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SANSKRIT READER COURSE © Heiko Kretschmer 2012

Indian Library Potsdam Lindenstrasse 8, 14467 Potsdam, Germany

Also available:

SANSKRIT READER — A Course in Hinduism based on the SANSKRIT READER COURSE FALL OF INDIA — What happened to Bharata ? SHRI YANTRA — A Simple Way to Draw the Shri Yantra



Contents 1.

Technicalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Writing part 1-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Declension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chandas (verse meter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Sandhi (junctions) part 1-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154


Alphabetical Word Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226


Dh€tus (word roots) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243


Kdanta (derivation) part 1-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

10. Taddhita (second. derivation) part 1-8 . . . . . 365 11. Sam€sa (compounds) part 1-3 . . . . . . . . . . . 462 12. Conjugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 13. Dh€tu List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620 14. Suffixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 15. Word List G…t€ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647 16. Word List Conversation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762 17. Summary Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 18. Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776

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1. Sanskrit — Technicalities Abbreviations m. ... masculine gender f. ... feminine gender n. ... neuter gender caus. ... causative opt. ... optional form pass. ... passive voice √ ... verbal root (dh€tu) We are using the grammatical terminology according to the famous Harin€m€mta-vy€karaŠam by J…va Gosv€m…, a 16th century saint and scholar: acyuta (P€Šini: la˜) — the present tense: ‘he does’ (Table 2) ajita (l‰) — conditional, cause and effect: ‘if ... then’ (Table 2) adhokaja (li˜) — perfect, a past tense (not witnessed): ‘he did’ (Table 2) anvaya — ‘succession’, syntax, the regular word order in a Sanskrit sentence avyaya — ‘unchangeable’, an indeclinable word €ra (from i) — license ‘of a sage’ uttama-purua — ‘last person’, our ‘first person’: ‘I, we two, we all’ o˜hya — ‘with the lips (o˜ha)’, labial kaŠ˜hya — ‘in the throat (kaŠ˜ha)’, guttural kalki (l˜) — the general future tense: ‘he will do’ (Table 2) k€map€la (€…r-li‰) — benedictive, blessing: ‘let it be done’(Table 2) kdanta — ‘ending with a kt [affix]’, primary derivation of words from dh€tus (word roots) kŠan€ma — a group of words, mainly pronouns caturth… — ‘fourth’ case, dative, for the beneficiary or purpose (Table 1) taddhita (tad-hita) — ‘good for that’, secondary derivation of words from other words t€lavya — ‘at the palate (t€lu)’, palatal tt…y€ — ‘third’ case, instrumental, for the instrument (Table 1) dvit…ya — ‘second’ case, accusative, for the object (Table 1) n€ma — all words other than verbs n€ma-dh€tu — a secondary dh€tu derived from a n€ma dantya — ‘at the teeth (danta)’, dental pañcam… — ‘fifth’ case, ablative, for the source or cause (Table 1) prathama-purua — ‘first person’, our ‘third person’: ‘he, they two, they all’ pratham€ — ‘first’ case, nominative, for the subject (Table 1) b€lakalki (lu˜) — periphrastic, a future tense (not the same day): ‘he will do’ (Table 2) bh™tea (lu‰) — aorist, the general past tense: ‘he did’ (Table 2) bh™tevara (la‰) — imperfect, a past tense (not the same day): ‘he did’ (Table 2) madhyama-purua — ‘middle person’, our ‘second person’: ‘you, you two, you all’ m™rdhanya — ‘at the roof (m™rdh€)’, cerebral or retroflex loka-pram€Ša — ‘that which is established by usage’ vidh€t€ (lo˜) — imperative, order or blessing: ‘he must do’ (Table 2) vidhi (vidhi-li‰) — potential, rule or possibility: ‘he should do’ (Table 2) a˜h… — ‘sixth’ case, genitive, for a relationship (Table 1) sati-saptam… — locative absolute: ‘when...’ sandhi — junction saptam… — ‘seventh’ case, locative, for the location in place or time (Table 1) sambodhana — ‘addressing’, vocative, the eighth case (Table 1)



Table 1 — The number code for the declension case sing. dual plural (1) pratham€

〈1.1〉 〈1.2〉 〈1.3〉


(2) dvit…y€

〈2.1〉 〈2.2〉 〈2.3〉

object: ‘to ...’

(3) tt…y€

〈3.1〉 〈3.2〉 〈3.3〉

instrument: ‘with ...’

(4) caturth…

〈4.1〉 〈4.2〉 〈4.3〉

beneficiary or purpose: ‘for ...’

(5) pañcam…

〈5.1〉 〈5.2〉 〈5.3〉

source or cause: ‘from ...’

(6) a˜h…

〈6.1〉 〈6.2〉 〈6.3〉

relationship: ‘of ...’

(7) saptam…

〈7.1〉 〈7.2〉 〈7.3〉

place or time: ‘in ...’

(8) sambodhana 〈8.1〉 〈8.2〉 〈8.3〉 Table 2 — The ten tenses and moods (1) acyuta (2) vidhi (3) vidh€t€ (4) bh™tevara (5) bh™tea (6) adhokaja (7) k€map€la (8) b€lakalki (9) kalki (10) ajita

addressing: ‘O ...’

present tense: ‘he does’ rule or possibility: ‘he should do’ order or blessing: ‘he must do’ past tense (not same day): ‘he did’ past tense: ‘he did’ past tense (not witnessed): ‘he did’ blessing: ‘let it be done’ future tense (not same day): ‘he will do’ future tense: ‘he will do’ cause and effect: ‘if ... then’

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Translations 841

AJaraMarvTPa[ajae ivÛaMaQa| c icNTaYaeTa( ) Ga*hqTa wv ke= Xaezu Ma*TYauNaa DaMaRMaacreTa( )) 2 a-jar€maravat pr€jño vidy€m arthaˆ ca cintayet, gh…ta iva keeu mtyun€ dharmam €caret 3

ivÛaMa( AQaRMa( c vidy€m artham ca — “For [the gain of] education (vidy€) and wealth (artha)4 Pa[aj" pr€jñaƒ — an intelligent person AJar–AMarvTa( icNTaYaeTa( ajara-amaravat cintayet — should feel as if free from old age and death. Ma*TYauNaa ke= Xaezu Ga*hqTa" wv mtyun€ keeu gh…taƒ iva — [But] as if caught in the hairs (kea) by death (mtyu)5

DaMaRMa( AacreTa( 1Each

dharmam €caret — he should do virtue (dharma).”

verse has a number assigned to it, under which you will find the respective verse in our SANSKRIT READER . 2Verse in Devan€gar… 3Transliteration — We have divided all words, which might be joined in Devan€gar… due to a method of writing ligatures. 4Anvaya — Making an anvaya means to put the words in their regular prose order (anvaya) of agent (kart€), object (karma) and verb (kriy€). We tried to make only a minimum of changes in the original word order and have divided the anvaya into easily comprehensible short phrases. 5Brackets — In brackets we have given the undeclined form of the word, as you can find it in a dictionary. In square brackets you will find words that are not part of the original text, but that help you to understand the context of the verse.



Suffixes ati. — very, beyond adhi. — over, more anu. — after, along apa. — (opp. to upa.:) away, bad abhi. — near to, intense ava. — under, away €. — ‘near’, gives opposite sense to verbs of motion ud. — up, out, from upa. — (opp. to apa.:) near, under dur. — (opp. to su.:) difficult, bad ni. — down, below nir. — away, without pari. — round, fully pra. — very much, before prati. — towards, back again vi. — (opp. to sam.:) apart, reverse sam. — opp. to vi.:) together with, full su. — (opp. to dur.:) well, very .€[p] — in taddhita, to make feminine nouns; as in padma >>> padm€ .…[p] — in taddhita, to make feminine nouns; as in gopa >>> gop… .[k]ta — in kdanta; as in k.ta (done) .[k]tavat[u] — in kdanta; as in k.tavat[u] (‘he who has done’) .[k]tv€ — in kdanta; as in k.tv€ ([after] doing, having done) .cana — particle that makes interrogatives indefinit; as in kiñ.cana (something) .cid — particle that makes interrogatives indefinit; as in kiñ.cid (something) .tama — in taddhita, forming superlative; as in guhya.tama (most guhya) .tara — in taddhita, forming comparative; as in guhya.tara (more guhya) .tavya — in kdanta; as in kar.tavya (‘to be done’, duty) .tas[i] — in taddhita, forming avyayas interpreted as pañcam…; as in mat.taƒ (from me) .t€[p] — in taddhita, forming abstract nouns; as in sama.t€ (sameness) .tum[u] — in kdanta, forming the infinitive: ‘to do’ .t[n] — in kdanta, forming agent nouns; kar.t (doer) .tra — in taddhita, forming avyayas indicating place; as in sarva.tra (everywhere) .tva — in taddhita, forming abstract nouns; as in sama.tva (sameness) .mat[u] — in taddhita; as in r….mat[u] (having r…) .maya — in taddhita; as in ma‰gala.maya (‘full of auspiciousness’) .ya — in kdanta; as in k€r.ya (‘which is to be done’, duty) .ya[p] — in kdanta; niyam.ya ([after] restraining) .vat[i] — in taddhita; as in daŠa.vat[i] (like a rod) .vat[u] — in taddhita, derived from mat[u]; as in bhaga.vat[u] (having bhaga) .[]at[] — in kdanta; as in kurvat[] — ‘[while] doing’ .[]€na — in kdanta; as in kur.v€Ša — ‘[while] doing’

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Hinduism — Invocation 1 sam€pti-k€mo ma‰galam €caret “One who desires accomplishment (sam€pti) [of anything] should [first] invoke auspiciousness (ma‰gala).” 2 ma‰galam i˜a-devat€-namask€raƒ “Ma‰gal€caraŠa (ma‰galam) [means] obeisance (namask€ra) to one’s worshipable (i˜a) Lord (devat€).” 3 guruˆ vidy€ˆ hariˆ pr€cya pur€Š€di likhen naraƒ “[After] having [first] worshipped the teacher (guru), learning (vidy€) and the Lord (Hari), a man (nara) should copy (‘write’) [literature] like the Pur€Šas.” 4 hariƒ om “The Lord (Hari) [is addressed with] om.” 5 satyam eva jayate “[The Absolute] Truth (satya) alone he (the yog…) attains (‘conquers’).” 6 vakra-tuŠa mah€-k€ya s™rya-ko˜i-sama-prabha, nirvighnaˆ kuru me deva ubha-k€ryeu sarvad€ “O lord (deva) [GaŠea], with a curved trunk (tuŠa), with a great body (k€ya), and with an effulgence (prabh€) equal to millions (ko˜i) of suns (s™rya)! In auspicious (ubha) activities (k€rya) make me always (sarvad€) free from obstacles!” 7 mano-javaˆ m€ruta-tulya-vegaˆ jitendriyaˆ buddhimat€ˆ vari˜am v€t€tma-jaˆ v€nara-y™tha-mukhyaˆ r…-r€ma-d™taˆ araŠaˆ prapadye “Who is swift like the mind (manas), equal (tulya) to the wind in force (vega), sense-controlled, best (vari˜a) of the intelligent, son of the wind (v€ta), and chief of the host of monkeys (v€nara) — of that ®r… R€ma’s messenger (d™ta) [Hanum€n] I take shelter.” 8 namaƒ savitre s™ry€ya bh€skar€ya vivasvate, €dity€y€di-bh™t€ya dev€d…n€ˆ namo namaƒ “To [the Sun known as] Savitr…, S™rya, Bh€skara, Vivasv€n and šditya [my] obeisance. To [that] foremost (€di-bh™ta) among gods (deva) and others [my] repeated obeisance (namas).” 9 y€ dev… sarva-bh™teu vidy€-r™peŠa saˆsthit€, namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaƒ “The goddess (dev…) [Sarasvat…] who is situated in all beings (bh™ta) as their knowledge (vidy€), to her my obeisance (namas), to her my obeisance, to her my obeisance, my repeated obeisance.” 10 sarva-ma‰gala-ma‰galye ive sarv€rtha-s€dhike, araŠye tryambake gauri n€r€yaŠi namo ’stu te “O [most] auspicious one (ma‰galy€) of all what is auspicious (ma‰gala), O bestower (s€dhik€) of all wealth (artha), O shelter (araŠy€), O [consort of ®iva, known as] ®iv€, Tryambak€, Gaur…, N€r€yaŠ… ! My obeisance to You [Durg€]!” 11 padm€sane sthite devi para-brahma-svar™piŠi, sarva-duƒkha-hare devi mah€-lakmi namo ’stu te “O goddess (dev…) who is situated on a lotus (padma) seat (€sana), O embodiment (svar™piŠ…) of the Supreme Absolute (brahman), O goddess (dev…) Mah€-Lakm…, remover (har€) of all suffering (duƒkha)! [My] obeisance (namas) to You!” 12 namaƒ iv€ya gurave sac-cid-€nanda-m™rtaye, niprapañc€ya €nt€ya nir€lamb€ya tejase



“To the teacher (guru) [of the world], the embodiment (m™rti) of eternity (sat), knowledge (cit) and bliss (€nanda), who is unmanifest (niprapañca) and peaceful (€nta), independent and effulgent — to [that Lord] ®iva my obeisance.” 13 m™kaˆ karoti v€c€laˆ pa‰guˆ la‰ghayate girim, yat-kp€ tam ahaˆ vande param€nanda-m€dhavam “Whose mercy (kp€) makes a dumb man (m™ka) eloquent, and a lame man (pa‰gu) crossing a mountain (giri), that transcendentally blissful Lord (M€dhava) I praise.” 14 dakiŠe lakmaŠo yasya v€me ca janak€tma-j€, purato m€rutir yasya taˆ vande raghu-nandanam “On whose right side is LakmaŠa, on whose left side is [S…t€,] the daughter of [King] Janaka, and in whose front is Hanum€n (M€ruti), I praise that R€ma, beloved of the Raghus.” 15 k€yena v€c€ manasendriyair v€ buddhy€tman€ v€ prakteƒ sva-bh€v€t karomi yad yat sakalaˆ parasmai n€r€yaŠ€yeti samarpay€mi “According to my nature (prakti) whatever I do with body (k€ya), words (v€c), mind (manas), senses (indriya), intelligence (buddhi) and soul (€tman), saying n€r€yaŠ€ya (‘this is for the Lord’), I dedicate [everything] to Him.” 16 om, a-sato m€ sad gamaya, tamaso m€ jyotir gamaya, mtyor m€ amtaˆ gamaya, oˆ €ntiƒ €ntiƒ €ntiƒ “[O Lord!] From illusion (a-sat) lead me (m€) to reality (sat), from darkness (tamas) lead me to light (jyotis), from death (mtyu) lead me to eternity (amta). Peace, peace, peace!” 17 adhik€r… ca sambandho viaya ca prayojanam, avayam eva vaktavyaˆ €str€dau tu catu˜ayam — “(1) Who the qualified student (adhik€rin) [of the book] is, (2) its context (sambandha), (3) the topic (viaya) and (4) the goal (prayojana) — [this] fourfold [intention] it is inevitably (avayam) to be stated in the beginning (€di) of a book (€stra).” 18 ananta-€straˆ bahul€ ca vidy€ƒ svalpa ca k€lo bahu-vighnat€ ca yat s€ra-bh™taˆ tad up€san…yaˆ haˆso yath€ k…ram iv€mbu-madhy€t “Scriptures (€stra) are unlimited, sciences (vidy€) are many, time (k€la) is very short (svalpa), and there are many obstacles (vighna). [Therefore,] that which is essential (s€ra) that is to be attended, as a swan (haˆsa) [draws] milk (k…ra).” 19 pr€tar dy™ta-prasa‰gena madhy€hne str…-prasa‰gataƒ, r€trau caura-prasa‰gena k€lo gacchati dh…mat€m “In the morning by indulgence (prasa‰ga) in gambling (dy™ta), at noon by indulgence in women (str…), and at night (r€tri) by indulgence in theft (caura) — [thus] the time (k€la) of the wise is spent (‘goes’).” 20 om, sa ha n€v avatu, sa ha nau bhunaktu, saha v…ryaˆ karav€vahai, tejasvi n€v adh…tam astu m€ vidvi€vahai, oˆ €ntiƒ €ntiƒ €ntiƒ “May He (the Lord) protect (avatu) us both (nau), may He nourish (bhunaktu) us both [intellectually], may we both work vigoriously, may our study (adh…ta) be brilliant, and may we not (m€) quarrel! Peace, peace, peace!” 21 tri-varaˆ satyam “[Which is said] three times [comes] true.” 22 vidy€rth… pr€pnuy€d vidy€ˆ dhana-k€mo dhanaˆ tath€, €yu-k€mas tathaiv€yuƒ r…-k€mo mahat…ˆ riyam “One desiring learning (vidy€) shall attain learning, one desiring wealth (dhana) [shall attain] wealth, one desiring longevity (€yus) [shall attain] longevity, and one desiring opulence (r…) [shall attain] great opulence.” 23 sarve bhavantu sukhinaƒ sarve santu nir€may€ƒ, sarve bhadr€Ši payantu m€ kacid duƒkha-bh€g bhavet durjanaƒ saj-jano bh™y€t saj-jano €ntim €pnuy€t, €nto mucyeta bandhebhyo mukta c€ny€n vimocayet

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“May all (sarva) be happy (sukhin), may all be free from disease (nir.€maya), may all see fortunes (bhadra), and may no one become distressed. May an evil person (dur.jana) become a saintly person (satjana), may a saintly person attain peace (€nti), may someone who is peaceful become free from bondages, and may someone who is [thus] liberated (mukta) deliver others (anya)!” 24 svasti praj€bhyaƒ parip€layant€ˆ ny€yena m€rgeŠa mah…ˆ mah…€ƒ, go-br€hmaŠebhyaƒ ubham astu nityaˆ lok€ƒ samast€ƒ sukhino bhavantu — “For all creatures (praj€) [shall be] fortune (svasti, su.asti — ‘well-being’), the rulers shall perfectly protect the earth (mah…) by the proper course (m€rga), for the cows (go) and intelligent men (br€hmaŠa) shall always be fortune, all worlds / people (loka) shall be happy!” 25 oˆk€ra-m™la-mantr€dhyaƒ punar-janma-dh€ayaƒ, go-bhakto bh€rata-gurur hindur hiˆsana-d™akaƒ “Whose meditation is on om (om-k€ra) as primeval (m™la) mantra, whose firm (dha) belief is in rebirth (punar-janma), who adores the cow (go), whose teacher (guru) is the [scripture] Mah€bh€rata (bh€rata), and who criticizes violence (hiˆsana), he is a Hindu.” (‘Hindu’ is not Sanskrit, but an ancient Persian word for a resident of India. It may have been derived from the river Sindhu (Indus), or indu (moon). This verse is supposed to be found in a book called M€dhava-dig-vijaya.)



2. Sanskrit — Alphabet vowels (svara):

A a Aa € w i wR … o u O ™ ‰  Š Ž ‹ † ? †

W e We ai Aae o AaE au The vowels

‹ † and ? † are practically not used.

Next in the alphabet, after the vowels, are two signs: anusv€ra ˆ — ‘after-sound’, the nasalization of the preceding vowel, in Devan€gar… marked by a dot above the line, and visarga ƒ — ‘sent forth’, an echo marked by a colon. We will study these signs in the lesson on pronunciation.

&ˆ consonants (vyañjana):

k== ka % kha c ca ^ cha $= ˜a #= ˜ha Ta ta Qa tha Pa pa f== pha

Ga ga Ja ja @ a d da b ba

ga gha x== ‰a ‡ jha Ha ña ! ha a bha Ma ma

Ya ya r ra l la v va Xa a z a Sa sa h ha Since consonants require a vowel for pronunciation, the a is used for all the consonants by default, unless noted otherwise — ka, kha, ga, gha, and so on. Among the consonants, the first twenty-five, from ka to ma, are full-contact consonants (spara), involving the complete stoppage of the path of air. The letters ya, ra, la and va are semivowels (antaƒstha), with only little contact; and a, a, sa and ha are sibilants. The full-contact consonants (spara) are further divided into five groups (vargas), named after the first member of each group: ka-varga ka kha ga gha ‰a ca-varga









a ha





da dha


pa-varga pa pha ba bha ma In poetry, pa-varga represents the materialistic way of life — parirama (hard work); phena (foam, indicating exhaustion, because foam comes from the mouth of an exhausted animal); bandha (bondage); bhaya (fear); and ultimately mtyu (death). Therefore, the path of liberation is called a-pavarga — ‘not pavarga’.


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Places of pronunciation: vowels


(1) guttural

A a Aa € k== ka % kha Ga ga ga gha x== ‰a

(2) palatal


(3) cerebral

‰  Š Ž $= ˜a #= ˜ha @ a ! ha a bha Ma ma

h ha Xa a z a Sa sa

(1) kaŠ˜hya — ‘in the throat (kaŠ˜ha)’, guttural For a (as in ‘mother’), € (as in ‘father’) and ha the tongue remains relaxed at the bottom of the mouth. For the consonants from ka to the nasal ‰a (as in ‘long’) the back of tongue raises to block and release the air. (2) t€lavya — ‘at the palate (t€lu)’, palatal For the vowels of this group (i and …) the tongue approaches the palate, without touching it. Put the tongue in the position to pronounce i, which means you have to smile ☺, and say i (as in ‘kiss’) and … (as in ‘peace’). For pronouncing ya and a, please keep the tongue in this position, i.e., keep smiling ☺, and say yaa (fame), iva (auspicious), …a (lord). For the other palatals (ca, cha, ja, jha, ña) keep the tongue in the same place. But now, the tongue makes full contact with the palate. (3) m™rdhanya — ‘at the roof (m™rdh€)’, cerebral or retroflex Except for ra, all the cerebrals are transliterated with a dot below. You may imagine this dot to be the tip of the tongue which bents upwards, touching the palate. Therefore these letters are also called retroflex. Please be more serious

. For the vowels of this

group ( and Ž) the tongue does not touch the roof. For the consonants the tongue touches the roof of the mouth. Say: ˜a, kaŠ˜ha (throat), koŠa (corner), p€Šava (Arjuna) (4) dantya — ‘at the teeth (danta)’, dental The tip of the tongue touches slightly the root and back of the upper teeth. (5) o˜hya — ‘with the lips (o˜ha)’, labial For all letters of this group the tongue is completely passive. The vowels of this group (u an ™) are pronounced with a projection of the lips. For the consonants put the lips together and let them spring slightly apart. The pha is pronounced as in ‘shepherd’. The remaining letters are pronounced as follows: The place of articulation of e and ai is simultaneously the throat and palate. e ai E as in ‘day’ and ai as in ‘aisle’.

W We

Aae o AaE au

The vowels o and au are prounounced with the modulation of the throat and the lips. O as in ‘go’ and au as in ‘cow’


v va


The consonant va is pronounced by a slight contact of the upper teeth with the lower lip.

Finally here are two signs that influence the pronuncation of a preceding vowel: The place of articulation of the pure nasal anusv€ra (transliterated as ˆ) is said to be the head and ˆ the nose. There is neither a contact between the lips, nor an activity of the tongue. It is thus differentiated from a normal ‘m’ in that it is produced through the nose alone, and not by a combination of lips and nose. And it is differentiated from the other nasals — the guttural ‰a, palatal ña, cerebral Ša and dental na — because it is articulated without intervention of the tongue.

= &=

"== ƒ

Visarga (ƒ) is a sound similar to ha, but unvoiced/hard. It is followed by a short echo of the preceding vowel. Thus for manaƒ say ‘manaha’, for agniƒ say ‘agnihi’ and for bandhuƒ say ‘bandhuhu’. When the ending is -aiƒ, only ‘i’ is repeated and in auƒ only ‘u’ is repeated: for k€maiƒ say ‘k€maihi’ and for gauƒ say ‘gauhu’. If the visarga ƒ is followed by another consonant, it is heard only as a scratching guttural sound, as in ‘Loch Ness’. This occurs when ƒ is inside a word, a compound word, a sentence, or a line of a verse: duƒkha (misery), manaƒ-pras€da (satisfaction of the mind).

Further notes: (1) The first vowels are listed in pairs (a-€, i-…... ). In each pair the first vowel is short (hrasva) and the second is exactly twice as long (d…rgha): a as in mother and € as in father. (2) Among the consonants there are so-called aspirates. They are pronounced while exhaling markedly. This is denoted by adding an ‘h’ to the consonant, as in kha. The difference between kha and ka is, that kha requires more exhalation than ka, otherwise they are the same sounds. Compare for example karma (activity) and sukha (happiness), tapas (austerity) and patha (path; note that the Sanskrit th is not the English th of ‘path’, but that it is a t with much exhalation). Do also not confuse the transliteration h (in


kha, tha, ...) with the letter ha. (3) Mark the difference in pronunciation between the three sibilants which we have learned — the palatal a ☺, the cerebral a , and the dental sa. As in iva ☺, viŠu , sev€ (service), and …r€sana (headstand) — …r ☺ € sana).

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Hinduism — Wisdom 26 pthivy€ˆ tr…Ši ratn€ni jalam annaˆ subh€itam “On earth (pthiv…) there are three (tri) jewels (ratna) — water (jala), food (anna) and a saying (subh€ita — ‘spoken well’, witty saying).” 27 naratvaˆ durlabhaˆ loke vidy€ tatra sudurlabh€, kavitvaˆ durlabhaˆ tatra aktis tatra ca durlabh€ “In [this] world (loka) [birth as] a human (nara.tva) is rare [i.e., a prerogative], in it (human life) education (vidy€) is very rare (su.durlabha), in it (education) poetic skill (kavi.tva) is rare, and in it (poetic skill) genius (akti — ‘ability’) is even more rare.” 28 gandhena g€vaƒ payanti vedaiƒ payanti br€hmaŠ€ƒ c€raiƒ payanti r€j€na cakurbhy€m itare jan€ƒ “Cows (go) see through smell (gandha), the intelligent (br€hmaŠa) see through knowledge (veda), kings (r€jan) see through scouts (c€ra), and ordinary (itara — ‘other’) people (jana) through the two eyes (cakus).” 29 dhty€ inodaraˆ raket p€Ši-p€daˆ ca caku€, cakuƒ-rotre ca manas€ mano v€caˆ ca vidyay€ “Genital (ina) and stomach (udara) one should protect with one’s determination (dhti), hands (p€Ši) and feet (p€da) with the eye (cakus), eyes and ears (rotra) with the mind (manas), and mind and words (v€c) with wisdom (vidy€).” 30 d˜i-p™taˆ nyaset p€daˆ vastra-p™taˆ jalaˆ pibet, satya-p™taˆ vaded v€kyaˆ manaƒ-p™taˆ sam€caret “One should put (‘cast’) his step (p€da) [only] when ‘purified’ (p™ta) by sight (d˜i) (i.e., being careful not to step on any creature), one should drink water (jala) filtered (‘purified’) with [a piece of] cloth (vastra), one should speak words (v€kya) ‘purified’ by truth (satya), and one should inact what is approved (‘purified’) by the mind (manas).” 31 cira-k€rika bhadraˆ te bhadraˆ te cira-k€rika, cira-k€r… hi medh€v… n€par€dhyati karmasu “O you, who thinks long before acting (cira-k€rika — ‘who works a long time (cira)’), blessing (bhadra) to you! O you, who thinks long before acting, blessing to you! One who thinks long before he acts is truly wise (medh€vin) [because] he never offends (apar€dhyati) in his activities (karman).” 32 a-mantram akaraˆ n€sti n€sti m™lam an-auadham, a-yogyaƒ puruo n€sti yojakas tatra durlabhaƒ “There is no letter (akara) without meaning (mantra — ‘advice’), there is no root (m™la) without medicinal value (auadha), there is no person (purua) without ability, [but] rare is the one who can use them.” 33 vi€d apy amtaˆ gr€hyaˆ b€l€d api subh€itam, a-mitr€d api sad-vttam a-medhy€d api k€ñcanam “Even from poison (via) nectar (amta) is to be taken, even from a child (b€la) good advice (subh€ita), even from an enemy (a-mitra) [a lesson in] good conduct (sat-vtta), and even from something impure (a-medhya) gold (k€ñcana).” 34 re˜ho hi paŠitaƒ atrur na ca mitram a-paŠitaƒ “Better [to have] a learned (paŠita) enemy (atru) (... to learn from him), and not an ignorant (apaŠita) friend (mitra).” 35 sarvatra br€hmaŠ€ƒ santi santi sarvatra katriy€ƒ, vaiy€ƒ ™dr€s tath€ karŠa striyaƒ s€dhvya ca suvrat€ƒ “O KarŠa! In every country (sarvatra — ‘everywhere’) there are intelligent men (br€hmaŠa), everywhere there are [good] rulers (katriya), [good] businessmen (vaiya), workers (™dra), and saintly (s€dhv…) women (str…) of good vows (su.vrata).”



3. Sanskrit — Writing 1 Whenever a new letter is introduced, you will see its place in the alphabet on the right hand side. Make sure that you also remember those letters from previous lectures, which you will find in the alphabet as well. At the end of each lesson you will find a list of Sanskrit words. They only contain letters that you have learned already. Practicing to read these words will speed up your learning process tremendiously. You can check your pronunciation by reading the transliteration next to it. The first vowels are a (as in ‘mother’) and € (as in ‘father’). Please practice writing the letters and use the dotted line as a guide where to place the uppermost horizontal line of each letter. Thus the letter will be b e l o w the line: Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Aa Ma MaMa

A Aa

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The first consonant we will learn is ma:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

and our first word is mama (my): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The upper horizontal line is written at the end over both letters at once, and not over each letter separately. Since every consonant is already pronounced with an inherent a, the letter

A a is only written at the

beginning of a word: a-mama — ‘without [a sense of] my’, without egotism.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a-mama — no ego

For long €, a vertical line is added to a consonant:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m€ — mother

A a AMa ama AaMa €ma AMaa am€ AaMaa €m€ MaMaa mam€ MaaMaa m€m€ AaMaMa AMaaMa am€ma AMaMaa amam€

Reading exercise: €mama


Aacar–AaYaRTv–NYaaYa"== ) €c€ra-€ryatva-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of good behaviour (€c€ra) and being a gentleman (€rya).”

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Devan€gar… has no hyphens, but we are using them sometimes to show the compounds of a word. The


vertical line ‘ ’ at the end indicates the full stop.



Sanskrit — Writing 2 The next letters: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Na k==

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Aa


Cutting the inherent a with a ‘plough’, so that ma becomes m:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m

A vowel may be followed by a nasalization, which is called anusv€ra (‘aftersound’) and marked with a dot:


Na Ma

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kaˆ

Or it may be followed by an echo, which is called visarga and marked with a colon:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kaƒ

(in this example kaƒ is thus pronounced ‘kaha’)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k€ma — desire

k== ka k==a k€ k==Ma( kam k==aMa( k€m k==aMaMa( k€mam k==aMaaNa( k€m€n AaNak== €naka MaaMak==Ma( m€makam A& aˆ Ma& maˆ Na& naˆ Aa& €ˆ Maa& m€ˆ Naa& n€ˆ


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . namaƒ — salute

MaNa" manaƒ (say ‘manaha’) k==aMa" k€maƒ (say ‘k€maha’) MaaMak==a" m€mak€ƒ (say ‘m€mak€ha’)


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Sanskrit — Writing 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

r Sa >a Ta raMa

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Aa



Na >a Ma r Sa

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r€ma

raMa" r€maƒ Nar nara (man) k==rMa( karam Mak==r" makaraƒ Aak==r" €karaƒ AaraMa" €r€maƒ


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s€ra — essence

SaMa sama (same) SaMaaSa sam€sa (compound) SarSaaMa( saras€m Sa&Saar saˆs€ra (rebirth) rSaNaMa( rasanam AaSaNa €sana (seat) MaaSa m€sa (month) MaNaSaa manas€ MaaNaSaa" m€nas€ƒ


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bhara — load

>aaMa bh€ma >aaSa( bh€s >aaSa" bh€saƒ >aak(= bh€k Na>a" nabhaƒ Aa>aaSaMa( €bh€sam


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bh€rata Bh€rata is the actual name of the country which foreigners call India.



TaTa" tataƒ (then) TaTaMa( tatam TaMa" tamaƒ (darkness) TaMaSaa tamas€ TaaTa t€ta MaTa" mataƒ rTa rata rTaa" rat€ƒ SaTa( sat (real, good) SaMaTaa samat€ SaTaTaMa( satatam SaNaaTaNa san€tana (eternal) ATa" ataƒ k==TarTa( katarat 37

rÂu–SaPaR–NYaaYa"== ) rajju-sarpa-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of the rope (rajju) and the snake (sarpa).”

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Sanskrit — Writing 4: Ligatures There are three ways of forming ligatures between consonants: (1) dropping the vertical line of the first component

Na na + Ta ta >>> the vertical line of the first letter is dropped N n + Ta ta >>> NTa nta


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nta

Ta ta + Ma ma >>> T t + Ma ma >>> TMa tma


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tma

Sa sa + Ma ma >>> S s + Ma ma >>> SMa sma


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sma

Ma ma + >a bha >>> M m + >a bha >>> M>a mbha


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mbha

ANTa anta (end) ANTa" antaƒ ANTarMa( antaram SaNTa" santaƒ SaMaNTa samanta ANaNTa ananta (endless) AaTMak== €tmaka AaTMaNa( €tman AaTMaa €tm€ (self, soul) ASMaaTa( asm€t k==SMaaTa( kasm€t TaSMaaTa( tasm€t (therefore) >aSMa bhasma SMarNa( smaran AarM>a" €rambhaƒ AM>aSaa ambhas€ Similarly: TSa tsa MaTSar matsara MNa mna SaaMNaaMa( s€mn€m



Sanskrit — Writing 5: Vowel Signs


As we saw before, the letter =a is written only in the beginning of a word, because every consonant is pronounced with an inherent a. When the inherent a is to be replaced by another vowel, the corresponding vowel sign is added. The vowel sign for a long € is a vertical line and

k== ka becomes

k==a=k€. A a Aa €

vowel vowel sign examples

k== ka Ta ta Na na >a bha Ma ma r ra

a k==a k€ Taa t€ Naa n€ >aa bh€ Maa m€ ra r€

wi i ik== ki iTa ti iNa ni i>a bhi iMa mi ir ri

wR … o u O ™ I u U k==I k… Taq t… Naq n… >aq bh… Maq m… rq r…

‰  W e We ai Aae o AaE au * e E ae aE k*= k Ta* t Na* n >a* bh Ma* m

Short i :

ik== k==I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Long … :


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ri

There is a Sanskrit vowel  which is pronounced similar to the syllable ri. But we have to remember that  is a vowel and r in ri a consonant (see introduction). In the following example this  is in k (say ‘kri’): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

k*= ik==Ma(

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kim — what

riTa rati SaiTa sati MaiTa" matiƒ TaMaiSa tamasi AiSaTa" asitaƒ NaaiSak==a n€sik€ (nose) SMariTa smarati Ai>aMaaNa abhim€na AaTMaiNa €tmani AiMaTa amita

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After a ligature:



STa sta iSTa sti AiSTa asti (he is) AiSMa asmi (I am) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

n…ti — policy

>aq bh… >aqMa bh…ma AMaq am… >aqTaMa( bh…tam AaSaqTa €s…ta AaSaqNa €s…na k==aMaq k€m… ATaqTa" at…taƒ TaaMaSaq t€mas… AaSaqNa" €s…naƒ AaSaqNaMa( €s…nam ANaqk==Ma( an…kam


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amta — nectar

k*= Ta kta (done) k*= TaaMa( kt€m >a*Taa bht€ Ma*TaMa( mtam SMa*Ta smta SMa*iTa smti >a*Ta( bht >a*TaaMa( bht€m Sa*Taq st… AMa*TaMa( amtam Aak*= iTa €kti Sa& saˆ Sk== ska Sk*= sk Sa&Sk*= saˆsk Sa&Sk*= Ta saˆskta (what we spell Sanskrit)

Sa&Sk*= Ta

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . saˆskta

Rarely the long  (say ‘rii’ with long i), written Ž, appears:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kŽ 38

AaYauga* RTa –NYaaYa"== ) €yur-ghta-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of long life (€yur) and ghee (ghta).”



Sanskrit — Writing 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ga l Pa f== Ya Qa GaTa

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Aa



Ta Qa Na Pa f== >a Ma Ya r l Sa

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gata — gone

GaTaMa( gatam GaiTa gati GaaiMaNaa g€min€ GaqTaa g…t€ GaqTaMa( g…tam GaNTaaiSa gant€si iGaraMa( gir€m raGa r€ga AaGaTa €gata >aaGaMa( bh€gam SaaGar" s€garaƒ In ligature: GNa gna iGNa gni AiGNa agni iNariGNa" niragniƒ


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k€la — time

k==alMa( k€lam k==ill kalila k==Mal kamala (lotus) k==ral kar€la Mal mala la>a l€bha (gain) Naql n…la lqla l…l€ (pastime) AMal amala (pure) ANal" analaƒ MalaNa( mal€n Maala m€l€ (garland) In ligature: Ll lla MaLl malla (say ‘mal-la’; in double consonants, both letters are pronounced distinctly, as in the Italian ‘bel-lo’, beautiful) Ml mla AMl amla GlaiNa" gl€niƒ

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . para — beyond

ParMaMa( paramam PaaNa p€na Paal p€la PaTaiNTa patanti PaiTa" patiƒ iPaTa* pit (father) APar apara APaaNa ap€na AiPa api k==iPal kapila k*= Paa kp€ (mercy) TaPa" tapaƒ TaPaaiMa tap€mi iliPa lipi In ligature: PTa pta SaPTa sapta Ta*PTa tpta Ta*iá" tptiƒ APSara apsar€ k==LPa kalpa ALPa alpa (little)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . phala — fruit

Remember that pha is pronounced as in ‘shepherd’:

k==f= kapha (not ‘kafa’) f==lMa( phalam f==laiNa



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

m€y€ — illusion

MaYaq may… AYaNa ayana (path) AYaNaMa( ayanam AYaMa( ayam k==aYaMa( k€yam k*= PaYaa kpay€ GarqYa" gar…yaƒ TaYaa tay€ NaYaNa nayana (eye) iNaYaTa niyata ParYaa paray€ In ligature: NYaaYa ny€ya (logic) k==aMYa k€mya ParSYa parasya k*= TYa" ktyaƒ GaMYaMa( gamyam TaSYa tasya TYaaGa ty€ga (renunciation) iNaTYa nitya (regular)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . patha — path

AQa atha (now) TaQaa tath€ (and) ANYaQaa anyath€ k==QaYa kathaya k==QaYaTa( kathayat PaiQa pathi Pa*Qak(= pthak YaQaa yath€ rQa ratha (chariot) rQaMa( ratham k==QaMa( katham In ligature: QYa thya iMaQYaa mithy€ (false) SQaaiNa sth€ni SQaaPaYa sth€paya iSQaTa sthita iSQar" sthiraƒ 39

ANDa–ParMPara–NYaaYa"== ) andha-parampar€-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of the succession (parampar€) of blind men (andha).”



Sanskrit — Writing 7: Vowel Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ku= kU= å æ

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please note the special combinations ru and r™: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A a Aa € w i wR … o u O ™ ‰  W e We ai Aae o AaE au

vowel sign examples

ku= l

k== ka Ta ta Na na >a bha Ma ma r ra

a k==a Taa Naa >aa Maa ra

i ik== iTa iNa i>a iMa ir

I k==I Taq Naq >aq Maq rq



ku= ku Tau tu Nau nu >au bhu Mau mu å ru

kU= k™ TaU t™ NaU n™ >aU bh™ MaU m™ æ r™

* k*= Ta* Na* >a* Ma*





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kula — family

YauGa yuga (an age) TauLYa tulya PauNa" punaƒ (again) >a*Gau bhgu MaNau manu MauiNa muni (sage) Saul>a sulabha STauiTa stuti (praise) Maurair mur€ri Naku= l nakula AaYau" €yuƒ (life) ku= Maar kum€ra ku= SauMa kusuma TauMaul tumula


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m™la — root

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MaUlaiNa m™l€ni PaUTa p™ta PaUr p™ra >aUTa bh™ta kU= Pa k™pa (well) >aUiMa bh™mi >aUYa" bh™yaƒ >aUTaaNaaMa( bh™t€n€m SaM>aUTaMa( sambh™tam ASaUYa" as™yaƒ


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . guru — teacher

ku= å kuru MaåTa( marut MaaåTa" m€rutaƒ NaMaSku= å namaskuru


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r™pa — form

æPaMa( r™pam ANauæPaa anur™p€ ku= æNa( kur™n GauæNa( gur™n 40

kU = =Pa–MaaUv babh™va In ligature: Bd bda XaBd abda AMbr ambara AMbu ambu


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d€na — donation

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dMa dama (control) dqPa d…pa (light) dYaa day€ (mercy) idVYa divya (divine) Aadr €dara Aaid €di (first) ividTa vidita Naard n€rada Pad pada Sa&vad saˆv€da Sada sad€ Tad( tad Tada tad€ Yaadv y€dava Yada yad€ In ligature: Nd nda MaNdaNa( mand€n Sk==Nd" skandaƒ AaNaNd €nanda (bliss) With this new letter we can give an examples of visarga, the echo, inside a word. Then it is heard only as a scratching guttural sound, as in Loch Ness.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . duƒkha — distress

Sau:a–du":a sukha-duƒkha (happiness and distress) 41

vaTa–Aaid–NYaaYa"== ) v€ta-€di-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of v€ta, etc. (the other doas or body types).”



Sanskrit — Writing 9: Vowel Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ke= kE= h ô

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And a new consonant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Note that h is not written

h* , as we would expect, but:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A a Aa € w i wR … o u O ™ ‰  W e We ai Aae o AaE au

vowel sign examples


k== ka Ta ta Na na >a bha Ma ma r ra

a k==a Taa Naa >aa Maa ra

i ik== iTa iNa i>a iMa ir

I k==I Taq Naq >aq Maq rq

u U * e ku= kU= k*= ke= ke Tau TaU Ta* Tae te Nau NaU Na* Nae ne >au >aU >a* >ae bhe Mau MaU Ma* Mae me å æ re re




kE= kai TaE tai NaE nai >aE bhai MaE mai rE rai

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . deva — god

>aave bh€ve Mau%e mukhe AaSaNae €sane ANTae ante ANYae anye bleNa balena daNaeNa d€nena dqPaeNa d…pena f==le phale k==ale k€le l>aTae labhate MauNae" muneƒ PlveNa plavena rMaTae ramate YaeNa yena


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . daiva — godly

[email protected]


dEvMa( daivam dEvq daiv… >aavE" bh€vaiƒ (say ‘bh€vaihi’) vedE" vedaiƒ (say ‘vedaihi’) vENaTaeYa vainateya vEraGYa vair€gya k==aMaE" k€maiƒ (say ‘k€maihi’) f==lE" phalaiƒ (say ‘phalaihi’) SaENYaSYa sainyasya


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aham — I

Aah €ha Aahar €h€ra deh deha Gaeh geha bhu bahu bhv" bahavaƒ Ga*h gha (home) h&Sa haˆsa (swan) hir hari hra har€ huTaMa( hutam ihTa hita (benefit) Maha mah€ (great) rhiSa rahasi Sah saha


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hd — heart

ôdYa hdaya ôid hdi APaôTa apahta Sauôd( suhd (friend)



Sanskrit — Writing 10: Ligatures Before another consonant, r is written as a hook on top of that letter: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

kR= k]= }a

After another consonant, r is written as a small stroke: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A special combination with r :


Ta ta + r ra >>> Ta] tra >>> }a tra

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . karma — action

AaYaR €rya AkR= arka AQaR artha dPaR darpa duGaR durga Ga>aR garbha iNaMaRMa" nirmamaƒ k==aYaR k€rya PaaQaR p€rtha PaUvR p™rva SaGaR sarga (creation) SaUYaR s™rya (sun) SavR sarva (all) vqYaR v…rya vTaRTae vartate AhRiTa arhati This r in ligature has to be read before the complete syllable:

GaR rga GaeR rge SaGaeR sarge AQaeR arthe k==IiTaR k…rti MaUiTaR m™rti MaUTaeR m™rte SavaRNa( sarv€n SaveR>Ya" sarvebhyaƒ SvGYaRMa( svargyam vTMaR vartma duGaaR durg€ k==TaaR kart€ >aTaaR bhart€ AiPaRTa arpita The dot of ˆ becomes part of the preceeding r :

GaR rga Ga| rgaˆ SaGa| sargaˆ AQa| arthaˆ AaYa| €ryaˆ k==aYa| k€ryaˆ SaUYa| s™ryaˆ AaPaUYa| €p™ryaˆ


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vrata — holy vow

v]Taa" vrat€ƒ >a]aTaa bhr€t€ A>a]Ma( abhram AaMa] €mra AGa]e agre d]VYa dravya Ga]aMa gr€ma (village) Ga]h graha Ga]qv gr…va Ga]STa grasta iMa]YaTae mriyate k]= Ma krama NaMa] namra Pa]k*= iTa prakti (nature) Pa]MaeYa prameya With a vowel sign: >a] bhra >a]U bhr™ b]Uih br™hi Mark the ligatures d] dra and ó sra (instead of Sa]=): d]VYa dravya ó&SaTae sraˆsate


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tri — three

}aYa traya }aYaq tray… A}a atra (here) GaaYa}aq g€yatr… iMa}a mitra (friend) ku= }a kutra Maa}aa m€tr€ MaE}a maitra Nae}a netra (eye) Pa}a patra Paiv}a pavitra (sacred) Pau}a putra (child) rai}a r€tri (night) SaU}a s™tra Yaa}aa y€tr€

[email protected]


N}a ntra MaN}a mantra (advice) MaN}aq mantr… (advisor) YaN}a yantra (instrument) ñq str… This sign for r (as in ó sra) should not be confused with one of the forms of n in ligature (as in ò sna): ó&SaTae sraˆsate but òaNa sn€na (bath), AaGa]h €graha but >aGan bhagna, A}a atra but A‘a anna (=Na na + Na na >>> N n + Na na >>> NNa or ‘a nna) In ligature:


SvPNa–MaN}a–la>a–NYaaYa"== ) svapna-mantra-l€bha-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of getting a mantra in a dream (svapna).”



Sanskrit — Writing 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ga Da c ^ gaaSa

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Aa

k== :a Ga ga c ^ Ta Qa d Da Na Pa f== b >a Ma Ya r l v Sa h

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gh€sa — grass

Aga agha gaaTaYaiTa gh€tayati lagavMa( l€ghavam In ligature: gNaaNaaMa( ghn€n€m gNaTa" ghnataƒ dqgaR d…rgha VYaaga] vy€ghra (tiger)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dhana — wealth

DaaMa dh€ma DaaTau dh€tu (element) DaMaR dharma (duty) Daqr dh…ra DaUMa dh™ma ADaMa adhama buDa budha dDaaiMa dadh€mi iviDa vidhi (rule) MaaDav m€dhava Pa]DaaNa pradh€na SaaDau s€dhu (saint) SaMaaiDa sam€dhi In ligature: DYa dhya DYaaNa dhy€na (meditation) ADYaaTMa adhy€tma ADYaaYa adhy€ya ANDa andha (blind) bDNaaiTa badhn€ti bNDau bandhu (relative) Da]uv dhruva dDMau" dadhmuƒ GaNDavR gandharva BDv bdhva lBßa labdhv€ DNaR rdhna MaUiDNaR m™rdhni


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cakra — wheel

cl cala cilTa calita cTvar" catv€raƒ ced( ced cEl caila ceTaNaa cetan€ icNTaa cint€ (worry) icr cira ke= icd( kecid Naqc n…ca PaircYaR paricarya SaceTa saceta vc" vacaƒ AacaYaR €c€rya (professor) In ligature:

CYa cya CYaviNTa cyavanti ACYauTa acyuta ivMauCYa vimucya vaCYa v€cya

[email protected]



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ch€ya — shade

i^‘a chinna i^NdiNTa chindanti ^Nda&iSa chand€ˆsi ^lYaTa( chalayat In ligature: GaC^ gaccha iNaGaC^iTa nigacchati Yad*C^Yaa yadcchay€ Pa*C^aiMa pcch€mi In ligature with with a few letters like ^ cha , ] ra takes the form of \ : ^\ chra C^\ cchra iC^\ cchri ATYauiC^\ TaMa( atyucchritam 43

vNa–VYaaga]–NYaaYa"== =) vana-vy€ghra-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of the forest (vana) and the tiger (vy€ghra).” 44

SvPNa–VYaaga]–NYaaYa"== ) svapna-vy€ghra-ny€yaƒ “The proverb (ny€ya) of a tiger (vy€ghra) in a dream (svapna).”



Sanskrit — Writing 12: Vowel Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

k==ae k==aE

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A a Aa € w i wR … o u O ™ ‰  W e We ai Aae o AaE au

vowel sign examples


k== ka Ta ta Na na >a bha Ma ma r ra

a k==a Taa Naa >aa Maa ra

i ik== iTa iNa i>a iMa ir

I k==I Taq Naq >aq Maq rq

u U * ku= kU= k*= Tau TaU Ta* Nau NaU Na* >au >aU >a* Mau MaU Ma* å æ

e ke= Tae Nae >ae Mae re

E kE= TaE NaE >aE MaE rE

ae k==ae ko Taae to Naae no >aae bho Maae mo rae ro

aE k==aE kau TaaE tau NaaE nau >aaE bhau MaaE mau raE rau

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yoga

YaaeGaq yog… >aaeGa bhoga >aaeGaE" bhogaiƒ AQaae atho Gaae go (cow) GaaeivNd govinda heTaae" hetoƒ ivYaaeGa viyoga k==raeiMa karomi lae>a lobha (greed) laek= loka (world) Maaeh moha (illusion) MaaeihNaq mohin… SaaeMa soma (moon)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mauna — silence

MaaehaE mohau PaaE}a pautra PaaEvR paurva YaaEvNa yauvana (youth) SaaEMYa saumya AadaE €dau AGNaaE agnau d]aEPadeYa draupadeya idVYaaE divyau k==aENTaeYa kaunteya k==raE karau la>aaE l€bhau SaMaaDaaE sam€dhau SaMaaE samau With r : GaaE gau GaaER rgau SaGaaER sargau AhaŒ arhau 45

k*= Tva–icNTaa–NYaaYa"== ) ktv€-cint€-ny€yaƒ “The proverb of thinking (cint€) after acting (ktv€).”


[email protected]

Sanskrit — Writing 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ja z aJaNa bhajana (worship) GaJa gaja rJa" rajaƒ raJaa r€j€ (king) TaeJa" tejaƒ v]Ja vraja >aaeJaNa bhojana In ligature: JYa jya raJYa r€jya (kingdom) TYaaJYa ty€jya vJa] vajra vJaRMa( varjam AJauRNa arjuna


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bh€€ — language

daez doa gaaez" ghoaƒ iNaiMazNa( nimian ivzad vi€da ivzMa( viam ivzYa viaya k*= iz ki Pauåz purua (person) daNaezu d€neu In ligature: ZYa ya >aivZYa bhaviya >aqZMa bh…ma PauZPa pupa (flower) MaNauZYa manuya (man) vzR vara hzR hara

Gau> d + V below >>> Ü dva


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dva

iÜ dvi (two) iÜJa dvija ivÜaNa( vidv€n Üar dv€ra (door) ÜNÜ dvandva Üez dvea YaÜTa( yadvat Similarly: d da + b ba >>> Ø dba, d da + Ga ga >>> Ó dga, d da + d da >>> Õ dda 49

kU= MaR–A®–NYaaYa"== ) k™rma-a‰ga-ny€yaƒ “The proverb of the limbs (a‰ga) of the tortoise (k™rma).” 50

ANDa–Pa®u–NYaaYa"== =) andha-pa‰gu-ny€yaƒ “The proverb of the blind man (andha) and the lame man (pa‰gu).” 51

ANDa–dPaRaae+YaSae bhokyase ¿ ‰ka Aak==a¿ €k€‰ka


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mukta — liberated

>a¢== bhakta (devotee) >ai¢== bhakti (devotion) AaSa¢== €sakta TYa¢== tyakta AVYa¢== avyakta VYai¢== vyakti Xai¢== akti (ability) Yau¢= yukta In further ligature: » ‰kta >au»e bhu‰kte Sometimes, ka in ligature is written K k : Kvicd( kvacid vaKYa v€kya XaKYa akya }aElaeKYa trailokya In further ligature: >au¤a bhuktv€ MauKTva muktv€ TYa¤a tyaktv€ >aKTYaa bhakty€


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jñ€na — knowledge

jaTa jñ€ta (say ‘gnyaata’) AjaTa a-jñ€ta ivjaNa vijñ€na jaNaq jñ€n… jeYa jñeya Pa]ja prajñ€ Yaj yajña




Mai+ak==a–NYaaYa"== ) makik€-ny€yaƒ “The proverb of the fly (makik€).” 58

>a]Mar–NYaaYa"== ) bhramara-ny€yaƒ “The proverb of the bee (bhramara).” 59

bqJa–v*+a–NYaaYa"== ) b…ja-vka-ny€yaƒ “The proverb of the seed (b…ja) and the tree (vka).” 60

ivz–>a+a>> XMa ma

X  becomes é=, as in Xa a + r ra >>> é] ra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r… — fortune

é[qMaTa( r…mat Aaé]Ma €rama Aaé]Ya €raya Aaié[Ta €rita Aé]u aru é[eï re˜a é[eYa" reyaƒ é[Öa raddh€ (faith) é[uiTa ruti iMaé[ mira Similarly: ì va Aì ava AìTQa avattha ìeTa veta ivì viva ivìaSa viv€sa XaaìTa €vata ê ca AaêYaR €carya iNaêl nicala iNaiêTa nicita k==êNa kacana k==iêd( kacid ë la ëaek= loka 62

i>a+au–i>aYa"–SQaalq–ANaiDaé[Ya>> use kart€ 〈1.1〉; pit >>> use pit€ 〈1.1〉 bhagavat >>> bhagav€n 〈1.1〉; hanumat >>> hanum€n 〈1.1〉; €tman >>> €tm€ 〈1.1〉; karman >>> karma 〈1.1〉; sv€min >>> sv€m… 〈1.1〉; sanny€sin >>> sanny€s… 〈1.1〉 The undeclined word brahman ends in a consonant and therefore rule (2) is applied. The word brahman has two forms which declensions differ — one is masculine, the other neuter. The masculine form is declined to brahm€ 〈1.1〉 (Lord Brahm€) and the neuter form is declined to brahma 〈1.1〉 — but, everybody says ‘Brahman.’ This helps to distinguish more clearly the impersonal ‘Brahman’ from the person Brahm€. But when you hear ‘Hanumat’ for Hanum€n; ‘the €tman’ for €tm€; ‘karman’ for karma; ‘a sanny€sin’ for sanny€s…, not considering loka-pram€Ša, you can detect foreign influence. Exceptions: (1) In word lists where the gender of words is taught, all words are listed in pratham€, so that the neuter gender can be easily recognized by its ending m: k€laƒ 〈1.1〉, patram 〈1.1〉, pupam 〈1.1〉, lokaƒ 〈1.1〉, ... (2) Words ending in as are used in both ways (prakti and pratham€): cetas or cetaƒ; manas or manaƒ; rajas or rajaƒ; tejas or tejaƒ (3) In the title of works we also see sometimes the prakti and sometimes the pratham€: as prakti: Mah€bh€rata; in pratham€: Bh€gavatam



Hinduism — Fables (Sequences from the first chapter of Hitopadea) 84

AJaraMarvTPa[ajae ivÛaMaQa| c icNTaYaeTa( ) Ga*hqTa wv ke= Xaezu Ma*TYauNaa DaMaRMaacreTa( )) a-jar€maravat pr€jño vidy€m arthaˆ ca cintayet, gh…ta iva keeu mtyun€ dharmam €caret

ivÛaMa( AQaRMa( c vidy€m artham ca — “For [the gain of] education (vidy€) and wealth (artha) Pa[aj" pr€jñaƒ — an intelligent person AJar–AMarvTa( icNTaYaeTa( ajara-amaravat cintayet — should feel as if free from old age and death. Ma*TYauNaa ke= Xaezu Ga*hqTa" wv mtyun€ keeu gh…taƒ iva — [But] as if caught in the hairs (kea) by death (mtyu)

DaMaRMa( AacreTa(

dharmam €caret — he should do virtue (dharma).”

The declension of the word kea, as in the above keeu: (1)

















‘with / by’
































‘in / at’









he deva

he devau

he dev€ƒ

he kea

he keau

he ke€ƒ


SavRd]VYaezu ivÛEv d]VYaMaahurNautaMaMa( ) AhaYaRTvadNagaRTvad+aYYaTvaÀ SavRda )) sarva-dravyeu vidyaiva dravyam €hur anuttamam, a-h€ryatv€d an-arghatv€d a-kayyatv€c ca sarvad€

A–haYaRTvaTa( ANa(–AgaRTvaTa( a-h€ryatv€t an-arghatv€t — “Because it cannot be stolen and is priceless SavRda A–+aYYaTvaTa( c sarvad€ a-kayyatv€t ca — and because it is always (sarvad€) imperishable SavR–d]VYaezu ivÛa Wv sarva-dravyeu vidy€ eva — among all (sarva) kinds of wealth (dravya) education alone

ANautaMaMa( d]VYaMa( Aahu"

an-uttamam dravyam €huƒ — they (sages) call the best wealth.” 86

Ya‘ave >aaJaNae lGan" Sa&Sk==arae NaaNYaQaa >aveTa( ) k==QaaC^leNa balaNaa& NaqiTaSTaidh k==QYaTae )) yan nave bh€jane lagnaƒ saˆsk€ro n€nyath€ bhavet, kath€-cchalena b€l€n€ˆ n…tis tad iha kathyate

Yad( Nave >aaJaNae lGan"

yad nave bh€jane lagnaƒ — “As, made on a new pot ... before firing

Sa&Sk==ar" Na ANYaQaa >aveTa(

saˆsk€raƒ na anyath€ bhavet — an impression (saˆsk€ra) does not (na)


Tad( wh k==Qaa–^leNa

tad iha kath€-chalena — so here (iha) on the pretext of a story (kath€)


[email protected]

balaNaaMa( NaqiTa" k==QYaTae

b€l€n€m n…tiƒ kathyate — for (‘of’) children (b€la) good conduct (n…ti) is

described.” (1)

















‘with / by’
































‘in / at’









he deva

he devau

he dev€ƒ

he b€la

he b€lau

he b€l€ƒ

Level 1

AiSTa >aaGaqrQaq–Taqre asti bh€g…rath…-t…re — There is on the bank (t…ra) of the Ga‰g€ (Bh€g…rath…) Paa$=ilPau}a–NaaMa–DaeYaMa( NaGarMa( p€˜aliputra-n€ma-dheyam nagaram — a city (nagara) by the name (n€madheya) P€˜aliputra (modern Patna).

Ta}a SavR–SvaiMa–GauaU–PaiTa" Wk==da saƒ bh™-patiƒ ekad€ — Once (ekad€) that king ke= NaaiPa Paa#yMaaNaMa( ken€pi p€˜hyam€nam — being recited by someone ëaek= –ÜYaMa( Xaué[av loka-dvayam ur€va — he heard two verses (loka): 87

ANaek= Sa&XaYaaeC^eid Parae+aaQaRSYa dXaRk= Ma( ) SavRSYa laecNa& Xaañ& YaSYa NaaSTYaNDa Wv Sa" )) aneka-saˆayocchedi parok€rthasya darakam, sarvasya locanaˆ €straˆ yasya n€sty andha eva saƒ

ANaek= –Sa&XaYa–oC^eid aneka-saˆaya-ucchedi — “Which cuts off many (an-eka) doubts (saˆaya) Parae+a–AQaRSYa dXaRk= Ma( paroka-arthasya darakam — shows the invisible object (artha) SavRSYa laecNaMa( sarvasya locanam — and is the eye (locana) of all YaSYa XaañMa( Na AiSTa yasya €stram na asti — who does not have [such] scripture (€stra), Sa" ANDa" Wv saƒ andhaƒ eva — he is certainly blind (andha).” 88

YaaEvNa& DaNaSaMPaita" Pa[>auTvMaivveik==Taa ) WkE= k= MaPYaNaQaaRYa ik==Mau Ya}a cTauíYaMa( )) yauvanaˆ dhana-sampattiƒ prabhutvam a-vivekit€, ekaikam apy an-arth€ya kim u yatra catu˜ayam

YaaEvNaMa( DaNa–SaMPaita" yauvanam dhana-sampattiƒ — “Youth (yauvana), acquisition of wealth (dhana) Pa[>auTvMa( A–ivveik==Taa prabhutvam a-vivekit€ — lordship and indiscrimination Wk==–Wk==Ma( AiPa ANaQaaRYa eka-ekam api an-arth€ya — are even (api) individually useless (an-artha), ik==Ma( o Ya}a cTauíYaMa( kim u yatra catu˜ayam — what (kim) then in whom these four are combined!” wiTa Aak==avTa(–Pau}aaNa( bhavat-putr€n — Your sons AhMa( NaqiTa–Xaañ–Ai>ajaNa( k==irZYaaiMa aham n…ti-€stra-abhjñ€n kariy€mi — I will make aware of N…ti-€stra.

raJaa Sa–ivNaYaMa( PauNa" ovac

r€j€ sa-vinayam punaƒ uv€ca — The king again (punas) spoke with

humility: 91

k==I$=ae= _iPa SauMaNa"Sa®adaraehiTa SaTaa& iXar" ) AXMaaiPa YaaiTa devTv& MahiÙ" SauPa[iTaiïTa" )) k…˜o ’pi sumanaƒ-sa‰g€d €rohati sat€ˆ iraƒ, am€pi y€ti devatvaˆ mahadbhiƒ suprati˜hitaƒ


sumanaƒ-sa‰g€t — “In association (sa‰ga) with flowers ... i.e., when sitting in a flower garland sumanas — ‘good-minded’, flower

k==I$=" AiPa SaTaaMa( iXar" AaraehiTa

k…˜aƒ api sat€m iraƒ €rohati — even a worm (k…˜a) ascends the

head of saints (sat).

MahiÙ" SauPa[iTaiïTa" mahadbhiƒ suprati˜hitaƒ — When installed by great devotees (mahat) AXMaa AiPa devTvMa( YaaiTa am€ api devatvam y€ti — even a stone (aman) attains divinity.” wiTa o¤a iti uktv€ — After speaking thus bhu–MaaNa–Paur"SarMa( bahu-m€na-puraƒsaram — with much (bahu) honor (m€na) puraƒ-sara — attended by

TaSYa ivZad]Ma( Na k*= TaMa( tad may€ bhadram na ktam — That was not done properly by me Yad( A}a Maar–AaTMake= yad atra m€ra-€tmake — that in death personified ivìaSa" k*= Ta" viv€saƒ ktaƒ — faith was put. 96

SavRSYa ih Parq+YaNTae Sv>aava NaeTare GauaviTa bNDaNae )) €pad€m €patant…n€ˆ hito ’py €y€ti hetut€m, m€t-ja‰gh€ hi vatsasya stambh…-bhavati bandhane

AaPaTaNTaqNaaMa( AaPadaMa( €patant…n€m €pad€m — “For calamities (€pad) which are approaching ihTa" AiPa heTauTaaMa( AaYaaiTa hitaƒ api hetut€m €y€ti — even a friend (hita) becomes the instrument (hetu).



vTSaSYa MaaTa*–Jaºa ih

vatsasya m€t-ja‰gh€ hi — [As] the leg of the very mother (m€t) of the calf


bNDaNae STaM>aq–>aviTa

bandhane stambh…-bhavati — becomes the pole for binding (bandhana).” ... while milking a cow, her calf is sometimes bound to her leg

ivPad(–k==ale ivSMaYa" Wv vipad-k€le vismayaƒ eva — Perplexity in times of danger k==aPauåz–l+aaYaMa( Aah d…rghakarŠaƒ sa-bhayam €ha — [the cat] D…rghakarŠa said [to himself] in fear: ha, hTa" AiSMa h€, hataƒ asmi — Alas! I am dead, YaTa" AYaMa( MaaMa( VYaaPaadiYaZYaiTa yataƒ ayam m€m vy€p€dayiyati — because he will kill me. AQava athav€ — However: 109

TaavÙYaSYa >aeTaVYa& YaavÙYaMaNaaGaTaMa( ) AaGaTa& Tau >aYa& vq+Ya Nar" ku= YaaRÛQaaeicTaMa( )) t€vad bhayasya bhetavyaˆ y€vad bhayam an-€gatam, €gataˆ tu bhayaˆ v…kya naraƒ kury€d yathocitam

YaavTa( >aYaMa( ANa(–AaGaTaMa( y€vat bhayam an-€gatam — “As long as a danger (bhaya) has not arrived TaavTa( >aYaSYa >aeTaVYaMa( t€vat bhayasya bhetavyam — so long danger should be feared, >aYaMa( AaGaTaMa( Tau vq+Ya bhayam €gatam tu v…kya — but [after] seeing danger having arrived Nar" YaQaa–oicTaMa( ku= YaaRTa( naraƒ yath€-ucitam kury€t — a man (nara) should do what is needed.” wiTa AalaeCYa TaMa( oPaSa*TYa iti €locya tam upastya — Considering thus and approaching him Ab]vqTa( abrav…t — [the cat] said [to the vulture Jaradgava]: AaYaR, TvaMa( Ai>avNde €rya, tv€m abhivande — Sir! I praise you. Ga*Da]" AvdTa( – k==" TvMa( gdhraƒ avadat, kaƒ tvam — The vulture said: Who are you? Sa" AvdTa( – MaaJaaRr" AhMa( saƒ avadat, m€rj€raƒ aham — He said: I am a cat. Ga*Da]" b]UTae – dUrMa( APaSar gdhraƒ br™te, d™ram apasara — The vulture said: Go far away! Naae ced( hNTaVYa" AiSa MaYaa no ced hantavyaƒ asi may€ — If not, then you are to be killed by me. MaaJaaRr" AvdTa( m€rj€raƒ avadat — The cat said: é[UYaTaaMa( TaavTa( Mad(–vcNaMa( r™yat€m t€vat mad-vacanam — First hear my words! TaTa" Yaid AhMa( vDYa" tataƒ yadi aham vadhyaƒ — Then, if I am to be killed Tada hNTaVYa" tad€ hantavyaƒ — then I should be killed. A}a Ga®a–Taqre iNaTYa–òaYaq atra ga‰g€-t…re nitya-sn€y… — Here at the bank of the Ga‰g€ bathing daily iNaraiMaz–AaXaq b]øcarq nir€mia-€… brahmac€r… — eating vegetarian diet, as celibate (brahmac€r…) caNd]aYaYa"

bhavadbhyaƒ vidy€-vayaƒ-vddhebhyaƒ — from You, senior (vddha) in

knowledge and years

DaMaRMa( é[aeTauMa( dharmam rotum — to hear about dharma wh AaGaTa" iha €gataƒ — I have come here. (1)

















‘with / by’
































‘in / at’









he deva

he devau

he dev€ƒ

he vddha

he vddhau

he vddh€ƒ

(vddha — senior; the plural is used here out of respect)

>avNTa" c WTaad*Xaa" DaMaR–ja"

bhavantaƒ ca et€d€ƒ dharma-jñ€ƒ — But You are so ‘well-versed’ in


Yad( MaaMa( AiTaiQaMa( yad m€m atithim — that me, a guest (atithi) hNTauMa( oÛTaa" hantum udyat€ƒ — You are ready to kill. 110

AravPYauicTa& k==aYaRMaaiTaQYa& Ga*hMaaGaTae ) ^etauMaPYaaGaTae ^aYaa& NaaePaSa&hrTae d]uMa"== =)) ar€v apy ucitaˆ k€ryam €tithyaˆ gham €gate, chettum apy €gate ch€y€ˆ nopasaˆharate drumaƒ

AraE AiPa Ga*hMa( AaGaTae arau api gham €gate — “Even when an enemy has come to the house (gha) oicTaMa( AaiTaQYaMa( k==aYaRMa( ucitam €tithyam k€ryam — fitting hospitality (€tithya) should be shown. ^etauMa( AiPa AaGaTae chettum api €gate — even when [someone has] come to cut [him] d]uMa" ^aYaaMa( Na oPaSa&hrTae drumaƒ ch€y€m na upasaˆharate — the tree (druma) does not withdraw its shade (ch€y€).” But when an enemy comes to kill, it is certainly foolish to receive him as a guest.

Ga*Da]" AvdTa( gdhraƒ avadat — The vulture said: MaaJaaRr" ih Maa&Sa–åic" m€rj€raƒ hi m€ˆsa-ruciƒ — A cat is fond of flesh, Pai+a–Xaavk==a" c A}a iNavSaiNTa paki-€vak€ƒ ca atra nivasanti — and here are living the babies of the birds.

TaeNa AhMa( WvMa( b]vqiMa tena aham evam brav…mi — Therefore I would speak so [before]. Tad( é]uTva tad rutv€ — Hearing that [excuse] MaaJaaRr" >aUiMaMa( SPa*îa m€rj€raƒ bh™mim sp˜v€ — the cat, after touching the earth (bh™mi) k==a" itaƒ tataƒ nir™payadbhiƒ pakibhiƒ — by the birds who were searching here and there

Xaavk==–ASQaqiNa Pa]aPTaaiNa

€vaka-asth…ni pr€pt€ni — the bones (asthi) of the babies were found.

[email protected]

ANaNTarMa( anantaram — Then ANaeNa Wv Xaavk==a" :aaidTaa"


anena eva €vak€ƒ kh€dit€ƒ — ‘by him (the vulture) alone the babies were


wiTa SavŒ" Pai+ai>a" iNaiêTYa iti sarvaiƒ pakibhiƒ nicitya — after this was concluded by all the birds Sa" Ga*Da]" VYaaPaaidTa" saƒ gdhraƒ vy€p€ditaƒ — that vulture was killed. Level 4

ATa" AhMa( b]vqiMa ataƒ aham brav…mi — Therefore I say: AjaTa–ku= l–XaqlSYa wTYaaid ajñ€ta-kula-…lasya ity€di — To one of unknown family and character etc. [residence should not be given]. (verse above)

wiTa Aak==avaNa( AiPa bhav€n api — You [crow] also AjaTa–ku= l–Xaql" Wv AaSaqTa( ajñ€ta-kula-…laƒ eva €s…t — were of unknown family and character. 112

AYa& iNaJa" Parae veiTa Gaa–AalaPaE"

sarvaiƒ ekatra virambha-€l€paiƒ — With all who together have

confidential (virambha) talks (€l€pa)

Sau%Ma( ANau>aviÙ" sukham anubhavadbhiƒ — and who experience pleasure (sukha) SQaqYaTaaMa( sth…yat€m — we should stay. k==ake= Na o¢==Ma( – WvMa( ASTau k€kena uktam, evam astu — The crow said: So be it!




















‘with / by’
































‘in / at’









he deva

he devau

he dev€ƒ

he €l€pa

he €l€pau

he €l€p€ƒ

AQa Pa[aTa" atha pr€taƒ — Then in the morning SaveR YaQaa–Ai>aMaTa–deXaMa( GaTaa" sarve yath€-abhimata-deam gat€ƒ — they all went to places they liked. Wk==da iNa>a*TaMa( Xa*Gaal" b]UTae ekad€ nibhtam g€laƒ br™te — Once secretly the jackal said [to the deer]: Sa%e Ma*Ga sakhe mga — Deer, my friend! WTaiSMaNa( Wv vNae Wk==–deXae etasmin eva vane eka-dee — In a place in this very forest SaSYa–PaUaaeJaNaaiNa >aivZYaiNTa mama bhojan€ni bhaviyanti — will be my meals. Sa" c Ma*Ga" saƒ ca mgaƒ — And that deer TaMa( d*îa oçaiSaTa" b]UTae tam d˜v€ ull€sitaƒ br™te — delighted after seeing him (the jackal), said: Sa%e sakhe — Friend! i^iNDa TaavTa( MaMa bNDaNaMa( chindhi t€vat mama bandhanam — Cut my bond now! Sa–TvrMa( }aaYaSv MaaMa( sa-tvaram tr€yasva m€m — Quickly (‘with haste’) save me! YaTa" yataƒ — Because: 113

AaPaTSau iMa}a& JaaNaqYaad]a+ak==Yaae" Pa[qiTa" wTYaaid bhakya-bhakakayoƒ pr…tiƒ ity€di — Love between the food and its eater, etc. [causes misfortune]. (verse above)

lgauPaTaNak==" b]UTae laghupatanakaƒ br™te — [The crow] Laghupatanaka said: é[uTaMa( MaYaa SavRMa( rutam may€ sarvam — I have heard all. TaQaaiPa tath€pi — Still MaMa WTaavaNa( Wv SaªLPa" mama et€v€n eva sa‰kalpaƒ — my resolution (sa‰kalpa) is so great Yad( TvYaa Sah SaaEôÛMa( yad tvay€ saha sauhdyam — that friendship with you AvXYaMa( k==ra*iTa tataƒ prabhti — Beginning from that time TaYaae" ANYaaeNYa–Aahar–Pa[daNaeNa tayoƒ anyonya-€h€ra-prad€nena — with mutual gifts of their food ku= Xal–Pa[énE" ivé[M>a–AalaPaE" c kuala-pranaiƒ virambha-€l€paiƒ ca — and with nice questions (prana) and confidential talks

ik==YaTa( k==al" AiTavTaRTae kiyat k€laƒ ativartate — some time would pass. Wk==da lgauPaTaNak==" ihrYa–AaharMa( ka˜atara-labhya-€h€ram — is more difficult for getting food. Tad( WTad( PairTYaJYa tad etad parityajya — Therefore, leaving this [place] SQaaNa–ANTarMa( GaNTauMa( wC^aiMa sth€na-antaram gantum icch€mi — I want to go to another place. ihraNTae

sth€na-bhra˜€ƒ na obhante — when removed from their place (sth€na) they do

not shine.

wiTa ivjaYa MaiTaMaaNa( iti vijñ€ya matim€n — A wise man, knowing this Sv–SQaaNaMa( Na PairTYaJaeTa( sva-sth€nam na parityajet — should not leave his own place.” k==ak==" b]UTae – iMa}a k€kaƒ br™te, mitra — The crow said: Friend! k==aPauåzSYa vcNaMa( WTad( k€puruasya vacanam etad — This is the word of a coward. YaTa" yataƒ — Because: 116

SQaaNaMauTSa*JYa== GaC^iNTa== iSa&ha"== SaTPauåza== GaJaa"== )= =Ta}aEv= =iNaDaNa&= =YaaiNTa== k= ak==a"== k= aPauåza== Ma*Gaa"== )) sth€nam utsjya gacchanti siˆh€ƒ sat-puru€ gaj€ƒ, tatraiva nidhanaˆ y€nti k€k€ƒ k€puru€ mg€ƒ

iSa&ha" SaTa(–Pauåza" GaJaa" siˆh€ƒ sat-puru€ƒ gaj€ƒ — “Lions (siˆha), saints and elephants (gaja) SQaaNaMa( oTSa*JYa GaC^iNTa sth€nam utsjya gacchanti — go, after leaving their place (sth€na). k==ak==a" k==aPauåza" Ma*Gaa" k€k€ƒ k€puru€ƒ mg€ƒ — [But] crows (k€ka), cowards and deer (mga)


[email protected]

Ta}a Wv iNaDaNaMa( YaaiNTa

tatra eva nidhanam y€nti — meet [rather] death in their place.”


















‘with / by’
































‘in / at’









he deva

he devau

he dev€ƒ

he gaja

he gajau

he gaj€ƒ

ihraaeJaNa–ivXaezE" saƒ ca bhojana-vieaiƒ — And he, with varieties of food MaaMa( Sa&vDaRiYaZYaiTa m€m saˆvardhayiyati — will nourish me. ihra+aYaaiMa aham pratyaham bhakay€mi — I eat every day that food. ANaNTarMa( TaSYa iPa[Ya–Sauôd( anantaram tasya priya-suhd — Once his dear friend vqa+aYaiTa

sad€ bhakayati — always eats [it].


[email protected]


















‘with / by’
































‘in / at’









he deva

he devau

he dev€ƒ

he m™ika

he m™ikau

he m™ik€ƒ

NaaGa–dNTak==Ma( AvlaeKYa n€ga-dantakam avalokya — Seeing the peg [so high in the wall] vqaivZYaiTa atra hetuƒ bhaviyati — For this there will be a cause (hetu).” cU@ak==aae¢u= Ma( viay€n upabhoktum — “To enjoy sense objects (viaya) Jarq Na XaKNaaeiTa jar… na aknoti — an old person is not able Na c TYa¢u= Ma( na ca tyaktum — nor to renounce [them], iNadRXaNa" ì–wv nirdaanaƒ va-iva — just like a dog without teeth ke= vlMa( AiSQa iJaûYaa lei! kevalam asthi jihvay€ lehi — who just licks the bone with the tongue.” AQa Saa lqlavTaq atha s€ l…l€vat… — Now that L…l€vat… YaaEvNa–dPaaRTa( yauvana-darp€t — by the pride of youth AiTak]= aNTa–ku= l–MaYaaRda atikr€nta-kula-mary€d€ — transgressing family honor ke= NaaiPa viaaGYaMa( aho bh€gyam — What good fortune! AÛ MahTa(–>aaeJYaMa( adya mahat-bhojyam — Today a great feast Mae SaMauPaiSQaTaMa( me samupasthitam — has come to me. Pa[QaMa–bu>au+aaYaaMa( prathama-bubhuk€y€m — In the first hunger wdMa( iNa"Svadu òaYau–bNDaNaMa( idam niƒsv€du sn€yu-bandhanam — this tasteless sinew-string (bandhana) k==aedavNTaMa( AiPa bhavantam api — You also AhMa( MaaJaaRlMa( k==raeiMa aham m€rj€lam karomi — I make a cat. wiTa oKTVaa iti uktv€ — Saying this Sv–TaPa"–Pa[>aaveaqTa" MaaJaaRl" unak€t bh…taƒ m€rj€laƒ — The cat, fearful of the dog (unaka) MauNae" SaMaqPaMa( AaGaTYa o¢==vaNa( muneƒ sam…pam €gatya uktav€n — coming close to the muni, said: PaUJYa, PaXYaTau WTaMa( duí–XauNak==Ma( p™jya payatu etam du˜a-unakam — Sir! See this rascal dog! Sa" MaaMa( :aaidTauMa( wC^iTa saƒ m€m kh€ditum icchati — He wants to eat me. k*= PaYaa XauNak==aTa( kpay€ unak€t — Please, from the dog




MaaMa( r+aTau >avaNa( wiTa m€m rakatu bhav€n iti — You must protect me. MauiNa" – icNTaa Maa ASTau muniƒ, cint€ m€ astu — The muni [said] : Do not worry! >avNTaMa( AiPa bhavantam api — You also AhMa( XauNak==Ma( k==raeiMa aham unakam karomi — I make a dog. wiTa oKTVaa iti uktv€— Speaking thus TaMa( MaaJaaRlMa( XauNak==Ma( k*= TavaNa( tam m€rj€lam unakam ktav€n — he made that cat a dog. PauNa" k==daicd( punaƒ kad€cid — Again, once k==êNa VYaaga[" Ta}a AaGaTavaNa( kacana vy€ghraƒ tatra €gatav€n — some tiger (vy€ghra) came there. VYaaga[aTa( >aqTa" XauNak==" vy€ghr€t bh…taƒ unakaƒ — The dog, afraid of the tiger PauNa" AiPa MauNae" SaMaqPaMa( Wv punaƒ api muneƒ sam…pam eva — again near to the muni XaraYaªraTa( VYaaga[aTa( etasm€t bhaya‰kar€t vy€ghr€t — From this fearsome tiger MaaMa( r+aTau >avaNa( wiTa m€m rakatu bhav€n iti — you must protect me. MauiNa" YaQaa–PaUvRMa( muniƒ yath€-p™rvam — The muni [said] as before: icNTaaMa( Maa k==raeTau >avaNa( cint€m m€ karotu bhav€n — You should not worry. >avNTaMa( AiPa bhavantam api — You also AhMa( VYaaga[Ma( k==raeiMa aham vy€ghram karomi — I make a tiger. wiTa oKTva iti uktv€ — Speaking thus TaMa( XauNak==Ma( VYaaga[Ma( k*= TavaNa( tam unakam vy€ghram ktav€n — he made that dog a tiger. ANaNTarMa( c Sa" VYaaga[" anantaram ca saƒ vy€ghraƒ — And then that tiger iNa>aRYaeNa Aaé[Mae SavR}a A$=iTa nirbhayena €rame sarvatra a˜ati — roams fearlessly everywhere in the €rama.

MauiNa" Tau muniƒ tu — But the muni TaMa( VYaaga[Ma( tam vy€ghram — that tiger MaUizk==Ma( wv PaXYaiTa SMa m™ikam iva payati sma — saw like a mouse. TaSMaaTa( VYaaga[aTa( tasm€t vy€ghr€t — From that tiger TaSYa Tau ik==iÄd( AiPa >aYaMa( Na AaSaqTa( Wv tasya tu kiñcid api bhayam na €s…t eva — his fear was not the least.

Aaé[Mae ANYae AiPa JaNaa" €rame anye api jan€ƒ — In the €rama also other people vaSaMa( ku= vRiNTa SMa v€sam kurvanti sma — were living (‘made a home’). TaMa( VYaaga[Ma( d*îa tam vy€ghram d˜v€ — Seeing that tiger, Tae SaveR vdiNTa SMa te sarve vadanti sma — they all used to say: Wz" VYaaga[" vaSTaivk==" VYaaga[" Na eaƒ vy€ghraƒ v€stavikaƒ vy€ghraƒ na — This

tiger is actually

(v€stavikaƒ) not a tiger.

Sa" Tau k==êNa MaUizk==" saƒ tu kacana m™ikaƒ — He is just a mouse. Wz" MauiNa" TaPa"–Pa[>aaveaGavTa(–DaMaaRNa( duties for women (str…), duties towards the Lord (Bhagav€n) DaMaR–AQaR–k==aMa–Maae+aaNa( c and also dharma-artha-k€ma-moka.”


[email protected]

135 •

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Sa Wv DaMaR" Saae= _DaMaaeR deXak==ale Pa]iTaiïTa" ) sa eva dharmaƒ so ’dharmo dea-k€le prati˜hitaƒ

Sa" Wv DaMaR" Sa" A–DaMaR" “That this is dharma, and this is not dharma (a-dharma) deXa–k==ale Pa]iTaiïTa" is established according to (‘in’) place (dea) and time (k€la).” 136 — —

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— — — • • — — —

— •—


SaveR DaMaaR" k*= Tae JaaTaa" SaveR Naía" k==laE YauGae ) caTauvRaveTa(

dharma becomes fine (s™kma) and finer.” 140

— • — — • — — —

— • • • — • —

k==araYa–MaEQauNaMa( c

“Eating (€h€ra), sleeping (nidr€), defending (bhaya — ‘fear’) and mating


Naaraa" SaaMaaNYaMa( this is for men (nara) common (s€m€nya) with animals (pau); DaMaR" ih TaezaMa( AiDak==" ivXaez" only dharma is their (men’s) extra (adhika) characteristic (viea). DaMaeRaYaMa( Na AiSTa there is no fear (bhaya) from a king (r€jatas) or thief (coratas) Yad( Ma*TaMa( c Na MauÄiTa and which (yad) one does not loose (muñcati) when dead (mta), Tad( DaNaMa( SaMaJaRYaSv that wealth acquire!” 146 • • —— •

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• —

idvSaeNaEv TaTku= YaaRÛeNa ra}aaE Sau:a& vSaeTa( ) AíMaaSaeNa TaTku= YaaRÛeNa vzaR" Sau:a& vSaeTa( )) divasenaiva tat kury€d yena r€trau sukhaˆ vaset, a˜a-m€sena tat kury€d yena var€ƒ sukhaˆ vaset ——

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• —

— — — — • — — — — — — •

• —

• —

PaUveR vYaiSa TaTku= YaaRÛeNa v*Ö" Sau:a& vSaeTa( ) Yaav’aqveNa TaTku= YaaRÛeNa Pa]eTYa Sau:a& vSaeTa( )) p™rve vayasi tat kury€d yena vddhaƒ sukhaˆ vaset, y€vaj j…vena tat kury€d yena pretya sukhaˆ vaset — • ——

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JaqaaYaa| c GaTaYaaEvNaaMa( ) XaUr& iviJaTaSa°aMa& GaTaPaar& TaPaiSvNaMa( )) j…rŠam annaˆ praaˆsanti bh€ry€ˆ ca gata-yauvan€m, ™raˆ vijita-sa‰gr€maˆ gata-p€raˆ tapasvinam • — — — • — — —

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• • • — • —

DaNaeNaaDaMaRlBDaeNa YaiC^d]MaiPaDaqYaTae ) ASa&v*Ta& TaÙviTa TaTaae= _NYadvdqYaRTae )) dhanen€dharma-labdhena yac chidram apidh…yate, a-saˆvtaˆ tad bhavati tato ’nyad avad…ryate

YaeNa ra}aaE Sau:aMa( vSaeTa(

“That by which one can live happily (sukham) at night (r€tri)



Tad( idvSaeNa Wv ku= YaaRTa( that one should do by day (divas). YaeNa vzaR" Sau:aMa( vSaeTa( That by which one can live happily during the rainy season (var€) ... the equivalent to the rainy season is the winter of the North

Tad( Aí–MaaSaeNa ku= YaaRTa( that one should do during [the other] eight (a˜a) months (m€sa). YaeNa v*Ö" Sau:aMa( vSaeTa( That by which an old man (vddha) can live happily Tad( PaUveR vYaiSa ku= YaaRTa( that he should do during the first part (p™rva) of life. YaeNa Pa]eTYa Sau:aMa( vSaeTa( That by which one can life happily after death (pretya), pretya — ‘after departing’

Tad( YaavTa( JaqveNa ku= YaaRTa( that one should do as long as one lives. JaqaaYaaRMa( c and a wife (bh€ry€) after her youth (yauvana) has passed iviJaTa–Sa°aMaMa( XaUrMa( a hero (™ra) after he has conquered in battle (sa‰gr€ma) GaTa–PaarMa( TaPaiSvNaMa( and an ascetic (tapasvin) after he has gone to the other side [of life]. A–DaMaR–lBDaeNa DaNaeNa With wealth (dhana) gained by sin (a-dharma) Yad( i^d]Ma( AiPaDaqYaTae whatever hole (chidra) is closed, Tad( A–Sa&v*TaMa( >aviTa that remains uncovered (a-saˆvta) TaTa" ANYaTa( AvdqYaRTae and then another (anyat) is split open.” 147 — • —

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SavRTa" XaªTae STaeNaae Ma*Gaae Ga]aMaiMaveiYavaNa( ) bhuDaacirTa& PaaPaMaNYa}aEvaNauPaXYaiTa )) sarvataƒ a‰kate steno mgo gr€mam iveyiv€n, bahudh€-caritaˆ p€pam anyatraiv€nupayati

STaeNa" SavRTa" XaªTae “A thief (stena) has fear from all sides Ga]aMaMa( wRiYavaNa( Ma*Ga" wv like (iva) a deer (mga) which has gone (…yivat) to a village (gr€ma). ANYa}a Wv Everywhere bhuDaa AacirTaMa( performed (€carita) in many ways [by others] PaaPaMa( ANauPaXYaiTa he (the thief) sees sin (p€pa).” 148 • • — — •

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Ak*= TaeZvev k==aYaeRzu Ma*TYauvER SaMPa]k= zRiTa ) YauvEv DaMaRXaql" SYaadiNaiMata& ih JaqivTaMa( ) a-ktev eva k€ryeu mtyur vai samprakarati, yuvaiva dharma-…laƒ sy€d a-nimittaˆ hi j…vitam • —

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k*= Tae DaMaeR >aveTPa]qiTairh Pa]eTYa c XaaìTaq )) kte dharme bhavet pr…tir iha pretya ca €vat…

k==aYaeRzu A–k*= Taezu Wv “[Even] when one’s undertakings (k€rya) are not [yet] accomplished (a-kta) Ma*TYau" vE SaMPa]k= zRiTa death (mtyu) drags one away. JaqivTaMa( A–iNaiMataMa( ih [Therefore,] since life (j…vita) is uncertain a-nimitta — ‘causeless’

Yauva Wv DaMaR–Xaql" SYaaTa( one should be dedicated to dharma since youth (yuvan). DaMaeR k*= Tae When dharma is practiced, wh Pa]eTYa c [then] both in this world and in the next XaaìTaq Pa]qiTa" >aveTa( there will be eternal (€vat) pleasure (pr…ti).”


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Wk== Wv creÖMa| NaaiSTa DaMaeR SahaYaTaa ) ke= vl& iviDaMaaSaaÛ SahaYa" ik&= k==irZYaiTa )) eka eva cared dharmaˆ n€sti dharme sah€yat€ kevalaˆ vidhim €s€dya sah€yaƒ kiˆ kariyati

DaMaRMa( Wk==" Wv creTa( “One can practice dharma himself alone (eka). DaMaeR SahaYaTaa Na AiSTa In [practicing] dharma there is no [need of any] help (sah€yat€). ke= vlMa( iviDaMa( AaSaaÛ Just following the injunction / law (vidhi) SahaYa" ik==Ma( k==irZYaiTa what will a companion (sah€ya) do?” 150 — •

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Wk== Wv creÖMa| Na DaMaRDviJak==ae >aveTa( ) DaMaRvaiau“aTae )) eka eva cared dharmaˆ na dharma-dhvajiko bhavet, dharma-v€Šijak€ hy ete ye dharmam upabhuñjate

DaMaRMa( Wk==" Wv creTa( “One should practice dharma himself alone (eka) DaMaR–DviJak==" Na >aveTa( and not be a proclaimer of his own dharma. dharma-dhvajika — ‘on whose banner (dhvaja) is dharma’, who makes dharma a show, calling himself a pious man or ‘believer’

Yae DaMaRMa( oPa>au“aTae Those who enjoy their dharma, WTae DaMaR–vaiaaiTa the pure (vimala) sun (bh€nu) shines in the sky (ambara).” 152 — — — •

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DaMaeRYaa& Pa#=Na& GaaYaNa& i}ai>a" ) cTaui>aRGaRMaNa& +ae}a& PaÄi>abRhu>aq rYaaMa( studying (pa˜hana) by [at least] two GaaYaNaMa( i}ai>a" singing (g€yana) by three GaMaNaMa( cTaui>aR" travelling (gamana) by four +ae}aMa( PaÄi>a" agriculture (ketram) by five


raveTa( but not excessively, because [then] there is disease (ruj).” 156 •— — • • —

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Av*ita>aRYaMaNTYaaNaa& MaDYaaNaa& MaraYaMa( )) a-vttir bhayam anty€n€ˆ madhy€n€ˆ maraŠ€d bhayam, uttam€n€ˆ tu marty€n€m avam€n€t paraˆ bhayam

ANTYaaNaaMa( MaTYaaRNaaMa( “For low-class (antya) people (martya) >aYaMa( A–v*ita" the [great] fear/danger (bhaya) is unemployment (a-vtti) MaDYaaNaaMa( MaraYaMa( for middle-class (madhya) people the fear is of death (maraŠa) otaMaaNaaMa( Tau AvMaaNaaTa( ParMa( >aYaMa( and for higher-class (uttama) people the great fear is of insult (avam€na).” 157 • —

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Yaid Tv& >aJaMaaNaa& Maa& Pa]TYaa:YaaSYaiSa MaaNad ) ivzMaiGNa& Jal& r’auMaaSQaaSYae Tav k==araJaMaaNaaMa( MaaMa( Pa]TYaa:YaaSYaiSa forsake me who am worshiping (bhajam€n€) [you] Tav k==araYaaTa( ) oØDNaqYaaTS}aq PauMaaNva GaiTareza ivDaqYaTae ) atim€n€d atikrodh€t sneh€d v€ yadi v€ bhay€t, udbadhn…y€t str… pum€n v€ gatir e€ vidh…yate — • —

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PaUYaXaaeiaJaRrYaaQava ) AaNvqi+aKYaa& va ivÛaYaa& ku= YaaRdNaXaNaaidk==Ma( )) yad€kalpaƒ sva-kriy€y€ˆ vy€dhibhir jaray€thav€, anv…kiky€ˆ v€ vidy€y€ˆ kury€d an-aan€dikam The verse meter is not regular.

VYaaiDai>a" JarYaa AQava “By diseases (vy€dhi) or old age (jar€) Sv–i§==YaaYaaMa( for his [daily] duty AaNvqi+aKYaaMa( ivÛaYaaMa( va or his philosophical (anv…kik…) study (vidy€) Yada A–k==LPa" when he (a hermit) is unable, ANaXaNa–Aaidk==Ma( ku= YaaRTa( [then] he may do fasting (an-aana) etc.” ... fasting to death 160 — —

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XaBde SPaXaeR rSae æPae GaNDae c rMaTae MaNa" ) Taezu >aaeGaezu SaveRzu Na >aqTaae l>aTae Sau:aMa( )) abde spare rase r™pe gandhe ca ramate manaƒ, teu bhogeu sarveu na bh…to labhate sukham

XaBde SPaXaeR rSae æPae GaNDae c

“In sound (abda), touch (spara), taste (rasa), form (r™pa) and smell


MaNa" rMaTae the mind (manas) enjoys. >aqTa" [But] one who is afraid (bh…ta) Taezu SaveRzu >aaeGaezu in all those enjoyments (bhoga) Sau:aMa( Na l>aTae he does not derive happiness (sukha).” 161 — — —

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SaNTaaPaad(= =>a]XYaTae= =æPa&= =SaNTaaPaad(= =>a]XYaTae= =blMa(= =)= =SaNTaaPaad(= =>a]XYaTae= =jaNa&= =SaNTaaPaad(= =VYaaiDaMa*C^iTa )) sant€p€d bhrayate r™paˆ sant€p€d bhrayate balam, sant€p€d bhrayate jñ€naˆ sant€p€d vy€dhim cchati

SaNTaaPaaTa( SaNTaaPaaTa( SaNTaaPaaTa( SaNTaaPaaTa(

æPaMa( >a]XYaTae “From sorrow (sant€pa) beauty (r™pa) is destroyed blMa( >a]XYaTae from sorrow strength (bala) is destroyed jaNaMa( >a]XYaTae from sorrow knowledge (jñ€na) is destroyed VYaaiDaMa( ‰C^iTa from sorrow one gets disease (vy€dhi).” 162

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iNaåTSaahSYa dqNaSYa Xaaek= PaYaaRku= laTMaNa" ) SavaRQaaR VYavSaqdiNTa VYaSaNa& caiDaGaC^iTa )) niruts€hasya d…nasya oka-pary€kul€tmanaƒ, sarv€rth€ vyavas…danti vyasanaˆ c€dhigacchati

iNaåTSaahSYa dqNaSYa

“For one who is despirited (nir.uts€ha) and poor (d…na)


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Xaaek= –PaYaaRku= l–AaTMaNa" and full of lamentation (oka) and confusion (pari.€kula) SavR–AQaaR" VYavSaqdiNTa all purposes (artha) [of life] are frustrated (‘sink down’) VYaSaNaMa( c AiDaGaC^iTa and he attains ruin (vyasana).” 163 • • —

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iÜivDae JaaYaTae VYaaiDa" Xaarqrae MaaNaSaSTaQaa ) ParSPar& TaYaaeJaRNMa iNaÜRNÜ& NaaePaPaÛTae )) dvi-vidhe j€yate vy€dhiƒ €r…ro m€nasas tath€, parasparaˆ tayor janma nirdvandvaˆ nopapadyate

Xaarqr" MaaNaSa" “Bodily and mentally — VYaaiDa" iÜ–ivDae JaaYaTae disease (vy€dhi) comes two-fold. TaYaae" JaNMa ParSParMa( Their origin (janman) is mutual. ... by interaction of body and mind

iNaÜRNÜMa( Na oPaPaÛTae — • — •

It (disease) does not come without interaction (nirdvandva) [of these two].” 164 — — —

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MaaNaSaeNa ih du":aeNa XarqrMauPaTaaPYaTae ) AYa"iPaaSa&SQaiMavaedk==Ma( )) m€nasena hi duƒkhena ar…ram upat€pyate, ayaƒ-piŠena taptena kumbha-saˆstham ivodakam

MaaNaSaeNa ih du":aeNa “By mental suffering (duƒkha) XarqrMa( oPaTaaPYaTae the body (ar…ra) is heated, ku= M>a–Sa&SQaMa( odk==Ma( wv as water (udaka) [is heated] in a pot (kumbha) TaPTaeNa AYa"–iPaaaeGaaePaNaYaENa*RaaeGa–oPaNaYaE" and by offerings (upanaya) of desirable objects (sambhoga) Na*aEzJYaMaeTad( du":aSYa YadeTa‘aaNauicNTaYaeTa( ) icNTYaMaaNa& ih Na VYaeiTa >aUYaêaiPa Pa]vDaRTae )) bhaiajyam etad duƒkhasya yad etan n€nucintayet, cintyam€naˆ hi na vyeti bh™ya c€pi pravardhate

Ma*TaMa( va Yaid va NaíMa(

“Whether dead (mta) or lost (na˜a)



ATaqTaMa( for what is gone Ya" ANauXaaeciTa one who laments, du":aeNa du":aMa( l>aTae by [that] sorrow (duƒkha) he gets [another] sorrow ÜaE ANaQaaER Pa]PaÛTae and [thus] two evils (anartha) occur. ... Yad( WTad( Na ANauicNTaYaeTa( That one should not think of it WTad( du":aSYa >aEzJYaMa( this is the remedy (bhaiajya) for sorrow, icNTYaMaaNaMa( ih because when being thought of Na VYaeiTa it does not go >aUYa" c AiPa Pa]vDaRTae but increases more (bh™yas).” 168 — • — •

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Ya}a NaEv XarE" k==aYa| Na >a*TYaENaR c bNDaui>a" ) AaTMaNaEke= Na YaaeÖVYa& Tatae YauÖMauPaiSQaTaMa( )) yatra naiva araiƒ k€ryaˆ na bhtyair na ca bandhubhiƒ, €tmanaikena yoddhavyaˆ tat te yuddham upasthitam

Ya}a NaEv XarE" k==aYaRMa( “In which [fight] there is no use of arrows (ara) Na >a*TYaE" Na c bNDaui>a" nor of attendants (bhtya), nor of friends (bandhu) AaTMaNaa Wke= Na YaaeÖVYaMa( and which is to be fought by oneself alone (eka), Tad( YauÖMa( Tae oPaiSQaTaMa( that fight (yuddha) has arrived for you.” ... the struggle against sorrow 169 ••— —

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dMaMaev Pa]Xa&SaiNTa v*Öa" é]uiTaSaMaaDaYa" ) SaveRzaMaev vaaG>aveTa( )) dharma-m™lo ’rtha-vi˜apas tath€ k€ma-phalo mah€n, tri-varga-p€dapas tatra rakay€ phala-bh€g bhavet

DaMaR–MaUl" AQaR–iv$=Pa" “With (1) dharma as root (m™la), (2) artha as branches TaQaa k==aMa–f==l" and (3) k€ma as fruits (phala) Ta}a MahaNa( i}a–vGaR–PaadPa" there is a big (mahat) tree (p€dapa) of tri-varga. r+aYaa f==l–>aak(= >aveTa( By its protection (rak€) one receives the fruits.” 183 • — —

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oPaaYa& DaMaRMaevahuiS}avGaRSYa ivXaaMPaTae ) ilPSaMaaNaae ih TaeNaaXau k==+ae= _iGNairv vDaRTae )) up€yaˆ dharmam ev€hus tri-vargasya vi€m-pate, lipsam€no hi ten€u kake ’gnir iva vardhate


“O King! vi€m-pati — ‘lord (pati) of the people’, king

i}a–vGaRSYa oPaaYaMa( As means (up€ya) to tri-varga DaMaRMa( Wv Aahu" they (sages) described dharma alone. TaeNa ilPSaMaaNa" ih Desiring to get (lipsam€na) [tri-varga] by that (dharma) AaXau vDaRTae one quickly prospers k==+ae AiGNa" wv like fire (agni) in dry grass (kaka).” 184 —— • — — •

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vDaRTYaDaMaeRad]aiaJaaNaaiMa iNaDaRNaSYa Ma*TaSYa c )) dhanam €rjaya k€kutstha dhana-m™lam idaˆ jagat, antaraˆ n€bhij€n€mi nirdhanasya mtasya ca

k==aku= TSQa

“O R€ma (K€kutstha), ... ‘descendant of Kakutstha’

DaNaMa( AaJaRYa Acquire wealth (dhana)! wdMa( JaGaTa( DaNa–MaUlMa( This world (jagat) has wealth for its root (m™la). iNaDaRNaSYa Ma*TaSYa c Between a poor man (nirdhana) and a dead man (mta) ANTarMa( Na Ai>aJaaNaaiMa I do not see the difference.” 188 •— — •


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APau}aSYa Ga*h& XaUNYa& SaiNMa}arihTaSYa c ) MaU%RSYa c idXa" XaUNYaa" SavRXaUNYaa dird]Taa )) a-putrasya ghaˆ ™nyaˆ san-mitra-rahitasya ca, m™rkhasya ca diaƒ ™ny€ƒ sarva-™ny€ daridrat€

A–Pau}aSYa “For one without child (putra) SaTa(–iMa}a–rihTaSYa c and for one without true (sat) friend (mitra) Ga*hMa( XaUNYaMa( his house (gha) is void (™nya),


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MaU%RSYa c idXa" XaUNYaa" for a fool (m™rkha) [all] directions are void dird]Taa SavR–XaUNYaa [but] poverty (daritra.t€) means all is void.” 189 — • — — • —

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Ya‘a vedDviNaDvaNTa& Na c Gaaei>arlx(= k*= TaMa( ) Ya‘a balE" Pairv*Ta& XMaXaaNaiMav Tad( Ga*hMa( )) yan na veda-dhvani-dhv€ntaˆ na ca gobhir ala‰ktam, yan na b€laiƒ parivtaˆ ma€nam iva tad gham

Yad( Na ved–DviNa–DvaNTaMa( “[The house] which does not resound with Vedic sound (dhvani) Gaaei>a" Na c Alx(= k*= TaMa( which is not adorned (ala‰kta) with cows (go) Yad( balE" Na Pairv*TaMa( and which is not filled with children (b€la), Tad( Ga*hMa( XMaXaaNaMa( wv that house (gha) is like a cremation-ground (ma€na).” 190 • ——

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i}avGa| NaaiTak*= C^\eaJaeTa Ga*hMaeDYaiPa ) YaQaadeXa& YaQaak==al& YaavÕEvaePaPaaidTaMa( )) tri-vargaˆ n€tikcchreŠa bhajeta gha-medhy api, yath€-deaˆ yath€-k€laˆ y€vad daivopap€ditam

Ga*h–MaeDaq AiPa “Even a strict householder (gha-medh…) i}a–vGaRMa( Na AiTak*= C^\eaJaeTa should perform tri-varga not too hardly YaQaa–deXaMa( YaQaa–k==alMa( [but] according to place (dea) and time (k€la) YaavTa( dEv–oPaPaaidTaMa( and as much is effected by daiva.”



