The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (Ancient Texts and Translations) 9781556357626, 1556357621

R. H. Charles (1855-1931) was Professor of Biblical Greek at Trinity College Dublin (1898-1906), He was elected a fellow

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The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (Ancient Texts and Translations)
 9781556357626, 1556357621

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The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs

Ancient Texts and Translations Series Editor K. C. Hanson Robert William Rogers Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament D. Winton Thomas, editor Documents from Old Testament Times Hugo Radau Early Babylonian History Henry Frederick Lutz Early Babylonian Letters from Larsa Albert T. Clay Babylonian Epics, Hymns, Omens, and Other Texts Daniel David Luckenbill The Annals of Sennacherib A. E. Cowley Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century B.C. G. R. Driver Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C., rev. ed. Adolf Neubauer The Book of Tobit August Dillman The Ethiopic Text of 1 Enoch R. H. Charles The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament R. H. Charles The Book of Enoch

R. H. Charles The Book of Jubilees R. H. Charles The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs R. H. Charles The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs R. H. Charles The Apocalypse of Baruch H. B. Swete The Gospel of Peter Richard Adelbert Lipsius and Max Bonnet Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles (3 vols.) Charles W. Hedrick The Apocalypse of Adam

The Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs Edited from Nine Mss., together with the Variants of the Armenian and Slavonic Versions and Some Hebrew Fragments

R. H. Charles


Eugene, Oregon

THE GREEK VERSIONS OF THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS Edited from Nine Mss., together with the Variants of the Armenian and Slavonic Versions and Some Hebrew Fragments Ancient Texts and Translations Copyright © 2008 Wipf & Stock Publishers. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf & Stock, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

isbn 13: 978-1-55635-762-6 Cataloging-in-Publication data: The Greek versions of the testaments of the twelve patriarchs / edited from nine mss., together with the variants of the Armenian and Slavonic versions and some Hebrew fragments, by R. H. Charles. New Foreword and Bibliography by K. C. Hanson. Ancient Texts and Translations isbn 13: 978-1-55635-762-6 lx + 324 p.; ill.; 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Text in Greek; introduction, notes, and appendices in English, Greek, and Hebrew. I. Charles, R. H. (Robert Henry), 1855–1931. II. Hanson, K. C. (Kenneth C.). III. Apocryphal books (Old Testament). bs1830.t4 g7 2008

Manufactured in the U.S.A.


Series Foreword


he discoveries of documents from the ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean worlds have altered our modern understanding of those worlds in both breadth and depth. Especially since the mid-nineteenth century, chance discoveries as well as archaeological excavations have brought to light thousands of clay tablets, stone inscriptions and stelae, leather scrolls, codices, papyri, seals, and ostraca. The genres of these written documents are quite diverse: receipts, tax lists, inventories, letters, prophecies, blessings and curses, dowry documents, deeds, laws, instructions, collections of proverbs, philosophical treatises, state propaganda, myths and legends, hymns and prayers, liturgies and rituals, and many more. Some of them came to light in long-famous cities—such as Ur, Babylon, Nineveh, and Jerusalem—while others came from locations that were previously little-known or unknown—such as Ebla, Ugarit, Elephantine, Qumran, and Nag Hammadi. But what good are these remnants from the distant past? Why should anyone bother with what are often fragmentary, obscure, or long-forgotten scraps of ancient cultures? Each person will answer those questions for herself or himself, depending upon interests and commitments. But the documents have influenced scholarly research in several areas. It must first be said that the documents are of interest and importance in their own right, whatever their connections—or lack of them—to modern ethnic, religious, or ideological concerns. Many of them provide windows on how real people lived

Foreword in the ancient world—what they grew and ate; how they related to their families, business associates, and states; how they were taxed; how and whom they worshiped; how they organized their communities; their hopes and fears; and how they understood and portrayed their own group’s story. They are of intense interest at the linguistic level. They provide us with previously unknown or undeciphered languages and dialects, broaden our range of vocabularies and meanings, assist us in mapping the relationships and developments of languages, and provide examples of loan-words and linguistic influences between languages. A monumental project such as The Assyrian Dictionary, produced by the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, would have been unthinkable without the broad range of Akkadian resources today. And our study of Coptic and early gospels would be impoverished without the Nag Hammadi codices. The variety of genres also attracts our interest in terms of the history of literature. Such stories as Athra-hasis, Enumma Elish, and Gilgamesh have become important to the study of world literature. While modern readers may be most intrigued by something with obvious political or religious content, we often learn a great deal from a tax receipt or a dowry document. Hermann Gunkel influenced biblical studies not only because of his keen insights into the biblical books, but because he studied the biblical genres in the light of ancient Near Eastern texts. As he examined the genres in the Psalms, for example, he compared them to the poetic passages throughout the rest of the Bible, the Apocrypha, the Pseudepigrapha, Akkadian sources, and Egyptian sources. While the Akkadian and Egyptian resources were much .  I. J. Gelb et al., editors, The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956– ). .  James M. Robinson, editor, The Nag Hammadi Library in English, 4th ed. (Leiden: Brill, 1996). .  Hermann Gunkel, Einleitung in die Psalmen: Die Gattungen der religiösen

Foreword more limited in the 1920s and 1930s when he was working on the Psalms, his methodology and insights have had an on-going significance. History is also a significant interest. Many of these texts mention kingdoms, ethnic and tribal groups, rulers, diplomats, generals, locations, or events that assist in establishing chronologies, give us different perspectives on previously known events, or fill in gaps in our knowledge. Historians can never have too many sources. The Amarna letters, for example, provide us with the names of local rulers in Canaan during the fourteenth century BCE, their relationship with the pharaoh, as well as the military issues of the period. Social analysis is another area of fertile research. A deed can reveal economic structures, production, land tenure, kinship relations, scribal conventions, calendars, and social hierarchies. Both the Elephantine papyri from Egypt (fifth century BCE) and the Babatha archive from the Judean desert (second century CE) include personal legal documents and letters relating to dowries, inheritance, and property transfers that provide glimpses of complex kinship relations, networking, and legal witnesses. And the Elephantine documents also include letters to the high priest in Jerusalem from the priests of Elephantine regarding the rebuilding of the Elephantine temple. Lyrik Israels, completed by Joachim Begrich, HAT (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1933). ET = Introduction to the Psalms: The Genres of the Religious Lyric of Israel, trans. James D. Nogalski, Mercer Library of Biblical Studies (Macon, GA: Mercer Univ. Press, 1998). .  William L. Moran, The Amarna Letters (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1992). .  Bezalel Porten et al., editors, The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui 22 (Leiden: Brill, 1996); Yigael Yadin et al., The Finds from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters, 3 vols., Judean Desert Studies (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1963–2002) [NB: vols. 2 and 3 are titled Documents instead of Finds].

Religion in the ancient world was usually embedded in either political or kinship structures. That is, it was normally a function of either the political group or kin-group to which one belonged. We are fortunate to have numerous texts of epic literature, liturgies, and rituals. These include such things as creation stories, purification rituals, and the interpretation of sheep livers for omens. The Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, provide us with biblical books, texts of biblical interpretation, community regulations, and liturgical texts from the second temple period. Another key element has been the study of law. A variety of legal principles, laws, and collections of regulations provide windows on social structures, economics, governance, property rights, and punishments. The stele of Hammurabi of Babylon (c. 1700 BCE) is certainly the most famous. But we have many more, for example: Ur-Nammu (c. 2100 BCE), Lipit-Ishtar (c. 1850 BCE), and the Middle Assyrian Laws (c. 1150 BCE). The intention of Ancient Texts and Translations (ATT) is to make available a variety of ancient documents and document collections to a broad range of readers. The series will include reprints of long out-of-print volumes, revisions of earlier editions, and completely new volumes. The understanding of ancient societies depends upon our close reading of the documents, however fragmentary, that have survived. —K. C. Hanson Series Editor .  Florentino García Martínez, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English, 2nd ed., trans. Wilfred G. E. Watson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996).

Select Bibliography

Select Bibliography

I. Editions and Translations Charles, R. H. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Oxford: Clarendon, 1917. Reprinted, Ancient Texts and Translations. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2004. ———. “The Testaments of the XII Patriarchs.” In The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, edited by R. H. Charles, 2:282–367. Oxford: Clarendon, 1913. Jonge, Marinus de. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Critical Edition of the Greek Text. Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece 1 pt. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1978. ———. “The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs.” In The Apocryphal Old Testament, edited by H. F. D. Sparks, 505–600. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984. Kee, Howard Clark. “The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs.” In The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, edited by James H. Charlesworth, 1:775–828. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983. Stone, Michael E. The Testament of Levi: A First Study of the Armenian MSS. of the Testaments of the XII Patriarchs in the Convent of St. James, Jerusalem, with Text, Critical Apparatus, Notes, and Translation. Jerusalem: St. James, 1969.

II. Research Becker, J. Untersuchungen zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen. Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums 8. Leiden: Brill, 1970. ———. Die Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen. Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit 3. Gütersloh: Gütersloher, 1974. Burchard, Christoph. “Neues zur Ueberlieferung der Testamente der zwölf Patriarchen: Eine unbeachtete griechische Handschrift und eine unbekannte neugriechische Fassung .” New Testament Studies 12 (1965). Eltester, Walther, editor. Studien zu den Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 36. Berlin: Töpelmann, 1969. Hollander, H. W. Joseph as an Ethical Model in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Leiden: Brill, 1981.

Select Bibliography ———, and Marinus de Jonge. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Commentary. Studia in Veteris Testamenti pseudepigrapha 8. Leiden: Brill, 1985. Hultgard, Anders. L’eschatologie des Testaments des Douze Patriarches. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Historia religionum 6–7. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1977–81. Jonge, Marinus de. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Study of Their Text, Composition and Origin. Van Gorcum’s theologische bibliotheek 25. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1953. ———. Testamenta XII Patriarcharum Edited according to Cambridge University Library MS Ff1.24 fol.203a-262b, with Short Notes. Leiden: Brill, 1964. ———. Testamenta XII Patriarcharum: Ed. according to Cambridge University Library MS. Ff I.24, fol. 203a-261b. Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti 1. Leiden: Brill, 1970. ———, editor. Studies on the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Text and Interpretation. Leiden: Brill, 1975. ———. Jewish Eschatology, Christian Christology, and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Collected Essays of Marinus de Jonge. Novum Testamentum Supplements 63. Leiden: Brill, 1991. ———. “Patriarchs, Testaments of the Twelve.” In Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 5:181–86. New York: Doubleday, 1992. ———. Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament as Part of Christian Literature: The Case of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and the Greek Life of Adam and Eve. Studia in Veteris Testamentum Pseudepigrapha 18. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Kugler, Robert A. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Guides to Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic 2001. Philonenko, Marc. Les interpolations chrétiennes des Testaments des Douze Patriarches et les manuscris. Paris: Presses universitairès de France, 1960. Schnapp, Friedrich. Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen. Halle: Niemeyer, 1884. Sinker, Robert. Testamenta XII Patriarcharum: Appendix Containing a Collation of the Roman and Patmos MSS. and Bibliographical Notes. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1879. Slingerland, H. Dixon. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Critical History of Research. SBL Monograph Series 21. Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1977. Ulrichsen, Jarl Henning. Die Grundschrift der Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen: Eine Untersuchung zu Umfang, Inhalt und Eigenart der ursprünglichen Schrift. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Historia religionum 10. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1991.



PREF.A.CE A NEW• text of' the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs has long been needed. It is now neai·ly forty years since Dr. Sinker published a reproduction of the Cambridge MS. with the variants of the Oxford MS. Ten years later he edited collations of the Vatican and Patmos MSS. Dr. Sinker's own work was very accurate so far as it went, but he made .no attempt to deal with the relations of the MSS. to each other and to the archetypes from which they were derived. The MSS. evidence was, indeed, hardly adequate for .such a task, and, moreover, the presuppositions under which he worked-as also all other students of the Testaments till within the last few years, i.e. that-the Testaments· were written originally in Greek and by a Christian author-precluded the possibility of ever attaining to a satisfactory text. For deliverance from the latter misleading presupposition, that the TestaDl.entswere of Christian authorship, scholars are indebted. in the main to the ·meritorious articles of F. C. ·Conybeare. · By means of the _:Armenian Version this scholar established the high probability that all the Christian allusions in the Testaments ·are the interpolations of Christian scribes in an originally Jewish work, and therein confirmed the earlier hypothesis of Grabe and Schnapp. My own study of the Armenian Version has more than convinced me of the validity of Conybeare's contention. In the prosecution of this study I have spared no pains. I have used the collations of. the three Armenian MSS. which Mr. Conybeare has cit_edin his articles, and which he most kindly placed at my service, and likewise six other MSS., two of which I have collated for the first time. For deliverance from the other ·false presupposition, that the Testaments were written originally in Greek, the first steps we~ taken by Grabe and Kohler when they put forward the suggestion of. a Hebrew original, but neither scholar advanced &"!J.Y evidence in support of his hypothesis. The first positive evidence was furnished by Gaster, but since this evidence was so very exi~ous in quantity-in all amounting to the explanation of one, or at most two, corrupt ~ges in the Greek by retranslation into Hebrew-and since· even the weight of this slight evidence was handicapped through

PREFACE its connexion with extravagant claims on behalf of a comparatively late Hebrew Testament of Naphtali,· the hypothesis of a Hebrew· original was still loo).ced upon as highly questionable, or even as undeserving of serious consideration, when the present editor undertook a close study of the Testaments. The firstfruits of that study appeared in the EncyclopaediaB11JZica, I. 237-241, and the grounds there advanced for a Hebrew original were accepted in the following year by Bousset, who at the same time contributed valuable articles on the Jewish authorship of the Testaments. The sustained study of the intervening years bas transformed a good working hypothesis of ten years ago into an indispensable postulate. Nearly every page of the Greek text exhibits passages which can neither be explained nor translated unless by retroversion into Hebrew. Some of the Sections in the following Introduction have already appeared in the Introduction to my Commentary. My obligations to friends and scholars are deep and manifold. First of all, to the Trustees of the Hibbert Trust for a subvention towards the cost of publication of the Text : to Dr. Sinker, who, when I informed him of my intention of editing the text, most generously lent me the collation of h, the first Mt. Sinai MS., which had been made for him by Mrs. Gibspn : to Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Lewis for the endless pains they took in securing for me a photographic reproduction of i, the second Sinai MS. : to the Directors of the Paris and Vatican Libraries for pel'mission to photograph their MSS. of the Testaments: to Professor Lake for photographing the Mt. Athos. MS; : to Mr. Cowley for his ever ready help in regard to the Aramaic fragments: and to Dr. James, the Provost of King's, for ·a collation of portions of Dr. Sinker's text with the Cambridge MS. My warm thanks are specially due to Professor Morfill, who retranslated into Greek for this edition the two recensions of the Slavonic Version : and, finally,. I am indebted for the Greek Index to the kindness of Miss Poole. The Editor will be grateful for corrections. In dealing with such a vast mass of manuscript evidence in several languages he cannot hope to escape errors o'f various kinds. Some of these will be found in the list of Corrigenda on pp. lviii-lix. I cannot conclude without recording my thanks to the readers and compositors for their skilled services in this most difficult Text.




§ 1. Short Account of the Book § 2. The Greek MSS. . • § 3, The Armenian MSS. § 4. The Armenian Version found in two Recenaions : their' Relations : their Affinities with the Greek MSS. § 5. Edition of the Annenian Text . § 6. Transla.tions of the Armenian Version § 7. The Slavonic Version • § 8. The two Slavonic Recensions · § 9. The Greek Version found in two forms, a and (:j: their Relations and the cha.racteristics of their Representatives. § 10. Editions of the Greek Version . § n. The Greek Version-a translation from the Hebrew-H § 12 •. a and (:j derived respectively from two lost Hebrew ·Recensions Ha a.nd Ht!. Table of Affinity of all the Textual Authorities . § 13. Linguistic Character of the Greek Version § 14, Date of the Original Hebrew § 15. Date of the Greek Version. § 16. Title of the Book . § 17. Jewish Additions to the Text § 18. Christian Additions to the Text , § 19. Midrash containing Hebrew Fragments of· of Judah § 20. Late Hebrew Testa.ment of Naphtali . § 21, Aramaic and G~eek Fragments containing Phrases and Clauses from an original source of the Testament of Levi and the Book of Jubilees.

xiv xvi xvii xviii xviii

xix xxii

· xxiii


xi ~Iii xliii xliv xlvi· xlviii Ii Ii

_liii Iviii


i~ ix xii




















235 239


OF ~













257 263 295 299


THE Testaments were originally written in Hebrew by a Pharisaic upholder of the Maocabean priest-kings in the closing ye&1sof the second century B. c. In the course of the next century the Hebrew text was interpolated with additions emanating from bitter opponents of the Maccabean dynasty. In the early decades 9f the Christian era the text was current in two forms, which are denoted by H" and H 8 in this edition. The former of these was translated ·not later than A. D. 50 into Greek; and this translation was used, by the scholar who rendered the second Hebrew recension into Greek. The first Greek translation was used by our Lord, by St. Paul, and other New Testament writers. · In the second and following centuries it was interpolated by Christian scribes, and finally condemned indiscriminatingly along with other apocrypha. ·For several centuries it was wholly lost sight of, and it was not till the thirteenth century that it was rediscovered through the agency of Robert (}rosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, who translated it into Latin, under the misco.nception that it ~a~ ~nuine w_ork of the twelve ~ons of Jacob, and t?8°t the Christiap. mterpolations were a genmne product of Jewish prophecy. The advent of the ·Reformation brought in. critical methods,. and the ·book was unjustly disparaged as a mere Christian forgery for nearly fom· centuries. Tlie time has at last arrived for this book, so noble in its ethical side, to come into its own, ~nd the text with all the documentary authorities is now laid ·before the student.


§ .


'.fm: GmmK MSS. .

a. Bodley MS. Baroccio 133. Quarto.

This paper MS. contains several treatises by different hands of the latter part of the. four•



teenth century. The Testamenfa occupy ff. 179&...:205b. Their title and those of Judah and Gad are written in red. There are two copies of this MS. on paper, one in the Bodley MS. Smith 117 belonging to the close of the seventeenth century, and the second in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. This MS. is remarkable for a large number of omissions, at times of entire chapters. A collation of it is given in Dr. Sinker's edition, but it is wanting in accuracy. It is cited by him as O. b. University Library, Cambridge, Ff. 1. 24. . Quarto. This parchment MS. contains four works, of which the Testaments are the fourth, written on ff. 203'-262b. It is written in double columns, twenty lines in a column. It belongs to the tenth century. The initials ancl titles are in red except the first, which ·is in gold. It was from. this MS. that Grosseteste's Latin Version was made. His handwriting, according to Dr. James, is fou'1d on the margin. Grabe professes to havf;l giv~n a transcript of this MS. as his text. Of this MS. there are three copies. The first two· are in the U Diversity Library and in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, respectively, and the third in the Library of Queen's College, Oxford. This MS. forms the text of Dr. Sinker's edition. Dr. James has tested its accuracy for me, and found it to be above all praise. I have therefore used Dr. Sinker's 'transcript of the MS. in the pref)ent edition. It is cited by him as O. c. Vatican Library, Cod. Graec. 731. This is a small octavo MS•. written on paper with twenty-two or twenty-three lines on each page. Besides the Testaments it contains extracts from the• _Fathers. The Testaments are given on ff. 978-167b, The script of the latter belongs probably to the thirteenth century. This is the· most important of all the MSS. A fairly accurate collation of this MS. by Guidi is given by Sinker in his separately published Appendix· to his edition of the Testaments .and cited ·by him as R. I procured photographs of this MS. for the present ~dition. · d. Vatican Library, Gk. 12 38. This is a vellum MS. in three volumes of the LXX, belonging· to the thirteenth century. On the close of the LXX follows the Testament of Job, ff. 340&..:349b, and on 350-380 our present text. There are from thirty-three .to thirty-nine lines on each page. Strangely enough, above the Tow,/J 1raTpw.px_w11 vl&iv general title of the Testaments-A~,au 'lu,cO){J-appear the words• AfflT'iji r&i-vi.3•1 were either lost or p1·ovedto be failqres. ,vhen the photogi·aphs of this l\IS. reached m& the first ninety-six pages of my text bad ah·eady passed tlu-ough the press. Accordingly I add in Appendix VI a collation of the Testaments fReuben, Simeon, Levi, and J_ud. i-xx, where it differs from 11,.with which it is closely connected. This MS. was written not earlier than the se,•enteenth century It contains "twenty-one to twenty-three lines in each page. - It has the same peculiar introduction as Ii. See preceding MS.

'E.U.11 11mjr.

§ 3. TBE AmrENIANMSS. There are many MSS. of this version. The first five are designated hy the symbols attached to them in the Venetian edition of the text 1,y the Mechitarist fnthers. The rest owe their designation to the preSP.nteditor. When cited they appear as.A", A",&c, A". Mechitarist Lib1·ary of St. Lazr.aro, Venice, No._345, This MS., 5 x 7 inches, was written h1 the year 1220 on paper. This MS. contains also the history of the Prophet Jeremiah, It belongs to the first ree-q = xxv. 2 i -rpvcf,11 1,31. In T. Iss. v. '1 lKA~ptuUEV OI awo,1:(/3)=1:li'l'''MJM. T. Gad ii. 2 ?rpou£8lp.7Jvawti p.'iu-01: = lMNNJ~ 'M!l0l1'1'I hated him stili more'. _ T. Ash; i. 5 OI of1:'1'0.B1fo8w.f3oiJAL11 •• 8,aKplvOVTaaw&. Here OI of1: ••• 8L11KplvOVTa aw&. appears to be a poor rendering of 1:1:::i c•-,n:i • , • "'l~N. T.- Ash. iii, I ~ 8,01: d.vaff'llVETa, de; avnfi,=1'1:1j!l~ 0'1'1'11C 'God hath His




1 The present editor has already published some of the following results in the Encycl. Bibl,, i, ia39-a40; Hastings, Bibi. Diet., iv, 7a4; H,'bbert Journal, April, 1905, pp. 56:a sqq, ·


ha°!)itation therein' .. T. Jos. ii. 3 E8w,d /J.f• l, Kvpios 1,ls ol,mpµ.ovs •nN 1m(cf. Dan. i. 9) 'granted me to find mercy /UT~ in the sight of'; xii. 2 KAowfjEKAfil/,av=\.:m::im; xii. 3 'ff'O{YJuov ~~ovKpluiv-=lCll t:,E)~ nruy; T. Benj. X;..I 1 ·KaTOtK1]UliT( _l'ff'' EA7rl8ilv lp.ol '.l nc::i? l.ltUM'Ye shall dwell securely with me', The same· misrendering is found in the LXX of Ezek. xxviii. 26 ; xxxiv. 28, and elsewhere. · The above instances are sufficient in themselves to .prove the derivation of our text from a Hebrew original. The bulk of the above· expressions could hardly, on any hypothesis, have been written for the first time in Greek. But the evidence can be multiplied fourfold, both in quantity· and i-.n conclusiveness, as we shall see as we proceed• lvw,riov=')E>? c•cn,,


. II. Dittographicrenderingsof the same Hebrewphrase,an·dexpressions in the Greekimplying dittographsin the HelwewMB. beforethe translator. In T. Sim. iv. 8 K>..6vov7raplxELtjj I/nix.ii Kal -rp6p.ov T!f uC:-.p.aTt= ~UM i 111,1, ~.:>)Mr•:li', and is thus a dittographic rendering of the Kal tf,81,lpn -rouwp.a, though q,8dp1,i first two lines, d.ypioi.•• -rqv ifroX!I" supposes i.lN' instead of i•yi'. In T. Naph. iii. 5 d.7rOKaTOtKYJUlas • •• -r&eas-rqv yr;v d.oUC7JTov is a clear instance of dittography. The original which has been rendered first as here may have been .lrti'I' •?.lO, d.'ff'O KaTotKTJulas, and a second time as d.olKTJTov. . . In vi. 2 (ft, A, S') the impossible p.!iuTOV-raplxwv EKTO'ivaVTWVhas $risen from a dittograph in the Hebrew ; for p.1,UTOvTaplxwv c•n,,c N?C,a corrupt dittography of c•n?cN?:l= lKTos vaVTwv.1 · Again, in T, Gad vi. fl'ravo1;i. Tov 'ITATJp.p.liA.~at 1,ls u£ Kal -rtµ.{µrn ,ciudpTJvfiVuti(/3-af, A, $ 1). Here the idea of fear is u1, Kal tf,of3TJ8-IJuETm quite alien to the context, which deals with the case of a man :repenting of the wrong he had done ~ a good man: cpof3TJ8-IJuum= i11J:,a dittograph of i1t1;=nµ.17..>..o.. 8YJ>..tlas ~e might take br1.Ai[au8a,K&>..Aos= f!'.1~ih~ and regard the first word·. as a dittograph of the second. Then the text would run 'he looketh not on the beauty of women'. Otherwise for 1,l&v (which c, ab read) we should read o!8a with def (A). Then ol8a ~LAifau8ai="ln.l? vi', or, if l'ITi8lfau8at (a, {3-fg) is original, we should have n,'lti?3M'='cannot have pleasure in'. On the same principle we should explain T.·Jud. iii. 3 TOV'Ax~p {3auw\la=inNn i,cn, i.e. -rov'&tpov/3au1.Aia,a phrase which occurs in



This fact-was first pointed out by Gaster (P, S. B • .A., Dec., 1893),



the previous verse and has been wrongly repeated in thi~ verse. See • notes in Zoe .Again, the impossible text in .T. Lev. viii. 14 1ron7rm l,po.TElo.11 vla.v Ko.Ta.i6V 'hnrov Twv E9vwv ,ls 1rdVTo.Ta. l°"1, is very probably to be explai11edin the same way. The words KO.TO. TOVTV'll"OJI • • • l°"1,= l:l'UM,::i,01,ln 1:1,it,. Here I take 1:1,itas corrupt for µ,ulff/'i1, 1un or 1:1 1un-,::i, Then either we omit 1:1 ·as a ditoograph. Thus we arrive at : ' He will establish a new priesthood to be a mediator for the Gentiles.' The clause occurs in the description of John Hyrcanus, whom the author regarded as the Messiah. Moreover, throughout the entire Testaments the salvation of the Gentiles is confidently expected. But the most notable dittograph occurs in T. Naph. viii.


4, 6:-

"Ea.v ow Ka.l./Jµ,,s ln&.ur,u8,TO KM.OJI, ri>Xoyijuouu,v/Jp,asol iJ.118p1MrO, Kal ol clyy,Xo,, Ka.l.c\·@,os Bobw-8-qa-£Ta.i. w TOtS l9v,uw /Jµ,wv, KO.l._c\Buf/30Aos 'PElJtffa.1. d.rf,'/Jp,wv, Kal T4 8-qp{a.rf,o/3118-t,uona.,. /Jp.iis, Kal c\ Kvpws d:ya.11'7/fTn l,p.iis, [ Kal.ol 8.yyf!Xo,J.v8l€oVTa.i. /Jµ,wv ].


Tov a~,,.~1r0,owra.TO KOAOV, Ka.TapduoVTa., a.wov Ko.l.ol clyyf!Xo,Ko.l ol cl118pw1ro,, Kal. c\ 0EOSd.Boe,,o-n w TOts l9vEu,v a,·a.m-ov, Kr.l c\ B,d{JoXo,;ol,mowa., O.VTOII C:,sra,011(TK£VOS,. ical 1rav 811plo11 KO.Ta.KVpm1u££ a.m-i Ka.l.c\ Kvptos p.tnTl ; xi. 8 'Iw')(a/3~8 lyEVV1J{¼ •• ~s -yttp~P.'t/V (ft)=~:, , , • m,ti i:i::i•




'JN i:i::,J.





LLI ' -~ ~ • , , p.E 'I ovoav, ,.. \, T • J u d, 1.• 3 E7rWVOp.aCT£V ".£YOV~ OE .., r'.. ...'6'f/ IJ.7r0AEO'a.& • ,' ' E'lrEP'X_OP.WO. • ' ·' ·· ~ ..!:;!_EOO Tl1 '1rE~paT7Jp,a T 'Icrpa11.A. ci•i,il , , , ~This last verse has accident· been inserted in Issachar, whereas it ought, of course, to have appeared · in the T, Gad. · T. Zeb. i. 3 Zaf3v.A.~v86cr,sd.ya611 :ni:,'!2!,,, , r,,::ir;iii. 3 ~ r.a.,..,,crop.£V aw.,,v, d.vfl @v £l7r£VGT, /3acrtAmEt ~{ ::i~, , • !!!,'.E (Late Hebrew). l7ro{'Y/O'E 'Pa~X • ·•· 8&c). 'TOUTOlKA11f¼v T. Naph. i. 6 lv 7ravov(YY_u,. (ft-u) ,,nDJ1ntt,p.:ir::i,• , • ,n, n,riDJ;i. 12 lTEKE . Trjv N£t'il11~-in where ·








. l'J"1Mis cor:rupt for t'l"1n, Hence the clause=' the thing said giveth

provocation'. . T. Dan v. 3 d:ya7n10-a'l'E rov 1..os} being corrupted into






T. Ash. ii. I tfrox:qb, >..oymrl.d..,or; o..t&v a'OV,

A KaTaA£t./,£&

,cal olJKlyKa'l"aAc{ Ha= nn,nnn (so Sym.machus renders (ipr.>,ct:'iv) in Ps. :xxxvi. 1) which may be a corruption of n~,nnn=,a-,~u~o. {J,A, S 1 . T. Jos. v. 2 z{V(J)O',cEOT, l-yc1iUayyt:AW · ey~UayyEA.wrqvbrlvou:iv



\ br',voiav I I (TOV TaVTTJV






TTJi UO'Eefiai

.,. O'OV 71"UO'W

Here, as in the last instance, tl!,ere is a transposition of a word l'rom its right clause to the adjoining one. H«=ll'l (i.e. 1lv11KTKE),



while HS read )l""I{i.e. njf d.u,p,(as} and placed it after n0rc (br(vow.v}. a. i6,p&:,rf.llcrtv a.~v lv .\oyotf Here H 11 read nt,0:1 and HS n,tn

. T. Jos. vii.



l8,p&.1rf.llCTtv a.~v d.u8wovcra.v

2 .

tt,or the ,t,,e:i

Hebrew} and the latter n,,t:>NN;. a.. . d:1ro~ M'"lf T. Jos. viii. 5 CTVVtlxero Here H 11may have read ntt,::il and HS nntt,l. c


fJ--.i-yol{rvx{a (T. Gad iv. '1) in the sense of' hastiness of spirit'a use however which is established in the LXX : ?rAaup.a. (T. Naph. ii. 5} in the sense of inclination (i'lr'):«IOpM'pov(T. Jud. xxv. 1) in the sense of 'tribe', but this is simply a Hebraism (being a rendering of ~::i~}: cf,t>-.'1}&v{a seems to be used merely as a synonym of ~8ovr,have we here a parallel of cf,,).,o'a-ocf,fu and crocf,la? The use of vEWTEpw-p.oi; (T. Reub. ii. 2}in the eense of' youth ' is, so far as I know, unexampled. apparently used in T. Lev. x. 3 (/3)in the sense of KaTa?rrtanp.a., which is found in a. This seems to be.quite an unjustifiable use of the word. The text may however be corrupt. In T. Benj. ix. 4 we have a peculiar use of the word IJ.?rAwp.o.. The word properly means an 'altar cloth', but the context seems to require the meaning 'veil'. This passage, however, is a Christian interpolation, and the use of the word may be due to an ignorant scribe. t-rEpo~is used in the sense of /l.Uoi;T. Reub. ii. 3 (a), T. Lev. viii. I2 (a}; T. Jud. ix. 6, &c. · IL · Peculiaruse of certainphrases. µ.ua lT'1}8vonj~ TEAEVnji; (T. Reub. i. 2 }=' two years after the death of Joseph'. This peculiar construction recurs in T. Zeb. i. 1. It is found in Pli:it. OorwZ: 1 1. A perfectly 11nalogousconstruction with ?rpoappears in the LXX in Amos i. 1, iv. '1,and the N. T. in John Xii, I,

A very· interesting construction of lxw is found in four of the Testaments. The passages areElXE(/3,A, S 1 lp.EA>-.E a) TEKEw,T. las. ii. 2. · Elxt$vJJ,Eavw~,T. Jud. vii. '1· 11.TEKJ/o..oy,;~uE lxn (a), ·T. Jos. xii. 3. He_repA, S1 have &>-.oyqunuE,



d1ro,\wa, ~~s lx"~ {a),· T. Jos. xv. '1· Here aef, S1 have d1r0Mo-"' (bdg d1rlAvo-w} ~p,o.s. We have here strange uses of lx_w. In the first three cases we should have had /1.vinserted in Classical Greek, but in N. T. _times this omission is not infrequent: cf. John ix. 33, xv. 22, x:tx. 11; Gal. iv. 15, &c. We have now to touch briefly on this peculiar use of lxw with an infinitive. Such phrases as we have cited above from the Testaments 1n connexion with lx~ and an infinitive 1 are rather frequent in sixth century Greek writers, from whom Stephanus in his Thesaurus gives · many quotations. But this usage was well established about 200 A,D. both in Greek and Latin. In Latin we find it in the third century in Cyprian, De dom.Orat.34 'manifestari habebat', 'was to be manifested'; De Haeret.baptiz. '13 'unum habet esse et baptisma ', 'there must be also one baptism'; Ep. lii. 3 'eici de ecclesia et excludi habebat', and many others. Earlier it is found in Tertullian, writing between 19'7-220, Resurr. Oarnis 27 'habemus allegorizare'; De Tudic. _13'erudil'i habel'6nt '; De Virg.veland.1 'nasci non habebat ', &c. I am notaware of any earlier instances of this use in Latin ; but there are in Gre13k. Thus it is extl'6mely frequent in Clement ·of Alexandria (ed. Din~.) i. 4 d µ:fr, 'fE Toiivvv JLE,\v,rovvros EKE'iXE'ipov1ra8E'ivlxw (quoted f1"4?m Jannaris' HistoricalGreekGrammar553 sq. where some dozen of other instances from the /!&Dl-e author will be found). Thus the usage existed in Greek towards the close of the second century. But ~e can establish its currency about the middle and beginning of ~is century ; for in Hermas, Sim. ix. 1 o. 5 we find JL&Kpov lx_wdKa&pEO-qvai, K,T. Jud. iv. 4 ; T. Iss. vii 3,7•.: .. l,c ,.;;,,,ff'Vrup.&.,-wv, T. Dan i. 7 (a) =-n,n\it, 'orie ·of the spirits.' 8uo8vo, T. Ash. i. 4 (v. 1) =. Cl'Je, Cl'l~, i. ~. 8wir6s► - . L, ,ca,-ivo.VT, Toii &os, T. Ash. i. 4··= ,n~tn.ill ,men. £VW'pcfrro,.s, T. Benj. x. 8 ~m~,i · ,ca,.c\. '"I" l{tvxqvabrav, T. Benj. iv. 5 ,A~:i. ota. •. , Oltr(l)S, T. Reub. i. 10, mer:,•, , ,~.










The date of -the groundwork of the Testaments is not difficult to determine. Thus Reuben (T. Reub. vi IO-I 1) admonishes his sons : Ilpo,; TOIiA.rul lyylcro.T(& TQ.ff'Etlf~CJ'Et ,cap8la.s llp.wvwa .8i~6E fl>Ai is a Syriac word, it m~y likewise have been used in the other Aramaic dialects. However this may be, it is found in the Book ofJubilees xxi. 12....:_abook universally acknowledged by scholars to have been written in Hebre~. There it appears in the form difran1• Its appearance, therefore, in the present text need cause us no further trouble. Inver. 4 there is another word which can be best explained from Syriac affinities, but the word itself is not found in Syiiac. Thus there remains only the one undoubted Syriac word ND'ru). If there was no counterbalancing evidence in favour of a Hebrew original, the presence of this word might form a presumption in .favour of a Syriac original, but nothing more. But the evidences in favour of a Hebrew original are very strong. They are as follows:( 1) Five Hebrew words are found in the text. These are 31n-,,i!l, n,n, MM!lf&/C,NV1n. Here yn-,is simply an artificial Aramaised form of the Hebrew yn-,. It is found four times in verses 20, 21, 26, 28. How can we explain the presence of this Hebrew word unless on the supposition that the translator had a Hebrew· original before him ? If he had a Syriac original, its presence here is inexplicable. On that supposition he should have transliterated the Syriac word before him byNMCIor l'tuN. ,:cv,n{ver. 72) isa like artificial formation from the Hebrew v,n. ·Why did the translator use such a word, if he did not find it in the text before him ? The translator, who, it is clear, was most careless and slovenly or ignorant, ~new quite well the Aramaic word for 'month'; for ,:en,, is fom1d in verses 68 and 70. Again, n,n (=•conceived') which occurs twice (66, 70) is a pure Hebre.w word. Even a kindred root is not found in any Aramaic language. MnDtue (='clan', ver. 17) is also a Hebrew word and not found in any Aramaic language in this sense. Finally,!)(= 'bullock', ver. 3 2) is a pure Hebrew word, and could not have been found in a pure Syriac original A good translator would have rendered ·it by -,'11in Aramaic. 1 On the other hand it is to be obsened that the list of trees in the Greek corresponding to Bodleian col. c shows several transliterations of Aramaic names of trees. But this arg~ment is n~t conclusive. For it would not be unnatural to use, e':en in a Hebrew document in the second century B. c,, the popular Aramaic names of trees, where a large number is given. Moreover, in certain cases the Hebrew name may either have be1>nforgotten or have become so unfamiliar as to make it advisable to give the ordinary names which these trees bore even amongst the minority who knew Hebrew.



(2) .A paronomasiawhich was mani/estly intended is discm:ercdby ,-etr.anslat·ion into Hebre:w. In ver. 67 Levi calls his second _son

Kohath because that ' to him would be the gathering of all the , • , nnp. Now,. if these people', Here the Aramaic words are nW)::1 · are' given in Hebrew w,e have an obvious paronomasia n~ilp• , ,_nilp. To prove that this is no mere imagination, it is only necessary to point to the fact'that in the case of Levi's first son Gershom, and his third and fourth children Merari and Jochebed;. and of Kohath's aim Amram (ver. 76), the paronomasia is manifest even in the Aramaic translation. But it was impossible to render the play on Kohath in Aramaic. It is equally impossible in Syriac. (3) Divergenciesbetweenthe two versions, difficult express-ions· and corruptpassagescan be explainedby t-etranslationinto Hebrew. In. ver. · 32 the Aramaic has '1D, whereas the Greek has T..vOpw0~rJ'nr0€' read 'AvTpw0~rJ'ErJ'0E '. n. 57. For 'a reads' read 'c. hi read'. 26. n. 22. For' Jos. xix. 7' read' Jos.xix.11 '. n. 28. For·• iJ1rw,Ka{' read' ovrw,. Ka{'. n. 1. For '.S' 1·ead 'SP. 27. I. 20 in marg. For' cfg' read' efg '. n. 5. For 'd =' read 'd adds', and add 'S 1 ' after 'A'. 28. n. 23. For' adds ... br{' read' reads Tot, To[xo" for -rdxov, '. 32. I. 7. In Aa add 'o-ot' after' 8nx0iVTwv'. n. 2. F 01· ' o-royv6,' read ' 8eiv6.'. 34. Delete n. 45. 37. n. r 5. For 'c, dh. abef' read 'c, d. h, abef'. 38. I. 9 ab imo. Delete 'h '. 45. n. 80. For 'c' read ' a'. 46. n. 8. After 'A/3' add • S1 '. 4 7. n. 44 .. For 'af' read 'a, f '. 55. At end of n. 14 add' a om. l1r1Klipwv'. 56. 1. 8. :Middle column. Delete 't' before' {;1rlp'. 57. 1. 19 in marg. Delete' a, Aft om. KaTo.. .• £7ratpoµ.evot '. 61. XVIII. 2b. For'iet'read'ie'· 81. I. 14, col. I. For 'tiJvP.'TJT~t;'read' Tl/•µ.7JTpo,'. 87. 1. 12 in marg. For 'vvµ., bllj S1 '. 18 3. ver. 5°. For 'Kal ' read ' ,cal'. n. 23. For' af' read' all/'. n. 24•. ·For' beg' read.' bg '. 192. I. 6'.· For 'ITV'Y'YEV'U' read ' CTVYYlvri ', and likewise in n. 16. 193. n. 58. For 'alrrijs' read' avroii'. 195. n. 37, For Ml~IJread M)~J.:l. 208. l. 11. Read ''IUiov,ro>..,ws'. 2 II, 11.5-7, col. 2. For ' [,cal ol lAa.,j,o,]••• a-br&v'read '[Kal ol l>..;,,q,o, ... a.WWv] '. 213. n. 30. For' T. Asher viii. 2' read' T. Asher viii. 1 '. · 216. ver. 6, I. 3. ·For' a-6-rov'read' avr;,v'. · u7; n. 14, For i1i',.mread r,,ircand for nj)•'!fn, read p,'!fn,. 222.-l. 3: · Underline '7T>..&v'YJs', · · 223. n. 43. For '8i1T>..oiis' read '8t7TA«'. · . . . . 224, n. 12. Delete this note and ·the obeli before 'd.1r~>..Eta'in the · three versions in ver. 2. -·n_.16. Delete the suggestion and see the discussion of this passage in the Introduction,§ 10.

BRACKETS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS EDITION. H denotes the lost Hebrew original, of which, however, small fragments have been preserved. Ha denotes the first Hebrew recension. HIJ denotes the second Hebrew 1-ecension. a. denotes the G:reek translation of Ha, and is represented by the Greek MSS. chi. f3 denotes the Greek translation of HIJ, and is :r:epresentedby the Greek MSS. -abdefg• .abcdefghi denote the n~e Greelt MSS. of the Testaments. A denotes the Armenian Version. A a. denotes the first recension of the Armenian Version, and is repre• sented by the Armenian MSS. Aabh, AIJ denotes the second recension of the Armenian Version, and is represented by the Armenian MSS. Ab*cdefg, Aa.bcde,&c. denote the Armenian MSS. S1 denotes the first Slavonic recension. s1· denotes the second Slavonic recension. ·hmt. homoioteleuton. r ,. The use of these brackets in the text means that the words so enclosed are not found in A. ( ) Words so enclosed are supplied by the. Editor. t t Words so enclosed are corrupt, · . [ ] W o~s so enclosed ·are interp'ol~ted. THE TEXT. The printed Greek text represents a. except in a few cases. • Where words are :printed in thick type the reader is to understand that the text of /3differs, and that this is found in the margin. · Only the chief variants are thus denoted.



fJ7JICTJ , •pOVtJ'YJJJ, ,Q' .. 'TOV

.. I • " 'lrpOYT'OTOKOV Vf.OV

'I 11K'1JfJ '"

' At:f.11S I 1• Kfl,C.

L 'Ai,r(ypaq,~u• a,a8,f«17s 'PovM~ 8, &ua4; luerElAaTo To,; vlois0 . awov, r*'ll'plv ~ 8 4'11'08(1JlfLV almiv, *lv iKaT0'1'T

,.rv,rijr. A perfectly ·analogous construction _with










,;.po appears

in LXX, Amos i. 1; iv. 'I; 2 xv. 36; John ~i. 1; Joseph. Ant.,xv. 11. 10. For lT'Jllvorijs ,,,>,..g reads llElT'J·.,.,>,.. 10 ex,cl 11 ex,A. abtf read appCt>OTOVl"l'Ce fJ-d,A, 8 om. g appCtllTT6>1'. d, om~ 11ef. ex,a read 'Pov(:lt,,.. A awoii. g ~or. lid, S1om, l8g reads aiwijfF. h O'll"'JXS'lcrru (,ic)~ d adds ol d&>.ol al,T'oii. Hg,·Aa QDl.", while Abb*ccl•fa 15 trs. after vl&>iiamii. h, abe read ol viol. d, om. with next six words. e !)m, next word (dToii). g reads ms vlous, . 18 ct,b. a"h, ·adeJ read ol viol g T'O~t vlous. 17 g reads G~T'6>P, l8 d adds trpoo-ica).,o-al'fl'Of TOVt vlov, ai'in>ii. Ab* add: owos 01/GO'T'df ·,ueip_rv ·,caL Ab add 'Pov/:l~I'• HAa om. tl adds OMll7~0'arl Pfall,>,.ol /£00 ical>,.;ea,l,µ'i,r l'IICtlO'T0II l,pw IO'TCtlo






[I, 3

23 '11'1lttpwv 61f111TKW Kill '11'0pEtfoµ.ll, daov22 T&>v µov24• 4,28, TOVS rlxE,1 *'Iov61l11 Ka2 raa Kill 'A0"17p fJ-dg,A, aaE>...m1var. BS ex, d, (eave that Ii, om. «ai and a om. awoir). fJ-d,A, S1 read 8B in Hex,A0 , S1 (save that exom. ,-ov10). 13,-dg,Ab*d•rtr read d&>.ipol11ov,d, A•b 81 g om. d, A insert «al before l116>. Ti11:11a ( +110vd). g om. d adds rovr 88ex,a read 'Povfjiµ. 87 c, aef. h, bdg,A, S1 om. >.dyovr, / viol. 88 g om. 19 ex,dg om. ,ofJ,.A,abcdeg,S1 (eave that Ab om, v{i,..povand Acdeg tre, it before Ti\11 e,&11). exreads TOIi8•011roil ol,p. 11:al njr yijr.7rpom8lj,-o, (sic) ;,,.i,, (for rrpOT,v11i11 /6 reads 1111wpo11). 7rpOTl8•,.a• may here= ,~-u,n corrupt for ,n,,31n = lrr,p.apTiipoµru.fJcould mean 'I call to witness against ll;?t ,.i:,,,l7::,). Cf. Deut. iv. 26. you the God of heaven, ('e'M1:1,n,trnN But the context requires 'I charge you by the God, &c.' Hence we should expect (as in VI. 9 of this Testament) dp«i>flµ.arTo118•011roil ol,pavoiiToii N, ~N 1:1,n,tc::1 Cl~,1;1¥~,;:t. As a corruption of 11,}rroprv8ijwu= ,:::i,nnn ,ny:::i~n we might explain ,.i:,'?, rrpoTi8,,.a,,the reading in ex. '1 ex. fJ reads Toii,.,} ,ropro6ijva&. ' 2 For following «al dreads l11flp.;;,11,Aab•cdag 48d, om. lv wonir,. Ab om. "fJ adds Tq11. 46e reads dm,11. 48 d, trs. before T® fl'QTpor. ' 7 ex. fJ reads >.ly"'-yap ilp.i11, AJ)w.rowo «al 48ex,dg. ef read TOUrraTpor,.av. >.;,,., ilµi11,s {i,.aprovO'VII B&>.x,,'7illov>.11 49.~f,11,.,. a .1Em>.,,fi,.,. b M'IT>.,,,I 11••· d adds «iip,or,e d 6,cSr. ag. W,ef read rr>.,,,,,)11 JWYclA'I"• Ab*4•• l'fi"l'A"'r,but A""° support text.,:






n. 2J






49 60 µ.ov lws 111· p.E48 'll'Af/yfiµ.Eyti>..p l'll'l- Tijs ·Aay&uos 64 53 '11'pOCJ'ffVfa.To µ.~uas62 E'IIT4°,cal El ,.,.~*d 'ITaTIJp p.ov 'Iaicw°J3 56 Kvpms57 auEAELJ!. * 'll'Epl lp.ov '11'/JOS Kvp,ou55 ~6EAE p.E, 8. "Hp.f/U ya.p58 lTwu TptalCOUTa lfrE l11'pafa TO 'ITOUf/pOU 60 lws lucli1!',ouKvp(ov59• ,cal lp.a>..aic{u6f/up.~vas E'IITO. 61 TOVTO lu 'ITpoa,"'uE,'1rox_~s p.ov h, ~. s 6au&rov._ 9. Kal *p.ETO. *E'IITO. lT1J62 ·p.ETEV&f/ua * lu~1l'toVKvp(ov63 • l-y:u10; Kal 64 ofvov ,cal u(icEpa ol,,c l1nov, ,cal ,cplas65 1 66 p.ov• ,cal 'll'av67 &prov l'IT,- ol,,.;, ol,,c El~MEv lv Tlj) ITT&p.aT( IC 6vp.(as68 o~,c l♦ay!l11 69 *ill' ~P.f/VTO 'll'Ev6&iv l'll'l tjj a.p.apr('fyl1111-ra&. p.ov711 p.ey&>..f/ yap ~u, *ota o~ yl.yo,-11lv 'Iupa~>.. oftr~s72• ~~~u II. Kal l'VV 1 &,covuarlp.ov, Tl/Cuaµ.ov2, &.3 El6ov 'll'EplTWV471'1~ -roii 4 'ITVEVµ.4TWV E'IITa. Tijs 'll'AIWiJS lv p.Erauo(aµ.ov5• 2. 'E'IITa.Bi>.Cap, 9 duu, lO 1 KaTa'TOVd"8pc,i1r0u ovv6 . 'ITVEVp.ara l6&6'7 s' ,cal T'llVT4 *at KEtaMl11 T'61Vlpywv TOVUEWTEp,up.ov, u~a>.;,.







e adds cl 8EC!r, 150(X, af. 'bdegread /11(deg ml) -rair (g oroir}>.a-y&,u,. 01 (X, ~ reads brl. _ 19 A l11cavrovr, but f!!IJu is corrupt for f!!IJ/,u _ 1'911afo l>8(X, e. dg, A read 'I. cl 1rarqp/,lOU, abf, S1 'I. 0 ff. qf&OIII, For the order followed in the text see also last verse. w eg read ,,'1Ea,-o. n5 a~ 08 g reads ij6A'luf11, Before read ,rpl,rK.1r1pll,,.oii, h, Ab om. trfpl lp.oii. against (X, adg. If the &.,., is genuine here, it is as this word bef add .a.,., Sinker suggests a rendering of \~. Cf. I Sam. xiv. 30 : · also Exod. xx!i.


Is. vii. 9. n d adds cle,cSs. ".ovr-Cllr, h dvral-'O,fJq ')'flloi-ro111 2 2;

19 (X



'l;rpaqA OVf'CllS, 1 (X, A•bb•ed,~, A•1• o~. S reads II. 1 cl om. g om. next four words. 'Pov{:lq14 -roii ,ra-rpos c adds iral a,,,y,juo,,.a, h om. next twelve





mi'. rr111vp.aro,

= &s.


.,.&,,, ma ffllfV/,ld'l"Cllll s reads 'f4 n g adds dp,cf°i,,.o, ,Zs Mtau111 «al rroo-,mr. e9f/Jpo,p./m,,• f'f ml rronill. A /JpOT"&,11 (cf. d) "' «al rrll'l"OII, 111 oc,aef. d reads ai,.,.i •. 11 There appears· to be a doublet or & b CM'Oir. A al,.,.f or alnj. marginal gloss here. A 8...1.,.I}fJp&,µa ''"' lu,cf,r. rr d reads CT11l'011criacr,.ioii. 18 oc. afd, S read-CT11-vlpx.n-a1. b CT11-v11crlpx.n-a1. e yl-vffAI. A adds wrongly 19 Aab loosely= (X.,fl but Ahcclers corrupt. Ab* wrongly dr dll,;Aovr, 10 tx. fl, S read ,j dp.aprla. · 81A ~ ,rcil'1'a T"avra .'l'i adds ,.,, J. 81 1,,reads Cl"f"O' IC'l"lu,--a. loose rendering of our text. ,r•rr>.r,p111'1lTO, 83• oc;· b, S. ailef, A read as in margin. " oc./J reads ~. • c,d read


= ~.






IC(JII/U'OII,6 lp.a. For ,t,vcr,mrA•b read by internal corruption olinjcr,.,, and om. next four III.

1 (X..

-,f, 1,,lfJ8op.o11.a, d om.


.III. 6J



,~e's ·µ.EB'ov6

lKTltrer,6' :f/>VtTE(J)S, ICO.& ,l,cwv 'TOV 6o.11aTOY, , 9 * 'Ta'ITllfVµ.o.Ta. 10 2, *Tovro,s 'l"O&s8 'll'VfVJl,o.tT'0'1Jµ.µ.Cyvwo.,

11.] ' ' *riis 'Jl'AaV7Js 1~ iv 'Tfif/,VtTEt 3. IIpw'l"OV lll *.,.~ ri;s ,ropvEla.s 'ff'VEVP,0. H ,co.l 16

16 ly,cn'l"o., 1~. 1.8 471'/\.7/• *To.ts a.ltT6-qtT£0"lV * ll.wrEpov71'VEVµ.a 0 19 9 tT'l"E{a.s -yo.tT'l"pos 4. Tpfrov 'ff'VEVµ.a. lll /J.4X7/S iv 'l"iji .if,ra.,., ., 23 WVEVp.0. ,cal lv 22 'TVxo>.v,Tl'To.prov 4pE!TICECa.sH' ,cal µ.o.y117 yav£lo.s115, fva a,a 28 ,rtpLEp)'Elas @patos28 &¢8fi29 , 5. IIlµ.30 fva ,cavxii.,.a, 32~ 31· ,calµ.eyo.>..o¢povfi 'Jl"l"OV ,rvEf;µ.a mfEP71avEfus 83 ,,,E'l~aovs "E,crov ,rvEf;µ.o. H t iv 47rWAECa ,cal (~A&> t 86 'l"Oii 88 *,rMrrEw >.oyovs,cal,cpv71"1"£lv >.oyovs36 rabr-~137 *o.,r~'.ylvovs. 89 • ,cal ol,c£lrov 6. "E{3aoµ.ov71'VEVµ.a * ~,,cCa.s,l!'E'8'-qs'0



8A 10 oo, words. T~r T'llir oJ11 l'"'d. ·9 1,,,a read avH-lyr,uvra,. 19 1,,reads ICCU, aef. bd,A, S read T'O,miipa. U h reads To'ir ,r).allO&r, 13 oc,ae,A. b, S read TOrijr ,rop. tl. ,rpi«o11. ffll. ·rijr ,ro"'lpflar. f Tel 18A =· T?ir 14A&be = ol~ITf&, 11 ad, A read ,call11, rijr rro"'lplar'"'• 17 c reads lyyqTa,, e Z,,ic1Ta&. I,, fl'icvra&. (A11,b om.) ala8.,roir, A llTTl. 18 c reads awffllfllptmJ, 19 bd, 1,,, a/read a,r>.q1TTE~r, e dtr>.crrttlar,.c.drr!,:mla, IIOoc;af read,,, 'Y'JCTTpl. 'bde,A, s read ,,, "" '-yaCTTpl. u (X om. llll.qpo~oylar, Read uu,,-fao11nL{Jlr111'6;_811This phrase is corrupt. The context requires a parallel to a,ro "/E'llfYUS ,cal olic,lo,11,b, O'lrO>>.. ,cal MlCP'I MM,~:1 which' I take' to be corrupt for NP.~'?\N~,&1; lxBf"i ,ral avr,c,;>.,, 'to an enemy and riv;al.' For 011'0>>.•u.i c1,def give the form aff'o'Atl9, 88 h, .af; J,;_&bcd (save that '1,,readsdrr.~tar. For A•b•od °ill '1,,adds· payya11lar after >.tSyovr1° and A•bcdimply Ip-yafor >.tSyovr9°).So also e (save that >.oyovr~l ,cpfnrn,11 is.a marginal addition by the original hand) •. Ab•,S1 support textbut A.b*om. Myovr1~and 8 2 om. ~oy.90. c, b, S1 om. ~al ,q,(,,,T.,,, >.dyovr. d rea.tSyovr «al fr/1G1'TfCIIabro{,r. 8T d, A,.s• om, cl,adds wr.0 om. next four words. . 88 h reads a,rc} O'V')'YEP&illa~ii. · S a&Aro11 otmw. .19 /l,S prefix·,.,;;,,. A adds awoii. toe reads d&«IA· at. e ml «>.omJ. · •1 0t, ae (overerasure)/. b, A, S read u.o,rq,. d.u..o,rijr.





c,;>-, readc~>-,.


c~>-, =



[III, 6


42, fva lp.,rll.'lcm 41 ,cal YPTJ71'lcrµ.aTa 48 v..TJaovlav /3-9,~ ICA071'4l ,capa(as

'H yap , ttuucr.a .,," ,_ tJVVEPY'='*To,s ..~ o,1ro,s45 ffl/EVµ.a.crw , 46 • aia rijs aocrOAf/o/(as [7. 'E7rl47 1racr,af 48 TOVTo,s TO 62 49 TOV ihr,ou 50 CTVVl171'TET4, 51 {J, St ihr- ?rVriiµ.a 3 lCTT, 1rMV1JSKGl 64, ♦11vr110-£11s 63 .] 8. Kal oih-rosO.'ll'OAAVTa, 1r«s VE@TEpos 66 TOIi VOU.1 rawov166 3.'ll'O ~iip.a. CTKOT((wv rijs 3.ATJ8E«&S, ,cal µ.~ 81 60 'vov8Ecr«&s 59&,courov *«TVv,wvlv 67,,-4> VO/JAi> TOV8Eov68 , µ.7JTE ital 1raTlprov awov 61161s63 ,ca.yw l1ra8ov64 lv Tffi 1/EWTEp,crµ.ffi racrla, µ.av. 9. Kal vvv, TlKva µ.ov65, n,v 3.A~8nav o.ya1r«n66 68 • 67 *vM!ni,!Ais be, A ,cal aih-11 'A,covuaTErMyovs169 'Pov~~µ. 70 ,· TOV71'«Tpos -{;µ.C,11 8,3o,c,,c0> 74 7118\f,n73 yvvautE(fl il1&iir. Io. M~71 'll'po(T'lxrrE 7a µ.ua *°'1AE«&S ~&vapov77 P,~TE TS IJVValll(ETE 86 yvva,,c&iv. 79 1rp&t,v (X 31"111, '"µ.~TE TS1rEplEpya('Ecr8E S,ro,qcru. awov. , ft










u e (over eraeure)



ab, S1 read -ypv,rla-p.ara.oc'YP'J'T& d dptrayiir.

A= ypl,,mrp.a, 81 n«oc/Ja11't'da. ,a oc(k reading ·av)= ~:l~. {J-g, A, S read ,roiqCTlJ (,ro1~CTfl /) l'I~. "a reads Cl'VllfpyEiTtll. G wroii f1'1111fpyEi,"A ,riiu, T"Oir. ' 6 oc,al, A. d reads &>po),:q,/,•lar q,rpocr,ro>..rrt,lar,e a,,,po>.. 111"lar. b, S1 ao>..o>..n,J,lar. "dreads 111.Ver. 7. Thia verse may be the model on which III. 1, a were composed, or it may be



due to the· same hand. ' 8 oc,A: (J om. S1 reads «al before ml. " d reads ri>'1r11Wf'OT'I, BO(J, S1 add as in margin against (X, For ff '111/Eiip.a 81 e reads TOV!111'11ClV re\ 3ya.-~- A gives r4iclyU,, , S>.>..o 'll'llfiip.a. 18A•b•od•r. oc,ae read f1'1111ffl'f7'01, . 81 c, aj, A. k, e 4 lur,, bd, S om. ,r)i.GIIIJ ml cf,a11rao-la. b, S ,r}\a171 «al cf,avracrl~ d rijr tr}\QIIIJr ,calrijr cf,a11racrlat, f 'll'llfiip.aml c/,allT'acrla.Ab ,r}\GIIIJ rein,dcf,a11&i11. MA= llfd"'lr, S1 om. 1G C reads cr«op,r{Co,v. 16 a. (J,A, 81 om. G'7 l ~- 0 om. preceding p.q. 118A• 19 d reads;, 80 a. abef, S read wamv0>11, «vplov. · d rlcra«o~i,. For a«OVO>II • ·• • frQT'fPO>ll Ae4eg read IIOvOm,vl'fllOf i,,rl, rranp0>P •. 81 a reads 110v6,crla,,. · •• e om. 18 a, af. bde read l,cr,rrp, 1,, om. 66 oc,de, A. ab!, 8 om. 66 a. et A l,rarqBr,11 (1). C£ IV•.i•note 13. 87 8 = oir0>r, 18 1,,reads c/JvME,lrr. be abdef, A, S read d-ya,rqcran. (but obelized in e) Aab add ( + l"/1,,Ab) a.aacr«Co> l.,piir. A bed= ml a,a&cr«r.> •l.,p.iir. Ab*= Kal 0011a,a. ii. Perhaps this clause was omitted by oc,adfg through 69 oc,aef. bd, A om. 70 d adds Kal ,,,_,_ hmt. S1 om. rest of verse. o-aa-6f& a,adcr«o,VJ'O.f. Tl k, A read KalJ'q, tt a, abd, 81• h reads ,rpocrlX'lrf• 6 ,rpocrlxfT'O,,f ,rpdcrxttr, S1 /,pan, ,aa. 1,,reads 3"'-111. adefg rlr 74 a though in the form 4,#,w. b fll 31"n, A read -ywautci>II. af 15 oc,adj. beg read p.q3l. 76 a. The ,yw,a&«dcw.bdeg, s yvllQl«ds. form would be nll8vaCrr11.fJ-,-dg, 8 1 read la&aC~r. d l3iaCEcr6t.g ,r>..,,crui,_ A 'do not be advisers of' or 'do not confer with '-a rendering which supports a. It om. next five words. ,., d reads 6,jAvarvmlpapov.






'YV"4"'~: ;,,,



Ill. 15)


82 lv (Tl(f'll'&V'f) 83 fJ,S1 I I. Elµ.~ yap fiaov fy~ 81 B&.uav >..ovoµ.lvriv 84 ds ~v TO'll''f',olnc *3.v l'll'&'lfT'ov d.voµ.lav86 .,.~v µ.ey&>...,.,v. &,roPTor.

1.2. ~vllaf3ovua yap ~ auivo,a µ.ov ~v yvva&Kf(av86 y6µ.- :;: ... 87 o/Jrcffao-l88 P,f rV'll'V6>ITLV 91 2 {36h,vyµ.a • I 3. •AmcSvn,s..,,r~vilui{:Jflal', a~v ,co,p.wµ.lvriv,lfq>..Oov. I 5. * Kal di8lws 104 c1yy£Aos(:J,A, 81 'l"OV8fOVlOo 471'fKaA1llf,fV 'll'tl'l"p{ p.ou106 'll'fpl rijs Mf/3f(as ~:t»fJ, µ.ov· ,cal l>..O~vlOT lwiv9"n11 lOS *''"' lµ.ol 1° 9' µ.71,cl.,-, *awijs f!, 81 li.'f,ap.fVOSllO, •,rn,(JE&.


r ..





78 c, dg. a1be, S~ A 8,j'A.f,;;,., btrtlllBpml'. For 8,j'A., c, e read 8,j' 78 a2e read ,r1pLEpya(ur8a1. 80 ohj. de, Aabcdar read read p;q8I. a"f l'li• ,rpd~w. 0( ll,ltw. g ,ro,-, rrprlaO>trOI', Ab* ,c&>.>.os «al ,rpdfm. Text doubtful, 81 a om. 89 g om. next three· words. 83 b. a reads ui«'ll'ci,rp, c,f u,cf/71',i;;. d u,c,,rf"'P, 6 a«1rr,wtji. h a,con,i,tji. Cf. J ub. xxxiii. 2 in loco occµlto. 88 d adds IICE&llf/11, 6 Ta~,, ... H O.>.vyl'4, 80 h,fg qm. d {38E>.>.vl'4• 91 c, A and J ub. xxxiii. I Et abiit ad pakem d adds /.,t»!T,ol',cvplov. suum Isaac. fl, 81 read drr.S,,,.or. g compresses this verse .and, first_.ten words of the next as foUows: TOV traT(Klf -yap 'I. ,., "' ofKrpI';, ,rapowmr, . 98 0( pre,3po11 .B. 1"811ovra11 ,c, ,cocpml'•"'II',dO'f>.6@1'l,rp, nj11 &. l'f'l"' awijr.. 00 O.Am,4.,l'f8v. ,calICOl/£, ,l,c&>.f/'ll'Ta .ICOTEICOCTO,

fJ,A, s1 om. ·




108 c. h reads ,,.;,_ as in margin. ala8da'lf awijs. fJ,A, S om, llN a reads ,cal ,{,8{,s, d ,v8iV, 9. *Kal yap67 woUa l1ro{71a-Ev aw;;; ~ Alyv1TT{a,,cal TQ)J/ d11111 68 «al *q,apµ.a,caaw;;; 71'poCT17Vf"YICE 69• µ.ayovs 'lrpoO'EICaAEO'OJ


tt si

l1mlJqyap lq,v>..~ ia11To" 'l1111NJ¢ d,ro?'°IU11/S', . ~. A, S1 ,cvplov.

aef l111r lwo&&\1',b vii•. dg, A p.n-avo&\11 (A='" p.ETIJPO~). S1 = o~;,. "ci'reads bfniAa€«P'I"•Aabcdogital lq,v>..ofap,,,, or ~1,rapEcf,v>...Ab*= 1(111;. a:allcf,v>.., or ,rap,q,v>... •• ot adds 0~11. " d, trs. after lvru..>..opm bp.iv_. g reads n1t11la p.ov. "ot. g reads npom', bpar. {J-g, A, S om. '8b reads q,vMEari•. ' 9 d trs. after 80-a. e, A om. eoe reads '111ET1i>..41'-'1"· 9 ot, afg. b, S1 read dp.apnJO"/Tf, de op.apn1Tf-{•t1TIJI e). ea:()'.. So als_oaf (save that af read 17lJaci~S' rropHlarfor rijs rropnlas~ bde1g,S1 read &A,8~s yap,t,vxijs (d om.) IUT&P (g lcrTl,t,vxijr)'7rropnla. A= &>..,8por (A•bT1).1im}) yap q,Saui&lrrl +vxliv, ,ca\ 11rropnla. e9 reads 3>..,6por yap ,t,vxijs''"'" 11dp~i;, '7&c\ rijs rropnltit and is thus a conflate text. It is possible that fJ&6pos an:d a>..,Spor niaybe different renderings of nn~. es at,dg, abef om. 114dreads "f B,>..lizp.g ,lllJ,>..o,s. eaat, {!J-bg, A. bg read lUTl. ~8 g reads . rijr &iDolar: ·87d, reads ~T1i-yovcro. 88at, d. ~. S1 read di, VTiS'-ylpo,v. 159 g _,fTw -y;po;,, ·411, · at, a,; fJ-d,,read If. g adds ,r,,after wy~r.· .80at. 81ot. af read d11f&llwp.;,11 fJ, A, S1om. lallTrjirro11irrapAT,P(Tc\11 /) B. ml f'O~ vloir T&\11 d116. bg 3wallorawo-,,(amii, g) rro11ia:al_-yu..owarropciTrjiB. ,cal TOir ·,,lair T&\pdvO. de, A, read as ll). margin save that ·Ab•ccloa om. IOI/TOIi, ==~P.ica corruption (t) of pin~ (or pnw) =•.,,.'>..111To. 190t (save that h adds f'oii after rr•pt)•. ~. A, S1 read as in margin (save that for nriall,)yapA reads TO,.,.,.,, yelp). . 88af. c reads l1ea6dp'I""• b (o1) l«a6alpur,i,. 84 A•b om. de ltt.a6lpww. /,, om~ 6B at. ~. A, 8 om. . . 68 (X. (3,-A,S1 read as in margin. · 87 Ab•cd•a om. . 88 c. · 1,,,·fJ l'(\ladrrap•«~•o-111.e adds ical!pap/J,flltlM,Ab '7Al')'ll'll'Tla rr1p2'l0>17'#. . 89 at, fJ-d,e'(save that 1,, reads awoii for aw;,). d, reads owrji ll&dq,opo fff&P~ICf rr°plf,iATpoP awijr ll,~ipo& . TOUTOII fjav).op.lvqs. 6 aln-,pcf>&>..,,p.nv ffpo,njllf"YICIP. g, A rrpocr911ry,cep alrrip.






Ka270 olJKlol[aTO 71' TOa,a/300>..,ov rijs tux~s alJToil79 l1r,8vµ.(av {3-d, 'ITOVflptlV, . 74 lppvV'IT«Tlpoov11µ.&,v Io. ll,a TOVTO AJI,81 dpaTOU 76_ Kupvµ.µ.lvov 8av&.Tov. l(a/. a&ov &1ro'IT4VTOS 'll'OVTfpoii 76 ~ 1ropv£{a 77 *~v lvvo,av 78 fl, A, S1 I I. 'Eav yap µ.~ KaT&UXV..{ap*8.SvuTCU KGTL~~l7aL 2 11 /3,s18T, V. IIov7Jpa2ry&.p £lrra11, ,], rc\)11 di,Bpomo>II. 8 d reads a,i>.&fllOIITCI&.',J, adds fl'bro T'('O'lfOII W&IIOOVP,Ella&, 8 a, d. fj-d, 81 read ,rc\)s. ·ea, fj-d. d, A read aUTOVS, lO c, df. Ti,beg read ,rp~sIWT'GS, ti br' awas. l1 a, ~fg. I reads br&O"lfRITO>PTO&, g 'lffpunrBO'OJl'l'a&. A luxva-ova-111 l,r&O'll'aO'a0"8a,. 18 a reads &>11 it 1,,om. T'&IIO>II, H a. fl, A, S1 read avJ/0/,lfO>S, Q alone gives the right sense. a-xijp.nmeans 'anything that appeals to the senses' in the text. Hence exmay "1\ncorrupted into t\n or J\N {3,A, S1• 11 8 Abb•cd•s.C reads fa-xvo11. abfg, S1 luxvE&. h, A· luxvaollT'a&, d ICaT'&O'}(V18 c. 1,,reads 'YfJ'f"Va-au6m. {3,A l(aTOyo,11luau6a,.It is noteworthy fTGIO'&, that-though A fJ here it uses a different word for the tt.amyo>•.followiµg. which may have been corrupted into Possibly tt.0Tayo11Trwa-8m n,.::i~,== 1tarayo,11luaa-&u.But tt.aTa')'O'IT•waulJa., may be simply a corrup- · 18 a adds ,is 1' V 31 , ,cal32 Kal *tv ,cap6{q. o.v8pcfmwv 38 7TAaVWO"W a,a rijs- Ko..!avrous*iKELVOI y~p~8 fJ, A, S1 'Eypr,yopovs66rrous157 1rpoTOVKaTaKAVCTp.oiJ• crvvexws69 dp6lJJTES rawas 160 tylvovro 61 r,cal.182 tv 68 l1r,8vp.{'I«d«eWOI,








reads w"A.1011 ~TT. Ab rr"A.lo11, A" om. S1 lp.rrlfTTOvra,.. l'I OI.,al,tl, 8 reads .,.~ wafJnTijr wop. f Ti\ 7T~p.a TijS' ff0"71plar. g ,,, 'l"11 both in same hand with d118.above '"'· g «. Toii a.116p&>wov. 88 d reads•·a,A A /(OTO: .,.;;,,, dvllp&'i11. · S1 l,rl .,.c\,, 11vapa. 8il C om. I"" .,.,«ou-p.. A reads '/}1111"1'L'V!( ~ ,r&'ts'l'lmr) which is corrupt -for 'E'l''f",/,p a£tiTijr-,,_~u-•o>r. u a reads a~r611. A om. /3,A, S1 add 88 reads 67/3,A, S om. 118 •Eyyp. ex,d. {3-d, A, S read «cuc1i1101. 19c trs. after op&'ill'l'Er, 80 h, {3,S. c l'eads ffl yvmi«ar. A om. · 81OI.,fl➔• e reads 84 Abb.cdq, 83 ,g om, irr,yl111TO, A lyelpo11To. GI a. fJ,'A, S1 om. 26 g










85 Tfj a1avo{q.*~v ,rpafw66 ' *p.n-E~.~,8 1 Cl~l'H, Kill crvul>..a[iov 88 ICB_l EV Tfj- crovovcr{q. ::;_,~;· ITX.1JP.BTl(oVTO yap 87 Els 4v8pG Tiv d,,8p.;,.. avap&v* a~T6>V tTVVEq>a{vovro awais 89• 7. *KalCElVII&raE170 71 aw&v hEICOV72 . ,rovr. E'ff&6vp.ovcra, *Tfj · a,avo{q.-rijs q>avTaCT&aS' 1 78 fl, A, 8 yCyaVTas. 'E4>alvoVTO -yap a~Tais *ol 'Eyroopo, 74 *ls d8ill.en 76, 1r.a8a[nU- TOVo~pavov 4'60.VOVTES 1 ovv2 a71'orijs 8 ,ropvEW.S, f&ll'l'ii VI. 4>v>..a[aTE ,cal *IO'ffKC118C1-· 6 a,rc\ 4 TD 6 *Tas ala-6,fcrm~p.&v pedol'TE,; 8,111votc,.· * ♦u~~ciTE KCll1


11 2, Ka,cdvas8 aE9 EVTlAAEcr6E10 "'~ crvva,ci(t-w 18 Tjj a~oCq.14• t'va /Calawal ,ca;6~p~CT& 3.*At 16 TO acrl[j71p.a, 1a, /(av yap tTVVfXE£S CTVVT11Xla, p.~ '11'pax9ii 18, qµiu.19 8E *et,; 3~e8pov fl, 81 a,Tais 17 µiv ECTT&v&cros&vlaTos 20, •3111,&r Be~£111p Hl ilm8oS 111l4v,o, 4. "On q21 wopvEla*o~TE

faa8,. A, fl, 81

7, yul'CIIIKW1' avapacrw1_2,

e;~:r. 'l'Ov

BiMap al&.11,011,

g reads ,_.. aw&';i,, oc,fJ-g, B1d>.AqAG>P (d>..AqAo,r e). A" om. esd reads .1111")J.af16.,.,.,r, 88 g reads Tj ,rpa~, " c • . 1,,reads «anCT](ll,un-iCon-o, /J, A, 81 ml (d om.)'lp.anCollf'O, 18 oc. (3,A, 8 1 read d118pc/11rovr. 89 d reads T'riil' (71/llaq>ptJ&l/dJlf"Q)~ awo'i,. TOex. ~. A, S1 read ,cd,c1i11t11, b ,rd11;1i111H. 1 n c, al, ~ be, 8 t-fia."" (f,a,,. d .,.c\,g,a,,. g "' 8ca110lar «alq,o, h ,j a. ml fPtJll'l'tUTb,..' 9 e reads e'l'&ICTO~. "/reads awow. g om. "breads 71 c, fJ-.,:,.. niJapw,",. e /IJ,.&"«a8apo'1 tll'G&,a adds 111, I oc. aef read q,uA~.. bd,S1 q,v'>.rwa-m. g q,vMaftaiJ,. t c, adj, Ab*ed•g. A,beg,8 1 r.ead.ffl/ ala-iJqirHr, Aab 'l'OS ,t,i,xc\r vp.riii, ml '1'4Sala-8. 'c. A= ,raa-mi, -yu11GUCm11'. A,/J, 8 1 read ,raa-i;r {h om.) _Sq>.dar (g ¢~iar). 9 d om. B oc,f. fJ-f,read.wdmu. lO oc,g. {!J-eg, S1 read lllT'ffl\qa-8,. 8 ,rapayy,'A°A.fT'tJ&.. l1 ex, de. a reads 1T111>8o1aC•111. bfg av"8vdC•w.A•b read .&l'f p,u"fl,,,,~ J/*c/J ·Jlrl'fa,"ll111L -yvp.11oila-1Jac which are corrupt possibly l11BoulCrw. S1 reads for J/,uy,,,,"fl,,,,Luv"8vd{,w. A"'-read lrrfpuyw"ll,,,,L~ 1-'ffddvBponrG>JI for p.q, , , dvap&.aw. ll ex. A = dvBp&.a-111 GWGII',(3 reads 18 c, abg. dreads ,raiJap,fiou~ac. e «aiJapal dviJp&mocr, ,lm11, A,f «a8a14 d adds ,lp~ll'f" lxova-w, 18 oc,(>,Aa.v44 ,calr As. lpxovras} 8.· Ai.a rovro48 lvriMoµ.a, iiµ.i:11 ,l,coonv ro6 49 ~~pl;v. 61, ,cal *&uwn>.1ti71,AB&a• Arol, *3r, a-lirosyv@tTfra,60 11&p.o11 81toii 68 w~p TOii 54 'ltTpa~A µJXP, _TEAf&@- 8 ds~ 2 «pltT&V ,cal 8vtT&atTf& 65 *,ipx,fPWS XP&tTTos 56, &11 67 El1m, 68 069 K-6p,os. tTfOOS XPOIIOOV ,r~mr.




°'"'· =

18 n,,-.onwhich may be corrupt for m:,:,n,or wa-,{J,UJ11 is corrupt for ,riA&ffoa11 as in Mic. vii." 2 ; : Sir. xi. 1 7. u h reads cl>.>.a. 11 0 reads rrpdr. 18/ reads ~lic,i. i 7 oc, /3,Ab•, S1• Aabcdes a~ ... 18 oc(but h reads Bl for a&.). d reads olaa 8-r,. A ml bp.rir. {3-d, A, S 1 om. H a, S1• oc, bg,A read ,.,,Ao>UGT'f, d, C11>.oiir,. ef ,.,Ao>O"'IT"f·80 /3om. 81 "afg,S1• h,be,A read C'1"10"fff'f, . c, .. Ka£ TOV 'Iovoav• * {b lv avni 7l 73 lvwmov.74 * ,raVTOS TOU i[E>..lfaro Kvpws 72 j3au,.\EVEW 77 alirov, 76 * TO IJ"1T£pµ,a 75 I 2. Kal 7rpOIJ"KVV1)/J"aTE ~aoii • 80 79 78 V1TEpvµ,wv a1ro8avEtTaL lv ,ro.\.lµ,o,s opaTOLSKa£81 5n ilop&To,~. Ka£ lv vµ.'ivlura, 82 J3au,.\.rosalwv,os 83 , . VI I. * Kal il1rl6avE 'Pov/3(µ,, lvn,.\&.µ.Evos rots 2. * Ka, l0Evro2 a&ov lv uop, avrov rai1Ta1•



I take it tha.t the original text referred to Ps. ex, 4 or lEpla njr ..1Julov ;1..ipovr. all. alirou g). b, S1om. entire clause. A= ayamw •x•T< 16d trs. to beginning of clause and for vp.C:,11. 65 Ab reads Tour vlovr. 118h reads 61 Of.,g. d reads qµ,wv. {3--dg, A, S om. '!al reads /l, Kai. 70 d om. 71 d reads auln ahov. 69 aef om. 8ElE,,.-,'" My~ (1) 78 Of.,aef. bdf!,S1 read {Jaa-tAror a1rlBa11• 2 dreads 11', 41A•bhom. , H S2 reads TOV 'lraTp&s. '8 (X, abefg; &








II. u]

.6IA0HKH :E"l'.'MEQN

A uh, S1 read a~ii. Ah*ed•fc alrro11,. d, s•µov. Aabbadd 'Ia1t&>fJ, 'Iuaalt 1tal 'AfJpaaµ.('A., 'I. l.aro. oJ... '811 reads dirijX6oP. u be. h, ad/read Iv 1:,1e;,µo1r. g els l:{1t1Jµop • .com. aofJ (save that g reads l11e-y1e,i11), A. c reads EIIE'fl..66111 'Pov{:llp.,calaic:ovuas raiira. fJ, Ab*ed,$ 1 l>..6611' 'PovfJ11µ. (PovfJlp. d). A•b= q>.6,'P.-o a8EAtpos91'-"'" 68 e reads 9X6f11, 69 dg add uq,u8pa. ,c_al. d adds ic:al .,.;,evp6111 aim111. 87 1,,.om. 88 c, Ab*ed•s.h, af read ll&au616ij11G1. bdeg, S1 ll&auwua,. A·" conflate = a,auci',uail11.fJ,A b•• 4• 1s om. 72 be read ,rp&s. 79 def om. 78 d reads a,&r,. ,, A•b read aln-&11.Ab*•4•s Aa11. 71 ex. fJ, A, S1 om. 77 ex,fJ (save that for l1r' aln-611 abdef read aiir~, g avr-611). AaJJ oir"'s @pyluB,,11 ·l,r' altrov µ.ij11, 1tl11n, Ab*ed•r,cal 911lvr' aln-011 dpy,C&p.E11os (Arc om,) ,.. 'It, e, Ab••4•s add /,rl T"'f)A~ 'l'OIIT"~ .g l,rl 'i'OVT"O, d ,repl rovrov llidr, 78 ex. adef, A read ,c{p,os. bg,S o 6Eds. EfJouMp1J11 ly61d1to1CT"Eim, avr-611. 11 ='robbery' 79 Al>=' efficacy.' A•h ic:aic:la11, Ab•e.. 96 d reads fy,,o>. 81 Aabb= &oii, 18 g om. 97 abefg (eave that bg om. l'Ov), Aab"b•odorr (save that Ab reads ;,,u&, .. and A•bbtrs. 'lalC. after f'OV~S1• d, reads IP6>fl'UJ'lf oiirovToiifl'4Tpdrf'OV• 88g reads fl'fpl 'IAlfl'. A•bb oin. ex111'Iu:. npfl'aTpll'ov. "Ot, bd,g(eave that g reads roii da. f'OV,h, d,galrr-6,, and d adds clal«Gls). "6/, S1 read TOIi da. ;,,u&,11, ct,60.,,;paral,"¥· Aabb=ef,So...,fl'ar Ttp da. f'OV (,j/'111(Ab) •1-;,it;. (Ab om.). Ab•od•fr (j,80-,,. roir da,lief,oirl'f'V. 8 Ot. fl, A, S om. 1 h, fJ-1,,A c, b, S om. III. 1 g reads rfoia. 'Aabb$add TO$+uxor li,u&,11. & Ot,A, S1• fl, S1 read .,..;,.,, fl'PfV/14'1'GlP. 8·c k, S1• A,g, A••o4•1g read fl'Gfl'(IS Tdr &ai,o/ar TOVd..8p6>fl'OV, A•bb,ramr d..lJpo,,rov. 'e reads df/>lovfl'w. 8 af read ro, A•bhom. • bg_, S om. 10a, /i-dg, S. d, reads fl'GIITon {,,rofl. np¢Sor,oii,,,., a~Ql.g fl'aJll'OTe lliro{jal\).r,w fl'pGrre\-,,¢8. A•bb= lirro{ki.>.lin d..6p6lll'¥trmon. Ab*edofc fl'GPTOl"f imo{Ja.Ur& a.,,,... Thus bg, A point to the currency of some such reading as that' of,)i; 19Ot,fl (&avethat e reads f/,8dr,o-,, u A. abhadd. .--,m; for tf,8011&11). Ab•ccllfr





.= ul

¥ ,,;-,,


q,tloPOVfl'&, owos fl'al'rOn d..lJEi"6 ¢So11i-,, q,Bi_.,,(a d.ittography) f'Opal,,n-ai. Aabhui cS1'1-,, f'CZll:Gp&ar fl'al'rOTfdf'C)iorMfl, fr, al ¢8&"¥ q,IJi-,,r,a-,, 18 ex. fJ, A, 8 1 om. . ;,uipm.,,&,-,.,,,,. H 1,,,/3,S1 add 91'f P&IP. g trs. 1/l'fPOIP 1• a,/, A Ii-/, 81 read W .•• T'7P "'· f'OV• after «vpl,.. H C om.



. tv: 4J

111 l,caxcoa-0: 18 • ,cal lyvcov l(t)pCov * ~v +vx,~v µ.ov lv VTJOTE{'f 20• 18 8Eovf9 · y{vETa& /Jr, -qlT .A.tfou TOV q,8ovov a,aq>&{jov

5. 'Eav ycip111 T&S i'll'l K6pwv ICaTaq,6-yp,*{J.'Jl'OT"'XfL T µ.ov 8• 1 8T, ly~ dy,co6~m 2. 'E'll'lv8ovv yap * '11'4VTa.s 9 'ICll11114'. 3. * Kal 8Tf 10 8 a.fT,os *rijs '11'p41Tt:cos 41'1/V 12 p.E 18 C:.r,caTcia-ico'll'ovH, tw.Tl/3'11'fVEls Afyv'll'Tov,,cal11 l6110-l 16 ,,,cl.A.V'll'001'7JV 18, nciox0> 4. 'l0>fN1,,ca.{0>s 20 '11VE'iiµ,ti8Eov*lv a.vr, 11, afIT iJv *aya.8v


18 k, 'lxJ,ef, af om. A, S1• c, ag read ffi&floi,, 19 OL,{J-d, S1• d reads 11 d reads wplov 8,ov. A 1CVplov. 90 g reads lyylllfftJa. 11 b om. ffllfUl'4t/)nryH 47r' CM"OV,A•bhb$support text, but Aa11,, ffinryn ~r 47rc\'l'OVtroll',trllfVpm-or, Aabhom. next fifteen words ml ·yl,,n-a, ••.• awd11. But Ab*"""attest them. : ISg adds 1'0V d.Spenrov, Ab$allfa' awoil, 1'

" "'°"·




111 reads crvptra86111./ crvptl'a6ij. A eao o ffi8o111ii11, ·Ab*."¥ 4'80110ila,r1 • ••a,jom. l'I OL,a.el,81•. bg, Ab$c4e 0VICIJ'l'G'Yll'•C11Cf&, but this gives almost the same sense as the text. Neither seems right. crvnwmO'ICfl




= n~o• =

which may be corrupt for M0rQ' 'rejoices' or n:i~ 'commends.' d 28 OL,aej. bdg al,Jr, ICG1'GYW.0'1Cfl, rli,p dyaff'"""'QII/, II cf reads awli,i,. aoAb*a11 rcSn. ADI> om. A1 om. last five words. IV. 1 OL, a'lxJ,efread ml 911( + o~ e) lp.,Tlii11 o tran,p. For g see note 3. A•b ~f'61Tll" p• ofttJff/Ppov. Ab•ot•ar r6re 911lpo,rG,11 o tr. pov, 1 81 reads 8 lp.l. A om. OL,df (c reading l&pa«a and d omitting p,). So also abe,save that they read l•pa (and e adds &""aafter a-,cv8.). g 'gives the verse SQ.faras follows:,' a.0 ff'Gn/Ppov rcSn lpi a«vBpa>m\11 ;p.ra trFpl lpov. Ab adds 1!&0rl 0'1CV8p6>11'i\r a-q,&apa;Ab*cd•radd ml .M «al. g d>.>.apo>.>.011, 16 (X, fl, A•b\ S1 ri!ad ll>sTOUS&>.>..ovs allE>.cpovs ( + ®TOVef + µov Aabh). Ab* &s ff'OI/TaS TOtlSdll. awoii. A•4•rsC,,fff', TO~S«n>.ousda. awoii. ' !IT"· dg read «al ;,,.lf,sand trs. after Tlre11a p.ov. h, abej, S1 om. g ver. 5 after ver. 6. 80 d adds J(a6o,s 99 d reads iff'i, !18Ab*Cd•lr = allE>.cpol «al TEICIIG, mravros 81 01. bdeg,S1 read d7r>.dr. 'l01Tqcpcl ff'arp&ll.>.cpos qp.0,11 bfw>.+11lawd11. 82 A•h= «a8ap~mplllq.. Ab= ,caplliq.. ,f,vxijs. aj, A•h• 4 •ta d7rMr11r1. A b•cddg ,cal 1-cf,o11 qp.0,11'I0aiitJ;. that A•bh read dllEAcpl,11 be TOIi ff'arpall,>.cf,011 vp.0,11 IT. ,rpax8l11, fl, S1 read fl/ avrtji. Ab*cdefg = 46 ,:, bdg,A&bh, h, aej, S1 read 1eal avro11.d, adds TEICll[a p.ou. tra1Tas.Ab*•4• = tTOITGS yap. 4l d, A add rijs {r.>qs awoil. 4I C reads dA>.'ollr:. Jt ia possible that ver. 6 should begin with ollre~wlll. and that ,ra1Tasr. qf!Epas 44 ot. fl reads ,r,pl "· 41 A•bhadd ol,/li ltr0i11u111 belongs .to ver. ·5• qp.w. >.&youTOurou, So Ab*cd•ts, but in gen. plur. A•bb ,caro rotis>.dyovsTovrovs,. or possibly .>.011.,48 c reads 47 b, Ah*cderir 48 h reads lllillafr11(1) fowoil ,/,, add ,cal. "Ab*•4 om. 1 " 01, 1 1 fl, S (save that C reads rer,,IIOI (sic) and fl, S reaprrovs). A•bb rr>.oiir~II 20








¥). Ix. d q.•x• g fl'livraq;Ix. A= Jx,

(+real Ab) ,..,.,,.,;;,., realreaprr6>11, Ab*cdeg = 1T>.our~ ICT1jJ1GIII it.alreap1T0>II. 11 C ('•

a/ read *X· trau,11;,. be,S ;, • rriiu,11which A•bhtrs. before ir>.uiiro11. 59bd, 8 1 add 0~11.g om. together A•bh om. next nine words. with next two words. 68 1,,om. b adds dj1G1T'lffl, 1 1'1'0..71alo11.08aJread vp.&.11, &1 ex,g, u g reads dya7ran. Ab*cd•fr, abdf, S1 read d7rocrr,jaan rtr'>...e dll'OO'Tf/O'Gffl& vp.&.11 '1"0 71'11, 'l"OV (,j>.ov, 09 ex, abdg, A04"', S1 • Aabb G71'00'Tf/T£ dll'O ll'Ollf/poiiq,6011ov. OBg om. e reads 'l"Oll'l"f,f roww11. A•bb* cf,6or,or.which A•b trs. before dypcoi. soA b*oderr::::; .,.c} a&.p.a, A•b T011IJ."6ponro11, but text is corrupt. d om. 61A next five words. '1"17" "1vx,j11.. g adds «al. A•bb om. next ten Hex, {:J(save that ex reads T4iacafJ&>.,, and bdg '1"0a,a/3ou>.,011). words. 71'0>.tp.or tla, '1"4 a,a{3ou>.,a awoil. 81 supports text save A b*cd•fg &...,3py,}ICG& that it om. dpy,j11, 88 Ab*•d•r om. H dreads afp.a. AUcderr 6vp.ov. 80 d trs. after a,1nto1a11. 68 A reads 'f.!'111r'l-"t,.,.c},,lw~ow1To11 corrupt for ~ , Aabb &7Ab*cd•rc ·"" J/,uruu ~ oia1101av, . om. rest of chap. and v. 1 1 2. _ om, For avllf!u,11g reads av11tla'la"', b om. l11and for l11rpyiwg reiidS •lpl/llf!VEW, 88 be,Ab*•4 •rir.g reads d'>..'> .,.c},, i"JIO"dcf,acpei'l"a&, af om, d rea.ds 89 ii, reads IC'>..0'411. d'>..'> ll'CW'l"G d/3ou'>..wr ,ml da«&w-ws 7rp4'1"'1"E&" dcf,a1pttTa& al. 70dreads n)11l/rvxq11ICa& IC'>..w11011. ro11;$,rr,oi,. n c, Ab*cd•r. h, af read &...,Y•• bde, $1 &...,«al Y'• g on. 7I C reads (,j'>..011. ii, (,j>.&r'l"IS. '18 c, befg,AUcd•r. ad read aw&.11.h om. For «a1.,j11. /3, S1 add ix.ow. 83d adds O 'l",jiT"O" 81a reads owos cpal11, Ab*cdefsixw" ,,, iavT,ji. lxw11. q,8or,o11 aA&aICOp.tllOS ivi G>fdvos, 1 Ab•• 4 trs, according to Armenian text after V. 1 ,ftrs, before 'lwa. 3 d reads &.,., o~«,but not so A•rr. g om. together with next two words, 'l",jirrpou~ITf a,&r,. 'h(1), abf, Ab•cder. eg read fl10&Kfl,c, d ?11lic,,a•11. 6g trs. after rro"71pd11. a odeg,Ab*cd•r, exreads •I$ aw,ji. · d, .om.















[V. I


8~ 2. Kczl yap' rijs T'tJfK'xfis T'OV ffVWJJ4T'OST'c),rp&IT(l)'ll'OII a17A.b, PVII,T',f(JJa. ,U,V9, 10 l110ww11 •A_ya.6-611a.TE TBS,capaCa.s ~µ.0,11 Kvplov 11, ,callll eli6vvan 'l'BSoaovs ~µ.Givlv@11'&0V T'iliv18 lLv6p@1t(l)I/ H «al luEriE ~p(ITICOIITES x&pw * lv0w,ov KvpCov «al lLv15• 6p@1t(l)II 17, fJ,A. s1 3. 4'vA.&fau6Eovv16 &no 'l'fjs11op11ECas ff'.fi. 8 a, S1 10 d reads ,;"&111. 11 ex, o,m. fJ, Ab*cdofr=&ov. 18 c om. next five 18 /6reads Sm 1tal. words. 1' ilg, Ab$edefg om. next eight words 11 IX.,S1 read &ov through hmt. d,,OpG>'lrO>P. 8 ,rapt\8f~ ml uiiir. 19 IX. {J-6, S1 read 1tal¢,,>.aaa•ri8f.e 1tal¢,,MtacrBm.A= ( +cal A11) tJ,v>.a11 c, A. fJ read rov,iq ,rop11,fmv, k nv ,r~ njr ,ropvflar(1). t«,aBf, 11 ·ereads 18 A•b 19 g reads /J,fiC011. to fJ,A, .S1 add 71'tlll'l'QII', aw,j. 18 11 4j,ro11TfplCovaa. c, d, k reads elm!. ·abefg om. dreads lyyl{ovaa. 14 h, fJ (save that e reads rovfor ~), A. c reads ~ &afJo'A,. P ex; A•bb, fJ,Ab~.,,,om. "fJ-g. IX,g read ypatJ,l3,. Is -ypatJ,,a,a dittographio rr ab om. . 18 d reads ,;p&;,. rendering and ypalf,ijran emendation 1 g om. afg add 1"6' vµar. b,S p.f6' vp&;,. d ·,i,11;r a:gainst ex,e, A. 80 IX. fJ-g,A, S read as in margin. 119d reads ,; ,ropwla. g reads ,'>.fo. 11 A""b 81 CX. ,ropMrwnu lv pop..,p.oiiwa, A., fj, S om. ,ro>,l,io&r (¥). Aabb ,ro>.,1t.lrro>.l/J,OVII, Ab••4 •r.,s•,ro>,.,I(, ,ro>.f,ioi. 84 a, A om. 8" 0 reads ,rpocr(Jo).~11. Ab••4•rs 88 d, reads o>.,-yop0&, internally corrupt but Aabll right. A•bh lv8ofo& 88/ reads brl, vp.,ir 31 d>.,-yoarol.· 8'1a reads l!'P'Cd,in101., A•b om. 89 IX,af. bdeg om. ,o ex,af. lxle,A•bh,read A,vl 1tal'Iova\l, ,g A. ital ~ ·1. A b$edefr 'Io~ cal An,/. 4l; Cl c. /3,S1 read flr 'TY•1,,nr rrp• fJ,OVf&, A= '1Y'P6>'•-" IX,A, abd read p.ov. efg, S1 om. /3,A•bllefgadd 0 oc. 'Ia1t61/3, A b•• 4 trs. it before 6 ,raff/p. " e trs. after ~Aoylcur. abefg,S read i11, ' 8 d_adds ,r,p1 Awl cal 'Ioli& •. A adds cm:ov.; ' IX. fj-d read lir.,,. 'l'Clpaxijr. d 111 ,,.






VI. 5]





2, *6'11'CllS' 1 ~µ.,v 'll'IUITa VI. 'Iaoo e'rp,i1t11 a"cal.Cl)O&i "IS' fJ,S1 8• 5 act,• 4p,c&pTCcq -~JJmv 2, 'Eav a~•clct,f>,71TE ~µ.&ivTOIi , · ~ .11• a np'71Ca. 4>8011011 «al ·'Jl'aaavO'M.'1po1tu,,.,1111' , fJ-e,s 1 8 9 'Qr pl,6011 clv8~a-E& Ta OUT& µ.ov lv 'la-pa~A, dpaFlar xaP 0 ~S' xpCvov*~ a-&.pfµ.ov10 lv 'Iax~/3. ~ii, 11 1tal lcrta, 11 *~do-µ.~µ.ov ~S'~2 do-µ.~A,f3&vov13 fJ,AJJ," 14 &y,o, 15 * lf lµ.o618 * iCllr al&ivar81 a-IC)..,,. «al '11'A718vv8~a-oVTa& a~VCllV l7 p~r:pa){'l" Aw11. 18 aw&iv19 dr µ.aKpavla-oVTa&. «al *o1 «Aciao, fJ,A, 8 3. TOTE4'll'OAEiTa, 20 To 21 u'll'lpµ.aXava&.v &uillpo, 29 o-liK * Kal tyKaT&.A~,µ.µ.a la-Ta&'1,23 T 'Aµ.a.\~K, ciy,0&. 124 'rxal cl'll'OAOVVTa, 'll'aVTU, o1 Ka7J"71'aMKa& A•b 25 • Ka2·'11'4VTES' o1 XETTai'o,l[~Ao8pw8~a-oVTa& omit 21 • ~ -ri28 Xciµ., 4. TOTE118tKAEC,/m Kal '11'4S' d29 Aaor cl'll'OAELTa,. TOTEKaTa'll'a~O"E& ~'ll'aO"a ~ -ri80 411'0 Tapaxijr, 31 32 411'0 «al riaa ~ w' o-lipav&iv 'll'OAlµ.ov.




(X /3, s S•TOTE38 tu71µ.Eiov36 lv6o-. 5. T&rE87 ta-71µ.Ewv (:E~µ.bd)

85 *µ.lya T¥ {aa-~a-ETa& 'Io-pa~Asa,


8 ex,... VI. I ex,A, s•. fJ,S1 read trpMlplJICClo t k reads roiiro. S1 om. Ab*ad••(aavP.that e reads rr&Uf/r for Tijrand Ab*aders add Iyo>after 8,,ca1h r1p.q8,;a-1't'at, 16 Ot. /3,A, S, read as 16 d, A•bhom. in margin. IT ex. fl, A, S1 read '"'falci>vor. 18 k reads 19 c, {J-d, s. h, Ab*adeB al ICOIA4&r. read IM"OV,d a1W611.4-"" 'Iovlla.11 bg, Aabom. 11 h om. · ta ex. 10 c reads a,roA~,. {3-d add lo>r. fJ om. "A om, For KamrallcS,cai bdef read Ka,rirci3o,c•r. 111Aabh= ,cal 111c reads lvm,i,,,. def mia-w-roirIS....a-,11. 18 I,. om. Ab*cd•ftr ,cal, l,c).,;1/m, Ab*c4•fs IE..rouovuw 54 'll'OV,,p&lv ,cal ot 61. l1v8pC.. wl ,-ijs yij s ;;,., Kvp,os d 8Ec\s q,avqtrETa, ,cal uOJuE&'roVsvlo~S'TOV I Aad,.,..

But p.lyar rnil 'I. may be an interpolation. It is omitted by A•bh, In that case read the first line as follows : T6r• J,jp {or J1C:.v)boEaaBiiuua,. 60 ~ reads 11:a,-clw-avuiP, " IX. fJ reads boBiiuoi,,-a,. 49 A•bhadd ,-oilB,Xlap. g fO>II,_ A•bbfnrnLUln &>..dJpov corrupt for fnfun,_;li,(so Ab*cd•f') text •. 61 ab om. 11 A&b read 1111''1: {A"om.) ,q, vilv 1'11 corrupt for ,r.,,l''ffrf tlvfJp&1110,. 53 g reads fJaau..,vova,. d adds wl. n,Ab•cdelg read 7ravTO>II 68 .!,,._ U11Utn1Jtrdp.,fJa.6'I (X reads 1-y,:,. fJ,A, S1 om, ,-riiv.· _65 6 om. 69 A= ,l>>..o-y,fuopn. 60 b·reads lv. as il om. A•_om.with next thre~ 82 Ab*°" 61 bdfg om. g om. next word.·· words, Ab with next two. 1 ·add ,rfp&7r0Tm'II 11:al. esbefg, Ab*cders, S • (X reads tu. al>,-611,(J Zu. al>,-ovs. d uc:ian dvfJp&,,rovs.Aabbom. · 1 c. 1,,,f read 1/'ITOICOVUOTf, abde, S1 watr.OVETf, VI.I. 1 b reads n,r.vla. g . WOICOVITETf, Ab* add ,.o, Br-&. A•dml &r,. S 2 om. sex, ef. (J reads ,-6i,, dg, Ab•rs,S1 '"'P•b om. A•b•cd,S1 lv. 'c. 1,,,fJ,A, S read lv . • S1 1l&>injq,. 6 1,,,fJ,A•bb.S1• C alone om. Ab*cd•fa = >..wpwO,,uopA8a. Ab add 8,-~l,r. 7lvovs ol>,-oi)ffllJ/1/~tTETO& ICVp&Os d fJEor~ S1 ZUTa& >..wp0>a1s. 8 c, e read m,p,u8,, I,, wa,p,uSa,. 9 (X. fJ,S read cp~>..&s. 'A•b om. 11 c, df, A. 1,,,abeg, S read l,piv. 'A= da,~q,ous. 10 e reads a~il. 18 IX, befgA, S. a reads duau,-,ju,,. il tr.aldva~. 11 A om. ·u c om,· 18 rro11, Bracketed as a Christian inter11 oc,~b, S reads ~r. Aab ,cal. Ab•c«•fr= ,cal polation, II oc,/3, A fl'mcl IJ.,,8po>rrO'II (ymi Ab•odefr) ml d,,8pwirt1011. I liave bracketed fl'mG r&ZS,,,,,calae an interpolatiQ_n. · Cf. T. Jos. xix. '1· Our author can look forward to the salvation of the Gentiles, but he would not set their salvation before that of Israel. . d adds ,,,,_,-c\11oa11luf'O>IJT&. IS"· aej, b reads fl'CD'T'IJ. A by internal corruption = /yd,. h, dg, 81 om~ _. d, adds miPTGTGVl'II. 1B Ab••, ... om. d, reads IJw•r. ta oc, g. a reads b lllfff.AfJ(TS.. df lw,iA,a-8,, e l11N1>..auS.. · ~ Ab add :VOml awol /,,...l>.11>11T11i nir n1WO&r a~•"• So also A• according to Text, but this 19/ reads 18 d reads %Pa.I,, IJft'mr is probably wrong as Ah om. ,cal. 81 1111 T'IIVTG,A= TGWGS' {Ab.... ,.. om.) -rar IPTMlir. e om. Here S1 makes a Christian addition and at its close gives a duplicate edition of chap. VII. after recension fj. See Appendix. VIII. l "· g, ~b. A,/3-dg,A•b••d•flr,S read ,ca/. ,,; al. I S1 TGV1:G 8 A•bh •lml,11 arr'8GPfll. Tor lvro>.armwar. Ab•«l•flr= 1'4"(Ab• om.) 1See note 1. d adds IEaparnvr ml&&' iPTo'Adr. • '6, afg read ,.;,a,ou. 01/TOV, e o, d. h, fl-d, A, S1 read •al IICO&p.qS,,. fl adds ,cal fl'poll'ETEiJtJ_. bi"¥alm11lrp iim,,. _ 8 "· I,, reads 1,-G,,,·a;_pK, ab,S1 flCGTOP f°ltt.od-, ffQ)P, f S1 dg ,cp611;,,,, (d, om.) vrrapx.- ej, S1 ffOlll pi: Aabholl•fl'=pa (prcC g) in~ rijs C•ijs a~ov. Ab. = p,cl Here A is wrong throughout: • oc. d reads ~>.l,,g e;,"1J. abef e;,IC'fl E~•"• g S:,rcoand omits the rest of -the 'Testament, substituting in its ritead l•r ~" fflli11ea;,a""" a X,f!Jj,qii, p.ETO. 1'6111fl'OTfpt,JII a~ov. ·{J-dg,A•bh, s add ~"• d ~ again'et oc, 10 abej, Ah• 4 •s, Ab*cdofl'. oc,d, A•b read .Zr TOV d).dmy. ~"ll OC, ef. abd read GlltJllf')'"°"· · 11 {J-d, S. So also A which am\11111 ,cpv4,ij ,1,, rro>.. Alyinn-lc»11.oc ha.a ~re an ungrammatical text fflli11 u "/M/>ij,.1,.


s. =









"'°"'· s.




I.2] 1Jau&>.lo)Jl 18 ,

1 18, &, l11~ B, 4. "&eyo11-yaprllwoi:s11 ~ ol l71'1lo,aoC

20 lOTll& l11''1fC"71 l[&a, ,:&iv 19 dOT&iJI '1"'"11"' *r-ii yij 21 U'KOTOS fl.~•· 23 ro,s Alyi,71'Tlo&s, ml )'J!Ocf,os Kill71'Af/')'1/ 29 JJ,fYCAf/ clSOTt µ.ua. olrrciiP. 27 llWOV, AVXVOV/U ~ 25 l71'L'YW~U'KEW lKllOTos 28 *-TOJI aaEAq>OJ1 1 3 IX. Kill lAAllVU'llJIol11 vlol l:vµE.altp rip B,ir>., &irov,col ol trMlp•r aliroii bl(Jqrra11, 18 d reads icf,vAMYoP Of. g in note 9· Bi aliroii. 1' Ab_*caerr om. _dadds Tc\dffii 'IO>tr{,t/). 1101. a reads Tfll'IE&0&r. bf ra,ulo,r. d6 Tfll'lo,r. Ab*c_d•fs 17dreads 18bg, A•b(,>read florriAd~,. BUpportsfl. A•b olqµarr,. 18d reads avrciiP. A•bb ol Aly{,trr,01«al ol ltrao,Bol a~r&111, h, A om. 19 01,A. fl om. olrrcii11,A edefs ol brao&Bo2 ul ol 1'4Y!'1, •0A adds lE



111a, A•bluiderr. b, Ab*, 81 read,-;; _AZ~,. The rest of fl gives 11A""' d} conflate readings. af tjj ,1j Alywnv. de yfj Aly{,trrov(A1y{,trrtp 1111 tra. before ml yvocf,orand om. next three words. fl adds O'f#,dBpa. A b•cd•lradd rrcf,dapatriirrw. . Hf reads Avx110>11. !Ill d, Ab·•4efsadd 4v110rrl1a,. 18af read ocaOTOII, A•b TIS, D7/reads ,.-cij,, ~&~cf>&,11, IX. l d reads l«Aav,nu,TOlPVII, I b om. SAb•cd•rr_ dB«Ac/)ol :ZVJdlff «al ol vlol, ·'~. 81 add as in margin. After trMJovi: d further adds. ,,: ,jp.lpa,. ,colbr-lOT,,.,;ai, .z,Afyv,rro11. 1 d reads· l«ri. 8 fJ-d,,B add •E(mr'b) Aly{,trrov. 'dreads r~_a, 11,,,jµcii11 acseo 1l11alciillClf.J, s add :ZVJdlDP vLir 'Ja,c~ (1 vie\, Alar ( +(1. l€qu«li'lr7Jpie/). · I. 1 01. At~station of fl, A divided. A•bhread &as;,"«,,A.vl-tr•pl bf, A•d•tr,S1 a.A. ~Epll•poilTVlll/11 «a1 inr•pf/cf,allflor ( +Aevl ·,Pl-''lllf6.ra, wrip ffl/JV pmfJdi:/). a A,vl. de present conflate texts. de, Ab* 8'.A. vi/Jr (vloii e,Ab*)· 1 d reads &aSfiqr. Tplros(e,·Ab*om.) 'Ia,c~ ir,pl l,p. ,ml inr•P'I• A= mro,cplttt,.,11 My,.,,,which seems to be merely a dittographio rendering of AclY61•• 8 h adds roil Tplrovvloii'Ia«. ,ml A,la,, and om. next seven words, Ah om. next five words. 'A ;3,.,,cl!, 1 d trpAroii cLrolJu.111 alrrd11. 7 a adds alrrol. 8 efg, A 1rpo rijr T1Aevrijralrroil. g reads &o-a. • I,, 8 Ver. a is very confused in A•bh •.-eads I,, ,jpJpt «. A""h o~.












(3, .AJJ

14, *t!7J'fV 12 • p.l>..>..i, a7J'o8v~a-,mv *Kal ~i 18 a-v~x871cra11 15 , 7rpos abrovs >..IJrf,6,w ,cal 6 crvv Tij, II, 'Eyb>Awl l lv Xappav B lyevv,j8'Jv3 KO.l 4 i>..8ov MxS,,11 6 ds T 'l:.(1C7Jµ.a 8, 9 af lO Vf~TfpOS 11 • 2, .. Hµ.17v 7J'aTp{ p.ov /1e.ri,{,/11 14 *n,v l,cS(KYJO'W l'ETA 13 i71'ol17cra &s12 fr6iv d'icoa-,,*_,cul TOTE ~pd11 18 16 *ri/s &6t:>....p.aov>.. 19, 7J'Vriip.a crvvfrEWS t"aVT"a, 3. ·.usaf l7roCp.awov /3,A, S Kvp£ov ~>..8Evi7r' lp.l 2°, ica,· l8t:~povv ,rliJn-as&v8pw,rovs 21 ., on. 22; ,cal * brl TeCxoll!ot,coSo,,.EiTO * aV (3, s fTl)llfi•



f,lfT'O:s. f'qll /,cllllCI/O'W,


23 • .i,,.a.p-rCu,ca.l i'll'l WflYOU!I 'rl a8LK(ut!,ccUh1TO


4. Kal

/3,Acdes,S 1 8,-, ,..;,cq(ad-f r•ixar) if1C086µ11crE11 iavrj ,j dllwa ml lff'l ,rvp-yovs,j dvopla1ta811ra1, ·

defective in Ab*, Aabh= «al (Aahom.);;.,., q11awils-(then space in Ab in which f£-t.,,.,..t.H= vy,al,,..,11) probably stood originally) dirf,S,,(or dff'f«a-

'A-6rf,8,,) a~ 8pa1nr ;;,., ,d>.>..Q) (11l>.>..ns Ab). /m'Af!Tfll'p/,rlau,-/,11 TO~ vlovr al'i,-oii. ,cal8« o-vll/ixS,,crav ,rp/,r aw&v,.l,ra fl', awour. Ab* om. vy,al11G>11 and the next seven words with the exception of ydp. i& ex,Ab.S•rr. (3, S1 om. 12 Ab* add 1lex,Acc1°rr. dreads df!'.ic.ydp, af lirf,S,,ill. beg,S1 ~. ydp.


