The Holographic Soul (The God Series Book 30)

Where is your mind located? How does it interact with your body? When your body dies, does your mind die too, or does it

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The Holographic Soul (The God Series Book 30)

Table of contents :
The Holographic Soul
Table of Contents
New Eyes
Stars, Souls and Gods
The Unreality
Humanity and the Truth
The Holographic Mind
Math and the Supernatural
The End of the Drudges and Drones
The Homunculus
The Mystery of Existence
The Basic Level of the Universe
The Five Perspectives
100 Years of Error
Four Types of Knowledge
The Birth of Consciousness
The Beforelife
What Is A Thought?
The Math Maze
The Birth of Consciousness
All Things Come From Nothing
The Ancient Wisdom
The Final Theory
What Is “God”?
Brain Transplants
The Holodeck
Holographic Memory
Quantum Dreams
The Replacement Ego
The God Spots
What Are We?
Apollo and Dionysus
What Is Science?
The Holographic Brain
Holographic Jung
Fourier Brains
The Wisdom of Karl Pribram
Empiricists versus Rationalists
Event Horizon
How Did Life Begin?
The Cosmic Brain
Mirrors of the Universe
The Sea, The Sea
Photonic Thoughts
Your Own Propaganda
The Gospel According To Britney
The Naked Singularity
The Tetraktys
Atoms: The Perfect Musical Instruments

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Copyright © Mike Hockney 2015 The right of Mike Hockney to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

Table of Contents The Holographic Soul Table of Contents Introduction New Eyes Stars, Souls and Gods The Unreality Humanity and the Truth The Holographic Mind Death Math and the Supernatural The End of the Drudges and Drones The Homunculus The Mystery of Existence The Basic Level of the Universe The Five Perspectives 100 Years of Error Four Types of Knowledge The Birth of Consciousness The Beforelife What Is A Thought? The Math Maze

The Birth of Consciousness Hypnosis All Things Come From Nothing The Ancient Wisdom The Final Theory What Is “God”? Brain Transplants Hierarchy The Holodeck Holographic Memory Quantum Dreams The Replacement Ego The God Spots What Are We? Apollo and Dionysus Airbrushing What Is Science? Ghosts The Holographic Brain Imagine Holographic Jung Fourier Brains

The Wisdom of Karl Pribram Empiricists versus Rationalists Event Horizon How Did Life Begin? The Cosmic Brain Mirrors of the Universe The Sea, The Sea BDSM Photonic Thoughts Your Own Propaganda The Gospel According To Britney The Naked Singularity The Tetraktys Atoms: The Perfect Musical Instruments Conclusion

Introduction Where is your mind located? How does it interact with your body? When your body dies, does your mind die too, or does it have an afterlife? That’s the mystery of existence. If humanity cannot answer these questions once and for all then it has no understanding of reality. The answer is not going to be something obvious. It will require some great conceptual leap, hitherto unforeseen by almost all of humanity. The ancients believed that a person was a reflection of the cosmos. A person had a body and a soul, and so did the cosmos. Is that a silly Mythos, or can it be intellectually defended?

The rational link between the ancient wisdom and modern knowledge is none other than holography. Holography is what allows scientific materialism to be replaced by mathematical idealism. Holography allows the soul, rather than matter, to be considered the source of reality. Mental atoms with atomic mass zero replace material atoms with atomic mass greater than zero as the basis of the world. Individual souls control individual bodies, and the collection of all souls controls the collective body – the cosmos. All of this is the inevitable consequence of ontological Fourier mathematics. The unprecedented intellectual leap that humanity must make is to conceive of reality as mathematical rather than religious, spiritual, philosophical, metaphysical or physical (scientific). Pythagoras understood this 2,500 years ago. He was at least 2,500 years ahead of his time (!). Over 300 years ago, Leibniz, with his Monadology, adopted a holographic model of reality, whereby dimensionless monads created the illusion of the dimensional material world. He was ignored. So it goes. Humanity’s greatest geniuses are always painfully far ahead of the game. That’s exactly why they’re the greatest geniuses. For science, mind doesn’t exist at all in any real sense. Mind, says science, is an inexplicable epiphenomenon of matter, and wouldn’t and couldn’t exist without matter. Religious and spiritual people equate their mind to their soul, and believe it will go on to enjoy a life after this one. Most of them naively imagine that their mind (soul) is located in their body (in the brain), and that it departs on death, leaving the body behind to turn to dust. This implies that the soul is capable of going on a journey through physical spacetime to some unspecified, mystical destination. All souls are in fact permanently located in the same place, all crammed together in a purely mathematical domain, forever beyond the reach of empirical science. Far from being dependent on matter, souls are actually the authors – the creators – of matter, i.e. matter couldn’t exist without souls. It wasn’t “God” that created the material universe out of nothing. Souls created the world out of their own collective energy, and they did so mathematically, using holography. The “Big Bang” was the instant when the spacetime universe of matter was projected from the immaterial Singularity of mathematical souls (monads). Before material existence came neither “God”, non-existence nor randomness, but the mental

existence of immortal, indestructible, uncreated, uncaused, necessary mathematical singularities = souls. These are the prime movers. They are the origin of all things in our world. The so-called scientific world is their mathematical, holographic construct, their spacetime Matrix. Bodies move from one place to another. Souls don’t. They never go on any journeys, especially not physical journeys through spacetime. Your soul is emphatically not in your body. It’s not in spacetime at all. Your soul resides in an immaterial, dimensionless, mathematical Singularity, outside space and time, along with the souls of everyone else. They are all denizens of Soul World. Soul World is a mathematical frequency domain, not a scientific spacetime domain. Dimensionless souls can’t leave it under any circumstances. No soul ever inhabits a body in dimensional spacetime. Instead, a soul controls a body remotely, like a pilot remotely flying a drone aircraft thousands of miles away. All bodies are in spacetime. No souls are in spacetime. Bodies and souls inhabit entirely separate domains of existence, entirely separate categories of existence. Bodies are dimensional. Souls are dimensionless. So, how do bodies and souls interact if they are so different, inhabiting mutually exclusive domains separated by impenetrable ontological firewalls? The answer lies in Fourier mathematics: the mathematics of connecting spacetime functions to frequency functions. Our bodies – the things of empirical science – belong to the Fourier spacetime domain of matter, while our souls – the things of ontological mathematics – belong to the Fourier frequency domain of mind (outside spacetime in an immaterial Singularity), and they talk to each other via forward and inverse Fourier transforms. There’s nothing mysterious and mystical about it. It’s pure math – the most rational and logical thing you can possibly get. Mathematics is Nature’s language, the language of existence itself. The universe is rational and intelligible purely because it speaks mathematics, something inherently rational and intelligible. Without mathematics, there would be either no universe at all, or an irrational, unintelligible universe of absolute and permanent chaos, from which no order and organisation would ever emerge. Mathematics is the author of all things. Mathematics takes the place that humanity once conferred on “God”. In fact, “God” is simply the anthropomorphication of Math: Math turned into a Super Being, into a

Cosmic Personality. If you remove all personality and all “morality” from “God”, what remains is nothing but Math. Math, ontologically, comprises units called monads, which are none other than mathematical souls. Souls are not mystical, religious entities. They are infinite-capacity mathematical energy systems, comprising countless sinusoidal frequencies. They are eternal vibrations. In rationalist terms, everything about their operations can be known a priori through the study of the properties and interactions of sine and cosine waves. Believe it or not, but right now, at the dead centre of the universe – the Cosmic Origin, exactly where the Big Bang began – resides your soul. You are at this very instant surrounded by every other soul in existence, each in its own separate monadic compartment, in its own unique mathematical domain that has existed literally forever. You are infinitely old, you have seen everything that has ever happened, and you have contributed to everything that has ever happened. You are therefore a species of God. You are a potential God, and you have the capacity to optimise yourself, to solve your own mathematical equation and become an actual God. Your current mortal body is here, in spacetime. Your immortal soul is there, outside spacetime, but such is the power of Fourier mathematics that it can convince you that your soul is sitting right behind your eyes. This is simply a well-founded mathematical illusion. Imagine linking a drone pilot’s eyes directly to a drone’s camera on a permanent basis. Would he not imagine that he was inside the drone, part of the drone, despite being thousands of miles away? When it comes to the soul, it’s not thousands of miles away. It’s not even in the same dimension as the body. In fact, it’s not in any dimension at all. It’s a strictly dimensionless entity, which is exactly why it’s eternal and indestructible. You can neither create nor destroy zero/infinity singularities (souls). Fourier mathematics is the basis of both quantum mechanics and holography. When properly understood, quantum mechanics is revealed to be nothing other than ontological holography. All the apparent strangeness of quantum mechanics flows from the fact that it connects a dimensionless environment (Singularity) to a dimensional environment (Spacetime); a non-local, interconnected environment to a local, apparently disconnected environment of separate objects; a mental environment to a material environment; a mathematical environment to a scientific environment; a metaphysical environment to a physical environment.

Quantum mechanical holography perfectly matches the reality conceived by Descartes hundreds of years ago. The frequency Singularity where souls reside is Descartes’ unextended domain of thinking substance, and the spacetime domain (the cosmic hologram) where bodies reside is Descartes’ extended domain of matter. Descartes didn’t know how to get the two domains to interact, but that was purely because Fourier mathematics had not been discovered in his day. Had it been, Descartes, a brilliant mathematician, would have realised instantly that it solved the otherwise intractable problem of how to get unextended mind to interact with extended matter. Mind is simply the Fourier frequency domain, and matter the Fourier spacetime domain, and they communicate and interact via wellknown Fourier mathematics. Holography is often described as 3D photography. Photography – “light writing” – uses normal light, while holography uses laser light. Photography is about using light to write a static 2D representation of an object on a film, while holography is about using light to write a static 3D representation of the whole object on a film. If you add time to holography, you get a moving holograph: a “holomovement”. Souls are made of light (light being nothing other than mathematical sinusoidal waves). They are natural, inherent holographic light writers. All souls together write the spacetime hologram that we call the material universe. We live in a universe of ontological holography, where souls made of photons create, between them, a cosmic interference pattern, which we all then interpret as physical reality. In fact, it’s just a Fourier spacetime domain projected from a Fourier frequency domain. The material universe is simply a hologram constructed from an immaterial Singularity of interacting, wave-based minds. The immortal, indestructible soul is the instrument of ontological holography. Welcome to the holographic soul. Welcome to the holographic World. Welcome to reality. We are offering you the red pill, but we are not going to take you down any mystical rabbit hole, or lead you into another empirical world underlying this empirical world. The red pill we offer is that of ontological mathematics, the source of all true, absolute, infallible, incontestable knowledge.

It’s time to wake up from your empirical dream. It’s time for rationalism. Reason shall set you free. Reason, and reason alone, shows you the Truth of your existence. What do we care about the irrationalists who deny that we live in a mathematical universe of reason? By definition, any “explanation” they give of reality, and any critique they provide of ontological mathematics, is irrational – because the very first thing they did was to repudiate reason as the means to understand reality. They are the ignorant blue pill people, the legions of unreason, whether it be religious, spiritual, metaphysical or scientific unreason. Nothing they say makes any sense.

New Eyes Imagine how your conception of reality would change if instead of regarding photons as particles of light, you regarded them as particles of thought. Imagine how reality would be transformed for you if you subscribed to the equation: light = thought = life. A world of light would therefore be a living world of mind ... a living, evolving organism, not a dead, purposeless machine. Given that it’s impossible for life to come from non-life, or mind from non-mind, the qualities of life and mind must be present in their barest form in the fundamental constituents of existence. That’s an inescapable truth. That means that sinusoids are not just the carriers of energy and information, but of mind and life themselves. These qualities are implicit in sinusoids. A thought in itself is a sinusoid, and mental activity is the prerequisite for life. Where there are no thoughts, there can be no life. Do you have the intellectual ability and agility to see light as more than light ... as life and thought? As soon as you do, a holograph (or holomovement) is transformed into a spiritual organism originating in Soul World. It’s not some peculiar, artificial, technical abstraction with no ontological significance.

***** The most intelligent people – the geniuses – are able to take conceptual leaps that defy the understanding of ordinary people. You are extraordinarily intelligent if you can conceive that thoughts are photons, that suns pour out the thoughts of the Cosmic Mind into spacetime and

matter, and that black holes restore spacetime thoughts to their Singularity origin. Given that minds think, then, to say that photons are thoughts, is equivalent to saying that minds are made of light, that minds comprise autonomous, complete and consistent collections of photons. Given that all minds are alive (there are dead, or “undead”, bodies, but no such things as dead minds) then photons are not only thoughts, they are also the basic ingredients of life. Suns are the central, controlling lives of solar systems, and they produce the conditions for plant and animal life to appear on planets such as Earth. They are the solar Gods that project life into their solar domain. The Singularity is the immaterial source of life and mind, outside space and time. It emanates material suns (solar holograms) that convey life and mind into the spacetime universe of matter. Moons and planets are the detritus of previous generations of suns. On planets, the light (life, thoughts) of suns produces bodies that can be controlled by individual souls. The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies were created in old, long dead stars. The lighter elements come from small exploding stars (novae), while the heavier elements come from large exploding stars (supernovae). Stellar explosions throw out vast clouds of dust and gas, and this material from the exploded stars disperses throughout interstellar space where it can combine into moons, planets or new stars. What do stars do? They fuse simple hydrogen nuclei to create more complex nuclei, and thus the material world, full of all the elements, comes into being. Souls = sols = suns. It was an ancient belief that stars were linked to souls (Richard L. Poss: “‘And when He had compounded the whole He divided it into souls equal in number to the stars, and each soul He assigned to one star.’ So Plato in the Timaeus presents a mythic narrative in which the world is created by a craftsman-deity who establishes a correspondence between the large scale structure of the universe and the inner life of the individual human being.” A soul descends from its companion star to be born on Earth. At death, a just soul returns to its companion star, while an unjust soul is reincarnated and must try again if it wants to ascend back to its starry home.) In fact, souls are dimensionless stars, and their light is contained within themselves, giving them eternal energy, life and mind.

Dimensional stars power the spacetime universe of matter, but are themselves powered by dimensionless stars (souls). Dimensional stars are spacetime holograms projected by dimensionless stars (individual souls acting collectively). As above, so below. The ancient conception of reality – where moons, planets and suns were Gods, and souls lived on planets for a time and then returned to their originating stars – is far closer to the truth than anything scientific materialism has ever said. Carl Sagan said, “We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff.” We are not made of alien star stuff (external to us and preceding us). We ourselves are the stars, and our bodies are starry holograms made from our collective “stardust” (material energy; “broken light”).

***** “Large particle accelerators can replicate the conditions that prevailed after the early moments of the universe, resulting in confirmation and refinement of the details of the Big Bang model. However, these accelerators can only probe so far into high energy regimes. Consequently, the state of the universe in the earliest instants of the Big Bang expansion is still poorly understood and an area of open investigation and indeed, speculation. “The first subatomic particles included protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though simple atomic nuclei formed within the first three minutes after the Big Bang, thousands of years passed before the first electrically neutral atoms formed. The majority of atoms produced by the Big Bang were hydrogen, along with helium and traces of lithium. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and the heavier elements were synthesized either within stars or during supernovae.” – Wikipedia In simple terms, we can say that all matter up to the level of hydrogen atoms was produced by the Big Bang, and then all higher atomic elements were produced by fusion processes in hydrogen suns (Hydrogen atoms make up 91.2% of all atoms in our sun, with helium atoms contributing 8.7%).

So, the immaterial, dimensionless Singularity (Cosmic Mind) outside space and time emanates the elementary spacetime material particles up to the level of hydrogen. Then collective minds, or superpowerful individual minds (“Gods”), link to spacetime hydrogen stars, which create the higher elements used to make moons, planets and all the stuff on moons and planets, including plants and animals. Ordinary, individual minds then link to these bodies and control them. All material entities are holographic Fourier spacetime projections from the Fourier frequency Singularity (i.e. Cosmic Mind = “God” = the Platonic Demiurge). Do the math.

Stars, Souls and Gods In Plato’s Timaeus, there’s a God for every star. It’s from the fiery composition of the Gods’ souls that stars get their light. A human soul is assigned to every star, so each soul has its own companion or guardian God. We might, in Jungian terms, regard the human soul as our Lower Ego, and the divine soul as our Higher Self. Our task is to fully integrate the former with the latter ... to become whole ... to become true Gods. “Although each human soul is assigned a star, the stars themselves are ensouled by the heavenly gods.” – Robin Waterfield “All souls therefore, are the children of the Gods; but all do not know their presiding God.” – Proclus [MH: Do you know yours?] “Every soul has a presiding God.” – Proclus “...there are as many souls in quantity as there are starry Gods. For this may appear to be evident by [Plato] adding that each soul was distributed into each star.” – Proclus All human souls are sown into the stars before becoming incarnated in bodily existence on earth. Their hope is to return to their heavenly home at death. Philosophy is what grants them the knowledge to make the return journey. Without philosophy, they are condemned to keep repeating their grim earthly hell. Philosophy, not faith, sets you free! Imagine how different humanity would be if faith were dismissed as nonsense, and only philosophical knowledge could secure your passage to

heaven. Humanity would be forced to be intelligent. Faith was the invention of stupid people, so that they didn’t have to study and learn anything difficult. All they had to do was believe a simple story (Mythos). Logos was utterly alien to them. Since souls were born in stars, but needed to descend to the Earth (and later ascend back to their personal star), they came equipped with an astral body, as their vehicle for travelling through the cosmos. This is what accompanies them in their descent into matter. It’s their subtle spiritual body rather than their gross physical body.

***** The World Soul = the Cosmic Mind = the Monadic Collective = the Singularity is the informing intelligence of the universe, located at its dead centre, at its Cartesian origin. It’s the mathematical seat of existence.

Idealism Bishop Berkeley believed that God held the whole world in his mind as an idea. It was objectively real because he permanently contemplated this idea. If he chose not to think of it, it would instantly cease to exist. So, here we have the concept of reality as an idea in a great, ubiquitous mind. In Berkeley’s system, when we sense and perceive the universe, we are actually sensing and perceiving God’s thoughts and ideas about the world. In ontological mathematics, the Cosmic Mind, comprised of monads, replaces Berkeley’s God. It mathematically calculates the world at all times, and these calculations constitute reality. All calculations are based on ontological, holographic Fourier mathematics ... true quantum mechanics. As soon as photons are identified as the basis frequencies of Fourier mathematics, as mental frequencies, it becomes obvious that the spacetime world is a mental construct of the Monadic Collective (Cosmic Mind). To put it another way, the things of the material world are actually reified thoughts (thoughts converted into spacetime material objects). Our senses are nothing other than the means to give us access to the objectified thoughts of the Cosmic Mind. The senses are themselves just ways of thinking, just ways of presenting mathematical energy information to us, of allowing us to experience mathematical energy information, i.e. cosmic thoughts. There is nothing other than energy = information = thinking = sinusoidal waves = photons = ontological mathematics = life itself.

We are all part of a giant system of thought, a mathematical thinking organism, relentlessly optimising and solving itself. Each of us is a unique node of the equation. Each of us is an indispensable part of the solution. Mathematical sinusoidal waves are the conveyers of all the information in the world, and our minds experience the information they carry ... as feelings, sensations, perceptions, desires, will, and so on, i.e. all the stuff of the empirical world. We don’t see the underlying math. Reason and intuition bring us into contact with it. The central problem that has permanently afflicted humanity is that it experiences mathematics while imagining that it’s experiencing something else (“matter”, or “cosmic consciousness”, or “bare awareness”, or “God’s creation”, or “Tao”, or “Cosmic Will”, or whatever other label humanity has invented). The last thing it believes it is experiencing is mathematics, which it regards as cold, unreal and abstract. It simply can’t make the connection between a rational information carrier, and the empirical information it carries. It’s a conceptual leap too far. It’s exactly the same problem that David Hume ran into when he found it impossible to believe in the reality of causation because causation is something that can never be perceived, only inferred. Equally, mathematics can never be perceived, only inferred. And, of course, mathematics is causation. Only the supreme geniuses of humanity have understood that the empirical order must be underpinned by a rational order, but that there is no way – other than intellectually – to grasp this fact. You can never perceive what lies behind the perceivable. You can never perceive the noumenal universe, the universe of naked existence, with no appearance. So, what are you going to do? Will you claim that “God”, or “Spirit”, or the “Oneness”, lies behind everything, i.e. will you be a person of religious faith or spiritual mysticism? Perhaps you will say, as many scientists do, that what lies behind the scenes is an unreal, abstract, mathematical potentiality wavefunction, from which actuality is randomly and miraculously plucked when an observer performs an observation. Or perhaps you will agree with other scientists that what underlies observable existence is non-existence that randomly and magically summons existence from itself for no reason. If none of those absurd options are palatable to you, and you wish to be able to explain a rational, intelligible universe without faith, mysticism,

magic or miracles, then mathematics is the only choice that will suffice, the only choice compatible with the principle of sufficient reason. Either this is a rational universe, hence a mathematical universe, or it’s an irrational universe, hence a non-mathematical universe, and you’re welcome to believe whatever you like since all irrational explanations are as good or as bad as each other. Claiming that “God” created the universe, as religious types do, is certainly no crazier than claiming that existence randomly jumps out of non-existence for no reason, as scientists do. Mathematics is the antidote to the mutual madness.

The Unreality Science regards the wavefunction of quantum mechanics as belonging to an unreal, abstract, mathematical potentiality space, from which reality “collapses” into an actual, concrete, measurable, observable state. Ontological mathematics replaces this ontologically untenable mathematical unreality with an actual mathematical reality ... a Fourier frequency domain of real monadic minds. Which is rational? – to believe, as scientists do, that unreality is the ground of scientific reality, or that a real mathematical Singularity is the ground of real scientific spacetime? No scientist should ever be allowed to refer to unreal abstractions as having any connection with reality. Reality is precisely that ... reality. It doesn’t contain anything unreal. Everything in existence can be justified as a mathematical actuality ... provided you accept the reality of singularities and complex numbers. Why shouldn’t complex numbers be real if other numbers are real? Why shouldn’t singularities be real? Are they to be rejected merely because they fall outside the empirical faith of scientists, because they don’t conform to the Church of the fallible, unreliable, frequently delusional Human Senses? Reason, not the senses, is what we must use to investigate reality, and reason leads straight to mathematics, to singularities and complex numbers. This is a rational, mathematical universe, using the full power and range of mathematics. It’s not an empirical, scientific universe, using a bizarre, unexplained and inexplicable subset of mathematics deemed acceptable to

sensing types, but wholly lacking the completeness, consistency and legitimacy of authentic mathematics.

The Fundamental Unit What is the fundamental unit of existence? Four claims have been made: 1) Theists (Abrahamists) believe that “God” – an all-powerful Super Being – is the basic unit of existence, and all things derive from him. He creates everything else out of nothing at all, so there is a clear distinction between the Creator and his Creation. The Creator is eternal and necessary; his Creation is temporal and contingent. The Creator must exist; his Creation need not exist. He chose to make it exist. 2) Pantheists (followers of Eastern religion) believe that “God”, or the “Oneness”, or “The Way”, is the basic unit of existence. Unlike the Abrahamic God, this Oneness creates everything not out of nothing but out of itself. Therefore, everything is really “God”, and you become “enlightened” when you realise you are in fact God. You escape from the pains and doubts of temporal, contingent existence (samsara = the material world; the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound) by relocating your mental awareness to the eternal, necessary order of existence (called nirvana, moksha or Tao). 3) Atheists (scientists) adopt the Abrahamic worldview, while dispensing with “God”. For science, there is no eternal, necessary order of existence. Temporal, contingent things (“matter”) can be created out of nothing at all, for no reason at all. Where Abrahamists believe that an intelligent God miraculously creates the world out of nothing, scientists believe that nothing randomly and miraculously creates the world out of itself. Scientists replace a miraculous being (“God”) with an even bigger miracle: nonexistence that randomly (and impossibly) generates existence from itself via no mechanism whatsoever. Science’s “explanation” of reality is the one most predicated on magic and miracles. That’s because science refuses to countenance an eternal, necessary order of existence. Such an order is necessarily beyond science and falsifies science, so scientists choose to believe in the impossible

notion of a universe that bootstraps itself for no possible reason. Science replaces an eternal, rational order with a temporal, irrational order based on randomness, acausality, indeterminacy, indeterminism, accident and chance. Trace back any scientific theory far enough and you eventually arrive at the preposterous claim that non-existence randomly creates existence: an irrefutable impossibility since “non-existence” is defined by the absence of any properties whatsoever, hence has no means to generate existence. Existence cannot come from non-existence, and vice versa. Everything that exists has existed in its bare form forever. What changes for each fundamental unit of existence is not its eternal, necessary essence but its temporal, contingent relations with all the other fundamental units of existence. The basic existents remain the same (their ontological definition never changes), but their environment is always changing. Science tries to establish a relation between non-existence and existence even though this is impossible, and despite the fact that the most basic scientific law of all is the Conservation of Energy: energy can be neither created nor destroyed. If you accept this as it is literally stated then you agree that there’s an eternal, necessary order of energy. Science does not agree. Instead, science claims that energy can be created or destroyed at random, provided it’s done in the “right” way, i.e. so as to accomplish a net average effect of zero. Thus, science talks about “borrowing” energy from nowhere at all, and then “repaying” it back to nowhere at all – which is equivalent to creating energy out of non-existence, and then destroying energy by returning it to non-existence. Science’s claim to be consistent with energy conservation is fraudulent and ridiculous. The most blatant violations are sanctioned, just so long as no net change in the universe’s energy is sustained over any long period. Science is full of “tricks” such as this. Remove these tricks and the foundations of science are exposed as the irrational nonsense they are. 4) Ontological mathematics asserts that the fundamental unit of existence is the mathematical monad, and this is none other than what humanity calls the mind or soul. It’s eternal and necessary, and is made of pure energy. “Energy” in itself comprises

immaterial mathematical sinusoidal waves that exist outside space and time. The world is not created by “God” (Abrahamism), or out of “God” (Eastern religion), or out of nothing at all (science), but out of eternal mathematical energy systems, which are indestructible living minds. Where science replaced God with nothingness and randomness, ontological mathematics replaced God with a “God Equation” that serves as the master equation of existence, and defines the properties of all monads, and all of their interactions. Science is an empiricist undertaking based on the senses, experiments, observations and evidence. Ontological mathematics is a rationalist undertaking, predicated on reason, logic, analysis, and proof. The primary contention of ontological mathematics is that the scientific world is built not on nothing at all (as science claims), but on an eternal, necessary order of mathematics, and this is exactly why mathematics is at the heart of science, and why science would be rendered absurd if mathematics were ever removed from it. So, you have four choices when it comes to understanding existence: 1) theism (an eternal, necessary God who creates the world out of nothing), 2) pantheism (an eternal, necessary Oneness that creates the world out of itself), 3) atheism (non-existence that randomly creates the world out of itself), or 4) deism (an eternal, necessary mathematical order of monads that creates the world out of itself). Everything you believe and think about reality will derive entirely from which of these four worldviews you choose to subscribe to. Once you have chosen, none of the other possibilities will make any sense to you.

***** Nothing has perplexed the human mind more than the fundamental nature of existence. “God” was given as the simplest answer, but no one can define “God”. Science hated God, so abolished him, leaving itself with only nothingness and miraculous random events from which entire universes can be magically constructed for no reason, via no mechanism (other than scientific diktat). Science blabbers on about the first three minutes of the Big Bang (as if it knows what it’s talking about), yet ultimately claims that the state that preceded the Big Bang was nothing at all, from which the

universe erupted randomly, which means science has no idea what it’s talking about. Is existence fundamentally God/Oneness (as mainstream religion claims), an accident of non-existence (as science claims), or mathematics (as ontological mathematics asserts)? Get the answer to this wrong, and your whole conception of reality is wrong, and you will live this present life of yours in ignorance and in vain. Every belief and opinion you have will be false. You will be as alienated from the Truth as it’s possible to be. You will waste your life, and fail to understand anything. You will be a person who has achieved endarkenment, the opposite of enlightenment. The vast majority of human beings are experts in becoming endarkened. They have no contact with the light. They have no idea what the light is. They have never seen it.

The Soul What is the key component of religion – “God” or the “soul”? Mainstream religion asserts that God comes first, and souls are created by God (Abrahamism), or are part of God (Eastern religion). Ontological mathematics asserts that souls come first, and they transform into Gods via dialectical evolution. Where mainstream religion has God as the basis of all, ontological mathematics has the soul as the basis of all.

***** This book is about how the universe is holographically created by mathematical souls. This is a strictly mathematical universe. It’s not scientific at all, nor does it have anything to do with mainstream religion. In olden times, religion (feelings) was what led people astray. Now, it’s science (the senses) that deceives them. Only mathematics (reason) can reveal the indisputable truth.

***** To people of faith, the soul is an entity created by God, but cannot be defined in human terms, just as God himself cannot be. The soul is said to be made in the image of God, but is not of the same substance as God. God and the soul are wholly undefined, so anyone who subscribes to this system has abandoned the attempt to rationally understand existence. All such people turn to Mythos (stories) rather than Logos (reason, logic and

mathematics). They dream of an overwhelming emotional encounter (“unconditional love”) with their God. They are seeking a relationship, not understanding. These people would never dream of asking God to explain existence, to explain his own existence. They do not want answers, they want safety, security, harmony, protection, peace, justice, love, tranquillity. Reason, logic, knowledge and understanding do not come into it. The only “logic” they apply, is the logic of love (of feelings), and that’s no logic at all. That’s the difference between emotionalists and rationalists. To mystics, the soul is an eternal aspect of the universe itself. No one can create it. It’s built into existence. To Buddhists, the individual soul is a fiction, but there’s some kind of Collective Soul or “Oneness” that underlies all things. To atheists, skeptics, cynics, nihilists, materialists, and scientists, the soul is a ridiculous human fantasy. To these people, all that exists are sensory things, and, since the soul is non-sensory, it therefore doesn’t and can’t exist. To Pythagoras, the soul was all about numbers – it was a transcendent mathematical entity, beyond space, time and the sensible world. To Kant, the soul was a noumenal entity, and could never be part of any phenomenal system of knowledge (such as that of science). Kant considered the soul an intelligible entity, and he believed that all attempts to make it part of the sensible world (the world of science) were committing a category error. For Leibniz, the soul was a dimensionless, rational monad, and all monads together were responsible for the phenomenal, scientific world we encounter. In ontological mathematical terms, the soul is an immaterial, dimensionless singularity, a mathematical Fourier frequency domain outside space and time. It’s a noumenal, non-scientific object, but it’s emphatically not any kind of “spooky” religious entity. It’s the quintessence of mathematics. In ontological mathematics, as in Leibniz’s Monadology, the sensible world of physics is underpinned by an intelligible world of metaphysics, empiricism is underpinned by rationalism, visible science is underpinned by invisible mathematics. Although the word “hologram” did not exist in Leibniz’s day, and nor did the Fourier mathematics that holography is based on, Leibniz’s Monadology is an unmistakably holographic theory of existence.

Ontological mathematics – the modern version of Leibniz’s Monadology – is all about the ontological reality of Fourier mathematics, hence inherently concerns natural holography. The so-called scientific world is nothing but a phenomenal, spacetime projection from a transcendent mathematical Singularity outside space and time. This Singularity is immaterial, non-sensory, purely mathematical, and is made of countless monadic singularities, which are in turn made of analytic sinusoidal waves. These sinusoids are not so different conceptually from the “strings” of contemporary theories of physics. Physics can give no ground for reality, so says that it jumps out of nothing for no reason (thus avoiding any hint of God, or some nonscientific order of existence). If you cannot accept science’s irrational, faithbased answer – predicated on magic and miracles (but without any “God” to perform them) – you have to look to an eternal, rational, mathematical order of existence, hence you must accept that science is a limited, narrow system of “explanation”, and mathematics must be invoked to provide true explanations. Although scientists use mathematics all the time, they despise it. If they didn’t, they would explore the possibility that mathematics itself is reality, in preference to some bizarre, undefined, unproven, scientific-philosophical concept called “matter”. As the philosopher Bishop Berkeley emphatically pointed out, there is no evidence whatsoever that matter exists. Matter is an idea in minds. Minds are not an idea in mindless matter. Berkeley would have had little difficulty accepting that the “material” world is a well-founded (mathematical) hologram, projected from, and perceived by, minds. This book is about how science is full of evidence that reality is mathematical and holographic, yet all of this evidence is dismissed out of hand, or wilfully misinterpreted, because it does not conform to scientific materialist dogmatism and ideology. The fundamental ground of the holographic universe is a Singularity, made of analytic sinusoidal waves organised into monadic units. The Singularity is another name for the Monadic Collective: the collection of all souls. The soul is not an illusion ... religion is. The soul is not an illusion ... science is. The soul is the functional unit of existence.

Are you intelligent enough to understand the mathematical truth of the universe? Are you intelligent enough to grasp that we are living in a hologram that we ourselves collectively constructed with our minds? We created the universe out of ourselves. We are the Creator. Our bodies and our world are our own Creation. We mathematically made space, time and matter. Strip away those and all that remains is a collection of immaterial mathematical monadic minds, outside space and time ... the constituents of the Singularity state that preceded the Big Bang.

Reality in a Nutshell Descartes, when he said that mind is unextended and matter extended, provided the key to understanding the difference between mind and matter. In ontological mathematics, this translates into minds being singularities outside space and time, and matter being extended objects inside space and time. That’s it, the whole shooting match. In order to have a mental order of existence compatible with spacetime science, all you have to do is work out the mathematics of singularities, and that turns out to be the mathematics of Euler’s Formula and Fourier frequency mathematics. It’s all in the math.

***** Minds/Souls = singularities. Material Objects = non-singularities. Mind-Matter Interaction = the interaction of singularities and nonsingularities. The Big Bang: A Singularity produces non-singularities (spacetime objects). Black Hole Formation: Non-singularities (spacetime objects) collapse down to black hole singularities. What are photons? – They are massless, unextended, dimensionless entities outside space and time, i.e. photons are singularities. The basic process of the universe – how singularities (minds) interact with non-singularities (bodies) – is staring us all right in the face. Why have the

Illuminati alone recognised the Truth? Because we’re the only ones who actually care about the Truth.

***** The average human mind cannot cope with singularities. It can imagine a big box of space (the universe) in which material, sensory things happen (in time). It cannot conceive of non-sensory singularities outside space and time. Only the greatest humans can grasp that there’s no reason why nonsingularities (spacetime objects) should be privileged over singularities (non-spacetime objects). In fact, the opposite is true: non-singularities necessarily come from singularities. The latter can exist without the former (in the state prior to the Big Bang); the former cannot exist without the latter (unless you subscribe to a steady-state Universe, which is a concept which has been wholly falsified, and makes no rational sense in any case).

***** Humanity’s entire conception of reality founders on the notion of dimensionless existence. People cannot conceive of a reality without mass, extension, dimensions, space, time. They’re too locked into their sensory reality (Maya = illusion; phenomenon). Reason can take us beyond our senses, but most people have little or no relationship with authentic reason (applied strictly to non-sensory, nonmystical, non-emotional things). Normally, they use their reason in service of their senses, feelings or mystical intuitions, which is already to assume the primacy of a sensory, emotional, mystical reality. Reason comes before the senses, feelings and mysticism, not after them. There is an entire rational reality that has no connection with the senses, feelings, mysticism, dimensionality, matter, and all things human. It is the mathematical, mental reality of immaterial Fourier frequency domains = mental singularities. Mathematics alone can investigate this reality. If you hate mathematics, and refuse to accept the reality of mathematics, you’re well and truly screwed. You have irredeemably cut yourself off from the truth. Science refuses to accept a mathematical reality underlying the scientific world of matter, which is precisely why science can’t accommodate mind. Mind is exclusively about singularities, hence outside space, time and

matter. You have to forget your senses when it comes to your mind (soul). You can’t see, hear, taste, touch, or smell your mind and your thoughts. You can’t detect them in any physical location or in any direct physical way. To a rationalist, this is easy to explain: the mind in a non-sensory, nonphysical entity, and is explained by mathematics. To an empiricist, such as a scientist, the mind – and therefore the soul – is inconceivable since it make no sense in terms of their materialist paradigm. No scientist will ever acknowledge that mathematics, not science, is the language of reality, and that reason rather than sensory experiments is how we access true reality. When it comes to Truth, forget science. Science is the study of phenomena, but reality in itself – Truth in itself – is about noumena, and noumena are strictly mathematical. If you reject mathematics, you have rejected the Truth. You will never understand what your soul is, and therefore you will never understand the nature and purpose of your existence, and the meaning of your life. You will go on believing any old nonsense that comforts you, and you will never become enlightened and thus transform yourself into a God (a fully actualised, optimised mathematical monadic mind).

***** Singularities and non-singularities – mind and matter – that’s all there is. There are two orders of existence: that which is immaterial and outside space and time (frequency existence; mental existence; dimensionless existence), and that which is material and inside space and time (dimensional existence). The latter comes from the former. Singularities can exist without non-singularities. The converse is not true. Singularities – frequency domains – create the spacetime world of matter via Fourier projection (creating Fourier spacetime functions from Fourier frequency functions = monadic singularities). This process is simply ontological holography. Spacetime objects are generated from a vast mental interference pattern occurring within the Monadic Collective (which is none other than the Big Bang Singularity). The Big Bang Singularity never went away. It still exists – at the precise centre of the universe – and it will always exist. It is indestructible. It’s the World Soul, the Cosmic Mind, which fully controls the universe (which is its physical body). We ourselves are part of it.

The mind, the soul, the Cosmic Mind, the World Soul ... these are all the things that can play no part in empirical, dimensional science, yet they are the essential things that control the scientific universe, and our own bodies. They are not “religious”. They are mathematical. They are the most rational things of all. Only people of reason can understand the soul. Knowledge of the soul is exclusively for people who are able to transcend their senses (science) and their feelings, faith and mysticism (religion). To say that math is what underlies science is exactly the same as to say that mind is what underlies matter, that soul is what underlies body, that reason is what underlies the human senses and feelings. A non-sensory, non-emotional, non-mystical reality is at the root of everything. If you want access to it – to the Truth itself – then reason, and reason alone, will take you there. Prayer won’t help, meditation won’t help, beliefs won’t help, mysticism won’t help, experiments won’t help, opinions, interpretations, conjectures and hypotheses won’t help. This is a rational, intelligible universe because it is made of reason, expressed through mathematics. The monadic soul is the ontological carrier of mathematics (reason). All things that don’t seem like reason – such as feelings – are merely different empirical masks that reason wears. Feelings are just primitive reason. They use a simplistic, immediate way of rationally assessing whether something is good or bad for us: that which gives us pleasure is considered good for us, and that which causes us pain is deemed bad for us. As a primitive, fast, first order technique, there is nothing wrong with this, and it’s often highly effective. There is no escape from reason. Even “unreason” is just a type of reason ... a primordial, sub-optimal, fast form of reason.

Humanity and the Truth There are four ways of understanding the world: religiously, philosophically, scientifically and mathematically. Only one of these can provide the correct understanding, hence the other three are wrong – whether you like it or not. We’re not politically correct. We’re not in the business of telling everyone they’re right. We’re absolutists, not relativists.

Humanity’s greatest challenge is to establish which of the four is the one that gives us the Truth, and which are the three that deceive us. Humanity can achieve its potential only when it aligns with the Truth and rejects the Lie. Humanity has hitherto been ruled by the Lie. That continues to the present day. Humanity’s most impoverished relationship by far is that with the Truth. The human mind would prefer almost anything to the Truth, while being wholly receptive to the Lie. Tellingly, Nietzsche said, “What, ultimately, are man’s truths? Merely his irrefutable errors.” The human race did not evolve with respect to Truth, i.e. in a manner in which all things that deviated from truth were ruthlessly and relentlessly deselected (meaning that we became more and more truthful with each every genetic mutation). The human race evolved instead with respect to survival and reproduction, neither of which is concerned in the slightest with the question of what is true, and what is the value of the true. Anything that didn’t evolve according to the Truth ipso facto evolved according to the non-Truth, i.e. the Lie. Humanity is an inherently mendacious species. Evolution guaranteed this outcome. Evolution ensures that we encounter the Lie before the Truth, and must overcome the Lie to get to the Truth. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche wrote, “Granted we want truth, why not rather untruth? ... How could something originate in its antithesis? Truth in error, for example. Or will to truth in will to deception? ... The falseness of a judgment is not necessarily an objection to a judgment ... to renounce false judgments would be to renounce life, would be to deny life ... the falsest judgments are the most indispensable to us... The problem of the value of truth stepped before us – or was it we who stepped before this problem? Which of us is Oedipus here? Which of us sphinx?” Nothing is more problematic for humanity than the Truth. Humans are staggeringly alienated from it. If you placed the Truth right in front of their face, they would fail to recognise it – because humans have no organ for truth. The Truth, to the average human being, is invisible. Religion provides an understanding of the world based on faith (feelings) and mysticism (intuition). It rejects everything that’s not about having a direct, experiential relationship with God or the Universe. Philosophy provides an understanding based on speculative thinking, but can never find evidence or proof for its claims.

Science provides an understanding based on the senses, rejecting everything non-sensory. All scientific “evidence” is sensory evidence, hence presupposes an ideological repudiation of any other kind of evidence. Historically, virtually no one has accepted mathematics as the proper way of understanding reality. Mathematics is regarded as a mysterious, unreal abstraction, or something too pure for the ordinary world. According to Plato, its reality relates to a transcendent, intelligible domain, and we get only imperfect copies of mathematical truth in the sensible world of our experience. It goes without saying that the thing that humanity regards as most unreal, and most distant from the human condition, must be the Truth. After all, if evolution made us a lying species, the biggest lies we tell ourselves would concern what constitutes Truth. If we evolved without any regard to the Truth, the Truth would, naturally, seem fantastically unreal to us. In fact, we would have exactly the same attitude towards it that we have towards math. That’s no coincidence. Math is the Truth, and humanity has no evolutionary relationship with Math/Truth. All the truths of Math are eternal, hence are outside evolution. We discover the Truth by transcending human evolution, by linking to the eternal, necessary, infallible order of existence (that of mathematics). Since this domain has nothing to do with our feelings and mystical intuitions (religion), and senses (science), it’s impossible for a human to conceive of it. Only the most intelligent human beings can surpass the human condition and connect to the Truth. Anyone who tells you that the Truth is based on faculties that have evolved in human beings – such as the senses or feelings – proves they have no idea what Truth is, and what Truth must be. Truth, by definition, has always been true. It can’t be falsified, and nor can it be experimentally verified. Truth has nothing to do with the senses and experiments since it came before the senses and experiments. You can’t understand what Truth is until you remove all of your human ideas about it, and imagine what it was like an infinity ago. Forget feelings. Forget your senses. Forget your experiences. Forget everything to do with your humanity. Forget evolution. Try to conceive of a universe with zero human characteristics, the universe of naked existence. Such a universe has always existed – it’s the invisible, noumenal universe of mathematics that stands permanently behind the scenes. We encounter it phenomenally (in

terms of the human appearance we project on to it via our human evolution). The task is to encounter it noumenally, stripped of all appearance, stripped of everything human. Only one thing remains true when you have removed all human considerations – mathematics. “God” is a human construct. “Nirvana” is a human construct. “String theory” is a human construct. The only thing that isn’t a human construct is the Truth = ontological mathematics. Everything manmade belongs to the Lie, and necessarily so. The last place where the average person would look for the Truth is in mathematics, so that’s exactly where to find it. The Truth of existence is hidden in plain sight of everyone. The problem is not to encounter the Truth, but to recognise it. Humans are designed by evolution to see anything other than the Truth as the Truth. We live in a cosmic version of Catch-22. Because we have not evolved with respect to the Truth, we treat the Truth as unreal and abstract. We regard as true all those things that evolution has made us regard as real and concrete. The things that are most real to us are our sensations, our feelings, and our mystical intuitions, i.e. what we encounter with our senses, what we feel about what we have encountered with our senses (including all of the other humans with whom we come into contact), and what we intuit. As soon as you make “concreteness” a criterion of Truth, you have subscribed to the Lie. You have succumbed to what evolution has made you regard as “real”, and you have scorned the non-evolutionary world – the world of eternal truth – as “unreal”. Humanity would have no problems if it had a concrete relationship with the Truth. It doesn’t. It has an abstract relationship with it (insofar as the Truth is neither emotional, sensory nor mystical). In terms of the theory of the triune brain, humanity is ruled by its reptilian brain-stem and its limbic system – the two most ancient structures of the brain. The newest part of the brain – the neocortex – is the part that allows us to escape the evolutionary basics: sensations and feelings. It allows us to harness abstract reasoning – the tool that can lead us to the world of eternal truths beyond the human condition. Yet barely any humans are rational. Nearly all humans use their reasoning abilities – such as they are – to support their feelings, sensations and mystical intuitions. Religious types try to put a rational gloss on faith

and mysticism, while scientific types try to use reason and mathematics to account for what they have detected with their human senses. Scientists put their senses first, not reason and mathematics. Humans, with no regard for the Truth, always put their sensations, feelings or mystical intuitions first. The task – if you want a relationship with the Truth – is to put your reason first, hence to downgrade your sensations, feelings and mystical intuitions, and, in fact, to regard these as the sources of Maya (illusion). It’s not the eternal, necessary order of Truth that’s illusory, it’s the temporal, contingent order of Evolution (the Lie). But the Lie is concrete to us, and the Truth abstract, so we are much more receptive to the Lie, and much more humanly certain of its reality. To align yourself with the Truth, you must abandon any notion that the Truth will ever seem humanly “real” to you, i.e. concrete ... experienced by you emotionally, with your senses, or with your mystical intuitions. That’s never going to happen. Religious people dream of an encounter with some concrete “God”, or mystical immersion in, and absorption by, bare reality (the “Oneness”). Dream on! Scientific types dream of some ultimate sensory experiment that will reveal all of the material secrets of existence. That’s an utter impossibility. Whether you like it or not – and you definitely won’t unless you’re a rationalist and not an empiricist, mystic or person of faith – the Truth is mathematics. The Truth will seem horribly cold, remote, abstract and unreal to you. Such is the human condition. To find the Truth, you must transcend your humanity. What could be more difficult than that? Coming into a relationship with the Truth is the greatest challenge of all because you have to realise that you are far more than a human ... you are an eternal mathematical being ... an immortal monadic soul. Your humanity is just a costume you are wearing right now. It’s not who you are.

Religion Anyone is religious if they anticipate an afterlife. You are an atheist if you don’t.

The Answer

Nothing is more interesting than how people approach the answer to existence. What are they looking for? How do they conduct the task? What will satisfy them as the answer? How can something be an answer if it’s not an answer for everyone? Feeling types look for the answer in a Super Being (God), with whom they can have an intense emotional relationship. “God” must be able to offer them peace, security, justice, paradise, freedom from fear, and, above all, unconditional love and acceptance for eternity. This is the only type of answer that feeling types will accept. This has nothing to do with a rational explanation of existence. It’s about an emotional relation with a vastly greater power. This power is simply accepted as God ... no explanation of “God” is required. This is what Abrahamism is revolves around. Intuitive types are looking for some all-encompassing, mystical vision of completeness, wholeness and Oneness. This is what Eastern Religion is about. It concerns achieving a state of mind where you feel at one with the totality, the universe, the whole. Again, it has nothing to do with a rational explanation of existence. No explanation of the “Oneness” is required. It’s all about the experience of it, not the understanding of it. It’s empiricist, not rationalist. Sensing types look for something they can see, hear, touch, smell and taste – an absolutely sensory thing. This is what science is all about. Scientists can’t conceive of the answer to existence being something wholly non-sensory, unalterably unavailable to observations and experiments, entirely “non-concrete”. Once again, science has nothing to do with a rational explanation of existence. No ontological explanation of sensory things is required or provided by science. Physical things are simply “given”, just as “God” and the “Oneness” are given for the emotionalists and intuitives, respectively. Science has no place for analytic principles, logic, or the principle of sufficient reason. It’s all about the irrational, illogical senses. A scientist is simply required to produce an idea for which there is sensory evidence. He’s never expected to provide any infallible, absolute, incontestable Truth. All scientists recognise that their theories can never be definitively verified, and must always remain capable of being falsified. Such theories can therefore never constitute Truth. By definition, the Truth cannot be falsified, and, equally, it is in no need of sensory verification. Scientists are emphatically not looking for an answer, or for the Truth. They are looking

for something quite different ... a theory in which they can place a high degree of confidence because it is evidentially supported, i.e. has sensory justification. Science is not rational. It’s sensory, an entirely different thing. Reason is smuggled into science via mathematics, the quintessence of rationalism. To see how irrational science fundamentally is, all you need do is imagine science without math. Instantly, it becomes a religion ... alchemy, astrology, divination, anything based on natural observations. Math is the only thing that stops science from being a joke, yet no scientist seems to have grasped this. Scientists think that science is superior to math, and more real than math, when in fact science’s success flows exclusively from math, and it would be enormously more successful, more real and true, if it simply became ontological mathematics! Thinking types – rationalists – are looking for an answer that’s infallibly and incontestably true, that’s eternally, necessarily and absolutely true, that’s perpetually logical, consistent and complete. Only one subject offers this: ontological mathematics. Ontological mathematics is the same for everyone. It’s entirely objective. Nothing else is. Our feelings, intuitions and senses are all subjective. They are empirical, not rational. Only reason transcends the human condition, hence can access what lies beyond the human condition. Unfortunately, irrational people will never accept a rational, logical answer to existence. They will always regard it as “unreal” and “abstract”, hence incredible, false and wrong. So it goes.

***** Everyone must be disabused of the delusion that reason and science go together. They don’t. Reason appears in science only as a side effect, thanks to its unexplained and unjustified use of rationalist math. Take away the math, and where’s the reason? Science papers make no reference to the principle of sufficient reason, to logic, to analytic principles. No scientific paper is written as a mathematical proof. They are all immensely speculative, and are mere provisional interpretations of experimental observations, reflecting currently popular paradigms, all of which will be overturned in due course. No rational person would ever be satisfied with science. Irrational sensing types, however, can’t conceive of anything better.

The Rational Answer The universe must have a rational answer. If it doesn’t, it’s a miracle. It’s magic. Science, unlike math, has nothing against magic and miracles since it denies an eternal, rational, logical, necessary order of existence. It’s perfectly happy to claim that existence randomly jumps out of nonexistence for no reason via no mechanism. There are no miracles and magic in a rational, intelligible universe. They are utterly forbidden. Everything has a sufficient reason.

The Holographic Theory “The theory, in a nutshell: ‘Our brains mathematically construct ‘concrete’ reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned primary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.” – Marilyn Ferguson The frequencies in question do not belong to “another dimension”. They belong to no dimensions at all. All frequencies are by definition outside the dimensions of space and time, hence “transcend” them. They existence in the dimensionless, purely mathematical, dimensionless domain. All “physical” things are holograms, so our brains are holograms, our bodies are holograms, and the universe itself is a hologram.

The Real World If you accept that there cannot be two “real” worlds (since one or the other would be redundant) then one must be an apparent real world and the other the true real world, and one of the following schemes must be true: 1) The apparent real world is an illusion (Maya), and the true real world stands behind it. 2) “God” is reality, and the apparent real world is his construct, and could not exist without him (hence has no inherent reality). 3) The apparent real world is in fact the true real world and has existed forever. This was the old scientific “steady-state” conception of reality. 4) The apparent real world is the true real world and it jumped out of nothing at all (since there is no other real world, or God, to stand behind it).

This is the new Big Bang scientific conception of reality. 5) The true real world is noumenal and metaphysical (i.e. mathematical) and it mathematically produces a phenomenal and physical (i.e. scientific) apparent world. The apparent world is a hologram. The true world is rational, the apparent world empirical.

The Holographic Mind “A hologram encodes for the height of waves and how quickly points on the wave move from one place to the next. Called phase and amplitude, the two properties determine all else about waves, including any images or messages the waves may be transporting. (Photographs contain information only about amplitude.)” – Paul Pietsch Phase is the basis of dimensionality. In the mental domain, all waves are strictly orthogonal to each other, and the property of orthogonality equates to dimensionlessness. In the material domain, all waves are non-orthogonal to each other, and the property of non-orthogonality strictly equates to dimensionality (to the generation of space and time). To say that nothing physical can go faster than the speed of light is equivalently to say that all non-orthogonal waves are absolutely bounded by orthogonal waves (which are light waves).

Engrams: Memory Traces “A generation ago, psychologist Karl Lashley found that he could dim the recollections of laboratory animals by destroying parts of their brains. But it wasn’t where he cut, it was how much. Lashley concluded that the engram, or memory trace, is distributed and repeated throughout the brain. He could never isolate the engram. People’s engrams have been equally elusive, although Lashley’s doctrine may be too simplistic to cover the complex brains of humans, apes, and, perhaps, dolphins and whales. But his basic idea works, even in us. And his beliefs have been sustained by many different kinds of experiments, some conducted even by his critics. A physiologist named E Roy John and his colleagues have learned how to detect active memory signals in the living brains of rats and cats; the same

signals recur in vastly different regions of the brain, just as Lashley’s doctrine predicts.” – Paul Pietsch All memories, like everything else, are made of sinusoids. We do not remember exact situations, and then recall them perfectly. What we do is decompose the memory wavefunction into its component frequencies, and then store that frequency function in the mind (outside space, time and matter). When we want to remember something, we simply convert the Fourier frequency function into a Fourier spacetime function, and the “memory” is immediately reconstructed. The whole process is approximate rather than precise due to the complexities involved, so the process is not perfect. Even worse, it’s actually modified by the very act of retrieval. Every time we bring back a memory, we slightly add our present feelings and attitudes (which selfevidently have nothing to do with the original memory), and we slightly subtract details that have become “blurry”, meaning that over time the memory gets vaguer and vaguer, less and less like what originally happened. In the limit, the memories can be wholly reconstructed and become outright “false” memories. Memory is a strictly Fourier process, and, as such, has no physical basis (since the core frequencies associated with the memory exist outside space, time and matter).

***** “A subtle dilemma pops up in work such as Lashley’s. If engrams are distributed everywhere, how does the same brain house more than a single memory? Holographers have produced what are called multiple holograms – codes of many different scenes superimposed one on top of the other right in the very same medium! How can this be? In theory the individual code can be made almost as small as a single geometric point. Thus on any piece of medium, the number of individual codes may approach infinity, in theory.” – Paul Pietsch Ontologically, “individual codes” do indeed become as small as points, and are located inside point-monads. An infinite number can be superimposed on top of each other, such is the infinite information storage capacity of the monad.

Regeneration “Cut the hologram in half and both halves still regenerate a whole scene. Try quarters, eighths – and it’s the same thing! The reason is that a whole code exists at every point in the medium. The reasons are mathematical.” – Paul Pietsch The most characteristic (and astoundingly profound) aspect of holograms is that the whole is in every point. In terms of ontological holography, the mental Singularity (outside space and time) is present in every part located inside space and time. This, indeed, is the true basis of quantum mechanics, and Heisenberg’s “uncertainty” principle, i.e. quantum mechanical wavefunctions are calculated with respect to the entire universe because the entire universe is present as the Singularity. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is an uncertainty only when considered exclusively from the local spacetime perspective. As soon as the non-local Singularity is included, the uncertainty vanishes and an exact system is produced with no uncertainty at all (i.e. with regard to the spacetime and frequency domains combined).

Acoustic Holograms “There are acoustical holograms – holograms made from sound instead of light. The information is gathered with a microphone and the code is displayed on a TV tube.” – Paul Pietsch All the senses are holographic. We experience a smell hologram, a taste hologram, and a touch hologram, as well as a visual hologram and sound hologram. Indeed, the entire physical, sensory world that we experience is simply the combination of the five sensory holograms. People who lose their sight, hearing, smell, or taste have a reduced sensory hologram, but it becomes more intense in terms of the surviving components.

Holograms Holograms are representations, translations, or projections of frequency interference patterns. The brain itself is a hologram, hence its frequency source is elsewhere (in the mental domain). The brain is a hologram within another hologram (the body) within another hologram (the physical universe). Since this is a complicated nested structure of holograms (going

all the way back to atoms and subatomic particles as foundational holograms), it’s much easier to regard the body and universe as holographic, but to regard the unseen brain as an extension of the underlying mind (and thus, to this extent, as non-holographic). It’s much easier to talk as if the left and right hemispheres of the brain are linked agents of mental activity (rather than linked holograms arising from underlying mental activity). In this vocabulary, the left hemisphere of the brain is where consciousness is located, and it locally interprets, via its senses, the Collective Hologram that constitutes the Universe. This includes its own body, which is, naturally, a physical object in the Universe. (The brain is also a physical object in the universe, but is not considered in these terms since it’s the organ through which our mind is operating, hence seems more related to mind than matter). The right hemisphere (where the unconscious is located) connects to the source interference pattern: the frequency Singularity itself, hence is nonlocally connected to the entirety of existence. This is where Jungian synchronicity happens. Although the right hemisphere deals with the unconscious, the monadic mind itself is not located there (since it is of course an immaterial singularity outside space and time). However, the unconscious is much closer to the mind itself than the conscious is, the latter being mired in physicality and phenomenalism, in a dynamic kaleidoscope ... in Maya (illusion). The concreteness of the world is an illusion. It is, as Leibniz said, a wellfounded mathematical phenomenon. It has no separate reality from that. We are watching a mathematical magic show, and taking the magic for reality. Our consciousness traps us in the Matrix, in the illusion. Our unconscious, our intuition, can free us. It furnishes us with the red pill: the Enlightenment Pill, the Gnosis Pill, the Truth Pill. We could even call it the God Pill. Our senses and consciousness give us nothing but blue pills. They want to keep us trapped forever, imprisoned in the Lie until Doomsday. Unless you understand Fourier mathematics – which explains exactly what’s going on ontologically – how do you imagine you are ever going to escape? Do you think that picking up a book about Buddhism is going to save you? When did the Buddha ever mention Fourier mathematics?

The universe has only one right answer – but infinite wrong answers – so arriving at the Truth is the ultimate needle in the haystack exercise. You’re not going to find the needle in any old way: by meditation, for example. Since the needle is mathematics, only reason can find it. Your feelings, senses, beliefs, interpretations, conjectures, hypotheses and opinions will never help you. Prayer won’t find it, and meditation is every bit as useless as prayer (in fact it’s just a different kind of prayer). If you want to find the Truth, you must overcome the Matrix, Maya, the human senses, human consciousness and the human condition itself. Mathematics – uniquely – is exactly that which lies outside the human delusion. Mathematics is naked existence, existence in itself.

Folding and Unfolding According to physicist David Bohm, reality in itself is an “enfolded” noumenon, but we see an “unfolded” phenomenal order of things – that which appears to be a stable, tangible, visible, audible world. Bohm labelled the enfolded reality “implicate” and the unfolded reality “explicate”. In mathematical terms, the implicate order is the immaterial Fourier frequency Singularity outside space and time, while the explicate order is the Fourier spacetime domain of matter. Maya – the world of illusion – is a phenomenal movie we are all watching. In fact, we are actively participating in. We are all actors playing our parts, but no script has been written for us. We are free agents who can create our own lines, and perform our own stunts.

DNA The DNA in the nucleus of the cell is “implicate”. The body it produces is explicate. The DNA is potential life, so to speak, while the body is actual life. The DNA directs the nature of the body’s unfolding.

Genotype and Phenotype “The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. ‘Genotype’ is an organism’s full hereditary information. ‘Phenotype’ is an organism’s actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behaviour. This distinction is fundamental in the study of inheritance of traits and their evolution.

“It is the organism’s physical properties which directly determine its chances of survival and reproductive output, while the inheritance of physical properties occurs only as a secondary consequence of the inheritance of genes. Therefore, to properly understand the theory of evolution via natural selection, one must understand the genotype– phenotype distinction. The genes contribute to a trait, and the phenotype is the observable expression of the genes (and therefore the genotype that affects the trait). Say a white mouse had the recessive genes that caused the genes that cause the colour of the mouse to be inactive (so ‘cc’). Its genotype would be responsible for its phenotype (the white colour).” – Wikipedia The genotype is implicate and the phenotype explicate. Similarly, the interference pattern (the mental Singularity) is implicate, and the hologram (the physical Universe) is explicate. The Singularity is the genotype, i.e. the information code (the information in itself), while the Universe is the phenotype (the information manifest, expressed). We see bodies (phenotypes), but not the genotypes from which the bodies are built. We see the Universe (physical phenotype), but not the Singularity (mental genotype) from which it’s constructed. All visible information is always underpinned by invisible information.

Death Death is the end of one bodily hologram, but we soon get a new one via reincarnation. You become a God when you no longer require a holographic body. You can construct one at will, or do without one.

Reality? “Maybe reality isn’t what we see with our eyes. If we didn’t have that lens – the mathematics performed by our brain – maybe we would know a world organized in the frequency domain. No space, no time – just events. Can reality be read out of that domain?” – Karl Pribram The frequency world is the world of the immaterial mind itself, while the spacetime world is the world of the “material” brain. The two are linked by Fourier mathematics.

We gain direct access to the non-spacetime world via our unconscious, our intuition, drugs (especially hallucinogens), transcendental states, and pure reason, i.e. math! Consciousness is a reducing valve, while the unconscious is an expanding valve. It enlarges rather than contracts the mind. Quantum mechanics is about the interaction of the frequency domain and the spacetime domain. Scientists have never understood this. They try to comprehend quantum mechanics in terms of spacetime alone, forcing them to regard the mathematical frequency domain as an “unreal” abstraction, and propelling them into a needless probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Our normal human perception is attuned to the Matrix (the phenomenal world). Our abnormal perception – our extrasensory perception, our intuition – links us to the source of the Matrix ... the mental Singularity (the noumenal world). James Jeans said, “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of matter; we are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as a creator and governor of the realm of matter...” Why have so few scientists followed Jeans’ line of thought? The scientific mind in the last few decades has closed down to a frightening degree. It now refuses to consider anything immaterial. Until the Second World War, scientists were still quite open-minded. Since then, they have become fanatical materialists. Aggressive atheism is the core of the scientific worldview. No one could now succeed in the scientific world if they advocated any position suggesting the independence and autonomous agency of mind.

