Land Air Battle - e: Logistics Assault Base - e: Low Altitude Bombing - s: Laboratorio - s: Libre A Bordo 176

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LABACO s: Localización de Abonados de Alto Consumo Labeo i: Labeo: rassegna di diritto romano LABL e: Liberation Academy Bonded Labourers LABS e: Low-Altitude Bomb Aiming System LAC e: Last Acquisition Cost - e: Leading Air Craftsman - e: Limited Agency Check - e: Local Agency Check - e: Local Area Controller - e: L2TP Access Concentrator LACE e: Local Automatic Circuit Exchange LACH e: Lightweight Amphibious Container Handler LACV e: Lighter, Air Cushioned Vehicle LAD d: Leistungsanschlusseinheit, digital - e: Latest Arrival Date - e: Latest Arrival Date at Port of Debarkation - e: Liquid Agent Detector - e: Location Aid Device - e: Logical Aptitude Device - e: Logistics Anchor Desk - e: Low Altitude Dispenser - s: Lipoproteina de Alta Densidad LADA e: Light Air Defense Artillery LADAPT e: Lookup Dictionary Adapter Program LADAR e: Laser Detection and Ranging - e: Laser Radar LADD e: Low Altitude Drogue LADDR e: Layered Device Driver Architecture LADT e: Local Access Data Transport LAE e: Left Arithmetic Element LAEDP e: Large Area Electronic Display Panel LAG e: Launch Analysis Group - e: Load and Go Assembler - e: Logical Application Group LAH e: Light Attack Helicopter - e: Local Analyzer of Hypothesis LAI e: Lean Aircraft Initiative - e: Location Area Identity LAID e: Location Area Identification LAIS e: Local Automatic Intercept System

LAIT e: Logistics Assistance and Instruction Team LAK e: Look-Alike Disk LA/LL e: Legislative Affairs/Liaison LALL e: Longest Allowed Lobe Length LAM e: Logistics Attrition Model - e: Loop Adder and Modifier LAMM e: Land Armament Manpower and Materiel Database LAMPS e: Light Airborne Multipurpose System - e: Logistics Assessment of Modifications Program LAMR e: Latin American Music Review LAMS e: Local Area Missile System LAN e: Inland - e: Late Antiquity Newsletter - e: Launch After Nudet - e: Local Apparent Noon - e: Local Area Network - s: Lancha LANA e: Low-Altitude Night Attack System LANACS e: Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server LANC e: Local Area Network Control LANCC e: Local Area Network Communications Controller - e: Local Area Network Control Center LANCC/SM e: Local Area Network Control Center and Security Monitor LANCRAB e: Landing Craft and Bases Landbund d: Landbund, Landbundliste; Badischer und Thüringer Landbund; Hessischer Bauernbund LANDP e: Local Area Network Distributed Platform LANDSAT e: Land Satellite - e: Land-use Satellite LANDSS e: Lightweight Advanced Night/Day Surveillance System Landvolk d: Deutsches Landvolk, Christlich-Nationale Bauern- und Landvolk-Partei LANE e: Local Area Network Emulation - e: Local Area Network Emulator LANE UNI e: Local-Area Network Emulation User-Network Interface LANHIP e: Local Area Network Host Interface Protocol LANL e: Los Alamos National Laboratory

J a h r b u c h 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 der A b k ü r z u n g e n und A k r o n y m e in W i s s e n s c h a f t und Technik