18 / reads ;;.,.,ill. ,lm11 O'Vlla')'f&II'l"OVS dll.>..rf,ovsJCalvlovs-aVTOii. 16 S1 re!idS,rrpl H A•bb,S1 add rrp/,saw6ri. «al ,rrpl ,rporf,1/TrlasZ>.•f•• ,rpl11dff'06avEi11. njr 8ffQ)$'/11Tj lrpG>crr,,;,, 1 ab, c, df read Xapp,l, II. 1 .IJ..#S,,11 ,cal ,.,.ix, '" Xapp&v. S qpf&/»1,, «al ,~,,,,IJS,,11. S1 adds ,cal.·;.,a~~vdp1110s ,., .,., ofq, t"OVff'll"rpc$s,1011. C O'.. g om. (3-d, A cdefr, S 1 read ical/ltm ,-aura, S 1 «al brd. A"* add flff4 du.:. f-rq. 6 c reads 11'A6G>11, 6 oc, 8 h, eg. e •').8&.i•.• g ol«&iv, d, A. abefg, S om. ' .p.aov'A. povjd..S. d ,r~as dv8, l8,,;,po1111, 12 .0'.,(3-d, S. dreads g.,,.asdrf,a11,isrii oil; aw&iv. A drf,a11,cr8l11Ta$' (or iw, qrf,avlcrS,,crav) 'rair oiloira~Tm11,.:A. abb 'l'OVT"O


Ab*cdol'g«al rtfllfTO 8n.







~m. rest of verse and first nine words of ver. 4;


ex(eave th!!-tAadds





25 a.v8p@7r(J)V ' A'V'lfOVP,aJOS11 ,hr~pywovs 'TCdV vlciiv'TCdV /3,Ab•r, 117 IS-1rws 28 , ical26 11-ii!aµ.71; *.,.'I'Kvp{w ITW6cii 5. To~E ~ TOV~O • . opos81 Vl/n,A.ov* 1tcil-opo11 aa-• 29 P,£ 80 imvos, ,cal i8Ea1Taµ.71v l7rl'll'EITE .,,.,ao11 l11


~l''I" lv ui)T~ 82,


88 ol cropavo{ 6. Kal.laov&vEcpx_~uav *,ical c1yyEAOS Kvplov8' 35 El7rE 7rposµ.E ' AEv{, rAw£138 , E&ITEA8E, AElll.



after the first brl). /3,A ca-., S1 read as in margin save that e om. Br-,, Tov11 for lavrv, which a/ om., d reads l11alnj Tfio&p,e lavrij11,g l11lavrv ;, for d811cla e reads «a«la, g 1li8o«la; for brl 7rVp-yo1111 A ca-. read GI/ 'lnlf'"YOII, Ab* GI/ hl . ,rvp-yo11 ; for d1101'fu A b*cdelrread d/Ji,cfu,Ab* J.,,.lda11Cla11 ; for «&8rim,e reads l«&DriTo,g om. ,j before d"ol'la. Before «al l,rl ·,rvp-yov11 e makes the following long addition. T«ITEry@ l1r>..11"a Ta lµaT&aµov, «al «a6apla-aral!Tc\ l11v&n CmllT&, . ,cal ,rda-ar T41/daovr µou '" v/JaT&«a6ap~. ol &).orl>..ova-aµri11 mlriua EMElar•T6n TOVI/ d..,j6E&a11 ICOTfllOIIT& TQllla-ylalll' ,cal ql,Eaµ.,11 ,cal El,ra' Kvp&E "Y'fflQ'ICf&I/ 1raa-a11 Tar mp/Jlar ,cal ,ra11TarTOVSa&o>..o-y,a-/'OVS' fllllVOJI' (sic)· a-vp.611011 hla'TOa-a,· ,cal llii11Tl1evaµov /'ET• lp.oii, «al Bclsp.o, 1rda-as &A.,6elar"µa«pwol' d1r' lµov Kvp&rTO'lrllfiVµa TOll811to11 ,cal aia>..o-y,a-,,_&;., Tml' oaov11 'lrOl/J'/P"'" ,ca, 1rop11Ela11. ml i${3p"'d1rcla-Tpf1/,011 cm-' f/'OV, l:mx6,jT6l 1!!.l1T1T0Tu TO&-yw11·ml {3o11>..q11 «al uncfila11 «al ">'""'" ,cal luxl,1186111'0' 1roiijua, TOITIIEVµa t' TU SlC apfa'ICOIITa Q'O& Ital EVpflllxap,11Ell6l!T&OII Q'OII'1ta, a&IIE&II TOVf AO")'OVI/ Q'OV µET'fl'01JKvplf, «al pq ICOT&a'XVffl6l "' 1rii11 a-aTal/41/1rA.allija-al Pf dm\ Tijr oaav ITOV'«al l>..lria-611 I'• «al 1rpoa-a-ya-yl p• ,lml Q'OVaov>..os«al >..aTpriia-al Q'O& ,cai\&is• a"O& y.,,la-8a, ,cv,mf pov, «al Q'ICffl'I Q'OV Tijs 11twaunfo!I Q'1Cf'lraa-ar6l r,ixos ,lp,jll>]II 411'01ra111Tc\11 ICal..n'/r!>11 vrrc\mTo8fll TOV ollpavov' «al a'VIITE'Ala-a, Tq11 d11op.la11 d,,.c)1rpoa-o>1rov Tijs-yijs' m6ap1a-o11 1'1}11 mpl1la11 l'OV/!J,.{Q"lrora d,rc) ,rau11r«a6apular• ICQl 1rposdpov~, 1rp611 Q'E al!T611° ,cal µ,i}d1roa-Tpb/,m Tc\1rp6a-m11O'OV d,ro TOVvlov ,r~a&s (1'0V 'Iairo>~. Q'VKvp&r1lJM-y11ua11 TOIi'A{3paltp,rarlpa pov «al '%appc\11 l"ITEpaµov. «al ,l,ras l1otm, alin,ir Q"lrlpµa lUicaw11 EilA.o-yrip.illOII ds TOVI/al,;,,,,,,•Elua,cova-011 a, ,cal Tijr lf,611/ijf TOV1ra,l1clr(1'0V AElll")'fllf0'8a,Q'O& lnv11, «al /'fTO)(_OII ,roi11a-011 Tois >..&-yo,r O'OV 1ro1,i11 «pla-,11 a>...,6,11911 d11'trallTII TOIial&J11a, fl'E ICQlTOVS vlovr p.ov d111rda-ar T41/")'fllf41/ ,..;,, ala>116lll, «al 1'9 OffOO'TqO''[III T'c\11 vU.11 Toil1ra,a&11 Q'OV d,ro TOV1rpoa-a>~OV Q'OV ,raa-arTOI/,jp/par 14 ex (save Tov alm110r• «al la-,lmrqa-a b-, a.&µ•""r· a om. next two verses. that c reads ,i,,_.,,, for fl''I"), A•d•fr, /3,Ab*'; S read rAwrovp1111, 111 CX{save that c om. second Tm~),dfg (save that they add rav before -y,•ovr, andj reads 1r,pl for vrrip). bti,S read 1rrpl m -y. Tm" d116, :A.b•cc1•rir inrip Tw" Tmll d"6. ll8 d adds Tami &o>p&,11. 11'1 ex. ~-d read 1CVplf, d 1rpor v!m11 ICvp,011. A•bhTtp6,~ and add ,cal'flff/O'Ol"Jll ffap' aliTOii. ll8ex,/3,A•bh, Ab*cdeflr = a-&,rru®Tour (A•flrom.). S a-fil6ia-u,. it eg read m•a-•"· aoc. T,, 81 A adds T&, . reads f'O'. ~ br' lpl, asex.exis 1111pported by


























(II. 'I



/3,AB, $1



7, * Kal EluijMov 7. Kal

7. Kal

89 EluEA.8wv

41 El0'17A.8ov

T'OV7Tp0,T'OV ovpavov lyw Els TOV1rp&,rov l,c -roil 1rpd,rov ovical Etoov ticE',iJllwp ovpavdv 8. tKal pavov ElsTOV6ME31 • 1rapl1rEp.,PE 7TOA.V · ~vey,cl pov42 ,cal Etoov48 1..cp• * M~ 8avµ.&.(E7TEpl Li&aTC oin-ws49; ,cal nnfrov, li.uov yap Ei11'EV cl . c'iyyEAOS ovpavov o,f,u q,a,ap&npov ,cal li.a-vy*1rp&s µ.E 60• M~


which= Kal ~,.,,.. '" "P &p,,, {J, A_bo,s read TOVTO (ooff f +ri g) opos dcnrillos(cicnr,lla>P g,A_hfB)( +&IUTlA_hf•, ilw/'OT,S1) fP A{JiAµ.aovA (e'f'Efj.A"; 11 88 t'.X,f. A_b•fB paOllp.,S1 corrupt). Acd•= TOVTO &posO''"' ;,, 'A{Ji'Aµ.aovµ. Qther MSS. ;,"''PX· Aabhadd "'°''. 84 A_&bh = ~8w ,rp6s ,u ,1-yyfAOf 6,ovKal. 86 A_bom. d om. rest of verses, vers. 7, 8, For Kvpiov dreads .-oil6,oil. 88 IX. fj, A, S read Atvl. and fi,rst twelve words of ver. 9 through hmt. 0

A"h b add f8i.. 8'1It will be observed that IX and A« agree almost word for word. The latter text has been dislocated by the insertion of a portion of ver. 8 in the midst of ver 7. For YroAvKP•!'•c reads YTO'A.Xv KP•l'l""/U"o", 88 c adds r&. Sense is quite unsatisfactory ; why should this heaven be brighter because of its loftiness t Hence the error appears to lie in v,i,-os. This i=I~ corrupt for i=I~~= cf,lyyoror cp;;,s, This is fitting as the holy 89 Probably the substantive verb was lost after ones live therein. the participle J'urlrwL( ,l,uMw.,). Then the text ~ould ~l..Bvs Kvrois clu- rgn18S atJt')')'VS' lf"a.yyf.Af.&S' rois ayyEAf.&S' clu8~1ro,s Kal>..~,p(ov CTT'IJ"71~ 8~1ro&s~ , rovpyosawo0 83 l"11 •al wf.plf rov ,J>..>..ovros >..vrpovKal l'VCTT'IJP"' awov t[ayyf.Mis rois clvtT!Ja,r9»t 116 'Iupa~>.. 1C7fp6[f.&S'. 8~wo,s" «al


Kal a,atTOVKal rov 88 ,,,..,wo,s •

I I,

lUT~cn1119 TOG86 {:l, S n>v 'I puar,>.. ' IC7f , t: µl>c., PV{;E&S', >.011riw 'Iovlia dq,IJ,quua,K6p,os TOit 87 >.wpoiiu8a,· T'OV. /J A s

-'--·BA,! · 88 UII


169 • r~(c.w,tlv lavri>t 1ra.uyluos lui8p@1roou

Vere. 10-1 a. These verses seem out of p~e .here. Both as respects substance and form they would read well after IV. 2. Moreover, as Ill. 1 implies that Levi has already seen the heavens, we should expect· a description of the third heaven here. But these inconsistencies are due to the writer, not to mbsequent transpositions of the text;· for according. to V. 1 Levi is not admitte.i into the third heaven till he has heard the 81 cx. Lost in Aa.. 158Em. from h long disquisition in II. 10-IV. fa,,aa°" c reads Zuo,u,, Right reading preserved in fJ,AfJ,and originally in A.a.;See note 55. With the statement in this line compare Jub. xxxi. 13, 'Cause thee to approach Him to serve in His sanctuary.' 111Text altered by a Christian scribe, NI,, reads a~ii. fJ has mfrered simiiarly. As Aa. omits, AfJ alone preserves the original >.wpo,u,o,r~ 18 This corrupt reading is due to an internal corruption of f"llslru ( or ,t...99lru} = oniavinto flr99lru = {~rm- "d, reads 8a.vp.a{•is. J erases.• 18 d reads oilpa110vs limp a.,.,01/,m, S reads oilpa110Vs 01/m, o'l· ,r>.cwijm,. «"°'"''o""cu {ci>VC11, 111 AfJ add nvro,a,. •0d reads ica.2 arn,ylCfJ'""""'pow. · g airvy,cpb-A>s.S1 IC. 8aV/AGO'T'O'l'EpovS ai'iTci>a,,d adds >.fyo,-ycipuo,· and om. 81 The insertion of &r,here gi~ei 11 AfJ adds yrip, next three words. 84.c;I a· different turn to the context. . 88Aoder om. Ab* reads icvplov. 88So Aft. fJ,S read corruptly as in margin. reads vlois""'" a"8po,,ro,a,, 18 Aa. om. rest of chap; 18oc. fJ om. 81 cx. {J-d, A, S read· Iv. d, om. 19 Thisclause and. AfJ om. next line. 0i11tc~.:, ~ ll'="'• where I ~e





AIA0HKH Aa omit ver.




(II. u


* Kal J,cµ.EpCoosKvptov ~ (w~ _;ov 70, ,cal aVTOSlUTaLuo, 7l a.ypos72 * ,cal o.µ7r€A6JV 73 Kal.74 Kapm5s76 *XJWulov Kal apy6p,ov 76•





(,, Af1, S1


"A,covuov 11I. "A,covuov l7rTa ovv 1 7rEpl.TWV lln- ovv 7rEpl.TWV 1l€L- ovv11 'TrEpl. x0lVTwv UOLovpa.- x0€VTWVtopauH,iv 6 • pavwv. *'O KanI,13 7 ovpaVOS TEpos12 ll,a TOVTO VwV' 0 ICOT61TEpOS t, 7rpWTOS 14 · lu* ll,a Tovr&uo[ lUT, llu:tTOVTOt ~v KaTE- ITTV)IV&np6s 8 u-o, bmll~ n_v, t7rEtll~ opq15

d'1'211 ,u,ivao, 3. 'EvBl al avv&µusT&ill '11'apEp./3oll.&i11 · o1 Ta• Ttp TplTip82 d'1'211al WV4P,E&S*T&ill -'11'apx8lVTn Els -qp.lpav Ep.fJoll.&iiJ as, * ol '11'0&~'1'CU l,c-_ K.pC!TEWS ac,cq!Tw:;-ots'11'11tv~ · . Tax8mnEls-qp.lpOJ1 84 '/l'O&~~CU p.a!T& 1r.\~~ ,cal . . ,cp{!TEWS 86 ¥oi113rll.Cap~ «JTil l,c3{,aj1Tw *Tois cwovgd'1'W . ol '1l'lltvp.a'1', ~s '11'M. 1111s~,calS.TToii BE&y,o,. . 4· 'Ev "'P 4• *.·o3E&y,os211 88 Els aJIWTlpip. 3E11'411TWII T&ill liylw11l0Tl-lJ'11'Ef"" ACap, *01 aE' 21-q 111 TOIi· Ttt'O.PTOIIol39 · JtUTM.6p.aT& ciy~ p.E- &vw '11'4'1'1JS }'4A1J3oCIIWEp411Wll8 TOS. l'11'4JIWTOWWll4yr.o{40 '11'4'1'1JS. 4Y&em'JTOS, . El!Tw, 4."0T,Jv T'P Q.tiWTI~ 11'4JIT(l)JI,ca.. Ta.ME&~ 41 ~Eya.\q 40 lv liylf liyf.wv a&fa · Wfp4IIW'11'4'1'1JS4}'i&-


TIJTOS, 11 1,,. C om. ~ a. It, reads 8« ,). ~ 1,,. C om., but fJ, A, S1 support 1,,, • "The plural has probably originated in Ao., ·He:re Aa

~e with /3,AS, which have ,rpoo,-ay,-urros,whereas a .has "f'&O'foir. · Both words are independent renderings of tlElt:10; Ill Corrupt for Ell ciyl,p, 18 6 reads ff'fH/J,O.O' 18d, AJJ ~dd a,.. l'I d, reads rlcrw Ell ,)p.lfJ'I. 80 {3-a, AJJ, ~ Ab= .Zs3pclp.ovr{1). g om. NP. 6./,S1 a;;;;,,.. ad,,88Al> 8pwtr~JI. 81 g~AJJprefix «al. •.g adds 01J~. has J,.J'111'11111f111a (= TciJ11 ,cpcSP0>11) which may be corrupt for ,-'ll111f1119 = •"•• rraprp.fJa).ci,11, u A/J «,do-l•·dr &,uuoirpio-laP, but the Armenian for a~o,rpwla,, ia internally corrupt for ,)p.lpa11 "Pbnois. dg · read al TaxO,,o-a, {-'1icnug) .for 811bdg add 111. , ,,.AB ol Taxi; T6JJI 3111:alc.1~ tr>.a,,,,, (corrupt):. . lfl A b*c4 ==d,rcl, A'" om. 88 d om. A= «al. 89at/, AB. bg om. d rea_dabe 011pa11011 and dg om._lir~7'0Vf'O>P. For ol ~ •• Tovra>11 A/J o't'ilu.111 J~o-q111»p.aa1 · .awoiiwhere [, 'hop;,, ia corrnpt for f, ,Jlip l-09111 ;;::::l,rch,c,,'l'IM'GIIP,






CB. l'A. .








/j, AfJ,S1

5. 'Ev Tlj>µ.er'+a-b- 5.*Al 6Eoovdµ.m80 5.

1 *'Ev T• 53 µ.ET 64 T&iv42Elcrw lipx&.y- T&iv liyyEA(l)V Elcr2 ain-ovH 01 · llyyE)'EAO&ol AE'Tovp-AE&Tovpyowrn. AO(Elu, *Toil,rpou• 55 co,rov KvpCov6\1 yowrn IC~ ifiAaol AE&TovpyowrEr CTICO/J,010&wpos Kv* ,cal lf&,cofup&ovbr2w&.cra,r Tair vo,67 wpor KvpCov liyvolcurTWV a,,cal-

6. ITpocrtf,l-

68 Tair iwl 'IT40'a&r * clyvoCa,rTWV a,. 43 A.o«al(l)v69 • 6. Ilpoudcrµ.~vW(l)6Cas tf,lpovu, 6EKvpt,, 80 ,-,~v'' «a2lwa.Cµ.alCT'OV8vcr(av. 7. 'Ev dul'~V M6lar 81 6E Tfji tnrOIC4T(I) .*A.oy,~v «al lival45 4yyEAO& µ.a«Tovwpout/}op&.v •. Elcr2v ol f/,lpoVT"ES li,ro,cp{crE&S 7.'Ev 6ET'iitnrOIC4N Toir liyylA.o&r·,-oii Elcrw ol 89 4yyEAO& wpocr~wov .,cvp{ov. ol f/,lpoVT"Er Tfirclwo48 µ.er' 8. Ka2 ~µ.vowrn- ,cp{ue4r*Toir /J.yyl.· 8. 'Ev 6E Tlj> t aw&v" Elcr,v8po-Tov _Kvpwv, 7. ot A.ou88 TOiJwpoa~wou VO& ,cal48 iEovcrla,, ,cal *wpEcr/jE'ir Elcr, Kvplou, b rl * cidGµ.vovTlj>njs 8Eon,Tqr111• 8. *'Ev 6E Tq>l'ff 1 9• 8Elj> wpocrtt,lpo,,,-n' awov 64 Elu, *8pov0& «a2 i[ovula, 85, i11 89 Tqj , *lid iSp.vo& 8Ef wpOO"f/,lpov-


poVT"ES T4i KvpCCf>

A/J add nii lkoii. n ,l om. "ex, d. (J-dg,A/J read ~.. Here and in ver. 8 awai• seems corrupt. .. c adds ni•• "o. h.reads Aoymjr. ' 1 1,,adds ol. ceh. o reads nS. "c, e. h.,g read IM'tp,8ia~. . ... H ab/,S1• deg read '" l)i f"t pE'/'4f'OVT'O>P {e awaill, g aW¥)• A/J g} ,,...,.. aln-oVr. 81 a, A/J. bde/,S1 read 6p0110, iftn,a. g al Ip. al IEov,,. 81 asfg, 18 1,,. o reads T'pi• Aft b reads afl. d cMl,/Ai,oiia,: "l,, adds &. 11 /AO>l'f"• o. l,, reads llfjixrao&, TOd om. .Aft,S...:. ..paa¢1povu,. 71,de 67


89d reads alnjcncn T'aiPIv dyi,ou,laq,a>.,,bm•nis &lralau. .. '6 before f/,111nLp/,m'6 ( ')'JGJ«m) we obtain G')'l'Clip.





IV .. 1]


tX /3,All, s1 9. "Orav oiv ,,,,.,,. 9• "Orav oiv ,,,,.,_ Ta& 70• 9. "Orav 87 K6pwrlet,' /3>..l,f,r, ,,,,.,13>.."f,r, 71 ic6K-opwr [,,,.2ow. f3>..l,/m

;,µ.ar ol 'lraVTES rpl- ,rlivav KT£uw,lva- p,os72 let,' 11µ.as '11'411,cal d oopa- >..w811uav o1oopavol TfS 7/P.flS ua>..E11&vor ,cal ;, yii ,cal ,cal ;, y,j ,cal al p.f8a 73, ,calH o1 8~ a,,,.c) *1Jl1/3vvuos oopavol,cal;, ,,;; ,cal /1/3vv ,cal va&rc.>11 ,cal TOV8 m,pos ,cara~..ovovµ.lV1]r 10 Tf/KO,UIICA>II 11 . ,cal Tl»II4opaTc.>V 'lrVE11P,4TCA>V . 18 [ l,rl rrj, ,ra8u TOV ,cal12 TOVqaov 'll'OL4wu8oiivns l'll'&p.(VOV11, 8 All om. 'Aa bas u,ywdw_ . 8 ex,/. u9f, = cm-',i>.116,jcm-aa, A/J has u"l[,11twfwu9[, = >.war,t11Ta&. fl-/, A om, •Aa has uw,n...f/ru9f,'h dtro>.oii11Ta& being corrupt for ,....,,.,,..,.,,.u9f,'6 V.O~O'OJl'l'G& which appears in A/J. lO,. reads ff&O'pcn'tolllo 11Aabhct1otr have ~..,L,_ft.l,uo[,"6Buox(J,jvollTIH corrupt for ~-..,J!,u9f,t(so Ab*) 19 b om. Tq~a,. 'J,'hisline is transposed before the preceding one 18 a reads v,w>.'Aoµ1110v, 1' Bracketed as a Christian interby A/J, polation, F~r "¥tra8r&g :i;eadsTb ,rd6or, and for lr.f,lOTOvd reads XPwnii 15 For this and the following line .Aa reads «al •,nd.forl,rl reads l,.








amTOVTOiv rrfi118

,coA.&an icp,6-qlTOvra,.

19 a-ov 2. ElV11icova-E111T row118 d fi/,uTTos·rijs 1rpo1TE11)(ijs

fJ,A,S ')llll»O'ICllr

*Tov a,EAE&P aoITEG7r0 Bl aa,ic{as22 ,cal YEP(IT8a, a.vrr;BS*v~P 25 TOV7rpOIT0'1rOV ,ca,l8Ep&.1rovra. H ica.2AE&Tovpyoi, a.woii. 21 q,(l)nEi:s 28 * iv Ti;'Ia.ic~~19 , 3. cWis28 yvwue111s «a.180&>s 81*lU'f/as 7r4vr2 3s 1T1rlpp.a.,-, s, 'la-pa~A..

""'"''"°"· 4.


Ka.l aofqTlans.Ag ·9)0>TlC11 With ver. 3 we might .c,ompar.eJub. xui. 15 where Isaac blesses Levi, And they will declare thy ways to Jacob And ·thy paths to Israel' ~ ex. fJ,A••rr,S read /11'l011:. A"*'= f/,o,nwo,r,;'Iu,;,fJ. Ag om. soAo. 81 ex,e. {J-eg,A, S read er 6. g enl. om. ".fJ, exreads ,,,, A ffl,iAap•/mr. 880 reads 9'01Tl. ae,A add T,ji. e,(X reads mp,u,.. ~ a, " 1 ;;vo,[l µo, 11 d liyyEA.os 8 -ras V. Kal 1:lv To-Vrii> 'l"OV o/Jpavov• «al e?aov 'l"OV*lyiov a+w,:ov h-1 8povouKC119tifj, A, S 1 * TBS'JICIOII f""°"'' 2, Kal El'll'l µo, 6• AEV{, uol & lawic uov13; tr, Kvp.ios H. 4. icedcrvvtTD.Eou t 25 T'f> ic,.up!f> l1C£lutt 28 rwv fJ,A.B,81 * TOVS vlovs28 'Eµ.~p 27, ,ca.llb>s yeypP,ff4L lu .,..>.a.fl 29 • 30 • Alop.a{ uov 31 , Kvpuss, ';!a7t,s1_1ra.Tipwv 5. E?'ll'OU aea.~T!f> 33 -TOluop.&. 36 lu ~µ.lpq. 81Sa-, d,rl µo,: *&t&a.l6v 1&11 uov fva.84 lmica>...l9"op.a( 38 ottrap,- (l>.£,/m»s ST. 6. Ka.lfl'll'fU • 'Eyc.Sflµ., 0 llnf>.os O*,ra.pi:IL• troµt11or . 89 , ~ .~ .Zl: 41 · iroii TOill'•vos TO yil'OS lupa~A, TOV µ.,1 1ra.T..,,a.L O.UTUUI•.•


~;::. *d:,rlCTTf& t Jl,f

,o _._.

'JlfVOUr, d,


,rpOMN'Gp,tJIOr TOV ylvour. A, 81 traraxllql'fll, {3-cl,AfJ, 81 trar~ n'lor, OT'l trciv,rv,iipa,ro"'Jpl.11 ,lr aln-311 ,rpoa-fJaU,,.


abf, Aft t.tmr, g Tijrt.lJJat,Aa om. n ..ov XaAK7J~V . *SL~ Kill TOSvoum ,- TOU3pous"Acnns . *o laTLV lyytls Tr,V 'll'apat• 4• rE~.0.. lK 8E(1wv•A~,,,...6yov11 TOV,UVOV 5 * ~poaad'll'l• TOVTOV>" lv rfi K.apo{d.µ.ov. 3. METil Sl TOUTO auve~ou'XEUO'll . ~~ 8 tva Efrr'[I 9 *T"o,11 10 'Eµ.µ.wp ll A/J) TO1 1''!)rrarp( µ.ov K.al6 T'~ 7 'PciulJ¾il' TOV12 ,...~13 *11'EplTµ.718-ijva, aVTOllS14, 5n 16 ,,~Ac.>CTa TO "l'""r ,roii 16, *& l1ro(riCTav 17 *l1rl {3ol>..vyµ.a d8E>..♦n f1,0U 18, 4. Kay6>19 avli,\ov T'OVl':V)(tµ iv 7rpWTOLS l':vµ.Ewv20 TOV TC.)11 ~;;,., 'Eµ.µ.wp , 21• llocmCuv, • • iijmJTOV 44 ,

. .










Svoµa T'OUSpovs>.iyna,.,Aums 3,~ p.ov. fl, AfJ, S1 Iv 'IupafA.

+EliA"'Yf/aaS 1)

TOV,ryy,>.ov( +abroii A hcd but not A'g) TOV7TapatTOVp.EVOV (cl 'll'poa.a1ea, but A is here corrupt as in note 39 for inrepauma-"lvor rrp.oaa'll'i(ovra, S1 ua>(ovra)TO /vas (Toiiyivovs b) 'Iupaq>.. (Toii'Ia. clg)f(Ol(S1 om.) 7TUIITCuV ('ll'aVTa e, lv 7TUis ·co1rupt for lyyvr, Aa = ll,a TovTofmAfaa TO&vop.aT'oii /Jpovf EKElvov "'A..Bav••• ,cal. µwv. {3-d, S1 om. 26 0 a-d, A ~m. II Oreads,aias. A aKOVaas. 11'1ex.fJ-d, S1 om. C,rnrfp,

« fl, AB, S1 add ,ml (










28 f7T4T«[av fJ-d,S1 5. Kal µ.era Tavra l>,8ovTn22 ot &liEA.cpol ,_u,u omit. 124 lv CTToµ.aTL 26 • T~V 7TOALV r.!KE("')., µ.axa{pas /3-d,A, 26 d ,rarqp f!,OU rTCIUTCI, 7 S1 omit. 6. Kal 1JKOVO"EV KaLopyur8Eh·28 fJ-d 29 82~ 31 &.1rl8avov 80 fA117T7JihJ lb ,ca;-Elil[avTo ~v 7TEp,roµ.~v KC&l omit. 88 84 fJ,A.,cal * KaLlv Ta4S EV>..oyCa,sf,rupE'i&ev~11-i:11, pna 7. *ALOTL~µ&prop.EVf'll'Eto~ 86 'll'apa.yvcfiµ.f)Vavroil TOVTO T"aiira. 38• ,ca{yElf,!M-uK(afti 37 lv 71"€'1l'OL~Ka/.mi ~µ,lpq.fKEWp, 8. fJ;A., s1 tmws *'A>....\'ly~ doov &-, a:rrocf,aau8Eoil~v els KCld, 88 lhon 7J8EAOV lrrol11u1v, * ical T~V IuppA89 rxal '"'" 'PejUKKCIi 40 ,ro,ijo-a, r&v Tpo7TOV h, {3-b, 411, l7ro(7Juav *~v AE(vav41 *TtJv liriE>..cj,~v ~µ.&iv ,cal 043 ~. s1 ,p,a)..a• Kvp,os£K6)AVO"EVabrovs. 9. Kal 44 1a"'1fav•Af3paa.µ. TOV ,ciaBriv, _'lraTlpa.~µ.wv1 (lvov ovra 45 46 Ta ,ro{µ.v,a 47 KaL ,c:aT£'11'0V1JUav fJ,A, S1 48 ovra 49 , Ka2 'Ef3Aa~i,60 TOV ol,c:oyEvij 61 abroil62 «a«Cld~ oyKOVµ.£Va 63 y,c{o-avro64, . ~'"'I'll· o-cf,oopa fJ, A, 81






29 AfJ d, A, 8 2 ;,,-,.6'"· 118ex. {J, AfJ,S1 read ,cal ~pylaBri1eal. A 0 om. has up,.,,.r111lr which is corrupt for 1npmJb9w1.= r>.-~Bri, 8 un. ( Jxa>..lm,11,) 81fJ, A, 81 add l'-fTOTaiira 80A adds '" trpOJTOIS, A• add acf,6/Jpa. (TOVTObdg). S'J.g reads l.,,.OOIIE, '.13d om. Aa Bu'i,ca}'" nut,vA, qp&,11.AfJ cM TOUTOICOl n}i, El,)., awoii. s, ex. fJ-dg, A, S1read cn>.ws brol11ru11 (Aa om.). g &Uovt l1rolria111,d om. saex(save that they read ;,,,_,;.PTO>/Jf1I), fJ, S1 read qpapTO,UII (~µapTO>f'fl/di) yap OTI, A•b ital ;,,..,, ey,11;,e,,µ,11 ll{,caio,,cal ;;,..,, Ab ,cal qp.ris d8,Acf,ol. lli,cawiital on. AfJ qp.apToµ,11 a>;;,, &r,. Ao. is an internal corruption of the text in AfJ. BGa reads 1rmo,11,cr; B'1c, b. h, fJ--b, A, S1 read l,ui>.aJ1la8q11, 83 o:,fJ (eave that 6 reads ,wplov for 8,oii, and g olaa for ,l&11and iaTl11for ~"•and d inserts aim) before ;11). Ao.= ,cal etllo11 Tq11,l,r&q,aa"',-ijr .' lp.oii la611Tos &r, drr&cpau1s KIIICq ;11frfpl ali,-5111 ~,c 8,oii, At4e dU' lµo~ llltSs,,..os a,rocf,au111, ,ca,cq;., 1r,p, aw;;,11lit ihoii. Here 1r,pl altrm11ia an intrusion. After ,ca,ca fJ, S1aS', 40-o:. fJ,A., S1 .om. ' 1 C, h read C..f&ll1JII, abaf c.[11(!11; 6 C.~llf• g om. A om. al(TpolTOIIto traTlpa ;,,.;;,11 inclusive. . 0 c, /3-e. h, reads Tqll &8. p.ov. e Tjj .dlJ,Acf,fi{iµ&11. 48 o:,e. fJ--e' om. "bd add 01'lT@s. . • 6 g, 47 d adds awoii. Ao. om, next six words. ' 6 b, S1 read 1CaTrtraT7Jaa11. . 48 ex. ade read dy,c&iµ,11a,bfg ay,coµ,11a. •• fJ adds l,r' QVTOII, IIOc• . a reads 'le,cfJAa[.b 'lr,cfJ>.al..d r,fJ~al11. e 'H,fJ>.a;,11. f 'I,fJAa~v.g ;, 'E(Ja>.. (h doubtful). Aa f•~M. AfJ 'AµfJAa;,,,. g ,;i.dde,cal; S1 CTVII alirois. 61 aom. 88 Aa. Bl abd. c, ef read olitO)lfl/1}11, g ol,coy,11011. h &;-•"'I"• om. ~ g. i16an( + 8' g) lrr'aVT'OVS '1&.IC. ds T, Aa om. and A/J is and lif,6a;,, Bi br' ®T'OVS,ls Tl'Arw. This verse, as Grabe (Spict'leg.Patrwm, 1698, i. I 38) saw, was· adopted . by St. Paul in I TheBB,ii. 16, lrfjeaa,11Bi br' CIVT'OVS ,) d,ri ~ii .~oii (DEFG i~.• Vulgate, g, 0 butJmost_' other authorities om. T'OV81oii).- Our text appearsto be based on ·Gen. xxxv. 5 and presupp~ses, as Ronsch (B'li.Ch .cler,!ubiliiffl, pp. 39Q, 391), npqlld!l instead of nJ.:l,:t 'l'.1:i, The LXX ri, icv,c),,~ aw£, follows the Hebrew : ml lyooo if,~s 81oii l1rl T"arrro>.,11 and soalso Jub. xxx. 26. 8 b, AS cim.. · VII. 1 cl reads 1l1ra.P, 1 (X, {J, A om. ., oc._{3-b,A, S1read as iri margin (save that cl trs. 'Iaicc/,/Jbefore 1''7); b l'q&py, IWJ"•· n This word must here. be taken to mean • destroy,' but A has followed · its U8llal meaning • to despise.' It may be a rendering of 0~:i: or ,a:, or of the latter word as in Prov; xxvii. 7 which may mean ' to tread . . 8_d adds 6 8,ds. T Aa (by an internal under foot' or -.var, cl x~m1Cn, 11 /ueads alrr&,. 18 g reads ·-yap 1~ tX,{3-b. b, 8 1 reads ical•. ·A_om.






42 beg,cal



acpporrovr,u l1rpa[avlv 'Iupa~>..p.'411aVT'fS ~al!OllffS n,v 0.0fAc/,~v p.ov_IB. 4. *'Anpuvrcs &~19 *~>..80J1,W fls 10 •«1i8,11 , 21 tr.i11a11 Bflh,11.•. T,}11 ~a•~· VII I• K&ni: wd>..wEloovl *Bpap.a...:is2_.T'O,rporEpovp.ET'O. *ro -'lrO&ija-a, ~µasl«Ei:3 ~p.lpasl~ooµ~«ovra4 • . . 8 6 lv la-BijT~ Tfdl,ra2. Kal doov 6 l'lfT'a c1vopas T >,qj >..lyovr&s pavme). p.o,9 • 'Avana.s lvova-a, n,v a-ro>..~v rijs lEpanCas-,,cal10 T'OV 12 ri)s ITVVfO'f(J)S 11• AfJ omit nlq,avov rijs o,,cawrro1171~ ,cal TO >..&ywv 18 ri)s &>..118das ,cal ,cal TOV1ro6~p1J ,cal ro 1rfra>..011 u ri)s 1r(nECJlS «al n,v µ.lrpav15 trijs u♦!IA.~st 18 ,cal TO lcpovo 'lijs 1rpoTdas. r and rijr dAri&lar. In other words Myo11should be read before the former and "l"'"'n1.f,p1111I = lvroAq11which is corrupt (1) for .,,,,,,,,r,,,_r(,,,'I,,ro8qf"1, 18 0(. H fl reads '11'1/aaAIOP, lD fl-ad,. ad read p.~pa.11.Aa ,ciSfJ'pDP, bedg,A.a read, S1 'l'OVO'fl/8lou. Aa adds nrl To'idSp.o&r ITOV, Here O'fl/8loulooks like a corruption or emendation of "",..iou, and -may be neglected. But ,c.!f,aAijsand O'f/p.Eiol/have to be accounted for,and I know of no explanation. ,c,if,aAijr, of course, cannot be right, since, as .the parallel phrases show, we require here an .abstract noun. Only for O'f/,..1m,we might regard le'Ni (,aAijs) as a corruption of ,, or ~9 ;Ferhaps rum::, ( u,,,..iou C miracle') might be a corruption· 11 d, reads -raiiTa,lmSw•s ,cal,rpou,A8dw,s.. 18 1,,,om. 11 cl of .om. f3-d, adds lmanw. 110a. .fl, A. om•. d adds ,-c\rIM'!Mds, m 11~28 KIil

*,riiv fl cnrlp""2T


4- Ka, 29 d ,rpGi-ros~AEry,/80 µE31 . lA.a.{M IJ.y{, .., «al lBro«iµo, T T


41 ,ripu8'1(1f.'f. ITTOA~V &yfuv411 «al lvBofov. · 6. 'O Bt48 :-;;.,::." 46 l¢o-6a. 44 45 , dj.toCa.v T'pfros/3V1TIT(V'f/v * '1l'Eptl9',«w 7. bdg,A,S1 49 , ~aoa, 48, dµo{a.v,rop¢vpa.s ·o Bt47 -rfrap-ros(@V'f/V* µo, 7rEpti{3a.A.e, 61 • 8. •0 5~ ,r/µ1rros * «Moov IA.alaslBro«EV'lttOT1jTOS «p(Jans""·







Aa Ah* Aodefg cty1a· 9. 'O l,c-ros 9- Io. Ka.l d 9-:Ka.l d 9- Io. Ka.l d ciyu,n,, 62 l«TOS l'll'M• l«TOSoi&o71µal«Tos «a.ld l/3ITT(i/,a.vovµo, 63 pO>ITE TUSXEL-lEpa.-rE(a.s'll'f- ooµos o,&071µa *111ICE!/Ja.Ap 64• . pas µov 8vµui- pti9',«E Tfj ICE- lEpO.TECa.s 7rEpti871«Ev loro10. '0 116 t/3- µa.-ros fZITTE¢a.Anµov ,ca.ld «i µo, «a.l ooµos a,&o,il/3o~µosl'll'A~- 'lfllAW l'll'A~proµ& µo, 1EpapmlTETas XE'i:- va.v Tas XE'i:pas· p4s µov 8vTE{as'1l'Ep,l9',«Ev «al 68 l1



rwm.h om. next three

words. It abs read 1l1raa,. IS c, Aa. h, ,9, A/J st oc,e.abf read ywov. om. C adds «al, 'Aa om. next-three words. 111 rl ta,c. 11& Oi'.. (J,AfJ add KVplov. A a add 8,oii. Cp. ix. 3, f reads 110{. g ital ·ITi,. !l'1(X, fJ-df, A read 'l"O arr•pp.a. df '"f arr•pp.a1"&, 118fJ-d, A add as in margin. d reads [o,r Toiialo111or, w ae read ital IT&. .d T"ffl, 81 h reads tuJi; 80 h, a.bag. c reads n>..rrJ,1, e ,j~rrJ,-11, A~ om, f om. 88 a. '(J, 89 Oi'..·bdg, A, S1 add 1t.p/a10>r, f om. e adds b. aef xpla,o,r, 811 84 Aa read d. A/J 6 a,. ef read l>.ovafr,, h reads fUJ'• eg add /a,, 88Aa 88 c, a.efg,A. l,, reads I"''• dylr,. !l'1d reads ih/,o,a111. bd om.. 41 g reads "c reads in dative. '°h, A. ·c,fl, S read as in margin. 42 A 48 oc,AJJ. fl, Aa, 8 1 om. rrapl8r,,m,. «nA&11. "dreads fjvaat.,,,. . 48oc,af. bdegread ,u 1r1p&l{JaA,11, 48 h reads 81-'°'°"· Ao. 47 Oi'., om. with next word. A. fJ om. ' 8 Oi'.. 0. rea,ds. 'lrff",(Ja>..EII, bdefgpo_~(pf,6;j om.) np&•8r,ittll, 8 adds fWit.brl T'Op•ao11a>..>..a·'l"O ICaT"QlT'fpoi, ,upos T"Dii a&,"or ital ;, {&,"'I'"• ' 9 oc,a.def. b rea'1s ,ropcf,vf"I; g Tropcf,vpl&. g adds from ver. JO it.alltr'A.••. KVpl,p. iloAa, b* oa,. Acde(g st Aa ml 6. M, i>.alar 1r1dnjTorl80lit• po,. . A/J /r, dtuJil,,paT&,? ,r1dn,Tor ta.'fUJ' ital itr>..qpo,aaa,T"iisx•ipar 1-"'V 8v,-udp.aTor. For ,riot". c, bd 61 d reads po11. .e om. read tr0idT1JT'llr, S o~. 1?..alar, esd reads nj11ittcf,a'Ai,11. 84 d adds l1pm,lar. Cf; Ab*. ·" l,, reads ml d. Ha, aefg (save that h om. po,). b, S read &0811,-ia p.o, "7iic•c/>a'Au Tr,p,;e.'l,par. (save that S~reads 1"1pijrfor 1,panlas). With this reading compare Ab*. , om. · 11'1a, adjg, S. be read lrr>..qpo,a, *T,.ijposlO'T"a,p.lyaual lrEpos-. YEl17JirETa& ee•


w'tp alrrovolr ads- lO'T"a&.72•

14. *'O 3't'& Ae4etrt. 18 1,,reads 8u,uai,i4TOl)v, 19 ·af om. • ot, fJ;A, S om. · 81 ex, dg. a6f read "11.1-yat,," 111.b, S ,lmi,,(,r,... S} a;, A ml "Aryn. 81 g reads 811 86 AEVt,A,vl. eaAo. lJ,aiprjO'c», · Ab* add a:o.lla-o, Ao. ul.. 88 o reads 01//Af&OV. rrAo. lJ&E'lf,ro.povalo.ra:vplov, A/J rrapmitT.lo.~ lJoE. 89 eg. So also i«vpaov. For mpxo,,JIIOIJg reads lnpxol!-«"'IS• 1B C om. b save ·that it trs. ,c).ijposIOTa,, and 8' save that it reads ml i,idCo,vfor plyas. I have bracketed rr&OTfVO'Gr int~sion. It is found also in A. With its omission our text ex. ·d is conflated from the above tex.t"and er•. It is: ,ral d fTUTTfVO'GS ,rp, owor fOTGI M.ijpor,,Jyas ml lnrip aiiriv mpor cw')'fvqo-tTGI, aj: carry further the corruption in our text : a:al hrl,muo-o.• i/rp, M.ijp, f~IJI {t~:·,c).ijp, a) ,ra} plyar Wfp CM'iJJI (aWGIIIa) ·ov')'fPJJO'ffGI, 8 1 «al d ,rpi>n,srr,O'TfVO'O.S fO'TGIi,ilyo.r. TOA_b* lln. Tl A/J read llt[' (= a:vp,or) corrupt for nr &s. Thus A is brought into agreement with {fJ. "'A-. Ab*= ,c).ijpo11 ,ra} lrn-lpO'f oii&lr rO'TIU ~lCo,11, A·"'=iral M.ijposawcili fOTCUpl,yar (/AflC0>11 Ats and om. rest} ,ra} vr«p_awoiis olilJ,ls fOTal '"''O>JI, T8 ,., AIJ. c, fJ,Aa, om. S1 om. entire ·verse. . ". de :,;eaddr lfpo,o-v"'I"·Aa kpfiir p.fyar. A/J l,po,~,,,,. n t;. h, A/J; S1 read:«al d. .fJ,Aa.,S9 read d.T6 Aa. ~a:).q9IJCNTO.I lfllO/,lo. 0.Vf'OV but• awoii is corrupt for ,ml' ,co.u,cS.,,· A/J IOT1Ug,,.,,.aawoii, where the·same corruption exists as in Ao.. n Though all llSS. agree in this text we ~ould read;_,, "f (A ia: n,ii or ;.,,"f) if flaa"-fiir ••• GIIIIOTIJO'n-a& ·













s• = = =


VIII. 18]





78, lfr, paa-v..rtist l,c T'pfros· l,r,_KA~61]a-ETa, a~ ovoµ.c,.1Caw&u ··f'OVt?T 'Iovaa .CWafT'M10"ETa_, ,cal 'll'O&~O"f& *l1:paT1:lau ulau, ICaT'a ~- A TOPr6'1T01J T@u_leu@uEls ,ravra Ta l8inj78 • I 5. a~u-ror•. 79 aw-av 4yuffl!n\80 lOTw81 ~s '1Tpolf>~T11S8S 88 kl, ,rapQ:ua-(a ,{,./,(a-Tov A·, 8 86 -l,c U'ITlpµ.c,.Tos "App«aµ.Toil ' 'ITQ.Tpos ~µ.@u • 8 dpx,88 lv 'la-pa~.\87 0-02 88 lO"Ta& 16. *rrau ovu l'IT&6vµ.rrrou ,cal T'~ IT'll'lpµ.c,.T( o-ov89 • lf>v~a90 riv ~pawu lu 91 dpaa-E',, ,cal l61:ir81: J1:6'iana,. 99 f'O IT'll'lpµ.a ,cal njU T'P4'1TE(au KvpCova,au1:µ.1:iTa& o-ov93• 96 I 7· Kal lf aw@u94 ltToUTa,_& lepeis96 ,cal98 1Cp&Ta2 . ~. . . ,cal . ypaµ.- frJl4crlJdr. /3,81_ µ.aTf&S'. . l,crlnv 98 .f'O4y,ou99• K«2 9 ' l'IT2ITT&µ.aTOS aw@u +l~O'eTIIL l,rrl. 100a-vuijKa 101, /fr, *T'OVT'O 18. *'E&u,n,,crt.ts0311 ISµ.o,oulOT& TOU





fragment based on VIII. 18, 19; IX. 1, 6, 9,



see Appendix.



is genuine. The corruption may have arisen accidentally or may be due to Cbristianscribe, who "7ished to bring the text into line with 0. T. prophecy. "ex, ;i..d,AP,S (save that A=- read 'l,nl'• { = aiwoii) corrupt :for 'bnp (so Ab*•f).= Nall and 81 trCUl'l'O>IIf'QIII ';(80,,&,11 for elr ?J'CUl'l'GT'4 18,,,,). d reads lfP!ff'(la11NIIIIrlr ,rhra Tc\ IS,,,,. A4 = i>.ror (but 'fPni.PJ,i.'b is corrupt for-.p-~•,,,uuni.Pf,i."li l,pam'1111) dr 11'01/T'a T'4IS,,,,T'QIII).a&,,,, T9 ,., 13-;e, A. a, e read ""PP'IO'~. · 80 a,al,&. bdeg, A read IJ.ct,pau-ro~ ==M0Q(late 81 ex,A. /3-dom, Heb~w} corrupt for ::i,n~= clya,r,,T'dr.8 1 corrupt. 81 a:,a,J,All, 8 1• bdg,8 1 read trpoc/>{rrov. _dreads''"°'· Aa. om. "~. 84 ex. /3 om. 13-b, A, 81• b, 8 1 read #rz>.ov.d, A« om. rest of verse, 88 a,fJ-ef,All. h, ,J read ;,,,_.,,,, 88 a:. k; All, 81 read ,rm, brdh,l"f'W. 87 g reads 'lfpovau>.qp, ,A.a.=mt 1ra!IT'a br&Svl"lm,.9 om. 81 corrupt. 80 abg. , 88AfJ om. 89 next si;xwords. .d adds lo,r nii al&ii,or, 81 .bd,e/ · ·a:,tf read l&u&u.. d c/Jay,crllaa. & la,u8r. om: For ;,, dpau:n ..$../Jreads mrptt•~• . 111a:. /3reads· a-/&'7an-a&, rs8 1 adds t'OV'l'd'"'' 96 oc,af. f:l-a/, 91dn:daTo>.0&, " IEaih-&11 0QP. A, B read dpJC"Pfiir. 88 a; d, next four worµs. .e adds ol before dpx"P'''and 1tp,Ml. /3-af,A•ftt: al, Ab*o4om. ff ex, Aa.,89, fl-e, AP, 81 read &n_ 6 &an. 81 af. The Bjl,me text is implied in o >.vct,8qarra, and. A >.,&ct,8i,rrmx. fl--af, A/J read 4>11>.ax8i,a,na, 81 T'f).fliT'a&. Aa.= d11G""7fTfT'G& ct,v>.ad,. None of these readings is satisfactory. · It is possible that the text originally ,referJ'fldto the blessing pronounced by Levi (cf. Reub. vi. 10 ; J uh. xxxi. 15): 'The bleesing of the Lord will be given in their mouths.' Sir. I. _20. 100 A. o om. together with next word. l!BA,a. add Toii ""plov, /3,A, S 101 :read mt ltv,n,w8,lr. Aa11(in~rnally corrupt)= 1,.,..11ta11'1"· Ab=· 111:,i_ ,nn,q1U/, 18A 71'poCJ'91'f)'«F TM &11dTa11. 17A om. 19 19 fl, A om. b reads «ara>.iiO'CU,S1 «araIJwa,.c"', ex,A. {J, S1om. 11 tx. 11 af read nii v,rol'"'lfAo.Tlum. A «al lmlfAl"ltn, 28 de read ,u {cl om.) >._dyo•. If A/Jom. next five ( cf. text of al, Aa) words through 11 tx, bg. ad,ef,A(t) read llJllJa,fl"' (,w, cl). .119 IJeg, S1 add Tri' hmt. 6,oii. af, Aa· add «vplov. ll'f d reads /AOI, · 28A= l•paTIICd11. st g, A tre. Ao.,•r d>.o«,ul Bvrr; 80cx(sa.vethat I,, reads.i11ovrrl11111). {j-g;&




= ~:a.". = =







28, * e.,,,.u;;.,,, 27'110/J,O'II 29, o:rra.pefj-g, 81 . * 1J,E lEp6>ff'VUIJS iS.A.oK/lVT6)1J,4T'6>'11 30• xwv lKoua£ou,UCtm)p£ov ~µ,lpau l,cow-{QIII , 8. * Ka.l,,.,,Ka.ffIK40T1JU 32 *lA.ey/ µ.o,ss. u~ avuf'l"l(6>v µ,E 81, *Ka.l Acrx~odl'EVOI 1 M ~ss .1 ~ ~ , ~ (a · p,.,,,. 9: IIP-?UfXE, uEavrip . u'IToTov 'ITVWµ,«Tos rqs 1TopvEs. fl, A,,,,, 8 7 88 38 T'OVT'O -yap t ,.,,aEA£ l'1'T'wt * Kal ""AAELµ,1.11{11Ew a,a.89 81 •!rl,J11~ .. :,a~ 0 T'OV a-:rrlpµ,aros uov' *Ta &y,a.n. IO. *Aa/3~OV'II'1'EllVTM' .. T. Xou,.,,.11or *-yvva.i'Ka,lT,u vlos ~.,,, µ,~ lx_ovuauµJ,;µ.ouµ,71TE /3E/31JA6>111&,,r,011 6 l8v&iv. "".,,,,,.,,,1'71"EB'ITO -ylvovs" aM04n1A.6>11.' I I. Kal ,cu~lou ,rpo48 T'OV duEA8EivUE47 Els T'O.4y1.11, A.ovov•Kal lv T'~ 8vnv Aa 49 • Kal B'ITo.pT{(wv crE'8, vl'ITT'ov ,r&A.w60 ~.,, 8vulav, vl'71'T'ov. sl o~t• 112 T"~ 63 ,ca} ~ap. I 2. *Ac.SaEKa. o3, s,..s,;.,., lxo'IIT'W'I/. f/,vUa 61 cw&ya.-yE






• ••


fl-g 8ll!BpG111 ,lfl.


read mrapx&i• l1.,xlr). adefg read l..&X,x,i. b, 81 ,..a.x,xa•i. A= drra'l"fCTE. I have 88 b trs. after ,,;,u. 89 c reads dmf. bracketed the text as corrupt. 11Aa ~•c reads ,aou. n\11l!dpo11 riou. AS ni• ,rapa81,,ap, O'OU (A ts om.), where 'E6'-w'l,'I--l!n may be corrupt for 'l...111"-111f111'-l!n 11,a -roila-,rlpl'a-n$r 18 g reads Elr '}'V"lli«a 41 e reads Xaf,Uuov o~. A~= Xa{Ji ava-0&. crou. &-r,. "!,.. fi,a1.1,)lX1Jf'.l'&il'O"111aol ul ( +iu,&,ua11Aa) fJ•fJq>.QIO'&P ,cal 1.1,) J ( +•y1111,}"Aa) .cl,ro -ybour. For 111,n • •• 11;,,-tt of al,~ . .. ,,.,a;are found in ab and iu,a; ••. ,Jrre in de. g om. ,uin fJ,{J,,x.,p,1,,,,-;,.. Ill ex,el. {J-e, All, S1 add I/, Aa,1.1ri8.or 11;,,-•. 16 g om. "ex,de. abfg om. "ex. fJ om. • 1 ex,ti give the form llljfff'OII, gas 111t1Ta1 (bis). a reads ,Zravm.A= dylauo11 nmmSr,. ex,d, Aa, S1, om. next six words through huit., and Aci om. the l50 e trs. after 8-la•. at ex. fJ-g read a&iBuca rest of the chapter. · lli118.dd Ix. So nell,l'ly AS= /,c ,-&;r,. a&illinca[ +imlAb*e4] . dEl lxw-ro,11. 9 &:iaua a,.,a.UfXOIIT'QIP. GIex,ail.tifg. b reads """~· AS d..dE•1r. 1\3bd om. "a adds ,ca} fl'aa-o-8uulav @.a,-, d).,i'ir. •• ereads ml l,J • 1' df, AS om. next three words through hmt. '6om. next . • ex. ~ om.

ad, AS,

s read

,cal ( +111T'O&f 11ou8Efl/1'41T&II S) IA.ryl I'll'·

J mf'i>.ryl11 I'll'•









55 •A/3paa.µ._latoafE. Kvp(ie54 *J,s, iO~, * Kal aA&..anaA£Ets64,



!6~~r~ .


2 X, *KaLravvv 1 ..&farE 5..> -liµ.'iv, fJ,A, S1 TtlCVa,€'1!'E&3v fScraEy6l;;/COV..a -liµ.'iv 2. rKal. loov TfS, ffAa• 9 ~v '1TOL~IT€TE f'll'L* rfi .a- *rwv al..20, C:Strre µ.~ /3a6,¥. e almj. A'g om. to "f 6,ri. bf read ,,,.,rrpo.>T'O'fE"'}/U'T'OS. deg Trpa>rov-ym,µ.arnr (-YE111', g). AfJ fl'UVTCIIV trn/11Wl1 ,cal d.,-o KaPfr6lV,but wrt_wn.n9 I,,_ J"'l'J'u,/ru,9 appears -to be cor61 a reads oi11wv; rupt for ,un_,ufk'l,n9 wrJ' ...lrw9 1TPWT"O'fflll''7µrtTo.>V. 82 IX (save that e reads dpxar). af read arr.6vulci11 T.,a,. c:B, PA,



adds 7rapo1ala.




11 lv· -rfi 19 .,rpt/,T'[I (AJJ), ,lfn olJ,c'lOTi.11 r&fi,.

· 4. K.al13 d Ktw81~ 14 lm 1'1 rrijs (wijs' 3!1la?". lyfvinf811· * lv n; i.ll rp&a,co,rri,·,rlµ.,rrip µ.ov118 * ,r,,os clvaroAasiAlov19• 5. *K«ht&ov .lv.6pdfl,ant ~•fTOS fv lv. 4+;riioit.ZtmlTO fUriil' ,iji C'111'G~t 2&._ . 6. *Aw _rovro r>.lou. u a reads .Kai here -.nd elsewhere.. . Ab &dds'uldrpo,u. ll fl om. . 1• Afl om. , Aram. .,.,.,.aprr,. Gr. :fmg. 68 reads l111a~ corrupt (I) · for 'l'fl'cy>T'f: ·Fn.g. 17,Ab*oin.. 18 ex.fl,.A, 81 om. 1•Aa om. · 80 ex(S&vethat com;/~ J)efore&pdpor,). fl re&dsf~II a,'" dpapar,,&r,/&Efl'Or (/&irro11 adf, f£frTO>II e) , .. ~- ( +.3pu~l S1) fur. trdrrqr rijr O'UIICl'Y"'Yijr. ·A= ml· ,lao11111,Jpdpm, 8-ri ,,, ,,,Irr¥,ro>.>.;;,., (here pa,'f!'-9 ( ff'flllw11) is a corrupt ditt.ographyof pa,r1.r . ==~Mr) i'rrraroutqAc\rVTNPfFGO'a•nj11O'VJIGY"'Y'i" ('11f'EITtp nu ~+ovr &UTGl'O '.'l,rrip,rarru r, av11a-,"'Y'i11 A/J). It thus appears th&t A supports {J. . · With: QUr~xt ·we should compare the Gr. Frag. 'Ewpam &r, /,r' .aw,; tlJTtll ,; au"G"fo,y,}'ll'anorToiiAuou. There may be .a paronomasi&in n,ip and !mp:;==-· O'UIICl"f"'Y'1, '.1Au re&dKadi only. For li«D.,rra a re&dsii«i>.EITfand for 111I have bracketed this clause as a ~adS 8 1 re&dsKa&cia and d KM. gloss. Though it is found in ho.thex,fl and A, it cannot be given as ant!xplan&tionof the name. It may, however,be a corrupt survival of the· ~xt which may be more truly:handed down in the Gr.Frag.«al &r,·awc\r' lrrrai ij apxttpo~III] ij fu-yd>.71• aliror ml TO1rtrlp/MJ abroiitfTlll/nlldpxi} _lEpanvpa np'I"paq>..The MSS. evidence-is &sfollows: a,·s 1 support text (save that '6, 81 re&drru,4J&(:Ja,rpoii}. Similarly fl (save that d om. dpx,j/W1• and e read, lpf"l~la for dpri). A 8 ~rrr,11ij ·apxi},.,..-ya).Elov (xplrrEo,s AfJ by an easy internal corruption) ml «pltTE0>r (but ,,_,.,.n'l!!..{Jlra1'6 m&ybe 111c. I,, reads .,.c\,, corrupt for pu,nf,a1ra1fnL(,1/r.,,"11rru,,.{J,/Jarrp.oii). u~•· ..-c\11 rplr-011,fj-bd, A read Tplro11. b, S1 rp,is. For the first seven words: d reads ·ml ,rporrlqrra(sic) lmcl vUv. "ix,. ae re&dM,pafnl"•bf M,papl. a om. next fifteen wo1·dsthrough hmt. Ill a, ii,. be/om. llld, read.I-'.• 111c, d. A,bef, 19 e re&dshel. 'IllA• .om. Au re&d{o,ijrf'OII, A/J om. too, ,,·},.ab, s~also Aram. _andGr. Frag. 69. h, lx/,f,AblJ,81 re&dIICMfR,

"A.a= r,rrlf',










81 e reads awa>I/, A•, Aram. and Gr. Frag. 69 = ~ 8110p.a _avroii. 81 0(, . 84 c. . ·b reads M,papl. d M•papq. ef M•papqir(-w/). 8SA = lpp.,,,,.~,. /3-6,A read rr&l(f'la pm,. k «pa11par. e rr"'pa"a-p.oii. . fJ adds or,,ral-,. ( icul d} awilr ,1,r;e.,,,0-,co(drr'8ClllfJI b). aaex,bg. />-bg 'I•x~ilJ ('Iox,a/) · Aa. 88 IX (ave that C reads ~ = roat1aa ... Ab* NaxafJJ8, Ae4ls'Ioxa(Ji8. p,j8,,,,). · Aa =~(or h-ix/Jri} p.oa"lEq,cowa TITGpr'f> z.,.nCwirp.011,'"· 4 4~ '" Aiy. {J-d, S1 read lEr,,con;; (lE,J,cowa /, f e) T'ITGpnp fff&{n(T(TQpO>P ffi,p /} rrlxBri'" Aiy.- AP= &n 4• •EiJ,c,no-npm• ho>• ,.,.,x/Jri p.o& {Ab* om.) Ii, Aiy. d stands alone and gives ver. 8 thus : ,cal•• "¥ ( TITGf>'T¥ im · nir: Cmijspm, 111Aiy, 1T11Ua{Joiio-a imi p.oa Bvya.,-ipani• 'ImxafJJ8, This slightly: B'I 1,,. So c (save that it reads n .,._.: It> agrees with Aram. Frag. 171. ' p.lo-r,), 'fJreads q,,.,,., m• (e om.) lp.p.«o-rp (l• p.lo-r,def) "· da. p.oo, Aa == ,ra}. fflf 4• l"IT'f>d&'Acpo>II fl"o'A'Ao>P, A/J ,ral4.,Tln'f ba. '" ,,.. "'" da."'p.,w. 8Ab*e4add !111Pf~~"'XIL 1 b om. I Ab= r,Sc,.r,.,, Aa add tCIIITf, 1 1 1 A08 ,cal!TIIPf'AofJ,P, -'S = ly,w/ilJ,,. ex,S • (3, A read awf, Aa Md 11lc!,,; 8 c,f. h reads Aop.1Hland om. next nine words. a reads·Aop.q•~b Aop.i,l, d AoµPljP,6 Amp.i,qi,, Aa.,deg Aovpl•. Ab* Aovi,p.{. A0 Ao,J. Exod~ 7 C, breads~. vi 11 \~T~ and sciAram. Frag. J,,..l. adj J,f"t, ,:ti\~ Jfllfq•. A•= J•p.l, Ab Jvp.l. Ab•e4J,,,.,,;, A•• Jfp.11£l.Exod. vi I1 \J!I?~~ 8 c. ef, Aa.·read ,calol. ab ,ral, For the first four words of ver. 2 d ;read11 10 c, d.- b read11 'l>.afJ• ,calKA8yv11ai,ca ,calmlCf P a~T~. . • adds ,lo-li,, 'Ap.[Jp&p. Cf. LXX. Exod. vi. 18. aef 'AfJpop.. A= 'Ap;pap.. . So Exod. vi. 18 Cl1'tll, and also Aram. F.rag. d. adds ,cal, . 11c, ade/; Aa.. b reads 'lrra&p. Ae4= 'Io-~xapo. Ab. Io-axapICO& lo-axapa, d adds ,cal, : Exod; vii,19 b reads x,~p1»; 18 ex, . I 8 and Aram.Frag. '15 d, A. Other MSS. om. H C. 1,, reads '0CmiJ>... ad./,A/J •oc,iJ>., b 'O{q>.. 6 Ov(,,q'A, A• = '011(,'>.,A11'011(,q>., - 16 c, ef. h, ab om. F9r the .first fo~ wordrt dreads dp.olfl>r a.,cal"dM,8ap~l>.ofj,POWf ')'VJIO&ICG,calffmP, A om. ver:· 3· 18 b, &. c reads MoO'Al, I,, M,8xl, af MolJ>.q:d 'l"O!' Maa>.q. e Mm'Aq. · Exodl yi; 19 and .A.ram.Frag. 15 ~>,;ii,?. 17 (X, dreads Mm11!11} ,cal'Aap4'11,ct Ex.od. vi. 19 •~. a/read 'Op,,vo-q. b,·$1 •o,,.ova-lwhere the o may ·,..,present the vav in tlie Hebrew'. On the other hand,, the LXX has.





"'Or.. .





19 *ivEVl'/ICOITT'/p riv 18 T'lf> Ter&pT'flµav lm 1 ~o l>..a,BEvd 91 23 ff/u 22 ff/V 'Iwxa,B~o 24 8vyaTlpa p.ov lawip 25 Els 'A,Bpaa.,.,. 27 avTOS,cal ~ 8vy&TTjp (X om. yvva,,ca Sn iv P.''E~p.lp'f96 iyEVVf18-q1TaU 99 Els y,jv 80 28 frlllV ~P.'l'/VlfrE Elc/4>..8011 from p.ov. S· ·o/CTW abr6r to * 82 iTlllv88 37-E 84 d.1rlKTEwa end of · Xav&av81• ,cal ol,ca ,cal OKTW 38 87 lcpdTEu«rc1 chapter, .*TOv ~vxlp..85• ,ca2 * lil,ca ,ca2 iuvla 36 ir&>v ?f.~ ,ca2*d,coa-,,cal oKTw 39 iT&iv40 lll.a,Bov41 yvvauc:a• ,cal TEITITa49 44 dc/4>..8ouEls Af)MITov• pa1eoUTa {ical d,crw)48 ir&>v 46 411• 6. * Kal loov ilTT'E,rl,cva ·µ.ov.Tp(TTJ YEVE4 7. 'lw0'1)(/) 47 l,carolTT/p. *dyoo'f),cal OEIC4T'fl µav lTE£ 47TE8avEV, XI II. Kal *uvv, TE/Clla p.ov1, iVTlllop.a, -llp.w, 2 *Kvp10vTou 0Eou -llp.&>v 8 (/)o,BE,a-8E i>..11s rijs ,capo{a.s ~p.&iv,,,



'Opova-dalso, 1J reads fJovo-l,11, 18 c, d. Other MSS. om. A om. to rn, 19 be om. inclusive. 10 o. So also h, b (save that I&om. pov and b trs. it after m,). IJ reads GA emMlilVO'f/,a/ l11t11q1t, Zm /£OVlroll 'I'~ 'l'f'rof"l"IJ 111 (iralTrraPT'f/). d l11Wf/1t, nu rijs C,.,ijspo11. 8 1 corrupt. c, bf. Other 19 0!, dlJ. af read 'AfJpdp. b 'A~pdp. MS8. om, A= 'Ap,pap. d adds 18 a. C reads 'HoxafJu., h 'I,.,x_atllA. d, Aa,cd•g·r,.,xa{3l8. IJ ct v~s Ku8, ·r,.,xa/31. af'IoxaflllJ. Ab= 'OxafJ,IJ, u c, d. Other MSS. om. Ill c, ad/, 16 A/3 Aa.,••. b reads ~IJ CJW'111, A,Ab*c4om. Zm. :n exom. 18 e reads,,•. 119g reads rest of chap. Aram, Frag. 78 d1CT,.,rcalbt11a, 81A/3 Xallaainr@11, 81afg. ~A8o11. 80ag om. d om. next nine words. 88/ 9m. b, A read d1CTQ)l(t1laf1CO, e iii~ 8' Aa {//£'111 a.....Ab* om. 88 af. de read g om. next nine words. BSA 'l'OUS 'S&'"l"TOS. 88 af, Aa. b;A lllJlfa.rcaibtm, S'I read _ln,. Aa add ffM• &n. 89 add.,., «vpl'f, /, A.. a read ,i' ,ial ,,·. de KH, bg ElltOO'«IIC'l'O>, S 1 tf1to0'&, 48 Added in 42 d1J Aa.,~ add fP'I• &n. n Aa add ,-. read ;;. "A 0 , • 4•s add ffp.'111 IJn. "aef (save accordance with Aram. Frag. 79. that a/ om. la-T•and e reads lO'l'a,).So also A/3(save that Ab••4 add vp,is after Ian'). b, 8 1 read ,cal lacni,'l'E/CIIO.pav lO'ff, 'l'EIUIIJ pov, rpl,,, ,Y.llfQ, d ltCU l&~ ltrH dpriCa>f 'l'pi'l'I/ ,Y.llfa, vp,ir 'l'E/CIIO. pov• . Aa ,cal WII l&v fO"l'f 'l'EICIIOpov g re~ds «al l&v lO"l'O,'l'flCIIG rp•is ,.,.,.ai. ' 8 d. reads 'i"'a-~tf,yap tTptist. o da,",6, po11, A/3 11al'r,.,a-.g, A0 om. this verse; ' 7 adj, S1 (save 1 that a and 8 om.). breads d«r111rccu&11:cirt m,. d I lr&i11. A/J«al 81«&11> u,i abrov &n, thus agreeing with d.. XIII. I g om. S1 om. next two words. ii ex,/,S1• a reads tf>o~r'ia-6a.i; b1Jg, A L,a,tf,ofJ•ia-8,(q,ofjEia-lJa, e). d f11aP d om. ,-d11, and b reads owcii11 for a~roii, 'e reads 11,llaEan1talvp.ijr. 9/ reads lx.011rr,11. Ao 1talll,3aEcwf. • g trs_.before :w,... ~~!':., S1 l)(!ITl, 10 de read w-&1111 ,. d,-ci,11, J1 abfg, AfJ,81.- d ·reads Ka&fiiu )'IJW- a-itollf'ff ital l,nywl,,tritOllf'ff. 8 l11al'"'"aitov,r"', ·Ao.= ~ltflll~ ·· 11 d · 18 A = 1Wplov. reads d3i~d,rr.;s'"''" and trs. after &oii. ·Ha reads_ 18 g reads d ,lll&ir. _ 18 oc,_d, &OT,;Aes om. AS-om. next five words. 11 a reads ltrri11, Ao., abfg read·.,, 8Eoii. 8 n\11..Jp.o11 ,-oii8roii, 8 adds ital, 19 A(7),ag. a, df read KTitTE18 fj. a reads-a,, ,lrrlpxETm. 1,.b ,l,rlpxfffli. N,, b imi1T11'"°'• 8 )'f 81 adds &,p q,w,p.a8~s.Aa om. ver; 4 and c~mpressesvers. 5, 6 as follows: · 8




. Jnlpon _ll,itOIOO'IIP'/11 (ort"Af'lp.otrll"'III) nrl,-iir yijr f110 &pitT'/Tfd,-_afKJE/m,; · _ 81 a, ~.80g reads awdv. Ab*ol!.=v,-.i11.A·• om. 1,.reads Pdp.ow. d .

18Ab*ol!.=(,pci,11. "oc. {J, A, 81 om. Myov. nae1 om. tac trs; p.ov. . 111/J, AS, 8. d apa,,cal Y£11'7UOJIT'm 41 abeg. ex,dj •0.Aa om. ,r.SXnrl>X~pro6Gnn. d adds ICI')tlpavpa,.. h · pauc}sw,p~v~v 26 8apol yCvEa-8ua8ws lv01nov 1CVplov t l'll'l ,caliiµ.Eisol w~- ol ovpavol WEp ~v ff/V ~v


27, ~v• ,cal {/µEi'sot ol oin-w,cal. pis TOV 'Ia-pa~>..

XIV, 1 Au= iral,

8 Aq add elm\ypafj,ij,; add cl11ayyl>.ACil'. bµiv 8. 5 ex( tha.t ~ (rGWlpyCilvAll) 'Ei.x,· . 'h. · 0 reads du,/jquovuw. reads /,r&Ba>.o~in}. Au= iral ,i,'ipasl>p.1»11 111'1{:hi'A.t'in hl a:. bp.o,11, 8 A~.a!ld w&IT1l ( rigb~ly). 'ex. Bracketed as a. Christian- addition. A, s; 8 1-om. 9 c reads.,.,~8 c. h om. Observe addition made here by./j;E.fJr" u,u6a, (corrupt for 'r"IJUfa6, as in ·af, A). • h y,~an-a,.. 10 e,.AfJ. {J-6, 18 abtl,8 1• e reads r~ · 11 e adds Tijr. l. 11 8 1 reads y,liiiir. · 8 1 o~. · Tl>-or•. f CJ'IIIITflflf:.g Tl>-or. AS=ml T4 TA'I.TO>II alo111111p. Hf.. abd,g .read clu,/jqcn,r,. 6 clu,{jqnro,. S1 clu,/jluovu,. AfJ.add ira6o,sfl'OU/' vp.&.11. 17 af, A. bg read ,.,~amu. 4 ')'fll,ilm'~. e 'Y~"'lnu6a~ 18 ex, 19 ex, adefg. b,·81 read laro,. ·AS= ~... abd, Abcdog, 81• efg, Ab~ read frU.171/f, IO O adds bf&O>II ml. •1AS= lw.i{MA.Aovu,. HC adds XII• 18 1,,. c reads w. The clause is bracketed as a. Christian interpolatio:Q. H = which, eince fl, A/J read ,w~r, is corrupt for l:l"C~. II = J'iN:1 corrupt for T"'IMC or riecnc~ lnr~por T'qll'Y9"•Hen~e rea.d mp 20 /3-d(eave tha.t for ol>pa11&s, or mzpa, as in fj, AS. which/ om., a reads q>uos). d om. 8 1 om. ve1·. 3 and ver. 4 to a'u,S1l9. rt aefg. b reads ol,pavoii.· For ml li1-&iir• , •··•iupaq>. ¢ reads 1tal-yap aw,i &r lll~p• elu111. 80EJD. fro~ 18AS gire .the imperative here. . 19c reads ua:OT"!!Jm•.


1 Au



(XIV. 3

JnE Tov {/µ.Eislun 28, ol rf,(J). t i:is & jj>..,os,ca.l~ q,11>crrijpls urijpn Tov 'lcrpo.~A.,UEA~vq.. 4. *TC 'Iupo.~.\,i:is & jjA.1os ,ca.l~ CTEA~Vf/, lcrE.. wo.pawavTa.T'rJ. l6vr,. 'll'OL~ITOVU&V 'll'~VT'O. 4. Ka.l {/µ.Eis Ta l8v71, lav {Jµ.eis u6E, 4. Tl 47io,~cr,concr6ijT"~29 lv uKOT'&u8ijTE lv d.uE- crovuw waVT'O.T'a /3ECq.;«a.l ,'ll'afET'El6vq, l'rJ.v [yap]'$ 4«TE/3Elq., T'CAOL'lrOV 87 ,'II', as T'O crKoT,u~uECT8Elv T'rJ. l(Jvq 'll'O&~uovu, so K«Tapa.v 8 9 Ka.l l>..e-6b TVq,A.0,;m &,&. ylvos ~µ&iv , twEp o.crE/3Elq.; 40 81 croVTo.L ICO.T'apo.L l71'£ r:;v To q,&is Tov )'OVT'ES; «a.l lw&.«a.l (ET'E ICO.T'apav l'll'l voµov41· To 6o6Ev42 TO ylvos {/µ.&iv, 48 Elsq,(J)T&up.ov 89 , {/µ.iv To q,i.>sT«l6o6w a,a T'O ylvos ~µ.&iv tw£p ovvt 38 To q,&is '11'0.VT'OS av8p0wov, Tov vop.ov {/µ.ivEls 6 q>(J)T'LUP,011 * KO.£ Tovvoµ.ovTo 6o8£vEls tToVTov"6EA.~uETE' 0.VEAEw,lvavT{o.slv-1l'O.VT'£ o.v6p0'11'f tp(J)T'&up.ov'lrO.VTOS lw8p0'11'0VS4., tT'OV- T'OA'rJ.s&t&&u«OVT'ES T'OVT'O 8EA~ITET'E 0.Vf86 ,h,. *Toi's Tov 6Eov 6&- AEW «al .·[lvavTCov Aa. om. T'OV 6li( ~u)ETE 50 6w&(fT'i1 46 • T'OUTov] ver. 5 EAEiv,lvo.vTlo.s lv- Ko.t0p.a.u, 36 a.nd T'OA'rJ.s a,Mu«OVTES T'as lvTOA.asH_ KO.ver. 6 to Ta roo a,Ka.t0µ.a.T'os fhfJ,jA.t»-ToisTov 6Eov6&,cau6u1nµ.au,v, 8Eoii. inclu68 Kvp{ov A'[111'T'Wl1'ET'EM, 5. Tas wpOCTcf,op'rJ.s "~' *a.'IJ'cl T&iv sive.




BJ1,,adds lirrep ~.. as o. 1,,,S1 read phrase is no doubt corrupt for lrittpLv as in fJ ,~N ~p. Cf. Ps. civ. 14 (LXX) for ll1r•pwith genitive in this aso reads sense as a rendering of ~p. A/J give tcai. 81 yap. u d om. 87fJ-d (save that aef 8l'A.rrm. 1,,6l'A.m. "o. 1,,reads at.ME0PT1r, read UltMI0'6'7t1'fU61 and g lip.iv UltOT'&USr;urra,, 6 l,raE,rrai,I ffrGTaE,ff,81 lmifovuw). dreads (almost as in ot) «al lail vp.,ir u«QrwSvr,, ..-lfl'O&quovu,fl'aPTa 89 d, 81 read vp.&>11, .-a 181111 ; lv -yap .-j du,fJ,i9 v11&111 orafm. 88 g om. ·• 0. o.J read wip ol, . fl b, 8 1 read «&up.av, d «&up.avml 'l"OVitdp.ov., For wip "" TOq,&>r, , •.aotu ..81 reads ol lly101111>p.01 lao6quav. ti}/ add 0 4S b adds,,,, against IX,de'g, AIJ,81, d adds «al trGPTld..Optlm-f and om. fl'avros d118pnovin next line. So also A/J. "Read ..-oiiTo with a. ".riuu..-, and the latter O.>.riamu). 48 6 reads njr .-oii 8. ~.,,,s. abef, 81 read 6l>.oPTtt, 81 om. rest' of chap. .n A"'i. e. 'l}'b1..: Ab*edprefix IL4,text then= ml p.,}&(1) or «al otai11, ts Bracketed as an interpolation. " So also d. See 10 Bracketed as a dittography of the last four words of the 43. verse, ver. 4 save the following words, &n vp.,~se11Gvrlo11 .,., «vpi¥ a,aau1Cf1'E .-a,b,ro>.as_vp.i,11. 81A88• Ab••·= B,Bau«,ii,, 09ARom. next 18 A/J read ,y111mn..&,v ,cal rrapTOV0eoil 88• 8. *K11Tu♦po1'"1lcrttE yelpTelay~a xA.Eud,ovnsKIil~il'OV\ 84 trpa'I yEA.o~d,ovns• (bg'l,pov-




XV. A,a1


;:.~qp.) ·


vaos 8, &v4 l1t>..i[eTa,6 ,c6p,os6, *lPfJp.OSlOTa, T * iv Tji l,.,ca8ap..&,u'l'l'f. fJ adds .,col trap6i11ovs'Iupaq>.(bg 'I,povuJ>..,;µ, d oni.) p.1a11riTr (e/ p.ui,,,,.,.,) against ex,All, 81 af read 'll'Oll'/pair. 19 Ao.= luTa1 uviiayory,} 88 e reads p.vxa>.'AllJa&r, bp.oi11, AP luo11Ta& UVvayCll)'Glbp.oi11 through int,ernal corruption. 'IO ex. e, 11 d reads Xrl,/rne. A adds lip.iv. A read «al 8vyOT'ipas-,fj-e 8vyaTipar. VJAo. -y,lp.011, 73fJ.(save that d reads «a6apl{:,u8,lavms-, and e reads «. a: 1ea8ap1up.411 trapdvop.o11).Ao= b, "¥ lxn11 «118apl{:rw awo~ «a8ap10-µ,p bp.i,11. H,ex, fJ"trapavoµlasbp.i,11, AP Iv vi, lxnv «a8ap1(,wabros- 7rapa11op.lf/, 76 A al p.iEm bp.G,vIv duefJ,li/, af. af read ')'lllfl"01. A ~"'luo11n11, 78 beg 01n. 77 ex,fJ,, A ~op.&'1'0>11 ml rop.opp,alow. fJ "adds Iv du,fJdf/,, 81 ex, 78 Ab*= q,v111ovu8,. 80 ex,d, ·A. fJ-d om. fJ (save 81 ex. d, A read ·TavrotrotrlurT,. fJ-d, that adj oni..Toiv),Ao.. AP om. 88Ao. adds l,a,,.,.lo11u,u8,, _om, "ex. For ~'Aotd{;.c reads 11>..1&{:owu. · 86 aef. 'bdgread q,vuwvp.,"°' «aT"a.rra[EfTf.,AP= au•fJrlu..,.,(i.e. Aa om. ' 111J'p-['z..u,l,utJ,,/! corrupt for 111J'pmrm1111-111'blrutJ,,/! (/)vu,oi8queu8,) ICtl& •IJ&tiE,Tf, 81 a reads Toi11 d-yfr.,,,,g T.\&yw11, 87AfJ 1earocf,po110iiwer 88 d reads ')'f'Aui{;owes«ai, as in c, xv. l h, 81 read n} aa&. Bex,adj. begread miiTa. 8 6 reads owor, Ao.add bp.G,11, -•ex,deg. ab/read &11411, •ex, efg. ab read iJC>.lf,rrm. ''l'OV









[XV• I

9 Aa om. A.c.1T'o, luiu8£ els '11'4VT'a rol81171, 2 •. Kal *·ld'ttr8epa,A.vyp.a.

. vers.2,3. avrois10 • ,cal A.#t'1'8f 11 o'uttfios12 ,cal aluxv111111 al0vw11'll'ap4 ~ (d) g

13 T'OU ·*rijs a,ica,oicp,u(as 0eov:·

3. -Kal 'll'CVT.'£S ol fllFOUVTESH· 4. Ka.ll'r.d

~~!'::;,,.,.as*xuf>\\nmu brl tjj 4ffllll.cC, i3,AJJ

18 ,.._~

0 "; f#Hti(


a,•'Appaa,.._ ,cal 'luaa«

16 {,,-wv 18 •

«al ~laic~p ,icril, ,ru-rlpu, 'l\,w11 98 11 t1j1.&'iPllZ *ov·1£~ "~+1a8119,. £ts10 l« T'OU(T'll',p,...aTos ro, aq,. ti::.24 1 , /3-d,A, S «aT'aAfu/Jv:1c'II'& T1JSY'l.S• ft·



1 Ka, vvv* lyl'IIIKG,1 lk, 1pao1£i1CoUTa lf3&o,.,.&&as * 4 8 _,cal Tc\ eu~,_..v,,,,'ll'Aav7JB,j'1'f'1'8f /3f/3TJA..tq,s.,.81 "">.,,+a, . XVI. 1ex. abefg; AIJ,8 read Zyr,r,,11. tTayoprotTETE1. .'~0/J,OJI . 11:J/.av11aµ.H v,/1,CTTOV - 7TA4JIOJ1 Ka.2(or-G'E'l"E) 18 19 'l'EAOS t6pp,~aETE TOUcl1r0KTILl'C1' a.ln-011, ol,,c ElMTEs aln-ovn) ~Offf• 20, To 21 cl64>011 26 "•w•. 23 171'2 ~&crT11,w.t atµ.a.22. *lv icaK(q ri;s 24 KEc/)a.Aijs ·26 .] vµ.C,11 clva.3qoµ.Evo, 4. *i..lyw 8~ i,JloLI' &" 27 3,' a.wclv28 ~;l~,A,S 30 tQ)s •&c£♦o~ 31 , ltTovra,29 ra 11.y,a. vµ.6i11 lp71µ.a. 5. Ka2 fl, AJJ,S 32 lli' 33 lv Toi'sil1acpovs· *Tons vprv ica8apos ol,,c lCTTa, ltTEtT8E . I l'fl'&afl.• 84, lQ)s 86 *a.wos !811EtTW Els K«Tapav Ka.2*Els a,atT1COp1T,tTµ.011 f


S1= '" .i_,.,.pocp,. 10ex. dg, A/J read IC!Jlaui,fwe 11 A/J om. 11 a/,A/J. h, beg cl). olJe/,81 read au:,en, (j ·'J'I"•). 18 ex, read "'""71T1/" (-nnu e). c ,,,uovvm.d om. {J-deg,S. deg,A/J read d>.718,110ur which A/J trs. after >.Jyovr. u a. ex,bfg read {:lBc>.vE'lu8e (/l&>.>.c). • d fl&lluf9'f'E, .fl fl8iAvE,au8a,. 10ex(icai...s,,ol'O;llll'l"IJ (sic) c), {i,A read dva1C1J&IIOll'oaoii11n1, adj, A add ""• In A/J the clause ml '1"3pa• , • 18 ex, ,rpouayop,VITfftistrs. beforever. 2. fl; 81• A«om. A/J= roii {J,j,ltmn1, 17 A a add ml d«UaptoP. A adds izwd•. 1B ex(C reading dp,,:'/fl'f&'f'f, A -'J'l"f). fl, S read .lis "°l'lCn• (a, "°l'lrnn, f •U'J'I"•) dffllfffllfin ( d mro1CT"1im, ). AfJ = .lis i,op.l,0> mroff1"'i.,-i, Aa mrolC'l"fllfir•,The original text seems to be irrec1>verable:· The text of ex.recalls slightly Acts vii. 57,. 58, &p11,'1ua11 ·.6p.o8v!ffl!J/,11 1-,r"aw&11,iral ••• l>,11Jo{:l,?.ov". Possibly .the entire v.eree ie .a Christian interp'olation, but this is not probable. We might conjecture = 'lt.:)11;'1:. the origin of the three distinct readings above. Aa mTOIC'l"fllfir• · ·Thie latier w~rd if written twice ·by a scribal ~r might have led to or ·the text .of exand been written ric,, lllt1T;I= dp,,rjuw, 'f'OVlmOIC'l"f&WJ&, = "°l'lum, (a/) d,rolC'l"fiPa& which else have been written ae rici; \lal'!T;I approximates to the text of {:l. The .lir would then have to be exp1"ined 19 k::::: .lir (Ab·= icul,~/J om.) ol, aw.a,,,,as a later addition. ,ta.11a&. 20 ex, fl= 'dignity/ Ab•cd•read 'b!wl'nL/Jf,i.'b dvau...auw,which seems to rest on a misinterpretation of dvau'f"lpa. Aa offers 'L,.l',,_{'nL/J[,L"b =:3&m&0aVll'/11 which is oliviouely a corruption of Ab•od•, Ag reads ·•6hfwtfPaL/J[,L'b (another corruption of Ab••d•) 11bcr,11. . 11 fl ·om. g, .Aa prefix ,ial. . n d~ A add awoii. IS .ti. >..a>.~O"f& a~ov 71'MP7Js P,f:ra. 16 ICOO"P,00 /(1)ptov•[«al 111~p.lpa&s H xapfu a~o6 15 *171'1 ITCtlTTfp{Cf *a.~os ilva~O"Era,]17• 3. 'Ev 18 Tit fif:VTlpc,lw~71>..aC!f1 21 * 1.,m11 and so generally. g lov{J&>.aio11. For••• 'Ia,{J.81.. 7d reads l,pfl>fTU"'Jr reads «al 111T,j>ylni. and d, S om. next five words. 10 ex,g,AfJ, fJ-g 1·ead1rp&Tor XJH6/ff11or. • b om. • g om. exgives the · form ](r&pdp.a,os and / xnp,»/ffllOS, 81 adds /Ca.& &r&11 xp,v8gBJ)dom. rest of 11 ex,deg. ab/,AfJ read ,u-yas verse. ffTTO&. 19 fJ,AfJ. exreads >.a>.~,.i 18 b adds f/,1,fjov.1r>.,jp11s adds T,P, pm Cl~ Cl~f. . 14ex. fJ,AfJ read 18 e reads 11a>7"1plas, ·~p.•Pf• lD e adds iral, Ab•c4• !TO>Tr/pla, but A' agrees 17 ex, 18 ex, with text. fl. Ab*= yE..jnra&. Aed•sdva!TTJj11ET$11. be1g. 19 g reads clis. 1 o~. . adtij. read lv U, Aft = ,callv. '°ex,g. {j-dg, 11 1,,reads >.,,f/,8,jvETa.&. AfJ, S read dyDfr'lrai11, . d, dya~11. el dya.1r11r,p. 18 8 om. rest of verse. · U Bg om., but 6 adds fOTO& in margin. H 0(. 116fi-/ add 111. 18 d, reads ,rapa>.f14>8tjvn-a,. fJreads ria-w, A.fJ ,r,piA~ ff,8,juffa&, a om. ne:s;ttwo verses, and d om. next six words through hmt. 18 h, a, AfJ. fl-a read dllUllfl, 19 fJ,8. AfJ reads fC!Jl.h ,;. 80 fJ, rrg om. 1,,reads ,rpov&t.,. Here ,r~IJijn, 'l'l?i'·corrupt for 'I~~!==fTUIIGXB,;u,ra& .or 'I!?!~ trporTTflJijfTETai. ·81 adj. bg read br' aw611. e d,r' Ii ,,, 89 k trs. before l1r' a.~f. 88 AfJ rro>.>.,j. 81 fJ,AfJ. It reads '"'"1""· 86 g reads 'Y.-. 87 g reads . 81 A t1'8.after GYToii; g ~fore ,-,j110ww.






= =

a~oii. a~r,.




114 38 WA7l«Tlo11 p.t.:r,cf,8~s 27 lO'T'at· 41 , «al d t/3aoµ.os40 • ' 8. *'Ev a, T'~ i/3a&p.1j> p.ta«Tp.os 42 ElWfW 43 lw8prJ,wo,v•lfr, awol 'J'Vr.'>&v ov avvap.a& ivr.'>w,011 9. Ata T'OVT'O iv alXJJ,..vq,~uovra, 9 a>...,,8Elas 10 lwl rfis yijs11 *lv ,cal awos 1T0i~(Tfl icpl1Tw 12 17/.'Epiv. w>..~8Et 13 6.uv"'1, read lri>.,j,t,n,and d reads lu,i,t,ri and om. ,;, and e reads,.,la,and A/1 prefix ,cal). b reads Tj ttpoT•i11, 8 ex. fl, AfJ om. 'ex,.fJ,81• A/J read 6 ex,lxlf, AfJ. ag read &s. 0 A/J om. 1 d1-reads awov. fydpn. 8, 8f reads atrol(a>.~q,IJ,ju"'"'"a,.9 e1 reads nil( ~ ,cvplov,as all .other MSS. 10 ex, l~l,c'I,,."'· ti' ,cpluw,as all other MSS. {J-d,g.· g, AfJ read ilA116w,j11. 11 ii om. dis conflate and reads ilA1]8111q11 ilA']S.lar. u e reads ll'TrX,j&,. 1' Ii, reads a~. n d adds a.W"f, · ·16 k, dfg, AfJ~· c, abe,S read {jau&).,vr. 11 h, a1 read " • 88, 6. 01 cwpauol36 avo~)'f10'0VTa& A,abg ,cal87 lie TOVvaov rijs. Mb,s-88 ii,u 89 l'II'''°··awo11 /iyCaa-#,4_ rrt;1;pdr . 41 , l',ET''1 (/,wvfjr'lraTp&,cijs c:is *'A~p,a,a,i1l'f»S ·'Ia-aa,c (+Kalh),. ol,covpill(J 4. Owos-19 (fQIS'



~pipa,,. The text df c, eg can thus be explained as a conflation of the 18 fl, AIJ, S1 add l01r uaraAti~o;r awoii. ·19 c, {J-deg. I,,,de above two;. ao/ reads ~'"" A/J di,oflqnnu. read 01)T'01S,g, A/J 11:al01)T'Q)S, 11 wcu. 111 iioaT,]: . 48 ,cvpCov 47 To,s 8. *Awos ya.p45 a~un n,v /J,f'Ya.Afl)u'6vfJ1i vlo,s. awov48 lv lut.718iCq. ds TOValwva, . 49 awoil50 ds )"fVfO.S,cal yivias 51 ,c(.Uol,,clUTa, a,aaox~ .lo,s TOValwvos. 9· Kal ·l1rl *rijs li~rrovqsllll awov 58 *Ta. l8vq 54 1r>..718vv{hj55 lv yv~ui, lwl rijs yijs, fTOVTa, awx&p,TOS,cvpCov. ,cal t/>fl)TifT~fTOVTal [d ae'Iupa~>..l>..arrfl){hjumi,lv l,.yvfl)Ulff ,cal.u,conu8~uua, lv 1rlv8n]55• . . ~.s i1rl rijs li~u-6vqs awoil l,c>..iC'itn 6'1 ,158. aµ.apTla. triiaa. 09 , ,cal ot livoµ.o,*ICaTaiavuovuwds ,ca,ca [ot ae3(,ca,o,1CaTa1ravuov;,w lv awcji]80• 83 TOV1rapooiluov. KaC}'f81 awos82 a.vol[u TO.SIMpas 65 ,caTa. *~al a.w~uH 64 n,v li.1rii>..ovuav poµ.tf,alav Tov 88 'AMI£,



"cfreads· abr611. «x, fJ-e,All add 111"f i&m. f.B0(, f:J-e, Aefc,S1read cwnSr. 6 cwrw. A"*o4= CWTc\r «al. '9 All·re~d 'lfz.!1'-l'111nL{J[,L'& ( = dA~~ Bna~)corrupt for ,n.t,..,,.,t,,.n.nL{J{,L'h,wyti>.fl>tTVrirp,. ",, reads ~v~ tl om. "'g reads ri,i, d"8pi,.,r,.,,,,, e om. For Toir ••• dA17/ltip All read ,riia, (A"*o4om.) otIP d>.,,tku,··,..~,,,ranj110uv1P.. "e reads rr:A.ijP. .80b reads aw~. •1 h, All read ~.,,,; g om. II a reads Tij 1EpOIITVll1J~ ~ I>om. Tei;ev,, •·••l•p,.,ITVIIIJr awoiithrough hmt. "Ii, reads m Z,i-,,. tl om. 11 l,, om. next seven words. S1read!! nrro,. S1 reads 11 These 'Words_ found in all MSS. (but be) and. in .A, S. With .the. exception 0N11 d-yl/Qluqz which it omits they are.found .in the margin of e; If they are in their. original form they are undoubtedly of Christian origin. I have oil this ground bracketed them. The favourable references to·. the Gentiles in the two preceding· lines are quite in keeping ·witll the unive_raalism of the writer. For aici,cap,Tor ' •• lf{IOIITV"'IS aiToii reads Ty.i>.oyl9ToiiIIEov'Iup. du8t11lCmu. 57l,,,ab. Othe1· 1188. l«Aij,rc.: 18The construction U peculiar;. S1 om; · 118(X, A/J, ~. S1 read rr;iva. It seems ~ be a rendering of T.!;:t?. ,~~- ,After ~v110vo-1~ tl om. next· six WQrdethrough hmt. For IICITfl71'1lWOVO'&I' 6 readsia.T"arrluovo-111. IO Om •. withe as an intrusion. So also Schnapp.and Bousset. The parallelism is against it. lioreoyer, as Schnapp remarks, tJ?.euse of ICOT"Ofl'CIVCIIin two diBBimilarmeanings in two successive lines would be strange. . 81 A/J 2 Of"& «al. • IJ reads awovr. •IS .0 reads ~iir. 8' (X, dg; A,.ll. lHJ read ,ral O'nJO'fC, af Gtl'OO'TqO'fl.. . 85.'6·adds -Tqll,. "9 reads~d11.. .., 9 read&









I I. Kal. 6@a-nTOLS'h.ylotS' cpayetv /,c TOVYi>..ovT~s


,cal *11'VEV/J,a ay,w.tyovnr. M&prvs lo-n 12 ,cvpws, ,cat µ&prvpes 0113 clyydwt aiJroiJ,*teat f3 µ.&prvpES vµ.lis Kat µ.&.pros Jyw14 * 7TEplTOV>..oyov TOVO"TO,_,,aTOS' ,,rr:µEV. vµ.wv15 • Kal. *et1r0v aimtoi. uiol 111hoii16 • Maprvpes17 • 4. 0 ~"·



m,wµ.ar, dyl ff'. aln-WvET1rov. c, bdfg read rrapAJuC:,µEBa, 10 (l'.. fJ, A, S1 om. 1l ex •. dg read ,I ,rarqp

(+ aurwv AEvlr,rpos a{J-rovrd). abef, AfJ qµiv (abef om.) d rrarqp ~,_.;;,,,.A a 12 oc. A= lu-rl µm ( +~µEpoP Aa). = Atvl o rra-rqp~I-'""' (aurwv Ab),

13 g reads ol .&y101, fl om. S 1 adds ~ qµ•pa lµol l,rayyf>.,irai. u c. h, ~ read,cal µ6.prvr •rw,cal p,6.prupu v~ii,. A/3= ,cal (Ab*cdom.) µ6.prvslyw Ka}

v,uir. Aa om.

8 1 ICCI& p,6.prvpnqp.iw. 15ex,/3-dg. dreads rreplroP >.oyor,

AIAE>~KH IOT..1.A 18· t'll'a~uaro 19 Awl lurEUOp.EVOS Kal oiSTCA>s roi:s viots awov, 121 *Kal lflrnvE rovs 'll'Ol>asawoiJ28 rt'll'l rijs KA.!v71s Kal 'ITpO..(; b l«aro11 23 g om. A/J a!ld .;,, rpia«ollT'abrra :.,.,,. Aa. :r,,p>.,. A/J f'A'I 24 911 Alyi',ffTill, g, Ar,.om. IIrrarip011awov. d adds .,.., a; 8,f qµa,11ql1~a .Zs alm11as.I, 81 add An,l vZos'laK@{j f (+«al 81) vlos Alas f 1c,,a,.,,ffl/ p>..((for °I'.-, , p>..(,81 reads yv11aucor T'OV 'IaicalfJ). 1 Title. •exiu text. beJread a.'I. tHpl d118p,las«al cp,>.apyvplar(e, 8 1 om. II, cf,;>..) ml rrop11das {/, 81 om. «. rrop.). 'l;o this / adds 'Iov.11arlpp,1JllfVffa& IE0µ0>..oy,ia1r. a simply 'Ioiiaa. d and A are conflate. d, Aahcdefcread a.'I, T'OV.,.,~aprovvlov 'Ia,co,{J {Aahcdofg om. vi, 'L) rr•pl il11l1p,lar (Ah 11&Ka&OO'll"ll']S) «al ¢,>..Kal rrop11eias.Ab·= a.'I. roii T'~roprovrr,pl cf,,>.. «al rrop-r,,d>..>..a «al l1,1ea10• UVll']f, g stands alone : a. 'I. 'lrEpld,,3pElar«~l rr,pl roii JI,~ ,..,8uuitia0:: of"ll'f), 8 k om. id, A add 11ia6,jqs. • a. fJ- warp( µ.ov 'la.,c@/3 10, ,cal AECa. 11 (:J,A voµ.71v P,~TT/Pp,ov12 ~~ 18 1~ 'Iovoa.v 10, >..lyovCTa.• CTfl'OV- i7fwv6µ.a.ulv13 'Av9oµ.o>..oyovp.a, 120 T€Taprovvt&v. 18 µ.o, 19 r ,ca., baios. Ttj>17 KvpC'f>,6n looo,clv 4•


f:J~f· S *'Eyw

df~s ~""" 21 lv 22

VEOT71T( µ.ou

23, ,ca.lV~KOVOV

24 rtj>

25 • ~a1eci>(:J.'lfO.Tp( p,ov K«Tawavra >..oyov 5. Kal fr(p,wv26 n,v µ.71rlpa ~~~A(?) p,ou27 ica2n,v &oe>,~v *rijs p,71Tp6s p,ou28, 6. Kal fylvETo 20 30 31 C:,s -qop6v9r,v ,co.1 d wa~p f'ou *11afuT6 p,o,82, >..lywv• 35 33 31 1 'lfQ.CTW, • lv (:J-g,S BaCTLA~S lu'f/ ICO.TEVOOOVµ.Evos


:l~;:sI I. Kal

loooKl p,o, Kvp,os1 xapw lv 'll'Q.ITL TOLS lpyo,s µ.pv, lrroj,,cra lv TE 2 o.yp~ ,ca.2 iv T!f> o!IC, 2, O?oa8 6T, a-vvlopa.µ.ov 4 ,ca.l lirCucru f3e&>fl4 , l>..acf,oo uurlJvKeilliroC'ltrU drlJ11f)pGi,,.a. Tlj ira.Tp[ r~,rarp, • 6 *o,a TOVop&p,ov 7 6• p.ov. f&OU KIillcf,uyc11 3. *TYJII 8~ 8opKc£8u f3, A, s1 rar belJop1«1&B,


9 afg, A add 1-yci>. drro8a11,i11 ra rrp«y1'4Tl1 p.ov, lO O'.,Ab*. (:J,A a:,bcjlot, 1 12/ reads T'ff/l-'JTplp.ov 8 om. ll o:,ag. ..o~ 'l"OV ,cparrpoiiCTVllfp.tJXm p.O&. H c, deg. 1,,,S1 read ,cal V'/l'ljllCOVtra. ab/,cal wa,cou&>II, AfJ om. together with next three words. Ill 6 reads rprnro11. l8 ex,d read hlp.ov11. b wMyovv. r, 1,,,f om. l8 g 89 c,ai,. A corrupt form of this appears in h,f ~vBpii"8ri11, reads al,rijs. Other verbs of kindred meaning are given in b,A 9,llp,;,6'111,d 9vBp1&&>6'f/11, 81 {J, A, S1 add 'Iaic@{3. 112a, b. 1,,reads ,iilEaro, e dvBpw8'1"• sog om. adefg, A ~fr'luEar& ""' (a om.) or AfJ= 'lilEa'ro 'll'Epllp.oii. 8 1 1b>..d-y,,cri11 P,f,. 88 d reads lrm, Ho:,13-b, A. b reads ,cal ,oolloup.fllOf, A Ultu11f!.,np'flr~,[ rrp,..,.,.,.;,..,,,) corrupt for JIiii!'~~,[_ ,canvollovp.fllor, 111f reads lrri,






e1;Ab* om.


g reads


8 b, S1 read cl>r a.def,A add '"¥• o: (save that 1,,om. the second a~11 and

,llJov: • c. h, (:Jread rfi lA, after ,.ov), ~ read ,mlcras abr~v lrrol'JcrafJp&p.a(fJpc/,fl4Ta d) rlji trs. (:Jpwf14 ,ra-rplp.ov. g reads as (:J-gbut trs. (:Jpwf14 to the end. A= mdcras(A•bhcdefr 8 c. h reads rar IJEllop1e,l&r. (:J,S1 rar om.) tlJ..,,caal,.,.qv(:J,nwp.a rip ,r, p.ov. ,cal ras bop,c. ' {J,A trs. this phrase after l,cparow against o:, &p,c, A 8 6 reads 'll'«Bl,,.f crrrov8aunr, 8 6 reads Tf, A add3 p.ov. d om. 6


II. s]



8 11'tl3(o,s 9 KUT1>.d,_i.'3uJ1011, 4. fl-e, lKp&.Tovv, · Kat.?Tiiv& ~v lv To'i:s *Tov Uonu 11 a71'1:KTnva ,_ L 12 \ ' 13 ~ /CaTfAU/1-" 1ea, 4cfm)uJµ:r,v lp,cf,ov lK TOVflavo11 , 1 4 15 OTOµ,a.TOS a'lh-ov • T7jv lipKOV11.a{3wv 471'0TOV1J'Ol3os 471'(-*cf,opa8a 16 ds *~ov 1ep71µ.v&v 11, *Kut au11erp(Jl11 18. AVITa 5. *T~ 2 21 22 &yp{'fJxolp'{J KaTl13paµ.ov, Kat.11'poi11.a~ovr,v T'f) Tplxi,v >.a[Jo11 µ.i1 Kal.~3 1eaTt1T71'&.pafa avTov. ,ca, _______ tr,Oo-af




qµlpo)(ra10• 4. Kal AEOJIT'Q, fl, A, S1 *,cal'll"aJI 6qpiov, lrrlaTpEcf,fl,r' 19 • ipl, a,Eo,r6J11 aln-0~~ 1ella,a

(save that for KaTlA.~.. dreads KaTa'>,1,1 and g KaTl8pa11-011), S1 • a reads ,cal KpaTquasqµlpoiua. e, A represent a third type of text. cf,op, a-y.KaTa'A.afloir (sic) qp.lpoiua'lrlauas8op,co.8a l,cwqyo11i11TDxnpi p.ov. A (with c/Jopo.8as dy. ffl(lfTQS' qp.•poiuaauTas· (ma llyp,a l6qpfvrra which e is related) 11 (X, ~/, b XEprrlp.ov. S1read ,cal 'A.Iowa. ef 'A.Iowa, A ,caiyl!TOIi 'A.io11rn ('A.iowasA/J) 1ro'A.'A.a,cis, Vera. 4-7 appear in an expanded form in i/, 88 follows: ll.Uon 71"C1A&JI ,ro1,.ai110J1TOS p.ov Ta 1rp&flaTa TOiitMrpor, >..loi11 EK ,jjr lpqp.ovf'lrEA60011 ,jp,rauw lp,c/)011 EKrijr dyl'A.qr11:all1r0p1E6fm, ml za,:,11 aurov 10 fl-M




«8paµo11 l,r' auro11,cal 'lr&arrar,rapaxpqp.ail,rolCTfWa ,cal ac/JE'A.op.qv TOIilp,..~0011 aUTOII EllT'~ T'PE}(f&II /J,IEICaTEU'lrapaEa auro11, 6. ~A'A.'A.oTe 7rap8a'A.,v (sic)'" X•flpoo11 rrpoUE'lri8qrrfll /,rl TOIi/CVIIQ ,.av T'OII 1rapa,co'A.ov6oiiwa ,.a,· ml marrar aur,jv d!l'orilr olipas dJrl!/COIIT'&fTQ auro11'" 'l"U-yfj ,cal fu6lois Jppa')'1/, 7. "A'A.'A.on ll11pxop.l11ov ,.av '" ,-oir 6piois r&Cqr,6taua/l-(IIOS flomv dyploiv4')'fA'/IIIIEP,o>fl'OAIII p,mJII lrrl T'UIQ x&ipavEAAIIIQ T"ijs68oii ,cal ,rpos aUTOVr')'El/Op.El/OS 11:paT"qlTaS' TOIi p.ElC011a aliTm11 drro T'm11 rc•pan111, ,cal l11,cvir>.(j>· aurrll'fluas ,cal u,coT'luarpqEar auro11 QllfMOII, 1I A d,ro,cnl11as (AbQ'lrf/CTEll/011), 1.3,,. c, bg read acf,E'A.op.qv. e, A dcf,l]pOp.q11, H Afl :=:aurm11. 1G(X. fl om. A ,cal af d.cfm.\aµ.q11. 16 ex,a. g, A read drrqKOJIT'lfTIJ, TOIi, of which I take bd,efavmv'A.quato be a corruption, Then ,l,rqico11T1rra and d,rEA~aa wo~ld be independent ,cpvp.11011, b 11:pqp.11011. e 8l.lJpo11. renderings of 1nr,~1:,i. 11h, afg. c reads T'o11 18 (X, See also d in note I 1, 11:al1rap' aka 81Eppa')'1/,fl, A, S1 read ,cal 'lrGII (b lrriUTplEV 2 t71'1Ta *7ro{µu,a ~,,_&ii' 11011 ::pa• Tf.8Ct1pa1C£1Tµ.ivo, Kat lOLl>s ,roM,3 *_µer' 6 'n/lTO, G KOLt fl, A, s1· avTwv' ___ .__«&yw _ µ.ovos apaµ.wvt71'iT()V#am>..ia. NI' ll'CI.

!:Of/. .


