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#s Bajnóczi Be atri X,, ,*,


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mRXlttl H!nDÚ






TONK VERONIKA DÓRA Nyeivi lektor: THOMAS WILLIAMS Kiadói kód: MX-142 Kerettanterv:28/2000 (IX.21.), 17/2004. (V 20.) OM rend. Szerkesztő: Völgyesiné Nemcsók Adrienn Tömeg: 490 g Terjedelem: 332 oldal (29,67 ív)

Kiadja: Maxim Könyvkiadó, 6726 Szeged, Fürj u.92/B Tel.: (62) 548-444, Fax: (62) 548-443, E-mail: [email protected] Felelős kiacló: Puskás Norbert Műszaki szerkesztő: szekretár Attila Készült a Generál Nyomda Kft.-ben.

Minden jog fenntarwa, beleérwe a sokszorosítást, a mű bőűtett, illewe rövidített változata kiadásának jogát is. A kiadó írásbeli engedélye nélkül sem a teljes mű, sem annak része semmilyen formában nem sokszorosítható. ISBN 978 963 9489 639 @

Maxim Kiadó, Szeged

Elősző Könyvünk fő célja, hogy segítségetnyújtson mind az egynyelvű, mind a kétnyelvű alapfokú nyelwizsgák szóbeli részérekészülőknek. A kiadványt haszonnal forgathatják a üzsgákra felkészítő tanárok és azok is, akik szeretnék felfrissíteni és bőűteni nyelrrnrdásukat elsősorban szókincsüket - a kor igényeinek megfelelően. Igyekezünk olyan felkészítő anyagot összeáilítani, amely nemcsak hasznos, hanem élvezetes és gyakorlatias is. A nyelwizsgákon előforduló húsz leggyakoribb témakört kérdés-felelet formájában dolgoztuk fel. Minden fejezetet egy rövid, a témához kapcsolódó, humoros párbeszéd indít. A témához kapcsolódó kérdéseketnemcsak angolul, hanem magyarul is megadtuk, hogy ezze| is segítsük a hatékony tanulást. Mivel a kiadványt elsősorban 12-16 éveseknek szánjuk, igyekeztünk a korosztály érdeklődési körének figyelembe vételévelmegszerkeszteni a mintaválaszokat, de néhány kérdéssel a felnőn nyelvtanulókra is gondoltunk. A témák és a kérdésekközött természetesen megtalálhatóak valamivel nehezebbek és összetettebbek is, ezért ilyen esetekben a válaszok rövidebbek. Alapfokon a legfőbb elvárás, hogy aizsgáző megértse a kérdést,tudjon reagálni rá, azaz elboldoguljon a legtöbb alapvető kommunikációs helyzetben. Fontos, hogy elsajátítsa a nyelvet annyira, hogy meg tudja értetni magát, és egyszerű, mindennapi szituációkban sikeresen kommunikáljon alapvető témákról. A mintaválaszokban nem szerepelnek bonyolult szerkezetek, a nyelvtan helyett inkább a szókincsre helyeztük a hangsúlyt. A szószedetek a kérdésekbenés a mintaválaszokban felhasznált szavakat és kifejezéseket tartalmazzák a fonetikai átírásokkal együtt. A szószedetben a szavak és kifejezések után számmal jelöltüb hogy melyik kérdésben vagy válaszban fordulnak elő először az adott témában. A fejezetek többségét ún. kommunikációs tippek zárJák.Itt ti,intetttik fel a magyar nyelvtanulók által sajnos gyakran rosszul használt szavak és kifejezések helyes alkalmazását, valamint mintapárbeszédeket is megadtunk sűrűn előforduló, mindennapi helyzetekre. A fejezetek tetszés szerinti sorrendben dolgozhatók fel. A kérdésekigen változatosak, meglehetősen egyszerűek és elgondolkodtatóbbak egyaránt megtalálhatók közötük, így a könyv megfelelő segítséget nyújt az alapos és eredményes felkészü]éshez. Mintavá]aszainkban a beszélt nyelwe jellemző kifejezésmódot próbáltuk szemléltetni. A könyv válaszait nem szó szerinti betanulásra szántuk, hanem ötleteket kívántunk adni, ezért a válaszadő személye sem ugyanaz - ezzel a témák vátozatosabbá, a könyvben megielenő szókincs gazdagabbá válik.

sok sikert kívánnak a Szerzők

Rövidítések sy:somebody:valaki


= uncountable noun : megszámlálhatatlan főnév (egyes számban használatos) : főnév T = tárgyas ige TN : tárgyatlan ige GB = brit nyelvhasználat us : amerikai nyelvhaszná|at




1. Introduction and Friends

- Bemutatkozás

és barátok

A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans, Is it aboy or a girl? B: lt's a girl. She3 my daughter, A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know that you were her father. B: I'm not. I'm her mother.

1.What is your name? 2.

Mi a neved? How do you spell your name?

Hogy berűzöd a neved?

3.When were you born? Mikor születtél? 4.Where were you born? Hol szülenél? 5.Where are you from? Hova valósi vagy?

6.What do you do? Mi a foglalkozásod? 7.Where do you live? Hol laksz? 8. What is your address? Mi a címed? 9.Do you live in a house or a flat? Családi házban vagy lakásban la}sz?

10.Do you have a room ofyour own? Van saját szobád?

11.Do you like living in your town? szeretsz a városodbavfaludban lakni? 12.Do you live far from school? Messze taksz az iskolától?

888 IGRDÉs ÉsvÁresz ANGoL 13.Who do you live with? kivel laksz? 14.How would you describe yourselP Hogy írnád le magad? 15.Do you have a big family? Nagy a családod?

16.Do you have any brothers or sisters? vannak testvéreid? 17.What is your mother like? Milyen édesanyád? 18.What is your father like? Milyen édesapád? 19.What is your brother like? Milyen a fiúteswéred? 20. What do your parents do? Mi a szüleid foglalkozása? 21.Where do your grandparents live? Hol laknak a nagyszüleid? 22.Do you have a lot of relatives? sok rokonod van? 23.Where do your relatives live? Hol laknak a rokonaid? 24.Which of your relatives do you like best? Melyik rokonod kedveled a legjobban? 25.What are you interested in?

Mi érdekel téged?

26.Do you do any sport? Sportolsz valamit?

27.|N1l.at are your favourite subjects at school? Melyek a kedvenc tantárgyaid?

28.What are your future plans? Milyen terveid vannak a jövőt illetően? 29.Do you have a lot of friends? sok barátod van? 30.What do you usually do with your friends? Mit szoktál csinálni a barátaiddal? 31.What do you talk about with your friends? Miről szoktál beszélgetni a barátaiddal? 32. Do you spend a lot of time with your classmates? Sok időt töltesz az osztálytársaiddal? 33.What does your best friend look like? Hogy néz ki a legjobb barátod? 34.What is your best friend like? Milyen a legjobb barátod? 35.Why do you like your best friend? Miért kedveled a legjobb barátod? 8


INTRoDUcTIoN AND FRIENDs - BEMLI[Arxoás ÉsgARÁror 36.Does your best friend live far from you? Messze lakik tőled a legjobb barátod? 37.What do you do together?

Mit szoktatok együtt csinálni? 38.What do you think the most important inner quaüties of a person are? Szerinted melyek az emberek legfontosabb belső tulajdonságai?

39.What kind of people do you like? Milyen embereket kedvelsz? 40.What kind of people do you admire? Milyen embereket csodálsz? What kind of people do you not like? 41. Milyen embereket nem szeretsz? 42.Do you have friends in other towns or villages? Vannak barátaid más városokban vagy falvakban?

43.Do you have friends abroad? vannak barátaid külföldön? 44.How do you keep in contact with friends who live far from you? Hogyan tartod a kapcsolatot azokkal a barátaiddal, akik messze laknak tőled? 45.What do you usually do at weekends? Mit szoktál csinálni a héwégén? 46.Do you speak any foreign languages? Beszélsz valamilyen idegen nyelven?

88B KÉRDÉsÉsvelqsz ANGoL


1.What is your name? My name is Mária Nagy.

2.How do you spell your name? I spell my first name M-A-R-I-A, and I spell my surname N-A-G-Y

3.When were you born? I was born on 10 June 1991.

(I was born on the

tenÜ of June, nineteen ninety one.)

4.Where were you born? I was born in Eger. 5.Where are you from? I'm from Hungary 6.What do you do? I'm a pupil at the local secondary school. 7.Where do you live? I live in Szarvas. It is a small town in the south-east of Hungary. 8.What is your address? I live at 14 Kossuth Street in Szeged. 9.

Do you live in a house or a flat? I live in a big house with my parents and sisters. There are four rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, a pantry and a hall. We have a small garden with flowers and a lawn.

10. Do you have a

room of your own?

No, I don't, I share a room with my elder brother. It isn't big but I like it very much because it's bright and there's a shelf for my collection of cacti,

11.Do you like living in your town? Yes, I do. It is a nice place, I like living there very much because there are big parks and sports fields where I can spend my free time with my friends. 12.Do you live far from school? No, I don't. It's only ten minutes on foot, So I'm lucky because I don't have to get up very early in the morning. 1,3.Who do you live with? I'm an only child. I live with my parents and my grandparents. We also have two cats and a dog.


INTRoDucTIoN Ar{D FRIENDS - BEMLIrArKozÁs ÉsgARÁrox 14. How would you describe yourself? I'm a tall girl with long brown hair. I have brown eyes, I'm snub-nosed and have lips. I'm slim because I like doing aerobics.


15. Do you have a big family? Yes, I have a relatively big family: a younger brother, an elder sister, my parents and

my grandparents.

16.Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have an elder sister and two younger brothers, They are twins. My sister is 20, and my twin brothers are 8.

17.What is your mother like? My mother is very attractive. She's pretty, slender and elegant, She is of average height. She has curly brown hair with blond stripes. She has big blue eyes. Her nose is straight and her lips are thin. 18.What is your father like? My faüer is a tall man. He's a bit fat. He has grey hair and brovm eyes. His hands and feet are rather big.

l9.What is your brother like?

My brother is like me. He is 169 cm tall and weighs 62kg, He has short brown hair and brown eyes. His ears are a bit big. He has broad shoulders because he likes canoeing.

your parents do? My mother is a nurse in the local hospital and my father works for a multinational. He's an engineer. Unfortunately, they work too much, so they always get home late.

20. What do

21.Where do your grandparents live? My father's parents live in Budapest. We only meet two or three times a year. My mother's parents live in the village where we live. They live two streets from us, We meet every day because my grandmother cooks lunch for me. 22.Do you have a lot of relatives? Yes, I do. I have two aunts, three uncles and five cousins. They live far from us, so we rarely meet. 23.Where do your relatives live? They live in different parts of the country. My aunt, my mother's sister, and her family live in a small village near Pécs. My aunt, my father's sister, lives in Budapest, but not in the same district where we live. T\nro of my uncles live in Eger with their families, and my third uncle lives in Gödöllő. I also have relatives abroad.


8B8 KERDEs ÉsvÁresz ANGot


24.Which of your relatives do you like best? I like my aunt very much. We spend a lot of time together. She has no children so she always has time for me. I also enjoy being with my twin cousins. They are the same age as me and we have a lot of fun together. For example, we play football with our dogs, climb trees and go fishing togeüer. 25.What are you interested in? I'm interested in a lot of things. I like reading all kinds of books, watching documentaries and dancing. I also play the guitar.

26.Do you do any sport?

Yes, I do. In summer I often go sailing and in winter I go skiing with my family. At

school I play volleyball.

27.What are your favourite subjects at school? I like science subjects, and my favourite is biology because especially wild animals.


like nature and animals,

28.What are your future plans? I would like to be an actor. I'm good at dancing and singing, and I often recite poems at School events and at competitions.

29.Do you have a lot of friends? Yes, I do. My best friends are Tamás and Gergő. We often 80 to the cinema and concerts together.

30.What do you usually do with your friends? In winter we often go skating and swimming. When the weather is good, we like walking in the town centre. We enjoy window-shopping. At weekends we go cycling in the hills nearby. 31.What do you talk about with your ftiends?

We talk about everything: sport, school, girls, films and books. We can talk a lot about sport because we support different football clubs. When we read a good book, we tell

the others about it.

you spend a lot of time with your classmates? Yes, I do. We often meet outside school too, We enjoy playing football and going to matches.

32. Do

33. What does

your best friend look üke?

She is shorter than me. She has shoulderJength fair hair and green eyes. She is very pretty.


INTRoDucTIoN AND FRIENDs - BEMLrrArxoás rs gARÁrox 34.What is your best friend like? My best friend, Emese, is very nice. I can ta]k about everything with her. We like doing the same things, for example, going to the cinema and singing. We sing in the same choir.

35.Why do you like your best friend? He is a very good friend. He is very understanding and always helps me with my srudies. He is a tennis player like me and we often play together, 36. Does your best friend live far from you? Fornrnately she doesn't. She lives three streets from my place. We usually do homework together. She doesn't have a compute4 so she comes over to surf the net.

37.What do you do together? We play computer games almost every day On Tuesdays and Thursdays we go to a gym. The rowing machine is our favourite. 38.What do you think the most important inner qualities of a person are? I think the most important characteristics are honesty, reliability and generosity My best friends are always honest with me and they help me when I have a problem, 39.What kind of people do you like? like ftiendly and happy people. in the same things. I


like people I can talk to. It's good if we are interested

40.What kind of people do you admire? I admire people who are brave, wise and energetic. I think that people who help other people, like doctors and nurses, are worth admiring. I also admire writers, directors and actors and actresses because I like reading good books and watching good plays and films.

41.What kind of people do you not üke? I don't like people who are selfish, aggressive, unkind or bad-tempered. 42.Do you have friends in other towns or villages? Yes, I do. I have a lot of pen ftiends in Hungary and abroad. Unfortunately, we can only meet in winter and summer holidays. 43.Do you have friends abroad? Yes, I do. We chat frequently. I have a friend in Slovakia who speaks Hungarian. I also

have friends in Germany and Austria and I chat with them in German.

44.How do you keep in contact with fíiends who live far from you? I often email them. I sometimes call or text üem, mostly when something really important happens to me.


ees KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGot Nynuvgőr 45.What do you usually do at weekends? I go shopping with my family on Saturday mornings. After that I help my mother in

the kitchen. In the afternoon I tidy my room and help my father in the garden. In the evening I go out with my friends. On Sunday I often go hiking with my family, and we sometimes invite some of my ftiends too. Once a month we visit our relatives or they come to see us.

46. Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, I do. I speak a little Spanish and English, and I would like to learn German too.



Words and expressions abroad,23

actress 40 address 8 admire 40 age 24 aggressive always 20


at weekends 30

attractive í7 aunt 22 bad-tempered 41 bathroom 9 be born 3 be good atsg28 be interested in sg 25 big,9 biology 27 bit ]8 blond 17 brave 40 bright ío broad 19 cactus (cacti) ]0 call sy 44 canoeing 19 cat 13 characteristic 38 chat 43 child (children) 24 choir 34 classmate 32 climb 24 collection l0 company 20 competition 28 computer 36 computer game 37 cook 21

cousin 22 curly 17 cycling 30 dancing 25


külföldön színész

o'dres ed'mala


'ekte 'aktres

actor 28


csodál életkor agresszív


o'gresv 'c:hvelz

mindig állat

'entml et,wilk'endz e'trakttv





zsémbes, zsörtölődő f[irdőszoba


'bo:0,rulm bil bc:n

bil gud at bi:'tntresttd


születik jó valamiben érdeklődik valami iránt




biológia kicsit


blond bretv bratt


'kaKas ('kaktat) kc:l ka'nu:tt3




tJalld ('tJlldren) kwata 'klo:s,mett klalm ka'lekJn 'knmpent

szőke bátor

ülágos széles

kaktusz (kaktuszok) felhív valakit kenuzás macska jellemvonás beszél8et/chatel gyerek (gyerekek) kórus osztálytárs


gyűjtemény cég, vállalat


verseny számítógép


főz unokatestvér göndör kerékpározás táncolás

kem'pjuía kam'pjuía,germ

'klzn 'k3:lt

'salkllq dolnstq

számítógépes játék


888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGoL Nrrrrvgór describe 14 different 23 director 40 district 23 do (did, done) aerobics 14 do (did, done) homework 36 do (did, done) spott documentary 25 dog 13 ear 19


jellemez különböző





dul (dtd, dnn)


ea'rabtks du: (dtd, dnn) 'haom,ws:k du: (dtd, dnn) spclt

kerület aerobikozik házi feladatot csinál sportol







ear|y 72




elder sister 15 elegant 17 email sy 44 energetic 40 engineer 20 English 46 enjoy 24 especially 27 event 28

'elda ,ststa

báty nővér

elder brother 10

eye 14

fair 33 family 15 far írom 72 íavoarite 27 first name 2 frshing 24


football club 31 for example 34 fortunately 36 free time 11 frequently 43 ftiend 11 friendly 39 full lips 14 future 28 generosity 38 German 40 get (got, got) home 20 get (got, got) up 12 go (went, gone) hiking 45 76

'eltgant 'i:metl

,ena'd3ettk end3l'nta 'rngltJ rn'd3ct

t'spefll l'vent

al fea

'famll fo: fram 'fetvrat fslst netm 'ftítrt



e-mailt küld valakinek energikus

mérnök angol é7vez

különösen rendezvény szem szőke


messze valamitől

kedvenc keresztnév horgászás lakás

'fotbcll ,klnb far rg'zolmpl 'fcíJnatlt

futball klub például

'fri: ,tatm 'fri:kwentlt

szabadidő gyakran, sűrűn barát barátságos telt ajkak

frend 'frendll






nagylelkűség német

'd3s:men get (got got) heom get (got got) np geo (went gon) 'hatktr;

hazaér felkel kirándulnVtúrázni megy

INTRoDucTIoN AIvD FRIENDs - BEMtnArroás rs gARÁtox go (went, 8one) out with sy 45 go (went, gone) shopping 45 go (went, gone) to the cinema 34 grandmother 21 grandparent 2l grey 1,8 gaitar 25 gym 37

geo (went gon) aot wlö

szórakozni megy valakivel

gau (went gon) foptry

vásárolni megy

gau (went gon) tu

moziba jár


nagymama nagyszülő szürke


'gran,pearant 9rel





hafu 14



happen to sy/sg 44 happy 39 have (had, had) fun 24 have (had, had) to 12 help 38 help sy with 35

'hapen to 'hapl


előszoba történik valakiveVvalamivel



honest 38 honesty 38

hospital20 house 9

important 38 inner qualities 38 interest 25 invite 45 keep (kept, kept) in contact with sy 44 kind 25 kitchen 9 late 20 lawn 9

likel0 like11

like]9 local 6 long 14 luc\y 12

lunch 2l match 32 meet (met, met) sy 22

morning í2 morning 45 mostly 44

hav (had, had) fnn hav (had, had) to help

segít hegy őszinte őszinteség


'ontst 'ontstt

kórház ház


haos lm'pc:tnt

,tna'kwolatlz 'lntrast ln'valt

'kontakt wrö


segít valakinek valamiben

help wtö

kilp (kep[ kept)

boldog jól érzi magát


fontos belső tulajdonságok érdeklődés meghív kapcsolatot tart valakivel


-féle, -fajta

'kttJen lett

konyha későn fú, pázsit szeret, kedvel


lalk latk latk

'laokl lot] 'lnkl lnntJ


mi:t (met met) 'mc:nlry

'mclntq 'meostlt



helyi hosszú szerencsés ebéd meccs

találkozik valakivel reggel

délelőtt főleg 17

888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrnsz ANGot l{yEtvBot multinational20 name 1 laíte 27 nearby 30 nice 34 nose 17 nurse 20 of average oíten 26 on foot 12

név természet




a közelben





nővél ápolónő

n3:s }:.eiglnt 17

only child other 40 others 31 outside 32 own ]0 pantry 9 parent 20 park l1 pen friend 42 p|an 28 play 35 play 40 play íootball24 play the guitar 25 play volleyball26 pretty 17 13


rurely 22 read (read, read) 25 recite poems 28 relative 22

relatively 15 reliability 38 room 9 rowing mactrine 37 sailing 26 same 23 science subjects 27 secondary school 6 selfish 41 share 10 shelf (shelves) 10 short l9 short 33 shoulder /9 shoulder-length 33 1B

multinacionális cég





on fot 'aonlttJatld 'Aöa

'nöaz autsatd eün




'pen ,frend

plan plet plet

pler'fotbc:l plet öa gt'to: pler 'vollbc:l


'pju:pl 'reoll ri:d (red, red)

n'saú peulmz 'relattv 'reletlvlt rt,late'btletl


'reorq maJi:n

átlagos magasságú gyakran gyalog egyke, egyedüli gyerek


többiek kívü1 saját

kamra szülő


levelezőtárs terv



futballozik gitározik röplabdázik csinos iskolás, tanuló

ritkán olvas szaval


aránylag, viszonylag megbízhatóság szoba evezőgép


vitorlázás ugyanaz

'sekendn ,sku:l



'salans ,snbd3lkts

reál tárgyak


önző me8oszt polc (polcok)


Jelf (JeMz) Jc:t


Jeolda Jeolde,le10

rövid alacsony

váll vállig érő

INTRoDucTIoN AND FRIENDs - BEMu[ArKozÁs Es gARÁrox sister 9 skating 30 skting 26

slender l7 slim ]4 small Z snub-nosed l4 sometimes 44 south-east 7 Spanish 46 spell (spelt, spelt) 2 spend (spent, spent) time l1 sports field l í stíai8ht 17 súipe 17 subject 27 summer 26 §upPort 31 surf the net 36 surname 2 swimming 30 talk to sy 39 tell (told, told) 3í tennis player 35 text sy 44 thin 17 think (thought, thought) 38 tudy 45 too 20 town 7 town centre 30 tree 24 twins 16 uncle 22 understanding 35 unfortunately 42 unkind 4l usually 30 Állage 21 volleyball26 walk 30 watch 25 weather 30 weekend 30







'slende sllm

karcsú vékony, karcsú




'spentJ spel (spelt spelt) spend (spen[ spent) tatm

pisze néha dél-kelet spanyol betűz időt tölt

'sp3ís ,filld





csík tantárgy

snnb'neuzd 's^mtalmz

'snbd3tkt 'sAma


ssí öe




tc:k tu tel (teold, taold) 'tents,pleta

tekst 0ln OtrJk (Oc:t Oc:t)

btdl tu:

bon ,bun'senta

nyár szurkol interneten keresgél vezetéknév úszás beszélget valakivel elmond

teníszező sMs-t küld valakinek keskeny gondol rendet rak túlságosan város


tril twtns



nagybácsi megértő

,nnda'standlr1 nn'fcltJneth

nn'kalnd 'ju:3uelt 'vtlld3


wc:k wotJ 'weöe ,wi:k'end



rideg rendszerint falu röplabda sétál


időjárás héwége 19

ffiszANGotttyglvBőL wtld 27


vmnter 26 wise 40



kirakatnézegetés tél bölcs


ws:k ws:0

érdemes (valamire)

year 27

js: jnqga,brnöa

window-shopping 30

worth 40 vlriter 40 younger brother 15


'wtndeo Joptq




év öcs


Meeting somebody A How,:do:yóu,do?,,,

- Találkozaskor

B How do,,iou,d67,',




nagyon formális)





kív,d4ú,k|,.(a váa§i:l§g}iáüáz},,,'.,,,, . ll ]§,i{.,..nopó§. ,.]ll,.,..'A.,Ördiliö'e|,ensy,,á9g:{lmrifieternj,.,lt*áklát;ó.,,,,,,,, l







A What is your name? B My name's Kinga. Who are you?