LCC L A N N E T e: Large Artificial N e r v e Net - e: Large Artificial Neuron N e t w o r k L A N T D I S e: United States Atlantic C o m m a n d D e p l o y a b l e Intelligence System L A N T I R N e: L o w - A l t i t u d e N a v i g a t i o n and Targeting Infrared, Night L A N / W A N e: L o c a l / W i d e A r e a N e t w o r k L A O d: Liste Arbeit und O r d n u n g - e: Limited A t t a c k Option - e: Logistic A s s i s t a n c e O f f i c e L a o n d: L a o n - L o h n e : neue Schriftenreihe des H e i m a t v e r e i n s L o h n e e.V. L A P e: L A N A c c e s s P r o f i l e - e: Latin American Perspectives: a j o u r n a l on capitalism and socialism - e: L a u n c h e r Avionics P a c k a g e - e: L e a d e r s h i p A s s e s s m e n t P r o g r a m - e: Lesson Assembly Program - e: L i n k A c c e s s P r o c e d u r e - e: L i n k Access P r o f i l e - e: L i n k A c c e s s Protocol - e: List A s s e m b l y Program - e: L o a d , A s s e m b l e and P a c k - e: L o a d i n g , A s s e m b l i n g and P a c k i n g L A P B e: L i n k A c c e s s P r o c e d u r e for/of B a l a n c e d [Mode] - e: L i n k A c c e s s Protocol B a l a n c e d L A P - B e: L i n k A c c e s s P r o c e d u r e B a l a n c e d [Mode] - e: L i n k A c c e s s P r o t o c o l - B a l a n c e d L A P D e: Limited Axial P o w e r Distribution - e: L i n k Access - e: L i n k A c c e s s Channels - e: L i n k A c c e s s L A P - D e: L i n k

P r o c e d u r e Direct P r o c e d u r e for/of DProtocol-Digital Access Procedure of/on

D-Channels L A P D O G e: L o w - A l t i t u d e Pursuit on Ground L A P E e: L o w Altitude P a r a c h u t e Extraction System L A P E S e: L o w Altitude P a r a c h u t e Extraction System L A P M e: L i n k Access P r o c e d u r e for Modems - e: L i n k A c c e s s Protocol for M o d e m s L A P - M e: L i n k Access Protocol for Modems L A P S e: Local Area N e t w o r k Adapter and Protocol Support L A P X e: L i n k Access P r o c e d u r e of Balanced Mode Extended L A R e: L a u n c h Acceptability R e g i o n - e: L o a d Access Rights - e: Local Acquisition R a d a r - e: Logistics A s s e s s m e n t R e v i e w - e: Logistics Assistance R e p r e s e n t a t i v e - e: L o w A n g l e R e e n t r y L A R C e: Lighter, A m p h i b i o u s R e s u p p l y Cargo L A R C - 6 0 e: Lighter, A m p h i b i o u s Resupply Cargo 60 Ton L A R C e: Locally A s s i g n e d A m m u n i t i o n R e p o r t i n g Code L A R C - L X e: Lighter, A m p h i b i o u s Resupply Cargo 60 Ton L A R C - V e: Lighter, A m p h i b i o u s Resupply Cargo 5 Ton

L A R I A T e: L a s e r R a d a r Intelligence Acquisition T e c h n o l o g y L A R R e: Latin American Research Review L A R S e: L a s e r Angular Rate Sensor L A S e: L a r g e A s t r o n o m i c a l Satellite - e: Limited Space Charge A c c u m u l a t i o n - s: L a n c h a A n t i s u b m a r i n a LA/S s: L a n c h a A n t i s u b m a r i n a L A S C O M e: L a s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n L A S C R e: L i g h t - A c t i v a t e d SiliconControlled R e c t i f i e r L A S E e: Logistic Asset Support Estimate L A S E R e: Light A m p l i f i c a t i o n by Stimulated E m i s s i o n of R a d i a t i o n L a s e r e: Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation L A S E R C O M e: L a s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s L A S H e: L i g h t e r A b o a r d Ship L A S I N T e: L a s e r Intelligence L A S S e: L a u n c h A r e a Support Ship L A S S O e: L a s e r Search and Secure Observer L A S T e: Local Area Storage Transport L A S T E e: L o w Altitude Safety and Targeting E n h a n c e m e n t L A S T p o r t e: Local A r e a Storage Transport L A T e: Latitude - e: Local Access Terminal - e: Local A p p a r e n t Time - e: Local Area Transport - e: L o t A c c e p t a n c e Test lat e: latitude Lat s: Latitud L A T A e: Local Access and Transmit Area - e: Local Access and Transport Area L A T A M s: T e l e f