Ka& &Tf, ·



fl, S1 Kal,ro).;,r).aor,

«aT'E1T1rapaEa "ailnii a~T'oii, ts oc. fJom. "oc,fJ-....>..0T"f ,., X, 1rpolT'ln'/ltdrrar /,rl .,-«\.,«. A/J.1).>..on 1raplt.l>..eo,., /11.X. «al 1rpo1M11JM0-ar ml .,-.K, Observe that d agrees with Aa. See note II, •ag read 1Cpa'ff/1Tos-.18 0C. fJ reads aw-ii11. A om. 11'1 oc,af. fJ-af read olipiis. • : JS af. ocread '""IKO""I/ITa. bdeg G7rflCOIIT"IITO. JD 0(. fJ-.10 Auoup 2, *T'ov u, ~TEpov f3acrt.>..,a pa 16 It will be. Xr.>pov."= r,,,n, i.e. 1,i,n·n:i. See Jub. xxxiv. 2-8 note. observed that fwwaicovrlcrast lawica27 71'0V 28 ical 6ov >..,rpwv[' Kal ,cal &wEKTEtVa aln-ov *r.i801r *&vapts-tdicrrl,43 , lra,po, 0 aln-ov46, -qpfavro woAEp,t'w,u 46 • ucj,f113o• 6. 'Evn>..71uas49 47 *8~ ly~ 48 n,v UT0A71v µov *i1rlfl!VXE°Lpii 1'7/!Tar , 160 61 1-tovrical. cr+Ev8ol'lla11s e&aTOrs ~(8ous rluuapas l[ aln-&iv avrovs.






with d1rlKTnn11 ali,-611, and thus ver. 4 was lost through hmt. · 1kd reads 96 d reads a11f>.0>µf11or. f dlll'/Mµe11or. 118def. ahg, S1read >.,,-p;;,11 J. 98 fJ-e. e reads d adds Iyo,,cal. "bde. afg read a;a0>1ea. 8 1 lmfraEa, 29 a adds ,cai. 90 d om. ag om. ne.xt niue -roilfrr1ro11, d aclde awov, 81 1 words. /3-de,S • d reads 1rf(ttvuar 'Axo,pbro>.lµquf µn' Jµov. e lm,>.1µr,ua ,., 'A, 'Ax/-,p here also represents a corruption of.,~~= mpov. See 82 f3-e/,S1• ef read avo&par. de add aw (e om.) «al. 88 Thie note 15. clause, whi9h has «ai prefixed in should be transferred to the close of the verse as in A. See note 32. Me reads iwl. B1Jb reads µrpia~r. 86 So A corruptly np (Ahe om.) n.:'l,fp 'LJ/ri!':/!! [,Lpn1..:_ 111Ab•fr om. 88Ab reads 7TOTaEor and om. following ,cai. 89 e reaus «a1l11. A= ;,,aJfcrBa,. n e om. aef add ali,-& alirov, " o:,d, A. /3-dom. af adll «al. ' 8 o:,ad. be/ read 011:T"OJ tll'Bpu. g Tr.1111 • •• µou A reads ,i11 x~ipa(A~ ,-tir x•ipas)µou Tfj UT"o>.. 9 po11, 00o:,A. ~ om. 111c (eave that with Ii I have





.IV. r]




611 53 lq,,,,,ov. - * ol a~AOt'll'ol fJ, "-· S1 4Wf4AOv 7• *'o Si .1runip 1eai -, 55 ~ f3ao-,J,.la 66 '11'4VTwv 67 'Iaico./3 0 fl,OU IUK~#464 -avf4Af TOV tBfAto-&.6 60 • 7:a~,jp- TWV68 f3ao-i"-lwv,rc1vapa l 69.-ylyaVTaTff lo-xv, '11'7/X6>Voc.Stlo:a 11 61 E'II'~ 81 8. Kal E'll','ll'fO"f:11 airotis Tpoµ.os62, KaLE'll'aVO"aYTO 'll'OAI;• fJ I l ~ 63 1 ~ 64 9 A ' ~ ~ ' ::, ~ '> dµlp,µi,os µ.ovVTfS 7Jµ.as , • * '""'a TOVTO u 11''-''"IP fl,OU.. f'EPLf'l'OS 11" 65 66 67 11 0 9 ,r. EVroi's 'll'o>..lµo,s, o-re fyi.) *o-vv -roi'sa.ofA.,uci.d Bo">.,a-r. e Bu> 'A'}uae. g Bn">.,ucil!J. A.. B,>..iauci.Abhb.edeg B•A&auae.S1 'E~&ucirf,. These 158e trs. before seem to be corruptions of n)~i,-,11::1 Lord of Shilo.' 89 oc. fJ,A, 81 om. 1586 om. BE>... 15'1Q, reads II,ravra. 80 c,f. h, 89 d, 81 c, abf. h, deg read ;,r,u,11. e read l!Jl,cal!Jiio. abdg 1{1. hefore lrr'. A= -rpoµos( + qf'&>" Ab*4) ,calq,ofJos. 68 ll trs. to end of verse. 611oc. {3-g,Aab\ 81 read.)tcal acoc,d. abeg read dq,' 9µai11. f lq,' qµas. (ft-g om.) l!J.Tovro dµ.~"cl ,r. pov • •• ,ro>..lµo,s. Ab*cdeg ,cal, g om. the entire verse, but adds the first half of it, prefixing «aiand om. cl ,ra~p µov 68 c, fJ-dg,Ab*•4, 81• 1,,,A&bhefw after ver. IO. Q, om. rest of verse. read as in margin. " oc(save that I have corrected "1''1" of c nnd uwqµ'I" 68 oc, .of h into f/1''111).fJ-d,gread •11''1"uw(b ·111)-roisdl!J.µov. · fJ-d, A•b\ S1. d reads 8,-, .ll!J,11.g ,la,., .d ,ra~p µav. Aed .ra,11. A•rglyo. yap by 10 A om~ 89 e reads llpaµa. A btc« add IIV«Tos. internal corruption. 'lld, reads cvplov. Ab= «vplov lJVJJaµEm. '12oc,afg. bd rend m•ral µo,. e qvp•r' lp.ov. S1fJo'IM f'°'• 'IS OCdfau8t µa&(h µo,) for II,/tau8alµo&. d, A read· ~ii.u8a.l µ,. fl-de, b'l qffau8o,. e q.,..,-,8ijual µ•. These appear to be independent renderings of two different moods of ll)l, IV .. 1 oc(save that they read 1/ai,-ov corruptly for l'llro11).ab/, A, 81 read ,cal,cam i,l,.,-011 "fEYOllfll ~,,.,., (for qp.tll Ab*di~g read µlyas). Q, ,ra').111 ot11yiy. 9 g adds ,caTa -roiiJJruTOV. qµu,. e ,cal IC.TOIil'll.,-011 91""yly. g qp.&11 yiy. s e ·reads f',fi(o11, .d, om. • abg. efread Toil /11%1,cqµo1s.OC-roisl11%'}teqµo,s. d, om. • oc. {3 reads f&ff'a n,11da,>..q,aiv. • oc.Ab* (but this reading











[IV. I

9• ain-lJv 81.GKOO'Cou, 2. Kal &vijMovlO fy~ 11 l'll'l * roil n(xovs 111, xa2~8 *c!rEi).o, t-ro,fJa.CJ'LUa. a.i}riii,t14• . 3· Kal


16 rqv16 +XE"/3p@vn,,cal lA&./3oµw A.irt oin-ws t~AEV0E"p@uaµE"v 18 • d.,~i>.ov, 'll'li.ov . 11E"ls'ApEr&.v 3, 'll'OAW ~'Aon V. Kall rf} iffis 0.7"1MoµE"11 xparmav4

6, *0.'ll'E"&AOVO'av ~~ ~ • «al tcrxupd, ~µ.wO&.varoJI &, 2, * 'Ey~ a~ ,-.ITCI\Elf 9• 8 * O.'Jl'cl 'f"((T(Ta• ,cal d T 'll'PO!T'1/{aµw &varo>t&ivnjs 'll'OAf(l)S' 1 Pov/3~µ 10 «al 611 "Aw2li d.1T~ llvuµIJv13• par. 3. Kal fJ-de, -----. A, S1 alx. l"QJI' {3aa-,Aloiv. fJ-dg, .A,S1 'l"HX~P'I ,caldrrpCIO'E-yylOTOJI,

raa a~

seems corrupt). /3,A•bhode'.r, S1 read l8fu,$a. A adds IE OWQJJIh8par. 'lHk,S1 ~d ll118par, g ll»apar..a2 'f"(O'ITapar{3alTCAfir, 8 oc,Ab* (seems 9 oc. ..fiswe should read l1rxvpovr= as in Midr, Wajjis and Chron. · 16 IX, o.g. 'lxl.ef J erach. o,-,,:u 'i onnc,lin. read r'Xevfhpoiaaµ,11.Text = Utu~n corrupt for ,)ru~n O'VJlf>..a{Jo,,,.u,, or for Utu:l:I (verb used in Midr. Wajjis here)= 1eamvp11vaap,,v. Corruption due to corruption of 'A1rovp 18 .llO/J-fll, 8 be. dreads 'Apmt g 'A{Jmt IX, ael(overeraeure)/, S1 hlpOJ1. A""bod•fc = Ap,Ta, The original word was (see Book of Jashar, ii. 1176; Chroo. Jerach. xxxvi. '1). • g reads ,cpa1a19and om, 1eaifollowing. Ab• = d11&'AOl'l'011 1tp0Ta&a11, 1 0'.. {:J-..01111 note I, iil'i" 8a110T011, d adds dP"l,a8l"'"er 0J11 ij,,,_eis Irr' al,nj11lrrop,68'1/J-Ell dr alirijv. '(X, 8 d reads fl, S1 read 'EyQ IWII«al raa. A= ,calnlTf (A•1 l8cw)lym ,cmr. 9A rrpou,v~p,,P, Els rn'l'fixor Tijs ml'A,oirdim d1111TOM>P, 1oc om. 11 (X, fl om. 19b adds ,calIIO'l'OV, 14A = oiln-.,r u d reads A.,11lr. 18 Q'.1 beg,A read brl, 111 «IIO/J-''"" and trs. after Tdxovs. ..8011 ,jµ.iv,cal ol am~M•x,)pf;lou>..6µ,1101, 11 g reads bri,





VII. 1]




11 Max~p 111{3-_b,~ El(J'EA0e'i:v ,rp?,s~µas9, 3· *ot 8~,rd~u,lO &1ro 14 , KaL 15 1rpocr&(av·m1rpos; l7i7)Mov13 ~µ.'i:vTji 1rlµ.7M"(I "'"'ipq. 17 'll'EPLE)'EVcS,,.E9o. a·hovs16 * lv KpO.Ta.Lq. ,,.a.xo.£pq. o.~niv18 Ka2q;ipf 20 • Xa{3Eill 0.7TEKTE{vaµ.ev "'Ka2a~ovs 19 1rpo.TOV &vaf3fjva,~v a.v&J3acnv 2 1 22 23 4· ·.as a~ij,coµ.ev lv rfi 'lTOAE&, aI yvva'i:KES a·hwv fKVA&OV :t~ll>*->..teavs lcp' ~µas24 O.'ll'O ~s Kopvq,fjsTOVopovs lv ~ 25 *~v ulav. 26 • 21 fy0 TE Kal l:vµ.ewv/3-df, A, ~ wo>..,s 5. Kal woKp-6if,as 81 "..0 P· 29 TWV{ilf,rJ>..wv, l(&muOev28 l1re>..af30µ.eOa ,cal *,e~o9pEUO'Gf'EV T'Epq .



Ka.l TO.UT1JI' ,ro~,.,ao,



Kal rfi l(fjs lppl8r, ,rp?,s~µas &n *raas 7f0AEWS o

1 lpx~a, 2 /3a(J'&AEVS lv > 1ro>..>..i


i;~i:~,, ,r>.ij8os llvvalfTilll,

dg. ab read M•xlp (~axlp b). h, ef read Mex•lp. In Jub. xx:xvi. 2, 4

I have taken this word to be a compression of

Maxa"'ua,np, which is actually found in Jub. xxxiv. 2. This latter form is an inversion of 'JruS '" iJ. {3. A rar mlX,r O'tlll{3au&>.ii a1111aT'~. I fJreads lpxollT'O&, B{3-e, A, S1 ( save that g reads yoii11for 0J11). !X reads a; real o r&a(h ;6ar,). e is conflate, oJr, ,cal r&a. '{3-d (save that e reads O'Vp.p.&X1]11 and g uvp.µa,covs ). d reads ,rpo0'7T01T/udp.1110, la11Tovs





Aµoppalovsfnrapxnv 1Call11E1Cn T"OV uvp.p.a,cijua& awovs· qµiir. A '/tpoO"lrOI• C:,,'Ap.opp.(Ab ,rpo0'7TOIT/udp.r1101 .:,S''A, A• trpocpdun)(+real lu,cT/p.a-T/O'ap.e8a T"&O'OfldJa uvp.µax.01t'lva& a~TQIII Ab*). & dg. 6 reads du{iMap.n,. ab/;p..&,,.,11,





/3,A, S1 'Ey~ af ,cal d raa 'tropw- 2. 'Ey~ *ovv 1(0.lAav8*'ll'polT'Aµ.oppaCovrc:is fUvTn wpo~ 'Apoppa.lovs. ,cal 'JT0&7/IT&.µ.wo, 6 ~ls~v 4 dcrq>..8oµ.EV ~ois uvp.- . croµ.µ.axo, 1rpo1F1roL71u&.µ.u1m 8 a{!T/ov, ,.&.xovs Elcrq>..80µ.w Els njv 71'0A.W 'lfOA.wabr&lv. 3. *NvKTos:ilE fia(Mas 7 ,l>..8ov 3. NvKTl af fia8E(q.* l>..8&vaEa.Kal'11'&.VTES' ot aaEA.!f,o{ µ.ov, TWV TWV 3.6EA!f,mv ~µ./ov11 ,cal 3.vo{fa,vTES' Tas 'll' a{i- ~votfa,uv Tas 'll'VA.aS12 . a{iTois, '11'&.vTas awovs l[oA.o- To,s18 /(al 'IJ'al/'TO.S' a{irovs*Kal 16 6pwuaµ.Ev9 1(/U E'll'poeioµ.w- Ta aw/ov14 dA.o6pEVITaµ.EV fl'aµ.Ev l8>, ,cal *'tfai!TaTa16 aw&lv 'll'pO17Ta18 Tp(o.nlx9 fJ,A, s1 vop.EVITO.VTES 19 • ,cal l111'j ' aw/ov K0.6E0..aµ.ev 8&1111~ 28, . W , 2,, ,iv 'IJ'a.lTa uroury- . 4- Kal ""pweyy~Clj'EI' tjj 8dp,J>f 7j -,,u.apAII,d71'01Tlt~ 22 aihw•23 ,. 5. *TOTE.ow ~{3pt(Oµ.EVOS wap' 2'° ·*ml 21> *l'IT' awovs £71'1 ~v /J-;:d, A o,{iTC>V w~lu"-v ,r.,.,,.,,a-a. 'l'a>1171'0AEr1 v•1 • -rr27 * ,cal 26 • ltd/CE,VO& * lutf,wa&v,(ov p.E fV A.C6ou plmi, /Jo· f KOP.V~v O'~EQ)II, TO{o,s28 • 6. Kal El µ.~ Aav d aaeAOs µ.ov avveµ.&.x11ui11 2.



amii11. • A om. 'c. Ti,reads wll'l'2'tmtM~. 81,,om. 11 a.def. reads «al n\ ain-&>11 oA08p,wOpA11. lO k reads brpo11op.EVO'ap.Ell, bg read ,'A8ouu, 'l'OisdB,>.qiois. Fer IA8611'1'0lll • • • ,rvA.asa~rois A gives 11d reads 'll'dpras. GIIOO'TGll'l'ESqllO~GpEII t'Ois;,Pffipo,s aafAq>ois t'4Suv>.tir. . 18 ae9f.bMg om. g om. next eight words. Hd om. e om. next five 14 a reads i:,Ao8pEvu-apt!11, 18 d, A read ,.a lnrdpwords through hmt. 17 abilj. e, A read brpo110~uap.,,. u rrapa110pl,uons.e, A xo11ra. e m. 19 aefg. breads 1t.a8,1Xo,.,11. add 18 deg om. d tt.a&~.,,,..,,, . 111a (eave that for ITl'pou..,-,. h re$ upou..,-,.). fJ-s.qA8o11lrrl "• «opixf,1,11.g, A add Nii &povs. Since the Midr.



W aijis has


nc,n, n,Jn •••fEli', it is possible that as our text = . fUVN"l

~-,!, on•,p •nYElj:I,the two last words are corrupt for 11~-,i1Cln !,pand . that we should read therefore &ppr,rra(or clw~{iBr,ua). wp&,,.orbrl "~ -rfixor. r, ex,af ( savethat a/ om..p.,). b xeadsfO'lpfllllcSIIOVII lvr' l,u Ai8o,s. deg acp,,,.. (e uqi,11&111,tnims) qC7'GII VJom.) Irr' •I" >.18o£S (e A.l8ow). . 18 e om,







30 • 81 * l1r' µe-29~ * ftx&v f'E dl/EAf'i:11 7. *'A7n1A8oµE11 0~11 lq,vyov33 , Kal c\,re>.Govres awOVS'µff"O.8vµoiia2 . Kal 1r&.11TE5' s,· fil')S 68ou ,rpos TOI'. 'll'O.Tipa.~,,.c,,tl8£,\9' Kal 35 £lp~117JV l-rroC')aa.v fLET'44Tou'8S. .8. oi/1(l1roL~1Taµ1:v ST 6ol!ffr a. 89 *elxof'EI'. a4Toi}s ~,ro+c5pous 40, ~ 0,~oii awors oMev38 KaK611,a.A..A.' * Kal C7rEa'6Kaµwnawms 42 n,v alxµa.A.wu{av43 aii-rwv44 • ::: .,.:ii oc fJ, A, s1 . ,ra.,.p&r 9· _OlKoaoµ~uaµ1:v ae «al N/V 9. * Kal ol«oa&µ71ua fy~ n,v ;:/, s1 7r6ALV awaiv. 0&.µvav Kal oJra~p JLOV n,v lrrol'ltrEII, 1 t'Pa,8a~A46 • · . iS:-a~A,8 GVT'OJJf'• JO. *"Hµ,µ, ae-'~ XP6VfllV dKOITL4.6, .ln-Efylvuo 41 0 7r6AEfL05' ,9, A, s1 48 , OW05' I I, Kal ~ITQV ol Xavavaw, 4>ofJovµwo,*Kal·l,ro,qaa50 µov 51 , ,..~ a~ lµe-49Kal *.TOV5' dliEA.&wv et8ov5 110 Errp6:. 9 • rKal l.A.a.X711TEV Bapua/30.8 -rov7 fJauLAla8 'Oao.A.&.µ vµw







A ,calT&E,z b-&Eruo,, hr' lp.l. c111 oc. f3 reads ,-. .sooc,{3-e. e reads lp,A.>.&11 ,u clw>.,w.A= lx,,11(Ab*!,c''"°' A.n,9&1fffr) d11ei>.&11,u. These words 91 c, g. are found in Chron. Jerach., xxxvi. 11 n,,n, nN·t'l.,,n,,n. fJ-dfg, A read lrrl,A.6oµu,0J11. .74,hrl,>.6.a;, d bii9'11'"'· J, S1 nrij>.6011 oJ,,. 811a reads Irr' almiur. d ,rpor riT. I'• 6vµoii. g µ. 6vp.oiihr' aln-ovr. 811A lq,vyaaEvtra,u11 aln-ovr. Moc. fJ-d,,A, S1 read a,,}.6611Tl!f a,·ru,,r cSaoii(a?}&', II>.A.11r o,lA.6&11TEf, e a&EA6611Tfr} 1a.;,e,,rra11 TOVrraTp&rpou (b.9m. A= 17/-'61~). d 8&£>.. a,·..n>.,,r d&ii cl,rijA.6011 ,rpor 'Ia,c~fl TOIirraTEpa17/-'6111 a.&,,..l/01, SIi ~. af. bdeg,S1 read lrrol11tr•11.A bro&17uaµo. '6 oc,a. {3-a, A, S1 read aln-6111, B'I_A 1-yEIIETO, a~beg read Bild,adds piiA.>.011. •0 oc. Cf. Midr. Waijis C,I:) on, \lnl. fJ-d, S1 give a different text, hro1qaaµE11 alJ'r(!VfinroO"lrOIJ8our ( e l,r1u,r&IIBovs ). d 1morr,r&,,8ovs a/J.lrro,qafJ/ffl',.A= O"lro"8or br01~trap•11 w-po~ a&ovs-. With the latter text cf. Book of Jashar (1689, fol. 19b) o,,1':,' n1,::i :l1)]1'1 l,):l o,c,lt-'\, and o,,run,,.::i t>il, mi.,¥1. 41 g.reads a&,,,.,s, 1 9 H fl, S add rroo-apagainst oc,A. • g reads 'x•flp&.11. A= alxµaAO>TOUS', "oc, d, A. fJ-d, S1 om. e fJ--d,,S1 (save that for e&,.u,a11 of aefg, b reads 8aµ11a,and fo~ •paflaqA.of aef, S1,b reads "Pap.flat,>.and. g 'Pofla~A. ). · d, A read T&TE (A= ,cal1-'fTO ToiiTo}ol,coa&µ11tra (A•b l1'"'11'&11wua by internal corruption) l-1,>T, ( +,ro'A.,,, d) eclp11ar(A eaµ•a) ,ca} o. rr. pou n}i, 'Paflq>. (A 'Pa!f>ol,;>..). · '6 oc, fl-d, A read ,f«otr, lT61Prfl''I"• d rfp.1111 Bi T.5TE11.'/.,..,,,_ '7 dg read -,fyoPE11, ' 8 d reads ,cal.ri,r,11wafJ/ffl', 49 c. h reads lp,ol. 01 d adds aq,&Bpa. fl I"; 11D h reads in dat. VIII. 1 oc. fl, A, 81 read;,, a; (A om.) po, ( +11.alabj, A\S 1 ). •A=. ;. ·a110µa TOV4p)(17r0ip.E110f µ011. 8oc,aef.b reads 'Ipcl11.dg 'Hpcl11._A•bbo . 'Ipdr. _Ab,i,deg 'Ipdp. . • A.A.aµt.,.,,,,, ef 'o&A.ap;,.,.,, ••










e(j-dg, A,&. dg read 11'p/Jr 311f?t.81.>11 VJom. rcai) zac:"'p.EVJom.). ocreads as 8 dg in margin. U oc,aej. bd, read Bapua11.g, A Bapua. ? 0(, {J om. read {Ju1T1'>..1vr. 8d, reads 'oaoU&/£, A 'o&Xo,.a-rc.>11. 10c. h reads


lAaXl'Juw aln-&,,, {J, ~ om. Perhaps we should read real ltcaX«m ,;µor, 0 g reads T011'011. h adds o {Ja1T1A1vr. 18A adds p.E, rrapaiu d, om. has no intelligible meaning here. It C>!,~'? corrupt (1) for ~~,. rca>.l1Tar


'when I was heated,' i.e. by wine, or ,0n,:i, '.when I was hot with desire.' Cf. XL2, XIII. 5-7. For the same corruption cf. LXX on Is. ]vii. 5. 160(, Uex,g. {J-e, $1 read atac.>rri(P}. 6 atalJIJITIII, A= ,ataov. le a om. af read Bur1Tovi. b Bl'J1T1Toiir.d, BouEi (which it trs. before -r,j118vy.). e T,ji, Bl'Juovi. g B11Tovi. A= BEpuovl. These are all corruptions of l)'l~·n:i. 17 d reads real 1TVUa{Joii1Ta. See my note on J ub. xxxiv. 20. .A= real 19 bt:lom. 90 abefg om, 11 c, ag, oVTl]. 18 fJ-a,A. a, a read Elp. A~•. h, fJ-o,gread J&>..a,..c:w. 11Z oc,A. abdfg read &11Tovr Bvo(+'Hp 1Ca2AWIOIId). 6 o~r TOVfavo.bck, A, S1 add OTEICPOVf, ll8h, g 15fJ,A, S1 add ICO, add o. . 9' c, a, .A. h, {J-a read J,AOlp., T4 TEICIIG aln-oii(a om.) i,,_.,ir'"' (d om. i,, l.). IX. 1 0(. fJreads a,rcaorcTOJ, 1ex,af, A, 81 (save that al, A, $1 om. a,1. 8 d, reads , bg read m, bro,;,1Tap.e11. d lfl'mqua,..f11 •Tl'J• 6 ITl'Jlfl'o,qua-ro. TO,"'A.81i11 17/IOf df!'lJA,4;1GII £ICrijr MEITOl[OTa,,Jar '" ,l~"!'I aiayoJJTu. 'd adds .,-,, S1 om. with next two words. • ex.d. {J-d,,A read ;,,..o,,,, bd add 7 a om. 8 C adds a;; 8 c, eg. h, ·av 8 C reads 'Iuav. 10A read £IC, d om. together with next seven words. e adds rijr. Aa{Ja11£ICMEUOll'OTOp.lar TOIII Jvplo>II, 1lbg om. l9fJ,A, $ 1 add lyl.>(a-e, Ao~.) 111.,., (be om.) -r1uuapa1COUT..wpKovµ.EV avnjv 27• 5. Ka2 r:is ol,K ~vo,yov *~µ.'i:v p.E'TO.•:"":';'P"P. 31 Kal ~µ.lpas EfKOO'L118 rop@vrruvaw&,v129 wpou&:yru so K'>--lµ.aKa 1r11pn8~acis32 *nivAcnrl8cibr2 njs KE..9ov So*cbroaEXOP,EVOS TOils>..£80~36 KeilS'T11. 18d reads cd,,-oii«al ,ca,-lipvyo11 ,ls ,-,j11 ffOAIII awc\i11, !H h. C reads ,cal ,j 1"0V1"6>11 ffOAISluxvpa. {J-d, A TOVTOIS ll'OA&S (A ffOAf&r ( +dxupal Ab*)},cal nixos- u189poii11 (nlx'1 ( +aw&111Ab*}u,a,,,,a A} ,cal ffVAQI( +01"6>11 A bheg)xaX,cai, d Tairn/s T•ixos-dxupAs ,cal ffVAQIXM.ICa&o S1al,rois ffOAISu,a,,,,,a ,cal ffVAO& xa'A,cai. ID ex,bd. ef read .Zs aw~11. g /11 19 aj. c, e read tr1p11eabqua,,,.,s al,,yu. a, A om. a;, h rr•pc«>..nubqua,,,-•s IU, b ml fffp!ICR8lrnw:r~s.dg w-apam6qual'Tl!S ,-0{11V11(a; g). 11'1 c, A. h, abdf, S1 1111,,. fJreads p..:ijsP,ET'O.415 T'OV1raTpOS' 47 ~µ.,v fj, A, S1 ~µ.&,v,aE'4µ.E6au-1TOus 46• 8. Kal ~O"all ai.a&um: alrroVr 'll'Vpoil .. ,. · t 60 9 61 8 • ic&povsuicoa-lous, 1Cal' l>..aCov ut,is"•2 .. 'D'El'T_ 'li,roOS' e) 'Al8aur( +l,rlnjs rcfc/)a"A.ijs µove; +p.l')'OXaus A(&t)b*cll•s, butAb.,,_om.)l0>s T'MallT'6>11 T'plUlll (@s-mXall'l"a T'plae). 87 (:J-g,S1 add Q.Jlf'A8~11. g Elu,MC:111.88a. h reads T'lu, T'tWs 8t111C1T'ovs a~T'm11. (:JT'Etl', T'DVt(d om.) 811IICIT'Olts IE aww11(e 8vl/QO'T'as aw0,11), ·99ex(save that 1,,om. 6). efg read A.= aww11&i,apasT'luuapas81111C1,-o-6s. 1 real lEijs. bde real Tj lEijs. A= ,cal P.fT' lpl. (:I-adj, A, S1 add lp.(:J&ms. d .-,.,e,1.,.,.fS, aja,,afJal>T'fS, •0oc. a om. '1b reads IEfircol!T'IZ,Hex. d reads ol "A.o,,rol. H, A, S1 om. ,s 6 reads al"70'0ll'l"fS, "a. 1,,reads.,iµm11. {3 ,iµo.s. ''Yf""l'f"°'(ja11Xijs(cf. I Chron. xii. 19). d'Yf110p.l11ov . (:Jov"A.ijs J,lfffl, 6 .,,110p.e11,, (:Jov"A.q.A.b reads fu'b'fl'lr"'L [,,pwfu al,-quall'l"fS tAapol,where however fup•/uis corrupt for furmm = (:Jm.,A.,i11. So I have just found A,h reads. Thus Ab= alT",iuavru{3011Xq11, a good rendering of G. The text of A.(•?)bis not recorded in the Armenian text, but only that is corrected into 'b111[u = rrpmro11. of Ab*cc1os. In these MSS. furw/u Hence their text = al"70'111'T'ft trpmTOI/, Hex. (:J-e,A., 81 add inro'if>opous. 48 d reads ufrov which b adds in margin, e i,r,rf>6paus. "A adds drl. g ,rvpous. 49 1,,,{:J-e=,~. 0 reads ICOICICOIIS, 8 ns,af rf>•vs. 'l'hese seem to be corruptions pf MEl transliterated in the LXX as ol•l. But the use of this word · as..a measure of liquids is without parallel. We might, however, defend its use here by appealing to a similar use of MNO,which though all but universally a measure for grain is used in a few inBt"3nces as a measure for liquids. See Jer. Targ. on Exod. xxix. 4; Lev. xi. 15, 27 &c. (Levy, Chaldaisches WoTterbuah,p. 136). It is possible, therefore, to regard {318 which is the text of 1xlegas a correction. A•bb*cd•s p.lrpoii{318(sic). DSex, ef. abd read q/, g q,,'. e om. rest of verse but e9 adds l0>slk-• «aT",iX8. 114ex,Ab*. (:J,S1 om. ElsAly. at' foot. A•bbcdeg om. next seven words. 111ex. abfg, Ab*, 81 read p.rrpa(afg, Ab* om.) xDua(S1 om.) fffl>T'DICIHT&IZ (rf>'ag) ;.,s ;;,., ( lk-011a). d reads /!VP" aq, 11alT'DVT'IZ l>..aµ(:Jci110µE11 IE awm11 flllS lk-av. 118g· reads lf>.80µ•11.





X. * METO.6€ Taiira1 9Up 2 J vl&s-p.ov &yETa& n,v 0ap.ap [J;~· s• 3 t iaUT'{i l,r. MEcr01TOTap.las8vyaTipa •ApAp. eli yuvauc.a i. Apap.. 0/.


Uu 3€ d E?p 'ITOJ/7/p&s, ,cal MaviiTWCTEV a/iTou·4yyE· 4. AOS'Kvplov. Kal l6w,ca al,n,u Aliua.v T~ 3wr/P'!l p.ov vl«j,,,cal l3ov' citrrovCWEIAEU d K~.pms. 3• Kal 9

/3, S1

A 3€ 9 Up T 2. t ~os ~u2' 1TOJl7/16 7rEpl ,cal.t,propH8 p&s-, ,cal~7r0pE& 'lrOU1JpOs, 7TEplTijs-9 E>ap.lip,~s0ap.&p,lrno/i,ciu ln-, . o/,,c * iv l,c. l,cXauaualwu.Ka.l28 ns 10Xau&au·,cal1l 6.yyEAOS' Kvp{ov0.UE'" * 4yy.~AOS' KvpCov12 AEVatrrovl81 *110,~uasO'VV 17 a~s-. 'a/,Tjiiu,aurou32 • va 18 411'' 4. *'Eu, Ta'i:s;,plpa,s Tov 8a)\itp.ov18 f1TEy&.p./3pEVcra al,. Tji -rou19 Aliv&u20 • KalyE owos-21 lu 22 o/i,clyuw 'ITOJ/7/P{'I a~v 23 , 'IT.O&~cras avu al,Tji fVLaVTOU.


..X. lex, a. bef 'read ,uro nzwa. dg, A ,cal ,.rra-raiinz. IC reads Elp. 8 0I. om. rest of d reads •Apa•,i, 'Apa{J. 4 Q'.. fl, A om.- ah adds ical. 8b reads ;,,,rop,,-ro. 'd reads ~" rf d 111&, p.ou9 Hp. vere. 3, and 4, 5. Text may a mistranslation of "\tin,"l'lf",which should have been rendered 16'11.1/3• T,j11e. or {fx.6pa,,,.'l'fi e. Cf. J uh. xii. 2 (Er) 'hated and would not lie with lier .• : because he wished to take him a wife of the kinsfolk 9 g reads-r,jv, 10 e reads J,,.yyu,.. of his mother.' ~1 dreads am 13 b adds ,;,.,,,. rom> ica{, tt d reads II llyy. Kuplouand tr& after aw4v, "'"· , 1' S1 om. lG a om. 0~ yap ••• P.'f"f»S a/Jrov (ver. 5) through hmt. 17 de read If. 18 d reads ·;., rair ,jp.,lKEli,a1r ·16 e reads rl«i,a 'X""· roii 19 d reads l1rey,a/J'r',jv 8aX.ap.ou a/Jrijri.lcp8E,pE l'>Ero IT'1l'tpµ.a. ol11oxoov• 88 , Kar« r~v lvra>..~vrijs l'liP7 N/V yfji, ua11(A, µ.71rpos a~ov 39 • KalyEowos40 C.'71'E8«vEV61 8 1 om.) 42 • l~p•fJll lv '11'ov,1p(q O&JIOU, 6 ...H8E>..ovl'>E*Kal TOV"l:.71>..wµ. 3ovva, a~ffu, a.>.>.' ~ *,...~/J, 81 46 • r,'11'0V1JpEVITaTO tuv.,iTl)p"~/( dcp~KEv y&p 148 , 6n 47 ·0VK ~v48 mua 60 , 49 *C:,sKal «VT11 lK *r&v fJvyo.rlp(J)v rwv XavavaC(J)v _,rpos alrrqa,, 9 ylvos ~v3 *r&11Xava~ XI. K3.yw p3nv 1 /Jr, '11'0V1Jp..(J)ITE 11al(J)J14, a>.>..a TO l'>t.a{30VAIOJI II rijs VEOT1JT0$ * NjV f,rfa-a 9 ~'11'an,lh,11, 8 aVNjVotvoxooucro.v ,rpos a,&vouwµ.ov1• 2, Kal ll'>~v /lov'/t,}u· Kal * t i>.mtlovd'M)vI'~ ~ou>.euHfl,il'ou TOGfflllTp&Ifl,OU1°, 3, a~s. Bquuovi.


fJ,A, 81

TOI' vldv p.ou'Hp. Bl Here lrrfrnr'tnLJ'= Bwr•P'} is corrupt for lrrrn29 Cf. b (see note 13) which points to existence of r'tnLJ'= Tplrn, q,upfhere. After qp•pfA om. ver. 3 and first three words of ver. 4 80 Ahers= through hmt. 1/fJfAev, 91Ab• = lf8,Afv. Ab add ea,,.dp, 4• 1• (s:1vethat these MSS. read "'°'9CT"' 82 So Aah• instead of ,ro,quar). Ab= 1141 88 d reads ys,ovslytfti. «al oli« fla-ijM•vds al,.,.q11, For qrrdAl)ua •.• , alirfi S1 reads d'll"7yop•vua011'1'011 p,} uvniPa& alirfi. d adds TOff, Br,I om, 87/ reads dr, 88 d reads ,ra} 8,lcf,fJnp••· To a; tnrippa• g adds ain-oii. 88 d adds ipp,1/,111, 89 Ab adds Bqpuovi. •0 abeg,A. d, Ab read dAAa 411 (d om.) 1raloi-ror,f o~s. "b trs. after tro"'IP'f· Aab•Gdesadd awoii. 49 d reads alin)11&iia,a,«al"¥. J1A01p ds 'Y""aiKa.For J91tftip of c, e, we Sod l:&A.:,p in h, /3-e,Ab•, l:&Aap.&>P in Aat:il,ZvAapt!t,11 in Ab, . A', S add rwrplTOP vld" p.ov, For ®TYAb reads 9apap. "tx. fJ,A, S read ')'lll'lj fj.-..afJ,vTOIi. 16 ..t, 19 Ev40 • rels /J.ppaf3rova ~;,,:;, iw:lyvowOVT?II07TO TOUoTvov. {3,A, S1 elulX8m. (:J,A, s OVK ( OJIIOI/. l\.f/CT« • au, on wapa Ol 48 49 K.vplov ~7.6,11 0 dll,>.q,011. aw-oii, Kal fKIV\fUEII TOIJ11op.a ow-oiiq,apl11· roiiTa.l~>.e,,, 1 Myovs µ.ou ffi d11,>.&, aw,j11•or,. aobde,S1. afg &>.>.ou.A may be either so far as form Bl d adds «al lrmllq ,l,r/. I'-"' TOVI/ l11p.vaT'IPi'f> Myo1111, av1.,,., aln-{,11• OT& ,rapa ,cvpiov;11.See note 48. Hd reads ~l ol>1tin,g, A•hb*•4•rr rcalol>K. .118d reads 1T111/f)'EII01''1"• NA adds 1.p.a,, 'd om. next five words, g next four. · l!llaef, 8 1•. b reads, 0









158 "'l1Fpa~>.. 119• 56 rrovro157 lv r1ro.vrl fJ-dg,S gr, fjfJ/>..vyµal1ro{711Ta ~~!;,"9. Katy, o1 lv rfi ·?To>.."l>..eyov,µ~ *,?va, lv iji ,r6>..p 60 • IJr, if * filov xwp{ov81 l>..6oiitra fJ-bd TfA&ITKOµiV7/II ,rpas {3pax_~ 63 IJr, oiads OICOUIJ'aT't l,c/i8,1TtViv T?16!1 1ro>..r,. Io. * Kal ·,v&p.i(OII lyv~ IJr, d1Tij>..8ov ,r;,os64 abnJv. I I. Ka2 µua raiira 68 >..,µ&v. 611 Els Afyv7fT'OV* r,rpas 'Iw~q>1 fJ&a.TOV fJ, A, S1 1f>..8oµtv 67 trop•vI 2. *"Hµ7111 fJEiyi,, lr&w TflTITapli,covra ,cal tf ,cal l/3fJoµ~70• •1TBe. ,covra ,cal68 rpla. lT71i1r0£71aa 69 · * eti Atyllfl'.1'0v

·;:':'.a fJ-ag,

(A),. ~1


XI II, *Kal viiv ivrl>..>..oµa,.,,,.rv, TlKva

""a. u,- r,lovfJa , ~ vµwv IJuµ~ITftT& rov ?Tarpus

f'OU, AicodaaTE

' J.~ -" s rovs ' Auyovs \1 ,ccu ¢v>..v.i;;;auut µov' 5 'IT4vra O TO. a,Ka&@µara KvpCovT ,cal v,rarcoorn.l Bi:ifJov-roil 'ITO&fi°11 8 0,oii. lvro> 2. Kal /J,~ ffl>"1PEifE'!8e 9 d,r{(TII) rc'iivl1r,;,, {,.,..EP'I· 8vµ,c'iivvµc'iiv lO iv UffEP'J♦UVE(~ KUp8'u1 11, ,cal JL~,cavxacr8,iv 11 111rijs VfOT71TOS a •!~ * lpyo,s real l1TXVL vµ.c'iivIJr,* ..,,roiiro18 'ITOV'I• 18• Z';l'o, pov lv@'ITLOIIH Kvp{ov16 l1TT'C 3. 'E'ITU~ ,cdy~17 . I 1






but Judah could not say this whilst still alive, nor yet ;,µ,par 8amov µov, 118g reads ~"· 67 d, A om. as in A abhce'8. A b•d rijr ;,µlparT'a'"'I'• 118 BRd, adds T",j. A ·om. d adds ica1nix_Bqah po& IE avrij, ~ap/1ica1'OCapa' 00 ~ (save ~hat for nAwlt.Dlfyov11lip.firtt1t.11a1wv, and omits ver. 9, 10. 1'•"'111 aef read T'fAr.,)IIOV#'f"'I", and for 7rU°ATJ bg,S1 read ml°Afl). A=,.,) TfAf!a8ij11CZ& 89 b om. 88 efg, A. T'O&aiirn111. "Dnv>.TJ, 81 g reads d"A°A'ls x.epas. a _reade.11op.iC,..,,,, A adds ol°lTlilf, 6, 81 read 111&,..,,,11. Ha reads Elr, 85 .0114,, dicovcmn T'flt.114 /&OU 'I., by, S1 IC."· 8tTalyt.>bµi11 (g om.) l11Tl"A"Ao1141, alt.OUO'QT'f T'flCJICZ ( +f'OV 'I. g +ical'I. S1}. d, I/VII!roll'rflCJICZ fJOV• d1eov1TQT'E 'I. A ic:WI/ OICOVIJ'QT'E T'flC110. 8 (X, fJ rends cpv>.ti~. /3,S1 add #'OV&(Ta lllT'E'>..Ao,.a, fiµi,,, I A om. 7r011Tas. 'd, adds 1e111 T'O.I l11r11M1 pov. A 'Iou&i T'OV ~aT'~Sri,...,11. • A reads ffL.,,,L fXf"', but this ie corrupt for wn.'blrL( ffll&fi11). eb, 8 1 7A 8(X, a/. b reads om. /11w,011Kvpiov. d, om. next four words. 9 (X, fJ,A, S1 read 7rOpfVf0'8f, EII.To°Aijs,_egEIIT'o°Aai,. 6, Si add Kvplov. 10(X, ag. {J-ag, S1 read v,.C,11 fJ'l/jf ,"8~µ4aea, ( +Ti• tk} ll&a/3ov>.i,..,,, v,.C,11, 11O'.,/3-a. a om. A A icapB,&,11 bf'a>IIl''lllE l111JupqtTfCT& _VfJO>II, 111 wrprr cpallfif";;," ll,afJov"Al,.,,,,, v,.C,•1,...,..i'lrT'ET'f, /3-1,S1 add bµ&,11, . 11 O'.. adef read •,uxv,' (+ ic~, ' ,11 " b " • ; ' 1· ' Ef'YO" " • • A, 81 laxv,' "'I ,pyo,s, epyo11,axvor, g •11 ax_vn v,..,..,11. TCM"o ipyo.111. 13c, a. 1,,reads T"il,bdef ,ca{-y, T"oiiTo,g -,. it.alT"Oii:ro, A .trall, 61 om. OT'I, , lO'T'i, i, (X, /3-bg, Ab*od•r. bg,A•bef_read ,,, dq,8ol.f""S,



= =




= =

XIII. 5]






18 Bft 19 o/i,c ~'ll'dnial ,,..20 (X ~'711 ly,cavx11CT&µ.£VOS' lv 110>.lµ.o,s 21, * ,c~l C:,v£la,(ov 22 'Pov/32µ.23 1"p&n.nro, *yuvcuds •-'11&,+ou 24 - * µ.ov 7r£pl B& -25 yvva,,cos ,-oi)26 11aTposll>7r011• *TOVal,,ov µ.ov,ical27 TO 71V£vµ.a*,-oi) (~AOV·/CaiTijS'11opv£las28 .11ap£Td•td,~,S fav,-o29 *111' lp.l 8°, lws 31 t au11ETO.EauEls•A11&11 fl!~Xa11u11uv£,r:;';',ir 32 ,cal fils 9aµ.a.p 7'1/V vd,,.+'111 33 µ.ov. -riJ11 4. *"'EA£')".OV' B,1T'ovi a rt R , 1 Tl/II Xn11ayap T'fl 7r£Vu£P'flp.ov on CTVµ.,-,ov11.£VCTop.a, TCfl.11aTp,.p.ov ,ca, ·valail.· 34 35 of-rws->..~'f,op.m 7'1/V8vya,-lpa CTov• 6 Si ol'IK ~8E).E11,dl.).' fJ,A, s1 lrm[l 86 µ.o, ds 8vop.a87 ~s 8vya,-pos a,n-oil xpvCToil'IT>..ij8os vvµt/,.,,O!i• ll11npov38 • */3a1TLAfi\lS' yap ,jv39 • 5. Kal J,coCTp.7lCTfiV, :;;:./ 0 'f 41 ,cal p.apyaplTms, * ,cal l110(71CT£V aw-qv 40 Iv XPVCT£c,> aw-qv f:J-rl;·A,· · ,









* *


S1 «al• .

18 at, A. fJ omit. 17 efg, A. '/,,reads ly&l,b, 81 yap_1-y,;,. reads e,ov. 18 c, ad om. c. 1,,reads l«avxqua /JOIcorrupt (1) for l«aVX7/a4p7/i,: {3-g, S1 19 c trs. before ;;n, d reads read «tWJC'l1Tdp..),lip.opcf,lq. (,lip.opcf,laAh) -yvva1«m11 fiJµapcf,0>11 (Ab*4om). 9.0fJ-g. exreads WTJ711T'IITf11 /'O&-apparently 8, cor•• ,llp.opi/,ov_ ·S1 ruption of our text. g reads ;f•Tqul11p.•. For 9TraTl/1Tf reads oli« brmx_o-11 ,.o, •iJl"'pcf,o,-yvmi«•r. _For A see preceding note. d adds tl..Oponror '" xpval~ IC01dp-yvpl~oUU,g tl..8po>1TUf q ds xpva-/111' a,,ppl,,,0,,alia, ,Zr. Hexom. l2ex,g, A (save that at reads d,,,[a.for .:....ta.). d reads ire a, ICOl d11,la,co•, a tJ.,nalC"'"• b,S1 .:. ... ta,co•, ef d,,,;a,co11, 93 at,.,µ/,. 16at, dg. fJ.;.aa,read 'PovfJqp.. " g reads T,PdlJ1>.cf,,p. 111dg add n}r. · abef om. n b om. d adds Tawa «a11)(6lfH"°r, A TOTE,. 18A= 'lrf/P"· 1COl Toii(. For (,j'Aova reads Cii'Aovr. 19 b reads ,rap•mEar.o, 80 at. abefg 12 at. fJ-d, (save thats reads 81 a adds ~read /11(Mg) ll"'l, d I'll'· 1 Bqt11TOV•, f Bwa-ovlfor Bq1Tov1), ·A, S read as-.ip. inargin:--a-reads-lnff'fO'OII. seems to _be ,Zr Bvaov; T,}PX. «al IA.a/3o•al,,,j11-yvvai«adp.olo,r, O'V1'fTf'AtO'tl a corruption native to the Greek. "at. f:J,A., S1 (save that A, S1 "¥vlrp)read a.sin margin. N ex(save that c om. tii ,raTpl/'OV«al oi:;..,, ).~..,,op.a,).fJ-d,,A•b•edes, S1 «al nf'YO" T,Pfr, p.ov ~vp.flov'A,va-op.a, (b u11p.{3ovA,vao,, f uvpfJov>.,va-o>,.ac,. A•b·ed• avl'flov>.,v',,a,,but Ab= a-vl'flov'>.,v(J'Op.D& trUTlpa/'OIi «al oifT.o,i; >.~,J,,Ab ICOl l>.e-yo• T, ,ru,8,p~ pov ,rtpl TOWOII TOIi «al 'Al-yo,7°¥ ,raTplµov ,rp61T011 «al-n!n 'Aqi/,op.a,.A adds "Epxop.a,/3ov'A,voJ,1G1 86 C reads ;a.~. fj-.~v *-roil 1raTp61 µav, Kal.l>..af3ov alin,~63 ds ·yvva'i:Ka, ~,, Tfi_ 8. Ka, o Kvp,as d.v-ra1rl'tiw1e.l µa,°' KaTa.,._~ 'tiiaf3ov>..,ov rijs 66 µav lfr, 66 ol,1e.11vq,pavfJTJv 11/Jor,y, +ux_,jj, lv 61 TOLS TEKVOtS a/irijs68 • 8 o,v(J), 11 , .,., IC.Va fJ, A;,81 XIV. Kal. vvv r>..fyw µav .2'· /J,~ /J,f8vUKEIT8E 71'aTEpOlP, .• 6 TOV v?vv fJ-a,A,Stifr,4 _d6 o1vos_'tiiau-rplq,£, cld rijs ci>..118Elas ,c~). 1 * TOVS «ap/Jlas. lµ,{3ID£t dp"f'lV l1rt8vµCa.s,Kal. o'ti1JyE'i: £211'1TAaV1JV 10 TOVo?vov dq,9a>.µovs8 • 2. yap 1fVfV/J,ll 9 rij11wopvECa.s &is11 a,&icovov* lxf, 'ITpOs n,v ~ao~v 12 . *Toil voos13 • ,ca(y£





oil,fg. h, b read xpva-tp. d, adds ,callµana-#'i, Aabhb*ad KlJl~nvPlrt• •11ex, d (eave that c om. ,;,.,,, and d om. ml), Alffl(""'f) (for J'w.,,tLnuuflrmL( ol11oxooiiaaP) is corrupt for J',.,,,1L,;LU1flrLol110x0Ei,,), A•rs(save that they 43 d adds abefg, f:,'1read /,rol11a111 ~,.,,,ol""X°''"· add ril'i"before ol11oxMi11). 44 fJ• .A•b•ocl•fs ml f11 ica>.~ oin,s. 11cfxl/Jpa.ex,Ab om. «al ltkaa-&1'1J" Thie phrase is difficult, an~jts·. difficulty probably led to ·its omission by oc,A\ and to the -addition of a clause in d (see note 43)1 and the ')'Vllflwi>11 o•i::JJ recasting of the phrase in A111>•oc1eir. 111icd>t>.n where i,~ is probably corrupt for. iiti 'chamber,' 'apartment.' Thus the feast was held in the women's apartment to influence Judah, Othel'wise if really stood in the original, we should have to insert .it immediately after papyaplTa,s,where it wo~ld aptly mean: 'with the 111f om. cs·1ireads TOP d'f>IJa>.,.&11.g om. oraamente of women.' together with the next three words. ' 7 o,ab/,A•beer,, &. h, de, A 4 1·ead /Juwom11 ( + icalTIJ"mp/Jla11cl).· ts 16,aefg (save that g prefixes ml}, S. · 'l'he parallelism supports this reading. c reads 111-r6,j/Jovfj. A= 111 da~llfJwhere ~3-:61111 is con:upt for ~~ (as Co11-ybearehas pointed out). bd, St read ,;11o,,.,. Ab*4 ml lvEn «ap8(~,.ovl11dllu"l'l(cf. din note 47} U Cl(. {:J-d, S1 read fTVl/fffflTO, d O'VJ/ffr.avrij. A ICtmWffl01'4l, · d, :reads alnj. On this phrase see note 10 on xi. a. nod om. next four words 1111 through hmt.,fJ,A om. ex. fJ,A, S1 ·read T011 (fJ-gom.) (B11pcruvi Ab) Dt ex. fJ,A, S1·1-eadc!wa,r, '1TaTip0>11,a, A reads avr,j11 _,.o, Kupws. IHIoc,a. {:J-a, A, St read ,cap/J{ar. C om. next word. . Md, 1180 reads avroii, A= Ab read ml, Au•ea.11/Jui ToVTO. ll'I bd read l,rl, ,.av ( +& ;aa11/,c B~paovi Ah), XIV. 1 c. /, reads >.iy0>111'&11 and trans. after /.&OV, fJ, A om. 1 g om, 8 h, e add l11. 1dg add 'h, om. a a ~m. · • d reads mronplqm., 8g om. · A J,r,6vµ{as. Tm11 c!tp8a>.p011, 9 Ab•odefs add Tijr '1r>.&111Js mi,. 10/ reads ,roP1Jplas, g l'IT,6vl'lar, -11 o om. · u oc. {:J-d,A, S read rrpor 'rlJII~/Jolll)r, (T4Srj/Jo11ar bg) lx,,, d ·1xn,rpor ms ~/Joi/Or, u :A. 'l'.011 POUP,


= =













* Ta

15 TOV &v0pchov. fl: A/3, s 01/0 Tavrn 14 &cp,irrw,n TTJU 8LUVOLav 10 ~ l ,0 * , • _ , _ /Jvvaµn,.· oivou E s JJ.£ TJV, ~v uw.Aoyurµois pvrrapots fl A 17 18 119 O'VVTap&.ITIT£L*Tov vouv o-ou , *Kat° rd-. iropvElav tK0EpTLS µa{vu 20 TO uwµa rrpos ~Sol"llv,Kal 21 1rp&.ITCT€L T~V aµapTfov 22 (3, A, 8 Kat oiiK al1Txvv1:ra,. 4- .Totovr6s 23 llTTLV O ,rupowos 24 voiiv ·, ,, 2 • , , ,... , , ' 1rop11Etav 2 * , T£KVa µov, on J o µ1:0vwv 6 ovK alo£Lra& ovl>wa 21• 5. 1..a«avxiiu8a, 63 fT1J Ttop•


. :::;ijr fjaa-,-

66 , Tji clT&µlq. of. *,cal voµ.{(ewElva, ,ca.Aov.

xv.·o1ropvwwv (71µ.uwµ.evosol,,calu8&.vETa,,calaaofcJv 1

. ol,,c· aln"VWETa,.




*Kav yo.p

4 T&S

*llucn>.Eilslcrr, "'"

>. • ' ·~ -1\. 6 c:is 6 , *aovAw8elsTjj wopvEl'f , nar , ... ,ropvEdu,yul'voirrcu-rljs 111Mn>.cCus . . • 1 PXf'NJl, tl-d,A,Sl ,ccly~hueo, 7• 3. Al6w,u18 ff/V p&.{36ovµ.ov, TOVTfrnv9, 10, «al ff/V (0v71vµ.ov,TOVTEUT,v 11, TO a-rl,p,yµ.arijs lµ.ijs ..ijs /3au&AE{as 3• e,,11g,A).µ.ov1 4. KalyE µ.ETavo,juasiwl TOW01s 14, olvov111,cal OI: adf ,cpla16 ov,c17 lcpayov18 lws npovs 19 µ.ov20, «al. *wiiuav 21 ol,,c Elaov. alla11. w4'poUVV7/V S· Ka.l lfmS µ.o, cS4-yyEAOS' TOV


f,;,:,i,wc1,. '"I" 8dvul'"'• icedTa. 8ulS,.l'u12, TOVTicrrw, '"I" 8cltuvrijs



{save that d, om. /11.,.{11, and f om. rijs). Aab*4 ml a3.,.,,l0Tl11uv11Ea-it filf/,pouv.,,,r. But nLpwf,,nLPlr111'& is corrupt for wppl,911,_f,lli111'&oli,ofl'OITlar.Ab= 8111li ,i,q,pouvvqr,uv111a-l, lOTlP, "a (save that" om. IOIS'). fj-dg, S1 read fr,a lOlr &.,., (lkov a) lx.n ala&,Trlr,(b "'llffJ,ef Ttl,,),g &r 8Tf fr,a 1r. g om. next four wo1-ds. • a reads &8ofo•. ' d, reads 1ealyaplh, g lm, -yap. s a. fJ, A read flaui>..,vfT(J (d fjaa-c't..,vr .r,,,ef fJarn't..,ixm,A·= fJauu..,vr.,.,r; (TtC1Pl1fV6>11) A•.b•cd tre. before fJaai>..,vr) Y"/JIIOVf'EPDr 'rqs"fJaul't..darlflpX.fTa&(A•fr• om.). b Y"P.IIO~ f'fllOS rijr fJaac't..,iaroil« lflpxmu. 81 fJarnl,va-nfl'Opl1fvuyup.POvp,11or 1eal,. 8 g, Aabb$ad re~ rii• fJaa-,>.elas llCfl'lft'rH, 3oiiAor( +,rl/Q, A) rijr 'll'Opwl~r. A•1s om. 'a, d. ,abef, 81 read. yv,.l'Ol8flr,g, A fyuµ'/IO)e,,.,, 8 a, S1• fl, 9 Aab om. next ten words through hmt. but not ·A read 1&,q -ydp. 10 ad, read ff,vAaicijr. Ah,/J. u oc, ad/om. ne:tt .six words through 11A add riir «•q,a).ijr/JDV• 18 g om. 1' d, reads 1TO;\>.c\prra hmt 111l,, adds oil« rawa f'ff'•&'laa«al. A adds ria-,. A trs. the words 11 (l reads ol,~in. o'l,o, and «pla. "'18 oc,aefg; b reads icpiar,cl a-i«*pa.










8€ov119lln-28 *·,c&v/3atTrli..lws,cb wwxov 24 * KaTa«vpm1uwaw-~,-4.,S1 al yvvailCfS'116 • rol!IClffW lv awois 7rp01C0'1NJ (wijs, 26• 6. ;:: roii. 27 28 29 32 alo,11~. 30 *Tov p.'tv {:Jaur.>.lwsafpovuw tiJ11 M[av• TOv 81 clv8pE(ov 85 30 83 34 n,v o6vap.w,* TOV a"t 7rT'WXov T0 *Tijs 'IITWXElas eMx,(TT'ol/ ar,fp,yp.a. /3-d, S1 1 ow 11 , Tl«va p.ov, *Tov Spov Tov3 ot'vov•;"J";ov XVI. «l>vM[au8E 6 • *lm8vp.las, ~EO~ *lffw yap 4 lv aw~ Tlcruapa6 7rVE-6p.aTa 7r01f11p&. 1, nvp@uEws,clcrwTlcis«al alcrXPO«Ep8lcis 2, 'Ea.118 n(uqTE9 1.2• exKai. 11, o?vovlO * lv Eliq,pocrvvp lOTi al8odf1,El'Ol fl,ET& +of!ou8coG *lla11yrlp l11,i,♦pocrd"ll cl'INIO'Tt) 4 Toii &Eoii+of!~ 13, Ao,nov ylvETa, aef-ri a~ 14 • · 3. * El Si A'l,"'.t *µlBr,, ,cal napucrl PXETa, ~ clva,crxvVT{a ~·• ~ P,'/0 On&W 8~.u, -♦pcSvfllS t11acn, fl,'18 3A.61STOu o'wou l♦d'll'TEriE 16 t'va p.~ rrillffE,



90oc,A-b, /3, Ah, 81 om. /3, S1read 'a.a/3011. 19-al,g read ~po,r; e reads 'IT, dct,pouwq11. Ab h£v rrdll"ISdxpp-J"']s l{qua 1tal. !19A Kvplov. IS 0(, /3,A, S1 add l...r TOV al0>110r, which b, 81 set before 8'-1. Moc, ag. b reads 1tal /3aaiA1imi rrTO>X¥, ef 1r&11 /3auiA,i,c&,,'ITT"'X¥ {rrT"'Xoii e). For these words, t.ogether with the next three, d re~ds «&11 {3aui>.•vsl K&11 d"8Pfiosicb flTO>X~r d T¥ TOCOIITf a>.1airop.E11os rrd8E& ')'VIIOUtES KaTOKVp1mmu,d.,-011, and A-b ')'VIIOiKE!I ,ca-ra1r11p1.vuovu1 ,c&,,/3auiAl0>11 Kb rrT0>X0>11, Ab 1011/3au1'/»11 11~ rrT0>x_i~ rrop11da,s ')'VIIOutEs «a-ra1Ct1p&r~u0ll0'1, 1111 oc,af (save that af tre. /CanllC, after }'VIIOiicrr). beg,S1 read al ')'Vlla&KU ICaT,a1rt1puwvu1 •. g adds W d..aplwct,awpoii11Taa, . 18In oconly. k. prefixes «al. rr oc,{3-bdg. b;·s1 r!lad ,cal-roiip.111, d, «ai -roii, g om. A = ,cal.,-0,11, 18g om. A = (3aa-iAli»11, 801,,om. l9oc;bd,81.: aef, A read dpoiiu,. g om. Bi0(, /3 reads TOV --a,. A= -rm11, 81g om, A= &..a,,.,11111.•oc. fl-g reads «al ,-oii 'ITT,,g rnii 3'. A ml ,-0,11 rrT0>x_0>11. 84k.,{3-ag_, a reads Tf~ ag, A om. · 81A read an acc. by an error. g adds -rd. XVI. 1 oc,/3-dread q,vA&ua-m8E, a,q,v'/1.auu,n. • a,om. 8 ex,/3-bd,A. 8.m,v 1r0pv1Ccis111• 8, A, S1 -rawa °ltTTa, 3. 16 af3' pysvl'~O"II. ,.,, 8n ,cal uocf,ovs livl>pas r&lv vl&iv p.ov lliot"1uovuw. «al 18 , ~v ll>w1i 8&).,pg} ,rifTr, d ,.,~ a, ).fyr,, ;,,,_,,, /ai, IO"Tw{,pji, au11aTOP l''ltl lf>.0>r 'll'lf&P ol"°"· A «al «a>.& .. ''"'' 8).0>sp,j 'll'WfWoluo"II,S1 ).;ya> a, d &A0>s 1'9'ttlrrf, d adds ,,.,; h. c reads dp.apT&,,,Tr, fJ dpapnJTt, For the next nine words S 1 reads ,,, p.l«pf TWOUTa ''"' ~f:jpis,cal 'ltapa{Jatr&S, 17g om. l8 d reads if. 19 cx, g. {J-g, A read µ&xqs. 10 c om. d, reads {f, and so also for the next l«li. .81 k, g. c, {J-g, A read tTU«of/,awias. m h. a, {3, A reads 'ltapaf3J1r10>s. 18 d om. g reads ;,, 'll'd).n, IN d, reads Toil &oil, A 0 21 o.defg. cx,b read d'lt0).eicr801, 21A om. ,cupiou. 11'1 d reads ,cal 80 d reads 118b, A"bb*dadd ti>.).OTplou. 119c reads d1111«a>.inn-n. yap. 81CX. /3 reads l"11ToA&s. 81 {3-abd,add Bqtr0ul (Bqcrtrovie, «ai y&p. . B11ra:oulJ). 81:bd,, A, S1 add B1/ITOUE,a B,traovl. Sf cx. /J reads ols. A = J. SBA Kvpws. k adds p.ou. 1Md, reads pqlf &>,o,s. 8'I d, T&JJ&, «al ol, p.6i,ai,TOVTa'll'&UTaTO..O'«auaa>.a 'ltOIEi 6 or.os. . 88 fJ-d, .(save that b adds a; after ,ro).ll'ou ), A (but reading 'lto).;/£0>.,yap.,cal Tapaxi>" for fh-st four words}, SI. dreads a>.>..a.·'ll'oAip.ou «ai ropaxijr a,nos yl.ETa&. a om.




;,.;ET,. 18



s•. a.e,fg,Aal>*cdefa read

bd, 81 lmA. 0~11. A"= nine words through 1ex,b. ae 'c. k, ef read l1rifj).i,m11, ab 11'/JAimw,d, /3Aom11.. · hmt. 8 cx. /3,A_read l«liy, ( +l-y&, read Els,cd).).q,dj /11,cdA).u (d «&A).q). d). 9 (X, {J, A, 81 read dpyvp,011, 8 ae/add a~;I A-b add ')'11114111:011, A" 10 g reads .,,).aUf/811T•clir a:aya1and om. next four words. yuP011C&i.-. 11{J (save that 6 reads Bqtrtr,, J B&ITITOVE), (X reads Al!m11. A= Bqpcrow. 11 cx. a"bej, A-", 81 read 8T1 olBaly&,, g OTIolaa. A"= ,ca)_yapolaa ¥. For these and the next five words d reads : aia TOUTO ,ls Taiira Ta avo olaa . 18-cx, •y0>on, adf, A, 81• bt,gread l1r,1r8E, 11 A ToiiTo. · {3, S1 read ,,, 'ltOll'IP;,, A ,;op11d9. . ]I ex,A &beefs,.f3 reads «aly• ( l«Ud) .. 1 0'.,

IUTrU6p.r-,,or lPTiA).op01,


9g adds To, 8g om. next

= ,,,







µ.o, Kvp,os EVV71'0.ICOji 11'.0.Tpos µ.ov·19• 4· *'Eyw ovv oliol- 'h/le/ 20 *,ra.pEMff'ljcra. 71'0TE "la.,c&f3 TOI' ,ra,,:lpa.µ.ov21 , &-,22 71'&vra 24 • 25 o ef) Xpyov * /Jcra µ.o, lXeyev28 E71'ofovv 5. Kal "Af3pa.ap. 'I ..... ~ , 26 p.ov WAOYfJCTt p.£ 27 /30.crr.>..EVEW lv 28 'lcrpa~A29, ff'aTpus. * ,cal 'la,cw/3 WAOY1Jcrlp.E mrus 80• 6. Kal 31 lyw oloa ii, A .. 82 • 6i, ,, Ip.oil ~crua, *ro f3acr(A.E,ov •1~na1vX&facr8e 7, ,calS QICOVO'aTE rijs ,fc71'0pvdas,cal rijs r.>..apyvp(as 'Iovoa ; ' ' .... 9 • ' ({3-bd ' Toil 71'aTpos vp.6>V o.-, 12 *TtjiVOP,'f> 0 ~-) 3· "On lO Tavra11 &cf,,CTTIJ Tov1 3 8eov, , J..' ~14 ~ ~ Q ,, ~ •·~• ~ ICBi')'E ,cm TV.,,"o' To uta,...ov"~v rqs T"Xf/S, ~,,;.,,~...,,, Ell /31•


13-,,.0,s 'Evcl,x TOUa,..olov.

A b*dom. passage ~,,

.h, g read fJauv..Eis. irroluvv,·g reads


,a....... p.o, •••

18 d

read aµ1,q,v110ii1n.For the

,ra,,,-a Baa

fr'trfll o 'tra'NJP ·1a.....13 20 (X (save that t'ITOlov11 f,lqXvirquosal,n11, 19 O'.,A•b*cd.{3,A•r«,S1 om. 210'., a (save that 0. h reads for oJ11). {3-g, A, S1 read o/Jal,rOTfyap. reads E'>-Vfl'IIITO ), Ab. 'bdef,S1 read E'>.Vfl'llaa ( + ,-c\i,ef) M')'OII ·1a.....13(d trs. after p.ov) .-oiiff'nTpor,.av, A•b*cd•rE"A.Vfl'llaa 'Ia,c~{3.-c\11 ff'a.-lpa ,.av M.,,o,s (A•rrtrs. M.,,o,rbefore 'Ja.,r:./3).{3undoubtedly presents the harder text. If it goes back to the original, then E"A.vrr11aa .-011M.,,011 = "!:ii, 'n\"l~n corrupt(1) for "l:::ii:::i 'n'"\~n ;prdS.,aa ~ Myf. "l::li::lalso would explain 29 d reads &-,,.Xa. 93 h. c (A 1) reads the text of A. Baa· n,.,,,,,, abef, A, S1 &aa(+«al A) frff'fll,d, rrpoifflffl p.o,. -~f reads mol11aa. d adds lM .-oii.-oitt.X11po110t,11/tTa .-;,11 ru'A.O')'la11 'A{3paa.p.. 18 d, A read 'Iaaa,c, · 18 Em. from ,rpo,ra,r,rovsof o. 1,,reads ,rpo,ra.-opns,{3, A, S1 ,ra.-qp ( +traTpr\r e) TOU ,ra.-pds. 11'1= \)~i:::i, which may be corrupt for 1)"1n!l = lEEXifaTO,,.•• But it is better perhaps to supply .,,_,.,,0>v after verb. · See i. 6. ?8 c, a . om. '119g reads 'i.povua.,,_'11'· soO'.(save that h adds ai'n-orafter 'la,.r:.{3). aef, A•h*•d•r«, 81 read "· 'Iana,c Of,I0{6JS s ovro>r, 1''or last two words in b, g reads o ,ra.-;,p,-o~ ,ra.-posµ~v




81 O'.,b. aef, A read .11-,,.&yr;ai11 "'' {3aai>..Evn11 111 'l,povuaXq,.. 1 S TOO'OVTOII yc\p,cal. . S2Ab rj ru'A.oyla.


alOT",, dg a,&.

om.) «at.,,.(f'l'cl, A) OPf')'IIOlll XVIIL 1(:X. /3, A, S1 read B.-,(~ ('l')'IIOl" ,j) /11fll{3>.o,s(f3lf3"" dg) 'El'll,x .-oii&1talov, 'ae read «a,co,ro,qam . 4 0'.. fl, A om. . 8 b read iff''. 'd reads cf,v'A.riEa.-,, g cpv',a(JE. 7 d reads q,,>.apy. • d om. iral rijr rropv,• g om. njs before q,,-,,.apy. A•b 8 c, A. h, {3,81 om. ,rop~. ,cal "'e11s 1.apy. 81 q,,Xapy. ,cal µi(J11s, 9 d adds,,,,,11>/ adds 0~11after d,covaa,.,. g om. with rest of verse. 11 Ab*dread q,,.,,,apyvpla. utt.,n. IO d, adds ,-c\avo ,raS.,. lJ re&dB







15, «al v1rq,714'o.vfuw l«l>1.Mo-,m 18 &»l>pal>..ajam11 ..-ov «al-oli« &..oylav0fov ol, µ.v11µ.ovwH 81 Ilpo4'71TOV >..a>..~os o{nc , 83 '11'porrox8t(f, «al Myovs 32 f'llo-~~Etas u. 5, 6. r* A111Tl yap 1ra8fo-wlvaVT(o,sl>ov>..£6H'l! 36 oli Mva..-a,BT, * «al 0Ef ·tl'll'aKovrra, 38 ~IJ lfr~ ln..(J)O"fV awov 1• «al lv ~µ.EP'f~s lv vv«Tl 'll'Op€bfTa,






XI X. T/,cva µ.av, ~

1 4>t.>..apyvpta 'll'pos1 d&w>.o>.11TpeCcw


dr/nOTOVU,11. 13O'.. fJ-d read llllpov, d diro v&pov&oii n\118.v8poitro11._ A 18 d reads J«81&:la«ova1. 18 c, bfg, H d re_adsn,qi>.oiiu,. I,, 1·eads acfnl'I, a atj,l.,,u,,d alova,11, II aJ, S1 read. «al Gq>&ITTf VD'POII ( +aD" abroii, d «al uqntrr&a,.,.,},,VD'l/011 aiToii, A om. Here ,lrf>,trrd_ and J«81ai«,i11 appear to be alternative readings of iP,~. Cf. Gen, xxxi. 40. For st.ill another rendering see Sim. iv. 119a om. The phr11seis found in Sir, xlii. 9 '1pipi,u,aaiTijr dtp,ITTfVD"11011. 0, reads l«&rra1161ul. fJ,-o,om.. {3-d, $1 ( save that {J-d, S1 . prefix ml and g reads Kvplov). d reads «al. -yap11·i>.apyup[a Ovalu «al 8vcrlar Kvpiov x>.wac,., but P"''L.,,id,'"is· corrupt for Jp.,ro8iCn. A /uw,f,w"bi l1,11ro8l(f1. 1800C(save that h om. 1.m, l'OV81oii(mo>.ijr8,oii4 clg}BQv>.wow, d avo ,yap,raO,, a11lGTG raiiTa. . ae {J-b, S (save that {J-b,S om. «al, and a read/i 8foii): breads 88 oc,{J-bd. b reads lrvr/>Amaa,,, ·&,;8,oiiw-a«OUf&II. 11'1 d adds cl l'O&OVTOI:,






18 °'·"'·






.,..,,~.,,,."ll =


,_ta °'·


d ~>.oiia&. ~ 1 d rends dtr&,


•oc(c gives the form ~o>.oXGTp,lu). fJ,_A,&

XX, i]



o1Jqyf,s, lfr,4 lv wMvp6 .dpyuplouT"IWSµ.~ &VT"asoiovs 6 :·. ~· 9 dvoµa(ov1nv, Ka} ffl)Lf, * TOVlx,oVT"a 'l aln1,v8 fls lKITT"QITW 11 fy6> *TJKva µ.ov clwo-fJ-f, A, lp.WEITEW, 2, Aw. '1"0 lO dpyUpLOV 12, Ka218 d µ.~ ~H /J,f'1"4VOL4 16 rKal ~ T"Q'JfflVWITlS AWAa p.ou s rijs 19, l'ou161, Ka2 aPT dxlll18 Tov waTpos µ.ov t 1TVvJ1Jpaµ.ov ~.,.e,cvosElxov clwo6avf~. 3. 'AAA' o 9fOS Tli>v ,ra.,.JpwvfJ,S!ijr f,LOV 20 *"iA"ial I'• 21 gn lv clyvw1T{lf 22 rTOVT"O 123 lwo{171Ta. t11x'lr



24 ycip25 /J,f d 4pxwv rij_s7l'A4111JS, 26 , ,cal ~)'V01J1Ta 4. 'Erofl •

fl,A, S 6

~-- 1


,-X1JT"OS fWQL• . ol,crle_l'"'" 1 ovv, TJKvap.ovk, gT, Mo 7rV£Dp.a'1"a rvli>T"f ITXOA4.,cal ,>.eq(ovlTL8 T"'f' o.v6pr1mtt, TO rijs 4 clA178fla.sKal TO rijs·6 :;;yr,,,,. 6, 7fA4JnJS com. «al





.• •• rijr trA.all1jr (XX. I).

8g adds r,ji, tvxl,•. f g om. I fJ,S1 add lJ&d. f A 9g reads 8 ' A reads nwr f)(OIITar. C reads aw&... ltOT'fUW, , 0 OL,A. fJ om. U i/,gread dpyvpio11. Ab adds' Bqpaow njr 13A•b•cd•irom., ywaucdr #'OIi• · u Ol. fJ,A, S11·ead oD'&>>.,aa rci ri,ci,a f,1011. but not Ab as in Arm. text 1f g om. /, Ab read 4v,;,and/ o~. next

read ,flJo,>.a. adds 6,011r, .

10 0(. fJ-f, A, S read rijr {b om.) aopiwrflOII, .four wo1·ds. A-b om. next 16 oc. fl, S read rijr (b om.) hmt.four words. Ab om. next ten ~~rds. 17 g, A om. 18 fJ,A•b•••ierr, 'tvxijr l'flll, 81 add 'IQ1t&>/3. 19 oc. fJ oni. Aab*cd•'« ia•Co•, Ab w,c Avla&>6,,v ,col. This pa&sage illustrates well · the respective values of our authorities. 1111idlJpaf10v corrupt for \J!'U llJl,c61/aCZP, Or possibly for \"1fll lfJol,6,,aav. (Cf. T. Gad, v. 9, note). 13simply omitted 11111/flJpof,ldP as unintelligible, while the' reading of A may represent attempts on the part of. Ai·menian scribes to give · sense to the text, or ;afi1{011 may titJI, as it does a few times in the LXX. 111oc.{j, A, S read d (aef om.) olulpf,l•v ,cal "?..,,jµ.0,11 t10Aab ,j,.&w. 111111fyr,o, (A f')"'"')· ti C, I,,,(j" read dy110£9. llSC. I, reads rotlro,rov. fl, A _om. 28 c om. rest of verse together. with ·"A ;,, .la«avlJa>.1.1u, 26 af om. 18 beg, A, S. a(Y)/ om. xx. 1 through hmt. "k om. rest of verse. 80 ii, reads 8ia,ji8op,ls. .A. q)llp1i, or 119g om, ii, reads cl.rllD'aE, (/)vp6elr,a corruption of q,6op,{r. A om. rest of verse. • 81 ilfg om, 81 a reads ID"eyr,o,. 88 rl reads ~v i"°p.cCo•. XX. 1 h. befg read brlyi,o,re, ii, y,r,,i,a,cn,. a• om. entire chapter. 9 ef 8 k adds '"· •A ,Zr n}v d>.,j611av. • g reads rij,, A .Zr 6 ilg om. ver. 2 and first eight words of .;er. 3 through hmt. T,ji,.. A rr>.all'I"· 'I,,, c reads ,,_;o-o,v i11Tlrijr a11.,,,11,jalfo,r, Ol defective· and corrupt in vers. 2-4. • Corrupt for .Iv 41 9 A alTii>v( -t 8uoia,






= ,~.,,






= ,,_;,,.,, ·



.\* 2. K a,



/3,A, S1

Kal µ.lcrov9 ta-Tl* TO Tf;s /J,E!TOV ~!TTL 10 *roiJ voos, oi !TEWS'7, 3. Kal ~ E/CaVdOTlwvavr&>u wapa. .l,ca.716e{as «al 11:aT'I" d Aµ.aprw>..os"r,ICTijs zatas ,capalas-1. ,cal *, -yopri. lµ.1re1rVpL..&llf!Ta& •lav 6€').11,c).i~a&. for -yfypafrT'Q&). ef read ,calyr( +rorijs-d>..118,las «ale) T.} rijs ,rAa,,.,s7rapafJd>..An ... 1 roO'T, TOV d.Opt»rrov, The text reflects the language of Prov. iii. 3, Jer. xxxi. 33, ':J;',p :in:,, 'to write on the heart.' unj8os is a renderiµg of as in Ex. xxviii. 23, 26. dg om. first eight words as we have seen (see note 6) and read Tawa (o om.) yiypmrra, ( +~P g) i,rl ,-.} (o Olli.)a-T. roii di,8, A llr, da,11:la«al d>..,,Snayrypap.p.lJJa& rlul nrlTb O'T, TOiid118. 1S d, A EJIG, u dg read a~11. A d.Op1»1r11111. 8 1 hopelessly corrupt in this clause. 18 ot, g. a(1)bd,A read Kvp&as,ef Kvp,011. 18 bdef,8 1 (save that I reads p.a8,i11}.g reads 8v11,ju. l1118pw,ro11 lpya a,koii ).a8Ei11.A•b•odoa-;:;. av1111u. ll118p0>1ror 11:p{,,/,a&, Ab ll118p0>1ros av1111u, ,cpv,ya, lpya a~oii. Perhaps we ·ehould read 17A om., because unintelligible ns it d"8p1»1r°" in the text. Cf. g, A. stands. But '" rrr,j8r&l,ur[,,.,,,CWTOii U:lW::i,::i='on the heart itself,' -or a~oii ~ ,::i, cw::i, which (less likely) it is com1pt for '" daTl~ rrr,j8n11s· has the same meaning: cf. Ex. xxiv. 10; Job xxi. 23. With the former construction; cf. Keth. '77b1DW ,,::i:i ~::iw::iMtQY='do it on account of 18 b, 8 2 read mn-os. 19 d reads ylypaTrTa,. thy own honour.' to h, re-ads ro Ill A adds «al. lit 01'.. fJ,A = µapnipr'iffOPTa«ul ( efom.) "-M11YOPE'i, 8 1.dicnw, &p.¢111 ,ca}«arr,yop••· ISA adds l,,u~l. · .. H 01'.. fJrends 28 oc. fJ reads itpa,,r, ol, 3611, dp.apn70-as. TTpos r. "-P'TTJ"• A o~ aii11. &pa,









...o'lrpda-O>ff~HI nliToii. XXI.



I 01'..

fJ,A, S 1 read dya,r,j~Tf,


d reads Ar11l11, '

XXI. 6]




T * ,71'. & Kal6 rµ.~ l1ra{peCF8E T6V Aevl 3 ·tva 4 a,aµ.E(V1]TE 81 , fva µ.~ lfo>..o8pw8fire 9• r2. 'Eµ.ol yap lO ltiwKEV Q.VTOV 12 ~v 11 ~v {3aCF&>..E(av, tepanCa.v13, Kal ~ Kvpios, K..~(av 10 18 11 4. * Oiln1s ~s bn;tpltiwKEVTa €71'&yrjs, lKdV'f>ra lv olipavo'i:s• /_ 21 exu 0 , ... 20 ~ 8 ,_ • • t.., s 19 ollpa11os EOV . T7/S f71'LYfWV TOV V71'€P-oS 30 , Kai lCF8{etv 31 T~v32 rp&.1re(avawoii, ~. S1 29 a/irci> 7rpOCFEyy((Hv 34 vlciv 'lCFpa~>... drrapxar *a.4-ri;'11'poa♦lpELv 331 ll'Tpucf»J14un1v KO:(r cln-apxcl-. /,,,-pu11· ' 35• ' •laKw{3 ~ /3aCF&AEVS ' t!Fp *I~' ·6E 1.uiToo•. 40 btleg, A, Ka8&.1rep 6. Ka, lcrr,36 r,v a&ors137 ws38 ~ 39 6&.>..aCFCFa, s•·a[-• 42 XEl~(ovra, 43 , rolµ.Evalxµa>..wn(oµ.EVOL yap41 lv ath-fi.8(1(QLOL ,ca,o, Ka& • -- ·. . . . · , 45 441 av8p,/,- clcluco,. *ot 3E1TAOVTOVVTES , oin-ws Kal *iv CFol71'0.V ylvos



'd adds a,•allroii, 6 hi,~, A. c reads µfllll/Tf, A adds fis ,-c\,,al1>111a.6 hi om. d l1rrptTf, 8 cc,{3-aj. a reads lrr' aw,p,f ,ls reads lnrpEa8t, hi l1rlp£cr8a,; 11 ch. i, ~ read 10 d reads µl11. 9 A om. next three verses. a~Tov. 1 13 11 read lepoocrv11,,11; df • a,abe,S d reads l«El'"Pa;, bl,c1[11'f. d(~om.) Kvp,os, 14 ,; lfp(!)crv"'/, reads t.1cx · l1ri,-a~. reads c words. six next om. g g ,l/Pl"'l"• 1• ch. 18 C reads ollpavrp. 17 hi read a.Ta,l TOV, l8 hi, df, S1 add ,-ijr. d (b oni.) o/Jpavll•Tijs yijs OOTCilS {3-af, 81 read C:,s(;J,U'ITfpyapd) wr•pixEI (sic) :roii aoc, hi read. 111rtpa,-na i oll yap, f 8,,,-(J}s, (Toaoii,-ovd), a otrr(J}s, 21 /3 reads l,rl yijs; (l•paulas a). 8,ov, ~-v1up,xn 8,ov (g om.) IEpaTEla 111 lxl om. rest of verse through hmt. · 28 c.reads lmlo-n, g a1ro1ricru. 24 cc; 26 c reads _1C11p1Ev8rls, 28 hi read ,-oii Kvplov (i _8,oii). g ,wpm,Oii. (3 oin. 28 0r'.(save that.hi add 6 B'l·c.hi read l1rl Tijs,efg read vnc\ Tijs,a inr&. before Kvp,os). (3, S1 read «al yap awllll li'll'lpUf (g om. lilf. er•) lE•X•faTO 29 Or'.. (3 read (+ 0 d) Kvp,os. A= •EtXtfaTo yap awl)IJKvp,os v1ripvµ.as. • cf,a-y,n Bl A soQ, reads a~ov, S1 avTo'is; lyylCuv, .A_ lyytcraTE. 84 b 83 ex (save that M read awoii). ~. A, S1 om. . .f3 om. . 12 cc 88 Or'.,/3-bg,A, S 1 (save that d reads reads l,,,-pvcfi{,µa,-a.h adds ,-~,,. · · ,an and d, A add l11before 'Ia«@~ and hi om. 'Im:.). g .reads ,,..· cli 57 cc,efg. ab read avTois, 86 d reads lun, g ,lva,. . ,,, 'I. b om. {3aa1A1vn11 89 cc, 88 e reads be, A om, adj. g reads lv {Oa>..acran), d "Irr'ahov. •2 d prefixes ol. bdeg, -b om, (3, Ab, .A. • 0 cc. (3 reads IJ,..worm lo-ovra,/»r xii"I• Bl A-= ,cal«anurlo11T01 'Iupa,j>.. l»s lx, S1 lulJwvrn lx8vas ml d118~r. 111ex, A (eave that A ab read aa'iriinnd Ahb.edolg om.l>..ni8lpaw)./J,S1read 8vy. Kol vlo~u"A,v8ipovs{clom.~118bgread11:0Taaov>..ov1Tw, "b. Thieline ie omitted by ..>._c\ utli,p,wra,-&,,,d8l«r.>11 K&pa«tt«al «a8apµaro,j,a-yoiif14' lfp11.&rxoprauovo-w, 18 d reads ·nea reads «opa«,r, " 13-g. o reads qflE'ir,hi «al«vws, g 'f/l•1s. )(opmut11a-1, g X"P,-d{ov111.59 c reads ,rpoa-Ko,f,ov1111,. · eoex,af. 'bt,dg read•T'O 91 c reads 1taracyi&cr, n1ed11, Ai ·-&,,,, g l«lf'a&yir,81 cimia,-c:i1'a1, 811A ,rp«f,ijrac. 1111 "b reads au:.ei,ffac, / reads lurm,ras, cl adds mr. I a,tli,Eo,11111; For trmar ••• a,~ov11111 A reads ffllWES ol auuuoca,,.,x8qo-ovra,. XXII. 1 g ~ads hallaE,,. I ci, 8 read awovr. 11i.i,A -om. •exom. next two lines through hmt. cl om. next line, nA adds realand thus connects «al ;,, d'i..'ltoif>. with what precedes. •A= abrci,11, 'cl readso~ ;>.Bo. 'Ab=. 1J{!Jaui>..Ela,. 9 b om. IO cl reads ~orr,u,v and adds «al ,,,





= =




11 1ra.povcrlas 12 0£ofJ T'f/Sa,KaLOCTVVf/S rl(l)ST'f/S ,. ' tu d1»1ur,, r Kal 1rauTaTa teV1'/1u. 16 f3acr£>.£{as 3• Kal aliTiJsq,v>.&f£, Kpi!Tos p.ov l(l)s18 al&iuos17 , 6pK'f> yap 11,µ.ocrl µ.o,&18 Kvp,os19 p.~l[a.1'.£'i:ta, llO *TOf3acrt>.£LOU lie TOVcrmpp.aTOS µ.ov l(l)s al&iuos21 • 2 µ.oCtCTTL, XXIII. IloM~ 1 raf1 AV'ITl'/' TiKUa.p.ov8, a,afJ-af, A, 11as 1ro,~iT(1'( 8• ey-S1_-yo,,-' Tas4CT£Ay£(as' ,calyoTITt:la., r£ls TOf3a,rC>.£LOU, 7 l[aKo>.ov8ovUTn 8 K>.11Mcr, 11• 9 Kallia(µ.ocr, 10 '1rACW7Js yacrTp,µ.v8o,s 13• AaTprlor. 12 'lrO&~CT(T( 2. Tas 8vyaTlpas vµ.&iuJI-OVCTLKQS Kal li11µ.ocr(as 111 l8u&iu. · *t1rtµ.,~CT£CT8£ afu *lu ~li£>.vyp.acrw 3. 'Au8' 18 Kvp,os * iq,' 11µ.o.s 17 >.,µ.ou 18 , 8&.uaTOUA KO.l ,>.o,p.ou QU t71'&fn 19, 1r0>.,op1tla.v Kal pop.q,a(au[ l1tli&Kovcrau] {1ta.l.Kdva.s t:ls 8,a.21 Kal *q,C>..nau28 lx8p&>u. ~,] du£ili,crµ.ovs 11 /3-g add Toii aAAot/wAcnr O'lllll"EA•a-6,ja'fTa& q {:laa-tl..Ca p.ov. · 11 ot, fJ om. 19A = ,cal Tcln olinja-,i'I. ('Ia-pm}A «awdrAb), H Bracketed as an inter• polation. It is /oreign to the context and A om. C om. the N. h om. 16 b adds Toii. 17 i om. rest next eight words. 111g reads Tl\ icp,frorrijr. 18 c. Other MSS. om. 90 ch, o.ef. 19 d adds TOii. b reads of verse. liA.t,1m11,d liA•i,f,a,, g, A liAm/1111 ,ro&ijO'a&, S1 Aap.(:l&,,.,11, lll ch, A (save that C om. l1t.TOVa,t. p.ov): (fl, S1 read TAfJaa-Gm&P (TIJP{Jaa-,'l,.daP d) p.ov l1t. (icolbg) TOiitnr•pp.anr (T~anpp,aTi g) p.ov~a-al' T~r qp.•par(J om. ,r, T, qJ&,) l0>r(g om.) TOii(ccom.) al&>J10r. xxm. l C reads ,ro~Av. I g trs. after lO'T&. B aef om. ' b read da•Aytar,f aA'Y'la&'IIOI',1 h om. {J-aj,A add icaltl3oiAo'l,.aTp•lar.8 A reads 7 ot reads ;,, yaO"Tpl ·«al, d l,rl n fJaatl.dnw. p.v8ovr. 8 b reads d11o>.ov8oiill'Tn, 9 b, A. So also g but trs; ,c'l,..and -3a&p.. ,rM.,,,,r. This word is written variously · in the MSS. C reads 11.'1,.v80>a,, hi iA&ia-,, d iAv3oa-,, 6 iAqB0>;,.w, f 11AElBoa111. 11 fJ, A. c reads ,r'l,.&:,,..,-,,, a om. 10c, e read Balp.6>0-111. hi w11T0>P.1281 l,pX'IO'TPlaar. 18 hi, dfread fl'OlqO"ITE. A•b=ffo&riTE, U ex.k, A•ba•fsread ,cal (ae/om.)lmp,y., g nrl-yijrla-ra8r. Abb*4 =l,r1p.,y9uoll'Ta1.11 a reads {Ja(Avyp,aT,, 'g (:l&AvyJ&4Ta, 18 ot. {j-d read ~,. a ;;en. l7 A•bbb.i,4om. but not A"'· 18A•b read _u111uulbn11..{Jf,11.."b ( O'f&O'p.611) corrupt for ur111lt-n11..fclf,11.."b >..o,p.011, Abb•cd•r u'l/111"bn,{Jf,.:b= cj,&11011. hi read Ao,;,.oiiand om. prec~ing ical; dg add ,cal. >..o,p.&-,, may be a corrupt dittography of· A,p.&11.Then A,ptSI', 6ru,aTor,and popcfialawould be the three destroying agencies so frequently 19 Since A om. and the mentioned together in Jer. xiv. 12, xv. 2, &c. word injures the parallelism I have bracketed as· an· interpolation. A adds ·110[. 20 Since a, A om. and the phrase seems alien to the context I have bracketed it as an intrusio~. It is derived froin Jer. xv. 3. By· its omission lx6pw11is rightly made dependent on ,roA&apida-,,, and this phrase is balanced by q,lA0>11 l,11n8,a-p.ovs, a om.


~;a:).:' ' ::Opiela:








[xx1n. 3


fJ,A, 8 1 lrrUTTplt11rE ,rpor,cvp1011. 11 I,, reads l")(.6pov.,.. next five words. With rro>.wp,c[411 lx8p&11cf. Jer. 12 (X, abd, Ab. (Armenian text wrong here).· So also A"b*4 xix. 9. . with words transposed. A''" rf,D..0,11 •Zr dnJJ,a,.,.ovr. efg read !f,ll.0,11 18 The text is here uncertain. d11,J1,a,.,.&11. A comparison of the adjoining C?ntext suggests that mr0>.•111P iralrTI/Jalc. o!f,6o>.,.,.&,11 is, if original, thoroughly corrupt. Thus if d!f,6a>.~11 is original, it is unlikely that it was preceded by two accusatives, as all the adjoining parallels are against this. But drf,6a>.,.,.i11 cannot be right. The preceding genitives and the following one (two t) relate to persons. Hence d!f>llaAl'OJII is either interpolated or corrupt. (i)"First if l,rf,8«>.,.,.&11 is an interpolation (hi, A omit it), drr0>.,1011 iral a(/,>.urp.o11 n,,, nmi; for a(/,alCf>.l(o, in the only iwo places where it occurs in the LXX (Lev.; Deut. xxvili. 32) is a rendering of Now this phrase could bean easycorruptionof n,,:lnnrt1=drr0>.••11p.4'0>P, • the destruction of brides.' (ii) Again, if otf,9a'A~11is interpolated, the interpolation may extend also to the two preceding words. ·The .phrase «al ·a!f,au>.,a,.,.011 oqi8a'Al'Ol11 would be then an addition to the text like «al 1CV11aS .Zr a111a,raa,.,.&11 above, and dm/,>.,ca11 might be taken as a marginal gloss-explaining the rare word cnpo,c,>.WJ,&&-which was · subsequently taken into the text. (iii) Or finally;if dq,8a'A~i>11 represents, some corruption in the original, rTI/Jalc,>.ia,.,.011 o!f,8a'Ap.&• Cl'J'Yn,:l,where 0 1J'J7could be corrupt for 0 1?\JI ,radllo,11 or "'1"£0>11, ~ that case a!f,a,c, (i.e. vi,wlo,11) would be simply a dittography of the following tocJ,Sa>.,.,.&11 clause 11rJ7r[0>11 dvalp,aw, dd>.,11111 having been 01igioally as in ·(ii) a marginal gloBB, .As I think we should adopt either (ii} or (iii), I have bracketed the clause dd>.r&a11 ••• or/,~11 «at as an addition to the text. " Cf. Lev. 16 O\>'JI n1>nr::.i, also Deut. xxviii. 32. hi, A om. d!f,6a'A~11and d, A the following «at, For a!f,a«. a reads Ml"I" and 4 u.Elav Y"Jla&K6lll, {>-bg, S1• bg, A read · 88 ex,save that c gives form /,r,u«l,/,nra,. The construction ilr ,ca,.,r, irregular. We ehotild expect v,, {J, A, 8 1 read hr«1Tp#,Jn rrplJrKvp,011 87 ex,/j,-Jx/,,A. b reads ,w.>.,t,, icaplJlar, (+«al A). cl 111ri>.n mplJlar. ~ ex. {J, S1 read . p.rrap.,)t.ovpao, 11alrro~&pm,. ( cl om. ·ml rrop; ). A p.rra/M>./inrifml ffOPflJtTf(fqf, . 89 oc, A._ {J, S1 read roii e,oii.. •0 0( 1 (but with the form dvayayn). {J, A, 8 read «al(A om.) lrrctr«l,/,'JTa, a) v',,as{~p.ard). Kvpcor.(Aab*c4om.) '" ,'>.Hi ~ dvayGYTJ (brlO'«t,J,ffll& (d11a~" dg, Iv 0)'471'!1 b). · •1 ex.fJreads d1r~, .. /,i, {>-b (eave thatfor l811&iv · I reads >.a&iv).C reads r&i11 l8v&i11. 'rijs:alXfAM61u{as, b riir alx, r&ii,lx8p&i11l,p.&i!i,· . XXIV. 1 c .om.,caland tre. p.m\.1'iiiira.after'Iu&i{J. 1i.prefixes as title rr,i,r,,1>.?," y,_-,e~vac. . · ·9 g om. Of..A. · · 8In . of oh"'pter •~pl nnJ·XpcUToii .T. Levi xviii: 3.we have ollpati, • e om, . · 8 InterpQlated probably by the scribe who·added verses 5 and 6. VerBlls1-3 refer to the Messiah . from Lm. •b readi.:ir .s:,y>.,or ,.;;r811CG&Otrv71'1S', A.;bom. The phrase is drawn Wp6>ff0rreciallethe peculiar text of the from l[al •.iv, :2, arid diiolmJa:"'°' LXX ofNum: xxiv.'17, .. 'We tihouldexpect to find italUllfA'll'OpEtiUfT'll&.88 8 oc, hi A. ~/.- bdgread 11lois~&;,,•d116pwo,.,;, 0 There is no adequate . ground for rejecting this clause ·as a C~iiitiari interpolation. Of. T. Levi xvii'. 9 ; ~ii~ ..Sol..xviii.41,. where.the l!elisiah is to be «a8apl.rdrrl,·d'i,op,'lar. 1 ai'iToir.:.. 11 ~_b,:~st om, IO_be r~·~,;8 -11 Emended from -4a1>b•t1s which ~ ,jU11xlf ' «al .a~IC&l&!>tTllpU!:, for .~,,,1,,,.:..r.,,.n1.(,1/i111Jp. ,is .co~pt. f~r fun'b111e~n1.Plr"!JJa :d;.:irpa4np-,. . "Ab=:,,, '7U11Xlf; A·· .dpq'lJ ,cal ·.,jU11xl\i,






A ,cal·lKX_v8~!TOIIT11£ E~Aoy{a, i 9, ,raTpOsAylov l'IT'a-ln-4> ,cal awos .llC)(EEi le/I

'E,cxla,14 ,r11wµ.a U ~Aoyla.11,raTpo•/Ay(ov16 ,

,cal awos lKX_E£4 '1fllWµ.a x&p£TOS Ec/,'vp.o.S,

t ~µas30 '1f11Evµ.a X4P£• TO!i',

1T 3· Kal l!TE!T6E 3· * K11llaerie 11a-nii elsutous awffi Els vlo6EtT{a11 a.>.116E{as·

iv tU.'18e(q.

. * KUl,ropl!daerie18 Ell'll'pO!T-

,cal wopEV!TE!T8E Ell ro,s

19 a~Tov ,rpr/Jwpocrr&.yµ.aa-tv aVTOV T4')'1ffl!TW wpr/JTo,s1t11l oEVTEpo,s. To,s Kal EfTXtlTo,s. ~All!TTOS 4. [01:Tos d ~AauTOS 0Eoil 4. [TOTEdva.M!TETII£ lz.7r'lµ.ov] ifl/,l!TTOV

/3-d,s1 dr Co,,}11 71'Gf1T/S


1t11laimJ -q ffl1)'11*,r&cn ,ruplxouo-11 tfll~V~0],

91 u,cij7r- 5. Ka.l *a.11a>..&µ.,Jm S• TorE a.11a>.&µ.1/m u~1T-


Tpo11J3au£AEla.s µ.ov 22 1t11la.wo ~s pl(ris vµ.cii11 ')'EVIJ!TETa£ m,8,,.~i, BS•

fJ,s1,,, 6. Kal * ii cwrij11 ~).11~0-u 24 6. almtcwa- p&~oos o,,c11,ocro1111s 26 {3qUE-ra,. ·TO&S l611E!TW *Kp,1111, Kal uciiua,28 ,r1111T11s.Tovs27 E'1T£KaAovµ.I28 Kvp,011. . 11ws .,.011

81 ~a.uiAEla.s µ.ov .Tpo11 82 1ta.lcl'JTo~s p{(11svµ.cii11 0.VO.~!TETO., ,rv6p.~u, Ka.l aw' a.woo a.11aM!TE• ra, 83 p&/3oos O£/Cll£Ocro1111sTOL!i' l811E!TW 1tp,11a, 1tal u&iua, '11'411• Tas Tovs E'IT£KaAovµ.l11ovs Kvpw11.

15 oc, · 14 c reads l«xai• (sic). ~g. bg, 81 read A om. there seems no valid ground for marking ~ interpolation. Cf. Ps. ·xi. 2; Joel ii. 28 for the thought. Ai,d,

u Abes, A•b•cdom.

,,r11,i,,_,aror. Though



om.:· nettseven words

through hmt.

IB·greads aln-oii,S1 ci)w'r1J1'0,

_n~-,~m;18 b. deg read 11.airrop,urcr8•. ex,aj om.. a om. rest of line. 9:M;efg. c, lxl, S read ,rpoo-n')'pa-r,. :°1 . 80 ex. /J-d,S read ,ls Co,,ji, ll'GO'J)r (g om.) o-iyi11.or, d ,ls (o>,j11 al~11w11.a om. next two verses together as a Christian interpolation with XXV~ I have bracketed owos •• , (o>~11 11 g adds Brunpov. 11 hi read though some defence could be made. 18 {J-ag. · OI reads tnn"7, f/P.o>.,,, dg 'lf'OlP.9"· How this impoBBible 24 c. {3-ag read as in margin, reading arose I cannot discover. 28hi, ~- c reads ki lv alirfi d11a~qa-1mc, g l11aWf ')'flr1J0'1Ta1, 18g adds lv, 17 e/ om. 19 Ab Bd_ds «al aO>a.,. • ex. ~ om. OrJn, XpaOTOr. 80Aabc(•a?) but qp,ar is corrupt for vp,ar. Ab•d=d116p~cws. 81A•b. Ahb••dc 6a>.>.qq-11 ·dtroa-,dpr,-pov. 81Abadds dfl'owporpq-rii11, 81Abadds c5dn-10TM•



.6IA0HKH · IOT:.1.A

XXV. 3]


XXV. Kall µ.eTa TaiiTa *&vaun,o-ET«L'Af3pa'a.p.Kal 2, * Kal ly6>8 Kal ol aaeXcf,o(µ.ov 'Io-aa.KKa, 'la1C6>/3 ds (Ctll]V. 18 lo-op.e8a 6 rw 'Io-pa~A 7, * 7rp6lTOS l[apxo, 4 t 0-~7M"pc,iV Aro£8, 9 , 'ITE/J,'IM"OS awrepos ~. TplTos 'IWTl]cf,,TETaprosBEVLalJ,l]V 10, Kal *ws * 'ITI.QITfS . *'Iu,.._111Sv,. l1eTOS "lcn.i.xc£p Ka8e{ijs11• • 2. ~.Zaf3ov18 14 Ka, 12 d 'K6p,os d~&Y'laE TOVAro(, *d 6' 111 4yyEAOSTOV 16 lµ.il'l, 18 Tijs 6of,is 19 TOV~vµ.E@~ 20, ni~ 11 1Tpoo-@1Tov al 6vv&µ.e,s Y'l"' 21, rov 'lo-axap *~ yij 22 , -q8tiAao-o-a d olipavos rov •Pov/3£µ. vu. 24 *TOVBevwµ,,v25, rov28 Za/30VA@V, Ta OP'f/ TOV'lwO"l]lf,, 'q CTIC1JV~ 28 , *d ol q,c,io-TipesTov .6ai, 28 , *-qtTpixf,~27 Tov Neq,6a1\Elp. 80 r~v 'AO"l]p, l;Aws29 TOIir&a,*'q CTEAl]ll1J . 1 ot,/3, S A 81 3. Kal * IO'EriEels -~a.~, 3. Kal lo-oVTCJ.& ElsAaovKvp(ov {:JlOTIU, KvpCov,Ka,all *yA&lo-o-a' Kal yA&luo-a .' els ->.a&s:· µ.(a83, Kal oliKlCTTa,w -lJµ.,11 'lf~EilKaloliKlo-ta, lKe,84 *'ITIIEV~ p.a 'ITAtW1JS 88 TOil.BeAlap, µ.a 'ITAl1111JS IJn lµ./3A1J8'qCTETO.L p.& IJn lµ/3A1J{J,qCTETa&, * lv 'ITV. wrop.a.TaS8 Els Kplo-w pl 38 *els Tt\11al&lva37 • . al@11w11.



1A= l1TT11, XXV. i ki, g om, ;latt~{:J{G,11ul 'Ia-pa,}>.. d11aanjafTIJ1; adds ttaCafter 'Iatt"1{:J. B ex reads rtdyc:.;g ;.,-. f A Ml4 ::::: «eapxos. 1 ex,d,, bf read uttij11'T'po11 (llp.i>11 /), eg, S1 vrtrj11'T'p0>11 ~,,_&,,,,The translator hut A understood. peculiar should have rendered 1:110::i~here by cf,u>.i>11, meaning of vttij,rT-po11 here and rendered by tf,v'Aio11 ~~&,,,, e C reads.,,, 'l•povaa'Aqtz; Tc, dfread l~0>p.18a, •a, A. {:Jtrans. The nu~b~rsare given 9 c, df. hi, bg read B111,a,.l11, in e throughout th'is ve~e by the Greek letters. 6 BfllUlfZE&II, 10 f:J-f(save that cl reads 'Hvnx&p), A, S 1• (X r81.1dil Za{:Jov'A&>11, f Jvµ10>11. e; S1 add C' Za{:Jou>.&>11, 11 ex,ef. {:J-e/,S1 read 1ta8.,r&vm. 18 /j om. A mlrrtr. S1 adds '" 'Ivpaq'A. Ii a, reads TOTE, Ha, b, 81• {:J-b,A read ni'Aoyqvn. d trs. before Kvpcor. II a. d reads rtal.o, {:J-d o, 18 A= 18 d reads ,rarpor p.ov. 11 fj. a reads, . A= ul. rtal d 11 a. bfg__ 19 IOdom. next four words. ll-q,'Aor. • · Ab• adds amiii. 18li.i add B•11wpl11. 29d-trs. before Tb11 read 'Povfjqµ, e 'Povfjq11, 'Ia. HA= al O'ICl/110t: 21 c,.d,f. bg read ,-, B,111ap.l11, 6 ,-, B••cap,{11, hi om. 18 d reads •Aa&,,..rr A= al -rpvcf,oLThe original was f'JJ! ' Eden.' 98 a, ' •. def read N•tf,BaAq,,.. "-A•bcer 31111&,,.,,r rtal a'n/P'Yl-'ol,A hb•d 8v~s 81a, A.,,. «al 'ITT'IP'tiJ.Sr. . SOa, {:J-ab.b, S1 read ,"Aaln. A= al l'Aa'iai. bdg read lOTai ,ls >.cwr, ej.tOTai,lr 'Aao11, A•bb•adlvo11Tac.Zr 'Aa.S11, 81 IOTai 111 11 g, 8 1 om. Toir 'Aaoir. asf reads y'Ai>vaa11 µ.la,,. .. a. bg, S 1 _read 811 l-rc,e ov1e&,, df ~m. -d reads fj ,,.-,,,&"11, 0• ex, ..a4>0, rr•i"ll 115 ')(_O{Wa• apap.ovJl'l'a& · apaµ.ovvra,lv clyaM&eia8{iao1158 Tov 'Ia-1Calal>..,,s uri, ..-cu" 48 'll'f• pa~>.. '11'1Ja'41TOVO'tll *«al ol l11 ,c.aEaa8f, r&11,bg 4 h reads &s. fflUIT'CI.d, Ahb.cdeQrTd11. Bg om. . I oc. fJ,A read 8 ex. ft, S1 read l.. l>i.a/3ES'l"OV


{eavethat fJ, om. yapand g adds O~OS' before KM-.and om. awois), and d adds 7rp6roii drro8a11f&II aw611before rlrrr11),Aaof= ,cal(ots-A"') alrrr11, 'I. TO&S' vlois awoii 111 Ttpxpdllf TqS'Ttl,vrijs-abroii,.AUd 8TfZp.rll• Ab ml ,lrrr11 · ,..).fVTapni• Cto,}11 owoii,l1e&>..,u, 1"0VS' vlovs-awoii,calflfl'rll, Probably the five words bel~ng to A_ b also; b~t the no~ ar8uncertain. . B Ai.;, fu~,;o... 8 ci, 'd reads Ta,a,/a. l,, adds p.oi,, A•b•odrom. ag om. next line, .a ,cal /ya, (l'iila (sic) d} aw.Ab adqe ul rl"w avTj. Jv vlovs-txns- fl'Q;\).ofis-, 81 (X (save that Iii readn}11 oll1eZ-x,to ml ,lfl'a11.- 81 (X, fJom. 'Pax:1,jl); 113A=ov« 10'1'111l,ca.,,J,,0'01, /J,A, S1 om. H lid, A add rijs (b,A om.) (i,






I. 13]



4vapa84 f'OU'. µ.~ ,cal Taih-a85 M"'71, ss_r«'II'' lµ.ov, 87; bd, A *Ei1rf af aliTfi'Pax~.\ 38 • "EOTt,> ' ,rap8E• 89 uo, d40 'Ia,c~fi *-rii JIVICTl 11larp,ov, 'i'a~n. «VTlT&iJi µ.avapayop6>V r*Tov vloii42 uov1• 9. *Ei'll'f f3,A, S1 43 44 , *IIT, iyw Elf',45 A!a,ll'ror ,rpq u&lriiv "lt,t.Cu • *•l'&s-lcmv6 'luKwf3 ~~ 46 VEOTT/TOS' alirov. Io. *Kul et,rc 'Pux,\>.47• * M~ 48 49 , x~ /.&'lad , *lln ,,,.~ ,rpcSTEpcSv icuux&i 1'"18~ &cSlutE C1EUUT,\v O'OU ~pp.cSauT0 60 6 1 «al*a,· lp.E laovAfVITf *T'f)'ll'aTpl~µ.&iv *lrr, auaTiuuapa 62 • ex fi, A, 51 . · ~p),r 'Yf,P *Ka,\ ,.f&., µ.,, •~ ~ ~ l , ~ , Ecrr,11 o_I, I I. 1l'OV TOV'la,c0[3° 3• ol,« av ps-dp&iua'll'p,'I. 'P:' ,rpo~ ,,.~. ITV 64, aMa. 66 a&.\«i> I 2. *Ol, yap yv~. al.Tov fl crv «VTllp.ov 57 d 'll'a~p p.ov, /.&OO'N&, dcnjxS,,,s-68. I 3· Kal lp.f l1rAOJITJITfV 0








87 ex. 80A = rol,r pa113payopovr.88 hi, ab. c, def read '>i#tc, 88 ex(save that hi read 9 'Pax,q~). f3,A, 81 om. abe/, A-\ 81 read 9 lll 89 ex.aef read «al ferro>, flll'fll,d, Ab tl'll'f3, 'P. bd, A, 81 l&l, ltno>. ,o c•. i, f3 oni. 41 ex.(! reads n}11 ,,{,,c,-a'l"GVT"IJ"• · H c reads vl&iii. 48 A,A. c om. ohdef read ,:IT, a. («al ,rll'fJP /) Ala ,rporalirqv. abdef, A add "~ «avx&i/.&'lac M~a(, a,amS11 (,.,,a. 3oEd(ovd, Ab*4, ,calpq3oEd(ovb, Ab). 4f c•. M read lp&rltn111'I, abdef. A, S1 read lpor -yapltn,v d (de om.) 'I. enex.f3,A, S1


read«~. ." l,,i add I«. fT ex(save that,. reads 'Pax,q~). abet, A read 9 a. 'P. fl'll'f,d 11l1tt 3, 'P, ta ex(save that C reads p,;,for /.&'lai).This phrase has already .appeax:ed, · in f3 in the preceding verse. f3,A read ,-l rw11; ' 9 ex(for 9pµ,daaroC gives the form 11lppmaaro and for ;p1 hi read lyw); abef, A, S1 read 8,-,lpi (lp.qlb) ,rpor;pa11 (rrp&,,.o11 b) O'OV (b om.) ;fppotna&,ii, olixl ?rp&irov lpl aov qp,.oa11; '°Aaucd trs. after l3ov~eva,. 11 i reads ,-, ,r, bp&ir, ii,, Ab '"¥trarpl p.qv( + AafjavAb). 'A•b••4 om. Bl ,l read ln lM11corrupt fo1· ff'/ ,3'(7). &Sex (save that for T"O ,rp6ao>ll'OJI roil h reads fl'P°"'I" trpocro>ll'OII), {J, A read Tl O'O& (1711 e) ,ro,;,ao> (Ab*cd l,rol1Jaa),8'-,l,r>..;,1Jv11a d 3o?.o_s ( + aov A) r«al ;, trallOVpyla,.&;11 ,l,,IJf"'>ll'o," «al d ~or (a om. preceding eight _words through hmt.) ,rpoxmpEi, (ll'pocrxo>p,i af, ,rpoxopovawa) /,rl Tijs ;,ii,; El a. /.&9 (d 3, rrpo,xC:,povv ii,) al, oli«Ai, Js ~p&iua(oli«Ai, Js al, l,p&aa be, ol, -y/Jpolaw ·avre\ d) ,rpoO'O)ll'Olf '1. For d a••:'.•'Ja,co,fjA reads 11lIii d)..,,8,li,&v ~a8a, olitt. Ai, lC:,par TOtrp. 'I. S1 agrees with {j save that for ,cald ao>.or,rpoxo>pei .• • • El 3i /.&9 it reads ,cald /.&9 d 3&>.or ,rpo•xmpneir-1njr yiir. "ex,_13 (save that b reads ri ,l and d ,: for fl 1711). A yv~ yap abTovol,,c ~alla. nnex.f3read d)..>..''"· &II ci, abef. h reads daij>..8,s, d damxS,,r alir4i. A•b••4 rea4 lllff'-1111' i36S,,s {Abb111n'-l' l8C11«as) alirf, but both these verbs may be corl'Uptions of J'1nlrr ,laij>..8,,or flO't/xllq,. 07 ex.abej read ml lrr"AavquiI''








[I. 13

18 oc.olxkJ, (a om.), d, A brMPr,a,yap I"• A' om. nextnineteenwords. 81 read 1Cal µ1-ra1m1aa.r (m'l'a17T11aar d) I" (a om.) Tfj 1111ffl luWfJ {~" wffa la"",11cl). 18 .,i,,,ral l«,.'a61"rruvoe 111,jj 1lrr111, •EPG 'l'mP~pa~po>11 >.~µa,, ,ral IUl'l'lt"Oii1111,r 1111ffl. 81 1X. (:l-d read z,,,,.., 'I. ~• Ala11, ·d Z,,.a,'I, ,j 1111ffl l1.S.'I. fl'pAS' 11711 ·awip). aberead,., (a om.) 1,-,.,.A•= l-ya,.,,rre 'I. I" l« Alar. "'oc. abdtf, A; S1 om. eaa reads l«>..;,Br,.




1 IX.

tJ,A, S1 om. Before the beginning of the chapter d adds:

Kmrra>.wlo>S.11IUl'l'fO"l'pt''"Ala.. ml

TOh-1po11 µa"8payopa11 ,lfl'Oiiaa'lj .'Pa;ri~ A~E 'l'Ovi"oKal l,q,.,a-Soiiµa,awA11 ml '9 111/ffl'l'rMJJ, ,ra1 na{h ffl 8vo µij>.11 1 d om. __8 hi read 'Pax.~>., ml Bi8o>ll:fll aw,j ro11 'l1111cli/J ml t:i il>Jl.11 1111m. 1 fl'GTpl 'IX, b, 8 • ae.f read clyyc>.or,d liyyt>..or l(IJPUJV «al elfl'fll, A 1 \ "t. \ ,,, J>, • .. ...: ~}. • ,......., Offfll IIIOIII' flX,f now. IIIG TOIJ'l'O f'l'EKEII f., TOl/f .... ·ul/0 _n·f .......'I• ..• Pa,\'r" f__\__








11-~.AE[alO . ~ µ.~rqp µ.ov 4ZIT'l . O'VIIOVO"(cis a.1rlaoT'O ll ffl Mo {JiA, s• µ.fiA.a,[h,] 12 0KT'i1 vlovs 1,,.EllE13 rncE,,,: a,a ,T'OVT'O·lT'EICE, 10 l7rEO"Kl*1u1\ 'Pax,~AflT'OIU!T'O~S81foUST', ,,, *T"o,sµ.avapay&po,s Aab•~df, 16 17 18 ~ciT'etavnw .d Kvp,os. 3. EloE yap lfn Bi.a T'lKva. 19, ,cal 0VB,a q,,A..,,Bovlav. /;8EAEII O"VIIEWa., *T''!)'Ia,ccli/3 ( + ~ e) oc Q · A ab*cdf 'Paxqll..