The Digital Universe “One establishes a new picture of the universe as a digitised universe, and information universe, but I think that because of the strong, cybernetical influences at work, I prefer to call it The Intelligent Universe.” – David Foster The universe is an information universe and an intelligent universe, but it isn’t a digital universe, i.e. a machine. It’s an analogue universe, i.e. a living organism. It’s intelligent because it’s mathematical. Mathematics inherently conveys intelligence, design, order, organisation and pattern.

The apparent concreteness of the universe is generated by cosmic data – cosmic rays, so to speak (i.e. sinusoids) from an organized source (the One, the Singularity). These can be known purely mathematically since the Singularity is pure math ... math in itself.

Holographic Supertheory The holographic supertheory asserts that our brains mathematically construct “hard, concrete” reality by interpreting frequencies from a source that transcends time and space. Only a non-physical, dimensionless domain can transcend space and time. Only a Cosmic Mind can stand behind matter, behind the physical Cosmos. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe, produced by the mind. Individual holographic brains are parts of the greater Cosmic Hologram. Jungian synchronicity is comprehensible only in holographic terms, where non-local information is available instantly outside space and time in the Singularity that controls the Cosmic Hologram. The Singularity is a mathematical web of interconnectedness. It’s wholly non-empirical (non-scientific). Psychokinesis – mind affecting and directing matter – is a natural upshot of the holographic worldview. After all, our own minds are the source of matter, and, with our own free will, we can make our physical bodies serve our desired ends. Clairvoyance, remote viewing, telepathy, reincarnation and ESP are also fully compatible with holography. These are absurd if treated in scientific or mystical terms, but make perfect sense in terms of Fourier mathematics. All authentic psychic phenomena are non-physical and non-scientific. They take place mentally, outside space and time. Energy doesn’t travel from “here to there”. In the Singularity of mind, there isn’t any “here” or “there” (in physical, scientific terms).

***** Resurrection is incompatible with holography since it ties our mind/soul to a specific body forever. There’s no sufficient reason for a one-to-one relationship between body and mind. A mind can enter any suitable body. If it can enter one body, it can enter any body. This is the basis of reincarnation.

The Past In the past, we disliked referring to reality as a hologram because it was an idea that had been commandeered by New Age gurus, and made to reflect the full repertoire of mystical nonsense. However, as long as reality is understood to be an analytic, mathematical hologram – and nothing at all to do with mysticism – it’s the perfect way of characterising reality.

Math and the Supernatural Physics deals with nature, Metaphysics with supernature. Science deals with the natural, mathematics with the supernatural. It’s not religion, spirituality, mysticism and the paranormal that lie beyond sensory nature, but reason, logic, math and the rational normal. The breakthrough in understanding the human mind comes from mathematics, and nothing else. Mathematics alone can establish the socalled supernatural as part of nature, and, indeed as the determinant and creator of nature. “Supernatural” simply means immaterial, non-local and dimensionless ... all the things rejected by science. The holographic model of reality is an integral theory, bringing together math and science; math, religion and spirituality; and Kantian noumena and phenomena. Holography is about the noumenal and phenomenal, the local and nonlocal, the mundane and transcendent, individuation and interconnectedness, what fragments us, and what makes us whole, individual symmetry and group symmetry. We are all united to the Source, the One, the Singularity – the mathematical noumenon that eternally and perfectly powers existence. With the dawn of the holographic paradigm, we can look forward to the birth of a formal era of psychotechnology. Thanks to the holographic paradigm, we can talk of a noosphere, an evolving collective consciousness that drives collective evolution, leading all of us to a divine Omega Point.

Light “The exquisitely orderly behaviour of light indicates the underlying radical patterned order of reality.” – Leibniz

Light = thought = life = numbers. That’s the secret of existence in a nutshell. Matter = broken light. There is nothing but light: intact and broken; numbers in perfect arrangements (symmetry), and imperfect arrangements (broken symmetry); perfect thinking (reason, logic and math), and imperfect thinking (feelings, sensations, mysticism, desires). Leibniz discovered calculus, which made holography possible. He also grasped that light – the instrument of holography – was fundamental to existence. Light writes life onto the universe via a hologram. The Cosmic Hologram is a giant thought of the Collective Mind. Light = thinking = mental holography. Have you seen the light?!

Synergy Synergy: joint work, working together, cooperation; mutual assistance and help. Negative synergy: working against each other; sabotaging others; blocking assistance and help; working separately and in competition with each other.

The Screen Everything is interconnected. This produces an overwhelming excess of data: an infinite amount of data. The brain, the reducing valve, is all about screening out the larger non-local reality and creating a manageable local reality. Even then, we are still drowned by information. As Jean Baudrillard said, “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” Informational “noise” (social networking trivia) drowns out all serious information. The signal to noise ratio in our world is catastrophic. The signal never gets through, or virtually no one can detect it.

The Third Order “The hours by the window had filled me with a direct certainty that a higher order of reality existed, and that it alone invested existence with meaning. I came to call it later ‘the reality of the third order’. “The narrow world of sensory perception constituted the first order; this perceptual world was enveloped by the conceptual world which contained phenomena not directly perceivable, such as atoms, electromagnetic fields

or curved space. The second order of reality filled in the gaps and gave meaning to the absurd patchiness of the sensory world. “In the same manner, the third order of reality enveloped, interpenetrated and gave meaning to the second. It contained ‘occult’ phenomena, which could not be apprehended or explained either on the sensory or on the conceptual level and yet occasionally invaded them like spiritual meteors piercing the primitive’s vaulted sky. ... It was a text written in invisible ink; and though one could not read it, the knowledge that it existed was sufficient to alter the texture of one’s existence, and make one’s actions conform to the text. “The third order revealed that time, space and causality, that the isolation, separateness and spatio temporal limitations of the self were merely optical illusions on the next higher level … Just as one could not feel the pull of a magnet on one’s skin, so one could not hope to grasp ... the nature of ultimate reality.” – Arthur Koestler Scientists are stuck at the first order of existence. They are incapable of transcending their primitive senses. Scientists find reason and logic repulsive. If they didn’t, they would instantly subordinate their senses and experiments to reason and logic.

Numbers Arthur Koestler had an epiphany were he realised that numbers are actually real. They are pre-existing ... “already there”. They do not depend on anyone’s ideas about them. They were here before us, and will be here after us. The numerical reality (the third order) – the Platonic Singularity – precedes the physical reality of science (the first order), and the conceptual reality of philosophy (the second order). Koestler believed, rightly, that there is an independent numerical reality. Numbers are the key that unlocks the riddle of existence. Numbers transcend both our physical senses and our philosophical concepts.

“Indra” Physics “Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each ‘eye’

of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering ‘like’ stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that the process of reflection is infinite.” – The Avatamsaka Sutra (Translated by Francis H. Cook) In the heaven of Indra, there’s a lattice of shining pearls so perfectly arranged that if you look at one you will see all the others reflected in it. In the mathematical Singularity, every shining monad (of pure light) reflects every other monad. Nothing is by itself. Everything involves everything else. That’s exactly what Leibniz said in his Monadology. Every object is in every other object. The whole is in every part.

***** “In the heaven of Indra there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it. In the same way, each object in the world is not merely itself but involves every other object, and in fact is every other object.” – Buddhist sutra Indra’s heaven is a hologram. The whole is in every part.

The Brain Scientists conceive of the brain as a biological computer. In fact, it’s a mathematical hologram performing Fourier analysis. Karl Pribram said, “The brain we know now allows for the experiences reported from spiritual disciplines.”

The End of the Drudges and Drones “This is science as it was originally conceived: the pursuit of understanding. The days of the cold-hearted, hard-headed technocrat appear to be numbered.” – Karl Pribram Alas, the autistic technocrats are today more powerful than ever. They are ubiquitous. They have shut down all science that contradicts their fanatical

materialist ideology. “If we get ESP or paranormal phenomena – or nuclear phenomena in physics – it simply means that we are reading out of some other dimension at that time. In our ordinary way, we can’t understand that.” – Karl Pribram It’s never a question of another “dimension”. What lies beyond the dimensionality of this world is not a different dimensionality but no dimensionality at all (dimensionlessness) ... a mental Singularity.

The Dialectic The dialectic is always in progress, usually slowly but occasionally fast. The dialectic is normally in a near-equilibrium state, only occasionally going into disequilibrium (a paradigm shift, tipping point, or revolution). When change happens, it happens rapidly. Then a new equilibrium (status quo) is established. We need a means to keep driving the dialectic forward aggressively if we want to evolve at the maximum rate.

Parts and Wholes Existence is all about parts and wholes, parts in wholes, wholes in parts, sums of parts, wholes that are less than the sum of their parts, and wholes that are more than the sum of their parts. Existence is all about positive and negative synergy.

Cooperation versus Competition Humanity has four modes: 1) Cooperative (groups; people helping each other; primitive altruism). 2) Competitive (individuals seeking glory; people refusing to help each other; primitive selfishness). 3) Cooperation in order to compete (teams seeking glory; higher selfishness). 4) Competition in order to cooperate (meritocracy; competition is used to decide who’s best qualified to do the best for everyone; higher altruism or enlightened self-interest.)

Humanity has chosen to live by 1) primitive selfishness (individual selfishness) and 3) higher selfishness (group selfishness; family selfishness; tribal selfishness). Primitive altruism exists here and there, but is always defeated by selfishness. Only higher altruism – meritocracy – can defeat the forces of primordial selfishness. Competition must be for the greater good – for the public good, and not the private good. Competition must be for the purpose of improved cooperation, not for individual glorification.

Mythos and Logos: The Two Cultures 1) Aesthetic, hot, emotional: Mythos. 2) Rational, cool, analytic: Logos.

The Languages Humans are permanently conflicted. They are victims of language, of different languages that obey different rules and concepts. Humans think in terms of Mythos and Logos, words and numbers, “everything other than Math”, and Math itself. In human, phenomenal terms, Logos evolved from Mythos. Stories, usually about the gods, came first. Then philosophy was born, which sought to explain the gods and understand their actions, or even to offer natural explanations that omitted the gods. In religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, “God” and his actions are never subjected to any scrutiny. No Abrahamist asks how their God can exist, what he’s made of, how he makes the world, how he interacts with it, how and why he operates as he does, and so on. Everything is presented in terms of simplistic stories, and harsh commandments that people must obey or suffer hell. No one is permitted to challenge God or his methods, or to doubt that what is said of him is true. Silly stories are elevated to truths, proofs, axioms and principles of existence and life. In reality, manmade Mythos evolved from natural Logos: words evolved from numbers, human languages evolved from the language of nature (mathematics), but lost all of its precision and logical connectedness in the process. Absurdities, such as 2 + 2 = 5, that cannot be said in natural language (math) are readily sayable in manmade languages. People can invent words and concepts that have no relation to reality.

Languages are simply number codes invented by humans, i.e. every word is actually a mathematical (numerical) function expressed nonmathematically (in terms of empirical Content rather than rational Form).

The Foolish “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” – Soren Kierkegaard Followers of mainstream religion believe what isn’t true; scientists refuse to believe what is true (ontological mathematics). That’s the human curse. Humanity is wholly alienated from the Truth.

The Cosmic Alphabet Sinusoids – ontological numbers – are the alphabet of existence. They are a numerical alphabet. The words, sentences and books they generate are ever grander wavefunctions that define our reality. “God” is the ultimate wavefunction.

Mythos Numbers are the truth of reality. The unconscious is based on numbers, the language of existence in itself. Consciousness, however, is based on words, i.e. manmade language, which is inherently false. Consciousness is all about beliefs, opinions, interpretations, conjectures, hypotheses, and suppositions. Words are always inconsistent and incomplete. Words give us Mythos; numbers give us Logos. Mythos is false and Logos true. Anything manmade is intrinsically false. Words always lead people astray. Numbers put them on the road to truth. Math is truth. Everything else is wrong. That’s the secret of existence. That’s the essence of the Truth itself.

The Homunculus “The homunculus argument is a fallacy arising most commonly in the theory of vision. One may explain (human) vision by noting that light from the outside world forms an image on the retinas in the eyes and something (or someone) in the brain looks at these images as if they are images on a movie screen (this theory of vision is sometimes termed the theory of the

Cartesian Theatre: it is most associated, nowadays, with the psychologist David Marr). The question arises as to the nature of this internal viewer. The assumption here is that there is a ‘little man’ or ‘homunculus’ inside the brain ‘looking at’ the movie. “The reason why this is a fallacy may be understood by asking how the homunculus ‘sees’ the internal movie. The obvious answer is that there is another homunculus inside the first homunculus’s ‘head’ or ‘brain’ looking at this ‘movie’. But how does this homunculus see the ‘outside world’? In order to answer this, we are forced to posit another homunculus inside this other homunculus’s head and so forth. In other words, we are in a situation of infinite regress. The problem with the homunculus argument is that it tries to account for a phenomenon in terms of the very phenomenon that it is supposed to explain.” – Wikipedia There’s no infinite regress. The monadic mind is outside space and time. It’s the limit, the end of the line.

Media “Hologramic theory does not free mind from media. It is no new variant of mind-body dualism.” – Paul Pietsch Hologramic theory does free the mind of media, i.e. the mind can exist without any physical medium. Of course, in a human being, the mind is expressed through the medium – the hardware – of the brain. But the brain is not the mind. The brain is what the mind operates through. Ontologically, hologramic theory must be rooted in mathematical singularities (monadic minds), outside space and time. These are immaterial, autonomous Fourier frequency domains, which, by the Fourier laws of holography, can generate the spacetime universe (which is a Fourier projection of mind). Matter is holographic. There’s no such thing as scientific matter, i.e. something independent of mind, from which mind is derived. This is the falsest of all claims about the true nature of reality. Quantum mechanics, in which it is impossible to specify the conditions necessary for materialism (i.e. a precisely definable, simultaneous position and momentum in spacetime) definitively proves that scientific “matter” does not exist, and physicalism is false. However, scientists – as blinkered,

ideological dogmatists – refuse to confront the unavoidable implications of their own theories.

***** The brain mathematically transforms frequencies that exist “out there”. But where is “out there”? It’s the Cosmic Mind – the “One” – the Singularity made of sinusoidal monadic minds. The brain itself is a hologram, as is the whole body. It’s constructed from inter-monadic interference patterns. Dream bodies – the subjective bodies you encounter in your sleep (rather than the objective bodies you encounter when you are awake) – are intra-monadic holograms. No scientist has ever explained how dreams can resemble reality, yet differ from it. The answer is that dreams take place within individual minds (hence are subjective), whereas waking takes place within the Collective Mind (hence is objective ... everyone agrees on the world’s reality since they are all sharing it). “God” – the Cosmic Mind, the Singularity at the centre of existence – is the source of holograms, but is not a hologram itself, hence cannot be detected by the senses, by experiments, by science. It’s noumenal, not phenomenal; metaphysical not physical; mathematical not scientific. It’s transcendent and immanent. It’s Platonic. The interference frequency pattern is the basis of the hologram, but is never the hologram itself. Likewise, the mental Singularity is the interference pattern that generates the cosmic hologram (physical universe), but is not itself a hologram. Science studies only the hologram and its properties, and never its nonholographic source. The hologram is sensory, and the Singularity nonsensory. Experiments can be performed on the hologram, but not on the mental interference pattern from which the hologram is made (since this pattern is immaterial and outside space and time). Science has never understood the difference between the noumenal and the phenomenal, the information carried and the information carrier, the sensory, physical hologram, and the non-sensory, mental hologram that produces it. Science studies the Matrix, and never the reality that stands behind the Matrix. The state immediately prior to the Big Bang was a 100% nonholographic state. All phase information had been abolished, and without

that there could be no hologram. The state prior to the Big Bang was that of pure light, pure orthogonality, pure symmetry. It’s a category error for phenomenalist scientists to believe that the mind, the soul and “God” can ever be objects of science. That’s to entirely misunderstand the nature of reality. Kant said that the noumenal domain was unknowable. Science goes further and says the noumenal domain doesn’t exist. In fact, the noumenal domain is pure math. It’s about analytic sinusoidal frequencies. The Cosmic Hologram (the scientific universe) is constructed from monadic minds, and then interpreted and experienced by these same minds. It’s nothing inside the brain that performs this function. There isn’t a physical little man – a homunculus – inside the brain, watching everything on a screen. The “I” that uses the brain isn’t in the brain. It’s an immaterial monad outside space and time. It links to the brain and controls it, just as a pilot remotely links to a drone and controls it. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “What we are looking for is what is looking.” The monadic soul is looking.

One Truth What’s the one and only truth all people can agree on? – numbers. No one can agree on words. No one can agree on feelings, sensations and mystical intuitions. No one can agree on religions, spiritual systems, political systems or science. Numbers are precise. Words are ambiguous. There can be no infallible truth in words. Reason and logic can be properly used only in relation to numbers. However, two numbers are considered rogue. They cause mayhem. No one can agree on them. They are zero and infinity. These are the two numbers in which all the secrets of existence are buried. This is where the Truth resides, the final answer to existence. Are you willing to jump into the zero/infinity abyss? Take the leap of reason!

The Mystery of Existence The mystery of existence is the mystery of mathematics. It’s the mystery of zero and infinity. Zero reflects the mystery of dimensionlessness, of origins,

of the indestructible. Infinity reflects immortality, the certainty of the afterlife, of energy that can never run out. The mystery of existence has no need of feelings or the senses. It’s accessible solely to reason and intellect (nous).

Neoplatonism Neoplatonism is based on three hypostases (“standing belows; standing unders”) that together form reality: the ineffable One (equated to Plato’s Form of the Good), the Intellect (Nous), and the Soul (Psyche). The Soul has a united higher part, and a fragmentary lower part. The Soul is the principle governing desire. Nature can be considered as a hypostasis of the Psyche (when it’s looking down to matter rather than up to Nous). The lower, divided part of the Psyche is what animates Nature. Nature belongs to the whole Psyche, but it’s the lower part that interacts with it and contemplates it. In ontological mathematical terms, the One is the Singularity, the Nous constitutes the laws of mathematics, the higher Psyche concerns the Monadic Collective, while the lower Psyche concerns the individual monads. The Monadic Collective produces Nature (via a low-energy contribution from all monads), and then the individual monads interact with Nature. In Neoplatonism, existence comprises the unity of the different hypostases. Everything emanated from the One and seeks to return to the One. This corresponds to a cyclical universe whereby the Singularity (the One) creates the Big Bang Universe at the beginning of a Cosmic Age, and then the Universe returns to the Singularity by the end of the Cosmic Age. The Neoplatonists were much better informed about the true nature of reality than today’s scientists. Isn’t that remarkable? Neoplatonism, like Illuminism, is about involution followed by evolution. Minds alienate themselves in material Nature, then return to themselves, exactly as Hegel described in his dialectical philosophy. Hegelianism is of course just an upgrade of Neoplatonism, and modern Illuminism is an upgrade of Hegelianism. The Neoplatonic One is the first (and last) principle, the source of all Being and Becoming. It’s transcendent, indivisible, immutable, selfsufficient, eternal, necessary and perfect. It creates, or emanates, everything else, but is not itself the world, and is itself neither created nor emanated.

In Neoplatonism, the World Soul (Psyche) stands between Nous (“true Being”; actuality) and matter (“non Being”; potentiality). It’s the intermediary between the Nous (Intellect; Math) and the material world. The World Soul has a unitary higher level, which contemplates the Nous and is intelligible and immutable. The lower part of the World Soul is the source of all individual souls, and the part that emanates Nature, then links to and interacts with Nature. Nous is mathematical, noumenal and Logos; Psyche is scientific, religious and Mythos. “Matter” is inferior to mind. It lacks actuality and intelligibility, and is made real only by its interaction with the World Soul. Matter is the opposite of the One. It’s imperfect, mutable, plural and potential. Where the One, Nous and Upper Psyche are outside space and time, the Lower Psyche and matter are in space and time. Matter is sensible and everything else intelligible. Lacking any link to the “Good” (the One), matter is ipso facto “evil”. This evil necessarily infects and corrupts the souls that interact with material Nature. Only the lower part of the Psyche is in contact with matter. Everything else is immune from it. Only the lower part of the Psyche is subject to suffering – precisely because it interfaces with evil matter. Living beings comprise a lower part (the material body), a higher part (the lower Psyche), an even higher part (the higher Psyche), and a highest part (the rational Nous). Beyond that is the One (“God”; the answer to everything). Human beings stand between the sensible and the intelligible, between feelings and thoughts. Bodies are the inferior tools of souls. The task of souls is to depart from the evil material world and ascend to the One (the Good), via rational contemplation and the acquisition of knowledge (gnosis).

***** “Try to bring back the God in yourself to the God in the All.” – the last words of Plotinus

The Basic Level of the Universe

Photons are the most basic level of the universe. Photons are analytic sinusoids = the constituents of monads = thoughts in themselves = life in itself = numbers. The universe is alive thanks to photons. All living things are mental things. Dimensionless, massless photons outside space and time are the basic units of life and mind. We live in a rational, intelligible universe exactly because these basic units are numbers, and all the laws of math apply to them. Existence is all about light, the breaking of light to form matter, and the restoration of light. Light is the ontological agent of Fourier mathematics and holography. At the photonic level, we have reached the fundamental, irreducible features of existence. This is where properties cannot be explained or analysed further. Photons carry Form and Content, quantity and quality. Photons are subjectively experienced by the minds that are made of them and interact with them.

The Pilot Wave All minds are associated with pilot waves that guide material things. The Cosmic Mind directly guides all of the particles in the universe, with the exception of those particles that are organised into bodies, which come under the control of individual minds. When this control breaks down (at death), the particles revert to Cosmic control. Bodies are local, i.e. they are in space and time. Minds are non-local, i.e. they are outside space and time. Bodies are made of broken light; minds are made of pure light.

Necessary and Contingent Truths Leibniz introduced a fascinating distinction between necessary and contingent truths. Where the former can be reduced to “basis” analytic statements in a finite number of steps, it would, he said, take an infinite number of steps to reduce contingent truths to basis analytic statements. So, the analytic nature of necessary truths is either immediately or soon evident, whereas the analytic nature of contingent truths is not practically apparent. We might say, in these terms, that scientific truths of fact reduce to mathematical truths of reason via an infinite number of steps. A finite,

mortal mind could never carry out this analysis, but an infinite “Mind of God” could. Gods can see how everything reduces to eternal verities. This type of thinking goes to the core of Gödel’s thinking about his incompleteness theorems. We cannot prove all statements in a finite number of steps, but we might intuit the truth of a statement without going through all the steps to prove it. As far as ontological mathematics goes, all statements can be proved in a finite number of steps since it’s a complete and consistent system of tautology. Ontological mathematics in its objective aspect is all about Form. Things go awry when we add Content to the system. Content is empirical, not rational. And that’s the whole problem.

Holons A “holon” (the word was coined by Arthur Koestler) is something that’s simultaneously a part and a whole. “Holon” comes from the ancient Greek holos, meaning “whole, entire, complete in all its parts”. For Koestler, a “holon” has its own integrity, identity and autonomy, yet at the same time acts as part of a larger system. It’s a subsystem of the larger system, and also a supersystem of a smaller system. Koestler described holons as “Janus-faced” – one side looks “down”, giving directions to “lower” components, and the other side looks “up”, and serves as part of “higher” components. The problem with this view is that, as it stands, it reflects infinite regress downwards and upwards, i.e. there are no ultimate parts, and no ultimate whole. There is no “bottom” and no “top”. This holonic ideology resembles Aristotle’s hylomorphic system, reflecting his Great Chain of Being, where everything we encounter in the world is a hybrid of form and matter, yet there’s formless matter (prime matter) at the root of Aristotle’s system, and matterless form (God; pure Reason; prime form) at the top of the system. In other words, we must bookend any proposed holonic system with lower and upper bounds that cannot themselves be holonic (hence refute the system). Ultimately, a holonic system must have a root, and this must be a monad (as an autonomous system), or a sinusoid, as the ultimate, irreducible component of a monad. A holonic system must also have a “top”. This is the Singularity, the Whole, the Completeness ... in a unique state of perfect

symmetry. All holons are working to bring about the final holonic arrangement, that of flawless symmetry.

***** “Holarchy” refers to the philosophy of holons, or the laws and rules concerning holons and their interactions, or, most simply, a “hierarchy of holons”. Holarchy reflects a series of increasingly all-encompassing fields of organisation.

***** Each element in a holonic hierarchy is a “whole” at one level, and a “part” at the next higher level. But there must be a foundational level where there are no more parts, and a completional level where there are no more wholes. The bookends are therefore inconsistent with the holonic paradigm. Only intermediate states can be holons. The ontological and teleological levels cannot be holonic. The ultimate ontological units can have nothing below them, and the ultimate teleological level can have nothing above it. New Age guru Ken Wilber is the most prominent advocate of holonic ideology. His system, as you would expect, has no mathematical integrity and rigour, no consistency and completeness, and reflects no coherent ontology and epistemology. Nevertheless, it keeps the “spiritualists” happy!

***** The Holonic Universe: a universe made of holons.

The Whole In ancient Greek, the terms ho kosmos and to holon are synonymous and mean “the universe as a whole”; “the completed whole”. We could refer to “holons” as “kosmons”. All kosmons aspire to be complete and whole, within a complete and whole universe. We ourselves are kosmons.

Whole People “Holon” would be a suitable name for a whole person, an illuminated, enlightened person, who has fully integrated all of his knowledge, his entire personality and psyche.

Monads Each monad is an autonomous whole, yet is also a part of a whole (the Monadic Collective). It therefore operates both individually and collectively. As a subjective agent, a monad operates as an “I”. A group of monads as subjective agents acts as “We”. As an object, a monad is an “it”. A group of monads as objects constitutes “its”. Science ignores subjective agency (the I and the We), hence deals only with machines – it and its.

***** A monadic system reflects the dialectic of the One and the Many. The One is the Absolute Whole, the Monadic Collective, the Singularity. The Many are the individual singularities within the Singularity.

Bicameralism Bicameral humans in ancient days weren’t conscious; they were “preconscious” and “prepersonal”. Conscious people are authentic persons. Hyperconscious people are transpersonal. Prepersonal societies are characterized by religion, spirituality, magic and Mythos. (All Islamic societies are prepersonal.) The gods rule these societies. Personal societies are characterised by the practical, the sensory, the scientific, engineering, technology, the economic. The general tendency is for selfishness rather than altruism, for the individual rather than the collective. Religion and spirituality retreat. Money rules. Transpersonal societies are characterised by creativity, imagination, the intuitive, the mathematical, the cooperative, the collective, the communitarian. Altruism replaces selfishness. The individual becomes as interested in the welfare of the collective (the whole) as in his own welfare. People become religious and spiritual once more, but now not as the slaves of the gods (masters), but as those who are themselves becoming the gods.

The Noosphere and the Theosphere The Noosphere is the thinking sphere of nous ... of reason allied to the senses.

The Theosphere is the sphere of the gods ... of divine reason ... of reason allied to intuition.

Best and Worst Universalise the best; particularise the worst. Make general principles of the best; make isolated cases of the worst.

The Five Perspectives There are five perspectives in relation to individuals, groups, and the whole: 1) The individual experienced internally (by itself). 2) The individual experienced externally (by others). 3) The group as experienced internally (by themselves) 4) The group as experienced externally (by others). 5) The whole experienced internally (by itself). The whole cannot be experienced externally since there is nothing outside the whole. All groups aspire to be the whole. All religions, all political systems, all ideologies, want to bring everything into the whole, with nothing outside it. There can be no contradiction of the whole, no deviation from it. The Big Bang shatters the whole (this is called involution). Evolution restores the whole, but the whole is never stable, so a new involution is triggered. The whole is perfect symmetry. Any asymmetry destroys the whole.

Practical Reason versus Pure Reason Science is practical reason (tied to the senses). Math is pure reason (tied to intuition). The fundamental question is this: are the secrets of ultimate reality to be revealed practically (via experiments), or logically (via pure reason)? These different approaches imply radically different ontologies and epistemologies. Either the universe is made from pure reason, hence is analytic, rational, intelligible, complete and consistent, or it’s not made from reason, in which case it’s non-analytic, irrational, sensible but

unintelligible, inconsistent and incomplete. It can be considered practically but not analytically. This is the approach taken by science. Only a universe of pure reason can have a rational answer. No other type of universe can. Any universe that does not reflect pure reason is irrational, and nothing irrational is the answer to anything.

The False Assumption Incredibly, the vast majority of mathematical thinking begins from the assumption – the fallacy – that math isn’t real, that it’s just some weird, undefined abstraction. Only the Illuminati have assigned a precise ontology to math. That’s why we’re right and everyone who opposes us is wrong. It’s all in the math, the real math. You cannot understand reality if you cannot grasp that math is the invisible – but entirely rational – fibre and fabric of existence. It is the medium – the “ether” – through which all thoughts, feelings, intuitions, sensations, perceptions and experiences are conveyed. Without that unseen mathematical framework, there would be nothing at all. Go on, try to explain what a feeling is, how it exists, where it is stored, how it is experienced, and how it is conveyed, without making any reference at all to mathematics. If you deny that math is the substance from which existence is made, then what do you claim is that substance? Or do you deny substance entirely? What, then, is the ground of existence? Your solipsistic, narcissistic, beliefs and opinions?!!!

Cutting Through Thoughts? A prestigious brain surgeon describing the process of cutting through a brain said he was aware that he was slicing through reason, emotion, will and desires. Of course, he was doing none of those things. He was cutting through matter, that’s all. A brain surgeon can no more cut through a thought than a TV repairman can change a TV broadcast by fiddling with a TV set. A wonky TV set will prevent you from watching TV programmes, and a wonky brain will prevent your monadic mind from expressing itself properly in the spacetime world. You could no more slice through a monadic thought than an engineer with a blowtorch repairing a broken drone could heat up the drone’s pilot.

The brain is the hardware for enacting our mental commands via a spacetime body. It has nothing to do with the thoughts themselves. Thoughts don’t age. They are outside space and time. No one can point to a thought or place a physical tracker on a thought. You can smash hardware. You can’t smash thoughts.

Ascent and Descent Ascent: Man’s desire to ascend and find God; to enter into union with God. Descent: Man’s desire to fall and lose the way to God; to alienate himself from God (in order to find himself). Involution = descent; movement from God to matter. Evolution = ascent; movement from matter to God. Eros: the urge to return to a lost state. Thanatos: the urge to lose a found state. By involution, we descended from the divine Source (total actuality; perfection), reaching the most primitive level of matter (total potentiality; imperfection). Having reached the dark level of matter, the process of evolution then leads us back to the Source, the Light, Total Actualisation, Total Perfection. Involution is a regression, evolution a progression. Through involution, we descend from the Divine into matter. Through evolution, we ascend from matter into the Divine. We find our way back. We return. We exile ourselves in the wilderness (alienation), and then we come back to our divine selves. Mainstream religion (emotional and mystical hysteria) and science (sensory mania; the belief in the existence of matter, and denial of immaterialism) are both immense obstacles in our path.

IQ and SQ Your IQ (intelligence quotient) provides a measure of your intelligence. Some people are much smarter than others. Your SQ (soulfulness quotient) provides a measure of your soulfulness (state of enlightenment). Some souls are much more soulful (enlightened) than others.

Regardless of their IQ, scientists, autistics, skeptics, materialists and nihilists have almost a zero SQ.

The Two Mentalities You have either a winning mentality or a losing mentality. You expect to win, or you expect to lose. The privileged elite expect to win in life. Most others are resigned to losing. If the majority had a winning mentality, they would never accept a world run according to privilege, and inherited power and wealth, in which they will necessarily lose because the game is explicitly rigged against them (since they lack privilege, wealth and power and are blocked from acquiring them by those who already have them). There would be no hereditary monarchs, and no dynastic families, passing on wealth and power from one generation to the next. 100% inheritance tax – the supreme rebooting mechanism – would be the central law of the State. Battles are won and lost before they are even fought. They simply confirm after the fact who had the winning mentality, and who expected to lose. If you have inherited nothing, yet you accept that others can inherit the wealth and power of kings, then you deserve to fail in life. You are a total loser. You were born that way, and you have never learned a thing.

The Two Perspectives People have either a narrow perspective or a wide perspective. Most of humanity have an extremely narrow perspective – whether in terms of their religious, political or economic views – and are intolerant towards all rival views. All practising scientists today are specialists with incredibly narrow perspectives. They never see the big picture. They are incapable of it.

100 Years of Error Einstein’s general theory of relativity is one hundred years old. Einstein rejected three predictions of this own theory: 1) That the spacetime universe began with a Big Bang (from an immaterial state outside space and time). 2) That the universe is expanding.

3) That black hole singularities exist. Einstein regarded all of these as esoteric mathematical abstractions with no bearing on reality. This raises the most profound of issues. How can a valid theory contain, according to its own author, both real, non-esoteric elements and unreal, esoteric abstractions? On what basis are we to decide which parts of a theory are real and which unreal? A scientific materialist will of course claim that experiments must be the arbiter. Mathematical claims that are susceptible to experimental verification are considered real, and any other mathematical claims are deemed unreal. To validly subscribe to this position – the philosophical claim that there are no real existents that are not sensory – one must know what math is ontologically, and why it appears to be real in certain situations, and otherwise unreal. Science can give no account of this whatsoever. How can any rational person adopt theories that are bizarre mixtures of reality and unreality, and which rely on the delusional, fallible, unreliable, interpretive human senses to establish “reality”? Why not allow infallible, eternal, necessary reason and logic to determine what is real and what isn’t? Anyone who does not trust the principle of sufficient reason, who denies that it determines reality, is ipso facto an irrationalist and anti-rationalist. All scientists are such people. They all endorse their irrational senses over their reason. If they didn’t, science would be a subject based on infallible mathematical proofs, not fallible sensory evidence. Science can never deliver Truth. Only math can. Science is about the gathering of temporal, contingent data via the unreliable, fallible, evolving (hence unstable and ever-changing) senses. Math is about the evaluation and manipulation of eternal, necessary data that has nothing whatsoever to do with the senses. Science and math are completely different approaches to understanding reality. They have nothing in common. This means that it’s invalid for empirical science to use rational mathematics. If you obliterate math from science, you see exactly how irrational science is. You can go on performing all the most sophisticated experiments ever devised, with the most precise observations ever, but it will all be to no avail without math ... which has nothing at all to do with experiments (!). How can Einstein be regarded as a great scientist when he couldn’t even define what math is, despite using it all the time? How can scientists claim to know anything about reality when they use math, which, according to

them, is a bizarre and inexplicable hybrid of reality and unreality, and there’s never any definitive means to decide which, given that experiments continuously “prove” different, competing things? One day, they prove Newton right, then they prove Einstein right (but Einstein contradicted Newton), then they prove quantum mechanics right (but quantum mechanics contradicts Einstein). The Big Bang Singularity and black hole singularities are now generally accepted as real, although they are 100% incompatible with the Meta Paradigm of empiricism and materialism. Quantum mechanics, string theory and M-theory are also totally incompatible with the Meta Paradigm of empiricism and materialism. Thus, science is a total mess ontologically and epistemologically. This all stems from science’s failure to grasp what math actually is. It’s dishonest and fraudulent for scientists to use math and then to decide when it’s real and when it’s unreal according to their own subjective opinions, beliefs, conjectures, interpretations, senses, hypotheses, philosophies and religious beliefs – and emphatically not according to mathematical reason, logic, ontology and epistemology. To any truly rational person, science is a bad joke. Einstein’s ideas are some of the funniest out there. His relativity principle, for example, fundamentally contradicts the reality principle, hence cannot be consistent with any possible objective reality. According to Einstein, we are all living in a subjective fantasy where each of us perceives reality in our own unique way (according to our own private frame of reference), and there’s no absolute reality (an absolute reference frame: the ether) to which we all subscribe. Einstein couldn’t even believe his own theories. He claimed they produced predictions of “unreality”. How can any true theory have unreal elements and make unreal predictions? This is ontologically and epistemologically preposterous, and is exactly what Leibniz always railed against, especially with regard to Newton’s theories. But no one listened to Leibniz. What he said about Newton’s absurdities pertains to Einstein too, and also quantum mechanics, and indeed the whole of science. Leibniz was a rationalist, guided by the principle of sufficient reason. All scientists are empiricists, guided by their senses, the servants and instruments of Maya (illusion).

***** Where Einstein believed that a theory – such as his theory of relativity – could have real and unreal elements, but with the unreal elements having no bearing on reality, quantum mechanics has opted for an even more bizarre and absurd scenario, one where reality is actually plucked from unreality and abstraction via observations, i.e. quantum mechanics posits unreal, abstract, potentiality wavefunctions as its formal ground of reality! Reality is thus a product of unreality! Are you buying it? If you are, you must already have the world’s most impressive collection of snake oil. Do you slither out of your front door each morning?

The Ether The science community concluded that there was no ether because there was no evidence that light was affected by its movement through this proposed physical substance, and this was deemed impossible. Scientists ideologically failed to consider three other possibilities (of a mathematical rather than scientific nature): 1) the “ether” is mental (dimensionless), not physical (dimensional), hence why there’s no physical effect, 2) the ether is a mathematical Cartesian grid, not a physical substance, hence why there’s no physical effect, and 3) light doesn’t move at all – it’s pure frequency energy that stays put in the immaterial, dimensionless Fourier frequency domain. Spacetime moves through it rather than it moving through spacetime. In other words, light is the ether! Light provides the absolute framework or context for spacetime that renders Einstein’s relativistic ideas absurd. Light is a frequency function. It does not enter into spacetime, dimensionality and the fermionic material universe at all. What it does is interact with that domain, leading to the appearance of light moving through spacetime. It’s not light that moves. It’s the effect of the interaction between frequency light and spacetime matter that moves: a completely different thing. Einstein’s entire materialist and empiricist conceptual understanding of the theory of light (adopted wholesale by the scientific community) was false. It arose because Einstein and all other physicists were clueless about how to understand the ontology of Fourier mathematics.

To this day, no mainstream scientist grasps what Fourier mathematics actually is and how it dictates everything. This is true despite the fact that Fourier mathematics is the basis of none other than quantum mechanics. As you would expect, scientists have misunderstood quantum mechanics, misinterpreted it and misapplied it, leading to the nonsense of quantum indeterminacy and indeterminism. True quantum mechanics is 100% mathematical and 100% deterministic. There is zero indeterminacy or indeterminism involved in it. Quantum mechanics, like everything else, obeys the principle of sufficient reason, and is an entirely causal system.

Fourier Mathematics As conventionally taught, Fourier mathematics means that you can convert spacetime functions into frequency functions, and vice versa. What Fourier neglected to consider was that it was possible to add frequency functions to spacetime functions, and vice versa. They interact with each other but do not formally become part of each other. Immaterial, dimensionless frequency functions (bosonic functions) interact with dimensional spacetime functions (fermionic functions). Mind-matter interaction in human beings consists of frequency functions (our bosonic thoughts) interacting with spacetime functions (our fermionic bodies)! It’s all in the math.

The Impossibility It’s impossible to use rational, logical arguments to persuade the likes of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and Stephen Hawking that they are wrong. They are true believers in empiricism and materialism. They are people of faith. They denounce religion while fanatically subscribing to the unprovable concept of “matter” (something proclaimed to be entirely independent of mind and thoughts, and, indeed, the source of mind and thoughts). Try removing your thoughts about matter from matter and see what’s left. Nothing! We need minds to conceive of matter, so, without minds, where’s the evidence that matter exists? It’s as fantastical and unprovable as the Abrahamic God. We realised long ago that attempting to have a rational argument with a scientist is as futile as attempting to reason with a Muslim. You can have a rational debate only with people who respect the principle of sufficient reason. Scientists don’t. Scientists always say, “Where is your sensory,

experimental evidence?” This is not a statement of reason and logic, but of worship of the human senses and what they supposedly reveal to us. (They reveal the Matrix, but not the source of the Matrix). Moreover, when scientists ask for scientific evidence, they are of course demanding that you submit to their paradigm, just as Muslims do when they demand that you “prove” something by quoting the Koran. We are demanding that science proves that matter exists and that there is no reality beyond scientific “reality”. Good luck with that, scientists!

The Wisdom of Max Planck “The assumption of an absolute determinism is the essential foundation of every scientific enquiry.” – Max Planck Er, until science switched over to being absolutely indeterministic. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Max Planck It’s about time science changed the way it looks at things, and then it will start looking at new things, and looking at things anew. Science would transform overnight if scientists learned to think about reality in terms of provable mathematics rather than speculative sensory “matter” (an undefined and unprovable philosophical concept). “The goal is nothing other than the coherence and completeness of the system not only in respect of all details, but also in respect of all physicists of all places, all times, all peoples, and all cultures.” – Max Planck Indeed! But physics can’t deliver this. Only ontological mathematics can. Science is always provisional. Mathematics is eternally true. “New scientific ideas never spring from a communal body, however organized, but rather from the head of an individually inspired researcher who struggles with his problems in lonely thought and unites all his thought on one single point which is his whole world for the moment.” – Max Planck This is the opposite of how science now works. It plods along on the back of the efforts of legions of conformist drones, apparatchiks, and functionaries, and ignores all lone geniuses (such as Leibniz). Indeed, lone geniuses are usually regarded as mad, with nothing to teach the masses.

Modern science enthusiastically subscribes to the notion of the “wisdom of the crowd”, i.e. whatever ideas are most popular with the scientific crowd are the ones that science reflects, and anything else is rejected. Science has no interest in the Truth, only in consensus amongst its practitioners. In fact, this consensus amongst second-rate thinkers is what science regards as “truth”. Once a paradigm becomes entrenched, it takes a revolution – not rational considerations – to overthrow it. And then a new paradigm is duly established which may be even more absurd than its predecessor. While the mathematics of quantum mechanics is extremely powerful, the scientific interpretation of that mathematics is comically bad. Scientists will literally tell you to your face that cats can be simultaneously alive, dead, and also in mixed living-dead states! If you believe that, you really will believe anything. The basis for this lunatic claim is the wholesale philosophical misinterpretation of the mathematics of quantum mechanics. What’s truly disturbing is that scientists have failed to grasp the difference between mathematics, and how mathematics is interpreted according to a philosophical ideology (that of empiricism and materialism). Everything changes as soon as you remove the philosophical filter from the mathematics you are using. Mathematics should be treated as mathematics, not as some adjunct of a speculative natural philosophy concerning unprovable “matter”.

The Folly of Max Planck “Experiment is the only means of knowledge at our disposal. Everything else is poetry, imagination.” – Max Planck On the contrary, reason and logic are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. Experiments do not provide knowledge. No experiments can be performed on the Singularity that preceded the Big Bang, which defines existence, and hence all true knowledge. Only reason and logic can probe the ontological Singularity. “An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature and a measurement is the recording of Nature’s answer.” – Max Planck A rational, logical query is a question which math poses to Nature, and a rational, logical answer, reflecting the principle of sufficient reason, is Nature’s answer.

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” – Max Planck We can solve the ultimate mystery of nature exactly because we are the mystery that we are trying to solve. As Above, So Below. “The Theory of Relativity confers an absolute meaning on a magnitude which in classical theory has only a relative significance: the velocity of light. The velocity of light is to the Theory of Relativity as the elementary quantum of action is to the Quantum Theory: it is its absolute core.” – Max Planck No scientist ever ponders why light has an absolute meaning in a theory of relativism. Light is absolute because it is entirely outside the temporal, contingent, degradable, spacetime world of science, hence does not belong to science at all, but to ontological mathematics. Such a conclusion is of course rationally unreachable within the scientific paradigm. Science’s paradigm actively prevents certain concepts from being thought: such as the existence of autonomous mind, free will, dimensionlessness, and an eternal mathematical order as the foundation of the temporal scientific order.

***** Max Planck is a perfect example of a scientist totally confused by science. He intuits that something is fundamentally wrong with it, yet at the same time he believes nothing can better it. Like all scientists, he keeps coming back to experiments and the senses as the sources of knowledge. He never arrives at the principle of sufficient reason: the only true basis of knowledge.

The Laws “We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.” – Max Planck Why would we assume, as Planck does, that any law of existence is not eternal and necessary? If laws are not eternal and necessary then they are ipso facto temporal and contingent. How can laws have a beginning in

time? What created them ... an eternal, necessary thing? In which case, what laws apply to that thing? Those must be the real laws of existence. If nothing created the temporal, contingent laws then they must have randomly and miraculously summoned themselves into existence, for no reason and no purpose, via no mechanism. This is the purest magic, and has no place in a rational, intelligible universe. These are exactly the kinds of crazy “laws” believed in by Planck and science. Moreover, as Planck points out, there is no reason to believe that such laws are stable. They may be mutating all the time, like any temporal, evolutionary thing. However, if the “laws” of science are always changing then science can have no validity since what is true today may be false tomorrow, what an experiment shows us today may be wholly different from what it shows us tomorrow. To take Planck’s idea seriously is to destroy the entire basis of science. The very fact that science cannot disprove Planck’s speculation is proof of the absurdity and irrationality of the prevailing scientific paradigm. As Planck indicates, we have no right to assume that any contingent (i.e. physical) laws exist. Indeed, none do. Laws are either eternal and necessary, or they are not laws at all. All laws are Platonic: perfect, immutable and immaterial, and exist forever (outside space and time). Laws that need not exist do not exist. Any law that has existed up to now will exist in exactly the same manner in the future. Why wouldn’t it? What sufficient reason would there be for this not to be true? The fact that Planck imagines that physical laws need not exist, and could change at any time, shows what a weird idea he has of science. If we are to assume that physical laws are mutable, i.e. changing all the time, then there would be no constants of nature, and no scientific experiment would ever be repeatable, and scientific induction would be wholly invalid. Every experiment would give different results, reflecting the different physical laws that apply at any instant. It would be chaos. Strangely enough, Planck, with these considerations, has arrived at the central problem of science ... it cannot account for a rational, intelligible, ordered universe. Any universe that isn’t controlled by eternal, necessary laws (that are complete and consistent with respect to each other) would instantly degenerate into absolute disorder. All of the “laws” would be in total confusion, all would contradict each other, and no entity would “know” which changing law to obey (and indeed no entity would itself ever be stable, with a consistent definition). On the other hand, if eternal,

necessary laws exist then those laws by definition preceded the Big Bang universe of space, time and matter, and that means that science is dependent on a non-scientific order ... an eternal, necessary mathematical order. This is a matter of simple logic, the exact thing that scientists reject. Science is in such disarray that it can’t even justify the “laws” of science. Given the “logic” of science, why should we accept that the “laws” of quantum mechanics, or general relativity, won’t change tomorrow? What’s to prevent it? If there is no eternal, necessary order, why should these scientific “laws” be regarded as valid and constant? Science tries to have its cake and eat it. It denies that eternal, necessary laws exist and then, in the same breath, asserts that quantum mechanics and relativity – or some hypothetical “final” scientific theory of everything – are immutable laws of our world that we can absolutely rely on. The only laws that can be accepted as definitive are those that must have existed forever, and such laws can only be mathematical and immaterial, not scientific and material. All laws of science, according to the logic of science, were created at the Big Bang. If they existed before the Big Bang, i.e. before the creation of the scientific world, then it inescapably follows that there is a reality beyond science. To avoid this conclusion (which implies either God or math), scientists have to make the laughable claim that the universe randomly jumps out of nothing, for no reason, via no mechanism. The laws of science, like the scientific universe itself, must equally jump out of nothing, for no reason, via no mechanism, and that means no reliance can be placed on them since there is no reason to believe they are any less changeable than the world itself. Plato, in his search for absolute Truth and knowledge, understood all of this thousands of years ago. Scientists, as philosophical illiterates, have never grasped that all laws must be Platonic, and Platonism necessarily entails an eternal, immutable reality of exactly the kind science ideologically and irrationally repudiates. Plato’s perfect domain is, in truth, none other than the domain of math. Scientists never once subject their theories to logical analysis and constraint. They never allow reason to dictate to science. All that science ever listens to is the “experimental data”. But experimental data don’t, and can’t, reveal the eternal, necessary laws of existence. There’s the bind, the one that scientists refuse to confront.

Ontological Mathematics Ontological mathematics might be called the synthesis of 1) abstract mathematics, and 2) science. It’s neither what people would call math, nor what they would call science. With ontological mathematics, mathematical objects are real, concrete things, but, in their noumenal aspect, they are not amenable to scientific experiments in any way. They are, however, always amenable to reason, logic and the mathematical method of proof (rather than the experimental method of sensory “evidence”). According to ontological mathematics, the phenomenal world of science is the sensory appearance of a noumenal world of mathematics, and that’s exactly why empirical science has to use rational (non-empirical) mathematics, which makes no sense if the universe is empirical rather than rational. Math is at the core of science because an eternal, necessary mathematical Singularity is at the core of the temporal, contingent spacetime world of “matter”. What could be simpler? The “physical” world is the Matrix, and the Truth beyond it is pure math. Have you taken your red pill yet, or do you still prefer blue?

Four Types of Knowledge There are four types of knowledge, corresponding to each of the Jungian cognitive functions: feeling, sensing, intuition and thinking. These are radically different types of knowledge. Knowledge based on feelings is entirely subjective. Knowledge based on intuition is subjective and mystical if not allied to reason and logic. Knowledge tied to the senses is, if not allied to mathematics, pure superstition (alchemy, astrology, divination). Only thinking knowledge – based on reason, logic and mathematics – is true knowledge. These four radically different routes to knowledge raise profound issues epistemologically. You cannot in fact define any epistemology before you first address which cognitive function you are proposing to rely on as your basis for knowledge. There is a separate epistemology for each type, and this means that people will definitely disagree on what knowledge is if they are deploying a rival epistemology. You can have an understanding only with those who are on the same page as you. Scientists (sensing types) refuse to acknowledge anything that is not about the senses and

experiments. They will never accept the rationalist epistemology and ontology of mathematics. An emotional person commits himself to divine revelation, holy texts, sacred scriptures, prophets, priests and popes. An intuitive commits himself to gurus, meditation, chanting, fasting, hallucinogens, rituals, and so on. A sensing type looks solely to observations and experiments, so anything nonsensory can never be part of their knowledge system. Thinking types look only to reason, logic and math for knowledge. They disregard the senses, feelings and mystical intuitions. There is no common ground between them all. For thinking types, science has nothing to do with true knowledge. Science is just a modelling system, whose only truth content comes from its use, albeit mangled, of rationalist math. Mainstream religion, spirituality and mysticism have no truth content whatsoever because they don’t use math at all.

Expansion and Contraction Science = the Shrinking of the Mind. Math = the Expansion of the Mind (from zero all the way to infinity). Science reduces mind to matter. It reduces all that is said to exist to what is perceived through the senses. Science is a sensory reducing valve. It constricts thought. It limits horizons. People without imagination, intuition, empathy and theory of mind – those who are on the autistic spectrum – revel in this shrinking and constriction. It makes reality more containable for them, less threatening and less disturbing. Scientists always have a “small” conception of reality. There’s no room for mind, free will, souls, spirit, God, intuition, ESP, dimensionlessness, an afterlife, the non-sensory, synchronicity, and so on. Even meaning and purpose are abolished by science. Everything is reduced to concepts compatible with severe autism. “Science” is a formally autistic condition, which goes hand-in-hand with machine thinking, the denial of free will, and the belief that humans are zombies or automata. Science destroys all wonder and imagination.

The Universe “There is nothing outside the universe.” – Lee Smolin

That’s certainly true, but not in the sense Smolin means. Smolin is thinking of the universe as something material, in space and time. In fact, the universe in itself is fundamentally immaterial and outside space and time. It’s a frequency domain; a mathematical Singularity. The material universe is a Fourier spacetime construct of this more fundamental mental universe, and could not exist without it. This mental universe provides an absolute mathematical coordinate system, something that Smolin, a fanatical relativist, would never accept.

Reality Reality is like a holographic video game, but in this game the players are built into the game rather than being external to it. Indeed, they are the source of the game, i.e. the game is constructed from their collective being. Reality is the ultimate, mathematical, dialectical game. Exactly like video games, it’s constructed algorithmically and dynamically. There is no real, enduring world full of something called matter. Everything we experience is mathematically calculated there and then, here and now, by way of a timeless, spaceless mathematical Singularity that connects everything.

Noumenon and Phenomenon Descartes was right all along. There are two domains: unextended (thinking) and extended (matter). The thinking domain is the primary domain, the domain of things in themselves. The material domain – the phenomenal world – is a product of the noumenal domain. This phenomenal domain is the world of Maya (illusion) which conceals the truth that ultimate reality is mental. The nature of mental existence is that it’s an ocean of vibrations, of frequencies, of dimensionlessness. There’s no material world. “Matter” is only an alternative way of presenting mental information, thus making it appear non-mental. Matter is produced via inverse Fourier transforms, and has no reality beyond that.

Holography Consider a hologram. The phenomenal representation of it is the familiar spooky 3D image so vividly depicted in Star Wars. But the hologram in itself is an incomprehensible interference pattern of frequencies.

In ontological mathematics, the eternal Singularity – comprised of perfect, analytic, sinusoidal waves, grouped into autonomous mathematical minds (monads) – is the incomprehensible interference pattern of frequencies, from which the phenomenal, “physical” world is holographically projected. The Singularity can exist without the projection (and does so prior to the Big Bang), but the projection cannot exist without the Singularity. This means that mind creates matter, not the other way around. Therefore, this is the opposite of scientific materialism, which maintains that material existence inexplicably jumps out of nothing at all, and that mind then comes from matter through some equally inexplicable and unspecified mechanism. The dual-nature hologram (a noumenal interference pattern of mind and the phenomenal world of matter projected from it) is, in a nutshell, the whole of existence. Our left brain shows us the spacetime representation and gives us consciousness; our right brain is immersed in the frequency representation and reflects the unconscious. Simplistically, the cosmic hologram does nothing but represent exactly the same information in two different ways: in terms of frequency and spacetime. Ontologically, the situation is more complicated. For example, when the Singularity is in a state of perfect collective symmetry – as it is prior to the Big Bang – there is no spacetime universe at all, so frequency and spacetime considerations can in no way be regarded as equal. Spacetime is always a derivation of frequency, not an equal partner.

Left and Right Given that the world comprises two levels of description: a primary one in terms of frequency (mind), and a secondary one in terms of spacetime (matter), it’s entirely to be expected that we have two-chambered (bicameral) brains to cope with the two possible perspectives. Our left brain performs inverse Fourier transforms (i.e. deals with spacetime representations of frequency information), and our right brain performs Fourier transforms (i.e. deals with frequency representations of spacetime information, as well as dealing with pure frequency wavefunctions themselves).

The Birth of Consciousness

Intuition can be regarded as a right brain analogue of left brain sensing (just as feeling is a right brain analogue of left brain thinking). Where sensing reveals the immediate, local, spacetime environment, intuition reveals the immediate, non-local, frequency environment. Intuition can also be regarded as a special kind of feeling; a feeling of the intellect rather than of the heart or gut. Intuition is also a type of rational thinking, except it does not take place sequentially but in parallel and networked, all at once. Rational thinking is therefore a kind of localized intuition, no longer focused upon the non-local (everything at once), but on the local (one thing at a time). Where intuition is about synthesis and holism, thinking is about analysis and reduction. The problem for a non-local mind is that it is not as clearly individuated as spacetime bodies are. Indeed, this immaterial domain is the home of Jung’s mysterious collective unconscious, where we are all linked nonlocally, where we are all interconnected. The “local” mind brings consciousness into being because it establishes clear dividing lines between minds (via physical bodies). Non-locally, we are in danger of being a single mind. Locally, we are transformed into many minds, in distinct, separate bodies. The situation is reminiscent of the Neoplatonist treatment of the soul (Psyche). In Neoplatonism, there’s a united higher Psyche, and a fragmentary lower Psyche. That corresponds to human beings having both a non-local mind (right hemisphere; integration; interconnection) and local mind (left hemisphere; separation; disconnection). Buddhists are attracted by the idea of abandoning the local mind (with all the desire and suffering it brings), and uniting with the supposed single, unitary cosmic mind (the “Oneness”). Buddhists continually rail against identification with an individual “I”. They are like a bizarre, orange-robed version of the Borg from Star Trek. Illuminism, conversely, is about each of us becoming God in terms of our individual consciousness. How does our Higher Self – locked in the non-local domain – become conscious? It does so by learning from the consciousness it has possessed in its many mortal lives. The Jungian Ego is the light of consciousness and is located in the left brain. The Jungian Self – the centre of the whole psyche – is located in the right brain, and connects us to all other Selves.

The Jungian Ego maps to the Neoplatonic Lower Soul, and the Jungian Self to the Neoplatonic Higher Soul.

***** Jung spoke in terms of the Ego psychically approaching the Self and becoming integrated with it. The Self, in this view, is regarded as somewhat immovable, with the Ego being the defective part of the psyche that needs the Self’s help to see true reality. But that’s not the way things work. The Self needs the Ego as much as the Ego needs the Self. The real process involves a dynamic, dialectical feedback loop between the Self and the Ego, each radically influencing each other. The Ego doesn’t unilaterally move to be one with the unmoving Self. Rather, the Self moves towards the Ego just as much as the Ego moves towards the Self. What they are aiming to achieve between them is a fully conscious mind that can inhabit the non-local domain. The Ego has to become more non-local, and the Self more local. The Self learns about consciousness from the Ego, and eventually, after living many lives, becomes Super Conscious. It attains God consciousness (gnosis).

***** Jung saw the Self in terms of God. The Self was the imago dei: the image of God. The task of the Ego was therefore to become closer to the Self, and thus more Godlike. In fact, it’s the cooperation between Self and Ego – their attraction towards one another – that allows us to become God. We don’t escape from individual consciousness, as Buddhism advocates. Rather, we optimise individual consciousness.

Sleepwalking A woman who was found in the early hours of the morning in her pyjamas behind the wheel of her car miles from her home was accused of drink driving. She was declared innocent when she proved that she was actually sleepwalking (i.e. she was suffering from parasomnia). An unconscious person drove a car for miles! Isn’t that amazing? That’s how powerful the human autopilot is (our “inner zombie”).

Oceanic Feelings

People now and again feel an incredible, overwhelming feeling of oneness with the universe. They imagine they have achieved mystical union (unio mystica) with it. These experiences are produced by the right brain, of course. Scientists – stuck in their autistic left brains – never have such experiences. They have no religious and spiritual sensibility whatsoever. They are firmly on the autistic spectrum.

Bias For left handers, hemispheric dominance is usually the opposite way round from the configuration in right handers. However, the same general rules apply, simply reversed. In the left handed case, the right hemisphere is local and the left hemisphere non-local. There are also interesting cases where left handers have the conventional hemispheric pattern of right handers, which implies that some very specific feature has caused their left handedness. And what of ambidextrous people? Some people have no clearly dominant hemisphere, hence no clear local and non-local differentiation. Scientists and psychologists should perform detailed examinations of all extreme left handers, all extreme right handers, all moderate and weak left handers, and all ambidextrous people to determine how their brains function and what the differences are in their personalities (and what their respective religious, philosophical, political, economic and scientific beliefs are).

The Beforelife We not only have an afterlife, but, also, a beforelife. Science denies both. Math doesn’t, and explains both via exactly the two numbers most rejected by sensory materialism: zero and infinity. The beforelife and afterlife are logical corollaries of zero and infinity. Without these two numbers, science is definitely right. With them, science is definitely wrong. What, mathematically, is atheism? It’s simply the illogical and antimathematical rejection of zero and infinity. Atheists are unbelievably dumb. What they are actually reacting against is religion as absurd Mythos. They have refused to consider religion as mathematical Logos. Intellectually, that’s an unforgivable crime.

To all atheists and materialists, we ask you why you have such an irrational hatred of zero and infinity. Why do you resist these numbers so much? Why do you deny that these are the numbers of the mind, the soul, of dimensionlessness, of eternal, necessary existence? You are not being clever by denying religion, spirituality, metaphysics and noumenal, ontological mathematics. You are in fact being staggeringly irrational and illogical. The bottom line is that you are not intelligent enough to grasp the ontological, transcendental significance of zero and infinity.

***** Resurrectionists do not believe in a beforelife, only an afterlife. If you are a created being, you obviously have no life prior to your creation. Reincarnationists believe in both a beforelife and afterlife since they deny that the soul was ever created. Atheists deny both the beforelife and the afterlife, and claim that our life is entirely tied to our mortal body, and perishes with it.

***** To be accurate, reincarnation can also embrace Creationism. Plato’s version of reincarnation involved initial creation of the soul by the Demiurge, or his divine agents. However, Plato imagined people having many lives in which to prove their virtue and enlightenment (while Abrahamism grants you only one). Plainly, if you have a succession of lives, then each new life is preceded by a previous life, which is therefore a beforelife. Illuminism is about non-Creationist reincarnation, where we have all existed forever, hence have no Creator.

The Bridge The corpus callosum is the structure in the mammalian brain that links the two hemispheres of the brain, providing intercommunication between them. This, therefore, is where the local and non-local, the conscious and unconscious, the Ego and the Self, collide. This is the “stairway to heaven”, the portal to God. The corpus callosum is thus one of the most critical structures in the body. Some researchers have claimed that an exceptionally large corpus callosum reflects equally exceptional intellectual activity. Women are said to have wider corpus callosums than men, and this has been linked to

greater emotional intelligence, to enhanced empathy and sympathy, to better hemispheric balance (more cross-talk and harmony between the hemispheres). Women are said to be better at multi-tasking than men, and this may signify that men’s brains are more specialized than women’s, causing men to focus on one thing at a time. Women are popularly said to be more intuitive than men, and a higher functioning corpus callosum could facilitate enhanced intuition. Other studies suggest that males typically have the larger corpus callosum, independent of the fact that the male brain is usually larger than the female brain. However, particular features and the organisation of the corpus callosum may be much more important than its actual size. It has been reported that the front portion of the corpus callosum is significantly larger in musicians than in non-musicians, and is slightly larger in left handed and ambidextrous people in comparison with right handers. Some people have little or no corpus callosum, and this can lead to results similar to autism. Some “autistic savants” have been found to have no corpus callosum at all. A procedure to relieve severe epilepsy involves severing the corpus callosum and thus isolating the two brain hemispheres (to prevent an epileptic storm in one hemisphere spreading to the other and affecting the whole brain). Many of the findings concerning the respective properties of the two hemispheres have been furnished by studies of people who have had this medical procedure performed on them.