Hinduism — Non-Violence 191 —— • • • —

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oÜeGaJaNaNa& ih&Saa SaNTaaPak==ra" “By men with intelligence (buddhi) and merit (kta-€tma) AaTMa–oPaMYaeNa MaNTaVYaMa( [everything] is to be considered by comparison (upamya) with oneself.” 195 •— —

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YadNYaEivRihTa& NaeC^edaTMaNa" k==MaR PaUåz" ) Na TaTParezu ku= vqRTa JaaNa‘aiPa]YaYaaTMaNa" )) yad anyair vihitaˆ necched €tmanaƒ karma p™ruaƒ, na tat pareu kurv…ta j€nann a-priyay€tmanaƒ

Yad( k==MaR “An activity (karman) which ANYaE" AaTMaNa" ivihTaMa( [if] by others (anya) done to himself PaUåz" Na wC^eTa( a person (p™rua) would not like, Tad( Parezu Na ku= vqRTa that [activity] he should not do to others (para) AaTMaNa" A–iPa]YaYaa JaaNaNa( knowing (j€nan) [it] to be unpleasing for himself.” 196 — • — •• ———

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MaaTa*vTPardarezu Pard]VYaezu laeí\vTa( ) AaTMavTSavR>aUTaezu Ya" PaXYaiTa Sa PaiaUTaezu AaTMavTa( in all beings (bh™ta) himself, Sa" PaiauÅqQaa With what is allotted (tyakta) by Him, you may enjoy. k==SYaiSvd( DaNaMa( The wealth (dhana) of anyone [else] Maa Ga*Da" do not take.” 203 —

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Yae Mae TaNaUiÜRJavraNduhTaqMaRdqYaa >aUTaaNYalBDaXaraedbuÖya ) — —

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d]+YaNTYaga+aTad*Xaae ùihMaNYavSTaaNGa*Da]a åza MaMa ku= zNTYaiDadaed–buÖya d]+YaiNTa those who see [them] different [from Me] bheda-buddhi — ‘the concept of difference’

Aga–+aTa–d*Xa" ih because their vision is impaired (kata) by sin (agha) Aih–MaNYav" and their temper (manyu) is like a snake (i.e., angry), MaMa AiDadaaeiJaNa" Naae dYaa —

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“Of a meat-eater (m€ˆsa-bhojin) there is no (no) mercy (day€).” 208

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Yae= =TvNaev&ivdae= _SaNTa"== STaBDaa"== Sadi>aMaaiNaNa"== )= =PaXaUNd]uùiNTa== ivé[BDaa"== Pa[eTYa== %adiNTa== Tae= =c= =TaaNa( )) ye tv an-evaˆ-vido ’santaƒ stabdh€ƒ sad-abhim€ninaƒ, pa™n druhyanti virabdh€ƒ pretya kh€danti te ca t€n

Yae Tau ANa(–WvMa(–ivd" “But those who do not know this A–SaNTa" STaBDaa" the unholy (a-sat), stubborn (stabdha) SaTa(–Ai>aMaaiNaNa" thinking themselves to be saintly (sat) ivé[BDaa" PaXaUNa( d]uùiNTa who harm the animals (pau), being trusted [by them] Pa[eTYa Tae c TaaNa( %adiNTa next life (pretya) those [animals] also eat them.” 209 —

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Maa& Sa >a+aiYaTaaMau}a YaSYa Maa&SaiMahaÚyhMa( ) WTaNMaa&SaSYa Maa&SaTv& Pa[vdiNTa MaNaqiza+aiYaTaa he will eat me in the next life (amutra).’ — WTad( Maa&SaSYa Maa&SaTvMa( This is the explanation of the word m€ˆsa for ‘meat’ MaNaqiza+aaarTa ) Na ih ilPYaiNTa PaaPaeNa Na cETaTPaaTak&= ivdu" )) ato r€jarayaƒ sarve mgay€ˆ y€nti bh€rata, na hi lipyanti p€pena na caitat p€takaˆ viduƒ

AaTMaaNaMa( A–PairTYaJYa “Without risking one’s life Ma*GaYaa NaaMa Na ivÛTae there is certainly (n€ma) no hunting (mgay€). >aUTaMa( oPaSa®MYa When meeting an animal (bh™ta) SaMaTaaMa( there is equality (samat€) [of risk] — hNYaiNTa hiNTa va either he is killed or he kills. ATa" >aarTa Therefore, O Yudhi˜hira! SaveR raJazRYa" All the saintly kings (r€ja-_i) Ma*GaYaaMa( YaaiNTa would go hunting. PaaPaeNa Na ih ilPYaiNTa They are not stained by sin (p€pa) WTad( PaaTak==Ma( Na c ivdu" nor is this considered a sin (p€taka).”



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YajaYa JaiGDaMaa|SaSYaeTYaez dEvae iviDa" SMa*Ta" ) ATaae= _NYaQaa Pa[v*itaSTau ra+aSaae iviDaåCYaTae )) yajñ€ya jagdhir m€ˆsasyety ea daivo vidhiƒ smtaƒ, ato ’nyath€ pravttis tu r€kaso vidhir ucyate — — •

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YaaviNTa PaXauraeMaaiaUTahTYaa& TaQaEvEk= a& Na YajEMaaRíuRMahRiTa )) yath€ pa‰kena pa‰k€mbhaƒ suray€ v€ sur€ktam, bh™ta-haty€ˆ tathaivaik€ˆ na yajñair m€r˜um arhati

YaQaa PaªeNa

“As by mud (pa‰ka) ... by filtering it through mud

Paª–AM>a" MaaíuRMa( Na AhRiTa

one is not able to purify muddy water m€r˜um (√mj[™] — to wash, purify) — to wash, purify

SaurYaa Saura–k*= TaMa( va

or by wine (sur€) wine-stain, ... as one is not able to purify wine-stain by wine

TaQaa Wv YajE"

even so by [animal] sacrifices (yajña) ... one is not able to purify

Wk==aMa( >aUTa–hTYaaMa( •— —

the killing of [even] one creature (bh™ta).” 216

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AhSTaaiNa SahSTaaNaaMaPadaiNa cTauZPadaMa( ) f==LGaUiNa Ta}a MahTaa& Jaqvae JaqvSYa JaqvNaMa( )) a-hast€ni sa-hast€n€m a-pad€ni catu-pad€m, phalg™ni tatra mahat€ˆ j…vo j…vasya j…vanam

A–hSTaaiNa Sa–hSTaaNaaMa( “Those without hands (a-hasta) for those with hands (sa-hasta) A–PadaiNa cTauZPadaMa( those without legs (a-pada) for the four-legged (catu-pada)


[email protected]

Ta}a f==LGaUiNa MahTaaMa(

and there (in each group) those who are small (phalgu) for those who are big

(mahat) —

Jaqv" JaqvSYa JaqvNaMa( • — —

one being (j…va) is the subsistence (j…vana) of [another] being.” 217

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TaTaSTaa>Yaae ddav‘aMaaezDaq" SQaavraiaUTaaiNa dubRlaiNa blqYaSaaMa( )) tatas t€bhyo dad€v annam oadh…ƒ sth€var€Ši ca, ja‰gam€ni ca bh™t€ni durbal€ni bal…yas€m

AaezDaq" SQaavraiaUTaaiNa c and moving creatures (ja‰gama) — dubRlaiNa blqYaSaaMa( the weak (durbala) for the strong (bal…yas) — TaTa" Taa>Ya" A‘aMa( ddaE he (Brahm€) then gave as their (men’s) food (anna).” 218 — • — — —

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AaezDYaae vqåDaêEv PaXavae Ma*GaPai+aaUTaaNaaMa( are food etc. (anna-€di) for all creatures (bh™ta) wiTa AiPa é]UYaTae é]uiTa" this also is revelation (ruti) which is heard (r™yate). ... k*= izMa( SaaDau wiTa MaNYaNTae They consider agriculture (ki) as virtuous (s€dhu) Ta}a Para ih&Saa SMa*Taa but it is known that in it there is great (para) violence (hiˆs€). la®lE" k==zRNTa" Pau&Sa" Men (〈1.3〉 of puˆs) ploughing (karat[]) with ploughs (l€‰gala) bhUNa( >aUiMa–XaYaaNa( JaqvaNa( many creatures who live in the ground (bh™mi) ANYaaNa( c and others bhuXa" gNaiNTa they kill in great number. Ta}a Tae ik==Ma( Pa]iTa>aaiTa How do you like this? ... ‘does this appear good to you’?

b]øNa( O br€hmaŠa! v*+aezu c f==lezu c Among trees (vka) and fruits (phala) bhv" Jaqva" ih there are many (bahu) living beings [also killed] odke= bhv" c AiPa and also many in the water (udaka). Ta}a Tae ik==Ma( Pa]iTa>aaiTa How do you like this?”



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PaÄ SaUNaa Ga*hSQaSYa cuçq PaezaarTa ) Yaae >a+aiYaTva Maa&SaaiNa PaêadiPa iNavTaRTae )) sarve ved€ na tat kuryuƒ sarve yajñ€ ca bh€rata, yo bhakayitv€ m€ˆs€ni pac€d api nivartate — • —

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duZk==r& c rSajaNae Maa&SaSYa PairvJaRNaMa( ) cTau| v]TaiMad& é]eï& SavRPa]aaYaPa]dMa( )) dukaraˆ ca rasa-jñ€ne m€ˆsasya parivarjanam, cartuˆ vratam idaˆ re˜haˆ sarva-pr€Šy-a-bhayapradam

>aarTa “O Yudhi˜hira! Maa&SaaiNa >a+aiYaTva AiPa

[After] having eaten meat (m€ˆsa) ... having tasted it

Ya" PaêaTa( iNavTaRTae one who refrains later on (pac€t), SaveR veda" SaveR Yaja" c [studying] all the Vedas and [performing] all sacrifices (yajña) Na Tad( ku= YauR" can not give (‘do’) that [equal merit]. Maa&SaSYa rSa–jaNae When one knows the taste (rasa) of meat PairvJaRNaMa( duZk==rMa( c to refrain is very difficult (dukara). SavR–Pa]aiaYa–Pa]dMa( Which gives fearlessness (a-bhaya) to all living being pr€Ši, in comp. for pr€nin

wdMa( v]TaMa( cTauRMa( é]eïMa(

to perform this vow (vrata) is the best.”



Hinduism — Mother Cow 224 • • —

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PaYaSaa hivza dDNaa Xak*= Taa caQa cMaRaêaePaku= vRiNTa Xa*®EvaRlEê >aarTa ) payas€ havi€ dadhn€ akt€ c€tha carmaŠ€, asthibhi copakurvanti ‰gair v€lai ca bh€rata — — • —

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NaaSaa& XaqTaaTaPaaE SYaaTaa& SadETaa" k==MaR ku= vRTae )) n€s€ˆ …t€tapau sy€t€ˆ sadait€ƒ karma kurvate

>aarTa “O Yudhi˜hira! PaYaSaa hivza dDNaa With milk (payas), ghee (havis) and curd (dadhi) Xak*= Taa c AQa cMaRa" c Xa*®E" valE" c with bones (asthi), horns (‰ga) and hairs (v€la) [of the tail] oPaku= vRiNTa they (cows) give benefit. XaqTa–AaTaPaaE Cold (…ta) and heat (€tapa) AaSaaMa( Na SYaaTaaMa( do not exist for them. €s€m (from idam) — of/for them; sy€t€m (〈vidhi 1.2〉 as[a] — to be) — they two should be

WTaa" Sada k==MaR ku= vRTae

They always (sad€) do their work (karman).” kurvate (€tmane-pada) — they do 225 — —

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Gaavae l+MYaaSTaQaa MaUl& Gaaezu dta& Na NaXYaiTa ) g€vo lakmy€s tath€ m™laˆ gou dattaˆ na nayati

TaQaa Gaav" “Thus cows (go) are l+MYaa" MaUlMa( the root (m™la) of prosperity (lakm…). Gaaezu dtaMa( [Anything] given (datta) to cows Na NaXYaiTa does not perish.” ... it gives a pious result 226 — • —

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ADa]uva cPala c Tv& SaaMaaNYaa bhui>a" Sah ) Na TvaiMaC^aMa >ad]& Tae GaMYaTaa& Ya}a r&SYaSae )) a-dhruv€ capal€ ca tvaˆ s€m€ny€ bahubhiƒ saha, na tv€m icch€ma bhadraˆ te gamyat€ˆ yatra raˆsyase •— —

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AvXYa& MaaNaNaa k==aYaaR TavaSMaai>aYaRXaiSviNa ) Xak*= NMaU}ae iNavSa Tv& Pauae O goddess [Lakm…]! TvMa( Na" Xak*= Ta(–MaU}ae iNavSa You please reside in our (naƒ) dung (akt) and urine (m™tra) WTad( PauYaiQaRTaSTada TaSMaE SQaaNaaiNa k==lYae ddaE ) ÛUTa& PaaNa& iñYa" SaUNaa Ya}aaDaMaRêTauivRDa" )) abhyarthitas tad€ tasmai sth€n€ni kalaye dadau, dy™taˆ p€naˆ striyaƒ s™n€ yatr€dharma catur-vidhaƒ •— •

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PauNaê YaacMaaNaaYa JaaTaæPaMadaTPa[>au" ) TaTaae= _Na*Ta& Mad& k==aMa& rJaae vEr& c PaÄMaMa( )) puna ca y€cam€n€ya j€ta-r™pam ad€t prabhuƒ, tato ’n-taˆ madaˆ k€maˆ rajo vairaˆ ca pañcamam


[King Par…kit,] being solicited (abhyarthita) [by Kali] ... Kali, the personified sin

TaSMaE k==lYae to that Kali Tada SQaaNaaiNa ddaE he then gave places (sth€na) ... as residence

Ya}a cTauivRDa" A–DaMaR" where there is the fourfold a-dharma — [namely] ÛUTaMa( PaaNaMa( (1) gambling (dy™ta), (4) drinking (p€na) iñYa" SaUNaa (2) prostitution (striya — womanizing) and (3) slaughter (s™n€). PauNa" c YaacMaaNaaYa To the again (punas) begging (y€cam€na) [Kali] Pa[>au" JaaTa–æPaMa( AdaTa( King [Par…kit] gave gold (j€ta-r™pa), TaTa" [because] from that come ANa*TaMa( MadMa( k==aMaMa( (1) falsehood (an-ta), (4) intoxication (mada), (2) lust (k€ma) rJa" vErMa( c PaÄMaMa( (3) passion (rajas) and as fifth enmity (vaira).” 237 —— — • • — — —

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vedSYaaePaiNazTSaTYa& SaTYaSYaaePaiNazÕMa" ) dMaSYaaePaiNazÕaNa& daNaSYaaePaiNaztaPa" ) vedasyopaniat satyaˆ satyasyopaniad damaƒ, damasyopaniad d€naˆ d€nasyopaniat tapaƒ • • — • • — — —

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TaPaSaaePaiNaztYaaGaSTYaaGaSYaaePaiNazTSau:aMa( )) tapasopaniat ty€gas ty€gasyopaniat sukham


[email protected]

The sandhi between tapasaƒ and upaniad should be tapasa upaniad, but further sandhi was made to tapasopaniad. (?)

vedSYa oPaiNazd( SaTYaMa(

“The purpose of the Veda is (1) truth (satya) upaniad — secret meaning, purpose

SaTYaSYa oPaiNazd( dMa" the purpose of satya is (2) sense-control (dama) dMaSYa oPaiNazd( daNaMa( the purpose of dama is (3) charity (d€na) daNaSYa oPaiNazd( TaPa" the purpose of d€na is (4) penance (tapas) TaPaSa" oPaiNazd( TYaaGa" the purpose of tapas renunciation (ty€ga) TYaaGaSYa oPaiNazd( Sau:aMa( and the purpose of ty€ga is happiness (sukha).” 238 — —

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iNaTYa& k]= aeDaataPaae r+aeiC^\Ya& r+aeÀ MaTSaraTa( ) ivÛa& MaaNaavMaaNaa>YaaMaaTMaaNa& Tau Pa]MaadTa" )) nityaˆ krodh€t tapo rakec chriyaˆ rakec ca matsar€t, vidy€ˆ m€n€vam€n€bhy€m €tm€naˆ tu pram€dataƒ — • — —

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AaNa*Xa&SYa& Parae DaMaR" +aMaa c ParMa& blMa( ) AaTMajaNa& Par& jaNa& Na SaTYaaiÜÛTae ParMa( )) €naˆsyaˆ paro dharmaƒ kam€ ca paramaˆ balam, €tma-jñ€naˆ paraˆ jñ€naˆ na saty€d vidyate param

TaPa" iNaTYaMa( k]= aeDaaTa( r+aeTa( “One should always (nityam) protect penance (tapas) from anger (krodha) ié]YaMa( c MaTSaraTa( r+aeTa( one should protect prosperity (r…) from pride (matsara — envy) ivÛaMa( MaaNa–AvMaaNaa>YaaMa( education (vidy€) from honor (m€na) and dishonor (avam€na) AaTMaaNaMa( Tau Pa]MaadTa" and oneself (€tman) from illusion (pram€da). AaNa*Xa&SYaMa( Par" DaMaR" Mercy (€naˆsya) is the supreme virtue (dharma) +aMaa c ParMaMa( blMa( forgiveness (kam€) the supreme strength (bala) AaTMa–jaNaMa( ParMa( jaNaMa( and self-realization (€tma-jñ€na) the supreme knowledge (jñ€na). SaTYaaTa( ParMa( Na ivÛTae [But] there exists nothing higher (para) than truthfulness (satya).” 239 — — •

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SaTYaSYa vcNa& SaaDau Na SaTYaaiÜÛTae ParMa( ) SaTYaeNa ivDa*Ta& Sav| Sav| SaTYae Pa]iTaiïTaMa( )) satyasya vacanaˆ s€dhu na saty€d vidyate param satyena vidhtaˆ sarvaˆ sarvaˆ satye prati˜hitam • •

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AiPa PaaPak*= Taae raEd]a" SaTYa& k*= Tva Pa*QaKPa*Qak(= ) Ad]aehMaivSa&vad& Pa]vTaRNTae Tadaé]Yaa" )) api p€pa-kto raudr€ƒ satyaˆ ktv€ pthak pthak, a-droham a-visaˆv€daˆ pravartante tad-€ray€ƒ

SaTYaSYa vcNaMa( SaaDau “Speaking (vacana) of the truth (satya) is virtuous (s€dhu). SaTYaaTa( ParMa( Na ivÛTae There exists nothing superior (para) to truth. SavRMa( SaTYaeNa ivDa*TaMa( Everything (sarva) is supported by truth. SavRMa( SaTYae Pa]iTaiïTaMa( Everything depends (‘is based’) on truth. PaaPa–k*= Ta" raEd]a" AiPa Even sinful (p€pa-kt) and dreadful (raudra) persons SaTYaMa( k*= Tva Pa*Qak(= Pa*Qak(= after swearing [to keep] (‘doing’) truth amongst each other (pthak pthak) Tad(–Aaé]Yaa" relying on that [truth] A–d]aehMa( A–ivSa&vadMa( Pa]vTaRNTae act without injury and lying.” droha — injury; visaˆv€da — ‘false assertion’



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SaTYa& vd== =) DaMa| cr== =) SvaDYaaYaaNMaa Pa]Mad" ) satyaˆ vada, dharmaˆ cara, sv€dhy€y€n m€ pramadaƒ — •— —

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MaaTa*devae >av== =) iPaTa*devae >av== =) AacaYaRdevae >av== =) AiTaiQadevae >av ) m€t-devo bhava, pit-devo bhava, €c€rya-devo bhava, atithi-devo bhava

SaTYaMa( vd “Speak the truth (satya). DaMaRMa( cr Practice virtue (dharma). SvaDYaaYaaNa( Maa Pa]Mad" Do not neglect your daily recitations (sv€dhy€ya). MaaTa*–dev" >av Worship your mother (m€t). iPaTa*–dev" >av Worship your father (pit). AacaYaR–dev" >av Worship your teacher (€c€rya). AiTaiQa–dev" >av Worship your guests (atithi).” 241 — • — — •

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luBDaMaQaeRNa Ga*õqYaaTSTaBDaMaÅilk==MaRaa" are easy to find. A–iPa]YaSYa c PaQYaSYa Of something unpalatable but suitable (pathya) v¢==a é]aeTaa c dulR>a" [both] a speaker (vakt) and a hearer (rot) is rare.” 250 • • •—


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Pa*í" iPa]YaihTa& b]UYaa‘a b]UYaadihTa& iPa]YaMa( ) AiPa]Ya& va ihTa& b]UYaaC^*YaNTarMa( vrMa( and better than that is internal [purity]. Ya" Tau o>aa>YaaMa( c Xauic" One who is pure (uci) by both (ubha) Sa" Xauic" [only] he is pure, Na wTar" Xauic" no one else (itara) is pure.” 252 • • — • • — • • — • — • • — • —

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:aNaNaaÕhNaaÜzaRÓaei>arak]= MaaR" XauDYaTae >aUiMa" PaÄMaaÀaePalePaNaaTa( )) khanan€d dahan€d var€d gobhir €kramaŠ€d api, caturbhiƒ udhyate bh™miƒ pañcam€c copalepan€t • • —

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rJaSaa XauDYaTae Naarq Nadq veGaeNa XauDYaiTa ) >aSMaNaa XauDYaTae k==a&SYa& TaaMa]MaMleNa XauDYaiTa )) rajas€ udhyate n€r… nad… vegena udhyati, bhasman€ udhyate k€ˆsyaˆ t€mram amlena udhyati

:aNaNaaTa( dhNaaTa( vzaRTa( “By (‘from’) digging (khanana), burning (dahana), by rain (vara) Gaaei>a" Aak]= MaaR" >aUiMa" XauDYaTae by [these] four [means] land (bh™mi) is purified; PaÄMaaTa( c oPalePaNaaTa( and by a fifth, by smearing (upalepana) [it with cow-dung]. Naarq rJaSaa XauDYaTae A woman (n€r…) is purified by her course (rajas) Nadq veGaeNa XauDYaiTa a river (nad…) is purified by its current (vega) k==a&SYaMa( >aSMaNaa XauDYaTae bell-metal (k€ˆsya) is purified by ashes (bhasman) TaaMa]Ma( AMleNa XauDYaiTa and copper (t€mra) is purified by a sour substance (amla).” 253 — —

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AiÙSTau Pa]ae+aauKTva ca‘a& TaQaEv i}aiÜR" PauNa" PairMaaJaRYaeTa( )) annaˆ bubhukam€Šas tu trir mukhena sped apaƒ, bhuktv€ c€nnaˆ tathaiva trir dviƒ punaƒ parim€rjayet

A‘aMa( bu>au+aMaaau“aqTa ) v€lena tu na bhuñj…ta

valeNa Tau “But [food] with hair (v€la) [in it] Na >au“aqTa one should not eat.”



Hinduism — Charity 258 •— • • •

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AhNYahiNa daTaVYaMadqNaeNaaNTaraTMaNaa ) STaaek= adiPa Pa]YaTNaeNa daNaiMaTYai>aDaqYaTae )) ahany ahani d€tavyam a-d…nen€ntar€tman€, stok€d api prayatnena d€nam ity abhidh…yate

AhiNa AhiNa Pa]YaTNaeNa “Carefully, every day (ahan) A–dqNaeNa ANTaraTMaNaa with a liberal (a-d…na — ‘non-wretched’) mind STaaek= aTa( AiPa daTaVYaMa( even from a little (stoka) [income something] one should give — daNaMa( wiTa Ai>aDaqYaTae this is called charity (d€na).” 259 — —

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Wk==a& Gaa& dXaGaudRÛaÕXa dÛaÀ GaaeXaTaq ) XaTa& SahóGaudRÛaTSaveR TauLYaf==la ih Tae )) ek€ˆ g€ˆ daa-gur dady€d daa dady€c ca go-at…, ataˆ sahasra-gur dady€t sarve tulya-phal€ hi te

dXa–Gau" Wk==aMa( GaaMa( dÛaTa( “The owner of ten (daa) cows (gu = go) should give one cow Gaae–XaTaq dXa dÛaTa( c the owner of a hundred should give ten Sahó–Gau" XaTaMa( dÛaTa( the owner of a thousand (sahasra) cows should give a hundred (ata) — Tae SaveR TauLYa–f==la" ih they all get an equal merit (phala — ‘fruit’, result).” 260 — •— •

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YaÕdaiTa iviXaíe>Yaae Ya’auhaeiTa idNae idNae ) Tatau ivtaMah& MaNYae Xaez& k==SYaaiPa r+aiTa )) yad dad€ti vii˜ebhyo yaj juhoti dine dine, tat tu vittam ahaˆ manye eaˆ kasy€pi rakati

Yad( iviXaíe>Ya" ddaiTa “Whatever one gives to worthy persons Yad( idNae idNae JauhaeiTa and whatever one offers daily [as a homa], Tad( Tau AhMa( ivtaMa( MaNYae that I consider as [true] wealth (vitta). ... because this goes to our credit in the next life

XaezMa( k==SYa AiPa r+aiTa • — —


The rest one keeps for someone else.” 261

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Na Tae>Yaae= _iPa DaNa& deYa& XaKYae SaiTa k==QaÄNa ) PaaPae>Yaae ih DaNa& dta& daTaarMaiPa Paq@YaeTa( )) na tebhyo ’pi dhanaˆ deyaˆ akye sati kathañcana, p€pebhyo hi dhanaˆ dattaˆ d€t€ram api p…ayet

k==QaÄNa XaKYae SaiTa “If somehow able Tae>Ya" AiPa DaNaMa( Na deYaMa( one should not give them wealth (dhana), ... even when one is attacked by robbers, which is the context of this verse

PaaPae>Ya" ih dtaMa( DaNaMa( because wealth given (datta) to sinners daTaarMa( AiPa Paq@YaeTa( will afflict also the giver (d€t).” 262 —

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k==" k==SYa caePaku= åTae k==ê k==SMaE Pa]YaC^iTa ) Pa]aa+aaYaSYa ih Yaae daTaa TaSYaEv SauMahTf==lMa( ) Na ih Pa]aaUiTa" Maha–devq

“The earth (Bh™mi) is prosperity (bh™ti) [personified] and a great goddess


daTaarMa( iPa]YaMa( ku= åTae She makes the giver (d€t) [of land] her beloved (priya). ... MaaMa( Wv Aadta [She orders a king:] ‘Receive (€datta) me [as a gift] MaaMa( dta [and then] give me (datta) away! MaaMa( dtva [After] giving me away MaaMa( AvaPSYaQa you will obtain (av€psyatha) me [again]’.” ... next life again, i.e., you will again be a king 272 • —

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YaQaaPSau PaiTaTa" SaÛSTaElibNdu" Pa]SaPaRiTa ) Wv& >aUiMak*= Ta& daNa& XaSYae XaSYae Pa]raehiTa )) yath€psu patitaƒ sadyas taila-binduƒ prasarpati, evaˆ bh™mi-ktaˆ d€naˆ asye asye prarohati

APSau PaiTaTa" “When fallen on water (ap) YaQaa TaEl–ibNdu" SaÛ" Pa]SaPaRiTa as a drop (bindu) of oil (taila) immediately (sadya) spreads, WvMa( >aUiMa–k*= TaMa( daNaMa( thus [the merit of] a gift (d€na) of earth (bh™mi)



XaSYae XaSYae Pa]raehiTa

grows with (‘in’) every grain (asya).” ... of every harvest 273 — —

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SavaRNk==aMaaNPa]YaC^iNTa Yae Pa]YaC^iNTa k==aÄNaMa( ) sarv€n k€m€n prayacchanti ye prayacchanti k€ñcanam

Yae k==aÄNaMa( Pa]YaC^iNTa “Those who make a gift of gold (k€ñcana) SavaRNa( k==aMaaNa( Pa]YaC^iNTa make a gift of everything desirable (k€ma).” 274 — — •— —

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AGNaerPaTYa& Pa]QaMa& SauvaUvERZYaaMa( TauLYaMa( f==lMa( a result (phala) equal to the gift of earth (pthiv…) and kine (go) Sa" AXNauTae he obtains.” 276 —•

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YaeNa JaqviTa Tad( dtva f==lSYaaNTaae Na ivÛTae ) yena j…vati tad dattv€ phalasy€nto na vidyate

Tad( dtva YaeNa JaqviTa

“[After] giving that [education] by which he (the disciple) lives

... a craft or a trade

f==lSYa ANTa" Na ivÛTae

there is no end to the merit.” ... the teacher obtains 277 — — •

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A‘aeNa Sad*Xa& daNa& Na >aUTa& Na >aivZYaiTa )


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annena sadaˆ d€naˆ na bh™taˆ na bhaviyati

A‘aeNa Sad*XaMa( daNaMa( “A gift (d€na) equal to food (anna) Na >aUTaMa( Na >aivZYaiTa has not been (bh™ta) nor will it be.” 278 — • — — • — — —

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AaEzDa& PaQYaMaahar& òeha>Ya®& Pa]iTaé]YaMa( ) Ya" Pa]YaC^iTa raeiGa>Ya" SavRVYaaiDaivviJaRTa" )) auadhaˆ pathyam €h€raˆ sneh€bhya‰gaˆ pratirayam, yaƒ prayacchati rogibhyaƒ sarva-vy€dhi-vivarjitaƒ — — — — •

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... daNaaNYaeTaaiNa deYaaiNa ùNYaaiNa c ivXaezTa" ) dqNaaNDak*= PaYa" é]eYaSk==aMaeNa DaqMaTaa )) d€n€ny et€ni dey€ni hy any€ni ca vieataƒ, d…n€ndha-kpaŠ€dibhyaƒ reyas-k€mena dh…mat€

AaEzDaMa( PaQYaMa( AaharMa(

“Medicine (auadha) and suitable (pathya) food (€h€ra) ... suitable for treatment

òeh–A>Ya®Ma( Pa]iTaé]YaMa( oil (sneha) for rubbing the body (abhya‰ga) and shelter (pratiraya) — Ya" raeiGa>Ya" Pa]YaC^iTa one who gives this to the diseased (rogin), SavR–VYaaiDa–ivviJaRTa" he is freed from all diseases (vy€dhi) [himself]. ... DaqMaTaa é]eYa"–k==aMaeNa By an intelligent (dh…mat) man, desiring [his own] good (reyas) ivXaezTa" dqNa–ANDa–k*= PaYa" especially to the poor (d…na), blind (andha), distressed (kpaŠa), etc.

WTaaiNa ANYaaiNa c daNaaiNa these and other gifts (d€na) deYaaiNa ih should be given (deya).” 279 — — —

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PaaNaqYa& ParMa& daNa& daNaaNaa& MaNaurb]vqTa( ) TaSMaaTkU= Paa&ê vaPaqê Ta@aGaaiNa c :aaNaYaeTa( )) p€n…yaˆ paramaˆ d€naˆ d€n€n€ˆ manur abrav…t, tasm€t k™p€ˆ ca v€p… ca ta€g€ni ca kh€nayet

daNaaNaaMa( “Of all gifts (d€na) PaaNaqYaMa( ParMaMa( daNaMa( water (p€n…ya) is the best gift MaNau" Ab]vqTa( said Manu (Manu-saˆhit€). TaSMaaTa( Therefore kU= PaaNa( c vaPaq" c Ta@aGaaiNa c wells (k™pa), ponds (v€p…) and tanks (ta€ga) :aaNaYaeTa( one should excavate.” 280 — •

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TaSYa Pau}aa >avNTYaeTae PaadPaa Naa}a Sa&XaYa" ) tasya putr€ bhavanty ete p€da-p€ n€tra saˆayaƒ — • —

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... PauiZPaTaa" f==lvNTaê TaPaRYaNTaqh MaaNavaNa( ) v*+ad& Pau}avd( v*+aaSTaarYaiNTa Par}a Tau )) = = pupit€ƒ phalavanta ca tarpayant…ha m€nav€n, vka-daˆ putravad vk€s t€rayanti paratra tu WTae PaadPaa" “These trees [which one has planted] p€da-pa — ‘who drinks through his feet’, a plant, tree

TaSYa Pau}aa" >aviNTa become his children (putra), A}a Na Sa&XaYa" there is no doubt. ... PauiZPaTaa" f==lvNTa" c Bearing flowers and fruits (phala)



wh MaaNavaNa( TaPaRYaiNTa in this world (iha) they please men (m€nava) Par}a Tau and in the other world (paratra) v*+aa" Pau}avTa( [those] trees (vka), just like [own] children (putravat[i]) v*+a–dMa( TaarYaiNTa they save the planter of the trees [from hell].” vka-da — ‘who gives trees’ 281 • • — — —

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Pau‘aaMNaae Nark==aÛSMaaT}aaYaTae iPaTar& SauTa" ) TaSMaaTPau}a wiTa Pa[ae¢= " SvYaMaev SvYaM>auva )) pun-n€mno narak€d yasm€t tr€yate pitaraˆ sutaƒ, tasm€t putra iti proktaƒ svayam eva svayambhuv€

PauTa(–NaaMNa" Nark==aTa( “From the hell (naraka) called ‘put’ YaSMaaTa( SauTa" iPaTarMa( }aaYaTae because a child (suta) delivers (‘tra’) the father (pit), TaSMaaTa( SvYaMa( Wv SvYaM>auva therefore, by Brahm€ (Svayambh™) himself Pau}a" wiTa Pa[ae¢= " it (a child) is called putra (from ‘put-tra’).” 282 — —

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Ga*õaiTa TaT+aaUTaaNaaMa( Pa[v*ita" This is the tendency (pravtti) of all creatures (bh™ta). iNav*ita" Tau Maha–f==la But abstention (nivtti) brings great rewards (phala — fruit).”



6. Sanskrit — Sandhi 1 The word sandhi means junction, connection, combination, union. In grammar, sandhi is made between two immediate sounds, either inside a word or between words. The rules of sandhi reflect the natural change of sounds when joined. In this way, words can be joined as a natural flow of sounds, which has given to Sanskrit a great fluidity and an aesthetically pleasing and melodious sound. For example, the words sat, cit and €nanda (eternity, knowledge and bliss) combine to sac-cid-€nanda. In English too, ‘in-pure’ and ‘in-regular’ become ‘impure’, ‘irregular’, and ‘he is’ becomes ‘he’s.’ We have selected and simplified a few prominent rules, giving them the name of a well-known example. Rules 1-7 describe sandhi between vowels, rules 8-9 sandhi between consonants, and rules 10-12 sandhi after visarga (the ‘echo’ ƒ). There is a practical list of sandhi rules in 17. Summary Grammar. (1) param€tm€ Rule: Vowels of the same class (like a-€, i-…, ...) combine into a long vowel. a + a, a + €, € + a, € + € all combine into €.

ParMaaTMaa param€tm€ — ‘supreme soul’, Supersoul nitya-_€nanda >>> iNaTYaaNaNd nity€nanda — ‘everlasting bliss (€nanda)’

parama-_€tm€ >>>

The same is with i-… and u-™:

é]qXa r…a — ‘the lord (…a) of ®r… (Lakm…)’, ViŠu bahu-_udara >>> bhUdr bah™dara — ‘one who has many bellies (udara)’

r…-_…a >>>

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Hinduism — Karma 1 294

YaSMaaÀ YaeNa c YaQaa c Yada c YaÀ YaavÀ Ya}a c Xau>aaXau>aMaaTMak==MaR ) TaSMaaÀ TaeNa c TaQaa c Tada c TaÀ TaavÀ Ta}a c ivDaaTa*vXaaduPaEiTa )) yasm€c ca yena ca yath€ ca yad€ ca yac ca y€vac ca yatra ca ubh€ubham €tma-karma tasm€c ca tena ca tath€ ca tad€ ca tac ca t€vac ca tatra ca vidh€t-va€d upaiti sandhi: ubha-_aubham

YaSMaaTa( c YaeNa c “From which [cause] and by which [means] YaQaa c Yada c Yad( c how, when and of what kind YaavTa( c Ya}a c in which amount and where Xau>a–AXau>aMa( AaTMa–k==MaR one’s good or bad action (karman) [is performed], TaSMaaTa( c TaeNa c from that [same cause] and by that [means] TaQaa c Tada c Tad( c in that way, at that time and of that kind TaavTa( c Ta}a c in that amount and in that place ivDaaTa*–vXaaTa( by the will of the Lord (vidh€t) oPaEiTa one attains [such reaction].” 295

balae Yauva c v*Öê YaTk==raeiTa Xau>aaXau>aMa( ) TaSYaa& TaSYaaMavSQaaYaa& TaTf==l& Pa]iTaPaÛTae= = )) b€lo yuv€ ca vddha ca yat karoti ubh€ubham, tasy€ˆ tasy€m avasth€y€ˆ tat-phalaˆ pratipadyate sandhi: ubha-_aubham

YaQaa DaeNauSahóezu vTSaae ivNdiTa MaaTarMa( ) TaQaa PaUvRk*= Ta& k==MaR k==TaaRrMaNauGaC^iTa== =)) yath€ dhenu-sahasreu vatso vindati m€taram, tath€ p™rva-ktaˆ karma kart€ram anugacchati

bal" Yauva c v*Ö" c “A boy (b€la), youth (yuvan) or old man (vddha) Yad( Xau>a–A–Xau>aMa( k==raeiTa whatever good (ubha) or bad (a-ubha) he does, TaSYaaMa( TaSYaaMa( AvSQaaYaaMa( in that same particular stage (avasth€) [of life] Tad(–f==lMa( Pa]iTaPaÛTae one attains its result [in the next life]. YaQaa DaeNau–Sahóezu As among thousands (sahasra) of cows (dhenu) vTSa" MaaTarMa( ivNdiTa a calf (vatsa) finds (‘obtains’) its mother (m€t), TaQaa PaUvR–k*= TaMa( k==MaR so does a previously done (p™rva-kta) activity (karman) k==TaaRrMa( ANauGaC^iTa follow the doer (kart).” 296

k==MaRauk(= who was taking the essence (s€ra) like a bee (s€ra‰ga) k==ilMa( Na ANauÜeií would not hate Kali, ... the personified kali-yuga, this age of quarrel

Yad( k*= TaaiNa ku= XalaiNa in which (kali-yuga) performed pious acts (kuala) AaXau iSaDYaiNTa immediately effect Na wTaraiaURiMaraPaae ôdYa& cNd]ak==aRiGNaYaMaaiNala" ) rai}a" SaNDYae c DaMaRê v*taja" SavRdeihNaaMa( )) dyaur bh™mir €po hdayaˆ candr€rk€gni-yam€nil€ƒ, r€triƒ sandhye ca dharma ca vtta-jñ€ƒ sarvadehin€m sandhi: (1) candra-_arka-_agni-yama-_anil€ƒ

ÛaE" >aUiMa" AaPa" ôdYaMa( “Sky (dyau), earth (bh™mi), water (ap) and Supersoul (hdaya — ‘heart’) cNd]–AkR= –AiGNa–YaMa–AiNala" moon (candra), sun (arka), fire (agni), Yamar€ja and wind (anila) rai}a" SaNDYae c DaMaR" c night (r€tri), the two sandhyas, and Dharma (justice) SavR–deihNaaMa( v*ta–ja" are knowers (-jña) of the conduct (vtta) of all embodied beings (dehin).” 302

Wk==" Pa[JaaYaTae JaNTaurek= Wv Pa[lqYaTae ) Wk==ae= _Nau>au»e Sauk*= TaMaek= Wv c duZk*= TaMa( )) ekaƒ praj€yate jantur eka eva pral…yate, eko ’nubhu‰kte suktam eka eva ca duktam

JaNTau" Wk==" Pa[JaaYaTae “A living being (jantu) is born alone (eka — one) Wk==" Wv Pa[lqYaTae and alone it dies Wk==" Sauk*= TaMa( ANau>au»e alone it enjoys [the reward of] its virtue (sukta) [after death] Wk==" Wv c duZk*= TaMa( and alone [it suffers the punishment of] its sin (dukta).” 303

PauaaGaMaadtae NYaaYaeNa PairPaalYaNa( ) SavRdaNaaiDak&= YaSMaaTPa]JaaNaa& PairPaalNaMa(= = )) puŠy€t a-bh€gam €datte ny€yena parip€layan, sarva-d€n€dhikaˆ yasm€t praj€n€ˆ parip€lanam sandhi: d€na-_adhikaˆ

Ar+YaMaaaaYaaR Saura& iPabeTa(= = ) pataty ardhaˆ ar…rasya yasya bh€ry€ sur€ˆ pibet

YaSYa >aaYaaR “He whose wife (bh€ry€) SauraMa( iPabeTa( drinks wine (sur€), XarqrSYa ADaRMa( half (ardha) of his body (ar…ra) PaTaiTa degrades (‘falls’).” 306

YaTaYae k==aÄNa& dtva TaaMbul& b]øcairYaae= _PYa>aYa& dtva daTaaiPa Nark&= v]JaeTa(= = )) yataye k€ñcanaˆ dattv€ t€mbulaˆ brahmac€riŠe, corebhyo ’py a-bhayaˆ dattv€ d€t€pi narakaˆ vrajet sandhi: d€t€_api

k==aÄNaMa( YaTaYae dtva “By giving gold (k€ñcana) to an ascetic (yati) TaaMbulMa( b]øcairaYaMa( caere>Ya" AiPa or fearlessness (a-bhaya) to thieves (cora) ... i.e., by tempting someone

daTaa AiPa Nark==Ma( v]JaeTa(

the giver (d€t) also goes to hell (naraka).”

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Sanskrit — Sandhi 2 (1) param€tm€ (2) gaŠea Rule: a-€ and i-… combine into e.

Ga>> SaveRìr sarvevara — the lord (…vara) of all

gaŠa-_…a >>>

(3) om Rule: a-€ and u-™ combine into o.

AaeMa( om, that is how, according to some authorities, the sacred syllable om is derived purua-_uttama >>> PauåzaetaMa puruottama — supreme person (purua) a-_um >>>

(4) naiva Rule: a-€ and e-ai combine into ai.

NaEv naiva — never sad€_eva >>> SadEv sadaiva — always na_eva >>>




Hinduism — Karma 2 307

AaDYaaiTMak==ae vE iÜivDa" Xaarqrae MaaNaSaSTaQaa== =) €dhy€tmiko vai dvi-vidhaƒ €r…ro m€nasas tath€

AaDYaaiTMak==" vE iÜ–ivDa" “šdhy€tmika is of two kinds (vidha) — Xaarqr" MaaNaSa" TaQaa bodily and mental.” 308

Wv& Sa >aaEiTak&= du"%& dEivk&= dEihk&= c YaTa( ) >aae¢= VYaMaaTMaNaae idí& Pa[aá& Pa[aáMabuDYaTa== =)) evaˆ sa bhautikaˆ duƒkhaˆ daivikaˆ daihikaˆ ca yat, bhoktavyam €tmano di˜aˆ pr€ptaˆ pr€ptam abudhyata

dEihk==Ma( >aaEiTak==Ma( dEivk==Ma( c “(1) Daihika, (2) bhautika and (3) daivika Yad( Pa[aáMa( Pa[aáMa( du"%Ma( whatever suffering is achieved, AaTMaNa" idíMa( >aae¢= VYaMa( one’s own destiny is to be enjoyed — di˜a — ‘directed’, destiny

WvMa( Sa" AbuDYaTa

thus he (the Avant… br€hmaŠa) understood.” 309

du"%eZvek= TareaUTaaTMaheTauzu ) JaqvSYa Na VYavC^ed" SYaaÀetataTPa[iTai§==Yaa== =)) duƒkhev ekatareŠ€pi daiva-bh™t€tma-hetuu, j…vasya na vyavacchedaƒ sy€c cet tat-tat-pratikriy€ sandhi: (1) ekatareŠa_api, bh™ta-_€tma

YaQaa ih Pauåzae >aar& iXarSaa GauåMauÜhNa( ) Ta& Sk==NDaeNa Sa AaDatae TaQaa SavaR" Pa[iTai§==Yaa"== =)) yath€ hi puruo bh€raˆ iras€ gurum udvahan, taˆ skandhena sa €dhatte tath€ sarv€ƒ pratikriy€ƒ

dEv–>aUTa–AaTMa–heTauzu du"%ezu

“Among the sufferings (duƒkha) which are caused by (3) daiva-hetu, (2)

bh™ta-hetu and (1) €tma-hetu

Wk==TareaarMa( oÜhNa( carrying (udvahan) a heavy (guru) burden (bh€ra) with the head (iras) Sa" TaMa( Sk==NDaeNa AaDatae he holds that with the shoulder (skandha) [when tired] — TaQaa SavaR" Pa[iTai§==Yaa" such are all counteractions.” 310

AaYau" k==MaR c ivta& c ivÛa iNaDaNaMaev c ) PaÄETaaiNa ih Sa*JYaNTae Ga>aRSQaSYaEv deihNa" )) €yuƒ karma ca vittaˆ ca vidy€ nidhanam eva ca, pañcait€ni hi sjyante garbha-sthasyaiva dehinaƒ sandhi: (4) pañca_et€ni, -sthasya_eva

AaYau" k==MaR c ivtaMa( c “Life span (€yus), work (karman) and wealth (vitta) ivÛa iNaDaNaMa( Wv c education (vidy€) and death — Ga>aR–SQaSYa Wv deihNa" for the embodied being (dehin) [even when still] situated in the womb (garbha) PaÄ WTaaiNa ih Sa*JYaNTae these five (pañca) are created.” 311

NaaPa[aák==alae iMa]YaTae ivÖ" XarXaTaEriPa ) ku= XaaGa]eaveTa( there is no movement of a chariot (ratha), TaQaa Pauåz–k==areaVYa¢==Ma( daiva [again] is the manifestation.”

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Sanskrit — Sandhi 3 (1) (2) (3) (4)

param€tm€ gaŠea om naiva

(5) yady api Rule: i-… becomes y before another vowel.


yadi_api >>> yady api (say ‘yadyapi’) — although Although, for clarity, in the transcription there is still the space between yady and api, but now, after making sandhi they are spoken as one word — ‘yadyapi.’

vhaMYahMa( vah€my aham (say ‘vah€myaham’) — I carry mayi_€sakta >>> MaYYaaSa¢== mayy €sakta (say ‘mayy€sakta’) — attached to Me

vah€mi_aham >>>

(6) manvantara Rule: u-™ becomes v before another vowel.

MaNvNTar manvantara — the ruling period of Manu tu_antagatam >>> TvNTaGaTaMa( tv antagatam (say ‘tvantagatam’) — finished manu-antara >>>

(7) vande ’ham Rule: After words ending in e and o, a is dropped.

vNde= _hMa( vande ’ham — I praise dehe_asmin >>> dehe= _iSMaNa( dehe ’smin — in this body vande_aham >>>

Examples for words ending in o are given under rule (12).



Hinduism — Penance 317

k==alae= _iGNa" k==MaR Ma*ÜaYauMaRNaae jaNa& TaPaae JalMa( ) PaêataaPaae iNarahar" SaveR= _Maq XauiÖheTav"== =)) k€lo ’gniƒ karma md v€yur mano jñ€naˆ tapo jalam, pac€tt€po nir€h€raƒ sarve ’m… uddhi-hetavaƒ sandhi: (7) k€lo_agniƒ, sarve_am…

k==al" AiGNa" “Time (k€la), fire (agni) k==MaR Ma*d( vaYau" rituals (karman), earth (md), air (v€yu) MaNa" jaNaMa( mind (manas), spiritual knowledge (jñ€na) TaPa" JalMa( penance (tapas), water (jala) PaêataaPa" iNarahar" atonement (pac€t-t€pa) and fasting (nir€h€ra) — SaveR AMaq XauiÖ–heTav" all these are means to purity (uddhi).” am… 〈1.3〉 of adas, hetu — ‘cause’, means 318

AiGNahae}a& TaPa" SaTYa& vedaNaa& cEv PaalNaMa( ) AaiTaQYa& vEìdev& c wíiMaTYai>aDaqYaTae= = )) agni-hotraˆ tapaƒ satyaˆ ved€n€ˆ caiva p€lanam, €tithyaˆ vaivadevaˆ ca i˜am ity abhidh…yate sandhi: (4) ca_eva, (5) iti_abhidh…yate

AiGNa–hae}aMa( TaPa" SaTYaMa( “Fire sacrifice (agni-hotra), penance (tapas) and truthfulness (satya) vedaNaaMa( c Wv PaalNaMa( protection (p€lana) of the Vedas AaiTaQYaMa( vEìdevMa( c hospitality (€tithya) and [worship (p™j€) of] the gods wíMa( wiTa Ai>aDaqYaTae are designated as rites (i˜a).” 319

SaTaa& v*taMaiDaïaYa iNahqNaa oiÕDaqzRv" ) MaN}avJa| Na duZYaiNTa ku= vaRaaNa( wRhMaaNa"

“When attempting works sam€rambha — ‘undertaking’, work

Yaid DaNaMa( Na AaSaadYaeTa( if one can not achieve wealth (dhana) oGa]Ma( TaPa" SaMaaraeheTa( [then] one should begin (‘ascend’) severe (ugra) austerity (tapas), ANa(–oPTaMa( Na ih Pa]raehiTa [because] what is unsown (an-upta) does never (na hi) grow.” 322

v]Ta& ih k==Ta*RSaNTaaPaataPa wTYai>aDaqYaTae= = ) vrataˆ hi kart-sant€p€t tapa ity abhidh…yate sandhi: (5) iti_abhidh…yate

v]TaMa( ih k==Ta*R–SaNTaaPaaTa( “A vow (vrata) taken by a doer out of repentance (sant€pa) TaPa" wiTa Ai>aDaqYaTae is called tapas.” 323

XarqrPaaTaNaaÀEv TaPaSaaDYaYaNaeNa c ) MauCYaTae PaaPak*= TPaaPaaÕaNaaÀaiPa Pa]MauCYaTae= = )) ar…ra-p€tan€c caiva tapas€dhyayanena ca, mucyate p€pa-kt p€p€d d€n€c c€pi pramucyate sandhi: (4) ca_eva, (1) tapas€_adhyayanena, ca_api

Xarqr–PaaTaNaaTa( c Wv

“By punishment ar…ra-p€tana — ‘falling of the body’, death, corporal punishment

TaPaSaa ADYaYaNaeNa c penance (tapas) and study (adhyayana) PaaPa–k*= Ta( PaaPaaTa( MauCYaTae a sinner (p€pa-kt) is freed from sin (p€pa); daNaaTa( c AiPa Pa]MauCYaTae he is also freed by charity (d€na).” 324

SaMau‘aMaGa]Taae vS}a& PaêaC^uDYaiTa k==MaRaarTa

“O Yudhi˜hira (Bh€rata)!



TaPaSaa k==MaRau»e TvYaaicTaMa( ) }Yah& Par& c NaaXNaqYaaTPa]aJaaPaTYaae= iviDa" SMa*Ta"== =)) try-ahaˆ s€yaˆ try-ahaˆ pr€tas try-ahaˆ bhu‰kte tv ay€citam, try-ahaˆ paraˆ ca n€n…y€t pr€j€patyo vidhiƒ smtaƒ sandhi: (5) tri-_ahaˆ, (6) tu_ay€citam, (1) na_an…y€t

i}a–AhMa( SaaYaMa( >au»e

“Three days one eats in the evening (s€ya) try-aha (tri-_aha) — three days

i}a–AhMa( Pa]aTa" three days in the early morning (pr€tar) i}a–AhMa( Tau A–YaaicTaMa( three days only what is unsolicited (a-y€cita) ParMa( i}a–AhMa( c Na AXNaqYaaTa( and the last three days one should not eat (na an…y€t) — Pa]aJaaPaTYa" iviDa" SMa*Ta" this is described as pr€j€patya rule (vidhi).” 334

}YahMauZaveTa( [Then] one is always (sad€) [like] one fasting (upav€sin) Sada b]øcarq >aveTa( and one is always [like] a celibate (brahmac€rin).” 337

Aih&Saa SaTYavcNaMaaNa*Xa&SYa& dMaae ga*av

and avoiding the ‘seven’ [sinful activities] ... dy™ta-striya-mgay€-mada — gambling, womanizing, hunting and intoxication; plus harshness of speech, severity of punishment and misuse of wealth

be happy (sukhin)!” 340

oPad]va&STaQaa raeGaaiNhTaJaqa& Maaeh& c SaNTaaezaiÜzYaa&STatvdXaRNaaTa(= = )) upadrav€ˆs tath€ rog€n hita-j…rŠa-mit€an€t, lobhaˆ mohaˆ ca santo€d viay€ˆs tattva-daran€t sandhi: (1) mita-_aan€t

... oTQaaNaeNa JaYaetaNd]q& ivTak|= iNaêYaa’aYaeTa( ) MaaENaeNa bhu>aaZYa& c XaaEYaeRaYa& TYaJaeTa(= = )) utth€nena jayet tandr…ˆ vitarkaˆ nicay€j jayet, maunena bahu-bh€yaˆ ca auryeŠa ca bhayaˆ tyajet

YaC^ed( vax(= MaNaSaq buÖya Taa& YaC^eJjaNac+auza ) jaNaMaaTMaavbaeDaeNa YaC^edaTMaaNaMaaTMaNaa== =)) yacched v€‰-manas… buddhy€ t€ˆ yacchej jñ€na-caku€, jñ€nam €tm€vabodhena yacched €tm€nam €tman€ sandhi: (1) €tma-_avabodhena

ihTa–JaqaMa( MaaehMa( c by contentment (santoa) [one can remove] greed (lobha) and illusion (moha)

Tatv–dXaRNaaTa( ivzYaaNa( and by knowledge of the truth (tattva) sense gratifications (viaya). oTQaaNaeNa TaNd]qMa( JaYaeTa( By exertion (utth€na — ‘standing up’) one can conquer procrastination (tandr…) iNaêYaaTa( ivTakR= Ma( by resolution (nicaya) doubt (vitarka) MaaENaeNa c bhu–>aaZYaMa( and by silence (mauna) talkativeness (bahu-bh€ya). XaaEYaeRaYaMa( TYaJaeTa( By courage (aurya) one can give up fear/danger (bhaya). buÖya vak(= –MaNaSaq YaC^eTa( By intelligence (buddhi) one can control speech (v€c) and mind (manas) jaNa–c+auza TaaMa( YaC^eTa( by the eye of knowledge (jñ€na) one can control that [buddhi] AaTMa–AvbaeDaeNa jaNaMa( YaC^eTa( by understanding the self/soul (€tm€) one can control jñ€na AaTMaNaa AaTMaaNaMa( and by the soul the soul.” 341

k==aleNa== =òaNaXaaEca>Yaa&= = Sa&Sk==arESTaPaSaeJYaYaa== =)= =XauDYaiNTa== =daNaE"= = SaNTauíya== =d]VYaaYaaMa( by bathing (sn€na) and cleansing (auca) [the body and clothes] Sa&Sk==arE" by purificatory ceremonies (saˆsk€ra) [the child] TaPaSaa wJYaYaa by austerity (tapas) [the senses], by worship (ijy€) [the priests] daNaE" SaNTauíya by charities (d€na) [one’s wealth], by contentment (santu˜i) [the mind] —



d]VYaaia*TYae>Ya" iPaTa*>YaêaTMaNaSTaQaa ) ‰Yaae Yajk==MaRYa" é]aÖdaNaeNa Na*YacRNaeNa c== =)) sv€dhy€yena maharibhyo devebhyo yajña-karmaŠ€, pitbhyaƒ r€ddha-d€nena nŠ€m abhyarcanena ca

devTaa–AiTaiQa–>a*TYae>Ya" “Towards (1) gods (deva), (4) guests (atithi), (4) servants (bhtya) TaQaa AaTMaNa" iPaTa*>Ya" c and (3) one’s forefathers (pit) MaTYaR" ‰auG>aveTa( )) dev€n …n manuy€ˆ ca pitŽn ghy€ ca devat€ƒ, p™jayitv€ tataƒ pac€d ghasthaƒ ea-bhug bhavet

vEvaihke= AGNaaE

“In the wedding fire (agni) vaiv€hika — ‘from the wedding (viv€ha)’; the wedding fire is installed in the new household

Ga*hq YaQaa–iviDa a householder (ghin) duly Ga*ùMa( k==MaR ku= vsTa should perform his household duty (ghya karma) PaÄYaj–ivDaaNaMa( c [i.e.,] the ritual of pañca-yajña ANvaihk==IMa( Pai¢==Ma( c and the daily cooking (pakti). ... €nv€hik… (from anu.aha) — daily

devaNa( ‰zqNa( MaNauZYaaNa( c Gods (deva), sages (i), men (manuya) iPaTa›Na( Ga*ùa" devTaa" c forefathers (pit) and household [guardian] deities (devat€)

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ghy€ƒ devat€ƒ 〈2.3〉 of ghy€ devat€

PaUJaiYaTva [after] honoring [them], TaTa" PaêaTa( Ga*hSQa" afterwards the householder (ghastha) Xaez–>auk(= >aveTa( shall partake of what remains (ea).” 345

NaaiSTa MaaTa*SaMa& dEv& NaaiSTa iPaTa*SaMaae Gauå"== =) n€sti m€t-samaˆ daivaˆ n€sti pit-samo guruƒ sandhi: (1) na_asti

MaaTa*–SaMaMa( dEvMa( “A divinity (daiva) equal to the mother (m€t) Na AiSTa does not exist. iPaTa*–SaMa" Gauå" An authority (guru) equal to the father (pit) Na AiSTa does not exist.” 346

>a*Taae v*Öae Yaae Na ib>aiTaR Pau}a" SvYaaeiNaJa" iPaTar& MaaTar& c ) TaÜE PaaPa& >a]UaiTaR who does not maintain his father (pit) and mother (m€t), TaSMaaTa( ANYa" PaaPa–k*= Ta( another (greater) sinner (p€pa-kt) than him laeke= Na AiSTa does not exist in this world (loka). Tad( vE PaaPaMa( That sin (p€pa) >a]UYaa& ivih&SaNTYabuDaa buDaaNa( ) v¢==a PaaPaMauPaadtae +aMaMaaYaaMa( “By abuse (€kroa) and accusation (pariv€da) A–buDaa" buDaaNa( ivih&SaiNTa the ignorant (a-budha) injure the wise (budha). v¢==a PaaPaMa( oPaadtae The speaker (vakt) [thus] takes up the sin (p€pa) +aMaMaaauê +aMaYaa Yau¢= ae dird]ê Pa]daNavaNa(= = )) dv€v imau puruau r€jan svargasyopari ti˜hataƒ, prabhu ca kamay€ yukto daridra ca prad€nav€n sandhi: (1) svargasya_upari

+aMaavTaaMa( “For those who have forgiveness Wk==" daez" there is [only] one (eka) disadvantage (doa — fault) iÜTaqYa" Na oPaPaÛTae there is no second one (dvit…ya) — Yad( +aMaYaa Yau¢= Ma( WNaMa( [namely] that this one who is endowed with forgiveness (kam€) JaNa" A–Xa¢==Ma( MaNYaTae people (jana) consider to be weak (a-akta — unable). ... raJaNa( O King!

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ÜaE wMaaE PauåzaE These two persons (purua) SvGaRSYa oPair iTaïTa" are placed above heaven (svarga) — +aMaYaa Yau¢= " Pa]>au" c the master (prabhu) graced with forgiveness (kam€) Pa]daNavaNa( dird]" c and the poor man (daridra) who is charitable.” 353

buiÖ" Pa]Yaae ivPa]MauCYaNTae Yataa" Sa&vTSar& iS}aYa"== =) karmabhyo vipramucyante yatt€ƒ saˆvatsaraˆ striyaƒ

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iS}aYaSTvaXaiªTaa" PaaPaa NaaePaGaMYaa ivJaaNaTaa ) rJaSaa Taa ivXauDYaNTae >aSMaNaa >aaJaNa& YaQaa== =)) striyas tv €a‰kit€ƒ p€p€ nopagamy€ vij€nat€, rajas€ t€ viudhyante bhasman€ bh€janaˆ yath€ sandhi: (6) tu_€a‰kit€ƒ, (3) na_upagamy€

Sa&vTSarMa( Yataa" iS}aYa" “Women (str…) who lead a regular life (yatta) for one year (saˆvatsara) k==MaR>Ya" ivPa]MauCYaNTae are completely freed from karma. ... AaXaiªTaa" Tau PaaPaa" iS}aYa" Sinful women who are afraid (€a‰kita) Na oPaGaMYaa" are not to be attacked (upagamya — ‘aproached’) ivJaaNaTaa by one who is understanding (vij€nat). Taa" rJaSaa ivXauDYaNTae They are purified by their menstrual flow (rajas) YaQaa >aaJaNaMa( >aSMaNaa as a metallic plate (bh€jana) [is purified] with ashes (bhasman).” 360

Paura iDaGdaNaa Pa]Jaa JaaYaTae bright (obhana) progeny (praj€) is born. ... Yada Xarau»e “A br€hmaŠa eats his own [food] SvMa( vSTae wears (vaste) his own [cloth] SvMa( ddaiTa c and gives his own [as charity]. ... although he does not produce them

SavR–vau¢= –Pad" ih because it is a place (pada) where robbers (caura) are supported (bhukta). ... Ya" c hSTaq k==aïMaYa" An elephant (hastin) which is made of wood (k€˜ha) Ya" c Ma*Ga" cMaRMaYa" a deer (mga) which is made of leather (carma) Ya" c ivPa]" ANaDaqYaaNa" and a br€hmaŠa (vipra) who is not studying (an-adh…y€na), }aYa" Tae NaaMa–Daark==a" those three bear only the [respective] name (n€man).” 418

AJauRNa" SahSaajaYa hrehaRdRMaQaaiSaNaa ) MaiaYaMa( ) Taeza& ivPa]iTazeDaaQa| raJaa Sa*í" SvYaM>auva== =)) kravy€dbhya iva bh™t€n€m a-d€ntebhyaƒ sad€ bhayam, te€ˆ vipratiedh€rthaˆ r€j€ s˜aƒ svayambhuv€ sandhi: (1) kravya-_adbhya, (9,1) te€m_vipratiedha-_artham_r€j€

k]= VYa–AÙy" wv A–daNTae>Ya"

“From uncontrolled men (a-d€nta) who are like carnivorous animals kravya-ad — ‘meat-eater’, a meat-eating animal

>aUTaaNaaMa( Sada >aYaMa( there is constant (sad€) danger (bhaya) for all beings (bh™ta). TaezaMa( ivPa]iTazeDa–AQaRMa( For their protection (vipratiedha) SvYaM>auva raJaa Sa*í" the king (r€jan) was created by Brahm€ (svayam-bh™ — ‘the self-born one’).” 420

b]aøaYaaTa( }aaYaTae one who rescues him from danger (bhaya) Ya" c ASYa v*itaMa( ku= åTae and one who gives his means of livelihood (vtti) — Tae }aYa" SaveR iPaTar" those three are all [his] fathers (pit).” 424

oNMaYaaRde Pa]v*tae Tau dSYaui>a" Saªre k*= Tae ) SaveR vYa"

From his police officers ... from their saleries caura-raka-adhik€rin — ‘who supervises the protection from theft’, a police officer

raJaa AiPa ôTaMa( AaPanuYaaTa(

the king can also take [the value of] what is stolen.” 427

ADaMaR" +ai}aYaSYaEz Yad( VYaaiDaMarYaa& Tad]aJYa& Sau:aMaeDaTae= = )) yatr€d˜aˆ bhayaˆ brahma praj€n€ˆ amayaty uta, d˜aˆ ca r€j€ b€hubhy€ˆ tad r€jyaˆ sukham edhate sandhi: (1,9) yatra_ad˜am_bhayam_brahma, (9,5) praj€n€m_amayati_uta, (9) d˜am_ca etc.

Ya}a Pa]JaaNaaMa( A–d*íMa( >aYaMa(

“Where the invisible danger (bhaya) for the inhabitants (praj€) a-d˜a — ‘unseen’, invisible

b]ø XaMaYaiTa oTa the br€hmaŠa (brahma) pacifies d*íMa( c and the visible [danger] raJaa bahu>YaaMa( the king [pacifies] with his arms (b€hu), Tad( raJYaMa( Sau:aMa( WDaTae that kingdom (r€jya) enjoys happiness (sukha).” 430

k==alae= =va== k= arYa" “From those versed in the Vedas (traividya) [the prince should learn] }aYaqMa( ivÛaMa( the threefold Veda (tray… vidy€) XaaìTaqMa( daarTa “O King Yudhi˜hira! Yaui¢==–XaaS}aMa( c Logic (yukti-€stra — ‘the science of argument’) XaBd–XaaS}aMa( c grammar (abda-€stra — ‘the science of words’) GaaNDavR–XaaS}aMa( c and music (g€ndharva-€stra — ‘the science of music’) Tae jeYaMa( should be known to you. k==la" PairjeYaa" And the [64] arts (kal€) should be known.”




bilzïeNa XauLke= Na da]Ua]Ua+ariTaiNaRTYa& SavRk= MaRk= rae= _Xauic" ) TYa¢==vedSTvNaacar" Sa vE XaUd]" wiTa SMa*Ta"== =)) sarva-bhaka-ratir nityaˆ sarva-karma-karo ’uciƒ, tyakta-vedas tv an-€c€raƒ sa vai ™draƒ iti smtaƒ sandhi: (9) nityam_sarva-, (7) karo_auciƒ, (6) tu_an-€c€raƒ

iNaTYaMa( SavR–>a+a–riTa" “He who is always fond (rati) of all kinds (sarva) of food (bhaka) SavR–k==MaR–k==r" A–Xauic" who does all [sorts of] work (karman) and is impure (a-uci) TYa¢==–ved" who has given up (tyakta) the Veda ANaacar" Tau and has no good conduct (an-€c€ra), Sa" vE XaUd]" wiTa SMa*Ta" he alone is called ™dra.” 457


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Hinduism — Student 463

MauaUYa Wv Maa >aGaviNvjaPaYaiTviTa== =) bh™ya eva m€ bhagavan vijñ€payatv iti sandhi: (6) vijñ€payatu_iti

>aGavNa( “ ‘O lord! >aUYa" Wv Maa ivjaPaYaTau wiTa

Please instruct me further!’ ” 471

AMaavaSYaa Gauå& hiNTa iXaZYa& hiNTa cTaudRXaq ) b]øaík==PaaEYa" is to be obtained eternally (nityam).” 474

MaraaGaMauizTvaÛ& GauraE iÜJa" ) iÜTaqYaMaaYauzae >aaGa& k*= Tadarae Ga*he vSaeTa( )) caturtham €yuo bh€gam uitv€dyaˆ gurau dvijaƒ, dvit…yam €yuo bh€gaˆ kta-d€ro ghe vaset sandhi: (11) €yuaƒ_bh€gam, (1) uitv€_€dyaˆ, €yuaƒ_bh€gaˆ kta-d€raƒ_ghe

AaYauz" AaÛMa( cTauQaRMa( >aaGaMa( “The first (€dya) quarter part (bh€ga) of life (€yus) GauraE oizTva [after] dwelling at [the place of] the teacher (guru) AaYauz" iÜTaqYaMa( >aaGaMa( the second part of life k*= Ta–dar" having wedded a wife (d€ra) iÜJa" Ga*he vSaeTa( a twice-born one (dvija) shall live at home (gha).” 483

SvYaM>aUNaaRrd" XaM>au" ku= Maar" k==iPalae MaNau"= = ) Pa]úadae JaNak==ae >aqZMaae bilvERYaaSaik==vRYaMa(= = )) svayambh™r n€radaƒ ambhuƒ kum€raƒ kapilo manuƒ, prahl€do janako bh…mo balir vaiy€sakir vayam sandhi: (12) svayambh™ƒ_n€radaƒ, etc., (11) kapilaƒ_manuƒ, etc.

SvYaM>aU" Naard" XaM>au" “Brahm€ (Svayambh™), N€rada, ®iva (®ambhu) ku= Maar" k==iPal" MaNau" the four Kum€ras, Kapiladeva, Sv€yambhuva Manu Pa]úad" JaNak==" >aqZMa" Prahl€da, Janaka and Bh…ma bil" vEYaaSaik==" vYaMa( Bali, ®ukadeva and Yamar€j€ (‘we’, the speaker of this verse).”

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ANa>YaaSae ivz& XaañMaJaqaaeJaNa& ivzMa( ) dird]SYa ivz& Gaaeïq v*ÖSYa TaåYaaSae XaañMa( ivzMa(

“When there is no practice (abhy€sa) scriptural instruction (€stra) is poison


A–JaqaaeJaNaMa( ivzMa( when there is indigestion (a-j…rŠa) a meal (bhojana) is poison dird]SYa Gaaeïq ivzMa( for a poor man (daridra) a social gathering is poison v*ÖSYa TaåaPa]eTaa c Yaa YaSYa TaSMaE deYaa YauiDaiïr== =)) €tm€bhipretam utsjya kany€bhipreta eva yaƒ, abhipret€ ca y€ yasya tasmai dey€ yudhi˜hira sandhi: (1) €tma-_abhipretam, kany€-_abhipreta

YauiDaiïr “O Yudhi˜hira! Ya" k==NYaa–Ai>aPa]eTa" Wv One who is desired by the girl (kany€) YaSYa Yaa Ai>aPa]eTaa c and by (‘for’) whom she is desired TaSMaE deYaa to him she is to be given (deya), AaTMa–Ai>aPa]eTaMa( oTSa*JYa [after] giving up what is desired by himself.” 490

DaNaeNa bhuDaa k]= ITva SaMPa]lae>Ya c baNDavaNa( ) ASauraaaYaaR–PaTYaae" iMaQa" k*= Ta" which is made mutually (mithas) between wife (bh€ry€) and husband (pati)

TaMa( Wv GarqYaa&SaMa( Aahu" that is said to be more important (gar…y€ˆsa) Ya" c ASaaE jaiTai>a" k*= Ta" than that which is made by kinsmen (jñ€ti).” 493

SaveRza& Pa]qTYaaraePaaMa( is very rare (durlabha) even in heaven (svarga).” 497

ParSPar& ÜezaNMaae+a"== =) parasparaˆ dve€n mokaƒ

ParSParMa( ÜezaTa( Maae+a"

“Divorce (moka — ‘liberation’) is from mutual hatred (dvea).” 498

Naíe Ma*Tae Pa[v]iJaTae ©==Ibe c PaiTaTae PaTaaE ) PaÄSvaPaTSau NaarqaR" daezMa( AvaPNauYaaTa( the embryo (garbha) may get a deficiency (doa), vEæPYaMa( MaraaYaaRhqNa& Ga*hSQaSYa XaUNYaMaev Ga*h& >aveTa(= = )) putra-pautra-vadh™-bhtyair €k…rŠam api sarvataƒ, bh€ry€-h…naˆ ghasthasya ™nyam eva ghaˆ bhavet

Na Ga*h& Ga*hiMaTYaahuGa*Riha*TYaE"

“With children (putra), grandchildren (pautra), daughters-in-law (vadh™) and

servants (bhtya)

SavRTa" Aak==IaaYaaR–hqNaMa( [but] without wife (bh€ry€) Ga*hSQaSYa Ga*hMa( the home (gha) of a householder (ghastha) XaUNYaMa( Wv >aveTa( is completely empty (™nya). Na Ga*hMa( Ga*hMa( wiTa Aahu" Not the house (gha) is called ‘home’ (gha), Ga*ihaE" òaNaE" òaiPaTa& óiGv>aUizTaMa(= = ) dGDva Ga]aMaad( bih" òaTva Sacela" SaillaXaYae= = )) preta-dehaˆ ubhaiƒ sn€naiƒ sn€pitaˆ srag-vibh™itam, dagdhv€ gr€m€d bahiƒ sn€tv€ sa-cel€ƒ salil€aye sandhi: (8) srak_vibh™itam, gr€m€t_bahiƒ, (1) salila-_€aye

Ya}a Ya}a iSQaTaaYaETadMauk= aYaeiTa vaidNa"== =) di+aaMau:aa dÛubaRNDava" Sailla“ailMa(= = )) yatra yatra sthit€yaitad amuk€yeti v€dinaƒ, dakiŠ€bhimukh€ dadyur b€ndhav€ƒ salil€ñjalim sandhi: (4) sthit€ya_etad, (2) amuk€ya_iti, (1) dakiŠa-_abhimukh€, (12) dadyuƒ_b€ndhav€ƒ, (1) salila-_añjalim

Pa]eTa–dehMa( “The body (deha) of a deceased (preta — ‘departed’) Xau>aE" òaNaE" òaiPaTaMa( when washed with holy (ubha) waters ók(= –iv>aUizTaMa( and decorated with garlands (sraj) Ga]aMaad( bih" dGDva [after] having been burned outside the village (gr€ma) Sacela" [then] the relatives Saill–AaXaYae òaTva [after] bathing [themselves] in a reservoir of water, Ya}a Ya}a iSQaTaaYa WTad( AMauk= aYa ‘Wherever he may stay, this is for such and such a person.’ amuka — ‘such and such’, a person or thing refered to without naming it ..., i.e., ‘May this oblation reach him!’



wiTa vaidNa" speaking thus di+aaMau:aa" baNDava" the relatives, facing south Saill–A“ailMa( dÛu" should offer a handful of water (salila).”

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Hinduism — Leaving Home 511

PaÄaXaaeDv| vNa& v]JaeTa(= = ) pañc€ordhvaˆ vanaˆ vrajet sandhi: (3) pañc€a_™rdhvam

PaÄaXa–ODvRMa( “Above (™rdhva) the 50th (pañc€a) [year] vNaMa( v]JaeTa( one should [leave family and] go to the forest (vana).” 512

Ga*hSQaSTau Yada PaXYaeÜlqPailTaMaaTMaNa" ) APaTYaSYaEv caPaTYa& vNaMaev Tada é]YaeTa(= = )) ghasthas tu yad€ payed val…-palitam €tmanaƒ, apatyasyaiva c€patyaˆ vanam eva tad€ rayet sandhi: (10) ghasthaƒ_tu, (8) payet_val…, (4) apatyasya_eva, (1) ca_apatyaˆ

AaTMaNa" vlq–PailTaMa( “His wrinkles (val…) and grey hair (palita) APaTYaSYa Wv c APaTYaMa( and the offspring (apatya) of [his] offspring ... i.e., grandchildren

Yada Ga*hSQa" Tau PaXYaeTa( when the ghastha can see [these], Tada vNaMa( Wv é]YaeTa( then he should take shelter of the forest (vana).” 513

SaM>aaVYa Pau}aaNk==aleNa YaaEvNaSQaaiNvveXYa c ) SaMaQaaRNa( JaqvNae jaTva Mau¢= êr YaQaaSau:aMa(= = )) sambh€vya putr€n k€lena yauvana-sth€n viveya ca, samarth€n j…vane jñ€tv€ mukta cara yath€-sukham sandhi: (10) muktaƒ_cara

k==aleNa Pau}aaNa( SaM>aaVYa “After creating children (putra) in due time (k€la) YaaEvNa–SQaaNa( ivveXYa c and marrying them when in youth (yauvana) JaqvNae SaMaQaaRNa( jaTva [and after] knowing them to be competent (samartha) in life (j…vana) Mau¢= " [then] being free (mukta) YaQaa–Sau:aMa( cr go (cara) where you like.” 514

vaNaPa[SQaaé[MaPadeZv>aq+aE+YaMaacreTa( ) v€naprasth€rama-padev abh…kŠaˆ bhaikyam €caret sandhi: (1,6) v€naprastha-_€rama-padeu_abh…kŠaˆ

vaNaPa[SQa–Aaé[Ma–Padezu “In the v€naprastha stages (padeu) A>aq+aE+YaMa( AacreTa( one should always (abh…kŠam) live by begging (bhaikya).” 515

b]øcarq YaiTaêEv ivÛaQaqR GauåPaaezk==" ) ADvGa" +aqa+auk= a" SMa*Taa"== =)) brahmac€r… yati caiva vidy€rth… guru-poakaƒ, adhva-gaƒ k…Ša-vtti ca a ete bhikuk€ƒ smt€ƒ sandhi: (10,4) yatiƒ_ca_eva, (10) vttiƒ_ca

b]øcarq YaiTa" c Wv “A brahmac€r… and a sanny€s… (yati) ivÛaQaqR Gauå–Paaezk==" a student and a supporter (poaka) of his teacher (guru) vidy€-arthin — ‘who desires education’, student

ADv–Ga" +aqa+aae" wiNd]Ya–laelTaa and sense gratification by a sanny€s… (bhiku) — indriya-lolat€ — restlessness of the senses (indriya)

WTae ih Aaé[Ma–APaSada" :alu

these are certainly (khalu) degradations (apasada) of the €rama (stage

of life)

Aaé[Ma–iv@MbNaa" and derisions (viambana) of the €rama. TaaNa( dev–MaaYaa–ivMaU!aNa( Those who are [thus] bewildered (vim™ha) by the Lord’s (deva) illusory energy (m€y€)

ANauk= MPaYaa oPae+aeTa

one should neglect out of compassion (anukamp€).” 540

DaarYaeT}aqiaYaXaaek= aidviJaRTa"== =)) g…t€-€stram idaˆ puŠyaˆ yaƒ pa˜het prayataƒ pum€n, viŠoƒ padam av€pnoti bhaya-ok€di-varjitaƒ

Pa[YaTa" PauMaaNa( “A pious man (puˆs) Ya" wdMa( PauaYa–Xaaek= –Aaid–viJaRTa" being freed (varjita) from fear (bhaya), lamentation (oka), etc. (€di) ivZaSYa Mau%–PaÚaTa(

“From the lotus (padma) mouth (mukha) of the Lord (Padman€bha)

Himself padma-n€bha — ‘whose navel (n€bha) is beautiful like a lotus’, name of the Lord

Yaa iviNa"Sa*Taa which has emanated GaqTaa SauGaqTaa k==TaRVYaa [that] G…t€ has to be carefully recited (su.g…ta). ik==Ma( ANYaE" Xaañ–ivSTarE" What is the need of the vastness (vistara) of other scriptures (€stra)? SavR–XaaS}aMaYaq GaqTaa The G…t€ contains [the essence of] all scriptures (€stra) SavR–devMaYa" hir" the Lord (Hari) contains all the gods (deva) SavR–TaqQaRMaYaq Ga®a the Ga‰g€ contains all holy places (t…rtha) SavR–vedMaYa" MaNau" and Manu-saˆhit€ contains all the Vedas. GaqTaa Ga®a GaaYa}aq GaaeivNd c [The words] G…t€, Ga‰g€, G€yatr… and Govinda wiTa cTau"–Ga–k==ar–Sa&Yau¢e= ôid iSQaTae when these four [words beginning] with ga, are placed in the heart (hd)

PauNa"–JaNMa Na ivÛTae

there is no rebirth.” 552

p NaMaae >aGavTae vaSaudevaYa== =) oˆ namo bhagavate v€sudev€ya

>aGavTae vaSaudevaYa “To Lord (bhagavat) KŠa (V€sudeva) NaMa" my obeisance.”



Hinduism — G…t€ 1

AQaaJauRNaivzadYaaeGaae NaaMa Pa]QaMaae= _DYaaYa"== =) ath€rjuna-vi€da-yogo n€ma prathamo ’dhy€yaƒ

AJauRNa–ivzad–YaaeGa" NaaMa “Entitled (n€ma) ‘The Yoga of Arjuna’s Despondence (vi€da)’ AQa Pa]QaMa" ADYaaYa" now (atha) the first (prathama) chapter (adhy€ya).” 553 BG 1.1

Da*Taraí\ ovac DaMaR+ae}ae ku= å+ae}ae SaMaveTaa YauYauTSav" ) MaaMak==a" Paaad]ae d]aEPadeYaaê SavR Wv MaharQaa"== =)) yudh€manyu ca vikr€nta uttamauj€ ca v…ryav€n, saubhadro draupadey€ ca sarva eva mah€-rath€ƒ

A}a XaUra" Maha–wZvaSaa" “Here (in their army) are heroic (™ra) great bowmen YauiDa >aqMa–AJauRNa–SaMaa" who are equal in battle (yudh) to Bh…ma and Arjuna — YauYauDaaNa" ivra$=" c [namely] Yuyudh€na and Vir€˜a Maha–rQa" d]uPad" c and the great chariot fighter (mah€-ratha) Drupada A mah€-ratha is said to be able to fight 10,000 bowmen, an atiratha a large number [but less than 10,000], a ratha one, and an ardha-ratha (‘half ratha’) less than one, i.e., he is not a good fighter.

Da*íke= Tau" ceik==TaaNa" Dh˜aketu and Cekit€na vqYaRvaNa( k==aiXa–raJa" c and the powerful king of K€… PauåiJaTa( ku= iNTa>aaeJa" c Purujit and Kuntibhoja Nar–Pau®v" XaEBYa" c and the hero ®aibya iv§==aNTa" YauDaaMaNYau" c and the mighty Yudh€manyu vqYaRvaNa( otaMaaEJaa" c and the powerful Uttamauj€ SaaE>ad]" d]aEPadeYaa" c the son of Subhadr€ (Abhimanyu) and the sons of Draupad…. SaveR Wv Maha–rQaa" All these are great chariot fighters.” Yuyudh€na (S€tyaki) was a Y€dava warrior of the VŠi dynasty and a close friend of KŠa. In the war he killed six mah€rathas of the Kaurava army. He also captured Sañjaya, but set him free on the advice of Vy€sa. He survived the war. Vir€˜a was the king of the Matsya country, who sheltered the P€Šavas during their last year in exile. His daughter Uttar€ became the wife of Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu, father of Par…kit. He was killed by DroŠa. Dh˜aketu was the son of ®iup€la, the king of Cedi. After the death of his father he became a tributary king to the P€Šavas, and supplied one akauhiŠ… to the war. He was killed by DroŠa. Cekit€na was killed by Duryodhana. K€… (modern V€r€Šas…/Benares) is reputed for its Vivan€tha (®iva) temple. The actual name of the king is not mentioned here. Purujit was the son of King Kuntibhoja. He had a brother who also became known as Kuntibhoja. ®aibya’s actual name was Gov€sa, and he was a father-in-law of Yudhi˜hira. He and the king of K€… had come with one akauhiŠ… to attend the marriage of Abhimanyu. Yudh€manyu was a prince of the P€ñc€la royal family, who took his position as the bodyguard of Arjuna. He was killed by Avatth€m€. Uttamauj€ belonged to the P€ñc€la country. In the war he protected the right wheel of Arjuna’s chariot. He was killed by Avatth€m€. Draupad… had five sons, namely Prativindhya, ®rutasena, ®rutak…rti, ®at€n…ka and ®rutakarm€ — one by each P€Šava. They were killed by Avatth€m€ in the night after the battle, when sleeping. BG 1.7

ASMaak&= Tau iviXaía Yae Taai‘abaeDa iÜJaaetaMa ) NaaYak==a MaMa SaENYaSYa Sa&jaQa| TaaNb]vqiMa Tae= = )) asm€kaˆ tu vii˜€ ye t€n nibodha dvijottama, n€yak€ mama sainyasya saˆjñ€rthaˆ t€n brav…mi te


“O br€hmaŠa [DroŠa]! dvija-uttama — ‘best of the twice-born’, br€hmaŠa



ASMaak==Ma( Tau Yae iviXaía" But those who are our best men (vii˜a) MaMa SaENYaSYa NaaYak==a" the leaders (n€yaka) of my army (sainya) TaaNa( iNabaeDa you must know them! Tae (=Tav=) Sa&ja–AQaRMa( TaaNa( b]vqiMa I mention them for your information.” BG 1.8

>avaN>aqZMaê k==aqMaai>ari+aTaMa(= = )) a-pary€ptaˆ tad asm€kaˆ balaˆ bh…m€bhirakitam, pary€ptaˆ tv idam ete€ˆ balaˆ bh…m€bhirakitam

>aqZMa–Ai>ari+aTaMa( “Well-protected by Bh…ma Tad( ASMaak==Ma( blMa( A–PaYaaRáMa( that our force (bala) is unlimited. >aqMa–Ai>ari+aTaMa( Tau But, well-protected by Bh…ma WTaezaMa( wdMa( blMa( PaYaaRáMa( their force is limited (but sufficient).” * Tad( TaQaa–>aUTaE" vqrE" Yau¢= Ma( AiPa Although endowed (yukta) with such heros (v…ra) >aqZMaeari+aTaMa( AiPa and although protected by Bh…ma ASMaak==Ma( blMa( (=SaENYaMa(=) A–PaYaaRáMa( our army (bala) is insufficient; TaE" Sah YaaeÖuMa( A–SaMaQaRMa( >aaiTa to fight with them, it appears (bh€ti) not capable. wdMa( Tau WTaezaMa(


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PaaaqMaeNa Ai>ari+aTaMa( SaTa(

PaYaaRáMa( (=SaMaQaRMa( >aaiTa=) is sufficient, appears to be >aqZMaSYa o>aYa–Pa+a–PaaiTaTvaTa( Because of Bh…ma’s siding with both

being protected by Bh…ma capable.

(ubhaya) parties (paka). Duryodhana’s words are equivocal. His force consists of eleven akauhiŠ…s (armies), the P€Šavas’ of seven, and he seems to praise his superior numerical strength as apary€ptam — unlimited. But a-pary€ptam also means ‘insufficient’, ‘incompetent’. This reading is also taken by R€m€nuja and Vivan€tha.

=TaSMaaTa( >aviÙ" WvMa( viTaRTaVYaMa(=’ Therefore this should be dealt with by You as


follows: BG 1.11

AYaNaezu c SaveRzu YaQaa>aaGaMaviSQaTaa" ) >aqZMaMaevai>ar+aNTau >avNTa" SavR Wv ih== =)) ayaneu ca sarveu yath€-bh€gam avasthit€ƒ, bh…mam ev€bhirakantu bhavantaƒ sarva eva hi

SaveRzu AYaNaezu c “On all the roads (ayana) [of entrance into the army] YaQaa–>aaGaMa( AviSQaTaa" being arrayed at your respective position >avNTa" SaveR Wv ih all of you >aqZMaMa( Wv Ai>ar+aNTau Bh…ma alone you must protect on all sides!” * >aqZMa–bleNa Wv ASMaak==Ma( JaqivTaMa( Our life depends on the strength of Bh…ma alone. wiTa >aav" This is the idea. BG 1.12

TaSYa SaÅNaYaNhz| ku= åv*Ö" iPaTaaMah" ) iSa&hNaad& ivNaÛaeÀE" Xa«& dDMaaE Pa[TaaPavaNa(= = )) tasya sañjanayan haraˆ kuru-vddhaƒ pit€mahaƒ, siˆha-n€daˆ vinadyoccaiƒ a‰khaˆ dadhmau prat€pav€n

ku= å–v*Ö" Pa[TaaPavaNa( iPaTaaMah"

“The valiant Bh…ma, senior of the Kurus ... understanding that DroŠa was praising him

TaSYa hzRMa( SaÅNaYaNa( arousing his (Duryodhana’s) joy (hara) oÀE" iSa&h–NaadMa( ivNaÛ [after] roaring loudly like a lion (siˆha) ... (or:) which (the conch) was making a great sound like a lion

Xa«Ma( dDMaaE

he blew his conchshell (a‰kha).” BG 1.13

TaTa" Xa«aê >aeYaRê PaavTa( That sound (abda) was tumultuous.” BG 1.14

TaTa" ìeTaEhRYaEYauR¢e= MahiTa SYaNdNae iSQaTaaE ) MaaDav" Paaa" c Pa*iQavqMa( c Wv A>YaNauNaadYaNa( [while] making the sky and earth (pthiv…) resound * Pa[iTaßiNai>a" AaPaUrYaNa( Filling [sky and earth] with echoes. DaaTaRraí\aaYaae" SaeNaYaae" MaDYae in the middle (madhya) of both armies (sena) Mae (=MaMa=) rQaMa( SQaaPaYa place my chariot (ratha)!” BG 1.22

kE= MaRYaa Sah YaaeÖVYaMaiSMaNraYaaeMaRDYae SQaaPaiYaTva rQaaetaMaMa(= = )) evam ukto h…keo gu€keena bh€rata, senayor ubhayor madhye sth€payitv€ rathottamam


“Sañjaya said: O Dhtar€˜ra! bh€rata — ‘descendant of Bharata’

Gau@ak==a–wRXaeNa WvMa( o¢==" Thus being addressed by Arjuna * Gau@ak==a (=iNad]a=) TaSYaa" wRXaeNa (=iJaTa–iNad]eaYaae" AiPa SaeNaYaae" iSQaTaaNa( who were present there in both armies PaaQaR" APaXYaTa( Arjuna saw.” Uncles of Arjuna are for example ®alya and ®akuni. M€dr…, the second wife of P€Šu, was ®alya’s sister. Although ®alya blessed the P€Šavas to win the war, he had to support Duryodhana with one akauhiŠ…. ®alya was killed by his nephew Yudhi˜hira. ®akuni was the brother of G€ndh€r…, the wife of Dhtar€˜ra. By his evil tactics the P€Šavas had to go to exile. ®akuni was killed by Sahadeva.

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BG 1.27

TaaNSaMaq+Ya Sa k==aENTaeYa" SavaRNbNDaUNaviSQaTaaNa( ) k*= PaYaa ParYaaivíae ivzqdi‘adMab]vqTa(= = )) t€n sam…kya sa kaunteyaƒ sarv€n bandh™n avasthit€n, kpay€ paray€vi˜o vi…dann idam abrav…t

Sa" k==aENTaeYa" “The son of Kunt… TaaNa( SavaRNa( bNDaUNa( AviSQaTaaNa( SaMaq+Ya [after] seeing all those relatives (bandhu) arrayed ParYaa k*= PaYaa Aaiví" overcome with great compassion (kp€) ivzqdNa( wdMa( Ab]vqTa( [while] grieving he spoke thus.” BG 1.28

AJauRNa ovac d*îeMa& SvJaNa& k*= ZaaeGaa" Sau%aiNa c== =)) kiˆ no r€jyena govinda kiˆ bhogair j…vitena v€, ye€m arthe k€‰kitaˆ no r€jyaˆ bhog€ƒ sukh€ni ca

Ta wMae= _viSQaTaa YauÖe Pa[aYaMa(=) raJYaeNa ik==Ma( Of what use is a kingdom (r€jya) to us? >aaeGaE" JaqivTaeNa va ik==Ma( Of what use are luxuries (bhoga) or [even] life? YaezaMa( AQaeR [Because,] they for whom Na" (=ASMaak==Ma(=) raJYaMa( >aaeGaa" Sau%aiNa c our kingdom, luxuries and pleasures k==ai¿TaMa( are desired Tae wMae these very persons DaNaaiNa Pa[aaeNa hiNaZYaiNTa Wv then they will surely kill you out of greed for the kingdom: BG 1.34

WTaa‘a hNTauiMaC^aiMa gNaTaae-= _iPa MaDauSaUdNa ) AiPa }aElaeKYaraJYaSYa heTaae" ik&= Nau Mahqk*= Tae= = )) et€n na hantum icch€mi ghnato ’pi madhus™dana, api trailokya-r€jyasya hetoƒ kiˆ nu mah…-kte

MaDauSaUdNa “O Lord (Madhus™dana)! gNaTa" AiPa Even when killing [me] WTaaNa( hNTauMa( Na wC^aiMa I do not want to kill them }aElaeKYa–raJYaSYa heTaae" AiPa even for the sovereignty (r€jya) of the three worlds ik==Ma( Nau Mahq–k*= Tae what [to speak] of this earth.” * NaNau c KŠa may argue: (verse without sandhi) – AiGNa–d" (1) One who sets fire Gar–d" c Wv (2) gives poison Xañ–Paaia" And by all these six reasons (hetu) beginning with arson WTae TaavTa( AaTaTaaiYaNa" they are aggressors. (They have done all this.) AaTaTaaiYaNaaMa( c vDa" Yau¢= " Wv And for aggressors killing is justifiable [according to Artha-€stra]:

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BG 1.35

iNahTYa DaaTaRraí\a‘a" k==a Pa[qiTa" SYaaÂNaadRNa ) PaaPaMaevaé[YaedSMaaNhTvETaaNaaTaTaaiYaNa"== =)) nihatya dh€rtar€˜r€n naƒ k€ pr…tiƒ sy€j jan€rdana, p€pam ev€rayed asm€n hatvait€n €tat€yinaƒ

JaNaadRNa “O Lord (Jan€rdana)! DaaTaRraí\aNa( iNahTYa [After] killing the sons of Dhtar€˜ra Na" (=ASMaak==Ma(=) k==a Pa[qiTa" SYaaTa( what will be our pleasure (pr…ti)?” WTaaNa( AaTaTaaiYaNa" hTva “[After] killing these aggressors ASMaaNa( PaaPaMa( Wv Aaé[YaeTa( sin (p€pa) will certainly overcome us.” According to artha-€stra there is no fault in killing an aggressor. But dharma-€stra (which is considered higher than artha-€stra) holds that one should not even quarrel with (what to speak of killing) one who performs yajña, the family priest, teacher, uncle, any elder or relative, a guest, dependent, or children. And ruti (the highest) completely forbids any violence on spiritual grounds — a-hiˆs€ paramo dharmaƒ (nonviolence is the highest command). BG 1.36

TaSMaa‘aahaR vYa& hNTau& DaaTaRraí\aNSabaNDavaNa(= = ) SvJaNa& ih k==Qa& hTva Saui%Na" SYaaMa MaaDav== =)) tasm€n n€rh€ vayaˆ hantuˆ dh€rtar€˜r€n sa-b€ndhav€n, sva-janaˆ hi kathaˆ hatv€ sukhinaƒ sy€ma m€dhava

TaSMaaTa( “Therefore Sa–baNDavaNa( DaaTaRraí\aNa( the sons of Dhtar€˜ra and our relatives vYaMa( hNTauMa( Na AhaR" we should not kill. MaaDav O Lord (M€dhava)! Sv–JaNaMa( ih hTva [After] killing relatives k==QaMa( Saui%Na" SYaaMa how can we be happy?” * NaNau KŠa may argue: Tav WTaezaMa( AiPa To both you and them also bNDau–vDa– daeze SaMaaNae SaiTa the fault of killing kinsmen being common, YaQaa Wv WTae just as they bNDau–vDa–daezMa( A®Ik*= TYa accepting that fault of killing kinsmen YauÖe Pa[vTaRNTae engage in battle, TaQaa Wv >avaNa( AiPa Pa[vTaRTaaMa( so you should also engage: BG 1.37-38

YaÛPYaeTae Na PaXYaiNTa lae>aaePahTaceTaSa" ) ku= l+aYak*= Ta& daez& iMa}ad]aehe c PaaTak==Ma(= = )) yady apy ete na payanti lobhopahata-cetasaƒ, kula-kaya-ktaˆ doaˆ mitra-drohe ca p€takam

k==Qa& Na jeYaMaSMaai>a" PaaPaadSMaai‘aviTaRTauMa( ) ku= l+aYak*= Ta& daez& Pa[PaXYaiÙJaRNaadRNa== =)) kathaˆ na jñeyam asm€bhiƒ p€p€d asm€n nivartitum, kula-kaya-ktaˆ doaˆ prapayadbhir jan€rdana

YaÛiPa WTae “Although they lae>a–oPahTa–ceTaSa" their discrimination destroyed by greed (lobha) ku= l–+aYa–k*= TaMa( daezMa( the evil (doa) in family (kula) destruction (kaya) iMa}a–d]aehe PaaTak==Ma( c and the sin (p€taka) in hostility to friends (mitra) Na PaXYaiNTa do not see JaNaadRNa [nevertheless] O Lord (Jan€rdana)! ku= l–+aYa–k*= TaMa( daezMa( Pa[PaXYaiÙ" by those who understand the evil resulting from family destruction ASMaai>a" by us



ASMaaTa( PaaPaaTa( iNaviTaRTauMa( to refrain from this sin (p€pa) k==QaMa( Na jeYaMa( why is it not understood?” * TaMa( Wv daezMa( dXaRYaiTa That very evil he shows: BG 1.39

ku= l+aYae Pa[a>avTYauTa== =)) kula-kaye praŠayanti kula-dharm€ƒ san€tan€ƒ, dharme na˜e kulaˆ ktsnam a-dharmo ’bhibhavaty uta

ku= l–+aYae “When there is destruction (kaya) of the family (kula) SaNaaTaNaa" ku= l–DaMaaR" Pa[aqZMa–PavRiaGavÓqTaaSau oPaiNazTSau in the ®r…mad-Bhagavad-g…t€ Upaniad The Bhagavad-g…t€ is not only counted as Upaniad (‘G…topaniad’), but as a very important one, because it is referred to in plural (‘upaniatsu’).

b[ø–ivÛaYaaMa( YaaeGa–XaaS}ae in the spiritual science and Yoga-€stra é[q–k*= Zauiv bhuvi — to be, exist >>> saƒ asti — he is, exists; sat — existent, good; satya — truth; sattva —

as[a] 2P...

existence, goodness The dh€tu (word root) is as. Attached to it are certain footnotes, in this case ‘[a] 2P’, which are removed in the process of forming words. Then the meaning is given as

>auiv bhuvi, which means that as[a]

is used for forming words with a sense of ‘being, existing’. Examples are verbs like asti (saƒ asti — he is) and words like sat, satya and sattva. [u]k[ñ] 8U...

k==r>> saƒ karoti — he does, ... ; karma, kriy€, k€rya — work; karaŠa —

instrument; k€raŠa — cause

GaTaaE gatau — to go (with €.: to come) >>> saƒ gacchati — he goes; gati — movement, goal jan[…]...Pa[adu>aaRve pr€durbh€ve — to be born >>> saƒ j€yate; jana — creature, man; janma — birth; j€ti — birth,



Pa[a> saƒ j…vati; j…va — living entity; j…vana — life, water jñ€ 9U...AvbaeDaNae avabodhane — to know >>> saƒ j€n€ti; jñ€na — knowledge tyaj[a]...haNaaE h€nau — to abandon >>> saƒ tyajati; ty€ga — renunciation; ty€gin — renunciate div[u] 4P...k]= I@a–ivJaqiGaza–VYavhar–ÛuiTa–... kr…€-vij…gi€-vyavah€ra-dyuti-... — to play; desire to win; j…v[a]...

deal; shine >>> saƒ d…vyati; divya — divine, heavenly; deva — ‘one who shines or enjoys,’ demigod

Pa[e+a>> saƒ payati; d˜i, darana — vision bhaj[a] 1U...SaevaYaaMa( sev€y€m — to serve, worship >>> saƒ bhajati; bhakta — devotee; bhakti — devotion; d[ir]...

bhajana — worshiping

SataaYaaMa( satt€y€m — to be, exist, become >>> saƒ bhavati; bh€va — existence, mood; prabh€va —

bh™ 1P...

influence vac[a]...