:~a: H


10 y?tp Kal111 4. * Kal 111 4• ITpoo-8E'io-a. l7ravp,ov 7rpoo--'Ia«!~. 22 T'OII 8E,O"Q, -rti l7ra.Vpwva.wlBwKE 41TV1'710"E 'Ia.,cw/3 rva rllf!Xa{Jg

23, •111Kw1J

'Ev *T"o,sµ.avapay&- A.&./3p ln po,s15 ovvH l~ICOVO"E Kvp,os26 pov28• ffi26 'Pax.!A. 27 · 1 ,,



4Mov µ.avapay&-~~:;., pa.apa-yopai,,



2~ o/nc lq,ayw 30, lx.Ma -5. "'OT',· ,ca{ YE 'll'OflqtTaO"a. T'OV'rovs c'J.r, _s1

81 mum 82 iv of,c 88, 'll'po(l'&.fao-a. 34 T''!)1EpEi 35 iE$t~ov, d.vl87/KE11 KvpCov T''!Id'vT,38 iv .T'~ * T'cST'E XPcS"'l' 37 • fj «a•ptp 2 lyi13, *Tl,cva µ.ov', l'll'opwS.,,11 5 l«Elllf/l.t III. *"OT'Eovv1 {,BpvvS.,,11 6, * ,cal fyEIIO/J,7/11 7 yEwpyos*,., 'lfG.T'pl ,,, * &8-.min ,capl;(as S 11 • frQTEP"',I' 9 0 dypwv 1'0U_ KIilT'OiS d8eA+ois ,,.ou8, ,cal lq,Epov ,cap'11'0VS' ______ pov «a& .



{3-af, A, S1 dypG,v«aT4«o,pov aw&ii,. 10 oc. {J reacts Ala, 4. Jv T~ pa.apa-y&poar .J'tr)}«DVO'E K~p,or ~., 'Paxqll.. af (a trs. before di,,.l).ci, e read atrf&iTo,b wiao,, 19 IX (save that ·ci. 18 oc. ahef, A read ,lx,, d lux.E, ). {J, A om. u oc(save that. read fT1/ c reads 'Pa)(,11,)>. «al). ahef, A•b•od read as in margin. Ab is very corrupt;

11 h,


lll.a{Jw'1'4pijll.a«al ol, O'Vl'OVUlar -yaµo11 «al '1'4aw 'l'EIICIHJ 'Paxqll. f'l'EIICfJI,



reads Taispa118pa-y&pa,r.18 i r~ds TaW'II',6 a~Tj. Ab= ~.. 'Paxq~. lT oc, aef. b om, 18 dreads 01&, 19A•b•cd'= T¥ ci,,Bpla~rijr, Ab'Paxq~ '"¥'l111Cci>fj •. 10 b reads trpouSijua. 11 h om. 91 oc. ab/ read dtrlaOTo,e -drri80>To, 18 abef, S1 add as in margin, save that for ,-, a. pai,Bpayopai, b reads ,., a; µ11118pa-yopa, J ,-.a. pa..8pa-yovpoi,, and a ~., .nx,,., pa.apa-y&pa.,. After pai,8pa15 6 reads 6 K. and -yopa11 b, S1 add 814TOV'l'O, !Maej. ocreads « om. h 'Pax,,jll.. 28 Ab is trs. after 'P. · 18 b reads rijr; d Tqll, "oreads 'PaX,11qll., very corrupt and reads ~l Ala q P.9"1PpovTj brtwpwi, ,rpou8E'iuawriniuE 'Ia«ci>/3, J1mr6S,,u,ryap~",,,awfi «al 0~ a&a'l'OIIC07', «al lll.a{Jfll'Pax.qll.ttl &>J.011 pav8p6.-yopo11, 29hi. c reads "1"0W01r, a a~""• bdef, A aiT®r. Ab= vlour. 80Ab adds 'Paxqll. T4pijll.a, 8J dreads J11lS,,H11. Ab= ,aQ)f(fJI. "oc •. a(l.el, Ab read awd, b at...o~s. A•b·c4 om. . 88 Ab adds e,oii.,A adds ml, . 8' ex. bd-8,S1 read trpOO'fW(KIIO'a, af rrpouei,ry,coiiua.A= either reading. 18 Ab adds 811A,= dpx&rpii. {J, A •b••4', S1 add i,,/,lO"l'OiJ, Ab 9foii {n/,lO"l'ov. · apfT'li, _co oc. /J om. '1 g reads Kvplov, fl d adds 7rp@T'OII amTOVl,plo,r. 41 oc. fJ, S1 om. u a om. /1adds ial ...Sn lym ( +lEaliTG>r1 Pffr'A.&p.fJa,,o11 d, dmj45OC, fJ,S1 om. 48 Oi, fJ,S1read i3,TrAaa-laC•• A.avo11 g), S1 ,calm• lpavr,p.







47 µ.ov• ~llH llE Kal 'laKW/3*d 'ITarqp 46 * lv T'a,s XfptrC a.3T00 48 111 IL'Jl'AOT'flT'( µ.ov. 8. *n&VT'Q' p.ov45, 6T',d'~E~S ITVJ/fP}'~£ 9 '11'apE£X011 yo.p 71'lV1/u, .Kal 8>..,f3op.lvo,s' *lic T'G>ll o.ya6iJurijs 60 iv /J.1tl\.0Tf1T', Y71s Kapllla.sp.ov611, l V, Kal wu *&.ico6uaTl p.ov, TlKva1, 11 r,capllCas 13 , Ka2'11'opwEtr6E lu IL'Jl'AdTT/T, IJµ.ii,11 16 Eliapl'1T17uw 4 r71'iiuau 7• 6 KvpCov 6n Elllovlv 6,...iv bdg, A 2, J•o /J.71'Ao6s XPVfTloV • 8 ,rlEOl'lltTEL awfi, 81 ,:,,_ PCll"".(T'C,)1171'0&Kl>..CIIU t»JK l,1,.{fT'a, 'fH!tU111 ,,... 'I' OVIC ..>..a. p.&vovl,clllx,fT'a,*To8l>..71p.a ;r>.e-011H:• 4· Ka( }'f *Ta 71'11Wp.aTa 13 rijs 'lrA~s o/,lJEv*lax6ovcrw '11'p0S _T'fi, ·, 1\ QWOU

oli yap 15



tE?llfu l71'tlll{acr6a, t 16

{!-9,8, v,roypa•·



18 871AECas

"'"' Cij11.

1• 91 TOUuovu o.wo6 rrva p.~ 19 lv 20 ll,aCTTpocf,fi P.'411'(1

"ix.,e. abfg read i,, (a om.) -x•pulv ,un,,d ;,, T'fi -xupl pov.

csd reads

ITIJP,ftf14T'T'E&, 'fl uvP,ipy,1. '9 ot, ef ( eave that M read ttiiCT,and 6 6>..l{JoµJv;, )• . ad read 1rdvmyaprrm,ra ml rriicn6>..l{Jop1vo1s (ft411T'O thu{Jo,,..11011 d), bg,S1 rrallT'l 6>..i{Jop,illf, IIOot. abej, 81 read rijs -yijsT'Q dyaSa,dg T"O -yli.p'nl1f/T'l 11:al Tl'OIIT'l

aya8a (rodyallc\11 g) "7S ')'qS, Bl 0( 1dg, abef, 81 Om, 1 A reads IV. 1 d, A read Tliata p.ov tl11:0~1T11T'f•p.o', g tlll:. Tl~ 8 c, bg n7tf'inni.(Jlr.. ,1p. V)'IM17ro corrupt for 'Y,.l'f!!111nLp1r,.,rp. (save that b om. v/Ud•)·hi, aef read ,/,vxijs vp.ow (i ,jp.m11). d is conflate: 1.,T'Ol, oli,c(~II el) lnrf,ypaq,n {ij11, g oli,cl-ypaq,.1 Cij11,S1 oli C'l"i{ij11.Oi_is undoubtediy CQrnipt, and apparently also fJ. The sensi appears as in S1 to be : • he does not long to live for long periods.' Now hr,ypJ.,P.,(or v,rvyp&!f,f,) TOii Cij11 n,1n!, M~!'.11? which may be corrupt for n,,n!, (~r ~) i~t19 1 desires fu live.' 18 A ll d, trs. after e,oii. T'O rr11tiipn. 1' {3. Oi reads lcr,cvtro>ITW alrr,; (rrposalrr-611 h). A'= fo-xv• ,r~ alrr-611. 11 d om. 18 ot, fJ-fg (de reading ola.,,and hi •l), S1• jg, A read ,r,,~,, (cila,,,/, g&111A) bri>.lfau8ai, S1 irrl{J>.i,m... Possibly the original was :1 n,ii!, 3M' N!, 11 d reads o/i,c ola,,, lrr,BiEacr8a, cannot have pleasure in.' · 90 g om. 18 A 11:&>.>.ous, -yu110lll:mP,19 i reads p;,,d fva p;,-y,. 18 fl, A. .·o_ reads 11 h reads 1.11a.11li, 111A d pial11u. mi oli,













22 t'IJ>.Ot .,,,8LaJlou>.CoLs O-v ,,,2'l5,a- 5. [ov {36.u,cavos 26 llCTI)~EL 7'1/V'lflvx~va&ov]111

23 fl Cij'Aor

flovXlo,r *aln-oU

1 lv *ovoe r1rep,u1rauµ,os

frrfA.E1J-. 6. 11opE1iETaL 29 3€30 23, UETOt

Ev vot28 , a7r>..71uTe{q. rtvx~s 131


32 dpq 83 lv *e~8ilT1JTL r,cap8£as134 1r&vrn 86 a.1rcl~s 35 *dcp0a>..µ,ovs 1iOV71povs */J,~ lmaexOPfVOS /3,S1,S1 Toil ,cauµ,ov 1r>..&v7111 d,rXo*tva /J,f Ior, 6teUTpaµ,µlvasras lvro>..asroil Kvplov31, T?TI. ovv *Tl,cva µov v&µ,ov0eoil1, V, «l>v>..&faTe 2, ICT'l71Tau8e ical *7'1/vb.7iAOT1)Ta 7iOpE1iECT0E, r,ca, tv O.KaKlq. 4 TaS 7rp&,[ELs. TOu 3 7iAf/CTfov /J,~ 7rEpLEpya(OJl,EVOL fllVToXar Kvpiov 7• 6 5 rov K6pwv /CaLTOV11'A:quCov a.ya11'711TaTE 2. ,AAA.a ,cal Toii. 91 8 7rtV1jTa,cal &.u6e~ l>..e~uau , 11 flµ,C,vels TOyewpye,v 3. 'T1roT[6ere10 rov VWTOv YE(J)py(av, ,cal tpya(Eu8e tv lpyo,s12 r,ca0' ~/CClCTT7/V 141• 13 Kvpl'f) 7rpoucplpovTes liwpa P,ET'evxaptCTTelas

fl, s1,s2


1111 {:J,S (~ve that for avroii a reads al,.,.0111, hi {1/Xo'i. 91 g adds Toir. C,,-~Ei, 28 bdg, S read {:JauKc111la. ~1 Rightly e al,.,.&11).0( om, A reads p.o11. 28 Emended from ex, {:J,8 1 oMi (ol, 0(, olln g) ,rEp,u,rauf'lJ" omitted by A. i). A= ml oliK (lv VOE&. c) l'/11Jo•i (,rop,up.lw b) lv a,r"A.'Junl, (d,r>..O'l"J'I'& Ab*cd'r)l11&ov11.Here A•b*•daccording to Arm. text ( +XP11ulo11 d,rX,,urla11 before cirrX'I=• The reading of b is obviously an emendation. trs. l11&ov11 81 0(. {:J,8 read 19 A= wopEvB1111. ' 80 ch, ef. abdg,A, S1 read yap. i om. 88 A = ((.-.,ijrb). A= d,rAO'l'f/T&, 82 bdg,A prefix Kat, di8~.,..,n ,J,vxiir t;,Ovrrin. 1115d reads /J;, citralltx&U,po>11, 84 0(. ~. S as in margin. A p.tvor, For these .words and the rest of the verse A gives /J~7TO'l'flm{:Ja>..~,, g} (ocf,Oa>..p.l,i, Elr rr>..a,,,,11, 86 ex,/>-bg,S9• bg, S1 read dcpea>..flo'ir .,.;,,,ocp8a>..p.l>11 7T0111jplar;, 11T aef, S 1 (save that/ reads ollovrfor lvroMr, 8 lJ1EU'l'pap.p.{11r,,11 and hi 8rnii for Kvplov, and aef om. 'l'oii). bg' read Xvaµq for l5,£trrpap.plvar, n (i om.) ,vrox;;,,; 'l'oii Kvpi011 (g reads. 11,EuTpaµf&IIID) Wn lJ1EU'l'paµµ{11r,,r ali'l'WII, ical ~&Xy lµi els Tapax_q11 lJ1EU'l'paµf&•V(,)!, (8Eoiig). d om. A=,.;, :a..., for ewii). . bg, 81 read IIOflOII8Eoii V. 1 ex,adef (save that ii, r;ads Kvp1D11 2 A-'g lm/UO(T8ET •. a,rAOTl]TO, Kvpio11. TEICl/4p.ov (g om.). A= JIOflOII f>utA'• agree with ex,f:J,and A of ver. and ver. z. · 8 bdg, S1 read as in margin (save that dg read /J'llli .,.;;,vfor Kol .,.oiiand g «al .,.;;,v), 4 dg read ffAf/U{r,,11. . 5 aef. bdg read Kvplov icat 'l'oii. aef iVT'o'Aqv 8 7 ·. Is this C reads opcf,a11&11. d adds bµ;;,v. ciya,ra'l'E.• a 0(. {:Jom. 9 b reads E'>..,ii'l'f, . lO hi read a,ror1BEn, bdg wr&0E'l'f, due to Ps. lxxxi. 31 ii g reads 11oii11. 12 ~. A, S1 add 'l'ijr(abif om.) y~r. A om. rest of ~erse. 15hi, d add Tf (but hi tr13.'l'f K, after ,rpouq,.). u g reads,.,rpouplpm,







4. "o,;, 7tj)(,>roym~µ.acrwlsKa.j,'1t&,u1T rn;s yijs1s1 rovs22 *wAO~fTf&~µcis19 l{6pws20 rKa.8wswMmcrE21'1t...£ap fJ,A, s1 o'l'4'o,-f (ol&a



1 To 11 10 )'ECt>pyE~ Kal d.q,lv-rn


118. aia.{3ov1'.lo,s 12· rois r'IJ'OllfJpois lfa«oAOV~!TOVO'& avr&iv «al IJ&a0'1ra~o-ov-ra, lv Tois l8vE;,W 16 Tois lx8pois avr&iv. 1Ca2. IJOVAEV!TOVIT&V 3. Kal liJJ,EiS oiv Ef'll'a'l"E railra 15 rois Tl,cvo,sliµ.wv,lnrCt>s. lav 19Kvpwv. 18 'ff'p(JS 16, T&xw111T aµ.aprCt>o-, l'ff'&O"Tp(\f,Ct>u, T011 4. "Or, l>..~µ.Ct>V lnl /Call[EM,ra, 10 avrovs *-roilbnnplnu avr&iv. va, avrovs21 Els 1"1/11


VI I. *'llJov oov c:is&po.TE, .

·/3,A, S1

VI I. 'EK.arov el1Cou,avo lrw11 lr/Jv. dµ.l ly@. /Cal00/C lyvCt>V inrapxCt>1. /CCI& o{,,c *lyvCt>V+lv lv lµ.ol aµ.aprlav rfls 8&valµ.ol /J.p.aplav 2. yvuruKost TOIi, 2, Il>..-qvrijs yv11a&1C01l 1•. · · 'ff'A~II rijs uvµ.f3(ovµ.ov2 • µ.ovol,,c lyvCt>urLU.'711 14 p.ov6• Ol,ICl1Wpvwua8 lv JLE'l"E"'P'"~rdrp8a>..~v i1Carov Ef/CO!T&




49 a. f3,-d read ra rr« mpx.S,w,a. tt11par{,pia tl'i,ill'I , • • il), A ,-a ,mp. & mro11:a>..vmJ&ffll lO'T'lr,;but Juu,..'hlr~a is corrupt for



JIIIIL'hfrLnampx.Sf"lla; VI. l asf, S1 read ofaGT"f,M.g,A ola«. I(/ reads T'fllllla, BA m,p'r,e~irova,mrcS, which mayhave been corrupt for npWO'OVO'III dmS. 'A om. next fifteen words through hmt. • hi read 11:G1Ci11•.8c reads ,rpotntf'Aoama,. 8 '~- /31"3ad1U11U1VfYYlf,ex,as, bf read ra,-a>..,,rcSvm, d, IQIT'aAdrroPTn, 9 g prefixes ratand trs. before preceding line. 10exread "¥• 11breadsyf0l/Y'lf&OII, u 1,,,abde. c reads lEa,co'AovBow,, f lEa,co>..ovM,am,;,.,, g brG1CO'A. 18/ om. 11freads ~c add ml,' Hb/add·,.,, g,trs. after ii,w11, 11 M 18ex,d. (3,-d read br10'T'pl,f,ouac. read dµ.a,miO'Ola&, 17bf read nlxfw11, 19 c. hi, fJom. 90 a reads /~).~ 91 ex. ~ Ab••add O"MO"n, reads ,-oii br,,;,.pl,f,ru. g, A read «al ffl&O'T'/W/m al,,.o~r (g om.). a om. together with next four words. VIL 1 ex(save that 1,,iprefix ,w/. and read lnrapxm11 for vrrapxe}, oh!,A, 91 read as in parallel text. dsg p«/1 (i g} Elpl (lfP'I"s) l-y(q. Ao>..os, µ.ov· ,f,ref>osOVK. clvij>..OE a,a:TWVll XE&A£(A)JI µ.ov. S· rnavTl av8p0'11''f> df>vvoµ.IV'f> CTVVECTTtva,!a.


. p.ETl6w,co, 4pTov12 µ.ov1 , 14 111 Evcrl[:JE&o.JI E'IJ'OC.,,cro. lv 'll'4.~r••• xn>.10,11 ,..,,;, appears in A as Kal ad>.orolitecMj>.:6e 'a&A~...,, xei>.lm11 ~ov ml olite11/mJudl"lll;.ii 9 d reads l-y,,o,. ,r)..f/VlOII fll)Vo JO a, dj. abs read ,,,; g ,j. 1l g om. 19 ex.{3-ag read ,-a,, llp1'011, ag TOJII llpTo>'II. 18 (j save tliat breads lay~11 for 14g om. next seven fliflp, and cl adds ,ron after fhflp. and""" after-l>.vua. 18 a., a.def,S1 read d>../,rob,~ words: Cf. reading of adj. lli e om. ( 6 ~7"11Ta ), b «al_d>.~6na'II, A teal ,.,, f'ITOpwO'ap7111. A om. verses 6-'[. 18 c. hi read luxvos~ 17 hi add dp,ol0i>r, c add eliul{Jnav~afT7Jua. 19 efg. bd read l11rraur,"V•a om. 80 d adds 11 b reads wr. 1111 ·a. hi, g read «al Taiinz frO&E&f'f teal l,, T, pov (g ,ro,quan T, /lOtl «al v.). b, S 1 18 c reads rliV'l'll«all,, ,ro,q0'111'f,-. ;.r.ov. ai/,efTaiira ,ro,qCTIJffmi. l,, ,-, p,ov. TaV'l'llvpeir iu irouin. If fl, C reads dtp' vpa,11, hi vpi'II, d. (J reads ~apnzllypm S,,pla, befg 'ITIUITII lfyp,011Bijpa( S,,plo11 J, S,,pfu.,,Bijp~e). 18 c. hi, / read team8ovA6>tT7JT.f, ab tea1'a4'ov>.&>nu6,, e «a1'a4'ov>.6>0'7Ju8F, g tea1'a&11>.6>uau6e, d o~tel>.8y rrpar Vpa$and omit next two lines. c adds in margin .and hi in text rrrpl TOVXp,,,,.oii. ff ex.fJ-d read laV1'aJ'llo !Ill (X. fl, S1 om~ · 1 llll ex, {s-d, S eave that hi, ef read ,rvp,ropevoptllO& and (X adds a~ii after 80 (X, (s-d,. A"'"', S1 read as in margin, d, Ab*d 'l'CIV1"G icap8lar. .( +'ITIU'Ta Abt4)elrr!l>.,, 'Iuaxo.p ,-oir vL>isavroii lnnl>.a1'0 awois-. Thus .the






[VII. s·


33, icalCEi 34 6&l/t(J)O'LV ~g, S1 ')l(l)O'LU awou 31 lu 32 XEfJp@u a.o,.a,sa 138 • ~I/TO! rJJ,ETO. T~U 'lfaTlp(l)V awov u,~ A rnrrj>,p. · (X fl, S1 9• Kal flCTE{uanovs9. * Kal lffrEWE 9. ·Kal/,cn{vasrovs ffOaasawov 87 l,co,- TOVSffOaas awoiJ 1l'08as avrov iiwuw39 lu (1'(1/ w *yfi 'Paµ.~871lu ripn ica.>.:ci,cal88 d.1rl8a.vf 42 *vy,~s &,,,,s ii1rUou al0uwu, ripn ,ca>.,~, 1rav ,co>..µ. 40 1r&vra µ.l>..71 awov, /J,fAOS lx(J)vvy,ls • ,cal iv ll1'xv,ii7rU(I)~ ,cal llJ'XVV ii~(J)O'EV 44 , O'fll iiwov alra'>uiou iiwuoual0uwu41• 0

.o.,a.fJ"71C7/ Za./3ovA~JI TOV


vlov 'Ia.,c~/3Ka.tAef.a.~1•

2 Zaflov>..011, 4 I. *'Avr(ypaq>!JII >..oy(J)u @v3 1,JfJf'TO TOLS vlo,s

16 .... r4i6 l,ca'TOaT'f' awov, r'lfplu~ chrofJavEiv a/Jrau *rm£pr'f' ,cal 7 au&r, lrn rijs (wijs awov 81 JJ,ETO. *ovu avo(T719 *Toil 8au&rov10 'IwcnS,t,, 2, EfffEl/11 awo,s• 'A,covO'aTlp.QV12,

81 A = dffla inferior MSS. of A agree closely here with ex,d. 81 (X, bdf. rug read dr, 88 d reads X111p&11, 8 ' g reads icai. a~TOii. 811fj-g trs. before IJa+o,a-w / adds .~... against ex. g, A om. h, A, 116.,,, A om. S1 add '" Tf rnrrj>.au,( +~ 8,,r>., d, A). ST!,,i. a om. l8 fJ-a save that g read,s l«nl'IIGr 'and om. awoii ml. d reads ~f Bi br'AqprTfll 88b adds ,rlµ'lrT'Or. •0d reads by1ij, g om. lUTE'A>.o,uvor -roirvloir a~oii. 1 rest of ver. n f, 8 add 'Ia-craxapvlrlr 'Iair@l:Ie' ( + 11:al S1) 11lrlsAlar l ( + iral 8 1} Z{'IIT'"lr,, p,rfl. 41 So A•b•4, corruption of 'Y'IP'IirM.f,Aorare IJroii, more corrupt. ' 8 Aaors,Ah'= ~~r ;11, ·"Ab• add ,ZrME-11 1 1 Title. ex in text, abs/, 8 read A. z. TrEpl~-la1xlllar iral' ,?..low (+ lp,.,.,,11.v,racZ. Bi>po11 /), d, (conflate} 4. z. vloii 'Ia1t6>/jiral Alar i ,rrpl ,urnr>..uyxvlar iral ,?...,,µoN11r, g 4, z. ,rrpl ,?..,,,p.oav"'lrt;'. Aab= 4. z. vloii 1 1 Ol, {J-abd•.a reads dnlypaq,a My. b, 8 1 l1Tpa,}A vloii'Ivaair, A•'8 4. z. reads dvrlypacpa, d reads dll'riypacpo11 BwlJ'11C1/r, A•bb•cc1 (conflate}= brly; · 3 ci, /j-bd. 1,,reads,;, b &;d &ro. BmlJ/ilCJ/r My••· Ab om. 1, :r, 3•. t (X. /j read -rl,rpac,, D c. a reads ,rpo roii drrolJawiPawo11.h, fj-d,, A, $ om. 8 , 7 ki, d (savethat 1,,reads -r,a-aop,p)., S1 p,lf. e/(though corrupt) mpport text rla-a-ap,s(-er/) iral 8,ird-r,p, c Tffapr'fl, 11· rwrrapo«~f 8 g om. rest of verse. 9 c. 1,,reads iral B,ird"'fl•A= diro~ irol rmp"f• BE8110/,.i,.,, i 0811m,. adef, A read 8110 z,.,,, bg >.fl, 10 d reads ,ijs nAnn:qs, 4 iro> 11 Ol. fj-dg, Aaof, 8 read iral d,, Abb* (liro>.ra-fAb*d)1'oi)svlovs 4 CIUTOV ( + iral Ab* ) .-l,rr11,g «o> awoi)s ,l,r,11, D Q add >-oy••· (f ol,



II, 1]



18, *1rpoulxerf_Mµ.au,v14 vtol Za,8ovAc.'>v

15• *,,-oii 1rarpos-~p.C,v ylyova 18 roi:s. yovEiiV*fr,p-C,utaUTOt

as:· &pou :'·A

41Totfrwu411, &u 11,pv(o.u AdKKwu ol -iro.TfpES ~p.&>u, Ko.l0~ s1 48 l8wp , 8. '1&a.ya.p TOVTO tK.QAV.~o[. cl,11fJMcJM '8wp 46 tu o.ln-o,stvo. *YflJ11TO.£ '1rf{i&'1r0(11u,s T~48 ~ 'l"O~ 111 47 48 t'lrQAnuo.u 49 '!"afl'l 'Iw~"'• 9. *Ko.l l1r0l11a11, *oin-0>s l0>s STov 'I' , ·, v3o>p." 60 To,s 'Iup.o.71Ji.fro.,s 111• o.ln-ou fHlg, 81 I II. .*Els ya.p TO T(p.'7µ .oliK tKoW0u11uo., 2. AUa. ~vp.E~v2 «o.l *6 AA, 1t11t6 · r«Ul1t11tfJ:PJ..:!; ~, Kuap.ov1• . 4 >..a/301JTES· 6 raa«al 6 t1rplo.1JT0 TA flKVGG.,rii,8, «o.1 *~u T&/J,~V o.ln-oil • - .,.! t 7* , t"l.. .., 8 r \ 1 ol a>..>.o,tnrou,,p.aTO. c:awo,s Ka&To.,syvuo.,l.w CZVTO>U Ka, To&sTuvo,s IE di!«>.~ av.rau91, "El'lrOUTES" 3• *~ _11• 111 ~· t..rf,oO ~,w,11, d.U.a. KO.T0.'1r0.~IIEl/pow. ' 2 Q om. rest of verse together with ver. &II Aba ac\d pl,f,o,p.w· awd11. c. om. next ten words through hmt. M add /11 awoir owing to c(1). "hi. fJom, 411hi, A .. M, 81 read t"Oiid111G{Jqva, (•{,(M8q111G.& d) u3mp,aef vamp dlllG{JqlllZ&. &0 c, abef, A '(save that c reads 'YfllH'l'a& Jihd b 'l'Ov). hi read -y/r,o>ll'l"fl, ,r«p;,ro&{ia-m, ""'P• d,or,nudr -p,mn11a-111 '"'P• "a, ~. A. So also g save that it prehes &. {J-dg, 81 read «al brol'la-•KvP.tos. 49 ix, b~g. ' 8 OC,fJ-g read oU'l'o>t lmr ®, g «al •lll o/frmr. a rrnrpa«a11, and trs. after 'Iup..f brpacr1111. A= brm>.~aap.,11. -- ·eoA•b 'Imrr#, n c reads 'Io-pGlj>.E'l"mr. m. J a. fJ-"'1aa, d, ~1 l« Tql1,.,,,.;;r -awov,,.;ICIIG, Iyo,®It lit., g 'l"qS' 3i np.qt 'lo,aqrf,p.r)y/PO&'l"O p.o, _ICOIPo>llqO'G&: A 1 g reads z. al, 8 ix. fJ-g, clX>.a (A· om.) ,-A'l"Y,.'lp.G®ltl,dy&>, A•bread raaml ol a>..>.o, (da.>.rf,ol ae. f om. &>.Ao&) If .ia.>.4>01 ;,,,..,,{IE... ., d3,~q,• ., p,riud, IE d&>.cpot A"b),g «al r&a. Ab•cd•fg = r. «al ol c1>..>.o& d3,>.q,ol. 'b_dom. I ix (save that C reads GV'l'6111). fJ,81 read n)11,.,,,.,)11 n>ii (g om.) 'I,.,rrqq>.A= av...;,...Gaefg. ix, b read /,rpwra.vro,.d, w,lpaa-~11. V d, tre. 9 d om. 10 a before w-o3qpara.Ab='l'Oir,rwlv avrG>11. 8 Ab*d,om; ,reads ml olJqiay&>p.~8a aw{,11and trs. after aim; (see margin). For aw{,11. _g,A read IEi,no...;;r. u ocsave that hi trs. ai,,GTOr,fJ,A, 8 1 read afl,llfflSr l~w (W,g,A om.) mi (efg om.) db,>.if>ov rif161" au,.,,{dg, A•b ''"'"• 18a reads «tJTa,rcmjuop.w. 19hi, dg om. Ab*cd•Qr {11), . H c. hi read










[III. 3

16, r11:al 18 a~TOV,, ~114s rawµwi6 TCla-n17 *Ta lUV'!fV&o. 4• 1 *11oµov Muucn!oisyEyp«ffa,20 19 lv rypaq,fj ~,a TOVT"O 01'11 • 11 T¥ lwE>i.q,;; '!;"?.~(A To11 I-'~ BlJ..owa *@«cmja-ci, t1"1tlpµa a~rov GVft>JI. wo"-6E0'8a,1111TO woa71µa ra~ 128 11:allµ.mEa8a, dr TO 24 o~,c~Bl>i.71TOV'leu0'1Jq> 1rpoa-eu1ro11, • 5.. *Kal ol llaE>i.q,ol 2.9 16 6 27 18 . aavS t(eu~v daEA(/,of.i avrcij11, ,cal d Kvpws 1 81 80 avroos TOw03f!µa *&lq,opia-av·,caTa.r•1w07Jq> TOVllaEA(/,oil 311• 38 rWEAV871avrcii11 6. Kal *ya.p lABowu 111Aly67rT'fl 88 TOV7fVAWZIOS, fJ 'Ip,- a-a11H*v71'0 TWll 1rataw118a 'leu0'1Jq> 1(1118~11 ,cal rrpoa6,11. oirrwsST 1rpoa-El39 KaTa TOll nntov 40 a~ 1 u. fJaa-l1'.lws 7. 0~ IJ,011011 a~ 7rpOO'El.:,fl,8{,au:a,.


A a'b wo>..vew. A 'b.d om•.and for the next eight words A'b.d read fp.'lffll-. a-ova, rlr ,-1, 1rp6a111rro11 roii wo3qµanr awoii. Acer, om. together with next 18 oc. /3-g, A om. eight words; g reads &lq,op,UG11 and om. rest of 14 oc, ver. 4 and all ver. 5. (J-d (save that (J-d om. ,-oii). dreads ,ca,-c\• T'OVT'OJ> a;,,-l,11Jl6p.o11. ·A W -,opda,l(/>olawoii. II oc,(J-adj. a reads 18 oc,aj, S1 • begread ,urj8,lo11, d ~Bl> om. Cr.1911, d°,i11C1111111 'I111u# T"Ov.A= '"fl C111ijr.Here I take ri,c ~6U.1JUG11 Can}11 = Di1"nM .l'l\'!:11 \JEIM N~ where ffl'tql may be corrupt for Hence text should run o~" q6'lA.1Jt1'1111 ~p,rro&,jaaa8aid8,Ac/)li11 awci;11. 111hi, d om. rest of ver. 118c. Oth!!r l,:ISS. om. 1190 reads nri3vm. through hmt. BOa 11 A 81 c, aef, reads awoir. ,-c\ ~,jµa,-a. S1• b reads 'I111aqc/). A c\ ic/)dpeaap,ca,-' awoii. BB(/reads '7f-'f&r "f'JPl'AfMllflt ,ls Afyutn'OII,rpor "Ioia,jc/). A 1rd11ru -yapl>..8.,ir Afy. u (J-g, S1• oc reads dmlvB,,aa11, g wr''AvS,,,u11. BOCreads d,ro .,.• ., ,roacii,.- d add T'OV, aa(X, S1• fJ read 88 g reads wpoa,"""'iaap.w. ~ d adds avllflfMllflr, as in margin. 89 c, (J-dg. -h reads ,-l,11 'I., d avroii, g o~. . •0 c:,ad, S1• hi read f:Jaai>.fu, ef T"oii f:Jaai>.'l111r. bg Toii. u g om. next five words. . 0 o, be. h, af read Q~T'OJ>, d om. t3 h, (J-g. C read lwp.mrrBr,aav, g lmrrva6qp.u,• .g adds lp.1rpoa8,11 awoii and o~. thi11phrose at eijd of clause. "bdf, $ 1 , 46 fl, S1 add o:~a>t. 48 g reads vaxv.,S,,,,.~11. oc,aeg read wapc\axijµa. "o. k reads wd,g lllQIJl'&OII, abef,A, S1 lp.,rpoa6,11, cl trpor; " af om.





IV. 5]


Al)IVfflwv•9 •


*"H1toua1111 ya.p.lln


l11c8cCf11VTO 11~ fl-dg,St p.n-a

1u11tct60 ,



IV. METaaf 1'0t'll'pa6ij-


13,A, S -yap IV. *MEra aE 1'0{34AAEW ,ftt.ovua,11

13 *l«&.-ol Al-yvva, 1 aln-ovl«&.8710:av ol d6EA- ·aln-ovds .TOVA4K.K.OV m,o, ..eya,11.18g, A {save that for awo11A read '10117#). d read ci>..>.a. T'ffl-yapp.n-a re\ fl>..116ij11G, awo11 dr 1'011 :l.ci1ttt.0P,ahef, S 1 are defective and corrnpt: ml (ahe,8 1 om.) p.f1'4 NwalfJa>..011 (ef l{la>..>..011). u d. Cf.exand Gen. xx:x.vii.25 t1f.~1. u·reads ,fpEavrolu6ln11ol a8E>..q,ol p.ov,A ,ftJE>..011 lu8ltEw,S 1 licalJqua11 lu6Cn11 seems corrupt for uf uu,"bl.f,"b,fpEallT'O. lawoi. Here..fu,Jl.f,"b IJS,>..011 16 g read abe/read defectively lu6ln11l«•i110i. n d reads 81. g om. 17 18 awo11. dreads dpolmr 81, ahefg. dreads d>..>..a "'¥>..ciKIC1)trpo~ix•• 19{3-d, S1. d, reads iq,ofl,i'ro A=;;,., (A••4 ci>..>..a) trpofJ'•ixf, -yap. A= «al 11g om. next four words. For 90 d, A add m,Jf, lipo{l,i..af3i;:,v TO &p-y6p,ov «aTl- TOS awoO, 'll'EPLCTXL Tots lp.,r&pol!r *Ta lp.4TU1 a~o6a l8f»1V€&, &P,aP,EV 88 TO ,,.~ E-{ipi;:,v a~ovs -&1rl- 11.i-y"'v'*Il&ls . 111f,oµ.a, 25 '11'pO...,,v ( +"Pot1{, 148 lv TV raia.Tpm-y>..o6V1''1lv




(3, A, 8 1

fTVVTOP.ff>• . 1 144 , "'" o6r.l♦uyc, 411 r4pTOv 6 "Poujllp).um,dp,e,os 47 ' f3s~•~ *iv licEl"71.,ji-qµ.lp" 49 -yap TC Ef'll''1l/£UIISOT'f' 48• 'Iaira,(3,. 8. M~ ICAaLE p..,,a,).u,roG fJ,A, s1 ,raTpl ~p.&i,61• 16 2 . *x4',appov 9. 06a-'1lp.w r µ.axalp.dllfllfl,a 64 TOVXLT@va 'l0>o,fq,. ,cal *4,roanO.wpcv al-ywv l""•



7. r•H, Si

first clause in brackets is manifestly a duplicate renderi~g of what 18 d, om. "t;,h reacµi&top.a&.. 1111c. hi, read d3vvdl'fJ'Or, precedes. iiehi. c reads ~,l,ro11n1, .., c. hi i·ead l,ropniS,,tro.V, 18 c.. hi read Tpoy~oBvn,11l11tTVVrOp.l9, 1913--g, A."'0, 8 1, g trs~ Jla-&TOr before «al ~Olr, A_b:::::: ''"'" Jlu,..-ort(l)r nrpaum, awo11,A_b*~l,rpaS,,'IOla,jql. IOA·""" iral dirovuar'P. &...,l,rp&s,,(A..,,om. ffl arp,) 'lrfplflTX,llTG'ro,A_b•clta npwuxluaro, 81 d, A. {J-d, S1 om: A.adds ml. 81 g reads ltJpl,,,,,~,. 81 d, reads ~fp.o, tr0>r 3'/fOlp.a,. 84 d trs.,-,. · BGa reads i}µci,11,• BGd, reads ..-ll"lp.a• .., 89 beg,A.••re. af read iral m..-a3pap.oor,. 89 g reads hla-(1),-0,11lµ,rdpOlv, ·al, 8 1 read iral (/ om.) ou~ ..wpoo•(wpw·J,8 1). d, A_Uclcal~ WpEIIawour, 41 d, reads· f3aui>.aq11 '°.a om. A. adds ;ua11, 68d11. A. adds q ; .. 111 ,j . 180(, 13--g; ;,, ,j '11'• '"·~ g n}1117plpa11 l,cfl"'I"'Pov{3~p. 67 a, /3-g; 81 (savethat {3-eg,S1 om, 6), g reads ml lAS~,, ~a,,~fy,1, A..:__1CC1l ,rpoa-1~6~11 A_,l,r,,, .,., 'P. ,ea. fJread as in margin. '9 c. hi read f~POllffV,(3,A, S1 rend wpo11. ISO 1,,,d,, a, fJ-d, read ,fm,µ111, Hgom, f3-g,A,S1add'Iair.lif3, 09a,{3--1)(le, 81• ereadep.axalpo1r, 18 A."'"'= ,clp.appo11, bd, A om. A_bb•oc1 = -rpayla1C011, So LXX in .Oen. uxvii. 3 r. fj, A, S~as in margin. {Here Ab omit to end of verse 1).






"· 1)

1111 • 'E,;.tyv(l)9,, .-,fl.,T¥'lo.d,p Aq,oVTEs d68 *x,T~V Toiivlov O'OV ~. ~ s•

67; *,ca, bro{71crav 68._ 119,~;" lUT"(v of'l"(l)s IO. rTov yap XLTIJva 61 a~Tov6ll, * ,cal 'la,cr»/3 l[lavcrav Tov60 'l(l)cNjtplv *.,. 11'L11'p&cr,ciw 631• _ lvlavuav a.~Tov%µ.&nov 8ou>.,icc5v I J. *~E>..a.pc 8~ IvJ&c&!, A). 1 1 64 fll' Xlrill'o. , r ,ca, 660{11c~9tAf aovVO.L aWOv66 • r*iPodAETO yAp6T fl'IZ" 891, OP}'L(Op.tVOS T"jipoµtpa('fGB *1CaTa1C0"1aL aWOII 3n Oi,ICTO 8oai>.ou. clVEiAEI' a.wov. I 2. '.AvaUT"aVTtS a~ 71 *rffGl'Tq l ctffOJ&CI' /3,A, St 76 r'f¥11'0.Tpt 78 la.v µ.~ a4>s 74, ct1r111J&CV o.~ 72• B'T, *Toll XLTIJva. 178 3TL crv 73 µ.ovos l1rol71cra.s ~p.wv TO 11'0117/p. KaF l1ro[71crav ,ca9~s *il'll'tll d A&v /3: 1 V. Kal vvv , TfKllaµ.ov, ,ro.po.yyfilwll~µ.iv *Tov q,v>..&cri,,,'!''" 'criw8 ra.s• lVToA_a.s *ToiJ Kvplov6 r,ca} 7fOLfLJI l>..iosl1rl8 TOIi



79 .




«al o,,c OllfMfll, . f3,.S l.m. 1

{i-g, A, 8


11 Ol, ,:xsave that c reads dfl'OOTfl>.o,.,..,,, fJ,A, 8 1 read as in margin. 67 ,:x,fJ-g (save that fJ-g add Dffllr}. g read!J def. abg,A, S1 read d. 9


l'(&T'CW lfl'l'&II T'OV vloii O'OU owor. A drdr IOT&P l'(iT.~11 vloii O'OU 'Icouqqi; Bl{J-dg, S1 add T'OV fl'aTpl,r,jp.m11.g cim. ,.a,,. • • 1 I011N]cf,. BB6, S1 om. d presents a peculiar text of this verse : &ra11 a, q/3ov>.f,B,,rrav "''"'l'"a& rirc\11 lfl8vuav T'c\11 l'(&niPIZ NII fl'O&ICl>.011 ml lw8vua11lp.aT"&OII fl'MR&OII ,,, ux,jp.MI&ai>.ov, - eo·crea4s '"¥·11 ,:x. abef, S1 read "¥,,,.n.>.,111 ff&fl'pGO'lt.frTIJa, (6,'S1 ,r1,rpd81 Ot, ~g. '"¥,.,_.'U..fw ,r1,rpdu,cf111.For d see note 59. O'l.ov. g reads l,c8~411T'ftawc)11T'AP' XIT"Q)Jla TOiifl'aT"pc)r l11l8vuai, ,ra>.a,c\11 8ov>.i,cd11, st ,:x(save that 1,,;, om. 81). fJ,A, S1 read as in margin 16 .A. om. g om. together with next four save that g add d before %. 88 o reads ~• .A. awoir. · ,.-n Ol, /3,S1 read 8/>.0,11 ( + /11d) •. words. 89g read av~~" a,.>.f&II 8'8fJ-g, S1 add, awoii, OIIT'l 'Io,uqqi, ,cal l8l3ov awd~. 70 ,:x,-fJ,A, S1 read. as in margin. 71 d reads 0111. H ,:x, fl, S1read as in margin (save that '·g trs. riT'oiiafter rlpoii). A ~,.,..,r,ca,.'CM"Oii l{,ro1-1w, 78g om. 711,,i, /3,A, S1 read 7f Ab• 0, reads awd11. /3-d,A 78 (X. g reads -lpoiip_f11, 0 fftrot-'f"• fl'aT"pl./3-g, A, S1 om. 'IT oc,( 78(X, abef, S1 read •k, Aab•e4••. 81 read '" 'Iupmj>.,II fllO)fflOII Kvplov.







«al O~OI (dT"Olr6/) 8l8010'&11 awc\11(81 om.).,awo,r(a trs. before a,T611,6 om.), d ,-6,-, if,ofJ,,IJflr8l8r.1u,11 awd11,g, .A. ,cal' (g om.) 'l"O'l"f 80~ aw6ii (A om.). 79,:x,/3-d,S1,.A.ub• 4 , _dread ,lfl'fP A. A•ocl11fT'1[).aro avToir d Ac:111, · 18• hi read "'apO')l)'E>.&'>, 9 c, A"b,, V. 1 g reads laoai. /3, S1 ,dlla')l)'E>.w. 8 A= (/w>.aO'O'fTf, Ahd om. •·g om. a hi, A. 0 reads roii &oii, /3 Kvplov, A.b* add ,ra~r my~lq,ai>.aEa «al xapu, naf3o11 d'/roStoii. 0« reads . p.,rd. A om~ ml "'~iJ, nfor • • • d Kaipior through hmt.





8 00 µ.&11011 7, icat.rti..cp&i11 µ.ov "ia9i11ou11 H\ 27 a.wl28 , r;sn o/i,cl,ro{71,rav ~ha.'lc.>f1"11cf> lAfOS*lv cnrMvx,o,, 811111T/COII 811 31 ic..d.x871trav G~TW11 J'OVI'. Ct,'fr' of6a.n 33 , 5. Kal Hre ~p.7111 *lv yfj34 Xava.a.v *els N/11 awii11. 1rapa>..Ca11 37 r~ 1rarpCµov38 , ical 86 l84pwov 9'\pa11 86 'Iaicw/3 deg, A,, 39, ly6) a./3Xa/3~sa,l· 1ro>..>..&iv a.rx,op.lvwv * h, rp 8a>..a1Tcrp 1 s o;,pfJJI





2 ln,'ll'Xfov8 lv 11 lyw l1ro(711Ta Ilp&iros roi11 tricd.cpos 5 8a>..a1T"71, 8n Kvptos l6wicl p.ot r* ITVVEITW /CCU ,rocp{av 8 fv>..ov07rLIT8EII lv awt. 2, Kal ,ca.8ij,ca avrov7, ,ca,


al,roii. Bex, f//111, d, 8cm.rn,,e & fall,f ,rr, fllll, 11h, fJ-ilef. c reads 11'0190-1111, i fl'o1{i1T01 "'°'90-11, h adds rar, i ro,11. g om. 1 ".,.Aab$cdeg om. IOex.Jg. fJ-fg read &lf'li""i reads ,j,w11,

TQ adds



g 1µ11110,

VI. lex. {3,A, s1·om. Id reads UICO!p'f/11, Bd reads brm>..la11, g fl'Afoll which it trs, before a-1CacJ,os, b trans. after 6tiMa-rro,A~ «al nrA.fVITa, I c, ag. hi, fJ-ag, A om. B g reads o-ocp, IC, O'VllfO'III, 8 fJ-d,S1 , 0( read

vu. :a]

.dlA@HKH ZABOTA!ll\i'..

8 *lv /J.f P,ETEfilaovv 5· *El af ~v bdgonly. 21 22 TOVSlx86as, ,cal flvos; ~ vo7 lv IMl'A4Y)(VOl~ lAlovs. 4. Oiaa 8 In-, i XE(p µ.ov *ovx 9 l7r'3@va,lO r,; EVpE XP!7(0llf"l,,cal l7rl11 l'lrf"a 0'1'00Covs' '1'VP,7rOpw6µ.EVOS awi ldawv· ,cal Ta crnM;xva µ.ov l:.• U'Tplf/>uol7r' awcplB Ets '1'VP,7r46ElC&II, ~g VIII. Ka} oov, rllCUa p.ov, lx,Ef"E Elitr7rA.a;xvla1' I 1 lv lAfo, fua ,cal d Klpws- *ElS' *,cam 'ITC&Uf"OS 4116(1$7rOV, 8 l7r' 2 lA.£111111 lrn:"Aay-vµosIMl'A.o.;xv,tr6_Els V/U'S, ·. ·2, "Or, ,ca{yE 8 4 11 ~'I• ltTX&.r,,>11· r&;v ' -qµ.EplJvd 0EOS ci1ro0'1'EAE£ *ra tl"ITAaY)(Va 7 i~- awoii l7rl rijs yijs,. ,cal 37rov Ei1pr,tl"ll'AaY)(Val>..lov,, . ,ro~r. lv aw, ,caro&ICE£, 3• dOtrov yap 8 l1u6pw'ITOS' tl"ITAay· xv{(ET"a,Els *rov 'ITA'ljtrlov awo0 9, rotrowov *ical d_4 K6pws 111 11 *Els Afyv'lrf"Ov ICOIUI&, Els alirov.] 4• "OrE n 10 icarqA.60µ.Ev , 18, 'lw1N1.&y.\'."°"• · • dg (save that d reads nl). b reads· riP rr'A,,O'lov. 10 ex,fj-lxlg, A. bdg read .-yap, 11 A reads drrrj'ABopn. 11 ae ~ 111 18 a, aef, S1 om, Alyum-¥, S1• A= o{J,c 1/ffl/O'e,,·,.A «a«AP A brol,,rra(Ab*ed .. brolriO'IIP}alni, bg_read oiic ,,,..,,ITlmK1/0'fll .Zr(g Om,}qj.ii,J /p.« 3c (g -yc\p)za_,, Jo,r'Aayx.,,j,r8'1, d, :lC,il, 18 ot, trf/,d3palo,r'Aayxi,l.tr8,, lcf,',jp.i,, ail oM"8>.o:1~ lp..,,,,u&WC'I/O'EP,Ho om. aej, A (saye that aej, A trs. icalbp.r~ after"""° p.ov and read·dya,rq01J.,.,), l;g, 8 1 read lp./JA,ffOll'l",r {g fJAmoll'l'tr) ical bp.rir dp."'lfTl1«UC01 yln1TO. p.ov (g om. "• p.ov)ol dya,ran dAA,jAovr, d fJ>..'rrol"l'fr «al {J,,_,ir, "· p.ov, dya,r. d).)., 19a reads >.oy1(,tr80,.d Aoyt(,trB,, · A adds p.,,ai ap."'IITUffllCO& -,lw1T8,. 11o, A. ,. reads ,ca,cijrra, POp.i(fff.(a dittographio rendering).. T'O,V a3,'Af/,ov, fJ n}11 ( aefom.) icula11nil d3,'Acf,oii. 18 A reads 'l.~l'n1..(i1f,1..'bICOIClffl/TO, 19s1 which may have· been in.the Greek copy before the translator. teads ni•'Allff'llll rijr op3lar, so81 a,ll'l'fwr&.Ill d, A ~m. 1111 (l is







trdBarllia vvptravrapl>..1/ p.tij..uljw}..fitltra«oun. ;,,,Jpair dtroaTIJCT«crS. dtrc\Kvplov mi~

conflate and· to the reading of aef adds that of bg. A reads 'l.'f'lJ,..S"'fOni-Pf,'-'11 w'lyuu,,.a,1t.'llf df· 17 oc, b. f:j-l), A om. l8 oc. fl, S1 read lxn, A= xapiuaro. 1 · •oc(save.that hi trs. awbef. 11,p.ovr and adds «al «•..,uiv,g «al T'GAOlfl'a Tj). .u wa,coun-q,vAcle«vS~ oJv-riltPap.ov·-rovp.,}lJ,a,p,8ij11tU, A= a,.,t&i«•auolip. auo mSlJ; ,calT'OAo,rra {+,cal Ab$odeg + xal ff~a A, p.1i «Elf,. ( ffli>ICfAb$od) WOICOUflP. IOoc,A. d reads -yap. H, s1 · om. 21 ix,A. fl om, 11 lJdgadd as in margin (save that g om. «ai). g om. 2). 85 ae/(S'I. ~arejld&'upovva>.~p.. MAb••~@m; 0C Bupport·








Kal.'Jl"aV f3lib,vyµa 'll"Ot~one.

After 'TTO&~..w1Tw a.Wov61 , • ,,EIT8E *8EOVlv .ux~68 1'4TL&v8p~1Tov *&v Av lK>..l{71Ta.& Kvp,os 'IEpov11a>..~µ. ovoJJ,


T., 68,

871 9· Ka.lSi w&.\.wrlv *tji wa.vovpy{q. Gil *Tl»Vlpywv 66 vµ.C,v 68 a.liTov, wa.popyl1TerE 70 lws ,ca.,povITt/VTEAElas. 68 raw· a.woiJ"l ,ca.l&1roppup~1TEu8E 1, Kal vvv TlKVa.p.ov, µ.~ At/7TELIT8E *6T& awo8~11,cw 2 ' 6T&cl1r0Myw 8• P.'la~ ITtlp.71'lU1JTE 2. 'Ava~ITO/J4L yap 4 6 vl&iv ,r&,\w *lv' p.lcr,6 vp.wv, r~S'- ~yovp.EVOS *lv p.llT'f1


' 9 b, S1 read dvaT.Ufl, . DObd add cS. Ill s• om; 118af read J,c njr -yiir,IJ br1 njli' -yiir. S1 read11.br11rrpl..ayxvlar, 68 dg. b reads lwl. 81d om. 81d Kaic/)of:J116qana,. 80 d reads l,p.iirrlli'njv yij11l,p.i,11,ca{, 68 b. g reads &11 reads Kup1011 iv 'lrp, ;,, ax, dv6. A Christian phrase. ai. liA. Kup,or,'" 'lfp. Bia T' awov, d ,cal M']8~afT'OI T'·al,,.ov p.,ya>..']r 611o. hi, fJ read TU{fJom.) wo,,,,plfl. ,/Jov>..ijr ctyy,>..or. H d adds p.rra,-am, 88 hi, adej, S1 (save that adef om. .,.;;,,,), a reads r. waripow, • b >..0)'6)11, g lpyaaqTf, 67c reads ijp.&111, g l,p.&.r. 88e reads wapopylaan, A= wapopyl70 0/., {J, 81 CfT'r, 89 b reads dwop'1'/)~ara6r, Ab= ,ca,-01,cqa,na~6,r. om. A adds 111roir 1 0/. X, 1 A :;: lw1>..cSyoir p.ov. fJ, 81 add ly". g om. rest of sentence. {save that c reads awlur1n). fj reads avp.1rl'trnT'r, If the text is right we should surely supply "¥ wpou"1rrt; Of. Gen. ~i 5, or for a different 1 0/., a,, · construction Neh. vi. 16 DM')1J1l i!,E11i. A= av11Tapauura8E, bfg read &m,>..dwm ;,,,_;;,,, (Jom.),'d ltc>..r/,ro, ~A adds cnrb Cfllijs. '/om. 1 01, dfg. a.b, read ip.pJqy.. 0 OI.,adefg. b reads lpp.luf, 'h om, fl11ct1IOO'Vlll/t,



CH. P.&.





8 *lv µlcrip9 njs q,v>..ijs alrrov1, Kal'7dl..~>V. 80-o,ltf,v- ♦u~dioua,, 10 voµ.ov Kvplov rKa2lvro> ,ra'rpot 12 Kvpt.ot >..afall • . alrriv1• 3. 'E,rl 0~ TOVSd.crE/jEii l71',ifE& 18 avTOVS*ls )'EVECLS rip al~v,ov, . Ka2 d.71'0AEi )'EVE6>VH, 17, 111 4• *'Ey@ OEvvv Els ~v d.vawavcr(vµ.ov18 ·a71'o'rplx * «:is- Kal18 ol 71'aTlpn µ.ov, 5. "Tµ.Eis OE ..,;. IO g reads vlolawov. d om. 18 C, Ai read _E,,871,cg Ev>..l119, fJ,A lv IJfiicn{ +icai11i,lv J oUrl, oMirr~T•nr d). IT IX.d, Ab*4(save that dreads dya-y.); abet,Aabo•fr. S1 d,,\r, ,l,x. 111 d adds ,-,; 3. (111· X. 6) tOata11 {+ avr-011 a'boor), g tl~IJ-yayov IJ..oyo,11 BialhjCJJr A. flpl 8. ical,/,, (, d is conflate A. A. 111«\r l~Bop.01'Iarc..>.as rrp&m,,rrrpl 8, ,cal ,t,. A= A. A. rrrpl wr P'lcfla11la~ ,calp.lO'Ovs ( + icalC,j~ovA_b,but this addition is 1-1lo-ovr is obviously not in Conybeare's transcript). Here 111111lr~t..(,llr111'b an error for u...n._[,J/r111'b=,Jnu&vs.9 Ab*d add 11foii 'la,c&>fJ. 8 d read■ 8a-a,?uO.,,u,11, g a.,rl'lfrv, 'l,i om, ne]!:tfive words through hmt. Ab*4 add real81/"faTpaa-,, 6/ r~ads luxU'rOU, • ae om. _7 Abb.oclof TOVTIIIP, 11





I. 7]




8 lTn 9 ri,s 10 (wijs ailTOV, 1rlµ:1rr~ 2, *KaXeuas yap 11 13' 'A,wvuaTE vlol * Aav >..&ywv *n,v 1raTp(avai1Toil12 Ei1TEv 16 p/if1,11.C1L µov1', Kal1 6 7rpoulxETE rTOV'll'aTposvµ&,v117 • .3· fJ-dg,s 21 (wfi µ.ov22 , P'IJJ;"IT' 'Eyw 18 i1rE(pauaiv Kapolq µov19 Kal 20 iv 'll'O...ov&, ,-- r ovv {3, S /Iv29, TfKVa µ,qv30 , lJn lv ,mpo[q µav l8'1f1,'IV 31 'li'EplBp,,nrov vµ'iv ..a(ovdas 41 lMye µ.cw KalyE fJ,A, S1 'll'VEilµa TOV(~>..ov cro*ailTos vlos avTOvEi42• 7•Kal *l1t TWV 'll'VEVµaTwviBlv.



8 ex. bf read lv (b om.) /,carorrr~ ag om. rest of verse through hmt. 10 e/ om. 9 d om. 11 .cv,t aic,,.ut~cnu 'la,a,jcf,. ~~ a A~~ fJ-d,A \*A ·1 _JIB "-f.1611* :t-J,.,_. C~•9•'A'AA •10u -=tEOS Tll>II 'ITO.TlfpC1>1r 9. .... ,,.J~11 .:.Eur1 'I a.,cw/'# rovA 11 68 'ITO.TfJOS" p.ov ol,,c lui/3a.AE11°' -· p.ovol,,cE,O.O'EII a.wov lp.'ITEO'EW Elr ras XEip&sp.ov, fva. /CO.Ta~ · a.WOiiEls T4S'XEip&rp.ov*fllCi 68 avrav~vo11,ova~da.1T,U p.ovas wpwv a.wov avEA&i, ,cal Ef1pw 'll'O&~IT(I) 6 ' A.v(Jfjua,a-,c-ijWTpOII p.E 69 *TOd,vop.71µ.a. TOVTO wo,ij·88 avo awrEpOII. T"'f> 'la-pa~A• O'O.&&O f110. JI,~el Av8Cia-& IT/C1j'll'TpiJ. '" 'I, II. Kal vvv, rl,cva p.ov, laov ,cal '" d1\716EC'f· 'Aly,;,~,,.,,,,Kr,ll 'a11 8-"'~ cf,vA.&e,,n'i~VTOV$. a1r0*TOV 5 *TOV,t,daovs ,ca.l TOV8vµ.oii 7r11EVp.a.TO$ e, ,cal aya.m,IT7/tE T




'",..,mi. The former,

:A= 11lc\r fr alht>u(A11'Ia,cC:,fJ): '8 ex.~.· A :i:ead however, is a familiar Hebraism. d ·reads ,-c} n-nvpa.

Ha read!! ti a. Meg, 81 read Aiyo11,, f, A ,cali'Af')'f" ( + l'O' A), a ~fyo11: •• a. fj-g, A, 81 read ~a{Ji "• flcflorTowo«n2 111a~, (af, A om. '" alir,!>}, g ,-c} f, ,-oun,~a{Ji ,cal111aln-f. "a adds '" ali,-,;. 48 fJ-g, A, S1 add a-ov, '' c, abt;f,81 (save that, S1 read IOTlfor 1,,iagree ~ith c but gives a different order: toiiTo a. TOn-1i6&11 /ff 'ITHUl'G~ .. t'OU9up.ou,cZTaUT4"°' re} ffllfUl'G rou IJi,"°ii i,,rl/JaAAw, g, A ,.c} a.(,.,sa, ,-c}A) ffllfUp.aTOUIJi,"°u ,raAw (A om.) i,me/11"'' aom. rest 00 c, hi read r:iryap, af ~.,,yap or verse. · Aa-,r•p, beg2ira&a-,r,p (bg r:is). l1 a.e,S1 • a, f give the form l1tplCovtTG, bg, 81 J«,;uc;.Conscious of the jmpossibility of the text A restored it as follows: t11a J,cp.vC~vr.o alp.a'Ir.o1711tf,, ms lyv(.a mlpBa~,ralp.a lpltf,011, But we can hardly accept this restoration. The corruption lies in l,cpvCova-a which_= f;irbcorrupt for fr) = a-v,,.,.pl/joua-a (in late Hebrew). Similarly for l,cp11'9a-a, in the n,ext line we 11 a (o giving form l,q.ii{ija-a,, _should read vu,,.,.pita&. ki l,q&6C011a-a). f:J-d,/ read l1tp.11Cqa-r.o, f J,cp,C{ia-r.o 8 1 lftpvCqo-a. For the corruption in text 118 •nd the reading of A see note 51. o. hi read ,-oun-arpdr. " c. 1,,i 15 1 118 ~, A· (save that ·b,A read read ,ro,ija-a&, beg,A. 8 • ad/om. ll"Wljma-f, Text

=-,uroon11pt(1)for -,0et• if a is right.


~l'W"), s. a reads T"6>11 rraTfpo>II1£011, IT ci reads lfla).f, . Ill fJ,$ 1• A 19 b om. re~ 1ralolix ,~po11. •0 bfg. a.eread rovro "• riv.,ro,ija-m,d, 61 bgom. 89 d reads ltGT'M118ia-111, A ,ro,ija-a,rocl-,,.rowo,

II. 1 b, $ om. IC reads "al· a ae/ read d, f /,i, eg. o,aj read .,f,11Me.n, b BuicpvAdii,n, d tf,11Adfan. 1 a om. •A= rijr ,rMllr,r,cal "°ii y,w&11r, Here ,r,,~pn1..[,l-b'b~ ( ,r°Aall']s)is undoubtedly corrupt.





hi, abef. c reads dird>J.valla1, d &,ra,>.,,i'!&iro>..,ialJ,, 0:. fJ,A;S 1 read as in margin, save that af om.· icrri11, f om. T,s,g om. pou, bd add IJ11p.w811s after T&r;and A trs. i II d>..'IIJ,lij. before /Jpo>11,10 c, aefg, A. b r!lads 1r&11 /l~T'IP, hi i)p&i11, d lip.&;11. 11 g om. 19 11f reads ,ro>.lµw11, g 'll'.o>..lp1or. fJ,.c reads rrpoalx_,~11, I,, ,rpr,fTlxa,11. H b reads lawoir. 15 0:. fJ-/read fall ( +a.·_a) J dB,>..cJ,or,/ la11aB,>..cpos ,r(sic). A = dB,>..¢.&!'. 11/ reads ta,11. 17 (X. fJ reads fa11.A= mt. · 18 A= rrpocf,{yrov Kupiouoi'i1r aow,. .g om. Kupinu,and rest of verse after rrapu,c011t~! 19 c reads lluca/011. ·Abfa= T"c\11 lJl,uuo11.A•b*c4T"o~rB,1ralour. 110I,,. c reads 9 cf,C>.ovs, fJ,S1 cf,C>.011, t1 (X (save that C reads CWTd). fJ,Sl'T.:ad i,p1fJoA).f1 e) yapai'iToll {a~ aefg, at'iTod) T'c\'ITII. TOV IJ.TGlllffva Tijr'ITAGll'lf• (rr~p,.fJMfi, 12 /,i, a. Com. A= npi{Jd>.'Afl yap_,.«\ 'ftll. Tijr,r'AalllJS T'Qa.ri;r do-,>..ydas. 18 (X re_adfTlrOT'f&, a fTlrO'l'I~&. . ~. A read as in margin. rest . 116a rtiads m•l"''of verse and fll -rl11,•.•• 1tapBlasin ver. ~: A= «ai 17 hi, b. "°"'•. S.1 fP aln-,jj. 18 A adds Ka1,w«>..oi, a dnplicate rendering. c,e read ,ls pluovs 1rapBlas,ag fir p.urour, f fl/ piuousmp8la11(f11p.ura>s e} lBla11. . be, A, S add. as in margin, d 1ral8lba>uu,awf lBiu mpllla11a,f')'fipa,11 aln-011. 28 b -o~. 19 A•b= cf,6o110r «al cf,8611,pos and connect with.1 Ab•od•rs next chapter. Ill. 1 (X, read TrO"'lpGfclIJvp.6s.Ab*ed rro"'lp6rfOT& IJvµ,i,Aab (internally •Corrupt) rr,p~a>.>.uSvp.011.On A see also preceding note i (X. ~. A;$1 read as in margin, save that d adds ,calbefore alnj. a .om. 8 b reads llJwrro~iTa&. • Creads g reads ai'inj'7+11x~ awoii yap tvx.os. p.vuav,. 6 (X, fJ(~ve tliat A,ag om.a,1,Ab*4 • A•bcefa ==T~P a. +vx&i11:. 1 /airead-n ,,;;,,,,.... '~•g. ~' s1 read as in margin,A= lBllY but om. '_a reads dya1T1ja.,.,.


. g tm·,.111 &ir6>..>.valJ,,









9• fl-g, 51 IT~J.um6· rs.s""'"""· fva 'll'Ol~0'11 8 'll'alT411, lwoµ.Cav 3. *Kal ,,.Ulltlp.&11 . 6TaV TCIUTCI 'll'AIITCI ,rpc£fn,,\ C1WJ'II, &u,11,oi. TC\,rpux8i11TC1 KIil .,, tux~1C!,l'll't~ ol, 4p8wt. 4. * .::lia·roilroll_'&8v~v, *la~ µ.EViP~*avvaros rrlp,,u, *Tp,,rl.-ij,_l, ~•,r~: µ.ivos111 17. rijs {3or,9ila.s 'I +vxJnT¥ 8u,a4"I" 8dVGJ"" dK'"JTG& 15 • µ.{av18 µ.EVd.11'0 18 • * 6f'Uripov6E19aia roil 11'AMOV _a,m,'!:, *Ta>V Vll'OVMIOVVTCl>V *1r,{8(J)J> ,rpaxr1fll,· rI fl,+, 5i ,cal in!C&iv[ awov] d,a{,c(J)s llO. *Tp'Crov~v 21 _ ff,w,~v lx(J)v 28• . 5. 'EAv 6E d.1T8~s flA.f~•'· *MNJlo'"8&'~ 8f>i1111 ro ica,cov 211 , *8,,rl.oii11 Ti\' nj11 4pyij11,rd&Olll11 II~ fli ~ ~p&• ..! cS2' 8vuo6uivos ff'Al'/11f7(fl ll ,- ,118• {30118,,* yap al.Tip cS·8vµ.os27 11'GVT'OT£ T'qll au,. d,catdE& lv '11'4P411028 • . . 6: Toi):To. ~ TY ,,.,,, 1'0 ffl/Evp.a JJ,£TO.TOV tfV6ovs 29 r:,,c fl,"l,·s1 a,f«dV T'OV~aTCW«,rop:vua,, fva *lv li,ufn,T, ical 80 fw6H 1 81 al '11'p&eHs roii ylvoVTa& owoil 32 • 1 ~v 6vvaµ.w TOV 8vp.ovS Sr, S t µ.aTa{a IV• Ol,,covvITVVUf




~=ra:,cw lavro~


fll4 ,ro1ij071,rcia-1111, ·•hi, '6dg (but g trs. after d,,opla11). a, efread 71'°',jO'fC, ti trO&qO'l]r. t d reads fl'OPIUIO~ A bHfs ror law GIIOplor A ab$d r,}11 10 ex(save that o rea-d.sfl'pdfn for 71'paEr,, and re\ Tl'paxtJ,11 ul laia11dvo/1, ~ for ro .•• ,/,ux11),{J-d, A\ S1 read ml &ra11 ( +r, A) fl'pd& {ef ,rp,ifn. Aom. according to printed text, but Ab""'attest itat any rate), ,j (b,Ai,om.) +url(Ab om.) &«a&oirt\ 71'paxfJl11, cl ffl~ ,j +urla,mwi re\ 71'pax8li,. 11AUd read ac' 1I M read 8vp.6r. Ab•cd•Qr add EO'T&.. 18 '1.1reads IOJJP.•"11,j 11:b 11 ot, A b$adols, fU1 J. 1' ex.fl, A b$cdoQr· read llvPGT'Or, A ab om. ·fl,,S1 readaB in margin, save that j om • .,.,;,and g reads· fl'oll,ji, f~r rp,tr>..ij... A•b aln,apir 18 cl reads 11:al I, "'t fJv/1¥.. ,Jo,. " b, S1 read a,i\ riir avvapt•r 11:al. 19d,g read 8turlpa11, g a&d. 18A rijr O'V'llf!JTIOVO'I'/'• d ld.ds aiir~. e Bmlpa. A= 11:alafUT'fpo!', It ex. fl-a, A, S1 read 71'GpG71'f[(Jr.,p (a rrapa• rrfith111,. +aiir¥d) ml ll&QII {a wiriiP} l11 dlll1e11(d, A ;., daucl{l}, I have 11 ex,g. fl-adg bracketed the aiirtl11i_nthe text as an inrerpolation, 11 ex. fl, A, S1 as in read rplrq11rri•(efom.), d, A rpin,11Iii r,j.., a om. 18 cl om. next verse. 94 g om. margin (save that A reads apm,). 11 c reads ,co1,w6pE110r. · 141ex. /3-d, A, S1 r~ as in margin, save that ••• tf,vaE0>rA reads ul d fl'apc\q,{,n0>r(corrupt). rr ex (save for rrapo that M read aiirtl11). /3-d read ~ a~roir d 8vpdr, Ab•d•fl a.;,.,;, S1 ®"II~. A•bOom. C adds IM"f- 118A adds 8v/l"V, It A reads "[',.,rlllnL{,llrwJp. 8v,u,ii)corrupt for uian.:.p1r ...,1p. tw&vr.ot,A om. next .ten words through hint. , 89 aefg. b read l11.;,/JMl'/1',, cl 111l,l'&myr&,$1hl re\ ,r'Aio, 81ab,A read ,.t.,.,Prac. 811 and om. following 1eal. g ·read8 aiir,»,. ·









e,dds-nua ,u,v,

·•d adds ul fEU"Ym GJ, a~,.






1 35

5 1rpwTOV'E1Ta6 *lv bdg,A,81 , l..'f> n,v '1rox_~v awov. 3. "On 19 ovv AaAflT&S *,ca.6'iip.&iv 1 16 l1rawl1171 17 riiJ£flS ,. JJ,~' * KWE4s 32 • ical TOTf, · TOUpe8,u~lv 29, 1tcd &py((1:u8a, 816ii 8', TEKVa 85 , 5. 'Eo.v aE83 * ('71p.(qcl1rwA.E(q __ Twl 7rEp,1rEIT7/TE 861 ~ 3? 7rO&fL l1r,8vp.ijua, r"~ l1f-8po~,.la wapli6vpoii. 'IT, p.. lun11= ~lii ,.::,corrupt (1) for ~!In' ,.::,= IT, amct,(J,lpu. I ex,ruf. bdg, A, S1 read a& in margin. e A:::: ,cal•lTa. Tg om. • = ~, corrupt(1)fori1tr,=IEarfJ'oi(cf.Dan. viii. '7). 8 breads l~6,(&p.r11011, 10 I,, om. 11 hi, (:J(save that for.micpoir aefg, S1 read p.11tpair, and d p.aicpa'is, and (:Jreads Tapd.vun). c reads ,r&rtpa'ir aiaT'apaO'O'n "" 1~8,(op.•"°"· A= C;ll&ICJJ°'S rrporrlp.,m T'~a.-awoii,butJn&.~rff is c;orr.uptforJnL'IJ=rnpalTITfl, 18 d reads ica6' 11 11 g reads /we, a om. rest of verse through hint. ,,_..,,,, · 18 ex,(:J(eave that (:Jreads 6vp.&11 A= ,,_,f lJµ&,11, u b om. for dpri11). 17 h. c reads lrra&11l1rn, A = rtiniutJr.,111tap8ialJp.&,11 Elsth,p.&11. 18 a om. 18 o om. abg lrra,lljj,d8 nracwi,/ -·. 18 ex,aej. bdg, A, S1 read dya6ovr, IOA adds ,ls p.ET'fO>fJ'O'p.dll (1). 11 ex,def. abg read ,,.,,a.. . S1 om. 98adj. exreads di8iG11, Ill I,, adds "'~ lrraiprtrlk.S1 om. , dn8ia11, g al81la11 which are corrupti9n!I of the form in the _text. b emends into ,za,a•• A reads w.rpn[uu( = •~as) which may be a loose rendering of c1.,aiaa,, ' S1 == l,r,8up.la11 8&frir.d, adds KOT'fURJP&fUfU6f llrrA· T'OV. l&yov. I& C reads ,,.,,,.' 15 g reads •T'pnrn, perhaps rightly. A= r•po/,'fElicf,pa{,,,,. II A-•b=nm!. A• om. together with next three words. rr c adde .;,,_..,,,, 118IX. d 19 ex,/3-dg. readsff'~S T'AJI091TG&,(:J-dPOijaa&,A= ,calO'VllfTi(ec. dg_read P'ltJb,,_ If dg is not right, we should emend lp,6,u6i11into lp,8iuG11, A;:::: am(:Jou'A.1011 mii lp,8i1ravros (t). _dadds «al 1Ta11 -in, alJT'd. 80 01, A. (:J,S1 81 d adds &n. read rtal(d om.)fflf, A adds o. 8I (I ~ads dpy1(dp.EPor, 88 beg om. d dpyl(fT'm, A•b om. rest of chapter. "hi, (:J,Ab'!'od•fil (eave that hi give accusatives instead of _datives,b l&i, -for f and rrrp&rr•lrfl trans.,and dn-.). a reads C'!p.ia11 for rrtp&ffEfTf/ff. and g om·.·""'land A_Uod • mroi>.,t,, ""'l ~P'"'"''·· 88 bd8add p.ov. .88 c. h, (:J--gread 6po,iolk, g 4•filadd n:M11.,,. 88 ex. abeg, S1 read lrr,8._frOHi, 37_Ab*• f!po1.u6,. df nr,Sv,a,,11 Of ,roui, Ab*_od•fr·= br.,(J{,,,_,,u, ff'O&fW t'OVT'O (A' oin.). 8D g. ex drro'A',ou, b no'A0>p.l11ou, d,f ,1,ro).}.o,p.lllOV, I an-0>>..oup.lPOU, a, S1 dtroXw>..dTor. Ab*e4efg = ml ,l, T'An' (Ab*od1"fM&6>ITClf} n}11drrti,' '°oc•. fJ,S1 read as iJl margin (eave .that (I reads 8u/U'lfhis}.A_b•od•'•.= 'A.vqlj,





[IV, 6

6. Kal n I@ *~ uova-(tos.41 r */'~ . (71p.w8f;r1l/CQval!os 7 p.Erii. 48 6vp.os' .\v1r1ta6163 • 4'11'cl y?tp M1r71s"iy,tperti, 4~ 1Cal ,J,.-66ovs,. 7. *"Eai-,a~a,wpOO'to'ltOV ,ca,cav6 6vp.~sp.ETii. 49 clll~A.o,su, ,ccu tl'IRJO.lpovia, fva Tap4[0,u,ao *!'I" /J,A, 81 ,J,f'6&ovt ,.,}8111- ic11p&£a11 61• rapau~op.lV7Js a~. ,:ii~. ,J,vx-ij_s a,,vex~s, d...1011. 6611 Kvpws a'lt·alorijs,cal IWp&EVEi. ti_lonis• d BEA.Cap. 8TOV4 Kvp(ov bdg, A,. ~VAoC4TE 1 cwv~*TtKVO. p.ov9, *ni11 lll'W\~P S1 rAr /(al Tell/ vop.ov aloi-ov TTlf>11tTa'l'f ll • lllf'o>.dr, 8 471'00'T7JT'f rov7 Ovp.ov•,. 1Ca.l" p.,~cra.r1·8 rel ,J,.v&os, fva lO. Kvp&OS' 1(0.T'O&~.o,r means 'unite with one ,mother,'' assist one another,' and is so rendered by ,A.b*nd'"· 81 avµµla-yoll'l'G, and accordinglysupports reading of bg, which it took to be from a-v11,pd,.,, . ·It might be possible to regard n11,pi,117a,as a present middle Attic form of av11,pio,,'to support;' J trpaem,a,11. 'advocate,' but this is unlikely, 110oc,b, g. th read ropaEovau,, A= rrpurr/11:,ti;.,11,11, · Same corruption as in ver. (. •1-0(. fJ;Ab•ad•fll, _Sl 111oc, as-in D!&rgin{save·that ,j read TG8,afJov>.111), .d adds.rijr +vrir, tl,g. b,j, A om. 8 I a om. o.e/i81, . bdg, A, S1 read&Biri V. 1 il/ read 4'11);,l,,11.,-,. 1 (X, ti6,f, d read lttC.,,,;,m,.N, margin. • dg om. g '"'IP'IO'fff, A.= j&q l1tiAl11,n. • bg add· 81. · . 'oc, e. fJ-;,, •· 11innc..(,l/,?,f; 9 Ai read p.1aiii,.(= ,t,•v8avr)corrupt for •l'-,,,.r"'nc..(,1/,?,'- 6ui,ov, 10Ai,g add d. n A•11 •..i trs. Ki'.,p&Or , • , vpi11and ~.,.a, , •• B,>.,ap.· For 1t11rolii~a11 which o, J read, we tlnd lt4TOtltljai, in Ai,fJ-f, II om. ne:xt )ilie. 11 (X, 6/g read 4>V'f11, de r/>firf.1. . l8 Ai ODl, H c, /3-a• . Iii read 4,S.yfen, II >.o>.,ir,. . 1I b, 81 reads ,,ao,,,;11, \I Ab•d om. 1' A adds ~19c reads ri 1•A= ,-.\IIdll'/IIOfl'O&iS11, a om. rest of chapter and vi. 1-7. ~;, «of11irx~1111, ~ = «aralTQva-~rai. '°dg, A 111( l,~i11. n bg 11 c, befg (savethat g om. rt1ad«al (b om.) dya,rci!•• 11 ,l.reada 81,h,,







3•·•Aya,i,fxfHiun,. 87 ex,fJom. 88 ex.fJ rea,ds A = /,rru,arn1jrnu8,. Bl b reads TOIi, 114 'lovM11. ex(siwe that o gives ff'apoTiif-,aS,), eJ(save that J gives ,raptlTllE'lulr). bdg, A read QIIT&!'aE,uS,. . 11& C 1-eadsav,,,ju,1TO&, g av11au8,. 88 ix, {J,A•. A•'*od•f'a aml11. 87hi, A (save that eg om. yap and g, A 'read 63Jn,,icm for f/(QT'fpovr A•b read ailTovr,·Ab*4•fra~11, A· ih). Cl om. 89 ex. fJ om. . 88 A""*def'a =aw,. to ex.fJ res.deae in '4i'add 'avrov~. margin (save -ti1atgo~. IL,); A=. all'0'"'411Trr, 41c adda Toii. "Ab;:::: avroii. . ' 8 A -f reads JoJ-wpn',_fl-/rwJj, im8vpl, corrupt (1} for ,1z.wp;,._p1r,.,1p ·= ;,, l(Q,rl9. This phrase A trs. after next word, "ex. {J, 8 1 read rrupru&,,.110, (,rop1v1u8rb) ml (bg, 81 om.) ff'OIOUWff fJ&>.6-yp.a-ra .(fj&'>.vyµo g) i6"i>11,_l,r,rop11nJOWff (iffOpwovnr b, 81,,calff'Opt'WIITff g) ,,,. A(•?)b .=•'ll'opf~ftrlJ, (,rop,v,u8t Ab) ,cal ff'O&OUIITU fJ/JIAvyµ.aiA71'0pllfllOIITff fl/ 16",uw ,,,. Ab*df'a = ,roprvu,a8, .,cal_,ro,oiill'l',r·{34. '" ~811.IICftopllfVOIITff '"· .A"(•) fJIJ,'A110'0'0p1110& fJIJ,11116",imopllfl,ovr,r 111, · ' 8 o, 8 1 read ib,d~r. ' 6 dg 4 read '"'P"''· "ex, fj-g, Ab• •ra read _-,,f!!Ul,rt,..,L ( df/,pollOUIIT'Or) oorrupt"(7)for -z.luwu,l,,.L=111,pyoii,,.or'.·.A,b(i.e. -f.!!l'{...J/,u ,}'1.l,L) 18111, &'AAor -yl~1u8a,(t). A•= IIJIIQI» (t) ylllfo-lJa,&Uor, cali.i om, A:= roii 'll'llf'1paror. '•oc.fJ,A•b•fr81 read as in margin. A'* 4 'll'Op11,larltCII 81c. hi read ml ,ipw. ,r>.&.,,,r. · aoo om. ·.01d tn. ·after /Jucalov. 1 bdefg,A,B 1 om. . 18 gom. °'aom, °'ex. fJtrs.before6Z. A,·s IOTa,, . 61/, A•bo•f'a, S1 read Sn, Ab*4 ,ral. bP8 4 Tip 6Eij> ,cal Tep a.yyh,f *T'r, a'!ap- aliToil. · 2~ 'Eyy{aaT'f! 6 • 8-r,owos laT& tJ,Ealn,s ,rap~,wu11ll'\'11p,is 6Eov,cal d.118pcl11rC1>11 8 * ~s {3aa&AElas fJ-ab, A, «al 6 brl ~s dP771n7s T'ou7 'Iapa~A.1C.C11Nv11VT,

.t;i;. s~«al



3. tua

T'OU teeoil OT7JITfTIJ&9 • lO T'OUT'OO"ll'ovl>&(E& d lx6pos l ·. l K' 12 {,71'00'Kf!A.((u11l '11'411T'IJ~T'OVS l'll'&KaAOVtJ, 110VS T'~V vp&ov • Olaf! yap. B-r,*'v il-'lpf113 i,nnplt•,u 'lapaq>.., aw-

bg(A),s1 ix.6pov. 4.

fJ,A, ~l




{3aa-LA.Ela T'OVlx6pov. 5· AliT'osyap111 0 18 17 I-'~ltJ,11'EUf!W 4yyEA.os *~s dpq"'ls UI * lv,crx_va-E& .,-ov'Ia pa~>.. T'EAf!O'~tTfTCU



oiJptn10&11.b, ~'le! (Ja.a-.,,, "· ofJp. Aab = (3CZtT. Ell c1>.,,s. lo>r '1'0>11 _o/ipall0>11, A b•e1J.•r. ·(Ja.a• .,,, dA,,B.lo>r roii ali,110r. The confusion of iiiivoii and iuiiwii

could eaeily__ ari~. . VL 1 c reads (/,,,/MnTo11 8,cSi,, 1 c reads lallT'Ovr,A adds «al !f,11')..~u& 4 ex, -a doublet of rrpoa-,lmiroir. I A= ICOXOV JrffV~To~. {j-bd. b, 81 read lyyl{rr, a;, ea ~isrendering of rrapa,r,ira&, since in late Greek rrapalf"la,r forgiveness,' or {u'bwJI.may be corrupt lrr,,.,iAeiTO&, which would point to.1:1:,,,31 as in for {u'l,111J'f. 4>pi,,,,.-l{n, 1 T. Lev. v. 6, 7. S ft &ao,,i"°' ''"'· In T. Levi v. 6 we have followed /j.-d and taken it to be a rendering of Cllf' J)lUl. The text = ' who Di~ »abor ci:,-,,l,lCI_in Miahnic and Talmudic intercedeth for you ' Hebrew. See note on T. Levi 6. We might perhaps assume different Hebrew originals in Levi v. 6 and in Dan. vi. 2, on the ground of the divergence of d, A (t), 81 in the two passages. But the fact in both passages that (X gives rrapnrdf&E~ and fJ-d, rrapmTov1u110s implies the same Hebrew original -in both, Hence the text is 8 b om. 7 a, fJ om. • Ot, b. fJ-al,, A, S1 read. as doubtful, which m11-y mean' in the presence of' or after in margin. Text= ,.:111, 9 O:,def ( save that d trs. CTT',j~mu before rijs and f before '1031' against.' 1 ":'oii). bg, 8 read rijs fJarr.rnii ix8pov CTT',jtTffCZ, (g CTT',jtTto-8• ). Is 8roii right 1 If not the false text might be explained by a corrupti!)n of ·:i~Minto '"· Though lxBpoiiis weakly attested it gives an excellent sense. It has the support of A, though this version is here conupt, reading lx8par rii• {Jaa-&°Afo>II, lO g, A read ital a,&. 1l d reads WOO'ICf'),.'),.itTO& (sic). HA= T'O 18 c, b. h, ef read ;,, J &11 3110p.aroii nplov, Ab•..i,r, om. next eight words. ,jp«Pf (e ~/J«pa11), d,g 9• (J d) b ,jpipa11.. 140t {~i lrr&O:Tpi,;g). bfg read w,anua-n, de rr&CTT'•va-g, A•' read fwuu,111,nlruaf, ( bv11CZ1-11116,jir,'l'a&) corrupt 11 g om. . . ITO reads f9r ~-&."'~"ual. =·fT"1TfllO'ff. . . 11 bl,,$1 -oui.








VJ. 8]


20 • ' a.l,rovds' TlAosis ,cax&i11 6. "'EITf"c:u a~li, ,ca,p~ riis' 1 16 .*a'II'· lu,9µ.lasa, *To_v'Iupa~AllS (cwic lcmu)U a,tmrrl.tµ.t11os 28 *oKvpwsll 7, ,cal28 *µ.EifAEVCTf'ra& aw&i11 i'II'' 1811«~ t1)TOUl'T~ Tel {:Jtl!1111 lCTTa& fa-osawtj>so, lUAf/JJ,aawoil29 , lfr, *o~arls T&ill O.yyEA"W 7• Tel a~ovoµ.a.awoiP 1 l11 *'ll'avTlTO'IT'f>'Iupa~A Sll r ,cal lv fJ,A, s1 To,s 88 1811cc,"' 1 84• iu""' ;,,, 88 lawovs 85, TE/CJ/aµ.ov, O.'Jl'cl ·8. 4&4Tf1p~a:aT( ov11 'lfazm}sfl, S1 ' *w · ~ae ifJnuui·


1:f'YOV 'lrOllflpoV




87 fJ-g ,riiv. ,cal"4'11'0pp{taT(,*a4?{/µ.&iv. Tell/ ,f!vp.clv .,cal ff twaos rical 4)'4'11'711TCIT"f ~II o.A.~8£&al/ ical ri,11p,a.,icpo8vµ.(av ,.


.:Ji~ 'lc,paij~icalfIIUT~wi,. A adds icalaccording to printed Arm.Text but certainly·Ablfr ·.donot.. ' 18 d reads llt7l'ru,i11. 19 hi, befg,A. c reads 6 d reads 80A= ~aic.!11, . n oc,Ab•, /3,A-be om. x.rip0$,d /3d6or, 18 ·dllOpa>.lar. Ai read aliT'oii6 'iupa,j>.,g 'Iupa,jA. ' HI have added these words.: If we do not so the loBBof one or more clauses must be assumed before «al ,.,.,.,.,>,.,6c,,rai, · for ver. · 6 deals with the restoration of Isra~l 11A= d1ro1mjuffai. 11 hi read d,r' awoii. through the angel of peace. g trs ..after 11Vp1or, · · ITot,g. fJ-g, A, S read 11Vp,or, We should perhaps bracket 6 ·IWPIOf an interpolation. This verse relates to the a,ction of Uie angel of peace. See note 24. But the alir~ii.after 81').J/pa supports it 119c (eave for the corruption of 16",,fo1· re,,u). Text~ ' 18oc,A. a,Som. ·u,r, np!:1 1DM\ np~ is of course very unusual in· this sense jn ·Hebrew, It is probably a corruptio~ of i~)t troioiilPT'a, which is th~ reading of ail the other MSS. Ai,befgread l"'f'EAWO'~TIH hl """ (b·&irwfJ_,) ~,oiilJT'aore\8; awoii ("A A,,e;,llj,.,ippa g), a f'IT'OO'T'pa«p,jun:a, hl "a ff'OIOVIPT'a T',8. a; A "'"''"'~VO'f'ralltrl .,.aM,,,,«al -re\8'11,,paali-roiiT'f>.f&QlO'fl. S1 1111811,u"' tr0uii11 '"ABiA,,paawoii. Here c:alone is right, in reading the. singular revu. The other texts did not arise from a ·deliberate transformation of the text in the Christian interest but from th"e miewriting of lfJ11nas '8111J.,We have seen above ihat pm>.,~~,,.a, (,.,m._ urparp,jurT'a, d) = 1DM',which is here to be taken transitively = l,riO'T'plt•i, 'he will transform.' On the other hand, if we do not insert the negative we must. assume ·the loss of some words before 11:al bi:fore dif,,ur&µ,11or, pfT'rA,vc,rnnreferring to Israel's repentance or conversion:. If in these Israel was the subject then il!lM' would be rendered ' they will become a nation~• SOoc,~. A, S1 (save that A, 1J read,i iut, a trs. fO'T'alafter aliT'oii,and 81~. A, &·add dyy.fO'TOI.,,·aw,. A, 8 1 om. lcfra,). breads olilli11lT'Qlll 1 IIITIU,• no:,~.~ (save that g om. ,,Smp, aom. 'Iupa~A,and It adds'" bef~'Iu.). 86 ~. S add uow,jp(g aO>"l'qpla). A= 111 tra1T11 'YiilCal;., 'Iupa,j>.. 88 g om. 18 oc,/3~ After this a resu~es. · 81 ae/ om. A ( save that c om. ff'YOV and d reads tl'GII,lpyov). 8'I oc. fJ,S1 read T'c\11 8. «al 71'al/(g ro) :t/,rii3'Jr (+dql 1,,.,..,,, d). A baaelements of ex and /3 and de/>'11µi11: triillor ,cal









/J,A, s1

9. Ka2




88 wapil roil ,rarpos- {;1£1»11, ,}«cwa-arE JJ,f'l'4•

8 !:,;:"A) aor, 89" -r«a240 {;#£Elsn rots rl«vo&s {;~v", [tva alf'l'raf-4 {;µ ~c.irqp~•r&v Hvl.iv' "'ll1T"2 yap clA71~~s 11:al~,cp68vJU?S, 45, «al" ,ica,a&ciicc.ivn f:«~~"'11'p9f'S ,cal ra.'ll'E'110S ~ riv lp-yc.iv*rir 1·



""°" ,cal icoU:q8r,rE.urfi 48].. KupCou

IO..• A'll'Ol1T'l'JrE ovv clwo'11'40'7JS cl6uc:Cas

8Hccnoo-d"ll TOu60 0eoiJ61, «al lOTa.&rel 62 ... vivas ilu&ir Els a-c.>nJp{ rov a.liiivos", II, *-Ka.2 fJav, I"'"• , rfJ,A, 81 8&\/ratt#£EHfyyvs rwv 'll'O.rlpc.iv µ.ov. 1 hvc.JO'EJI VII.· Ka.2 ram El'll'@VKllTAtLl~crcas Clllm>~ almros- t lhn,yttllA;9• 2. Kal 8 l8a\/rt1.11 ain-011* ol tilol a~roii. ...S"°u





Ka.2'JJ,f'l'G *TOiiTo a~ny1u1116· f-ra ana 111mii18 -• ., *l..ta ~.,T . 9, t vtrllOII 'Af3pa.a1£ I «a.l'Ia-a.a,c,cal 'Iaic~/3 111 Bn l'll'&A411 rAav ai.:..,,opt, [3. IlA~JI ovv1° 'll'pOEt/>?JTfVO'fJI ciin-o'Ls /J-d, A, 81Taiit-acl11q11ry111111 r7'4.ia,.a ~l,,-ojjl ( +«al 1111n6'j11ap I (clg), A, S1) O'VllfYYl'll', «at. /J~~


trdllT'G l1vµd11. 88 g, A read ci«ovm, 11 d om. '°Ai read al. Gd.adds ll'O&flff dvan,tlAaT'f8c avra ,cal. . &I a adds aih-li>11, e/ avrd, gcl,,ayy,tAa...E, 41 Ai add «at, u b reads ,rarr,p. The clause Lia ••• illvGwin its present

form ie obviously Christian. The words that follow might 'be taken as referring· to Dan, (Cf. i. 3), but it• ie safer to bracket them as an addition. . Cl d reads /o,-l yap a «al P• ,., WM&,,rpnvr T'f ,ral T'Gfl'Ewdr, g ,., ff'QO'& yapclA.«al "' '°"'•T'flTI',al 21'P9f'll'· '8 g om. '' C, reads &aaa«A>II, "(X, fJ,A, 81 read as in margin. "'hiread ,:,,>..>,ri6fi11•a6f.&oex,A. 11 ex,fJ-b,Ab'b•49rr, b, A.. ,., S1read «vplov. /J,$ 1 add Jldflo"rou(bg om.). 81 A• om. b om. rest ofveree. · c:,A. 1,,iread:qµ&w,fJ,S ,,_,n;. ••g reads · •lr 'l"Ow alc»11ett. . N ex~ fJ-dg,Ab*4 , 81• d reads 8. a. ~, !/ Sti,J,arnsoi .., A•'be «al 11v11, .,.Joa pov, IJa,ya..-l ,u. 1 VII. 1 ot. fJ,A, 8 read as in margin. • c. fJ,A read lim,,,,u,., vrrM111 al.:i11,011, h.i lrco&pq6'j.d adds ,rpra-{Jm,r «al ll'~qpris9/1-ff'OJP vrrapx_0>11, Here c iu,c m•1&1ll::I~, where n:111&1 ie corrupt for ra•rc,. Cf. T, Zab. L. 6. fJ, A= 0~,31nl 1f&I l::ili:i,which I take to be a corruption of c (emended). 8 Thie verse appears The addition in d confirms the emendation of c. in d ae follows: «al 1,,;.,-,s- ol vlol ol.nv 8'/11'1P Eu~.,., clo-~11 «a.,-,;,.«E1JOupl'llfJ•



,carJ&IITO avroll ;., alnf,. p.rr4 T'GVT'G clwy«Gllffll'llJata.11 ®T'c\11 '" Xopo,11pEffl .,.&,,, 11'0.7'£('0>11 avrov.Ka.l OWO& "'" da-111ol Mro, ~I,' fllfffl>.aro. ~ Toir vloir 'g om. • ex,A·. fJ-dread T'IIVT'Gd,,qllE'}'ICIJP,. 1/, A•bb*4"'-, avrov. S1 add ital m..-l6q111111 ( + avra f ), g adds (JJ,,m. Such an addition is found in d (see ~ote 3), and is needed. Hence with/ (dg), A-, 8 1_ add «a..,.J6'j1ra11, 'ex. {J-d, A, S1 read av11,-,,yus (g lyyi,s). · ~ g om. rest of


8 This forms the natural close of the Testament. chapter. Verse 3 is the addition of a later hand. It ie stil~ mo1·esevere on Dan than v. 10 CX. "4e/ 11d re&,r_'avro~r. A= w,p, 5, 8, om. b, S1 read ws-.



1 43

18 yijs 17 bd, A 8wvraL18 TOUI~ 0EOU avrwv 15 ,cat aAAOTpLw8~1TOVTaL 18 avrwv, r ,cal. ylvovs 'IITpa~A ICA~pov ,, ,cal. 1T~Tpr.asft TOVIIC>J,IOI', (T1Tif'l',O,TOi alrrwvl l 9), 1

' N E'I' .1.e-" ' 'TOV"'oyooov • ~' v,ov ' "'•1a.,cwf'J ' tJ ~,a (J1/ICTJ W1.E£JJ, 1 BaAAa~ •

' ,ca.~

'h, {3-bg TfAturijs.

{3,A, S 1 µ1111or {ry,alvov•


'AvT{ypatf,ovaw6~/C1/S N~cp8a>..Etp. rjs2 atl8ET08 lv /CaLp{i> 6 riis 6 ai,,-oii. f ri)s ltcSSou l 4 avrov lv lut * (/CaTotTT{i> ,cal.TpLa/COITTf, 8 TWVv,wv awov 9 lv Tf,~ 0 ·{3-dg, A, (wijs avTOv7• 2. ~VVEA8ovTwv S1 aln-ois 11 12 ,~aoµ.'f) µ.17v{,JA,Lq TOVf',1)"°§ , l1ro(111TE aEL1TVOV U~TOL~ 13• ,cal 16 avrov EL1TEV aVTOLS' 16 K.tMawa, 3. * Kal.TO1rpwl.14 JA,ETO. TOit,J1rvL1T8~vm 19 bf. ex, cl, A om. ae read lwiAa8oVTa&, d .l1ri'Ariu811uowa,. 15 Ab*dom. next five words u ex,S bd, A read as in margin. aef om, 16 ex,abe. d reads arrriX>.OTP""Oquowa,, through hmt. f a>.>.orp1c.,8,juc.,11ra,. 19ex.·aiuf, S1 read as (X but 17h, d om. 1Bcl reads ICA1Jpour. S1 om. prefix a{n-o,r, 1vas.'Ap.1111, f, 81 ~QJI ulor 'Iruca,{:3~ vlor Ballar ci 1C11u,11 ET'Jp1t.l.


12 h,



I. 1 Title. exin text. a reads N,cp8a>.d,., be/, A~r a. N. ( +ri' b) w,pl (/,uu11.1011tElas 11', Ab=A .. r (1 save that for cf,vu. clya8clniTorit reads cii'a81>111 lf8our), Ab*= a. N. uloii 'IaK.a>fjtr•p• Ba>.,l,.1p,.,,llft/UQI ,r>.aruuµor. 8 d reads ,8,To. 'b, S1 read t11, g ~11. • c. hi, aiuf read njr (d. om.) 5h, aef (save that f om. K.aland ae read n>.n,rijr, bg, S1 To?i.our. A om. p>.'),A, S1• c, g read

£1(UT"OUT11 wpl>raln-o~,. lO ex, d. ahef om. l1 o:, aef, A, S1 • d reads'" l)µlfJ'I "'~' b T"UUf'T11, 1' fJ-dg, 1 • t.x. fj-dg, A, 8 1 read as in margin (save that A, S1 add as in margin. b reads avr6s for aln-oir and A nLpwfunL[,Jf,L'b( = xapa. corrupt for furwfunL{Jf,L'b K.&,8c.,11a), d a{n-o'is1(01 rihp.. 71 48 a~s. · fyEJ1v.,f87jv , ,cal '" '8 ~::~;~ 11'4VVn,8T&111'2*T&ivyovdTfllv 4.5 4' >..lyovfTa• H'f/Cf /H• ci.'ll'a>..av 8VTo. * /J,f ICaTf.. a IX, {3-g, S1 om, . 41 IX, {J-dg read T'iii11P.'IIWJ", -u read J,, wciaw (d011 tl). · 48 hi, b prefix d• 9 .• • a, aef n~nn corrupt for n',l)n= •~xarwhich bd, A read





II. 2]


·9. 'H 3E60 µ~rqp µ.ov *B&Ua wfiPXE51 Bvy&rqp'P~v8a(ov611, 58 , njs rpo_cf,ov 54 • 71ns66 lv· µ,~ o.3EA.cpov f1E{30ppas 'PE/3l,c,cas 3 IO, 'b 3E'Pov8ai:os~ ~µlp'f lrlx6f/ 66 lv p ,cal 'Pax,~>..67, 69 'l,c rovylvovs -qv 'A(3pa&µ,·Xa>..aai:os,8EocrEMs,l>..E66Epos 60 ,}yop&cre.,, ,cal &yo~S," II, *Kal alxµa1'.wr,1rlMs imo Aa~&v· ,cal law/CEIiaVTljlEl,vav61 TTJII '71'a,atcr/Cf/lJ awov 6~ Els68 .yvvai:,ca,ffns 64 lrEKE8vyarlpa, ,call,caA.EcrEv *T"oovoµa al,njs 65 69 , .ZlAcf,av66 , *l'71''&voµar,67 njs '71'0AEWS68 lv 'Palxµ.a.,\wr(cr87/ 70, >..lywv I 2, * Kal µ,ua rovro b-EKEIJ TTJII B&>...\av • {J-ad, A, . .•,., i. .# (A) St S' «al utt,, I l,ma,) t Kawo1roi&s µ.ov~-Ovy&rqp• *Ka,vocr'71'ova&s µ,ov ~ 8vy&- «ovcf,or rqp71 ' *wlJvs yap TEX8E'icra {/~'I"• , 1 .~ r.1 •• J ~ ,._ ~ ~ fJ dA,S. , £'7l'IJ\at-'O~llf/ TOV µ,a1,0V £CT'71'EV- l,-~ 1 I-'•• 72, 3o 817A.a(E,11 bdg, A 13 *C:,s~s l>..acf,os iI. *'E~ ~~'I" Koii+os1 r.,-o'i:s '7l'OO"lv rKUt14 ~~ • l:L • , r•1 'r.1111 l ~ '\ I 6 *,ca,yE l >.1111-«a& U11§£ I'" 0 '71'arqp /LOU (l/(r,)t-' E S '71'acrav ....yyEl\&1111 dyyE1 8, C:,ud7 l>..acp&v JLE.,,liAOY17CTEJJ 2, Ka8~s·9 yap * olaev O ).fup, \A

81a, A. fJ-ilEOII, def, A "P0116iov. 00 c' 13 a reads li.•fJfJ6par, 0• c reads 'P•fJ•mr. Ab adds ywaui:or'Iuaa«. reads cm. For ;;.,.,,••• 'Pax&riAA reads fm «al 111I-"~ lunw 'lTlx&/aa11 a~n}(,j 1'9.,.'IP Ba>.AarAb}«al 'P. · "d reads l.,,,,{iilq. "a, a. ~ag read 88 a, a. b .reads "Pciil•or, 'Pax,jA. b prefixes ,j. def 'po.{;6,os. · ~•e/ om, IO G reads Off&S alx,.o>.,.,,-luilq drro rijs lawov rrc!>.,,.,,. 8l hi, .f. C reads 'Ei,ar, a 'E,,l, be Alu&,,,d 'Ea,,&,,, A= ZfJJIIIW,S om. n d reads a~rijs.· 63 af om. 114c reads 3rc. 81 hi, fl-:b,A. c reads fl .i,,. awov,b a~,-,j11. 68 d reads Zt{la>.. 67 {J-g. c reads «aT1 .lv&,ia.,.,., hi lrr,.,i,o,.&ue,,. 68a, f •. 99 b reads ux.,-.aA.=rollq. TO(X; H ~f, A, S1 read 1(0)/Mlf• read «al· (b om.) lEijs (iE qr b) f,-,1Ct11 n}i, B&A.Aa" (AafJava but Ba>.a11in second lrmi, a~.,.cp T">J" B. lE qs l-y.1111,jllr,11 i-yo,.ad o~. rest of hand), d, «al rr&A,11 verse. '11bf, s•~6 «a&JJOS u,ro11lJos ,iov ,j e. A=«a&JJ00'71'0v&uµos(1} ,j e.µav. a read as in margin. There was a .play upon the name in the original.


Ba).A.1111, >.t.,6lJJ'«au..Sa,ro11Ms µav.,j e. 'M::l n,n:u it>N~ "O?J, 'fl be/,$' (save that b, S1 om, .h,>.. ,-oii·,i.). A slightly c9rrupt = ,lilJvs 1Ap ,.,.ix..fJ'I (,-,x6flr A•) «al irriAaflol'•"'IT"ovµa(oii l''JT"f'OS a~s· 1tal lurr,11lJ,6q>.&(ew. This clause is omitted by a, adg. II. 1 c. hi read ~ lJi ,l,il 1tOvcJ,os. ~ad, A, S2 a.ain margin. a ;,..,tlJi I(, d I-yo>, ~"ID,-,, iy,..dl''I" «ovc/)or, 1 b adds,-,. ·8 c, d. hi read l,,url. 1 .da,,.u 1raualvvo,a ~v rol.iic yc'l.p 1 36 lKTW'fVICaT' l"OVl/~ i1v8pw7rov .fltcovaiaVTov38 • 6. *·lls yAp~7 ;, aw-011, , · , * 47 8~ tca2 4 o. ws46 d dcJ,6a>..µ.os p~Tco'' laxvs aliTov88, o¾n-w TOlpyov ui}ro~ .ital·~ t:ttiToil,owws 4 ~ Ka2 to i1'll'VOS al.iTov: 61S'9 6 .VVX~ aliTov, bdef,

1 1e11l q rrpiit,r 48 abroii· r«al @s q .,rpoalp•u111H T{X,"'1 abroii, oi:t-a>' t.i.WOV' q ,r,aplJ{aa~TOV ICO~ Tc\ .fl't41'4 awoii1. 1 O~TG>fl


11 "· aef.C, d m>Ua ¢vu,tiyi,co,.uw.. 10 IX,A. fl read . 0 IC, ol'afll, read a~r'I',b avro11. The clause ,rpc\s abrcji••• · tnJ>.&11 is given corraptly 11 b om. and unintelligibly in A ab-re\µiiXXov~ 'PEP•'Tc\ dya8d11 (1). 11 d adds ml. is_lX,bcl. aef read o/;ra>r. H dreads u;.,.«Tor. • ''A= read Tc\ ,rv, l11rl6r,u,, d Tl6r,u,Tc\ ffll•ii,.a. A= .,.te,,u, ~"Vl'aTOf, 11 IX, fJ-11'ov; RV'l'l>V, 89hi, eJread WNlr, •0 After avToilIXom. the .:itausesfound in the·_margiu·; which apparently belong to the. original. For text s•.which though slightly corrupt and def~ctive suppo.rts lidef,A, see Appendix.. '1 be/, .A,; 0 d~f,A. b reads Tt\ iJ, reads ; rrpoalpHrlr. "lid. ef read o~'l'a>r. ~pyo11,. . H be/. r/, reads Te](III'/. ti bef. i/, Feads ,cal @r. •• IX,be/. d, A read ,cal ..:.r, "tl reads ol ~it,8«Xpol, n 01, .ef. U read Gmt,

ETfpG Tl&'Ci








II. 8]


oi$,rwsu ital 6 A.&yosairo£6°, ~- lu u&µ.f K'.vp!ov,~ lu ·v&l"t' si ~ *P"to,s. 'l"ov62 BE,\lap. . 7. Kal ~s 118 ICEX@p,CTTa& au&.µEO"OJL *TOu 00 , lulef,A,"S ♦IIITOI. KGt clvdp.Eaov TOuaK&nus64 *dp&.d-E@S r~ ,cal il,c07js oin-ws68 KfXc/ip,o-ra,au&.µEO"OIJ auapos,cal *clv&p~. KULclva,..Eaov1/>r.:T'OS ICa& 68, ,cal oaK la·m• d1r1i:v31-~t*lv T¥ u«o,-ovr. yuvu,K~ .Ku167 yvua&1c&s M TO~ 'll'poaw1r0,s~ml'•"°" ~,tag. oca11&,.,. A,, ao11. 0 THIOTH OF " R • AJ>..lBA_. Ab ol,,c {ed. Jellinek, Bet ha-Midrasd,,, lO'T'&II III. 42-43). 8f10&0S ,lr ~ (The underlined phrases are .,.,;111 found in ver. 8.) . .,,.poa;_o,~ 71'0lli'lj 110&. :S. *IT&.uraryap160 . lv r&{n , , , , -,,:1::,!, N!,Ntol!t-, n::,-,:i N!, ~7fO('f'/O"EIJ o 0EOS ,ca,\&,· ras N!,NCl'JtN , , , n,lf"I!,t:t!,NC>'J'JI · wlurEalulhjo-m li, Tf/ * ,cal r3u rp&.X'f'/AOIJ o-vu&,f,as l:l''"'n,.,.,;l:l~,m •••~~, 81; . *,rpoaMs uatjj rfi K.£..p L b,A«al 'Clltl l:l'JI~ rplxar HL Tplxus EL!l.~,rplm,uv KUL nipn,t?l:l"J~ ;,:,ace '11'p6r 6 63 &~uv ~'... Eira . ,capala,u Els N1Yln!,,,,~!, nJj) 31'!,::,,,i!, ~~ aofa11. 6~. K.O&A~V Els ta,&.0AAEIM


[II. 8


M"'l0 ·b,y:,; -.,~ 67 ·,rpos NyEla.i,68, +icclA.aµov ~,rapee1rpos8vµ.&v,XOA~v 1rpds 1:ii,,,i, nl!',;bi:,_ l"rn,; 1r,icpCav, r,cal170 *cnr>..ijva 1rpos y,AwTaTl, IIEcf,povs rEls,ravovpfl-u,s1 y(a,;, 72, ~as 731 · Els Mvaµ.w, 6~1t.q11, 74,. *+,rA.ropa.v Elsn Km8ed8u,+ fl-ad, 75 Elslax_t1v, S 1 a.:oii- &crcf,vv ,calTQifijs •.



T,KVa µ.ov, 1r&VT'a. T4 lpya. 8111111Tal, 9. ~ws 78 l"ovv1 * lCTT"wcrav, -IJµ.&w lv Tafn Els a.ya8&v n lv cf,&/3'{' 0Eov, Kal µ.71llf11 i1TaKT"ov 8vvq• 79 l(cu80 *,ca,pov awoil 81• 78 lv KaTacf,po~CTE', 1rcn~CT7jT'E /J,7/llf o-ecr6, Io. *"OT, la.,, El1f?1sT'f>dcf,8aA.IJ,'f>, wAKouE, oil &ul'!jcrETG~· s9 , ff'O&fi°P.


d'll.,crp.611. Thus vrdp.axov rlr a>.,o-p.611 = n~Mt:>n, J!lj),,i".the ph~ase which occurs immediately after MM; b"t!l in R. Akiba's list of the senses. "ex,ab, S2• d reads 1t.o>.aa-p.&v, o >.,p.611, f ml See note 6 5. >.a,p.611,A= «a>.ap.ovr( + Tmi Ol'l»TffJOII «al Tall 1«1.T6lffpoP Ab), 8 1 = T~ o-ii,p.a«al «o&>.lav.icd>.ap.ov = Mlj) which shouid here have been rendered 11 ,rpi\r.{,y,la,, >.&pvyya. = corrupt for as we see from R. Akiba's list 11w, ;up.. Hence we should read here ,rpi\s ,l(Tfl'JIO~v. 89exreads wrap. "di, A om, nc (save that it reads O'fl''>.~J10).'6, A read cr,r).ijvar (d cr,r).ijva11),ls -yl~-. abof, S1 .Zr -y.'Ara>Ta cr,r>..ijva(e O'fl'>..ij11a,,, 12 = M~ll' 'prudence' or MJJ! f O'fl'Alva ). ' counsel.' ' 8 bdf.· 71 ex.k, reads ,/,6>Gs,0. ,t,aas, 8 ,t,olas, Text= c~,o:,. 81 read wA,vpav (,r>.,, S1) ,lr 6~"''1"•A= ,ls T~ r,6,va, dcrtf,ur. Printed Arm. Text here wrongly trs. dcrtf,irrand w>.evpar.Here wA,vpdr seems secondary to wX,vpav, since the converse change is unlikely. But ,.:).n,p&v gives . no good sense either in t-he· ex or the /j text. It is dr ~ · therefore probably corrupt for .,..>..,vp.oPa. Accordingly oc= ,rAEllf'Ova ,ca6E1UJ1111 = .ll:,R','; n11t~,, which, on turning to Akiba's first list, we see is corrupt for .lUt~ ntt'i, for that phrase is found there, and different forms of it in the Akiba's second list, Berakli. 6_1•and Hebrew T. Napth. ,ls Ta TilJi"'n in A points to Cl~ or .l~fQln,. TS d reads dcr,J,iir, A rr'A,vpas. '°Verse 8 is here omitted by a, having been trs, by that MS. befo~ n M. o reads Ti1r.11a p.ov,lrrTra>aav wall'l'av,i&111 '" T11€n d~ v~r. 7. See note 20. dyaB&v. g reads .T(IClla p.ov, ,cal v,i,'ir 'lrOll'l'a"" :P'1" ~,,_;;,,, ,,, TO~I tl'OlflTf. Ta




-'•~A(+''--'· - .a,) Tflt.lla , ,iov, fO't'II> .. 71'0Jl7'Cl , TO _,.,fpytl V/U')P ·-. fP Tali", -~. flS ..... ,..:.-A~ ,-... a,:.w,J TOV'l'O 1

r,a8611 (d, A a-ya8u·«al),b, S1 Tflt.lla ,iov, ,,,T,l.ov. 11• ~, 8~ d>..· 1"0V0(ov 9 «paTEtv10, «al a.wopp{wmvTO 8l>..7Jp.a TOVBe>.(up ' < l2 I . \ .1 L '-·' 18 AO&OVO'lo «a., .,, O"EA1/Vf/ ,ca., o,•UI u.o-npn ov• t KUAu,!roua, /j, _s1 2. •ol2'" 11> 16 v&p.ov'mi«o~v 14 T4'LV aw&,v• oiTw16 «al VP,E'is p.~ a.>..>..o,~0"1/T( 19 • 0fo617 .Iv dT°"'" Twv18 1Tp4'El'alV vp.&,v 3. "'EBv.,,w>..a.21 ~v 22 1"4'W a/JTO,v,8ou ,cal v.,,8lvTa*«a.2licp_lVTa. Kvpwv 20 ~>..>..o{l'alO"O.V 28; 'll'VfVp.110"' 24 w>..av.,,s. 4. fvAo,c «al *6~KOUO~I' iu'>..01.9KA1>..Ceo,s 2 6 •Tp.E_'isliE *p.~ oih-ws , Tl«va p.ov, yw~o-«oVTn26 Iv TfflllT oin-l'llS' O~f

· ,. ·


83 O"ICM'fL




;.!:,;_ UallT'ES.

