Pain-free for life: the 6-week cure for chronic pain-- without surgery or drugs [1st eBooke d ed.] 978-1-599-95132-4, 1599951320

More than fifty million Americans suffer today from chronic pain. Dr. Scott Brady was one of them. Doctors told him he w

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English Year 2007

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Pain-free for life: the 6-week cure for chronic pain-- without surgery or drugs [1st eBooke d ed.]
 978-1-599-95132-4, 1599951320

Table of contents :
Content: The hope of a pain-free life --
My personal chronicle of pain --
The aos pain catalog --
What's really causing your pain? --
Understanding your pain-prone personality --
The spiritual health inventory for pain --
The roots of mind-body-spirit medicine --
The pain-free for life program --
The 6-week pain-free for life program --
Depth journaling --
Pain talk --
The 7 crutches of pain-prone people --
Dr. brady fields your questions.

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