Strokes The hemispheric location of a stroke can produce radically different outcomes. Some people seem to recover exceptionally well from a stroke. In these cases, it’s usually the right hemisphere, the seat of the unconscious, that has been damaged (since damage to processes associated with the unconscious is obviously much less noticeable than to processes associated with consciousness). Damage to the left hemisphere, the seat of consciousness, can be catastrophic since the person’s normal personality, behaviour and identity are wrecked. Strokes in the left hemisphere often have the effect of transferring hemispheric dominance to the right hemisphere. It has been found that

some left brain stroke victims acquire an artistic mania previously wholly absent from them, suggesting that the right brain is the creative and artistic brain, and that it is often suppressed through its relationship with the left brain. It needs to be “liberated”. The brain hemispheres are in a sense in direct competition with each other. To become more highly evolved, we need them to be in much greater harmony, or we need to be able to switch processing from one to the other at will. If we accept the old claim that science and art represent two opposing cultures, imagine you could be scientific whenever you wanted, or artistic whenever you wanted, rather than being stuck as one or the other.

The Link The corpus callosum bridges the two hemispheres. What would it be like if we could supercharge the corpus callosum, enormously increasing the degree of hemispheric interaction? In the limit, we could establish a single brain, fully integrating the properties of the separate hemispheres in a single entity. Equally, imagine we could suppress the corpus callosum entirely. In the limit, the two hemispheres would be wholly independent. It would be as if we had two separate brains inside our skull. Imagine that: twice the processing power, able to do two things at once! Can we create technology, discover drugs, or train the mind, to bring both of these limiting cases into reality? The left brain is based on the Ego personality, and the right brain on the Self personality (our Higher Self). What is the divine future for humanity? It involves an ever closer union between Ego and Self, between the local and non-local, the physical and the psychological (psychical). Humanity’s destiny is all about expanding the mind. It’s about expressing the complementary power of our separate hemispheres in new and enhanced ways. It’s nothing to do with “transhumanism”, the proposed uploading of our conscious into immortal machines. Given that no transhumanist can define consciousness (and never will since transhumanists are materialists and it’s impossible for materialism to account for mind, free will, and consciousness), it’s simply bizarre that the subject of materialist transhumanism exists at all. This is the most pointless subject ever. The mind, soul, the conscious and unconscious are all about

immaterial monads outside space and time, hence can form no part of the transhumanist project or paradigm.

Rain Man “Laurence Kim Peek (November 11, 1951 – December 23, 2009) was an American savant. Known as a ‘megasavant’, he had an exceptional memory, but he also experienced social difficulties, possibly resulting from a developmental disability related to congenital brain abnormalities. He was the inspiration for the character of Raymond Babbitt, in the movie Rain Man. Unlike Babbitt, who had autism, Peek had FG syndrome. Peek was born in Salt Lake City, Utah with macrocephaly, damage to the cerebellum, and agenesis of the corpus callosum, a condition in which the bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is missing; in Peek’s case, secondary connectors such as the anterior commissure were also missing. There is speculation that his neurons made unusual connections due to the absence of a corpus callosum, which resulted in an increased memory capacity. According to Peek’s father, Fran (Francis) Peek, Kim was able to memorize things from the age of 16–20 months. He read books, memorized them, and then placed them upside down on the shelf to show that he had finished reading them, a practice he maintained all his life. He could speed through a book in about an hour and remember almost everything he had read, memorizing vast amounts of information in subjects ranging from history and literature, geography and numbers to sports, music and dates. Peek read by scanning the left page with his left eye, then the right page with his right eye. According to an article in The Times newspaper, he could accurately recall the contents of at least 12,000 books. Peek lived in Murray, Utah and spent a considerable amount of his time reading at the Salt Lake City Library and demonstrating his capabilities at schools, with great help from his father.” – Wikipedia Imagine being able to summon savant skills at will by consciously suppressing some parts of your brain activity and organisation, and boosting others. Wouldn’t this be the path to divinity? Regardless of how it’s achieved, examples of prodigious memory show that in principle we could all have perfect recall of the type associated with savants.

What Is A Thought? Thoughts come in four flavours, corresponding to Jung’s four cognitive functions of thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition. The thoughts associated with thinking (i.e. rationalism) might be imagined to flow in an orderly, linear form reminiscent of Morse code; those associated with feelings in great, complex musical symphonies; those associated with intuition in all-embracing (non-local) grand patterns; and those associated with sensing in highly restricted (localised) configurations. These patterns are all present simultaneously inside our mind-brain system. A central conscious coordinator (the Ego) chooses which pattern to concentrate on at any one time. The more rational you are, the more you tune into rational thought patterns; the more emotional you are, the more you listen to the symphony of feelings; the more intuitive you are, the more you concentrate on complex, non-local patterns, and the more of a sensing type you are, the more you dwell on the localized patterns being fed to you via your senses (this, of course, is especially true of scientists). We are immersed in a sea of mathematical functions of different types, flavours and patterns, we prefer some of these over others, and that defines what kind of person we are (what our Myers-Briggs personality type is). There’s nothing but mathematical functions/signals (based on waves and wave combinations) and a “controller” (Ego) which filters, sifts, organizes and assigns meaning to whatever signals are selected for our attention. Our consciousness is all about what we assign our attention to; in fact, it might simply be called our Attention Assigner. However, all the other signals are there anyway, available for our unconscious mind to interpret. We can imagine the unconscious as a set of hundreds of TV channels, and the conscious as the selector of the particular TV channel we actually watch at any one time. In order to change channel, we have to evaluate each channel, and assign meaning to it. We have to decide whether it will aid our purpose. A person who chooses to watch a math documentary is radically different from a person who watches a talent show, game show, quiz show, chat show, soap opera or sport. Mental activity is mathematics. Our minds receive, perceive, process and also generate mathematical signals. They prioritize these signals and assign meaning to them, then act on them, or respond to them in some way. There’s nothing else going on. Mathematics is all there is. Everything that

you imagine isn’t mathematical is. There is nothing other than math. Math cannot coexist with non-math. It would have no possible relationship with it. We would simply have resurrected Cartesian dualism by other means.

***** As we have said, if you want an analogy for your mental life, imagine yourself inside a digital TV, receiving hundreds of channels over cable, or from a satellite. You are immersed in all of these channels, but you can watch only one at a time. You must direct your attention to one and ignore all the others. But all the others are still there, and you can switch to any of them whenever you like. Imagine that some channels are about science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, while others are about soap operas, rom-coms, costume dramas, sit-coms, others about sport, others about politics, or religion, or music, or economics, or Latin, or whatever. Obviously, you will not watch all of these channels equally. You will keep going back to certain channels and ignoring others. Your choices will indicate your Myers-Briggs personality type. Your TV gives you a great 3D picture and fabulous surround sound, yet you’re not encountering reality. You are being presented with mathematical signals that are being electronically processed in various ways. These constitute your sensory input. What if you want to interact with the channel? What if you to vote, or buy something? You need a back channel (or return path) that you can use to respond to events on the channel you are watching. You, and others like you, can influence what the channel transmits by feeding back to it. You are in a dialectical feedback loop. The channels influence you and you influence them. The point is that a TV is just a box of electronics shuttling around mathematical signals, yet in doing so, it’s transmitting 3D pics, sounds, and material that will differently appeal to thinking, sensing, feeling, and intuitive types. There’s a vast excess of data, so specific choices are necessary to manage all of this material. Most information has to be ignored. That’s why we are all subject to a “reducing valve”. A conscious personality is shaped through the process of selecting some inputs and ignoring the rest. The ignoring part (negative selection) is every bit as important as what you turn your attention to (positive selection).

***** Human beings are mathematical receivers, processors and transmitters. That’s all they do: receive, process and transmit. A person receives mathematical signals, processes them and focuses attention on one of them. Then, in response, creates a reply and transmits it. It does that over and over again for a whole lifetime. All of the events of a life take place within that sequence of receiving signals, processing signals, and transmitting signals.

Left-Brain World versus Right-Brain World The left brain world of the senses and of linear thinking is ordered, local, ordinary, and predictable. Everything takes place within space and time. The right brain world is entirely different. This is the domain of ghosts and spirits, of hauntings, possession, poltergeists and telekinesis. It’s the extraordinary realm of inspiration, Jungian synchronicity, the paranormal, homeopathy, hypnosis, bicameralism, intuition, remote viewing, psychic phenomena, astrology, soothsaying, divination, geomancy, necromancy, alchemy, religion, oracles, the soul, the otherworldly. All the weird, inexplicable things are expressions of the non-local, interconnected domain. The left brain world is for normal, physical phenomena, and the right brain world for paranormal, psychic phenomena. Isn’t the history of our world simply the tension between these two domains: the local and non-local, the scientific and the psychological, the ordinary and extraordinary, the secular and the sacred, the mundane and the transcendent?

The War of Attitudes Physicists look outwards to the world. They are extraverts. Metaphysicists look inwards to the mind. They are introverts. The former always rely on their senses (how they gather information from the external world of matter, which they regard as the self-evidently true reality). The latter refer to reason and logic (how they evaluate information in the internal world of mind, which they regard as the self-evidently true world). Physicists are materialists; metaphysicists are mentalists. These two types have nothing to say to each other. They are incommensurate. The former always look to sensory “evidence”, the latter to rational and logical proof. Physicists are defined by the collection of data; metaphysicists by the evaluation of data.

It’s no accident that physicists regard reality as pointless, purposeless and meaningless. This is exactly what you would expect from data gatherers rather than data evaluators. The latter automatically assign meaning to data. The former don’t. For them, data itself is what’s important, not what the data signifies. Physicists always come back to the notion of lifeless, mindless, meaningless, purposeless atoms that sprang out of nothing for no reason via no mechanism. Material objects are their comfort zone. Metaphysicists always come back to eternal, necessary minds/souls (mental rather than physical atoms), full of meaning and purpose. These are diametrically opposed worldviews.

***** By virtue of empirical science’s illegitimate use of rationalist mathematics, it seems that scientists and mathematicians can meaningfully converse. In fact, they can’t. The world is either fundamentally mathematical (mental; non-sensory) or fundamentally scientific (material; sensory). These two views are incompatible. Consider this: remove the senses from math and you lose nothing; remove math from science and you lose everything. So, which is the horse and which the cart? You’re 100% wrong if you believe that science and the senses precede math and reason. The exact opposite is the case.

Heaven and Hell Extraverts tend to have materialist values in every sense, whether in terms of scientific materialism, economic materialism, philosophical materialism, consumerist materialism, reification, localism, sensory obsession, commodification, objectification. Introverts, with their spiritual, rational, logical, intuitive, imaginative, non-sensory values, are the antidote. Only an introverted world can furnish heaven on earth. A great war is in progress – between materialist, emotional, extraverted values, and spiritual, rational, introverted values. It affects everything in the world, including science, philosophy, math, religion, history, politics and economics.

The Dual Hemispheric Gods

Apollo is the God of Reason (left brain), yet, via music and the arts, he’s also the God of Feeling (right brain). Apollo’s qualities straddle both hemispheres of the brain. He’s regarded as the god of moderation, order and light. Apollo’s dark counterpart is Dionysus. Dionysus is the God of the Senses and Sensuality (left brain) and also the God of intuition, inspiration and enthusiasm (right brain). He’s the deity of immoderation, disorder, excess and intoxication. Apollo is the God of work, Dionysus the God of play. Dionysus is the centre of will and the energy that drives us forward. He’s the opposite of a robot.

Out of Body Experiences During waking hours, our left brain is dominant and we perform inverse Fourier Transforms (converting non-local frequency representations into local spacetime representations. i.e. ontological holograms). During sleeping hours, our right brain is dominant and we inhabit the non-local frequency domain of our mind, and our left brains struggle to convert the information into spacetime representations (hence space, time and causality are no longer strictly obeyed). An out-of-body experience (OBE) involves the right brain of the sleeping person remaining linked to the objective, public, waking world (collective hologram), as opposed to transferring to the subjective, private, sleeping world. The person’s consciousness is now free to roam non-locally in the World Hologram, and the left brain is able to convert that non-local information into normal, waking space and time representations, meaning that a person can observe the physical world, without being part of it (the body is asleep; consciousness has become detached from it and is now freefloating). Materialists, naturally, wholly deny the reality of OBEs, or try to explain them away in terms of brain malfunctions and oddities.

***** When you are awake, you inhabit an objective reality where the Monadic Collective performs objective inverse Fourier transforms to produce the holographic projection we know as the “world”. When you are asleep, you are cut off from the Monadic Collective, and you individually perform subjective inverse Fourier transforms to produce your private dreamworlds,

which are easily alterable by your individual will, unlike the waking world where your will is up against the rest of the universe (i.e. all other minds), and is overwhelmingly resisted. An OBE involves someone being asleep but continuing to encounter objective inverse Fourier transforms. Since the person’s body is immobile, his consciousness is now free to go wherever it likes in the objective universe, unencumbered by physical limits. In these circumstances, consciousness does not require the sensory input normally provided by the body. All that your senses do is physically collect data that your mind has access to anyway (via the fact that everything is holographically linked). People can see in their dreams even though their eyes are closed; people who have gone blind regain their sight in their dreams. This proves that the mind does not need eyes in order to see. The left brain is absolutely connected to the senses. The right brain is unrestricted by the senses.

The Singularity “At the centre of the Universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that centre is really everywhere. It lies within each of us.” – Black Elk At the centre of the Universe dwells the mental Singularity. And that centre really is everywhere. The whole mental universe – the Singularity – is holographically contained within every point of spacetime.

The Holographic Truth Given that in a holographic universe, the whole is inside every part, the Truth (of the Whole) is inside you. However, it must be understood that the absolute Truth is inside you, not your truth, i.e. whatever relativistic nonsense you convince yourself is true, sold to you by some self-serving guru. Only mathematics comes guaranteed free of guru bullshit.

The Math Maze Wittgenstein said there was no such thing as mathematical “intuition” since mathematics was, in his opinion, all about robotic rule-following. This is acutely lacking in insight.

Mathematical intuition is in fact about seeing new, unexpected mathematical connections, such as underlie all great advances in mathematics. Mathematics is a kind of enormous, protean, infinite-dimensional, holographic labyrinth. There are endless ways of finding your way through it, connecting different parts of it, seeing it from different perspectives, associating elements that seem to have no possible links. Math is actually the most intuitive subject of all. Moreover, your intuitions can be proved absolutely correct – unlike mystical, woo woo, religious and spiritual intuitions. What are meaningful intuitions if they are not connected to rules and reality? Intuition isn’t about fantasy and irrationality. Intuition is about linking directly to the most fundamental level of existence, about escaping from the phenomenon and reaching the noumenon.

Intuition Intuition is one of the mysterious phenomena of all. How can someone take possession of ideas “out of thin air”? To understand intuition, it’s first necessary to explain the senses, with which intuition is typically contrasted (as in Jung’s personality types). The senses use inverse Fourier transform mathematics, and their task is to provide representations in the spacetime domain of functions from the frequency domain (outside spacetime). The senses are all about localism – being aware of our immediate environment. They are vital to our survival, and to our existence as individuals inhabiting our own “space” in our own time. However, if nature has local features, the possibility immediately arises that it also has non-local features. To deny this, a skeptic would have to present a sufficient reason why non-local features are impossible, in contrast with local features. Typically, scientists dismiss all non-local phenomena, yet non-localism is built into science’s greatest triumph: quantum mechanics. To this day, over a century after its discovery, quantum mechanics remains unfathomable to the scientific mind (which is based on the senses and localism). Given the existence of non-local features, there must be an aspect of the mind that has evolved to give us access to this domain, since, otherwise, we would be wasting a supremely valuable resource. Evolution would not be so

“blind”: it always finds ways to make use of everything, especially where any competitive advantage is conferred. Intuition is the mental attribute that has evolved to give us access to the interconnected domain of non-localism that exists outside space and time. Intuition deals with frequency wavefunctions themselves (functions in the frequency domain), and forward Fourier transforms (spacetime functions converted into frequency functions), while the senses deal with inverse Fourier transforms (representations of frequency functions in the space and time domain). Intuition and the senses are a natural and complementary pair, yet they are inversely related. The more sensory you are, the less intuitive you are, and vice versa. That’s why Jung had them as an opposing pair. One is the “shadow” of the other. Physics is all about the local environment, the one we detect with our senses. Metaphysics, on the other hand, is all about the non-local environment, invisible to the senses, but “visible” to reason and intuition. “Thinking” lies between the senses and intuition, and can ally itself with one or the other (the same is true of feelings). When thinking is tied to the senses, it produces scientists. (It also produces most mathematicians and all empiricist, materialist and pragmatist philosophers). When thinking is tied to intuition, it produces metaphysicians, rationalists, idealists, Platonists, and ontological mathematicians. The history of intellectualism has been the struggle between those thinkers ruled by their senses and those by their intuition. The empiricists, materialists and scientists are the sensory proponents, inclined to atheism. The rationalists, idealists and metaphysicians are those on the side of intuition, and are inclined to philosophy, religion and spirituality. The sensing types gained an enormous advantage by invoking mathematics to measure the observable world and predict various physical phenomena. Through science, the world has been transformed, and this success has been used to vindicate the empiricist materialist paradigm. What metaphysics has to do is embrace mathematics too, yet much more comprehensively. That’s precisely what Illuminism does. Illuminism is ontological mathematics, defined by rational unobservables available to reason and intuition, but not to the senses.

Intuition will be vindicated as soon as an experiment is performed that’s incontestably incompatible with materialism. In fact, the experiments used to prove Bell’s Inequality Theorem are already formally incompatible with the scientific bedrock of localism. But something much more spectacular is required, something that leaves no wriggle room for materialists. Many scientists accept non-localism in an abstract sense, but argue that it can’t be used for “signalling”, hence does not refute Einstein’s special theory of relativity in any practical sense: in other words, they now rely on pragmatism rather than facts and principles to defend Einstein, and don’t seem remotely concerned by this.

***** Hallucinogenic drugs enormously disturb normal sensory operations, and offer a glimpse of the dreamy, trippy, non-local frequency domain.

***** People talk about a sixth sense, extra-sensory perception, the third eye, the inner eye, and so on. In fact, these have nothing to do with the senses. The senses are all about localism and consciousness. Intuition is all about nonlocalism and the unconscious. When people refer to ideas coming to them out of “nothing”, what they mean is that their unconscious mind has detected something meaningful, and managed to smuggle it through to consciousness. Intuition is inherently much less predictable than sensory perception and can’t be made to perform to order. This is why intuition is regarded by materialists as woo woo and mumbo jumbo. Above all, the scientific method cannot be applied to it. To accept the existence of intuition is to accept non-local effects: “spooky action at a distance”, as Einstein put it. It automatically implies a domain of mind independent of matter – anathema to all materialists. Human beings were once enormously more intuitive than they are now. When humans had bicameral minds, they were dominated by the righthemisphere – the hemisphere that specializes in intuition. They were essentially attuned to non-local effects, and they underwent remote control by voices in their heads, which were interpreted as the voices of the gods. Indeed, that’s exactly what they were! Gods – or higher beings – once directed humanity, as is depicted in Homer’s epics the Iliad and the

Odyssey. (This is discussed by Julian Jaynes, the forgotten genius who first proposed the bicameral hypothesis, though he himself thought the voices were invented by the mind itself and had no independent external source). The rise of left hemisphere consciousness and increasing sensory capability sabotaged human intuition. We became local, sensory, conscious beings rather than intuitive, bicameral beings attuned to non-local effects, and in touch with the divine voices. Sensing types now outnumber intuitives by three to one.

The Dawn of Religion The question of where humanity’s religious inclinations come from is one of the most important and fascinating of all. If we accept the scientific materialism doctrine of dead, mindless atoms miraculously coming together to create life and mind (which are formally meaningless and purposeless), the idea that these collections of dead, lifeless atoms should create a fantasy, whereby they long for immortality, seems bizarre and improbable in the extreme. In fact, given that science denies that human beings have free will, consciousness itself is inexplicable in materialist terms. It’s wholly superfluous and can’t alter any of the scientific causality nets in which we are allegedly trapped. In fact, humans are religious because they experience religion directly. Religion arose for three primary reasons: 1) people saw another world in their dreams where the dead were still alive, 2) they directly heard the voices of the gods in their own heads (via bicameralism), and 3) they were much more intuitive than they are now and experienced reality in a radically different way from most humans today. Why is religion now dying? Because we no longer have the hyperrealistic dreams we once had, the voices of the gods are silent, and intuition in the vast majority of people is a shadow of its former self. Once dominant, it’s now secondary. Those people who are highly intuitive (on a par with the Oracles of Delphi who flourished for many hundreds of years) are now regarded as insane. They’re all locked up ... as all the original oracles and prophets would be if they reappeared now. Modern people, especially scientists, struggle with non-localism and intuition, and keep slipping back to materialist, empiricist, localist thinking. Many people clearly have a horrendous struggle grasping that at this very

moment every mind in the universe is connected to theirs, and theirs to every other mind in the universe. Left-hemisphere people – thinking sensing types (scientists) – are almost wholly devoid of religious sensibilities, which is of course why most are atheists. They literally cannot conceive of a religious, spiritual, metaphysical, or ontological mathematical aspect to existence. Religion is a right hemisphere phenomenon. The most religious people are feeling intuitives. The next most religious are thinking intuitives. Next come the feeling sensing types. The thinking sensing types are not religious at all. They’re locked into the empiricist materialist paradigm, which has no place for God, souls, the afterlife or any non-local effects. Intellectually, our world has fallen under the spell of the atheist scientists. Religiously, the feeling sensing types (the Abrahamists) are in charge, and they are wholly irrational. Thus, the enlightened rational intuitives are engaged in a war on two fronts: against the atheist scientists and the irrational Abrahamists. We need the feeling and thinking intuitives to be in charge of the world, delivering a paradise of rational religion and spirituality, and escaping from the curse of materialism, consumerism and irrational faith. All the major figures of the world’s religious history were bicameral feeling intuitives. All of them were highly susceptible to “voices”. Tragically, all of the Abrahamic prophets were susceptible to the Devil’s voice. The illiterate Mohammed dictated the Satanic Verses (i.e. the Koran) to his scribes. The Koran is the Gospel of Satan, the Book of the Devil.

***** The Oracle at Delphi ... what was she? She was a classic bicameral feeling intuitive, wired to the Gods. What are genius mathematicians? They too are oracles, subject to astounding mathematical intuitions. Intuition is to the great mathematicians what sensory observations are to the great scientists.

Evolution? Human beings were originally bicameral (meaning largely unconscious). They were subject to “hallucinations”, both visual and auditory. They inhabited something akin to a waking dream world. Dreams for the ancients were profoundly different from modern dreams since there was much less of a boundary between waking and dreaming.

Rather than a sharp waking-sleeping dichotomy (as in the present day), there was a kind of continuous mental state covering waking and sleeping. Above all, the dead didn’t fully die. Even when their physical bodies were gone, they still retained a mental presence. The ancients all had enhanced “psychic” powers. They were all, more or less, intuitive feeling types. They believed that spirits were everywhere (animism). This is exactly what you would expect from people with a much closer link to the integrated, holistic, unconscious domain. Early humans had a non-local mentality. The world and the universe seemed much more of a oneness. They had a holographic approach to reality and were immersed in the frequency domain. Paranormal (non-local) phenomena are to intuitive minds what normal (local) phenomena are to sensing types. The paranormal has a similar relationship to the “normal” as metaphysics does to physics, i.e. it’s what comes after it. The paranormal, metaphysics and religion all have the same non-local root, hence are all equally idiotic to people locked into localism (scientists). Evolution brought about a remarkable change in humanity. The rise of left brain consciousness was, mathematically, a switch from minds designed for frequency domain wavefunctions to minds geared up for inverse Fourier transforms (spacetime representations of frequency functions), and forward Fourier transforms (converting spacetime functions back into frequency functions). This was an evolution from non-localism to localism. This change had the most extraordinary effect. The ancients had something approaching a collective consciousness. In fact, they were extremely like ants in ant colonies. (It would be fascinating to analyse actual ant colonies and determine whether it’s not so much pheromones – a local phenomenon – that guides their behaviour, but, rather, the fact that they all operate according to frequency mathematics – a non-local phenomenon – and are therefore extremely closely linked mentally. Note how scientists always have to find a local “explanation” since their Meta Paradigm does not accommodate non-local effects.) As soon as human brains became dominated by a local rather than nonlocal mode, psychic powers mostly vanished from the human race (the age of Oracles and Heroes directed by the gods came to an abrupt end). Humans became radically less communitarian.

The ancients were much more interested in life-giving, nurturing goddesses as their divinities. As community began to vanish, selfish, violent, aggressive, masculine war gods came to the fore, and humanity switched from a goddess matriarchy to a god patriarchy. Animism – which involves many spirits and divinities, often emphasizing the power of females – gave way to monotheism (a single, hypermasculine, dominant God: the supreme alpha male). People under the thrall of extreme localism are prone to greed, selfishness, hate, intolerance, racism, xenophobia, nationalism, and so on. People such as the anarcho-capitalist libertarians of America have a hatred of all non-local phenomena (amongst which can be classed government, the State, society). They want to inhabit a tiny local patch over which they have complete control, with which no one else interferes, and to forget the rest of the world. Localism gave rise to the scientific mind that looked at the world reductively, chopping it into endless localized parts. The scientific mind has no need of God, of course. Empiricism and materialism are intrinsically localist ideologies. The more left brained you become (in either thinking or sensing terms, or both), the more you are cut off from the non-local, noumenal reality. In fact, localism is the origin of the phenomenonnoumenon dichotomy. At the dawn of life on earth, life mentally inhabited the non-local frequency domain outside space and time. This was the only reality. Then, when it became possible to perform inverse Fourier transforms, a new domain emerged – the local, phenomenal domain of spacetime. Two domains now existed: local and non-local. In truth, there is only one domain – the mental domain, outside space and time: the noumenal domain. But the phenomenal domain of space has sprung from it thanks to inverse Fourier transform processing which can represent frequency functions in an entirely different way (as spacetime functions). Our right brain (home of the unconscious) is attuned to the non-local universe and operates according to frequency functions. Our left brain (home of consciousness) is attuned to the local universe and to space and time functions. Our weird and wonderful minds, and all the baffling mysteries that beset the human condition, are all caused by two different mathematical ways of representing information. Is it not wondrous? We

now have an exact mathematical means to unlock the secrets of the universe. The scientific view – based solely on localism – is false. The real universe is one of endless frequencies. Our left brains convert these into spacetime representations. When we go to sleep and dream, our left brain transfers processing to the right brain, and we return to something like the mode of existence enjoyed by our ancestors. Space, time and causality fall apart. Julian Jaynes’s brilliant theory of bicameralism is one of the most important intellectual breakthroughs of all time. Like many of the best ideas, it’s largely ignored. The “localist” paradigm that dominates science, mathematics and psychology can’t take seriously non-local, “hallucinated voices”. However, Jaynes’s theory can be put on the solidest of ground by making it strictly mathematical. Jaynes understood that the bicameral (two hemispheres) nature of the brain is the brain’s most significant feature. This is the key to human existence. The two hemispheres allow two views of reality to be accessed at once. The right brain allows a frequency representation of reality and is about non-localism. The left brain allows a space and time representation and is about localism. The right brain is about synthesis, holism, integration, interconnectedness and the whole universe. The left brain is about analysis, individuation, reductiveness, separation and the partial universe. All of the mysteries of the human condition are answered by this simple twin mathematical representation of reality by way of Fourier mathematics. Our soul belongs to the frequency domain outside space and time and is accessed by our unconscious located in the right hemisphere. Our body belongs to the domain inside space and time and is accessed by our conscious located in the left hemisphere. (The Jungian Ego belongs to left hemisphere, and the Jungian Self to the right hemisphere.)

***** To understand reality, there are two things to bear in mind: 1) what reality ultimately is, and 2) how humans interact with reality. Reality is an endless ocean of energy (energy = ontological numbers = sinusoidal waves), and this energy originates in endless monads (souls),

which are eternal, autonomous mathematical functions that can originate their own mathematical functions – thoughts, behaviour, actions – which is exactly why they are able to exhibit free will (i.e. actions not determined by others). Ultimate reality is noumenal and outside space and time (it’s nonlocal: everything exists at a single point ... the Singularity). The unconscious right hemisphere is attuned to true reality. Our left hemisphere has evolved a means (via inverse Fourier transforms) to depict frequency functions as spacetime functions. This converts non-local, noumenal reality into a local, phenomenal depiction of reality (i.e. the illusion of Maya). The phenomenal domain – the Matrix – is the one studied by science, which is all about localism. The noumenal domain is non-scientific since it has no local features whatsoever. Kant knew that all the mysterious things, such as the soul and free will, were locked in the noumenal domain. However, he committed the catastrophic error of asserting that the noumenal domain is unknowable. In fact, it’s completely knowable mathematically. We have evolved a brain that gives us two views of reality at once, via its two hemispheres. That’s why we have two hemispheres. We perform Fourier transforms with the right brain (spacetime to frequency), and inverse Fourier transforms with the left brain (frequency to spacetime), and the corpus callosum linking the two hemispheres shuttles information between them. What could be more elegant, effective and efficient? (To be more precise, the right hemisphere deals with frequency-frequency functions, and spacetime-frequency Fourier transforms, while the left hemisphere deals with spacetime-spacetime functions, and frequencyspacetime inverse Fourier transforms. The right hemisphere passes frequency information to the left hemisphere for conversion into spacetime data, and the left hemisphere passes spacetime data to the right hemisphere for conversion into frequency information. It might alternatively be argued that the left hemisphere does both the inverse and forward Fourier transforms, i.e. it takes frequency information from the right hemisphere and converts it into spacetime information, and also does the reverse and passes back frequency information to the right hemisphere. A case could also be advanced that both hemispheres have exactly the same core mathematical capabilities, but they learn to specialise in either spacetime or frequency processing, depending on hemispheric dominance.)

Nature (mathematics) has give us the opportunity to inhabit two domains at once: local and non-local, phenomenal and noumenal, conscious and unconscious. In the local, we are separate. In the non-local, we are connected. But a great problem has arisen. Our hemispheres – which ought to be balanced – have become asymmetric. The left brain is dominant in most people. The right brain works reasonably well only in intuitives, who are enormously outnumbered by sensing types. In our bicameral past, where religion originated, the right brain was dominant and we were linked to the universe. Our consciousness was, however, meagre. Now, we have a strong consciousness but we have lost our link to the universe, which is why scientists are atheists. Only intuitives retain a non-local mentality. Humanity was once too right brained, yet now it’s too left brained. (During the transition phase, humanity must have passed through an extraordinary period where the human perception of space and time kept changing as we moved away from a mentality outside space and time to one firmly rooted in space and time.)

***** Thesis (old humanity) = right brain dominance (right brain = master; left brain = slave); bicameral mentality. Antithesis (current humanity) = left brain dominance (left brain = master; right brain = slave); consciousness mode. Synthesis (new humanity) = hemispheric balance (left brain and right brain as equal partners; integration of Ego and Self); super consciousness. We can become divine only if we equalize our hemispheres in terms of their respective dominance, only if we end the master-slave system of our own brains. The master-slave dialectic must come to an end within our heads before it can come to an end in the world.

***** Our right brain might be called our quantum mind (quantum mechanical; tuned into non-localism; Leibnizian), and our left brain our classical mind (ruled by classical mechanics; tuned into localism; Newtonian).

The Birth of Consciousness Consciousness arose precisely because of the inverse Fourier transform. We could not be conscious without it. Consciousness is a wholly mathematical phenomenon. It arose from the switch from a dominant non-local mode of mind to a dominant local mode. Once we had this local mode, we could clearly distinguish ourselves from each other. Prior to that, we were so interconnected that we could not easily act as individuals (just as ants and bees can’t). We tended to act in terms of the Monadic Collective, i.e. machinelike, or like ants or bees in their colonies. When people are hypnotized, they are docile and lacking personality and individuality. They become an extension of the dominant hypnotist’s mind. In the bicameral period, everyone was like this – all waiting to be directed by the voices of “the gods”. As people started to become conscious (separate rather than interconnected), they simultaneously started to become selfish, aggressive and violent, keen to dominate others. Thus we entered the Age of War, of Male rule, in which the most psychopathic men rose to the top. The world has been ruled by male psychopaths ever since. Psychopathy is a kind of ultra individuation whereby a person has no sense of connection with other people at all. He exists purely for himself. Anarcho-capitalist libertarians are high on the psychopathy spectrum. All right wing ideologies reflect psychopathic tendencies. As individualism becomes too extreme, it always kills sympathy and positive empathy towards others. Autism also reflects complete individualism, isolating the sufferer from everyone else. Autistics have no intuition, little or no empathy or sympathy, can’t tell lies, can’t fall in love, and are locked into their own world. They experience sensory overload – meaning they are victims of “hyperlocalism”. They are carrying out an extreme degree of inverse Fourier transform processing, producing far too much detail and intensity. Consciousness is the byproduct of a mind that has achieved a localist, individuated view of reality. If we over-identify with our conscious, we become strangers to our soul. If we over-identify with our unconscious, we become strangers to our body (and turn into body and even mind renouncers, like the Buddhists). Left brain dominants are too connected with the body and not enough with the soul. Right brain dominants are too disconnected from the body, but this

gives them a much better chance of achieving enlightenment, or, certainly, different states of consciousness. Enlightenment religions often push an outright anti-body agenda. However, true enlightenment means you should not despise your body (the physical vehicle of your soul) any more than you should your car (the physical vehicle for your body). You should gain absolute understanding and mastery of the physical world before you choose to leave it. Otherwise, you’ll be coming straight back because you haven’t outgrown it yet. Thinking is a left brain characteristic while feeling is a right brain characteristic. Sensing is the defining left brain characteristic (preceding thinking), while intuition is the defining right brain characteristic (preceding feeling). Therefore our world is a battleground for sensing types versus intuitives. Sensing and intuition are about data collection, while thinking and feelings are about data evaluation. Humanity began as data collectors, and only slowly acquired the means to evaluate data. Today, most humans evaluate data emotionally. Few do so rationally. Extraversion is a left brain characteristic, and introversion a right brain characteristic. Extraversion and introversion have the effect of reversing the “polarity” of thinking and feeling, or sensing and intuition. In other words, although intuition is a right brain characteristic, if it’s associated with extraversion rather than introversion, it points outwards to the sensory world rather than inwards to the frequency world, and takes on a different nature. Extraverted intuitives are extremely good at reading body language and are superb con men. Most showbiz “psychics” are actually extraverted intuitives. Genuine psychics are introverted intuitives. Judging is a left brain characteristic, and perceiving a right brain characteristic. The Myers-Briggs personality types represent all of the different human types. Consider the difference between an INTJ and an ENTJ. INTJ: Dominant: Introverted Intuition Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking Tertiary: Introverted Feeling Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

ENTJ: Dominant: Extraverted Thinking Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing Inferior: Introverted Feeling (Note the INTJs are very cut off from their senses, and ENTJs from their feelings.) An INTJ is defined by his introverted intuition (right brain), and an ENTJ by his extraverted thinking (left brain).

Thinking In Neoplatonic terms, thinking is a byproduct of intuition. It’s a localist version of intuition. Intuition is parallel or networked processing: everything at once. Thinking is linear processing: one thing at a time in sequential order. Thinking is the local version of non-local intuition. (In other words, the Neoplatonists contrasted thinking and intuition, whereas Jungians contrast sensing and intuition.)

Fourier Evolution Darwin’s theory of evolution is practically useless since it omits the actual driver of evolution ... the mathematical mind. The greatest event in evolutionary history was the introduction of brains that could perform inverse Fourier transforms. You won’t find that in any book on Darwinian evolution!

Empiricists versus Rationalists All empiricists are sensing types. All rationalists are intuitives. Empiricists seek to understand reality via interpreting the information their senses have revealed to them (which means they ignore all non-sensory things, whose existence they deny). All rationalists seek to understand reality via evaluating the information their intuition has revealed to them (which means they automatically take into account non-sensory things).

These are two radically different approaches to ontology and epistemology. For empiricists, the only possible existents are things that can in principle be detected by the senses, i.e. all dimensionless entities such as the mind/soul are automatically dismissed. All “knowledge” concerns sensory “facts”, although, as Nietzsche pointed out, all such facts are actually interpretations. (Nietzsche himself ultimately believed in Will to Power as the basis of existence, hence was no materialist, although he also opposed all classical metaphysical accounts of existence, hence was often on the side of materialists.) For rationalists, anything can and does exist provided it’s part of a rational, complete and consistent epistemology. Anything that belongs to such an epistemology can’t not exist. Empiricists deny this, which means that they have no interest in a rational, complete and consistent epistemology. Their epistemology, such as it is, has nothing to do with reason and logic. It’s all about the senses and experiments, about observable “facts”, about their “method” (and not about any rational principles). All non-observable facts – including the vast majority of mathematical facts – are rejected. Empiricists have no interest in completeness and consistency. They support an empirical method, not a rational epistemology. No true epistemology is either experimentally verifiable or experimentally falsifiable. It’s rationally and logically impregnable and infallible. It cannot contain any errors. It must be eternal and necessary. It cannot be contingent, provisional, temporal, incomplete, inconsistent, falsifiable and forever in need of verification, as science is. All scientists, it cannot be stressed enough, are philosophically opposed to reason and logic. If they weren’t, they would endorse the principle of sufficient reason and place it at the core of science. Instead, they repudiate this principle. They endorse a principle of no sufficient reason for existence, and for what happens in the universe. This is why science is now all about randomness, acausation, indeterminism, indeterminacy, uncertainty, approximation, chance, accident, miracles and magic ... everything that stands opposed to precision, logic, reason, analysis, exactness, certainty, true conservation laws, completeness, consistency, infallibility, necessity, eternity, the Absolute. You cannot be both a scientist and a person who endorses reason. Science is opposed to reason. That’s a rational fact. Science is about the

delusional, unreliable, fallible human senses. Scientists attempt to understand eternal existence via organs – the human senses – that evolved with no regard to the objective pursuit of truth. We have no sensory organ for truth. Our senses reveal things to us, but what those things are is anyone’s guess or belief. Reason is our only true instrument of truth, and reason has nothing to do with the senses. Reason is purely to do with the eternal, necessary truths of mathematics. If this is a mathematical world, it’s rational. If this is a scientific world, it’s irrational. Go on ... choose your side. Are you a rationalist or an irrationalist?

Energy Conservation What do scientists mean by “energy conservation”? Do they really mean energy “bookkeeping” or “accountancy”? A true conservation law is one that is true forever. No energy is ever created or destroyed. All energy that exists has existed forever. This is the energy of the Bank of Eternity. Nothing is ever lost or gained. The books are permanently and perfectly balanced at every instant. In science, none of this is true. Energy can be borrowed at whim (from where?! ... no scientist can explain this). As long as the debt is repaid (the larger the debt the quicker the repayment must be made), everything is fine. Yet no ontological considerations are applied to this excess energy, seemingly available to be loaned out. Where is it stored? (In the future or the past?!!!) How is it accessed? Why is it accessible at all, and what is the mechanism for reaching it and borrowing it? No scientist knows or cares. You see, it’s all shrouded in Heisenbergian “uncertainty”, and this is where science can bury any body it likes, where it can make up the most staggering nonsense. As soon as this uncertainty is removed – by adding an eternal, necessary Singularity to contingent spacetime – the whole probabilistic ideology of modern science collapses. This Singularity ensures that no energy is ever borrowed from the past or future. All energy exists right now. There’s no energy anywhere else. The energy of the universe is permanently set to zero – the inescapable ground state – at all instants. Nothing can violate this. It’s the most basic law of all. Anything that contradicts it is automatically false. Heisenberg’s work, as interpreted by science, contradicts it, hence this interpretation is unquestionably false.

There is no uncertainty regarding energy. What is uncertain is the instant-by-instant allocation of energy between spacetime (the material Universe) and non-spacetime (the mental Singularity), but the total energy of the combined system is always exactly zero.

The Body of Facts A body of facts is simply that ... a body of facts. It’s neither knowledge nor understanding. Thousands of years ago, humans looked at the “facts” and concluded that the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, and gods controlled the world. Does that constitute knowledge and understanding? Yet the facts are the facts, are they not? They are unalterable. It’s not the facts that are the problem, it’s how the facts are interpreted, how they are turned into a body of “knowledge and understanding”. That, as it turns out, is never knowledge and understanding. It’s just opinion, belief, surmise, conjecture, and Mythos. A thousand years from now, the “facts” will be interpreted entirely differently. That’s a fact! Or not.

***** The science Mythos has replaced the religious Mythos, but has it brought us any closer to true knowledge and understanding of reality? You must be kidding. The science Mythos requires “reality” to be observable (phenomenal). If true reality is in fact unobservable (noumenal) then science literally has no connection whatsoever with true knowledge and understanding of reality. Science has staked everything on its experimental method, but no experiment can ever tell us the Truth. An experiment simply yields a pattern, and we are then faced with the age-old problem of how to correctly interpret that pattern. Science does nothing but match mathematical formulae to observed patterns. There are infinite patterns that are not actualised in observable nature. Does that mean that those patterns don’t exist, or simply that they don’t exist observably? Have you ever observed a mind, or a thought in a mind? Have you ever observed a dream in someone else’s mind? Do other people’s dreams exist given that they are wholly unobservable? Do you imagine that a mathematical pattern doesn’t describe these things?

Mind, exactly like “matter”, can be matched to mathematical patterns. The radical difference is that we can observe material patterns, but not mental patterns. We have to work out the latter with our mathematical reason, not with our senses, yet the principle is exactly the same: we are matching mathematics to patterns. Our justification for our conclusions will not be sensory “evidence”, but eternal necessity dictated by the principle of sufficient reason. Science refuses to accept this ... because science is fundamentally irrational. So, we encounter a fundamental problem. Science regards sensory “facts” as the basis of knowledge, but sensory facts by themselves are meaningless. It’s how they are interpreted that constitutes knowledge and understanding, yet science can do exactly zero to prove that its knowledge and understanding of facts is correct. Indeed, we know for a fact that it isn’t since all scientific theories are in need of verification, and all of them can be falsified. Anything that by definition remains potentially false on a permanent basis can never be true, and can never constitute true knowledge and understanding. The Truth is inherently unfalsifiable, hence nonscientific. Whatever science is about, it’s emphatically not about the Truth. That’s a fact.

***** “There are no facts, only interpretations.” – Nietzsche

The Unacceptable If material atoms are all that exist, mind must be made from matter. If math is real then non-sensory mathematical entities (e.g. monadic minds) can exist. This is unacceptable to materialists, so they then have to claim that math is manmade rather than ontological, thus excluding this possibility. But, if math were manmade, it couldn’t possibly explain reality, which means that science, which is entirely reliant on math for its efficacy, can’t explain reality either and is as unreal as math allegedly is. In other words, science cuts off its nose to spite its face. By attacking math, it makes a mockery of itself. If math is real, no one needs science. If math is unreal, science is absurd! Either way, science is screwed. No rational person would ever take the side of science as any kind of instrument of truth. Truth can never be falsifiable, but science is predicated on falsifiability. Comically, the principle of falsifiability is itself

unfalsifiable, i.e. this principle cannot be subject to any scientific procedure to test whether it’s true or not, hence is itself unscientific. So, science relies on a non-scientific principle. What a joke. Equally, science relies on a verifiability principle, but this principle can never be scientifically verified, hence is also unscientific. Science is a shambles. It’s a castle built on sand. Math alone stops it from falling over.

War Isn’t it extraordinary that all the great wars over religious and political beliefs, over the “truth”, have their origins in how we mathematically process information? The more of a sensing type you are, the more certain you are that either there’s no God at all, or, alternatively, that’s he’s a Creator God who created a real, solid world. The more intuitive you are, the more you think the world around you is an illusion and there’s a greater truth elsewhere, in a non-physical, transcendent domain. You are certain that the observable world is not all there is. We are so bound to the particular ways our minds and brains perform mathematical calculations – whether in terms of the senses, intuitions, feelings or reason – that how we perform them determines our entire understanding of life and existence, and how we relate to each other.

Politics Right wingers are, ironically, left brained. They are sensing types. They like to be separated from others. They want to be left alone. They like negative liberty: non-interference by the State. They typically love faith and family, and claim to love the “flag”, but actually hate most of their fellow citizens. They are “tradition-directed” and “inner-directed” types. Capitalism is a ruthless left-brain economic system. Left wingers are right brained. They are intuitives. They love community. They endorse positive liberty: the State actively getting involved with people’s lives in order to create a better world. They typically reject faith and want their family to be well integrated with other families. They are other-directed and autonomous types (people equally at home being with others or doing their own thing). Communism is a right-brain economic system, as is social capitalism (aka market socialism).

Hypnosis One of the most interesting of all phenomena is hypnosis. Highly intuitive feeling types are the most receptive to hypnotism. Their left-brain consciousness is deactivated and they go into a right brain state where they await commands from a “god” (the hypnotist in this case). They lose their ego and their conscious awareness of their surroundings. The power of hypnosis hasn’t been explored at all because scientists don’t believe it’s a real phenomenon. Hypnosis can bring to bear unconscious elements that are otherwise inaccessible. For example, the unconscious mind is responsible for the placebo effect whereby a person’s beliefs have biological (material) effects. This effect can be immensely magnified under hypnosis. The potential of hypnosis is simply enormous.

Quantum Mechanics Classical mechanics is about localism. Quantum mechanics is about nonlocalism. Why are scientists so baffled by quantum mechanics? – because they are locked into classical, local thinking. To a local mind, quantum mechanics is incomprehensible. To a nonlocal mind, it’s exactly what you would expect. The smaller objects are, the closer they are to the true world of the dimensionless monad, which is outside space and time and thus everywhere at once. Quantum particles are much closer to monads than they are to the objects of the classical world.

Prejudice “I’m interested in the fact that the less secure a man is, the more likely he is to have extreme prejudice.” – Clint Eastwood There’s a lot of truth in that. What’s even more true is that the more left brained (right wing) you are – like Clint Eastwood! – the more prejudiced you are. Right brained people are much less prejudiced because they are attuned to the holistic system to which we all belong. The more we help each other, the more we help ourselves.


Holons (left wingers): parts and wholes. Anti-holons (right wingers and anarchists): parts that reject the whole (i.e. society, the State, the Community, the Collective). Holons say that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Anti-holons say that the whole is less than the sum of its parts, and we should therefore forget the whole and focus on the parts (i.e. the individual rather than the People).

Speed The God Series is being written at very high speed. This is because when you’re “in the zone”, you have to make the most of it. Many great philosophers took great pains over their books and spent years getting them just right – yet all of these books, no matter how influential they subsequently proved, have been savaged by critics. All sorts of problems, inconsistencies and ambiguities have been exposed. You simply can’t anticipate what’s going to be thrown at you. However, what we’re sure of is that no one can put any dents in ontological mathematics, and the primary purpose of the God Series is to reveal ontological mathematics to the world. Ontological mathematics was begun by Pythagoras and made more rigorous by Leibniz. However, Leibniz’s work did not come to its full fruition until long after his death. Modern ontological mathematics revolves around Euler’s Formula, Fourier transforms, quantum mechanics, and holography, all of which were obviously unknown to Leibniz. However, all of these are implicit in Leibniz’s Monadology, which simply proves what a staggering genius he was. Leibniz was the first Holographer without ever having heard of such a word.

Perspectives Just as there are as many views of a town as there are citizens of the town, so there are as many perspectives of the universe as there are subjects. Rationalism is about defining the eternal, necessary system on which everyone can agree. Empiricism, if conducted perfectly (which it never is), and if everyone could agree on what their senses reveal to them (which they never can; people couldn’t even agree on what colour a certain notorious internet dress was!), would simply produce a perfect set of data. But then the data would have to be interpreted, and everyone would come up with

different ways to explain the data, as we have seen throughout the history of science, religion and philosophy. So, rationalism, perfectly conducted, leads to an infallible system. Empiricism, perfectly conducted, leads to a bunch of unexplained data. Therefore, why would anyone be an empiricist? As Hume demonstrated, empiricism is incapable of explaining anything at all. It’s pure skepticism, nihilism and anti-knowledge.

***** Uniquely, we have linked people’s understanding of ontology and epistemology to their personality type, showing how the manner in which they collect and evaluate information determines their capacity to comprehend reality. Only people with personality types compatible with rationalism can grasp ontological mathematics, and the secrets of the rational, intelligible universe. People lacking the correct personality type will never understand reality. That includes all scientists, all people of faith, and all mystics. Ultimate reality has nothing to do with human beliefs, nothing to do with human feelings, human mystical intuitions, or the human senses. That’s a simple and obvious fact – provided you’re rational!

Science versus Reality Science = local; reality = non-local. Science = physical; reality = mental. Science = empiricist; reality = rationalist. Science = physics; reality = metaphysics (mathematics). Science = dead machinery; reality = life. Science = parts in the whole; reality = the whole in the parts. Science = separation; reality = holography (interconnectedness).

All Things Come From Nothing “The real is empty and the empty is real.” – Taoist saying The ultimate truth is that existence is a “full” Void – structured nothingness – all stemming from the fact that mathematics pivots with perfect symmetry

around the origin, the zero, ensuring that an infinity of “things” can all balance to zero (void). Only mathematics – and certainly not science – can explain reality, via something (indeed, everything) “hidden” in nothing. Science explicitly refutes the existence of zero, and is not symmetrical around zero, hence is fundamentally inexplicable given that there’s no sufficient reason for a nonground-state universe to exist. Existence must remain at its ground state forever, instant by instant, state by state. There is no sufficient reason why it would ever deviate from this.

Holography Versus Photography Holography is often described as “lensless” photography since it does not bring light to a focus via a lens. In fact, holography does use lenses, but in the opposite to the conventional way. While a camera’s lens focuses light, the lenses used in holography cause the beam to spread out. The hologram records interference patterns rather than focused images. It uses lasers rather than normal light. It’s three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional, and the entire recorded image can be constructed from any piece of the holographic plate.

The Napoleonic Principle “If you treat the mob with kindness, these creatures fancy themselves invulnerable. If you hang a few, they get tired of the game, and become submissive and humble as they ought to be.” – Napoleon The Old World Order have always taken Napoleon’s advice. “Down with the tyrant! Down with Cromwell! Outlaw the dictator!” – the Council of Five Hundred to Napoleon as he mounted a coup d’état to make himself First Consul.

***** “We were all very young, from our commander down to the humblest of his officers; our ambition was noble and pure; no trace of envy, no base passion, ever entered our hearts; a genuine friendship held us together, and our mutual attachment amounted to devotion. Our perfect confidence in the future, and our certainty about our destinies, inspired that philosophical spirit which contributes materially to happiness, and our invariable

harmony made us a most united family. Finally, the variety of our occupations and our pleasures, the constant demand upon our physical and mental qualities, lent to our life an interest and fullness which were most extraordinary.” – General Marmont (one of Napoleon’s Marshals).

Why the Old World Order Should Be Afraid “He of whom many are afraid ought to fear many.” – Francis Bacon The most remarkable fact of all is why so many accept being the slaves of so few. But it only takes a few of the masses to wake up, and then the elites will be finished.

Leibniz the Holographer “Every substance is like a complete world and like a mirror of God or of the whole universe, which each expresses in its own way, somewhat as the same city is variously represented depending upon the different positions from which it is viewed.” – Leibniz It’s one of the most incredible intellectual feats of all time that Leibniz reached a holographic understanding of reality (the whole is in each of its parts, but is viewed from a unique perspective from each of those parts), centuries before a modern hologram had been conceived. Why did Newton succeed in the court of popularity and Leibniz fail? Because Newton came up with a simple, “common sense” view of reality – which accorded with people’s senses – while Leibniz produced a dazzling intellectual masterpiece that was far beyond common sense and the banal sensory domain. Newton was a localist, spacetime advocate. Leibniz was a non-localist holographer. Go figure why Leibniz lost the popularity contest.

***** Newton was a physicist. Leibniz was a mathematician and philosopher. That’s why no one liked Leibniz, and everyone revered Newton. The smarter you are, the more you are disliked.

Leibniz the Bridge Modern science broke irrevocably with ancient philosophy (other than ancient Greek materialist Atomism), implying that philosophy had no value.

Leibniz was remarkable because, unlike other scientists, he preserved ancient and medieval philosophical thinking in his science, hence Leibniz acts as a bridge between the wisdom of the ancients and the “knowledge” of the moderns. Leibniz maintained metaphysics, idealism, rationalism and teleology in his thinking. The rest of science rejected them wholesale and migrated entirely to materialism, empiricism and experimentation. They are all wrong and Leibniz is right. Science is about “how”, while philosophy is about “why”. “How” will never answer “why”. “How” cannot explain itself. “How” describes processes. It doesn’t explain how those processes were possible in the first place, and it never can. Science can do nothing to address the problem of “first cause” or “uncaused cause”, hence must rely on the absurdity of infinite contingent regress, or the equal absurdity of existence jumping out of non-existence for no reason via no mechanism.

***** “I know that I am advancing a great paradox by attempting to rehabilitate the old philosophy in some fashion and restore the almost banished substantial forms to their former place. ... our moderns do not give enough credit to St Thomas and to the other great men of his time ... there is much more solidity than one imagines in the opinions of the Scholastic philosophers and theologians, provide that they are used appropriately and in their proper place.” – Leibniz This is exactly right. All science teaching should have compulsory modules in Scholastic philosophy!

Cogito Emanations What are “thoughts”? They are a soul’s continuous mental emanations.

Magic Magicians say that a door is closed but never locked. When it comes to the world of privilege, all doors are permanently open to the elite, and forever locked to everyone else. And that’s magic.

The Ancient Wisdom

“Every person or substance is like a small world expressing the large world.” – Leibniz As above, so below. You would never find such a principle in science. The scientific notion of “emergence” allows miracles to happen. By organising lifeless atoms in a certain way, life, so science alleges, simply emerges. Likewise, by arranging mindless atoms in a certain way, mind emerges. This means that the world of the organisation of lifeless, mindless atoms has no correspondence to the world of lifeless, mindless atoms themselves. Simply by organising things in certain ways, so science claims, properties not present in the things can emerge (i.e. miraculously, with no precedent). It’s astounding that scientists are so hostile to the concept of free will. Given their own ideology, they should simply label it as yet another miraculous emergent property of matter. How can free will be any more inexplicable than mind itself in scientific materialist terms?

The Holographic Principle The holographic principle is that the whole is made up of parts, and the whole is in each part. Therefore, everything is interconnected and everything affects everything else. The holographic principle can be true only in relation to a Singularity present in every part of spacetime, nonlocally connecting all of spacetime, exactly as we see in quantum entanglement, and the fact that the quantum mechanical wavefunction is defined over the entire universe and can “collapse” anywhere. Science refuses to accept that only a mental Singularity of math (an ontological, immaterial Fourier frequency domain, outside space and time) can make sense of quantum mechanics. As is stands, all scientists openly admit that they have no idea what quantum mechanics signifies about ultimate reality. They say, “Shut up and calculate” – a wholly instrumental, pragmatic stance, which displays utter contempt for knowledge, understanding and Truth. The holographic principle is a statement that the universe is alive, and is thinking. After all, if the whole is in each part – and the whole is a living, mental Singularity – then life and mind are in each part, meaning that the whole universe expresses mind and life, exactly as stated by Leibniz in his Monadology.

With the holographic principle, to study the whole is to study the parts, and vice versa. Things infinitely separated physically nevertheless remain interconnected mentally. This is the basis of quantum entanglement, an unarguably “non-local” phenomenon. Indeed the holographic principle could simply be renamed the non-local principle. The whole of quantum mechanics reflects non-localism, and it’s for exactly this reason that scientists cannot understand it. The “Scientific Principle”, we might say, is that the whole is made up of parts, but the whole certainly isn’t in the parts. Every part can be strictly separated from every other part and analyzed on its own. The universe is therefore, in this view, like a giant machine. If life and mind are in one place, this has no implications for life and mind being anywhere else. Nothing is “entangled” across infinite distances (and everything must be linked by the speed of light as the maximum speed of communication, as per Einstein’s special theory of relativity). Science is totally dictated by local thinking and can’t comprehend the non-local. Max Born won the Nobel Prize for physics for making local “sense” of the quantum mechanical wavefunction. His stratagem was to show how the wavefunction could be used to generate the probability of finding a particle at any particular local position. The scientific establishment, by sanctifying Born’s interpretation through giving him science’s highest prize, failed 100% to understand what quantum mechanics is truly about. Quantum mechanics concerns non-localism. It’s quintessentially about non-local mind, not local “matter”. Quantum mechanics is about life and mind, and even gives rise in due course to consciousness. The cosmic wavefunction has the potential to express free will, and we ourselves, and all conscious beings, as living nodes of the equation, are the instruments by which it does so! Consciousness provides the ability to choose between different options. It’s deliberative, not instinctive (the unconscious is the opposite and can often override consciousness, especially in a crisis requiring a fast reaction). By the holographic principle, we change the whole universe and its future every time we make this choice rather than that choice, i.e. every time we exercise our free will. Max Born was a hero to the scientific establishment because he seemed to save the localist paradigm. However, if scientists had been remotely philosophically minded, they would have realised that Born had actually

destroyed the localist paradigm with his probabilistic interpretation. No longer could anything be said to be definitely here rather than there – the primary requirement of localism. Localist “reality” was dissolved into a fuzzy, hazy blur of probability and randomness. Even though there’s a higher probability that we might find something here rather than there, the thing can show up literally anywhere in the universe at random, and via no mechanism. To save localism, science destroyed localism! In sheer desperation, it was prepared to say that localism was true probabilistically rather than absolutely. What it should have done was accept that reality is fundamentally non-local, hence mental and not physical. Localism should have been recognized for what it is: a way of yielding a useful approximation to reality. It’s a practical simulacrum of reality, rather than reality itself. Just as Newton’s absolute space and time worked fantastically well despite being ontologically unreal, so localist ideology works well despite being ontologically false. Science keeps mistaking successful models – which are fundamentally false – as reflecting true reality. The whole scientific method is one that establishes success and not truth. No matter how many experiments you perform, you never establish absolute truth. An experiment, by its nature, is not something that yields truth. All it does is provisionally support a hypothesis. It doesn’t prove the hypothesis, but merely provides confidence in it. Scientists have never grasped the difference between truth and confidence. They believe that the more experimental confidence you have in something, the truer it is. This is plain false. No matter how much experimental evidence was accumulated to support Newtonian physics, it was never going to prove that Newtonian physics is true – since we know for a fact that Newton’s ontology is false. Even if you had 100% confidence in Newton’s physics, it wouldn’t make it true. Confidence has nothing to do with truth, but has a great deal to do with success. Science is about successful modelling, regardless of whether or not the model is true. As Nietzsche said so witheringly, “Success has always been the greatest liar.” Science, when it followed Newton rather than Leibniz, chose successful lies over unsuccessful truth. Although Leibniz was right, he had no means

of showing it to sensing types, of establishing confidence in what he said to the satisfaction of irrational empiricists (scientists). Scientists are empiricist materialists. They inhabit the sensible world, not the intelligible world. They support experience, observations and experiments over reason. There will come a time when Leibniz will be triumphantly vindicated, when his ideas, and not those of science, will allow “miracles” to be routinely performed. They will seem miraculous only because they are deemed impossible within the false localist paradigm of science. The nonlocal domain is that of mind, and eventually we will be able to perform nonlocal “paranormal” actions routinely and repeatably, at which point scientific localism will collapse once and for all. Science has succeeded thus far because it has excluded mind and treated the universe as a machine. However, it has thereby been unable to explain life, consciousness and free will. Although these are what define us, they are not regarded as scientifically important. Science has no room for either consciousness or free will, and life itself isn’t comprehensible scientifically. It’s regarded as an “emergent” property of death (!), of lifeless atoms. Mix together trillions of dead atoms and life and consciousness will miraculously pop out, says science! No sane, rational person is buying that. It’s only when humanity stares the ultimate questions square in the face that science will be overturned. Science will never provide a grand unified, final theory of everything. Science has failed to get anywhere near a final theory, and simply throws up more and more anomalies and conundrums the deeper it delves. That’s because it’s entering Leibniz’s rationalist territory where empiricist, materialist science doesn’t work.

The Speed of Light The speed of light in a vacuum is famously the same no matter how you measure it, no matter where you are and what speed you’re moving at. This, of course, implies that the speed of light itself is holographic: the “whole speed” is present in every part of the universe! (That’s what it means to be absolute.) This is true because the speed of light is the speed of dimensionless mind, outside space, time and matter.

Unity and Diversity

The holographic principle is about the Many being in the One, and the One in the Many. This is the classic Neoplatonist position. The holographic principle concerns unity-in-diversity and diversity-in-unity. The holographic principle is about each part not being on its own. Instead, each part has access to the whole. The Big Bang itself is a holographic phenomenon. The whole universe comes from a single point (the dimensionless Whole). Science would like to claim that each part is separate from the whole. In fact, via quantum entanglement and quantum mechanics itself, everything that started out together in a single point remains interconnected. The whole remains in every part at all times. The Big Bang Singularity never vanished. It’s still there ... at the centre of existence, at the heart of the universe. It’s the Cartesian origin. It’s pure math.

The New Agers “Thus, if the brain did function like a hologram, then it might have access to a larger whole, a field domain or ‘holistic frequency realm’ that transcended spatial and temporal boundaries. And this domain ... might very likely be the same domain of transcendental unity-in-diversity (and experienced) by the world’s great mystics and sages. ... In the explicate or manifest realm of space and time, things are events are indeed separate and discrete. But beneath the surface, as it were, in the implicate or frequency realm, all things and events are spacelessly, timelessly, intrinsically, one and undivided. ... the quintessential religious experience, the experience of mystical oneness and ‘supreme identity,’ might very well be a genuine and legitimate experience of this implicate and universal ground.” – Ken Wilber New Agers such as Wilber talk mystical claptrap – utterly devoid of mathematical rationalism – but there’s no question that they have been smart enough to grasp holographic principles as the true means by which the universe operates. Three hundred years later, they have caught up with Leibniz! Scientists haven’t. In fact, they’re getting further away!