I'm Joe. What do you do? I'm,á,]'§tudéai,,!Y,hátlab0iit



Ín' a:,bioló§i§t-.,,,,1',.,,,




B Kinga vagtok. Téged hogt hívnak? A Joe vagtok. ,',',.,



.,,'',*]lrjtrüM jlírok lÉs.iiil,,,,: ,,,,.A,§rol u§.ya6ró-k


: ,,,,.,,,, ]],


How interesting. A'vVhere are you from? B I'm from Hungary. What about you?



, ,,

],, ;;:1,1:l:






B Milyen érdekes! A Hova valósí vagr? B Magtar vagrok. És te? AHogt vagt?


B Fine thanks. And you? A Oh, not bad. How was

*,: Mi.'a:r§é§a/*]üEŐ§a:d?:.:,:l:






]],:,]]]]],,,,,, ].],,,,,'],,.


What's your name? How do we say ... ? - Hogr hívnak? Hogr mondjuk ... ? A \4Ihat does "actually'' mean? AMit jelent az ,actually''?

A How do you say 'Jó reggelt" in English? A Hogt mondják angolul, hog ,jó reggelt"? B It is "good morning". A §!át.,,do1,yqú.Cdl,..the,lfiÜrgl.lt§§:cut,l,. l,ll,lá,,Mi,g,]ne:ye arn .§,dó1,..lamid:,'§a§:trt PáPéi1,,With?]]:],1].


,. l],


vágunk? B ouó.


B lt'S,,mlled,,1scis§óx1l. A What's "Prága" called in English? B It's called "Prague".

A lh,,§óiry,lddn]t,1tít4ei5lryid Ca1*l:!lOú.l,i€péat. tha&]l

B Yes, of course.



Ü av

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Hello! Hi!




May I introduce you to ...?

A Hogt mondják angolul: ,,Prága"?






Jó napot! (reggel és délelőn) Jó napot! (délután) Jó estét!

Szia!/J ó napot! (általánosan elfogadott köszönés) Szíal (csak barátok között)

Hadd mutassam be ...


888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGoL Saying goodbye

Have a nice day!




Take care!

Goodbye! see you tomorrowl See you soon! See you later!

See you! Bye!

Frequently used time expressions (Fisyeljünk az elöljáróka!) at five o'clock at ha]f past three

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night

on weekdays at weekends on Sunday afternoon

in May

Kellemes napot!

Vigtőzz magadra! Vkzontlátasra! Holnap taldlkozunk! A mielőbb i v kzontld.tasr Víszontldtősra! Szia! Szia!

- Gyakori



ötkor fél négrkor

reggeVdélelőtt déIutón este

éjszaka hétköznapokon héwégén

vasárnap déIutdn

in 19B9

májusban 1989-ben

once a weeVmonth/year twice a weely'month,/year three times a weeVmonth/year four times a week/month/year I go swimming three times a month.

hetente/hav onta/ évente (egyszer) ké tsz er hetente,/hav onta/ éy ente hár omszor hetente/ hav onta,/ év ente négt szer hetente/hav onta,/ éy ente Havonta háromszor jdrok úszni.


"*ft Család 2. Fami ly-

A young boy was looking through the family album and asked his motheti 'Who's this guy on the beach with you with all the muscles and curly hair?" "That's your father" "Then who's that old bald-headed fat man who lives with lts now?"

1.What is your family like? Milyen a családod? 2.How old are your parents? Hány évesek a szüleid? 3.What does your father look like?

Hogy néz ki az édesapád? 4.What does your mother look like? Hogy néz ki az édesanyád? 5.What does your mother do? Mi az édesanyád foglalkozása? 6.What does your father do? Mi az édesapád foglalkozása? 7.Are you like your mother or father? lidesanyádra vagy édesapádra hasonlítasz inkább?

8.What do you think ideal parents are like? Milyenek szerinted az ideális szülők? 9. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Hány teswéred van?

10.What are your brothers and sisters like? Milyenek a teswéreid? 11.Do you have any cousins? vannak unokateswéreid? 12. Do you live at home during the school year? otthon laksz a tanév során? 23

888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁmsz ANGoL


How do you get on with your family? Hogyjössz ki a családoddal? 14.What do you think the best thing in your family is? Szerinted mi a legiobb dolog a családodban? 15. How much time do you usually spend with your parents? Átalában mennyi időt szoktál együtt tölteni a családoddal? 16. What sort of things do you do with your mother? Mit szoktál az édesanyáddal közösen csinálni? 17.What do you do with your father? Mit szoktál az édesapáddal közösen csinálni? 18. How do you spend time with your brothers and sisters? Hogyan töltöd az időt a teswéreiddel? 19. Do your grandparent§ live with you? A nagyszüleid veletek élnek? 20.How often do you meet your grandparents? Milyen gyakran találkozol a nagyszüleiddel? 21. Have you got a lot of relatives? sok rokonod van? 22.How often do you meet your relatives? Milyen gyakran taláikozol a rokonaiddal? 23.Which of your relatives do you like best? A rokonaid közül kit kedvelsz a legjobban? 24.Who are distant relatives? kik a távoli rokonok? 25.At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary? Háhy éves korban szoktak Magyarországon a fiatalok elköltözni otthonról? 26,Do your parents decide what you can do in your free time? A szüleid döntik el, hogy mit csinálhatsz a szabadidődben? 27.Do your parents tell you what time you have to get home in the evenings? Megmondják a szüleid, hogy esténkéntmikorra kell hazaémed? 28. How do you imagine your future family? Hogyan képzeled a jövőbeli családod? 29,Do you think it is good to have a big family? Szerinted jő az,ha az embernek nagy családja van? 30. Can you choose your owrr friends? 13.

Megválaszthatod a saját barátaid?

31.Would you like just one child or more? Csak egy vagy több gyereket szeretnél?

only children miss a lot of things? Az egykék sok dologról lemaradnak? 33.Why is it good to have brothers or sisters? Miért jó, ha az embernek vannak testvérei? 34.Have you got relatives abroad? vannak külföldön rokonaid? 35. Have you ever visited your relatives abroad? Meglátogattad valaha a külföldön élő rokonaidat? 32. Do


How do you keep in contact with your relatives who live abroad? Hogyan tartod a kapcsolatot a külföldön élő rokonaiddal? 37.What are the red-letter days in your family? Milyen családi ünnepeitek vannak? 38.What is the greatest family celebration for you? Mit tartasz a legnagyobb családi ünnepnek? 39. How do you celebrate your birthday? 36.

Hogyan ünnepled a születésnapod? 40. How do you celebrate your nameday? Hogyan ünnepled a névnapod?


888 KÉRDBs tís vÁu,sz ANGot


1.What is your family like?

fathel and little brother. My father's parents died long ago. My mother's parents live about 2O0 kilometres from us. I don't have a big family. I live with my mother,

2.How old are your parents? My father is forty-two and my mother is üirty-nine. 3.What does your father look like? My father is of average height. He is slim and goodJooking because he does a lot of sport. He has brown hair and brown eyes. 4.What does your mother look like? My mother is a bit shorter than my dad. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She wears glasses. I think she is beautiful and ]ooks much younger than she is. 5.What does your mother do? She works as a secretary for a big multinational. She works from eight to half past four every weekday.

6.What does your father do? He is a lawyer. He works with his friends who are also lawyers. They have an office downtown. He works a lot. He leaves home early in üe morning and never gets home before six.

7.Are you like your mother or father? My grandparents §ay I look like my mother but I think I have my father's nose and chin. I'm as shy as my mother and I also collect things like my father. He still collects beer mats and I have started to collect all kinds of things with pictures of polar bears. 8.What do you think ideal parents are like? I think they should understand their children and spend a lot of time with them. It's good if you can tell them everything. In my opinion it's not good if parents are too strict but it's not good if they are too lenient either. 9.How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have an elder brother and a stepsister from my stepfather's first marriage. MY brother is 23 and works as a computer programmer. He doesn't live with us. My stepsister is 30 and works in a library.

lO.What are your brothers and sisters like? My elder brother is rather tall, he's almost two metres. He's good at basketball. He has curly brown hair and green eyes. Girls like him a lot. My little sister is onlY 5 years old. She has fair hair and big brown eyes. She has extremely long eyelashes. She likes sweets very much, so she's a bit plump.



- csAtÁD

11.Do you have any cousins? Yes, my mother's sister has three children and her brother has two. As my father is an only child, I have no cousins on his side. My cousins are all younger than me. 72.Do you live at home during the school year? No, we live in a small village and my school is in a town about 50 kilometres from us. There is no direct bus or train, so I stay at the school hostel. I go home at weekends.

13.How do you get on with your family? I think we have a very nice family. We talk about everything and decide things together. We spend almost every weekend together and during school holidays we travel in Hungary or abroad. 14.What do you think the best thing in your family is? I like that we have the same interests. We like sport and often go swimming and orienteering. We also like playing board games and cards.

15.How much time do you usually spend with your parents?

Unfortunately, my parents are very busy, so we can't spend as much time together as we would like to. My father often does overtime at weekends and my mother works in three shifts because she is a nurse.

16.What sort of things do you do with your mother? We recently started to do glass painting. I like it very much. My mother bought a lot of books about it and we have already painted a lot of things from these books. 17.What do you do with your father? At weekends we usually play football with my father's friends in my school's gym. Some evenings we play chess or cards.


How do you spend time with your brothers and sisters? We both dance in the local folkdance group and we like playing computer games too.

19.Do your grandparents live with you?

Unforfunately, my father's parents died long ago. My mother's parents live in a small village in the north of Hungary. We meet them only once a month.


How often do you meet your grandparents? My mother's parents are our neighbours, so we meet them every day. My grandma cooks lunch for me and my brother on weekdays. My father's parents live near Szombaüely We spend most of our school holidays with them. They have a big house with a garden and two dogs and three cats. There's a lake nearby where we can fish. We often go hiking in the hills as well.


888 KERDES Es vALAsZ ANGot NyELvBoL 21. Have you got a lot of relatives? Yes, I do. My mother has three sisters and my father also has a big family, so I have

sixteen cousins.

22.How often do you meet your relatives?

The whole family gets together at Christínas and Easter. We meet at my grandmother's house because its big enough. Otherwise we phone or email each other quite often.

23.Which of your relatives do you like best? I like my grandfaüer's brother very much. He lives alone and has a lot of free time to spend with us. He tells us interesting stories from his childhood. He also spent a few years on a big cruiser as a sailo1 so he has had lots of adventures. It's quite surprising that he enjoys computer games and surfing the net at üe age of 73,

24.INho are distant relatives? Distant relatives are, for example, your grandparents'brothers and sisters and their families.

25.At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary?

As far as I know, most people leave home when they start university or get a job. My sister moved to Szeged when she started the university there. Only one of my cousins lives with her parents, but she is only 13 years old.

26. Do

your parents decide what you can do in your free time?

No, they don't. I can do what I want as long as I come home before eleven and don't do anything foolish. They know they can trust me and I turn to them if I need their advice,

27.Do your parents tell you what time you have to get home in the evenings? Yes, they do. As I'm 14, I usually have to be at home by nine at weekdays and by eleven on Saturdays. On special occasions they allow me to stay out a little longer. 28. How do you imagine your future family? As I'm an only chíld, I would like a big family with at least three children. I always envy my friends who have brothers and sisters. I would like to have a good job. My

future wife won't have to work. She can stay at home with the children, meet her friends and do her hobbies.

29.Do you think ít is good to have a big family? I think it has some advantages and disadvantages too. It's good that you never feel alone, there's always someone to discuss your problems with, and big family occasions

are 8Teat fun. On the other hand, you don't have much time for yourself, you keep forgetting birthdays and namedays, and there might be disagreements as well.


30. Can you choose your own ftiends? Yes, I can. My parents have always liked my friends and even plan activities for us sometimes. For example, when the weather is nice, we have parties. We grill sausages and vegetables in the garden and play Activity.

31.Would you like just one child or more? To tell the tnrt}r, I would like to have one child only. With just one child I can work and earn enough to give the child everything he needs. He can go to good schools, we can travel a lot together, I can afford to buy him the latest equipment and whatever he needs for his studies and hobbies.

32. Do only children miss a lot of things? I really don't know. I think understanding parents and good friends can help a lot.

33.Why is it good to have brothers or sisters? You can spend your free time together, they can help you with your problems, and you never feel alone.

34.Have you got relatives abroad? Yes, I have. My mother's brother married a Portuguese girl. They have 3-year-old twin daughters. They ]ive near the ocean and I always visit them during my school holidays.

35.Have you ever visited your relatives abroad? Yes, we visit my aunt who works in Brussels twice a year. I like being there because she always makes nice plans for us. We even travel to the neighbouring countries. 36.

How do you keep in contact with your relatives who live abroad?

We often email my cousin who studies in the USA. We almost never talk on the phone because it's rather expensive. I have some relatives who live in Slovakia and we meet them in the summer either in Hungary or in Slovakia. We talk on the phone once a month or when there's something urgent to discuss.

37.What are the red-letter days in your family? We celebrate birthdays, namedays, my parents and grandparents' wedding anniversaries, Christmas and Easter in my family. We don't always invite all the relatives though I like it very much when the whole family gets together. 38.What is the greatest family celebration for you? I enjoy Christmas the most. The whole family gets together: my aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. We usually meet at our house because we have the biggest dining room. We cook Christmas dinner and decorate the Christmas tree to8ether. It's always great fun.


888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrasz ANGot


39. How do you celebrate your birthday?

My parents always prepare some surprise for me. Last year they held a surprise party. They invited all my friends and relatives, so we were 55 altogether. They decorated the whole house with balloons and colourful lights. I got lots of presents. My mother cooked my favourite meal and she also baked a delicious cheesecake.

4O.How do you celebrate your nameday? My nameday is a great event in my family because my father and my grandfather are also called Peter. We have a big parry in my uncle's garden and cook beef stew. This is the only occasion when the whole family is together. The adults talk and sometimes

sing and dance, and the children play games.


a bit


34 adult 40 advaíLtage 29 adventure 23 adyice (U) 26 afford 3í

e'blt e'brc:d



allow (sy to do sg)

ed'vo:nttd3 ed'ventJa ed'vats o'fc:d


almost 10 alone 23 altogether 39

choose (chose, chosen)


Christmas Christmas dinner

co|lect 7 colourful39

computer 23


tanács megengedi magiának (anyagilag)

majdnem egyedül együtt amennyiben valahány éves korban süt (süteményt)


be'luln 'bolskÉ,bc:l bil gud at 'bjuítfl bi:f stjul 'bte,mat btg



buk 'brnöa





jó valamiben gyönyörű

marhapörkölt söralátét nagy születésnap társasjáték

könyv fiúteswér Brüssze1



bat (bc:[ bc:t) kc:ld

vesz, vásárol amit úgy hívnak

'blzl kold



'tJiz,kelk tJatld ('tJtldren) 'tJatld,hud


előny kaland


azloq az at öil erd3 av



megenged (valakinek megtenni


balloon 39 basketball 10 be good at 10 beautiful4 beef stew 40 beer mat 7 big í birthday 29 board game 74 book 16 brother l Brussels 35 bus 12 busy J5 buy (boughq bought) called 40 card 14 cat 20 celebrate 37 cheesecake 39 child (children) 8 childhood 23 ctin 7




as long as 26 at the age of 23 bake 39

egy kicsit


tlulz (tfaaz,'tfeuzn) 'knsmas

,krlsmes 'dtne ke'lekt



elfoglalt kártya macska ünnepe1

turótorta gyerek (8yerekek) gyermekkor

áll választ karácsony karácsonyi vacsora gyujt színes számítógép 31

888 KÉRDEs rs vÁrasz ANGot computer programmer 9

kam'pju:ta praug,rama

cousin 36 cruiser 23



curly J0 dad,4

dance 18 daughter 34

kok 'k^zn 'ks:lt

dad do:ns 'dc:ta

decide í3 dt'satd 'deke,rett decorate 38 delicious 39 dt'ltJes die 1 dat 'datntq ,rulm dining room 38 direct 12 dat'rekt disadvantage 29 ,dtsad'vo:nttd3 disagreement 29 ,dtse'gri:ment discuss 29 dt'skns 'dtstent distant 24 do (did, done) overtime í5 du: (dld, dnn)'aove,talm do (did, done) sport 3 du: (dtd, dnn) spcí dog 20 dog downtown 6 ,daon'hun early 6 '3:ll earn 31 3:n Easter 22 'i:sta 'atöa ... c: either ... or 36 'elde'brnöa elder brother 9 'ilmetl email sy 22 enjoy 23 ln'd3cl enough 22 l'n^f 'enVl envy 28 equipment (U) 3í t'kwtpment 'i:vnlry evening 77 event 40 t'vent expensive 36 tk'spenstv extremely í0 tk'stri:mlt eye 3

eyelashes 10

family 1 father l favourite 39 feel (felt, felt) alone 29 fish 20 folk dance í8 foolish 26 for example 24 32

lrlyrrrnőr programozó főz unokatestvér nagy hajó,uluxushajó göndör apu táncol lánya valakinek

eldönt díszít finom

meghal ebédlő

közvetlen (iára$ hátrány nézeteltérés megvitat

távoli tulórázik

sportol kutya belváros korán keres (pénzt) húsvét vagy... vagy báty e-mailt küld valakinek élvez, szeret csinálni eléggé

irigyel berendezés este


drága különösen,






'fo:öe 'fetvret


szempilla apa


kedvenc egyedül érzi magát horgászik, halászik néptánc

fer tg'zo:mpl


fill (fe[ felt) e'laon




forget (forgot, forgotten) 29 free time 23

íe'get (fa'got fa'gotn)



szabadidő barát móka

friend 6 frend hrn 29 fnn future wife 28 fu:tJa watf gane 23 gelm 'goldn garden 20 get (got got) get (got, got) 39 get (got, 8ot) a job 25 get (got got) e d3ob get (got, got) home 20 get (got got) haom get (got, got) on with 13 get (got got) on wrö get (got, got) togethet 22 get (got got) ta'geöe give (gave, given) 3l glv (getv, gvn) painting glo:s 'petntt1 glass í6 (went, gone) go hiking 20 gau (went gon) 'harkrt1 goodJooking 3 ,gUd'lUklrJ 'gran,fo:öa grandfather 23 'gren,pearant grandparent 7 group 18 gru:p gym 17

hair 3 help (sy with sg) 33 húl 20 hostel 12 house 2O

How often? 20 Hungary J3


imagine 28 in my opinion 8

interest 14

interesting 23 invlte 37 job 25 keep (kept, kept) in contact with sy 36


hea help htl



hao'ofn 'hnr;gart at'dtal

ímad3tn ln mal a'ptnjen


'lntrastlt1 ln'Valt


ki:p (kept kept) tn 'kontakt wtö kt'lomila letk

kilometíe 12 lake 20 'lcie lawyer 6 leave (left, left) home 25 li:v (left left) haum leave (left, left) home 6 li:v (left left) haum 'li:ntent lenient 8 'latbrart übrary 9 li8hts 39

like best 23

jövendőbeli feleség játék kert kap állást kap

hazaér kijön valakivel összejön, találkozik ad üvegfestés

kirándulni megy jóképű nagyapa nagyszülő csoport tornaterem haj

segít (valakinek valamiben) hegy


ház Milyen gyakran? Magyarország

ideális elképzel szerintem érdeklődés érdekes meghív állás kapcsolatot tart valakivel

kilométer tó jogász

elköltözik otthonról elindul otthonról engedékeny


könyvtár égők

latk best

legjobban szeret 33

888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrasz ANGoL mrrrrmőr 'laokl local 18 long l0 lorJ long ago l lory a'gao lunch 20 lnntJ 'm8rl marry sy 34 meet (met, met) sy 19 mií (met met) 'mi:te metre í0 miss 32 mls 'm^öa mother 1 move 25 mu:V multinational5 mnltr,naJnl 'netm,det nameday 29 neat 20 nlo nearby 20 ,nta'bat need26 ni:d 'netba neighbour 20 neighbouring countries 35 'netbanry 'knntrlz 'neve never 6 north 19 nc:0 naUz nose Z n3:s nurse /5 a'kel3n occasion 27 'eoJn ocean 34 ev'avertd3 hatt of average height 3 'ofis office 6 often 72

22 29

on special occasions on the other hand once once a month 19


only child 11 opinion B orienteering l4 otherwise 22 paint 16 parent 2 party 30 phone 22 picture 7 plan activities 30 play cards 14 play chess J7 play computer games play íootba|l17 plump 10 34

hosszú régen ebéd

összeházasodik valakivel

találkozik valakivel méter

hiányol anya

elköltözik nemzetkÖzi cég névnap

közel a közelben szüksége van valamire

szomszéd szomszédos országok soha


orr ápolónő esemény, ünnep

,crtan'ttarlq 'Aöo,Watz

óceán átlagos magasságú iroda gyakran különleges alkalmakkor másrészt e8yszer havonta egyszer egyedüli gyerek vélemény tájékozódási futás egyébként



'ofn Dn ,spel o'kelsnz

on öt nöer hand wnns wnns a mnnO ,aonlt 'tJalld a'ptnjan





feon 'plktíe

telefonál kép programokat szervez

plen ak'ttveti:z



plet ko:ds


plet kam'pju:ta ,getmz ,plet 'futbc:l plnmp

focizik dundi



számítógépes játékokat játszik


pol'aí bear 7 Portu8uese 34 Present 39 píob|em 29 quite 22 rather 10 really 32 recently l6


relattve 21


'preznt 'problam kwatt




'rlalt 'ri:santlt

red-letter days 37 sailor 23 same 14 school holidays school year 12 secretary 5 short 4


jegesmedve portugál ajándék gond, baj


shy 7

side 11 sing (sang, sung) 40 süm 3 Slovakia 36 small ]2 sometimes 30 spend (spent, spent) 13 spend (spent, spent) time 8 start 7 stay 12 stay ovt 27

stepsister 9 strict 8 study 31 study 36 surf the net 23 surprise 39 surprise party 39 surprising 23 sweets l0

swimming 14 talk on the phone 36 tall 10 tell (told, told) 8 thing 7

,red 'lete,delz

'sella selm ,skull'holtdetz

'sku:ljta 'sekretrt

Ial sald

(sa1, snq)




tengerész ugyanolyan iskolai szünet tanév

titkárnő félénk oldal énekel vékony, sovány


szlovákia kicsi



spend (spent spent) spend (spent spent) btm

stoí stel



stnkt 'shdt

'shdt ss:f öa net


sa'pralz,po:tt sa'pralzl0 swi:ts 'sWlml0

tc:k on öe'feun

tc:l tel (teold, teold) 0t0 ttrink (thought, thought) 4 0t0k (Oc:t Oc:t) to tell the truth 31 to tel öa tru:O






igazán az utóbbi időben ünnepek


tölt (időo időt tölt elkezd

lakik, megszáll valahol kimarad (estére, éjszakára) mostohatestvér (lány) szigorú tanulmány, tanulás

tanul interneten keresgél meglep meglepetés buli meglepő édesség

úszás telefonon beszél ma8as



hisz, gondol, vél az igazat megvallva együtt 35

ÉsvÁresz ANGot tvygrvBőr tov,rn 12


tratn 72



trnst ts:n tu

travel 13


vonat utazik


turn to sy 26 twals twice 35 twln twin 34 '^!kl uncle 38 understand (understood,,nnde'stand (,nnda'stod, understood) 8 ,nnda'stod) understanding 32 ,nnde'standtq nn'fc:tJnatlt unfortunately 15 ju:nivs:satt 25 university 's:d3nt 36 urgent 'vlltd3 12 vtllage 'vtzlt 34 visit wee glo:stz glasses 4 wear 'wedlq anly3:sorl 37 anniversary wedding 'wi:kdet 5 weekday wot..,latk 1 like? what... woteve whatever 31 heol 22 wbole



work in shifts 15 young 4


ws:k ws:k


tn Jtfts

megbízik valakiben valakihez fordul kétszer

iker nagybácsi megért megértő sajnos

egyetem sürgős


meglátogat szemüveget hord házassági évforduló hétköznap milyen?

bármi egész


több műszakban dolgozik


Conversation tips Birth date


születési dőtum

A When were you born? B I was born on the twenty-first



of April 1992.

