Database programming languages : proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6 - 8 September 1995 ; [Edition. ed] 3540760865, 9783540760863

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Database programming languages : proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6 - 8 September 1995 ; [Edition. ed]
 3540760865, 9783540760863

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming (Invited Talk) Umeshwar Dayal (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

From Database Programming to Business Process Programming Umeshwar Dayal

Qiming Chen

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Palo Alto, California, USA

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Palo Alto, California, USA

Abstract Over the past decade, database programming has focused on languages and methodologies for developing dataintensive applications, and on techniques for efficiently implementing them. Research in this area has yielded languages with rich type systems, orthogonal persistence, support for collection types, and other advanced features. The commercial impact of this research, however, has been rather limited. Database applications are a multi-billion dollar business worldwide, but most applications are still developed using rudimentary tools. The goal of this paper is to urge the database programming research community to rise to the next challenge: business process programming, a field that is in its infancy, and where there is the potential for significant impact. Competitive pressures are forcing enterprises to re-engineer and automate their business processes. Such processes are of long duration, complex, and error-prone. They consist of multiple steps that need to be coordinated; that may be executed by application programs, machines, or humans in different roles across different organizations; and that may execute in heterogeneous, distributed computing environments. This paper introduces topics in business process programming that we believe will be of interest to the database programming community. These range from issues in modeling and specifying business processes, including new transactional models for capturing their execution semantics, to problems of efficient, scalable implementation in the heterogeneous distributing environments prevalent in typical enterprises.

1 Introduction Research in database programming, as reflected in the Proceedings of the five DBPL Workshops held so far, has focused primarily on new languages and methodologies for developing data-intensive applications. This has resulted in the design and implementation of database programming languages with rich type systems that are extensible, provide orthogonal persistence, and support a variety of collection types to facilitate the manipulation of persistent bulk data stored in a database. What impact has research on database programming languages had on the multi-billion dollar database applications industry worldwide? Relatively little, unfortunately. Most of these applications are still being developed in fourth generation languages or even third generation languages (COBOL or C) plus SQL. The elusive research goal of orthogonal persistence has not been attained in practice as the “impedance mismatch” between the host programming language (in which the application logic is coded) and the database manipulation language continues. While objectoriented database systems supporting Persistent C++ or Smalltalk with varying degrees of orthogonal persistence have appeared, the technology has not taken off commercially, and these systems represent a tiny fraction of the market. So, what can the DBPL research community do to increase commercial impact? The next big challenge for the information technology industry is the management and automation of business processes. Business process management, or “workflow management”, recently has generated a lot of research activity in different sub-disciplines of computer science. Also, several dozen commercial products have appeared, and an industry group, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), has published a reference architecture for such products [28]. This paper argues that there are many important research problems in this complex area to which the DBPL research community can make important contributions. Business process management cannot be handled by means of conventional database techniques alone. Business processes typically are of long duration, complex, and error-prone. A business process, in general, is a set of activities with a common goal. It is built by linking together diverse activities, specifying the flow of data and control among them, and specifying business rules that have to be enforced during the execution of the process. Business processes often consist of multilevel, long-duration and collaborative activities, and involve many users, information

Database Programming Languages, 1995


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

systems, applications and tools in heterogeneous and distributed environments. Examples of business processes include purchase or service order processing, insurance claims processing, loan application processing, making travel arrangements, planning and scheduling, design and manufacturing processes, and medical and laboratory protocols. Consider the process of opening a new sales office for a company’s division; this includes several sequential and parallel activities, such as submitting a proposal, determining the location, negotiating office rental price with owners, getting approval, etc. These activities may be transactional or non-transactional, and may range from the execution of computer programs to human actions such as attending meetings or signing forms. Also, some of the activities themselves may be complex processes. Today, the logic for linking the activities that comprise a business process are either expressed informally in operating manuals or in people’s heads, or embedded in application programs. As enterprises seek to become more competitive, they are turning to business process managment technology to help re-engineer and automate critical business processes. The Workflow Management Coalition defines business process management as “a technology that allows companies to deploy both old and new business process applications that are faster and more flexible to build by making the business rules and flow of work logic independent of the business application” [28]. A business process management system (or workflow system) controls and automates the interactions between activities, programs, data and users. The ability to integrate these components sets business process programming apart from database programming: programming in the large versus programming individual applications. In Section 2, we briefly describe the requirements for business process management, and the extent to which the existing commercial workflow products meet these requirements. Then, in the remainder of the paper, we describe an approach to business process management that we are taking at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. In Section 3, we describe our process model; in Section 4, we describe the transactional semantics associated with our process model; and in Section 5, we describe failure handling. In Section 6, we illustrate our approach via a fairly complex example.

2 Business Process Management We first describe the requriements for modeling, specifying, and managing business processes. Then, we reveiew the state of commercial practice, and point out the strengths and limitations of commercial products. This should underscore the key areas for research contribution.



We characterize the requirements for business process management in terms of a variety of services.

 Process definition services  Process enactment services  Distribution services  Organization services  Monitoring and administration services Process definition entails the specification of the activities comprising the process; the control and data flows among them; and the business rules, policies and constraints relevant to the process. Processes are often defined as graphs, with the nodes representing the activities of the process, and the directed edges representing control and data flows. Some models specify control and data flows declaratively through rules or dependencies. Rules specify that events signaled by activities cause downstream activities to be triggered. Dependencies prescribe temporal relationships among activities (e.g., activity a1 cannot start until a2 terminates). Some models use procedural specification in a scripting language (typically a block structured concurrent programming language). For complex processes, it is useful to support abstractions for hierarchical structuring. Some models allow processes to be recursively defined in terms of subprocesses. It is important to allow flexible binding of subprocesses: at process definition time, at process instantiation time, or even later at the time the subprocess executes. This flexibility is important in that it allows subprocess libraries to be constructed using reusable templates. It also supports autonomy in that the subprocess can be redefined without affecting the larger process; this is especially important if process execution crosses organization boundaries.

Database Programming Languages, 1995


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

Process enactment includes services for instantiating processes, orchestrating the control and data flows among the activities of a process, and enforcing business rules, policies, and constraints. Since processes may access shared persistent data, they must be subject to transactional control. However, executing an entire complex process as a single transaction is unnecessary and inefficient. Some models support extended transaction semantics for modeling a process as a hierarchical collection of related transactions. Finally, services for exception and failure handling are required. The execution of a business process may fail to complete. This requires system support for determining the scope of the failure, rolling back the process within that scope (such as withdrawing an office rental application in the above example), and rolling forward the process via alternative paths. Various distribution services are required. These include interaction with users and communication with application systems; naming and directory services for locating resources required for executing activities; and interoperation with other process management systems. Organization services support role resolution, the assignment of resources to activities, and authorization and access control. Finally, services for monitoring and administration of processes are required. These include recording the history and status of process executions, queries over the status information, and dynamic modificaton of processes. The architecture of a typical process management system includes several components: a worklist handler for managing interactions between a user and the system via worklists containing the activities he is assigned or allowed to perform; one or more database servers for maintaining process-related data (this is often separate from the “business data objects” used by the activities); a workflow server for providing flow control; an organization server for identifying and locating the appropriate users or invoked applications; and a transport service for communication between users, external applications and cooperative workflow systems in a heterogeneous and distributed environment [26, 10, 11, 5, 8, 4, 21, 23, 20, 16, 18, 2, 7]. A reference architecture has been defined by the Workflow Management Coalition [28].


Commercial Practice

Over two dozen workflow products are on the market today. The early products were aimed at “automating” clerical tasks in administrative and other office procedures. These systems, therefore, were message-centred or documentcentred. Message-centred systems essentially are extensions of electronic mail. Work is routed between workers through the flow of structured messages. Flows are either statically defined or may be dynamic based on message content. Forms-based utilities are often provided for creating, approving, and signing forms. Such systems are limited to manual tasks and provide no recovery beyond relaible message delivery. Also, they do not provide status monitoring or reporting. Document-centred systems are extensions of image (document or file) management systems, and typically support the flow of folders between users. They were developed for applications such as loan or claims processing. Documents and accompanying routing lists may be stored in a database or file system. Such systems, too, are limited to manual tasks and provide limited recovery (of the document database or files). More recently, we have started to see the emergence of process-centered systems aimed at high-end businesscritical processes such as order processing or customer care. These systems provide tools for modeling processes as collections of activities or tasks, specifying control and data flow, and defining business rules and constraints. They support manual and automated activities, provide some recovery and exception handling, and integrate into distributed computing frameworks such as CORBA. For instance, they may support the encapsulation of legacy database systems, file systems, and application systems as buisness objects using CORBA interfaces, and use CORBA RPC as the transport mechanism to launch applications. They use persistent databases to record history and status and to support the querying of this information. They also support organization databases, and tools for monitoring and managing processes. The process models supported are still quite limited, however. In particular, there is little support for hierarchical modeling of complex processes, and this limits scalability to enterprise-wide or inter-enterprise processes. Also, failure and exception handling are rather limited, and there still are no generally accepted transactional models for interrelated collections of long-duration activities. In summary, business process management relies on several relevant sub-disciplines of computer science: software process modeling, groupware and collaborative work, distributed computing, distributed database systems, and transaction management. The challenge is to integrate these technologies into a coherent framework that provides a rich

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process model, flexible yet precise transactional semantics, integrated data sharing and failure handling mechanisms and capabilities for incorporating activities, data objects and users.

3 Open WorkFlow Manager Process Model In the rest of this paper, we describe work we have done on an Open WorkFlow Manager (OWFM). This section describes our process model. Most workflow systems are activity-net based, where activities for a process or subprocess are modeled by graphs that reflect the forking and joining of control flow. Also, in some of these models, data flow can be separated from control flow. A flat model, however, makes it difficult to provide a well understood foundation for data sharing and failure recovery, and does not scale up to complex processes. However, it is also insufficient to represent a process purely by a tree structure, since the tree structure only captures the containment relationship between a parent activity and its child activity, but not any relationships that associate activities at the same level. To support multilevel process management flexibly, we introduce a process model that is characterized by multilevel blocks and hyper-activity/block coupling. This model provides one way to materialize the conceptual model provided by the Workflow Management Coalition.


Specification Model

A business process is a top-level block that contains multilevel nested blocks representing either subprocesses or nested process modules [1, 7]. A block contains a set of activities linked to represent control flow and data flow. Conditional branching, parallel forking and joining, as well as looping (iteration) are allowed. A block is represented by a hyper-activity T at the next higher level; the block is denoted by BT , and T is referred to as the parent of the activities directly contained in BT . Since a component activity can be a hyper-activity representing another inner block, blocks or hyperactivities can be nested to arbitrary levels. A block, BT , has an associated logical data container called Block Data Container (BDC) that is denoted by ΠBT . The BDC of the top-level block of an activity hierarchy is actually the process data container. BDC’s may be implemented in terms of multi-level databases with controlled access [19], or in terms of other repository facilities. Data held in the BDC of a block is visible to the activities in that block and in any inner blocks; therefore, an activity can checkout data from the BDC of any higher level block. An activity can acquire data by accessing external data sources, or by checking out data from the BDC of a block containing it directly or transitively. Upon termination, an activity checks in its results into the BDC of its parent block or of some ancestor. We will describe these options for commit control later. For the purpose of failure handling, an activity at any level may be paired with a contingency activity T˜ , which is used when rolling forward along an alternative execution path; and T may also be paired with a compensation activity T¯ that can logically eliminate its effects. A compensation or contingency activity can be flat or hierarchical and may be structured differently from the original activity. A contingency activity may in turn have its own contingency activity. Finally, the model includes a multilevel authorization resolution facility to allow user intervention of processes and subprocesses by authorized users (supervisors), i.e., to dynamically modify flow control, change user assignments, partially rollback processes, and so on. To allow users to balance process protection and subprocess autonomy in a way suitable to their applications, a supervision protocol controls upward delegation of intervention privileges along the process hierarchy.


Other Specification Styles

In addition to the explicit specification of process and activity structure described so far, we support three additional mechanisms for modifying the control and data flow within a process: events, dependencies, and self-repair protocols. The event-driven mechanism is based on Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules [22, 15] The basic semantics of rule execution is that when the specified event is detected, the condition is evaluated; and if the condition is satisfied, then the action (which can be an activity or even an activity hierarchy), is triggered. As described in [22], we distinguish three event-action coupling modes: immediate, deferred and detached, which provide flexible ways to modify activity hierarchies. The use of ECA rules allows process specifications to be dynamically modified or overridden. Rules can be used for intra-process activity triggering, inter-process synchronization and reacting to general system failures, resource reallocations, security violations, and so on.

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From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

Dependencies are used to enforce acceptable activity execution orders, and once translated into dependency graphs, they can also be used to “trigger” activities. State dependencies between activities may occur fortuitously, or they may be explicitly specified. A dependency between two activities Tj and Ti can be represented by Ti ! Tj where Tj , Ti are in states start, commit, abort and so on; and  is the dependency type. For example, the fail dependency denoted by Ti !fail Tj means that in case Ti has failed, if Tj has not completed, then Tj is canceled and any completed block component of Tj is compensated for; else Tj is compensated for. Informally, the fail dependency asserts that if Ti fails, then Tj must fail too; and this dependency underlies the semantics of failure handling across activity hierarchies or subhierarchies. Self-repair mechanisms include protocols for exception handling and compensation. These affect process execution by erasing the effects of non-fatal failures through roll back and roll forward. These mechanisms will be described in more detail in Section 5.


Execution Model

It is important to separate the specification model and the execution model of a business process. The former provides a template for the structure of the process and control flow within it. The latter is dynamically constructed at run time, and expresses the actual progress of the process instance and records the history of its execution. The execution history is used in failure recovery, and can also be used by visualization tools to animate the process. To execute a business process, an instance of its top-level activity is created based on its specification. However, the instance of a component activity is created only when it should be executed. Thus, as shown in Figure 1, activities forming conditional branches or even loops in process specification are described linearly based on the actual execution of the multiple activity instances. Activities triggered by rules and enforced dependencies also have an impact on the construction of a process instance. process definition




process execution history

condition E

branch F





C* K



D* 2



D* 3


E* L*





Figure 1: Specification Model vs. Execution Model Thus, the instances of an activity’s children activities simply form either a sequential execution or a parallel execution. A multilevel business process instance is built recursively with sequential and parallel activity instances (for brevity, an activity instance is hereafter simply called an activity). An activity at any level undergoes state transitions at run time; it is initiated in the start state, remains active for some time, and then exits by either reaching the end of its work or a failure; accordingly, it terminates either in the commit state or in the abort state. Rolling back an activity hierarchy, either fully or partially, is not based on its specification, but on its instance execution history. Therefore, when control flow forms branches, only the executed activities are considered, and when control flow forms a loop each executed instance of activities is taken into account. As activities are parameterized (through the associated data containers), appropriate information can be passed from the instance of an activity to the instance of its compensation activity. For example, when activity reserve-flight is associated with the compensation activity cancel-reservation, the passenger’s identifier can be a parameter for both; and in this way a loop including multiple executions of reserve-flight can be compensated for by multiple executions of cancel-reservation with the proper parameters. Further, activities involved in a loop may be "re-entered" with different parameters, and "reentering" actually means re-creating an instance. Thus, each execution of the activity involved in a loop can be considered as an individual activity instance associated with its own compensation activity instance. Those instances are distinguishable by their parameters. The hyper-activity/block coupling allows a process to be handled at different abstract levels, and offers significant flexibility in layering control. For example, compensating the collective effects of a block of activities at a higher level

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can avoid having to define compensation activities for each of them, since the latter is sometimes impossible.

4 Transactional Semantics Business processes may access shared, persistent data, and thus must be subject to transactional semantics. However, executing a complex process as a single transaction is unnecessary in most cases. Instead, organizing a process hierarchically allows its effects on data objects to be controlled level by level with relaxed transactional semantics. Many extended transaction models support nested structures and relaxed atomicity. For example, closed nested transactions [25, 17], allow concurrent subtransactions but strictly enforce atomicity; by allowing a subtransaction only to commit to its parent transaction tentatively, its partial results are not externalized until the top-level transaction commits. Since such atomicity is too rigid for engineering applications, the open nested transaction approach [29, 11, 3] relaxed it to enhance concurrency of subtransaction execution. By allowing a subtransaction to commit to the database independently of its parent transaction, the visibility of its effects can be broadened, but top-level atomicity and protection are sacrificed. Similarly, Sagas [14] relax isolation for long-lived transactions, allowing their serial component transactions to be interleaved with each other. While a Saga is not atomic, it cannot be executed partially; also, it lacks the flexibility to retry an aborted component, to try an alternative component or even to ignore a component failure. These issues have been tackled by nested Sagas and ACTA [13, 9] but only independently committed (open) component transactions are considered. ATM [11] supports activity hierarchies with both (closed) transactions and (open) activities, but sacrifices atomicity of the top-level activity while improving inter-sub-activity parallelism; also, commit scopes other than closed and open are not considered. Therefore these mechanisms only provide two extremes in the tradeoff between maintaining atomicity and enabling concurrency.


Commit Control in Open Work Flow Manager

To adequately balance atomicity and concurrency and to control visibility and protection at selected levels of a transaction hierarchy, we have extended the notions of closed and open transactions by allowing an activity to commit to a selected ancestor independently of its parent, making its results visible to that ancestor and thus improving the concurrency in the transaction subtree beneath that ancestor [7, 6]. Such an activity is called a scoped activity. This extension provides synergy between advanced transaction models and workflow models for nested activity modeling. The introduction of BDC provides data access control along the block hierarchy. Upon termination, an activity can

 commit to parent by checking in its results to the BDC of the containing block, making its effects visible to the activities inside that block;  commit to top or commit to an ancestor by checking in its results to the corresponding BDC, making its effects visible to all activities inside that block; or  commit to database by checking in its results into an external database, making its effects permanent and visible to public (i.e., to activities inside all top-level blocks). As we described in [7], such multilevel commit scope control extends the closed/open nested activity model to accommodate applications that require improved process-wide concurrency without sacrificing top-level atomicity. In [6] we have presented a further extension that allows a subactivity to commit to an arbitrary ancestor. For simplicity, we do not discuss this extension in this paper.

5 Failure Handling Transactional systems handle transaction failures by undoing (rolling back) in-progress transactions. For handling process failures, there are two complications. First, an in-progress process may actually have committed some transactions, so these cannot be undone; rather, they have to be compensated for. Second, requiring that the failure of any step in a business process cause the entire process to fail is expensive, because rolling back a process could potentially undo or compensate a lot of work. We allow activities inside a process or subprocess to be designated vital to indicate that the failure of any of them should cause the entire process to fail.

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From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

Our model supports a combination of backward failure recovery and forward failure recovery. This allows a process to partially roll back to a semantically accepted restart point, then continue to “roll forward”, making further progress.


Failure Handling Inside A Block

Handling failure inside a block or in a flat process is based on ideas found in advanced transaction models such as Sagas [14] for backward recovery (i.e., how to undo the effects of certain operations), or in Flex transactions [30] for forward recovery (i.e., how to select different paths of execution [12]). In the following cases, we say that there exists an in-block failure recovery plan wrt Tf ’s failure, if: (a) Tf is non-vital to the containing block B, so its cancellation can be ignored, and the block execution can continue; (b) Tf can be replaced by a contingency transaction acting as its exception handler, so upon its cancellation the block execution can continue by retrying the contingency transaction [11, 27, 29]; (c) Tf is retriable, that is, is will eventually succeed if retried a sufficient number of times [24, 30]; (d) the failure caused by Tf is recoverable within the block B, since the block execution can be rolled back to a transaction from which an alternative path is available (such a transaction is called pivot in the Flex Transaction approach [24, 30], and is implemented in [12]), and logically undoing any transaction on the rollback path does not cause block B to fail; (e) there exists a modifiable transaction, Tm , specified by the business process designer (e.g. modifying a design, a request, a schedule, etc.) preceding the failed transaction, Tf , such that the block execution can be logically rolled back (without causing B to fail) to Tm , then restarted by redoing Tm . The restriction on cases (d) and (e) is essential: logically undoing any transaction Tk on the rollback path from Tf , must not cause block B to fail. If this restriction is unsatisfied, then even if there is a compensation transaction defined for Tk , we cannot ensure the existence of an in-block failure recovery plan wrt Tf , since undoing Tk would cause the failure to be passed to the higher-level block anyway. When there exists an in-block failure recovery plan wrt Tf ’s failure, the failure may be recoverable within block B. Otherwise, failure recovery by partially undoing transactions within block B only, is impossible. However, in the presence of multilevel commit scopes, different pieces of partial results of a block may be visible to different scopes, and should be compensated in matched scopes to ensure consistent failure semantics. For example, when a seminar announcement is made accessible to a department, the seminar cancellation notification should be made accessible to the same department, rather than to a smaller or a larger scope.


Failure Handling in an Activity Hierarchy

Failure handling for nested activities has the following specific characteristics compared with that for flat or two-level transactions.

 In an activity hierarchy, the failure of a sub-activity may cause its parent or higher level ancestors to abort. The highest ancestor affected by such abort-up represents the scope of logical rollback, and possibly, the restart point for rolling forward through an alternative path.  Different from compensating atomic transactions discussed in previous work, compensating an activity hierarchy may be made directly, or indirectly through compensating its children activities (e.g. make-application may be compensated for directly by withdraw-application, or indirectly by compensating each step). A compensation activity may either be flat or nested, and can be constructed differently from the activity to be compensated for. Further, an activity hierarchy should be partially compensatable for its already committed sub-activities, regardless of its own commit status.  It is reasonable to try to logically roll back an activity subtree at the highest applicable level. Rolling back an activity subtree from its root can halt all its branches promptly; and compensating a higher-level activity is potentially more general than compensating a lower-level activity. For example, when activity make-application is directly compensated for by withdraw-application, the collective effects of make-applicationcan be eliminated regardless of its internal steps (some of those steps may not even be compensatable).

Database Programming Languages, 1995


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

Activity nesting provides failure protection in two general situations. First, when a failed activity is non-vital to its parent, the failure can be ignored, and the parent activity can continue. Second, when a failed activity can be replaced by a contingency activity acting as its exception handler, the process can continue by retrying the contingency activity. Therefore, when an activity T fails, the "abort-up" chain terminates at the closest ancestor of T that is non-vital, associated with a contingency activity, or without a parent (e.g. the top-level activity of a process, a contingency activity, or a compensation activity). We call such an activity the Undo Root of T . Failure recovery consists in (a) bottom-up searching for the Undo Root of the originally failed activity, and (b) top-down logically rolling back the activity subtree under that Undo Root, using compensate and abort operations. In top-down undoing, scoped activities with effects internal to the subtree under the Undo Root should be aborted and activities with effects externalized over the Undo Root should be compensated for. However, a scoped activity may or may not necessarily be compensated for directly since its effects may be logically eliminated by a compensation applied at a higher level. For an activity T that needs to be compensated for, if T is associated with a compensation activity T¯ , then T and the whole activity hierarchy beneath T can be directly compensated for by executing T¯ with the same commit scope as T ; otherwise the children of T are processed, and the recursion may spread down along the activity hierarchy, with each branch ending up with a direct compensation or abortion. We have described this process in [6].

6 An Example Figure 2 shows an example of a complex business process implemented on our OWFM prototype. This example illustrates a trip planning process for attending a conference. It demonstrates an open nested activity hierarchy, flexible flow control, activity dependencies, activity triggering with various modes, exception handling, activity compensation and recovery. The top-level activity, trip-planning, is broken down into several sequential subactivities (their execution order is indicated by arrows): trip-authorization, travel-reservation, notification, billing, expense-approval, and document filing. Each subactivity may be further broken down, thus forming an activity hierarchy. Activities at leaf levels may be explicitly assigned to particular users. These subactivities may be executed sequentially, concurrently, or conditionally based on the system state, the user’s option, or the prespecified priorities. For instance

 activity notification has four subactivities to be executed in parallel, for notifying the manager, co-workers, system administrator, and the conference organizers about the trip;  activity flight-reservation, a subactivity of travel-reservation, has three optional subactivities that allow the traveler to chose from three airlines;  activity hotel-reservation has two subactivities ordered by prespecified priorities, where Hilton is the first choice, and Ramada is considered only if Hilton is unavailable;  activity car-rental-reservation, has conditional branches, where the selection of car-rental company is based on the selection of airline, e.g., if NW airline is chosen, Hertz car-rental will be selected, and if UA airline is chosen, National car-rental will be selected. Activity dependencies describe the relationships between activities and can be used as constraints on activity firing. For example, under activity travel-reservation, there exist three subactivities for flight, hotel, and car-rental reservations. whose order of execution is not specified explicitly, but enforced by the following activity dependencies:

 commit dependency (CD): the commit of hotel-reservation depends on the commit of flight-reservation; the commit of car-rental-reservation depends on the commit of hotel-reservation; (in fact, the conditional branching of car-rental-reservation is also expressible by commit dependencies);  exclusion dependency (EX): if Ramada hotel is taken, car-rental is unnecessary (we may assume that the conference is held at the Ramada hotel).

Database Programming Languages, 1995


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

Activities may be triggered under immediate, deferred or detached modes. For example, the following activities are triggered upon successful termination of activity expense-approval:

 activity travel-record is triggered as an immediate child of expense-approval;  activity rearrange-appointments is triggered as a deferred activity to be executed at the end of the top-level activity, trip-planning;  activity data-survey is triggered as a detached, independent activity. An activity that is unable to commit, may invoke a contingency activity. For example, if activity expenseapproval cannot commit, its pre-defined contingency activity, corporate-approval is invoked, and if it succeeds, activity expense-approval is considered to be successful as well, and then the process continues to roll forward. An activity may be associated with a predefined compensation activity that logically undoes the effect of that activity. For example, flight-reservation may be compensated for by cancel-reservation. In Figure 2, compensation activities are indicated by dashed-line boxes.

7 Conclusions As enterprises try to re-engineer and automate critical business processes, there is the need for middleware for developing, executing, and managing business proceses. Numerous workflow products have appeared on the market, but these do not scale to enterprise process management. In particular, these products provide limited capabilities for process modeling, and limited execution and failure semantics. The database research community has produced several extended transaction models, but more research is needed to describe the formal properties of these models, and to devise efficient implementation techniques. Business process programming goes beyond the programming of individual database applications, since it deals with the linking of many applications into a complex process. A business process is a container for a set of activities and links between them. At a minimum, the specification of a process includes attributes such as name, create date and so on; activities (or nodes); links that link activities hierarchically and horizontally, either forward or backward; rules; dependencies; process data; and supervisors who can intervene during process execution. An activity specification may include: attributes such as name, create date, and possibly others; the user to whom the activity is assigned; the action to be performed; a commit scope; a subset of process data, or other visibility control information; triggers with coupling modes; dependencies, and so on. According to the Workflow Management Coalition, the specification of a business process environment should include the following: process groups containing processes in specific application domains; processes; invoked applications; process data; roles that are users capable of doing certain work. Our richer model adds to these information about event services, workflow domains, transport mechanisms, resource managers, process execution status monitors, and user groups. These requirements point to the need for business process programming languages and environments with rich formally defined semantics, and accompanying methodologies and tools; but successful solutions will have to integrate many technologies. The challenge lies in dealing with heterogeneous, distributed and legacy applications, and in supporting an acceptable degree of availability, scalability, and reliability. The goal of this paper is to urge the database programming research community to rise to the challenge of business process programming, a field that is in its infancy, and where there is the potential for significant impact.

References [1] G. Alonso, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, C. Mohan, R. Gunthor, and M. Kamath. Exotica/FMQM: A persistent message-based architecture for distributed workflow management. In Proc. IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Information System Development for Decentralised Organizations, 1995. [2] D. Barbara, S. Mehrota, and M. Rusinkiewicz. INCAS: A computation model for dynamic workflows in autonomous distributed environments. Technical Report, Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory, 1994.

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From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

[3] A. Buchmann, M. Ozsu, M. Hornick, D. Georgakopoulos, and F.A. Manola. A transaction model for active distributed object systems. in A. Elmagarmid (ed) Transaction Models for Advanced Database Applications, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1992. [4] O. Bulkhres, J. Chen, A. Elmagarmid, X. Liu, and G. Mullen. InterBase: A multidatabase prototype system. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1993. [5] Q. Chen. A rule-based object/task modelling approach. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD’86, SIGMOD Rec. Vol.15, No.2, 1986. [6] Q. Chen and U. Dayal. Commit scope control in nested transactions. Proc. 5th International Conference on Extending Data Base Technology (EDBT’96), 1996. [7] Q. Chen and U. Dayal. A transactional nested process management system. Proc. 12th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’96), 1996. [8] Q. Chen and Y. Kambayashi. Coordination of data and knowledge base systems in distributed environment. In Proc. IFIP TC2/WG2.6 Conf. on Semantics of Interoperatable Database Systems, DS-5, 1992. [9] P. K. Chrysanthis and K. Ramamritham. ACTA: The SAGA continues. in A. Elmagarmid (ed) Transaction Models for Advanced Database Applications, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1992. [10] U. Dayal, M. Hsu, and R. Ladin. Organizing long running activities with triggers and transactions. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1990. [11] U. Dayal, M. Hsu, and R. Ladin. A transactional model for long running activities. In Proc. 15th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1991. [12] G.Alonso, M. Kamath, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, R. Gunthor, and C. Mohan. Failure handling in large scale workflow management systems. Research Report, RJ 9913, IBM Almaden Research Center, 1994. [13] H. Garcia-Molina, D. Gawlick, J. Klein, K. Kleissner, and K. Salem. Modeling long-running activities as nested sagas. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 14(1), 1991. [14] H. Garcia-Monina and K. Salem. SAGAS. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1987. [15] N. Gehani, H. Jagadish, and O. Shmueliu. Event specification in an active object oriented database. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1992. [16] D. Georgakopoulos, M. Hornick, P. Krychniak, and F. Malona. Specification and management of extended transactions in a programmable transaction environment. In Proc. 10th Inernational Conference on Data Enginering, 1994. [17] J. Gray and A. Reuter. Transaction processing: Concepts and techniques. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993. [18] M. Hsu. Special issue on workflow and extended transaction systems. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 16(2), 1993. [19] W. Kim, R. Lorie, D. McNabb, and W. Plouffe. A transaction mechanism for engineering design databases. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1984. [20] N. Krishnakumar and A. Sheth. Specification of workflows with heterogeneous tasks in METEOR. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1994. [21] F. Leymann and D. Roller. Business process management with flowmark. In Proc. IEEE Computer Society Conference Compcon’94, 1994. [22] D. McCarthy and U. Dayal. The architecture of an active database system. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1989.

Database Programming Languages, 1995


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

[23] D. McCarthy and S. Sarin. Workflow and transactions in InConcert. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 16(2), 1993. [24] S. Mehrotra, R. Rastogi, A. Silberschatz, and H.F. Korth. A transaction model for multidatabase systems. In Proc. of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1992. [25] E. Moss. Nested transactions. In MIT Press, 1985. [26] M. Nodine and S. Zdonik. Cooperative transaction hierarchy: A transaction model to support design applications. In Proc. 16th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1990. [27] K. Rothermel and C. Mohan. Aries/NT: A recovery method based on write-ahead logging for nested transactions. In Proc. 15th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1989. [28] Workgroup1A The Workflow Management Coalition. The workflow reference model. Workflow Management Coalition Document, 1995. [29] G. Weikum and H. Schek. Concepts and applications of multilevel transactions and open nested transactions. in A. Elmagarmid (ed) Transaction Models for Advanced Database Applications, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1992. [30] A. Zhang, M. Nodine, B. Bhargava, and O. Bukhres. Ensuring relaxed atomicity for flexible transactions in multidatabase systems. In Proc. ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1994.

Database Programming Languages, 1995


Database Programming Languages, 1995

UA_flight cancel

UA_flight reservation


AA_flight cancel



Hilton reservation

Hilton cancel

Ramada cancel

Ramada reservation

Hertz reservation

car rental reservation


National cancel

Rent_a_car cancel

credit account


Rent_a_car reservation


notify conf

notify sys_admin

notify coworker

notify manager

notification cancel

National reservation

Hertz cancel

notify conf

notify sys_admin

notify coworker

notify manager





travel reservation

optional with priority AA_flight reservation

NW_flight cancel

NW_flight reservation

flight reservation



trip_auth cancel

trip authorization

trip planning process

corporate approval



(human action)

document filling

data survey


exception handler (expense > 10K)

expense approval


From Database Programming to Business Process Programming

Figure 2: Trip-planning Example


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Data Mapping and Matching: Languages for Scientific Datasets (Panel Report) Paris Kanellakis

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Data Mapping and Matching: Languages for Scientific Datasets (Panel at DBPL 95) Paris Kanellakis  Brown University

Fall 1995

Abstract This is a report on a panel at the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, September 6–8, 1995, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy. The panel was well attended and there was a fair amount of interaction with an audience of about 50 people. The panelists spoke for about 10 minutes each. Then, there was a 30 minute period involving questions and discussion with the audience. The order of the panel presentations was: Paris Kanellakis (panel chair) of Brown, David Maier of OGI, Peter Buneman of UPenn, Stan Zdonik of Brown, and Sophie Cluet of INRIA. We present the general theme of the panel, summaries of the panelist remarks, and a summary of the general discussion.

Introduction The panel chair introduced the panelists and presented the panel theme. He set the stage for the discussion by contrasting commercial relational database technology with scientific data management. Database management systems have been very successful at providing efficient access to large databases of business applications. This success has been achieved for highly-structured record-oriented data by combining an elegant formalism (logic-based languages and algebras) with efficient implementation. New data-intensive applications such as those of the scientific community require efficient access to massive amounts of data, which differ in their semantics and organization from business data: (i) the data structure is more complex (complex objects, extensibility, heterogeneity, a fair amount of metadata); (ii) the time/space dimensions are essential (although poorly captured by the relational model); (iii) the querying of data often involves data mining for similarities. Panel Topic: A primary motivation for new database technology is to facilitate classification and exploratory search of the broad spectrum of multimedia data, available both at a user’s site and through network access. Many of the available datasets are scientific, residing in conventional databases or in, the more common and general, data exchange (DX) formats. The impact of current database technology (both object-oriented and relational) on managing scientific datasets is limited by a lack of interoperation with the growing variety of heterogeneous DX formats. Another significant problem of current database systems is insufficient modeling support for metadata as well as for spatial and temporal features, which are present in the majority of scientific applications. This panel will discuss these limitations of existing database languages and explore fresh approaches towards information integration (data mapping) and manipulation (data matching).

Declarative Languages: From Relations to Constraints Paris Kanellakis also briefly commented on the evolution of declarative data models from relational to constraint-based. Constraint databases are a candidate formalism for expressing, in a declarative fashion, queries on spatial and temporal  Paris Kanellakis, his wife and their two children died unexpectedly and tragically on December 20, 1995. This is a tremendous loss to the DBPL community. An obituary is included in the preface to these proceedings. P.A. & V.T.

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5), 1995


Data Mapping and Matching: Languages for Scientific Datasets (Panel at DBPL 95)

data. The tuples of the relational model are generalized to conjunctions of constraints. The underlying principle is to use in database languages, data types that are closer to the natural language specification of many application. The motivation for more general data models (such a consraint-based models) has been increased functionality. Similarity queries over time-series data is a good example of needed increased functionality. The queries that one would like to express here involve detecting similar sequence patterns. For example, an exact match between two sequences is rare, but sequences may almost match or they may present similarities. The detection of these similarities has many applications from financial (e.g., stock prices) to earth science (e.g., temperature readings).

Data Exchange Formats and 3-Level Architecture David Maier considered data exchange (DX) formats. The majority of scientific datasets do not reside in conventional databases but rather in DX formats (e.g., CDF, HDF, CIF, FITS, ASN.1, Express, etc.). These self describing data were developed for allowing programs to exchange data. This is possibly the fastest-growing form of network accessible data. Some DX formats are now also being used for logical data definition and as the primary form of data storage. They are usually equiped with application program interfaces (API’s). And, not surprisingly, data management functionalities such as access methods (e.g., records in netCDF), catalog, query facilities, are been added to these API’s. DX formats present a number of advantages, that are making them popular, the most crucial probably being the existence of link libraries specific to scientific domains. Indeed, DX formats are becoming standard in scientific communities. However, they are missing many features commonly found in database management systems. In particular, they do not scale up and their query facilities are very primitive. David Maier advocated the use of an object-oriented database system as a Hybrid Data Manager. This is some middleware between the applications and the data sources (databases or files). This leads to a 3-level architecture with heterogeneous external sources at the bottom level, the object database acting as a mediator, and a homogeneous domain schema at the higher level. David Maier reported some experiments in Materials Science with the Gemstone object-oriented databases management system and 5 sources (two databases and 3 DX formats).

Genome Databases and Database Languages Peter Buneman considered the case of genome data (e.g., ASN.1), an excellent demonstration of the adoption of DX formats despite their drawbacks. As in other fields, there are many reasons for this: (i) genome data is not adequately modeled using traditional database models, (ii) data descriptions/schemas are enormous and very rapidly changing, (iii) interoperability with special purpose algorithms (e.g., Blast or Fasta) is crucial. So, when developing the first genome banks, long-range concerns such as transaction-oriented support offered by database systems, were often overshadowed by economic as well as scientific pressure to get sequencing information in electronic form very fast. To answer the needs of genome databases, database systems have to offer better linguistic support of collection type and other types (e.g., variants) that are encountered in DX formats. It is important to be able to ask complex queries spanning multiple databases. (E.g., find the information on the DNA sequence known to be Chromosome 22 between location 22p11.2 and q12.1; and for each sequence, identify similar sequences from other organism.)

OODBMS Support Stan Zdonik questioned whether object-oriented databases management systems were capable of supporting the new scientific database applications of the 90’s and considered a number of issues that this raises. First, in OODBMS, the schema is considered to be very stable. This is not surprising in the view of the standard database applications: A schema is first designed; data is loaded or created; the schema does not then change much. In many scientific applications, the separation between schema and data is less clear. Indeed, in some cases, data arrives first (e.g., maps) and schema information are derived from the data. In general, much more flexibility is expected in terms of schema definition and also in the way real data is mapped to virtual data (view mechanism). Queries in the scientific setting are the basis of data exchange. We have to deal with issues such as translation (data may be residing in files), multimedia types, interoperability with scientific libraries. The notion of query has to be enriched to be able to name resources (URL’s), specify dynamic links, query complex bulk types (eg., patterns exploiting the structure of the collection), approximate queries.

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5), 1995


Data Mapping and Matching: Languages for Scientific Datasets (Panel at DBPL 95)

In conclusion, Stan Zdonik stressed the particularities of query optimization needed for these scientific applications. A particular problem is that resources are distributed and there is no global system catalog. As a result, query optimization has to be interspersed with query execution.

Query Language and Middleware Sophie Cluet also considered the support of DX formats by OODBMS. She treated more specifically the query language issue and the need for a middleware-based approach. She used as a motivating example a system developed at INRIA (with Serge Abiteboul, Tova Milo and others) for managing structured text. DX formats may be queried using declarative query languages in the style of the standard for OODB, the object query language OQL. However, the OQL data model has to be enhanced, e.g., to allow for heterogeneous collections (variants). The query language itself should incorporate features such as access by content (information retrieval style) or by browsing. It is also important to be able to query data without complete knowledge of its structure. Sophie Cluet also argued that one should abandon the hope to capture within a database system the needs of all possible applications (in particular, all multimedia applications). It is therefore essential to be able to interoperate with application programs. The various data sources have to exist with their own representations and the OODBMS in the role of a mediator/integrator provides a homogeneous view of the data. (This is in the style of the 3-Level Architecture of Dave Maier.) This raises the issue of the choice of the data model for the mediator. This also implies that the same data will have possibly several representations (e.g., DX format at the source and object-oriented database in the database) materialized or simply virtual. This highlights the needs for mappings between these representations, translation of data/queries, propagation of updates; and of optimization techniques to support these multiple representations.

Discussion The panel generated a very lively discussion: Munindar Singh: What is the boundary between the database system (for scientific multimedia data) and application programming? The point here is to delimit what functionalities are the responsibility of the system and what should be the user’s responsibility. The panel felt that the answer depended on the particular features (concerning multimedia data) supported by the database. The responsibility of the system is clearly extended to those features. For other (perhaps important) features, the responsibility is that of the user. The panel also felt that extensibility of database operators was of key importance for extending the functionality of the database system. Rakesh Agrawal: There is no indexing technology to index all features. Domain scientists have to understand the limitations of what is available. The IBM project Qubic was described as an example, where particular care was given to relating features extracted to the general pattern matching questions asked. Jose Blakeley: Do all mapping/matching problems have the same flavor, or can they be classified in qualitatively different categories? The example of version control of structured documents was contrasted to detecting a hurricane pattern in a satellite image. The terms mapping and matching characterize two different activities, one a static organization of data and the other a more dynamic activity of detecting similarity patterns. Guido Moerkotte: What are the database language core contributions to scientific data management? The answers varied from interfaces, OQL queries, to extensible optimization. Catriel Beeri: Is there a potentially very large number of ADT’s in the area of scientific data management or not? It was felt that about 10 bulk types could account for 99% of applications. If this was so, then there would be some hope that understanding how to optimize over these bulk types would make a big difference.

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5), 1995


Data Mapping and Matching: Languages for Scientific Datasets (Panel at DBPL 95)

It was also pointed out that some important issues were not addressed by bulk type technology, e.g., similarity queries. Limsoon Wong: Feedback and progressive refinement are standard techniques in information retrieval. How are these facilitated by database languages? The panel felt that database programming languages should be designed so that such techniques are easy and natural to use through the language. Val Tannen: Were pre-relational databases data exchange formats? Some felt that there were common aspects, although pre-relational data models were much simpler than data exchange formats. Subsequent discussion did not address the question directly. Instead it focused on whether a better understanding of data exchange formats and of the translation between them could take advantage of using “mediating” data models. The data model would serve as a reference to explain the various DX formats. There was also discussion on the relationship of SGML with various data models. The next question was posed by a member of the panel. Dave Maier: Should a “mediating” data model support 1-d arrays and multi-d arrays? This technical question illustrated a basic limitation of relational technology (with its emphasis on sets) to provide the mediating model between data exchange formats. Arrays would be critical when considering languages to specify transformations between DX formats. If we think of the various features found in DX formats as integrity constraints. Then the choice of a “mediating” data model amounts to the selection of hard-coded integrity constraints. Now, it is not clear how much semantics should be included into the model. What would be left out would be left to the responsibility of the applications. This brought the discussion back full circle to where the “mediating” data model would draw the line between database system support and application programming.

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5), 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas Jan Hidders

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas Jan Hidders Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science Eindhoven University of Technology PO box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract In this paper we investigate union-types in object oriented IQL-like schemas. These types can be used to model null values, variant types and generalization classes. They make, however, deciding equivalence and subtyping more difficult. We will show that the complexity of these two problems is co-NP-complete and present complete sets of rules for deciding both problems. The combination of union-types and multiple inheritance makes it also harder to detect typing-conflicts in a schema. We will give an algorithm for deciding this and discuss its complexity. Furthermore, we will present an algorithm for detecting schemas that define types with a bounded number of values. Finally, an algorithm will be presented that verifies whether in a schema the type of a subclass specifies options that are forbidden by its superclasses.

1 Introduction The introduction of union-types in object-oriented schemas makes them more expressive. Usually, however, they are limited to disjoint unions [9] or labeled unions such as variant records [7]. Because of this limitation the reasoning about these types remains simple [6, 13]. We argue that general union-types such as used in [10, 2, 5] are a useful extension and even arise naturally in data models without union-types. We can use them, for instance, to model optional integer fields by specifying their type as (null _ int) where null is a special basic type with only one value viz. null. Moreover, we could define several kinds of nulls and let the type be (nullunkn _ nullundef _ int). If an object has two fields that are both optional we might want to specify that one of them has to be defined but not both. This can be done by giving the object’s class the tuple-type ([a : int; b : null] _ [a : null; b : str])1 . This is an example of how in general it is possible to represent variant records. In data models that do not have union-types such as in [1] they arise naturally in the context of multiple inheritance. They can, for instance, be used to denote generalization classes without explicitly adding them to the schema. This can be demonstrated by the schema depicted in Figure 1. Here we see the two classes Angler and Sea Fisherman both with the field catch which is, respectively, a set of Fish and a set of Sea Animals. Since Sea Angler is a subclass of Angler and Sea Fisherman it inherits the field catch that must be both a set of Fish and a set of Sea Animals. The type of the catch of a Sea Angler is a set of (Mackerel _ Tuna), or with intersection-types as a set of (Fish ^ Sea Animal) which is actually the same type. Without union-types or intersection-types this type cannot be denoted unless an extra class Sea Fish is added that is the generalization of Mackerel and Tuna, and a subclass of Fish and Sea Animal. Although this class might seem quite natural here, this approach can lead to the addition of more unnatural generalization classes. Although union-types give us more expressiveness they also make the reasoning about types more difficult. Different type expressions can now denote the same type. For instance, the type ([a : int] ^ ([b : fboolg] _ [b : fstrg])) is equivalent with [a : int; b : f(bool _ int)g] and in the schema of Figure 1 it holds that (Mackerel _ Fish) is equal to Fish. The same problem occurs with the rules for subtyping. Although the rules for types without union-types remain 1 It might seem more obvious to use the type ([a : int] _ [b : str]) but due to the subtyping semantics the two fields would not be mutually exclusive.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas






catch Sea-Angler













Figure 1: A schema with multiple inheritance

the same, the rules for union-types cannot be simply defined by induction on the type. For instance, it is not sufficient to check that type t1 is a subtype of type t2 or type t3 in order to see whether t1 is a subtype of (t2 _ t3 ). In this paper we present complete rules for both equivalence and subtyping, and show how they provide necessary and sufficient conditions for deciding equivalence and subtyping. This results in algorithms of which we will discuss the complexity. The presented rules are similar to those presented in [3] where it is shown how a sound and complete subtyping algorithm for union types can be obtained out of some algorithm for intersection types. An example of such an algorithm for intersection types can be found in [12]. The main difference with our work is that we do not allow general functional types but only tuple-types (which might be regarded as a very limited functional type), and that we have set-types and classes as types. The presented reasoning rules can also be used in algorithms for detecting schemas with inconsistencies and/or improbable cases. An example of an inconsistency is where the types of a class and its superclasses are not compatible. This can be checked by taking for every class the intersection of its type and the types of all the superclasses and deciding whether this type is equivalent with ; i.e. the empty type. If this holds then the schema is inconsistent and the class will always be empty. These problems were already discussed in [4, 11, 14] for the more conventional object-oriented data model. For data models with union- and intersection-types they were studied in [5]. The main differences between this work and ours is that we allow types of arbitrarily nested sets and tuples but we limit the classes that an object can simultaneously belong to. Another difference is that we present algorithms for detecting schemas with improbable cases that indicate modeling errors. An example of an improbable case is a type where the value of a field can only be a bounded number of values. Let, for instance a class have two superclasses with, respectively, the types [a : (int _ null)] and [a : (str _ null)], then field a would always have the value null with objects in the subclass. Another example would be two superclasses with, respectively, the types [b : fintg] and [b : fstrg] where the value of field b would have to be of type f;g in the subclass. Note that this type is not empty but contains only one value viz. ; (the empty set). Although these cases are not strictly wrong they might indicate a modeling error and should be detected by a CASE tool. We will present an algorithm for detecting types with a bounded number of values or with fields of tuples that have only a bounded number of possible values. Finally, we will present an algorithm for checking whether the type of a subclass is a proper extension of the types of its superclasses. A type is a proper extension of another type if it does not specify options already forbidden by the other type. We say that a schema is proper iff the types specified with the classes are proper extensions of the intersection of the types of the superclasses (not including the class itself). If a schema is not proper it is likely that it 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas contains a modeling error. For instance, if the type of a superclass is [a : (int _ bool)] and the type of the subclass is [a : (str _ bool)] then the str-option in the subclass is superfluous and the schema is not proper. We will give a precise semantic definition of proper extension and provide and discuss an algorithm that decides whether a type is a proper extension of another type. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the data model and give the semantics of the types. In Section 3 we discuss the problems of deciding equality and subtyping for types. In Section 4 we present the algorithms for detecting inconsistent schemas, bounded types and non-proper schemas.

2 The Data Model The data model we use is a slight extension of the IQL data model. We will only give a brief informal description. An instance consists of a finite set O of objects, a function val that gives the value of every object in the instance and a function ext that gives the extension of every class. Every object in O must occur in the extension of at least one class. If an object occurs in the value of another object of O then it must also be in O. A value can be either a basic value, an object, a tuple or a set. Examples of basic values are integers, strings, bitmaps and the special value null. Tuples are always of the form [f1 : v1 ; : : : ; fn : vn ] with n  0, f1 ; : : : ; fn distinct field names and v1 ; : : : ; vn values. Sets are of the form fv1 ; : : : ; vm g with m  0 and v1 ; : : : ; vm distinct values. A type can be described by the following abstract syntax:

; j B j C j [f1 : T; : : : ; fn : T ] j fT g j (T _ T ) j (T ^ T ) Where ; is the empty type with no values, B is the set of basic types (such as int, str, bitmap and the special type null), C is the set of class names and f1 ; : : : ; fn with n  0 are distinct field names. Types of the form (T _ T ) and (T ^ T ) are, respectively, called union-types and intersection types. In the following we will let the variables  ,  , T


 range over types, b range over basic types, c range over class names and f ,g,h range over field names. A schema describes the structure of a database instances. It consists of a finite set C of class names, a function type that gives for every class name in C a type, and the binary relationship isa that is defined between the class names in C . If a class occurs in the type of a class in the schema then it must also be in the schema. The reflexive and transitive closure of isa is denoted as isa . We say that c1 is a direct subclass of c2 iff c1 isa c2 and that c1 is a subclass of c2 iff c1 isa c2 . Moreover, c1 is a strict subclass of c2 if c1 is a subclass of c2 but c2 is not a subclass of c1 . Since all classes

have a unique name we can safely identify classes with their names. The semantics of a type is given by the function [[]]ext such that [[ ]]ext gives the set of values that belong to the type  under the extension function ext. If a value is an element of the semantics of a type we also say that the value belongs to the type. The function is defined by induction upon the structure of the type, where [[]]B is a function that maps every basic type to a non empty countable set such that the semantics of different basic types are disjoint and [[null]]B = fnull g:


; and [[b]]ext = [[b]]B and [[c]]ext = ext(c) [[[f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fn : n ]]]ext = f [g1 : v1 ; : : : ; gm : vm ] j 8fi 9gj : fi = gj and vj 2 [[i ]]ext g [[f g]]ext = f fv1 ; : : : ; vm g j m  0; and vi 2 [[ ]]ext ; i = 1; : : : ; m g [[(1 _ 2 )]]ext = [[1 ]]ext [ [[2 ]]ext and [[(1 ^ 2 )]]ext = [[1 ]]ext \ [[2 ]]ext ;

[[ ]]ext =

We now say that an instance belongs to a schema iff 1. the values of objects in a class are of the type of that class, 2. the extension of a class must be a subset of the extension of all its direct superclasses, and 3. an object that belongs to two classes must also belong to some common subclass of these two classes. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas

Notice that condition 3 is equivalent with saying that for every object there is a unique class such that it belongs to this class and to all its superclasses and to no other class. This unique class is said to be the class of the object. It also follows immediately from condition 2 that the extension of a class is a subset of the extension of all its superclasses. A schema hC; type; isai is sound if there is not a class c in C whose extension is empty in all instances of the schema. This concludes the presentation of the data model. It must be noted here that our data model is slightly flawed because it allows values with fields which were not specified in the schema. For instance, a schema with only one class Person with type [name : str; age : int] might have an instance consisting of an object with the value [name : \Pete00 ; age : 28; sex : \male00 ]. This problem is solved in the IQL data model but leads to a more complex definition of the data model. Since it does not play any role in the rest of this paper we do not present the IQL-solution here but refer the interested reader to the IQL paper [2].

3 Equality and Subtyping In this section we will give reasoning rules for deciding subtyping and equality. We assume a fixed schema S consisting of hC; type; isai that is sound. Under this schema a type 1 is a subtype of type 2 , written as 1  2 , if it holds for all instances hO; val; exti of schema S that [[1 ]]ext  [[2 ]]ext . The types 1 and 2 are equal, written as 1  2 , if it holds for all instances hO; val; exti of schema S that [[1 ]]ext = [[2 ]]ext . It is easy to see that 1  2 iff 1  2 and 2  1 . Therefore it will be sufficient to give the reasoning rules for subtyping only. The reasoning rules we will give consist of two parts. The first part consists of rewrite rules that let us rewrite a type into a certain normal form. The second part consists of rules that determine whether two types in normal form are subtypes. We will begin with the rewrite rules that eliminate all the intersection-types within a type. The first set of these are those that are obvious from the interpretation of ;, ^ and _ as, respectively, the empty set, the intersection and the union: INT1 INT2 INT3

; ^  ) ; ( ^ ;) ; ; 1 ^ (2 _ 3 ) ; (1 ^ 2 ) _ (1 ^ 3 ) (1 _ 2 ) ^ 3 ; (1 ^ 3 ) _ (2 ^ 3 ) (

The second set of rewrite rules for intersection-types follows from the interpretation of basic types, set-types and tuple-types. Here we use the notation (1 _ : : : _ n ) and (1 ^ : : : ^ m ) for all those types that can be reduced to this by removing the brackets of, respectively, the union and the intersection-types.

b ^ b) ; b INT5 (b1 ^ b2 ) ; ; whenever b1 6= b2 INT6 (c1 ^ : : : ^ cn ) ; (c01 _ : : : _ c0k ) whenever fc01 ; : : : ; c0k g is the non empty set of maximal common subclasses of c1 ; : : : ; c2 . A class is said to be a maximal common subclass of a set of classes if it is a common subclass and INT4


every strict superclass of the class is not a common subclass.

c1 ^ c2 ) ; ; whenever c1 and c2 have no common subclass. INT8 ([f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fn : n ] ^ [g1 : 1 ; : : : ; gm : m ]) ; [h1 : 1 ; : : : ; hp : p ] where fh1 ; : : : ; hp g = ff1 ; : : : ; fn g [ fg1 ; : : : ; gm g and k = i whenever hk = fi and hk 62 fg1; : : : ; gm g, k = (i ^ j ) whenever hk = fi = gj , k = j whenever hk = gj and hk 62 ff1; : : : ; fn g. INT9 (f1 g ^ f2 g) ; f(1 ^ 2 )g INT10 ( ^  ) ; ; whenever  and  are of the form b, c, [a1 : 1 ; : : : ; an : n ] or f1 g but not both of the same INT7



5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas

Theorem 3.1 The rules INT1–INT10 will reduce any type to an equivalent type without intersection-types by applying them until no more rules apply. Proof: It is easy to verify that these rules are all sound and as long as there is an intersection-type left one of them will be applicable. Furthermore, they either remove the intersection-type entirely or push it one level down the parsing tree 2 while leaving the entire height of the parsing tree the same. It should be noted here that applying these rewrite rules may lead to an exponential growth of the size of the type. This is due to the rules INT2 and INT3 that can practically double the size of the type when applied. Even if the number of intersection-types is constant the growth may still be exponential. When the rule INT5, INT7 or INT10 can be applied there are apparently some local inconsistencies in the type. For deciding whether the type as a whole is inconsistent i.e. it is empty, we additionally need the following pair of rewrite rules: EM1 EM2

; _  ) ; ( _ ;) ;  [: : : ; fi : ;; : : :] ; ; (

Theorem 3.2 The rules INT1–INT10, EM1 and EM2 reduce a type  to ; iff   ; Proof: The only-if part follows form the soundness of the rewrite rules. The if part can be easily proved by induction upon the structure of the type using the fact that a type without intersection-types can only be empty (under a sound schema) if it is either the empty type, a tuple-type with an empty field or a union-type consisting of two empty types.