Pair>aaz>> saƒ vakti; v€c (v€k) — speech; vaktra — mouth; pravacana —


jaNae jñ€ne — to know >>> saƒ vetti; Veda — knowledge ru...é[v>> saƒ Šoti; ruti, ravaŠa — hearing; rotra — ear sth€...SQaaNae sth€ne — to stand (with ud.: to stand up) >>> saƒ ti˜hati, ...; sth€na — place, land sm...icNTaaYaaMa( cint€y€m — to think, remember >>> saƒ smarati; smti — memory;

vid[a] 2P...


smaraŠa —



Hinduism — G…t€ 2 S€‰khya-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Discrimination (s€‰khya)’ BG 2.1

SaÅYa ovac Ta& TaQaa k*= PaYaaivíMaé[uPaUaaeGaaNa( blood-stained luxuries (bhoga) wh Wv >auÅqYa I would enjoy even in this life (iha — here).” * Na ke= vlMa( Par}a du"%Ma( There will be misery (duƒkha) not only hereafter wh Wv Tau but right here Nark==–du"%Ma( ANau>aveYaMa( I shall experience the suffering of hell (naraka). AQaR–k==aMaaTMak==aNa( >aaeGaaNa( AhMa( >auÅqYa I shall enjoy pleasures like wealth (artha) and the fulfillment of desires (k€ma) YaÜa ‘=AQaR–k==aMaaNa(=’ wiTa ‘=Gauæaav" XaaEYaaRid–l+aaarTa “O Dhtar€˜ra! o>aYaae" SaeNaYaae" MaDYae Between both armies ivzqdNTaMa( TaMa( to that grieving one (Arjuna) ôzqk==–wRXa" Pa[hSaNa( wv the Lord, being pleased * Pa[hSaNa( wv Prahasan iva means Pa[Sa‘a–Mau%" SaNa(

being ‘placid-countenanced’

(looking pleased, smiling).

wdMa( vc" ovac

spoke the following words.”

deh–AaTMaNaae" A–ivvek= aTa( ASYa WvMa( Xaaek= " >aviTa [Finding that] his grieve (oka) is due to lack of disrimination between body (deha) and soul (€tman) wiTa Tad(– ivvek= –Pa]dXaRNa–AQaRMa( Aah thus He (KŠa) spoke to show their distinction: *

555 BG 2.11

é[q>aGavaNauvac AXaaeCYaaNaNvXaaecSTv& Pa[javada&ê >aazSae ) GaTaaSaUNaGaTaaSaU&ê NaaNauXaaeciNTa PaiaazSae and [then] you speak learned words. After I instructed you (2.2-3) you argued with learned words (2.4).

PaiaivZYaaMa" SaveR vYaMaTa" ParMa(= = )) na tv ev€haˆ j€tu n€saˆ na tvaˆ neme jan€dhip€ƒ, na caiva na bhaviy€maƒ sarve vayam ataƒ param

AhMa( Tau JaaTau Na Wv Na AaSaMa( “[Because] neither I did not exist at any time (j€tu) * lqla–ivGa]hSYa Aaiv>aaRve iTarae>aave AiPa Even though there is appearance and disappearance of the body in My pastime (l…l€).

Na TvMa( Na wMae JaNa–AiDaPaa" nor you, nor [all] these kings * Mad(–A&XaTvaTa( Being parts of Me. ATa" ParMa( c and hereafter



SaveR vYaMa( Na Wv Na >aivZYaaMa"

we all will never not exist.” 557 BG 2.13

deihNaae-= _iSMaNYaQaa dehe k==aEMaar& YaaEvNa& Jara ) TaQaa dehaNTarPa[aiáDasrSTa}a Na MauùiTa== =)) dehino ’smin yath€ dehe kaum€raˆ yauvanaˆ jar€, tath€ deh€ntara-pr€ptir dh…ras tatra na muhyati

YaQaa AiSMaNa( dehe “As in this (present) body (deha) deihNa" for the embodied soul (dehin) k==aEMaarMa( YaaEvNaMa( Jara there are childhood, youth and old age, * PaUvR–AvSQaa–NaaXae Even at the end of a previous state AvSQaa–ANTar–oTPataaE AiPa and the attainment of another state ‘=Sa" Wv AhMa(=’ wiTa Pa[TYai>ajaNaaTa( there is the recognition that, ‘I am the same person’.

TaQaa deh–ANTar–Pa[aiá" similarly there is the acquisition of another (antara) body. Ta}a Daqr" Na MauùiTa At this a wise/sober man (dh…ra) is not bewildered.” 558 BG 2.14

Maa}aaSPaXaaRSTau k==aENTaeYa XaqTaaeZaarTa== =)) m€tr€-spar€s tu kaunteya …toŠa-sukha-duƒkha-d€ƒ, €gam€p€yino ’nity€s t€ˆs titikasva bh€rata


“O Arjuna! kaunteya — ‘son of Kunt…’

Maa}aa–SPaXaaR" Tau

And the contacts of the sense-functions [with objects]

MaqYaNTae (=jaYaNTae=) ivzYaa" Aai>a" Those by which the sense objects (viaya) are measured, perceived wiTa ‘=Maa}aa"=’ (=wiNd]Ya–v*taYa"=) they are called m€tr€s or sense*


XaqTa–oZaarTa [Therefore] O Arjuna! TaaNa( iTaiTa+aSv You must tolerate them!” 559 BG 2.15

Ya& ih Na VYaQaYaNTYaeTae Pauåz& PauåzzR>a ) SaMadu"%Sau%& Daqr& Saae-= _Ma*TaTvaYa k==LPaTae= = )) yaˆ hi na vyathayanty ete puruaˆ puruarabha, sama-duƒkha-sukhaˆ dh…raˆ so ’mtatv€ya kalpate


“O hero [Arjuna]! purua-abha — ‘best of men’, hero

SaMa–du"%–Sau%Ma( DaqrMa( PauåzMa( That wise man, being equal (sama) in distress and happiness YaMa( WTae Na ih VYaQaYaiNTa whom these [dualities] do not perturb Sa" AMa*TaTvaYa k==LPaTae he is eligible for liberation.” * DaMaR–jaNa–Üara Through his spiritual knowledge A–Ma*TaTvaYa (=Maae+aaYa=) k==LPaTae is fit for immortality, liberation. 560 BG 2.16

NaaSaTaae ivÛTae >aavae Naa>aavae ivÛTae SaTa" ) o>aYaaeriPa d*íae-= _NTaSTvNaYaaeSTatvdiXaRi>a"== =))


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n€sato vidyate bh€vo n€bh€vo vidyate sataƒ, ubhayor api d˜o ’ntas tv anayos tattva-daribhiƒ

A–SaTa" >aav" Na ivÛTae “Of the unreal [body] there is no existence * AaTMaiNa >aav" (=Sataa=) Na ivÛTae There is no existence in the self [of the unreal]. SaTa" A–>aav" Na ivÛTae and of the real [soul] there is no non-existence. o>aYaae" AiPa Tau ANaYaae" ANTa" The nature (‘conclusion’) of both of these Tatv–diXaRi>a" d*í" is seen by seers of the truth.” * WvM>aUTa–ivveke= Na SahSv With the help of such discrimination you better tolerate. wiTa AQaR" This is the idea. 561 BG 2.17

AivNaaiXa Tau TaiÜiÖ YaeNa SavRiMad& TaTaMa( ) ivNaaXaMaVYaYaSYaaSYa Na k==iêTk==TauRMahRiTa== =)) a-vin€i tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idaˆ tatam, vin€am a-vyayasy€sya na kacit kartum arhati

YaeNa SavRMa( wdMa( TaTaMa( “That by which all this [world] is pervaded Tad( Tau A–ivNaaiXa iviÖ that [soul] know to be indestructible! ASYa A–VYaYaSYa ivNaaXaMa( The destruction of this unchangeable (a-vyaya) [soul] Na k==iêd( k==TauRMa( AhRiTa no one is able to bring about.” 562 BG 2.18

ANTavNTa wMae deha iNaTYaSYaae¢= a" Xarqiraav–ivk==ar–XaUNYaTveNa d]!YaiTa this is confirmed by its freedom (™nya) from the six transformations (vik€ra) of [all material] existence —

Tad( WvMa( JaaYaTae

It (the material body) thus (1) is born

AiSTa (2) exists [after being born] (astitva) vDaRTae (3) grows (vddhi) ivPairaUTva >aivTaa va Na >aUYa" ) AJaae iNaTYa" XaaìTaae-= _Ya& PauraaUTva >aivTaa it (2) does not exist by coming into existence Na >aUYa" va nor will it again [come into existence] * ik==NTau Pa[ak(= Wv But from the very beginning SvTa" SaTa(–æPa" it is by itself (by nature) of the form of existence.

A–Ja" [because] it is unborn. AYaMa( iNaTYa" XaaìTa" PauraaviTa this is also said. k==Ma( hiNTa and whom does he kill?” * NaNau Arjuna may argue: ‘=AaTMaNa" A–ivNaaXa" AiPa Though the self is not destroyed TadqYa–Xarqr–NaaXaMa( PaYaaRlaeCYa XaaecaiMa=’ wiTa ced( but I grieve considering the destruction of its body (ar…ra). Ta}a Aah On this He says: 566 BG 2.22

vaSaa&iSa JaqaarTa “O Arjuna! SavRSYa dehe AYaMa( dehq This soul (dehin) in everyone’s body (deha) iNaTYaMa( A–vDYa" is eternally not to be killed. TaSMaaTa( SavaRiaUTaaiNa Therefore, for any being (bh™ta) TvMa( XaaeicTauMa( Na AhRiSa you should not lament.” * Yad( c o¢==Ma( And what was said ‘=Na c é[eYa" ANauPaXYaaiMa hTva Sv–JaNaMa( Aahve=’ wTYaaid that ‘I see no good from killing kinsmen in battle, etc.’ (1.31) Ta}a Aah is being answered: 575 BG 2.31

SvDaMaRMaiPa cave+Ya Na ivk==iMPaTauMahRiSa ) DaMYaaRiÖ YauÖaC^\eYaae-= _NYaT+ai}aYaSYa Na ivÛTae= = )) sva-dharmam api c€vekya na vikampitum arhasi, dharmy€d dhi yuddh€c chreyo ’nyat katriyasya na vidyate

Sv–DaMaRMa( AiPa c Ave+Ya “Even [after] considering your duty (dharma) ivk==iMPaTauMa( Na AhRiSa you should not hesitate [to fight]. DaMYaaRTa( YauÖaTa( ANYaTa( é[eYa" Something better than a righteous fight (yuddha) +ai}aYaSYa Na ih ivÛTae does not exist for a katriya.” 576 BG 2.32

Yad*C^Yaa caePaPa‘a& SvGaRÜarMaPaav*TaMa( ) Saui%Na" +ai}aYaa" PaaQaR l>aNTae YauÖMaqd*XaMa(= = )) yadcchay€ copapannaˆ svarga-dv€ram ap€vtam, sukhinaƒ katriy€ƒ p€rtha labhante yuddham …dam

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! Yad*C^Yaa c oPaPa‘aMa( And attained unsought wRd*XaMa( YauÖMa( a fight (yuddha) like this APaav*TaMa( SvGaR–ÜarMa( which is an open door to heaven (svarga) Saui%Na" +ai}aYaa" l>aNTae [only] fortunate katriyas obtain.” * ivPa+ae In acting contrary daezMa( Aah the fault is shown: 577 BG 2.33

AQa cetviMaMa& DaMYa| Sa°aMa& Na k==irZYaiSa ) TaTa" SvDaMa| k==IiTa| c ihTva PaaPaMavaPSYaiSa== =)) atha cet tvam imaˆ dharmyaˆ sa‰gr€maˆ na kariyasi, tataƒ sva-dharmaˆ k…rtiˆ ca hitv€ p€pam av€psyasi

AQa wMaMa( DaMYaRMa( Sa°aMaMa( “However, this righteous fight TvMa( Na k==irZYaiSa ced( if you will not perform TaTa" then



Sv–DaMaRMa( k==IiTaRMa( c ihTva [after] giving up your duty (dharma) and fame (k…rti) PaaPaMa( AvaPSYaiSa you will incur sin (p€pa).” 578 BG 2.34

Ak==IiTa| caiPa >aUTaaiNa k==QaiYaZYaiNTa Tae= _VYaYaaMa( ) SaM>aaivTaSYa cak==IiTaRMaRraUTaaiNa k==QaiYaZYaiNTa people will tell. SaM>aaivTaSYa c And for one who is respected A–k==IiTaR" MaraYaad[aae+YaSae= =MahqMa(= =)= =TaSMaaduitaï== k= aENTaeYa== YauÖaYa== k*= TaiNaêYa"== =)) hato v€ pr€psyasi svargaˆ jitv€ v€ bhokyase mah…m, tasm€d utti˜ha kaunteya yuddh€ya kta-nicayaƒ

hTa" va SvGaRMa( Pa[aPSYaiSa “Either, killed, you will attain heaven (svarga) iJaTva va MahqMa( >aae+YaSae or, [after] conquering, you will enjoy the earth. v€ ... v€ — either ... or

TaSMaaTa( k==aENTaeYa Therefore, O Arjuna! YauÖaYa k*= Ta–iNaêYa" oitaï Determined to fight, get up!” * Yad( AiPa o¢==Ma( Also what was said ‘=PaaPaMa( Wv Aaé[YaeTa( ASMaaNa(=’ that, ‘Sin alone will overcome us’ (1.36) wiTa Ta}a Aah is being answered: 582 BG 2.38

Sau%du"%e SaMae k*= Tva la>aala>aaE JaYaaJaYaaE ) TaTaae YauÖaYa YauJYaSv NaEv& PaaPaMavaPSYaiSa== =)) sukha-duƒkhe same ktv€ l€bh€l€bhau jay€jayau, tato yuddh€ya yujyasva naivaˆ p€pam av€psyasi

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Sau%–du"%e SaMae k*= Tva “[After] regarding alike happiness (sukha) and distress (duƒkha) la>a–A–la>aaE JaYa–A–JaYaaE gain (l€bha) and loss, victory (jaya) and defeat Victory or defeat bring gain or loss, which bring happiness or distress.

TaTa" YauÖaYa YauJYaSv then prepare for the fight [just to do your duty]! WvMa( PaaPaMa( Na AvaPSYaiSa Thus you will not incur sin.” * oPaidí–jaNa–YaaeGaMa( oPaSa&hrNa( Concluding jñ€na-yoga which has been taught Tad(– SaaDaNaMa( k==MaR–YaaeGaMa( Pa[STaaEiTa He introduces karma-yoga, which is a means to that (jñ€na-yoga): 583 BG 2.39

Wza== Tae= _i>aihTaa== Saa«ye= =buiÖYaaeRGae= =iTvMaa&= =Xa*a§==MaNaaXaae-= _iSTa Pa[TYavaYaae Na ivÛTae ) SvLPaMaPYaSYa DaMaRSYa }aaYaTae MahTaae >aYaaTa(= = )) neh€bhikrama-n€o ’sti pratyav€yo na vidyate, svalpam apy asya dharmasya tr€yate mahato bhay€t

wh Ai>a§==Ma–NaaXa" Na AiSTa “On this path there is no fruitlessness (‘loss of endeavor’) Pa[TYavaYa" Na ivÛTae and there is no harm (‘reversal’). If in Vedic rituals the mantras are not correctly pronounced, there is no result or even harm.

SvLPaMa( AiPa ASYa DaMaRSYa Even very little of this dharma (i.e., karma-yoga) MahTa" >aYaaTa( }aaYaTae protects from the great fear (bhaya) [of saˆs€ra].” 585 BG 2.41

VYavSaaYaaiTMak==a buiÖreke= h ku= åNaNdNa ) bhuXaa%a ùNaNTaaê buÖYaae-= _VYavSaaiYaNaaMa(= = )) vyavas€y€tmik€ buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana, bahu-€kh€ hy an-ant€ ca buddhayo ’vyavas€yin€m

ku= å–NaNdNa

“O Arjuna! kuru-nandana — ‘son/beloved of the Kurus’

wh VYavSaaYa–AaiTMak==a buiÖ" Wk==a pointed (eka)

Here (in this karma-yoga) the resolute attitude (buddhi) is one-



* [Namely that]

ParMaeìr–>aKTYaa Wv by devotion to the Lord alone Da]uvMa( TairZYaaiMa

I shall certainly cross over [saˆs€ra].

A–VYavSaaiYaNaaMa( buÖYa" [whereas] the attitudes of those who are irresolute * bih"–Mau%aaaeGaEìYaRPa[Sa¢==aNaa& TaYaaPaôTaceTaSaaMa( ) VYavSaaYaaiTMak==a buiÖ" SaMaaDaaE Na ivDaqYaTae= = )) bhogaivarya-prasakt€n€ˆ tay€pahta-cetas€m, vyavas€y€tmik€ buddhiƒ sam€dhau na vidh…yate

>aaeGa–WeìYaR–Pa[Sa¢==aNaaMa( “In (‘of’) those who are attached to enjoyment (bhoga) and power TaYaa APaôTa–ceTaSaaMa( and whose minds are attracted (‘stolen’) by that (flowery language) SaMaaDaaE VYavSaaYa–AaiTMak==a buiÖ" a resolute attitude in meditation Na ivDaqYaTae does not take place.” * NaNau c It might be asked ‘=Yaid SvGaR–Aaidk==Ma( that, if heaven etc. ParMaMa( f==lMa( Na >aviTa is not the highest goal TaihR ik==Ma( wiTa vedE" Tad(–SaaDaNaTaYaa k==MaaRiaviTa as much as all needs like bathing (sn€na) and drinking (p€na) are served separately TaavaNa( SavR" AiPa AQaR" so much all the needs SavRTa" SaMâuTa–odke= (=Maha–”de=) Wk==}a Wv YaQaa >aviTa are served completely in one place (ekatra) in an overflowing reservoir, a great lake.

TaavaNa( SaveRzu vedezu that much [are all the different purposes] in all the Vedas ivJaaNaTa" b]aøaYa–§==aeDa" “[Because of being] free from attachment (r€ga), fear (bhaya) and anger (krodha) du"%ezu ANa(–oiÜGNa–MaNaa" one who is undisturbed in miseries (dukƒha) Sau%ezu ivGaTa–SPa*h" and free from hankering in pleasures (sukha) iSQaTa–Daq" MauiNa" oCYaTae he is called a sage of steady intelligence.” * k==QaMa( >aazeTa How should he speak? 600 BG 2.57

Ya" SavR}aaNai>aòehSTataTPa[aPYa Xau>aaXau>aMa( ) Naai>aNaNdiTa Na Üeií TaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa== =)) yaƒ sarvatr€nabhisnehas tat tat pr€pya ubh€ubham, n€bhinandati na dve˜i tasya prajñ€ prati˜hit€

Ya" SavR}a ANa(–Ai>aòeh" “One who is unaffected everywhere (to family, etc.) Tad( Tad( Xau>a–A–Xau>aMa( Pa[aPYa [and therefore after] obtaining whatever good or evil Na Ai>aNaNdiTa Na Üeií he neither praises nor hates it * ik==NTau ke= vlMa( odaSaqNa" Wv >aazTae But talks as one unconcerned. TaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa then his intelligence (prajñ€) is steady.” 601 BG 2.58

Yada Sa&hrTae caYa& kU= MaaeR-= _®aNaqv SavRXa" ) wiNd]YaaYaSTaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa== =)) yad€ saˆharate c€yaˆ k™rmo ’‰g€n…va sarvaaƒ, indriy€Š…ndriy€rthebhyas tasya prajñ€ prati˜hit€

wiNd]YaaiYa" “The senses (indriya) from sense objects Yada c AYaMa( SavRXa" Sa&hrTae when he completely withdraws [them] kU= MaR" A®aiNa wv as a tortoise (k™rma) [withdraws] its limbs (a‰ga) TaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa [then] his intelligence (prajñ€) is steady.” * NaNau One might ask ‘=Na wiNd]YaaaviTa steadiness of intelligence is not possible. ATa" SaaDak==–AvSQaaYaaMa( Therefore, in the stage of spiritual practice Ta}a MahaNa( Pa[YaTNa" k==TaRVYa" there should be great endeavor for this (sense-control) [because


otherwise]: 603 BG 2.60

YaTaTaae ùiPa k==aENTaeYa PauåzSYa ivPaiêTa" ) wiNd]Yaaia& MaNa"== =)) yatato hy api kaunteya puruasya vipacitaƒ, indriy€Ši pram€th…ni haranti prasabhaˆ manaƒ

k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! YaTaTa" ih AiPa ivPaiêTa" PauåzSYa Even of a wise man who is endeavoring [for liberation] Pa[MaaQaqiNa wiNd]YaaiaJaaYaTae and from desire arises anger (krodha).” * k==aMaaTa( c ke= Naicd( Pa[iTahTaaTa( §==aeDa" >aviTa And from desire results anger, when there is an obstruction (pratihata) by someone. 606 BG 2.63

§==aeDaaÙviTa SaMMaaeh" SaMMaaehaTSMa*iTaiv>a]Ma" ) SMa*iTa>a]&XaaØuuiÖNaaXaae buiÖNaaXaaTPa[aav"

absence (a-bh€va) of the

discrimination as to what is to be done (k€rya) and what is not to be done.

SaMMaaehaTa( SMa*iTa–iv>a]Ma" and from delusion confusion of memory. * Xaañ–AacaYaR–oPaidí–AQaR–SMa*Tae" iv>a]Ma" Confusion of memory with respect to the purport of the teachings of scripture (€stra) and teacher (€c€rya).

SMa*iTa–>a]&XaaTa( buiÖ–NaaXa" From loss of memory [comes] the loss of [spiritual] intelligence buiÖ–NaaXaaTa( Pa[aavNaa and for one who is not controlled there is no meditation. A–>aavYaTa" c Na XaaiNTa" For one who has no meditation there is no peace (€nti) A–XaaNTaSYa ku= Ta" Sau%Ma( and for one without peace, how is there happiness [of liberation]?” * ‘=Na AiSTa buiÖ" A–Yau¢= SYa=’ That there is no intelligence for one who is not sensecontrolled wiTa A}a heTauMa( Aah now the reason is stated: 610 BG 2.67

wiNd]YaaaiSa== =)) indriy€Š€ˆ hi carat€ˆ yan mano ’nuvidh…yate, tad asya harati prajñ€ˆ v€yur n€vam iv€mbhasi

crTaaMa( wiNd]YaaaiSa as the wind [takes away] a boat on the water.” * YaQaa Pa[MataSYa k==a]aMaYaiTa

As the wind

(v€yu) tosses in the ocean (samudra) a ship (n€va) whose captain (karŠa-dh€ra — ‘holder of the rudder’, helmsman) is inattentive. 611 BG 2.68

TaSMaaÛSYa Mahabahae iNaGa*hqTaaiNa SavRXa" ) wiNd]YaaYaSTaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa== =)) tasm€d yasya mah€-b€ho nigh…t€ni sarvaaƒ, indriy€Š…ndriy€rthebhyas tasya prajñ€ prati˜hit€

TaSMaaTa( Maha–bahae “Therefore, O Arjuna! YaSYa wiNd]YaaiYa" SavRXa" iNaGa*hqTaaiNa are completely restrained from sense objects TaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa his intelligence is steady.” 612 BG 2.69

Yaa iNaXaa SavR>aUTaaNaa& TaSYaa& JaaGaiTaR Sa&YaMaq ) YaSYaa& JaaGa]iTa >aUTaaiNa Saa iNaXaa PaXYaTaae MauNae"= = )) y€ ni€ sarva-bh™t€n€ˆ tasy€ˆ j€garti saˆyam…, yasy€ˆ j€grati bh™t€ni s€ ni€ payato muneƒ

Yaa SavR–>aUTaaNaaMa( iNaXaa “That which is night (ni€) for all beings TaSYaaMa( Sa&YaMaq JaaGaiTaR in that [‘night’, spiritual reality] a self-controlled man wakes. YaSYaaMa( >aUTaaiNa JaaGa]iTa And in which all beings are awake Saa PaXYaTa" MauNae" iNaXaa that [world of sense objects] is night for the sage who sees.” 613 BG 2.70

AaPaUYaRMaaYa iSQaTva

it] beginning from childhood.

b]ø–iNavaRaaz> kta — done; as in Sa&Sk*= Ta saˆskta — ‘perfectly done’, Sanskrit √ji...JaYae — to conquer; + [k]ta >>> jita — conquered; as in A–iJaTa a-jita — not conquered √tu[a]...TauíaE — to be satisfied >>> tu˜a — satisfied; AaTMaiNa Tauï" — satisfied in the self √bh™...SataaYaaMa( — to be, exist, become >>> bh™ta — ... Taking bh™ in the sense of ‘being’, bh™ta means ‘which has been’, (the past tense, bh™ta-k€la), or ‘who has been’, a ghost. Taking the sense of ‘becoming’, a bh™ta is something ‘which became’, or ‘was created.’ There are pañca-bh™tas (five material elements) and j…va-bh™tas (living beings). Another such suffix is .[k]tavat[u] : √[u]k[ñ]...

k==r>> ktavat[u] — ‘one who did’

It is declined like bhagavat[u] (see 18. Tables) and translated as verb >>> ktav€n (he did), ktavantau (they two did), etc.; as in a tiger (vy€ghra)

MauiNa" MaUizk==Ma( VYaaga]Ma( k*= TavaNa( — the muni made the mouse (m™ika)

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Hinduism — G…t€ 3 Karma-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Work (karman)’ 616 BG 3.1

AJauRNa ovac JYaaYaSaq ceTk==MaRaGavaNauvac laeke= -= _iSMaiNÜivDaa iNaïa Paura Pa[ae¢= a MaYaaNaga ) jaNaYaaeGaeNa Saa«yaNaa& k==MaRYaaeGaeNa YaaeiGaNaaMa(= = )) loke ’smin dvi-vidh€ ni˜h€ pur€ prokt€ may€nagha, jñ€na-yogena s€‰khy€n€ˆ karma-yogena yogin€m

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac – ANa(–Aga “The Lord said: O sinless [Arjuna]! AiSMaNa( laeke= iÜ–ivDaa iNaïa [One] twofold faith [in liberation] in this world (loka) MaYaa Paura Pa[ae¢= a has been declared by Me before (in 2.39) — * Wk==SYaa Wv Tau Pa[k= ar–>aed–Maa}aMa( Only different forms of just one [faith] AiDak==ar– >aedeNa o¢==Ma( suited to different aspirants have been stated. jaNa–YaaeGaeNa Saa«yaNaaMa( by jñ€na-yoga [the faith] of the s€‰khyas k==MaR–YaaeGaeNa YaaeiGaNaaMa( and by karma-yoga of the karma-yog…s.”



619 BG 3.4

Na k==MaRaa‘aEZk==MYa| Pauåzae-= _XNauTae ) Na c Sa‘YaSaNaadev iSaiÖ& SaMaiDaGaC^iTa== =)) na karmaŠ€m an-€rambh€n naikarmyaˆ puruo ’nute, na ca sannyasan€d eva siddhiˆ samadhigacchati

Na k==MaRaaTa( “Not by [mere] abstention from activities Pauåz" NaEZk==MYaRMa( AXNauTae a person attains freedom from reaction Na c Sa‘YaSaNaaTa( Wv nor by mere renunciation (sanny€sa) * icta–XauiÖMa( ivNaa k*= TaaTa( Sa‘YaaSaNaaTa( Wv By mere sanny€sa without purity of mind.

iSaiÖMa( SaMaiDaGaC^iTa one attains perfection (liberation).” * k==MaRaTae performs unattached karma-yoga ... by directing his work towards the Lord

Sa" iviXaZYaTae

he is different.”


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icta–XauÖya jaNavaNa( >aviTa

He attains knowledge through the purification of the

mind. 623 BG 3.8

iNaYaTa& ku= å k==MaR Tv& k==MaR JYaaYaae ùk==MaRYaae Yaae >au»e STaeNa Wv Sa"== =)) i˜€n bhog€n hi vo dev€ d€syante yajña-bh€vit€ƒ, tair datt€n a-prad€yaibhyo yo bhu‰kte stena eva saƒ

Yaj–>aaivTaa" deva" “The devas, satisfied by sacrifice (yajña) wíaNa( >aaeGaaNa( ih v" (=YauZMa>YaMa(=) daSYaNTae will surely give you the desired (i˜a) objects (bhoga). W>Ya" A–Pa[daYa [But after] not offering to them [in return] Ya" TaE" dtaaNa( >au»e one who enjoys things given (datta) by them Sa" STaeNa" Wv he is just a thief (stena).” 628 BG 3.13

YajiXaíaiXaNa" SaNTaae MauCYaNTae SavRik==iLbzE" ) >auÅTae Tae Tvga& PaaPaa Yae PacNTYaaTMak==ar>> santaƒ) who eat food offered in sacrifice (yajña)

The yajña-i˜a mentioned here is similar to pras€dam, foodstuff offered to the Lord in the VaiŠava tradition.

SavR–ik==iLbzE" MauCYaNTae

are freed from all sins (kilbia),

kilbia — there are five utensils in a house (pañca-s™n€) specifically mentioned by which small animals are accidentally killed: mortar, grinding stone, fire place, water pot and broom

Yae PaaPaa" Tau AaTMa–k==arauÅTae they eat sin (agha).”

but those sinners (p€pa) who cook for their own sake 629 BG 3.14

A‘aaÙviNTa >aUTaaiNa PaJaRNYaad‘aSaM>av" ) YajaÙviTa PaJaRNYaae Yaj" k==MaRSaMauÙv"== =)) ann€d bhavanti bh™t€ni parjany€d anna-sambhavaƒ, yajñ€d bhavati parjanyo yajñaƒ karma-samudbhavaƒ

A‘aaTa( >aUTaaiNa >aviNTa “All beings (bh™ta) are born from food (anna) * A‘aaTa( From food means Xau§= –XaaeiaUTaSYa iNa"ìiSaTaMa( “[Like] the breath of this Great Being WTad( ‰Gved" YaJauveRd" SaaMaved" is this ¬g-Veda, Yajur-Veda and S€ma-Veda.” (Bhad-


€raŠyaka-Upaniad 2.4.10)

TaSMaaTa( SavR–GaTaMa( b]ø Therefore, the all-pervading (sarva-gata) Absolute (brahma) iNaTYaMa( Yaje Pa[iTaiïTaMa( always ‘rests in sacrifice’ (it is attained by sacrifice).” * YajeNa oPaaYa–>aUTaeNa Pa[aPYaTae As it (brahma) is attained by means of sacrifice wiTa Yaje Pa[iTaiïTaMa( oCYaTae thus it is said to ‘rest in sacrifice’. ‘=oÛMa–SQaa Sada l+Maq"=’ wiTavTa( Just as Lakm… (prosperity) ‘always resides in exertion’ (prosperity is attained by exertion). 631 BG 3.16

Wv& Pa[viTaRTa& c§&= NaaNauvTaRYaTaqh Ya" ) AgaaYauiriNd]YaaraMaae Maaega& PaaQaR Sa JaqviTa== =)) evaˆ pravartitaˆ cakraˆ n€nuvartayat…ha yaƒ, agh€yur indriy€r€mo moghaˆ p€rtha sa j…vati

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! WvMa( Pa[viTaRTaMa( c§==Ma(

“The cycle (cakra) thus established

“An oblation offered in the fire goes directly to the sun, which generates rain, and subsequently grain and men.” (Manu-saˆhit€) The circle is: work >>> sacrifice >>> rain >>> grain >>> subsistance >>> work. This cycle is established, set into motion, by the

Absolute or ViŠu via Brahm€ through the Veda, which assigns one’s duty.

Ya" wh Na ANauvTaRYaiTa one who does not carry [it] out in this world (iha), Aga–AaYau" wiNd]Ya–AaraMa" his life being sinful (agha), just delighting in the senses (indriya) Sa" MaaegaMa( JaqviTa he lives in vain (mogha).” * YaSMaaTa( WvMa( ParMaeìreaUTaaNaaMa( PauåzaQaR–iSaÖYae k==MaaRid–c§==Ma( Pa[viTaRTaMa( Because the cycle of action etc. is thus set in motion by the Lord (paramevara) Himself so that the living beings may realize the goal of life (worship of the Lord)

TaSMaaTa( Tad(

A–ku= vRTa" v*Qaa Wv JaqvNaMa( therefore, the life of one not doing it is in vain. 632 BG 3.17

YaSTvaTMariTarev SYaadaTMaTa*áê MaaNav" ) AaTMaNYaev c SaNTauíSTaSYa k==aYa| Na ivÛTae= = )) yas tv €tma-ratir eva sy€d €tma-tpta ca m€navaƒ, €tmany eva ca santu˜as tasya k€ryaˆ na vidyate

Ya" Tau MaaNav" AaTMa–riTa" “But that person (m€nava) who has delight (rati) in the self AaTMa–Ta*á" Wv c SYaaTa( and is [therefore] satisfied (tpta) with the self alone * Sv–AaNaNd–ANau>aveNa iNav*RTa" Who is happy with the experience of bliss in himself. AaTMaiNa Wv c SaNTauí" and being [thus] contented in the self alone * >aaeGa–APae+aa–rihTa" Who is free from the desire for [sense] enjoyment. TaSYa k==aYaRMa( Na ivÛTae for him there exists no duty (k€rya).” * Ta}a heTauMa( Aah The reason for this is being stated: 633 BG 3.18

NaEv TaSYa k*= TaeNaaQaaeR Naak*= TaeNaeh k==êNa ) Na caSYa SavR>aUTaezu k==iêdQaRVYaPaaé[Ya"== =)) naiva tasya kten€rtho n€kteneha kacana, na c€sya sarva-bh™teu kacid artha-vyap€rayaƒ

wh k*= TaeNa

“By work (kta) in this world



TaSYa Na Wv k==êNa AQaR" there is no gain (artha) [of piety] for him whatsoever * k*= TaeNa (=k= MaRaUTaSYa jaiNaNa" Wv Only for such a realized man k==MaR–ANauPaYaaeGa" action is not prescribed Na ANYaSYa not for any other. TaSMaaTa( TvMa( k==MaR ku= å Therefore you (Arjuna) must do your duty: 634 BG 3.19

TaSMaadSa¢==" SaTaTa& k==aYa| k==MaR SaMaacr ) ASa¢==ae ùacrNk==MaR ParMaaPNaaeiTa PaUåz"== =)) tasm€d a-saktaƒ satataˆ k€ryaˆ karma sam€cara, a-sakto hy €caran karma param €pnoti p™ruaƒ

TaSMaaTa( A–Sa¢==" “Therefore, unattached (a-sakta) SaTaTaMa( k==aYaRMa( k==MaR SaMaacr always perform the work (karman) which has to be done (k€rya)! A–Sa¢==" ih k==MaR AacrNa( [While] performing work unattached PaUåz" ParMa( AaPNaaeiTa a person (p™rua) attains the Supreme.” 635 BG 3.20

k==MaRaR" Aav*Ta" and as an embryo (garbha) is covered by the womb



TaQaa TaeNa wdMa( Aav*TaMa( so by that (desire) this (knowledge) is covered.” * Pa[k= ar–}aYae> ^eÛ — divisible √dah[a]...>aSMaqk==r>> daù — to be burned √klid[™]...Aad]s>aave — to be wet >>> ©e= Û — to be moistened √u[a]...Xaaez>> XaaeZYa — to be dried; AYaMa( A–C^eÛ" A–daù" A–©e= Û" A–XaaeZYa" — this [soul] can not be broken, burned, moistened, nor dried up


icNTYaaMa( — to think, remember >>> icNTYa — to be thought of; A–icNTYa

thought of’, inconceivable √p™j[a]...

PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> PaUJYa — to be worshiped k==aYaR–k==araGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: wMaMa( A–VYaYaMa( YaaeGaMa( This imperishable (karma-) yoga AhMa( ivvSvTae Pa[ae¢= vaNa( I instructed to Vivasv€n ivvSvaNa( MaNave Pa[ah Vivasv€n instructed [his son] Vaivasvata Manu MaNau" w+vak==ve Ab]vqTa( and Vaivasvata Manu spoke to [his son] Ikv€ku.” Vivasv€n was the eighth son of Aditi. The son of Vivasv€n, ®r€ddhadeva, became the seventh (the present) ‘Vaivasvata’ Manu. His son was Ikv€ku, founder of the solar dynasty of the kings of Ayodhy€, whose son was Nimi. 660 BG 4.2

Wv& ParMParaPa[aáiMaMa& raJazRYaae ivdu" ) Sa k==aleNaeh MahTaa YaaeGaae Naí" ParNTaPa== =)) evaˆ parampar€-pr€ptam imaˆ r€jarayo viduƒ, sa k€leneha mahat€ yogo na˜aƒ parantapa

WvMa( ParMPara–Pa[aáMa( “Thus received by disciplic succession wMaMa( raJa–‰zYa" ivdu" saintly kings (like Nimi) know it. ParNTaPa== ´ MahTaa k==aleNa O Arjuna! By great time Sa" YaaeGa" wh Naí" that yoga system has become distinct in this world.” 661 BG 4.3

Sa WvaYa& MaYaa Tae-= _Û YaaeGa" Pa[ae¢= " PauraTaNa" ) >a¢==ae-= _iSa Mae Sa%a ceiTa rhSYa& ùeTadutaMaMa(= = )) sa ev€yaˆ may€ te ’dya yogaƒ proktaƒ pur€tanaƒ, bhakto ’si me sakh€ ceti rahasyaˆ hy etad uttamam

Sa" Wv AYaMa( PauraTaNa" YaaeGa" “That same ancient yoga AÛ Tae (=Tau>YaMa(=) MaYaa Pa[ae¢= " is today instructed by Me to you [alone] Mae (=MaMa=) >a¢==" Sa%a c AiSa wiTa who are My devotee (bhakta) and friend, WTad( ih otaMaMa( rhSYaMa( [because] it is a supreme secret (rahasya).” 662 BG 4.4

AJauRNa ovac APar& >avTaae JaNMa Par& JaNMa ivvSvTa" ) k==QaMaeTaiÜJaaNaqYaa& TvMaadaE Pa[ae¢= vaiNaiTa== =)) aparaˆ bhavato janma paraˆ janma vivasvataƒ, katham etad vij€n…y€ˆ tvam €dau proktav€n iti

AJauRNa" ovac “Arjuna said: >avTa" JaNMa AParMa( Your birth (janman) is later ivvSvTa" JaNMa ParMa( and Vivasv€n’s birth is earlier. TvMa( AadaE Pa[ae¢= vaNa( wiTa That in the beginning (€di) You instructed [him] WTad( k==QaMa( ivJaaNaqYaaMa( how can I understand this?” 663 BG 4.5




bhUiNa Mae VYaTaqTaaiNa JaNMaaiNa Tav caJauRNa ) TaaNYah& ved SavaRiaGavaNa( ovac – AJauRNa “The Lord said: O Arjuna! Mae (=MaMa=) Tav c Of Me and you bhUiNa JaNMaaiNa VYaTaqTaaiNa many births (janman) have passed. ParNTaPa O Arjuna! AhMa( TaaiNa SavaRiaUTaaNaaMaqìrae-= _iPa SaNa( ) Pa[k*= iTa& SvaMaiDaïaYa SaM>avaMYaaTMaMaaYaYaa== =)) a-jo ’pi sann a-vyay€tm€ bh™t€n€m …varo ’pi san, praktiˆ sv€m adhi˜h€ya sambhav€my €tma-m€yay€

A–Ja" AiPa SaNa( A–VYaYa–AaTMaa “Though being unborn and imperishable >aUTaaNaaMa( wRìr" AiPa SaNa( and though being the Lord of all beings SvaMa( Pa[k*= iTaMa( AiDaïaYa [after] presiding over My material energy (prakti) AaTMa–MaaYaYaa SaM>avaiMa I manifest (descend) [Myself] by My energy.” 665 BG 4.7

Yada Yada ih DaMaRSYa GlaiNa>aRviTa >aarTa ) A>YauTQaaNaMaDaMaRSYa TadaTMaaNa& Sa*JaaMYahMa(= = )) yad€ yad€ hi dharmasya gl€nir bhavati bh€rata, abhyutth€nam a-dharmasya tad€tm€naˆ sj€my aham

>aarTa “O Arjuna! Yada Yada ih DaMaRSYa GlaiNa" >aviTa Whenever there is a decline of righteousness (dharma) A–DaMaRSYa A>YauTQaaNaMa( and a rise of unrighteousness Tada AhMa( AaTMaaNaMa( Sa*JaaiMa at that time I manifest Myself.” 666 BG 4.8

Pair}aaavaiMa YauGae YauGae= = )) paritr€Š€ya s€dh™n€ˆ vin€€ya ca dukt€m, dharma-saˆsth€pan€rth€ya sambhav€mi yuge yuge

SaaDaUNaaMa( Pair}aaavaiMa I manifest (descend) in every millenium (yuga).” 667 BG 4.9

JaNMa k==MaR c Mae idVYaMaev& Yaae veita TatvTa" ) TYa¤a deh& PauNaJaRNMa NaEiTa MaaMaeiTa Saae-= _JauRNa== =)) janma karma ca me divyam evaˆ yo vetti tattvataƒ, tyaktv€ dehaˆ punar janma naiti m€m eti so ’rjuna

AJauRNa “O Arjuna! Mae (=MaMa=) JaNMa k==MaR c idVYaMa( My birth and activity is divine. * Mae JaNMa My birth Sv–wC^a–k*= TaMa( is by My free will k==MaR c DaMaR–PaalNa–æPaMa( and My work consists of the protection of righteousness (dharma).

Ya" WvMa( TatvTa" veita One who thus knows it truly * TatvTa" Truly means Par–ANauGa]h–AQaRMa( Wv that it is just for the good of others. dehMa( TYa¤a [after] leaving the body * deh–Ai>aMaaNaMa( TYa¤a After giving up attachment for the body.


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Sa" PauNa" JaNMa Na WiTa he does not take birth again MaaMa( WiTa [but] he comes to Me.” * k==QaMa( JaNMa–k==MaR–jaNaeNa Tvd(–Pa[aiá" SYaaTa(

How can one attain You [just] by

knowledge of Your birth and activities? 668 BG 4.10

vqTaraGa>aYa§==aeDaa MaNMaYaa MaaMauPaaié[Taa" ) bhvae jaNaTaPaSaa PaUTaa MaÙavMaaGaTaa"== =)) v…ta-r€ga-bhaya-krodh€ manmay€ m€m up€rit€ƒ, bahavo jñ€na-tapas€ p™t€ mad-bh€vam €gat€ƒ

vqTa–raGa–>aYa–§==aeDaa" “Freed from attachment (r€ga), fear (bhaya) and anger (krodha) * ParMa–k==aåiaavMa( AaGaTaa" many [already] attained My [transcendental] nature.” * NaTau ADauNaa Wv Pa[v*ta" AYaMa( Mad(–>ai¢==–MaaGaR" It is not that this path (m€rga) of bhakti is made newly. wiTa AQaR" This is the idea. There are some philosophers who are in favor of the idea of becoming one with God, or merging into Him. They stress the fact that the individual soul is qualitatively similar to the Supersoul, namely conscious, but forget that the €tm€ or j…va is very small (aŠu) and prone to be bewildered by the external energy (m€y€), whereas the Param€tm€ or Ÿvara is the greatest soul (vibhu) and never under illusion. According to Bhagavad-g…t€ the

wRìrSYa c AivÛa–A>aaveNa iNaTYa–XauÖTvaTa( “Because the Lord, being free from ignorance, is ever pure JaqvSYa c wRìr–Pa[Saad– lBDa–jaNaeNa AjaNa–iNav*tae" XauÖSYa SaTa" and the j…va, by casting off ignorance through knowledge attained by the grace of the Lord, is being purified icTa(–A&XaeNa Tad(–WEKYaMa( o¢==Ma( wiTa d]íVYaMa( it is shown that their identity mentioned here is only €tm€ can not become Param€tm€.

as being also a particle of pure consciousness (cit).” (Subodhin… 4.10) ‘Oneness’ of €tm€ and Param€tm€ therefore refers either to: (1) similarity: An example is in the verse 4.35:

>aUTaaiNa AaTMaiNa AQaae MaiYa d]+YaiSa — “You will see all beings in the €tm€ ...” How? By appearance (up€dhitvena), seeing the similarity of nature (s€myam), which is consciousness. “... and therefore in Me.” The €tm€ is part and parcel of the param€tm€. Arjuna should see all beings as ‘children’ of God — not as his own relatives. Or (2) intimacy: The following three are examples for intimacy:

ANaNYaYaa >aKTYaa Tau AhMa(

Wv&ivDa" TatveNa jaTauMa( d]íuMa( c Pa[veíuMa( c XaKYa" — “Only by unalloyed devotion can I be truly known, seen and entered into.” (11.54) TaiSMaNa( AaTMaa YaSYa, Sa" TadaTMaa — “Whose heart/soul is in that, who is absorbed in that, he is tad-€tm€ (5.17); not that he ‘is that’. Just like, TaiSMaNa( buiÖ" YaSYa, Sa" Tad(–buiÖ" — “Whose intelligence is in that, he is tad-buddhi.” TaiSMaNa( iNaïa YaSYa, Sa" Tai‘aï" — “Whose faith is in that, he is tan-ni˜ha.” When Arjuna remembered his friend ®r… KŠa, after



the latter left this planet, he also speaks about aikya (oneness) — “Generally both of us used to live together and sleep, sit and loiter together. And at the time of advertising oneself for acts of chivalry, sometimes, if there were any irregularity, because of ‘oneness’ (aikya), I used to reproach Him by saying, ‘My friend, You are very truthful.’” (SB. 1.15.19) He obviously speaks about his friendship with another, and not that he became one with him at any time.

NaNau One might ask: TaihR ik==Ma( TviYa AiPa vEzMYaMa( AiSTa Then there is partiality (vaiamya) in You too? YaSMaaTa( WvMa( Tvd(–Wk==–XaraavMa( ddaiSa Because thus You give Your nature only to those who take exclusive shelter in You Na ANYaezaMa( Sa–k==aMaaNaaMa( and not to others who have desires. [In 4.11-14 the *

Lord’s partiality is refuted:] 669 BG 4.11

Yae YaQaa Maa& Pa[PaÛNTae Taa&STaQaEv >aJaaMYahMa( ) MaMa vTMaaRNauvTaRNTae MaNauZYaa" PaaQaR SavRXa"== =)) ye yath€ m€ˆ prapadyante t€ˆs tathaiva bhaj€my aham, mama vartm€nuvartante manuy€ƒ p€rtha sarvaaƒ

YaQaa Yae MaaMa( Pa[PaÛNTae “As all surrender to Me * Sa–k==aMaTaYaa iNaZk==aMaTaYaa va Either with desires or without desires. TaQaa Wv AhMa( TaaNa( >aJaaiMa so I reward them. * NaTau ‘=Yae Sa–k==aMaa" MaaMa( ivhaYa, wNd]adqNa( Wv >aJaNTae, TaaNa( AhMa( oPae+ae=’ wiTa MaNTaVYaMa( Do not think that I ignore those who, ignoring Me, worship only Indra a.o. PaaQaR= =´ MaNauZYaa" O Arjuna! [Because] all men MaMa vTMaR SavRXa" ANauvTaRNTae follow My path in all respects.” * wNd]aid–æPaeaJaiNTa Then why don’t worship

You all for attaining liberation alone? 670 BG 4.12

k==a¿NTa" k==MaRaviTa because the fruit of [such] rituals (karman) comes quickly.” * NaTau jaNa–f==lMa( kE= vLYaMa( ... And not liberation (kaivalya), the fruit of knowledge duZPa[aPYaTvaTa( jaNaSYa as knowledge is hard to attain. 671 BG 4.13

caTauvRa" Na bDYaTae he is [also] not bound by activities.” * PaUvR–o¢==Ma( Wv k==MaR–YaaeGaMa( Pa[PaÄiYaTauMa( Now, in order to propound the earlier mentioned karma-yoga ANauSMaarYaiTa He reminds [by saying]: 673 BG 4.15

Wv& jaTva k*= Ta& k==MaR PaUvŒriPa MauMau+aui>a" ) ku= å k==MaŒv TaSMaatv& PaUvŒ" PaUvRTar& k*= TaMa(= = )) evaˆ jñ€tv€ ktaˆ karma p™rvair api mumukubhiƒ, kuru karmaiva tasm€t tvaˆ p™rvaiƒ p™rvataraˆ ktam

WvMa( jaTva

“[After] knowing this

Ahªaraid–raihTYaeNa k*= TaMa( k==MaR That work done without egotism bNDak==Ma( Na >aviTa wiTa does no bind. PaUvŒ" MauMau+aui>a" AiPa even by previous seekers for liberation [like Janaka] k==MaR k*= TaMa( work was performed. * Satv–XauiÖ–AQaRMa( To purify their existence. TaSMaaTa( Therefore PaUvŒ" PaUvRTarMa( k*= TaMa( as done by the ancestors (p™rva) before (p™rva.tara) TvMa( k==MaR Wv ku= å you should perform work!” * Tad( c And that (work) Tatv–iviÙ" Sah ivcaYaR k==TaRVYaMa( should be done after discussing (vic€rya) with the knowers of Truth Na laek= –ParMPara–Maa}ae Švat[] >>> Xa*>> SPa*XaNa( — [while] touching √ghr€...GaNDaaePaadaNae — to smell >>> iJaga]Na( — [while] smelling √a[a]...>aaeJaNae — to eat, enjoy >>> AXNaNa( — [while] eating √gam[†]...GaTaaE — to go >>> GaC^Na( — [while] going √[ñi]svap...XaYae — to lie down, sleep >>> SvPaNa( — [while] sleeping √vas[a]...Pa[a>> ìSaNa( — [while] breathing; as in PaXYaNa( Xa*auiv SataaYaaMa( — to be, exist >>> SaNa( — [while] existing √i[u]...wC^aYaaMa( — to wish, desire >>> wC^Na( — [while] desiring √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> ku= vRNa( — [while] doing √car[a]...GaTaaE — to go, move >>> crNa( — [while] going √cit[i]...icNTYaaMa( — to think, remember >>> icNTaYaNa( — [while] thinking √tyaj[a]...haNaaE — to abandon >>> TYaJaNa( — [while] abandoning √dhyai...icNTaaYaaMa( — to think, meditate >>> DYaaYaNa( — [while] contemplating √j…v[a]...Pa[a> JaqvNa( — [while] living; as in JaqvNa( Mau¢= " — ‘liberated while living’; JaqvNa(–Mau¢= " — who is liberated even in this life Plural:

k==a¿aYaaMa( — to desire >>> k€‰kat[] >>> k==a¿Na( 〈1.1〉 — [while] desiring; k==a¿NTaaE 〈1.2〉 — [while] they [two] are desiring; k==a¿NTa" 〈1.3〉 — [while] they are desiring (4.12) √nid[i]...ku= TSaaYaaMa( — to criticize >>> nindat[] >>> iNaNdNTa" 〈1.3〉 — [while] they are criticizing √yaj[a]...devPaUJaa–Sa®iTak==r>> yajat[] >>> YaJaNTa" √k€k[i]...

〈1.3〉 — [while] they are worshiping √budh[ir]...

baeDaNae — to know, be awake >>> bodhat[] — ‘one who understands’, [while] understanding

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bodhayat[] is the causative form — ‘[while] making someone understand’; the declension goes



baeDaYaNTaaE baeDaYaNTa"...; ParSParMa( baeDaYaNTa" rMaiNTa — [while] enlightening one another, they are blissful A similar suffix is .[]€na: √[u]k[ñ]...

k==r>> kurv.€Ša >>> kurv€Šaƒ 〈1.3〉 — [while] doing; kurv€Ša is

declined like deva —

ku= vaR> >au“aaNaMa( 〈2.1〉 — [while] enjoying Sometimes m is inserted:

vTaRNae — to happen, act >>> vartam€na, vTaRMaaNa" 〈1.1〉 — [while] happening, existing √yat[…]...Pa[YaTNae — to endeavor >>> YaTaMaaNa" 〈1.1〉 — [while] striving

√vt[u]... Passive:

k==r>> kriyam€Ša — [while] being done; ik]= YaMaa sevyam€na — [while] being served; SaeVYaMaaNaMa( 〈2.1〉 — to him who is being √[u]k[ñ]...

served €.√pŽ — to fill >>> €p™ryam€Ša — [while] being filled;

AaPaUYaRMaaaaveNa jaNa– iNaïaYaa" A–SaM>avaTa( Because the practice of jñ€na is impossible without purity of mind.

YaaeGa–Yau¢= " MauiNa" [But] the sage who is engaged in karma-yoga b]ø Na icreaUTaaTMa>aUTaaTMaa ku= vR‘aiPa Na ilPYaTae= = )) yoga-yukto viuddh€tm€ vijit€tm€ jitendriyaƒ, sarva-bh™t€tma-bh™t€tm€ kurvann api na lipyate

YaaeGa–Yau¢= " “Being engaged in karma-yoga ivXauÖ–AaTMaa [thus] completely pure in mind iviJaTa–AaTMaa iJaTa–wiNd]Ya" [and thus] mind- and sense-controlled SavR–>aUTa–AaTMa–>aUTa–AaTMaa and feeling for all beings




SaveRzaMa( >aUTaaNaaMa( AaTMa>aUTa" AaTMaa YaSYa Sa" ‘Whose self has become [like] the

self (€tma-bh™ta) of all beings.’ Who can feel exactly how others are feeling.

ku= vRNa( AiPa Na ilPYaTae

even [while] working he is not stained.” 708 BG 5.8-9

NaEv= =ik==iÄTk==raeMaqiTa== Yau¢= ae= =MaNYaeTa== TatvivTa(= )=PaXYaNa(= Xa*aSaa== =)) brahmaŠy €dh€ya karm€Ši sa‰gaˆ tyaktv€ karoti yaƒ, lipyate na sa p€pena padma-patram iv€mbhas€

k==MaaRiau" k==SYaicd( PaaPaMa( Na Aadtae “The Lord does not accept anyone’s sin Na c Wv Sauk*= TaMa( and not even piety. * Yaid ih SvaQaR–k==aMaNaYaa k==arYaeTa( If He would direct [beings] to actions out of selfish desire TaihR TaQaa SYaaTa( than it would be so [that He would acquire sin and virtue]. NaTau WTad( AiSTa But it is not so. Aaá–k==aMaSYa Wv For He, with His desires already fulfilled AicNTYa–iNaJa–MaaYaYaa through His inconceivable power of M€y€ Tad(–Tad(–



PaUvR–k==MaR–ANauSaareaTa" Near means o>aYaTa" Ma*TaaNaaMa( JaqvTaaMa( c on both sides, whether living or death. 726 BG 5.27-28

SPaXaaRNk*= Tva bihbaRùa&ê+auêEvaNTare >a]uvae" ) Pa[aYaNTarcairYaNTar–cairaUTaaNaaMa( SauôdMa( and as the friend (suhd) of all beings MaaMa( jaTva [after] knowing Me [thus] XaaiNTaMa( ‰C^iTa one attains peace (liberation).” * Mad(–Pa]SaadeNa XaaiNTaMa( (=Maae+aMa(=) ‰C^iTa One attains peace, liberation, through my grace.



Sanskrit — Kdanta 4 (1) kta (2) k€rya (3) payan (4) tyaktv€ The suffix .[k]tv€ indicates a preceeding action (this form is avyaya, indeclinable): √tyaj[a]...

haNaaE — to abandon >>>€ — [after] abandoning, having abandoned √bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae" — to govern; enjoy + .[k]tv€ >>> >au¤a — [after] enjoying √bh™...SataaYaaMa( — to be, become; + .[k]tv€ >>> >aUTva — [after] being, becoming √d[ir]...Pa[e+a>> d*îa — [after] seeing √ru...é[v>> é[uTva — [after] hearing √gam[†]...GaTaaE — to go; + .[k]tv€ >>> GaTva — [after] going √jñ€ 9P...AvbaeDaNae — to know; + .[k]tv€ >>> jaTva — [after] knowing √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> k*= Tva — [after] doing √[u]labh[a]...Pa[aáaE — to obtain; + .[k]tv€ >>> lBßa — [after] obtaining √tyaj[a]...haNaaE — to abandon; + .[k]tv€ >>> TYa¤a — [after] abandoning Instead of .[k]tv€, .ya[p] is used when a prefix (like pari.) is applied to the dh€tu: pari.√tyaj[a] — to abandon >>> parityaj.ya — [after] abandoning

Pa[daYa — [after] offering nir.√ci[ñ] — to ascertain; + .ya[p] >>> iNaiêTYa — [after] ascertaining ni.√yam[a] — to restrain; + .ya[p] >>> iNaYaMYa — [after] restraining√yam[a] — to restrain; + .ya[p] >>> iviNaYaMYa — [after] restraining vi.√[o]h€[k] — to abandon; + .ya[p] >>> ivhaYa — [after] abandoning vi.√jñ€ — to understand; + .ya[p] >>> ivjaYa — [after] understanding upa.√i[Š] — to go near, attain; + .ya[p] >>> oPaeTYa — [after] attaining upa.sam.√gam[†] — to go near; + .ya[p] >>> oPaSa®MYa — [after] approaching pra.√nam[a] — to bow; + .ya[p] >>> Pa[>> Pa[aPYa — [after] obtaining sam.√sm — to remember; + .ya[p] >>> Sa&SMa*TYa — [after] remembering sam.√yam[a] — to restrain; + .ya[p] >>> Sa&YaMYa — [after] restraining√as[u] — to throw down, give up; + .ya[p] >>> Sa‘YaSYa — [after] giving up sam.√…k[a] — to see; + .ya[p] >>> SaMaq+Ya — [after] seeing vi.√€p[†] — to pervade; + .ya[p] >>> VYaaPYa — [after] pervading €.√ri[ñ] — to take shelter; + .ya[p] >>> Aaié[TYa — [after] taking shelter €.√pŽ — to protect, nourish; fill; + .ya[p] >>> AaPaUYaR — [after] filling ati.√i[Š] — to pass; + .ya[p] >>> ATaqTYa — [after] surpassing ava.√€p[†] — to obtain; + .ya[p] >>> AvaPYa — [after] obtaining pra.√d€[Š]...


— to offer; + ya[p] >>>

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Words made with .ya[p] should not be confused with (2) .ya (2). Kdantas made with .[k]tv€ or .ya[p] are avyayas, indeclinables. (4) pari.√tyaj[a] — to abandon; + .ya[p] >>> parityajya 〈avyaya〉 — [after] abandoning;



— [after] abandoning all dharmas

(2) pari.√tyaj[a] — to abandon; + .ya >>> parityajya — to be abandoned; not avyaya, but always declined >>>

PairTYaJYa" 〈1.1〉, PairTYaJYaaE 〈1.2〉, PairTYaJYaa" 〈1.3〉; SavR–k==aMaa" PairTYaJYaa" — all desires

are to be abandoned



Hinduism — G…t€ 6 štma-saˆyama-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Self-control (€tma-saˆyama)’ 728 BG 6.1

é[q>aGavaNauvac ANaaié[Ta" k==MaRf= l& k==aYa| k==MaR k==raeiTa Ya" ) Sa Sa‘YaaSaq c YaaeGaq c Na iNariGNaNaR cai§==Ya"== =)) an-€ritaƒ karma-phalaˆ k€ryaˆ karma karoti yaƒ, sa sanny€s… ca yog… ca na niragnir na c€kriyaƒ

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: k==MaR–f==lMa( ANa(–Aaié[Ta" Not resorting to the fruit of activity Ya" k==aYaRMa( k==MaR k==raeiTa one who does the prescribed duty Sa" Sa‘YaaSaq c YaaeGaq c he is a sanny€s… and a yog…, Na iNariGNa" and not he who does no rites * iNariGNa" Niragni means AiGNaSaaDYa–wí–Aa:Ya–k==MaR–TYaaGaq one who gives up rites called i˜a which are performed with the sacrificial fire.

Na c A–i§==Ya"

nor he who does no pious work.” *

A–i§==Ya" ANaiGNaSaaDYa–PaUTaR–Aa:Ya–k==MaR–TYaaGaq

A-kriya means one who gives up

philantrophic acts called p™rta which are performed without the sacred fire. *

ku= Ta" Why [is he a sanny€s… and a yog…]? 729 BG 6.2

Ya& Sa‘YaaSaiMaiTa Pa[ahuYaaeRGa& Ta& iviÖ PaaaviTa k==êNa== =)) yaˆ sanny€sam iti pr€hur yogaˆ taˆ viddhi p€Šava, na hy a-sannyasta-sa‰kalpo yog… bhavati kacana

PaaaviTa nobody becomes a yog….” * f==l–SaªLPa–TYaaGaaTa( Wv And because of this renunciation of desire for the fruit icta–iv+aePa–A>aavaTa( and the [resultant] ceasing of mental distractions YaaeGaq c >aviTa he is also a yog… [according to Patañjali]. * TaihR YaavTa( JaqvMa( Then all through life k==MaR–YaaeGa" Wv Pa[aá" one will have to practice karma-yoga? 730 BG 6.3

Aaåå+aaeMauRNaeYaaeRGa& k==MaR k==araqb]Røcairv]Tae iSQaTa" ) MaNa" Sa&YaMYa MaiÀtaae Yau¢= AaSaqTa MaTPar"== =)) pra€nt€tm€ vigata-bh…r brahmac€ri-vrate sthitaƒ, manaƒ saˆyamya mac-citto yukta €s…ta mat-paraƒ

k==aYa–iXar"–Ga]qvMa( “The body (k€ya), head (iras) and neck (gr…va) SaMaMa( A–clMa( DaarYaNa( [while] holding [them] straight and unmoving iSQar" [and thus being] steady, SvMa( NaaiSak==a–AGa]Ma( SaMPa[e+Ya [after] staring at the tip of one’s nose (see note 5.27) idXa" c ANa(–Avlaek= YaNa( and [while] not looking around Pa[XaaNTa–AaTMaa ivGaTa–>aq" being peaceful in mind and free from fear (bh…) b]øcair–v]Tae iSQaTa" situated in the vow (vrata) of a celibate (brahmac€rin) MaNa" Sa&YaMYa [after thus] controlling the mind (manas) Yau¢= " Mad(–icta" Mad(–Par" AaSaqTa the yog… should remain thinking of Me and devoted to Me.” 740 BG 6.15

YauÅ‘aev& SadaTMaaNa& YaaeGaq iNaYaTaMaaNaSa" ) XaaiNTa& iNavaRaviTa du"%ha== =)) yukt€h€ra-vih€rasya yukta-ce˜asya karmasu, yukta-svapn€vabodhasya yogo bhavati duƒkha-h€

Yau¢= –Aahar–ivharSYa “For one whose food (€h€ra) and lifestyle are regulated k==MaRSau Yau¢= –ceíSYa whose engagement in work is regulated Yau¢= –SvPNa–AvbaeDaSYa whose sleeping and waking are regulated



du"%–ha YaaeGa" >aviTa

there is yoga, which destroys misery.” 743 BG 6.18

Yada iviNaYaTa& ictaMaaTMaNYaevaviTaïTae ) iNaSPa*h" SavRk= aMae>Yaae Yau¢= wTYauCYaTae Tada== =)) yad€ viniyataˆ cittam €tmany ev€vati˜hate, nisphaƒ sarva-k€mebhyo yukta ity ucyate tad€

Yada iviNaYaTaMa( ictaMa( “When the well-controlled mind (citta) AaTMaiNa Wv AviTaïTae stays in the self alone SavR–k==aMae>Ya" iNaSPa*h" and when one is free from hankering for all enjoyments Tada Yau¢= " wiTa oCYaTae then one is said to be in yoga.” 744 BG 6.19

YaQaa dqPaae iNavaTaSQaae Nae®Tae SaaePaMaa SMa*Taa ) YaaeiGaNaae YaTaictaSYa YauÅTaae YaaeGaMaaTMaNa"== =)) yath€ d…po niv€ta-stho ne‰gate sopam€ smt€, yogino yata-cittasya yuñjato yogam €tmanaƒ

YaQaa iNavaTa–SQa" dqPa" “ ‘As a lamp (d…pa) in a windless place Na w®Tae does not flicker’ — AaTMaNa" YaaeGaMa( YauÅTa" practicing meditation on the self YaTa–ictaSYa YaaeiGaNa" for a yog… of controlled mind Saa oPaMaa SMa*Taa that comparison (upam€) is given.” 745 BG 6.20-23

Ya}aaeParMaTae icta& iNaåÖ& YaaeGaSaevYaa ) Ya}a cEvaTMaNaaTMaaNa& PaXYa‘aaTMaiNa TauZYaiTa== =)) yatroparamate cittaˆ niruddhaˆ yoga-sevay€, yatra caiv€tman€tm€naˆ payann €tmani tuyati

Sau%MaaTYaiNTak&= YataØuiÖGa]aùMaTaqiNd]YaMa( ) veita Ya}a Na cEvaYa& iSQaTaêliTa TatvTa"== =)) sukham €tyantikaˆ yat tad buddhi-gr€hyam at…ndriyam, vetti yatra na caiv€yaˆ sthita calati tattvataƒ

Ya& lBßa caPar& la>a& MaNYaTae NaaiDak&= TaTa" ) YaiSMaiNSQaTaae Na du"%eNa GauåaUTaMak==LMazMa(= = )) pra€nta-manasaˆ hy enaˆ yoginaˆ sukham uttamam, upaiti €nta-rajasaˆ brahma-bh™tam a-kalmaam

XaaNTa–rJaSaMa( Pa[XaaNTa–MaNaSaMa( “[Thus] of calmed passions (rajas) and pacified mind A–k==LMazMa( b]ø–>aUTaMa( sinless and self-realized WNaMa( YaaeiGaNaMa( ih to this yog… alone otaMaMa( Sau%Ma( oPaEiTa comes supreme happiness [of sam€dhi].” In this verse, uttamam sukham is the kart€, and yoginam is the karma. 750 BG 6.28

YauÅ‘aev& SadaTMaaNa& YaaeGaq ivGaTak==LMaz" ) Sau%eNa b]øSa&SPaXaRMaTYaNTa& Sau%MaXNauTae= = )) yuñjann evaˆ sad€tm€naˆ yog… vigata-kalmaaƒ, sukhena brahma-saˆsparam atyantaˆ sukham anute

WvMa( AaTMaaNaMa( Sada YauÅNa( “[While] thus always engaging himself b]ø–Sa&SPaXaRMa( ATYaNTaMa( Sau%Ma( the unlimited happiness of the experience of the Supreme ivGaTa–k==LMaz" YaaeGaq Sau%eNa AXNauTae the sinless yog… easily obtains.” * JaqvNa(–Mau¢= " >aviTa He attains liberation even while living. * b]ø–Saa+aaTk==arMa( Wv dXaRYaiTa Now He describes realization of brahma: 751 BG 6.29

SavR>aUTaSQaMaaTMaaNa& SavR>aUTaaiNa caTMaiNa ) wR+aTae YaaeGaYau¢= aTMaa SavR}a SaMadXaRNa"== =)) sarva-bh™tastham €tm€naˆ sarva-bh™t€ni c€tmani, …kate yoga-yukt€tm€ sarvatra sama-daranaƒ

SavR}a SaMa–dXaRNa" *

“One who has equal vision everywhere

SavR}a SaMaMa( b]ø Wv PaXYaiTa He who sees the same brahma everywhere.

YaaeGa–Yau¢= –AaTMaa who is self-realized by yoga, AaTMaaNaMa( SavR–>aUTa–SQaMa( wR+aTae he sees the Supersoul situated in all beings SavR–>aUTaaiNa c AaTMaiNa and all beings in the Supersoul.” We follow Baladeva who explains €tm€nam as param€tm€nam. And the next verse indeed confirms it: yaƒ m€ˆ sarvatra payati... 752 BG 6.30

Yaae Maa& PaXYaiTa SavR}a Sav| c MaiYa PaXYaiTa ) TaSYaah& Na Pa[aUTa–iSQaTaMa( MaaMa( >aJaiTa one who worships Me as being situated in all beings, SavRQaa vTaRMaaNa" AiPa although living in all circumstances * k==MaR–TYaaGaeNa AiPa Even by giving up all work. Sa" YaaeGaq MaiYa vTaRTae that yog… lives in Me.” * MauCYaTae He is liberated NaTau >a]XYaiTa and does not degrade. wiTa AQaR" This is the idea. 754 BG 6.32

AaTMaaEPaMYaeNa SavR}a SaMa& PaXYaiTa Yaae-= _JauRNa ) Sau%& va Yaid va du"%& Sa YaaeGaq ParMaae MaTa"== =)) €tmaupamyena sarvatra samaˆ payati yo ’rjuna, sukhaˆ v€ yadi v€ duƒkhaˆ sa yog… paramo mataƒ

AJauRNa “O Arjuna! AaTMa–AaEPaMYaeNa By comparison with himself Yaid Sau%Ma( va du"%Ma( va whether happiness or distress Ya" SavR}a SaMaMa( PaXYaiTa one who sees equally everywhere, * ‘=YaQaa MaMa Sau%Ma( iPa[YaMa( “As pleasure is pleasing to me du"%Ma( c A–iPa[YaMa( and pain is displeasing TaQaa ANYaezaMa( AiPa=’ so are they to others also.” wiTa SavR}a SaMaMa( PaXYaNa( thus seeing equally everywhere Sau%Ma( Wv SaveRzaMa( Ya" vaH^iTa he wishes only pleasure to all creatures NaTau k==SYa AiPa du"%Ma( and not pain to any one. Sa" YaaeGaq ParMa" MaTa" that yog… is [by Me] considered best [among the above yog…s].” * MaMa Ai>aMaTa" In my opinion. 755 BG 6.33

AJauRNa ovac Yaae-= _Ya&= =YaaeGaSTvYaa== Pa[ae¢= "= =SaaMYaeNa== MaDauSaUdNa== )= =WTaSYaah&= =Na== PaXYaaiMa== cÄlTvaiTSQaiTa&= =iSQaraMa(= = )) yo ’yaˆ yogas tvay€ proktaƒ s€myena madhus™dana, etasy€haˆ na pay€mi cañcalatv€t sthitiˆ sthir€m

AJauRNa" ovac – MaDauSaUdNa “Arjuna said: O Lord (Madhus™dana)! Ya" AYaMa( YaaeGa" This yoga which SaaMYaeNa TvYaa Pa[ae¢= " was described by You as equanimity,



cÄlTvaTa( because of unsteadiness [of the mind] WTaSYa iSQaraMa( iSQaiTaMa( the stable position of this [yoga] AhMa( Na PaXYaaiMa I do not see.” 756 BG 6.34

cÄl& ih MaNa" k*= ZaGavaNauvac ASa&XaYa& Mahabahae MaNaae duiNaRGa]h& clMa( ) A>YaaSaeNa Tau k==aENTaeYa vEraGYae=aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: Maha–bahae k==aENTaeYa O hero Arjuna! A–Sa&XaYaMa( Undoubtedly clMa( MaNa" duiNaRGa]hMa( the restless mind is difficult to control, A>YaaSaeNa Tau vEraGYaea]íiX^‘aa>a]iMav NaXYaiTa ) APa[iTaïae Mahabahae ivMaU!ae b]øaYa–iv>a]í" Without support and fallen from both * k==MaRaYa–>a]&XaaTa( PaaiTaTYaMa( the status of being fallen from both (heaven and liberation) AMau}a Par–laeke= NaaXa" destruction hereafter, in the other world, means Nark==–Pa[aiá" going to hell. k==iêd( k==LYaaa–k==arq And he is [certainly] a doer of good é[ÖYaa YaaeGae Pa[v*taTvaTa( *

wh laeke= NaaXa"

Destruction in this world means

since he has taken to yoga with faith.

duGaRiTaMa( Na ih GaC^iTa

never attains misfortune.” 763 BG 6.41

Pa[aPYa Paua]íae-= _i>aJaaYaTae= = )) pr€pya puŠya-kt€ˆ lok€n uitv€ €vat…ƒ sam€ƒ, uc…n€ˆ r…mat€ˆ gehe yoga-bhra˜o ’bhij€yate

PauaUYa [And] experiencing the pleasure of living there. YaaeGa–>a]í" one who has fallen from yoga XaucqNaaMa( é[qMaTaaMa( Gaehe in the family of the pious and wealthy Ai>aJaaYaTae is born.” * ALPa–k==al–A>YaSTa–YaaeGa–>a]&Xae GaiTa" The goal [attained] when falling from yoga after having practiced a short time wYaMa( o¢==a this has been stated. icr–A>YaSTa– YaaeGa–>a]&Xae Tau But when falling from yoga after having practiced a long time Pa+a– ANTarMa( this is another case: 764 BG 6.42

AQava YaaeiGaNaaMaev ku= le >aviTa DaqMaTaaMa( ) WTaiÖ dulR>aTar& laeke= JaNMa Yadqd*XaMa(= = )) athav€ yogin€m eva kule bhavati dh…mat€m, etad dhi durlabhataraˆ loke janma yad …dam

AQava “Or else [if he was more advanced in yoga] DaqMaTaaMa( YaaeiGaNaaMa( Wv ku= le certainly in the family of wise yog…s >aviTa he is born. wRd*XaMa( Yad( JaNMa Such a birth WTad( ih laeke= dulR>aTarMa( this is more rare in this world.” * Maae+a–heTauTvaTa( As it leads to liberation. 765 BG 6.43

Ta}a Ta& buiÖSa&YaaeGa& l>aTae PaaEvRdeihk==Ma( ) YaTaTae c TaTaae >aUYa" Sa&iSaÖaE ku= åNaNdNa== =)) tatra taˆ buddhi-saˆyogaˆ labhate paurva-dehikam, yatate ca tato bh™yaƒ saˆsiddhau kuru-nandana

ku= å–NaNdNa “O Arjuna! TaMa( PaaEvR–deihk==Ma( buiÖ–Sa&YaaeGaMa( Contact with that previous life’s knowledge * b]ø–ivzYaYaa buÖya With knowledge about the soul (brahma). Ta}a l>aTae he gets there. * Ta}a iÜ"–Pa]k= are AiPa JaNMaiNa There means in both kinds of births (6.41-42).

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TaTa" c >aUYa" And then again Sa&iSaÖaE YaTaTae he endeavors for perfection (liberation).” * Ta}a heTau" The reason is given: 766 BG 6.44

PaUvaR>YaaSaeNa TaeNaEv i”YaTae ùvXaae-= _iPa Sa" ) iJajaSauriPa YaaeGaSYa XaBdb]øaiTavTaRTae= = )) p™rv€bhy€sena tenaiva hriyate hy a-vao ’pi saƒ, jijñ€sur api yogasya abda-brahm€tivartate

TaeNa Wv PaUvR–A>YaaSaeNa “[Because] by that previous practice [of yoga] A–vXa" AiPa Sa" i”YaTae ih even unwillingly he is carried. * ku= Taiêd( ANTaraYaaTa( AiNaC^Na( AiPa Even if unwilling because of some obstacle. ivzYae>Ya" ParavTYaR Being turned away from sense-objects b]ø–iNaï" i§==YaTae he is made to be firmly established in the soul (brahma).

YaaeGaSYa iJajaSau" AiPa Even though he is a mere inquirer into yoga * YaaeGa–>a]í" AiPa Although he has fallen from yoga. XaBd–b]ø AiTavTaRTae he surpasses the Vedas.” * ved–o¢==–k==MaR–f==laiNa AiTa§==aMaiTa He surpasses the results of rituals (karman) prescribed by the Vedas. Tae>Ya" AiDak==Ma( f==lMa( Pa[aPYa i.e., achieving a result greater than those MauCYaTae he is liberated. 767 BG 6.45

Pa[YaTNaaÛTaMaaNaSTau YaaeGaq Sa&XauÖik==iLbz" ) ANaek= JaNMaSa&iSaÖSTaTaae YaaiTa Para& GaiTaMa(= = )) prayatn€d yatam€nas tu yog… saˆuddha-kilbiaƒ, aneka-janma-saˆsiddhas tato y€ti par€ˆ gatim

Pa[YaTNaaTa( YaTaMaaNa" YaaeGaq Tau “The yog… who is endeavoring with effort Sa&XauÖ–ik==iLbz" being completely purified of sin (kilbia) ANaek= –JaNMa–Sa&iSaÖ" and perfected after many births TaTa" ParaMa( GaiTaMa( YaaiTa then he attains the supreme destination.” 768 BG 6.46

TaPaiSv>Yaae_iDak==ae YaaeGaq jaiNa>Yaae_iPa MaTaae= _iDak=="= =) k==iMaR>YaêaiDak==ae YaaeGaq TaSMaaÛaeGaq >avaJauRNa== )) tapasvibhyo ’dhiko yog… jñ€nibhyo ’pi mato ’dhikaƒ, karmibhya c€dhiko yog… tasm€d yog… bhav€rjuna

AJauRNa “O Arjuna! YaaeGaq TaPaiSv>Ya" AiDak==" MaTa" [Such] a [a˜€‰ga-] yog… is regarded as greater than ascetics * k*= C^\–caNd]aYaYa" Than those devoted to penance like [the fasts called] kcchra and c€ndr€yaŠa.

jaiNa>Ya" AiPa AiDak==" and greater even than jñ€n…s. * Xaañ–jaNavÙy" Than those who know scriptures. YaaeGaq k==iMaR>Ya" c AiDak==" The yog… is greater also (of course) than the karm…s wí–PaUTaaRid–k==MaR–k==air>Ya" Than those who perform rites like i˜a and p™rta. TaSMaaTa( YaaeGaq >av therefore be a [a˜€‰ga-] yog…!” *

The indicated order is karm… — tapasv… — jñ€n… — yog….



YaaeiGaNaaMa( AiPa And even among yog…s YaMa–iNaYaMaaid–Paraa¢==" é[eï" My devotee is superior. wiTa Aah This is being stated: *

769 BG 6.47

YaaeiGaNaaMaiPa SaveRza& MaÓTaeNaaNTaraTMaNaa ) é[ÖavaN>aJaTae Yaae Maa& Sa Mae Yau¢= TaMaae MaTa"== =)) yogin€m api sarve€ˆ mad-gaten€ntar-€tman€, raddh€v€n bhajate yo m€ˆ sa me yuktatamo mataƒ

SaveRzaMa( YaaeiGaNaaMa( AiPa “And of all yog…s Mad(–GaTaeNa ANTa"–AaTMaNaa with his heart attached to Me Ya" MaaMa( é[ÖavaNa( >aJaTae one who worships Me (the Lord) with faith, Sa" Yau¢= TaMa" Mae (=MaMa=) MaTa" he is considered the best yog… by Me.” * ATa" MaÙ¢==" >av Therefore be My devotee. wiTa >aav" That is the purport.

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Sanskrit — Kdanta 5 (1) (2) (3) (4)

kta k€rya payan tyaktv€

(5) veditum The suffix .tum[u] makes the infinitive: √vid[a] 2P...

jaNae — to know; + .tum[u] >>> veidTauMa( — to know √chid[ir]...ÜEDaqk==r>> ^etauMa( — to cut √bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae" — to govern; enjoy; + .tum[u] >>> >aae¢u= Ma( — to enjoy √€p[†]...VYaaPTaaE — to reach, obtain; + .tum[u] >>> AaáuMa( — to obtain √arc[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor; + .tum[u] >>> AicRTauMa( — to worship anu.√uc[a] — to lament; + .tum[u] >>> ANauXaaeicTauMa( — to lament ava.√€p[†] — to obtain; + .tum[u] >>> AvaáuMa( — to obtain ava.√sth€ — to stay; + .tum[u] >>> AvSQaaTauMa( — to stay √d[ir]...Pa[e+a>> d]íuMa( — to see √jñ€ 9P...AvbaeDaNae — to know; + .tum[u] >>> jaTauMa( — to know √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> k==TauRMa( — to do pra.√vi[a] — to enter; + .tum[u] >>> Pa[veíuMa( — to enter sam.€.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to hold, concentrate; + .tum[u] >>> SaMaaDaaTauMa( — to concentrate √tyaj[a]...haNaaE — to abandon; + .tum[u] >>> TYa¢u= Ma( — to abandon √vac[a]...Pair>aaz>> v¢u= Ma( — to speak √uc[a]...Xaaeke= — to grieve, lament; + .tum[u] >>> XaaeicTauMa( — to lament




Hinduism — G…t€ 7 Jñ€na-vijñ€na-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Knowledge (jñ€na) and Realization (vijñ€na)’ *

k==Id*Xa" TvMa( YaSYa >ai¢==" k==TaRVYaa Of what nature are You whose worship is to be

done? Tat tvam asi — “You (tvam) are that (tad).” By yoga, as described in chapter six, one gets knowledge of ‘you’ only, and not of ‘that’, which is therefore only partial. 770 BG 7.1

é[q>aGavaNauvac MaYYaaSa¢==MaNaa" PaaQaR YaaeGa& YauÅNMadaé[Ya" ) ASa&XaYa& SaMaGa]& Maa& YaQaa jaSYaiSa TaC^*aGavaNa( ovac – PaaQaR “The Lord said: O Arjuna! MaiYa AaSa¢==–MaNaa" Being absorbed in Me Mad(–Aaé[Ya" YaaeGaMa( YauÅNa( [while] performing yoga under My [exclusive] shelter YaQaa SaMaGa]Ma( A–Sa&XaYaMa( how completely and without doubt MaaMa( jaSYaiSa you will know Me, Tad( Xa*aUYa" Na ANYaTa( jaTaVYaMa( AviXaZYaTae there remains nothing else to be known here.” * Mad(–>ai¢==Ma( ivNaa Tau But without devotion to Me Mad(–jaNaMa( dulR>aMa( knowledge about Me is impossible: 772 BG 7.3

MaNauZYaaYaMa( AhMa( v+YaaiMa [yet] I shall tell it to you. wiTa AQaR" This is the idea. * WvMa( é]aeTaarMa( Ai>aMau:aq–k*= TYaa After thus making the listener attentive wdaNaqMa( Pa]k*= iTa–Üara Sa*íyaid–k==Ta*RTveNa wRìr–TatvMa( ... iNaæPaiYaZYaNa( now, describing the nature of the Lord as doer of creation through His energy (prakti) Par–APar–>aedeNa Pa[k*= iTa–ÜYaMa( Aah the twofold prakti, differentiated as higher and lower, is *

mentioned: 773 BG 7.4

>aUiMaraPaae-= _Nalae vaYau" %& MaNaae buiÖrev c ) Ahªar wTaqYa& Mae i>a‘aa Pa[k*= iTaríDaa== =)) bh™mir €po ’nalo v€yuƒ khaˆ mano buddhir eva ca, aha‰k€ra it…yaˆ me bhinn€ praktir a˜adh€

>aUiMa" AaPa" ANal" vaYau" “Earth, water, fire, air %Ma( MaNa" buiÖ" Ahªar" Wv c ether, mind, intelligence and also false ego wiTa wYaMa( this is Mae (=MaMa=) AíDaa i>a‘aa Pa[k*= iTa" My separated eightfold prakti.” 774 BG 7.5

APareYaiMaTaSTvNYaa& Pa[k*= iTa& iviÖ Mae ParaMa( ) Jaqv>aUTaa& Mahabahae YaYaed& DaaYaRTae JaGaTa(= = )) apareyam itas tv any€ˆ praktiˆ viddhi me par€m, j…va-bh™t€ˆ mah€-b€ho yayedaˆ dh€ryate jagat

Maha–bahae “O Arjuna! wYaMa( APara This is [My] inferior [prakti]. wTa" Tau ANYaaMa( But besides this, another one YaYaa wdMa( JaGaTa( DaaYaRTae by which this world (jagat) is sustained [by work] Mae (=MaMa=) ParaMa( Jaqv–>aUTaaMa( Pa[k*= iTaMa( My superior prakti comprising the [conscious] j…vas iviÖ you should know!” * ANaYaae" Pa[k*= iTaTvMa( dXaRYaNa( By showing the energetic nature of these two SvSYa Tad(–Üara Sa*íyaid–k==araUTaaiNa SavaRav" TaQaa Pa[lYa" I am the creation and dissolution.”



Tae c MadqYae Pa[k*= Taq Mata" SaM>aUTae These two praktis of Mine being born from Me ParMa–k==araUTaezu TaPaêaiSMa TaPaiSvzu= = )) puŠyo gandhaƒ pthivy€ˆ ca teja c€smi vibh€vasau, j…vanaˆ sarva-bh™teu tapa c€smi tapasviu

Pa*iQaVYaaMa( PauaavSaaE TaeJa" c AiSMa and in fire I am brightness (tejas) SavR–>aUTaezu JaqvNaMa( in all beings vitality (j…vana — ‘life’) TaPaiSvzu TaPa" c AiSMa and in the ascetics I am penance (tapas).” * ÜNÜ–SahNa–æPaMa( TaPa" Austerity means here the capacity to tolerate extremes (like heat and cold). 779 BG 7.10

bqJa& Maa& SavR>aUTaaNaa& iviÖ PaaQaR SaNaaTaNaMa( ) buiÖbuRiÖMaTaaMaiSMa TaeJaSTaeJaiSvNaaMahMa(= = ))

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b…jaˆ m€ˆ sarva-bh™t€n€ˆ viddhi p€rtha san€tanam, buddhir buddhimat€m asmi tejas tejasvin€m aham

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! SavR–>aUTaaNaaMa( SaNaaTaNaMa( bqJaMa( As the eternal seed (b…ja) of all beings * bqJaMa( Seed means here SaJaaTaqYa–k==aYaR–oTPaadNa–SaaMaQYaRMa( the ability (s€marthya) to produce effects (k€rya) of the same species. SaNaaTaNaMa( Eternal means here iNaTYaMa( otaraetar–SavR–k==aYaeRzu ANauSYaUTaMa( [this ability] continues eternally in all successive effects.

MaaMa( iviÖ know Me! buiÖMaTaaMa( buiÖ" AiSMa Of the intelligent I am intelligence TaeJaiSvNaaMa( AhMa( TaeJa" of the powerful I am prowess.” 780 BG 7.11

bl& blvTaa& cah& k==aMaraGaivviJaRTaMa( ) DaMaaRivåÖae >aUTaezu k==aMaae-=_iSMa >arTazR>a== =)) balaˆ balavat€ˆ c€haˆ k€ma-r€ga-vivarjitam, dharm€viruddho bh™teu k€mo ’smi bharatarabha

>arTa–‰z>a “O Arjuna! blvTaaMa( c And of the strong AhMa( k==aMa–raGa–ivviJaRTaMa( blMa(

I am strength (bala) which is free from desire (k€ma) and

attachment (r€ga).

k==aMa" Desire (k€ma) means A–Pa[aáe vSTauiNa Ai>alaz" the wish for something unobtained; raJaSa" this is in rajo-guŠa. raGa" PauNa" And attachment (r€ga) means Ai>alizTae AQaeR Pa[aáe AiPa even when the desired object has been obtained PauNa" AiDake= AQaeR icta–rÅNaaTMak==" a coloring of the mind for again more of an object Ta*Zaava" “Whichever states (bh€va) are in goodness * Saaitvk==a" >aava" States in sattva-guŠa XaMa–dMaadYa" like mind-control and sensecontrol.

Yae raJaSaa" TaaMaSaa" c [but] also which are in passion and ignorance *=raJaSaa" c hzR–dPaaRdYa" States of rajo-guŠa, like pleasure (hara) and pride (darpa) TaaMaSaa" c Yae Xaaek= –MaaehadYa" and those of tamo-guŠa, like lamentation (oka) and delusion (moha).

Mata" Wv

[they are] from Me alone *

wiTa TaaNa( iviÖ

MadqYa–Pa[k*= iTa–GauaGauRaaRvErei>a" SavRiMad& JaGaTa( ) MaaeihTa& Naai>aJaaNaaiTa MaaMae>Ya" ParMaVYaYaMa(= = )) tribhir guŠamayair bh€vair ebhiƒ sarvam idaˆ jagat, mohitaˆ n€bhij€n€ti m€m ebhyaƒ param a-vyayam

Wi>a" i}ai>a" GauYa" ParMa( A–VYaYaMa( MaaMa( Me, who am beyond these [states] and [thus] unchangeable * WTaezaMa( iNaYaNTaarMa( Being their ruler. Na Ai>aJaaNaaiTa does not know.” * ke= TaihR TvaMa( JaaNaiNTa Then who are those who know You? 783 BG 7.14

dEvq ùeza GauarTazR>a== =)) catur-vidh€ bhajante m€ˆ jan€ƒ suktino ’rjuna, €rto jijñ€sur arth€rth… jñ€n… ca bharatarabha


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>arTa–‰z>a AJauRNa “O hero Arjuna! AaTaR" iJajaSau" AQaR–AQas The (1) distressed, (2) inquisitive, (3) desirer of wealth *= AaTaR" raeGaaid–Ai>a>aUTa" The distressed one is overcome by disease etc. Sa" Yaid PaUvRk*= Ta–Paua"== =)) bah™n€ˆ janman€m ante jñ€nav€n m€ˆ prapadyate, v€sudevaƒ sarvam iti sa mah€tm€ sudurlabhaƒ

bhUNaaMa( JaNMaNaaMa( ANTae “In the final of many births (janman) * Paua" Such a great soul is very rare.” * Tad( WvMa( k==aiMaNa" AiPa SaNTa" Therefore even though being possessed of desires k==aMa–Pa[aáYae ParMaeìrMa( Wv Yae >aJaiNTa those who worship the Lord for the fulfilment of [those] desires Tae k==aMaaNa( Pa[aPYa they, after obtaining [those] desires XaNaE" MauCYaNTae become gradually liberated. wiTa o¢==Ma( This has been stated. Yae Tau ATYaNTaMa( raJaSaa" TaaMaSaa" c But those who are extremely passionate (r€jasa) or dull (t€masa) k==aMa–Ai>a>aUTaa" [thus] overpowered by their desires (k€ma) +aud]–devTaa" SaevNTae they worship minor deities (devat€) Tae Sa&SariNTa and they attain rebirth. wiTa Aah This is being stated: 789 BG 7.20

k==aMaESTaESTaEôRTajaNaa" Pa[PaÛNTae-= _NYadevTaa" ) Ta& Ta& iNaYaMaMaaSQaaYa Pa[k*= TYaa iNaYaTaa" SvYaa== =)) k€mais tais tair hta-jñ€n€ƒ prapadyante ’nya-devat€ƒ, taˆ taˆ niyamam €sth€ya prakty€ niyat€ƒ svay€

TaE" TaE" k==aMaE" ôTa–jaNaa" “Those whose intelligence is stolen by particular desires SvYaa Pa[k*= TYaa iNaYaTaa" being controlled by their own nature * PaUvR–A>YaaSa–vaSaNaYaa iNaYaTaa" Controlled by an impression from a previous [life’s] habit.

TaMa( TaMa( iNaYaMaMa( AaSQaaYa [after] resorting to a particular observance ANYa–devTaa" Pa[PaÛNTae they worship other (lesser) gods.” 790 BG 7.21

Yaae Yaae Yaa& Yaa& TaNau& >a¢==" é[ÖYaaicRTauiMaC^iTa ) TaSYa TaSYaacla& é[Öa& TaaMaev ivdDaaMYahMa(= = )) yo yo y€ˆ y€ˆ tanuˆ bhaktaƒ raddhay€rcitum icchati, tasya tasy€cal€ˆ raddh€ˆ t€m eva vidadh€my aham

Ya" Ya" >a¢==" “The particular worshiper YaaMa( YaaMa( TaNauMa( whatever [deity] form * MadqYaaMa( Wv MaUiTaRMa( Which is but an image of Myself. é[ÖYaa AicRTauMa( wC^iTa he wants to worship with faith (raddh€), TaSYa TaSYa of that particular [worshiper] TaaMa( Wv é[ÖaMa( that very faith AhMa( A–claMa( ivdDaaiMa I (as Supersoul) make steady.” 791 BG 7.22

Sa TaYaa é[ÖYaa Yau¢= STaSYaaraDaNaMaqhTae ) l>aTae c TaTa" k==aMaaNMaYaEv ivihTaaiNh TaaNa(= = )) sa tay€ raddhay€ yuktas tasy€r€dhanam …hate, labhate ca tataƒ k€m€n mayaiva vihit€n hi t€n

TaYaa é[ÖYaa Yau¢= " “Endowed with that [particular] faith Sa" TaSYaa" AaraDaNaMa( wRhTae he performs the worship of that [ particular deity form]. ®r…dhara Sv€m… reads TaSYaaraDaNaMa( and explains it as TaSYaa" AaraDaNaMa(=. But this is only possible by €ra-prayoga sandhi: tasy€ƒ €r€dhanam >>> tasy€ €radhanam >>> (further sandhi by €ra-prayoga) tasy€r€dhanam. Therefore some editions read


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and explain it as


TaSYaa" raDaNaMa(=. Then the sandhi from tasy€ƒ r€dhanam to

tasy€ r€dhanam is correct, and r€dhanam has quite the same meaning as €r€dhanam.

TaTa" c From that [deity] MaYaa Wv ih ivihTaaNa( [but actually] bestowed by Me alone *=Tad(–Tad(–devTaa–ANTaYaaRiMaaTae he obtains his desires.” *=TaQaaiPa Tau But still Saa+aaTa( Mad(–>a¢==aNaaMa( c TaezaMa( c between My direct devotees (bhakta) and them f==l–vEzMYaMa( >aviTa there is a difference of result: 792 BG 7.23

ANTavtau f==l& Taeza& TaÙvTYaLPaMaeDaSaaMa( ) devaNdevYaJaae YaaiNTa MaÙ¢==a YaaiNTa MaaMaiPa== =)) antavat tu phalaˆ te€ˆ tad bhavaty alpa-medhas€m, dev€n deva-yajo y€nti mad-bhakt€ y€nti m€m api

TaezaMa( ALPa–MaeDaSaaMa( Tau “But of those less intelligent Tad( f==lMa( ANTavTa( >aviTa that result is temporary. * MaYaa dtaMa( AiPa Although it is given by Me. dev–YaJa" devaNa( YaaiNTa [Because] worshipers of the devas attain the devas Whatever they the temporary devas can offer is also temorary.