The Evolution of Mind Unconscious Mind: Submind. Conscious Mind: Mind.

Superconscious Mind: Supermind.

The Final Theory The final theory of existence will be mathematical rather than scientific, and it will establish the “supernatural” and “paranormal” as mathematical, but not “scientific”, aspects of reality. Mathematics is the ultimate subject, the subject that delivers mathematical miracles which are unthinkable scientifically. Mathematics supports rationalism, not empiricism (as science does), and idealism, not materialism (as science does). It provides a wholly different worldview and understanding, one where mind and reason are primary, rather than sensory objects and experiments. All scientists are irrational in comparison with mathematicians. They are people of the senses rather than of reason. They make their reason serve their senses rather than their senses serve their reason. We inhabit a universe literally made of reason, not of sensory objects, hence mathematics and not science is what reveals its truth. Scientists are those who succumb to the powerful delusion (Maya, the Matrix) that sensory information is factual and objective rather than interpretive and subjective.

The Holographic Cosmos Three hundred years ago, Leibniz developed a holographic model of reality in his Monadology. Since the mathematics and science – and indeed the whole concept – of holography was unknown then, it wasn’t clear that this was what Leibniz had done. It was far beyond what anyone back then could possibly conceive, hence why it did not succeed, and why simplistic Newtonian physics won the day. In the last few decades, the New Age community has embraced a holographic model of reality, not because of its mathematical beauty and rationalism, but because it seems to support Eastern religious mysticism regarding spiritual “interconnectedness” and paranormal experiences. The general New Age holographic theory is that human brains construct a “concrete”, sensory reality through the interpretation of frequencies “from another dimension”. This other dimension is said to be a higher reality

outside space and time, and is mental and meaningful rather than physical and meaningless (as science asserts of reality). The brain is described as a hologram that interprets a holographic universe, and produces the sensory illusion of a solid material world. The material world is considered “secondary”, and the frequency domain “primary”. In certain circumstances, our minds can attune to the primary rather than secondary reality, and this is when synchronicity, precognition, psychokinesis and overwhelming experiences of “oneness with the universe”, “unconditional love” and “love and light” occur. The New Agers are on the right track with this model, but are going about the task of developing it in wholly the wrong way. They keep trying to view it spiritually and emotionally rather than mathematically and logically, hence wander off into mysticism, obscurantism and wishful thinking. Leibniz’s Monadology is the adamantine foundation of a true holographic universe. The ontological basis of cosmic holography is the Singularity = the Monadic Collective.

Hidden Variables “Einstein ... did not like the probabilistic statistical view that at bottom the physical universe is composed of essentially haphazard movements of minute objects, particles such as electrons and photons. Einstein expressed this concern in his statement that he did not believe God played dice with the universe. Bohm conceptualized the dilemma by suggesting that beyond haphazard appearance lay a domain of constraints, a set of ‘hidden variables’ which, when uncovered, would provide a consistent nonstatistical basis for the apparently haphazard comings and goings of individual particles.” – Karl H. Pribram Monads – rational unobservables – are the “hidden variables” Bohm sought. In fact, they’re not hidden at all, except to experiments. They are fully revealed to reason! Reason, being non-sensory, needs no telescopes, microscopes or Large Hadron Colliders. It’s the most precise tool conceivable, which, if used properly, provides 100% certainty. What Einstein needed to do was nothing more adventurous than accepting that unobservable mathematics underpins observable science.


“Thus the Buddhists will call the highest level Void, Hindus will call it Being, the Taoists will call it ever-changing, and the Christians will say it’s everlasting.” – Ken Wilber The highest level is an analytic, mathematical sinusoidal Singularity of pure mind, which is just pure math. Nothing could be less attractive to New Agers such as Wilber and his followers. Many human beings have a visceral hatred of mathematics, and are 100% resistant to the notion that reality is mathematical. Scientists are often worse than religious types in this regard.

The Two Domains David Bohm – the most respected physicist associated with the holographic model of the universe – was an advocate of “hidden variables”, and of a dual existential order that he labelled explicate (unfolded) and implicate (folded). Conventional science studies only the explicate order and rejects the existence of any unobservable implicate domain, and any rational unobservables (hidden variables). Science, in other words, dogmatically refuses to countenance the existence of anything external to its method (the famous, or infamous, scientific method), which is based exclusively on experiments on sensory “things”. Science is the quasi-religious faith that this experimental method is unquestionably correct even though it does not conform to reason, or even to science’s greatest achievement – quantum mechanics – which has had to be turned into a fuzzy, hazy, probabilistic mush based on unreal, abstract, unempirical, potentiality wavefunctions, which can never be directly observed (only inferred), and on which no experiments can ever be directly performed (hence they are themselves unscientific!). The much more rational approach is to accept that quantum mechanics proves that reality is mathematical, non-local and non-physical. All physicalist interpretations of quantum mechanics are invariably absurd, and amount to a positivist claim that the moon does not exist if no one is observing it (because subjective observation is bizarrely invoked as the means of collapsing the quantum mechanical wavefunction into “real things”). When mathematics is understood as the ground of reality, the scientific method is automatically overturned as the primary means of gaining information about the world. Mathematics does not require any experiments

at all. No experiment can falsify mathematics, and no experiment has any relevance to 1 + 1 = 2. The scientific method certainly has its uses, but not as a means of establishing the truth of reality. Here, mathematical proofs alone will suffice. Science deals with phenomena, not noumena. Mathematics deals with both, and shows how phenomena result from noumena. The primary reality is a frequency domain (Singularity) outside space and time, from which a material domain inside space and time is constructed via the mathematics of the inverse Fourier transform (for converting frequency functions into spacetime functions). Dimensionality is a product of Fourier mathematics. Without Fourier mathematics, a physical world would be impossible. Fourier mathematics is of course the basis of quantum mechanics and holography. It’s also the solution to the problem of Cartesian mind-body dualism, showing how mind and body are directly able to communicate and interact. Not to put too fine a point on it, Fourier mathematics, deriving from Euler’s Formula, provides the Grand Unified, Final Theory of Everything, embracing mind, matter, consciousness, free will and life itself! All of this is implicit in Leibniz’s Monadology. It’s even hinted at in Newtonian physics – provided we replace Newton’s God (who has space itself as his body) with a Singularity (Cosmic Mind), entirely outside space.

The Subatomic Domain Quantum mechanics, as interpreted by scientists, demonstrates that the scientific, “machine” model of reality disintegrates at sub-atomic levels, and hence at all levels since everything is built up from these foundational levels. According to scientists themselves, particles become fuzzy and indeterminate at sub-atomic levels. Scientific determinism therefore collapses. In which case, what’s left of any viable machine understanding of reality? Imagine a car built of fuzzy, unknown, invisible, intangible parts with no definite locations and energies, operating according to randomness. Well, would you get in it? Would you expect it to take you far? Science totally repudiates the principle of As Above, So Below. The microscopic world, according to scientists, has no resemblance whatsoever to the macroscopic world. We have to regard the seemingly deterministic, determinate macroscopic world as a miraculous emergent property of an indeterministic,

indeterminate microscopic world. Sorry, but no amount of rearranging indeterminate things will make them determinate, and no amount of playing around with indeterminism will generate determinism. These are logical impossibilities, but that has never proved any barrier to science! Why do scientists refuse to accept the facts and conclusions of their own theories? Why do they persist with their discredited and disproven empiricist materialist Meta Paradigm? Reality in itself is nothing like how scientists conceive and perceive it. Reality in itself is intelligible, not sensible. You can’t use your senses to understand the intelligible. You use reason alone, and reason goes hand-in-hand with mathematics. In fact, mathematics is simply ontological reason. The universe isn’t made of solid, material particles whizzing around according to the laws of physics. It’s made of dynamic mathematical calculations, which generate the sensory illusion of a solid world, just as happens in video games. We inhabit the ultimate video game – the God Game. True reality consists of frequencies outside space and time, from which – via Fourier mathematics – the “concrete” sensory reality that so beguiles and deceives scientists is generated. Scientists are the idiots who call Maya reality rather than illusion. They are so transfixed by their own lies that they will never see the Truth. Scientists will never surrender their blue pills, and will never be leaving their pods in the Matrix. Yet they will go on proclaiming that they are right, and everyone else wrong. They are every bit as bad, and irrational, as people of faith. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution to humanity’s ills.

Events Science studies events that occur in a spacetime environment. According to standard Fourier mathematics, these events can be equally treated as taking place outside space and time (in the frequency domain). It’s this step – which science has never accepted even though quantum mechanics is based on Fourier mathematics – that has caused the catastrophic meltdown in the logic of science. All that science has to do to get back on track is accept the ontological reality of a domain outside space and time. What’s so hard about that?

Of course, this opens the way to autonomous mind (souls), religion and spirituality, which atheistic science loathes above all else. Science, to embrace reality, would have to undergo the supreme paradigm shift, and, in fact, be transmuted into ontological mathematics, where mathematics rather than human sensory prejudices dictates what’s real. What is intuition? It’s where we bypass our senses and lock onto the frequency domain outside space and time. It’s this same domain that accounts for Jungian synchronicity. All transcendental knowledge comes from this domain. If we were to translate Plato’s eternal domain of immutable, perfect Forms into something mathematically plausible, it would be nothing but the frequency domain, with each Form representing a specific and unique combination of frequencies. The Matrix we all inhabit is a sensory deception. It’s our own senses that are the agents of Maya. We fabricate a “solid” reality from something that is intangible and purely mental. It’s mathematics that allows us to carry out this remarkable transformation. The sensory universe is a mathematical interpretation (a transform) of the primary reality, not a direct reflection of it. Science believes that the inverse Fourier transform is the true reality when, of course, it’s the transform of something else – the primary domain of frequencies. The ultimate puzzle is this ... why do scientists refuse to accept the ontology of Fourier mathematics? Fourier mathematics is all about shuttling between a spacetime domain of matter, and an immaterial frequency domain outside space and time. Science accepts the material spacetime part, but emphatically rejects the immaterial frequency part, hence can make no sense at all of quantum mechanics, which requires both domains. When scientists refer to wave-particle duality, what they have in mind are particles in actual spacetime and waves in potential spacetime. Waves in this potential spacetime mysteriously “collapse” into particles in actual spacetime when observers make observations. Without observers and their observations, no collapse would ever take place, and potentiality would never become actuality. Space, time and matter themselves – the entire basis of science – would never be actualised! This worldview leads to catastrophic problems ontologically and epistemologically. What, for example, is the ontological and epistemological difference between actual spacetime (full of particles), and potential spacetime (full of unreal, abstract wavefunctions)? How are they

related? If potential spacetime collapses into actual spacetime when observations are made, does actual spacetime collapse into potential spacetime when no observations are made? What is the mechanism for this? What are space and time? What is matter? What are particles? Science neither knows nor cares. All it does is produce useful models, and it has no interest in their ontological reality and Truth status. In fact, what scientists should be discussing is the dimensional (spacetime; matter; particles) interacting with the dimensionless (frequency; mind; ontological waves). The entire concept of potential spacetime must be replaced by that of a frequency spacetime outside spacetime. There is no such thing as potential spacetime. There is an actual Singularity, which is none other than the Cosmic Mind that controls spacetime. Something can’t be both an actual material particle and a potential immaterial wave at the same time. They’re logically incompatible concepts. The word “wave” should be replaced by frequency, and frequency must be understood as being outside space and time. So, scientists ought to talk of frequency-particle dualism instead of wave-particle duality, with it being understood that frequencies are not in space and time in any way, and have nothing to do with the “material” world, but are in fact all about the mental domain. Photons aren’t sometimes waves and sometimes particles. They are always frequencies outside space and time. Spacetime passes through them, rather than the other way around. Depending on how spacetime does so, light appears to be particulate or wavelike. What scientists are doing is entirely failing to grasp the ontology of Fourier mathematics. A practising scientist – in thrall to the scientific establishment upon which his career, advancement and status all depend, and as a true believer in its fanatical Meta Paradigm of empiricism and materialism – would never dream of considering the reality of a nonspacetime domain. So, we all have to listen to scientists madly blabbering on about reality being fundamentally fuzzy and incomprehensible. It’s nothing of the kind. It’s the most perfect mathematical system, one in which there’s a sufficient reason for absolutely everything that ever happens. The human, mortal brain is a very different thing from the non-human, immortal mind. Our bodies and brains inhabit a spacetime domain; our minds inhabit a frequency domain. We have evolved the capacity – and the sensory equipment – to experience ourselves within a spacetime context. However, the more evolved of us can break out of the prison of matter and

rationally grasp a higher, non-local reality of mind (frequency), beyond space and time, where true reality resides. If scientists can’t catch up, if they can’t evolve, they will be left behind with those other dinosaurs – the Abrahamists and Karmists.

What Is “God”? “God” is simply the name for the frequency domain outside space and time, that defines, originates and controls space and time. This domain is the Singularity. If we say that it’s “nothing” (zero/infinity), we can therefore say that “something” comes from “nothing”, that “God” makes the universe out of nothing (out of himself!). Of course, religious people personalise “God” as a unique, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing Super Being. In fact, “God” is the Monadic Collective of evolving, self-optimising, selfsolving mathematical minds. Humanity can’t get anything right – religiously, politically, economically, philosophically, metaphysically or scientifically – until it gets its definition of “God” right. That must be a strictly mathematical definition. Math = God! Until you understand that, you understand nothing.

Brain Damage How can people recover from severe brain damage, caused by an accident or stroke, if their brain is a material machine? If you tore half the engine out of a car, it would never work again. Yet human beings can retrain themselves and, in some cases, resume normal lives after catastrophic brain damage. The answer to this puzzle is of course that the brain is holographic. The brain has been trained over time to form certain habits associated with specific brain regions. If these regions are injured or destroyed, the associated skills are lost in the short term, but can then reappear in new brain regions after a suitable learning and training period, meaning that they were never specific to the original brain area in the first place, contrary to the materialist paradigm. In fact, the information was never lost since it was always held outside space and time. It was physical neurons – which enable the mental information to be expressed in the spacetime domain – that were

lost. The information can be transferred to new physical neurons and everything goes back to normal – unlike any car you’ve ever seen! The machine paradigm is therefore absurd. A car can be given a new engine. A person cannot be give a new brain. A broken engine cannot repair itself. A broken brain can. Go figure!

Brain Transplants “And would you believe that shuffling a salamander’s brain does not scramble the animal’s mind? I might not, either, except that I did the research myself.” – Paul Pietsch There’s no such thing as a brain transplant, but it’s fascinating to consider what would happen if it were possible. Imagine Einstein’s brain being transplanted into a schoolgirl whose brain had been irreparably damaged and had to be removed. According to materialists, since the brain is the mind (i.e. all mental states are just brain states) then the girl should become Einstein! She should think Einstein’s thoughts because she has Einstein’s brain, and Einstein’s brain of course automatically produces Einstein’s mental states. However, if the girl has a soul – outside space and time – and her soul can continue to link to her body then she will remain the girl she always was, except she will now be expressing her mind through Einstein’s brain rather than through her original brain. She will not be some Einsteinian genius, talking in an unexpectedly deep voice! A brain transplant would be the ultimate medical challenge, and, if performed successfully, would prove medically whether or not people have a soul! According to materialists, the brain donor should come to life in a new body. According to immaterialists, the brain recipient will be able to reexpress their original self through the medium of the new brain, and will not be turned into the brain donor.

Holographic Life DNA operates holographically. Life, mind, the unconscious, consciousness and superconsciousness all operate holographically. Existence is holographic. The whole of reality unfolds holographically within a Super

Singularity composed of infinite immaterial monads (individual singularities), each of which is an autonomous frequency (mental) domain. DNA is a holographic information system inside cells that gives rise to our amazing 3-D (or, rather, 6-D) bodies.

Consciousness and the Brain “Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness – but rather, consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain – matter, space, time and everything else we are pleased to interpret as the physical universe.” – Keith Floyd In fact, it’s certainly not “consciousness” that achieves this, but the mathematical Singularity of mental frequencies. Floyd is a typical exponent of woo woo New Age thinking, giving an exalted status to consciousness. Consciousness is made possible only by localism. It’s the brain that produces the reducing valve – the filtering mechanism – that permits consciousness. Are we to attribute consciousness to all things that have bodies? Are we to attribute consciousness to sandy beaches and thermostats? New Age thinking is always sloppy, slapdash and never thought through. What marks out a genius is the sheer precision of his work. To study Leibniz’s writings, for example, is to be constantly amazed by how well he has thought things through, to the minutest details.

Cause and Effect “You can’t use cause-and-effect reasoning to understand events not bound by time and space.” – Marilyn Ferguson This is typical New Age über nonsense. Why should space and time dictate causality? Are we to imagine that, outside space and time, events happen randomly, in no sequence or order, entirely randomly? If this were so, reality would be unintelligible, irrational, random chaos. Causality is built into everything. The only subtlety is that four different types of causality are possible: 1) Dimensional-dimensional causality (body-to-body cause and effect). 2) Dimensional-dimensionless causality (body-to-mind cause and effect). 3) Dimensionless-dimensionless causality (mind-to-mind cause and effect).

4) Dimensionless-dimensional causality (mind-to-body cause and effect).

Energy Transfer? “Nothing needed to go from here to there, because in that realm there isn’t any ‘there’.” – Eugene Dolgoff “...although we tend to picture force as a thing which is transferred from one body to another (like a baton in a relay race), really it is not a thing at all, but only a quality or state of things. Consequently, a force cannot literally be transferred from one body to another, any more than a colour, a headache or a smile. “It is a serious misconception to think of causation simply in terms of a chain of influences passing on from one individual object to another. Even in the case of balls ricocheting off each other on a snooker table, we must never forget that their motions are permanently dependent on an infinity of other considerations, such as characteristics of the table, the lie of the felt, air currents, all the gravitational forces acting on them and so on. In fact, the resultant motion of the particular ball is more like the expression of the solution to an infinitely complex equation, than like receiving the baton in a relay race. Leibniz was quite right to interpret the laws of mechanics, not as laws governing the amount of force transferred from one colliding body to another, but as elegant mathematical formulae governing the evolution of whole complex systems from their state at one time to their state at the next. [MH: As in video games.] “At the everyday level, we quite properly see such systems as involving interactions between different bodies. But if, strictly speaking, all action is really spontaneous, then the law-guided evolution of the system as a whole must ultimately derive from the internal evolution of each individual substance. In other words, there are two different dimensions to the changes in an individual’s states: its spontaneous development from within its own nature, and the adaptation of that development to the harmony of the total system of which it is part. Of the two dimensions, the former is more fundamental, given that the part is prior to the whole. [MH: In fact, the whole and the part are both eternal, neither preceding the other.]” – George MacDonald Ross, Leibniz It’s essential to grasp that all energy transfer is illusory. Consider an atom absorbing a photon and rising to a higher energy state, and, later, ejecting a

photon and falling to its ground energy state. No energy was transferred from one thing to another. Rather, two things, with their respective energies, came together, and then drew apart. They combined and then uncombined. The photon didn’t transfer any energy to the atom. It temporarily combined with the atom. When the combination ended, the photon had exactly the same energy as before, and so did the atom. This is the whole basis of the conservation of energy. Nothing ever, at the noumenal level, takes on any energy, or loses any energy. Energy “transfer” is a phenomenal illusion. In a universe of autonomous, eternal, necessary sinusoids, none of these sinusoids ever gains or loses any energy. All that ever changes is the mathematical location and orientation of a sinusoid with respect to other sinusoids, i.e. the sinusoidal environment changes, but the sinusoids themselves to do not undergo any changes to their fundamental, internal, essential properties, and never can.

The Mystery of Gravity “Gravity must be caused by an agent, acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the consideration of my readers.” – Newton Newton, unlike today’s scientists, had no problem with the concept of immaterial existence. Indeed, he was a highly religious man, hence completely different from modern scientists. It’s perverse that they admire him so much given that he’d unquestionably be appalled by them! If Newton came back today, he would be disgusted and shocked by what has happened to science. “I have not been able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity from phenomena, and I frame no hypotheses; for whatever is not deduced from the phenomena is to be called a hypothesis, and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy.” – Newton On this point, Newton and modern science are in complete agreement. Science doesn’t know the cause of anything at all. It doesn’t even accept the reality of causation. Science is now probabilistic rather than causal. “You sometimes speak of gravity as essential and inherent to matter. Pray do not ascribe that notion to me, for the cause of gravity is what I do not

pretend to know, and therefore would take more time to consider of it.” – Newton So, Newton created a theory of gravity in which he had no idea what was the cause of gravity! That’s science for you. This is what we mean when we say that science produces models, not genuine explanations, not Truth. The force of gravity, for Newton, wasn’t about passive matter. It was actually about the active Will of God operating through His spiritual body or sensorium (absolute space = an extended but immaterial substance). Two isolated material entities – vast distances apart in physically empty space – cannot physically communicate with each other, hence cannot know anything about each other in order to generate a force between each other. The proposed force is therefore generated by other means, which Leibniz condemned as clearly belonging to the occult! Newtonian physics is occult physics, and things have got even worse in the modern age with Einsteinian relativity, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, and the Multiverse. “Thus far I have explained the phenomena of the heavens and of our sea by the force of gravity, but I have not yet assigned a cause to gravity. Indeed, this force arises from some cause that penetrates as far as the centres of the sun and planets without any diminution of its power to act, and that acts not in proportion to the quantity of the surfaces of the particles on which it acts (as mechanical causes are wont to do) but in proportion to the quantity of solid matter, and whose action is extended everywhere to immense distances, always decreasing as the squares of the distances.” – Newton How can Newton claim to have “explained” the phenomena of the heavens if he hasn’t explained the cause of gravity? That’s equivalent to “explaining” everything as the work of God but not explaining God, hence nothing at all has been explained since everything depends on exactly that which has not been explained. “...the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” – Newton Indeed! And it still remains completely undiscovered by science, which can’t explain anything at all, in the sense that every stratagem it uses to offer explanations is invariably itself unexplained. Science is a modelling system, not an explanatory system.

“It is not therefore the business of philosophy, in our present situation in the universe, to attempt to take in at once, in one view, the whole scheme of nature; but to extend, with great care and circumspection, our knowledge, by just steps, from sensible things, as far as our observations or reasonings from them will carry us, in our enquiries concerning either the greater motions and operations of nature, or her more subtle and hidden works. In this way Sir Isaac Newton proceeded in his discoveries.” – Colin Maclaurin The purpose of ontological mathematics – an intelligible rather than sensible undertaking – is to explain the whole of existence in one rational, logical, complete and consistent scheme. That is the scheme that flows from a single, all-powerful rational principle, namely the principle of sufficient reason. Science does not explain anything at all. All it does is model phenomena. Successful models are not eternal Truths, no matter how much scientists would like them to be and claim them to be. “The test of science is not whether you are reasonable – there would not be much of physics if that was the case – the test is whether it works. And the great point about Newton’s theory of gravitation was that it worked, that you could actually say something about the motion of the moon without knowing very much about the constitution of the Earth.” – Hermann Bondi This goes to the heart of science. Science does not respect reason (science is not reasonable). It will accept anything at all that works. It assumes that if something works, it must be true. But this is entirely fallacious. Science “works” because it uses mathematics that approximates the real mathematics of existence. However, Truth is perfectly right, not approximately right. Science’s contingent, provisional, ever-changing theories do not tell us, and never can tell us, the truth of reality. Newtonian physics is incredibly successful, yet utterly ontologically false. It’s a successful and useful model – something that provides a valuable approximation – but a model is radically different from an explanation, from knowledge and understanding, from Truth. Assuming that the earth is flat works well in many cases, despite being false. Using 22/7 as an approximation for pi works very well, but pi isn’t 22/7, so nothing that uses 22/7 can tell us about the true nature of pi. The difference between science and math is that science uses countless approximations similar to 22/7, while math actually uses the exact values. Science is

approximation to Truth; math is Truth. Scientists believe that successful approximation is Truth. It’s not. Science doesn’t explain what causes anything. Science provides approximate models and these are susceptible to countless different interpretations, as we see with all the different and conflicting versions of quantum mechanics, and with the never-ending succession of scientific theories. Science can never take us to the Truth. All it does is give us models and approximations. A scientist never asks, “Is it true?” Instead, he asks, “Does it work?” Newtonian physics works brilliantly, but tells us literally zero about the nature of ultimate reality. Are you happy with something that works but has no truth content? Robert Frost said, “A jury consists of 12 persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.” In other words, the abilities of the lawyer, not the Truth, is what counts. Scientific peer review is how scientists choose which models they prefer. Again, it has nothing to do with the Truth. You have no understanding of science, its method, hypotheses, models and approximations if you imagine it has any connection at all with the Truth. Nothing that is True is falsifiable, but science is about falsifiability. Nothing that is true needs experimental verification, but science is about experimental verification.

Screening Out Reality A non-local reality is too vast for an ordinary mind to absorb. It has to convert it into a manageable local reality, one concerning its immediate environment. Evolution applies a “reducing valve” to allow the mind to filter out a larger reality. Yet, when we are sufficiently evolved, it’s precisely this reducing valve that we need to remove to attain “God consciousness” – the ultimate expanded mind (“mind at large”, as Aldous Huxley put it).

The Hologram “The hologram is one of the truly remarkable inventions of modern physics, and eerie indeed when seen for the first time. Its ghostlike image can be viewed from various angles, and it appears to be surrounded in space. ... If the nature of reality is itself holographic, and the brain operates

holographically, then the world is indeed, as the Eastern religions have said, maya: a magic show. Its concreteness is an illusion.” – Marilyn Ferguson Now imagine that rather than looking at a hologram from outside, you are inside a living hologram, and that rather than seeing everything in “ghostly” terms, you are seeing it in sharp, real, “solid” terms, and feeling it concretely rather than being able to put your hand through it. How would you be able to establish that the reality you experience isn’t like this? How, using scientific means, could you ever prove that you are not living in a sensory hologram?

Who’s Looking? “What we are looking for is what is looking.” – Francis of Assisi What is looking is the Cosmic Singularity, made of souls.

The Hegelian Dialectic Applied to Eastern Religion Thesis = Being (Hinduism). Antithesis = Nothing (Buddhism). Synthesis = Becoming (Taoism).

Reductionism Science is about reductionism, about breaking down a machine into its component parts to see how it works. But reality is a living organism, not a machine. It must be approached both reductively and holistically, i.e. holographically. The whole is not a jigsaw made up of pieces; the whole image is in fact in each of the pieces. From any piece, we can construct the entire jigsaw. The whole and its parts interpenetrate each other. They’re in a feedback loop: the whole influences the parts, and the parts influence the whole.

***** “Heisenberg told me that Bohr thought they would not be able to describe the atomic phenomena rationally.” – Fritjof Capra And the sad truth is they never did! Science is irrational. It’s irrational because it rejects mathematical ontology. Only mathematics offers precision

and certainty.

Speaking and Knowing “Those who speak do not know, and those who know do not speak.” – Lao Tzu In fact, those who know always speak ... to those capable of listening! But most people are deaf and blind to the truth.

Hierarchy Hierarchy etymologically means rule by a high priest or priesthood (hieros = “holy; sacred”, and arkhe = “rule, beginning”). In the system of Dionysius the Areopagite, hierarchy meant “ranked division of angels; system of orders of angels and heavenly beings; rule by the sacred order”. Hierarchy is rule by the holy or sacred, and is closely related to theocracy (rule by God’s appointed representatives). Many Islamic nations are classic hierarchies and theocracies. Isn’t it fascinating that hierarchy is the word that has come to signify all ranked organization of persons or things in our world? We are all subject to hierarchy. The subtle, or perhaps not so subtle, suggestion is that the higher up you go in the hierarchy, the holier you become, the more sacred, and the closer to God. Those at the top are the chosen ones, the elect, the divinely favoured. They rule by divine right and no one has the legitimacy to challenge them. To oppose them is to oppose God! The people at the top of society really do see themselves as a sacred band, a holy group, chosen to rule. Their arrogance and narcissism know no bounds. The Jews even refer to themselves as the “Chosen People.” For shame. They invented a God and then made themselves the top of his earthly hierarchy. Way to go.

Dreams “[Freud’s] assumption was that a dream, for instance, must occur on two levels, because the client is actually the author of the dream – it’s his or her dream – but the client either professes not to understand its meaning or suffers the dream as a passive witness.” – Ken Wilber

The answer to this paradox is simple enough. The left brain (consciousness) is the passive witness to content generated by the right brain (the unconscious). This is how the right brain attempts to communicate with the left brain, in a symbolic, image-based language whose meaning is opaque (coded) to the left hemisphere. We have two minds, one in each hemisphere, one conscious and one unconscious, one local and one non-local, one sensory and one intuitive, one analytic and the other synthetic, one linear and systematic, the other imaginative, creative and networked.

Objects Objects aren’t objects – they’re mathematical processes. There are no solid things (scientific objects), only slowly changing mathematical functions, perceived as enduring things.

First Truths “Every truth which is not an absolutely first truth can be demonstrated from an absolutely first truth. Every truth can be demonstrated either from absolutely first truths ... or is itself an absolutely first truth. ... nothing must be asserted without a reason, or rather nothing happens without a reason.” – Leibniz This stance – that of the principle of sufficient reason – is rejected by all scientists, yet they claim to be rational! You cannot be rational if you repudiate the principle of sufficient reason.

***** “That great principle, nothing is without a reason, ends most disputes in metaphysics.” – Leibniz It should be used to end them in science too, but irrationalist scientists will never admit reason into science. They pay attention only to sensory, experimental data. Reason is rational. The senses aren’t! You cannot get to the rational from the sensory.

Anti-Multiverse “...for there are infinite possibilities which do not happen.” – Leibniz

According to science, all possibilities happen ... in the Multiverse where everything that can happen does happen.

The Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus “As above, so below. As within, so without.” – Hermes Trismegistus “If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.” – Hermes Trismegistus “Leap clear of all that is corporeal, and make yourself grown to a like expanse with that greatness which is beyond all measure; rise above all time and become eternal; then you will apprehend God. Think that for you too nothing is impossible; deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought, to know every craft and science; find your home in the haunts of every living creature; make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths; bring together in yourself all opposites of quality, heat and cold, dryness and fluidity; think that you are everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven; think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave; grasp in your thought all of this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; then you can apprehend God. “But if you shut up your soul in your body, and abase yourself, and say ‘I know nothing, I can do nothing; I am afraid of earth and sea, I cannot mount to heaven; I know not what I was, nor what I shall be,’ then what have you to do with God?” – Hermes Trismegistus All scientists are the enemies of the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus. That’s their loss. Scientists are never wise people.

Who Are We? We are the New Prometheans. The New Faustians. The New Hyperboreans The HyperHumans. The Mathematikoi.

The Illuminati. **************

Soul Windows “The eyes are the window to your soul.” – William Shakespeare If photons are thoughts in themselves then, when we “see”, we are actually seeing the thoughts of the universe, the thoughts of the Monadic Collective. When we dream, we are seeing the thoughts not of all the other monads in existence, but the thoughts of our own unconscious. Bishop Berkeley, like Leibniz, thought that all that existed were minds and their thoughts, perceivers and their perceptions. Our senses, therefore, are simply ways of detecting thoughts external to our consciousness: those of our own unconscious mind, or the collective thoughts of all other minds. Our own conscious thoughts are non-sensory. That’s because they are our thoughts, hence are not perceived to be external to us. All other thoughts, even those of our own unconscious, seem to be external to us, and any external thoughts can be observed, sensed, perceived or intuited in one way or another (including dreaming, which is an internal sensory experience). With our ears, we hear the collective thoughts of the universe, with our eyes, we see the collective thoughts of the universe, with our noses, we smell the collective thoughts of the universe, with our tongues, we taste the collective thoughts of the universe, with our hands and skin we touch and feel the collective thoughts of the universe, with our intuition, we nonlocally interact with the collective thoughts of the universe, or the thoughts of other minds, or the thoughts of our own unconscious.

Our Unconscious Speaks?! In our dreams, our unconscious can generate people, known or unknown to us, who speak to us. Why can’t our unconscious simply use these characters to tell us its thoughts? Why is it always so mysterious? The unconscious has a very different state of awareness. It does not itself have manmade language skills (although it can tap into our conscious language skills). All it can do is suggest an emotion or theme, and the characters in our dreams then have to try to capture the meaning the unconscious intends to convey. This will never be a smooth process. In this

regard, i.e. direct, intelligible communication, the conscious and unconscious are incommensurate. Our unconscious “talks” to us rather like a human being from an unknown culture, using their own strange language and logic. Our unconscious is a stranger to us!

***** Some people create mental avatars that seek to tell them the thoughts of their unconscious. Children have imaginary friends. Adults talk of “guardian angels”. Novelists say that their characters take on a life of their own. Socrates said he was in communication with his “daemon”. Jung held conversation with a wise old Gnostic sage called Philemon – his inner guru. Philemon told Jung that we do not generate our own thoughts; rather, they have an external reality of their own, like objects in the world.

The Holodeck “The holodeck has given us woodlands and ski slopes... figures that fight... and fictional characters with whom we can interact.” – Jean-Luc Picard “A Holographic Environment Simulator, or holodeck for short, is a form of holotechnology designed and used by Starfleet. Holodecks are installed aboard starships, space stations, and at Starfleet institutions for entertainment, training, and investigative purposes. A typical holodeck consists of a room equipped with a hologrid containing omnidirectional holographic diodes, enabling holographic projections through the manipulation of photons contained within force fields.” – The world itself is a “holodeck”. Except we can’t exit it. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. Photons are not only “contained within force fields”, they are the generators of those forcefields.

The Structured World In Illuminist terms, we might say that the “material world” is a visible, collective mental structure, produced by all the minds in existence. To be

more exact, it’s a self-generating hologram. However, it’s interpenetrated by an “immaterial world” – an invisible collective mental structure. This is none other than the Jungian Collective Unconscious (aka the Singularity). The interaction of the visible collective mental world (material world) and the invisible mental collective world (Collective Unconscious) is responsible for the Jungian phenomenon of synchronicity. The Collective Unconscious is the teleological cosmic layer, always searching for meaning. It’s via the Collective Unconscious that Darwinian Evolution actually operates. The Collective Unconscious generates all meaningful genetic mutations as it seeks superior physical vehicles for the mind to control. This process is of course unobservable via the senses, hence scientists choose to resort to their catch-all “explanation” for everything they can’t observe or explain: randomness. If there are no minds to cause change, there’s nothing left to appeal to but randomness. Random causality is what you must invoke once you have disregarded mental causality. So, neoDarwinism says that random genetic mutations drive evolution, when in fact unconscious and unseen mental forces are deliberately producing the genetic mutations. As ever, there is no rational way for science to rule out hidden variables as the underlying explanation of allegedly random events. However, it ideologically does rule them out, preferring unseen, unempirical randomness to the unseen, unempirical operations of the principle of sufficient reason. That’s irrational!

Islam Islam means submission of the self to the will of God. Islamism means forcing the “other” (the non-self) to submit to the will of God. Islamism is the inevitable consequence of Islam. To stop Islamism, you must stop Islam.

What is Life? Life is energy. Life is information. Life is mathematics. To be alive, you must be: 1) an uncreated, immortal, indestructible system of energy and information, i.e. a soul.

2) a self-contained system dependent on nothing else for its existence, i.e. a substance. 3) an entity capable of receiving, experiencing, interpreting and generating information, i.e. a subject. 4) a purely mathematical entity (since energy and information are essential to life, and energy and information are purely mathematical), i.e. a monad. 5) an immaterial, dimensionless, frequency domain outside space and time, i.e. a Fourier point. 6) an independent causal agent that can initiate its own causal chains, i.e. a prime mover (an uncaused cause). 7) an entity with an inbuilt drive to optimise itself, i.e. to exhibit Will to Power. 8) an entity that wishes to convert all of its potential into actualisation, i.e. an entelechy. 9) an entity seeking meaning, i.e. exhibiting a Will to Meaning. 10) A teleological entity, aiming to attain a maximum state of power and optimisation, i.e. to reach an omega point. An artificial intelligence – a robot, android, replicant, or computer – can never be alive because anything manmade can never be a soul, substance, subject, monad, point, prime mover, and entelechy with a Will to Power, a Will to Meaning, and converging on an omega point. To put it in a nutshell, life consists of dynamic, self-solving mathematical systems. Mathematics is not a dreary, abstract process carried out on paper. It’s a living, ontological, dialectical process going on everywhere all the time. Self-solving, self-optimising mathematical processes are built into the fabric of the cosmos. We consciously sit down to solve mathematical problems. In nature, monads are continuously, unconsciously, engaged in solving themselves. What is the answer a monad is looking for? – the subjective feeling of optimised power, i.e. the feeling that one is God! This is reflected objectively in terms of perfect mathematical symmetry, such symmetry being associated with perfect thinking, knowing and understanding.

It doesn’t matter what you believe you are. What you actually are is an eternal mathematical system compulsively driven to find the optimal solution to itself ... to attain divinity. Why are human beings – apart from autistic scientists and atheists – so drawn to the concepts of God, divinity and perfection? It’s because we instinctively know that this is exactly the answer we are seeking to our own equation. Descartes said that humans know they are imperfect, yet find in their minds an idea of supreme perfection. He concluded that this idea corresponded to an actual being external to us – God. In fact, “God” is the perfect omega point that we are seeking to attain for ourselves. We are irresistibly compelled to become God, and we won’t stop until we have. It’s all in the math. Even atheistic scientists have their version of God and perfection – a final scientific theory of everything (except it will be nothing of the kind since science by its nature can never deliver any kind of finality). At the end of every question, mathematics stands as the answer. The universe, and everything in it, is just one vast, cosmic, mathematical, selfsolving, self-optimising organism. When does it know it has reached the final answer? When it knows itself as perfection ... when it knows itself as God. The universe has reached its omega point when it has attained God consciousness. Each of us can do this on an individual basis via individual gnosis and enlightenment, but the universe produces its final answer only when every soul in existence has become God. Hegel presented this same vision. Not in directly mathematical terms, but, rather, as the dialectical, rational progress of cosmic mind/spirit (Geist) towards self-consciousness, towards the Absolute. Existence has nothing to do with Creationism. It’s all about Evolution. The universe is an evolutionary life form converting its own potential into actualisation. This process is defined by a key phase transition: from unconsciousness to consciousness. A species can undergo incredibly fast evolution once it has become conscious of what it really is. It can then rationally plan how to optimise itself. That’s why it’s so important that mainstream religion and scientific materialism are swept aside. Humanity, as a whole, can become divine, and in just a few generations ... but only by everyone becoming an Illuminist, only by ontological

mathematics replacing scientific materialism, only by humanity’s greatest geniuses unlocking the full power of the God Equation, Fourier mathematics and holography. We are holographic beings in a self-generating holographic universe. We inhabit a cosmic hologram – a living organism – that wishes to transform itself into God, residing in paradise. Let’s get it done. What are we waiting for?

The Constructional Brain “...I describe the constructional brain processes which are involved even when perceptions appear to be immediate. An example from everyday life is the immediacy of our awareness of a projected three dimensional acoustic image in stereophonic high fidelity reproduction of music. We know the sources of the sound to be the speakers but we also know that by adjusting the phase relationships between acoustic waves generated by the speakers we can move the sound away from the two sources, to in between the speakers or in front of them. “Our ears and acoustic nervous systems (re)construct the sound to be perceived in a location we know to be incapable of producing that sound. Which then is the reality of the situation, the perceived appearance or what we know to be the physical arrangement that gives rise to the appearance? [Others have] emphasized the reality of appearances and the primacy of that reality. Most other scientists, however, when they are asked what they mean by the ‘real’ world would answer that they mean the world of physics. If pushed, they would even describe that world as being made up of material objects and the interactions among these objects. In the example given, they would give primacy to the reality of the sound (re)producing stereophonic high fidelity apparatus, not the perceptual awareness derived from the operations of that apparatus. ... Pursuing this ‘objective’ reality of the physical universe, I began to inquire into the investigations of modern physicists.” – Karl Pribram The whole of “physical” reality derives from phase relations between waves that originate in monadic minds. They are what add the mathematical “illusion” of dimensionality to an otherwise dimensionless world. They are what allow the construction of the sensory hologram that constitutes the material world.

***** “Bohr had enunciated the principle of complementarity ... He suggested that particles and fields were complementary views of the same sets of occurrences and his followers have come to believe in a basic reality opposite to that held by Einstein and Bohm. The so called ‘Copenhagen Solution’ (Bohr was a Dane) insists that the wave function – the field characteristics of microphysics – describe an envelope over the statistical perturbations of particles. It is this view of the primary reality which Einstein and Bohm continued to counter. “Heisenberg, Wigner and Weizsacker make still another and perhaps even more profound point. Heisenberg notes that the complementary view of the basic physical structure of the universe – particles vs. waves – are derived when different observations are made, different techniques are used, and different experiments are performed. Each experiment yields consistent results but the results of some are incompatible with those of others. Complementary views are based on disparate sets of data. Heisenberg argues in his famous principle that there is therefore no way of knowing which of the views is the more basic.” – Karl Pribram The whole problem with science is that it cannot define an absolute, objective reality. It has no definitive ontology. It’s shrouded in ambiguity, relativity, indeterminacy and indeterminism. This is the opposite of classical science, which was entirely deterministic and absolute. Science has become mysticism. It has retreated from rationality and hidden behind bizarre empiricist notions. Reality itself has dissolved. Science claims that we subjectively create reality by how we look at reality. The moon isn’t there when no one is observing it. Bizarrely, this is exactly the position arrived at by the empiricist philosopher Bishop Berkeley, except Berkeley could invoke God – the eternal observer – to ensure objective reality. This is an option denied to atheistic science, so it simply has to abandon objective reality. Moreover, Berkeley was an idealist who denied the existence of matter! Logically, modern science should do exactly the same. Modern science, given its various bizarre claims, should be an outright expression of Berkeley’s philosophy, but without God to hold it all together. As Pribram said, “Wigner has conceptualized this line of reasoning in the statement that modern microphysics studies the relationships between observations not between observables. An observable is an observation that

remains consistent, constant over a range of different views.” Science has indeed abandoned observables in favour of experimental observations. And it has absolutely rejected rational unobservables and their relations. Pribram wrote, “Thus modern physicists and modern perceptual psychologists have converged onto a set of issues that neither can solve alone. If the psychologist is interested in the nature of the conditions which produce the world of appearances, he must attend to the inquiries of the physicist. If the physicist is to understand the observations which he is attempting to systematize, he must learn something of the nature of the psychological process of making observations.” This means that science has become idealism (concerned with ideas, perceptions, observations and psychology), and is now divorced from materialism. As ever, it refuses to confront the logic of its own position. It doesn’t care about rational coherence. Pribram said, “Relationships among observations are mental phenomena since observations and perceptions are mental. Perhaps the very fundamental properties of the universe are therefore mental and not material. Nuclear physicists remind themselves of this possibility when they attribute charm, colours and flavours to their ‘relationships among observations,’ the quarks, bosons and other most elementary particles that constitute the nucleus of atoms. And from time to time philosophers such as Leibniz and Whitehead have proposed panpsychic ontologies to account for similar views obtained by following through to a logical conclusion the reasoning of their mathematical insights into the basic order of the universe.” As ever, Leibniz gets it right, and science gets it wrong. Leibniz was far too smart for the world of science. Its geniuses are of the second rank: people such as Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg and Born.

Strings Why do people reject out of hand the notion that true reality comprises analytic sinusoids in a Singularity, yet take seriously arbitrary theories such as M-theory, which claim that 1-D “strings” vibrate in an 11-dimensional spacetime, comprising three “big” spatial dimensions, seven “rolled up” spatial dimensions, and one temporal dimension? M-theory is just a bad mathematical theory lacking analytic mathematical precision and justification. It’s a math theory created by

people who don’t like math. In fact, that’s science in a nutshell. Science is that which bridges the gap between the senses and nonsense. Reason is nowhere to be found in science.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.” – Goethe Most such mirrors are dark and broken. They reflect astounding ugliness. The portraits are those of monsters. “Correction does much, but encouragement does more.” – Goethe Encourage the good; discourage the bad. “Everybody wants to be somebody; nobody wants to grow.” – Goethe That’s the Facebook, celebrity world of today ... of people who want to be famous for being famous. “Everything in the world may be endured except continual prosperity.” – Goethe That’s why the super rich are so unendurable. “Know thyself? If I knew myself I would run away.” – Goethe Most people should flee from themselves. “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Goethe Be men of action. Be men of deeds. “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.” – Goethe Most people shit on their own doorstep. “Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.” – Goethe Embrace life. Never abandon it.

Brain versus Mind

“The following statements place these two basic views into succinct apposition: “1) Brain by organizing the input from the physical world, as obtained through the senses, constructs mental properties. “2) Mental properties are the pervasive organizing principles of the universe, which includes the brain. “Paradoxically, almost all behavioural and neuroscientists would today subscribe to some form of statement one, while statement two reflects the belief of many of the most influential theoretical physicists. [MH: Not anymore! None of today’s most prominent scientists, all of whom are atheistic materialists, would ever make such a claim.] Mathematicians have faced the dilemma more directly: how is it that the operations of their brains so often describe faithfully the basic order of the universe they perceive?” – Karl Pribram The operations of brains so often describe faithfully the basic order of the universe they perceive because brains and the universe are both entirely mathematical. There can be no other explanation. This is a monistic universe, the monism being that of mathematics. The only subtlety is that it’s a dual-aspect monism. It’s rational on one side and experiential (empirical) on the other. For every outside there must be an inside. For every quantity there must be a quality. For every information carrier there is information carried. For every form there is content. For every form there is “matter” (i.e. that which is formed; that to which form applies). For every truth of reason there is a truth of fact. For every noumenon there is a phenomenon. You can’t have mono-aspect entities. They must be dual aspect. Quantia and qualia are inseparable. Science is trapped in No Man’s Land. It has abolished any notion of absolute, objective reality, yet it refuses to abandon its materialist ideology even though its internal logic is now much more compatible with the empiricist idealism of Bishop Berkeley and the empiricist skepticism of David Hume than the empiricist materialism of John Locke. The trouble, of course, is that scientists are philosophical illiterates and ignoramuses and they have no interest in trying to match their experimental science to an underlying philosophy. They don’t want to have anything to do with

philosophy, so they specifically avoid adopting an official philosophy for science. Even though they have to all intents and purposes rejected materialism, they continue to trumpet materialism, but without explaining why, and without responding to any of the myriad criticisms of materialism. Scientists are lazy, dishonest and lacking in intellectual integrity. They always hide behind “experimental evidence”, while never confronting the fact that experimental evidence is meaningless in the absence of the interpretation of that evidence. This interpretation is a philosophical, not scientific, enterprise, yet science refuses to acknowledge that it is in fact an extremely dubious and incoherent philosophy. The only thing that keeps the scientific show on the road is its unexplained, unjustified and illegitimate use of rationalist mathematics. Science has become an insult to reason. Once upon a time, it was known as “natural philosophy”. Now it has repudiated philosophy and simply regards itself as an empirical “method”. But a method can never be anything other than an expression of a philosophical outlook, and philosophy must be used to assess the validity of the method.

Music In ontological mathematics, you don’t play music on a musical instrument. You are the instrument and you are the music. Your task is to turn yourself into the perfect music that exactly reflects the divine Music of the Spheres, the internal music of the Cosmos.

Science Science is on the side of the unreliable, fallible, frequently delusional, human senses. It’s never on the side of reason. Sensing is about collection. Reason is about evaluation, judgment, analysis. They are two totally different modes of activity. Empiricists claim that we can validly apply our reason only to what we have collected, and, further, that nothing non-sensory (non-collectible) exists. This is the basis of their whole belief system. In their worldview, reason can never be meaningfully applied to anything that has not been collected by the senses, which, for them, automatically rules out math as having any meaning (which is why they are so keen to treat it as an unreal abstraction, or as some bizarre, manmade tool).

If mathematics exists then it must have preceded the human senses. It must have preceded everything. Mathematics is the Aristotelian God – eternal, indestructible, pure reason, pure form (which gives form to all matter, with matter or content being the flip side of form), the uncaused cause, the Prime Mover. Mathematics as noumenon is entirely non sensory. However, mathematics as phenomenon provides the entire basis of what we sense. The simplest way to think of this is to consider photons in the visible colour range. All such photons have a sinusoidal form and travel at exactly the same speed, but all photons of different colours carry a different amount of energy, and we might go as far as to say that this different amount of energy is what “colour” actually is, i.e. content (information carried) is simply how we experience the energy that waves and wavefunctions carry. Every energy has a specific sensory experience associated with it, and we can also apply a feeling judgment to any energy context. When our energy is being enhanced, we feel pleasure. When it’s being diminished, we experience pain. We are entities that always want to be increasing our energy, and avoiding the loss of our energy. To be subject to the will of another – to have to submit to their higher energy – causes us pain. Mathematics is the innate language of existence. It’s eternal and necessary. In its noumenal aspect of rational form, it has nothing to do with the senses, hence all scientific experiments are useless with regard to it. It is simply nothing to do with science. Reason and logic alone can access mathematical reality in itself. The mathematical universe is all about rational evaluation, judgment and analysis, and nothing to do with empirical data collection. The objects of mathematics in itself are logical and rational. They are not sensory objects. The senses have nothing to do with them and have no access to them. The senses are for the temporal, contingent world. Reason and logic are for the eternal, necessary world. The senses detect the content associated with mathematics, not its form. Therein lies the whole difference between empiricism and rationalism. They are not incompatible enemies, but, rather, two sides of a single coin. However, the rational side of form is what we use to understand ultimate reality, while the empirical side of content is how we experience it. You have failed to understand existence unless you have grasped that it has two natures:

1) An eternal, necessary, rational, mathematical nature, in which all the laws of existence, and the language of existence, reside. This is existence’s complete and consistent aspect. It’s infallible, immutable, and perfect. It’s the Platonic domain of absolute knowledge. Reason, logic and intuition are the only ways to access this domain. The senses and feelings are 100% useless. This is the world of the eternal truths of reason, of immutable, infallible, incontestable facts. They are eternal and necessary. This domain is dictated by mathematical tautology, proceeding by way of ontological numbers and their ontological relations. 2) A temporal, contingent, empirical, scientific nature. This is the domain of opinion, belief, interpretation, conjecture, supposition, uncertainty. The senses provide information regarding this aspect of existence. But what’s for certain is that no sure knowledge is to be found here. It’s all about sensory “facts”. Sensory facts are not rational facts. They are empirical facts. They are, in terms of how we experience them, contingent and temporal, hence they are not genuine facts at all. They are anything other than absolute and infallible. They form no part of a complete and consistent logical system. This is the domain of non-tautology. There is no way to get from the experience of the colour blue to the experience of the colour red through any rational, logical means. Any such domain cannot contain Truth. Truth is pure tautology, pure analysis, pure logic, where everything connects to everything else via exact, inescapable, inevitable steps. Although these two orders of existence seem separate, they are in fact the two sides of a single ontological coin. They are inherently related, but in the manner of a coin’s head to its tail. You can never get from a head to a tail. If you have the head, you don’t have the tail, and vice versa. Equally, mathematically, if you have the rational form, you don’t have the empirical content, and vice versa. Empiricists are those who focus on empirical content while rationalists are those who focus on rational form. The second is what gives us eternal, necessary knowledge. The first is what gives us our temporal, contingent experiences. Why does science “work”? It’s because it combines empirical facts (contingency and temporality) with mathematical laws (necessity and

eternity). It does not do so in any rational way, but in a clunky, forced, arbitrary, heuristic way of never-ending trial and error. No analytic principles are obeyed. The principle of sufficient reason is ignored. Logic has no formal role in science. Science obeys verification and falsification principles. No such principles apply to the Truth. These principles apply to a contingent, temporal system devoid of Truth. They are all about approximation and interpretation. There are two orders of facts: eternal facts (those of math), and temporal facts (those of science). The first constitute knowledge. The second constitute interpretation. The first cannot be debated. The second can be endlessly debated and interpreted. That’s exactly why they are never true. They are always approximate, provisional, inconsistent and incomplete, depending on our beliefs and opinions about what underlie them. Scientists, driven by their senses, prefer that way of doing things. Mathematicians, driven by reason and logic, hate it. All mathematicians look to the domain of eternal truth, not temporal interpretation. They want to apply evaluation, judgment and analysis. They are not interested in mere collection and perception. Evaluation, judgment and analysis concern meaning and purpose. Science, because it’s all about collection (which by itself has no meaning and purpose), rejects meaning and purpose. In other words, it applies no judgment and evaluation to data. It never asks Why, only How.

Holographic Memory “Specific memories are incredibly resistant to brain damage. Removing a hunk of brain tissue or injuring one or another portion of the brain does not excise a particular memory or set of memories. The process of remembering may be disturbed in some general way, or even some aspect of the general process may be disrupted. But never is a single memory trace of some particular experience lost while all else that is memorable is retained. This fact has become well established both through clinical observation in man and through experiments on animals. Thus in some way or other memory must become distributed – the experienced input from the senses becomes spread over a sufficient expanse of brain to make the memory of that experience resistant to brain damage.” – Karl Pribram

This aspect of memory is absolutely incomprehensible in materialist terms, but makes perfect sense in terms of ontological, mental holography. Science refuses to adopt non-materialist explanations, no matter how overwhelming the evidence for them, and that makes it a religious faith rather than an intellectual discipline that reacts to changing facts. “Until recently, brain and behavioural scientists could not conceive of any mechanism that was consonant with the facts of brain anatomy and physiology and at the same time spread sensory input sufficiently to account for the distributed memory store. Now a plausible mechanism has been discovered. “In the late 1940’s Dennis Gabor suggested that the resolution of electron microscopy could be enhanced if instead of storing images directly, the photographic film would be exposed to the patterns of light diffracted (filtered through or reflected from) by the tissue to be examined. Gabor’s suggestion was formulated mathematically. Only many years later in the early 1960’s was his suggestion realized in hardware. These hardware realizations made it obvious that images of the objects that had initially diffracted the light could readily be reconstructed. Thus object → wave storage → image construction could be seen to be a simple linear process. Furthermore, Gabor’s equations showed that the identical mathematical transfer function transformed object into wave storage and wave storage into image! The storage of wave patterns is thus reciprocally related to the imaging of objects!! The wave functions are transforms of objects and their images. “Gabor named the wave pattern store a hologram because one of its most interesting characteristics is that information from the object becomes distributed over the surface of the photographic film. Each point of light diffracted from the object becomes blurred and is spread over the entire surface of the film (the equations that describe this are called spread functions), as is each neighbouring point of light. The spread is not haphazard, however, as the blur would lead one to believe. Rather, ripples of waves move out from the point of light much as ripples of waves are formed when a pebble strikes the smooth surface of a pond of water. Throw a handful of pebbles or sand into the pond, and the ripples produced by each pebble or grain will crisscross with those produced by the other pebbles or grains, setting up patterns of interfering wave fronts. The smooth mirrorlike surface has become blurred, but the blur has hidden within it an

unsuspectedly orderly pattern. If the pond could suddenly be frozen at this moment, its surface would be a hologram. The photographic hologram is such a frozen record of interference patterns.” – Karl Pribram It’s simply astounding that so little attention has been paid to the notion of ontological holography given how promising it is for explaining all manner of phenomena otherwise inexplicable within materialism. The reason for the resistance is, however, all too prevalent. It’s simply the human reluctance to abandon comfortable and comforting old ideas for radical new ideas that can undermine a person’s entire worldview. Most people don’t like to learn new things. They dislike challenging their own beliefs. They don’t want to leave their comfort zone. They don’t like the new, strange and difficult. Nothing could be more horrifying to a scientific materialist than a holographic paradigm based on monadic minds and ontological mathematics that subverts the whole of science, and renders the scientific world of experiments nothing but a well-founded mathematical illusion. “It seemed immediately plausible that the distributed memory store of the brain might resemble this holographic record. I developed a precisely formulated theory based on known neuroanatomy and known neurophysiology that could account for the brain’s distributed memory store in holographic terms. In the dozen or so years since, many laboratories including my own have provided evidence in support of parts of this theory. Other data have sharpened the theory and made it an even more precise fitting to the known facts. “Essentially, the theory reads that the brain at one stage of processing performs its analyses in the frequency domain. This is accomplished at the junctions between neurons not within neurons. Thus graded local waxings and wanings of neural potentials (waves) rather than nerve impulses are responsible. Nerve impulses are generated within neurons and are used to propagate the signals that constitute information over long distances via long nerve fibers. Graded local potential changes, waves, are constituted at the ends of these nerve fibers where they adjoin shorter branches that form a feltwork of interconnections among neurons. Some neurons, now called local circuit neurons, have no long fibers and display no nerve impulses. They function in the graded wave mode primarily and are especially responsible for horizontal connectivities in sheets of neural tissue,

connectivities in which holographic-like interference patterns can become constructed. “Aside from these anatomical and physiological specifications, a solid body of evidence has accumulated that the auditory, somatosensory, motor, and visual systems of the brain do in fact process, at one or several stages, input from the senses in the frequency domain. This distributed input must then, in some form, perhaps as changes in the conformation of proteins at membrane surfaces, become encoded into distributed memory traces. The protein molecules would serve the neural hologram in the same way as oxidized silver grains serve the photographic hologram. “The explanation of the fact that specific memory traces are resistant to brain damage (remembering demands only that a small part of the distributed store remain intact in the same way that images can be reconstructed from small parts of a photographic hologram) has been only one of the contributions of holographic theory. Characteristics of the experience of imaging have been explained in an equally powerful manner. The projection of images away from their sources of origin has been demonstrated to result from processing phase relations (just as in the stereophonic audio systems described above). Simulations of image processing by computer have found no technique other than the holographic to provide the rich texture of scenes such as those that compose our experiences. And the complicated computations that go into three dimensional x-ray imaging by computerized tomography have relied heavily on the fact that such computations (mostly correlations) are performed readily in the frequency (holographic) domain.” – Karl Pribram It’s time for the abandonment of scientific materialism based on matter atoms, and the transition to mathematical holography (idealism) based on mental atoms (monads, made of immaterial, dimensionless light, outside space and time). Only the irrational dogmatism and ideological faith of science is preventing this. Science has become a catastrophic roadblock to intellectual progress, just like any mainstream religion. Science now operates exactly like the Catholic Church it once defied. It refuses to think new thoughts.

The Dream “You see things; and you say: ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say: ‘Why not?’” – George Bernard Shaw

All of the greatest changes have been wrought by dreamers.

Goethe: Sage “Wisdom is found only in truth.” – Goethe So how many people are wise? Almost none. “Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago.” – Goethe Indeed. Pythagoras gave us the Truth 2,500 years ago, and barely anyone noticed or cared. They still don’t care. “Self-knowledge comes from knowing other men.” – Goethe God-knowledge comes from knowing other Gods. All Gods speak the language of existence = math. “There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance.” – Goethe We are everywhere surrounded by active ignorance. “He who does not think much of himself is much more esteemed than he imagines.” – Goethe Because people are sick of the arrogant narcissists they find everywhere. “He who enjoys doing and enjoys what he has done is happy.” – Goethe This is the formula for success. Never do a job you despise. You will never accomplish anything. “I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe: believe life; it teaches better that book or orator.” – Goethe Don’t reject life. Don’t preach non-attachment, non-mind, non-engagement, as the Buddhists do. Always commit to the maximum. This is no world for the half-hearted and the non-committal. “He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.” – Goethe If you don’t like yourself, you will never be at peace, and you will never be happy.

“It seems to never occur to fools that merit and good fortune are closely united.” – Goethe Only in a meritocracy; not in today’s rigged world of privilege. “Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.” – Goethe Well, do you trust yourself? Do you know how to live?

Holographic Philosophy “But perhaps the most profound insight gained from holography is the reciprocal relationship between the frequency domain and the image/object domain. Recall that the fundamental question that is under consideration is whether mind results as an emergent property from the interaction of an organism with its environment, or whether mind reflects the basic organization of the universe (including the organism’s brain). Images are mental constructions. They result from processes involving the brain (object), the senses (objects) in their interactions with the environment (considered objectively, i.e., as objects, particles such as photons, electrons, atoms, molecules and the objects of the reality of appearances). Images (one aspect of mind) are thus emergents in any objective, object-i-fying philosophical formulation. “But the process of image construction involves a reciprocal stage, a transformation into the frequency (holographic) domain. This domain is characteristic not only of brain processing, as we have seen, but of physical reality as well. Bohm refers to it as the implicate order in which points become enfolded and distributed throughout the brain. “In the implicate, holographic domain, the distinction between points becomes blurred; information becomes distributed as in the example of the surface of a pond. What is organism (with its component organs) if it is no longer sharply distinguished from what lies outside the boundaries of the skin. In the holographic domain, each organism represents in some manner the universe, and each portion of the universe represents in some manner the organisms within it. Earlier in this paper, this was expressed in the statements that the perceptions of an organism could not be understood without an understanding of the nature of the physical universe and that the nature of the physical universe could not be understood without an understanding of the observing perceptual process.