Since the rewrite rules cause an exponential blow-up of the type this algorithm for deciding emptyness is also exponential. That it will be difficult to find an algorithm that is not exponential in time follows from the following theorem. Theorem 3.3 Deciding whether a type is empty is co-NP-complete. Proof: First we show that the problem is in co-NP by demonstrating that there is an NP algorithm for deciding the inverse problem. This algorithm consists off guessing a constituent of the type that is not empty. A constituent of a type is obtained by replacing all subexpressions of the form (1 _ 2 ) not nested in a set-type with either 1 or 2 . It holds that every type is equivalent with the union of its constituents. Thus a type is not empty iff one of its constituents is not empty. We can now reduce the part of the type that is not nested in a set-type with the INT and EM rules in polynomial time because the rules INT2 and INT3 can never become applicable. Because set-types are never empty (they always contain at least the empty set) it holds that the type is now reduced to ; iff it is empty. Therefore it is decidable in polynomial time whether a constituent is empty or not. The hardness result is shown by reducing the problem of checking if a CNF formula  is unsatisfiable, known to be co-NP-complete [8]. This can be done by translating the formula  to a type that is empty iff  is not satisfiable. For every variable xi in  we choose a different field name fi . Then we transform  by to a type  by replacing every literal xi with [fi : []] and every literal :xi with [fi : f[]g]. If there is a value of type  then it defines an assignment that satisfies  by letting xi be true or false if the value of every field fi is, respectively, a tuple or a set. Conversely, we can transform any assignment that satisfies  to a value that belongs to  by letting every field fi be either the value [] or fg if xi is assigned to, respectively, true or false. Thus  is empty iff  is satisfiable. 2 The final rewrite rule splits tuple-types that have a union-type as the type of one of their fields. SP

f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fi : (i _ i0 ); : : : ; fn : n ] ; ([f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fi : i ; : : : ; fn : n ] _ [f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fi : i0 ; : : : ; fn : n ])


We say that if no one of the rules INT1–INT10, EM1, EM2 or SP applies to a type then it is in split normal form. It is easy to see that a type is in split normal form iff it contains no intersection-types, ; is not an argument of a union-type, and the type of a tuple field is neither ; nor a union-type. A type is in partial split normal form if this only holds for those parts of the type that are not nested inside a set-type. This normal form is interesting because a type in partial split normal form can not be split into two semantically strictly smaller types unless it is already a union-type. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas






8gj 9fi

[f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fn :

 v f g v f g 1




^ v

fi = gj i j n ] [g1 : 1 ; : : : ; gm : m ]






c1 isa c2 c1 c2

v  v  and  v  SR5  v  ^  v  or  v  SR8  v  _ SR3

1 ( 1


v  and  v  _ v




1 ( 1





Figure 2: Rules for the syntactical subtyping relationship. Theorem 3.4 If a type  is in partial split normal form and not a union-type then there are no two types 1 and 2 semantically strictly smaller than  such that   (1 _ 2 ). Proof: (Sketch) It can be proved with induction on the structure of the type that it can not hold that   (1 _ : : : _ n ) when 1 ; : : : ; n are all in partial split normal form, not union-types and strictly smaller than  . This proof uses the facts that there is no type of the form (1 _ : : : _ m ) that contains all values, and that for every class in the schema there is an instance where the class contains objects not in one of its subclasses. From this proof it follows that  can not be split in 1 and 2 because otherwise we could rewrite (1 _ 2 ) to a type of the form (1 _ : : : _ n ) with 1 ; : : : ; n all in partial split normal form, not union-types and strictly smaller than  . 2 Thanks to this property of types in split normal form we can now give a simple definition of the syntactical subtyping relationship v that is a binary relationship between types and defined by the rules in Figure 2. Theorem 3.5 For every type  and  with  in split normal form it holds that  v  iff    . Proof: The soundness of the rules is easily verified and holds even for types not in split normal form. The completeness is proved with induction upon the structure of  and  by showing firstly that if    then they are in the form of one of the conclusions of the rules, and secondly that in all the rules the premises are necessary conditions except for rule SR8 where the premise is only necessary if  is not a union-type and in split normal form. This last fact follows easily from Theorem 3.4. Thus the premise of SR8 is a necessary condition if SR7 is not applicable. 2 Although the rule SP is an extra source of exponential growth a type grows only single exponential when rewritten to split normal form. That it will be hard to find an algorithm for types without intersection-types that is not exponential in time is shown by the following theorem. Theorem 3.6 Deciding whether    is co-NP-complete. Proof: Hardness is easy because   ; iff   ; which was proven co-NP-hard in Theorem 3.3. We show that it is in co-NP by construction of a non-deterministic algorithm in polynomial time. The algorithm has to be both polynomial in the size of the schema and the types  and  . First it guesses a constituent and then it reduces intersection-types except those between classes and those nested in a set type. Then it applies INT6 to the largest possible intersections of classes not nested in a set-type and guesses a (sub)constituent by choosing one of the common subclasses. The now remaining intersections that are not nested in a set-type are all reducible to ;. This is because every such intersection is either between a class and another intersection or between a class and a type that is neither a class nor a union-type. Finally, empty types are removed using the EM rules. Note that    iff every one of its (sub)constituents is a subtype of  . The type  0 that is now constructed is in partial split normal form. We can now use the rules of the v-relationship to determine if this type is a subtype of  . If it is necessary for this procedure to decide whether  00 v  0 where  00 is a subexpression of  0 inside a set-type then we can repeat the same procedure for  00 . 2 Due to rule SP the algorithm even remains exponential if  does not contain any intersection-types. It can, however, be shown that even this subproblem is already intractable. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas Theorem 3.7 Deciding whether    where  and  contain no intersection types, is co-NP-hard. Proof: This is shown by reducing the problem of checking if a CNF formula  is unsatisfiable. We will construct the types  and  such that they are polynomial in the size of  and that    iff there is no assignment satisfying . For the propositional variables x1 ; : : : ; xn in the formula  we construct the types 1 ; : : : ; 2n as follows. Let g1 ; : : : ; gm be distinct field names with m = log(2n), then i = [g1 : 1 ; : : : ; gm : m ] with j = [] if the j ’th bit of the binary representation of i is 1, and j = f[]g if it is 0. Note that the semantics of all i ’s are pairwise disjoint and that their size is logarithmic in the number of variables in . The type  is constructed as follows. Assume that the formula  is of the form 1 ^ : : : ^ k . Then  = [f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fk : k ] with f1 ; : : : ; fk distinct field names and where i is obtained from i by replacing the literals xi with i and :xi with i+n . We construct  as the union of all tuple-types with exactly fields f1 ; : : : ; fk of which two fields contain i and i+n , respectively, for some xi and the other fields contain the type (1 _ : : : _ 2n ). Note that the number of such tuple-types is nk (k 1) and that the size of  is therefore polynomial in the size of . If we assume that an assignment can assign a variable to both true and false then it holds that every constituent of  corresponds with a certain assignment of the variables satisfying  and vice versa. All the constituents of  correspond with inconsistent assignments (i.e. some xi is bound to both true and false) and vice versa. So it is clear that  is a subtype of  iff all the assignments satisfying  are inconsistent. 2

4 Schema Assessment 4.1 Sound Schemas The soundness of a schema was defined as the property that no class may be empty in all instances of the schema. It is clear that this is a desirable property for a schema and that unsound schemas indicate a modeling error. Therefore a syntactical formulation of soundness is required so that it can be checked algorithmically. An example of an unsound schema is the schema hC; type; isai with:

C = fSecretary; Employeeg, type(Employee) = [name : str; address : str; birth date : int], type(Secretary) = [birth date : str], (Secretary isa Employee) Here the class Secretary is empty in every instance. This is because every secretary is also an employee and therefore the value of a secretary must be both of type [birth date : str] and [name : str; address : str; birth date : int], which is impossible. The value of an object of a certain class must always be of all the types of the superclasses (including the class itself). This is equivalent with saying that it should be of the type that is the intersection of the types of all the superclasses. This type is said to be the full type of that class. In the example above the full type of Secretary is ([birth date : str] ^ [name : str; address : str; birth date : int]). It is clear that if the full type of a class in a schema denotes the empty type then the schema is not sound. Since the reverse can also be shown to hold we obtain the following syntactical characterization of the soundness of a schema. Theorem 4.1 A schema is sound iff no full type of any class in the schema is reduced to ; by the rules INT1–INT10, EM1 and EM2. Proof: The only-if part follows from the soundness of the rules and the observation that the objects in a class must have a value that is of the full type of that class. The if-part is proved by the construction of an instance with for every class an object of that class i.e. this object belongs only to this class and its superclasses. In such an instance a type within the schema not reduced to ; by the rules 1–12 has a non-empty semantics. Therefore we can choose a value for 2 every object in every class since the semantics of the full types is not empty. Since our algorithm for deciding emptyness is exponential in time this will also hold for the algorithm deciding soundness. This remains even true if the types in the schema do not contain intersection-types and the number of classes 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas

remains constant. It is, however, also easy to see how the proof of Theorem 3.3 might be adapted to prove that checking soundness is co-NP-hard. If there are no union-types in the schema then the algorithm is polynomial. This special case was already mentioned in [5] as solvable in polynomial time. On the other hand it is easy to see that deciding soundness is NP-complete because deciding emptyness of types is already co-NP-complete. It is interesting to compare our work with that in [5] where soundness is stated to be EXPTIME-hard for a different kind of data model. The main difference between our and their data model is that they allow objects to belong arbitrarily to several classes at once. Furthermore, they limit the types of classes to the form [f1 : f1 g; : : : ; fn : fn g] with i being a type formed of union-types, intersection-types, negation-types and classes. Negation-types are written as : and contain all the objects that are not of type  . Also it is possible to specify a type such as i above as the superclass of a class. Finally, they allow to- and from-cardinalities to be specified with every field. We conjecture that the fact that objects can simultaneously belong to any set of classes explains the main difference in complexity. If we limit the types in our data model in the same way but maintain that objects can only belong to several classes if they belong to some common subclass, the soundness becomes decidable in polynomial time. This follows from the fact that the emptyness of types consisting of union-types, intersection-types and classes can be decided in polynomial time by checking if there is some class that is a subtype of this type. If there is not such a class then the type is empty. Note that we did not add negation-types to our data model in this case. If we also want objects to be able to belong simultaneously to an arbitrary set of classes then we can simulate this by extending the schema with a class for every subset of the classes in the schema. Evidently this would cause the schema to grow exponentially.

4.2 Schemas with Bounded Types In the previous section we presented an algorithm for detecting typing conflicts between subclasses and superclasses or between common superclasses. Sometimes, however, typing conflicts do not render the full type of a class completely empty. An example would be a class with two superclasses having, respectively, the types [a : (int _ null) and [a : (string _ null)]. The full type of the class would then reduce to [a : null] and not be empty although we might speak of a design error. Another example is where the two superclasses have the types [a : fintg] and [a : fstringg]. Then the full type would reduce to [a : f;g] which is also not empty ([[[a : f;g]]]ext = f[a : ;]g) but nevertheless might indicate a design error. Finally, if the two superclasses have the types ffintgg and ffstringgg then the full type would reduce to ff;gg. This type contains even two values (f;g and ;) but still might indicate a design error. These examples demonstrate that when the full type or a field within the type is bounded i.e. has only a bounded number of values, then this might indicate a modeling error. Therefore we present an algorithm that determines the potential2 cardinality of a type. This algorithm can also be used to check whether certain fields of tuples (as opposed to the complete type) are bounded. How this is done will be indicated later. First we reduce the full type with the rules INT1–INT10 so it contains no more intersection-types. Then we determine its cardinality with the function de such that d e gives the maximum cardinality of [[ ]]ext . If there is no maximum cardinality then the result is defined as 1. The function is defined by the following equations: BT1 BT2 BT3 BT4 BT5 BT6

d;e = 0 , dbe = 1 if b = null and dbe = 1 otherwise, dce = 1 d[f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fn : n ]e = d1 e  : : :  dn e where 1  x = x  1 = 1 df ge = 2d e where 21 = 1 d(1 _ 2 )e = d1 e + d2 e d3 e where 3 is (1 ^ 2 ) reduced by rules INT1–INT10, and 1 + x = x + 1 = 1 x=1

2 We can determine only the potential cardinality since it may depend upon the particular extension function how many objects of a certain class there are.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas

It is easy to see that this algorithm can become already exponential in its first step where the intersection-types are reduced. This is then even worsened by rule BT6. If, however, we only need to know whether the type is bounded then this rule can be simplified by omitting d3 e and the total algorithm becomes single exponential. Theorem 4.2 Deciding boundedness is co-NP-complete. Proof: The hardness follows easy from Theorem 3.3 since the type [a : int; b :  ] is bounded iff  is empty. We show that it is in co-NP by construction of a non-deterministic algorithm in polynomial time deciding the inverse problem, i.e., unboundedness. The algorithm has to be both polynomial in the size of the schema and the type. First it guesses a constituent and then it reduces intersection-types except those between classes and those nested in a set type. Then it applies INT6 to the largest possible intersections of classes not nested in a set-type and guesses a (sub)constituent by choosing one of the common subclasses. The now remaining intersections that are not nested in a set-type are all reducible to ;. This is because every such intersection is either between a class and another intersection or between a class and a type that is neither a class nor a union-type. Finally, empty types are removed using the EM rules. Note that  is unbounded iff one of its (sub)constituents unbounded. For deciding the boundedness of the obtained constituent we can now use rule BT5 and apply the same procedure recursively to the parts nested within set-types. 2 If the original type does not contain any union-types then the first step will also be polynomial and therefore also the total algorithm. If the original contains no intersection-types then it is easy to see that deciding boundedness is also polynomial since the first step will do nothing. Instead of checking whether a whole type is bounded we also would like to check whether there are any fields in the type that are bounded. An obvious way to do this would be checking all the fields of the subexpressions that are tupletypes. This, however is too crude since the type ([a : null; b : int] _ [a : int; b : null]) would then be considered suspect while it does not really limit the value of either field a or b to a bounded number of values. Therefore we limit this approach to fields of tuple-types that are not arguments of union types. The tuple-types that are arguments of union-types are treated in the following way. For every field name f we look for the maximal subexpression of the form ([: : : f : 1 : : :] _ : : : _ [: : : f : n : : :]) and determine whether (1 _ : : : _ n ) is bounded. In the example above this would amount to checking for field a whether d(null _ int)e = 1 and for field b whether d(int _ null)e = 1.

4.3 Types with Redundant Options The purpose of the type that is specified with a class in a schema is to give the specialization of the types of the superclasses. This type should ideally give only the extra restrictions to those that are already stated by the types of the superclasses. Moreover, it should not specify options that are already forbidden by these types. For instance, if the type of a superclass is [a : (int _ bool)] and the type of the subclass is [a : (str _ bool)] then the bool-option in the subclass is superfluous and indicates a modeling error. A more complicated example would be the schema hC; type; isai with:

C = fFlight; International Flightg, type(Flight) = [ load : (fPersong _ fGoods)g] type(International Flight) = [ load : f(Person _ Goods)g; int flight nr : str] (International Flight isa Flight) The type of International Flight allows the load to be a mixture of persons and goods. The type of superclass Flight, however, allows only loads that consist either of only persons or only goods. The type of the field in


the subclass may therefore be considered somewhat misleading; it seems to imply that international flights can carry mixed loads. It would have been better if the field load was not specified in the type of International Flight at all. Informally, we would like it to hold for the type of a class that all the values of that type that have only the specified fields can be extended to a value that belongs to the types of the superclass by only adding extra fields. This constraint captures the intuition that if a certain type is specied for a certain field then that field should be able to become all the values of that type and not just a smaller subset. It is clear that the example above does not fulfill the condition because 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas






8gj ; fi


[f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fn :

1  2

f g  f g 1




fi = gj i  j n ]  [g1 : 1 ; : : : ; gm : m ] PR7



1   and 2   (1 2 )  



c1 isa c2 c1  c2

 1 and   2   (1 ^ 2 ) 

 1 or   2  (1 _ 2 )

Figure 3: Rules for the syntactical proper extension relationship. the value [load : fperson1253 ; mail bag15 g; int flight nr : \KL 38400] does not belong to the type of Flight. If a schema does fulfill this condition then we say it is a proper schema. Notice that the fact that we only consider specified fields is important because otherwise the constraint would amount to demanding that the type of a class is a subtype of the types of the superclasses. This would make it necessary for the modeler to specify explicitly the full type with every class. Before we proceed with the formal definition of a proper schema we will formally define what it means for a value to be of a certain type and have only the specified fields. The set of these values is called the minimal semantics of a type and is given by the function [[]]ext which is defined by the same rules as [[]]ext (with [[]]ext replaced by [[]]ext ) except for tuple-types and intersection-types:

 [[[f1 : 1 ; : : : ; fn : n ]]]ext = f [f1 : v1 ; : : : ; fn : vn ] j 8fi : vj 2 [[i ]]ext g  [[(1 ^ 2 )]]ext = [[]]ext where  is (1 ^ 2 ) reduced by rules INT1–INT10. If a value is in the minimal semantics of a type we say that it is a minimal value of that type. It is easy to see that it holds for every type  that [[ ]]ext  [[ ]]ext . Notice also that every value in [[ ]]ext can be trimmed down to a value in [[ ]]ext by omitting fields. We now define a proper schema as a schema for which it holds for every class that all the minimal values of the type of that class can be extended to a value that is of all the types of the superclasses by only adding extra fields. On the level of individual types we say that type  is a proper extension of type  , written as    , if all the minimal values of  can be extended to a value of  by adding extra fields. It may be clear that a value can be extended to a value that is of the types 1 ; : : : ; k iff it can be extended to a value of the type (1 _ : : : _ k ). Therefore a schema is proper iff it holds for all classes with type  and 1 ; : : : ; k as the types of the superclasses (not including the type of the class itself) that   (1 _ : : : _ k ). Deciding whether it holds that    can be done by reducing  to split normal form with rules INT1–INT10, EM1, EM2 and SP and then using the binary relationship  between types defined by the rules in Figure 3. Theorem 4.3 For every type  and  with  in split normal form in this schema in split normal form it holds that    iff    . Proof: The soundness of the rules is easily verified and holds even for types not in split normal form. The completeness is proved by showing firstly that if    then they are in the form of one of the conclusions of the rules, and secondly that in all the rules the conditions are necessary conditions except for rule PR8 where the condition is only necessary if  is not a union-type and in split normal form. Note that if none of the rule PR7 is applicable then the left type is not a union-type. 2 The complexity of this algorithm is similar to the one we introduced for deciding subtyping. Furthermore, the problem can in mostly the same way as for subtyping be proved to be co-NP-complete. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas

5 Conclusions We have discussed the problems of reasoning about equality and subtyping in IQL-like schemas containing union-types and intersection-types. It was shown that these problems are co-NP-complete but that there are relatively simple sets of rules that can be used to decide them. The presented rules are similar to those presented in [3] where it is shown how a sound and complete subtyping algorithm for union types can be obtained out of some algorithm for intersection types. The main differences with our work is that we do not allow general functional types but only tuple-types and that we have set-types and classes as types. We used these rules to detect inconsistent schemas and showed that this problem is also co-NP-complete. These results are comparable to those in [5] where the same problem was studied for schemas that allowed objects to belong simultaneously to an arbitrary set of classes but limited their values to relatively simple tuples. Finally, we also have used the reasoning rules as a starting point for algorithms detecting situations in schemas that might indicate a modeling error. Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Jan Paredaens for encouraging me to write this paper and helping me writing it. Furthermore, I would like to thank Val Tannen and Peter Buneman for pointing me to related work and, finally, the anonymous referees for their helpful remarks which helped me to improve this paper.

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Union-Types in Object-Oriented Schemas

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5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism Richard Connor, Dharini Balasubramaniam and Ron Morrison

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Investigating Extension Polymorphism Richard Connor, Dharini Balasubramaniam and Ron Morrison School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St Andews, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland KY16 9SS

Abstract This paper examines a polymorphism mechanism which allows abstraction over evolving types. Although inclusion polymorphism is often quoted as being such a mechanism, this holds only for record types, for which constructor the inclusion relation matches the way types evolve in a long-lived system. This paper formalises the idea of evolution in the type space by the notion of extension, based upon both intuition and observation of evolving systems in a persistent programming environment. Extension is proposed as a type abstraction mechanism to allow smooth evolution in statically typed systems, and programming language mechanisms are introduced which maintain soundness and static checking in the presence of this abstraction. Extension over some function types is related to the concept of type matching, but a more general treatment is given as our interest is in extension over the whole type system.



The major perceived uses of inclusion polymorphism in DBPLs are system evolution and simple polymorphism within programs. In the first instance this is because the extension of record types, by the addition of fields or the refinement of existing fields, is observed to be a common pattern of evolution. This activity of extension also corresponds to the notion of type inclusion. However the overloaded use of inclusion to encompass the refinement of type definitions has not always been well understood and the concepts of inclusion and extension, often in the joint guise of various forms of inheritance, have sometimes been confused. This confusion can lead to unsound or at best dynamically checked languages. In this paper a new and more cautious approach to the problem of system evolution is introduced. Instead of attempting to adapt a subtyping mechanism to allow evolution, we investigate from first principles the way in which type definitions are typically changed by programmers in an evolving system. This is based mainly on experience in observing the evolution of applications in persistent programming languages [1, 2]. The most common evolutionary paradigm we define as extension, which is best summarised as the process of refining type definitions to form a more accurate model of the real system. The notion is formalised by the definition of an extension relation. The underlying hypothesis is that, by providing mechanisms which allow polymorphism over this relation, programmers may write code which will continue to be correctly (soundly and statically) typed as the types of the data over which it operates evolve. This paper reflects the first step in an experiment of providing explicit language-level support for type evolution. The full experiment is designed to be structured in four main phases: 1. Define a formal model of common evolutionary activity 2. Derive appropriate language mechanisms 3. Implement such mechanisms, and provide them to users 4. Observe the reactive patterns of evolution, and iterate until stable The investigation is currently positioned somewhere between the second and third phases of the first iteration. A set of mechanisms which preserve sound and static typing over extended types has been identified, and the mechanisms are described here. It is not yet clear how expressive they are, but as they allow at least some useful activity they are considered worthy of further investigation. In particular, they do not disallow any other polymorphism mechanism from co-existing in the same language, and so can only help in the quest for mechanisms to allow painless evolution in database programming languages. It should perhaps be stressed that the investigation so far is confined to that of typing mechanisms that support the evolution process, and has not reached the stage of developing programming methodologies. Much of the code introduced as example appears baroque in structure; however it is important to first establish sound mechanism before programmer interfaces are considered. This work was in progress at the same time as some of the more recent work on type matching, notably that by Cardelli and Bruce [3-5]. Type matching and extension share much common motivation: the motivation of matching is to provide sound typings for certain patterns of inheritance within recursive object types, and these patterns closely correspond to those of extension. However our requirement is more general, and we develop 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995 1

Investigating Extension Polymorphism extension over a whole type system. The matching systems of Cardelli and Bruce are outlined in a later section on related work.


The Evolution of Types

In this section the patterns for evolution are introduced for each constructor; these patterns are formalised by the extension relation defined in the following section. For each of the major type constructors we examine the pragmatics of their evolution based upon the experience of building evolving applications in a persistent programming environment [6, 7]. To keep the discussion simple at this point we examine a core language with no other polymorphism mechanisms, and therefore consider only records, variants, locations and procedures. One point which should be made is that mutability, for the moment, is explicitly modelled in the type system. That is, an updatable location containing a value of type A is typed as loc(A), rather than as A.



Record type evolution is possibly the most commonly investigated, and patterns of record type evolution are relatively well established. Record types typically evolve by the addition of fields, or by the refinement of existing fields. Thus the type Person defined below as a record of a name of type string and an address of type Address type Address is { street : string } type Person is { name : string; address : Address }

might evolve through refinement of the data model to, for example type Person2a is { name : string; address : Address; age : int }

or, by refinement of the definition of Address, to type Address2 is { street : string; number : int } type Person2b is { name : string; address : Address2 }

since Address2 is an evolutionary refinement of Address. If record types are the only types considered then evolutionary refinement is contained within the inclusion relation over types. Subtyping is often exemplified by record type subtyping; perhaps this is partly why the different concepts of system evolution (often encompassed in definitions of inheritence) and subtyping have sometimes been confused.

2.2. Variants In practice, variant types have been observed to evolve in the same way as record types; that is, as the data model becomes more refined, variants tend to grow more branches. Again, the refinement can take place in two different ways; by the addition of a branch, or by the refinement of the type of one of the branches. For example, type Herbivore is ... type Competitor is [ horse : Herbivore; rider : Person ]

might evolve to type Competitor2a is [ horse, pony : Herbivore; rider : Person ]

or, by refinement of the type of rider, type Competitor2b is [ horse : Herbivore; rider : Person2a ]

Evolutionary refinement over variant types is partly at odds with the usual intuition of inclusion, where Competitor2a would be a supertype of Competitor. Notice however that Competitor2b would indeed be a subtype of Competitor, so when a variant type is evolved by refinement of one of its branches, rather than by the addition of a new branch, the extension and inclusion relations may coincide.

2.3. Locations Locations may or may not be typed explicity within a type system. Here we deal with typed locations, which is the more general case. The type of a location in an evolving data model is simply a recursive application of the evolution relation to the type of the value contained within the location. Thus, for example

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism type AddressContainer is loc( Address )

may be refined by evolution to type AddressContainer2 is loc( Address2 )

A further pattern of evolution which is frequently observed is for a component type which is not originally defined as updateable to become so. Thus, for example, type AddressRecord is { address : Address }

may be refined to type AddressRecord2 is { address : loc( Address ) }

These definitions of extension do not imply inclusion, although the fact that this discovery had been remade a number of times in the literature [8-10] shows that it may comprise a non-trivial departure from intuition. Acceptable rules for inclusion over typed locations are trivial subtyping only (loc (A) ≤ loc (A)) in a language where locations are dereferenced by an explicit operation (e.g. Galileo [11]), which may be augmented by loc (A) ≤ A if location dereference is implicit (e.g. Quest [12]). Any more liberal subtype relation than this may lead to a loss of soundness unless the language algebra is changed to deal with it, which will lead to the loss of decidable static typechecking [13].

2.4. Procedures The observation of evolving systems shows that procedure types evolve by the process of evolution of their parameter and result types. Thus the type type GetAddrProc is proc( Person → Address )

has the following among its extended forms: type GetAddrProc2a is proc( Person → Address2 ) type GetAddrProc2b is proc( Person2a → Address ) type GetAddrProc2c is proc( Person2a → Address2 )

It is thus seen that extension coincides with the concept of “covariant subtyping”. This term is used to describe inheritance between object classes where the types of method parameters become more specialised, this being contrary to the inclusion relation over functions [14]. The example often quoted is to do with cows, herbivores, plants, and grass. One motivation for inheritance is exactly the same as our motivation for evolution: the ability to refine definitions. However the notion of inheritance is also normally linked with inclusion polymorphism. If types other than records are abstracted over, the same mechanisms are not strictly applicable to both concepts. If the notion of inheritance is allowed to correspond to that of specialisation, then the type of Cow in the following example may be inherited from the type of Herbivore: type Plant is { rootDepth : real } type Grass is { rootDepth, yield : real } type Herbivore is { colour : string; eat : proc( Plant ) } type Cow is { colour : string ; milkYield : real; eat : proc( Grass ) }

This gives a problem with static typechecking, in that a value denoted as a Herbivore may not necessarily be provided with any Plant parameter to eat, as the actual herbivore may be a Cow. In this case the eat method may require to access the yield field of its Plant parameter, which it will only have if it happens to be Grass. Thus dynamic checking may be required to ensure soundness. Languages such as Eiffel [15] use this definition of inheritance; whilst Eiffel still allows subsumption among values of such classes static typechecking in general is lost, and Eiffel compilers may require to plant dynamic checks in some programs. However, the common opinion amongst Eiffel users seems to be that this is not problematic, such programs being rare, and the language is often quoted as being statically typed. A similar language, Sather [16], defines separate inclusion and inheritance hierarchies. The mechanism of type matching, discussed in a later section, is another mechanism used to address this problem.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism


Extension definition

Based on the intuitions in the previous section, the extension relation may now be defined. The relation is denoted by the symbol “←”, the notation A ← B may be read as “A is extended from B”, meaning A may be formed, by extension, from B.



For any type t, we define t ← t. In fact the relation turns out also to be transitive and anti-symmetric, making it a partial ordering as might be expected.



{l 1 : t 1 , ... , ln : t n } ← {l’1 : t’1 , ... , l’m : t’m} iff m ≤ n and, for i in 1..m, li = l’i , and ti ← t’i



[l1 : t 1 , ... , ln : t n ] ← [l’1 : t’1 , ... , l’m : t’m] iff m ≤ n and, for i in 1..m, li = l’i , and ti ← t’i



loc (p) ← loc (p’) iff p ← p’ loc(p) ← p



proc (p → q) ← proc (p’ → q’) iff p ← p’ and q ← q’


Polymorphism Mechanisms

In this section the polymorphism mechanisms which allow static typing over extended forms of types are introduced. To keep the discussion simple, a language with no other polymorphism mechanism is considered. However there is no reason, as we will justify later, why the mechanisms described here could not coexist with others. In particular, an interesting possibility is for a language which has both extension and inclusion; there are some interesting interactions between these mechanisms, as will be outlined later. We first introduce typings for extension types. To obtain polymorphism, it is necessary to introduce a mechanism which can cause expressions to be typed as “some type that is extended from T”, where T is an arbitrary type in the language. The most obvious way to achieve this is to introduce ← as an explicit type constructor, allowing the syntactic form ←T to signify extension. However, this introduces problems with static typing as the judgements e1 : ←T and e2 : ←T do not signify that e1 and e2 are semantically compatible. To overcome this we introduce an algebra which is precisely typed except where type is explicitly abstracted. The major new typing to be introduced is based on the notion of an extension type variable. As well as the usual type and value environments, we introduce a third environment for these variables. This environment contains judgements of the form t ← T, where t is any identifier and T stands for any type, including types composed from other extension type variables. Extension type judgements are restricted to the form e : t, where t is a member of the extension variable environment, and two such expressions are deemed to be type equivalent if and only if they share the same type variable. The type rules given in the rest of this section explicitly show these three environments. For example the following shows the rule for standard procedure typing. In this example, τ stands for the environment of type variables, ϖ for the environment of expression variables, and ε for the environment of extension variables. τ, ϖ;x:t1, ε ∫ e : t2 τ, ϖ, ε ∫ proc( x : t1 → t2 ) ; e : proc( t1 → t2 )

There are two ways of introducing extension type variables: explicitly, through the use of a form of bounded universal quantification, and implicitly, through the application of operations to expressions already typed as 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism extension variables. The former is introduced as a new language construct, and the variables are introduced explicitly by the programmer; in the latter the variables are not explicit in the program text, and are introduced implicitly by the typechecker.


Explicit extension variable introduction

Extension type variables may be introduced by a form of bounded universal quantification, based on the extension abstraction rather than on inclusion. Such forms appear in the language as, for example, proc[ t ← X ]( x : t → t ) ; ...

It is worth restating that this type abstraction does not imply inclusion, unlike the similar syntactic form used for traditional bounded universal quantification. The abstraction does not therefore imply that the value denoted by x in the procedure body has all of the operations defined on X available; it has only those which are defined on any type which may be derived from X by extension. Operations available on denotations typed as extension variables will be explained later; in the meantime it should be noted that typing of the procedure bodies is very much more restrictive than for bounded universal quantification based upon inclusion. The type rule corresponding to the introduction of a quantified procedure shows how the extension type environment is explicitly enriched, with the type of the procedure body being checked in the context of an extension type variable introduction: τ, ϖ;x:t1, ε;t←T ∫ e : t2 τ, ϖ, ε ∫ proc[ t ← T ]( x : t1 → t2 ) ; e : proc[ t ← T ]( t1 → t2 )

Notice that the ordering of the three typechecking environments is not significant here: for example, the types t1 and t2 may involve instances of the extension variable t.


Implicit extension variable introduction

The full range of operations available over denotations typed as extension variables will be described later. For now we demonstrate the implicit variable introduction by means of an example based on a record type extension. As record types may be extended only by the addition of more fields, or the refinement of existing ones, the same dereference operations may be applied to extensions as may be applied to the base type. Therefore the following code should be well typed: type Address is { street : string } type Person is { name : string ; address : Address } let derefAddr = proc[ t ← Person ]( p : t ) begin let x = p.address end

The reason for implicit variable introduction is explained by considering the type of the new variable x. The structure of the extension relation means that the type is not Address, but may in fact be any type which is extended from Address. This is captured by the introduction by the typechecker of a new variable to the extension environment. The essence of this is shown by the following type rule: τ, ϖ, ε;t←{ ..., l : T, ... } ∫ X : t τ, ϖ, ε;t←{ ..., l : T, ... };$new←T ∫ X.l : $new

In fact the identifier generated by the typechecker captures the derivation of the new identifier also, so that other static instances of dereferences in the same scope will be type compatible. Thus the actual string generated within the typechecker will appear something like $t_l, signifying that the new type variable has been implicitly created by the dereference of the l field of a denotation typed as the extension type variable t. As any denotation typed as an extension has available a statically known, finite set of operations, the new identifiers may be safely generated without ambiguity. The use of the $ symbol simply ensures a distinction between implicitly and explicitly generated variables. This mechanism allows the correct typing of, for example, the following program:

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism type Address is { street : string } type Person is { name : string ; address : loc( Address ) ) let shareAddr = proc[ t ← Person ]( p,q : t ) begin p.address := q.address end

We introduce one further set of rules to increase the correct typings available over implicitly introduced quantifier variables. As currently defined, there is no typing for the following program: type Address is { street : string } type Person is { name : string ; address : Address } let getName = proc[ t ← Person ]( p : t → string ) begin end

The program is semantically well-defined as, by inspection of the extension relation, the type string has no proper extensions defined; therefore any type extended from string (the derived type of the procedure body) must in fact be equal to string. For each type with this property we introduce a rule which effectively allows coercion from the extension variable to the type itself, for example: τ, ϖ, ε;t←string ∫ e : t τ, ϖ, ε ∫ e : string

An important instance of this rule occurs over extension variables themselves: τ, ϖ, ε;s←t;t←T ∫ e : s τ, ϖ, ε;t←T ∫ e : t

This rule allows the useful introduction related quantifier varaibles, such as: type Address is { street : string } let getAddr = proc[ s ← Address, t ← { address : s } ]( pers : t ; addr : s → s ) if addr = pers.address then addr else pers.address

To type this procedure it is necessary to ascertain that the type of pers.address is equal to s. We are given pers : t, with t ← { address : s }; from the type rule for structure dereference over extension types, pers.address is typed as some fresh variable new, after new ← s is placed in the extension environment. The last rule given then allows the retyping of pers.address as s, and so the whole procedure can be usefully typed. We now examine how these mechanisms may be used with respect to the other basic type constructors of the language. For each type constructor, we examine the operations allowed upon the abstracted form, depending upon its bound.



As already discussed, the extension and inclusion relations are the same for record values, and all the operations available on the bound are therefore available on the abstraction. Normal record subtyping may therefore be achieved in almost exactly the same manner as with bounded universal quantification. Thus for example a procedure to dereference the age field of a value of any type extended from Person could be let getName = proc[ t ← Person ]( p : t → string );

We can also write a procedure to dereference the address field of a person, typed as follows: let getAddress = proc[ s ← Address, t ← { address : s } ]( p : t → s ) p.address

This procedure is applicable to any type which extends from person, including where the address field is typed as a location; notice that the precise result type may be deduced from the calling context.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism



An abstracted variant type may belong to any branch of the bounding type, but also any other branch of the extended type, which is not known statically. A straightforward solution to this is to restrict the use of abstracted variant values to within a multi-branch case project statement, which is terminated by a default case. project X as a : ... b : ... default : ...

Based on experience in Napier88 [17] this is how variants are used in an evolving system. In most cases semantic knowledge of the variant value ensures that the default branch does not get executed even when the variant type is not abstracted over. The only pragmatic difference between the methodology proposed here and that currently used is that procedure written with the extension polymorphism in mind would not have to be recompiled in the context of the changed type definitions. The type of the projected variant is treated in the same way as the result of a structure dereference operation, again due to the structure of the extension relation.



Updates to locations may only be allowed when the right and left hand sides of the assignment statement may be statically deduced to be the same type. The result of dereferencing an abstracted location is given as follows (where ! is used to denote the dereference operation, which may be implicit or explicit in the language) τ, ϖ, ε;t←loc( T ) ∫ e : t τ, ϖ, ε;$_t_deref←T ∫ !e : $_t_deref

Notice again how the mechanical creation of implicit extension variable identifiers allows type equivalence to be deduced with different static instances of dereference.


Procedures proc[ t ← proc(X → Y) ]( x : t ) ; ...

The value x in this context cannot in general be applied! The only operation on the procedure is application; all that is known about its parameter type is that it is extended from X. The only context in which the procedure could therefore safely be applied is when there are no extensions of X, for example if X is a base type, in which case the form of the quantified procedure is not particularly useful. Extended procedure types may be useful when related quantifiers are used, as in the following example: let eatIt = proc[ herb ← { eat : proc( p ) }, p ← plant ]( h : herb; veg : p ) (veg)

which may be applied as eatIt[ Herbivore, Plant ]( aHerbivore, aPlant ) eatIt[ Cow, Grass ]( aCow, aBitOfGrass )

! or !, but not

eatIt[ Cow, Plant ]( aCow, aPlant )

Notice that eatIt can’t be applied to aHerbivore and aBitOfGrass either, although this would be semantically correct; to achieve this the type of the field eat has to be defined as a quantified procedure itself.


Quantified procedures

Having introduced a new type constructor, the quantified procedure, it is necessary to revisit the definition of the extension relation. A new rule is introduced: proc[ t ← X ]( p → q ) ← proc[ t ← Y ]( p’ → q’ ) iff X ← Y, p ← p’ and q ← q’ It appears at this point that the only useful abstraction by extension over these forms is through related quantifiers as above, although this is a matter for further investigation. The rule for application of quantified procedures is as follows:

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism τ, ϖ, ε ∫ e1 : proc[ t ← T ]( t1 → t2 ) τ;t:Tapp, ϖ, ε ∫ e2 : t1 τ;t:Tapp, ϖ, ε ∫ e1[ Tapp ]( e2 ) : t2

τ, ε ∫ Tapp ← T

Notice that the application is only well typed if the actual parameter is typed as the formal parameter with instances of the extension type variable consistently substituted by the specialisation type, rather than by some abstraction of the specialisation type. This is of particular importance with respect to the typing of applications of procedures with related quantifiers; notice, for example, the consequence on typing the following procedure applications: type type type type

address1 is { street : string } address2 is { street : string; number : int } person1 is { name : string; addr : loc( address1 ) } person2 is { name : string; addr : loc( address2 ) }

let aProc = proc[ s ← address1, t ← { addr : loc( s ) } ]( a : t ; b : s → t ) ; ... let a = aProc[ address1, person1 ]( anAddress1, aPerson1 ) !* correctly typed let a = aProc[ address2, person2 ]( anAddress2, aPerson2 ) !* correctly typed let b = aProc[ address1, person2 ]( anAddress1, aPerson2 ) !* incorrect


Soundness and Decidability

We have sketched a proof of soundness for the system described, based upon the set of type rules from which the examples given in this paper are taken. We assume soundness for the core language without extension, and use the following observations to guide the proof through the added rules: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

the explicit introduction of extension type variables (through bounded quantification forms) is matched exactly in the type rules the rules which allow the application of inbuilt operations to denotations typed as extension variables are based on the structure of the extension relation, therefore it is easy to prove that these applications have welldefined meanings the result of applying these inbuilt operations are themselves typed as extension variables; again case analysis over the operations and the structure of the extension relation shows the validity of this the implicit variable name introduction is justified by the uniqueness of generated names within a context, shown by considering all valid operations for each type constructor the promotion of an extension type to a real one, where the real one has no proper extensions, is clear; that a particular type has this property is justified by the structure of the extension relation the application rule for quantified procedures simply ties together the typing of the procedure operand and result types

Therefore soundness is a relatively clear property of the system. We conjecture that the type judgements made by the system are relatively clear to programmers, even although the full set of type rules is perhaps rather complex. Although the investigation so far has been in the context of a language without any other form of polymorphism, it is believed that the explicit nature of type abstraction in the system prevents any harmful interaction with other polymorphism mechanisms (with the exclusion of any based upon the mechanism of type inference, such as ML-style parametric polymorphism.) In particular, the operation-based justification of soundess over individual type constructors give a clear intuition that it may happily co-exist with implicit subtyping mechanisms based on inclusion. We have not addressed the problem of decidable typechecking for this system. Indeed the system of type rules we have produced is rather more complex, and less obviously suited to an algorithmic conversion, than other systems which are known to be undecidable. We have written an algorithm which has, so far, always terminated; however, we understand the dangers of relying on intuition in such cases.


Interaction with inclusion polymorphism

There are some interesting interactions between the system outlined above and one which has also inclusion polymorphism based on subsumption. To give an idea of what interactions are possible, the concepts of positive and negative types are first introduced. These describe subsets of the type space which have the following properties: positive = {A ∈ Type | X ← A implies X ≤ A} (where ≤ is the subtype relation) negative = {A ∈ Type | X ← A implies A ≤ X} 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Investigating Extension Polymorphism For example, type Elephant is { a : int; b : { c : bool ; d : real } }

is positive, as any type extended from it is also a subtype of it, and type Castle is [ a : int; b : [ c : bool ; d : real ] ]

is negative. Notice that these sets, which are not disjoint, both include many non-trivial members. It is relatively straightforward to characterise the notions of positive and negative by examination of the combination of the structures of the inclusion and extension relations over each type constructor. The result is that some statically known extension relationships may be used to imply inclusion relationships, and therefore the application of the subsumption rule. To bring the concept into the mechanism of the typechecker, we can introduce new rules into a system which already contains a subsumption rule based on the inclusion relation. The first is simple, and allows us to coerce a positive extension variable to the type it abstracts over: τ, ϖ, ε;t←T ∫ e : t T positive τ, ϖ, ε ∫ e : T

The use of negative types is rather more subtle, and is restricted to the application of procedures whose type is abstracted over by extension: τ, ϖ, ε;t←proc(S→T) ∫ e1 : t τ , ϖ, ε ∫ e2 : S τ, ϖ, ε;new←T ∫ e1( e2 ) : new

S negative

The use of these two rules in combination allows the typing of a new class of procedures; for example the following is well-typed in a system with these rules as well as subsumption: let proc[ t ← proc( Castle → Elephant ) ]( aProc : t ; c : Castle → Elephant ) aProc( c )

This part of the typechecker has not yet been implemented, and the expressive power of this combination is not yet completely clear as it becomes a substantial task to decide whether programs are well typed without some mechanical help!


Related Work

Some of the recent research on type matching in object oriented languages is strongly related to the work presented here. Although the primary concern of type matching is to do with recursive object types, the motivation for the work is the same as that behind extension polymorphism, namely the failure of subtyping to capture the refinement, by specialisation, of types. In object oriented languages, this means that type safe inheritance of binary methods by subclassing is not possible. The concept of matching was introduced to address this problem. Abadi and Cardelli present an investigation into the formal semantics of subtyping and matching in [3]. To explain matching, the notion of protocol, which characterises the interface of an object, is introduced. A protocol extension relation is then defined as vi : Bi i∈I, mj+ : Cj{Self} j∈J extends vi : Bi i∈I', mj+ : Cj'{Self} j∈J'

if Cj{Self} ]. Intuitively, evaluation of this expression yields the delta that corresponds to the execution of . The delta ∆ = Eval [[[<  >]]](PS; DB ) (the deltaog associated with [<  >] in state (PS; DB )) is trace(; PS; DB ) and has the property that apply(DB; ∆) = Edb [[]](PS; DB ). This means that the result of applying the delta ∆ to DB is the same as the result of executing the expression  on (PS; DB ). Apply: If  is a delta expression, then the statement apply  has the effect of first evaluating  , and then applying it to the database state. Hypothetical Application: Hypothetical access to a delta is obtained using the when operator. Speaking loosely, if  is a delta expression and an arbitrary side-effect free expression, then evaluating when  in (PS; DB ) yields the value that would be obtained if were evaluated against the database state4 apply(DB; Eval [[ ]](PS; DB )), i.e., against the state obtained by applying  to the current state. The primary use of when is for hypothetical evaluation of side-effect free expressions. If the expression in when  has side effects on the database, these side effects will not be realized outside of the context of the expression.

4 Pairs of Delta Expressions that are Semantically Conflict Free This section attempts to lay out a general, semantically-based framework for understanding when proposed updates are conflict free. The following section discusses how delta values can be used to approximate this. The very notion of ‘conflict’ is quite controversial – exactly what should we take as the definition of conflict between proposed updates? Because the notion of conflict is highly dependent on the underlying application, almost any general definition we choose will be an approximation of the “true” notion of conflict. In this section we propose a formal, semantically-based notion of “conflict free” that focuses on the actual code used to define the proposed updates, and which is independent of particular application domains. More specifically, this notion examines the values read by the expressions specifying proposed updates and the values actually changed by them. Although this notion has short-comings, it provides a starting point for discussion. In this section and the next, we focus on proposed updates specified using delta expressions of the form  = [<  >]; these correspond to the hypothetical execution of a proposed update specified by the expression . At the end of the 3 There are subtleties around whether the side-effects of  have effect when the expression [<  >] is executed. In general, side-effects on P S do occur, but the side-effects on DB do not. 4  might have impact on P S ; this is not reflected in the equation here. See the Appendix for the complete definition.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates

section we briefly consider “interactive delta expressions”, which might model more closely the change requests arising in the telephone company example. We have not yet investigated the notion of conflict free for delta expressions built using variables, the binary operators, or reverse deltafication. Suppose now that 1 = [< 1 >] and 2 = [< 2 >] are delta expressions, i.e., expressions that describe proposed updates to a (partial) database state. Both 1 and 2 might involve multiple reads of the database state, in addition to multiple writes (and modifies) against it. Our main focus is on how 1 and 2 affect the database state. For this reason we generally assume that the computations represented by 1 and 2 are not dependent on program state variables (i.e., program state variables are just scratch-pad-like objects). Thus, in this section and the next we typically write Eval [[1 ]](DB ) rather than the technically more correct Eval [[1 ]](PS; DB ). A preliminary notion is that of “read interference”. Speaking informally, 2 = [< 2 >] “interferes” with 1 = [< 1 >] if the sequence of values read by 1 when executed in DB is different5 from the sequence of values read by 1 when executed in the result of applying 2 to DB . But what is meant by the notion of “values read”? We now define two “modes” for reading: “answer-based read monitoring” and “envelope-based read monitoring”. These modes can be viewed as the ends of a spectrum of possibilities. Suppose first that there is a strict separation between database queries, database updates, and other processing, as for example occurs in C with embedded SQL. In this case the “sequence of values read” by a delta expression  = [<  >] can refer to6 the sequence of answers to database queries executed. A separation between database accesses and other processing might also be enforced when using, e.g., CO2 or some other commercial OODB language. We shall call this answer-based read monitoring. In many cases a discipline of separating database access from other computations may not be followed. In this case a more crude notion of “values read” might be used. A very basic approach is to define the “sequence of values read” to be the sequence of all objects explicitly retrieved along with their full values. Speaking intuitively, this sequence corresponds to an “envelope” around the set of objects and values that actually affect the evaluation of the delta expression. We shall call this (object-granularity) envelope-based read monitoring. Before continuing we briefly consider the impact of constraints. In this paper we consider any automatic constraint checking and/or repair mechanisms in use to be an implicit part of the expression . Thus, any data read as a part of automatic constraint checking will be included in the “values read”, and any database modifications automatically performed to repair constraints will be included as updates called for by . The issue of constraints is a topic for further research. We now have: Definition: Let 1 = [< 1 >] and 2 = [< 2 >], and let DB be a database state. Then 2 (read) interferes with 1 in DB under answer-based [envelope-based] read monitoring if the sequence of answers to queries asked [objects accessed and their values] by 1 when executed in DB is different from the sequence of answers to queries asked [objects accessed and their values] by 1 when executed in Edb[[2 ]](DB ). When testing whether 2 interferes with 1 in DB , we expect that Eval [[2 ]](DB ) will be evaluated to yield the delta value ∆2 . If d is a delta variable holding ∆2 , then testing for interference can be done by comparing the execution of 1 and the execution of 1 when d. Our semantically based definition of conflict free is: Definition: Delta expressions 1 = [< 1 >] and 2 = [< 2 >] are semantically conflict free in state DB , under answer-based [envelope-based] read monitoring if (i) 2 does not interfere with 1 in DB under answer-based [envelope-based] read monitoring, (ii) 1 does not interfere with 2 in DB under answer-based [envelope-based] read monitoring, (iii) 1 and 2 commute on DB , i.e., executing 1 ; 2 and executing 2 ; 1 on DB yield the same result, and (iv) there is no oid o such that 1 has the effect in DB of deleting o and 2 has the effect in DB of modifying the value of o (or visa versa). Two delta expressions have semantic potential conflict (under a given mode of read monitoring) if they are not semantically conflict free. 5A

subtlety not elaborated on here is that in this context equality is modulo isomorphism of oids. are three subtleties in connection with the notion of “values read” that we do not address in this paper. First, we should also include here the sequence of error messages possibly generated during database updates that occurred during the hypothetical execution of . Second, for technical reasons, we assume that all subexpressions of the form  = v (i.e., assignment of value v to term  ) occurring in  include an explicit database access of the form read( ). And third, we assume that there is no explicit derived data in the schema. Intuitively, this implies that each value in the database is represented in only one place. 6 There

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates Speaking loosely, the first two conditions focus more on whether there is conflict between 1 and 2 in terms of what they access from the database. The last two conditions focus more on conflict in terms of how they change the database. The primary motivation for the fourth condition is the intuition that there is a conflict between attempting to delete an object and attempting to modify it. (See also the semantics of merge in Figure 6.) Example 4.1: We now present three examples that illustrate these notions, using Figure 2 of Section 2. (a) For this case, assume that the code for 1 selects all PBX objects having id equal to ’pbx2’ and increases the number of trunks by four. For simplicity, we will ignore the constraint noTrunks  maxTrunks in this example. Expressed in pidgin OQL and OML, the code for 1 is: change_set_a = select y from y in PBX where = ’pbx2’; foreach y in change_set_a { y.noTrunks = y.noTrunks + 4; }; Assume further that the code for 2 installs a new PBX in location l3 and connects it to both ’pbx1’ and ’pbx2’, removing the existing connection between ’pbx1’ and ’pbx2’. The code for 2 (i) poses two queries, one for PBXs with attribute id = ’pbx1’ and one for PBXs with attribute id = ’pbx2’; (ii) inserts a new PBX object; and (iii) updates all pbxSet attributes to reflect the new connections. In this case, under answer-based read monitoring 1 does not interfere with 2 nor visa-versa. (This is true in part because all of the queries in 1 and 2 return only the oids of various objects, but none of their attribute values.) Under envelope-based read monitoring both interfere with the other, because both expressions read the object p2, and both modify values of attributes of p2. In summary, 1 and 2 are semantically conflict-free under answer-based read monitoring, but have potential semantic conflict under envelope-based read monitoring. (b) For this case, suppose that 1 is: change_set_b = select y from y in PBX, where = ’pbx1’ and and y in x.pbxset and x foreach y in change_set_b { y.noTrunks

x in PBX y.le != NULL in y.pbxset; = y.noTrunks + 4; };

Intuitively, change set b holds all PBX objects that are directly connected to ’pbx1’ and also connected to a local exchange. Let 2 be as before. In this case, under answer-based read monitoring 1 does not interfere with 2 , but 2 does interfere with 1 . Also, in this case the executions of 1 and 2 do not commute. In sum, 1 and 2 have potential semantic conflict under both modes of read monitoring. (c) Suppose now that the code for 1 computes both change set a and change set b as in the above cases, but then uses change set a when increasing the number of trunks. In this case the database access to compute change set b is essentially ignored in the code of 1 , but answer-based read monitoring is unable to discern that. Now, 1 and 2 have potential semantic conflict under both modes of read monitoring, even though 1 and 2 commute.


Suppose now that delta expressions 1 = [< 1 >] and 2 = [< 2 >] are semantically conflict free. This means that 1 and 2 can be applied to the database state in either order to yield the same result, and that they do not conflict with regards to deleting vs. modifying the same object. At an intuitive level, application of 1 and 2 in either order yields a result that captures the intention of both. Suppose now that we do not want to apply these, but rather, we want to create a delta expression that combines the intention of both. If they are semantically conflict-free, both of the delta expressions [< 1 ; 2 >] and [< 2 ; 1 >] yield the desired “merge” of the two delta expressions. We noted earlier that if a notion of delta value is available, then testing for interference between delta expressions can be performed by using delta values and hypothetical evaluation under when. If the algebraic merge operator is defined appropriately for delta values, this can be extended to form a sufficient condition for semantic conflict free. For example (proof omitted): Proposition 4.2: Let DB be a state, 1 = [< 1 >], and 2 = [< 2 >]. Assume the use of deltaog values and the merge operator of Section 3. Suppose that ∆i = Eval [[i ]](DB ) for i = 1; 2. Then, using either mode of read 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates


1 does not interfere with 2 in DB ) 2 does not interfere with 1 in DB ) 1 and 2 are semantically conflict free in DB ∆1 & ∆2



In this case, Eval [[[< 1 ; 2 >]]](DB ) merge presented in this paper.)


∆1 &∆2 . (This result remains true for the other notions of delta value and

The notion of semantic potential conflict can be generalized to apply to sets of delta expressions. In some applications a proposed update might be the result of an extended interaction between human and computer, rather than the result of evaluating an expression of the form [<  >]. We have developed a notion of interactive delta expression, which is a sequence of queries, actions, and pauses (for human reflection). There are natural generalizations to interactive delta expressions of the notion of semantically conflict free, and of the notions developed in Section 5.

5 Customizing Delta Values In the previous section we introduced the notions of semantically conflict free and semantic potential conflict. We expect that testing for these properties will typically be prohibitively expensive. This leads to the development of conservative, syntactically-based approximations of conflict free which are much less expensive to test. There will be two basic dimensions in the creation of these approximations: (a) different notions of delta values developed for different classes of objects, and (b) different approaches to approximating the “read set” of a delta expression. The primary focus in this section is on issue (a). We first show how the object-granularity delta values of Section 3 can be used to approximate the notion of semantically conflict free. We then develop two refinements of delta values that provide closer approximations of semantically conflict free. The first refinement is quite general and the other is much more application specific. We are developing a framework [16] in which that different kinds of delta values can be used for different classes in a single object-oriented database schema.


Object-granularity conflict free

The driving idea of the notion of object-granularity conflict free is to use object-granularity deltas when approximating conditions (iii) and (iv) in the definition of semantically conflict free. In this subsection we develop this notion in the context of answer-based read monitoring, and briefly indicate how the notion is defined for envelope-based read monitoring. In order to test for possible conflict, we extend the notion of delta to include information about the set of values read. In the context of answer-based read monitoring, we shall use the following approach. Definition: A query-extended deltaog (value) is a pair (Q; ∆) where (i) Q is a sequence of7 closures of queries, and (ii) ∆ is a deltaog as in Section 3. Intuitively, Q corresponds to the sequence of database queries asked by a delta expression  , and ∆ captures the specific modifications called for by  . Definition: Let D1 = (Q1 ; ∆1 ) and D2 = (Q2 ; ∆2 ) be two query-extended delta values. Then D1 and D2 are (object-granularity) conflict free (under answer-based read monitoring) in state DB if (abusing notation somewhat):8 , (i) Eval [[Q1 ]](DB ) = (ii) Eval [[Q2 ]](DB ) = (iii) ∆1 & ∆2 6= fail.

Eval [[Q1 when ∆2 ]](DB ), Eval [[Q2 when ∆1 ]](DB ), and

7 Let  be an expression, and q a query occurring in , and consider an execution of  for state DB . The closure of an occurrence of q is the assignment of variables to values that holds for the variables occurring in q at the point in the execution of  where q is invoked. 8 The notion of evaluation of a query is extended to sequences of queries in the natural fashion.

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On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates Otherwise they have object-granularity potential conflict in DB (under answer-based read monitoring). Speaking intuitively, condition (iii) here captures the spirit of both conditions (iii) and (iv) of the definition of semantic conflict free. Example 5.1: Recall Example 4.1, and consider case (a) of that example. Let Di = (Qi ; ∆i ) be the query-extended deltaog corresponding to i for i = 1; 2. Then conditions (i) and (ii) in the definition of object-granularity potential conflict between D1 and D2 are not violated. However, ∆1 &∆2 = fail, because both deltas modify the value of p2. Thus, condition (iii) is violated. (In Example 5.3 we shall see that if attribute-granularity deltas are used, then condition (iii) is not violated.) Consider now case (b) of Example 4.1. In that case condition (i) of object-granularity conflict free between D1 and D2 is violated. This is also true for case (c). 2 It is easily verified that object-granularity conflict free under answer-based read monitoring is a conservative approximation of semantic conflict free: Proposition 5.2: Assume object-granularity delta values. Let DB be a state, and 1 = [< 1 >] and 2 = [< 2 >] be two delta expressions. Let Di = (Qi ; ∆i ) be the query-extended deltaog corresponding to i in DB for i = 1; 2. Then, relative to DB ,

Q1; ∆1 ) and (Q2; ∆2 ) are object-granularity conflict free ) 1 and 2 are semantically conflict free.


Analogous results can be developed for envelope-based read monitoring. Briefly, an (object-granularity) envelopeextended deltaog value is a pair (R; ∆) where R is a set of oids along with their values, and ∆ is a deltaog value. Given a delta expression  and state DB , the corresponding envelope-extended deltaog value will be (R; Eval [[ ]](DB )), where R is the set of all database oids and their values that are accessed and/or hypothetically changed in the evaluation  . Two such deltaog s are (object-granularity) conflict free (under envelope-based read monitoring) if (i) R1 \ R2 = ;, and (ii) if (∆1 & ∆2 ) 6= fail. The analog of Proposition 5.2 is easily developed.


Attribute-granularity delta values and conflict

A straightforward refinement of object-granularity deltas is to redefine atomic modifies so that they focus on the modification of a single attribute value, rather than the full value of an object. Delta values constructed in this way are called attribute-granularity delta values, denoted deltaag . The notions of apply, smash and merge are defined for deltaag s in the natural manner, as are attribute-granularity conflict free and potential conflict. Also, the notion of envelope-based read monitoring can be refined to focus on individual attribute values rather than full object values. The analog of Proposition 5.2 is easily demonstrated. Example 5.3: Under the deltaag semantics, the delta values corresponding to the delta expressions of Figure 2 are: ∆0update1





f mod PBX (p2 : noTrunks : 10) g ( mod PBX (p1 : pbxSet : fp3g); mod PBX (p2 : pbxSet : fp3g); ins PBX (p3 :



pbx30; b1; l3; NULL; 64; 0; fp1; p2g)

In this case, we have ∆0update1 ! ∆0update2 = ∆0update2 ! ∆0update1 = ∆0update1 & ∆0update2 =

8 > < > :

mod PBX (p1 : noTrunks : 10); mod PBX (p1 : pbxSet : fp3g); mod PBX (p2 : pbxSet : fp3g); ins PBX (p3 : pbx3 ; b1; l3; NULL; 64; 0; fp1; p2g) 0


9 > = : > ;

Recall Example 4.1(a), and let Di = (Qi; ∆updatei ) be the query-extended deltaag corresponding to i (i = 1; 2). Then D1 and D2 are attribute-granularity conflict free. 2 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates

The approach of attribute-granularity delta values can be refined further, by going deeper into the structure of individual attributes. For example, the pbxSet attribute is set-valued. Modifications to the value of this attribute might be represented as a family of individual inserts and deletes to the set. Under this approach, the first modify of ∆0update2 would be represented as

mod PBX (p1 :

pbxSet :

ins p3; del p1):

Another direction is possible if a family of operators are defined on the type of some attribute. For example, addition and subtraction are defined on the type non-negative integer, i.e., the type of noTrunks. We might permit atomic delta values of the form mod PBX (p1 : noTrunks : +4): This notion of defining specialized delta operators for specific data types has been formalized as delta forms and delta form templates have been defined for standard complex value types [16]. In the next subsection, we illustrate by presenting one specific example of a specialized delta form.