A When is your birthday? B It is on the twenry-first of April.


] ], ],l,,,],.],l',,l.,..l,],,,


1992. dpnlb 21-én szüIettem.

Mikor van a születésnapod? Áp


husz o ne gt e dikén.

Vocabulary tips Dates

- Dátumok

írasban:21 April, 15 January szóban: the twenry-first of April, the fifteenth of January

Marriage - Házasság ltlarry' ry rI]],l]l]']]],,l",.,],,]l],,,'.]].,,],,],]


.l ,,],..,' .,,,"ll,"ll.],:l,

Jane married Joe last year. get manied (TN) They got married last year.

űvorce sy (T)

Jane divorced Joe last year.

8et divorced (rN) They got divorced last year.



Jane tavaly házasodott össze Joe-val. összeházasodík Tav


aly házasodtak




elvdlik vatakitű Jane tavaly elvált Joe-tól. elválik Tavaly elváltak.


Work - Munka ':',',iáLaktnákliátákinitánó]]li §óáti,,l:,l::,,,,ll, work for sylsomewhere My mother works for a small company. É,desanyám eg kís vátlalatndt dotgozik. work as valamiként dolgozik Titkdrnőként dolgo zik. She works as a secretary work like valahogtan dolgozik she works like a slave. Úg dolgozik, mint egr rabszolga. .i. abroad küIföldön, külföldre I would like to travel abroad to Szeretnék külföldre utazni, hogt nyelveket study languages.

foreign counbry My cousin lives in a foreign country.



Az unokatestvérem külföldön



3. Daily Routine and Habits

- Napirend és szokások

Father: What didyou do today to help your mother? Sonl 1 dried the dishes. Daughter: And I helped pick up the pieces.

l.When do you usually get up in the morning? Mikor szoktál felkelni reggel? 2.What do you do when you get up in the morning? Mit csinálsz, miután felkeltél? 3.Who is the first to get up in your family? ki kel fel elsőnek a családodban? 4.How long does it take you to get dressed? Mennyi ideig tart felöltöznöd? S.Are you in a hurry in the mornings? Sietned kell reggelente? 6.How do you get to school? Hogyan mész iskolába?

7,How long does it take you to get to school? Mennyi idő alatt érsz be az iskolába? 8.When do you leave for school? Mikor indulsz iskolába? 9. By what time do you have to arrive at school? Mikorra kell megérkezned az iskolába? 10.Do you sleep late at weekends? Sokáig szoktál aludni héwégén? 11. What do you usually have for breakfast on weekdays? Mit szoktál reggelizni hétköznap? 12. What do you usually have for breakfast at weekends? Mit szoktál reggelizni héwégén? 38


- NAPIREND Ésszol&{,soK

13.Who makes breaKast in your family? Ki készítinálatok a reggelit? 14.Do you have lunch at school?

Az iskolában szoktál ebédelni? l5.When do you have lunch? Mikor szoktál ebédelni? 16.Who cooks lunch in your family? ki készítinálatok az ebédet? 17.When do you finish in the afternoon? Mikor végzel délután? 18.What do you do in the afternoons?

Mit csinálsz délutánonként? l,9.What do you do in the evenings? Mit csinálsz esténként? 20.Do you eat dinner at home? otthon vacsorázol? 21.Who cooks dinner in your family? k főzi a vacsorát nálatok? 22.How is your weekend different from weekdays? Miben különbözik a héwégéda hétköznapjaidtól? 23.Is there any actiüty that you do every day? Van valamilyen tevékenység,amit minden nap végzel? 24.}Jow often do you watch TV? Milyen gyakran nézel tévét? 25. How often do you listen to the radio? Milyen gyakran hallgatsz rádiót? 26.Which channel(s) do you watch regularly? Milyen csatorná(ka)t nézel rendszeresen? 27.|Ntrat progtammes do you watch regularly? Milyen műsorokat nézel rendszeresen? 28.What pro8Tammes does your family watch regularly? Milyen műsorokat néz rendszeresen a családod? 29.Do you read newspapers every day? Minden nap olvasol újságot? 30.Do you read magazines every day? Minden nap olvasol hetilapokat/képes újságokat? 31.What new§papers do you read every day? Milyen újságokat olvasol minden nap? 32.How do you spend your weekends? Hogyan töltöd a héwégeidet? 33. How often do you 80 shopping? Milyen gyakran jársz vásárolni? 34.What housework do you regularly do? Milyen házimunkát végzel rendszeresen? 35.What housework do you like doing? Milyen házimunkákat szeretsz? 39

888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁnsz ANGot NygrvBőr 36.What housework do you hate? Milyen házimunkákat utálsz? 37.Do you help in the kitchen after meals? Segítesz a konyhában az étkezésekután?

38.Do you do the washing up? Szoktál mosogatni?

39.What do you cook? Mit szoktál íőzni? 40.Do you help with the cooking? Segítesz a főzésben?

41.How often do you clean your room? Milyen gyakran szoktad takarítani a szobád? 42.Wbat are your jobs when your family cleans the house? Mik a feladataid, amikor a család takarítja aházat? 43.When do you go to bed? Mikor fekszel le? 44.Do you fall asleep easily? Könnyen alszol el?

45.What do you do to help you fall asleep? Mit csinálsz, hogy könnyebben aludj el? 46.How long do you sleep? Mennyi ideig szoktál aludni? 47.How often do you visit your relatives? Milyen gyakran látogatod meg a rokonaidat? 48. How often do you invite friends for dinner? Milyen gyakran hívsz meg barátokat vacsorára? 49,Do you prefer taking a bath to taking a shower? Fürdeni vagy zuhanyozni szeretsz jobban? 50.Do you like to wash your hair in the evening or in the morning? Este vagy reggel szeretsz jobban hajat mosni?

Sl.What is the best time of day for you to study? A nap melyik szakában tudsz legjobban tanulni? 52.Which is your busiest day during the week?

Melyik nap van a legtöbb dolgod? 53. How much time do you spend with your parents? Mennyi időt töltesz a szüleiddel?

S4.What kind of things do you do with your parents? Mit szoktatok együtt csinálni a szüleiddel? 55.Do you have any bad habit§? vannak rossz szokásaid? 56. Which habits of other people annoy you? Mások milyen szokásai idegesítenek téged?




1.When do you usually get up in the morning? I get up at half past six on weekdays and at around nine at weekends.

2.What do you do when you get up in the morning? First I go to the bathroom. I have a shower, comb my hair, and get dressed. Then I go to the kitchen and I make tea and make a sandwich. I usually watch TV or listen to the radio while I'm haüng breaKast, After that I go and brush my teeth. 3.Who is the first to get up in your family? My father gets up first because he goes to work early. Before he leaves, he makes coffee for my mother and himself. He leaves for work before I get up, 4.How long does it take you to get dressed? It doesn't take long for me to get dressed, but my younger brother spends twenty minutes deciding what to wear.

5.Are you in a hurry in the mornings? Yes, I am. It takes me a long time to wake up. I usually don't even have time for breakfast. I know it's not good for me, but I just can't get up when the alarm clock goes off.

6.How do you get to school? My mother takes me by car, but sometimes I go by bus with my friends. 7.

How long does it take you to get to school? When my father takes me by car, it takes only 15 minutes. When I go by bus and tram, I need more than half an hour.

8.When do you leave for school? I leave at7,75, but on Thursday when half past six. 9.

I have an extra

English class, I leave home at

By what time do you have to arrive at school? I arrive at twenty to eight because classes start at 8. I chat with my friends and buy

breakast in the school canteen. 10. Do you sleep

late at weekends? No, unfortunately I can't sleep in. We have two dogs and morning.


take them for a walk every

11.What do you usually have for breakfast on weekdays? I have a glass of orange juice and a cheese sandwich. Sometimes I eat mues]i.


888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrnsz ANGot


12.What do you usually have for breakfast at weekends? I have a bigger breakfast at weekends than on weekdays because I don't have to hurry to school. The whole family has breaKast together. On the table there are rolls and toast, butter and margarine, cheese, cold cuts, honey, jam and boiled eggs. We drink coffee or tea. Sometimes we eat vegetables too, for example, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, and spring onions.

13.Who makes breaKast in your family? My grandmother makes cocoa and coffee, my mother slices bread and makes toast, and I lay the table with my little brother. My father makes scrambled eggs or ham and eggs.

14.Do you have lunch at school? No, I don't. My grandmother lives with us and cooks lunch every day She always makes tasty meals. I think she cooks the best grilled chicken in the world.

15.When do you have lunch? I have lunch when I get home from school. It's at about two. I eat with my mother and brother, and we talk about what happened at school. 16.Who prepares lunch in your family? On weekdays I eat in the school canteen, and at weekends my parents cook lunch together. Sometimes I help them, peel the vegetables, for example.

17.When do you finish in the afternoon?

On Mondays I have a piano lesson after school, so I get home at half past three. On Tuesdays and Fridays I have a drama class at school. It starts at two and ends at four, On the other two days I go home straight after school, so I get home at around two.

18.What do you do in the afternoons?

I have handball training twice a week. I go to classes to prepare for the school leaving

exams on Mondays and Thursdays.

19.What do you do in the evenings? When I have ],ots of homework or a test the next day, I stay at home and study. Otherwise I meet my friends and we 8o to the cinema or just sit and talk in a fast food restaurant.

20.Do you eat dinner at home?

moüer is not too busy and gets home in time, she cooks something tasty. Sometimes we go and get a pizza at a

Yes, I usually do. We usually eat something cold, but if my

nearby restaurant.




21.Who cooks dinner in your family? It's usually my mothel but if she gets home too late, we either order something by phone, or my father cooks something simple. He can fry sausages and eggs, and I help him to make a good salad. 22.How is your weekend different from weekdays?

At weekends I can sleep late. I can spend more time with my family and friends. We can do a lot of things together, like going on bicycle tours, visiting the zoo, having

barbecue parties

in our garden, or going to matches to support our favourite

basketball team.

23.Is there any activity that you do every day? Yes, there is. I like jogging. I jog in a park close to our house every evening. My best friend sometimes joins me too.

24.How often do you watch TW I watch the news every day. I like to know what's going on in Hungary and in the world, When I have time, I watch quiz shows too. 25.

How often do you listen to the radio? I like listening to music on the radio while I'm doing my homework. Otherwise I prefer watching TV or DVDs.

26.Which channel(s) do you watch regularly? I'm interested in nature so I like channels where I can see animals and interesting places. I also like music channels. 27.|Nhat progTammes do you watch regularly? I'm a fan of cartoons so I often watch them. I enjoy good matches and oÜer sports progTammes too. As for films, I like sci-fi. I never watch romantic films or soap operas.

28.What pro8Tammes does your family watch regularly? My father likes sports pro8Tammes and he never misses the news in the evening. My mother and my grandmother always watch series and they like romantic films too. My little brother spends every evening watching cartoons. 29.Do you read newspapers every day?

No, I don't. I prefer magazines to newspapers. I'm too busy to read a paper every day.

30.Do you read magazines every day?

No, not every day, but very often. There are three or four magazines that I read every week.

31.What newspapers do you read every day?

I read the local paper every morning or in the aftemoon when I get home from school.


88B KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGoL


32. How do you spend your weekends?

I often visit my friends or relatives. I go to the cinema or to the theatre with my parents. When the weather is good, I like walking in the forest nearby with my dog. On Saturday nights I go to the disco with my classmates.

33.How often do you go shopping?

wiü my mother. She goes to the corner shop every day to buy fresh bread, milk, and some co]d cuts.

I never go shopping alone. I only go shopping

34.What housework do you regularly do?

I make my bed every morning, and I water the plants in my room too.

I tidy my room and vacuum the whole flat.

On Saturdays

35.What housework do you like doing? I don't mind emptying the rubbish because it only takes two minutes. Hanging the washing is not too bad either,

36.What housework do you hate? I really don't like dusting the furniture. I hate ironing when it's too hot. 37.Do you help in the kitchen after meals?

Yes, I do. I clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

38.Do you do the washing up? I only do it sometimes because my grandmoüer does the washing-up almost every day, I help her dry the dishes. 39.What do you cook? I can only cook boiled eggs and hot dogs. I hope I will learn to make more dishes when I spend a few weeks with my grandmother in summer. 40.Do you help with the cooking?

Yes, I do. I clean and peel the vegetables and I like frying potatoes. It is usually my

job to make the garnish.

41. How often do you clean your room?

I dust the shelves and vacuum the carpet and the sofa once a week, usually on Saturday.

42.What are your jobs when your farnily cleans üe house? I water the plants, vacuum the rooms, and dust the carpets. I also help my mother clean the windows.


DAIIY ROUTINE AND HABITS - NAPIREND ES SZOKÁSOK 43.When do you go to bed? It depends on what I do in the evening. When I go out with my friends, I don't go to bed before midnight. When I stay at home, I watch TV or read until half past ten. When I have to get up early, I try to go to bed earlier than usual.

44.Do you fall asleep easily? Yes, I do. It only takes me five minutes. After studying for hours I'm so tired that I have no problem falling asleep.

45.What do you do to help you fall asleep? I usually read and if that's not enough, I drink a glass of warm milk. My brother can only sleep with the lights on. 46. How long do you sleep? I need at least eight hours to be fit for the next day. When I don't have to get up early, I can sleep ten or eleven hours.

47.How often do you visit your relatives? I visit my grandmother every other afternoon. A1l my other relatives live-quite far from us and we meet only rarely.

48. How often do you invite friends for dinner?

My friends come for dinner only on special occasions, but my parents often invite üeir colleagues to have dinner and then play cards.

49. Do you

prefer taking a bath to taking a shower? baü in the evenings, but in the mornings

I like taking a

I only have time for a shower.

like to wash your hair in the evening or in the morning? It depends on the weather. When it's cold, I wash my hair in the evening, When it's wann enough, I do it in the morning.

50. Do you

Sl.What is the best time of day for you to study?

I can concentrate best in the afternoons before my

the house. I don't like

family gets home and it's quiet in

studlng at weekends when everybody is at home.

52.Which is your busiest day during the week? It's Wednesday because I have a long and difficult day at school and I also have basketball training in the afternoon. What's more, I have to study a lot for Thursday.


How much time do you spend with your parents?

Unfortunately, we don't have much time together. They work long hours and are very tired in the evenings. I like weekends very much because we can do all kinds of things together.


88s KERDÉs Ésverasz ANGoL


S4.What kind of things do you do with your parents? We like playing board games and doing puzzles. I often bake someüing delicious with my moüer. When the weaüer is good, I play either badminton or table tennis with my father. 55.Do you have any bad habits? Yes, unforrunately I bite my nails and I eat a lot of crisps and peanuts when I watch


56.Which habits of other people annoy you? I hate it when somebody eats popcoín behind me in the cinema. I don't like people who speak too loud on their mobile phones.



Words and expressions about 15 acriYity 23 aíternoon 77 alarm clock 5 alone 33

a'baot ak'ttvatt ,olfta'nuln e'lo:m ,klok




anive 9

o'ncl o'ralV

annoy 56

as for ,.. 27 at weekends l attend 18 badminton 54 bake 54 barbecue pafty 22

basketball22 bathroom 2 fu. frt46 be in a hurry5 be interested in sg 26 before 43 behind 56 bite (bit, bit(ten)) 55 board game 54 boiled egg 12 bread í3 brother 4 brush one's teeth 2 bus 6 busy 20 butter í2 by phone 2l car 6 carpet 41 cartoon 27 channel 26

chat 9 cheese í2 classmate 32 c|ean 40 dear the table 37 dose to 23 cocoa (U) 13 coffee (U) 3 cold 20

azíc,. at wi:k'endz


badmlntan betk

'bo:btkju:,poít 'bolskú,bc:l

körülbelül tevékenység délután ébresztőóra egyedül

állat bosszant megérkezik ami ...-t illeti héwégenként jár (őrára, iskolába, stb.)


süt (kenyeret, süteményt)

kerti grillezés


kosárlabda fürdőszoba

bi: ftt


bi: tn e'hnrt bi: 'lntrasttd ln bl'fcl bl'hatnd

siet érdeklődik valami iránt előtt (időben) mögött


társasjáték főtt tojás kenyér

batt (btt bttn)

,bctld'eg bred 'brnöa

brnJ wnnz til0

bns 'btzt 'bnta

bat 'feon ko:


fiúteswér fogat mos busz

elfoglalt vaj


telefonon autó szőnyeg



tfanl tí€t


'klo:s,mett kli:n ,klta öe'tetbl

kleuz tu 'kaukeu 'kofl


csatorna cseveg sajt osZtálytárs


leszedi az asztalt közel valamihez kakaó kávé

hideg 47

ffiszANGotrrnrwőr 'kaold ,knts cold cuts i2 'koli:g colleague 48 kaom comb 2 'konsn,trett concentrate 51 kok cook 14 'kc:ne Jop corner shop 33 krtsps crisps 55 'kju:knmbe cucumber 12 dt'satd decide 4 dl'ltJes delicious 54 dl'pend on depend onsy/sg43 'dtfrent different 22 'dtftklt difficult 52 'dlne dinner 20 dtí dis}l. 37 'dl|woJe dishwasher 37 du: (drd, dnn)'haos,wslk do (did, done) housework 34 do (did, done) puzzles 54 du: (drd, dnn) 'pnzlz du: (drd, dnn) öa ,woJtry'np do (did, done) the washing-up 38 dog dog 10 'dro:ma ,klols drama class 77 drink (drank, drunk) 12 dnqk (draqk, drnqk) drar öa dtJtz dry the dishes 38 'djuerlq during 52 dnst öa 'fs:nttJe 36 furniture the dust 'gllt 3 early ií (ett'iín) (ate, 1 1 eaten) eat egg 21

either 35

eg 'alöa

'alöa ,,, c: either...or 21 'emptr öa'rnbtJ 35 rubbish the empty tn'd3ct enjoy 27 t'nnf enough 45 'i:vntq 19 evening ,evrl 'sekand every second 47 'ekstra,klols 8 extra class fcll (fel, 'fc:lan) a'sli:p (fell, 44 asleep fallen) fall 'femlt family 3 fan fan 27 fo: far 47 fo:stfu:d ,restront 19 fast food restaurant 'fo:öa father 3 'fetvret favoarite 22 fatn fine 32 48


kolléga fésül összpontosít főz

kisbolt chips


elhatároz, eldönt finom, Ízletes

fi.igg valakitőVvalamitől

más, eltérő

nehéz vacsora edény mosogatógép házimunkát végez puzzle-t rak ki elmosogat kutya színjátszókör


eltörölget alatt, folyamán

leporolja a bútort korán eszik tojás sem

vagy ,.. vasy

kiüdti a szemetet é7vez

elég, elegendő este

minden második különóra elalszik család rajongó messze gyorsétterem apa kedvenc jó, kellemes

DAILY ROUTINE AND HABITS - NAPIREND ÉSSZOKÁSOK flat 34 following l9 for example 12 forest 32 fresh 33 friend 6


íry 21 garden 22


garnish 40 get (got got) dressed 2 get (got, got) home í Z get (got, got) up 1 glass 11 go (went, gone) off 5 go (went, gone) on 24 go (went, gone) on a birycle tout 22 go (went, gone) out with sy 43 go (went, gone) shopping 33 (went, gone) to bed43 8o go (went, gone) to the


íer tg'zo:mpl 'fonst

íreI frend

have (had, had) a pizza 20 have (had, had) a shower 2 have (had, had) breakfast 2 help sy 16

homework (U) 19



erdő friss barát süt (zsiradékban)

'go:dn 'go:ntJ


get (got got) drest get (got got) haom get (got gDt) ^p glo:s gao (went gon) of geo (wen[ gon) on gao (wen[ gon)

felöltözik hazaér felkel pohár




folyik, történik kerékpártúrára megy

on a'batslkl,toe gau (went gon) aot wtö

szórakozni megy valakivel

gao (wen[ gon) Joplr1

vásárolni megy

gao (wen[ gon) tu bed gao (wen[ gon) to öa


'slnoma cinema 19 geo (went gon) to öa'Otata go (went, gone) to the theatre 32 go (went, gone) to work 3 gao (wen[ gon) to ws:k green pepper 12 ,gri:n'pepa gdiled chicken í4 ,grlld'tJtktn 'habtt habit 55 'hea húr 2 half an hour 7 ,ho:f en 'aoa ham end'egz and eggs í3 ham 'hand,bc:l 18 handball haq (hnq, hnq) öa'woJlq hang (hung, hung) the washing 35 hate 36



hev (had, hed) e'pi:tsa

moziba megy színházba megy

dolgozni megy zöldpaprika grillcsirke szokás haj

félóra sonka tojással

kézilabda kitereget



hav (hed, had) a [aoe


hev (hed, had)'brekfest



segít valakinek


házi feladat


888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGot hot 36

housework (U') 34 how long 4 how oíten 24 Hungary 24



hao'loq hacr 'ofn


mrwőr meleg, forró házi munka

mennyi ideig milyen gyakran

interesting 26 inüte 48 ironing 36 jam 12 jog 23 jogging 23 join 23 kind 53 kitchen 2 know (knew, known) 5 late 21 lay (laid, laid) the table 13 leave (left, left) 3 leave (left, left) for 3


