Programming With Java (Mastering Programming Languages Series)

Programming With Java: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Modern Programming Landscape Unlock the Power of Java – Yo

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Programming With Java (Mastering Programming Languages Series)

Table of contents :
Programming With Java
Module 1: Introduction to Java Programming
Module 1: Introduction to Java Programming
What is Java and its Significance
Installing and Setting Up Java Development Environment
Writing Your First Java Program
Understanding the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Module 2: Variables and Data Types in Java
Module 2: Variables and Data Types in Java
Declaring and Initializing Variables
Java's Primitive Data Types: int, float, boolean, etc.
Type Casting and Conversion in Java
Variable Scope and Lifetime in Java
Module 3: Basic Input and Output in Java
Module 3: Basic Input and Output in Java
Using System.out.println and System.out.print for Output
Reading User Input with Scanner Class
Formatting Output with printf
Debugging Techniques in Java
Module 4: Operators and Expressions in Java
Module 4: Operators and Expressions in Java
Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
Operator Precedence and Associativity
Using Operators for Expressions in Java
Bitwise Operators and Manipulation
Module 5: Control Flow and Conditional Statements
Module 5: Control Flow and Conditional Statements
Using if, else, and else if Statements
Ternary Operator for Conditional Expressions
Switch Statements for Multiple Choices
Handling Conditions and Creating Logical Flows
Module 6: Loops and Iteration in Java
Module 6: Loops and Iteration in Java
while and do-while Loops for Iteration
Using for Loop for Controlled Iteration
Loop Control: break, continue, and return
Iterating Over Arrays and Collections
Module 7: Arrays and Array Manipulation in Java
Module 7: Arrays and Array Manipulation in Java
Creating and Manipulating Arrays
Accessing and Modifying Array Elements
Array Methods: length, clone, Arrays class
Multi-Dimensional Arrays and Nested Arrays
Module 8: Introduction to Functions in Java
Module 8: Introduction to Functions in Java
Writing and Defining Methods in Java
Method Parameters and Return Values
Method Overloading and Variadic Methods
Scoping and Method Call Stack in Java
Module 9: Control Structures and Flow Control in Java
Module 9: Control Structures and Flow Control in Java
Applying Control Structures: if-else, switch
Using for and while Loops
The Enhanced for Loop and Iterators
Applying Flow Control Techniques in Java
Module 10: Strings and String Manipulation in Java
Module 10: Strings and String Manipulation in Java
Creating and Manipulating Strings
String Concatenation and Formatting
String Methods: charAt, substring, length
String Equality and Comparison in Java
Module 11: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Module 11: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Understanding OOP Concepts: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
Creating Classes and Objects in Java
Defining Attributes and Methods in Classes
Access Modifiers and Encapsulation in Java
Module 12: Methods and Constructors in Java
Module 12: Methods and Constructors in Java
Writing Methods in Java
Method Overloading and Method Signature
Constructors and Constructor Overloading
Using this and Constructor Chaining
Module 13: Class Relationships and Inheritance in Java
Module 13: Class Relationships and Inheritance in Java
Understanding Inheritance in Java
Creating Subclasses and Superclasses
Method Overriding and @Override Annotation
Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Dispatch
Module 14: Access Modifiers and Encapsulation in Java
Module 14: Access Modifiers and Encapsulation in Java
Public, Protected, Default, and Private Access Modifiers
Encapsulation and Data Hiding in Java
Getter and Setter Methods
Best Practices for Access Modifiers
Module 15: Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java
Module 15: Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java
Declaring and Defining Abstract Classes
Implementing Interfaces in Java
Multiple Inheritance with Interfaces
When to Use Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces
Module 16: Exception Handling and Error Management in Java
Module 16: Exception Handling and Error Management in Java
Introduction to Exception Handling
Using try, catch, and finally Blocks
Throwing and Catching Exceptions
Creating Custom Exception Classes
Module 17: Introduction to Collections Framework in Java
Module 17: Introduction to Collections Framework in Java
Overview of Java Collections Framework
Working with ArrayList and LinkedList
Using HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet
Collections Algorithms and Sorting
Module 18: Lists, Sets, and Maps in Java
Module 18: Lists, Sets, and Maps in Java
Working with List Interface: ArrayList and LinkedList
Using Set Interface: HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet
Understanding Map Interface: HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap
Iterating and Manipulating Collections
Module 19: Generics and Type-Safe Collections in Java
Module 19: Generics and Type-Safe Collections in Java
Introduction to Generics in Java
Writing Generic Classes and Methods
Using Generic Collections: List, Set, Map
Type Erasure and Wildcards
Module 20: Introduction to Threads and Concurrency in Java
Module 20: Introduction to Threads and Concurrency in Java
Understanding Threads and Multithreading
Creating Threads with Thread Class and Runnable Interface
Thread States and Synchronization
Thread Safety and Race Conditions
Module 21: Synchronization and Locks in Java
Module 21: Synchronization and Locks in Java
Understanding Synchronization and Critical Sections
Using synchronized Keyword
Using Locks: ReentrantLock and ReadWriteLock
Deadlocks and Avoiding Race Conditions
Module 22: Introduction to Input/Output (I/O) in Java
Module 22: Introduction to Input/Output (I/O) in Java
File I/O Basics: Reading and Writing Files
Using File and FileWriter/FileReader Classes
Byte Streams and Character Streams
Using BufferedReader and BufferedWriter
Module 23: Networking and Socket Programming in Java
Module 23: Networking and Socket Programming in Java
Introduction to Networking in Java
Creating TCP and UDP Sockets
Implementing Server and Client Applications
Handling Network Errors and Exceptions
Module 24: Introduction to GUI Programming with Swing
Module 24: Introduction to GUI Programming with Swing
Building Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in Java
Creating GUI Components: JFrame, JPanel, JButton
Event Handling and Listener Interfaces
Layout Managers and Designing Uis
Module 25: Working with GUI Components and Layouts
Module 25: Working with GUI Components and Layouts
Using Text Components: JTextField, JTextArea
Creating Lists, Tables, and Combo Boxes
Using Layout Managers: FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout
Building Complex UIs and Windows
Module 26: File Handling and Serialization in Java
Module 26: File Handling and Serialization in Java
Serialization and Deserialization Concepts
Implementing Serialization with Serializable Interface
Writing and Reading Objects to/from Files
Handling Object Versioning and Compatibility
Module 27: Introduction to JavaFX for Modern UI Development
Module 27: Introduction to JavaFX for Modern UI Development
Introduction to JavaFX Framework
Building UI with Scene Graph and Nodes
Using CSS for Styling JavaFX Applications
Creating Animation and Transitions
Module 28: Database Connectivity with JDBC
Module 28: Database Connectivity with JDBC
Introduction to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
Connecting to Databases with DriverManager
Executing SQL Queries and Statements
Handling ResultSets and Performing CRUD Operations
Module 29: Java Collections Framework in Depth
Module 29: Java Collections Framework in Depth
Deeper Dive into Collections Framework
Working with Queue Interface and Implementations
Using Map Interface and Advanced Map Operations
Java Streams API and Functional Programming
Module 30: Building Java Applications and Final Project
Module 30: Building Java Applications and Final Project
Structuring a Java Project: Packages and Modules
Implementing a Java Application
Testing and Debugging Java Applications
Building a Final Project and Creating a Portfolio
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