Deltas for objects consisting of undifferentiated sets

We now present a specialized kind of delta value that is useful in contexts where there are undifferentiated sets of objects. Such undifferentiated sets arise in some applications at U S WEST. More generally, this discussion illustrates how delta values can be customized for a particular data type. We present this specialized delta in terms of a concrete example; we have also developed a formal specification. The class PBX presented in Figure 1 in Section 2 is simplified in a variety of ways. In reality, a record must be kept, for each PBX, of which individual trunks are connected to which individual ports at the local exchange. Thus, a slightly more realistic interface for PBX is given by: interface PBX’ { attribute string id; attribute BusinessCustomer customer; attribute Location loc; attribute LocalExchange le; attribute int maxTrunks; attribute Set trunk_assignment; attribute Set pbxSet; }; Here the trunk assignment attribute holds a set of ordered pairs9 (t; l), where t is a trunk id for the PBX and l is a line id for the local exchange that the PBX is connected to, and this forms a 1-1 correspondence. To simplify this discussion, we shall omit the noTrunks attribute. Using the class PBX’, the object corresponding to p1 in the running example might be PBX’(p1: ’pbx1’, b1, l1, e1, 64, { , , }, {}), indicating that the trunk t1 is attached to the local exchange port lep25, etc. Consider now two proposed updates 1 and 2 , that both assign an additional trunk line of ’pbx1’. Under a straightforward choice of deltaag s that permit explicit inserts and deletes to set-valued attributes, the following might be associated with these two updates: ∆1 ∆2

= =

fmod PBX (p1 : trunk assignment : ins < t4; lep88 >)g fmod PBX (p1 : trunk assignment : ins < t4; lep253 >)g 0 0

Speaking intuitively, when creating each delta the system apparently chose the “next available” trunk id from ’pbx1’. This has the unfortunate side effect that ∆1 and ∆2 have semantic conflict, since the requirement that there be a one-to-one correspondence in trunk assignment will be violated if both deltaag s are applied. However, the two 9 The ODMG ODL does not actually support a Tuple type, rather the use of a struct (as in C) is required. We take the liberty of using Tuple here to specify ordered tuples, in order to simplify the notation.

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On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates

delta expressions are compatible, because the total number of trunks used by the original state and the two deltas is less than 64. Our solution to this problem is based on the fact that the trunk id’s should be viewed as undifferentiated. We suppose that a new class virtual trunk id is created, with an infinite number of elements. If creating a delta value for the class PBX’ for which an unused trunk id is needed, then we use an unconsumed element of virtual trunk id in its place. Thus, the two delta expressions above would now be evaluated into: ∆01 ∆02

= =

fmod PBX (p1 : trunk assignment : ins < v t1; lep88 >)g fmod PBX (p1 : trunk assignment : ins < v t2; lep253 >)g 0 0

(The exchange line id’s might also be undifferentiated; we ignore that possibility here to simplify the discussion.) Briefly, a delta ∆ using such undifferentiated values is consistent relative to a database state DB for a given PBX p if the total number of trunks already in use for p plus the number of virtual trunk id’s for p occurring in ∆ does not exceed the value of p.maxTrunks. The semantics for applying such a delta involves a non-deterministic assignment of actual trunk id’s to virtual trunk id’s. The smash of two such delta values is defined in the natural fashion, but yields inconsistency (fail) if the total number of trunk id’s used in the smash exceeds the bound given by maxTrunks. Analogous comments apply to merge. Importantly, we permit the use of virtual trunk id’s in the same places as trunk id’s – this permits the construction of complex deltas with attributes of other objects referring to newly assigned trunk lines.

6 Conclusions This paper has two foci: (a) introducing the syntax and semantics for deltas in the H2O DBPL, and (b) laying some of the groundwork for using deltas to help detect potential conflict between proposed database updates. An example arising in a regional telephone company was used to motivate and illustrate the development. This paper raises a host of issues. In Section 5 we described two refinements of object-granularity deltas, and indicated how they provided better approximations of the notion of semantic conflict free. We are also developing customized notions of delta that are appropriate for trees and graphs. An important open problem is to develop a framework for specifying customized delta values in a uniform fashion, that can be compiled into implementations for them (see [16] for initial results in this direction). Another issue concerns constraints. Suppose that an active database rulebase is used to monitor constraint violations and to repair them. It might be appropriate for the delta associated with the expression  = [<  >] to include the impact of any constraint repairs that would have occurred were  executed. Thus, our prototype implementation of the H2O DBPL would need to be extended to incorporate hypothetical rule firing. The merge and smash operators on delta values would also need to be generalized. (Some difficulties would arise if the rule base is not “semantically consistent” in the sense of [17], i.e., if the rule base yields different results on update requests that are semantically equivalent but syntactically different.) In this paper we focused on detecting conflict between proposed updates. A natural direction is to develop mechanisms that would help to resolve conflicts that are detected. Active database technology looks promising here. Unlike previous applications of active databases, in this context the rules should be able to explicitly refer to deltas as independent objects. Although not discussed in this paper, we have found that using an equivalent but different database schema can impact the various approximations of semantic conflict free. The presence of derived data can also impact the various approximations. Thus, the decision to use (a particular variety of) deltas to help detect conflicting updates may have an impact on the schema design process.

Acknowledgements The Heraclitus project has evolved dramatically since its inception five years ago, and has been impacted by the many researchers involved in discussions on various aspects of the project. We are especially grateful to Dean Jacobs for his extensive insight concerning the Heraclitus paradigm. We also thank Mohammed Rupawalla and other members of the H2O research group at CU Boulder, including especially Omar Boucelma, Jean-Claude Franchitti, Roger King, and Gang Zhou, for many interesting discussions on deltas for object-oriented databases and related topics.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates

References [1] M. Doherty, R. Hull, and M. Rupawalla. The Heraclitus[OO] database programming language, 1996. Technical Report in preparation. [2] R. Hull and D. Jacobs. Language constructs for programming active databases. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, pages 455–468, 1991. [3] D. Jacobs and R. Hull. Database programming with delayed updates. In Intl. Workshop on Database Programming Languages, pages 416–428, San Mateo, Calif., 1991. Morgan-Kaufmann, Inc. [4] S. Ghandeharizadeh, R. Hull, and D. Jacobs. Heraclitus[Alg,C]: Elevating deltas to be first-class citizens in a database programming language. Technical Report USC-CS-94-581, Computer Science Department, Univ. of Southern California, 1994. revised August, 1995. [5] M. Derr, J. Durand, M. Doherty, R. Hull, and M. Rupawalla. Applications of Heraclitus in telecommunications information processing. Technical report, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1996. Submitted for publication, available via anonymous ftp at [6] N. S. Barghouti and G. E. Kaiser. Concurrency control in advanced database applications. ACM Computing Surveys, 23(3):269–317, September 1991. [7] R. H. Katz. Toward a unified framework for version modeling in engineering databases. ACM Computing Surveys, 22(4):375–408, December 1990. [8] S. Horwitz, J. Prins, and T. Reps. Integrating non-interfering versions of programs. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems, 11(3):345–387, July 1989. [9] S. Horwitz and T. Reps. The use of program dependence graphs in software engineering. In Proc. of Fourteenth ACM Intl. Conf. on Software Engineering, pages 392–411, 1992. [10] Inc. Software Maintenance & Development Systems. Aide-De-Camp software management system, product overview, 1989. [11] R. D. Cronk. Tributaries and deltas. Byte, 1992. [12] M. P. Herlihy and W. E. Weihl. Hybrid concurrency control for abstract data types. In Proc. ACM Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, pages 201–210, 1988. [13] R. F. Resende, D. Agrawal, and A. El Abbadi. Semantic locking in object-oriented database systems. In Proc. ACM Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 388–402, 1994. [14] O. Boucelma, J. Dalrymple, M. Doherty, J. C. Franchitti, R. Hull, R. King, and G. Zhou. Incorporating active and multi-database-state services into an OSA-compliant interoperability framework. In The Collected Arcadia Papers, Second Edition. University of California, Irvine, May 1995. [15] R.G.G. Cattell. The Object Database Standard: ODMG-93. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California, 1993. [16] M. Doherty, R. Hull, and M. Rupawalla. Structures for manipulating proposed updates in object-oriented databases. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD Symp. on the Management of Data, pages 306–317, 1996. [17] P. Picouet and V. Vianu. Semantics and expressiveness issues in active databases. In Proc. ACM Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, 1995. [18] Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 1991.

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On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates

occurrence of o in ∆ presence of o in DB

absent c(o : v1)

absent absent c(o : v1 )

ins c(o : v2) mod c(o : v2) del c(o) c(o : v2) absent absent c(o : v2) c(o : v2 ) absent

Figure 4: Semantics of the apply operator on individual oid o occurrence of o in ∆2

occurrence of o in ∆1


absent absent

ins c(o : v1) ins c(o : v1) mod c(o : v1 ) mod c(o : v1 ) del c(o) del c(o)

ins c(o : v2) ins c(o : v2) ins c(o : v2) ins c(o : v2) ins c(o : v2)

mod c(o : v2 ) mod c(o : v2 ) ins c(o : v2 ) mod c(o : v2 ) del c(o)

del c(o) del c(o) del c(o) del c(o) del c(o)

Figure 5: Semantics of the smash operator (!) on individual oid o

A Syntax and Semantics of the H2O DBPL This appendix gives some additional details on the H2O DBPL; see [1] for a full specification. The specification for the apply, smash and merge operations on object-granularity deltas are given in Figures 4, 510 and 6.11 The syntax of the H2O extensions to the ODMG object manipulation language (OML) is presented in the BNF grammar in Figure 7. The productions h2o stmt, when exp and delta exp define new H2O constructs. The remaining productions show how these constructs are integrated with C++ and come from the specification given in Appendix A of [18]. The semantics of the H2O DBPL syntactic constructs is given in Figure 8. The semantics are defined by the expression valuation function, E [[ ]], which maps expressions from the syntactic domain of the H2O DBPL to the semantic domain of algebraic objects. As noted in Section 3, states are viewed to be pairs (PS; DB ) where PS denotes the program state and DB denotes the database state. Since the H2O DBPL is based on C++, we follow the convention that expressions can have side-effects on the state. Thus, under E each expression yields a mapping from a state to a value (the result of the expression) and a new state. Similarly, statements are treated as expressions that yield the null value. In Section 3 we described the deltafication, apply, and hypothetical access constructs of the H2O DBPL. The other major constructs for creating, accessing and combining deltas are now described. Creating deltas: Deltas are created in the H2O DBPL by “deltafication” and “reverse deltafication”.

Reverse Deltafication: The reverse deltafication of a statement  (which may have side-effects) is the expression [>  ]. As indicated by the semantics of Figure 8, evaluation of  leaves the database state unchanged. However, the program state may change, both because (i) new oids might be used, or because (ii)  involves explicit modification to program variables. The latter case reflects a design decision motivated primarily by pragmatic considerations. Some delta expressions can have side-effects on the database. One example is reverse deltafication: [>  ], x = 2; yields a delta, but has the effect of changing the value of o17 to 2. Although we discourage this kind of expression, we do not prohibit it. For this reason, when defining the semantics of 1 smash 2 we allow the possibility that evaluating 1 might have side-effects on the database state. Analogous remarks apply to the semantics of merge, compose, and when.

12 We

ignore here the possibility that evaluation of 1 can have side-effect on the database state; see below.

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On Detecting Conflict Between Proposed Updates

stmt ::=

h2o stmt j exp stmt j comp stmt j other stmt

exp stmt ::= h[ expi] exp ::=

assgn exp j exp , assgn exp

assgn exp ::= h2o exp j unary exp assgn op assgn exp j cond exp h2o stmt ::=

apply delta

exp ;

/* apply statement */

h2o exp ::=

when exp j delta exp

when exp ::=

when delta


/* when expression */

delta exp ::= delta var j [< stmt >] j [> stmt ]]](PS; DB ) = let (V; (PS ; DB )) = E [[]](PS; DB ) in 0


trace(; PS; DB ); (PS ; DB )) 0


E [[[>  let

module Parts where > data Part = Basic String Int Int [Part] [Supplier] > | Composite String Int Int [Part] [(Part, Int)]

DBPL-5, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Database States in Lazy Functional Programming Languages: Imperative Update and Lazy Retrieval

DB state Supplier Part p κ1 ι1 s 1 1 p ι2 κ s 2 2 2 ι3 κ3 p s 3 ... ... 3

Figure 1: A database state of the Part-Supplier database. > > data Supplier = Supplier String String [Part] (the leading > signs are used to indicate program fragments.) The database schema comprises these two types with slight modification. Because stored objects refer to other objects through surrogates instead of direct pointers, the declaration is modified to get a real database schema: > > > > > > >

module Parts where data Part = Basic String Int Int [DBRef Part] [DBRef Supplier] | Composite String Int Int [DBRef Part] [(DBRef Part, Int)] instance Persistent Part data Supplier = Supplier String String [DBRef Part] instance Persistent Supplier

Here “DBRef ” is the Haskell representation of Ref ( ), and Persistent is a class of database types. Processing this schema creates a database called “Parts” comprising Part and Supplier types. Figure 1 depicts a state of the Part-Supplier database where i (i = 1; 2; 3; :::) are the surrogates for stored parts and where j (j = 1; 2; 3; :::) are the surrogates for stored suppliers.

2.3 Database states and state-transformer combinators The database states are of type DBState. This type is an abstract type and the details depend on implementation methods. The type synonym for state transformers and three basic state transformer combinators are declared as follows: 3 > > > > >

type DB a = DBState -> (a, DBState) (>>@=) :: DB a -> (a -> DB b) -> DB b (>>@) :: DB a -> DB b -> DB b returnDB :: a -> DB a

These respectively correspond to IO a, >>=, >>, and return for I/O state tranfomers. The diagrammatic representations of the database state transformers and the combinators are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Intuitively, m >>@= k executes m and then executes k passing the result of m to k. m >>@ m' executes m and m' sequentially. And returnDB x constructs a database operator from an arbitrary expression. In these figures, database operations generate new database states, and the operations are thus referentially transparent. To improve the performance of update operations, however, destructive update of the database store is preferred. So the more practical image of database operations is shown in Figure 4. Operations are referentially transparent at 3 :: symbol is read as “has type.”

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operation result

DB operation

new DB State

old DB State

Figure 2: Database operation as a state transformer.






e’ s"




(a) m >>@= k

returnDB e



e’ s"

(b) m >>@ m'

e s

s (c) returnDB e

Figure 3: Combinators of database operations the logical level, while they may be referentially opaque at the physical level. To make them fully transparent, one constraint must be enforced: the state transformers must be processed imperatively, or strictly. In Figure 4, this constraint means that when the state s0 is constructed, the intermediate expression e must have been evaluated so that no subexpression depending on the the modifiable parts of the previous state s is suspended. Since only the surrogatevalue pairs are modifiable parts of database states, it is necessary only to ensure that the primitive database operators are executed strictly. This restriction is not difficult to enforce, because they are built-in primitive operators.

Logical level

DB op1 s

Physical level

e s’

DB op2

e’ s"

DB store

Figure 4: Imperative manipulation of database states.

2.4 Database primitive The five primitive operators are declared in Haskell as follows:

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> type DBAssoc a = Assoc (DBRef a) a > allDB :: (Persistent a) => DB > derefDB :: (Persistent a) => DBRef a -> DB > updDB :: (Persistent a) => DBAssoc a -> DB > newDB :: (Persistent a) => a -> DB > delDB :: (Persistent a) => DBRef a -> DB

[DBAssoc a] (DBAssoc a) () (DBAssoc a) ()

Assoc is one of the Haskell built-in types, and an element of the type is a binary association represented as o := v . “(Persistent a) =>” specifies the constraint that when these functions are used in more specific typing context, the variable a must be replaced with an instance of the Persistent class. Remember that in the state-transition sequence, state transformers must be processed strictly to make them referentially transparent while allowing for destructive update of the database store. The allDB operator is not an exception. The list of surrogate-value pairs must be constructed immediately at the time of state transition. This is another source of imperativeness.

2.5 Transaction The transaction function executes a given database operator in a I/O state transition sequence. The function is declared thus > transaction :: DB a -> IO a The modified database state is committed at the end of execution only if all the included operations are processed successfully. Program execution starts with evaluation of the dbMain function. This function must be bound with an I/O action possibly including database transactions. When there is any trouble in the course of execution, the database state is rolled back to the initial one.

2.6 Examples Now consider a simple query: retrieve basic parts that cost more than $100. This can be coded as the following state transformer: > > > >

transaction ( allDB >>@= \parts -> returnDB [ name | (_ := (Basic name cost _ _ _)) 100 ] )

where \x -> e represents a lambda expression x : e, and _ is a wild-card pattern or an anonymous variable. The result of allDB is passed to the right-hand side of the >>@= operator as the argument of the lambda expression. As noted in the previous subsection, the starting point of program execution is an I/O action bound to dbMain. For instance, if the result of the above query is to be printed on terminals, the full-fledged program may look like this: > module Main(dbMain) where > dbMain = > putStr "Basic parts that cost more than 100\n" >> > transaction ( > allDB >>@= \parts -> > returnDB [ name | (_ := (Basic name cost _ _ _)) cost > 100 ] ) >>= \names -> > putStr (lines names) (putStr is an I/O function that prints a given string on terminals.) The next example updates the addresses of suppliers named “SUP1000” with new address defined elsewhere:

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> > > > > > >

transaction ( allDB >>@= \suppliers -> ( let actions = [ updDB (sid := Supplier name new_address supplies) | (sid := Supplier name _ supplies) >@) (returnDB ()) actions )

The list of update actions is bound to the actions local variable and is executed sequentially by the foldr built-in operation. Since the update operations are performed imperatively, the database store is updated destructively, and no copy is generated in the course of the update sequence. Consider a query a little bit more complex: retrieve the total mass and total cost of a composite part. Although this can be coded in the basic database interface, the query expression is very complex and the coding style is far from that of lazy functional languages. The code is omitted here, because more readable coding is shown in the next section using on-the-fly dereference.


Database Versioning and Lazy Retrieval version table initial state 0 . . .


initial state 0

. . . 1

committed 2 2 6


committed 3




5 5

8 committed


Figure 5: Version trees and a version table. A square represents a certain version and the number in it shows the version number. Squares having the same background pattern are generated by a single transaction. The basic database manipulation interface described in the previous section has two sources of imperativeness: (1) imperative construction of a query because of the loss of on-the-fly dereference through surrogates, and (2) imperative execution of the allDB operation. This section introduces the concept of versions into the database state model, so that these two sources of imperativeness are avoided.

3.1 Versions During program execution, every stored collection is associated with a tree of versions which records some part of the modification history. Figure 5 shows the conceptual representation of such trees. Note that database states are not necessarily committed and that versions may be made current at any point of I/O operations. Hence, the form of version relationships is a tree as shown in the left one in the figure. At any point in a sequence of I/O operations, the current set of database versions can be frozen or locked by an I/O action called getDB. This operation locks the versions and returns the version set as a version table of type

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Database as shown in Figure 5. This type is an abstract one, and the details depend on implementation methods. Even though polymorphic Persistent instances imply that infinitely many database types are allowed, the table is well-defined since at a certain point of database life cycle there are only finitely many database types. The reverse operation is restoreDB that just marks the given version set as current.

3.2 On-the-fly dereference There are two primitive operators to retrieve data from the frozen databases lazily: > vAllOf > vValOf

:: (Persistent a) => Database -> [DBAssoc a] :: (Persistent a) => Database -> DBRef a -> a

where Database is the type of the version tables. The semantics may be clear from their names and type signatures. A version table, say init vt, including all the initial versions can be created as a part of I/O states. So we can define the more frequently used operators: > allOf = vAllOf init_vt > valOf = vValOf init_vt Now that on-the-fly dereference is permitted, we consider the query at the end of the last section again: retrieve the total mass and total cost of a composite part. This query can be written as follows: > cAndM (Basic _ cost mass _ _) > = (cost, mass) > cAndM (Composite _ cost mass _ subparts) > = let > sub_cm = [ (c * quant, m * quant) | > (sub, quant) (c,m) c_sum = sum (map fst sub_cm) > m_sum = sum (map snd sub_cm) > in > (c_sum + cost, m_sum + mass) Notice the use of valOf in the list comprehension. The rest is the same as that for the non-persistent case. If this function must be generalized to one that computes the values according to a certain frozen database, then add an additional argument, say db, of type Database and replace valOf sub with vValOf db sub.

3.3 Lazy retrieval of surrogate-value pairs Versioning allows for straightforward implementation of lazy retrieval in a state-transition sequence. When a certain version is retrieved by allDB, the version is also locked so that lazy reading is performed safely. As described in Ref. [3], lazy retrieval of a locked version by allDB and vAllOf can be implemented using a currency pointer and find first followed by a series of the find next operation. A following update operation to the locked version will generate a new version with the specified modification (Figure 6).

3.4 Version creation and elimination A new version must be generated only when a locked version is to be updated. In other cases, the current versions may be modified destructively. When a version table or a currency pointer become garbage, the garbage collector can unlock the included versions. If there is no lock on a non-current version, the version may be eliminated safely.

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Logical level





s Physical leval Part i1


LOCKED p1 p2

i2 i3 p3 ...

s" DB store i1 p1 i2 p 2’ i3 p3 ...

Figure 6: Lazy retrieval of surrogate-value pairs.

3.5 Relation to the lazy state-transformer approach The present approach is based on imperative state transformers, but there is another approach called the lazy state transformer approach [1, 12, 10]. In that approach, states are basically read-only and new states are constructed without modifying the old states. To reduce the cost of state construction, unchanged parts of the new and the old states are shared by backward pointers. And, optionally, when a reference count garbage collector is used, the database element with reference count 1 may be updated destructively. In the present approach, on the other hand, the order of consideration is reversed. Basically, states are updated destructively, and only when a state must be kept for later use, the state is locked and a new version is generated if necessary. The difference between the performance obtained with these approaches is not clear and must be investigated further. At least for successive modification of database states, however, the imperative update mechanism may be executed more efficiently. Moreover, even if locking and updating are performed alternately, common parts of versions may be shared as in the lazy state-transformer approach.

3.6 Relation to array freezing This subsection clarifies the difference between the database versioning and array freezing by showing formalization of the database versioning using the monad of lockable array transformers. The monad is a variation of the monad of array transformers [17]. Here we consider array subscripts as surrogates and associated array values as the associated entity values. A database state is represented by a pair consisting of an array and an identifier generator of type (Arr; Integer), where Arr is the type of arrays with indices of type Integer and values of type V al. For brevity, types, extent management, and error handling are not treated here. First consider the database monad as an array-transformer monad. The monad can be defined as follows: type DB a type State returnDB a m >>@= k


= State ! (a; State) = (Arr; Integer) = x:(a; x) = x:let (a; y) = m x in let (b; z ) = k a y in (b; z)

index and update are the read and destructive write operations for Arr, the basic operations are defined like

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this: newDB v derefDB i updDB i v

= (x; g):(g; (update g v x; g + 1)) = (x; g):(index i x; (x; g)) = (x; g):((); (update i v x; g))

Note that, for this monad to be single threaded, the derefDB operation must be executed strictly: before returning the operation result, it must compute index i x. 4 Let us define the getDB and vValOf operations following the line of the array-freezing approach. Supposing dup is an operation which duplicated an array, a simple definition might be as follows: getDB vValOf x i

= (x; g):(dup x; (x; g)) = index i x

Like derefDB, this operation must be strict: before returning the operation result, it must compute dup x. This is the basic idea of array freezing. 5 In this scheme, even if the state array is not going to be modified in future, it is duplicated. In addition, dup may generate multiple copies of a single array. On the other hand, the database versioning simply locks the state and duplication is performed only when necessary. Let us suppose that locking, unlocking, and lock test functions on Arr are available:

lock; unlock; clear :: Arr Arr locked :: Arr Bool where lock (unlock ) increments (decrements) the lock counter of the given array and clear makes the lock counter 0. ! !

Then the database versioning operations can be defined as follows:

dup x 0

newDB v derefDB i updDB i v getDB vValOf x i

= = = = = =

if locked x then clear (dup x) else x

(x; g):(g; (update g v (dup x); g + 1)) (x; g):(index i x; (x; g)) (x; g):((); (update i v (dup x); g)) (x; g):let x = lock x in (x ; (x ; g)) index i x 0





where dup0 tests the given array and duplicates the array only when it is already locked. The implementation has an overhead for lock testing, but unnecessary duplication does not occur in database state-transition sequences.

4 Exception Handling In the model described so far, it is possible that some reference dangles . The situation is worse if that happens during on-the-fly dereference: even if programmers can check whether or not a reference dangles, that checking will make programs more complex. But a simple exception handling scheme is available in the proposed approach. Recall that database types are declared through instance declarations of the Persistent class. So we make the exception handler one of the class operators like this: > class Persistent a where > whenDangling :: Database -> DBRef a -> a > whenDangling _ _ = error "dangling reference" In this declaration, whenDangling is declared with its default method. This method is used when the instances do not declare their own methods explicitly. Recall also that dereference is performed by the vValOf operator. Whenever it detects dangling references, it applies whenDangling to the current database and the given surrogate. 4 As noted in Section 2.3, the index operation must be a built-in operation having the strict execution semantics. 5 The type for mutable arrays and that for immutable ones are different in Haskell, but the basic idea is similar.

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For example, let db denote a value of type Database and v denote a surrogate which dangles in db. Then the following equivalence holds: vValOf db v


whenDangling db v error "dangling reference"

This means that dereferencing through dangling references stops program execution. When some default value exists, users may specify the value in instance declarations like this: > instance Persistent Part where > whenDangling _ _ = Basic "B000" 0 0 [] In this case, if a surrogate v dangles in a database db, the following equivalence holds: vValOf db v


whenDangling db v Basic "B000" 0 0 []

This solution is far from satisfactory because the exception handler is specified in schema definitions rather than in application programs. This issue must be investigated further.

5 Reachability model of persistence This paper has so far adhered to the extension model of persistence. As described in Section 1, however, the reachability model of persistence is more flexible even though it is subject to a certain complexity in deleting entities. This section therefore briefly describes the way the reachability model can be used and how the database versioning described in this paper works under the reachability model. We only have to replace allDB and vAllOf by appropriate extent management operations. Indeed, newDB, updDB, derefDB, and vValOf consult or modify surrogate-value relationships and are independent of the model of persistence. The delDB operation is not required now, since entities are deleted automatically when they can not be reached from the stored collections. Let us start with the example of the Part-Supplier database: > data PartsDB = PartExt [DBRef Part] [DBAssoc Part] > | SuppExt [DBRef Supplier] [DBAssoc Supplier] > instance PersistentExt PartsDB where PartExt and SuppExt are used to manipulate the explicit extensions of Parts and Supplier entities. The arguments of the data constructors are used to pass the lists of surrogates to and receive surrogate-value pairs from the persistent storage. The usage will become clear in the examples below. The instance declaration of the PersistentExt class gives the following operations to access the explicitly maintained collections: > > > > > >

getExtDB addExtDB delExtDB vExtOf extOf extOf

:: :: :: :: :: =

(PersistentExt (PersistentExt (PersistentExt (PersistentExt (PersistentExt vExtOf init_vt

a) a) a) a) a)

=> => => => =>

a -> DB a a -> DB () a -> DB () Database -> a -> DB a a -> DB a

where init_vt represents the initial version table. For instance, the program to retrieve basic parts that cost more than $100 can be coded as follows:

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> transaction ( > getExt (PartExt [] []) >>@= \(PartExt _ parts) -> > returnDB [ name | _ := Basic name cost _ _ _ _ cost > 100 ] ) where “PartExt [] []” specifies which extension is to be retrieved. And the result data, “PartExt _ parts,” gives the stored extension list. By using extOf, we can code this query without considering state transitions: > > > >

[ name | parts addSupplier supp > = transaction ( > newDB supp >>@= \(sid := _) -> > addExtDB (SuppExt [sid] []) Note that newDB does not automatically maintain instances. Programmers must explicitly insert the newly created surrogate into the supplier extension. The database model is defined more formally as follows. A database schema is a triple ( , , ) where is a finite set of extension tags,  is a set of database types, and  is a finite map from extension tags to their associated database types. A database state comprises a surrogate pool, an object heap, and a family of extent definitions as follows:

( S = fo1; o2 ;    g; heap = fo



o S;

g 2

ext = e f





where the heap should be a type-consistent function:

(8 o


S )( !  9




Ref ()




V al())

And, the extent definitions must be consistent with the schema:



)(8 o


e )(o






Ref (( )))

Note that because the reachability model of persistence is assumed here, when a database state is committed at the end of program execution, every entity that is not reachable from fe g 2 is squeezed out of the heap. Even when we use the extension model of persistence, the versioned database states can be used without modification. That is, when getExtDB is executed, it does not materialize the extent immediately. Instead, it obtains locks on the surrogate-value map and the extent, and then creates a cursor structure to traverse the extent lazily. The scheme to create and delete versions is the same as that for the extension model of persistency.

6 Notes on the Implementation To clarify implementation dependent topics, this section comments on a sample implementation using C and Glasgow Haskell Compiler [6]. Storing closures: A graph of closures is stored as a string which represents the contents. In Haskell, conversions to and from string representation are respectively performed through show and read overloaded functions which are operators of the Text class. Therefore, we impose another restriction on database types: they must be Text class instances. This restriction means that function values, suspensions, and cyclic structures are not allowed to be persistent. 6 Moreover, shared closures are duplicated. Identification of stored collections by types: In the present context, it suffices to compute string representation of modules and types. This is done by introducing another class: 6 Although a function type can be an instance of Text, “show then read” can not recover the closure contents.

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> class Representable a where > typeRepr :: TypeRepr a The overloaded operator typeRepr computes the required representation of a. Finally, the database types are declared like this: > data Part = ... > deriving (Text, Representable) > instance Persistent Part where the deriving clause specifies that system-supplied default instantiation is performed during compilation. 7 Versioning: A collection of surrogate-data pairs is stored in an indexed file, and a new version can be generated simply by duplication of the index part. The data part is treated as a heap during program execution. Every version has a counter that records the number of locks, and the locking overhead is very small. Of course, more efficient schemes can be used for version management. For instance, utilizing explicit index page tables would decrease the number of required pages.

7 Conclusion This paper has described a database manipulation interface for the Haskell programming language. The basic design of the interface is based on the imperative state-transformer approach, so that destructive update is used and operations are referentially transparent. In addition, version maintenance is introduced to permit lazy-retrieval and on-the-fly dereference through surrogates. Since database retrieval can be programmed without considering complicated state transitions, basic programming style of Haskell is retained. Other than the implementation issues, this approach has a few issues still to be investigated. First, it is possible for programmers to mistake a version table for another. For the initial state, there is no trouble because they can be accessed through specialized functions. But if update and retrieval alternate in a complex way, or if the interface should be used by naive users, more elaborate methods may be required to control the database states like the dedicated query interface proposed in Ref. [15]. Another issue is that using types as collection identifiers may be inappropriate in a situation where types are too coarse to model the real world. Since some entities may have different roles in difference contexts, a single list of entities may fail to capture the real semantics and the addition of more database types could complicate queries. This problem might be avoided to some extent by adopting the reachability model of persistence, but that model makes the extension management tasks (especially the entity deletion task) more complex. Moreover, the proposed approach requires that a stored collection is associated with a ground type. So polymorphic functions, even if we permit them to be stored in databases, must be stored in a specialized form.

References [1] G. Argo, J. Hughes, P. Trinder, J. Fairbairn, and J. Launchbury. Implementing functional databases. In F. Bancilhon and P. Buneman, editors, Advances in Database Programming Language, pages 165–176, 1990. [2] M. P. Atkinson and P. Buneman. Types and persistence in database programming langaues. ACM Comput. Surv., 19(2):105–190, Jun. 1987. [3] P. Buneman, R. E. Frankel, and R. Nikhil. An implementation technique for database query languages. ACM Trans. on Database Syst., 7(2):164–186, 1982. [4] P. Buneman, D. Sucio L. Libkin, V. Tannen, and L. Wong. Comprehension syntax. ACM SIGMOD RECORD, 23(1), Mar. 1994. 7 Haskell prohibits user-defined classes to be used in deriving clauses. So for the sample implementation, the Representable class was added as a built-in class and the language processor was modified.

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[5] A. J. T. Davie. An Introduction to Functional Programming Systems Using Haskell. Cambridge University Press, 1992. [6] C. Hall, K. Hammond, W. Partain, S. L. Peyton Jones, and P. Wadler. Glasgow Haskell Compiler: A retrospective. In J. Launchbury and P. Sansom, editors, Functional Programming, Glasgow 1992, pages 62–71. SpringerVerlag, 1993. [7] P. Hudak, S. L. Peyton Jones, and P. Wadler, eds. Report on the functional programming language Haskell, version 1.2. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 27(5), May 1992. [8] S. L. Peyton Jones and P. Wadler. Imperative functional programming. In Proc. of the ACM Symposium on POPL, pages 71–84, Jan. 1993. [9] J. Launchbury and S. L. Peyton Jones. Lazy functional state threads. In Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN' 94 Conf. on PLDI, pages 24–35, Jun. 1994. [10] D. J. McNally and A. J. T. Davie. Two models for persistence in lazy functional programming systems. SIGPLAN NOTICES, 25(5):43–52, May 1991. [11] R. Milner, M. Tofte, and R. Harper. The definition of Standard ML. The MIT Press, 1990. [12] R. S. Nikhil. The semantics of update in a functional database programming language. In F. Bancilhon and P. Buneman, editors, Advances in Database Programming Language, pages 403–421, 1990. [13] A. Ohori. Representing object identity in a pure functional language. In Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Database Theory, pages 41–55. Springer-Verlag, 1989. [14] C. Small. A functional approach to database updates. Information Systems, 18(8):581–595, Dec. 1993. [15] P. Trinder. Comprehensions, a query notation for DBPLs. In P. Kanellakis and J. W. Schmidt, editors, Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Workshop on DBPL, pages 55–68. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991. [16] P. Wadler. The essence of functional programming. In Proc. of the ACM Symposium on POPL, pages 1–14, Jan. 1992. [17] P. Wadler. Monads for functional programming. In M. Broy, editor, Program Design Calculi, Proc. of the Marktoberdorf Summer School, Jul 30 – Aug 8, 1992, 1992.

A Brief Introduction to Haskell This section overviews a few features of Haskell [7] related to this paper. Details can be found in tutorial texts such as Ref. [5] for generic topics, and details on the monadic I/O system can be found in Refs. [16] and [8]. Note that in the following explanation, all the lines in program fragments are for clarity preceded by > signs.

A.1 Data Types A type is either an algebraic one or a type synonym. Consider as an example data types for the Part-Supplier database [2] comprising Part and Supplier: 

A part is either basic or composite. A basic part has name, cost, mass, used-by, and supplied-by attributes, and a composite part has name, assembly-cost, mass-increment, used-by, and composed-of attributes; and

A supplier has name, address, and supplies attributes.

These objects can be represented by algebraic data types declared as follows:

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> data Part > = Basic String Int Int [Part] [Supplier] > | Composite String Int Int [Part] [(Part, Int)] > data Supplier > = Supplier String String [Part] where Part and Supplier (left-hand side) are called type constructors, and where Basic, Composite, and Supplier (right-hand side) are called data constructors. In the above example, two more type constructors are used: one is the tuple type constructor in (Part,Int), and the other is the list type constructor in [Supplier]. A type synonym is used to name a type. If we want to name “list of parts” type, the following declaration suffices: > type PartList = [Part]

A.2 Monadic I/O In Haskell there are three I/O styles: dialogue, continuation, and monadic I/O. The interface described in this paper is dependent on the monadic I/O system, so that system is described here. An I/O operation using the monadic I/O system is a state transition function. Consider as an example the readFile function. This function constructs an I/O operation from a given filename, and the operation is diagrammatically shown like this:


readFile "person.dat"

"...file contents..." s’

The input is an I/O state before the action, and the output is a pair consisting of the file contents and the new I/O state. From the viewpoint of types, every I/O action returning a value of type a is of type IO a, where the implementation is hidden from users. For example, the readFile "person.dat" is of type IO String because the action returns the contents as a string. There are two combinators associated with the IO type: a function, return, and an infix operator, >>=. return constructs an I/O action from any expression. The diagrammatic representation of the action denoted by return e is


e s

return e

The action returns e as the result and invokes no state transition. return is of type a -> IO a. The other combinator, >>=, comprises two I/O actions and is typed as follows: (>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b where the :: symbol is read as “has type.” Consider an expression m >>= k which is diagrammatically represented like this:



e s’


e’ s’’

I/O states are transformed by m and k sequentially, and the result of m is passed to k. For more simpler cases where an intermediate result is not important, the combinator, >>, is available: > m >> m' = m >>= \_ -> m' This combinator constructs a sequentially composition of the given operators.

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A.3 Class Mechanism Haskell uses the class mechanism to control operator overloading. A class is a family of algebraic types associated with finite number of overloaded operators. The behavior of an overloaded operator for a specific instance is called a method. Consider as an example the definition of the Eq class: > class Eq a where > (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool > x /= y = not (x == y) The second line declares that == (equality) and /= (inequality) are the class operators. The last line gives the default method of /=. The following statements declare instances of the Eq class: > instance Eq Int where > x == y = primEqInt x y > instance Eq Float where > x == y = primEqFloat x y Overloaded operators are resolved at run time (or when possible at compile time). An expression x == y is treated as primEqInt x y if x and y have type Int, and as PrimEqFloat x y if x and y have type Float. Instances can be derived by a Haskell language processor by adding deriving clauses in algebraic data type declarations: > data Supplier = Supplier String String [Part] > deriving Eq By this deriving clause, Supplier is made an instance of the Eq class. Note that only instances of predefined classes can be derived and that derived methods are predefined in the language specification. In this case, Supplier values are equal when each of their three component values is equal.

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types Sophie Cluet and Guido Moerkotte

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types Sophie Cluet INRIA BP 105, Domaine de Voluceau, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France [email protected]

Guido Moerkotte Lehrstuhl f¨ur praktische Informatik III, University of Mannheim Seminargeb¨aude A5, 68131 Mannheim, Germany [email protected]

July 8, 1996 Abstract A new method for efficiently evaluating queries with aggregate functions is presented. More specifically, we introduce a class of aggregate queries where traditional query evaluation strategies in general require O(n2 ) time and space in the size of the (at most two) input relations. For this class of aggregate queries our approach needs at most O(n log n) time and linear space. Further, our approach deals not only with relations but with general bulk types like sets, bags, and lists.

1 Introduction Many queries involve the application of functions like count, sum, avg [15]. Among these queries, two different classes can be detected: scalar aggregates and aggregate functions [10]. Scalar aggregates return a single number from an input relation. Examples thereof are count, sum, avg etc. Aggregate functions, on the other hand, return a set of values for a given relation. Aggregate functions typically involve grouping. Then, a scalar aggregate is applied to each group. As an example consider the query retrieving the number of employees for each department. In this paper we are concerned with the efficient evaluation of aggregate functions. At the source level of an SQL-like query language, aggregate functions are often expressed as nested queries (Type JA of Kim’s classification [14]). The original proposal to evaluate these queries is to perform a nested loop [1]. In order to eliminate the inherent inefficiency of this approach, Kim suggests a more efficient method [14]: perform a join between the relations of the outer and inner block, group the result, and then apply the scalar aggregate to each group. Clearly, if the join is an equi-join, this can be efficiently implemented. Subsequently, several bugs in this approach have been detected and corrected [9, 11, 13]. The main point is to use an outer join instead of a regular join. Nevertheless, the main idea — join, group, aggregate — still remains the same and is even today the only known improvement over nested loops [7, 16, 17]. Let us call this approach A-G-J. Lately, it was proposed to exchange grouping and aggregate operations with joins [19, 18, 20, 5, 6]. This work is orthogonal to ours in that our method can be used to implement the grouping and aggregate operations used there. Consider the performance of this approach if the join is a non-equi join, e.g., a -join, or 6=-join. If the two relations involved contain n and m tuples each, the size of the output in general is O(n  m). Hence, the approach needs O(n  m) time and space. If a relation is joined with itself — which is frequently the case for deriving statistical information — the A-G-J approach needs O(n2 ) time and space. The goal of the paper is to improve this to O(n log n + m log n) and O(n log n). At the core of our approach is a special parameterized abstract datatype which we call -table for a comparison operator  (e.g.  2 f=; ; 6=g). A -table allows a linear space representation of all stages of intermediate results of aggregate functions. Thereby, it Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types

avoids the explicit representation of the (intermediate) result of the join which is the crucial point of inefficiency of the A-G-J approach1. Further, we show that -tables can be implemented and that the result of the aggregate function can be extracted efficiently. This efficiency is achieved by exploiting a simple observation on aggregates: they are decomposable and reversible (cf. Sec. 2). The paper is outlined as follows. Section 2 gives some basic notations and the definitions for decomposable and reversible aggregates. Section 3 introduces the abstract datatype -table. It contains a short motivating introduction, the definition of -tables together with an outline of their efficient implementation, and some example applications. Section 4 concludes the paper.

2 Preliminaries Since we do not want to restrict our approach to the relational case, we consider aggregates on bulk type instances. Typical bulk types are sets, lists, and bags, denoted by set, list, and bag, respectively. They all contain a number of elements of some type. To abstract from this type, we introduce type variables, denoted by  . To indicate that the elements of a bulk type are restricted to type  , we write bulk( ). We use the upper case letters X , Y , and Z , to denote bulk type instances. The elements thereof are denoted by their lower case equivalents x, y , and z . A singleton bulk type instance containing solely the element x is denoted by bulk(x). For any given bulk type bulk, we assume the existence of ; and +. For the above bulk types set, list, and bag, these symbols denote


the empty set and disjoint set union, if bulk = set, the emtpy list and the append operation, if bulk = list, and the empty bag and bag union, if bulk = bag.

Operations corresponding to + can be defined for all bulk types (see, e.g., [2]: their bulk constructor C can be used to define +). For all bulk types, we denote membership by the symbol 2. Further, we assume the existence of an iterator foreach which iterates over the elements of a bulk instance where duplicates are iterated over as many times as they are present and bulk type orders are preserved. This roughly corresponds to the apply-to-all operator [2] but foreach will be used at a lower level of abstraction as a means for expressing query evaluation plans. At the algebraic level, we use the  operator instead. For a function f : 1 ! 2 , the signature of f is f : bulk(1 ) ! bulk(2 ), and its semantics is defined with f (;) = ;, f (bulk(x)) = bulk(f (x)) and f (x + y ) = f (x) + f (y ).  is sometimes called map operator. Note that the  operator carries more semantics than the foreach iterator. The  operator implies a function invocation (indicated in the subscript) and produces a result bulk type instance. Opposedly, the foreach iterator is just a means to iterate over a bulk type instance. What is done with each instance the iterator points to is not specified. For convenience, we introduce two abbreviations concerning . If  is a tuple type and X is an instance of a bulk type bulk( ), we abbreviate x:x[a:f ](X ) by a:f (X ) to denote the extension of a tuple by an additional attribute a containing the application of f to the original tuple. As usual,  denotes tuple concatenation. We further abbreviate x:[x:x](X ) by X [x]. This expression builds a bulk of tuples of a single attribute x whose values are the original element x of a bulk type X . Hence, any bulk( ) instance is turned into a bulk([x :  ]) instance. The main motivation behind these definitions is that it is quite convenient to deal with bulks of tuples only [7, 12]. The last operator needed on bulk types is selection. For a function p :  ! Bool, it is denoted by p and has the signature p : bulk( ) ! bulk( ). The definition is given by p (;) = ;, p (x + y) = p (x)+ p (y), and p (bulk(x)) = bulk(x) for a singleton bulk(x), if p(x) and = ; otherwise. After these preliminaries, we can now concentrate on aggregates. In order to keep the definition of aggregates as general as possible, we use the special type symbol N to denote the codomain of an aggregate. Typically, N is a 1 In fact, it is possible to implicitly represent the result of any  -join with a  -table in linear space. Hence, this opens the road for further applications like the evaluation of queries involving a sequence of non-equi joins (cf. Sec. 3.4). Nevertheless, this point is beyond the scope of the paper.

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types numeral data type such as integer or float. Within the paper, we further need N 0 being tuples of numeral data types. That is, N 0 has a signature of kind [a1 : 1 ; : : : ; an : n ] where each of the n is a numeral. A scalar aggregate f is a function f : bulk( ) ! N : A scalar aggregate f : bulk( )

: bulk( ) ! N 0 : N 0; N 0 ! N 0

: N0 ! N

! N is called decomposable, if there exist functions


f (Z ) = ( ( (X ); (Y ))) for all X , Y , and Z with Z = X + Y . This condition assures that f (Z ) can be computed on arbitrary subsets (-lists, -bags) of Z independently and the (partial) results can be joined to yield the correct (total) result. A decomposable scalar aggregate f : bulk( ) ! N is called reversible if for there exists a function 1 : 0 N ; N 0 ! N 0 with f (X ) = ( 1 ( (Z ); (Y ))) for all X , Y , and Z with Z = X + Y . This condition assures that we can compute f (X ) for a subset (-list, -bag) X of Z by “subtracting” its aggregated complement Y from the “total” ( (Z )) by using 1 .

The fact that scalar aggregates can be decomposable and reversible is the basic observation upon which the efficient evaluation of aggregate functions builds. As an example consider the scalar aggregate avg : bag([a : float]) ! float averaging the values of the attributes a of a bag of tuples with a single attribute a. It is reversible with

: f[a : float]g : [sum : float; count : float]; [sum : float; count : float] 1 : [sum : float; count : float]; [sum : float; count : float]

: [sum : float; count : float]

! ! ! !

sum : float; count : float] sum : float; count : float] [sum : float; count : float] float [ [


(X ) ([sum : s1 ; count : c1 ]; [sum : s2 ; count : c2 ]) 1 ([sum : s1 ; count : c1 ]; [sum : s2 ; count : c2 ])

([sum : s; count : c])

sum : sum(X:a); count : jX j] sum : s1 + s2 ; count : c1 + c2 ] [sum : s1 s2 ; count : c1 c2 ] s=c





= =

sum(X:a) denotes the sum of all values of attribute a of the tuples in X , and jX j denotes the cardinality of X . Note that (;) = [sum : 0; count : 0], and ([sum : 0; count : 0]) is undefined as is avg (;). Note that not all aggregates are decomposable and reversible. For instance, min and max are decomposable but not reversible. 3 The Abstract Data Type -Table 3.1 Motivating Introduction Our goal is to apply our technique to queries whose translation into the algebra contains subexpressions of the form

a:f (p (py (px (Y [y]))))(qx (X [x])) where Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

p is a predicate involving x and y, px is a predicate involving x only, py is a predicate involving y only, qx is a predicate involving x only, f is a decomposable/reversible scalar aggregate, and a is a new attribute unequal to x and y.

Let us call the class of these queries . Since the treatment of the additional selections px , py and qx is rather trivial and we do not care about the actual construction of the tuples from the elements in X and Y , we further restrict our discussion to expressions of the form

() a f p Y (X ): : (



where X and Y are bulk type instances containing tuples. Nevertheless, the extensions of the algorithms below to the general case are straight forward. Before we proceed, let us consider two example queries contained in the class . The first query retrieves all managers together with the number of employees earning more than the manager. The translation into the algebra yields

a:count(m:salarye:salary ([e:Emp])) (Mgr[m]):

This directly matches the form (*). The second query demonstrates the special case X = Y and — at a first sight — looks more complex than the first one. The query retrieves all students together with the percentage of students better than the student. We measure better by a higher gpa. The translation of the second query into the algebra yields

s:s;b:b=Stud:card(b:count(b:gpa>s:gpa (Stud[b])) (Stud[s])) where Stud.card denotes the cardinality of all students. If not materialized, it can be computed during the processing of the expression

b:count(b:gpa>s:gpa (Stud[b])) (Stud[s])

which is of the form (*). In order to further simplify the subsequent discussion and not to overwhelm the reader with the technical subtleties of the approach, we further restrict the predicate p of (*) to the form

x:ay:b: for  2 f; 6=g. Other comparison operators can be treated similarily. More complex predicates, involving (implicit) conjunctions like x:a c1  y:b  x:a + c2 for constants ci , can easily be treated by expanding the  case discussed below by exploring reversibility as exemplified below for 6=. The introduction of -tables is easier to understand when their usage is clear already. Hence, we illustrate their usage without giving their definition but simply explain verbally the functionality and complexity of the evaluation with and without -tables. For this, let us consider yet another simple example query: Retrieve all employees together with the number of employees earning less (to cheer them up). If all employees are tuples and are contained in a set X , and s denotes the salary of each employee, then translation into the algebra yields

a:count(y:sx:s (X [y]))(X [x]): The additional information — the result of count — will be contained in the additional attribute during the evaluation of . Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)

a which is added 4

Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types Let us first evaluate the costs imposed by the A-G-J approach. If the number of employees is n, and their salaries are equally distributed, then the size of the -join to be computed for the A-G-J evaluation is n  n=2. Hence, the time and space complexity of this approach is O(n2 ). Opposedly, we will apply the following general procedure to evaluate algebraic expressions of the form (*) in the case X = Y : (1) tt := new -table; (2) foreach (x in X) (3) tt.insadd(x); (4) tt.sort(); (5) tt.eval();

(1) creates a new -table tt which takes constant time. (2) and (3) insert all elements (x) into tt. Each insertion takes constant time. (4) performs some kind of sorting and processing of duplicates. This is the most expensive step taking O(n log n) time. (5) then performs the last step of evaluating the aggregate. Whereas and of, e.g., count have been applied during insadd already, is applied during eval. This step takes O(n). Since the space consumed by the -table is linear in n, the analysis of this evaluation yields the time complexity O(n log n) and space requirements of O(n) which clearly outperforms the corresponding A-G-J approach. In case X 6= Y , the general evaluation procedure of (*) is (1) tt := new -table; (2) foreach (x in X) (3) tt.ins(x); (4) tt.sort(); (5) foreach (y in Y) (6) tt.add(y); (7) tt.eval(); Since X and Y are different, we cannot use insadd. Instead, the information of X is inserted first (lines (2) and (3)), and the information concerning Y has to be added -table in a separate step, shown in lines (5) and (6). The complexity of this algorithm will be O(n) for inserting the n elements of X , O(n log n) for sorting, O(m log n) for adding the m elements of Y , and O(n) for eval. Hence, we reach the promised O(n log n + m log n).



Let us start by giving the signature of a -table which depends on several parameters: 1. the comparison operator , 2. the types bulkx (x ) and bulky (y ) of X and Y , respectively, and 3. the signature of the component of the aggregate f to be computed. The -table has the signature

list[n : int; x : x ; f

: N 0]

if : N 0 ; N 0 ! N 0 . The attribute n counts the number of occurrences of the element x in X . Special care has to be taken not to destroy the original order of bulkx if there is one. Nevertheless, we omit this technical issue in the present extended abstract. Hence, we just assume that the elements x of X are directly contained in the attribute x of the -table. The third attribute, f , contains the result of applying and to some subset of X . This subset is determined by the predicate p = y:b  x:a. More specifically, the value of f in the entry containing x 2 X is the same as applying to the set of all y with y:b  x:a. Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types X a 10 3 7 3

Y b 2 3 4

Figure 1: The Extensions of two bags of tuples with a single attribute [n:1, x:[a: 10], f: 0] [n:1, x:[a: 3], f: 0] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: 0] [n:1, x:[a: 3], f: 0]

[n:2, x:[a: 3], f: 0] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: 0] [n:1, x:[a:10], f: 0]

[n:2, x:[a: 3], f: 2] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: 1] [n:1, x:[a:10], f: 0]

[n:2, x:[a: 3], f: 2] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: 3] [n:1, x:[a:10], f: 3]

Figure 2: Different States of a -Table Since a -table will always be of type list, it is necessary, to convert the -table during eval into the bulk type bulky but we will skip this trivial step since it also depends on operators occurring outside (*), e.g., projections, other conversions like sort, unique etc. We implement -tables as arrays. Hence, linear space will suffice and sorting can be done in place. Further, insertion via binary search takes O(log n) if the -table contains n entries. Typical extensions of a -table are shown in Fig 2. It will be explained shortly, after introducing the operations in more detail. An alternative is to implement a table as a balanced binary tree or B tree but note that this consumes O(n log n) space. Also, note that although these data structures useful for implementing -tables have been known, the way we use these data structures to evaluate aggregate queries more efficiently is new. insert builds a trivial entry from the element x to be inserted and appends it to the -table. The entry appended to the -table is list[n : 1; x : x; f : (;)]: sort After inserting all elements, the method sort is applied. This method does two things. First, it sorts the elements in the -table according to the value of x:a. Then, it eliminates duplicate entries and remembers the number of occurrences in the additional attribute n of the entries of a -table. Thereby, it accumulates the f entries using . add For adding an element y to the -table add performs the following. Using binary search, add searches for the element [n : n; x : x; f : f ] within the -table with the smallest value x:a such that y:b  x:a. This element is then replaced by [n : n; x : x; f : (f; (bulky))]: insadd For insadd(x), we append

[n : 1; x : x; f : (bulk(x))]

to the -table. Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types

eval is defined as follows: eval() f

N 0 a = (;);


foreach (t in self) replace t = [n : n; x : x; f return self;

: f ] by [n : n; x : x; f : a = (a; f )];

The local variable a accumulates all of the f values for each entry in the -table up to the current element. Then, each f value is set to this accumulated value. Let us demonstrate the methods by giving their results when applied to the two bags X and Y of tuples with a single attribute a and b, respectively. X and Y are shown in Fig 1. The algebraic expression is

a:count(y:ax:a (Y )) (X ) For the scalar aggregate count, we have the regular scalar aggregate count, is + and is identity. Fig. 2 shows the results after insert, sort, add, and eval in a left to right order. Let us consider the leftmost table first. For each element in X , insert builds on tuple and inserts it in the -table. Each tuple consists of three attributes: n the number of occurrences. This number is set to one for each inserted tuple. x the contents of the original tuples in X . f the attribute to compute the aggregate. It is initialized with (;) which happens to be zero. The second table from the left in Fig. 2 shows the result after sorting the tuples on their x:a value. The smallest value (3) appears first, the largest value (10) appears last. Additionally, duplicates are eliminated. That is, although 3 occurred twice originally, it occurs only once now. In order to keep track of the number of occurences, the occurence counter n for the tuple with x:a = 3 is set to 2. The next step, the add step, adds the elements of Y to the -table. For this step remember that our aggregate is count. The smallest value  to the first value (2) of Y in the -table is x:a = 3. Hence, the f value of this tuple is increased by one. The same holds for the next value (3) of Y and leaves the count of the first tuple of the -table equal to 2. The last value (4) of Y increased the f -value of the tuple with x:a = 7, since 7 is the smallest value  to 4. The result of the add step is the third table from the left in Fig. 2. The last step, eval, computes the total aggregate by summing up the entries. The global aggregate value a is first set to 0. The tuples are processed in top to bottom order. The first tuple has a f -value of 2. Hence, a becomes a = a + f = 0 + 2 = 2. This value is also the new f value of the first tuple. The f -value of the second tuple is 1. Hence, a becomes a = a + f = 2 + 1 = 3. This is also the new value for f in the second tuple. Since the f -value of the third and last tuple is 0, no further change occurs. The rightmost table of Fig. 2 shows the final result after applying eval.



For a scalar aggregate signature:


with decomposition ,

, and where : N 0 ; N 0 ! N 0 , a 6=-table has the following

list([n : int; x : x; f

: N 0 ]):

Hence, it is the same as for -tables. The only difference will be the value of f . Let x:a 6= y:b be the predicate of (*). Then, f will collect the aggregate of all the y values with y:b = x:a. The computation of the correct aggregate value for a given x can then easily be computed by “subtracting” the value of f from the total aggregate of all y 2 Y . The total aggregate will be computed during the add or insadd phase depending on X 6= Y or X = Y . For holding the total aggregate, we assume the 6=-table to have an additional local variable a. Now, we are ready to specify the methods of the 6=-table: Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types

a = [sum : 0; count : 0]

a = [sum : 0; count : 0]

[n:1, x:[a:10], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]] [n:1, x:[a: 3], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]] [n:1, x:[a: 3], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]]

[n:2, x:[a: 3], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]] [n:1, x:[a:10], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]]

a = [sum : 9; count : 3]

a = [sum : 9; count : 3] [n:2, x:[a: 3], f: ([sum: 6, count: 2])=3] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: ([sum: 9, count: 3])=3] [n:1, x:[a:10], f: ([sum: 9, count: 3])=3]

[n:2, x:[a: 3], f: [sum: 3, count: 1]] [n:1, x:[a: 7], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]] [n:1, x:[a:10], f: [sum: 0, count: 0]]

Figure 3: States of a 6=-Table create during the creation, the local variable a is initialized with (;). insert(x) appends the tuple [n : 1; x : x; f

: (;)] to the -table.

sort proceeds as before. add(y) looks for an entry [n : n; x : x; f : Further, it performs a := (a; (bulk(y ))).

f ] with y:b = x:a and replaces it by [n : n; x : x; f : (f; (bulk(y)))].

addins(x) appends the tuple [n : 1; x : x; f

: (bulk(x))] and assigns a := (a; (bulk(x))).

eval is defined as follows: eval() f foreach (t in self) replace t = [n : n; x : x; f return self;

: f ] by [n : n; x : x; f : ( (a; f ))]; 1


Eval does the following. For a given x, it “subtracts” the value of the aggregate of those tuples of Y fulfilling y:b = x:a from the total aggregate of all values of Y . Thus, the resulting aggregate value is exactly the one for all y:b 6= x:a. As an example let us compute a:avg(y:b6=x:a (Y )) (X ) for X and Y of Fig. 1. (For the definition of avg see page 2.) The expression computes for each x 2 X , the average value of y:b of all y 2 Y with y:b 6= x:a. The resulting states of the 6=-table after insert and sort are given in the upper row of Fig. 3, those after add and eval in the bottom row.