Magyarország siet időben

'lntresttq tn'latt 'alontq

meghív vasalás

listen to the radio 2 local31

'ltsn to öa'retdlao

llrvry 12 in time 20

lights 45 long44

lots of 19 loud 56 lunch 14 magazine 29 make (made, made) 2 make (made, made) the bed 34 margarine 12 match 22 meal37 meet (met, met) 19 midnight 43 milk 33 mind (doing sg) 35 minute 4 miss 28 mobile phone 56 morning J mother 3 muesli J 1 50


d3em d3og

'd3ogt4 d3ctn katnd 'krtJan

neo (njul, neon) lett

let (letd, letd) öa'telbl li:v (lef[ left) li:v (lefL left) fcl 'laits




kocog kocogás


-féle, -fajta

konyha tud későn

megteríti az asztalt elindul elindul valahová

villany rádiót hallgat helyi

lots ev laod

hosszú sok hangos



mega'zi:n metk (metd, metd) metk (metd, metd) öa bed

folyóirat készít,elkészít beágyaz




matf mi:l

meccs étkezés



mtlk matnd

bán (valamit megtenni)

mi:t (met met)

találkozik tej



mls ,maobatl'faun

kihagy mobiltelefon



reggel anya






nell 'neltÍo

köröm természet

7,eaíby 20

,nlo'bal ,nlo'bal nild





újság következő

55 r..aftíe 26

learby 32 lered 7 retts 24 retrspaper 29


a közelben szüksége van



:lght 32 ,inen 30 :in lveekdays 1 ]riange juice í l lrder sg by phone 21 atg,anise 22 atherwise 19 2aPeí 29 7atk 23 reanut 55 7eel l6 piano lesson í7 p|ace 26

v|ay cards 48

?otato 40 arefer 25 prepare 18 put (put, put') 37 quiet 51 quite 47 qulz show 24 rarely 47 reg:lJ.arly 26 relative 32

roll 12 romanic 27 room 34 sa]ad 21

sandwich 2 sausage



nalt 'ofn

on Wilkdelz

'onnd3,d3uls 'c:da bal 'foun 'c:ga,nolz 'nöo,walz

napilap park földimogyoró

'pelpo po:k 'pi:n^t

hámoz zongoraóra


pl'€noo,1esn plels plet ko:dz




put (pot pot)

burgonya jobban szeret felkészül, készül valamire rak, berak, betesz




meglehetősen, eléggé kvízműsor, vetélkedő



'kwtz Jeo 'reelt


'regjulelt 'relettv



zsömle romantikus szoba saláta (elkészített) szendvics kolbász iskolai büfé érettségivizsga


rau'manttk ru:m

'saled 'sandWld3 'sostd3

school canteen 9 school leaving exam ]B

'sku:l kan'tiln

scrambled eggs 13 series 28


she|í 41


sct-fi 27


sit (sat, sat) 19

gyakran hétköznapokon narancslé telefonon rendel szervez másképp, különben


'sat fat


'stari:z 'stmpl stt

(set sat)

tudományo s-fantas ztikus

rántotta sorozat


egyszerű, könnyű



888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁasz ANGoL t{ynrvgór sleep (slept, slept)

slice í3 soap opera 27


sofa 41

sometimes í ] speak (spoke, spoken)

loud 56 special occasion 48 spend (spent, spent) 4 spend (spent, §pent) time (doing sg) 28 sports progtamme 27 spring onion 12 start 8 stay at home 43 straight 17 study l9 summer 39 supPoít 22 table 12 table tennis 54 take (took, taken) 6 take (took, taken)



'saUp,oporo 'saofa

szappanopera kanapé 'snmbtmz néha spilk (spaok,'spaokn) laud hangosan beszél ,spefle'ket3n

különleges alkalom tölt (időt) időt tölt valamivel

'spc:ts ,praugr€m

sportműsor zöldhagyma



stet at heom strett

otthon marad

spend (spent spent) spend (spent spent) tatm ,sprt1 'nnjen



sa'pc:t 'tetbl 'tetbl ,tents

terk (tuk,'telken) terk (tuk,'tetken) e bol0

terk (tuk,'tetkan) a Jaua take (took, taken) a shower 49 terk (tok, tetkan) fc: a wc:k take (took, taken) for a walk l0 take (took, taken) long4 terk (tuk, 'tetken) lot1 tc:k talk 16 to:sk task 40 'tetstt tasty 14 ti: tea 2 ti:m team 22 0tt] thing 22 Otqk (Oc:t 0cí) think (thought, thought) i4 'taldt ady 34 tatm ev det time of day 5l 'tarod tired,44 taust toast (U) /2 te'geöa together 12 te'moíeu tomato 12

too 21

tooth (teeth) 2 training í8 52


tu: tu:O (ti:0) 'tretntq


tanul nyár szurkol asztal asztalitenisz visz, elvisz


zuhanyzik elvisz sétálni sokáig tart beszélget feladat

finom (étel) tea



gondol, vél rendet rak napszak fáradt


együtt paradicsom túlságosan fog (fogak) edzés


tam 7

nrice 18 unfortunately í0 until43 rrsual 43










Ju3ual ]u:3oeh


,,-acuum 34 vegetable 12

Vakjoem 'Ved3tobl

\*it 22


rvake (woke, woken) up 5 ,welk (waok, weokn)'np wc:k rvalk 32 Wc:m rvarm 45 woJ wnnz hea ivash one's hair 50 tvatch TV 2 wotJ,ti:'vi: 'wc:ta öa plo:nts lt,ater the plants 34 ,,t,ear (wore,

rreather 32

worn) 4

tteek 1B rveekday 1 rveekend 1 lrhole 12 rtindow 42 rvork 3 rr ork long hours 53 rvorld í4 rrrite (wrote, written) a test PaPer l9 !,ounger brother 4 zoo 22

Weo (Wc:, Wc:n)


wi:k 'wi:kdet ,wi:k'end


-ig (időben) általában rendszerint


zöldség meglátogat felébred sétál meleg hajat mos tévétnéz meglocsolja a növényeket

visel időjárás hét hétköznap héwége egész




munka sokáig dolgozik

,ws:k lory'aoez wg:ld


rart (rao[ 'rrtn) a 'test,petpe dolgozatot

,brnöa zu,^ jnqge



állatkert, vadaspark


888 KÉRDEs ÉsvÁresz ANGoL

Vocabulary tips whole



the whole family

all the members of the family



,,. ;.

az egész csald.d


; 1,i,],,,,:


a család minden taga


tt.-|- take§ + (szernétii,e§,névrnás tár,gyesxe) + időlq4árr.+.,a'cselekrrés


neves szerkezettel It takes me ten minutes to walk to school.Tlz perc alatt érek az iskoldba glalog. It takes two hours to get to London. ,M út Londonig két óráig tart,


How much time did you spend on

homework yesterday? I spent three hours doing homework.

Travelling - Utazas by car Énvezetek vagy valaki más. in a car Nem én vezetek. in my father's car

by bus

I go to school by bus.

,,,,,,,, ,,'. ,, ., , '. ., l, Menny időt tököttéI tíglup a hdzi fetadattat?


Három óra hosszat uináItam a hazi feladatot.


koaivaI kocsival apdm kocsíjával



Bus s zal j ár ok iskoláb a.

by train


by plane


on the bus I meet some of my friends on the bus.

on the train

on the plane take the bus

a buszon

A buszon néhány barátommal találkozom. a vonaton

a repüIőn


busszal utazik

take the train I took the train to the town.

vonattal utazík vonattal mentem a városba.

take the plane

repülővel utazik




DAILY ROUTINE AND HABITS eatr.tr the l7;,1§l:b§§.,,',,,:.'l,',,,']'ll]],],:].,'],]],1]]],]]]:,,]:]]']l. I usually catch the 7.15 bus to







,].]].]l:.]l.:],]':]]]].]]:]]:]]l;.,];,, ],.;].,.,,,,,,1:,l::,:;;.,,:],,l;,11l.,1,1,:::;.,:,.

arosnál kisebb helyre. arrive at the bus stop arrive at school arrive at the station arrive at the airport

a buszmegállóhoz ér iskoldba ér/érkezik az dllomasra ér/érkezik a repüIőtérre ér/érkezik érkezik

rdve in


és annál nagyobb helyre. arrive in Budapest arrive in England arrive in Australia



kedden áItaldban a hét tizenötös megrek ískolába.

school on Tuesdays. üdve


Budapestre érkezik

Anglióba érkezik

Ausztrdlidba érkezik hazaérkezik


\incs elöljáró.

r'. 3o to the cinema ].lindkét jelentésben azonos a szerkezet.


3o to the theatre \lindkét jelentésben azonos a szerkezet.


helyhez. near the sea close to the sea near Budapest close to Budapest

közel közel közel közel közel

n€ar to a1 amilyen tevékenységhez,/történéshez, near to solÜng the problem near to tears


lr . .,





a tengerhez a tengerhez Budapesthez Budapesthez

közel a probléma megoldasóhoz majdnem sír



bave breakfast


bave lunch









nearlclose to




l..,, l,,l,,',,, l,,,.',,,,:,,ll:,,,





'] :.'l]

]]]: ]:- ,




Etkezést jelentő igékkel nem használunk névelőt.


8B8 KERDÉs ÉsvÁrasz ANGoL


Ha jelző áll az étkezésneve előtt, kell a névelő.


Quantities - Mennybégek Átalában kijelentő mondatokban használatos. sok lots of Kijelentő mondatokban és főleg beszéIt nyelvben.










Kérdésekben és tagadó mondatokban.

§r,dínó§]],]],]],,,',]]]:",,],,,,,,,, several A magyar,,több" megfelelője, amikor nincs összehasonlítás.


4. Education and Learning



L an8u ages - Iskola és nyelvtanulás

!,íike a good pupil?" he is. He wants to know all the subjects so well that he sfays in every class for two


l J;j--§.


1.What school do you 8o to? Milyen iskolába jársz? 2.What was your primary school like? Milyen volt az általános iskolád? 3.What subjects are you good at? Mely tantárgyakban vagy jó? -l. What subjects are you not too good at? Mely tantárgyakban nem vagy túlságosan jó? 5.Are you especially good at something? Van valami, amiben különösen jó vagy? 6.Are you specialised in any subject? 7.

Jársz fakultációra valarnilyen tárgyból? What are art§ and science subjects? Melyek a humán és a reál tárgyak?

8.Which subjects do you like? Mely tantárgyakat kedveled? 9.What is your favourite book at school? Melyik a kedvenc tankönyved? 10. How many lessons do you have a day? Hány órád van naponta?

11.Which Melyik 12.Which Melyik

is the most difficult day for you at school? a legnehezebb napod az iskolában?

is the easiest day for you at school? a legkönnyebb napod az iskolában?


888 KÉRDEs rs

veu,sz ANGoL twrrwőr

How do students get their grades? Mi alapján kapnak a diákok érdemjegyet? 14. How can parents get information about their children's studies at school? Hogyan kapnak a szülők információt a gyerekeik tanulmányairól? 15.What happens if somebody fails a subject? Mi történik, ha valaki megbukik egy tárgyból? 16. What happens if somebody misses a class? Mi történik, ha valaki hiányzik egy óráról? 17.What is the best motivation for you at school? Mi a legjobb ösztönző számodra az iskolában? 18. Do you meet your dassmates outside school? Szoktál az osztá|ytársaiddal találkozni az iskolán kívül? 19.How do you get on with your classmates? Hogy jössz ki az osztálytársaiddal? 20.Do you like your teachers? 13.

Kedveled a tanáraidat?

21.Who is your favourite teacher?


a kedvenc tanárod?

22.What is your form teacher like? Milyen az osztályfőnököd? 23.Do you take part in afternoon classes? Jársz délutáni órákra? 24. What foreign languages do you take at school? Milyen idegen nyelveket tanulsz az iskolában? 25.What is your school like? Milyen az iskolád? 26.What is the gym like in your school? Milyen az iskolai tornaterem? 27.Is there a library at your school? Van-e könyvtár az iskolátokban? 28.Does your school have a choir? van az iskolátokban énekkar? 29.Does your school have a drama group? Yan az iskolátokban szinjátszó csoport? 30.Does your school have a school magazine? Van az iskolátoknak újságia? 3]..Is there a doctor at your school? van orvos az iskolátokban? 32.Is there a counsellor at your school? van tanácsadó az iskolátokban? 33.Can students have lunch at school? Ebédelhetnek a diákok az iskolátokban? 34.What can you buy in the school canteen? Mit lehet venni az iskolai büfében? 35.What makes a good class? Mitől jó egy osztály? 58


you 8o on trips with your class?

Szoktatok osztálykirándulásra


37.Who decides about the trips? Ki dönt az osztálykirándulásokról? 38.Which was the best trip with your class? Melyik volt a legjobb osztálykirándulásotok? 39,Do you have competitions at your school?

Vannak versenyek az iskoládban? -iO.Does your school have contacts with schools abroad? Van az iskoládnak kapcsolata külföldi iskolákkal?

11.Does your school have a homepage? Yan az iskoládnak honlapja? 42.Does your school offer special courses? Az iskoládban vannak tanfolyamok? 13. Does your school prepare you for a particular profession? Az iskolád felkészít valamilyen szakmára? 4-{. Do you wear uniforms at school? Viseltek egyenruhát az iskoládban?

45.What do you keep in your schoolbag? Mit tartasz az iskolatáskádban? 46. What events do you celebrate at school? Milyen eseményeket szoktatok megünnepelni az iskolában? 47.At what age do children start school in Hungary?

Hány éves korukban kezdenek a gyerekek iskolába jámi Magyarországon?

48.What kinds of schools can students choose after primary school in Hungary? Átalános iskola után milyen iskolák közül választhatnak a tanulók Magyarországon? {,9,What would you change at your school? Mit változtatnál az iskoládban? 50.What would you change in the Hungarian school system? Mit változtatnál a magyar iskolarendszerben? 51.What do most young people want to study at university nowadays? Manapság mit szeretne tanulni a legtöbb diák az egyetemen? S2.What is higher education like in Hungary? Milyen a magyar felsőoktatás? 53. How can students pay for their studies nowadays? Hogyan fizethetnek manapság a diákok az oktatásért? can students live if they do not attend a school in their hometown? Where 54. Hol lakhatnak azok a diákok, akik nem a lakóhelytikön járnak isko]ába? 55. Should schools provide afternoon progTammes for their pupils? Az iskoláknak kellene-e délutáni programokat szervezni a tanulóknak? 56.What is physical education like in your school? Milyenek a testnevelés órák az iskoládban? 37.What makes a good pupil? Mitől jó egy diák? 58.What is a bad pupil like? Milyen a rossz diák? 59

BBB KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGot NrygrvBőr 59.What is a good teacher like? Milyen a jó tanár? 60.What is a bad teacher like? Milyen a rossz tanár? 61.Who can help you if you have problems with your homework? Ki segít, ha gondod van a házi feladattal? 62.What can you find in a well-equipped classroom? Mi található egy jól felszerelt tanteremben? 63.How can you decorate a classroom? Hogyan lehet díszíteniaz osztálytermet? 64. How do people learn languages in Hungary? Hogyan tanulnak nyelveket az emberek Magyarországon? 65.Where do you study English? Hol tanulsz angolt? 66. How do you prepare for a language exam? Hogyan készülsz nyelwizsgára? 67.Why do people take language exams? Miért tesznek az emberek nyelwizsgát? 68.How can you practise English? Hogyan tudod gyakorolni az angolt? 69. How can you improve your vocabulary? Hogyan fejlesztheted a szókincsed?

watching TV help to learn a language? segíthet a nyelvtanulásban? A tévénézés 71.What is your dream profession? 70. Can

Mi az álomfoglalkozás számodra? 72.Will you choose your parents' job? Szüleid hivatását választod majd? 73.What are your future plans? Mik a terveid a jövőre nézve? 74.Which jobs are the most popular in Hungary nowadays? Melyek manapság a legnépszerűbb foglalkozások Magyarországon? 75.What is a good job like? Milyen egy jó állás? 76.Where are jobs advertised? Hol hirdetnek állásokat? 77.Have you ever had a summer job? Volt már valaha nyári munkád? 78.Why do many young people want to find work abroad? Miért akar sok fiatal külföldön dolgozni?



rs twnrvrnNuras

1.lVhat school do you go to? I go to Zrínyi Miklós Secondary Grammar School in Szigewár. I'm in the first form. 2.What was your primary school like? rvent to a modern school in Nagykanizsa. It is a big two-storey building in the town centíe with a huge yard. This primary school is specialised in the visual arts, so we had two extra classes a week in those subjects. I liked painting the best. I

3.What subjects are you good at?

I'm good at maths and languages. I take English and Spanish.


What subjects are you not too good at? I have problems with chemistry and biology although I like nature very much.

5.Are you especially good at something? }'es, I'm really good at history. I often go to competitions. I like books about royal families and I also like films about wars.

6.Are you specialised in any subject? Yes, I'm specialised in maths because I would like to work with computers. I spend at ]east one hour in front of the computer every day, and I try to write simple progTaíTrmes


7.What are arts and science subjects? Arts subjects are history music, Hungarian literature and grammar, and foreign languages. Science subjects are maths, physics, chemistry biology, geography and computer science.

8.Which subjects do you like? I like maths although I'm not too good at it. I prefer geometry to algebra. I also like PE. 9.


What is your favourite book at school? I like my biology book because there are a lot of nice and interesting nature pictures in it, My other favourite is the big history atlas with its colourful maps. How many lessons do you have a day?

On Mondays and Thursdays I have seven classes and on the other days I have six. 1 1.

Which is the most difficult day for you at school? i think Thursday is the most difficult. I have seven classes: history geography, maths, physics, chemistry and double Italian. We start at 7 with chemistry and I have to get up very early. It is difficult to concentrate when you feel sleepy.

12.Which is the easiest day for you at school? On Tiresdays we only have five classes: PE, music, double English, and Hungarian grammar. I like that day very much because I get home earlier than usual.


888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrasz ANGoL


13.How do students get their grades? There are four main factors: tests, oral presentations, homework and classroom participation. I don't like oral presentations because it's rather difficult for me to speak in front of a lot of people. 14.

How can parents get information about their children's studies at school? Parents get their children's grade reports twice a year, in December or January and in June. They are invited to meet the teachers regularly, usually every other month. In some schools parents have to sign their children's test papers too.

15.What happens if somebody fails a subject? I don't know exactly. Once I heard of a boy who failed history in the spring term. He had to study all summer and then take an exam in September. 16.What happens if somebody misses a class? The student has to take a medical certificate to school and catch up with the others. When I'm ill, my best friend tells me what the homework is. 17.What is the best motivation for you at school? I like it when the teachers say nice things about me in front of the others. I also like it when my parents are happy because I get good marks.

18.Do you meet your classmates outside school? Yes, I do. We often do sport together and go to the cinema, If the weather is nice, we

go hiking or swimming.

19.How do you get on with your classmates? I get on well with most of them. I have several good friends and we often meet outside school too. We play football, go to matches, or just talk in the park near the school.

20.Do you like your teachers? I like most of them. They know their subjects well and are really helpful and understanding. 21.Who is your favourite teacher? I like my biology teacher very much. She explains everything clearly and has a very good sense of humour. We all enjoy biology classes. 22.What is your form teacher like? We got a new form teacher just a few months ago, He is a good German teacher but we don't know if he is a good form teacher. 23.Do you take part in afternoon classes? Yes, I have computer science classes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I would like to take an exam in June. 62

EDUc,ATIoN AND LEARNING LANGuAGEs - IsKoIÁ ÉsmyrrvteuurÁs 24, What

foreign languages do you take at school?

take English and French. Half of my class learns English and German. We have three English classes and two French classes every week. I

25.What is your school like? It is a big old building in a quiet district. The classrooms are big with huge windows. Alüough the furniture is not so modern, we have well-equipped labs. There is a big yard with a lot of old trees and benches to sit on. 26.What is the gym like in your school? It is in a separate building which was completely restored a few years ago, It is big, so we can play basketball, which is my favourite sport. 2T.Is there a library at your school?

Yes, it is on the first floor. There are not only books but magazines and video cassettes too. I go there quite often because I like reading very much.

28.Does your school have a choir?

Yes, there are two choirs. One is for girls only They perform at school events. I would

like to sing with my friends in the choi4 but, unfortunately, my voice is not too good,

29.Does your school have a drama group? There used to be one, but the drama teacher retired two years ago, so there is no drama group now. I have heard that there were some really successful performances a few years ago.

30.Does your school have a school magazine? Yes, it is published five times a year. The editors are always the third-form students but anybody can write for it. It's free and there are always some humorous drawings and articles in it. 31.Is there a doctor at your school? No, but a doctor visits the classes every terín and checks our eyesight.

counsellor at your school? A woman comes every Wednesday afternoon and anybody with a problem can talk

32. Is there a

to her. I haven't seen her yet but she gave very useful advice to my friend.

33. Can students have

lunch at school?

No, not at school, but there's a restaurant near the school where there is a student menu. It is cheap but tasty. I always eat there with my younger brother.

34. What can you buy

in the school canteen? We can buy sandwiches, soft drinks and fruit. Unfortunately, they stopped selling chocolate and sweets a few months ago.


888 KERDÉs ns vÁrasz ANGoL


35.What makes a good class? I think in a good class everybody is friends and they help each other and do things together. They meet outside school and have lots of fun on school trips.

36. Do

you 80 on trips with your class?

Yes, we 8o on a three-day trip somewhere in the country every year. Last year we Went to the Danube bend. It was fantastic!

37.Who decides about the üips?

We always decide where to go as a 8íoup. Anybody can suggest an interesting place and we discuss all the ideas with our form teacher. she books accommodation and we make our plans together,

38.Which was the best trip with your class? We went to Sárvár last spring. We swam a lot and visited the castle and some interesting places nearby. In the evenings we lit a bonfire and grilled some food. We sang, danced and talked a lot. 39. Do you have competition§ at your school? There are competitions in almost every subject. Our school is very good at history. This October I went to the geography competition, but, unfortunately, I was not the best.

40.Does your school have contact§ with schools abroad? Yes, we have an exchange programme with a French school. The French students come to our school in spring and we visit them in February. The French school is in the mountains, so we can ski there. 41.Does your school have a homepage? Yes, but, unfortunately, it is hardly ever updated, so it's not very useful. What I like most about it are the photos of school events and school trips. 42.Does your school offer special courses? Yes, there are several special courses in our school. I take a computer science course and my brother goes to geography and environmental protection.

43.Does your school prepare you for a particular profession? Yes, we have the chance to study tourism. We can be tour guides or hostesses if we pass an exam.

44.Do you wear uniforms at school?

We wear uniforms only on special occasions. Girls wear white blouses and dark blue skirts. Boys wear white shirts and dark blue trousers.

45.What do you keep in your schoolbag? My books, exercise books, and a pencil case with pens, pencils and a rubber. I also put my student card and bus pass into the pocket of my schoolbag. 64


\\trat events do you celebrate at school? '.\'e

celebrate the beginning and the end of the school yea4 national holidays, and our school's day in March.

t-..{t what age do children start school in Hungary? They start school at the age of six. My sister started when she was 7 because she was born in December. 1.8.

what kinds of schools can students choose after primary school in Hungary? They can go to secondary grammar, technical or vocational school. I think most people choose a secondary grammar school because they want to get a good job or go to universiry.

l9.\Vhat would you change at your school? I would change the furniture in the classrooms because it is rather old and uncomfortable. I would plant some trees and put some benches in the yard. I don't like the colour of the building either, so I would paint it light yellow. 3,L].

\Vhat would you change in the Hungarian school system? I would like to have smaller classes, wiü nventy pupils at the most. I wouldn't make pupils learn so many details about each subject. I wou]d let them concentrate more on what they like.

51,What do most young people want to sfirdy at university nowadays?

I heard on TV that a ]ot of young people want to study psychology and media studies. There are also a lot of students who want to be lawyers or economists.

52.What is higher education like in Hungary?

There are colleges and universities. I have heard that there will be some changes but now students attend colleges for four years or universities for five.


How can students pay for their studies nowadays? I don't know much about it but I think that they can get a grant from the state and take out student loans.


Where can students live if they do not 8o to a school in their hometown?