'o:. {3-g, S1 read as in margin ofpage·148 (save that for ll'IIU&I' b6apij11a& vµa,11 ras 'll'pa~cs. A= baacf,&ipai yij11 /., rais 1rp&~u,vµa',11.dg om. next eight words through hmt. ' c,!, A, S1 (save that c, ef read icawoisfor ICEPOlf). · hi read A6>,>,cal ICEJIO&S .aro,ro1s dtrar@IIT'Es. · • VfflO'GPffl ,cal fl'OCIJO'CIJl'l"CI, ' • • ,ca1. 11C1Auv "-".1-u ,,r ..... --' Ell • ,,._, • Tmr •· a'lf"OIIP'Y'll'40'&11 ' (A"*.,. · · and A O"l"fpElllpll ovpan1u







.(III. ..

t1T£p£@µ.ar,, lv yfi«al 28 lu 29· 8a.A&:rr17; ical28 . h, 30 'll'iia, ro,!i' c lh, MjUa- OTJ/J,toVpyqµ.aa& 32, rva µ.~ Kvpmu rou 81 'll'Ot'lllTauT"a · 'll'O.UTa E1111, 86 t/Jva£W!i' u&rijs88 ,· yi,,.,,a8£83 i:,!i' :Uooµ.a,ijT~S 84 •~>->-uie c,,d~ 40 88 ,ca2 39 ol 'Eyp11yopo,. luqMa'41' r&,fw· 87 'Oµ.ol(J)!i' H~Ci>V. t/JVITffll!i'airrGw, o1ls41 «an7pMaTOU Kvp&O!i'l'II'&TOV ICaTa«Av44, II: 4'11'0 1'.4TO&KTJCT{as JC4~ iucu.p'll'OV r&,fa!i' NIU }'1111. aµ.ov431 ot' o1Js 45• [ OO!KTJTOU] .





bdg,A,S1 IV. Tairra 1 >..l.ywvµ.,u~, rl.,cva p.ov, &r, lyvwv8 lv rfi4 8 vµ.e,s clr.oaT11UEU8£ auiyvl'l>V,. ypat/,fiIS 'Ev@x, Jn JCa£y£ clwo Kvp{ov7, ~~~ I W ,cara 'll'OpfVO/J,1/110& Kara 'll"aO"av &voµ.{av8 l8v&,u9, «al '11'0&1JITETE ,r6.nv 11 .Ieooµ.c1ll1 l2. 71'GO'OII, '1T0117Jp(av 2. Ka2 l'll'O.CE& Kvp,os vµ.iu alxµ.a0


lrrf'h'[,( olipaPOii) is corrupt for lrrfrf, ~he cases of the t.ext 31'8 not in order, A cleady goes 18 g om, · 19-c,fJ-r, 88c, d om. 89a adds ll>r. For bicf>p-• Kvpwr. 71',µrra'TGa,,,,IIOVP')',j,.aro). Here

= -yijr. Although

o6r ,ca"lpauaTo d Kvp&0s-, .the rest of the verse d, reads ltrl roii ,cam,u,.vuµoii • 0 .ex, aefg. b read l-yp,j-yopEr, a om. next four words. ' 1 b6 add ,cai, 411a om. rest of verse. 49 hi read rta"lnriuaro. "ex,ef. bg,.A read a,• alirovr, S 1 fllfl((j-yapalirci,11 ,...,ij,. 4I ex(sa-te for Oll'OIC01'0&,c,juar of exI read no IC!lTD""7CTiasas in bd4f/. 0 reads a.t~arfor raeoli which is found·in _hi,bdefg). Ofl'O,carOIIC'71Tlar :irn,-,,:ic.Hence aoua,rov (before which exadds ,ca() is bracketed as a dittogi'a.phy. bdefg read as in text, save that for no ,caro&IC'7Cl'iar ,ca/g reads am!T'f oliciar nil Tf and bdefgread ,cap,rci,11 for ll1taptrOJ1}, rae«r ,calTqllav&,,rov(Ahcde 71'poCT71'D&qTcS11) •. A= Elr (AH om.) ru,,.,t/>vu1111Cap7lQIII But pbnL{,J.f,L"b ( f/,vu,11)is conupt for p'hwfnL{Jf,L"b rtaTO&ICl/uiav and w"bp'hwiw"b ( = ffpDU71'0"lnlv) and w't.,...,"bwfw't,( = a..&11m11) are corrupt for w"bp"bwf doi"'7To11, Thus A does not imply s. t.ext different from G.





_S1 ::::


El11a, ICaTart'Avuµov,

2 bg,S 1 om. 8 ex,aef. bclg,A,S1 readasinmargin. IV. 1 daddsai. 0 bg,A add 8 ex, '-o,A. hi,{¾,S om. def. b, S rea.d 1eaiy•,cal. g -y• ,cal. A :::,,cal. 'dreads 8,oii. S1 -ypaf/,ijrroii imµovroii Kvpiov. 8 bd read 71'D"'lpiavagainst all other MSS. and A, S. 9 hi om. rest of 1~ fJ,A, S1. ad4 ,carcl. 11 bd r.ead verse. A b* 4 om. next four words. a11oµla11 against all other MSS. and· A, S. ·12 g reads alU(JCS.,...,", Aat»(Arm. printed Text) l811i>11 l:>ut·Ab!d•give Jo8ol'a111, 1'd, A, .Som. H(l reads






113 *To,s ix8po,s 14 fJp.b>V, >..(A)ITlav, Kal aot.i>.e61TET~ rfKEi: Kal ~· s. 16 Kal 8>.:lv,E, ,f cn,vurcwrpu+,ja:Ea8E 16, 'll'iitrp . KaK~ITE, l"'s >..';,,1i~· 17 K6p,os· 'lT4JITasvp.&s, 3. Kal. ap.LKpuv8lVTEs18 cna8f. IUlaA~ITE, 19 Kal f'lT,yv~ITE!T8E f'Jf&crrplv,ETE K6ptov TOV0EOVvµ.wv2 Kal . 1 i,1, • l ~ a1 ' '' avTOV , -22 (,,).. e'lT,irrpt 'f EL , E s • ,,v yqv vp.c,wKaTa TO'/TOAV 1:AEOS • ara"'s f ?~ 28 24 .Kal llTTaL /frav *c!iAGwaw els riJr y;jr Twr '/TaTlpc,wfl, A, S1 26 TOV26 Kvp(ov Kar &ITE,8~0-0VITW21 •· ~na6".:. alrr6iv, 'lT4A&JI f'lTLA~ITOVTa, 28 30 29 5· Kal a,aO"'ll'EpE, alrrw~ Kvptos f'lTl '11'p00"(1)'/J'OV 'lT41TTJS 31 *To O"'ITA4Y)(V9V rijs y,js, * liXP_,s o1ilA.871 Kvplov 32 , &v8pcu'll'OS «a2a~1 · , «pv118,r 33 z 'lTO&CUVu&Ka&o!TVV'l]V Ka&'lTOLCIIV l:AE_OS E S '/J'aJITas TOVS p.aKpaVIla&, ~ ' .. , 84 Ka,' TOVS eyyvs • _ 8-a, 2 1 V. 'Ev yap *,i TE..utf,~1Tf,!18f. lx8povs. ts J,,i read Kart[~. A T111Trm,,8qara8for a-vy«,8qau1_8r,Original doubtful. If irv~avatTTpotf,/Jura8r = :ye shall wrestle ~ith' (cf. Gen. XXX, 8), it may= which is unlikely in itself and may be a corruption of. ~'ffT:I TOfrf&llt08qara8r(A), or a-vy«,8qafa8f, .. Then avy«a>..vtf,q/J1Tf1T8E would be a corruption of a-vy«,~rr•a8,. These Gree~ words are · ~~n, fused in LXX of 2 Kings iv. 35; Pe. lxix. 1-9, 23. If, on the other band, fll/lltJVatTTpotf,/iaratJr = tl::i~n.the latter may be corrupt for uu:::in = TG1rf&11t08qaEa-81, and avy,ca>..vtf,8qa,a8r ~OfT:1 a corruption of \p,:in. · :.11 b 18.8ii,,, 81 A a'b = Kvpaor. A 'b•cd• Kvpaor cm->,,, 88 A reads ffOIOII#.n. ital a,«a&OU'Vlll'f"•. at d, read~ 1-yyt,s «al TO~S pcucpav. 2 def read iaov. a adds ;,, V. 1 ex,d,, fl-d, A, 8 1 read as in margin. 8 ex,A (save that A om. &pap.a) OKlp;,OT&, •. abeg, S1 read ;,, &pra&il l>..aiou(ae l>.a&&,.,,, g i>..,oiii). df ;., dpaan ( + p.ou d) i>..1011, 'a om. & d, reads rlTTOl#TO /,,,;,mor,t,p.;;,.,. g ltTTq1t111.A adds «al ffOIITfi( +,;,.,.f~ Ab} 8A= ,jp.;;,11. • ex,A. 7g om. rrpour8pop.op.1r,, • iJreads· 'la«o>fl,







-[V. :a

AIA0HKH NE..ajJ.,rpc)s S8, ,cal * Tjaa11 V'lrO 28 , ~;~~" TOVS ,ro8as aw&1127 arfiat:«aQICTL11t!S' [5. Kal ,rpoa-8pa~ l>.a{u,;, Jl,011TfiS *ot 8do3Te29 AEut 80 ,cal 'Io68as81 l,cp&.Tfluav awo6s 32]. A-IP 6. Kail8ov Tavposl,rl rijs yijs, lx(l)11Mo38 Ktpara·Jl,t!y&.>..a, ,cal 'lrTtpvyas34 4t!TOV l1rl36 V@TOV avrov• ,cal 9t>..OVTt!S ~µEis36 87 awo11, OVK.,;av11~8-q,,.Ev. 7. *A8~11·sa'I"""!♦ fl Ilfp,..,&.aa, 89 aw'i>'Els TO 38 awo11, ,cal a-v11a11~A~E1I ICO.TA11#1e11 : 0 ~OS~ 'Aaxaio, 8. Ka, E?aov* g.,., ~1£1111 ,mpelCe& 41 , ,cal loov ypacpf/*ayla 46 42 A.1··ova-a 44 M.,,ftao, 48 • 'Aa-crop,o, ,.lye, J;3, ~µ.,v d 1ra:njp ~µ&Iv14• 0 ~ vl~l 16 *llEU'H clvD.8wf1,EV · els 1'0 'll'AOLOV ~µC,v. 4· *

* ·




dcrqMoµev18 y{vmu

18 , 17 xeiµ;wv u. e)olµ•po1. Ab= Alpa,yo,. S1 'AllcSqiv>.o,.a om.), r,>.axaw, (aefx,>.iraio,. g r,IJ-,'01.- A= r~&ra, whieh i,t trs. to end of ·The latter appears to 'be a corrupt' dittography list. · 8 1 =: Xepov>.1ea,). ' 7 Seems lost by A unless we take ra>.&ra, to of XaMaioa. be a corruption of XaMawa. See note 46. . If this ·wo:rd is original it should be restored bef~re Mij&,. • c,· ti read Ji,p,01. A= 'Auaup,o,. The whole text in A='Au1ar1irol,iral Dap8o,, nlpua1 (A•b om.)· ·«al'EAaµijrm(Ab A,µatoa),'Auuupio, Kalra>.&T111-very corrupfl. .. ex,df. abe,A, 8 1 read;,, (ae om.) alxµaXmul~. g om. d raiira f&.,,-.Sn'lraAIII al. VI. lex, bg, A•bb•cd,S1• aef, A 01read 'lraAIII. I ex. f:J,A ab S1 read as in mai,gin. A11•• 4 0! = ,.,.,,. The confusion between µijvas and ,;,.1po.arose in the Greek. 8 ex,A. fl, S read as in margin (save that bread i N~:i= J«ri.-11Gwa111. 10ex,f. fJ-J,A, s1 read KVfl1pv,jro11. 1l c, A, S1• 1,,,/3read a. n 7r).oio11. i TOa~TTAOiOI', · U ex. 18 d, reads ,lrr,•a;. {3-bd, S1 read 7rAoiov.d ovro,s,,r>.oiov.b om. A= T'OV, u aef om. g om. next six words through hmt. u ex(save that hi read ···nO.µev). abef, A, S1 read as i~ margin. b '"fla>JlfP. l8 ex,/fJ (eave that hi, d 1 read ;p.eop.fP foulrr,j>.I.},s. A =iral dlitjMop,v. d adds ;,, a~. Ab* ,,.;,,, 17d, A read ~ (d om.) ;y.1.,fTO. 18g trs. before x•'l'wP, · aln-4i,ls mw. Ab•od•I=vrt,dBpawhich A,ucd trs._after >.aiAat. A•b om.·wtth next fo~r words. u hi read ll11,µas. A = ml ri 8a>.au.uubut µ.,;4!!,_'h may. be corrupt for·~n'l!"'ll = dviµu11. '°ex,aef, A01• bd, S1 read p~ov. g • Pf}'/Jfl10V. ch .oµfVOS, 48hi, a read 41 {J. 00hi, A (though ., dg,A om. 8!..lyE,µ.o, 0 1rar~p µov' IT,uuvw 9 *Tij> 9,.~10 on ~-d,S 1 14 alirov on. (f111 'Iro(]'~cp12 • op{;;yapr'll'&.vron:1 13 5n Kvpws &.pdJµ.£'.i 16 fJ-g, 1 'lw0'1Jcl>, JJ,GU l>..t:ye • * Oip.oL, TIKvov µe8' ~µ.wv. 3. Kai ic>..al11w 18 17 6 1 TOV 'la,cc'i:,/3 opqs olix (]'V ,cal. * , (]'€ f3>..l1rw tfr; , Kal *oli 19 Ev2_0 T~1.., 1 ' 1 4 t,,. I , ll'Jav, 2, K(l£' V/J.HS tV YEVT)CTl:TaL 7raVTa OT£ f(]'XaTOVS vµ.wv6 tva lvevvra, r'{i Awl. r ovv15 , €VTE0..au8Ef"9£S TEKVOLS Tl? 'Iovoa.





fJ-d,S1 om, d reads TOT~.

d, A= a,m11&p.17v, 3 Ab add S1• r.Ot.,_bg, 'h om. i om. to 1Tan,ppwv (ver. 2) inclusive. 'larrC:.{:J. TalJTa .r&JtTa, TfKVBµ.ov, A aef read a~a 1T.,.'1P"'~"°'· d yap 7r').17po,~J}IJI, 6 OI'., read ICatpovr. bg,A, S1 TOIi (b, .A, d, (l,ef TaVTa1r&vm7r').17po,8q11a,, 8 (X adds otv. 81 om.) 1Catp611. . , A= ICal7ro').M TOIi'I. {,7rop.Eiva,(1). 9 g reads 7TlOTEVUOJI, IO ex,d. A= Ttii Kvpl.,u, ,lnE· Ka~ tnJol>)(Op~~ ToVTo,s-.He1e Ab,tcdef aliroV. b, S1 aV"T"oii 22ex: fi-d,, A, S1 read Kal. d l-yC:.. ..12 13 EVAOY71871uffm ,cal lv t aVTCf u 'Ia,cC:,{3, 16 tToiJ UK71?rTpOV b.Lc\. avToiJ16ocf,8710-ETaL 6 17 0Ec}S (,caTOIKWV 18 ] iwl ri;s Y7is, lv &v8pw1To1s

roiJ19 uwuar:·*Toylvos rov 00'Iupa71>.., 21 ll,,calovs lK r/Jv 22 lOvlJv. g, ,cal l'll",o-uvutEL Aabb*det , 4. *'Ec\.v r o~v Kal 4f1,ELi121 lpy&..6v2', UT&UVVad,>..0Y71UOV, 34 µ.vdav lxn 32 tlK.6plv,r, 33 KaAws *'.as liv TIS 31 TEKVov KM~v36, 36 Kal *l'lTlroil KaAOV o-11TO'lll}. · · 11 reads 1ropixo1Juw and of verse, d reads n-opixovuw ,rau, • • . __., ~--. ,.,/,, • ~ •• ., .. , • "Ab* TOIS J''] fl'pnrollT'O>S W\AO ICOT",.'l'po"'JT'l/CCl>f T"OVT'4 trptnTOIIO'IF OIIT"Cl>f°" E0:1"1, 1 ;= n-ciuo,.'11T'o).ol. IIO(X. /3,A, S om. 8l (X ( save that C trs. uoq,ol.a~er 81 ex, 11~). (3,A, 8 1 read as in margin. g. (3-g,A, & read as in margin. 814 • l.,,...).ijr, 811 84g reads. 8eoii. nlli"C1>io n-payparC1>'P., / trs, A 18 ex, adefg (eave that d om. o). b,·A, 81 .read d. K. dycnrque,








[IX. t


1 a'l½-o,s'll'apE*Kal 'll'OUa1 TO&avralVTELA4p.EVOS d11Ta a.'lh-ou • * lv XE/3pc/,v,«al 6. Jl,ETCiT«ivTta.Tl~v awov 6 • e&.,;11)(1'' a.liri>v 2. Ka27 q,a.ycilv 10 ro ;pO..,\otv. For itoltrMAA••• trap,ICOAEa-1111 d reads Tam l11ni>.ap.fllosN. T'O&fuloir abroii iral &>.>.atr~A~Aro&aiiTaBttTafaro awoir. I A..


8 deg bmlAan,. AbH a,,,yi,uap,t110s ( through an_internal corruption}. 6 (J,(Uf read p.,ra1to,duo110"&11. g adds ain-oii.· • g om. ( save that ae read •ls and de Bato-&11).1,g,A, S1 read Els(g 111} X. «al 1a-.,,.,a,(g Sd,t,11 Ir, T',~- j, S1 adds N,q,Sa>..,l"11lcw'Ia1t~fJ,,., vli\r BdAAas(I (& reads ita}Al!iarfor f/1 vi. BdAAar }• iC'lau, m,p"A.{1. · g o,1'ms-. 'Ap.ij11. 1 Title. cxas in text. fJ-ad,S read t.ca8,iir,,rall 11(be!,Som. g trs. before .&o8,j"'I)trfpl ,J_,, ( +rA8lpf&'llll!V~1'a& trnpan,pw11/). a l'da. d r. 11lcw"I. 6 .II~ z. tf npl µl_,r ,r1,.p) Cmijs. aeg im piHKH rAA

-1 59

JIVIC'rii *n) '!olµ.v,ov16 , ,cal 6rav 18 1/PX(ro d 17 11.lwv,· rf d fJ-o/,A. 111 S1 " ""7" 118 , *~ ·wa., 19 l'll'2*NJv 'Jl'olµ.v1w 20, ,car(o[w,cov 1\.v,cos fhipCo1'

"* *


28 avro 2i, ,cal ♦8cl11iill' lKpGTOU11 rav 11'00a a&ov -rt, xup{ :~:· q f"ov24 ,ca, -,,.G,v >..orov OVK -q8e>..ov TOV T'OVTOIJ, . . 84 fJ,s1 'Ieuu~..oy6) ,-o{vvv1 n,v ltµ.a.,....{a.v µov, ,-l,cva2, &n ,.. r·


8 IWEAELV w>..e,CTT"aK,s -q8e>..ov av,-ov, *l1m~



lf"O'OUI' a.ilTOP lK

a,a,-aluy~,a.5 *wpoue8lµTJVa/miTO

2. Ka.lye_

fJ,A, S1 11:al(Abog,., d cMT,)KOT4,rp&,-.,, ,jfKli11. . fJ-g,A, 81 &n •o>s(I« A) ,f,vxijs i,.l0"01111 alrT&_, ( + 1tal&>...,otJ,c~i, I'llip,ol {j1r0Ta f?i.lovs •ls aw&i,1Jg, ·A) fJ,81 p.ittos•.

a reads IE11Mp.1111, bg IE11Mp.ri11, d lEeMp.ri.,,, ' 9 clreads air&,g Ir, hi, abef. 111 c reads Toii. dg om. at A= n;.,, '1prco11. ex. fJ,A, S read ml ,-or. 611g om. IS Ab*4 om. For l>..wovl''I"a reads .">.ll'ln/lJrill, MA= •Cri, G8b. adds cal .rfTf "" tl'OTpl,jf1tli11.d, Ab* TOUT'OII lll~11-•1.lrOTf>.a>.110'flJ ,jpas fl'p/,s 'Ia,cri>fJ,«al lp.WJO"ucarcri0"•11 (for last five words Ab reads "'t ,raTplamii). 11'1(X ·(hi reading Towov)_. fJ,S read as in margin (save that d om. cal, /reads pq/'aTosfor >.clyov,and g To11before 'I.). A= ,jµeir lw,cOTovp.H• 68 fJ,S1 add as in margin. 19 ii, reads p.o11. Trji'I. ,r•pl TOu >.. To11TOV, 80 Ab* read •o>r1Cal. 81 A reads fwrl.-f,( q8w&,,.,,,,) corrupt for fwJ/.fr. f/lJe>.011. 69 ex.fJ,S read as in margin (save that g reads oli~ • •• o~8i). A combines the three· following words (lM11T, •1.)with what precedes as follows : a,·ds seems corrupt in {:l, 81. bg, A add as in margin (save that g om. &>.wand 8Ab* adds abrov. for lj,rOTGt'>.lovsreads nu,r). •a, A (eave that h, A-Qm. caliTy)..Yet the pronoun seems:neceBSary...See re.a.ding of d.

.6.IAE>HKH r AA.

II. 5]


8 * lK yfis 9 r(iJVTWV,10, &v fJ,A, gt 6, Ka, 7181),ov· abrov 7 €KAE'ifa, JLLO'CIS 13 , (efg rpchrov11 fKAElXH 12 d µ.&oxosTa x>..wp?i*Toii 1r11S£ou •m) TJ)r · 1 >'ijs, S A, /3, · ex 3. Au) 15 ly~ Kat .SvµE£ilv16 3. Kal Kpvq,ij,rp&.uasalirov 'Iovaas TOLS 'Iuµ.m>..frms. 5. 7TE7TprhaµwaliTOV TOtS 'IuOih-ws14 o 0Ei\s rwv 1rarlpwv µ.a71>..fra,s[*rpuiKovTa XPV• ~µ.wv lppvuaro abrov €ICTWV u[wv11, ,ca, Ta olKa Q.1TOKpvx1:ipwv~µ.oov,tva µ.717TO£~(T(J). '{,avus Ta EfKOO-£ ll>Elfaw:v 18]. 4• ~µ.oov µ.EV lv r.11auff'cu and {l8,"A.v1CTd11 may·both be.renderings· of ::i,,;i~. but jf (:Jat>-..60-0-,TiJC is taken actively, as 18 h, it can be in ,8-fg, then it presupposes !l]lnc.. ?-7 ex,·A. (:l, S om. 19 _ex, bg read ,rocy. A. (:l om. • to a reads iwit lrr. ToilT011, A ,rd,,.,n10



l,ra111oiiui11 aw&v. 1,,adds T«\w11Eiiµ.a Tijs-irM1111s-, · ~ c. Other 12Of.,ef. a!>dgread rJ,oflijro,. A adds Td11. ·' 18ix, A.. (:J,S1 read as in margm. " A TOCOVTOIITlS' ln,,,. &r O~f( dyanv, 1,,reads TOVTO for TOVTOP 115 and adds ,-«\w11fiiµ.ii after dyall'~. 7,,reads ;;,.,"Myuand trs. befo:,;eTqv cl>., A corruptly adds &r before -rq11cl>..· · 18c om. For ,camp.4·~eade ,carapxoiillf',, A reads 'If~/; 'L~~'t,.,,'Y"'l'\". [,,_{'."b111{11111"hlf, ~ pialm ,i/ 6~11 awoii 8ollfi, But_ 'I/ff- is. corrupt for. n'-'L'IJ• before wh_ichif we repla!)e the _&swrongly added· before ,i11 iwj8eia11(see note 23), A="¥ 1ta'1"op8oii11T& cf,8o11ei.Ab*dadds np before·t.,,{u111"blfi~ 9TA= ST,(Ab*4


om.) TUµ.cn-aWT'7f'C 'll"poo-rnJH&; but n...'bau"bn ...[,llrw"bIrl'il''lf"'f-1; is corrupt(!) for 7P'7W{'lnnL[,lf, ..'t, C...,,'1-",.'bf, = f(11Ta).a>..&al' dmrdCera,. . 18 a om.. rest of verse. h adds 6 µ.aitpl/llOll' a,r«\wpou~trOVe,oii, d adds ,cal a,r).ci,s-,lwei11 wii11wo1111po11 ;p-yo11 ital waua11iD,.}.'I" uara11,1tq11 wpa.E,11 l'll"CITfl"a'/"QI, 19Q'., beg,A;S read ln,,J,>.wu,. d dn-orvrJ,>.,,.f atrOT11cf,>.oi. 80ex,J. ~ re11,d 81 k, g_read iy/,,. 81 oc. (:J, 811d reads ;n-a8011 ,ca8~r: A, 81 om. and trs .. after 'l0>0-i)cp. .lir • • • l11Trji 'I. '"\l Mlit'ilit l.)N tll 1:i which may be con·upt for " 1::1n,,i.,1tik tll I~= &rltUflE lrvcf,>.wrnl11Tep. 'I. · 84ex•. /3,A, S1 read as in margin.·



IV. 6]

1v.· rl>v>..&fan-8E TlKVa µ.ov:t, clio TOVµ.lcrovs, 8n fl, 81 .~ 1 · e;,s8l'An 4 'll'OLEi'. 2. 0~ yap fl, r,cal _2 Els3 avrou TOIiKvpwv a.voµ.Cav A, s1 • 5 lVTo>..&iv 8 a~TOV'll'Epl cly&'lf71s 8{A.ELO.KOVEW r>..&yCllV, *Tov i11a1r.p,~9 8• 7 *rica21 ds 0EOVAµ.apT~vu .'ll'Af/CTCov 3~r'Eav yap 'll'ECT'fl 1au19 10 , *cnrou8'teLd8~, cl &.aEJ\.4'0~ a.vayyE~a, Toi's11 'll'acrw,ical A 12 O''ll'EVliE& *1rEpl,umii ?vu KpL8e:1, ica-1KOAaCT8Els. a.-iro8&vp.a,a:,a~f 4 avrov 7rpOs 4· 'Eav a~*liov>..&sTLSiP3, avp.#lu>.EP TOVicvp,011 ~~&xop,i. avroiJ, ,cal lv .w&crp 8>..Cv,E, 15 *l1r,xuCpEL avrci,16, Ei'll'Cll5'l7 fJ;_af.A, 18• 19 , ical20 8umTu8n 5; *Tij, yap 4>8&v't'CTVVEpyEi' TOµ.i:cros icaTa T&iv W7rpayovVT6lV" * lv 'll'po,co7rp2la.«OV6lVica222 dp&iv a-ln-011. 23 ~ a.y&'lf11 w&vTOTE a.cr8wEi'. 6. "OcnrEp r,c~l1 Tovs vEicpovs~u: _ 24 ,cal.Tovs iv 25 a.7ro4>&crn * 8l>..n (cui>'ll'o,ijui:u 8av&Tov8h,n 26 yap. P




1 oc. fJ, A, S1 om. 8 af read lrrl. IV, 1 g om. 'oc, be1g, S1• 1 atU1, A read a110,ui11. c, abe,S. hi read >..ayovs. d-110p.011, f >..&yov. • For the next nine words g reads 8Eoiialn-oiirr,pl dydmir g adds e,oii. 7f reads TOJVw'A11ulo111, ol, µh,>..n alJT,p dr TOIirr>..11ulo11 «al dr To118rov, 8d reads &a Towo dp.apTcim«al ,ls e,011. 9fJ;8 ( save that b reads =alUJI for rrlfTfl ). oc,A om. but wrongly. adef add alJToii, lO oc. fJ,A, S1 read in oc=t!IM',a as in margin (save that A trs, the words). U'lrova&Cn Hoc(eave that h correction of Y!IM' 8r'An of fJ,S1• . 11 oc. fJ om. reads li,rlpand hi «p&6il),fJ,A, 81 read as in margin (save.that a reads aln-011 13 0C(save that they read ,lfor J and.hi trs. ,:,s and dg atToii for amjr). after ,l). fJ, A, 81 read " Boii'Aos(a/ 8oii'Aoru). H ci. h, fJ, S1 read uv,4Ja)v..,,and A•bb*d•Iread as in ·margin•. A" corrupt. Here A may be an unjustifiable change of the text. uvµ~a'A,'i here n1;>; or n1a:. Cf. Jer. xliii. 3. llldadds aln-oii. . 16 oc,{J-b (save that d om. al,,-,p). b, S1 read bnxnp,i ICQT1 alJToii(a a~)A=lrr1x•ip•i aian'A,111 (or drf,tupriv)a-ln-011 11~1 8,'>..,i (A~ 'Ao;,lC1Ta1). It is obvious that there is an internal dittography 8>..lfn is probably a mistake for ,raua11 in A. If lrr,xnpEi is right 111rrciUJJ 8>..iyw. We should then have t!J.e familiar phrase , 1!,31::i~n1 Ml1""1·!,::i. 17 hi read 18 oc,af. bdeg,A, S1 read as in ·margin (save UJJ S1 l11,py,i) T4irf,IJ&llft) (d r/>Ollft) ). af «I'Y"P tf,80110s O'Vllf P}'f& T~ ..lyEt trlC6TOS' 113 1 1 11 * ,cal &py¾J~lll r,KT11pc£aa1, c/,C>s-. rKat uv,cocf,avT{av l,ca,M11. 27 d om. next five words. 28 ex,.Ah. A adds ,ca{, abe, A•bcd•1, S read T, p.'iaor, f T~t,iiaor. g TOIicf,8011011,19 g reads dll11. d @Eas VOO'OV fj1TaTOSbf,,A,.S ' . • Evxal· 68 T.ovmup6s fA,OU69 . lf30t18'Jaclv ,cal El µ~ 67 al dx_a.1 Jl,OL60, 'la«o,fJ,



~a, S ,ra,.pdr,-iov. reads «imi T'UIOS«a,'Aori,-iaos.g·811'a111Cd1'EIIOS.81 For nL_ lr(,J.-1.-( =o~« 12) 88 ·g reads av11n8.j111111s,St ex, read lr(,11.ni_ =il 1£'1 or ~ci. fJ-l)d.- breads 81 cx, fJ-'NJplas. 160f (eave that. c reads vm:Iand 1,,om. 1eat. and rou11,adds rij11after a,&, and · reads verbs in ut sing.}. af read icalo~icJpa8111 dm\(mo a), d.Spo,,r11111, or& aia'l'ijs-~IIOlas ro~r l,r111'f'plif,omu8IXfa8a,. fJ-af, A, S1 read as in margin (save that A reads ~rd"°'" for a.,.ij11µ, d reads ,rapd. e lnroand g 'aia rii~ for dircl). There _is some radical corruption in all the MSS. and 88 a reads -Elixal, Versions. md adds ~aa11. g 1lixij. bg, A, S add 89 ailef add 'Ia«o,fJ. 60 ex, 'Ia«o,fJ, A = ~Jl"'ll'Y,a reads lq,8a11a,,. {3-a, 11 ,,,

166 fJ,A, 8




cJ.~{yov8Eiv61 *jll>-l'irE TOffl'EUJ&G p.ou82•


d&' &v yap

Blllcpf,-d63 lw8pc,nros 1Tapo.voµ.Ei, a,·lKE{uwv6' KOAO.(ETa&, II. 88 Kara rov 'Iw1117, 'E'ITElr0011,lKEm,86 ra. ij,ra•rdJl,OVCW&AEWS 69 ff'PfVJlU *rCfi ij1rar,67 '1Td0)(61V GB. avO.EWS l,cpw&µ..,,.,; t'II'&*XP&vous Siaca.



:i 8

70 lvE'txov71 ri> ·1~+ 72• . ,ca8' * &u '}(POVCIIV 3 12 • aya'!r&rE ~ij"°~ VI. *Kal uvu1, rl,cva µ.ov, r,rapawid ~µ._,v ,,,&,ca, lKaCTTOS *TOI'.,r~:r1afov'awoii 0, Kai lfcipo.rETOµ.,uos a'ITorwv ,capa,&iv-~µ.&iv'clya,r~acm6 clll~,\ovs 7 lv lpycp Kal AO}''!',cal a&a11o{'f i/rvx.ijs. 2, *'Ey~ y~ 8 Kara.1TpOC1'1J'1rOV roii Tarpos 11 10 l.\&>..ovv ff'pa(Jfj. µ.ov9 , ElpTJVtKa. ri>'Ic.,1117' *if•px~vos8Hl~ii TO7rUEV/J-0. *TOVµ.lrrovslrrKort(lp.ovTOIivovv12 ! ,cal lr&pauui13 16 auEAEW 14 *1rposTc) db~'A. 'IX,tl, A. fJ-dg 10Ab·= 111 11", Ab li•PXOl'fl!OVa; """ la: Toii rrarp6r p.ov. fJ-d, A•b•ads,S1 read as in margin (save that g. om. po11). 47) read rrM"'lr laa:&T❖ "'1"'+uxfl11 pav -,lr pirros. For pav :Ai u Ab*(" 194 readsJnL'e"l'f ~l' ( read p wo, rrpolrr,p.ff'r) corrupt forJn'-'ilp irdpaua,. u ..71v IJp.a.pTla.v lpy&.,,..,,Ta, 41 411 43 ) 'li-oll&.,c,s *ao>..ocfiwvE, a-£ 1~ _'!TEp,Epy&.(i:Ta.( a-£ lv icaicois


18 (X, ef. bdg om. 19 c. hi,/read dymrcirr0J11 {i om.). dp.aprq01J,Zr a-., bag, S dp.aF1JElr ul, e ·dpapm Elr al, A dpapnJafTEdr· dAAqAovr. 1111 11 c reads clpoAO)"lar&, ·19 IXom. next six words a. 1,,iread. dpq"'I ao,, 18A a1> 14 d om. through hmt. ElP9"'1"·dg add mL . 911brlg om. 16 ,i-ad, A•, S1 {save that/ reads pETar,o,jan)•. d p,11f&ETa110qur, dpoAoria:uA"= dpo>.onaa,rmp.mzllO~IT'}ff, Ab$cd•dp',,>,.oriuar pn-a110q01Jr, "Ab= llq,m dAAqAo,r, · g om. next six words through hmt. 81 adds p~ «aTac/>pti11•i CWToii, !18(X, ~. Abt 81, d reads llp.,,,,.,.IU, "A&b$cde ': api,j. ll9 d 80 ex reads pq. •. 1Jeg read dpoprqur,r.· df dpaprqanr, .. Ab adds af,-,or-yap·,.;;, 81 A ·corruptly reads ml and so ·destroys' the sense of what dpoular ,l. .follow.a, I have bracketed all ver. 5 excepi the final clause as an interpolation. Verses 3, 4, 6, 7 deal wholly and in a most original manner with, the subject of forgiveness, and with, this subject the bracketed clauses have no relation. This interpolation appears to be based on Prov. x~v. 8~10 with possibly a consciousness of Sir. xix. 8-9, and deals with the danger men rim, when their tempers are roused in a legal sui!, of divulging secrets to strangers, and so of exposing themse~vesto attack from these strangers., The final clause " dml uov "" lo11,which according to ver. 3 (fl, A, S1) .refers to evil of ·personal resentment passing from the breast of the ·· oft'ended man· to the offender whom he 'p~ssionate]y reproves, cannot· apply to the stranger in ver; 5, but follo:ws ·naturally on the words 'P9ef,iAon{,m in ver. 4 : ' don't getinto a pusion; catching the poison from thee (i.e. he too falling into a passion) •he take to swearing, &c.' 81 dfread a,covu•1, A"= ci«ovuouu,.,,., 88 g reads dAAorpl~.· A trs. before ,,, p.GXJI, Ab dAAOTfJ'O', K IX. fl om. 8I ex.fl, A, s read i'lpai11. 8S A 8 ical~A•bb•c4om, "A= l"U901Jrr•(Ab•cd•llpcir},cal, 88 ex,b,Aab (save . that b trs. lx8, a,) •. efg,.S1 read lx8P4"ll• d lx8pal,;n. 8 1 om. following 89AC_,?)= lpyaa1jrr8E.A,•bom. rest of ver11e. «al. Ab•c4• rx8pol~.,.,, 0 • IX, bd,·sread uni uov. efg a&dUOIJ, Cl hi, f. C reads ao"Aoef,o>•,ijua,. b ao?,o,(/>Al1ua,. d a0Aocfiollij11a,. e &A'4oni ur, g ao"Aoq,.,llijut (sic} But these







r A.!l

[VI. 5


45 Ka, *Aa~iilv a'll'o uov" TOIilov. 6. 'E«v *of a,,VJj.iyen, alf}EuBplAE}'XOP.EVos a-lrr&v· 60 *els u/ 51, 49 p.ETavoet *TOii 1r>.111"1'Mija-m1 ~. sP~oii o ya.p clpvo'6µ.wos 63 , 6ll, "'""""' *Kml[+o,i118cl1]ctp,ive.Se, 7. 'Euv ol *lOTLIIch;!a,o~s 6 64 Ka, lvlDTara, rfi KaKlq, * Kal oin-ws~ 4cJ,ESavr~ cbro S1 a>..?.~ Kapolas, Kal Ms 58 'rrti>0eri 'N/11 lKo[,c.71uw. 2, VII. 'Eav *&~et, 1 ~Ep ilµ.o.swooovra, p.~ AV'll'Etu8e 6• *oin-wsy&.planv [11:al , lli' 3 E'XE.e11118j ¢ofl'l8'1' L 8 ~- e'11'1 ~ \ 'll'n.nov , ~ .•.,, aEnu]ml vµ.w crvµ.c/,epov • 2. Ka,\ eav .,.,,owa,, P.T/ 17• P.IIT/P.OIIE'OOVTES Elp'7PfV-.c/,8011E,rE r a-lrrri 3n 7Tauau-ap[cl1To8avei'ra,. 8 '1tpouc/,lpere 9 rri waplxovr, ra KaA.O. O'f&Sl Kvpl Of iSµ,vovs Ka, 10 fJ

!!J> *

';.!'ti. :! :r· .





T'IS', ------

bdeg,A, S1 n>..rlo,",liobowa,.

ma.y imply bc!Atc/>o>"'ia-E1, A-r.brenders the phrase together with 9 'lffpup')'aC,,.a, as fol~ows! rrapao-11:rvaCETa& tro>..>..&11:11,' &>..ocj,011eiirral ,,,. 8 1 &>..o8 41 (/,orJia-11 u,. fJ,S. exom. ' ex.fJ reads 11:a11:tj>, " IX,b, A.S. de/read ,bro uov >..~fJ"'•· g drro>..a{l'1.,,, ,a ex (c reading dp...jrrnT,, such ita.eisms being frequent in this MS.). bejg, 81 read ot11dp11,,Ta1. d dv dpllijn (i.e. for &pVIJT'a,). A=~" dp111jrr8,. A adds roiiT'o. ' 8A = al&a-Sijr, (Ab*cd•lrr&>..rlmrrr) ,'>..f')'XOJUPOI, After al&rij d adds ~ 0'011, CT ex,efg. . b, 8 1 read 11:al (b om.) qO'llx&a-Sg.d rlr fVXIU• A= '70'IIXOO'GT'f, A adds 11:al. _ta (X (a r~ing ,?..>.."YE'lr). The text may be right, if 11a-vx. ,-.;,r">.iyfnr ='cease from reproving.' bg, 81 read as in margin. def IEaE,,r. 49 A adds T'OIIJWQ, , A ~ Bi,,wa-HV'l"l, IO ex. fJ,81 read as in margin. A= ml oilrr>..,,,-.p.,>..,i. r.i A="'"'· n (X. fJ-af,A.B1read as in margin (eave that d om.·d>..ldand ,,, and adds a-olafter (/,o{J,,8.and p.rm a-ovafter. rlp'l"• and A gives the three verbs in the 3rd present indicative: cf. ex), f ml ¢ofJ'18"a-fT'a1 11:al rlp,,nvn,. '1>ofJ'18dr or its equivalent Ml ct,ofJ'18'1tTET'a& are bracketed as interpolations. The idea of' fear' is !!,liento the context. Perhaps cpof;J,,8qa-rra& { =N.,") arose through a dittography or -,p11= T'IP,'70'fl, &Bex. ·~a, A, S1 read d11a1bijr {cld,,al&&a)lan11. °'c (A~)reads dvlO'T'ffl'ai, &af om. For this phrase together with rest of sentence A gj.ves: 11:al/a,, O~T'O)f J, llcfm ®"'P dfl'OIA,,....«np8l1Jf0'011, ml Mr T'air x•pcrl11 alif'oiirmT't>..da.>S' tcla,,ria-ut, O'II/J-cf>'pn 'Y4P owo,~. Here tbe last six words constitute the latter half of vii. x where they should be restored. -ILUl~nl''l-lruol. {=da'l}"IO'H) is corrupt for J~~'J!uof, roo8,,SqafT'II&_, Hence A supports bdeg,S. 18 A om. last four words of this verse and first twelve of next. VII. l c. hi read a; 'l'IS. . {:J,81 "'"· A om. I hi om. next two words 8 c,f. beg,S add «al. d [email protected]••. • through hmt. (t). reads laVT"oii. I ex, I S 4· 'Eav a~u lK Ka11:&iv 'Huail .d 1raTp&.18 ' ipov 19 ra£12 Kvplov lKal(ao-8e21• -,&p. 17p.ov, p.~(71AWl1'7/TE aE>..q,os 22 2 3 26 i l'ETU~auvn 26 A~· tu4TAH *lv KaKoi's 5. Et a,l,,mpet~a, .,, ' ·, · - ·, ' ,rAav-ra,.




9J,,iread 9b reads ;;,_.,,a,.• hi add «al r;aar. 10 ,rpoacf,iporra and om, next six words. d adds o¾,ral11Tc.>r (sic). ef add Ta. 11 dreads nir ,¾,,9,.,raa,,,, 12 hi, befg,A, S1 (save that b, S1 read ICIIPi't'}· c reads «pifUJTf Kvpif, d «pip.aKvpiof!, l& r«OTa>..ri-./ri,. dg al,« l-,1«1Ta>..d,J,n (g 110Ta>..Ei+n).ff al, (I ·om.) mra>..~,t,,,. A= av,c l111e0Ta>..11cf,~"l/ but by a change of one letter it= al,11.lymi-a>..d,t,m. S1 p.,) ll.aTa>..El1/nrtt, A trs. after TOIJm/3ov>..,oP aov according to printed Arm. Text but n9t A"1• First of all «aTa>..~,i,n {e/) is a corruption of _>..,i,t,n. · There remain then «a-ra>..ap.,t,n of ..,l,t,,, in /3,!,..S1• · But 11.aTa>..ap.1/m is impossible. It may be a corruption of «OTa>..,l,t,n, or it may attest a corrul!_tionalready existing in the Hebrew original: that is, it= IJ'i~corrupt for ti'i~=«aTa>..,l,t,r,.Thus it appears that m'f'liA•i,t,r, must for the present be accepted. But this word admits of no intelligible meaning in the present context. Hence if it is right, something .is wrong in the context. Now according to deg, A, S1, a negative should be inserted before «a-ra>..,i,t,,,r.If then «aTa>..d,t,nsis to be retained, the negative must be inserted and -the clause interpreted in the sense of a prohibition as in S1 : 'thou shalt not forsake,' i.e. Ta 11.plfUJTO,But the absence of the negative in ..dfn o~~! corrupt for OU!= ha,ravaua,, which would go well with ~avxaan = tll)Ei'. For the conjunction of these two verl>s·cf. Job iii. 26. Possibly only Mll~ alone stood in the text originally. Then this through.a dittograph became· ml 1\ M'l'. Hence the Versions. HA qoiixacro11. 1B fJ-/,A, S1 add «ai. 16A= 1C01Clar. 17hi read daiAcpAr 18..?uj>..ovr • • • upBlar are added by a late_r next chapter. Ka1· d-ya1r11 hand at foot of page in d. Vill. 1 Ii.,ef(save that ki read 3q). c reads a,;t"aiiTG 1,,.1ir. abg,A, S,aJ








1.. 1]



,.,µ71a-wa-w ,.t'Io66a 9 /Cal AEVl3 t S1:1,, avroiv &van>.e,adef, S'7TWS 4 *rij>'Ia-pa71A'. 6, *rvµ'iv1 K6p,os alllTTJp(Gl' 2. *'Eyw yap IT6>Tf/P• e ., · _ __,_ '1 ,·' 1 · • ~ · • , ~a 9 ~,,.A,8 lyvwv ' on cl..uv .. ,aovrGL Ta .Tc:/CVa vµwv. a'ITavrov ' Ka, nn nAEl 1Ta0"17 '7TOVTJp(q /Ca,/Ca/C@(TEI 1Callltacf,8opa la-ovra, cl,r~IOKvp(ov. Ql'l'OOTJj• O"OJITO& 11' TIKva µov, 1/'1Ta1Co6a-a'1"E 12 f:J- .A. ·3· *Km1 t\avxdacqall.Cyol' Et'll'E ,rd}.Ll' r,-oil 7Ta'l"pos vµwv131 , ,cal 84"tari µt lyyvsu 'l"wv 1Ta'l"tpwv 15 avroil t1Co1µ71fhi µov. 4. * Kal l[apas 'l"OVS 'll'Ollas lv fJ,,A, 16 17 el~~p • 5. Kal µe'l"O.*frri '1TfV'l"Ea~yayov alri-ov~~;~: *Els Xe/3pc.Sv,/Callfh]Kavawov µETO.'l"WV1Ta'l"ipwvav'l"oil18 ~ u.:zr.,,.. &




1r,!:rw~. E&,rep.

1• ~,o.017K1] 'ACM]p TOV8EKit.ToV vlov'la.,c6J/3 Ka.l ZlXcf,a.,;

~. 'Av,-lypaq,ov llta8711C71s 'AIT'lp2,


l.\&.>.71a-E 'l"o'isvlo,s

(g, A om.) ,colfi1u'ir Toiiro(!I om). d om. together with next_three words. Iii add .,,.,plTOV Xp,in-oii. I Ot. {J-d read 'Ioullol'.d, Tc\11 '1ouao11, We should read A,vl ,col'Ioiiao11 as is found universally: cf. Testaments of Sim. vii, 2, Levi ii. 11, viii. 14, Dan. v. 4, &c. 8bg prefix T611,e reads A,vi11.- ·'Ot,g, A (eave that c reads ,;,....,KupwrIT6>Tf/pla and g, A om. fip.i11).b, S read Kiip,or a-m'l"ijpo.adef ;,,,_,,,(d om. in repetition of clause at foot of page} Kiipwr UOITTJP• D oc;ab, Ab*, def, Ab*read TOV 'I. g '" T,P'I. Aabcdcr = 'lrOIIT& 'I. 8 oc. /3,S read fyi,m,-yap. A=,col ;yw,111. 7 oc.fJ,A, S read as in margin (eave that for .,.,'Aflaf read ToUTov and d reads d1101TT,ja-011To1 for d=.). 8 b, S1 read ,1,,.• 10 Ot. 9 fJ adds /11. ain-ioi11, but S9 =· text. d W ow611. {J-g, A, S read as in margin. · Both seem independent renderings' of · g reads ,,, of,ccp. U oc. /3-d,A read as in margin. S1 «al clA. iiuvxa1T011 ,lnE11.b adds cwTOi{.· S om. next seven words. For ver. 3 d reads 18 a om. 7"avraIIITeiAap.,11011 raa ,:-0,11 vloiraliTOii, l2 g reads IT1aJCOU1TaTf. 14 oc; fJ reads 1TU11eyyt1r. 18 oc,. fl For bracketed words A reads p.ov, (save that d om. ,cal)= ''~l'"I ~etc {cf. G~. xlix. 33). A= ,calICa'l"acf,iA,juar TOVr vlour,but ~w.rpn...plrwL 'l!!l''H'uis corrupt for wJ'pwn.J.l,,.,,L'l!!u,u·=oc; {J. 81 JC01 IJCTd11or TOVS T16llar. 18 d adds ,col;Bq,ca11 awo11,,, 8{i,cy'""""· 1T oc. 18 oc, 1 iJ,A, S reads T/EIITf ,,-.,,. bg, A ·(save that. bg, A trs• .Zs x. after aimS11,and g, A read ;ea,t,u,and g adds &p.o). aef, S1 read di: x. «al. ·;Ba,/,011 (S1= Wq,co11) owc\11 /,c,i, . d ltOI ;ea,t,011 ,,, x. '" Tlj>IT'lrf/A~l'I' Tlj>a,,,.A'I' p.n-a 'A{Jpoap.,cal'la:aruc ,col'lo,ccl>{J. d adds .,., a, 6-rp,jp.ioi11. f, S1 raa 11lor 'la,ccli(:t fl, 11lorZ.'Atfxu a', l(qu, (S1 == (,jua~) ;Tf/ p,cl, g n'Aor Tc»PMyo,11 • . a&aB,j,cqr rail• O~TOr ; .. ZlAcf,ar 7rpi»,-orvlcSr·t(qtrflJ ;Tf/p11.I 1 Title. ocas in text •. a reads 'AtTIT,jp, bef, S1 /l,' 'A , (ef, S1om.} rr•pl aiio 7rpolT61ff'Olll ,cruclar,rol dperijr( + 'Aua-;,p lpp.q11ooa, 7r}.oiiTO!I '1p.a,cdp,or /). a a. 'A. 11loii'la,cclifJ& 111oii ZE'Acf,or rro,atu""r Aiar "'/'If pl avo 7rpotrcl>l'l'OIJI ,ca,clar «Gl.orf'ijr. g A&yor,a. 'A, .rr,pl.a,aao-lCOAiar «c1lGAq8dar. A= a. 'A, ( +vloii





· .6.IA0HKH




' " * ev 1 ~ " f l KOOT'f" 7TfJJ,7TT'I? I t " 4, *'l,Ol7/S I'. " aVTOV ' "O • OVTOV tKOTO.,,. af om. 19 A. adds or,. d reads i1e. A01 om. next ten words through hmt. 21 hi, 13-g. a om. next four words. 21>..oii ,calICtl/COV,but if arr is right it refers to oaot, which noun might again be referred to by avras (abeg). If Ell arr and avrar may be taken together, we should regard them as corruptions of arr ... ;., avrais-, Thus the text would imply l:lil::i, , , ile'N. n d om. 18 .oy,Cop.~ea. A= "I• >.oylCfTQI, ' A= 28 d .i,,,.opplWTn. 88 A adds 07r'ali.,-oil. u c om. asex,dread l«p❖i. 87h, a6, A b*•d•t. bdfg, S read «>.C11u. lOTl,ro"'lpdv, See note 38. c l«1C'Al11e,. 88'Read '"¥8,~ov'A.lrpor rather read A•b >.oyiaffa& (by internal coi'rllpiion ). the whole clause thus : ,;,,,, Bi «>.l"llb, Tlj>'ll"O"'IP'j> 8,afJov>.lrp.The ,f,vxq is here as in ver. 6 the subject of «A.l"l/, Observe the alni;s after 'll"piifis. This verse is concerned with the evil inclination (31"'U'1 -,~ 'trO"'Jp/,11 w~ich natUl'ally pursues evil, as the good inclination pui:sues l}u,flav>.,011), 89 g reads ,riium al ,r. al,.,-lj>,d, Ab*cderom. ali.,.ijs good. in this clause. fO g reads a.,., ,cal. 41 g .a,.fJa11n).oi P~1l;I, fJ,A,81 =~~121;1. 48 Seenote42. · ' 4 1,,greadsdmt "dreads 6 Kal, ' defg, S, A. add 'I'&. "a reads 'll"pafll• csg reads ,roi•riplfirrr2 ICtll(UI/ and ·om. next two words. '9 c,be, S1• Ii, reads al!.,-&11. a/ al.T, 60 oc, 81 ex,af. d avrnu. bs, 1:3.a/read ,.,.,.atrrpa7rOS 1 1r&lv Tov ~ 1l'OV'l/pEVop.,:vov• *c:is 1rovr,pEvop.Evov t 3 llTT, 1rovr,· ICat«p. 17, 1ST, p{at 13, · . 1ST, ,cal a7J'o8avEiv avTOSllTTW'iv 'lrOV'l/p{q

alpEiTa, iv alpeiTa, lv ,ca,c•,cal 1r,:pl r ,cal1 0.71'o8c:wEiv *a,· aw&v18 • ,cal 71'Epl TOVTOV q,avep&vllTT,tTo3>.ovt14 ,ca,c f/,av,:pav3T& o,1rpo1TCJ>• o,1rpOITW'1rOV iCTTL'l'O a°E1rav TOVTOV ' 1rpaf.&S. ~~ 11ov 19 . £OT&' TOa°E1rav xa~ Ka«r, 1rpa[,s. 0( /3,s1 A 4· tKalyE ay&'7rT/4• t KalyE ayd.7rf/ 4. El K1:tl iv cly&1171 11 El!Tlv, lv oiCTa, iv 1rOV'l/p{q ot1Ta,*lv 7rOV'l/plq 1rOV'l/plq lo-rlv o 1TVy,cp6.: ll1TLV ITV)'KpV'lrTOIJ- dlTW ITVYKp'V1TTOVTES 21 TO,ca,cov& &v&µ.an 10 'l'O,ca,cov 7rTCJ>v WE'p !TatTo /CQ/COV,IJ7rEp To lfvop.aTo KaA.ov•t £0TLV28 .,.~u &vo- 0s 1.lyovua, S1= ,ro10iicra,4>,,ul-all 1 a/ equally unsatisfactory. ' cl reads N «aicclvand om, rest of verse. 7oc,ef, This read T,jin'>-•1. • A•b= rii11,rpaypaToov. Ab*lld I~. 1 should be cfyovuaor~,,. abg;A, S1 read tlyn. a om. verses 2-4·. 8 Ab*ll4 1 10 read ,c~{. A. «al 111'1"&11,• oc,cl,A. S readOCTTIS, b,fg on. d reads ICOTO&ICT'flpii (sic). S1 dyo,r~. l10(, fl (save that d adds T'OI' before AfjTOUP')',), 12 cl,reads ,ro"'lfJO" A.,S1 read as in margin. lCTT~ .1eol lk,rptSu011Tov and om. 18 This is either a gloss or a corruption of the text next five words. 14 Bracketed as a dittographic rendering of ,:in in found in f:l,A, S. 18 bHKH Al':HP

1 75

28, l,.p7r&,(E·,, 28 , ica} 5:..AUoS'27 . KAE'IITf&, aaucEL '71'AEOVEIC'l'EL 29 ffl'OJ)(:Odi• a,'71'pOcrCD7rOII lAEEL µ,evrical130 'l'OV'l'O, *.,.o·at6>.ov 8 " fj,81 .,.0,i"~ 3~ laTcv. · 28 71'Toixovr, · 33 Tov34 1rA71(1'{ov 1ro1J11p&v 6 •. *'O 7rAEOVEIC'l-.iv 36 8 6 ·wapopyl(E& TOV·.0Eou, ical 'l'OVfn/,caTov linop«EL ica.l 'l'OV. 38 •.- TOV ll!'l'o>.la 39 _*'l'OV v&µ,ov 40 · K-6piov 41 . ·· rtruxov 87 ·lAEEL 11 cl9E'l'EL'4 ical 'lr~po~VE&~ «al 'l'OV'lrEV7/'l'O. di•a7ravn. 7. rT~v 43 44, · 1r0Uot1S'clua,pEL ,t,vx.~v (T'frlAOL, ical1 .TO (T{.;µ,a>.aµ,1rp-611Et 46 46 ''"'· _ical &>.lyovS'. lAEEL,ical 'l'OV'l'0: l>t1Tpocrru1r&v *.,.o ae 31'.ov'lr01J11pOv l'1Tcv47 • 8._..AUoS'48 µ.oi.XE"OEC * ,cal ;op60 • «al 61 1J11(TTWCU~ 49 . ,cal 47rEXETa& 1/WE, ll>E(Tµ,&.Twv 1Ca1CO'll'OCEL, ical Tfi311 avvaCTTEtq. *~u: ,rA.01'iTou 611· 'll'OAAOVS' ,ca'l'a~pn 63, «al bdf!,~ • · Ka& Tffl 66 icaiclaS'. 58 ' ,cal 7r}.our,. 56 . r.,.a5' 167 lV'l'OA45' ·lic64 T7/S'{,7rEpoyicov 'lrO&EL

real explanation is . gi\"en in the &n clause, we must regard the &r _·clause either· as corrupt or as · interpolated. d adds ,cal Too-owo11, 19g reads 8,7rp6aoifl'os 18A= aiwoii. • .- 211 ex(save that c reads avy,cm,,>11). But o ary,cpmoi11is difficult•. If. we retain it ay.>.os A reads 11>.>.o, laere 28 a om. 29 {J, S add · and in the _subsequentverses. A adds ~d}\,11. 85 ot,/3-bcl. :roVr. 90h,a,Aom. ' 81 breadsno~a,. 82 sreadstro1111p0>11. bd,S1 read fl'XeoveKT-i11. A =tr>.~o~KTr, and adds 1talbefore 7rapofl'Yl(n. "ex' 81 g reads 8fo11. 88.breads · reads_T,ji. a om. 85 g om. 88 A adds e,&v. f"Afa. a om. rest of verse. . . S9d reads ii-0117nj11. A·=,,,.,.o>.;,11, Ab corrupt. . to fJ,A;-S•. ocom. . . u d trs •.after ci8m,. t 9 A reads uinl.( =twBf'l"a,)cor0 rupt for {uninl. = ci8rn,: d reads· ml .,.;,.,:. "1,, om. A adds 1tal, 0 Mg add,,_;.,, ta.A::::8,1rM,,. "c,{J-b (save that c,d om. lam). h, 1Jom,: · A.= Kal 11'.aKi\P 'l"Oo>.011.S1,Kal 'l"OVTO ,ceipo11. ' 8 A= tO.>.o, fl'a>.tv ·with following verl>s in the plural, · '9 b, A, S1• adefg read fl'OPllfUfl, c rropn'ia. hi om.· Thie phrase is_probably an interpolation. · 60 c reads 59 ex,aej, s1; l1elt,up,&.,.oi11. 1JaiaEO'flOTQIJI, _Ab*cdef IBicrpaTOf, Dl d-om. Mg, A read as in margin. A. adds a~i-&111, 59 ex. fJ-d, read trapacrup,c, d l1r,d-~p,1, · M = 'immediately after' but probably 31i,:::, ( = l,c ,ca,clas-) is corrupt for Jn!I = vt!l'TO).&iv 66 Otn'CllS' El'll'EV. . • · ovpallllo 8, 1 Si 2, * 'l'(Kl/a /J,f!V I 11.·"rfLELS ylllEO"llE *Kar' a-Lrovs-4



fl,A,S 1




O&?TpOfTCll'll'OL," ci.ya60'1'1)TOS' tcal Ka/Clas, rji clya6o'l'1)rLµ.our, 8, Kal fl,A,·s, KOAA~87)n, 3n rK-6p,os16 o0Eos *4,ci,rhcniT«L i,r' 7 a1m111 , avatrav- ol &116pw'll'OL 1' KaK(aud'll'O9• *a-Lniu '11'08ovu111 2. *T~v t'T'a& aua&pOVll'T'ES *To8L«f3oil>.Lovll£11raiS' aya6ais ~µ.&;v fl, A, g1 op&.O"arE10, To.,a,ci- '71'p&.fEO'&, *OVICeto-1TOii8roii 12, cU.>..ara'i:s 3r, ol OL'll'pOO"W'll'OL flo"'-o.,. E'll'Lllvµ.{a,sal.,r&)II llov>..E-60VO'LII, rva 'l'cj, BeA!ap o.pEO"CllO"LII, ,cal fl, A, g1 rots- oµ.olo,s13 awwu o.u6pcfmo,s. ov au;. 1 . *rtcai1 fLOIIO'll'pOO"Cll'll'OL IV. rn ya.p clya6ol l1116pw'll'O& «&vI 4 Aµ.a.pT&.unv 5, llCKa&o{ 8 ll,1rpo0"@'1rwv 110µ.,ullwO"L 1rapa '1'6>V Ela-, 6 0E~ fJ,Sly&p. '71'apa.'rcii ·2. IloMol rs. 17,pOVV'l'ES' rovs 8 '71'0V1)po-6s-, 11 lpya * uloii TE iccil ICGKOU lO. *'1'0 IleIJ>..ov adef. llvo 9 ?l'O&OVO'LII 12 1cr1M!a,aK4AOII, /Jr, ro ,ca,covlKpL(@O"aS O.'ll'@AEO'EII. 3. *•Eo-r, 14, r ical115 'l'OV/1,0LXOII 13 rov lA~/1,0Va Kal lio,icov . KalCOV, 'l'&S' µ.L0"6>11






right. In that case uoiEi n~~ which may be corrupt for ni11:4'&alTT'p,(/m. 09 e,A= &"•i. 58 A= n.os-. n ex. fl, A, S om. g om. ex,S om. next five words through hmt. •0aiuf. bg read 8>..011 For To /1TT"l11 A reads ,calKalC011 TO&Aoll. 6l ex,S1• aef read &uo,Elul. bdg read as in margin (save that g gives corruptly.:,, v7a&sn). A olJ.,•luw .:,, ~, 11 A.= a,o ml. 85g adds ,rpaf,u,. 13 a'adds 1i1rfill,. aau,is. us 1 om. 8 ~,flA.loir. ••ex. fJ,A, S1 read as in margin. hi-add P'l"WS. 1 ex. fl, A.,8 1 read as in margin. 8 S om. III. 1 Aabb*cc1ml vµ,is. 8a. #, A, • g trs. after a,updu0>1To1.S om, • acl,A read µ.os,ov. S om. efg add ical, 'a. {J, A, S read as in margin, 8 hi read cn.,-ijs. 9 a. fl, A, S read troSoiilTII' A= TOIOV'l'OVS', (A tro8~1TOVIT111) cwnj·... lO ex, fl-acl,A, s (save that fl-ad,,A, s om. af), a reads T',jlfat ,ca,ciavcf,dryETE, 11a. fl, A, 8 read a8 in margin. a mroapalTaTEO~lf T. «. . 12a, Ab. Ab 18/ reads l8lo,s. adds aoiiAo&. fl, A•b*olJ•f, S 1 read as in margin.





9 fJ,A, S 1• ex IV. lex, a,/. bdg read tlvapES, A adds dulv. corruptly reads ,c[ii, p.011011'porr0>1ro, (hi p.011o,rpa1TO>ll'OV).Shi trs. after a,upouwir0>11, • ' a..ol · 8 e om. 'ex. fl, S1 read a.sin ma1·gin. 8 ef om. • extrs. before tro11qpovs. 10ex. S1 practically the same ::,; icaM11«al 1..011 aclef read as in margin. bg, A ica«oi, cM KaAoii. IITT'l aiufg 8>..011 II IITT"l, A'b om. together with icnA«lv. 11 hi, g om, a reads TOI', 18 A real.Zu111ll'aAIII Tll'fS' p.&ITOVIIT'ES', S1 adds after f!T'r/, 15a, adj. beg,A, S1 om. H b, S1 read cl4'&KO>I'; hi, A read T~JItl811vaoKOVO'W d,,c&6ap.,-o, i!va&,*.,-o a~1rliv39 fJ.-de,S1 1 , d'll'fXO·ayplf. l 0 · r'll'opwoVTa, ,ca6apol~la-w39, Br, lv (~J\.'f> KupCou• 8 µ.Evo,*0v ,cal d 0En111 ). e ef, ad read altl'XfJ«"ll•b XfJ«"ll• g P'aPE'i. c (Ii,1) lxiJpal11n. hi lx.,M (sic). 19 b reads OTdpa. The reading of exseems a corruption· of that of ft. 1 so11, A, S trs. before r,}11t, For po).v11,,,hi, ad read po'Av"lJ. 81 ex,abefg, 81 . (save that C adds _aw&and s1· ,rap after ~wo). d reads, «al·7'oiiro &>..011. ef add larl. A= rMo 0~1111,uM.,IOTl, a om. rest. of verse. Si (X read p.a>.>.011, . a, d1g read IC~II. 8' ex. b, 81 read 88 g 88 be read a&p1r.01s. &,., ol. adefg ol. A «al ot g prefixes rois. 87o:. fl, A, S1 read &po,olda-w. 88ex,ade, A•rcr,,fl-a(le, prefixes rois. S1 read dyplr,. Aabb•od(?)=dyp&07"17'1,.89 Ab•d om. . '° ex.11,A, 81 read as 41 h, fJ-g,A, S 1-(savethat h om. iial, J,.c,,,, in margin. and A reads "'1ni11). C reads z;,, d 8tOS',,.,a-,i. . g 0~11ro ,roa,qp&11, lpya(:10-6,TO.,caU11,ch-,d 8£0S a&IJ. 7'&.111117'o'Am11 ,-&,,, ipyc.,11 011p.10-Ei d,rayoP.EVEI, fl[:J-ag,S1 (save that biJ.,S 1 read dtr,ipyo11). c, a om. h reads ro ,r.a,co11 l« raii dyaiJoii. g ro ')'&Nfl..ov q aopo>..,,,yla l(fltp1iffTlll. 8o:, adej, S1 (eave that all read nltm for KTquE, except 1,.which reads ,q,lcrn, a om. 111 • •• rr>..10,,.Ela,d adds a; after 1111° and 2° and iI1Steadof ~ ducona· which a read and/ om., ae, S1 read ~ dltpaula,cl q b.ala). bg,A om. 7 cireads 'ITp/,s_ 8 be, S1 add ,cal. a om. next four words. rowo,s Bi nj11. 10 bd, S1 add ,cal. 1,,om. next four words. 11g adds 4,,. ~ A adds TIM'a. 19 o:. /3,A, S 1 om. Printed Arm. Text reads Tcoi118,mlr.111 for Ta 8l1taca. 18 g reads p.m:i. 11 d om. H h, /3-g. C reads 8,ap.lwi. g ,,.&,,,, pivn. 17 18 . ie g reads lllluco11 lll1taio11. CX,bd. aefg read TAct,;;,s. CX,bd. aefg read &A.a. 1t cx,d. {J-cl read T1'11 81611. aef add IUTl11.d fl1Tl11. 2001!,A. 11(X. /3,A, 8 1 om. /3,S1om. II cl,A read ci>.M.a:adds ,rauas. 28 1,,reads K11plo11. "e reads ,c;,n,ua. (j, A, $ 1 read as in margin. VI. l oc,adej. bg, S1 read TE/Clla «al lliuis. A= TflCJIQ flOI/, Io:, b. {J-6 read ms1-no>.a'i.s. I c,-g. 1,.,/3-g prefix TOV, 'k, /3,A, S1 ( save that 1A= · g reads d, T~11 ci>.~6na11 and A ml cilto>.0116e'i.n T. d:). c reads '11'G&0ii11TEs. 1to>.au8,juowa1. Text= ,i:>~N1 or ~l/CM" which should here have been re!ldered dp.apm11011v1. The double nature of the sin is then stated in ver. 2. There is no mention here of punishment. In t Enoch v. 9 one or other of these Hebrew verbs is rendered by,dp.aPTmuw•inthe Gizeh.Greek Version and in ·the Greek followed by the Ethiopic Version is rendered by «o',8,juowa,, but in this passage the former is right; and the latter wrong. • a, adej,_ S1 (save that dreads &tn-,for &r,).lJg,A wrongly om.



VI, 5).




6, ', . *f'Lp.oJ,,.11'ciL TO."KGdv, Keil O'Ui,1u8oicoiicn TOts 1rpda'.crouO"LI', bg, A Tl£. a




TO,'lrl'EU,,.CIITIII njs 1r>..dl'1)s KIIiiKIIITA1WI'c1vep,ffllll'O'Ul'IIIYflll'LtO,,.EVOL • ff~!1Jf'a1"a



18, TOV v&p,ov Kvjilov9 q,v>..&.(aTE 11 3. ryf'«ts o3v, TiKl'III 111 TOf'«T1JO'a:f! 1..cpoC µ.ov OVTO& lµ.{!Tq!T&.v JJ,E, *'O af Kvpws13

~y&.71'f}!TE /J,E' . Awol u ~8EAOV /J,f15 clvEAEtv, *'O af 0EOSlf TWV71'aTEp(Jf)11 17 p.ov lcpv>..aflvp.E' /J,E18 lxci>..a!T&.v, Kai.a ih/,&!TTOS li.v,Syaylvp.E18o Els >..&.1c:KOV 20 fl, s tli; 5. 'E1tpaB.,,v*Els &ou~e£uvllt,'•*K'al-'"o'll'al1TCl>V aE!T'll'OTf}s ~>..ro8lpC1>!T{V µ.E' ·, BoiiAov. Els alXJ14AC1>!Tlav l>..~q,B.,,vsi, Kal ,j 1c:paTaca awoil xdp lf3~8f}!TEp.o,· ' 1 -- . _ . 'Ev A&/J,'f> !TVVE!TXE8qv, Kal aw"a; ~ "x.vp~s tit18pe,J,l p.E22• 23, 1c:alO 0Eos 24 '11'apEIC4AEfTE 6'. Movos ~/J,f}V JJ,E' 25 l'll'E!TICE1/raTO 'Ev li.!T8EvEl'f ~/J,f}V, Kal O Kvpwsµ.E26 • 27 lxapCTC1>!T{ 'Ev cpv>..alc:fl ~µ.f}v,1c:ald t!TCl>~p µ.E28• 29 ['Ev aE!Tp.otsKal lA.v!Tl.1:-'E,] lOa,readsaAA'.. ll oc,d,ef,S1 (save that def read EflfVC>V). reads ~A•. bg,A om. 12 g ·reads nr,l yoiiv ol. Aub*«irg,S1 «al ol, but not Abas text states; 11 oc,d. ~. Atlbh, S1 read Kai (+daefi,) Kvpior. Ab*cdf( om. together with next two words; Hg reads o~,. Ab*, S1 read: «at. 18 Ua, trs. after QffAf&V. c, Ab. a reads «al d Kvp«1r. h, bdef. A•b*cdg «al 18 c om. 19 .w6lpa,vl11 ••• e?i.qq,S,,11. 21 c, d read d11i'>.qq,6q11. Ab*cdflr om. next ten words. 1111c reads µoi. m ch om. next sixteen words through hmt. 114beg,A, S. tl'reads Kup,or•. af om. next eight words through hmt. 1 µov. Illaef. bdg, S1' read Jy,&OTOS'.Aabhcdfg = d, Ab*, S add Toiifl'OTpDS' 26 e,os. Ah* rj,vAae. a om. next eight words. · Aahhnext six 11'1 oc,fJ. We should read e,&sp.uv with A"*•dflr· or Kvp,or with words. 29 d om. It is found in all . 118c reads p.o,. 81• g adds 111,'tra!TW, 4 add Kvp10S', other MSS•.and in A, s. Aab•• Aefe,Jr befi;>ref>.vv~,but not Abh, I hav:e bracketed the line as an interpoliltion. It may be a dittography, and have arisen from a corrupt repetition of the preceding in the Hebrew. Thus a,vµ&rand cf,vAcuc~can both go· back t«?"1!9P,. ixapl=ve ~ !~tiwhich might possibly be corrupted with "IJ;ll'.11>..vv,. ixaplTfi,aeforms a good ·parallel to the two preceding verbs and 1>..vve does not. Finally the parallelism is destroyed by this addition, as verses 4, 5, 6, '1 form stanzas of three lines each. a om.

pqp.«Ta µou. a



[I. 1



'Ev a,a.~o>..a.,s ical O'VVflYOPfl"'' µ.o,. 81 1mcpois 82 -,c~38 lppVO'O.TO 80 lvu11"11C11111 'Ev >..&yo,s p.E 84• 88 µ.E. 85 ical f,/,Clll1'E rleg,A•b Aoii>.OI ;,, ·r6 Apx,p.cSyupov 4'Gpdi11 ln(O"TEW'E µ.o, Tov 4>801101.f. I I. * Kal o3TOt O'IIP80u-o?icovam-oil. 2, Ka.l' WCllV&IT&p.71v npos yvva,icti &va.,a~ AGIP, . 2 µ.e w1.ip1.1voµ.e'lv lwE(yovO"&v µ.ET'-a/1Tijs,a.>J..' d 0ec}s *,-oil fJ-b 4 µe lic6 q,A.oyos ICO.&Oµ.EIJ11S, 3. O~T"Qlr 7ta.Tp0Sµov 8 lppVO'O.T& 18 , ,ca., l8CllKE 1 , lnlf,871,i:t,.r,,EJl,VICTflplcrS,,,v 'Etf,v>..u.x(u-8-qv JJ,E9 (tl "''"" T'Cliira; 10 11 ag om.) d' Kvpws els ol,cnpµ.ovslv~w,ov ,-oil 8EO'JJ,Otpv>..a.icos. 18 Kvp,ot'1' TOVstf,o~ovµlvovs 0 l~IIOV4· y&p111lyicaTtiAE(wn a.wov, XOS •• *~ic lv ·fTICOTn, ~ 8Eo:µo,r1B, ~ 8>..l-lf,4:!T&V, ~ &v&yicc:us. 1 fJ,A, S l'Jl'a&O')(VVETO.& ,cl·0eos. afl'fl>- 5. ~ y~p &s 4v8pCll7tOS 8,i.,-a,. 18 ws vlcls 3.v8p,;'ll'ov ,.Offre 8E&.\,q., . bg, A•bh, 18 19, 17 0~£ c:is Y71Yfl/TJS [3.11'8EVE& ~] 'IM'OliTa, 1 '. $ r-&!roir, ·fi,..Sl ' 6. 'Ev 90 WO'l a~T01h,n121 ,rp0Ccn-G~211 :",/r~pi24• 211 '11'0.p0.1CtiAE& . Kal lv 3t.atf,opoir Tp0'11'0&S OTGT'OI, Alyurrlmv.



;,, 8,aµoisto end of chapter, soOf.,{J, 8. A read pu,'111111 ( qiv>.auir) 81 ix. fJ,A, 81 read but this is •probably cor-rupt for ,pu,'1u A6yo,r, 11 om. 88 A adds J,c,iSn,. 9'/, Ab•edr Al')'11fl'T'iG1P (d Al')'11fl'T'ioir}.·0 A_•b 811 om. next line. · cx{savethat·h reads 8oiiA011). ..71crl µ.o,9] * KalI'~ 8AoPTcSs ,,_au n.eyl!11 8lXo,,,,.,, 18, fJ,A, S! µ.or · 2,. Kvpiwue,s-12 *K4J&ol Kul,rd"""" ,.c,.,"lvi-\io?K\I,,_au 1~. 14 ds lµ.i, Ka.2lCT'[I * la.11,71'1a~ fa.VTOJ/ c:is aecr'ITOT7/S ~µ.&>11 18, K0.2 17 * M-yovs 'IT0.'1'p0$' 3, 'Eyw aE18 lµ.1171µ.011ruo11 f,LOU l":n, !al 19 "'~"':Q)~ 1 duepxoµ.evos ds '1'0 '1'aµ.,eio11* r/CAO.KIii/ ,rpoO'f/VX0µ.7111 111,lKEW0&$', Kvpt'll20 • 4· Kal l11170"1'EVOV lv '1'0L$' .l'IT'l'a l'1'EUW ;"~ 211 «al lcf,awoµ.7111 *.,., Alyv'ITTl&s-l11 Tpvq,f,a,&.ywv' Si, 23 '1a'ic.fJ.

:r::· =

S = clB~11a,s.HA reads w'l.wl.f, (= ,rapa1ea>.,ir111) corrupt for w'Lwl.!r H a, d read /3pax{,. "(X, fJ,A read as 'II A reads ,,, rep, g ml ,ls rd. 11B /3-4,A. in_margin. S 1 ffrlffl/,lfl/OS, a·"re~d,,, ;..a,11a. d BiaTO~Of"· g ia>rB,m.. S1 lwla, l9 (X. fJ..:il, A, 81 read Bd~1poi, /Afd.l&ct,. d IBo,clpao-,. sog, A reads TO~IS, S1 A"=. ,ao111pdrrlq11. h d reads olaaGr,. B8Aall q lmopo,t,. Ab 'al lmopo11;,i 84 Ah~ (not sing. as in text). Ab*cd• al p.a11po6vpla1. Som. next line. 80 Ab•edr om. btrop.l110w1, · · .. III. 1 d adds Mipcf,,r. g repeats ,rocr.q Aly. S1 reads ol Aly. IC rea4s ll1r,l>.11u,. e ~8i'A11rr111, 8 1 ~1lX11ua11, .8 g om. 'g adds ,j Alyv,rrla, ah reads ,lr r1µ.o,plas.g "'P"'Plf, ,d drri~a~ and om.· next seven words. •oc~ . fJ,A, S1 om. 'a reads ,rapaBoii1101.A~=. ,raplBo,1e,. • A UllfllMfO'QTO, For a1111ta>.iuaro, , , alnj a reads dXX·cSe,c\r ippvaard-l"f.befg, A•bb$od, S1 add I"'• .• g, A•bb$od om, I have bracketed ml ~1lX11ai po& 100'., A•b. bdef,S1 read as in margin. g p~ e,>.,juar. as &p interpolation. Ah•III == dXX'~- ol,«99,'X,,aa. Ab· 1Ca1(text. wrong he~) ollK·90.>.11crci. 11a. /3,S1 read as in margin (eave that a reads yap for Bi). A=,cal i>.,ye. 18 a. fJ,A, $ 1 For follo~ing p.01g reads &r-1. 11 fJ-/, IX,j read 1t.Vp1~lrflr, read as in margin. H d trs. /Qi,, , , '"'' before 1t.Vp11wt&r; 'A_•bb ,cal 1'(X. (A.•b om.) fdJI1t.Vp1WITIJS, 18/om. A= poll, · 1•b, S 1 read 0J11. fl reads ip.vria1ediu,11. 18a. dg, A read Xdyo,11 { +,rarlp0>11 A') ,rarpdr pou (g po11rrarpAs)~la110J/3,These (excepting A 1) are right, Cf. Jub. xuix. 6. h, aef, S1 i:ead >.dyo11r {ae/ >.dyo,11) ,raripo,11 poll, b >.dyo11r ,rOTipr,>11 ,rarpdt p,oll 19 "· h reads ,c).~/0,11 ml ,llxop.fllOS,fl, A, S1 read ,rpoa,pixdl"'I"• •1a1e&,fJ, c adds r,ji. · 10 A= e";. tl adds rep O.cp.raiirci lrrol'luamlIT1Jlna. 11A=,jl'ipa&r but the corruption'is native to A. 11c reads roir AlYllflTlO&r, ,rapalCMfi, a· om. next



= '"





= "'~"'




~IA0HKH o1




(III. 4

8£0VH roii 'lfpocrrlmov N/V x&p,v 25

26• >..a,.,.{3&.vowiv S· 'Eav OEd7fEO~JJ,EL27 *0 ICVpLOS JJ,OIJ28 1 n,v 31 ri,iou 30 i>..&JLf3av6v o?vov29 oVKlmvov, *ical rp,TJJJ,Ep((wv 82 134 33 rpocp~v , ical io!oovv alirtJv rro,s 'lf(V'f/UCVical rro,s 13 i 36 fJ-dA.91 &u8wov,nv. 6: *'D.p8p,(ov ot 7rp0SKvp,ov ,cal lic> 36 ri)s Alytmrlas, iSr, ucp&apa «ai.' ' 1upl MEµ.cplas ST MiaM('lfTWS


38 µ.o,89 • ~vox.\.n

*aal. yap40











411 *1rpos vvmd1117E1 J,tE42

Kat u 5n 44 ritWOPlppu,41 OVK~v

KaL46 ,rpoUE'll'OL£°iTO lx nv JLEr . .,.''' d reads otvor, "fOP~l'-£f'W" and om. following p.ov. It would have been better if the translator had rendered oflTf Tp&1Jp.rp/Cwv, regarding · the negative as governing the two verbs :rr111011 and i>..a,,.fJa11011. See Dri.ver, Hebrew 81 h (1), Tenses•, 115. But it is possible to take the text as it stands. 1111 ef read tMp.{Java. g IM,-,.fJav,. Bil ex. fJ reads ala,TOJ1, h reads 'MM,-,.,,11. g ,a,13ov.31 ex. fJ,A, S1 om. Iii ex,d (savetha.t c, d read dp6.). aefg read /JplJp,Cov (save the.t ef read tip8.). b, 81 ll.Ol/Jp6p,Cov, The phrase 86 ex,b, -,ni,Ni. Ab adds at beg~nning ,calm..,,,, T~11 11111CTa 1rpou~vx&l'-'I"· Ara,8 1• d reads awijr and om. rijr Aiy. ef M,p.¢lov. g M,,,....n. St Ahadds TOV fl'DPIIEVUII&, {3-d, A, 8 1 read R$ in margin. ' 1 bderead ,lc,fo. . G b, S1 trs. after lrriu,ci,/m11s. U bd add Tel ,,..,, 1rprom(d T. 1rp.µiv). S1 has some corruption . .. d reads l1ri,a;,. g iiTr. '5 o:. fJ-d read clppE111«dv (,gapa-EV&ICOv). d om. and trs. T,ic11011 after alrrfi. ' 6 c, a. h, {J-a, A, S1om. ' 7 g, 48 (h 1),fJ,A, $ 1 add as in margin (save that d om. 1«11 and ef tlpu,11).Possibly this clause was lost through hmt. as vl&vmay have stood in c as in A instead of llpprv. Before this addition d inserts vrro>...afJwv l"tw an xap111 T'flt.J/OV TOVTO 1ro,•i and om. /Cal[o,r xp&vou, • , hv&ovv. Hex, A.. fJ,S 1 om. &ob,8 1 add olv. Gl aef, A trs. after 'ITf PlfrrT, g om. q ex. fJ-df, A, S1 read ,ca-ye:,',j om. together with next word. N ex. (I reads an







. IV. 4)

I!l~Hlfi ·

9. Kal vo~o-aslyw 55 lXvmfO?JVtws Oav&rov56 • *lfeMOVIT)JS 58 · 'lri,plawi)s 69 0€57 aVTijs ~>..eovEls lµ.avr6v, Kal l1rlv01Jo-a. 60 • A, ~µlpas 1roXMs,*c1n lyvwv rov M>..ovaVTijs«al Tqv 1r.A.&v1,v fl l&pa(TII/(~t IO. Kal l>..eyov *1rpos a~v 61 Mµarn vif,(CTTOV, 63 ri/s 7TOVlJfXlSH, fl-d,A,S' lmo-rpl,fm 62 1bro rijs l1r,Ovµ.Cas ollv1 i:is ay('f)clvopl iv .\&'yo,sll (/COACl/CfVES ~~,A 91 IV. no>.>.dus 'x?P..; l1ra(ve,7 *TqV o-w..lOTitTOS 8eoii20 [faws *pvo-eralµ.e21 l,c *-rij-.






µ.aA1UTalrrrnlvtTO rup,uuo.-ipc.,~6 lpo,r;teal. f be, S1 tuxa.-ov. d 1.,,ut :we should read lrp,'>.tcVfT"O. 88 1 next six words .. om. d lyw. a&>..ov TOv reads d · om. S {:J-d, &eex,A. .59 t/, adds Ill A•badd ,cal ,tc>..auua. Hex.{:J-d,A, S1 read ;al lE,>..B. 61 ex. {3reads 60 d reads lyvw,co,~ ali.-ijr;.a om. n)v ,r'>.,llllf/., Efrl,' 1 add 62 CX,defg. a reads lJm5u.-pi,/m.b, S1 U1TOUT"pi,tn,. 88 {:J,A, 8_ alrrfi. ci-l'Bpo>El~dc/>Ba'>.µ.oiir a~rijs. 64 dreads 'rrolll'/plar, Ab adds rcalaii.-~..>..a Toi'sEll,ca()a.p.i,cap6{n.,ca}p.,(Ja ol dp.(/>onpo,, A ,roprwo-6m). ll8ex.a,j read l>,f')'OPa•.,rpor abnj11. bg,S1 >.lymBi fffJOS alirij11.fl ,l,ro11lid 81 ex. f3 reads®"· aln-6,A= 11:al~ (A•b•adsom.) >..ryo, ,rpor abnji,. S1 adds ',planpla p.ov. '°h, i read >.ryri. g IA,fi.. u ex(save that k adds·,,,). {3 reads olillil11. t1 A= rliao«EiK{,p,orl11roir p.o1xflJOVo-111, "ex. {3.A, S1 om. "ex {save that c reads 6A"'" !Wdk om, it). aej read ""''"" lq,iAollfla, Tr06oiio-a rE>.tO'QI T', br,6upto awijr, bg, A 11:d,cri.,,, lo-wm,o-i ,ro6oiio-alnt>.to-a, (g n>.lo-cu)r, l. al,,.ijr (Aab 11:al(Ab om.) T'E>.oiia-a r, bn6vpla,, awijr (A• ,-.011)), cl is conflate as frequently ap.d reads: '"''"" Bi T'aiiraclxowao-al0'&6Jfr'10'f flAII11:ara7rpwC117rOII p.ov l-''18111 brpoP ni>.p.ijo-ao-a rZ,r,i,,• rfi Iii &ant, awijr lrpiA011tiu,,ro9oiio-an>.lv.a, "• i,r&6vp.la11 alirijr, S1 aw,} Iii ··Myovr,ro>.>.ovr ,rpoo-nl6n,and points to !U(. il, S1 may here ~ neglected. bdg,A and ex, aef only dift'er really in one word. Where or l4">..o,rill:t1,· The the former have lo-aqo-, the latter have dvrerpiAoJlfum latter nninnnwhile io-&6lffl10'En~inn,,. n ex.(:l, A read «cl,,,.:,. 49tl reads /11:rcii11 " S1 omi "a reads /w0'1Jra,, • abd, om. T'Oii 81a{JOM11tra,-illa,11, ,cal l« rcii11 ~•pi/11al,rijr.





.6.IA0HKH I!l::EHcll

VJ. 1]

8 >..lye,µo,• V .. *Keil· 'lfc0.w1 -iv'· *h·lpcp X,p&vip El 4 TOIi*ll11&p11 µ.o,xwo-a,ov 61>,m, fy~ IWfAI., jl,Oli ♦cipjl,dKltJ KIil 6 Mv,oµ.alt. 14 13 16 ly~ i(ayyeA.C, *1raa-w "JI' lm110,d11 O'OU Tlld-ntl' • 3. 16 ovv t,ce£1/f/,.M£ov 19 ~II 13-1,i,S 1 o{3718e'io-a µe 17 fva µ~ 18 ifayyf£A.oo *l,r(,0,1111Tlltl-n1v 90 • 4. Kal *d.vf.x0p710-w, l'lr&8a.\'11'0V. fJ-d,S1 T,)11 lwl11o&av -rijrtl1Ttf!J1lat O'OV '11"00'&11. fJ-g,A, 8 1 «a«ia11 ai'>rijr. fJ-d,A, 81 'll"EFOVO'Q ,racravdwdAavcr,vvlrii:vd:v8p&>w&>v.



1ex.aefg, A read waXu,.b,81.,..~... d 3ull1dvror-oJi, I« 'l"&r,IMrou 8 d, reads l'4 .,.i;;., clXov..qpov m&11. 1 g om. ~µrpriivwpour'Al1oua-a. 'ix reads d11rprii,and other MS8.. dPG&pm.I have emended as above: 1 0'. (save. that 1,,·adds oilr&>r). fJ, A, 81 read as in margin save that for :voµip.o,r(which ef, A read) a reads J10µicrar, b, 81 :vd,-«p, d J10µlµrp_and g om. Here c/Japp,a1Cf Ml.:l!U and v~µlµ&>i Mi'!U, 7 ex. fJ reads as in margin. 8 ex. d reads ,rp/Jr ai',.,.q11. • d om. {Hi, A, S1 ·Om. • ix,/. fJ-1,A, 81 read as in margin. lO g Oi!1,. 1l h, aefg, A. C reads ,rp, T,)11ftO"'IP°",b, S1 ,rp• ...,;., 'll"O"'lpl," 'l"OVTT/11, d, 'lrOlll'/pa;; 12 e om. ,rp; TOVTTf". 1B ex· (eave0that 1,, adds oJv after /.,..~i). 1 fJ-g,A, S read as · in margin (eave that d reads «ai for· «oiYE)• g reads «al yap 1y1,,,. Here -yl11&>crtt.f in ex= ll'I!. The latter word



though wanting here in fJ,A, 81 reappe~rs .inthe next clause as 311in 18 ex. fJ--d; 'fJ,~ S1• See note. I 5. H g, Ab read l~nlAA&>. 81 read as in margin (save ·that g reads woo-a•). d Tijs «ap3lar a-ov 11:alda-ffJfiar vov wacr1vd118)>&.wo1r. For ,r&a-,11 ••• Tavr11vA reads 'lrOJl1/plw. wpaEl11110v 16 Aab om. 'lfQCT&II, Here ml11o&aV -rijrdiTlfJnor Ji, ncm. See note 13. 17 ix,A. d reads µ01. (J-d, 8 1 om. 18 c; d. 1,,reads l''lalv. fJ--d, A /A'la,.,1. 19 tx, fJ-dg(eave that aef read cl""l'}'fl>.&>). · d 'reads clvayye-wilr,v1; g ,f,r&>. h adds '1"1111,' 20ex.fJ-g, A, S1 read as in margin. g cla-lfJna11 Tijlo' E'ITIJIOlar ai'>rijr. , 11 IX. · fJ reads as o: eave in giving [email protected]"a( a 11/'Awovcra) for · 12 ex(eave that the MSS. reapqvacra 31,,,po,r l8aA1Tipr. in accusative). /3-d,A, S1 read as in margin (save that A reads l'IT•µnJ


/'01 for 'lrtp'll"OVll'a). d, dwoO"l"l'A'Aovva µo, d'll'l, fl"QO'QI/ d,r&Aav11&11,

VI. l ex. a,S1 read «al a,;,,,~I~. fJ-d «al.



ex,fJ-ag. ag, S1 read

fvr. x

~lAE>HKH m~H


1mpvpµivov3, 2. *'.Us oE4 ~Mn, 65 EVvovx_os 6 ,coµ((wv ~vro 6, * &,,l/3>..eya,calT doov *cpo/3Epov llvopa8 lmoLOOVTa µo, 9 µ&.xa,pav· ,cal O'VV~Ka * /MTO.rov Tpv/3>..(ov {}TL lO * 'ITEptlpyrn~ ~.A,S 1 EOT/.V Els47TO'ITAIW17..06vTos avroil121 13 , ~::,~ l,c> * I-'~ yEulJ'U!'EV«liJ,l,~TE_lKE£vou !'~TE &Uou TWI' 16 . /J.~T'f l8E0"1'-ATIIII' uJ-rij~14 • 4. * METaoe15 µ(av ~µlpav l>..0ova-a 0 20 18 17 19 ~~ ,,., 7rp6s µe . *KU\ l1ny110G1Tu To ~pCip.u >..lyn p,ot • Tl 1a«rµ. TOVTO 5n o/i,clcpayEs 21 *rniJ {3pwµarns22 ; 5· Kal E?7TOV a~rij~ * 7rpos a~v 23 • "On 24 i'ITA.~pwa-asaliTo f YOf/TELaS l 25 28 To\:s 29 0avf/,pol1'VVT) 1 *''Ii,11~ 411 p.a.8'{is 8f.oaf.~~ {J..:.f,A,S 00 ,ca,cla. 51 · * TWVd.,n/3o6VT01v 62 • rzaov168 '~' 0" mT'&9XWf.L 64 *'t dn,ij lvwuSI' O'OU lafCw. KIil:TOVTO >..a~@v elm ftEUfdp,El'OI 61• o/h-619 0Eos T&>V"lfaTlpOIVp.ov ,calO 4i')lf.~OS''Af3paap.i• awoii e)

n1v 49 -~



*laTIIL /J,ff 69 l1rECrEl'


61• K>.a.louaa.

af 64

rl+ayol'158 .- . i'll'1 "lfp0'1t,)7r0Vavrljs 60



,cal ava~aas

85 aVJ1t6f.TO1£0L



Els TOVS' 'll'Oaas µov 11 TOV flp,:,.; 83 a~T~V lvov8l-r711Ta, . 9 •. ~ P:1"?S A),



s.-.H ~ rt&ouaa.TOffl1 ·61 ~ri::


*1£1/ICtT& "lfOLijaa,GT ~v .{3f.La11 ,::i:rtro11 alrrfi


~ ,capaiaavrljs *IHno rt, TOICCIKal' 1111t_f·at· S 1re1y&&dicrcu· crnl'dtoucre1 8~ tcru~ ltr,cr,11, 'IN!p,rtlUnro,ro('l' Tp&w,JAE 2, C1UV€11'&1rTI l'¾iciafrl'Ouaa. 2. 'Ia@v af a~~v 3 0 *cl~p Cl~s• ~.).S.«al 1 ll r 'I. J-! , ,a 1 'I. • , , .... 'I. fl( RVC1f, A.e-yn 7tpas a.,, ,111• T avvcTrf.lTf.To 1rpoa011rovaov ; 1/ oc fl, A,-s1

VII .. *"ETL af 1

b,l,cn,-o,ls (+II" eh-'bdg,A, S1) d«o>.a.crla11 ,calan..dC~a-acrv11ltriftff11,

fl, AbfB, 81 Al-y{nrt,os.

48 ~g, e adds aw&. 8 1 add aw&. "d reads p.rra,,ol,cro er,. ,cal,-oiiTo, •1 a, A·= -p&,an g om. •9 h om. 11, 49 h, fl-a, A, S. o reads ~cr,fJouvroo11. a 8,1>11 cr,fJ&w(/1)11,l!Oa, ade. {J-adii, A, 81 read /UJT&fl'](.Vfl, For all , , , da-,{Jovm»11 f reads allbi11,ca,cl,r, "11,rr,,ra,. 61 g reads ,-a 11 ex,g. bde read du,fJovvr(/1)11, iazm. a/ om. See note 50: 13 a. d reads &iicra,. fJ-d,A, 81 om. . 84 a om. df, A read ma >.a{Ja>11, 11 ex(save that h om. oi1r(/l)r). So almost/ lvo>~&d11 crovdtr' aw£11lcr8l(/I), dma~. 8-df, A-', 81 read as in margin ( eave that after awijs g adds iE awijr). dreads d,rc\'l'OV{Jp.fllfl&OII aamjrlq,ayo11oi1Te>1r El,rC:,r, and Ab aw T'OV{J. lit,. 118d reads TOV fMIOIIcil,n)sml ,lirw, 'A. g 'Iupaq>...' A= awori. 6'IA= q,v>.~ffl 1-lf• l8 (X, {3,A, S1 om. f9 d reads brlrrEO'fll, A= fTEO'OVO'O, 80bd, S read itrl .,,:pocr-011 81 Ah•.a. om. For •ls and d trs. after ,-,. 11 a. /J,S read as in margin. d reads itrl, A= l«"AavcrE. 88 A h•• 4 9 c reads fl'• lyyla-as. AwC1Vllfrluas, · "ex. f3reads «al. b om. 88 d adds d).).' ;;a, 16 ex, bd. {J-1,dom. . 87 a. f3reads pq,ro,ijua& "'" · "¥ OT6pa1'&allnjs-d,mp11Eif'.O T'OU flJ/lt.ffl'" l'O&S awoir ,vp,8ij11a1. VII. la, {3--bd,81• b read &r, a;, d,.A o'll' ~.. I (X (save that Areads oirolqi and c reads,-io1for l''I} {3,A, S1 read as in margin '(save that b, S1 om. ml and read trpoa-lJr,,rm,, -d adds r,ji trpoa-0>1rqi after uv11nr,and. dg read fr/l(W"' ,lr for flr Ip~ trp&s,and that for fl'Tff/4,0VO'C crv11l.trtfTTEII A reads 'lrllfufl41'1 crvptr,a-oiicra {for ·~w'L/rwLis corrupt for w'Lfb-wL.)iuil11af•); I have obelized ~• ~s corrupt for crvm1161s (ae also in Aq.'s Version of Prov. xix. 13). 8 /reads ,-avn,11. •a, A-brir; Ahmtir is conflate reading Uljpdriir d Alymw,. fJ,A bfc,S1 read as in me,rgin. d adds C!W(/l)f _crvl'fTfO'OWO,

,1 l1pa.


a reads r.a. A=





r'ITpOS a,'TOV,7 ET1TEJ1, r~,, 'i *~&vov/(apaCas ly~ 11>.y«li, Kal o1


;r;oii _TOU 1M1df'C1TOSO'Tl!1111Yfl,Ol avvlxov'1£µ., 8• *'O af 9_l9Ep4'1TEVITEJI lO 11~ 12 TrllEV-. a~v *lv >..&yoLt 3. *Tfu 0311ea1t11Lp"'-v >..11fioilc,11 18 'TOVlwllpos·a~s. µa,ror · ela~&,in 'ITpOS µ.E,*l-r,lfw o'v-ros Kal

~~A,S >..lyn µ.o,• *"Arxoµ.a,,~ ,.~_drr8E~µ.~ *a'V}')'EVfj p.E'T'lµ.ov1~.

"P'll'ia" fhrr(J) lµ.avnSv16, .lav' 4. * 'Ey@ R 11 V07lO'Cl!i' Bn .,.o 20 18 'TOVB,>..Cap ~asi 71VEVp.a *lvoxMi' a,rqv 19, 'ITpD!TEv(aµ.,vos 'l'

,,T1Tov *'ITpos a~v 5. "Iva· Tl, rclO>..Ca, • 26; · p.117J28 Kal 8opv/3fi 114lv l,,p.ap'l'w.,5' 'Tapda-1171 'TVif,A@'T'l'OVtTa. 26 27 ~ ;l, IT'87,n g.,.,iav o.vl>..p!i' a-,avnSv , *11'AOT1j6@2a, 117T!IM(U(~ 29 81 ITOV 88 *raTlKVa. f/!p•apq 'TOV lwap&sITOV,.,;so lwr{(71>..o5' as Kov6v,\{a-n 811 cl1To>..l1ms 86 TO p.V?Jp.otTVvov a-ov34, ...:a.1 a'OV cl'!To nj!i' ')'1is. 14






.r,..,. •

8 ex, 6 d reads d adds cro, rrv11lfJ11 8-ri. 'ex. fJ,A, S 1 om. fJ {save (sic) after mpata, and for TOii'IT, fffl/G)'/£°' {3, S1 re&d 0.S in that d adds avJ/QIP margin). Aabta &>.yorJcrr2 11alCFTEIIG)'/£0' rr.1iij/rraTor !£0" ITVIIE](.OIXTl I"• A.. &>.yor,cap8la,uvwxn P,E, Ab ,cap8lar!£0V 8>..yo, llT'Tl, ,cal CFTfllG)'flOl 9 o:,d. fJ-d,S1 1Cap8lar flOVrrv11lxovul'" {differently in printed text). 10 o:,fJ-b. b reads lS.pd,rEv,,. 11 o:. fJ,A, S1 read as in margin. 1eal. -;,,Myoirmay= ~,,,cl (late Hebrew) wherea~ l'i &c,6'. n,,CN tot~. 12 o:. d reads Or there may be a confusion of n,cl and n~nIQ, ,cal· 'II "~ TWII~µ,pw11. fJ-d,S1 read TdTE, Ae.b.,;,, ,cal ;,, ~ 'ITOpf).(J,jp I"• Ab*c4' 1eal,,, &uTlp11;,,.-p9.18 h, a.ef. bg read lr& llPTosZfr.,, d &.oll11p.oiirror. 14 d reads ET,,.,. 14 ex, c om. fr, ••• aurijr. aef, S1 (save that h adds uo, after lyxop.a, and ae read lavni• and S1 TOixo11 for lfP'lflllOII}. bg,Ab*edre&d lrx., q ,l, ,j,plap q ,ls ICfl'lfllffJII 1,.a~• pl,rrm(Ab*c4plnr., Ip.. q ,lr «p.). d lp.a~11 8l>..o,&yx&.,.,,,xpquau8m q ,lr ',q,, ~ ,lr q,p. lp.. pitm.1, Aab ayx, q ,lr ,j,plap pl'IT'l'61 ,p.avr:,,,, l6 Em. from ""YY'"'l' P.•E, of IX, tu/ read p.o,fTV')')'EIID (I c,vyy,,,.i,). b flO' uv,irrnu8dr. d uv111'>.8r,s µ01. g po, 19 ex, fTV')'Yflloii, 17 c, A. h reads ..,,;,, fJ, 81 1eal. 18 a om. d, A. abef, 81 read a~• (a alnj) box>.Ei. g b,ox>.Et 1111 ·0::fJ om. 11 01'.,fJreads ~,fi. 98h, {J-dg. c reads rapduun. d crvPTapdua-:,.g TapaTTu, 11ex.{J, A, 8 1 om. 211A=&.ay11alcus&.o~op.J"'I 14 d reads 8opvfJijr.g 8opvfJt'i. but fnpn,_,,/r,.,L 98 A•b= ')'0101U1e0> may be corrupt for fnL('w9lr1uL = rvcp).t»TTovua, (Ab Zyi,r.,s) TOV'l'O, Ab*c4g,.,,;,.rs,,.,., TOVTO, 9'1 g read lavnj11.S1 &dds'l'OTf 118ex. a om. b re&ds ;, Jq8..>.a«ir. 80 d &dds1eal, g '1u,80C:,.A"'bo4 and 8 1 corrupt, 81 A reads ~,uf,un.,uf np,,..._,y( =l11aPTlo11 vloii) corrupt for 'l,,u(u,u'lll.111Ln('= 89 aef, A. bdg read &PTlC.,>..o,. 811d adds y,lll]cnra, ,cvplaroii o11tovuov ml. ,co).a,j,icrE&, C 1to,li17Aijua, Zxn, I,, ,coC,r.,Aijcra, fxEw, S1 &.olCTfHi. Bf I,,, fJ. C t'a ,ra,ala c,ov, A r~ rl/CIIOIIuov. (!, trs •. TO. r, ITOV bef. t«i>.a,j,[c,11. 80 o.df. ex, 811 d &ddec,i,, e read 01TO'A.lcrur, bg, S1 &.o>..lcrn.A &rr&>..>.vct,.











viu. 2]




6. * Kal Xlyn ST1rp_&,r; p.E•* 'Iaotr ovv3 S &ya-rrq.s p.E· *TOUTO fl,OL ,B,A-b,S1 39 *riis ,(A)~S d.prcEhw· 1£6VOI' d.VTmcniJauL µov40 rKal*rwv rlKvwv41 ap~ei I'"' . rµo11011l · 42 1rp~uo0Kfovii-rroXavua, 43 rKal144 rii,s. ~'Tri- ?m (af µov~. ~Kal lx(A) 8vµ(as µov. 7. *ourc lyvw s~u3-rq 45 3n a,aTov46 Kvpwv 47 ~m.) 4 s, Ka£ ovxl49 a,' aVT17v. µov E!-rrovoi1T(A)S lyC.S 8. 'Eav ::ij-.8wv6 clJ'¾ip 11mjs lf)u>..t!p.e els ♦uAuit¾tv ,·.Kal 111 •t/>vyov.1 -ry 111hoii otic:;,110 l!f;s *p.un,yw!TUS llt!1rep.♦t! 21 /.'f ds


fJ-d,A,,S *, «Oltfill'I T7/U.

" ..... apaw d,.

f,,,..,,,u ~~. t

. , •

_,J_ ·




< 23 fllS



•t/J,f/11 tP 26 411'0ri;s >..-67!7JS, =:,v«o, , *Tois aEa-µois11 \. 17 AlyvTrT"fu.. a-uilEC;ic,ETo "t'Wlff/O'E




p.• ( +,,-pl.s,-bv &113pa al,i-ijr b, A,abb*cd) «al (Ab om.) l11l/3a'll.l ,_.. dr cf,v>.n,c~,, '" of«~ awoii cSAlyum-,os. fl-d, S 1 ptJOT~S',... lff"fl't•• f:J-d,A, 8 1 qo-8fllfl,


read as in margin. Ab adds M,p.t/)lar. Jl /,, adds b, 81 IWJI.d p.&IIOII /£f •{Jpoiiaa'" ,., lrO&T"A>P&, Aab••· µ",,.a t"OVT'O ,"A8oiio-a.Abh~,.,,.a T"OVT'O, 11c. h, fl, A, 81 lrriAap/Jallffa&,18 d reads. ~awa,.&11. Ab adds from nex~ verse 14 A,A om. 11 e om. teallyw «an"-11+aaln-oii,-4 Zp.a,-1a iral lct,vyw •Ew, d adds awqv. g lylo. IllA adds fO't"l, ITex. /J,S1 read as in after 1'0V and for yvµ.i,orlt/>vyo11 margin {save that d adds drro8vO"Op.EIIOS' reads. lt/)i,yov.•drr' al,,-ijs yvp.11dr). Aab*c4 lrGTtAfl,/,o T"4 /MN iral yvp,,/,r lcf,vyoi,"drr'.·a~njr. :"A. fg ltpGT'l!TOO"l'/f 1"4i,..ciTaa 1'011 yvp,,/,r lcf,vyo11. A ~h om. «al. l«T",~~aptilos is bracketed- · as : rui intrusion:. .It ·.may be a rendering of 'n,Yli; a corrupt dittograpby ~f 'Mll]I «Ot"a>.,rl,/,ar. d,ro3vo-..,a-,11 a~njr, «al ih-,o~ rrd8opa1 T"rjia-,corr,pawijr r.,l'f ,!r ,-q.,do-av Iv "'Pof«v>.airq11 ~" dp,c,-qvillapa&..-oii /Jao-iAfwr. 19 OC• (save that k reads 1tpa,:oii11a ). /J, A, S1 om. "oc (save that A reads M{Ja>.,).{!-d, A, 81 read as in· margin (save that A•bb..«.according to text read oyroc/ia11Tqa-a11&. ,.., 18/i'l,,wa-, for la-11.roct,«"'"'l!Tf P,f, but this is not true of Ab'-: Abfs laviroct,d,,,-r,a-l µ,). Observe that" d (see note"18) supports.the addition in b, A" 11*04•• The 111o11C

...,iilf3a>.,11 Text repl'esenta all giving cl Aly. M{Ja>..lpt tlr t/)ii>..Iv o1ic

. b t/)v>..0~11 ,.,,o11Cf awoii clAl')'Vff'T'IOS', Ford see note 18. .Pex,A. fJ-d,81 read 0S'0~11. For iral @II ••• >.l/ff1'/t d i:eads «al S11Totpov Iv 'ljj t/)vAarcfi ~ Aly. qppo>O'Tn d,rc\T"ijrM'"lr iral, and om. rest of verse, which it inserts in a modified form in ix. 4. See note 25, 111 p. 196. "ex. fJ,-d read wl8a1r, .cx.{J-d, A, 81 read as in margin. O'VHlx.,.omay nic,,.:i and ;ael.,,., = nn,ru,one· of which may







I~. 3]




[j-d, A, S1 l>..SovlTQ. &El'IT1/1Cpoa.TO µ.ovw&is ,cal29 E'IT7/1Cpoa.To µov 80 1r&ls rJ/Jx.apCcrrovu T'f>Kvpl.a1e;,) is a corruption of,,_-,, Myor; t dg add t"Oii. 'ex, ef,A ad,S1 ·read .>.11a-01J, b ).vrpma-0/J, g >.vrP°"a•, corrupt for >.vrpma•a•. n O.• 1•·0. A reads ti-1ari11, af ,r1ar•11011ra.fJ-af, & read .,,a:r,yollT"a, Here the latter reading is obviously right as the contrasting epithet rpvf/l&111T"a in the parallel 18 e reads ,/Jf/iporn,vn.,.1,,om, shows. The corruption is native to oc,{J. 18 c, d. fj-bd read as in margin, next twelve words through hmt. 1 17 S /3mn>.u,.oir.b om. aef.o, b, 8 read d Bl. g ~ al (i.e •.a corruptioQ·



= =



0 2


-~IA8.HKH · l,Ol:H4-

exora,,,.,cal18 Mfa11 Kill19 ex ul avr't ,cal rav-ra21 r.aplxn,

20 '''"'1TO!: lfr, ITVp.f/,lpi,,,re1pix_11~ c:ir ,clzµ.o{, 4; Ilou&.«u1111 «afaEp MBEVOVplq23, ,cal 'qKOVO'fiH njs 25 , * ,cal lya>oovijs µ,ov 1rpoa-11vxoµ.ivov 28 • 17 ia-r.Q'ITC1>11 «al ra yµ.oos 5· Kal ryap1 *irvro~ 1£0V29 lv Tff> ITT•,• p110 31 -..I. • 80 1.a[lµ.E lz'll'or&i11 lJ1Xnp71µ.&.roov avnjs. 1 'lj1 tm'0/£011~ X. 'OpiirE ov11,TfKJJa/J,OV,'ITOpo,ro1171v.