“It is, thus, the fact that the holographic domain is reciprocally related to the image/object domain that implies that mental operations (such as mathematics) reflect the basic order of the universe. Of special additional interest is one characteristic of the holographic order. This domain deals with the density of occurrences only; time and space are collapsed in the frequency domain. Therefore the ordinary boundaries of space and time, locations in space and in time become suspended and must be ‘read out’ when transformations into the object/image domain are effected. In the absence of space-time coordinates, the usual causality upon which most scientific explanation depends must also be suspended. Complementarities, synchronicities, symmetries, and dualities must be called upon as explanatory principles. “The answer to the initial question as to whether mind, consciousness and psychological properties in general are emergents or expressions of some basic ordering principle, rests on which of two reciprocally related domains is considered primary, the image/object or the implicate holographic. Scientists are, as yet, only barely acquainted with the implicate order which has, however, apparently been explored experientially by mystics, psychics and others delving into paranormal phenomena. “Perhaps if the rules for ‘tuning in’ on the holographic, implicate domain could be made more explicit, we could come to some agreement as to what constitutes the primary basic order of the universe. At the moment this order appears so indistinguishable from the mental operations by which we operate on that universe that we must conclude either that our science is a huge mirage, a construct of the emergent of our convoluted brains, or that, indeed, as proclaimed by all great religious convictions, a unity characterizes this emergent and the basic order of the universe.” – Karl Pribram Ninety-nine percent of scientists are far too closed-minded to ever agree with Pribram. They don’t like to entertain new ideas that challenge their orthodox beliefs. Every one of their instincts rebels against the conception of reality as based on a mental Singularity, with the “physical” world as its illusory, mathematical, holographic projection, and mathematics, not science, as the true means for investigating reality. It’s comical when scientists claim to be on the side of the “facts” and reason. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are just a different type of religious fanatic. Their religion is materialism; the notion that an

unprovable physical world exists “out there”, beyond our minds, and indeed from which our minds are constructed. It is of course impossible for any human being to step outside his own mind, hence any proposed non-mental reality is automatically undemonstrable, but this doesn’t stop scientists from taking it as the surest fact of all. This is a religious belief. There is no evidence or proof for it whatsoever.

Quantum Dreams If this is a quantum world, dreams must involve the same quantum processes as reality. How do materialists account for the fact that no matter is involved in dreams, yet the illusion of matter is present? If that’s true of dreams, why not of reality too? How does a materialist propose to distinguish actual physical matter from the mental idea of matter? What experiment will they perform? How can you prove that anything exists beyond your idea of that thing? How can you demonstrate that your idea is not all there is? How can religious people prove that “God” exists beyond their idea of God? How can sensory types prove that “matter” exists beyond their idea of matter? They are in exactly the same predicament.

Real Talk There are two types of consciousness: subjective and objective. Subjective consciousness is the consciousness we have in our private monadic domain – the domain of dreams. It’s to this domain that your mind goes when you die, and where you await rebirth (reincarnation) in a new body. Objective consciousness is the consciousness we have in the public monadic domain. In normal circumstances, you require a body to have objective consciousness. When a person attains gnosis, hence God Consciousness, he can be part of the shared monadic world without having a body. There are various combinations of body states and conscious states, sometimes leading to odd results: 1) Body Awake; Objective Consciousness.

This is the normal waking state. 2) Body Asleep; Subjective (Dream) Consciousness. This is the normal sleeping state. 3) Body Awake; Subjective (Dream) Consciousness. This is the basic condition of madness. This is when dream contents are being interpreted as if they belong to the real, objective world. Dream contents are literally spilling into the waking state, causing immense confusion, disturbance and schizoid behaviour. 4) Body Asleep; Objective Consciousness. This is the set of circumstances permitting an out-of-body experience, whereby the mind roams the objective world unencumbered by its bodily limitations. This is a Godlike experience if utilized properly. In another version of this state, you can be objectively conscious but trapped inside your sleeping body, which refuses to “activate”. This is like a temporary coma state. 5) Body Permanently Awake; Objective Consciousness permanently engaged. This corresponds to insomnia – sleeplessness. In the above five cases, consciousness is assumed, but we also have an unconscious mode of mind. How does this alter things? ... 6) Body Awake; Unconscious Mind in operation (consciousness suppressed or engaged in dreaming). This accounts for the phenomenon of sleepwalking, and also of being “taken over” by a hypnotist. We might refer to this as an “Out of Mind Experience”, or, rather, Out of Conscious Mind Experience. 7) Body Asleep; Unconscious Mind. This is deep sleep. 8) Body Permanently Asleep; any mental state. This accounts for different grades of coma and vegetative states.

The Cotard Delusion “The Cotard delusion, Cotard’s syndrome, or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare mental disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.” – Wikipedia This delusion corresponds to objective consciousness no longer being properly linked to the waking body, thus leading to the conclusion that the body has actually died.

The Capgras Delusion “The Capgras delusion (or Capgras syndrome) is a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. The Capgras delusion is classified as a delusional misidentification syndrome, a class of delusional beliefs that involves the misidentification of people, places, or objects (usually not in conjunction). It can occur in acute, transient, or chronic forms. Cases in which patients hold the belief that time has been ‘warped’ or ‘substituted’ have also been reported.” – Wikipedia This can be regarded as a logical extension of the Cotard delusion. When your consciousness has an abnormal relationship with your own body, you experience yourself as dead; when your consciousness has an abnormal relationship with the body of another, you know their body is not dead, so you conclude that their consciousness must be dead. That being the case, someone else’s consciousness must be inhabiting their body, hence the person is an impostor.

The Fregoli Delusion “The Fregoli delusion, or the delusion of doubles, is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that different people are in fact a single person who changes appearance or is in disguise. The syndrome may be related to a brain lesion and is often of a paranoid nature with the delusional person believing themselves persecuted by the person they believe is in disguise.” – Wikipedia

This can be regarded as a logical extension of the Capgras delusion. Where that delusion concerns the idea that the wrong consciousness is in the right body, this delusion concerns the idea that the right consciousness is inhabiting the wrong body. In fact, it can reside in any body, thus leading to the notion that one person is appearing in many different guises. We might also say that this delusion corresponds to one person’s objective consciousness being overly (obsessively) linked to the objective consciousness of another, so that the other consciousness seems to be present everywhere, in every body. Mainstream religion is kind of version of this delusion, with “God” the “Oneness”, or Karma, being imagined to be present everywhere, watching you and judging you.

Introverts and Extraverts People who are more drawn to an inner, dreamlike, intuitive or rational world are introverts. People who are more drawn to an outer, spectacular, sensory or emotional world are extraverts. Introverts tend to engage in subjectification; they emphasize the person as a subject. Extraverts tend to engage in objectification; they emphasize the person as an object, a commodity. The world of private dreams is introverted while the world of public dreams is extraverted. The body is an extraverted object, the mind an introverted subject.

The Replacement Ego Is it possible for someone’s ego to be replaced by another’s? This is effectively what happens in hypnotism. The hypnotist plants his own controlling ego in the head of his subject, making the subject then obey his will like a puppet. This reflects the old bicameral mental mode of human beings in which the left hemisphere was the slave of strange, powerful “voices” emanating in the right hemisphere, and associated with masters, ancestors, tribal leaders, and gods. Religious fanaticism allows the normal ego to be replaced by that of some prophet, messiah, leader, king, high priest or dictator – so that you slavishly obey the will of this other ego, as in Islam or Nazi Germany.

When the Mob Mentality overwhelms people, they abandon their normal ego and allow it to be replaced by an irrational, hysterical Group Ego. In sleepwalking, the normal conscious ego is replaced by no conscious ego at all, the “blank” ego of the unconscious mind.

Consciousness Consciousness is a social phenomenon. Therefore, unhealthy societies produce unhealthy consciousness. Take Abrahamism as an example. Billions of people see nothing wrong in worshipping a God who ordered a father to murder his son. They are obviously not troubled by this in the slightest. They see nothing immoral, irrational or disgusting in it, so we can hardly be surprised when we discover that these people are immoral, irrational and nauseating. That’s what the society and community in which they were raised made them. Nothing is more important – if we want to build paradise on earth – than that society should be sane and rational, that it should wish every child to be free, happy, and fulfilled, leading the best life of which it is capable, and making the optimal contribution to society (and not to some divisive, intolerant, anti-social religious belief). Humanity suffers from a sickness of consciousness. It can be remedied only by establishing a healthy society. Everything that makes Abrahamic thinking possible must be eradicated. Abrahamism more or less provides the precise definition of what society must not be. It’s the Devil’s work. The nuclear family, as the primary vehicle and vector of diseased consciousness, of transmission of the religious virus, of racism, prejudice, nationalism, intolerance, privilege, elitism, favouritism, and discrimination, is humanity’s greatest problem. How do you solve a problem like the nuclear family?

The Social Trap “Laing argued that labelling the individual often has little to do with accurate assessment of the patient’s real problems, and that the remedial interventions mandated by a specific diagnosis often serve complex social functions by equilibrating extant social-systems, i.e. maintaining the status quo. In short, clinicians frequently locate the cause of the disturbance in individuals to divert attention from the processes that actually engendered their disturbed behaviour. If they did not, they would often construe the

‘signs and symptoms’ of these diagnostic entities as intelligible responses to what Laing termed ‘unlivable situations’ – ones which the patient can neither understand, nor tolerate, nor change effectively.” – Daniel Burston, in R. D. Laing and The Politics of Diagnosis Here we see the central problem. Society labels individuals mad rather than itself mad. But it was society that made the sane individual insane. Society never questions its own sanity. Christianity doesn’t question Christianity. Judaism doesn’t question Judaism. Islam doesn’t question Islam. Buddhism doesn’t question Buddhism. Hinduism doesn’t question Hinduism. Taoism doesn’t question Taoism. Scientific materialism doesn’t question scientific materialism. Free-market capitalism doesn’t question free-market capitalism. Conspiracy theorists don’t question their conspiracy theories. True believers never question their true beliefs. Privilege never questions privilege. Democracy doesn’t question democracy. No political system questions itself. No religion does. No economic system does. The brainwashing system never questions its own brainwashing. So, the individual must be insane. After all, there’s no one else to take the blame! But here’s the good news. Reason isn’t insane. In fact, it’s the quintessence of sanity. All we have to do is align society with reason in order for us all to be sane. That means we must remove society’s predisposition for faith, feelings, Mythos, brainwashing and anything else irrational. Mathematics is the key to sanity. Mathematics is order, organisation, law, cause and effect, reason in action. Mathematics, not God, is the anchor of reality: the first, last and always.

The Imaginary Person “The square root of nothing.” – Anne Hearne Laing’s description of her former husband, R. D. Laing

Thought Every thought requires a thinker. You cannot have a thought without a thinker. You can’t have “free-floating” thoughts attached to no thinker. You can’t have a stream of consciousness that lacks a conscious thinker. Buddhism is bizarre because it ultimately posits just one mind: the Cosmic Consciousness, or some such thing (exact definitions are impossible to come by in vague, mystical Eastern religions). The idea is

that, beyond appearances, we are all really the same, expressing the same core Cosmic Consciousness at all times. This begs the question of why, if we are indeed the same underneath, we think differently, uniquely, and often in deadly competition with each other. By what conceivable mechanism can a unity be divided into a warring multiplicity?

Kantian Dreams Kant couldn’t explain dreams. In his philosophy, experience is made possible by the spacetime framework, causality, and the various categories of understanding that he applied to the phenomenal world. However, in dreams, this framework of spacetime and scientific causality is removed, yet we go on having experiences, so what Kant describes as essential for experience isn’t essential at all. Moreover, why would the mind, if it operated as Kant suggested it did in the way it creates the world of our experience, impose a waking framework and then a wholly different framework for sleeping and dreaming? It defies Occam’s Razor. It’s dualistic. It has no purpose. It demands explanation for how one mode switches to the other, and back again. It raises endless questions regarding mental disorders, fantasies, hallucinations, comas, outof-body-experiences, and so on.

Kant The noumenal world – as it exists in itself – is neither spatially nor temporally extended. It’s a non-sensory frequency domain, a world of ontological wave interference, a mental world. The phenomenal world – the world of appearances, of our experience – is spatially and temporally extended. It’s the holographic projection – deriving from phase differences – of the Singularity. The implication of this division is that the Self itself is divided: there’s a noumenal (transcendental) self, outside space and time, and a phenomenal (empirical) self, inside space and time. We directly experience the phenomenal self (via consciousness), but never the noumenal self (which we experience indirectly via the unconscious). The phenomenal self is intimately connected to the physical body, which we objectively experience in space, and subjectively experience in time. If we are in space and time, but our noumenal self isn’t, then, so the argument

goes, the noumenal self is beyond our experience (since all of our conscious experiences are conditioned spatio-temporally). If, as Kant says, there are noumenal things outside space and time and phenomenal expressions of those things inside space and time, then the self must be treated in exactly the same way. In this view, we can know only the phenomenal world, the phenomenal body and phenomenal mind (the mind through which we experience the body), while the noumenal world, noumenal body and noumenal mind will always be a mystery. Even though, in this scheme, we can’t know the noumenal self, we do know that it’s the necessary, a priori precondition of the phenomenal self. Kant asserted that the noumenal self, as an entity outside space and time, is beyond the reach of any possible experience. Is that true? The self we have in our dreams does not obey the space and time relations of the waking world. Strict spatiotemporal causality is absent. We still have experiences, but they are experiences of a different kind. Dreams prove that we don’t need formal space, time and spacetime causality in order to have mental experiences. If we regard the sleeping body as being “dead to the phenomenal world” (in fact, strictly speaking, it does continue to perform unconscious sensory monitoring), then dreams are the precise proof that mind can function without the body. In dreams, the blind can see again, and amputees can regain their lost limbs. Dreams can lead us to paradise – where we are perfected, like Gods. Materialists would of course argue that the sleeping material brain is supporting the mental functioning associated with dreams, but if we link space, time and spacetime causality to phenomenal experience, what’s clear from dreams is that we can have mental experiences that aren’t framed by objective space, time and spacetime causality. That being the case, we can take dreams as being related to allegedly unknowable noumenal experiences outside space and time. Kant asserted that in the act of experiencing, our mind contributes a space and time framework to a source of experience that is not itself in space and time. Dreams show that we can have experiences that do not conform to this pattern, and we can invent noumena, in a manner of speaking, insofar as we make up the objects we experience in our dreams, and these have no existence outside our minds.

In Kant’s scheme, the transcendental mind – via its internal faculties – projects the spacetime framework in which the empirical mind experiences the world. But, if this is the case, why can’t all transcendental objects generate a spacetime framework in which they are experienced, i.e. why do we need minds to project spacetime onto noumenal objects? Why can’t they project spacetime onto themselves? Kant avoids this question. Schopenhauer’s scheme is far superior because he posits a noumenal Will as the reality behind all things, and it is this that projects the spacetime world. His scheme is more or less holographic. The noumenal Will is an immaterial frequency Singularity outside space and time, and it projects a spacetime world (which would be accomplished via Fourier mathematics). Kant never explained how minds create spacetime. He simply said that they do so via faculties, or inbuilt properties. You might as well refer to God as to these convenient faculties. They don’t explain anything. They’re ways of avoiding explanation. Nothing has been explained unless the faculties have been explained. They can’t bootstrap themselves. That would be pure magic. In Illuminism, noumenal minds are all that exist, and they collectively create the phenomena which they then experience via Fourier mathematics. Each mind comes equipped with the full laws of mathematics. If the empirical mind is in space and time, it can’t be the source of space and time, i.e. if the empirical mind is a product of the spacetime framework, it can’t be the producer of that framework. So, the transcendental mind, outside space and time, must be the source, but this makes the transcendental, noumenal mind radically different from all other noumena, which, in Kant’s scheme, don’t do the same spacetime structuring. We thus have Cartesian dualism pushed back to a prior and more subtle stage – we have noumenal minds and noumenal objects. Why should there be both (what’s the sufficient reason for them both?), and how can they interact? Schopenhauer, a great admirer of Kant’s philosophy, thought that the only way to make the system work properly was to posit a universal, unitary mind (the “Will”) outside space and time, from which everything in space and time is derived (so everything in spacetime is in fact mental in origin). He thus got rid of any possibility of true material objects (in the scientific sense). Everything, for Schopenhauer, is a product of mind. There’s a unitary, immortal mind outside space and time, and a multiplicity of individuated

mortal minds inside space and time ... exactly as in Neoplatonism. In Illuminism, it’s not a single cosmic mind outside space and time, but, rather, infinite individual monadic minds. For Schopenhauer, ultimate reality is a mental Singularity; for Illuminism it’s a mental Singularity comprised of infinite singularities. Where one dimensionless point exists, then, by the principle of sufficient reason, an infinite number must exist given that the conditions that allow one to exist must also allow any number of others to exist (unless there’s a sufficient reason to prevent it). Of course, none of them occupies any space. Schopenhauer believed that everything outside space and time must be united in a oneness since he considered space and time the means by which individuation was established. Without them, so he thought, there’s no individuation. That conclusion, however, is mathematically false. Substance – as Leibniz pointed out – is the true origin of individuation. Each substance is unique, uncaused and uncreated. Infinite substances can exist since there’s no sufficient reason to stop them. They have no need of space and time to individuate them. In fact, they are the origin of space and time. Commentators condemned Kant for failing to provide an individuation principle for his legion of noumenal selves. Matter, space and time are all invalid in an immaterial domain outside space and time. In Illuminism, all monadic minds, all noumenal, transcendental selves, are mathematical information systems, and each evolves uniquely according to how it subjectively processes information. Some might process information rationally, some emotionally, some intuitively, and so on. In fact, they will fall into broad categories – reflecting Myers-Briggs personality types – but each will have its own unique nature. As William James said, “There is very little difference between one man and another; but what little there is, is very important.” If causality is something that depends on space and time, as Kant argued, then how can it originate from noumena outside space and time which do not themselves experience causality (in Kant’s scheme)? If they are not causal then how can they produce causality? That’s a category error. By the same token, if they have no link to space and time (via, for example, Fourier mathematics), how can they generate space and time? Again, it’s a category error. Under close scrutiny, Kant’s logic disintegrates. Leibniz’s system is enormously more robust.

Several of Kant’s successors – such as Fichte, Schelling and Hegel – ditched his whole baffling distinction between an unknowable noumenal world and knowable phenomenal world, and turned everything into knowable mind.

***** It’s facile to claim, as Kant did, that spacetime can be produced by faculties, categories or innate intuitions. That’s no explanation of space and time. Space and time can only be explained mathematically. Mathematics, and nothing else, is the basis of spacetime. Space and time are mathematical dimensions, just as frequency is dimensionless. “Space” and “time” are labels we attach to ontological mathematical properties. They are not independent of math. Nothing is independent of math. Space and time cannot bootstrap themselves. Temporal, contingent things must be born of eternal, necessary things. The dimensional must be born of the dimensionless. Only mathematics permits this without logical error, without category errors. Transcendental minds are outside space and time. Empirical minds are their agents, linked to the spacetime world. Empirical minds die because all spacetime things die. Transcendental things never die. They were never in spacetime to begin with. Spacetime is their construct. It doesn’t exist independently of them.

The Mystery The mystery of life lies in the relationship between the immortal, transcendental self which is beyond our experience, and the empirical self, which is the self we actually experience, but which is doomed to perish. It’s life’s little trick on us that it makes us identify with something perishable (the Jungian Ego) and not with something imperishable (the Jungian Self).

Existence Existence is a self-solving, self-optimizing mathematical function with: 1) infinite nodes (souls; monads; minds), with a net objective output of exactly zero at all times. (Reality is mathematically structured nothingness.) 2) an initial subjective (as opposed to objective) output of zero (maximum potential and zero actualization).

3) a final subjective output of infinity (divinity = zero potential, maximum actualization). This occurs at the Omega Point, and brings a Cosmic Age to an end. 4) Although we are all objective zeros at all times, we subjectively ascend from zero to infinity. Each zero contains infinity, balanced between positive and negative, real and imaginary. These balanced elements constitute the Content of our minds ... our thoughts. Infinite subjective thoughts (infinite mental Content) will still have zero objective output, i.e. nothing contains everything. The world and all of its contents exist because something is nothing: nothing specially arranged mathematically. People of faith and feelings will never accept any of this and will cling to absurd Mythos/Pathos explanations of reality devoid of any rational basis. These are “magical” explanations, which are highly seductive emotionally but logically ludicrous. Those people obsessed with their senses will seek sensory evidence for every proposed explanation, and, ipso facto, will reject all rational unobservables (such as the soul/mind/monad, zero, infinity, imaginary numbers, and so on). Mathematics – ontological mathematics – is the bottom line. There’s nowhere else to turn. Living mathematics is the most wondrous thing of all because it has, as its final output, Gods. Ontological mathematics is a God Factory, creating infinite Gods. It makes the universe divine. It builds heaven for all. “God” is the answer to self-optimizing, self-solving mathematics. God is a perfected mathematical monadic function. Mathematics is God. Mathematics is heaven. Mathematics is everything every religious person has always wanted, yet is also 100% rational. Indeed, it’s hyperrational. There’s no need for faith at all. Above all, mathematics is evolutionary and dialectical. It’s a selfperfecting, dynamic system, not a system that starts perfectly or exists perfectly eternally, both objectively and subjectively, as the Abrahamic God allegedly does. Where does “evil” originate? It comes from the dialectical method – the brute-force, crude, ugly, messy, simplistic method to which an unconscious universe is forced to resort as it works to optimize itself. The dialectic creates a savage, cosmic jungle where opposites viciously compete and

fight to the death. All of the horrors, terrors and evils we all know and fear stem from this primordial war. Only consciousness – conscious reason – can bring this mad war to an end. Smart people are the saviours of the universe. They are those who work out the dialectical laws of mathematical existence and then solve the dialectic. Divine consciousness is the means by which ontological mathematics finally solves itself. The dialectical slaughterhouse was all for the sake of producing God consciousness. It’s what justifies it. This war, which has raged since the dawn of time, was absolutely necessary to create us – conscious beings who now have the intelligence to do things sanely, peacefully and rationally ... but only once we overcome all of those who cannot escape from the dialectical battlefield because they’re too stupid (too dumb to attain gnosis = enlightenment). Stupidity is literally fatal. Gods, as Nietzsche observed, must destroy if they wish to create. We must pull down hell before we can build heaven. A heaven with hell’s foundations is absurd. It’s impossible for a perfect Creator to make an imperfect world. It’s impossible for an infinitely good God to create an evil world. The mathematical universe starts off, at the beginning of a Cosmic Age, as neither perfect, moral, good, smart, conscious, nor anything else. It’s simply an unconscious will to self-optimization, and it’s prepared to use any tactic at all to reach the “Promised Land”. Everything is a means to an end. The ends justify the means, and nothing is an end in itself. The laws of mathematics are always perfect and infallible – i.e. those laws make no mistakes and never miscalculate – but a perfectly calculated universe is not the same as a perfect universe. A perfect universe is one that is perfect in both Form and Content, not merely one where calculations are performed flawlessly. All universes with sub-optimal Form and Content contain no mathematical errors, but error-free math is not the objective. The objective is the best-possible error-free mathematical universe, not any old error-free mathematical universe. The perfect universe is the one where perfect symmetry is attained. Objectively, mathematics is imperfect ontologically when it fails to express perfect symmetry. Broken symmetry is imperfection, and has to be rectified. Subjectively, mathematics is imperfect when monadic minds are unoptimised, when they have not yet solved themselves (by becoming

Gods). But mathematics is a system that can correct itself, that can restore itself to perfection, objectively and subjectively. It’s the drive for restoring mathematical perfection that propels our existence. That’s the purpose and meaning of existence. Thanks to the dialectic, all of us have been through the most intense of forges – the greatest temperatures imaginable – to get where we are today. We are supremely battle hardened. We had to be heroes to get where we are. We have literally endured hell to be the conscious beings we are now. And it’s also true that we are blood-drenched monsters – all of us – because that’s what it took to create consciousness. We have survived the “forever war” – the primordial life-or-death struggle that created the conditions in which consciousness could be born. The dialectic generates consciousness, yet the dialectic is the most savage of all processes since it’s nothing but the war between opposites. Conflict is built in. The dialectic takes no prisoners and shows no quarter. It’s the ultimate survival machine. Anything weak is destroyed. Anything unsuccessful is destroyed (no matter how right or true it might be at the time). The dialectic is a death star, killing everything as it pursues the gold that will finally emerge from the cosmic abattoir – consciousness itself. Once consciousness exists, Gods can then be generated. Consciousness is the God Portal. We ourselves (well, those of us who are hyperrational) can actively plan our own divinity, and we shall of course be using mathematics.

The Philosophy of Activity “The human mind cannot rest.” – Leibniz “To be motionless, that is, without movement toward further perception, is to torment the mind.” – Leibniz “Certain metaphysical mysteries of a truly spiritual nature may be found in motion.” – Leibniz Leibniz was the great philosopher of activity, of motion, force, energy, dynamics. For Leibniz, everything was in permanent motion, and the source of that motion – of all possible motion – was the soul. The soul is quintessentially kinetic. The soul is the Prime Mover. To be immortal is to be in permanent motion. The soul is the perfect perpetual

motion machine (or rather organism). Life is motion. Life is the permanent expression of energy, and energy is simply mathematical information. The soul is an eternal information system – an information generator, processor, interpreter and experiencer.

***** Information = energy = motion = mathematics = reason = the ground of all things = the arche. Motion (energy) precedes everything else. Motion (energy) is the fundamental quantity from which everything else derives, and which explains everything else. Motion (energy) is kinetic mathematics, ontological mathematics, operating according to the eternal truths of reason.

Mind What is mind? It’s the principle of activity. It’s ontological motion. When expressed dimensionlessly, it expresses itself through thought in the mental world. When expressed dimensionally, it expresses itself through physical motion in the material world. Matter is simply dimensional mind.

The God Spots Some neuroscientists claim there’s a “God spot” in the brain, where our religious sentiments arise. They want to explain away religion as some material structure of the brain. Strangely, it never occurs to them to look for an “Atheist spot” in the brain, to explain away why some people are atheists, incapable of religious and spiritual activity. Of course, they have already assumed that atheism is correct and religion false when they try to locate a God spot. If they instead looked for an Atheist spot, it would mean they accepted religion and spirituality as correct and atheism false. They would see atheism, rather than religion, as something in need of explanation.

***** In fact, the brain could be said to have four God spots and two Atheist spots. Feeling types have a God spot by which they implicitly believe whatever “feels right” to them, and where they ignore all facts, evidence

and rational arguments to the contrary. It’s impossible for feeling types not to be religious or spiritual. There are no atheists amongst feeling types. Sensing types have a God spot reserved for the possibility of God appearing to them, as Jesus Christ allegedly appeared to Doubting Thomas. Sensing types believe what they see, no matter how irrational or impossible. Sensing types also have an Atheist spot available to them. Since they require sensory evidence for their beliefs, they will not believe in any “God” who fails to provide sensory evidence of his existence, hence will be disbelievers = atheists. Intuitive types are always religious or spiritual. In fact, they are the most religious or spiritual people in the world. That’s because they can directly link to an unseen higher reality. They can transcend their senses, so they do not suffer from the doubts and disbelief of sensing types. Thinking types, like sensing types, have both a God spot and Atheist spot. They can reason their way either to God, or to Atheism. When their thinking is allied to their senses, they are likely to be scientific materialists and atheists. When their thinking is allied to their intuitions, they are likely to be metaphysicists and ontological mathematicians. Whatever notion you have of God is a direct product of your God Spot or Atheist spot. The only people who are true atheists are “thinking sensing” types, i.e. scientists. In effect, they have no God spot, and only an Atheist spot. They use their reason to accept purely what they detect with their senses, and since they don’t detect God or the soul, they don’t believe in either. Nor do they accept metaphysics, ontological mathematics, or the autonomous mind. In Illuminism, religion is about the soul rather than God. The soul is an indestructible, immortal, uncaused, uncreated, individual information system which takes on the nature of a thinking subject – a person. “God” is a potentiality of soul. In other words, there is no God who creates souls, but, rather, each soul undergoes a long metamorphosis into God. God is “Soul Max”, the omega point of a soul’s evolution. The universe is made of souls, and, since each soul can transmute into God, the universe is a God Factory. The universe does nothing but produce Gods.

What Are We?

We are reason applying reasoning to itself. We are mathematics knowing ourselves as mathematics. We are information systems optimizing our information. We are energy changing itself from potential to actualization ... energy optimizing itself. We are broken symmetry repairing the breaks.

The Bottom Line Objective reality cannot be grasped through our senses, only through our reason. Objective reality is defined by eternal truths of reason. These provide the objective framework in which subjective experiences take place.

The Life Kernel Leibniz said that the essence of life is infinite immortal souls. Schopenhauer said that the essence of life is Universal Will. Hegel said it’s Geist (Mind/Spirit). Hartmann said it’s the Unconscious (composed of Intellect and Will). Nietzsche said it’s Will to Power. Illuminism says they are all correct, at least in part.

Goethe: The Faustian “None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.” – Goethe That’s an exact description of the world we inhabit, the world of the sheeple, and the wolves that prey on them. Capitalism is full of people with a false consciousness. “A creation of importance can only be produced when its author isolates himself. It is a child of solitude.” – Goethe Modern science despises the solitary genius. Such thinkers have long since been excluded from science, and replaced by apparatchiks and functionaries. Science has become a staggering bore, a profession for dull careerists. “Hatred is active, and envy passive dislike; there is but one step from envy to hate.” – Goethe Hate is one of the greatest sources of energy and drive in the world.

“Hatred is something peculiar. You will always find it strongest and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture.” – Goethe Islam! “He is dead in this world who has no belief in another.” – Goethe You must always find your sacred cause. You must reject meaningless, purposeless, nihilistic atheism. “He only earns his freedom and his life who takes them every day by storm. – Goethe Always attack. Storm the battlements. Lay siege to the highest fortifications of life. “In art the best is good enough.” – Goethe Anything less than the best isn’t art. “Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity.” – Goethe Always advance. Audacity, audacity, always audacity! “Il nous faut de l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace!” – Danton (“We must dare, dare again, always dare!”) “Il nous faut de l’audace, et encore de l’audace, et toujours de l’audace” – Danton (“We need audacity, and yet more audacity, and always audacity!”) “The mediator of the inexpressible is the work of art.” – Goethe Make yourself into a work of art. God is the supreme work of art.

Will to Power “This world is the will to power – and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power – and nothing besides.” – Nietzsche Nietzsche asserted that life is an immense battle for power, in which everything is attempting to overpower everything else. This is similar to Hegel’s dialectical view of an immense, brutal conflict between everything, with the vital difference that Nietzsche did not invoke any synthesis phase to allow this cosmic war to come to a rational, peaceful end when all

contradictions and conflicts are finally resolved. Nietzsche believed in Total War forever.

The Principle of Continuity The Principle of Continuity: Everything takes place by continuous degrees; nothing happens by discontinuous leaps.

Will and Reason Intellect dialectically evolves from will. Human Logos dialectically evolves from human Mythos. Consciousness dialectically evolves from the unconscious. This is multiplied across infinite monads. Dialectical cosmic evolution is about the “Will to Power” – the Dionysian force – being transformed into the “Intellect to Power”, i.e. the Apollonian force that, in the end, masters controls, shapes and directs the Dionysian force. Intellect is sublimated will, perfected will, will that has become intelligent, self-aware and capable of reason. The unconscious has a large collective component, while consciousness is essentially individuated, with the personal unconscious being the bridge between consciousness and the collective unconscious. Consciousness fragments from the collective unconscious, just as, in Neoplatonism, individual lower souls are fragments of the unitary higher Soul. The collective unconscious can be treated as a single subject, while consciousness comprises countless individual subjects. When the universe operates collectively and unconsciously, it does so as a single subject – one organism. All animals of any species (bar the human species) have in essence a single species mind, manifesting in two ways: dominance (alpha) or submission (beta), with a few being the alphas and the many the betas. Even human beings can be divided into dominants (masters) and submissives (slaves). However, human behaviour covers an enormously wider repertoire than the stereotyped behaviour of animals, which expresses almost no personality. Despite constant attempts by pet lovers to anthropomorphize their pets, they are actually projecting themselves onto their pets and imagining things that simply aren’t there in their pets. In Eduard von Hartmann’s philosophy, Will and Intellect are initially united in the unconscious. The evolution of consciousness brings about the

separation of Will and Intellect, allowing the latter to control the former, where previously the former was in charge. The Logos mind is intellectual, with will and feelings subordinate to reason. The Mythos mind is driven by will and feelings, with reason in the subordinate role. Why do Mythos people accept so much irrational nonsense as true? It’s because they’re literally too stupid to see how idiotic Mythos is. Consciousness is all about individuation. The less conscious you are, the more susceptible you are to groupthink. Muslims are particularly illustrative of groupthink, and are barely human. The IQ of the average Muslim is radically lower than that of the average Christian or Jew, and, in turn, their IQs are markedly lower than those of atheists and Gnostics. The increasing groupthink and conformism of scientific materialists is leading to a radical reduction in the core intelligence of scientists. Where Muslim “scientists” continuously censor their thoughts to ensure they never stray from compatibility with the Koran (a book of pure anti-science), mainstream scientists continuously censor their thoughts to ensure they always reflect the prevailing scientific Meta Paradigm of materialism and empiricism. These dullards have no capacity to conceive of the existence of dimensionless minds with subjective agency.

***** Everything has its reasons. They may not be good reasons, but they are reasons all the same. It’s useful to consider the human brain to actually be six different brains, reflecting Jung’s scheme for defining personality. We have a feeling brain, a sensing brain, an intuitive brain, a thinking brain, an introverted brain and an extraverted brain. Each of these has its version of “reason”. A feeling brain, for example, is driven by the agenda of trying to feel better, and avoid feeling worse. The “reasons” it deploys for its actions are those that are imagined to lead to better rather than worse emotional states. The feeling brain is all about pleasure and pain, and the cultivation of the former and avoidance of the latter. Regarding the feeling, sensing, intuitive and thinking brains, each of us uses one of these in preference to the others. We ally this with extraversion or introversion, and that combination becomes the core of our personality.

We can link Will to the feeling brain, and Intellect to the thinking brain. If we are people of Will, our “reasons” are driven by our emotions and desires. If we are intellectuals, we are driven by rationalism and logic. The Will might seem to the Intellect to be irrational, but in fact it’s just differently rational, obeying a different agenda and priorities. When thinkers subordinate their thinking to explaining the world presented to them by their senses then they are scientists (empiricists). When thinkers seek to explain reality on the basis of their intuitions and the innate qualities and properties of thinking itself then they are mathematicians and metaphysicists (rationalists).

***** Our six brains stand in a dialectical relation to each other. Sometimes they cooperate. Often, they ferociously compete. That’s why human behaviour is so inconsistent, weird and unpredictable.

***** We can regard Will as unconscious, instinctive reason, highly attuned to fight or flight, feeding and fucking, pleasure and pain, power and powerlessness, predation and prey. Intellect, on the other hand, is conscious, deliberative, considered reason. Intellect can evolve only when you have achieved a considerable degree of civilisation, and are insulated from constant fear of being attacked and eaten by predators. Nothing in the jungle can be intellectual. Reason prospers the further you are from the jungle, from the world of immediacy. Consider a mathematician or philosopher working on one problem for twenty years. Think of the degree of civilisation that’s required to support such an activity, so removed from the world of the jungle.

Spinoza “I believe in Spinoza’s God.” – Einstein “That nothing ought to be admitted as True, but that which has been proved by good and solid reasons.” – Spinoza “...that the said Baruch de Espinoza should be excommunicated and expelled from the people of Israel ... Cursed be he by day and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lies down and cursed be he when he rises

up. Cursed be he when he goes out and cursed be he when he comes in. The Lord will not spare him, but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under Heaven.” – the Excommunication pronounced on Spinoza Isn’t it typical that people of faith should excommunicate people of reason? Why don’t the people of reason simply leave these retards behind in their swamp of ignorance? “The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation. ... [Religions are] the relics of man’s ancient bondage. ... [They are used] with an impudence quite shameless. ... the dispelling of ignorance would entail the disappearance of that astonishment, which is the one and only support ... for safeguarding their authority.” – Spinoza “[Spinoza is] one who mocks all religions.” – the Dutch religious authorities, who considered Spinoza “gangrenous”. “[Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus is] the most vile and sacrilegious book the world has ever seen.” – the Dutch religious authorities “[Spinoza is] the most impious, the most infamous, and at the same time the most subtle Atheist that Hell has vomited on the earth.” – the Dutch religious authorities “That discerning Jew.” – Leibniz on Spinoza

The Dialectic “Nothing can become revealed to itself without opposition or contrariety.” – Jacob Böhme The dialectic is embedded in everything. It’s impossible to think of light without at the same time thinking of dark, or love without hate, fat without thin, tall without short, anger without calm, war without peace, male without female, or anything else you care to choose. We make intellectual progress by proposing a thesis and rapidly opposing it with an antithesis. That would lead to a permanent stand-off if we did not have something else – the synthesis – which can reveal a hidden

commonality between the thesis and antithesis, and from which we can attain a higher thesis, and hence a higher antithesis. Through countless dialectical iterations, we arrive at a final synthesis in which all contradictions are fully resolved. We already know of a system where all contradictions are fully resolved – ontological mathematics. In its eternal, objective aspect of laws, ontological mathematics is free of contradictions. In its temporal, historical, subjective aspect, it’s full of contradictions (arising from the complex interactions between its component units, i.e. monads). The dialectic is the procedure by which all things reach a state where all of the contradictions between them have been resolved. They have now taken on the character of eternity (divinity). In subjective terms, all monads have become perfect (Gods). In objective terms, all monads have entered into perfect symmetric alignment. Ontological mathematics consists of two strands: objective and subjective. Objective mathematics, in terms of its laws, is eternally perfect. Subjective mathematics (living mathematics, so to speak) evolves to perfection via the dialectic. This is subjectively experienced as the attainment of divinity, and objectively manifested by the accomplishment of perfect symmetry between all monads. Objective mathematics is unconscious. The point of subjective mathematics is to become conscious. Through subjective dialectics, the universe becomes fully conscious of itself. It transforms itself into God! – all powerful, all knowing, all seeing ... perfect.

The Unconscious Universe Eduard von Hartmann argued that the universe is a manifestation of the Unconscious. This is a far superior assertion to that of those who believe that the universe is somehow fundamentally Conscious. In Jungian terms, we can conceive of the universe operating primarily through the Collective Unconscious, with individual consciousness finally evolving from the vast mental hinterland constructed by the Cosmic Unconscious.

Matter Matter is extended, dimensional mind. Matter is shared, “public” mental energy rather than private mental energy (unextended; dimensionless).

Our dreams are private, constructed from our own mental energy. The material world is public, constructed from shared mental energy. The private, subjective dream world has no set rules; the public, shared world has the set rules of objective mathematics, hence seems machinelike. We have an extended, objective relationship with all minds except our own (with which we have an unextended, subjective relationship).

Irrationality What does it mean to be “irrational”? Simplistically, it means to be under the control of will rather than intellect. However, the situation is more complex than that. Will is in fact rational, but the “reason” it follows is that of total selfishness. It’s “subjective” reason. True reason, pure reason, is objective. Extreme individualists are people of high will, who have no regard for others. People who have mastered their will via the intellect are far more communitarian. In relation to agreed, objective reason – with which every rational person can agree – subjective reason is idiosyncratic. Only one person – the subject – knows his own motivation, and even he’s probably not fully conscious of why he’s acting as he does. To this extent, subjective reason is irrational because nothing systematic and universal is associated with it. No general, repeatable rules can be derived. The Freudian Id is irrational in this sense. The Freudian Superego is rational to the extent that it seeks general rules of human conduct. This is true morality. However, morality is about behaviour, and behaviour is never wholly objective since it’s performed by subjects. True reason applies to true objectivity, which is where all subjectivity is stripped out. Only one discipline is strictly rational in the absolute sense – ontological mathematics. The objective, eternal laws of ontological mathematics are the only source of absolute reason, and absolute Truth.

The Will to Power The minimum Will to Power = the Will to Survive. The maximum Will to Power = the Will to Know the Absolute, Objective laws of Existence (the laws of Ontological Mathematics) ... to become God.

The Will to Power can manifest itself as the Will to be Powerful (as in the case of the Abrahamic God), and the Will to be with Power (as in the case of the Abrahamic slaves who worship the Abrahamic God). The Will to Submit to Power is a version of the Will to Power. People feel empowered by submitting to a much greater power that (so they believe) will protect them. Muslims – those who submit to Allah – are the classic examples of those manifesting the Will to Submit to Power.

***** Subjective reason = the Freudian Id. This is the gospel of selfishness and self-interest. It’s all about “Me, me, me”, and screw everyone else. Objective reason = the Freudian Superego. This is the gospel of altruism and morality. It seeks to make all subjects obey an objective set of rules, in the common interest of all. It’s defined by “We, we, we.” Where the Freudian Id looks at every other subject as a rival, a competitor, an “other” (something to be hated, fought and dominated), the Freudian Superego looks at every other subject as a friend, ally, collaborator, cooperator, colleague. Right wing ideologies (which promote such doctrines as the “virtue of selfishness,” “greed is good” and the “invisible hand of self-interest”) are based on the Id, and left wing ideologies on the Superego. The war of left and right wing politics is simply the war of the Superego and Id. All right wing people are evil in a very real sense since they are defined by selfishness, hatred and contempt for others. The Freudian Ego obeys the Reality Principle. It tries to mediate between the conflicting needs of the Id and Superego. The Ego is rational and calculating. It’s Machiavellian. It’s the seat of true consciousness. People driven purely by Id or Superego are not fully conscious; the former are like brutes, the latter like the Borg of Star Trek. The Ego learns something profound from the Superego. The Superego is that which seeks objective rules for subjects to obey. The Ego takes this a step further. It seeks objective rules that transcend subjects. These then become objective laws of nature (mathematics, science) rather than objective laws of subjects (morality, ethics; Kantian categorical imperatives).

True objectivity cannot in any way be influenced by subjective opinions, beliefs or interpretations. Only the laws of ontological mathematics are truly objective. Everything else is subjective and interpretational. If Satan is the masculine God of the Id (Selfishness), Lucifer is the feminine Goddess of the Superego (Altruism), and Abraxas is the sexless deity of the Ego (Rationalism).

***** Subjective Reason = Self-Interest, Selfishness and Egotism. Objective Reason (in the practical Kantian sense) = Altruism, Morality and Ethics. Objective Reason (in the theoretical Kantian sense) = the laws of Ontological Mathematics. Mythos humans are grounded in both the Id and Superego, and can be said to follow a Fantasy Principle (comprised of the individualistic Pleasure Principle and the collectivist Morality Principle). Logos humanity is grounded in the rational Ego and the Reality Principle. The Ego knows what humans are like and knows they will never be truly moral or “good”. Why did communism fail? Because it thought that humans are moral and good when in fact they are neither. Why has capitalism been more successful? Because it assumes that humans are driven by self-interest, selfishness, pleasure seeking, instant gratification, status and acquisition. Capitalism is more reflective of base human nature. Why will communism and capitalism both be superseded? Because we can rationally work out a way that isn’t pure selfishness (Id capitalism), nor pure altruism (superego communism), but something in-between: Meritocracy, defined by the rational Ego and the Reality Principle. Meritocracy is the inevitable end of the line. It’s the fairest, most just system, the system that guarantees everyone an equal opportunity, but promises no one an equal outcome. Where capitalism is all about difference only, and communism about equality only, meritocracy is about an equal platform, from which differences are produced, depending on the differential talents and efforts of individuals. It’s about equal opportunities, but without equal outcomes.

***** Arguably, the most important distinction of all is that between subjectivity and objectivity. Any system of thought that cannot explain both subjects and objects cannot provide a final theory of everything. Science has no concept of a subject, hence will always be a limited theory. Subjects are one and the same thing as “substances”, i.e. they depend on nothing else for their existence. They are independent, autonomous, uncreated, causeless causes. It’s precisely because subjects can be external to objective causal chains that they can exhibit free will. In science – where there are no subjects, no things outside inexorable, objective causal chains – freedom is impossible. Subjectivity is the key to preferring idealism and rationalism to materialism and empiricism. Subjects are of course souls. To accommodate souls, a non-sensory, eternal, necessary framework is required, namely that of ontological mathematics rather than of science.

Apollo and Dionysus Apollo is Intellect and Dionysus is Will. Dionysus is the Id, while Apollo is the Superego. Dionysus is irrational (insofar as he eschews any objective standards, and is driven purely by his own impulses). Apollo is rational. A third God – the Roman God Janus – acts as the Ego, mediating between Apollo and Dionysus. Janus has two faces and can look forwards and backwards at once. Janus can therefore look to the Id and Superego at once, and rationally negotiate between them. We could equally call Satan the Id, Lucifer the Superego, and Abraxas the Ego. These are all dialectical schemes. The Id is the thesis, the Superego the antithesis, and the Ego the synthesis. Hegel said, “Everything which takes place in heaven and on earth, the life of God and all that is done in time, strives only to this end, that the Mind may know itself, may become an object to itself, may rise from selfinvolved to distinct and separate being ... in order to be able to find itself and to come to itself.” The universe begins as Dionysian and exhibits ferocious Will to Power. Apollo gradually evolves from Dionysus, just as in the triune theory of the

brain, the neocortex (where rational processing takes places) evolves from the brain stem (the Reptilian brain given over to pure Will) and the Limbic System (given over to feelings and intuitions). Most men are controlled by the Reptilian brain, and most women by the Limbic system. Higher Humanity is controlled by the neocortex. The Freudian Id is located in the Reptilian brain and “lower” Limbic System. The Freudian Superego is located in the “higher” Limbic System and lower neocortex. The Freudian Ego is located in the higher neocortex. It’s the higher neocortex that’s the future of humanity, humanity’s launchpad to divinity. Mythos humanity is defined by the Reptilian brain stem and the Limbic System. Logos humanity is defined by the neocortex. Look at Abrahamism ... absolutely sundered from the neocortex. Reason is the Devil’s whore, said Luther. Abrahamism is all about faith, which has no connection with reason. Look at Islam, full of maniacal terrorists and intolerant persecutors. This is a purely Id religion (and Judaism would be exactly the same if the “Chosen People” had proved more successful militarily in history). Christianity is more of a Limbic System religion. In the Christian Bible, the Old Testament is about the Reptilian brain, and the New Testament about the Limbic System. The Torah and Koran are both exclusively about the Reptilian brain. No religion other than Illuminism is concerned with the neocortex. Illuminism is the religion of dialectical monism (self-solving, selfoptimizing ontological mathematics). It begins as pure Will (Dionysian) then evolves Intellect (Apollonian). The first attempt at understanding the world is via Mythos emotionalism, which is then superseded by Logos rationalism. If we want to become Gods, we must be guided by the neocortex, Logos and Apollo. That’s the destiny of “new” humanity. “Old” humanity is stuck in Mythos madness. It’s guaranteed to become extinct. The Demiurge – Satan, the Abrahamic “God” – is Dionysian, driven by pure Will. Read the Torah, Old Testament and Koran and you will see that they are all about the master-slave dialectic, domination and submission, carrot (heaven) and stick (hell), and mind-boggling control conveyed through extreme brainwashing.

All pyramid structures are about power hierarchies, about the masterslave dialectic. The meritocratic round table, on the other hand, concerns rationalism, and the abolition of masters and slaves.

The Will Schopenhauer’s philosophy put a blind, irrational, ceaselessly striving Will to Live (to Exist, to Persist, to Survive) at the core of existence. In fact, the Will is simply unconscious reason, or non-intellectual reason, doing its crude best to understand itself. Intellect is Will that has become conscious and can reflect on itself logically and rationally using language and math. Unconscious reason (Will) thrashes around, wildly seeking answers. Conscious reason (Intellect) can calculate, plan and organize. Ancient Greece was where the immense power of the human intellect first became truly apparent, but Greek thinking was destroyed by Abrahamism. It did not recover until the Renaissance, and, especially, the Enlightenment. However, the vast bulk of humanity remains mired in ignorance and will never wise up and rise up. It’s time for Logos humanity to separate itself from Mythos humanity. We can’t let the dinosaurs hold us back any longer. They are certain to become extinct. Free of them, we can accomplish anything!

Divine Suicide? According to Hartmann, the purpose of consciousness is to allow the Intellect to control the Will and thus Will its own demise, thereby bringing to an end the “misery” of existence. In Illuminism, “Divine Suicide” (which mathematically corresponds to symmetry breaking) follows the achievement of symmetric perfection. The quest for perfection (restoration of perfect symmetry) then starts all over again.

The Senses Fallacy Scientists swear by their senses, and reject everything else, including reason and logic. The trouble with the senses is that they show us only phenomenal effects, and never their noumenal causes. This means that people have to guess at the causes, and they invent all sorts of religious mumbo jumbo, or

philosophical speculation, or scientific hypothesising, to account for the unseen and unseeable causes. In its classical age, science looked to clockwork mechanisms, determinism and causation to explain phenomenal events. A vast causal framework held everything in place. When the quantum age arrived, science ditched mechanism, determinism and causation. In a 100% volteface, science abandoned any notion of a causal framework underlying phenomenal observations. This fits in with the true logic of empiricism. If you can’t observe causes, they can’t exist (because, if they did, they would point to an order of existence forever hidden from the senses, and this would instantly refute the empiricist system of knowledge, which claims that all knowledge starts with the senses). Science is now happy to claim that events summon themselves into existence. Events, so science says, happen spontaneously, randomly, indeterministically. They either miraculously spring out of nothing at all, for no reason at all, via no mechanism at all, or they are magically plucked by undefined observers and their undefined observations from an unreal, abstract domain of mathematical potentiality wave functions, the origin of which is entirely unexplained. Indeed, nothing at all can be explained by empiricism. It’s simply not an explanatory system. It’s an observational system. In reality, all phenomena are underpinned by unempirical noumena. True knowledge concerns this noumenal world of causes, not the phenomenal world of effects. Scientists have never understood this simple point, even though all of their most cherished theories are expressed using nonempirical, non-sensory, non-experimental mathematics. The noumenal world is a mathematical world of eternal necessity, completeness and consistency. It’s a world of reason, logic, eternal truths of reason, eternal facts. It’s a rational, not empirical, world. It’s not a scientific world. Scientists irrationally refuse to acknowledge the existence of anything that both transcends and underpins science. That’s the penalty for being an empiricist rather than a rationalist. Causation is always noumenal. Causation can never be seen. Only effects are seen. Empiricists have therefore had extraordinary difficulties with causation. David Hume denied its existence, and science has gradually arrived at the same view. That’s what happens when you privilege the

senses (observations) over reason (the intellect). That’s why scientists are illogical, irrational and anti-intellectual. It’s because they are so hostile to causation that scientists deny teleology (final causes) and meaning. It’s why they deny free will and subjective agency.

The Baby To understand how the universe works, it’s necessary only to study human babies. A baby starts out as a being of pure will and feeling. It feels either satisfied or dissatisfied. When it feels dissatisfied, it wails for food, drink, attention, love, company, clean nappies, or whatever. It couldn’t care less about anyone else. It’s pure id, driven by sheer will, and whether it feels pleasure or pain at that exact instant. It exists at the same level as animals – instinctually. It makes no meaningful use of its neocortex. It has no consciousness, no empathy, no sympathy, no memories, no identity, no ego. It’s a perfect “it” (id) – an unconscious mind driven by will and emotion, devoid of reason, knowledge and intellect. It gradually learns from parents and various authority figures (adult relatives, teachers, priests, community elders, and so on) what the rules of society are (i.e., it starts to acquire a Superego). Slowly, mostly at school, it acquires cerebral, neocortex abilities. However, the vast majority of people in the world achieve only the bare minimum of such capacity. They remain essentially creatures of will and feelings, little removed from animals. These are Mythos people. Their brain functions mostly by way of the reptilian brain stem and emotional limbic system. Higher Humanity – Logos Humanity – has transferred a huge amount of brain function to the newest part of the human brain, the neocortex, which is what truly distinguishes us from animals. The more you inhabit your neocortex, the more highly evolved you are, and the less of an animal you are. Mythos humanity differs from Logos humanity precisely insofar as the latter is defined by the neocortex, whereas the former is defined by the reptilian brain and limbic system. The former are ruled by will and feelings, by stories, superstitions, beliefs and ill-informed opinions. They have poor reasoning skills and little or no interest in logic, facts, evidence, rational arguments, and knowledge. They are literally mentally retarded in relation

to Logos humanity. They have failed to evolve. The only reason why they have not been wiped out – like Neanderthal Man – is that they are in the overwhelming majority, and Logos Humanity has never chosen to eradicate them. The Neanderthals were eliminated from the gene pool during an Ice Age, with which they couldn’t cope. Another disaster is required – one that will selectively kill off those – Mythos humanity – who have failed to evolve and are now holding back human progress. Logos humanity should actively seek to physically separate itself from the Mythos mob. It should build super cities from which Mythos humans are banned. The Mythos masses can go on worshipping Jehovah, Allah, Christ, the Buddha or whoever else floats their boat, and sink back into oblivion. They are marked for extinction because they have failed to evolve. Anyone who seriously believes that the texts of Abrahamism contain even one true word is too stupid to play any part in the human future. Every Logos human laughs at these silly, ancient stories. Mythos humans allow themselves to be defined by these absurd, embarrassing, mad tales of pathetic desert tribespeople of long ago. Moses, the Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mohammed are all pathetic figures: outright liars, charlatans, lunatics, fantasists, and madmen with nothing of merit to say about reality. The future of humanity is all about harnessing the power of the neocortex. Those locked into the reptilian brain stem and limbic system have no future. They are the human equivalents of dinosaurs. The First Age of humanity was that of the unadulterated Will, of the reptilian brain. It was defined by violence – military force, kings, emperors, armies, and so on. It was associated with tradition-directed types and was a highly masculine time. The Second Age of humanity (the present age) is that of the limbic system. It’s all about emotion, empathy, sympathy, relatedness, connectedness, harmony, social networking. It’s associated with otherdirected types and is increasingly feminine and effeminate. Consumerism, “going shopping”, “retail therapy”, entertainment, hugging, and endless displays of emotion are the order of the day. Office workers are weak, passive, compliant, and are expected to be “politically correct”. “Bullies” are condemned. In fact, all strong, aggressive types are reviled. It’s an immensely hypocritical, shallow and weak period in human history.

In religious terms, Judaism and Islam belong to the First Age of humanity. They are aggressive, warlike and masculine. They have contempt for women and freethinkers. The Christian New Testament belongs to the Second Age of humanity. According to its own propaganda (if not its reality), it promotes, love, peace, the weak and the meek, forgiveness and compassion. Christianity is the world’s most successful religion because its Old Testament belongs to the masculine First Age of humanity and its New Testament to the feminine Second Age of humanity. (Of course, although we say this is a feminine age, it’s still, in the final analysis, controlled by aggressive, psychopathic men – throwbacks to the First Age.) The Third Age of humanity will be the age of the neocortex. It will be neither a masculine nor feminine Age, neither patriarchal nor matriarchal, but rational and intellectual. It will be a Meritocratic Age defined by innerdirected and autonomous types. This is the inevitable evolutionary trajectory of humanity. The smartest humans – the HyperHumans – will shape humanity’s future.

The Unconscious The Freudian id aspect of the unconscious mind “thinks” via will, feelings and instinct. The Freudian superego is a “programmed” mind. It’s constructed through basic operant conditioning. “Good” behaviour, as judged by parents, community and society, is rewarded and encouraged, while “bad” behaviour is punished and discouraged. The Freudian ego is where conscious reasoning comes into play. Sadly, most people operate without a functional ego. The ego obeys the “reality principle”, but most people inhabit a fantasy world of Mythos gods and forces that are the opposite of reality. Most people are in fact almost exclusively driven by their id or superego (or each in succession, depending on the circumstances). Brainwashed Muslims (and Abrahamists in general) operate according to the values and identity instilled in them by their parents and communities, through operant conditioning. Towards all non-Muslims, they exhibit id behaviour – absolute hatred and intolerance. Towards each other, they try to respect the superego. Muslims exhibit zero reasoning skills. The Koran is one of the least intelligent books ever written. This is hardly surprising given that

Mohammed himself was an unintelligent, illiterate tribesman. Only people who operate at the same intellectual level as Mohammed – a staggeringly low level – find the Koran persuasive. Free-market capitalism is the id converted into an economic system. It’s all about self-indulgence, instant gratification, and the lowest common denominator. It’s driven by feelings and desires, and has utter contempt for intelligence, culture and quality. Capitalism involves a permanent race to the bottom, and wallowing in the gutters and sewers of human behaviour. Everywhere you look, you will see the effects of the id on the one hand, and the brainwashed superego on the other. What you will never detect is any evidence of the rational, considered, enlightened ego. The First Age of humanity was about the id, and the Second Age about the superego. The id corresponds to a warlike age where brute force ruled. The superego corresponds to “civilization” where religion and “morality” replace primitive force. HyperHumanity will inaugurate the Third Age – that of the rational ego. This will be the Age of Meritocracy and True Enlightenment. It will be the Age of Reason, the Age of the Reality Principle.

Goethe: The Promethean “First and last, what is demanded of genius is love of truth.” – Goethe Exactly right. Math is love of truth. Science isn’t. No one who subscribes to a falsification principle is interested in the Truth (which is by definition unfalsifiable). “The human mind will not be confined to any limits.” – Goethe So says the Coming Race of Gods. “In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm ... in the real world all rests on perseverance.” – Goethe Both are needed for works of genius. “It is better to be deceived by one’s friends than to deceive them.” – Goethe That depends on the nature of the deception. “It is in self-limitation that a master first shows himself.” – Goethe The master is controlled in all things. Even his excess is controlled.

“It is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do, that makes life blessed.” – Goethe This is the difference between what we want and what we need. We must do what we need to do, not what we want to do. Most people do the exact reverse – and that’s why they fail in life. “It is the strange fate of man, that even in the greatest of evils the fear of the worst continues to haunt him.” – Goethe The worst is never as bad as you fear! “There is nothing in the world more shameful than establishing one’s self on lies and fables.” – Goethe Therefore, there is nothing more shameful than organised religion, and the science Mythos. “Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.” – Goethe And the most necessary thing in the world. “This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.” – Goethe Most people are zombies. They don’t earn life. They conquer nothing.

Airbrushing Modern culture generates endless Mythos and dreams – movies, TV shows, Reality TV, celebrity culture, hyperreality (the more real than real), airbrushed perfection, the super rich, glittering prizes, exquisite fantasy lives. These dreams are never realised, except for the super rich elite who run and own the system (for their own benefit and enrichment).

Objective and Subjective Dialectical evolution is about separating objectivity from subjectivity, reason from will and feelings. The more subjective you are, the more you’re a prisoner of Mythos. The more objective you are, the more you belong to the Logos species.

The Mythos species comprises people of faith and feelings, while the Logos species comprises people of reason and intuition. You can understand objective reality only if you have an objective, Logos intellect. If you have a subjective, Mythos mind, you don’t have a prayer of comprehending reality. You are about as close to fathoming true existence as a chimpanzee, a pigeon, a goldfish or a cockroach.

The Miraculous Brain The brain performs predictive calculations to anticipate where something is about to be, rather than merely registering where it currently is. It takes about a tenth of a second to process visual images – long enough to get you killed by an object such as a car that’s closing fast on you. To compensate, the brain “sees” where the object “will be” rather than where it “is”. In other words, we create a glimpse – a model – of the future, and it’s that which we “see” rather than true reality. Without this ability, we’d be in real trouble from fast-moving objects. Tennis players, baseball players and footballers are continually calculating where balls are going to be. They never see where the ball actually is! Dr Gerrit Maus said, “For the first time, we can see this sophisticated prediction mechanism at work in the human brain.” This prediction mechanism is of course all about mathematics: working out the future trajectory of an object from our current estimate of its speed, position and dynamic properties.

What Are We? There’s only one possible answer to what we all are. We are information processors, interpreters and generators. What is information? It’s mathematical signals. We are simply mathematical entities that are immersed in mathematical signals (information). We gather, process, evaluate and respond to information. That might sound horribly cold, clinical and machinelike. What saves us from being actual androids is the fact that information isn’t just objectively processed, it’s also subjectively experienced. We are information experiencers, and the feelings we have about these experiences turn us into personalities, characters ... people.

Each of us is a unique, subjective experiencer of mathematical information, and we ourselves generate mathematical information. If you stripped any “person” down to their core, what would you find? – a unitary mathematical information system ... a monad, a soul. A soul is pure mathematics. Each of us is pure mathematics. Existence is 100% mathematical. This is a mathematical, informational universe. Moreover, it’s one that’s trying to informationally optimize itself. It’s trying to produce the best possible and highest possible information ... divine information. Any other explanation of what a person is is irrational. To understand reality you have to be able to recognise yourself, what you really are ... and you really are a unique information system, a unique mathematical subject. Of course, you don’t experience yourself mathematically. Subjective experience of mathematics is all about feelings, will, sensations, desires, qualia. When people think of mathematics, they always think of it in terms of functions, equations, numbers, operations, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, arithmetic, calculus, and so on ... cold, objective things. They never think of what it’s like to be a mathematical function solving itself. They never think of the inner aspect of mathematics ... what it’s like to be a unique function, surrounded by other, similar functions, and by mathematical signals and information with which we interact. A “person” is what is produced from the interior experience of information, from the “withinness” of mathematics. What you can be certain of is that no one will ever teach you subjective mathematics in math class, yet that’s the most direct and immediate math of all – the math that rules our day to day lives!!! You may not like the idea of being a mathematical information system, but what would you rather be? A meaningless scientific materialist blob heading for eternal oblivion when you die (and, since you are supposedly made of lifeless, mindless atoms, were you ever really alive in the first place)? Or do you want to be an undefined “thing”, miraculously created by a Torture God who has the power to annihilate you, or send you to hell forever? Or do you want to be a not-self (anatman) that imagines that it’s a self (atman) for no apparent reason? Or are you just the individuated, phenomenal product of some great cosmic, unitary, noumenal Will?

Your choices aren’t good. Being an autonomous, immortal, uncreated, indestructible, uncaused mathematical information system that can feel, will, desire and reason is in fact not only your best choice from those available, but the perfect choice ... the one you would rationally choose for yourself if you wanted to be God. As a self-solving, self-optimizing mathematical function, when you find the answer to yourself, you have indeed become none other than God.

Contra Science “That which has always been accepted by everyone, everywhere, is almost certain to be false.” – Paul Valery All scientific “knowledge”, accepted by all scientists everywhere, is false. The only true part of science is math, which actually has nothing to do with science (i.e. with empiricism, the senses, observations and experiments).