They can stay at hostels or they can rent a room or a flat. Hostels are cheaper but my brothel who studies biology and geography at a college, complains that it's almost impossible to study there because there are always parties.

55. Should schools provide afternoon progTammes for their pupils? Yes, I think sports programmes are always popular. Some students need extra classes in subjects they are not so good at.


sss KÉRDÉsns vÁrasz ANGoL rynrwőr 56.What is physical education like in your school?

Unfortunately, the gym in our school is small, so we can only do gymnastics and cannot play ball games. We often run in üe yard or go to the swimming pool nearby.

57.What makes a good pupil? I think good pupils are hard-working and they are also ready to help the others. 58.What is a bad pupil like? I think bad pupils miss a lot of classes, don't do their homework and disrupt the lessons.

59.What is a good teacher like? In my opinion, good teachers know a lot about their subject, can explain clearlY and have no favourites among students.

60.What is a bad teacher like? I think bad teachers are not prepared for classes, are impatient with students and give grades and teach according to their moods.

61.Who can help you if you have problems with your homework? It depends on the subject. My family can help me with arts subjects but they are not good at sciences. I can ask my friends too. If they cannot help me, I can turn to mY teachers,

62.What can you find in a well-equipped classroom? There are comfortable desks and chairs, a big whiteboard, an OHB and a TV with a video. 63. How can you decorate a classroom? you can put posters and maps on the walls, nice curtains on the windows, and some plants on the shelves. 64. How do people learn languages in Hungary?

A lot of peopi" learn languages at schools or attend language courses. Some PeoPle spend time abroad. I think watching films is also very useful.

65.Where do you study English? I study ungtish at school but I have a private tutor, too, who helps me to practise conversations. I have private lessons twice a week. 66. How do you prepare for a language exam? I practisafrom bobks, read English magazines and watch films in English. I also have a pen friend in Australia who can help me.


EDUcATIoN AND IEARNING IÁNGUAGEs - IsKoIá. ÉsmynrvrnxulÁs 5:.Why do people take language exams? They need a certificate for their work or degree. Some people learn languages for fun and want to know how good they are. 58.

How can you practise English?

wiü subtitles, I listen to music and try to understand üe lyrics, I often speak English with my friends, and I have a pen friend in Wales. I like reading English short stories and graded readers, which are novels for language learners.

I watch fi]ms

59. How can I


you improve your vocabulary?

the best way is to read a lot. It's good to have some friends who practise with


-0. Can watching TV help to learn a language? Yes, I think it helps a lot. You can learn a lot of new words and expressions.

-1.What is your dream profession? I'd like to be a journalist. I would like to travel a lot and send news back home. -2. Will you choose your parents' job?

don't think so. I find üeir jobs a bit boring and monotonous. I would like a job üat I enjoy very much. I would like to earn well and it's also important to work with nice colleagues. ),Io, I

-3.IVhat are your future plans? I would like to go to university and study law. I would like to be

a judge.

-4.Which jobs are the most popular in Hungary nowadays? I don't know exactly. There are many lawyers and economists and people who do business.

-5.What is a good job like? A good job must be interesting and challenging. It's good if you earn well and you rvork in a nice team. -6.Where are jobs advertised? As far as I know, jobs are advertised in newspapers and magazines, on the Internet, in jobcentres and at agencies.

-]. Have you ever had a summer job?

Yes, I delivered newspapers last summer. I didn't like it because I had to get up early

and it didn't pay well.

-8.Why do many young people want to find work abroad? They üink they can earn a lot of money and buy everything üey want. I can't imagine myself lMng and working far from my family and friends. 67


a lot of 9

a lot av

abroad 40

a'brc:d e,kome'detfn

accommodation 37 according to 60 advertise 26 advice (U) 32 afternoon 23 agency 76

algebra 8

although 4 always 30 among 59 article 30 arts subjects 7 at least 6 atlas 9 Australia 66 ball game 56 be good at sg 3 be ready 57 be specialised in 2 beginning 46 bench 25 big 2 biology 4 blouse 44 blue 44 bonfire 38

book37 book 5

boring 72 brother 33 building 2 bus pass 45 buy (bought, bought) 34 canteen 34 cassette 27 castle 38 catch (caught, caught) up with í6 celebrate 46 certificate 6z cbair 62 challenging 75 6B


külföldön szállás szerint

a'kc:dtr; ,ta




tanács délután ügynökség algebra

,o:fta'nuln 'eld3nst


bár mindig között cikk


'c:lwetz e'm^rJ


'olts ,snbd3tkts


humán tárgyak legalább





o'stretlla 'bc:l,getm bi: gud

labdajáték jó valamiben


bi:'redt bi:'speJe,latzd

kész valamire



bentJ blg bat'olad3t

fakultációra jár valamiből kezdet pad nagy


biológia blúz kék




lefoglal (szállást)

bok bok

könyv unalmas

'bc:rtq 'brnöa



'bns ,po:s bat (bc:t bc:t)


ke'set 'ko:sl

katí (kc:t

'sele,brett sa'ttftket tJea 'tJallnd3tt1

kc:t) np wIö

épület buszbérlet vesz büfé kazetta

vár utolér (fejlődésben) valakit ünnepe1

bizonyrwány szék kihívást jelentő




úartge 49 &ange 52 cbeap 33

óe€k 31 óemisnry 4 óocolate 34




(chose, chosen) 48

.inema Í8 dassmate í8 dassroom 25

tJo:ns tJetnd3 tJetnd3 tJi:p

tjek 'kemtstrt

'tJoklet kwata

tlulz (tJauz,'tJaozn) 'slnoma

'klo:s,mett 'klo:s,ru:m dassroom participation 1 3 'klo:s,ru:m po l,ttst'petJn 'kltalt &arly 21 'koli:g olJeagae 72 'koltd3 ollege 52 'knle rp,lol;r 49 'knlafl colourful9 'knmftebl omfortable 62

competition 5 complain 54 completely 26 cumputer 6 computer science 7




tgncentrate í1

lehetőség változtat, kicserél változás olcsó

ellenőriz kémia

csokoládé énekkar

választ mozi osztálytárs osztályterem

órai aktiütás világosan munkatárs

főiskola szín színes kényelmes verseny




teljesen számítógép

kem'pju:ta kem,pju:te 'salons 'konsen,trett


Danube bend 36 óaík 44 decorate 63 &gree 67 deliver newspapers ZZ depend on sy/sg 61

'danju:b bend

összpontosít kapcsolat társalgás tanácsadó ország függöny táncol Dunakanyar



detail50 öfficult 1í discuss sg 37

'di:tetl 'dtflklt

onversation 65


country 36


qrnsellor 32 ortain

63 óance 38


disrupt 58 disnict 25 do (did, done) business 74

'kaonsele 'kg:tn


dt'gri: dt'ltve 'nju:zpetpez

díszít diploma újságot kihord

dl'pend on

f ti g


desk dt'skns dts'rnpt 'dtstrtkt

du: (dld, dnn) 'btznas

g val akit ől / v alamitőL íróasztal részlet nehéz megvitat valamit zavar, megszakít kerület, városrész



B88 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGot do (did, done) homework 58 do (did, done) sport 18 double 11 drama group 29 drawing 30 dream 71 each 50 each other 35 earlier than usual ]2 early i 1 earn we|l 72 easy 12 eat (ate, eaten) 33

dul (dtd, dnn)'heum,ws:k du: (dtd, dnn) 'dnbl


'drolma ,gru:p

wrgrwőr megcsinálja a házi feladatot sportol

dupla színjátszókör


'drc:t4 dri:m



minden egyes

,i:tJ'nöe 's:lte öan Ju:3uel



g:n wel 'i,^zl


(e( 'iín)

a szokásosnál korábban


jól keres könnyű eszik

economist 50 editor 30




end 46


szerkesztó vé8 angol

English 3 enjoy 21



enyironmental protecaon 42 especially 5


event 46


every §econd month ]4

exactly l5 exchange programme 40 exercise book 45 explain 21 expression 70 eyesight 3l factor í3 fail a subject í5 family 6í fantastic 36 favourite 9 feel (felt, felt) sleepy 1í film with subtitles 68 find (found, found) 62 find (found, found) 72 find (found, found) work 28 flat 54 floor 27 food (U) 38 form 1 form teacher 22 7o


lr9n'mentl pra'tekfn

,evrt 'sekand mnnO


tks'tJetnd3 'praügrem 'eksasatz ,bok tk'spletn tk'spreJn

'atsaI Takta

fetla 'snbd3tkt 'famlt


'felvrot fi:l (felt, felt)'sli:pl ftlm wtö'snbtaúlz

fatnd (faond, fuond) fatnd (fuond, fuund) ,fatnd (faond, faond) 'ws:k

flat flcl fu:d

fclm ,fc:m'tiltJa


környezewédelem különösen esemény kéthavonta pontosan cserepro8Tam

füzet magyaráz kifejezés látás tényező megbukik egy tárgyból család fantasztikus kedvenc álmosnak érzi magát feliratos film talál valahol taiál valamilyennek munkát talál lakás emelet étel

osztály osztályfőnök

EDUcATIoN AND LEARNING LANGuAGEs - IsKoLA Ésvyrrvtnrurr{.s free 30 French 24

friend í6 fullit 34 furniture (V) 25 future 23 geography 7 geometry 8 German 22 get (got, got) í3 get (got, got) a gTant 53 get (got, got) on with 19 get (got, got) up ]í give (gave, given) 32 go (went, gone) hiking 1B go (went, gone) on a trip 36 go (went, gone) swimming i8 go (wenq gone) to school 1 grade 13 grade report í4 graded readers 68 grammar 7 grant 53 8ri1l38 gyn 26 glmnastics 56 half.24 happen 15 hard-working 57 have (had, had) a chance 43 have (had, had) a contact with 40 have (had, had) lunch 33 hear (heard, heard) í5 helpful20 higher education 52 history 5 history atlas 9 homepage 41 hometown 54 homework í3 hostel 54






barát gyümölcs


bútor jövő földrajz


'íu:tja d3t'ogreft d3t'omatrt

'd3s:man get (got got) get (got got) e gro:nt get (gDt got) on wtö get (got got) np

gv (gelv,


geometria német szerez, kap ösztöndíjat kap kijön valakivel

felkel ad

gao (wen[ gon)'hatktq gau (Went gon) on a trtp

túrázni megy kirándulni megy

gaU (Went gon)'swlml]l

úszni megy

gaU (Went gon)to sku:l

iskolába jár

gretd 'gretd n,pc:t

osztályzat bizonyíwány

'gr@ma gro:nt

könyvsorozat nyelvtanulóknak nyelvtan ösztöndíj

gnl d3tm


,gretdtd 'ri,^daz




gimnasztika fél történik

,ha:d'we lkit1


hav (had, had) a'tJalns

lehetősége van

hev (hed, hed) a

kapcsolata van

hev (hed, hed) lnntJ hra (held, hsld)



'kontakt wtö


,hara edjo'ketJn 'hlstrt




,haom'bon 'heom,wglk


hall segítőkész felsőoktatás történelem

történelmi atlasz honlap város, ahol é1 házi feladat



888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGoL nrygrvBőr huge 2

humorous 30 Hungarian 7 Hangary 47 idea 37 i|l 16 imagine 78 impatient 60 important 72 impossible 54 improve 69 in front of 6 information (U) 14 interesting 9 invite 14 Italian 11 job 48

jobcentre 26 journalist 71

judge 73 keep (kept, kept) 45

know (Lnew, known) 16 |ab 25 language 3 language course 64 last year 36 Iaw /5 lawyer 50 lesson 10 let (let, let) (sy do sg) 50 library 27

|ight 49


hatalmas humoros magyar Magyarország ötlet beteg (állapot) elképzel türelmetlen fontos



lm'pruIV ln frnnt av lnfa'melJn



'hju:meres hnry'ganan

'hnqgarr at'dta tl

t'mad3tn tm'petJnt




meghív olasz foglalkozás, állás munkaközvetítő újságíró

t'taljen d3ob 'd3ob ,sente

'd3s:nhst d3nd3 ki:p (kept kept) nao (nju:, naon)



'|aqgwtd3,kc:s lo:st jla lc:

'lcja 'lesn

let (let let)

bíró tart tud

labor nyelv nyelvtanfolyam

tavaly jog jogász tanóra engedi (hogy valaki valamit megtegyen)




világos tábortüzet gyujt

light (lit, lit) a bonfire 38 lalt (lt[ ltt) a'bon,bta 'ltsn to listen to sy/sg68 'ltnks lyrics 68 mage'ziln magazine 27 map 9 map mark 17 mo:k match í9 matJ maths 3 maOs 'mi:dtg,stndtz media studies 5í 'medtkl sa,tlftket medical certificate 16 meet (met, met) í4 mi:t (me[ met) miss a class 16 mts a klols 72

előtt információ

hallgat (valamiVvalakit) dalszöveg

folyóirat térkép

osztályzat meccS


kommunikáció szak orvosi igazolás

találkozik hiányzik egy óráró1




=onotonous í4 =onth


sood 60 aotivation 17 nountain 40 :ational holiday 46 :arure 4 aeat 33

nearby 38 eeed 55 aervs 7í



me'notenes mnn0


monoton, egyhangú hónap hangulat ösztönző hegy nemzeti ünnep természet



,nla'bat ni:d

a közelben szüksége van

mu:d ,mautt'vetJn





aervspaper 26 novel 68


újság regény manapság

affer 42 often 5

'ofa 'ofn

lorvadays 51 wcasion 44

OHP (overhead

projector) 62 old 25

on TV


once í5 oral presentation 13



paint 49 painting 2 parent 14 park 19

particular 43 party 54 pí§s an exam 43 pay (paid, paid) for 53 pay (paid, paid) well77


pen 45

pen friend 66

pencil45 pencil case 45

pertorm 28 performance 29 physical education 56 physics Z place 37

plan 73 plant 49


'naoe,detz e'kel3n

eu ettJ'pi: (,eovehed

alkalom kíná1

gyakran írásvetítő


auld on ,ti:'vi:

régi a tévében



,c:ral ,prezn'telJn

szóbeli felelet

,aotsatd petnt 'petnttq

'pearent po:k pa'tlkjola po:tt

po:s an lg'zam pel (petd, petd) fc: pet (petd, petd) wel


fest festés





vizsgán átmegy

kifizet jól fizet

pi: i: pen


'pen ,frend pensl 'pensl ,kets

levelezőtárs ceruza


pa'fc:mans ,flztkl ,edjo'ketJn

'ítztks plets




tolltartó fellép előadás testnevelés

fizika hely terv ültet 73


888 KÉRDÉsÉsver.qsz ANGoL plant 63 play basketball26 pocket 45 popular 55 poster 63 practise 65 prefer 8 prepare íor 43 prepare for 60 primary school2 private tutor 65 profession 43 programme 6 provide 55 psychology 51 publish 30


quiet 25

quite 27 rately 47 read (read, read) 27 ready (to do sg) 57 really 5 regularly í4 rent 54 restaurant 33 restore 26 rctire 29 room 54 royal family 5 rubber 45 run (ran, run) 56 sandwich 34 school event 28 school magazine 30 school system 50 school trip 35 schoolbag 45 science subjects Z secondary gTammar school 1 see (saw, seen) sy 32 sell (sold, sold) 34 send (sent, sent) 77 sense of humour 2í separate 26 74


plo:nt plet 'bo:sktt,bcll 'poktt





'praktts pn'fsl prt'pea fc:

prl'pea fcl 'pratmart ,sku:l

'pralvot,tjuÍa pra'feJn

'praogram pre'latd sat'koled3t 'pnbhJ

'pjulpl 'kwatet kwatt 'reolt

ri:d (red, red) 'redt 'rtalt

'regjolarlt rent

'restront rt'stcl rl'tale



'rnba rnn (ren, rnn)


,skull l'vent

,sku:l mega'ziln 'sku:l ,slstem 'skull,trtp

kosárlabdázik zseb



jobban szeret felkészítvalamire felkészül valamire általános iskola magántanár szakma pro8ram

biztosít pszichológia kiad, megjelentet tanuló csendes eléggé

ritkán olvas

kész (valami megtételére) igazán rendszeresen bérel étterem felújít,restaurál nyugdíjba megy szoba királyi család


fut szendvics iskolai ünnepség iskolaújság iskolarendszer

iskolai kirándulás

'sku:l,beg 'salans ,snbd3tkts

iskolatáska reál tárgyak

si: (sc:, siln) sel (seold, saold) send (sent sent) ,sens Dv'hjulme

lát, találkozik valakivel árusít

,sekendn 'grama ,sku:l



küld humorérzék különálló



óelf úifi,44 óort story

(shelves) 63




rirnple 2


Jelf (Jetvz)


ing novella aláír


Jc:t'stc:ri saln

egyszerű énekel


dng (sang, sung) 28 rit (sat, sat) 25




sl0 (sa]], s^n) stt

(sa[ sat)


síel álmos

ski: 11


roft drink 34 §panish 3 ryecial coutse 42 rpecialised in 2 rpend (spent, spent) nme 64 ryring 38 ryring term í5 §ate 53

mdent í3

sordent catd4i sardent loan 53 sürdent menu 33

rurües 14

'slilpl smc:l ,soft'drtqk

kicsi üdítőital

'spentJ ,spe|'kc:s

spend (spen[ spent) tatm

spanyol külön tanfolyam tagozatos időt tölt

sprlI 'spnD,k:m

tavasz tavaszi félév


állam tanuló diákigazolvány diákhitel




'stju:dnt,ko:d ,stjuldnt'leun

,stju:dnt 'menju: 'sürdtz



subject 2 mbtitle 68





§u88est 37 summer 15




nveets 34 nrim (swam, swum) 38

'sAme swi:ts 'swtm (swem, swnm)

ntimming pool56 -_ake (took, taken) out a loan 53 :alie (took, taken) an exam í5 mke (took, taken) paít in 23 ralk 19

3sty 33 :eacher

:eam 75


:echnical school 48 :ell (told, told) 16 :"_st



'swlmtq,pu:l tetk (tok, 'tetkan) aot e


javasol nyár édesség

úszik uszoda hitelt felvesz

terk (tok, 'tetken) an lg'zam vizsgázik tetk (tok, 'tetken)

tc:k 'tetstt 'ti:tJe


'tekntkl,sku:l tel (teuld, teuld)


poí tn

részt vesz beszélget

finom tanár csapat szakközépiskola megmond dolgozat 75

888 KERDÉs ÉsvÁresz ANGot third-grade student 30 together 18 tourism 43 tour guide 43 town centre 2 ttee 25 trousers 44


turn to sy 61 tvltce 14 two-storey 2 uncomfortable 49 understand (understood, understood) 68 understanding 20 unfortunately 28 university 5l update 47 useful32 usually 14 video cassette 27 visit 31 visual arts 2 vocabulary 69 vocational school 48 voice 28 Wales 68


war 5 watch 64 way 69 wear (wore, worn) a uniform 44 weather 18 well-equipped 25 white 44 whiteboard 62 window 25 word 70 work (U) 67


vwite (lwote, written) 6 yard 2 year 14 yellow 49 younger brother 33 76

,Os:d gretd'stju:dnt ta'geöa 'toanzam 'toa ,gatd

,taon'sente tril


nryrrwór harmadikos együtt


idegenvezető városközpont





ts:n tu twats

fordul valakihez

tu:'stc:rt ,nn'knmftebl

,nnde'stand (,nnda'stod, ,nnde'stod)

,nnda'standrq nn'fcíJnetlt ju:nt'vs:satt ,np'dett

Ju:sfl Ju:3oelt ,vtdtao ke'set 'vlztt


vao'kabjolarl veo'ketJanl ,sku:l

Vcls wetlz wc:l Wc:

wotJ Wel

wea (wc:, wc:n) a

kétszer kétszintes kényelmetlen megért megértő sajnos

egyetem frissít, aktualizál hasznos általában videókazetta meglátogat képzőművészet szókincs szakiskola hang Wales

fal háború


mód egyenruhát üsel


'weöa ,well'kwtpt watt 'watt,bc:d

'wtndau ws:d

ws:k ws:k ralt (reo[ 'rttn) jo:d


jól felszerelt fehér fehér mágnestábla ablak szó munka

dolgozik ír udvar



Jnryga ,brnöa

sárga öcs



Vocabulary tips school - lskola goto,1schooll,, ,





My son still goes to school. attend + name of school Nincs elöljáró! I attend Arany János Secondary Grammar School. at school

lanulokent. My little sister is still at school.

at school _{z

épületben/tanulás közben, tanulóként. I had a difficult day at school.

write a paper

We wrote a paper yesterday.

ískoldba jár Afiam még kkolás. iskolába jár

Az Arany János Gimnáziumba jdrok.


A húgom még iskolas,


. .

] :,,,l




, , ,.'



Nehéz ,opi^ volt az' iskolában.


dolgozatot tr ap dolgo zat ot irtunk.


take a test He took his driving test last week. take an exam I'll take my language exam next spring. take a subject I'll take physics next year. pa§s an exam I'll pass all my exams. pa§s a subject I only passed biology in the autumn.


A mútt héten vizsgázott


vizsgazik J öv ő tav



ny elw iz s gázok.

valamityen tárgtat tan.ul



Jövőre fizíkdt fogok tanulni.


vizsgán ó.tmegr Át fogok menni minden vizsgámon.

átmegt v alamílyen tár gtból Csak ősszel mentem át bíológiábóI.

{. fail a test Three of my classmates failed the English paper yesterday

tail an exam

I'm not going to fail the language exam.

Hdrom osztólytársamnak nem sikerült a napi angol dolgozat. vizsgán megbukik Nem fogok megbukni a nyelwizsgán,


fail a zubject

megbukik v alam íIy e n t ár gb ól One of my classmates failed chemistry Az egtík osztálytársam tavaly megbukott last year.


{. miss a class Géza missed the geography class in the morning.


nrunyzlK egl oraroL Géza reggel hiányzott


föIdrajz óráróI.


', ]", hiányzik egt hetet az iskolábóI ', I had to miss a week because I was ill. Betegség miatt egr hetet kellett hidnyoznom.

miss a week of


ffiszANGoLlvynrwől Abilities - Képességek make a gooósg She will make a good engineer. have a chance

He has a good chance of passing the exam.

have the chance

He had the chance of studying abroad.

good at (doing) sg

I'm good at maths. I'm good at painting portraits. I'm not very good at physics. bad at (doing) sg She is really bad at gymnastics. poor at (doing) sg He is poor at making conversation.



ó v atamib en/jó v alami v álik Lesz belőle.



Jó mérnök


uélye van

esétye van, hogr átmegr a vizsgdn.

lehetősége van L eh et ő s ége v


olt külf öldö n tanulni.

jó valamiben Jó vagrok matekból.

Jól tudok

arcképeket festeni. Nem vagrok valami jó fizikából. nem jó valamiben

Nagron rossz tornász. jó valamiben


Nem valami jó tórsalgó.

5. Free time and Hobbies

- Szabadidő

és hobbi

1:ed and Alice are watching TV At the most interesting part Fred turns off the set, l)ice: Why didyou do that? 1-ed: l need to go to the bathroom and I don't want to miss anything.

1.What do you like doing in your free time? Mit szeretsz csinálni a szabadidődben? 2. How much free time do you have a week? Mennyi szabadidőd van e8y héten? 3.Who do you usually spend your free time with? kivel szoktad tölteni a szabadidődet? 4. Do you plan activities with your friends? Szervezel programokat a barátaiddal?