3.4 Remarks on  -Tables We would like to make some remarks. First, note that -tables can be used to implicitly represent the result of any -join in linear space. This can be achieved by chosing appropriate , , and operators with a non-numeral in their signature, i.e., N 0 is some bulk Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5)


Efficient Evaluation of Aggregates on Bulk Types type. More specifically, if and are chosen to be identity and is chosen to be +, -tables implicitly represent the result of a -join in linear space. Hence, they can also be used to optimize queries involving non-equi joins. Second, note that the methods add and eval give a possible implementation of the generalized aggregate function G-aggr [9]. Remember that G-aggr is a combination of (unary) grouping and the computation of a scalar aggregate. Third, -tables can be used to efficiently implement the binary grouping operation introduced in [8] in order to enable the unnesting of queries which cannot be unnested otherwise. Fourth, the technique introduced here can be seen as an extension of two techniques proposed in Section 5.3 of [4] and [3]. In the context of distributed relational databases, the techniques proposed there are the following: (1) Grouping followed by aggregation is distributed over union, if each group is contained in one fragment. (2) For queries containing a scalar aggregate but no grouping, the answer to the query is computed by distributing the aggregate over the partitions of the queried relation, if the scalar aggregate to be computed is decomposable.

4 Conclusion We introduced the abstract datatype -table which allows to evaluate queries of class  involving aggregates in O(n log n + m log n) or O(n log n) time and linear space, where the traditional approach needs O(n  m) or O(n2 ) time and space. A syntactic characterization of the class  based on the result of translating the query into the algebra was given. This seems to be insufficient since the range of applications of -tables is not limited to this class. Hence, further research should investigate the total range of applicability of -tables and come up with a useful characterization of the corresponding queries. By useful we mean that an optimization can easily detect the applicability of -tables. A first step in investigating the applicability is implied by the following observation. The queries capturable by the algebraic expressions treated in this paper are typically those requiring one level of nesting within some SQL-like query language. Future research will explore -tables for more levels of nesting. Last not least, since -tables are implicit representations of -joins, their usefulness for efficiently evaluating successive non-equi joins seems worth to be investigated. Acknowledgement: We thank the anonymous referees for their detailed comments. We also thank S. Ceri for pointing out to us Chapter 5 of [4].

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design Leonidas Fegaras and David Maier

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design Leonidas Fegaras David Maier Department of Computer Science and Engineering Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology 20000 N.W. Walker Road P.O. Box 91000 Portland, OR 97291-1000, USA email: ffegaras,[email protected]

Abstract Physical design for object-oriented databases is still in its infancy. Implementation decisions often intrude into the conceptual design (such as inverse links and object decomposition). Furthermore, query optimizers do not always take full advantage of physical design information. This paper proposes a formal framework for physical database design that automates the query translation process. In this framework, the physical database design is specified in a declarative manner. This specification is used for generating an efficient query transformer that translates logical queries into programs that manipulate the physical database. Alternative access paths to physical data are captured as simple rewrite rules that are used for generating alternative plans for a query.

1 Introduction One important advantage that commercial database systems offer is data independence, whereby abstract objects and the operations upon them can be significantly decoupled from their implementations. In a relational database system, for example, a database designer may choose the implementation of a database table from a number of possible structures (such as a B-tree or a hash table) as well as attach secondary indices to the table. These implementation decisions will not affect how queries are expressed in the database language but only how they are compiled and optimized. Furthermore, some systems provide a restructuring mechanism to change the implementation of parts of the database or to modify the database schema itself without losing any stored data. Physical design for object-oriented databases is more difficult than for relational systems because the complexity of object-oriented database (OODB) data models results in a larger number of implementation choices. The database designer may consider clustering versus normalization for various nested collections in the database, create inverse links, attach secondary indices, materialize functions and views, partition large objects, etc. [15, 14, 23, 4]. It is highly desirable to have these choices isolated from the conceptual model itself, leaving the application programmer to worry only about what data to retrieve, not how to retrieve the data. Achieving the same degree of data independence in an OODB system as in a relational database system is a major challenge for object-oriented databases. This paper presents a framework for specifying the physical design in a declarative language, called the physical design language. It consists of a small, but extensible, repertoire of commands (called physical design directives) for specifying the implementation techniques for various parts of a database. For example, one command may indicate that a specific nested collection be normalized (flattened out) into two collections. The query translator uses these commands to translate queries against the conceptual database into queries against the physical database. If normalization was chosen for a nested collection, then a logical query that manipulates this nested collection may be translated into a query that joins the two normalized collections. The physical design language described in this paper captures most of the recent proposals for OODB physical designs, including clustering, horizontal and vertical partitioning, normalization, join indices, and multiple access paths via secondary indices. Expressing a physical design as a set of independent directives simplifies the physical design process. The query translation process in our framework consists of several stages. First, the database administrator specifies the conceptual database schema. The main concern of this person is to write functionally correct specification

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

satisfying all the design requirements. Then, the database implementor specifies the physical design in such a way that the performance of the resulting system is acceptable for the needs of this application. This person is also responsible for tuning the database to cope with new performance requirements. Finally, the application programmer submits a logical query against the database without any knowledge of the physical design. The query translator translates the query into a physical plan that reflects the physical design and ideally runs faster than any other equivalent plan. The query evaluator executes this plan and returns the result to the application programmer. Query translation in our framework is purely algebraic and can be easily validated for correctness. In our framework, the physical database design has an internal schema that specifies the structure of the internal database state, an abstraction function [11] that maps the internal schema into the conceptual schema, and a set of constraints that capture the alternative access paths (such as secondary indices, materialized functions and views). The abstraction function is a logical view of the physical database. This function always exists, since otherwise there would be some semantic information lost when the conceptual database is mapped into the physical storage. Given the conceptual schema of an OODB and a set of physical design directives, we have an automated method for generating the physical schema, the abstraction function, and the plan transformers (this is the optimizer generation component in Figure 1). This method is the focus of the paper. It is expressed in rule form, requiring only one rule per physical design directive, and allows extensions to more complex physical design methods. Our physical design framework requires that both conceptual and physical data structures, as well as the operations upon them, be defined in the same language. The language used in this paper is called the monoid comprehension calculus [9, 10] because it is based on monoids and monoid comprehensions. Logical collection types, such as sets, lists, and bags, as well as physical data types, such as B-trees and hash tables, can be captured as monoids. Logical queries are equivalent to queries against the conceptual database built from the internal database via the abstraction function. That is, any logical query can be transformed to a program that manipulates the physical database if we replace all references to the conceptual database state in the query with the logical view of the physical database state. The query translation process in our framework consists of substituting R DB for all occurrences of db in a logical query and normalizing the resulting program, where db is the conceptual database state, DB is the physical database state, and R is the abstraction function (this is the composition component in Figure 1).

( )

We give a normalization algorithm that removes all the unnecessary intermediate logical structures, in such a way that the resulting normalized program does not actually materialize any part of the conceptual database. The resulting program (the physical plan in Figure 1) is thus a query that directly manipulates the physical database. That is, if the abstraction function is expressed in the monoid calculus, then any query in the monoid calculus that manipulates the conceptual database can be efficiently translated into a query that manipulates only the physical database. Even though the abstraction function builds the entire conceptual database from the physical database, no part of this construction will actually take place if we normalize the resulting query. The normalization algorithm is purely algebraic, simple, and efficient.

( )

Access path selection is achieved by substituting Ci DB for DB in the derived physical plan, where Ci is a plan transformer, and then normalizing the resulting program (this step is the plan generation component in Figure 1). This phase can be combined with the application of commutativity and associativity rules for monoid comprehensions. There is no need of using a rewrite system for these transformations, since we only use three types of rules: an application of a plan transformer, associativity, and commutativity. In fact an optimizer based on dynamic programming, such as the one for System R [19], would be sufficient for our purpose. In that case, the costing component in Figure 1 could be combined with the plan generation component. In addition to query translation, in this paper we report an automated method for translating database updates against the conceptual database state into updates against the physical database. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, we present a declarative language for specifying physical design directives for an OODB management system that captures many recent proposals for OODB physical design. Second, we present a method for translating these directives into a form that facilitates an automated translation of logical queries and updates. The program translation as well as the elimination of the intermediate logical structures in the resulting program is based on a formal model.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design



query  R


- normalization



abstraction function



: C1  


optimizer generation


physical plan



plan generation

.. .


plan transformers





alternative A A physical plans A U A

ZZ costing   ZZ  ZZ


conceptual schema


physical design

best plan


Figure 1: The Query Translation Architecture

2 Background Queries in our framework are transformed into physical plans by a number of refinement steps. Thus, they need to be compiled into an algebraic form that captures both logical and physical operators. More importantly, the algebraic forms derived after query translation need to be normalized in a way that no intermediate logical structures are constructed during the evaluation of these forms. In this section we give a brief overview of the monoid comprehension calculus, which fulfills these two requirements. For a complete formal description of the calculus, which includes advanced data structures such as vectors, matrices and object identity, the reader is referred to our previous work [9, 10].


The Monoid Comprehension Calculus

A data type T in our calculus is expressed as a monoid M with a unit function:

M = (T; zero; unit; merge) where the function merge, of type T  T ! T , is associative with left and right identity zero. If in addition merge is commutative (idempotent, i.e., 8x merge x; x x), then the monoid is commutative (idempotent). For example, set ; fg; f; [ , where f x fxg, is a commutative and idempotent monoid while int; ; g; , where g x x, is a commutative monoid. When necessary to distinguish the components of a particular monoid M we qualify them as zeroM , unitM , and mergeM .

( ()


( )=


( )=

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995

( 0 +)

( )=


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design



list set bag sorted f



( ) [] ( ) fg ( ) ffgg ( ) []

list set bag list

(a) [a]


fag ffagg



++ [ ]


[f ]





sum max some all

int int bool bool


0 0

false true



a a a a




_ ^


Table 1: Examples of Collection and Primitive Monoids We have two types of monoids: collection and primitive monoids. Collection monoids capture bulk data types, while primitive monoids capture primitive types, such as integers and booleans. Table 1 presents some examples of collection and primitive monoids. The C/I column indicates whether the monoid is a commutative or idempotent monoid. The monoids list, bag, and set capture the well-known collection types for linear lists, multisets, and sets [7] (where is list append and ] is the additive union for bags). The monoid sorted f is parameterized by the function f whose range is associated with a partial order . The merge function of this monoid merges two sorted lists into a sorted list. If x appears before y in a sorted f list, then f x  f y . In our treatment of queries we will consider only monoid types as valid types. A monoid type has one of the following forms:




class name



(a reference to a class)

T (T is a primitive type, such as int and bool) T (type) (T is a type constructor, such as set, bag, and list) h A1 : t1; : : :; A : t i (a record type) where type and t1; : : :; t are monoid types and T is a monoid. That is, collection types can be freely nested. A monoid comprehension over the monoid M takes the form Mf e | r g. Expression e is called the head of the comprehension. Each term r in the term sequence r = r1; : : :; r ; n  0, is called a qualifier, and is either  a generator of the form v e0, where v is a variable and e0 is an expression, or  a filter p, where p is a predicate. The scope of the variable v in Mf e | e1 ; v e0; r2 g is limited to the rest of the comprehension, r2, and to the head of the comprehension, e. Like in most modern programming languages, the scope is textual and we have the typical scoping rules for name conflicts: e.g., the scope of the left v in Mf e | e1 ; v e0; r2; v e00; r3 g is r2 and e00, while the scope of the right v is r3 and e. For example, the join of two sets x and y, join(f; p)(x; y), is setf f (a; b) | a x; b y; p(a; b) g where p is the join predicate and function f constructs an output set element given two elements from x and y. For example, if p(a,b) = (a.C=b.C) ^ (a.D > 10) and f (a,b) = h C=a.C, D=b.D i, then this comprehension becomes: setf h C=a.C, D=b.D i | a x, b y, a.C=b.C, a.D > 10 g. n





A monoid comprehension is defined by the following reduction rules: (A formal definition based on monoid homomorphisms is presented elsewhere [10].)

Mf e | g Mf e | false; r g Mf e | true; r g Mf e | v zeroN ; r g Mf e | v unitN (e0 ); r g Mf e | v mergeN (e1 ; e2); r g

! unitM (e) ! zeroM ! Mf e | r g ! zeroM ! let v = e0 in Mf e | r g ! mergeM ( Mf e | v e1; r g; Mf e | v e2; r g )

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

Rules 2 and 3 reduce a comprehension in which the leftmost qualifier is a filter, while rules 4-6 reduce a comprehension in which the leftmost qualifier is a generator. This definition of a comprehension provides an equational theory that allows us to prove the soundness of various transformations, including the translation of comprehensions into efficient joins. The monoid comprehension is the only form of bulk manipulation of collection types supported in our calculus. But monoid comprehensions are very expressive. In fact, a small subset of these forms, namely the monoid comprehensions from sets to sets, captures precisely the nested relational algebra (since they are equivalent to the set monad comprehensions [6]). For example, the nesting operator for nested relations is nest

(k) x = setf h KEY = k(e); P = setf a | a x; k(e) = k(a) g i | e x g

Similarly, the unnesting operator is

(x) = setf e | s x; e s:P g


The last comprehension is an example of a dependent join in which the value of the second collection s:P depends on the value of s, an element of the first relation x. Dependent joins are a convenient way of traversing nested collections. But monoid comprehensions go beyond the nested relational algebra to capture operations over multiple collection types, such as the join of a list with a bag that returns a set, plus predicates and aggregates. For example,

setf (x; y) | x [1; 2]; y ff3; 4; 3gg g = f(1; 3); (1; 4); (2; 3); (2; 4)g Another example is sumf a | a [1; 2; 3]; a  2 g, which returns 5, the sum of all list elements greater than or

equal to 2. They can also capture physical algorithms, such as the merge join:

sorted[f ]f a | a x; b y; f (a) = g(b) g where x is an instance of a sorted[f ] monoid and y of a sorted[g] monoid (f and g are not necessarily the same). That

is, this comprehension behaves exactly like a merge-join: it receives two sorted lists as input and it generates a sorted list as output. Even though the naive interpretation of this program derived from the comprehension definition (Rules 1 through 6) is quadratic, we will see later that there are some effective ways of assigning specialized execution algorithms to these programs. In that case, the program will be a real merge join. This assignment to efficient execution algorithms is possible by examining the types of the generator domains in a comprehension. The following are some more examples of comprehensions: filter(p)(x) x\y sum(x) 9a 2 x : e a2x

= = = = =

setf e | e x; p(e) g flatten(x) = setf e | s x; e s g setf e | e x; e 2 y g length(x) = sumf 1 | e x g sumf e | e x g count(x; a) = sumf 1 | e x; e = a g somef e | a x g 8a 2 x : e = allf e | a x g somef a = e | e x g The expression sum(x) adds the elements of any non-idempotent monoid x, e.g., sum([1; 2; 3]) = 6. The expression count(x; a) counts the number of occurrences of a in the bag x, e.g., count(ff1; 2; 1gg; 1) = 2.

The calculus has a semantic well-formedness requirement that a comprehension be over an idempotent or commutative monoid if any of its generators are over idempotent or commutative monoids. For example, listf x | x f ; g g is not a valid monoid comprehension, since it maps a set (which is both commutative and idempotent) to a list (which is neither commutative nor idempotent), while sumf x | x ff ; gg g is valid (since both bag and sum are commutative). This requirement can be easily checked during compile time [9]. We will use the following convention to represent variable bindings in a comprehension:



Mf e | r; x  u; s g ! Mf e[u=x] | r; s[u=x] g


where e[u=x] is the expression e with u substituted for all the free occurrences of x (i.e., e[u=x] is equivalent to let x = u in e). A term of the form x  u is called a binding since it binds the variable x to the expression u. For example, set f b:D j a x; b  y; a:B = b:C g = set f y:D j a x; a:B = y:C g

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design


Program Normalization

The monoid calculus can be put into a canonical form by an efficient rewrite algorithm, called the normalization algorithm (described in detail elsewhere [10]). The evaluation of these canonical forms generally produces fewer intermediate data structures than the initial unnormalized programs. Moreover, the normalization algorithm improves program performance in many cases. The normalization algorithm will be used as a prephase to our query evaluator since canonical forms are a convenient program representation that facilitate program transformation. The physical design framework described in Section 3 uses this algorithm to eliminate value coercions introduced when mapping logical queries into physical programs. The normalization algorithm is a pattern-based rewriting algorithm. One example of a rewriting rule that this algorithm uses is unnesting nested comprehensions (i.e., comprehensions that contain a generator whose domain is another comprehension):

Mf e | r; v Nf e0 | t g; s g

! Mf e | r; t; v  e0 ; s g


Rules 7 and 8 are the most complex rules of the normalization algorithm. The other rules include trivial reductions, such as a projection over a tuple construction results into a tuple component. Rule 8 may require some variable renaming to avoid name conflicts. The following is an example of a program normalization that requires variable renaming. The program filter(p)(filter(q) x) is computed by

setf a | a setf a | a x, q(a) g, p(a) g = setf a | a setf b | b x, q(b) g, p(a)


(by renaming variable a to b) and is normalized into

! setf ! setf

a | b b | b

x, q(b), a  b, p(a) x, q(b), p(b) g


(by Rule 8) (by Rule 7)

A path path is a name (the identifier of a bound variable, or the identifier of a persistent variable, or the name of a class extent) or an expression path0 :name (where name is an attribute name of a record and path0 is a path). If the generator domains in a comprehension (i.e., expressions e in v e) do not contain any non-commutative merges (such as the list append), then these domains can be normalized into paths [10]. In the next section we will use the following shorthand: A path expression (as it is defined in [12]) is an expression of the form db:pth1 :pth2 : : ::pthn+1, where each pthi is a path and db is the conceptual database state, and whose interpretation in our calculus is

setf v :pth +1 | v1 db:pth1; v2 v1:pth2 ; : : :; v n



v 1:pth g n


In addition to the normalization rules, there are other important program transformations that explore the commutativity properties of monoids. In particular, if M is a commutative monoid, then we have the following join commutativity rule:

Mf e | r; v1 e1; v2 e2; s g ! Mf e | r; v2 e2; v1 e1; s g which holds only when term e2 does not depend on v1 . The following transformation, which is valid for any monoid M, pushes a selection before a join if pred does not depend on v:

Mf e | r; v e1; pred; s g ! Mf e | r; pred; v e1; s g


Physical Design

In this section we show how to translate queries against the conceptual database into queries against the physical database in a way that reflects a user-specified physical design. The translation process is described through examples that illustrate the basic idea. The physical design language is presented in Section 4 while the rules for generating the query translator from a physical design are presented in Section 5. In the first example we normalize a nested relation. We intentionally kept this example simple so that one can easily express the abstraction function and the plan transformers

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

by simply observing the conceptual and the physical schema. These observations will help us understand how these programs are generated automatically by the optimizer-generation component of our translator. We use these programs to translate a logical query into a physical plan and to derive alternative plans. The second example is more complex. It is based on a conceptual OODB schema with a complex physical design. The purpose of this example is to support our claim that the same theory can be easily scaled up to capture more complex designs.


Example 1: Mapping Nested Relations into Flat Relations Consider the following NF2 conceptual database schema: db: set(h A: int, B: set(h C: int, D: int i), E: int i) Suppose that we want to implement this schema using flat table structures. The standard approach is to normalize the nested collection into two tables T1 and T2: table T1 holds the outer set while table T2 holds the union of all the inner sets. Then, whenever a query manipulates the initial nested collection, this nested collection is reconstructed via an implicit join. Furthermore, suppose that we want to implement the set as a B-tree indexed by A and we want to add a secondary index (also implemented as a B-tree) indexed by E. Using our physical design language (that will be described in detail in Section 4), this specification is expressed by the following physical design directives: directives = f implement( db, sorted[A] ), normalize( db.B ), secondary( db, E ) g

(1) (2) (3)

Directive (1) indicates that the outer set be implemented as a B-tree indexed by A. Directive (2) indicates that the nested set (reached by the path expression db.B) be normalized. Directive (3) indicates that there will be a secondary index attached to the outer set. One possible internal (physical) schema that captures this design is the following: DB: h T1: sorted[A](h A: int, B: hi, E: int i), T2: sorted[#](h #: TID, INFO: h C: int, D: int T3: sorted[E](h #: TID, E: int i) i

i i),

where hi is the empty record, which indicates that the B attribute in T1 is of no interest, since the inner set in the conceptual database is normalized into T2. Each record in the physical schema is associated with a tuple identifier (of type TID) that holds the actual location of this record on disk. The tuple identifier of a record x is accessed by @x. The # attributes in T2 and T3 hold tuple identifiers. Sequence T1 is implemented as a sequence sorted by A, that is, 8x; y 2 T1 @x  @y ) x:A  y:A. A similar equation holds for the secondary index T3. Sequence T2 is indexed by the # attribute, that is, 8x; y 2 T2 @x  @y ) x:#  y:#. If x 2 T2 is a child of y 2 T1, then x:# @y. The inner set of the conceptual database is implemented as a sorted[#] sequence so that the join between T1 and T2 over the join predicate x:# @y, which reconstructs the nested set, can be performed as a merge join. Similarly, for each x 2 T1 there is y 2 T3 such that y:# @x and y:E x:E. Let R be the abstraction function that maps the physical schema DBtype to the conceptual schema dbtype. That is, if db of type dbtype is the database state as a user sees it and DB of type DBtype is the actual database state as it is stored on disk, then db R DB . For our example, we have:







= ( )

R(DB) = setf h

A = a.A, B = setf h C=b.INFO.C, D=b.INFO.D E = a.E i | a DB.T1 g


| b

DB.T2, b.#=@a


In addition, there is a relationship between the table T1 and its secondary index T3. This relationship can be captured by the function C (a plan transformer), which represents a referential integrity constraint on the physical schema:

C (DB) = h

@=@DB, T1 = sorted[A]f h @=@a, A=a.A, B=a.B, E=b.E i | a DB.T1, b DB.T3, b.#=@a g, T2 = DB.T2, T3 = DB.T3 i

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

( )=

The equation C DB DB is true for any database instance DB because of the information redundancy introduced by the secondary index. This equation indicates that the values stored in table T1 can also be retrieved by joining T1 with T3. That is, if a tuple b of the secondary index T3 is located (e.g., by providing the value b.E), then the associated tuple a of T1 is located by the equijoin. The tuple identifier @ of the resulting tuples in T1 is set to @a so that the tuples in T1 have the same tuple identifiers as those generated by the comprehension. That is, the TID @ is handled as a record attribute, even though it does not occupy any physical space. This function makes the tuple identifiers of all the records in DB equal to the tuple identifiers generated by the expression in the C definition. An abstract query is a function f over the conceptual database db. For example:

f (db) = sumf

( )

y.C | x

db, y

x.B, x.A=10, y.D > 5


( ) = f (R(DB)):

The implementation of f db is F DB

F (DB) = sumf = sumf

y.C | x y.C | x


R(DB), y x.B, x.A=10, y.D > 5 g setf h A=a.A, B=setf h C=b.INFO.C, D=b.INFO.D i | b DB.T2, b.#=@a g, E=a.E i | a DB.T1 g, x.B, x.A=10, y.D > 5 g

If we normalize this expression using our normalization algorithm, we get:

! sumf ! sumf ! sumf ! sumf

y.C | a DB.T1, x  h A=a.A, B=setf h C=b.INFO.C, D=b.INFO.D i | b DB.T2, b.#=@a g, E=a.E i, y x.B, x.A=10, y.D > 5 g y.C | a DB.T1, y setf h C=b.INFO.C, D=b.INFO.D i | b DB.T2, b.#=@a g, a.A=10, y.D > 5 g y.C | a DB.T1, b DB.T2, b.#=@a, y  h C=b.INFO.C, D=b.INFO.D i, a.A=10, y.D > 5 g b.INFO.C | a DB.T1, b DB.T2, b.#=@a, a.A=10, b.INFO.D > 5 g

(by Rule 8)

(by Rule 7)

(by Rule 8)

(by Rule 7)

We see that the initial dependent join, which was over a nested collection, is flattened into an 1NF join. Notice that DB.T1 is sorted by both @ and A attributes while DB.T2 is sorted by @ and #. That is, the derived program has the functionality of a sort-merge join since the join predicate is b.#=@a. This functionality can be deduced directly from the types of the comprehension generators. In contrast to most query optimization approaches, the programs derived in our framework are guaranteed to be correct since our framework uses transformations that are purely algebraic and meaning preserving. The alternative access path of using the secondary index T3 can be derived from the equation F 0 DB F C DB :

( ) = ( ( ))

F 0(DB) = sumf

b.INFO.C | a C (DB).T1, b C (DB).T2, b.#=@a, a.A=10, b.INFO.D > 5 g = sumf b.INFO.C | a sorted[A]f h @=@c, A=c.A, B=c.B, E=d.E i | c DB.T1, d DB.T3, d.#=@c g, b DB.T2, b.#=@a, a.A=10, b.INFO.D > 5 g ! sumf b.INFO.C | c DB.T1, d DB.T3, d.#=@c, a  h @=@c, A=c.A, B=c.B, E=d.E i, b DB.T2, b.#=@a, a.A=10, b.INFO.D > 5 g ! sumf b.INFO.C | c DB.T1, d DB.T3, b DB.T2, d.#=@c, b.#=@c, c.A=10, b.INFO.D > 5 g 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995

(by C def) (by Rule 8) (by Rule 7)


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

The resulting program is an alternative plan to evaluate the initial logical query. It is a 3-way sort-merge join that corresponds to the alternative access path associated with the secondary index T3. Both programs F 0 DB and F DB should be considered by the query optimizer for costing. If there were many integrity constraints because of multiple access paths, then an optimization step would consist of selecting one of the plan transformers C , substituting C DB for DB in the current program, and normalizing the resulting program. The optimization process consists of the exploration of all the alternative programs generated by applying this optimization step multiple times as well as of using the commutativity and associativity properties of monoids.

( )


( ) ( )

Example 2: OODB Physical Design

The example presented here translates an OODB query into a physical plan that reflects an OODB physical design. The conceptual database schema is the following: class hotel = h name: string, address: string, facilities: set(string), rooms: set(h beds: int, price: int i) i extent: hotels; class city = h name: string, hotels: bag(hotel), places to visit: list(h name: string, address: string i) extent: cities;


where the extent name is a collection of all instances of a class. The database schema db associated with this specification is the aggregation of all class extents along with a number of persistent variables. To make our examples short, though, we will assume that there are no persistent variables. In that case, db has type:


hotels: set(hotel), cities: set(city)


As we mentioned earlier, physical design in our framework consists of a set of physical design directives specified by the database implementor. In order to reduce the number of required physical directives, we assume a default implementation for the database. Then the physical design directives are commands to change these defaults. In the default implementation, objects from two different classes are not clustered together. That is, the hotels extent will be stored in a different storage collection than the cities extent, while each bag will be a bag of OIDs1 that reference hotels. But the database implementor can cluster cities and hotels together by stating the right physical directive. The default implementation for a nested collection, such as the hotels.rooms, is the direct storage model [23]: all hierarchical object structures are stored in preorder form. For example, hotels and hotels.rooms are clustered together, with the rooms of a hotel stored adjacent to the hotel. The following is an example of physical design directives specified by the database implementor during the physical design of the previous OODB example: directives = f implement( cities, sorted[name] ), implement( hotels, sorted[name] ), secondary( hotels, address ), normalize( ), join index( hotels.rooms ) g

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Directives (1) and (2) indicate that both cities and hotels will be implemented as B-trees indexed by name. Directive (3) indicates that a secondary index on attribute address will be attached to hotels. Directive (4) indicates that will be normalized. The conceptual nested collection is reconstructed by a join. Directive (5) requests a binary join index for hotels.rooms. This directive implies that hotels.rooms be normalized and that there will be an additional index for accelerating the join between the normalized tables. According to these physical design directives, the physical schema DB for our OODB example is the following: (it is automatically generated by a program described in Section 5) 1 We decided to capture OIDs as tuple identifiers only to make the algorithms and examples easier to understand. A better alternative for OIDs might be to use surrogates, i.e., system generated unique numbers.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design


hotels: sorted[name](h name: string, address: string, facilities: list(string), rooms: hi i), cities: sorted[name](h name: string, hotels: hi, places to visit: list(h name: string, address: string i) i), cities hotels: sorted[#](h #: TID, INFO: TID i), hotels rooms: sorted[#](h #: TID, INFO: h beds: int, price: int i i), hotels rooms JI: sorted[FROM](h FROM: TID, TO: TID i), hotels address: sorted[address](h #: TID, address: string i) i

(DB), which is also generated automatically, is the following:

The abstraction function R

R(DB) = h

hotels = setf


name =, address = b.address, facilities = setf x | x b.facilities g, rooms = setf h beds=r.INFO.beds, price=r.INFO.price i | i rooms JI, r rooms, i.FROM=@b, i.TO=@r g i | b g, cities = setf h name =, hotels = bagf @x | b DB.cities hotels, x, b.#=@a, @x=b.INFO g, places to visit = listf h, address=c.address i | c a.places to visit g i | a DB.cities g i

That is, the set of rooms in a hotel b is reconstructed by joining the normalized table hotels rooms with the join index hotels rooms JI. The set of all hotel references in a city a is reconstructed by joining the normalized table cities hotels with the hotels extent. The plan transformer generated (because of the secondary index) is the following:

C (DB) = h

@=@DB, hotels = sorted[address]f


@=@x,, address=y.address, facilities=x.facilities, rooms=x.rooms i | x, y address, y.#=@x g, cities=DB.cities, cities hotels=DB.cities hotels, hotels rooms, hotels rooms rooms JI, cities address=DB.cities address i

We now translate a logical query against our OODB schema into a physical plan:

setf | c db.cities, h, p c.places to visit,“Portland”, g

This query finds all hotels in Portland that are also interesting places to visit. It is translated into

setf | c R(db).cities, h, p c.places to visit,“Portland”, g

which, when normalized by the Rules 8 and 7, becomes

setf | a DB.cities, c a.places to visit, b x, @x=b.INFO, b.#=@a,“Portland”, g

DB.cities hotels,

Observe that this query is purely in terms of physical storage structures and has no nested comprehensions, hence it is not reconstructing any of the structures in the conceptual database. The resulting program is still a dependent join since c is derived from a.places to visit. But the collection DB.cities.places to visit is not normalized. Therefore, all places to visit are clustered together with the cities. Hence, when a city a is retrieved, all places to visit in a are retrieved as well. If we use the secondary index secondary(hotels,address), the previous program becomes

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

setf | a C (DB).cities, c a.places to visit, b x C (DB).hotels, @x=b.INFO, b.#=@a,“Portland”, g

C (DB).cities hotels,

which, when normalized by the Rules 8 and 7, becomes

setf | a DB.cities, c a.places to visit, DB.cities hotels, y, z address, b z.#=@y, @y=b.INFO, b.#=@a,“Portland”,



Physical Design Specification

The following is the detailed description of the physical design directives. This description is by no means a complete list. It can be easily extended to incorporate new physical design techniques, new storage structures, and new physical algorithms. Such extensions are easy to incorporate because, as we will see next, each design technique can be expressed in a declarative way, in a form of a rule that is independent of the other rules. We have been experimenting with vertical partition of collections, hierarchical join indices [23], implementation of OIDs with surrogates, materialized functions and views, and denormalization [17] (where two collections that are not nested together are stored as a nested collection), but we decided not to include them here to simplify the exposition of the translation algorithms. The physical design directives are the following:



implement path; M : sets the implementation of the collection reached by the path expression path to M. (The monoid M represents a storage structure, such as an ordered list, a hash table, etc.)

secondary path; attrb : attaches a secondary index on attribute attrb to the collection reached by path (in addition to the possible primary index specified by the implement directive). The secondary index may be attached to a deeply nested collection.

normalize path : normalizes the nested collections reached by path into one collection. Each element of this collection contains a reference (a TID) to its owner object. The original nested collection can be reconstructed by joining the path with this collection.

join index path : is like normalize path but it also creates a binary join index to speed up the join between the path and the normalized collection.

cluster path : path should be either a reference to a class or a collection of class references (such as set(person)). It clusters the class instances reached by path together with the path (instead of storing these instances into the class extent).

partition path; f : specifies a horizontal partition of the collection reached by path. Function f is the partition function. Two elements x and y of the collection belong to the same partition if f x f y . If the collection e (an instance of M) is reached by path, then the horizontal partitions are computed as follows:













( )= ( )

sorted[KEY]fh KEY = f (x); PARTITION = Mf a | a e; f (a) = f (x) g i | x e g 5 The Optimizer Generator The following algorithms generate the physical schema, the abstraction function, and the semantic constraints from the conceptual schema and from the physical design directives. To make the algorithms simple, we assumed that the physical design directives have been checked for semantic correctness and for possible conflicts before they fed to these algorithms (e.g., all expression paths in the directives are valid within the conceptual database schema).

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

T ([[base type] ; path) ! base type T ([[class name] ; path) : cluster(path) ! T ([[type(db.class extent)]]; db.class extent) T ([[class name] ; path) ! TID T ([[t] ; path) : normalize(path) ! h i T ([[t] ; path) : join index(path) ! h i T ([[h A1 : t1 ; : : :; A : t i] ; path) ! h A1 : T ([[t1] ; path:A1); : : :; A : T ([[t ] ; path:A ) i T ([[M(t)]]; path) : partition(path; f ) ! sorted[KEY](h KEY : co-domain(f ); PARTITION : T ([[M(t)]]; path) i) T ([[M(t)]]; path) : implement(path; N ) ! N (T ([[t] ; path)) T ([[list(t)]]; path) ! list(T ([[t] ; path)) T ([[M(t)]]; path) ! sorted[@](T ([[t] ; path)) n





Figure 2: Generation of the Physical Schema Algorithm 1 (Generation of the Physical Schema) The rules for schema transformation are presented in Figure 2. The expression T type ; path takes the conceptual schema (the type of path) and returns the physical schema. The algorithm is expressed by rules of the form:




T ([[type] ; path) : condition ! type The condition checks whether a specific directive exists in the set of physical design directives. Only the first rule whose head matches the current type and whose condition matches one of the directives is executed. The matched directive is not used again. For example, the rule that checks for a partition directive can only be used once for each directive, hence allowing multiple horizontal partitions for the same collection.


] )

The conceptual database db is mapped into the physical schema T dbtype ; db , which is a record since dbtype is also a record. The resulting record is extended with the following record attributes that contain the normalized collections and the alternative access paths. (The identifier path is the concatenation of all the attribute names in the path. For example, if path A.B.C, then path A B C. In addition, type path returns the type of the path.):





(path) or join index(path), include the record attribute ( # : TID; INFO : T ([[type(path)]]; path) i)  for each secondary(path; A), include the record attribute path A : sorted[A](h # : TID; A : T ([[type(path:A)]]; path:A) i)  for each join index(path), include the record attribute path JI : sorted[FROM](h FROM : TID; TO : TID i) 

for each normalize path sorted[#] h


Algorithm 2 (Generation of the Abstraction Function) The abstraction function R is generated by the rules in Figure 3. Expression E type ; path; e1; e2 takes an abstract schema, a path expression, an expression e1 (the current constructed expression), and expression e2 ( e2 references the last collection that contains e1 ), and generates





5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

E ([[basic type] ; path; e1; e2) ! e1 E ([[class name] ; path; e1; e2) : cluster(path) ! @(E ([[type(db.class extent)]]; db.class extent; e1; e2)) E ([[class name] ; path; e1; e2) ! pickf @(E ([[type(db.class extent)]]; db.class extent; x; x)) | x DB.class extent; @x = e1 g E ([[h A1 : t1; : : :; A : t i] ; path; e1; e2) ! h A1 = E ([[t1] ; path:A1; e1 :A1; e2); : : :; A = E ([[t ] ; path:A ; e1:A ; e2) i E ([[M(t)]]; path; e1; e2 ) : join index(path) ! Mf E ([[t] ; path; r:INFO; r) | i DB:path JI; r DB:path; i:FROM = @e2 ; i:TO = @r g E ([[M(t)]]; path; e1; e2 ) : normalize(path) ! Mf E ([[t] ; path; x:INFO; x) | x DB:path; x:# = @e2 g E ([[M(t)]]; path; e1; e2 ) : partition(path; f ) ! Mf y | x e1; y E ([[M(t)]]; path; x:PARTITION; x:PARTITION); f (y) = x:KEY g E ([[M(t)]]; path; e1; e2 ) ! MfE ([[t] ; path; x;x) | x e1 g n






Figure 3: Generation of the Abstraction Function the piece of the abstraction function that corresponds to this type. All free variable names that appear in a rule action need to be made unique to avoid the variable capture problem. The entire abstraction function is generated by E dbtype ; db; DB; DB .




The primitive monoid pick in the third rule is over tuple identifiers. Its zero value is null, its unit function is the idenx, otherwise mergepick x; y x. For example, tity function, and its merge function satisfies mergepick null; x pickf @x | x, @x=h g dereferences a hotel from the class extent using the TID h. If there is no such hotel, then it returns null. If there are more than one hotel (this never happens, since TIDs are unique), then it returns the first one. The f y x:KEY predicate in the next-to-last rule in Figure 3, which checks for a partition, is redundant because of the way this partition was constructed. But, if there were a generator v e in a comprehension, where e is partitioned by f , and a predicate f v constant, then it is translated into x e; y x:PARTITION; f y x:KEY; f y constant, which implies x:KEY constant. That way, only the partition with the specified KEY is retrieved.



( )=

( )=

( )=

( )=


Algorithm 3 (Generation of the Semantic Constraints) For each such directive secondary erate the function

( )=

(lpath; attrb), we gen-

(DB) = S ([[DBtype] ; DB; ppath) where DBtype = T ([[dbtype] ; db) is the physical database type and ppath is the physical path expression that correC


sponds to the logical path expression lpath. Function S is defined as follows:

S ([[h A1 : t1 ; : : :; A : t i] ; e; A :path) ! h @ = @e; A1 = e:A1 ; : : :; A = S ([[t ] ; e:A ; path); : : :; A = e:A i S ([[M(h A1 : t1 ; : : :; A : t i)]]; e; ;) ! Mfh @ = @x; A1 = x:A1; : : :; attrb = y:attrb; : : :; A = x:A i | x e; y DB:lpath attrb; y:# = @x g S ([[M(t)]]; e; path) ! Mf S ([[t] ; x; path) | x e g n












5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design where ; denotes the empty path expression. For example, if we had specified the directive secondary( cities.places to visit, name ) we would have the following constraint:



DB = h @=@DB,, cities = sorted[name]f h @=@a,,, places to visit = listf h @=@b,, address=b.address | b a.places to visit, c DB.cities places to visit name, c.#=@b g i | a DB.cities g, : : : i


This is a secondary index attached to a nested collection, i.e., we can access any place to visit by providing its name only, without having to go through the cities extent.


Translation of Updates

In this section we are concerned with the translation of user-level database updates over the conceptual database into updates over the internal database. For example, if there was a secondary index attached to a table, then, when we insert an item into this table, we would like the secondary index to be updated as well. Database updates can be captured by extending the definition of monoid comprehensions with the following comprehension qualifiers: Qualifier path := u destructively replaces the value stored at path with u, qualifier path += u merges the singleton u with path, and qualifier path -= u deletes all elements in the collection reached by path equal to u. For example, if the abstract database db is of type set int , then

somef true | a

( )

db, a > 10, a += 1


increments every database element greater than 10 by one. It returns true if there is at least one update performed. A more complex example related to the previous OODB schema is the following:

somef true | c r

db.cities,“Portland”, h,“Benson”, h.rooms, r.beds=1, r.price += 100 g

It increases the price of a single room in Portland’s Benson hotel by $100. If database updates modify primitive values only, then the query translation process described in Section 3 is sufficient for update translation too (since a conceptual path that reaches a primitive value is always translated into a physical path, while a conceptual path that reaches a collection may be translated into a complex comprehension.) For example, if we substitute R DB for db in the last comprehension and normalize we get:

( )

somef true | a DB.cities,“Portland”, b DB.cities hotels, x,“Benson”, @x=b.INFO, b.#=@a, i rooms JI, s rooms, i.FROM=@x, i.TO=@s, s.INFO.beds=1, s.INFO.price += 100


Notice that the update s.INFO.price += 100 is over the physical database. The difficult case is when we have an update over a collection type, such as the insertion of a new hotel:

somef true | c db.cities,“Portland”, += h name=“Hilton”, address=“Park Ave”, facilities=fg, rooms = f h beds=1, price=100 i, h beds=2, price=150 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995

ig i g 14

An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

U ([[class name] ; path; from; to) : cluster(path) ! U ([[type(db.class extent)]]; db.class extent; from; to) U ([[class name] ; path; from; to) ! [ DB.class extent += @1 to ] U ([[h A1 : t1 ; : : :; A : t i] ; p; from; to) ! U ([[t1] ; p:A1; from:A1; to:A1) ++    ++ U ([[t ] ; p:A ; from:A ; to:A ) U ([[M(t)]]; p; from; to) ! [ x B([[T ([[M(t)]]; p)]]; from) ] ++ I ([[M(t)]]; p; x; to) ++ U ([[t] ; p; x; to) U ([[t] ; path; from; to) ! [ ] n






I ([[M(t)]]; path; from; to) : normalize(path) ! [ DB:path += @2 h # = @1; INFO = B([[T ([[t] ; path)]]; from) i ] I ([[M(t)]]; path; from; to) : join index(path) ! [ DB:path JI += h FROM = @1; TO = @2 i ] I ([[M(t)]]; path; from; to) : secondary(path; attrb) ! [ DB:path attrb += h # = @1; attrb = B([[T ([[t] ; path)]]; from):attrb i ] I ([[M(t)]]; path; from; to) : partition(path; f ) ! [ x to; x:KEY = f (from); x:PARTITION += B([[T ([[t] ; path)]]; from) ] B([[h A1 : t1; : : :; A : t i] ; e) ! h A1 = B([[t1] ; e:A1); : : :; A = B([[t ] ; e:A ) i B([[M(t)]]; e) ! MfB([[t] ; x) | x e g B([[t] ; e) ! e n





Figure 4: Update Generation This conceptual update needs to be translated into the following internal update:

sumf 1 | a DB.cities,“Portland”, += @1 h name=“Hilton”, address=“Park Ave”, facilities=[ ], rooms=hi i, DB.cities hotels += h #=@a, INFO=@1 i, address += h #=@1, address=“Park Ave” i, rooms += @2 h #=@1, INFO=h beds=1, price=100 i i, rooms JI += h FROM=@1, TO=@2 i, rooms += @2 h #=@1, INFO=h beds=2, price=150 i i, rooms JI += h FROM=@1, TO=@2 i g That is, we may need to perform multiple internal updates for a single conceptual update. Insertions to a collection in the internal database may be tagged by a natural number n: path += n u. The update path += n u inserts u into the collection reached by path but it also binds the memory register numbered n to the TID of the newly inserted tuple. The value of this register can be retrieved by evaluating n. Our physical design language requires only two registers: and .






Algorithm 4 (Update Generation) For each conceptual database update of the form path += e, where path is an M T collection, U type ; ppath; path; e generates a list of qualifiers that update the physical database (ppath is

( )




5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design



the logical path expression that corresponds to path, e.g., if path s.price then ppath and type is the type of ppath.) The algorithm is given in Figure 4. It uses the following support functions:

 I ([[M(t)]]; path; from; to):

it generates additional updates for normalized tables, join indices, secondary indices, etc. All applicable rules are executed and the generated qualifier lists are appended.

 B([[t] ; e): translates the logical expression e into a physical expression that reflects the physical type t.



B (h h =h

name: string, address: string, facilities: list(string), rooms: hi i, name=“Hilton”, address=“Park Ave”, facilities=fg, rooms = fh beds=1, price=100 i,: : : g i) name=“Hilton”, address=“Park Ave”, facilities=[ ], rooms=hi i

For example, the update generation algorithm generates the following list of qualifiers for the conceptual update += e: [ += @1 h, address=e.address, facilities=e.facilities, rooms=hi i, DB.cities hotels += h #=@x, INFO=tid(@1) i, address += h #=tid(@1), address=e.address i, c e.rooms, rooms += @2 h #=tid(@1), INFO=h beds=c.beds, price=c.price i i, rooms JI += h FROM=tid(@1), TO=tid(@2) i ] Database deletions can be handled in the same way as insertions (by substituting -= for +=). Updates of the form path := e, where path is a collection, can be translated into:

somef true | x


path, path -= x, y

e, path += y


Related Work

Our framework is based on monoid homomorphisms, which were first introduced as an effective way to capture database queries by V. Tannen and P. Buneman [5, 7, 6]. Their form of monoid homomorphism (also called structural recursion over the union presentation – SRU) is more expressive than our calculus. Operations of the SRU form, though, require the validation of the associativity, commutativity, and idempotence properties of the monoid associated with the output of this operation. These properties are hard to check by a compiler [7], which makes the SRU operation impractical. They first recognized that there are some special cases where these conditions are automatically satisfied, such as for the ext f A operation. In our view, SRU is too expressive, since inconsistent programs cannot always be detected in that form. To our knowledge, there is no normalization algorithm for SRU forms in general. (I.e., SRU forms cannot be put in canonical form.) On the other hand, ext f is not expressive enough, since it does not capture operations that involve different collection types and it cannot express predicates and aggregates. We believe that our monoid comprehension calculus is the most expressive subset of SRU where inconsistencies can always be detected at compile time, and, more importantly, where all programs can be put in canonical form. Monad comprehensions were first introduced by P. Wadler [24] as a generalization of list comprehensions (which already exist in some functional languages). Monoid comprehensions are related to monad comprehensions, but they are considerably more expressive. In particular, monoid comprehensions can mix inputs from different collection types and may return output of a different type. This mixing of types is not possible for monad comprehensions, since they restrict the inputs and the output of a comprehension to be of the same type. Monad comprehensions were first proposed as a convenient and practical database language by P. Trinder [21, 20], who also presented many algebraic transformations over these forms as well as methods for converting comprehensions into joins. The monad comprehension syntax was also adopted by P. Buneman and V. Tannen [8] as an alternative syntax to monoid homomorphisms. The comprehension syntax was used for capturing operations that involve collections of the same type while structural recursion was used for expressing the rest of the operations (such as converting one collection type to another, predicates, and

( )( )


5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

aggregates). Our normalization algorithm is highly influenced by L. Wong’s work on normalization of monad comprehensions [25]. He presented some powerful rules for flattening nested comprehensions into canonical comprehensions whose generators are over simple paths. These canonical forms are equivalent to our canonical forms for monoid homomorphisms. Our schema transformation technique is influenced by the Genesis extensible database management system [2, 3]. Genesis introduced a technology that enables customized database management systems to be developed rapidly, using user-defined modules as building blocks. A transformation model is used to map abstract models to concrete implementations. This map is done with possibly more than one level of conceptual to internal mappings, transferring abstract models to more implementation-oriented ones, until a primitive layer is reached. For each type transformer, the database implementor is responsible for writing the program transformers that translate abstract schemas into concrete schemas, and the operation expanders that translate any operation on an abstract type to a sequence of operations on the concrete type. This framework is more general than ours since it allows any mapping from abstract to concrete schemas while ours is guided by the physical design directives. We believe that our approach of using design directives to guide the mapping leaves little space for errors and can be easily modified and extended. A similar technique for mapping conceptual schemas into internal schemas was used by M. Scholl [17, 18]. More specifically, he considered the problems of clustering and denormalization in a relational database system, that is, mapping flat tables into nested structures in which related objects are clustered together. He also used abstraction functions, called conceptual-to-internal mappings, to capture the schema transformation, but he required these functions to be invertible. He used normalization techniques for obtaining efficient nested queries from the conceptual flat queries, which were based on the algebraic equivalences between the NF2 expressions. He recognized that these algebraic transformations can only be effective if they are combined with a redundancy elimination phase where all redundant joins are removed. Even though our physical design framework has different objectives, our approach is very similar to this approach. Our proposed system is more automated since most of the query translation work is done when compiling the design directives. Another approach for physical OODB independence was proposed for the PIOS system [1, 16]. PIOS includes a language, called SDL (a storage definition language), that allows one to specify the mapping from the logical to the physical schema in a form similar to our physical design directives. The mappings supported are vertical and horizontal partitioning of classes and object clustering. The physical schema is computed automatically from these specifications and logical operations are mapped to physical operations. Other approaches for physical OODB design include Lanzelotte’s work on OODB query optimization [13], which is based on a graph physical design language, and the GMAP system [22] that uses a search-based algorithm to match for applicable access paths in a query.



Object-oriented database systems have long been criticized for not supporting sufficient levels of data independence. The main reason for this criticism is that early OODB systems used simple pointer chasing to perform object traversals, which did not allow many opportunities for optimization. There are many recent system proposals though, such as GemStone, O2, and ODMG, that use more sophisticated methods for object traversals. These systems support a declarative language to express queries, and advanced physical structures and alternative access paths to speed up the bulk manipulation of objects. Since object models are more complex than the relational model, most OODB systems are lacking a formal theory for query translation and optimization that could capture the new advanced physical design proposals that are necessary to speed up object queries. In this paper we presented a formal framework for achieving a complete data independence in an OODB system. The physical design process in this framework consists of the specification of a set of physical design directives that describe in declarative form the physical design of parts of the logical database schema. We use these directives to generate a program (the abstraction function) that automatically transforms any logical query or update into a physical program. These transformations are purely algebraic and can be easily validated for correctness, since they are based on a formal framework. The generation of the abstraction function itself is achieved by a rule-based system, which can be easily extended to incorporate more advanced physical design directives.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design



The authors are grateful to Tim Sheard for helpful comments on the paper. This work is supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, ARPA order number 18, monitored by the US Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB-07-91-C-Q518, and by NSF Grants IRI 9118360 and IRI 9509955.

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5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


An Algebraic Framework for Physical OODB Design

[14] D. Maier and J. Stein. Indexing in an Object-Oriented DBMS. In International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems, Asilomar, CA, pp 171–182, September 1986. [15] D. Maier, J. Stein, A. Otis, and A. Purdy. Development of an Object-Oriented DBMS. In Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, Portland, Oregon, 1986. [16] F. Rabitti, L. Benedetti, and F. Demi. Query Processing in PIOS. In Sixth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, Tarascon, France, pp 408–431, September 1994. Proceedings to be published in the SpringerVerlang Workshops in Computer Science series. [17] M. Scholl. Theoretical Foundation of Algebraic Optimization Utilizing Unnormalized Relations. In Proceedings International Conference on Database Theory, pp 380–396. Springer-Verlag, September 1986. LNCS 243. [18] M. Scholl. Physical Database Design for an Object-Oriented Database System. In J. Freytag, D. Maier, and G. Vossen, editors, Query Processing for Advanced Database Systems, pp 420–447. Morgan Kaufmann, 1994. [19] P. Selinger, M. Astrahan, D. Chamberlin, R. Lorie, and T. Price. Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Boston, Massachusetts, pp 23–34, May 1979. [20] P. Trinder. Comprehensions: A Query Notation for DBPLs. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Database Programming Languages: Bulk Types and Persistent Data, Nafplion, Greece, pp 55–68. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., August 1991. [21] P. Trinder and P. Wadler. Improving List Comprehension Database Queries. In in Proceedings of TENCON’89, Bombay, India, pp 186–192, November 1989. [22] O. Tsatalos, M. Solomon, and Y. Ioannidis. The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence. In Proceedings of the 20th VLDB Conference, Santiago, Chile, September 1994. [23] P. Valduriez, S. Khoshafian, and G. Copeland. Implementation Techniques of Complex Objects. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Very Large Databases, Kyoto, Japan, pp 101–109, 1986. [24] P. Wadler. Comprehending Monads. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, Nice, France, pp 61–78, June 1990. [25] L. Wong. Normal Forms and Conservative Properties for Query Languages over Collection Types. Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Washington, DC, pp 26–36, May 1993.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries Theodore W. Leung

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries Theodore W. Leung Department of Computer Science Box 1910 Brown University Providence, RI 02912-1910 USA

Abstract Query facilities in object-oriented databases lag behind their relational counterparts in performance. This paper identifies important sources of that performance difference, the random I/O problem and the re-reading problem. We propose three techniques for improving the execution of object-oriented database queries: reuse/out of order execution, memoization, and buffer replacement policy. Schedule level optimization is introduced as our framework for integrating these techniques into query processing systems.

1 Introduction Performance is an important consideration for the query component of object-oriented database systems. The success of the relational data model is due largely to the ability to provide suitable performance for query processing. The same may be true for the success of object-oriented databases. The nature of object-oriented databases leads to different performance characteristics than relational databases – assumptions and techniques from relational query optimization do not always apply. The work in this paper addresses one of these cases. We begin by presenting a characterization of a performance bottleneck that is not present in relational database systems, followed by an analysis of the failings of current optimization techniques. In section 4, we analyze this bottleneck and derive a suite of optimization techniques. Section 5 presents schedule level optimization, our framework for implementing the techniques from section 4.

2 Perils of Object-Oriented Queries Object-oriented databases allow objects to reference other objects. In particular, this means that objects in one set can reference objects in another set. This leads to a situation where two objects may share a third object. Pages that contain shared objects are accessed many times during the course of one iteration through the referencing set.

Select(Emps; e e:dept:size  25) Figure 1: A typical object-oriented query

Query 1 traverses the elements of the source set Emps using the path-expression e.dept.size to follow references to objects in the target set Departments, and eventually, to the the size attributes of those Departments. The source set is traversed sequentially, and each object or page of objects is accessed only once. We cannot guarantee that the objects or pages in the target set will be accessed sequentially. We also cannot guarantee that a shared object or page will be resident in the buffer pool when it is needed, leading to the possibility that such pages will be read from disk multiple times. These multiple accesses result because two or more objects in the source set share a single object in  Author’s current address: Taligent, Inc. 10355 N. DeAnza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014, Ted [email protected]

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

the target set. The ability to capture this kind of object sharing is a principal feature of object-oriented data models. For the sample query, it is likely that more than one Employee works in each Department, which means that multiple Employee objects will reference each Department object. Object sharing leads to two performance problems. First, it causes a great deal of non-sequential I/O, since the target set’s traversal order is determined by the source set’s traversal order, and the two orders are unlikely to be similar. We’ll refer to this as the random I/O problem throughout the rest of the paper. Second, the combination of object sharing and a finite buffer pool can cause the same object or page of objects to be retrieved from disk multiple times, since multiple objects in the source set refer to individual objects in the target set. We’ll refer to this as the re-reading problem throughout the rest of the paper, and the “extra” reads of the same object will be called re-reads. These two problems are related, but much more effort has been focused at the random I/O problem than at the re-reading problem. Solving the re-reading problem also (partially) solves the random I/O problem, but solving the random I/O problem does not necessarily solve the re-reading problem. We explore this in more detail in section 3. The focus of our work is on eliminating re-reads, which takes the re-reading problempoint of view. As a side effect, we will also reduce the number of random I/Os, thus addressing the random I/O problem.

3 Previous Approaches Many techniques for improving the performance of object-oriented queries have been proposed. In this section we examine those techniques which are relevant to either the random I/O problem or the re-reading problem. We also consider how well each technique addresses each of the two problems. Indices[12], and path indices[24, 22] in particular, are an established method of improving object-oriented database query performance. Path indices eliminate I/O operations, and most of these I/O operations are random I/O operations, so the number of random I/O’s is also reduced. The indices are only useful for particular path expressions, and do not improve the performance of other portions of the query which access the same objects through a different path. Path indices cannot reduce the number of re-reads of a shared object, since the index manager has no memory of which objects have already been read, and even if it did, it would have no way of taking advantage of such information. Clustering [6] and prefetching [27, 14] are also common performance enhancements in object-oriented databases. Clustering addresses the random I/O problem because it retrieves related objects in a single I/O operation, again eliminating I/O operations which happen to be random I/O’s. Clustering is not guaranteed to improve the performance of other parts of the query that happen to use the objects retrieved by the cluster. Clustering is in the same position as indexing when it comes to addressing the re-reading problem. Prefetching attempts to reduce I/O’s (and therefore random I/O’s) by ensuring that required objects are in the buffer pool when the query needs them. A system that prefetches may be able to prefetch objects that are being read again, but that doesn’t really address the re-reading problem unless the object being read again can be retained in the buffer pool. Recent work [17] has noted that the effectiveness of prefetching decreases as the page size increases, and more importantly, as the degree of sharing (number of references to shared objects) increases. Object assembly [20] controls the order in which unresolved object references are resolved. In general, the strategies employed by object assembly reduce the number of random I/O’s performed by the query. Object assembly is unable to improve the performance of other parts of the query which reference objects that have already been assembled. The assembly operator does not explicitly attempt to address the re-reading problem. It does have limited effect on re-reads because it alters the order of object references which in turn determines the order in which pages are flushed from the buffer pool, but this improvement is due more to fortuitous referencing patterns than explicit plans to reduce re-reads. One method of solving the random I/O problemis to sort the objects by their physical addresses. This is very effective at reducing random I/O’s. It is not an effective solution to the re-reading problembecause the objects may be paged out of the buffer pool before they are re-read. In that case, the objects will have to be read into the buffer pool again. The usual mechanism for addressing the re-reading problem is to make use of the database buffer pool [15], and hope that objects which are re-read remain in the buffer pool between the reads. Sacco and Schkolnick’s work on hot sets [29, 30] computes the number of pages required by a particular query as an aid to access-path selection. They also note that different kinds of access patterns benefit from different buffer management policies. Subsequent work in this

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

area has focused on further analysis of the relationship between access patterns and page replacement and on making the best use of the buffers available at query execution time [9, 25]. None of these methods directly address the re-reading problem, other than relying on the buffer manager to do a good job. They make no attempt to explicitly minimize the number of re-reads. Instead, responsibility for reducing re-reads is left to the buffer manager. The buffer manager is only able to do this as well as its replacement policy allows. One way to improve on the performance of queries with re-reads is to “extend” the size of the buffer pool by improving the page replacement policy. Chan et. al. [5] use hints to the buffer manager to improve replacement selection. These hints are encoded via user definable priorities. They do not describe any schemes that address the re-reading problem. The LRU-K [26] algorithm remembers the timestamps of the last k references to a page, in an effort to distinguish between frequently and infrequently referenced pages, which does better than LRU, but is still not the best for situations with lots of sharing, since the last k references to an object are not a good indicator of how many more references to that object will occur. Cornell and Yu [13] described a method for integrating buffer management with the query optimizer. Their method focuses on determining which relations should be kept in the buffer pool, and using that information to prune the set of access plans under consideration. This doesn’t address any of the issues related to the re-reading problem, and in particular no reduction in re-reads occurs. Chen and Roussopoulos [7] cache the results of queries. If the result of a query has been cached, then this technique addresses both the random I/O problem and the re-reading problem. Query result caching does not help the first time that the query is executed, nor does it help if the cache has been flushed. Kemper and Kossman [21] propose a dual buffering scheme, where the buffer pool is divided into two segments, one dedicated to buffering pages, and another dedicated to buffering objects. Dual buffering allows useful objects on a page to be buffered “individually” if the rest of the page that they occupy is not useful. This eliminates wasteful use of memory in the buffer pool caused by internal fragementation of buffer pages, and generally improves query performance.