Freethinking Scientists? John Bell was the last scientist capable of freethinking. It’s impossible to imagine any 21st century scientist as a freethinker. The materialist empiricist orthodoxy is now total. All scientific thinking must now take place within this tiny, narrow, dull box.

What Is Science? Science is philosophical empiricism with mathematical rationalism invalidly added to it. The scientific method is bogus because it cannot be applied to itself and explain itself. How can the scientific method validate the notion that only the scientific method can be used to generate knowledge? Scientific knowledge is all about observables, so anything unobservable cannot be amenable to the scientific method. If even one unobservable thing exists, the scientific method is automatically falsified as a means of furnishing us with a complete account of reality. There is no mechanism by which the scientific method, predicated on observables, can prove the non-existence of unobservables. It’s a contradiction in terms, a category error. Yet science proceeds as if it has been definitely established that there are no unobservables, hence that the scientific is the sole route to knowledge.

The scientific method is so bad that it can’t explain what math is, and why science is so reliant on math. The scientific method is 100% useless with regard to math, an entirely non-experimental subject, hence the total contradiction of the scientific method. Remove mathematics – which is rationally incompatible with the scientific method – from the scientific method and nothing remains other than divination, alchemy and religion! The scientific method is simply a way of modelling observable phenomena. It has no relevance whatsoever to noumenal Truth. It can provide no genuine knowledge and understanding.

The Evolution of the Brain If you looked at a human brain of ten thousand years ago, and one of today, they would look identical, yet the old brain would have been bicameral, and the new brain capable of manifesting consciousness. There’s not a single trace of this evolutionary record available by merely inspecting the physical brain. It all happens at the “implicate” level. The brain, unlike the human body – which has barely changed for perhaps hundreds of thousands of years – has undergone the most remarkable changes, but not at any obvious level ... rather, at the level of becoming a finer and finer tool for the expression of mind and consciousness. No amount of studying genes would ever reveal what journey the brain has gone through, and what journey remains to be gone through.

The Impossible Every major change in human history was deemed impossible by its opponents. Yet each happened ... despite all of the disbelief, mockery, persecution, resistance, discrimination, violence, suppression, oppression, disgust and hatred. So it goes. Never worry about what the critics say. The “impossible” is always possible. Those with the strongest will are certain to win in the end. It’s time for the smartest people to ally their intelligence with maximum will.

Divisibility Can we go on dividing divisible things forever (i.e. there is no “bottom” to existence; we are trapped in infinite regress), or do all divisible things terminate in indivisible things? If so, are these indivisible things extended

atoms (physical), or unextended monads (mental)? How you answer these questions will determine your entire understanding of reality.

Mechanistic Life According to mechanistic scientists, if you can arrange material cogwheels in just the right way, one of the outputs will be conscious mind! Given that no scientific materialist cogwheel contains any mental attributes at all, this is effectively to create something from nothing (mind from non-mind) ... a logical impossibility. All of the central claims of science terminate in logical impossibilities. Science is the irrational, mystical claim that impossibilities are possible.

The Primary Order “...all apparent substance and movement are illusory. They emerge from another, more primary order of the universe. Bohm calls this phenomenon the holomovement. Ever since Galileo, he says, we have been looking at nature through lenses; our very act of objectifying, as in an electron microscope, alters that which we hope to see. We want to find its edges, to make it sit still for a moment, when its true nature is in another order of reality, another dimension, where there are no things. It as if we are bringing the ‘observed’ into focus, as you would bring a picture into resolution, but the blur is a more accurate representation. The blur itself is the basic reality. It occurred to Karl Pribram that the brain’s mathematics may also comprise a lens. These mathematical transforms make objects out of blurs or frequencies, making them into sounds and colours and kinaesthetic sensations and smells and tastes. ‘Maybe reality isn’t what we see with our eyes.’ Pribram says. ‘If we didn’t have that lens – the mathematics performed by our brain – maybe we would know a world organized in the frequency domain. No space, no time – just events. Can reality be read out of that domain?’” – Marilyn Ferguson The mathematical frequency Singularity – a world of no space, no time, just events – is exactly what is being described by Marilyn Ferguson.


How do dimensionless monads give rise to dimensional objects? This question has prompted great controversy amongst Leibniz scholars and interpreters. If a physical body is made of physical atoms, then, by analogy, don’t mental atoms (monads) comprise a mental body (a spiritual body)? When you think about it, how can you distinguish a physical body from a mental body? People might imagine mental bodies as “ghosts” and claim you can put your hand right through them. However, if a mental body is associated with force fields, then you would in fact be prevented from putting your hand through it by the forces, hence you might conclude it’s solid. But it’s not. The debate switches away from the meaning of physicality to the meaning of force and how we experience force via our senses. It’s not at all clear that “force” has anything to do with physicality, is it? Force could easily be conceived in mental terms. So, there is nothing strange, illogical or puzzling if Leibniz is claiming that everything is made out of point-atoms (monads), capable of generating individual and collective forces. Some commentators say that Leibniz proposed that compound bodies are literally made out of monads, the basic units (substances) of existence. Others say that he didn’t consider bodies “real” (but of course that simply raises the issue of what we mean by a “real” body). Did Leibniz thinks that bodies are constructed out of mind atoms or that bodies are constructed out of the well-founded perceptions of mind atoms? In the first case, they are actual things, albeit made of mind, and, in the second case, they are mere ideas in minds (phenomena). However, the distinction here is remarkably fine because in either case the objects or phenomena don’t exist if minds don’t exist. If a mind is a set of ideas and perceptions then anything made of minds is ipso facto made of ideas and perceptions.

Monads Leibnizian monads are “simple”. They are “without parts” (physical parts, that is). They are dimensionless, metaphysical points. As points, they are ostensibly as mathematically simple as it gets. However, these are also minds and, as such, they are infinitely complex. They are infinite perceivers, infinite thinkers.


Dimensionless monads (frequency domains) make dimensional bodies (spacetime domains) via ontological Fourier mathematics.

Goethe: The Übermensch “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” – Goethe Only the Gods trust themselves. Do you trust reason and logic? If not, you’re lost. “Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing.” – Goethe All trolls imagine themselves brilliant. They have zero respect for knowledge, learning and Truth. They always bang on about their personal experiences. As Kierkegaard said, “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Trolls never exhibit freedom of thought. “Certain defects are necessary for the existence of individuality.” – Goethe All personalities are defective, and yet defects are the source of uniqueness and genius. “Character develops itself in the stream of life.” – Goethe Life is not a spectator sport. Abandoning life – as Buddhists do – is criminal. They have no character. All Buddhist monks are strangely bland, identikit people. They seem almost zombie-like. How can anyone who denies the self, as Buddhists do, have a character and personality, and be in any way interesting? Character is itself an illusion, according to Buddhists. “Character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.” – Goethe Seek out the storms if you want a great character. “Character, in great and little things, means carrying through what you feel able to do.” – Goethe Most people never follow through. They give up at the first sign of effort and trouble. “For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is.” – Goethe

You must always think yourself God if you want to accomplish Godlike things. “Life is the childhood of our immortality.” – Goethe Divinity is the adulthood of our immortality. “Live dangerously and you live right.” – Goethe Nietzsche took this as his formula for life. Nietzsche hero worshipped Goethe.

Laser Photography “Holography is three-dimensional laser photography. The hologram is a true, three-dimensional record of the original object. It contains depth and parallax, which is the ability to see around the object to objects placed behind. “The word, hologram is composed of the Greek terms, holos for ‘whole view’; and gram, meaning ‘written’. A hologram is a three-dimensional record of the positive interference of laser light waves. A technical term for holography is wavefront reconstruction. In holography, we record the positive interference of matching wavefronts of laser light. This threedimensional record is formed as a diffraction pattern; a series of very fine lines, or concentric circles. This diffraction grating bends the viewing light back onto the path of the original recording wavefronts of laser light. The three-dimensional version of the object – the hologram – is reconstructed as light.” –

Question and Answer – Seeing the Light Q: “Can people see direct light? I was taught we can only see reflected light.” – Lonnie Elliott A: “People can see both direct and reflected light. Perhaps whoever told you that we can only see reflected light meant that most of the objects around you are visible because they’re reflecting light from some other source. For example, the light emitted by the fluorescent tubes in the ceiling of my office is bouncing off my coffee mug and into my eyes, allowing me to see the mug. The fluorescent tubes, on the other hand, are emitting their

own light. You can see that light directly, although it might scatter off the glass that encloses the tube, the gas molecules in the air, or off the surfaces inside your eye, and be ‘reflected’ in that way. “So there are basically two categories of things you can see: things that reflect visible light (coffee mugs, people, the earth) and things that produce visible light (fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, a flame, the sun, computer screens). Either way, some of the light has to actually enter your eye. You can see a light bulb from any position because it emits light in many directions. The same goes for a coffee mug illuminated by a ceiling light – it’s basically reflecting light in all directions. “A laser beam, on the other hand, is concentrated in one direction. It’s invisible unless it is pointed directly at your eye (don’t do that!) or if some of it bounces off something like dust particles in the air, reflecting a little bit of light towards you. If a beam of light is just travelling through space without reflecting off anything or hitting your eye, you won’t be able to see it.” – Rebecca Holmes

The Holographic Brain “What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” – Morpheus, The Matrix The brain contains countless nerve cells (neurons), communicating electrically with each other. The neurons possess branchlike endings, forming a mind-bogglingly complex network of interconnections. When an electrical impulse reaches the end of these branches, it radiates outwards in a wavelike form. This vast pattern of continuously crisscrossing electrical waves is exactly what is needed to produce the interference patterns necessary for holography. Yet all brains are themselves holograms produced by the interference pattern contained within the frequency Singularity of the Monadic Collective. Where a holographic film contains a static 2D interference pattern, from which we construct a 3D image, the monad contains a dynamic interference pattern from which we construct a complex-numbered 6D hologram in space and time.

***** The whole of Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of Morphic Resonance can be understood in holographic terms. It depends on a frequency Singularity outside space and time, via which information can instantaneously be made available elsewhere (without any physical, scientific transmission mechanism).

***** Quantum mechanics is a theory that can only be understood holographically. When you hear physicists saying that particles can be everywhere at once, or take all possible routes to a destination, or that the wavefunction is defined over the whole universe, what they are really trying to say is simply that the whole is in every part. The whole can indeed be in every part because the cosmic Singularity is in every part of spacetime. Quantum entanglement is the most obvious holographic quantum phenomenon, entirely falsifying Einsteinian relativity. It’s the Singularity that refutes the relativity principle. It establishes an absolute order of interconnected existence, hence supports a reality principle, in contradiction of Einstein’s relativity principle. Einstein claimed that any observer can arbitrarily consider themselves stationary, hence everyone else is moving with respect to them. This arbitrary procedure is entirely forbidden if we are all interconnected. The whole system must always be taken into account, not just one part of it. If we are all interconnected, we are in an absolute system, not a relative one. One part of the system can’t isolate itself from the rest, can’t apply arbitrary frames of reference to itself, can’t suddenly declare itself stationary, regardless of everything else.

***** Newtonian gravity can also be considered holographically. If all celestial bodies are interconnected via an invisible mathematical Singularity at the centre of the universe, then it becomes possible to understand why gravitational information is transmitted instantaneously across empty space. Newton had this kind of option open to him ... all he needed to do was invoke Leibniz’s Singularity of monads, to add to his own absolute space and absolute time. Given that, all that Einstein then needed to do was to revise Newton by showing that absolute space and absolute time had to be

converted into absolute spacetime, conditioned by the frequency Singularity of monads, ruled by Maxwell’s electromagnetism. From all of that, quantum mechanics would pop out as nothing surprising at all. All of this is still possible – provided science accepts a mathematical Singularity at its core. But there’s nothing within the scientific method – a method that does not reflect reason and logic – to make this revolution possible. Science would have to abandon its empiricist method and turn to the rationalist mathematical method. That’s the one thing it will never do ... because science is a religious faith, not a rational discipline.

***** “Our brains are able to access a deeper order of existence, and in doing so, mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are projected from this deeper order. What this means is that our brains construct the objects we see and experience around us. ... Space and time are simply states of consciousness.” – Gary F. Moring, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Theories of the Universe But brains are themselves constructed objects in the constructed world of space and time. Monadic minds, not brains, are the source of the interference patterns from which the spacetime world is holographically constructed.

The Matrix “You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” – Morpheus, The Matrix Intuitives have a profoundly different response from sensing types to the movie The Matrix. Intuitives can immediately conceive of an analogy between the red pill world of true reality versus the blue pill world of the Matrix (the simulated reality), and the world outside space and time (the mental Singularity) versus the spacetime world of matter. Sensing types, at best, can only conceive of two related spacetime worlds (as demonstrated in the movie, even if one of those worlds is merely a simulated spacetime world). Sensing types don’t get the central implication of The Matrix: that our reality is fake, false, delusional, and conceals the Truth from us. Science

itself is the Matrix, blocking us from the Truth. Science is the blue pill. Scientists and atheists are blue pill people. They deny there’s any red pill world (i.e. a noumenal world of Truth to which we have no direct access in normal situations). The whole of science is predicated on the phenomenal world of Maya being treated as true reality, and on the total denial of an underlying, unobservable, noumenal reality.

Holography versus Photography “Holography is the science of making a three-dimensional image of an object using the special light from a laser. Unlike photography, which only records the brightness and contrast of an object, a hologram records brightness, contrast and dimension (through what is known as phase information). This allows holography to display the final image in true 3D.” – Frank DeFreitas It can’t be sufficiently stressed that a hologram records dimension through phase data. The whole world of spacetime results from the particular phase relations between the sinusoids of the monads within the cosmic Singularity. Without phase differences, there would be no physical world at all. “Physicality” – matter – is born solely of phase information.

The Choice Science is real and concrete. Math is unreal and abstract. This is what people believe. Why don’t they believe the opposite? Math is in fact real and concrete, while science is the unreal abstraction. Without math, science would be useless. Without science, math is unaffected. People have never understood what math is ontologically. That has always been the central problem confronting humanity’s understanding of reality. If math is unreal, it can’t describe reality, hence nothing that uses it (science!) can describe reality. If math is real, nothing else is required. People must stop regarding math as unreal. They will never understand reality otherwise.


Imagine science without calculus. Imagine quantum mechanics without Fourier mathematics. Imagine matrix mechanics without matrices. Imagine the special theory of relativity without Lorentz transformations. Imagine general relativity without Riemann geometry and tensors. Imagine science without mathematics. Science with math stripped from it would be indistinguishable from religion. Isn’t it amazing that the only thing that saves science from being a joke is the very thing that science regards as a manmade, unreal abstraction!

What Is Light? “What is light? The truth is, no one really knows for certain. Much of light still remains a mystery. ... White light has many different colours or wavelengths. Many lasers are a single colour or wavelength. ... “One of the more common instruments we use to produce light is the lightbulb. An ordinary household lightbulb produces light that we perceive as primarily white light. This is because, in actuality, the bulb is producing many different colours (or wavelengths) at the same time which, when combined, produce white. The light is also travelling away from the lightbulb in many different, random directions. There is very little structure or uniformity in each of the colours or waves. We call this type of light ‘incoherent’ light. Incoherent light is incapable of producing any holographic image (a hologram). “To produce a hologram, we need a light source that produces what is known as a ‘coherent’ type of light. The requirements needed for a source of light to be considered coherent is that the light is of a single frequency and wavelength. Prior to 1960, there were no known sources of true coherent light that could provide great depth in a hologram. The introduction of the laser changed all this.” – Frank DeFreitas The light contained in monads is perfect analytic light – made of mathematical sinusoids (sines and cosines) – and generates perfect analytic interference patterns and perfect analytic holograms. Monadic holography is “first order” (ontological) holography. Holography in the material world is second-order (artificial) holography, i.e. the objects that are holographically filmed are themselves already firstorder holograms (which is why special, coherent light – laser light – is essential for second-order holography).

The Gods The Greeks conceived of the gods of Olympus rather as if they were super or hyper humans. The Jews imagined Jehovah as a divine, personal force that directly involved itself with the lives of the Jews (back in the day, of course ... Jehovah never seems to show up these days). Jehovah was a strongly interactive God. As for the Christians, they turned God into an avatar who came down to earth and interacted directly – as an actual human – with humanity. With the Muslims, Allah is utterly remote. If you dare to paint a picture of him, you might get your head chopped off. All religions establish various types of personal relationship with God, from the highly personal (e.g. Christianity) to the highly remote (e.g. Islam). Christians went as far as to make God a human walking amongst us, even “dying” on the cross. As for the Muslims, they made Allah so remote they then had to worship his prophet, Mohammed, instead. Their religion is so remote, it bans images, statues and music.

The Transcendental Ego “According to Kant, the transcendental ego – the ‘Transcendental Unity of Apperception’ – is unknowable [MH: like ‘things in themselves’]. Kant contrasts the transcendental ego to the empirical ego, the active individual self subject to immediate introspection. One is aware that there is an ‘I,’; a subject or self that accompanies one’s experience and consciousness. Since one experiences it as it manifests itself in time, which Kant proposes is a subjective form of perception, one can know it only indirectly: as object, rather than subject. It is the empirical ego that distinguishes one person from another providing each with a definite character. ... ‘In the Transcendental Deduction, Kant distinguishes the transcendental ego from the empirical ego and maintains that only the transcendental ego has these a priori relations with experience.’ (Robert C. Solomon)” – Wikipedia “Transcendental ego: the self that is necessary in order for there to be a unified empirical self-consciousness. For Immanuel Kant, it synthesizes sensations according to the categories of the understanding. Nothing can be known of this self, because it is a condition, not an object, of knowledge. For Edmund Husserl, pure consciousness, for which everything that exists is an object, is the ground for the foundation and constitution of all meaning. For Giovanni Gentile, it is the self that comes to consciousness

when one expresses one’s thoughts in language, the self whose being is pure act.” – Encyclopaedia Britannica “Transcendental ego: The conscious self which is the unifying subject of a person’s experiences and which cannot itself be experienced as an object, understood by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) as knowable only by inference, and understood by Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) as pure consciousness.” – Wiktionary “In the philosophy of Kant, the transcendental ego is the thinker of our thoughts, the subject of our experiences, the willer of our actions, and the agent of the various activities of synthesis that help to constitute the world we experience. It is probably to be identified with our real or noumenal self (see Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, A 492/B 520, where ‘the transcendental subject’ is equated with ‘the self proper, as it exists in itself’). Kant called it transcendental because he believed that although we must posit such a self, we can never observe it. What we can observe is only the empirical self – the totality of thoughts and experiences that are given to introspection or inner sense. Recalling a famous passage from Hume – ‘when I enter most intimately into what I call myself, I always stumble on some particular perception or other, of heat or cold, light or shade, love or hatred, pain or pleasure … and never can observe anything but the perception’ (Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part IV, sect. vi) – one might say that the empirical self is that upon which Hume stumbled, while the transcendental self is that which did the stumbling. The transcendental ego is also an important topic in the philosophies of Husserl and Sartre, where it receives rather different treatment.” – James van Cleve The Transcendental Self is the immortal soul. The Empirical Self is the “mortal” soul, the spacetime consciousness that dies with each body and is replaced each time we reincarnate. Human beings have a profound problem given that they invariably identify with their Empirical Self even though this is doomed to die, but have little or no relationship with their transcendental self, which never dies. Jungian psychology is about trying to bring the Ego – the centre of mortal consciousness – into contact with the Self, the centre of the immortal Psyche.

The Ego might be thought of as the part of the soul that is brought into space and time awareness with each new reincarnation. When the body dies, so does the spacetime Ego linked to it, but the Self – the Transcendental Self – is of course outside space and time, hence cannot perish. The Transcendental Self reflects the accumulation of the experiences of all the Egos. Kantian Transcendental Selves are just Leibnizian monads. The universe is made of unconscious Transcendental Selves, which become conscious in space and time via Empirical Selves (Egos). Gnosis – enlightenment – occurs when the Transcendental Self itself becomes conscious ... fully objectively conscious. This is God consciousness. The whole of Kant’s noumenal domain that so beguiled philosophers was never anything other than Leibniz’s universe of monads. Leibniz gave the answer a century before Kant, yet no one realised it. Leibniz is still opaque to the academic world of philosophy, math and science. All of the phenomenal objects of Kant’s philosophy (grounded in noumenal objects outside space and time), were actually just the mathematical products of mathematical monadic souls and their mathematical relations. It’s one of the greatest mysteries of the history of thought that Newton was preferred over Leibniz in science even though Leibniz was right and Newton wrong, and that Kant was preferred over Leibniz in philosophy even though everything Kant said that was right had already been said, and better, by Leibniz. Yet Leibniz’s day will come. When humanity has become sufficiently rational, it will acknowledge Leibniz as the greatest genius of them all.

The Collective versus the Individual It’s vital to understand that the spacetime world of matter (the scientific universe) is a holographic product of the Monadic Collective, i.e. the collection of all monads. Individual monads are linked to individual bodies within spacetime, and each such body has an extremely restricted spacetime perspective in comparison with the whole universe. We can detect with our senses only our immediate, local environment. This narrow spacetime field is the one presented to our empirical self (our conscious). However, our unconscious – our Transcendental Self (the ultimate executive) – needs to know what the

empirical self is experiencing. Therefore, the empirical self must, via Fourier transforms, convert its local spacetime functions (small “windows” of the overall, cosmic spacetime function) into frequency functions, and pass back that information to the Transcendental Self. The empirical self has a spacetime view of its local environment, while the Transcendental Self has a frequency view, which it can link to all of the other frequency information it possesses, covering the entire universe (this information not being available to the empirical self). The empirical self is a reducing valve system, connected to the local environment. The Transcendental Self is Mind at Large, connected to the entire universe.

The Four Mathematical Zones Ontological mathematics plays out over four distinct zones: 1) Spacetime: This is the domain of spacetime functions interacting with spacetime functions. It’s a collective domain, perceived by individual bodies. 2) Frequency: This is the domain of frequency functions interacting with frequency functions. This can involve collective frequency functions (involving several or all monads), individual frequency functions (involving individual monads), and collective and individual frequency functions (many or all monads interacting with individual monads). 3) The spacetime-frequency interface: This is the domain where spacetime functions are translated into frequency functions via the Fourier Transform. It allows matter to interact with mind. It’s the domain where the senses (our human lenses) translate information about the local physical universe into frequency data for the Transcendental Self. 4) The frequency-spacetime interface: Collectively, this is the domain where frequency functions are translated into spacetime functions via the inverse Fourier Transform (the spacetime functions are then detected as spacetime objects by the senses). Individually, it’s how our private dreamworlds are constructed. This domain allows mind to interact with matter. It’s the domain of

will; it’s how mental choices are translated into physical actions in the material world. The universe is not mechanistic. That was the fundamental error of classical physics. Only the spacetime zone has the appearance of mechanism. The frequency domain is that of will and teleology. The other two domains are those defined by transforms. This is a mathematical, not a scientific, religious or philosophical universe. Until you grasp that, you will never understand reality.

Lasers “The term laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The term ‘radiation’ in our case stands for light in the visible part of the spectrum, not the harmful radiation that is commonly associated with the word (although light can be harmful just as anything can!). “Laser light is a special type of light. First, it is what is known as monochromatic, or one single colour or wavelength. Second, and as mentioned already above, it is coherent, or all of the waves are travelling out of the tube in a very controlled and uniform manner. .... At one time, holography was called ‘laser photography’. “Like a traditional photograph, a hologram contains information about the size, shape, brightness and contrast of the object being recorded. But through the use of lasers, and the unique properties of the light they produce, a hologram also contains spatial information. This information is stored in a microscopic and complex pattern of interference within the light sensitive emulsion of the recording media. “The light reflected by a three dimensional object forms a very complicated pattern that is also three dimensional. In order to record the whole pattern, the light used must be highly directional and must be of one colour. Such light is called coherent. Because the light from a laser is one colour (monochromatic), and leaves the laser with one wave in perfect step with all others, it is perfect for making holograms. “When you shine a light on the hologram, the information that is stored as an interference pattern takes the incoming light and re-creates the original optical wavefront that was reflected off the object. Your eyes and brain now perceive the object as being in front of you once again.” – Frank DeFreitas

***** Remember, holography is all about phase information. There could be no material world of space and time without phase. Phase is the source of dimensionality, of “physicality”. The whole of scientific materialism results from a systematic misinterpretation of the phase data of mental waves. The scientific method itself is what prevents scientists thinking correctly (i.e. mathematically). The scientific method assumes the truth of a world of enduring physical objects. In fact, the world is mathematically calculated anew every instant. Reality is about mathematical wavefunctions, not physical “things”. This is exactly what quantum mechanics says, if correctly interpreted (which it never is by scientists).

Newton Newton was the master of the primitive science of absolute space and absolute time. James Clerk Maxwell, with the theory of electromagnetism, first introduced the frequency domain into science, though neither he nor anyone else realised this. Einstein, with his special theory of relativity, attempted to unify Newton’s laws of motion and Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, but failed to realise he was bringing the frequency domain into a mathematical relation with space and time. Quantum mechanics put the ontological frequency (wave) domain at the heart of space, time and matter, to the extent that people started to refer to wave-particle duality. As before, no one realised that science had actually stumbled into contact with the dimensionless frequency domain of mind, outside space and time. That’s the whole problem with science. It looks at everything through its Meta Paradigm of materialism and empiricism, so can’t recognise anything that contradicts its Meta Paradigm. Everything is filtered through the same prism, so every “explanation” has to conform to the filter. Of course, exactly the same thing happened with Abrahamism, where every “explanation” of reality was forced to conform to the Abrahamic holy texts. Science’s philosophy of empiricism and materialism is the equivalent of holy writ. No scientist would dare challenge it any more than a Muslim would dare find fault with the Koran. That’s why science is a religious faith. The ontology and epistemology of science, exactly like that of mainstream religion, is false. That’s why science will never reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. It’s an impossible task given the

empiricist materialist – anti-rationalist – philosophy that science swears by. Only reason, logic and math can solve the mystery of existence.

***** To cure itself, science has to do the unthinkable and place an immaterial, unobservable, analytic, non-sensory, non-experimental, noumenal, hidden frequency Singularity of mathematical mind at its centre ... yet this is precisely what it will never do because it worships the senses and rejects reason and logic. So it goes. You’re a fool if you haven’t worked out that science is the religion of the senses, and that it dogmatically rejects all non-sensory things, including reason and logic themselves. Only sensory irrationalists are satisfied with science. No intellectual is. Science is a ferociously anti-intellectual subject, in common with anything else that rejects the two core pillars of intellectualism ... reason and logic (united in math). You are not an intellectual if the principle of sufficient reason is not your defining principle.

Behaviourism Where Freud and Jung studied the unconscious mind, behavioural psychology – behaviourism – decided that the mind was irrelevant. For psychology to be a science, so the behaviourists claimed, it must deal with observables, not with internal, unobservable states. When it comes to humans, their observables are not their introspective thoughts, feelings, intuitions, perceptions, sensations, will and desires, but purely their demonstrable actions and behaviours. Thus behaviourism effectively abolished the mind. It did nothing but apply stimuli to human beings, and watch their behavioural responses. Given that exactly the same could be done to animals, humans were reduced to the same status as brutes. They were regarded as mere Cartesian automata, devoid of souls. At all times, the scientific mentality wages war against what is quintessentially human in order to reduce everything to sensory observables – the only things scientific dullards can understand. Scientists are horrifically narrow, limited and stunted “thinkers”. Reason and logic are not for them, only the things they can sense.

Holographic Jung The Jungian Collective Unconscious is a highly holographic concept. A single, whole level of the Unconscious is held in common by every person, i.e. the whole is in every part, influencing every part. No one can ever be without the Collective Unconscious. It’s part of our mental DNA, but, given that it’s immaterial and outside space and time, it’s emphatically not part of science. In fact, the Collective Unconscious is simply the Singularity by another name. It’s the interconnected Monadic Collective, operating objectively, i.e. without the subjective whims of individual monads. Each human being has three basic mental levels: 1) the conscious (belonging to an individual monad), 2) the personal unconscious (also belonging to an individual monad), and 3) the impersonal, collective unconscious (belonging to all monads). We are all mentally interlinked, whether we like it or not. Via the Collective Unconscious, telepathy, ESP, synchronicity, telekinesis, remote viewing, clairvoyance, necromancy, and so on, all become possible. They are mathematically possible, not scientifically possible. They obey mathematical Singularity non-locality, not scientific spacetime locality. It’s all in the math. If you want to study psychic phenomena, put away your New Age and occult books, and pick up a book on Fourier mathematics and holography. The Collective Unconscious operates via archetypes, common to all cultures and all times. They are universal patterns and themes for the human race, and are typically explored through art, religion, politics and psychology. Science has nothing to say about them. The Collective Unconscious is transpersonal ... it goes beyond mere personal experience, hence is vital for the highest mystical and spiritual experiences, those that put us in touch with the Cosmic “Oneness”.

Kant and Jung Kant said that individual minds projected space and time via their innate intuitions. This makes space and time highly subjective. However, if we relocate this projection from the Kantian personal unconscious to the Jungian Collective Unconscious, this becomes an objective process where all minds operate according to the same collective projection of spacetime.

To effect this change, we have to move away from Kant’s Newtonian understanding of space and time, and add a noumenal frequency Singularity (consistent with the Collective Unconscious). Kant believed the noumenal domain unknowable. It’s not. It’s math! It can be worked out via pure reason, the very thing that Kant critiqued in his most famous work, thus revealing Kant to be part of the empiricist gang.

Holonomic Brain Theory “The word ‘holography’ is derived from Greek roots meaning ‘complete writing’. The idea is that every part of ‘the writing’ contains information about the whole. A hologram (the material manifestation of a holograph) is a photographic emulsion in which information about a scene is recorded in a very special way. When the hologram is illuminated, you see a realistic, three-dimensional representation of the scene. If you cut the holographic photographic plate up into small pieces, the whole image can still be extracted from any of them (although with some loss of clarity). Karl Pribram uses the term holonomy to refer to a dynamic (or changing) hologram.” – Jeff Prideaux “The holonomic brain theory, developed by neuroscientist Karl Pribram initially in collaboration with physicist David Bohm, is a model of human cognition that describes the brain as a holographic storage network. Pribram suggests these processes involve electric oscillations in the brain’s finefibered dendritic webs, which are different from the more commonly known action potentials involving axons and synapses. These oscillations are waves and create wave interference patterns in which memory is encoded naturally, and the waves may be analyzed by a Fourier transform. Gabor, Pribram and others noted the similarities between these brain processes and the storage of information in a hologram, which can also be analyzed with a Fourier transform. In a hologram, any part of the hologram with sufficient size contains the whole of the stored information. In this theory, a piece of a long-term memory is similarly distributed over a dendritic arbor so that each part of the dendritic network contains all the information stored over the entire network. This model allows for important aspects of human consciousness, including the fast associative memory that allows for connections between different pieces of stored information and the nonlocality of memory storage (a specific memory is not stored in a specific location, i.e. a certain neuron).” – Wikipedia

What’s fascinating about this theory is that it attracts so little mainstream attention and study. The reason for that is simple: it does not conform to the standard empiricist materialist orthodoxy and dogmatism of science; it seems a bit “woo woo”; it involves non-localism (dreaded by scientists); and, above all, it’s ferociously mathematical. These features are enough to consign it oblivion. It fails the mainstream popularity test. “In 1946 Dennis Gabor invented the hologram mathematically, describing a system where an image can be reconstructed through information that is stored throughout the hologram. He demonstrated that the information pattern of a three-dimensional object can be encoded in a beam of light, which is more-or-less two-dimensional. Gabor also developed a mathematical model for demonstrating a holographic associative memory. One of Gabor’s colleagues, Pieter Jacobus Van Heerden, also developed a related holographic mathematical memory model in 1963. This model contained the key aspect of non-locality, which became important years later when, in 1967, experiments by both Braitenberg and Kirschfield showed that exact localization of memory in the brain was false.” – Wikipedia In order to support a holographic or holonomic understanding of reality, it’s essential to move to a wave-based theory of existence. Ontological mathematics provides exactly this. Science does not since it’s still obsessed with material particles (atoms). In ontological mathematics, atoms themselves are holograms projected by the Monadic Collective Singularity. Only by accepting such an ontology can mind be explained, and it immediately becomes primary, with matter its Fourier spacetime construct rather than a thing-in-itself with its own autonomous existence (thus inverting the current scientific conception of reality where matter is primary and mind its derivative). It’s essential to grasp that the entire information pattern of a threedimensional spatial universe can be encoded in a light Singularity. In fact, a dynamic six-dimensional spacetime universe is encoded by the light Singularity. “Karl Pribram had worked with psychologist Karl Lashley on Lashley’s engram experiments, which used lesions to determine the exact location of specific memories in primate brains. Lashley made small lesions in the brains and found that these had little effect on memory. On the other hand,

Pribram removed large areas of cortex, leading to multiple serious deficits in memory and cognitive function. Memories were not stored in a single neuron or exact location, but were spread over the entirety of a neural network. Lashley suggested that brain interference patterns could play a role in perception, but was unsure how such patterns might be generated in the brain or how they would lead to brain function.” – Wikipedia The brain is itself a hologram. The true source of the interference pattern are the sinusoidal monads of the Monadic Collective Singularity. Memories are stored in mental monads, not in physical brains. “Several years later an article by neurophysiologist John Eccles described how a wave could be generated at the branching ends of pre-synaptic axons. Multiples of these waves could create interference patterns. Soon after, Emmett Leith was successful in storing visual images through the interference patterns of laser beams, inspired by Gabor’s previous use of Fourier transformations to store information within a hologram. After studying the work of Eccles and that of Leith, Pribram put forward the hypothesis that memory might take the form of interference patterns that resemble laser-produced holograms. Physicist David Bohm presented his ideas of holomovement and implicate and explicate order. Pribram became aware of Bohm’s work in 1975 and realized that, since a hologram could store information within patterns of interference and then recreate that information when activated, it could serve as a strong metaphor for brain function. Pribram was further encouraged in this line of speculation by the fact that DeValois and DeValois found that ‘the spatial frequency encoding displayed by cells of the visual cortex was best described as a Fourier transform of the input pattern.’” – Wikipedia Why does such a promising theory fail to attract mainstream support? Who has ever refuted these ideas? Science is supposed to be an open-minded activity, searching for the objective truth, yet, in reality, it’s a closed minded dogmatism with only conventional ideas and theories being funded, and anything unconventional spelling career suicide. The science establishment more and more resembles the Catholic Church at the time of Galileo, absolutely resistant to new ideas, and consumed by its own inflexible ideology.

“A main characteristic of a hologram is that every part of the stored information is distributed over the entire hologram. Both processes of storage and retrieval are carried out in a way described by Fourier transformation equations. As long as a part of the hologram is large enough to contain the interference pattern, that part can recreate the entirety of the stored image, except with more unwanted changes, called noise.” – Wikipedia To move forward with holographic and holonomic thinking, it’s essential to adopt an ontology that fundamentally reflects natural Fourier processes, and has Fourier mathematics at its core. This is exactly what ontological mathematics delivers. However, ontological mathematics destroys conventional science, making mathematical rationalism rather than scientific empiricism, the intellect rather than the senses, the means of understanding reality. Scientists will no more concede their power to another group (the mathematicians) than the Cardinals and Pope of Galileo’s day were prepared to hand over their power to science. Nevertheless, that transfer of power did occur, whether the Pope liked it or not, and exactly the same thing will happen in respect of ontological mathematics, whether the popes of science like it or not. There will always be popes resisting progress, but they are all deposed in the end. Nothing is more certain than that science, the more it probes ultimate reality, will become more and more mathematical, and less and less experimental, until it eventually dawns on even the most resistant and dimwitted scientist that ultimate reality is itself is mathematical, which is precisely why only pure mathematics (rationalism) can reveal its secrets. Wikipedia says, “As long as a part of the hologram is large enough to contain the interference pattern, that part can recreate the entirety of the stored image ...” The Singularity at the heart of existence is always large enough to contain the interference pattern for the entire material universe, and without any loss of precision. “An analogy to this is the broadcasting region of a radio antenna. In each smaller individual location within the entire area it is possible to access every channel, similar to how the entirety of the information of a hologram is contained within a part. Another analogy of a hologram is the way sunlight illuminates objects in the visual field of an observer. It doesn’t

matter how narrow the beam of sunlight is. The beam always contains all the information of the object, and when conjugated by a lens of a camera or the eyeball, produces the same full three-dimensional image. The Fourier transform formula converts spatial forms to spatial wave frequencies and vice versa, as all objects are in essence vibratory structures. Different types of lenses, acting similarly to optic lenses, can alter the frequency nature of information that is transferred.” – Wikipedia The broadcasting of the cosmos itself is done by the ultimate radio antenna – the mental Singularity, comprised of sinusoidal monadic minds. Every channel is broadcast at once, and every monad can receive every channel. Life is about choosing which channels to watch and interact with, and which to ignore. The Singularity provides the ultimate beam of sunlight, revealing everything to those with eyes to see. The electromagnetic spectrum (visible light, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays and so on) constitutes the beam that the Singularity continuously radiates, illuminating all things, and generating the hologram of the spacetime world of matter. “This non-locality of information storage within the hologram is crucial, because even if most parts are damaged, the entirety will be contained within even a single remaining part of sufficient size. Pribram and others noted the similarities between an optical hologram and memory storage in the human brain. According to the holonomic brain theory, memories are stored within certain general regions, but stored non-locally within those regions. This allows the brain to maintain function and memory even when it is damaged. It is only when there exist no parts big enough to contain the whole that the memory is lost. This can also explain why some children retain normal intelligence when large portions of their brain – in some cases, half – are removed. It can also explain why memory is not lost when the brain is sliced in different cross-sections.” – Wikipedia No conventional scientific theory can explain these findings. Isn’t it time science dared to contemplate the unconventional? Yet science is no more encouraging towards new thinking than the Catholic Church. The science establishment is an enormous obstacle to change. Like the Catholic Church, it has no tolerance of freethinking, apostasy, heresy, unbelief, heresy and revolution. The old scientists must die in order for new science to become possible. Science must progress funeral by funeral, as Max Planck morbidly

but truthfully put it. The supreme tragedy is that the very people of whom this must be said (the members of the science establishment) believe themselves the greatest freethinkers and most open-minded people in the world. They are in fact the biggest resistance that the true freethinkers must overcome. “A single hologram can store 3D information in a 2D way. Such properties may explain some of the brain’s abilities, including the ability to recognize objects at different angles and sizes than in the original stored memory.” – Wikipedia In fact, the interference pattern for the ultimate hologram (the universe itself) is stored in the zero-dimensional Singularity, and the hologram of the universe is actually 6D, involving three real dimensions of space and three of imaginary space (also erroneously known as “time”). In ontological mathematics, motion, not “time” is the source of change, and motion can take place entirely in the absence of time, as indeed it does regarding photons, which do not experience the passage of time. “Pribram proposed that neural holograms were formed by the diffraction patterns of oscillating electric waves within the cortex. It is important to note the difference between the idea of a holonomic brain and a holographic one. Pribram does not suggest that the brain functions as a single hologram. Rather, the waves within smaller neural networks create localized holograms within the larger workings of the brain. This patch holography is called holonomy or windowed Fourier transformations.” – Wikipedia If subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, and so on, are all holograms, but at different levels of complexity, it means that we are living in a holographic universe made of nested holographic levels, and this is what is referred to as holonomy. In other words, the universe is not a monolithic hologram, but, rather, a hologram made of countless sub-holograms and dynamic holographic processes. The Singularity generates several types of elementary sub-atomic holograms, from which all atoms, and then molecules, and then bodies and objects, are constructed. The universal hologram is the sum of all of these holograms. The brain is a hologram that operates holographically. We have nested holography, holograms within holograms, a Russian Doll universe of holograms.

“A holographic model can also account for other features of memory that more traditional models cannot. The Hopfield memory model has an early memory saturation point before which memory retrieval drastically slows and becomes unreliable. On the other hand, holographic memory models have much larger theoretical storage capacities. Holographic models can also demonstrate associative memory, store complex connections between different concepts, and resemble forgetting through ‘lossy storage.’” – Wikipedia It’s about time that memory was conceived in terms of sinusoidal patterns, and Fourier mathematics. It’s impossible for memories to be stored in material terms (atomically and molecularly). Memory concerns mind, not matter, and mind concerns sinusoidal light waves outside space and time. “Holographic models of memory and consciousness may be related to several brain disorders involving disunity of sensory input within a unified consciousness, including Charles Bonnet Syndrome, Disjunctive Agnosia, and Schizophrenia. Charles Bonnet Syndrome patients experience two vastly different worlds within one consciousness. They see the world that psychologically normal people perceive, but also a simplified world riddled with hallucinations. These patients can differentiate these two worlds easily. Since dynamic core and global workspace theories insist that a distinct area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, the only way a patient would perceive two worlds was if this dynamic core and global workspace were split. But such does not explain how different content can be perceived within one single consciousness since these theories assume that each dynamic core or global workspace creates a single coherent reality. The primary symptom of Disjunctive Agnosia is an inconsistency of sensory information within a unified consciousness. They may see one thing, but hear something entirely incompatible with that image. Schizophrenics often report experiencing thoughts that do not seem to originate from themselves, as if the idea was inserted exogenously. The individual feels no control over certain thoughts existing within their consciousness.” – Wikipedia It’s impossible to explain psychiatry, and the multitude of psychiatric conditions, in terms of scientific materialism. Mental illness itself makes no sense in relation to materialism. How can the lifeless, mindless atoms of science, obeying rigorous scientific laws, ever be “ill”? How can collections of such atoms be subject to delusions? How can they experience pleasure

and pain? How can they imagine themselves free when they plainly aren’t (if you believe science)? Science regards “mind” as an ineffectual epiphenomenon of matter, so how can this epiphenomenon be sick and deluded?

***** When you suspect that someone is looking at you, then look up and find that they are, how did you know? It was because of holography. Your unconscious mind has access to the entire universe, not just what is in your immediate visual field.

Nomy Astronomy: star arrangement; star regulation; star law. Autonomy: independent; living by one’s own laws; regulating one’s own life; arranging one’s own life. Economy: household management (with “household” nowadays extended to the whole State); household stewardship; household management; household arrangement; household regulation; household law. Holonomy (1): the systematized knowledge of holons; the arrangement of holons; holon regulation; holon law. Holonomy (2): the systematized knowledge of the whole; the arrangement of the whole; the regulation and law of the whole; the dynamics of the whole.

The Holonomic Universe “Karl Pribram’s holonomic brain theory weaves several concepts together. A partial list is the following: “1. The apparent spectral frequency filtering aspect of cortical cells. “2. The relationship between Fourier transforms and holograms. “3. The fact that selective brain damage doesn’t necessarily erase specific memories. “4. The computational advantage to performing correlations in the spectral domain.

“5. His idea of conscious experience being concurrent with the brain performing these Fourier-like transformations (which simultaneously correlate a perception with other previously stored perceptions). He believes that conscious experience is the act of correlation itself and this correlation occurs in the dendritic structures by the summation of the polarizations (and depolarizations) through the processes in the dendritic networks. “6. The brain is a ‘dissipative structure’ and self-organizes around a leastaction principle of minimizing a certain uncertainty relation. “Most conventional experimental neurophysiologists are content just to gather neurological data independent from any global theory of the brain/mind and leave a theory of the brain to future generations. As such, Karl Pribram is not referenced in many of the major neurophysiology textbooks (such as Principles of Neural Science by Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessell, 1991). This is unfortunate because it helps to have a theory in asking important experimental questions. With a different theory comes different questions which can lead to new and different experiments that can bring forth novel information. “Hopefully, Pribram’s ideas (or variations on them) will eventually find their way into the consciousness of the conventional neurophysiologist (and appear in most textbooks) once the current fascination with molecular biology runs its course. Then the attention of physiologists may again be directed back toward a system’s organization and away from simply analyzing its parts.” – Jeff Prideaux Prideaux’s concluding remarks could be said of the whole of science. It’s emphatically the case that using alternative perspectives, theories and models to look at and investigate a problem leads to different and perhaps better and more powerful questions. Science refuses to stray outside of its narrow, zealous ideology and dogmatism, thus cutting off vital questions and possible answers. That’s why it so closely resembles a religion or cult. Science is obsessed with analysing parts in a piecemeal way, and working its way up from there in an ad hoc, arbitrary, heuristic way. It has no concept of starting from a theory that begins with the whole and then works its way down to the foundations. Ontological mathematics is holistic and holographic. Science certainly isn’t.

Yet ontological mathematics doesn’t avoid reductionism. Indeed, it’s the most reductive theory you can possibly get, reducing the whole of reality to sinusoidal waves defined by a single cosmic master formula. Nothing can be simpler yet more fertile than this.

Fourier Brains “Mathematically, a Fourier transform converts a function of time f(t) into a function of frequency F(jw) where the j indicates that it is a complex function of frequency. In other words, a Fourier transform can convert a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. A Fourier transform could also be used to convert something from a spatial locational domain (the coordinates in space) to a frequency domain. ... The idea (the mathematics) of the Fourier transform is independent of what the data sets represent. ... if the brain performs a Fourier transform for visual stimuli, then it is possible that it also performs a Fourier transform for the other senses also (hearing, taste, smell, touch).” – Jeff Prideaux

Gross versus Subtle The frequency domain of mind is the subtle domain. The spacetime domain of matter is the gross domain. Scientists are crude, unsubtle, gross thinkers, entirely locked into their senses. They don’t have the intelligence and imagination to see beyond the physical.

Chi Chi = the Chinese term for the invisible energy that moves through the body. Chi is a subtle rather than gross energy. Of course, it’s actually dimensionless, mental energy, and isn’t in the body at all. It links to and controls the body without being in the body, just as a drone pilot links to and controls a drone without being in it. If the pilot is ill, the drone will also be “ill” since it will necessarily be less well-controlled than if it had a healthy, fully alert and switched-on pilot.

Out of Body Experiences “One of the most significant implications of this theory [Bohm’s holomovement theory] is that if space, time, and the rest of physical reality

are created by the holomovement of which we are part, then movement through space and time might be achieved by tapping into altered states of consciousness ... we might no longer be constrained by the limitations of physical reality and have the opportunity to experience these other dimensions that exist within the holographic universe. If you wanted to visit the Himalayas, the just by thinking about them, you’d be there.” – Gary F. Moring Remote viewing and out of body experiences – indeed all psychic experiences – are possible only in a holographic universe. As Moring says, “Many of the more unusual phenomena that people experience, which fall into the categories of ESP, lucid dreaming, OBEs (out-of-body experiences), NDEs (near-death experiences), and self-healing, are all naturally explained within the context of the holomovement.”

***** Naturally, the Soul Camera reflects holographic principles.

Linear versus Circular Reincarnation goes hand-in-hand with a circular (cyclical) understanding of reality. Abrahamic resurrection – and scientific nihilism and atheism – go hand in hand with a linear conception of reality. Immortal existence supports reincarnation. Created existence supports resurrection.

The Anomalon “[Robert G. Jahn] believes that instead of discovering particles, physicists may actually be creating them. He supports this claim by the recent discovery of subatomic particle called the anomalon. Its properties vary from laboratory to laboratory. This very curious event seems to suggest that the anomalon’s reality depends on who find or creates it.” – Gary F. Moring The ultimate “anomalon” within science is in fact the monadic mind, with its pesky teleology and subjective agency (free will). Its properties uniquely vary from person to person. No one can find two identical minds, not even in identical twins.

String Theory

“[At the deepest level of matter] what you find is not a single particle, but a tiny little vibrating loop of string. That string can vibrate in different ways rather like a string on a guitar can play different notes. And, depending on the way it vibrates, that’s the kind of particle that we observe in our world. If it vibrates in one way, plays one note, it looks like an electron, a different way it looks like a quark, a different way it looks like a beam of light or like a Higgs boson. ... It’s a mathematical theory like any other. ... It’s very unlikely that it can be proved in our lifetimes. [MH: This is true of all modern scientific theories. These theories are therefore not practically falsifiable, hence cannot be considered “science” at all. All scientific theories are becoming less and less testable. Why don’t scientists reach the obvious conclusion: the final theory of science will be wholly untestable. It will be entirely mathematical. So, why not use math, not science, to discover it? That’s all that ontological mathematics has done. It has used reason rather than the senses, logic rather than experiments.]” – David Tong String theory replaces the notion that basic, irreducible particles are used to make up more complex particles (as atoms are used to make up molecules) with the notion that there are no such basic, irreducible particles, but, rather, there are basic, irreducible strings, and their different vibrational modes correspond to a variety of basic particles, from which the whole particle zoo is then constructed. So, vibrating one-dimensional energy strings replace traditional 3D material particles. In ontological mathematics, these strings are replaced by analytic mathematical sinusoids (sines and cosines), hence science becomes math. Conceptually, there’s little difference between string theory and ontological mathematics, so there’s no fundamental reason why string theorists can’t become ontological mathematicians, bar their ideological resistance. Critically, analytic sinusoids can exist outside space and time, in a monadic singularity, while string theories posit 1D strings vibrating in a multidimensional space, and never existing dimensionlessly (which would represent the abandonment of science since the experimental method would no longer apply, even in principle).

Transpersonal Psychology “The transpersonal is defined as ‘experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass

wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche or cosmos’. It has also been defined as ‘development beyond conventional, personal or individual levels’.” – Wikipedia Transpersonal psychology is regarded as the fourth wave of psychology: 1) First Wave: the study of the unconscious mind, led by Freud (with the personal unconscious), and Jung (with the collective unconscious). It addresses underlying issues, i.e. psychic wounds, especially from childhood. 2) Second Wave: the study of behaviour, led by Watson and Skinner. The mind, if it is considered at all, is regarded as a black box, into which we can never see, hence can be ignored in scientific terms. Operant conditioning is used to change habits, or create new ones, or suppress old ones. 3) Third Wave: Humanistic Psychology, led by Abraham Maslow. This concerns our striving for self-actualization and personal mastery. 4) Fourth Wave: Transpersonal Psychology, also led by Abraham Maslow. This concerns our striving for self-transcendence. It involves expanding the mind and acquiring the highest wisdom. It’s about wholeness, completeness, totality ... the Absolute.

The Paradigm Shift The notion of a holographic universe wholly contradicts that of a scientific universe of spacetime and matter. The holographic universe is in total accord with a universe of mind, with “matter” as a projection of mind. Mind relates to the dimensionless frequency interference pattern; matter to its dimensional phase projection.

Dennis Gabor “In 1947, Dennis Gabor formulated the mathematical theories out of which would come the development of the hologram. At the time, he was working on improving the electron microscope. The mathematical equations that he was using were based on a type of calculus invented by an eighteenthcentury Frenchman by the name of Jean Fourier. The equations he had developed were called Fourier transforms.

“By experimenting with different kinds of film, Gabor used these equations to help him convert a picture of an object into a blurry set of interference patterns on film, and then converted those interference patterns back into an image of the original object. Of course, today the mathematics are taken out of the process, because now the whole thing is done with lasers. But his original insight into how images and waves can be converted into each other and vice versa made the development of holograms possible.” – Gary F. Moring Gabor was one of those scientists who definitely deserved their Nobel Prize. Many don’t. Many are rewarded for their contributions to scientific orthodoxy and dogmatism. In time, their theories will be completely overthrown, or radically reinterpreted.

Laser Beams The light emitted from a laser is extremely pure and coherent, making it excellent for producing the interference patterns for creating holograms. To create a hologram, a laser beam of light is split into two separate beams, the first of which (the object beam) is bounced off the object being photographed, while the second beam (the reference beam) is then allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first beam. The interference pattern thus created is recorded on a piece of film. This is the hologram. The most remarkable feature of a hologram is that if you cut it in half, each half contains the entire image of the photographed object, and this is true no matter how often you go on halving the holographic film. Theoretically, a dimensionless point of the film would contain the entire image. In fact, ontologically, each point of the universal hologram contains the Singularity of all monads.

***** The holographic universe does not of course use lasers, or beam splitters, or reference beams, or objects, or films. Ontological holography proceeds by way of analytic sinusoids contained within monads. These sinusoids replace laser beams as the source of pure light waves. The monads form a cosmic Singularity, which replaces the film as the entity onto which the interference pattern is written. There are no objects

being filmed. Rather, the objects – the material things of spacetime – are naturally projected from the Singularity. No light needs to be shone onto the Singularity to produce the hologram. Instead the Singularity is made of light and illuminates itself. Our senses are what reveal the spacetime hologram to our minds. The objective spacetime world of matter is produced by the Monadic Collective, i.e. the entire Singularity (the Cosmic Mind). It imposes a common standard on everything. The subjective spacetime world of immaterial dreams is produced by each individual monadic mind. Yet if dreams – the worlds generated by individual minds – are immaterial, why isn’t the waking world generated by all minds (the Cosmic Mind)? The answer, of course, is that the “physical” world is immaterial too. Everything that is called “matter” is the projection of mind. There is absolutely nothing that counts as “matter” in the scientific sense. The reason why “matter” seems solid and concrete is that we project those qualities onto it. Without our minds, they wouldn’t exist. They have no reality beyond the minds that perceive them.

***** The Holographic Universe uses a 6D framework of complex numbers rather than a 3D framework of real numbers. Time and motion are built into it. It’s a Holodynamic Universe.

Simplification “[Fourier analysis is] a form of calculus that transforms a complex pattern into its component sine waves ... perhaps this is the way everyone’s brain analyzes movements into their ‘frequency components’.” – Karl Pribram “Imagine what it would be like to learn a tennis serve if you had to extract every feature of what you were copying, and to describe every move to yourself, feature by feature. You never think about doing it that way – you just watch how it’s done, then go ahead and try it yourself. You’d never be able to imitate the subtleties of the serve piece by piece. But if the whole configuration is transmitted and analyzed by virtue of its component wave forms – if the brain does a Fourier transform and activates the appropriate holographic motor pattern – then the entire movement can be readily imitated.” – Karl Pribram

You don’t imitate someone’s actions by analysing their complex spacetime motion, detail by detail. All you need to do is work out the few simple sinusoidal frequencies, amplitudes and phases that provide the bulk of the motion, and then make minor tailored adjustments afterwards to perfect the motion. We can successfully operate in a complex world purely because we can break down all the complex things into simple sinusoidal constituents.

Locality and Non-Locality Holography combines locality with non-locality. Scientific materialism doesn’t. It’s localist only, and it tries to explain away quantum non-locality. Non-locality concerns interconnectedness. Locality doesn’t.

***** Why does science hate ontological holography? It’s because it implies a monadic reality, a sinusoidal reality, an analytic, mathematical reality. Ontological holography says that there’s a hidden frequency reality forever beyond the reach of the scientific method. Science can only study the phenomenal projection of the Singularity, not the Singularity itself. Science would do anything rather than admit the limitation of its method. If its method is inadequate, so is science. If science is inadequate, non-scientific explanations must be invoked. Scientists can’t accept that ... not even if it means nothing more than that they should accept that math is what underlies science. So, why do scientists hate math so much? The great mystery of science is why scientists use math and yet don’t use it, i.e. they reject it even as they rely on it; they insist on mangling and distorting it to fit their ideology and empirical philosophy. How irrational is that?! And all because they worship their senses.

The Wisdom of Karl Pribram “The world of appearances is certainly a real world. But it is not the only order of reality. Both physics and biology tell us that. We directly perceive only one order. Yet we know from other sources that the world is round. The fact that in the world of appearances it seems flat doesn’t contradict the other reality, its roundness. ... The same holds for holographic reality. It

isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a nonlens system, in this case a holographic system, you arrive at a different view, a different reality. And that other reality can explain things that have hitherto remained inexplicable scientifically. ... Such as paranormal phenomena, and synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events.” – Karl Pribram It’s time for science to get over itself. It’s time for it to admit its own inadequacies and limitations. Science is not the whole story, and it’s about time science started looking for the huge part of the story that it’s missing ... all the stuff invisible to the senses ... all the stuff of mathematics, of the mind. “As a way of looking at consciousness, holographic theory is much closer to mystical and Eastern philosophy. It will take a while for people to become comfortable with an order of reality other than the world of appearances. But it seems to me that some of the mystical experiences people have described for millennia begin to make some scientific sense. They bespeak the possibility of tapping into that order of reality that is behind the world of appearances. I have no personal experience with that, but when I read some descriptions of mystical experiences, I wonder if somehow those people haven’t hit upon a mechanism that lets them tap into the implicate order. ... In terms of holographic theory, all those events are plausible if the brain can somehow abrogate its ordinary constraints and gain access to the implicate order.” – Karl Pribram Given holography, who needs Eastern philosophy?! It’s time to replace all Eastern thinking with analytic, holographic, mathematical thinking, and thus get rid of all the gurus and charlatans (foremost of whom was the Buddha himself, of course). “The frequency domain deals with the density of occurrences only; time and space are collapsed. Ordinary boundaries of space and time, such as locations of any sort, disappear. They are read out, or recreated, when transformations into the domain of objects and images occur. In the absence of spacetime coordinates, the causality upon which most scientific explanations depend is also suspended. ... [An ordinary person’s brain can

jump into the timeless and spaceless domain.] It does it all the time.” – Karl Pribram The Singularity is exactly where time and space collapse entirely, and all physical boundaries dissolve. There are still boundaries, but these are now strictly mathematical. Causality still perfectly exists – mathematical causality, which applies both to spacetime and frequency. “I’ve been talking to you for two hours, and I didn’t have any of the material we discussed organized in time or space. It was holographically organized, and I’ve been reading it out of my brain, like printout from a computer memory. My memory is organized along other dimensions than time and space – though space and time tags may be attached to particular memories.” – Karl Pribram Memories are organized in terms of sinusoids. Memories are mathematical functions. “While we don’t know what the mechanisms for a leap to the paranormal might be, for the first time, we have to suspend disbelief in such phenomena because there is now a scientific base that allows understanding. Perhaps if we could discover the rules for ‘tuning in’ on the holographic implicate domain, we could come to some agreement as to what constitutes normal and paranormal, and even some deeper understanding of the implicate order of the universe. We all could perhaps then leap, occasionally, into the timeless and spaceless domain. ... [In some metaphysical systems, that domain corresponds to the definition of God.]” – Karl Pribram It’s time the paranormal world was scientifically investigated, via an interconnected, holographic model of reality, proceeding by way of an immaterial, dimensionless Singularity that links all things. “Leibniz talked about ‘monads,’ and a windowless, indivisible entity that is the basic unit of the universe and a microcosm of it. God, said Leibniz, was a monad. Leibniz was the inventor of the calculus, the same mathematics that Gabor used to invent the hologram. I would change one word in the monadology. Instead of calling it windowless, I prefer to call monads lensless. In a monadic organization, the part contains the whole – as in a hologram. ‘Man was made in the image of God.’ Spiritual insights fit the

descriptions of this domain. They’re made perfectly plausible by the invention of the hologram.” – Karl Pribram It’s astounding how well the theory of the holographic universe accommodates traditional religious, spiritual and paranormal ideas. Conventional scientific materialism opposes all of them, thus creating an unbridgeable – and totally unnecessary – gulf between science and everything else. “Fourier processes are the basis of holography. Holograms can correlate and store a huge amount of information – and have the advantage that the inverse transform returns the results of correlation into the spatial and temporal patterns that guide us in navigating our universe. “David Bohm had suggested that were we to view the cosmos without the lenses that outfit our telescopes, the universe would appear to us as a hologram. Pribram extended this insight by noting that were we deprived of the lenses of our eyes and the lens-like processes of our other sensory receptors, we would be immersed in holographic experiences.” – Wikipedia Bohm is exactly right. It’s the “lenses” of all our senses that allow us to perceive the spacetime domain, to pick out the local from the non-local.

David Bohm and Enfoldment “Everybody has seen an image of enfoldment: You fold up a sheet of paper, turn it into a small packet, make cuts in it, and then unfold it into a pattern. The parts that were close in the cuts unfold to be far away. This is like what happens in a hologram. Enfoldment is really very common in our experience. All the light in this room comes in so that the entire room is in effect folded into each part. If your eye looks, the light will be then unfolded by your eye and brain. As you look through a telescope or a camera, the whole universe of space and time is enfolded into each part, and that is unfolded to the eye. With an old-fashioned television set that’s not adjusted properly, the image enfolds into the screen and then can be unfolded by adjustment.” – David Bohm Our senses focus information. They produce a sharp, local spacetime image. “About the time I was looking into these questions, a BBC science program showed a device that illustrates these things very well. It consists of two

concentric glass cylinders. Between them is a viscous fluid, such as glycerin. If a drop of insoluble ink is placed in the glycerin and the outer cylinder is turned slowly, the drop of dye will be drawn out into a thread. Eventually the thread gets so diffused it cannot be seen. At that moment there seems to be no order present at all. Yet if you slowly turn the cylinder backward, the glycerin draws back into its original form, and suddenly the ink drop is visible again. The ink had been enfolded into the glycerin, and it was unfolded again by the reverse turning.” – David Bohm A Fourier transform takes us from the spacetime domain to the frequency domain. The inverse Fourier transform does the opposite. “Classical physics says that reality is actually little particles that separate the world into its independent elements. Now I’m proposing the reverse, that the fundamental reality is the enfoldment and unfoldment, and these particles are abstractions from that. We could picture the electron not as a particle that exists continuously but as something coming in and going out and then coming in again. If these various condensations are close together, they approximate a track. The electron itself can never be separated from the whole of space, which is its ground.” – David Bohm It’s a scandal that scientists such as Bohm – infinitely superior to the run-ofthe-mill scientists who dictate the character of science – have been ignored by their intellectual inferiors. This crime happens in science over and over again, going right back to the battle between Leibniz and Newton. Bohm, as a modern successor of Leibniz, was bound to be ignored.