19 {J-lxl,S. b reads ,cal,l. 18 S for d Bl). d om. ver. 3. ).~tmu. 90 f3-d,S. exread as in margin. exom. ~ ex, be,S1• afg read TGll1'1JII, 11 next eight words. 13 Ab adds /11ltT71'lfH1111 a-1CClm, · H c, afg, 81• ,••be,A read {f,cow. d, q«poaa-111. !IiiA•b••4 «al al'fl7'rfva'•· A' supports ro11 text and A hr, om. c adds l'ov, Here d adds~ Sadr,:p,oin,«al la&E• ml ·6>..l,f,e11111 ( + 1102trflpaa-p.0>11 A•U•d) a-1116qa-Ea-8e au\ . KVplov•; -yap l11:A.clyf; i, &aval11trapa{3t,a-,a-8e. 1 c. Ii,,f3read as in margin •. · ·. 'ex(save that for 7 ix. fj om. 111 Tarr. I,, reads «al ra,rf&Po1'1JTOs). f3,81 read as in margin. •or,bd, S. a reads urcn1r11i. 1/g «aro,ic_•i. 9a. fj, S1 read as in margin.






61A0HKH- 1.0.l:Hcf>



3. *"01l'OVa~ Ka'1'o,KEL d inf,urros10, ,Call* +ecS~os TLS ,rrpL-;

fJ,s1TIS &ouAta,Kilv cruKo♦111'T'41 11, *d Kvp,os KaTo,K&lvl1r' Jrfpl7rEUJ/ , '12~,' ,I, , ' I ,~ ~ ~ ., 13¢6d1Hj>,~ aVTOII . uLa Tl'JII (1"(J)'1'POITVll1JIIov µ.011011 CIC TWII KaKWII pvrra, . 3ovAda 14 16 awo11 , ro.Ua Kal Vl/toi ,cal aofa(ELa-ln-011 ws,c&µ.l. 4; ~ av«/ 1 yelp rclv8pw1r0us 18 ~ iv lp-yi,1 ~cll'T1&9 ~ iv M-yi,, ~ lv 17 1 8 a,avol..rj,oC a«dm 28 a1efg, µ.ov 20 1rcis~-y&,rqo-l,.,.~d ,raT71p µ.ov 91, ,cal oixl 92 Vl/tovµ.1111 1; ,cal'irEplll7'11'LOS riv Tfi aiavolq.'", p.ov ~&pxwv 26 , rETxo11 Tdll :->iiu s1 ,rlon,





28 111 Tfj Kap6lrror.


fl, A, S1 tl,,lrpov11lp.avro11 «al.

·s1 om. For ICCIT"Ollffl ae ~ad «al ol,rfi. g OJ!]'. ·a,.· n 0(. {J, 81 1·ead as · in margin (save that d tre. m after 1rrp,irifTTJ andf reads cf,(Jopifor q,tJd11r,,)~ a om. next eight words. 19 c. 1,,reads d K.-;.,,• aih-ci'>11 mT"0&11ci'>11. {J--a K.d i~ (K. lrr'ef)aw,;«a'NJ&lf6111.Uareadspvun-ai.· {J,S1 om. ·For/,c.,-ci',11 1101 OAlttOIII «al ,rnpaupci'>P ul icairci',j,1((11(6111 ••• «dp./A reads IE ,l'Ayeo>II (Ab6Altf61S«al 1(411:0ii) Uo>U6qa•u6• ~11'0 roii rrvpfuv. De, d read vtr,: 18 oc. {J-dg,S1 read as in margin (save that af om. d). d «al ~P o IJ.116pr.ntor, 11 g reads ~ /-,,110lar.g wiir y. l1"6p611TOr. A•b•cds:,;y&p. Ab ;;,,,o/4P• 18 oc, aef. bg, S1 read av11lxua,. cl avllffflllprnu. A•b•od~ =· dµapri,a~a6E; Ab clµ&f'T"11 m·. d tre. the entire verse after ,.,, rfj &aPOlp~ in ..ver. 5. av-,,ipxffll& must represent If oc is right in giving the aec. d.6p&1rrovs, a transitive verb, possibly tC,::J'Iin the sense of C happens to.' The eubje'ct would then be ct,tJdvorq &v"Alait.r." ver. 3. If fl is righ~ in giving iI116p611TOs, then .~n::J'may be corrupt for 1'1:?l' lrra{pna, or o-wnralprra, as 11 d adds 18 d adds y&p. A\ S1 y,11lou«rn. 20'9 adds otroi; ind. 'la1tlo{l. II {J reads olix, ~ fl. reads v,;wer,i,. g '7ffOll/l'1"· II b, S1 l'ead icapalp.d om. next eleven words_,and substitutes ver. 4+cM roiiTo 20·0:. {l-d reads ell-,, ict,v"AaEa lp.avrd-,,•l(IUdiroAoyovml fpyovml IJ,wolar. •. 11,h, abf. o reads it,d{lo11 6,oii. ,g roii Broiicf,d{j_o11. eg om. next four words. IT b, S1 read IJ&aPOlp; 1B ,J,reads olaa. Ill oc,fl, A. {l..:,J, read .,.;,(/ om.) w&IIT'II( + raiira/). 10 c ( ea-yethat ovic lrr{,p6r,• is written icl,1r&p6q11 )• .fl, A, S1 read AB in margin. ,, is conflate : ol,,r '" /ll'rf"t /avriii dA"Ad. Of ·these readings those of 1,,·and fJ,A, S1 are thoroughly corrupt. C might stand: I I did not raise myself (against them) with evil intent.' But this is unsati~factory. First then the negative is original or it is' not. (i) If original, · we may regard 111ica1t~ in c as a corruption o~ l/AOwd•(S, A, St). Cf. h _lawtj, Then lir;,p6q11 'nl!)i,\i,- which the tmnelator should here have rendered actively as the Pilel l,rijpa(or i,;o>aa.). Thus text-originally = 'Efl).)'n00,, N; = ' I did not exalt myself.' 'rhe 10









text of /J,A, 8 1 . can be explained fi·om this. Either lp.frpow ,n,,0 a corruption of 1nc0l'i, or 'lp.lrpou11 ie a corruption of lp.rn'1p1Co11 ( 1n00,,). The loss of the negative would be intelligible on the latter corruption, (ii) If on the other hand ·the negative is not original we might explain 1~ 1n00,, as a corruption of '~!U 1n,.:,0,,, 'I kept myself quiet,' the ph.:rase in Ps. cxxxi. 2, where the LXX and Vulgate render 1n00,, as if Jt'.were 1n00,,. If imperfects instead of peifects stood in the original, ·the· corraptions could be similarly explained. (iii) Finally, the whole · clause -,»a,ybe a ·dittography of olixl ulj,ovp.ri•l11"B~ /lov (in ver, 5)1 31 h om. d reads 81A= awovr. where JM0!1was rewritten as MJl"a, mn-411, 88ex.{!J,A, S1read ae in mai·gin. "ex. fJ-d, 811·eadp,) (g om.) f&fl'EUI, d 1'9lfmrw11 ~roir but trs. after 'IO'f14'i>.lrot.r,A= Kal ol,r ,l,roi,, 88 1X, fJ,A, S1 (eave that d adds la~,ra 1l11'fi• 'it.»e))'1M, 14 Ab om. 87 ;; before &r,)read as in-margin. k, fJ,A\ S1. c, Aab*ed' om. aa/ reads 811calov. 89 .&>11



al,,-;;,., 'IP8«a11'011'CITIIS {Ab* 4 '1"3,ca«oiraTat:,A cs rrpamr). A reads ol 'la-p.ari>.im,and trs. after hnif"M'o>,'p.f, 11 a. fJ,S1 read as in margin (save that lxuf'read ~prliTOV• and g reads ,calfor imy'1). 0111 ,.,,.·


~. S1 have thus lost a clause.

This clause is preserved also in A 'JO'p, «al ,l11'011't.oii>.or · 111 ~ 1'Af6811por ; Kayo, 18 be,S1 add awii,11, fl,roi,, H d, adds aw~. g Iyo,. 1B A reads p'l,nL{,Jlr'bl;{ q>va,o>r)corrupt for jh~fnL{,Jlr'bl;; ofKov, d,,A add alirGw {d om.)' TOVTO a, (A om. a; and Abbie om. TOVTO l>.eyo11)fAryo11.

whioh = br,,p'1To>11 p.E ol



xn. 1]

.~IA0HKH lill':H


rV, 18 g 9m. 19 ex. /3,A, S1 read as oll«••• Boiilor d reads ava.'Ill« ,T. in m@,rgin.(save that a reads q,rdA,,11,. d 6UIICIT'OI' for l111s6. Aab O'E for 10 c. l,, reads .rfl'ol' allT'air. fl, A, S1 nryoi,. ,r,pl crov, and A om. Elilt6.). 21 ex. {3 reads ,lpl. 119ex;{3,A, S1 read as in margin (save ~hat d adds 911 ,rolAol before 1r•pl). ex,fl, S1 (save that g adds .,.,.,,~ter Tls, b re~s . ,rpouBovrand 81 ,rpo>T'Ot ,rpoa-llovsfor ,rpo&vs). A= ,cal E/CaO'T'Of/ ,a,aou p.{po,:· alJT'oia,A•b), ICex. lp.,rop/aral!To>I'( + allT'llpoii Ab) f11a/Aflaflo ( + allT'l 1ClpBour fl, 81 read A aq,&l11111. IIII ex,d, A abb.cdg, fJ-d,81 read p.nafl0Ao11 lprroplar. Ab dppafloi11a/Jffafl&Xov lp,ropla,:. IG ex. 17 l,,, l,d read l1r10'T'pi"11110"&, fl-ab read oi. ab om. d woO"T"pl,J,i.,a-,. 18A= «al o1uoua-,.c adds ,ls. · 19d reads TqP lp,ropia, al!Toiv. f lp,roplar. Ab·adds ,cal oirT"111r l1rol11uav. 80ex.fJ-dread ,ca} d ,c, IBlll«lp.01. d ml 18e,c,, 81 a reads lvmlU'l'aJO'f, p.01IC, SI ex,af;, {J-af, A,8 1 read as in margin. St l,, adds T'U· U £X,d. {3-d, S1 read &S in margin. A= xpvalo11ital apy(Jp,w 88 ex. /3,A, S1 om. allT'aii(Ab om.). lpyoa,here~ n1:1P,, bnt, we' may' assum,e that the translator should have read Ml~P, household servants.' 88 ex, d om. rest of chapter, bg,A, 8 1• aef read awoiv, .., ex./3-d,A, S1 read as in margin (save that g r~s .,.,11Ur for 'll'fllT'E and A•b•cd read ' - fl'fl"IICOIIT'G , , l , ) ,,,,.,pas IC(I frfllT'f • l8

,r..a,. =



1 ·XII. I ex,ad/g. · be,S1 om. For /CRT , , . ; rcaT'fin A reads ,rapi,n 0~11 /CaT"' I ex(though written as ream,). aef ,rap,l,,. bg, A, S 1 ,rop{n,. 8 b reads q M•pq,la. adefg ,j M,p.q,lr.· d adds d ,ropij11, For A see note I. ,j Alyw,-la, 'ex,def (though written as '" 'Aafl,rlv'Iin l,,). Corrup~ in ~

l11,i110 (1).


.6.IA0HKH 1.0.~H


~T'o(Jolt.ov3r, hr>..ov:n,rr,11. ol1ed11 o-ov)1eal,~>..oy,juf& O'f. "'"'' p.,ro>..iir.

,j l>..>..a1errl,,,,. 'bg,,A, 8 1· om. I A; g. 0 reads "9 yv,,6. l>,A, S1 yvnj. a om. ef '1• d. reads 11mi. • c, g (omitting T'ov). 1';adj read r; ll•VT_•!/Jpq. b8 read T',Ilmr/>pl (-,j e). 'ex.·fJ,81 read as in margin(save that fer iuifJa}.,116 reads imfJallu, and d, zaowa). A reads only mi (A•b•od om.) 8 it reads ml «'ABdllf'or imfJ>..~,ya,n,. ,la,111-'f• T'ou.Wp&r cwrijr>..fy,, alirf. 10 c. After ml Ab adds '"''"pl,j,arra. •ex. fJ,A, S1 read as in margin. ,Other MSS. read Xt&pl. Uc, ej. h, II read T'IIIOf.l,g,A, 81 IIEOV T'U'Of, 18 ex, d, llfmO'T'l rUIOS'. It A•b•od but A'bs support text. ailefg. 1' dg read IICAe,/n11. JI h reads ai'ir-&111. 11 A,g read rijr. b, A, S1 om. 1TA'*llW"OIJI, . JI A adds cur' ll~rov. u d, reads l'fGIIUTIIOP, soex. tu/,. 11ex(save that S1 read olic611 uov. l>dgol1eolld1-1011 uov, A= ~vv,-,.iu uov. h reads um). fJ, A, S1 r~ as in margin· (save ~t d. reads 11/&Gs). 91 c, b. .1,,reads T'1»11 18 d, reads a~i-oii, 'E. o e._ fJ-b oT'i»!''E. e. ·h ..&w is difficult. MA,vO'fll«'>.&iv'i= N\!1) icec. Since Mg, S1 to\i'I) and A' N'!li'I), N\!1) is a corruption possibly of tt,::i,,!,. • c om. ·d adds T,jv d'A,j&idr, >..tpll ,,, ""X" ,rpo rovO'f n,.,.mp,jurio,.,.a,. 'i ex,A. fJ-bdread· T'i rovro dlCOW> ,r,pl O'OV ; b, S1 H T'GVT'Cl illCoiim j d, f/lCOVO'a yap. •b adds T'OI', 9d. adds ,'>.u6Epar. 10 Si om. ·n b reads 'Efjpairio11, 18 ex. a· reads ,Zr ,rai3ar d,r,,.,.uo>..1»11. befg,81 ,ls ,raiaus(81 aov>..,lav) ,-,.w«p.mi>.&11(b, S1 fUT'El'trm>..&11). (/, .Zr tr, ,-,.wa{Jd).),.0011. A= ,Zrtrailliir o-o, 1ealdr n-a&3lo-1CC1r, a adds m·~• 11ex. fJ-dg,A, S1 cl1r4yyti>.'i111 I"?', «l T'aiiraoirmr lxo «aSwrcliroum rrrpl ~--




.6.IA0HKH- I.n:::EH~

XIII; 6]



-roi)s -'iicSSms 11mii· 13 -*l3luo - >..:lyw"l!u ••fJ-dg,A, · 16 &1'1' 16, ICVptE, Alop.4(1Tou *ov,c o'Zaa. >..lye,s. . 3· *Ke1l-~:,,fl"EO'OIP UyEL 114-rit 6 nEl'Te:♦~s 18 • IT&8w rovv1 *l1Tn11 o wa,s 19 ,;1""p60--. 92 91 90 011_ o 'Ef3paws ; ,ca\ elwev • or.ia·'\.tTat wapl8E1ITOS4,6):r27 25 26 µ.~, aVT011, tws lrTov htlTTpEV,ClllTLV• 4· *'O 3£ _ovic;~~ cS 119 • fJo>.or. lwllTTEVITW awij, 28, 3,,\.,\.' licl.\.EVITEV yvµ.v~'V TWTEo-9GL 81 80 *o bd~,~S' 'E1rtµivoVTOS3£ aVTov *To-6To,sToi's ,\.oyots , .\.fyn 0 88 oov84 0 veavllTKOS. . 82• ·E1111x81JT111 IIEVTEr, 18 a, b. df read after alin!11. WOO'Tpnf,,.,o-,. eg '""'O'TfUfova,.~ om. ff a. fJ-d, A, S1 read ml aw,ji · ( +iI•llffl/>p'Ji' Ab) oli«•. For cS Bi •• • alw-i d reads ~l µ,j mO'J"fVo-ar cSllEIITEt/Jplr.1B"· g read awtfpand g adds cSllnT',i/)pl. l9 c, ad, 8J., 1,,,befg, A add awoi,. d reads aliff11 TWT,yv,-,,011. •0 ex,ae, dg read TOir:\.&yo,r TO~;,. f T, n,ow.o,r>.6yoar,b om. A, B1support text. -111d reads ·f' µ.w6v p.E4, *'1TAT/!T-Cov yap ~v o ol,cos aurijs 6, ,cal *d.11'41crr£,~d


aal«,.,r.'irpos o.lhov8,

1• >..lyovua

..Ao,,cos7 ~

,cp[u,s uov8, Sn 9 TOV

1 *T111-wp£~S, 10 • &s dS~, 2. '.Us befg,Ah* KAa'll'tVTarl">..€'68t:pou l"}..8,..,rr,v, lle rly~, 11 oli,c .;;uaf ci. TOV >..oyavµ.ov12 rTV71T0p.EVOS',, cfirirrlv. *cpvAax8ijva[ p.e13,_lws ov~8wa-wU ol KVpLOL *Tov fJ,A, S1 €K(A£V!T£



15•. 'll'a,ll.&s

18• 17 'irpos*TOI' iivSp~o.~rijs 3· *'HOE yvvr,16 l>..eyt:

reads ywai1.rorre -yvµvr.>Bijval µ• S1 Y,,J&ll~ITOS ltt.EAEVfTf,


8 c. h, fJ,A, S1 read . XIV. l C M,p.cfil @r. I A adds,.,. ( +~r A) OvplBos• . A om. rest of verse, but inserts. the latter half of it '181,cor., • aauquavra after the first clause in ver. 3. 'OI'.,adg (save that 8 0(. fJ,A, 8 1 a om. J&t!). bef read 'nJfTTOJ&EIIOV p.ov. S1 71'0'Jr fT'llo/1111 ,...


8ex. fJ, S1 read a11in margin (save· that g ~eads an-,um).,). om. 'b, A, S1 add lnl. For the.· position of the clause &8,«or••• all,K?/uavra 9 h (1),fJ,S1 add in A see note Bex, b, Ab\ S1• fJ-b, A•b·•dfgom. Ka(. lO /3,A, S1 (save that 6 reads T&J&O>pijua, and A uvv,xns). 0( reads as 11 ex.fJ,A, S1 in margin. Its corruption seems to be peculiar to itself. 4 1 om. Uc, A_ab*•r, h, a, Ab read TOIiMyo11. fJ-af, S >..&yov.j A11, "ex,ae/,8 1 (save that ef read.'qf'Bs). breads cf,u>.a,curlJij11a, p.•. dg, A ,,, (d om.) 13x,,1Jq11a1 qf'Gr(A,.,). u ex,ad, A•boclfs, S1• befg, Ah





Kal Eirynnj 'll'atoa *lv f3,A, S1 rT( 19 uvvl)(EtS20 TOV alx,.,.&>..wTOV 23 • \111"}'/P•211, *&v1:!vm 22 Kal 61nJpETEicr81H CLVETOV µE.>..>..ov on l 01:ITJJ-O'i:s ruv o-o,,. . 26 fJ,A, s1 125 24 OE yap opo.vµ.E iv 1r68cerl,.µapT{as • * fy~ 4. ..H81:>..1: 29 • 0 a.,l7;e S· * ET-rrE8~ 1rposa.iin\v ,jyv6ovv lv 21 'll"iilTtTotfro,1128• 1rpo~rr,11 80 Al)'V'll'Tto,s Miµ.qm,, a.q,a,pELIT8a, 7rpo a1rooel[1:ws TOLs OvKEITTt*TOUTO 82 • 1u, A TOVµ.ETafJ6>..ov Ta a>..>..6Tpta. 6. Tairra rovv131 E£7TE* 1r1:pl dJor 34 • 'lrapa 1:?va, 'o 8~ 1l'0.1,;33 JcpdM,lyKaTd/1'.A.fLITTOS 2 ~>..8ov ot XV. M1:Ta oE1 *11µlpa11ElKocTLdCTITapas 4 lfr, 'IaK~fJ ro -rrar4pf3-bd,A *~0'111' yc\p3 Q.KOVITaVT€S 'I1Tµ.a71>..i'Tat' 7 -rrp&s ;:~: Xiyou.lyu. awov (efg om.). (save that d reads a~cii)• Instead of the next clause which A om., 19 ex. fJ-cl A inserts there the latter half of ver, I. See note 3. 1 vf3pl{:nr. S om. cl CTIJll£Xf', reads a !IO read au;rl. d reads 3n lJq. ii (X •. fJ-d, A•bb read t,., ian ,tva, (e trs~ after. . 2l (X. {3, 81 om. (A•h om,) c!11,ro11, d (At• 1) roilro11 p.a>.">..ov µiu-.).ov,fg trs. after c!111ro11) .. ,cal ,tvcu. Ah*•4 lJ,i otv. ,l11a, d,rocrrani11 '1"011µ,ra{jo>.011 (d om.) c!11,ro11 S1 t>v E/Jn p.aA.>.ovlxnv Iv 'l"ois ol,cqµ.arr&11. ,t11ac(1). rovro11 C:11tro11 23 ex.{3,A, S1 read as in margin (save· that b reads crou and g trs. "fJ-g, S1 trs. uo, before_w11pr~fi11), Ab om. next seven. woi-ds. 1 26 oc. om. S almjs. 2J 6 reads dµaprqµ.aros. d adds before opall, 27 c, aef. h, lxl,gread brl. reallyl.>. /3-dg,Ag,S1 read real. dg, A•bhb!l.,-ytiand a avryv and cl avrfi for fr, "1"Miµrf,&11).Ab= that d, A•b•cdg b 'll'apa, a,18011 BOc. aef, S1 read roJs. ii:ald av,jp >.i)'f,,rpos "JII yvvai,ca, 82 ex,{3, S1• at (X. fJ,A, 81 QID. rois. g, A l8os (g l8vos) ,rapa rois. 13 A= (+real Abb)d pETa{3o>.os, o:. fJ-M,, A read as in margin (save that for 3n Ah read avrov and om. rest of verse). b real,upl /µoil or,. d rca ,l11a,. g l,rf,,l>.u ,lrr,113n Onai's. 81 d 1rair. Bf b reads orf,n>.aryrca'l"arc>.ncrros


= =


,tva,. A= l,rf,n'>..n,lva,




L *'H af Mtµ.IJ,,s·d'll'c T~ auap,-a~rijS'1~ *•AycSpaow{J~-Sllair · 11 8, -~T, 'll'WAOVITW , CKOOW NI' VEGVC11P y&p, f/,rJIT(u awou.· A1111 in, c





fJ-df. A,

81 ,rpla-

2. Kal II lnrlcrri&>..euwuoiJxov 0'6a,/U• 8, Tots 'I1Fp.arJAfra,s alTovlTa · · 7• *11:aAllTaS fJ.f ds l>ia'll'pa!Tw ouu o «lpx,µayi,pos TOVS''IIT8• (TQL p.f 4 clUfX0PrJITfV 'll'fLpa!TaS' µ.ariAfrasflTi, fJ.fds '11'palT,v awoi1s, Ka,l>rJAOt Tjj l>fCT'trOlvn3. rKal I.I.~8iA~ITQS' clvfX0PrJawov, ()T& 'll'OAA~; TLfJ.~U al- (TfVl 9, * 'O wuovxos r'll'Hpa10 *TjiailTTOVITW TOV'll'a,aos, 1T8dsawOiv1 1>riAot 11 'll'Olvp 1$n 'll'OAA~V alrov1T4 1'.'P.~vrTov 'll'a,Ms1•

2. Ev8lws af cl'll'lCTTfif wuovxov iv Tots 'I1Tµ.av..frms,alTOVITOp.HlS'l>La'll'palTW, 3.'0l>f WVOVXOS' * I.I.~8iA~ITaS' «lyopa-



Rad l,rpdS,,r. b ,jyopaO'S,,, cl '1rp&S,,.A•h ~paO'at rovrop,Ah .jyopda-a..-, ..-., Ab... ,, 9yopdcrapu,..-. The chief variations seem t.o have arisen within oc,{J. 39 A. c rends 11u,i11or A0Hri11 Aiiva, ,ipiir Ix"• Here .Aoim»•may be corrupt forAoi,rov. aef, 81 read IIUEiPOrd,ro}uivn,jpiir. lxlg «d«,ivor ( + mii..-aQICOUO'G~ 1v611111r cl)dff'IAVO'fP ri11iir. A. mi cS,UT'o{JoXor Dff'IAV!TEP ( + ,ipiir A•bh). XVI. 1 c. From this point onward I,, is 'wanting. aef read ,a;,>.11110'1 ~~ (+,; M. /) "¥ Mpl avnjr. b, A, S1 ,j a,M. l8qA1111v, (A d,riO'T't~•) .,.,, a.a~. d lat,A.-.,ina.av..-,ji,j '}'Vll'9awoii. g «al lbqA1111v, -riid, aliTijr,j M. 1 c. {3-clf, A, S1 read as in margin. / reads ,rpwva, ,u. cl l«D'plovaw&v. But peculiar and for dydpavov • • • almlP reads Airyovcni·· 'E1ma,} d11ov1111 Sr:, tre11Aoiiv,_ aVT~•lllll'plovaln-611. 8 6, 8 1 read Zcp.,. ' It will be observed that o, bg represent only the eunuch as in treaty for the purchase ·or Joseph, whereas in aef, A, S1, and also cl (see note 9) first Potiphar acts and next the eunuch. The· loss in c, bg could have arisen through l1mt., but probably the words referring to Potiphar are an intrasion (s~e note 8).. The fact that this addition is implied by cl is discounted when we consider that ,J is frequently conflate. I {J-d, S1. cl reads ml A IClll lttpw .(AIt /l.Spe11trOI' ). .• ,J adds «al ;Jyay,v aliTovr. 'fJ-lxl,S1• lid,A read «al (b om.) yn,.,.d ,,., (b om.) ( +d1!'' avr"'" A) .Zr 8&citrpalT&P (b fl"pa0'&11). •aif, A, S1 (save that A read lp.,ropovrfor ·r,,.,,.. and Au•edir add .i,,•al1"6lPafter ;;.,.,,). c, lxlg om. and probably rightly as this clause conflicts with the words before and after. •abef,.S 1 (save that b adds n,ijva, p,.,.. GVT'QIP aftel' 8,A,jO'as).g, A om. d has a very p• ••• ,ra,Ms it reads peculiar text but gh·es excellent sense : for alToiiO'a

.,s,Cllf. .


11111 17niTd"' ,lr 811ifl'pav&11 ,rap' GV'l"QlllcSllr11TrcJ,plc·. fitrdllTff ,roll,j11..-qv .,.,,.,;. l&OV,,ral p,}8,Aqa-aranl11tt&A.fP ,jpiis, cSa.•tiPOi:xor ,rop,vS,lr ,a;,AoilTf Tfj.a,v,rol"!'I atiroii~am. 10abe/, S1 (save that b, S1 add U after cSand ~ reads atirois).




g reads 11:al ,r11pau6il,GWl»P& di,. a,,>.oi. A~ ital /817~.11orrt c5dr,. With A aef make c5d,i,oiixosthe subject of the preceding compare d,_( see note and a./ accordingly add a; after 8'1>.oi, n g reads a~•· verb a!1f1;,c@p1J"" 1~ d, reads 1eal~,').).fl. 11 c. $ 1 om. together with next three words. 11 S1= 81a1eoulas. (3-d, read lnpo11 d, ~,pov ,l,,,, "A= ,; Bi >.~c. 18 c. fJ,A, St read as in margin. 1T c, be, S1• fJ--(,e,A read as in margin. 18 c, a.. befg read wpdq•x•• d, 8/is awoir. S1 =. wporrix«'•. d om. next three 11 19c, a.1g, A.•!,S1 read ct,,lrrarr8a,.·A. ••1rr (/,,'iua,. IOd words. reads p.&POS': n·c. fJ reads ,rp&d,ui,or, ·119{:J-b. c, b, & read dydy,,..-. 113"· d, reads poc 11:al, fJ-.a{J~,d ,.l, XPiiutoi,IIGt'f8l0>ffP '11'4f ul dy8017110Jlt'G xp11ulvov,8oi'lc al,t'oWam lp.ov,ICCU ).a{30p p• ,rap' awoi, lA8ovro,p '1/£1»" dr ol,copll(Gfflll ,fmp,)/(1/IQ&, ,cal ,l8chc la-&6>,rljU« _t,,api} ICQt'QIO'~l/1,) t'O_i'lr O'llv8ov>.011c pm,, 1'11"' pi}v aucwlJu d ,l,i,oiixoc. u "• /J-be, S1• b re!!,ds at&,. s 8l8c.,u,. 111Si"om. A adds dvr' lpoii. A Z8c.,1:r, "a, fJ .(fl,6greading tr'). 117a, g. {J-eg read xpwiP011c. 6 XPwlow. A lf171ewra. $1 diet'@, dvr' //J-Oi,d d,i,oiixor. ll8a. (3-d,, $1 read a& g xp11uuovc(sic). A.11adds ,.,µ,}11 in _margin (save that b reads rltr4111,fl adds 1ealbefore l1ear6•,while after 8,800-Sa,be add dvr' lpoii. S1 dvr' awoii, g 'lAafJI,,µ,). Ford, see note.23. A= 1102,ltrfll &r, &"/8oq1eolll"CI xpvrroii,18c.,,cf al,roii. .Ka{, Perhaps 19 b reads za..:,,,, (i.e. Gl1ff>.cl,9,ro) is corrupt for JJ'M dvrl, A adds 80 A. adds mp, awoii. 81 c. a.ef,A, $1 read 88 t'Gvn.i. bej add ¥, in margin. b rraa8fi, dg 11:ara,crxvv,,, 'and put last two words in acc. 'r0~$' el,11, U A.11 awJs. A,ab11>tccllir om.














1 c,/, A. fJ-/,S1 om. XVII. 1 c, .A, fJ,S1om. g om. dpan ••• Jl,.OV, • c. fJ reads as in margin.· ' c, /1--b.b reads pa,cpo6wµla&r, • d, reads 8ui"lfTf ,qn,,rr0>vrtr {sic)d>.>.,i>.ovr. For J).).,;).Cl)p81 reads T"QI}!PEO>II, 8 !', bd,g,





8 /3,S1 • C reads lUarrooµaTa (sic) 'A= reup,or. A,8 1• aef om.. real dµ.a11ot9. Here ,>..arrwµan may .,';0 corrupt for i\?IJ iia,>...~>..ovr corruption. The idea required here ·is not expressed by dya8011which may be ·a corruption of aya'"lv, and M:li"IN ( dya1r1Jv)may be corrupt for 18 o. {J-d, S read ,cal Sn. Jn. d J,-av 0011, A M\MN J.a,>...>.&. {3, S read J.>.Aci 19 /3,S. o reads o{Jra'ir, A(•?) µov la.11t•vlllr n b add lllatidreovovu,iii dll,>..cpol µav. Ahb*cdg add a,couovu,, lllav, ,cal (Ah AaA6'lyC:,•drrall,llaiiu,,lr rrpO.Mrcal(A'a:om.). 22 c. a reads ~81>.,,uav. ~. 81 µav. T"OV 1TaTpor ,jµcl',v!J. A •b*cd lrel>..,vuav, The d µa, ,ropm••AEII I, rrar~p µav. A read ...a.(ovE{'f *,J.'011 a&fa.t,

r::alg). IJµ71vlv o.wois r~•f.l

421• C:.s EfS'T&iv{OT(J)J/

XV I I I. r'Eai,11 0~11 ,cai~µE1s2 1ropEV8.qTt lv Ta,s3 lVTo>.a,s 5 4 , {;t"a-n A11&s KupCou d 8Eas8 rlv .lya8o,s1 Els al&ivaS'. 7 ,ca,c01ro,ia-a,iip.o.s, ~/.'EIS' tjj · aw&v. 2. * Uv T£S' Bb,E, 1 8-aeSlK .~.v, ay118oepyec, &xEITBE ii1r°Epawov, «ai .l'Jl'O'll'IIJ/1"0S' ,ca,coil vp,o • 9 Kvp{ov1• .,.,_ >.wpw8-qa-E1T8E ii'Jl'o 3.. 'Iaov10 ryap111 dpo.TE./fr, ~/, s1ram~JI *TC11rEC1'61cnl' iu1l 'ffll' f'IIICpoeu,,.Ccw f'OU 8uyaTif'll, l,pa,_ · * leplws ~AlomAews13 lA.a./3011 lµaw,;,_14 Els yvva,Ka15, ,cal l.,,,-av8a , *XPVCTlOV , yt:uOJITO. ~L!> { .- 16 * , , A'lT *KIil', 1, ,cal IKa.ToV TaA4JIT4 µo, ~JI 411T?J , 21 18 19 .~A°f"i: K~p,os µov awovsllO KIITE6wiwa-EJi• . 4. *Ka{ye CTflVp,a$, & _____ _ lief, S1 S:>..,}



fJdya801ro,tt,. (dg ,cvplov)f'OV,

fj-a, S1 µa,cpotJvf'ta,, ,col. fj-ae, A, S 1 &T,.



A, S1 1evpio1111

Mg (omitting the ii:ai)·add after datJlwu!p.ov. U S1 rdcror. II Cl om, rest of chapter. "c, ef (eave that e/ oin. 1eat). S corrupt. bdg,A read as in margin (eave that A trs. before 1eal ,ra11 &>.'Y'/f'O,See note 34)• • c, dg. bef,S1 read as in margin. _A-b ,Ja ;,, 9f&A>P ,rd,,n,i, 9 fJov>..;,. 81 bdef.c reads awo•. g lavrcl,,. Ah om. toe. Me/read aoEa,,,u,11 • .g Mia•. "d reads ,cal. •1 c, b. fk/g read l>..ax1rrrorlpot•. XVIII. 1A om. and for 0~11 • •• ,cvplovread ,ca2{A.bbom.) ""'" lW11r,}11 .I e/ om. • 13-ae,A, S1 IM"qllci8ol',roj,.!IBijr,. I e, S1 add T'flUHJ f'OV. 1 add -tloo f'OV against. c, a. IC reads ~f'«f• bdeg,8 add lnavBa (S1 om.) ,cal ,li>..~cm lif'«r ( bg, 81 om.) omitted by c,a/ through hmt. A. attests the A•bbread ,ca2d 8,1,, originality of this clause. Thus for l,,/f&,un ••• al.ii11ar &Eau£& l,f'Gr(A·= CT£t}«al l,,/f&,af& l,µar (Allbom.) c'lVOI.Here Arm. Text wrongly represents Ab as twice reading err. Possibly it is wrong also as to -A•. Al>$cdfg Br, ,cn2(Ara om. 8T&,c.)·1crpaq>. Ja8cH 8oEacrnl>pa, ,cal {,,/,&icrn,lr al.ii11ar. • c, A•hh. For A1>•cdtr see preceding note. fJ,S1 om. Tc. k, s read Mu (/ 8,?m) rcr. g 8ra118,>..~crn, 8 c. fJreads as in margin. • c, ~ reads a,ci.-For Avrpot8qcr,crtJ, l,,rl, ,cvpiovS reads 10 a om. verses 3, 4. >..wp&icrn d ,c, ( + l,f&Gr S1). u g, A om. . u c. fJ,81 read as in margin (eave that d.adds f'OVbefore tat). 13c, So J ub. xl. 10. fl-a, A, S1 read as in margin (eave that g om. f'OV), He, A. fJ,-a, S1 om. 18 c, d,efg(save that dreads a:aotltf ~S 1 add Jnct,911. and eg &!Bonn). b, S1 read ,_ ](PllcrlOV 8l8ora1. A XPVCTiov ;a-h f'O'• 17A places after xpvcrlo11.j om. rest of verse. JS c. fJ-ae,A, 81 read &r,. 8 om. •19 "· g. 1 fl-ag,.A, S read f'OI, IIO8 reads awoi,. . 11c, b reads l8011>..11111f,







XIX. 5]



112 wpa.tOT'7/T'O. ,ca.1 l&»,ci83 µ.o, 6-up wpa.lovs 'Ia·pa.ijA, rKa.l1 fl-a, A, r l S1 ilir 211 bJ avv&µ,n. Ka.l lit,vAa.[iH P,E. lrus Y71povs lv IC4AAft·hlor 26 lv 'll'liO't * Ka.2.yap 6µ.o,os-ljµ,71v riji27 'la.IC~~imlp. c~~. S1 · A XIX• _'AICOVO'O.T'E lJl1, XI *'AICOVO'O.T'E .ovv9 10 .. T'flCVQ. µ.ov, ,ca.,*1repl '" totsu T'Olu6m,wv & Elao11 2. fl-b & 8• 011 1i 9n •. l11u,n,(11111 2. A~aua. 8 A~af/Ca lAliit,ovs i~pru11 ra. 4 * lv T'O~'f' 6 ·111lp.o11T'O,o,bllµ,0111'0 Ka.l111l[ a.w&i11 l11via fllllln'&OII, 8 a,EO''ll'4P7/0'0.V ,cal ol l1111ia. a,EO"ll'4P7/0'aJ1• ol aE"T'pE'i:S lo-~* ds 'll';v yij117• dµ.oCcus (0111'018, ,ca.lTp ~µlp9 •.,.filffjs Kill a.wol a,E0''11'4p710-av. aE"8 ,ca.,ol rpf'i:s. A (only for verses 3-7) 3. Ka.l l~pruv 6r, rpEts14,o,T'pE'i:sclµ,11olly(11011T'o ,ca.l l~07/0'0.V 'll'pOS Kvp,ov ,ca.l l"7ya.yE a.lh-ovsKvp,oslli Els r&'ll'Ov 18 a.wovs l,c O'ICOT'Ot/S f1J8a.Aij ,ca.,lvvapov, Ka.l-ljya.yE Els t/J&is. 4. Ka.llu'i: l~o71tra.v 'll'posKvp,ov µlXP, ov o-v1111xth]tra.11 *'ll'pos a.wovs17 ol,o, ,cal fy{voJIT'Oa.~rol ws a~aE/Ca 1 'll'pO~O.T'O., Ka.l 1,'ET' dAlyov XPOVOV 7/~[4110111'0 ,ca.2 fywovro 'll'OAA4. 'll'Olp,11ia. 5. Ka.218 µ,ua ra.&ra l@pru11*,cal zaov15 ~@aEICO. ~&ES


12 c. /3-a read 1t.aly,. A gives a peculiar text of ver. 4 .: g l&rtiAo,u•. • Kal 911( +.AuaidlJ')'11"'1 p.ouAb} &paiosMS 11,,IJos «al ( +;.,;,, 911.A 11 ) &paiosw~p (+rrallTQfA"jl1t.A11CTtWS 'Iupaf>..( + 1t.alu&,q,po,11 «al 'l'arrr&I/Os A11 Atul «al ) f11r«p '10118a +wip Ab) N,q,tJaA,l/£'lq,vAaEl1£f,,, «aU.f&(for lcf,••• • 11:GAAn Ab ~ • O"JpGIOf • • .!qll A., 011'1'01 • '} 1 .,.., "- 01£010S • .! ' ' fll ' ',rau, • • 'I Gll:61 'fl ( + 'l'ljl • tra'l'p& ' rea ds lrl\fOII .,,, fjlO"J 'l'ljl 13 d reads lUao,1t.,, p.ouAb). "c. /3-a read &tcf,11AaE,. u c,.ef. bdg read _,;,po,r. 19 c, (!l-ag read 8'1',,.,~ (d om.) 8/£0,os. For g see next note. 11dg read 'l'oii,· For ,calji.:>..011 a&ovr. ly,vwro. u. 117 This pasmge has been generally rejected as a Christian interpolation •. But if we excise it wholly, the unity of the context is destroyed.· It seems undeniable that the same leader is referred to in ver. 7 and subsequently in ver. 9. In the former verse as a p.ouxor he goes to the aid of the fJo•r·:in the lutter (see A) the fJo•rand others rejoice in his triumphant Qverthrow of their enemies. In the latter half of ver. 8 this leader is referred to as dpvos~ If then the translator has rightly rendered his original, the symbolic designation of this leader is changed: from being a p.&.,xos he becomes an ap.vrls. A similar transformation has already been twice mentioned in verses 3 'lllacpo,••• dp.vol lylvovTo, 4 l11ffa Zllacf,o,••• Jyi11ovrowr rrpo~ara. Hence this third transformation ca.11Ses no difficulty. But some record of this transformation must have appeared. Hence the beginning of ver. 8 must have recounted this transformation of a p.ouxos into an ap.oor,and not the birth of a virgin of the tribe of Judah and her bearing of a blameless dp.vor. Even the textnal evidence points to this conclusion. A comparison of c, fJ with A leads to the excision of l1HKH iill:Hcf>



4 s- Til 0-,, a~ov .A.l,,iv·icaf'11'4VTa Ta.. w&.v,-ci pla ..·,cal ,jj,&.vra 80 *KaT'avroiJ 81 6qpla fZpp.ro11 Ta lp,rmi 44 , ,callvlKrJO"fV avra ,cal lv{ICflCJW awa 6 a.µv&s, 6 clµ.vos,,cal a,i,C.SAfO"fV aw&.. ,calcl'll'c.'>AfO"fV *a~Tads KaTa- 9. Kal lxa,pov a,•awov ol 32• '11'0.TT/P,a 9. Kal lxa,pov f3on *,cal ~ a&.µ.aA.,s [ ,cal ol 15 ~y&.MovTo . l'll''awie33 ol *.tyyfAOI,cal ol lA.acf>o,] &p.a. fJ,fT' 84 ,cal '11'iio-a 85 ~ yij. t&v6po>'ll'OI IO, TaiJTa aE48 a~TCllV, IO. TaiJTaaE88 }'f1J110"Ua, lv af,ylvfo-Ba, lv ,ca,p;; a~TCllV, ,caipie aw&iv81 lv lo-x&.Tat5' I I. Kal 1iJJ,ft5',Ti,cva µov, I I. "rfJ,ft5'ovv, T&p.710-aTe ~µlpa,s. TOV Afvl ,cal TOV Tas lv- 'Iovaav lfr, l[ aw&ivclvaTeA.e, Ti,cva µov, TOAaS'Kvpl~v. ,cal np./iu 88 ~ 47 O"o»TrJpla TOV "lupa71A.. f3,s1 TOV *AH\ ,cu\ TOI' 'lo.S&uv89. 'Iou&i11 40 aw&iv clT& *lie TOUcnrlpp,uTOI «al T. A,111 lh-, • ' ~ vµw • ~ 41 ['.o aµvos , \ Tov ~ avaTfAEl lf. 0fov, auip1111' flt"41'CIPT£u11 TOU f3,S' 411 , o-c.'>(rov ,c6c,l'ou] . ['7T411Ta Ta ](4p&T&,


· The evidencepoints to the former alternative. Finally the addition lxova-a 11To>.,j11 f311a-a-i"'lli would naturally be made when once ,raplx11orappeared in the text. The original therefore of the first half of ver. 8 would be fairly p.oa-xorlyE11~tJ,,cl,a116r. represented by «al El8011lh-, l11p.lar, Ta111 ,c,paT&JII Thie lamb, whose victories are recounted in the close of the verse, appears to have been a Maccabe~, i. e, a descendant of Levi. On liie right fights Judah (>.l&J11).For according to the true text Judah ie subordinate to Levi. Seever. 6. The above reasoning as to the interpolations holds 18 c. good even if verses 'l, 8, and 9 refer to different leaders. 1 19 fj-d,, S read Kai, d om. See note 2 7. For KEP4T&JII i. e. l111_flrr.w9'b (so Aber,)A•b•cdaccording to _printed Arm. Text give lr'Lflrl'n'-wo'll 81 g reads ain-~. l>..&cf,~11. 80 a. c reads ;;p,..01111. fJ-a l>p,ao1111, .· 81c. afl,g, S1 read alrra (d il,ra11Ta) Elr ICUTQfTaTqa-,11. be/, S1 dr ICUTU7T4T'JfTIII, asf reads ain-611. 8' g reads tJ.116. ,cal ol clyy. The text is obviously secondary. 811 18 d adds T.1i. 41 Christian interpolations. For 6 a'tp&J11 T, o.,a,T. ,c,S,,-1'011 which a read, f3,S read xap,T1. '8 Abhorr; A lb$,;4 om'. ff For ,cal frllllTCI Ta lp,rml ( un'f!!L.'lq!) we should 48 At,*°d•, A 11, read_,call,cyo11a read dr 1tarnrr&TrJp.a='[,· ~n{undli,.. Tc»II Tp,11111 h,acf,&JII, Ah avo TIIIIITPllllll/Mcf,&Jv, I have bracketed the icalol V..~cf,o, as an interpolation; for the f3ofralready symbolize the Twelve Tribes. "A• 11 ••~add ,raJ1Ta against At,h'"· · 47 Ah. A•U•dh•llr om. H See note 42.









66 1811"11ta2]48 .,-clu 'lcrpa~>... I 2. 'H yap lµ.~ f3acrt.>..E{a., .12. .H y..Ela AErra,, &ISd1rCJJpo4>v>..&1t,0115B fJ, s,1 cw &63 µ.ua. T"o8lpos lta.+avC-






XX~ Olaa ryiip11 Sn µ.ua *Niv .,-E.\.wnfvp.ov8 .ol


8 v,..as4, Aty6w,o, 8>..Cv,ov,rw d 0Eos5 1ro,~fTON/11 8 T"ciiu 8 «al l'll'afn 'I 'Vl,UlS l«6{1t71cr,v vµwv Els *.,-as l'Jl'0.7YE>..Cas 10 O'Vlla110(1TETE 11 .,-aOCTTci 9• fl, 'lrO.Tlpoov vµ.ciiv 2. *'YjilLS8« A•hb• 12 16 r&lv OfTT"lCJJv 18, r;;.,.,, d.11ayoµ.l11CJJ11 •ui 15, eds s• µ.ov p.E8' vµ.ciiv 16, «al ,P" BEAla.p*lv fTKOT"E& dl'Ao. Kvp,os lv c/)CJJr2 ,,,..,.a.,µ.E8''vµ&iv .u,s. lcrr_a,18 µ.era..,-&,11 1• Al)'V'll'T"fuiv p.ov.

c, A /3, s1 N/V µ.17Tlpa 3. * 'Aa-vvM 6~19 N/11p.71Tlpa 3. *Kalt ZE>..4'«11

vµ.G,v &yayETE llO [ 'll'apijr ( + "'°" A'") ml lyyvr njr P.'lf'EpGf6m aG1"011 (A.. GWOllf). Aabb

Possibly'E'LfUIUl' (da.>,611) is corrupt for ~uw'bl;(,1.raup= 'AtTa,,i8 /Rlf'lpa. · The reading of d (see note 23) favours this conjecture. IOo, A=

·1. 1]



27 -,KT((11as 28 ·-.,.~.S' '1l'Ollas 4• Kal 26 *ravra "El?r~11 . a~Tov2' 31 awov 'll'liS'fJ,s *l,co,µ.~fhia-. 1tC1>.fti30• 5. Kal l'lffllfhicm,

'Itrpa~>.«al 'lflitraAf)IV'lfT"OS' '11'E116os µ.lya,

3'r11011 alc'-111011 •

. /3,s1


6. rKal

82 .,.o,s AZ)IVb, Tfilfollci> Till vl&,11 6. rKal yiip 1TV11 'Itrpa~A if Aly6'11"1"0V ITVl/11'lfT"fots* clis JJ,EAOS' l,raaxi 33, yayov .,.adtTT"ti 'lru11174>, ,cal * ,cal ~ipyl.,.n" iv 36 ,rav.,.2 l8a,,,av awov b, Xi{3p~vµ.n-ii lpyci>*«al {3ov>.fi«al 7rp&861, .,.;;;.,, '11'aTlpw11 awov• lylvoVT"o yµ.a.,.,'11'ap&ITT"aµ.&os 1l£.,.alrq rijs (ruijs a,TOvlrq l«aTOVlll«a1 •

tua.8111C'T/ Bww.p,~v



viov 'Ia.,c~~


~Pa.X"1JA 1. 1 *T"OLS' I. 'AVT"lypa¢ovMyruv2 Biv,aµ.~v3, cZv4 a,l6f'1"o 9, vlo,s O awoii '· (~traS'B * lrq lKaTOV dKOIT&fl'EIIT'( 11 Bracketed as a gloss from the LXX of Gen. xlviii. 'I• ciia-y&')fff, 190. A•b.= e,naln-611 . A omits. (A· aln-o6r). Ab*ods= 8fr, and trQ. Bi ,cal'Auwh n}11 µ. 11µ&11 ital before tr>..,,ulo11, ts bej,&. cl reads , ag om. entire verse. Thus d supports c. 111 in cl reads 'Pax,q>... 11cl om. Ab = I'"'" ..awa. A&hh•da om. d adds 118A•b•= IE'ucn ,, Ab adds '141>,njq> ,call11mA&µm,r roif 11loualn-oii. 'Icomjq,which according to printed text Ab*edadd.after aln-oii, •~• 4, s. o, d, AS·om. A•bhb•• 80 e. 1°$m,''«a>..'1 n.:m, m,~l corrupt f~r . MlU:~M!l•b'l 111-/4~,,ca).¥,Cf. T. Zeb. x. 6, T. Iss. vii. 9, 'I'. Asslier. viii. ll. {J, S1read /,r.01µq6r, ( + '7,rlpq"TJ d) i$m.011 alc'-11,011, A =hrl8a11r( +.IKaTli11 Ital Bl,r.a1..&11 Ab*04). Here im,·011 alc'-11,011 = o,;ym•tci which may likewise 11 e reads be a corruption of the Hebrew phrase al~eady indicated. 82 1 18 ln~Br,ua11. ' aef. breads ,,. dg,S om. aef. bg read ilir lltloir µr'>..m (g flt,a µA'}} (TIIWtraUX•• d rTllllf'INJrT](.• Iv ff'4"1/,j C..f, 1rap1,rra.p.r110t, d adds "¥B. 8r'1~µ&11;J, S1 '141>,njq> 11lor 'Ja,r.•fJca' ~le\,(+,cal S1) •p~x,jX,/ (+«al S1) rc,,urff'} pi. g TlAos&aS,jK'}t'141la-qef, • . I. 1 Title. c in text; {:J-d.g, S read It; Br11111p.111 (e -,111,J ~11)( + ,{! b) trEpl b1a110lar (ef lllllOlas},caSapar ( +B111&ap.,j11 lpµ'}llrtff'a&Tflf.llOII dBw,,sf). g a. B. npl roii aya,riill Tli11trX'}ulo11· >..&yos a{!, d (conflate) a. B. 11loii 'I, a{! vloii 'PciX')>.. {! npl lt,CIIIOlas u8apiis. A.abheda' a.B. ,{!. Ab. a.B. vloii'Ia,rQfl 'Iupaq~• .•o, {J-d, 81• cl, A:::: BiaS,jqr( +My41>11A~*). •c, df. abg read -l11. e -,;,,, 'd reads trrpl &11. g 8s. I {J, A•, S1• Creads 18,ro (a mere error). 11=l&;,,iuaTo (but Ab11_ 11/,.,.,,1/;.,9 is a corruption of·A•) •. Ab••d•rs ,A.b









,').c!>.qa-f, • g reads 1"01/S vlovs. 'd adds ;.,,la-xha,s ,jp.lpa&s,awoii.A ,.,, 9c,J, 8d om. Ab= ,,,,O'Eo Tl!T"apt"'f> fm (Ab*,jp.l~) riir du81'IIElas awoii. Ab••4•rr, aeg read ;T'/ p,c,', b l. l1CaTli-,, ,i'icoa-1.d 111 -r,jipd fn, ri;r C01ijr abroii, 10 c. ~.ti, 118c. /3,S1 read as in margin (eave that d reads ~p.lpar/1). 11 c. fJreads 98 c: 13, II /3, A, S1. C om. S1 read cl ffaTIJP,jp.ii,11(g p.ov) as in margin. 118c, ~. ti,&,ra. "c. fJ reads 0 Pax,j>.as generally. S1 (eave that ~ read d,r' awijr, .a TE1CEi11,S1 lxn11for za,w, 6 d)(fTCU, and g trs. illE&JI before Ma vlov,). d reads 88w.«iii ql1Ean,r,a aiiri;r avavlovs.. n a om. S1 reads "/f,.."' l«>... 80 c, d (save that dreads 1hr,(sic} for&). fj..d_, A, S1 read vlos~I'- (Ab* a,E&iir, A-b• om.} 8 (eBr,g, A roiiT')lO'TIII Bt"'llf&ill (e -fi•,/ -,j11).







II. 3]



2. /j;d,A,$ 1 U; ·"OTi:-·*s~·ljA9ov"els· A!yvirrov- t,..~ •11111n1+·1,-K11t 4 µ.or . TC6 e?1rav 6 Tiji :z~Moa, lyvwp1alv8 · p.e 6 &SeA+@s ~out, >..lyfL 8; 'iro.Tp(µ.ov /Jn 7 *µ,i l1r~>..71uo.v 2, Ko.l il1rov ro.~Tiji~ d~ ~rl'•, /Sn lcpvpo.v9 TOVXLT61VO.ITOVo.fµ.o.n1~ ,cal * 1rlµ,'l/ro.vT(S' o.&ov «al :'}'l'Ql• 111 fl 13 cP' xmtv TOV il1rov11' 'E1r{yuC1J81 ITOViOTlu1§


owos-. C

13,·s1 ,


~:;r;,d allf>..!fio~ ,..av.

df,A,.S 1

18• 3• *Ko.2>..lyi, µ.o, mroa, ol 3. Kal. >..lyi, µ.oi.· 3. Ka, *>..lynµ,o, 16• ,cal N o.( 19 , ~..aae>..cp Na(, dlli>,qiol l,• 'I Cllu~ cp' Nat, aai>..cpl 111• lKA('/rav 1-'0II, IJT( l7 lflavu&.v IJ,f * Kal yap IST(l>..o.- aae>..cpl TOV :xmiv&. µ.ov f3ovµ.i ol 'Ia-µ.0.71>..'iµ,£ .Xo.vava'io, lµ.a,aClllCO.V P,f TO°iS'To.1, its if o.~Twv ,ropo, f3(.80•)· /j-d, A, 81 read as in margin (eave _that b~ read d"fl'""P'af), Since most probably x. 1 originally e~oo4 1tallyi,c/,pnrlv,u· d d8f>._cpor before ii. 11 we should perhaps emend 'll'por'Ioorn,!fi, 1'011, >.lyt,l'o, into lyi,c/,p,aa'lr.>!NJif, ,-o,,dl3r>.cpov l'ov· 1tal>..1-y,, p.o,, and the ~ext of /j-d, A, S1 similarly. Benjamin recognizes Joseph as he had already seen him in a vision (x. 1). Benjamin was only six when ·Joseph, :was sold by his brethren (Jub. xxxii, 33; xiii. 20). A later account in the Book of Jashar (Diet. dss·.A.pocr., II. 1212 1states that Benjamin was 9 g · om, the -first to recognize Joseph by means of ·an astrolabe. 8 be read di,,y,,c/,p,u""• For lyi,c/,p,ura, • , • 'Aryn ,_.o, .d reads di,oyPr.>piua~ 1-'i llt'>.avuE 'll'ucpo>r 1tal 1ta>..luar I"' 1tar'la/ai, l!fiq p.o,, After i-yi,c/,p,ui11 I'' fJ-d,J\, S1 add 'Ioorn,cp, & eg,Aabb•od read ira, >.lyt,'. Ofg ~ead 8-r,. . 8~.ef.. o.bdgread Elrro11.dg, A, S1 add ol aa,>.qiol/'OIi (81 om:) ( + 'll'rp1 •1'011A:..~ (+r~ 'l1J1Cm/jAabh). 7 c,,A; bfg read 8-n. ·· 8 c'../j, 81 read lrrc/,>.71aaa,_ 10 A'*4 om. 11 · "'' A = d'tl'r.>Ml''l"• ' e, .bd. aefg l'ead lq,vpoi,. 8 1• fJ-d read rrlp.+,u,rrr •lrro••. cl d,rlunu..av alm\i, 'll'por'Ia1t@/j'Afyoll1"rr.A·= drrlu,-r&, 'll'pOr awoa, (A b•cd•ftr '"'" 'tl'a1"Epa +~p.&,vAb•) ,ca1->.lyo111T& (Ab•ccl _tl'll'oi, ). 11Aabb (Ah om.) l'll'l-yPr.>6&.11/ om. For d • . • owor A b•cdg read }(ITQIJ/0 &rovlUf"lowor •. Aab BT-ou. llT1'ld XlT6>11oliror. Hdegom. 10 bg om. 11 e adds p.ov, 18 d reads El'II'« 17 c adds /U• p.01 'I0>rn,c/>, 19 d adds ·&,,.,.r.>r. io fJ-d,S1 (eave that g reads ,r,,..;,, 1'01 and a !fipayy. and S1 om• ...,. '\ ., ,._,;i • • • 'A.. --~ ~ 'I • •~ • .! __ .,, •ur.>ICf • • , ltO&,. .. ri:u.ue1tayoorrropru.,,,.,pllTIIIro,11 U/', ur • 1, awoov cmvvvaa~ /U ,.;,,, X&TQIJICI &,,lcpopova, zaooire 1'01 rrrpi(:oop.a ,calif,pa-y.rl'll't!TfJEX.fl", A= ZK>.t,j,d.,, l'f ol Xai,aJIQ&O& z,,.,,..0~01 /31.v.,Thie clause corresponds to the first W {:J-d,S1~






[II. 4


/3,St A C 4. Efs aelEa&&iv 4. 'Ev aeTip w&.-·4. Kal fyivrro lv p&.{3a'(I. µ,acrrC(CllV yEw21 ,cfMl,a&*Ta Tei ,mo.yE&V a.WOVS, µ,ov28, tnr- (+,ca( Abefg) l,cpvawip ·lµ,o.T&ov 24 aliTtj,. vov TOlp.ciT&OV AJv,cal clvEiAEV ~ VT7/O'EV µov, 28 25 ,cal ®EiAEV [ fl]clffll11T1/"itµo, aiiTov. 5. Kal >..ICllv 29 5.• Kal B.,,plov,cal clvEiAE• ol µ,&oxo, a.lirov. oih-Cllsol p,1,-;,xo,28 5. Ka.l oih-Clls so ol alirov q,o/3716ivrEs iv t clviuE& µ,E,caTi- q,o/3716lvru a,a.-µ,boxo, alirovl1TQ1TCll>..ovut fl,E TO£S A7/0'0.V l'f TO£S'Iu..ifa,TE ,ca6wsl£r,r71a&.µ71v 88 To&a.ilrcu 87 ,cal µ,~ lA.8CllCTW ol >..&yo, *ylvrovra, lv ~J.&£V owo, Els ,cap6lav~v ffllTp&sµ,ov. 1 Kvp,ov III. *Nvvovv, Ti«va p.ov, ,cal ~µi,s r4')'0.ffljO'aTE 9 8 rov E>fovrov olipavov*,cal rijs yijs , ,ca.1 q,v>..&.(aTE' awov ,. * µ,,µ,OVµEVO& TOV a1a.6ov ,cal 6uwv twapa 1

r,1'°1111'1>, 5.

11A_11•..E71'n>..lynal,.,.re·&AA'6µ.CllS avios 116 11 1 2 8 dp8&is , 3. 4lof3lw-8f 471'7Jpvlfro, *«a2ToT~ x(JArni3s K-6pwv«al aya71'a7"( 'TOV71'A7J· 6p11:o,s 'TOV'Icrpa~>.. l1r((cr87J2'1,~. s•, . .. EE,lt-rqcrlov18 • ,cal lav '1"471'VW~Ta O'Clll'T'OC. ds 71'acrav71'0V7J· /3,s1 ro~ B~>..Cap «arap(av 8>..C,J,ECllS lK~-cn ~'

vp,o. s, cwµ.~ * 'icciTaKUpuua_,, lip.&1 ..111,


o~E 18 'ICllCTJ/,P ·

*rov «3EA(/,dv1'1 JA,OV, 4• J;locro,lB T&iVav8p@71'CllV *~8«A.ov 19, «a2cSE>Eos a.ha, 4VEA.t.iv lcr«E• 7J'(l(ffV cwr&v IIO; ci)'4p ,po/30-6/J,fVOS 'TOV0fOV «a2 aya71'&iV

rov 1rA.11alo11 Ill V71'0 *TOU,r,eu22 fl11T09 Toil BEAlapu63-6vaTa6 23 V71'0 71'A7Jyfjva,, O'IC(71'a(oJA,fVOs 'TOV.l,/,11C11r lEa,rqtrCllvra, !,::,:iCM ,1::1p:1~ np,1m11i where I take MP,lm -to be corrupt for Mp,ltM). C::>~l::l!)l Hence for Q>..£,tr....,, read nii tl>./fJ1111.. 111c•. fl, 8 1 read allin margin {save that fj-4/ read «aN«VfJUV"TJ and d, reads rriiua11rroP1Jplai,). Ha. aeg read 11 d 11 o,ad6. bfg read m dMuf,oii. 41>r «al. bf, S @ro/iai. d lnnrrp. adds y&p.. 19c. fJ read ae in margin. 8 om. next five words. DOd adds lppwaTOaiwa, l« ,..,., ](flfJ6lP awcijp, l1 a. fl, 8 1 read 88 in margi~. 11 c,:fJ-a read as in margin (save that g reads lva•plov for a11plov).a om. For VlrOT"OV rrn6µaror , , , lrr4Jov>..ijr av6pa-CllP S1 read aiwa, 0~ cf,ol!J{iamn oUU,· ,%rr,prroXv 11.a«[ag aw,p fl'OIOVO'lP fP Tw,, 0~ Pl«qlTOVO'&,. ll3dg read a«nnSpaor. "c, adef. breads i,,r6. g IE, "Al>. A••adefs ,ral oi:nlr. A11om. "A ... Other llSS. om. 17Text reads ~111&.111u111l'li111L (= l«ot·11111a11 or ~llfVBcSio,cr,) which may be corrupt for ~111&.1111'&-111L br11l"°9.


= =


-~18 ~





·wo,-ijs KVp&EV6fjVO.& 28, /307180Vp.~VOS ,-oii * t tiiv 4,I ulffljs t 6,rA Tij1 Kvplov 119is 80 lxu ,rpos rov. clyofl'l'/S, d.yc£1n11


'ITAT/trlov, 13,:sBt-,.6. *Ko.2·yap81 *& 'Iwu~q, l8E~S,,rov· ,rarpos ~p.lJvas, rrva (bef, S1 'll'.POCTEVf71ra, *WEpr&ivd.Se~♦&i, a~rov881 rua p.~M >..oy(C1'7/TC1& ,fr,) 138• 1 awo,s 85*c1p,upTC11,, *rKup,osrgT, l,roC,.rrriv ffOl"IPAV ets om-o, l11161>p.;,88, lvl· 37• *:i re,cvclvXP7JCTTOV 8,,rra11 7. Kat * o~~s l/3&a 'Ia1e~/3 fl'Oll'IPc\" IC7J..71pwthjuua, t'll'2 8. IT>..11pC1>thjuua, 41 'll'pOtp"ITE(a 0Vp4VWS~ uov48 1rpoq,71rECa o~p&v,os

vlai11. 1


18bg read A•b•cd•Fgtrs. before &p,co,s,For 'Io-pmj>.. Ab reade 'Iax,;,fj, 19 c. fJ-dg, ,wpm18ij11a&. S read ae in margin. cl lnrc\Tijr ¥1n1s, g {m,c\ Toii Kvplov a,a njs clya1n7s.Here a ie difficult or most probably corrupt. The difficulty lies in Cij11cl,,,.' avrijr. Possibly Cij11might be taken with f3a116au,,..110s 8B expressing one idea ll~l, and cl,,,.'avrijr O'?t;>corrupt for 'l\"1N:l we\ Toii Kvplov 88 in g. cl om. this clauee, possibly because of its corruptness. g undoubtedly gives tl!e best n}11clyall'1/"• soa, f3-d,g. dg read sense, though we should expect 91A ijv. rr>..1111, 8t c. {3-b, S read l&fJS,,roii ll'GTf'°S ~µ&11 'I•uiicfl (S1 'Iax"f3). b reads lan,S,,11 TOiifl'aTpc\sqµ&11 'Ia1t@/J.A l&40,,{+'IOHhJcfl Ab) TOiifl'Grpds. IS c. /J-bread lnr«p(g fl'tpl) Tmllvlcii11 ( +awoii cl). b trfpl T&ill cla,>..4>.11 q,ui,11. For t,,arrpoo-evE, ••• abroii S1 read Xe,••, .J>"I',,,-;,,,.&rfpp.ov 85o, cl. {3-d, ~Iarc@f3, rrpdnvEa&w,pl ni»11 vlai•.uov ,-;; 8E~. u g om. st c. {3, & read as in margin (save Bread awois 6 ("8jg om.) Kupws. before ffl (as in a). fg read fr°"1/P4, and S1 l'ov). that g, 81 add dp,aflTUJII Abb•'- mwq11 n}11m1tla11. A•b•cd TOVTO) fir ICGICUW ( +fita p.r)cl8ul'ciiu,ol Ab), . "c, {3-d. d reads ital l>.eyo,•1: o~r•r. A = rein 'Iax~ cla,>..ct,ol ,r}..alo,.,, (Ab•cd•1-CKOUll)II, Ah om.) lf3&a.reall>..,yr11.S1 Kal O~ll)f a-ct,oap, cf,o,vfi 88 c, aef. b reads J, TIICIIO.,, 'I•ulii/,, ii, y>..vlClirGT011, 'Io,uiji/), JfJda'I. 61TI/CIIOII 'X.P'lfflll, g l, NICJ/011.'I, J, f'EICIIO'II'X.• A =n/Cl/011 l'ov, 'I,, ffltllOII p.GII (A'... om.'I. ,., ,,..), y>..v1ti}r fl'Ois, $1 ro>..~11. A•llb•c4but not A•fB 40A reads add """"- m«lai, Tel11 d&>..if,o,11 O'OV, at d reads'lwiAnvas. 111E1119'6 (= -yijpar}corrupt for nr>-.o:y)(_WJ. 41 d reads ,rapa}.a{J,!o11, a Ab$d om. "afg om. · 4' A= rplir through an , easy internal corruption. "c adds in margin rr•pl Xptl11'0ii. The ;Messianic interpretation of this passage naturally led to the additions in brackets. " c. bg read '" crol. tl l,rl 111. flBj lrl irtil.: S1










-~-o'b =





[irepl0 -roil·c\µ.voil~ -roil E>~oil·-/Si-,-d 4µ.c,,µ.oswEp -lwoµ.ruv64 ,cal d civa,cal ururijpos-roil,couµ.ov ], Sn t µ.uiv/hfue-ra, 11µ.ruµ.o.s 11ft49 d.voµ.ruv1rapa- µ.&prq-roswEp cicre/3&,11 &.1ro-~,Slnrlp. aoB,,,cal650 d.vaµ.&.pnrrosOave'ira,. bEp d.ue/3&,v d.:iro8avE,ra, [lv afµ.a-r,auiih71C71s brl ITCAl1'1Jp(n {3 1-"P.'i• ·,ra,r6r l8,i&,v,cal -roiJ61 'Iupa~A ~!Xl 0 ~., 52 *Be>dap,cal -rovs ,ca-raAVITE& (b om.) -~ l • . ~ ,fya6.i v7r1Jp -ras awov , a~a 11ol(l., 1 2 8 IV ... IauE oiv , *-rl,·µ.ov , -roil &.ya8oild.vapos' TO{3, s 1 ali-rov, 8. r* iv llyu9\i8,A,.~11 eli1T1rAayx_11la11 TAos6•_l''f'~O'CIG'fE 1 9 8 • rva rKal ~µ.e,s ITT"Ef/,&.uovs a&'71s'f,op!.111mn mp\ aJTOiiels Ku)..£H, *owos -ro d.yaOiJv1ro,&,11 18 ~7r0-roil8eou 171. -rovs ta8,KOUI'll&Ki7"0,ca,c&v, CTKf7rOJl,EIIOS ~! 81 TGS18 d.ya1rf C:,s ~II ,f,vx~v a-li-roil. 4. 'E&.v19 -r,s ,cmovr,·









... a.reads frafJu, ~

".c. {3 read ( + Toii /) o~pallOii, 81 ., c. ,..,s urr,p. • ,eoc. ,..,s1 om. t:Jj


= Toir


e1e, a. Q ,1, . ,.,....,, om.

111b reads /CaTamrr,&. 18 c, {3-d- (save that b reads wn,p,TOiiJ1Tar a~). d reads TOiiB. /CalTill wn,pwi11awoii ,:,GITGJ1 nj11av11ap.11,.S1='B, ,cal·~., V11J/pfTOuJ1T11 aw,p, "c, {3, S1 seem right here. 8 e,·d,A. ~.s, IV. 1 c,d,A. {3-d,,fl!fTr, •c;A. {3,Som. read ««I'll, • d adds llCfl11fW. S 'Io,,rljif,. ae, {3, S. Apparently corrupt for O.,or as in A, but Tu.or may refer to the high position attained by Joseph; thus Benjamin's sons are exhorted to imitate his mercy ~at they may attain crowns of glory. Ab adds n\ TOii•1,.,,r1it1,. •c,b, A. {3 read as in margin. S1 = /Cal p.ip.qrrarr&. TCapparently corrupt. fJ read as in margin. 81 = n}11aya0q.,a,d110L1111 ml. •A= rTTlif,GJ1011, •e, /3-g,S. g reads lpyatrr/Tf(eic). A= >.{inrr6f,_ 10 c, A•b•od. {3,Abers, S om. u For the expression cf. Ps. lxix. :a3. Yet the text seems 18c. {3, Aa11b•ad•fs 11 e, {3-ab. breads ,?..,ij. wrong. read Z»rr111 1'J"6'iAol. Ab dp.apTO>Mr T&rdf19, 1' c. {3, S read as in margin 11 e. bf, S read o3nir · and iJ,~lr r«ilCw). (save the.~de/read {lov>.fVDvrm (S1 om.) d (/om.) aya6orro,iJ1. ade a~s (owora) dj,a6orro«ili,.gom. together 18 e, ~bg with next three words. (eave that e reads rr~dJHPOs). b reads a«rn(:rSp.oor. g rr1ema(:fTl11, S1 adds -ydp. 11e, S. f3 reads as in margin. S1 adds 11/flCGtis ,l,ya6orroilas. 18 c. {3,A, S1 read a8 in margin 1• A adds (save that 81 om. &'). a Jilust be corrupt.





[Iv. of:


18, oli (11Xo,"' 12• Mv T&S'1TAOVTEi cf,9ovlia:liT&v lwa&VEisa aw&v27' TOVu@cf,pova Aya.ri, 118' 81' TOV rTOV wlv.,,Ta lAEEi29' *Tit d.u9EvovVT, so O'Vf£'1T40J(E'

aof4(71Tt.U 20 , ol, 11

trlOTfl/6)1/ *l&v T&S ilv8pEios25,

1!::.n·> fJdw~ .,..;.

0Eclv ♦of3ei111, 821, c, A


5. Kal TOV lxoVTa x&p,v S·

·*T~v lxoVTa84 cf,oJ3ov 88' *,-it d.yawq Kvplov815 ~1rEpau1T{(E& 87 TOV@EovO'VVTpld.ya1T&IVT& ICaTG T~V'1/rox.~V a'WOV, xn88· TOVd.9fTOVVTa TOV.;s,,,,. 89 ' UTOVvov9£T&lvl1r&UTplcf,E, ,cal Tclulx_oVTa x&pw*d.ya9ov 40 d.ya'1Tq'1,caTa '1TVEV1£BTOS T71V H '1/rox.~V aWOV, V. 'Eau roiv ,cal~f'Eis11 lx.£TE 2 d.yal»,v8 ra&&uo&aV', ,cal1 1,1 · ,cal ol 11 * ElP'7vE6uovu,v. al wov.,,po,&v9(J(J)'1T0, 1£E9'~f'OIV 10, ,cal 7 ~pas8 r,1r,UTpl..,,ovuw 9 Eis *Tod.ya9&v &u0>TO& al8Eu9lvTEs





11 S1 3o£c[CETal.A'" om. with next five words. c. fJ, Aabb$ad••, S1 om. Ab reads ml Tfj a&&alwov. cJ om. next five 98 c, aef. bg read ,r).o'"W, words. "a om. next eight words. 11 A-ab= n\,, di,3~icw. Aab con-upt. S = C11lovr•. d adds J. S1 tr ahef,A om. d reads t"OUt"OII and trs. before 18 0. brmllf!i, A•hadadd ml but not Abh•llr.A' om. rest of chapter. fj-af read tr1C71Tll6l11 vp.llfli, A= ,,,.,,.,. S1 l11 mlTTf& J,rmnin, f om. A comparison of the adjoining clauses leads us .to expect a single .word 19 S •'>-niTf, a om. next three words. •0 o, here as in a or A. 81 o. fj-a read ,rvp.tra&i.S1 fJ--ad read 'ii dri•11«i. d ri11 du&,,;;. O'Vp.traS.&TI! and adds dya,rarttTOVtd&lf/,rwr, ,,.,; ltriAa"8a11,rr61t TC»II'YflPEO>l/, 81 0 = Ni'\ fJ reads as in margin (eave that· d reads vp.w'i)= M'TI\ B8(J, A= elm\K~plo11. H bd. e/read Tf lxo11r,. g TOVfxoPTOt, .Cl om. 88,u/. bg;S read 8EOV, 81 '/Jeg. entire verse. d/read mp1 1 aatrl{ETa&.S1= Vtrfpaa,r{{ttrf,.'/J,S add GVTOii, S adds further: "" ,,.,;.za&ra nll s.1,,, ir.o>.d.Cfff (al. ltr&uTpl,f,fff, dtroOTplf/>-) .z,"Ill auca1a,, 6bd11. a, d, reads 1 88 "" d-yarillTCI. 8 TO&S' clymrovo-111. . /j-ah. b reads fTV11fP"/fi, 81 tTYllff1"IE&Tf : ,rvPTplxE, which may be corrupt for mr,, has pleasure in,' but O'Vllfll"ri "'\UJrhas the B11pportof the parallelism of the preceding clause. · ~ S1 dtroo-rpff/Hn. '' ef. bd read W/lflt"Oll' dyaSoii.9 dylo11, S1::: W mwp.a d,ya6&11, .tl $1 dyarire. a·g o:in.· v. I c.- (I reads 0J11, fj-a, A""*""a,,Abefr, 8 1 om. Io, def.@ read 8A= dyn6ol. IX'7",g a-.ri,-1t.A= fTf. •b,8 1 add T•~. · 1g(t) 1:fl-bd, A, 8 1, c; b read dp11~&it read.1/.pxa,r•r. fiiii~(tt nm.) 10 de/read 111

ta = ,_,n,



= =r,,, = =,,.,;








11 ov .µ.011011 12 ol ..'ll'AEOVEICTOVIITfS' c¼.'ll'OOT1JITOIIT«L ' *rov '11'&6ovs 16 roi's clA.\a ,cal *ra rijs 13 'll'AEOIIE(las*&: Eixoi,14 601TOVO"w 8>..,/30µ.lvo,s.. 2. 'Eau ~TE &ya80'1l'O&OVIITfS' ,ca2 *ra 16 'll'VWµ.ara cf>w(oVTa, 17 , * o.q,' 181, ,ca2 19 ra li,c&.8apra vµ.&iv

{J,qp{allO*cf>o/3718-qlTO~a& VP4S' 21• 3• r"01rov yap lv, 21 23 *+cSl3os 4yue&v•PY~"KUl ♦&is ds a,&.vo,av ,cal_Hro ITKOTOS' aef, s1 25 allrov.~ 1bro6,ap&.ITKEL cl.'11'' 4. * 'Eav ryap, 28 vf3pllTEL Z'1 ¢~ 11d-ya.80 :;;.,,, *4v6pa 6uwv 28 µ.uavoEi'29, (AEEi'yap rO IJ1T&OS', TOIi>..olaoopou KM UUli'll'lf•

/3-a, S1

A 'fVX~" 5. Ka2 Uu r,s 82, a,,ca{av'11'po60(71, ,ca2 v/3p{(.71vvx~v a,. ,ca&OII'll'po~c.SITEL 87 ,6r& · ,ca{av,t'll'Ell8Ei' * d6{,caws1rpo1TW- o 6(,ca,os 1TpOITEV• 88 xuar El,ca21rpos x oµ.EVOS'1Tp0S' &>..{you elaE ra'll'EWoo8E'iuav 88 , ,cal µ.ETE &Myov .ra'll'Ewoo8fi, ra1rEwoo8fi,µ.u' ov avr7711 • 89 ,ofos yfyo• *µ.Er' ov 84 1l'OAV 'll'OAV q,a,apoTEpOS'110711TEt 86 &vaq,a,6poTEpos cl.vacpawEra&,ofos I/Ell '{. o cl.6EA o µ.ov, yo11E1186 'looUTJcf> o cl.6E>>o_s µ.ov. C


K4v81 TLS'

*ac. 5• K4v m

0.6EAOS' µ.ov,

'c, {J-g, 8 1• g·reads al3Ecr8wcr&11, A= al31cro11Ta&, 10c. /j-d read dyall&~ I A•ff r, •. 11 d. reads r~ii d dya6d• oµol0>s al. n c, {3-bd; M, read ,r'Aeo11/,cra&, ro&Otfrov rr&Oow. S1 nj11ap,rayi)s. 18c, {j-a,d, a reads -r,crl11 njr. d ~a d~. u c. (j-d om. dreads crvllry•wa allroi11Eire xpqµara efre icnjpa'l'CI, ia d rea~s lJ/lJ0>u~11 and trs. after 8>.&{Jop.ollO&f. g reads d,rolJC:,uovu111.l8 d reads awa ra. 17 bf read cf>eaifmu. 1I 81 om. 1I o. (/,reads dlla l'-9" ,ca/. N, Ab*c4,$1 read ,cal awd. Aabhors om. ,cal , , , vpas. IO d adds d11q~pa. 11 b reads .!/JwfEf'a& drp'liµw11rpo{J,,Omer. ta g om. . IS c.. aef, S1 read 8B in margin. b cf,6{Jo11 aya8w11lfYY0>11. il, cf,&!11 _dyo.&11 Jpyo11, g !f,w11,ca8ap611 and 11 b om, st !', ;,, for the following· els, S reails 'd',,op~ov. fJ om. 18 c, {J-g, S1. g reads /011.A= ,c/1-,,, dg, A•bhadd -r,s-. 97c, di, Ah, abe read li{Jplrro,g .,.,,p{;uf&.A-h li{Jpl'1J. S1 li(3pll1"1f'11, abB add rw. 18d reads ll11lJpa &y,011. A•bh= -roii-r-011 ro11a>.,,o;;, A•b•odea11,,lJpaa>..,o;;. Ill S1 /JffOIJOIQ IUTW, A•bhom. rest of verse. SO c, bef. adg read 81a om. ver, 5. i/, om, ,cll11 >.ol&po11, r,11••• d1H1(/,al11ETa&. 81c (though 3&1Cal'f' is emended into lJl«aw.,). {>-ad, Aucd•s, S 1 agree (save ,rpoaw.A""h= +vx{;11!TOV (A· om.) that A reads v(3pl'1J),d ,,,, 3&1Caloll 88g om. v/3pl'1J. All renderings are unsatisfactory. Sf_~B read 11 Ah om. . /lf(f . o3, ·81 g reads uq,o3p&npo11, ".c adds 111. 88A•b*c4 89 A is here hopelessly corrupt. tra. before·rarrew.

d Eip'7IIEUOVl1'& µdi 'I/JO>-P,


9 C reads ffll11Tpl,/,0>ui11 Elsvpas,









VI. Toa,a.~o-611.wv T'OVclya.6oilavapos o/J,cln,v lv XE&pl 2 BeAla.p• cS yap 11n,e11.os 'll'A.4117/Sl 'll'IIE'VP,O.T'OS ,-fjs elp~V1/S 16 ,r).ap0v.. do71yei' 'n/V "'1,x~v a.wail. 2. rKa.l13 ovx dpi' rlp.wa.6rJs 9• TC& cp6a.pm8• OVOE',8 'll'A.OVT'OV rels "1"'-11oovla.v, 3. lO T(p'll'fTO.L lv 11 ~oovfi, r[ ov A.V'll'Ei' T'OJI 'll'A.1J«Tfov ], OVIC 118 • 12, olJ 'll"AO.ViiTa.& lp.'ll'l'll'AO.T"aL Tpvf/,fj p.rrE~p&tTp.oi's dcp6aAp.{Jv 14 15 18 Kvp,os ycl.p EITT& ~ p.epls a.wail. 4. To aya.6ov 1 .1' clv6p@'ll'(DV, fj-G, s1 6&a.~OVA&OV *od Sixuu, 8cS£,i,rod1t4T&p.Ca., *,ca.l 21 *OVIC 18 ~ 19 'lf,EiJoos O~I( ,,,.,. 'll'iiVT~OOAov ~llO * ~ A.OL0(J)p{a.v 1&1:a;al oloE22 • *Kvp&0Syap 28 lv ~w..oylas,cal 5. ·a d.ya~ o,cl.vo,aBSOVIC lxe, ovo yA@O"tTas 181 , ~a-vxtas ,cal T'apaxfis, fJ,A, s1 ,car&pas80, ;~pE(J)S ,cal rTLp.;j, 82, a>..A.a T•rijs, ' V'll'OKpla-EWS ,cal d.A.716elas, [ 'll'EJ/Cas ,cal 'll'A.OVT'OV] *p.Cav 1• 88 dA&1cpwfj 34 ,cal35 ica6apa11 ro,cl.6etTw ~;z:./ta& lxEL 'll'Epl '11'4J/Tas 6. ~IC lxe, gpatTLIIdrE cl,c~v88 O&'ll'Afjv•'ll'iiv yap &81 al, A .






9 d reads Toii. VI. 1 c, fJ-aJg,S. af, A read .as in margin. g om. c. fJ,A, S1om. • g reads ll'OP9. For &Pf••• f/,Oap-ra S1reads llyn fir ,,.,,paup),11 TOVS f/,Oap-rovs. Gd reads lµ.1rpou8w.. e c, aef. bag TOW cp8apTois. 7 c, fJ-p,g, A, S1• f{/ read ot!Tf. 8A reads tf,url.( ola,) corrupt for fn..iapa,,,.>..our IOT& _«al o~x drrM,.,,s. Vil l C, /3,A, S1 om. II c, /3, S1• A•b*cd= ,rop~la11«alICOIClOJI, AbhIC01Cia11 Aerg ,ropvriav, B /3, A b*•4•c, S1, c, Aab read ,-wxa1pa,d adds •al ,rop11Eia11. lJicrroµov, t A•bh_=Iv xnpi '"'· BC, /3,S1 read• a~ry. I The text· li! d9ubtful. Either iuixaipOII• •• µaxaipa or uv>..Aaµ/3,i,,., ,j lJ&aVO&a (c, abef)ja corrupt. For if the latter is original, that is, if the mind conceives through Beliar and becomes the parent of Reven evil conditions of the individual and of society, then the iuixa1pacannot be the parent of these. Hence if a-v>..Aaµ/3&,,., ,j 3.avo,11is original in the sense 'the m_ind conceiveth,' we should strike out ,-wxa,pa11 ••• iuixa,pa as an interpolation. Thus we should have : ' Flee the malice of Beliar ; for it is the mot.her of seven evils.' Next let us ·suppose ,-wxaipa to be original. In that case we. must reg!!,rd uv),),.aµ/3&11n,j 3.avoia as corrupt, and adopt the reacling of Ab••4c 'and the sword is the ~other of seven evils, and it receives (them) through Be.liar.' For 'and it receives' Ab*odgl'l''which it has' ( 'l!!l' n1.."bf, a corruption of &. .,,..,,m ..the text of Aab), Further, as the sword cannot be said to be the mother of ' envy,' for q,8&11os we must read q>ovor. We · should · consider the possibility_ that uv>..Aaµ./3a11n is _a rendering of np, here, as the text of A•b supposes, or rather that ).aµ/3.lvnoriginally stood here and 'was changed to uvA'Aap.f:J,l,,., owing to the phrase /lli"IP. «a«&111 preceding. Then the text of /3-bg,S1,which adds &« Tln11, would be explained as a further depravation · of the text in the aame direction. Of the above solutions I think the first is to ~·preferred,





[VII. t


01J.\. P.~T'IP• *,cal .\aµ.la·TC. *7rp6>TOV laT{' 7rpGiTov 01Jll.ap./3&,vn ,j a'4- ,\aµ./3&vn,j ai&vo,a./3&vu iha Tov 15• ,cal ltTT, vouia,aTovB,ACap"· a,a Tov B,A.ta.p B,A.Cap t* Kal ·laTw 7rp/;>- t* ltTTw aE8TETC- 7rpwTOV t 4>8&vos, 9, 14 t 4>80-am,pov t cl'Jl'@.\na, Tov8 d t4>8ovos /CTE& 7rpWTOV awTEpOV IO ~ ll _tcl- vov, am,pov t cl'[email protected] 6.\C,f,,s, Ti7r@AE&a111, _TpLTOV ,j 11 ,\nav, Tpfrov8>.:-{,f,w, TapTov alxµ.aA.w16, 'ITtp.'lrTOVlv6>-.C,fm, TbapTov ~ 11 TbapTov a.lxµ.aA.w-tTCa 18, 'lrf/J,'lrTOV tTCav llna,lKTovTapax~17• 6E71AQ.lTCa 1 'ITlp.7rTqr lv.;,11 Ivana, lKTOV 'IJll aua.v,lKToiiTapax~v.tpaop.ov lp~p.w!T&S, 11 t{3aoµ.ov lp~fJ,WO'W, Tapax~,l{3aop.ov,j l~p.wtT,s, 20 WO 19 7rap,a&97J 3. A,aTOVTO ,cal18 d K&,v lffa l,ca,,cCa.,s 0fov 21• /CaTa yap llll iKU~II &Gt aa µ.{av 71'A7l}'1/V l~fJ,A,S l,cari11 ')'C&')'EV *l7r' awov H · rd111Kvp,os1•





4• A,a.,cotT{wvfriv

/3,A 7r4tTXE&4. a,aicoafuiv28 lTiV 89 7r4-

26 bn lP71- 0')(n so, ,cal lvva,co,notTT{i lTE& ,cal lvva,coa,otTT'e 81 [ l'll'l Tov ,caTaµ.owa,2T. a,ayap •Af3E°/\. TOV lP71p.oVTe&&

and that the text should be read as follows: 'P'V'f'"' rq11,ca,cla11 roii B,>.lap• &n !111.\>.ap/Jallf& ,; a,allOl(l 854roii B,>.lap,cal l,rra l(Ql(QIJI p.,in,p -ylnra,· ,calZar, 'll'p&roi,,c,r,>., Tc, fJ-dg, S1 (save that C om. Baa). d, reads «al 'll'pi,ro11 /U" av'A>..ap.fJ&,,., ,; 81a110,a ri 'll'o"'1po11 8'4 rijr ,ca,clarroriBe'Alap, which is merely e,n 8 c, A. bg read Z,m expansion of {3-d. g ,rpm,: uv'A'A.81a1101a11 roii B, ae ,rp&ror. Corrupt (I) for tf,cwo~the first evil that ensued on Cain's submission to Beliar. See note 6. tpd110,: would then be a rendering 10fg read ff and similarly use letters throughout rest of verse. of ci. u c. bg,A om. u d,r&,>.elll = n;;i~;which the translator should here have 18 c. aef read alx/Aa>.&>ala11. rendered by tpd{Jos. bg,A•bhalx,,.a>.wula. Ab*od•~ir = rapax/1• alxp.a).&>ula .is a rendering .here of n~! = tf,vyl, or 16ae {a&vethat e reads & for &n). 'exile.' Cf; Pirke Aboth v. u. (! Zar, a. ro '11'p&ro11 rllCT'EITOIi. J Zar,. a. &,,ar, rllCffl wp&t'o11.S1= &r, 4•r. read 4 ix•, Bia nii B,>.lap,but this has 111 r. ,rp, A•bh. A1>•• 18 See note 13. arisen from an internal corruption of Aabh. 17A1>•ec1=dm. A•~om. A'=«a,cl,a, 18 go?D, 19 bg,A(A•b= /,c811Clar), 81• c reads l1e811Co~p.oa. aef &8,«la&,:. d, l,c8,,c,ju,uw, aoc, aef, Ab*cd•fs, S1• bg read ,rapa8l8ora,.A•bh= i>..a{3E, 11 c. ~. S read 'l'OU 0Eoii, g, A= K11plo11. . 11Ai,u = ,cal,caret 98 c, {J,A, S as in margin, u c. 13 dg om. 18 c reads r¥ i r,r,a,coar;;. fJ reads abrrp, · n It will be observed that aef here agree with c in ·omitting the phrase lrrl l"Dii,carai>..11Up.oii which is found in bdg,A. 18dg, A add y&p. S1 om. 81a1Covlw11 •••


-VIII. 31



d8E>..cpou a-kov *lu 71'aa-,Tots KAva-"°v] s2 a,a.•A/3£>..Tou 33 ,ca,co,s l,cpluuo, cl 8£ Aaµ~ 3[,ca.,,ov d.3iA.cJ,OvaWOV. *'Eu TO,siwa. oiu ,ca,co,s34*cl l~ l/380µ71,covTllKI~ 171'Ta, Kah, l,cp{VETO,. cl 6£ Aaµfx lu 135 , To,s l/380µ71,coUTa,c,s ri71'T&. 5. "OT,88 *tws Tov al&uos37 ol cll'O,o-6µEuo, *T!i>Kaiu38 _ r*171'2cp8&u'f' ,calµ,,a-a8E>..cp('f TOLlllhyi,KMCIO"~CTOJITCH r KplaEL,39• f¾:il,, s~ 3 n,u ,ca,c{au, VIII. *-Viici:s&d1, *TlKua l'OV2, &71'o6paTE ~:~ 5 µ,a-a6E>..cplau 1, ,cal 71'poa-,colla.a-8E 4 ,cal TtJU 6 Tfj 1tp,Or,• r*TOVcp8&uou 17 ; &ya80Tf/TL r,calTfj ay&.71'11 C /3,S1 A iJ1uisoJ11. 2. ·o yap. ~a8apos 2.*'0lxwu8,&uo,au 2.'0yaplxwuaVTt]U JIOVSOVK·lxEL µ,,a- 'Ka8ap~u lu ay&71'1/ ovx clpq9 yvua,,ca 0~ clpqyvvar,caEls Els 71'0puElau _ oliaf a-µou 71'0puElau·ov yap y,yu@a-im µ,a8· _ lxi, µ,,aa-,,.Jiu a-µou10 11 . * 171'' r;u Kap8Cc?, lfn O.Ua7J'a'UETaL avTou12 To 13 71'UEVl'a *TOV 1 yap 15 cl,lj>..,os 14 • 16 .E>Eov 3· r"D.cr71'Ep ov µtaluua, .,.71'poCTlxwu


99 Aabicd om. but not Ab•fc, A adds Trjs (a,ijs awoii but soA•'*cd lrra8f, Ab fp£aTo ,raa-xf111.A adds A.. " om. rraaxu ••• lTn, 81A reo.ds J'lrf'b 111._ d,rij'A8f( +d.,,.' ~oii Tovro. A•hcd•fa)corrupt for 8 11 bdg,A. aef rightly om. Cf. c. A adds ,c~ i,ra8f 111J'111.J"'B,.._ text. 83Ahcd om.. "clg, Abefc(save that g, Abetsom, 0J11). Aub•• 4 roiiro, . ,cal,., TOCS Im ,ca,cais(Ah om.). a reads ,., TOISl7T'l"a.661,81 ,., TO&S l7T'l"alCOtTlo,s lrmv (e om.), Here b abandons its allies dg, and a its allies ej. 15 A= fll(J&llf aw&,,. ,,, a, (A&hb$cd•~ om. G~JI ••• ai) rois lf3&p.'JICOlll"QICIS TOIiA•. Mc reads 8n yap. a om. entire verse. Ab adds /,ca1,clas8foii Ao/J*X[,rp~ 17 A :d:· 111Katv &r,. •li TOTu.or .,..,,,al0JIQ)11, · 88 ,l reads n\11K, · A---:1'::. avnns. 19c. f3-a4., S1 read ,,, .17,j,n-a& a~r. .A•b•cd read lfrcolJfTa, 11 Ab•cd, Aab read 1tal l61r oli1t(1) d,roAria-8r.· Aors;61" 1tal 7rapa ~paxt1dirclA>.wai. 17







A~bh_= rMlir Aq,j,omu aw,;,, A"'

11Ab*c4,A•bb= B&o.!T7'po.~-.j,fTO& 19 c, be, a reads dvanl>..y. d a1To.,..,.,>..5, f d1ro'crn>.~i. cfiv>.al, 18 bd om. 20d om. !ll {'J-b.C reads vioii aiiroii. b om. S1 reads rusfr'/TOII oi 1rpocfiijrn,. 22b adds Kal lfov8m,ilJqo-ETaJ, Cf. A. 23dreads l7rl.~>.ov rrravpovp.,vor. 26c. 24c reads o-x•rr~o-fra,. u c, fJ-bd. bd, S\ read «aTa{jqrrera,. 18 d reads lurl. 27 c, bdg. a reads xaov.ef, S >.aoii, fJreads rur. 29 c, aefg. b, S read a11afla{116lll, SI c, d. aod reads l1rl. d 1carafJa{v,,:w. 82 c, d. ,ir. S3 d reads oiipaPovs. C om. rest f3-d om.. 85 adg add rijs. . 36 d reads of verse and x; ·1. · · 84 b reads lyv6l, saAb*ed•g.Aabh--_· 88_Abh om. om. A•.rg_ V1rapxn fV. ovpaVf• . 40A•bh, Ah• 4•s om. · According to Armenian Text this T,p,,~rrr,,-a,.. clause is added after da&sbut Carekin's copy of Ab and Ah places it as. . in text, •







[X, 1

x. I to be re-. stored before ii. I.

2 ,de,A. bfg, 81 read 'I. q11l11Aly. X. 1 aefg, A, bd, S1 read 8T1. 8 bfg. ode read jlJfOII. (af l11Aly. q11 ). A adds «al. • b reads p.apq,{i11, I {3-aj,Ab\ S1• j, A•Hcdog read vp.Gw.,a om. and trs. T. 'II'. and A trs. T. 'II'. 8 af read «af/ ;j11. p.ov (or vp.Gw)before 'Ia,c@ft. ' bjg. mu read llJla. 8 a. ft, A, 81 om. A reads flala11C{;,qa,,. d adds ,cal rj MEaa~TOii. D.A_=ml llii11.S1 .Spfu-f0~11. 10d, Abbeftr om. ·A•b$cllread llJou. U g reads ,cal.'ll'OIIJO-dn,. A= ml lv,l).>..op.a, vp.i11 'll'O&flll, 11 o. ft, S1 read as in margin (eave that a om. ,cal ,cpip.a •l11'll'&O'Tomilqa:111). For «lA,SSE&a11 -.-•• a~ A reads ·lJ"':aioo-11111]11 · «al dA{illf&RP ml «pip.a rl11 ,rlc,,.,,, (.Aabb om, ,cal «pip.afl11 . is an attempt to render ~::11, · trlOT111) Kvplov, Possibly d11 'll'IO'TO'll'Ol'lo-111 18 g om. 14 0. ft, S1read as in margin {save that b, S1trs. before GIITl and dg trs. it after &ado-«111).A= ~aiiTa lJ,lJ1111" vp.'i11d11Tl'll'dO'ljll «>..11i,or,,Karo>'w tl'i~ which is the natural word for a bequest, whereas a,a&a-«a> =,,~or r:;i9,or "1~0is a. corruption of the • 18A £ls MIJPOIIOp.lOP aud·all but __Ab trs. former. . 11 reads Tahra. 18 c, {J-b. b reads ,.;ICIIOIS, 17 c, d. ~• .A, S1 read ToiiTo, before TO&S 19 c. fJ-g, A, S1 read as in -/,rol11ua11,{J-de,.S1 add ,cal against c, de, A. and .A adds an unintelligiple ,cal inargiii {save that adj read TaiiTa,rdl'TCI {j before ,rdm ). g miim wdvratra>..a,,CaTfM,;,, fl'&O'Tfl •. lJl&nca11 (.Ab om.) p.M>..011 «ls ,c).. and 1COT1E«°A~po110p.1JO'OP \~l"\in. -~.A= «al tlll'o~ OilT111r ,ro,~O'Clff. 11 For tf,vMEaT•, a reads tf,v>..&lau6E, g cpv'AdEa11m. bef read &n, 111c; aef. 8-!J,,.fre~d dwo,c~#t,. _ _ IS c, e, A. b reads ,5 Kup,os,ilg S1 trs. befoie d'll'Oita>.11'/n&, af om. H Ab om. II A=,,, wd1171 T9 YD• 18 C, /j, A. S1 om,,







27 'Ezi~x * KIil i:~8 28, ,cal29 •Aj3pa&.µ., o-ifmr6E ,cal29 .,Iuaa,c ical /J-f',8 1 32• 131 *l:ii_&yaU.,&.uE, _'Iaiccfi/3 4VaaTaµ.lvovs80 t/CaEf&lJv ravToiJ

;. c;ft, s





7. TaulVTaB µopcf>fi wtBpcfi'll'OV *lu Ta'll'EwcfifJ~g,g1 'un 38, ,cal JSuo,mnEdo-lllO'w 39 lrrlOTEv40 l'll'l rijs41 ')1775' aw * xapCO'a11. . ·, aVT'fl , ~·42] (TOUTa& ITVV •. 61 ta"A.Aa:b~g, s1, 8. *Kul ot43 - 'ITo.VTES' &uaT&Te ?TaVTE_5' 112ol JJ,EU els a&~v53, TOTE ,ca,. lTT1]UOVTa&, ol JJ,EVels a&fau, YT/!TOJJ,E6a ol -aEEls 4T&µ.{au, ,cal Kp&VELol aE Els 4T&µ.{av·,cp(ue, yap Kvpws44 -~v ?Tpcfiro,s TOU .'Iupa~A TOIi'Iu~ Kvp,os lu ?Tpcfiro,s ~th&iv46 'ITEpl pa~i45iEpl rijs *c18,KC11s rijs &.a,icfus ~u l'll'pa{au64 • fJ-d, S1 · El~aln-ov 47 0eov44 ,~ [c1n?Tap~yEvoµ.eJiov d8&1clar. 4 8 O'Upw., , , 00/Cl'ITlaTEVO'aU. av_. fJ O'apicl 56oin-ws 'ITplunal,Tmll, 48 "· aef read &n ,cal. bdg,S 1 ,as in margin. "g om. . caaef add ml. 48 c. fi-d, S1 read. as in margin. 47c, adeg. bf read· 7rapayE,,&p.,~011. cl ,ls lauTAv'Yfl'Oµl"'Jr d&iclas{cf. A). "c, S1• fJ reads as in margin. S1 om. next three words. ' 9 c. fJ-d om. cl reads ,ls al,~611, g om. next ten-.words. aoc,g •. fJ-g om. n1A.6!'h.· Ah•«•flread «al ~pEis; n Corrupt. The verb should be in the third plural •. 'h"l'"'flru9ni,eis a rendering of d>J.."'Y'ludµE8a (as in I Cor. xv. 51, 52) corrupt for dvaa"lad,.E6aor rJ1,therd11aO'T'/1TOunu, nsAbh read ,.,,.qP. 16 "A'" om. next ten words. - Abreads oiwtM. 11G A•bhom.-ilext






6"]. Io. Ka\ lAly[E& rov Io. l{cu ct,cwlVT", 111.lyfE& b rots iMEKTo'is*T&i11 'lAOAC&TpECas, ,car li7"1A- K~wv. AOTp&c~8710-cw 0Eoil]89, yE11083 ol, 84 .,., K110. fJ--{J.o~. /J.E110& tll /J.Ep{a, 65 _K6pw11. q,o/3ovp.l11w11 89 111 187 , lm, 88 '11'opru8wE I 1·. r•T~ts oi11, Tt1t11ap.ov 71 ~.s11ta,-c\li.yww.,.((wv ~a'l"OS avrrov 11:·· dvTa l611'11]•. [yv&ia-,v ,ca,11~11


WT((olV 'll'CU/1"4 Ta J(h,71



15 16 h O"W"IPUf, 1', «at *a,~~,.,.ii «al '1p'11'4(&µ.wos,,ca.l ro lpyo11 «al d A.&yo,avrov• . «al lna, lMEIC'l"OS 0Eov98 *tws ·'f"OVH . alwior. .5· Ka,:25 &' *al,.,.wz,·•4>o&nj~, it~6 'la,c~/32' M,


d 'll'anjpp.ov, >..lyow•A:vror tia-aya,11, · _a tre~ after O"O>Tijpif}, 17/J-ab,&. ab read ciwoii. . 18$1 = 1111va-ya,•-m 18"'1. g om, ne~ eight 19 Ii reads «ai·;o>s, a,.addsnjs. words through hint. · 111adef (save that 91 S1 adds «ad ro a om. roil). b; S1 read ,.&,.,al&n•o>11. .•1 df add r&,1r, 11 18 lli,t,pa-roii~ovµi110u'. d om. · u g om. · .. a om. ver. 5. d, om. 28e/ (save that e reads a~,-6v). breads 8&'awc}11 next nine words. ITlJJrU'&O'Ep.E,. g B,a T"OVT"!)l~va-io>ITEV #'E• S1 ,r•pl IM".OV 'fJIOJplC•a-8£. The text is absolutely uncertain: rnef.trs.after p,ov. asbg. .las . po~. J;lere strangely ~nough this divergence could ·be explained. on the suppositionof a Hebrew background. bg j~l10. · d~jt:)0,






/3,A; S1


XI I. 1 Ka1 ravra El1rwv

XII. Kal6 *&>si1rMpwuE

iiculvas TOVS 71'01>asawoii TOVS ,\oyovs airoil 7 El7TEV8 • 2 ica>.4>'Evdlloµ,a,vµ,,v, *rlicva µov9, 2; iKOlfl~871t~m• 10 Ta 6S7rpOU'"Al )'V1TTov,ica1 *8&:lf,arlµ,e11 viol avroii €71'0C11uav fra[EV avro'ts, ica, lipavus TO Els12 XE/3pwviyyvs 13 TWV71'aTl2. Kal 14 &7rluwµ,a avTOVl0mf,av avTQ~iv pwv µov. 5 1 * XE/3pwv µera TWV 1Tadp.&yovsT01/1'0VS. ' d reads 1r'Ai,p&,uas 8A 'Alyeaavroir.. S1 adds dprm, Ab* add B&i.aµ.~v. After l.rr'A~p@Uf


Tij, Tllcf,,9 A•bcdeg l.µaVTOJI Kal, lllov, lllll@·,,., flrro11liµ.'i11. Tl«11aµ.ov, llua EV01JO'a, 1 IO abg, Ab.erg,S • dreads avaya-ye. ef, A•bbcd dl!f11.llf"Oawois• ,cal ~IWlll''n l8a,t,a11avro11l11Xf/Jpow, adds ,-aiira El,rru11, 11 S1 adds 111bs roil 'IOIC~fJ awa1tcQTOS,. 16 bg. ae read p1«, After l,r&,r,Aabhodofg add {Olijsawoii, . 17bg. a6 1·ead,rapatiaTaBq,ci,, 1 IAbe, a reads ml l11T,P. d l11-,lJpTtp, 8 l11. g abbreviates verse_s 3-4 as follows: Kal .flCpv,mn,ff'~ Tijs lfdB011QWQ'JII GIIG"fG)'CIITES /CO& 8a,t,a11ns l11XEfJP~" 4· l,,rltTTpf1/,ar, ds At~,,, . 19 bde. a ~ads 'i. A•bh= &w'fl, Ab*odorir


='"llllT'fl)corrupt forJf,'b'bu'blrl'nl''I-=l1191rJIWITTtp,bd, 21Corrupt for •lcroB011, 211 111 e om. Corrupt for ,ls Af')'1171TOIJ, d 1·eads dn-il. . HA.trs. after ,raT1po>11 aw&,11, 81 =«al ol da. abr&,11, readJ[,'lft,/rl'nl''I-(


·A,·(81 1). ae om'.

28ade, S1• b reads '" TW'fl 'A"ryoµi"'fl Xa11aa11, A= IJT. 20Ab· = 7l0Tpos. ;ua11l11,roAI~ ol Xa11011aio1. 11A= awd11. See notes I and 14. ts d 29 A 80 abe,A, 8 1, d reads adds l11TtpITff"l'Aal'fl TtpBnr'Arp, q-yus, awol ,ra'AwUffOITTpi,t,a...T•s. 8l Ab•• 4•'8' om. Bl d om. BSa adds TEAOS TQ'JII ,/J a,aS,,,c&,r, TQ'JII 11l&i11 'Iatc,{,fJ, d l,,rip TO~Tr.>11 mrllllTQJP o'J.Tf GIIO"f&,,,;,OIIOfflJ,l,,,o>/.lfll &,;;_ ds al&il/Cls, •Apqv, dµ,j11,01,11711. 11/COIITfS ICOl~WIITfS a&Eai, /, 81 B111&aµ,)1111los a1aS,,«&i11 'la,r~fJ &(J,1/~S 'Pax,)>.fl• ,,,,,,..,, p«I. g Tl'AosTQ'JII 111oi11 'Iupa,j'A, T&iP,/J 'IT0Tp&apx&i11






(This Midrash; 1thioh is reprinted from Jellinek's Beth-ha Midrasch contains mibr~w Fragments gf the Testament of Judah. These are underlined.)


JWott ,,ctt , ('n nn;nirutt"'O) o,n,tt r,r,n 'Mil u.10•, :i•,nn, o•,i:,1 o~:, ,~tc' ?3Mnrn ,i,Jn ,:i,n ,~ :ipir 'Jl. 1.ll '"lnttl!lii tt, 1:i, -01n,11n:i"',pn. ,~ ,,n!l ,am , o,,11nnee· 1 N-'l'1i1 l:!ll~ Oi1"lMN 1!),, tt,w 'El,11~N W~N. lJ1n,:1,· , :ipir 1 1J.l !,11 1'i1t:>Nl'1 :,p11 ·1:i,c !,:, ~c,J:m.n iDi""\c•J~ 11 ,rnb ,::itt 1b intc!iw'El' • o::iw c::iw,,1,:1,ll'JI' ,rn 1:i nllj)ll Cl'iin!,iwp:1, tt,tt o::iw•rum,:i \r:tnr:,Elii;,, N; ,,cN • o~ i.:J~ l:!tu,,c1n MMiW •f'l'!I•t:ilii.,, cn1!i11 iN:i,o,i:i iit:ipm• 01rittnN c1vi, 1w n\,nr,:i,,m 0nc110•cn,,n 01,Jin n:i,l/0 )'DP1:J rmn1 nwnJ.:n ,~;l, il)l lWN"lC no,:JCil'l'1W MlElM ,,c. T,Jud. L L L .· iii. 2. ''JEl;,oion ;,JIO,,,, 'JW.lir,•,n m,c n•mc,c ;,J.I:i:i,, n•miii. 3. M\i1!, ffll~lil:JJ il'i11:J ''l:)CM'ilW Cllpt:> ;:,j N1tlM' N; l1intc,i . . YDP•,n,,:im N;, ,Jee tti•nJ tt!i n,r.,, ,nec-iwt'':J • ,,,, •nw:i ,,!,3,1 n:i•,eini013,1,c'c, n!,pe,o)'ittn IC llN ;l:)Jinttip, ri, Mli"ll , w,!,ei,nictt t*llPN1i1W c,,, •p!inIJ~ )Jt.:)t:) p,n, ri1i1 tom ,n:in, • n,n,Jn n,,ci,ri:i •!i::i:i l:)Wlpc m,n, nlie'ip;tc:in•n 0,p; nit-iwl\':J, c,on re ,,,ElmiJ'le !,11r:itcnnn,t(l n,,n, iep, ,no tcim, ritcn te Cl\l>'W o,ip w,,i,;wp:i,n-nn1 r, ~;ei, 'J'lt:>,,c lJ1lC Mll:lnen,c 1illl min• ntcip, i•!il"I!,17 m.4.1 1







Greek equivalents of underlined· words: IIL 2. {Jarr,X•a'l'oii Taq,ovi• •• «a8l,µn,o11 Ir// fmrov. 3. ical fJa>.>.ovra 86para almiv ·(for lJciparaGreek text gives .,.,Sfa-a bad rendering) , • , drf,' 'rmrov ;µ1rporr8fll «al ~,rr8a • , • ylya.,,;,.a• , • dvfIIx1;\.lovr,,, /.yb,En al.row fl'O).rp.orp.ri{oi11 T'OV••• /11 :Zc«Cp.o,r. 2. ml 'Iovlla ••• di,ij).8i ltrl T'OV nlxovr ••• ml , •• IUlfi>..f T'OVfnaaapar llTJ(1lpoVS,3• «al ••• ltllT'fl(IJpCruaa,, nj11t Aaoiip , , , «al lA.afJ011 ,raaa,,nj11alxpa).o,11/a11.V. I, «al 7'D&u'l'iPf . IJpJpr,dtrij).6011,ls :Zapt'OJI, ,ro';\.111 itpam1ll11 • •• «al 0'1/llf'l'pt,f,t trdllT'II -n\11· rrpoa.,yyi{oll'l'a al,.,.j d11poalyy1aror, &.,., laxup/"' ri n,x~.