4 Kinds of Performance Improvements The re-reading problem has two major sources. The first cause of the re-reading problem is that multiple operators in the same query can refer to the same objects. An example of this situation is the case where some path expression is used in the predicate of more than one operator in a query. Depending on the execution order determined by the optimizer, the objects referenced by the path expression will be accessed twice, once for each operator. The query in Figure 2 is an example of this kind of query. The set Departments is accessed both as one of the inputs to the join, and as one of the components in the Select’s path expression. This case is often addressed by common sub-expression elimination techniques[11, 28, 16], but there may be additional opportunities for performance improvements when a subset of the objects described by the processing of the common subexpression are used in another part of a query. Common subexpression elimination is a source level analysis technique and has no notion of whether the objects that are produced by the common subexpression (or its intermediate values) will be needed by parts of the query which do not contain the source level common subexpression. The second cause is that within a single operator over a set type, multiple objects in that set use some attribute to reference objects in another set. Multiple objects from the source set (the parameter to the query operator) may reference the same objects in the target set (specified by a prefix of the path expression). Query 1 is an example of this kind of query. All of our optimizations share the notion of common work elimination, that is, we seek to eliminate all unnecessary read operations, even those that are undetectable by source level common subexpression elimination. We propose three classes of methods for providing performance improvements for object-oriented queries: reuse/out of order execution, memoization, and buffer replacement policy. Reuse and buffer replacement policy attempt to increase the effectiveness of the buffer pool, thereby eliminating re-reads and I/O operations. Memoization also has common work elimination as its goal, and is used in situations where reuse/out of order execution is not permissible.

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries


Reuse / Out of Order Execution

In an ideal world, each object referenced by a query would be read into memory once, regardless of how it was referenced. After that, the object would be retained in the buffer, and any subsequent references would not cause additional I/O. This could only happen if the buffer pool is infinitely large. This idealized situation provides a valuable intuition for a new kind of optimization. Our intuition is that the first time an object O is read into the buffer pool, we want all operators that will perform a computation using O to perform their computations before O leaves the buffer pool. These operators are reusing the work done by the operator that actually caused O to be retrieved from disk. If we could find a way to allow these other operators to execute the slice of their execution related to O, then we can ensure that O will not be read from disk again in the future. One method of realizing this intuition is to allow the query to execute out of order: During the evaluation of the query, we allow the flow of control to leave the execution of one operator and enter the execution of another operator. This happens to a limited extent in pipelined execution models[18], and what we propose is a generalization of pipelining. In a pipelined implementation, plan operators are implemented as coroutines, with control passing from coroutine to coroutine in a linear sequence corresponding to the ordering of the physical plan. For example, in Join(Select(A,f1),B,f2), each time a tuple of A is processed, control begins with the coroutine for the Select, and is transferred to the coroutine for the Join. This is a restricted form of out of order execution. Each object or relational tuple starts at the coroutine for the innermost plan operator, and passes through all the coroutines for the plan operators enclosing that inner most operator before the next object or tuple is processed. The order of execution is “out of order” compared to an implementation where each plan operator is implemented as a procedure operating on entire sets. The order of execution is still in an order that is specified by the query, however the iteration takes place at a smaller granularity. Our notion of out of order execution is a generalization of this idea. Pipelined implementations restrict the transfer of control to be between an operator whose output is connected to the input(s) of another operator. We generalize this by removing this restriction, allowing transfer of control between plan operators whose outputs and inputs are not directly connected. As long as the output type of one operator matches the input type of another operator, transfer of control may occur, subject to constraints regarding set overlapping and coverage. As an example, consider the query in figure 2.

Join(Dept; Select(Emps; e e:dept:size  25); d e d:mgr:sal  e:debt) Figure 2: A query amenable to reuse

We assume that the Join is evaluated via a nested loops algorithm, and the selection via sequential scan. We assume the file containing Departments is structured so that the Manager of a Department is clustered together with the Department. Furthermore, we assume that at least one Employee works in every Department. A typical physical plan for this query appears in figure 3. In this example, the collection Department is traversed twice, once by the LoopJoin

LoopJoin(DeptMgrCluster; LoopSelect(Emps; e e:dept:size  25); d e d:mgr:sal  e:debt) Figure 3: Physical plan for query 2 (since it appears as one of the join inputs), and once by the LoopSelect (via the path expression e.dept.size). If the plan is executed by executing the selection before beginning to process the join, the selection will cause all of the Departments to be read into memory (this is guaranteed because every Department has at least on Employee in it). If the selection is sufficiently large, those Department objects which were read least recently will have been flushed from the buffer pool by those Departments referenced more recently. Those “early” Departments must be retrieved from disk again to process the join.

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries


Read Employee

Read Department

.size >= 25


Figure 4: Control flow for Query 2 Under out of order execution, the Select’s selection condition is processed when an object is read from Emps. Before proceeding to the next Employee, execution of the plan switches to the LoopJoin operator, which evaluates that portion of the join which can be evaluated given the Department object that was retrieved by the path expression in the selection. After this portion has been evaluated, execution of the selection resumes. This flow of control is diagrammed in figure 4. This strategy results in a reduction in the number of I/O operations, since the Department objects for a particular Department and Employee pairing in the join are only read once. Unfortunately, Department objects are still read more than once overall, since each Employee in the selection must be compared to each Department. We can improve this by recognizing that objects are retrieved in units of pages; when we retrieve an Employee, we “join” it with all the Department objects on all the Department pages in the buffer pool. A small amount of in memory bookkeeping is required to ensure the correctness of the result. This technique is only applicable when we can guarantee that the set of objects to be traversed by out of order execution is the same as the set of objects that would be traversed by a normal order execution. Constraints on the containment relationships between sets, along with information from the schema manager of the database allow us to infer the necessary relationships at query compile time.



Out of order execution allows us to reuse the intermediate results of computations by altering the flow of control during the execution of the query. Unfortunately, it is not applicable in all situations, because it is not always possible to determine which objects are actually being reused. Function memoization is a common technique for improving the performance of functional programs, and indexing is a special case of memoization. We can employ a form of memoization to improve the performance of those queries which cannot be improved via out of order execution. The

Union(select(Emps; e : isPrime(e:mgr:dept:size)); select(Emps; e1 : e1:mgr:dept:size < 10 AND e1:wife:salary > $60k)) Figure 5: A query amenable to memoization common subexpression e.mgr.dept in figure 5 seems like an ideal candidate for reuse. Assuming that the left Select argument to the Union operator is evaluated “first”, we can take the value of e.mgr.dept that is computed by the left arm of the Union, and then evaluate the right arm (Select (: : :; e1:mgr:dept:size)) out of order using the value of e.mgr.dept from the left arm. Unfortunately, this does not work, since the Select in the right arm also needs the value of e1.wife.salary, which cannot be guaranteed to be in the buffer pool at the point when we wish to evaluate

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

e1.mgr.dept.size. If a reusable expression is conjoined with an expression which will cause disk I/O we cannot use out of order execution, since we cannot guarantee that the I/O operation will not flush needed objects from the buffer pool. However, we are able to use memoization to prevent the path expression e.mgr.dept from being read twice. When the left arm of the Union operator is processed, the implementation of the left Select operator writes a memo file for e.mgr.dept (even though it is evaluating isPrime(e.mgr.dept.size). The implementation of the right Select operator reads from the memo file for e.mgr.dept, instead of Emps. This eliminates the intermediate traversal of the Managers during the evaluation of the path expression. In this situation, memoization involves building a path index incrementally. The memoization can be improved if the left Select only writes entries whose Employees satisfy the condition e1.mgr.dept.size ¡ 10 (from the right Select) into the memo file. The memo file then contains precisely those objects which satisfy the left conjunct in the right Select‘s predicate.


Buffer Replacement Policy

Both reuse/out of order execution and memoization address the re-reading problem when different parts of the same query access objects multiple times. They are not effective for the case where re-reads occur in a single query operator. Changing the buffer manager’s page replacement policy can be used to address the case where re-reads arise in a single operator as a result of object sharing. If a shared object can be retained in the buffer pool until it is referenced again, then the work that was done to read the object from disk is reused by subsequent accesses to that object, as long as the shared object remains in the buffer pool. This has a decidedly flavor from reuse/out of order execution and memoization. Yet it is consistent with our aim of reusing common work, since the “initial work” of retrieving an object from disk is reused by subsequent references to the object. All buffer management algorithms have this property. Our contribution is to provide a policy that is tailored to path expressions, where object sharing is commonplace. Recall that the source of the difficulty is that multiple objects in a source collection reference a single object in a target collection. In the case where a single level of referencing in involved, we can use reference counts from the source objects to the target objects as part of the page replacement metric. For multiple levels of referencing, we simply treat each single level case in the multi-level path expression. The replacement policy computes the average reference count for a page of objects. The values of the reference counts partition the set of pages into generations, much like the generations that occur in generational garbage collectors [31]. Representatives of multiple generations are present in the buffer pool at any point in time. The replacement policy replaces pages on a priority basis, assigning the lowest priority to the generation with the smallest reference count. Within each generation, pages are replaced using an LRU policy. As a special case, the generation for reference count = 1 can be restricted to a single page, since we know that the only reference to that page has already occurred. This provides FIFO behavior for scan like queries. As an extension we cause the reference counts for pages in a generation to decay as the objects within it are referenced. This prevents thrashing in the lower generations and gives a more accurate estimate of the remaining references to the page.


Schedule Level Optimization

We address the re-reading problem and the random I/O problem by providing a framework for the three kinds of optimizations discussed in section 4. This framework introduces a new level to the optimization process, the schedule level, which takes place after both logical plan rewriting and physical plan generation. At the schedule level, each physical plan operation is expanded into a sequence of schedule level operators. Schedule level operators form an assembly language for query I/O. The operators include instructions for reading an object from a file, comparing objects, extracting object fields, etc. The implementation of physical plan operators as macros over schedule level operations allows the scheduler to have explicit control over disk I/O operations and intermediate results. It also allows multiple custom implementations of operators to exist simultaneously and provides ability to jump into and out of “the middle” of physical plan operators. We can also reorder schedule operators in order to improve the performance of the query. This notion is reminiscent of optimizations that are used in compilers, such as function inlining, peephole optimization, or instruction scheduling. The schedule level optimization process follows these steps:

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

1. The physical plan is converted into an intermediate representation called a schedule graph. The schedule graph emphasizes physical “partitions” of logical collections and enables transformations on those partitions. The inital conversion is accomplished by using templates which map physical plan operators onto schedule graphs. 2. The graph representation is modified using rules that allow nodes in the graph to be deleted, combined, and replaced. The rules embody transformations for reuse and memoization, and use meta-data and inclusionrelations between partitions to detect opportunities for applying the optimizations. 3. The resulting graph is used to statically allocate buffer pages to the various partitions, in an attempt to make best use of the buffer pool. Thus, each partition is assigned a buffer, and each buffer can be controlled by a different page replacement policy. This is a generalization of work relating access patterns and page replacement policies. We use our reference-count based page replacement policy to manage the buffers for partitions that participate in path expressions. 4. The graph is input to a code generation algorithm which generates an executable sequential program.


Compile-Time Buffer Allocation

Each schedule operator is allocated a private buffer pool, which may be shared with other schedule level operators. This differs from traditional database systems where all physical plan operators share a single buffer pool which holds objects of many types. Segregation of types allows us to tightly control the behavior of objects with respect to the buffer pool. The possible disadvantage of this technique is that it may fail to be responsive to global properties of the query. The allocation of buffers to the various types is determined at compile time, using a heuristic that uses the fanout of pages referenced to determine the buffer allocations.


Buffer Page Replacement Policy

When static buffer allocation occurs, the scheduler can query the database schema manager to get information about the degree of object sharing via references from a particular collection. If the reference counts for a partition exceed a threshold value, the schedule uses the RefBuffer policy to manage that partition.


Algorithmic Code Generation

The code generation algorithm takes the schedule graph, along with the buffer assignments and generates a sequential program that can be executed to evaluate the query. The program is a sequence of instructions in “an I/O assembly language”. The basic operations of this language include reading an object (page of objects) from a data structure (disk file, b-tree index, hash-table, etc.), applying a function to an object (page of objects), comparing fields of an object with some other value (including other object fields), and propagating objects based on some boolean condition. The high level structure of the code generator is analogus to that of a compiler. We define a notion of basic blocks over the schedule graph, and use dependencies among these blocks to induce a linear ordering on them. Using this linear order, we can then generate an instruction sequence for each node in the schedule graph. At the appropriate points in the instruction sequence the algorithm inserts code to handle reuse. When the code generator has been run on 3, the output appears as in figure 6. The basic schedule operators function like this: the Readoperator reads an object from a file, the Applyoperator applies an attribute to an object (possibly causing a disk read), the ApplyBuiltInoperator provides a mechanism for operating on basic types, the Filteroperator produces its first argument as output if its boolean (second) input is true, and the Outputoperator sends an object to the result file. In addition, there are also less familiar operations in the schedule. The BinaryTupleoperator produces a tuple containing its two arguments. The BufferApplyoperator applies an attribute to every object of a particular type that is currently in the buffer. In figure 6, the BufferApply(buffer(d),.mgr) means that the .mgr attribute will be applied to every Departmentobject in the buffer that holds d. Likewise the CrossApplyoperator generates the cross product of its first argument with every object in the buffer for its second argument. In addition, it makes a log of every object in that buffer which participated in the cross product. This log is then made available for use by the LogReadoperator.

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

BeginLoop e = Read(Emp) d = Apply(e,.dept) s = Apply(d,.size) b1 = ApplyBuiltIn(>=,s,25) e1 = Filter(e,b1) db = Apply(e1,.debt) m = BufferApply(buffer(d),.mgr) sa = Apply(m,.sal) b2 = ApplyBuiltIn(>,sa,db) j = CrossApply(e1,buffer(d),log1) j1 = Filter(j,b2) o = Output(j1) BeginLoop l = LogRead(Dept,log1) m1 = Apply(l,.mgr) sa2 = Apply(m1,.sal) b3 = ApplyBuiltIn(>,sa2,db) j2 = BinaryTuple(e1,l) j3 = Filter(j2,b3) o1 = Output(j3) EndLoop EndLoop Figure 6: Schedule for query 2 The schedule obtained by generating code for the graph without applying any schedule-level optimizations consists of a typical nested loops implementation for the join. The query in figure 6 improves on that implementation by taking advantage of its knowledge of the way that buffers are being used. This can substantially reduce the number of pages that need to be re-scanned for a nested loop join.


Status and Conclusions

This work has been motivated by work in the compiler literature on improving the performance of loop intensive programs [2]. Particularly relevant is the body of work on loop optimizations for data locality [1, 33, 32, 23, 4] and work on compiler directed cache management [8]. A major difference between our work and the work in compilers is that we are unable to assume array semantics for our data, since we operate on sets. While much of the work in compiler optimization focuses on arrays and makes decisions based on the values of array indexes, our work addresses the problems particular to databases, where decision making is based on the data values themselves. The notion of stopping the execution of a conceptual unit (plan operator) has no analog in compilers, the closest being loop distribution or strip mining. A simulation of the page replacement policy has been implemented, and preliminary experiments show a reduction in page faults between 10 and 40% for queries with a high degree of sharing. A prototype implementation of the schedule level optimizer and runtime system is almost operational, and we hope to begin reporting experimental results shortly. We have described the re-reading problem and random I/O problem, which arise in object-oriented databases because of object sharing. The sources of the two problems were explained, and we presented three classes of optimizations that can be used to ameliorate them. The notion of schedule-level optimization was introduced as a framework

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

that supports these optimizations, and an overview of the techniques used in our schedule-level optimizer was presented. The possibility of schedule-level optimization opens a new space of options for improving query runtime performance.



I wish to thank Stanley B. Zdonik for many discussions regarding this work. The EREQ group at Brown has provided a fruitful atmosphere for thinking about issues in query performance.

References [1] Walid Abu-Sufah, David J. Kuck, and Duncan H. Lawrie. On the performance enhancement of paging systems through program analysis and transformations. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-30(5):341–356, May 1981. [2] David F. Bacon, Susan L. Graham, and Oliver J. Sharp. Compiler transformations for high-performance computing. Technical Report UCB/CSD-93-781, Computer Science Division (EECS), University of California, Berkeley, 1993. [3] Peter Buneman and Sushil Jajodia, editors. Proceedings of the SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington D. C., May 1993. ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data, ACM Press. [4] Steve Carr, Kathryn S. McKinley, and Chau-Wen Tseng. Compiler optimizations for improving data locality. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 252–262, San Jose, California, April 1994. IEEE Computer SocietyAssociation for Computing Machinery, IEEE Computer Society Press. Also appears as SIGPLAN Notices 29(11), November 1994, Computer Architecture News Vol. 22 Special Issue, October 1994, Operating Systems Review 28(5), December 1994. [5] Chee Yong Chan, Beng Chin Ooi, and Hongjun Lu. Extensible buffer management of indexes. In Li-Yan Yuan, editor, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 444–454, Vancouver, Canada, August 1992. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. [6] Ellis E. Chang and Randy H. Katz. Expliting inheritance and structure semantics for effective clustering and buffering in an object-oriented DBMS. In James Clifford, Bruce Lindsay, and David Maier, editors, Proceedings of the SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 348–357, Portland, Oregon, June 1989. ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data, ACM Press. [7] ChungMin Melvin Chen and Nicholas Roussopoulos. The implementation and performance evaluation of the adms query optimizer: Integrating query result caching and matching. In Jarke et al. [19], pages 323–336. [8] Chi-Hung Chi and Hank Dietz. Unified management of registers and cache using liveness and cache bypass. In SIGPLAN ’89 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 344–355, Portland, Oregon, June 1989. ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, ACM Press. Also appears as SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 24 No. 7, July 1989. [9] Hong-Tai Chou and David J. DeWitt. An evaluation of buffer management strategies for relational database systems. In A. Pirotte and Y. Vassiliou, editors, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 127–141, Stockholm, August 1985. VLDB, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. [10] James Clifford and Roger King, editors. Proceedings of the SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Denver, Colorado, May 1991. ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data, ACM Press.

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries

[11] Sophie Cluet and Claude Delobel. A general framework for the optimization of object-oriented queries. In Michael Stonebraker, editor, Proceedings of the SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 383–392, San Diego, California, June 1992. ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data, ACM Press. [12] Douglas Comer. The ubiquitous B-Tree. ACM Computing Surveys, 11(2):121–137, June 1979. [13] Douglas W. Cornell and Philip S. Yu. Integration of buffer management and query optimization in relational database environment. In Peter M. G. Apers and Gio Wiederhold, editors, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 247–255, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. [14] Kenneth M. Curewitz, P. Krishnan, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter. Practical prefetching via data compression. In Buneman and Jajodia [3], pages 257–266. [15] Wolfgang Effelsberg and Theo Haerder. Principles of database buffer management. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 9(4):560–595, December 1984. [16] Georges Gardarin and Rosana S. G. Lanzelotte. Optimizing object-oriented database queries using costcontrolled rewriting. In A. Pirotte, C. Delobel, and G. Gottlob, editors, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Extending Database Technology, number 580 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 534– 549, Vienna, Austria, March 1992. Springer-Verlag. [17] Carsten A. Gerlhof and Alfons Kemper. A multi-threaded architecture for prefetching in object bases. In Jarke et al. [19], pages 351–364. [18] Goetz Graefe. Query evaluation techniques for large databases. ACM Computing Surveys, pages 73–170, June 1993. [19] Matthias Jarke, Janis Bubenko, and Keith Jeffery, editors. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Extending Database Technology, number 779 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 1994. Springer-Verlag. [20] Tim Keller, Goetz Graefe, and David Maier. Efficient assembly of complex objects. In Clifford and King [10], pages 148–157. [21] Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossmann. Dual-Buffering Strategies in Object Bases. In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 427–438, Santiago, Chile, 1994. [22] Alfons Kemper and Guido Moerkotte. Access support in object bases. In Hector Garcia-Molina and H. V. Jagadish, editors, Proceedings of the SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 364– 376, Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 1990. ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data, ACM Press. [23] Ken Kennedy and Kathryn S. McKinley. Maximizing loop parallelism and improving data locality via loop fusion and distribution. In Uptal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alex Nicolau, and David Padua, editors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, number 768 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 301–320, Portland, Oregon, August 1993. Springer-Verlag. [24] David Maier and Jacob Stein. Indexing in an object-oriented database. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems, pages 171–182, Pacific Grove, California, September 1986. Association for Computing Machinery. [25] Raymond Ng, Christos Faloutsos, and Timos Sellis. Flexible buffer allocation based on marginal gains. In Clifford and King [10], pages 387–396. [26] Elizabeth J. O’Neil, Patrick E. O’Neil, and Gerhard Weikum. The LRU-K page replacement algorithm for database disk buffering. In Buneman and Jajodia [3], pages 297–306.

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[27] Mark L. Palmer and Stanley B. Zdonik. Fido: A cache that learns to fetch. Technical Report CS-91-15, Department of Computer Science, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912-1910, February 1991. [28] Arnon Rosenthal and Paul Helman. Understanding and extending transformation based optimizers. IEEE Quarterly Bulletin of IEEE technical committee on Database Engineering, 9(4):44–51, December 1986. [29] Giovanni Maria Sacco and Mario Schkolnick. A mechanism for managing the buffer pool in a relational database system using the hot set model. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 257–262, Mexico City, Mexico, September 1982. VLDB, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. [30] Giovanni Maria Sacco and Mario Schkolnick. Buffer management in relational database systems. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 11(4):473–498, December 1986. [31] Paul R. Wilson. Uniprocessor garbage collection techniques. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Memory Management, pages 1–42, St. Malo, France, September 1992. [32] M. E. Wolf and M. S. Lam. A data locality optimizing algorithm. In ACM SIGPLAN ’91 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1991. ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, ACM Press. Also appears as SIGPLAN Notices Vol 26, No 6, June 1991. [33] Michael Wolfe. More iteration space tiling. In Proceedings of the 1989 ACM Conference on Supercomputing, pages 655–664, 1989.

Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues Antonio Albano, Milena Diotallevi and Giorgio Ghelli

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues Antonio Albano, Milena Diotallevi, Giorgio Ghelli Universit`a di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica Corso Italia 40, 56125 Pisa, Italy e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract One of the limitations of commercially available object-oriented DBMSs is their inability to deal with objects that may change their type during their life and which exhibit a plurality of behaviors. Several proposals have been made to overcome this limitation. An analysis of these proposals is made to show the impact of more general modeling functionalities on the object implementation technique.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

1 Introduction In the last decade many database programming languages and database systems have been defined which are based on the object paradigm. Some of these systems are based on designing from scratch an object data model, and a database programming language; for example, Gemstone, ObjectStore, Ontos, O2, and Orion. Other systems are based on the extension of the relational data model with object-oriented features, as in the Illustra and UniSQL systems, and in the forthcoming new SQL standard, called SQL3. The success of the object data model is due to the high expressive power which is obtained by combining the notions of object identity, unlimited complexity of object state, class inclusion, inheritance of definitions, and attachment of methods to objects. However, this data model is not yet completely satisfactory when entities need to be modeled which change the class they belong to and their behavior during their life, or entities which can play several roles and behave according to the role being played. For example, consider a situation with persons classified either as generic persons, students or employees. This situation is modeled by three object types Person, Student, and Employee, in any object system. In this situation it is important to allow an object of type Person to become a Student or an Employee. However, this may lead to problems. Suppose that a Code field has been defined for both students and employees, with a different meaning and even a different type, integer and string respectively. Let a person John first become a student with code 100 and then an employee with code “ab200”. At least four choices are possible: 1. The new Code overrides the old one, which makes no sense. 2. The situation is avoided, either statically, by preventing the declaration of a Code field in two subtypes of Person, or dynamically by forbidding any object which already has a Code field to acquire a new Code field. These two approaches are unacceptable, since they create some form of dependency between two different object types, Student and Employee, which are “unrelated”, i.e. such that they don’t inherit from each other. In any object oriented methodology it is essential that a programmer defining a subtype only has to know about its supertypes, and must not fall into errors, either static or dynamic, which depend on the existence of another descendent of a common ancestor. 3. The situation can be prevented by stipulating that an object must always have a most specific type, i.e. that it can acquire a new object type only if this new type is a subtype of its previous most specific type. This solution is better than the previous one, since it does not link the possibility of extending an object to the rather irrelevant event of a common field name between two unrelated types, but it imposes too strong a constraint on the object extension mechanism. 4. A Code message to John gets a different answer depending on whether John is seen as a Student or as an Employee. This is the best solution. The above problem is not just a consequence of using the same name Code for two different things, but is only one example of the fact that, when objects are allowed more than one most specific type, it is necessary to avoid interactions between these unrelated types, which can best be obtained by allowing objects to have a “context dependent” behavior. Context dependent behavior can be supported in two different ways: 1. By static binding: the meaning of a message sent to an object is determined according to the type that the compiler assigns to the object, or in some other static way. This solution produces efficient code, since no method lookup is needed, but heavily affects the features of code extensibility and reusability which characterize object-oriented programming and which are due to the combined effect of inheritance with dynamic binding of methods to messages. 2. By dynamic binding (also called “late binding” or “dynamic lookup”): in this case an object may have several “entry points”, which we call “roles”; for example, when a Student is extended to become an Employee, it acquires a new role (or entry point) which will be used when it is seen as an Employee, without losing its old Student role. Messages are always addressed to a specific role of an object, and method lookup starts from the addressed role. An object which is always accessed through its most specific role behaves exactly like an object in a traditional object oriented language. The languages proposed to deal with extensible objects may be classified as follows [ABGO93]:

languages with dynamic binding and uniform behavior (e.g., Galileo [ACO85], [AGO91]);

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Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues


languages with static binding and context dependent behavior (e.g., Clovers [SZ89], Views [SS89], IRIS [FBC+ 87] and Aspects [RS91]); languages with both dynamic binding and context dependent behavior (e.g., Fibonacci [AGO95, ABGO93]).

In this paper we discuss some possible linguistic and implementative issues which arise when both dynamic binding and context dependent behavior are supported. We draw on the experience gained in the design and implementation of the Galileo and Fibonacci object-oriented database programming languages. The linguistic model we present is not essentially new, as it is based on the role mechanism of Fibonacci. The focus of the paper is not on the mechanism itself, but on its effect on object representation, a point which is not usually discussed in the literature. In particular, we show how the various parts of an object representation are related to the language features by showing how object representation changes when new features are introduced after each other. We study a basic representation model, which is neither unrealistic nor optimized, but this study also gives information about optimized object representation techniques. In fact, the basic model only contains the information which is needed to implement the operational semantics of the object operations. Hence, every time some information must be added to the structure of the basic model to deal with a new linguistic feature, the same amount of information must show up, in some way, also in every optimized object representation. By giving an object representation model, and an implementation of the basic object operations on that model, we also define an informal semantics for the role mechanisms we present. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a basic linguistic and implementative model for an objectoriented language without extensible objects. Section 3 extends the linguistic model with extensible objects with uniform behavior, and shows how extensibility affects the implementation model. Section 4 studies how the possibility of shrinking objects affects the implementation model. Section 5 further extends the language with a role mechanism, i.e. with context dependent behavior with dynamic binding, showing the effects on the implementation model. Section 6 draws some conclusions.

2 Non-extensible Objects In this section we define a basic object-oriented language, without extensibility, with the associated object representation model. To fix a notation, throughout the paper we adapt the syntax and semantics of the Galileo 95 language [AAG95].

2.1 2.1.1

The language Object Types

We assume that an object type specifies three pieces of information:


the object type interface, i.e. (a) the set of messages which can be sent to the object, with the parameter and result types for every message, and (b) the object instance variables, i.e. the components of the object state, which can be accessed from outside the object; the structure of the object state, i.e. the name, type, and mutability of the instance variables; the method implementation, i.e. the code that an object of that type executes when it receives a message.

In other languages, such as Fibonacci, an object type only specifies the interface of objects of that type, while every object can have, in principle, its own implementation, i.e. its own state structure and method set. We also assume here that all the components of the state of an object can be accessed from outside the object; these assumptions have some consequences on object representation, which we cannot address here for space reasons. The following example shows the definition of the object type Person, with a method Introduce: let rec type Person = object [Name :string; BirthYear :int; Phones :[House :string]; Introduce:= fun () :string is

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

implode({"My name is "; self.Name }) ];

The declaration let type T = object [F;M] defines a new object type T and a function mkT which, given a tuple of type [F], builds an object of type T. The signature F;M is composed by a set F of label-type pairs (ai :Ti ) which introduce the components of the object state (the identifiers ai are called attributes), and by a set M of label-function pairs (mi := fun(: : :) : : :) which define the methods used by the objects of that type to answer to the corresponding messages. Field selection and message passing are expressed, respectively, as obj.a and obj.m(p1 ,: : : ,pn ). A method can recursively access the object which received the message using the predefined identifier self. Finally, [House :string] is a tuple type, f"a";"b"g is a sequence of string, implode concatenates a sequence of strings. Each application of the mkT constructor returns an object of type T with a different identity. The following piece of code builds an object of type Person, accesses one of its fields, and sends it a message. let John := mkPerson ([Name := "John Smith"; BirthYear := 1967; Phones := [House := "06 222444"] ]); john.BirthYear; john.Introduce();


Subtyping and Inheritance

Subtyping and inheritance are two different mechanisms which are often related in object oriented languages. Subtyping is an order, or preorder, relation among types such that whenever T 0 is a subtype of T , written T 0  T , any operation which can be applied to any object of type T 0 can also be applied to any object of type T . Inheritance is a generic name which describes any situation where an object type, object interface, or object implementation, is not defined from scratch but is defined on the basis of a previously defined entity of the same kind. For example, in our situation defining an object type T 0 by inheritance from T means defining T 0 by only saying which new attributes and methods must be added, and how the methods and attributes of T must be modified. More precisely, it is only possible to specialize the type of an attribute (specializing means substituting with a subtype), and a method can be substituted by any other implementation, but its type can only be specialized.1 The constraint that attributes and methods can only be added or specialized is called strict inheritance, and implies that an object type which is defined by inheritance from T is also a subtype of T . We adopt the following syntax for the definition, by inheritance, of a subtype T of an object type T’: type T := object is T’ and H

H specifies the properties (attributes and methods) to add or redefine in T; below is an example. let rec type Student := object is Person and [Code :string; Faculty :string; Introduce := fun () :string is implode({super.Introduce(); " I am a student of self.Faculty}) ];


It is generally possible to define an object type by inheritance from several object types: T := object is T1 , , Tn and [F;M] (multiple inheritance). The mkT function expects, in this case, a record with the attributes in F and with all the other attributes inherited from T1 , : : : , Tn . If the supertypes have a property with the same name and different types, the property is inherited from the last (w.r.t. the T1 , : : : , Tn order) supertype which defines it.2 In this case, strict inheritance means that every property :::



1 The type S 0 U 0 of a method m is a subtype of the type S U when S S 0 and U 0 between S and S 0 is explained in [Car88]. 2 In other languages, in this situation the property must be explicitly redefined in F;M.

 U ; the inversion of the direction of the comparison

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

which is either redefined or inherited from more than one type must have a type which is a subtype of the type of the same property in all the ancestor types T1 , : : : , Tn. 2.1.3

Method Lookup and Semantics of Self

When a message m is sent to an object O, two problems must be solved: (a) which method is used to answer the message, and (b) which is the semantics of the pseudo-variable self which may appear in the selected method. In traditional object-oriented languages, with objects that cannot change their type dynamically, the run-time type T of an object O is fixed when the object is created. This run-time type is generally only a subtype of the compile-time type of any expression whose evaluation returns O. When a message is sent to O, the method is first searched for in its run-time type T. If none is found, the method is searched for up the supertype chain of T. The search will stop, since static typechecking ensures that the method has been defined in one of the super-types. The fact that the method lookup starts from the run-time type O, rather than from the compile-time type of the expression which returns O, is called dynamic binding, while the specific algorithm used to look for the method (depth-first upward search, in this case) is called the lookup algorithm. Consider now a self.msg(: : : ) invocation found inside a method defined for the message msg2 inside type T , and suppose that the method is executed by an object with a run-time type T 0 , which inherits the method for msg2 from T . Two choices are possible, in principle, for the semantics of self.msg(: : : ):


method lookup for msg may start from the statically determined type T (static binding of self) method lookup for msg may start from the dynamic type T 0 of the object which has received the message msg2 (dynamic binding of self).

The second choice is the one adopted in all object-oriented languages, and is essential in many typical object-oriented applications. Hence, when the method where self.msg(: : : ) is found is type-checked, the type checker can only assume that self will be bound to an object whose type inherits from T . This is not a problem in languages which only allow strict inheritance, such as the one we are describing, and this is the main justification for the strict inheritance constraint. The pseudo-variable super can also be used in a method expression. super is statically bound, i.e. the method search for a message sent to super begins with the supertype of the type where the method is defined.


An Implementation Model

We now describe an implementation model for the basic language described so far. We only focus on the information that must be present in the run-time representation of an object to support the described functionalities. Abstractly, an object contains three pieces of information: (a) the values of its instance variables (the state), (b) an attribute lookup structure to map each attribute to its position in the state, and (c) a method lookup structure to map each message name to the corresponding method. In some situation, say single inheritance, the compiler can precompute the attribute and method positions for an object from its static type; we will not consider this possibility any further, since it disappears as soon as we add object extensibility. The simplest method lookup structure is obtained by building, for any object type defined as object is T1,T2 and [F;M], a structure containing a lookup table for the methods in M plus a list of references to T1,T2; we call this structure an “Local Method Table” (LMT). A method is then searched in the LMT of the run-time type of the receiving object, and, if it is not found there, in the LMT’s of the ancestor types. Alternatively, for each object type a table can be built which directly maps every message, owned or inherited, to the corresponding method, to avoid the graph search; we call this structure a “Full Method Table” (FMT). This approach consumes some more space, but makes method lookup more efficient, and is especially convenient in a database language, where the space taken by the FMT structures is negligible with respect to the space taken by the objects. As for the attribute lookup structure, the possible structures are the same as for method lookup, but the efficiency tradeoff is different; in particular, we will always assume a flat structure mapping attributes to positions, which we call the Full Attribute Table (FAT).3 Hence, in the basic model an object is represented by a reference to a structure which contains its Full Method Table and its Full Attribute Table, (we call it the Full Object Type Descriptor), and by its state, as depicted in Figure 1. Notice that the Full Object Type Descriptor is shared by all the object with the same run-time type. 3 Real

language implementation may vary between the the fastest solution, where positions are statically computed (when possible), to the

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

object Full Object Type


Descriptor (shared): method and attribute


tables for owned and inherited properties (FMT + FAT)



ObjTypDescr field1


methodn offset1

fldm offsetm

Notation (used in all figures): object entry point:

shared descriptor:

Figure 1: The structure of an object which does not change type.

3 Extensible Objects with Uniform Behavior In this section we add, to the basic model, the possibility of extending objects, but without introducing the notion of a context dependent behavior. We then show the linguistic and implementative effect of this first extension. This section is based on the linguistic and implementative model which underlies the first version of Galileo [ACO85]. We first extend the basic language by stipulating that, when an object type T’ is defined by inheritance from type T, two functions are automatically generated: mkT’ to construct directly new instances of type T’, and the function inT’ to transform an instance of type T into an instance of the new type T’ without affecting the object identity; we call this operation “extension”. The function inT’ has two parameters: the value of the object O to be extended and a record which gives the values of the T’ attributes which are not inherited from T. To solve the problem created by the presence of two properties, in two independent subtypes, with the same name but a different type, the following property type specialization rule is adopted: when an object O with a set of properties A is extended with a new type T, for every property P which is both in A and in T, the type of P in T (the new type of P) must be a subtype of the type of P in A (the old type of P). For example, the object john may be extended with the type Student as follows: let rec type Student = object is Person and [Code :string; Faculty :string; Phones :[House :string; GuestHouse :string]; Introduce := fun () :string is implode({super.Introduce(); " I am a student of "; self.Faculty}) ]; let johnAsStudent := inStudent(john, [Code := "0123"; Faculty := "Science"; Phones := [House := "06 222444"; GuestHouse := "552244"]]);

The extension operator does not change the object identity. Suppose now that the following types are also defined: let rec type Athlete = object is Person and [Code:int; Sport: string; Introduce:= fun () :string is implode({super.Introduce(); simplest solution where the object state is represented by a sequence of name-value pairs.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

" I practice "; self.Sport}) ]; let rec type Employee = object is Person and [Code:string; Company: string; Introduce:= fun () :string is implode({super.Introduce(); " I work at "; self.Company}) ];

An object of type Person which has never been extended to a Student can be extended to become an Athlete, but the property type specialization rule prevents the extension of a Student to an Athlete, since the type of the Code field in the new type Athlete is not a subtype of the type of the same field in the old type Student. However, the same rule allows a Student to be extended to an Employee. Other operators defined on extensible objects in this language are:


Expr isalso T, to test whether an object denoted by the expression Expr also has the type T; for example both john isalso Student and johnAsStudent isalso Student are true. Expr As T, to coerce an object denoted by the expression Expr to one of its possible types T; for example john As Student returns the object with type Student. This operation raises a run-time failure if the object never acquired type T, but has no other run-time effect in this language.

Method Determination

In Galileo, method lookup cannot only depend on the minimal type of an object, since, thanks to object extension, an object may have more than one minimal type. In Galileo, method lookup depends on the whole object type history, which is defined as the ordered set of types fT1 , : : : , Tn g such that T1 is the type where the object has been built, and every extension operation adds a new type at the end of the history. When an object with a type history fT1 , : : : , Tng receives a message m, the method to execute is searched for in two steps: 1. first, the method is looked for among the methods that belong to (i.e. are not inherited) the last type Tn acquired; if it is not found there, the search goes on in the type history, in the inverse temporal order Tn 1 , Tn 2 , : : : , T1 (history lookup); 2. then, if the method is not even found in the construction type T1 , the search goes up the supertype chain of T1 as in the basic language. Static typechecking ensures that the search will eventually find the appropriate method (upward lookup). For example, an object john created with type Person, and then extended with the subtypes Student and Athlete, and finally with Student subtype GraduateStudent, will answer the message Introduce using the method defined in the type GraduateStudent. The semantics of self and super is the same as in the basic model: when a message is sent to self, it is dynamically looked up starting from the last acquire type, while a message sent to super is statically bound to the corresponding method.


The Implementation Model

The simplest run-time representation of objects in this language contains the object type history, represented as a modifiable sequence of references to type descriptors, the attribute table, and the object state. A type descriptor, in this case, contains the Local Method Table, as defined above, and the type name, which is needed to implement the isAlso and As operations. Method search is performed in the type descriptors graph, with the two-phase algorithm described above. When an object is extended with a new subtype, a new type descriptor is added to its history and the new fields are added to its state and to its attribute table; if an attribute of the supertype is redefined, its value is directly replaced by the new value.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

This simple representation is shown in Figure 2. Note that the object is accessed indirectly to allow the object to be extended without modifying its identity, so that any external reference to the object is preserved; any other technique to allow identity preserving extensibility (e.g., concatenating new fields to the object tail) would work. object

Object Type Descr. (shared): Local Name TD'1 TD'n msg1 method1 Method Table and pointers to the OTD’s of the supertypes



T1 … Tj AttrTable field1 … fieldn Object Type fldName1 pos1 History Attribute Table fldNamen posn

Figure 2: The structure of an extensible object. To obtain a more efficient execution of message passing, an object representation can be used which closely resembles the one in Figure 1. In this case, each object only contains its state and a reference to a Full Type History Descriptor. The Full Type History Descriptor contains the object history (a list of references to the corresponding Object Type Descriptors) and the full method table and the full attribute table which correspond to that history. The system maintains a pool of Full Type History Descriptors, so that they can be shared among objects with the same history, and creates a new FTHD only when an object is created whose history is new (Figure 3). object T1 … Tj msg1 method1

Name TD'1


Name TD'1


Object Type Descriptors: (shared): type name and pointers to the OTD’s of the supertypes

FTHD field1

… fieldm

msgn methodn fldName1 pos1 fldNamem posm Full Type History Descriptor (shared): type history (T1,…,Tj), Full Method Table, Full Attribute Table.

Figure 3: A better structure for an extensible object. Hence, we may conclude that adding extensible objects with uniform behavior, to a language with multiple inheritance, costs one indirection level for each object, which allows it to preserve its identity when it is extended, and some space for the Full Type History Descriptors pool.

4 Extensible and Shrinkable objects As a further generalization step, we now add an operator dropT(Expr) to the language, to cancel the type T, and all its subtypes, from the object denoted by the expression Expr. dropT(Expr) is a function which is declared automatically when a subtype is defined, as it happens with mkT and inT. In our linguistic model, object shrinkability adds a first kind of context-dependent behavior. Let Ide1 be an identifier bound to an object of type T1 (e.g., Ide1 := mkPerson(...)), and Ide2 an identifier bound to the same object extended with the subtype T2 (e.g., Ide2 := inStudent(Ide1, ...)). If type T2 is removed from the object, by executing either dropT2 (Ide2 ) or dropT2 (Ide1 ), then:4 4 Alternative, reasonable, semantics,

may be defined, but we do not explore here this issue.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues


if the object is accessed through the identifier Ide2 , a run-time failure will arise when a message is sent to it, either to execute a method or to extract the value of an attribute, irrespective of whether the property is defined in T2 or is inherited from T1 ; if the object is accessed through the identifier Ide1 , a message to execute a method or to extract the value of an attribute defined in T1 is normally executed. Note that, in a well typed program, it is not possible to extract a property which is only defined in T2 by going through Ide1 . the isalso and As operators can still be applied to Ide2 , to verify whether the object still belongs to some type and to send messages to the part of the object that is still valid.

Shrinkable objects thus have a behavior which depends on the context they are accessed through, their role in our terminology. For this reason, the implementation model must be extended to take into account the fact that an object can be accessed through many different roles. Every role contains the following information: the creation type (e.g., Ide1 is associated with the Person type while Ide2 is associated with the Student type), the validity (e.g., Ide1 is valid while, after the dropT2 operation, Ide2 is not valid any more), and a reference to the object. The object itself must contain the state and a reference to all of its roles, both to implement As and isalso and to find every role associated with a subtype of T when dropT is executed. This representation is shown in Figure 4, where an object with two valid roles and one removed role is represented. In the previous section we have noticed that an indirection level is needed to allow identity preserving object extension; in this case, the indirection level which is given by the roles can be exploited to this aim. Object Type Descr.: LMT and pointers to the supertypes Name TD'1 TD'n msg1 method1 msgn



object roles

TD3 Rem. Obj

Attribute Table

R2 TD2 Valid Obj R1 TD1 Valid Obj


R2 AttrTable

fldName1 pos1 fldNamen posn



Object History

Figure 4: The structure of a shrinkable object. Every value of type object is actually represented by a reference to one of its roles. When an object is extended a new role is added, and when an object loses the type Ti, the following actions are executed:


the status of the Ti role becomes removed; the Ti role is removed from the object type history (R1 , R2 in Figure 4); the first steps are repeated for every role of the object whose type is a subtype of Ti .

As before, we may modify this implementation by substituting object type descriptors with full message and attribute tables, and by sharing them between objects with the same history, but in this case the definition of history sameness is slightly more complex, since drop operations must be taken into account.

5 Extensible Objects with Context Dependent Behavior The most general solution to support objects which can dynamically acquire new types and exhibit a plurality of behaviors was first given in Fibonacci [ABGO93], and then adapted to Galileo 95 [AAG95]. The Fibonacci proposal has the following main features: Objects with roles An object has an immutable identity and is organized as an acyclic graph of roles. Methods and fields are associated with the roles. Every message is addressed to a specific role of an object, and the answer may depend on the role addressed (context dependent behaviors);

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

Independence of extensions An object can be extended with unrelated subroles without interference; Plurality of dynamic bindings A message can be sent to a role with two different notations to request a different lookup method:


upward lookup: the message is sent with the exclamation mark notation, and the method is looked for in the receiving role and in its ancestors; double lookup: the message is sent with the dot notation, and the method is first looked for in all the descendants of the receiving role, visited in reverse temporal order, then in the receiving role, and finally in its ancestors.

Note that a traditional object oriented language can be seen as a role language where no object is ever extended and every message is always sent to the most specific role of the object. In this situation, upward lookup and double lookup coincide, and both coincide with the standard method lookup technique. Role casting and role inspection Operators are provided to inspect the roles of an object and to dynamically change the role through which an object is accessed. Multiple implementations An object type only describes the interface of the corresponding objects, while the implementation (i.e., method implementation and state structure) is defined, for every object, when the object is built. We only describe here the Galileo 95 model, which adopts the single implementation approach for objects. Let us consider again the definitions given above of the Person subtypes Student and Athlete: let rec type Student := object is Person and [Code :string; Faculty :string; Introduce := fun () :string is implode({(self As Person)!Introduce(); " I am a student of "; self.Faculty}) ]; let rec type Athlete = object is Person and [Code:int; Sport: string; Introduce:= fun () :string is implode({(self As Person)!Introduce(); " I practice "; self.Sport}) ];

(self As Person)!Introduce() invokes the Introduce method defined for Person; its semantics is detailed in the next section. In this model, an object with a role john of type Person may now be extended with the types Student and Athlete as follows: let johnAsStudent := inStudent(john, [...]); let johnAsAthlete := inAthlete(john, [...]);

The answer to the message Code sent to johnAsStudent is a string while the answer to the same message sent to johnAsAthlete is an integer. The answers to the message Introduce sent to johnAsStudent or to johnAsAthlete are also different. We say that john, johnAsStudent and johnAsAthlete are three roles of the same object, of type Person, Student, and Athlete, respectively. The mkT, inT, dropT and Expr isalso T operations are the same as in the previous section. Obj As T fails if Obj has no T role, and returns a reference to the T role of Obj otherwise. This is slightly different from the version described in the previous section, since in that case, if Obj As T is defined, then Obj and Obj As T only differ in their type, while here they refer to two different roles of the same object. Finally, an operation Expr isexactly T is added, which tests the run-time role type of the role Expr; for example, john isexactly Athlete is false while johnAsAthlete isexactly Athlete is true.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues


Method Determination

When a role r with run-time type T receives a double lookup message r.m, the corresponding method is looked for in two steps: 1. first, the method is looked for in the object roles whose type is a subtype of T, in the inverse acquisition time order, i.e. starting from the last acquired role and going backward (downward lookup phase); 2. if the method is not found, the search proceeds in the role type T, and finally goes up the supertype chain of T until the root type is reached (upward lookup phase). Static typechecking ensures that the search will eventually find the appropriate method. When a role r receives an upward lookup message r!m, only step 2 is performed. For example, the answer to the double lookup message john.Introduce changes once the object has been extended with the role type Student,and once again after its extension with the role type Athlete. To receive always the same answer from john, irrespective of any extensions, the message must be sent with the john!Introduce notation. The combination of double lookup with role casting allows static binding, and the super mechanism, to be simulated. For example, let us consider the following function: let foo := fun(x:Person) :{string} is {x.Introduce; x!Introduce; (x As Person)!Introduce}

Let johnAsStudent be bound to a value of type Student, which has been later extended with a role of type ForeignStudent, subtype of Student which redefines the method Introduce. The value returned by foo(johnAsStudent) is a sequence of three answers produced by the methods defined in type ForeignStudent (double lookup), in type Student (upward lookup), and in type Person (static binding).


Self-reference Semantics

When a method containing a self.msg invocation is executed, and the original message was sent to a role r with run time type T, the interpretation of self is determined as follows:


if the method was found in the downward lookup phase, hence in a type T’ which is a subtype of the type T of r, then self is bound to the r As T’ role; if the method was found by a search in the supertype chain, then self is bound to the r role.

Hence, self behaves as if it were statically bound for methods found during the downward lookup phase, and dynamically bound for methods found during the upward lookup phase. In fact, if self were bound to the T role inside a method found in a type T’  T during the history search phase, run-time type errors may arise, since, when the T’ method has been compiled, the self type was assumed to be a subtype of T’, which is not true for T. On the other hand, this choice does not affect the language’s expressive power because the method lookup mechanism is equivalent to the one adopted in the basic language for non extended objects. This means that this approach can represent every classical object-oriented construction based on the dynamic binding of self for non-extensible objects.


The Implementation Model

In this language, when an object is extended, the old methods and attributes are not deleted, since they can still be accessed using the obj!m notation. Moreover, if two attributes with the same name are added to two different subtypes of a common supertype, as in the Code example in the introduction, both attributes are present in an object which has been extended to belong to both subtypes. For this reason, for both methods and attributes, a search structure is needed which associates a method, or a position, to each triple “name, role, search technique”, where search technique may either be “.” (double lookup) or “!” (upward lookup). The simplest implementation is obtained by dealing with attributes as if they were methods, associating a different Local Attribute Table to each role, as shown in Figure 5.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

Methods and attributes are then searched using the graph search algorithm (downward and upward) previously defined, and attributes can be accessed in the same way. Of course, two different attribute tables may assign two different positions to the same attribute, as happens with the Code attribute. In this situation, the object contains the temporal sequence of the acquired roles plus the object state. Object Type

object roles

Name TD'1 TD'n R3 TD3 Rem. Obj msg1 method1

Descr.: Local Method msgn methodn Table, L.A.T. fldName1 pos1 and pointers to fldNamen posn the supertypes

R2 TD2 Rem. Obj

R1 TD1 Rem. Obj


R2 field1 … fieldn

Figure 5: The structure of an object with a plurality of behaviors. A new role is created when the object is created, and when the object is extended with a new type. Creating an object in a non-root type is implemented in the same way as creating the object in the root type and then extending it. Object extension is only valid if the object has all the supertypes of the new type but does not have the type is acquiring. As in the other cases, a method is represented by a function which takes a “self” parameter which, in this case, is bound as defined in Section 5.2. This representation may be easily optimized, as in the other cases, by flattening the method and attribute tables, and by sharing them, and the role history, among the objects with the same history. However, in this case every role needs two tables, one for double lookup, and the other one for upward lookup.

6 Conclusion We have described a sequence of object models of increasing complexity, starting with the standard model and ending with a model with the following features:


extensible objects; shrinkable objects; context dependent behavior (roles).

Drawing on our experience in the implementation of Galileo, Galileo 95, and Fibonacci, we have presented a sequence of implementation models of increasing complexity, to show which implementative features are linked to every linguistic feature, and to help to distinguish the basic run-time information, which is strictly needed to implement every operation, from the structures that are added to obtain a faster implementation of message passing. We did not discuss how multiple implementations of a single type and how private attributes affect object representation; these issues will be studied in a more complete version of this paper.

7 Acknowledgements This work has been supported in part by grants from the C.E.C. under ESPRIT BRA No.6309 (FIDE2: Fully Integrated Data Environment), the Progetto finalizzato “Sistemi informatici e calcolo parallelo” of C.N.R. under grant No. 92.001561.PF69, and by “Ministero dell’Universit`a e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica”.

References [AAG95]

A. Albano, G. Antognoni, and G. Ghelli. View operations on objects with roles. Technical report, Universit`a di Pisa, Dipartimento di informatica, 1995. (submitted).

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues

[ABGO93] A. Albano, R. Bergamini, G. Ghelli, and R. Orsini. An object data model with roles. In R. Agrawal, S. Baker, and D. Bell, editors, Proc. of the Nineteenth Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Dublin, Ireland, pages 39–51, San Mateo, California, 1993. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. [ACO85]

A. Albano, L. Cardelli, and R. Orsini. Galileo: A strongly typed, interactive conceptual language. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 10(2):230–260, 1985. Also in S. B. Zdonik and D. Maier, editors, Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, California, 1990.


A. Albano, G. Ghelli, and R. Orsini. Objects for a database programming language. In P. C. Kanellakis and J. W. Schmidt, editors, Proc. of the Third Intl. Workshop on Data Base Programming Languages (DBPL), Nafplion, Greece, pages 236–253, San Mateo, California, 1991. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.


A. Albano, G. Ghelli, and R. Orsini. Fibonacci: A programming language for object databases. Journal of Very Large Data Bases, 4(3):403–444, 1995.


L. Cardelli. A semantics of multiple inheritance. Information and Computation, 76:138–164, 1988. A previous version can be found also in Semantics of Data Types, LNCS 173, 51–67, Springer-Verlag, 1984.

[FBC+ 87] D. H. Fishman, D. Beech, H. P. Cate, E. C. Chow, T. Connors, J. D. Davis, N. Derrett, C. G. Hoch, W. Kent, P. Lyngbaek, B. Mahbod, M. A. Neimat, T. A. Ryan, and M. C. Shan. IRIS: An object-oriented database management system. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 5(1):48–69, 1987. [RS91]

J. Richardson and P. Schwartz. Aspects: Extending objects to support multiple, indipendent roles. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 298–307, Denver, CO, 1991.


J. J. Shilling and P. F. Sweeney. Three steps to view: Extending the object-oriented paradigm. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), volume 10 of ACM SIGPLAN Notices, pages 353–361, 1989.


L. A. Stein and S. B. Zdonik. Clovers: The dynamic behavior of type and instances. Technical Report CS-89-42, Brown University Technical Report, 1989.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects Serge Abiteboul and Cassio Souza dos Santos

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects Serge Abiteboul

Cássio Souza dos Santosy

I.N.R.I.A., B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France

I.N.R.I.A., B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France

Abstract Object-oriented databases have brought major improvements in data modeling by introducing notions such as inheritance or methods. Extensions in many directions are now considered with introductions of many concepts such as versions, views or roles. These features bring the risk of creating monster data models with a number of incompatible appendixes. We do not propose here any new extension or any novel concept. We show more modestly that many of these features can be formally and (we believe) cleanly combined in a coherent manner.

1 Introduction We propose an extension of IQL [3], therefore the name1 IQL(2), to encompass many new extensions to the core OODB models that have been considered separately in the past. The model is based on two not novel concepts: (i) contexts that are used to parameterize class and relation names; and (ii) views to define intensional data. This brings two kinds of ubiquity to objects, i.e., the same object may belong really or virtually to several classes at the same time. We propose a first-order language with static type-checking, under certain restrictions on the schemas. Most of the examples are given using a more convenient OQL-like syntax. We briefly consider two technical issues: (i) quantification over contexts, and (ii) method resolution for ubiquitous objects. Quantification over contexts can be handled under some reasonable restrictions that we present. Uncontrolled ubiquity together with inheritance, leads to severe problems with respect to type checking and conflict resolution. We advocate here the use of strong restrictions so that standard resolution techniques can be used. As illustrated by examples, the model captures in a coherent framework many features that have been considered separately in the past: (i) a model with objects, classes, inheritance, methods ala IQL or O2 [7]; (ii) a view mechanism ala O2 Views [11]; (iii) a versioning mechanism with linear versions and also alternatives (see, e.g., [8]); (iv) a mechanism for objects with several roles [6, 10] ala Fibonacci [4]; (v) the means of specifying distribution of data in several sites; (vi) a mechanism for data and schema updates (see, e.g., [13]); (vii) specification of access rights (see, e.g., [9]). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some notation and auxiliary concepts. A restricted form of the model (without views and inheritance) is presented in Section 3. The language is presented in Section 4. Section 5 deals with inheritance and Section 6 with views. The last section is a conclusion. Additional examples are given in Appendix A. To conclude this section, we present in an example some of the features of the model. Example 1.1 Consider a distributed database with two sites: Paris and Los Angeles. Paris and Los Angeles are two contexts of a unique database. Suppose that the database deals with persons, friends and researchers, i.e., we have classes Person, Friend, Researcher. Classes Friend and Researcher are subclasses of Person in both contexts. Let Dupond be an object. First, suppose that in Paris, Dupond is considered a friend, and in LA both a friend and a researcher, i.e., Dupond belongs to class Friend(Paris), Friend(LA) and Researcher(LA). By inheritance, Dupond is also in classes Person(Paris) and Person(LA) (with possibly different behaviors in each). Now, we may decide that the data on friends is recorded in LA. We therefore have a relation Friends(LA), and see relation Friends(Paris) as a view of Friends(LA). This would mean that the store for Dupond is in LA  Partially supported by Esprit Project GoodStep. y Partially supported by CNPq grant number 200.803-92.1, Brazil. 1 No,

Guido, this does not imply that there will be an IQL(3).

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects and that Dupond is only virtually in class F riends(Paris). Researcher(LA) with a specific store there.

Dupond from being really in

This does not prevent

At one extreme, we may decide that one context is completely virtual and that no data is stored there. At another extreme, we can view the database as duplicated in contexts Paris and LA. Each object has a store in Paris and one in Los Angeles. An update method on an object o in Paris context would modify the store in Paris. It may call immediately a method on object o in LA to propagate the change, or one may prefer to propagate updates in batches using a program that is called regularly. 2

2 Preliminaries In this section, we introduce some notation and some auxiliary concepts. We consider the existence of the following pairwise disjoint and infinite countable sets: 1. rel: relation names R1 ; R2; ::: 2. class: class names C1 ; C2 ; ::: 3. obj: object identifiers (oid’s) o1 ; o2 ; ::: 4. dom: data values d1 ; d2 :::. The set dom is typically many sorted. It contains the sorts int, real, bool, string and a particular sort for context identifiers (cid’s) that will be application dependent. The data sorts will be denoted ; ; :::. The values of sort are dom( ). The set of cid’s will be denoted .

d1 d2



Given a set O of oid’s, the set of values that one can construct is denoted val(O):


1. 2.

val(O) contains O and dom; val(O) is closed under tupling and finite setting. (Other constructors such as sequencing or multi-setting can be added in a straightforward manner and will not be considered here.)