Holographic Memories Is memory located in the brain or in the monadic soul that controls the brain? Memory involves sinusoidal patterns stored outside space and time, hence why we are able to access them at any time, and why they are not irretrievably lost in the past. Memories must be located non-temporally in order to be protected from the passage of time. Memory is impossible without a timeless storage area. Our memories are nothing like DVDs that we play back. Hit your DVD with a hammer and you destroy its content. Take a huge tumour out of brain, and memory may be hardly affected at all. Memories are emphatically not made of matter, of atoms. They’re not located in specific brain structures. However, given that memories must be

retrieved from the frequency monad and converted into spacetime images, they have to be processed through the brain. This means that if you touch certain brain structures with electrical probes (during brain surgery), they might trigger memory retrieval. That does not mean memories are stored there. It simply means they are triggered there. Because monads operate holographically, memories operate holographically too. The brain is an instrument for accessing monadic memories, but it is not where memories are stored. Certain types of brain injury might prevent us from accessing memories, just as we can’t play a DVD if our DVD player has malfunctioned. Equally, we can’t lay down memories (can’t record a DVD) if the biological recording equipment has malfunctioned. Our holographic memories stretch across our past lives as well as this life. The more Godlike you become, the more you can access these past life memories. Sometimes, hypnotism, or hallucinogenic drug trips, allow retrieval of past life memories in this life.

***** The Universe is a sensory hologram in 6D complex space. It’s mathematics and its ontological properties that make the hologram seem solid. There is nothing actually solid there, such as the “matter” scientists believe in. In scientific holography, you can put your hand through the hologram. You can’t do that in ontological holography. Ontological holograms are filled with mathematical energy forcefields.

Artificial Intelligence and the Weather If we use a computer model to simulate the weather, we don’t expect the simulation to instantiate wind and rain. We don’t expect the simulation of a hurricane to be a hurricane. However, proponents of artificial intelligence imagine that the simulation of consciousness in machines will lead to machines being conscious. How dumb is that?! Consciousness, like the weather, is fundamentally tied to existence. Only a planet, moon or sun can have “weather”. A computer simulation can’t have weather. Likewise, only a living mind can have consciousness, not a computer simulation of a living mind. A computer, machine, android, robot, AI, cyborg – whatever you want to call it – will never be conscious because

it will never be, or have, an actual mind (soul), the prerequisite for evolving consciousness. Why don’t scientists accept this simple logic? It’s because, as materialists, they believe that human consciousness arose from the assembly of lifeless, mindless atoms in particular ways. So, if you can get consciousness biologically (naturally) from things that don’t have minds, then, so the logic goes, this must be possible artificially too. There is not deemed to be any difference in kind between natural and manmade assemblies of lifeless, mindless atoms. Of course, once you accept that human beings have eternal monadic souls, and that it’s these that are actually responsible for our consciousness, then you see how idiotic the pursuit of conscious machines is. No one can build a monad. No one can insert a monad into a machine. The best they can hope for is to create such a marvel of a machine that a monad could link to it and operate it (as a drone pilot operates a drone).

The Turing Test Can an unseen machine fool us that it’s human? If it can, we will conclude that it’s conscious, so the thinking goes. But what if we can actually see the machine and know that it’s a machine? If it can then persuade us that it’s conscious, does that mean that it’s human!? In the movie Ex Machina, was the android conscious and effectively human? Consider the following two cases: 1) An unseen machine persuades us that’s it’s human, hence we conclude it’s conscious. 2) A seen machine persuades us that it’s conscious, hence we conclude that it’s human (or as good as). Plainly, this type of thinking, so prevalent in the A.I. field, contains a fundamental fallacy. The simulation of something is not the same as the thing simulated. A parrot is not human, or conscious, because it can repeat what someone says. If an A.I. expert wanted to claim that an android had some equivalence to a human, he would have to demonstrate that it was human-like in all circumstances. A single event where the android was not human-like would instantly falsify any claimed consciousness or humanity. Just to emphasise this point, if there were a single instance where this machine did not behave as we would expect a conscious being to behave

then we would immediately have to conclude that all of the behaviour which seemed conscious was not in fact conscious at all. In other words, in order for any claim to be made that a machine is conscious, that claim would have to be sustained 100% of the time, i.e. you can’t be conscious some of the time, and machinelike (non-conscious) the rest of the time. You must be 100% conscious (in your waking state), or you are not conscious at all. Waking consciousness reflects the all-or-nothing principle. This is the barrier that A.I. must pass. It’s an insurmountable barrier.

***** There are profound questions about the consciousness and humanity of severe autistics. Many of them routinely fail the Turing test. Just because people have human bodies, they are not human. No matter how well an android simulated a human, it would still never be human.

Manmade Eternity? Mathematics reflects eternal, necessary truths of reason. However, close to 100% of human beings believe mathematics to be some kind of manmade language. This means they are irrationally claiming that temporal, contingent beings can create eternal, necessary truths. They believe that humans can create an infallible, complete and consistent system. They believe that the numbers pi and e, for example, were invented by human beings! All the mathematical things not yet discovered are apparently manmade (or will be), which rather begs the question of why they haven’t been discovered. As soon as you understand the sheer absurdity – and logical impossibility – of the claim that humans invented math, you are left with no option but to conclude that math preceded humans. Math is not made by humans. Humans are made by math! You will never understand reality unless you grasp that it’s based on eternal, necessary truths which provide the entire explanatory framework of existence. Reality cannot be based on irrational beliefs (Abrahamism), or mysticism (Eastern religion), or the human senses (science), and it cannot be based on temporality and contingency (also science). Only math is eternal and necessary. Math is the unseen fibre and fabric of existence. Math is not a manmade language ... it’s the language of

existence itself, of ontology, of reality, of eternity, of necessity, of perfection, of “God”. If God could speak, he would talk only in numbers.

The Holographic Reality “Considered together, Bohm and Pribram’s theories provide a profound new way of looking at the world: Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram folded in a holographic universe. “For Pribram, this synthesis made him realize that the objective world does not exist, at least not in the way we are accustomed to believing. What is ‘out there’ is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into the sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world. How is the brain (which itself is composed of frequencies of matter) able to take something as insubstantial as a blur of frequencies and make it seem solid to the touch? “The smoothness of a piece of fine china and the feel of beach sand beneath our feet are really just elaborate versions of the phantom limb syndrome. According to Pribram this does not mean there aren’t china cups and grains of beach sand out there. It simply means that a china cup has two very different aspects to its reality. When it is filtered through the lens of our brain it manifests as a cup. But if we could get rid of our lenses, we’d experience it as an interference pattern. Which one is real and which is illusion? ‘Both are real to me,’ says Pribram, ‘or, if you want to say, neither of them are real.’ “This state of affairs is not limited to china cups. We, too, have two very different aspects to our reality. We can view ourselves as physical bodies moving through space. Or we can view ourselves as a blur of interference patterns enfolded throughout the cosmic hologram. Bohm believes this second point of view might even be the more correct, for to think of ourselves as a holographic mind/brain looking at a holographic universe is again an abstraction, an attempt to separate two things that ultimately cannot be separated. “Do not be troubled if this is difficult to grasp. It is relatively easy to understand the idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an

apple in a hologram. What makes it difficult is that in this case we are not looking at the hologram. We are part of the hologram. “The difficulty is also another indication of how radical a revision Bohm and Pribram are trying to make in our way of thinking. But it is not the only radical revision. Pribram’s assertion that our brains construct objects pales beside another of Bohm’s conclusions: that we even construct space and time.” – Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe Imagine the difficulty of getting enormously powerful vested interests and institutions to accept a radically new worldview, where their own power, influence and status are certain to be profoundly diminished. It’s more or less impossible. That’s why it so often takes revolutions to change things. “For Pribram, what is ‘out there’ is simply an immense ocean of waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into the solid forms and other familiar objects that make up our world. To put it another way, it doesn’t mean that basketballs and cars and everything else that we interact with are not there. It just means that all of those objects have two very different aspects of reality. When our brains filter the images through its mathematical processes, the objects manifest the way we see them. But if we could see beneath the level at which our brains convert everything into the familiar images in space and time, we would see the frequencies that create the interference patterns that become the objects we see. “Of course, since people are part of this picture, what we’ve said about objects applies to us as well. So in that sense we have two very different aspects to our reality. We can see ourselves as physical bodies moving through space or we can view ourselves as a blur of interference patterns enfolded throughout the cosmic hologram. ... What makes it difficult to grasp is that we’re not looking at a hologram, we’re part of the hologram.” – Gary F. Moring Why is cosmic holography so repellent to scientists? It’s because they are thereby confronted with the unarguable truth that there is a whole reality beyond science. Science likes to dismiss all such claims as religious, spiritual and metaphysical mumbo jumbo and woo woo. The last thing they want to admit is that the world beyond science is that of pure, rationalist math, something they can’t rubbish in the way they rubbish religious faith

and mysticism. In fact, compared with math, science is the faith-based, mystical religion.

The Sensory Trap Imagine that humans were sea creatures that lived deep undersea, and all of our senses were designed with that watery environment in mind. Imagine that humans were air creatures that lived high in the atmosphere, and all of our senses were designed with that aerial environment in mind. Imagine that humans were desert creatures that lived in an unending desert, and all of our senses were designed with that arid environment in mind. Imagine that humans were cave creatures that lived deep underground, and all of our senses were designed with that dark environment in mind. Imagine that humans were tree creatures that lived in dense jungles or forests, and all of our senses were designed with that environment in mind. Imagine that humans were creatures with variable senses, i.e. one day you might wake up blind, or with telescopic vision (allowing you to see objects trillions of miles away), or microscopic vision (allowing you to see subatomic particles), and this range was possible for all of your other senses too. Imagine that humans had “quantum senses” designed for the quantum world. Imagine that we had “gravity senses” that tracked the most subtle changes in gravitational fields. Image we had “electric senses”, tracking every electric field, or “magnetic senses”, tracking every magnetic field, or “electromagnetic senses” tracking all electromagnetic fields, no matter the frequency. Imagine we had senses that tracked the strong and weak nuclear forces. Imagine humans with LSD minds, where we could lose all sense of space, time and causation. Imagine that humans could live on any kind of alien planet with any kind of sensory conditions, varying in the most extreme ways. Would human scientific theories be the same in all of these different sensory circumstances, or would each different type of sensory human have a radically different conception of the nature of reality, and a completely different science? Are we prisoners of our senses? If we sensed radically differently, would our science radically change? The answer is of course yes. Science is a sensory subject that is constructed on the basis of the particular sensory apparatus we have. Different apparatus, different science. Therefore, science is subjective, not objective.

You can’t base an objective understanding of existence on anything inherently subjective, variable, unreliable, contingent, fallible, illusory. You can’t acquire true knowledge on any such basis. You’re no better than a person of subjective faith. It’s irrelevant that scientific experiments can be repeated. That doesn’t make them objective, as scientists fallaciously believe. After all, the people interpreting the repeatable experiments are the same old conformist scientists, subject to extreme groupthink, with the same old human senses. Imagine that every time a scientist conducted an experiment his sensory apparatus changed, i.e. he perceived space, time and everything in space and time differently on each occasion. In that case, no scientific experiment would ever be repeatable. It would always give different results, no matter how well repeated it was. The very fact that we can imagine experiments having drastically different outcomes shows how subjective they are and how they can never provide a platform for objective knowledge. They are permanently tied to the people conducting them, and would be interpreted entirely different if others (aliens, for example, with very different brains, senses and theories of existence) were involved. Yet none of these objections apply to math. 1 + 1 = 2 is eternally, necessarily and universally true. Every alien species in the universe would agree with math, even though each would have a radically different science. Math relates to eternal, necessary, immutable reason and logic; science to the temporal, contingent, mutable senses. Only math provides us with knowledge. Science is never anything but an interpretation. Remove math from science and what’s left? – religion. Science needs math, but math doesn’t need science. So, which is the cart and which the horse? The truth is that we don’t need subjective, sensory science at all in order to understand reality. We need objective, rational, logical math that’s true now and forever, and never varies under any circumstances. Science is directly tied to how we evolved on earth. Math isn’t. Science can’t take us outside the human condition, hence is always subjective. Math can, hence is objective. Math transcends humanity, and the human senses. Only math can show us what existence was like before any humans existed, and before any senses existed. Scientists have staked everything on their sensory perceptions being much more objective, concrete and real than their mathematical reason and

logic. But sensory perceptions, unlike mathematical reason and logic, are always subjective, and nothing subjective can be absolutely, eternally, infallibly, indisputably true. Of course, you need to be rational and logical to know that, and that’s exactly what scientists aren’t. Scientists are a cult – the perverters and corruptors of math. They imagine themselves rational even as they continually reject objective mathematical reason and logic in favour of their irrational, subjective senses. Reason and logic can construct a complete and consistent system of absolute knowledge. The senses can’t. Sensory science is always in need of verification, and always in danger of falsification. None of that is relevant to the Truth, which can’t be experimentally verified or falsified, and has nothing to do with the senses. Plato made that abundantly clear thousands of years ago. Plato was much smarter than any scientist, and knew far more about the Truth, and what character it must have. Science is a system of confidence, not a system of Truth. It’s a modelling system that makes predictions, in which varying degrees of confidence can be placed. Scientists were extremely confident that Newton was right ... until he was proved wrong. All scientific theories get refuted in due course. Darwinism will be refuted, so will quantum mechanics, and so will Einsteinian relativity. They will all be replaced by mathematical Fourier holography involving an eternal, immaterial, frequency Singularity of monads, from which the spacetime world of matter is holographically projected. Your senses cannot reveal this holographic reality to you – they lock you into the belief that the Matrix is real. Only your reason and logic can free you. To take the blue pill is to associate “knowledge” with the fallible senses. To take the red pill is to base knowledge on infallible reason and logic (on analytic tautology that can never be wrong). You can’t take both pills. It’s one or the other. You must choose. Once you have, you will be disgusted by those who took the other pill, and you will know they are totally wrong and deluded. The red pill = rationalism; the blue pill = empiricism. People of the senses are only marginally better than people of faith. Historically, the senses and faith often went together – as we see with divination, soothsaying, augury, astrology, alchemy, and so on.

It’s not the senses that separate science from religion, it’s math! Yet scientists are forever denying the ontological reality of math. They have no idea what math is and why they use it. Math is science’s greatest problem. There is no scientific theory for what math is. There are no scientific experiments to test what math is. Math can’t be verified or falsified. Science can’t progress until it knows what math actually is. Quantum mechanics and relativity can’t be unified without first converting them into two purely mathematical theories, and then they will be seen to be two expressions of just one underlying, grand unified, final mathematical theory of everything. It all comes down to this ... what’s more trustworthy and reliable ... your senses or your reason and logic? You have to choose. “Knowledge” based on the senses (empiricism) has nothing to do with knowledge based on reason and logic (rationalism). The former can never tell you about ultimate reality, about the eternal answer to existence. That’s a fact.

Empiricists versus Rationalists Empiricists are those who believe you can’t fool the senses, but you can fool reason and logic. Kant argued that you can critique pure reason, not that you can critique the pure senses. Kant’s thinking was heavily influenced by the success of Newtonian science. Had he known of Fourier mathematics, Kant would have seen that everything he said about pure reason was wrong. Pure reason is nothing but ontological mathematics. Far from relating to an unknowable world, it defines the only totally knowable world. Rationalists are those who say you can’t fool reason and logic, but, as Descartes pointed out, you can easily fool the senses. Especially relevant is the Cartesian argument concerning the “malicious demon”. Wikipedia says, “The evil demon, also known as evil genius, and occasionally as malicious demon or genius malignus, is a concept in Cartesian philosophy. In his 1641 Meditations on First Philosophy, René Descartes hypothesized the existence of an evil demon, a personification who is ‘as clever and deceitful as he is powerful, who has directed his entire effort to misleading me.’ The evil demon presents a complete illusion of an external world, including

other minds, to Descartes’ senses, where there is no such external world in existence. The evil genius also presents to Descartes’ senses a complete illusion of his own body, including all bodily sensations, when Descartes has no body.” Dreams, illusions, mirages, hallucinations and observer bias all reveal how unreliable the senses are. Rationalists say the universe is mathematical, which is why reason and logic must be used to explore it. Empiricists say the universe is scientific, and the senses and experiments must be used to explore it. In mathematics, things can exist – such as singularities – that are non-sensory, even in principle. Science rejects all non-sensory things. Even now, scientists are trying to construct theories that abolish singularities. Mathematics and science can’t both be right. You must choose.

The Sensory World: The Domain of the Evil Demon (Demiurge) “Visual release hallucinations, also known as Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS), is the experience of complex visual hallucinations in a person with partial or severe blindness. Sufferers, who are mentally healthy people with often significant vision loss, have vivid, complex recurrent visual hallucinations (fictive visual percepts). One characteristic of these hallucinations is that they usually are ‘lilliputian’ (hallucinations in which the characters or objects are smaller than normal). The most common hallucination is of faces or cartoons. ... The disease is named after the Swiss naturalist Charles Bonnet, who described the condition in 1760. He first documented it in his 89-year-old grandfather who was nearly blind from cataracts in both eyes but perceived men, women, birds, carriages, buildings, tapestries, physically impossible circumstances and scaffolding patterns. ... In Vilayanur S. Ramachandran’s book Phantoms in the Brain, Ramachandran suggests that James Thurber, who was blinded in one eye as a child, may have derived his extraordinary imagination from the syndrome.” – Wikipedia “Normal” sensory reality isn’t. The senses themselves present a systematic delusion to us. We never encounter existence in itself. We are forever misinterpreting what we perceive, and giving false explanations of the

causes of what we perceive. That’s all that science is ... a heuristic fiction concerning the nature of the sensory world. Don’t believe the hype! “The phantom eye syndrome (PES) is a phantom pain in the eye and visual hallucinations after the removal of an eye. ... Musical ear syndrome (MES) describes a condition seen in people who have hearing loss and subsequently develop auditory hallucinations. ... The ganzfeld effect (from German for ‘complete field’) or perceptual deprivation, is a phenomenon of perception caused by exposure to an unstructured, uniform stimulation field. The effect is the result of the brain amplifying neural noise in order to look for the missing visual signals. The noise is interpreted in the higher visual cortex, and gives rise to hallucinations.” – Wikipedia “Normality” is itself a syndrome. How do we know that normality has anything to do with reality? How can we assess the accuracy and realism of normality? How can we know that abnormal experiences are less real or valid than normal experiences? Truth is not a democracy. Truth is not normality. The experiences of the majority do not constitute truth. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. The truth always resides with minorities, and often with just single individuals (who are therefore totally abnormal). “Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. In opposition, hypnopompia denotes the onset of wakefulness. The related words from the Greek are agogos ‘leading’, ‘inducing’, pompe ‘act of sending’, and hypnos ‘sleep’. “Mental phenomena that occur during this ‘threshold consciousness’ phase include lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. ... Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS, named after the 1865 novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd’s syndrome or lilliputian hallucinations, is a disorienting neurological condition that affects human perception. People experience dysmetropsia (micropsia, macropsia, pelopsia, teleopsia) or size distortion of other sensory modalities. ... For a person with AIWS, the optical system is entirely physically normal. The AIWS involves a change in perception as opposed to a malfunction of the eyes themselves. The hallmark sign of AIWS is a migraine, and AIWS may in part be caused by the migraine. AIWS affects the sense of vision, sensation, touch, and hearing, as well as one’s own body image.

“A prominent and often disturbing symptom is an experiences of altered body image. The person may find that he or she is confused as to the size and shape of parts of (or all of) his or her body. He or she may feel as though his or her body is expanding or getting smaller. Alice in Wonderland syndrome also involves perceptual distortions of the size or shape of objects. Other possible causes and signs of the syndrome include migraines, use of hallucinogenic drugs, and infectious mononucleosis. “Patients with certain neurological diseases have experienced similar visual hallucinations. These hallucinations are called ‘Lilliputian,’ which means that objects appear either smaller or larger than they actually are.” – Wikipedia Why would any sane, rational person stake everything on the senses when they can be so easily fooled, when it’s so hard to determine what it is they are actually showing us, and to distinguish their output from that of dreams, fantasies and mental disorders? Is science itself a diagnosable mental defect, resulting from sensory mania and a disastrous intuitive deficiency?

The Idiots In Einsteinian special relativity, time, space, and mass-energy all vary as speed through space varies. Yet the speed of light can never vary. What should that stark fact have suggested to scientists? The obvious conclusion is that light isn’t in space and time at all. It belongs to an ontologically separate category. Light belongs to mind, not matter. It’s massless, dimensionless, unextended, travels at light speed (natch), and is outside space and time. None of that is true of matter. Einstein never once bothered to consider light as something wholly separate from matter. He just applied the same old dreary scientific Meta Paradigm of materialism and empiricism. He never questioned why light should be massless and dimensionless, while nothing else was. He never questioned why light should have a constant, absolute speed, while nothing else did. The entire scientific community has made no serious attempt to understand what light actually is, and why it’s so different from matter. It refuses to do so because then it would have to acknowledge that there’s a domain outside space, time and matter, thus falsifying the whole scientific enterprise. Scientists simply can’t bring themselves to acknowledge the obvious truth that light = mind, that light is the Singularity that originates

and defines the spacetime world. The world is just a holographic projection from the light Singularity.

Calculus and the Whole It has been said by some commentators that Leibniz was wrong mathematically (and metaphysically) when he asserted that any whole could in principle be regenerated from any of its parts (a highly holographic concept). Naturally, Leibniz was right, and his critics were and are the ones in error. He was the discoverer of calculus, so he ought to know! Leibniz was using an idealist and rationalist understanding of calculus whereas his critics continue to attack him from the perspective of materialist empiricist calculus, which is something entirely different (designed to be compatible with scientific materialist and empiricist ideology). Calculus must always be considered in ontological rather than abstract terms. Everything in true calculus has a precise meaning and ontology.

The Failure of Science Why has science failed to construct a final theory of everything? It’s because of one thing – science’s ideological and dogmatic refusal to accept that at the heart of the physical universe of spacetime is a mental frequency Singularity. All scientific theories collapse for exactly the same reason: they eventually run up against immaterial singularities outside space and time. Since such singularities make no sense within the prevailing scientific Meta Paradigm of materialism and empiricism, and its wholesale denial of autonomous mind independent of matter, science always breaks down at these points. Singularities are, in spacetime terms, zero-infinity entities, but zero and infinity are exactly the numbers verboten by scientific materialism and empiricism. Consider division by zero ... the worst thing that can happen in science. Consider a scientific force that depends on division by the distance between two point-particles. When the two point-particles exactly coincide, the distance between them is zero, and therefore we arrive at the dreaded division by zero, an operation that makes no sense within scientific materialism.

In fact, at zero distance between two particles, a phase transition takes place ... from matter to mind, from spacetime to frequency, from dimensionality to dimensionlessness. This phase transition is denied by science, which tries to consider everything in terms of space, time and matter only, and religiously ignores zero, infinity and singularities. Singularities are zero-infinity domains in relation to spacetime, but not in relation to frequency. The interior of a singularity is full of finite, analytic frequencies. When finite entities leave spacetime and enter singularities – as in the formation of black hole singularities – they are not then completely swallowed and annihilated by zero and infinity (which would be an impossible breach of energy conservation and numerical completeness and consistency). From outside – from the spacetime perspective of matter – the finite entities have turned into incomprehensible zero/infinity entities. From inside – from the frequency perspective of mind – they have turned into specific, finite frequencies 100% mathematically compatible with the specific, finite spacetime entities that produced them. When a star, which obviously has a finite mass, collapses to form a black hole singularity, its mass is perfectly translated into a corresponding frequency quantity (an exact frequency spectrum, to be precise). So, there’s no catastrophic meltdown of physics at singularities. Rather, there’s a smooth and ordered mathematical transition from matter to mind. The trouble, of course, is that physics rejects the existence of mind, and that’s exactly why physics – when defined exclusively in terms of matter, space and time – falls apart at singularities. However, as soon as you define physics in terms of ontological Fourier mathematics, with ontologically distinct but interconnected frequency and spacetime domains, all of the problems of conventional physics vanish. It’s materialism that’s destroying science. Science must accept the existence of mind if it’s ever to accomplish a final theory. The frequency domain of mind reflects eternal necessity. The spacetime domain of matter reflects temporal contingency. The frequency domain of mind is dimensionless, while the spacetime domain of matter is dimensional. The frequency domain, with respect to the spacetime domain, is a zero/infinity domain (hence outside matter, spacetime and dimensionality), but, with respect to itself, is a complete and consistent collection of all possible ontological – finite – frequencies.

Zero and infinity, in these terms, do not exist as things in themselves. They exist as relations or boundaries between two domains: the frequency and spacetime domains. They signify the phase transition between the dimensional and dimensionless orders of existence. Frequency domains are zero/infinity singularities with respect to spacetime, but not with respect to themselves. Ontologically, there’s no such thing as a zero frequency, or an infinite frequency. Zero/infinity singularities are containers for finite (albeit unimaginably vast) collections of frequencies. There are two categories of numbers: zero and infinity on the one hand, and all other numbers (finite numbers) on the other. In turn, the finite numbers have two categories: dimensionless (frequencies) and dimensional (spacetime entities). You convert a frequency into a spacetime entity by adding dimensionality, and you perform the reverse process by subtracting dimensionality. This is what ontological calculus is all about. Therefore, all ontological numbers are in fact finite (dimensionally or dimensionlessly), but all finite, dimensionless numbers exist in a wrapper/container (= monad), which appears, from the spacetime perspective, to be a dimensionless zero/infinity singularity. Zero and infinity are “boundary numbers” which mark the ontological division between the frequency and spacetime domains that separate the collection of finite dimensionless numbers from the collection of finite dimensional numbers. They do not exist as actual numbers in their own right. There is nothing ontological to which they can correspond. You can’t get any existent with a value of zero or infinity. You can get an existent (a monad; a collection of finite frequencies = dimensionless numbers) that appears from the dimensional domain to be a zero/infinity singularity. This is a mathematical illusion. Finite numbers, both dimensionless and dimensional, are all that actually exist. Zero and infinity are the necessary separators – the markers of the phase transition – between the dimensional and the dimensionless numbers. The dimensionless frequency domain of mind is reached from the dimensional spacetime domain through the zero/infinity phase transition. If this phase transition didn’t exist, there would be nothing to separate the dimensionless and dimensional, so they wouldn’t be separate at all. We need zero and infinity precisely in order to have two ontological classes of numbers: dimensionless (mental) and dimensional (matter).

The frequency domain is none other than the domain of light. Light is massless, dimensionless, unextended, immaterial, outside space and time. Every photon is a singularity in relation to space and time, but is a dimensionless finite number in relation to itself. Zero and infinity are logically necessary numbers in a universe of two distinct domains (frequency and spacetime), but they are not ontological numbers, i.e. nothing – no energy wave – formally corresponds to either of these numbers. Yet they have a quasi-ontological reality as singularities.

Two Classes of Numbers Imagine two sets of numbers: dimensional and dimensionless. Dimensionless numbers live inside zero/infinity singularities = points. Dimensional numbers live outside the singularities. To get from one domain to the other involves undergoing a dimensionality phase change. Singularity numbers must acquire a dimension to leave the singularity. To enter the singularity, dimensional numbers must subtract a dimension. Without zero/infinity singularities, we would have no ontological means of separating the dimensional from the dimensionless. When dimensional things lose their dimensionality, they immediately collapse into singularities, and then they exist as dimensionless counterparts of their former dimensional selves.

***** A dimensionless number is any number that exists within a singularity. A dimensional number is any number that exists outside a singularity. All dimensionless and dimensional numbers are finite. Each dimensionless number has a dimensional number counterpart, and vice versa. The only numbers that do not have any counterparts are zero and infinity, hence these are exactly the numbers that separate the dimensional numbers from the dimensionless. We might, in a sense, call these numbers adimensional.

***** All dimensionless things are unextended, hence must exist as, or within, points. All dimensional things are extended, hence must exist as anything other than a point (which has no extension). A point is a zero/infinity dimensionless entity with regard to spacetime and dimensionality.

Zero and infinity are the bridging numbers – the portals – between dimensionlessness and dimensionality. Dimensional things must lose dimensionality in order go through the “stargate” of zero/infinity and become dimensionless. Dimensionless things must acquire dimensionality in order to leave the zero/infinity singularity. Zero and infinity can be considered as containers for dimensionless existence, and separators of dimensionless existence from dimensional existence. They are sentry numbers, origin numbers, logical numbers, phase change numbers, not real numbers per se. All true ontological numbers are finite. Zero and infinity are the firewall numbers that separate mind from matter.

***** Dimensionless things are mental. Dimensional things are material. What could be more straightforward, more simple? They are connected by ontological Fourier mathematics, and ontological calculus. This is the resolution of the Cartesian mind-body problem.

The Point Simple points have no structure. They are “nothing”. Complex points are full of structure. They are a complete and consistent set of dimensionless numbers. This is the key point that neither scientists nor mathematicians have ever understood. Nothing is not nothing, or not simple nothing. Nothing is dimensionless, but dimensionlessness is full of math, full of numbers, full of energy.

Mind and Matter Numbers Dimensionless numbers = frequencies = light, life and mind. These are mental numbers. Dimensional numbers = spacetime = darkness, death and matter. These are material numbers.

Zero, The Gateway Number Zero, mathematically, is seen as a number separating positive and negative numbers. That’s certainly what it looks like on a Cartesian coordinate grid. The Cartesian grid ignores dimensionality, hence needs to be modified. Zero separates not only dimensional positive numbers from dimensional

negative numbers (and also dimensionless positive numbers from dimensionless negative numbers), but also all dimensional numbers from all dimensionless numbers. Just as zero is neither positive nor negative, but in-between, nor is it strictly speaking dimensional or dimensionless. Rather, it’s adimensional. It stands between dimensional and dimensionless numbers.

***** The Riemann Sphere (shown below) gives a visual depiction of what’s going on.

Imagine everything between the zero and infinity poles as the finite ontological numbers of existence. The Riemann Sphere can stand for either dimensional numbers or dimensionless numbers. All the numbers between the poles are the actual numbers, but the poles bound and bind them. The poles create the logical structure or container in which all the finite numbers exist, but they themselves are not finite numbers like all the others. The poles are flip sides of each other. The north pole is the point at infinity, the projection point, the vanishing point. To imagine the interaction of mind and matter, the dimensionless and dimensional domains, think of two Riemann spheres joined at their respective south poles, forming a kind of figure of eight. The joining point is the gateway between mind and matter, between the frequency domain and the spacetime domain. The Big Bang can be imagined as a process whereby the spacetime sphere emerges from the frequency sphere, and the Big Crunch as the reverse. It’s all in the math.


If we regard zero and infinity as the Riemann containers for all dimensionless numbers, we can also regard them as the Riemann containers for all dimensional numbers. There’s a one-to-one mapping between the two spheres, but we can’t get from one sphere to the other without passing through the singularity (origin) connecting them.

Event Horizon “In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In layman’s terms, it is defined as ‘the point of no return’, i.e., the point at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible.” – Wikipedia Zero/infinity singularities are ontological singularities. They are the point of no return for leaving or entering the material world, for leaving or entering the mental world. They are dimensionality portals, mind-matter gates. On the spacetime side of them, all events are physical. Beyond them, on the frequency side, all events are mental. No physical events can take place in the mental domain, and no mental events can occur in the physical domain. They must interact via Fourier mathematics.

Science Without Math “Augury, prophetic divining of the future by observation of natural phenomena – particularly the behaviour of birds and animals and the examination of their entrails and other parts, but also by scrutiny of manmade objects and situations. The term derives from the official Roman augurs, whose constitutional function was not to foretell the future but to discover whether or not the gods approved of a proposed course of action, especially political or military. Two types of divinatory sign, or omen, were recognized: the most important was that deliberately watched for, such as lightning, thunder, flights and cries of birds, or the pecking behaviour of sacred chickens; of less moment was that which occurred casually, such as the unexpected appearance of animals sacred to the gods – the bear (Artemis), wolf (Apollo), eagle (Zeus), serpent (Asclepius), and owl (Minerva), for instance – or such other mundane signs as the accidental spilling of salt, sneezing, stumbling, or the creaking of furniture.

“The prophetic art is age-old; the practice of augury is well substantiated in the Bible. Cicero’s De divinatione (Concerning Divination), dated probably 44 BC, provides the best source on ancient divinatory practices. Both he and Plato distinguish between augury that can be taught and augury that is divinely inspired in ecstatic trance. In China for millennia many have sought the counsel of the I Ching (‘Book of Changes’) before taking important action. This book interprets the hexagram created by the tossing of yarrow stalks. Among the vast number of sources of augury, each with its own specialist jargon and ritual, were atmospheric phenomena (aeromancy), cards (cartomancy), dice or lots (cleromancy), dots and other marks on paper (geomancy), fire and smoke (pyromancy), the shoulder blades of animals (scapulimancy), entrails of sacrificed animals (haruspicy), or their livers, which were considered to be the seat of life (hepatoscopy).” – Encyclopaedia Britannica “The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was the practice of augury, interpreting the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups or alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are. This was known as ‘taking the auspices.’ The ceremony and function of the augur was central to any major undertaking in Roman society – public or private – including matters of war, commerce, and religion. “The Roman historian Livy stresses the importance of the augurs: ‘Who does not know that this city was founded only after taking the auspices, that everything in war and in peace, at home and abroad, was done only after taking the auspices?’” – Wikipedia With augury, we see plenty of careful and painstaking observations of the natural world, with absolute nonsense as the output. That’s exactly what science would be like without math. The senses, observations and experiments are irrelevant to the success of science. After all, alchemists were great observers and experimenters. Math alone is what makes science credible. But, then, who needs science? Let’s just have ontological mathematics! The “facts” of the sensory world are neither here nor there. All that counts is how they are interpreted, and math is the only thing that allows them to be framed in any way other than religious drivel.

Philosophy versus Neuroscience “We should always listen to the questions philosophers ask, but we should rarely listen to their answers.” – Anil Seth, professor of cognitive and computational neuroscience Scientists don’t listen to philosophers at all. They continually sneer at philosophy. Science is itself a philosophy, yet one that never subjects itself to any philosophical scrutiny. The only scrutiny to which science subjects itself is that of its experimental method. It never submits itself to the harsh inspection of reason and logic, to any ontological and epistemological enquiries. It never strives to be consistent and complete. “Philosophy is very good at identifying what it is we are trying to understand and it can keep us conceptually honest, but consciousness is above all a natural phenomenon. It’s something that happens as a result of a particular organisation of matter, of biological matter.” – Anil Seth Science ignores philosophy, hence is always conceptually and intellectually dishonest. Do you see how this neuroscientist immediately begs the question? He assumes from the get-go the correctness of his Meta Paradigm of empiricism and materialism, so consciousness must then be considered in terms of the organisation of mindless atoms. This clown (and all of his fellow clowns and mountebanks ... the whole troupe of them) will therefore never find out what consciousness is. Anil Seth has got it wrong immediately. He never once thinks that consciousness is outside materialism. That is literally an inconceivable thought for such a person. If consciousness is separate from matter – and it emphatically is – then Seth has failed even before he has started because his model is fatally flawed from the outset. In the same way, Creationism is false from the outset if there’s no Creator. That’s why you must start with the eternal truths of reason and the principle of sufficient reason: things that can never be wrong. Materialism can be wrong. Reason can’t ... unless it’s illegitimately harnessed to faith, feelings, mysticism or the senses, as, sadly, it usually is.

The Plenum “In nature everything is full. There are simple substances everywhere, genuinely separated from one another by their own actions which

continually change their relations to one another.” – Leibniz

Goethe: Illuminatus “Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side.” – Goethe The War of Truth always involves a truthful minority fighting a lying majority. The Truth is always outnumbered, always up against it, always in danger of being wiped out. That’s the history of the Illuminati. That’s why the Truth fighters are the bravest and greatest of warriors and heroes. “Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be.” – Goethe We love what we ought to become – the Gods. “Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action.” – Goethe Then this is a terrible world. “I will listen to anyone’s convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself.” – Goethe Exactly so. We can’t abide the doubters, cynics and skeptics. “The right man is the one who seizes the moment.” – Goethe Be the right man. Make the moment yours. “The coward only threatens when he is safe.” – Goethe The Last Man is an irredeemable coward. “The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age.” – Goethe Science increasingly has contempt for individuals. “Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds.” – Goethe It’s all about great deeds. It’s all about glory.

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” – Goethe If you do not believe in yourself, you will accomplish nothing. “Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” – Goethe So, believe you are becoming God. Know you are becoming God. “Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.” – Goethe People waste their entire lives. “Plunge boldly into the thick of life, and seize it where you will, it is always interesting.” – Goethe Anti-Buddhism! “Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life.” – Goethe Talent and character – do you have both? Welcome to meritocracy. “The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.” – Goethe If only. “The formation of one’s character ought to be everyone’s chief aim.” – Goethe It seems to be no one’s aim these days. Celebrity – for doing nothing – is everyone’s aim. “The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.” – Goethe Math is in front of everyone’s eyes, but no one sees it. “The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.” – Goethe Science and organised religion are utterly ridiculous.


Never forget that reality consists of two things: singularities (minds) and non-singularities (bodies). The latter are mathematical, holographic projections of the former, and could not exist without the former. Frequency (mental) functions generate spacetime (material) functions. This is the opposite of the scientific conception of reality where matter is responsible for mind, rather than mind responsible for matter.

Machines Within Machines “The states of the central monad correspond to the states of its body, and in this way it represents things outside it – as though it were a kind of nervecentre receiving information from all around it. This body is organic when it constitutes a kind of natural automaton or machine – that is, a machine made up of machines which in their turn are made up of machines, down to the smallest noticeable parts. Because the world is full, everything in it is linked to everything else, and each body acts to a greater or lesser extent on each other body in proportion to the distance between them, and is affected by it in return. This has the result that every monad is a living mirror which represents the universe in accordance with its own point of view, and is as orderly as the universe itself. (By ‘a living mirror’ I mean one that is endowed with its own internal source of activity.) A monad’s perceptions arise out of its other perceptions by the laws of appetites – the laws of the final causes of good and evil (these appetites are just conspicuous perceptions, whether orderly or disorderly), just as changes in bodies or in external phenomena arise one from another by the laws of efficient causes – the laws governing the movements of bodies.” – Leibniz

How Did Life Begin? Life never began. Life is eternal. Life is uncreated and uncaused. Life is a permanent feature of existence. Life can be neither created nor destroyed, only transformed. When science asks how life began, what it really means is how life first expressed itself through what science calls lifeless atoms of matter. This is a question that can never be answered given that it’s logically impossible. Scientists will never create life. That’s a certain fact. No amount of mixing of dead atoms will produce life. What is needed is for a living,

immortal monad to link to atoms before those atoms can become animated. This has nothing to do with science, but is in fact all about Fourier mathematics, i.e. the relation between frequency singularities and spacetime.

No Reason Scientists don’t regard an airtight rational argument as real and concrete, telling you absolute Truth about the nature of reality. They regard a sensory event as real and concrete, even though all such events are wholly interpretive, and, in the case of dreams, absolutely subjective. Sensory events can’t tell you a single thing about the ultimate nature of reality. Only reason can. Reason takes you to the infallible world of mathematics. The senses take you to the fallible world of science. Your feelings take you to the delusional world of religion.

***** Scientists use their senses, not their reason, to understand reality, hence they are formally irrational. Abrahamists kneel and pray to God to understand reality. They rely on faith and feelings. They reject reason, hence are formally irrational. Eastern religious types and New Agers use meditation to understand reality. They rely on mystical intuition. They reject reason, hence are formally irrational. Only those who look to the eternal, mathematical order of necessity are rational. For humanity to enter the Age of Reason, science, Abrahamism, Eastern religion and New Ageism must all be rejected. All falsehoods must perish.

The Gnostic Truth “We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” – Goethe This world is the cosmic asylum ... the cosmic prison.

Cosmological Holography “In a larger sense, the theory [cosmological holography reflecting the ‘holographic principle’] suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are an effective description only at macroscopic scales and at low energies. Cosmological holography has not

been made mathematically precise, partly because the particle horizon has a non-zero area and grows with time.” – Wikipedia In ontological mathematics, the entire universe can be conceived as a dimensionless monadic Singularity. The dimensional world we observe is an effective description only at macroscopic scales and at low energies. Cosmological holography would be made mathematically precise if it were based on analytic sinusoids, and an eternal, zero-area singularity that does not grow with time. Cosmological holography is unquestionably the way for science to go, and it will become more and more mathematical as it does so, eventually turning into ontological mathematics. We exist in a dream or illusion, a matrix, a virtual reality, a simulation, a simulacrum, a hologram. Physicality is not real. A holographic universe is one calculated on an instant-by-instant basis: it’s not a world of enduring “matter”. Atoms – the centrepiece of science – are themselves calculated, dynamic holograms, projected from a Singularity.

The Simulation “A decade ago, a British philosopher put forth the notion that the universe we live in might in fact be a computer simulation run by our descendants. While that seems far-fetched, perhaps even incomprehensible, a team of physicists at the University of Washington has come up with a potential test to see if the idea holds water. “The concept that current humanity could possibly be living in a computer simulation comes from a 2003 paper published in Philosophical Quarterly by Nick Bostrom, a philosophy professor at the University of Oxford. In the paper, he argued that at least one of three possibilities is true: “The human species is likely to go extinct before reaching a ‘posthuman’ stage. “Any posthuman civilization is very unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of its evolutionary history. “We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. “He also held that ‘the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.’” – Vince Stricherz

This is brilliant ... yet preposterous. If we are living in a simulation then those who created the simulation must have learned the means to do so, and if they learned it then so can anyone else. We might as well refer to “gods” as to posthumans, and the same old problem arises ... who made the gods? If others became gods, why can’t we? If gods make themselves, why can’t we? Why should there be a “real” world (a non-simulation) where the simulators live, and the simulated world they have constructed? How would the simulators know they were not in a simulation themselves? There is no such situation. There is only a mental world, and the material world projected from it. No simulators have created a simulation for us. If we assumed they had, we would then be entitled to ask why they don’t belong to a simulation too ... and so on, into the absurdity of infinite regress.

The Cosmic Brain

The cosmos is a brain. Stars are its brain cells. The Singularity is the Cosmic Mind.

The Maya Universe “Pribram’s belief that our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain has also received a good deal of experimental support. It has been found that each of our senses is sensitive to a much broader range of frequencies than was previously suspected. Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called ‘cosmic frequencies’, and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. Such findings suggest

that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such frequencies are sorted out and divided up into conventional perceptions. “But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram’s holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is put together with Bohm’s theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is ‘there’ is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality? “Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion. We are really ‘receivers’ floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram. “This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram’s views, has come to be called the Holographic Paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate model of reality science has arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature. Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm. ... “Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore determined. “Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly make sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor. Even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry. “Whether Bohm and Pribram’s holographic paradigm becomes accepted in science or dies an ignoble death remains to be seen...” – Swami Harinanda, Yoga And The Portal Do people still take yoga seriously in the 21st century? WTF! Whatever happened to evolution? Do people still believe in ancient mystical

superstitions? Forget the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and all modern science, math and philosophy. It’s so obvious that ancient yoga is the way to go. People don’t want to be enlightened. They want to be endarkened. Then they simply call “endarkenment” “enlightenment”. Simple!

The Surface Painting “Theoretical results about black holes suggest that the universe could be like a gigantic hologram. An astonishing theory called the holographic principle holds that the universe is like a hologram: just as a trick of light allows a fully three-dimensional image to be recorded on a flat piece of film, our seemingly three-dimensional universe could be completely equivalent to alternative quantum fields and physical laws ‘painted’ on a distant, vast surface.” – Scientific American Nothing is painted on any surface. The universe is painted on a mental Singularity. The universe is a projection of mind.

The Problem of Lorentz Invariance The Lorentz invariance of a theory means that the dynamics of the theory should not distinguish a preferred Lorentz frame. Einstein disastrously misinterpreted Lorentz invariance in his special theory of relativity, and dragged the whole of science down with him. For Einstein, Lorentz invariance meant that all Lorentz frames are equivalent, i.e. he took “non-preferred” to be synonymous with “equivalent”, and thus applied a relativistic treatment to Lorentz invariance. But “non-preferred” does not imply equivalence. That’s an unwarranted inference. “Nonpreferred” means exactly what it says: no Lorentz frame is privileged over any other. All Lorentz frames can be different, without any having any special status, such as that conferred on the classical ether, which Einstein repudiated. The only special frame is that of light itself, which is absolute for all spacetime frames. If Lorentz frames are regarded as different rather than equivalent then this supports an absolute rather than relativistic treatment of Lorentz invariance, meaning that time dilation and length contraction are absolute effects, not relativistic, as Einstein claimed. In that case, the whole of Einsteinian relativity collapses. The relativity principle itself is immediately falsified.

John Bell, a much greater physicist than Einstein, said, “Behind the apparent Lorentz invariance of the phenomena, there is a deeper level which is not Lorentz invariant. ... The idea that there is an aether, and these Fitzgerald contractions and Larmor dilations occur, and that as a result the instruments do not detect motion through the aether – that is a perfectly coherent point of view. ... [The aether was abandoned] on the grounds of philosophy; that what is unobservable does not exist. ... The reason I want to go back to the idea of an aether is because in these EPR experiments there is the suggestion that behind the scenes something is going faster than light. Now, if all Lorentz frames are equivalent, that also means that things can go backward in time [which is impossible].”

***** “For example, the interaction between the mind and the rest of the world, how does that occur? Does that occur over a finite region of space, at an instant of time? Clearly not, because that is not a Lorentz invariant concept.” – John Bell Bell sadly never grasped that the solution to this problem lay in mind not being in space and time at all. In fact, mind is conveyed by light, so is absolutely built into all Lorentz frames. “By Lorentz invariant you mean that it [the interaction between the mind and the rest of the world] doesn’t have a consistent description for all observers depending on how they’re moving [in space and time].” – P. C. W. Davies “That’s correct. And the only way to get such a consistent description, if you assume the mind has access to a single point in time, is to also assume that it has access to only a single point in space.” – John Bell Minds are singularities, outside space and time, and are made of photons. As soon as you understand the ontology of the mind, Davies and Bell’s objections regarding Lorentz invariance dissolve. There is no contradiction whatsoever between mind interacting with the world and Lorentz invariance, provided you understand that mind is equivalent to light.


“This is the big difficulty that there has always been with mind; that it can’t be located anywhere in space, and yet one presumably wants it to be located in time.” – P. C. W. Davies One doesn’t want mind located in either space or time because that would make it part of the material world. Mind is strictly photonic, massless, immaterial and dimensionless. If the mind were in time, it would age (grow old). Your mind, unlike your body, never ages ... and never dies. It’s essential for the immortality of the mind/soul for it to be outside space and time, in the domain of light. Scientists – as ineradicable materialists – just can’t think straight when it comes to mind. It’s their Meta Paradigm of empiricism and materialism that invariably gets in the way. Mind can be inserted into the equations of physics in a perfectly consistent way ... as light! Never forget, whenever you see any reference to light in any scientific equation, you are seeing the involvement of mind in science. Of course, it’s not enough to encounter the truth, you have to recognise it as the truth. Most people don’t have a clue when they stumble on the truth. Mostly, they walk right past it.

***** “Like nonrelativistic quantum theory, of which it is a version, Bohmian mechanics and special relativity, a central principle of physics, are not compatible: Bohmian mechanics is not Lorentz invariant. Nor can it easily be modified to accommodate Lorentz invariance. Configurations, defined by the simultaneous positions of all particles, play too crucial a role in its formulation, with the guiding equation defining an evolution on configuration space.” – Bohmian mechanics is perfectly consistent with Lorentz invariance as soon as it’s realised that it’s centrally concerned with the nonlocal frequency Singularity of mind/light, not with space, time and matter. “This difficulty with Lorentz invariance and the nonlocality in Bohmian mechanics are closely related. Since quantum theory itself, by virtue merely of the character of its predictions concerning EPR-Bohm correlations, is irreducibly nonlocal, one might expect considerable difficulty with the Lorentz invariance of orthodox quantum theory as well with Bohmian

mechanics. For example, the collapse rule of textbook quantum theory blatantly violates Lorentz invariance. As a matter of fact, the intrinsic nonlocality of quantum theory presents formidable difficulties for the development of any (many-particle) Lorentz invariant formulation that avoids the vagueness of orthodox quantum theory”. – Science uses many partial principles. It acknowledges Lorentz invariance up to a point, then drops it whenever it’s inconvenient, such as in wavefunction collapse. “Bell made a somewhat surprising evaluation of the importance of the problem of Lorentz invariance. In an interview with the philosopher Renée Weber, not long before he died, he referred to the paradoxes of quantum mechanics and observed that ‘Those paradoxes are simply disposed of by the 1952 theory of Bohm, leaving as the question, the question of Lorentz invariance. So one of my missions in life is to get people to see that if they want to talk about the problems of quantum mechanics – the real problems of quantum mechanics – they must be talking about Lorentz invariance.’” – Bell is absolutely right that the correct interpretation of Lorentz invariance stands at the core of defining science. “Be that as it may, Lorentz invariant nonlocality remains somewhat enigmatic. The issues are extremely subtle. For example, Bell rightly would find ‘disturbing … the impossibility of “messages” faster than light, which follows from ordinary relativistic quantum mechanics in so far as it is unambiguous and adequate for procedures we can actually perform. The exact elucidation of concepts like “message” and “we”, would be a formidable challenge.’” While quantum equilibrium and the absolute uncertainty that it entails may be of some help here, the situation remains puzzling.” – It’s only puzzling while science refuses to grant the existence of a frequency Singularity (Cosmic Mind) at the dead centre of spacetime.

***** “Gradually, the feeling grew that Einstein’s quest to exorcise the ghost in the atom had been in vain.” – J. Brown Einstein’s quest to exorcise the ether was equally in vain. His quest to impose relativity on the universe will be exposed as utterly fallacious.

Information “The Entropy of a Black Hole is proportional to the area of its event horizon, the surface within which even light cannot escape the gravity of the hole. Specifically, a hole with a horizon spanning A Planck areas has A/4 units of entropy. (The Planck area, approximately 10-66 square centimetre, is the fundamental quantum unit of area determined by the strength of gravity, the speed of light and the size of quanta.) Considered as information, it is as if the entropy were written on the event horizon, with each bit (each digital 1 or 0) corresponding to four Planck areas. ... Studies of black holes show that, although it defies common sense, the maximum entropy or information content of any region of space is defined not by its volume but by its surface area.” – Scientific American With any scientific theory, it’s always easy to identify a fundamental and fatal omission – namely that of mind. We are told that the entropy (information) is written on an event horizon, on an area rather than a volume. This of course is spacetime information. But at the singularity itself, not the event horizon, is the non-spacetime information ... the mental information, which is the origin of the material information. Since scientists despise singularities and can’t make any sense of them, the end of the line for them is the event horizon, the last spacetime entity with which they can get to grips. They can never go deeper. They are the shallowest, flattest of thinkers.

***** We might think of the event horizon as the differential of the material world (it has subtracted one dimension), or, equivalently, the material world as the integral of the event horizon (it has added one dimension). Moreover, the Singularity is the final differential of the event horizon, and the event horizon is the first integral of the Singularity.

Information Storage “The holographic and universal information bounds are far beyond the data storage capacities of any current technology, and they greatly exceed the density of information on chromosomes and the thermodynamic entropy of water.” – Scientific American The informational bounds of the monadic Singularity are infinite!

Truths The truths of mathematics are eternal and necessary. They apply to any world that could possibly be. There is only one mathematics, and every part of mathematics implies every other part. Mathematics is holographic: the whole is in each part. Mathematics itself is the ultimate hologram. Every tautological statement of mathematics leads inevitably to every other statement. Mathematics is just one vast, perfectly interlocking, interconnected system. Mathematics is immanent and transcendent. It’s everywhere at once, eternally and necessarily. Every point contains the full holographic laws of mathematics – which is why everything in Nature always knows exactly what to do in any situation. They do whatever is mathematically mandated. Mathematics is the flawless foundation of everything. Mathematics provides the bricks that make the houses, and also the beings that live in the houses, and everything those beings do, think, feel, intuit, perceive and desire. Mathematics is literally everything. It’s 100% of reality. There’s nothing else.

Mirrors of the Universe “...souls, in general, are living mirrors or images of the universe of creatures, but minds are also images of the divinity itself, or of the author of nature.” – Leibniz “A single mind is worth a whole world, since it does not merely express the world but it also knows it and it governs itself after the fashion of God. In this way we may say that, although all substances express the whole universe, nevertheless the other substances express the world rather than God, while [rational] minds express God rather than the world.” – Leibniz

Make sure you’re one of the rational souls that express divinity rather than mundanity, God rather than the world.

The Microscopic Principle “In 1948, Dennis Gabor introduced ‘A new microscopic principle’, which he termed holography (from Greek holos, meaning ‘whole’ or ‘entire’, and grafe, ‘writing’). The name was chosen to indicate that the method records the entire field information (i.e. amplitude and phase) not just the usual intensity. Initially Gabor proposed this technique to ‘read’ optically electron micrographs that suffered from severe spherical aberrations. Nevertheless, the proof of principle demonstration was performed entirely in the optical domain and, in fact, holography has remained since largely connected with optical fields. In 1971, Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics ... Holography is a two-step process: 1) writing the hologram, which involves recording on film the amplitude and phase information, and 2) reading the hologram, by which the hologram is illuminated with reference field similar to that in step 1.” – Ontological holography concerns a dimensionless information pattern contained in a monadic Singularity being able to be projected as a dimensional, “physical” world (thanks to phase information). Traditional holography requires a reference beam. No such beam is necessary ontologically since reality is actually based on interfering mental waves (sinusoids), i.e. holography is the natural mode of being of reality. Holography is inevitable in a system predicated on sinusoidal waves, able to enter into asymmetric (non-orthogonal) phase relations with each other. Holography, as practised by scientists, is a way to emulate the inherent wave processes of nature using lasers instead of analytic, ontological waves.

Subtracting Dimensions “Two universes of different dimension and obeying disparate physical laws are rendered completely equivalent by the holographic principle. Theorists have demonstrated this principle mathematically for a specific type of fivedimensional spacetime (‘anti-de Sitter’) and its four-dimensional boundary. In effect, the 5-D universe is recorded like a hologram on the 4-D surface at

its periphery. Superstring theory rules in the 5-D spacetime, but a so-called conformal field theory of point particles operates on the 4-D hologram. A black hole in the 5-D spacetime is equivalent to hot radiation on the hologram – for example, the hole and the radiation have the same entropy even though the physical origin of the entropy is completely different for each case. Although these two descriptions of the universe seem utterly unalike, no experiment could distinguish between them, even in principle.” – Scientific American All dimensionality reduces to a 0-D Singularity, from which the entire dimensional universe is projected. This is the secret of the Mind at the heart of Matter. All dimensionality is encoded in dimensionlessness.

Calculus What does calculus achieve? In one sense, what it does is allow complex curves and variable quantities to be treated with the same kind of mathematical rigour that had previously been possible only for constants, straight lines, circles, conics, and other simple, analytic shapes. From Leibniz’s point of view, its primary virtue was that it allowed, in his system, any whole to be generated from any of its parts. This is none other than the first practical (rather than mystical) statement of the holographic principle: the whole is in each of its parts. “Integration is the reverse of differentiation, and consists in reconstructing a whole from a given value at any instant – in other words, in going up one dimension. From a rate of change at a point you can reconstruct a whole line, from a line you can construct an area it defines, and from an area you can specify the volume created by rotating it. ... Leibniz [believed] that absolutely any whole could in principle be regenerated from any of its parts.” – George MacDonald Ross “...if one function is the derivative (or rate-of-change) of another, then that other is the area-function of the first!” – Ziauddin Sardar and Jerry Ravetz

Constants “However, [integration’s] scope is somewhat more limited than that of differentiation, since information is lost in moving down one dimension through differentiation, and a whole cannot always be unambiguously

reconstructed. Leibniz failed to appreciate this limitation – a mistake which influenced his metaphysics...” – George MacDonald Ross MacDonald Ross is referring to the differentiation of a function such as x + 2. By the rules of differentiation, this produces a result of 1. However, we can’t reconstruct the original function by integrating 1. We get just x rather than x + 2. So, information appears to have been lost. Although this is exactly what the conventional treatment of calculus maintains, it’s emphatically wrong. Exactly as in science, it comes down to an ontological problem concerning the frequency domain versus the spacetime domain. If you differentiate the number “2”, or, indeed, any number at all, you don’t get the zero that any abstract mathematician will say you get. You have to understand that there are both dimensional numbers (in the spacetime domain) and dimensionless numbers (in the frequency domain). When you differentiate a dimensional number, you get a dimensionless number, and, when you integrate a dimensionless number, you get a dimensional number. Integration is always about adding a dimension, and differentiation is always about subtracting a dimension. There are no exceptions. This is fundamental ontological law of nature. So, differentiation of a number (a constant) most certainly does not result in the loss of any information. Leibniz, the great genius, was right all along, and his simple-minded critics – the entirety of the mathematical community right up to this day – were and are wrong. This just goes to show that one genius can be smarter than everyone else put together. Geniuses are the greatest resource of all. The trouble for humanity is that it can’t understand genius, and frequently mangles what the geniuses say. Mathematicians have totally mangled calculus because they have always understood it as an abstraction and not as an ontological, metaphysical, noumenal and phenomenal reality. The noumenal is simply the dimensionless phenomenal, and the phenomenal is the dimensional noumenal, i.e. if we differentiate a phenomenon (spacetime number), we subtract a dimension and get a noumenon (a frequency number, a number in itself). If we integrate a noumenal number (a frequency number, a number in itself), we add a dimension and get a phenomenal number (spacetime number). Mathematicians, exactly like scientists, have failed to grasp dimensionless existence, which is exactly why mathematics, as an abstraction, is full of paradoxes and blatant errors (especially regarding

calculus). Only ontological mathematics can remedy these defects. Calculus must be understood ontologically, and must reflect two separate categories of numbers, namely dimensionless numbers (frequencies) and dimensional numbers (spacetime numbers). So, when you differentiate x + 2, you don’t get 1. Instead, you get 1 (dimensional) + 2 (dimensionless), i.e. you have a mixture of the dimensional and the dimensionless. When you integrate, you recover the original function, namely x + 2 (dimensional). It’s exactly because of this that we can construct an entire Big Bang Universe of spacetime and matter (dimensionality) from a frequency Singularity (dimensionlessness). It’s all in the calculus! Integral calculus is how we add dimensionality to the dimensionless (to produce matter from mind, Fourier spacetime from Fourier frequency), and differential calculus is how we subtract dimensionality from the dimensional, to produce the dimensionless (mind from matter; frequency from spacetime). So, the Big Bang was nothing but an ontological mathematical integration event, and the formation of black hole singularities nothing but an ontological mathematical differentiation event. It’s all in the math ... the ontological math. It would be impossible to produce black hole singularities without the ontological ability to convert dimensionality (spacetime material things) into dimensionlessness (frequency sinusoids). Analytic sinusoids exist dimensionlessly – as eternal, necessary frequencies – but can be expressed dimensionally – as temporal, contingent spacetime waves. This is the ontological basis of Fourier mathematics, and is the key to unravelling the whole of mathematics, physics, metaphysics, psychology and religion. It’s exactly through this means that the Cartesian mind-body problem is solved. Cartesian mind relates to dimensionless sinusoids, and Cartesian matter to dimensional sinusoids. As ever, it’s all in the math. As ever, to get the right answer, you must do the math! Because mainstream mathematics has got its ontology, epistemology and metaphysics entirely wrong – it treats numbers as abstractions and not as real things – it has got its understanding of calculus totally wrong. In this regard, it’s as bad and deluded as science, and indeed, is strewn with errors exactly because it has tried to align itself with scientific ideology. Historically, mathematics has struggled with zero and infinity as much as science has. For Leibniz, mathematics reflected and originated in noumenal, ontological, metaphysical realities – dimensionless monads – i.e.

real existents. Subsequent mathematicians, driven by the scientific ideology of materialism and empiricism, rejected monads and thus failed to understand the true basis of calculus. You cannot understand math and calculus if you cannot understand Leibnizian monads. Mathematics, like science, will undergo a revolutionary paradigm shift once it accepts the reality of noumenal, sinusoidal monads (monadic minds = souls!). However, mainstream mathematicians, like scientists, will resist monads to the bitter end. They will continue to believe themselves smarter than Leibniz, the genius who discovered calculus. No one understood the ontological nature of calculus better than Leibniz. It was literally built into his monadic philosophy. Calculus was the exact means by which Leibniz could propose that “matter” was a wellfounded phenomenon of mind, and derived entirely from mind. Calculus explains precisely how the dimensional (matter) comes from the dimensionless (mind). You will never comprehend the true nature of existence if you can’t grasp this. The whole of the spacetime universe of matter comes from a frequency singularity of mind ... via calculus!!!

***** One of the greatest intellectual scandals of all is that 100% of academic mathematicians believe that information can go missing in calculus. This is equivalent to scientists proclaiming that they reject the conservation of energy. It shows that something is fundamentally wrong with the prevailing mathematical theory of calculus. It is impossible for mathematics to lose accuracy and information under any circumstances, and the very fact that mathematicians believe this possible – indeed to be a “proven” fact – reveals what an utterly bizarre notion they have of what mathematics actually is. Mathematicians think they have logically “cracked” calculus and put it on the most solid of foundations. How on earth can calculus be sound if it can’t keep track of its information? Mathematicians, like scientists, would rather accept an inconsistent and incomplete finite system rather than accept dimensionless, monadic existence as the foundation of calculus, which allows it to be complete and consistent. So it goes.