Mad(–>a¢==a" AiPa MaaMa( YaaiNTa and My devotees also attain Me.” * ANaaid–ANTaMa( ParMa–AaNaNdMa( Who am supreme bliss without beginning and end. * NaNau c But then SaMaaNae Pa[YaaSae when there is the same endeavor MahiTa c f==l– ivXaeze SaiTa while the difference in the result is great, SaveR AiPa ik==Ma( wiTa devTaa– ANTarMa( ihTva TvaMa( Wv Na >aJaiNTa why do not all worship You alone, giving up other deities? 793 BG 7.24

AVYa¢&= VYai¢==MaaPa‘a& MaNYaNTae MaaMabuÖYa" ) Par& >aavMaJaaNaNTaae MaMaaVYaYaMaNautaMaMa(= = )) a-vyaktaˆ vyaktim €pannaˆ manyante m€m a-buddhayaƒ, paraˆ bh€vam a-j€nanto mam€vyayam anuttamam

A–buÖYa" “The unintelligent MaMa A–VYaYaMa( ANa(–otaMaMa( ParMa( >aavMa( My eternal, unsurpassed, spiritual nature A–JaaNaNTa" not knowing, A–VYa¢==Ma( MaaMa( Me who am unmanifest VYai¢==Ma( AaPa‘aMa( MaNYaNTae they consider as having assumed a [material] manifestation.” *=JaGaTa(–r+aaQaRMa( lqlYaa As a pastime (l…l€) for the protection of the world (jagat) AaivZk*= Ta–NaaNaa–ivXauÖ–OiJaRTa–Satv–MaUiTaRMa( having manifested (€vikta) diverse forms (m™rti) of pure and excellent (™rjita) sattva MaaMa( ParMaeìrMa( c Me, the Supreme Lord Svk==MaR–iNaiMaRTa–>aaEiTak==–dehMa( c devTaa–ANTar–SaMaMa( PaXYaNTa" viewing to be equal to other gods (devat€) with material bodies fashioned according to their own karma

MaNd–MaTaYa" MaaMa( Na ATaqv Aaid]YaNTae the dull-witted do not rever Me much



Pa[TYauTa but rather i+aPa[–f==lMa( devTaa–ANTarMa( Wv >aJaiNTa they worship other gods who bestow quick results. There are some who consider the Lord as Avat€ra to be assuming a material body, and therefore like one of the demigods. But when the Lord descends as an incarnation, He comes in His same spiritual body (see 4.6). He is not forced by karma to take a material body like lesser gods or men. 794 BG 7.25

Naah& Pa[k= aXa" SavRSYa YaaeGaMaaYaaSaMaav*Ta" ) MaU!ae-= _Ya& Naai>aJaaNaaiTa laek= ae MaaMaJaMaVYaYaMa(= = )) n€haˆ prak€aƒ sarvasya yoga-m€y€-sam€vtaƒ, m™ho ’yaˆ n€bhij€n€ti loko m€m a-jam a-vyayam

YaaeGa–MaaYaa–SaMaav*Ta" “[Being] covered by [My] mysterious power (yoga-m€y€) AhMa( SavRSYa Na Pa[k= aXa" I am not visible to all. AYaMa( MaU!" laek= " [Therefore] this bewildered world A–JaMa( A–VYaYaMa( MaaMa( Me, the unborn and eternal Na Ai>aJaaNaaiTa it does not know.” * Pa[iSaÖMa( ih laeke= It is indeed known in this world MaaYaaYaa" Sv–Aaé[Ya– ADaqNaTvMa( that M€y€ is subservient to the person in whom she rests ANYa–Maaehk==TvMa( c while she deludes others. 795 BG 7.26

vedah& SaMaTaqTaaiNa vTaRMaaNaaiNa caJauRNa ) >aivZYaaiaUTaaiNa Maa& Tau ved Na k==êNa== =)) ved€haˆ samat…t€ni vartam€n€ni c€rjuna, bhaviy€Ši ca bh™t€ni m€ˆ tu veda na kacana

AJauRNa “O Arjuna! SaMaTaqTaaiNa >aUTaaiNa [All] past beings vTaRMaaNaaiNa c >aivZYaaiaarTa ) SavR>aUTaaiNa SaMMaaeh& SaGaeR YaaiNTa ParNTaPa== =)) icch€-dvea-samutthena dvandva-mohena bh€rata, sarva-bh™t€ni sammohaˆ sarge y€nti parantapa

>aarTa ParNTaPa “O Arjuna, hero! wC^a–Üez–SaMauTQaeNa ÜNÜ–MaaeheNa By the illusion of dualities, arisen from desire and hatred *=Tad(–ANauku= le wC^a Desire for what is pleasing to it (the body) Tad(–Pa[iTakU= le c Üez" and hatred for what is displeasing to it.

SaGaeR at birth SavR–>aUTaaiNa SaMMaaehMa( YaaiNTa all beings attain delusion.” *=TaeNa And by that [duality] SavR–>aUTaaiNa SaMMaaehMa( ‘=AhMa( Wv Sau%q du"%q c=’ wiTa Gaa!TarMa( Ai>aiNaveXaMa( Pa[aPNauviNTa all beings attain illusion (sammoha), i.e., the very deep (g€ha.tara) impression of ‘I am happy’, ‘I am miserable’. ATa" TaaiNa Mad(–jaNa– A>aavaTa( Na MaaMa( >aJaiNTa Therefore, having no knowledge of Me, they do not worship Me. wiTa >aav" This is the idea.

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797 BG 7.28

Yaeza& TvNTaGaTa& PaaPa& JaNaaNaa& PauaUYa they are not disturbed MaaMa( ivSMariNTa and forget Me.



Sanskrit — Kdanta 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

kta k€rya payan tyaktv€ veditum

(6) yoga-stha Some kdantas are used only in compound with a preceeding word: √sth€...

SQaaNae — to stand >>> -stha; yoga (as preceeding word) + -stha >>> yoga-stha; YaaeGae iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" YaaeGa–SQa" — one who is situated in yoga, he is yoga-stha; (as in:) YaaeGa–SQa" [=SaNa(=] k==MaaRiaUTaezu iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" >aUTa–SQa" — who stays in all beings Satve iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" Satv–SQa" — who stays in sattva-guŠa √vid[a] 2P...jaNae — to know >>> -vid (knowing); vedMa( veita Ya" Sa" ved–ivd( — who knows Veda; TatvMa( veita Ya" Sa" Tatv–ivd( — who knows the truth √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> -kt (doing); k==MaR k==raeiTa Ya" Sa" k==MaR–k*= Ta( — who does work √jñ€...AvbaeDaNae — to know >>> -jña (knowing); +ae}aMa( JaaNaaiTa Ya" Sa" +ae}a–j" — who knows the field (body) √p€...

PaaNae — to drink >>> -pa (drinking); SaaeMaMa( iPabiTa Ya" Sa" SaaeMa–Pa" — who drinks soma; PaadeNa iPabiTa Ya" Sa" Paad–Pa" — ‘who drinks with the foot’ (said of plants) √[u]d€[ñ]...daNae — to give >>> -da (giving); Sau%Ma( du"%Ma( c ddaiTa Ya" Sa" Sau:a–du":a–d" — which gives happiness and distress


GaTaaE — to go >>> -ga (going); SavR}a GaC^iTa Ya" Sa" SavR}a–Ga" — who goes everywhere √jan[…]...Pa[adu>aaRve — to be born >>> -ja (being born); Na JaaYaTae Ya" Sa" A–Ja" — ‘who is not born’, the unborn Supreme Lord Similarly:

iÜ–Ja — ‘who is born twice’, ‘twice-born’, a member of the higher classes of society, who took a ‘second birth’ by culture and education; also said of birds, because first they are born as egg and then from the egg

AGa]–Ja — ‘first-born’, the older brother; ANau–Ja — ‘after-born’, the younger brother; as in r€m€nuja (r€maanuja) — ‘the younger brother of R€ma’, name of KŠa as born after Balar€ma of the same father; R€m€nuj€c€rya

AaUTa& c ik&= Pa[ae¢= MaiDadEv& ik==MauCYaTae= = )) kiˆ tad brahma kim adhy€tmaˆ kiˆ karma puruottama, adhibh™taˆ ca kiˆ proktam adhidaivaˆ kim ucyate

AJauRNa" ovac – Pauåz–otaMa “Arjuna said: O Lord! Tad( b]ø ik==Ma( What is that ‘brahma’? ADYaaTMaMa( ik==Ma( what is ‘adhy€tma’? k==MaR ik==Ma( what is ‘karma’? AiDa>aUTaMa( c ik==Ma( Pa[ae¢= Ma( what is called ‘adhibh™ta’? AiDadEvMa( ik==Ma( oCYaTae and what is called ‘adhidaiva’?” 801 BG 8.2

AiDaYaj" k==Qa& k==ae-= _}a dehe-= _iSMaNMaDauSaUdNa ) Pa[Yaaa"== =)) adhiyajñaƒ kathaˆ ko ’tra dehe ’smin madhus™dana, pray€Ša-k€le ca kathaˆ jñeyo ’si niyat€tmabhiƒ

MaDauSaUdNa “O Lord (Madhus™dana)! AiDaYaj" k==" Who is ‘adhiyajña’? *=AiDaYaj" AiDaïaTaa Adhiyajña means presiding deity Pa[YaaeJak=="= f==l–daTaa director of action, and bestower of its fruit.

k==QaMa( A}a AiSMaNa( dehe how [does He exist] here in this body? k==QaMa( Pa[Yaaa" jeYa" AiSa You are known by the self-controlled?” 802 BG 8.3

é[q>aGavaNauvac A+ar& b]ø ParMa& Sv>aavae-= _DYaaTMaMauCYaTae ) >aUTa>aavaeÙvk==rae ivSaGaR" k==MaRSa&ijTa"== =)) a-karaˆ brahma paramaˆ sva-bh€vo ’dhy€tmam ucyate, bh™ta-bh€vodbhava-karo visargaƒ karmasaˆjñitaƒ

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: ParMaMa( A–+arMa( b]ø The supreme indestructible is ‘brahma’ * NaNau Jaqv" AiPa A–+ar" But is the j…va not also a-kara? Ta}a Aah To answer this He says: ParMaMa( Yad( A–+arMa( The a-kara which is supreme JaGaTa" MaUl–k==araav" ADYaaTMaMa( oCYaTae and its [individual] nature is called ‘adhy€tma’. * SvSYa Wv b]øaav"=’ Of that brahma its own (svasya) coming into existence (bhavana) in part as the j…va (individual soul) is

Sa" Wv That same [brahma] AaTMaaNaMa( dehMa( AiDak*= TYa presiding over its body >aae¢*= TveNa vTaRMaaNa" and existing as the experiencer ‘=ADYaaTMa=’–XaBdeNa oCYaTae is designated by the word adhy€tma. wiTa AQaR" This is the idea. called sva-bh€va.



>aUTa–>aav–oÙv–k==r" ivSaGaR"

The creative force (visarga) which causes the origin and development of

all beings


is called ‘karma’.”

AGNaaE Pa[aSTaa AahuiTa" “The oblation offered into the fire (agni) SaMYak(= AaidTYaMa( oPaiTaïTae reaches in full the sun. AaidTYaaTa( JaaYaTae v*ií" From the sun comes rain v*íe" A‘aMa( from rain food TaTa" Pa[Jaa" and from that (food) beings.” (Manu-saˆhit€ 3.76) ... devTaa–oÕeXaeNa d]VYa–TYaaGa–æPa" Yaj" Sacrifice (yajña) consisting of offering things to some deity SavR–k==MaRaav" PauåzêaiDadEvTaMa( ) AiDaYajae-= _hMaeva}a dehe deh>a*Taa& vr== =)) adhibh™taˆ karo bh€vaƒ purua c€dhidaivatam, adhiyajño ’ham ev€tra dehe deha-bht€ˆ vara

deh–>a*TaaMa( vr “O best of the embodied [Arjuna]! +ar" >aav" AiDa>aUTaMa( The destructible nature [forming bodies etc.] is ‘adhibh™ta’ Pauåz" c AiDadEvTaMa( and the [vir€˜a-] purua is ‘adhidaiva’. * SaUYaR–MaaUTa–SavR–devTaaNaaMa( AiDaPaiTa" who is the Lord of all devas who are but parts of Him. AhMa( Wv I am Myself [as Supersoul] A}a dehe AiDaYaj" the ‘adhiyajña’ in this body.” * Yaj–AiDaïa}aq devTaa [I am] the presiding deity of sacrifices Yajaid–k==MaR–Pa[vTaRk= " the promoter of rituals like yajñas Tad(–f==l–daTaa c and giver of their fruits. k==QaMa( wiTa ‘How?’ (8.2) ASYa otarMa( ANaeNa Wv o¢==Ma( Its answer to this question is given by this very statement. ANTaYaaRiMaaaivTa"== =)) yaˆ yaˆ v€pi smaran bh€vaˆ tyajaty ante kalevaram, taˆ tam evaiti kaunteya sad€ tad-bh€va-bh€vitaƒ

k==aENTaeYa== ´ ANTae “O Arjuna! At death YaMa( YaMa( >aavMa( va AiPa SMarNa( [while] remembering which particular existence k==levrMa( TYaJaiTa one gives up the body, TaMa( TaMa( Wv WiTa to that [existence] alone he goes * ANTa–k==ale >aav–ivXaez–SMara]uvae" MaDYae Pa[aa" I am easy to obtain.”



812 BG 8.15

MaaMauPaeTYa PauNaJaRNMa du"%alYaMaXaaìTaMa( ) NaaPNauviNTa MahaTMaaNa" Sa&iSaiÖ& ParMaa& GaTaa"== =)) m€m upetya punar janma duƒkh€layam a-€vatam, n€pnuvanti mah€tm€naƒ saˆsiddhiˆ param€ˆ gat€ƒ

Maha–AaTMaaNa" “Great souls MaaMa( oPaeTYa [after] attaining Me ParMaaMa( Sa&iSaiÖMa( GaTaa" having achieved the supreme perfection (liberation) PauNa" du"%–AalYaMa( A–XaaìTaMa( JaNMa again a miserable and temporary birth Na AaPNauviNTa they do not take.” 813 BG 8.16

Aab]ø>auvNaaçaek= a" PauNaraviTaRNaae-= _JauRNa ) MaaMauPaeTYa Tau k==aENTaeYa PauNaJaRNMa Na ivÛTae= = )) €brahma-bhuvan€l lok€ƒ punar €vartino ’rjuna, m€m upetya tu kaunteya punar janma na vidyate

AJauRNa k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! Aab]ø–>auvNaaTa( Upto (€-) the world of Brahm€ (brahma-loka) laek= a" PauNa"–AaviTaRNa" [all] worlds are places of rebirth. MaaMa( oPaeTYa Tau But [after] attaining Me PauNa" JaNMa Na ivÛTae there is no more birth.” 814 BG 8.17

SahóYauGaPaYaRNTaMahYaRd( b]øaviNTa they are not such knowers of day and night ALPa–diXaRTvaTa( for their vision is limited. ... Ta}a AYaMa( k==al–GaaviNTa


from the unmanifest (a-vyakta, pradh€na) all manifestations are


rai}a–AaGaMae At the arrival of [his] night Ta}a Wv A–VYa¢==–Sa&jke= Pa[lqYaNTae they dissolve into that very unmanifest.” * vEraGYa–AQaRMa( To infuse a spirit of dispassion (vair€gya) Sa*ií–Pa[lYa–Pa[vahSYa A– ivC^edMa( dXaRYaiTa He shows that the current of creation and dissolution is unbroken: 816 BG 8.19

>aUTaGa]aMa" Sa WvaYa& >aUTva >aUTva Pa[lqYaTae ) ra}YaaGaMae-= _vXa" PaaQaR Pa[>avTYahraGaMae= = )) bh™ta-gr€maƒ sa ev€yaˆ bh™tv€ bh™tv€ pral…yate, r€try-€game ’vaaƒ p€rtha prabhavaty ahar-€game

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! Sa" Wv AYaMa( >aUTa–Ga]aMa" That very multitude of beings * Ya" Pa[ak(= AaSaqTa( That which existed before [, and none other]. >aUTva >aUTva [after] being born again and again rai}a–AaGaMae Pa[lqYaTae at the arrival of night it dissolves Ah"–AaGaMae A–vXa" Pa[>aviTa and at the advent of day it helplessly manifests.” * Ah"–AaGaMae At the advent of day AvXa" k==MaaRid–ParTaN}a" Pa[>aviTa it manifests helplessly, subject to its past karma, etc.

laek= aNaaMa( A–iNaTYaTvMa( Pa[PaHCYa After elucidating the impermanence of the worlds ParMaeìr–SvæPaSYa iNaTYaTvMa( Pa[PaÄYaiTa He elaborates the eternity of the Lord’s


nature: 817 BG 8.20

ParSTaSMaatau= =>aavae= _NYaae-= _VYa¢==ae= _VYa¢==aTSaNaaTaNa"== )= =Ya"== Sa== SaveRzu= =>aUTaezu= =NaXYaTSau= =Na== ivNaXYaiTa== =)) paras tasm€t tu bh€vo ’nyo ’vyakto ’vyakt€t san€tanaƒ, yaƒ sa sarveu bh™teu nayatsu na vinayati

TaSMaaTa( A–VYa¢==aTa( Tau Par" “But beyond that a-vyakta (unmanifest matter, pradh€na) ANYa" A–VYa¢==" >aav" is another a-vyakta nature (spirit) TaSYa AiPa k==araUTa" Being the cause even of that (matter). Ya" SaNaaTaNa" which is eternal. SaveRzu >aUTaezu NaXYaTSau When all beings are perishing Sa" Na ivNaXYaiTa that does not perish.” * A–ivNaaXae Pa[MaaaUTaaiNa YaeNa SavRiMad& TaTaMa(= = )) puruaƒ sa paraƒ p€rtha bhakty€ labhyas tv an-anyay€, yasy€ntaƒ-sth€ni bh™t€ni yena sarvam idaˆ tatam

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! YaSYa ANTa"–SQaaiNa >aUTaaiNa In whom all beings reside YaeNa wdMa( SavRMa( TaTaMa( and by whom all this [world] is pervaded, Sa" Par" Pauåz" [Me] that Supreme Lord * Sa" c AhMa( Par" Pauåz" I, that supreme Being. ANa(–ANYaYaa Tau >aKTYaa l>Ya" is to be attained only by unalloyed devotion.” * Tad( WvMa( Thus [it has been stated that] ParMaeìr–oPaaSak==a" the worshipers of the Lord Tad(–PadMa( Pa[aPYa after attained His abode Na iNavTaRNTa they do not return. ANYae Tau AavTaRNTae But others return: 820 BG 8.23

Ya}a k==ale TvNaav*itaMaav*ita& cEv YaaeiGaNa" ) Pa[YaaTaa YaaiNTa Ta& k==al& v+YaaiMa >arTazR>a== =)) yatra k€le tv an-€vttim €vttiˆ caiva yoginaƒ, pray€t€ y€nti taˆ k€laˆ vaky€mi bharatarabha

>arTa–‰z>a “O Arjuna! Ya}a k==ale Tau Pa[YaaTaa" YaaeiGaNa" Yog…s, on which path (k€la — ‘time’) having departed ANa(–Aav*itaMa( Aav*itaMa( c Wv YaaiNTa they attain liberation or rebirth, TaMa( k==alMa( v+YaaiMa that [respective] path I shall explain.” * k==al–XaBdeNa By the word ‘time’ k==al–Ai>aMaaiNaNaqi>a" AiTavaihk==Ii>a" devTaai>a" Pa[aPYa" MaaGaR" oPal+YaTae the path (m€rga) is meant which is attained under the guidance of deities presiding time [who guide the soul]. 821 BG 8.24

AiGNaJYaaeRiTarh" Xau©= " zaviTa but is devoted to the Lord alone. wiTa AQaR" That is the idea. TaSMaaTa( SaveRzu k==alezu Therefore, at all times YaaeGa–Yau¢= " >av be engaged in yoga!” 825 BG 8.28

vedezu Yajezu TaPa"Sau cEv daNaezu YaTPau> ravaŠa — hearing; the act of hearing is called ravaŠam √kŽt[a]...Sa&XaBdNae — to glorify >>> k==ITaRNa — glorifying √sm...icNTaaYaaMa( — to think, remember >>> SMar>> AcRNa — worshiping √vad[i]...Ai>avadNa–STauTYaae" — to offer respects; glorify >>> vNdNa — praising

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Hinduism — G…t€ 9 R€ja-vidy€-r€ja-guhya-yoga — ‘The Yoga of the Supreme Knowledge (vidy€) and Secret (guhya)’

SaáMa–AíMaYaae" In the seventh and eighth chapters SvqYaMa( PaarMaeìrMa( TatvMa( >aKTYaa Wv Saul>aMa( Na ANYaQaa wiTa oKTva after telling that His, the Lord’s, existence is easily attained by devotion alone and by no other means, wdaNaqMa( now A– icNTYaMa( Svk==IYaMa( WeìYaRMa( >a¢e= " c A–SaaDaaraavMa( Pa[PaÄiYaZYaNa( in order to *

expound His own inconceivable glory and the extraordinary power of bhakti [He says:] 826 BG 9.1

é[q>aGavaNauvac wd& Tau Tae GauùTaMa& Pa[v+YaaMYaNaSaUYave ) jaNa& ivjaNaSaihTa& YaJjaTva Maae+YaSae-= _Xau>aaTa(= = )) idaˆ tu te guhyatamaˆ pravaky€my anas™yave, jñ€naˆ vijñ€na-sahitaˆ yaj jñ€tv€ mokyase ’ubh€t

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: wdMa( Tau GauùTaMaMa( jaNaMa( This most confidential knowledge [about Me] * GauùMa( ‘Secret’ means DaMaR–jaNaMa( knowledge about duty/religion. TaTa" dehaid– VYaiTair¢==–AaTMa–jaNaMa( GauùTarMa( Knowledge about the soul as different from the body etc. is a greater secret (guhya.tara) than that. TaTa" AiPa And even than that ParMaaTMa– jaNaMa( AiTarhSYaTvaTa( GauùTaMaMa( knowledge about the Supersoul is the greatest secret (guhya.tama), being a great mystery.

ivjaNa–SaihTaMa( along with its realization (i.e., devotion) ANa(–ASaUYave Tae (=Tau>YaMa(=) to you, who are not envious * ‘=PauNa" PauNa" Sv–MaahaTMYaMa( Wv oPaidXaiTa=’ wiTa [You are not thinking that:] He teaches again and again His own greatness.

Pa[v+YaaiMa I will explain. Yad( jaTva [After] knowing this A–Xau>aaTa( Maae+YaSae you will be freed from misfortune (material existence).” * SaÛ" Wv Mau¢= " >aivZYaiSa You will instantly be liberated. 827 BG 9.2

raJaivÛa raJaGauù& Paiv}aiMadMautaMaMa( ) Pa[TYa+aavGaMa& DaMYa| SauSau%& k==TauRMaVYaYaMa(= = )) r€ja-vidy€ r€ja-guhyaˆ pavitram idam uttamam, pratyak€vagamaˆ dharmyaˆ susukhaˆ kartum avyayam

wdMa( raJa–ivÛa raJa–GauùMa( “It is the best (‘king’) of all knowledge and secrets otaMaMa( Paiv}aMa( supremely purifying Pa[TYa+a–AvGaMaMa( DaMYaRMa( directly experienced and virtuous * DaMYaRMa( c And dharmya means DaMaaRTa( ANaPaeTaMa( it is not deviating from dharma SavR–DaMaR–f==lTvaTa( because it includes the fruit of all dharma (virtuous acts). SauSau%Ma( k==TauRMa( A–VYaYaMa( very easy to perform and imperishable.” * A–VYaYaMa( c A+aYa–f==lTvaTa( It is called a-vyaya because its fruit is everlasting.



NaNau WvMa( ASYa AiTaSauk= rTve But if it were so easy to perform ke= NaaMa ‘=Sa&SaairaUTaaiNa Mad(–SQaaiNa All beings are situated in Me AhMa( Taezu Na c AviSQaTa" but I am not situated in (attached to) them.” * Aak==aXavTa(–A–Sa®TvaTa( Because of being unattached

like the sky [in which

everything rests]. As subtle and remote cause, maintainer and destroyer the Lord can be said to be inside (pervading) everything. No being exists outside His energy, all beings are in Him. At the same time the Lord is unattached to His creation, free from any sense of aha‰k€ra (which is so typical for the j…vas). In this sense He is not in this world. 830 BG 9.5

Na c MaTSQaaiNa >aUTaaiNa PaXYa Mae YaaeGaMaEìrMa( ) >aUTa>a*‘a c >aUTaSQaae MaMaaTMaa >aUTa>aavNa"== =)) na ca mat-sth€ni bh™t€ni paya me yogam aivaram, bh™ta-bhn na ca bh™ta-stho mam€tm€ bh™ta-bh€vanaƒ

>aUTaaiNa Na c Mad(–SQaaiNa

“Nor are the beings situated in Me This seems to contradict the previous statement (9.4) that He pervades everything. Therefore He admits that this is beyond mundane logic:

Mae (=MaMa=) WeìrMa( YaaeGaMa( PaXYa behold My uncommon mysticism! MaMa AaTMaa >aUTa–>aavNa" >aUTa–>a*Ta( My Self is the creator and maintainer of beings Na c >aUTa–SQa" but not situated in (attached to) them.” * YaQaa Jaqv" Like the j…va dehMa( ib>a]Ta( PaalYaNa( c which is sustaining and protecting the body AhªareaavMa( there is a relation of supporter (€dh€ra) and supported (€dheya) d*íaNTaeNa Aah [this] is being stated through an example:

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831 BG 9.6

YaQaak==aXaiSQaTaae iNaTYa& vaYau" SavR}aGaae MahaNa( ) TaQaa SavaRiaUTaaiNa MaTSQaaNaqTYauPaDaarYa== =)) yath€k€a-sthito nityaˆ v€yuƒ sarvatra-go mah€n, tath€ sarv€Ši bh™t€ni mat-sth€n…ty upadh€raya

YaQaa SavR}a–Ga" MahaNa( vaYau" “Just as the great wind, blowing everywhere iNaTYaMa( Aak==aXa–iSQaTa" is always situated in space, * Avk==aXaMa( ivNaa Because without space (avak€a) AvSQaaNa–ANauPaPatae" there is no possibility [for any object] to exist.

TaQaa SavaRiaUTaaiNa Mad(–SQaaiNa so do all beings stay in Me wiTa oPaDaarYa thus understand!” * Tad( WvMa( A–Sa®SYa YaaeGa–MaaYaYaa iSQaiTa–heTauTvMa( o¢==Ma( Thus it has been stated that the unattached [Lord] is the cause of sustenance through His mysterious power

TaYaa Wv Sa*ií–Pa[lYa–heTauTvMa( c [His] being the cause of creation and dissolution also through that same [yoga-m€y€] Aah is being stated [now]: (yoga-m€y€).

832 BG 9.7

SavR>aUTaaiNa k==aENTaeYa Pa[k*= iTa& YaaiNTa MaaiMak==aMa( ) k==LPa+aYae PauNaSTaaiNa k==LPaadaE ivSa*JaaMYahMa(= = )) sarva-bh™t€ni kaunteya praktiˆ y€nti m€mik€m, kalpa-kaye punas t€ni kalp€dau visj€my aham

k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! k==LPa–+aYae At the end of a creation (kalpa) SavR–>aUTaaiNa MaaiMak==aMa( Pa[k*= iTaMa( YaaiNTa all beings attain (are dissolved in) My prakti. k==LPa–AadaE At the beginning of a [next] creation AhMa( TaaiNa PauNa" ivSa*JaaiMa I release (create) them again.” * NaNau But A–Sa®" iNaivRk= ar" c being unattached and changeless TvMa( k==QaMa( Sa*JaiSa How do You create? 833 BG 9.8

Pa[k*= iTa& SvaMaví>Ya ivSa*JaaiMa PauNa" PauNa" ) >aUTaGa]aMaiMaMa& k*= TòMavXa& Pa[k*= TaevRXaaTa(= = )) praktiˆ sv€m ava˜abhya visj€mi punaƒ punaƒ, bh™ta-gr€mam imaˆ ktsnam a-vaaˆ prakter va€t

SvaMa( Pa[k*= iTaMa( Aví>Ya “[After] presiding over My own prakti wMaMa( k*= TòMa( >aUTa–Ga]aMaMa( this entire multitude of beings PauNa" PauNa" ivSa*JaaiMa I create again and again, * k==QaMa( How [do You send them forth]? Pa[k*= Tae" vXaaTa( A–vXaMa( which is helpless under the control of [its individual] nature.” * Pa[acqNa–k==MaR–iNaiMata–Tad(–Sv>aav–blaTa( On the strength of their respective nature which is the result of their past karma. 834 BG 9.9

Na c Maa& TaaiNa k==MaaRia¢==–wC^a–vXaaTa( MaNauZYa–Aak==arMa( Aaié[TavNTaMa( for having taken a human form at the instance of My devotees. They think Me to be an ordinary man and deride Me. 837 BG 9.12

MaaegaaXaa Maaegak==MaaRa>aUTa–ictaa" Those who are not overcome by desire, etc. dEvqMa( Pa[k*= iTaMa( Aaié[Taa" having taken shelter of the divine nature ANa(–ANYa–MaNaSa" whose minds are [thus] without deviation A–VYaYaMa( >aUTa–AaidMa( jaTva [after] knowing the imperishable source of creation MaaMa( >aJaiNTa they worship Me.” * TaezaMa( >aJaNa–Pa[k= arMa( Aah Their way of worship is stated: *

839 BG 9.14

SaTaTa& k==ITaRYaNTaae Maa& YaTaNTaê d*!v]Taa" ) NaMaSYaNTaê Maa& >aKTYaa iNaTYaYau¢= a oPaaSaTae= = )) satataˆ k…rtayanto m€ˆ yatanta ca dha-vrat€ƒ, namasyanta ca m€ˆ bhakty€ nitya-yukt€ up€sate

SaTaTaMa( MaaMa( k==ITaRYaNTa" “Always glorifying Me * STaae}a–MaN}aaidi>a" With hymns, mantras, etc. d*!–v]Taa" YaTaNTa" c and (or) endeavoring with great vows NaMaSYaNTa" c and bowing down iNaTYa–Yau¢= a" [thus] always being absorbed [in Me] MaaMa( >aKTYaa oPaaSaTae they worship Me with devotion.” Different methods of worship are stated. 840 BG 9.15

jaNaYajeNa caPYaNYae YaJaNTaae MaaMauPaaSaTae ) Wk==TveNa Pa*Qa¤eNa bhuDaa ivìTaaeMau%Ma(= = )) jñ€na-yajñena c€py anye yajanto m€m up€sate, ekatvena pthaktvena bahudh€ vivato-mukham

ANYae AiPa “And others jaNa–YajeNa YaJaNTa" c [while] sacrificing through knowledge (jñ€na-yajña) Wk==TveNa [either] through oneness (advaita) * ke= icd( Wk==TveNa Some as being one [with the Absolute] Pa*Qa¤eNa through diversity (dvaita) * ke= icd( Pa*Qa¤eNa Some as being different [from the Absolute] ‘=daSa" AhMa(=’ wiTa that ‘I am a servant [of the Lord]’.


[or] as being universally present


His being the universal soul is

elaborated [in four verses]: 841 BG 9.16

Ah& §==Taurh& Yaj" SvDaahMahMaaEzDaMa( ) MaN}aae-= _hMahMaevaJYaMahMaiGNarh& huTaMa(= = )) ahaˆ kratur ahaˆ yajñaƒ svadh€ham aham auadham, mantro ’ham aham ev€jyam aham agnir ahaˆ hutam

AhMa( §==Tau" AhMa( Yaj" “I am kratu (agni˜oma-yajña), I am (pañca-)yajña AhMa( SvDaa AhMa( AaEzDaMa( I am svadh€ (r€ddha), I am the food * AaEzDaMa( Auadha means AaeziDa–Pa[>avMa( A‘aMa( food prepared from plants >aezJaMa( va or medicine. AhMa( MaN}a" AhMa( Wv AaJYaMa( I am the mantra, I am the ghee AhMa( AiGNa" AhMa( huTaMa( I am the [sacrificial] fire, I am the oblation.” 842 BG 9.17

iPaTaahMaSYa JaGaTaae MaaTaa DaaTaa iPaTaaMah" ) veÛ& Paiv}aMaaeªar ‰KSaaMa YaJaurev c== =)) pit€ham asya jagato m€t€ dh€t€ pit€mahaƒ, vedyaˆ pavitram o‰k€ra k s€ma yajur eva ca

AhMa( ASYa JaGaTa" “I am of this world (jagat) iPaTaa MaaTaa DaaTaa iPaTaaMah" the father (pit), mother (m€t), maintainer and grandfather veÛMa( Paiv}aMa( AaeMa(–k==ar" the knowable, the purifier, the syllable om ‰k(= SaaMa YaJau" Wv c ¬g-, S€ma- and Yajur-Vedas.” 843 BG 9.18

GaiTa>aRTaaR Pa[>au" Saa+aq iNavaSa" Xarav" Pa[lYa" SQaaNa& iNaDaaNa& bqJaMaVYaYaMa(= = )) gatir bhart€ prabhuƒ s€k… niv€saƒ araŠaˆ suht, prabhavaƒ pralayaƒ sth€naˆ nidh€naˆ b…jam a-vyayam

GaiTa" >aTaaR Pa[>au" Saa+aq “[I am] the goal (fruit), sustainer, controller and witness [of karma] iNavaSa" Xarav" Pa[lYa" SQaaNaMa( creator, annihilator and maintainer iNaDaaNaMa( A–VYaYaMa( bqJaMa( resting place and eternal seed.” * iNaDaqYaTae AiSMaNa( wiTa iNaDaaNaMa( lYa–SQaaNaMa( Nidh€na is that in which a thing remains latent, the repository. A–VYaYaMa( A–ivNaaiXa Changeless means not destructible NaTau v]qih–Aaid–bqJavTa( NaìrMa( and not destructible like seeds of rice, etc. 844 BG 9.19

TaPaaMYahMah& vz| iNaGa*õaMYauTSa*JaaiMa c ) AMa*Ta& cEv Ma*TYauê SadSaÀahMaJauRNa== =)) tap€my aham ahaˆ varaˆ nighŠ€my utsj€mi ca, amtaˆ caiva mtyu ca sad a-sac c€ham arjuna

AJauRNa “O Arjuna! AhMa( TaPaaiMa [As sun] I give heat AhMa( vzRMa( iNaGa*õaiMa oTSa*JaaiMa c I withhold and send forth the rain. AhMa( AMa*TaMa( c Wv Ma*TYau" c I am immortality (life) and death SaTa( A–SaTa( c the visible and invisible.”

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SaTa( SQaUlMa( d*XYaMa( Sat means gross, visible A–SaTa( c SaU+MaMa( A–d*XYaMa( a-sat means subtle, invisible. ‘=WTad( SavRMa( AhMa( Wv=’ wiTa MaTva Knowing that ‘all this is Myself’ MaaMa( Wv bhuDaa oPaaSaTae they worship Me alone in different ways. *

845 BG 9.20

}aEivÛa Maa& SaaeMaPaa" PaUTaPaaPaa YajEirîa SvGaRiTa& Pa[aQaRYaNTae ) Tae PauaaeGaaNa( )) trai-vidy€ m€ˆ somap€ƒ p™ta-p€p€ yajñair i˜v€ svar-gatiˆ pr€rthayante te puŠyam €s€dya surendra-lokam ananti divy€n divi deva-bhog€n

}aEivÛa" “The knowers of the Vedas YajE" MaaMa( wîa [after] worshiping Me with yajñas * ‘=MaMa Wv æPaMa( devTaa–ANTarMa(=’ That other devas are but forms of Mine wiTa A– JaaNaNTa" AiPa although not knowing this, vSTauTa" wNd]aid–æPaeaYau¢= aNaa& YaaeGa+aeMa& vhaMYahMa(= = )) an-any€ cintayanto m€ˆ ye jan€ƒ paryup€sate, te€ˆ nity€bhiyukt€n€ˆ yoga-kemaˆ vah€my aham

Yae ANa(–ANYaa" JaNaa" “[But] those unalloyed persons MaaMa( icNTaYaNTa" PaYauRPaaSaTae who worship Me through meditation [on Me], TaezaMa( iNaTYa–Ai>aYau¢= aNaaMa( for them who are always absorbed AhMa( YaaeGa–+aeMaMa( vhaiMa I provide for their material well-being (yoga-kema — ‘gain and safety’).” * Maae+a–Aa:YaMa( c And also what is called liberation (moka) TaE" A–Pa[aiQaRTaMa( AiPa even without being asked by them AhMa( Wv vhaiMa I supply [that].



848 BG 9.23

Yae-= _PYaNYadevTaa>a¢==a YaJaNTae é[ÖYaaiNvTaa" ) Tae-= _iPa MaaMaev k==aENTaeYa YaJaNTYaiviDaPaUvRk= Ma(= = )) ye ’py anya-devat€-bhakt€ yajante raddhay€nvit€ƒ, te ’pi m€m eva kaunteya yajanty a-vidhi-p™rvakam

k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! Yae ANYa–devTaa–>a¢==a" AiPa Even those devotees of other deities (devat€) é[ÖYaa AiNvTaa" YaJaNTae who worship [those deities] endowed with faith, Tae AiPa MaaMa( Wv YaJaiNTa [unknowingly] they also worship Me alone A–iviDa–PaUvRk= Ma( [though] irregularly.” * Maae+a–Pa[aPak==Ma( iviDaMa( ivNaa Without [following] the rule for attaining liberation. ATa" Tae PauNa" AavTaRNTae Thus they return again [to this world]. 849 BG 9.24

Ah& ih SavRYajaNaa& >aae¢= a c Pa[>aurev c ) Na Tau MaaMai>aJaaNaiNTa TatveNaaTaêyviNTa Tae= = )) ahaˆ hi sarva-yajñ€n€ˆ bhokt€ ca prabhur eva ca, na tu m€m abhij€nanti tattven€ta cyavanti te

SavR–YajaNaaMa( “Of all sacrifices AhMa( ih >aae¢= a c Pa[>au" Wv c I alone am the enjoyer and master. * Tad( Tad( devTaa–æPaeaJaaNaiNTa But they do not understand Me in truth, ATa" CYaviNTa therefore they fall down.” * PauNa" AavTaRNTae Thus they return again. 850 BG 9.25

YaaiNTa==devv]Taa==devaiNPaTa›NYaaiNTa==iPaTa*v]Taa"==)= =>aUTaaiNa==YaaiNTa==>aUTaeJYaa==YaaiNTa==MaÛaiJaNaae=_iPa== MaaMa(= =)) y€nti deva-vrat€ dev€n pitŽn y€nti pit-vrat€ƒ, bh™t€ni y€nti bh™tejy€ y€nti mad-y€jino ’pi m€m

dev–v]Taa" devaNa( YaaiNTa “Worshipers of the gods (deva) [like Indra] attain the devas iPaTa*–v]Taa" iPaTa›Na( YaaiNTa worshipers of the forefathers (pit) attain the pits >aUTa–wJYaa" >aUTaaiNa YaaiNTa worshipers of the ghosts (bh™ta) attain the bh™tas Mad(–YaaiJaNa" MaaMa( AiPa YaaiNTa [similarly] My worshipers also attain Me.” * Tae Tau MaaMa( Wv A–+aYaMa( ParMaaNaNd–æPaMa( NaaraYaa¢==aNaaMa( A+aYa–f==lTvMa( o¢==Ma( Thus it is stated that His devotees get an undecaying fruit. ANaaYaaSaTvMa( Sv–>a¢e= " dXaRYaiTa Now He shows how easy *

devotion to Him is: 851 BG 9.26

Pa}a& PauZPa& f==l& TaaeYa& Yaae Mae >aKTYaa Pa[YaC^iTa ) Tadh& >aKTYauPaôTaMaXNaaiMa Pa[YaTaaTMaNa"== =)) patraˆ pupaˆ phalaˆ toyaˆ yo me bhakty€ prayacchati, tad ahaˆ bhakty-upahtam an€mi prayat€tmanaƒ

Pa}aMa( PauZPaMa( f==lMa( TaaeYaMa( “[Just] a leaf (patra), flower (pupa), fruit (phala) or water (toya) Ya" Mae (=MaùMa(=) >aKTYaa Pa[YaC^iTa one who gives Me with devotion, Pa[YaTa–AaTMaNa" >ai¢==–oPaôTaMa( being the devout offering of a pure soul Tad( AhMa( AXNaaiMa I enjoy that.”

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Pa[qTYaa Ga*õaiMa I accept [it] with pleasure. Naih Maha–iv>aUiTa–PaTae" ParMaeìrSYa MaMa +aud]–devTaaNaaMa( wv bhu–ivta–SaaDYa–YaaGaaidi>a" PairTaaez" SYaaTa( Unlike the petty *

(kudra) gods, I, the supreme Lord, master of great powers, am not pleased by sacrifices

ik==NTau >ai¢==–Maa}aea¢e= >Ya" and not to non-devotees TaihR then Tav AiPa ik==Ma( raGa–Üezaid–k*= TaMa( vEzMYaMa( AiSTa is there also partiality (vaiamya) in You through attachment, aversion,


etc.? 854 BG 9.29

SaMaae-_h&= =SavR>aUTaezu= Na==Mae= ÜeZYaae=_iSTa==Na==iPa[Ya"==)= Yae= >aJaiNTa==Tau= Maa&= >aKTYaa==MaiYa==Tae= Taezu= =caPYahMa(= =)) samo ’haˆ sarva-bh™teu na me dveyo ’sti na priyaƒ, ye bhajanti tu m€ˆ bhakty€ mayi te teu c€py aham



SavR–>aUTaezu AhMa( SaMa" “I am equal to all beings Mae (=MaMa=) Na ÜeZYa" Na iPa[Ya" AiSTa [therefore] for Me there is no enemy, no friend. Yae Tau MaaMa( >aKTYaa >aJaiNTa But those who worship Me with devotion Tae MaiYa they are in Me AhMa( AiPa c Taezu and I am also in them [as their guide].” * YaQaa AGNae" As there is of the fire, Sv–Saevke= zu Wv TaMa"–XaqTaaid–du"%Ma( APaaku= vRTa" AiPa which also removes the misery (duƒkha) of darkness, cold etc., only for those who tend it, Na vEzMYaMa( no partiality, YaQaa va k==LPa–v*+aSYa or as there is [no partiality] of a desire tree [which grants desired objects only to those who sit under

TaQaa Wv so also >a¢==–Pa+aPaaiTaNa" AiPa though I favor [My] devotees MaMa vEzMYaMa( Na AiSTa Wv there is certainly no partiality in Me, ik==NTau Mad(–>a¢e= " Wv AYaMa( MaihMaa but this (9.28) is just the glory (mahim€) of devotion to Me. * AiPa c Moreover Mad(–>a¢e= " A–ivTaKYaR" Pa[>aav" the power of devotion to Me is it],

indisputable: 855 BG 9.30

AiPa ceTSauduracarae >aJaTae MaaMaNaNYa>aak(= ) SaaDaurev Sa MaNTaVYa" SaMYaGVYaviSaTaae ih Sa"== =)) api cet sudur€c€ro bhajate m€m an-anya-bh€k, s€dhur eva sa mantavyaƒ samyag vyavasito hi saƒ

Sauduracar" AiPa “Even a very bad person MaaMa( ANa(–ANYa–>aak(= >aJaTae ced( if he worships Me exclusively, Sa" SaaDau" Wv MaNTaVYa" he is to be considered [as if already] righteous (s€dhu) Sa" ih SaMYak(= VYaviSaTa" [because] he has rightly resolved.” * ‘=ParMaeìr–>aJaNaeNa Wv k*= TaaQaR" >aivZYaaiMa=’ [He has rightly resolved that,] ‘I will be blessed by the worship of the Lord alone.’ *

NaNau k==QaMa( SaMaqcqNa–ADYavSaaYa–Maa}aeaviTa DaMaaRTMaa XaìC^aiNTa& iNaGaC^iTa ) k==aENTaeYa Pa[iTaJaaNaqih Na Mae >a¢==" Pa[aviTa “Soon he becomes righteous XaìTa(–XaaiNTaMa( iNaGaC^iTa and attains lasting peace. * icta–oPaâv–oParMa–æPaaMa( ParMaeìr–iNaïaMa( Faith in the Lord, which means peace (uparama) from disturbances (upaplava) of the mind iNaTaraMa( GaC^iTa (=Pa[aPNaaeiTa=) he completely (nitar€m) attains.

k==aENTaeYa O Arjuna! Mae (=MaMa=) >a¢==" Na Pa[aJaSv MaaMa(= = )) kiˆ punar br€hmaŠ€ƒ puŠy€ bhakt€ r€jarayas tath€, a-nityam a-sukhaˆ lokam imaˆ pr€pya bhajasva m€m

ik==Ma( PauNa" >a¢==a" “Then what [to speak of] devotees (bhakta) Pauav “Think of Me, be My devotee (servant) and worshiper! MaaMa( NaMaSku= å bow down to Me! WvMa( AaTMaaNaMa( Yau¤a [After] thus fixing the mind Mad(–ParaYa>> DaaTau — essential part, element, word root √n…[ñ]...Pa[aPa>> Nae}a — ‘by which leading is done’, the eye √pad[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> Paad — foot √p™j[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> PaUJaa — worship √pr…[ñ]...TaPaR>> Pa]qiTa — love √budh[ir]...baeDaNae — to know, be awake >>> buiÖ — intelligence √muc[†]...Maae+a>> Maui¢== — liberation √rañj[a]...raGae — to dye, be attached to >>> raGa — attachment √ras[a]...AaSvadNa–SNaehNaYaae" — to taste; love >>> rSa — taste √vad[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic — to speak >>> vad — postulation √vad[i]...Ai>avadNa–STauTYaae" — to offer respects; glorify >>> vNdNa — praise

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√vas[a] 2A...

AaC^adNae — to cover, dress >>> vS}a — ‘by which covering is done’, garment √ak[†]...Xa¢==aE — to be able >>> Xai¢== — energy √am[u] 4P...oPaXaMae — to be pacified >>> XaaiNTa — peace √as[u]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to violate >>> XaS}a — weapon √ru...é[v>> é]uiTa — ‘hearing’, the Vedas √sidh[u] 4P...Sa&raÖaE — to succeed >>> iSaiÖ — success √sev[]...SaevNae — to serve >>> Saeva — service √stu[ñ]...STauTaaE — to praise >>> STauiTa — glorification √sm...icNTaaYaaMa( — to think, remember >>> SMa*iTa — memory, law books




Hinduism — G…t€ 10 Vibh™ti-yoga — ‘The Yoga of [meditation on] Divine Glories (vibh™ti)’ 860 BG 10.1

é[q>aGavaNauvac >aUYa Wv Mahabahae Xa*av& Na MahzRYa" ) AhMaaidihR devaNaa& Mahzsaavae >aYa& ca>aYaMaev c== =)) buddhir jñ€nam a-sammohaƒ kam€ satyaˆ damaƒ amaƒ, sukhaˆ duƒkhaˆ bhavo ’bh€vo bhayaˆ c€bhayam eva ca



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Aih&Saa SaMaTaa TauiíSTaPaae daNa& YaXaae= _YaXa" ) >aviNTa >aava >aUTaaNaa& Mata Wv Pa*QaiGvDaa"== =)) a-hiˆs€ samat€ tu˜is tapo d€naˆ yao ’yaaƒ, bhavanti bh€v€ bh™t€n€ˆ matta eva pthag-vidh€ƒ

buiÖ" jaNaMa( A–SaMMaaeh" “Intelligence (buddhi), [self-] knowledge (jñ€na), non-delusion +aMaa SaTYaMa( dMa" XaMa" tolerance, truthfulness, sense- and mind-control Sau%Ma( du"%Ma( >av" A–>aav" happiness (sukha), distress (duƒkha), existence, non-existence >aYaMa( c A–>aYaMa( Wv c fear (bhaya) and also fearlessness A–ih&Saa SaMaTaa Tauií" non-violence (a-hiˆs€), equality (non-attachment), contentment TaPa" daNaMa( YaXa" A–YaXa" austerity (tapas), charity (d€na), fame and infamy — >aUTaaNaaMa( Pa*Qak(= –ivDaa" >aava" [these] various dispositions of beings Mata" Wv >aviNTa come from Me alone.” 864 BG 10.6

MahzRYa" Saá PaUveR cTvarae MaNavSTaQaa ) MaÙava MaaNaSaa JaaTaa Yaeza& laek= wMaa" Pa[Jaa"== =)) maharayaƒ sapta p™rve catv€ro manavas tath€, mad-bh€v€ m€nas€ j€t€ ye€ˆ loka im€ƒ praj€ƒ

Saá Maha–‰zYa" “The seven great sages (like Bhgu) PaUveR cTvar" the previous four [sages] (like Sanaka) TaQaa MaNav" and the Manus (like Sv€yambhuva) MaaNaSaa" JaaTaa" Mad(–>aava" come from Me (mad-bh€va), born from [My] mind, * (or:) MaÙava" MadqYa" >aav" (=Pa[>aav"=) Yaezu Mad-bh€v€ƒ means in whom there is My power. We follow the explanation of Vivan€tha:

Mata" >aav" YaSYa Sa" MaÙav"


creation is from me’.

YaezaMa( laeke= wMaa" Pa[Jaa"

whose are all these descendants in the world.” 865 BG 10.7

WTaa& iv>aUiTa& YaaeGa& c MaMa Yaae veita TatvTa" ) Saae= _ivk==LPaeNa YaaeGaeNa YauJYaTae Naa}a Sa&XaYa"== =)) et€ˆ vibh™tiˆ yogaˆ ca mama yo vetti tattvataƒ, so ’vikalpena yogena yujyate n€tra saˆayaƒ

WTaaMa( MaMa iv>aUiTaMa( YaaeGaMa( c “This My opulence (vibh™ti) and mystic power (yoga) Ya" TatvTa" veita one who knows in truth, Sa" A–ivk==LPaeNa YaaeGaeNa YauJYaTae he is united [with Me] by unalloyed devotion. A}a Na Sa&XaYa" Of this there is no doubt.” * YaQaa c iv>aUiTa–YaaeGaYaae" jaNaeNa How through the knowledge of [His] glory and power SaMYak(= –jaNa–Avaiá" complete realization is attained Tad( dXaRYaiTa is being shown [in four verses]: 866 BG 10.8

Ah& SavRSYa Pa[>avae Mata" Sav| Pa[vTaRTae ) wiTa MaTva >aJaNTae Maa& buDaa >aavSaMaiNvTaa"== =)) ahaˆ sarvasya prabhavo mattaƒ sarvaˆ pravartate, iti matv€ bhajante m€ˆ budh€ bh€va-samanvit€ƒ

AhMa( SavRSYa Pa[>av" “I am the source of everything Mata" SavRMa( Pa[vTaRTae from Me everything (see 10.4) originates. wiTa MaTva [After] knowing this buDaa" >aav–SaMaiNvTaa" MaaMa( >aJaNTae the wise worship Me with love (bh€va).”



867 BG 10.9

MaiÀtaa MaÓTaPa[aaJaTaaMa( worshiping [Me] with love (pr…ti) TaMa( buiÖ–YaaeGaMa( ddaiMa I give that means to understand, * buiÖ–æPaMa( YaaeGaMa( (=oPaaYaMa(=) The means in the form of intelligence. YaeNa Tae MaaMa( oPaYaaiNTa by which they attain Me.” * buiÖ–YaaeGaMa( dtva c And after giving the means to understand TaSYa ANau>av– PaYaRNTaMa( TaMa( AaPaaÛ and making it last till his realization (anubhava) comes AivÛa– k*= TaMa( Sa&SaarMa( NaaXaYaaiMa I destroy his material existence that results from ignorance: 869 BG 10.11

TaezaMaevaNauk= MPaaQaRMahMajaNaJa& TaMa" ) NaaXaYaaMYaaTMa>aavSQaae jaNadqPaeNa >aaSvTaa== =)) te€m ev€nukamp€rtham aham a-jñ€na-jaˆ tamaƒ, n€ay€my €tma-bh€va-stho jñ€na-d…pena bh€svat€

TaezaMa( Wv ANauk= MPaa–AQaRMa( “Out of mercy for them AaTMa–>aav–SQa" being [personally] situated in their heart >aaSvTaa jaNa–dqPaeNa with the shining lamp (d…pa) of knowledge AhMa( A–jaNa–JaMa( TaMa" NaaXaYaaiMa I destroy the darkness born of ignorance.” * Sa&Saar–Aa:YaMa( [The darkness] which is called material existence. 870 BG 10.12-13

AJauRNa ovac Par& b]ø Par& DaaMa Paiv}a& ParMa& >avaNa( ) Pauåz& XaaìTa& idVYaMaaiddevMaJa& iv>auMa(= = )) paraˆ brahma paraˆ dh€ma pavitraˆ paramaˆ bhav€n, puruaˆ €vataˆ divyam €di-devam a-jaˆ vibhum

AahuSTvaMa*zYa" SaveR devizRNaaRrdSTaQaa ) AiSaTaae devlae VYaaSa" SvYa& cEv b]vqiz Mae= = )) €hus tv€m ayaƒ sarve devarir n€radas tath€, asito devalo vy€saƒ svayaˆ caiva brav…i me

AJauRNa" ovac “Arjuna said: >avaNa( ParMa( b]ø You are the Supreme Lord ParMa( DaaMa ParMaMa( Paiv}aMa( the supreme abode and the supreme pure. SaveR ‰zYa" All sages (i)

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dev–‰iz" Naard" [like] devari N€rada AiSaTa" devl" TaQaa VYaaSa" Asita, Devala and Vy€sa XaaìTaMa( idVYaMa( PauåzMa( the eternal divine person Aaid–devMa( A–JaMa( iv>auMa( primeval Lord, unborn and all-pervading TvaMa( Aahu" they call You, SvYaMa( c Wv Mae (=MaùMa(=) b]vqiz and You Yourself are also telling Me.” N€rada is a son and disciple of Brahm€. He is the principle devari, or the chief sage amongst the demigods and initiated famous kings, such as Prahl€da Mah€r€ja (while still in the womb of his mother), Dhruva Mah€r€ja, Yudhi˜hira Mah€r€ja, and even Vy€sadeva, the compiler of all Vedic literature. Asita, Devala, Vaiamp€yana, Sumantu and Jaimini were disciples of Vy€sadeva, and prominent priests at the sarpa-yajña of King Janamejaya. Asita explained 1,500,000 verses from the Mah€bh€rata. By the blessing of Lord ®iva he got a son named Devala. Devala (‘Asita Devala’), the son of Asita, also known as A˜€vakra, was also a disciple of Vy€sa. After Vy€sa wrote the Mah€bh€rata, N€rada spread it among the devas, Devala among the pits, ®ukadeva among Gandharvas and Yakas, and Vaiamp€yana among men. 871 BG 10.14

SavRMaeTad*Ta& MaNYae YaNMaa& vdiSa ke= Xav ) Na ih Tae >aGavNVYai¢&= ivdudeRva Na daNava"== =)) sarvam etad taˆ manye yan m€ˆ vadasi keava, na hi te bhagavan vyaktiˆ vidur dev€ na d€nav€ƒ

ke= Xav “O Lord (Keava)! Yad( MaaMa( vdiSa What You tell me WTad( SavRMa( ‰TaMa( MaNYae all this I consider true (ta). >aGavNa( O Lord (Bhagav€n)! Na ih deva" Na daNava" Indeed, neither devas nor D€navas Tae (=Tav=) VYai¢==Ma( ivdu" know Your personality.” Of the sixty daughters of Praj€pati Daka, Kayapa Muni married thirteen (like Aditi, Diti and Danu). The descendents of Aditi (the ‘šdityas’ like V€mana) are the devas, whereas the descendents of Diti (the ‘Daityas’ like HiraŠyakaipu) and Danu (the ‘D€navas’ like R€hu) are considered demons. 872 BG 10.15

SvYaMaevaTMaNaaTMaaNa& veTQa Tv& PauåzaetaMa ) >aUTa>aavNa >aUTaeXa devdev JaGaTPaTae= = )) svayam ev€tman€tm€naˆ vettha tvaˆ puruottama, bh™ta-bh€vana bh™tea deva-deva jagat-pate

Pauåz–otaMa >aUTa–>aavNa >aUTa–wRXa dev–dev JaGaTa(–PaTae “O Lord! TvMa( SvYaMa( Wv Only You Yourself AaTMaNaa AaTMaaNaMa( veTQa know Yourself by Yourself.” 873 BG 10.16

v¢u= MahRSYaXaezeaUTaYa" ) Yaai>aivR>aUiTai>alaeRk= aiNaMaa&STv& VYaaPYa iTaïiSa== =)) vaktum arhasy a-eeŠa divy€ hy €tma-vibh™tayaƒ, y€bhir vibh™tibhir lok€n im€ˆs tvaˆ vy€pya ti˜hasi

idVYaa" ih AaTMa–iv>aUTaYa" “Because [Your] opulences are divine, Yaai>a" iv>aUiTai>a" those opulences by which



wMaaNa( laek= aNa( VYaaPYa [after] pervading these worlds TvMa( iTaïiSa You exist, A–Xaezeaavezu icNTYaae= _iSa >aGavNMaYaa== =)) kathaˆ vidy€m ahaˆ yogiˆs tv€ˆ sad€ paricintayan, keu keu ca bh€veu cintyo ’si bhagavan may€

YaaeiGaNa( “O Lord! Sada PairicNTaYaNa( [While] always meditating k==QaMa( AhMa( TvaMa( ivÛaMa( how can I know You? >aGavNa( O Lord! ke= zu ke= zu >aavezu c In which particular forms MaYaa icNTYa" AiSa are You to be remembered by me?” 875 BG 10.18

ivSTareaUiTa& c JaNaadRNa ) >aUYa" k==QaYa Ta*iáihR Xa*aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: hNTa ku= å–é[eï Yes, Arjuna! AaTMa–iv>aUTaYa" idVYaa" ih My opulences are indeed divine. Tae (=Tau>YaMa(=) Pa[aDaaNYaTa" k==QaiYaZYaaiMa I will tell them [only] in essence to you Mae (=MaMa=) ivSTarSYa [because] of My expansion ANTa" Na AiSTa there is no end.” 877 BG 10.20

AhMaaTMaa Gau@ake= Xa SavR>aUTaaXaYaiSQaTa" ) AhMaaidê MaDYa& c >aUTaaNaaMaNTa Wv c== =)) aham €tm€ gu€kea sarva-bh™t€aya-sthitaƒ, aham €di ca madhyaˆ ca bh™t€n€m anta eva ca

Gau@ak==a–wRXa “O Arjuna! AhMa( SavR–>aUTa–AaXaYa–iSQaTa" AaTMaa I am the Supersoul, situated in the heart (€aya) of all beings. AhMa( >aUTaaNaaMa( Aaid" c I am the beginning (cause of birth) of all beings

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MaDYaMa( c ANTa" Wv c


the middle (existence) and also the end (death).” 878 BG 10.21

AaidTYaaNaaMah& ivZaUiTaMaTa( 〈neuter 1.1〉 — which has opulence; Yad( Yad( SatvMa( iv>aUiTaMaTa( é[qMaTa(... — whatever existence has opulence hanu.mat[u] — having a jaw (hanu);

and splendor The suffix .mat[u] changes to .vat[u] after words ending in a: bhaga.vat[u] — possessing opulence (bhaga);


〈1.1〉 — ‘who has opulence’, the Supreme Lord;

é]q–>aGavaNa( ovac — the Supreme Lord spoke jñ€na.vat[u] — having knowledge; jaNavaNa( 〈1.1〉 — who has knowledge; jaNavaNa( MaaMa( Pa]PaÛTae — one who has knowledge surrenders to Me

AaTMavaNa( 〈1.1〉 — ‘who has the self’, who is established in the self (i.e., iNaYaaeRGa–+aeMa" AaTMavaNa( 〈1.1〉 >av — become free from [anxieties for] gain

€tma.vat[u] — having the self; who is self-realized);

(yoga) and safety (kema), and be established in the self deha.vat[u] — having a body;


〈1.1〉 — who has a body;


〈3.3〉 — by those who have a

body dh….mat[u] — having intelligence;


〈1.1〉 — who has intelligence;


〈3.1〉 — by one who has

intelligence See how the following words are used in the G…t€:

vqYaRvTa( — having strength (1.5); é]ÖavTa( — having faith (4.39); SatvvTa( — having the mode of goodness (10.36) Neuter:

ANTavTa( — having an end (2.18); AQaRvTa( — having meaning (18.22); blvTa( — having strength (6.34) The suffix .vat[i] looks similar, but means ‘like’ or ‘as’, forming avyayas (indeclinables): daŠa.vat[i] — ‘like a rod (daŠa)’, prostrated obeisances

k*= TòvTa( — as all (ktsna — all, entire; + .vat[i]) odaSaqNavTa( — as if neutral (ud€s…na — neutral; + .vat[i]) TaÜTa( — ‘like that’, so (tad + .vat[i])



AaêYaRvTa( — as amazing (€carya — astonishing, wonderful; wonder + .vat[i]) AaidTYavTa( — like the sun (€ditya — the sun; + .vat[i])


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Hinduism — G…t€ 11 Vivar™pa-darana-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Seeing (darana) the Universal Form (viva-r™pa)’ 900 BG 11.1

AJauRNa ovac MadNauGa]haYa ParMa& GauùMaDYaaTMaSa&ijTaMa( ) YatvYaae¢&= vcSTaeNa Maaehae= _Ya& ivGaTaae MaMa== =)) mad-anugrah€ya paramaˆ guhyam adhy€tma-saˆjñitam, yat tvayoktaˆ vacas tena moho ’yaˆ vigato mama

AJauRNa" ovac “Arjuna said: ParMaMa( GauùMa( ADYaaTMa–Sa&ijTaMa( vc" * [Adhy€tma means]

The supreme and secret discourse, known as adhy€tma

AaTMa–ANaaTMa–ivvek= –ivzYaMa(

regarding the discrimination

between soul and non-soul (body).

Yad( Mad(–ANauGa]haYa TvYaa o¢==Ma( which was spoken by You for favoring me, * ‘=A–XaaeCYaaNa( ANvXaaec" TvMa(=’ wTYaaid From the verse ‘a-ocy€n, etc. (2.11) zï– ADYaaYa–PaYaRNTaMa( and ending with the sixth chapter. TaeNa MaMa AYaMa( Maaeh" ivGaTa" by that this delusion of mine has gone.” * MaMa AYaMa( Maaeh" My this illusion ‘=AhMa( hNTaa, WTae hNYaNTae=’ wTYaaid l+aavaPYaYaaE ih >aUTaaNaa& é[uTaaE ivSTarXaae MaYaa ) Tvta" k==MalPa}aa+a MaahaTMYaMaiPa caVYaYaMa(= = )) bhav€pyayau hi bh™t€n€ˆ rutau vistarao may€, tvattaƒ kamala-patr€ka m€h€tmyam api c€vyayam

k==Mal–Pa}a–A+a “O lotus-eyed Lord! >aUTaaNaaMa( >av–APYaYaaE ih About the creation and distruction of all beings Tvta" ivSTarXa" MaYaa é[uTaaE I have heard from You in detail, * ‘=AhMa( k*= TSNaSYa JaGaTa" Pa[>av" Pa[lYa" TaQaa=’ wTYaadaE In verses like ahaˆ ktsnasya etc. (7.6).

A–VYaYaMa( MaahaTMYaMa( AiPa c

and also about [Your] eternal glory.” 902 BG 11.3

WvMaeTaÛQaaTQa TvMaaTMaaNa& ParMaeìr ) d]íuiMaC^aiMa Tae æPaMaEìr& PauåzaetaMa== =)) evam etad yath€ttha tvam €tm€naˆ paramevara, dra˜um icch€mi te r™pam aivaraˆ puruottama

ParMa–wRìr “O Lord! YaQaa TvMa( AaTMaaNaMa( AaTQa What You said about Yourself WTad( WvMa( it is just so. * A}a AiPa Even in that (that You are the creator, etc.) A–ivìaSa" MaMa Na AiSTa there is no doubt in me.

Pauåz–otaMa O Lord! Tae (=Tav=) WeìrMa( æPaMa( d]íuMa( wC^aiMa I want to see Your majestic form.” * k==aETaUhlaTa( Out of curiosity.



903 BG 11.4

MaNYaSae Yaid TaC^KYa& MaYaa d]íuiMaiTa Pa[>aae ) YaaeGaeìr TaTaae Mae Tv& dXaRYaaTMaaNaMaVYaYaMa(= = )) manyase yadi tac chakyaˆ may€ dra˜um iti prabho, yogevara tato me tvaˆ daray€tm€nam a-vyayam

Pa[>aae “O Lord! Tad( MaYaa d]íuMa( XaKYaMa( ‘That [form] can be seen by me’ wiTa Yaid MaNYaSae if you think so, YaaeGa–wRìr O Lord! TaTa" A–VYaYaMa( AaTMaaNaMa( then Your eternal Self TvMa( Mae (=MaùMa(=) dXaRYa You please show me!” 904 BG 11.5

é[q>aGavaNauvac PaXYa Mae PaaQaR æPaaiauiv


SataaYaaMa(=, therefore the form €sa is also not seen independently.

k==QaMa(–>aUTaMa( Of what nature [was this form]? 909 BG 11.10

ANaek= v£NaYaNaMaNaek= aÙuuTadXaRNaMa( ) ANaek= idVYaa>araraveTa( if it would have risen together in the sky, TaSYa Maha–AaTMaNa" >aaSa" to the effulgence of the Supreme Lord Saa Sad*Xaq SYaaTa( that [effulgence] would be similar.”



Na ANYaa oPaMaa AiSTa There is no other comparison. wiTa AQaR" This is the idea. TaQaa–>aUTaMa( æPaMa( dXaRYaaMaaSa And such a form He showed. wiTa PaUveRa¢==Ma( [although] in many ways divided Wk==–SQaMa( APaXYaTa( he saw in one place.” * Tad(–AvYavTveNa As different parts of that [one body]. 913 BG 11.14

TaTa" Sa ivSMaYaaivíae ôíraeMaa DaNaÅYa" ) Pa[aazTa== =)) tataƒ sa vismay€vi˜o h˜a-rom€ dhanañjayaƒ, praŠamya iras€ devaˆ kt€ñjalir abh€ata

TaTa" ivSMaYa–Aaiví" “Then, filled with wonder (vismaya) ôí–raeMaa Sa" DaNaÅYa" that Arjuna, his hair standing on end [out of joy] devMa( iXarSaa Pa[aUTa–ivXaez–SaºaNa( and hosts of various beings (bh™ta) k==Mal–AaSaNa–SQaMa( wRXaMa( b]øaa–PaÚ–AaSaNa–SQaMa( Or else: seated on the lotus-seat rising from Your navel (n€bhi).

SavaRNa( ‰zqNa( c idVYaaNa( orGaaNa( c and all sages (i) and divine serpents Tav dehe PaXYaaiMa I see in Your body (deha).” 915 BG 11.16

ANaek= bahUdrv£Nae}a& PaXYaaiMa Tva& SavRTaae= _NaNTaæPaMa( ) NaaNTa& Na MaDYa& Na PauNaSTavaid& PaXYaaiMa ivìeìr ivìæPa )) aneka-b€h™dara-vaktra-netraˆ pay€mi tv€ˆ sarvato ’nanta-r™pam n€ntaˆ na madhyaˆ na punas tav€diˆ pay€mi vivevara viva-r™pa

[email protected]

ANaek= –bahu–odr–v£–Nae}aMa(


“With many arms (b€hu), bellies (udara), mouths (vaktra) and eyes


SavRTa" ANa(–ANTa–æPaMa( with unlimited forms on all sides TvaMa( PaXYaaiMa I see You. ivì–wRìr ivì–æPa O Lord, Universal Form! Tav Na ANTaMa( Na MaDYaMa( Neither your end (anta), nor middle (madhya) Na PauNa" AaidMa( PaXYaaiMa and also not the beginning (€di) I see.” * SavR–GaTaTvaTa( Because [Your] being all-pervading. 916 BG 11.17

ik==rqi$=Na& GaidNa& ci§==a" TvaMa( STauviNTa praise You with many hymns (stuti).” 921 BG 11.22

åd]aidTYaa vSavae Yae c SaaDYaa ivìe= _iìNaaE MaåTaêaeZMaPaaê ) GaNDavRYa+aaSauriSaÖSaºa vq+aNTae Tva& iviSMaTaaêEv SaveR )) rudr€dity€ vasavo ye ca s€dhy€ vive ’vinau maruta comap€ ca gandharva-yak€sura-siddha-sa‰gh€ v…kante tv€ˆ vismit€ caiva sarve

åd]–AaidTYaa" vSav" Yae c SaaDYaa" “The Rudras, šdityas, Vasus and those called S€dhyas ivìe AiìNaaE MaåTa" c OZMaPaa" c the Vivedevas, two Avin…s, Maruts and Pits * OZMaaaaiNa c and blazing like the fire of dissolution k€la-anala — ‘fire of (end) time’, the fire which consumes the world at the time of dissolution

Tae (=Tav=) Mau%aiNa d*îa Wv [after] seeing Your mouths idXa" Na JaaNae I do not know the directions XaMaR c Na l>ae and I do not get happiness (arma). dev–wRXa JaGaTa(–iNavaSa O Lord! Pa[Saqd Be merciful!” 925 BG 11.26-27

AMaq c Tva& Da*Taraí\SYa Pau}aa" SaveR SahEvaviNaPaalSaºE" ) >aqZMaae d]aeaaSaSTavaeGa]a" Pa[TaPaiNTa ivZavaNauGa]æPaae NaMaae= _STau Tae devvr Pa[Saqd ) ivjaTauiMaC^aiMa >avNTaMaaÛ& Na ih Pa[JaaNaaiMa Tav Pa[v*itaMa( )) €khy€hi me ko bhav€n ugra-r™po namo ’stu te devavara pras…da vijñ€tum icch€mi bhavantam €dyaˆ na hi praj€n€mi tava pravttim

oGa]–æPa" k==" >avaNa( “Who are You, of fierce form Mae (=MaùMa(=) Aa:Yaaih [please] tell me! Tae (=Tau>YaMa(=) NaMa" ASTau Obeisance unto You! dev–vr Pa[Saqd O Lord, be merciful! AaÛMa( >avNTaMa( ivjaTauMa( wC^aiMa I want to understand You, the original being Tav Pa[v*itaMa( ih Na Pa[JaaNaaiMa [because] I do not understand Your activity.” * ik==Ma( AQaRMa( WvMa Pa[v*ta" AiSa wiTa Na JaaNaaiMa I do not know why are You acting thus. 930 BG 11.32

é[q>aGavaNauvac k==alae= _iSMa laek= +aYak*= TPa[v*Öae laek= aNSaMaahTauRiMah Pa[v*ta" ) ‰Tae= _iPa Tva& Na >aivZYaiNTa SaveR Yae= _viSQaTaa" Pa[TYaNaqke= zu YaaeDaa" )) k€lo ’smi loka-kaya-kt pravddho lok€n sam€hartum iha pravttaƒ te ’pi tv€ˆ na bhaviyanti sarve ye ’vasthit€ƒ pratyan…keu yodh€ƒ

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: Pa[v*Ö" laek=–=+aYa–k*= Ta( k==al" AiSMa I am time, the mighty destroyer of the worlds laek= aNa( SaMaahTauRMa( wh Pa[v*ta" and engaged here to destroy all these people. TvaMa( ‰Tae AiPa Even without you * TvaMa( hNTaarMa( ivNaa AiPa Even without you as [their] slayer. Pa[TYaNaqke= zu Yae YaaeDaa" AviSQaTaa" those soldiers who are present in the opposed armies SaveR Na >aivZYaiNTa they all will not live.”



931 BG 11.33

TaSMaatvMauitaï YaXaae l>aSv iJaTva Xa}aUN>aux(= +v raJYa& SaMa*ÖMa( ) MaYaEvETae iNahTaa" PaUvRMaev iNaiMataMaa}a& >av SaVYaSaaicNa( )) tasm€t tvam utti˜ha yao labhasva jitv€ atr™n bhu‰kva r€jyaˆ samddham mayaivaite nihat€ƒ p™rvam eva nimitta-m€traˆ bhava savyas€cin

TaSMaaTa( TvMa( oitaï, YaXa" l>aSv “Therefore rise and gain fame! * devE" AiPa duJaRYaa" >aqZMa–d]aeaUTaMa( YaXa" such fame.

Xa}aUNa( iJaTva [And after] conquering the enemies SaMa*ÖMa( raJYaMa( >aux(= +v enjoy a flourishing kingdom! MaYaa Wv WTae PaUvRMa( Wv iNahTaa" By Me alone they have been killed already. SaVYa–SaaicNa( O Arjuna! * vaMaeNa AiPa baav [Therefore] be merely an instrument!” * WTae c Tav Xa}av" These your enemies TvdqYa–YauÖaTa( PaUvRMa( Wv even before your battle MaYaa Wv k==al–AaTMaNaa iNahTa–Pa[aYaa" they have almost been killed by Me, who am time. 932 BG 11.34

d]aeaqZMa& c JaYad]Qa& c k==YaMa(=) to You, the original creator, greater even than Brahm€ k==SMaaTa( c Na NaMaerNa( why should they not bow down? TvMa( SaTa(–A–SaTa( You are the visible and invisible [world] * (or:) SaTa( VYa¢==Ma( Sat means manifest A–SaTa( A–VYa¢==Ma( c and a-sat means unmanifest.

Tad(–ParMa( Yad( A–+arMa( and the imperishable (brahma) which is beyond it.” * WTaE" Navi>a" heTaui>a" By these nine reasons TvaMa( SaveR NaMaSYaiNTa all salute You. 936 BG 11.38

TvMaaiddev" Pauåz" PauraaUYaae= _iPa NaMaae NaMaSTae )) v€yur yamo ’gnir varuŠaƒ a€‰kaƒ praj€-patis tvaˆ prapit€maha ca namo namas te ’stu sahasra-ktvaƒ puna ca bh™yo ’pi namo namas te

TvMa( vaYau" YaMa" AiGNa" våYaMa(=) NaMa" NaMa" repeated obeisance unto You.” * >ai¢==–é[Öa–>aYa–AiTareke= aav )) pit€si lokasya car€carasya tvam asya p™jya ca gurur gar…y€n na tvat-samo ’sty abhyadhikaƒ kuto ’nyo loka-traye ’py a-pratima-prabh€va

ASYa cr–A–crSYa laek= SYa “Of this world, moving and non-moving TvMa( iPaTaa, PaUJYa" Gauå" GarqYaaNa( c AiSa You are the father, worshipable teacher and greatest. A–Pa[iTaMa–Pa[>aav O Lord! laek= –}aYae AiPa Even in [all] the three worlds Tvd(–SaMa" Na AiSTa there is none who is equal to You. A>YaiDak==" ANYa" ku= Ta" How is anyone greater?” 941 BG 11.44

TaSMaaTPa[auJaeNa æPaeav Appear with that very (Your own) four-armed [ViŠu] form!” 944 BG 11.47

é[q>aGavaNauvac MaYaa Pa[Sa‘aeNa TavaJauRNaed& æPa& Par& diXaRTaMaaTMaYaaeGaaTa( ) TaeJaaeMaYa& ivìMaNaNTaMaaÛ& YaNMae TvdNYaeNa Na d*íPaUvRMa( )) may€ prasannena tav€rjunedaˆ r™paˆ paraˆ daritam €tma-yog€t tejomayaˆ vivam anantam €dyaˆ yan me tvad anyena na d˜a-p™rvam

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac – AJauRNa

“The Lord said: O Arjuna!

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wdMa( Mae (=MaMa=) ParMa( TaeJa"MaYaMa( This My supreme, effulgent ivìMa( ANa(–ANTaMa( AaÛMa( æPaMa( universal, unlimited and primeval form Yad( Tvd(–ANYaeNa Na d*í–PaUvRMa( which was not seen before by another than you AaTMa–YaaeGaaTa( through My divine power Pa[Sa‘aeNa MaYaa Tav diXaRTaMa( was shown to you by Me, who am pleased.” * WTad( dXaRNaMa( AiTadulR>aMa( lBßa After getting this vision, which is very rare TvMa( k*= TaaQaR" AiSa your are blessed: 945 BG 11.48

Na vedYajaDYaYaNaENaR daNaENaR c i§==Yaai>aNaR TaPaaei>aåGa]E" ) Wv&æPa" XaKYa Ah& Na*laeke= d]íu& TvdNYaeNa ku= åPa[vqr )) na veda-yajñ€dhyayanair na d€nair na ca kriy€bhir na tapobhir ugraiƒ evaˆ-r™paƒ akya ahaˆ n-loke dra˜uˆ tvad anyena kuru-prav…ra Between akyaƒ and aham there could have been sandhi (akyo ’ham), but instead visarga has been dropped (€ra-prayoga).

ku= å–Pa[vqr “O Arjuna! Na ved–Yaj–ADYaYaNaE" Neither by study of the Vedas and [books on] sacrifices Na daNaE" Na c i§==Yaai>a" nor by charities, nor by rituals Na oGa]E" TaPaaei>a" nor by severe austerities Na*–laeke= Tvd(–ANYaeNa in the world of men by other than you WvMa(–æPa" AhMa( d]íuMa( XaKYa" I can be seen in this form.” * WvMa( AiPa Even this being so (that you should actually feel blessed) ced( Tav wdMa( gaaerMa( æPaMa( d*îa VYaQaa >aviTa if (ced!) you are perturbed after seeing this terrible form TaihR Tad( Wv æPaMa( dXaRYaaiMa then I shall show that [My] very form: 946 BG 11.49

Maa Tae VYaQaa Maa c ivMaU!>aavae d*îa æPa& gaaerMaqd*x(= MaMaedMa( ) VYaPaeTa>aq" Pa[qTaMaNaa" PauNaSTv& Tadev Mae æPaiMad& Pa[PaXYa )) m€ te vyath€ m€ ca vim™ha-bh€vo d˜v€ r™paˆ ghoram …d‰ mamedam vyapeta-bh…ƒ pr…ta-man€ƒ punas tvaˆ tad eva me r™pam idaˆ prapaya

wdMa( MaMa wRd*k(= gaaerMa( æPaMa( d*îa “[After] seeing such a terrible [universal] form of Mine Tae (=Tav=) VYaQaa Maa be not perturbed ivMaU!–>aav" c Maa and be not bewildered. VYaPaeTa–>aq" Pa[qTa–MaNaa" [Being] free from fear and happy in mind Tad( Wv wdMa( Mae (=MaMa=) æPaMa( that very [ViŠu] form of Mine TvMa( PauNa" Pa[PaXYa again (see 11.17) behold!” 947 BG 11.50

SaÅYa ovac wTYaJauRNa& vaSaudevSTaQaae¤a Svk&= æPa& dXaRYaaMaaSa >aUYa" ) AaìaSaYaaMaaSa c >aqTaMaeNa& >aUTva PauNa" SaaEMYavPauMaRhaTMaa )) ity arjunaˆ v€sudevas tathoktv€ svakaˆ r™paˆ daray€m€sa bh™yaƒ



€v€say€m€sa ca bh…tam enaˆ bh™tv€ punaƒ saumya-vapur mah€tm€

SaÅYa" ovac “Sañjaya said: wiTa AJauRNaMa( TaQaa o¤a [After] thus speaking in this way to Arjuna vaSaudev" Svk==Ma( æPaMa( >aUYa" dXaRYaaMaaSa the Lord again showed His own [four-armed ViŠu] form, PauNa" c SaaEMYa–vPau" >aUTva and [after] again assuming a pleasing [two-armed] form Maha–AaTMaa >aqTaMa( WNaMa( AaìaSaYaaMaaSa the Lord consoled the frightened one (Arjuna).” According to the commentary of Vivan€tha on this verse, KŠa shows to Arjuna again His four-armed form, but then His original two-armed form. This explains (1) why Arjuna could develop such an intimate friendship with KŠa (see 11.41); (2) why Arjuna was surprised to see KŠa’s four-armed ViŠu form (see 11.17); and (3) why Arjuna now sees a m€nuaˆ r™pam (human form) (see 11.52). 948 BG 11.51

AJauRNa ovac d*îed& MaaNauz& æPa& Tav SaaEMYa& JaNaadRNa ) wdaNaqMaiSMa Sa&v*ta" SaceTaa" Pa[k*= iTa& GaTa"== =)) d˜vedaˆ m€nuaˆ r™paˆ tava saumyaˆ jan€rdana, id€n…m asmi saˆvttaƒ sa-cet€ƒ praktiˆ gataƒ

AJauRNa" ovac – JaNaadRNa “Arjuna said: O Lord! wdMa( Tav SaaEMYaMa( MaaNauzMa( æPaMa( d*îa [After]

seeing this Your pleasing [two-armed] human

(m€nuam) form

wdaNaqMa( SaceTaa" Sa&v*ta" AiSMa I have now become pacified Pa[k*= iTaMa( GaTa" and attained [My] normal condition.” 949 BG 11.52

é[q>aGavaNauvac SaududRXaRiMad& æPa& d*ívaNaiSa YaNMaMa ) deva APYaSYa æPaSYa iNaTYa& dXaRNak==ai¿aKTYaa Tau Only by unalloyed devotion

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AhMa( WvMa(–ivDa" I am in this form TatveNa jaTauMa( d]íuMa( c Pa[veíuMa( c XaKYa"

truly able to be known, seen and taken shelter of.” For the translation of prave˜um (‘to enter’) as ‘to be taken shelter of’, see note under verse (11.21). *

ATa" SavR–Xaañ–SaarMa( ParMaMa( rhSYaMa( Xa*>> sama.tva or sama.t€ — ‘sameness’, equanimity Words with .tva are all neuter and the declension goes samatvam, samatve, samatv€ni, ... Words with .t€ are all feminine and the declension goes samat€, samate, samat€ƒ, ...



YaaeGa" oCYaTae — equanimity [towards success or failure in the performance of one’s duty] is called yoga; A–ih&Saa SaMaTaa 〈fem. 1.1〉 Mata" >aviNTa — non-violence, equanimity [etc.] come

from Me sat >>>

Satv . . . (two meanings:) SaTa(–>aave SaaDau–>aave c SaTa( wiTa WTad( Pa]YauJYaTae — the word sat is

used in the sense of existence (sattva) and in the sense of goodness (s€dhutva) See how these words are used in Bhagavad-g…t€:

AMa*TaTv — immortality (2.15); k==Ta*RTv — being the doer (5.14); Xa}auTv — enmity (6.6); Wk==Tv — oneness (6.31); cÄlTv — unsteadiness (6.33); Pa*QaKTv — being different (9.15); AMaaiNaTv, AdiM>aTv — freedom from egotism, pridelessness (13.8); SaMa–ictaTv — equal-mindedness (13.10); iNaTYaTv — eternality (13.12); Sau+MaTv — subtlety (13.16); >aae¢*= Tv — being an enjoyer (13.21); ANaaidTv, iNaGauRa¢==aSTva& PaYauRPaaSaTae ) Yae caPYa+arMaVYa¢&= Taeza& ke= YaaeGaivtaMaa"== =)) evaˆ satata-yukt€ ye bhakt€s tv€ˆ paryup€sate, ye c€py a-karam a-vyaktaˆ te€ˆ ke yoga-vittam€ƒ

AJauRNa" ovac “Arjuna said: WvMa( SaTaTa–Yau¢= a" Thus being constantly devoted * SavR–k==MaR–APaRa¢==a" TvaMa( PaYauRPaaSaTae those devotees who worship You * PaYauRPaaSaTae DYaaYaiNTa Who worship You means who meditate on You. Yae c AiPa A–VYa¢==Ma( A–+arMa( and also those who [worship] the unmanifest [impersonal] brahma, TaezaMa( ke= YaaeGa–ivtaMaa" of those [two classes] who are best [versed] in yoga?” 954 BG 12.2

é[q>aGavaNauvac MaYYaaveXYa MaNaae Yae Maa& iNaTYaYau¢= a oPaaSaTae ) é[ÖYaa ParYaaePaeTaaSTae Mae Yau¢= TaMaa MaTaa"== =)) mayy €veya mano ye m€ˆ nitya-yukt€ up€sate, raddhay€ parayopet€s te me yuktatam€ mat€ƒ

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: ParYaa é[ÖYaa oPaeTaa" [Being] endowed with transcendental faith iNaTYa–Yau¢= a" and constantly devoted * iNaTYa–Yau¢= a" Being constantly devoted means Mad(–AQaR–k==MaR–ANauïaNaaidNaa performing work, etc. for My sake Mad(–iNaïa" being attached to Me. MaNa" MaiYa AaveXYa [after] absorbing [their] mind in Me Yae MaaMa( oPaaSaTae those who worship Me, Tae Mae (=MaMa=) Yau¢= TaMaa" MaTaa" they are considered the best yog…s (yukta.tama) by Me.” 955 BG 12.3-4

Yae Tv+arMaiNadeRXYaMaVYa¢&= PaYauRPaaSaTae ) SavR}aGaMaicNTYa& c kU= $=SQaMacl& Da]uvMa(= = )) ye tv a-karam a-nirdeyam a-vyaktaˆ paryup€sate, sarvatra-gam a-cintyaˆ ca k™˜a-stham a-calaˆ dhruvam

Sai‘aYaMYaeiNd]YaGa]aMa& SavR}a SaMabuÖYa" ) Tae Pa[aPNauviNTa MaaMaev SavR>aUTaihTae rTaa"== =)) sanniyamyendriya-gr€maˆ sarvatra sama-buddhayaƒ, te pr€pnuvanti m€m eva sarva-bh™ta-hite rat€ƒ

Yae Tau “But those who A–iNadeRXYaMa( A–VYa¢==Ma( on the indescribable, unmanifest SavR}a–GaMa( A–icNTYaMa( all-pervading, inconceivable kU= $=–SQaMa( A–clMa( Da]uvMa( c A–+arMa( changeless, unmoving and fixed brahma PaYauRPaaSaTae meditate, wiNd]Ya–Ga]aMaMa( Sai‘aYaMYa [after] perfectly controlling all the senses SavR}a SaMa–buÖYa" [being] equal-minded towards all SavR–>aUTa–ihTae rTaa" and engaged in the welfare of all




Tae MaaMa( Wv Pa[aPNauviNTa they [also] achieve Me alone.” TaihR wTarezaMa( Yau¢= TaMaTvMa( ku= Ta" Then where is the excellence of the other (former) *

ones? 956 BG 12.5

©e= Xaae= _iDak==TarSTaezaMaVYa¢==aSa¢==ceTaSaaMa( ) AVYa¢==a ih GaiTaduR"%& dehviÙrvaPYaTae= = )) kleo ’dhikataras te€m a-vyakt€sakta-cetas€m, a-vyakt€ hi gatir duƒkhaˆ dehavadbhir av€pyate

TaezaMa( A–VYa¢==–AaSa¢==–ceTaSaaMa( “For those attached to the unmanifest ©e= Xa" AiDak==Tar" the trouble is greater. A–VYa¢==a GaiTa" The unmanifest goal dehviÙ" du"%Ma( ih AvaPYaTae is only with difficulty achieved by embodied beings.” 957 BG 12.6-7

Yae Tau SavaRiYaaSa–YaaeGaeNa then by means of practice (abhy€sa)

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ivi+aáMa( ictaMa( PauNa" PauNa" Pa[TYaaôTYa Bringing back the distracted mind again and

again [to steady concentration/ meditation].

MaaMa( AaáuMa( wC^

you must seek to attain Me!” 960 BG 12.10

A>YaaSae= _PYaSaMaQaaeR= _iSa MaTk==MaRParMaae >av ) MadQaRMaiPa k==MaaRiYaaSae AiPa A–SaMaQaR" AiSa “[If] you are unable for such practice even Mad(–k==MaR–ParMa" >av become devoted to do rites (karman) for Me! * Wk==adXaq–oPavaSa–v]Ta–cYaaR–NaaMaSaªITaRNa–AadqiNa Like fasting on Ek€da…, observing vows, singing My name.

Mad(–AQaRMa( k==MaaRi>> karma (rites, 12.10) >>> abhy€sa (yoga, 12.9) >>> dhy€na (meditation, 12.8) as the highest. Now true phala-ty€ga is being praised above all rites, yoga and meditation: 962 BG 12.12

é[eYaae= =ih== jaNaMa>YaaSaaJjaNaad(= =DYaaNa&= =iviXaZYaTae= =)= =DYaaNaaTk==MaRf= lTYaaGaSTYaaGaaC^aiNTarNaNTarMa(= =)) reyo hi jñ€nam abhy€s€j jñ€n€d dhy€naˆ viiyate, dhy€n€t karma-phala-ty€gas ty€g€c ch€ntir anantaram

A>YaaSaaTa( jaNaMa( ih é[eYa" “Better than abhy€sa is indeed spiritual knowledge (jñ€na) * SaMYak(= –jaNa–rihTaaTa( A>YaaSaaTa( Than practice (abhy€sa) without proper knowledge Yaui¢==–SaihTa–oPadeXa–PaUvRk= Ma( jaNaMa( jñ€na based on teaching coupled with reasoning é[eïMa( is better. jaNaaTa( DYaaNaMa( iviXaZYaTae better than jñ€na is dhy€na DYaaNaaTa( k==MaR–f==l–TYaaGa" [and better] than dhy€na is karma-phala-ty€ga. TYaaGaaTa( ANaNTarMa( XaaiNTa" After ty€ga comes peace (liberation).” * Mad(–Pa[SaadeNa By My mercy. * WvMa(–>aUTaSYa >a¢==SYa Of such a devotee i+aPa[Ma( Wv ParMaeìr–Pa[Saad–heTaUNa( DaMaaRNa( the virtues (dharma) which quickly cause the mercy of the Lord Aah are stated:



963 BG 12.13-14

AÜeía SavR>aUTaaNaa& MaE}a" k==åaYa–oÜeGaE" Mau¢= " who is free from jubilation, impatience, fear and anxiety, * A–MazR" ParSYa la>ae A–SahNaMa( Impatience is intolerance at another’s gain >aYaMa( }aaSa" fear is terror oÜeGa" >aYaaid–iNaiMata–icta–+aae>a" and anxiety is agitation (kobha) of the mind due to fear etc.

Sa" Mae (=MaMa=) iPa[Ya"

he is My beloved.” 965 BG 12.16

ANaPae+a" XauicdR+a odaSaqNaae GaTaVYaQa" ) SavaRrM>aPairTYaaGaq Yaae MaÙ¢==" Sa Mae iPa[Ya"== =)) an-apekaƒ ucir daka ud€s…no gata-vyathaƒ, sarv€rambha-parity€g… yo mad-bhaktaƒ sa me priyaƒ

ANa(–APae+a" Xauic" d+a" “Being indifferent (‘without expectation’), clean and expert * ANaPae+a" Yad*C^–oPaiSQaTae AiPa AQaeR iNa"SPa*h" Indifferent means without hankering even for objects which come of themselves Xauic" baù–A>YaNTar–XaaEc– SaMPa‘a" clean means with external and internal purity d+a" ANalSa" expert means not lazy.

odaSaqNa" GaTa–VYaQa" neutral and free from anxiety * odaSaqNa" Pa+aPaaTa–rihTa" Neutral means not taking sides. SavR–AarM>a–PairTYaaGaq renouncing [the result] in all endeavors Ya" Mad–>a¢==" Sa" Mae (=MaMa=) iPa[Ya" such a devotee of Mine is My beloved.” 966 BG 12.17

Yaae Na ôZYaiTa Na Üeií Na XaaeciTa Na k==a¿iTa ) Xau>aaXau>aPairTYaaGaq >ai¢==MaaNYa" Sa Mae iPa[Ya"== =)) yo na hyati na dve˜i na ocati na k€‰kati, ubh€ubha-parity€g… bhaktim€n yaƒ sa me priyaƒ

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Ya" Na ôZYaiTa Na Üeií “One who neither rejoices nor hates * iPa[YaMa( Pa[aPYa Ya" Na ôZYaiTa Who does not rejoice on getting what is pleasing A– iPa[YaMa( Pa[aPYa Ya" Na Üeií who does not hate on getting what is unpleasing. Na XaaeciTa Na k==a¿iTa neither laments nor desires * wí–AQaR–NaaXae SaiTa Ya" Na XaaeciTa Who does not lament on loosing a desired object A–Pa[aáMa( AQaRMa( Ya" Na k==a¿iTa who does not desire an object not [yet] obtained. Xau>a–A–Xau>a–PairTYaaGaq completely detached from virtue (ubha) and sin (a-ubha) Ya" >ai¢==MaaNa( Sa" Mae (=MaMa=) iPa[Ya" such a devotee is My beloved.” 967 BG 12.18-19

SaMa" Xa}aaE c iMa}ae c TaQaa MaaNaaPaMaaNaYaae" ) XaqTaaeZaRi¢==MaaNMae iPa[Yaae Nar"== =)) tulya-nind€-stutir maun… santu˜o yena kenacit, a-niketaƒ sthira-matir bhaktim€n me priyo naraƒ

Xa}aaE c iMa}ae c SaMa" “Being equal towards enemy (atru) and friend (mitra) TaQaa MaaNa–APaMaaNaYaae" and towards honor (m€na) and dishonor (apam€na) XaqTa–oZa¢==a" “Those who are faithful and dedicated devotees YaQaa o¢==Ma( wdMa( DaMaR–AMa*TaMa( PaYauRPaaSaTae who follow this eternal dharma as described, * (or:) DaMaRMa( Wv AMa*TaMa( AMa*TaTv–SaaDaNaTvaTa( The dharma which is nectar (amta) because it leads to immortality.

Tae Mae (=MaMa=) ATaqv iPa[Yaa"

they are My very beloved.”



Sanskrit — Taddhita 3 (1) r…mat (2) samatva (3) guhyatama The suffixe .tara makes the comparative and .tama the superlative. guhya (secret) >>> guhya.tara (more secret) >>> guhya.tama (most secret); knowledge of the soul is called a secret (guhya) in Bhagavad-g…t€; more secret (guhyatara, 18.63) is knowledge of Param€tm€ as different from €tm€; and most secret (guhyatama, 9.1, 18.64) is knowledge of bhakti

iPa]Tar — more dear; iPa]YaTaMa — most dear p™rŠa — complete >>> PaU> Similarly:

ParTar — more high (7.7); +aeMaTar — more beneficial (1.45); dulR>aTar — more difficult to obtain (6.42); YaaeGaivtaMa — the best of those who know yoga (12.1)

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Hinduism — G…t€ 13 Ketra-ketrajña-vibh€ga-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Differentiation Between Body (ketra) and Soul (ketrajña)’ 969 BG 13.1

AJauRNa ovac Pa[k*= iTa& Pauåz& cEv +ae}a& +ae}ajMaev c ) WTaÜeidTauiMaC^aiMa jaNa& jeYa& c ke= Xav== =)) praktiˆ puruaˆ caiva ketraˆ ketra-jñam eva ca, etad veditum icch€mi jñ€naˆ jñeyaˆ ca keava

AJauRNa" ovac – ke= Xav “Arjuna said: O Lord! Pa[k*= iTaMa( PauåzMa( c Wv [What are] ‘nature’ (prakti) and ‘enjoyer’ (purua) +ae}aMa( +ae}a–jMa( Wv c ‘field’ (ketra) and ‘farmer’ (ketra-jña) jaNaMa( jeYaMa( c ‘knowledge’ (jñ€na) and ‘object of knowledge’ (jñeya) — WTad( veidTauMa( wC^aiMa this I want to know.” Prakti and purua will be described in verses (13.20ff.), ketra and ketra-jña in (13.2ff.), jñ€na in (13.8ff.) and jñeya in (13.13ff.). This verse is omitted in some editions. Therefore, the verse numbers may also differ. 970 BG 13.2

é[q>aGavaNauvac wd& Xarqr& k==aENTaeYa +ae}aiMaTYai>aDaqYaTae ) WTaÛae veita Ta& Pa[ahu" +ae}aj wiTa TaiÜd"== =)) idaˆ ar…raˆ kaunteya ketram ity abhidh…yate, etad yo vetti taˆ pr€huƒ ketra-jña iti tad-vidaƒ

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac – k==aENTaeYa “The Lord said: O Arjuna! wdMa( XarqrMa( +ae}aMa( wiTa Ai>aDaqYaTae This body (ar…ra) is called ‘field’ (ketra) * wdMa( >aaeGa–AaYaTaNaMa( XarqrMa( This body, the basis of all enjoyment ‘=+ae}aMa(=’ wiTa Ai>aDaqYaTae is called the ‘field’ Sa&SaarSYa Pa[raeh–>aUiMaTvaTa( since it is the sprouting ground of material existence.

Ya" WTad( veita

and he who knows it (the soul in the body)

=AhMa(–MaMa=’ wiTa MaNYaTae Who thinks of it in terms of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. Tad(–ivd" TaMa( +ae}a–j" wiTa Pa[ahu" the knowers of it (their difference) call him ‘farmer’ (ketra-jña).” * k*= zqvlvTa( Tad(–f==l–>aae¢*= TvaTa( Since he is the enjoyer of the fruit, like the farmer. *‘

971 BG 13.3

+ae}aj& caiPa Maa& iviÖ SavR+ae}aezu >aarTa ) +ae}a+ae}ajYaaejaRNa& YataJjaNa& MaTa& MaMa== =)) ketra-jñaˆ c€pi m€ˆ viddhi sarva-ketreu bh€rata, ketra-ketra-jñayor jñ€naˆ yat taj jñ€naˆ mataˆ mama

>aarTa “O Arjuna! SavR–+ae}aezu In all bodies MaaMa( AiPa c +ae}a–jMa( iviÖ know Me also as ketra-jña! Yad( +ae}a–+ae}a–jYaae" jaNaMa( The knowledge of [the difference between] ketra (body) and ketra-jña (soul)

Tad( jaNaMa( MaMa MaTaMa( that is [true] jñ€na in My opinion.” * Maae+a–heTauTvaTa( Because it leads to liberation. ANYaTa( Tau v*Qaa Paaiaavê TaTSaMaaSaeNa Mae Xa*aivRivDaE" Pa*Qak(= ) b]øSaU}aPadEêEv heTauMaiÙivRiNaiêTaE"= = )) ibhir bahudh€ g…taˆ chandobhir vividhaiƒ pthak, brahma-s™tra-padai caiva hetumadbhir vinicitaiƒ


“By sages *

‰izi>a" viSaïaidi>a" By sages like Vasi˜ha YaaeGa–Xaañezu in Yoga scriptures.

ivivDaE" ^Ndaei>a" by the different Vedas heTauMaiÙ" iviNaiêTaE" and, ascertained by arguments b]ø–SaU}a–PadE" c Wv by the words of the Ved€nta-s™tra (brahma-s™tra) Pa*Qak(= bhuDaa GaqTaMa( it is differently taught (‘sung’) in many ways.” * Ta}a +ae}a–SvæPaMa( Aah The constitution of the ketra is stated: 974 BG 13.6-7

Maha>aUTaaNYahªarae buiÖrVYa¢==Maev c ) wiNd]YaaiaUTaaiNa Ahªar" “The [five] gross elements (mah€-bh™ta) and ego (aha‰k€ra) buiÖ" A–VYa¢==Ma( Wv c cosmic intelligence (mahat) and the unmanifest (pradh€na) dXa Wk==Ma( c wiNd]YaaiaZv®" non-identification with children (putra), wife, home (gha), etc.; wí–ANa(–wí–oPaPaitazu c and in good and bad events iNaTYaMa( SaMa–ictaTvMa( constant even-mindedness; ANa(–ANYa–YaaeGaeNa c and by exclusive meditation (yoga) MaiYa A–VYai>acairai¢==" undeviating devotion (bhakti) to Me; iviv¢==–deXa–SaeivTvMa( inhabitation of a solitary place (dea); JaNa–Sa&Said A–riTa" detachment towards general (wordly-minded) people; ADYaaTMa–jaNa–iNaTYaTvMa( always dwelling on spiritual knowledge; Tatv–jaNa–AQaR–dXaRNaMa( search for the Absolute Truth — WTad( jaNaMa( wiTa Pa[ae¢= Ma( all this is called [the means to true] knowledge (jñ€na). All these 20 qualities are means for self-realization.