The cid’s will serve many purposes. If we take cid’s in [1::n], we model time versions. By organizing the cid’s in a dag, we also model alternative versions. By taking cid’s for instance in f London, Paris, LA, etc. g, we model distributed databases with the same object (with distinct repositories) possibly in many sites. By choosing cid’s in f John, Peter, Max, etc. g, we model access rights for various users. In practice, one may want to use cid’s with a richer structure, i.e., use complex values or objects to denote contexts. For instance, in a versioned and distributed database, one would like the domain of cid’s to be the set of pairs (timestamp,location). We ignore this aspect here since this would unnecessarily complicate the model, and view the cid’s as atomic elements. Indeed, in most of the discussion, we assume that the domain cid of the cid’s is an initial fragment of the integers. However, in examples, we sometimes use a richer structure for cid’s. We consider that the “names” of both the schema and the instance are indexed by the cid’s. A class in our context is now C (n) for some cid n, and a relation becomes R(n). On the other hand, objects are not indexed by cid’s. However, their values and behaviors depend on the roles that they are taking. For instance, a versioned object is the same object in all its different versions. Its value and behavior depend on the particular version that is considered. of cid’s, C(cid) denotes  . Starting from sets C, and cid, the types Given a set of classes and the set types( ( )) are defined by the following abstract syntax:

C cid



C cid

 := di j C(cid) j [A1 : ; :::; An :  ] j f g j  +  j ? where n  0, the Ai ’s are distinct and “+” is the union of types.

C cid


An oid assignment  is a mapping from ( ) to 2fin (the finite powerset of obj). It gives the population of each class in each context. (Note that class populations are not required to be disjoint and objects may be explicitly in many different classes.) The set of oid’s occurring in  is denoted . The semantics of types is given with respect to an oid assignment :



1. for each i, di

 = dom(di );

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects


C (n)  = (C (n));

3. finite setting and tupling are standard; 4.

1 + 2  = 1  [ 2  ;


?  = ;.


of objects, a value assignment  is a mapping from Given an oid assignment  and the corresponding finite set  ( ) to val( ); i.e., it associates to a triple (object,class,cid), a value.

O C cid


Remark 2.1 Observe that the value of an object is depending on two parameters: the context and the class. Suppose that we have two contexts business and personal, modeling respectively my business phone-book and my private one. Suppose that we have two classes Friend and Researcher. Suppose that Jones is a friend and a researcher. Then, I may have phone informations for Jones in both contexts and in both classes. The fact that some data is stored and some may be derived is irrelevant (so far). 2

3 Database Schema and Instance We define the schemas and the instances. We ignore first an important aspect, namely, the specification of the “virtual database” (∆ below), which is the topic of Sections 5 (inheritance) and 6 (views). Definition 3.1 A database schema S is a tuple (R; C; cid; T; ∆) where: (i) R, C, are finite sets of relation and class names; (ii) cid is the finite set of contexts; (iii) T : R(cid) [ C(cid)

! types(C(cid));

(iv) ∆ is a view program to be defined later.


This is a conservative extension of IQL. First, is the set of names of roots of persistence (i.e., data entry points in the database), the set of class names, (is new and) is the set of contexts, is the typing constraint. In IQL, the view program ∆ is simply the inheritance hierarchy since there is no other mechanism for virtual data there. It is important to observe that we associate types to pairs involving a name (relation or class) and a cid. This captures the fact that the same name may have different types in different contexts. For instance, if the contexts are versions, the type of a class is allowed to evolve in time. Observe also that the type of a class or a relation in some context may refer to a class in another context.




Example 3.2 We consider a database context Global that is the integration of the two local database contexts, LA and Paris. The schema is as follows: Let R = fRp; Rla ; Rg g, C = fEmployeeg, cid = fParis; LA; Globalg and T be defined by:

class Employee(Paris) : [Name : string; T el´ ephone ´ : integer] class Employee(LA) : [Name : string; Phone : integer] class Employee(Global) : [Name : string; Phone : integer; T el´ ephone ´ : integer] type Rp(Paris) : fEmployee(Paris)g type Rla (LA) : fEmployee(LA)g type Rg (Global) : fEmployee(Global)g Observe that the type of Rp is only defined in the context of Paris. This should be understood as Rp does not exist in the contexts of LA and Global. (Similarly, for Rla ; Rg .) 2 We now consider instances. Definition 3.3 An instance I of schema S is a triple (; ;  ) with 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects

Instance I1

Instance I2

(Employee(Paris)) = fo1 ; o2g (Employee(LA)) = fo1 g (Employee(Global)) = ; (Rp (Paris)) = fo1; o2 g (Rl (LA)) = fo1g (Rg (Global)) = ;  (o1; Employee(Paris)) = [D:; 55 37]  (o1; Employee(LA)) = [D:; 11]  (o2; Employee(Paris)) = [L:; 53 30]

(Employee(Paris)) = fo1; o2 g (Employee(LA)) = fo1 g (Employee(Global)) = fo1; o2 g (Rp (Paris)) = fo1; o2g (Rl (LA)) = fo1g (Rg (Global)) = fo1; o2 g  (o1; Employee(Paris)) = [D:; 55 37]  (o1; Employee(LA)) = [D:; 11]  (o2; Employee(Paris)) = [L:; 53 30]  (o1; Employee(Global)) = [D:; 11; 55 37]  (o2; Employee(Global)) = [L:; 0; 53 30]

Figure 1: Two instances 1. an oid assignment  : C(cid) ! 2O ; 2. a relation mapping  : R(cid) ! 2val(O) ;

3. a value assignment  : for each o; C; n such that o 2 (C (n)),  maps the pair (o; C (n)) to a value in val(O);

where O is the set of oid’s occurring in .

Ignoring the view mapping, we now specify the notion of well-formed instance: Definition 3.4 Let (; ;  ) be an instance over a schema constraints are satisfied: 1. for each R; n, (R(n))  T(R(n))


The instance is well-formed if the following typing


2. for each o; C; n, o 2 (C (n)),  (o; C (n)) 2

T(C (n))


Two well-formed instances are given in Figure 1. Intuitively, instance I2 is obtained from instance I1 by deriving some new data.

4 A Query Language We now define a many-sorted first-order calculus then give examples of queries in an OQL-like syntax. (As in IQL, we could have used here a rule based language but since recursion is not important here, we prefer to focus on a simpler language not to obscure the issue.) We first consider “fixed contexts” in the sense that we disallow quantifications over cid’s.

A Fixed Context Calculus The calculus is defined as follows: Terms: 1. 2. 3.

d for each d in dom R(n) for R in R and n in cid variables x where the type  does not refer to the sort cid

4. constructed terms with tupling, setting

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects 5. projection (t:A for A an attribute)

6. dereferencing (t for t denoting an object) The sorts of terms are defined in the straightforward manner. Formulas, queries: Atoms are t = t0 , t 2 t0 for t; t0 terms with compatible types, or x  x0 where x; x0 are of resp. sorts C (n); C 0(m). (This is interpreted as x and x0 are the same object in different contexts.) Formulas are atoms, or L _ L0 , L ^ L0 , L ) L0 , :L, 9x (L) or 8x (L) where L; L0 are formulas. A query is an expression of the form fx j 'g where ' is a formula with only free variable x. Range-restriction As standard, we restrict our attention to range-restricted formulas and queries. The rangerestriction we adopt here is standard. From this point of view, the only novelty is the use of  that behaves exactly like equality for range-restriction. Contexts play no role for range-restriction since we assumed they are constant. From a language viewpoint, the only (relative) novelty is the use of . We illustrate it with an example. Suppose that the cid’s are timestamps and that the last two versions are denoted by the constants previous and now. Let Persons be a set of objects of class Person. We can obtain the phone number of persons that have not changed phone number since last version:

fP:phone j 9P 0 2 Persons(previous)(P 2 Persons(now) ^ P  P 0 ^ P:phone = P 0:phone)g; or using an OQL-like syntax: select from P in Persons(now) where in select P’.phone from P’ in Persons(previous) where P’  P. We could express the same query in a simpler manner if either (a) a field previous (possibly virtual – see below) contains the previous state of each object or (b) using casting: select select P.Phone from P in Persons(now) from P in Persons(now) where = = P@Person(previous).phone where P @Persons(previous) denotes the casting of P to the same object in class Person(previous). Such casting can be viewed as syntactic sugaring. Another form of syntactic sugaring would be to permit to test whether an object is also in some different contexts. This allows us to rephrase (more carefully) the above query: select P.Phone from P in Persons(now) where P is also Person(previous) and = P@Person(previous).phone Remark 4.1 To see a more complicated example with “structured” contexts, suppose that we are in a versioned database with one context for private data and one for professional one. To obtain the actual home phone numbers of friends who worked on OQL in 1990, we use: select from P in Persons(private,now), P’ in Persons(prof,1990) where “OQL” in P’.works on and P  P’ where the domain of cid’s is a set of pairs (context,timestamp).


5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects

Quantifying over Contexts We start with two examples and then consider some difficulties that are raised. First, suppose that cid consists of two contexts, namely LA and Paris, and that we want to modify the salaries of employees by taking the maximum of the salaries in the two contexts. We may use one of the following programs: Program 1

Program 2

update E.salary = E’.salary from E in Emp(Paris), E’ in Emp(LA) where E is E’ and E.salary < E’.salary update E.salary = E’.salary from E in Emp(LA), E’ in Emp(Paris) where E  E’ and E.salary < E’.salary

update E.salary = E’.salary from Site1,Site2 in f Paris,LAg, E in Emp(Site1),E’ in Emp(Site2) where E  E’ and E.salary < E’.salary

Observe that the second one, although clearly more desirable (imagine 20 sites!), uses cid variables, i.e., Site1, Site2, for specifying the context (whereas LA for instance is a constant). This is a quantification over some contexts. From the example, it is clearly convenient to be able to quantify over contexts. However, this complicates the type checking of programs as illustrated by the following example. Suppose that the context is [] and that in Version 15, we added an attribute to class Person, e.g., an email address. Consider the following queries asking for the name of persons such that their stored value has been modified at least once (since Version 17): Query 1

Query 2

select P.Name from N in Contexts, P in Persons(N), P’ in Persons(now) where P is P’ and not ( P = P’)

select P.Name from N in Contexts, P in Persons(N), P’ in Persons(now) whereP is P’ and not ( P = P’) and N > 17

where Contexts is a relation containing the set of valid contexts. Recall that “” denotes dereferencing. Observe that Query 1 should raise an error since the type of a person now and say in Version 14 are different. The sorts of the values for a person now and at time 14 are not compatible and P = P 0 is incorrect. On the other hand, Query 2 should be acceptable as far as we test for N > 17 before testing other conditions. However, an issue also of Query 2 is type checking since because of the schema update, we cannot assign a type to P . A first solution is to use dynamic type checking. Another one is to require that the quantification over N be outermost and apply the restrictions on context variables during type checking (i.e., at compile time). More formally, we require the formula to be of the form:

Q1x1 :::Qmxm ('(x1 ; :::; xm) 


where Q1 ; :::; Qm are quantifications over contexts, ' is a (range-restricted) formula that has no quantification over contexts, its only free-variables are contexts (' restricts the range of the contexts),  is ^ or ) and contains no quantification over contexts. Query 2 can be expressed in this form:

fP:Name j 9N ((Context(N ) ^ N > 17) ^ 9P; P 0 (Persons(N )(P ) ^ Persons(now)(P 0) ^ P  P 0 ))g Intuitively, this suggests the following evaluation. First ' is evaluated. Since it has no quantification over context, its evaluation raises no issue. Then, based on the results of ', the global query is transformed into a boolean combination of queries with no quantification over context. Each of these queries can be typed checked and executed separately. Observe that this form is restrictive since it does not allow expressing queries of the form f: : : j 8x9n:::g where the value of context n depends on x. It is possible (although rather intricate) to find natural examples of such queries (for instance, see the example above where the field previous contains the previous state of each object).

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects

5 Inheritance In this section, we consider the addition of an inheritance relationship to the schema. Since classes in contexts play the role of standard classes, we need to consider statements such as C (n) isa C 0 (m) that possibly relates two distinct contexts. We assume that the inheritance hierarchy is a dag. A major issue in the presence of inheritance is method resolution. To simplify the model, we did not consider methods. Although we will not do it here formally, methods can be introduced very simply in the model as in [1]. In the following discussion on inheritance, we consider that methods are attached to classes in the style of, say [7] or [2]. The semantics of an inheritance statement C (n) isa C 0 (m) is that each object in a class C (n) (e.g., o 2 (C (n))) is also implicitly in class C 0 (m). The value of this object in class C 0(m) is obtained by “coercing” its value in class C (n). This imposes a constraint on types of classes related via inheritance (inclusion polymorphism semantics). The types have to be reconsidered to include this notion of inheritance as done for instance in IQL (e.g., a tuple of type [A : int; B : int; C : int] is also of type [A : int; B : int]. Since this is standard, we do not insist on it here. From a formal viewpoint, starting from an instance (; ;  ), inheritance specifies a new instance ( ; ;  ), which can be seen as a virtual, i.e., derived, instance. (See next section on views.) The typing constraints that are imposed on the instance now become constraints on the derived instance: 1. for each R; n, (R(n))  T(R(n))


2. for each o; C; n, o 2  (C (n)),  (o; C (n)) 2

T(C (n))


Inheritance is complicated by the fact that the same object lives in several classes, a problem treated in [4] and that we reconsider in our setting. First, we introduce radical restrictions that lead to standard resolution and probably suffice for many applications. Then, we analyze the general case which requires a more complex resolution. Finally, we consider a general restriction that is somewhat in between these two extremes.

A Simple World The simple world is based on the following principles: separate contexts: all inheritance statements are limited to a single context (C (n) isa C 0(m) implies n = m). There is one class hierarchy defined for each context. separate roles: the disjoint oid assignment is enforced in a given context, i.e., the same object cannot be explicitly in two distinct classes of the same context (it can however be in two distinct classes implicitly, i.e., through inheritance). Under these restrictions, resolution is standard (as in [7] or in [2]). Part of the limitations brought by this approach will be removed when we introduce views. Let us now consider the general case.

A Complex World Consider the inheritance hierarchy of Figure 2. (We assume in this example the existence of a single context.) A call to method m on an object o00 in class C 00 generates a conflict (multiple-inheritance) that can be statically detected. This is standard. New kinds of conflicts may arise due to multiple roles. For instance consider an object o012 living both in class C 10 and C 20. A call to m on o012 may be ambiguous. Similarly, an access to attribute A for this object may be ambiguous. We now have to be somewhat more precise. As mentioned before, we always access an object o for a role C (n), i.e., we address the C (n) interface of the object. Consider accessing o in some class C (n). Suppose, object o is explicitly exactly in subclasses C1 (n1 ); :::; Ci(ni ) of C (n). Two cases arise: 1. we are accessing some attribute A. This is legal if A is an attribute in exactly one of the Cj (nj ). 2. we access some method m. This is legal if

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects











Figure 2: Inheritance and Conflicts


for some Cj (nj ) (j : 1::i), the resolution2 of m in Cj (nj ) is defined and is some class C 0 ; and for each Ck (nk ) (k : 1::i); the resolution of m in Ck (nk ) is also C 0 or is not defined.

Multiple roles do complicate a lot the issue. Consider a class C (n) with m subclasses. Then a variable of class C (n) may denote an object o such that the set of subclasses of C (n) where o is explicitly, may be any of the 2m subsets of subclasses of C (n). This leads to two important issues: Problem (1): At run time, given an object o and a role C (n) for this object, find fast the store for some attribute A and the code m for a method m. Problem (2): At compile time, statically type check a program. Both will be time consuming. Both can be simplified if we specify a compatibility relation that specifies where objects can be concurrently explicitly. More precisely, is an equivalence relation over ( ), and C (n) C 0 (m) indicates that an object may belong explicitly to both classes concurrently, so that multiple instantiation is constrained to classes in the same partition w.r.t. to . Type checking can be eased if, in addition, we make antisymmetric by constraining types of classes related by to be comparable w.r.t. to standard subtyping. This would define a role hierarchy, but we adopt a more general approach where role hierarchies can be defined, if necessary, through a view. To see an example, consider a database of boats and airplanes with three classes, Boat, AirPlane, Vehicle and the schema:

C cid


Boat : [Name : string, Price : integer, Propeller : string] isa Vehicle AirPlane : [Name : string, Price : integer, Speed : integer] isa Vehicle Vehicle : [Name : string, Price : integer]

If we know that the compatibility relation is empty, an access to the price of a vehicle is legal. Otherwise, there is a potential conflict since the same object may be in classes AirPlane and Boat explicitly. The use of is investigated next.

A Trade-off It is standard to prohibit (or at least control) multiple-inheritance in the context of single-roles. We now add a condition to handle multiple roles. 2 The resolution of m in some class C (n ) is the unique smallest super class of C (n ) where m has an explicit definition. This is unique j j j j since we disallow multi-inheritance conflict.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects A schema is strict if for each C (n); C 0(m), such that C (n) C 0 (m) and C (n); C 0(m) are not comparable in the isa hierarchy, there is no C 00(p) such that C (n) and C 0(m) are both subclasses of C 00(p) (i.e., C (n) and C 0(m) have no common ancestor). For strict schemas, the resolution issues above disappear, i.e., it is easy to see that for each object o and role C (n), this leads to standard resolution for o in the unique class below C (n) where it belongs explicitly. This leads to resolution with a parameter, the class C (n) (i.e., Problem (1) disappears). For non-strict schemas, we can adopt multi-attribute resolution (to solve Problem (2) and techniques such as multi-attribute dispatch tables can be used [5] (to solve Problem (1)).

6 Views In the previous section, we already considered the specification of view mappings, but we restricted our attention to a special class of view mappings related to inheritance only. In this section, we use the entire power of the first-order language of the previous section to define view mappings. A view program allows to specify from the value of the database composed of explicit information (instance (; ;  )), a well-formed virtual database (instance (  ;  ;  ) below). Queries are first used to populate classes and relations as in:

Employee(Global) w fx j Employee(Paris)g Employee(Global) w fx j Employee(LA)g Rg (Global) w fx@Employee(Global) j x 2 Rp (Paris)g Rg (Global) w fx@Employee(Global) j x 2 Rla (LA)g We use two queries to define Employee(Global) since a single one would be incorrectly typed. Note also that the above definition does not not prevent the class Employee(Global) to have explicitly objects in it.

Remark 6.1 In the presentation so far, we have implicitly assumed that the extensions of base classes are given and used to compute the extensions of derived classes. It is argued in [11] that in many applications, it is not desirable to maintain the extensions of classes. Furthermore, some systems (such as O2 ) do not provide extensions for base classes, and it would be unnatural to maintain that of derived classes in such context. If class extensions are not maintained, the definition of Employee(Global) is not necessary and can be viewed as “derived”. 2 Using such rules, it is easy to specify the values of  and  . For the specification of  , we can use two approaches. In an explicit manner, we can specify or enrich the value of each object in its new class with rules of the form:

var x : Employee(Global); x0 : Employee(LA) define x:phone = uniquefx0:phone j x0  xg This can also be achieved implicitly. We assume that by default, the values of objects are transmitted via derivations. For instance, if an object is in Employee(Global) because of its presence in Employee(LA), then it “inherits” its structure from that of the employee in LA. This implies some constraints on the types that are similar to constraints on types in presence of inheritance. (Recall that inheritance is just a special case of view.) A problem is that the presence of an object in some class C (n) may have its origin in the presence of the object in more than one other classes. For instance, an object may be in Employee(Global) because it belongs to Employee(Paris) and also because it belongs to Employee(LA). In such cases, the new value is obtained (a) by merging the values associated to the originating object/context pairs, and (b) projecting (casting) to the type that is expected. More precisely, suppose that we define the population of class C in context n as the union of 'i where for each i, 'i returns a set of objects of type Ci (ni ). Then the value of an object o for C (n) is defined by:

 (o; C (n)) = ΠT (1 f (o; Ci(ni )) j o 2 'i g) where merge (1) and projection (Π) are defined next.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects

Definition 6.2 The merge of two data values is defined by: 1. 2. 3.

v 1 v = v for each v; if t1 ; t2 are tuples, t1 1 t2 is the tuple t (if it exists) such that for each attribute A of t1 and t2 , t(A) = t1 (A) 1 t2(A); and for each i; j; j 6= i, if ti has attribute A and not tj , t(A) = ti (A); t has no other attribute; otherwise v 1 v0 is undefined.

Observe that two tuples with two non-merge-able values (e.g., integer 4 and 5) for the same attribute, are not merge-able. This does not prevent for instance an object o to have two distinct values, say 4 and 5, in two distinct classes. On the other hand, this cannot happen (in a correct instance) if these two versions of the same object are merged in a unique class. The projection of a value on a type  (given an oid assignment  ) is defined recursively as follows:

o is in  (C (n)), then Π (v) is o; if  = [A1 : 1 ; :::; Am : m ] and v = [A1 : v1 ; :::; An : vn ] for m  n and for each i  m, Πi (vi ) is defined, then Π (v) = [A1 : Π (v1 ); :::; Am : Πm (vm )]; if  = 1 + 2 and either (i) Π (v) or Π (v) is defined and equal to v0 but not both; or (ii) they are both defined and equal to v0 , then Π (v) = v0 ; otherwise, Π (v) is undefined.

1. if  is C (n) and v 2.



3. 4.



To conclude this section on views, observe that we have two ways for an object to be virtually in a class. One is by inheritance and the other one is by the view mechanism. We advocated a strict policy for handling inheritance to simplify the treatment of inheritance conflicts. The view mechanism is handled differently. It may be more liberal at the price of being more costly.

7 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented a model with many features that are usually considered separately. Our discussion on methods has been quite brief but we believe we covered the main issue, method resolution. Our treatment of views has also been rather short and many features of [11] such as imaginary objects were not considered here. However, they would only have made more complicated the model at the cost of clarity and do not present any new difficulties.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects

References [1] S. Abiteboul and P. Kanellakis. The two facets of object-oriented data models. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 15:2:3–8, 1991. special issue edited by R. Agrawal. [2] S. Abiteboul, P. Kanellakis, S. Ramaswamy, and E. Waller. Method schemas. Technical Report CS-92-33, Brown University, 1992. (An earlier version appeared in Proceedings 9th ACM PODS, 1990). [3] S. Abiteboul and P. C. Kanellakis. Object identity as a query language primitive. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD Symp. on the Management of Data, pages 159–173, 1989. to appear in J. ACM. [4] A. Albano, R. Bergamini, G. Ghelli, and R. Orsini. An object data model with roles. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, pages 39–51, 1993. [5] E. Amiel, O. Gruber, and E. Simon. Optimizing multi-method dispatch using compressed dispatch tables. In Int. Conf. on OOPSLA, Portland, October 1994. ACM. [6] C.W. Bachman and M. Daya. The role concept in data models. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, pages 464–476. Morgan Kaufmann, 1977. [7] F. Bancilhon, C. Delobel, and P. Kanellakis, editors. Building an Object-Oriented Database System: The Story of O2 . Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California, 1992. [8] W. Kim and H.T. Chou. Versions of schema for object-oriented databases. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988. [9] F. Rabitti, E. Bertino, W. Kim, and D. Woelk. A model of authorization for next-generation database systems. ACM Trans. on Database Systems, 16:1:88–131, 1991. [10] J. Richardson and P. Schwartz. Aspects: Extending objects to support multiple independent roles. In Intl. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, pages 298–307, 1991. [11] C. Souza, S. Abiteboul, and C. Delobel. Virtual schemas and bases. In Proc. EDBT, Cambridge, 1994. [12] J. Su. Dynamic constraints and object migration. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, pages 233–242. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991. [13] R. Zicari. A framework for schema updates in object-oriented database systems. In F. Bancilhon, C. Delobel, and P. Kanellakis, editors, Building an Object-Oriented Database System: The Story of O2 . Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California, 1992.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


IQL(2): A Model with Ubiquitous Objects

A Additional Examples We mentioned in the introduction that the model is a convenient model for specifying also access rights and updates. We illustrate this with three simple examples.

Access Rights Users or groups of users are given the right to see only particular contexts. Assume that we have a class Employee, a relation Salary of type [E : Employee; S : integer], and a relation Manage of type [B : Employee; E : Employee]. A relation Emps contains the set of employees. Each employee o is associated to a specific context, say o, that specifies his/her specific access rights. Besides that we have a general context base and a context finance for the financial services. The rule is that each employee can see the Manage relation and that an employee is only allowed to see the salaries of the people that he/she manages. All data is virtual except for data in the base context that is explicit. The following program is used to specify accesses:

Manage(z ) Salary(finance) Salary(z ) Salary(z )

w w w w

fx; y j Emps(z ) ^ Manage(base)(x; y)g fx; s j Salary(base)(x; s)g fz;0 s j Salary(base)(z;0s)g fz ; s j Salary(base)(z ; s) ^ Manage(z; z 0 )g

Observe that the recursion in the definition of Salary is only fictitious: Salary(finance) and each Salary(z ) depend (with no recursion) on Salary(base) that is stored. The granting of access rights can be controlled similarly.

Data Updates Suppose that Jane is a researcher in the professional context (i.e., a name of type Researchers(business). We can add a role to Jane in this context or insert her in another context using: insert Jane with insert Jane with

in Friends(personal) Jane@Friends(personal) . phone = “46262626” in Friends(business) Jane@Friends(business) . phone = “46262626”

These are two examples of object migration. (See [12] for more on object migration.

Schema Updates Consider two classes C1 ; C2 with identical type to simplify. Suppose that we want to make a new version that merges the two classes into a single class C . Suppose that we have relations R1 and R2 that contain respectively C1 and C2 objects and R is the new relation that will contain the union of R1 and R2 . Let old and new be the names of the versions before and after update. The type definitions and the program are given by: relation R1 (old) : C1 relation R2 (old) : C2 relation R(new) : C class C1 (old),C2 (old),C(new): T insert X@C(new) in R(new) from X in R1 (old); insert X@C(new) in R(new) from X in R2 (old);

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Observational Distinguishability of Databases with Object Identity Anthony S. Kosky

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)


Information and Computing Sciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 Email: Anthony [email protected]


We will examine the problem of distinguishing between database instances and values in models which incorporate object-identities and recursive data-structures. We will show that the notion of observational distinguishability is intricately linked to the languages available for querying a database. In particular we will show that, given a simple query language incorporating a test for equality of object-identities, database instances are indistinguishable i they are isomorphic, and that, in a language without any operators on object-identities, database instances are indistinguishable i a bisimilarity relation holds between them. Further, such a bisimulation relation may be computed on values, but doing so requires the ability to recurse over all the object-identities in an instance. We will then show that systems of keys give rise to observational distinguishability relations which lie between these two extremes. We show that a system of keys satisfying certain restrictions provides us with an ecient means of comparing values, while avoiding the need to compare object identities directly.

1 Introduction Suppose you were presented with two database instances and wished to nd out whether or not the instances were di erent using some query interface. Using certain data-models and query languages this might be easy. For example, in a relational database system, simply printing out the two instances and comparing them would suce. More succinctly, you could nd a single query which would produce di erent results when applied to any two instances if the instances were di erent. Even if the instances and interface involved more complex but xed depth types, such as in a nested relational model, as long as the query interface allowed you to \see" instances completely you could distinguish any two distinct instances. However, in a model allowing recursive or arbitrarily deeply nested data structures, such as a semantic or object-oriented data model [4, 10], this technique will not work. In this case database instances must use some kind of reference mechanism, such as object identities, pointers, logical variables, or some other nonprintable values, and so physically di ering instances may give identical results on all possible queries. Of the various possible reference mechanisms, we will focus our attention on object identities since they o er the advantage of locational and data independence, and also a ord ecient implementation techniques [11]. Suppose, for example, we had the two instances shown bellow: object identities are represented by , and each identity has a value associated with it consisting of an integer and another object identity.  This research was supported in part by the following grants: DE-FG02-94-ER-61923Sub 1, BIR94-02292PRIME, DAAH0493-G0129, DE-AC03-76SF00098.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996




1 2

2 3

3 2 3

If our query language allowed us only to print out the values on paths of any xed depth, then we could not observe any di erences between these two instances: they would both represent the in nite sequence of integers 1; 2; 3; 2; 3; 2; 3; : : :. However their representations are clearly di erent. Though this hypothetical situation may appear unrealistic, it in fact represents a fundamental problem: in any query or database programming language it is necessary to have some means of comparing data values in an instance. Further, in order to reason about the expressive power of a data-model and query language, it is necessary to be able to compare distinct database instances and to communicate information between them. These issues are complicated by the presence of object identities in a data model: there may be many di erent ways of representing the same data using di erent choices, and possibly di erent structures and interconnections of identities. Consequently we would like to regard object-identities as not directly observable, and equate any values which are observationally indistinguishable. We shall see that the notion of observational distinguishability is intricately linked to the languages and operations that are available for querying a database. An understanding of these issues is essential in the design of languages for such data-models. In this paper we will make use of a data-model equivalent to that of [1] in order to examine these issues. We will de ne an isomorphism relation on database instances, representing when two instances di er only in their choice of object-identi ers, and a bisimulation relation, representing when two instances have the same set of paths. We will prove that, given a simple query language incorporating a test for equality on object-identities, two instances are indistinguishable if and only if they are isomorphic, and that, in a query language without any comparison operators available on object identities, two instances are indistinguishable i they are bisimilar. However, in both of these cases, it is not possible to nd a generic query to distinguish between instances: that is, it is not possible to nd a nite set of queries, dependent only on a database schema, which will evaluate to the same values on two instances if and only if the instances can not be distinguished with any query. We show that it is possible to compute the bisimulation relation on values of a database, but in order to do so it is necessary for our query language to allow recursion over the nite extents of object-identities in the database. We conclude that isomorphism and bisimulation represent respectively the nest and coarsest possible observational equivalences on instances. An important class of observational equivalences, in between these two, can be obtained using systems of keys to determine object identities. We show that, given certain acyclicity restrictions on a system of keys, the resulting equivalences on values can be computed eciently without resorting to recursion over the entire set object identities. Consequently, by making such systems of keys primitive in a query language, we can obtain a value-oriented language while achieving much of the eciency of an object-identity oriented language. Further suitable systems of keys can be used to control the creation of object-identi ers in a manner similar to that of [9], so that we can we can have a query language which supports the creation of object identi ers, but avoids the potential for non-terminating computations present in languages that allow unconstrained creation of object identities, such as IQL ([1]).

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



2 A Data model with object identities and nite extents The description of our data-model falls naturally into two parts: the de nition of schemas and that of instances. The schemas are de ned in terms of types, and consist of a type system which is dependent on a nite set of classes, and an association between these classes and types. The model presented here is equivalent to that of [1], and could also be considered to be simpli cation of the models of [3, 10].

2.1 Types and schemas The types in our model are similar to the nested relational types of [2] with the additional feature of class types. These represent the extents present in a database, and therefore go beyond the structural information normally associated with a type system. In order to describe a particular database system it is necessary to state what classes are present, and also the types of (the values associated with) the objects of each class. We consider that these two pieces of information constitute a database schema. Note that, in many data-models, schemas may represent a wide variety of additional constraints; however we believe that this information represents the minimal information which must be present in the schemas of any data-model. Assume a nite set of classes C , ranged over by C; C 0; : : :, and a countable set of attribute labels, A, ranged over by a; a0; : : :. The types over C , ranged over by ; : : :, consist of base types b, class types C , where C 2 C , record types (a1 : 1 ; : : : ; ak : k ), variant types hja1; 1; : : : ; ak : k ji, and set types f g. We write TypesC for the set of types over C . A schema consists of a nite set of classes, C , and a mapping S : C ! TypesC , such that S (C ) =  C where  C is not a class type. (Since C can be determined from S we will also write S for the schema). City

State state


capital str

name str

Figure 1: A simple database schema Example 2.1: As an example let us consider a database with two classes,Cities and States, illustrated in gure 1. Each City has two components: a name and a state to which the City belongs, while each State also has two components: a name and a city which is its capital. Our set of classes is C  fCity; Stateg and the schema mapping, S , is given by

S (City)  (name : str; state : State) S (State)  (name : str; capital : City) That is, a City is a pair consisting of a string (its name) and a State (its State), while a State is a pair consisting of a string (its name) and a City (its capital). 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



2.2 Values and instances The values that may occur in a particular database instance depend on the object identities of that instance. Consequently we must rst de ne the domain of database values and the denotations of types for a particular choice of sets of object identities, and then de ne instances using these constructs. Suppose, for each class C 2 C we have a disjoint nite set C of object-identities of class C . For each base type b, assume a domain Db associated with b. We de ne the domain of our model for the sets objects identities C , D(C ), to be the union of the following sets: Db for each base type b; C for each class C 2 C ; partial functions with nite domains from A to D(C ) for record types; pairs from A  D(C ) for variants; and nite subsets of D(C ) for set types. [ b] C  Db [ C ] C  C  D(C ) j dom(f ) = fa ; : : : ; a g [ (a1 : 1 : : : ; ak : k )]]C  ff 2 A ! 1 k and f (ai ) 2 [ i] C , i = 1; : : :; kg [ hja1 : 1 ; : : : ; ak : k ji] C  (fa1g  [ 1] C ) [ : : : [ (fak g  [ k ] C ) [ f g] C  Pfin([[ ] C ) Figure 2: The semantic operator on types We de ne the semantic operator [ ] C mapping types over C to subsets of D(C ) in gure 2. A database instance of schema S consists of a family of object sets, C , and for each C 2 C a mapping V C : C ! [  C ] C Given an instance I of S (I = (C ; V C )), we will also write [  ] I for [  ] C . City


Phila Harris


Albany NYC


state state capital state


state capital

Figure 3: A database instance Example 2.2: We will describe an instance of the schema introduced in example 2.1. Our object identities are: City  fPhila; Pitts; Harris; NYC; Albanyg State  fPA; NYg and the mappings are V City (Phila)  (name 7! \Philadelphia"; state 7! PA) V City (Pitts)  (name 7! \Pittsburgh"; state 7! PA) V City (Harris)  (name 7! \Harrisburg"; state 7! PA) 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



V City (NYC)  (name 7! \New York City"; state 7! NY) V City (Albany)  (name ! 7 \Albany"; state 7! NY) and

V State (PA)  (name 7! \Pennsylvania"; capital 7! Harris) V State (NY)  (name 7! \New York"; capital 7! Albany) This de nes the instance illustrated in gure 3.

2.3 Isomorphism of instances Two instances are said to be isomorphic if they di er only in their choice of object identities: that is, one instance can be obtained by renaming the object identities of the other instance. Since object identities are considered to be an abstract notion, and not directly visible, it follows that we would like to regard any two isomorphic instances as the same instance. In particular, any query when applied to two isomorphic instances should return isomorphic results. Isomorphism therefore provides the nest level of distinction between instances that we might hope to observe. If I and I 0 are two instances of a schema S , and f C is a family of mappings, f C : C ! 0C , then we can extend f C to mappings f  : [  ] I ! [  ] I 0 as follows: f bc f (a1 :1 ;:::;ak :k ) u f hja1 :1 ;:::;ak k ji (ai ; u) f f g fv1 ; : : :; vn g

 c  (a 7! f 1 (u(a )); : : : ; ak 7! f k (u(ak )))  (ai ; f i u)  ff  v ; : : : ; f  vng 1



A isomorphism of two instances, I = (C ; V C ) and I 0 = (0C ; V 0C ), of a schema S consists of a family of bijections, f C : C ! 0C , such that for each class C 2 C and each object identity o 2 C

V 0C (f C o) = f  C (V C o) I and I 0 , are said to be isomorphic i there exists an isomorphism f C from I to I 0 . We write I = I 0 to mean I is isomorphic to I 0. We will show that, in a query language equipped with an equality test on object identities, isomorphism coincides exactly with observational indistinguishability of instances.

2.4 Bisimulations and correspondences between instances The data model presented above captures our intuition about how databases with recursive values and extents are represented. We would also like a semantic model where two instances are considered to be di erent if and only if they are distinguishable, or equivalently, a way of grouping together those instances in our model which are indistinguishable. However to talk about whether two instances are distinguishable assumes some latent language for querying the databases, and of course the notion of distinguishability is dependent on this language and the predicates available in it. It is clear that the isomorphism relation on instances is at least as ne as any possible observational equivalence relation: that is, it should not be possible to distinguish between two isomorphic instances using 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


OBSERVATIONAL DISTINGUISHABILITY OF DATABASES WITH OBJECT IDENTITY any reasonable queries over instances. However there may well be indistinguishable instances that are not isomorphic. We will construct a \bisimulation" relation on instances based on the idea that no comparisons on object identities are available, and that only base values are directly observable. Other complex values, such as sets and records, can be compared by comparing their component parts. In particular object identities are compared by dereferencing them and comparing their associated values. The equivalence classes of instances under this relation correspond to a regular tree or value based model of instances (see [1, 12]). Since we believe that equality tests on base types are common to any query language, and hence that any complex values not containing object identities can be tested for equality by recursively applying type deconstructors and then base equality tests to the values, it follows that bisimulation is the coarsest possible observational equivalence relation on instances: if two instances are not in the bisimulation relation then any reasonable query system should be able to distinguish between them. We will rst de ne correspondence relations between the object identities of two instances, and then de ne bisimulation to be the largest correspondence relation satisfying certain consistency conditions. A correspondence between two families of object identi ers C and 0C is a family of binary relations C  C  0C . For each type  , we can extend C to a binary relation   [  ] C  [  ] 0C, so that  are the smallest relations such that: 1. 2. 3. 4.

for cb 2 Db, x (a1 :1 ;:::;ak :k ) y if x(ai ) i y(ai ) for i = 1; : : :; k, (ai ; x) hja1 :1 ;:::;ak :k ji (aj ; y) if i = j and x i y, and X f g Y if for every x 2 X there is a y 2 Y such that x  y and for every y 2 Y there is an x 2 X such that x  y. cb b cb

A correspondence C is said to be consistent with instances I = (C ; V C ) and I 0 = (0C ; V 0C ) if for each C 0C 0 C 0 0 C C 0 C  C 2 C and all o 2  , o 2  , if o  o then V (o)  V (o ). Note that the union of any family of consistent correspondences is also a consistent correspondence. Let I , I 0 be instances of a schema S . Then I I denotes the largest consistent correspondence between I and I 0. We call I I the bisimulation correspondence between I and I 0 . Given any two instances I and I 0, we say I and I 0 are bisimilar and write I  I 0 if and only if, for each C 2 C, 0


1. for each o 2 C there is an o0 2 0C such that o I I 2. for each o0 2 0C there is an o 2 C such that o I I



o0 , o0 ,

Proposition 2.1: The relation  is an equivalence relation on the set of all instances I of a schema S . Note that the relations  and  = do not in general coincide: it is easy to construct two instances which are bisimilar but not isomorphic, for example by duplicating object identities. The instances illustrated in section 1 are an example of two instances that are bisimilar but not isomorphic.

We will see that, for a query language which does not include any means of directly comparing objectidentities, observational indistinguishability coincides exactly with bisimulation of instances.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



3 Querying the model In this section we will present an adaption of the query language SRI ([5, 6]) to the model of section 2.2. The language is based on the mechanism of structural recursion over sets which was described in [5] as a basis for a query language on the nested relational data-model. Our choice of this mechanism is because its semantics are well understood and because it is known to be strictly more expressive than other formally developed query languages for nested relational model, such as the calculus of [2]. Consequently most of the results on the expresivity of various operators in this language paradigm will automatically carry over to other query language paradigms. We will present two variants of the query language, SRI and SRI(=): the = representing the inclusion of the equality predicate on object identities. The query language is described for a schema S , with classes C , such that S (C ) =  C for each C 2 C . We expand our type system to allow object types,  , as de ned in section 2.1, and rank 1 function types,  ! T , where T is a (object or rank 1 function) type. We assume base types unit, Bool with associated domains Dunit  f;g and DBool  fT; Fg, in addition other base types ranged over by b, with associated domains Db. (Bool is actually unnecessary since it is equivalent to a variant of units, but is included for convenience). For each other base type b, and any value c 2 Db, we assume a corresponding constant symbol c. A ground type is an object type which contains no class types. Ground types are signi cant in that values of ground type are considered to be directly observable, while values of non-ground type will contain object identities, which do not have meaning outside of a particular instance. Further the set of values associated with a ground type will not be dependent on a particular instance, so that expressions of ground type can be evaluated in di erent instances, and their results can be compared. A query is a closed expression of ground type. The syntax and typing rules for SRI are given in gure 4. In SRI(=) we assume an additional binary predicate =C for each class C 2 C , with the typing rule

`e :C `e :C ` e =C e : Bool 1




=C tests whether two terms of type C evaluate to the same object identity. The semantics for SRI and SRI(=) are given in appendix A.

3.1 Distinguishability of instances in SRI(=) Two instances I and I 0 are said to be indistinguishable in some query language L i , for any query q expressed in the language L, evaluating the query q for either of the two instances I and I 0 returns the same result. In particular, two instances I and I 0 are indistinguishable in SRI(=) i , for every ground type  and query e such that ` e :  , V [ e] I = V [ e] I 0. (V [ ] is the semantic operator on SRI expressions de ned in appendix A). The following result tells us that isomorphism of instances exactly captures indistinguishability in SRI(=), and is therefore an important result in establishing the expressive power of SRI(=). Theorem 3.1: Two instances, I and I 0, are indistinguishable in SRI(=) if and only if they are isomorphic. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



Products `e :

` e : (a :  ; : : : ; ak : k ) ` e:ai : i

: : : ` ek : k ` (a = e ; : : :; ak = ek ) : (a :  ; : : : ; ak : k ) Variants ` e : i ` inshjaai 1 1 ;:::;ak k ji (e) : hja :  ; : : : ; ak : k ji ` e : hja :  ; : : : ; ak : k ji ` e :  : : : ` ek :  ` case e of a (x1 ) ) e ; : : : ; ak (xtkk ) ) ek :  Sets ` e :  ` e : f g ` e :  !  !  ` e :  ` e : f g ` ; : f g ` add(e ; e ) : f g ` sri(e ; e ; e ) :  Functions `e:T `e : !T `e : ` x1  e :  ! T `e e :T Booleans ` e : Bool ` e :  ` e :  ` tt : Bool ` : Bool ` if(e ; e ; e ) :  Base values c 2 Db `e :b `e :b `c:b ` e =b e : Bool Others `e:C ` x :  ` () : unit ` C : fC g `!e :  C 1


































1 2




















Figure 4: Typing rules for query language

Proof: The if part is straightforward.

For the only-if part, given an instance I we construct an expression eI such that ` eI : Bool and V [ eI ] I 0 is true i I 0  = I . Details of the construction of eI are given in Appendix B. Claim: For any reasonable query language L, such that L supports an equality predicate on object identities, any two instances are indistinguishable in L if and only if they are isomorphic. Justi cation: We need to show that, in any natural query language we can think of for this model, it is possible to construct an expression equivalent to the expression eI from the proof of theorem 3.1. We observe that the constructors used in forming eI do not go beyond those found the nested relational algebra of [7], the calculus of [2] without powerset, or what we would expect to nd in any other query language. The previous result tells us that, given any instance I , there is a query which distinguishes I from any other non-isomorphic instance, but does not tell us how to nd such a query without knowing exactly what the instance is already. Our next result tells us that, though any two non-isomorphic instances are distinguishable, it is not possible to nd a single query or set of queries which are independent of the database instances, but which will distinguish between non-isomorphic instances. This means that, given two instances and a query interface or language such as SRI(=) for examining them, we can not in general decide whether or not the two instances are isomorphic, or nd a query which distinguishes between them. We must rst de ne the notion of Z -internal functions on instances [8]. Suppose that  is a function from instances of a schema S to some set D, and Z is a nite set of base values. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


OBSERVATIONAL DISTINGUISHABILITY OF DATABASES WITH OBJECT IDENTITY For each v 2 D we write Supp(v) for the set of base values occuring in v (that is values in Db for some base type b). Also we write Supp(I ) for the set of base values occuring in an instance I . Then  is said to be Z -internal i for any instance I , Supp((I ))  Supp(I ) [ Z . That is,  does not introduce any new base values, other than those in Z . Lemma 3.2: For any closed SRI(=) expression, e, there exists a nite set Z such that the mapping V [ e] is Z -internal. Proof: Let Const(e) denote the set of constants occuring in an expression e. We can show that V [ e] is Z -internal where Z = fcjc 2 Const(e)g [ fT; Fg. It is sucient to argue that there are no operators in the language which introduce new base values, other than predicates which may introduce the values T or F. More formally the result may be proved using induction on SRI(=) expressions. Proposition 3.3: For any non-trivial schema S , it is not possible to build a generic expression in SRI(=) which tests whether two instances are isomorphic. In other words, given a schema S , it is not possible to construct a value eS , depending only on S , such that for any two instances I and I , V [ eS ] I = V [ eS ] I 0 i I and I 0 are isomorphic. Proof: Suppose there is such a query e, and ` e :  . Then there is a nite Z such that V [ e] is Z -internal. For any instances I and I 0 , [  ] I = [  ] I 0 = T , where T is a possibly in nite set of values. However we can choose a nite set of base values, say W , such that there exist instances I with Supp(I )  W . So, for any instance I with Supp(I )  W , V [ e] I 2 T and Supp(V [ e] I )  W [ Z . The set fv 2 T j Supp(v)  W [ Z g is nite. However there are in nitely many non-isomorphic instances, I , with Supp(I )  W : given one such instance we can produce in nitely many more of them by introducing duplicates of object identities. It follows by a simple cardinality argument that e can not distinguish between these instances. Note that this proof requires only that SRI(=) expressions be Z -internal for some nite Z . Consequently the result holds equally well for any other pure query language: that is, any language incorporating operators to extract, manipulate and compare data from an instance, but which cannot express general computations.

3.2 Computing bisimulation correspondence using SRI Recall that the query language SRI is the same as SRI(=), only without the =C predicates on object identities. So SRI gives us no way of directly comparing object identities. Proposition 3.4: Two instances, I and I 0, are indistinguishable in SRI i I  I 0. Proof outline: The proof consists of two parts. First we must prove that for any SRI query e, if I  I 0 then V [ e] I = V [ e] I 0. This proof proceeds by induction on SRI expressions. The second part of the proof is to show that, if I and I 0 are not bisimilar then they are distinguishable in SRI. Suppose I 6 I 0. Then we can assume, with out loss of generality, that there is a class C and an object identity o 2 C such that o 6C o0 for any o0 2 0C . We can then build a series of SRI functions, each of which unfolds object identities of class C to succesively greater depths, and show that, for any o0 2 0C , if o 6C o0 then there will eventually be an expression in this series which distinguishes between the two. For details of both parts of this proof see [12]. Claim: In any reasonably expressive query language, L, such that L does not support any means of directly comparing object identities, observational indistinguishability of instances in L will coincide prescisely with bisimilarity. Justi cation: First note that SRI is at least as expressive as any other established query language which does not support comparisons of object identities. Consequently, if two instances are indistinguishable in SRI then they will also be indistinguishable in any other such language. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


OBSERVATIONAL DISTINGUISHABILITY OF DATABASES WITH OBJECT IDENTITY The proof of the second part of proposition 3.4 relies on being able to create queries which unfold nested values to any xed nite height. We observe that any query language equipped with constructors and destructors for each of the basic types, basic logical operators and equality tests on each base type can express such nite unfoldings and tests of values. We claim that such operators will be present in any reasonable query language for nested or recursive data-structures. Using SRI (or some other reasonably expressive query language) we can also test for the bisimulation correspondence relation described in section 2.4 on individual values. That is, for any type  , we can form a function expression Cor : (   ) ! Bool such that, for any u; v 2 [  ] I , V [ Cor]]I (u; v) = True i u I v. This result tells us that SRI has the same expressive power as SRI() (the language SRI augmented with predicates for testing ). This result is a little surprising since our values are recursive, and we can not tell how deeply we need to unfold two values in order to tell if they are bisimilar. We are saved by the fact that all our object identities come from a xed set of nite extents. The cardinality of these extents provide a bound on thePnumber of unfoldings that must be carried out: if no di erences between two values can be found after fjC j j C 2 Cg dereferencings of object identi ers, then the values are equivalent. Consequently we can implement Cor by iterating over each class, and for each identi er in a class unfolding both values. Unfortunately this implementation of  seems to go against our philosophy of the non-observability of object identities: if we can't observe object identities then should we be able to count them? From a more pragmatic standpoint, a method of comparing values which requires us to iterate over all the objects in a database is far too inecient to be practical, especially when dealing with large databases. We would like to know if we can test for  without iterating over the extents of an instance. The following subsection will show that this is not possible. N -bounded values

and SRIN

A value v is said to be N -bounded i any set values occuring in v have cardinality at most N . An instance I is N -bounded i for each class C 2 C and every o 2 C ,V C (o) is N -bounded. Note that, for any instance I there is an N suciently large that I is N -bounded. We now de ne a variant of the language SRI which has the same power as SRI when restricted to N -bounded values, but which will not allow recursion over sets of cardinality greater than N . The language SRIN is the same as the language SRI except that an expression sri(f; e; u) is not de ned if jV [ u] I j is greater than N . Proposition 3.5: It is not in general possible to compute the correspondence relations  on N -bounded instances using the language SRIN . That is, there exists a schema S and type  such that there is no expression Cor with ` Cor :    ! Bool such that V [ Cor]]I coincides precisely with  . Proof: First note that for any SRIN expression e, there is a constant ke , such that any evaluation of an application of e will involve less than ke dereferences of objects. Consequently it is enough to construct a schema with a recursive structure such that, for any constant k, we can construct an instance containing two objects which require k + 1 dereferences in order to distinguish between them. This tells us that we can not hope to test if two values are equivalent using SRI, or any other reasonable query language, without making use of recursion over classes. We conclude that a more ecient mechanism for comparing values is needed. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996




K | key correspondence


 | bisimulation

Coarsest/least distinctions

Figure 5: A spectrum of observational equivalence relations

4 Keys We have seen that comparing database instances and values in instances involving object identities is problematic. On the one hand, we may consider only the values in a database to be signi cant and not wish to allow direct equality tests on object identities, since this would force us to distinguish between di erent representations of the same values. On the other hand, we have shown that computing bisimulation or value-based equivalence requires the ability to recurse over all the object identities in an instance. Such an equivalence relation is expensive to use in a query language over databases, and a more ecient means of comparing values is required. A solution, common in many practical database systems, is to use keys: simple values that are associated with and used to compare object identities. Two object identities are taken to be equivalent i their keys are equivalent. In a sense this can be thought of as computing an equvalence similar to , but restricting the parts of the instance that are tested for comparison. However it is also possible to have external keys which depend not only on the value associated with a particular object in the database, but on other objects and values in the database as well. In this section we will formalize the idea of keys, and show how they can determine equivalences on values that lie in between equality and bisimulation, as illustrated informally in gure 5. We show that, if a key speci cation satis es certain acyclicity properties, then the resulting equivalence on values can be computed without resorting to recursion over the entire set of object identities.

4.1 Key speci cations Suppose we have a schema S with classes C . A key speci cation for S consists of a type C for each class C 2 C , and for any instances I = (C ; V C ), a family of functions KIC : C ! [ C ] I for each C 2 C . We write KC for such a key speci cation. The idea is that, for any instance I , KIC will map object-identities of class C to their keys, and that any two object identities will be considered to be equivalent i they have the same, or equivalent keys. Example 4.1: Consider the schema described in example 2.1. We would like to say that a State is determined uniquely by its name, while a City is determined uniquely by its name and its state (one can have two Cities with the same name in di erent states). The types of our key speci cation are therefore City  (name : str; state : State) State  str For an instance I = (C ; V C ) the mappings KIC are given by KICity(o)  V City (o) 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



KIState(o)  (V State (o)):name A key speci cation is said to be well-de ned i for any two instances, I and I 0, if f C is an isomorphism C C 0 C  from I to I , then for each C 2 C and each o 2  , f (KI (o)) = KIC (f C (o)) Well-de nedness simply ensures that a key speci cation is not dependent on the particular choice of object identities in an instance, and will give the same results when applied to two instances di ering only in their choice of object identities. We will assume that all key speci cations we consider are well-de ned. Two key speci cations, KC and K0C , are said to be equivalent i , for any instance I , any C 2 C and any o1 ; o2 2 C , KIC (o1 ) = KIC (o2 ) if and only if KI0C (o1 ) = KI0C (o2 ). The dependency graph, G(KC ), of a key speci cation KC is a directed graph with nodes C such that G(KC ) contains the edge (C 0 ; C ) if and only if the class C 0 occurs in C . For example, the dependency graph of the key speci cation described in example 4.1 would have two nodes, City and State, and a single edge from State to City. Proposition 4.1: For any key speci cation, KC , if the dependency graph G(KC ) is acyclic then there is an equivalent key speci cation K0C such that each type 0C is ground (contains no classes). We will see that key speci cations with acyclic graphs are particularly useful later. 0

Language SRI(=) SRI with equality test on object-identities SRI(K) K an acyclic key speci cation SRI(K) K a general key speci cation

Observational equivalences Observational equivalence on computable on values instances = | equality on all types

= | isomorphism

K | key correspondence K | key correspondence

K | key correspondence

(computing requires sion over extents of identi ers)  | bisimulation SRI SRI with no comparisons on (computing requires sion over extents of object-identities identi ers)

recurobject- K | key correspondence recurobject-  | bisimulation

Figure 6: A summary of the operators considered and the resulting observational equivalences

4.2 Key correspondences Given a key speci cation, KC and two instances I and I 0, we de ne the family of relations K  [  ] I [  ] I 0 to be the largest relations such that 1. if cb Kb c0b for cb ; c0b 2 Db then cb  c0b,

2. if x (Ka1 :1 ;:::;ak :k ) y then x(ai ) Ki y(ai ) for i = 1; : : : ; k, 3. if (ai ; x) hjKa1 :1 ;:::;ak :k ji (aj ; y) then i = j and x Ki y,

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


OBSERVATIONAL DISTINGUISHABILITY OF DATABASES WITH OBJECT IDENTITY 4. if X fK g Y then for each x 2 X there is a y 2 Y such that x K y and for each y 2 Y there is an x 2 X such that x K y, and 5. for each C 2 C and any o 2 C , o0 2 0C , if o CK o0 then KIC (o) KC KIC (o0 ). 0

Note: For any schema S , if we take the key speci cation given by C   C for each C 2 C , and for any instance I = (C ; V C ) and each C 2 C , KIC  V C then the relations K and  relations are the same. In general K may be ner than  since we do not restrict the keys to be functions of the values associated

with an object identity. CK is called the correspondence generated by KC . Proposition 4.2: If KC is a key speci cation then, for any instance I and each type  , K is an equivalence relation. An instance I is said to be consistent with a key speci cation KC i for each C 2 C , any o; o0 2 C , if C C 0 C 0 C  o K o then V (o) K V (o ). Suppose K is a key-speci cation for a schema S . Given two instances of S , say I and I 0 , we say I is K-equivalent to I 0, and write I K I 0 i 1. For each C 2 C , each o 2 C there is an o0 2 0C such that o CK o0, and for each o0 2 0C there is an o 2 C such that o CK o0; and 2. For each C 2 C , o 2 C and o0 2 0 C , if o CK o0 then V C (o) KC V 0C (o0 ).

4.3 Keyed schema A keyed schema is a pair consisting of a schema S and a key speci cation KC on S . A simply keyed schema is a keyed schema (S ; KC ) such that the dependency graph of KC is acyclic. An instance of a keyed schema (S ; KC ) is an instance I of S such that I is consistent with KC . Lemma 4.3: For any instances I and I 0 of a keyed schema (S ; K), if I K I 0 then K is a consistent correspondence between I and I 0 . Proposition 4.4: For any two instances, I and I 0, of a simply keyed schema (S ; K), if I K I 0 then I  I 0.

4.4 Computing key correspondences Given a keyed schema, (S ; K), we de ne the language SRI(K) for the schema to be the language SRI extended with new operators keyC for each C 2 C . The typing rules for these new operators are:


` keyC e : C and the semantics are given in appendix A. Similarly we de ne the language SRIN (K) as an extension of SRIN . We get the same results for computability of key correspondences, K , as we did for bisimulation correspondence, namely 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


OBSERVATIONAL DISTINGUISHABILITY OF DATABASES WITH OBJECT IDENTITY 1. We can nd a formula in SRI(K) to compute K for each type  . 2. We cannot in general nd a formula to compute K on N -bounded values in SRIN for any N . However the following result goes some way towards justifying our earlier statement that key speci cations with acyclic dependency graphs are of particular interest. Proposition 4.5: For any simply keyed schema (S ; K) there is an M such that for any N  M , and any type  , K can be computed on N -bounded values using SRIN (K). That is, for each type  , there is a formula CorK of SRIN (K) such than ` CorK :    ! Bool and for any two N -bounded values u; v 2 [  ] I , V [ CorK ] I (u; v) = T i u K v. It follows that acyclic key speci cations provide us with an ecient means of comparing recursive values which incorporate object identities, without having to examine the object identities directly.

5 Conclusions We have seen that there are a variety of di erent observational equivalences possible on recursive database instances using object identities, and that the observational equivalence relation generated by a particular query system is dependent on the means of comparing object identities available in that system. These range from equality tests on object identities, which in a suitable query language allow us to distinguish between non-isomorphic instances, to an absence of any means of comparing on object identities, which leads to a minimal observational equivalence of bisimulation in any reasonable query system. These results are summarized in gure 6. Systems of keys generate various observational equivalences lying between these two. Use of keys, particularly acyclic key speci cations, can provide an ecient method of comparing values in a query language without resorting to direct comparisons of object identities. We therefore believe that such systems of keys can play an important part in the development of practical languages for databases with object-identity. We also saw that, by making use of the knowledge that object identities arise from nite extents, we can compute whether two values in a database are bisimilar, or key-equivalent, though in general we cannot compute these relations without using recursion over the extents of object identities. This raises the interesting question of what other, more general functions on recursive values can be computed using the knowledge of these nite extents, and is a topic for further research.

Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Susan Davidson, Catriel Beeri, Peter Buneman, Dan Suciu,

Rona Machlin, Val Tannen, Leonid Libkin, Serge Abiteboul, Jan Van den Bussche and all at the Tuesday afternoon group for their help and advice in developing and presenting these ideas.