1 Chron. Jer. reads 1CYJ,1 1 Chron. JN 'ducked his head.': 8 ,0,0!,1. J er. xxxvi. 5 1nnyim!,. 'J'i~n J::1( or tin).




1:1,pt;; h1n ec,, itiet:> ·m::u, ,,rt1., n1;, · i'tnftl en~ im,n., )'ltN !lip!,

.n,11, ni,i"I'

1!1 • n,:i,,, Jud, v. a. i::iip,rn.:,,n,·,;31,nn,ec-,~:i ecinn1:1, }U)lr.1IC ~,,, "~ ,,11 , :,iJll;')nIC M)JIilt ri,~n· 10 1irutc, 1, 1i ,P';,n, ~rt1r.,,i1,nEll ,:i,p ·•1:1,,,., 10 1,111&1;, 1:1 1:i,tc, ,;31 . '· • CIZ'0n1,!lnM MJIIC,,,111&1 ,11 11,:i:irn.:,n)c CICJIM1M )]11 1:i ,nee, , ,,lcM nN ni,n 1 rt1:i:ieo 1:1,,p,,lcM !,311:1ill),,c~ v; s. 1 M)JI ii11&1 c,ic, )ilCM ll )JI ~N O~tlNC l-,n, )ilCM t'Ni) Mi1i1 1l!l )!l • 1lCC) 'lEIC• r.,INCIMC) 11MMN~~::UM ,:i 1M ii:,) i 131M 1pm 1:1 1rt1.lNnrt1 ow 1!lr&ln ,:i 1v,n, ncn,c, ,,., c 1r&1pi 1:1 1 1:iruncs,0 ;,r,,;n,Eln'fllltieiNY'tO'lEICn1E1n),:i,n, 1:1;,1i,ntc) v. 6. ,~ru c1_rultie 1nitie,,lin, )N::iiec,ow i 131n·wnc ,np)rt1vi. r. · · · • 1!lt'l'.I) 1in, · 1 1 , n ,~, ""IP,!lM TIJl!lmE1n)1:l)M·lft,ll)tUM 1:1, ::i CIC)YJI ,Y!inncncn~c MltUll)1:1,'ltN 1N!ln)iti 1l:l1 1!lt'M C1Y!li't) 1rt1jnintie -,c,l:i.ltc,~ n,in 1:1,,i,1:1,,:iu,n, tn 1,ntc ii,ei,, 1:1 . ,:i 1N'Y1M1 i').IM.,,:,; m1:i ,:i • ,,031!,, 1;;r;ln.) tie~,n) 1ti

rn ffi





10[)] , M'l!ln ;!,rgcirn.:,31, 0)'ltN;i,e;:iffl!lli!llM1l1'110 Cn1i::in MJ1

1!lrt,'M 1:1,1::i vi, 3• nN ;,r,,;en 'jN lN"/' 1 i1:irt1i"l}MC) ill 01,::i,11, 1n 1311::i,n 1,nec ,;y,1YEIP1 1731tU c,,p 1:1u,n,1:1n n11p:i.,1,n one ,,,,, 1:ie'M 1,w ,1n 1:1n 1!,31cill' 1 ,,::iruMlli0t> 01ruji,eietYI1:1, 1::i ,::i • n)]1C)M 1:11:, vi. + ,n,p::i,, 1!ll'n ,:i, i)iyn, 01,,::un !,:, ,l,m c,,:,!, c11!l ll . l:l'l::IM

.• crn.:,31 n1nti ,n,i,e!, 1 1]1C)tut'l:11W ft,IJIU)~)M 't'CMMCll!l . vii; I, 1!,311:1 1tc:i , 1nrt11:1 1,o'IN,1m 011,,ctieIC !li 1:131 , 13111:1n cti 1!lC>Nlrt.' 2.. 'o 'Iov8as , • •. dPE/3'1 , • • cln dJ10To'A.&11 ical d raa.·.d11if3'1diro 5.. 1taT'1>.a/3fP d 'Iov&r TOIi 'lrtlfYYOP • • , ical d7r11 'Aµoppal0>11 teal lpp.Br, &r, 1pxo71'pOsabrcwr. 3• T'pla nl](II, 5. /Jfjp,{011 IW'l'OVS'' riff didfJ'I clpy,)T'ov'IotBa • , • ital &,p/.l'lu•••• 71'pawarl"'l T'eix«, 6. d /.19'late~ 71'ari}pa~roii (t O"IJllf/.14](IIO'fll IM'¥, ,lxo11cLi,>.,w'IoiiBaa,


Chron. Jer,). Text is dislocated, Transpose :iin.:i n1n.1:1~ 'before 5, lu4'1"8d11,{oa, br' aml11>.l8ow. 6. Aa116 dB,>.ct,or CM'Oii. ·7. l&~S,,a-a.v a~&• , • m1'l'Vffbrol11uar, p.Ef'• CM,&;., ~1pq.,,,,, .,• ital -ronbrol,,uo 'Iate~fJ fUT' abrma,dp~"'I" , • . ··. 8, teal. lfl'ol,,0-011 abrour lnro(/,4powteal dwiBo>ICIDI a~roir fl'iio-aa, T"i)r, alpo>ulu, 9,' ital

,,,te. ·

,;teoBo/.l'IO't 'Iate~fJ8aµl'IDI ml 'IoiiBa'Apfkdi>.:

Chron. Jer. ,:, n:-n111 no n,n M"l\fll nteNiin ''" ;.,Ill;,1:nc li'll"N::i D'YM:l n,,, 'in~prite 1W0~~ nN 'l;ft' ~, NJ\0':1n\Niy ·c;~,_ u,n. i on, ,.:in:i, oni)ll -0,;ru .'0,:i~;. ocYi,,.,oD\ 'l!e'Ml'INon; NM\ o,;,o::, \l~. 1:1:JNY ;:, :1i'll\·'on!,ic!,~ nnm m\fll Ol\ li'JI' Ml:i,. Hence in text £or :,~:i read ru:i with Chron, • Here Chron. Jer. add sio,,, !1.i'll" icN!e'nn Jer. and ·T.Ju~ 'nt'i,:i, 1.:i,n:i1nnp, iWNi'nNrv-inNc:i~ ,, 1nm n:in,.u. 1





::ipyt1:i,,n~nN.,,J nr (Containing Fragments of the Ancient Testament, These are underlined,) 1n~ ,;,rw:il')r r::i 1~nE>.2 ,;n&»1pnn,~ ,"1',,1:1 : ,;nF»neemr neeneem;n,,tnfl-1t)!>W ~ ,n,1::llll);rq . Ml1tl n:i 1r,::iN:11 ,,cee1, 1.23111 2 , o::i1::iec n,m·,~:i1p, ,r,m ue,:i,.,::i, rn~,cee1, ,,.,::i 11:1 11 "\fl.IN~:1,p; t'3lC,w* mn , ,; mm,.,.,,ee , on; ,DNl'is· ,;.,,'lm 2 M'lC ,.,ee ,w m~31n,:i ;31N" • 1:im ;31ec,,'E>O:i ,Ji ec,o::i, • ,::i ,,031, r;,::i,o:i,1eeru,::i:i,:i, • o::i1,m ,.,,at, , wwn nnn o::i, . u1wm\.2311 4 • ,c,,p; r,,:i, l:lnMIC',::i, 0.:i,'·ic,ee'* ,::iee o::i1,m ,,,ee .•on,"\CM 5 · , 1.2M 1'31D11U ,:, U'lH,::i, ,,cee,n1.lru,,.,:i• M,nnc, , ,, ,,cec6 • ,~,n ,::i,,,,::i31n ,nut'°"nee,,;y "'"' n,,,::i;:, ee,ecn11,:i eonee,•on; ,cee,,.,,n,,::ip; ,,.,E>,c ,ee,,w ee,ee,c,,Jb .,,, \M ee, ,::iee•,~ ,~,11 , m:itt , ,; ,,cee7 • ,r.iE>.,; n,, 'ee,wnc ,nn, .r."M MWll'11t,w; 1::i,,0,11::i,,0 ,.,w,,E>~ 1r:c, iDM s •,eecw, l'D',.,,n,:lM 1.2n o,,.::i 1:1o:,,~,:iruo::i::i ,.,ee, ,., iy • rn, ' eet:i,n,,1m1n ,y 1nM,,,::itcr:c,n tc,, n,,rietn,,,.,1p1n:i ,::i,nee'1 ,.,::i,,,,r:c ,,nr:c ,ynn ee,w








The text follows Ute Oxford MS. d. 11, pp. 32 sqq., already collated by Gaster but here collated !1,t'resh,..This MS., which is of the thirteenth century, is here designated as A. The readings from P and ·J are taken from Gaeter's edition, P .is a twelfth-century MS. now in Paris, and J ·.represents the text of the Testament printed·by Wertheimer, 1890, in Jerusaleril. · 1 J. A reads O''i''1 J1C,ru.'.•J. A read_sn.,,!l!ln. •A. PJ read o::inet nim. •Amars, PJ. A reads ,,::i,.


, ,; ,,ctt 9 • rrnrr 'll Dll\,,; •~ OJI•n!>n• ri0,,·•.)l OJIttnnt'n •.:il ll"l'nJI~ •nlli't' ,13!,• ;n, 'DN 10 •ro:::,!,31' n•Ni nc, 1 ;n,!,3n,, ',Ni~ •.):::,nN N•cMn,, on,::m '•!>tt,,,, •iMND,,o, ric,, • 0•,m a ,,::131•~1 ,,, »1 N; r,N::i n::i,cnriNn !,31c T. Naph., l~ MJl\i..•nt•rD WNi iziN )'TMM o:::,',Nl M"JEIC,N i,JI' II v. I--3, • \); icM\ Nl ~ mm • mri,l 'Dll 0131\, 'MN::i"•mm 'n'Ni 2




icN)\ i'Dlll 3 . • ,p,Ml n',31,it'N iMM!,:::,111 .)EI; ,0t 1m 4 m, "}l 8, 01::i:i,.:im Mi'm t'cri,n N,te D'M\i \ltc J'N nln c,itm nti, ,; 1, ;:i ,,; 31,cru::, •,,;31 :,::,,,,:,~ ~ri,n ·',313,i 1, v,,c tv1!ln 4 1, Mi•n ',31 y;;;-i,,c otn, t.:i M\M nii;- n,11ti:i,5 , O'Ct'l ,,rt)t \::i.:,,:,',31:i:,i D;;-;MN ',:, , D"Clt'M' ',:, Ill\ 6 t•',y nn~ 'll • \)\lN lPll' ,,. iDN 7 • rite::i ,,::i, .'1011 ii •n!,,r iNt'), tl'Ctt'l nw 10 ,,,,,~. MC\ 'lN ♦ ,, "1CN, 1'MN!)n•t'll I (N',) nc,* , ,,1031'riNn !,y j!ltO, v. 6. D",til D"El)l ,,, ,cu, mll ,nN 11 m:i ;:::,'10\' ,:ii:, III 0,~ ; li'll' ,; iDNI\ ~ • 01c•tci 'lip~~ \1lil'I ni•onn '!ll.:1:3 i',n \ll:lN :lW\ , "'\\~Ii ',i, :l!>i•, 'IC>';Di)'\3 , 1•',p ::i.:ii1'Jl '101' v. 7, M'MD1DSl!lt'"'\\t'M',y MNlnC'IC>\' M'MJ'ltW, :'i i111::i ·4 , \lnND J\0\1 CIVIi\ • ,iN Jl"lMi~N is, J\!llllC ,::i n•i, D'DJl!l\Y"'\\ 'MN, m,n; ,; u ,cN 5 · • , 1nN m,n, n·Nn,:in', ',i,•, ,, 1:i ,~N c,.:in 18 ,r,0.:in nnJJ•· • nn~,;, n,Jri,c l"' 1i•::it' ,; icN •l::,n n0', 1M\ •,', onn', m1n•\4 !N1'1 \)CC ',clrtt i.17· '10\1 11 'lii!:1 7 , 01',~n•m r,,',· icN 8 · • rm:, ':, DIC,.:, m,n\ ,,:i "'\Nttil N!>I.\Ml\t)l tc!>rtt'•n • •intc ,:,!,, IM'"'\MND ,,0 •;,;, 18 ni,n,', nc,~ntt·,,; ri0,;, n.:,',', •·,Mtt ~ic::, rmn"t ,,; 'l1D ~c,,, •tc 1•nNtJ10~:i, 9 ,,, ;::, 11 ,,, n,tti:::i 1o • ,,,, l'D'll •n',:i n,,n, Dllin,.:i N,, • ri0,1








s .


r,,, ·~,


1 P J. A reads,,,. 1 P J. A reads •p!,N, · · 8 P J. A reads ,,~w,::i. 'A. P J read \tel but T. Naph. v. 2 ·reads trpoa-llpapovrtt.· 11A. Possibly this should be emended into n.:,113',, or as Mr. Cowley suggests n',::,,'El',,in atJ)ordance with T. Naph. v. 2 «cm\ llv11aµw. P J read ',:, •.:iE>,. • P J add one, on', "'\CN. " P J read nw,n: 8 P J add t:i::i~. 8 So Gaster reads, adding N!>. Perhaps it 10 p J. would be best to read merely N) with J. P reads ,, only. 11 A adds "'\n\\ 11 A; P J "'\CN'\. A reads ,,',,',. 11 A; P J read ,~ ,!, ;n. HA. Other MSS. INC"I. · iii A. P J 17 P J om. read ,ram. · ·18 A adds only on marg.



1.l::i· r1::i • ~MNrc•.l!l; 1 i:ioi•,; ,cic 11 , ~cwn ,lie 1 iM,, l'!l:11lll 1, , 'Cll nnN 0l n:i, , MMN•MNN,n ' 'MN l"D'.ll 11ec sio,• l:ll/B ~;; 1, 12 • imN '\'MN; eioi• r::i i•'i!)n, n,iil Mii n.ln.1:i,•nnil!ln::,•n 8 1 li'll'' ,n,ic "1CN\ntn )itMM ' M\Ni:i'"" 13 , in, l:l'lW,,nil N,, • Nin Ml~ N; 1:, , 1,, 1 N;, "'ll' ic, Nin 1:i,,n'.l!l • ,;, ii;ec, • •:iic 1\ n:i,ir., 1r.,rsi,n tb, IV vi. 1. il,i:i il•1nrtt 2 , inte inn ,,s, 6 1liN"'l :i,:i M~ M"lN MlMi,iiln l:l• 1MEIW ;p il'.lN .:,,pp,CS,ricip vi. a, 3. 1:nc. MCl:lMNl:l'N\"'IM , \l':lN il,; icte 3 , rtt'N N,.:ii n,o N,.:i 0' , ,~»n 1::i,·iN,n •.lee • i.l,. it:N 4 • me rN,., ·• ,; ·,liCN., nN,, ,0,i"J5 , ,1,nN u,::i, , nc•n ,0w''!In, ,1,l::i nN u•::iN::ip»•1::1•wE1ni (vi. g.) 7 :i,l:l,.:i M.l'EIC.l Mln,6 • l:lCll!li'll'' n::i,n, iiir!lpin, 1nn n,,n,, .,, ' :::nn::, nc ,,,nn ;te Nl ,1::1•:i., • il•::iic:ips,, rn, icec 7 • c,i»:::ie, ;,; ,:inc•, 8 ' • 1,wi 'll :i,n::,8 "'lll .Ce' f•N~Ml'EIC)'Ne' • ,1,ll ~e, :::iul!,::,,Nm 10 ,Ni::i,:i·,1::i!, .n••.lttn' ,r :::i,n::,mi"n iNi1, ni,n•, , n'::i'n, n••iin n!,»ni ni•p 1ru, nc~ 1:ii.l1lN :ip»• ]nl:)~:,, 9 • n::i •,l; ,cic i•c 10 'c•::i Cl •l.l'i!l tt,R riN::i 1.l::Ji:le'••, N; ,etc !,s,,,, l;., , 10 11 · • ,p,n Nin c,E)n•wnc inN !,::,,11 ii:::llnnnn11•.l:i , ,,,11 ::irtt'in::i~· ;,,ln 1,,nn 1i,nn ,11·n,,n• Cl f!)i' ,, 1.l~ 12 "MNiNe'l 13 . , '''ll N\M l:ll :ie,,, ,,; !,e, 1,,n, .,,con •.lrtt~ ill \j)'tn~ vi. 4· Ml'E)CM iw,!, •i:, l"l:l•l,:ipn':l 0E)MU•:lN!li'l1•i, il:liWC::i MN Cl c,E)n1ll !:)Cl•' U•:::IN ,; icN • ,,::i, i:ici•itteil, 14 ' 1n,::i C)\E)M;sic,• MlN N' 1::, •::iNn,N,:i 15 : sic,• M.:IN ' ~, • ,l:l,~ 12 1 1 1 1 iw, ni 1i :ie, rc .l,:ipn0 inN e'\ElniMlMe'l .l:l • i!, "'ICN\1::1\e'~ inc 1,, 16 • nw:i1n ~ · c:i»•l~ ,11.n,0,~:i il:lilbl11nN, m•E)cn 1N\ Ml 1!lCM MNil•Mlnn::,::,• ,.,, ,CN\ ,MN, inte !,:,; ,:::i0J-iM!IMD 0::J.l 1 1n 1!,l , 0:, !,p ,ic»• ONn,110 rn,c, 1:i


!,:, i:ici•c,mn,, 2 •11 i.l''llD cbs,n•, ,.,; ,n"iir' in,!,:,:,•n•, V cwn, , f'l:l'~ "MN iNe'l ,,ND-;;- ,nic, i.l1D10 inN r0•li!li'M 1' r.liinn ':i• ,11 1:1 1::ie,,•ni,n 1, .,;, s • c•0n •lm ,11 i:iiirn,M''.lNn , r,e, n,,n 1, l:)C\• ns,, M'MW MYW !,:, 4 , n•1lNM,,n ,,, Mf'Nn,N,;

· 13

l p om. I p J om. I A om. ' p J i1MNr::i,• GA. p J l"ead · 7 A over an eramre. P J read "11::)\Nt • Read nttiN\ with 0. n,:i,c. 8 P. A reads n!,pn. • A marg. P ~d i,,n !,31. 10 A. 11 Amarg.P J: A Nllnn (1). 12 A om. but P J read !,tt::ii::i. 18 adds on marg. A. P J read •.lei!l. u A. P J read 1iinn.



APPENDIX II 1 0th l\t:l ,,, m'ElCM1 1'0~'" Ml'ElbM rib,, Mt:) n'N, rib,~ ·n,, 1 n,,Mlw. 1 1 1 1 1 N;, • m,n , ric, Jl 11!2""10n,Ell M]M 5 • '11',':)CN,::i 0,,!Vl r,;jlE)bM .l:)C\1 bl""l'El i""li M.ll!lbM,,n\ • n,,n 1 ri1,,N::i111.lM ""ICNC::i vi. 5 • "tll .[31,bM · ,tc] 01n ,;l, 1 m:>1m r,n!,py • M""llMWlrv


• \WEil!,y ~M t:);c,n,

1l""l\nn 1:1


~,, ,,,,


1M !,te U'E'Ell 8 !,y \lt),Cl\ ; M!Vl \.)t)C inM !,::, 'MM ""lMfV 0l\ "ICMs • mn inM, mn inM rt1,1t)D \lM'!.'01 1l'lM ::ipy, tc::imm 2 11'1 1\lf ,rvr:c n, I\M""l~ M11)MMl:INMl'M"' ~rv • 11)::1 o::i, MC• \); · , UM'llf ""l~M!,::,c • 1l""lbM!, 1::, 1'i.ll,! W!ll 1M , 1!, ""letO\4 , c,::,!, 1 1 1 n,,n ,n,,n ""lE'M::ii 1 \ lf::i M"'lMM ,~, tc,rv "" YW!l1:JCI',.:iM 5 , on>· ,~up:i ,,,, 'fVN""l mn, tei 1, , nc,pc n111t,; \N"IMil, ""lCM'1


Ulf!lpm, '!lM p,-,~, 6

• 011:)M1l!I !,y M!llf mn, J'M""lll:l'l""lWt


1, 8 J)C\'' n::i, , M) 1!lCMnM MD""l'\ Mt:l'M ,i!l'I 7 · , u,::i '''" 1'MM!,::,8 J'"l!l\YIQ!:)ye:, 1'MM!l . "'"' ,nn, 1ll J)blM ,1ie. ,, ""lt:lM\



,,,,y nlM'11'!l:l'!lM l'ElO• '!lM; nrn 1un., 1n""l!l'b""ll','M::i\ VII 'JM ,, bU>nM,3 , ,.:i, · ,, "\t:)M t,'ll iy ,nNf 2 , n,]lt), , ,; "ICM4 , ,,,,y u,r nc, ,,,, i::iy 'M • ,; n,r:>itc, nprvl,, npln, 'lMW.• 1,::i ~b\' !,y9 -in11,, 1:1!:>\MWn,• 'l'' n,,W'n!,y'l!l 1 , n11:>1Nn r.:i, rirDnc, 1:1 ,u ontc 1:)01',,::i nnwc !,311 ·b:,,i:ic w,":inM ,,~ ,,.:i -1::i!,y , tcin intc 1un r,w 10 1n,i::, 'lrvm 1irvM""l imnrv s . , m,n 1, ,,, 0]1 M;M !:)bl' 'll 0]1 1""1.lnnnM,W M\'llD





\]l!lWn\,,:itcnf y'iNM ""l\::ltlltl'C!l ,,,u !,\!l'fVi:)::,!,m 1lN l:lll VIII l'lt:lYltl N;IQ 'lN 0:l""l'MT!:> 2 , Ml.lip ,,,00 ,,,, 'El ntc ,,en 11 tc,, ntc ,n::iwnN~1 3 • in0"tM 1.:i,00 1:1::il)'.:iwn

xxxii. I5.) r,,,0n

n,,,,n 18 niw


u>tmrv::, l:IM""l.lM \l'lM ,n:i UI',' c:,::,,n;lM'"'" 1 , ,,n, ,c,"lt) 11:)W'rm,,, TM11·,::, 4


nin.:>t'C''11, ,,0, 1w JMCintc ,::i, m1'ln 12 'M 5

16 ,

o::,,n,N ,,,, , l;El 10,l


1 A. P J read n11~•n1.Beet read n,::iii or · 1 A' prefixes,. 8 P J. il\M""'li'.1 as T. Naph. vi. 5 suggests, or omit Y,On '"· 8 A. P ,'f read nJlt:l, A reads '"· • P J. A reads 1l'""lb, 7 Read.n,,nnl. 8 A. Bett,er reacl • P J.- A reads mr::ip.:ii. • A. P J read '!:IllOt:l\1"1~\. . 10A. P J read 1ilNl with. P J. 11 P J om. 18 A. P J read 11 A. P J read !,tci. DM'lfe'.-' H Schnapp emends rightly into 01','M""ll •. n,wn. . .

APPENDIX . , )N"0. ,,~:,






,,t.:> .6

2 43

·, )'~

'l1 ltl ,,,

1N'll'l 1

· n1!l!I,"011'1 ·oei n•.:i:::i · DN •:i '"0l1 1,~ e,,,pn 1,ei,· ,~., tt,, 1.:i:::it.:1 , tn".:i:::i tt,neiu•:::itt on,:itt !,.:,!,n,t.:1,tt '»!, it.:>tt, 'n'~'pn •.:,11!,t.:1 P,EI!,tt.:,,t.:1 tt•'ll'ln0,~:::i ,:i, ix 1.:,11:::i ,e,i,n ntt, D!lnttieitt iit.:1nntt 0ny,1 onN 2 , nt.:1¥31 nrnc 10 ntt 0,1 n 0.:i, ,,n:::iMll'I, r,ttn, 0•t.:11&1n •.:i,itt!,y.on,e,i, .,!t'M 1t.:1,,,,:i»n ,; rte •.:iee , ,t.:1N' •JMin·,,,t.:1.:i n.:,y3 • 0,,c:::it:1.:i'll';t.:1 • n, nn>ll'I4 • e,,.:, 1,ru,.MJIIO 'El!l •nc,tt,, ,; • ,c,;e, nrc ;,,>· n,n:::inc,ee,· nc,tt !,.:, 1:i, c:,-,,n, ,~, 1'" !,:::i,n;01,Vt.:>, 1:1,El ,~ice, J'l'!IN;N, 5 . .'n':::i'pn ·!,e,,0ei rnc nneeni•:,rn tt,, n:iee!,t.:>~ 10 n>»•'n:lJtnIC;, nntt It) nee 0,•m:itt o~tt, ,N:1 1.:i,1rei0,,11nn,r,; icee~ 'C:::iic,tt ,,,.:i ·1,tt, ,n,:i. •.:itt0, 'JIC!1 1,tt :p:i"'IN ,:::i, n:i !,11:1t.:>, ""'>i,n:i. n1,.11t.:1N , 0;,JI lt.:)I !,.:,•pin !'li"";ntntt, nc,ee;:i; ' ;,,.:,;;,t !,•run, a rn•!,y,,,11n I rtt· x 11 Cl~N n•.:i.•n!,,r'i'Mt.:I MC"1N \l !,.:,8 ,,,:i.•n fNt.:1, 2 • n;,,3,, ,tt,,:::iClllittru, ,,:i., ''N •.:,.:i ·r:i, 3 •!!I'll"pn'll'9 , 1intt, ,,:::111, ·.,n,tt, tt!,Nintt !,tt!,,i:i.»n tt,, \Jinn tt!,rut:1:iJl':;'10 ,:i. ,,n:::iru ,mc:i nw ieitt •c ree, ,n,o:i t•ttru,yin 111,1 •:i 4 • 10 D!l•n,:::itc ·u•:i.n,5 • ,,n,,~:ll!In,ei,, M''El'i1&1tt •t.:> f'M\ritt:i.,01cru:::i ''l&lllt.:i!I, 11 ,n,:::i nyPC n11i:i.t.:1 ,1:1ttit.:1 ,tt"0 6 • ,:::i~ n,tt,E)'N;.ElMC!I0"1NM 19 ]IC~ , n"i• \t.:11:J\Mt.:1'1 , }'!11 \M,t:it:i, , 0 1!11 ,,,,Jtt:l, \1.:,fNt.:I , ,,;.:,, "131* ,•E>:i., , ,:ii• mi,!,~ , nn~, ;!INt:> 0 1.:,.:,1 ,1:1iv1,c, !,,p N"ll'I',n,,l)t.:I, T. Naph L L . -jj 8 ,, 1!1!1.:i, • pnf&.11 t,,nc:n , :;n1&1n• ,:i.,,:i, . •,n:,ee!,cMeil/' ,1, 1:::i.• 1 , 1• eiE>.:i!,t [ntt1"0]:nee•,, , ,,,n . ,,!,.:,"Q\, n.:imi:i ,n:,,•p,• 0,J1:i .,nee!,:, tt,ee,nut:i,eecci,nn• ,,i:i.,Ni:i ,nee rte,1 • r,lll ,,n,~ \Ni:irutt,n •ti ,,,ee !,:it>,:i., !,JI0,ru, 0,1h nttl 1:i1!l!, s •,,~ 11:Jt:) Ut 1'll'lt.:iei llt,i'I' 1c, • ntUNn 'llt.:l!In1&1,N!1 MEl ,,it1ei N'MIt:),


,,,::iN ,; .~.:i, m,

,,m•· ·


1 P J, Inserted above the line in A. • A adds l!Iabove the 8 P J. A reads ic!,,e,, ' P J. A inserts above line. · line. 5 A marg,P J. A om. • A. P J read r,•!,JI,A supra. lin. P J 8 P ·J add Cl.,l, ' Read !,,,.:,n,. 8 A. P J read 1!,i::in. 10 11 1 add. ,l•n,:iN. P J read u n,::1N. P J. A reads ,mi. 11 P J. A reads , 1lnNt.:1 ]IC~ ,::iru. 18 Read.:i,ttru!,.Cf. Othioth of ' R. Akiba' on p. 148 of text.




244 )Jl'I 11it:i ~

u1'lrt), ,, 1cllt)1Ol)li ')l)1n, 1:i1l']I n"ec, ,; ·1n,i1:1>11m 1n, ut:lc. n,,, n ncwl u P'm . Ml'l mi,c:i.D'.:i,~ r!:,,m,; r:, nw1,p,,• 01n)ec nn nM'll~' ec)~ ciM,,~, 9 • mMcn-,n~ 1::, · ·MMi,:,.) 1:1, n-,,.,~ Ml'l"e" l:IM,,,c,ec, •u,p:,. nnm, nee, itiM n-:,,niwM)eciw,r:,.,;r,m1-i:i, mn 'Tl110 : u. mPD1n • ,~ 1

0 11

: ' \!l'n l''ln'C nll\ll* ''ll) : lj)Jr 1

AP. Read U'~ with

o: .


t:i 1)n!ll nl!C\YNf)1)C:,

Rest missingin P J.



Corrupt. Read perhaps l"ln0 n'!t'l n11m> 'with words sweeter than honey.' adds above th~ line.








CAMBRIDGEFRAGMENT (Fitat 14 lines miSBing)

(Col a)

, , nNt.:> \,, N;:, "1 n-,:i, :,:i r,:, i:i)10)

(Col b) 15 til1 ;:,:, 'MN, • , , , • , , , .• ~ 3 16

D!l~l '"', ,, M •••

, ....


Ji '\MN\'MM,.,,,,,,, Mt>\0::l"l ,. , • i ,. • , ., i M·, ., ~ ,. ., l r,n,tlit>N\ 19 ,,MM\NDt>M "t(ll1} , , • , •• t> 1,nl\ tn-,:i:i l\l'N r':iY :lO 1,wrri mtc ,, m,,,. JU'N ·(rM}NI~\!! ll\Ni) ; • • n!,·te,tN 'MR 1,::,i~:i n,i,y ,iUl 2 r-i:im21 r0•nM r,nn, (mm): r,10nnm u -,,~ "It' • • , , it.:>) •i ll,MN (1,}:i, "bil\ 0 • • , n!,.0:i 1nm:i 23 NlW p:i" (¥\) Nt:),p·m,,n(') N-,\ 'lN li'll'

(Then three columns missmg.)

17 18

(A section lost here,)

_Where:the.·abovetexts have parts in commonwith the Testamentof Levi,theseare underlined. ·




!,:,, Ne,~

N.ll'"IN ''"lt:i:i n-ron 2

Ne'l!:l N:l'"\M n,:i,c,,


3 4

r,cn.!,,o.11nrlcn tD:in rlcn rlon n,,n ,,ln rlon ,,o,n



1l':l'"I )"=li"I


c,~ .nl:li


•TM!l1:J 6 Nl'l,I nll!' Nl)ti• 1m N,,:i 10

,·m,,1 No,y •n,,.~rm1:i~ riN



)C M'"l'llMNmNl T. Lev,

viii. 18. . -----i"l»t i,:i, 1, Nli"I Nnn M'"\ON

II 12

~l'"l'~M.l'I N:liP,

!,,:,NM r)r.)! 5 Nl!l::11N'tli'l b NM:ill

5 6






M'"\CtllN1TM!,:, n, 'li'I' ,,


N', ~l 1N

!,:,',,1:i',:i ti

fi:, Nli"I '\N\ pm, ':IN




mn ,,:,

)'iN 9




Nl?l)l 8



nc !,:, '"l!W, , •• n,nu,., ~N'"\:l 0'1p n ,ni"llN (.,:,,) 1


7:,,-,p:in• 1nu:i ',:io ,,, n(min::,) 19 20

~l, tcm,n::,

~:i,N,• ',tc',••••

N~C?Y ?N', !'i"l:l M1lMl d 1i• 1?(Cl) (Jub. xx.xii. 3.) L l ':lN;, n::i,:i,•nul-,p ;,:, n1lip, viii. 10. )\il?l!:I




'MN' n.::i,:i, 1n, 1n:i


N:lN '\Nl 1l\.!:l'"\l


to hiss with rage.' b Root in Syriac 11oAs in Syriac. . d So J ub. xxxii, 3 ' His father clothed hi_m c Comipt for nrn. in the garments of the priesthood and filled.his hands.'


Nl,rtO 11 . ;N a Ntm ~ 2

.3 4·


cl.m\ DEB,}).ical 11. ical d11{i">-.8op.n, I A;aTE">-.v1Taµ•11 Ell TN al,">-.fl A/3paop.TOU .,raTpoS';,,..-,.,· ,rapa 'Ia-aaic Tli11trO'f'lpa

inl:l"'"I'M:l"\i'M' T. ~N n1l0 ~!?

r,i1:i:i: 1

DM"\:IN n"\1l:I Ml'"\~


""lM pnir


11':INix. S·

Nl:l"\l, tcl,,:i, tUUN l)n'!r ;N;rn:i MlN 1, JM1 ,,:i, 13 1,nr '"\N~ MID~ 1-"\N0;



1n1 N!!;N;, 'n\ nip!l; iL ,mrtc ,,; 14 ,; ,0tc, tcn,)n:,

7 8

IC,MNt,U:)~:I ID'"\:I. 1"\l



"\Ct)N tc,,


15 16


1l'tnN tcb~j:1

r, ,n,El;N;.mn!l !,:,·1l'C


,, ,nir111 rbip,

Nnl\n:I ix. 9.


4 AEVl, il,m,• 14. Ti1eiio11

8• ,rpdrnx•O'EOV'f'!p a,ro'lrQO'!IS' il11a8apa-las,) 1tpla-w a-ov p.rya">-..q · drro ,rdrrf/S' a-ap«dr. 15. «al vu116 nj11 «pla-wnis' tl>.q8,fosdwyy,">-.irro, «al ol, ,-,.;,«pvy"' d,r,\ ITOU ,rappijp.a·*B,Mfr,, O'E 7 8 ITfftVT'j> 9 d,r,\ trallTOS' 16. rrpdrT•X•

!,:, tt, N,n:i, tctln !,:, r, 1"\!1 IJl:l\15 N"\~.l


'ra-aa« o rranip '1/.ltilll, 12. ical ZBEii ,),.,;,11 rrd!lf'as-,)µiir icalrp,M·yqo',11 ,)p.iis-, «al ql,cfJpd118q. 13. ical &n ;'Y""' or, f."/OJ lEprJ.TEVITa. T¥ Kvplrf 1 lJEO"rrdry Tou ol,pai,ouljpfaTO 9 µ, njv 1tpltr,11 &,Ba1T1m11 ··

lEpoa-vll'IS'a «al





(Greek Fragment)

(Col. b) 1


drrhdO'f/S'lO t.l1ea8ap-


,:i tc, MNCtl\ tn!l ;:, tC "'\:I ulas- ml dm~ rrdtf't/s-rrop11,las-. 1 7. - a,ru ' l TOV- umppa.-os ' 11 ~ O• 1nn!lW IC NMMlN m~ 17 n,)r ix. IO. uv't ,rpr,>TOS' ~


fM')f Cll1 137-,f

:10 (ix. 9 u,avrt; ~al ,.;, fJ,(3,,">-.o:,aus!a O"rrlpp.a 11 ' EiC - ?) uov p.ETO. tiro">-.">-.&,11 IT'ITlpparOS' ll"'lt "\N . u-y,ov .r. , • , • , , · .r. , n, ,ca, To O"Htppauov u-yiauo•

N" ,,


~,ii'\ n)N ~p




f'n:I ,.,N Nnp ,,., ,11,r .Jl"\f ,:i, "'\l)n,:, mN ~,p


:11,p(,,N), mN



:l'"\i' 18 L

"\::U ;:::, nN,:,,r:, ,:,


'AfJpadp..18. 'E~s ,l «vplov «al , 10 , , 1, ... A.,.,," ... r· , u, ;:,; (Jub, O'V ''Y'Y':s_,."'~~ 11; 11awotJ,' '"':"

0n,:1N ii.

* 131:l,n,~p

IC~lTO O"Htpp.a TOUci-yuza-p.oii uoti f.UT[11 •. 'l•pEfJS'11-y,os«">-..q8qu,ra, T,P18a-nppan IO,



b 1"\~.l:I 16.)

m8apar Ell np,U0>poT& 18 Cl'OV a,ro ,rauqr dm8apular rrall'f'os,h,Bpwou

a Emended in accordance with Gk. Frag. ,cal iBE11 and Jubilees xxxi. 9 from N\M\, b So Jub. :xxi. 16 'Be pure in thy body.' · ·


1 :A.ram.



2 Aram.


rrapay-r'U.,w p.E icalB,ll&a«np.

a So this :MS.writes this word alway~. 'Aram. repeats Ti«11o'II, 5 Aram. &ur, adds «al d1rorrdaqr dpafJTlas-. 8 Aram. adds TE«11011. 1 Aram. ITf nj11«pl!Tl'II TqS'l,pr,,tTV"'lf, . ~ Aram. pref. rrptilTO'II,9 Aram. adds n«r,o11. 10 Aram. om. 11 Aram. -yl11owp.ou, The Aram. here is really ·



11 Corrupt



for rrap.,&,11, · : 18 Aram. &-yw11 To a,rippa r,p rra11Tl, Here To O"rrlpp.a' aov aov &s-To ciylaapa, BT,.l,pnif lly,or atJ«)..118fiau· 14 Aram. adds ci}'lauo11 and Ta a-,ripp.aTou ci-yiaap.oii dittographs. · 18Aram. tni11ra,11, rl11011 11ii11. 18Here -yl11ov ; •• uwpaTl aov agrees with Jub. xxi. 16. See note on Aram. : line 7 ri here T. Lev. ix. 9 has 110por,, but Gk. Frag. «pla-w. Cf. Deut.,,av"'ls-, i.e. D'Jn:I l:l!lW. xviii. 3 for the phl'ase ·,cplo-lS' . line 16 1iinE>W; cp. T. Lev. ix, 10 dw yfrow, but Gk. Frag. has dri ro~ airipµaros-, a Hebrew _:word.



(Col. c) I


3 4

's 6 7 8

,tt n•:i, ?lN:l, CNti' 'lilli •i:n 19 T. L Lev. aylo,rl AOl/011 iiaan -:rpwTOIJ 2 ,cal "rOTf ~•:l;, 'li1M ritt:ll a tt'O:l 'Mt:l •m Lx. ~CT,cou .,.;,vCTTo'A,jv tjs !EpoCTV"'/S, ~•:i, •1;,n ,,::,, 20 ttn1J;,::, n. 20; /Cal ;;TQV Jva,l/vCT,cn vl'lr"rOII ,ra'A,v ,,,, llln-,l :llM !:l'Nn '\il· Tlis x1ipas O'OV KOi TOVS1r68arrrov 1rpll -rov lyy/uai ttn::i,o,::i,vnH?i ,, ,,,l.,l· o'Aoil:l-,i'il'b :10) •\ilM 1i!:ll 21 mi ;:, ix. ,rpas TOIi (:J0>p),v,rpOO'fllf"/ICCU K«ipm,>CTUI --II iln:iio, ilj?O)il; il!M •i 21. ,cal /frav ,,..>.>.£1r,rpauq,ip«v • ws 1''lil 1'i' l)M"ll :lHM ill) 1li1ci8iavEvlyKE8 ' l,rl ,-OvfJo>p.dv,

~,:i, ,:1 .

-,p:ll t•n,~ilO l'llH :l 1"li'l'10l 22.




tty,in fO

muuv ~ -rlis X£ipas CTov,cal Tovs

ro,,p, fll'H





Hl"l!:lil N!-,N flilnrn::,t,t fll'N

e tmiH\



d Nnlt:11\ t c "''~Ml


HMt:IIOl)Nl NnJJttnt Nnl"l:I


r?tt 25



1:tnpit 'YNl

(:Jalvr.iv. 2.4. ,cal -raiiTa -ra ovoµaTa avrwv, Kl.aµfJavus (1). Cf. ver. 52 for another instance of this expression. o Corrupt for tt,•.:n"ll::'lO'H rrrp6fJ,'Aos(Cowley). d Corrupt. Gk. Fr. and Jub, give 'll'frvr. Read 1~. Hl::'l Levi conjectures Nm~N a species of cedar. eCorrupt for ttJ,1N ,c1l!pos. f What was in the original here is uncertain. Perhaps





1 Aram. 9 Aram, om. oiic'f> S•ov; T. Lev. ix. 1 I supports Gk. Fr. Corrupt for /;CTaali avEviyica,(Wilkins). 'Aram. CT1ew>.ri1eor ital TOTE";li abTa• oil-rc.>ryap .tao11TOI''Af;lpaliµ rllv 1ra-rlpap.ov W'poO'E)l,OVTa. I Aram. 1ran0>v.,.;;,v lJ&>lJ.i11, 6 Aram. If &11 (1)ip.6v, Corrupt transliteration of Hl"lDi,. 19 Here aµvylia'Aov«al u-rpof3,'Ao11. 9 Corrupt transliteration of Nl,lH. 1CC1J1 is a corruption of real and e•xatt. a corrupt transliteration of etmNn. Cf. similar corruption, Jub. xxi. 12 where we have Taviiic, See note f.






the Hebrew


Not Aram.

= '" =


Mj:)l:lil'g rrn ,, ,, it:lN 1, JU'K nn:1it:l ttn,v n(,nn), i,mo \,31l'~N 'llN 10 h (Mj,Cil)1i:i, t-ti'\,,n,ttiwi Rim nn:i.,o






11 ,cal , ,cal a&f/,111]11 1eal ,am&p,ITITOJJ 25. *T~ii1'a,ip'JKIJJ&,,-,. a1Tf/,a>..a8011. t/1T0/(QT'(t) llTT'W;I, ITf l2 a11a¢•pn11 T'aVT'a lrrl T'OV 8v1T,al7'T"JT"ijso>..011a\lT'QIITEO>S piov 1a T'OH 14 tipE,, l111ealn11 ,cal T'O 1Tiip·

I append here in parallel columns, the three lists of these trees, as they help to settle the question of the mutual relations of the Aramaic and Greek. The names of the trees are given in Greek so far as possible:JuB. XXI, 12. GREEKFRAG. ,ARAMAIC. 1eilJpos lJ1¢pa11a aµuylla>.os ITT'po{Jv.os

1eilJpos lJ1cf,pa11a ITX&IIOS ~p,5{3i>..os

lll!1T&p&ITITOS lJ1cf,pa11 aµli')'lJa>..os OTp6{3v.os





(i e, N)"'nN) J>..lJl11a fJ1pw8a ITl!Kf/ l(IJ7ftlp&ITITOS lJa¢111J a1Tcf,&.'Aa8os

11ilJpos /3iipo.8i

/:i1p.;,8a 11'1!11:ij lA.a(a

llacfw'I , µvplT"''I (1) a1Tf/,ci>.a8os


,'>..ala µvplTlll'J lJacpVl'J acr_cprfAa8os

Here the first and third lists practically imply the same ·original. They diverge in their order. J uh. l'elegates no. 1 of Aram. to the sixth place and possibly no. 6 of Aram. to its first place. Also it transposes ; the order of 10 and II. The second list differs from the first and third· in that it omits where and 1?.ala and adds 1Txivos. Again it gives 11:v1Tap,1T1Tos aµll')'lJa>..or Greek the that clear is it facts these From µvp1Tl111J, give the other lists Frag. cannot be the source of the Aramaic. ='plane i:o,,, J

tree,' see Rosh ha-Shan., 23 a, where ten different names ,ls 1'd fv>..a1Tpolf¢opcis ¢v>..al1'11'0V are applied to the cedar. Jub. xxi. 12 lJ1cf,pa11, 1rpou¢,pn11T'aiira T'd fy>.a l1Tl T'OII {Jo,µov (so MS. A), ,amap&ITIT'011, (corrupt transliteration of ~vpci8i, T"ciJJciK 11:ilJpo11, TTiT"V11, IT'T'pofJJ..ov, ,lµll')'lJa>..011, ap/3aT ( corrupt ~,•oµa{op.{111J11 1..alar,µ.vpulv.,,11, Nmttn ), lJl11lJpo11 h Restored ·by g Read 1rn M, (emended text). for cll7'!/>a}.a8os) Cowley.



11 Aram. trans. before ~ap11T1To11 against Here Gk. om. ml 1'>..aiav, 19 Corrupt, perhaps, for T'aiiTil lun11 (ct Efpqr '1inb nt'Nl 27 a, 1n1,0 '5 n, mnn1 tt,, te:i-,n 1!lM 1n,\,y, 6 n,t-ti'l 1ni,n:i, 28 °.tte,,n n:io,t 1n,-, 1 -,n:i, 1n,,, n-,Nl'l.,n:i, 7 d N''l' -,r,:ii N,!l'l t:i Cll1N)rl 8 N'liM n,'1~ Cll NMN:i-,, 9 1 in!ll CY fll'M-, Jl'l-, NMN:1'1 10 1;,,,c 1,n,1:i1 1,:i n,t>:i 1 29 N1::iip 11 I 2 N!l~l m, 30 )lilMOt::):I i,n, mn 10, ,en tt,,:i -,n:i, Nn~:i ,,, ::i 13 (,:i) )lil1l m,:i, JlM''ll , 10i,n,


,,,l.,, c,


,,,::i.,,p ,:i, ,,o::i ,,,:i,v

15_ ·N(lll"1,) 1 ,te 16 (1, ,:i,) 31 11



c,,p nn1l n1,, 17 (Mio:i '1'):1!1,,n ,,o:i ,,:iy n,nn 18 (mn) N' ,, ,:ii "IJi,nN; ,pni,:i, 19 e (r)l1te•• Jirn* 1:i~n jC -,c,nn tt,, 20 (Nn)::iic, i"'O ,, ,:i, n:i,pn,f rrn g-,:i:iN:1"1tt,,n, 32 21 ,pnc:i te'' l'lll!C

lipEn ,CQTacrrrl118E&11 ,.a

alµ.a /,rl ,-011Toixov ,-oii 8vcr111crn,plov. 2 6. ,;:al naA11111l,jia1crov '!">..i(:JallOI/ TTO f/EU'frT6ait1 ,.a EfYYOJI O'OV,,, To.E,1«al ,raua npocr.oy,a-p.oiiroii ,ca6qtt.aJJTOS T6'JI EvXc.,11,,.,.,,, ,ca81J«Ov'I""'"· This suggestion is supported _by ver. 52 below, where we have >.oy,a-,.li11 .,-0011 Ev>.."'"·The Aram. also favours this suggestion, and the ~pressions that follow·Jll1N,:i:,. Wilkins suggests that ovr01sis a remnant of f"Aarrwanr, For conjunction of the two ideas 1r•pu1uru,,11 and IAO'M'ovvsee 8 'lt'M (op.vers. 38, . _Dent. iv. 2; Ecclus. xiii. 21; Eccles. iii. 14. 41) but Aram. ="1lv.t, For phrase cf. Judg. vi. 25.




·-ss •.ul .Zr µ&,xav rl>.~1ov'ii ,.,,ai. 34•. 11:111 11l1tpdJrl1t•.ff'p~r0>V~ rpayor IE alyaiproff'povt/,,p&p.ellOP J, /till ro~ip i p.l!Oi,1t11l.,.,, urlar, rpt!~ p.i,ai. 35. ul d lJp1111 be 'lrpoflo.=vq lpi!/iav lE 11lya111 i1 ~i· 1tal r,p urlar, i!ip.1111i..86. ml •l . clp.vl,r.,.l>.,iorlviavu,ar,q lp1tf,arlf- 11lyai11 ii p.r,ai,«al .,.'I' rrri11r1p.l1111 f/"11'11 p.r,iiv. 1 .,.,, ral,prp .,.,, p.1ya>.rp ID.a, tcl,robt&11tre11 cl>.ijua,rl, 1tpl11r amt, 1tal .,., T"llVptp,,cal ii a,, ,rrp10'0'f!VO'H T"OV dMr clnllf)'lt~./,rl,:l,11fJo,p.&11. O'aroll1ta6q1tfl &>.'10'011 iv aw;; rl, Upp~. 38. ml rtp ravptp T"tp bwrlprp ro p.lp'l cl,rl,'l'Ci>II IE • . ml roii ,,.&rrxovri. b{p.aipa11 roii uarov. 39. ,cal rtt ICfJl't p.tpl»Proii O'arov rl, ;jp.,uv roii ml ,-tji rP4'n> rlJ ra-ov. 40. «al .,.'I' dp11lrp ·«al rttlpl~ rlJ rplrov T"OV O'arov. ml u,p.tba>.ir1ta6{i1tov0'11 awa~• 41. T'lj> T'llVptp.,.,, p.l!yallrpI «al rttT'llvpr,r,p i!i«al T"tpp.aux_apt,,udrw O'tp.lba>.111. 42. «al .,.,, 1tp1,ji~al ,.,, TpciwT'Gavo P•P'l roii crorov ~ rtt GpV(ff> «al 'IYjilplcJ,t If alyaivrl, T'plT"OII T'OV O'Q,;OV ml rl, nawv. 43. «al r.e Tlrapror, roii 'O'O'l'OV .,., Tavprtd,,a.,r,,ra,,,p.lvov Iv rj u,,uaa>.rc .,.at,,..,[ 11 ]. 44. ml ,ii "P''trl, l«Tov .,.oii uarov, iral rtji clpvlrprl, &,.80011 roii O'arOViral clp.llOii 1t11lolvo11ltllTII .,.1,p.erpov'l'OVIAalav ,.. ravptp ml "'" O'ff'•. 45. A1/3a110>roii ul«>.01IE.,.,; T'avptp«al irp&,ji «al 'IYjilpl~ ltllT'llO'ff'fiO'lll .rlJ ;jp.iav awoii ,-tji 1tp&,ji ml rlJ .,.p[ror,awoii ~ lplf/,rp;iral ,raO'll ri urp.lba>.,r. 8 lff'' dvarrnro,.'lp.111'1· 46. 4(11)!,, Bpoo-~1r-,,.6vo11all«lrr1 ur/a.,.ort ,rpoO"C11x6lurr111 6>.q o-li>..e11v bvo• 1tal rlJ .,.p[TOII roii O'QT"OV .,.,,Tpf:ravruii i,cpq IO'T'&V, . CM'l}v'>.,{ldvov 47. ml .,.aBvop.lP'lroii fJdrovml d>.«ijrrijr p.11cir ii uli>..mvmlv. «al -roiiu,i>..lov. rl, nrapro11d>.q fhpp.l,v~ lflT'III' yllfflll 6 ullMor r:,(J'.iirt thppal iral 6>.qr 48. ml Jlii11, .,.,«IIO,, p.ov,ll~VITOV rovr Myovr p.ov ml lllf/l)r[IJ'a& r1)r lvro>.dr p.qu, «al /UIGff'OO'fq1"0>11'11V al Myo, p.o11 owo, d,rl, -rijrmp8lar 0'011Iv ,raO'll&r .,.~ 9p.lpairuov, &n lrpEW uv8),aor ,wplm,. 49. ,ral .uprir la-ovrlll fl'QII ro mpp.a O'OV'ml ro~ 4. -rav.,.,,v vlois uov o~o,r IIIT'rill.ov l,,a ff'OlqO'OVITIII mr-a r,)v 1tplu111 .:,, O'Oli,,d81iE.).,a-Ila& roir vlo~ 50. p.ov, 51. ml N, -rloa-,,,,calpo,&.,.,.lE,Alx_B,,,dr k~oo-v"'l"dyiav ml trpoo-rvry«riv ff'Olflll, . 52 . .&,,a., 6u1TlllP «vpi~ ;,+lurf, .lorm61J,rn11aro.,.,,.qf'{l90'rfrll"/#"IIOV .-ovrrp ,rapallaµfJallf&f/ 6wla11ll'Olflll l1111vn ,rvplova,rl, ff'a0"7S o-apl«Jfl m'TGrlJv >.oy11Tp.lJI/ 'l'Ci>V. E{JAr.,11 bn.Blx.ov~. C:,, o-ol ""l>.>.op.a,,1.111 ~l ro11 lir,blxov l1II x•1pi,v aw&v.ori fMIT'll«Tqll'7, 53. ,ral 1 (J'ub. xxi. olvov ml .,.l,v'>.l{Jai,ov liri ,rao-1111;vl,rrovror ](!apar «al NIW mSbar&ravrropwn ,rpl,r rlJ 6vu111urqp1ov• J6-IS6-) · 53-5 •





1 A corrupt form of ,l,ro«'El,rv11pi. The context shows that an imperative · is needed here. Now the ad sing. imper.= Mi'IJ"I,.which the Greek 1 Seems ·to be the translator ehoul.ll•.. 8 Corrnpt for ,rpoo-mx6quE'Tlll, equivalent of n).firp =~.,in ver. 3:a. 4 = tlttm. 'With 53-56 of. Jul;>.xxi. 16-18 which I here retrovert into Greek. 16. ,ral ltrl ff'QO'llP IJ,pa11 yiPOV1ta6apl,r,,, ,-tjiO'@p.ari O'OV Ital tr>.v11E

u,mm\11Iv ~.,., ,rpl, -raii -lAfhw -raii ,rpoircplpn11 orl .,.1,11 /Jo,p.&v, ml i,i,rro11ni, x•ipas ml rowtrdaar,rp&'TOV lyylo-111 ,rpl,rnv flr.,p.&ri, 1.IIIITfawl, ti yij. I 8. ml p.q .cJ,d-y,ro


o-ra,, lattipruns l« T&iPclylaw,,rm, alpa p,} c1,r-rlrr8o> .,.;;, OTMijrcrov• olnc GJl1/'Y11S iwry·al,BIJ,,.po11.54. «al Tdr x•ipas ml -rou, mS3arMll"rOV Bic\,rairn\rd,ro 'll"UCT17t njs uap«dr. 55. «alp,} /xfiBIJ-ro, lirl rrol,r/ip alpa «al ,r/irra ,/,vrit• 1 n\ '¥'JP ml


alpa ,/,vxlJiOT&P /p 'f'Drrap1tl. 5_6. «al & lo /p of«f tOVO'II, cnlivrw .1(/MRI ¢ayri,, [ la! )«dAwrt 'l'Oalpa awoii ,j YD ,rp&i-roP ,rplP 9 ¢ay1&, " d,ro TOIP«[HP ml (J'ub, 0'11trrftfTTJ lrr8lo>P l,rl nii a'lparor. 51'/, *o~o>r -,dp po~l,n-, 6 ,rar{ip pov :ui.'I,) 'Aflpaap•, &r, ~, '~PfP b, 'rUypa!f,j Tijr fJlfJXovnii N&i, npl nii at,.&a,-or. 58, ml JliiP,C:.suot, 'NltJIOP• dyam,rclP,.~ >..;.yo,, /rta'flfJpEPOI ri tii ,rarpl a-011 «al &yw, 1n1plov (,,f,lrrnv•·«al lyya,r,,,-J11a, tav lnnp ll'GPl"CIS d&>..!f,ovr O'OV, 59. tii mpparl 0'011 ,'1Xoy,,8,,umu/p ,j 'YD «al n\ ITITippaO'OV lo>s:mli,ro,11TWPalcl,JIQ)p tl11q8/ia-ffa&/p fJ.fJ>..u, P."'ll'OfnJPOII{mij,. 60. ml oli« lfa>.q..try'lpiPOII fura& re\ ITITEppa ITOII itrl njs yijr fK' 11'00'°" -ynrc\tTWPalO>IIO>V, T. Lev. 62. ml m ,1,,nr>..,,p&i811uh poa lfJBopd&,.'NO'O'afMI b, -rois mlT&IInjs Co>ijs pov xi, 1 • l11hw,., &ya.lip,cal , 1>..afjop ywaiira- J~ I« njs cn,yyfllflas•A{lpdp nii



8vyarlpa Ba8ov{i>.., vloii Aa{Jd, d8,>..!f,oii l"l"f'dr pov, traTpds:pov M,>..;rd11,


xi, a. 11:aliv yaOTpl 'Aatloiiuaif lpoii 1r~1..fO'G'l'O3110paawoii



r71pu&ip·,ltra '¥'IP&n trdpo&R:OP lrrn, n\ pov b, YD, D ,rdpo,11:0£ ~ TOWf 111t'fi .,,;; h 1'1/rlpai,ap1CopJ,,,,t. 64. «al M nii ~

xi, s, lu"'"

%&11 ~ 111np6pdparlpov, rijs dpxijs l.tpo~"'I'

2!!l«~fJ'A'lpi"°' fura& aww«al n\ mppa

tWTOv cltrei

fOTa& [ TO> O'll'Eppa al,nii),

1 t«al triia-a,/,llx',t• alpa, alin\ ydp IOT,11 ,; -.,,Vx',• olidn ffTTJ. lu8{o,pn\ alpa, 1 To yapalpa ,/,vxl, lum. Here Jub. ui. 18 And do not eat any blood; 1 Cf. Jub. xxi. 1 for it is the soul,' shows what should be read.

where Abraham_gives these comm.andsto Isaac, and yet agrees with Tes~ Lev.. ix. 6 where Isaaois repr~ented as passing them on to Levi.


(Col. o) 65, A b-0>11'IP.'1" 8r, fy1""'1Br, 111. '" T"i> i' ,,..,,,,,'1•""'18'1 /,rl. Bvupor tAlov. 66. «al. ,rcD.111 er:, n , , 66 fTllll~oiiua m«a IE lp.oii /((lf"Q -roii ,,11n(,m} T. 11:,upl,11 rc\i, 1ta8'j1to11T11 Tl»II yv11a111:&i11 ' Lev. ml /«a).,ua re\ /rr,oiui amii Kad8. 6 7.

ru'•iip.ov, ~l.

(Two lines missing.) 3


·s n,,,(Wtn\67 ,nnp}nc~,n(Nij)'l)xi.6.,*• , ,-a..,, 1_ • ,, , • L L xi.s. «a on f'fE'l"l"'I •wpa«a or& '"' IIVT'¥. 6 mnnn, (.,, Mell} ,:, n~l::tn(,nn) ,l1Tll& , O'IIIIIJ')'Gl>Y,; ,ramsi-oii Aaoii, 7 ,ec,(~ Nn!llecn,(~n!:1) 1tal&r,t awc\r • fl>Ta.& ,; apx«pou{;,,q t 8 ,in!,rn(,n, Nl)iN nlrttl 68 xi.4, p.e-ya>..,,, *awc\r «al. re\ rmlpp.a awoii


(Nn)i1!, i(n::i -nN)CI' ecn,-..:i ,,;, fuovnu dpx,j ~ill.iow lepdmp.a · ~ _t . 10 -nJn 69 • (ec)~ ro,0 ti '610'.8~A. . s , , .,__- 1 L L • E11Tlj> t"ll&ll11T'6> u, " ~, rr ,::i 1, n,,,,, ncy n1,m nElcmic :xi. 7. • , a.. • _ : - 2 _ _ ,,ec ,,,0 n0~ 'nMi""' ""''" ~ '" TIP "'Pfllr'P l''I" fl'' rov 12 l''I.Ar br' d11an>Aijr,jAlov. 6~. ml _____ __,_.,_,__ ,~,, .,::, 1,ec mn, 1m,y1!, 13 _...;...__ ,rd>.111 uvwyiPOp.FJII alnj * «al.111 ')'.aoTpl. 1n,,11 14 ,,-:;;,c n,,m* n10 tnn . n~r11 1, ul. fn1tfll /AO&vL}prplT~II «al. 15 . Jmnn.irn1J1lla n,c,,,, IC N'lO l«cD.rO'CI"c\ /rr,oiui awoii M,pap;,-,,• 16 m~:i 70 ,,0 !,:,::i rrm 1m,11 l>..v'"IS,," "fdPfl'Epl.awoii. 17 (1)n,,n nm1'!I n,,;, ""' 1111:i,ec n,n, n011w,m nE1cnec -nJn71 18 MMD~ 1n1~ tcnil ,; ni1," 19 ,P'; ,; n,,;, ,,:, (ni)DN,~, xi.s. 10 ,ec,~, -n::i:i, ,; n,,;, H n,,;,, 11n, ,; 11:i,ec, riw"nl~l 72 n 9


,, ,n::i

IC N'Jl'::I~ ecnn::i ,ra

a This is obviously a dittograph of n,t, , , , ,!, it, preceding. The two words of mn, aridN1l~. are heresynonymous. This dittograph points to our text being a translation. 1 Read aW¥with Aram.; fWrf«al rf, in next line. • Corrupt for Tmprr,; Of. Aram. • Add '"'9',,.ovwith, 1




(OoL d) nw ruw:i 73


'.l::1'\ O'"'lm


0'"'1m(, N.:i,11)n



1'111' 'MN ru:i


· n\'\tUM


,.:,:i 0~ 7 4


, , , , , • ,

t\n, • , , , rin,.:,:it

'l:1 0W\ 'JI~(\ 'll,) JlW'U T, ..;...__,;..___ Lev. ,t-t't'lll\ l\"'l:ln\ "'lmM 0(-,031 nn)i, xii. 'W\0\ ,!,n0 ,-,-,0'l:1 (Cit"!)~•3.

5 6


s ~n"'\::i-,:i:n,, ttn.:itot0-,031n, (:11m)75 xii.•· (ll:l.,)M\ l'llWn ruw:i '" MlM '"'I "1ll

9 10



0"'1037,., m:,w W"1i'\ 76 ""' -,,;, '"t!I n"'l0N· '"'IN 0"'10]1-,,;,

0'"'1(m JM)N JO Nt:>ll ij)'EI')M 13 NDN"'I (N0J1 nt:>W) N"'IJ:in(N)r,:,


"1::i:i\'\ Min N' , , , , ' "1M 0\':l 77 xii. 4.


Sy'1'1,(JA Fragment of Origi,m

&mrc6 1.

.J..;~ ....~


~/ .~,

J.ofi,..., t» )a-¥



•~°' ~,

15 n,pn n,ru11 ru{o)n r.:iw ,::i 78 1n"'ll xii. 5, b.;J ~ ~ ~6 -;:;JI a n:i{on) NW -,:i, )]1.:1::l Jl"'l N' ,;

n•o,, {Nn )w· N'i1 "n\, ,.:i )'l)il

rmil (1),

.. 6


7 ('lllOW 1))::i, n"'ION'I rii)3183 'JJ,




9 il)N\


WN'i 85

~::i1::iM ''IMilo p::i, Nt:1W\p

i.v, .Nt:)Wlp 1'1:t' )'l.:i1i:ny


15.:,!;6 , , , , • (Nt:!)t!!'li"I

,, 8 7 31"'1!

ill,'"'IT :l'Nn


"'IOlt> "'IElO 'J::l )11::J'I88



'liln'I )'1!:l')::l' I '''ElN Mt.:>!:l'IM xiii. a.

c,p ,.,,,


N'M "'IP''I Nno::itn







~::i ~o,,, 1


Readwith Pass


xiii; 3.


NMO!:lln t:)~


'ITM 90

NO::JM"'IO'lt)'I "'IElO.NEl,NO{i)


xiii. 6.

'1'Ji10 JNt:) ::lNt:)





N.:i1"'IJ :,!;,11





xiii. I. Ps. cxix.

)l::Jt)ll C'NP 1('1tl)• (N)o,11







I\.:!':"l)N 84 , ,toe,,,,






)'liJIJ:l~'I 'J)::i, W"'IP 'MN ~0\ 1



T. Lev. xix. 5. xii. 6.


xiii. 9. xiii.

Emend into




(Col. f) (Two lines missing.) 3 4

5 6

7 8 9 IO II Il

•• :i1::,1n •

91 • • :i, •

• • "'I:!)


,rm:, •

• .• • nN

{NMl-t)C !,:,!,ny ••••••

, • , , NMN n!, !,


, , , m1ic,\

Ml NlM "'I:>)n( NI:) N'} Ml 1111 xiii. 3.

N;\-;:,J(!, MlM)Ci tc,1 11:i,,,j\M!,1:, ,, • • • • i !;,~!,n:i f'l~ '"'I(lit) 'ii'' M:i n!, (')me;;- 92 Mnt>:,,n 1c 11,Nc, Mei


xiii. 4.

;,1r.,!,1::,1 ''Ni::.'\ jlN 1l0 11 10-,,:i 93 Mnr.,:,1n1 i,ct!lt), !,,,:::i


M' r:in,Mc




,p 1 1, l"'I in,y 94 fi'l Nil1)j:) !,:i!,N:INt:) Nt)IC,\ 1 95 cv~n r:i,b1m1it 1n"'IIrl::,''1£l1 rN'JOr.::i !,im

nnc:in t-t1M l"'I ~o

xiii. 7.

MNCl, , , , fl::10)11 Cll"IClt 1, m1ic, tm:i 1, !,:, 1m:i 1 tot!, 11n:i t-tnt>:i,n 1"'1'11N

tot,,n ,,o~o 11n:,1::,11 N,, 1




'EuvofL, 'lov11aif, r:is.fV,cal llv8pw1TOV, oifrws ur/,uEiKal '71'11//TO.S &v6pr/,,rovs. •opa,-E, -01 cl8vµovUTES', t, Kvp&QS' Ka.8{0'T'1jlT& 1Epla 1 ' (IJS' ' apX&fp l 0. EL'Jl'EV " }. OT£ " fj,...,,£f(!'f , ..,,,., aVTuV ' ~ 7?] "' uapK& ' t•/J,IVa11'0A EVI, -0' 8EuS l.t" • , ).A,.fVL" (IJS' fL'Jl'EV .. ~· TOLS ~ ~o , }. Ka, ,,v CJJIT'ITfp LEpEVS KaTq ,rau., 4: UflT£KaLTU ylvos, Toil 'Iupa.~A TOTE'ITOAAol 'lupafjA,TQL iur/,(ovro d,,rc} a.vr&lv. •• Kal ivvla. Tl»Vµ.aO.,,TCiv iJµ.ets riJv il'l/mlpwvcl1rono>.wv-qua.v11C:,11EKa luea8E Ta.\a.fawpo,wpopt1-£p.ivo,, iv IJ~pf, Kal iv alKElqKal iv UlyxfL Els 'Jl'aUTO. ,.a l8v71. 3 • .d,a TOVTO fVTl>.>.op.a, ••• •vfiiu, tva Kal vµ.e,s EVTElAqa8E Tots TlKVOLS vµ.6iv,Ka£ EL11'0V vµ,v ()11'CJJS

uq,payliravns l8~KarE,&.\.\arijs a-tf,pay'iaoslS>.71s a-OJ(oµ.{V71i lweylp8q i,c ro'o µ.vqµE{o;11.vEv a,a¢6opa.s,a.\>.'"oliKlavv~B,,(repetition) Karlxuv TO (M'ov-ra JJ,V"IJ'ELOV la-c/,payurµ.{vov.a.\.\' 1/JrnrEpcl 11'4fflp'laK0,8 . ,1,, I ·~ I t .lt t \ wpoa-Ev,,K.EII IA.. '11'pO'f'71TEVITaS EV"0)"10'E ov,:c ,,v awo,s EV"O)'EW ra~ E~s "71· ,ca, iS l:vµE0V El'll'ELVTOLSvlots, TOVTOla-rt, lAEV8EpofivTaS ,f,vx«s f,µ.&vcld r&ivAµapi,Civ,,cal laov d l:vµ.Ec111 '11'potf,qT£6E, Kal A-lyEL 'lrEpl TOV vlovTOVTff> Ka8aC,m.njv ,f,vx~v awov cld Tijs rijs clq,£(EOJS _r&iv'Ef3paCOJv, El dtf,a,~aETE' Kal 'll'OV7l/l«S 7rp4(EOJSTijs yEVE_a.r 'lKc,$.\vaul;vµ.E'1vTOVSvlovr alirov cZa-TE 41fOTpl7rEW c}7rc) q,8&uovK4l 'U'll'Epqq,avlas &.\.\" OVK~a-6varo KOJAVEW, K4l yap TOTEd "Iovaatos l-ir.\TjpcMq.8&vov Kal V7fEP71tf,av{ag Kal a~a-avru Tclv'l71uovv ~yayov ,-av_IT&.\&rov 7rpclsnjii Kplo-,v. Kal d II,>..&rosE11fEP, olix awov 11'pOS rvpov lv alrrii .oilaEµlav_alTla,,,cl.a~ l:vµ.E0V_ E17fEV, ,t-rrEpa1T0Tp{'lr~0'8E -aia tj,8&vovKal V1l'EP71tj,av{as T&TEl!Ja-11'Ep p&ao,ilµ.a dcrda &v8~iTEL lii 'Io-pa~>..Kal I/Ja-1rEp «p(i,oi, o-ap["iµ~ lv 'laKW/3,cal do-µ.qµ.ov l~a, IJnEp liy(a Klapos. ~ yup Kl6pos Bavµ.aa-laduµ.~, ital 7r).718vv8~uETaL Ay£a dvoµ.ci(Era,-; 'lrOV 11'pOC18Ev a,vapov ay,&(Era,; rois . da-C.Sun,-av 'AMµ. ; _Sr, 'Aaaµ ,1v 7r_pWTOS 4Jl8pOJ'trOS, Kal l7f'EfT(/J 11'apa,8alvwv n,v lVTOA~V lylvETo; .\a~_0i,n,v. Toil 0Eov. Kal lvEKa Tovrov d 0Eos 4v8po>7ros a-ap,caad 'll'ap8lvov,lcivros O'@(OJV n,v cpvo-,v,cal TOV4v8pm7rov,,cal T"OV"Aaaµ. lyElpu· ,cal TOTE(-E,.,;.Ev) 7r&vraTO.'ll'VEVJJ,4T4 Tijr 11'A4117jS ·ao8qo-ovra,awi dr 1r&i'qµ.a Kal 4i•8pw7rOL 11.p(ovra,IC4TaKVpLEVE&V TCiv 0







'lr01lflp&,v -irvi:vµ&Toov, . ital l'll'l T?1>.~1/mTOV.Kvplov lwEµ.,PEVTO 4y,ov avr'f) wvEfiµa lwl roir li.ylo,s a.yyh,o,s Kal l6wKEVavTo'i:s lfovtT{av_~al Mvaµ.,v, Kal rois Myo,s TOV:J{vplovl>,.avvov,nwve-6µ.aT.a Kal ,}µ.Eislws.-~µ.EpovlxOVtTaTa 4y,a dtTTla,v Tats XEPIT' Tijs 11X&Vf/s ET11TVP:WS duµ~ 4Ka8&pTt,)U ,pvxwu Kal d Kairvosawoq,8lvE&,ToTE Ey~ ,lyEpofiµ.a,lv xaptj Kal EVAO~IT(I) Tclv fN,&ITTOV awa TWV 8avµ.a.TCllV avrofi. 'OpaTE T~ll cf,w~v. ~s laxvos BnTOVKvplov tTravpovµluov ,} ~ Env&ITO'ETO .Kal ra P.VT/P,Eta QUE~x811 Kal ol VEKpol. a.v(tTTaUTO Kal EVAJYT/uai.~. T~V fN,,tTTova.,ro TWV 8avµ.&Tc.>,V aVTofiw&vTES, c:is El?TEV d 9E«fs, d ITCll~pTOVw8pcfiwovlxoov T~V u&pKaKal ECT8lwv uvv TOLS a.v8pcfiwo,s. After T. Lev. vii. 4 adds :-

'Evv&E, 6f ut T~v cf,poVTl&a, @ 'lov6aiE, Kal··.dO'EABE Els T~V 6,pw TOVAEvl c:is ...av llyyEAOV 80.vµ.&Twv 11:iro Tc'3uovpavwv. Kal avTiji. d ~EAOS .EtwE,av Eyy~s Tofi Kvplov ~un Kal luE, d V?fT/PETT/S avroii Kal Q'JrOKT/~fmTa µ.v~p,a rois a.v8pcfiwo,s. ,cal 7rEpl TOV Bi>,oVTOS ucfi(EwTOV'lupa.~X. Kal oifroosovK EV¥OEis, ct 'Iov&aiE,Tofi a.yylXov -Toil .€)Eofi wpoq>f11'£0ovT~s Tois warp&aw vµ.&,v 7rEpl Tijs · IT(l)'l"T/Plas 'Iupa~A, ov yap- TO pijµ.&uo, Eq>4VT/, OT&a.,ro TOV'Iov6a · IT0UE& d Ktprns. wiiv To yli:os'.a.v8pcfiw6lv,'Ei,v&n y&p, :i raXa{wwpE, 6-r,. oiTE .llyyEAOSO~E 3.v8pw,rosµEu,TmETa&dAAQ d 9EOS avTasucfi(u ,},-ws,iaovyap c:is EV wpcfiTO&S Ef,roµ.lvuo,, &s a.we)~s yEuEq_S 'Iov&ad Kvp,os .y{yvETa& EK~s ,rap8lvov Mapla~ Kal AEVl~JI AEVl'l"T/S, Kal Kara TOVwpwTOV voµov ~v. lEpEVs, C:SnEKa8apl(E&ll TQSli.µ.apTCas TOV Aaofi,Kal a,aTOVTO ~v lEpEVS Bn il liyyEA.os'ElwE...~ AEvl, EKITOVKal if ;Iov6a d Kvp,os· cf,av~ITET~& .,-ois4v8pcfiwo,sucfi(oovKal cf,Ef"J>Jt wav .TO· yl~os d.v8pcfiwoov livtv afµaTOS, 'Evv1fo yap &s ol liyyEAO& TOV0EOVEV . Tj AaTpElllTit 9tcji wpoucf,lpovu,voiTE TO atµ.a ,-&ivJLOIT)(WV o~E ro atµa TWVTpdy0>Ji dA.A.a x.dp,v TwEpl TOVTO>V .iGJva.v8pcfiwwv;WEplvµ,. ct T~0-,:, 0V '.11'0,Ei Kpliw mipl "it a.u~ld-r'flKal rcj>11«0A.11K, · a.ico,µ.~.TCP, Kal wapa1TK®(0>u iv .,-4> vµas &s WETpasa,auKop,rl(0>v.E1TE& yap TOVKvpiov WPOITT/'A.0~aTE; Kal d .;;>i.,os Eu/3l1T81/ TOTEovt d iiAuis l1T/3l1TO,,; IITEyilp vp.Eis·rov KVp,ov lnavpcfiuaT~, C:,s TO w~yylX,ov A.lyn, ·TJTE y~p · CTKoros7111twl 'lra.11av ~v riv a.1roTpl'l"T/S llipa.s.l0>s Evv&.,.,,sTruVvMTwv f-qpa.wofl,f110>V Kal TOV"4-aov alx.µ.aA.0>n(oµlvov.AE)'E µo,, 6 d "4-a.,,s


8 2



p>UJ,0.A6>TlCT8-q, ,l 1ro>.lµ.,o,w1r>.wµ.lvo,dr TOV"Aaqv elaij>.8ov'ru• 6 8EOS' · a.vror l$Te l,mTo iv T, TOTE;ap duijMEv dr ~ov ".a71; tAEV8EpiuTOV'AMµ. TOIi7rpWTOV ICA7ITOV cl1roTOVaeCTP,WT"IPCOV TOV"*aoir, ,}v yup d Kvp,o~ '"75' yijr ~a.1TijS'cl{3vuuov,«a.1tuEKO. TOVTOV i}ME clSuTEa.l>UJ,a.AWTl(e,v TOP "Aa71v. El y?tp l1ra8Ev, ~ 8El0T"IS' aVTOV1711iwEV W480VS', Ka1, lllov, El1rEvAwl, l$T£tyEp8lrm; 71Moµ.evdr BE9~>.. After viii. 4 adds:-

TOVTO lun l>..aii,&yC!t).vµ.M8p11 /30.WTIIT/J,~ TOTEc\y,d(oVTa.& T ,ca.1alx.oVTa& TOIi al0v,ov /3lov. In viii. 5 a.fter tA.ovtTlp.1!ilBaT& raSal"Padds :-

Toil-i-o(ITT& Tcj>Tp17TA!jl -/3a1rna:µiji '" Tiji&voµ.a.nTOVwaTpOS',cal.Toii vlov ,cal TOVl,.y(ovWVEVµ.aros. and after tlpT011«al ol11011 lly,a aylawadds :-

Tow&ilTTI"JV ltyla.v e/Jxap11TTCav tv "PtK1CA.7llT4ff TOU8eov, and a.t close of verse:~ I 1 ' ~ ~ • • .l Q ~ ~ ' > f,µ.a.riov , TOVTO efTTI Tu 1171µ.e,ov TOV a,.ov ,-,a'ITTICT/J,OV' TOVTO ya.p Tu o,f llyyE>.o,l1rovpduw,ll'iovTES' ,}yaU,d,ra.vro• la&vTES' yup ToiiroTo l1Ldr1ov ' T11V ~ ITTOA7lV ,, EV "aO(,OIJ ~ ~ ' CTTpO.TUIS ' T61V ~ aal/LOVWV, · TaVT-qV IJIICCl>IT&IJ TaS'

After viii. 6 adds_:-

,ca.lO~TWS' /,c XPOVOV ,cal OVIC ds clElta&871 µ.a, lEpanvuv. TOVTO tCTT&, lfri /Lvos,}v Els Tovs alwvar ,cal dr Tovr alivar µ.lve&d 'lq1Tourd 8eor lepaTEVflllKO.TO "I" T4[w T_ov·MEAXICTElll,c. . After viii. 8 adds :-

Toilro tun Mywv diayyEA&ICWIJ ,ca.l 1h-ono>.1,c&11• cl1COVOVTES' yap ol liy,o, /L4pTVpES' tylp8111Tav t1rl T~VUTpaT&IJV TOVwo>.eµ.Cov. · After viii. 9 adds :-:-

a,aTOVTOyap ol µ.&.prvpES' lylp8qcra.v,cal tcrmf,a.v08qcravlu 1rl1TTEI, Arter viii.



adds :-

Tls 1rpo11E>..8~v ?u..>.'o/J yEv~aua., d AfY/LEVOS' {/1ro TOV'Iw&vvovT6v /3aw~1crrofJ,lfcrnr qv clwoTijS'YEVE4S' Till lEpE6111' Ina, a~cl1ro&>.>.qr



TLVOS "p.a8das,on1jo-eorrjp(a TOVK.OCTJJ,OV >.lytTO.L Eiva, ~1!'0TOVXp&CT'l"OV 'I'l'}ITOV, After viii: 19 adds::._ 1 'E VVOEL ' ut:, 1:, 1 Cl) 'I ovua~, I> ~ • ' VOL ' t"')'t"VETO ' ~ AEVl ' "' .Tu.n.anreopE - ~ ' • o.,.,s "· 1• ros K.aL 'l'j TOV K.al1j lvueop._4TCotTLS K.alTO7r&81jp.a TOVvlQVTOVE>Eov,ty@ uol >..lyeo. .


,r>..a11&ill'l"fi T'&11'Io-pa~>.. in X. 2


T( 7rpOtTlJOK.~s, i •1o~aiE, Tlva llEp.lvELSipx.op.EVOV TOVAwl >..lyovTOS flisOVK. i'lrLCT'l"EVtTaTE "lv T'f)tTeorijp,TOVK.&CTµ.ov.'ll'Aav&,vTES avTOV;

After x. S adds :....:.

&s yap ov 7rpoulxn Tois~A03/0LS f!,OV~ K,',pws nr , • , • ra, i'IT' tp.f rip alcJv,ov. · · · After xix. 12 T. Joseph adda:-

'AK.ovo-aTE yap, 'Iovaato,, lfn a'l'JAOiTO ivwv,ov, ElaE yap acJaEK._4 tM..n-ry .'Yi,,.a,lJMK.OJITES iv Tit TOV'll'aTlpos ..,cal .TOV tiloil -roil'aylov 'll'VEVp.aros· .op.oleos, .. ..8Ev o&p.uos _4VEU 4TEPK.aK.las, TOVTOtCTTlv.o tiliYsroilE>EoUallJ~peov;Ta'll'E&J/0$ ~o,aoplas, 4vEV K.aK.lasOACoS4uE'i,. ap.a.ii-Cas; .K...lo,v,cf,'l'}crl, y..oyos_rijs ·eeOTrJT.os avroO µ.lyas ,cal ical 1i4i1Ta . .,.a,81}plall,pp.eouICaT' llnuas ,cal luxvpos ,cal &yvc.>O'TOS, awov, fltT(. TOVTO lCTT,,vµ.EisK.aTapaTo, 'I~va~ro,, t~pO.TETOUvlov TOV 0Eov >.ap.fJ&vov-ra Ta'ITELvov 81f,,~.K~l 'IT~a ,Ta.4yp~a.817p£aGJpp.eou K.aT'aVTou>..lyouTES AafJ't >..a/3ecrTavp~uaTE 1 ro a?µ.a avTov i4>'-qµ.ivK.a, t'll'l.TOisTE/CJ/01$ -qp.&iv~luCK.'l'jtTEV awoos, t/>fltT[, d &p.vos~TOV~O iuTl, 0 vlos TOVE>Eovi[Eylp8'1'jcld .,.&;,., UEK.p&iu. vµ.Eisllf ( ] TIJV1(0.Ka>S 7rnrpayp.l~v tp.v~crOr,TE ,cal a'll'roAEtTaTE aVT4 Els 1CaTa1Tan1cr,v· TOVTO ·



la-n, ac.'lp-~, {,µJ~sEls aovAECav. Els T4 l61111 ial llTEIT6E 1taTa'11'aT0'11,u110, l(J)s T~il wv lv -rfi>ii {,/L&i~.Kal lxa,po'il,..oy,crji.ov ITVPO.YEPEI. Ta&a. a~)'EP1JITE1'1.U ~II «~upc, awldv. 'Iaic@/3yap ~ Tp,&iv,ca.l ,'ll'Ta x' ff6111,cal vlos Toil 0Eoil eyEP1J9rr lvvla fr&iv 1tal lxap~a-av lw' aw.j, Iv la-xaTO.&S qµlpaH, TOVTO la-n, ~ clpx~ ,car.To Tt>..os. 'Ev T'f'· wp@Tf-q.\6EVl,c Toil p.~ -yE11la-6a, di 1'0 -yEvla-8a,. 'll'EplTOVT~V l>..eyo~01·'ll'po .,., 'la-pa~A~ IT(l)TIJpla, aA>..a '11'41TL TOlSl8vEir&v. Kal -yap ov p.&vcpT(j>'la-pa~>.l-ylvE-ro~ ITlllTIJpla., l-ylvETol,c. -rijs cl-y&lllTllTIJf 'll'ap8lvov,,cal lTpa'll'f '11'41/Ta ra l81171 . Els. IT(l)'f'T/plav. «al lv6vµ.ofi ~, cS clp.vosn,11'11'o.p8lvov 1t71pVITITE&, ,cal q /3an&AElaa.vrovov 1ra.paa-a.>..wlTEra& Els ad /CalEL'll'EV 'I(J)~cj>.•


After ds ,1_.,.,µ[a11 in x. 8 T. Benj. adds:o1 µ.'i:11 8l>..ovTES Elva, lv rcji p.lMovn f3('t • • • 4El •• , /3cia-a.11011 alC,S11,ov , , ; clya.M,&ivT'ES lwl ri>'ll'O&OVl/'I"& T'Q clyaea wp_a-yµ.aTa, ~ ITVl/fX61S 4T't/J,4(0VT'ES o-lJµ.&vov ,cal tJaarwC(ovru,ot ~ITQ.11 lv8a&E µ.1.apo,8Ep4'11'0111'ES ,cal ov 8lAoPTESp.E1'4110Eill wplv ~ lv8a8E ..lyovros,wepl rij11lepa-rECa11 roil KvpCov.




· I •.2. 'Ev Ti;iafVT'lpr,1£ETC} Tawa fru

Pov{3~p.6 '11pooTJyo11os Tov 'la,c@/3vl3s.d.ppots awov ,cal Ta ilic11a, 3. ical lp.~KVvEawo,s A.&yovP,ETavo£as,cal El'IIE' 6. ijµapTOVtTtv 171aov.A.11 TOV'11aTp&s µ,ov, 7. ,cal El "'~ 6 '11a~p 'ltpotT71Vfa.TO B&A.A.q, riii Kvplovslv airOlAECq Ka.l lv 4>8&v cZa-rE'll'A4TTE&II Myovs Kal ·«pvwmv cl1roTOV 'IJllfV#£0. aa,Klas, p.E8' is ylvovs «al 4'11'0TWZIolKdO>JI, 6, "EJ3f1op.ov f11a1m~1171 q,&A.71f1011Ca11 Ka.p6£asa~TOV, 'H yap ICA07J~ «al ypv'll'ltrp.aTa . •cla,«taITVVEpyEi TO£S AO&'ll'ois 'll'VEV/J,O.IT&. 7. 'E,rl 'll'iitr& TOVTO&S TO'll'VEVp.a Toil ~11ov a-vvci'll'TETa& w>..civi, Kal q,a11Taa-'9.8. · Kal o~O>f·cl'll'oA.A.v-ra, was IIE!dTEpos, 0-KOTl(v TOIiJIOVII0.~TOVcld riis clJ.718Elas, ,cal ,,.~ a-v11Cc,J11 lv T'f> i,&p.q>TOV0Eov J3alvuv, p.?JTEvwa.icovv vov8Eu£as «ay0 lwa8o~ lv rii im1.,..,,.,., ,iov. 10. ,cal vv11, 'Jl'aTlpwvawov• cZtr'1TEp. TE«va,p.q 'll'pOtrEXET'E l11O"'E& yvva&KOf. 12. a-v>..>..af3ovua yap~ a,&110,&. ;.,.ov"n,11.}'V#£110TT/TG1 TWIIyvvcUKWJI 0~/C la«E #£0&dp~ZITJII tws l1rpafa,TO/36E>..vyp.a, [ Kal KaKov·lv0w,ov Toil 0Eoii]. VI. 8. 'A«ovuaTE, TE«va.p.ov, AEvf. &s awos uvpl71a-,TOIi·IIOJl,OV TOVKvpCovKaL a,anEAEi vµ.iis Kal wpoa-oluE& 8va-Cas,V'll'EP'll'4VTOS 'Ia-pa~A.Jl,EXP'TEAE&00'EWS XPOl'(l)JI ¥XLEplwsXp&UTOV, &vEl'll'EKvp,os. 1 Pov/3~µ.Xp&UTOV Elva, clpX&Epla ['Evv&u, 'Iov6aiE, ~s Ei 6oic,,id.(E& 'Jl'4VT(l)II lywa-aTOTOV8av&Tov.} 11. clMa Awt ~v ,, 'Iov6ups V11'Ep lfE>..lfaTO O0EoS clSUTE KpaTEill 11'aJITOS TOV>..aovKal'll'pOUKVJIElll aaCwv&11 Ti, (T'lff a~Tov,3n .vdp 'UJl,WV 8a11EiTa& llJ 1to>..lµ.o,s dj,a.,-oisKal [l11110E& a, TCTOO 'll'OAE,ios O clopaTos,,,, yap clop4T'fl &opd.TO&f,. 81J'11'W1I MvaTa&C:,4>lAua11 law, 1tpoc/ilpew. 1t&isyap o~6Els 1'6111 M11aTa& C:,4>EAEi11, p.q opm11TOclopaTOII ; a,&./30>..os yap '"' µ.axEiTi.1, TV ICA~UOTOV0EoV V'ltOTOVTOV lK ylvovg 'Iovaa YEIIZIT]8E11Tos V&K1'J8~0-ET'a&. 0 a,&f3oAos. 4KOVU4TE Kal l11110EiTE & l>..ifE,Kal O Kvp&Of0 al011,osla-Ta&uv11vµ.iv. 1.0.s rtj>1 Pov/3~p.ll>oEwlfr,· yCyvETa& d aMv,os &v a,a T'O~Sal&vas ,cal '"'" roil Kvp&Of,, 'Iovaa. o -ya.p8VT]TOS a,aMea-8a,To11,coa-p.ov(~a-ua, Els Toof alciivas:) _VII. 1, 2. TailTa >..lEasclwl8avEvd 'Pov/3~J1,, wpwr&yo11os Toil'laK0/3. l(.71at 125 lrq «al &wl8avE11, AIA0HKH :m'ME.O.N



Hv a, 0 l:vJJ,E0JI Of1EVTfp0f vlos TOV'laK~/3. Kal ~µ.lpasrijs- T~>..EVrijs 1tpOUEpxop.lv71_s l«dAEITE vlovs ,cal aaE>,ovs.EtTa ,,...~ICVIIE T31J>..oyo11 awois. II. 5. ad 'V\f,lcrTOV ~ clvapECa a,aOTa, Tit ch,8p0'1T'fl ,,, 1/roxaif 9


Klillv iT~µaCT, • . 6. l(~>..tiicra TOV'Im~,TOIi.lµ._avaaEA.if,ov;· .7. KCUo l:aTavas d 11pxmvnjs 'll'ACW1JS a'll',fTTE,AE TO'll'VEVP,a TOV(~>..ov, l-rv.8. d.lla o 0EOS QVTOV Kal d 0EOSTOV11aTlposlp.ov lppvrraTOaVTOV '" TWIIXE,plilvµ._ov •. 12. Kal d 0EclsOVKdaul µ._E TaVnJV. niv d.voµ.lavlpyd(Ecr8a,. III. Kal viiv, Tlteva,palvEu8a.&. 3. 'll'&VTOTE V'll'o/3&>..>..t, d.vEMiv TOVq,80110-6µ._Evov, ,ca.2. 'll'&VTOTE d.vlM [lv T4i if>&/3'1' TOVKvplov] 0 ae awos ( 0 4>80110-6µ._EVOS') if>8ov@v [,uvn llvEV ~crvxla.s,q,8&vos-yap ,f,vx~v TETapa.-yµ.lvov 'll'OlEi ,cal cr@,-,.a IK1rA.~fE1nv l µ.apalvETa&.IV~ 8. Kal lpu]. Kal yap 'lfVEVp.a. . lx8pov lyxE, TOVl&v awov. [ clSnE,,.~ p.lP-1111cr8a., TOVl>..lovrlyw ae lvvo17CTa Ka.l]III. 4. V7ICT'TEl(f ~II ,f,vx~v µ.ov, /(Q.I, lyvwv on ~ µ.lµ._\f,,r. TOVq,8&vovylvETa& uvv i4i q,&/3'1' Toil0Eu0. ['AU' brEl oaaE>..q,os 'Iwcr~q,~II lv Aly{,'ll'T'fl 17M11aTO nµ.wpEicr8,u,a,a TO lp.ov 'll'payµ.ad.v&u,ov]IV. 4. 'Iw~q, ae claE>..q,os ~µ._&iv ~II ~p d.ya8or Kal OVK lµ.1117CT&Kate17crl p.oi. [c:is l(QT awoil -Ifµ.apTov, ~v~uaTo 'll'Epl~µ.@v,C:,sTawa -fiov>.,fi 0Eo0 1rl1rpa.KTa,; Kal lA.6yE1raiiTa .,.allUa KaraTafw. Kal TOOTOVS' TOVS A.&yovS' 'll'pocrl(JqKE ]. v. 4. l,,SpaKayap lv xapaKnjp, ypaif>ijs',or, vlol vp.@11 µ.EB'vp.&wlv '11'op11Elq. q,8ap~uovTa,,[TOVTO lCTT,,OVKda&TE$TOIivlov Toil _0Eoil13&ac/J8E_tpop.Evo, ·,,, Tois l8VEITW ], /(QI, lv AEvt.aa,K~CTOVCT.:v. [row& ln,, '1170-ovv Xp,a-TOIIlEpla. icaTQ...eµ.ov Kvp£o11 7fOAEp.Ei, [lvvoE, a,, 'IowaiE, 0 'll'OAEP,OS' TOV0Eo0 'T&··U7/µ.alvE,, Kal ofTWS'lw'J',KaTECTTf/S' Tcj,Kvpc,, KQI,r/i>O'TO.Vp/i> 'll'pO~A(l)CTQf. 1(0.'1'4 'Tl}81>..,,,µ.a rov q,povpoVVTOS' crif>payluavrulv T/i>Tar/>, KaTl8,,,KaTE, cl>..MKa.l1tEp lxwv ~v crq,pay'illall,acrEu'lTEVWV lv w>..oy(a&r, [Kal OVKEVAOY'lfTE ra 181111, Kal .l:vp.E~U 'll'pocrl(JqKE AlyEWT~is·vlois]. VI. 1. E'£fJTIKO. vp.'iv'!l'aVTO., 01f(I)! ll,,ccum8@aria Tijs ap.apTlas T@v tvx@v VP.,WII [laov. 1:vµ.EWVwpo-







f/>'l'/TEVe&· ,cal >..lyf&~v l>..wir&ii Tov· Xp&OTOv, ~al Tfflf · ,ca6a{pn."'" 1/fvx~l,c T&ivl&110ll.llJV 1rpdfewvroil 'EfJpru,coGyl-11ovs· dwep l&4>a,.p{,1TfT'f f/>8&vov ,cal JUYflAOf/,potroll'l7II ,cal lwoAfp.fJ!Tf ~Vp.Ea,V ·Tots vlois avroil cZ!TTE l&1rOTpE'lfE&V avrovs an-a tf,8&vov,cal· p.ryaA.otf,pO!TV"'IS, au· of,c ~avvaTOr&n WOAEp.Eiv, ,cal yap 'IovfiaiO&TOT'Ew.po!TE18&v,, ,cal p.eyaA.oc[,potr6vr,, ar,,•.~s fiECTp.EVOVTfS TOIi'l171Toil11 ,rpo!TE(#>Epov awcl11 Tlj°Il&>..dT,p Els .,,afJov>..Evrqp,ov.m>..&Tosa~ dpCu,m l,.µ.apTlaJI l11 a~T4i, Ka, ~vµEa,11. ET'll'EV avrois] 2. El awo,cA.Cl!friE ·awo 4>8&110V ·,cal a-icA..,,poTpax11>..Cas, ,cal d!TTiip.ov ,;,, p&fio11 08,f!TE&lit 'I!Tpa~A. ical ~s icplvov;, a-dpf p.ov ~ 'la,ctiifJ,ical l!TTa& j d!Tp.~p.ov 8avp.&a-,os ical WA'l78vv8~11era, &s ~lapo, &y,a,. [Iloil yap ,cl3po11 &yCav>..lyu ~ '1.l'oilTO1rp&Tepov alvapov Ay,&(ETa,, !IA>..'ol p.eya.Ao& waTp,dpxa, ETfiovTOLSd4>8a>..~ois riis a,avoCas,ca8a,s ~11 Ti, 'l71uoil rii>V&f Toil 0eoil KV'lfapl;,.utp ··uf· 'ITEVicp ,cal iclfip,p in:avpoilo-8a,,cal l11e,caTOVTOV ,i ·Ayt«,clfiposl11uo,~11 lxe, ch' ·,p.oil ,cal ,cal l&wo Xp&!TToil lws roil ~vov 7fE71'A7Jpo>p.EJiov] lna, el~ cld wpo(#>'ITEla dwofJA.a~p.aTa aw&i11[ Els p.a1..BovO'VJI T..vrpova-84' rov 'Iupa~>..,c71pvfm· 1 I. «a, 11'Epl"Ioof>a aElfE&·Kvp,os lv clv8p01ro,i;u@(wvlv avrcj,wav ylvos clv6p01fo>V, III. Ka, ET7TE µo,, 4«ova-ov,,cal yap r&lv1'71'TQ ovpav@vc) ,car@rEpOS' 3La ~ovro O'f'V}'l10'l"Ep0S lO"l"&V, grL lip~ ,raa-as res aa,,c£as clv6p01ro>v. 2. d aE'VTEpOS' lxu ,rvp, xwva, «pva-rallov fro,µa Els ~l'lpav 1rpouTayµaros Kvplov, lv r,,,ca,o,cp,a-l'f TOV0EOU, lv avrcp Elul '11'4V'l"4 Ta .'1TVE'Uµ.ara. '1TEl£'1TOJA,EVa Els l,c3(K71utvr@u clv0p07TCOV. 3. 'Ev . rqi rplrtp-Ela-111 al 3v:vd.p.E&s ioii.a-vvr&yµarosrijs 11poa-p0MisC:Sa-nlv




~µ.ip9 ,cplaEO>S' 'll'O&ijaa., l,calK7llTUI lv TOis 'll'IIW/J,O.O'i. -rijs 'Jl'Aiiv71S' ,ca.l 'rOU'l"O>ll 4y,o, da'lv, toiJ BE> ae Els T011TfotpTOll l71'iivO> 4. ,ca.l lv T'P allO),.,P'tTWllwtivTCo>ll KaTa.AvE& -q µ.ey&.>..71 a&Ealv aylcp ayl0>11, {nrEpiiv0> m11T71S' ay&0T7ITOS, . 5. 'Ev T..oyCa ,cal 1ra11T, nlpp.aTl uov, lwslw,u,cl,t,.,,Ta,Kvp,os-dvra TIZ 181111 lv IT1fAa.l?(VO&S' vlov a.broiilc.,s a.l&ivos-.'ll'A~Vot vlot uov l,n,Ba.Aovv,XEipas-lw' atTov, TOV/CQ./CWVa& awo11, 5. ,cal au} TOVTO a~uual 0'0&f3ov>..~ «al VVIIETWa& TOVS'vlovsvov 'll'Eplaw~il, 6. 6n o El,11.oy•va.liTOII w>..cryqp.ivoS' (IT'l"a&, o1 aE «aTap@/'EVO& aiiTOVil,ruAOVVTa&, . [Ka.l ofTO>S' AEvt 'ltpovl871«E Tawqv "'" 'ltapal11EITUI TOlS' vlois awov.]