5.Do you plan activities with your family? Szervezel progtamokat a családoddal?

6.How do you spend your weekends? Hogyan szoktad tölteni a héwégéidet? 7.What hobbies do you have? Milyen hobbijaid vannak? 8.What does the word'hobby' mean to you? Mit jelent számodra a ,,hobbi" szó? 9.What would you take up as a hobby if you could? Milyen hobbit választanál, ha lehetőséged lenne rá? 10.What are the most popular pastimes in Hungary? Mik a legkedveltebb szabadidős tevékenységekMagyarországon? 1l.What kinds of indoor hobbies can you think oP Milyen zárt térben végezhető hobbik jutnak eszedbe? i2.What kinds of outdoor hobbies can you think oP Milyen szabadtéri hobbik jutnak eszedbe? 79

888 KÉRDEs rs

vÁresz ANGot


13.Is it important to have a hobby? Fontos, hogy az embernek legyen hobbija?

14.Do people's hobbies change when they grow older? Változnak az emberek hobbijai, ahogy idősebbek lesznek? 15.Do men and women have different kinds of hobbies? Különböző hobbijaik vannak a férfiaknak és a nőknek? 16.Do you think gardening is for men or women? Szerinted a kertészkedésférfi vagy női tevékenység?

17.Do you like reading? szeretsz olvasni?

l8,How often do you read?

Milyen gyakan olvasol? ].9.What do you like reading?

Mit szeretsz olvasni? 20.Do you have favourite authors? vannak kedvenc íróid? 21.Have you ever read something in English or any other foreign language? Olvastál már valamit angolul vagy más idegen nyelven? 22.Do you 8o to libraries? Jársz könyvtárba?

23.When do you usually 80 to a library? Mikor szoktál könyvtárba menni? 24.What can you do in a library? Mit lehet csinálni a könyvtárban? 25,What rules are there in a library? Milyen szabályok vannak a könyvtárban? 26.What newspapers do you read? Milyen újságokat szoktál olvasni? 27.1ffhat magazines do you read? Milyen folyóiratokat szoktál olvasni? 28.What magazines does your family buy? Milyen folyóiratokat szokott venni a családod? 29,What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you usually read? Egy újság, illewe folyóirat mely részeit szoktad elolvasni? 30.What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you never read? Az újság illewe folyóirat melyik részeit nem olvasod soha? 31. Do you read advertisements too? A hirdetéseket is el szoktad olvasni? 32.Why do you think people read less and less nowadays? Mit gondolsz, miért olvasnak egyre kevesebbet az emberek manapság? 33. Do you think young people read less nowadays? Gondolod, hogy a fiatalok kevesebbet olvasnak manapság? 34. Can TV replace reading? A tévéhelyettesítheti az olvasást? 35. Do you like comics? Szereted a képregényeket? 80



How often do you watch TW Milyen gyakran nézel tévét? 37. How many hours do you watch TV each day? 36.

Hány órát nézel tévétnaponta?

38.Which TV channels do you watch most? Melyik tévécsatornákat nézed a legtöbbet? 39.What progTammes do you watch regularly? Melyik műsorokat nézed rendszereresen? -íO.What are the progTammes that you never watch? Melyek azoka műsorok, amelyeket soha nem nézel? 41. Are there any progíanrmes you would like to see on TV ttrat aren't already on now? Hiányolsz valamit a tévécsatornák műsorkínálatából? 42. Do you watch only Hungarian channels? Csak magyar csatornákat nézel?


Do you have a favourite TV star?

van kedvenc tévésztárod? 4-{.

Should violence on TV or in the cinema be controlled?

Kellene-e korlátozni az erőszakot a tévében vagy a moziban? 45.If you were to start a new channel, what would it be like? Ha új csatornát indítanál, milyen lenne?

16.what is your opinion about commercials? Mit gondolsz a tévéreklámokról? 4'. What do you think of soap operas? Mi a véleményed a szappanoperákíól? *3.why do so many people enjoy series more than individual programmes? Miért szereti sok ember jobban a sorozatokat mint az egyrészes műsorokat? 19.Do you prefer books or film adaptations ofbooks? A könyveket vagy a könyvek alapján készült filmeket szereted jobban? 50.Why do you think quiz shows are §o popular? Szerinted miért olyan népszerűek a kvízműsorok? 51. What are the advantages of having cable TV? Milyen előnyei vannak a kábeltévének? 32.What does satellite TV offer? Mit kínálnak a műholdak? 53.What is your opinion about news channels? Mi a véleményed a hírcsatomákról? 5_{.Is there a local commercial TV channel in your town? A városodban működik helyi kereskedelmi tévécsatorna? j5.Which radio stations do you listen to most? Mellk rádióadót hallgatod a legtöbbet? 56. Has radio any advantages over TV? A rádiónak vannak előnyei a tévévelszemben? 57.Why do you think there is so much music on commercial radio stations? Szerinted miért van annyi zene a kereskedelmi rádióadókon? 58.What kind of radio programmes do you never miss? Milyen rádióműsorokat nem hagysz ki soha? 81

8B8 KERDEs ÉsvÁrasz ANGoL


S9.What kind of radio progtammes do you avoid listening to? Milyen rádióműsorokat nem szeretsz hallgatni? 60.Is there a local commercial radio station in your town? A városodban működik helyi kereskedelmi rádióadó? 61.What programmes do the local commercial radio stations offer in your town? Milyen műsorokat kínálnak a helyi kereskedelmi rádióadók a városodban? 62.Is it possible to rent üdeo cassettes and DVDs in your town? A városodban lehet videókazettát és DVD-I kölcsönözni? 63.Do videos and DVDs reduce the number of cinemagoers? A üdeók és DVD-k csökkentik a moziba járók számár? 64. How often do you go to the theatre? Milyen gyakran jársz színházba? 65.Do you have a season ticket to a theatre? van színházbérleted? 66. Where do you usually sit in the theatre? Hol szoktál ülni a színházban? 67.What can people do during the interval? Mit lehet csinálni a szünetben? 68.Why is admission refused to anyone arriving late? Miért nem engedik be a későn érkezőket? 69.What plays do you like most? Milyen színdarabokat szeretsz a legjobban? 70.Who do you usually go to the theatre with? Kivel szoktál színházba jámi? 71.Have you ever been to an open-air theatre? voltál már szabadtéri színházban? 72.How often do you go to ttre cinema? Milyen gyakran jársz moziba? 73.How do you decide what films are worth seeing? Hogyan döntöd el, hogy melyik filmeket érdemes megnézni? 74.What kind of cinema do you go to? Milyen moziba szoktál járni? 75.Who do you usually 8o to the cinema with? Átalában kivel jársz moziba? 76.Why have multiplex cinemas become so popular recently? Mostanában miért annfra népszerűek a multiplex mozik? 77,Wbat sort of films do you like most? Milyen filmeket szeretsz a leginkább? 78.Do you prefer dubbed films or subtitled ones? A szinkronizált vagy a feliratos filmeket szereted jobban? 79.Do you have any favourite actors, actresses, or directors? Vannak kedvenc színészeid,színésznőid vagy rendezőid? 80.What kind of film is usually a box-office success? Átalában milyen filmek a nagy kasszasikerek? 81. Why aren't Hungarian films so popular with Hungarian cinemagoers? Miért nem annfra népszerűek a magyar filmek a magyar mozilátogatók körében? 82



you had the chance, would you take up


job in show business?

Ha megtehetnéd, szeretnél a szórakoztatóiparban dolgozni? i"3.Why do people 8o to a circus? l\íiértmennek az emberek cirkuszba? §4. Do you 8o to concerts? Jársz koncertekre? s5.What are the advantages of CDs over cassettes? Mik a CD előnyei a kazettával szemben? _*6. How often do you listen to cassettes and CDs? Milyen gyakran hallgatsz kazettát és CD-t?

i-.What are the advantages of DVDs over videos?

Mik a DVD előnyei a videóval szemben? you have a DVD player? Van DVDJejátszód? §9. How do you 8et DVDs? Hogyan jutsz DVD-hez? i).What is your opinion about the fact that copying cassettes, CDs, and DVDs has become quite frequent? Mit gondolsz arról, hogy a kazetták, CD-k és DVD-k másolása egyre gyakoribb? i1. Do you 8o to museums or galleries?

§8, Do

Jársz múzeumokba vagy galériákba?

i2.What museums do you know oP

Milyen múzeumokat ismersz? ]3.What exhibitions are you most interested in? Milyen kiállítások érdekelnek a legjobban? ;-í. Do you take photos? Szoktál fényképezni?

95.What dances are you familiar with? Milyen táncokat ismersz? 96.Where can people dance in your town? Hol lehet táncolni a városodban? 9l.How often do you 8o dancing? Milyen gyakran jársz táncolni? 98. What kind of board 8ames are you familiar with? Milyen társasjátékokat ismersz? 99.What board games do you like playing? Milyen társasjátékokat szeretsz játszani? 100.What do people collect in Hungary?

Mit gyűjtenek az emberek Magyarországon? nOl.Have you ever collected anything? Te gyűjtöttél valaha valamit?

102.Who do you play cards with? Kivel szoktál kárryázni? 103. How often do you play cards? Milyen gyakran szoktá] kártyázni?


sse KERDÉs ÉsvÁrasz ANGot mynrwór 104.Does your school organise any freetime activities? Az iskolád szokott szabadidős tevékenységeketszervezni? 105. What is your opinion about crossword puzzles?

Mit gondolsz a keresztrejwényekről? 106.What kind of creative ways of spending free time can you think ofll Milyen kreatív szabadidős tevékenységek jutnak eszedbe? 107.What do small children like doing? Mit szeretnek csinálni a kisgyerekek? 10B.What do you play if you are alone? Mit játszol, amikor egyedül vagy? 109.What are the English famous for doing in their free time? Milyen szabadidős tevékenységről híresek az angolok? 110.What do the Americans like doing in their free time? Az amerikaiak mit szeretnek csinálni a szabadidejükben? 111.Do you do sport in your free time? Szabadidődben szoktál sportolni?

112.Are you a member of a local fitness club? Tagja vagy valamelyik fitneszk]ubnak? 113.Is there a big swimming pool or an aquapark near your place? Van nagy uszoda vagy aquapark az otthonod közelében?

114.Why do people go to a zoo? Miért mennek az emberek az állatkertbe? 115. Have you ever been to an amusement park? Voltál már üdámparkban? 116.What do you like most in an amusement park? Mit szeretsz a legjobban a vidámparkban? 777.Do you like hiking? szeretsz túrázni? 118.How often do you go hiking? Milyen gyakran szoktál túrázni? 119.Who do you usually go hiking with? kivel szoktál általában túrázni? 120.Where do you like to go hiking? Hol szeretsz túrázni?




l.What do you like doing in your free time?

I go to handba]l training three times a week. I like dancing, so I often go to the disco. We often go window-shopping at the mall too.


How much free time do you have a week?

Unfortunately, not enough because I have to study a lot, I usually spend Saturday afternoons and evenings with my friends. We go to the mall to have some food or just drink a coke, I also like window-shopping there.

3.Who do you usually spend your free time with? I often 8o out with my friends and c]assmates. I üsit our relatives once a month with my family. I sometimes play football with my brother and father too. 4.

Do you plan acüvities with your friends? Sometimes we go skating or swimming. When the weather is nice, we go hiking in the nearby hills, or plan bicycle tours for the weekend.

5.Do you plan activities with your family? We go and help my grandparents in the garden every weekend. We have a season ticket to üe theatre, so we see six plays a year. In summer we always buy tickets for performances in the open-air theatre. 6.

How do you spend your weekends? On Saturdays I go shopping at a hypermarket in the morning with my father. Then we usually order some food because we do üe rooms and there's no time for cooking. In the evening I go to üe cinema or disco with my friends. On Sundays I sleep late and study or help my moüer cook lunch. After lunch we visit my grandparents or they come to see us. We talk, watch TV or play board games or cards.

7.What hobbies do you have? I like going fishing and bird-watching. There are some nice lakes close to my town. I go there by bike. I usually go with my best friend but we sometimes invite some of our classmates too. 8.What does the word 'hobby' mean to you? It's an acriüty üat you like and do quite often. For example,

I take and develop photos.

9.What would you take up as a hobby if you could?

One of my dreams is to try paragliding but my parents are not happy when I mention üis idea. They say it's too dangerous. I would also like to start to collect coins. I got some old coins from my grandfather last summer.

10.What are the most popular pastimes in Hungary? I think most people like watching T! going to the cinema, renting videos and DVDs and going to matches.




can you think oP Collecting all kinds of things, for example, coins. Playing some kind of musical instrument, doing puzzles, playing computer games, dancing, sewing, and doing patchwork, I'd like to start to play the guitar because I find it really romantic.

ll.What kinds of indoor hobbies

12.What kinds of outdoor hobbies can you think of.l Doing sport, hiking, fishing, gardening and sailing. I like hiking very much because I enjoy the outdoors.

13.ts it important to have a hobby? Yes, I think if you have a hobby, you feel happier. You can also make friends with people who have the same hobbies. 14. Do people's hobbies change when they gtow older? Yes, I think so. My father used to collect stamps and old postcards, and nowadays he

enjoys doing woodwork, 15. Do men and women have different kinds of hobbies? Yes, for example, few women go fishing and few men do patchwork or pottery. I think

women prefer knitting and needlework, and men like gardening and woodwork.

16.Do you think gardening is for men or women? Both men and women like gardening, but women prefer dealing with flowers while men like mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. '1,7.Do you like reading? Yes, I like it very much. Every evening before falling asleep, I read for at least an hour.

Romantic books are my favourites.

18.How often do you read? Unforfunately, I only have time to read at weekends and during school holidals, I always have so much homework that I'm too tired to stay up and read in the evenings

19.What do you like reading in your free time? I like reading all kinds of things: magazines, books about nature, biographies, comics and novels. I regularly borrow books from the school library. 20. Do you have favourite authors? No, I don't. I choose books according to the topic. I like crime stories.

21. Have you ever read something in English or any other foreign language? Yes, I subscribe to a magazine for learners of English. ] can find very interestin_;

articles about famous people in it.


FREE TIME AND HOBBIES - SZABADIDO ES HOBBI 22.Do you 8o to libraries? I go to the school library quite often. Our school has a very good library. We can borrow books, magazines, cassettes and even DVDs. 23.When do you usually 8o to a library? When I want to borrow a book or find some information. I sometimes 80 there just to read magazines that I don't buy. My friends also go to the library so we meet there quite often,

24.What can you do in a library? You can borrow books, CDs and videos, read newspapers and magazines, listen to music, use computers and make photocopies.

rules are there in a library? You mustn't talk loud and disturb others in the reading rooms. You have to take books

25. What

back in time and in good condition.

26.What newspapers do you read? I sometimes read the locai paper. I'm not interested in


politics but I like reading local

27.What magazines do you read?

I read magazines for young people. I especially like interviews with famous people.

28.What magazines does your family buy? We buy magazines on nature and history My mother likes magazines on interior design and gardening. My father sometimes reads sports magazines. 29.What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you usually read? I always read the weather forecast and the horoscope. When I have time, I do the crosswords. I like articles about famous people's lives and film reviews, parts of a newspaper or magazine do you never read? I'm not interested in politics and I never read sports news either.

30. What

31.Do you read advertisements too? I only read job advertisements when I'm looking for a summer job. Last summer I found an interesting advertisement in the local paper. A young couple wanted someone to take their three dogs for a walk every day. I got this job and I enjoyed it very much.

32.Why do you think people read less and less nowadays? People work a lot and are too tired to read when they get home from work. They rather watch TV Books are also quite expensive and people don't have time to go to ]ibraries.


ses KÉRDEs ÉsvÁresz ANGoL rwnrvsőr 33.Do you think young people read less nowadays? Yes, I think so. They prefer films to books. You can watch a film with your friends, but you can only read a book if you're alone. 34. Can TV replace reading?

üink so. When you read, you have to use your imagination. Watching TV is a passive activity and after a while it's quite boring. I don't

35.Do you like comics? When I was younger, I liked them very much. Nowadays I prefer short stories and novels.

36. How often do you watch TV? I spend a few hours in front of the TV every day. I always find something interesting to watch, Documentaries about wild animals are my favourites.

37.How many hours do you watch TV each day? On weekdays I only watch the evening pro8rammes, that is, I watch TV for about two or three hours. At weekends, if I'm at home, I sometimes watch it all day. I like a lot of different kinds of films, and I try not to miss interesting handball and basketball matches,

38.Which TV channels do you watch most? I like the Animal Planet channel a lot. I often watch nature progralTrmes on commercial

TV channels because I want to learn as much as possible about animals. I'd like to become a vet. I'm also interested in sitcoms, for example, I always watch Friends.

39.What programmes do you watch regularly? I never miss an episode of my favourite series. I usually watch the news and the weather forecast. At weekends boxing.


like watching sport: matches, Formula One races and

40. \{hat are the progTammes that you never watch? I don't like soap operas and talk shows. I find them boring and I think the people in them are often quite silly.

41.Are there any programmes you would like to see on TV that aren't already on now? No, I think there is already something for everyone. There are so many channels to choose from nowadays.

42.Do you watch only Hungarian channels? No, I ]ike National Geographic and Music TV too. I often watch series on BBC Prime. 43. Do you have a favourite TV star? Yes, I like the presenters on breaKast TV They are funny and nice. I try to watch a bit of TV every morning before going to school.

88 {



- szABADIDő ÉsHognt

44. Should violence on TV or in the cinema be controlled? Yes, I think it's a good idea to show the age limits on the screen. Too much violence causes problems for children.

45.If you were to start a new channel, what would it be tike? I would include world news in brief. I would give information about cultural events and films,

46.What is your opinion about commercials? I don't like them very much because I think they are boring. They make me nervous when I see the same commercial many times.

47.'Nhat do you think of soap operas? I think they are stupid, especially if they are filmed in a studio and not in real life.

48.Why do so many people enjoy series more than individual programmes?

Perhaps series are popular because viewers get to know the people in them. They like

following what happens in their lives.

49.Do you prefer books or film adaptations ofbooks? It's difficult to say because it depends on whether I see or read the story first. 50.Why do you think quiz shows are so popular? I don't know exactly. I think people like testing themselves and they can learn a lot from these programmes.

51.What are the advantages of having cable TV? You can choose from a lot of channels. We can choose from more than thirty at home. sometimes it's difficult to decide which one to watch because there are a lot of interesting films, sports programmes and documentaries. 52.What does satellite TV offer? You can watch a lot of channels, not only in Hungarian but in many foreign languages. We can watch German, French, and English channels at home.

53.What is your opinion about news channels? I often watch them. I like to hear and see real news. I don't like it when they tell me what to think. 54.Is there a local commercial TV channel in your town/village? Yes, there is one TV channel which broadcasts its own programmes from four to ten every evening on weekdays. I don't like it very much because there are too many commercials on it.

55.Which radio stations do you listen to most? I like commercial stations with lots of good music and not too much talk. I'm really keen on the charts.



vÁresz ANGoL twprwőr

56.Has radio any advantages over TV? Yes, I think so. You can listen to the radio when you can't watch T! for example, in a car or when you are at work. 57.Why do you think there is so much music on commercial radio stations? I think most people like listening to music when they are working or studying. I think these stations are really popular with young people. 58.What kind of radio programmes do you never miss? There is a programme about new films, books and DVDs twice a week. They often invite guests too, for example, writers, pop stars and sportsmen who speak about their favourites.

S9.What kind of radio programmes do you avoid listening to? I don't like interviews with politicians and programmes about the economy These programmes mostly give us different people's opinions, and very little information. 60,Is there a local commercial radio station in your town? There are two local stations. One broadcasts only music, the other also gives information about local events. My father always listens to the second one because it also gives information about the traffic. 61,What programmes do the local commercial radio stations offer in your town?

There are programmes for children, young people, and pensioners. There is also a lot of music and they sometimes broadcast local sports events.

62.Is it possible to rent video cassettes and DVDs in your town? Yes, there's a brand-new video and DVD rental shop not far from our flat. When there isn't a good film on TY we 80 there and rent a DVD. 63. Do videos and DVDs reduce the number of cinemagoers? I don't think so. A lot of people like cinemas because they can see the films on large

screens with digital sound systems. It's true that renting a DVD is cheaper but you always have to wait a couple of monüs before the new films come out on DVD.

64. How often do you 80 to the theatre?

Unfortunately, there is no theatre where I live. The nearest theatre is about fifq. kilometres from my town. I 80 there only once a year.

65.Do you have a season ticket to a theatre? Yes, I have. I go to a theatre with my literature teacher and some other studenr There are six performances a year.

66. Where do you usually sit in the theatre? As I have a season ticket, I always sit in row ten. My seat is number five. I think ir: a good seat because I can see the whole stage from üere.




67.What can people do during the interval? People can go to the bar to have a drink or something to eat. They can also talk about the performance and the actors and actresses.

68.Why is admission refused to anyone arriving late? I think it is because they would disturb the performance and the audience. 69.What plays do you like most? I like comedies very much. I often go to see musicals too. I don't really like tragedies because they always make me sad. 70.

Who do you usually 8o to the theatre with? I either go with my parents or my friends. My parents prefer dramas and operas, and my fríends like comedies.

71.Have you ever been to an open-air theatre? Yes, a few years ago I saw King Lear in Gyula. It was fantastic! We sat in row five, so we enjoyed üe performance very much. I think the actors and actresses were great. 72.How often do you 8o to the cinema? I don't 8o very often, only if there's a good film on. I like watching films on DVD more. We bought a DVD player six months ago and I often watch films at home with my family or friends. 73.

How do you decide what films are worth seeing? I read the Internet or ask my friends. I never miss films

with my favourite actors and


74.What kind of cinema do you go to? There is only one cinema in our town. I sometimes go to a bigger town where there is a multiplex cinema. 75.Who do you usually 80 to the cinema with? I usually go with my friends and classmates. My parents never 8o to the cinema. They say it's too expensive.

76.Why have multiplex cinemas become so popular recently?

I think they are popular because there are several films on at the same time, so people

can choose what to see. There are big screens and comfortable chairs, and the equipment is modern. 77,|N}l.at sort of films do you like most?

My favourites are thrillers and action films. I can forget about everything when I'm watching something exciting. Romantic films and comedies are quite boring and I start to think about other things, like school, when I'm watching them.


888 KERDÉs Ésvemsz ANGoL r.rrnrvgőr 78.Do you prefer dubbed films or subtitled ones? Ilike dubbed films because I can concentrate on the plot. I know üat subtitled films are really useful for language learners but I'm usually too Lazy to read the subtitles. 79.Do you have any favourite actors, actresses, or directors? No, I don't. I like a lot of actors, actresses and directors. I üink American and British films are very good, and most of the actors and actresses in them are really great. 8O.What kind of film is usually a box-office success? I think nowadays a lot of people like adventure and action films. Art films are not really popular.

81.Why aren't Hungarian films so popular with Hungarian cinemagoers? I don't really know. Some people think that üey are boring. I really like some Hungarian films. 82.If you had the chance, would you take up a job in show business? I haven't thought about it yet. I wouldn't like to be famous and work at night. 83.Why do people 8o to a circus? They want to enjoy themselves. They can see animals, acrobats and clowns there, I think circuses are especially popular with children, 84.Do you 8o to concerts?