Yad( ATa" ANYaQaa A–jaNaMa( What is contrary is ignorance (a-jñ€na).” * Wi>a" SaaDaNaE" Yad( jeYaMa( That which is to be known (jñeya) by these [20] means Tad( Aah that is stated [in six verses]: 976 BG 13.13

jeYa& YataTPa[v+YaaiMa YaJjaTvaMa*TaMaXNauTae ) ANaaid MaTPar& b]ø Na Sata‘aaSaduCYaTae= = )) jñeyaˆ yat tat pravaky€mi yaj jñ€tv€mtam anute, an-€di mat-paraˆ brahma na sat tan n€sad ucyate

Yad( jeYaMa( Tad( Pa[v+YaaiMa “What is to be known (jñeya) I will explain Yad( jaTva AMa*TaMa( AXNauTae [after] knowing which one attains immortality. * ik==Ma( Tad( What is that? Tad( ANa(–Aaid Mad(–ParMa( b]ø That is the beginningless brahma, which is subordinate to Me (the Lord).

ANaaid WTaavTa( Wv bhuv]qiha*Ta( c Wv He is unattached [yet] maintaining everything iNaGauRaUTaaNaaMacr& crMaev c ) SaU+MaTvatadivjeYa& dUrSQa& caiNTake= c TaTa(= = )) bahir anta ca bh™t€n€m a-caraˆ caram eva ca, s™kmatv€t tad a-vijñeyaˆ d™ra-sthaˆ c€ntike ca tat

>aUTaaNaaMa( bih" ANTa" c “He is outside and inside (as cause) of all beings A–crMa( crMa( Wv c He is non-moving and moving SaU+MaTvaTa( Tad( A–ivjeYaMa( because of being subtle He is incomprehensible Tad( dUr–SQaMa( c AiNTake= c He is situated far and near.” * A–ivduzaMa( YaaeJaNa–l+a–ANTairTaMa( wv dUr–SQaMa( c For the ignorant He is far, as if thousands of yojanas away Sa–ivk==araYaa" Pa[k*= Tae" ParTvaTa( because of being beyond nature which is subject to change. ivduzaMa( PauNa" Pa[TYak(= –AaTMaTvaTa( AiNTake= c And for the wise again He is near, being their very soul. 980 BG 13.17

Aiv>a¢&= c >aUTaezu iv>a¢==iMav c iSQaTaMa( ) >aUTa>aTa*R c TaJjeYa& Ga]iSaZaivZaUTaezu A–iv>a¢==Ma( c “[Although] not divided in all beings * k==ara‘aMa( As the cause He is not divided [i.e., one]. iv>a¢==Ma( wv c iSQaTaMa( He is situated as if divided, * k==aYaaRTMaNaa iv>a¢==Ma( (=i>a‘aMa(=) wv As effect He is as if divided. >aUTa–>aTa*R Ga]iSaZaivZaVYa¢==Ma( It is knowledge, manifest in the functions of the intellect Tad( Wv æPaaid–Aak==area¢==" Mad(–>aavaYa oPaPaÛTae My devotee is eligible for My nature.” 983 BG 13.20

Pa[k*= iTa& Pauåz& cEv ivÖyNaadq o>aaviPa ) ivk==ara&ê GauavaNa(= = )) praktiˆ puruaˆ caiva viddhy an€d… ubh€v api, vik€r€ˆ ca guŠ€ˆ caiva viddhi prakti-sambhav€n

Pa[k*= iTaMa( PauåzMa( c Wv “Prakti and purua o>aaE AiPa ANa(–Aadq iviÖ know both as beginningless! ivk==araNa( c GauavaNa( iviÖ know to be born from prakti!” 984 BG 13.21

k==aYaRk= araae¢*= Tve In experiencing happiness and distress Pauåz" heTau" oCYaTae the purua is said to be the cause.” 985 BG 13.22

Pauåz" Pa[k*= iTaSQaae ih >au»e Pa[k*= iTaJaaNGauaUYaae= _i>aJaaYaTae= = )) ya evaˆ vetti puruaˆ praktiˆ ca guŠaiƒ saha, sarvath€ vartam€no ’pi na sa bh™yo ’bhij€yate

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PauåzMa( Pa[k*= iTaMa( c GauaJaaYaTae he is not born again [but liberated].” * WvM>aUTa–iviv¢==–AaTMajaNae With regard to such discriminative knowledge of the self SaaDaNa–ivk==LPaaNa( Aah alternative paths are being stated: 988 BG 13.25

DYaaNaeNaaTMaiNa PaXYaiNTa ke= icdaTMaaNaMaaTMaNaa ) ANYae Saa«yeNa YaaeGaeNa k==MaRYaaeGaeNa caPare= = )) dhy€nen€tmani payanti kecid €tm€nam €tman€, anye s€‰khyena yogena karma-yogena c€pare

ke= icd( DYaaNaeNa AaTMaNaa “Some by meditation (dhy€na) with the mind (€tman) AaTMaiNa AaTMaaNaMa( PaXYaiNTa see the soul (€tman) in the body (€tman) ANYae Saa«yeNa YaaeGaeNa others by philosophy (s€‰khya) or (a˜€‰ga-) yoga * Saax(= :YaeNa Pa[k*= iTa–Pauåz–vEl+aYa" é[uTva oPaaSaTae [after] hearing from others they meditate/worship. é[uiTa–ParaYaaUTaezu “In all perishing beings SaMaMa( iTaïNTaMa( equally residing



A–ivNaXYaNTaMa( ParMa–wRìrMa( the imperishable supreme Lord/soul Ya" PaXYaiTa, Sa" PaXYaiTa one who sees, he sees [truly].” 992 BG 13.29

SaMa& PaXYaiNh SavR}a SaMaviSQaTaMaqìrMa( ) Na ihNaSTYaaTMaNaaTMaaNa& TaTaae YaaiTa Para& GaiTaMa(= = )) samaˆ payan hi sarvatra samavasthitam …varam, na hinasty €tman€tm€naˆ tato y€ti par€ˆ gatim

SaMaMa( SaMaviSQaTaMa( wRìrMa( “The equally residing Lord/soul SavR}a ih PaXYaNa( [while] seeing everywhere (in all beings) AaTMaNaa AaTMaaNaMa( Na ihNaiSTa he does not kill himself by himself, * A–ivÛYaa SaTa(–icTa(–AaNaNd–æPaMa( AaTMaaNaMa( iTarSk*= TYa Na ivNaaXaYaiTa He does not ‘kill’ the soul by denying its eternal, conscious and blissful nature out of ignorance.

TaTa" ParaMa( GaiTaMa( YaaiTa and then he attains the supreme destination (liberation).” * Ya" Tau WvMa( Na PaXYaiTa But one who does not see like this Sa" ih he deh–AaTMa– dXas considers the body to be the self deheNa Sah AaTMaaNaMa( ihNaiSTa he kills himself together with the body. TaQaa c é[uiTa" As the ruti says (verse without sandhi:) ASaUYaaR" NaaMa Tae laek= a" “The worlds of the Asuras ANDaeNa TaMaSaa Av*Taa" are covered by blinding darkness. TaaNa( Tae Pa[eTYa Ai>aGaC^iNTa To these [worlds] go, after death Yae ke= c AaTMa–hNa" JaNaa" those who destroy the soul.” (Ÿa-Upaniad 3) 993 BG 13.30

Pa[k*= TYaEv c k==MaaRiaarTa “O Arjuna! YaQaa Wk==" riv" Just as one sun wMaMa( k*= TòMa( laek= Ma( Pa[k= aXaYaiTa illuminates this whole world, TaQaa +ae}aq the soul similarly k*= TòMa( +ae}aMa( Pa[k= aXaYaiTa illuminates the whole body.” 998 BG 13.35

+ae}a+ae}ajYaaerevMaNTar& jaNac+auza ) >aUTaPa[k*= iTaMaae+a& c Yae ivduYaaRiNTa Tae ParMa(= = )) ketra-ketra-jñayor evam antaraˆ jñ€na-caku€, bh™ta-prakti-mokaˆ ca ye vidur y€nti te param

+ae}a–+ae}a–jYaae" ANTarMa( “The difference between body (ketra) and soul (ketra-jña) >aUTa–Pa[k*= iTa–Maae+aMa( c and the [means of] liberation from prakti Yae jaNa–c+auza WvMa( ivdu" those who thus know with the eye of knowledge, Tae ParMa( YaaiNTa they attain the Supreme.”



Sanskrit — Taddhita 4 (1) r…mat (2) samatva (3) guhyatama (4) ma‰galamaya The suffix .maya means ‘made of’, ‘full of’. ma‰gala.maya — full of auspiciousness (ma‰gala)

MaNMaYa (manmaya from mad._maya) — ‘full of me’, one who is absorbed in me A‘aMaYa — ‘food-made’ (there are seven stages of happiness, beginning with anna.maya, or happiness derived from eating, up to the final stage, param€nanda.maya, or spiritual bliss in love of God)

é]ÖaMaYa — full of faith (17.3); AaêYaRMaYa — wonderful (11.11); GauaUYa" Pa[v+YaaiMa jaNaaNaa& jaNaMautaMaMa( ) YaJjaTva MauNaYa" SaveR Para& iSaiÖiMaTaae GaTaa"== =)) paraˆ bh™yaƒ pravaky€mi jñ€n€n€ˆ jñ€nam uttamam, yaj jñ€tv€ munayaƒ sarve par€ˆ siddhim ito gat€ƒ

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: ParMa( jaNaaNaaMa( otaMaMa( jaNaMa( Transcendental and best knowledge of all knowledge >aUYa" Pa[v+YaaiMa I will again explain, Yad( jaTva [after] knowing which SaveR MauNaYa" all sages (muni) wTa" ParaMa( iSaiÖMa( GaTaa" have gone from this [world] to the supreme perfection (liberation).” 1000 BG 14.2

wd& jaNaMauPaaié[TYa MaMa SaaDaMYaRMaaGaTaa" ) SaGaeR= _iPa NaaePaJaaYaNTae Pa[lYae Na VYaQaiNTa c== =)) idaˆ jñ€nam up€ritya mama s€dharmyam €gat€ƒ, sarge ’pi nopaj€yante pralaye na vyathanti ca

wdMa( jaNaMa( oPaaié[TYa “[After] practicing this knowledge MaMa SaaDaMYaRMa( AaGaTaa" having attained My nature SaGaeR AiPa Na oPaJaaYaNTae even at the time of creation they are not born * b]øaidzu oTPaÛMaaNaezu AiPa Even when Brahm€ and others are being created. Pa[lYae Na VYaQaiNTa c and at the time of destruction not perturbed.” 1001 BG 14.3

MaMa YaaeiNaMaRhd( b]]ø TaiSMaNGa>a| dDaaMYahMa( ) SaM>av" SavR>aUTaaNaa& TaTaae >aviTa >aarTa== =)) mama yonir mahad brahma tasmin garbhaˆ dadh€my aham, sambhavaƒ sarva-bh™t€n€ˆ tato bhavati bh€rata

>aarTa “O Arjuna! MahTa( b]ø MaMa YaaeiNa" The material nature (pradh€na, prakti) is My womb. b]ø Pa[k*= iTa" Brahma means here prakti, nature. TaiSMaNa( AhMa( Ga>aRMa( dDaaiMa In that I place the seed Ga>aRMa( JaGaTa(–ivSTaar–heTauMa( icTa(–Aa>aaSaMa( The seed, i.e., *


the reflection of [My]

intelligence, which is the cause of the evolution of the cosmos.

TaTa" SavR–>aUTaaNaaMa( SaM>av" >aviTa

and from that there is the creation of all beings.” 1002 BG 14.4

SavRYaaeiNazu k==aENTaeYa MaUTaRYa" SaM>aviNTa Yaa" ) TaaSaa& b]ø MahÛaeiNarh& bqJaPa[d" iPaTaa== =)) sarva-yoniu kaunteya m™rtayaƒ sambhavanti y€ƒ, t€s€ˆ brahma mahad yonir ahaˆ b…ja-pradaƒ pit€

k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! SavR–YaaeiNazu Among all species



Yaa" MaUTaRYa" SaM>aviNTa whatever forms take birth, TaaSaaMa( YaaeiNa" MahTa( b]ø their womb is material nature AhMa( bqJa–Pa[d" iPaTaa and I am the seed-giving father.” 1003 BG 14.5

Satv& rJaSTaMa wiTa Gauava" Gaua>aUYa Satv& >aviTa >aarTa ) rJa" Satv& TaMaêEv TaMa" Satv& rJaSTaQaa== =)) rajas tama c€bhibh™ya sattvaˆ bhavati bh€rata, rajaƒ sattvaˆ tama caiva tamaƒ sattvaˆ rajas tath€

>aarTa “O Arjuna! rJa" TaMa" c Ai>a>aUYa [After] overcoming rajas and tamas SatvMa( >aviTa sattva-guŠa manifests, rJa" SatvMa( TaMa" c Wv and rajo-guŠa [manifests, overcoming] sattva and tamas, TaQaa TaMa" SatvMa( rJa" and tamo-guŠa [manifests, overcoming] sattva and rajas.” * wdaNaqMa( SatvadqNaaMa( v*ÖaNaaMa( il®aiNa Aah Now the symptoms

(li‰ga) of

developed sattva etc. are stated: 1009 BG 14.11

SavRÜarezu dehe= _iSMaNPa[k= aXa oPaJaaYaTae ) jaNa& Yada Tada ivÛaiÜv*Ö& SatviMaTYauTa== =)) sarva-dv€reu dehe ’smin prak€a upaj€yate, jñ€naˆ yad€ tad€ vidy€d vivddhaˆ sattvam ity uta

Yada AiSMaNa( dehe SavR–Üarezu “When in all the gates (senses) in this body jaNaMa( Pa[k= aXa" oPaJaaYaTae the light of knowledge develops, Tada SatvMa( ivv*ÖMa( then sattva-guŠa is prominent wiTa oTa ivÛaTa( one can understand.” * oTa–XaBdaTa( The word uta suggests Sau%aid–il®eNa AiPa JaaNaqYaaTa( that one can also understand it by symptoms like happiness. 1010 BG 14.12

lae>a" Pa[v*itararM>a" k==MaRa*Ta( ) TadaetaMaivda& laek= aNaMalaNPa[iTaPaÛTae= = )) yad€ sattve pravddhe tu pralayaˆ y€ti deha-bht, tadottama-vid€ˆ lok€n a-mal€n pratipadyate

Satve Pa[v*Öe Tau “And if sattva-guŠa is prominent Yada deh–>a*Ta( Pa[lYaMa( YaaiTa when the embodied being meets death, Tada otaMa–ivdaMa( A–MalaNa( laek= aNa( then the pure worlds of the great sages Pa[iTaPaÛTae he attains.” 1013 BG 14.15

rJaiSa Pa[lYa& GaTva k==MaRSai®zu JaaYaTae ) TaQaa Pa[lqNaSTaMaiSa MaU!YaaeiNazu JaaYaTae= = )) rajasi pralayaˆ gatv€ karma-sa‰giu j€yate, tath€ pral…nas tamasi m™ha-yoniu j€yate

rJaiSa Pa[lYaMa( GaTva “[After] meeting death in rajo-guŠa k==MaR–Sai®zu JaaYaTae one is born among those attached to work, TaQaa TaMaiSa Pa[lqNa" and one who has died in tamo-guŠa MaU!–YaaeiNazu JaaYaTae is born among foolish species (animals).” 1014 BG 14.16

k==MaRa" Wv c and from rajo-guŠa greed [and thus misery] TaMaSa" Pa[Maad–MaaehaE >avTa" from tamo-guŠa come fantasy and illusion A–jaNaMa( Wv c and [thus] ignorance.” 1016 BG 14.18

Oß|= =GaC^iNTa== SatvSQaa== MaDYae= =iTaïiNTa== raJaSaa"== )= =JagaNYaGauaUTva Becoming discriminative. GauYa" ANYaMa( k==TaaRrMa( another doer besides the guŠas * buiÖ–Aaid–Aak==ar–PairYa" GauYa" Besides the guŠas, which have transformed *

themselves into the intellect, etc.

Na ANauPaXYaiTa he does not see GauYa" c ParMa( veita and knows [himself] beyond the guŠas,



Tad(–Saai+aaviTa by which symptoms is he [known]? ik==Ma( Aacar" What is [his] conduct? k==QaMa( c And how WTaaNa( }aqNa( Gauaaza=’ (2.54) wTYaaidNaa iÜTaqYa–ADYaaYae Pa*íMa( AiPa Although it was already asked in the second chapter, beginning with, “What is the characteristic

dta–otarMa( AiPa and although it was answered ‘=PauNa" ivXaez–bu>auTSaYaa Pa*C^iTa=’ wiTa jaTva yet understanding that he was asking again to understand further details Pa[k= ar–ANTareaGavaNauvac Pa[k= aXa& c Pa[v*ita& c MaaehMaev c PaaaGavaNa( ovac – PaaaUYaaYa k==LPaTae he is eligible for the state of brahma (spiritual existence).” 1023 BG 14.27

b]øaUTa" Pa[k= aXa" Wv SaUYaR– MaaavSYa AvXYaMa(– >aaivTvaTa( inevitably attains My nature Yau¢= Ma( Wv o¢==Ma( it has been rightly said that ‘=b]ø–>aUYaaYa k==LPaTae=’ wiTa ‘he is eligible for the state of brahma’. *

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Sanskrit — Taddhita 5 (1) (2) (3) (4)

r…mat samatva guhyatama ma‰galamaya

(5) sarvataƒ Words formed with the suffix .tas[i] are avyaya and mainly interpreted as pañcam… (fifth case): sarva (all) + tas[i] >>> sarva.tas — from all, than all; because of sandhi (s or r at the end of a word change to ƒ) sarvatas becomes sarvataƒ

ATa" — ‘from this’, than this, (time:) from now; (cause:) therefore (idam + .tas[i]) ANYaTa" — ‘from another’, otherwise (anya + .tas[i]) Ai>aTa" — near, on both/all sides, before and after (abhi — towards; + .tas[i]) AXaezTa" — without remainder, completely (a-ea + .tas[i]) wTa" — ‘from this’, hereafter (idam + .tas[i]) ku= Ta" — ‘from what?’, from where? (kim + .tas[i]) TaTa" — ‘from that’, after that, then, therefore (tad + .tas[i]) Tvta" — from you, than you (yumad + .tas[i]) ParTa" — superior, farther, thereafter; (from:); para + .tas[i]) Pa*íTa" — from behind (p˜a — the back; + .tas[i]) Mata" — from me, than me (asmad + .tas[i]) YaTa" — ‘from whom/which’, because (yad + .tas[i]) SaMaNTaTa" — completely (samanta — complete; + .tas[i]) SaMaaSaTa" — in summary (sam€sa + .tas[i])



Hinduism — G…t€ 15 Puruottama-yoga — ‘The Yoga to the Lord (puruottama)’ *

Nac Wk==aNTa–>ai¢==" jaNaMa( va A–ivr¢==SYa SaM>aviTa wiTa

Since exclusive

devotion (as demanded in 14.26) or knowledge (jñ€na) are not possible for one who is

vEraGYa–PaUvRk= Ma( jaNaMa( oPadeíu–k==aMa" with the desire to teach knowledge with detachment ... Sa&Saar–SvæPaMa( v*+a–æPak==–Alªarea" Sa&Yau¢= TvaTa( Because they are connected with

the functions of the senses, which stand for the twigs.

ADa" OßRMa( c Pa[Sa*Taa" are extended downwards and upwards. * Taezu c And among those [branches, i.e., living beings] Yae duZk*= iTaNa" those who are evil-doers Tae ADa" Paìaid–YaaeiNazu Pa[Sa*Taa" ivSTaarMa( GaTaa" they are spread downwards, among animal species, etc. Sauk*= iTaNa" c And the virtuous OßRMa( devaid–YaaeiNazu Pa[Sa*Taa" are spread upwards, among deva species, etc. ADa" c ANauSaNTaTaaiNa MaUlaiNa The roots, extending [upwards] and downwards * c–XaBdaTa( OßRMa( c The word ca means also upwards. ... Mau:YaMa( MaUlMa( wRìr" Wk==" Wv The main root is the Lord alone. wMaaiNa Tau AvaNTar–MaUlaiNa And these side-roots Tad(–Tad(–>aaeGa–vaSaNaa–l+aYaTae NaaNTaae Na caidNaR c SaMPa[iTaïa ) AìTQaMaeNa& Sauivæ!MaUlMaSa®XañeYaTae this is also not known. WNaMa( Sauivæ!–MaUlMa( AìTQaMa( This strongly rooted Avattha * WvMa(–>aUTaTvaTa( Being such AYaMa( Sa&Saar–v*+a" duåC^eÛ" this tree is hard to uproot. d*!eNa A–Sa®–XañeaUTaMa( Tad( PadMa( vSTau vEZaviNTa=’ wTYaaidNaa ‘From the unmanifest [matter] all


manifested beings are born.’ etc. (8.18)

TaaiNa Aak*= ZYa After carrying (‘pulling’) them ik==Ma( k==raeiTa what does it (the soul)


do? 1030 BG 15.8

Xarqr& YadvaPNaaeiTa YaÀaPYauT§==aMaTaqìr" ) Ga*hqTvETaaiNa Sa&YaaiTa vaYauGaRNDaaiNavaXaYaaTa(= = )) ar…raˆ yad av€pnoti yac c€py utkr€mat…varaƒ, gh…tvait€ni saˆy€ti v€yur gandh€n iv€ay€t

Yad( wRìr" XarqrMa( AvaPNaaeiTa “When the soul (‘lord’) obtains a [new] body * wRìr" dehadqNaaMa( SvaMaq Lord means the master of the body, etc. Yad( c AiPa oT§==aMaiTa and also when it leaves [the old body], * PaUvRSMaaTa( XarqraTa( From the previous body. WTaaiNa Ga*hqTva [after] taking these (the senses) [in a subtle body] Sa&YaaiTa it goes [to another gross body], vaYau" AaXaYaaTa( GaNDaaNa( wv as the air [is taking] aromas (gandha) from the [former] seat (€aya).” Sv–SQaaNaaTa( From its [former] seat ku= SauMa–Aade" a flower, etc.. *

1031 BG 15.9

é[ae}a& c+au" SPaXaRNa& c rSaNa& ga]aauÅaNa& va Gaua" Pa[YaTaMaaNaa" Endeavoring through meditation, etc. WNaMa( AaTMaiNa AviSQaTaMa( PaXYaiNTa see it (the j…va) situated in their body. * AaTMaiNa dehe AviSQaTaMa( Situated in the self, the body iviv¢==Ma( PaXYaiNTa they see it as different [from the body].

YaTaNTa" AiPa

[But] although endeavoring

Xaañ–A>YaaSaaidi>a" By study of scriptures, etc. A–k*= Ta–AaTMaaNa" A–ceTaSa" those who are unenlightened and [thus] unintelligent WNaMa( Na PaXYaiNTa do not see it.” * [After clearing some doubt in 15.7-11, now again] PaarMaeìrMa( æPaMa( the nature of the Lord ANaNTa–Xai¢==TveNa iNaæPaYaiTa is described as omnipotent: *

1034 BG 15.12

YadaidTYaGaTa& TaeJaae JaGaÙaSaYaTae= _i%lMa( ) YaÀNd]MaiSa YaÀaGNaaE TataeJaae iviÖ MaaMak==Ma(= = )) yad €ditya-gataˆ tejo jagad bh€sayate ’khilam, yac candramasi yac c€gnau tat tejo viddhi m€makam

AaidTYa–GaTaMa( TaeJa" “The splendor in the sun Yad( A–i%lMa( JaGaTa( >aaSaYaTae which illuminates the whole world (jagat) Yad( cNd]MaiSa Yad( AGNaaE c and also that [splendor] which is in moon and fire (agni), Tad( TaeJa" MaaMak==Ma( iviÖ that splendor know to be Mine!” 1035 BG 15.13

GaaMaaivXYa== c= =>aUTaaiNa== DaarYaaMYahMaaeJaSaa== )= =PauZaUTva== rSaaTMak=="= = )) g€m €viya ca bh™t€ni dh€ray€my aham ojas€, puŠ€mi cauadh…ƒ sarv€ƒ somo bh™tv€ ras€tmakaƒ

GaaMa( c AaivXYa “And [after] entering the earth AhMa( >aUTaaiNa AaeJaSaa DaarYaaiMa I sustain all beings by [My] energy. rSa–AaTMak==" SaaeMa" c >aUTva And [after] becoming the moon, who gives (‘is full of’) taste (rasa) SavaR" AaezDaq" PauZaUTva Pa[aia+YaMa( Which is chewed (like bread) >aaeJYaMa( swallowed (like porridge) leùMa( licked (like molasses) caeZYaMa( c and sucked (like sugar-cane) wiTa cTauivRDaMa( these *

four kinds.

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1037 BG 15.15

SavRSYa cah& ôid Sai‘aivíae Mata" SMa*iTajaRNaMaPaaehNa& c ) vedEê SavŒrhMaev veÛae vedaNTak*= Üedivdev cahMa( )) sarvasya c€haˆ hdi sannivi˜o mattaƒ smtir jñ€nam apohanaˆ ca vedai ca sarvair aham eva vedyo ved€nta-kd veda-vid eva c€ham

AhMa( SavRSYa c ôid Sai‘aiví" “And I am seated in the heart (hd) of all. * ANTaYaaRiMa–æPaeaaveNa MaaMa( >aJaiTa and worships Me with all his heart.” 1042 BG 15.20

wiTa GauùTaMa& XaañiMadMau¢&= MaYaaNaga ) WTad( bud(Dva buiÖMaaNSYaaTk*= Tak*= TYaê >aarTa== =)) iti guhyatamaˆ €stram idam uktaˆ may€nagha, etad buddhv€ buddhim€n sy€t kta-ktya ca bh€rata

ANa(–Aga “O Arjuna! wiTa wdMa( GauùTaMaMa( XaañMa( Thus this most confidential (guhya.tama) teaching MaYaa o¢==Ma( was spoken by Me. >aarTa O Arjuna! WTad( bud(ßa [After] understanding this buiÖMaaNa( k*= Ta–k*= TYa" c SYaaTa( one will become wise and accomplished.”


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Sanskrit — Taddhita 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

r…mat samatva guhyatama ma‰galamaya sarvataƒ

(6) sarvatra There are many suffixes similar to tas[i] : .tra (indicating place) >>> sarva.tra — everywhere .d€ (indicating time) >>> sarva.d€ — always .th€ (indicating manner) >>>€ — in every way The following table shows how some avyayas are derived by the application of taddhita suffixes. .tas[i] (pañcam…) .tra (place) .d€ (time) .th€ (manner) sarva >>> anya >>> kim >>> yad >>> tad >>>

SavRTa" ANYaTa" ku= Ta" YaTa" TaTa"

SavR}a ANYa}a ku= }a Ya}a Ta}a

SavRda ANYada k==da Yada Tada

SavRQaa ANYaQaa (katham)

YaQaa TaQaa

SavRTa" — from all, in all respect; SavR}a — in all places, everywhere; SavRda — at all times, always; SavRQaa — in all manners, in every respect

ANYaTa" — from another, otherwise; ANYa}a — in another place, elsewhere; ANYada — at another time; ANYaQaa — in another manner, otherwise ku= Ta" — from what?, from where? ku= }a — in what place?, where? k==da — at what time?, when? k==QaMa( — in what manner?, how?

YaTa" — from whom/which, because; Ya}a — in whom/which, where; Yada — at what time, when; YaQaa — in which manner

TaTa" — from that, after that, therefore; Ta}a — in that place, there; Tada — at that time, then; TaQaa — in that manner, so, thus With eka (one): As Correlatives:

Wk==}a — in one place; together, simultaneous; Wk==da — at one time, once

yataƒ ... tataƒ — from where ... from there;

YaTa" MaNa" iNaêliTa ... TaTa" AaTMaiNa vXaMa( NaYaeTa( — from

wherever the mind wanders ... from there one should bring it back under the control of the self yad€ ... tad€ — when ... at that time;

Yada DaMaRSYa GlaiNa" >aviTa ... Tada AhMa( AaTMaaNaMa( Sa*JaaiMa —

when there is a decline of dharma ... at that time I descend Myself yath€ ... tath€ — as ... so;

YaQaa wC^iSa ... TaQaa ku= å — as you desire ... so you must act



Interrogatives are made indefinite by adding .cid or .cana to the declined forms of kim:

ku= Taiêd(üku= TaêNa — from somewhere kutra — where? >>> ku= }aicd( — somewhere, anywhere kad€ — when? >>> k==daicd(ük==dacNa — some times, at any time katham— how? (manner) >>> k==QaiÄd( — somehow kva — where? when? >>> Kvicd( — somewhere, sometimes kim 〈neut. 1.1〉 — what? >>> ik==iÄd(üik==ÄNa — something (a little bit) kaƒ 〈masc. 1.1〉 — who? >>> k==iêd(ük==êNa — someone; in a negative kutaƒ — from where? >>>

someone’, no one ke 〈masc. 1.3〉 — who? >>>

ke= icd(üke= cNa — some (pl.) k€ 〈fem. 1.1〉 — who? >>> k==aicd(ük==acNa — someone (fem.)


Na k==iêd(

— ‘not

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Hinduism — G…t€ 16 Daiv€sura-sampad-vibh€ga-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Discerning Divine (daiva) and Demoniac (€sura) Attributes’ *

Tatv–jaNae AiDak==aira" the sixth chapter is begun: 1043 BG 16.1-3

é[q>aGavaNauvac A>aYa& SatvSa&XauiÖjaRNaYaaeGaVYaviSQaiTa" ) daNa& dMaê Yajê SvaDYaaYaSTaPa AaJaRvMa(= = )) a-bhayaˆ sattva-saˆuddhir jñ€na-yoga-vyavasthitiƒ, d€naˆ dama ca yajña ca sv€dhy€yas tapa €rjavam

Aih&Saa SaTYaMa§==aeDaSTYaaGa" XaaiNTarPaEXauNaMa( ) dYaa >aUTaeZvlaeluPTv& MaadRv& ”qrcaPalMa(= = )) a-hiˆs€ satyam a-krodhas ty€gaƒ €ntir a-paiunam, day€ bh™tev a-loluptvaˆ m€rdavaˆ hr…r a-c€palam

TaeJa" +aMaa Da*iTa" XaaEcMad]aehae NaaiTaMaaiNaTaa ) >aviNTa SaMPad& dEvqMai>aJaaTaSYa >aarTa== =)) tejaƒ kam€ dhtiƒ aucam a-droho n€ti-m€nit€, bhavanti sampadaˆ daiv…m abhij€tasya bh€rata

é[q–>aGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: A–>aYaMa( Satv–Sa&XauiÖ" Fearlessness and purity of heart jaNa–YaaeGa–VYaviSQaiTa" steadfastness in spiritual knowledge daNaMa( dMa" c Yaj" c charity, sense-control and sacrifice SvaDYaaYa" TaPa" AaJaRvMa( study of the Vedas, austerity and honesty; * SvaDYaaYa" b]ø–Yajaid" Sv€dhy€ya means studying, etc. (teaching, reciting) the Vedas JaPa–Yaj" va or repetition of holy names. A–ih&Saa SaTYaMa( A–§==aeDa" non-violence, truthfulness and absence of anger TYaaGa" XaaiNTa" A–PaEXauNaMa( renunciation (generosity), peacefulness and absence of faultfinding >aUTaezu dYaa A–laeluPTvMa( compassion for all beings and absence of greed MaadRvMa( ”q" A–caPalMa( gentleness, modesty and steadiness; TaeJa" +aMaa Da*iTa" XaaEcMa( vigor, forgiveness, firmness and purity A–d]aeh" Na AiTaMaaiNaTaa absence of malice and not expecting honor — >aarTa O Arjuna! dEvqMa( SaMPadMa( Ai>aJaaTaSYa >aviNTa [these 26 qualities] belong to one born with a godly nature.” * dev–YaaeGYaaMa( Saaitvk==IMa( SaMPadMa( Ai>aJaaTaSYa (=Tad(–Aai>aMau:YaeNa JaaTaSYa=) >aaiv–k==LYaaaJaaTaSYa PaaQaR SaMPadMaaSaurqMa(= = )) dambho darpo ’bhim€na ca krodhaƒ p€ruyam eva ca, a-jñ€naˆ c€bhij€tasya p€rtha sampadam €sur…m

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! dM>a" dPaR" Ai>aMaaNa" c Boasting, pride and self-conceit §==aeDa" PaaåZYaMa( Wv c A–jaNaMa( c anger, harshness and ignorance AaSaurqMa( SaMPadMa( Ai>aJaaTaSYa belong to one born with a demoniac (passionate) nature.”



1045 BG 16.5

dEvq SaMPaiÜMaae+aaYa iNabNDaaYaaSaurq MaTaa ) Maa Xauc" SaMPad& dEvqMai>aJaaTaae= _iSa PaaaUTaSaGaaŒ laeke= = _iSMaNdEv AaSaur Wv c ) dEvae ivSTarXa" Pa[ae¢= AaSaur& PaaQaR Mae Xa*aUTa–SaGaaŒ “In this world there are two natures of beings — dEv" AaSaur" Wv c godly and demoniac. dEv" ivSTarXa" Pa[ae¢= " The godly nature has been described at length, AaSaurMa( Mae Xa*Ya NaíaTMaaNaae= _LPabuÖYa" ) Pa[>avNTYauGa]k= MaaRYa “[After] holding this [materialistic] view Naí–AaTMaaNa" ALPa–buÖYa" having lost their [purity of] mind, of small intellect oGa]–k==MaaRaaeGaaQaRMaNYaaYaeNaaQaRSaÄYaaNa(= = )) €€-p€a-atair baddh€ƒ k€ma-krodha-par€yaŠ€ƒ, …hante k€ma-bhog€rtham a-ny€yen€rtha-sañcay€n

Pa[lYa–ANTaaMa( A–PairMaeYaaMa( c icNTaaMa( “Unlimited anxiety, up to death oPaaié[Taa" having accepted, k==aMa–oPa>aaeGa–ParMaa" addicted to sense gratification WTaavTa( wiTa iNaiêTaa" and convinced that this is all * k==aMa–oPa>aaeGa" Wv That sense gratification alone ParMa" PauåzaQaR" is the highest aim of human life.

AaXaa–PaaXa–XaTaE" bÖa" [therefore] bound by hundreds of ropes (p€a) of expectations * TaE" bÖa" Bound by them means wTa" TaTa" Aak*= ZYaMaaaaeGa–AQaRMa( for sense gratification A–NYaaYaeNa AQaR–SaÄYaaNa( wRhNTae they covet heaps of wealth by illegal means.” * A–NYaaYaeNa caEYaaRidNaa By illegal means like theft. 1052 BG 16.13-16

wdMaÛ MaYaa lBDaiMaMa& Pa[aPSYae MaNaaerQaMa( ) wdMaSTaqdMaiPa Mae >aivZYaiTa PauNaDaRNaMa(= = )) idam adya may€ labdham imaˆ pr€psye mano-ratham, idam ast…dam api me bhaviyati punar dhanam

ASaaE MaYaa hTa" Xa}auhRiNaZYae caParaNaiPa ) wRìrae= _hMah& >aaeGaq iSaÖae= _h& blvaNSau%q== =)) asau may€ hataƒ atrur haniye c€par€n api, …varo ’ham ahaˆ bhog… siddho ’haˆ balav€n sukh…

Aa!yae_i>aJaNavaNaiSMa==k= ae_NYaae_iSTa==Sad*Xaae= MaYaa==)= Ya+Yae= daSYaaiMa==MaaeidZYa==wTYajaNaivMaaeihTaa"=)) €hyo ’bhijanav€n asmi ko ’nyo ’sti sado may€, yakye d€sy€mi modiya ity a-jñ€na-vimohit€ƒ

ANaek= ictaiv>a]aNTaa MaaehJaalSaMaav*Taa" ) Pa[Sa¢==a" k==aMa>aaeGaezu PaTaiNTa Narke= = _XaucaE= = ))



aneka-citta-vibhr€nt€ moha-j€la-sam€vt€ƒ, prasakt€ƒ k€ma-bhogeu patanti narake ’ucau

AÛ wdMa( MaYaa lBDaMa( “[They think:] ‘Today this has been gained by me wMaMa( MaNa"–rQaMa( Pa[aPSYae and this desired object I will gain.’ wdMa( AiSTa ‘This is [mine] wdMa( DaNaMa( AiPa and this wealth also PauNa" Mae (=MaMa=) >aivZYaiTa will be mine too.’ ASaaE Xa}au" MaYaa hTa" ‘That enemy has been slain by me AParaNa( c AiPa hiNaZYae and others also I will slay.’ AhMa( wRìr" AhMa( >aaeGaq ‘I am the controller, I am the enjoyer AhMa( iSaÖ" blvaNa( Sau%q I am successful, powerful and happy.’ Aa!y" Ai>aJaNavaNa( AiSMa ‘I am wealthy and of noble descent MaYaa Sad*Xa" ANYa" k==" AiSTa who else is equal to me?’ Ya+Yae daSYaaiMa MaaeidZYae ‘I will perform sacrifices, give charity and rejoice.’ — wiTa A–jaNa–ivMaaeihTaa" thus deluded by ignorance; ANaek= –icta–iv>a]aNTaa" bewildered by many thoughts Maaeh–Jaal–SaMaav*Taa" covered by a net of illusion * MaTSYaa" wv As fish SaU}aMaYaeaaivTaa" STaBDaa DaNaMaaNaMadaiNvTaa" ) YaJaNTae NaaMaYajESTae dM>aeNaaiviDaPaUvRk= Ma(= = )) €tma-sambh€vit€ƒ stabdh€ dhana-m€na-mad€nvit€ƒ, yajante n€ma-yajñais te dambhen€vidhi-p™rvakam

AaTMa–SaM>aaivTaa" STaBDaa" “Being self-complacent and arrogant DaNa–MaaNa–Mad–AiNvTaa" filled with pride and intoxicated due to wealth, dM>aeNa A–iviDa–PaUvRk= Ma( proudly and disregarding the prescription * dM>aeNa NaTau é[ÖYaa With pride, not with devotion. Tae NaaMa–YajE" YaJaNTae they perform sacrifices in name only.” Or ‘to gain a name’. 1054 BG 16.18-19

Ahªar& bl& dPa| k==aMa& §==aeDa& c Sa&ié[Taa" ) MaaMaaTMaPardehezu Pa[iÜzNTaae= _>YaSaUYak==a"== =)) aha‰k€raˆ balaˆ darpaˆ k€maˆ krodhaˆ ca saˆrit€ƒ, m€m €tma-para-deheu pradvianto ’bhyas™yak€ƒ

TaaNah& iÜzTa" §U= raNSa&Saarezu NaraDaMaaNa( ) i+aPaaMYaJaóMaXau>aaNaaSaurqZvev YaaeiNazu= = )) t€n ahaˆ dviataƒ kr™r€n saˆs€reu nar€dham€n, kip€my ajasram a-ubh€n €sur…v eva yoniu

AhªarMa( blMa( dPaRMa( k==aMaMa( §==aeDaMa( c “Of false ego, power, pride, lust and anger Sa&ié[Taa" being possessed AaTMa–Par–dehezu MaaMa( Pa[iÜzNTa" hating Me, whom am in their own and other bodies * MaaMa( Pa[iÜzNTa" YaJaNTae They perform sacrifices while hating Me (the Supersoul in all bodies). If animal sacrifices are not performed properly, they are just violence to the soul and an insult to the Supersoul.


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and full of envy;

SaTa(–MaaGaR–viTaRNaaMa( GauaaNa( Nar–ADaMaaNa( who are inauspicious and lowest of men Sa&Saarezu AaSaurqzu YaaeiNazu Wv into cycles of rebirths in demoniac species * AiTa§U= raSau VYaaga]aid–YaaeiNazu In very cruel species like the tiger. AhMa( AJaóMa( i+aPaaiMa I perpetually cast [them].” *

1055 BG 16.20

AaSaurq& YaaeiNaMaaPa‘aa MaU!a JaNMaiNa JaNMaiNa ) MaaMaPa[aPYaEv k==aENTaeYa TaTaae YaaNTYaDaMaa& GaiTaMa(= = )) €sur…ˆ yonim €pann€ m™h€ janmani janmani, m€m a-pr€pyaiva kaunteya tato y€nty adham€ˆ gatim

k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! MaU!a" JaNMaiNa JaNMaiNa [Such] fools, in birth after birth AaSaurqMa( YaaeiNaMa( AaPa‘aa" having attained a demoniac body MaaMa( A–Pa[aPYa Wv [after] certainly not attaining Me * Mad(–Pa[aiPTa–oPaaYaMa( SaTa(–MaaGaRMa( AiPa A–Pa[aPYa

Not even attaining the path of

righteousness that leads to Me.

TaTa" ADaMaaMa( GaiTaMa( YaaiNTa they then attain the lowest destination.” * k*= iMa–k==I$=aid–YaaeiNaMa( Like the bodies of worms and insects. * o¢==aNaaMa( AaSaur–daezaaUTaMa( daez–}aYaMa( there are three vices that are the basis of all vices: 1056 BG 16.21

i}aivDa& Nark==SYaed& Üar& NaaXaNaMaaTMaNa" ) k==aMa" §==aeDaSTaQaa lae>aSTaSMaadeTaT}aYa& TYaJaeTa(= = )) tri-vidhaˆ narakasyedaˆ dv€raˆ n€anam €tmanaƒ, k€maƒ krodhas tath€ lobhas tasm€d etat trayaˆ tyajet

k==aMa" §==aeDa" TaQaa lae>a" “Lust (k€ma), anger (krodha) and greed (lobha) — Nark==SYa wdMa( i}a–ivDaMa( ÜarMa( this is the threefold gate (dv€ra) to hell (naraka) AaTMaNa" NaaXaNaMa( [and thus] the destruction of the self. * Naqc–YaaeiNa–Pa[aPak==Ma( Leading to lower births. TaSMaaTa( WTad( }aYaMa( TYaJaeTa( Therefore one should give up these three.” 1057 BG 16.22

WTaEivRMau¢= " k==aENTaeYa TaMaaeÜarEiñi>aNaRr" ) AacrTYaaTMaNa" é[eYaSTaTaae YaaiTa Para& GaiTaMa(= = )) etair vimuktaƒ kaunteya tamo-dv€rais tribhir naraƒ, €caraty €tmanaƒ reyas tato y€ti par€ˆ gatim

k==aENTaeYa “O Arjuna! WTaE" i}ai>a" TaMa"–ÜarE" From these three gates to darkness ivMau¢= " Nar" the man who is free AaTMaNa" é[eYa" AacriTa he practices what is good for himself. * TaPa"–YaaeGaaid Like austerities and yoga. TaTa" ParaMa( GaiTaMa( YaaiTa Thereby attains the supreme destination (liberation).”



k==aMaaid–TYaaGa" c And the renunciation of lust etc. Sv–DaMaR–AacraviTa is not possible without the performance of one’s duties: *

1058 BG 16.23

Ya" XaañiviDaMauTSa*JYa vTaRTae k==aMak==arTa" ) Na Sa iSaiÖMavaPNaaeiTa Na Sau%& Na Para& GaiTaMa(= = )) yaƒ €stra-vidhim utsjya vartate k€ma-k€rataƒ, na sa siddhim av€pnoti na sukhaˆ na par€ˆ gatim

Xaañ–iviDaMa( oTSa*JYa “[After] discarding the order of the scriptures (€stra) Ya" k==aMa–k==arTa" vTaRTae one who acts whimsically, Sa" Na iSaiÖMa( AvaPNaaeiTa he neither attains perfection * Tatv–jaNaMa( Knowledge of the truth. Na Sau%Ma( Na ParaMa( GaiTaMa( nor happiness (peace), nor the supreme destination (liberation).” 1059 BG 16.24

TaSMaaC^añ& Pa[Maa> wRìrq — female controller gopa (cowherd man) >>> GaaePaq — cowherd woman kŠa (dark, KŠa) >>> k*= Z>> ku= Maarq — girl kiora (young man) >>> ik==Xaaerq — young woman br€hmaŠa >>> b]aø>> vEZ>> daSaq — maidservant sv€min (sv€m…, master) >>> SvaiMaNaq — female master yogin (yog…, mystic) >>> YaaeiGaNaq — female yog… deva (a god) >>>

Adjectives change genders according to the object they qualify:

MahTaq f.; vy™ha — arrayed >>> VYaU!a f.; MahTaq VYaU!a cMaU" 〈1.1〉 — the great arrayed army; MahTaqMa( VYaU!aMa( cMaUMa( PaXYa 〈2.1〉 — behold the great arrayed army! kp€ f. — compassion; para — beyond, other, great >>> Para f.; Para k*= Paa 〈1.1〉 — great compassion; ParYaa k*= PaYaa 〈3.1〉 Aaiví" — being filled with great compassion buddhi f. — intelligence; vyavas€y€tmika — resolute >>> VYavSaaYaaiTMak==a f.; eka — one >>> Wk==a f.; VYavSaaYaaiTMak==a buiÖ" Wk==a 〈1.1〉 — the resolute intelligence is one (one-pointed) prajñ€ f. — wisdom; prati˜hita — fixed, firm >>> Pa]iTaiïTaa f.; TaSYa Pa[ja Pa[iTaiïTaa 〈1.1〉 — his wisdom

cam™ f. — army; mahat[u] — great >>>

is firm

Gau>> dEvq f.; duratyaya — difficult to overcome >>> durTYaYaa f.; Gau>>

divine energy, made of the guŠas, is difficult to overcome



Hinduism — G…t€ 17 ®raddh€-traya-vibh€ga-yoga — ‘The Yoga of Discerning Three Kinds of Faith (raddh€)’ 1060 BG 17.1

AJauRNa ovac Yae= =XaañiviDaMauTSa*JYa== YaJaNTae= =é[ÖYaaiNvTaa"== )= =Taeza&= =iNaïa== Tau= =k= a= =k*= ZaviTa >aarTa ) é[ÖaMaYaae= _Ya& Pauåzae Yaae YaC^\Ö" Sa Wv Sa"== =)) sattv€nur™p€ sarvasya raddh€ bhavati bh€rata, raddh€mayo ’yaˆ puruo yo yac-chraddhaƒ sa eva saƒ

>aarTa “O Arjuna! Satv–ANauæPaa SavRSYa é[Öa >aviTa According to [his previous] nature is each one’s faith é[ÖaMaYa" AYaMa( Pauåz" [and] by [his] faith each person is formed. * é]Öa–ivk==ar" He is a product of his faith i}a–ivDaYaa é[ÖYaa ivi§==YaTae wiTa AQaR" i.e., he is affected by the three kinds of faith.

Ya" Yad(–é]Ö" Whatever his faith Sa" Sa" Wv he is just that.” * E.g., Ya" PaUvRMa( Satv–oTk==zeRaUTaGaaUTaGa]aMaMaceTaSa" ) Maa& cEvaNTa"XarqrSQa& TaaiNvÖyaSauriNaêYaaNa(= = )) karayantaƒ ar…ra-sthaˆ bh™ta-gr€mam a-cetasaƒ, m€ˆ caiv€ntaƒ-ar…ra-sthaˆ t€n viddhy €sura-nicay€n

dM>a–Ahªar–Sa&Yau¢= a" “Endowed with pride and false ego k==aMa–raGa–bl–AiNvTaa" and endowed with obstinacy (bala), lust (k€ma) and attachment (r€ga) Yae A–ceTaSa" JaNaa" those ignorant persons who A–Xaañ–ivihTaMa( gaaerMa( TaPa" severe austerity, not prescribed by €stra



TaPYaNTae undergo, Xarqr–SQaMa( >aUTa–Ga]aMaMa( [and thereby] the elements in the body ANTa"–Xarqr–SQaMa( MaaMa( c Wv and also Me, who am situated in the body k==zRYaNTa" [while] torturing, TaaNa( AaSaur–iNaêYaaNa( iviÖ know them to be of demoniac mentality!” Self-discipline (see 17.14ff.) is not to be confused with self-torture, which is condemned by KŠa Bhagav€n and Gautama Buddha. *

Aaharaid–>aedaTa( AiPa Saaitvk==aid–>aedMa( dXaRiYaTauMa(

To show the distinction

between [people in] s€ttvika etc., even from the differences in food 1065 BG 17.7

Aah it is stated:

AaharSTviPa SavRSYa i}aivDaae >aviTa iPa[Ya" ) YajSTaPaSTaQaa daNa& Taeza& >aediMaMa& Xa*a" by men not expecting the fruit iviDa–idí" wJYaTae is performed according to rule, Sa" Saaitvk==" that is in sattva.” 1070 BG 17.12

Ai>aSaNDaaYa Tau f==l& dM>aaQaRMaiPa cEv YaTa( ) wJYaTae >arTaé[eï Ta& Yaj& iviÖ raJaSaMa(= = )) abhisandh€ya tu phalaˆ dambh€rtham api caiva yat, ijyate bharata-re˜ha taˆ yajñaˆ viddhi r€jasam

>arTa–é[eï “O Arjuna! f==lMa( Ai>aSaNDaaYa Tau [But, after] desiring the fruit dM>a–AQaRMa( AiPa c Wv only for the sake of boasting Yad( wJYaTae that which is offered, TaMa( YajMa( raJaSaMa( iviÖ know that sacrifice to be in rajas!” 1071 BG 17.13

iviDahqNaMaSa*ía‘a& MaN}ahqNaMadi+aYaSaNa& cEv vax(= MaYa& TaPa oCYaTae= = )) an-udvega-karaˆ v€kyaˆ satyaˆ priya-hitaˆ ca yat, sv€dhy€y€bhyasanaˆ caiva v€‰mayaˆ tapa ucyate

Yad( ANa(–oÜeGa–k==rMa( “Which does not cause anxiety SaTYaMa( iPa[Ya–ihTaMa( c vaKYaMa( as also truthful, pleasing and beneficial speech SvaDYaaYa–A>YaSaNaMa( c Wv and also the practice of study [of the Vedas] vax(= MaYaMa( TaPa" oCYaTae is called vocal austerity.” 1074 BG 17.16

MaNa"Pa[Saad" SaaEMYaTv& MaaENaMaaTMaiviNaGa]h" ) >aavSa&XauiÖirTYaeTataPaae MaaNaSaMauCYaTae= = )) manaƒ-pras€daƒ saumyatvaˆ maunam €tma-vinigrahaƒ, bh€va-saˆuddhir ity etat tapo m€nasam ucyate

MaNa"–Pa[Saad" SaaEMYaTvMa( MaaENaMa( “Satisfaction (peace), mildness and gravity AaTMa–iviNaGa]h" >aav–Sa&XauiÖ" mind-control and purity of heart * MaNaSa" iviNaGa]h" Control of the mind means ivzYae>Ya" Pa[TYaahar" withdrawing it from sense objects. >aav–Sa&XauiÖ" Purity of heart means VYavhare MaaYaa–raihTYaMa( absence of falsity in conduct.

wiTa WTad( MaaNaSaMa( TaPa" oCYaTae

this is called mental austerity.” 1075 BG 17.17

é[ÖYaa ParYaa Taá& TaPaSTaiT}aivDa& NarE" ) Af==lak==ai¿i>aYauR¢E= " Saaitvk&= Pairc+aTae= = )) raddhay€ paray€ taptaˆ tapas tat tri-vidhaˆ naraiƒ, a-phal€k€‰kibhir yuktaiƒ s€ttvikaˆ paricakate

Tad( i}a–ivDaMa( TaPa" “That threefold austerity (bodily, verbal, mental) A–f==l–Aak==ai¿i>a" Yau¢E= " NarE" by devoted men, who do not expect any fruit ParYaa é[ÖYaa TaáMa( undergone with great faith Saaitvk==Ma( Pairc+aTae is considered to be in sattva.” 1076 BG 17.18

SaTk==arMaaNaPaUJaaQa| TaPaae dM>aeNa cEv YaTa( ) i§==YaTae Taidh Pa[ae¢&= raJaSa& clMaDa]uvMa(= = )) satk€ra-m€na-p™j€rthaˆ tapo dambhena caiva yat, kriyate tad iha proktaˆ r€jasaˆ calam a-dhruvam


“To gain respect (sat-k€ra), honor and worship

vak(= –PaUJaa verbal adoration, MaaNa" honor means Pa[TYauTQaaNa– Ai>avadNaaid" dEihk==I physical [adoration] like rising up, salutation, etc. PaUJaa AQaR– la>aaid" and worship is by gaining wealth, etc. Yad( TaPa" dM>aeNa c Wv i§==YaTae that [threefold] austerity which is performed to boast, clMa( A–Da]uvMa( being [thus] flickering and unstable (temporary) Tad( wh raJaSaMa( Pa[ae¢= Ma( that is here declared to be in rajas.” * [Respect means]

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1077 BG 17.19

MaU!Ga]aheacar–æPaMa( In the form of magic. Yad( TaPa" i§==YaTae austerity which is performed, Tad( TaaMaSaMa( odaôTaMa( that is declared to be in tamas.” 1078 BG 17.20

daTaVYaiMaiTa YaÕaNa& dqYaTae= _NauPak==airYa" c “At the wrong place and time, and to unworthy persons A–SaTa(–k*= TaMa( AvjaTaMa( [or else] without proper reception and despisingly Yad( daNaMa( dqYaTae that charity (d€na) which is given, Tad( TaaMaSaMa( odaôTaMa( that is said to be in tamas.” * NaNau c WvMa( ivcaYaRMaaaSaNDaaYa [after] not desiring the fruit ivivDaa" Yaj–TaPa"–i§==Yaa" different acts of sacrifices and austerities daNa–i§==Yaa" c and acts of charity Maae+a–k==ai¿i>a" i§==YaNTae are performed by those desiring liberation.” * icta–XaaeDaNa–Üareaave c SaidTYaeTaTPa[YauJYaTae ) Pa[XaSTae k==MaRiaDaqYaTae

is also called ‘sat’.” 1086 BG 17.28

Aé[ÖYaa huTa& dta& TaPaSTaá& k*= Ta& c YaTa( ) ASaidTYauCYaTae PaaQaR Na c TaTPa[eTYa Naae wh== =)) a-raddhay€ hutaˆ dattaˆ tapas taptaˆ ktaˆ ca yat, a-sad ity ucyate p€rtha na ca tat pretya no iha

A–é[ÖYaa “Without faith (raddh€) Yad( huTaMa( dtaMa( whatever is offered [as sacrifice], given [as charity] TaPa" TaáMa( k*= TaMa( c undergone as austerity, or done [as rite] A–SaTa( wiTa oCYaTae that is called ‘a-sat’. PaaQaR O Arjuna! Tad( Na c Pa[eTYa It is [useful] neither after death * Na f==liTa It does not fructify ivGauaGavaNauvac k==aMYaaNaa& k==MaRaGavaNa( ovac “The Lord said: k==aMYaaNaaMa( k==MaRa*Taa XaKYa& TYa¢u&= k==MaaRa*Taa Na ih XaKYaMa( is not possible by an embodied being (see 3.5). * dehaTMa–Ai>aMaaNavTaa By one who identifies with the body. Ya" Tau k==MaR–f==l–TYaaGaq But one who gives up the fruit of activity * k==MaaRiavTYaTYaaiGaNaa&= =Pa[eTYa== Na== Tau= =Sa‘YaaiSaNaa&= =KvicTa(= = )) an-i˜am i˜aˆ miraˆ ca tri-vidhaˆ karmaŠaƒ phalam, bhavaty a-ty€gin€ˆ pretya na tu sanny€sin€ˆ kvacit



ANa(–wíMa( wíMa( iMaé[Ma( c “Undesirable, desirable and mixed — * AiNaíMa( Naarik==TvMa( Undesirable means going to hell wíMa( devTvMa( desirable means becoming a deva iMaé[Ma( MaNauZYaTvMa( and mixed means being [again] a human. i}a–ivDaMa( k==MaRaveTa( how is there no karma-phala? wiTa AaXaªy Anticipating this doubt, Sa®–TYaaiGaNa" iNarhªarSYa SaTa" k==MaR–f==leNa lePa" Na AiSTa wiTa oPaPaadiYaTauMa( to show that for one renouncing attachment and ego there is no sticking to the karma-phala Aah it is stated:


1099 BG 18.13

PaÄETaaiNa Mahabahae k==araavae buiÖYaRSYa Na ilPYaTae ) hTvaiPa Sa wMaamçaeek= a‘a hiNTa Na iNabDYaTae= = )) yasya n€ha‰kto bh€vo buddhir yasya na lipyate, hatv€pi sa im€‡ lok€n na hanti na nibadhyate

YaSYa Na Ahx(= k*= Ta" >aav" “One who is free from the idea (bh€va) of being the doer * ‘=AhMa( k==TaaR=’ wiTa WvMa(–>aUTa" >aav" ‘I am the doer’, this notion. YaSYa buiÖ" Na ilPYaTae and whose intelligence is [thus] not polluted * Na ilPYaTae Not polluted means wí–AiNaí–buÖya k==MaRSau Na SaÂTae not attached to work, by dividing it into agreeable and disagreeable.

wMaaNa( laek= aNa( hTva AiPa even [after] killing [all] these people Sa" Na hiNTa he does not [actually] kill * Sa" WvMa(–>aUTa" dehaid–VYaiTair¢==–AaTMa–dXas That person who thus sees the self as different from the body, etc. wMaaNa( laek= aNa( (=SavaRNa( AiPa Pa[aia¢&= iv>a¢e= zu TaJjaNa& iviÖ Saaitvk==Ma(= = )) sarva-bh™teu yenaikaˆ bh€vam a-vyayam …kate, a-vibhaktaˆ vibhakteu taj jñ€naˆ viddhi s€ttvikam

iv>a¢e= zu SavR–>aUTaezu “In all divided beings A–iv>a¢==Ma( Wk==Ma( A–VYaYaMa( >aavMa( undivided one unchangeable [spiritual] nature YaeNa wR+aTae that [jñ€na] by which one sees, Tad( jaNaMa( Saaitvk==Ma( iviÖ know that jñ€na to be in sattva!” 1107 BG 18.21

Pa*Qa¤eNa Tau YaJjaNa& NaaNaa>aavaNPa*QaiGvDaaNa( ) veita SaveRzu >aUTaezu TaJjaNa& iviÖ raJaSaMa(= = )) pthaktvena tu yaj jñ€naˆ n€n€-bh€v€n pthag-vidh€n, vetti sarveu bh™teu taj jñ€naˆ viddhi r€jasam

Yad( Tau jaNaMa( “But that jñ€na which SaveRzu >aUTaezu in all living beings (bodies) NaaNaa–>aavaNa( Pa*Qak(= –ivDaaNa( various natures of different kinds N€na-bh€va, various in nature, means that the souls are thought to have all a different constitution. Pthag-vidha means that the souls experience happiness and distress all differently.

Pa*Qa¤eNa veita knows by distinction, Tad( jaNaMa( raJaSaMa( iviÖ know that jñ€na to be in rajas!” 1108 BG 18.22

Yatau k*= Tòvdek= iSMaNk==aYaeR Sa¢==MahETauk= Ma( ) ATatvaQaRvdLPa& c TataaMaSaMaudaôTaMa(= = )) yat tu ktsnavad ekasmin k€rye saktam a-haitukam, a-tattv€rthavad alpaˆ ca tat t€masam ud€htam

Yad( Tau “But that [jñ€na] which Wk==iSMaNa( k==aYaeR k*= TòvTa( Sa¢==Ma( is attached to one effect (body) as all in all A–hETauk= Ma( A–Tatv–AQaRvTa( ALPaMa( c and which is without reasoning and meaning, and small, Tad( TaaMaSaMa( odaôTaMa( that is declared to be in tamas.” 1109 BG 18.23

iNaYaTa& Sa®rihTaMaraGaÜezTa" k*= TaMa( ) Af==lPa[ePSauNaa k==MaR YataTSaaitvk==MauCYaTae= = )) niyataˆ sa‰ga-rahitam a-r€ga-dveataƒ ktam, a-phala-prepsun€ karma yat tat s€ttvikam ucyate

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A–f==l–Pa[ePSauNaa “By one who does not desire the fruit Yad( iNaYaTaMa( Sa®–rihTaMa( k==MaR that regulated unattached karma A–raGa–ÜezTa" k*= TaMa( which is done without attraction and hatred, Tad( Saaitvk==Ma( oCYaTae that is said to be in sattva.” 1110 BG 18.24

Yatau k==aMaePSauNaa k==MaR SaahªareYaTae k==MaR YatataaMaSaMauCYaTae= = )) anubandhaˆ kayaˆ hiˆs€m an-apekya ca pauruam, moh€d €rabhyate karma yat tat t€masam ucyate

ANaubNDaMa( +aYaMa( ih&SaaMa( PaaEåzMa( c “The consequence, loss, harm and capacity ANa(–APae+Ya [after] not considering Yad( k==MaR MaaehaTa( Aar>YaTae that karma which is performed out of delusion, Tad( TaaMaSaMa( oCYaTae that is said to be in tamas.” 1112 BG 18.26

Mau¢= Sa®ae= _Nah&vadq Da*TYauTSaahSaMaiNvTa" ) iSaÖyiSaÖyaeiNaRivRk= ar" k==TaaR Saaitvk== oCYaTae= = )) mukta-sa‰go ’nahaˆ-v€d… dhty-uts€ha-samanvitaƒ, siddhy-a-siddhyor nirvik€raƒ kart€ s€ttvika ucyate

Mau¢= –Sa®" ANa(–Ah&vadq “Being free from attachment and egoism Da*iTa–oTSaah–SaMaiNvTa" endowed with determination and enthusiasm iSaiÖ–A–iSaÖyae" iNaivRk= ar" k==TaaR the kart (doer) who is resolute in success and failure Saaitvk==" oCYaTae is said to be in sattva.” 1113 BG 18.27

raGaq k==MaRf= lPa[ePSauluRBDaae ih&SaaTMak==ae= _Xauic" ) hzRXaaek= aiNvTa" k==TaaR raJaSa" Pairk==IiTaRTa"== =)) r€g… karma-phala-prepsur lubdho hiˆs€tmako ’uciƒ, hara-ok€nvitaƒ kart€ r€jasaƒ parik…rtitaƒ

raGaq k==MaR–f==l–Pa[ePSau" “Being attached, desiring the fruit of work luBDa" ih&Saa–AaTMak==" A–Xauic" greedy, violent and unclean hzR–Xaaek= –AiNvTa" k==TaaR the kart who is subject to joy and sorrow raJaSa" Pairk==IiTaRTa" is declared to be in rajas.” 1114 BG 18.28

AYau¢= "= =Pa[ak*= Ta"== STaBDa"== Xa#=ae= =NaEZk*= iTak==ae= _lSa"== )= =ivzadq== dqgaRSaU}aq== c= =k= TaaR= =TaaMaSa== oCYaTae= = )) a-yuktaƒ pr€ktaƒ stabdhaƒ a˜ho naiktiko ’lasaƒ, vi€d… d…rgha-s™tr… ca kart€ t€masa ucyate

A–Yau¢= " Pa[ak*= Ta" STaBDa" “Being careless, vulgar and arrogant Xa#=" NaEZk*= iTak==" AlSa" deceitful, insulting and lazy ivzadq dqgaR–SaU}aq c k==TaaR the morose and procrastinating kart TaaMaSa" oCYaTae is said to be in tamas.”



1115 BG 18.29

buÖe>aeRd& Da*TaeêEv GauaYae what is fear (to be feared) and not fear (not to be feared) * k==aYaR–Ak==aYaR–iNaiMataaE AQaR–ANaaQaaŒ Good and bad arising from k€rya and a-k€rya. bNDaMa( Maae+aMa( c [how to attain] bondage and liberation Yaa veita that which knows [these], Saa buiÖ" Saaitvk==I that buddhi is in sattva.” 1117 BG 18.31

YaYaa DaMaRMaDaMa| c k==aYa| cak==aYaRMaev c ) AYaQaavTPa[JaaNaaiTa buiÖ" Saa PaaQaR raJaSaq== =)) yay€ dharmam a-dharmaˆ ca k€ryaˆ c€k€ryam eva ca, ayath€vat praj€n€ti buddhiƒ s€ p€rtha r€jas…

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! DaMaRMa( A–DaMaRMa( c What is right and what is wrong k==aYaRMa( c A–k==aYaRMa( Wv c duty and non-duty YaYaa A–YaQaavTa( Pa[JaaNaaiTa that by which one incorrectly understands [these], * A–YaQaavTa( SaNdeh–AaSPadTveNa Incorrectly means so as to cause doubt. Saa buiÖ" raJaSaq that buddhi is in rajas.” 1118 BG 18.32

ADaMa| DaMaRiMaiTa Yaa MaNYaTae TaMaSaav*Taa ) SavaRQaaRiNvParqTaa&ê buiÖ" Saa PaaQaR TaaMaSaq== =)) a-dharmaˆ dharmam iti y€ manyate tamas€vt€, sarv€rth€n vipar…t€ˆ ca buddhiƒ s€ p€rtha t€mas…

PaaQaR “O Arjuna! TaMaSaa Aav*Taa Being covered by ignorance Yaa A–DaMaRMa( DaMaRMa( wiTa MaNYaTae which considers wrong for right SavR–AQaaRNa( ivParqTaaNa( c and everything (duty, bondage, etc.) for the opposite, Saa buiÖ" TaaMaSaq that jñ€na is in tamas.” 1119 BG 18.33

Da*TYaa YaYaa DaarYaTae MaNa"Pa[aacaira ) A>YaaSaad]MaTae Ya}a du"%aNTa& c iNaGaC^iTa== =)) sukhaˆ tv id€n…ˆ tri-vidhaˆ Šu me bharatarabha, abhy€s€d ramate yatra duƒkh€ntaˆ ca nigacchati

YatadGa]e ivziMav PairarTa–‰z>a “O Arjuna! wdaNaqMa( Tau But now i}a–ivDaMa( Sau%Ma( Mae (=MaMa=) Xa*YaaSaaTa( wiTa SaaDaeRNa in a verse and a half beginning with abhy€s€t:

Ya}a A>YaaSaaTa( rMaTae That in which one enjoys through practice * NaTau ivzYa–Sau%e wv SahSaa And not suddenly as in sense pleasure. du"%–ANTaMa( c iNaGaC^iTa and reaches the end of all distress (duƒkha), Yad( Tad( AGa]e ivzMa( wv which is in the beginning like poison * MaNa"–Sa&YaMa–ADaqNaTvaTa(( Because it depends on the control of the AavhMa( wv >aviTa it is as if painful. PairaGauRa" Gaua" ParMaeìr–AaraDaNaaTa( Tad(–Pa[Saad–lBDa–jaNaeNa by knowledge attained through the grace of the Lord after worship of the Lord by the duties prescribed according to individual fitness. — wiTa WvMa( SavR–GaqTaaQaR–SaarMa( Sax(= Ga*ù Pa]dXaRiYaTauMa( To show this by summarizing the essence of the meaning of the whole G…t€ Pa[k= raTae He starts a new topic: 1126 BG 18.41

b]aøavEGauRaav–JaMa( +aa}aMa( k==MaR is the behavior of a katriya, born from his nature.” 1129 BG 18.44

k*= izGaaer+YavaiaavJaMa( ) PaircYaaRTMak&= k==MaR XaUd]SYaaiPa Sv>aavJaMa(= = )) ki-go-rakya-v€Šijyaˆ vaiya-karma sva-bh€va-jam, paricary€tmakaˆ karma ™drasy€pi sva-bh€va-jam

k*= iz–Gaae–r+Ya–vaiaav–JaMa( vEXYa–k==MaR is the work of a vaiya born from his nature. PaircYaR–AaTMak==Ma( Consisting of service * }aEviaav–JaMa( k==MaR is the work of a ™dra, born from his nature.” * WvMa(–>aUTaSYa b]aøaTae Nar" ) Svk==MaRiNarTa" iSaiÖ& YaQaa ivNdiTa TaC^*aTae

a man attains perfection.

prescribed according to his own




jaNa–YaaeGYaTaaMa( l>aTae He attains fitness for knowledge.

Sv–k==MaR–iNarTa" Being engaged in his own duty YaQaa iSaiÖMa( ivNdiTa how he attains perfection Tad( Xa*aaviNaYaTa& k==MaR ku= vR‘aaPNaaeiTa ik==iLbzMa(= = )) rey€n sva-dharmo viguŠaƒ para-dharm€t svanu˜hit€t, sva-bh€va-niyataˆ karma kurvan n€pnoti kilbiam

SvNauiïTaaTa( Par–DaMaaRTa( “Compared to the well-performed duty of another ivGauaUYaaYa For becoming brahma means b]ø AhMa( wiTa NaEêLYaeNa AavSQaaNaaYa for a condition with the firm conviction that ‘I am brahma (spirit)’. 1137 BG 18.54

b]ø>aUTa" Pa[Sa‘aaTMaa Na XaaeciTa Na k==a¿iTa ) SaMa" SaveRzu >aUTaezu MaÙi¢&= l>aTae ParaMa(= = )) brahma-bh™taƒ prasann€tm€ na ocati na k€‰kati, samaƒ sarveu bh™teu mad-bhaktiˆ labhate par€m

b]ø–>aUTa" Pa[Sa‘a–AaTMaa “Being self-realized and tranquil-minded Na XaaeciTa Na k==a¿iTa he neither laments nor desires. * dehaid–Ai>aMaaNa–A>aavaTa( Because there is no identification with the body etc. SaveRzu >aUTaezu SaMa" Being equal towards all beings ParaMa( Mad(–>ai¢==Ma( l>aTae he attains supreme devotion to Me.” * SavR–>aUTaezu Mad(–>aavNa–Aal+aaKTYaa== MaaMai>aJaaNaaiTa== YaavaNYaêaiSMa== TatvTa"== )= =TaTaae= =Maa&= =TatvTaae= =jaTva== ivXaTae= =TadNaNTarMa(= = )) bhakty€ m€m abhij€n€ti y€v€n ya c€smi tattvataƒ, tato m€ˆ tattvato jñ€tv€ viate tad-anantaram

>aKTYaa MaaMa( TatvTa" Ai>aJaaNaaiTa “By [such] devotion he understands Me truly YaavaNa( Ya" c AiSMa [i.e.] how great and who I am. * YaavaNa( SavR–VYaaPaq= How great, i.e., all-pervading Ya" c AiSMa SaTa(–icTa(–AaNaNd– gaNa" and who I am, i.e., full of (ghana) eternity, knowledge and bliss. TaTa" MaaMa( TatvTa" jaTva Then, [after] knowing Me truly Tad(–ANaNTarMa( ivXaTae he immediately enters [My nature].” * ParMa–AaNaNd–æPa" >aviTa He becomes of the nature of supreme bliss. * Sv–k==MaRi>a" ParMaeìr–AaraDaNaaTa( By worshiping the Lord through one’s duty — o¢==Ma( Maae+a–Pa[k= arMa( that [above] stated way to liberation oPaSa&hriTa he concludes: 1139 BG 18.56

SavRk= MaaRaUTaaNaaMa( ôd(–deXae iTaïiTa is situated in the heart of all beings SavR–>aUTaaiNa >a]aMaYaNa( [while] moving all beings * Tad(–Tad(–k==MaRSau Pa[vTaRYaNa( Engaging them in their particular duties. MaaYaYaa YaN}a–Aaæ!aiNa [which are] fixed on machines (bodies) by M€y€.” 1145 BG 18.62

TaMaev XaraaveNa >aarTa ) TaTPa[SaadaTPara& XaaiNTa& SQaaNa& Pa[aPSYaiSa XaaìTaMa(= = )) tam eva araŠaˆ gaccha sarva-bh€vena bh€rata, tat-pras€d€t par€ˆ €ntiˆ sth€naˆ pr€psyasi €vatam

>aarTa “O Arjuna! SavR–>aaveNa [Therefore] with all your heart TaMa( Wv XaraqrMa( GaqTaa–XaañMa( A–XaezTa" PaYaaRlaeciYaTauMa( A–XaKNauvTa" For those who are unable to completely reflect on the very profound teaching of the G…t€ k*= PaYaa SvYaMa( Wv TaSYa SaarMa( Sax(= Ga*ù graciously summarizing its essence Himself k==QaYaiTa He tells it: 1147 BG 18.64

SavRGauùTaMa& >aUYa" Xa*aUYa" Xa*av MaÙ¢==ae MaÛaJaq Maa& NaMaSku= å ) MaaMaevEZYaiSa SaTYa& Tae Pa[iTaJaaNae iPa[Yaae= _iSa Mae= = )) man-man€ bhava mad-bhakto mad-y€j… m€ˆ namaskuru, m€m evaiyasi satyaˆ te pratij€ne priyo ’si me

Mad(–MaNaa" Mad(–>a¢==" Mad(–YaaJaq >av “Become absorbed in Me, My devotee and worshiper MaaMa( NaMaSku= å and bow down to Me! MaaMa( Wv WZYaiSa [Then] you will come to Me alone. Mae (=MaMa=) iPa[Ya" AiSa [Because] you are My beloved Tae (=Tau>YaMa(=) SaTYaMa( Pa[iTaJaaNae I truly promise to you.” * TaTa" AiPa GauùTaMaMa( Aah Something more secret than even that is stated: 1149 BG 18.66

SavRDaMaaRNPairTYaJYa MaaMaek&= XarYaae Maae+aiYaZYaaiMa Maa Xauc"== =)) sarva-dharm€n parityajya m€m ekaˆ araŠaˆ vraja, ahaˆ tv€ˆ sarva-p€pebhyo mokayiy€mi m€ ucaƒ

SavR–DaMaaRNa( PairTYaJYa “[After] giving up all duties MaaMa( Wk==Ma( XaraKTYaa Wv SavRMa( >aivZYaiTa Everything will come through devotion to Me. wiTa d*!–ivìaSaeNa With this firm conviction iviDa–kE= ªYaRMa( TYa¤a giving up the slavery to injunctions Mad(–Wk==–XarYaSaUYaiTa nor to one who envies Me wdMa( Tae (=Tav=) k==dacNa vaCYaMa( this is ever to be told by you.” Te (tava) means here tvay€.



1151 BG 18.68

Ya wd& ParMa& Gauù& MaÙ¢e= Zvi>aDaaSYaiTa ) >ai¢&= MaiYa Para& k*= Tva MaaMaevEZYaTYaSa&XaYa"== =)) ya idaˆ paramaˆ guhyaˆ mad-bhaktev abhidh€syati, bhaktiˆ mayi par€ˆ ktv€ m€m evaiyaty asaˆayaƒ

wdMa( ParMaMa( GauùMa( “This supreme secret Ya" Mad(–>a¢e= zu Ai>aDaaSYaiTa one who will explain among My devotees, MaiYa ParaMa( >ai¢==Ma( k*= Tva [after thus] doing a great service for Me A–Sa&XaYa" becoming [thereby] free from doubt MaaMa( Wv WZYaiTa he attains Me alone.” 1152 BG 18.69

Na c TaSMaaNMaNauZYaezu k==iêNMae iPa[Yak*= taMa" ) >aivTaa Na c Mae TaSMaadNYa" iPa[YaTarae >auiv== =)) na ca tasm€n manuyeu kacin me priya-kttamaƒ, bhavit€ na ca me tasm€d anyaƒ priyataro bhuvi

TaSMaaTa( c MaNauZYaezu “Than he among men Na k==iêd( Mae (=MaMa=) iPa[Ya–k*= taMa" no one does dearer service to Me. TaSMaaTa( c ANYa" Mae (=MaMa=) iPa[YaTar" And another more dear to Me than he >auiv Na >aivTaa will not exist on earth.” 1153 BG 18.70

ADYaeZYaTae c Ya wMa& DaMYa| Sa&vadMaavYaae" ) jaNaYajeNa TaeNaahiMaí" SYaaiMaiTa Mae MaiTa"== =)) adhyeyate ca ya imaˆ dharmyaˆ saˆv€dam €vayoƒ, jñ€na-yajñena ten€ham i˜aƒ sy€m iti me matiƒ

AavYaae" wMaMa( DaMYaRMa( Sa&vadMa( “This our sacred conversation Ya" c ADYaeZYaTae he who will study, * Ya" ADYaeZYaTae One who will study means JaPa–æPaeYa" é[eïeNa Through the best of all sacrifices jaNa–YajeNa the jñ€na-yajña. AhMa( TaeNa wí" SYaaMa( I will be worshiped by him. wiTa Mae (=MaMa=) MaiTa" This is My opinion.” * YaÛiPa Although ASaaE GaqTaaQaRMa( A–buÖyMaaNa" Wv ke= vlMa( JaPaiTa he only repeats the teaching of the G…t€ without understanding its meaning TaQaaiPa MaMa Tad(– Xa*aviTa this I will understand. YaQaa laeke= As in this world Yad(–‰C^Yaa AiPa Yada k==iêd( k==daicd( k==SYaicd( NaaMa Ga*õaiTa when someone even by chance utters (‘takes’) the name of any one at any time Tada ASaaE then he (the latter) ‘=MaaMa( Wv AYaMa( AaûYaiTa=’ wiTa MaTva thinking that ‘it is me alone he calls’ Tad(–PaaìRMa( AaGaC^iTa he comes near (p€rva) to that person TaQaa AhMa( AiPa TaSYa Sai‘aihTa" >aveYaMa( even so would I approach that man. *

1154 BG 18.71

é[ÖavaNaNaSaUYaê Xa*aamçaek= aNPa[aPNauYaaTPauYa" vede>Ya" ih AiDak==Ma( [and the book Bh€rata] was heavier than the four Vedas and their commentaries

Tada Pa]>a*iTa since then AiSMaNa( laeke= Maha>aarTaMa( oCYaTae

it is called Mah€-bh€rata in this world.” 1176

ALPaa+arMaSaiNdGDa& SaarviTvìTaaeMau%Ma( ) ASTaae>aMaNavÛ& c SaU}a& SaU}aivdae ivdu"= = ))



alp€karam a-sandigdhaˆ s€ravat vivato-mukham, a-stobham an-a-vadyaˆ ca s™traˆ s™tra-vido viduƒ

ALPa–A+arMa( “With a minimum (alpa) of syllables (akara) SaarvTa( ivìTaae–Mau%Ma( essential (s€ravat) and universal (vivato-mukha) A–STaae>aMa( without interjections (stobha — ‘stoppage’) [like hum, ho, oh€] A–SaiNdGDaMa( ANa(–AvÛMa( c unflawed [by doubt] and faultless — a-sandigdha — ‘not smeared’, unflawed; an-a-vadya — ‘not not to be praised’, unblamable

SaU}a–ivd" the scholars of s™tras (s™tra-vid) SaU}aMa( ivdu" know this as a s™tra.” 1177

k==iPalae vaSaudeva:YaSTatv& Saa«y& JaGaad h== =) b]øaid>Yaê deve>Yaae >a*Gvaid>YaSTaQaEv c== =) kapilo v€sudev€khyas tattvaˆ s€‰khyaˆ jag€da ha, brahm€dibhya ca devebhyo bhgv-€dibhyas tathaiva ca

TaQaEvaSaurYae SavRvedaQaERåPab*&ihTaMa(= = )) tathaiv€suraye sarva-ved€rthair upabˆhitam

vaSaudev–Aa:Ya" k==iPal" “Kapila, known as V€sudeva b]øa–Aaid>Ya" deve>Ya" c to devas like Brahm€ >a*Gau–Aaid>Ya" TaQaa Wv c to [sages like] Bhgu AaSaurYae TaQaa Wv and to šsuri Br€hmaŠa TatvMa( Saa«yMa( JaGaad h He propounded the true (tattva) S€‰khya SavR–ved–AQaER" oPab*&ihTaMa( and which is supported by all purports of the Vedas (sarva-ved€rtha).” 1178

ivzaDark==a+aXaªrae¢= IdRXablPaÄiXa:aa+aPaadvadaNa(= = ) vi€dhara-kaŠabhaka-a‰karokt…r daabala-pañcaikh€kap€da-v€d€n


“The words (ukti) of Patañjali (Vi€dhara), KaŠ€da (KaŠabhaka) and



and the philosophies (v€da) of Buddha (Daabala), Kapila

(Pañcaikha) and Gautama (Akap€da) ...” 1179

AQaaTaae b]øiJajaSaa== =) ath€to brahma-jijñ€s€

AQa ATa" “Now therefore b]ø–iJajaSaa the enquiry (jijñ€s€) into brahma.” 1180

APaaMa SaaeMaMaMa*Taa A>aUMa== =) ap€ma somam amt€ abh™ma

SaaeMaMa( APaaMa “We drank soma AMa*Taa" A>aUMa and became immortal.” 1181

ved" Pa[aaGa O greatly fortunate [Uddhava]! }aeTaa–Mau%e In the beginning of tret€-yuga Mae ôdYaaTa( Pa[aaUTa( the threefold Veda (¬g-, S€ma-, Yajur-Veda) appeared. TaSYaa" Of that [vidy€] AhMa( i}a–v*Ta( Ma%" AaSaMa( I became the threefold (tri-vt) sacrifice (makha).” 1182

‰GaQavRYaJau"SaaMNaa& raXaqåÖ*TYa vGaRXa"== =) cTaó" Sa&ihTaaê§e= MaN}aEMaRiaRa]Ma–Pa]Maad–ivPa]ilPSaa–k==raveTa(

then the best (reya) would be [clearly] manifest (vyakta).” 1190

Tak==aeR= _Pa[iTaï" é[uTaYaae ivi>a‘aa NaaSaav*izYaRSYa MaTa& Na i>a‘aMa( ) DaMaRSYa Tatv& iNaihTa& GauhaYaa& MahaJaNaae YaeNa GaTa" Sa PaNQaa" )) tarko ’prati˜haƒ rutayo vibhinn€ n€s€v ir yasya mataˆ na bhinnam dharmasya tattvaˆ nihitaˆ guh€y€ˆ mah€-jano yena gataƒ sa panth€ƒ

TakR= " A–Pa[iTaï" “Anum€na (tarka — argument) is inconclusive é[uTaYa" ivi>a‘aa" €stras (ruti) are many vibhinna — split, separated, manifold; altered, contradictory

YaSYa MaTaMa( Na i>a‘aMa( and he whose opinion (mati) is not different (bhinna) [from others] ASaaE Na ‰iz" he is not [accepted as] a philosopher (i). DaMaRSYa TatvMa( The truth of dharma GauhaYaaMa( iNaihTaMa( is hidden in the heart (guh€) [of a great soul]. YaeNa MahaJaNa" GaTa" [The path] by which a great soul (mah€jana) has gone Sa" PaNQaa" that is the [true] path.” 1191

Wk==ae= _iPa vedivÖMa| Ya& VYavSYaed( iÜJaaetaMa" ) Sa jeYa" ParMaae DaMaaeR NaajaNaaMaYauTaaYauTaE"= = )) eko ’pi veda-vid dharmaˆ yaˆ vyavasyed dvijottamaƒ, sa jñeyaƒ paramo dharmo n€jñ€n€m ayut€yutaiƒ

Wk==" AiPa

“Even one ... even if he is alone with his opinion

ved–ivd( iÜJaaetaMa"

a br€hmaŠa who knows the [purport of the] Vedas

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YaMa( DaMaRMa( VYavSYaeTa(

what he will determine as religion (dharma), vyavasyet (from — he should / will determine

Sa" ParMa" DaMaR" jeYa" that is known as highest dharma Na A–jaNaaMa( AYauTa–AYauTaE" and not [what is determined] by ten-thousands (ayuta) of ignorants (ajñ€na).” 1192

Aa" c wiTa la>aala>aaE= (l€bha-_al€bhau) — gain (l€bha) and loss (a-l€bha) JaYa" c A–JaYa" c wiTa JaYaaJaYaaE= — victory (jaya) and defeat (a-jaya) neuter:

Sau%Ma( c du"%Ma( c wiTa Sau:a–du":ae — happiness (sukha) and distress (duƒkha) Xau>aMa( c A–Xau>aMa( c wiTa Xau>aaXau>ae — fortune (ubha) and misfortune (a-ubha) feminine:

iSaiÖ" c A–iSaiÖ" c wiTa iSaÖyiSaÖq — success (siddhi) and failure (a-siddhi) With more than two components the dvandva-sam€sa is declined in plural:

cNd]–AkR= –AiGNa–YaMa–AiNala"

moon (candra), sun (arka), fire (agni), Yamar€ja and wind (anila) 〈1.3〉

But there is also a concept called sam€h€ra (collecting), which takes all members of a dvandva-sam€sa collectively, and then the sam€sa can be declined in singular. E.g., the neuter compound ubha-aubha is declined in dual (ubh€ubhe, etc., see above), but in sam€h€ra

Xau>aMa( c A–Xau>aMa( c wiTa Xau>aaXau>aMa( — fortune (ubha) and misfortune (a-ubha) (2) deva-d€sa The word deva-d€sa belongs to the class tat-purua-sam€sa. The characteristic of this type is that the words are related by one of the cases. In English this relationship is shown by a preposition (by, for, from, ...). devasya 〈6.1〉 d€saƒ iti deva-d€saƒ — deva-d€sa means ‘the Lord’s (deva) servant (d€sa)’

YaaeGaeNa 〈3.1〉 Yau¢= " wiTa YaaeGa–Yau¢= " — endowed with Yoga ivÛYaa 〈3.1〉 c ivNaYaeNa 〈3.1〉 c SaMPa‘a" wiTa ivÛa–ivNaYa–SaMPa‘a" — endowed with learning and gentleness

ANaekE= " 〈3.3〉 JaNMai>a" 〈3.3〉 Sa&iSaÖ" wiTa ANaek= –JaNMa–Sa&iSaÖ" — perfected by many births A–jaNaaTa( 〈5.1〉 SaM>aUTa" wiTa AjaNa–SaM>aUTa" — born from ignorance >aGavTa" 〈6.1〉 GaqTaa wiTa >aGavÓqTaa — the hymn of the Lord PaÚSYa 〈6.1〉 Pa}aMa( wiTa PaÚ–Pa}aMa( — the petal of a lotus devaNaaMa( 〈6.3〉 wRXa" wiTa deveXa" — ‘Lord of the gods’, Supreme Lord SaveRzaMa( 〈6.3〉 laek= aNaaMa( 〈6.3〉 Maheìr" wiTa SavR–laek= –Maheìr" — the great Lord of all the worlds YauÖe 〈7.1〉 ivXaard" wiTa YauÖ–ivXaard" — expert in battle

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Hinduism — Evolution 1193

Üe ivÛe veidTaVYa wiTa h SMa Yad( b]øivdae vdiNTa Para cEv APara c== =) ... dve vidye veditavya iti ha sma yad brahma-vido vadanti par€ caiva apar€ ca

AQa Para YaYaa Tad+arMaiDaGaMYaTae= = ) atha par€ yay€ tad a-karam adhigamyate

Üe ivÛe veidTaVYa" wiTa h SMa “Indeed, two kinds of knowledge (vidy€) are to be known (veditavya) Yad( b]ø–ivd" vdiNTa as the knowers of brahma declare — Para cEv APara c higher and lower [vidy€]. ... AQa Para The higher [vidy€] is that YaYaa Tad( A+arMa( AiDaGaMYaTae by which that brahma (a-kara) is understood.” 1194

k==ae= _h& k==QaiMad& ik&= va k==Qa& MaraUTaaiNa JaaYaNTae “From which all these beings (bh™ta) are born YaeNa JaaTaaiNa JaqviNTa by which those who are born (j€ta) live (are maintained) Yad( Pa]YaiNTa Ai>aSa&ivXaiNTa and which those who are departing enter prayanti 〈1.3〉 of n. prayat[] — ‘who is departing’

Tad( b]ø

that is brahma.” 1201

wd& b]ø= = ) wd& SavRMa(= = ) idaˆ brahma, idaˆ sarvam

wdMa( b]ø “This is brahma wdMa( SavRMa( this is everything.” 1202

Sav| :aiLvd& b]ø= = ) sarvaˆ khalv idaˆ brahma

wdMa( SavRMa( :alu b]ø

“All this [jagat] indeed is brahma.” 1203

AaTMaEved& SavRMa(= = ) €tmaivedaˆ sarvam

wdMa( SavRMa( AaTMaa Wv

“All this [jagat] is only brahma (€tman).” 1204

SaNMaUla" SaaEMYaeMaa" Pa]Jaa" SadaYaTaNaa" SaTPa]iTaïa"== =) san-m™l€ƒ saumyem€ƒ praj€ƒ sad-€yatan€ƒ sat-prati˜h€ƒ

SaaEMYa “O gentle [son]! wMaa" Pa]Jaa" SaTa(–MaUla" All these beings (praj€) have their origin (m™la — root) in brahma (sat — ‘reality’) SaTa(–AaYaTaNaa" they have their abode (€yatana) in brahma SaTa(–Pa]iTaïa" and they have their support (prati˜ha) in brahma.”

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YaQaaea" Sa*JaTae Ga*õTae c== ) YaQaa Pa*iQaVYaaMaaezDaYa" SaM>aviNTa== ) YaQaa SaTa" PauåzaTke= XalaeMaaiNa== ) yathorŠa-n€bhiƒ sjate ghŠate ca, yath€ pthivy€m oadhayas sambhavanti, yath€ sataƒ puru€t kealom€ni

TaQaa+araTSaM>avTaqh ivìMa(= = ) tath€kar€t sambhavat…ha vivam

YaQaa Oa"

“As a spider

™rŠa-n€bhi — ‘from whose navel (n€bhi) comes wool’

Sa*JaTae Ga*õTae c sends forth and draws in [its web], YaQaa Pa*iQaVYaaMa( AaezDaYa" SaM>aviNTa as plants (oadhi) grow on earth (pthiv…), YaQaa SaTa" PauåzaTa( and as from a living person (purua) ke= Xa–laeMaaiNa hairs of head and body [grow] kea — hair on the head; loma — hair on the body

TaQaa wh ivìMa( so here the world (viva, jagat) A+araTa( SaM>aviTa grows from the brahma.” 1206

b]ø SaTYa& TaPa" SaTYa& SaTYa& cEv Pa[JaaPaiTa" ) SaTYaaÙUTaaiNa JaaTaaiNa SaTYa& >aUTaMaYa& JaGaTa(= = )) brahma satyaˆ tapaƒ satyaˆ satyaˆ caiva praj€patiƒ, saty€d bh™t€ni j€t€ni satyaˆ bh™tam ayaˆ jagat

b]ø SaTYaMa( “The brahma is true (satya) TaPa" SaTYaMa( penance (tapas) [of Brahm€] is true Pa[JaaPaiTa" SaTYaMa( c Wv and Brahm€ (Praj€pati) is also true. SaTYaaTa( >aUTaaiNa JaaTaaiNa [Because] all beings (bh™ta) are born from the true [brahma] >aUTaMaYaMa( JaGaTa( SaTYaMa( the jagat with all creatures is [also] true.” 1207

SaTatvTaae= _NYaQaaPa[Qaa ivk==ar wTYaudaiôTa" ) ATatvTaae= _NYaQaaPa[Qaa ivvTaR wTYaudaôTa"== =)) sa-tattvato ’nyath€-prath€ vik€ra ity ud€htaƒ, a-tattvato ’nyath€-prath€ vivarta ity ud€htaƒ

Sa–TatvTa" ANYaQaa–Pa[Qaa “The really (sa-tattvatas) becoming (prath€) different ivk==ar" wiTa odaiôTa" is called ‘transformation’ (vik€ra). ... like milk into yogurt

A–TatvTa" ANYaQaa–Pa[Qaa The not really (only seemingly) becoming different ivvTaR" wiTa odaôTa" is called illusion’ (vivarta).” 1208

Yaidd& MaNaSaa vaca c+au>Yaa| é[va" ) Naìr& Ga*ùMaaNa& c iviÖ MaaYaaMaNaaeMaYaMa(= = )) yad idaˆ manas€ v€c€ cakurbhy€ˆ ravaŠ€dibhiƒ, navaraˆ ghyam€Šaˆ ca viddhi m€y€-manomayam

MaNaSaa vaca c+au>YaaRMa( é[va" “Through mind (manas), words (v€c), eyes, ears, etc. Yad( wdMa( Ga*ùMaaaviTa== =) yad vai tat suktaˆ raso vai saƒ, rasaˆ hy ev€yaˆ labdhv€nand… bhavati

k==ae ùevaNYaaTk==" Pa]aaviTa one becomes blissful (€nandin). k==" ih Wv AaNYaaTa( Who could live k==" Pa]aajezu Sa Wv Gaae%r" )) yasy€tma-buddhiƒ kuŠape tri-dh€tuke sva-dh…ƒ kalatr€diu bhauma ijya-dh…ƒ yat-t…rtha-buddhiƒ salile na karhicij janev abhijñeu sa eva go-kharaƒ

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YaSYa AaTMa–buiÖ" “Whose concept (buddhi) of what is the self (€tman) i}a–DaaTauke= ku= aaEMae [whose] concept of what is worshipable is in a [m™rti] made of earth Yad(–TaqQaR–buiÖ" Saille and whose concept of what is a pilgrimage place (t…rtha) is in a body of water ... a certain lake to take bath for purification

Na k==ihRicd( Ai>ajezu JaNaezu

and never in wise men

... i.e., in resident saints, with whom one can associate at visiting a holy place

Sa" Wv Gaae–%r"

that person is [like] a cow (go) and an ass (khara).” 1283

ASauYaaR NaaMa Tae laek= a ANDaeNa TaMaSaav*Taa"== =) Taa&STae Pa]eTYaai>aGaC^iNTa Yae ke= caTMahNaae JaNaa"== =)) asury€ n€ma te lok€ andhena tamas€vt€ƒ, t€ˆs te prety€bhigacchanti ye ke c€tma-hano jan€ƒ

ASauYaaR" NaaMa Tae laek= a" “The worlds (loka) named asurya asurya — ‘of the Asuras, demons’

ANDaeNa TaMaSaa Aav*Taa" are covered by blinding (andha) darkness (tamas). Yae ke= c AaTMa–hNa" JaNaa" And those persons who destroy the [knowledge of being the] soul Pa]eTYa after death Tae TaaNa( Ai>aGaC^iNTa they attain those [worlds].” 1284

AivÛaiSMaTaaraGaÜezai>aiNaveXa" ©e= Xaa"== =) a-vidy€smit€-r€ga-dve€bhiniveaƒ kle€ƒ

©e= Xaa" “The afflictions (klea) are AivÛa–AiSMaTaa–raGa–Üez–Ai>aiNaveXa"

ignorance (a-vidy€), egotism (asmi.t€), attachment (r€ga),

hatred (dvea) and clinging (abhinivea).” 1285

SaSaJaaRGa]e= _NDaTaaiMaóMaQa TaaiMaóMaaidk*= Ta(= = ) MahaMaaeh& c Maaeh& c TaMaêajaNav*taYa"== =)) sasarj€gre ’ndha-t€misram atha t€misram €di-kt, mah€-mohaˆ ca mohaˆ ca tama c€jñ€na-vttayaƒ

TaMa" c MaaehMa( c Maha–MaaehMa( c “Tamas, moha, mah€-moha TaaiMaóMa( AQa ANDa–TaaiMaóMa( t€misra and andha-t€misra — AjaNa–v*taYa" [these five] modes of ignorance (a-jñ€na) Aaid–k*= Ta( AGa]e SaSaJaR Brahm€ (€di-kt — the ‘first creator’ of progeny) created in the beginning.” 1286

i©==XYaMaaNa" XaTa& vz| dehe dehq TaMaaev*Ta"== =) kliyam€naƒ ataˆ varaˆ dehe deh… tamo-vtaƒ

i©==XYaMaaNa" TaMa"–v*Ta" dehq “The living being, afflicted and covered by ignorance dehe XaTaMa( vzRMa( [stays] in the body for one hundred years.” 1287

AaTMaaNa& riQaNa& iviÖ Xarqr& rQaMaev Tau ) buiÖ& Tau SaariQa& iviÖ MaNa" Pa]Ga]hMaev c== =)) €tm€naˆ rathinaˆ viddhi ar…raˆ ratham eva tu, buddhiˆ tu s€rathiˆ viddhi manaƒ pragraham eva ca



wiNd]Yaaiaae¢e= TYaahuMaRNaqizaaSa" YaQaa TaMa" “Like a reflection (€bh€sa) or like darkness (tamas) AQaRMa( ‰Tae without [real] value Yad( Pa[TaqYaeTa is whatever may appear [to be real] AaTMaiNa c Na Pa]TaqYaeTa and does not appear [to be situated] in Me. Tad( AaTMaNa" MaaYaaMa( ivÛaTa( One should know it to be My M€y€.” 1299

GauaviNTa Yada Satve MaNaaebuÖqiNd]YaaiaavMaPare Pa[>auMa(= = )) kecid vikalpa-vasan€ €hur €tm€nam €tmanaƒ, daivam anye ’pare karma sva-bh€vam apare prabhum

ke= icd( ivk==LPa–vSaNaa"

“Some [yog…s], who deny duality vikalpa — ‘variation’, imagination, duality; vasana (when derived from vas[a] 2A — to cover, dress) — covering; conceiling, denying; vikalpa-vasana — ‘who denies duality’ and sees only the one €tm€, a yog…; (or:) ‘who engages in imagination’ and disbelieves in any higher cause for happiness and distress besides his own work, a n€stika

AaTMaaNaMa( AaTMaNa" Pa]>auMa( Aahu" declare the [one] €tm€ as master (prabhu) of the self ANYae dEvMa( others (jyotias) destiny (daiva) APare k==MaR others (m…m€ˆsakas) karma APare Sv–>aavMa( others (lok€yatikas) one‘s nature (sva-bh€va).” 1305

k==alae dEv& k==MaR Jaqv" Sv>aavae d]VYa& +ae}a& Pa]aaava" these six states (bh€va) beginning with birth (janman) dehSYa Na AaTMaNa" d*ía" are seen for the body (deha), but not for the j…va (€tman), v*+aSYa f==laNaaMa( wv as [they are seen] for the fruits (phala) of a tree (vka).” ... and not for the tree 1308

iNazek= Ga>aRJaNMaaiNa baLYak==aEMaarYaaEvNaMa( ) vYaaeMaDYa& Jara Ma*TYauirTYavSQaaSTaNaaeNaRv= = )) nieka-garbha-janm€ni b€lya-k€um€ra-yauvanam, vayo-madhyaˆ jar€ mtyur ity avasth€s tanor nava

iNazek= –Ga>aR–JaNMaaiNa “Impregnation, gestation and birth (janman) baLYa–k==aEMaar–YaaEvNaMa( infancy (b€lya, for 5years), childhood (kaum€ra, -16y.), youth (yauvana, -45y.)