Because mathematicians, following Newton and science, rejected Leibniz’s ontological monads, they put calculus on the wrong theoretical basis, one that endures to this day. One of the main culprits was Jean-Baptiste le Rond d′Alembert who said, “A quantity is something or nothing; if it is something, it has not yet vanished; if it is nothing, it has literally vanished. The supposition that there is an intermediate state between these two is a chimera.” Any materialist and empiricist would 100% agree with this logic, yet it’s entirely false. It fails to account for mind – for dimensionless existence. A quantity can vanish from dimensional existence, without vanishing from existence. It simply enters dimensionless, mental existence ... exactly as we see with the formation of black hole singularities from imploded stars. Black hole singularities are regarded as real things with real effects, but how can they be if all dimensional quantities have vanished? How can all of the mass of a collapsing star exist in a dimensionless singularity? How can all of that information have been lost? It’s impossible ... unless dimensional mass has been converted into dimensionless mind. Only Leibnizian monadic calculus is compatible with black hole singularities. Conventional calculus – the one used by all mathematicians and scientists today – is incompatible with black hole singularities (and, indeed, with the Big Bang Singularity). It’s no surprise to find scientists claiming that science breaks down at singularities, and trying to find means to avoid singularities. Indeed, this is one of the main objectives of science’s M-theory. Singularities can be fully accepted as soon as Leibnizian monads – which are themselves ontological singularities – are fully accepted. This means entirely changing the way in which calculus is understood. It entails a revolution in both math and science. It necessitates mathematicians and scientists leaving behind the malign influence of Newton, and instead embracing the dazzling genius Leibniz. Leibniz and Newton are cited as the independent discoverers of calculus. In fact, Leibniz discovered true calculus – monadic calculus – while Newton produced a clunky, clumsy, empiricist, materialist, inconsistent and incomplete version of calculus. As ever, the idiots – all mathematicians and scientists – followed the empiricist clown (Newton) and not the rationalist genius (Leibniz). This happens over and over again.

Leibniz was right all along, and everyone else wrong. This is always the case with the true geniuses. Only other geniuses can understand them. Third-rate thinkers follow behind them, and ruin their most brilliant insights, just as Jean-Baptiste le Rond d′Alembert ruined Leibnizian calculus, and turned it, effectively, into a version of fallacious Newtonian calculus. Any version of calculus not grounded in dimensionless monads is automatically wrong. Such a calculus can work in relation to the dimensional world of matter, but can say nothing at all about the dimensionless world of mind. This has been the whole problem with science and mathematics since the titanic struggle between Leibniz and Newton. Leibniz should have won, but lost – because his peers weren’t as smart as he was and didn’t realise than calculus demanded the existence of monads; the reality of dimensionless entities outside space and time. Calculus must reflect an ultimate mental reality. Under Leibniz, it did. Under Newton – and the whole mathematical and scientific community – it doesn’t. It’s all about matter in their case. Leibniz was right but the idiots thought they were right. So it goes. The world can’t understand the geniuses. Even when the geniuses tell them the answer, they still don’t get it. The Truth is too hard. It’s one thing for the Illuminati to present the answer to existence to the masses ... something entirely different for the masses to understand it and accept it. That requires the highest intelligence, but the world is full of preening, posturing, blustering, bragging, self-regarding idiots.

***** In exclusively spacetime – material – terms, it’s valid to drop dimensionless terms (since dimensionless existence is deemed impossible). The trouble is that such terms do exist and cannot legitimately be dropped – i.e. there’s more to existence than spacetime – and to drop them is to drop mind from the ontological description of reality. In other words, via this procedure of dropping dimensionless terms, “reality” is rendered in terms of scientific materialism and empiricism rather than scientific idealism and rationalism. This is exactly where science has gone wrong ... in its disdain for the dimensionless mind, the soul, “God”. The mind is not anti-scientific. The mind is pure math. It has nothing to do with religious Mythos and superstition. It’s strictly analytic.

Any system that allows ideologically “inconvenient” terms to go missing by arbitrary decree is plainly absurd and irrational. It has sneered at the principle of information conservation. Nothing can go missing – ever. Above all, a person’s mind/soul cannot go missing at death, as materialists insist.

The Mystical “In the shadow of the French Revolution, the mystical was driven out of calculus.” – Charles Seife As ever, the scientific, dimensional mentality drove the “ghost” out of the machine. As ever, the ghost was branded “mystical”. As ever, this was plain wrong. There was nothing at all mystical in Leibnizian calculus. Ontologically, it was about monadic minds – dimensionless singularities – from which dimensional matter could be generated. “Despite calculus’s shaky foundations, by the end of the eighteenth century, mathematicians all over Europe were having stunning successes with the new tool.” – Charles Seife The Leibnizian foundations of calculus were sound. It’s the foundations of today’s interpretation of calculus that are shaky. They are derived from a philosophy – that of empiricism, materialism and dimensionality – which has absolutely nothing to do with math! Math has allowed itself to be led down the fallacious scientific road, with disastrous consequences. Calculus will achieve the wonders of the Gods if it’s restored to its original Leibnizian basis, predicated on dimensionless monads (which are autonomous Fourier frequency singularities). You cannot get calculus right unless you apply the correct ontology and epistemology. Modern math and science don’t. By being so wrong, they drive out mind from reality, yet mind is the basis of reality, and, of course, no treatment of reality can be valid without it. The final theory of everything is a mental, not a material theory. “It was a foundling [Jean-Baptiste le Rond d′Alembert] who finally tamed the zeros and infinities in calculus and rid mathematics of its mysticism.” – Charles Seife On the contrary, d′Alembert destroyed the correct monadic ontology and epistemology of calculus, and replaced it with a mystical version of

calculus based on materialism (scientific “matter” being something that is formally undefined and indefinable in terms of ontology and epistemology). “It was d′Alembert who realized that it was important to consider the journey as well as the destination.” – Charles Seife That’s exactly what he failed to do! He denied that there was any destination. Ontologically, the destination is the monadic Singularity – a concrete existent, not any kind of abstraction. “He was the one who hatched the idea of limit and solved calculus’s problems with zeros.” – Charles Seife As ever in science and math, fallacies are accepted as truth when in fact the truth is what they are obstructing. Just as Einstein’s principle of relativity is accepted by all scientists despite being ontologically and epistemologically incompatible with the reality principle – with any kind of objective reality – so the concept of “limit” is incompatible with objective reality, with conservation laws, with any valid ontology and epistemology. Only someone with a scientific, dimensional mentality could produce such a horrific intellectual blunder, one that destroys the integrity, completeness and consistency of math. “ putting the limit sign [limit as n goes to infinity] in front of a series, you separate the process from the goal. In this way, you avoid manipulating infinities and zeros.” – Charles Seife This is the same game scientific materialism plays – introducing heuristic tactics to avoid zero and infinity – and is exactly why this approach is ontologically and epistemologically wrong. Math is not an abstraction. Math is the fibre and fabric of existence. It’s in permanent motion dimensionlessly (in mental terms), and it can also generate dimensional motion (in material terms). Any valid treatment of calculus must reflect dimensionality flowing in and out of the dimensionless, and that means embracing zero and infinity (in monadic singularities), not running away from them and trying to avoid their consequences. Mathematicians use calculus in the same way as scientists do, and that’s a disgrace to mathematical purity and integrity. Zero/infinity monadic singularities must be at the core of true calculus, and all dimensionality

must be derived from them. Calculus, like all of math, must become ontological, not abstract. “The rules of mathematics still work, since everything is finite.” – Charles Seife There you have it ... an ideological claim that math must be strictly about the finite. In fact, math is grounded in monadic singularities that reflect zero and infinity hence aren’t finite, aren’t dimensional, and aren’t spacetime entities at all. Mainstream math makes a catastrophic assumption that has no ontological and epistemological basis. It subscribes to exactly the same ideological fallacies as scientific materialism. “The sums have a destination – a limit.” – Charles Seife The trouble is mathematicians have no idea that destinations in the true limit are dimensionless (singularities), not dimensional, and that makes all the difference. Unless you know what numbers are ontologically, you can never validly know what the destination is. Sometimes, the destination is a zero/infinity monadic singularity. The formation of a black hole singularity does not involve a calculus process getting closer and closer to zero/infinity, without ever arriving there. It does arrive at the dreaded zero/infinity singularity, thus definitively refuting the ideology of materialism and empiricism, and the finite calculus of limits. True, ontological calculus must reflect the initial construction of the world from a Big Bang Singularity, and its final return to a Singularity at the Big Crunch. Calculus must be about the real processes of nature, involving singularities, not the ideological avoidance of singularities, as we find in science. “The same thing goes for taking the derivative. Instead of dividing by zero as Newton and Leibniz did, modern mathematicians divide by a number that they let approach zero.” – Charles Seife Instead of trying to grasp how zero fits into ontology and epistemology – which is exactly what Leibniz was concerned with – abstract math simply tries to find a bogus means of avoiding having to understand zero/infinity. In the end, the “limit” is simply a tactic to escape ontology, epistemology and metaphysics. As Leibniz realised, and all other modern mathematicians didn’t and don’t, you can’t divorce mathematics from reality. You can’t make it an abstraction. You can’t “approach” limits in ontological

mathematics. You inevitably, infallibly and absolutely reach them. You can’t avoid the destination. The destination is already implicit in the journey, exactly as in the case of ontological causation. The effects are already implied by the causes, hence are sequential tautologies, i.e. when one part of the sequence is fully known, so is the next part (the effect of the cause). “They do the division – perfectly legally, since there are no zeros – then they take the limit.” – Charles Seife The single most important task concerning mathematics is to understand, formalise and correctly use division by zero, to render it the most “legal” operation of all. Division by zero involves the phase transition between the dimensionless and dimensional, mind and matter. Division by zero is so problematic scientifically because no dimensionless, mental reality is allowed in science. “It satisfies the mathematician’s strict requirement of logical rigour.” – Charles Seife There is no logical rigour applied by mathematicians in this context. The logical thing to do is to understand what division by zero means ontologically, not to create a cheap trick to avoid division by zero. What’s logical about that?! Whether mathematicians like it or not, zero and infinity are foundational elements of math, hence all mathematical operations must be understood in these terms. That’s the logical way forward! Leibniz understood that. No one else did. “There is a very firm, consistent basis for the concept of limits.” – Charles Seife No there’s not. The concept of limits is an ideological stance, one that contradicts ontology, epistemology, metaphysics, completeness and consistency. Just as science has to address the reality of mind, so does mathematics. Without monadic minds – singularities – math will never be logical. Vital information will continue to go missing. Math as used by science isn’t logical, and nor is it logical as used by abstract rather than ontological mathematicians. Mathematics has been far too keen to tie itself to science. It needs to effect a total divorce, and start telling scientists how

wrong they are in their conception of a finite reality, free of mental zero/infinity singularities. “Since limits are logically airtight...” – Charles Seife In your dreams! Limits are full of logical holes – like a mathematical Swiss cheese. Only someone brainwashed by materialism, empiricism and dimensionality could ever imagine them “airtight”. “No longer was it necessary to divide by zeros.” – Charles Seife It’s always necessary to divide by zeros, or to undergo a well-defined mathematical “phase transition” at exactly the point where division by zero occurs. “Mysticism vanished from the realm of mathematics and logic ruled once more.” – Charles Seife On the contrary, logic, ontology and epistemology vanished from the realm of mathematics, and finitary mysticism and obscurantism ruled once more! The “logic” of both science and abstract math is destroyed by monadic singularities: the true, logical basis of existence and of math.

Words and Numbers Truth declines the more that manmade words are used to describe it. The result is Mythos ... belief, opinion, interpretation ... manmade concepts of reality. The antidote is Logos. If Mythos is the Word, Logos is the Number. Truth increases the more that ontological numbers are used to describe it. Zero/infinity singularities cannot be ignored in any Logos system. Religious texts are false because they make no use of math (numbers). Science is better than religion because it does. It’s worse than math itself because it doesn’t use numbers properly, and subjects numbers to the fallacious philosophy (Mythos) of empiricism and materialism. Abstract math is inferior to ontological mathematics because, like science, it fails to define and use numbers properly. “Descartes’ work was the culmination of a process of liberating algebra from words, rather as Greek geometry had liberated constructions from numbers. Once he had provided a formalism for describing algebraic relations, progress was swift. Within forty years of the publication of

Descartes’ algebraic geometry, the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) had created an algebra of the infinite. This is what we call ‘the calculus’, a powerful tool for analysing growth and change. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) had made an equivalent discovery somewhat earlier, but he merely extended Descartes’ notation rather than going beyond it, so it is the Leibnizian form of calculus that predominates today. Thus it was two philosophers, Descartes and Leibniz [MH: Rationalists!], who created the notations and ideas that have shaped mathematics ever since. ... The process of finding how quickly a quantity changes is called differentiation. When we differentiate a function, we obtain its rate of change.” – Ziauddin Sardar and Jerry Ravetz

Seeing the Light? “We see light that is either reflected off an object or when an object gives off light.” – Kieran Lim “Light can either be reflected off an object, or generated by that object.” – Aimee Parker In order to see the light, it has to be absorbed. A beam of light is invisible to us if it’s passing across our eyes rather than into them. “You can only see light if it hits you directly in the eye. For example, if someone shines a beam onto your eye, you see it directly. ... How can we see light ‘in mid-air’? If the beam isn’t pointed towards your face, you wouldn’t expect to see it. However, there are lots of little particles in the air: nitrogen, oxygen, dust, water vapour, etc. All of these particles can scatter light, or reflect in a different direction. This scattering is usually pretty weak, so you don’t always see it. If there is a lot of dust in the air (like if you clap too chalk erasers together) or if you have a super-bright source (like a spotlight), then you can see this scattered light quite clearly, because some of it bounces off the particles in the air and straight into your eyes!” – David Schmid Light that directly enters our eyes, or is reflected into our eyes, is visible. Light that doesn’t enter our eyes is invisible. We can only “see the light” in specific circumstances.

The Sea, The Sea “God is an infinite circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” – St. Augustine This is a good description of an immaterial Singularity outside space and time, and mapped to everything in space and time (as in the case of the projection point at infinity of a Riemann sphere). Augustine’s definition reflects dimensionless existence. In 1683, John Mason gave this description of God: “Thou art a sea without a shore, a sun without a sphere; thy time is now and evermore, thy place is everywhere.” All of that can be applied to the Singularity ... the Cosmic Mind (Monadic Collective) that controls the universe.

Minds and Bodies How do minds relate to bodies? If minds genuinely control bodies (as they seem to), how that be explained? The answer is the Fourier transform that allows mathematical functions in a frequency domain outside space and time (a mental domain) to be represented as material functions inside space and time (a physical domain). Scientific materialism cannot reach this simple mathematical conclusion because it denies the existence of an unobservable, dimensionless, mental domain outside space and time. The Fourier transform underlies quantum mechanics and holography. More or less all of the problems of science would vanish if scientists accepted the ontological reality of Fourier transforms that bridge two mathematical domains: one in space and time (matter) and one outside space and time (mind). The Fourier transform is the archetypal example of where mathematics collides head on with science’s experimental method, and science chooses to support experiments over math. If it reversed this policy, science would become mathematical and all the absurdities of empiricism would be overcome. Science is terrified of having reality divided into two radically different categories (unobservable mind and observable matter) since the scientific method can address only one of these (observable matter). Yet the Fourier transform is a fundamental mathematical instrument that demonstrates that

you cannot have a reality that does not divide into two inter-related, transformable domains. Science has simply never grasped what the Fourier transform truly means. If it did, it would see that it has no choice but to accept the dualistic ontology (actually dual-aspect monism) associated with the Fourier transform – an observable domain (of matter) and an unobservable domain (of mind) that gives rise to it.

***** Spinoza argued that there is an infinite substance (God or Nature), from which everything, both mental and material, derives. Science says that there are no minds, only material things, and these give rise to the phenomenon of mind. Leibniz said there are infinite mathematical minds that give rise to the phenomenon of matter. He would have invoked the Fourier transform to explain his system if it had been known in his day. For Leibniz, there are no material substances, only well-grounded material phenomena deriving from mathematical minds (the true substances of existence).

It All Adds Up “Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” – William James The thing you must change above all is your attitude to the Truth. You must ask yourself what kind of character Truth must have, and how we can access it. Do we access eternal, necessary Truth via our feelings, our senses, our intuitions, or our reason? If the Truth is not about feelings, it’s pointless bringing your feelings to the search for the Truth. The same goes for the senses. Is the Truth about “bare awareness”? What does that even mean? “Bare awareness” concerns a hypothetical, empirical state of mind. It has precisely zero connection with eternal, necessary, knowable, intelligible Truth. When you get down to it, humans are looking for anything other than the Truth. They want things to feed their senses, feelings and intuitions, and they have nothing but contempt for reason. Yet only reason is about eternal, necessary Truth. 1 + 1 = 2 is the truest statement you have ever encountered. It’s true forever, and without doubt, unlike all of your feelings,

sensations, hypotheses, beliefs, opinions, experiences, interpretations, and mystical intuitions.

***** “We can never definitely know anything. ... You can never get to the end of your understanding, but you can always understand more.” – Tara Shears Yes we can definitely know things and understand everything – mathematically. Mathematics alone can be fully and definitively understood, and, if reality is mathematical (as it is and as it must be) then reality itself can be fully and definitively understood.

The Zeroth Power Why does any number raised to the zeroth power equal one? Consider the following patterns: 44 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 43 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 42 = 4 x 4 = 16 41 = 4 = 4 And ... 4-1 = ¼ = 1/4 4-2 = ¼ x ¼ = 1/16 4-3 = ¼ x ¼ x ¼ = 1/64 4-4 = ¼ x ¼ x ¼ x ¼ = 1/256 In the first sequence, we start with 4 and progressively multiply by 4. In the second sequence, we start with ¼ and progressively multiply by ¼ (equivalent to progressively dividing by 4). At the zeroth power, we are neither multiplying exclusively by four (as in the first sequence), nor dividing exclusively by four (as in the second sequence). Instead, we are poised between multiplication and division. If the first sequence is multiplication (the thesis), and the second sequence is division (the antithesis), the zero term is the balance point (the synthesis). Here, we ask what number multiplied by 4 yields 4, and also divided by four yields ¼.

Only one number qualifies: 1. Any number to the power 0 equals 1, and 1 is the number that stands exactly between the sequence of positive exponents, and that of negative exponents, as we see in the above example. This same procedure can be applied to any number. In all cases, the zeroth term is where division and multiplication collide.

***** “4” can be written as 1 x 4. “¼” can be written as 1 ÷ 4. We might regard the term 40 as signifying that there are zero instances of 4 in the respective expressions, leaving in each case just the “1”.

***** In conventional mathematics, zero is regarded as the point separating negative and positive numbers, where a balance takes place, of the kind described above. Zero is not regarded as belonging to a separate ontological state, one that’s separate from negative and positive numbers, rather than merely lying between them. In these alternative terms, zero is a terminus, not a passing-through point. In this context, you don’t go from positive numbers to negative numbers via zero. Rather, you go from positive or negative dimensionality to dimensionlessness. You go from spacetime dimensionality to frequency dimensionlessness. Zero is a different state of being. It’s this role that it performs in calculus (ontological calculus). In conventional calculus, the derivative of any constant is zero. However, this means that information isn’t conserved when differentiation is applied to a constant (producing zero) and then integration is attempted to recover the constant (it can’t be recovered from zero). It’s impossible in any true, legitimate mathematical system for information to be lost, and the very fact that conventional calculus allows this to happen proves that it suffers from a catastrophic fallacy. It’s a problem easily remedied by introducing two classes of numbers: dimensionless and dimensional. The former are frequencies and the latter are spacetime numbers. The derivative of a spacetime number is a frequency number; the integral of a frequency number is a spacetime number. This ensures complete information conservation. Nothing in this version of calculus (ontological calculus) gets lost. A one-dimensional number with its dimension removed becomes a dimensionless (zero-dimensional) frequency. A dimensionless frequency

with a dimension added becomes a dimensional spacetime number. All numbers exist originally as dimensionless frequencies in a Singularity. The Big Bang converts dimensional frequency numbers into dimensional spacetime numbers. All photons are dimensionless frequencies, with atomic number zero. All material atoms, with atomic mass greater than zero, are derived from photons through integration. Numbers are not static abstractions, as in conventional math. Ontologically, all numbers are dynamic. Numbers are sinusoids. They are moving either in the frequency domain or the spacetime domain. All dimensionless numbers travel at light speed. All dimensional numbers travel at less than light speed. Physics should be all about numbers and their logical, mathematical relations, not indefinable “matter”. We live in a rational, intelligible world purely because, as Pythagoras said, “All things are numbers; number rules all.” All the true laws of physics are laws of numbers and their relations; laws of dimensionality (spacetime; matter) and dimensionlessness (frequency; mind). Everything originates in a numerical Singularity of pure math, pure numbers = light = pure thought. All thoughts are numbers. All thoughts are numerically encoded. Every sensation, every feeling, is a number. The flip side of a number is an experience of a number, i.e. an empirical sensation, perception or feeling. Numbers are rational. The experiences associated with them are empirical. That’s the way the world works. Every time we have an experience, we are having an experience of numbers, but we never know it. The numbers are always shielded from us. Only our reason can get at them, never our experiences.

The Holographic Soul When we refer to the “holographic soul”, we mean that it partakes in holographic processes, not that the soul itself is a hologram. Only the material world and its content can be holograms. The soul is the source of holography, not the product of holography.

Goethe: Shaman “A person hears only what they understand.” – Goethe

And since most people understand almost nothing, they are practically deaf. That’s why people believe simplistic stories and parables. It’s all they can understand. “Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.” – Goethe The secret natural laws – the quintessence of beauty – are those of math, the hidden laws of existence ... hidden from our senses but not form our reason and logic. Scientists reject reason and logic because they trust only in their senses, and reject everything non-sensory. Reason, logic and math – all non-sensory – are regarded as unreal and abstract, as bizarre manmade constructs. “We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.” – Goethe Mainstream religion and scientific materialism are the primary means by which humanity deludes and deceives itself. “The most happy man is he who knows how to bring into relation the end and beginning of his life.” – Goethe The supreme challenge is the game of beginnings and endings, and new beginnings and new endings. “The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.” – Goethe Almost always, in fact. “Mastery passes often for egotism.” – Goethe Masters accomplish; egotists have no accomplishments. “Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction.” – Goethe Nature never stops, and never can stop. “No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others.” – Goethe Miscommunication is the supreme epidemic. “Nothing is worth more than this day.” – Goethe

Every day should be your most valuable day. Always give it your maximum effort. “Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable.” – Goethe Precisely. “On all the peaks lies peace.” – Goethe Always scale the mountains.

BDSM BDSM takes sex out of the ordinary world and transports it to the extraordinary world. It brings ritual to sex. It invokes archetypes to add psychological potency and magic to sex. It brings about the shattering of barriers, of forbidden taboos. It puts you in touch with your secret self, your true sexual self. Some BDSM Books The 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade is the most transgressive book of all time. Wikipedia says, “The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinism is a novel by the French writer and nobleman Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade. Described as both pornographic and erotic, it was written in 1785. It tells the story of four wealthy male libertines who resolve to experience the ultimate sexual gratification in orgies. To do this, they seal themselves away for four months in an inaccessible castle in Saint-Martin-de-Belleville, France, with a harem of 46 victims, mostly young male and female teenagers, and engage four female brothel keepers to tell the stories of their lives and adventures. The women’s narratives form an inspiration for the sexual abuse and torture of the victims, which gradually mounts in intensity and ends in their slaughter. The work remained unpublished until the early twentieth century. ... Due to its explicit nature and themes of sexual violence and extreme cruelty, it remains an extremely controversial book but one of very significant historical interest to book students and historians, however it has been banned by some governments. ...

“Marquis François de Sade wrote The 120 Days of Sodom in the space of thirty-seven days in 1785 while he was imprisoned in the Bastille. Being short of writing materials and fearing confiscation, he wrote it in tiny writing on a continuous, twelve-metre-long (39.37 feet) roll of paper, made up of individual small pieces of paper smuggled into the prison and glued together. When the Bastille was stormed and looted on July 14, 1789, at the beginning of the French Revolution, de Sade believed the work was lost forever and later wrote that he ‘wept tears of blood’ over its loss. However, the long roll of paper on which it was written was found hidden in walls of his cell, having escaped the attentions of the looters.” – Wikipedia Story of O by Anne Desclos is the most transgressive book ever written by a woman. Wikipedia says, “Story of O is an erotic novel published in 1954 by French author Anne Desclos under the pen name Pauline Réage, and published in French by Jean-Jacques Pauvert. “Desclos did not reveal herself as the author for forty years after the initial publication. Desclos claims she wrote the novel as a series of love letters to her lover Jean Paulhan, who had admired the work of the Marquis de Sade. The novel shares with the latter themes such as love, dominance and submission. “Story of O is a tale of female submission involving a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer named O, who is taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse, offering herself to any male who belongs to the same secret society as her lover. She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, chained and whipped; her anus is widened by increasingly large plugs; her labium is pierced and her buttocks are branded. ... “The story begins when O’s lover, René, brings her to the château of Roissy, where she is trained to serve the members of an elite club. After this initial training, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to his elder stepbrother Sir Stephen, a more severe master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her.” Domination & Submission: The BDSM Relationship Handbook by Michael Makai BDSM Basics for Beginners – A Guide for Dominants and Submissives Starting to Explore the Lifestyle Paperback – Michelle Fegatofi

Ultimate Guide to Kink, The Paperback – by Tristan Taormino

***** The shortest and most realistic introduction is Angel By Day by Rose Black. It’s the true story of a demure, submissive young woman responding for the first time ever to a Craigslist sex ad. Following the Craigslist route, you can get started on your adventure into the world of kink this very day. The world will be freed from mainstream religion once and for all when there is a Kink Revolution, when all Jews, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists and scientists succumb to the power of kinky sex. It’s better than prayer, better than meditation, better than God! Sex for Salvation Sin for Salvation Transgression for Salvation

Photonic Thoughts Inside your own mind, photons are your own thoughts. In the world, they are thoughts of the Collective Mind. Bosons (force particles) are thoughts that control fermions (matter particles). All forces are mental, not physical.

It’s What You Don’t See There are two orders of existence: the observable material order of space and time (the “scientific” universe), and the unobservable mental order outside space and time. This latter order is the one associated with religion, spiritually and metaphysics, and its existence is emphatically denied by science. The central problem of science is to explain where the spacetime universe comes from. Since scientists can’t appeal to a non-empirical, immaterial world of mind as the origin of matter, they are literally forced to say that material existence jumps out of nothing at all – an obvious impossibility. Of course, non-existence is a non-empirical, immaterial state too, but it has the single decisive advantage, as far as science goes, of not

being a permanent mental state (especially that of “God”). If the latter exists, science cannot deliver the Truth of existence, and can’t be the best means to interrogate existence, so scientists automatically reject any such state. They have no rational grounds for doing so, but solely those of ideology. In fact, the non-scientific domain is not that of “God”, but of pure mathematics. That’s exactly why mathematics is at the heart of science. Science, given its ideology, can’t explain what math is doing there.

Matter: A Phenomenon “...there is no extended substance. This is why I call matter not substance but substantiated. ... matter is only a regulated and exact phenomenon, which does not deceive when one observes abstract rules of reason. True substances are only simple substances or what I call monads. And I believe that there are only monads in nature, the rest being only phenomena that result from them. Each monad is a mirror of the universe according to its point of view... monads agree among themselves, being mirrors of the same universe to infinity...” – Leibniz

The Two Ways The world comes from nothing, but what is “nothing”? “Nothing” is unextended, dimensionless, immaterial and outside space and time. Those are qualities of “God”, the “soul” and the mind. They are also qualities of non-existence, so science, following what it regards as the simplest option, concludes that non-existence is what precedes existence. But how can it? Non-existence, by definition, can have no properties at all, hence no means to generate existence. Science is therefore unquestionably wrong. It has committed a category error. Whether science likes it or not, that’s a simple logical fact. Therefore, extended existence (matter) must come from unextended existence (mind), rather than material existence coming from no existence at all. Fourier mathematics and holography provide a full, rational explanation of how matter comes from mind. The first glimpse of this theory was provided by Leibniz three hundred years ago in his Monadology. Unfortunately, the world had by then already fallen under the spell of Leibniz’s contemporary, Sir Isaac Newton, with his theory of absolute space, absolute time, and gravity.

Newton himself believed there was more to existence than scientific experiments could reveal, and, in fact, the concept of “God” was essential to his conception of how gravity operated. Science ignored Newton’s religious beliefs. Today, given science’s propaganda, most people probably imagine Newton to be an atheist rather than a religious fanatic who would have no truck with today’s atheistic version of science. Science has never realised that there’s a ready-made rational substitute for Newton’s God – entirely compatible with mathematical science – namely a mathematical Singularity made of ontological mathematical units called monads, each of which is an autonomous Fourier frequency domain, and none other than a mind. The phase interaction of these dimensionless mental domains creates the Fourier spacetime domain of matter that we know as the physical universe. Science can’t abide the notion that mathematics is more fundamental than science and underlies science, and that the Truth of existence will never be established via scientific experiments but via pure math. It can’t conceive of mathematical mind being the basis of scientific matter, of mathematical frequency being the basis of scientific spacetime, of mathematics as the noumenon to science’s phenomenon. No one who understands that there’s more to the world than science needs to turn to God, religion, faith, spirituality, mysticism or metaphysics. They do, however, need to turn to mathematics, the world’s most hated and dreaded subject. Where better to hide from humanity the Truth of existence than in the exact place where humans most fear to tread?! The answer to existence has always been right in front of humanity – in the shape of math. It might as well have been hidden in the bottomless Cosmic Abyss! Math in its pristine state is immaterial, non-sensory and outside space and time. Those are exactly the properties of mind. Mind is nothing but math. Mind is how math exists in itself. Minds are monads, monads are singularities, and singularities are Fourier frequency domains. From the collective interaction of all of these frequencies – from the vast interference pattern they produce – we get the spacetime universe of matter. It’s nothing but an ontological hologram that comes inbuilt with mathematical forcefields that lend it the illusion of being solid. It’s all in the math. Mind does not come from matter, as science claims. The exact opposite is true. Everything starts with unextended minds = dimensionless Fourier

singularities. What comes after physics isn’t metaphysics, it’s math. Math is the ground of science. Math is the interior of science, mind the interior of matter. Humanity has made the error of regarding the outside as real, and the inside as an epiphenomenon. The reverse is true. The simple fact is that without math, science would be an irrational religion. A mathematical universe is a holographic universe, a monadic universe, a Leibnizian rather than Newtonian universe. It’s time for humanity to correct its historic blunder. It should have followed Leibniz rather than Newton. It should have made mind primary and matter secondary. We are all living in a dynamic, evolving hologram. What it’s trying to achieve is the construction of the perfect hologram: heaven, populated by not one but countless Gods. The universe is a God factory. Its exact purpose is to turn imperfect souls into perfect Gods. What could be better than that? Math is the divine language that makes it possible.

Your Own Propaganda LG: “Never believe what you read. Only your own experience.” That’s right ... ignore all books, ignore reason and logic, ignore knowledge and understanding, ignore mathematics, science and philosophy. Just believe your own experiences, your own beliefs, your own opinions, your own ignorance, your own delusions. Believe whatever you like. Believe your own propaganda. Believe anything that makes you feel good. It’s not as if you have any interest in the Truth, is it? You don’t want to learn anything. You just want to wallow in your own arrogant feelings, opinions and beliefs, and no one is ever going to teach you a single thing because you know everything. After all, you are a person of experience, and, as we know, your personal experiences trump everything else. LG: “You can only ever know your own mind.” That’s the gospel of solipsism, nihilism and relativism, of total hatred of all people of knowledge, of total hatred of rationalism. The instant a person refers to their own experiences as their source of knowledge, you know they

have no knowledge at all. They have chosen subjective empiricism over objective rationalism. Illuminism is strictly for rationalists. If you are an empiric, go and become a Buddhist. Go and find a guru and believe whatever you like, whatever your guru tells you, whatever resonates with your “experience”. Why is humanity so resistant to reason? Because it’s so receptive to “experience”. Everyone imagines themselves a genius. They all believe their “experiences” have made them “wise”. In fact, it has made them fools. The moment you believe your own propaganda, you’re finished. What is the opposite of a meritocracy? It’s a place where people say, “Fuck merit. Fuck qualifications. I’m the expert because all that matters is my subjective, personal experience. Who needs books and geniuses? My experience is just as valid as theirs.” Who is the woman most esteemed by Illuminism? – Hypatia. You certainly wouldn’t have found her supporting empiricism, emotionalism and her personal experiences over rationalism. Women are absolutely vital to the success of Illuminism, but those women must be rationalists and meritocrats. The moment a woman hits the “experience” button, or starts blabbering on about her feelings, she’s lost to Illuminism. Anyone who can’t make a rational argument retreats behind their feelings, “intuitions” and “experiences”. At that point, they have made it impossible to have a debate with them since their subjective experiences can never be the basis of objective knowledge and logical analysis. The most vain people in the world are the emotionalists and empirics with their narcissistic devotion to their own beliefs and opinions, predicated on their “experiences”. Have you had a thousand different experiences or the same experience a thousand times? What’s the quality of your experiences? How would you know if they were of high or low quality? How good are you at assessing your experiences? How would you know? Are your experiences relevant to anyone else? Are their experiences relevant to you? You will agree with people who experience life like you do, and reject all those who don’t. You just become an echo chamber for your own personality type, and learn absolutely nothing. It’s exactly that egotistic attitude that has held humanity back for so long. Pure reason has nothing whatsoever to do with experience, and it’s

only through pure reason that you can understand a rational, intelligible universe.

***** Imagine a Muslim man or woman having experiences in a strict Muslim society obeying Sharia Law. What would they learn? They would learn how to survive in a Muslim society. Big fucking deal! Experience is totally limited by the very nature of experience. You can’t have experiences outside the context of your life, so no experience can tell you anything about what lies beyond your subjective experiences, beyond your life. Only reason can do that. Don’t turn your back on reason, on the Truth.

***** “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde And reason is what we use to get things right. If you don’t use your reason, you never get anything right. All the experience in the world won’t allow you to understand reality, just as all the scientific experiments in the world won’t allow you to understand reality. Empiricism, in all of its manifestations, explains nothing and solves nothing, and leads to no knowledge and no understanding. Has empirical science explained what reality is? Did the empiricist philosopher David Hume explain what reality is, or did he do nothing but promote an ideology of pure skepticism, relativism, solipsism and nihilism? Did the Buddha, the most notable religious and spiritual empiricist, explain reality? Did the Buddha have any respect at all for reason? Wasn’t his entire “method” based on empirical introspection? No one preached the gospel of subjective experience quite like the Buddha, and that’s exactly why so many anti-rationalists are attracted to Buddhism. Buddhism is all about achieving a particular empirical state of mind. It has nothing to do with mathematical, scientific, metaphysical, ontological, epistemological, rational and logical knowledge and understanding.

Teaching and Learning You can teach people only as much as they can learn. Most people aren’t capable of learning much, and don’t want to learn. Even worse, they think they have already learned it all. After all, they have their “experiences”.

What else do they need? They are incapable of learning rule No. 1 – you cannot work out reality – something that has existed for eternity – from your experiences as a contingent, temporal human being in this period of history. To understand eternity, you must transcend time – go outside and beyond time – so your human experiences will avail you nothing. Reason alone can bring you into contact with the eternal verities, but empirics despise reason! Such is the human tragedy.

The Gospel According To Britney “God is greater than science.” “Science only goes so far, then comes God.” – Britney Spears So, is it true that science has its limits, and then there is God? It’s certain that something comes after physics/science (and is the true basis of physics/science). This was traditionally regarded as philosophical metaphysics, or religion. In fact, it’s mathematics: the true metaphysics, the true religion. Only one thing can stand behind science and be compatible with science, and that thing is not God, philosophy or spirituality, but mathematics. Mathematics is the unexplained engine of science. Science collapses without math. Math is what holds science up, so the world beyond science is simply pure math. What could be more obvious? Math, not God, is greater than science. Science only goes so far, then comes math. Math is the end of the line. Math replaces God. Math is an eternal, necessary system, not an eternal, necessary Super Being. “God” is simply how feelings types have anthropomorphised math.

***** “The best part about science is whether you want to believe in it or not, it’s still true.” – anonymous The whole point of science is that it can never be true. Every scientific claim is in need of verification, and every scientific claim is falsifiable. The Truth, however, can never be falsified, and never evidentially verified. (Any attempted verification can be interpreted in countless different ways, as the history of science shows.)

Science is a belief system, not a truth system. The best part about mathematics, not science, is that whether you want to believe in it or not, it’s still true, and can never be false. One of the foremost problems of science is that it keeps confusing itself with mathematics, and laying claim to the eternal truths of mathematics that are in fact incompatible with the empirical facts of science.

***** “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” – Henry Ford Most believe that they can’t do things, and so they can’t. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Full of Holes “In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena proposed that an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics. The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity. ... In two papers, Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in Japan and his colleagues now provide, if not an actual proof, at least compelling evidence that Maldacena’s conjecture is true. In one paper, Hyakutake computes the internal energy of a black hole, the position of its event horizon (the boundary between the black hole and the rest of the Universe), its entropy and other properties based on the predictions of string theory as well as the effects of so-called virtual particles that continuously pop into and out of existence. In the other, he and his collaborators calculate the internal energy of the corresponding lower-dimensional cosmos with no gravity. The two computer calculations match. – Ron Cowen, Nature Science is clunkily moving towards the realisation that the “infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings” it speaks of are actually mathematical sinusoids contained within an immaterial, dimensionless Singularity where gravity does not exist. Gravity results from matter in spacetime; there is no gravity in an immaterial Singularity outside space and time. There was no gravity prior

to the creation of the Big Bang universe. It’s not energy per se that is associated with gravity, but spacetime energy, i.e. mass. Dimensionless, mental energy has nothing to do with gravity. Ron Cowen wrote, “At a black hole, Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity apparently clashes with quantum physics, but that conflict could be solved if the Universe were a holographic projection.” Gravity must be understood as a property of the hologram, but not of the interference pattern that generates the hologram. Gravity is therefore not universal. It applies only to spacetime and has no relevance to non-spacetime. Any valid theory of gravity must be able to cater for singularities where there is zero gravity. Our bodies are affected by gravity, our minds/souls are not. All of the properties of the physical world can be directly derived from the analytic properties of an ontological mathematical Singularity, where everything can be easily and straightforwardly calculated with reference to nothing but sinusoidal waves and their properties. Gravity, like spacetime, owes its existence to asymmetric phase relations of sinusoids, and any true theory of gravity must focus on these phase relations.

***** “According to holography, at a fundamental level the universe has one less dimension than we perceive in everyday life and is governed by laws similar to electromagnetism. The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a twodimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card, but now it is the entire Universe that is encoded in such a fashion. ... Traditional theories about how the Universe operates go some way individually to describing its very nature, but each fall short in different areas. It is our ultimate goal to find a new combined understanding of the Universe, which works across the board.” – Professor Kostas Skenderis Ontological holography has nothing to do with the universe having “one less dimension at a fundamental level”. True holography is based on a Singularity with no dimensions at all. What is important about holography is wave interference, and that happens naturally in the monadic, sinusoidal Singularity outside space and time. Holography, we repeat, is not about fewer dimensions, but about wave interference, which can and does take place in no dimensions at all. As ever, the notion of dimensionlessness is an

insurmountable obstacle to sensing types (scientists). All of their theories run aground on their own biases, which they are unable to overcome. As for the universe – in itself – being “governed by laws similar to electromagnetism”, these laws are exactly the laws of ontological mathematics based on sinusoids (sines and cosines), which are indeed intimately linked to the laws of electromagnetism. In fact, they are the noumenal versions of those laws!

The Singularity The Singularity is a zero-gravity environment. There is no gravity where there is no matter. All minds operate in the absence of gravity. They can travel anywhere, even into black holes ... and back out again. They map to spacetime, but are not in spacetime.

The Naked Singularity The event horizon is the boundary between a black hole and the rest of the Universe. The Big Bang Singularity is “naked”, i.e. there is no event horizon between it and the Universe, nothing shielding it from spacetime. Event horizons arise from the collapse of certain portions of spacetime into singularities (i.e. black hole formation). They do not arise going from the Big Bang Singularity to spacetime. Collapsing mass produces event horizons. Expanding masslessness does not. Monads are naked singularities, just like the Big Bang Singularity itself. Therefore, there’s no event horizon between mind and body ... although, metaphorically, this is a valuable way of conceiving of the apparent existential gap between mind and matter. Event horizons are the result of spacetime collapses, but do not relate to the non-spacetime universe, i.e. there is no event horizon involved in going from mind to spacetime matter. An event horizon is produced when a portion of spacetime matter collapses back to mind. This is because a huge chunk of matter has vanished from spacetime, and spacetime has to mark this loss. The loss shows up in the mysterious gap between the black hole singularity and its event horizon (i.e. its boundary with spacetime). However, when all spacetime matter collapses, all event horizons are

abolished, and everything returns to its original Singularity state. The Big Bang is fully reversed.

Totality The Complete Man, the Whole Man, the Omega Man, the Total Man, the Hyper Man, the Holographic Man.

Holographic Sex? “What?! I’m not sleeping with a hologram!” – Mary McDonnell

Involution and Evolution Involution = Descending. Evolution = Ascending. Involution is the opposite of evolution. It involves the perfect Spirit creating from itself the imperfect cosmos of matter (the Big Bang universe). Evolution is then how imperfect “matter” converts itself back into perfect Spirit. In a cyclical universe, there must be both involution and evolution. In scientific materialism – always lopsided, never closing the loop – there is only evolution, and no involution. Moreover, in science, evolution is overtaken by entropy and totally wiped out. Scientific evolution has no purpose, no meaning, and never reaches any target. It just splutters out as entropy overwhelms it. It’s an absolutely pointless process, like everything else in science.

Analysis and Synthesis Analysis involves taking things apart. Synthesis involves putting them together again. Ontological holography offers the best of both worlds. The whole is in everything (ultimate synthesis), and all the parts are analytic sinusoids, grouped into monadic units (ultimate analysis).

The Tetraktys “I swear by him who the Tetraktys found, whence all our wisdom springs and which contains Perennial Nature’s fountain, cause and root.” – the Pythagoreans

The Tetraktys (the “Mystic Tetrad”; the “Mystical Decad”) of Pythagoras comprised ten dots arranged in four rows to form an equilateral triangle. It was the most sacred symbol of the Pythagoreans, upon which they swore their most binding oath.

The God Series will conclude at Book 40, reflecting the product of the two components of the Tetraktys: four and ten, the tetrad and decad (4 x 10 = 40). “The first four numbers [of the Tetraktys] symbolize the harmony of the spheres and the Cosmos as: (1) Unity (Monad). (2) Power (Dyad) – Limit/Unlimited (peras/apeiron). (3) Harmony (Triad). (4) Kosmos (Tetrad). “The four rows add up to ten, which was unity of a higher order (the Decad). The Tetraktys symbolizes the four elements – fire, air, water, and earth. The Tetraktys represented the organization of space: the first row represented zero dimensions (a point); the second row represented one dimension (a line of two points); the third row represented two dimensions (a plane defined by a triangle of three points); the fourth row represented three dimensions (a tetrahedron defined by four points).” – Wikipedia “It is said that the Pythagorean musical system was based on the Tetraktys as the rows can be read as the ratios of 4:3 (perfect fourth), 3:2 (perfect fifth), 2:1 (octave), forming the basic intervals of the Pythagorean scales. That is, Pythagorean scales are generated from combining pure fourths (in a 4:3 relation), pure fifths (in a 3:2 relation), and the simple ratios of the unison 1:1 and the octave 2:1.” – Wikipedia

“Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetraktys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving, the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all.” – the Pythagoreans The Tetraktys is both a mathematical and metaphysical symbol reflecting the core principles of the natural world, the harmony of the cosmos, the ascent to the divine, and the mysteries of the noumenal, transcendent, divine realm. It’s the Pythagorean symbol for ontological mathematics, and the symbol of the God Series. Theon of Smyrna said that this symbol was so honoured by the Pythagoreans “because it appears to contain the nature of all things.” It reflects all phases of terrestrial and cosmic life, the microcosm and macrocosm, the earthly and the heavenly, the mortal and immortal. The lowest seven numbers of the Tetraktys stand for the seven spheres of the visible, physical universe of phenomena; the highest three numbers for the invisible, metaphysical universe of noumena. It’s all in the math.

Beauty and Symmetry The universe is about harmony, balance, symmetry and beauty. The universe embodies beautiful ideas. Nature’s deep design is one of mathematical symmetry. The whole of temporal existence is about the breaking of and then restoration of symmetry. The Big Bang is about making the universe ugly – symmetry breaking – and the Big Crunch is about making the universe beautiful once again – symmetry restoration. Pythagoras, naturally, was the first to assert that symmetry should be at the root of the world, and that the laws of the universe should reflect perfect harmony, ultimately expressed by the sublime and divine Music of the Spheres. Symmetrical laws are beautiful laws. Beautiful laws always convey wondrous symmetry. Symmetry is perfect for predicting new laws of physics, hence the plethora of ideas concerning “supersymmetry”. Symmetry allows us to know from what we have seen what the unseen must be like. Imagine you could see only half of a person’s reflection in a mirror. Without any further information, you could project what they look like simply by applying symmetry considerations. With symmetry, you can infer

what unseen parts of the universe are like from the properties of those that you have seen. Symmetry is the ideal means to explore the unseen, non-empirical, unobservable, non-scientific universe of math.

Fourier Analysis “A pure tone is a tone with a sinusoidal waveform, i.e. a sine or cosine wave. This means that regardless of other characteristic properties such as amplitude or phase, the wave consists of a single frequency. Sine and cosine waves are the most basic building blocks of more complex waves, and as additional frequencies (i.e. additional sine and cosine waves having different frequencies) are combined, the waveform transforms from a sinusoidal into a more complex shape. “A sine wave is characterized by its frequency, the number of cycles per second – or its wavelength, the distance the waveform travels through its medium within a period – and the amplitude, the size of each cycle. ... “Fourier theorem: The Fourier theorem states that any periodic waveform can be approximated as closely as desired as the sum of a series of sine waves with frequencies in a harmonic series and at specific phase relationships to each other. “The lowest of these frequencies (the fundamental frequency), which is also the inverse of the period of the waveform, determines the pitch of the tone, which is perceived by the human hearing. In music, notes are assigned to tones with different fundamental frequencies, in order to describe the pitch of played tones.” – Wikipedia Fourier analysis breaks down chords into tones. Pure tones are sinusoids. Musical tones are restricted to a limited set of frequencies called “notes”. Notes are the most basic components of music. Each note has a unique frequency. Chords consist of several notes played simultaneously.

Atoms: The Perfect Musical Instruments Atoms are musical instruments, except the “tones” they play are light, not sound. Where a musical instrument emits different sound tones, atoms emit different light “tones”. Each atomic element has a characteristic spectrum.

The equations that describe atoms are astoundingly similar to those that describe music. Pythagoras’s music of the spheres is enshrined in the quantum world. What is string theory if not a theory for making tones, notes and pure vibrations (frequencies) the basis of reality? Electromagnetic waves are the ontological notes of existence. Atoms don’t run down. They are perfect “musical” instruments that stay in “tune” forever (or, rather, until the Big Crunch gets them). They are perfect light instruments, playing the Lightshow of the Gods, and generating the Cosmic Hologram. Light waves are none other than thoughts, and the spectrum associated with an atom is its mental spectrum, i.e. the set of cosmic thoughts with which it interacts. Brains – made of atoms – have a mental spectrum, showing how they interact with the Cosmic Mind (the Monadic Collective). This is a lowenergy spectrum. The high-energy spectrum is where an individual monadic mind interacts with matter. When a mind makes matter move – e.g. human muscles – what it does is send an information code in the form of a light spectrum. Thanks to DNA, or, rather, psycho-DNA (DNA is as much mental as physical), muscles know how to interpret light spectra as particular instructions for motion. This, of course, is all conducted at a level beyond the scope of any scientific instruments or experiments ... but it’s never beyond the reach of mathematics.

***** In some theories of physics, colour is considered an additional dimension. Imagine three space dimensions, a time dimension, and a colour dimension. The subtlety, of course, is that colour (light) isn’t a dimension at all – it’s dimensionless. Yet in order for mind and matter to interact, the dimensionless and dimensional must be combined, and they do so through spectra, through absorption and emission.

***** There are four types of interaction in the world: 1) Light-light (mind-mind). 2) Matter-matter.

3) Light-matter (mind-matter, associated with an absorption spectrum; matter absorbs light; this corresponds to mind willing matter to move). 4) Matter-light (matter-mind, associated with an emission spectrum; matter emits light; this corresponds to matter signalling its state to mind). Of course, “matter” is itself nothing but “broken” light, so, really, all we are dealing with is light. Reality is a dual-aspect monistic system. Matter can be regarded as “dimensional” light whereas light itself is dimensionless = mental. All of these considerations are, naturally, relevant to the Soul Camera.

***** Mind is outside space and time, yet it belongs to the same overarching system as space and time, hence can fully interact with it. In the following diagram, the axes are outside space and time, and everything inside the axes is inside space and time ... so you can see exactly how closely related they are:

Mind reflects axial activity (associated with orthogonal phase relations); matter is inter-axial behaviour (connected with non-orthogonal phase relations). We have said it before and we shall say it again: the whole of existence – every secret and mystery of life – is reflected in the above diagram. Unlocking all of its mysteries is the key to everything. To understand the ontology of this diagram is to understand the whole of reality. The mind/soul, zero/infinity, light/broken light relationship, matter, the mind-matter interaction, Fourier mathematics, the Soul Camera, the afterlife, reincarnation, becoming God, the Hegelian dialectic, Leibniz’s Monadology, the ancient principle of as above, so below, and holography,

are all implicit in this diagram. It’s the basis of the grand unified, final theory of everything. It’s the basis of electromagnetism (axial behaviour), wave-particle duality, Heisenberg’s “uncertainty” principle, the quantum mechanical wavefunction, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity. Arriving at the Truth isn’t actually all that difficult. Recognising it as the Truth is close to impossible. The task is this ... to take something eternal and necessary (the content of the above diagram) and to comprehend how it gives rise to all of the temporal, contingent things and events of the world. The above diagram is mathematics as noumenon (as it presents itself to our non-sensory reason), while “science” is mathematics as phenomenon (as it presents itself to our senses). Since our reason seems abstract, while our senses seem to deal with the “concrete”, people imagine that phenomena are real and noumena somehow “ideal” (unreal). In fact, all phenomena are the appearances of noumena. When you strip away those appearances, you are left with just the pure math itself – the stuff of pure reason. Scientists have never understood this. Neither did Kant. To comprehend existence, what you must do is map pure reason (mathematics) to the phenomenal, sensible world of sensations and feelings. The trick is to grasp that mathematics is the rational information carrier, while the information carried is the empirical experience, which we encounter as sensations and feelings. Humanity is so confused about existence because it can’t relate sensations and feelings to reason (math). That’s why it turns to religion, philosophy and science. Yet all it has to do is distinguish between the noumenon and phenomenon, the rational and empirical, the metaphysical and physical, the information carrier and the information carried, the signifier and the signified, what can be known and what can be experienced. You are lost if you can’t grasp that sensory things are grounded in nonsensory (rational) things, and emotional things in non-emotional (rational) things. This is a dual-aspect monism, not any kind of Cartesian dualism. The empirical sensation or feeling is the information carried by the rational carrier; it’s the other side of the single ontological coin. You can’t get math (pure rationalism) without sensations and feelings (pure empiricism). They seem unrelated to each other, but they are actually just the flip side of each other. Only the Illuminati have ever understood this.

Empiricism is not separate from rationalism ... it’s the way the rational world is actually experienced. The rational world is simply the empirical world stripped of all appearances and feelings, leaving nothing but nonsensory, non-emotional math. Had Kant been more mathematical (Leibnizian) and less scientific (Newtonian), he would have realised this. Are you smart enough to see the trees and the wood, or are you forever unable to see the wood for the trees?

***** Since light is outside space and time, while matter is inside space and time, matter flows through light (the “world” flows through the Cosmic Mind). All spacetime motion is defined by, and constrained by, the motion of light outside space and time. All light and all matter is in motion, but they manifest motion in very different ways. Light does not encounter the passage of distance or the passage of time; matter does. That’s the central difference between them, but it’s a difference that the human mind has found almost impossible to understand. To this day, scientists imagine that light is somehow travelling through spacetime, even though Einstein’s special theory of relativity – a central plank of modern science – shows that this is exactly what can’t happen. Light, as Einstein demonstrated, is maximally length contracted. This means that it doesn’t experience the passage of space. Only things in space – i.e. with non-zero length – can experience the passage of space. Light is also maximally time dilated. This means it doesn’t experience the passage of time. Only things in time – i.e. with a non-infinite time interval – can experience the passage of time. Einstein himself never understood what his own equations told him. That’s how difficult this material is. It involves thinking mathematically, not scientifically. No scientist is able to think in terms of an immaterial frequency domain (Singularity) outside space and time. That’s the tragedy of science. Only rationalists can ever arrive at this analytic comprehension of reality. Empiricists – scientists – will always be trapped by their experiences, and their inability to use their reason to grasp what lies beyond the world of appearances. Empiricism means you reject the noumenal and get stuck at the phenomenal. You are unable to free yourself from Maya (illusion).

Empiricists can never see beyond the horizon. They can’t conceive that there is any beyond. Their intellect fails them. It can’t transcend their reducing-valve senses.

The Question What is a thought made of? How do thoughts flow? How do they interact? How does one thought turn into the next? How do we remember? Where are our memories stored? Where are thoughts located? What is a feeling made of? What is a sensation made of? What is an intuition made of? What is a desire made of? What is your will made of? What is your soul made of? How are such things able to exist at all? If you can’t answer these questions, you literally know nothing about the fundamental nature of existence. When it comes to understanding reality, people fail at the first step. They cannot understand the difference between noumena and phenomena, between the appearance of something and that thing without an appearance, between the information carrier and the information carried. Thoughts, feelings, sensations, intuitions, and so on, are all empirical information. They are what we experience. But they are all conveyed by things – information carriers – that we never experience under any circumstances. They are always “hidden” by the very fact that they carry unhidden information. The unhidden hides the hidden. Imagine listening to your favourite song. What you experience is the sound information conveyed by sound waves. You do not experience the sound waves themselves – the carriers of the sounds. You don’t hear pressure waves bombarding your ear drums. Do you get it? Existence has two aspects: the carrier of information, and the information carried. We are entities that experience information. What we experience is the information carried and never the information carrier. That has catastrophic consequences for human understanding. Virtually every theory of existence ever devised concerns the information carried, and ignores the information carrier. Yet there would be no information carried without the information carrier. The carrier is what makes the information, and, without it, there’s nothing at all ... just eternal nonexistence. When Leibniz asked why there is something rather than nothing, what he was really asking was why information carriers exist. They can exist for

one reason alone: mathematics allows all information carriers to be exactly equal to zero. Since it’s impossible to stop nothing then anything that is precisely equal to nothing, without being absolute nothingness (i.e. total non-existence), must exist. The secret of existence is that, thanks to mathematics – and mathematics alone – it’s possible to create things that exist while being “nothing”. The answer to Leibniz’s question is that something is nothing. It’s not that something exists rather than nothing, it’s that something exists because it’s nothing (mathematical nothing, which is entirely different from nothingness). The universe is made of invisible, non-sensory mathematical waves that are at all times equal to zero, hence are impossible to detect. Yet because they are also “somethings” (i.e. mathematically definable entities), they carry information. It’s this information that you experience, but, of course, you experience it as anything other than mathematics. Indeed, mathematics is the last thing that would occur to you while you are having an experience. Your feelings, for example, seem like the opposite of mathematics, yet all they are is mathematical information being subjectively experienced. Non-sensory reason – which has nothing at all to do with your feelings or sensations – is how you access non-sensory mathematics. However, because your feelings and sensations seem concrete and immediate to you, while reason seems cold, abstract and unreal, you can’t help but delude yourself that your feelings and sensations are revealing reality to you when, in fact, the exact opposite is true. They are Maya – illusion, phenomenon – concealing reality from you. Only your reason can break on through to the other side and reach the hidden mathematical world that defines all of reality, including why you are here, what you are, what the meaning of your life is, what your purpose is, and what your fate is. You have an immortal, indestructible soul. It’s immortal and indestructible exactly because it’s “nothing”, and you can’t destroy or degrade nothing. Your soul is the most exquisite mathematical entity. Its foundation lies in the most beautiful formula of mathematics: Euler’s Formula, from which is derived what is regarded as the most beautiful equation of all: Euler’s identity (eiπ + 1 = 0). Euler’s identity is none other than a snapshot of your soul, while Euler’s formula, suitably generalised, describes your entire, dynamic soul.

Of course, 99% of humanity cannot grasp this. They recoil from any notion that reality is pure math, their soul is pure math, and all their feelings and dreams are pure math. Nothing could be more objectionable to them, and more improbable as far as they are concerned. So it goes. The most difficult thing of all is to overcome Maya – your own propaganda, delusions, opinions, conjectures, beliefs and interpretations. The red pill that takes you down the rabbit hole to ultimate reality is one you will certainly be refusing ... because the red pill is pure math, and nothing is more terrifying and less desirable to you than that. Like Cypher in The Matrix, the blue pill is infinitely more to your liking because then you can tell yourself whatever bullshit you like, whatever floats your boat, whatever comforts you, whatever accommodates your personality, your feelings, your imagination, your hopes and dreams, and so on. Lies have always been infinitely more attractive to humanity than the Truth. Lying to yourself has always been a human being’s most characteristic trait. There are literally infinite ways to empirically interpret reality, but there’s only one rational Truth ... the mathematical Truth of the information carriers that define everything and make everything possible. Of course, what you would like us to tell you is that there are myriad different ways to enlightenment, and it’s extremely likely that whatever way you have personally chosen is exactly right. But we’re not going to tell you that. In fact, we’re going to tell you the opposite. You are totally deluded, and immersed in a vast ocean of delusion. You are clueless about how to become enlightened, and everything you try is 100% futile. Everything you do is about fleeing from the True Path. Existence has a single answer. That answer is mathematics. If you’re on any other path, you’re on the road to nowhere. You’re on the Relativism Road, where there are as many answers to existence as there are people. It’s real simple. Reality either has one answer, or no answer at all. If existence has infinite answers, it has no answer, since infinite answers mean you can believe whatever you like. If it has only one answer, there’s only one way to arrive at it. You can’t solve a mathematical equation by reciting Shakespeare, praying to Jehovah, or meditating under a tree. You can solve math only by doing math, and everything else is pie in the sky. We’re not here to convince you of anything. We’re not asking you to believe anything we say. Frankly, we couldn’t care less what you believe.

We’re here to communicate with like-minded people, to reach out to the smart, rational people of the world, the ones who will decide the future of the human race.

***** What explains reality is the eternal, necessary information carrier. The information carrier is mathematics. To be precise, all information in the universe is conveyed by sine and cosine waves – pure energy waves – the basic versions of which are ontologically defined by Euler’s formula. The answer to reality does not exist in terms of the temporal, contingent, empirical information carrier. Information is interpretive – believe whatever you like, whatever rocks your world. But there’s only one absolute truth. It’s not that of the interpretive, empirical information, but of the rational information carrier. Have you got it? You experience information, but you don’t experience the information carrier, yet the information carrier is the answer to why the information you treasure so much exists in the first place. The information carrier is beyond empiricism, but not beyond rationalism. Our reason, not our senses or feelings, reveals the Truth. Our senses confer an appearance on the information carried; our feelings allow us to experience information as pleasurable (useful to us) or painful (harmful to our objectives). Neither our senses nor feelings tell us a single thing about the information carrier.

Conclusion The universe is wondrously clear and simple. It’s made of analytic mathematics, hence has an exact answer. Reason reveals everything. The workings of the universe are fully rational and intelligible. There are no mysteries. Faith and mysticism have no place. Feelings and the senses can’t tell us what reality is. Only reason can. Reason tells us that the universe in itself is an eternal, immaterial, dimensionless, mental Singularity outside space and time. This is the permanent core of existence, and is purely mathematical (sinusoidal). It equates to the Cosmic Mind, or some might even call it “God” – though it is not a personal being and has no resemblance whatsoever to the

monotheistic Tyrant God of Abrahamism. It is not moral, and has no interest whatsoever in human beings and their lives. It’s not listening to any prayers or entreaties. It’s an impersonal, deistic God rather than a personal, theistic God. You can’t have a personal relationship with it. The theistic Abrahamic God is simply an anthropomorphication of this deistic mathematical God. The Singularity – the Cosmic Mind – is a seething ocean of vibrations. It’s a kind of self-playing orchestra, and its task is to create perfect music – the Music of the Heavens. It does this by making all of its constituent notes (sinusoids) enter into a perfect symmetric relation with each other. Asymmetry is eliminated. At that point, heaven is attained, and all monads are Gods. Heaven is turned into hell the moment symmetry breaks, and the evil, dark, material world is created in the Big Bang. The Big Bang corresponds to the instant when a perfect Fourier frequency domain loses its perfection through a symmetry-breaking event, and automatically produces a Fourier spacetime domain. This domain is a hologram. It’s a dimensional world of space, time and matter, born of an immaterial, dimensionless Singularity outside space and time. Mathematics, and mathematics alone, allows this to happen The Singularity is the mental world, forever inaccessible to any scientific experiment, but not to reason. The spacetime material hologram is the phenomenal, sensory world of science. Eastern types call it Maya. Western Gnostics call it the evil kingdom of the Demiurge. In fact, it’s just an inevitable product of a dynamic, self-optimising, self-optimising mathematical system that can never reach any end, so simply cycles on forever. As soon as it solves itself (by attaining perfect symmetry), it unsolves itself (through symmetry breaking), and starts all over again. This process can never cease since it’s mathematically impossible to reach an eternally stable state (which would be incompatible with a universe of permanent change and becoming). We live in a wave universe, cycling forward for all eternity, and ruled by wave mathematics: Fourier mathematics. Fourier mathematics is the basis of music theory, light theory, wave theory, quantum mechanics, and holography. It uniquely explains mind, and solves the problem of Cartesian mind-matter interaction. Einstein’s relativity theory is a spacetime misinterpretation of Fourier mathematics, deriving from Einstein’s inability

to conceive of a Singularity outside space and time as the mysterious “ether” that provides the absolute framework for spacetime reality. If humanity turned its entire attention to holography, and Fourier mathematics, we would be Gods living in paradise in just one generation. What are we waiting for?

Vera Causa: True Cause