V. «al -/fvo,Eip.o, o4yyEAOS' TQS'mS>..asTOVoopavov ,cal ElaovTOIivaov TOVa;,,ov. ,cal l'll'l 8povov a&"'s T,UV "T,f,,u.,-ov,.2. ,cal El'll'Ep.o,• Awt 'ltapO&IC1JITc.> vol alawKa ras- Eli>..oyfus a,,~µaTOS'lws cwl>..8 luoµa, VOV3T, K6p,os a'ltilTTa.AKi µ.£, 7. «ai TOTEC:,sU in'ivov fyEp8ElS'WAOY711Ta TOVKvp,011. 4. Kal nVETEAEITa nj 11:a,~ l(11>..0>a-a lKflV'f>TOVSvlots "Ep.µc.,p 1 VI. 3•. ,cal bmm inlv Ti;il:vp.E..011 TOJI:Evx~µ«al :Evp.EWII TOP'Ep.µ1/TEVOVf'OS Tois 1rpoyovo,s aov 'll'Eplriis ·aroTT/plasTGV'Ia-pa~A,WS lie IT9V ipo.vqaua, 7rEp&.'Iovaou 6 Kvp,os TO£Sa.v8pc'l111oi.s, a0(wv, tJ·sEl'll'E f«VTOV'll'iiVTO'ylvos T&ivd.v8p@rrrov.'EvvoE,, 48>..,e,&n oilTE 4y}'E~~ oili-E'll'pia{3vs4AA' o 0eos avr3s lawaEv ~µ.as. ToaE yo.p Iv 'll'poSTOLS fAl(aµ.lv ao, &n fl( )'EVEiiS' T6>V'lovilalrou i}'lVETOo KvpLO!II '" Maplas '11'ap8lvov,~II •LEpEVS ' ,caTa ' Tull ~ A·EV t, &IS • yap ' Kara ' Tf/11 ' 'lrp&ITT/11 I 1 ,, .:t ' ' t:JITOl\.f/V ,,,, ,i;pEVS tva ,ca8ap(apTO.ST.OVA.aovdµ.apT(a~(uEICaTOVTO'lil lEpEtlS~JI o Kvp,os, 'll'Eplov l>..E(Evo 4yyEAOST't AEvt· el'll'OV'll'Epl aov ,cal 'll'Epl TOV 'lovaov &T, Kvp,os qiau~aETaLclu8prfmo,s,u@-(-&>v a,' foVTOV'll'iiu TO &v8poS1rrov 11.vwafµ.aTos,tuvoovvTES'll'pocr-..o,ylvos T6>V 8p71trrcE{au 'll'pocf,lpova,rK.vplf OVKl( afµ.aTOSµ.oaxrov ~ atµ.aTOS Tpaywuau• Evxap,urlaflTij>Kvp{'flreal ,ca8apo.u8p11urcElau 'll'pocf,lpova,u, ,cat oin-ws ~µ.e'isXp,aT,auol TO u&iµ.a,cal TO atµ.a ,ca8apo.v8p11a1CE«iv rcara. Tl)V T&.(,v TOVMEAXLaEilflC 'll'pocf,lpoµ.EJJ. 'EvvoEL ae vvv '71'Epl TO;rov,uilu 'll'iipEUT'L opiiu.WSo 0EOS 'll'OLE£ ,cp(au, 'll'EplTWVvll,iv TOV &u8p@'ll'OV, 'll'Eplvµfi>u,6148)\LOL, ov 'll'OL«,cpCu,vo 0eos Els TO 'll'VpTO &s ov TEAEtfrq. ,cal fro,µ.&(wuvµ.'ivA.(8ov ll.a-/3EUTOU ,cal Els TOIiaK0A.TJKO. l1rl T't uravpcj, roil 'll'poa,coµ.µ.aTOS &TE'11'p0..lyo• . TOTE riis iuu&.n1r ya.p ,Jv urcoTost7rl 'll'Mp tji yfi «vo riis Tp{TT/Slflpas"i(JJs ~a&.roou (71pawoµ.lurou ,cal Toil ti 1-aov alxµ.aA.(JJT,(oµ.lv6v, El'll'Ey&p.µ.o,, El Oti *ilTJSalxµ.aAwTla8TJ urpaTLfi>Tal W1TA&aµlvo, Els TOIiti 4a,,v elafjMou, tu TUovpaul,iu,cal Tijs yijs ,cal· T6>V,ccfr11>, ,ca, a,a.TOUT~ ,}A9EulllaTEalxµ.aA.ooTl(ELU TOU"~a,,u. Kal fr, l'll'a8eu, ,cal TO 8e"iou lilwKEU4'lfii8Eiai, [µlpos] avrov ~II ilvEVmi8ovs, ,ca, yap TCdawov '11'&.8u rip }'(UEL ·T6>Uclu8p@rr(JJV, "Av8poovo, o~~ ElMTEStu aa,,c(q /J.EUOVaUI,




vjiEtS'yap·o1 OOKl11u.ouw ·lxol/TES',-aA.cuir"prj> -,,, · cl&uclq . p.l11uE ,ca'l Iv flacrtiuo,r,ical. ~,covaEJIcS {1,/,&aTOS' n,v l11EKa1'o'ln'OV. K0.1'C&KpL11fi:T8f ~X~"• ·,'Jl'o1'pl~ov «'ll'o nir 1101111p£ar ml ylvov cS vlor alrroil,cal ,8Ep0.'ll'CJ>II, l1111on ya.p6>S'TO'11'pocr8EII clv1os1'0U0EOV-~V .«al 11'1J'T/pfrfl wpo ,rpocr"'ll'OV alrroii. ,cal a~O'E& ao, 7'1)11 ev't-..oylav· ,cal 11a11Tl Tit O''ll'lpµ.aTt O'OV, l&>w &11cl Kvp&orl11,cr«"tn,Ta,111WTa lB1111 «al (il,i,fn,) '1"011 v1011 alrroil Els. clEl C7VII lAEflp.Oavvp. QISVII.Eis,Z, ,-aA,al11mpo,, l1rE{!Ja.AETf ,.as XEipas «al l,caK"O'aTE T/)11 vlo11TOU0EOU,cal l11E«aT"OOTOV lv,o,a &ofhjO'E1'a& vp.wclSOTf"flllJ>pl(EIII TOOS vlovs 11Epl-rov-rov,6>Scl EVAoyl(&>JI, a~ro11evAoyt10'ET"a& .Kal cl i..o8pw(hjum,.,, ' 1tal o"7-ws p.l~1111a:8E 'll'Epl rowov, .,.,, lCTT&, EVAoy&i11 . T"OJI v1011roil 0EOU Kfi& ,i'&OTWOIIT"fS' l11avr(ji l11~ cl>..118El9, qp.Eisyelp ol Xp1cma11ol. 11pOE~·uap.E11 ao/~ V/J,flS'ae lu-raV~ITa"rf,,cal. o"7-ms'" cl>..~8El'f l'lfOl~!Ta1'E ,ca8' -lip.&iv alrr&i11 -ro118A.E8po11.ul .c11ro>..Avo-8E ·c:ir p.ucpov.,.,·µ.lpot TO p.lpor OVKd>..Cyov a,anop'IT&0'8IJ1TES lv "" olKOVJAlvn,,cal t"OU'l'.0 /3&.pot,cal A'Ulrf/11 Kal 11:411:CJ>O'~JI. 'E11110E1 ae TO >..ex8111 Tip NIP,/3411El AEv~l11 t'OlS oopa.vois• lam«&cro, 7'1)11 EVAoyla.vnit «a8apOflJTOS, lw, 'l>..8011 11apo11tG, l11 T..ap.v&a ,cal T"Ol..ova,p.Eiaai, ,ca9a.p~,[ ToilTo rpnr'ti.~ ~v811Tp.ff~ lv dv&µ.aT,To£ . 110.Tpas ,cal TOVvloil ,cal TOV4ylov 'll'JIEVp.aTos,] ,cal E,f,&J£IC7'EJI fipTOV«al dr. 4-yia &ylo>v,[ TOVTO lun Evxap,uTCa.v lv TYl«KAT/IT''f TOV 0!11011, KvpCov ]. ,cal 1rEp1l8T/"'µ.o, Cf'T"o>..~11 b.yCa.v,ca.l l11&0(011, [,-o6Toin, T'a &y,011ll'T/P.Efov T"OV l,rovpa.11,ov ~aui">..lw,,~a'lf'fl(f'P,OS'.o1 !yyEAOl yap opG,VTuTOUTO ...a lv&o[OIIlvavµ.a.Eicf,palvoVTa,, ,cal 1'« npa:rEvp.aTa




ti»v.&a'l-'&ii&>V llp/d11Ta i/lW,,E&]. . ;6.'O TplTor fJvtrlTUlfJV .p.E'llfp,lf3aAu,; lip.olavlct,ovll,[ realTor~ lfq11p.o, lEpaTwE,11 KGeT4 ,,.a,povrea, oliic.dr Tovr

,cal P,fll&>V Els T'OVS' ciJ&111as Tovro ~ITT&'. ds µ.ovos.llTT&Els ,-wial&iva11 al&ivas· o ydp 'l1Juoiis-,Ji, lEpivs ,ca.,.a .n,v .,.&f,v roil MEA)(IITEolre] • .7. ~O Tlra,pTos(0111Jv p.o, ,rfp&l67ireE11, [ ol,,,. lv T4i p.ltrf uc.Sp.ancl,\A.'li, Trji1lfPTfpr.p. p.lpn, ,cal ~ (c.SIIIJ ~v] op.ala,ropct,Vpfl-8. •o.,r{p.,rros-llJ&>rel p.o, "'" ,rlnu, ri;s-.'lt&O'l"IJTOS, [TOVT'O flTT&M}'YEA&K&ill icar cl'ltOITTOA&ICl»V A.oyc,w,·TOVTOVS' 'Yd/J clK0"6ovrn ~1c1yu>& p.ap'l"VpES tylp67itrOJ1 rov trrparwp.aTOS'l"OV'ltOIIIJpoii].9._·o lKTOS''1Tl,t,avov p.o, TVKfGA~ 'ltEp&l81Jli:Ev, [,cal yo.p ol p.&p'l"VpES fyEp8lVTEra,a TT/II• clh'IJ8&~V ,r{u.,.,v l1TTEITE Ttls XEip&,p.ov 8vp.,,ip.aTos,t:la-rE.lEpa'l"EVfUi P.f Kvplf, 11. El,rf liE ,rpos p.E,AEVt, dr -'l"pEisclpxas a,i:upf~ITf'l"a& ,-aIT'ltEpp.aITOV,Els ITIJp.EiOP lio[IJSKvplov l,rEpxo,dvov. 12. ,cal o ,r&tTTEVITaS 'ltpmTOS' ICA'IJpoPoµ.os ltrTa&,cal µ.El(&>V w~ ®'l"OVol, Yf~O:~TCU [ mn-&>s 'lc.,&111111 Tit fJa,rTl'"71l1T1Jp.&v81J, &s ,111,,,. njs VA~S' T'O)V lEPf611/ ]" 13. cS f>EVTEpos aw&[n [ C:,s-I, 'llJITOVS Xp&ITTOS 'uC.StrE& T'OV ICOITp.ov ]. 14. ·o TpCTosl,r&KAIJ8~1TETa& awcp 8110,,.a ica&11&v, g.,., f3au,A.eys lre T.OV 'lovf>aclvan,fUETa& Ka&'ltO&~ITf& lEpaTElavvlav ,card .;.a.,, mov riv· ,evwv Els 1t&vraT4 l8111J [ nis clct,l[f&>S awoil]. 15. ·-~f>E (,rapov(!"fu) ; , • ,I,., . ... ,..... L Q .l.. ~ • aya1t'IJT71 ws ,rpo.,,71Tau .•.,.,. ,111.ov .·1ere IT'lf1:pµ.aros .'A Hpa...,.. 'lta'l"pus 7Jff,61V, 16. ,rfu, l,r,8vp.1Jrliviv 'lupa~A. uol ltTTa&,cal .,.,, uov· _.real lf>itr8f_,rfu,C:,paiovlip&trE&, .,cal n,v Tp41tf(a11Kvplov a,avfp.,fumu .,:a 't:flCVO. _ITOV[T'Ovr&EITT& .~ a:,,.otrr-oi,,c~Elixap,trrla ITV11T~ KvpC..nclcrEM..Aowu lv ,r&u?I,ca,c{q.,«al alax_11118~1TOJ/Ta, l.. ,ca8aposlCTTlv411'3Tijs clcrE/3E{as TQII/ c1pxieplwvo[Twn l1n/3aA.oilcr, T4S'XEipas aw&iu l,rl TOJIITWrfipaTOV ,c&aµ.ov. 4. ,cal l'ITO.[ETE /CaTapavlw, TOylvos ~µG,v,•OTLTOc/)G,sTOV /COO'IJ,OV . ro 6o9~v. lv ilµ'iv ds, cf>wnuµov'll'QJITOS o.v8p,frrov,TOVTOJI 8l>..ovTnav~>..E'iv,. lvaVTlas lvn>A4Sa,a&.crlCOJJTES' TOLS' roil 0Eoil a,,ca10µacr,. 5. TaS 'ITpocrc/)opas Aap./30.VETE,


Kal & vaos 311 &v l,cA.l[qTa.& «S_ Kvp,os (lp.,,p.osla-Ta,) '"

Tf, cl,ca8a.pu(q. vp.&iu. ,cai vp.E'isalxµcU.CA>TO& l..vyp.a 'ITapa.rijs 6,,ca,o,cp,u{asTOV0Eov. 3, ,cal 'lfO.VTES cm,y,juovu,v ~"as. 4. ,cal d 1-'TJ.a,• 'A/3pa..aV716~CTECT8E ,cal TTJVlEpOfroV71V /3E/37IA0,.718u,iv '>,.oyovs /36EAV[Ev8E.3. ,cal 4vapa &va«a,11011'0,oilvra vop.ovlv avullp.E& {,-.J,lcrrov, Kal TEAOS, ws uop.l(ETE,411'01CTEJIELTE avrov, '!l'Aa.vov'll'pocrayopEVCTETE, OVKda&ru aVTOVTO av&a,..,,p.a,TOae'f>OJI atµa lv ,ca,c[q l7fl KEc/)aMs vµiv tlva&EXOJ,tEVO,. 4. fl,' ailrov lcrra, Ta ~µwv lp11µa, lo,s la&.q,ovs/J,fµLaµµlva. 5. ,cal OVIC lcrra, TO'lfOS' vp.iv ,ca8apos,a>..>..· (JI Tois l811Ecr&11 luECT8Eds ,car&pav,cal Els 3,acr,cop'll'"', @ 'Iovaa'iE, ~ICOVITaS' AEvt >..lyovrarois TEICJ/o,s T..A.vva, Tr,v '1/tvx.~vfT~V,>..a{3E TOVc'ly,ov.{:Ja71'T,11µ.ov, «al ,yevov C:,sveoyovov {3plcf>os &vevµ.,&.11µ.aTOS EVAy,onrn. >'A«OVEol, ~ 'fovoaie,·71'Epl T1JVlepaTEfu.v ..,.~0Eff>Tov Aevt >..l-yov~os ]. XVIL •A«oVETE~ Ji .,.fo,a. µ.ov,71'Epl njs lepa.Telasiv Tlv, µ.Ive~•iun teparela· 2. 6 wp&,.,.os xp,oµ.evos~ls ~v lepCA>troV1JV µ.lyas iun. 3. 'Ev T'e OEVT'lpfd ')(p&OJ,LEVOS iv ?Ttv6e, aya?T~,:ciiv uv>..A.71cf>6n11ETa,, «al 7/ !eproiro1111 a.liTOV«a6apa. l.v?Tr, 5. «al 6 TE'l'apTOS ,., dMvr, l11Ta&'g.,., 11'po118n11e, 71'npa.>..71..hraro '1"011S vloos avrov '71'pcls lavrov ,cal Ef'71't, Tl1CJ1a µ.ov, '71'p3 'l"OU &~o8av,iv lµ.l, 'A.if..Eµ.lwJ1 o_v,c avlO'xov'l"OVS lµ.ovsf3paxCoJ1as ,cal lvC,c110'a ,cparos w&AEWS o/i,cdKOV0'7JS] III. 10. 1Cai, ElllEIIcS 1ra"7pp.ov 'la,c~f3 ~,;; cS 4yyE>..osrov ,cparEpov l/30~81/0'E µ.o, '71'Epl rijs livllpE(as,cal-7rpOO'EiXEJI avrois 'l"clJI voiiv. . . XVIII. 1. E?aovyo.plJ1rois /3,(:l>..{~,s 'l"OV 'Ev~x .. Sira ,ca,ca,'lrOLEi'l"aL lv rais laxara,s ~µ.ipa,s, 2. a.>..>..a 0'00'a'l" lavro,s, 'l"EICVa µ.ov, '1'71'3 '71'40'f/S' wopvElas,cal ,f,L>..apyvplas, 3. ,Jjr,si,rorrrf!pEirov v&p.ovrov KvpCov,,cal licrvef,>..oi ra -lvvo~p.a'l"a rijs ,J,vx~s,.,cal OVICa..~tTaL.,.av '71'A.T/O'CoV avrov. 4. ,cal vvvlxu avTclvlv p.&xOo,s,cal '71'0JIOLS, XIX. 2. .c1,a ltpyvp,ov ly~ a'71'cS1tEO'IJ Ta 'l"EKVa p.ov, ,cal .,z µ.~ ~ p.E'l"avo,a .tiap,c&sp.ov ,cal ~ Ta'71'ElVWO'LS '1rox~s p,ov, ,cal al EVxal'la,c@/3 'l"OVwarpos p.ov, l!n,cvos ElXOJIa'71'o8aJlf!lJI.3. 'All' d 0E3s T&iJIwa.rlpwv p.ov cS olicrlpµwJ1ical lAE~p.wJ1, O'VJ1EyJ1fA> &r,, lJ1 3.yvoCql1roC111Ta, 4. 'Enef,>..6)0'fyap /1,E d lipxwv rijs wMVf/'s:ical ~YJ10f/O'a ~s l!v8pw1ros,cal &s O'apf,lv ltµ.aprla,s f/,8apECs,,cal l1rlyvwJ1 ~JI lp.avrovau8lv~,av J1op.l(wv liKaTap.4Xf/'l"OS EtJlaLXIII. 3. c:,JIE(ll,O'a, T'aJI.d.llEAl/,clJI 'Pov{3~p.'ll'Epl Ballas riis yvJ1a,iccls 'rov ,raTp&s,/ica, l,coµ.,ra(oJIlJ1 Tois a.aEAef,ois Tcjl0'8EJlfLT&iv,rpayµ.&.rwv 'T~t;; 'll'OAAa«LS JIEOT'f/T'OS' ov,c·3.'11'4JIT'f/lTE~ lµ.ol 'll'p&ITW'1TOJI yvva,,cos !vp.op,f,ova.Ma .,.a 'll'VEVp.a 'l"OV(~>..ov'71'apE'1"a[aro lv lµol ,cal ir64>>..w1TEJI . tws O'VJIE7TEITQ . Els B711TITOVE ~JI XavavaCav. 6. olvos yap a,IITT'pfV'E T011Sd,f,8a>..p.ovs p.ov,ical ~p.avpwO'lµ.ov ~v icapllCaJ1 lm8vµ.lq. 7, ,cal ,rapa{3as T'Ol1 v&p.oJI rov ®Eov vvvi-ll'EITa. .8. ,cal 3.vra1rlawKE p.o, Kvp,os IJn OVIC 71v,f,pav9"J1 lwl rois T"l,cvo,savriis. XIV. Kal VUJI, rl,cva µ.ov,µ.~p.£8VITKEIT8f! ofJI~• In-,d o?vos1"aO"l"pl,fm rav vovv awo rijs ail.f)8E£as,,cal lµ./lfilEL vorip.adms, ,cal dll11yEi, ds 'lf>..dJlf/V T'OVS d..p.ovs. 2. Ta yap 'ITVEVµ.a rijs ',ropvElasT'OVolvov ~s a,aKoJIOV ,rpi)s rcis ~llovas lxn· /fr, _KalyE.,.a Mo ravra a4>,n(.iO'L ~v Mvap.,i, T'OVav8p@'1TOV,· 3, 'Eav y&p r,s ,r(r, olJ10vEls p.l8riJ1' iv 11,a>..oyr.o-p.ois pwapo'is O'V~paO'ITEL T"clvvovv Els ,ropvECavical l,c~EP-· µ.alvELrel tTwp.awpos µ.lfw, ical d '11'4pEO'TL ro rijs l'll',8vµ.Casafnov 7rp41TITEL ~v. ltµa.pT"(av ,cal OVIC aluxvvETaL 4. d yap p.E8vwvovalvts alllEiTa,. l>.'111011 ya.p (d o!vos) 1Cc\µE l1r>..«Vf/1TE p.~,w>..ij8ot lwl Tair '11"6>..ais, ifT, lv d,f,8a>..p.ois. 'IT«VT"wv lfl«>..wa.,rpc},;"111®ap.ap, T2


ova-avvvµ.S ilµ.&ivjJ.l8p, To 'lr.VEVJl,4 Tqs 'ltopveCasfilnropEVfiTO.L Els (&.u8pw1rov) ,cal io&t'& Tov µ.l8va-ova.lt1"XPOP11#40VE'iv ,cal 1rapavop.E'iv, ,cal µ.~ a.lcryc6vea-8a,, aA>..alyicavxiia-8a.L tjj av-roil. Kal-1Ca.TvyopoVµ.fVOS. oli TO.'lrELVOVTO.L a,a n,v 4TLl-'{av µ.lµ.v.,,a-8( c:is TQ ayaea >..lyELu.-~•. El yup /3a.CTLAEVS' TLS, µ.lvn µ.E8vlnc.op.EVOS' ,cal wopvEl liEvrlp'f> vliji µov, ,ca,{YE Wl"GIS iv 1roir,,plff o/J«.lyvw a~ii .1ro,~cras ITVVavrii iv,avr&v, 5. ,cal ITE ,f1rE£A71a-a avTijiCTVVEABE'iv. T'40-CT6>V a/Jrii, li,lcp8eipETOnlpµa l1rl N/V yi,v ,caTaN/V lvToA~v rijs p.71Tpos avToil, rua Ta-6Tl'js ·rijs 'lrOVl'jp{as ywop.lVl'js,6. ,Jf8e>.ov ,cal T~Vl:LA~µ lioilva, 0 TOV TplTOVvl&v, clM.' ~ ')'VV~ JJ,OVB71crcrove alJrn, OVICclcpijKEV' l1ro117jpWETo ycip 1rpos 'r.1111 0&µap, ol,,c ~v l,c . 8vyaTlpwv apa~v .. ., , . . ws avr71. ~


XII. 1. [:bov~ ycipiv Tfi @&µaplxE&vTl«va clworijs yEvEtisTov 'AJ3pa&µ. •H ycip yEvea·TOV'AJ3paaµ~II 'iTpOO'T'ETd.yµlVl'j ,cal ~11iiy«cia·811] ~ ®dµ.ap ,ca8fja-8a,l1rl Tats 'lr-6>.a,s,«:is 1r&plll'/, 1Cocrp.718Et11a · ,coup.ff> vvµcpmi>[ «al cp8aa-auaNjll da&vµov], ()TLclvlpxoµ.a,clwoT6ill1rpoj3&T_6>1J. 3. Me8vo-8elsovv fyr}i o/Jicclwl')'VOJII aVNjv a:iro TOVofvov/,cal ~'ir&T71a-l µi TO,c&Mosawijs, 4~ ,cal lliw,caalrrfi N/V p&J3libv ,cal rnv (@111'/il;_·Kal tµ.ol,( ,cat ETXEV iv rii Ko&Alff Tovs a,Mµ.ousap~s ,cal·"~(&p, f'll'A7111,&cr871 Kai~v µ.vcr~p,ovcpawop.EVOV fl/ TijiTEKELi/ T~V®&µap,f'lrELTO'lrpoiTo-p Tl«vov1eeTt87jTTIII XEipa,;; µ.a,mp,a ililcrp.EVO'E ~µ.a ICOICICLVOII ''"'· rji XE£pl,Tii~871µl1111, C:Scrnelalva, ro Tt1 CTVJITT/po-6µ.Eva.. fVVOf.£lie TOV,,A/3EA,cal TOVl:~8 -Kal'Evc1x ,cal 'Evr.Ss,N6if Ka.l"EJ3.epKa.lofrws TOIi1AJ3paaµ &s lAE&,f,E TOV1ra.Tlpa. x&pw TOV®eov, 'Ir.S/3TE ,cal MEAXLVElil«, «ai oin-ws"ol 4Uo, 1rpocpijTa.&, ot l>..&>.71crav 7rEplTijs fAEVtTEQJS TOVXpLtTTOV. clU.a «:isl«pVl/rEN/V XELpalu -rfiicoLAVI-, owws TOVv&µov ,cpvwoµlvov ,cal clnµ.a(oµ.lvovlyEv~871 cS apls. «al TOTEl$;>..8EvcS Zapa Kal lcpalvETO TOvijµ.aTOICOICIC&VOV, 1'Qu71µ.awop.EVOV Tq> atµ.-a.T& TOVXp,CTTov]. XX. Kal ln£yv'1>TE, TEKvaµ.ov, lST&li-601r11E-6µ.aTo. a-xo>-&(ovcr, T.718ECas «al TO~s 'lrA4111'/S, 2. µ.lII lpya. awos- lyylypa,rra, lv01T&OV Kvp{ou. 5. ,cal·&· 3T, lv 1m16n dO'TECl>II aµ.apTCl>AoS l,c rijs mp&Casavrov, ,cal &pa, 7rf'OUCl>Tr0II CW 3vvam, 'lf~S TOV,c.p,njv. XXI. 1, 2. Kal vvv,TEKva,.a}'Y.EAAQI {Jµ.,11 C:,so E>E3sl&Cl),cf T1)11lEpa.TEkivT~ AEvf, ical lµ.ol l&C1>1tE n)11 fJao-&Xda11. XXII. 1. [MEyd>.11 p.EV'qi/ µ.o, 1"apa)(7J Hl Tavra l~a, l11Tai's l11 rip 'lupa7JA , ,ca.T' lux&.Ta&s,iµ.lpa,s] 7roAAo1luoura, 7rOAEp.o, cl>..MA.C1>11, ,cal la-ovra, a,a,pluus. XXIII. ·3. ,cal l>..wumn A&/J,OS ,cal , 7r&.v.rasrots >..o,µ.os-.· «al ra TEICllavp.ilv 'ltEla-ua, 'lfOALOpKCau d>..lBpous-.4. , l,cr,,,.ova-&11 lf vp.6iv Els EV110V}(OVS Tais yvva,f111 CIVTlilV,5. Kal l1r&o-1CE,f,€Ta& fJµ.a.sKvp,os lv l>,[,cal lO'Ta& O"CalTTJp{a ,-,;;'Ia-pa~.A., l11TV 7ropow'9 Tov 0Eov TOilcl>..116oiis ]. XXIV. Kal µ.ua. Tavr11clvaTEAE& {/µ.iv4ctTpovlf 'larc@fJl11Elp,fvp, ,cal 4vaO"T~a-,ra, livBpCl)llfos l,c Tov ywovs p.ovci,so,J.A.,os iis a,rca,o~in,s, CTVp.7tOpEv&µ.E110S To,s 4116fJNfJ&r -lv aucawuvvn ,cal 7tp40TTJT&, «al 71'«0-a &p.apTlacwx tvpEB,flTET'4& -Iv Cl~Tci>, 2. ]Cal dvo,y,fcrovra,171''awov o1 o~pauol ircxla, wvwµ.aros w>..aylav'lraTpos&y{ou«al 4VTOSl,cxni 71'VEVp.a x&.p,ros ,.,,. vµ.&s-. ,. «al la-,a:6Eawe; Els vlovs lv cl>..Y16El9 ,cal ,ropEWEcr8E l11,rpoUT&.yµ.aa-,1, aw-oilitrp(jTO&S ,c.allvx_dro,s. . 5, owos o·fJ>..aUTos 0,oil {,,f,Ccrrou,cal ofni ,; 71'Y/Y7J ,ls (Cl)~v71'&.fTY/s uap1r.os. 6~ Tou /Jua.A.dp:1/m nfj'ffpov {:Jaa&A.,las fl-°",,cal 411'0iis pC(Y/S{Jµ.li,v ')IEJn]UET'a& ,r116µ.~u,7. «al ,.,, awcp t\11a,B~uEra& p&./3f>os 3&K.C:UOu 110611 avrov· 5. ol, v,>..os·lu a,aSov>..lo,s aVTOVl1rEXEVl1'.ETa&' ol, fJauica11lal,crq,cn "1vx~v avrov ovll~ al..ov~ITOV..Co,s aw&l11, «al ll&a..~u, 1rpo..&11, .llo.cusp&{Jaa,sElXE TOVK>..ijpov.4. ovic l-yv,,w, TlKva p.ov, lfTt ijp.apTov,3n ,rapavop.Cav l1ral.,,ua,'ll'A~VTqS' ayvoCas-~v t'll'O&~uap.Ev t'll'l TOIi'10>'"14'aaE>..t/)av ~p.G,v,ol, 'Y~ ,fv T3 Bl>..71µ.a p.ov 6. ~al lKM&OV 'ITOAAC 7. ic 'lo,~4' ], crrE~VP,E~V Kal raa l8l>..11uav avEAEiv. avrov [ K..o. ~~ ~v Kal T~II 8.p.p.ov.«o.raavpu, 2. ltlv af Els -iroMa. lha,pEBft~ ~ atJ,o.vl(u al,T({. 3. Kal 'Up.Eis,lo.11a,a,pE8fjTEluEU6E ofrcus EVKaTa4'pov71TO&. 4. M~ ux,o-8qTEEls avo KErj,aMr,3Tt 1rav & f'll'0(7ICTEJI d Kvp(OS'1CE4'0.A~v p.{av lxE,. "E60lKEavo li11ovr,XEipas, ,ravTa Tfi p.,q KE..Kal avo /3a1TLAEia, i[a,col\ov8~o-ovra, µ.av ;;.,.,a,a,pE8'q(TEa8E ico.lwav /33l>..vyp.a '/l'O&qCTETE, ,calYE'IT®Ef3wAov11'pOCTKV~fTETE, 6. /((U o.lxp.o.ACUTEVUOVCT&V v11as-o1 lx8pol vp.G,v ,cal ,ca,c~8qaE0'8E lv l8vE!T& ,cal iv &u8evECats,cal 8>..ll/fEu&.7.. Kal p.ETO.TO.vTo. p.v71a6-qaE1T8E KvpCov,cal. JJ.ETO.IIGqCTETE Kal l11'&CTTpl1/m. vp.1ir,6T, fAEqp.wvlarl ,cal ,ca,,c(avro'is vloir Tedi/d.v8prl,,ro,11, a,on Wa"ll'Aayxvos-, "'~ >..oy,(op.E110S' vapE dvl Kal rtl WVWJJ.O.TO. ~S' 'll'ACWI]~ d.,raTi al,rovs "iw, 1fQITQ&S ,rp&,EEIT&V al,r~v. 8. ,cal P,ET4Tavro.dva.TEAAE& Vp.LVo.l,rasd Kvp,os (/,G,s a,ica&O!TVV71S ,cal f7!aJ1EAEVO"E0'8E Els rqv )'1111 vp.G,11 ,cal O-Y,ECT8E





Kvpiov iv 'I1:povo-aA~µ..R Kal.7TaALV· lv '11'0111/p(q · lpywv vµ.C,v 7Tapopy(o-m, a/JTOV Kai 0.7TOppLcf,~(!ECT8E lc,w-KaLpoVCTVVTEA.Efor;. X. Kal vvv, rlKva, iSITOL pp./;,vaKOVETE T~f; llia8~KaS'Zaf3ov>..wv 'll'arposVJJ,001' 5. q>o/31i'i:1T81! Kvp,ov TOVE>eov7T(l(Tl7 rfi [ tvxiiKat] llTx-6;;, 1 [ El Tlf; µ.~ lvvofi TOVS'>..oyovsµ.ov f7T..ov 0E..~Oe,a 'µ.era OLKato'll'paylas· Kal iJn ?TOV7JpOV TO 'frevllos ,cal. 0 8vµ.os Kal 'll'aCTaV KaKlav iiv0p6J1f0VifKOLDaCTKEt. 4. 'Oµ.o>..oyoo (T~µ.Epovvp:iv, 'r(KVa µ.ov, lfr, iv Kapo(q p.ov i/30VA.EVCTCIJJ,7JV 'll'EplTOV. Oavarov 'Iw~q, avllpos aya0ov Kat a>..,,8,vov. '5. Ka, txa,pov E'll't. rii 7TpctlTU 'lw1T~..ov( Kal) ll,acp8opasei1rl pm· 7. Aaf3e To !lcf>os,cal &ve>..e Tov 'lwlT~c/>.Kai aya?T~O'EL CTEo 1rar~p crov, TOV 'Iw1T~c/>a1ro8av6vrns. 8. TOVTOEL7TE TO 1rvevµ.aTO 1Tov71pov &vayKa(ov fJJ,EKal ~v l:J0"7rf.p 1r&paa>..,s tKµ.v(ovcralp,cpov. [ oin-ws,cal iyw icJ>vA.alTCTOV TD~.'Iwcr~cp·] 9. 'A>..>..' o 0Ev>..&&,re fovrovs ho TOV7TUEVp.aros TOV'fln'illovsKal TOV 0vµ.ovµ.lvov Kal aya1r~CT7JTE ~v ii>..~8HavKal ~v µ.a,cpo0vµ.Cav, a1ro>..e'i1T0e. 2. ;, ya.p &p~ rvcf>>..l(u ToVs iiv8p6J?TovsKal iSrav lpx71ra, o 0vp.6s, 3. ov ytyv6JCTKEI. ~u &ya1r7JV TOOV iille>..q,IJv. ov q,o';3e,rmTOV ' ~ 1rarepa, ov'll'E nµq T7JVµ.71repa, ov 1ra1TXEtruv yEpovTa. ovK tXEL alllw TWV >..ariiuovll~ ol,cnpµ.ov TWV TEKVWV,/Sn OECTJJ,EVEL avra]. '4,. 7Tfipt{3&.>..>, yap avrov TO 'll'VEvµ.a TOVOvp.ovTa lilKrva T1JS1T>..a.V7J!o', Kal TV..1LOt1S alirov (,cal oli ytyV6JITKfitT~V &M0E~av] Kat ll{l>wlTLV aVTlf Kaplllau llllav Kara TOV 40EAc/>ofJ ds ip~ovov !(al' lxOpav. III. 2. Kal d 8vµ.os T~S \f!vxiis aVTOVKaTaKvp'm5fit 3. iJn 7TOtfiL T~V avoµ.(av Ka2 l>LKa&'oL fovrov iv TVavoµ.(q, [ ovyap oTllETOVv6µ.ov i::ov











0Eov, lyE(pETa,,cal ~ d'6n1s Tov flq,ovs, da-ipxeTa, Els ~u «Ec/,c0..1111; Kal SrE 'q 1/t'l!XTI awoil «t/,cupeira, 411"0 TOVa-c.SµaTos «al 0~,Cl1rauipxEra.,. ,ca.l rel 1rE1rou1p.lua . «d 7rpo dtt, la-rq., Sn l1rEltr9qTjj wo1171p9 v,vxfil .. 6. l/roxriaiirov cld /J,ET4TOV'f,w6ovs lK aef,C,11TOVl:a.TCUla wopEVEra,[ ,cal STE dpq l1118p0>1ro11 dpy,Coµ.EVOJJ 7rEA4,Era,·a.wii . ,cal. n.,,,.o, ai,rov 1'1111 ,,.,11,.'IJll • 2. Kal ofhOls a,f.}'E(pEll11 8v"" /J,f)'4A'f)~II "1vx.1111 · ai,Tov. ['E11l/OE&TE al, TEKlla,Sn "'"'XTIcl7roTOV::EaTCUlii ElulpxETa.lEls &118p,,>1rov dpy,(oµ.f!uov,lyElpEl awo11 µ.71µ.Eµ.~u8a.,TOVKvplov, c¼M'lpy&CEa-Oa, 1 wpo 1rpov..a >..l-yETa.& .~µ.'i:vofhws ,cal liµ.Eis,rl Kua.]. 3. p.71KllllJa-8qnEls Tapayµ.ovsJpyfis. 8.µ.lllfJS a~ ,p,;x_ijsd.ct,CCTTara, Kvp&o!I aw· av~s ,cal ,cvpm1u a~s d 'Be>..Cap. V. 1. cl>v>..cifaTE o~u, rl«va µ.ov, ~11 l11ro>..7111 TOVKvplov ,cal Toll 11&µ.011 avrov. d.ya.1riin,cal µ.,cnjva.TE TO'lf,&6os' !ua t/,wn, att,· {,µ.C,11 ~ Jpy11.. 2. •A>..118uCU1 4>8qyEa-8E l,caO'TOS 1rposTOIi1fAfJ1Tlo11 CTOV [ ,ca.l (/>El1yEa-8e a71'oTOV. 7r~V7jpov] ,cal oi, /J,Tj,canuxva-n·liµ.C,v'lrOAEp.Os.· 3. ,cal TfiCo>fi {,µ.C,u.4. ozaa. yep lfn fll lux&Tats d.yawiiTE TOIiKt'ip,oulu 71'.&a-zi ~µ.lpa,s a1rounfa-Ea-8E TOVKvpCovfll KUKO&S {3ov>..wµ.av, 7rOpEVO/J,f!IIOl, · 6. 'Aulyu(J)Uyup l11{3({3>..'fl 'E11@xTOVa,ica.{ov8. in-,wo>.> ,co>..dCTElS lmVTpE1J,4JITES 1rposKvp,ou lAETJ~,cal 1r>..11yas M\/rE'18E9. ,cal 01"CllS tTECT8E 12. ,cal l1rl ~s ll.ylas 'lEpovva>..71µ. Eiict,paii~vev8E[ «al µ.ua" " ' " " 1 ' • .. ' w,Op..uv 1__ ,_ • . ·z ~ TO.VTa TO '11'0117]pull 1fllEV/J,II u1ra17Ja-E& vµ.as ElS 1'1111 Q)S E "''' TOVEleov, clicova-a,rC,11IJ:ylw11 d'UTov]~ f'll'&KaAOVp.EIIO& i1rl T..71µ.) rois cl118p&1ro,11 aV1Jaua.uTptc/>&µ.E11os ical .4y,os 'Iupa~>..oi, yuwp,~'1'ua, l,µ.'i:11 lv Ta'll'E&JJc.Svu ,cal Iv 'll'TWXE'fl «al o 'll'&OTWQ)II br' awlj, av· 7nat/,8EpEira, [ ,cal lipfovra, >..a°/3E'i:v TOll alc.Sv,ov{3lou ol 4yye>..o,'ll'lffEVUavresbr' aVT'f>J· VI. 3. a,a TOVTOtT'll'ov64(E& d lx8pos _li'Jl'OCTICEA((uu wcwras-TOVS' l1nicaA.ovµ.l11ovr TOllKvp,011,4. ,cal ITVIITEAE'i:ra, ~ {3au,>..Ela. TOVlx8pov. 6. "E'1Ta, a, fll ,ca,p, lwoµ.(as TOV'lvpa~A. att,,n&p.EIIOSaw• avr&i11 Kvp,o_s,,cal /J,Jl11'1fTa&· Tm1J. l811C,vTmll 'll'OlOVJ/TWJJ [ lpya(op.l110>11] TCl Bl>..71µ.a awov, 8T, oiiawl div ayyl>..wvlVTa, is aw~. 7. ra 6E011op.a a:~TOV luTaL lv 'lriia-,T'ois l811Etr&11 l:wTTjp9. d clA711JJJs «al 'lfp011Va.ATj/J, «al a,a&v«era, l11'11'411Tl Tf 110/J,· 6. IaTavM 7rpaCs,cal Ta'ITELl/011 lria, {3av&>..w11 liµ.&iv,cal 7rii'1'CZ1 a.l 'lf,vxal a11&11ro, ltTOIIT4'lv "''CT• {Jµ.C,u.VI. 9. Ka, ofhws l1rECTTE1A0.µ.7J11, lJp.i11, ,,.u&8oTE,catliµ.Efsrois liµ.&iu~ls aEl Kal 'll'Ei8oµ.EIIOl rip e)eiji clicotuaTE, 1o. ,cal TEKVOlS Els cld.-ylvo,ro TOy4vos p.ov Elr uwTTJpCav

.,.\ " • .. ' ·•-~ ,] 1v.





v. a


VII. l. ,cal iawa El~~)VICO.TEtj,l>.:qaw aWOVS' ,cal l,ca{a0>v,1"0fl'UEVJ,tll· awoii. 2. Kal ol vlol· awoil J'fT(& TaiiTa ~ueyicav avrou dS' XE~pou ,cal l671,caulv· T4ia~Tiji'1''f) lv ~ 'luaa« i..ElJJ, vlov 'la,c0{:J, TOV dya&ov 1 vloilBd>..>..,.,s, ri;s aovAfJS' Pax~>..,'ITEpl tj,vv,,cijS'ay1164T7/TOS', 5, 'A,covvaT~ iµov TOV,raTpOS' vµ~u >..lyovroS'~ II. 1. 'E1ma~ ,coiitj,oS' ~fJ,f/11rots· tr01Tlµov C:,S' l>..atj,oS', lm[' -l'E d 1raT'ljp µov 'la,c~{:l ElS',ria-av 41l'OaTo>..~u · ,cai 4yEw ,cal tj,/pEw ,ca{_')'f_ C:,sllyye>..ou WAOY11VE p.E, 2. ,cal yc&pd ,cepaµWS'olae TelVKEilo~, 'll'Ovou xwpliv 8l>..u·'ll'O&ijva, _,calofo-E& ffllAOU ,cal 'll'OUlllavro,ca8~S'tU>..E& ~TO> 'll'f'OS' dµ.o£&>1T&l1 TOV1r11evµaTOS' 1rout TelIT~fUl TOV&v9p~'ll'OV «al O Kvp&OS' «al 7rp3s ~II Mvaµw TOVu@µaTOS' Tel 'll'UEVµa luT{fhJv&. 3. ,cal lv ,cal o~,c lVTl AO&'ll'OV b .,cal TplTovp.lpoS' p.lTpf.,cal &p,9µ'ii,fuov 'll'O&Ei Tp,xos-l,cGOT'f'c116p~1r'f), oiTO>~,ou 1ro&Et, 5. 3n oo,c lVT, wiiii 1r>..dup.a ,cal 1ricra lvvoca ~u oi,,c lyv. KvpwS'; 6. 1.0S' ~ laxvs avrov, C)W(I) ,cal TOlpyou awov· ,cal &S'~ 'll'poa{pevlS' awoii, olrw ,cal vv11vo,a · awov ,cal ~ 'll'piif,~atTov• ~S' ~ ,c~palaavroii, O~O>ic~l.;.3'1'TOJl,a a~ov· WS'.o 'dtj,8a>..p.3saw"oii,~T(I) -K~ld WI/OS'avroii. ~S' ~ '1/ivx~ av,:oil, oin-w,cal d >..&yosawoii ~ l11VOJ.U:> Kvplov ~ ?v v&µ

..Cap.7. · ,cal· WS'. ·,cex0piu,-a,cuaµEcrovf/>6>1"05' ,col .,,cJTOVS' Op4'1'f6>S' ,cal cl,coijs•O~O> 1CfX.0p&crra, &vap.ecrov &11ap3s ,cal yvvaHOS',ca}00/CllT1"&V E?ffE&II 6r, lv 'ri; lul 'll'pocr~rr, l>p.o,&v llT1"&,8. ,ravni yap lv Ta(E, f'll'0,7/CTfl/. d 0E3S' 1a, dcrl ,-p{xu 'll'poS'MEav, ,ca>..a, l11Tji µpptj,flTijS'«E!/>aA.ijs. '1'VVfJp.p.l1 flTa ,capa{ai,dS' tj,po1J'lltW, ,co&>..lav ElS'a,d,cp,crw,fTT.Op.dxov ,c&>._aµov '11'p3S' ~ylnav, i1rap 1rpo~Bv,,_&11, xo>..~vwpoS'iucp£a_v,cl,c~v ElS''YfAO>Ta, #as Els.M11ap.,v,'ffAEVpas°dS'8~1C7JU, d~~u dS' luxv11,,cal '11'®1"4 ,cal '11'4CTaS' Tdf alo-9~crm. [cl>v>..duveTE ~v cly&mw '11'p3S' . TOl1 0E&11,,cal El 4'0/3liraCTLS'TOU0EOV&>..pTV,t,vx.ij ,cal ,racras Tc&S' aZ~~CTELS', ~' 6 0EOS',,,,., ,cal ,cpaTEtawiiiv· d TLS'O.'ll'0/34AAE& .~II- 4>'4'11'7/Jr TOV0eov, lv rfi a,a8lvE&avroii lpya(Ecr8a,llpfovvw 8VJJ,OS', >..o,aopla, f3~vTOTE ,ca.p6£a, xo>..oS', p.1871, w:o>..vtt,a.yla, 'll'opvECa, (7/>..0T'V'll'la," cl,rA.7JCT1"{a, >..o,aopla; !J,80110$' ,cal 11'W[:lal>..vyp.a ]. 9. wcwra 'll'O&~vavTaS' lu ,-dfu fU tj,o{:l'f) · 0Eoii, III. 1. ,cal '1'LWWiuTas Ta P.EPT/TijS'.,capalas TO 9l>...,.,p.a TOV 0Eoii ,cpaTEiv,,cal 0,'ll'OppCnT(Ll,I· TO9lA.7Jp.aTOV lnaf3o.\ov• . 2. dH>..,oS' OVIC cl>..>..o,ovv, rti£w aw.@v, 0~(11$',ca, )'dp ,cai,crEM"'I ,cal ~CTTtpES'


VJl,EIS µ~. clUo&@cnJTE [vJµov 0Eo0] iv a... a.,{9 'll'pllfEwV lJp.@v. 3. -E8Jl7r yap 'll'A0.11'78lvTa l'll'UTE«a.l clq,lv'l'aTOVKvp,ov ,jUotC110-av Tafw aVT&IV ,cal l1"JICOAOV9,io-av TOISel3@AOIS ,ca.llE-,,«o>..ov8f/O'O.V 'ITVEIJp.40'1 7TA4Jlf/S. [,cal 'l'OVS{3fum.aVTWV dafjyovaw lv a... a,{9 ,cal ~ ,frox.~awiiiv yCvri-1u {[email protected]'l'f ~aTava]. 4. 'OpaTE y&p, Tl,cva. µov, y1yJ1@0'/CETE TO O''l'Epl&>µa Tijs· yijs ,ca, 8aMucnJS lv 11'40'& T0£Saf/µ&ovpy,jµaaw,[«a.1] Kvp,ov TOJI,ro,quaP"raTCIV'l'O. 'll'&u...a fva µ~ ylJlfjufJEt>S ~&aop.a.,cal rop.oppa,afnvES lv~Ua.Ea.vTQSTc{£E&S aw&iv. IV. 1. Tavra yap Ta.isypa.rj,ais('E11@x), STI ,cal YE,cal Vp.Eiscl'll'OO'~O'E0'8E ' cl'll'OTOUuop.ov Kvplov, ,cal 4p[.Eu6E 'll'OpWEufJ0.1 KO.Tawauav clvoµ.la.v TWJIl6voiv. 2•. Kal lwdEEIvp.'iuKvp,os alXJJ,aACA>• ulau, ,ca.}aovAEVO'ETE ilicEi-rois lx8pois vp.@v,cal ,co.,c.'iuo(ical) 8>.."fm (1JITETE tws &v icaTaicpCvl'I Kvp,os 'll'&VTS l'll'&O'TplV'fTE «al l,r1yv01TEU8E Kv1nov TOl,,l0Eov vµ.Cw,cal l1nUTpl1/mvµ.lis Els ~JI yijv vµ&iv /CO.Ta TO 'll'OAV O.VTOV lAEOS, 4. ,cal ISTEll1'E0'8E lv TP yfi vµ.&iv,711,.A.u,&,,.aprq1TEU8E,cal Kvplov ·lw11'.~1TE1T8E, 5. · Ka.1 ~ µ.aicpo9vµ.{a TOVKvplov l1'.EVO'ETO.I [t>S] liv8pc.>'ll'OS 'lt-Olf,tJI a,ica&OO'VJ/f/11 «l,ro ~s YEVElis'Iovaa, «al 'll'016)J/ lAEOSdi 71'4JITO.S ,rovs p.a«pGV«al Tovs lyyvs. . I YIII. 2. TOVTOV yap &110.TEAEi 0'6>Tf/pla.► ,cal lu a~ diA.oyovVTO.I ~Af3pa&.µ., 'Iuadic, 'Iaic@/J•. 3. TOO'ICij,'ITTpov Y"P avroO q>a.vEiTa.&, d 0EOS Tijs (wijs iv Tois ovpa.vo'isical a, Tl} 'YVur.S(E1ical l,cA.eyE& Tovs i. l , , VJl,EIS , cllCOOO"allTES , •- ~ ~ .1 , TO 6.EKO.TO. ay OVS,[-'-' W\A OV/C IXVTOV olO.O''ll'EpEIO' 7rpo11'o>'ll'OII 71'4C11JS Tijs yijs· vµ.w yap lv Tots 7rp@TOIS ~JI {3auv..Ela. l,ra')')'EA~oµ.lvTJ], 4. ,cal) 0EoS aoE&(ETa& lv TOLS lBvEO'Ia,·• [ vµ.Eisyap lvvoo6µEVOI ,jicovuaTETOVTO] ital d K6p,os lAEEi VJl,lis,,cal ol liyyEA.01lAEOVU&II" [ vµ{is El 6£ µ~ &icoVETE O.VTOV, ,cowc,11101 lO'EIT6E TQ)JI/3a.1T&11&>V' '1'0£S ae c\,covovu,fro,µ&(ov'l'O.I ot 8p&vo,,cal 71a&Ealv TOLSovpauo,s]. IX. 1, 2. Ka.1 TO.VTad'll'@V T7jllv,vx~v &7rlao>/CEJI d- NEq,8aA.Elp., ~ d'y6oosvlos 'Ia,cw{:Jical _vlas Ball1JS' l(TJ l,ca.Tovical Tp1d1Cova ica, avo lTTJ,cal fr&tf,f/lv .X,/3p&vlv Tcjiawce "''11"1>..«tcp.

~,a ft





I. 1. 'AVTlyparj,ova,a9qKfjSraa 'lffpl µ.luovs, lica>..lua.To "Y"P 'l'OUS vlovs awov ,cal Ei'lfE"2. "EuvaTOSvlos f'YEIIO/J,f/11 Tc; 'Ja,c~~, ,cal ~µ.f/U «lv6pEiosl'll'l TWII7f'01Jl,1IUl)JI. 3. 'Ey@ iq,v>..anoufll VVKTl Tt}'ll'Olp.v,ou «al f'll'El~PXETO fV VV«Tl1'.l&>u ~ lTEpov87/ploulicTEWaaVTOV,7. «al t17raElipv~v lfE&AOJl,'f/11 lie TOV O'TOp.a.Tos 8TJplov,cal l8avdTo>ua,cal lq,ayov. 6. ical d aaf>..q>otJl,OV'l111CTf/q> za~v Ei'lfET'ii> 'lra.Tpl,>..lywu·



ICT'ECvas 'ltpo/30.Tov ov,c l6c,i,c1: · .,.o,s vMs Zl>,q,asKal .BciUas-. 8. Kal ·ivEICOT'ovv rij, 'Iro11~4> 7r1:plTov Myov Tovrov,9. Kal To,'ltvwµ.aT'OV8vp.ov ,jv· iv lµol ,cal ovK -q8E>..ov otlT1:al dq,8.a>..p.l.iv otln a{ clKoijsl6Eiv Tov 'Jc,i1771rj>; II. 2, 3. Kal ~8lAf1Ua.ifE>..av,miJf3lov awov lK ~s yfis, &U7r1:p ~OVSx.apduu1:, -oyp.w clpovpas·,cal lyw Kello l':t1p.£~llf'ltCllA'IJU0.1£EV Tots 'I11p.af1A.£i-au;. Ill 1, Ka, vvv cl,covuaT'f,TflCVQ. µ.ov, Myovs cl>..7181:las TOU'll'OL£LV ll1,ca,ouvinp,, Kal 'lf(WT'(I v&p.ov •v,f,Curnv,,cai.p.~ 'ltA.ava.&8a, T''f>7rllfVµan TOV.µluaus, 3TL,ca,covftl'TW11'CUIT1 clv8p07r'f>o2. 7r0.Vya.p & f® 'lt~>Ly µ,uovµ1:vovla.,:,13al>..v7p.a.. la.v 'ltO~ii v&p.ovKvpfov, TOUTOII 01)/( E'lt0.LV£i, [T'Oya.p'irvft!!La. T'Ovp.luovsov] 8l>..E, T'~va,Ka1ouvV1Jil,l&v ·m. q,of3ijra, Kvp,ov, TOTEclya7rq s. Ao,aopEi:v~,, M,1181:,av awov; Toil.TOVVOl,l01J aum1(fT'(II, 117rEpf1¢av£a.~ f'lra1111:i, ll1KaLOVVT'OS ,ca.raq,povi,,KO.T'aAalua.ri. 3n ro 'lrl11:Vl£0. T'OVp.(uovs ET'Vq>Ac.itTE T'~U 'lrox~v t\VTOV,[IZUTEµ~ . . µEµ~u8a., T'OVE>Eov]. IV. 2. 0v 8lAELcl,covi:,v·T-O\/S >..oyovsvov8Erriu1:c,is 7rfpl Tijs &yd1r7/s a AfiE>..v ,cal 8l>..c,ivTOVSve,cpovs (wo7roiijua,,1tal Tovs iv 4'1roq,auEL8avcfrov ..Bl>.e,&va.,ca>..luau8a,, ofrli>sTO p.uros T'Ol/S' (~vras. 8lA.1:,47rOICTELllc:il, ,calT'Ol/S' ,,, dA.Cy't> AµapTtjUCUITas 0118lA:EL(~v. 7. To yap 'lrlll:Vp.O. TOV µ.[aovsUVVEP)'EL Trp l:aravq iv 'lra.11111 !:ls 8dvarov T&lvciv8p07rc,iv, .,.c} 0£ 'lrV(vµa Tijs clrci'lrf/S'uvvepyE'i.To/ vop.'f>roil 01:ov Els uc,iT'flpla.v ii118p01rc,iv. V. Ka1tov ovv T'Oµ.'iuos, TO q,&>siTKOT'os 'ltOL1:L ,cal uv,coq,awlav EKa,a&u,cu,cal 8vp.ov ,cal 'lrO.V 1tlp6os tAlaxpov 'ltOLEL ,cal T'ijs 1rpdf1:c,is TOVo,af3oA.ovn,v 1tapllla.v'ltA.71poi'. ['OpiiTEydp, T'EKVa, >..lyoivp.i'v3T'L] 2. ~ ll1KaLOUVV1J l,cfl&uu T'Op.i:uosTOVll,af3oA.ov1tal /COAAO.Ta, tii clyci1r17 TOVKvpfov; 3. cl>..,f8e,ayap lfEA.livvn TO p.'i:uos,Kal ~ T'O.'ltfLVCllUIS iiua,pELT'Op.'i:uoS'.·o yap lll,ca,oS'alll£LT417ro1fjua1116,,covovx 1111'0 !M.ov /CO.Tay,vrou,cop.1:vos, a>..>..' V'ltO~S' lalas Kaplllas. 6. T'O.UT'a ly~ lrlxaT'OVlyvrov P,ET4 T'O/J,ET'«voijualp.E 'lrfpl T'OU'Iw~q, aa1:A.4'oiJ. dq,8aA.µ.ovS', cl1ro/3a>.A.EL ,cal 7. 'H 'yap &Af/8~sp.erovo,a.q,c,iT{(e,T'OVS' 01aq,8Elpn~v AµapTCav,yv&>u,v'ltaplxovua TU•'lroxii, ~al daf/yei Tel 01a~o11A.1011 7rp0S' UCllT'flpla.v. 9. 'E1r,fyayE ydp µo, cS0fosvouov 711raTOS · real el µ.~ al EVxa.l 'Iai.Iyo, T'OlSvlo,s ·awov ,cal clyaffljO'aTE ,lll'l,\ovs lv lm ,cal M;-'f),cal w&011 a,avdlq.[,cal] l,c w&a-.,,s ""1x_71s.3, 'E&v m &µ.{&p111 ds a-e,~ wpiiiToP lf&p,(E clwo a:eavrov T'OJIlov T' [ At yelp wapa,c,\qa-me:l11 dp4V7Jvov,ccl,c~oJIT'a&] 5. lv Tf,clAA.oTpCq. Tapaxf, T&{C1>11 -l,p.&iv. VII. 2. El of d lx6pos -l,p.&>11 -l,neP7Jq>a~s ylyveTa&p.~ q,8ov'10'7JTE, crap,cl,caT6aPEllJ,,rn d Of 0EOS'T'OJI lwa,11011 t/)lpn T''flo,6oJIT'& ,ST,'11'411J1 Tl$ T'4 clya6a. ,ca.l clua.y,ca'iaT'OISclv6prlino,s. 4. 'Eu 3f f,C ,ca,c&iv a.lJro11.6. d yap 'ltfJ/TJS' ,cal &.4>6ovos lwl 'IJ'GO'l 'ltAOWlcrp ,,.~ (11A.~0'71TE Kvp('f>wxapLO'T'Ei,. a.UTOS' wap&'11'41TL 'ltAOVT'E& dAoyr/T'OlS T'pO'll'OlS, VI II. l. .Ef'IJ'aTEof ,cal -l,p.e'ismvTa. To'is Tf1C110,s -l,µ.&iv, &'ITCI>' "'JL'llTCl>ITllJ "Iooaa.11 ,ca.lT'OIJ Arut.. BT&lf a.{JT&iv c\».an>..e,Kvp,or ITCl>T'7lpa. T'f 'Icrpa4>.., 2. "Eyv&111 yelp·Sn ml T'fAEL cl1roanja-0JIT'CU T4 TflCJ/ll -l,p.fov. cl1r'awov, lv wcicrz,'ltOJ1!1pl9 ,cal lv 0"14'6opi la-ovTa.& f~11'&0JI KvpCov. 4. Kal Tawa el1r@11 7rpocrl4>epe n;11"1vx,~vTf Kvp£cp5, ,cal lTa.4'011 awo11l11T' aw~ CT'ltTJAa.Ccp. ,cal 'qll 'll'CUIT'a T4 tn, T'OVraal,caT'OIJ ,cal 'ltflJT"llCOJIT'a. ica.l'ltfJITE,,cal ra& 'qJIvlclsz,>..q, .T'lTapTOS',


I. 1. 1AJ1TCypa4'011 o,a.64«71s 'A~p 'ltEpl,ca,c(a.s' ,cal ltpf1'1/S, 2. 'A,coo(TQ.T'E, Ef7rf, TflCIJQ t AcnSp,T'OV 11'aTp'os -l,p.6111 ,cal wo6e{to>vp.,11'11'411 'l'O w6Es lJirfi1r,011 T'OV0eov. 3. 6.vo d6ovs l3&11CflJ d 0Ec)s Tois vlois Tfo11lt116prfi1r&111, ,cal a,a./300>..,a. ical Mo 'll'p&fe,11 ,cal Mo T011'0VS', 4. A,a T'OVTO 'll'ciuT"a. 31fo f0"/'£11, b lCQ.T'flla.JIT'& TOVl11os. 5. Avo fO'T'4 o,a/300>..,a l11O'T'lp110,s ~µ&i11 o,a1epl110J1Ta ~,i&s.. 6. 'Ecl11w11&.116p&17ros 'l'&S'ds n;v 0&1Ca&on117J11 l1t,rpl'lt7JTa., ,cal TO a,a./306>..,aaiJrov. 'Ea.11 w£""71ds n;11 &p.apTCa.v d 4v6pwwos~ a,' &.yvo,a11 l11 Tl11,( &µ.dp'71) dJ6vs·JLfTalJOE', [ lCQ& "ill /,LET4JIOLQ.IJ alJ-rov,ca6alpn T~ &µ.ap"4µ.aTa A(,ca&a. yap >..oy,(oµ.e11os ltvarpl7ru io ,ca.,c311 ,cal l1ep,(o, a.wov]. Tpo1tow-ra11rpo71'01I ·n;11&p.apTlav. 8. ef Tl!I bnrpE'ltf&ds «1>..>..ovs awoii,. 'll'iia-a.wpaf&11 a.woii ,,, 'll'o117Jp£'1 [ 1eal a,a ,ca,clavl71'a.weira.,, ,cal a,Ma-m T'Qxe£A71GVT'OV ad TC ,f,rufiij >.lye,v] ~al 471'Cl>8oop.evos T'O clya.8011 >..71,f,fra., T'O,ca,co11, ef1tEp 6l>..e,T'<ya.8c)v'71'0&Eiv, dr lCQ.KOIJ p.nanplf/,e,. 9. "Ora11yap EV4pEr,-ra.,c:is clya6c)11 11'0&&i11, TO Tl>..or '1'1/S'll'p&ff!»fa.wov ds ,ca,cov1ro,eiu lt11e>..av11e,, Br, d 8110-avpos T'OV a,a.J3ov>.(ov awov lCaT'GlCVplEWTa& -l,'ll'o TOVBe>..Ca.p Ka.lf'll'E71'f71'A7jp&IT'Q.l TOV'lfJlfVJL4T'OS 1'7/f w>.ci,,.,,r [ 4v8p11>1l'OS ltGT'a/3{Q.J1 ·woLEi].






II. 5. K>Jm-(l)vKai 'JtA.EOl'EKTWV,' d.AA.aital b, i>..Ht TOVS'ffl"COXOVS'. JmrpoO:fl>7rOV _·µ.Evital "TOVTO,8. Mo,xrvovO",v,cal 1ropVEVOVO'~v. ,ca, ln 0.7r_~OVT,O:, ioEO'P,O.Tfl>V Ka&Ayav T,$' V710'TEVH. ital TOVTOo,1rp&O'fl>7rOV iO"T,. {'-OpaTE oiv, TEICvalµ.ov. c:is Ei1rov]7. TOU&VTa yap '"aq,8,£pu "IV ,frox;fv,,ca8_apC(E' TO O'Wp.a. 1O. 'Eyo'>,,EVpovl11 {3,(3>..Co,r T-OV o,,cafov'E:11o'>x, >..lyoUO'& III. 1. µ.~ yly11110"8E 0&7rpOO"fl>7rO& 171 m,ca,oO'VV'[l ,ca, Tji K.a,clq, cl>..Au 1rpoa-,coM7JihJTE T't cl.ya8ff1, c:iso 0EOS'lwa1ravtta, iv avT~ K.alAv8pw1ro,8lAovO'&V iv av1711rapa1E1ro,C11ii Tfjllao,itCav lv T(f O'l..q8E£as Kvpfov. VI. 4. Ta yap TEA.orOElKVVO'L Tfjll OL/CQLOO'VV1JV ~ T~V clo,K(av. µ.ov ~p1r&..ov TOV0,ofi, Taxlfl>tq,alvETa,;..a1TVEVµ.a 'fVX7J,l>..lrxov. 6. El oE ,frox~ 1ropEvETa, lv o.A.718,Cq., TOTflv xapfi fyvo'>p,~ETov 4yyE>..ov Toil 0Eoil, «al o AyyE>..or 1rapaµ.v8EtTa, av"III dir Ti)v alo'>p,0-11 {3Cov. .

VII. "Tµ.Eirol, Tl11ff11V lv ,ca} ,r(vtJ>JI ,cal lv ~croxlq.CTVVTpl/3fllV Tqv «Eef,.a>..~v a,·foaroir. OvroS'(T0(Tft 7rOMOVS" [ ,,] "l..o,s (aln-oil),T'OV'lr' TailTa cl,cova-asiK>.a6a-aroWE ol cl3EA,t,olEls 306,\ovs p.tT't/3>.~9rJO"a11, Kal 'lc»(NJ..d«K'f>, cl>..A.' d 0Eo~ TOV warpos µ.ov '1r'apt1Cd>..Ea-l P,E' ,., cla-8EvEC'f 1/P.T/V &Ma d CTOl'NJP 'x_aplrOIITf P,E,&li,ECa,u&u t.AElu &Ea-µ.ois 7. «al ,.,, (&,a/30>..ais),cl>..>..' d E>Eos lpp6a-a.roP,E,',cal lu Myo,s 'lr',Kpoisol Alyv11'7'Co, l,c/3&>.A.ovuC ,,.e. II. 2. Kal 1/yow,a-&µ.TJU ri, d811µ.aT, l>..Oovnl'lr'' Ep.Ecl'lr'oyvua,,cos t.AE wapauop.livp.Er' avrijs clM' d 0EOS''la-pa~A.TOV'lr'aTpos l1myoVIT1]S' p.ov l..aflP,E chrcl'Tll'O'l"1']S' q,>..oyos,cmoµ.EU1]S',3. 'Ect,v>..a,cCu811v, «at la/1,lKfi,,,E K6p,es Els olKTLPt.AOVS' iv@mov ·,nf/>811v,ip.VICT1]pCu811v 'lr'ciVrOIU T&IVafup.of/>v>..d,cQ)u ,,, r~ 3EITP01'1"1']pC'fl, 4. 0v yap f)IKClTaAEll/in ',1,.(.1 , ,, 1 ·'-'8' 1" , ~,, TOVS .,,o,...ovµ.EUOVS aVTOJI t:U UAT/"'E "" uEITI.A"''l"TJP''fl ITKOTELU'fl OVT'E iv &Ea-µ.mTTJplf ~ &Eup.ois,~ 9>..l"1Ecnu ~ clu&y,ca,s-5. o~ yap ~s 4v8p011TOS lwa,vx~uETaLd E>EOS'~ovaE ~S' Y'IYE~S'cla-8EUEL ~ cl'lr'OI• 9tirai. 6. l,rl '11'0.IT' a~[TO'lr'o,s]wapCirrara,Ka2lu a,a(/Jopo,sMwa,~ wapa,ca>..Ei 'lr'«p@u. 7. iv al«a 'lr'fLpaup.ois d 9Ecls l,rol11ulp.EKpaTEpou. IV. I, 5, IIoudus q Alyv1rTla uawovO"cip.E El'll'E,Ef'll'Ep a-vvluELp.o~ a'lr'ofia>..cil E&&oo>..011 TOVAl)IV1TT£ov IIEITTEs IIT, l,reµlf,l µo, To f3pli,µaT'f' (,t,apµa.,c'f')£p.'f' 1£Eµ,yµlvov,,cal 7. IIT& yvol11s T"Q)J/ . lv CTO>(/,pocrvvp 8eoue/3ovUT0>V w /CaT,uxvn ICQ./CCa. 0.'1E/30VVTO>V. ' A.a/3011lv0,r,ov avri;s (/,ayei:11 . i/p,&.µ1111· 0 0eos Tmv ,rarlp0>11 µov ,,,., ,rpOCTO>TfOJI els rovs 71'o3asp.ov, i_aT£µer" lp.ov. 8. ·u 3E l71'E'1EJI ical l,cA.avue,,cal uvul6Ero p.o, p.~ no,ijcra&· tr, T~v clul/3E&Q.JI TaVTIJV, [ ,cal /Ip.0>s lftyelptra& rai:s cf,poVT(crw 1tal lu0>o aaCµ.1,)11 rijs cl1toA.auCas avnfv]. lm(/,A.Eye& METa ra.vra C:.sfy0 ,JMov ,rpos avr~v a,a rli,v li.vay1taC0>11, A.lyovcr&. p.o, VIII. 2. ,cal afpovcranjs iu(fflTos luvpl p.e els 'NJV1t0Cr11v avnjs. Ka.l ly~ ·'1VlllurpElf,a clµcf,lip.avrov 'NJVlu6~a.. ,ca, _l,t,vyov cl,r_o-rijs Alyvfflas. 3. ,j lit ov ae,ap.EIIIJTO 6lA.11µaffTVKOcf,a.vr,crl /lE ,rpos TOIi4vlipa avriis- 'Ey0 a~JT-64>9"11 Kal i/3A.~611ii Els TO ae;,.µ.w~p,011 Kal ,j AlyvmCa..clv{ETO ,car' lp.ov IX. 1. Kal etnE ,ro.Ud1t,s 71'A~pO>CTOJI To· Bl>..11µ& ·~ov, ,cal lfEA.tv6ep0cr0> ue lK TQ)IIliEuµ.&,vKal u@u0>a:e EKTov 1'euµ0>T1Jplov. 2. 'Ey0 a, ,cal lv (/,poUTla& ov ITVVEX@PIJCTa avr.p· ilya'll'i yap O Kvpuis rov iv CTTE'YTI (TK0Tf&V11 J/7/'1TEV011Ta lv a,avolq µm.>.ov~ iv Tois f3~ilu,co'is µ.eyaA.~£o,s rov 4v3pa rpl..110.1/TOLS. , ~ '\ OVTWS " .t,9 vµ.ETEpovs. -,rapa.µ.v yap 'I"- EU 0• ~Jw~cp Els 'NJVAfyvmov cl3EA.cpol avrov. . ,cal ~p, ,ijv iv Alywr'f' Keil lur17p,[e ,ra.cra.v'NJV Mvap.,v T&,v Alyvm£0>v. K~l o 'l0>~4' l(71 lTIJ l,caTov-icalt,l,ca ,ca, f3Allf,as Tovs 7rai:tiasTov 'E~cp e?ae 'NJ.II ~µ.lpai,w µ.a.Kpav «wlxovuav ch' O.VTOV, ,cal '11'pO(TTl6ETa.L rois 7rpoyovo,s ,cal r,; 71'0.Tp(, Kal ~p,aTo AEfElVrois 1TA7J'1(0,s '!~av 'lraua, al alu6171TELS µ.ov aavva.TOVCT&, Kal TO,cpliToS(0>0Tpo,,.&. d'II'' lµ.ov, ,cal clnijMev TO ,cpaTOSnjs avv&µews,cal JIOITo,y{yvovTa~ ,cpa.rEp0TEpa, lv iµ.ol, Kal OVKET"l lx(IIp.lpos lv Tois (&,uLVI'll"&Tfi yfi, ,cal oliK lxw . 471'0rov JIVVol,clav ,cal µ.,,cpov xpovov wpoa-8EJITOV 8av&rov>..l[0> T'L -{,µ.iv ,cal rois vfoir rli,v claEA...q,wv µ.ov,clA> y,vop,u,os aoii>..os, µETe,B>..11Brw ]· tiia /J,~ iiariua-xvvc.> T'OVS a.lSEA.q,ovs 2. ,cal ilp,e'isovv a.ya,raTE.a·u,,>..ovs,TlKva µov, ,cal fl/ p,a,cpo8vp,(mst,iTE µ~ q,lpovrs aMcis 4llos cS.Uij>.3. Tlp1reTa,yap /; E>eos l,rl dp.ovol..ef,wv, ,cal. l,rl. wpoa,pl!Te,,capa(asevlSOICE&TE 'irpos TO t,iv. 4. ,cal iJn •~A.8ovol aae>..ef,ot µov els Afyv,rrov, &Is,cal avTol /;p&,,n,,cal ,r&>.,vllSr.>«a TOa.pyvp,011 -aVT&ill ,cal OVK~vellS,O'aTjj ,cal wapEKO-AEO'a avrovs 5. ,cal ln µETa 8a11aTOII 'la,c@/3 i${,pu 0.AAO. 71'Ep,ITITUTlp;,s 'q)l471'T/!T4 avrovs. 6. ol,,ca.ef,ij,ca -yo.paiiTois8>..,f3"111ai, Kat. & ~" lv xnpt µov, avro'is lt1c,i«a. 7. ol vlol ya.p avr&iuvlot µov.· 1eal 'l'OVS vloos µov &Isaov>..ovs avrwv E7rOlTjlTQ'. ~ ,f,vx~ QVTWll ~" ,J,vx11µ.ov, ,cal wiiv &>..-,71µ.a avridu «1Ay71µ.a µ.ov ,cal .wli!Taµa>..a,c[a aVTWU 40'8lue,&. µov, TOef,&,savr&,11 ef,&,sµov ,cal ~ {3ov>..11 p.ov cniv avro'ir ~"· 8. «a~ i$ij,c.>1Ta lµaVTOllEUavrois lu &ll.a(o11E(eov /3aO"IAE(as 'll'AEX81JO'ETa, ical l11 Tfi ev>..oy£9 rov KTlnov al O.KT&IIES ~ll.lov>..&µ.ij,ov!T, lq,' vµlis]. 2. ,cal lav 81> ..'!I TIS ,ca,cowo,ijaa,vµ.iis,-oµ.eis[ ,, lO"xvos-oµ.&iv] a.ya8« ·wo,oiivresf30118eiTE awii> ,cal evxea8e V'11'€p avrov TcjiKvpl'fla,,rc)'lfall'l'OS ,ca,coil[TVlaxv, ,cal ,cpd.TE& avroii] 5 E>eosAVTp@O'E, vµ.as. 3. •Ec.>pliTE y&.p iJT, [E>eos l,ro(110"lµo, Ta1re,11r.>8lvr, ,cal 1rc.>>..ovµ.l11'f). ,cal 1TV1Cot/>411T1J8l11n ,cal .,,.&11Ta l7ra8ov rj, i11roµ.011v, l11aww11 To11E>e&u µov ,cal ~s ,cparepos!TTpa.Tos ~.,,..>.:,1Tµl11or rcji a,611p'f1 oll.oyosrov Kvplou &ef,a,pei ,cal ,cvp,ou Tijr Aly6'1fTovl11 µe l,c Tijs 6ov>..e£ar,cal lf l11,{3ov>..ijs ,r&o-msTuxa,s E'lfo£11al /J,E]. . . XIX. 1. 'A,coV!TaTE, TEICVa µ.ov,lvv1r11,011 & ei&ovAE(II)11/J,W.2. 'I&ov &rli&e,ca l>..aef,01 l11l/J,0VT0 ,ca, ol lvvla l11r,pl8171Ta11 els 11'ii1Tav ~v -,ijv· /;/J,olc.>r ,cal ol rpeis, 8. ,cal e'l&ouiJn EK Toil'Iov&alye11v1181/ ,rap8l11os, lxov!Ta !TTOA.~11 /3V0'1Tl1117u· ,cal ,, avrijs 1Tpoij>..8e11 0./J,110$' 4/J,Ql/J,OS. «al '1Ta11Ta Ta 871p(a11,pµwvICO.T' a.vrov, ,cal lu£«T/O'E11 avra {; &µ.uog«al 1 O.'/[email protected]!TEV aiiToVt els IC4Ta'll'4T7JO'III, 9. Kal lxmpou E'/f avr~ ol &y-ye>-.o,, ,cal ol l1118pwwo, ,cal 11iia-a~ -yij. 10. Tailra 6€ ')'fllTJ!TETa, tu Ka,pi;O.VT6111 [ evef,priu8110'aU lv avTo'it],iv loxdra,s ~µ.ipa,s. 11. 'T/J,ELS OVJI,rl1e11aµ.ov, q,v>..afaTE TQS fl/ Kvptov Kal TIP,0.TE TOll'IotlaaJI ,cal TOVAEvt-iJr, lf aw&l11W/aTEAE& iiµiu ·1; &µ.uosroil E>eoil,xripm arli(wu 11'411Ta Ta 10,,.,, [ «al T011]I IITpa~A. 12. CH -yap {3aO'IA.E£a avToil /3a0'1A._ela al&luos. ~ a~Ep,~~a0'1Ae£aiv iiµ.'iuE' c:is d11e,poq,vM«10J1" /J,E'l'tt · ro 8lpor ov. q,a{11ua,.



rA,covtto'voi5v,cli'IovaaiE,..,., AEyEr.,.;,,t~'ll'VLOV 'l'Oil'lwlTl}cp.'E0pa,ca yap a03EKati\&q,ovs;,cal l>..acpo£ Elow ot aetSaEK'f cl'Jl'!SOTOAOL, Eva-yyE>..,E71'2 (op.t:vo,.,.a·07/P,E'ia EV'l''f)KOIT/J,'f) ,cal Evvia a'l½-C,v, El'ITE, 'crrp@VVVV'l'aL 1Tauav"IV riv a,a&u/COV'l'ES /Cal /3a'IT'l'l(oV'l'ES tv dvoµan 'l'Oil 'Jl'arpos Kat Tov vloil ,cal 'l'Oil/J.ylov'ITVfVµa'l'os.oih-ws El'll'ov'l'pEis,,cat oVTOL ot 'l'pEis oµ.olws EK~pv{av,cal d'll'i8avovol,,c ie,&vns Ee '.IEpovu~>..~µ. ·•1wlivv.ov '.Os .;, ypacp~ l>..E(EBn 'HpetSap.,.~ dv&µ'I)'Ia~wfJ o &3EAcf,i'Js ,-i;;{lcf,n EKTav871 Kat oifrws O~TicpavosO~lla/COVOS ,ca>..ovµ.EVOS E>..,8&u811 1J'IT!'J. '1'61V 'Iovaalwv, l$u.,.,slKpa.fE>..iywv,Kvp,E, µ.~ OT'qCT'[ISaliTois T~V . ILµ.apTlav 'l'aVTT/V, ol, yap ofaau, 1$-n'll'OLoiluw.Kat Elaov,El'll'EV·, ~s EK'l'Oil 'Iovaa lyw~8T/ 7rap6lvos,TOil'l'O tcrT'.1/ 1-'~TT/P 'l'Oil0Eoil EKToil yivovs 'l'OilTO tun 'l'Oil'Iovaa, 6vy&TT/P 'IwaKlp.,lxovua, El'll'E,ITTOA~V /3vucr£V7/V. If. .\ , h \ ' • ' \ • , ' ~ EL'Jl'E, .. \ a.UEV ,ca8apa' Ka, 1Tll.av71s, W\ll.a ayi,11 ,ca, V'll'Epayv71. ,'El:1, avT7/S, Kal 'l'a'll'EW!'Js 7rpu~>..6Ev &µ.vi'Js 11µ.wµos, roilr&luTLVovli'Js'l'oil0Eoil, ~'ll'LOS ilvEVKa/Clas,Kal livw '7TOVT/plas. 1ea,pE'i'l'a£ ol,,cflaws 'NIVllµap'l'lav,Kai ,, 4pLIT'l'Epoil aliroil ~s >..lwv,El11'E,,aov EIT'l'L ~s >..&yosToil 0Eoil· µEya.> ,cal.anvC,s _,calcf>ofJEplJs t'll'L07/µalvETaL ,cal 71'4VTa Ta 671p(a il,pµ.wv(KaT' aliTOil). ToilT& EITTL, vµ.lis 'l'a>..afowpo, 'Iovaafo, ELaETE Tov vlov Toil 0Eoil >..a/30V'l'a 'l'a'ITELv~v µopcp~v, ,cal t>s liyp,a 871p_la t,cpa(ETE,cal ~pµ.~uaTEd'ITOVTES, M/3ETE,>..&/3ETE, ITTaVp@ua'l'E awov, yivo,'l'o 'l'Oatµ.a aliroillcp' 11µ'iv,cal E'll'lTEKvo,s11µ1Jv. 'Ev{KT/ITEV aliro'is EK VEKpwvtyEp6Els ~ vli'Js 'l'Oil:@EOVov vµ.t:'is: ,cart:cf>po~uarE, KaK&s'll'OLOVVTES, ,cal lfi>..E..E{av V'll'OTa l8v71. /Cal 1CaTa1ran'iu8E''lws Ka2'll'EplTOV'l'OV 11-ya>..>..,&uavro ot 4-yyEAOL Toil vilv lv ra'is:xc.Spa,s 1J yii. 'O Kvp,os o 0E!'JS1/P,WV. uvv~,fm Ta livw Kat &v6pw'ITOL Kat '1Ta1Ta uvv, 'l'ol:sICO.TW 8.µa EV ivl cf>a,lipiEli>.oy{q.'l'OVTO yap )'E~v>..&[aTE 'l'as tV'l'o> 'l'OVKvplov. ,cal 7'£/J,O'l'E 'l'OV 'Iovaav ,cal 'l'OVAEvt, iJn i[ al,rwv clvaTEi\_EL vµ.'iv o li.µ.vos'l'OV0Eoil, 'l'OilTOtirr,, be yivovs 'Iovlia ,cal ,ca.,.a 'NIV .,.&e,vroil AEvt aifETa, 1/'Y_EP,OVlav Tfi x&pm uetS(wv'7TllVTa 'l'a l8v71(,cal) ··1upa~>... ,cal EVVOEL on ov µ&ziov'lupa~>..~v ouetS(wva.\>..a''ITllVTa .,.a l6VT/, "Ews )'L)'VO/J,EVOS oli µ.&vov'Iupa~>..luwawaEICa. l'l"l EIT'l'Elpwa, • • ,cal 7r'pol1'fJV{a'l'O Kvp{ip P,E'1'4a,rovaijs ac.saEica~p.lpa.s,,cal 1TVAAa/3oii1Ta l1nl p.E. 5. ~,a 'l'OV'l'OEKA~8f/JI vlos ~p.Ep&,.,,, .s:t!T'I'&BEJl&fl/.'CJI. . III. 1. Kal vp.E'isovv, rl«ve&p.ov, clya.aiE· Kvp,ov '1"011 E>EOII 'l'OV tll'l"OA4Savroii, p.ip.ovp.EVO& 'l'OJIclya8ov·,cal Scr,ov ovpavov ,cal...&£ar, 'Iw~if>. 2~.Ka2 l11"1'wii li&&vo,avµ.&>vEls To clya94v,C:,s«c\µE 11v11pa otaa'l"E. 3. [oin-ws Vl'l"E,cal vµ.Eis]tf,o/3Ei1T8E Kvp,ov ,cal clya'ITQ'l"E 'l"O'IJ 7rATJl1'loJr icar EU'IJ'1'4 'IT'IJEVp.aTa. TOVB,Alap Els 'll'«cra'IJ 7r0Vflp£av 8>.C,f,EWS ,ea,T~CTQIVT'lll vµ.as, ol, µ.7'l,caraicvp,Evcrr, vµ.Gi'IJ 'll'M~ 'frOl'f/pCa 8.All/lEWS, &s ov11E'fwlT~,P.'l"OV claE>.,t>ou µ.ov. 4. Ilo!To,T'WVav8pC.S7rWV ~8l>.7Jaav clvEAElV avrov ,cal O E>EOS' ta«l'ITalTEVavTOU; a:yap q,o/30Vµ.EUOS 'l'OU E>Eovl((ll c\ya'ITW'IJ 'l"OU7rA7f11'Cou avroii TOVT'lp. OVKc1u&y1C'I n q,ofJEiiT8a,. 5. «al Efmp 'll'OAAf/U iJ/3p,uol vlol Tov ,cotTp.ov i1r,,t>lpovcr,,ov ,rpoxw- · ,cal' vri fhiplov ov avvaTa, ,cvp&Ev8ijva, fJof180-Uµ.EVOS VlTO'l"ijs p~ITOVCT& 'l"OVKvpCovay&'lrf/Sfins wpos'l"O'IJ E>EoJI ,cal ~JI lx,E, ,rpos-'l'OJI 1rAf/11'£ou. 6. ,cal yap t11'E~8f/V TOV,rarpos.~µ.wu'Iw~t/>. >.lywv• ·.uclya8E?TO.TEP, . 'ITEplr&>uvii.iv ITOVTcjlKvp{'f', fva .,,.~· >..oy£11'f/Ta& 'Ia«C.SfJ,,rpotTEV)(QV avToi~c:islip.aprlau OKvp,os, tuE8vp.~fhicrav 1T011f1pau 'ITEpl lµ.ov. 7. Kal oiTws t/3oa 'la,c$/3 µ.eyAr, 1/>o>vji, >.ly~u· •.a'l"EICVOU EVAO)'f18Els, v,icqs tµ.E 'l"OLSCT'll'~ayxvo,s. 8. 'ITAf/p~8~coEU !To, 'ITpOl/>'ITECa c1'1J8pC.S7rw'6, o cµ;uos 'l"OVE>,oiitTC.Sa'E& 'l"OVICOrTµ.ou. Sn l5p.wµ.os V7r~p3.vaµ.wva.wo8avEi tv Tep atp.aT&Tijs-a,a8~"'1S,t,r, cra>'l"lpl!ft8v&u, ical 'Icrpa,S>.., ica, icaTap-· :y~crn BfA{iip ical TOIiVffi1PETOVUTa avrip. IV. Kal op&r,, TEICUa, 'l"OVa.ya8oil avapas 'la>cn,1/> Ta TEAOS; ,,.,,,.~. cracr8~ n,11EilCT'll'Aa)'Xv£ap avrpv, fua ,cal V1£EL~ CT'l'Etf,O.uovs oob,r





f/,opEO'fJTf,2. ·o c1ya6or 4116pw1ror OOK. -lxE, O'KOTEll/011 0/4J,CI, l,\E~ . -ya.p'ITEov, riir apni)r 0.11'r6V ~&pw. 4. 'E&11m oof&(71Ta, ol, 4'6011EtTE l.\niTE,T4i d.a-6EJJOVJJT, aw,, l,fo T'S ffAOvtjj"~ (17.\0U7JT.E.TOIiwl1117Ta a-vµ;'ll'a.6EtTE, [ TOVraaE.\EOII ,cal 0.'ll'OOTpltp.ETE c'broriir aal,c17sdaov a11roii· .,.all0EOII,cal tjj_,fa.vxfiVl'tiV, cl-ya.'ll'4TE TOIi&ya,rwJJTa V. 2. 'Eav yap 11vvl:iEl:iEO',U1Jo, iOTEtjj ay&1rp'l'OVE>Eoil ra 7r1JE'O,utTa nis 1r.\&1111r ,f>EVfE, 11,.,.ar. a. -o'll'ow-y&plOT, cl,ya6~f/,povTlr lv_ ri, ,J,vxf, rov @6pc.S1rov, iKEL,cal Ta !lrVEVl"'Ta . 'll'A4Vl7S ,if,wyti a11ro11. 4. ,cal l:i£1t.a,011 &Jll:ipa. µ;ql:iaj.,.ws vf3pl(ETE,,cal O au:a,os &ya1ri rov KoAa(oJJ'l'a ,cal cnycj. . 5, yap Els T~JJ"1vx~11,co.\a.(ETa,, E11X4S 1ro,&i11 ,f>aCvna,>'7rpos .,., 'T"1lcr'l''f>, -Ofrwr illlE.\if,orµ,ov'lw,rq,f>. VI. 1,. 'A1rlKA,11E yap ~11 "1vx~11C'ITO 'l'OV'71'J1EVµQTOS -riir ,r.\a.1117r, -'-' , , • , rt , l , -~ , , W\A E,XE 'l'OVayyEA0V '1'17SE P7JIJl1S .'l'NJ/ICVp&OJI '1'7JS T"A.17'• 3 • ,ca, ofrwr _VJJ,Eis, TlK11a µ.ov,µ.~ AVffl1TE rovr 11'Al70'lovr O'OV2. µ.176E a-11Ml)'ECT6E TOIi'71'hOVTOV TOV&3£,cov."~ rlp1F1CT6E 'l'air aa,,c{air, ,cal -"~ i'll'&yqcr6E 'I'¥alvCy,ui,n'l'WJJd6011011. 3mEpOJIn,11c17rrl,.\nav, · Tpfrov 6>..l"1,11, Tlrap-ro1J alxµ;et.\(l)cr(®, ,rlµ.'IT'l'ov lvl:iuav,lKT01JTapcix~v, l/3l:iop.01J lp~/J-6l0',11.3. .tua 'l'OV'l'O ,cal O Katv l'll'Taaa,,cCair,rapEM611 V'll'O'l'OV0Eoii, a,a 'l'OVal"" 'l'OV'Afff.'A.rov ollEA,Poii, KaTa ya.p,l«aTOJI b-17µ.(av ,r.\17~11l~yayEv awtii o K-op,or. fua,coulwv lr&iv C'll'o[Tov XJ)OVOV] ln-EKa.tu llC1'EWE TOIiaaEA(/,ov avrov. 5, 'Eu roir l'll'TaKOO"{oir lrEa-w o Katv l,cplvETo,d ·a~Aaµ.~ lu Toir l/3l:iop.71,covrdKir i1rTd• . 6. BT,ttA>rroil alwvor o1 oµ,o,ovµ.Evo, .,.ii> Katu Els n,11 µ.,ua.&E>..,f>Ca11 T«e a11Tri .q,011'f> ,ca,ltji a.11771 ,coA.da-u ,cp,6qa-ovTa,. ~

VIII. Ka.l ~p.Eirolv,,a µ.ov,&wo3p&craTE ~u lx6pav,ca,c£~ .,cal·µ.,u~E.\q,la.11· ,cal 7rp00'KOAA4cr6E Tfi &ya6cmrn,ca, rfi G}'4ffl7, 2•.Kal i'll'l -ro,owoir d µ.~ lx71rEalcrx,ia ,,, tfi ,cap3('l_vµ.&iv,Bri Qva,ra~E'l'a, E>Eor.. s.'ll'Ep yrip O rjA,or 011µ.,a.WE'l'4' ,rpoa-lxf6l11 l,r, K.07rp011 ,cal .



/3op/3opov,clM?& µa>..>.ov a.µ.q,orEpa. "'1vxn,cal Q11'EiaVI/EL Tf/11 OVO'Ct>O(a.v; . OVT(I) ,cal aEi TOV,ca.6ap?Jv Elva.,lv TOisµ.,a.a-µ.ois riis ')171Stx. lrf1TEII07IO'O.OE'7TEpfT'.WIIAO)'Cl>VTOV'Ev@xTOVomuov, c/,vAa{a.a-6£, ,-JK.vaµ.ov, a.d -ms._7ropvE£o.s ~oMp.Ct>v.El OEvµ.Eisor.a.TL(wv 7r4VTaT4 l6v'1 [ovoµ.a.T& TOVKa.Aovµ.Jvov ,cal iyypa1/rETa.L ypau, ,cal 11µ.iv,n,cva µ.ov, 3a-a ivvoJJa-aEl1ro11 XII. 1. [,cal loov 7rapaolooµ.a,T'f>T41f>tj> ], ,cal 6a1ITETE lµ.elv Xe/3pw11 lyyvs TWV'IraTlprov µ.ov. 2. ,cal TO.VT a El'll'@U i,co,µ.~671 BE11,aµ.lv, vlos 'la,c0/3, 8Ct>Of,C4TOS vlos 'Pax~>., ,cal 'lf4VTa,-a ,,..,, avToil ~II fl((JTOV ,cal o,oovin, fi,coa-i. [ ,cal 7r4VTES ol vlol Toil'la,c@/3d·d8avov iv Aly6'11'T(j>, o,a8~,casTCXSvlois tea&vlwvois, oa-as elxov iv «apola,s aVTWII ,cal 7rpoEc/J~roa-av1rpoopcii11TES KLVOVIJ,EVO& T~ l.&y{f 'ITVEVµ.a.T&. . T'a µ.lAAOVT'al11 Tij, ,ca,pii,awciiv TEAEiu6a,'lflllJTalyv0p"rav ,cal lAEyov awo'is· "ExETEdya871vEA'll'loa ()Tl o"Tt10'TOSi'lf&UK'1/,era, TOVS'lffVJJTO.S, avrov ,cal TOVSvlovs vµ.&,vTOVS ,cal lv u,yjj 6>..t,J,uTOVSclµ.e>..ovvra.s AEAE1µ.µ.Jvovs lv Tois lrEa-1 01au,cop'11'1a-6~uovra, ds o>..e8pov,cal ds Tf/11IJ/3p,11 T63vW11cii11 ]. A











Collation of the second S°inaitic MS. i where it diverges from h for the Testaments of Reul,>en,Simeon, Levi, and Juda.h i-xx.



Page 1, li~e 3 irp&Yrov. 1. 4 &ra. L 5 after avr-011 ·add ~l lKa'>..,trfl Toii,. vfoi,11 alToii. For l • read lv Trj,, 1.8 tTVJR/x.6'l"a11, · · P. 2, L 11 add rqv P. 3, 11.7-8 does not oin, ask. l. 11 old ,-w,iui-,l"'JT-a, P. 4, 1. 9 yivwa&{jpo>""• 1. II liwo11(so also k whose reading is not given in notes). I. 13 lvxaTa. I. 14 ay,ola11'ir•rrAqp~a,. P: 5, 1. 8 rlTapro11.1'4yka11ia11.1. 9 w•p1•pyia11.I. 'io i11r•pqq,avlas-. om. lva. I. IO a,r1&>.la11, P. 6, 1. 7 vovlJnrlav. L IO .aiir,jvq,vMEarr.. 1. 12 wpovlxlN &,f,nyvva;K~{f. P. '1, 1. 3 -y{,,,.vo>"'"· 4 om. lo>11 oJ. I. 5 arr&0J1TO~. I. 7 rlJ.14, I. 4 a,~ljTHvAoylav: I. 7 ·.'ITUJIT~Aaoii(so also h). after·l,..tava.

lv 'Iu~,jA oilT~.




T. P. 15, 1. 3 vloii 'Iait@{:l. ,l11AolJaqµ.· P. 18, I. 3


P. 16, 1. 3 rij11&qtrf/6>11. P. 17, 1. 4 •p~f3l,,_ 1. 10 wdvas-ras-a-la, (so

a,rOOT;;, (so also k).

also k). P. 19, 1. 6 aw4i,ollro11. P. 20, I. 11 rl,a,a µau. I, 1 d.s (so also h). ll. 7-8 rf rrl.>parc, q ital l11 (so also h). I.

P. 21, I I lq11111E11

1 This MS. i was not discovered till the spring of i91)6, when the above section of my Text had already passed · through th,i press. Since the two Sinaitio Hss:A and i are derived from one archetype, I have given the readings of i only where it diverges from A, except in some cases where A is omitted in my No~ ·or was wrongly copied or read. In these cases i and A.alike are given.



Copy of h very corrupt but probably h


_Sinceo, d read



l11lqaw it is probable that or:. read o/JicMicqa,,, ,lr · alw&11 )!I' P. 22, l. 7 O~P (so h ahould be read). I. 14 ftoA,,-ICVplov,ro).fl-'9afl, 1. 17. T&S',lr ~f&OPla. · P. 23, I. I Taiinz (1,,Toirro). &,caaa, (h reads ac&ya,1). I. 4 claTii 1-'°"· I. 7 ,r).q6iw8;,at11mu. . 1. 13 Xt'ITCliO& ,cal (so h). I. 14 Tdn lu..,l+fl. I. 17 ,rMtf'O>P,P. 25, 1. 5 1-ycli (so h). 1. 13](GIX" 6 ,cvf"or. P. 26, l. 4 oiln.,r. ical(so h). I. 7 M;,,,&11 ;;«.



P. 27, I. 11 laor/,,Jpar,cplno>r.

P. 28, I. 7 Bo>i."°°'>i. (so h). l ..9 /,rl

Tavrat TOlxovr. P. 31, ver. 11, I. 3 ylnr hDpcl,,rav(so h). P. 32, 11.8-9 aca.,.l laT1.a1111dr. bma;, (sic-so h but reads B,1J10r br,Q. P. 33, 1..'..2,~- BlKa&Oltp&au,. I. 17 al '"· I. 19 ,cQTa°)\un I,. P. 34, I. 10 ).oya,co11, P. 35, chap. iv, I. 3 o/Jpa,,&>11 (so also k). P.- 36, I. 9 al_ l,rl. P. 37,· 1. 6 lly1011,cal ~1/,10To11.). 8 ,ca,-ouajaa&(so also h). P. 39 margin, second line fl'.()mbottom, al ,.a3"°1-"1 {so also h). P. 40, 1. 13 '&pfJA.a,aw.,.a,,oly,pq11(sic). P. 41, 1. 9 x).,vcla,i • •• olwovr. P. 42, 1. 9 ,,;.,.a>i.011 Tijrd>..qB.lar icalTijr ,rlaT1aor, I. 12 f'O&,cal ,l,r&11 f'O&• P. 43, I. 2 6 1-1•1! ,rpi,,ror {so also k). I. 4 l.,/,clif&O&aw (sic) llp,-oP(so also A). &y,011 dyl0>11, l. 6 6f"lla11, P. 44, l. 6 .,.;,1CVplr, rral 8rfi. P. 45, 1. IO ,cp&Tal ')'paf'f&OT•ir (so also h). P. 46, I. 1 litp'1,a nyG'iTOVTO (so also 'A,omitting 1ealbefore 1«pv,/,a). 1. IO ,.a ,rpm[. P. 48, I. 2 rral Jl'fff&JIOV ,rp&acfMp• (so also h). I. 7 .,.;rc,,a f'OV B11ala11 allroii. I. 4 ml B,., l,p.&,11.I. 6 rral ll'ii11 (so also h). I. 13 ~aa,. P. 49, I. 5 8» /ir).iE,T"ai {soh). 1. 9 /,ca"A.,a,. P. 50, I. 6 for 1Tr1ei-,f'O' reads l«aA.aa Mrpapl (next nine(') letters lost in photo) M,papl. 'l'"f.,.,aaapa«oaTtp, P. 51, I. I ri f'9'1'"'1P p.ou ml ri 1-''l"IP


olwoii. I. 2 ,r,,cpaap.&r(sic). P. 52, l I 2 9JW'P. P. 53, I. 6 a&M,. I. II vy1aa1-1bo1;n. P. 54, L 12 triir yap8,. P. 56, l., 7 '""~'"• I. II 1/1-1&11, 1. 13 t'OVICOaf'OV.I. 21 ).'Ja'l'"fW'J'l'"f• P. 57, l. 3 t'oii 8,oii. I. 9 '1'"4dyaDd. P. 58, 1. 1 IJB,>.vaaffa&. I. 3 8&a1epla,oor (so also h). (so also A} 1. 4 6pl-'qaqn I. 7 «aTa>.ncJ,Bfi. _P. 59, I. I al aA11Bw&i11 . dn-o1CTr111a& (so also A). P. _60, I. 7 olwi11,r>.qpqr. 11.9-10 lmfj~al,p /-, ,rl..Sn dya,rqt'ol ).qcJ,6qnTa1( so·also 1,,). I. 14 d3wa iaVTi>P. 61, I_.3 1-11aap),r311oil aV1'Gf'OI. I. 9 awii, ,cal, l 15 fffpl t'OVXpinoii al nSn {so also h} 1. 19 111cl;;>(i.e. d118pn'f>)• P. 62, IL 7-8 Nf/>•'>..GA lirl t'ijr yijr .:,, ~p 6a>i.airai11. P. 63, IL 9-10 111')'1'6K7f& br1 ,-ij11yij11 ml (/IO>Tia6it11owai. I. 13 /,rl t'ijr yiir Z,po,av"ll~ P. 65, ll. 1-2 «al OWCIII mawt'OVII

tr&Bar(so also A).

· T. JUIWr. P. 68, I.


aw{,11••• ®TqP (so h also in second



~e~ l. 5 .O'VITO'a01Jr (sic). 1.1 ~Siw avo (so also A), . P. 69, I. 5 Nax&,p(so also A). P. 70, last line, 'A.l8ow. P. 75; ll. 10-1 I ~•~ flaa,>.wr. P. 76, l. 6 1111""1 ai {Ja6.u,(so also A). ver. 5 ~,.. 0011;.,,;, (so also A). P. 77, ], 5 0Mi11'lro"'IJIO" (h ol,a;,,'/rOllf/fKJP«a«ov). ]. 1 om. ver. 9• ver. 11 cf,o{Jov,m,o, lpol «al T'OVrda. (A .opa«lT7J11). .P, 78, J. 4 om. ,cal T"ov~ Chap. VIII, I 'o&w>.a,.io«,j,-'1" ••• 2,jA.e,14 by hmt. P. 79, 1. 5 ,rpoaa-yo,11 (so also A). . P. 80, }; 5 om. rrvpoii. P. 82, l. 13 f3ov>.op/110V (so also h). P. 85, last line of


note 44 read awdPfor n '"°"° ovm(so also h). P. 86, I. 13 l1r,8vp.,&.11 vp&,P ""a,,,, lnvlJv/AfJO'tO'& T'6>1' 8&a110tcl'i11 ii"°'" '" Vrrfp11c/Ja111lf.P. 87. 1. I l«aVX1/0"al'1/"•1.5 ·•A«.,a., (so also h) nj11Xamm,i,. P. 89, l. 2 ,r['7lr, I. 4 njP ,ja~,,(so also h).

P. 88, 1. 9 &r,c5olvor_. P. 90, I. I f&>r I. 2 /,c/34>.An (so also h). I. 1 «al yap(so also A). P. 91, I. 3 T"Oii--d118por (so also h). I. 8 ,r(i,m. I. 9 cf,~ 8.aii. 1. 12 ro11olvoi, (so ·a1soh). P. 92, I. 13 f3aa&>.,lav, P. 93, I. 4 ,rpo,ra,ror (sic). I. 5 'lo,c-fj ~a,.,. P. 94, I. 8 ,li>.oylai,qwoii (so also A). 1.9 trpocfJ,j"TJ >.a>.oii,,,.,. P. 96, I. 1 IO'T'l,.Atir O'Vllfla,ju,a1r. 1. 6 -a- OT,j8,j. Here i is obviously right ancl ch corrupt.


.lNDEX [For the sake of brevity the Testaments are referred to in the following Index by their initial letters except in the case of the Testaments of Judah, Issachar, and Joseph which are denoted :by Jud, Iss, Jos.] 'AfJlA Iss s'.; B 7'. 'AB•Apq.oilA (' AtltApq.oi5p, 'EJfaApaot5A) L 2 8 al (B). 'AfJ,µ6. (' AB,Ad,'Ap'fBd) L 6 1• . dJJ>.aB(is Z 58• ' 9 19 9 •AfJpari.p L 6 au 9 12 12• 154 1116 1816 1~; Jud 176 251 ; D 72 ; N 110; A 1'; Jos 61; B 19 10• 108• ltfJu1111os L 39• d:yalloEP"fElaJos 189 •.

d-yc8ovo,loiB 48 (B-g) 59• d:ya8o,ro,ta Jos 182 (JJ).

d-ya9Js S 39 4' 48 (B) 47 ; L 138 ; Iss 3 7 38 ; Z 1 1 72 ; D 1• 48 (bdg) ; N 2' 29 SB; A 18 19 39 41 48 4' 48 5' (/J) ; Jos 27 78 17s 181; B 31 32 41 42 4s 48 51 58_61 6~ 65 n 1 12• (c). d-yc86ni• Jud 18'; A 31 ; B 81 • , d-yaet5voi S 59• cl-ya9~~ z 68• 8 ; B 106, d-y11W11111r Jud ::15 d1t11wdol L 186 18H; ·N 610, 8 36 4' 4 8 4 7 ; Jud cl-ya,rdo,R 39 ; . S ::a 1 ; Iss 11 51 78; z s•; D 18 11 ::a' 171 ::11 58 68 ; N 17 8' 8 10; G 16 3 2 38 6 1 6 8 71; A 28 ; Jos 12 1• 78 9 1 101 106 nl 172 · · 176 ; B 1• 31 33. 3' 4 8. 4' 41• d-yd'"I R 6 9 ; G 4 9 48 47. 51 ; A 2•; Jos 178 (B-a) ; B 36 81 89 (B), cl-ya,..,,,6,L 8 16 178 1818 ; B n 2 • d.n•Ala N 2 1• _ . . G'Y'YfAor R 318 58 ; S 2 8 ; L ::a•2 9 3 7 51 58 58 57 (/J) 9 8 188 1,j ; Jud 310 102 158 218 259 ; D5'6 2 6&68;N8 4 88; A6'· 68 71 ;. Jos 66 67 199 ; B 61. t1-y ...11paL 1116; D 5•. · cl-y1a11p6r L 187; B 1011, &-y,orS 6 2 ; L 3• 5 1 8' 88 817 9• 911 14' 11 16' 18 1814 ; Jud 249 ; Iss·5•; Z 9 8 ; D 48 511511 511; N 58; A 72; Jos 4';


· ·

cl110ffJri, 3'. cl1,01111b,,, L 1811, li'Y"daJos 101. cl'YJfOEOI Jud s' (JJ) 128 19' ; A 71 78 ; Jos 38.14•. · . li'Y"oiaR 1~ 2•; L 38 ; Jud 198 (II, B); Z 1 8 ; G 57: . dyi,0111lt& L 189 ; Jud 11J3,. OB, P4,



• · al&iisJud 14 1• . . alidCaiL 69 ; Jos 16 6 (ae./). aTµo S 4 8 ; L 16 3 ; Z 2• 3 8 ; B 2 1 38• · af£Z4 9• "alplaiL 191 (8-de) ; A 2 5• a'lpa,Jud 9 3 15 6 20 6 ; Jos 19 11 ; B 1a8 (c), alallavoµ,,, R 3H; Jud 15 1• ·a'Jallqa,sR 33 r6 1 ; N 2 8• alaxpalvai A 4•. Jud r6 1• alO?(pote•pllla. alaxpop;,povlai Jud 14 8• alaxwq L. 15 2• alaxwai L 141 (fJ); Jud 14• 145 146 148 15 1 ; Z 31 ; Jos II 2 15 8 16 6 r71. alTiw Jud 91 ; Jos 8 1 157 162 r6 3 16• . (fJ-1"1). afr,os S 49 ; Jud 14 3 (fJ). L 137 r7•; Jud 48 5 8 57 (a) .. olxJU1A.01tTla 3 (fJ) 78 235 ; Z 98 (bdg); D 58 5u; ·f1 N 4 2 58 ; Jos rs; B 7s (fJ-bg).

z 98. alxJU1A=•v01

alxpaA.aiTl(ai R 53 N 1 11• alx,,aAG1TosL





D 518;

10• 15 1 ; Jos 148• al&iv R 6U (fJ-d) ; S 61 ; L 44 83 (fJ)10• 14 1 (a) ras r8 13 ; Jud 15 6 (/3) 22 3 25 3 25 6 ; D 512 (/3-ag) 6 10 ; G 76 (a, /J-d) ; A 71 ; Joe 181 ; B 78 u 3 u•. alwv,or R 56 63 6 12 ; L 152 ; Iss 79 ; Z 10s; D 511 512 71 (/J); o 7&; A 52 60 (a); Jos 1912 20• (fJ); B 10•. cL.allapalaL 15 1 ; Jud 146 ; Jos 4 6• cL.6.9aprosA 2 9 4 6 ; ·B 5 2 • cL.aie/aIss 5 1 6 1• dteciAtnrTOS R 318• 8-pttos N 36• . clsaTap&xqTor Jud 19•. ··cL.aT,ovN 66• cL.IvqrosS R 2 5 ; D 4•; N 2 7 ; ·G 1 9 ; B 68• dteO!J dteoAaofo J OS 7 1 (fJ) 9 2 , w,0Aov8l01A 6 1• w,oVTiCaiJud 3 8 ; G is. w,ovaia,s D 4 8• ·aieov01R r 5 2 1 3 8 39 4 8 6 8 ; S 21 .2 2 2 10 211 3 1 ; L 3 1 6 6 1a113• 171 19 1 ; Jud 18 121 12 6 131 182 185 ; Isa 11 4 1 ; Z .1• 3 8 4 6 ; D 1 2 69; N 1 6 2 10 ; G 1 2 31 4 2 4 a 66; A 1 2 j J OS 1 2 5 2 78 9 4 12 1 13 1 15 1 15 8 . 156 16 1 191 ; B u 2 (/J). dte-rlr N 5•. D 1 6 ; Jos 178. d.\a.Cov.aaaa,Jos 142• ci.V.,jA01vR 56 (a, /J-g); Jud N 55(/3);


22 1 ;


Z 85 ; Jos



.oTplOS Joa 14•. ci.V.0Tp16o,D 78• aAAo'l'v.\osL 9 10 ; Jud 22 2• dl..o-yosz 51• 'ApaA.~teS 6 8 • dµa.PT&va,R 44 46 ; L 3 10 67 ; Jud 168 20 6 (fJ); Iss 68 ; Z x'a 9 a8; G4 2 48 63 6' ; A 1 6 41 71•. dµ,,.pTia R 1 10 2 8 43 (fJ) 48; S 61 ; L 2 8 137 189 ; Jud 148 14 8 19• 21 1 24 1 ; Ise 71 ; z 1 7 ; N 8 9 ; G 2 1 66 ; A 1T; Jos · 78 14• 1911 ;· B 3 8, dµa.pTai.\osJud 20• 25 8 ; A 41 (a); B 4i, cipavpl,a,Jud 13e. d.plpcpvosJud 39 • apEtavoqToro 75• G 78 (a). dpETCUfOIJTGIS ciplaVTosJos 48• G.µposZ 91 (fJ). 'Apv,ia ('Iapvla, 'Iapvda.) N 61• iiv=Mv c. pres. ind •. D 2 8 ; N 88 ; A 1 8• /iv c. pres. ind. L 139 ; Iss 1ll (a) : c. pres• subj. in independent ~la use Iss 1 11 : c. past imperf. R 311• &.pvosJos 19 8 (A) 19 8 1911 ; B 38• 'AµoppruosJud 72 12 9• ciµv,A&ivL

2• :a-1

N 58 ; B 88• &.p.p/n-,pos iipa,pi,sJos 198 ; B 38 • civa{JalvaiL 9 1 ; Jud 63 24 6 (/3) ; Z a 8 (/J-dg); N 62 (/3-bg); Jos 196 (A). · · civ&fJaa,sJud 6 3•. civa{JAlm,,J OS 6 2, Z 2 8•. civafJAvCai civar,J.V.a, S 2 1 ; L 819 10 1 ; Z 51 (/3)71 ; N 7•; G 48• L 13 1 ; Jud r81 (/J); D 5 6 ; dva-y,-yvclia«&i N 4 1 (bdg); A 78 (bdg). J OS aVO.")'"l'J

2 4•


aVO.")'pa.,a.o,s 2 8• 11

A,iva (Alva) L 2 2 58 68 7' (beg). 3,.,,,,ov Jud 13~; N 12 r'. llJ1taLr2•; Jud9 1 261 ; N6 6 (/J);G sa8 (P) 511 ; Jos 2 7 20 8 (c). 1lr1ta01tTW Jud 91 (/J) 91.

I4 1 161 178 ; Jud ro 8 (ti) xo• u• (ti) 12 10 18 1 :ao1 ; Iss 1 1• 61 71 71 (ti); Z 1• 9 1 !l; D 58 ; N 2• a' 41 ; G 58 8 2 ; ll•tcaT"111ap,sIBS 110 A 7•; Jos 39 52 68 77 xo' 15!1 17•; L 12 7 j Z t 1• . lU1tllTOS B.9 6 ro 2 • . 8lvllpov L 9 12. G 51. •y'A.v1.a( Jos a8, "(VOi/TiS R :a6 ; L 48 189 188 18 9 ; G 57 ; lllmrmva J os 16 3• B u 9• J OS 1 6 32• 8EU11'6Tl}S Jud 231 ; Jos 6 1 65• "(Of/TE/a OEUTEz 27 ; N 63, r6p.oppa L r48, ll•6?-•porR :a' 33 ; S 2' ; L :a7 (ti) 2 8 (a) "fOVEvs L 13 4 ; Z r 8• 32 (/J) 38 (a) 8" 8 19 178 ; Jud 10' (a) "(6vv N 1 6 17; Joe 81• 25 1 ; D 1 9 (a) 34 ; B 7•. -,pa.µp.aR 41 ; L 132 • llixoJllll R 49 610 • Jud 91 • D 69 • G 58 • 7pappaTevs L 817 • ' ' ' ' B6*. -,pa¥, s s•; L r4 1 (ti); z 34 9•; N 41 58, lli]>.oo,s 51 ; Joe u 1 16 1 ' (/3) 16 8• s 5• ( a, g). ,-,pa{s N 3'. ·7pa.¢o,L 5• u 2 (bdB); Jud 20 8 (/J) :ao•; lliiJU®P"i'JJJD. Jud 232• a.,p.1,11,os Z 3•. times : c.• · 49 3,a. c. gen, "fprrropJo,B 101. 8,aPo>./iJoa 17. "fPf/rrlairpn) R 3•. (-,pvrr1.11pav64,'Ttf,pa8a) IT01µ4(01L 32 (a). R 313 • bo1J,10sL 32 (/3). . lxBpalv., G 6 5• fros R 1 1 1 2 1• 1 8 ; S 1 1 3• 8 1 ; L 2 2 n 1 u• n 7 n 8 12• 12 6 12 7 19• ;. Jud 710 lx8pos L 13 8 ; Jud 238 ; Isa 62 ; Z 96 ; D 6 8 6 4 ; N 4 2 ; .A 72 • · (13)9 1 92 12 1 12 12 26 2 ; Iss 110 36 7' ; lx01 R 1' 4 2 51 6' 6 9 ; S 2 1 4' 4 9 -(tl); Z 11 6 7 ; D 1 1 ; N 11 51 ; G 11 85 ; L 32 910 912 132; Jud 7• 78 81 ios (/J) A 1 1 ; Joa 3• 20 8 (e); B r 1 1 2 (/3-d) Iss 18 21 (IJ) 7 1; 14 2 147 19 1 19 2 ; 1• 78 7 4 12 2 u.r, (ti). z 1s 411 (IJ) 51 5s 7• a1SB(bdg); D 3• o 76• •va.p•rr,,.,01 6 5 2 6 5 ; N 5 8 ; G 7 ; Jos 37 78 I0 5 n 1 Isa 41. ..vo,L s' (13); B 38• CGTaAa>..16.




RaTaµ.SvasD 19 (a). KaTG1ral'o, L 148 (bdg). 1taTa1fCIT..ciaor S 61 ; L 88• tt>..a.lo, R 1 8 (13-d); S :a18 9; Isa 1'; Z :a•a6 •' 7l; N 7s ; Jos s838 6' 6'.


tt>..lno, L 14 8 ; Z 71 ; A :a0 ; Joa x:a1 13 1 141• 1• tt>..'134,,, Jud 133 1tA'fpo&.Tlo,Ise 51. 1tA'fpovoµIOJN 58• d..'fpol'o/ila B xo' :rd. 1t>..'qpos L 811 ; Z 18 ; D .,S, 1tMjp6o,Ise 57 (13-d). 1t>.ipa£Jud 90.

INDEX 1tAl,,qL 19•. ·1t>Jv01 Judiao 2 (II); A IU\OVfOI


· 1•;

Joa 81 91 (11,11).


1iA.6vosS 48•

,c}l.oq R 38 ; Joa Ill 1•

· Im/IP/Jos 9°. ltV'l/UsJud 31•



"°'"ta.Jud _1168'.(II); N 1'


RO!p.tiopm R 31s 3H; S 81 ; Jud 116'; Iss . 79 (a); Z 10 8 ; G 84 ; A 81 ; Jos 110•; . B 1112 (c).


Z 31. KOlff/ R 1 8• ,ro,-,h, R 3u. •cwi(oi G 48 510 ; A 61 ; B 7•. Jos 41• 1t0Aa1mloi ,ro}l.aonR 56 ; L 41 ; G 76 ; B 78 (11-ag), 1t0Mtiopo.1Iss 61 ; D 610 ; G 59 ; A 31• ,ropl(oiJos 62• KOv3vAl(01 Joa 78• 1t6'rosIss p,G. ,r/nrpor B 88• 1t6pa£Jud lll 8• 1t6posJud 98• ,cof'IJ'#,Jud 6' 75• "°"P'°' R 56 ; Jud 1111 rs'; Joa 96, 1t611p.,oisR 58 ; Jud 1119, KOOJllKOS Jos 17 8• 10 2 14 2 17 9 ;



1111 ;

Iss 48 ;

Jos 1911; B 3 8,

s 36 ; N 111• KpaTGJ.6s Jud 51 fJS; Jos 1 6• 1tpo..-a160> N KpllT',01 Jud a 8 a 7 ; N s15"' 58 56 6'; G 1 8 3 6 ; Jos 8~ a•. ,rpl,..,.os Jud R 1 10 ; Jud 15•. ·1tp•paw11piL 1tp,p"6s R 119 ; Jud 11'; Joa 78, 1tpipo.G 78 ; B 10 8 (II-a). ,rpl.11ov S 62• 1tplv01L 41 ; Jud 1148 ; G 48 511 ; B 'f 76 ltOVBizJ,,qµ) Jud 252 ; N 11 15 9 ,,,..,,p1,, N 18




11.orrepcf1µor R 1 1 (/J-bg) 38• a+r,or Jud 23 8 • Jos 1rfl, "'l'fTfia S 3' ; j os 48 10 1 10 9 ; B 1'. VfJITTfVOI A a8 48 ; Jos 3' 99 (/J~). VIICQOJ s 5&I D 34 ;. G s' (/J) ; Jos 19 8 ; B 37 4 8,

viRDrD 510•

,l.,,.,.lilL 911• Isa 35 (hi, /J-bcl) ; D 41 ; Jos 39 7'. l'oplC01 L 16 5 (/J); Jud 58 12 10 14 8 19' ;; D 4•·; A 41 • · 116µorR 3 8 6 8 ; S c, (/J); L 9 8 97 131 139 13' 14' 161 168 191 192 ; Jud 12•· 188 a6 1 ; Iss 51 ; Z 3' 10 1 ; D 51 6~ 6 10 (/J) ; N a8 3' 87: G 31 3' 47; A a• 6s 76 ; Jos 45 (/J) n 1 ; B 1o8; VOf1fOJ Z 65, v611orR 68 ; G 59, 1'6-rorJud 41. · i,ou9e11laR 38• _ i,ou9e-rlo,Jos 6'-; B 46 (~). . · ,11oilr~ 38 4 8 ; S a1 4 9 ;_ Jud 141 14 9 148 6 14 8· llQ 9 (/J); Iss 4'. 4 ; D 4&; N a• (beJ); G 61 ; B az(c).88, · vv~e6o, Jud 138 (/J), "6JU1n1 Jud 138• vv~1•6r Jud 121.· . vii£Jud 7 8 10 1 (/J) 188 ; Iss 18 118 1H ; Z 41 (/J) 4' (/J); G 1 8 ; A 59 ; Jos 38




N&ieB 10 8 ( /J--d)•. •&iToi, Iss s~; N 58• £-,Aa'-rl01 L 6 10, £nor L 6 9 6 10 -131!.;Z 6' (· E'lp,,l"°' L 41.

£f//JOS Z a7 • £lc/>M D

1 7•

_£vA,,,or S 89 ; Z 1a8.


£vAov s 82 (/J) ; L 18ll ; B 98. J os 165. 61llo-q1tovTa 413oos R 3 1 3 7 (/3); L

S 41 i,.".s.»


z 62 91 ;

N 38; .

12 7 •

(c); L 6 9 •

29 ;

Jud 141 191 ; G 57; B 61•

Jud 82. 'OlloMI' ('Oao7'>..a!') '08oAo!'lt-r11•('Oa01Maµl'"ls, 'OlloAaidi'"ls) ·. Jud 81• tlll6s R 1 8 ; S 5 2 ; L 2 8 ; Jud 77 26 1 ; Z 46; A rs r". tll!vva01Iss 76• tl/ltlv71L 176 ; Jud II 4 ; Z 96 (bdg). tllltlpoµ,,.,Z 2' 46 (a).

'O('1'7A('O(iq>.,-'0("'4A) L · ll8u, N 1 8• Z 62• 686111J ollla L 168 ; Jud 2• 11 1 172 178 ; Iss 37 61 (fl); z 5 2 5• ,• ; D 2• 5• 6" ; N 2 2 2" s;o(fJ-g); G 58; A 72; Jos 9S 106132 15• r66 11' (/3-bd) 191 201; B 32 41 (/3-d) 6 4 6°. ol1tEi'osR 3•. N so. ol1t1&001 0l1tla,L 188 ; G 54 ; B 12 4• ' L 6 9• ol1to-yE1'71S oi1tollopl01L ,:,5; Jud 79 ; B 83 • 0l1to•6!'0sJ os 12 8 (bdg ). ol1tos L ro" 1710 ; Jud 2 1 21 7 ; Iss 2"; z 6 8 6 7r71 ; Jos 2 1 3 2 84 86 9 6 11 2 n 6 12 8 12 2•


ol1t.,-•lpo,L 166 ; Z 2 2 ; A 2 2 • 0l1t-r,/'µ6,Jos 2 8 • Jud 198 (/3). ol1tT1pµOJV ol1tTosZ 2 4 (/3). olµ.o,1'4Z olvOll'oaiaJud 14 7• olvus R 1 10 ; L 8 6 9 14 ; Jud 9B 112 (fJ)1128 I3 8 14 1 14 2 14 8 14 6 14 7 15 4 161 16• l(r 16"; Iss 73 ; Jos 3 6• olvoxol01 Jud u 2 13•. olos B 55 9 6• l,,..,-&,L n 1 1:e 6 ; Jud 36 9 1 262 ; Iss 2 2• R 46 (/J) 63• ll11.•8pos oAl-yos G 48 59 88 ; A 2 7 ; Jos 194 (A); B 5•.


s 5 6• liAJ.')'OO'TOS o7',1 o1f,vxfo G 41. oA,1 601N 4 8 ttJ). tlA"'] R 2 6 • 6Ao8pd,w L 137 ; Jud 66 (/J) 7s (fJ),

· L 9 7• /,Ao1tau-r01µa J os I 97 (A). tlA01tAl,p01s llAos L 13 1 ; Jud 6 5 (tl); Iss 78 (a); A 2 2 2 3 (a) 2 6 2 7 2 8 4 2 4• j JOB 8 1• liAo,s Jud 168 ; G 2 1 (bg). llµvvµ, Jud ·22 8 ; G 6', • N 610. l,!'08vp.all611 lip.o,os L 818 ; N. 1 8 2 7 (bef) ; A 32 4• ; • Jos 18•.

tlµo,°"! N

22 ;


7 6•

tlµol01sN 36 i Jos 192 ; B 67 (a). D 1 4 j G 2 1 68• op.oAO"(fOJ .Jp.6,oiaJos 178• 8 .Jp.ovN 5 • /wul!/(01 S 46 ; Jud 138 ; Joa 17•. ovu610-!'o•R 4 2 4 7 ; L 10• (fJ); Jud 238, ov,1aosR 47 (/3-af) 63 ; L 10• 15 2• L 8 18 , /1,v,uJud 5 8 (/3); A 72 ; Jos B 38 7s, trapa(;,Ao,q,r Z 98 (bdg). ffllpal-ql..lo, R 44 4• (k, /3); Jud 811; N 9 1 ; A 68 (bdg) ; Jos 18 a• 174• ffllpa,ro,lo, D a3,. npaAa,./Ja.JIOIL 17' I ,8. npo.-,,Ja Z 56•

,rapdA,or Z 56 (/3-bg). npaAvwlo, Jud 174• ,,A 6 8 ( aef). wpavo,,lo, Jud 14 8 ; G 510; Jos ffll/JG"o,..;._a z 15 ; D 3•. , L 148 (/J). mpa'llti8o, D 3• (/J). trapaTQ{Tqo, Jud 41 138 ; D 54,

sa2 •


ffflpGTllf/1"Jud J os 138• 11a~vAaqqo, R 44 • 'flQpG)(l'V/lGZ 37 (bd/), npllaA,r Jud 2 8 j D 18; Q 1 8 (/3-df).

traf>E'IJpulo, D 56, 'llllp1illovL 6 8 ; Iss 1•. , El,,£)Jud 14s (IJ). • 'lfll/JflfTlpxo,,a,Jud 16 11 ffll/Jfl..,µ,.,s 55 ; Jud 3• (.B)35 38• 1roAlµm R 6 12 ; L 13 8 ; Jud 39 7• (.B-d) 2 ;

1 8•


.,6r10•N 1r0Tf


22 ;


1ol 17 1 ;

B 3•.


1r6ro• Jud ,roil• L 19•; Jud 82•


34 (13); Iss 79 ; Z 9•;

N 2 1 5• ; G 1 8 8•; Jos 6 8 13 2 20•; B 12 1 (c) ;2 3 (/3). · ,.pa,-,µ.aS 23 21• 4•; N 8'0; A 21; Jos I 78 20 6 \/3). ,rpii!,, R 3 41 56 ; s 2 3 ; Iss 3 3 51 77 Z 9 7 ; D 38 ; N 2 6 (/3-ag) 31 3 2 ; G 31 A rs 18 ~8 i• 29 2• 3•; Jos 52 111


B 91 •

; ;


,rpaos D f:;9.· ,rpa6TTJ< Jud 24 1• 1rpiiaisS 4•; D 1 5 ; Jos 162 (.B). 1rpaa110,R 1 8 312 314 61; L 73 13 9 ; Jud 14 3 ; D 38 ; A 1 8 62 • "P°"'P'"". R I 9 ; Z 5 2 ; N 2 8 (be/) ; Jos 173 • · fff'0/3aTovJud 1,:;i1 ; Z 1 8 ; Jos ·19< (A). 138 ; D 2 8• ,rpoB/Bo,µ,J os 11 4 ; B 55• ,rvA•µos S 4 8 55 6• 82 ; Jud 41 56 (a) 6 1 710 221; D 52 510; G 51 ; B 12• (.8). ,rpo,i1ro11 8 61 (.8). ,r0Alop11 Jud 138 (a); B 2•. vrrap N 2 8 (a).

llrrfpfxOJJud 21 4 • vrr•p11q,av,ia(/nr•P"lt/>'a.vla) R 35

/moVp")'EOJ D 34, vrro9dpo,s 4 8 54 .;. J_ud 19•. cf>9o••posIss· 3 3 • 1 s 2 14 33 36 ; G 33 72 ; B 4•. cf>9ovosS 2 13 3 1 3 2 3• 3 6 4 6 4 7 6 2 ; D 2 5 ; 5 G 4 ; Jos 1 3 1 7 (/3-af) 10•; B 7 2 7 5 8 1.

,>..anvp/a Jud 182 191• .p,>..anvpos (·vMnvpos) L 17 11• 1;\M[Jos 2 2. c{>0/3