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vYaae–MaDYaMa( Jara Ma*TYau" middle age (-60y.), old age (jar€) and death (mtyu) — wiTa TaNaae" Nav AvSQaa" these are the nine (nava) stages of the body (tanu).”




Sanskrit — Sam€sa 2 (1) r€ga-dvea (2) deva-d€sa (3) y€ma-r€ma When an adjective qualifies a noun, the sam€sa is called karma-dh€raya-sam€sa. y€maƒ r€maƒ iti y€ma-r€maƒ — y€ma-r€ma means ‘the dark (y€ma) R€ma’, Lord R€macandra

é[qMaTaq >aGavÓqTaa wiTa é[qMaÙGavÓqTaa — glorious Bhagavad-g…t€ ìeTa" ÜqPa" wiTa ìeTa–ÜqPa" — white island Neuter:

PaqTaMa( AMbrMa( wiTa PaqTaaMbrMa( — yellow garment AicNTYaMa( æPaMa( wiTa AicNTYa–æPaMa( — inconceivable form Feminine:

XauÖa >ai¢==" wiTa XauÖ–>ai¢==" — pure devotion Negation: The negation is made in sam€sa with the particle na[ñ], of which only a- remains. This particle na[ñ] has several meanings: tat-s€dam a-bh€va ca tad-anyatvaˆ tad-alpat€, a-pr€astyaˆ virodha ca nañ-arth€ƒ a˜ prak…rtit€ƒ — “The idea of ‘negation’ (na[ñ]) may imply any of the following six meanings: (1) likeness or resemblance; (2) absence or negation; (3) difference or distinction; (4) smallness or diminution; (5) badness or unfitness; (6) opposition or contrariety.” (®abda-kalpa-druma)

Na Mal" wiTa A–Mal"

a-mala: — a-mala means ‘no dirt’, pure If the word begins with a vowel, a- becomes an-: an-anta:

Na ANTa" wiTa ANaNTa" — ‘no end’, endless

(4) p…t€mbara When the sam€sa refers to something which is not mentioned in it, it is called bahu-vr…hi-sam€sa. p…tam ambaraˆ yasya, saƒ p…t€mbaraƒ — he whose garment is yellow (p…tam), he is called p…t€mbara

Pa[Sa‘a" AaTMaa YaSYa Sa" Pa[Sa‘aaTMaa — he whose mind is satisfied, he is called prasann€tm€ ANaNTaa" bahv" YaSYa Sa" ANaNTa–bahu" — he whose arms are innumerable, ... d*!Ma( v]TaMa( YaSYa Sa" d*!–v]Ta" — he whose vow is strict iJaTaaiNa wiNd]Yaaiav" ) TaNMaa}aadqNYahªaradek= aetarGauaarTaq because the inhabitants (santati) are descendants of [King] Bharata.” 1324

Taeza& :aLveza& >aUTaaNaa& }aqaviNTa== =) AaaUTaaNaaMa( “Of all those living beings (bh™ta) }aqiaviNTa there are only three origins (b…ja — ‘seed’) — AaaUTaaNaa& JaNMa SaveRza& ivivDaaNaa& cTauivRDaMa( ) JaraYauJaaaUTaaNaaMa( “Of all varieties of beings JaNMa cTauivRDaMa( oPal+aYaeTa( the birth (janman) can be described as of four kinds — JaraYauJa–AaavaNaai+aPaTaqXa ivì& óaeTaae YaQaaNTa"PaiTaTa& Ga>aqrMa(= = ) k€lo bhav€n €kipat…a vivaˆ sroto yath€ntaƒ-patitaˆ gabh…ram

wRXa “O Lord! k==al" >avaNa( ivìMa( Aai+aPaiTa As time You drag (€kipati — attract) the world (viva) YaQaa Ga>aqrMa( óaeTa" just as a deep (gabh…ra) current (n. srotas) [drags] ANTa"–PaiTaTaMa( something (e.g. grass) which has fallen (patita) in it.”


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Sanskrit — Sam€sa 3 Examples for sam€sa from the Bhagavad-g…t€:

k==MaR k==raeiTa Ya" Sa" k==MaR–k*= Ta( — ‘who does work (karman), he is called karma-kt’ A+araTa( SaMauÙv" YaSYa Tad( A+ar–SaMauÙv" — whose origin (samudbhava) is from the Supreme, that ...

Acla Pa[iTaïa YaSYa Sa" Acl–Pa[iTaï" — whose position is fixed AiTa SvPTauMa( XaqlMa( YaSYa Sa" AiTaSvPNa–Xaql" — whose habit is to sleep too much ADa" Xaa%a" YaSYa Sa" ADa"–Xaa%" — whose branches are below ANaNTaMa( vqYaRMa( YaSYa Sa" ANaNTa–vqYaR" — whose strength is unlimited ANaNTaa" bahv" YaSYa Sa" ANaNTa–bahu" — whose arms are innumerable ANaNTaaiNa æPaaia¢==" wiTa ANYa–devTaa–>a¢==" — a devotee of other gods AParSPara>YaaMa( SaM>aUTaMa( wiTa AParSPar–SaM>aUTaMa( — born from mutual union APaôTaMa( ceTa" YaSYa Sa" APaôTa–ceTaa" — whose mind is taken away APaôTaMa( jaNaMa( YaSYa Sa" APaô–jaNa" — whose knowledge is taken away A–Pa[iTaMa" Pa[>aav" YaSYa Sa" A–Pa[iTaMa–Pa[>aav" — whose prowess is incomparable Ai>a§==MaSYa NaaXa" wiTa Ai>a§==Ma–NaaXa" — loss of endeavor A>YaaSa–YaaeGaeNa Yau¢= " wiTa A>YaaSa–YaaeGa–Yau¢= " — concentrated by means of practice A>YaaSaSYa YaaeGa" wiTa A>YaaSa–YaaeGa" — the means of practice A–iMaTa" iv§==Ma" YaSYa Sa" AiMaTa–iv§==Ma" — whose strength is boundless AMa*TaMa( oPaMaa YaSYa Tad( AMa*Ta–oPaMaMa( whose resemblance is nectar AMa*TaaTa( oÙv" YaSYa Sa" AMa*Ta–oÙv" — whose generation is from nectar ArqaUiTa" — ‘opulence of the self’, own glory AaTMaNa" ivXauiÖ" wiTa AaTMa–ivXauiÖ" — purification of the mind AaTMaNa" XauiÖ" wiTa AaTMa–XauiÖ" — purification of the mind AaTMaNa" Sa&YaMa" Wv YaaeGa" TaSYa AiGNa" wiTa AaTMa–Sa&YaMa–YaaeGa–AiGNa" — the fire of the yoga of selfcontrol

AaTMaNaa Ta*á" wiTa AaTMa–Ta*á" — satisfied with the self AaTMaNaa SaM>aaivTa" wiTa AaTMa–SaM>aaivTa" — glorified by himself AaTMaiNa riTa" YaSYa Sa" AaTMa–riTa" — whose delight is in the self

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AaTMaiNa SaMYak(= iTaïiTa Yad( Tad( AaTMa–Sa&SQaMa( — which is established in the self AaTMa–buÖe" Pa[SaadaTa( JaaYaTae Yad( Tad( AaTMa–buiÖ–Pa[Saad–JaMa( — which rises from the satisfaction of self-realization

AaTMaaNaMa( AiDak*= TYa ivÛa wiTa ADYaaTMa–ivÛa — the science concerning the soul AaidTYaSYa va]í" Ya" Sa" o>aYa–iv>a]í" — who has fallen from both OßRMa( MaUlMa( YaSYa Sa" OßR–MaUl" — whose root is above Wk==iSMaNa( iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" Wk==–SQa" — who stays in one Wk==iSMaNa( >ai¢==" YaSYa Sa" Wk==–>ai¢==" — whose devotion is in one WTae YaaeNaq YaSYa Tad( WTad(–YaaeiNa — whose two sources are these two k==iPa" ßJae YaSYa Sa" k==iPa–ßJa" — on whose banner is a monkey (Hanum€n) k==Mal–AaSaNae iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" k==Mal–AaSaNa–SQa" — who is situated on a lotus-seat k==Mal–Pa}ae wv Ai+aa"–SPa*k(= — who touches the sky Nar–laeke= vqr" wiTa Nar–laek= –vqr" — a hero in the world of men Narezu ADaMa" wiTa Nar–ADaMa" — lowest among men Narezu Pau®v" wiTa Nar–Pau®v" — ‘bull among men’, best of men, hero Na vaCYa" vad" wiTa A–vaCYa–vad" — a word which is not to be spoken Na ivÛTae iNake= Ta" YaSYa Sa" A–iNake= Ta" — whose residence does not exist Na Xaañeav–APYaYaaE — creation and destruction >aavSYa Sa&XauiÖ" wiTa >aav–Sa&XauiÖ" — purity of heart >aaveNa SaMaiNvTa" wiTa >aav–SaMaiNvTa" — endowed with love >aqMaMa( k==MaR YaSYa Sa" >aqMa–k==MaaR — whose activity is awful >aqMaSYa AJauRNaSYa c SaMa" wiTa >aqMa–AJauRNa–SaMa" — equal to Bh…ma and Arjuna >aqZMaSYa d]aeaUTaaNaaMa( Aaid" wiTa >aUTa–Aaid" — the origin of [all] beings >aUTaaNaaMa( wRXa" wiTa >aUTa–wRXa" — the lord of beings >aUTaaNaaMa( Pa*Qak(= >aav" wiTa >aUTa–Pa*QaG>aav" — the separate existence of beings >aUTaaNaaMa( Pa[k*= Tae" Maae+a" wiTa >aUTa–Pa[k*= iTa–Maae+a" — liberation from the prakti of the beings >aUTaaNaaMa( Maha–wRìr" wiTa >aUTa–Maha–wRìr" — the great Lord of all beings >aUTaaNaaMa( ivXaezaaUTaaNaaMa( SaGaR" wiTa >aUTa–SaGaR" — the creation of beings >aUTaaiNa ib>aiTaR Ya" Sa" >aUTa–>a*Ta( — who maintains all beings >aUTaaiNa >aavYaiTa Ya" Sa" >aUTa–>aavNa" — who creates all beings >aUTaezu iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" >aUTa–SQa" — who stays in all beings



>aaeGae WeìYaeR c Pa[Sa¢==" wiTa >aaeGa–WeìYaR–Pa[Sa¢==" — attached to luxury and power MaDaae" SaUdNa" wiTa MaDau–SaUdNa" — the slayer of Madhu MaNauZYaaa¢==" wiTa MaÙ¢==" — my devotee MaMa >aav" wiTa MaÙav" — my nature MaMa YaaeGa" wiTa Mad(–YaaeGa" — my yoga MaTYaaRNaaMa( laek= " wiTa MaTYaR–laek= " — ‘the world of mortals’, this earth MaiYa APaRa" c wiTa la>a–Ala>aaE — gain and loss laek= aNaaMa( +aYaMa( k==raeiTa Ya" Sa" laek= –+aYa–k*= Ta( — who does the destruction of the worlds laek= aNaaMa( }aYaMa( wiTa laek= –}aYaMa( — the triad of worlds laek= aNaaMa( Sa°h" wiTa laek= –Sa°h" — the welfare of the people lae>aeNa oPahTaMa( ceTa" YaSYa Sa" lae>a–oPahTa–ceTaa" — whose mind is overcome by greed vaq" YaSYa Sa" VYaPaeTa–>aq" — whose fear is gone VYaataaiNa AaNaNaaiNa YaSYa Sa" VYaata–AaNaNa" — whose mouths are gaping VYaaSaSYa Pa[Saad" wiTa VYaaSa–Pa[Saad" — the mercy of Vy€sa XarqrSYa Yaa}aa wiTa Xarqr–Yaa}aa — the maintenance of the body XarqraTa( ivMaae+aaMa( — good and evil Xau>aMa( c A–Xau>aMa( c f==le YaSYa Tad( Xau>a–AXau>a–f==lMa(

— whose fruits are auspicious and


Xau>aSYa c A–Xau>aSYa c PairTYaaGaq wiTa Xau>aaXau>a–PairTYaaGaq — the renouncer of the auspicious and inauspicious

Xaaeke= Na Sa&ivGNaMa( MaaNaSaMa( YaSYa Sa" Xaaek= –Sa&ivGNa–MaaNaSa" — whose mind is afflicted by grief Sa&jaYaa" AQaRMa( wiTa Sa&jaQaRMa( — for the sake of information Sa&YaTaaiNa wiNd]Yaaiav" YaSYa Sa" SaªLPa–Pa]>av" — whose birth is from desire Sa®eNa viJaRTa" Ya" Sa" Sa®–viJaRTa" — who is free from attachment SaTa(–ASaTa(–YaaeiNazu JaNMa wiTa SaTa(–ASaTa(–YaaeiNa–JaNMa — birth in high and low species SatvSYa Sa&XauiÖ" wiTa Satv–Sa&XauiÖ" — purity of existence SatveNa SaMaaiví" wiTa Satv–SaMaaiví" — filled with sattva-guŠa Sa‘YaaSaSYa YaaeGaeNa Yau¢= " AaTMaa YaSYa Sa" Sa‘YaaSa–YaaeGa–Yau¢= –AaTMaa — whose mind is endowed with the yoga of renunciation

SaMaMa( dXaRNaMa( YaSYa Sa" SaMa–dXaRNa" — whose vision is equal



SaMaaiNa laeí\" c AXMaa c k==aÄNaMa( c YaSYa Sa" SaMa–laeí\–AXMa–k==aÄNa" — for whom earth, stone and gold are the same

SaMaa buiÖ" YaSYa Sa" SaMa–buiÖ" — whose intelligence is equal SaiMaiTaMa( JaYaiTa Ya" Sa" SaiMaiTaÅYa" — ‘who conquers an assemblage’, victorious SaMa*Ö" veGa" YaSYa Sa" SaMa*Ö–veGa" — whose speed is great SaMae du"%–Sau%e YaSYa Sa" SaMa–du"%–Sau%" — for whom distress and happiness are the same SaMPluTaMa( odk==Ma( wiTa SaMPluTa–odk==Ma( — ‘an overflowing water’, a great lake SavR" ik==iLbz" wiTa SavR–ik==iLbz" — all (kinds of) sin SavR" PaaPa" wiTa SavR–PaaPa" — all (kinds of) sin SavR" Yaj" wiTa SavR–Yaj" — all (kinds of) sacrifice’ SavR}a GaC^iTa Ya" Sa" SavR}a–Ga" — who goes everywhere SavRMa( du"%Ma( wiTa SavR–du"%Ma( — all misery SavRMa( ib>aiTaR Yad( Tad( SavR–>a*Ta( — which maintains all SavRMa( veita Ya" Sa" SavR–ivd( — who knows everything SavRMa( hriTa Ya" Sa" SavR–hr" — who takes everything SavRiSMaNa( jaNae ivMaU!" wiTa SavR–jaNa–ivMaU!" — bewildered in all knowledge SavaRiaUTaaNaaMa( AaTMa–>aUTa" AaTMaa YaSYa Sa" SavR>aUTa–AaTMa>aUTa–AaTMaa — ‘whose self has become the self of all beings’, i.e., whose self has become the abode of love for all beings

SaveRzaMa( >aUTaaNaaMa( AaXaYae iSQaTa" wiTa SavR–>aUTa–AaXaYa–iSQaTa" — situated in the heart of all beings SaveRzaMa( >aUTaaNaaMa( ihTa" wiTa SavR–>aUTa–ihTa" — the welfare of all beings SaveRzaMa( laek= aNaaMa( Maha–wRìr" wiTa SavR–laek= –Maha–wRìr" — the great Lord of all worlds SaveRzaMa( SaªLPaaNaaMa( Sa‘YaaSaq wiTa SaveR–SaªLPa–Sa‘YaaSaq — a renouncer of all desires SaveRzu >aUTaezu iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" SavR–>aUTa–SQa" — who is situated in all beings SavER" wiNd]YaE" ivviJaRTaMa( wiTa SavR–wiNd]Ya–ivviJaRTaMa( — devoid of all senses SahóMa( YauGaaiNa PaYaRNTa" YaSYa Tad( Sahó–YauGa–PaYaRNTa" — whose extent is one thousand [divya-] yugas Saa«y" c YaaeGa" c wiTa Saa«y–YaaeGaaE — s€‰khya and karma-yoga Saaitvk==SYa iPa[Ya" wiTa Saaitvk==–iPa[Ya" — dear to one in sattva-guŠa iSaiÖ" c A–iSaiÖ" c wiTa iSaiÖ–A–iSaÖq — success and failure Sauk*= TaMa( c duZk*= TaMa( c wiTa Sauk*= Ta–duZk*= Tae — good and bad karma Sau%–du"%e wiTa Sa&ja YaSYa Tad( Sau:a–du":a–Sa&jMa( — whose name is sukha-duƒkha Sau%Ma( c du"%Ma( c wiTa Sau:a–du":ae — happiness and distress Sau%eNa Sa®" wiTa Sau%–Sa®" — association with happiness Saugaaez" c Maia]&Xa" — loss of memory SMa*Tae" iv>a]Ma" wiTa SMa*iTa–iv>a]Ma" — confusion of memory Sv–>aavaTa( JaaTaa wiTa Sv>aav–Jaa — born from one’s nature SvGaR" Par" YaSYa Sa" SvGaR–Par" — whose supreme [goal] is heaven SvGaRSYa ÜarMa( wiTa SvGaR–ÜarMa( — the door of heaven SviSMaNa( iTaïiTa Ya" Sa" Sv–SQa" — who stays in the self SvSYa c+au" wiTa Sv–c+au" — own eye SvSYa JaNa" wiTa Sv–JaNa" — ‘own man’, kinship SvSYa DaMaR" wiTa Sv–DaMaR" — own duty SvaDYaaYa–jaNaeNa Yaj" YaSYa Sa" SvaDYaaYa–jaNa–Yaj" — whose sacrifice is through knowledge of the Vedas

SvaDYaaYaSYa A>YaSaNaMa( wiTa SvaDYaaYa–A>YaSaNaMa( — the practice of study åiDareaKTYaa Pa#=Tae hirSai‘aDaaE ) JaaGare TaTPad& YaaiTa ku= lv*NdSaMaiNvTa"== =)) r…mad-bh€gavataˆ bhakty€ pa˜hate hari-sannidhau, j€gare tat-padaˆ y€ti kula-vnda-samanvitaƒ

hir–Sai‘aDaaE JaaGare

“When being awake [on the night of Ek€da…] in front of [the Deity of] the Lord


é[qMad(–>aaGavTaMa( >aKTYaa Pa#=Tae one who recites the ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam with devotion (bhakti), ku= l–v*Nd–SaMaiNvTa" together with his whole family (kula) Tad(–PadMa( YaaiTa will attain His abode.” 1348

ra}aaE Tau JaaGar" k==aYaR" é[aeTaVYaa vEZaj" Svra$(= TaeNae b]ø ôda Ya Aaidk==vYae MauùiNTa YaTSaUrYa" ) TaeJaaevairMa*da& YaQaa iviNaMaYaae Ya}a i}aSaGaaeR= _Ma*za DaaMNaa SveNa Sada iNarSTaku= hk&= SaTYa& Par& DaqMaih )) janm€dy asya yato ’nvay€d itarata c€rthev abhijñaƒ sva-r€˜ tene brahma hd€ ya €di-kavaye muhyanti yat s™rayaƒ tejo-v€ri-md€ˆ yath€ vinimayo yatra tri-sargo ’m€ dh€mn€ svena sad€ nirasta-kuhakaˆ satyaˆ paraˆ dh…mahi

YaTa" ASYa JaNMa–Aaid

“From whom the creation (janman — ‘birth’), etc. of this [world] comes ... janma-€di means creation (janman), sustenance and destruction; janm€dy asya yataƒ is a quote from the Ved€nta-s™tra (1.1.2)

ANvYaaTa( wTarTa" c AQaeRzu Ai>aj"

[because] He is directly and indirectly cognizant of all purposes

(artha) ‘directly’ means from the logical connection of cause and effect; itarataƒ — ‘otherwise’

Sv–ra$(= and independent, Ya" Aaid–k==vYae b]ø ôda TaeNae

who imparted the Veda (brahma) to Brahm€ through the heart (hd) €di-kavi — ‘the first poet’, name of Brahm€; tene (from √tan[u]) — ‘he spread’, imparted

Yad( SaUrYa" MauùiNTa because of whom [even] sages (s™ri) are bewildered Ya}a i}a–SaGaR" A–Ma*za and in whom the material creation is real a-m€ — ‘not false’, real

YaQaa TaeJa"–vair–Ma*daMa( iviNaMaYa"

as is the transmutation between fire (tejas), water (v€ri) and earth

(md), vinimaya — exchange, transmutation (1) According to akti-pariŠ€ma-v€da the material creation is as ‘real’ as the Lord, because it comes from Him. The example is that fire, water and earth can be mutually transformed. (2) On the other hand, the material creation is ‘unreal’, because it is only temporarily manifested. The same example of fire-water-earth is therefore often taken to indicate that because of illusion earth appears as water, water as fire, etc. (3) In any case — the creation is (or appears to be) real only because it comes from the Lord.

SveNa DaaMNaa Sada iNarSTa–ku= hk==Ma(

who is, along with His abode (dh€man), always free from illusion

(kuhaka) nirasta — ‘cast off’, free from ... ‘along with His abode’ (or:) ‘by His own glory / power’, because dh€man is defined as home, body, glory, power

ParMa( SaTYaMa( DaqMaih

on that Supreme (Satya) we meditate.” Satya as a name of the Lord; dh…mahi is a Vedic form, quoting the G€yatr…-mantra

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DaMaR" Pa[aeiJ‡TakE= Tavae= _}a ParMaae iNaMaRTSaraaSTaT+aa" Xaué[Uzui>a" In it, by those who are pious and obedient ur™u — ‘who desires to hear’, a serious disciple

SaÛ" Tad(–+aauiv GailTaMa(

having dropped on the earth from the mouth (mukha) of ®ukadeva galita (from √gal[a] 10 A) — ‘flowed’ ... ®ukadeva Gosv€m…, who is like a parrot (uka) not for simply repeating the Bh€gavatam, but for enhancing its taste

iNaGaMa–k==LPa–Tarae" of the desire tree (kalpa-taru) of the Veda (nigama) AMa*Ta–d]v–Sa&YauTaMa( f==lMa( in the form of a fruit (phala), consisting of nectarean juice (drava) >aaGavTaMa( rSaMa( this nectar of the Bh€gavatam AalYaMa( Mauhu" iPabTa you all must always drink, upto liberation!” €.laya — ‘up to laya (liberation)’, either including or excluding it




NaEiMaze= _iNaiMaz+ae}ae ‰zYa" XaaENak==adYa" ) Sa}a& SvGaaRYalaek= aYa SahóSaMaMaaSaTa== =)) naimie ’nimia-ketre ayaƒ aunak€dayaƒ, satraˆ svarg€ya-lok€ya sahasra-samam €sata

AiNaiMaz–+ae}ae NaEiMaze

“In Naimia, the place of the Lord nimia — ‘closing the eyes’; a moment; derived: a-nimia — ‘who does not close his eyes’, i.e., who aware of everything, a name of the Lord; naimia — where an army of asuras was destroyed ‘in a moment’, name of a sacred place, also known as naimi€raŠya (naimia-_araŠya — the forest of Naimia), at present Nimsar in Sitapur District near Lucknow, U.P. compare: dharma-ketre kuru-ketre... the opening of the Bhagavad-g…t€

SvGaaRYa–laek= aYa

for [attaining] the abode (loka) of the Lord (Svarg€ya) svar-g€ya ... svarge g…yate iti svarg€yaƒ — ‘who is glorified in heaven’, the Lord Some read two words svarg€ya lok€ya.

XaaENak==–AadYa" ‰zYa" the sages (i) headed by ®aunaka Sahó–SaMaMa( Sa}aMa( AaSaTa they performed a thousand-year sacrifice (satra).” €sata (√€s[a] — to sit, be present) — they sat down, performed 1353

Ta Wk==da Tau MauNaYa" Pa[aTahuRTahuTaaGNaYa" ) SaTk*= Ta& SaUTaMaaSaqNa& PaPa[C^uirdMaadraTa(= = )) ta ekad€ tu munayaƒ pr€tar huta-hut€gnayaƒ, sat-ktaˆ s™tam €s…naˆ papracchur idam €dar€t

Wk==da Tau “And one day Pa[aTa" huTa–huTaaGNaYa" Tae MauNaYa"

those sages (muni), offering sacrifice [daily] in the morning (pr€tar) hut€gni (huta-_agni) — ‘oblation fire’, a sacrifice; huta-hut€gni — ‘who offers a sacrifice’

AaSaqNaMa( SaTa(–k*= TaMa( SaUTaMa(

S™ta, who was seated (€s…na) and honored sat-kta — ‘well done’, honored

AadraTa( wdMa( PaPa[C^u"

they asked [him] with respect the following.” papracchuƒ (√pracch[a] — to ask) — they asked 1354

‰zYa Ocu" TvYaa %lu PauraYa k==laviSMaNYauGae JaNaa" ) MaNda" SauMaNdMaTaYaae MaNd>aaGYaa ùuPad]uTaa"== =)) pr€yeŠ€lp€yuaƒ sabhya kal€v asmin yuge jan€ƒ, mand€ƒ sumanda-matayo manda-bh€gy€ hy upadrut€ƒ


“O noble [S™ta]! sabhya (from sabh€) — ‘fit for a sabh€ or assembly’, good for society; refined, civilized

AiSMaNa( k==laE YauGae In this kali-yuga JaNaa" Pa[aYaeaUir–k==MaaRiaGavTaSTaSYa PauaeiTa because fear (bhaya) itself fears [His name]; Yad(–Paad–Sa&é[Yaa" Pa[XaMa–AYaNaa" MauNaYa" and tranquil sages (muni), under the shelter of whose feet (p€da) praama-ayana — ‘whose path is tranquil’

oPaSPa*ía" SaÛ" PauNaiNTa when contacted they immediately purify, SvDauRNaq–AaPa" ANauSaevYaa [whereas] Ga‰g€ water [purifies only] by [long] practice (anusev€); svar-dhun… — ‘river of heaven’, the Ga‰g€; anusev€ — practice, habit

TaSYa Pauai¢=="

there is causeless and unimpeded love (bhakti) for the Lord

(Adhokaja) adhokaja — ‘who is below sense perception’, i.e., transcendental; name of the Lord; prati.√han[a] — to beat against From the process of devotion (s€dhana-bhakti) comes love of God (prema-bhakti).

YaYaa AaTMaa SauPa[SaqdiTa [and bhakti means that] by which the self (€tman) is completely satisfied, Sa" vE Pau&SaaMa( Par" DaMaR" that is the supreme dharma for men (puˆs).” 1367

vaSaudeve >aGaviTa >ai¢==YaaeGa" Pa[YaaeiJaTa" ) JaNaYaTYaaXau vEraGYa& jaNa& c YadhETauk= Ma(= = )) v€sudeve bhagavati bhakti-yogaƒ prayojitaƒ, janayaty €u vair€gyaˆ jñ€naˆ ca yad ahaitukam

>aGaviTa vaSaudeve Pa[YaaeiJaTa" >ai¢==–YaaeGa" “Bhakti-yoga, applied to Lord ViŠu (V€sudeva) AaXau vEraGYaMa( JaNaYaiTa soon causes detachment (vair€gya) Yad( AhETauk= Ma( jaNaMa( c and also knowledge (jñ€na) which is transcendental (ahaituka).” ahaituka — ‘causeless’, which can not be obtained by philosophical argument, i.e., transcendental 1368

DaMaR" SvNauiïTa" Pau&Saa& ivZvKSaeNak==QaaSau Ya" ) NaaeTPaadYaeÛid riTa& é[Ma Wv ih ke= vlMa(= = )) dharmaƒ svanu˜hitaƒ puˆs€ˆ vivaksena-kath€su yaƒ, notp€dayed yadi ratiˆ rama eva hi kevalam

Ya" SvNauiïTa" DaMaR"

“That duty (dharma) which, [even if] well-performed su.anu˜hita — ‘well-followed’

Pau&SaaMa( ivZvKSaeNa–k==QaaSau riTaMa(

men’s love (rati) for narrations (kath€) about the Lord (Vivaksena) vivak-sena — ‘whose power reaches everywhere’, name of the Lord as the one to whom sacrifice is offered

Yaid Na oTPaadYaeTa( if it does not arouse [such love], ke= vlMa( é[Ma" Wv ih [it] is simply and nothing but [hard] labor (rama).” 1369

DaMaRSYa ùaPavGYaRSYa NaaQaaeR= _QaaRYaaePak==LPaTae ) NaaQaRSYa DaMaŒk= aNTaSYa k==aMaae la>aaYa ih SMa*Ta"== =)) dharmasya hy €pavargyasya n€rtho ’rth€yopakalpate, n€rthasya dharmaik€ntasya k€mo l€bh€ya hi smtaƒ

AaPavGYaRSYa ih DaMaRSYa AQaaRYa

“As purpose (artha) of religion (dharma), which can give liberation €pavargya — ‘leading to apavarga (liberation)’

AQaR" Na oPak==LPaTae

wealth (artha) is not befitting. upa.√kp[™] — to be fit, become, lead to

DaMaR–Wk==aNTaSYa AQaRSYa la>aaYa And as purpose of artha, which is only meant for dharma k==aMa" Na ih SMa*Ta" sense gratification (k€ma) is not befitting.”



na smtaƒ — ‘not allowed’, forbidden dharma-artha-k€ma-moka: Generally dharma is performed for artha, and artha is used for k€ma (sense-gratification, at least later in heaven); but artha should be used for dharma, and dharma for moka. 1370

k==aMaSYa NaeiNd]YaPa[qiTalaR>aae JaqveTa YaavTaa ) JaqvSYa TatviJajaSaa NaaQaaeR Yaêeh k==MaRi>a"== =)) k€masya nendriya-pr…tir l€bho j…veta y€vat€, j…vasya tattva-jijñ€s€ n€rtho ya ceha karmabhiƒ

k==aMaSYa la>a" Na wiNd]Ya–Pa[qiTa" “The purpose of sense gratification (k€ma) is not sensual endulgence YaavTaa JaqveTa [but] so much that one can live. JaqvSYa AQaR" Tatv–iJajaSaa The purpose of life (j…va) is an enquiry (jijñ€s€) into the Absolute (tattva) j…va for j…vana

Na Ya" c wh k==MaRi>a"

not what is [desired] here by rituals (karman).” ... namely reaching heaven 1371

vdiNTa TatatvivdSTatv& YaJjaNaMaÜYaMa( ) b]øeiTa ParMaaTMaeiTa >aGavaiNaiTa XaBÛTae= = )) vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvaˆ yaj jñ€nam a-dvayam, brahmeti param€tmeti bhagav€n iti abdyate

Yad( A–ÜYaMa( jaNaMa(

“Knowledge (jñ€na) which is non-dual ... which does not divide the knower and the known

b]ø wiTa ParMaaTMaa wiTa >aGavaNa( wiTa XaBÛTae

[and which is] called brahma, param€tm€ and

bhagav€n, ... by jñ€n…s, yog…s and bhaktas, respectively

Tad( Tatv–ivd" TatvMa( vdiNTa

that its knowers call the Absolute (tattva).” 1372

ATa" PauiM>aiÜRJaé[eïa vaaGaXa" ) SvNauiïTaSYa DaMaRSYa Sa&iSaiÖhRirTaaeza" Sau–ANauiïTaSYa Thus, well-performed by men (puˆs) vaaGaXa" DaMaRSYa of [such] duty (dharma) according

to [their specific position in]


Sa&iSaiÖ" hir–TaaezaGavaNSaaTvTaa& PaiTa" ) é[aeTaVYa" k==IiTaRTaVYaê DYaeYa" PaUJYaê iNaTYada== =)) tasm€d ekena manas€ bhagav€n s€tvat€ˆ patiƒ, rotavyaƒ k…rtitavya ca dhyeyaƒ p™jya ca nityad€

TaSMaaTa( Wke= Na MaNaSaa “Therefore, with a concentrated mind (manas) SaaTvTaaMa( PaiTa" >aGavaNa( the Lord (Bhagav€n), master (pati) of the devotees iNaTYada é[aeTaVYa" k==IiTaRTaVYa" c is always to be heard about (rotavya), glorified (k…rtitavya) DYaeYa" PaUJYa" c meditated (dhyeya) and worshiped (p™jya).” 1374

YadNauDYaaiSaNaa== Yau¢= a"== k= MaRGa]iNQaiNabNDaNaMa(= =)= =i^NdiNTa== k= aeivdaSTaSYa== k= ae= =Na== ku= YaaRTk==QaariTaMa(= = )) yad-anudhy€sin€ yukt€ƒ karma-granthi-nibandhanam, chindanti kovid€s tasya ko na kury€t kath€-ratim

Yad(–ANauDYaa–AiSaNaa Yau¢= a"

“Endowed with the sword (asi) of meditation on Him anudhy€ is €ra for anudhy€na

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k==aeivda" k==MaR–Ga]iNQa–iNabNDaNaMa( i^NdiNTa


the learned (kovida) cut the binding of the knot (granthi) of

karma. karma-granthi-nibandhana — ‘the knot-binding of karma’

TaSYa k==Qaa–riTaMa( k==" Na ku= YaaRTa(

Who will not like narrations (kath€) about Him?” Karma creates the aha‰k€ra knot of doership and kath€ destroys [pr€rabdha-] karma. 1375

Satv& rJaSTaMa wiTa Pa[k*= TaeGauRaGavNTaMaDaae+aJaMa( ) Satv& ivXauÖ& +aeMaaYa k==LPaNTae Yae= _Nau TaaiNah== =)) bhejire munayo ’th€gre bhagavantam adhokajam, sattvaˆ viuddhaˆ kem€ya kalpante ye ’nu t€n iha

AQa AGa]e “Therefore, in the beginning ivXauÖMa( SatvMa( >aGavNTaMa( ADaae+aJaMa( Lord ViŠu (Adhokaja), who is pure sattva MauNaYa" >aeiJare the sages (muni) worshiped. Yae wh TaaNa( ANau [And] those who follow them now anu — after, those who follow

+aeMaaYa k==LPaNTae

are [also] eligible for liberation (kema — ‘security’).”




MauMau+avae gaaeræPaaiNhTva >aUTaPaTaqNaQa ) NaaraYaaUTa–PaTaqNa( ihTva

[after] rejecting devas who have dreadful forms (r™pa) bh™ta-pati — ‘lord of beings’, esp. of ghostly beings

XaaNTaa" NaaraYaad]Ma( k==MaR does karma [shine] which is always inauspicious (a-bhadra) wRìre Na c AiPaRTaMa( and not offered to the Lord (…vara) Yad( AiPa A–k==arad]Ma>aUdMauZYa ik&= k==ae vaQaR Aaáae= _>aJaTaa& SvDaMaRTa" )) tyaktv€ sva-dharmaˆ caraŠ€mbujaˆ harer bhajann a-pakvo ’tha patet tato yadi yatra kva v€bhadram abh™d amuya kiˆ ko v€rtha €pto ’bhajat€ˆ sva-dharmataƒ

Sv–DaMaRMa( TYa¤a “[After] giving up his duty [in society] hre" craJaNa( and worshiping the lotus-feet of the Lord (Hari) Yaid A–PaKv" if a person would be immature AQa TaTa" PaTaeTa( and [somehow] fall from that [bhakti], Ya}a Kv va wherever [he would take birth next] AMauZYa A–>ad]Ma( A>aUTa( ik==Ma( was there (will there be) his misfortune? amuya (〈6.1〉 of adas) — his

A–>aJaTaaMa( [And] for those who are not worshiping Sv–DaMaRTa" k==ae va AQaR" Aaá" is there anything gained [only] from their duty?” ... without bhakti 1385

TaSYaEv heTaae" Pa[YaTaeTa k==aeivdae Na l>YaTae Yad( >a]MaTaaMauPaYaRDa" ) Taç>YaTae du"%vdNYaTa" Sau%& k==aleNa SavR}a Ga>aqrr&hSaa )) tasyaiva hetoƒ prayateta kovido na labhyate yad bhramat€m upary adhaƒ tal labhyate duƒkhavad anyataƒ sukhaˆ k€lena sarvatra gabh…ra-raˆhas€

oPair ADa" >a]MaTaaMa( “By (‘for’) [living beings] wandering [between] high and low [species] Yad( Na l>YaTae what is not obtained, TaSYa Wv heTaae" k==aeivd" Pa[YaTaeTa for that purpose (hetu) [of bhakti] alone the wise should endeavor. Ga>aqr–r&hSaa k==aleNa By inconceivable time (k€la) gabh…ra-raˆhas — ‘deep movement’, whose activity is inconceivable


just like misery ... as misery is obtained without endeavor

Tad( Sau%Ma( that [material] happiness (sukha) ANYaTa" SavR}a l>YaTae is obtained by some cause elsewhere.” By some cause ... by some past karma; elsewhere ... even in hell. N€rada to Vys€sa: 1386

NaaMaaNYaNaNTaSYa hTa}aPa" Pa#=NGauùaiNa >ad]aiaaGavTaqMa( Sa&ihTaaMa( k*= Tva [after] compiling the Bh€gavatam (bh€gavata-saˆhit€) ANau§= MYa c and [after] revising [it] anu.√kram[u] — to follow, go through

iNav*ita–iNarTaMa( AaTMa–JaMa( Xauk= Ma(

to his son (€tma-ja) ®ukadeva, who was [already] engaged in



he taught [it].” 1390

XaaENak== ovac Sa vE iNav*itaiNarTa" SavR}aaePae+ak==ae MauiNa" ) k==SYa va b*hTaqMaeTaaMaaTMaaraMa" SaMa>YaSaTa(= = )) sa vai nivtti-nirataƒ sarvatropekako muniƒ, kasya v€ bhat…m et€m €tm€r€maƒ samabhyasat

XaaENak==" ovac – “®aunaka said: Sa" vE iNav*ita–iNarTa" That [®ukadeva] who was [already] engaged in renunciation AaTMa–AaraMa" SavR}a–oPae+ak==" MauiNa" the self-satisfied and to everything indifferent sage (muni) upekaka — ‘overlooking’, disregarding

k==SYa va for what reason WTaaMa( b*hTaqMa( SaMa>YaSaTa(

did he learn that extensive [saˆhit€, the Bh€gavatam]?” √as[u] — to throw; abhi.√as[u] — to practice; abhy€sa — practice; sam.abhyasat — he practiced completely 1391

SaUTa ovac AaTMaaraMaaê MauNaYaae iNaGa]RNQaa APYauå§==Mae ) ku= vRNTYahETauk= I& >ai¢==iMaTQaM>aUTaGauaraGavaNaqìrae hir" ) é[aeTaVYa" k==IiTaRTaVYaê SMaTaRVYaêeC^Taa>aYaMa(= = )) tasm€d bh€rata sarv€tm€ bhagav€n …varo hariƒ, rotavyaƒ k…rtitavya ca smartavya cecchat€bhayam

>aarTa “O Par…kit! TaSMaaTa( A–>aYaMa( wC^Taa Therefore, by one desiring fearlessness (liberation) SavaRTMaa >aGavaNa( wRìr" hir" the Supreme Lord Hari, soul of all é[aeTaVYa" k==IiTaRTaVYa" c SMaTaRVYa" c is to be heard, glorified and remembered.” 1395

WTaavaNSaa«yYaaeGaa>Yaa& SvDaMaRPairiNaïYaa ) JaNMala>a" Par" Pau&SaaMaNTae NaaraYaa" men’s supreme benefit (l€bha) of taking birth (janman) is this much ... i.e., this is the highest benefit

ANTae NaaraYaa" Parae+aE" haYaNaE"

what is the use of many inexperienced years in this world? paroka — ‘not visible’, without special characteristics

ividTaMa( MauhUTaRMa( vrMa( One experienced moment (muh™rta) is better (vara) YaTa" é[eYaSae ga$=Tae by which one endeavors for liberation (reyas).” ... therefore, do not worry that not much time is left to practice reyase 〈4.1〉 — for reyas; gha˜ate (gha˜[a] 1A — to endeavor) — he endeavors; (other reading:) gha˜eta — he can endeavor 1398

ke= icTSvdehaNTaôRdYaavk==aXae Pa[adeXaMaa}a& Pauåz& vSaNTaMa( ) cTau>auRJa& k==ÅrQaa®Xa«GadaDar& DaaracrNYaJaeTa( ) k==aMak==aMaae YaJaeTSaaeMaMak==aMa" Pauåz& ParMa(= = )) r€jya-k€mo man™n dev€n nirtiˆ tv abhicaran yajet, k€ma-k€mo yajet somam a-k€maƒ puruaˆ param

b]ø–vcRSa–k==aMa" Tau “Desiring sacred knowledge b]øaavSauMa( desiring energy (tejas) ... Agni vSau–k==aMa" vSaUNa( desiring wealth (vasu) ... the Vasus vqYaR–k==aMa" AQa vqYaRvaNa( åd]aNa( desiring power (v…rya) and to become a hero ... the Rudras; A‘a–AÛ–k==aMa" Tau AidiTaMa( desiring grains (anna) and food [one should worship] Aditi SvGaR–k==aMa" AidTae" SauTaaNa( desiring heaven (svarga) ... the sons of Aditi raJYa–k==aMa" ivìaNa( devaNa( desiring a kingdom (r€jya) ... the Vivadevas ivXaaMa( Sa&SaaDak==" SaaDYaaNa( desiring to win the people ... the S€dhyas; vi — settlement, communinity, people; saˆs€dhaka — who wishes to conquer or win

AaYau"–k==aMa" AiìNaaE devaE YaJaeTa( desiring a long life (€yus) ... the two Avin… Devas Pauií–k==aMa" wlaMa( desiring prosperity ... the Il€ (the earth) Pa[iTaïa–k==aMa" Pauåz" and a person (purua) desiring a position (prati˜h€) laek= –MaaTaraE raedSaq ... heaven and earth (rodas…), the mothers of the world (loka); æPa–Ai>ak==aMa" GaNDavaRNa( YaJaeTa desiring beauty (r™pa) one should worship the Gandharvas ñq–k==aMa" APSar" ovRXaqMa( desiring a good wife (str…) ... the Apsaras with Urva… SaveRzaMa( AaiDaPaTYa–k==aMa" ParMaeiïNaMa( desiring lordship (€dhipatya) over all ... Lord Brahm€; ... raJYa–k==aMa" MaNaUNa( devaNa( YaJaeTa( desiring to be king one should worship the devas for the manvantaras Ai>acrNa( Tau iNa‰RiTaMa( desiring to do harm ... the evil/death abhicaran (abhi.√car[a] — to do harm) — [while] doing harm

k==aMa–k==aMa" SaaeMaMa( YaJaeTa( desiring sense gratification (k€ma) one should worship Soma — A–k==aMa" ParMa( PauåzMa( and desiring nothing ... the Supreme Lord (purua).” 1401

Ak==aMa" SavRk= aMaae va Maae+ak==aMa odarDaq" ) Taqv]eai¢==YaaeGaeNa YaJaeTa Pauåz& ParMa(= = )) a-k€maƒ sarva-k€mo v€ moka-k€ma ud€ra-dh…ƒ, t…vreŠa bhakti-yogena yajeta puruaˆ param

A–k==aMa" SavR–k==aMa" Maae+a–k==aMa" va “Desiring nothing, everything (sarva) or liberation (moka) odar–Daq" one who has a broad intelligence (dh…), Taqv]eai¢==–YaaeGaeNa with unbroken bhakti-yoga ParMa( PauåzMa( YaJaeTa he should worship the Supreme Lord.”



Hinduism — Bh€gavatam 4 The Lord said: 1402

AhMaevaSaMaevaGa]e NaaNYaÛTSadSaTParMa( ) Paêadh& YadeTaÀ Yaae= _viXaZYaeTa Saae= _SMYahMa(= = )) aham ev€sam ev€gre n€nyad yat sad-asat-param, pac€d ahaˆ yad etac ca yo ’vaiyeta so ’smy aham

AGa]e Wv AhMa( Wv AaSaMa( “In the beginning (agra) it was Me alone who existed, Yad( SaTa(–ASaTa(–ParMa( Na ANYaTa( there [was] nothing else which [was] beyond the gross (sat) and subtle (a-sat). ... as the cause of both, because even the pradh€na was at that time merged in the Lord

PaêaTa( AhMa( Thereafter I exist Yad( WTad( c and whatever this [world] is [is also Me]. Ya" AviXaZYaeTa Whatever will remain [at the time of destruction] Sa" AhMa( AiSMa that is Me [alone].” 1403

‰Tae= _Qa| YaTPa[TaqYaeTa Na Pa[TaqYaeTa caTMaiNa ) TaiÜÛadaTMaNaae MaaYaa& YaQaa>aaSaae YaQaa TaMa"== =)) te ’rthaˆ yat prat…yeta na prat…yeta c€tmani, tad vidy€d €tmano m€y€ˆ yath€bh€so yath€ tamaƒ

YaQaa Aa>aaSa" YaQaa TaMa" “Like a reflection, like a shadow (‘darkness’) AQaRMa( ‰Tae without [real] value (artha) Yad( Pa[TaqYaeTa is whatever may appear [to be real] AaTMaiNa c Na Pa]TaqYaeTa and does not appear [to be situated] in Me. Tad( AaTMaNa" MaaYaaMa( ivÛaTa( One should know it to be My M€y€.” ... if someone thinks that anything exists besides the Lord, it is called illusion 1404

YaQaa MahaiNTa >aUTaaiNa >aUTaezUÀavceZvNau ) Pa[ivíaNYaPa[ivíaiNa TaQaa Taezu Na TaeZvhMa(= = )) yath€ mah€nti bh™t€ni bh™te™cc€vacev anu, pravi˜€ny a-pravi˜€ni tath€ teu na tev aham

YaQaa MahaiNTa >aUTaaiNa “Just as the mahat elements oÀ–Avcezu >aUTaezu ANau Pa[ivíaiNa have entered the various beings after [creation] ucca-avaca — ‘high and low’, great and small


and have not entered, ... the mahat elements make up all beings and are yet aloof as their subtle cause

TaQaa AhMa( Taezu Na Taezu

so am I in them and not in them.” 1405

WTaavdev iJajaSYa& TatviJajaSauNaaTMaNa" ) ANvYaVYaiTarek= a>Yaa& YaTSYaaTSavR}a SavRda== =)) et€vad eva jijñ€syaˆ tattva-jijñ€sun€tmanaƒ, anvaya-vyatirek€bhy€ˆ yat sy€t sarvatra sarvad€

Yad( SavR}a SavRda SYaaTa(

“Which exist in all space and time,

... namely the Lord

WTaavTa( Wv iJajaSYaMa( that (‘so far’) is to be searched for AaTMaNa" Tatv–iJajaSauNaa by one inquiring into the truth of the €tm€ ANvYa–VYaiTarek= a>YaaMa( by [means of] inclusion and exclusion.” ... “This is real, this is not real.”

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These four verses are the seed of the Bh€gavatam, called catuƒ-lok…. 1406

Yaê MaU!TaMaae laeke= Yaê buÖe" Par& GaTa" ) Taavu>aaE Sau%MaeDaeTae i©==XYaTYaNTairTaae JaNa"== =)) ya ca m™hatamo loke ya ca buddheƒ paraˆ gataƒ, t€v ubhau sukham edhete kliyaty antarito janaƒ

laeke= Ya" c MaU!TaMa"

“In this world (loka), the one who is most foolish (m™ha.tama)

... being absorbed in the bodily concept of life

Ya" c buÖe" ParMa( GaTa"

and the one who has gone beyond [material] intelligence,

... having obtained spiritual self-realization

TaaE o>aaE Sau%Ma( WDaeTae

those two enjoy happiness (sukha)

... which they get, either material or spiritual, because they have no doubt

ANTairTa" JaNa" i©==XYaiTa

[but] those in between suffer.”

... by their doubts 1407

iTaiTa+av" k==aåiad]& Tae YaMauNaaYaaSTa$=& Xauic ) PauaGavaNGauahRir" ) TaSMaE NaMaiNTa >aUTaaiNa iNaMNaMaaPa wv SvYaMa(= = )) yasya prasanno bhagav€n guŠair maitry-€dibhir hariƒ, tasmai namanti bh™t€ni nimnam €pa iva svayam

YaSYa MaE}aq–Aaidi>a" GauaPaÛeTa [such] inclination (mati) towards the Lord (KŠa) does not take place ParTa" SvTa" iMaQa" va [neither] from [the instruction of] others, [nor] by own or mutual [effort].” ... neither from the guru, by own speculation, or from discussions with other common people 1416

Na Tae ivdu" SvaQaRGaiTa& ih ivZaaGavTaaiNah ) dulR>a& MaaNauz& JaNMa TadPYaDa]uvMaQaRdMa(= = )) kaum€ra €caret pr€jño dharm€n bh€gavat€n iha, durlabhaˆ m€nuaˆ janma tad apy a-dhruvam artha-dam

wh Pa[aj" “Here [in a human body] a wise man (pr€jña) >aaGavTaaNa( DaMaaRNa( [his] duties to [please] the Lord k==aEMaare AacreTa( he should begin [even] in youth (kaum€ra), ... and not wait with his spiritual life till old age

MaaNauzMa( JaNMa [because] a human birth (janman) AQaR–dMa( dulR>aMa( is valueable [for self-realization] and rare [among all species] Tad( AiPa A–Da]uvMa( and it is also uncertain.”

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... nobody knows its end 1418

Sau%MaEiNd]Yak&= dETYaa dehYaaeGaeNa deihNaaMa( ) SavR}a l>YaTae dEvaÛQaa du"%MaYaTNaTa"== =)) sukham aindriyakaˆ daity€ deha-yogena dehin€m, sarvatra labhyate daiv€d yath€ duƒkham a-yatnataƒ

dETYaa" “O Daityas! deihNaaMa( deh–YaaeGaeNa For [all] embodied beings (dehin), by contact with a body (deha) A–YaTNaTa" dEvaTa( without effort, by destiny (daiva) ... without effort at the present moment, just by one’s previous karma

WeiNd]Yak==Ma( Sau%Ma( sensual happiness (sukha) SavR}a l>YaTae is achieved everywhere (in all species), YaQaa du"%Ma( just like misery (duƒkha).” ... comes on its own 1419

Pau&Saae vzRXaTa& ùaYauSTadDa| caiJaTaaTMaNa" ) iNaZf==l& YadSaaE ra}Yaa& XaeTae= _NDa& Pa[aiPaTaSTaMa"== =)) puˆso vara-ataˆ hy €yus tad-ardhaˆ c€jit€tmanaƒ, niphalaˆ yad asau r€try€ˆ ete ’ndhaˆ pr€pitas tamaƒ

AaYau" vzR–XaTaMa( ih “Lifetime is [only] one hundred years A–iJaTa–AaTMaNa" Pau&Sa" and of a person (puˆs) who is not self-controlled Tad(–ADaRMa( c iNaZf==lMa( half (ardha) of it is fruitless, Yad( ANDaMa( TaMa" Pa[aiPaTa" because, being possessed of thick (‘blind’) darkness (tamas) ... of ignorance

ASaaE ra}YaaMa( XaeTae

he sleeps at night (r€tri).” 1420

MauGDaSYa baLYae kE= Xaaere §==I@Taae YaaiTa iv&XaiTa" ) JarYaa Ga]STadehSYa YaaTYak==LPaSYa iv&XaiTa"== =)) mugdhasya b€lye kaiore kr…ato y€ti viˆatiƒ, jaray€ grasta-dehasya y€ty a-kalpasya viˆatiƒ

baLYae MauGDaSYa

“In boyhood (b€lya) when one is a fool ... about what is good and bad

kE= Xaaere §==I@Ta" and in youth (kaiora) when one is playing iv&XaiTa" YaaiTa twenty [years] pass, ... in each age ten years

JarYaa Ga]STa–dehSYa A–k==LPaSYa

and when one is without determination, one’s body (deha) being seized

by old age (jar€)

iv&XaiTa" YaaiTa

[also] twenty [years] pass.” ... which leaves a maximum of sixty years, of which half is spent sleeping 1421

Na ùCYauTa& Pa[qa]& >aUTaXaabLYa& >auv" PaªMaPaa& MalMa( ) XarÂharaé[iMaaMa(= = )) vyomno ’bbhraˆ bh™ta-€balyaˆ bhuvaƒ pa‰kam ap€ˆ malam, araj jah€r€ramiŠ€ˆ kŠe bhaktir yath€ubham

VYaaeMNa" AB>a]Ma( >aUTa–XaabLYaMa(

“(1) The [stormy rain] clouds of the sky (vyoman) abbhra (ap-bhra) — ‘water-bearer’, a cloud; the same as abhra, which has only a different derivation

(2) the crowded condition of all living beings (bh™ta) ... which can not go out during the rainy season

>auv" PaªMa( (3) the mud (pa‰ka) of the earth [on the roads] APaaMa( MalMa( (4) and the dirt (mala) of lakes Xard( Jahar the autumn (arad) removed, ... these impurities of the sky, living condition, earth and water

YaQaa k*= Zai¢==" just as devotion (bhakti) to the Lord (KŠa) Aaé[iMaaMa( [removes the respective] trouble for the members of the [four] €ramas.” For a brahmac€r… (student) there is the trouble of menial service in the guru’s household (compared to a cloud), but when the guru sees his bhakti, the disciple is given higher duties. For a ghastha (householder) there is the trouble of family and social intercourse (compared to crowded living), but when bhakti arises, he will flee this crowdedness as an impediment for his bhajana. For a v€naprastha (hermit) there is the trouble of many prescribed austerities (compared to mud), but when love for the Lord arises, they become superfluous for him. For a sanny€s… (renunciate) there is the trouble to tolerate



material desires (compared to impurities), but when bhakti arises, his heart becomes pure. 1425

SavRSv& Jalda ihTva ivreJau" Xau>a]vcRSa" ) YaQaa TYa¢E= zaTa iNaMaeRga& XariÜMalTaark==Ma( ) SatvYau¢&= YaQaa icta& XaBdb]øaQaRdXaRNaMa(= = )) kham aobhata nirmeghaˆ arad-vimala-t€rakam, sattva-yuktaˆ yath€ cittaˆ abda-brahm€rtha-daranam


“Its stars clear (vi.mala) because of the autumn

t€raka — ‘belonging to the stars (t€r€)’

iNaMaeRgaMa( %Ma( AXaae>aTa the cloudless (nir.megha) sky (kha) shone [at night], YaQaa Satv–Yau¢= Ma( ictaMa( just as the mind (citta) which is endowed with goodness (sattva) [shines] XaBd–b]ø–AQaR–dXaRNaMa( when it realizes the purport (artha) of the Veda.” abda-brahma — ‘sound-brahma’, the Supreme in sound form, the Veda 1432

Gaavae Ma*Gaa" %Gaa NaaYaR" PauiZPaavNa(

became pregnant because of the autumn,

pupin — flowering, blossoming; pupiŠ… — a ‘blossoming’ female

f==lE" wRXa–i§==Yaa" wv

as activities for the Lord [become pregnant] with fruits (phala).”



... through association with the Lord, even without desiring fruits such as dharma, artha, etc. 1433

odôZYaNvairJaaiNa SaUYaaeRTQaaNae ku= MauiÜNaa ) raja Tau iNa>aRYaa laek= a YaQaa dSYaUiNvNaa Na*Pa== =)) udahyan v€rij€ni s™ryotth€ne kumud vin€, r€jñ€ tu nirbhay€ lok€ yath€ dasy™n vin€ npa

Na*Pa “O King [Par…kit]! SaUYaR–oTQaaNae When the sun (s™rya) had risen, vairJaaiNa odôZYaNa( all lotuses bloomed (‘rejoiced’) v€ri-ja — ‘water-born’, lotus

ku= Maud( ivNaa

except for the white lotus (kumud), ... which bloomes at night

YaQaa raja Tau iNa>aRYaa" laek= a"

just as all people (loka) [rejoice], being fearless (nir.bhaya) because of a

[virtuous] king

dSYaUNa( ivNaa

except for the thieves.” ... which rejoice in the night of lawlessness

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Hinduism — Bh€gavatam 7 1434

>aYa& iÜTaqYaai>aiNaveXaTa" SYaadqXaadPaeTaSYa ivPaYaRYaae= _SMa*iTa" ) TaNMaaYaYaaTaae buDa Aa>aJaeta& >aKTYaEk= YaeXa& GauådevTaaTMaa )) bhayaˆ dvit…y€bhiniveataƒ sy€d …€d apetasya viparyayo ’smtiƒ tan-m€yay€to budha €bhajet taˆ bhaktyaikayeaˆ guru-devat€tm€

wRXaaTa( APaeTaSYa “For one who has turned away from the Lord (…a) Tad(–MaaYaYaa A–SMa*iTa" SYaaTa( by His (the Lord’s) M€y€ will come forgetfulness (a-smti) ... of his real identity


[then] misidentification [as body] [and attachment to matter] viparyaya — ‘turning round’, change for the worse, misfortune, mistake

iÜTaqYa–Ai>aiNaveXaTa" >aYaMa(

[and] from attachment to matter [will come] fear (bhaya). dvit…ya-abhinivea — ‘adherence to the second’, i.e., to material nature which seems to exist besides and independent of the Lord

ATa" buDa" Gauå–devTaa–AaTMaa

Therefore, a wise man, guided by his guru guru-devat€-€tm€ — ‘whose [worshipable] deity is his guru’

Wk==Yaa >aKTYaa with unalloyed devotion (bhakti) TaMa( wRXaMa( Aa>aJaeTa( he should worship that Lord (…a).” ... by whose M€y€ come forgetfulness, etc. 1435

>ai¢==" PareXaaNau>avae ivri¢==rNYa}a cEz i}ak== Wk==k= al" ) Pa[PaÛMaaNaSYa YaQaaXNaTa" SYauSTauií" Pauií" +audPaaYaae= _NaugaaSaMa( )) bhaktiƒ pare€nubhavo viraktir anyatra caia trika eka-k€laƒ prapadyam€nasya yath€nataƒ syus tu˜iƒ pu˜iƒ kud-ap€yo ’nugh€sam

YaQaa AXNaTa" ANau–gaaSaMa( “Just as for one who is eating, with each bite Tauií" Pauií" +auTa(–APaaYa" (1) satisfaction (tu˜i), (2) nourishment (pu˜i) and (3) cessation of hunger Wz" i}ak==" Wk==–k==al" SYau" this triple will come simultaneously, Pa[PaÛMaaNaSYa [so] for one who is surrendering ... by performing honestly service to the Lord

>ai¢==" Par–wRXa–ANau>av" (1) love of God (prema-bhakti), (2) realization of the supreme Lord ANYa}a c ivri¢==" and (3) detachment from other things [will come].” 1436

SavR>aUTaezu Ya" PaXYaeÙGavÙavMaaTMaNa" ) >aUTaaiNa >aGavTYaaTMaNYaez >aaGavTaaetaMa"== =)) sarva-bh™teu yaƒ payed bhagavad-bh€vam €tmanaƒ, bh™t€ni bhagavaty €tmany ea bh€gavatottamaƒ

AaTMaNa" >aGavTa(–>aavMa( “One’s own connection to the Lord (Bhagav€n) Ya" SavR–>aUTaezu PaXYaeTa( one who can see [it] in all beings (bh™ta) AaTMaiNa >aGaviTa >aUTaaiNa and all beings in the Lord, the soul [of all], Wz" >aaGavTa–otaMa" he is the highest devotee (bh€gavata).” 1437

wRìre TadDaqNaezu bailXaezu iÜzTSau c ) Pa[eMaMaE}aqk*= PaaePae+aa Ya" k==raeiTa Sa MaDYaMa"== =)) …vare tad-adh…neu b€lieu dviatsu ca, prema-maitr…-kpopek€ yaƒ karoti sa madhyamaƒ



wRìre Tad(–ADaqNaezu

“Towards the Lord (…vara), His devotees tad-adh…na — ‘who is surrendered to him’

bailXaezu iÜzTSau c

towards the ignorant and the inimical one’s b€lia — young, childish, ignorant

Ya" Pa[eMa–MaE}aq–k*= Paa–oPae+aa" k==raeiTa

one who has love (prema), friendship (maitr…), mercy (kp€) and

indifference (respecively), ... i.e., love for the Lord, friendship for the devotees, mercy for those ignorant (innocent) and indifference for those inimical

Sa" MaDYaMa"

he is a middle-class [devotee].” 1438

AcaRYaaMaev hrYae PaUJaa& Ya" é[ÖYaehTae ) Na TaÙ¢e= zu caNYaezu Sa >a¢==" Pa[ak*= Ta" SMa*Ta"== =)) arc€y€m eva haraye p™j€ˆ yaƒ raddhayehate, na tad-bhakteu c€nyeu sa bhaktaƒ pr€ktaƒ smtaƒ

hrYae “For [attaining] the Lord (Hari) AcaRYaaMa( Wv only in [His] image [in the tempel] arc€ — worship; image, idol

Ya" PaUJaaMa( é[ÖYaa wRhTae

one who does worship (p™j€) with faith (raddh€) ... not knowing that He is present everywhere

Na Tad(–>a¢e= zu ANYaezu c

and not [worshiping Him] in His devotees (bhakta) and other [beings], ... like cows, br€hmaŠas, fire, etc.

Sa" Pa[ak*= Ta" >a¢==" SMa*Ta"

he is considered an ordinary devotee.” 1439

k==il& Sa>aaJaYaNTYaaYaaR Gaual>YaTae= = )) kaliˆ sabh€jayanty €ry€ guŠa-jñ€ƒ s€ra-bh€ginaƒ, yatra sa‰k…rtanenaiva sarva-sv€rtho ’bhilabhyate

Gaual>YaTae all desired results [of the other yugas] are achieved.” ... and therefore, they love it 1440


One who becomes an enemy to all beings (bh™ta) for its sake

... for the sake of a temporary body

YaTa" iNarYa" for which [enmity] [the punishment] is hell (niraya) ik==Ma( Sv–AQaRMa( ved does he know his self-interest (sva-artha)? ” ... no, he is a fool 1442

k==Qa& SaeYaMa%aU" PaUvŒMaeR PauåzEDa*RTaa ) MaTPau}aSYa c PaaE}aSYa MaTPaUvaR v&XaJaSYa va== =)) kathaˆ seyam a-khaŠ€ bh™ƒ p™rvair me puruair dht€, mat-putrasya ca pautrasya mat-p™rv€ vaˆa-jasya v€

Saa wYaMa( A–%aU" [He thinks:] “ ‘That same unbounded earth (bh™) Mae (=MaMa=) PaUvŒ" PauåzE" Da*Taa which was held by my ancestors k==QaMa( Mad(–PaUvaR how [can it which is now] as it was before me Mad(–Pau}aSYa PaaE}aSYa c v&Xa–JaSYa va be for my child (putra), grandchild (pautra) and descendants?’ ” 1443

Yae Yae >aUPaTaYaae raJaN>auÅTae >auvMaaeJaSaa ) k==aleNa Tae k*= Taa" SaveR k==QaaMaa}aa" k==QaaSau c== =)) ye ye bh™-patayo r€jan bhuñjate bhuvam ojas€, k€lena te kt€ƒ sarve kath€m€tr€ƒ kath€su ca

raJaNa( “O King [Par…kit]! Yae Yae >aU–PaTaYa" Whichever kings (bh™ta-pati) AaeJaSaa >auvMa( >auÅTae [would] rule the earth (bh™) by their power (ojas), k==QaaSau c k==Qaa–Maa}aa" mere characters in stories (kath€) kath€.m€tra — one of whom ‘just a narrative’ is left

Tae SaveR k==aleNa k*= Taa"

they all have been made by time (k€la).” 1444

d*îaTMaiNa JaYae VYaGa]a‘a*PaaNhSaiTa >aUirYaMa( ) Ahae Maa& iviJaGaqziNTa Ma*TYaae" §==I@Nak==a Na*Paa"== =)) d˜v€tmani jaye vyagr€n np€n hasati bh™r iyam, aho m€ˆ vijig…anti mtyoƒ kr…anak€ np€ƒ

AaTMaiNa JaYae VYaGa]aNa( Na*PaaNa( d*îa “[After] seeing the kings (npa) busy in conquering her wYaMa( >aU" hSaiTa – Ahae the very earth (bh™) laughs: ‘Ah! ... how amazing it is, that ...

Ma*TYaae" §==I@Nak==a" Na*Paa" [These] kings, who are playthings of death (mtyu) MaaMa( iviJaGaqziNTa desire to conquer me.’ ” ... themselves under the control of death, they want to control the earth




Yaa& ivSa*JYaEv MaNavSTaTSauTaaê ku= æÜh ) GaTaa YaQaaGaTa& YauÖe Taa& Maa& JaeZYaNTYabuÖYa"== =)) y€ˆ visjyaiva manavas tat-sut€ ca kur™dvaha, gat€ yath€gataˆ yuddhe t€ˆ m€ˆ jeyanty a-buddhayaƒ

ku= å–oÜh “O [Par…ksit,] best of the Kurus! YaaMa( ivSa*JYa Wv [The earth continued:] ‘[After] conquering which MaNav" Tad(–SauTaa" c Manus (or men) and their children (suta) YaQaa–AaGaTaMa( GaTaa" have gone (gata) as they came (€gata), ... with nothing, still

TaaMa( MaaMa( A–buÖYa" YauÖe JaeZYaiNTa

me, that same [earth] the ignorant (a-buddhi) they will conquer in

fight.” ... again and again 1446

MaTk*= Tae iPaTa*Pau}aaa]aTa›aaGavTaMa( PauraaKTYaa Xa*ave YaQaa >ai¢==" PaadYaaeSTav JaaYaTae ) TaQaa ku= åZv deveXa NaaQaSTv& Naae YaTa" Pa[>aae= = )) bhave bhave yath€ bhaktiƒ p€dayos tava j€yate, tath€ kuruva devea n€thas tvaˆ no yataƒ prabho

dev–wRXa Pa[>aae “O supreme Lord and master! YaQaa >ave >ave So that in every birth (bhava) ... i.e., even if we have to take birth again and again

Tav PaadYaae" >ai¢==" JaaYaTae TaQaa ku= åZv please do so,

devotion (bhakti) to Your feet (p€da) may arise,

... please give us your mercy

YaTa" TvMa( Na" (=ASMaak==Ma(=) NaaQa"

because You are our protector.” 1451

NaaMaSaªqTaRNa& YaSYa SavRPaaPaPa[aa== =)) sampannataram ev€nnaˆ daridr€ bhuñjate sad€, kut sv€dut€ˆ janayati s€ c€hyeu sudurlabh€

SaMPa‘aTarMa( Wv A‘aMa( “The more excellent (sampanna.tara) food (anna) dird]a" Sada >au“aTae poor men (daridra) always enjoy +auDa( SvaduTaaMa( JaNaYaiTa [because] hunger (kudh) creates sweetness sv€dut€ (from sv€du — tasty) — sweetness



Saa c Aa!yezu SaudulR>aa

and that (hunger) is very rare among the rich (€hya).” 1457

k*= TaaQa| >aaeiGaNa& MaTva SavaeR riTaParaYaaMa( Na ANauPaXYaiTa another gain (l€bha) he does not see.” 1458

JaNaYaNTYaJaRNae du"%& TaaPaYaiNTa ivPaitazu ) MaaehYaiNTa c SaMPataaE k==QaMaQaaR" Sau%avha"== =)) janayanty arjane duƒkhaˆ t€payanti vipattiu, mohayanti ca sampattau katham arth€ƒ sukh€vah€ƒ

AJaRNae du"%Ma( JaNaYaiNTa “In their acquisition (arjana) they cause misery (duƒkha) ivPaitazu TaaPaYaiNTa in their loss (vipatti — adversity) they give pain SaMPataaE MaaehYaiNTa c and in prosperity (sampatti) they stupify. — k==QaMa( AQaaR" Sau%–Aavha" How bring riches (artha) hapiness (sukha)?” 1459

AQaRSYa Pauåzae daSaae daSaSTvQaaeR Na k==SYaicTa( ) arthasya puruo d€so d€sas tv €rtho na kasyacit

Pauåz" AQaRSYa daSa" “Man (purua) is the servant (d€sa) of wealth (artha) AQaR" Tau Na k==SYaicd( daSa" but wealth is the servant of no one.” 1460

NaaiC^Tva ParMaMaaRiaavMa(

“The union of man (puˆs) and woman (str…)

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mithun…-bh€va — ‘becoming a pair’, union

WTaMa( TaYaae" iMaQa" ôdYa–Ga]iNQaMa( Aahu"

this is called a mutual knot (granthi) between their hearts



and from this ... this initial illusion expands


by home (gha), field (ketra), children (suta), relatives (€pta) and wealth


AhMa(–MaMa wiTa JaNaSYa AYaMa( Maaeh"

comes this illusion (moha) of man (jana) called ‘I (aham) and

mine (mama)’.” 1471

AividTva Sau%& Ga]aMYa& vETa*ZaJaiTa — he serves / worships; >aJaTae — he serves / worships; >a]MaiTa — he is reeling; >aviTa — he is / exists / becomes; cliTa — he moves; criTa — he goes; ceíTae — he acts; PaXYaiTa — he sees; dhiTa — he burns; Üeií — he hates; Ga*õaiTa — he takes; ôZYaiTa — he rejoices; hriTa — he carries; ihNaiSTa — he harms; WiTa — he goes; w®Tae — he flickers; JaqviTa — he lives; JaaYaTae — he is born; JaaNaaiTa — he knows; k==a¿iTa — he desires; k==LPaTae — he is able; iMa]YaTae — he dies; MaNYaTae — he thinks; MauùiTa — he is bewildered; NaXYaiTa — he perishes; rMaTae — he rejoices; Xa*aTae — he begins; AavTaRTae — he returns; A>YaSaUYaiTa — he envies; Ai>a>aviTa — he overcomes; Ai>aJaaNaaiTa — he understands; Ai>aJaaYaTae — he is born; Ai>aNaNdiTa — he praises; AiDaGaC^iTa — he attains; ANauPaXYaiTa — he sees; ANaurJYaTae — he is attracted; ANauzÂTae — he engages; ANauvTaRTae — he follows; ATYaeiTa — he surpasses; AiTavTaRTae — he surpasses; AvaPNaaeiTa — he obtains; AviXaZYaTae — he remains; AviTaïiTa — he stays; AviTaïTae — he stays; k==zRiTa — he pulls; iNabDNaaiTa — he binds; iNaGaC^iTa — he attains; iNavTaRTae — he stops; iNaêliTa — he moves; PairXauZYaiTa — he is drying up; PaYaRviTaïTae — he is steady; Pa[JahaiTa — he abandons; Pa[>aviTa — he becomes manifest; Pa[YaC^iTa — he offers; Pa[ôZYaiTa — he rejoices; Pa[JaaNaaiTa — he understands; Pa[lqYaTae — he dissolves; Pa[aTae — he begins; Pa[ivlqYaTae — he dissolves; Pa[iTaPaÛTae — he attains; Sa&hrTae — he withdraws; SaÅaYaTae — he is born; SaMPaÛTae — he attains; Sa&YaaiTa — he attains; SaMaiDaGaC^iTa — he attains; oiÜJaTae — he fears; oT§==aMaiTa — he leaves; oPaEiTa — he attains; oPaJaaYaTae — he is born; oPaPaÛTae — he attains / exists; oParMaTae — he stops; oPaSaevTae — he serves; ivMauÄiTa — he releases; ivMauùiTa — he is bewildered; ivNaXYaiTa — he perishes; ivPairvTaRTae — he revolves he performs;

they 〈1.3〉 (ending -anti or -ante)

ku= vRiNTa — they do; l>aNTae — they obtain; PaciNTa — they cook / digest; wRhNTae — they endeavor; AaPNauviNTa — they obtain; AXNaiNTa — they eat; >aJaiNTa — they serve / worship; >aJaNTae — they serve / worship; >aviNTa — they are / exist / become; criNTa — they go; i^NdiNTa — they cut; CYaviNTa — they fall; PaXYaiNTa — they see; d]viNTa — they go; Ga*aJaaNaiNTa — they understand; Ai>aivJvliNTa they are blazing; ANauPaXYaiNTa — they see; ANauiTaïiNTa — they follow; ANauXaaeciNTa — they lament; ANauvTaRNTae — they follow; AiTaTariNTa — they cross; AvJaaNaiNTa — they deride; iNabDNaiNTa — they bind; iNavTaRiNTa — they stop; iNavTaRNTae — they stop; Pa[aPNauviNTa — they obtain; Pa[aQaRYaNTae — they pray; Pa[>aviNTa — they become manifest; Pa[duZYaiNTa — they are polluted; Pa[lqYaNTae — they dissolve; Pa[aviNTa — they take birth; oPaJaaYaNTae — they are born; oPaYaaiNTa — they attain; vq+aNTae — they look at; iviNavTaRNTae — they stop you 〈2.1〉 (ending -si, -i or -se)

leilùSae — you are licking; ddaiSa — you give; k==raeiz — you do; AXNaaiSa — you eat; Xa&SaiSa — you praise; Xa¥==aeiz — you are able; XaKYaSae — you endure; AhRiSa — you deserve; AiSa — you are / exist / become; >aazSae — you speak; b]vqiz — you speak; Jauhaeiz — you sacrifice; wC^iSa — you desire;


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MaNYaSae — you think; iTaïiSa — you stand; TaPaSYaiSa — you undergo austerity; vdiSa — you speak; SaMaaPNaaeiz — you pervade I 〈3.1〉 (ending -€mi)

ddaiMa — I give; dDaaiMa — I place; PacaiMa — I cook / digest; AXNaaiMa — I eat; >avaiMa — I am / exist / become; PaXYaaiMa — I see; DaarYaaiMa — I hold; ôZYaaiMa — I rejoice; wC^aiMa — I desire; i+aPaaiMa — I throw; Pa*C^aiMa — I ask; PauZaJaaiMa — I serve / worship; iNaGa*õaiMa — I control; Pa[PaXYaaiMa — I understand; Pa[JaaNaaiMa — I understand; Pa[avaiMa — I take birth; oTSa*JaaiMa — I release; ivdDaaiMa — I hold; ivSa*JaaiMa — I create parasmai-pada and €tmane-pada There are two kinds of conjugation — parasmai-pada and €tmane-pada, which has to do with active and passive voice. Some dh€tus take the parasmai-pada conjugation (P), some dh€tus take the €tmane-pada conjugation (A), and some (like bhaj[a]) take both (called ubhaya-pada U). (1) When the kriy€ (verb) speaks mainly about the kart€ (agent), it is called kart-v€cya (active voice) or kartari-prayoga, and the kart€ is the subject of the sentence. The word order is kart€, karma, kriy€. Parasmai-pada dh€tus (P) take only parasmai-pada pratyayas for kartari prayoga. √rak[a]... — to protect (P) >>> — the Lord protects the devotee štmane-pada dh€tus (A) take only €tmane-pada pratyayas for kartari prayoga.



dev" >a¢==Ma( r+aiTa

PaalNae — to protect (A) >>> dev" >a¢==Ma( }aaYaTae — the Lord protects the devotee

(2) When the kriy€ speaks mainly about the karma (object), it is called karma-v€cya (passive voice) or karmaŠi-prayoga, and the karma is the subject of the sentence. The word order in this case is karma, kart€, kriy€. The karmaŠi-prayoga is always formed with the €tmane-pada suffixes, and the particle ya is inserted. active voice with parasmai-pada active voice with €tmane-pada bhajati


















passive voice with €tmane-pada bhajyate


bhajyase bhajyethe bhajye

bhajyante bhajyadhve

bhajy€vahe bhajy€mahe

Tenses and moods We have seen the conjugation of the dh€tu bhaj[a] in the present tense. There are six tenses (indicating k€la, time): acyuta (present); bh™tevara, bh™tea and adhokaja (three past tenses); b€lakalki and kalki (two future tenses) And there are four moods (indicating artha, purpose): vidhi (duty or possibility; ‘potential’ or ‘optative’), vidh€t€ (‘imperative’), k€map€la (‘benedictive’) and ajita (‘conditional’, for both past and future) (1) Acyuta



This tense is named after Lord ViŠu, who is a-cyuta — ‘never fallen from His position’. It is used for vartam€na-k€la (present tense). bhaktaƒ devam bhajati — the devotee worships the Lord (2) Vidhi Vidhi (‘the regulator’, Lord Brahm€) is used for vidhi (rule, duty) and sambh€vana (possibility). ‘Should’ and ‘would / can’ reflect best these two meanings. (vidhi:) bhaktaƒ devam bhajet — the devotee should worship the Lord (sambh€vana:) bhaktaƒ devam bhajet — the devotee can worship the Lord (3) Vidh€t€ Vidh€t€ (‘one who disposes men’s fate’, Lord Brahm€) is used for €…r-v€da (blessing) and preraŠ€ (impetus, order). There is a strong sense of ‘must’. (€…r-v€da:) devam bhaja — may you worship the Lord! (preraŠ€:) devam bhaja — please worship the Lord! (4) Bh™tevara Bh™tevara (‘the …vara of the ghosts’, Lord ®iva) is used for an-adyatana-bh™ta-k€la (past, but not of the same day). bhaktaƒ devam abhajat — the devotee worshiped the Lord (5) Bh™tea Bh™tea (‘the …a of the ghosts’, Lord ®iva) is used for bh™ta-k€la (general past). Both these past tenses can often be identified by the prefixed a. bhaktaƒ devam abh€k…t — the devotee worshiped the Lord (6) Adhokaja Adhokaja (‘one who is beyond the perception of the senses’, Lord ViŠu) is used for past tense, when the activity is not witnessed by the speaker. bhaktaƒ devam babh€ja — the devotee worshiped the Lord (7) K€map€la K€map€la (‘the protector of k€ma, or KŠa’, Lord Balar€ma) is used for €…r-v€da (blessing). bhaktaƒ devam bhajy€t — let the devotee worship the Lord! (8) B€lakalki B€lakalki (the ‘young’ Kalki avat€ra) is used for arh€rtha (merit) and an-adyatana-bhaviyat-k€la (future, but not of the same day). bhaktaƒ devam bhakt€ — the devotee will worship the Lord (9) Kalki Kalki (the Kalki avat€ra) is used for bhaviyat-k€la (general future). bhaktaƒ devam bhakyati — the devotee will worship the Lord (10) Ajita Ajita (‘one who is not to be conquered’, Lord ViŠu) is used for relations of k€raŠa and k€rya (cause and effect). yadi bhaktaƒ devam abhakyat, devam adrakyat — had the devotee worshiped the Lord, he would have seen the Lord; (or:) if the devotee would worship the Lord, he would see the Lord

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Hinduism — Yoga 1483

PaÄeiNd]YaJala& gaaera& lae>akU= la& SauduSTaraMa( ) MaNYauPaªaMaNaaDa*ZYaa& Nadq& TariTa buiÖMaaNa(= = )) pañcendriya-jal€ˆ ghor€ˆ lobha-k™l€ˆ sudustar€m, manyu-pa‰k€m an-€dhy€ˆ nad…ˆ tarati buddhim€n

PaÄ–wiNd]Ya–JalaMa( “Having the five senses (indriya) for its waters (jala) lae>a–kU= laMa( greed (lobha) for its banks (k™la) MaNYau–PaªaMa( and anger (manyu) for its mud (pa‰ka) — gaaeraMa( SauduSTaraMa( ANaaDa*ZYaaMa( NadqMa( this river (nad…) which is furious (ghora), very difficult to cross (su.dustara) and not to be checked (an-€dhya)

buiÖMaaNa( TariTa

a wise man crosses.” 1484

NaaiSTa k==aMaSaMaae VYaaiDaNaaRiSTa MaaehSaMaae irPau"= = ) NaaiSTa k==aePaSaMaae viöNaaRiSTa jaNaaTPar& Sau%Ma(= = )) n€sti k€ma-samo vy€dhir n€sti moha-samo ripuƒ, n€sti kopa-samo vahnir n€sti jñ€n€t paraˆ sukham

k==aMa–SaMa" VYaaiDa" Na AiSTa “There is no disease (vy€dhi) like lust (k€ma) Maaeh–SaMa" irPau" Na AiSTa there is no enemy (ripu) like illusion (moha) k==aePa–SaMa" viö" Na AiSTa there is no fire (vahni) like anger (kopa) jaNaaTa( ParMa( Sau%Ma( Na AiSTa and there is no happiness (sukha) higher than [spiritual] knowledge.” 1485

é[eYaê Pa[eYaê MaNauZYaMaeTaSTaaE SaMParqTYa ivivNai¢== Daqr" ) é[eYaae ih Daqrae= _i>aPa[eYaSaae v*aviNTa and when ruined (bhra˜a) they then become devotees (bh€gavata).” 1546

TaYaaevRTSarvaSaeNa jaTaaNYaaeNYaSv>aavYaae" ) GauåTaa iXaZYaTaa ceiTa NaaNYaQaEveiTa iNaêYa"== =)) tayor vatsara-v€sena jñ€t€nyonya-svabh€vayoƒ, gurut€ iyat€ ceti n€nyathaiveti nicayaƒ

vTSar–vaSaeNa “By their living [together] for one year (vatsara) TaYaae" jaTa–ANYaaeNYa–Sv>aavYaae" both their natures (sva-bh€va) are mutually understood (jñ€ta) ... the natures of the prospective teacher and disciple

GauåTaa iXaZYaTaa c wiTa i.e., [their] being teacher (guru.t€) and disciple (iya.t€). Na ANYaQaa Wv There is no other way wiTa iNaêYa" this is ascertained.” 1547

jaNaeNa ik]= YaYaa vaiPa Gauå" iXaZYa& Parq+aYaeTa( ) Sa&vTSar& TadDa| va TadDa| va Pa]YaTNaTa"== =)) jñ€nena kriyay€ v€pi guruƒ iyaˆ par…kayet, saˆvatsaraˆ tad-ardhaˆ v€ tad-ardhaˆ v€ prayatnataƒ

Sa&vTSarMa( Tad(–ADaRMa( va Tad(–ADaRMa( va

“For one year (saˆvatsara), six months, or [at least] three

months tad-ardham — ‘half of it’

jaNaeNa ik]= YaYaa va AiPa by his knowledge (jñ€na) and also activity (kriy€) Gauå" iXaZYaMa( Pa]YaTNaTa" Parq+aYaeTa( the teacher (guru) should test the disciple (iya) carefully.” 1548

GauraerPYaviláSYa k==aYaaRk= aYaRMaJaaNaTa" ) oTPaQaPa[iTaPa‘aSYa PairTYaaGaae ivDaqYaTae= = )) guror apy avaliptasya k€ry€k€ryam a-j€nataƒ, utpatha-pratipannasya parity€go vidh…yate

AviláSYa “If he is polluted k==aYaR–A–k==aYaRMa( A–JaaNaTa" ignorant about duty (k€rya) and non-duty (a-k€rya) oTPaQa–Pa[iTaPa‘aSYa and going the wrong path (utpatha) Gaurae" AiPa PairTYaaGa" ivDaqYaTae the rejection (parity€ga) even of one’s guru is ordained.”




GauåNaR Sa SYaaTSvJaNaae Na Sa SYaaiTPaTaa Na Sa SYaaÂNaNaq Na Saa SYaaTa( ) dEv& Na TaTSYaa‘a PaiTaê Sa SYaa‘a MaaecYaeÛ" SaMauPaeTaMa*TYauMa( )) gurur na sa sy€t sva-jano na sa sy€t pit€ na sa sy€j janan… na s€ sy€t daiv€ˆ na tat sy€n na pati ca sa sy€n n mocayed yaƒ samupeta-mtyum

Ya" SaMauPaeTa–Ma*TYauMa( Na MaaecYaeTa(

“One who can not liberate a person in saˆs€ra,

samupeta-mtyu — ‘who has attained [saˆs€ra which is characterized by] death’

Sa" Gauå" Na SYaaTa( he should not become a guru Sa" Sv–JaNa" Na SYaaTa( he should not become a relative (sva-jana) Sa" iPaTaa Na SYaaTa( he should not become a father (pit) Saa JaNaNaq Na SYaaTa( she (such a woman) should not become a mother (janan…) Tad( dEvMa( Na SYaaTa( that [deva] should not become a deity (daiva) Sa" PaiTa" c Na SYaaTa( and he should not become a husband (pati).” 1550

idVYa& jaNa& YaTaae dÛaTku= YaaRTPaaPaSYa Sa¿YaMa( ) TaSMaaÕq+aeiTa Saa Pa[ae¢= a deiXakE= STatvk==aeivdE"= = )) divyaˆ jñ€naˆ yato dady€t kury€t p€pasya sa‰kayam, tasm€d d…kseti s€ prokt€ deikais tattva-kovidaiƒ

YaTa" idVYaMa( jaNaMa( dÛaTa( “Because it can give spiritual (divya) knowledge (jñ€na) PaaPaSYa Sa¿YaMa( ku= YaaRTa( and can cause the destruction of sin (p€pa), TaSMaaTa( Saa dq+aa wiTa Pa[ae¢= a therefore it is called d…k€ Tatv–k==aeivdE" deiXakE= " by learned (tattva-kovidas) guides (deika).” 1551

YaQaa k==aÄNaTaa& YaaiTa k==a&SYa& rSaivDaaNaTa" ) TaQaa dq+aaivDaaNaeNa iÜJaTv& JaaYaTae Na*auKTva SPa*îa c Wv eating and touching [an impure object] AacaNTa" ivPa]" a br€hmaŠa (vipra) who has done €camana (€canta) ANaeNa iviDaNaa by this process (vidhi) [of €camana] XauicTaaMa( wYaaTa( he will attain purity (uci.t€).” 1560

Ga®e c YaMauNae cEv Gaaedavir SarSviTa ) NaMaRde iSaNDaae k==aveir Jale= _iSMaNSai‘iDa& ku= å= = )) ga‰ge ca yamune caiva god€vari sarasvati, narmade sindho k€veri jale ’smin sannidhiˆ kuru

Ga®e c YaMauNae c Wv “O Ga‰g€, Yamun€ Gaaedavir SarSviTa God€var…, Sarasvat… NaMaRde iSaNDaae k==aveir Narmad€, Sindhu and K€ver…! AiSMaNa( Jale Sai‘iDaMa( ku= å Please assemble in this water!” 1561

p APaiv}a"== Paiv}aae= =va== SavaRvSQaa&= =GaTaae=_iPa== va== )= =Ya"== SMareTPauYaNTar" Xauic"==)) a-pavitraƒ pavitro v€ sarv€vasth€ˆ gato ’pi v€, yaƒ smaret puŠar…k€kaˆ sa b€hy€bhyantaraƒ uciƒ

A–Paiv}a" Paiv}a" va “Whether purified (pavitra) or not purified (a-pavitra) SavR–AvSQaaMa( GaTa" AiPa va or having even gone through every condition (avasth€) [of life] Ya" PauYaa& vaGYaTa" Xauic"== =)) dhaut€‰ghri-p€Šir €camya sapavitra uda‰-mukhaƒ, kta-sv€‰ga-kara-ny€so mantr€bhy€ˆ v€g-yataƒ uciƒ

DaaETa–Ax(= iga]–PaaiaU" >auv" Sv" wTaqiTa c as well as [the vy€htis] bh™ƒ, bhuvaƒ and svaƒ Pa]JaaPaiTa" ved–}aYaaTa( iNarduhTa( the Lord (praj€pati) extracted from the three Vedas.”



... as their essence nir.aduhat (from nir.duh[a]) — he extracted 1576

Na GaaYa}Yaa" Par& JaPYa& Na VYaaôiTaSaMa& huTaMa(= = ) na g€yatry€ƒ paraˆ japyaˆ na vy€hti-samaˆ hutam

Na GaaYa}Yaa" ParMa( JaPYaMa( “There is no better [mantra] for japa than the G€yatr… Na VYaaôiTa–SaMaMa( huTaMa( and there is no [mantra] for sacrifice equal to the Vy€hti.” 1577

SaivTaa== devTaa== YaSYaa== Mau:aMaiGNaiS}aDaa== iSQaTa"== )= =ivìaiMa}a== ‰izX^Ndae= =GaaYa}aq== Saa== iviXaZYaTae= = )) savit€ devat€ yasy€ mukham agnis tridh€ sthitaƒ, viv€mitra i chando g€yatr… s€ viiyate

YaSYaa" devTaa SaivTaa “Whose deity (devat€) is the sun (Savit) Mau:aMa( AiGNa" i}aDaa iSQaTa" [at whose] mouth (mukha) is situated the threefold (tridh€) fire (agni) ‰iz" ivìaiMa}a" whose author (i — sage) is Viv€mitra ^Nd" GaaYa}aq and whose meter (chandas) is the G€yatr… meter — Saa iviXaZYaTae that [Brahma-g€yatr…] is best.” 1578

TaTSaivTauvRreaGaaeR devSYa DaqMaih== =) iDaYaae Yaae Na" Pa]caedYaaTa(= = ) tat savitur vareŠyaˆ bhargo devasya dh…mahi, dhiyo yo naƒ pracoday€t This verse from ¬g-Veda 3.62.10 is said to be the oldest known prayer of mankind. It is a meditation on Savit (‘who sets in motion’), the divinity of the sun, S™rya-N€r€yaŠa. His effulgence (bhargaƒ 〈2.1〉 n. bhargas) shall inspire the intelligence (dhiyaƒ 〈2.3〉 f. dh…) of the worshiper. In ®ukla-yajur-Veda 36.3 the mantra is preceeded by om and the mah€-vy€htis bh™r, bhuvaƒ and svaƒ. 1579

SaVYaaôiTa& SaPa]aveTa(= =)= =GaaYa}aq== ParMaae= =MaN}aSTa&= =JaPTva== >aui¢==Maui¢==>aak(= = =)) oˆk€raƒ paramo mantras taˆ japtv€ c€maro bhavet, g€yatr… paramo mantras taˆ japtv€ bhukti-mukti-bh€k

Aae& NaMaae NaaraYaaGavTae vaSaudevaYa SavRd"== =))

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oˆ namo n€r€yaŠ€ya mantraƒ sarv€rtha-s€dhakaƒ, oˆ namo bhagavate v€sudev€ya sarvadaƒ

Aae&k= ar" ParMa" MaN}a" “Om is the best mantra, TaMa( JaPTva c AMar" >aveTa( [after] repeating it one becomes immortal. GaaYa}aq ParMa" MaN}a" The G€yatr… is the best mantra TaMa( JaPTva >aui¢==–Maui¢==–>aak(= [after] repeating it one attains enjoyment (bhukti) [here] and liberation (mukti) [there].

p NaMaae NaaraYaaGavTae vaSaudevaYa Oˆ namo bhagavate v€sudev€ya SavR–d" [this mantra] gives everything.” 1582

©==I& k*= ZaaYa Svaha== =) kl…ˆ kŠ€ya govind€ya gop…-jana-vallabh€ya sv€h€ 1583

©==I& k==aMadevaYa ivÚhe PauZPabaaveTa(= =)) surare vihit€ €stre harim uddiya y€ kriy€, saiva bhaktir iti prokt€ tay€ bhaktiƒ par€ bhavet

Saur–‰ze “O N€rada, sage among the devas (sura)! Yaa i§==Yaa That activity (kriy€) which is Xaañe ivihTaa hirMa( oiÕXYa prescribed in scripture and aimed at the [satisfaction of the] Lord (Hari), Saa Wv >ai¢==" wiTa Pa[ae¢= a that is called (1) service ([s€dhana-] bhakti), TaYaa Para >ai¢==" >aveTa( and by that comes (2) transcendental love (par€ bhakti).” 1586

Saa >ai¢==" SaaDaNa& >aav" Pa]eMa ceiTa i}aDaaeidTaa== =) s€ bhaktiƒ s€dhanaˆ bh€vaƒ prema ceti tridhodit€

SaaDaNaMa( >aav" Pa]eMa c wiTa “S€dhana-, bh€va- and prema-bhakti — Saa >ai¢==" i}aDaa oidTaa that bhakti is said to be threefold.” 1587

Pa]aYaiêta& Tau ParMa& Pa]PaitaSTaSYa ke= vlMa(= = ) pr€yacittaˆ tu paramaˆ prapattis tasya kevalam

ParMaMa( Pa]aYaiêtaMa( Tau “And the highest atonement (pr€yacitta) TaSYa ke= vlMa( Pa]Paita" is surrender to Him only.” 1588

SaTSa®" ke= Xave >ai¢==GaR®aM>aiSa iNaMaÂNaMa( ) ASaare %lu Sa&Saare }aqiaiSa iNaMaÂNaMa( and bathing in the water (ambhas) of the Ga‰g€ — A–Saare %lu/ Sa&Saare in the actually useless material world (saˆs€ra) }aqiaGavÙi¢==hqNaSYa JaaiTa" Xaañ& JaPaSTaPa" ) APa[aai¢==–hqNaSYa “Of one without devotion (bhakti) to the Lord (Bhagav€n) JaaiTa" XaañMa( JaPa" TaPa" [all his good] birth (j€ti), learning (€stra), recitation (japa) and austerity (tapas),

A–Pa[aaUTa–SaGaaŒ there are two creations (sarga) of beings (bh™ta) — dEv" AaSaur" Wv c godly (daiva) and demoniac (€sura).

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ivZa¢==" dEv" SMa*Ta" A devotee (bhakta) of the Lord (ViŠu) is called daiva Tad(–ivPaYaRYa" AaSaur" his opposite [is called] €sura.” 1591

SaªLPa& c TaQaa daNa& iPaTa*devacRNaaidk==Ma( ) ivZaJaNai§==Yaa ) TaTaae= _NaQaRiNav*ita" SYaataTaae iNaïa åicSTaTa"== =)) €dau raddh€ tataƒ s€dhu-sa‰go ’tha bhajana-kriy€, tato ’n€rtha-nivttiƒ sy€t tato ni˜h€ rucis tataƒ

AQaaSai¢==STaTaae >aavSTaTa" Pa[eMaa>YaudÄiTa ) SaaDak==aNaaMaYa& Pa[eMaJaNa–i§==Yaa then (3) performance (kriy€) of regulated service/ worship (bhajana) TaTa" ANaQaR–iNav*ita" SYaaTa( then there will be (4) cessation (nivtti) of bad habits (anartha) TaTa" iNaïa TaTa" åic" AQa AaSai¢==" then (5) steadiness (ni˜h€), then (6) taste (ruci), then (7) attachment (€sakti)

TaTa" >aav" TaTa" Pa[eMa A>YaudÄiTa then (8) emotion (bh€va), and then rises (9) love (prema) — SaaDak==aNaaMa( for practitioners (s€dhaka)



AYaMa( Pa[eMaveTa(

this is the order (krama) in the appearance (pr€durbh€va) of love

(prema).” 1596

vaGv*Ö& }aaYaTae é]Öa MaNaaev*Ö& c >aarTa ) é]Öav*Ö& vax(= MaNaSaq Na k==MaR }aaTauMahRiTa== =)) v€g-vddhaˆ tr€yate raddh€ mano-vddhaˆ ca bh€rata, raddh€-vddhaˆ v€‰-manas… na karma tr€tum arhati

>aarTa “O Yudhi˜hira! é]Öa Faith vak(= –v*ÖMa( k==MaR }aaYaTae saves a ceremony (karman) destroyed (vddha) by [wrong] speech (v€c) MaNa"–v*ÖMa( c or [wrong] thoughts (manas), vak(= –MaNaSaq [but correct] speech and mind é]Öa–v*ÖMa( Na }aaTauMa( AhRiTa are not able to save [a ceremony] destroyed by [a want of] faith.” 1597

MahaPa[Saade GaaeivNde NaaMab]øiaJaiTa

then it worships Me.” ... and attains Me, which is its natural position 1600

+aaiNTarVYaQaRk= alTv& ivri¢==MaaRNaXaUNYaTaa ) AaXaabNDa" SaMauTk==aavax(= ku= re JaNae= = )) €saktis tad-guŠ€khy€ne pr…tis tad-vasati-sthale, ity-€dayo ’nubh€v€ƒ syur j€ta-bh€v€‰kure jane

+aaiNTa" A–VYaQaR–k==alTvMa( “Forbearance (k€nti), not wasting time ivri¢==" MaaNa–XaUNYaTaa detachment (virakti), no pride (m€na) AaXaa–bNDa" SaMauTk==aava" SYau" these [nine] symptoms will manifest.” 1601

MaçaNaaMaXaiNaNa*RaUTak*= ÙUTa>a*Ùavae >aUTaaTMaa >aUTa>aavNa"== =)) vivaˆ viŠur vaa˜-k€ro bh™ta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuƒ, bh™ta-kd bh™ta-bhd bh€vo bh™t€tm€ bh™tabh€vanaƒ

ivìMa( ivZaUTa–>aVYa–>avTa(–Pa]>au" >aUTa–k*= Ta( >aUTa–>a*Ta( >aav" >aUTa–AaTMaa >aUTa–>aavNa" [Names of the Lord:]


Na deXak==alavSQaaTMaXauÖyaidk==MaPae+aTae= = ) na dea-k€l€vasth€tma- uddhy-€dikam apekate

deXa–k==al–AvSQaa– “Place (dea), time (k€la), circumstances (avasth€) –AaTMaXauiÖ–Aaidk==Ma( purity (uddhi) of the body (€tman), etc. Na APae+aTae He (the holy name) does not consider.” 1635

ATa" é[qk*= Zaved( Ga]aùiMaiNd]YaE" ) SaevaeNMau%e ih iJaûadaE SvYaMaev Sfu= rTYad"== =)) ataƒ r…-kŠa-n€m€di na bhaved gr€hyam indriyaiƒ, sevonmukhe hi jihv€dau svayam eva sphuraty adaƒ

ATa" é[q–k*= ZalaizTaaXaUNYa& jaNak==MaaRÛNaav*TaMa( ) AaNaukU= LYaeNa k*= Zai¢==åtaMaa== =)) any€bhil€it€-™nyaˆ jñ€na-karm€dy-an-€vtam, €nuk™lyena kŠ€nu…lanaˆ bhaktir uttam€

ANYa–Ai>alaizTaa–XaUNYaMa( “Which is free (™nya) from other desires jaNa–k==MaR–Aaid–ANa(–Aav*TaMa( and not covered by jñ€na, karma, etc. ... by conceptions of liberation, heavenly reward [or yogic perfections], etc.