Not very often because I think they are too expensive. I have only been to three concerts and I didn't really enjoy any of them.

85.What are the advantages of CDs over cassettes? The sound is better and you can choose the tracks with a remote control. 86. How often do you listen to cassettes and CDs? I like music, so I listen to songs every day I have a big collection of cassettes and CDs.

87.What are the advantages of DVDs over videos? You can see not only the film but other things as well, for example, deleted scenes and short films about the actors and actresses. You can also choose the language. 88.Do you have a DVD player? Yes, I got a good DVD player for Christmas from my parents, I was very happy

because I had already got some DVDs, and a new DVD rental shop opened near our flat last aufumn.

89. How do you get DVDs? I can borrow them from my friends and classmates, and too.



can go to the DVD rental shop


- szABADIDő ÉsHoggl

90.What is your opinion about the fact that copying cassettes, CDs, and DVDs has become quite frequent? I think the price is the main reason. It's cheaper to buy blank cassettes and disks. 91.Do you 80 to museums or galleries? Yes, I do. I'm especially interested in temporary exhibitions. Sometimes I go there with my class. My parents are also fond of paintings, so I go with them too. 92.What museums do you know oP I know national museums, science museums and museums of history but my favourites are natural history museums.

93.What exhibitions are you most interested in? I like exhibitions of modern paintings and sculptures. When we visit a town or ciry in Hungary or abroad, we always try to see as many exhibitions as possible. 94.Do you take photos? Not very often, I only take photos when I'm on holiday. I always take photos of buildings and people, but sometimes I also take pictures of animals and really beautiful scenery or plants.

95.What dances are you familiar with? I don't know much about dances but I have heard of the tango, salsa, and cha-cha. 96.Where can people dance in your town?

There are some discos for young people and clubs for adults. My grandparents often say that there were a lot more places where people could dance when they were young.

97.How often do you 8o dancing? I go to the disco in the town centre almost every Saturday. There is good music and I can also meet my friends there.

98.What kind of board games are you familiar with? I know Monopoly and Scrabble. When my classmates have birthday parties, we usually play Activiry or Tlvister. 99.What board 8ames do you like playing? I often play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire with my little brother and sister. The only problem is that I have to let them win. Otherwise they cry. 100.What do people collect in Hungary?

Some people collect beer mats, Stamps, paper napkins or coins. TWo of my classmates have big collections of model trains and matchboxes.


B88 KERDES ES VAIÁSZ ANGOL NYELVBOL 101. Have you ever collected anything?

Yes, when I was about eight, I collected chocolate wrappers and phone cards. Unfortunately, when we moved to a new flat, my whole collection disappeared.

102.Who do you play cards with? I always play cards with my grandfather when


üsit him. He enjoys playing cards

and his favourite is rummy. 103. How often do you play cards? I usually play cards when I'm on holiday and on school trips. I think it's a really good way to kill time when the weather is bad.

104.Does your school organise any freetime activities? Yes, the school organises a sports day twice a year. My class 8oes to museums and galleries every year. Our class always wins the football tournament, and my classmates also score the most goals when we play against the teachers.

105.What is your opinion about crossword puzzles?

I never do crosswords because I find them boring, but my grandmother does them

for hours every afternoon. She says that they keep her mind fit.

106. What kind of creative ways of spending free time can you think of? I think painting, pottery embroidery and knitting can be quite creative. I'm really keen on glass painting nowadays.

107.What do small children like doing? They like playgrounds where there are climbing frames, slides, swings and sandpits. They also like playing with toys and drawing, 108.What do you play if you are alone? I play computer games or do puzzles. Strategy games are my favourites. 109.What are the English famous for doing in their free time? As far as I know, they like playing golf and cricket. They also like gardening and going for drives in the countryside. ],10.What do the Americans like doing in their free time? I've read that Americans like watching baseball and basketball. As far as I knor,! they also like having big barbecues in their gardens. 111.Do you do sport in your free time? Sometimes I go skating or swimming. There is a really good skating rink in out town. I have also started to play ice hockey, but I'm not very good at it yet.

112.Are you a member of a local fitness club? Yes, I go there at least twice a week. My favourite is the step machine, I can alsc use the sauna there. I always 8o there with my best friend. 94

FREE TIME AND HOBBIES - SZABADIDŐ ÉSHOggI 113.Is there a big swimming pool or an aquapark near your place?

Unfortunately, there is only a small swimming pool in my town. During school holidays I 8o to the aquapark in Hajdúszoboszló. I really like it there and I wish I could go more often.

114.Why do people go to a zoo? People like watching the behaviour of wild animals. It is also nice üat we can feed and touch some of the animals there.

l15.Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Yes, I have. I visit one every summer with my sister. She likes the merry-go-round a lot. She always wants to sit on the elephant or the giraffe.

116.What do you like most in an amusement park? I love the roller coaster. I also like to shoot and fish to get prizes. 117.Do you like hiking? Yes, I do. We live in a small village in the Bakony, so I often go hiking with my friends or family.

1],8.How often do you 8o hiking?

There are no hills where I live, so I can only go hiking in summer. It's a piry because I really like hiking and I would like to go more often.

119.Who do you usually go hiking with? I usually go with my aunt and her family. My parents and my brother prefer staying at home in the garden, so it's lucky that my aunt likes hiking, and my cousins are really nice,

120.Where do you like to go hiking? My favourite place for hiking is Slovakia. We live near the border, so we can go there quite often.


888 KERDÉs ÉsvÁresz ANGot Nrrnrvsőr

Words and expressions according to 20


action íilm 77 activity 8 actot 79 actress 79 admission 68 adult 96 advantage 5í adventure film 80 advertisement 3í afternoon 2 agelimit 44

'akJn ftlm ak'tlvett 'akta 'aktres

acrobat 83

ago 77 all day 37 alone 108

always 5

American JJ0 amusement park 1í5 animal83 aquapark íí3 arrive 68 art film 80 article 21 as far as I know í09 atleast 17 at weekends ]8 audience 68 aunt 119 aluithor 20 autumn 88 avoid 59 bar 67 baseball íí0 basketball ] í0 be familiar with 95 be interested in 30 be on 72 become (became, become) 3B beer mat í00 behaviour 1í4 bicycle tour 4 bike 7 96


szerint artista


tevékenység színész szinésznő bejutás, belépés




ad'ventJa,ftlm ed'vglttsment



felnőtt előny kalandfilm rek]ám délután


korhatár előtt (időben)

c:l del

egész nap





a'martkan a'mju:zmant ,po:k

'antml 'akwe,po:k o'ralV 'o:t frlm 'o:ttkl



azal nal


at wi:k'endz 'cIdtons


'c:ea 'c:tam

mindig amerikai vidámpark á]lat


érkezik művészfilm cikk amennfre tudom legalább héwégenként közönség nagynéni szerző ősz



bo: 'bets,bc:l

büfé baseball kosárlabda ismer valamit érdeklődik valami iránt műsoron van válik valamivé

'bolsktt,bcll bi: fe'mtlte wlö bi:'lntresttd ln

bi: on br'knm (br'kelm, bt'knm)

'bto,met bt'hetvje

'balslkl ,toe batk

söralátét viselkedés kerékpártura bicaj

FREE TIME AND HOBBIES biography í9 bird-watching 7 blank 90 board game 6 book í9 botdet 120 boring 34 borrow 23 boxing 39 box-office success 80 brand-new 62 breakfast TV 43 broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 54 brother 3 buy (bought, bought) 5 cable TV 5l car 56

cassette 85 cause 44 cD 24 centre 97 cha-cha 95 change 14 channel 38 charts 55 cheap 63

child (children) 44 chocolate wrapper íOí choose (chose, chosen) 20

Christmas 88 cinema 6 cinemagoer 63 circus 83 classmate 3 climbing frame 707 close to 7 clown 83 club 96 coin 11 collect í l collection 86 comedy 69 comfortable 76







bok 'bclde 'bc:rtq

'boreo 'bokstr1

,boks'ofis sak'ses ,brand'nju: ,brekfest ti:'vi:

'brc:d,ko:st ('brc:d,ko:st 'brc:d,ko:st) 'brnöa bat (bcl| bcí)

,kelblti:'vil ko:



életrajz madárles üres társasjáték

könyv határ unalmas kölcsönkér boksz kasszasiker vadonatúj reggeli szórakoztató tévéműsor közvetít, sugároz fiútestvér vesz kábeltévé autó kazetta


okoz CD központ

'tío:,tjo: tJetnd3





tfilp tJatld ('tJtldran)

tJoklet,repa tlulz (tJeaz,'tJaozn) 'knsmas 'slnomo 'slneme ,geue 's3:kas 'klols,melt 'klalmtq ,frelm klaoz ttl

'klaun klnb kctn


ka'lekfn 'komadl 'knmftebl


csatorna slágerlista olcsó gyerek (gyerekek) csokoládépapír választ karácsony

mozi mozilátogató

cirkusz osztálytárs mászóka

közel bohóc bár érme, fémpénz gyűjt gyűjtemény vígjáték kényelmes 97


commercial station 55 commercial TV 38 computer 24 computer game í 1 concentrate 78 concert 84 condition 25


cooking 6 copy 90 countryside 109 couple 31 cousin l19 creative 106 cricket l09 crime story 20 crossword 29 crossword puzzle 105 cry 99 cultural event 45 dance ] dance 95 dangerous 9 deal (dealt, dealt) with í6 deleted scene 87 depend onsg49 develop photos 8 different 15 difficult 49 digital sound system 63 director 79 disappear íOí disco 1 disturb 25 do (did, done) patchwork í 1 do (did, done) puzzles 11 do (did, done) sport 72 do (did, done) the rooms 6 documentary 3ó drawing 107 dream 9 98

ka,mal|'stetJn ka,mal| til'vi:

kam'pjuía kam'pjuía,getm 'konsn,trett


kereskedelmi (rádió) állomás kereskedelmi tévéadó számítógép számítógépes játék

koncentrál koncert


állapot szabályoz







vidék pár

knpl 'knzn krietttv 'knklt 'kratm ,stc:ri 'kros,ws:d

'kros,wsld ,pnzl krat ,knltJaral l'vent



'detnd3eras di:l (delt deft) wtö


kreatív krikett krimi

keresztrejwény keresztrejwény sír kulturális rendezvény táncol tánc veszélyes

foglalkozik valamivel

dt'li:ttd si:n

kihagyott jelenet

dt'pend on dt'velap 'faoteuz 'dtfrant

fugg valamitől





digitális hangrendszer

da'rekta ,dlse'pta

'dtskeu dt'stg:b



eltűnik diszkó


du: (dtd, dnn)'pat|ws:k

foltmintát varr

du: (dtd, dnn)'pnzlz du: (dtd, dnn) spc:t du: (dtd, dnn) öa rulmz

puzzle-t kirak sportol kitakarítja a szobákat

,dokjo'mentert 'drc:tr;


dokumentumfilm rajzolás álom

FREE TIME AND HOBBIES drink 67 drink (drank, drunk) dubbed frlm 78 during í8 DvD 10 DVD player 88 each 37 eat (ate, eaten) 67



dnqk (draryk, drnr;k) dnbd ftlm 'djoertq

,di:viídil ,divi:'dil ,pleta i:tí ií (ett 'i:tn)

economy 59 either 30 either ... ot 70

t'konemt 'atöe

'alöa ... c: 'elfant

elephant íí5 embroidery í06 English 21 enjoy 74 episode 39 equipment (U) 76 especially 47 evening 2 event 60 excinng 77 exhibition 91 expensive 32

tm'brctdart 'tngltJ tn'd3ct

flower 16 follow 48 food 2 for example 8 foreign language


esemény, rendezvény



drága tény

fan'tasttk fo: 'fo:öa 'felvrat íi:d (fed, fed)

fill (felt, felt) frlm


elalszik család híres fantasztikus mesSze

apa kedvenc etet



ftlm rt'vju: hrnd (faund, faond)





'fttnes ,klnb flaet




f]at 62

elefánt hímzés angol




vagy... vagy

berendezés különösen


fantastic 71 far 62 father 3 favourite 20 feed (fed, fed) 114 feel (felt, felt) 13 film adaptaaon 49 film review 29 find (found, found) fish 1í6 fishing í2 fitness club 112



l'kwtpmant 'i:vnlq l'vent

minden egyes eszik


fall (fell, fallen) asleep 17 fcll (fel, 'fc:lan) e'sli:p 'íamlt family 3 famous

DVD DVD-lejátszó

'eplsoUd t'speJlt

fact 90

ital iszik szinkronizált film alatt (időben)


horgászik fitneszklub lakás

'flaoa 'folao



élelmiszer például idegen nyelv

fer lg'zolmpl




888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrasz ANGoL forget (forgot, forgotten) about77 Formula One 39 free 1 freetime 104 French 52 frequent 90 friend 2 funny 43 gallery 91 garden 5 gardening 12 German 52 get (got, got) 9 get (got, got) home 32 giraffe 115 go (went, gone) dancing 97 go (went, gone) fishing 7 go (went, gone) hiking 4 go (went, gone) out with 3 go (went, gone) shopping 6 go (went, gone) skating 4 go (went, gone) swimming 4 go (went, gone) to the cinema 6 go (went, gone) to the theatre 64 goal 104 grandfather 9 gtandparent 5 great 77 grow (grew, grown) older 14 8uest 58 handball 1 happen 48 happy 9 hedge 16 help 5 hiking 12


history 28 100


fa'get (fe'got fa'gotn) a'baut elfeledkezik valamiről





szabad szabadidős francia gyakori barát vicces galéria




kertészkedés német kap

fri:,tatm frentJ

'frilkwent frend 'f^nl

'd3slmen get (got got) get (got got) haom d3e'ro:f gao (wen[ gon) do:nstr1

hazaér zsiráf táncolni megy

gao (wen[ gon)'flJtq gau (wen[ gon) 'hatktq geo (went gon) aut wlö

horgászni megy túrázni megy szórakozni megy valakivel

gao (went, gon) Joptq

vásárolni megy

gau (wen[ gon)'skelttq gau (wen[ gon)'swtmlt1

korcsolyázni megy úszni megy

geo (went gon) tu öa

moziba megy 'slnoma gau (went gon) to öa'Olete színházba megy

gaol 'gren,fo:öa 'gren,pearent greú

greo (gru:, graon) aolde

8ól na8}papa nagyszülő nagyszerű öregszik

gest 'hand,bc:l


'hapn 'hapt

kézilabda történik boldog

hed3 help

sövény segít




hegy, domb






hobbi szabadság, szünidő házi feladat horoszkóp őra milyen gyakran magyar Magyarország hipermarket

holiday 94 homework (U) 18 horoscope 29 hour 17 how often 18 Hungarian 81 Hungary i0 hypermarket 6 idea 9 imagination 34 important l3 in front of 36 in time 25 include 45 individual48 indoor 11 information 23 interestin8 21 interior design 28 interval 67 interview 59 invite 58 job 31 job advertisement 31 keen on 55 kill time í03 kilometre 64 kind Jl King Lear Zí knitting 106 lake 7 language 2l large 63 late 68 lawn ]6 lazy 78 learn 38 learner of English 2í less and less 32 let (let, let) (sy do sg) 99

'holtdet 'haüm,w3:k

libtary 22 |iíe 29 listen 55 literature 65


valamit) könyvtár

latf 'Ilsn 'lltretJa

hallgat irodalom



hau 'ofn

hnry'garten 'hnrygert

'halpa,mo:klt at'dle

t,mad3l'netJn tm'pc:tnt ln frnnt av ln blm



képzelet fontos

előtt (térben) időben tartalmaz

,lndt'vtd3oal lndc:


,tnfa'metJen 'tntrasttq


ln,ttarle dl'zatn 'tntavl 'tntervju: tn'vatt

d3ob ,d3ob ed'vs:ttsment

kiln on

ktltatm kt'lomlte katnd ,kt1 'lta

núl0 letk

'laqgwtd3 lold3 lett

lc:n 'letzt

ls:n 'lg:nar av 'tlltJ

les end les let (let let)

fedett téri érdekes belsőépítészet szünet (színházban) interjú meghív munka, állás álláshirdetés le]kesedik, rajong valamiért

időt elüt kilométer

-féle, -fajta Lear király kötés tó

nyelv nagy későn pázsit lusta megtanul angolul tanuló egyre kevesebb enged (valakinek megtenni



sse KÉRDÉsÉsvÁrasz ANGoL Nrnrvgőr local 26 look for 31 loud 25 luclcy 119 lunch 6 magazine 79 main 90 make (made, made) friends with sy 13 make (made, made) sy nervous 46 mall í match 10 matchbox 100 mean (meant, meant) 8 meet (met, met) sy 23 member l12 mention 9 merry-go-round 1]5 mind í05 miss 39 miss 4í model train 100 Monopoly 98 month 3 morning 6 mother 6 mow the lawn í6 multiplex 74 museum 91 mlsic 24 musical69 musical instrument 1í napkin í00 national92 natural history museum 92 nahlre 19 near í13 near 64 nearby 4 needlework l5 never 30 news (U) 30 news 39 702

'leokl lok fc: laod




szerencsés ebéd




maga'ziln merk (metd, merd)

frendz wtö

folyóirat összebarátkozik


merk (merd, merd) 'ns:ves

felidegesít valakit




matJ 'mat|boks miln (men[ ment)

mií (me[ met) 'memba 'menfn

'merl goü ,ronnd matnd mIs


modltreln mo'nopoll mnn0 'mc:nl0 'mnöa

mao öa lcln



jelent találkozik valakivel tag

említ körhinta ész, elme


hiányol vasútmodell Monopoly (társasjáték) hónap délelőtt anya


a pázsitot


multiplex (többtermes mozi)

mju:'zi:em 'mju:ztk 'mjulztkl ,mju:ztkl 'tnstn:ment


'nettfe 'nla 'nla


'napktn 'neJnl ,natJral'htstrl mjul'zilem


'ni:dl,wslk 'neva


musical hangszer szalvéta nemzeti természettörténeti múzeum

közel közeli közeli kézimunka soha





FREE TIME AND HOBBIES - SZABADIDŐ ÉSHOggI news channel 53 newspapet 24 nice 43

nice 4 nice 774 nigllt 82

novel 19 nowadays í4 oííer41 often 1 on weekdays 37 once 3 open-air theatre 5 opinion 46 order 6 others 25 otherwise 99 outdoor 12 outdoors 12 painting 93 painting 106 paper napkin í00 paragliding 9 parent 9 part 29 passive 34 pastime í0 pensioner 61 performance 5 phone card 101 photocopy 24 plan activities 4 play 5 play 6 play cards 6 play football3 play golí 109 playground 10Z plaza 7 plot 78 politician 59 politics 30 popular l0 possibility 82 possible 38 postcard 14

'nju:z,tJanl 'nju:z,pelpa

nals nals nals

hírcsatorna napilap kedves

'novl 'naua,detz


szép kellemes éjszaka regény manapság




on wi:kdelz W^ns

,aüpan'ea'elata a'ptnjan 'c:da

'nöaz 'nöa,watz


gyakran hétköznaponként egyszer szabadtéri színház vélemény rendel mások egyébként szabadtéri

'aUtd3:z 'pelntt1 'petntlq



papírszalvéta siklóernyőzés szülő rész passzív időtöltés nyugdíjas előadás telefonkárrya fénymásolat programokat szervez színdarab

'pera,glatdlq 'pearent polt 'p@slV 'po:s,tatm

'penJene pa'fc:mans 'faon ,ko:d 'feuta,kopt

plan ak'ttveti:z plet plet ,plet 'ko:dz

,plet 'fotbc:l


festmény festészet

játszik kártyázik focizik golfozik





politikus politika





'plo:ze plot

'posabl 'peost,ko:d




képeslap 103

888 KERDEs ns pottery í5 prefer i6 presenter 43 púce 90 prize 116 problem44 programme 4 programme 37 quite 8 quiz show 50 race 39 radio station 55 rather 32 reading 17 reading room 25 real 47 really 1í reason 90 recent7y 76 reduce 63 refuse 68

regularly 39 relative 3 remote control 85 rent l0 rental 62 rcplace 34 roller coaster 116 romantic 11 row 66 rule 25 rummy 102 sad,69

sailing 12 salsa 95 same 46

sandpit 107 satellite 52 sauna 112 scene 87 school holiday í8 school trip 103 science 92 score a goa| 104 Scrabble 98 screen 44 704

vruasz ANGoL lrynrrruőr



pn'zente prals


jobban szeret bemondó


ár dű

'prougram 'prougram

gond, probléma pro8ram műsor


kwalt kwtz fau



rels 'retdlau ,stefn







'rlal 'nelt

'riIzn 'ri:santll n'dju:s n'fju:z

'regjolerll 'relotlV rt,meot kan'treul rent 'rentl rt'plets

'reole ,keosta

rádióállomás inkább

igazi igazán ok

az utóbbi időben csökkent visszautasít rendszeresen rokon


kölcsönöz kölcsönző helyettesít














szomorú salsa

selm 'sand,ptt




'sc:na si:n

'sku:l ,holtdet 'sku:l,trtp

'salans skc: a gaol

'skrabl skri:n

homokozó sZauna

jelenet iskolai szünidő iskolai kirándulás tudomány

gólt rúg Scrabble (társasjáték) képernyő

FREE TIME AND HOBBIES - SZABADIDŐ ES HOBBI screen 63 sculpture 93 season ticket 5 seat 66

see (saw, seen) 5 series 39 several 76 sewing í 1

skriln 'si:zn



Slovakia 120

song 86 sort 77 sound 85


si: (sc:, siln) 'starilz 'sevrel 'soüll]

shoot (shot, shot) í15 Juí (ot Jot) short 45 Jc:t short story 35 Jc:t'stc:ri show (showed, shown) 44 Jau (Jeud, Jeon) 'stlt sűy 40 'stt,kom sitcom 38 sleep (slept, slept) late 6 sli:p (slept slept) slatd s|tde 107 soap opera 40 sometimes 3

vaszon szobor bérlet



sorozat számos varrás 1ő



slaoVekta 'saup ,Dpora 'snmtatmz sDl]

novella, elbeszélés mutat ostoba szituációs vígjáték elalszik, későn ébred csúszda

Szlovákia szappanopera néha


spend (spent, spent) 2

sclt saond spend (spen[ spent)

stage 66


stay up 18

sto:t stet np

elkezd ébren marad taposógép stratégiai játék



§tamp /4 star 43 start 9

step machine íí2 strategy game 108 student 65 studio 47 study 2

sapid 47

subscribe to 21

subtitled film 78 summer 5 §ummer job 3í swimming pool113

stamp stol 'step meJi:n 'strattd3t ,getm 'stju:dleo

fajta hangzás tölt (időO színpad bélyeg Sztár





ostoba előfizet valamire feliratos film

sab'skratb to ,snbtattld'ftlm 's^mo

'snma ,d3ob


nyár nyári munka uszoda

hinta visszavisz take (tool! taken) bad< 25 tetk (tok, 'tetken) bak take (took, taken) for telk (tuk, 'tetken) fcl a wc:k sétálni visz SV,rtng 107

a walk 31

take (took, taken) photos B


tetk (tok,'tetkan)'faotaoz



888 KERDÉs ÉsvÁresz ANGoL take (took, taken) up as a hobby 9

talk ó talk 55 talk loud 25 talk show 40 tango 95 teacher 65 temporary exhibition 9i test 50 theatre 5 think (thought, thought) l0 think (thought, thought) of íí thriller 77 ticket 5 tired 32 too 9 topic 20 touch 114 tournament 104 town 7 toy 107 track 85 traffic 60 tragedy 69 training (U) í trim í6 true 63 try 9 twice 58 unfortrrnately 2 use 24 usually 2 video í0 viewer 48 village 54 violence (U) 44 visit 3 wait 63 want 23 watch TV 6 weather (U) 4 weather forecast 29 week J 106

tetk (tuk, 'tetkan)



tc:k tc:k

'tclk,laod tc:k Jao

'taqgeu 'ti:tJa

,temprart eksl'btJn




nrynrwőr elkezd hobbiként csinálni beszélget beszéd

hangosan beszél


tangó tanár időszakos kiállítás próbára tesz


OtOk (Oc:t Oc:t)

gondol, vél

0ttik (0c:[ Oc:t) ev

eszébe jut


thriller jegy






'tuonoment 'taun tct


'traftk 'trad3adl 'tretntq

tnm tru:

fáradt túlságosan téma megérint versenysorozat város

játék szám (CD-n, D\D-n) közlekedés tragédia edzés nytr


igaz kipróbál





Ju:3oalt 'vtdtao 'vju:a

használ rendszerint, általában videó néző



falu erőszak











időjárás időjárás-jelentés hét

'weöe 'weöa ,fc:kolst

FREE TIME AND HoBBIEs - sZABADIDő ns HoggI weekdays 37 weekend 7 whether 49

while 16

Who Wants To Be

A Millionaire 99 whole 66 wild 36 win (won, won) 99 window-shopping l wish 113 woodwork 14

work32 work32

world 45 worth 73 writer 58 year 5 yet 82

young 27 zoo 114

'wi:kdetz ,wilk'end


watl hu: wo:nts to bil

e,mtlja'nea heol watld wln (wnn, wnn)

'wtndao Joptt1



hétköznapok héwége vajon

míg Legyen Ön is

milliomos! egész

vad nyer kirakatnézegetés kíván, szeretne barkácsolás













jet jn0 zui,


fiatal állatkert, vadaspark


8B8 KÉRDÉstts

vÁmsz ANGoL mrnrwőr

Arranging progíammes - Programok szervezése A. fiuíenjánk el,túrázni v as órnap ! A §hall we 80 hiking on Sunday? B That would be nice. B Az jó lenne. A Mikor szeretnéI índulní? A When would you like to start? B Mit szóInál kilenchez? B How about nine.,o'clock? .,,, A Rendben. Itt talólkozunk? A Fine.lShall:we,meet here?' B OK.'See:yoú at nine Sunday rnorning. B Oké, kilenekor vasárnap reggel. Szia! A szeretnél elmenni valahová? A Would you like to go out? B Jó ötlet. Hovó menjünk? B Good idea. Where shall we go? A There is a good film on at the cinema. AJó fiIm megl a moziban. B Oké, mikor kezdődik? B OK. What time does it start? A Azt hiszem, negted kilenckor, de megnézem A I think it starts at 8.15 but I'll check ,


the time on the net.