References [1] S. Abiteboul and P. Kanellakis. Object identity as a query language primitive. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, pages 159{173, Portland, Oregon, 1989. [2] Serge Abiteboul and Catriel Beeri. On the power of languages for the manipulation of complex objects. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Nested Relations and Complex Objects, Darmstadt, 1988. Also available as INRIA Technical Report 846. [3] Serge Abiteboul and Richard Hull. IFO: A formal semantic database model. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 12(4):525{565, December 1987. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


OBSERVATIONAL DISTINGUISHABILITY OF DATABASES WITH OBJECT IDENTITY [4] F. Bancilhon. Object-oriented database systems. In Proceedings of 7th ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, pages 152{162, Los Angeles, California, 1988. [5] V. Breazu-Tannen, P. Buneman, and S. Naqvi. Structural recursion as a query language. In Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Naphlion, Greece, pages 9{19. Morgan Kaufmann, August 1991. Also available as UPenn Technical Report MS-CIS-92-17. [6] V. Breazu-Tannen and R. Subrahmanyam. Logical and computational aspects of programming with Sets/Bags/Lists. In LNCS 510: Proceedings of 18th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Madrid, Spain, July 1991, pages 60{75. Springer Verlag, 1991. [7] Val Breazu-Tannen, Peter Buneman, and Limsoon Wong. Naturally embedded query languages. In J. Biskup and R. Hull, editors, LNCS 646: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Database Theory, Berlin, Germany, October, 1992, pages 140{154. Springer-Verlag, October 1992. Available as UPenn Technical Report MS-CIS-92-47. [8] R. Hull. Relative information capacity of simple relational database schemata. SIAM Journal of Computing, 15(3):865{886, August 1986. [9] R. Hull and M. Yoshikawa. ILOG: Declarative creation and manipulation of object identi ers. In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 455{468, 1990. [10] Richard Hull and Roger King. Semantic database modeling: Survey, applications, and research issues. ACM Computing Surveys, 19(3):201{260, September 1987. [11] Setrag N. Khosha an and George P. Copeland. Object identity. In Stanley B. Zdonik and David Maier, editors, Readings in Object Oriented Database Systems, pages 37{46. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California, 1990. [12] Anthony Kosky. Transforming Databases with Recursive Data Structures. PhD thesis, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, November 1995.

5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



A Semantics of SRI(=) For each type  we assume a countably in nite set of variables, x ; y ; : : :. Let Var be the variables  Dset(I of of the language SRI(=). An environment for instance I is a partial mapping  : Var ! ) such that (x ) 2 [  ] I for each variable x of type  . We de ne the semantic function V [ ] from expressions of SRI(=) and I -environments to D(I ) by V [ e:a] I   (V [ e] I )(a) V [ (a1 = e1 ; : : : ; ak = ek )]]I  V [ insa e] I   (a; V [ e] I )

 (a 7! V [ e ] I ; : : :; ak 7! V [ ek ] I ) 1


8 > < V [ case e of a1(x1 ) ) e1 ; : : :; ak (xk ) ) ek ] I   > : V [ ;] I   fg V [ add(e1 ; e2 )]]I   fV [ e1] I g [ V [ e2 ] I  V [ sri(e1 ; e2; e3)]]I   f (u1 ; f (u2; : : : f (un ; v) : : :))

V [ x  e] I   (u 7! V [ e] I ([x 7! u])) V [ e1e2 ] I   (V [ e1] I )(V [ e2] I ) V [ tt]]I   T V [ ]]I   F  V [ e2] I  if V [ e1] I  = T V [ if(e1 ; e2; e3)]]I   V [ e3] I  otherwise V [ c] I   c wherec 2 Db T if V [ e1] I  = V [ e2] I  V [ e1 =b e2 ] I  

V [ e1] I ([x1 7! u])

if V [ e] I  = (a1 ; u) .. .. .. V [ ek ] I ([xk 7! u]) if V [ e] I  = (ak ; u) where V [ e1] I  = f V [ e2] I  = v V [ e3] I  = fu1; : : : ; ung

F otherwise

V [ x] I   (x) V [ ()]]I   ; V [ C ] I   C V [ !e] I   V C (V [ e8] I ) where V [ e] I  2 C < T if V [ e1] I ; V [ e2] I  2 C C V [ e1 = e2 ] I   and V [ e1] I  = V [ e2 ] I 

: F otherwise

where ; denotes the unique value of type unit. For SRI(K) the semantics is extended with C V [ keyC e] I   KIC (V [ e] CI )

In order for a structural induction (sri) expression to be well de ned the rst parameter must represent a function which is idempotent and commutative in its rst argument. For further details of the semantic considerations for languages such as SRI(=) see [6, 5]. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



B Proof of Theorem 3.1 First we will add some additional predicates and logical operators to the language SRI(=). These will not actually add to the expressive power of the language, but rather are macros or syntactic sugar for more complicated SRI(=) expressions. The syntax and typing rules for these new constructs are shown below.

Logical Operators ` e : Bool ` e : Bool ` e : Bool ` e _ e : Bool ` :e : Bool Quanti ers ` e : f g ` e : Bool ` e : f g ` e : Bool ` 9x 2 e  e : Bool ` 8x 2 e  e : Bool Predicates ` e :  ` e0 : f g ` e :  ` e0 :   0 ` e = e : Bool ` e 2 e0 : Bool The operators ^, _ and : and the quanti ers 9; 8 have their normal meanings. The predicates = represent an extension of the predicates =C to general types, and 2 represents using structural recursion to compare ` e : Bool ` e : Bool ` e ^ e : Bool 1
















a value to each value in a set. To simplify things we will assume that our schema, S , involves only a single class C . The construction of the distinguishing expression works just as well for the case where S has multiple classes, though the nested subscripts and superscripts become rather unmanageable. Suppose I = (C ;  C ) is an instance of schema S , such that C

= fo1; : : : ; ok g

and  C (oi )

= pi[omi1 ; : : : ; omini ]

where omi1 ; : : : ; omini , are the object identities occuring in  C (oi ).

We will write pi [x1; : : : ; xni ] for the expression formed by replacing each occurrence of omir by the variable xr (There is need for an inductive de nition for turning values into expressions here, which is straightforward). Also we will use the shorthand expression Dist(e1 ; : : :; en ) de ned by Dist(e1 ; : : : ; en)  e1 6= e2 ^ : : : ^ e1 6= en ^ e2 6= e3 ^ : : : ^ e2 6= en ^ : : : ^ en 1 6= en So V [ Dist(e1 ; : : : ; en)]]I  = T i the values V [ e1] I ,..., V [ en] I  are distinct. Now we can de ne eI as follows: eI

 9x 2 C  : : : 9xk 2 C  Dist(x ; : : :; xk ) ^ (8y 2 C  (y = x _ y = x _ : : : _ y = xk )) ^ (!x = p [xm11 ; : : : ; xm1n1 ]) ^ : : : ^ (!xk = pk [xmk1 ; : : : ; xmknk ]) 1






So eI states rst that there are n distinct elements of class C , which are bound to the variables x1 ; : : : ; xn, next that every object identity of class C is one of these n identities, and nally that the values associated with each of x1 ; : : :; xn correspond to the values associated with the object identities in the instance. 5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996



5th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Italy, 1996


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Zoé Lacroix and Stéphane Grumbach

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Stephane Grumbach University of Toronto and INRIA

Zoe Lacroixy

L.R.I.- Universite de Paris Sud and INRIA


We consider rational linear constraint databases, and study the problem of evaluating eciently rstorder queries with linear constraints. We show that although queries admit low data complexity (NC), their naive evaluation is rather inecient. The computation paradigm is based on relational algebra and constraint solving. We focus on the former, and show that the query processing should di er drastically from classical relational databases. In particular, optimization strategies used for relational queries may be inadequate. We describe the problem and propose some preliminary optimization principles.

1 Introduction Until recently, databases were considered to be nite collections of data items. New applications such as those involving temporal and spatial data (e.g. geographical databases) lead very naturally to more general data models allowing in nite collections of items to be stored in the database. This is possible under the assumption that the databases admit a nite representation. In their seminal paper, Kanellakis, Kuper and Revesz [KKR90], introduced constraint query languages. The basic idea is to generalize the relations of the relational model [Cod70] by de ning generalized tuples as conjunctions of constraints. For instance, x6y ^ x60 de nes a binary generalized tuple. A generalized, or nitely representable, relation is then a nite set of such tuples. We focus on linear constraints over the rational numbers, and databases de ned by means of such constraints. We consider rst-order queries with linear constraints, over the language L = f6; +g[ Q . Firstorder queries can be evaluated bottom-up in closed form, i.e., the output of any query on a input consisting of a set of generalized tuples is a set of generalized tuples. This follows from the fact that the theory of dense order without endpoints and with addition admits quanti er elimination. The data complexity, de ned with respect to the size of the formulas representing the input relations, has been shown in [KKR90] to be in NC (the class of problems that can be solved on boolean circuits with a polynomial number of processors and polylog depth). A lower data complexity upper-bound, AC0 (the class of problems that can be solved on boolean circuits (with arbitrary fan-in) with a polynomial number of processors and constant depth) was obtained over restricted classes of inputs with essentially a bounded number of slopes in the inputs [GST94]. These results show that rst-order queries with linear constraints have very low data complexity. Nevertheless, there are fundamental diculties in the implementation of constraint databases and query languages. First of all, ecient methods to access the data on secondary storage are needed. Indexing for constraint databases has been studied in [KRVV93]. Another issue is the ability to optimize queries, and this is the one we address here. In order to study the evaluation of rst-order queries and de ne optimization strategies, we use the algebra introduced in [GST94] which is equivalent to rst-order with linear constraints. It is very similar to the classical relational algebra and consists of the following operations: Cartesian product, selection,

 I.N.R.I.A. Rocquencourt BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay, France [email protected] Work supported in part by Esprit Project BRA AMUSING, and an NSERC fellowship in Canada. y L.R.I., Universite de Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay, France { [email protected] { Work done in the Verso Project at INRIA.

Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases projection, set operations (union, intersection and set di erence) and rename. The evaluation of a query consists of evaluating purely algebraic operations and solving systems of linear equations and inequalities. The main computational di erence between linear constraint databases and nite relational databases, is that the size of the input may vary dramatically during the computation. Moreover, the e ect of algebraic operations is drastically di erent. For instance, the projection, can increase the size of an input in a quadratic way, while it always reduces the size in relational databases. Relations of unpredictable size are costly to manipulate due in particular to complex memory management [Ull88]. The size of the relations can be controlled by simple geometric transformation. Relations of arity (dimension) k, can be seen as nite unions of polyhedra of at most k + 1 facets. A polyhedron of k + 1 facets can be represented by k + 1 constraints over k variables. We de ne a normal form of relations of arity k based on the fact that each tuple represents a single polyhedron of at most k + 1 facets, and tuples are disjoint (duplicate free). There is a trade-o between normalizing relations during computation and manipulating non normal form relations. Relations in normal form are extremely convenient for space management on disc since tuples have a xed size. Moreover, algebraic operations are easier to perform on normalized relations. On the other hand, normalization is a costly operation, and in addition it may result in an increase of the number of tuples in the relation. We de ne a list of primitive operations used in the evaluation of queries. Most of them are similar to classical techniques for constraint solving [PS85, DHS88]. We then study the complexity of evaluating algebraic operations in terms of the primitive operations involved. Finally, we study various query evaluation schemes (execution order of the algebraic operations intertwined with constraint solving). The query modi cation rules di er sometimes from those of the classical relational algebra. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we present an example of a linear constraint database with some natural queries and give formal de nitions. Section 3 is devoted to the algebra, and the e ect of algebraic operators on the representation of databases. In Section 4, we introduce normal forms of tuples and relations, and the list of primitive operations used in query evaluation. Finally, in Section 5, we analyze the query modi cation techniques of the relational model in the context of linear constraint databases.

2 Linear Constraint Databases

Let us start with a simple example of a linear constraint database over the schema  = fC; F g consisting of a relation C (Cities) of arity 4, and a relation F (Forests) of arity 2, respectively over the attributes (N; A; O; P ) and (A; O), where N stands for name, A for abscissa (longitude), O for ordinate (latitude), and P for population. N and P are of alphanumeric type, while A and O are of rational type, Q . The relations C and F are sets of Generalized tuples which are conjunctions of constraints. The rst tuple in relation \Cities" for instance contains the area of Paris, an in nite set of points over Q 2 , de ned by linear constraints (inside the tuple box on Figure 1). Relations are in nite, but represented in a nite way using constraints. We next consider some simple queries expressed in the relational calculus with quanti cation over Q . Q1 : \Which are the cities with more that 15 000 inhabitants?" Q1 is a non-spatial query, whose output is Q1 (I ) = fParis; Orsayg, expressible in the relational calculus by: fxN j 9xA 9xO 9xP (C (xN ; xA ; xO ; xP ) ^ 15000 6 xP )g: Consider now the spatial query: Q2 : \Which are the cities that are adjacent to a forest?" expressed by: fxN j 9xA 9xO 9xP (C (xN ; xA ; xO ; xP ) ^ F (xA ; xO ))g. The output, computed by constraint solving is Q2 (I ) = fParis; Orsayg. Finally, consider the query: Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Name Paris




3xO 4xA 6 2 xO 6 10 xO xA > 3 xO + 3xA 6 37 2; 000; 000 xO > 6 3xO + 4xA > 46 xA > 0 Rocquencourt xO > 8 3; 877 2xO + 2xA 6 17 2xO 2xA > 13 Orsay 2xO + 2xA 6 17 15; 000 2xO > 1


2xO 6 3xO 4xA 6 2xO 6xA > 2xO 6xA > 2xA > 2xO 4xA 6 2xA 6 4xO 2xA > 4xO + 2xA >

19 2 17 17 11 5 15 13 13 xO > 9 9xO xA 6 85 xO xA 6 10

Figure 1: A Database Instance, I

Q3 : \Which are the longitudes of parts of cities di erent from Paris that are in a forest?" expressed by: fxA j9xN 9xO 9xP (C (xN ; xA ; xO ; xP ) ^ F (xA ; xO ) ^ xN 6= Paris)g. Q3 has a non-alphanumeric output: Q3 (I ) = f[7 6 xA ^ 2xA 6 15]g. We next de ne formally linear constraint databases. Consider the rst-order language L = f6; +g [ Q and the structure Q = hQ ; 6; +; (q)q2Q i, of the linearly ordered set of the rational numbers with addition and all rational constants. Therefore, constraints will be composed of linear equations or inequalities of the form:

Pp ai xi = a0; i=1

Pp ai xi 6 a0 i=1

where the xi 's denote variables and the ai 's are integer constants (note that rational constants can always be avoided in linear equations and inequalities). Let  = fR1; : : : ; Rn g be a signature (or a database schema) such that L \  = ;, where R1 ; : : : ; Rn are relation symbols. We distinguish between logical predicates (e.g. 6) in L and relations in . We next introduce a restricted de nition of nitely representable structures [GS94]. We consider expansions of Q to . Intuitively, the relations in  constitute a database in the context of Q .

De nition 1 Let S  Q k be some k-ary relation. The relation S is nitely representable in L over Q (L-representable for short) if there exists a quanti er free formula '(x1 ; : : : ; xk ) in L with k distinct free variables x1 ; : : : ; xk such that:

Q j= 8x1    xk (S (x1 ; : : : ; xk ) $ '(x1 ; : : : ; xk )):

Let A be an expansion of Q to . The structure A is nitely representable (over Q ) if for every relation symbol R in , RA is L-representable (over Q ). A (database) instance (of ) is a mapping which associates with each k-ary relation symbol R in  a quanti er-free formula in disjunctive normal form with k distinct variables. Clearly, each instance of  corresponds to the restriction (in the model theoretic sense) of a nitely representable structure to . In practice, we assume that the databases contain the formula de ning their relations. Instances will be denoted by the letters I; J , etc. Note that the class K of -instances is e ectively enumerable, and that instances are recursive structures. K has interesting closure properties. It is closed under nite union and intersection and moreover under complementation. Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases






Figure 2: Representation of the relations Cities and Forests in I

3 The Algebra We recall in this section the algebra ALGL for linear constraint databases, which it equivalent to FOL [GST94]. This algebra is similar to Codd's algebra for nite relations [Cod70], but the operators apply to the nite representations of possibly in nite sets. The algebra consists of the following operations: Cartesian product, , joins, 1, selections F , projection, , set operations (union, [, intersection, \, and set di erence, ), and rename, . The algebra operations are performed on sets of generalized tuples, i.e. on quanti er-free formulas in disjunctive normal form. Unlike the algebra of Kanellakis and Goldin [KG94], no special encoding for relations and generalized tuples is assumed. ALGL can also be viewed as a simpli ed sub-language of the algebra of Paredaens, Van den Bussche and Van Gucht [PVV94] (which also includes multiplication). Suppose R is an n-ary relation represented by a quanti er-free formula, ', of the form:


`i k ^ __ ^ i=1 j =1


where the 'i;j 's are atomic formulas. Then, we also denote the representation ' as a collection of generalized tuples ti in the set notation:

8< :ti j 1 6 i 6 k; ti


9= 'i;j ; j =1

`i ^^

Furthermore, if I is an instance over signature  and R 2 , we consider the relation I (R) as a set of generalized tuples as above. We also assume that attributes (columns) of relations have names and for each attribute name A, there is a distinct variable xA associated with it. Attribute names are usually denoted by A; B; C; : : : (and possibly with subscripts). When the context is clear, we may blur the distinction between variables and attribute names. The family of algebraic expressions over a schema  is de ned as usual. We now describe the semantics of the algebra. (Note that the operators work directly on generalized tuples, so the semantics is given with respect to generalized tuples.) Suppose that I is an instance of , and e is an expression over . The result of e on I , denoted by e(I ), is de ned inductively as follows: Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases 1. (a) If e = (R), e(I ) = I (R) (a set of generalized tuples). (b) If e = (A : Q ), e(I ) = fxA = xA g, where xA is the variable corresponding to the attribute A. 2. If e = (e1  e2), then e(I ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 e1 (I ); t2 2 e2 (I )g: 3. If e = (e1 1 e2 ), then e(I ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 e1 (I ); t2 2 e2 (I )g: 4. If e = (F e1 ), where F is a selection formula, that is an atomic formula of one of the following three forms: t1 = t2 , t1 6 t2 , t1 + t2 = t3 , where t1 ; t2 ; t3 are attribute names or constants (in Q ), e(I ) = ft ^ F j t 2 e1 (I )g; where each attribute name A in F is replaced with the corresponding variable xA . 5. If e = B ;:::;Bk e1 , then e(I ) is obtained from e1 (I ) by \eliminating" the variables which do not correspond to attributes B1 through Bk . One proceeds as follows. Suppose e1 (I ) = ft1 ; : : : ; tm g and has attributes A1 ; : : : ; An and fC1 ; : : : ; Cn k g = fA1 ; : : : ; An g fB1 ; : : : ; Bk g. We apply the well-known Fourier-Motzkin Elimination method [Sch86] (see below) to eliminate one by one (atomic projection) all existentially quanti ed variables xC ;    ; xCn k in each of the formulas 9xC    9xCn k ti . Each tuple ti then results in t0i . Finally, e(I ) = ft01 ; : : : ; t0mg. 6. (a) If e = (e1 [ e2 ), then e(I ) = e1 (I ) [ e2 (I ). (b) If e = (e1 \ e2 ), then e(I ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 e1 (I ); t2 2 e2 (I )g: (c) If e = (e1 e2), then e(I ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 e1 (I ); t2 2 (e2 (I ))c g, where Rc is the complement of R obtained VV as follows. Suppose R = ft1; : : : ; tng is a set of generalized tuples and for each iVV , tiWW= j 'i;j . Then Rc is the formula in disjunctive normal form which is equivalent to i j :'i;j . 7. If e = A!B e1 , then e(I ) = e1 (I )[xA =xB ] (all occurrences of xA are replaced by xB ). The Fourier-Motzkin elimination method (see for instance [Sch86], pp. 155{157) works as follows. Consider a generalized tuple t which de nes a polyhedron P (x; y)  Q n+1 described by the inequalities (once the coecients of y have been normalized): 1



8 ` >< a x + y 6 a`0 k k >: bci xx 6 cyi 6 b0 0

for ` = 1; : : : ; L for k = 1; : : : ; K for i = 1; : : : ; I where x ranges over Q n , and y over Q . One can show that after the \elimination" of y (i.e. after P has been projected on its rst n coordinates), the relation over x is exactly:



x 2 Q n j bk x bk0 6 a`0 a`x for all ` and k; ci x 6 ci0 for all i :

Therefore: x t =



bk x bk0 6 a`0 a` x ^

^^ 16i6I

ci x 6 ci0 :

Note that the expressions for 1, \ and  are similar. The attributes are assumed to be identical (pairwise distinct) in case of the intersection (Cartesian product), while no assumption is made for the join operator which generalizes them all. We chose to o er all these operators as in the relational algebra, where the join operator can also simulate Cartesian product and intersection. It was shown in [GST94] that the algebra ALGL is equivalent to rst-order logic over the class of linear constraint databases. The proof is quite similar to that of the equivalence of the classical relational algebra and calculus over nite structures. The combination of selections and Cartesian products can yield complicated form of selections. The following example illustrates the equivalence. Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Example 1 Consider again the queries Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 of Section 2. The equivalent algebra queries are: Q1 = N 150006P (C I ), Q2 = N (C I 1 F I ), and Q3 = A ((AO N 6=Paris C I ) \ F I ). The data complexity of linear constraint queries has rst been investigated in [KKR90], where it was shown more generally that polynomial constraint queries had NC data complexity. It has been shown in [GST94] that the data complexity of linear constraint queries restricted to k-bounded classes of linear constraint inputs is in AC0 (a class of linear constraint relations is k-bounded if each individual linear constraint appearing in a tuple of a relation contains at most k occurrences of the addition symbol, and only integer parameters).

4 Query Evaluation and Normal Form In this section, we introduce canonical representations of linear constraint database relations, and de ne the basic primitive operations on which the evaluation of the algebraic operations rely. The cost of evaluating individual operations (in terms of primitives operations) is presented in the appendix. First remark that the behavior of the operations di er from the classical nite relational case. 3xO 8xA 6 38 The projection on O of the tuple (with n = 7 constraints) on the 3xO +2xA > 33 right, results in a tuple with 12 constraints many of them being redunxO 6 10 dant. We say that a constraint C is redundant in a tuple t = t0 ^ C if x + x > 13 O A t  t0 . The blow up is quadratic (in the order of ( n2 )2 ). It follows that xO xA > 8 the projection of linear constraint database relations may drastically inxO > 6 crease the number of constraints per tuple and so the size of the relation. xO +3xA 6 46 This is unlike the relational model. The intersection may also result in numerous redundant constraints and empty tuples also with a quadratic blow-up. The selection doesn't reduce the size of the relation either. A computing/cleaning step is required after one of these operations has been executed, but it is not always clear when it should be done. This question has similarities with the duplicate elimination problem in SQL. The result of a query over linear constraint relations may contain an important amount of redundancies. (i) Tuples may be over-de ned, if they contain redundant constraints (such as x 6 3 and x 6 4) or unsatis able, if they contain contradictory constraints (such as x 6 3 and x > 4). A precise description of all classes of redundant constraints can be found in [LHM89]. (ii) Relations, may contain duplicates, if distinct tuples have non empty intersection. We introduce a normal form for generalized tuples with respect to k variables. It is related to the number of constraints in each tuple. Note that only (k + 1) constraints are necessary to de ne polyhedra with at most (k + 1) facets (polygons).

De nition 2 A generalized tuple is in normal form with respect to k variables if it contains at most (k + 1) constraints and they are not redundant.

It is easy to observe [GST94] that any nitely representable k-ary relation can be represented as a nite union of pairwise disjoint polyhedra with k + 1 facets (triangles in dimension 2).

De nition 3 A relation over k variables is in normal form if each tuple is in normal form with respect to k variables, and tuples are pairwise disjoint.

The normalization is an important step in the evaluation process. Since the number of constraints per tuple is bounded, it results in an interesting gain in terms of complexity. Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Tuple Normalization: The algorithm which normalizes k-tuples performs the following: (i) verify if the input k-tuple is the de nition of a non empty polyhedron, (ii) remove redundant constraints, and nally (iii) verify if the input k-tuple has at most (k + 1) constraints which are not redundant; otherwise normalize it (i.e. split the polyhedron with n > k + 1 facets into polyhedra of at most (k + 1) facets).

Relation Normalization: The algorithm which normalizes relations works on a set of normalized k-tuples as follows: for each pair of tuples in the relation, check if the intersection is empty; if not, remove the intersection from one of the two tuples and normalize the resulting tuples.

The primitive operations that are used to achieve normalization and to implement the algebraic operations are the following. The Emptiness-Redundancy algorithm1 tests if the input k-tuple is the de nition of a non empty polyhedron, and remove redundant constraints. The cost of the Emptiness-Redundancy test is ER(n) (where n the number of constraints in the input). The 1-Tuple-Normalization algorithm takes as input a tuple and outputs an equivalent generalized relation in normal form. It divides tuples that represent polyhedron of two many facets. A Greedy Triangulation algorithm which is a particular case of 1-Tuple-Normalization in dimension 2 is described in [PS85]. The cost of the 1-Tuple-Normalization algorithm is TN (n) (where n the number of constraints in the input). The Relation-Normalization algorithm takes a relation as input (set of generalized tuples) and outputs an equivalent relation in normal form. The cost of the Relation-Normalization algorithm is RN (p; n) (where p is the number of tuples and n the maximum number of constraints per tuple in the input). The Fourier-Motzkin algorithm takes as input a relation and an attribute name, and outputs a relation from which the attribute name has been eliminated. The cost of the Fourier-Motzkin algorithm is FM (p; n) (where p is the number of tuples and n the maximum number of constraints per tuple in the input). The Set-Complement algorithm takes as input a relation and outputs a relation in normal form that is equivalent to the complement of the input. The cost of the Set-Complement algorithm is SC (p; n) (where p is the number of tuples and n the maximum number of constraints per tuple in the input). The complexity of the previous primitive operations is studied in the appendix. In the next section, we consider the abstract cost functions de ned above. Their precise de nition, based on speci c algorithms is left for further research.

5 Towards Optimization Strategies The optimization of algebraic expressions is based on algorithms to perform query modi cation [Mai83, Ull88]. We analyze in this section the classical equivalence rules of algebraic expressions in the relational algebra. We distinguish three steps in the evaluation process:  syntactic computation: purely what the algebra does.  semantic computation: remove empty tuples and redundant constraints.  normalization of the output assuming the input is normalized. The evaluation of a query in constraint databases implies several syntactic computation steps and, as it is shown in Example 2, at least, one semantic computation step. The naive evaluation consists in doing successively all syntactic computations and a nal semantic computation at the end. Note that the semantic computation we consider only consists in removing empty tuples and redundant constraints with the 1

This algorithm gives an output similar to CHIP's algorithm [DHS88].

Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Emptiness-Redundancy algorithm applied on tuples. The normalization of the output removes redundant

tuples. We rst study the cost of algebraic operations in the case of the naive evaluation. We then propose an algorithm based on equivalent expressions and the naive evaluation. Note that this algorithm, Naive Strategy, does not guarantee optimality. It follows a worst case analysis. Then, we use respectively the semantic computation and the normalization as tools to further optimize. Optimization of the evaluation of constraint queries supposes intertwining algebraic steps with constraint solving steps (Emptiness-Redundancy or Normalization). This constitutes of course a di erence with the relational model. We propose two other algorithms Semantical Strategy and Normalization Strategy which are based on these properties. The algorithms we introduce take as input an algebraic expression, and output an evaluation plan.

Example 2 Consider again the query Q1 and the database instance I of Section 2. Q1 = N 150006P N;P (C I ) N;P (C I ) xN = Paris ^ xP = 2; 000; 000 xN = Rocquencourt ^ xP = 3; 877 xN = Orsay ^ xP = 15; 000 150006P (N;P (C I )) xN = Paris ^ xP = 2; 000; 000 ^ 15; 000 6 xP xN = Rocquencourt ^ xP = 3; 877 ^ 15; 000 6 xP xN = Orsay ^ xP = 15; 000 ^ 15; 000 6 xP N (150006P (N;P (C I ))) xN = Paris ^ 15; 000 6 2; 000; 000 xN = Rocquencourt ^ 15; 000 6 3; 877 xN = Orsay ^ 15; 000 6 15; 000 Figure 3: Syntactic computation of Q1 (I ) The successive steps of the syntactic computation are described in Figure 3. After the syntactic computation, we can see that if no semantic computation is done, then the output of Q1 (I ) = N 150006P N;P (C I ) would be fParis; Rocquencourt; Orsayg since no syntactic step can witness that 15000 6 3877 is an unsatis able constraint. This example shows the need of a semantic computation step after the syntactic computation. We describe in Appendix A.1 the cost of algebraic operations. It depends upon the dimension or arity of the input relations, the size of the relations (number of tuples) and the number of constraints per tuple. We distinguish two types of costly operations: 1. those for which the syntactic computation itself is a costly operation, 2. those whose computation increases the number of tuples and/or the number of constraints per tuple. All syntactic computations, except the projection, the Cartesian product, the join and the complementation (which is used to compute the set-di erence), are linear in the number of tuples. Cartesian product and join are quadratic. Projection and complementation use respectively the Fourier-Motzkin, FM and Set-Complement, SC algorithms. FM depends mainly upon the arity of the relation and the number of constraints per tuple. SC depends on the number of tuples and the number of constraints per tuple, in Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases the relation. Note that SC and FM are used only in the presence of multi-variable linear constraints. It follows that an optimization strategy has to decrease as much as possible these parameters before applying those algorithms. Note that in contrast to the classical relational algebra, the projection operator shall not be used at the beginning of the computation, if possible, in order to decrease rst the number of constraints per tuple. The second class of costly operations includes selection, projection, intersection, join and set-di erence. These operations may generate redundant tuples (apart from projection), redundant constraints per tuples and empty tuples. It follows that a semantic computation or a normalization may decrease a lot the di erent parameters. Remark: In contrast to the relational algebra, no syntactic operation decreases at least one of the parameters (the number of tuples, the number of constraints and the arity) except the projection which decreases the arity but increases quadratically the number of constraints per tuple. Only the semantical computation decreases, as much as possible, the parameters. It follows that the Naive Strategy is quite di erent from the Semantical and Normalization strategies. We analyze now the classical equivalence rules of algebraic expressions in the relational algebra. For each rule, we compare the cost of the syntactic computation of both expression. The cost model is very simple. It relies only on the cost of the primitive operations introduced in the previous section. Moreover, it is always a worst case analysis. The strategy suggests an evaluation order on the algebraic operations of a query and the normalization operations (linear constraint solving) which is di erent from the algorithm described in [BJM93]. The details of the cost computation can be found in the Appendix. Let ei (i 2 N ) be an algebra expression of arity ki containing pi tuples of at most ni constraints. Let Fi be a selection formula, and Ai an attribute name. The following rules are commonly used: (1) Commutativity and associativity for products: e1  e2 = e2  e1 ; (e1  e2 )  e3 = e1  (e2  e3 ). (2) Cascade of projections: Ai ;:::;Aim (A ;:::;An (e1 )) = Ai ;:::;Aim (e1 ) if fi1; : : : ; img  f1; : : :; ng. 1



(3) Cascade of selections: F (F (e1 )) = F (F (e1 )) = F ^F (e1 ). F ^F (e1 ) is the most ecient. 1








(4) Commuting selection with Cartesian product: (4a) F (e1  e2 ) = F (e1 )  e2 if all attributes mentioned in F are of e1 F (e1 )  e2 is the most ecient. (4b) F (F (e1  e2 )) = F (e1 )  F (e2 ) if F1 only involves attributes of e1 and F2 only involves attributes of e2 F (e1 )  F (e2 ) is the most ecient. (4c) F (F (e1  e2 )) = F (F (e1 )  e2 ) = F ^F (e1  e2 ) if all attributes mentioned in F2 are of e1 F ^F (e1  e2) is the most ecient. 1














(5) Commuting selection with a union: F (e1 [ e2 ) = F (e1 ) [ F (e2 ). The two expressions have similar costs. (6) Commuting selection with an intersection: F (e1 \ e2 ) = F (e1 ) \ F (e2 ) = F (e1 ) \ e2 . F (e1 ) \ e2 is the most ecient. Note that in contrast to the relational case were F (e1 ) \ F (e2 ) is more ecient, in constraint databases this later expression is not only the most costly one, but it also generates redundant constraints in each tuple. (7) Commuting selection with a join: (7a) F (e1 1 e2 ) = F (e1 ) 1 e2 if all attributes mentioned in F are of e1 F (e1 ) 1 e2 is the most ecient.

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Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases (7b) F (F (e1 1 e2 )) = F (e1 ) 1 F (e2 ) if F1 only involves attributes of e1 and F2 only involves attributes of e2 F (e1 ) 1 F (e2 ) is the most ecient. (7c) F (F (e1 1 e2 )) = F (F (e1 ) 1 e2 ) = F ^F (e1 1 e2 ) if all attributes mentioned in F2 are of e1 F ^F (e1 1 e2 ) is the most ecient. 1














(8) Commuting selection with a set di erence: F (e1 e2 ) = F (e1 ) F (e2 ) = F (e1 ) e2 . F (e1 ) e2 is the most ecient. (9) Commuting selections and projections: (9a) A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) = F (A ;:::;An (e1 )) if the formula F only involves attributes among A1 ; : : : ; An . F (A ;:::;An (e1 )) is the most ecient. (9b) A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) = A ;:::;An (F (A ;:::;An;B ;:::;Bm (e1 ))), if all attributes involved in F that are not in A1 ; : : : ; An are B1 ; : : : ; Bm (F may be a conjunction of constraints). A ;:::;An (F (A ;:::;An ;B ;:::;Bm (e1 ))) is the most ecient. 1










(10) Commuting a projection with Cartesian product: A ;:::;An (e1  e2) = B ;:::;Bm (e1 )  C ;:::;Cp (e2 ) where A1 ; : : : ; An is a list of attributes of which B1 ; : : : ; Bm are from e1 and the remaining attributes C1 ; : : : ; Cp are from e2 . B ;:::;Bm (e1 )  C ;:::;Cp (e2 ) is the most ecient. 1





(11) Commuting a projection with a union: A ;:::;An (e1 [ e2 ) = A ;:::;An (e1 ) [ A ;:::;An (e2 ). A ;:::;An (e1 [ e2 ) and A ;:::;An (e1 ) [ A ;:::;An (e2 ) are as ecient, since the union doesn't increase the number of constraints per tuple. 1






New optimization principles are then needed in constraint databases. Following the principles, we propose an algorithm for optimizing the naive evaluation of algebraic expressions. Algorithm for the Naive Strategy: Perform each of the following steps in order. Step 1. For each subexpression, use rules (2) and (9b) to decrease the number of projections. Step 2. For each selection, use rules (4a), (4b), (5), (6), (7a), (7b), (8) to push down the selection as far down the tree as possible. Step 3. For each projection, use rules (9a), (10), (11) to push down the projection as far down the tree as possible. Step 4. For each cascade of selections, use rule (3) to group them. Step 5. For each subexpression, use rule (9b) to increase the number of projections. Step 6. Partition the interior nodes of the resulting tree into groups, as in the relational algorithm (see [Mai83, Ull88]). Step 7. Produce a program.

Example 3 Consider the query Q = N 150006P N;P 56A 16O (C I 1 F I )

and the database instance I of Section 2. The expected answer of Q on I is fOrsayg. We rst evaluate the query as it is de ned. We consider n the maximum number of constraints per tuple, and p the number of tuples resulting of the computation step.

C I F I C I 1 F I 16O 56A N;P 150006P N ER

n 8 p 3

3 4

11 12

12 12

13 12

Database Programming Languages, 1995

39 12

40 12

40 12

1 1


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases The cost of the syntactic computation is linear in 48 + 12(FM (13; 4) + FM (40; 2)). Applying the Naive Strategy, the query is equivalent to N ((150006P ^16O^56A C I ) 1 F I ): The computation corresponding to the equivalent expression is described by the following table.

C I 150006P ^16O^56A C I F I 1 N ER

n 8 p 3

11 3 14 40 1 3 4 12 12 1 The cost of the syntactic computation resulting of the application of the Naive Strategy is then linear in 16 + 12 FM (14; 4). We now use semantic computations in order to reduce the number of tuples and the number of constraint per tuples after costly operations that is after intersection, projection and selection. The Semantical strategy consists then in intertwining algebraic steps with constraint solving steps in order to optimize the evaluation. Algorithm for the Semantical Strategy: Perform each of the following steps in order. Step 1. For each selection, use rules (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) to push down the selection as far down the tree as possible. Step 2. For each projection, use rules (10), (11) to push down the projection as far down the tree as possible and rule (2) to decrease the number of projections. Step 3. Use the ER algorithm after each intersection, selection and each use of FM . Step 4. Partition the interior nodes of the resulting tree into groups, as in the relational algorithm (see [Mai83, Ull88]). Step 5. Produce a program. Note that the resulting computations of both strategies are semantically equivalent but not syntactically equivalent, that is the resulting sets of constraints are di erent but they de ne the same polyhedrons.

Example 4 Consider again the query Q of Example 3 and the database instance I of Section 2. Applying the Semantical Strategy, the query is equivalent to ER[N ER[ER[150006P ^16O^56A C I ] 1 F I ]]: The computation corresponding to the equivalent expression is described by the following table. C I 150006P ^16O^56A C I ER F I 1 ER N ER n 8 11 8 3 11 5 6 1 p 3 3 2 4 8 3 3 1 The cost of the evaluation of Q resulting of the application of the Semantical Strategy is then linear in 11 + 11 ER(11) + 3 ER(6) + 3 FM (5; 4).

We now introduce another strategy which uses the normalization tool. A normalized relation is such that each of its tuple has a bounded number of constraints. More precisely, the number of constraints is bounded by the arity (the number of attributes) plus one. From this property follows a di erent strategy to optimize the evaluation of queries. We rst describe the principles for algebraic operations in the Normalization Strategy. 1- Use rule (9b) to decrease the arity (applying projections) before applying selections. Note that the rule (9b) is used in the opposite way as in the Naive Strategy. 2- Perform projection and selection as early as possible (rules (4a), (4b), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)). 3- Perform cascade of selections in one step with rule (3). Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases 4- Perform tuple normalization, TN , after intersection, set-di erence, and selection. 5- Perform relation normalization, RN , at the end. Note that this strategy uses TN in intermediate steps, and RN at the end only. RN is very costly since it increases the number of tuples in the relations. Following these principles, we propose an algorithm for optimizing the evaluation of algebraic expressions. Algorithm for the Normalization Strategy: Perform each of the following steps in order. Step 1. For each subexpression, use (9b) to decrease the arity (number of attributes). Step 2. For each selection, use rules (4a), (4b), (4c), (5), (6), (7a), (7b), (8), (9a) to push down the selection as far down the tree as possible. Step 3. For each projection, use rules (9a), (10), (11) to push down the projection as far down the tree as possible and rule (2) to decrease the number of projections. Step 4. For each cascade of selections, use rule (3) to group them. Step 5. For each subexpression, use (9b) to decrease the arity (number of attributes). Step 6. Perform normalization TN after selection, set-di erence, intersection and each use of FM . Step 7. Perform normalization RN at the end. Step 8. Partition the interior nodes of the resulting tree into groups, as in the relational algorithm (see [Mai83, Ull88]). Step 9. Produce a program. In the next example, we illustrate the application of the previous strategy.

Example 5 Consider again the query Q and the database instance I of Example 4. Applying the Normalization Strategy, the query is equivalent to RN [N TN [NOA TN [150006P ^16O^56AC I ] 1 F I ]]: The computation corresponding to the equivalent expression is described by the following table.

C I 150006P ^16O^56A TN NOA F I 1 TN N RN

k 4 n 5 p 6

4 4 3 2 3 3 1 1 8 5 4 3 7 4 2 1 6 4 4 4 16 1 1 1 The cost of the evaluation of Q resulting of the application of the Semantical Strategy is then linear in 22 + 4 FM (5; 4) + FM (4; 3) + 6 TN (8) + 16 TN (7) + RN (1; 1). At this stage, it is dicult to draw any formal conclusion on the three strategies presented. It depends in particular on the sensitivity of the constraint solving tools to the number of constraints and the number of tuples. More work is performed in the normalization strategy, but it allows simpler objects to be manipulated at all levels, constraint solving, memory managment, etc. thus allowing more optimization.

6 Conclusion This work constitutes a preliminary step in the development of query processing methods for queries over linear constraint databases. We intend to re ne the analysis in two directions. First, by considering a more sophisticated cost model. The cost model used here is very simple, since it is based on the cost of the primitive operations (which are quite high level). It is sucient for the purposes of the present paper though. Second, by considering average case analysis instead of worst case analysis. The main question that we address here concerns the evaluation strategy for queries involving both relational algebra operators and constraint solving. We have shown that the classical query modi cation rules of relational algebra do not apply directly to linear constraint databases. We proposed some evaluation principles, leading to an evaluation strategy that intertwine algebraic steps with constraint solving steps Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases (normalization). Some of the results, based on geometry, such as for the set-di erence with cylindric algebraic decomposition [Col75], are not trivial. We are thinking of implementing an evaluation algorithm based on these results.

Acknowledgments : The authors wish to thank Michel Scholl, Jianwen Su and Christophe Tollu for fruitful

discussions on the algebra evaluation, and S. Sudarshan for pointing our attention to the advantage of the normalization for secondary memory management.

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Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases


A.1 Cost of Algebraic Operations

For each algebraic operation, we analyze its evaluation cost, and the additional cost of normalizing the output, as a function of the cost of the primitive operations. It depends upon (i) the dimension or arity of the input relations (which determines the number of constraints per tuples if they are in normal form), and (ii) the size of the relations (number of tuples, and values of the parameters). We also study the variation of the number of tuples in the relation, and the number of constraints in each tuple. The parameters used are the following: Input: relations Ri (i 2 f1; 2g) of arity ki with pi tuples of at most ni constraints. For simplicity, we ignore the size of the integers in the constraints. Output of the semantic computation: relation with p tuples of at most n constraints. Output of the normalization: relation of arity k0 with p0 tuples of at most k0 + 1 constraints.

Selection :

The selection is de ned by: F R1 = ft ^ F j t 2 R1 g. The syntactic computation is linear in p1 . It increases the number of constraints in each tuple of the relation by 1. The semantic computation of the selection requires the use of the Emptiness-Redundancy test on each tuple of the relation. After the semantic computation, p 6 p1 , n 6 n1 + 1. The cost is p1  ER(n1 + 1). The normalization of the selection only requires an operation at the level of the tuples. The number of constraints per tuple in F R1 is bounded by n1 + 1. A simple geometrical argument shows that each individual tuple in F R1 may lead to zero, one, or two normal form tuples (after 1-Tuple-Normalization). The cost of normalization of F R1 is then in the worst case p1  TN (n1 + 1), and p0 6 2p1.

Cartesian product :

The Cartesian product is de ned by: (R1  R2 ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 R1 ; t2 2 R2 g. The syntactic computation is linear in p1 p2 , and produces directly the output of the semantic computation, with p = p1 p2 , and n = n1 + n2 . The normalization of the Cartesian product only requires an operation at the level of the tuples. The number of constraints per tuple is bounded by k1 + k2 + 2. The cost of normalization is then in the worst case p1 p2  TN (n1 + n2 ), and p0 6 2p1 p2 .

Join :

The join is de ned by: (R1 1 R2 ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 R1 ; t2 2 R2 g. The syntactic computation is linear in p1 p2 . The cost of the semantic computation is bounded by p1 p2  ER(n1 + n2 ). The normalization only requires the normalization at the level of the tuples. The cost is p1 p2  TN (n1 + n2 ).

Projection :

x R1 (x; y) is computed by the Fourier-Motzkin algorithm. The syntactic computation takes time p1  FM (n1 ; k1 ), and outputs p1 tuples of at most ( n2 )2 constraints over k1 1 variables. The semantic computation of the projection is in time p1  ER(( n2 )2 ). Notice that after the semantic computation, the number of constraints per tuple is bounded by n1 (the polyhedron resulting of a projection from a polyhedron with k facets cannot have more than k facets). The cost of normalization is in the worst case RN (p1 ; k1 + 1). 1


Union :

The union is de ned by R1 [ R2 . The syntactic computation is linear in p1 + p2 and produces directly the output of the semantic computation. The normalization requires an operation at the level of the relation. It may happen that there is a non-empty intersection between tuples of R1 and tuples of R2 . The cost of the normalization is (p1 + p2 )  RN (p1 + p2 ; k1 + 1). Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Intersection :

The intersection is de ned by: (R1 \ R2 ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 R1 ; t2 2 R2 g. The syntactic computation is linear in p1 p2 . The cost of the semantic computation is bounded by p1 p2  ER(n1 + n2 ). The normalization only requires the normalization at the level of the tuples. The cost is p1 p2  TN (n1 + n2 ).

Set di erence :

The set di erence is de ned by: (R1 R2 ) = ft1 ^ t2 j t1 2 R1 ; t2 2 (R2 )c g. The syntactic computation consists in rst computing the complement of R2 , (R2 )c , and then its intersection with R1 . The cost of the syntactic computation is bounded by SC (p2 ; n2 ) + p1  P (p2 n2 ) (where P (p2 n2 ) is a polynomial giving an upper-bound on the number of cells [Col75], and therefore tuples, in (R2 )c ). The semantic computation costs p1  P (p2 n2 )  ER(n1 + p2 ) . The normalization requires both Tuple-Normalization and Relation-Normalization. The costs of normalization is less than p1  P (p2 n2 )  RN (n1 + n2 ).

A.2 Analysis of the Query Modi cation Rules

For each equivalence rule, we precise the most ecient computation based on the syntactic computation cost. The rst table describes the cost resulting of the Naive Evaluation, that is when all syntactic computations are successively done followed by a nal semantical computation or normalization step. The second (third) table, studies the cost when semantical (normalization) steps are applied after each syntactic computation. Then we justify the best place for the semantical computation or normalization. First we analyze the behavior of selection. A selection during the syntactic computation increases by one the number of constraints per tuple. (3) Cascade of selections: F (F (e1 )) = F ^F (e1 ). F (F (e1 )) F ^F (e1 ) Syntactic 2p1 p1 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 2) p1 ER(n1 + 2) Normalization p1 T N (n1 + 2) p1 T N (n1 + 2) 1








F ^F (e1 ) is then the most ecient. Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. That is after each algebraic operation, we execute the ER algorithm. 1


F1 (F2 (e1 )) F1 ^F2 (e1 ) Syntactic 2p1 p1 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p1 ER(n1 + 2) p1 ER(n1 + 2)

F ^F (e1 ) is still the most ecient. 1


Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. Note that in case the input is in normal form, the maximum number of constraints per tuple is k + 1 where k is the arity of the relation. F1 (F2 (e1 )) F1 ^F2 (e1 ) Syntactic 3p1 p1 Normalization 3p1 T N (k1 + 2) p1 T N (k1 + 3)

It results that it is more ecient to group the selections together. The following rules use the particular property of the Cartesian product. The syntactic computation of

R1  R2 produces directly the output the semantic computation. Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases (4) Commuting selection with Cartesian product: (4a) F (e1  e2 ) = F (e1 )  e2 if all attributes mentioned in F are of e1 . F (e1  e2 ) F (e1 )  e2 Syntactic 2p1 p2 p1 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) Normalization p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 1) p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 1)

F (e1 )  e2 is the most ecient.

Consider now the cost in the case the semantical computation is applied after each syntactic computation step. Note that we do not apply a semantical computation after a Cartesian product. F (e1  e2 ) F (e1 )  e2 Syntactic 2p1 p2 p1 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) p1 ER(n1 + 1)

F (e1 )  e2 is the most ecient, but it is better to apply the semantical computation between the selection and the Cartesian product, since the semantical computation costs p1 ER(n1 + 1) instead of p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1). Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. F (e1  e2 ) F (e1 )  e2 Syntactic 3p1 p2 p1 + 2p1 p2 Norm. 3p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2) p1 T N (k1 + 2) + 2p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2)

It results that F (e1 )  e2 is the most ecient. It is better to normalize after a selection, . (4b) F (F (e1  e2)) = F ^F (e1  e2) = F (e1 )  F (e2 ) if F1 only involves attributes of e1 and F2 only involves attributes of e2 . F (F (e1  e2 )) F ^F (e1  e2 ) F (e1 )  F (e2 ) Syntactic 3p1 p2 2p1 p2 p1 + p2 + p1 p2 1












In all cases, the semantical computation (normalization) is bounded by p1 p2 ER(n1 +n2 +2) (p1 p2 TN (n1 +

n2 + 2)). F (e1 )  F (e2 ) is the most ecient. 1


Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. F (F (e1  e2 )) F ^F (e1  e2 ) 1




Synt. 3p1 p2 2p1 p2 Sem. p1 p2 (ER(n1 + n2 + 1) + ER(n1 + n2 + 2)) p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2) F1 (e1 )  F2 (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p2 ER(n2 + 1)

F (e1 )  F (e2 ) is the most ecient, and a semantical computation should apply after a selection. 1


Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. F (F (e1  e2 )) F ^F (e1  e2 ) 1




Synt. 7p1 p2 3p1 p2 Norm. 7p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2) p1 p2 (T N (k1 + k2 + 2) + 2T N (k1 + k2 + 3)) F1 (e1 )  F2 (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + 4p1 p2 Normalization p1 T N (k1 + 2) + p2 T N (k2 + 2) + 4p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2))

Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases (4c) F (F (e1  e2 )) = F (F (e1 )  e2 ) = F ^F (e1  e2 ) if all attributes mentioned in F2 are of e1. F (F (e1  e2 )) F (F (e1 )  e2 ) F ^F (e1  e2 ) Syntactic 3p1 p2 p1 + 2p1 p2 2p1 p2 In all cases, the semantical computation (normalization) is bounded by p1 p2 ER(n1 +n2 +2) (p1 p2 TN (n1 + n2 + 2)). F ^F (e1  e2) is the most ecient. Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. Note that since a selection may generate many empty tuples, then the use of the ER algorithm after each selection may decrease the number of tuples per relation. Syntactic Semantical F (F (e1  e2 )) 3p1 p2 p1 p2 (ER(n1 + n2 + 1) + ER(n1 + n2 + 2)) F (F (e1 )  e2 ) p1 + 2p1 p2 p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2) F ^F (e1  e2 ) 2p1 p2 p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2) In the worst case, F ^F (e1  e2) is the most ecient, but it is reasonable to use F (F (e1 )  e2) when ER is applied after each selection. Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. Syntactic Normalization F (F (e1  e2 )) 7p1 p2 7p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2) F (F (e1 )  e2 ) p1 + 6p1 p2 p1 T N (k1 + 2) + 6p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2) F ^F (e1  e2 ) 3p1 p2 p1 p2 (T N (k1 + k2 + 2) + 2T N (k1 + k2 + 3)) In the worst case, F ^F (e1  e2) is the most ecient, but it is reasonable to use F (F (e1 )  e2) when TN is applied after each selection. 1


































(5) Commuting selection with a union: F (e1 [ e2 ) = F (e1 ) [ F (e2 ). The cost of the syntactic computation is 2(p1 + p2), the cost of the semantic computation is p1  ER(n1 + 1) + p2  ER(n2 + 1) and the normalization cost is RN (p1 + p2 ; n + 1), where n is Maxfn1; n2 g, in both cases. The costs are the same in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. Note that a semantical computation should not apply after a union. Consider now the cost in the case a tuple-normalization is applied after each step. Note that a tuplenormalization should not apply after a union. Let n be Maxfn1; n2 g. The syntactic cost is 2(p1 + p2 ) and the normalization cost is (p1 + p2 )TN (k1 + 2) is both cases. But since a selection should generates many empty tuples, it is reasonable to prefer F (e1 ) [ F (e2 ) to F (e1 [ e2 ). (6) Commuting selection with an intersection: F (e1 \ e2 ) = F (e1 ) \ F (e2 ) = F (e1 ) \ e2 . F (e1 \ e2 ) F (e1 ) \ F (e2 ) F (e1 ) \ e2 Synt. 2p1 p2 p1 + p2 + p1 p2 p1 + p1 p2 Sem. p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2) p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) Norm. p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 1) p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 2) p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 1) F (e1 ) \ e2 is the most ecient. Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. F (e1 \ e2 ) Syntactic 2p1 p2 Semantical p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 ) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) F (e1 ) \ F (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p2 ER(n2 + 1) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1)

Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases F (e1 ) \ e2 Syntactic p1 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1)

F (e1 ) \ e2 is the most ecient.

Consider now the cost in the case a normalization is applied after each step. Since the intersection is possible, the attributes of e1 coincide with the attributes of e2 and the two expressions have the same arity k1 . Let p01 , p02 and p0 be respectively the number of tuples resulting of the normalization of F (e1 ), F (e2 ) and (e1 \ e2 ). Note that, if p (p0 ) is the number of tuples before (after) normalization, p 6 p0 and moreover, often 2p 6 p0 . F (e1 \ e2 ) Syntactic p1 p2 + p0 Normalization p1 p2 T N (2k1 + 2) + p0 T N (k1 + 2)

F (e1 ) \ F (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + p01 p02 Normalization (p1 + p2 )T N (k1 + 2) + p01 p02 T N (2k1 + 2) F (e1 ) \ e2 Syntactic p1 + p01 p2 Normalization p1 T N (k1 + 2) + p01 p2 T N (2k1 + 2)

F (e1 ) \ e2 is the most ecient. (7) Commuting selection with join: (7a) F (e1 1 e2 ) = F (e1 ) 1 e2 if all attributes mentioned in F are of e1 . F (e1 1 e2 ) F (e1 ) 1 e2 Syntactic 2p1 p2 p1 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) Normalization p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 1) p1 p2 T N (n1 + n2 + 1)

F (e1 ) 1 e2 is the most ecient.

Consider now the cost in the case the semantical computation is applied after each syntactic computation step. Syntactic


F (e1 1 e2 ) 2p1 p2 p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 ) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) F (e1 ) 1 e2 p1 + p1 p2 p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1)

Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. Let p0 be the number of tuples resulting of the normalization of e1 1 e2 . F (e1 1 e2 ) F (e1 ) 1 e2 Syntactic p1 p2 + p0 p1 + 2p1 p2 0 Norm. (p1 p2 + p )T N (k1 + k2 + 2) p1 T N (k1 + 2) + 2p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2)

It results that F (e1 ) 1 e2 is the most ecient, but it is better to use ER or TN after a selection. (7b) F (F (e1 1 e2 )) = F ^F (e1 1 e2 ) = F (e1 ) 1 F (e2 ) if F1 only involves attributes of e1 and F2 only involves attributes of e2 . F (F (e1 1 e2 )) F ^F (e1 1 e2 ) F (e1 ) 1 F (e2 ) Syntactic 3p1 p2 2p1 p2 p1 + p2 + p1 p2 1









Database Programming Languages, 1995





Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases In all cases, the semantical computation (normalization) is bounded by p1 p2 ER(n1 +n2 +2) (p1 p2 TN (n1 +

n2 + 2)). F (e1 ) 1 F (e2 ) is the most ecient. 1


Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. F1 (F2 (e1 1 e2 )) Syntactic 3p1 p2 Semantical p1 p2 (ER(n1 + n2 ) + ER(n1 + n2 + 1) + ER(n1 + n2 + 2)) F1 ^F2 (e1 1 e2 ) Syntactic 2p1 p2 Semantical p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 ) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2) F1 (e1 ) 1 F2 (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + p1 p2 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p2 ER(n2 + 1) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2)

Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. Let p0 be the number of tuples resulting of the normalization of e1 1 e2 . F1 (F2 (e1 1 e2 )) F1 ^F2 (e1 1 e2 ) Synt. p1 p2 + 2p0 p1 p2 + p0 0 Norm. (p1 p2 + 2p )T N (k1 + k2 + 2) p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2) +2p0 T N (k1 + k2 + 3) F1 (e1 ) 1 F2 (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + 4p1 p2 Normalization p1 T N (k1 + 2) + p2 T N (k2 + 2) + 4p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2))

(7c) F (F (e1 1 e2 )) = F (F (e1 ) 1 e2 ) = F ^F (e1 1 e2 ) if all attributes mentioned in F2 are of e1 . 1







F1 (F2 (e1 1 e2 )) F1 (F2 (e1 ) 1 e2 ) F1 ^F2 (e1 1 e2 ) 3p1 p2 p1 + 2p1 p2 2p1 p2

In all cases, the semantical computation (normalization) is bounded by p1 p2 ER(n1 +n2 +2) (p1 p2 TN (n1 +

n2 + 2)). F ^F (e1 1 e2 ) is the most ecient. 1


Note that since a selection may generate many empty tuples, then the use of the ER algorithm after each selection may decrease the number of tuples per relation. Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. F1 (F2 (e1 1 e2 ))

Syntactic 3p1 p2

F1 (F2 (e1 ) 1 e2 ) p1 (1 + 2p2 ) F1 ^F2 (e1 1 e2 )

2p1 p2


p1 p2 (ER(n1 + n2 ) + ER(n1 + n2 + 1) +ER(n1 + n2 + 2)) p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 1) +p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2) p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 ) + p1 p2 ER(n1 + n2 + 2)

In the worst case, F ^F (e1 1 e2) is the most ecient, but it is reasonable to use F (F (e1 ) 1 e2 ) when ER is applied after each selection. 1


Database Programming Languages, 1995




Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases Consider now the cost in the case normalization is applied after each step. Let p0 be the number of tuples resulting of the normalization of e1 1 e2 . Syntactic

F1 (F2 (e1 1 e2 )) p1 p2 + 2p0 F1 (F2 (e1 ) 1 e2 ) p1 + p1 p2 + p0 p1 p2 + p0

F1 ^F2 (e1 1 e2 )

Normalization (p1 p2 + 2p0 )T N (k1 + k2 + 2) p1 T N (k1 + 2) +(p1 p2 + p0 )T N (k1 + k2 + 2) p1 p2 T N (k1 + k2 + 2) +p0 T N (k1 + k2 + 3))

In the worst case, F ^F (e1 1 e2) is the most ecient, but it is reasonable to use F (F (e1 ) 1 e2 ) when TN is applied after each selection. 1




(8) Commuting selection with a set di erence: F (e1 e2 ) = F (e1 ) F (e2 ) = F (e1 ) e2 . F (e1 e2 ) F (e1 ) F (e2 ) Syntactic SC (p2 ; n2 ) + 2p1 n2 p1 + p2 + SC (p2 ; n2 + 1) + p1 (n2 + 1) Semantical p1 n2 ER(n1 + p2 + 1) p1 (n2 + 1)ER(n1 + p2 + 1) Norm. p1 n2 T N (n1 + p2 + 1) p1 (n2 + 1)T N (n1 + p2 + 1) F (e1 ) e2 Syntactic p1 + SC (p2 ; n2 ) + p1 n2 Semantical p1 n2 ER(n1 + p2 + 1) Normalization p1 n2 T N (n1 + p2 + 1)

F (e1 ) e2 is the most ecient.

Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. Note that a selection may generate many empty tuples which are removed by the use of the ER algorithm. F (e1 e2 ) Syntactic SC (p2 ; n2 ) + 2p1 n2 Semantical p1 n2 ER(n1 + p2 ) + p1 n2 ER(n1 + p2 + 1) F (e1 ) F (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + SC (p2 ; n2 + 1) + p1 (n2 + 1) Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p2 ER(n2 + 1) + p1 (n2 + 1)ER(n1 + p2 + 1) F (e1 ) e2 Syntactic p1 + SC (p2 ; n2 ) + p1 n2 Semantical p1 ER(n1 + 1) + p1 n2 ER(n1 + p2 + 1)

F (e1 ) e2 is the most ecient.

Consider now the cost in the case a tuple-normalization is applied after each step. Let p01 , p02 and p0 be respectively the number of tuples resulting of the normalization of F (e1 ), F (e2 ) and (e1 e2 ). F (e1 e2 ) Syntactic SC (n2 ; p2 ) + n2 p1 + p0 Normalization n2 p1 T N (k1 + 1 + p2 ) + p0 T N (2k1 + 2) F (e1 ) F (e2 ) Syntactic p1 + p2 + SC (p2 ; k1 + 2) + (k1 + 1)p01 Normalization (p1 + p2 )T N (k1 + 2) + (k1 + 1)p01 T N (k1 + 1 + p02 ) F (e1 ) e2 Syntactic p1 + SC (p2 ; k1 + 1) + (k1 + 1)p01 Normalization p1 T N (k1 + 2) + (k1 + 1)p01 T N (k1 + 1 + p2 )

Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases The worst case shows that F (e1 ) e2 the most ecient. But the use of TN after each selection may decrease the number of tuples (since it removes empty tuples) with a bounding of the number of constraints per tuple. It follows that F (e1 ) F (e2 ) is preferable when TN is applied after each selection. The following rules analyze the behavior of projection. The projection may increase dramatically the number of constraint per tuple. Let R be a relation of arity k with p tuples and a maximum of n constraints per tuple. The syntactic computation of A ;:::;An (R) is the result of the k m successive application of the FM algorithm. The rst application of FM may generate in the worst case ( n2 )2 constraints. Let Ni (n) be the number of constraints resulting of the (i 1)th application of FMi on tuple with n constraints. Since the Beaujolais nouveau has arrived, it is easy to compute Ni (n) = 2 ni . Let N0 (n) = n. 1




(9) Commuting selections and projections: (9a) A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) = F (A ;:::;An (e1 )) if the formula F only involves attributes A1 ; : : : ; An . 1


A1 ;:::;An (F (e1 )) F (A1 ;:::;An (e1 )) Synt. p1 + ii==0k1 n 1 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 + 1)) ii==0k1 n 1 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 )) + p1 Sem. p1 ER(Nk1 n (n1 + 1)) p1 ER(Nk1 n (n1 ) + 1) Norm. RN (p1 ; Nk1 n (n1 + 1)) RN (p1 ; Nk1 n (n1 ) + 1)

F (A ;:::;An (e1 )) is the most ecient. 1

Consider now the cost in the case a semantical computation is applied after each step. The FM algorithm generates many redondant constraints. The application of the ER algorithm between each projection then optimizes. A1 ;:::;An (F (e1 )) F (A1 ;:::;An (e1 )) Synt. p1 + ii==0k1 n 1 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 + 1)) ii==0k1 n 1 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 )) + p1 k1 n ER(Ni (n1 + 1)) k1 n ER(Ni (n1 )) Sem. p1 ii= p1 ii= =0 =0

The application of ER at each step of the computation may reduce a lot the number of tuples. Then A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) is more ecient. Consider now the cost in the case a tuple-normalization is applied after each step. Let qi and qj0 (1 6 i; j 6 k1 n) be the number of tuples respectively resulting of the tuple-normalization of A ;:::;An (Bk n;:::;Bi (F (e1 ))) and A ;:::;An (Bk n ;:::;Bj (e1 )) . Remark that q1 = 2p1 and q10 = p1 . 1





A1 ;:::;An (F (e1 )) F (A1 ;:::;An (e1 )) Syntactic p1 + ii==1k1 n F M (qi ; k1 + 1) ii==1k1 n F M (qi0 ; k1 + 1) + qk1 n Norm. p1 T N (k1 + 2) ii==1k1 n qi0 T N (( k12+1 )2 ) i =k1 n k 1 +1 2 +i=1 qi T N (( 2 ) ) +qk1 n T N (k1 + 2)

The application of TN at each step of the computation may reduce the number of tuples with a bounded number of constraints per tuple. Then A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) is more ecient. 1

(9b) A ;:::;An (F (A ;:::;An ;B ;:::;Bm (e1 ))) = A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) if all attributes involved in F that are not in A1 ; : : : ; An are B1 ; : : : ; Bm. 1

Sy. Se. N.




A1 ;:::;An (F (A1 ;:::;An ;B1 ;:::;Bm (e1 ))) ii==0k1 (n+m) 1 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 )) + p1 +jj==0m F M (p1; Nj (Nk1 (n+m) (n1 ) + 1)) p1 ER(Nm (Nk1 (n+m) (n1 ) + 1)) RN (p1 ; Nm (Nk1 (n+m) (n1 ) + 1))

A1 ;:::;An (F (e1 )) p1 ii==0k1 n F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 + 1)) p1 ER(Nk1 n (n1 + 1)) RN (p1 ; Nk1 n (n1 + 1)

A ;:::;An (F (A ;:::;An ;B ;:::;Bm (e1 ))) is the most ecient. 1



Database Programming Languages, 1995


Computing Queries on Linear Constraint Databases The computation made for rule (9a) already showed that in case ER or TN is applied between two successive use of FM and after each selection, A ;:::;An (F (e1 )) is the most ecient. 1

(10) Commuting a projection with Cartesian product: A ;:::;An ;B ;:::;Bm (e1 e2) = A ;:::;An (e1 )B ;:::;Bm (e2 ) if e1 is of attributes A1 ; : : : ; An and e2 of attributes B1 ; : : : ; Bm . 1




A1 ;:::;An ;B1 ;:::;Bm (e1  e2 ) A1 ;:::;An (e1 )  B1 ;:::;Bm (e2 ) p1 p2 ii==0k1 n 1 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 )) i =o 1 +i=0 F M (p1 ; Ni (n1 + n2 )) +ij==0k2 m 1 F M (p2 ; Nj (n2 )) p1 p2 ER(No (n1 + n2 )) p1 ER(Nk1 n (n1 )) +p2 ER(Nk2 m (n2 )) RN (p1 p2 ; No (n1 + n2 )) RN (p1 p2 ; N )

Synt. Sem. Norm.

Where o = k1 + k2 (n + m) and N = MaxfNk n (n1 ); Nk m (n2 )g. A ;:::;An (e1 )  B ;:::;Bm (e2 ) is the most ecient one, and moreover ecient when applying ER or TN after each successive use of FM . 1




(11) Commuting a projection with a union: A ;:::;An (e1 ) [ A ;:::;An (e2 ) = A ;:::;An (e1 [ e2). The naive computation of the two expressions is the same. 1

Syntactic Semantical Normalization



k1 (n+1) F M (p + N (n ))+ p1 + p2 + ii= 1 i 1 =0 i =k1 (n+1) i=0 F M (p2 ; Ni (n2 )) p1 ER(Nk1 n (n1 ) + p2 ER(Nk2 n (n2 ) RN (p1 + p2 ; N )

Where N = MaxfNk n (n1 ); Nk n (n2 g. Both A ;:::;An (e1 [ e2 ) and A ;:::;An (e1 ) [ A ;:::;An (e2 ) are ecient. Since A ;:::;An (e1 ) [ A ;:::;An (e2 ) enables to push further down the projection, it is chosen. It is more ecient to use ER or TN after each successive use of FM . 1




Database Programming Languages, 1995





ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data Peter Buneman, Susan Davidson and Dan Suciu

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


©Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data Peter Buneman

Susan Davidson

Dept. of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104

fpeter,[email protected]

Dan Suciuy

AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA [email protected]

Abstract We investigate languages for querying and transforming unstructured data by which we mean languages than can be used without knowledge of the structure (schema) of the database. There are two reasons for wanting to do this. First, some data models have emerged in which the schema is either completely absent or only provides weak constraints on the data. Second, it is sometimes convenient, for the purposes of browsing, to query the database without reference to the schema. For example one may want to \grep" all character strings in the database, or one might want to nd the information associated with a certain eld name no matter where it occurs in the database. This paper introduces a labelled tree model of data and investigates various programming structures for querying and transforming such data. In particular, it considers various restrictions of structural recursion that give rise to well-de ned queries even when the input data contains cycles. It also discusses issues of observable equivalence of such structures.

1 Introduction We investigate languages for querying and transforming unstructured data by which we mean languages than can be used without knowledge of the structure (schema) of the database. There are two reasons for wanting to do this. First, some data models have emerged in which the schema is either completely absent or only provides weak constraints on the data. Second, it is sometimes convenient, for the purposes of browsing, to query the database without reference to the schema. For example one may want to \grep" all character strings in the database, or one might want to nd the information associated with a certain eld name no matter where it occurs in the database. The idea of using labeled trees for this purpose has been suggested by two data models. ACeDB (A C. elegans Database) [11] is a database system popular with biologists. It has a schema, but this only places very weak constraints on the database since any eld in the deeply nested records that are common in ACeDB can be null. Recently Tsimmis [9] has been proposed as a data model for heterogeneous data integration. In Tsimmis there is no schema. The \type" is interpreted by the user from labels in the structure, which is quite exible. In particular, a Tsimmis structure may be interpreted as a record or as a set. There is an analogy here with the dynamic type system of Lisp, whose one basic data structure, the s-expression, may be used to represent lists, trees, association lists, lambda terms, etc. We go a step further and blur the distinction between set nodes and  Supported in part by DOE DE-FG02-94-ER-61923 Sub 1, NSF BIR94-02292 PRIME, ARO AASERT DAAH04-93-G0129, and ARPA N00014-94-1-1086. y Supported in part by NSF Grant CCR-90-57570, ONR Contract NOOO14-93-11284, and by a fellowship from the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science

DBPL-5, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data







"Cartoon Guide to Genetics"








"Genetics" "Database" authors

"Cartoon Guide to Statistics" "Gonick" "Wheels"




"Flybase: the Drosophila database"


"Flybase Consortium"

Figure 1: Labeled tree representation of a bibliographic database, bib. record nodes in the labeled trees. We believe that this untyped data model is advantageous for querying databases with unknown or only partially known structure: Christophides et al. [6] consider a query language with similar goals for an object-oriented data model. The approach we shall take is to extend structural recursion to labeled trees. This poses some interesting problems: rst, it is no longer \ at" structural recursion, so that the usual syntactic forms and optimizations for collection types such as lists bags and sets may not be relevant. Second, we shall want to examine the possibility that the values we are manipulating may be cyclic. It is common in ACeDB, and generally in object-oriented databases, for objects to refer to each other, allowing the possibility of arbitrarily \deep" queries. Of course, such cyclic structures are usually constructed through the use of a reference/pointer type; however query languages are insensitive to these object identities and perform automatic dereferencing. We therefore want to understand what programs are well de ned when we are allowed to make unbounded searches in the database. This work is preliminary and serves only to describe languages that may be useful for unstructured data. While we believe that there are sound principles for justifying this choice of languages, they are at present mostly \articles of faith". The paper is organized as follows. After specifying the data structure of interest, we rst develop a variant of nested relational algebra which gives us the ability to construct queries to a xed depth. Next we extend the idea of structural recursion to perform queries that can reach data at arbitrary depths in the tree. Finally we examine restrictions of this language that work on cyclic data. By a database \query" we usually understand a program that produces a relatively simple output from a complex input { the database. In what follows we are interested in producing data structures that may be as complex as the input. This is the problem of transforming databases, which is of paramount importance in heterogeneous database systems.

2 A labeled tree data type As is common in this area we shall take a bibliographic database as a running example. The diagram in Figure 1 shows an edge-labeled tree. At the top level we see three edges labeled doc indicating a set of documents. The rst such document displayed is a tree with two distinct labels topic and book indicating a record. The labels on the edges are drawn from some collection of basic types. For the sake of consistency with the systems mentioned above, we shall consider the type label to be the discriminated union of a number of basic types: character strings such as \Math", \Wheels"; numbers such as 4, 3.1415; and symbols such as 'doc, 'article using the lisp notation for quoting (the quote mark is not shown on the symbol edges in Figure 1). In general, DBPL-5, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data symbols are used to mark internal edges, and other constants such as strings and numbers are used at the leaves, but this is not demanded by our model. Having xed a data type label, we can now de ne the type of a labeled tree to be a set of pairs, each consisting of a label and another tree. Using Pfin (S ) for the nite subsets of S , we can describe a labeled tree type by the recursive type equation tree = Pfin (label  tree )

Before proceeding further we should remark that there are some di erences between this type and the models used in Tsimmis and ACeDB. First of all Tsimmis [9] labels nodes instead of edges: in the framework of our query language constructs the two styles of labelings are equivalent. Secondly Tsimmis attaches values of base types such as num and string to the terminal nodes of the tree, and the edges are labeled only with symbols. Tsimmis also has object identities associated with the internal nodes. The transformation from Tsimmis is straightforward: we represent terminal nodes by terminal edges; and we may introduce object identities by simply adding a new object-identity base type. ACeDB, is much closer to our presentation in that numbers, strings etc. may be attached to non-terminal edges. It also allows one to build cyclic structures, which we shall discuss later. The transformation from ACeDB is obtained essentially by transferring label information from the schema to the data; and a similar technique may be used to represent other databases as trees. We now describe constructors for the type tree . Trees are sets, so we have  for the empty set and e1 [ e2 to construct the union of sets e1 and e2 . In addition we have the expression fa)eg to describe a singleton set consisting of a tree formed by attaching the edge labeled with a to the root of the tree e. The types of these constructors are as follows:

 : tree f ) g : label  tree ! tree [ : tree  tree ! tree We shall also make use of the following abbreviations for constructing trees: fa1)e1 ; a2 )e2 ; : : : an )en g for fa1 )e1g [ fa2)e2 g [ : : : [ fan)en g. Also a), appearing within f: : :g may be abbreviated to a. Thus f1; 2; 3g is an abbreviation for the \ at" tree f1); 2); 3)g As a more elaborate example, the tree depicted in Figure 1 can be built with the following syntax: bib = f'doc )f'topic ) f\Genetics"g, 'book )f'title ) f\Cartoon Guide to Genetics"g, 'authors ) f\Gonick",\Wheels"ggg, 'doc )f'topic ) f\Math"g, 'book )f'title ) f\Cartoon Guide to Statistics"g, 'authors ) f\Gonick"ggg, 'doc )f'topic ) f\Genetics",\Database"g, 'article )f'title ) f\FlyBase-the Drosophila database"g, 'authors ) f\The FlyBase Consortium"ggggg

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Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data

3 Nested relational algebra on trees The previous section gave a syntax for constructing trees. We now extend this to the syntax of a programming language for trees. To our types label and tree we add a boolean type bool with the usual boolean connectives1. We also add

 An equality test a = b on labels. Equality is of type label  label ! bool .  An emptiness test null (t) on trees. null : tree ! bool  A conditional if b then e1 else e2 in which b is a boolean expression and e1 ; e2 denote trees. Since trees are necessarily sets, we rst consider structural recursion on sets as the basic programming paradigm, and following [3] use the restricted form of structural recursion given by functions h of the form h() =  h(fa)tg) = f (a; t) h(t1 [ t2 ) = h(t1 ) [ h(t2 ) In this, the meaning of the function h of type tree ! tree is determined by the function f : label  tree ! tree . Note that this is a mathematical de nition, which suggests an implementation. The syntax we will use for h(S ) when the function f is de ned by f (a; t) = e is ext ((a; t):e)(S ). An example of this form of de nition is a selection function: sel (b)() =  sel (b)(fa)tg) = if a = b then fa)tg else  sel (b)(t1 [ t2 ) = sel (b)(t1 ) [ sel (b)(t2 ) In our syntax, sel (b)(S ) can be written as ext ((a; t):if a = b then fa)tg else )(S ). Its e ect is to discard from S all edges that are not labeled with b, together with their subtrees. For example, sel (1)(f1)f10g; 2)f20gg) = f1)f10gg. Another useful function is projection, de ned as proj (b)(S ) def = ext ((a; t):if a = b then t else )(S ). This function takes the union of the trees at the ends of b edges and discards the others. Note how it di ers from sel (b): proj (1)(f1)f10g; 2)f20gg) = f10g. A attening function de ned as flat(S ) def = ext ((a; t):t)(S ) will also be useful. This function removes one level of edges out of the root and takes the union of the subtrees at their ends: at (f1)f10g; 2)f20gg) = f10; 20g. To summarize the language at this point, we assume we have an in nite collection of typed variables for labels (ranged over by a) and for trees (ranged over by t). In addition we have a set of constants of type label as described above. An expression in the language is built up from the variables and constants with the following rules:

l : label e : tree e1 : tree e2 : tree e : tree e0 : tree  : tree fl)eg : tree e1 [ e2 : tree ext ((a; t):e0 )e : tree e : tree l1 : label l2 : label b : bool e1 : tree e2 : tree null e : bool l1 = l2 : bool if b then e1 else e2 : tree 1 The introduction of a boolean type is inessential. We can simulate false with the empty set and true with some non-empty set. See [3] for details.

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Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data We also assume the boolean constants and operations with the obvious typing rules together with other appropriate operations on labels. We shall call this language EXT . Nested Relational Algebra. We now have a language equivalent in expressive power to the nested relational algebra, since it includes all the operations described in [3]. Note that although we have not introduced an explicit pairing operation into EXT, it can be simulated with the operators already available. If we x two labels, 1; 2, the pair e1 ; e2 can be expressed as f1)e1 ; 2)e2 g and the projection operations are proj (1); proj (2). In particular, we may simulate a at relation by constructing for each tuple (v1 ; : : : ; vn ) in relation R(A1 ; : : : An ) a tree f'R)f'A1 )fv1 g : : : 'An )fvn ggg and taking the union of all such trees. To illustrate the types of queries and transformations that we can perform with EXT we give some examples in the spirit of [9]. To simplify their presentation, we will use the following abbreviations: e:a for proj (a)(e), e"a for sel(a)(e), and a in e for :null (sel(a)(e)).

Example 1: Find the titles of all books on Genetics.

ext ((a; t):if (a = 'doc ) and (\Genetics" in t.'topic ) then t.'book "'title else )(bib)

Example 2: Find the authors of all documents, regardless of the type of document. ext ((a; t):if a = 'doc then ( at t)"'authors else )(bib) Example 3: Find the title and topic of all books by Gonick and Wheels. ext ((a; t):if (a = 'doc ) and (\Gonick" in t.'book.'author ) and (\Wheels" in t.'book.'author ) then f'book )ft"'topic g [ ft.'book"'title gg else )(bib) The last example does not return a subtree of the original tree, and illustrates how the result can restructure information. Such restructuring cannot be performed in [9]. It should also be observed that the queries in these examples assume a particular structure on the trees, i.e. that the labels of interest appear at predetermined depths. In the next section, we will see how to specify queries which operate on trees in which labels can appear at arbitrary depths.

4 Structural recursion on trees We now consider a form of structural recursion that one would naturally associate with trees. h() =  h(fa)tg) = f (a; h(t)) h(t1 [ t2 ) = h(t1 ) [ h(t2 ) The only di erence between this and our previous form of structural recursion is that h acts recursively on the subtrees of a tree. As before we will use the syntax text ((a; r):e)(S ) for h(S ) when the function f is de ned by f (a; r) = e. Intuitively the parameter r in f stands for the recursive call of h(t). For example, to change each 'topic label to a 'subject label we may use the function change lab de ned by change lab () =  change lab (fa)tg) = if a = 'topic then f'subject )change lab (t)g else fa)change lab (t)g change lab (t1 [ t2 ) = change lab (t1 ) [ change lab (t2 )

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Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data This will change labels at any depth in the tree. It is expressed using text ( ) as change lab (S ) def = text ((a; r):if a = 'topic then f'subject )rg else fa)rg)(S )

We may also write a selection function that operates over the whole tree. tsel(p)(S ) selects only those edges in S that satisfy p; the other edges are lost and their subtrees become inaccessible. It is de ned by

tsel(p)(S ) def = text ((a; r):if p(a) then fa)rg else )(S ) Applying this to the bib structure with the predicate p(x) = :(x='topic ) will result in the topic labels and the associated strings being removed from the tree. We may also build a \ at" tree of all the edges in in a tree with

= text ((a; r):fag [ r)(S )

at trees (S ) def Then at trees (bib ) results in f'doc, 'topic, \Genetics", 'book, : : :g. With such a transformation and the use of the discriminating function for strings, we can easily nd all the strings in the database. A more interesting example is to nd a tree containing the set of all paths from the root of the tree. We represent a path by a list, or \vertical" tree, so that the path consisting of the sequence of labels 'doc ; 'book ; 'title is f'doc )f'book )f'title ggg. We can obtain the set of all paths with = text ((a; r):fag [ ext ((a1 ; r1 ):fa)fa1)r1 gg)(r))(S ) all paths (S ) def In this expression, r is bound recursively to all the paths of the subtree below the edge a. The set of paths we want includes the single edge a together with the the paths that are formed by tacking a onto the beginning of each of the paths in r, which is done with an application of ext ( ). The result of this query will be

f'doc , 'doc )f'topic g, 'doc )f'topic )f"Genetics" gg, 'doc )f'book g, 'doc )f'book)f'title gg, ::: g As a nal example of the use of text ( ), consider the expression blow up (S ) def = text ((a; r):fa)rg [ r)(S ) When S the linear tree f1)f2)f3ggg blow up (S ) produces f1)f2)f3g; 3g; 2)f3g; 3g. When S is a linear tree with n edges it produces a tree with 2n 1 edges. We shall see later that this apparent growth does not imply that we are performing transformations that are outside PTIME. The preceding examples show that a number of queries that are expressed with \path variables" [9] can be computed in EXT together with text ( ). We will refer to this extended version of EXT as TEXT. However there is one extremely useful query which presents some diculty: it is that of computing the union of a tree with all of its subtrees. A re nement of this problem is to obtain all the edges that satisfy a certain property together with their subtrees. For example, we might want all the books in the bib structure. In order to build such a tree we need a more general form of recursion

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Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data

h() =  h(fa)tg) = f (a; t; h(t)) h(t1 [ t2 ) = h(t1 ) [ h(t2 ) in which the function f is now a three-place function taking the edge label a, the input subtree t, and the result of recursively computing h on that subtree. We use the form text' ((a; t; r):e)(S ) for this form, where the function f is de ned by f (a; t; r) = e. The union of a tree S with all of its subtrees is now given by: = text' ((a; t; r):fa)tg [ r))(S ) all trees (S ) def Note how all trees di ers from blow up : all trees (f1)f2)f3ggg) = f1)f2)f3gg; 2)f3g; f3gg. As a further example, to nd all the books in the bib database together with their subtrees we can write text' ((a; t; r):(if a = 'book then fa)tg else ) [ r))(bib )

Note that if we have one 'book tree below (or inside) another, this function will extract both of them. It is possible to implement text' ( ) in TEXT , so that this form of structural recursion presents nothing new. However, the implementation involves the use of projection, which can cause problems when we consider operations on cyclic structures. The direct use text' ( ) is more closely related to a form of structural recursion that we shall now examine.

5 Cyclic structures The languages EXT and TEXT operate on labeled trees. Surprisingly, EXT and an important fragment of TEXT , which we call VEXT , can be extended naturally from trees to cyclic structures. This is due to the fact that the queries in EXT and VEXT can be computed by independently processing each edge of a cyclic structure, without needing to chase every path in the structure. Syntactically, we describe cyclic structures with the aid of variables and equations de ning these variables. Semantically, cyclic structures are rooted, labeled graphs. Consider the syntactic speci cation of a cyclic structure given in Figure 2. It uses the variables X1 ; X2 ; Y1 ; Y2 , and four equations de ning them. We recover a tree for such a speci cation by textually substituting in X1 [ X2 each variable with the right hand side of the equation de ning it, and by repeating this process until all variables are eliminated, thus unfolding a labeled tree. E.g. consider the same example from Figure 2, but with the de nitions of Y1 ; Y2 changed to: Y1 = \Gonick" and Y2 = \Wheels" . Then by unfolding we get a subtree of the tree of Figure 1. In general the unfolded tree may be in nite. Note that we may have di erent syntactic speci cations denoting the same tree: these should be regarded as equal. Also, exactly those (in nite) labeled trees are meanings of syntactic speci cations of cyclic structures, which are rational, i.e. for which the set of subtrees is nite. Formally, a syntactic speci cation of a cyclic structure is: e where X1 = e1


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Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data

X1 [ X2 where X1 = fdoc )ftopic )f"Genetics"g, book)ftitle)"Cartoon Guide to Genetics", authors)Y1 [ Y2 ggg X2 = fdoc )ftopic )f"Math"g, book )ftitle )f"Cartoon Guide to Statistics"g, authors)Y1 ggg Y1 = f\Gonick", papers )X1 [ X2 g Y2 = f\Wheels", papers )X1 g Figure 2: A speci cation of a cyclic structure

Xk = ek Here e; e1 ; : : : ; ek are labeled trees with markers X1 ; : : : ; Xk . More precisely, they are expressions built up using the three constructors ;; f ) g, and [, and which may have the variables X1 ; : : : ; Xk on their leaves. The type tree X1 ;:::;Xk of labeled trees with markers X1 ; : : : ; Xk is de ned by: tree X1 ;:::;Xk = Pfin (label  tree X1 ;:::;Xk [ fX1 ; : : : ; Xk g)

We write f'name )\Joe Doe" g [ X1 [ X2 instead of the ocial f'name )\Joe Doe" ; X1; X2 g. The semantics of cyclic structures is given by rooted, labeled graphs, G = (V; E; r; l). Each such graph has a distinguished vertex r 2 V called the root, and the edges are labeled with elements from label [ f"g, i.e. l : E ! label [f"g, where " is a special symbol not occurring in label . E.g. the cyclic structure of Figure 2 will be interpreted as the graph given in Figure 3. Notice how we use "-edges to connect an occurrence of some variable Xi with its de nition. It is on these graphs that we can now de ne equality. Namely we say that two graphs G = (V; E; r; l), G0 = (V 0 ; E 0 ; r0 ; l0) are bisimilar i there exists a binary relation  V  V 0 s.t. (1) r  r0 , and (2) if v  v0 then a w in G i there exists some path v 0 ! " ::: ! "! a w0 for any label a 2 label , there exists a path v !" : : : !" ! and w  w0 . We state here without proof that two graphs are bisimilar i their (potentially in nite) unfolded2 labeled trees are equal; note that according to our de nition of a tree (Section 2) the children of a node form a set, i.e. duplicates are eliminated. What we consider as a value is an equivalence class under the bisimilarity relation. Considering duplicate elimination in the context of in nite trees is a departure from the traditional view of rational trees [7]. That is the trees fa)fg; a)fgg and fa)fgg are equal in our data model, although in the rst tree the root has two children, but only one in the second. In the context of in nite trees, bisimulation seems to be the right tool for duplicate elimination. Abiteboul and Kanellakis [1] discuss \pure values", which are also in nite, rational trees, intended for an object-oriented data model. Some of the nodes in these trees can be nite sets too, but duplicate elimination is not discussed. This gives us an e ective procedure for deciding whether two syntactic speci cations are equal. Namely (1) convert the two speci cations to rooted graphs, and (2) test whether the two graphs are bisimilar. Note that testing for bisimilarity is a PTIME problem. By contrast, testing for graph isomorphism is believed to be outside of PTIME. See [8] for a discussion of the relevance of bisimulation in query languages with object identities. 2

During the unfolding of a graph, the " edges will be removed.

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Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data








doc topic

book Y1




"Cartoon Guide to Genetics"






"Cartoon Guide to Statistics"


"Gonick" e

papers "Wheels"




to X2

to X1

Figure 3: The graph associated to a cyclic structure (the label e stands for ") Now we will extend our languages to cyclic structures. First notice that all operations in EXT can be extended straightforwardly to cyclic structures. This is obvious in the case of ;; f ) g, and [. To apply null of ext (f ) to some syntactic speci cation t, we rst have to expose the topmost set in t. For this we convert t into a rooted, labeled graph G, and then restructure into a graph G0 bisimilar to G, in which no "-edge leaves the root (this is always possible). Next we convert G0 back to a syntactic speci cation t0 , and on t0 we apply null , or ext (f ). But text cannot be extended to cyclic structures. Indeed, consider the query all paths , of Section 4. On some in nite rational tree as input, i.e. a cyclic structure, it will return as output an in nite non-rational tree, which lies outside of our data model. Fortunately there exists a natural restriction of text pointed to us by Val Tannen [10], which allows us to de ne most of the queries of Section 4, and which generalizes naturally to cyclic structures. We call this restriction vext . To de ne vext , we start by discussing another primitive operation, substitution. Let X be some variable. We add a new primitive to the ones already mentioned, namely the substitution subst X : tree X  tree X ! tree X . subst X (s; t) will simply replace every occurrence of X in s with t. Formally: subst X (X; t) subst X (fa)sg; t) subst X (t1 [ t2 ; t)

= t = fa)subst X (s; t)g def = subst X (t1 ; t) [ subst X (t2 ; t) def def

An intuitive way to think about subst X is to view it as a generalization of the append operation on lists. For that, let's represent lists as linear trees: [a1 ; a2 ; : : : ; an ] becomes fa1 )fa2 )f: : : )fan )X gggg. Note that lists end in the marker X , a.k.o. nil. If s is the list [a1 ; : : : ; an ] and t is the list [b1 ; : : : ; bm ], then subst X (s; t) is the list [a1 ; : : : ; an ; b1 ; : : : ; bm ]. Note that had we ended the list s in the empty tree instead of the marker X , i.e. fa1 )fa2)f: : : )fan )fggggg, then subst X (s; t) would return s. More generaly, a tree s can be thought of as a DBPL-5, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data branching list, having more than one endpoint. Then subst X (s; t) generalizes append in that it adds t in possible many endpoints of s, namely in all those places where s ends in the marker X . Finally we are ready to introduce the vext construct. Namely for any function fX : label ! tree X , h = vext X (fX ) is de ned by:

h(;) def = ; def h(fa)tg) = subst X (fX (a); h(t)) h(t1 [ t2 ) def = h(t1 ) [ h(t2 ) Again, notice that on \lists" vext X is simply ext on lists. We now informally describe now how vext X (f ) acts on some syntactic speci cation of a cyclic structure t = (e where X1 = e1 ; : : : ; Xk = ek ). The syntactic speci cation t0 = vextX (fX ) is obtained from t by processing every subexpression of the form fa)e0 g of e; e1 ; : : : ; ek as follows: we rst fetch a fresh variable Y , next replace the subexpression fa)e0 g with fY (a), and nally add the equation Y = e0 . Intuitively there is a high degree of parallelism in the computation of vext X , which can be visualized even better on rooted, labeled graphs. Namely a w with the tree f (a) having v as here, vext X (fX )(S ) is computed by independently replacing each edge v ! X the root, and by drawing "-edges from the leaves X of fX (a) to w; the "-edges in the original graph are left untouched. We call VEXT the language obtained by extending EXT with the vext construct. Obviously the following relationships between languages holds:

 TEXT EXT {zVEXT} | {z } | trees only trees and cyclic structures Here are some of the queries from Section 4 expressed with vext X : change lab (S ) tsel (p)(S )

at trees (S ) blow up (S )


= def = def = def =

vext X (a:if a =0 topic then f0 subject )X g else fa)X g)(S ) vext X (a:if p(a) then fa)X g else ;)(S ) vext X (a:fag [ X )(S ) vext X (a:fa)X g [ X )(S )

Notice how sharing allows us to avoid combinatorial explosion of the data structure resulting from the function blow up . E.g. on the input tree S = fa1 )fa2)f: : : fan);g : : :ggg, blow up (S ) will return:

X0 where X0 = fa1)X1 g [ X1 X1 = fa2)X2 g [ X2 ::: Xn 1 = fan 1)Xn g [ Xn Xn = fan);g DBPL-5, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data When we unfold this compact syntactic speci cation, we obtain a tree with 2n nodes. In general, we have:

Proposition 5.1 VEXT is in PTIME. Unlike text however, vext X does not seem to be able to express all trees . However we can express all trees with a slight generalization of vext X , from one variable X to an arbitrary number of variables. First we generalize subst X by de ning subst X1 ;:::;Xn (t; t1 ; : : : ; tn ) to be the simultaneous substitution of X1 with t1 , . . . , Xn with tn in t. Then vext X1 ;:::;Xn (f1 ; : : : ; fn) is a construct which allows us to de ne simultaneously n functions h1 ; : : : ; hn by iteration on the cyclic structure (we omit the subscripts X1 ; : : : ; Xn ):

h1 (;) def = ; ::: hn (;) def = ; def def h1 (fa)sg) = subst (f1 (a); h1 (s); : : : ; hn (s)) : : : hn (fa)sg) = subst (fn (a); h1 (s); : : : ; hn (s)) h1 (t1 [ t2 ) def = h1 (t1 ) [ h1 (t2 ) : : : hn (t1 [ t2 ) def = hn (t1 ) [ hn (t2 ) Then we can compute all path using vext X1 ;X2 . More interestingly, for any regular expression on labels, R, we can write in VEXT an expression project R (S ) which, on a given tree S , returns the set of all subtrees which can be reached from the root of S using a path in R. E.g. when R = (a(bc) ) , then select R (S ) will return the set of all subtrees in S which can be reached from the root by a path of the form abc : : : bcabc : : :bc : : : abc : : : bc. We invite the reader to check that, for any regular expression R, select R (S ) can be written using vext X1 ;:::;Xn . It suces to take n as the number of states in the deterministic automaton accepting R.

6 Conclusions We believe that the forms of structural recursion on trees described in this paper o er good prospects for the development of powerful query languages for unstructured data. However to demonstrate this, considerable additional work is needed. First, we need to substantiate the claim that the graph/bisimulation model provides an e ective semantics for the language developed in Section 5. Second, there appear to be some optimization techniques for these languages: we discuss some optimization techniques in a related work [5]. An interesting question is how schema information, when it is present, may be used in optimization as suggested in [2]. Third, there are good syntactic forms for languages similar to EXT [4] that resemble the syntax of popular database query languages: we address this topic, as well as more powerful language constructs in [5]. Acknowledgment We would like to thank Anthony Kosky and Scott Weinstein for their helpful comments.

References [1] S. Abiteboul and P. Kanellakis. Object identity as a query language primitive. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, pages 159{173, Portland, Oregon, 1989. [2] Serge Abiteboul, Sophie Cluet, and Tova Milo. Querying and updating the le. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 73{84, Dublin, Ireland, 1993. [3] Val Breazu-Tannen, Peter Buneman, and Limsoon Wong. Naturally embedded query languages. In J. Biskup and R. Hull, editors, LNCS 646: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Database Theory, Berlin, Germany, October, 1992, pages 140{154. Springer-Verlag, October 1992. Available as UPenn Technical Report MS-CIS-92-47. DBPL-5, Gubbio, Italy, 1995


Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data [4] P. Buneman, L. Libkin, D. Suciu, V. Tannen, and L. Wong. Comprehension syntax. SIGMOD Record, 23(1):87{96, March 1994. [5] Peter Buneman, Susan Davidson, Gerd Hillebrand, and Dan Suciu. A query language and optimization techniques for unstructured data. In SIGMOD, 1996. To appear. [6] V. Christophides, S. Abiteboul, S. Cluet, and M. Scholl. From structured documents to novel query facilities. In Richard Snodgrass and Marianne Winslett, editors, Proceedings of 1994 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1994. [7] B. Courcelle. Fundamental properties of in nite trees. Theoretical Computer Science, 25:95{169, 1983. [8] Anthony Kosky. Observational properties of databases with object identity. Technical Report MS-CIS-95-20, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, 1995. [9] Y. Papakonstantinou, H. Garcia-Molina, and J. Widom. Object exchange across heterogeneous information sources. In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, March 1995. [10] Val Tannen. The monad of dons-trees, 1993. Personal Communication. [11] J. Thierry-Mieg and R. Durbin. Syntactic De nitions for the ACEDB Data Base Manager. Technical Report MRC-LMB xx.92, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Cambridge,CB2 2QH, UK, 1992.

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

Paolo Atzeni and Val Tannen (Eds)

Database Programming Languages (DBPL-5) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy, 6-8 September 1995


Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases Giansalvatore Mecca and Anthony J. Bonner

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases Giansalvatore Mecca

Anthony J. Bonnery

D.I.F.A., Universit`a della Basilicata via della Tecnica, 3 85100 Potenza, Italy [email protected]

Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada [email protected]

Abstract This paper develops a query language for sequence databases, such as genome databases and text databases. Unlike relational data, queries over sequential data can easily produce infinite answer sets, since the universe of sequences is infinite, even for a finite alphabet. The challenge is to develop query languages that are both highly expressive and finite. This paper develops such a language. It is a subset of a recently developed logic called Sequence Datalog [19]. Sequence Datalog distinguishes syntactically between subsequence extraction and sequence construction. Extraction creates sequences of bounded length, and leads to safe recursion; while construction can create sequences of arbitrary length, and leads to unsafe recursion. In this paper, we develop syntactic restrictions for Sequence Datalog that allow sequence construction but preserve finiteness. The main idea is to use safe recursion to control and limit unsafe recursion. The main results are the definition of a finite form of recursion, called domain bounded recursion, and a characterization of its complexity and expressive power. Although finite, the resulting class of programs is highly expressive, since its data complexity is complete for the elementary functions.

1 Introduction It is widely accepted that relational databases do not provide enough support for many of today’s advanced applications. In some cases, object-oriented databases [4] are the right solution. However, in other cases, such as genome databases [12] and text databases [14], there is still a need for more flexibility in data representation and manipulation. In these applications, much of the data has an inherently sequential structure. This has several implications for database management systems. First, a DBMS should provide a sequence type; that is, it should be able to manipulate sequences of unbounded length over a fixed alphabet. Second, the query languages provided to the user must have powerful primitives and operators for analyzing and restructuring sequences. Sequences represent a particularly interesting domain for query languages. In contrast to sets, computations over sequences can easily become infinite, even when the underlying alphabet is finite. This is because repetitions of symbols are allowed, so that the number of possible sequences over any finite alphabet is infinite. The researcher thus faces an interesting challenge: on the one hand, the language should provide powerful primitives for restructuring sequences; on the other hand, the expressive power of the language should be carefully limited, to avoid infinite computations. In [19], we developed a logic called Sequence Datalog for querying sequence databases. Two safe subsets of the logic were defined, based on a new computational model called Generalized Sequence Transducers. These machines are a simple yet powerful device for computing sequence mappings. In [19], we showed how networks of these machines could be expressed in Sequence Datalog. Moreover, any Sequence Datalog program constructed in this way is guaranteed to be safe and finite. In this paper, we take a different approach: instead of computational definitions, we develop syntactic restrictions that guarantee finiteness and safety. This provides an alternate view of finite computations in the logic. The main idea is to use structural recursion (which is guaranteed to terminate) to limit the construction  Research partially supported by MURST and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). y Research partially supported by an operating grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases

of new sequences. The first result is a syntactically defined class of Sequence Datalog programs that guarantees finiteness and safety. We call these programs domain bounded programs. The second result is a characterization of their complexity and expressive power. We prove that domain bounded programs can express any sequence mapping with hyper-exponential time complexity. Thus, although finite, these programs are still highly expressive.


Overview of Sequence Datalog

Sequence Datalog is an extension of Datalog for manipulating sequences. It uses a simple data model that extends the relational model by allowing tuples of sequences in relations, instead of just tuples of constant symbols. This section provides an informal overview of the syntax and semantics of Sequence Datalog. A formal development can be found in [19]. To manipulate sequences, SequenceDatalog has two interpreted function symbols for constructing complex terms, one for concatenating sequences and one for extracting subsequences. Intuitively, if X and Y are sequences, and I and J are integers, then the term X  Y denotes the concatenation of X and Y , and the term X [I : J ] denotes the subsequence of X extending from position I to position J . To be more precise, the language of terms uses three countable, disjoint sets: a set of constant symbols, a; b; c; :::, called the alphabet and denoted  ; a set of variables, R; S; T; :::, called sequence variables and denoted V ; and another set of variables, I; J; K; :::, called index variables and denoted VI . A constant sequence (or sequence, for short) is an element of  . From these sets, we construct two kinds of term as follows:


index terms are built from integers, index variables, and the special symbol end, by combining them recursively using the binary connectives + and . Thus, if N and M are index variables, then 3, N +3, N M , end 5 and end 5 + M are all index terms. sequence terms are built from constant sequences, sequence variables and index terms, by combining them recursively into indexed terms and constructive terms, as follows: – If s is a sequence variable and n1 ; n2 are index terms, then s [n1 :n2 ] is an indexed sequence term. n1 and n2 are called the indexes of s . As a shorthand, each sequence term of the form s [ni:ni ] is written s [ni]. – If s1 ; s2 are sequence terms, then s1  s2 is a constructive sequence term.

Thus, if S1 and S2 are sequence variables, and N is an index variable, then S1 [4], S1 [1:N ], and ccgt S1 [1:end 1]  S2 are all sequence terms.

The semantics of terms is formalized in [19]. Constructive sequence terms have a semantics of concatenation; e:g:, abc def = abcdef . Indexed sequence terms have a semantics of subsequence extraction; e:g:, abcdef [2:5] = bcde and abcdef [4:end] = def . However, there are some subtleties when the index terms take on “fringe” values, as illustrated by the following examples, where  denotes the empty sequence:

uvwxy[3 : 6] is undefined uvwxy[3 : 5] = wxy uvwxy[3 : 4] = wx uvwxy[3 : 3] = w uvwxy[3 : 2] =  uvwxy[3 : 1] is undefined

pqrst[3 : end + 1] is undefined pqrst[3 : end] = rst pqrst[3 : end 1] = rs pqrst[3 : end 2] = r pqrst[3 : end 3] =  pqrst[3 : end 4] is undefined

Note that s[n + 1; n] = , while s[n + i; n] is undefined for i > 1. As in most logics, the language of formulas for SequenceDatalog includes a countable set of predicate symbols, p; q; r; :::, where each predicate symbol has an associated arity. If p is a predicate symbol of arity n, and s1 ; :::; sn are sequence terms, then p(s1 ; :::; sn) is an atom. Moreover, if s1 and s2 are sequence terms, then s1 = s2 and s1 6= s2 are also atoms. From atoms, we build rules, facts and clauses in the usual way [17]. The head and body of a clause,

, are denoted HEAD( ) and BODY( ), respectively. A clause that contains a constructive term in its head is called a Database Programming Languages, 1995


Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases

constructive clause. A Sequence Datalog program is a set of Sequence Datalog rules in which constructive terms may appear in rule heads, but not in rule bodies. We say that a variable, X , is guarded in a clause if X occurs in the body of the clause as an argument of some predicate. Otherwise, we say that X is unguarded. For example, X is guarded in p(X [1]) q(X ), whereas it is q(X [1]). Because of the active domain semantics, variables in Sequence Datalog clauses need unguarded in p(X ) not be guarded. The semantics of rules is formalized in [19] in terms of least fixpoints. As in classical logic programming [23, 3, 17], each Sequence Datalog program, P , has an associated operator, TP , that maps databases to databases. Each application of TP may create new atoms, which may contain new sequences. The operator TP is monotonic and continuous and has a least fixpoint [19]. This paper develops conditions under which the least fixpoint is finite. In such cases, we say that P has a finite semantics. Example 1.1 [Indexed Terms] The following rule extracts all prefixes of sequences in relation R:

prefix(X [1: N ])

R(X ):

For each sequence, X , in R, this rules says that a prefix of X is any subsequence starting with the first element and ending with the N -th element, so long as N is no longer than the length of X . 2 The universe of sequences over the alphabet,  , is infinite. Thus, to keep the semantics of programs finite, we do not evaluate rules over the entire universe,  . Instead, we introduce a new active domain for sequence databases, called the extended active domain. This domain contains all the sequences occurring in the database, plus all their subsequences.1 Substitutions range over this domain when rules are evaluated.2 The extended active domain is not fixed during query evaluation. Instead, whenever a new sequence is created (by the concatenation operator, ), the new sequence—and its subsequences—are added to the extended active domain. The fixpoint theory of Sequence Datalog provides a declarative semantics for this apparently procedural notion. In the fixpoint theory, the extended active domain of the least fixpoint is larger than the extended active domain of the database. For the database, the domain consists of the sequences in the database and all their subsequences. For the least fixpoint, the domain consists of the sequences in the database and any new sequences created during rule evaluation, and all their subsequences. Example 1.2 [Constructive Terms] The following rule constructs all possible concatenations of sequences in relation R:



R(X ); R(Y ):

This rule takes any pair of sequences, X and Y , in relation R, concatenates them, and stores the result in answer, thereby adding new sequences to the extended active domain. The concatenated sequences (and their subsequences) form the extended active domain of the least fixpoint. 2 Compared to Datalog with function symbols, or Prolog, two differences are apparent. The first is that Sequence Datalog has no uninterpreted function symbols, so it is not possible to build arbitrarily nested structures. On the other hand, Sequence Datalog has a richer syntax than the [HeadjT ail] list constructor of Prolog. This richer syntax is motivated by a natural distinction between two types of recursion, one safe and the other unsafe. Recursion through construction of new sequences is inherently unsafe since it can create longer sequences, which can make the active domain grow indefinitely. On the other hand, structural recursion over existing sequences is inherently safe, since it only creates shorter sequences, so that growth in the active domain is bounded. In fact, it is bounded by the set of all subsequences of the active domain, which we call the extended active domain. Typically, languages for list manipulation do not discriminate between these two types of recursion. Sequence Datalog does: constructive recursion is performed using constructive terms, of the form X  Y , while structural recursion is performed using indexed terms, of the form X [n1 :n2]. 1 In this paper, we always refer to contiguous subsequences, that is, subsequences specified by a start and end position in some other sequence. Thus, bcd is a contiguous subsequence of abcde, whereas bd is not. 2 Note that the size of the extended domain is at most quadratic in the size of the database domain. In fact, the number of different contiguous P2 k(k+1) + 1. k subsequences of a given sequence of length k is at most 2 i=0 i , that is,

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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases


Controlling Constructive Recursion

This section illustrates how sequences are manipulated in Sequence Datalog. The examples develop the idea that constructive recursion (which is unsafe) can be limited and controlled by structural recursion (which is always safe). This is the main idea of this paper, and the basis for the syntactic restrictions developed in Section 4. Example 1.3 [Pattern Matching] Suppose we are interested in sequences of the form anbncn in relation R. The query answer(X ) retrieves all such sequences, where the predicate answer is defined by the following rules:

answer(X ) abcn (; ; ) abcn(X; Y; Z )

R(X ); abcn (X [1:N1 ]; X [N1 + 1:N2]; X [N2 + 1:end]): true. X [1] = a; Y [1] = b; Z [1] = c; abcn (X [2:end]; Y [2:end]; Z [2:end]).

The formula answer(X ) is true iff X is a sequence in R and it is possible to split X in three parts such that abcn is true. Predicate abcn is true for every triple of sequences of the form (an ; bn; cn) in the extended active domain of the database. 2 In Example 1.3, the semantics of the rulebase is trivially finite for every database, since the rules contain no constructive terms. Thus, any sequence in the least fixpoint is a subsequence of a sequence in the database. In contrast, the next two examples restructure the sequences in the database, producing new sequences longer than any in the database. Example 1.4 does this in a straightforward way, but has an infinite semantics. Example 1.5 solves the same problem, but with a finite semantics. Example 1.4 [Infinite Semantics] Suppose R is a unary relation containing a set of sequences. For each sequence X in R, we want the sequence obtained by repeating each symbol in X twice. For example, given the sequence abcd, we want the sequence aabbccdd. We call these sequences echo sequences. The easiest way to define echo sequences is with the following program:

answer(X; Y )

echo(; ) echo(X; X [1]  X [1]  Z )

R(X ); echo(X; Y ): true. echo(X [2:end]; Z ).

The first rule retrieves every sequence in relation R and its echo, by invoking the predicate echo(X; Y ). The last two rules specify what an echo sequence is. For every sequence, X , in the extended active domain, these rules generate its echo sequence, Y . Starting with X =  and Y = , they recursively concatenate single characters onto X while concatenating two copies of the same character onto Y . As new sequences are generated, they are added to the active domain, which expands indefinitely. 2 The program in Example 1.4 has an infinite semantics over every database that contains a non-empty sequence. This is because the rules defining echo(X; Y ) recursively generate longer and longer sequences without bound. For example, suppose the input database contains only one tuple, fR(aa)g. Its extended active domain consists of the sequences ; a; aa. The table below shows how the inferred facts and the extended domain both grow during a bottom up computation of the least fixpoint. Each row in the table is the result of one additional application of the T operator. In each row, the inferred facts contain one more echo entry, and the extended active domain contains one more sequence, consisting entirely of a’s. The least fixpoint of the T operator is therefore infinite, and its extended active domain is the set of all sequences made of a’s. Note that the query answer consists of a single atom, answer(aa; aaaa), which is computed during the fourth step. Thus, although the least fixpoint is infinite, the query answer is not. The next example expresses the query in such a way that both the answer and the least fixpoint are finite.

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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases

step 0 1 2 3 4 5

inferred facts

extended domain

R(aa) R(aa); echo(; ) R(aa); echo(; ); echo(a; aa)

; a; aa ; a; aa ; a; aa

R(aa); echo(; ); echo(a; aa); echo(aa; aaaa) R(aa); echo(; ); echo(a; aa); echo(aa; aaaa) echo(aaa; aaaaaa); answer (aa; aaaa) R(aa); echo(; ); echo(a; aa); echo(aa; aaaa) echo(aaa; aaaaaa); echo(aaaa; aaaaaaaa); answer (aa; aaaa)

; a; aa; aaa; aaaa ; a; aa; aaa; aaaa aaaaa; aaaaaa ; a; aa; aaa; aaaa aaaaa; aaaaaa aaaaaaa; aaaaaaaa




Example 1.5 [Finite Semantics] The following program is another way of expressing the query in Example 1.4.

answer(X; Y )

echo(X [1:N

echo(; ) + 1]; Z  X [N + 1]  X [N + 1])

R(X ); echo(X; Y ): true. R(X ); echo(X [1:N ]; Z ).

In this program, the sequences in relation R act as input for the third rule, which defines the predicate echo(X; Y ). This rule recursively scans each input sequence, X , while constructing an output sequence, Y . For each character in the input sequence, two copies of the character are appended to the output sequence. The rule computes the echo of every prefix of every sequence in R. The first rule then retrieves the echoes of the sequences in R. 2 Like Example 1.4, the program in Example 1.5 involves constructive recursion. However, in Example 1.5, the least fixpoint is finite. This is because constructive recursion does not go on indefinitely, but terminates as soon as the input sequences have been scanned. In essence, growing terms of upwardly bounded length are used to guarantee termination: these terms “grow” at each recursive evaluation of the rule, and recursion stops when the upper bound has been reached. In this way, structural recursion over the first argument controls and limits constructive recursion over the second argument. The bottom-up computation is similar to the one in the table above, except that no more echo facts are inferred after the fourth step, whence the least fixpoint is reached and the computation stops.


Preliminary Definitions

This section introduces technical definitions used in the rest of the paper, including sequence database, sequence query and sequence function. Let  be a countable set of symbols, called the alphabet.  denotes the set of all possible sequences over  , including the empty sequence, . 1 2 denotes the concatenation of two sequences, 1; 2 2  . LEN( ) denotes the length of sequence  , and  (i) denotes its i-th element. With an abuse of notation, we blur the distinction between elements of the alphabet and 1-ary sequences. We say that a sequence, 0 , of length k is a contiguous subsequence of sequence  if for some integer, i  0, 0  (j ) =  (i + j ) for j = 1; : : : ; k. Note that for each sequence of length k over  , there are at most k(k2+1) + 1 different contiguous subsequences (including the empty sequence). For example, the contiguous subsequences of the sequence abc are: ; a; b; c; ab; bc; abc. We now describe an extension of the relational model, in the spirit of [13, 15]. The model allows for tuples containing sequences of elements, instead of just constant symbols. A relation of arity k over  is a finite subset of the k-fold cartesian product of  with itself. A database over  is a finite set of relations over  . We assign a distinct predicate symbol, r, of appropriate arity to each relation in a database. A sequence query is a partial mapping from the set of databases over  to itself. Given a sequence query, Q, and a database, DB, the result of evaluating Q over DB is denoted Q(DB). Similarly, a sequence function [11] is a partial mapping from  to itself. A sequence function is computable if it is partial recursive. Usually, a notion of genericity [10] is introduced for queries. The notion can be extended to sequence queries in a natural way. We say that a sequence query Q is computable [10] if it is generic and partial recursive.

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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases Sequence functions can be thought of as queries from a database, finput(in)g, containing a single sequence tuple, to a database, foutput(out)g, containing a single sequence tuple. Expressibility results formulated in terms of sequence functions are especially meaningful for sequence query languages, since they provide a clear characterization of the power of the language to manipulate sequences. A sequence query language cannot express complex queries over sequence databases if it cannot express complex sequence functions. In short, function expressibility is necessary for query expressibility. This paper addresses the complexity of sequence functions, and the data complexity [25] of sequence queries. Given a sequence function, f , the complexity of f is defined in the usual way, as the complexity of computing f ( ), measured with respect to the length of the sequence  . Given a sequence query, Q, a database, DB , and a suitable encoding of DB as a Turing machine tape, the data complexity of Q is the complexity of computing an encoding of Q(DB), measured with respect to the size of DB. A query language, L, is complete in the complexity class C if: (i) each query expressible in L has complexity in C; (ii) there is a query, Q, expressible in L such that computing Q(DB ) is a complete problem for the complexity class C. This paper also addresses the ability of query languages to express sequence functions. A query language, L, is said to express a complexity class, C, of sequence functions if: (i) each sequence function expressible in L has complexity in C and conversely, (ii) each sequence function with complexity in C can be expressed in L.


The Finiteness Problem

As discussed in the previous sections, computations over sequences may become infinite even when the underlying alphabet is finite. We are interested in studying finite programs, that is, programs that have a finite semantics over every input database. Definition 1 [Finite Programs] A program is finite if it has a finite semantics (i.e. a finite least fixpoint) over every database. As it is typical of powerful logics, the finiteness property for Sequence Datalog programs is in general undecidable [19]. Thus, our aim is to develop subsets of the logic that are finite. In [19], we took what might be called a “semantic” approach, defining finite subsets in terms of abstract computing devices, called generalized sequence transducers. In this paper, we take a syntactic approach, defining finite subsets in terms of syntactic restrictions. We first note that a necessary condition for infiniteness is the generation of sequences of unbounded length, as in Example 1.4. To do this, programs must use recursion through construction. That is, newly computed sequences must be used recursively to construct more new sequences. This kind of computation is closely related to a particular form of constructive rule, which we call recursive constructive rules. In such rules, the predicate in the head depends on itself. To formalize this concept, we introduce the notion of a predicate dependency graph of a Sequence Datalog program. This notion, and several others, are closely related:


Predicate p is a constructive predicate in program P if P contains a constructive rule for p, that is, a rule with a constructive term (a term containing ) in its head. Note that constructive predicates cause new sequences to be added to the domain during query evaluation. Predicate p depends on predicate q in program P if P contains a rule in which p is the predicate symbol in the head and q is a predicate symbol in the body. If the rule is constructive, then p depends constructively on q.3 The predicate dependency graph, PDGP , of program P is a directed graph representing the binary relation “depends on” over the predicates of P . An edge (p; q) in this graph is a constructive edge if p depends constructively on q. Predicate p is recursive with respect to construction in program P if the predicate dependency graph for P contains a cycle passing through p with a constructive edge.

3 For clarity’s sake, this paper supposes that only guarded variables occur in programs. With some added complexity, the definitions can be adjusted to the more general case.

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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases

Example 3.1 Consider the following two Sequence Datalog programs, P1 and P2:



: :


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Finite Query Languages for Sequence Databases

hypi is called the hyper-exponential function of level i. The set of elementary sequence functions is the set of sequence functions that have hyper-exponential time complexity, that is, the set of sequence functions:






[hypi (O(n))]

The following theorem characterizes the expressibility of domain bounded programs in terms of these functions. Recall from Section 2 that a language L is said to express a class of sequence functions, C, if (i) each sequence function expressible in L has complexity in C, and conversely, (ii) each sequence function with complexity in C can be expressed in L. Theorem 2 (Expressibility of Domain Bounded Programs) Domain bounded programs express the class E of elementary sequence functions. Proof: (Sketch) To prove the lower expressibility bound, we show that given any Turing machine that runs in hyperexponential time, its computations can be encoded as a domain bounded program. The program generates a counter of hyper-exponential length using a technique similar to that in Example 5.1. This establishes a lower complexity bound, which leads directly to a lower expressibility bound, since we are dealing with sequence functions, and not more-general sequence queries. To prove the upper expressibility bound, we show that domain bounded programs can compute at most a hyperexponential number of sequences, and that the maximum length of these sequences is at most hyper-exponential in the size of the initial database. Thus, the domain size of the least fixpoint is hyper-exponential in domain size of the database. The least fixpoint can therefore be computed in hyper-exponential time. 2

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Paolo Atzeni, Victor Vianu and the anonymous reviewers for useful suggestions, which helped improve both the technical development and the presentation.

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