AaNaukU= LYaeNa k*= Zai¢=="

[is called] uttam€ bhakti.” 1649

Tatae= _Nauk= MPaa& SauSaMaq+aMaaauÅaNa WvaTMak*= Ta& ivPaak==Ma( ) ôÜaGvPaui>aRivRdDa‘aMaSTae JaqveTa Yaae Maui¢==Pade Sa daYa>aak(= )) tat te ’nukamp€ˆ susam…kam€Šo bhuñj€na ev€tma-ktaˆ vip€kam hd-v€g-vapurbhir vidadhan namaste j…veta yo mukti-pade sa d€ya-bh€k

Tad( Tae ANauk= MPaaMa( SauSaMaq+aMaaaR" Tae NaMa" ivdDaNa(

offering obeisance (namas) to You with heart (hd), words (v€c) and

body (vapus) ... i.e., engaging in the processes of s€dhana-bhakti, beginning with hearing

Ya" JaqveTa one who lives [thus], Sa" Maui¢==–Pade daYa–>aak(= he is a heir to the [supreme] abode of liberation (mukti).” 1650

Xa*ad]aiada Maae+algauTaak*= TSaudulR>aa ) SaaNd]aNaNdivXaezaTMaa é[qk*= Zaa

(3) makes liberation (moka) [appear] insignificant, (4) is very rare


SaaNd]–AaNaNd–ivXaezaTMaa (5) is characterized by intense (s€ndra) bliss (€nanda) é[q–k*= ZaUYaae ivvXa" Pa[aYaiêtaMaQaae k==QaMa(= = )) d˜a-rut€bhy€ˆ yat p€paˆ j€nann apy €tmano ’hitam, karoti bh™yo vivaaƒ pr€yacittam atho katham

Kvici‘avTaRTae= _>ad]aTKvicÀriTa TaTPauNa" ) Pa[aYaiêtaMaQaae= _PaaQa| MaNYae ku= ÅrXaaEcvTa(= = )) kvacin nivartate ’bhadr€t kvacic carati tat punaƒ, pr€yacittam atho ’p€rthaˆ manye kuñjara-aucavat

... Pa[aYaiêtaaiNa cqad]aTa( iNavTaRTae Sometimes one refrains from what is inauspicious (a-bhadra) Kvicd( Tad( PauNa" criTa sometimes one does it again, AQaae Pa[aYaiêtaMa( APaaQaRMa( MaNYae therefore I consider atonement (pr€yacitta) as useless (apa.artha) ku= År–XaaEcvTa( like an elephant’s bath (auca). ... After bathing, the elephant throws dust on his body.

raJaeNd] [®ukadeva replied:] O King [Par…kit]! cqa" ) NaaDaMaRJa& TaÖ*dYa& TadPaqXaax(= iga]SaevYaa== =)) tais t€ny agh€ni p™yante tapo-d€na-vrat€dibhiƒ, n€dharma-jaˆ tad-dhdayaˆ tad ap…€‰ghri-sevay€

TaE" TaPa"–daNa–v]Ta–Aaidi>a"

“By those [atonements], like austerities (tapas) [of fasting], charity (d€na)

and vows (vrata) [of japa]

TaaiNa AgaaiNa PaUYaNTae those sins (agha) are destroyed, Na A–DaMaR–JaMa( Tad(–ôdYaMa( but not their core (hdaya — ‘heart’), born from [the performance of] sin; ... not the subtle form of those sins performed, called saˆsk€ra

wRXa–Ax(= iga]–SaevYaa Tad( AiPa

[but] by service (sev€) to the feet of the Lord (…a) even that [is

destroyed].” 1655

APa[arBDaf==l& PaaPa& kU= $=& bqJa& f==laeNMau%Ma( ) §==MaeaGaviTa Aik==ÄNaa >ai¢=="

“Desireless (a-kiñcana — ‘without anything’) devotion (bhakti) to the Lord



one who has [such devotion],



SavER" GauaaeDaaE ik&= +aud]E" %aTak==aedkE= "= = )) yasya bhaktir bhagavati harau niƒreyasevare, vikr…ato ’mt€mbhodhau kiˆ kudraiƒ kh€takodakaiƒ

iNa"é[eYaSa–wRìre >aGaviTa hraE “In Lord ViŠu (Hari), the giver (…vara — ‘lord’) of liberation YaSYa >ai¢==" for one who has devotion (bhakti), AMa*Ta–AM>aaeDaaE iv§==I@Ta" for him who is [thus] playing in an ocean (ambhodhi) of nectar (amta) ik==Ma( +aud]E" %aTak==–odkE= " what is the use of small ditch-waters.” 1661

Maui¢&= ddaiTa k==ihRicTSMa Na >ai¢==YaaeGaMa(= = ) muktiˆ dad€ti karhicit sma na bhakti-yogam

k==ihRicd( “Sometimes Maui¢==Ma( ddaiTa SMa He (the Lord) gave liberation (mukti) Na >ai¢==–YaaeGaMa( [but] not bhakti.” 1662

jaNaTa" Saul>aa Maui¢==>auRi¢==YaRjaidPauaa== =)) jñ€nataƒ sulabh€ muktir bhuktir yajñ€di-puŠyataƒ, seyaˆ s€dhana-s€hasrair hari-bhaktiƒ sudurlabh€

Maui¢==" jaNaTa" Saul>aa “Liberation (mukti) is easy to obtain by spiritual knowledge (jñ€na) >aui¢==" Yaj–Aaid–PauYaTae ) Ta}a laELYaMaiPa MaULYaMaek= l& JaNMak==aei$=Sauk*= TaENaR l>YaTae )) kŠa-bhakti-rasa-bh€vit€ matiƒ kr…yat€ˆ yadi kuto ’pi labhyate tatra laulyam api m™lyam ekalaˆ janma-ko˜i-suktair na labhyate

k*= Zai¢==–rSa–>aaivTaa MaiTa"

“One’s consciousness (mati) absorbed (bh€vita) into the mellow (rasa)

of love of God (KŠa)

Yaid ku= Ta" AiPa k]= IYaTaaMa( if [this] can be obtained somewhere l>YaTae it should be purchased. Ta}a Wk==lMa( MaULYaMa( laELYaMa( AiPa And for this the only price (m™lya) is eagerness (laulya) JaNMa–k==aei$=–Sauk*= TaE" Na l>YaTae it is not obtained by the pieties (sukta) of millions of births.” 1664

Sau:a& vEziYak&= b]aøMaEìr& ceiTa TaiT}aDaa== =) sukhaˆ vaiayikaˆ br€hmam aivaraˆ ceti tat tridh€

vEziYak==Ma( b]aøMa( WeìrMa( c

“From material enjoyment, liberation and devotion — vaiayika — ‘relating to via (sense gratification); br€hma — ‘relating to brahma (spirit); aivara — ‘relating to …a (the Lord)’

wiTa Tad( Sau:aMa( i}aDaa

thus that happiness (sukha) is threefold.” 1665

b]øaNaNdae >avedez ceTParaDaRGauai¢==revENa& dXaRYaiTa== =) >ai¢==vXa" Pauåz"== =) >ai¢==rev >aUYaSaq== =) bhaktir evainaˆ nayati, bhaktir evainaˆ darayati, bhakti-vaaƒ puruaƒ, bhaktir eva bh™yas…

>ai¢==" Wv >ai¢==" Wv >ai¢==–vXa" >ai¢==" Wv

WNaMa( NaYaiTa “Only bhakti reaches Him WNaMa( dXaRYaiTa only bhakti reveals Him Pauåz" the Lord (purua) is controlled by bhakti >aUYaSaq only bhakti is greater [than His control].” 1667

YaQaa vaTarQaae ga]aaaTae k==r–dXaRNaMa( [thus should be] the vision of the hand in the morning.” 1672

SaMaud]vSaNae deiv PavRTaSTaNaMaia& SaureXa& ivìaDaar& GaGaNaSad*Xa& Maegavaa®Ma( ) l+Maqk==aNTa& k==MalNaYaNa& YaaeiGa>a*d( DYaaNaGaMYa& vNde ivZav>aYahr& SavRlaekE= k= NaaQaMa( )) €nt€k€raˆ bhujaga-ayanaˆ padma-n€bhaˆ sureaˆ viv€dh€raˆ gagana-sadaˆ megha-varŠaˆ ubh€‰gam lakm…-k€ntaˆ kamala-nayanaˆ yogi-bhd dhy€na-gamyaˆ vande viŠuˆ bhava-bhaya-haraˆ sarvalokaika-n€tham

XaaNTa–Aak==arMa( >auJaGa–XaYaNaMa(

“Who is the form (€k€ra) of peace, lying on the snake [Ananta]

bhuja-ga — ‘going in curves’, a snake

PaÚ–Naa>aMa( Saur–wRXaMa( with a lotus-navel, Lord of the devas (sura) ivì–AaDaarMa( GaGaNa–Sad*XaMa( upholder of the world (viva), like the sky (gagana) Maega–va–A®Ma( of the color of a [rain-] cloud (megha), with beautiful limbs (a‰ga) l+Maq–k==aNTaMa( k==Mal–NaYaNaMa( beloved (k€nta) of Lakm…, with lotus-eyes YaaeiGa–>a*Ta( DYaaNa–GaMYaMa( maintainer of the yog…s, to be approached by meditation (dhy€na) >av–>aYa–hrMa( SavR–laek= –Wk==–NaaQaMa( who takes the fear (bhaya) of material existence (bhava), and is the only master (n€tha) of all the worlds (loka)

ivZaSTaeza& JaYaSTaeza& ku= TaSTaeza& Para>av" ) YaezaiMaNdqvrXYaaMaae ôdYaSQaae JaNaadRNa"== =)) l€bhas te€ˆ jayas te€ˆ kutas te€ˆ par€bhavaƒ, ye€m ind…vara-y€mo hdaya-stho jan€rdanaƒ

wNdqvr–XYaaMa" JaNaadRNa" “The Lord (Jan€rdana), who is dark (y€ma) like a blue lotus YaezaMa( ôdYa–SQa" in whose heart (hdaya) He stays, TaezaMa( la>a" TaezaMa( JaYa" for them there is [all] gain (l€bha) and victory (jaya), ku= Ta" TaezaMa( Para>av" how can be defeat (par€bhava) for them?” 1678

Ahae æPaMahae XaqlMahae XaaiSTarhae dYaa ) Ahae SauiNaMaRla +aaiNTarhae Satv& GauarMaTae [naturally] takes pleasure in a boy (yuvan) YaQaa YaUNaaMa( c YauvTaaE and as [the mind] of boys [does] in a girl, TaÜTa( MaNa" TviYa Ai>arMaTaaMa( may [my] mind similarly take pleasure in You!” 1680

ié[Yaae iNavaSaae YaSYaaer" PaaNaPaa}a& Mau%& d*XaaMa( ) bahvae laek= PaalaNaa& Saar®aaUTa( ®iva became accomplished (iva — auspicious), DYaaTau" MaNa"–XaMal–XaEl–iNaSa*í–vJa]Ma( [and which act like] a thunderbolt (vajra) hurled (nis˜a) on the mountain (aila) of sin (amala) in the mind of the meditator (dhy€t),

>aGavTa" cravTPadaM>aaeJaSauDaak==avTa(–Pad–AM>aaeJa–SauDaa–k==avaMbuiDavRTSaPad& Par& Pad& Pad& Pad& YaiÜPada& Na TaezaMa( )) sam€rit€ ye pada-pallava-plavaˆ mahat-padaˆ puŠya-yao mur€reƒ bhav€mbudhir vatsa-padaˆ paraˆ padaˆ padaˆ padaˆ yad vipad€ˆ na te€m

MahTa(–PadMa( “[Which boat is] the shelter of great souls Paua" ) Ah& TairZYaaiMa durNTaPaar& TaMaae Mauku= Ndax(= iga]iNazevYaEv )) et€ˆ sa €sth€ya par€tma-ni˜h€m adhy€sit€ˆ p™rvatamair maharibhiƒ ahaˆ tariy€mi duranta-p€raˆ tamo mukund€‰ghri-nievayaiva

WTaaMa( ParaTMa–iNaïaMa( AaSQaaYa “After accepting (€sth€ya) this transcendental faith (par€tma-ni˜h€) PaUvRTaMaE" MahizRi>a" ADYaaiSaTaaMa( which was established (adhy€sita) by ancient sages (mahari) Sa" AhMa( I, that very person Mauku= Nd–Ax(= iga]–iNazevYaa Wv simply by worship (niev€) of the feet (a‰ghri) of the Lord (Mukunda) mukun-da — ‘who gives liberation’

durNTa–PaarMa( TaMa" TairZYaaiMa

will cross the insurmountable ignorance (tamas).” 1686

TaSYaarivNdNaYaNaSYa PadarivNdik==ÅLk==iMaé[TaulSaqMak==rNdvaYau" ) ANTaGaRTa" SvivvreaMa+arJauzaMaiPa ictaTaNvae" )) tasy€ravinda-nayanasya pad€ravinda-kiñjalka-mira-tulas…-makaranda-v€yuƒ antar-gataƒ sva-vivareŠa cak€ra te€ˆ sa‰kobham akara-ju€m api citta-tanvoƒ

TaSYa ArivNd–NaYaNaSYa “Of that lotus-eyed [Lord] Pad–ArivNd–ik==ÅLk==–iMaé[–TaulSaq–Mak==rNd–vaYau" the air (v€yu) with the fragrance of Tulas… [buds], mixed with the ‘saffron’ of [His] lotus feet kiñjalka — saffron; (here:) the toes of His feet compared to the saffron of a lotus; makaranda — ‘honey’, fragrance

Sv–ivvre>> saƒ a‰gati √agha...PaaPa–k==r>> saƒ aghayati √agh[i]...GaiTa–Aa+aePae

) GaTYaa+aePaae veGaGaiTaGaRTYaarM>aae va — to go fast; begin >>> saƒ a‰ghate

√a‰k[a]...l+a>> saƒ a‰kayati √aj[a]...GaTaaE

+aePa>> saƒ ajati √añc[u]...GaiTa–PaUJaNaYaae" — to go; worship >>> saƒ añcati √añj[™]...VYai¢==–Ma]+a>> saƒ anakti, ... √a˜[a]...GaTaaE — to go (wander) >>> saƒ a˜ati, ... √at[a]...SaaTaTYaGaMaNae — to go constantly >>> saƒ atati √ad[a]...>a+a>> saƒ atti √an[a]...Pa[a>> saƒ aniti; €tman — self √andha...d*íyuPagaaTae — to become blind >>> saƒ andhayati √abhr[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ abhrati √am[a] 1P...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ amati √am[a] 10P...raeGae — to be sick >>> saƒ €mayati √ay[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ ayati, ... √arc[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> saƒ arcati; arcana, arc€ — worship √arj[a] 1P...AÂRNae — to earn >>> saƒ arjati √arj[a] 10P...Pa[iTaYaTNae — to make complete (acquire) >>> saƒ arjayati √artha...oPaYaaÁaYaaMa( — to request, beg >>> saƒ arthayate; artha — purpose, wealth; pr€rthan€ — prayer √ard[a] 1P...GaTaaE YaacNae c — to go; beg >>> saƒ ardati √ard[a] 10A...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ ardayati, ... √arh[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to be worthy, fit, able >>> saƒ arhati √av[a]...PaalNae — to protect >>> saƒ avati √a[a]...>aaeJaNae — to eat, enjoy >>> saƒ an€ti; mah€ana — all-devouring √a[™‰]...VYaaáaE — to pervade, heap >>> saƒ anute √as[a] 1U...GaTaaE dqiPTa–AadaNaYaaeê — to go; shine; take >>> saƒ asati √as[a] 2P...>auiv — to be, exist >>> saƒ asti; sat — existent, good; satya — truth; sattva — existence, goodness √as[u]...+aePa>> saƒ asyati; abhy€sa — practice √ah[i]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ aˆhate √€ch[i]...AaYaaMae — to lengthen >>> saƒ €ñchati

[email protected] √€ndola...calNae — to swing >>> saƒ €ndolayati √€p[†]...VYaaPTaaE — to reach, obtain >>> saƒ €pnoti (with pra.: pr€pnoti); pr€pti — acquisition √€s[a]...oPaveXaNae

ivÛMaaNaTaaYaa& c — to sit; be present >>> saƒ €ste; €sana — seat

√i...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ ayati √i[k]...SMar>> saƒ adhyeti √i[‰]...ADYaYaNae — to study >>> saƒ adh…te √i[Š]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ eti; anvaya — sequence √ikh[a]...GaTYaQaaR" — to go >>> saƒ ekhati, ... √ig[i]...GaTYaQaaR" — to go, flicker >>> saƒ i‰gati, ... √id[i]...ParMaEìYaeR — to lord >>> saƒ indati √[ñi]indh[…]...dqáaE — to shine, kindle >>> saƒ indhe √il[a]...Pa[er>> saƒ elayati √iv[i]...VYaaáaE — to pervade >>> saƒ invati √i[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ iyati √i[u]...wC^aYaaMa( — to wish, desire >>> saƒ icchati; icch€ — wish, desire √…...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ ayati √…...GaiTa–VYaaiá–Pa[JaNaNa–k==aiNTa–ASaNa–%adNaezu — to go; pervade; procreate, desire, throw, eat >>> saƒ eti √…k[a]...dXaRNae — to see >>> saƒ …kate; apek€ — expectation; upek€ — neglect; par…k€ — test; prat…k€ — waiting for √…kh[i]...GaTYaQaaR" — to go >>> saƒ …khati √…[a]...STauTaaE — to praise >>> saƒ i˜˜e √…r[a] 2A...GaTaaE

k==MPaNae c — to go; shake >>> saƒ …rte √…r[a] 10P...Pa[er>> saƒ …rayati √…ry[a]...wRZYaaRYaaMa( — to envy >>> saƒ …ryati √…[a]...WeìYaeR — to lord >>> saƒ …˜e √…h[a]...ceía–vaH^Yaae" — to endeavor; desire >>> saƒ …hate √uk[a]...SaecNae — to sprinkle >>> saƒ ukati √ukh[a]...GaTYaQaaR" — to go >>> saƒ okhati √uc[a]...SaMavaYae — to gather together >>> saƒ ucyati √ucch[…]...ivvaSae — to finish, abandon >>> saƒ ucchati √uch[i]...oH^e — to gather >>> saƒ uñchati √ujjh[a]...oTSaGaeR — to leave >>> saƒ ujjhati √und[…]...©e= dNae — to wet >>> saƒ unatti √umbh[a]...PaUr>> saƒ umbhati √ubj[a]...AaJaRve — to make straight >>> saƒ ubjati √ubh[a]...PaUr>> saƒ ubhati √urv[…]...ih&SaaQaaR" — to harm >>> saƒ urvati √u[a]...dahe — to burn >>> saƒ oati √™na...Pairha>> saƒ ™nayati √™y[…]...TaNTauSaNTaaNae — to weave, sew >>> saƒ ™yate


622 √™rj[a]–Pa[a>> saƒ ka˜ati √ka˜h[i]...Xaaeke= — to be anxious >>> saƒ kaŠ˜hate √ka[i]...TauzaPak==r>> saƒ kaŠati, ... √katth[a]...AaTMaëagaaYaaMa( — to praise oneself >>> saƒ katthate √katha...vaKYaPa[bNDae — to tell >>> saƒ kathayati; kath€ — narration, story √kap[i]...clNae — to move, shake >>> saƒ kampate; kapi — monkey; anukamp€ — mercy √kam[u]...k==aNTaaE ) k==aiNTairC^a — to desire >>> saƒ k€mayate; k€ma — desire √kala...GaTaaE Sa«yaNae c — to go; count >>> saƒ kalayati √kav[]...v>> saƒ kavate √ka[a]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm, scratch >>> saƒ kaati √kas[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ kasati √kas[i]...GaiTaXaaSaNaYaae" — to go; destroy >>> saƒ kaˆste, ... √k€k[i]...k==a¿aYaaMa( — to desire >>> saƒ k€‰kati; €k€‰k€ — expectation √k€[]...dqPTaaE — to shine >>> saƒ k€ate; prak€a — light √k€s[]...k==aSaraeGaXaBde — to cough >>> saƒ k€sate √kit[a]...iNavaSae raeGa–APaNaYaNae Sa&XaYae c — to dwell; cure; doubt >>> saƒ ketati √ku...XaBde — to sound (hum) >>> saƒ kauti √ku[‰]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ kavate, ... √kuc[a] 1P...k==aEi$=LYae — to be crooked (cheat) >>> saƒ kocati √kuc[a] 6P...Saªaece — to contract, withdraw >>> saƒ kucati √kuñc[a]...k==aEi$=LYaa–ALPaq>aavYaae" — to make crooked, be crooked; lessen >>> saƒ kuñcati √ku˜[a]...k==aEi$=LYae — to be crooked >>> saƒ ku˜ati √ku˜˜[a]...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ ku˜˜ayati √kuŠa...AaMaN}a>> saƒ kuŠayati √kuts[a]...Av+aePa>> saƒ kutsayate √kuth[a]...PauTaq>aave — to become putrid >>> saƒ kuthyati √kuth[i]...ih&Saa–Sax(= ©e= XaYaae" — to harm; suffer >>> saƒ kunthati √kunth[a]...Sax(= ©e= Xae — to suffer >>> saƒ kuthn€ti

[email protected]


√kup[a]...k==aePae — to be angry >>> saƒ kupyati √kum€ra...k]= I@aYaaMa( — to play >>> saƒ kum€rayati √ku[a]...iNaZk==zeR — to take out >>> saƒ kuŠ€ti √kusm[a]...ku= SMaYae — to smile rudely >>> saƒ kusmayate √kuha...ivSMaaPa>> saƒ kuhayate √k™[‰]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ kuvate, ... √k™j[a]...AVYa¢e

= XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ k™jati √k™˜[a]...APa[Saade — to displease >>> saƒ k™˜ayate √k™rd[a]...k]= I@aYaaMa( — to play >>> saƒ k™rdate √k[ñ]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ kŠoti, ... √[u]k[ñ] 8U...k==r>> saƒ karoti, ...; kart€ — doer; karma, kriy€ — work; k€raŠa — cause; k€rya — effect, duty; kara — hand; karaŠa — instrument; anukaraŠa — imitation; vy€karaŠa — explanation, grammar √kt[…] 6P...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ kntati √kp[™]...SaaMaQYaeR — to be able >>> saƒ kalpate; kalpa — imagination, creation, day of Brahm€ √kv[i]...iJagaa&SaaYaaMa( — to seek to kill, hurt >>> saƒ kŠoti √k[a]...TaNaUk= r>> saƒ kyati √k[a]...ivle%Nae attracts’

Aak==zR>> saƒ karati, ...; ki — ploughing, agriculture; kŠa — ‘one who

√kŽ...iv+aePae — to throw >>> saƒ kirati √[u]kŽ[ñ]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ kŠ€ti √kŽt[a]...Sa&XaBdNae — to glorify >>> saƒ k…rtayati; k…rti — glory; k…rtana — glorification √kai...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ k€yati √knu[ñ]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ knun€ti, ... √kn™y[…]...XaBde

oNde c — to sound; be wet >>> saƒ kn™yate √krath[a]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ krathati, ... √krad[i] 1A...vE©= ve — to grieve >>> saƒ krandate √krad[i] 1P...AaûaNae raedNae c — to call; cry >>> saƒ krandati √kram[u]...Paadiv+aePae — to walk >>> saƒ kramate, ... √[u]kr…[ñ]...d]VYaiviNaMaYae — to exchange (buy, sell) >>> saƒ kr…Š€ti √kr…[]...ivhare — to play >>> saƒ kr…ati √kruñc[a]...k==aEi$=LYa–ALPaq>aavYaae" — to make/be crooked; lessen >>> saƒ kruñcati √krudh[a]...k]= aeDae — to be angry >>> saƒ krudhyati √kru[a]...AaûaNae — to call out, cry >>> saƒ kroati √klam[u]...GlaNaaE — to be tired >>> saƒ kl€myati √klid[™]...Aad]s>aave — to be wet >>> saƒ klidyati √kli[a]...oPaTaaPae — to suffer >>> saƒ kliyate √kli[™]...ivbaDaNae — to torment >>> saƒ klin€ti √kl…v[]...ADaaíyeR — to be timid >>> saƒ kl…vate √kle[a]...baDaNae — to torment >>> saƒ kleate √kvaŠ[a]...XaBde — to sound (hum, trinkle) >>> saƒ kvaŠati



√kvath[e]...iNaZPaake= — to boil, decoct >>> saƒ kvathati √kaŠ[u]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ kaŠoti, ... √kam[™]...SahNae — to tolerate, forgive >>> saƒ kamate, ...; kam€ — forgiveness √kar[a]...SaÄlNae — to flow, perish >>> saƒ karati √kal[a]...XaaEce — to wash >>> saƒ k€layati (with pra.: prak€layati) √ki 1P...+aYae — to decay >>> saƒ kayati √ki 6P...iNavaSa–GaTYaae" — to dwell; go >>> saƒ kiyati √kiŠ[u]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ kiŠoti, ... √kip[a]...Pa[er>> saƒ kipati, ... √k…v[]...Made — to be drunk >>> saƒ k…bate √[˜u]ku...XaBde — to sound (cough, sneeze) >>> saƒ kauti √kud[ir]...SaMPaez>> saƒ kuŠatti, ... √kudh[a]...bu>au+aaYaaMa( — to be hungry >>> saƒ kudhyati √kubh[a]...SaÄlNae — to be agitated >>> saƒ kobhate, ... √kur[a]...ivle%Nae — to draw, scratch (make lines) >>> saƒ kurati √kai...+aYae — to diminish, decay >>> saƒ k€yati √kŠu...TaeJaNae — to sharpen >>> saƒ kŠauti √km€y[…]...ivDaUNaNae — to tremble >>> saƒ km€yate √[ñi]kvid[€]...SNaehNae

MaaecNae c — to love, melt (be oily); release >>> saƒ kvedate, ...

√khaj[i]...GaiTavEk= LYae — to limp >>> saƒ khañjati √kha[a]...>aede — to break >>> saƒ kh€ayati √kha[i] 1A...MaNQae — to churn >>> saƒ khaŠate √kha[i] 10P...>aede — to break >>> saƒ khaŠayat √khan[u]...Avdar>> saƒ khanati √khav[a]...>aUiTaPa[adu>aaRve — to come forth, be born again >>> saƒ khaun€ti √kh€d[]...>a+a>> saƒ kh€dati √khid[a] 4,7A...dENYae — to be distressed (be humble) >>> saƒ khidyate √khid[a] 6P...PairgaaTae — to strike >>> saƒ khindati √khur[a]...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ khurati √khel[]...ivhare — to play >>> saƒ khelati; kheli — play; rati-kheli — amorous pastime √khol[]...GaiTaPa[iTagaaTae — to limp >>> saƒ kholati √khy€...Pa[k= QaNae — to tell >>> saƒ khy€ti; vy€khy€ — explanation √gaŠ[a]...Sa«yaNae — to count >>> saƒ gaŠayati √gad[a]...VYa¢==aYaa&

vaic — to speak >>> saƒ gadati

√gad…...devXaBde — to thunder >>> saƒ gadayati √gam[†]...GaTaaE — to go (with €.: to come) >>> saƒ gacchati; gati — movement, goal √garj[a]...XaBde — to sound (roar) >>> saƒ garjati, ... √gard[a]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ gardati, ... √gardh[a]...Ai>ak==a¿aYaaMa( — to crave >>> saƒ gardhayati

[email protected] √garv[a]...dPaeR — to be proud >>> saƒ garvati √garh[a]...ku= TSaaYaaMa( — to criticize >>> saƒ garhate √gal[a] 1P...AdNae

Xa&SaNae c — to eat; praise >>> saƒ galati √gal[a] 10A...óv>> saƒ galayate √galbh[a]...DaaíyeR — to be bold >>> saƒ galbhate √galh[a]...ku= TSaaYaaMa( — to criticize >>> saƒ galhate √gavea...MaaGaR>> saƒ gaveayati, ... √g€[‰]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ g€te √g€dh[]...Pa[iTaïaYaaMa( ) TalSPaXaR wTYaQaR" — to establish, stand >>> saƒ g€dhate √g€h[™]...ivlae@Nae — to stir (dive) >>> saƒ g€hate √gu...PaurqzaeTSaGaeR — to pass stool >>> saƒ guvati √guj[a]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ gujati √guj[i]...AVYa¢==XaBde — to sound (hum, buzz) >>> saƒ guñjati √gumph[a]...Ga]NQae — to string together >>> saƒ gumphati √gup[a]...GaaePaNa–ku= TSaNaYaae" — to protect; condemn >>> saƒ jagupsate √gup[™]...r+a>> saƒ gopati √guph[a]...Ga]NQae — to string together >>> saƒ guphati √gur[…]...oÛMae — to endeavor >>> saƒ gurate √guh[™]...Sa&vr>> saƒ gohati; guhya — secret √g™r[a]...oÛMae — to endeavor >>> saƒ g™rayate √g™r[…]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ g™ryate √g...ivjaNae — to know >>> saƒ g€rayate √gdh[u]...Ai>ak==a¿aYaaMa( — to crave >>> saƒ gdhyati √gha...Ga]h>> saƒ ghayate √gŽ 6P...iNaGar>> saƒ girati, ... √gŽ 9U...XaBde — to sound, praise >>> saƒ gŠ€ti √gai...XaBde — to sound, sing >>> saƒ g€yati; g€na, g…t€ — song √goma...oPalePaNae — to smear, anoint >>> saƒ gomayati √grath[i]...k==aEi$=LYae — to be crooked >>> saƒ granthate √granth[a]...SaNd>aeR — to put together (arrange in regular series) >>> saƒ granth€ti √gras[a]...Ga]h>> saƒ gr€sayati √gras[u]...AdNae — to eat >>> saƒ grasate √grah[a]...oPaadaNae — to take >>> saƒ ghŠ€ti, ...; graha — taking, planet; anugraha — favour; nigraha — check √gruc[u]...STaeYak==r>> saƒ grocati √gruñc[u]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ gruñcati √glas[u]...AdNae — to eat >>> saƒ glasate √gluc[u]...STaeYak==r>> saƒ glocati √gluñc[u]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ gluñcati √glep[]...dENYae — to be distressed (be poor, tremble) >>> saƒ glepate




√glai...hzR+aYae — to be sad, fade >>> saƒ gl€yati √gha˜[a] 1A...ceíaYaaMa( — to endeavor >>> saƒ gha˜ate √gha˜[a] 10P...SaºaTae — to put together >>> saƒ gh€˜ayati √gha˜˜[a]...clNae — to move >>> saƒ gha˜˜ate, ... √ghas[†]...AdNae — to eat >>> saƒ ghasati √ghiŠ[i]...Ga]h>> saƒ ghiŠŠate √ghu˜[a] 1A...PairvTaRNae — to return >>> saƒ gho˜ate √ghu˜[a] 6P...Pa[iTagaaTae — to strike >>> saƒ ghu˜ati √ghuŠ[a]...>a]Ma>> saƒ ghoŠate, ... √ghur[a]...>aqMaaQaR–XaBdYaae" — to frighten; sound >>> saƒ ghurati √ghu[ir]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ ghoati, ... √gh™rŠ[a]...>a]Ma>> saƒ gh™rŠate, ... √gh[u]...SaºzeR — to rival (grind) >>> saƒ gharati √ghr€...GaNDaaePaadaNae — to smell >>> saƒ jighrati √‰u[‰]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ Šavate √cak€s[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ cak€sti √cak[i‰]...VYa¢==aYaa&

vaic — to speak >>> saƒ ca˜e

√cañc[u]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ cañcati √ca˜[a]...>aedNae — to break >>> saƒ c€˜ayati √ca[i]...k==aePae — to be angry >>> saƒ caŠate, ... √cad[i]...AaúadNae

dqáaE c — to be glad; shine >>> saƒ candati

√cam[u]...AdNae — to eat (sip) >>> saƒ camati, ... √car[a]...GaTaaE — to go, move >>> saƒ carati; cara — ‘which moves’; €c€ra — behavior √carc[a] 1P...Pair>aaz>> saƒ carcati √carc[a] 10A...ADYaYaNae — to study >>> saƒ carcayati √carv[a]...AdNae — to eat >>> saƒ carvati √cal[a]...k==MPaNae — to move, shake >>> saƒ calati; cañcala — unsteady √caha...AalaecNae — to look (inspect) >>> saƒ cahati, ... √c€y[]...PaUJaa–iNaXaaMaNaYaae" — to worship; discern >>> saƒ c€yati √ci[ñ]...cYaNae — to collect >>> saƒ cinoti, ... √ci˜[a]...Pa[eZYae — to send >>> saƒ ce˜ati √cit[a]...Sa&vedNae — to think, perceive, be conscious >>> saƒ cetayate √cit[i]...icNTYaaMa( — to think, remember >>> saƒ cintayati, ...; cint€ — anxiety √cit[…]...Sa&jaNae

) Sa&jaNa& iNad]aidivGaMaae jaNaMaa}a& c — to be awake; be aware >>> saƒ cetati; citta, cetas — consciousness √citra...ic}aqk==r>> saƒ citrayati √cu[a]...>aavk==r>> saƒ cuati √cud[a]...Pa[er>> saƒ jakiti √ja˜[a]...SaºaTae — to put together (clot) >>> saƒ ja˜ati √jan[…]...Pa[adu>aaRve — to be born >>> saƒ j€yate; jana — creature, man; janma — birth; j€ti — birth, class √jap[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic MaaNaSae c — to speak, mutter; meditate >>> saƒ japati √jabh[a]...Gaa}aivNaaMae — to yawn >>> saƒ jambhate √jam[u]...AdNae — to eat (sip) >>> saƒ jamati √jalp[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic — to speak (prattle) >>> saƒ jalpati √jas[u] 4P...Maae+a>> saƒ jasyati √jas[u] 10P...Taa@Nae — to strike (slight) >>> saƒ j€sayati √j€g...iNad]a+aYae — to be awake >>> saƒ j€garti √ji...JaYae — to conquer >>> saƒ jayati; jaya, vijaya — victory; par€jaya — defeat; Ajita — ‘who is unconquered’ √j…v[a]...Pa[a> saƒ j…vati; j…va — living entity; j…vana — life, water √ju[…]...Pa[qiTa–SaevNaYaae" — to please; serve >>> saƒ juate √j™r[…]...Jaq>> saƒ j™ryate √jbh[i]...Gaa}aivNaaMae — to yawn >>> saƒ jmbhate √jŽ...vaYaaehaNaaE — to grow old >>> saƒ j€rayati √jñap[a]...AvbaeDaNa–Maar> saƒ jñapayati √jñ€ 9U...AvbaeDaNae — to know >>> saƒ j€n€ti; jñ€na — knowledge √jñ€ 10P...iNaYaaeJaNae — to command, direct >>> saƒ jñ€payati; €jñ€ — order




√jvar[a]...raeGae — to be sick (be hot with fever or passion) >>> saƒ jvarati √jval[a]...dqáaE — to shine, kindle >>> saƒ jvalati √˜ak[i]...bNDaNae — to bind >>> saƒ ˜a‰kayati √˜al[a]...vE©= VYae — to grieve (be confused) >>> saƒ ˜alati √˜…k[]...GaTYaQaR" — to go >>> saƒ ˜…kate √˜val[a]...vE©= VYae — to grieve (be confused) >>> saƒ ˜valati √i[‰]...ivhaYaSaa

GaTaaE — to fly >>> saƒ ayate √…[‰]...ivhaYaSaa GaTaaE — to fly >>> saƒ iyate √hauk[]...GaTYaQaR" — to go >>> saƒ haukate √tak[i]...k*= C^\JaqvNae ) Aax(= PaUVvRSTvaTaªe — to live in distress >>> saƒ ta‰kati √tak[a] 1P...Sa&vr>> saƒ takati √tak[™] 5P...TaNaUk= r>> saƒ takati √ta[a]...AagaaTae — to strike, beat >>> saƒ t€ayati √tatr[i]...ivSTaar>> saƒ tantrayati √tan[u]...ivSTaare — to spread, pervade >>> saƒ tanoti, ... √tap[a]...SaNTaaPae WeìYaeR va — to heat, burn; lord >>> saƒ tapati, tapyate; tapas, tapasya — austerity √tam[u]...GlaNaaE — to be tired >>> saƒ t€myati √tark[a]...dqPTYaQaR" — to shine >>> saƒ tarkayati √tarj[a]...SaNTaÂRNae — to threaten, condemn >>> saƒ tarjati, ... √tal[a]...Pa[iTaïaYaaMa( — to establish >>> saƒ t€layati √tas[i]...Alªare — to adorn >>> saƒ taˆsayati √t€y[]...ivSTaar>> saƒ turvati, ... √tul[a]...oNMaaNae — to weight, measure >>> saƒ tolati √tu[a]...TauíaE — to be satisfied >>> saƒ tuyati; tu˜i, toaŠa — satisfaction √tus[a]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ tosati √t™r[…]...Tvr>> saƒ tarati; avat€ra — ‘who descends,’ incarnation √tyaj[a]...haNaaE — to abandon >>> saƒ tyajati; ty€ga — renunciation; ty€g… — renunciate √trap[™]...lÂaYaaMa( — to feel shame >>> saƒ trapate √tras[…]...oÜeGae — to fear >>> saƒ trasyati, ... √tru˜[a]...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ tru˜ati, ... √trai[‰]...PaalNae — to protect >>> saƒ tr€yate √tvak[™]...TaNaUk= r>> saƒ tvakati √[ñi]tvar[€]...SaM>a]Mae — to hurry >>> saƒ tvarate √tvi[a]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ tveati √tsar[a]...^ÚGaTaaE — to proceed with fraud >>> saƒ tsarati √daˆ[a]...d&XaNae — to bite >>> saƒ daati √dak[a]...Xaqga]aQaeR — to go in speed, be expert >>> saƒ dakate √daŠa...d>> saƒ daŠayati √dad[a]...daNae — to give >>> saƒ dadate √dadh[a]...Daar>> saƒ dadhate √dam[u]...oPaXaMae — to control, tame >>> saƒ d€myati √dambh[u]...dM>ae — to cheat, hurt >>> saƒ damnoti √day[a]...daNa–GaiTa–ih&Saa–daNaezu

r+a>> saƒ dayate

√daridr€...duGaRTaaE — to fare bad >>> saƒ daridr€ti √dal[a]...ivXar>> saƒ dalati √da[i]...d&XaNae — to bite >>> saƒ daˆayati, ... √das[i]...d&XaNae

dXaRNae c — to bite, see >>> saƒ d€sayate, ... √das[u]...oPa+aYae — to perish >>> saƒ dasyati √dah[a]...>aSMaqk==r>> saƒ dahati √[u]d€[ñ]...daNae — to give >>> saƒ dad€ti; d€na — charity √d€[Š]...daNae — to give >>> saƒ yacchati √d€n[a]...Av%>> saƒ d€nati √d€[p]>> saƒ d€ti √d€[]...daNae — to give >>> saƒ d€ati, ... √div[u] 4P...k]= I@a–ivJaqiGaza–VYavhar–ÛuiTa–STauiTa–k==aiNTa–GaiTazu — to play; desire to win; deal; shine; praise; desire; go >>> saƒ d…vyati; divya — divine, heavenly; deva — ‘one who shines or enjoys,’ demigod √div[u] 10P...MadRNae — to rub >>> saƒ devayati √div[u] 10A...PairkU= JaNae — to cause to lament >>> saƒ devayate √di[a]...daNae

AajaPaNae k==QaNae c — to give; instruct; narrate >>> saƒ diati; di (dik) — direction; upadea — instruction √dih[a]...Pa[lePae — to smear >>> saƒ degdhi √d…[‰]...+aYae — to diminish, decay >>> saƒ d…yate √d…k[a]...MaaE>> saƒ d…kate; d…k€ — initiation √d…p[…]...dqáaE — to shine, kindle >>> saƒ d…pyate



√[˜u]du...oPaTaaPae — to suffer (afflict, burn) >>> saƒ dunoti √duƒkha...TaiT==YaaYaaMa( — to be unhappy >>> saƒ duƒkhayati √du[a]...vEk*= TYae

) vEk*= TYa& XauÖy>aav" — to be bad >>> saƒ duyati; doa — fault

√duh[a]...Pa[PaUr>> saƒ dogdhi, ... √d™[‰]...PairTaaPae — to suffer >>> saƒ d™yate √d[‰]...Aadre — to respect >>> saƒ €dyate √dp[a]...GaVveR — to be proud >>> saƒ dpyati √dbh[…] 6P...Ga]NQae — to string together >>> saƒ dbhati √dbh[…] 10P...>aYae — to fear >>> saƒ darbhayati, ... √d[ir]...Pa[e+a>> saƒ payati; d˜i, darana — vision √dh[i]...v*ÖaE — to grow >>> saƒ darhati √dŽ...ivdar>> saƒ dŠ€ti √de[‰]...PaalNae — to protect >>> saƒ dayate √dev[]...devNae — to play, lament >>> saƒ devate √dai[p]...XaaeDaNae — to purify >>> saƒ d€yati √do...Av%>> saƒ dyati √dyut[a]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ dyotate √dram[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ dramati √dr€...ku= TSaaYaa&

GaTaaE ) iNaPaUvaeR iNad\aYaaMa( — to go bad, be spoiled; with ni.: to sleep >>> saƒ dr€ti

√dru...GaTaaE — to go, flow >>> saƒ dravati √druh[a]...iJagaa&SaaYaaMa( — to seek to kill, hurt (have hatred) >>> saƒ druhyati √dr™[ñ]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ dr™Š€ti √drai...SvPane — to sleep >>> saƒ dr€yati, ... √dvi[a]...APa[qTaaE — to hate >>> saƒ dve˜i, ...; dvea — hatred √[u]dh€[ñ]...Daar>> saƒ dh€vati √dhi...Daar>> saƒ dhiyate √dhiv[i]...Pa[q>> saƒ dhinoti √dh…[‰]...ANaadre — to disrespect >>> saƒ dh…yate √dhu[ñ]...k==MPaNae — to tremble >>> saƒ dhunoti, ... √dhuk[a]...SaNdqPaNa–JaqvNa–©e= XaNaezu — to kindle; live; suffer >>> saƒ dhukate √dhurv[…]...ih&SaaQaaR" — to harm >>> saƒ dh™rvati √dh™[ñ]...k==MPaNae — to tremble, shake >>> saƒ dh™noti √dh™p[a]...SaNTaaPae — to heat (smoke) >>> saƒ dh™p€yati √dh[‰]...AvSQaaNae — to stay >>> saƒ dhriyate √dh[ñ]...Daar>> saƒ dharati; dharma — religion √dh[a]...Pa[hSaNae — to offend, overcome >>> saƒ dharayati, ... √[ñi]dh[€]...Pa[aGaL>Yae — to be bold, confident, be proud >>> saƒ dhŠoti √dhe[˜]...PaaNae — to drink (suck) >>> saƒ dhayati

[email protected]


√dhor[]...GaiTacaTauYaeR — to trot >>> saƒ dhorati √dhm€...XaBdaiGanSa&YaaeGaYaae" — to blow (a horn or fire) >>> saƒ dhamati √dhyai...icNTaaYaaMa( — to think, meditate >>> saƒ dhy€yati; dhy€na — meditation √dhruv[a]...GaiTa–SQaEYaRYaae" — to go; be fixed >>> saƒ dhruvati √dhvan[a]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ dhvanati √dhvaˆs[u]...ADa"

PaTaNae — to fall down >>> saƒ dhvaˆsate

√na˜[a]...Na*TaaE — to dance, act >>> saƒ na˜ati √nad[a]...AVYa¢e=

XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ nadati √nad[a]...dqPTYaQaR" — to shine >>> saƒ n€dayati √[˜u]nad[i]...SaMa*ÖaE — to be glad >>> saƒ nandati; €nanda — delight √nam[a]...Pa[ûTve XaBde c — to bow, be humble; sound >>> saƒ namati; namaƒ — obeisances √nay[a]...GaTaaE r+a>> saƒ nayate √nard[a]...XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ nardati √na[a]...AdXaRNae — to disappear, perish >>> saƒ nayati; n€a, vin€ana — destruction √n€th[]...YaaÁa–oPaTaaPa–WeìYaR–AaXaq"zu Pa[YaTNae c — to ask; harass; be master: bless; endeavor >>> saƒ n€thati √n€dh[]...YaaÁa–oPaTaaPa–WeìYaR–AaXaq"zu Pa[YaTNae c — to ask; harass; be master: bless; endeavor >>> saƒ n€dhate √nik[a]...cuMbNae — to kiss >>> saƒ nikati √nij[ir]...XauÖaE — to purify, wash >>> saƒ ni‰kte √ni[a]...SaMaaDaaE — to meditate >>> saƒ neati √nik[a]...PairMaa>> saƒ nikayate √nis[i]...cuMbNae — to kiss >>> saƒ niˆste √n…[ñ]...Pa[aPa>> saƒ nayati; netra —‘which is leading,’ eye; n…ti — (good) conduct √n…l[a]...v>> saƒ n…lati √nu...STauTaaE — to praise >>> saƒ nauti √nud[a]...Pa[er>> saƒ nudati √n™...STavNae — to praise >>> saƒ nuvati √nt[…]...Gaa}aiv+aePae — to dance, act >>> saƒ ntyati; ntya, nartaka — dance, drama √ned[]...ku= TSaa–Sai‘ak==zRYaae" — to criticize; approach >>> saƒ nedati √[u]pac[a]...Paake= — to cook, digest >>> saƒ pacati √pac[i] 1A...VYa¢==Ik==r>> saƒ pañcate √pac[i] 10P...ivSTaarvcNae — to spread >>> saƒ pañcayati √pa˜[a]...ivSTaare — to spread >>> saƒ pa˜ati √pa˜h[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic — to speak, read, study >>> saƒ pa˜hati; pa˜ha — study; p€˜ha — lesson √pa[i]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ paŠate √paŠ[a]...VYavhare STauTaaE c — to do business, bet; praise >>> saƒ paŠate √pat[†]...GaTaaE — to go, fall >>> saƒ patati; patita — fallen √path[e]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ pathati √path[i]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ panthayati √pad[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ padyate, ...; p€da — foot; sampad — wealth

632 √pan[a]...VYavhare


STauTaaE c — to do business, bet; praise >>> saƒ pan€yati

√parŠa...hirTa>aave — to make green >>> saƒ parŠayati √pard[a]...ku= iTSaTae

XaBde ) APaaNaXaBd wTYaQaR" — to break wind >>> saƒ pardate √palp™la...lvNa–PavNaYaae" — to cut; wash >>> saƒ palp™layati √pa[a]...bNDaNae — to bind >>> saƒ p€ayati, ... √pa[a]...GaTaaE ) ANauPaeNd]aTa( — to go >>> saƒ paayati √pas[i]...NaaXaNae — to destroy; saƒ paˆsayati, paˆsati √p€...PaaNae — to drink >>> saƒ pibati; p€tra — ‘by which drinking is done,’ cup, or any receptacle; udap€na — well √p€...r+a>> saƒ p€ti √p€ra...k==MaRSaMaaáaE — to finish >>> saƒ p€rayati √p€l[a]...r+a>> saƒ p€layati; go-p€la — cowherd √pij[i]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ pejayati, ... √pi[i]...SaºaTae — to put together >>> saƒ piŠate, ... √pi[†]...SaÄU>> saƒ pina˜i √pis[]...GaTaaE — to go (extend) >>> saƒ pesati √p…[‰]...PaaNae — to drink >>> saƒ p…yate √p…[a]...AvGaahNae du"%ik]= YaaYaa& c — to press; give pain >>> saƒ p…ayati √p…v[a]...SQaaELYae — to be fat >>> saƒ p…vati √puŠ[a]...Xau>ae ) k==MaRi>> saƒ puŠati √puth[i]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ punthati √pur[a]...AGa]GaMaNae — to precede >>> saƒ purati √pul[a]...MahTve — to be great >>> saƒ polati √pu[a]...PauíaE — to nourish >>> saƒ poati; pu˜i, poaŠa — nourishment √pup[a]...ivk==SaNae — to open, blossom >>> saƒ pupyati √p™...PavNae — to purify >>> saƒ pavate √p™j[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> saƒ p™jayati; p™j€ — worship √p™y[…]...ivXar>> saƒ p™yate √p™r[…]...AaPYaaYaNae — to fill, be full >>> saƒ p™ryate; p™rŠim€ — the day of full moon √p™l[a]...SaºaTae — to put together >>> saƒ p™lati √p™[a]...v*ÖaE — to grow (nourish) >>> saƒ p™ati √p 5P...Pa[qTaaE — to please >>> saƒ pŠoti √p 10P...PaUr>> saƒ p€rayati, ... √p[‰]...VYaaYaaMae — to be active >>> saƒ vy€priyate √pc[a]...Sa&YaMaaNae — to restrain, bind >>> saƒ parcayati √pc[…]...SaMPakeR= — to come in contact >>> saƒ pŠakti √pŽ...PaalNa–PaUr> saƒ prothati

√plu[‰]...GaTaaE — to go, jump, swim >>> saƒ plavate √plu[a]...dahe — to burn >>> saƒ ploati √ps€...>a+a>> saƒ ps€ti √phaŠ[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ phaŠati √phal[a]...iNaZPataaE — to be fruitful >>> saƒ phalati; phala — fruit √[ñi]phal[€]...ivXar>> saƒ phalati √phull[a]...ivk==SaNae — to open, blossom >>> saƒ phullati √badh[a]...bNDaNae

iNaNdaYaa& c — to bind; criticize >>> saƒ badhate, b…bhatsate

√bandh[a]...bNDaNae — to bind >>> saƒ badhn€ti; sambandha — relation √bal[a]...Pa[a>> saƒ balati, ... √b€dh[]...ivlae@Nae — to stir (oppress, torment) >>> saƒ b€dhate √b…ja...bqJaaDaaNae — to take the seed, conceive >>> saƒ b…jayati √bukk[a]...>az>> saƒ bukkati, ... √budh[a]...AvGaMaNae — to understand, know >>> saƒ budhyate √budh[ir]...baeDaNae — to know, be awake >>> saƒ bodhati, ...; budha (‘Buddha’) — a wise man; buddhi — intelligence √bh[a]...v*ÖaE

XaBde c — to grow; sound >>> saƒ barhati; bhat — great; brahma — the great, sound √bh[i]...v*ÖaE XaBde c — to grow; sound >>> saƒ bˆhati √br™[ñ]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic — to speak >>> saƒ brav…ti √bhak[a]...AdNae — to eat >>> saƒ bhakati √bhaj[a] 1U...SaevaYaaMa( — to serve, worship >>> saƒ bhajati; bhakta — devotee; bhakti — devotion; bhajana — worshiping √bhaj[a] 10P...ivé[a>> saƒ bh€jayati; bhaga — opulence; bh€ga — division √bha[i] 1A...PairhaSae — to jest >>> saƒ bhaŠate √bha[i] 10P...Pa[Taar>> saƒ bhaŠayati, ... √bhaŠ[a]...XaBde — to sound (speak, call) >>> saƒ bhaŠati √bhañj[o]...AaMaÕRNae — to break >>> saƒ bhanakti √bharts[a]...SaNTaJaRNae — to threaten, condemn >>> saƒ bhartsayate √bhal[a]...ivæPa>> saƒ bh€layate √bha[a]...>aTSaRNae ) ku= ¡u= rßiNaivXaez wTYaQaR" — to threaten (bark) >>> saƒ bhaati √bh€...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ bh€ti √bh€j[a]...Pa*Qa¡==r>> saƒ bh€jayati




√bh€m[a]...k]= aeDae — to be angry >>> saƒ bh€mate, ... √bh€[a]...VYa¢==aYaa&

vaic — to speak >>> saƒ bh€ate; bh€€ — language; bh€aŠa — talk; sambh€aŠa — conversation

√bh€s[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ bh€sate; bh€sv€n — sun √bhiks[a]...YaaÁaYaaMa( — to beg >>> saƒ bhikate √bhid[ir]...ivdar>> saƒ bhinatti √[ñi]bh…...>aYae — to fear >>> saƒ bibheti, ...; bh…, bh…ti, bhaya — fear √bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae" — (with P:) to protect, govern; (with A:) eat, enjoy, experience >>> saƒ bhunakti, bhu‰kte; bhojana — meal; bhokt — enjoyer √bhuj[o]...k==aEi$=LYae — to be crooked >>> saƒ bhujati √bh™ 1P...SataaYaaMa( — to be, exist, become >>> saƒ bhavati; bh€va — existence, mood; prabh€va — influence √bh™ 10P...Pa[aáaE — to obtain, reach >>> saƒ bh€vayate √bh™[a]...Alªare — to adorn >>> saƒ bh™ati, ...; bh™aŠa — ornament √bh[ñ]...>ar>> saƒ bharati √[u]bh[ñ]...Daar>> saƒ bhyati √bhraˆ[u]...ADa" PaTaNae — to fall down >>> saƒ bhraˆate √bhram[u]...clNae — to move, roam >>> saƒ bhramati, ... √bhrasj[a]...Paake= — to cook (fry) >>> saƒ bhjjati √bhr€j[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ bhr€jate √[˜u]bhr€j[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ bhr€jate √[˜u]bhr€[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ bhr€ate √bhr…...>ar>> saƒ bhr…Š€ti, ... √bhre[]...clNae — to move (go) >>> saƒ bhreati √[˜u]bhl€[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ bhl€ate √ma˜h[a]...iNavaSae — to dwell >>> saƒ ma˜hati √ma[i]...>aUzaYaaMa( — to adorn >>> saƒ maŠati, ... √maŠ[a]...XaBde — to sound (murmur) >>> saƒ maŠati √matr[i]...Gauá>aaz>> saƒ mantrayate, ...; mantra — advice; mantr… — advisor √math[e]...ivlae@Nae — to stir >>> saƒ mathati √mad[a]...Ta*iáYaaeGae — to please >>> saƒ m€dayate √mad[…]...hzeR — to rejoice >>> saƒ m€dyati, ... √man[a] 4A...baeDaNae — to know, think >>> saƒ manyate; manaƒ — mind; mati — thought, opinion; anum€na — inference √man[a] 10A...STaM>ae — to be proud >>> saƒ m€nayate; m€na — pride √manth[a]...ivlae@Nae — to stir >>> saƒ manthati √[˜u]masj[o]...XauÖaE — to purify (bath, immerse) >>> saƒ majjati √mah[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> saƒ mahati √mah[i]...v*ÖaE — to grow >>> saƒ maˆhate √m€...MaaNae — to measure >>> saƒ m€ti √m€[‰]...MaaNae — to measure >>> saƒ mim…te, ...

[email protected] √m€n[a]...PauJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> saƒ m€nati, ...; m€na, samm€na — honor √m€rg[a]...ANvez>> saƒ m€rgayati, ... √[u]mi[ñ]...Pa[+aePa>> saƒ minoti √[ñi]mid[€]...SNaehNae — to love, melt >>> saƒ medate, ... √mil[a]...Sa®e — to come together, meet >>> saƒ milati; mela — meeting √mira...SaMPakeR= — to come in contact (mix) >>> saƒ mirayati √mi[a]...SPaDaaRYaaMa( — to rival, look at >>> saƒ mirayati √mih[a]...SaecNae — to sprinkle (make water) >>> saƒ mehati √m…...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ m€yayati, ... √m…[‰] 4A...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ m…yate √m…[ñ] 9U...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ m…n€ti, ... √m…l[a]...iNaMaez>> saƒ m…lati √muc[†]...Maae+a>> saƒ muñcati, ...; mukti — liberation √mu˜[a]...Pa[MaÕRNae — to crush >>> saƒ mo˜ati √mu[i] 1P...%>> saƒ muŠati √mu[i] 1A...MaaÂRNae — to clean >>> saƒ muŠate √mud[a]...hzeR — to rejoice >>> saƒ modate √murv[…]...bNDaNae — to bind >>> saƒ m™rvati √mu[a]...STaeYae — to steal >>> saƒ moati √muh[a]...vEicTYae — to be bewildered >>> saƒ muhyati; moha, vimoha — illusion √m™tra...Pa[óv>> saƒ m™trayati √m™rcch[€]...Maaeh–SaMauC^\aYaYaae" — to lack awareness; grow >>> saƒ m™rcchati √m™l[a] 1P...Pa[iTaïaYaaMa( — to establish (root) >>> saƒ m™lati; m™la — root; m™lya — value √m™l[a] 10P...raeh>> saƒ m™lati √m™[a]...STaeYae — to steal >>> saƒ m™ati √m[‰]...Pa[a>> saƒ mriyate; mtyu, maraŠa — death √mk[a]...SaºaTae — to put together (rub) >>> saƒ mkati √mg[a]...ANvez>> saƒ mgyati, ... √mj[™]...XauÖaE — to wash, purify >>> saƒ m€r˜i, ... √m[a]...Sau%Nae — to rejoice >>> saƒ mati √md[a]...+aaede — to press, pound, rub >>> saƒ mardhati √m[a]...AaMaXaRNae

) AaMaXaRNa& SPaXaR" ivMaXaR" AalaecNa& c — to touch, consider, reflect >>> saƒ mati

√m[a]...SahNae — to tolerate >>> saƒ myati, ... √me[‰]...Pa[iTadaNae — to exchange >>> saƒ mayate √medh[]...MaeDaa–ih&SaYaae" — to know; kill >>> saƒ medhati √mok[a]...ASaNae — to stop, cease >>> saƒ mokayati; moka — liberation √mn€...A>YaaSae — to study, repeat >>> saƒ manati √mrak[a]...Ma]+a>> saƒ mrakayati, ... √mrad[a]...MaÕRNae — to crush >>> saƒ mradate




√mluñc[u]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ mluñcati √mlecch[a]...APaXaBde — to speak impurely >>> saƒ mlecchati, ... √mlai...k==aiNTa+aYae — to fade >>> saƒ ml€yati √yak[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor >>> saƒ yakayati √yaj[a]...devPaUJaa–Sa®iTak==r>> saƒ yajati; yajña — sacrifice √yat[a]...iNak==ar–oPaSk==arYaae"

) iNarê Pa[iTadaNae — to torture; encourage >>> saƒ y€tayati

√yat[…]...Pa[YaTNae — to endeavor >>> saƒ yatate; yatna, prayatna — endeavor √yantr[i]...SaªaecNae — to restrain, bind >>> saƒ yantrayati, ... √yabh[a]...MaEQauNae — to cohabitate >>> saƒ yabhati √yam[a] 1P...oParMae — to restrain >>> saƒ yacchati; yama, niyama — restraint √yam[a] 10P...Pairvez>> saƒ yamayati √yam[u] 10P...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ y€mayati √yas[u]...Pa[YaTNae — to endeavor >>> saƒ yasyati √y€...Pa[aáaE — to attain, go >>> saƒ y€ti; anuy€y… — follower √[˜u]y€c[]...YaaÁaYaaMa( — to beg >>> saƒ y€yati; y€cñ€ — petition √yu 2P...iMaé[>> saƒ rasayati; rasa — juice, taste, feeling, beauty, essence √rah[a]...TYaaGae — to abandon >>> saƒ rahati, ... √rah[i]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ raˆhati √r€...daNae — to give >>> saƒ r€ti √r€j[]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ r€jate

[email protected] √r€dh[a]...Sa&iSaÖaE — to accomplish >>> saƒ r€dhnoti √rig[i]...GaTYaQaaR" — to go >>> saƒ ti‰gati √ric[a]...ivYaaeJaNa–SaMPacNaYaae" — to separate; mix, join >>> saƒ recayati,... √ric[ir]...ivrecNae — to purge, empty, evacuate >>> saƒ riŠakti, ... √ri[a]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ riati √ri[a]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ reati √r…...vaYaaehaNaaE

rez>> saƒ lakayati; lakaŠa — characteristic √lak[a] 10A...AalaecNae — to look (inspect) >>> saƒ lakayate √lag[i]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ la‰gati √lag[e]...Sa®e — to contact >>> saƒ lagati √lagh[i] 1P...AiTa==MYa

GaTaaE — to go beyond >>> saƒ la‰ghati

√lagh[i] 1A...GaTYaQaR" — to go (cross) >>> saƒ la‰ghate √[o]laj[…]...v]q@aYaaMa( — to feel bashful >>> saƒ lajate √laja...Pa[k= aXaNae — to appear, shine >>> saƒ lajayati, ... √la[a] 1P...ivlaSae — to play, sport >>> saƒ laati √la[a] 10P...oPaSaevaYaaMa(

) GaaErvaidrihTaeNa Pa[qiTaYaaeGaeNa Saeva oPaSaeva — to serve with love, caress >>> saƒ l€ayati √[o]la[i]...oT+aePae ) AaedNaubNDaae_YaMa( — to throw >>> saƒ laŠayati, ... √lap[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic — to speak, whisper >>> saƒ lapati √lab[i]...Avó&SaNae — to fall >>> saƒ lambate √[u]labh[a]...Pa[aáaE — to obtain >>> saƒ labhate; l€bha — gain √lal[a]...wRPSaaYaaMa( — to desire to obtain >>> saƒ l€layate √la[a]...k==aNTaaE — to desire >>> saƒ laati √las[a]...k]= I@aYaaMa( — to play (shine, embrace) >>> saƒ lasati √[o]lasj[…]...v]q@aYaaMa( — to feel bashful >>> saƒ lajjate




√l€...daNae — to give >>> saƒ l€ti √l€gh[]...SaaMaQYaeR — to be able >>> saƒ l€ghate √l€ch[i]...l+a>> saƒ l€ñchati √likh[a]...ivle%Nae — to draw, scratch; write >>> saƒ likhati; lekhana — writing √lig[i]...GaTYaQaaR" — to go >>> saƒ li‰gati √lip[a]...oPadehe — to smear >>> saƒ limpati √li[a]...ALPaq>aave — to decrease >>> saƒ liyati √lih[a]...AaSvadNae — to taste, lick >>> saƒ lehi, ... √l… 9P...ëez>> saƒ l…n€ti √l… 10U...d]vqk==r>> saƒ layati, ...; laya, pralaya — annihilation √l…[‰]...ëez>> saƒ l…yate √luñc[a]...APaNaYaNae — to take away >>> saƒ luñcati √lu˜[a] 1P...ivlae@Nae — to stir (roll) >>> saƒ lo˜ati √lu˜[a] 1A...Xaaek= aidNaa

PaTaNae — to be dejected, faint >>> saƒ lo˜ate

√lu˜[i]...STaeYae — to steal >>> saƒ luŠ˜ati, ... √lu˜h[a] 1A...Xaaek= aidNaa

PaTaNae — to be dejected, faint >>> saƒ lo˜hate

√lu˜h[a] 4P...ivlae@Nae — to stir >>> saƒ luŠ˜hati √luŠ˜h[a]...STaeYae — to steal >>> saƒ luŠ˜hayati √lup[†]...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ lumpati √lubh[a]...GaaÖyeR — to be greedy >>> saƒ lubhyati √l™[ñ]...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ lun€ti, ... √lok[] 1A...dXaRNae — to see >>> saƒ lokate √lok[] 10U...dqPTYaQaR" — to shine >>> saƒ lokayati √loc[] 1A...dXaRNae — to see >>> saƒ locate √loc[] 10U...dqPTYaQaR" — to shine >>> saƒ locayati √vak[i]...k==aEi$=LYae — to be crooked >>> saƒ va‰kate √vac[a]...Pair>aaz>> saƒ vakti; v€c (v€k) — speech; vaktra — mouth; pravacana — discourse √vaj[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ vajati √vañc[u] 1P...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ vañcati √vañc[u] 10A...Pa[lM>aNae — to cheat >>> saƒ vañcayate, ... √va˜[a]...iv>aaJaNae — to divide >>> saƒ va˜ayati √va˜[i]...iv>aaJaNae — to divide >>> saƒ vaŠ˜ati, ... √vad[a] 10P...SaNdeXavcNae — to inform, communicate >>> saƒ v€dayati, ... √vad[a] 1P...VYa¢==aYaa&

vaic — to speak >>> saƒ vadati √vad[i]...Ai>avadNa–STauTYaae" — to offer respects; glorify >>> saƒ vandate; vandana — praise √van[a]...XaBde SaM>a¢==aE c — to sound; serve, honour >>> saƒ vanati, ... √van[u]...YaacNae — to beg >>> saƒ vanute, ... √[u]vap[a]...bqJaTaNTauSaNTaaNae — to sow, propagate >>> saƒ vapati √[˜u]vam[a]...oiÓr>> saƒ vamati

[email protected] √vara...wRPSaaYaaMa( — to desire to obtain >>> saƒ varayati √varc[a]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ varcate √varŠa...v> saƒ varŠayati; varŠa — color, class √vardh[a]...^edNa–PaUr>> saƒ valgati √valbh[a]...>aaeJaNae — to eat, enjoy >>> saƒ valbhate √va[a]...k==aNTaaE — to desire >>> saƒ va˜i √vas[a] 1P...iNavaSae — to dwell, live >>> saƒ vasati; niv€sa — residence √vas[a] 2A...AaC^adNae — to cover, dress >>> saƒ vaste; vastra — ‘by which covering is done,’ cloth √vah[a]...Pa[aPa>> saƒ vahati √vah[i]...v*ÖaE — to grow >>> saƒ vahate √v€...vaYauGaTaaE — to blow >>> saƒ v€ti √v€ch[i]...wC^aYaaMa( — to desire >>> saƒ v€ñchati √v€[]...iTarêa&

ßNaaE — to sound (said of animals) >>> saƒ v€yate √v€sa...Gau>> saƒ v€sayati √vic[ir]...Pa*QaG>aave — to divide, distinguish >>> saƒ vinakti, ... √vicch[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ vicchati √vij[ir]...Pa*QaG>aave — to divide, distinguish >>> saƒ vevekti √[o]vij[…]...>aYa–clNaYaae" — to fear; tremble >>> saƒ vijate, ... √vid[a] 2P...jaNae — to know >>> saƒ vetti; Veda — knowledge √vid[a] 4A...SataaYaaMa( — to be, exist >>> saƒ vidyate √vid[a] 7A...ivcar>> saƒ vinte √vid[a] 10A...vedNaa–Aa:YaaNa–iNavaSaezu — to feel; tell; dwell >>> saƒ vedayate √vid[†]>ae — to obtain >>> saƒ vindati, ... √vidh[a]...ivDaaNae Taa@Nae_iPa — to pierce; beat >>> saƒ vidhati √vi[a]...Pa[veXaNae — to enter (with upa.: to sit) >>> saƒ viati; pravea — entry √vi[†]...VYaaáaE — to pervade >>> saƒ veveti, ... √v…...GaTaaE Pa[JaNa–k==aiNTa–ASaNa–%adNaezu — to go; procreate; desire; throw; eat >>> saƒ veti √v…ra...iv==aNTaaE — to be powerful, valiant >>> saƒ v…rayati √bu[a]...MaÂNae — to sink, immerse >>> saƒ buati √v[‰]...SaM>a¢==aE — to serve, worship >>> saƒ vŠ…te √v[ñ] 5U...vr>> saƒ vŠoti, ... √v[ñ] 10U...Aavr>> saƒ v€rayati √vj[…]...vJaRNae — to abandon, avoid >>> saƒ varjati, ... √vt[u] 1A...vTaRNae — to happen, act >>> saƒ vartate; vtti — action; pravtti — prevail, natural course; nivtti — recede, vanish √vt[u] 4A...vr>> saƒ vtyate √vdh[u] 1A...v*ÖaE — to grow >>> saƒ vardhate; vddhi — growth √vdh[u] 10P...dqPTYaQaR" — to shine >>> saƒ vardhayati √v[u]...SaecNae — to sprinkle (rain) >>> saƒ varati


640 √vh[ir]...v*ÖaE


XaBde c — to grow, sound >>> saƒ vˆhati, ...

√vh[™]...oÛMae — to endeavor >>> saƒ vhati √vŽ...vr>> saƒ vŠ€ti √ve[ñ]...TaNTauSaNTaaNae — to sew, weave >>> saƒ vayati √[˜u]vep[]...clNae — to move, tremble >>> saƒ vepate √vela...k==alGa>> saƒ velayati √vell[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ vellati √ve˜[a]...veíNae — to surround >>> saƒ ve˜ate √[o]vai...Xaaez>> saƒ v€yati √vyac[a]...VYaaJaqk==r>> saƒ vicati √vyath[a]...>aYa–clNaYaae" — to fear; be perturbed >>> saƒ vyathate √vyadh[a]...Taa@Nae — to strike (pierce) >>> saƒ vidhyati √vyay[a] 1U GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ vyayati √vyaya 10...ivtaSaMauTSaGaeR — to expend money >>> saƒ vy€yayati √vye[ñ]...Sa&vr>> saƒ vyayati √vraj[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ vrajati; Vraja — area where the cows roam √vraŠa...Gaa}aivcU>> saƒ vraŠayati √[o]vrac[™]...^edNae — to cut >>> saƒ vcati √vr… 9P...vr>> saƒ vriŠ€ti √vr…[‰] 4A...vr>> saƒ vr…yate √vr…...lÂaYaaMa( — to feel shame >>> saƒ vr…yati √vru[a]...MaÂNae — to sink, immerse >>> saƒ vruati √aˆs[u]...ih&SaaYaa&

STauTaaE c — to harm; praise >>> saƒ aˆsati

√ak[a]...+aMaaYaaMa( — to endure >>> saƒ akyate √ak[i]...XaªaYaaMa( — to doubt >>> saƒ a‰kate √ak[†]...Xa¢==aE — to be able >>> saƒ aknoti; akti — energy √a˜h[a]...kE= Tave — to cheat >>> saƒ a˜hati √ad[†]...XaaTaNae — to perish (fall) >>> saƒ …yate √ap[a]...Aa==aeXae — to curse, swear >>> saƒ apati, ... √am[a] 10A...AalaecNae — to look (inspect) >>> saƒ €mayate √am[u] 4P...oPaXaMae — to be pacified >>> saƒ €myati; €nti — peace √a[a]...PluTaGaTaaE — to jump >>> saƒ aati √as[u]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ asati; astra — weapon √€[]...ëagaaYaaMa( — to praise >>> saƒ €ate √€n[a]...TaeJaNae — to sharpen >>> saƒ …€ˆsati √€s[u] 2P...ANauiXaíaE — to instruct, govern >>> saƒ €sti; €stra — scripture; €sana — instruction, rule; iya — disciple √i[ñ]...iNaXaaNae — to sharpen (excite, be attentive) >>> saƒ inoti, ... √ik[a]...ivÛaePaadaNae — to learn >>> saƒ ikate; ik€ — the teaching √igh[i]...Aaga]a>> saƒ i‰ghati

[email protected] √ij[i]...>aUz>> saƒ i‰kte √i[a]...ASaVvaeRPaYaaeGae

) ivPaUVvaeR _iTaXaYae — to leave remaining; with vi.: to excel >>> saƒ eayati, eati ..., vieati

√i[†]...ivXaez>> saƒ viina˜i, (pass.) vi…yate (he is distinguished) √…[‰]...SvPane — to sleep, lie down >>> saƒ ete √…k[]...SaecNae — to sprinkle >>> saƒ …kate √…l[a] 1P...SaMaaDaaE — to meditate >>> saƒ …lati √…la 10P...oPaDaar>> saƒ …layati, ... √uc[a]...Xaaeke= — to grieve, lament >>> saƒ ocati; oka — grieve √uc[ir]...PaUTaq>aave — to wet, be clean >>> saƒ ucyati √u˜h[i]...Xaaez>> saƒ uŠ˜hayati √udh[a]...XaaEce — to wash, purify >>> saƒ udhyati; uddha — pure √undh[a]...XauÖaE — to purify >>> saƒ undhati √umbh[a]...Xaae>aaQaeR — to shine (be splendid, be happy) >>> saƒ umbhati √ubh[a]...dqáaE — to shine >>> saƒ ubhati √u[a]...Xaaez>> saƒ uyati √™ra...iv==aNTaaE — to be powerful, valiant >>> saƒ ™rayate √™rp[a]...MaaNae — to measure >>> saƒ ™rpayati √™l[a]...åJaaYaaMa( — to be ill >>> saƒ ™lati √dh[u]...APaaNaXaBde — to break wind >>> saƒ ardhati √Ž...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm, tear to pieces >>> saƒ Š€ti √ev[]...SaevNae — to serve >>> saƒ evate √ai...Paake= — to cook >>> saƒ €yati √o...TaNaUk= r>> saƒ yati √oŠ[]...laEihTYae — to be red >>> saƒ oŠati √au˜[]...GaVveR — to be proud >>> saƒ au˜ati √cyut[ir]...+ar>> saƒ cotati √yai[‰]...GaTaaE — to go (move) >>> saƒ y€yate √raŠ[a]...daNae — to give >>> saƒ raŠati, ... √rath[i]...XaEiQaLYae — to loosen, liberate >>> saƒ ranthate √ratha...daEBbRLYae — to be weak >>> saƒ rathayati √ranth[a]...SaNd>aeR — to put together (arrange) >>> saƒ rathn€ti √ram[u]...TaPaiSa

%ede c — to perform austerities; feel pain >>> saƒ r€myati; rama — labour; virama — rest

√r€...Paake= — to cook >>> saƒ r€ti √ri[ñ]...SaevaYaaMa( — to serve, take shelter >>> saƒ rayati; €raya — shelter √r…[ñ]...Paake= — to cook >>> saƒ r…Š€ti, ... √ru...é[v>> saƒ Šoti; ruti, ravaŠa — hearing; rotra — ear √rai...Paake= — to cook >>> saƒ r€yati √latha...daEbRLYae — to be weak >>> saƒ lathati √l€gh[]...STauTaaE — to praise >>> saƒ l€ghate




√li[a]...Aail®Nae — to embrace >>> saƒ liyati √lok[]...SaºaTae — to put together (versify) >>> saƒ lokate √vas[a]...Pa[a>> saƒ vasiti; v€sa — breath; viv€sa — confidence √[˜u][o]vi...GaiTa–v*Öyae" — to go; grow >>> saƒ vayati √vit[€]...v>> saƒ vetate √˜hiv[u]...iNarSaNae

) iNarSaNa& QaUTk==ar" — to spit >>> saƒ ˜h…vati

√vak[a]...GaTYaQaR" — to go >>> saƒ vakate √sa‰gr€ma...YauÖe — to fight >>> saƒ sa‰gr€mayate √sac[a]...SaMavaYae — to gather together >>> saƒ sacati √sañj[a]...Sa®e — to embrace, stick >>> saƒ sajati; sa‰ga — attachment, association √satra...SaNTaiTaik]= YaaYaaMa(

) iNavaRhe iNaSTaark==MaRi>> saƒ sabh€jayati √sasj[a]...GaTaaE — to go, engage >>> saƒ sajjati, ... √sah[a] 1A...MazR>> saƒ sahate; utsaha — enthusiasm √s€dh[a]...Sa&iSaÖaE — to accomplish >>> saƒ s€dhnoti; s€dhana — practice; s€dhu — saintly person √s€ntv[a]...SaaMaPa[YaaeGae — to appease, console >>> saƒ s€ntvayati √s€ma...SaaNTvNae — to conciliate, console >>> saƒ s€mayati √si[ñ]...bNDaNae — to bind >>> saƒ sinoti, ... √sic[a]...+ar>> saƒ siñcati √sidh[u] 1P...GaTYaaMa( — to go >>> saƒ sedhati √sidh[u] 4P...Sa&raÖaE — to succeed >>> saƒ sidhyati; siddhi — success √sidh[™]...Xaañe Maa®LYae c — to command; do good >>> saƒ sedhati √siv[u]...TaNTauSaNTaaNae — to sew >>> saƒ s…vyati √su...Pa[Save — to permit, possess power >>> saƒ savati, ... √su[ñ]...Ai>azve ) Ai>azv" SaNDaaNa& Ma®lSNaaNa& va — to press out; bath, as an auspicious rite >>> saƒ sunoti, ... √sukha...TaiT==YaaYaaMa( — to be happy >>> saƒ sukhayati, ... √s™[‰]...Pa[aiaRivMaaecNae — to give birth >>> saƒ s™yate, ... √s™ca...PaEXauNYae — to inform, spy >>> saƒ s™cayati √s™tra...AvMaaecNae ) AvMaaecNa& veíNaMa( — to bind >>> saƒ s™trayati √s™d[a]...+a> saƒ s™date, ... √s...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ sarati, ...; saˆs€ra — transmigration √sj[a]...ivSaGaeR — to let loose, create >>> saƒ sjati; sarga, s˜i — creation √sp[†]...GaTaaE — to go (creep) >>> saƒ sarpati √sev[]...SaevNae — to serve >>> saƒ sevate; sev€ — service √so...ANTak==MaRi>> saƒ syati √skand[ir]...GaiTa–Xaaez>> saƒ skundate √skhal[a]...clNae ) clNa& ivCYauiTa" — to move – fall (stamble) >>> saƒ skhalati √stag[e]...Sa&vr>> saƒ stagati √stan[a]...XaBde — to sound (thunder) >>> saƒ stanati √stana...devXaBde — to thunder >>> saƒ stanayati √stambh[u]...raeDaNae Daar>> saƒ stabhnoti √stim[a]...Aad]s>aave — to be wet >>> saƒ stimyati, ... √st…m[a]...Aad]s>aave — to be wet >>> saƒ st…myati √stu[ñ]...STauTaaE — to praise >>> saƒ stauti; stava, stuti, stotra — glorification, poem √stup[a]...SaMauC^\aYae — to collect >>> saƒ stupyati √stubh[u]...STaM>ae — to stop >>> saƒ stobhati √st™p[a]...SaMauC^\aYae — to collect (erect) >>> saƒ st™pyati √st[ñ]...AaC^adNae — to cover >>> saƒ stŠoti, ... √stŽ[ñ]...AaC^adNae — to cover >>> saƒ stŠ€ti, ... √stena...caEYaeR — to steal >>> saƒ stenayati √stai...veíNae — to surround (cover, adorn) >>> saƒ st€yati √stoma...ëagaaYaaMa( — to praise >>> saƒ stomayati √styai...XaBd–SaºaTaYaae" — to sound; put together >>> saƒ sty€yati √sthal[a]...SQaaNae — to stand >>> saƒ sthalati √sth€...SQaaNae — to stand (with ud.: to stand up) >>> saƒ ti˜hati, ...; sthiti — situation √sth™la...Pairv*&h>> saƒ sth™layate √sn€...XaaEce — to wash (bath) >>> saƒ sn€ti √snih[a]...Pa[qTaaE — to please, stick >>> saƒ snihyati, ... √snu...Pa[óv>> saƒ snauti √snuh[a]...oiÓr>> saƒ snuhyati √spad[i]...ik==iÄÀlNae — to shake a little, beat >>> saƒ spandate √spardh[a]...SaºzeR ) SaºzR" SPaÖaR — to rival (envy, emulate, compete) >>> saƒ spardhate √spa[a]...baDaNa–SPaXaRNaYaae" — to destroy; spy, perceive clearly >>> saƒ spaati, ... √sp[a]...Sa&SPaXaeR — to touch >>> saƒ spati; spara — touch √sph[a]...wRPSaaYaaMa( — to desire to obtain >>> saƒ sphayati √sph€y[…]...v*ÖaE — to grow >>> saƒ spharati √sphi˜˜[a]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ sphi˜˜ayati √sphu˜[a] 1A...ivk==SaNae — to open, blossom >>> saƒ spho˜ate √sphu˜[a] 10P...>aedNae — to break >>> saƒ spho˜ayati √sphu˜[ir]...ivSar>> saƒ spho˜ati √sphur[a]...Sfu= r>> saƒ sphurati √[˜u][o]sph™rj[€]...vJa]iNaZPaeze ) vJa]iNagaaeRze — to thunder >>> saƒ sph™rjati




√smi[‰]...wRzd(–hSaNae — to smile >>> saƒ smayate √sm...icNTaaYaaMa( — to think, remember >>> saƒ smarati; smti — memory; smaraŠa — remembering √sm...AaDYaaNae — to long for >>> saƒ smarayati √syand[™]...Pa[óv>> saƒ syandate √srambh[u]...ivìaSae — to entrust >>> saƒ srambhate √sraˆs[u]...ADa"

PaTaNae — to fall down >>> saƒ sraˆsate √sriv[u]...GaiTa–Xaaez>> saƒ svarati √ha˜h[a]...blaTk==are — to treat with violence >>> saƒ ha˜hati √had[a]...PaurqzaeTSaGaeR — to pass stool >>> saƒ hadate √han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae" — to strike, kill; go >>> saƒ hanti √hay[a]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ hayati √hal[a]...ivle%Nae — to draw, scratch (plow) >>> saƒ halati √has[e]...hSaNae — to laugh >>> saƒ hasati √[o]h€[k]...TYaaGae — to abandon >>> saƒ jah€ti; h€ni — loss √[o]h€[‰]...GaTaaE — to go >>> saƒ jih…te √hi...GaTaaE v*ÖaE c — to go; grow >>> saƒ hinoti √hikk[a]...ih¡==aYaaMa( — to hic-up >>> saƒ hikkati √hi[i]...ANaadre GaTaaE c — to disrespect; go >>> saƒ hiŠate √his[i]...ih&SaaYaaMa( — to harm >>> saƒ hinasti, ... >>> hiˆs€ — violence √hu...vöaE daNae — to offer in the fire, sacrifice >>> saƒ juhoti; hotra, homa — sacrifice √h[ñ]>> saƒ harati; Hari — ViŠu, Hara — ®iva; €h€ra — accepting, eating; vih€ra — sporting √h[a]...TauíaE — to rejoice >>> saƒ hyati; hara — joy √he[]...ANaadre — to disrespect >>> saƒ heate √he[]...AìXaBde — to neigh >>> saƒ heate √hnu[‰]...APaNaYaNae — to take away (hide) >>> saƒ hnute √hras[a]...XaBde ALPaq>aave= _iPa — to sound, become short >>> saƒ hrasati; hrasva — short √hr€d[a]...AVYa¢e= = XaBde — to sound >>> saƒ hr€date √hr…...lÂaYaaMa( — to feel shame (be modest) >>> saƒ jihreti

[email protected] √hr…ch[a]...lÂaYaaMa( — to feel shame >>> saƒ hr…cchati √hl€d[…]...AVYa¢e= =

XaBde Sau%e c — to sound; be happy >>> saƒ hl€date; hl€da, prahl€da, hl€din… — pleasing, pleasure

√hval[a]...clNae — to move (shake) >>> saƒ hvalati, ... √hve[ñ]...SPaDaaRYaa&

XaBde c — to compete; sound, call >>> saƒ hvayati




14. Sanskrit — Suffixes As in English, we can apply prefixes to the dh€tus. Prefixes specify or change the original meaning. For example, from the dh€tu √h[ñ]...hrYaaMa( devYaae" devYaae" he devaE

deve>Ya" devaNaaMa( devezu he deva"

2. r€ma m.

raMaaE raMaaE raMaa>YaaMa( raMaa>YaaMa(

raMaa" raMaaNa( raMaE" raMae>Ya"

raMaa>YaaMa( raMaYaae" raMaYaae" he raMaaE

raMae>Ya" raMaaa+aak]= Ma abhikrama (abhi.√kram — to step near, approach) — undertaking, beginning Ai>aJaNavaNa( abhijanav€n 〈1.1〉 m. abhijanavat (.vat[u]) — ‘having abhijana (family)’; noble Ai>aJaaTa abhij€ta (abhi.√jan[…] — to be born; + .[k]ta) — born Ai>aJaaTa" abhij€taƒ 〈1.1〉 m. abhij€ta Ai>aJaaTaSYa abhij€tasya 〈6.1〉 m. abhij€ta Ai>aJaaNaiNTa abhij€nanti 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (abhi.√jñ€ — to understand) — they understand Ai>aJaaNaaiTa abhij€n€ti 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (abhi.√jñ€ — to understand) — he understands Ai>aJaaYaTae abhij€yate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (abhi.√jan[…] — to be born) — he is born Ai>aTa" abhitaƒ (abhitas) 〈avyaya〉 (abhi — towards; + .tas[i]) — near, on both/all sides, before and after Ai>aDaaSYaiTa abhidh€syati 〈kalki 1.1〉 (abhi.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to explain, name) — he will explain Ai>aDaqYaTae abhidh…yate 〈acyuta pass. 1.1〉 (abhi.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to explain, name) — he is called Ai>aNaNdiTa abhinandati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (abhi.[˜u]nad[i] — to please, praise) — he praises Ai>aPa[v*ta" abhipravttaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. abhipravtta (abhi.pra.√vt[u] — to start to act, be engaged; + .[k]ta) — engaged Ai>a>aviTa abhibhavati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (abhi.√bh™ — to overcome, predominate) — he overcomes Ai>a>avaTa( abhibhav€t 〈5.1〉 m. abhibhava — rise Ai>a>aUYa abhibh™ya 〈avyaya〉 (abhi.√bh™ — to overcome; + ya[p]) — [after] overcoming Ai>aMaaNa" abhim€naƒ 〈1.1〉 m. abhim€na — self-conceit, pride Ai>aMau%a" abhimukh€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. abhimukha — ‘facing towards’; approaching Ai>aYau¢= abhiyukta — applied, intent on, absorbed; diligent, versed in Ai>aYau¢= aNaaMa( abhiyukt€n€m 〈6.3〉 m. abhiyukta Ai>ar+aNTau abhirakantu 〈vidh€t€ 1.1〉 (abhi.√rak[a] — to protect on all sides) — you must carefully protect Ai>ari+aTa abhirakita (abhi.√rak[a] — to protect on all sides; + .[k]ta) — well-protected Ai>ari+aTaMa( abhirakitam 〈1.1〉 n. abhirakita Ai>arTa" abhirataƒ 〈1.1〉 m. abhirata (abhi.√ram[u] — to engage; + .[k]ta) — engaged Ai>aivJvliNTa abhivijvalanti 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (√jval[a] — to blaze) — they are blazing Ai>aZv®" abhiva‰gaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. abhiva‰ga — identification Ai>aSaNDaaYa abhisandh€ya 〈avyaya〉 (abhi.sam.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to hold, aim at; + .ya[p]) — [after] aiming at, desiring ANai>aòeh" anabhisnehaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. an-abhisneha — without affection Ai>aihTaa abhihit€ 〈1.1〉 f. abhihit€ (abhi.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to name; + .[k]ta + .€[p]) — named A>YaiDak==" abhyadhikaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. abhyadhika — surpassing, greater A>YaNauNaadYaNa( abhyanun€dayan 〈1.1〉 m. abhyanun€dayat (abhi.anu.√nad[a] — to sound all around; caus. + .[]at[]) — [while] causing to vibrate



A>YaNTar abhyantara (abhi.antara) — interior, inside A>YaCYaR abhyarcya 〈avyaya〉(abhi.√arc[a] — to worship; + .ya[p]) — [after] worshiping A>YaSaNaMa( abhyasanam 〈1.1〉 n. abhyasana — reaching; practicing A>YaSaUYak==a" abhyas™yak€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. abhyas™yaka — who is envious A>YaSaUYaiTa abhyas™yati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (abhi.√as™ya — to envy) — he envies A>YaSaUYaNTa" abhyas™yantaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. abhyas™yat (abhi.√as™ya + .[]at[]) — [while] envying A>YahNYaNTa abhyahanyanta 〈bh™tevara pass. 1.3〉 (abhi.√han[a] — to strike at, sound an instrument) — they were sounded A>YaaSa abhy€sa (abhi.√as[u] — to throw towards, concentrate, practice) — discipline; repeated reading, study; any practice; (as in:) abhy€sa-yoga — repeated withdrawel of the mind from sense objects and concentration in meditation

A>YaaSaaTa( abhy€s€t 〈5.1〉 m. abhy€sa A>YaaSae abhy€se 〈7.1〉 m. abhy€sa A>YaaSaeNa abhy€sena 〈3.1〉 m. abhy€sa A>YauTQaaNaMa( abhyutth€nam 〈1.1〉 n. abhyutth€na (abhi.ud.√sth€ — to stand up) — rising A>a]Ma( abhram 〈1.1〉 n. abhra — ‘water bearer’, a cloud AMaq am… 〈1.3〉 m. adas AMau}a amutra 〈avyaya〉 — there, in the other world AMa*Ta amta (a-mta) — ‘not dead’, immortality; nectar (conferring immortality), ambrosia; anything sweet; other words for ‘nectar’: sudh€, p…y™a

AMa*TaTvaYa amtatv€ya 〈4.1〉 n. amtatva (amta + .tva) — the state of immortality, liberation AMa*TaMa( amtam 〈2.1〉 n. amta AMbr ambara — clothes, garment; (as in:) p…t€mbara (wearing yellow) AMbu ambu — water AM>aSa( ambhas (ambhaƒ) — water AM>aSaa ambhas€ 〈3.1〉 n. ambhas AM>aiSa ambhasi 〈7.1〉 n. ambhas AMl amla — sour, acid AYaNa ayana — walking; path, road; way, course, manner; (as in:) uttar€yaŠa (uttara-_ayana) — ‘the northern path’, the sun’s path north of the equator; R€m€yaŠa (r€ma-_ayana) — ‘the ways of R€ma’; here it means a path of entrance into the army, a strategic position; other words for ‘path’: patha, vartma, m€rga, sti

AYaNaMa( ayanam 〈1.1〉 n. ayana AYaNaa" ayan€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. ayana AYaNaezu ayaneu 〈7.3〉 n. ayana AYaMa( ayam 〈1.1〉 m. idam Air ari — enemy; other words for ‘enemy’: ripu, vair…, sapatna, ari, dviat, durhda, vipaka, amitra, atru, paripanth… AicRTauMa( arcitum 〈avyaya〉 (√arc[a]...PaUJaaYaaMa( — to worship, honor; + .tum[u]) — to worship AJauRNa arjuna — white (other words for ‘white’: ukla, ubhra, uci, sita, gaura, p€Šu); ‘who is pure in actions’, Arjuna AJauRNaMa( arjunam 〈2.1〉 m. arjuna AJauRNaYaae" arjunayoƒ 〈6.2〉 m. arjuna AQaR artha (√artha...oPaYaaÁaYaaMa( — to request, beg) — aim, purpose, cause (other words for ‘cause’: hetu, k€raŠa), motive; advantage, utility (as in dharma-artha-k€ma); thing, object; indriy€rtha or sense object; wealth (other words for ‘wealth’: vitta, vasu, dravya), property, opulence, money; wanting, needing anything; sense, meaning, notion; (as in:) artha-k€ma — desirous of wealth; artha.vat — ‘possessing wealth or meaning’, wealthy; meaningful; fitting; real;

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pr€rthan€ (pra.arthan€) — desire, request; prayer (other words for ‘prayer’: stava, stotra); if the word artha is at the end of a sam€sa (as in saˆjñ€-artham) with the meaning ‘for the sake of’ and it takes the form of artham, then it is considered as avyaya

AQaR" arthaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. artha AQaRvTa( arthavat 〈1.1〉 n. arthavat (artha + .vat[u]) — ‘heaving meaning’, useful AQaaRTa( arth€t 〈5.1〉 n. artha AQaaRNa( arth€n 〈2.3〉 m. artha AQaaRYa arth€ya 〈4.1〉 m. artha AQas arth… 〈1.1〉 m. arthin (-arth…) — ‘who wants’ AQasYaMa( arth…yam 〈1.1〉 n. arth…ya (from artha) — intended for AQaeR arthe 〈7.1〉 m. artha AQaeR>Ya" arthebhyaƒ 〈5.3〉 m. artha AQaeRzu artheu 〈7.3〉 m. artha APaRaaeJaNae=) — they eat AXNaaiMa an€mi 〈acyuta 3.1〉 (√a[a]...>aaeJaNae=) — I eat AXNaaiSa an€si 〈acyuta 2.1〉 (√a[a]...>aaeJaNae=) — you eat AXNauTae anute 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√a[™‰]...VYaaáaE=) — he obtains AXMaNa( aman (am€) — a stone, rock; a precious stone Aé]u aru — a tear Aé[aEzMa( arauam 〈bh™tea 3.1〉 (√ru...é[vauiv=) — he is, exists, becomes ASTau astu 〈vidh€t€ 1.1〉 (√as[a]...>auiv=) — he must be, exist, become ASMad( asmad 〈kŠan€ma〉 — (last person) I ASMadqYaE" asmad…yaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. asmad…ya (from asmad) — our ASMaak==Ma( asm€kam 〈6.3〉 asmad ASMaaTa( asm€t 〈5.1〉 n. idam ASMaaNa( asm€n 〈2.3〉 asmad ASMaai>a" asm€bhiƒ 〈3.3〉 asmad AiSMa asmi 〈acyuta 3.1〉 (√as[a]...>auiv=) — I am, exist, become AiSMaNa( asmin 〈7.1〉 m. idam ASYa asya 〈6.1〉 m. n. idam ASYaaMa( asy€m 〈7.1〉 f. idam Ah&vadq ahaˆv€d… 〈1.1〉 m. ahaˆv€din (ahaˆv€d…) — who is egoistic Ah" ahaƒ 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. ahan (ahaƒ) — day; other words for ‘day’: dina, divasa, v€sara Ahªar aha‰k€ra (aham-_k€ra) — ‘I-maker’, the conception of one’s individuality, ego; (esp.) false ego, egotism, pride Ahªar" aha‰k€raƒ 〈1.1〉 m. aha‰k€ra AhªarMa( aha‰k€ram 〈2.1〉 m. aha‰k€ra AhªaraTa( aha‰k€r€t 〈5.1〉 m. aha‰k€ra Ahªarea" €k€‰kibhiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. €k€‰kin Aak==a¿I €k€‰k… 〈1.1〉 m. €k€‰kin Aak==ar €k€ra — form; (as opp. to) nir€k€ra — having no form Aak==aXa €k€a (√k€[]...dqPTaaE=) — ‘viewing’; a free or open space; the ether, sky, atmosphere; (in phil.) the ether element Aak==aXaMa( €k€am 〈1.1〉 n. €k€a



Aaku= l €kula (same as vy€kula) — perturbed Aak*= iTa €kti — shape, appearance; a well-formed shape Aak*= TaqiNa €kt…ni 〈2.3〉 n. €kti Aa:YaaTaMa( €khy€tam 〈1.1〉 n. €khy€ta (€.√khy€ — to tell; + .[k]ta) — told Aa:Yaaih €khy€hi 〈vidh€t€ 2.1〉 (€.√khy€ — to tell) — you must tell AaGaC^eTa( €gacchet 〈vidhi 1.1〉 (€.√gam[†] — to come) — he should come AaGaTa €gata (€.√gam[†] — to come; + .[k]ta) — having come AaGaTaMa( €gatam 〈2.1〉 n. €gata AaGaTaa" €gat€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €gata AaGaMae €game 〈7.1〉 m. €gama — arrival, advent AacrTa( €carat (€.√car[a] — to behave, perform; + .[]at[]) — [while] performing AacrTa" €carataƒ 〈6.1〉 m. €carat AacriTa €carati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (€.√car[a] — to behave, perform) — he performs AacrNa( €caran 〈1.1〉 m. €carat Aacar €c€ra (√car[a]...GaTaaE=) — behavior, (esp.) good behavior, precept Aacar" €c€raƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €c€ra AacaYaR €c€rya (from €c€ra) — ‘who knows and teaches €c€ra, the precept’, a preceptor; 〈8.1〉 m. €c€rya AacaYaRMa( €c€ryam 〈2.1〉 m. €c€rya AacaYaaR" €c€ry€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €c€rya AacaYaaRNa( €c€ry€n 〈2.3〉 m. €c€rya AaJYaMa( €jyam 〈1.1〉 n. €jya — ghee Aa!y" €hyaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €hya — wealthy AaTaTaaiYaNa" €tat€yinaƒ 〈2.3〉 m. €tat€yin (€tat€y…) (€.√tan[u]...ivSTaare — to spread) — aggressor AaiTaï €ti˜ha 〈vidh€t€ 2.1〉 (€.√sth€ — to attain, resort) — you must resort to AaTQa €ttha 〈acyuta opt. for brav…si with a past sense 2.1〉 (√br™[ñ]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic=) — you spoke AaTMa €tma (in compound for:) €tman AaTMak== €tmaka — of the nature of, full of AaTMak==" €tmakaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €tmaka AaTMak==Ma( €tmakam 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. €tmaka


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€tman (€tm€) (variously derived) — the spirit, Brahman; the self, individual soul; Supersoul (Param-€tm€); essence, nature, character; (in sam€sa:) €tma, (as in:) €tma-tattva — the category or truth of the soul; 〈8.1〉 m. €tman

16. €tman m.