B Greát ideal Shall we book the tickets by phone?

A'Yes, fine. Wíll Yóu make the eall? l háve to rush'to méet mY módrer , at the airport. B OK. I1ll pick you up at seven. A Let's 80 out. B I'm afraid I can't. I have to study for tomorrow's paper. A What about tomorrow? B Tomorrow's fine. A Let's go to the cinema. B I don't really feel like it. Why don't we.go to the §w"immiugpool instead?




B lt's open t,íll nine, so,there's plenty, -, of time. A Would you like to go bowling tonight? B I'm afraid I'm a bit busy tonight. How about tomorrow? A Sorry. Tomorrow's no good for me. lVhat about Thursday afternoon? B Thursday is fine. Shall we meet there at four? A No. Four is no good for me. Can we make it half past five? B That's fine. Half past five is all

right for me.


a neten. Menjünk szinhazba! B Nagtszerű ötlet! Lefoglaljuk a jegeket telefonon? h Rmdb en ; Telefanálnól te? N ekem,rahoin-. nomkell a reptérre az anyukám elé,



B Oké, érted jövök





A Menjünk el valahová! B Attól tartok, nem tudok menni sehová. Készülnöm kell a holnapi dolgozatra. hÉs holnap? B Holnap jó lesz. AMenjünk moziba! B Nínu igazón kedvem hazzá. Menjünk' inkább az tlszodába! §aké, meddigvan nyiwa? B Kilencig nyitvavan, úgirygt bőienvan időnk.

A Elmenjünk tekézni ma este?


Attól tartok ma este nem érek rá. Mit szólnál a holnaphoz? A Nekem sajnos nem jó a holnap. Éscsütörtök délután? B Csütörtök jó lesz. Találkozzunk ott

négkor? ANem, négt óra nem jó nekem. Fél öt megfelel7

B Rendben, féI öt jó nekem.

FREE TIME AND HOBBIES - SZABADIDŐ ÉSHOBSI Buying a theatre-ticket - Színhazi jegvasárlós A Good afternoon. I'd like two tickets A Jó napot! Két jeglet szeretnék a ma esti for tonight's performance. előadasra, B Good afternoon. Where would B Jó napot! Hol szeretnének üIni? you like to sit? A In the stalls, fourth or fifth row, AA zsöllyébery a negtedikvagl az ötödik if possible. sorban, ha lehetséges. B Fourth row that is row D, seats nine B Negedik sor, azaz a D, a kilences és a tízes and ten. The performance starts at 8.30 szék, ,M előadas féI kilenckor kezdődik és a and you need to pick up üe tickes by B.15. jegtekért legkésőbb negted kilenckor kell What name, please?


elentke zni, Mily en névr e fo glalj am?

A Mary Jones. How much are üe tickets? AMary Jones, Mennyibe kerülnek a jegtek? B They are twelve pounds fifty each. B Tízenkét font ötven penny darabja. After the theatrical performance - Előadas után A Did you like the play? ATetszett a darab? B No, not really. I think the cast could B Nem igazán. A szereposzttis jobb is lehetett have been better. volna, A Well, I thought it was great. Mostly, AHá4 én nagtszerűnek taláItam. Főleg a the actors who played the lead roles főszereplőkvoltak nagron jók . were really good.



6. Health and Illness

ÉH - E gészségés betegség

Patient: Doctoli I have a serious memory problem. I can't remember anything! Doctor: So, since when haye you had this problem? Patient: What problem?

1.How do you keep fitl

Hogyan tartod magad formában?

2.Do you go to bed early? Korán szok!ál lefeküdni?

3.Do you eat healthy food? Egészséges ételeket eszel?

4.Do you have any bad habits? vannak rossz szokásaid? 5.When were you last ill? Mikor voltál beteg utoljára? 6. How did you feel? Hogy érezted magad?

7.Didyou see the doctor?

Elmentél orvoshoz? 8.How did he examine you? Hogyan vizsgált meg? 9. What did the doctor tell you to do? Mit tanácsolt az orvos? 1,0. How long did it take you to get well? Mennyi idő alatt gyógl.ultál meg? ].1.Where can you buy medicine? Hol vehetsz győgyszert? 12.What do you do when you have sunstroke? Mit csinálsz, ha napszúrást kaptál? 110

HEAITH AND ILtNEss - EGÉszsÉGÉsrnrncsÉc 13.When do people call an ambulance? Mikor kell mentőt hívni? l,4.What is the job of a paramedic? Mi a feladata a mentősnek? 15.What do most people suffer from? Mitől szenvednek a legtöbben? 16.When do you need a medical certificate? Mikor van szükség orvosi igazolásra? 17.Have you ever been in hospital? Voltál már kórházban? l8.What are the main parts of a hospital? Melyek a kórház fő részei? l9.What is an x-ray? Mi a röntgen? 2O.What happens when somebody breaks his arm? Mi történik, ha valaki eltöri a karját? 21. Have you ever had toothache? Fájt már a fogad? 22.1fihat did the dentist do then? Mit csinált a fogorvos? 23. How often do you see the dentist? Milyen gyakran mész fogorvoshoz? 24.1ffhat does the dentist do if he finds a bad tooth? Mit csinál a fogorvos, ha rossz fogat talál? 25.Why do people have to go to hospital? Miért kell kórházba menni az embereknek? 26.What are the most important organs of the human body? Melyek a legfontosabb szervei az emberi testnek? 27.What do you have to do to keep in good health? Mit kell tenni azért, hogy egészségesek maradjunk? 28.What is a healthy diet like? Milyen az egészségesétrend? 29.1&hy is it important to consult a doctor before you start doing sport? Miért fontos orvossal beszélni mielőtt elkezdenénk valamilyen sportot űzni? 30.What are spas good for? Mire jók a gyógyfurdők? 31.What is the role of naturopathy? Mi a természetgyőgyászat szerepe? 32.Why do people get injections? Miért kapunk injekciókat? 33.Why are many people fat? Miért kövér sok ember? 34.Who smokes in your family? Kldohányzik a családodban? 35. How old were yorrr parents when they started smoking? Hány évesek voltak a szüleid, amikor elkezdtek dohányozni? 111

888 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGoL


How many cigarettes does your father smoke a day? Mennyi cigarettát szív apukád egy nap? 37, How much do your parents spend on cigarettes? Mennyi pénzt költenek a szüleid cigarettára? 3B.How can people stop smoking? 36.

Hogyan lehet abbahagyni a dohányzást? 39. How could the number of smokers be reduced? Hogyan lehetne csökkenteni a dohányzók számár?

40.What happens if people smoke in public places in Hungary? Mi történik, ha nyilvános helyen dohányzik valaki Magyarországon? 41.Do your parents drink coffee? kávéznak a szüleid? 42.Is too much coffee harmful? káros a sok kávé? 43.Why do people try drugs? Miért próbálják ki az emberek a drogokat? 44.What drugs have you heard oP Milyen kábítószerekről hallottál? 45.Why is it difficult to give up taking drugs? Miért nehéz leszokni a kábítószerekről? 46.Who is an alcoholic? kit tekinthettink alkoholistának? 47.1ilhy do people drink? Miért isznak az emberek? 48.what could be done to avoid the so-called disco accidents? Mit lehetne tenni, hogy megakadályozzuk az ún, diszkóbaleseteket?



rs gnrncsEc

1.How do you keep fit?

I do exercise regularly, and not only at school. I like jogging and playing badminton. I try to eat healthy too, so I eat a lot ofvegetables and fruit,


Do you go to bed early?

On weekdays I usually go to bed quite early, at ten at the latest, because I have to get up early. At weekends I watch TV until midnight. 3.

Do you eat healthy food? Yes, I try to avoid fatty food. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetab]es. I never drink fizzy soft

drinks because they contain a lot of sugar. I'm lucky because I don't like cakes and chocolate very much.

4.Do you have any bad habits? Yes, unfortunately I often drink coke, At üe school's canteen I always buy some sweets or crisps. I often eat hamburgers in fast food restaurants. 5.When were you last ill? Last March I had to stay in bed for

a week because I had

flu and a terrible headache.

6.How did you feel? I felt awful. I was cold and I was coughing and sneezing all the time. I also had a headache and a high temperature.


Did you see the doctor? Yes, I had to. He examined me and prescribed some medicine and told me to stay in

bed for a week.

8.How did he examine you? He looked at my throat, listened to my lungs and took my blood pressure. 9.What did the doctor tell you to do? He told me to drink a lot of tea with lemon, sleep a lot, and keep warm. He also told me never to forget to take the pills that he prescribed and some vitamins. 10.How long did it take you to get well? It took me five days but I felt a bit weak for another week" 11.Where can you buy medicine?

In Hungary you can only buy medicine at pharmacies. You sign the prescription that you got from your doctor and give it to the chemist. He or she writes on the carton of medicine how many pills you have to take and how often.

12.What do you do when you have sunstroke? I try to have a rest, drink a lot, and avoid the sun. If I don't get better soon, I see the doctor. 113

888 KERDÉs ÉsvÁresz ANGoL


13.When do people call an ambulance? An ambulance is called when a person must be taken to hospital. 14.What is the job of a paramedic?

They have to help the patients to get to the hospital. They are trained to give medical treatrnent but they are not doctors.

15.What do most people suffer from? I have read that in Hungary most people suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, and have heart diseases or cancer.

16.When do you need a medical certificate? You need it if you want to prove that you didn't work or go to school because you were i]1. When you have recovered, you give it to your form master on your first day back at school,

17.Have you ever been in hospital? Yes, when I was ten, my tonsils were taken out. I spent five days in hospital then.

I remember that I was rather afraid of the operation but the doctors and the nurses were friendly and kind. I got a soft toy, a white fox, from one of them.

l8.What are the main parts of

a hospital?

There are wards, doctors' rooms, operating theatres, laboratories, x-tay rooms, and offices. Usually there's also a big hall where the patients can talk to their visitors.

19.What is an x-ray? It is a photo which shows bones or organs in the body. 20.What happens when somebody breaks his arm?

This person goes or is taken to casualty where his arm is x-rayed. Then the arm is put in plaster. After several weeks the plaster is removed and the person has to consult a physiotherapist.


Have you ever had toothache?

Yes, unfortunately not long ago. It started at night. I took a painkiller but it didn't help, so in the morning I went to see my dentist.

22.|Nhat did the dentist do then? He examined my teeth thoroughly and found üe bad tooth.

23.How often do you see the dentist? I know that people should see the dentist twice a yeaq but I'm afraid of dentists and I go only if I have toothache,

24.what does the dentist do if he finds a bad tooth? He tries to fill it in, or if it is impossible, he pulls it out.


HEALTH AND ILtNEss - EcÉszsÉcÉsgnrrcsÉc 25.Why do people have to go to hospital?

People usually have to go to hospital if they are very ill or have to be operated on. As far as I know, there are also some tests which can be done only at hospitals.

26.What are the most important organs of the human body?

The most important organs are: the brain, liver, heart, kidneys, and lungs.

27.'Nhat do you have to do to keep in good health? You have to lead a healthy life: do exercise regularly and eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables. You have to avoid stress too.

28.What is a healthy diet like? It contains fibres and protein, and it doesn't contain too much fat, sugar or carbohydrates. Some people regularly take multiütamins too, but I prefer fruit and vegetables.

29.íNhy is it important to consult a doctor before you start doing sport? It is important because you have to be healthy if you want to start sport. The doctor examines your heart and takes your blood pressure and tells you if there's some problem.

30.What are spas good for? They are mainly good for elderly people who often suffer from rheumatism. 31.What is the role of naírropathy? It helps you to get or stay healthy with herbs and lifesryle. There are some people who don't believe in conventional medicine and drink, for example, herbal tea or pure vegetable juice.

32.Why do people get injections?

To avoid diseases, for example, when we travel to certain countries, or to get better if we are ill. Most people are afraid of injections although they are unavoidable in many cases.

33.Why are many people fat? They don't care about a healthy lifestyle. They don't do exercise and they eat too much.

34.Who smokes in your family? Unfornrnately, my faüer smokes a lot. My mother gave it up a year ago when she had a terrible pneumonia. 35. How old were your parents when they §tarted smoking?

My mother doesn't smoke. My father was 18. A1l his friends were smokers and they often offered him cigarettes.


B88 KÉRDÉsÉsvÁmsz ANGot


36. How many cigarettes does your father smoke a day?

remember that a few years ago he Nowadays he smokes about ten a day, but I remember smoked almost a whole packet a day.

37. How much do your parent§ spend on cigarettes? Both my parents smoke, so, unfortunately, they spend quite a lot of money on cigarettes, more than 6000 forints a month. 38. How can people stop smoking? I don t know. There are several methods: medicine, patches, herbal teas, and hypnosis, The most important factor is determination. 39. How could the number of smokers be reduced?

I think they should show documentaries about suffering smokers and cigarettes should not be advertised anywhere. A lot of young people start smoking because their friends smoke and their parents do too.

40.What happens if people smoke in public places in Hungary? people must not smoke in public places in Hungary. If somebody smokes in a Public place, he has to pay a fine.

41.Do yorrr parents drink coffee? yes, unfoitunately they drink five cups a day. They drink the first cup at home when they get up and they drink coffee at work too. 42.Is too much coffee harmful? yes, it causes high blood pressure and some stomach problems. Some people also become more tense.

43.Why do people try drugs?

They are curious about the effects and would like to behave like famous stars.

44.What drugs have you heard oP

I have heard of marijuana, cocaine, heroine, LSD, ecstasy and speed,

45.Why is it difficult to give up taking drugs? Some people just want to try them but they can't give up after trnng them once. Drugs easily cause addiction.

46.Who is an alcoholic? A person who drinks regularly and a lot, For example, IVe heard that our neighbour's faiher spent almost a whole year at hospital because of problems caused by drinking too much.


HEArrH AND ILtNEss - EcÉszsÉcÉsgnrrcsÉc 47.Tühy do people drink? In my opinion, they üink they can forget about their problems if they drink, or just because they feel less tense and nervous.

48.what could be done to avoid the so-called disco accidents? Young people should be convinced not to go to the disco by car, There should be buses when the discos close,


sse KÉRDÉsÉsvÁresz ANGot

expressrons a

bit lo


a day 36

alot9 alotof1

accident 48 addiction 45 advertise 39

e'det a lot e lot av 'akstdent a'drkJn


alcoholic 46 although 32 always 4 ambulance 13 arm 20 at home 39 at ni8ht 21 at weekends 2 avoid 3


bad 22 bad habit 4 be afraid of sg 17 be cold 6 be operated on 25 behave 43

bad bad'habtt


big 18 blood pressure 8 body 19 bone 19 both 37 brain 26 break (broke, broken) 20 bus 48 buy (bought, bou8ht) 4 cake 3

call 13 cancer 15

canteen 4 cat 48

carbohydrate 28 care about sg 33


case 32

casualty 20 cause 42 certain 32 118



'ambjolans oIm

at'houm at'naÉ et,wilk'endz a'vctd 'c:fl

bi: a'fretd av bi: keold

bi:'oparefttd on bt'hetv btg

kicsit naponta sokat sok baleset fiiggőség reklámoz

alkoholista bár mindig mentőautó

kar otthon éjszaka héwégenként

elkerül borzalmas roSSz

rossz szokás fél valamitől





nagy vérnyomás



beon beo0


bretn brerk (brauk,'braoken) bns

bal (bc:t, bcí) ketk kc:l

'kansa kan'tiln ko:

,kolbao'hatdrett kea e'baot 'ko:tn kets

'ka3ueltt kc:z




eltör busz vesz, vásárol


hív rák (betegség) büfé autó szénhidrát törődik vmivel doboz eset

sürgősségi részleg okoz bizonyos

HEALTH AND IlINEss - EGÉszsÉGÉsgnrrcsÉc chemist í l chocolate 3 ci8arette 37 dose 48 cocúne 44 coffee (U) 4 coke (U) 4 consult 20 contain 3 conventional convince 48 cough 6

'kemtst 'tJoklet ,stga'ret


keo'ketn 'koft

kauk kan'snlt ken'teln ken'venJnel kan'vtns



crisps 4


d,ay 10

'kjuarlas del

dentist 21


curious 43

determination 38 diabetes 15 üet 28 difficult 45 üsco 48 disease 32 do (did, done) 9 do (did, done) exercise doctor 7 documentary 39 drink (drank, drunk) 3 drug 43 early 2 easily 45 eat (ate, eaten)


effect 43


elderly 30 examine 7 factor 38 family 34 famous 43 fast food restaurant 4 fat 28 fat 33 íathet 34 fatty 3 feel (felt, felt) 6

tartalmaz hagyományos




nap fogorvos eltökéltség, elszántság cukorbetegség étrend nehéz, bonyolult diszkó


dale'bi:ti:z 'datet



kávé Coca-Cola beszélget (tanácsért)



anp 41

bezár kokain

köhög ország chips


counfiry 32

gyógyszerész csokoládé cigaretta



du: (dtd, dnn) du: (dtd, dnn)'eksa,satz 'dokta



dokumentumfilm iszik

drlqk (draryk, drnlk)

dng '3:lt

'izlll i:t (ett

'iín) 'hel0t

tornázik orvos

kábítószer korán könnyen egészségesen étkezik




idős megvizsgál tényező család híres gyorsétterem

eg'zemln 'fakta 'famlt 'fetmas

fo:stfu:d ,restront

fat fat


'fett fi:l (fe[ felt)

zsir kövér apa


etez 119

8s8 KÉRDÉsÉsvlíresz ANGot Nynrvgór frbre 28 fi|l in 24

find (found, found) 22 fizzy 3 flu (U) 5




betöm (fogat) megtalál buborékos, szénsavas

fatnd (fuond, hond)

'ílzl flul

fu:d food 3 for example 3/ far tg'zolmpl forget (for8ot, forgotten) 9 fe'get (fe'got fa'gotn) fox 17 foks 'frend friend 35

friendly 17 ftuit 1 get (got, got)


elfelejt róka barát barátságos gyümölcs kap eljut valahová jobban lesz, gyógyul meggyógyul

got) np


'frendlt fru:t 11

get (got, got) 14 get (got, got) better 12 get (got, got) healthy 3í get (got, 8ot) uP 2 get (got, got) well í0 give (gave, given) 1í give (gave, given) up 34 go (went, gone) 12 go (went, gone) to bed 2

hall 18

get get get get get get

(got (got (got (got (got

got) got) got) 'beta

(got, got) wel gtv (gev, gtvn) gtv (getv, gtvn) np

gau (wen[ gon) geo (went gon) to bed hc:l

hamburger 4 happen 20


have (had, had) a headache 6 have (had, had) a rest 72 have (had, had) a temPerature 6 have (had, had) flu (U) 5 have (had, had)

hav (had, had) a'hedetk


sunstroke (|]) 12 have (had, had) toothache (U) 21 headache 5 healthy 1 heart 26 heart disease J5 help 14 herb 3l herbal tea 3] heroine 44 high 6 nahrropathy 3l 120

influenza élelmiszer például

'hapn 'ho:mfl

meggyógyul ad

abbahagy megy 1efekszik

terem hamburger

történik káros fáj a feje

pihen hev (hed, had) e rest hev (hed, hed) e'tempn,tJe lázas hev (hed, had) flu: hev (hed, hed) 'snnstraok


hav (hed, had) tu:Oetk

fáj a foga


fejfájás egészséges



'ho:t dt,zi:z

help hg:b ,hs:bl'ti:

napszúrása van

szív szívbetegség segít gyógynövény gyógytea







HEALTH AND IIJ.NEss - EcÉszsÉcÉsgrfficsÉc 'hospltl hospital l3 kórház How often? 23 hao 'ofn Milyen gyakran? human body 26 emberi test ,hju:men'bodt 'hnlgart Hungary íí Magyarország hypnosis 38 htp'nausts hipnózis ill 5 tl beteg impossible 24 lm'posabl lehetetlen injection 32 tn'd3ekfn injekció jogging 1 'd3oglt1 kocogás juice 31 'd3u:s gyümölcslé jó formában marad keep (kept, kept) fit l ki:p (kep[ kept) frt keep (kept, kept) in ki:p (kep[ kept) ln god hel9 egészséges marad good health 27 keep (kept, kept) warm 9 kilp (kept kept) wc:m melegen tart 'kldnt hdney 26 vese l