AaTMaa AaTMaaNaMa( AaTMaNaa AaTMaNae

AaTMaaNaaE AaTMaaNaaE AaTMa>YaaMa( AaTMa>YaaMa(

AaTMaaNa" AaTMaNa" AaTMai>a" AaTMa>Ya"

AaTMaNa" €tmanaƒ 〈6.1〉 m. €tman AaTMaNaa €tman€ 〈3.1〉 m. €tman AaTMaNaaMa( €tman€m 〈6.3〉 m. €tman AaTMaiNa €tmani 〈7.1〉 m. €tman AaTMaNa" AaTMa>YaaMa( AaTMa>Ya" AaTMai>a" €tmabhiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. €tman AaTMaNa" AaTMaNaae" AaTMaNaaMa( AaTMavTa( €tmavat (€tm€ + .vat[u]) — ‘having €tm€ (the self)’, situated in the self AaTMavNTaMa( €tmavantam 〈2.1〉 m. €tmavat AaTMaiNa AaTMaNaae" AaTMaSau AaTMavaNa( €tmav€n 〈1.1〉 m. €tmavat he= =AaTMaNa( he= =AaTMaaNaaE he= =AaTMaaNa" AaTMaa €tm€ 〈1.1〉 m. €tman AaTMaaNa" €tm€naƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €tman AaTMaaNaMa( €tm€nam 〈2.1〉 m. €tman AaiTMak==a €tmik€ 〈1.1〉 f. €tmik€ (fem. for €tmaka) AaTYaiNTak==Ma( €tyantikam 〈2.1〉 n. €tyantika (from atyanta) — unlimited, infinite; final; entire, universal Aadtae €datte 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (€.√[u]d€[ñ] — to take) — he takes AadYa" €dayaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €di AadXaR" €daraƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €dara (€.√d[ir] — to show) — a copy, ideal, mirror Aaid €di — beginning, origin, original; beginning with, et cetera; (as in:) €dyanta (€di-_anta) — beginning and end; €di-purua — ‘original person’, the Lord; janm€di (janma-_€di) — ‘beginning with birth’, birth etc.; 〈1.1〉 n. €di

Aaid" €diƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €di AaidTYa €ditya — ‘son of Aditi’, name of Vivasv€n, the sun-god; the sun (other words for ‘sun’: s™ra, s™rya, ravi, bh€skara, arka, vibh€vasu, tapana, savit€)

AaidTYavTa( €dityavat 〈avyaya〉 (€ditya + .vat[i]) — like the sun AaidTYaa" €dity€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €ditya AaidTYaaNa( €dity€n 〈2.3〉 m. €ditya AaidTYaaNaaMa( €dity€n€m 〈6.3〉 m. €ditya AaidTvaTa( €ditv€t 〈5.1〉 n. €ditva (€di + .tva) — being with a beginning AaidMa( €dim 〈2.1〉 m. €di Aaidzu €diu 〈7.3〉 n. €di Aadq €d… 〈2.2〉 m. €di AadqNa( €d…n 〈2.3〉 m. €di AadqiNa €d…ni 〈1.3, 2.3〉 n. €di AadaE €dau 〈7.1〉 m. €di AaÛ €dya (from €di) — ‘being the first’, original, primeval AaÛMa( €dyam 〈2.1〉 m. 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. €dya AaDaTSv €dhatsva 〈vidh€t€ 2.1〉 (€.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to hold, place) — you must hold (concentrate) AaDaaYa €dh€ya 〈avyaya〉 (€.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to hold, place; + .ya[p]) — [after] placing AaiDaPaTYaMa( €dhipatyam 〈2.1〉 n. €dhipatya — supremacy



AaNak== €naka — a drum AaNaNaMa( €nanam 〈2.1〉 m. €nana — mouth AaPa" €paƒ 〈1.3〉 f. ap AaPa‘a €panna (€.√pad — to attain; + .[k]ta) — attained AaPa‘aMa( €pannam 〈2.1〉 m. €panna AaPa‘aa" €pann€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €panna AaPaUYaR €p™rya 〈avyaya〉 (€.√pŽ — to protect, nourish; fill; + .ya[p]) — [after] filling AaPaUYaRMaaaraaSa €bh€sa (€.√bh€s[] — to shine) — the appearence, semblance, reflection Aa>aaSaMa( €bh€sam 〈1.1〉 n. €bh€sa AaMaYaMa( €mayam 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. €maya — sickness, disease; (as in:) an-€maya — ‘free from fault’, pure, transcendental AaYaaMa €y€ma — control; (as in:) pr€Š€y€ma (pr€Ša-_€y€ma) — breath control AaYaaSaMa( €y€sam 〈1.1〉 n. €y€sa — exertion AaYau" €yuƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €yus (-€yuƒ) — life AaYauDa €yudha — weapon AaYauDaMa( €yudham 〈2.1〉 n. €yudha AaYauDaaNaaMa( €yudh€n€m 〈6.3〉 n. €yudha Aar>aTae €rabhate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (€.√rabh[a] — to begin) — he begins Aar>YaTae €rabhyate 〈acyuta pass. 1.1〉 (€.√rabh[a] — to begin) — it begins AarM>a €rambha (€.√rabh[a] — to begin) — undertaking, attempt, beginning, commencement (same as pr€rambha); effort, exertion; (similarly: pra.€.√rabh[a] + .[k]ta) pr€rabdha — commenced, (as in:) pr€rabdha-karma — a reaction (karman) which has already started

AarM>a" €rambhaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €rambha AarM>aa" €rambh€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €rambha AarM>aaTa( €rambh€t 〈5.1〉 m. €rambha AaraDaNaMa( €r€dhanam 〈2.1〉 n. €r€dhana (€.√r€dh[a] — to worship) — worship AaraDYa €r€dhya (€.√r€dh[a] — to worship + .ya) — to be worshipped AaraMa" €r€maƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €r€ma — delight, pleasure Aaåå+aae" €rurukoƒ 〈6.1〉 m. €ruruku (from €.√ruh[a] — to ascend) — ‘who desires to ascend’ Aaæ! €r™ha (€.√ruh[a] — to ascend; + .[k]ta) — ascended Aaæ!" €r™haƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €r™ha Aaæ!SYa €r™hasya 〈6.1〉 m. €r™ha Aaæ!aiNa €r™h€ni 〈2.3〉 n. €r™ha AaraeGYa €rogya (from a-roga — ‘non-disease’) — health

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€roha (from €.√ruh[a] — to ascend) — ascending; (as in:) €roha-panth€ƒ — the ascending path, inductive method; (opp. to:) avaroha-panth€ƒ — the descending path, deductive method

AaJaRvMa( €rjavam 〈1.1〉 n. €rjava — straight, honest, sincere; simplicity, straightforwardness, honesty, sincerity AaTaR" €rtaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €rta (€.√ — to reach, fall into; + .[k]ta) — fallen into (misfortune), afflicted, distressed AaYaR €rya (€.√ — to go up) — noble, wise; nobility; as such it is not the name of a race (who supposedly invaded India from Central Asia), but a person endowed with noble qualities

AalYaMa( €layam 〈2.1〉 n. €laya — abode, place AavYaae" €vayoƒ 〈6.2〉 asmad AavTaRTae €vartate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (€.√vt[u] — to act reverse, return) — he returns AaviTaRNa( €vartin (€vart…, €.√vt[u] — to act reverse, return) — who/which returns AaviTaRNa" €vartinaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €vartin Aavh €vaha (€.√vah[a] — to carry near) — bringing, carrying Aavh" €vahaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €vaha AaivXYa €viya 〈avyaya〉 (€.√vi[a] — to enter; + .ya[p]) — [after] entering Aaiví €vi˜a (€.√vi[a] — to enter; + .[k]ta) — ‘entered’, filled with Aaiví" €vi˜aƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €vi˜a AaivíMa( €vi˜am 〈2.1〉 m. €vi˜a Aav*Ta €vta (€.√v[ñ] 5U — to cover; + .[k]ta) — covered Aav*Ta" €vtaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. €vta Aav*TaMa( €vtam 〈1.1〉 n. €vta Aav*Taa €vt€ 〈1.1〉 f. €vt€ (€vta + .€[p]) Aav*Taa" €vt€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €vta Aav*ita €vtti (€.√vt[u] — to act reverse, return) — return Aav*itaMa( €vttim 〈2.1〉 f. €vtti Aav*TYa €vtya 〈avyaya〉 (€.√v[ñ] 5U — to cover; + .ya[p]) — [after] covering AaveiXaTa €veita (€.√vi[a] — to enter; caus. + .[k]ta) — caused to enter AaveXYa €veya 〈avyaya〉 (€.√vi[a] — to enter; caus. + .ya[p]) — [after] causing to enter Aaiv]YaTae €vriyate 〈acyuta pass. 1.1〉 (€.√v[ñ] 5U — to cover) — he is covered AaXa €a — eater; (as in:) hutaa (huta-_€a) — ‘oblation-eater’, fire AaXaYa €aya — resting-place, seat, place, abode; thought, intention, mind, heart AaXaYaaTa( €ay€t 〈5.1〉 m. €aya AaXaa €€ — wish, hope AaXaa" €€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €a (from €€) — ‘who has hope’ AaiXaNa( €in (€…, √a[a]...>aaeJaNae — to eat, enjoy) — one who eats, enjoys; (as in:) i˜a-_€in — one who eats remnants AaiXaNa" €inaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. €in AaXaq €… 〈1.1〉 m. €in AaXau €u 〈avyaya〉 — quickly, immediately, soon AaêYaR €carya — wonder; other words for ‘wonder’: vismaya, adbhuta, citra AaêYaRvTa( €caryavat 〈avyaya〉 (€carya + .vat[i]) — as a wonder AaêYaaRiYa"

ku= laTa( ku= lSYa ku= le he= =ku= l

ku= la>YaaMa( ku= lYaae" ku= lYaae" he= =ku= le

ku= le>Ya" ku= laNaaMa( ku= lezu he= = ku= laiNa



wv iva 〈avyaya〉 — like wzui>a" iubhiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. iu — arrow wí i˜a (√i[u]...wC^aYaaMa( + .[k]ta) — desired; or (when derived from √yaj[a]...devPaUJaa–Sa®iTak==rYaaMa(

hrYa" hrqNa( hiri>a" hir>Ya"

hir>YaaMa( hYaaeR" hYaaeR" he hrq

hir>Ya" hrqYaaMa( WTae>Ya" WTaaMa( et€m 〈2.1〉 f. etad WTaSMaaTa( WTaa>YaaMa( WTae>Ya" WTaavTa( et€vat 〈1.1〉 n. et€vat — this much WiTa eti 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√i[Š]...GaTaaE — to go) — he goes WTaSYa WTaYaae" WTaezaMa( WTae ete 〈1.3〉 m. 〈1.2, 2.2〉 f. etad WTaiSMaNa( WTaYaae" WTaezu WTaeNa etena 〈3.1〉 m. etad WTaezaMa( ete€m 〈6.3〉 m. etad WTaE" etaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. n. etad WDaa&iSa edh€ˆsi 〈2.3〉 n. edhas (edhaƒ) — fuel, firewood WNaMa( enam 〈2.1〉 m. etad WNaaMa( en€m 〈2.1〉 f. etad Wi>a" ebhiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. idam W>Ya" ebhyaƒ 〈4.3, 5.3〉 m. idam Wv eva 〈avyaya〉 — certainly; (as in:) caiva (ca_eva) — and also; tvam eva — you alone; sp˜vaiva (sptv€_eva) — by merely touching; iti vadann eva (vadan_ eva) — at the very moment of saying so; j…vann eva (j…van_eva) — while still living


evam 〈avyaya〉 — thus; (in the sense of:) in this way, in such a manner, such; (as in:) evam uktv€ — [after] speaking thus; evaˆ-r™pa, evaˆ-vidha — of such a form, of such a kind

Wz" eaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. etad Wza e€ 〈1.1〉 f. etad WzaMa( e€m 〈6.3〉 m. idam WZYaiTa eyati 〈kalki 1.1〉 (√i[Š]...GaTaaE — to go) — he will go WZYaiSa eyasi 〈kalki 2.1〉 (√i[Š]...GaTaaE — to go) — you will go Wek= aiNTak==SYa aik€ntikasya 〈6.1〉 n. aik€ntika (from ek€nta) — exclusive WeravTaMa( air€vatam 〈2.1〉 m. air€vata — Air€vata, name of Indra’s elephant WeìrMa( aivaram 〈2.1〉 m. n. aivara — majestic WeìYaR aivarya (…[a]...WeìYaeR — to lord) — supremacy, power; supernatural power, like the siddhis (aŠiman, laghiman, etc.) or omniscience

AaeJaSaa ojas€ 〈3.1〉 n. ojas (ojaƒ) — strength, energy AaeMa( om 〈avyaya〉 — the syllable om AaezDaq" oadh…ƒ 〈2.3〉 f. oadhi — plant, herb AaEPaMYa aupamya (upam€ — comparison, similarity) — the state of similarity AaEPaMYaeNa aupamyena 〈3.1〉 n. aupamya AaEzDaMa( auadham 〈1.1〉 n. auadha (from oadhi) — herbs or grains



26. kim m. k==" kaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. kim k==iÀd( kaccid 〈avyaya〉 (kad + .cid) — is it that? k==" k==aE ke= k==TarTa( katarat 〈1.1〉 n. 〈kŠan€ma〉 katarat — who or which of two k==Ma( k==aE k==aNa( k==QaMa( katham 〈avyaya〉 (kim + .th€) — ‘in which manner?’, how? ke= Na k==a>YaaMa( kE= " k==QaYa kathaya 〈vidh€t€ 2.1〉 (√katha...vaKYaPa[bNDae — to tell) — you must tell k==SMaE k==a>YaaMa( ke= >Ya" k==QaYaTa( kathayat (√katha...vaKYaPa[bNDae — to tell; + .[]at[]) — [while] telling k==SMaaTa( k==a>YaaMa( ke= >Ya" k==QaYaTa" kathayataƒ 〈5.1〉 m. kathayat k==QaYaNTa" kathayantaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. kathayat k==SYa k==Yaae" ke= zaMa( k==QaiYaZYaiNTa kathayiyanti 〈kalki 1.3〉 (√katha...vaKYaPa[bNDae — to tell) — they will tell k==iSMaNa( k==Yaae" ke= zu k==QaiYaZYaaiMa kathayiy€mi 〈kalki 3.1〉 (√katha...vaKYaPa[bNDae — to tell) — I will tell k==da kad€ 〈avyaya〉 (kim + .d€) — ‘at what time?’, when? k==daicd( kad€cid 〈avyaya〉 (kad€ + .cid) — at any time k==NdPaR" kandarpaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. kandarpa — Kandarpa, name of K€ma (Cupid) k==iPa kapi — ape, monkey; (as in:) kapi-dhvaja — ‘monkey banner’; other words for ‘monkey’: marka˜a, v€nara k==iPal" kapilaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. kapila — Kapiladeva, the son of Kardama Muni and Devah™ti k==Ma( kam 〈2.1〉 m. kim k==Mal kamala — lotus; (as in:) kamalapatr€ka (kamala-patra-aka) — ‘who has eyes (aka) like the petals (patra) of a lotus k==r kara — doing, making, causing; hand k==r" karaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. kara k==rYa"

k==MaR>YaaMa( k==MaRaviNTa >avNTaMa( bhavantam 〈2.1〉 m. bhavat[u] >aviNTa bhavanti 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — they are >aviSa >avQa" >avQa >avaNa( bhav€n 〈1.1〉 m. bhavat[u] — you (honorific) >avaiMa >avav" >avaMa" >avaiMa bhav€mi 〈acyuta 3.1〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — I am >aivTaa bhavit€ 〈b€lakalki 1.1〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — he will be >aivZYaTaaMa( bhaviyat€m 〈6.3〉 m. bhaviyat (√bh™...SataaYaaMa( + .[]at[] in future sense) — which will be; a future being or event

>aivZYaiTa bhaviyati 〈kalki 1.1〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — he will be >aivZYaiNTa bhaviyanti 〈kalki 1.3〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — they will be >aivZYaaiaivZYaaMa" bhaviy€maƒ 〈kalki 3.3〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — we will be >aveTa( bhavet 〈vidhi 1.1〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — he would be >aSMaNa( bhasman (bhasma) — chewing, consuming, pulverizing; ashes >aSMaSaaTa( bhasmas€t 〈avyaya〉 (from bhasman) — into ashes >aa" bh€ƒ 〈1.1〉 f. bh€s >aak(= bh€k 〈1.1〉 m. bh€j >aaGa bh€ga — part, division >aaGaMa( bh€gam 〈avyaya〉 — as divided >aaJa( bh€j (bh€k) — devoted to >aarTa bh€rata — ‘descendant of Bharata’; 〈8.1〉 m. bh€rata >aav bh€va — existence; state of existence, nature, disposition; sentiment, heart, love >aav" bh€vaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh€va >aavNa bh€vana — creator; 〈8.1〉 m. bh€vana >aavNa" bh€vanaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh€vana >aavNaa bh€van€ 〈1.1〉 f. bh€van€ — conception, thought; concentration, meditation, absorption >aavMa( bh€vam 〈2.1〉 m. bh€va >aavYaTa( bh€vayat (√bh™...SataaYaaMa( + .[]at[]) — [while] fostering >aavYaTa bh€vayata 〈vidh€t€ caus. 2.3〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — you must cause to be; you must nourish, foster >aavYaTa" bh€vayataƒ 〈6.1〉 m. bh€vayat >aavYaNTa" bh€vayantaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. bh€vayat

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>aavYaNTau bh€vayantu 〈vidh€t€ caus. 1.3〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — they must foster >aava" bh€v€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. bh€va — state of being: nature, sentiment >aavaNa( bh€v€n 〈2.3〉 m. bh€va >aavaYa bh€v€ya 〈4.1〉 m. bh€va >aaivTa bh€vita (√bh™...SataaYaaMa( caus. + .[k]ta) — ‘caused to be’, manifested, made up, transformed >aaivTa" bh€vitaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh€vita >aaivTaa" bh€vit€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. bh€vita >aave bh€ve 〈7.1〉 m. bh€va >aaveNa bh€vena 〈3.1〉 m. bh€va >aavezu bh€veu 〈7.3〉 m. bh€va >aavE" bh€vaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. bh€va >aazSae bh€ase 〈acyuta 2.1〉 (√bh€[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic=) — you speak >aaza bh€€ 〈1.1〉 f. bh€€ (√bh€[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic=) — speech, language, dialect; (fig.:) description, symptom, characteristic >aaSa( bh€s (bh€ƒ, from √bh€s[]...dqáaE=) — light, lustre, splendor, brightness, effulgence; an image, reflection, shadow; glory, splendor, majesty; (as in:) bh€skara — ‘making light’, the sun; bh€sas (bh€saƒ) — light, lustre; €bh€sa — splendor, light; color, appearance; semblance, phantom, mere appearance, reflection

>aaSa" bh€saƒ 〈1.3, 6.1〉 f. bh€s >aaSaYaTae bh€sayate 〈acyuta caus. 1.1〉 (√bh€s[]...dqáaE=) — he causes to shine, he illuminates >aaSvTaa bh€svat€ 〈3.1〉 m. bh€svat (bh€s + .vat[u]) — ‘having light’, shining i>a+au bhiku — beggar, mendicant; religious man, esp. a sanny€s… i>a‘aa bhinn€ 〈1.1〉 f. bhinn€ (√bhid[ir]...ivdaraq bh… (from √[ñi]bh…...>aYae=) — fear >aq" bh…ƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh… >aqTa bh…ta (√[ñi]bh…...>aYae + .[k]ta) — afraid, fearful >aqTa" bh…taƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh…ta >aqTaMa( bh…tam 〈2.1〉 m. bh…ta >aqTaa" bh…t€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. bh…ta >aqTaaiNa bh…t€ni 〈1.3〉 n. bh…ta >aqMa bh…ma (from √[ñi]bh…...>aYae=) — fearful, awful, heroic; Bh…ma >aqzaYae=) — fearful, awful >aqZMa bh…ma (from √[ñi]bh…...>aYae=) — fearful, awful; Bh…ma >aqZMa" bh…maƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh…ma >aqZMaMa( bh…mam 〈2.1〉 m. bh…ma >au¤a bhuktv€ 〈avyaya〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae" + .[k]tv€) — [after] enjoying >aux(= +v bhu‰kva 〈vidh€t€ 2.1〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — you must enjoy >auJa" bhujaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. bhuj (bhuk) — enjoying >auJaeNa bhujena 〈3.1〉 n. bhuja — arm >auÅTae bhuñjate 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — they enjoy >auÅaNaMa( bhuñj€nam 〈2.1〉 m. bhuñj€na (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae" + .[]€na) — [while] enjoying >auÅqYa bhuñj…ya 〈vidhi 3.1〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — I would enjoy



>au»e bhunkte 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — he enjoys >auvNaaTa( bhuvan€t 〈5.1〉 n. bhuvana — world >auiv bhuvi 〈7.1〉 f. bh™ — the earth >aU" bh™ƒ 〈bh™tea 2.1〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa(=; in combination with m€ the prefix a- of bh™tea (abh™ƒ) is not used, and bh™tea has an imperative meaning) — you must be


bh™ta 〈1.1〉 n. bh™ta (√bh™...SataaYaaMa( + .[k]ta) — ‘which has been’, past, a ghost; (or:) ‘which became, came into existence’, an element, body, being, creature

>aUTa" bh™taƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bh™ta >aUTaMa( bh™tam 〈2.1〉 m. 〈1.1〉 n. bh™ta >aUTaaNaaMa( bh™t€n€m 〈6.3〉 m. n. bh™ta >aUTaaiNa bh™t€ni 〈1.3, 2.3〉 n. bh™ta >aUTaaMa( bh™t€m 〈2.1〉 f. bh™t€ (bh™ta + .€[p]) >aUiTa" bh™tiƒ 〈1.1〉 f. bh™ti — opulence >aUTaezu bh™teu 〈7.3〉 m. n. bh™ta >aUTva bh™tv€ 〈avyaya〉 (√bh™...SataaYaaMa( + .[k]tv€) — [after] being, becoming >aUiMa bh™mi — the earth >aUiMa" bh™miƒ 〈1.1〉 f. bh™mi >aUMaaE bh™mau 〈7.1〉 f. bh™mi >aUYa bh™ya (from √bh™...SataaYaaMa(=) — being, becoming >aUYa" bh™yaƒ 〈avyaya〉 — again >aUYaaYa bh™y€ya 〈4.1〉 n. bh™ya >a*Gau bhgu — Bhgu Muni >a*Gau" bhguƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bhgu >a*Ta( bht — who holds; 〈1.1〉 m. n. bht >a*Taa bht€ 〈3.1〉 m. bht >a*TaaMa( bht€m 〈6.3〉 m. bht >aed bheda (√bhid[ir]...ivdaraedTa" bhedataƒ (bhedatas) 〈avyaya〉 (bheda + .tas[i]) — according to the division of >aedMa( bhedam 〈2.1〉 m. bheda >aeYaR" bheryaƒ 〈1.3〉 f. bher… — kettledrum >aE+YaMa( bhaikyam 〈1.1〉 n. bhaikya (from bhik€ — begging) — living on alms, begging, mendicancy >aae¢= a bhokt€ 〈1.1〉 m. bhokt >aae¢= arMa( bhokt€ram 〈2.1〉 m. bhokt >aae¢u= Ma( bhoktum 〈avyaya〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae" + .tum[u]) — to enjoy >aae¢*= bhokt (bhokt€, .t[n]) — enjoyer; 〈1.1〉 n. bhokt >aae¢*= Tve bhokttve 〈7.1〉 n. bhokttva (bhokt + .tva) — being the enjoyer >aae+YaSae bhokyase 〈kalki 2.1〉 (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — you will enjoy >aaeGa bhoga (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — enjoyment, pleasure, delight, (esp.) eating; experiencing, undergoing (good and bad); profit, utility; wealth, luxury


bhog€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. bhoga

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>aaeGaaNa( bhog€n 〈2.3〉 m. bhoga >aaeGaq bhog… 〈1.1〉 m. bhogin (bhog…) — enjoyer >aaeGaezu bhogeu 〈7.3〉 m. bhoga >aaeGaE" bhogaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. bhoga >aaeJaNa bhojana (√bhuj[a]...PaalNa–A>YavharYaae"=) — feeding, eating; a meal, food >aaeJaNaMa( bhojanam 〈1.1〉 n. bhojana >aaeJaNaezu bhojaneu 〈7.3〉 n. bhojana >a]&Xa bhraˆa (√bhraˆ[u]...ADa" PaTaNae=) — failing, decline, ruine, loss >a]&XaaTa( bhraˆ€t 〈5.1〉 m. bhraˆa >a]MaiTa bhramati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√bhram[u]...clNae=) — he/it is reeling >a]í bhra˜a — fallen >a]í" bhra˜aƒ 〈1.1〉 m. bhra˜a >a]aTa* bhr€t (bhr€t€) — brother, cousin >a]aTa›Na( bhr€tŽn 〈2.3〉 m. bhr€t >a]aMaYaTa( bhr€mayat (√bhram[u]...clNae=; caus. + .[]at[]) — [while] causing to move, driving >a]aMaYaNa( bhr€mayan 〈1.1〉 m. bhr€mayat >a]uvae" bhruvoƒ 〈6.2〉 f. bhr™ >a]U bhr™ — eyebrow Ma&SYaNTae maˆsyante 〈kalki 1.3〉 (√man[a] 4A...baeDaNae=) — they will think Mak==r" makaraƒ 〈1.1〉 m. makara — the sea-monster Makara, often identified as a shark, dolphin or crocodile; the Capricorn of the zodiac and carrier of VaruŠa


MaNaae>YaaMa( MaNaSaae" MaNaSaae" he= =MaNaSaq

MaNaae>Ya" MaNaSaaMa( MaNa"Sau he= =MaNaa&iSa

MaNaSa" manasaƒ 〈1.3〉 m. 〈5.1〉 n. manas MaNaSaMa( manasam 〈2.1〉 m. manas MaNaSaa manas€ 〈3.1〉 n. manas MaNaa" man€ƒ 〈1.1〉 m. manas MaNaqizNa( man…in (man……, from √man[a] 4A...baeDaNae=) — ‘who is thoughtful’, a wise man MaNaqizaazYaaMa( ASMaai>a" MaYaa may€ 〈3.1〉 asmad MaùMa(üMae Aava>YaaMa( ASMa>YaMa(üNa" MaYaa" may€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. maya MaYaaTa( may€t 〈5.1〉 m. maya Mad( Aava>YaaMa( ASMad( MaiYa mayi 〈7.1〉 asmad MaMaüMae AavYaae" ASMaak==Ma(üNa" MaYaq may… 〈1.1〉 f. may… (maya + .…[p]) MaiYa AavYaae" ASMaaSau MaYaE" mayaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. maya MarYa"

raDaa>YaaMa( raDaYaae" raDaYaae" he raDae

raDaa>Ya" raDaaNaaMa( raDaaSau he raDaa"

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MaahaTMYaMa( m€h€tmyam 〈1.1〉 n. m€h€tmya — greatness iMaTa mita — measure; (as in:) a-mita — ‘unmeasured’, boundless iMa}a mitra — friend, companion; a friend connected by blood-relationship; an ally (opp. to ari or enemy) iMa}ae mitre 〈7.1〉 m. mitra iMaQYaa mithy€ 〈avyaya〉 — conflictingly, contrarily, improperly; falsely, untruly, not real iMaé[ mira — mixed, combined, accompanied by; adulterated; manifold, diverse iMaé[Ma( miram 〈1.1〉 n. mira Mau¢= mukta (√muc[†]...Maae+a>> yoga — meditation; (2)

— to join, engage, gain >>> yoga — union; engagement; gain (as in yoga-kema — gain and safety); the word yoga is also used in the sense of mysticism (as in yoga-m€y€, yoga-nidr€, yoga-siddhi, yogevara); nowadays mainly associated with ha˜ha-yoga (‘Yoga’)

YaaeGa" yogaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. yoga YaaeGaTa" yogataƒ (yogatas, yoga + .tas[i]) — because of yoga YaaeGaMa( yogam 〈2.1〉 m. yoga YaaeGaSYa yogasya 〈6.1〉 m. yoga YaaeGaaTa( yog€t 〈5.1〉 m. yoga YaaeGaaYa yog€ya 〈4.1〉 m. yoga YaaeiGaNa( yogin (yog…) — a yog…, transcendentalist, mystic; 〈8.1〉 m. yogin YaaeiGaNa" yoginaƒ 〈1.3, 6.1〉 m. yogin YaaeiGaNaMa( yoginam 〈2.1〉 m. yogin YaaeiGaNaaMa( yogin€m 〈6.3〉 m. yogin YaaeGaq yog… 〈1.1〉 m. yogin YaaeGae yoge 〈7.1〉 m. yoga YaaeGaeNa yogena 〈3.1〉 m. yoga YaaeGaE" yogaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. yoga YaaeGaaE yogau 〈1.2〉 m. yoga YaaeTSYaMaaNaaNa( yotsyam€n€n 〈2.3〉 m. yotsyam€na (√yudh[a]...SaMPa[hare future sense) — ‘who will be fighting’, a fighter

17. yogin m.

+ .[]€na in

YaaeGaq YaaeiGaNaMa( YaaeiGaNaa YaaeiGaNae

YaaeiGaNaaE YaaeiGaNaaE YaaeiGa>YaaMa( YaaeiGa>YaaMa(

YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGai>a" YaaeiGa>Ya"

YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGaiNa he= =YaaeiGaNa(

YaaeiGa>YaaMa( YaaeiGaNaae" YaaeiGaNaae" he= =YaaeiGaNaaE

YaaeiGa>Ya" YaaeiGaNaaMa( YaaeiGazu he= =YaaeiGaNa"

YaaeTSYae yotsye 〈kalki 3.1〉 (√yudh[a]...SaMPa[hare=) — I will fight YaaeÖVYaMa( yoddhavyam 〈1.1〉 n. yoddhavya (√yudh[a]...SaMPa[hare + .tavya) — to be fought with YaaeDaa" yodh€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. yodha — fighter, warrior YaaeNaYa" yonayaƒ 〈1.3〉 f. yoni YaaeiNa yoni — birth, origin, source; womb; species YaaeiNa" yoniƒ 〈1.1〉 f. yoni YaaeiNaMa( yonim 〈2.1〉 f. yoni

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YaaeiNazu yoniu 〈7.3〉 f. yoni YaaeNaqiNa yon…ni 〈1.3〉 n. yoni YaaEvNaMa( yauvanam 〈1.1〉 n. yauvana (from yuvan (yuv€) — young, a youth) — youth r+aSa( rakas (rakaƒ, √rak[a]...PaalNae=) — protecting; a semi-divine being, a Rakasa, demon r+aSaaMa( rakas€m 〈6.3〉 m. rakas r+aa&iSa rak€ˆsi 〈1.3, 2.3〉 n. rakas r+Ya rakya — protection rJa" rajaƒ 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. (or in compound for:) rajas rJaSa( rajas (rajaƒ, from √rañj[a]...raGae=) — ‘dust’, passion, emotion; (as in:) rajo-guŠa — mode of passion rJaSa" rajasaƒ 〈5.1, 6.1〉 n. rajas rJaSaMa( rajasam 〈2.1〉 m. rajas rJaiSa rajasi 〈7.1, sati-saptam…〉 n. rajas raMa( l€bham 〈2.1〉 m. l€bha la>aaE l€bhau 〈2.2〉 m. l€bha il®E" li‰gaiƒ 〈3.3〉 n. li‰ga — a mark, sign, symptom, characteristic (same as laka, lakaŠa); the sign of gender, (esp.) the male organ (as in iva-li‰ga); (in grammar:) gender

iliPa lipi (from √lip[a]...oPadehe=) — smearing, anointing, painting, writing, alphabet, manuscript ilPYaTae lipyate 〈acyuta pass. 1.1〉 (√lip[a]...oPadehe=) — he/it is smeared ilMPaiNTa limpanti 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (√lip[a]...oPadehe=) — they smear luPTa lupta (√lup[†]...^edNae + .[k]ta) — cut, broken, destroyed, dropped luBDa" lubdhaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. lubdha — greedy leilùSae lelihyase 〈acyuta 2.1, a ‘intensive’ form〉 (√lih[a]...AaSvadNae=) — you are licking laek= loka — location, place, world; people laek= " lokaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. loka laek= Ma( lokam 〈2.1〉 m. loka laek= SYa lokasya 〈6.1〉 m. loka laek= a" lok€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. loka laek= aTa( lok€t 〈5.1〉 m. loka laek= aNa( lok€n 〈2.3〉 m. loka laeke= loke 〈7.1〉 m. loka laeke= zu lokeu 〈7.3〉 m. loka lae>a lobha (√lubh[a]...GaaÖyeR=) — greed lae>a" lobhaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. lobha lae>aeNa lobhena 〈3.1〉 m. lobha laeluPTv loluptva (lolupa — greed; + .tva >>> lolupatva; the dropping of a is €ra-prayoga ) — greediness



laeluPTvMa( loluptvam 〈1.1〉 n. loluptva laeí\ lo˜ra (same as lo˜a in 14.24) — a lump of earth or clay v" vaƒ 〈opt. for yum€n 2.3, yumabhyam 4.3 or yum€kam 6.3〉 yumad v¢u= Ma( vaktum 〈avyaya〉 (√vac[a]...Pair>aazYa" vaCYa v€cya (√vad[a]...VYa¢==aYaa& vaic + .ya) — to be spoken vac" vacae" vacaMa( vaCYaMa( v€cyam 〈1.1〉 n. v€cya vaic vacae" va+au vaiYa" ivDaMa( vidham 〈2.1〉 m. 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. vidha ivDaa vidh€ 〈1.1〉 f. vidh€ (vidha + .€[p]) ivDaa" vidh€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. vidha ivDaaNa( vidh€n 〈2.3〉 m. vidha ivDaaNa vidh€na — order ivDaaiNa vidh€ni 〈2.3〉 n. vidha iviDa vidhi — a rule, formula, precept,

ivduz" ivduz" ivduiz he= =ivÜNa(

law, direction; any prescribed act; use, application; method, way of acting, mode of life, conduct; any act, performance; the creator, name of Brahm€; (as in:) vidhi-h…na — destitute of rule, irregular

iviDaMa( vidhim 〈2.1〉 m. vidhi ivDaqYaTae vidh…yate 〈acyuta karma-kartari 1.1〉 (vi.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to hold, make) — he is held ivDaeYa vidheya (vi.√[u]dh€[ñ] — to hold, make; + .ya) — to be held, controlled ivNa¿yiSa vina‰kyasi 〈kalki 2.1〉 (vi.√na[a] — to disappear, perish) — you will perish

ivÜd(>YaaMa( ivduzae" ivduzae" he= =ivÜa&SaaE

ivÜd(>Ya" ivduzaMa( ivÜTSau he= =ivÜa&Sa"


ivNaÛ ivNaYa

SANSKRIT READER COURSE vinadya 〈avyaya〉 (vi.√nad[a] — to sound loud, roar; + .ya[p]) — [after] sounding vinaya (vi.√n…[ñ] — to lead, train) — ‘leading’, training, (esp.) moral training; discipline, conduct, modesty; (similarly:) vin…ta — trained, well-behaved, humble

ivNaXYaiTa vinayati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (vi.√na[a] — to perish) — he perishes ivNaXYaTa( vinayat (vi.√na[a] — to perish + .[]at[]) — [while] perishing ivNaXYaTSau vinayatsu 〈7.3〉 m. vinayat ivNaXYaNTaMa( vinayantam 〈2.1〉 m. vinayat ivNaa vin€ 〈avyaya〉 — without ivNaaXa vin€a (from vi.√na[a] — to disappear, perish) — destruction ivNaaXa" vin€aƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vin€a ivNaaXaMa( vin€am 〈2.1〉 m. vin€a ivNaaXaaYa vin€€ya 〈4.1〉 m. vin€a ivNaaiXa vin€i 〈2.1〉 n. vin€in ivNaaiXaNa( vin€in (vin€…) — ‘which is destructible’ ivNaaiXaNaMa( vin€inam 〈2.1〉 m. vin€in iviNaGa]h" vinigrahaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vinigraha (same as nigraha) — control iviNaYaTaMa( viniyatam 〈1.1〉 n. viniyata (√yam[a] — to restrain; + .[k]ta) — restrained iviNaYaMYa viniyamya 〈avyaya〉 (√yam[a] — to restrain; + .ya[p]) — [after] restraining iviNaMauR¢= vinirmukta (vi.nir.√muc[†] — to release; + .[k]ta) — released, liberated iviNaMauR¢= a" vinirmukt€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. vinirmukta iviNavTaRNTae vinivartante 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (√vt[u] — to stop to act; to return) — they stop iviNaiêTaE" vinicitaiƒ 〈3.3〉 n. vinicita (vi.nir.√ci[ñ] — to ascertain; + .[k]ta) — ascertained ivNdiTa vindati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√vid[†]>ae=) — he obtains ivNdTae vindate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√vid[†]>ae=) — he obtains ivNdaiMa vind€mi 〈acyuta 3.1〉 (√vid[†]>ae=) — I obtain ivPairvTaRTae viparivartate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (vi.pari.√vt[u] — to revolve) — he revolves ivParqTa vipar…ta (vi.pari.√i[Š] — to go round, turn; + .[k]ta) — turned round, reversed, wrong, inauspicious; the reverse, opposite

ivParqTaMa( vipar…tam 〈2.1〉 n. vipar…ta ivParqTaaNa( vipar…t€n 〈2.3〉 m. vipar…ta ivParqTaaiNa vipar…t€ni 〈2.3〉 n. vipar…ta ivPaiêTa( vipacit (same as vipa, vipra) — inspired, wise, learned; a wise man ivPaiêTa" vipacitaƒ 〈1.3, 6.1〉 m. vipacit ivPa[iTaPa‘aa vipratipann€ 〈1.1〉 f. vipratipann€ (vi.prati.√pad[a] — to go in opposit directions, be perplexed; + .[k]ta + .€[p]) — perplexed

iv>a¢== vibhakta (bhaj[a] 10P...ivé[aa¢==Ma( vibhaktam 〈2.1〉 m. 〈1.1〉 n. vibhakta iv>a¢e= zu vibhakteu 〈7.3〉 m. vibhakta iv>aaGaYaae" vibh€gayoƒ 〈6.2〉 m. vibh€ga — division iv>aaGaXa" vibh€gaaƒ (vibh€gaas) 〈avyaya〉 — according to the division of

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iv>aavSaaE vibh€vasau 〈7.1〉 m. vibh€vasu — fire iv>au vibhu — ‘all-pervading’, ‘omnipresent’, the Supreme Lord iv>au" vibhuƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vibhu iv>auMa( vibhum 〈2.1〉 m. vibhu iv>aUTaYa" vibh™tayaƒ 〈1.3〉 f. vibh™ti — opulence, might iv>aUiTai>a" vibh™tibhiƒ 〈3.3〉 f. vibh™ti iv>aUiTaMa( vibh™tim 〈2.1〉 f. vibh™ti iv>aUiTaMaTa( vibh™timat 〈1.1〉 n. vibh™timat (vibh™ti + .mat[u]) — ‘having vibh™ti (opulence)’ iv>aUTaqNaaMa( vibh™t…n€m 〈6.3〉 f. vibh™ti iv>aUTae" vibh™teƒ 〈6.1〉 f. vibh™ti iv>a]Ma vibhrama (from vi.√bhram[u] — to move, roam) — moving; confusion iv>a]Ma" vibhramaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vibhrama iv>a]í vibhra˜a (vi.√bhraˆ[u] — to fall down; + .[k]ta) — fallen down; separated from; ruined, lost iv>a]í" vibhra˜aƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vibhra˜a iv>a]aNTaa" vibhr€nt€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. vibhr€nta (from vi.√bhram[u] — to move, roam) — moved, bewildered ivMaTSar" vimatsaraƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vimatsara — free fom envy, unenvious ivMau¢= vimukta (vi.√muc[†] — to release; + .[k]ta) — liberated ivMau¢= " vimuktaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vimukta ivMau¢= a" vimukt€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. vimukta ivMau¢= aNaaMa( vimukt€n€m 〈6.3〉 m. vimukta ivMau¢E= " vimuktaiƒ 〈3.3〉 n. vimukta ivMauCYa vimucya 〈avyaya〉 (vi.√muc[†] — to release; + .ya[p]) — [after] releasing ivMauÄiTa vimuñcati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (vi.√muc[†] — to release) — he releases ivMauùiTa vimuhyati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (vi.√muh[a] — to be bewildered) — he is bewildered ivMaU! vim™ha (vi.√muh[a] — to be bewildered; + .[k]ta) — bewildered ivMaU!" vim™haƒ 〈1.1〉 m. vim™ha ivMaU!a" vim™h€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. vim™ha ivMaU!aNa( vim™h€n 〈2.3〉 m. vim™ha ivMa*XYa vimya 〈avyaya〉 (vi.√m[a] — to consider; + .ya[p]) — [after] considering ivMaae+aYa vi˜abhya 〈avyaya〉 (vi.√stambh[u] — to support, pervade; + .ya[p]) — [after] pervading iviïTaMa( vi˜hitam 〈1.1〉 n. vi˜hita (vi.√sth€ — to be situated; + .[k]ta) — situated ivZa


uni 〈7.1〉 m. van ubha (from √ubh[a]...dqáaE=) — beautiful, pleasant; auspicious, properous; good, virtuous; ubham — anything bright and beautiful; happiness, good fortune, prosperity, benefit, virtuous activity; obha — brilliance, beauty, etc.

Xau>aMa( ubham 〈2.1〉 n. ubha Xau>aaTa( ubh€t 〈5.1〉 m. ubha Xau>aaNa( ubh€n 〈2.3〉 m. ubha Xaué[Uzve ur™ave 〈4.1〉 m. ur™u Xaué]Uzu ur™u — ‘who desires to hear, learn, obey, serve’ XaUd] ™dra — a worker, a member of the fourth class (but above the outcastes) XaUd]SYa ™drasya 〈6.1〉 m. ™dra XaUd]a" ™dr€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. ™dra XaUd]aaUTaMa( sambh™tam 〈2.1〉 m. 〈1.1〉 n. sambh™ta — generated

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SaMMaU!= samm™ha (sam.√muh[a] — to be bewildered; + .[k]ta) — bewildered, deluded, confused; foolish; a fool SaMMaU!" samm™haƒ 〈1.1〉 m. samm™ha SaMMaU!a" samm™h€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. samm™ha SaMMaaeh sammoha (sam.√muh[a] — to be bewildered) — bewilderment SaMMaaeh" sammohaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. sammoha SaMMaaehMa( sammoham 〈2.1〉 m. sammoha SaMMaaehaTa( sammoh€t 〈5.1〉 m. sammoha SaMYak(= samyak 〈avyaya〉 (sam.+ añc) — ‘to go together’, together, completely, by all means; properly, well; distinctly, clear SarSaaMa( saras€m 〈6.3〉 n. saras (saraƒ) — a lake; water SaGaR sarga (from √sj[a]...ivSaGaeR=) — discharging; stream, downpour; origin, offspring; creation of the world, as distinct from pralaya (dissolution) and sthiti (existence)

SaGaR" sargaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. sarga SaGaaRYaaMa( SaveR>Ya" SavRda sarvad€ 〈avyaya〉 (sarva + .d€) — ‘at all times’, always SavRSMaaTa( SavaR>YaaMa( SaveR>Ya" SavRMa( sarvam 〈2.1〉 m. 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. sarva SavRXa" sarvaaƒ (sarvaas) 〈avyaya〉 — altogether, completely, in every way, on all sides SavRSYa SavRYaae" SaveRzaMa( SavRiSMaNa( SavRYaae" SaveRzu SavRSYa sarvasya 〈6.1〉 m. sarva SavaR" sarv€ƒ 〈1.3〉 f. sarv€ (sarva + .€[p]) he SavR he SavaER he SaveR SavaRiYa" sarvebhyaƒ 〈5.3〉 m. sarva SaveRzaMa( sarve€m 〈6.3〉 m. sarva SaveRzu sarveu 〈7.3〉 m. n. sarva SavŒ" sarvaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. sarva SaVYa savya — left, left hand; (as in:) savya-s€cin — ‘who is able [to draw the bow] with left [hand]’, who is ambidexterous Sah saha 〈avyaya〉 — together Sahdev" sahadevaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. sahadeva (saha-deva) — ‘companion of gods’, Sahadeva SahSaa sahas€ 〈avyaya〉 — quickly, suddenly, unexpectedly, forcibly; at once Sahó sahasra — thousand SahóSYa sahasrasya 〈6.1〉 n. sahasra



Sahóezu sahasreu 〈7.3〉 m. sahasra SaihTaMa( sahitam 〈2.1〉 n. sahita SahóXa" sahasraaƒ 〈avyaya〉 — thousands Saa s€ 〈1.1〉 f. tad Saai+aNa( s€kin (s€k…; from sa-_aka — with the eyes) — witness; the subject; (derived:) s€k€t — ‘with one’s own eyes’, directly, personally, clearly, really

Saa+aq s€k… 〈1.1〉 m. s€kin (s€k…) — witness Saa+aaTa( s€ks€t 〈avyaya〉 — directly SaaGar s€gara — ocean SaaGar" s€garaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. s€gara SaaGaraTa( s€gar€t 〈5.1〉 m. s€gara Saa«y s€‰khya (from sam.√khy€ — to enumerate, analyse) — analysis; (esp.) S€‰khya, the analysis of the twenty-four elements of material creation and how to free the soul from their entanglement; one who follows s€‰khya; (also from sam.√khy€:) sa‰khy€ — calculation, a number

Saa«yMa( s€‰khyam 〈2.1〉 n. s€‰khya Saa«yaNaaMa( s€‰khy€n€m 〈6.3〉 m. s€‰khya — ‘who follows s€‰khya’ Saa«ye s€‰khye 〈7.1〉 n. s€‰khya Saa«yeNa s€‰khyena 〈3.1〉 n. s€‰khya Saa«yE" s€‰khyaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. s€‰khya SaaicNa( s€cin 〈8.1〉 m. s€cin (s€c…) — who draws; (as in:) savya-s€cin (-s€c…) — ‘who draws a bow also with the left hand’, ambidexterous

Saaitvk== s€ttvika — ‘pertaining to sattva-guŠa’, in sattva-guŠa Saaitvk==" s€ttvikaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. s€ttvika Saaitvk==Ma( s€ttvikam 〈1.1, 2.1〉 n. s€ttvika Saaitvk==a" s€ttvik€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. s€ttvika Saaitvk==I s€ttvik… 〈1.1〉 f. s€ttvik… (s€ttvika + .…[p]) SaaTYaik==" s€tyakiƒ 〈1.1〉 m. s€tyaki — ‘whose nature is truth’, S€tyaki (Yuyudh€na) SaaDak== s€dhaka (from √s€dh[a]...Sa&iSaÖaE=) — accomplishing; an efficient or skillful person, esp. an adept; a worshipper SaaDaNa s€dhana (from √s€dh[a]...Sa&iSaÖaE=) — a means of accomplishing; performance, accomplishment SaaDaMYaRMa( s€dharmyam 〈2.1〉 n. s€dharmya (from sa-dharma) — of the same nature SaaDau s€dhu (from √s€dh[a]...Sa&iSaÖaE=) — straight, right; well-disposed, kind; successful; peaceful; excellent; good, virtuous, honorable, righteous, noble, correct, pure; ‘good!’ ‘well-done!’; a good or virtuous or honest man; a saint, sage; “The symptoms of a s€dhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.” (SB. 3.25.21)

SaaDau" s€dhuƒ 〈1.1〉 m. s€dhu SaaDauzu s€dhuu 〈7.3〉 m. s€dhu SaaDaUNaaMa( s€dh™n€m 〈6.3〉 m. s€dhu SaaDYa s€dhya (√s€dh[a]...Sa&iSaÖaE + .ya) — to be accomplished; an object to be accomplished SaaDYaa" s€dhy€ƒ 〈1.3〉 m. s€dhya SaaMa s€ma 〈1.1〉 n. s€man (s€ma) — S€ma-Veda, a hymn of the S€ma-Veda, (as in:) Bhat-s€ma; a particular hymn (besides c, yajus and chandas); a metrical hymn; a sort of metre; any song


s€marthyam 〈2.1〉 n. s€marthya (from samartha — able) — ability

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SaaMaaiSak==SYa s€m€sikasya 〈6.1〉 m. s€m€sika — the group of sam€sas (word compounds) SaaMNaaMa( s€mn€m 〈6.3〉 n. s€man (s€ma) SaaMYa s€mya (from sama — same) — sameness, equanimity SaaMYae s€mye 〈7.1〉 n. s€mya SaaMYaeNa s€myena 〈3.1〉 n. s€mya SaahóyaMa( s€hasry€m 〈7.1〉 f. s€hasr… (from sahasra, s€hasra + .…[p]) — of a thousand iSa&h siˆha — lion iSaÖ siddha (√sidh[u] 4P...Sa&raÖaE + .[k]ta) — succeeded, perfected; (as in:) siddh€nta (siddha-_anta) — ‘perfected end’, conclusion

iSaÖ" siddhaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. siddha iSaÖYae siddhaye 〈4.1〉 f. siddhi iSaÖaNaaMa( siddh€n€m 〈6.3〉 m. siddha iSaiÖ siddhi (from √sidh[u] 4P...Sa&raÖaE=) — success, perfection; either as a fruitive result, perfect knowledge, mystic power, liberation or love of Godhead; the eight mystic perfections are aŠim€ (minuteness), laghim€ (lightness), pr€pti (attaining anything), pr€k€mya (irresistible will), mahim€ (increased size), …itva (lordship), vaitva (subjugating by magic), k€m€vas€yit€ (suppressing all desires)

iSaiÖ" siddhiƒ 〈1.1〉 f. siddhi iSaiÖMa( siddhim 〈2.1〉 f. siddhi iSaÖaE siddhau 〈7.1〉 f. siddhi iSaÖyae" siddhyoƒ 〈7.2〉 f. siddhi SaqdiNTa s…danti 〈acyuta 1.3〉 (√sad[†]...ivSara" sudurlabhaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. sudurlabha (from su.dur.√[u]labh[a] — to obtain with difficulty) — difficult to obtain, very rare



SauduZk==rMa( sudukaram 〈2.1〉 m. sudukara (su.dur.√[u]k[ñ] — to do with great difficulty) — very difficult to do SauiNaiêTaMa( sunicitam 〈avyaya〉 (su.nir.√ci[ñ] — to ascertain well; + .[k]ta) — certainly, definitely Saur sura — a god; (as in:) sur€ri (sura-_ari) — ‘enemy (ari) of the gods’, an a-sura; surendra (sura-indra) — ‘king (indra) of the gods’, Indra; The suras are also called devas (gods) and their nature is called daiva (godly). “There are two mentalities in this world — daiva (godly) and €sura (demoniac). The devotees of ViŠu are called daiva, whereas those against the Lord are called €sura.” (Padma-Pur€Ša) The asuras (demons) are particularly identified with the sons of Kayapa by his wives Danu (as D€navas) and Diti (as Daityas), and also called indr€ri (enemy of Indra).

Sauraa" sulabhaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. sulabha — easy to obtain Sauivæ! suvir™ha (√ruh[a] — to develop very much; + .[k]ta) — very much developed SauSau%Ma( susukham 〈avyaya〉 (from su. + sukha) — very easily, happily Sauôd( suhd — ‘good-hearted’, ‘well-disposed’, a friend, ally; 〈1.1〉 m. suhd Sauôd" suhdaƒ 〈2.3〉 m. suhd Sauôd( SauôdMa( suhdam 〈2.1〉 m. suhd SauôdMa( SaU+Ma s™kma (as opp. to sth™la — gross) — minute, small, fine, thin, feeble, insignificant; Sauôda subtle, atomic, intangible SaU+MaTvaTa( s™kmatv€t 〈5.1〉 n. s™kmatva (s™kma + .tva) — being subtle Sauôde SaUcNa s™cana (√siv[u]...TaNTauSaNTaaNae=) — pointing out, indication Sauôd" SaUic s™ci (√siv[u]...TaNTauSaNTaaNae=) — a needle, any sharp point SaU}aq s™tr… 〈1.1〉 m. s™trin (s™tr…) — who is ‘spinning’; (as in:) d…rgha-s™trin — who is Sauôd" ‘spinning a long yarn’, being slow, procrastinating Sauôid SaU}ae s™tre 〈7.1〉 n. s™tra (from √siv[u]...TaNTauSaNTaaNae=) — a thread; a line; that which like a thread runs through, a rule, direction, a sketch, plan; a short sentence or he= =Sauôd( aphoristic rule; a (philosophical) text book


s™dana — destroying, destroyer; (as in:) madhu-s™dana — ‘the slayer of the Madhu demon’, name of KŠa; 〈8.1〉 m. s™dana

SaUdNa" s™danaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. s™dana SaUYaTae s™yate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√s™[‰]...Pa[aiaRivMaaecNae=) — he gives birth SaUYaR s™rya — the sun; S™ryadeva (Vivasv€n) SaUYaR" s™ryaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. s™rya SaUYaRYaae" s™ryayoƒ 〈7.2〉 m. s™rya Sa*JaiTa sjati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√sj[a]...ivSaGaeR=) — he creates Sa*JaaiMa sj€mi 〈acyuta 3.1〉 (√sj[a]...ivSaGaeR=) — I create Sa*Taq st… 〈2.2〉 f. sti (√s...GaTaaE=) — path Sa*í s˜a (√sj[a]...ivSaGaeR + .[k]ta) — created, let loose Sa*íMa( s˜am 〈1.1〉 n. s˜a Sa*îa s˜v€ 〈avyaya〉 (√sj[a]...ivSaGaeR + .[k]tv€) — [after] creating SaeNaYaae" senayoƒ 〈6.2, 7.2〉 f. sen€ — army SaeNaaNaqNaaMa( sen€n…n€m 〈6.3〉 m. sen€nin (sen€n…) — general SaevTae sevate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√sev[]...SaevNae=) — he serves SaevYaa sevay€ 〈3.1〉 f. sev€ — service SaeivTv sevitva — service, attendance, resort SaeivTvMa( sevitvam 〈1.1〉 n. sevitva

13. suhd m.

SauôdaE SauôdaE SauôÙyaMa( SauôÙyaMa(

Sauôd" Sauôd" SauôiÙ" SauôÙy"

SauôÙyaMa( Sauôdae" Sauôdae" he= =SauôdaE

SauôÙy" SauôdaMa( SauôTSau he= =Sauôd"

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Saevq sev… 〈1.1〉 m. sevin (sev…) — ‘who serves’ SaENYaSYa sainyasya 〈6.1〉 n. sainya — army Saae!uMa( sohum 〈avyaya〉 (√sah[a] 1A...MazRauiv=) — I should be SYaaMa sy€ma 〈vidhi 3.3〉 (√as[a]...>auiv=) — we should be SYau" syuƒ 〈vidhi 1.3〉 (√as[a]...>auiv=) — they should be ó&SaTae sraˆsate 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√sraˆs[u]...ADa" PaTaNae=) — he falls down óaeTaSaaMa( srotas€m 〈6.3〉 n. srotas (srotaƒ) (√sru...GaTaaE=) — stream, river Sv sva 〈kŠan€ma〉 — own Sva sv€ 〈kŠan€ma〉 (sva + .€[p]) Svk==Ma( svakam 〈2.1〉 n. svaka — own SvDaa svadh€ 〈1.1〉 f. svadh€ — oblation of food to the ancesters in r€ddha SvNauiïTaaTa( svanu˜hit€t 〈5.1〉 m. svanu˜hita (su.anu.√sth€ — to follow well; + .[k]ta) — well-performed SvPaNa( svapan 〈1.1〉 m. svapat (√[ñi]svap...XaYae + .[]at[]) — [while] sleeping SvPNaMa( svapnam 〈2.1〉 m. svapna — sleep, dream SvMa( svam 〈2.1〉 n. sva SvYaMa( svayam 〈avyaya〉 — himself, itself SvYaa svay€ 〈3.1〉 f. sv€ SvGaRMa( svargam 〈2.1〉 m. svarga — heaven SvGYaRMa( svargyam 〈1.1〉 n. svargya — ‘relating or leading to heaven’ SvLPaMa( svalpam 〈1.1〉 n. svalpa (su.alpa) — very little SviSTa svasti 〈avyaya〉 (su. + asti) — ‘well-being’, hail, peace SvSYaa" svasy€ƒ 〈6.1〉 f. sv€ SvaDYaaYa" sv€dhy€yaƒ 〈1.1〉 m. sv€dhy€ya (sva-_adhy€ya) — ‘own study’, reciting sacred texts to oneself, study of the Vedas SvaMa( sv€m 〈2.1〉 f. sv€ Sve sve 〈7.1〉 n. sva SveNa svena 〈3.1〉 n. sva hTa hata (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae" + .[k]ta) — killed hTa" hataƒ 〈1.1〉 m. hata hTaMa( hatam 〈2.1〉 m. hata hTaaNa( hat€n 〈2.3〉 m. hata hTva hatv€ 〈avyaya〉 (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae" + .[k]tv€) — [after] killing hNa( han (h€, from √han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae"=) — killer hiNaZYae haniye 〈kalki 3.1〉 (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae"=) — I will kill hNTa hanta 〈avyaya〉 — (a particle to excite curiosity:) yes! hNTaarMa( hant€ram 〈2.1〉 m. hant (hant€) (from √han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae"=) — killer hiNTa hanti 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae"=) — he kills hNTauMa( hantum 〈avyaya〉 (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae" + .tum[u]) — to kill hNYaTae hanyate 〈acyuta pass. 1.1〉 (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae"=) — he is killed hNYaMaaNae hanyam€ne 〈7.1, sati-saptam…〉 n. hanyam€na (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae" + .[]€na) — [while] being killed hNYau" hanyuƒ 〈vidhi 1.3〉 (√han[a]...ih&Saa–GaTYaae"=) — they would kill hYaE" hayaiƒ 〈3.3〉 m. haya — horse



hr" haraƒ 〈1.1〉 m. hara — who/which removes hriTa harati 〈acyuta 1.1〉 (√h[ñ]...hrav" improper, illegal AvEDa" incarnation AvTaar" incident ga$=Naa income AaYa" inconvenience ASauivDaa increase v*iÖ" indeed NaUNaMa( indifferent odaSaqNaMa( indirect Parae+a" individual VYai¢==" inference ANauMaaNaMa( influence Pa[>aav" information SaUcNaa innumerable ASa«y" inquiry Pa*C^a insect k==I$=" inspiration Pa[eraaza large, giant ivXaal" laughter haSa" law iviDa" leader NaaYak==", Pa[Mau%" leader NaeTaa leaf, page, letter Pa}aMa( less NYaUNa" lesson Paa#=" letter (alphabet) A+arMa( level STar" library PauSTak==alYa" life JaqvNaMa( lifespan AaYau" light Pa[k= aXa" line re%a lion iSa&h" lip Aaeï" liquid d]v" list SaUic" literature SaaihTYaMa( little, small lgau, SvLPa" long dqgaR" loss, harm haiNa" loud oÀE" love Pa[qiTa" low Naqc" luster dqiá" machine YaN}aMa( mad oNMata" main Mau:Ya", Pa[DaaNa" manner, fashion rqiTa" marriage ivvah"


[email protected] substance

d]VYaMa( maximum AiDak==TaMa" meal >aaeJaNaMa( means SaaDaNaMa( means (remedy) oPaaYa" medicine AaEzDaMa( meditation DYaaNaMa( medium MaaDYaMaMa( member SadSYa" mentality MaNaae>aav" mention oçe%" merchant viYaaSa" praise Pa[Xa&Saa prayer Pa[aQaRNaa precious AMaULYaMa( prescription iNadeRXa" presence oPaiSQaiTa" present oPaiSQaTa" president raí\PaiTa" pride Ai>aMaaNa" priest PauraeihTa" primary Pa[ariM>ak==" problem SaMaSYaa procession Xaae>aaYaa}aa product oTPaad" production oTPaadNaMa( program k==aYaR§= Ma" progress Pa[GaiTa" prohibition iNazeDa" pronunciation oÀar>> param€tm€ gaŠa-_…a >>> gaŠea purua-_uttama >>> puruottama deva-_i >>> devari na_eva >>> naiva uttama-_oja >>> uttamauja r…-_…a >>> r…a yadi_api >>> yady api b€hu-_udara >>> b€h™dara manu-_antara >>> manvantara vande_aham >>> vande ’ham yotsye_iti >>> na yotsya iti namo_astu te >>> namo ’stu te dvau_imau >>> dv€v imau v€k._mayam >>> v€‰mayam tapaƒ pthak-_vidha >>> pthag-vidha jagat-_…a >>> jagad-…a €caryavat_ca >>> €caryavac ca sy€t_janardana >>> sy€j janardana jagat-_n€thaƒ >>> jagan-n€thaƒ bhuvan€t_lok€ƒ >>> bhuvan€l lok€ƒ yuddh€t_reyaƒ >>> yuddh€c chreyaƒ s€k€t_hari >>> s€k€d dhari bhagavat-_g…t€ >>> bhagavad-g…t€ mad-_cittaƒ >>> mac-cittaƒ yad_jñ€tv€ >>> yaj jñ€tv€ tad-_ni˜ha >>> tan-ni˜ha mad-_manaƒ >>> man-manaƒ yad_reyaƒ >>> yac chreyaƒ suhd_sat€m >>> suht sat€m tattvavid_ >>> tattvavit a-gat€s™n_ca >>> a-gat€s™ˆ ca t€n_titikasva >>> t€ˆs titikasva raddh€v€n_labhate >>> raddh€v€‡ labhate prahasan_iva >>> prahasann iva sv€min_iti >>> sv€minn iti aham_bhaj€mi >>> ahaˆ bhaj€mi vedaiƒ_ca >>> vedai ca namaƒ_te >>> namas te namaƒ_astu te >>> namo_astu te >>> namo ’stu te arjunaƒ_uv€ca >>> arjuna uv€ca namaƒ_namaƒ >>> namo namaƒ saƒ_arjunaƒ >>> so_arjunaƒ >>> so ’rjunaƒ saƒ_kaunteyaƒ >>> sa kaunteyaƒ maŠi-gaŠ€ƒ_iva >>> maŠi-gaŠ€ iva agniƒ_jyotiƒ_ahaƒ >>> agnir jyotir ahaƒ hareƒ_n€ma >>> harer n€ma guŠamayaiƒ_bh€vaiƒ_ebhiƒ >>>guŠamayair bh€vair ebhiƒ senayoƒ_ubhayoƒ_madhye >>> senayor ubhayor madhye




Chandas syllables 8 • — • — • x x x x • 8 x x x x • 9 — • • — —, 10+11 11




— • • — maŠi-madhya • • — • • — • — • — viyogin… • • — — • • — • — • — • — • — —, • • — • — — upendra-vajr€ — — • — —, • • — • — — indra-vajr€

x — • — —, • • — • — — • • • — • • — • • — • — • — — • —, — • — — • — — • — — • • — • — • • • • • • • —, • — • —, • • • — — —, • • • • • • — • —, • • — —




• —



upaj€ti — druta-vilambita — sragviŠ… — indra-vaˆ€

— • — — • — kam€ • — • — • — rucir€ — • — • — — prahariŠ…

• — • — — • — pathy€ — • — • • • —, • • — • — — vasanta-tilak€ — — —, • • • • • • — — — — madhya-k€m€ • • • • • — —, — • — — • — — m€lin… • — • — • —, • — • — • — • — t™Šaka

— — — — — — — — — — — • • • • — • — • • • — • — • — • — • —, • — • — • — • — • — —, — • — • — • • • — — — — • • —


— • — pram€Šik€ — — x anu˜up — • x

— — — — l…l€-khela • — • — — v€Šin… — • — • — pañca-c€mara

• — • — — citra • — • —, • • • — • — — • — pthv…-guru — —, • • • • • — — • • • — ikhariŠ… • — • • • —, • • • • • • — vaˆa-patra-patita — • — • • • —, • — • — — • — nandana

• • • • — — — • • — • — • • — — — —, • • • • • • • — — — — —, • • • • — — — • • — • — • •

• —, — — • • —, — • — — • • —, — • — — • —, — — • —

• — €rd™la-lalita — — citra-lekh€

• — — megha-visph™rjit€ — • — €rd™la-vikr…ita — — — — • — —, • • • • • • —, — • • • — suras€ — — — — • — —, • • • • • • —, — • — — • — — srag-dhar€

The number of syllables in each p€da (quarter) of a regular meter can theoretically vary from 1 to 999. Each of these classes comprehends a great number of possible meters according to the different modes in which long and short syllables may be distributed. But the meter is also not necessarily the same in all four p€das — there are half-equal meters, unequal meters, and a whole class of meters regulated by the number of syllabic instances. Therefore, the number of verse meters is practically unlimited. Standard books mention about three hundred important meters. All meters of 4 syllables as a group are called prati˜h€, of 5 suprati˜h€, 6 g€yatr…, 7 uŠik, 8 anu˜up, 9 vhat…, 10 pa‰kti, 11 tri˜up, etc. There is a specific meter of three p€das with each eight syllables which is also called g€yatr…. And there is a famous g€yatr… mantra in praise of S™rya-N€r€yaŠa (¬g-Veda 3.62.10).


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Kdanta Kdanta explains how n€mas are derived from dh€tus by adding kt suffixes. Therefore, these words are called ‘kt-anta’. All words have an original etymological meaning stemming from the dh€tu. √matr[i]...Gauá>aaz>> mantra — advice (There are also instructive ways to explain a word as if it were derived from its syllables. E.g., the word mantra ‘comes from’ manaƒ (mind) + tr€yate (is delivered) >>> ‘that by which the mind is delivered’) But words may also acquire a conventional meaning, different from their etymological meaning. √k[a]...ivle%Nae Aak==zR>> k.Ša — ‘one who attracts’ (etymol.) The word kŠa can be etymologically analyzed in this way, but the conventional meaning is ‘KŠa, the son of mother Yaod€’. Often the meaning is mixed etymological and conventional. E.g., the lotus received the name pa‰ka.ja (‘mudborn’), because it grows in the mud. But the convention is that this name is reserved for the lotus, although many other plants and animals are born in the same environment. A few examples: (1) kta The first type of suffixes is called viŠuni˜h€ and is used to make past participles. √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> kta — done Another viŠuni˜h€ suffix is .[k]tavat[u]. √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> k.tavat[u] — ‘one who did’ (2) k€rya The viŠuktya suffixes (.ya, .tavya, .an…ya) are used to point out duty. √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> k€r.ya, kar.tavya, kar.aŠ…ya All three words have the same meaning — ‘that which is to be done’, or ‘that which can be done.’ (3) payan The acyut€bha suffix .[]at[] is used to describe an action, simultaneous to the main activity of the sentence. √d[ir]...Pa[e+a>> pa[] Payat[] is a present active participle, and can be rendered into English as [while] ...-ing. A similar suffix is .[]€na: √[u]k[ñ]...k==r>> kurv.€Ša >>> kurv€Šaƒ 〈1.3〉 — [while] doing (4) tyaktv€ The suffix .[k]tv€ indicates a preceeding action. This form is avyaya, indeclinable. √tyaj[a]...haNaaE — to abandon >>>€ — [after] abandoning, having abandoned Instead of .[k]tv€, .ya[p] is used when a prefix is applied to the dh€tu. pari.√tyaj[a] — to abandon >>> parityaj.ya — [after] abandoning (5) veditum The suffix .tum[u] makes the infinitive. √vid[a]...jaNae — to know >>> vedi.tum — to understand (6) yoga-stha Some kdantas are used only in compound with a preceeding n€ma. √sth€...SQaaNae — to stand >>> -stha; yoga + -stha >>> yoga-stha (7) ravaŠam With the suffixes .ana and .[˜]ana we make abstract nouns (bh€va-prayoga) and instrumental nouns (karaŠa-prayoga). √ru...é[v>> ravaŠa — hearing; the act of hearing is called ravaŠam Summary with examples: dh€tu .[k]ta .[k]tavat[u] .tavya .[]at[] .[k]tv€ 〈avyaya〉 done he did to be done [while] doing [after] doing √[u]k[ñ] √gam[†] √jñ€ √d[ir] √ru

k*= Ta" GaTa" jaTa" d*í" é]uTa"

k*= TavaNa( GaTavaNa( jaTavaNa( d*ívaNa( é]uTavaNa(

k==TaRVYa" GaNTaVYa" jaTaYa" d]íVYa" é]aeTaVYa"

ku= vRNa( GaC^Na( JaaNaNa( PaXYaNa( Xa*>> sama.tva / sama.t€ — ‘sameness’, equanimity (3) guhyatama The suffixes .tara and .tama make the comparative and the superlative. guhya (secret) >>> guhya.tara (more secret) >>> guhya.tama (most secret) (4) ma‰galamaya There are suffixes like .maya (made of, full of). ma‰gala.maya — full of auspiciousness (ma‰gala) A similar suffix is .m€tra (‘just this much’). nimitta-m€tra — just the instrument (nimitta) (5) sarvataƒ Words formed with the suffix .tas[i] are avyaya and mainly interpreted as pañcam… (fifth case): sarva (all) + tas[i] >>> sarva.tas — from all, than all; because of sandhi (s or r at the end of a word change to ƒ) sarvatas becomes sarvataƒ (6) sarvatra There are many suffixes similar to tas[i] : .tra (indicating place) >>> sarva.tra — everywhere .d€ (indicating time) >>> sarva.d€ — always .th€ (indicating manner) >>>€ — in every way Interrogatives are made indefinite by adding .cid or .cana to the declined forms of kim: kutaƒ — from where? >>> kuta.cid / kuta.cana — from somewhere (7) dev… The suffixes .…[p] and .€[p] form the feminine gender: deva (a god) >>> dev… — goddess (8) v€sudeva Suffixes in this group express relationships or moods, causing certain transformations inside the word. Vasudeva >>> V€sudeva — ‘the son of Vasudeva’, ®r… KŠa ViŠu >>> vaiŠava — a devotee of ViŠu Vy€sa >>> vaiy€saki — ‘the son of Vy€sa’, ®ukadeva Gosv€m… muni (sage) >>> mauna — ‘the mood of a muni’, silence, gravity

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Sam€sa Compounds are of different types: (1) r€ga-dvea The first type is called a dvandva (pair), where the components have the same value. It is declined in dual. r€gaƒ ca dveaƒ ca iti r€ga-dveau 〈1.2〉 — the word r€ga-dvea means ‘attachment and aversion’ (3) deva-d€sa The word deva-d€sa belongs to the class tat-purua-sam€sa. The characteristic of this type is that the words are related by one of the cases. In English this relationship is shown by a preposition (by, for, from . . .). devasya d€saƒ iti deva-d€saƒ — deva-d€sa means ‘the Lord’s servant’ (3) y€ma-r€ma When an adjective qualifies a noun, it is called karma-dh€raya-sam€sa. y€maƒ r€maƒ iti y€ma-r€maƒ — y€ma-r€ma means ‘the dark R€ma’, R€macandra (4) p…t€mbara When the sam€sa refers to something which is not mentioned in it, it is called bahu-vr…hi-sam€sa. p…tam ambaraˆ yasya, saƒ p…t€mbaraƒ — p…t€mbara means ‘he whose garment is yellow’, ViŠu Negation: The negation is made in sam€sa with the particle na[ñ], of which only a- remains. a-nitya... na nityaƒ iti a-nityaƒ — not eternal If the word begins with a sarvevara, a- becomes an-: an-anya... na anyaƒ iti an-anyaƒ — no other



18. Sanskrit — Tables Conjugation 1. [tu]y€c[]...YaaÁaYaaMa( 1U — to beg parasmai-pada


karmaŠi prayoga


YaaciTa YaaciSa YaacaiMa

YaacTa" YaacQa" Yaacav"

YaaciNTa YaacQa YaacaMa"

YaacTae YaacSae Yaace

YaaceTae YaaceQae Yaacavhe

YaacNTae YaacDve YaacaMahe

YaaCYaTae YaaCYaSae YaaCYae

YaaCYaeTae YaaCYaeQae YaaCYaavhe

YaaCYaNTae YaaCYaDve YaaCYaaMahe


YaaceTa( Yaace" YaaceYaMa(

YaaceTaaMa( YaaceTaMa( Yaacev

YaaceYau" YaaceTa YaaceMa

YaaceTa Yaace" YaaceYa

YaaceYaaTaaMa( YaaceYaaQaaMa( Yaacevih

YaacerNa( YaaceDvMa( YaaceMaih

YaaCYaeTa YaaCYaeQaa" YaaCYaeYa

YaaCYaeYaaTaaMa( YaaCYaeYaaQaaMa( YaaCYaevih

YaaCYaerNa( YaaCYaeßMa( YaaCYaeMaih


YaacTau Yaac YaacaiNa

YaacTaaMa( YaacTaMa( Yaacav

YaacNTau YaacTa YaacaMa

YaacTaaMa( YaacSv YaacE

YaaceTaaMa( YaaceQaaMa( YaacavhE

YaacNTaaMa( YaacDvMa( YaacaMahE

YaaCYaTaaMa( YaaCYaSv YaaCYaE

YaaCYaeTaaMa( YaaCYaeQaaMa( YaaCYaavhE

YaaCYaNTaaMa( YaaCYaßMa( YaaCYaaMahE


AYaacTa( AYaac" AYaacMa(

AYaacTaaMa( AYaacTaMa( AYaacav

AYaacNa( AYaacTa AYaacaMa

AYaacTa AYaacQaa" AYaace

AYaaceTaaMa( AYaaceQaaMa( AYaacavih

AYaacNTa AYaacDvMa( AYaacaMaih

AYaaCYaTa AYaaCYaeTaaMa( AYaaCYaQaa" AYaaCYaeQaaMa( AYaaCYae AYaaCYaavih


AYaacqTa( AYaaicíaMa( AYaacq" AYaaicíMa( AYaaiczMa( AYaaicZv

AYaaiczu" AYaaicí AYaaicZMa

AYaaicí AYaaicïa" AYaaiciz

AYaaiczaTaaMa( AYaaiczTa AYaaiczaQaaMa( AYaaicDvMa( AYaaicZvih AYaaicZMaih

AYaaicí AYaaicïa" AYaaiciz

AYaaiczaTaaMa( AYaaiczTa AYaaiczaQaaMa( AYaaicDvMa( AYaaicZvih AYaaicZMaih


YaYaac YaYaaicQa YaYaac

YaYaacu" YaYaac YaYaaicMa

YaYaace YaYaaicze YaYaace

YaYaacaTae YaYaacaQae YaYaaicvhe

YaYaace YaYaaicze YaYaace

YaYaacaTae YaYaacaQae YaYaaicvhe


YaaCYaaTa( YaaCYaaSTaaMa( YaaCYaa" YaaCYaaSTaMa( YaaCYaaSaMa( YaaCYaaSv

YaaCYaaSau" YaaCYaaSTa YaaCYaaSMa

Yaaiczqí Yaaiczqïa" YaaiczqYa

YaaiczqYaaSTaaMa( YaaiczqrNa( YaaiczqYaaSQaaMa( YaaiczqDvMa( Yaaiczqvih YaaiczqMaih

Yaaiczqí Yaaiczqïa" YaaiczqYa

YaaiczqYaaSTaaMa( YaaiczqrNa( YaaiczqYaaSQaaMa( YaaiczqDvMa( Yaaiczqvih YaaiczqMaih


YaaicTaa YaaicTaaraE YaaicTaaiSa YaaicTaaSQa" YaaicTaaiSMa YaaicTaaSv"

YaaicTaar" YaaicTaa YaaicTaaSQa YaaicTaaSae YaaicTaaSMa" YaaicTaahe

YaaicTaaraE YaaicTaaSaaQae YaaicTaaSvhe

YaaicTaar" YaaicTaaDve YaaicTaaSMahe

YaaicTaa YaaicTaaSae YaaicTaahe

YaaicTaaraE YaaicTaaSaaQae YaaicTaaSvhe

YaaicTaar" YaaicTaaDve YaaicTaaSMahe


YaaicZYaiTa YaaicZYaTa" YaaicZYaiSa YaaicZYaQa" YaaicZYaaiMa YaaicZYaav"

YaaicZYaiNTa YaaicZYaQa YaaicZYaaMa"

YaaicZYaeTae YaaicZYaeQae YaaicZYaavhe

YaaicZYaNTae YaaicZYaDve YaaicZYaaMahe

YaaicZYaTae YaaicZYaSae YaaicZYae

YaaicZYaeTae YaaicZYaeQae YaaicZYaavhe

YaaicZYaNTae YaaicZYaDve YaaicZYaaMahe

YaYaacTau" YaYaacQau" YaYaaicv

YaaicZYaTae YaaicZYaSae YaaicZYae

YaYaaicre YaYaaicDve YaYaaicMahe

AYaaCYaNTa AYaaCYaDvMa( AYaaCYaaMaih

YaYaaicre YaYaaicDve YaYaaicMahe

AYaaicZYaTa( AYaaicZYaTaaMa( AYaaicZYaNa( AYaaicZYaTa AYaaicZYaeTaaMa( AYaaicZYaNTa AYaaicZYaTa AYaaicZYaeTaaMa( AYaaicZYaNTa 10 AYaaicZYa" AYaaicZYaTaMa( AYaaicZYaTa AYaaicZYaQaa" AYaaicZYaeQaaMa( AYaaicZYaDvMa( AYaaicZYaQaa" AYaaicZYaeQaaMa( AYaaicZYaDvMa( AYaaicZYaMa( AYaaivZYaav AYaaicZYaaMa AYaaicZYae AYaaicZYaavih AYaaicZYaaMaih AYaaicZYae AYaaicZYaavih AYaaicZYaaMaih


[email protected] parasmai-pada 3. as[a] — to be, exist

2. bh™ — to be, exist

4. sth€ — to stand


>aviTa >aviSa >avaiMa

>avTa" >avQa" >avav"

>aviNTa >avQa >avaMa"

AiSTa AiSa AiSMa

STa" SQa" Sv"

SaiNTa SQa SMa"

iTaïiTa iTaïiSa iTaïaiMa

iTaïTa" iTaïQa" iTaïav"

iTaïiNTa iTaïQa iTaïaMa"


>aveTa( >ave" >aveYaMa(

>aveTaaMa( >aveTaMa( >avev

>aveYau" >aveTa >aveMa

SYaaTa( SYaa" SYaaMa(

SYaaTaaMa( SYaaTaMa( SYaav

SYau" SYaaTa SYaaMa

iTaïeTa( iTaïe" iTaïeYaMa(

iTaïeTaaMa( iTaïeTaMa( iTaïev

iTaïeYau" iTaïeTa iTaïeMa


>avTau >av >avaiNa

>avTaaMa( >avTaMa( >avav

>avNTau >avTa >avaMa

ASTau WiDa ASaaiNa

STaaMa( STaMa( ASaav

SaNTau STa ASaaMa

iTaïTau iTaï iTaïaiNa

iTaïTaaMa( iTaïTaMa( iTaïav

iTaïNTau iTaïTa iTaïaMa


A>avTa( A>av" A>avMa(

A>avTaaMa( A>avNa( A>avTaMa( A>avTa A>avav A>avaMa

AaSaqTa( AaSaq" AaSaMa(

AaSTaaMa( AaSTaMa( AaSv

AaSaNa( AaSTa AaSMa

AiTaïTa( AiTaïTaaMa( AiTaïNa( AiTaï" AiTaïTaMa( AiTaïTa AiTaïMa( AiTaïav AiTaïaMa


>aivZYaiTa >aivZYaTa" >aivZYaiNTa >aivZYaiSa >aivZYaQa" >aivZYaQa >aivZYaaiMa >aivZYaav" >aivZYaaMa"

>aivZYaiTa >aivZYaTa" >aivZYaiNTa >aivZYaiSa >aivZYaQa" >aivZYaQa >aivZYaaiMa >aivZYaav" >aivZYaaMa"

5. d[ir] — to see

SQaaSYaiTa SQaaSYaTa" SQaaSYaiNTa SQaaSYaiSa SQaaSYaQa" SQaaSYaQa SQaaSYaaiMa SQaaSYaav" SQaaSYaaMa"

6. gam[†] — to go

7. i[u] — to desire


PaXYaiTa PaXYaTa" PaXYaiSa PaXYaQa" PaXYaaiMa PaXYaav"

PaXYaiNTa PaXYaQa PaXYaaMa"

GaC^iTa GaC^iSa GaC^aiMa

GaC^Ta" GaC^Qa" GaC^av"

GaC^iNTa GaC^Qa GaC^aMa"

wC^iTa wC^iSa wC^aiMa

wC^Ta" wC^Qa" wC^av"


PaXYaeTa( PaXYaeTaaMa( PaXYae" PaXYaeTaMa( PaXYaeYaMa( PaXYaev

PaXYaeYau" PaXYaeTa PaXYaeMa

GaC^eTa( GaC^eTaaMa( GaC^e" GaC^eTaMa( GaC^eYaMa( GaC^ev

GaC^eYau" GaC^eTa GaC^eMa

wC^eTa( wC^e" wC^eYaMa(

wC^eTaaMa( wC^eYau" wC^eTaMa( wC^eTa wC^ev wC^eMa


PaXYaTau PaXYaTaaMa( PaXYa PaXYaTaMa( PaXYaaiNa PaXYaav

PaXYaNTau PaXYaTa PaXYaaMa

GaC^Tau GaC^ GaC^aiNa

GaC^NTau GaC^Ta GaC^aMa

wC^Tau wC^ wC^aiNa

wC^TaaMa( wC^NTau wC^TaMa( wC^Ta wC^av wC^aMa


APaXYaTa( APaXYaTaaMa( APaXYaNa( APaXYa" APaXYaTaMa( APaXYaTa APaXYaMa( APaXYaav APaXYaaMa

AGaC^Ta( AGaC^TaaMa( AGaC^Na( AGaC^" AGaC^TaMa( AGaC^Ta AGaC^Ma( AGaC^av AGaC^aMa

WeC^Ta( WeC^" WeC^Ma(

WeC^TaaMa( WeC^Na( WeC^TaMa( WeC^Ta WeC^av WeC^aMa


d]+YaiTa d]+YaTa" d]+YaiSa d]+YaQa" d]+YaaiMa d]+Yaav"

GaiMaZYaiTa GaiMaZYaTa" GaiMaZYaiNTa GaiMaZYaiSa GaiMaZYaQa" GaiMaZYaQa GaiMaZYaaiMa GaiMaZYaav" GaiMaZYaaMa"

WizZYaiTa WizZYaTa" WizZYaiNTa WizZYaiSa WizZYaQa" WizZYaQa WizZYaaiMa WizZYaav" WizZYaaMa"

d]+YaiNTa d]+YaQa d]+YaaMa"

GaC^TaaMa( GaC^TaMa( GaC^av

wC^iNTa wC^Qa wC^aMa"


SANSKRIT READER COURSE 8. cit[i] — to think

9. sm — to remember

10. jñ€ — to know


icNTaYaiTa icNTaYaiSa icNTaYaaiMa

icNTaYaTa" icNTaYaQa" icNTaYaav"

icNTaYaiNTa icNTaYaQa icNTaYaaMa"

SMariTa SMariSa SMaraiMa

SMarTa" SMarQa" SMarav"

SMariNTa SMarQa SMaraMa"

JaaNaaiTa JaaNaqTa" JaaNaaiSa JaaNaqQa" JaaNaaiMa JaaNaqv"


icNTaYaeTa( icNTaYae" icNTaYaeYaMa(

icNTaYaeTaaMa( icNTaYaeTaMa( icNTaYaev

icNTaYaeYau" icNTaYaeTa icNTaYaeMa

SMareTa( SMare" SMareYaMa(

SMareTaaMa( SMareTaMa( SMarev

SMareYau" SMareTa SMareMa

JaaNaqYaaTa( JaaNaqYaaTaaMa( JaaNaqYau" JaaNaqYaa" JaaNaqYaaTaMa( JaaNaqYaaTa JaaNaqYaaMa( JaaNaqYaav JaaNaqYaaMa


icNTaYaTau icNTaYa icNTaYaaiNa

icNTaYaTaaMa( icNTaYaTaMa( icNTaYaav

icNTaYaNTau icNTaYaTa icNTaYaaMa

SMarTau SMar SMaraiaeQaaMa( Al>aDvMa( Al>ae Al>aavih Al>aaMaih

AYaacTa AYaaceTaaMa( AYaacNTa AYaacQaa" AYaaceQaaMa( AYaacDvMa( AYaace AYaacavih AYaacaMaih


SaeivZYaTae SaeivZYaeTae SaeivZYaNTae SaeivZYaSae SaeivZYaeQae SaeivZYaDve SaeivZYae SaeivZYaavhe SaeivZYaaMahe

lPSYaTae lPSYaSae lPSYae

YaaicZYaTae YaaicZYaeTae YaaicZYaNTae YaaicZYaSae YaaicZYaeQae YaaicZYaDve YaaicZYae YaaicZYaavhe YaaicZYaaMahe

SaevNTaaMa( SaevDvMa( SaevaMahE

l>aTae l>aSae l>ae

l>aeTae l>aeQae l>aavhe

l>aeTa l>aeQaa" l>aeYa

l>aeYaaTaaMa( l>aerNa( l>aeYaaQaaMa( l>aeDvMa( l>aevih l>aeMaih

l>aTaaMa( l>aeTaaMa( l>aSv l>aeQaaMa( l>aE l>aavhE

l>aNTae l>aDve l>aaMahe

16. [˜u]y€c[] — to beg

l>aNTaaMa( l>aDvMa( l>aaMahE

lPSYaeTae lPSYaNTae lPSYaeQae lPSYaDve lPSYaavhe lPSYaaMahe

YaacTae YaacSae Yaace

YaaceTae YaaceQae Yaacavhe

YaaceTa YaaceQaa" YaaceYa

YaaceYaaTaaMa( YaacerNa( YaaceYaaQaaMa( YaaceDvMa( Yaacevih YaaceMaih

YaacTaaMa( YaaceTaaMa( YaacSv YaacQaaMa( YaacE YaacavhE

YaacNTae YaacDve YaacaMahe

YaacNTaaMa( YaacDvMa( YaacaMahE



Declension 1. deva m.

dev" devMa( deveNa devaYa devaTa( devSYa deve he dev

devaE devaE deva>YaaMa( deva>YaaMa( deva>YaaMa( devYaae" devYaae" he devaE

2. r€ma m.

deva" devaNa( devE" deve>Ya" deve>Ya" devaNaaMa( devezu he deva"

wRXa k==aMa GauaaeGa Yaj YaaeGa laek=

raMa" raMaMa( raMae < a raMaaYa raMaaTa( raMaSYa raMae he raMa

m™rdhanya Ša!

4. hari m.

hir" hirMa( hirYaaMa( hir>YaaMa( hir>YaaMa( hYaaeR" hYaaeR" he hrq AiGNa k==iv MauiNa

raDae raDae raDaa>YaaMa( raDaa>YaaMa( raDaa>YaaMa( raDaYaae" raDaYaae" he raDae

raMaa" raMaaNa( raMaE" raMae>Ya" raMae>Ya" raMaaa" hir>Ya" hir>Ya" hrqYaaMa( PaiTa>YaaMa( PaiTa>YaaMa( PaTYaae" PaTYaae" he PaTaq

k*= Paa MaaYaa ivÛa é[Öa Saeva iNad[a

>ai¢==" >ai¢==Ma( >aKTYaa >aKTYaE >aKTYaa" >aKTYaa" >aKTYaaMa( he >a¢e=

>a¢==I >a¢==I >ai¢==>YaaMa( >ai¢==>YaaMa( >ai¢==>YaaMa( >aKTYaae" >aKTYaae" he >a¢==I

ku = =laiNa ku = =laiNa ku= lE" ku= le>Ya" ku= le>Ya" ku= laNaaMa( ku= lezu he = ku = =laiNa

6. viŠu m.

PaTaYa" PaTaqNa( PaiTai>a" PaiTa>Ya" PaiTa>Ya" PaTaqNaaMa( PaiTazu he PaTaYa"

ivZYaaMa( ku= la>YaaMa( ku= lYaae" ku= lYaae" he ku = =le

jaNa f==l Mau:a æPa Satv Sau:a

5. pati m.

7. r€dh€ f.

raDaa raDaaMa( raDaYaa raDaaYaE raDaaYaa" raDaaYaa" raDaaYaaMa( he raDae

raMaaE raMaaE raMaa>YaaMa( raMaa>YaaMa( raMaa>YaaMa( raMaYaae" raMaYaae" he raMaaE

3. kula n.

9. gop… f.

>a¢==Ya" >a¢==I" >ai¢==i>a" >ai¢==>Ya" >ai¢==>Ya" >a¢==INaaMa( >ai¢==zu he >a¢==Ya"

Pa[k*= iTa buiÖ XaaiNTa iSaiÖ iSQaiTa rai}a

GaaePaq GaaePaqMa( GaaePYaa GaaePYaE GaaePYaa" GaaePYaa" GaaePYaaMa( he GaaeiPa

GaaePYaaE GaaePYaaE GaaePaq>YaaMa( GaaePaq>YaaMa( GaaePaq>YaaMa( GaaePYaae" GaaePYaae" he GaaePYaaE

GaaePYa" GaaePaq" GaaePaqi>a" GaaePaq>Ya" GaaePaq>Ya" GaaePaqNaaMa( GaaePaqzu he GaaePYa"

Da*Taq Nadq Pa*iQavq MaaeihNaq Naarq


[email protected] 10. kart m.

k==TaaR k==TaaRrMa( k==}aaR k==}aeR k==TauR" k==TauR" k==TaRir he k==TaR"

k==TaaRraE k==TaaRraE k==Ta*R>YaaMa( k==Ta*R>YaaMa( k==Ta*R>YaaMa( k==}aaeR" k==}aaeR" he k==TaaRraE

11. pit m.

k==TaaRr" k==Ta›RNa( k==Ta*Ri>a" k==Ta*R>Ya" k==Ta*R>Ya" k==Ta›Ra" iPaTa*>Ya" iPaTa*>Ya" iPaTa›a" AaTMa>Ya" AaTMa>Ya" AaTMaNaaMa( AaTMaSau he AaTMaaNa"

>aGavaNa( >aGavNTaMa( >aGavTaa >aGavTae >aGavTa" >aGavTa" >aGaviTa he >aGavNa(

>aGavNTaaE >aGavNTaaE >aGavÙyaMa( >aGavÙyaMa( >aGavÙyaMa( >aGavTaae" >aGavTaae" he >aGavNTaaE

>aGavNTa" >aGavTa" >aGaviÙ" >aGavÙy" >aGavÙy" >aGavTaaMa( >aGavTSau he >aGavNTa"

GaaE" GaaMa( Gava Gave Gaae" Gaae" Gaiv he GaaE"

Gaav" Gaa" Gaaei>a" Gaae>Ya" Gaae>Ya" GavaMa( Gaaezu he Gaav"

15. j€nat[] m. (.[]at[])

JaaNaNa( JaaNaNTaMa( JaaNaTaa JaaNaTae JaaNaTa" JaaNaTa" JaaNaiTa he JaaNaNa(

17. yogin m.

YaaeGaq YaaeiGaNaaE YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGaNaMa( YaaeiGaNaaE YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGaNaa YaaeiGa>YaaMa( YaaeiGai>a" YaaeiGaNae YaaeiGa>YaaMa( YaaeiGa>Ya" YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGa>YaaMa( YaaeiGa>Ya" YaaeiGaNa" YaaeiGaNaae" YaaeiGaNaaMa( YaaeiGaiNa YaaeiGaNaae" YaaeiGazu he YaaeiGaNa( he YaaeiGaNaaE he YaaeiGaNa" jaiNaNa(= =TYaaiGaNa(= =Sa‘YaaiSaNa(= =SVaaiMaNa(

GaavaE GaavaE Gaae>YaaMa( Gaae>YaaMa( Gaae>YaaMa( Gavae" Gavae" he GaavaE

JaaNaNTaaE JaaNaNTaaE JaaNaÙyaMa( JaaNaÙyaMa( JaaNaÙyaMa( JaaNaTaae" JaaNaTaae" he JaaNaNTaaE

JaaNaNTa" JaaNaTa" JaaNaiÙ" JaaNaÙy" JaaNaÙy" JaaNaTaaMa( JaaNaTSau he JaaNaNTa"

18. karman n.

k==MaR k==MaR k==MaRYa" ivÜd(>Ya" ivduzaMa( ivÜTSau he ivÜa&Sa"

MaNa" MaNaSaq MaNaa&iSa MaNa" MaNaSaq MaNaa&iSa MaNaSaa MaNaae>YaaMa( MaNaaei>a" MaNaSae MaNaae>YaaMa( MaNaae>Ya" MaNaSa" MaNaae>YaaMa( MaNaae>Ya" MaNaSa" MaNaSaae" MaNaSaaMa( MaNaiSa MaNaSaae" MaNa"Sau he MaNa" he MaNaSaq he MaNaa&iSa ceTaSa( TaPaSa( TaeJaSa( YaXaSa( rJaSa( vcSa(

SavaER SavaER SavaR>YaaMa( SavaR>YaaMa( SavaR>YaaMa( SavRYaae" SavRYaae" he SavaER

vak(= vacMa( vaca vace vac" vac" vaic he= vak(=


22. sarva m.

SavR" SavRMa( SaveRYa" Save R z aMa( SaveRzu he SaveR

SavRMa( SavRMa(

SaveR SaveR

SavaRiYa" vacaMa( va+au he vac"

sarv€ f.

rest like m.

he SavR

vacaE vacaE vaG>YaaMa( vaG>YaaMa( vaG>YaaMa( vacae" vacae" he vacaE

he SavaRiYaaMa( SavaR>YaaMa( SavaR>YaaMa( SavRYaae" SavRYaae" he SaveR

SavaR" SavaR" SavaRi>a" SavaR>Ya" SavaR>Ya" SavaRSaaMa( SavaRSau he SavaR"

Par APar PaUvR n.

23. yad m.

Ya" YaMa( YaeNa YaSMaE YaSMaaTa( YaSYa YaiSMaNa(

YaaE YaaE Yaa>YaaMa( Yaa>YaaMa( Yaa>YaaMa( YaYaae" YaYaae"

Yae YaaNa( YaE" Yae>Ya" Yae>Ya" YaezaMa( Yaezu

Yad( Yad(

Yae Yae


YaaiNa YaaiNa rest like m.

Yaa YaaMa( YaYaa YaSYaE YaSYaa" YaSYaa" YaSYaaMa(

Yae Yae Yaa>YaaMa( Yaa>YaaMa( Yaa>YaaMa( YaYaae" YaYaae"

Yaa" Yaa" Yaai>a" Yaa>Ya" Yaa>Ya" YaaSaaMa( YaaSau


[email protected] 24. tad m.

Sa" TaMa( TaeNa TaSMaE TaSMaaTa( TaSYa TaiSMaNa(

TaaE TaaE Taa>YaaMa( Taa>YaaMa( Taa>YaaMa( TaYaae" TaYaae"


Tae TaaNa( TaE" Tae>Ya" Tae>Ya" TaezaMa( Taezu

25. etad m.

Wz" WTaMa(üWNaMa( WTaeNa WTaSMaE WTaSMaaTa( WTaSYa WTaiSMaNa(

WTaaE WTaaE WTaa>YaaMa( WTaa>YaaMa( WTaa>YaaMa( WTaYaae" WTaYaae"

k==aE k==aE k==a>YaaMa( k==a>YaaMa( k==a>YaaMa( k==Yaae" k==Yaae"

rest like m.

Saa TaaMa( TaYaa TaSYaE TaSYaa" TaSYaa" TaSYaaMa(


WTae WTaaNa( WTaE" WTae>Ya" WTae>Ya" WTaezaMa( WTaezu

26. kim m.

k==" k==Ma( ke= Na k==SMaE k==SMaaTa( k==SYa k==iSMaNa(

Tad( Tae TaaiNa Tad( Tae TaaiNa


WTad( WTae WTaaiNa WTad( WTae WTaaiNa rest like m.

ik==Ma( ke= k==aiNa ik==Ma( ke= k==aiNa rest like m.

Taa" Taa" Taai>a" Taa>Ya" Taa>Ya" TaaSaaMa( TaaSau


Wza WTaaMa( WTaYaa WTaSYaE WTaSYaa" WTaSYaa" WTaSYaaMa(


ke= k==aNa( kE= " ke= >Ya" ke= >Ya" ke= zaMa( ke= zu

Tae Tae Taa>YaaMa( Taa>YaaMa( Taa>YaaMa( TaYaae" TaYaae"

WTae WTae WTaa>YaaMa( WTaa>YaaMa( WTaa>YaaMa( WTaYaae" WTaYaae"

WTaa" WTaa" WTaai>a" WTaa>Ya" WTaa>Ya" WTaaSaaMa( WTaaSau


k==a k==aMa( k==Yaa k==SYaE k==SYaa" k==SYaa" k==SYaaMa(

ke= ke= k==a>YaaMa( k==a>YaaMa( k==a>YaaMa( k==Yaae" k==Yaae"

k==a" k==a" k==ai>a" k==a>Ya" k==a>Ya" k==aSaaMa( k==aSau



AYaMa( wMaMa( ANaeNa ASMaE ASMaaTa( ASYa AiSMaNa(

wMaaE wMaaE Aa>YaaMa( Aa>YaaMa( Aa>YaaMa( ANaYaae" ANaYaae"


wMae wMaaNa( Wi>a" W>Ya" W>Ya" WzaMa( Wzu

wdMa( wMae wMaaiNa wdMa( wMae wMaaiNa rest like m.

28. adas m.

ASaaE AMauMa( AMauNaa AMauZMaE AMauZMaaTa( AMauZYa AMauiZMaNa(

AMaU AMaU AMaU>YaaMa( AMaU>YaaMa( AMaU>YaaMa( AMauYaae" AMauYaae"

wYaMa( wMaaMa( ANaYaa ASYaE ASYaa" ASYaa" ASYaaMa(


AMaq AMaUNa( AMaqi>a" AMaq>Ya" AMaq>Ya" AMaqzaMa( AMaqzu

YauvaMa( YauvaMa( Yauva>YaaMa( Yauva>YaaMa( Yauva>YaaMa( YauvYaae" YauvYaae"

rest like m.

YaUYaMa( YauZMaaNa(üv" YauZMaai>a" YauZMa>YaMa(üv" YauZMad( YauZMaak==Ma(üv" YauZMaaSau

wMae wMae Aa>YaaMa( Aa>YaaMa( Aa>YaaMa( ANaYaae" ANaYaae"

wMaa" wMaa" Aai>a" Aa>Ya" Aa>Ya" AaSaaMa( AaSau


Ad" AMaU AMaUiNa Ad" AMaU AMaUiNa

29. yumad (all genders)

TvMa( TvaMa(üTva TvYaa Tau>YaMa(üTae Tvd( TavüTae TviYa


ASaaE AMaUMa( AMauYaa AMauZYaE AMauZYaa" AMauZYaa" AMauZYaaMa(

AMaU AMaU AMaU>YaaMa( AMaU>YaaMa( AMaU>YaaMa( AMauYaae" AMauYaae"

AMaU" AMaU" AMaUi>a" AMaU>Ya" AMaU>Ya" AMaUzaMa( AMaUzu

30. asmad (all genders)

AhMa( MaaMa(üMaa MaYaa MaùMa(üMae Mad( MaMaüMae MaiYa

AavaMa( AavaMa( Aava>YaaMa( Aava>YaaMa( Aava>YaaMa( AavYaae" AavYaae"

vYaMa( ASMaaNa(üNa" ASMaai>a" ASMa>YaMa(üNa" ASMad( ASMaak==Ma(üNa" ASMaaSau

[email protected]


Correlative The pronouns yad and tad can be used as correlatives in any of their forms. yaƒ 〈1.1〉 ... saƒ 〈1.1〉 — he who ... he;

Ya" WvMa( veita ... Sa" MaaMa( WiTa — one who knows this ... he comes to Me yaƒ 〈1.1〉 ... tasya 〈6.1〉 — he who ... his; Ya" ANai>aSNaeh" ... TaSYa Pa]ja Pa]iTaiïTaa — he who is not attached ... his intelligence is fixed

ye 〈1.3〉 ... te 〈1.3〉 — those who ... they;

Yae MaaMa( Pa]PaÛNTae ... Tae MaaYaaMa( TariNTa — those who surrender to Me ... they cross

over m€y€ yena 〈3.1〉 ... tasmai 〈4.1〉 — by whom ... to him;

YaeNa c+au" oNMaqilTaMa( ... TaSMaE NaMa" — by whom the eyes were opened ... to

him my obeisances Distributive When the relative pronoun yad (in any of its forms) is doubled, it acquires a distributive sense. The double relative is used along with a double correlative. yad yad ... tad tad 〈neut. 1.1〉 — whatever ... that;

Yad( Yad( é]eï" AacriTa ... Tad( Tad( JaNa" — whatever a great man does ...

that very same thing people [also do] (3.21) The idea of the distribution in yad yad is that ‘whatever a great man does, that same thing people also do’.